HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-01-16 - Newport Balboa News Times.. • ----~-- ==~- VOLUllE I Army Service Hoard :.:n:-·,~;:;;~~·;.:~~~~:;: Discloses I dent. ity of 18 \LIIc t&:&lllytr, Ms bN'n banl8hed.. It allcamt tbout•thlt way: M · s I t d f D ty ·'=· • ., ···"::;· ;;.':.:;;;~, ·.,":;:'- 1 en e ec e · or · u In the fonnet' elaa _,. lnelud- ed four Harbor dWtrlct )'Otllha, I.Awnmc:e Euprle · Lev•rtnc. and Fn.nk BukanU. • .-Newport &-en, •fi(f' Manuel Bell* de811va and ~",;1i;~,;.; I Jarml!ll-Dwtallt lllltf&w; oo.ta . A. ('Gap~) Ricker, ·.;;..,-,;;;;;: 1 Eminent Balboan nothmg but t~nlkr and youthful Vlf}ll'lll. In • am~:le day she ' lhrouch the l;..Urn1nt buaho:•. lel'lll, the \"iulet' bKI and the lum.1, and thr ll"'l't't o!imbinJ thf!'tr 11tnn"a u po!UIIble to Kt'l out vf Will be 1~~~~~~~~1l§~~i•:t •n Induction bn-akfut cafe Wh<!re they 'will be of N<"wport Harbor of Cornmr.n:e. A brief ta betnl' llrfllnl'ed with M•yor lrvtn a..oq;e Oor· .... ~ •he wu eppro;oht-nded. ::~~;:~!;;.:::~ Now. inAtead (If. nthbltnJII at vaa-unlpot..ato bug!l, D11phn., locked t1ghtly nrth• chtt:ken pen, will at Se:lec· , N•wport at:bpol .• .t 8 I . -.. -, ····· ·-- .. r th~ moM •lt···~I"PU!C .in.. • 'n·t,(,.,.n•n Sout.b •h~tn.-t . . JAN ll~R~ ,~~, '.::!11,.•---~;-~r~=~-~;~~~=-= .• . -~..-;~ ""-=-~ J ·u.s.Army En~ine~r Preparing .For 200 Guests · Grawth 0 at Annual Dinner Meeting Harbor Civic · Group , ~~~·11"'' t .. unll• Vtm·,.nt ·~ "'""'"" .l~v;-ll!oll~l!l IJII!IInd, 0 , B. ll"h"'''•"n \\' t ( lhtl'lmoa.n '!lOd ''"' f'""'"" dill "'hNI !"o·Wt••rt • If ~~~~~~~;s~~~~f?~~~~~~ .. ~--~~·r:·: .. ~~ t!&;.•<~ r ..... ,,. ~ ••• ,,,,-·,;..,.,,; .,,,. ,.,.,.,,.,,. ".:'"'"')' '" ·~;~;:;;•,:~t:~::::,' I , \\' luh• t :o~or,;o• A H."ll:f'r., • -110' ll•ul••r'" .... vrlf'IJ>ml'nl <••ll<ly ,,.,.., u ( !lll<'h f<rt!PUJ1.10NI ~-~:~,.;~_t>" '''"'" ,;.r,. Uuon warnnt .. r .. ,,,.,.,.,,'" II• aprn•v• 1 ··~I f~>r funda,"' ·,,,.. ~mn put)', »:J:ilrll ~<hh r:mi I" , . .,, (Jo.ont. w;~~~~:Jt~~ I"'"'' ••f,..l trol M urn.ottlh ( lh~ 11tlll'r TIIIIY ut I I t ll'lll I hi~ llH<nh••t nl 1\o•kt<ta Will be ~ ....... ·of .. '"" .. ~~,·~-~~~-~"~"";,l~~§ji~~;~~~C~~e~S~~;~j 'lr.J 0 .-;...,,,.._,., :tbe-U. 8. I A" "'"1"'''"'" "'"~h'lli ft"-o«Rnt- tn Lilli 111 l''"""i'•l ,,,.,j n 11\IIUI<f'r ur IIU,._ '" ~t rw,, f,r """"l• and '" ··~r.,.,.,,.., to hAl'4! ~v-· ........... ,l'llntr-d hy H l. wa ll rw '" ch•ra• "' lhr ~J ... nl<• o·• II< !.I•• u>tt Will pn-••~••••• ....... ~I ""' i'<•:"~'"" Jt4,...,·, .......... H"l""ll1o•<( l h li:d IU !o~tt<'h With ttM "''llh "''' .. rr~o•,, ,,, thtt ~.tham· ~~~~~~~~~~E[:\~:;,:•::!'~:~:· ... 1 ttwor; I••""' <'vtTimltt-"' ,.,.,,,, .. r; ... "' ......... ll'l.t tlw "' llo "'''" ,.,,,_,.111111 >~rr•n••- nwnl m"\' '"' ;.I,Mt•tl o•urly Th,. !<:•''"''"' ''"""till!,... fl.., ar• r•n•""''"'tt• wh1• h tn;\)u•'-!• t.."'tl•lr· '""" lluhhno·•l ll•lw ... l.lr> •. o, M. nt..,.l •IAI'1"'~t rurthf>r tor U.. - TAM~A l ---- Aro ol-Ita ....... , n the tYIUft- ~ hlllfl, •t ~mood, lM• Kl~ totlno thot· _.,.........iu- rontnl\'ft'. .be ..... kid. _\ to ~ du•gunt of thf'·~:'":~·~-1~1 ~""::•~"~'-'~-~ ~~; tlon. At fll'lllt •he tried at one or t...-o ,of the 11'--~ UMtm too toup, o~ ll~na •re touch "'veryplace, "'"" I'"" In Balboa. UM mornlftl' of January 23, proceedh!l' from Uwre to the eat• when brukfut Will be Hrv<!d •t 8:10. At 8:27 the J'TUUP wm ~==~~:::::.:1 Newport S...Cb motor W. 1 ,., -.filii ror • _Unlt.-1 1!11at. I I tkJa ... tloft _,. Loa ~~\i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l\:"~·~"~-~·~·-t w ............. ,. •nd ...... ~~~= --~ N-1•nrt llt•t~f'h <'IIY JUry pan<lll h~" r ... rn·•~t ,,,, ... rn•·t•l "i'rn>val t ''"'"l\' t 'l•·•h II ,I ffnotlh and Now •hi' juat IIUJkJt! •tl'ee!UI, ha.' nnvy •• H'C· nut.lll.and!lll' lndebt.edni'IIA by 11 37~ ~~~§~~~f~~~w?,~·~"~·(··~·~P~·~-~ .. ~-~"~'~"'t~-~ .. ~~~,·~ ... §~ .. ~·~·Mf~·~·~·~-~~,i:··~·~r only h.,. julllt r<!'('ei\•ed • RC• "in tllll' red." '1 . who ill mHtirl(. tho...- dulirw.&.. tncludln~~: Jlury ::";:~:.~~; MIIIU<m"'J •bllllnf lt\e pt'l ltieflf: C"om . C V, l'.S.f-1 Rr!tt"f. H,.. Ia Nt:Cut)-, ftnt vlce-pl'f'llldent , CArl ,.f Mn . R nlph M!lr hell, D11ntt'lllon, !Oet.'Und vlt:e-pteAtdl';,_i , WII.L INI>t'TRt'f'T t-'I,\'Y.RI'4 \\'. 8 . JuneA, ll<!()~laf)'•ltf'IIUNrP.r. lllnt:tou are Lew Wallace, Juy. C.rltltl~t'r Hyer. H . U A. H. -Lro"·etr. ll~trl .. >r nrl'lt milk r"u~<:h . .1·. U. Wat.Jctna. t-'. J itiatributor, thiM mv rntnl( 'reun-"ml U. J-'ulll'rton, honorary 1 qul1th~ hl11 milk r""'" 11nfl will t<>r~ mfludmjl: A. B, RnuMIIe, ttllno\,..._11 r1J'-<:.'t'. N r•. tM·n. !',',.,..,~·rt u •. .,,.f!, ,. , IWtl ill~lrr" lnh·n ., .. nt '\·~ m"d" "' l'l•m•~na, Man l 'nable to Sleep Tako·~ t;vt•ning Walk; Is Sbot hy N~lghbor rrP<Jrl lnun.-dtlltf:ly "' 11 !fnVf'rn-t •rln~: prr~hl••n t ; W. J . Neblett ___ 11.,., .... ~lt l u l'•luv nt~ht ""'hl'n m<•t ml'nl llir<:<>rp!l ~tnl!on 10 foltllrr Sltn J l'v.•tMI. >ltJOirwl t .. Jk,. "''"r" "".IOY!IlJI Dieg-o or Lon~~: Jll'no•h A flf!'r 11 11h<tl'1 r .. mmlt If'~ •·hlllnflen will hf', ,,.., . .,,,M: M"f!