HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorona del Mar BID Minutes 05/26/2016 1 Corona del Mar Business Improvement District Board Meeting Minutes – May 26, 2016 City of Newport Beach Civic Center Corona del Mar Conference Room, 1st Floor, Bay E, 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA I. Call to Order Chairman Svalstad called the meeting to order at 7:30am. II. Roll Call Chairman Svalstad called the roll, and everyone in the room introduced themselves. Board Members Present: Chairman Svalstad, Treasurer Dawson, Director Walker, Director LaFleur, Director Hanley, Director Kianipur, Director Lim BID Consultants: Linda Leonhard, BID Marketing and Administrative Services Consultant (Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce) Guests: Council Member Scott Peotter, Michael Pilsitz, CDMRA; Bryce Mott, CDMRA; Danielle Rivas, Michelle Peschel, Christina Rotusznik, Jim Mosher. III. Public Comments on Agenda Items Mr. Mosher commented that John Wayne Day has been established by the City and inquired if the BID will be acknowledging this day annually with an event or tribute. IV. Approval of Minutes Director Svalstad reported that the April 28, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes were not present due to Secretary Prause being ill and the minutes will be placed on the next agenda for review and approval. V. Current Business a. City Council Report: (Peotter) Councilman Peotter reported on city updates. b. CdM BID Accounting and Financial Services (Locey) Director Svalstad recused himself from the room and turned the meeting over to Director Laidlaw. Director Walker also recused himself from this agenda item and left the room. Mary Locey, City Management Analyst/BID Liaison, reported that the City conducted a request for qualifications (RFQ) for providing the BID bookkeeping services. Presentations were made to the board by Steve Rosansky with the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce and Linda Leonhard dba Community Business Solutions. The board deliberated on the presentations and cost of services. MOTION: Director Hanley made a motion to recommend the City enter into an agreement with Community Business Solutions to provide the BID bookkeeping services. Motion was seconded by Director Dawson. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Dawson, Hanley, Kianipur, Lim, Laidlaw Noes: LeFleur The Board considered the request to the City Council increase BID funding to $40,000 through the fiscal year 2017-2018. MOTION: Director Kianipur made a motion to recommend that the City Council increase its annual funding to $40,000. Motion was seconded by Director LaFleur. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Dawson, Hanley, Kianipur, Lim, Laidlaw, LaFleur 2 Directors Svalstad and Walker re-entered the room and Director Laidlaw turned the meeting back over to Director Svalstad. c. CdM BID Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Board Nominations (Svalstad) Director Svalstad reported that BID board applicant, Beverly Johnson had notified him this morning that she will be rescinding her application due to personal obligations that will prevent her from fulfilling board obligations at this time. d. Marketing and Administration Report (Leonhard) 1. Website Development Agreement. Ms. Leonhard reported that she has received the Website Development Agreement from the City and will be finalizing contracts and moving forward on the website project in mid-June. 2. Cooperative District Marketing Campaigns. Ms. Leonhard reported that regular monthly or bi-monthly meetings have been established with the business district retailers to increase communications and provide information and feedback. The retailers are very enthusiastic to participate in marketing campaigns and events that will bring foot traffic into the district. Due to the lack of time on the agenda, Ms. Leonhard will be explaining the “Explore CdM” marketing campaign she is working on in further detail on the June agenda. 3. BID Brochures and Member Decals. Ms. Leonhard reported that the BID’s tri-fold brochures will be updated and printed in time for the July billing and for handouts throughout the year. Also being updated are the BID’s Member Decals. e. Cdm Business District Parking (Walker/Hanley/Laidlaw) The BID’s Parking Subcommittee showed a power-point presentation illustrating the committee’s direction with establishing a parking plan. The Board reviewed and discussed details and it was suggested the presentation be shown next to the Corona del Mar Resident’s Association. MOTION: Director Laidlaw made a motion to make a parking presentation at the next CDMRA Board meeting to gather feedback. Motion was seconded by Director Hanley. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Svalstad, Dawson, Walker, LeFleur, Hanley, Kianipur, Lim, Laidlaw VI. Corona del Mar BID Announcements or Matters which Members Would Like Placed on a Future Agenda for Discussion or Action or Report (Non-Discussion Items) None. VII. Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items None. VIII. Next Meeting The next BID meeting is scheduled for June 23, 2016. IX. Adjournment MOTION: Director Kianipur made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Director Walker seconded the Motion. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Svalstad, Dawson, Walker, LeFleur, Hanley, Kianipur, Lim, Laidlaw The meeting adjourned at 9:20am.