HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorona del Mar BID Minutes 04/26/2012 1 Corona del Mar Business Improvement District Board Meeting Minutes April 26, 2012 CdM Chamber of Commerce Offices Board Members Present: Bernie Svalstad, Tom Nicholson, Tina Hoover and Keith Dawson Board Members Absent: Scott Laidlaw, Ali Zadeh and Jim Walker Ex Officio: Scott Palmer Guest(s): Linda Leonhard / Amy Senk / Ed Selich / Jim Mosher / Karen Tringali / Ron Yeo 1. Call to Order at 7:36 AM/Comments -A quorum was in place. 2. Approval of Minutes MOTION: Tom Nicholson moved to approve the Minutes of the March 22, 2012 meeting. Tina Hoover seconded and the Motion was approved by unanimous vote. 3. Public Comments Bernie acknowledged the efforts of Ron Yeo who submitted photographs depicting the lack of landscaping of the former Honey Baked Ham property to Dave Campbell at the City. As a result, the new tenant installed minimal landscaping. Ed Selich indicated that the City’s landscaping standards require a percentage of buffering landscaping to be installed and that he would check to see if the tenant is in compliance with the existing standard. Scott Palmer acknowledged the efforts of Karen Tringali and Linda Leonhard for a successful and well-attended Annual Town Meeting. /// 2 4. City Council Report Ed Selich reported that he had looked into the possibility of moving the bus stop located in front of First Republic Bank and that the City’s traffic engineer had visited the site. Ed reported that it would be difficult to move the location of the bus stop because, according to the traffic engineer, moving the bus stop to another location would result in the loss of at least one street parking space. Bernie indicated that he would speak with the bank manager regarding the traffic engineer’s conclusion. Ed reported that the merged lane project at PCH and Carnation was included in the City’s proposed list of capital improvements but not prioritized over other projects. He indicated that he would try to move the project into the City’s operating budget for the upcoming fiscal year and that he would propose paying for the project as a multi-year capital improvement to spread out the cost. Scott Palmer inquired if the traffic study that was conducted for the new City Hall was available so that he could respond to residents’ concerns that the merged lane project would be impacted by additional traffic generated by the new City Hall. Ed indicated that he thought that the traffic study was available on the City’s website but that he would confirm. Ed reported that the City is “very close” to concluding contract negotiations with police and fire services. He added that the City’s annual budget is the next significant item for the City Council to consider. He also reported that the new City Hall project is on schedule and on budget and that the City Council will begin considering proposals regarding what to do with the existing City Hall property when the new City Hall facility is ready for occupancy. Ed indicated that he had no information regarding the selection of a BID Administrator. Scott Palmer reported that the City intended to form an “advanced review committee” but that the committee had not yet been formed. Nevertheless, Scott indicated that the City intends to have the BID Administrator in place by the beginning of the upcoming fiscal year (July 1, 2012). 5. Vision Plan Update Bernie reported that although 90-95% of the tree well landscaping is satisfactory, he will conduct a walk-thru with Scott Laidlaw to identify specific tree wells that need attention. In Jim Walker’s absence, Bernie reported that although Jim has contacted 10 to 15 restaurant owners regarding the restaurant questionnaire, he had received very little response. Although Bernie indicated that Jim would have more information at the May BID board meeting, there appeared to be a general lack of interest in responding to the questionnaire among restaurant owners. Bernie reported that a letter had been sent to Dave Kiff at the City requesting the re-striping and “test-coning” for the merge lane project, and that, depending on the cost, the BID would be willing to pay or share in the cost of a traffic study to determine the impact of the project on traffic flow. Ron Yeo recommended setting up a meeting with Jim Campbell to discuss parking issues. 6. Revitalization/CAP Committee Report 3 See Vision Plan Sub-Committee Report above. 7. Administrative & Financial Report Scott Palmer presented the BID’s year-to-date Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet and indicated that the BID presently has $114,316 cash on hand but that approximately $70,000 in shared expenses (including $20,000 for the Orchid lighted cross-walk for which the BID has never been invoiced) is owed to the City which will reduce the cash on hand accordingly. Scott indicated that after the payment of all anticipated expenses, between $30 and $35,000 will be rolled into the upcoming fiscal year. He added that the BID’s budget projections for the current fiscal year were “on target”. MOTION: Tom Nicholson moved to approve the financials; Keith Dawson seconded and the Motion was unanimously approved. Bernie announced that four (4) BID board member seats are up for election, including the seats presently occupied by Bernie, Tina Hoover, Scott Laidlaw and Ali Zadeh. Bernie added that he understood that the application for nominees to serve on the BID board is available on the City’s website and that he believed that the deadline for submitting the applications was May 17, 2012. Scott Palmer indicated that he would confirm the foregoing and advise all concerned. 8. Marketing Linda distributed copies of the new BID marketing brochure. Discussion ensued on the issue of either reducing the size of the marketing brochure so that it can be included with the annual dues billing statements or, alternatively, increasing the size of the mailing envelopes for the annual dues billing to accommodate the larger size of the marketing brochure. Bernie suggested that the marketing brochure should be included in the welcoming package that is provided to new businesses. After further discussion, the following motion was made: MOTION: Tom Nicholson moved to authorize an expenditure of funds sufficient to cover the costs of printing reduced size marketing brochures to include in the billing; Keith Dawson seconded and the Motion was approved by unanimous vote. Linda next reported that the new Chamber Directory is at the printer and will be available soon for distribution. Linda displayed a copy of the BID’s page/advertisement in the Directory and questioned whether a poster-side copy of the BID’s page/advertisement would be useful for marketing purposes. Bernie suggested that the marketing committee should consider whether or not a poster-size copy of the BID’s page/advertisement would be a useful marketing tool. ACTION ITEM: 4 The marketing committee will consider whether or not a poster-size copy of the BID’s page/advertisement from the Chamber Directory would be a useful marketing tool and report back at the next BID meeting. Keith Dawson shared a postcard promoting a smart phone “app” for the City of Solvang and suggested that a similar app might be useful as a marketing tool for CDM. Scott Palmer indicated that a single app could be created featuring all 4 BIDs and that the cell phone app for Balboa Park in San Diego is a good example of how an app might be used to promote CDM. 9. Chamber Report In Linda reported that the Scenic 5K is scheduled for June 2, 2012 and that route signage is being considered rather than chalk due to chalk removal problems. Linda announced that a group mixer with the Laguna Beach Chamber is being planned and that a multi-(6)chamber mixer is scheduled in May at Eurocar in Costa Mesa. Linda also reported that the Newport Beach Film Festival and the Ensenada Boat Race are scheduled for late April and early May. 10. Other Business None. 11. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 8:42 a.m. Next meeting: May 24, 2012