•hru' f,.rto<ouk lo hrillJ:' him ""P '"dille" on Jonf'". t.,.' R Way •nd C. ol • ••t'luou "''11 k""'"'' t·•·~••lo•nt •nd • ft'""' ant:IJ!,., L..-,well Will """"'"I H npkltU<, 1(11111<"11. Per"("y Wtlll<m, f: ''"''-~"'""k -nornnl'(f nr : lhrlt H l•l~''"''"'"''' Na mo~·Tf•• -rv• ,..,.n ,•.);,,,., o\!1•" 1\,~;ou•" 111"""1'11111, It ~ :>Oo ot·l,," ,\ll .. •ol Huono•, lll<tl 7. lf,,j .. ,,~ .... ·~-..... , '"'"'"'· •~·"'''" ltnl•l•1 '" II '"·hi n •. ,.,.,,.,.,, ~~;~~~~~~~~~~;;/ ~"',:·:·~·~·,.::'.''.,:-'-!'..-Y•I, '· .. ,,.11,1. o.Jd M11.r. t. u l!liu' •~>•I 1\•ottu"" TI'WII.)'. Ill'· t'l•oo;lol .. l•<<'<li',f ljo:~M M\l<f wurd fi'WI 1:. C John· H:o•lot 1111 • h• ·~ ~ Lt•l" ~~~~ ll~<mii aon. .,,..,"'..,, 'lt ttw-nallw•y ,.,,,.,.,, r .. t111 ~. ••·1. '''" t '~II .. J t, t:Ofl'lpa.ny, •ho tn • OllfJ1moml<'llllun ,,,.,,, l-ltnul•·}' ,.,,, ,,,,11 1 v 1t,.tlt", ttl *•I o1ttr.WI ... lhlll w .... lt ••ul N o•\A jHoi l t·•·ol o·rtt r .. 1•1. I'"""''•• "ftemn v•l at I hill Jlfll'tl<~tl llf !h.-M,.,,.,, "'"'" ~· t 1 ''"'"''· .l••'lt NeWport :tn .. wu underta.k .. n '" l 'loolht•H•n t •' 11, lt•·•"l, ""'"''' the '"''"'r JMOrt "' ~:twl..-r, '"'' ~h··•••l"" "'"' .•:,,,, tito .. r.•t, ''"''"''"· dll"' In 11tonn dam ace In 11'11' Yl•'lll· Th" 1,11 \' t•t>••• 1 '''' J<t.~l " ,. ,.,,.,rt tt y or Anah .. tm. Landma. ,. . ., h"'''" •~ .. ~ ,.,.,·,,,.~,l ·•t•d ,,,,.,,.h .lu•IK• '"'"" rrorc~ '" ten•p•r•Niy .out~· I • J '''"'"''· ~n(! thoo work." -- It •• l'liJ>ect"Jd U...t II u•h"'"' l..ltndlnlf will pl~tton wUlttn twro nu'\·, 1 .. r. t.l• t::, ....... Ul'r. F . 1\'tllutmllnll 1111d W11lh:r K Spw· Kf'..(VI1NT AI.Tt:llM t:l.&f'TIHN "" , . .-1. t" • •• • • ,.,. "''" r •ay "' :-.;,.,.,,.,,, I I• !''• '•<• ... ,.. ,ltonllllty J <~Jo-1 •I• "'' ' •I lut't'"'lol , l<i'f",rd· ""' r.,,.,,, •'t.t !l ''""k J!lt,..lo•rl . •·r, Mt.,.nll, l...r•nnle Vtm:enl, "'"'" w•n· Afl<!r the trltlldo< .,.o;~ ... n <J II••~ ·n ... ,,,, K tnlf~t lht:r. W L. Jol'd~tn, t: II '· 1'"'1~1··1"' '''"'''".!: tum l'rt''!t hlld bfen prtnt.o<!d, ,,_ .,,,. ~~;~:;~~:~~~~j~~~~~~j~~~~i~~~;.~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~ .. ~·~·~;~,~::~~~~~"::~,-!:~-;· .~.":·;.,·:~·-t::::::~~~~-~~-~.~~-~;;":~-·~,~~:tt·~:~~:~~~~~~:l~~t~~~~~~.,~-~·~·~·~"~·~·~·~--~·~·~·~,~·-~·l·~·:·~ .. ~·~·~--:"~·:·~--~·-=~;~~t~~~ '~\#!(i~~::r,•;;;:;r;l "'A:--,....:Jm.r. ~ ''•· . ,. \ "'" ( OUt and \\'. ll, I!'>'"'"'' ·r•t,. 1'•."• ,·, "'',I •, llo ,,..,,It o "!o' ~loll A ' :d d 1totn"l •I •I >I· 1 ,,,,,~.~,_ "-•II' 1 .. ,,.,,......,..,j war. e t;rtl(lu~tl<'"'"'' ""'•I I •'• i ''!"'' 11>• ,.,.1,,,.,. Hoohtn!<.' f ]tt!ttll( •1111 lldhn.l(' Fut·olli_ . .-..-.n. whn "''II.• lot .~ r.f ]Hill, nt('f' 111 :. ·n•·w da rk ~u 1t Qflrl H. Beahm, ot ""'''"'' '" tran"l""'" '""" ''' Ito•· '''"'! ·• ,,.,,,, '"L"''' It"""''" d N rt h K I t E d f '"'''"" '"'"1 ''"'1 ~ <lltHitd"ll'll, K H MI ........ ,, lf"Uli>: '"' ''" , ... 'I•·P·I"'"' ,_ ~>:•~•·II "" ... , ....... 0 ..,. I IIU~t ol r .,.v.,mment rt\of't) at U• WIU under· .r .. ll th•t Jturl"t bda tf thay llon't ' .. ft'l .... , -Bnyol, l"llrl.l(' ho~ ]UI.I('<•T.~ !tl Rnlttf'ly h• .1('<'1 on!i> ho~ n~·w <tllai'IPr.'l by Bm<U W;oin's 1.->t'ko·r , ..... Johnnil' Vogel, hu.'ly C•n IIOnlt' ll"'W I:Q'Il.!ltMtC• ~:~;tE~~m:~~!ori~~;~~:2~1 !~:~• Na\'al hullpttal eg ers a n 0 ol•,•w~,,~· ~:t.:"~ ';:,,~,;·~;:::; :;:::: '.'::r. •.·r::' ',, :;::. :;;:::~.,:·.'~.r":~,:·,; n t d :r 18 Day Tourney · ,.,.. In hill ,. .... ;e u"""''"• .... ~ .. , ........ ,, .•.•. ,.1~111 ~~;~;~~ • "'l""lly ""' .. "" n1any ''' uo~ ,,·" ---h. <:atLdHi .. t#" i\. "'i'ft'"'flll .. ('~~JC..--------' .. 0 ......... ____ __;_ X~wpurl ...,.c Ne...-port ll:ubor'a 18-dt~y ho-tWI · ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii~~~~;;~~~)f:~;!!~l~'~"~'~'~'-~"~'~"~"i"i'"~"~'~"~"t'"~"fJ•~P<~"~"'~~·~""~ tlon c.u~" or Wr~tlh ? EddW MnorP, o•umpl"lf' with wnrklnl( h~nl Jor I ~---tmr-l'l,f..-;--rnJ<'~'"J: Itt.. ,~~::::::1·; ~urf on .. .,,.,.,ung . .;. --~ ... ~ 1-'l·l -F • -nnd Cl11reno·r R<'ed ""king f que.'ll!On.'l uf I It" nt•w b<o:o.,, ~ Re<'d. 0\'<'t 111 thr fr f' H<oU~ Oh \'I'Hh. II!Hi what'~ !Wf'ome H uh. 1-i<•W~' ~ '!Jul l lml match 1 Keel<"t, )'mmtc rtylntc 1800 Dll]b<'oilll''<'nUI', lllilhnll land. Thr roortrlltl Pr~11tnn lJun~n. phnloji;tKphrr. f-------------j'~"~-·~-~-;:~:::-::::::f''~"i"~'~·~·~~~~j;:f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dt!OY.'O ' ' 'TwA.~n'l Illtdl'r~ Ill M-1111 .follnwtn« Apptolnlml'nl nf Hunllntctnn ,J,.hn ',\llo·n".• tsl•tn<l l'hntnuwy the !>on by the Lido lale, rllt-IUI ntl('ht pall't•lru<~n ••lll,l'r tiA~' ~·unny ,,..,m...,ne didn't Allil<:.c1allon tn vottnc t tr h11rho.r ma_,,.,,.,. nil ttw. ,. .. ,,.. but thfo o:oJiihl or 10 munily mernbenhtp 11 lllf'll """" wo•t·<· ~··aro •h111.1: dr""''er•. lu~ locflt~ nn Ute malnl•nd adja- ''"ttnltll)!: lh1!11:.' lond 11111 ktn11: nntf'n r ent to Lido lllle and' owned by Ow! ,.·,.re "1111' 111\l'nl"ryon~: I had r.nHHh company, ck;velopen of d<:"RfiiO''" ""''"· but Jl 'll hll''f ACtion of llle aaaoc .. Uon ...-"'' u ntil nr"t "'"~':·;·:~T:'~•:•:;o:~:~~~~~~~;~; ,....__the room 11ow Y1·11h, tl'llct of buslnt'U Hob ,r:roo·,.r~·· Rot>tort"''" U'l<! llll•fld'll ~ .. t tn hf']p_<li'\"r·•l<' rr~ttllltton. and WUI to develop It \C.