HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout0- Agenda00 - Closed Session - Correspondence00 - Council Announcements - PowerPoint00 - In Remembrance00 - Insider's Guide00 - Written Comments01 - Minutes01 - Minutes - Amended03 - Zoning Code Amendment to Allow the Operation of Wine Tasting Rooms Within the Industrial Zoning (IG) District (PA2020-042)04 - Amending NBMC Section 3.36.030 Related to Cost Recovery and Enacting NBMC Section 12.44.111 to Permit the Establishment of Overstay Charges for Parking Spa05 - Amending the NBMC Chapter 5.49 to Remove Fire False Alarms and to Authorize the Police Chief to Investigate Alarm Systems for Permitting06 - Authorizing the Request for Delay of Measure M2 Project V Funding for the Balboa Island/Corona del Mar Microtransit Feasibility Study Project07 - Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, 2015 Edition; and the NB Design Criteria & Standard Drawings for Public Works Construction, 2021 Edition08 - Reestablishing the Ad Hoc Committee on Short Term Lodging09 - On-Call Striping and Sign Maintenance and Installation Services — Award of Contract No. 7971-110 - Time Extension Request for the Orange County Transportation Authority's Newport Bay Trash Interceptor Grant11 - Award of M/RSA for Civic Center Chiller Maintenance and Repair Services12 - Amendment No. 3 to PSA for Pay-By-Cell and Parking Reservation Services13 - Planning Commission Agenda and Action Report14 - Confirmation of Appointment to the Housing Element Update Advisory Committee to Fill an Unscheduled Vacancy15 - Acceptance of the Painting Grandmother's Spirit by Thekla Hathaway Hammond into the City Art Inventory16 - 2020 Annual General Plan Progress Report and Housing Element Progress Report (PA2007-195)17 - Financial Statement Audit Results for FY 2019-20 and Related Communication18 - Conduct a Proposition 218 Public Hearing and Consider a Residential Recycling Fee Rate Increase18 - Conduct a Proposition 218 Public Hearing and Consider a Residential Recycling Fee Rate Increase - Correspondence18 - Conduct a Proposition 218 Public Hearing and Consider a Residential Recycling Fee Rate Increase - Letter18 - Conduct a Proposition 218 Public Hearing and Consider a Residential Recycling Fee Rate Increase - Public Hearing19 - One Year Waiver of Business License Tax Renewal for Businesses Required to Close by Order of the State of California19 - One Year Waiver of Business License Tax Renewal for Businesses Required to Close by Order of the State of California - Correspondence19 - One Year Waiver of Business License Tax Renewal for Businesses Required to Close by Order of the State of California - PowerPoint20 - Covid -19 Update - PowerPointSS2 - Presentation - Be Kind Month - Photos/ProclamationSS3 - Council Policy A-1 - PowerPointSS4 - Harbor Attendance Study - PowerPoint