--------."".-;•:"~"~"~"~~~c~.~~;j~OI .. ~3!B0~:0't~'~'"~"~~~~~ center. PLAN PJ('Sif' Rr.t·:onos-:. When put to a vote ol the &o u - Form .. r tf'l!ldenlll pf Wer'u1tchee. IIUC .. tion membert In attendance at \VMh .. will twld l.ht.tr "nnu11l pic· the mHtil\f, Uloe a.cUon carrloed aJ. MXI Sunday at B1x0y m~MJt lln&nlmouatJ. ~t Vtm qloneh' Bl\..~ket lunch · IJtJtton preeided, Juk Wail Mrv·liii[ii);; l---·-·--'""'--•illl>o~~"·"·"'!'-,·---··-'"'1"''" Ml'r•tat )'"~: · fj . '" 'fl.,• 1\'/)<o],.. !' ~-l«ffi-tn-11-ftnRI IV W••o•k'a nffi'Mive ,..htch b<....-tffl lnr ffl\ •il'•TfiTfo ,n '" ro·noovr. ........ , "''" ,, '""' l·~t~o:•··l Ill ,nmttno:rr.JT•I'f·· "•••lL .J:hi~O.I.L•I~\>1~"-Ij ·'~H.!U •t]....._J,Iol.-~.-t.o..lwuo•n l nml '"'+~"' 1•1•1 ' lol f• '' j,. \.,,., II• II, j,. t•t'o•l<<'lil • ('""~"''''"'"' ',.,.,,.,,,"'~ l~olh ptlf• ''1 11'""'~ • "' Tho· lit Or ".rr·····• .... , .. , , ........ , ,, .. "'~ ' l'U\\ ,..,t,:O.III'I't;" \lfiP':T Mo~~ ~:1~,, :-;, . ._.,,,,j "''"II I · rn•l • lui • ""'IU•n 41h· : ;:;:·~::,•::.:: I •nd "' •··~1<1·" .... ~~'"" ln~t .... ' i ,,, ... , • ,,, " "' ~ ,..,, ... , .......... '· K ''"''''"'•J'h ,,,·~t ,.,.,.l'r•·••d~lll , A"''" fl ,,, .... ,. ·~"·'" ~··· ••n•l ,.,. .... M A.-.hhtHIII(h, .111,. n•)l t '" th~ <"t ty fl•·~t Tt'"'"''"" .,,, .. ,,Jllf, ,...,_ '""'"''1 ~·"""'.1: ~ ., .. ·····~k ~tatum-mf',.llrttc '"' 1\1-'•Y '""ntn«,_ 111 C'""tno, l...&l'una llf'lt.<:h . lnrluchd tn th.r pr-ntatt""~ tooe the •wo:otJI"t.llkH tr,t•h)' ~"'"'Jitlrt Heaeb fur Ita ttfllry "' ........ u ... c.,..n." tiMI't 8WIInl ,,,, '"'~t llflc•,ral<lld omtd<ll'lr f!hn~tlrnll" lr~; Newport H.rt><>i-J11n tftr f:h.vnt»'t' tit Comrn .. ,.,.#. a n<'! to Coal.ll bu.L .. ,, "' "'· • :·'"' 1 '"' t ... , t ·,,.,, ll tx h · ••·~.t '"~'' • t• '' .. , .. ,n., .. r ltwr < • ""I I f '' I < ' ""'"'' '·' ''"''• ,,. •• ''"''·'·• ••• "' ,., !~ ''"'"" , •••••. ''•" lt ot<l• ~·1 •·~-t I' T A '" . ., ·' '"'l' '"'l'llltl!toj! "rd ,,, 1 .. '"'~'"' ''"' ltv Mr11. I • l j• 111 I 1 ~''" ~ '"''"Ill' • ,, ,, .. ,.' ' "" ',,.. ~·•hJ"' I II t .. ,, ' •I, ".:•· lllht.ll\ ,, .. '''" '·""'""'" ';, ',\ 1 , I I ~· , 1o ';, .> >tTit"' t "'''""'I •<•hi•••• "'• !>I •·H•l.o\ ,,,.,.,,,.,, lh• :., .. ,, ,, ... "" t"""'ll~· ( ',,.' •I ' 1 ,....,,nl .... utll "~ .. nollt dally. ·. ..~~ .. . "'· ' .... · .... ... ·-. . . • .,,, -.. • ,;-z._ ... "' • -·-· ~... ' ... .. • . ,.._ ·-.;. .. ~· •• ""' •• ' ,__ .... __ ,. __ _,_ ~ ~~~ .,-·~ .~ ~~-"";;~---~-;~;;,~·~::~:=~-~·::·:;:j1L_:;::::_ ____ _,_:~_:::::::;:~-~-~~·;·:·~;:~::::;:::::~::::::::::::=:=:~:::::::=;::::::::;::::::~--:::_ ____ ;c _____ ~-----~'~:__:_.-;:-~--~-~-~i'c-"c:~·-·~·~"=-~'-'---"--,.--------:-:,~"-'-----------c~;;; .. ' ·• all•,.. -.,., •ch oth•r uariH. l:vl- ••th ,.... ... "'"matt ror klu ow' -that ~-"but olr hl'r frw," ,..,.,. hn,. _.,. mvtt WI llttWIIItl ktncf' tttey ... ·- .. •' •• • •• • ''· llllt!itl t•.• h .• r nuu,.: ,, huul :C.:\·..:rul ~'•·ttra a&o wu an Kno)"\'tlle. ,.. .. nn . 1\ I"'"''' I ,, ..... , ... 'I oof "'' "''"'rll wht>n .IC'\1\'i• , ... rtu apnn\ Ill local f'uture who th\')' h:uJu'l llo"'" an i !t Y<'" n• 1 1 1. 1 r M"'. F.lln Mntltl<o•tl "''~''''"· 11~ I ··•t •·ot otlt•< ·rHIIV" lo'r no.on l•nrnu•r lu'lll~l'll, ha.' been recom- '10 llw ,,,., ,.,. • '"'f"l" In duor~:e ""'tttft·tJ fur 11 pmutaon at Rlchtteld .,.. ~lltre•·l, (Jiul'll\• ··olt•1Jo:d<·•l ~r AI __...... • 1 t ·o Ill!• tolf"HIII 11 "~' ,. osll ICI' l'ark. t'Xf"•nru~:nlul ranl'h operat- hcor ll:lrd horthcl1l\' 11111111 '''""ry oon 11,1,11 .,f l'oo:<l·o :OI• ""· pro•:<tth•nt ~·d 111 th1: S:olt Raver yaliey of Arl· Munday. u '""' ,.,,,.... fra••t"l" '''"r'-' (t 1 1 I' c h 1..1 h.. ,,. ·, '•t••o·t • ,,. ,,., ""'n ,. •lito toy ~h., trt .. ldyear Rub!Mr corn-pin~ tn .r.lr IMPltn(J rrtt'lHIIy I hal>. •·I I 1•.. .... :I l oll.. .lus t me I'""Y ~ lhlrllll( tho• <lay. o ,ol M •~'ll..tly ~lllhf'r· ~:ud1 v,.nr, 10 boya &re ~~elected • l'uuola v f!111111'r 1.:11<'""~ 11t tlw ' . I ' I t · ..... I Mo•llll. II""' lilOriUIIII pa rt. o r the country R11lph \'to•lo• h•nur .. ~IH~ Hnrl>.or •a 1 'II 11 •• 1 1 J r. .... • '' • 1"' .,,~,, ' • 1 "'"~"· 1110 ~ 11 t•n a *'hulll"'htp or au~l<iJz. b.•ul,.v~tr<1 ...... ,.,.,. Mr. flllt.l Mr.'l llo•rt 1 :;~·,I a :Oioo111• ''· 1<(•1'111 t "" , <1 tu the cxtt>nt or $6() per month Srntlh ""'' "'"'· J IOo lc, 11 ntl M '" . 1 • I 1\ •.I h I h·• (., ,,,.,..,. rtn rl•nlll.' olo11 '}''' q1o1ur-yea.r. trRtntn.u wurae, Anna Srntlh, ('oolllu .... ,. ... v .<iPr .• .. • 1 "' • '"'' ~~~ • I' J ~ l""'J:" or , .. 11.. wh11;h they &rto permalted to Srnath. of M11r1'11 r h•l\1, Ltr111 f\111 'I 1 t • t t • .. t • ~I,. ·' 111111 ·' n o '"' 1:1' " 1111n • l11ly nr ll'IUIC land tn the project. Palm~r. \\'hltllf'r . \1 ~'"'·• l11• 111 ••f :-o:twpnrl I· '""l .JI't:U410h of the dlrectora Ol\ C. A . Hntf'f' IH httllt1ml! " '" 1'· 1t,. 1• h ,\ t,,, ,., , , 1 hf' yootHII-: c·uuple l>ooy~ tv ~ •nepte-4 Will be revf'.al· -,.._..~ un P"'•llt'1.~~ ~d-. •· -"'"· •• r lhco tlii••f ;:o;nlf'n ~r o'fl at an early date. __.. jolnln« hOI Mlllf' ploo r .11 1. •• \ ir · •to ,. 1,.,11 11 ~. J),•n.dd r.t.-MIIIA I(IAI& plao!•. Thf' <1w..-ll"'!;· "hh h '" 1 • "I "· th• C1111IIIV h••tr , whn WILli UIMMIMl~ CHAaOES . .... NEWPOR,.·BALBOA PRESS \\'US ther compoeed or H•·Y Tult•n('. A. L. Pinkley, C. M. :-.;,I!<""· H. R. Alll'n and James F"~;,:.n: &eport. til\t;h .>._ .... ... ... a thang • ~twoklnjt of nHIIIIC'. thl' R. J . Ho1·kw•Hod8 S<'t>m ho hll<'c quilt• a fltttr fo>r It ... "R.J." as pr<l\'11\jt Brtd reporte of lh•· pa~<t year'• •·cry popular as bAnd leat'ler at progreaa we~ 1"'''11 by t·ha1'rmen H arbnr H 11(h 11nd !llewport Grnm· "' th(' ''ariou. st.orH.lua~-; nommtt-mllr lll'hnfll, ancl alth•HJJ.:h 1t wn11n't let•s, Secretary Jnnlt·~ I I, T ;lllrmon t.:t•lfo'rnlly knrown untal IR~<t Sttnc:Jay report1ng & p&ld m•·mtll n<tup or 110 wlw n ;.lw J!ll<'e n Jll'rh~rt ly IIWt•fl hullln~as concern.'! ''"'I tllcltvlduals. , •Ulf'••rt ,.1 Communal)' l'hur1·h. Prt>sldent Wm. Sn ll~tmry prel!tded. \lr,. "U.J .. ls 11n A· I orgamst ... Tourtat llldwolr~ Ul~uAIIf'd It "''""'" 11he OlAJ•If<>d In mulllf' at A .-nmprehenan·· l'll'lure or the loool h Oberlin roiii"Kl' In 0hlo an(i 1\mazlng growth 11 1.<.1 resultant I'm-·•t t h1· llnoverslty olf Rrt.ll:uads. nnol of UQuUaun U..UIOJrnJI&.Ju--.:.'•.11-" "'1"'1' had many YN<rs' t'X(l<'r· tourlat lndualry waa pre.~nt~ by '"n•·f' ns C'uiH'l'r\ nr t111l and rhur<"n Jade LltU., f•UI•hC relatlonR dtfti!· o•fbtllll!'l • . (!' R ml'm bt>r Q( the tor oC the AII·Year Club of Suu· .\llt!"ru•un r.ulld u( lJrg:tniStll · · · • • ~ to ClOIJt S:!l:o.&. wall hv ·~·''"1'""1 loy , .a, .,,. t.,. '""' tt op 8(outh since Mrw. Mttttlf' ttAII"Itfr nr l'tt,q:..Jo•lt.t, I I It I'll ol HI tho• \\'tll'ld a lt'W OJI nw twn of the district attor· th<•rn Call!ono111, Rnd mum llpenk-i\flo•r c•urnplf'tlll!: h••r !1\lld<t•S nt ll~trhor ll1)!h. Mt/lfl Sh1zukn fkt'dA, •11u~:htf't oof tbe TokuJtro lkf'dlul •f \\'hotll,.r nw•naw. "t•nt bark to .a elJit" .. r,Mr. flrun• ,, .. s., ·'I:" IWY.. nt·glagt•nt homic1de charrea IIJ::liiUil A~ TrlpwU. 1-o. All· .;o·lt·rc !lit·~ru. were dl.lm!Sied laat l'hun<<l11y whl•n Trtplett appeared I oor IJI'I'Itmlnary hl'urlng In Jl4dge P J O.<dge's ""urt. 'rh& c hareea "••rt• rated all N'llult or a hlta:hway "o·tdt•nt at Corun.a del M.ar =""' •'lllt)t'r I. 111 • whtch Ole defend- ·'"'·,. "afc ltost her life •nd two ~ M O:A ,.h1t! ntf"t T treo<lny "' . Tho.-. (, .. "\ (';,,tu :ll•••a wh" l't: t~ homt' o( Mr:< L !H·tl·• Pnull. 262 ••• ""' •I I ho 111'<\.lll tll"ll ••C \\'"""'" 8 l'!llthfor atri"C't 'Mc•uahrn• nrul ~o:uo•!<l;j I'• 111 1 1 ···If•• 1,1(1, •'Ill ht·hl Munclay lltt~ndlnlt wrrr Mrlltlllllll'f' Atu1rcw 1 o•mut.. .ol u.~1111,, lk~u h V.·,•r•• Wr. Lllptun, J . C". Mnr k 111tu11h. '"''"""rd , 11J :II a . ft .. \ L'• '" ~~ rt<. l<lurfotnrl'l SwaUO\'t'r, n.·rtrcon Sllttlh. ''"ru .. n ''''"11 \lr-Ilion• '"' Kujnwn. MNI Almond~~&nd cluldren Jnt'lc ~~~~t~-rt'lnr,.no , 111'\f'l,ln•l ••n•l Mn1 C"lnTrr Aoi~M'rt 11nrt Juhn Alnlflnd. Shirley \\'r~~:ht "1 ~ •tn•· ~.·nhr;wok 111 tnt• Ann unl1 <:u~ H••ttl'h , Jr 1 111'\lol' •lll•lnllt-d pn•,.lth•fll 11(. L>l· ~lilfnr-f'..dtftt ~wnnll~n. {'!"'"rrty-of 1 I!""';, , I'~ ·rho· lou'fll • 11rp:< aR hn\'· ... t..hl'J' J~NI were Nt"'J't1rt lfnd l'1110ln M<'"" an<!_ mort 111~; '"'-'·'"·''"'" ~<•'r\1• ,.,. lmtt~:ht , )llro·tl rt'<'f'nll)' elf SAR ll<•rnu rtlano county, ,\In< 11 I! ~I• ~I uri r~· hJII'IItf.! h••l'n ha4 J'IIJn'hfiiiM I he P nul Renner h• ,.1, ~ \, ,.1,.1 "·" "1 11 what•• l'l<'· huntt• Kt 191h lllrt•el nnd Otange 1 ph1~11t .... • •.• olttl ,.,.,•t.al ,.,., . .,,.1, ll<'l'lllll' Knll f•X(It'\'1!1 '" tr<lcf' ~-Mr· .J :\II.' .1 ~~ ,.,,.,,.,,,., l: .. '>fl , llt•IUIIun rot nn o'hr ly tin I" Thl' Rt'n· 1 ,, ,1 •, 1', 11•1,. t•ll l••rlntno•ol nt cion· llf'tll Art' llll•l'lllf.! loo \\'tlllllll~l"" o1 111, o\ o•\o'lllllf.! fo>r 11 1-:r'"IIP "he"' Mr lht.ntt,.r hHti $.t•t utt•d •'111· t • a1..,u•t .. ull ,.c "h._,0, \\·e~rt" plu)'tnent 10 lh.o s lupptnJI andu~<try . a•• ,, .'lllo·fll:< ,,r Shrndnn, ('hl't'k up on your aup.ply of :<lnlffiwntl!, lt'ltcorheadJJ, •nvelopea 1111cl ••ttt••r pnntt'<l mutter ror the llt'\1' ,\'o'itr. Tit!' Prtou would like to too your prlnt111g G"•td Wl\rk at .11ar J'rtCf'll. l'hone 1618 and aalu- ttal.ln "'Ill ('alllf MrA n .,h.-.rt l ~•n,.:d~tl•' •• , :::!rut \\ ltl•l •• ,,. 1\tt\) 1.-..att ... , m Suu· ............. '-'.,,,. .. , ......... ,. .... ,,n,••······ ....... , ............... . tllff•l'( 1111d Ttt~llfl 11"'1111•' 1 •tlf'r· I,.,., • ol (,,,. , Ill< hrtlo·ol 111 .til~ latn..U IIJJ'Illl'<'l" oo( lht• F oolo•lo!l I'"'' .,,,.,.,. ~l••,.oltttll•'fl T ;\ Ab· l'la."ll .. r l'o•IIIIIIUIIII)' • h ill• II ~1111 I '' \ fl.,l••l •l~. 1-:ntrll.o Thnllltoll. day "' ho4ol Tllo'l'llll)' ('\ •'IIIII~ .... , • ,,, 1-.r .. I ~p.o ll)! •··· nil ol( 4'".1! • h'wlnJt R ""' 1111 l"'rl•l(l 1\•rrt•!<ll· t:, , I \11 ~:t 11•·•t !ok('l,•llltfl anrt BAY VIEW PARK Mr nnrt Jofrl' Hf'rbt'rt J11ckMn ttf Hu•II••P ht>mf' f\t 'l8.''>6 B1rch lltrN't IIIII fll't• lnklllj; fKII'IIt'MIIIn this \\ c·l'k. Thry pi all In do cnn.~td~r­ t No• rt'lllt'<lf'IIIIIC nnol lmpNwlng.' F: \\' \.r!'f'tW f•f Laguna Bf'Rch .. bualo1•ng n nl'w homr Rl 2!147 0 ·yprt'IUI !1\ro•f'l, lhf' prnrwrty \)(olng "Oll\1"<'111 In thnt ~ruptf'ct hy hLq •••H·tn-lnw And claught.er. Mr. and :\II"!< n~o t.11111ly. 2/:IJi l Btrch "ll"t'<'t. Are f'n· 'IO)'IIIj.! 1\ \'1~1 rruin Mrs, Lango's "'"lhl'r hmthrr Rnd l'l'iitPr-in-h\w, ~lr!l ll.crry ~k1lrs. Rnd· Mr And :Ill" ·"" l'lciiP!I, !'II M Fort Bra~:~: .11 :'oto'll•l•><:tno~ CbUi\h•. fll'lrr~· l'lfort>~·. 1'177 flN'hnrrl l'lrf'f'l. '" aolllan,: ad<llltnnAI rAhhlt hutt•ho·~ tllll J'YI'('I.'IMIIJ: It) ~tl intn rnbblt r.""''"R ron 11 tnr~f' llt'81f' H~ no,.· 100 ~1'\\' Zfolllllnd ~ ""d f'lt· f"'•'l-" t l) ln•'l"'''Allf' tht"' numbf'r l>e· lurct Ibo• eM. .. c ~~ Ann ~ern. l11n lhmtrr. R·•l • t •I ' m "thr rwJCt (I( "fl\Jk\•," modnn <'•• • •I\ , M111. ,\omll C'ramf'r. 2888 B il"('h •.J..'!ill.!.L~~rlu·" amOO, t~ "'"""t Ctll\111 tn C"UAl'l Ackiorlo~l I•• ~lr.11 I• the> ltJ\u~;htrr. c>( " W«'l'llth~· fnmtly , , , 1 ~ lhlll Ulct r•~:ht l<111d u! bilo l.tfl lh•l a.s pupular """"" ~ mflmbfof)t nf OrR~ <;'c'un. · tho llf(nlno olf ••th«'l"1l 1 1 \' 1' .•t Prt>~ttdl'nt'll part~y (\( Am- , .. "' 1111 • ttt.ol rend ftnnlh ' o•r.t nn Vl:'lnn au:o~lhan• m('t f'f'· t•r nr the I' I o'rllng. Accordang t•J Little, the o·ulume or rt'l'l'lltre brou.rht to the statu• 11011thrm 10 "''~anllu by •t" tourist in<:~ustry 111 R«ond only I·• thto petroleum lniiiL'I· '"l"'n wlt•·rf' shl' llf'lt'lol two YPI\I'll try unci Is wo•ll Ahead of both mov-"''h lwrl l(tllllolpotrt•nlH And lllttond· ··ol ;q•h• ol ·fit Wnknynma. whf'r· fng pactu~ pro .-Juctlon and the <'lt· ,,, .. ,. that •l • 11 must l>e In a rJ..LS mdu.s1J:)'...._\I)proxlrn•tely .l.DOO.· ' ' 000 ()('r!IOIUI \'1 .t the atate annually I lllnl:tt~'rt rnn ,,_ thf' coun- from the E a-t And Middle W est, 1' ,. 1H''''"'....-Wf' rf' It'd to bl'lll'\'t ll k \ l .....,. I tha t F'llll••r htll!<h 1111'11 go <'l'l'ry· It_ ss~a ~:r • • t o,.._,~. an al'erng_e u( 10 Jlf'r t'•'l l l11ter retur ning to wht-r.-, ""',I yt'l !'f11114 lkf'dh "_:eEll~P' k C 1 ''"' ·"' . 11'\!'n n tn nur r a.... ng~ ~:;m:. ll lflil lllll their pemlnnent lcl<h 4p;okl'n n II lhf' whah• .!!he wall ·A g roup ••f humomUJI rettdingll .:"rw · · · .lu p:tnl'llr ht~h llt'IHxols wa10 J.:l\'''" h~ !\fl1l. J . Ruth Retd of !'lw f11uncl mtll'h d tffl'rt'nt than O r-·' ng<' t'IO\tnl \' !<fh•~•ll! und. duubtft•ss Bnll)lln :-IIIJ"'I'\'IliOr N . ~.West al4u itW~ \\'otll l<in·t hi' l'llllr~ly to the :<Jk•ko• ,t•r lf'rl\' tlurtng the cour~<e oC lolctn~ .. r ,111r ynUn~o:l'r grn~rntlon. fill' 1'\'f'n)IIJ: um1wr .,,. ... H rved by WQm~n of I " I h•· rtr!lt phll'f'. lht' term Is ff•r II lllflnlh!< ansto•:td 11f ntnt> And t.h<'y lht' Fn.t.o~· .\ftrrnoun club. nn f'X· htloat o•f •I··~•, It (lnd nals.<~ion serncll 1>~· Mn• L H :'mAIJey, Ce>~<tll Mesa a rta.<t. 1•1"1111.-losl'd In d l'<'Otlltl(tll t•f lilt' fhll•hoot.~• I' r., 111 rn&n or I 00!h!Lo'~o o• fire p~\'1'11\Jolll l'llln· t•llll•·•· Th··•·· will be n o chnrgt' fr,r t he• ~· r\ h 't'. C I .I'll t :I .M Tl'4 ()f't'J('F.Il.'( :\I'' t' • 'II he H alUIOn f'( C"OIItft :II ··~u "'" r,._,.l~ct~ prr:O.tcll'n t t•f ttfl• I '•lr IIIII Eigh t rlub ftt II ntf'l't · 111,1; ho•lol l.a -t mtd·WHk In th•· Ha r - 1 ,. l'h·•••r• t homto, 164 F't.~wcor ~rr,.t <·••"1 1 Mt'U. A-1~ ftftmt'd ltl .,., 'o• \1 ,.,,. ~I r!<. Flof'f'n~ \\'riiiAill!!. "•' nool f'•H'dllr'lll to•nnl ... Shl:tulcu .• lioollo•' .tl(:llfl nntJ t•nroll~d nt Snn- l.c ;\nn Juna••r I'""''R'' whi're Sht• ~ llhtJ••rtrl).: 111 h~ttllt' t•runomll'll. • m<t 'l"·•rl•·r·o "'!lllrr •• ~ Rn ~"'"~'~· ·on. Frunl(' ·~ llt'\'t•r let the111 loo\\ II. 1\ool' r.IIIMI ,It1 11\!1 d\Jty 1<!1 1\ • :taZ••Il \Tlt:sn FTSf:R:\L IS l .. A. ~f r 11 11of :llr:o. F'rnnl< ~RI'I<('hfl<'rl ''""' ,. t" v•~< J\ Ill: I' It's, Snt111'tlhv, ,, ,,..,,. tho·~· 1\tl• n•l•·tl thr runl'r;tl •f th,. r .. m,,.r·~ s:rnnrtmntlftr. Mnt H•'llllloR \'IIII<So hrtf'rl. R rf'l'ldl'nl O( rn r thr I\ I f' II II \\'q JIIC'I<olfl \' Thtll "''" \' ,I t • , t hl' pr·•~ram'·,,. "~ul ~~~· 111 • ' tot tlw llil'-..'1"''~1 o'n l I~· Cn r ft l<l"l'l!ll C'V~nlnlf. F ol· .: ::I. l'>o·1 P lltl f<'A· c!tnlll'f AI II <:_h.J_nC'c.k e&t.·4fl+ih"':"!f'"'V. o ,• -I ,.j t loll ~ u; oLI.ilo.l _! ~ ~.,u:•Uit• ~mlr. "tmn~i\l[l aQ,JOIU'fM'C2_._~-,:-r-,ri-:-" cartoon &n -· ._~ :,• .· . ·-. ' -· .- Populat ·costa Mesan Killed 1n Accldelft" HarbOr High Student , ........... ~ Assignment ........ _ CHEESE SOUFFLE cup milk 6 t bsp. flour I h:\'ell .J tbsp. butter cup grated cheese I ts p. salt 6 eggs Melt butter in tl. b11i1L-r. Add flour and stir until smofllh. Add milk, :!alt. conk until thick. Add cheese. ~Vht•n ml'ltl:d r<'movc and t.•ool.slighlly. Add egg yolka b<·all•tt• W1·ll, tht-n fylJ i]l whites. stiffly beaten. Pour in -gn.·ascd B. dish and set in pan of~boiling water. Bake 111 sluw OV('n 15 minut~ :---=---~ --~--- -,, The · Biggeil Sale Yet - UNPRECEDENifED VALUES GOING ·FAST . 01 . E. tENTill .. ----w .. ------:. ..=---~- .... ,. • ,' .... ..- HOt' ·. • w. ~ ... --.. -t---;:s::t ·~ • .... . . .._ ltl II r • ·"''''"-' rt•rnattn~d ns lhe .,Paracon." , 1 lo•I'<•J by the waves, wu tw"-t· ••• ,.. ull the bottom and t1ppma "' • 1 Ua'rthvlumae ordered Flink w ,,,. " u l r hls rubbO!r hlp boot.a, then ,~olo•I·•·J ov~rbollrd and ewam .. .,1, .. 1.-. Fhnk drew on a Ute rlnf, , II t'l lilly lu.:ke<J lM 8hJp'e (l&Mee .ros.do• .hill 11h1rt and followed. H~ .\.,, Lto.-htlll man to ~ch ehQre. ••.• :.,.. .:<ttl!! but the ehlp'a (laNee :-..a!• ~~ to lJavy J vnee wu many•& who I\3V~ palll'•od lhc r ''l!ll· 1 •. ;., .. M h!ll. Clothlnr;, penon&! et· 11nn by lhc ste:lltlhl•a t ' ,.., '"'· twl.ll ot t.rade, beloncinc w In the tfar))or t.ll~<l o " t. ,Jo< 1 l t•w, and ma.t horrib&e of all, Captain l'llnk. 1 :od ur !aiM teeth be&onctnc to born I l li:atomuo ,.nd w .. nt I ,I ~NJt. ne. arttc:t..-not uat.cl u a d«k boy on a Cir rulllll , ship's l)l)lllle~lliona, wett not at thop agf• .. r 16. J l'".:ht '"'l'•'ll>!a.l.-d by the tnauranee c:om- eay he wn.'! '"'f'o'\\'111 kl'll 111111 '~"'). As th~ "Paracon" wu a doe· at thnt t ltn<•. ns h1~ ,, nh'<J \'CSsel, an Inquiry wu -4 a.m . tu 10 l' hi. nn.t ~·'!!...__but ~r~nal reeponalbUit)' J2-II monttnmd j1l)Tt Of IIIII 1"1 I ht• fH'l'lden! wu not allocated waa IOild inl( o·ar~o. "'fll.ll ""' '" •h•lt' no I"IP.HtJtutlon tor thefe Jtlllkes nr bn•ah~ ):•Ill, "·"d ..... t .Hl~<l<'ll ~s been made. Fllnk. "A l>o1\ <ilh,·r IUJC! ,·~rt t-'hnk 11111d thi11 week th~ after h111 fot ."t ''•Y·•J.:•' .... ·•·•· 1 '""II Fhnk hnd aboard Ia now the Rea tho· rt•~<l .. r h•~ Ill•• lhtll Fltnk I""' ~a.r.ot .th,. ...... ,:. 114'1d tty Uartholomae In lieu • .• \12 r•·1mor <'hargr. Valuable llt'Uil on ltll kllul~ .~r "h I•" I•" ,, """ (jllf'litwnll and anawere Jl"""""l!•·r loow t!o At'""'' 1, 1 ,1 :<tllfll'l)l or navigation and u\\ u~1 .u..ol n•.u.lcl' •>l 1·ntnr r !ltnf1JI1Tyl'n~ the pr<lbteme "'"r.nllRJ•~o·•n so h1"''" I fro• 1••1k 1 •.• J,·,.lottl haVII(Utlt)fl tprlce ,121 in the fatr1 .. 11!' ):Ioiii\ o "'"' 1,. 'd~·• ullPI(!'d 1111 lolll w Fhnk Aul'ltrllllll ln t-:uropo•, ~hopf!~ "I 111: 1\'llh the $30 hlp boot.l\, TheN! from lhr t'on.:•• Ito •\111\\o·lp ,, ouurttonw law N ytntr: "No from (il'<•r):lll. '"·"l"l:·•n' I . •~L••I ur uWn(•r can w ithhold the Cuba. He ha:< lw• II oll:-no:~~l··d I• tlung 111 l•l't'l!tonal effect.a ot any rrlcanPII at !><·.1. 0111•'•' oon 11 , ·~:on," • .,,11 "noth,.r California PIT<Ul:\'0 28. and 29 \>tl lh<' B:o y owr>nrr.-l'honl' 6:!0. Hl•l!. :1•6-J f M 1\l'TO .\('C'IUF.ST and a.u ·t: SHIP'S and \\' A~H ·'" :;;u•tn~ J.bc aame thing about loo•tlil ul lr~tdt•." The local ehlp· 1 111-''"lll""""l••n''' ad'(lllt'<l that the o '••I oJ.:oll' o ro·W 11\kl' thetr lroublell :•taut 1,11 o ltill~ lhl' membere are I, tho:-!<l .. ry ·~ Incomplete, con· 1 • • '' • 1,.1111. lhl!t ctllumn will wei· .. .,,,. tlw .. pportuntty to publish 1111' lud:. r'llrtllllJ:' to the other 11lde •· Ilk pot'lure. • • • < 'apt:o1n "'link'a blo«raphy le r. .• ,-mr.n~: wrtttl'l\~y hie Wire, the . ,1 fvou c·h~tptt·n~ to appe&r In '! •• 1 .. ·1\Y ma~:.Ulne. ··t .. \ f.IHS \'1~11'!'4 11-ILAND_ \\ l..lt· Hulhc1a 1t~land Ia known 'f t.ltl Willi' rnf' the dh•etslty Of .-. .•I• till' nnl until Ialit Friday 11 li<'R hron chooae to 111 lho• ll<land <'frmmunlty. ''HI!'"-''"' the llt'a wall dua· 1 ;: ,. "'llln~t h ll(h u~. the tlflt • .> ,., .. ,tor ''ll'l''ed the var1oua ·•f llllf'':,OIH, trAVIPf!led tlw ·"'• •·11•1 •1111tt nllltvl~ua w the • 1." .1n•l • "mmtn~ of lc:O,_ ot · •·-·~""'· ""plurf'd thto leland t o , ol l .. r,., 1111n H 11 tour of I~· 1 • ooml'lt·t~. the 11l_.k denl&en ""' i11'"'P I'IAmbored back t••• ·""I ,;,.II ~tnli h~'&CSed for ~....,;~:~~~::~~~z::...:." .. .a.kw,_w .. palll the 11pljlt wlf hout llt .. pptn~:. I f ---· ~ .... --.. -....... ~ .. ~ ...... • .-J ·~ ........ -......... :--:-·-... ,.~ ......... --........ ---·--.... -...... . . ··--{·· . ~ .- ,. Yaeht ·~tardust' Soldr•'b•t' t~r ~ail Term to Gr .. at Rr.ltaln Awaitl!•g Anglen~ B. ~1. lh H t •tl11'f''" ,f I 'll h (HIItl :., ........ s ,, I . \ .f •• , " ,.,.,, r ,, •. ~ • .' • , ~ , , . • 1 ... •• How} Many ~in Your Business? H••lth' ttttHt'l ll"' tlv d \\11h hu t '•'" \\lh•l••.,,,,. ~~t ·~·,ntt ll,.UIIil ll~11l\~ \h•,d "" th th 'II 11/lfllllf 1>111 I ho· I• I HI l llt•l f'llt ••r 1"''' ,..., t h•· "'•·~•··rn f'hU,II Iht t,( \h~! ho• ttlll•f W'Ht•\\ U• t 111 1\h 1\ \II•( " I fa .. uul h t l't\a th•tt \\lht• • hU ....... \ ....... y, '''!-t-- ,CMVht: lttt't<t~ fU t (n fll llhHI .. lltl ohll•••·•·lll oll·tn" 111 IIIIo<, ollll ALLEN'S PHARMACY ~ Marine AI t•IUJl '""*' &~~ .. hlan•l t"ho-III·W ..-- and Beauty Shop IIC'lK N''"l""* f\hol. "..... , ......... Mil ... , Overstuffed Hamburgers A' U \ )of'U1 Cll ( (If 't'F.F. II :til I ·~,..,._t Utah~ a) ,..._;_ __ _, Jean'• Beauty Saloa f"•m'""""' \\ .. ,,. MJ.,...&.Ja.& I'F.k\fA , •. '\'I "· tl U) l 't• .. 1~fr!l7ftlll.llldl~ t6~ {; .. :;;~·~~~:j·,~,:~:;· ~i<•s "~larch of Dimes" tat ~e"·port ll••uw Triumpha nf petrrolrum reii('M\'h, through wlll<'h 8rllfll'l&l ruhiJl'r. 11rllf1cllll 111lk and t'\'t•n V1t.anun E now ore ~1111(' pr•xluo'l'd l<ynthrtu·· lilly. Will be the thrmro •Jf the l!HI advutuung ttl Shdl (Ill 1'1111\llliny, Inc. accord1n1t t" nn 1111110\lll<'em<'nt made by the r'>mpany In San F'rnn· cll!eo. Tuuday. In one q( the. -most 4'ducatlonl'!l progTams e,·opf ~el,.,,lled. Shell w111 tell l)o~ petrOI'tum df'fll'ollvu now 8r• being 11Md In thf'l f1tld o1' t\ona l dopfrnM. medh'lnl', 1\l(rlcul· l ure and many ondustn ""· Produclll created frmn J>f'lroJeum by Shdl'11 reilearch lab..,rst"r"'" lm·ludo' tou:· U.Pne, the e.1111enl Ia I ln~trNh,.nl ror T .. 18<l·ncl8nr e~<lwntllll tu thP fnr t he pr•.dllf·- or 11ynthtt1r ruhh4-r. ICI~o'l'l'riloP for explllr!IVI'II, '"'ld vllro•rooK flllll't>nl.tl llllt'd Ill the l f'Xt lle lllld piiiMllt'K 111 · dUIItrlel . Thr lllory of lhl'll(' Rl lllf'Vt'm,.nt~< will be ullt'd tn t>llpl!lin Shf'!l'll w<,rk In coMl&nlly Improving lt\e quality of lhf'tr m•llnr ruel11 11nd luhncnn !J! J..o(oal ni'WIIp&Jlf'rll throu.chrooot lhf' 11 we11ten'l at.atea, Hawaii and Hril. lllh o,Jumhla will play In Harbor Area . Sunda~· ;\i~ht ,, Kllin thto ni!Ju•n·wlde call nt I 1 .... ,11, ·~~:1 ... ,. • • l h•·Mtt n·huf iJunl'"~beenhe•ro .. r 11., 11 .,1 .. , "1, 11111, >tl'l u11ual. thl' Harbor dilllrl('t "'""", 11 tl, 1 .• 1 1, ,,, ~ rniJklnll: ]>1111'111 too reepond with a ,\1, '"""''' ~" 1 11 , 1 , ,.] '", '''K''''J'IJI o'lllhpRIJCn .. Thop 'kK:aJ dnv.. 1 ., • 1,, 1 r• .. ,.t•·rd •.t '' 'f• '• •OJ:a1n!lt infatotlle p11ralyeU. Will br' Y''" 1 ~ :--111 11, . • ,.,.,.(J,d th111 yrt\r hy Mre. R. R. 1, f•J.:tlll' •• ,. "·· R~tnt1f'l of B"l""'" l~land, Ule clly· 111, "'11 1,.,. 1 •• , 1, w1tl•• crdnmltlef' (,, Include repr1'11· 111,1 "1 l l·11 1, .· .t •• , •• t '"''"' .. ".,......"'' --'-----· 11r! 'f:olu ... ,...,.t' ·---- .. ::::;:''·:• r::i:"· ·;1:.:" · ·:Hiffittol01tll!lli'· II' IT-WELL DRESS S H.QP !il Inn trnm all rJvtC -ll'OUPII Tn llv· ,.,.,.,. • I• .. \ , r 1 ., ., .. th .. or.-•A. • IHint ,,,, '"' ~ f~' • A1·tan~e on t hf' r•'91H'et of Mn1 I, .,1,1,.,J It)' .1 11 1. 1 , • RRn~fi1. t1l~ l'hllrntlr.r or-comM~f'ce Tit• ,11,,, , , 1 • ,• 1:<, •mtHl't!nJt all coq:•ni&&Uona llllk· :-;~, ,,1,, 11 1.,, , , 1 CJearance ·sale ~ ·-·-J -1Prices Reduced 10 to 4~%-~ I·:',;: · 320.~ MARINE AVENUE-• B/\LHO /\ r s~ANn ~~ nl( l•or , ... prr~rulKIIIln Any civic I lit,.JV n•lt-lllr-sclv '"nt.aoted 1"'.a11k· ''"111''1" '• 1 ' "' .. ,, i., 11ppnont '\ "·r r-nl&tiYI' "''''"' 11' "1' '" '' 1111 fl!~ IIJ!fl I •l•·l•·lt"'" IJJ IL~'""' t he local cam· , .... ~., 11:, 1 ,,1, , f'IIIJ!U " • . .(r11 l h ,.,.,.,.,,.,.. ••t Whlte'a rur. "' 1 1 I tU) t ·' ••. , ... , ,. •ll••fl Bnlh", T hurtlday n•H•n l I I .. II \l tho,; tlllll' •lt•l.o,l,• rot tki loc:'lll to( ''1'' '1 ·' ' r .• , t 1111 w••ll .,,_ 1 l~tna whl<-h 11r" I'"''J th ... lllgh•no! 'ltr nation, W,_TI' rr •·••·nll'li J\1\IJ .... •<t<kn!d and thl' • ·····I pr~tltrtun Jtl• t•=< r('(l, Qurota f•1r •hl' llnrhur diMtr.l t 1\u ~n fiXI-tJ ,, $t rofl ,,;f I I • r' ) I J• I ,j . '•' I i t,ft ,, '1'·1~ ' 'I• J•' ·1·~'1 "; v Ill ''" 1 ~~ roll' Ill'' •• -t • ·:·::r .• , .. ::!'l''l"'li'lii!!Ht!II!!I!H~oii;::t: ·:· & A. J'l.lti'IAN Rl1't:H t:O. 110 W..t Polll"'ll S•ata Ana J•laone 743 . . .. I ••• ~ ,...r ........ "'"''''' ~ .... .., nt . I •I IDITION :EAGUf :tno ... , ...... .. _, lim• 'q o .., hf' IIUbjfct ol or I'IW•mment .. vlwd at the • .,.,.,II thet .. turi"9 .,.._. • If they dcm't 1e can't ,,.., ,...,, tercta cl~•i v~------~~ .trAY.. under ,. humoru.c. '11nlf a .Won- Ytlu Wf!A ~Iter. -"' • u ch other 1uarlH . E.vl- 1 duth rno,.. Br•.wn Re- • wumAI! tor lln••w that apec;wt, tlbut oil h,. r for." ftome tla~ ..,.,,.. m..-t ' ' *' lleteftl ... klftd • ..., "''' ll....e. aaJa• It. ._ Ctll .... II l~tt. "-.._ .. .._ .... · wtfe1" ~ . .. lllnt.ncl u MCOJkS·CIIU!oll .ma ttu June 18, 194(!. at the poat ott~ at Newport Beach, California, uncJe:-the Act .of March 3, 1879. WK. A. MAXWELL, Emtor n nd' PUtl{tshet W. H: HITCIIMA ~ Ad,·ertlllo ng ond Clorculatlon NELL MUHUAltta·:H, New11 J!:dttor I:IUH:i<!RJVfiiiS RATES: tAX tlULI.I'.C"''''I N 14 1-'lllil lrt>~t•llnwnt tax payments l"''flt"c-t •~prnvl'd I"'ndtt:tona 111 Or- ,, nl(t· r·.,unty, "" th~rt· wa.a a reduc· 1 ton uf $!~,:141 11:1 on t.llx df'llnQutn· J ~'" Mtol.h-V '" K worthy suo.-celulor ., Ill~ htl,. J . <". l..llrnb, THE BVIIAlf DVALfi'Y 1t7 Jr, xa JUXWJ:U. ODe ot. U.. ll't•t ~rpiecee ~ bean u ita inacription a lJne from v'!'tor Hugo "I feel two-uaturee strug· ing wJthin me.·· The the violent an man. ~ figure ia of a being bQJ~~an m form, except for the tell tale hoofa of ... . . ~ .. OPEN NIGHTLY 8t'UDIOCLO O N 't;HI CUR OVIRLOOXING BAIJIOA. BAY . ., ------~-~----~--------~ r"' ·-~lr.oih·" .,f llo•11ry A. \V•Ilace, 'II II " I I II II luUI u..uu: Lu .the CQUn· 1 \' •lll l'llol: ho" :tlillt·n•:f; H\ Mex.lco'. ''" ~oJ(I C1o·I•Lrri.JII~<~rt uJ guvemrrn~nt fl.~jJt'r Y,<'ttr. Oul8lde';' ot tJI &IICE ~Uilt), t t .D() IIIII•11JIII ,., 1111 UIJI!OIIIlf' Hl"8rd ty of h.e beaal; J.ti~urwi are. ~ual and.aro-, ebowiDg u-a.t'lM-.~ •>f the aava~~· The olhl'r is the figure of an exalted type, lesa ::!.turdy ,in pbyaic&J aspt·Ctli, but bearl,ng upon ita countenance the stamp o f h~gh wtdligence and lo~ty vision. The sculptor bas pact~ &,be ha~r~bt-r' ~ u t riumphant, -but te~Jrith the arduouan:eu of the· astruggle to keep the baaer being in --.. -If---·-.... --- . The up·to-datc c1ptirn1:-;t 1s tht· ~uy who thinkb the v. !;. t:an long continue t cr bto 11 nnn ·bdli~rcnt ally of Greut • Britain. • ·"~' in lht• 1'111111lry. An nppea~ Ia ,, ..... v•r· rh .. "'""'''IVfllnn o! p!g- h ~ '' nu ' 11 n• fqr lh~1r propagat\on 11 .oil lll lr)o olullrrc-l!ll. H d~lln't • • '" "" 1••111( ""u whcn •our Curnfer •------fo,., '' ltlt·tloJ llwl l1111 c:lt"JIIrrlrnt:nt Dietitiarts sho uld bc.lllto·rt•Xkd trl a vusoible ~ar betwe('n '''11 lllllldv l 6,IHHI,IIIIIJ IIlli.: pigs In ,uld 111••"1 ""oJ tuno llwl r llodlea Japan and the Unilt•d !-'tatoo~. wh1r•h m1ght det<>nntnt• \hP ,, .. , t .. r .t•·rlohvo. H,.111 111!rorctty ''-'perfority of rlct! or beaJ?S. ' • ·' otl 11•·• ''r "" " 1 .... t•• It r···plllt•ou ot • ~,,. t'lllorr·. Ho•s.'tlu :-oo•WJ! l>ubjection. , • It is a.mute,.Piccl.' which tella more than many sermorus or volumee of history. The copflic~ it depicts is ·one f"hich every hu~ being ,not only baa faced, but is facing every day : It ia an epitorn<.' of man's past, present and future-a summary of the hmg contest through which the race baa passed from the be~innklg and a prophecy of man.'s ultimate victory over the flc~:~h.- In c~ you J;t.'l a grouch nn wtwn it's foggy, just i;(; than.klul you are o••l back eru;t when · you'd have tu C'o ntcnu lUlU \I 1\TII.I. 0~ TIU; JOB with tht! annual "J anuary thuw." Thoughtful m c·n have presented thi.B problem in many It 111 umtwn~o: l4 1, ... ·~~vemor different-tor1na; St l·\·enson in his compelling story of Dr. ll• .. n 11nd l.wut ... nnnt Governor Je'ky11 and Mr. H yJe gives it grewsome but impressive ex· _j~·~~~~lt~··~r:•~~~~~~~~~~~~~!h~u~lc~·~e~n~•·~h~u~~~~~~~kJa&tk_bL • Old Mill8lluri IS Ht lll tht· "~IIW·~Ic" state. The Republi· c.uus thought th~y had eit~'ll'd a ·m·w gu\'t'rnur in November iUilhe ofiici.al countshuwt'll lu-had 364)4) more vot~:a,; th!lfl any other candidall·: but n1JW tullll'o thl· lk m<K:ratic ll'i>~lutun· refuai~g to »eat the V&d.ur ltA•I planmnl{ fur a recount. ' . •----------- The first chCi!ring nt·WR J .. hn T:ucpayl'r haK had in " ·long time ia Governor OIAun·s ~tutt·jp.cJll to tho• legu;latun· that he will not uk fur uny lll'W l.JXl'S t'htM y:·ar. But OlUIIj CJtber public official& arc a,;t·all try111~ tu thmk up nc:w fun111> of taxation, and the old '<.lilt'~> arc all m guml workm~,_urdcr. . . . At leut one branch o f the deren~St· progr3m is ma king load beadway. The Civtl Acrona utlcg 13oard n·vo•r1!1 that &Ome 14,000 pilota received trainmg in 71)() l'illte~c und 200 non-college institutions thrr~ugh,ut llw n iUntry in 1!13!l. It 1:- ~t.ed that by the end of lht> JU't·~·nt !Whuol yt·ar w<· ~have JDore than 100.noo train~.:cl fucr:;. .C II• ··~ l••l llw early UcJIIr;ie o.t.aged l of,ofll .JuhiU.IIII "'' t•llt• (811 ht'COrnt! ·•tt.J t• •r J• nd I h•• '•ther J;:uvernur ".-Inn• t hi' II' prt'll"rll lr rnu expire. \ •yl ,Whro."JII who \Jhce fanCJ.el1 • u .. ~{olf u!' 11 kou"hl 'on llhiiUOJC llr· ""' Ira" II\ ·-•I '"""-t•nuu~;ll Lu find """"•·II 1 I.HIIillh'<l "oth I h e hu,._ ollll lolllo:I:V IIIII 10'11\.S Wh<l 8liiJ l111ok \ 111•'11• ,, "htoulolu l JlliX In t IJtJfh·;tfl Htltl ;\l"l.tf H \\'U,.:{, Hwrllll,.:l<•ll Jlo·lu h :-.;, wo< 't :t.H \llll(f; T flA ITU' ('()Pl'J ( ''" ool 1 II•· I ho11.:1< lilt' t<tute leg· .,.1~•••••••. ''hn II •••t1\t•r~t.'U th1.~ \o\te.=k. ,,dl flu\•'" I•• ••,ft;o.hh·r •s u pruj:X..l.tled ,;, ""·'·"' 111 I h,· '"""t .. ·r 11( uffltent '" lb.• St :•l•· I \1'!11\ra.y Patrol-_ 'l'ba "n ....... 111 "'"'"r 1r11H1u. the In· r• ,,.:,.,t olltHtn e· ••r •It un'k of J ob (rare tftuur(!·houiie of poetry, drama, philosophy) staged a conflict ~:lWt"en God and Satan for direction 01 a human b.cing's detittny, with the soul of ·a ma1l aa the battle- i:TOund. The story rep4.·a·t,.o; itself in a hund~ varied forms in the news of the day and the ljve.s of the people . Quite frequeRtly this-human duality is ·offered in de· tense of some per~>un who naa committed a he inous crime against the statute IJr moral laws. It is sometimes an expla· ·uation. but not a lways an excuiie. In fact, it 'is a plea which 1nost of us might make in extenuation of maLy acts o f wrong. The "worst· ~··If" is perpetually seeking the · \lpper hand vf the "betkr l>clf" in every heart, and the conduct ot our lives is largely J~termined by the vigor or weakness or (oUr defense. Whether o r Mt we believe in the Devil of theOlogy, most (If us recognize tht· actuality of this incessant contest be· tween the forces of HJ:ht an\.1 the forces of darkness. W e see the vast struct!lre nf the universe exemplifying i!.-the rule E NT E R T A I N M E N·T ~ WATCH ·AND ~ CLOCK . ,.. ' • Our Repair Department is the finest in Orange cowit}r. • We employ_ factory. trained- watchmakers whose experience covers both American and Swiss watches--in any size or style. • We repair alL types of Clocks, including automobile clocks. H.R.TROTT • tool •I l11· Ill• I • '"'' lll \Jlc JIWHbec ol llll;lr\\ol~ 11.~ • .-lo•l:-uti LaU Cor mure •flo• • '"' Ito palr"l I h., hl&::lllw•,v•. whol~lm ef nature. It t.-.. +.&-ol-':'.1.1--111-~,.... ....... -----------·-------- Labor leade rs are s urt· ma ktng hay whlll· tht· !>un !4htnt•s . C...~ •hop regu_latiUOS Urt' lx•111g l'fl(vn·,-tl 110 nearly. all d{>- feDM ..projectJI, with the g••wrnnwnl bat·k inK t he 1.kllllllld!i '""-the union& for immt:lllit.: Jn,•mben;hip fi.•t •S UI1U dUC'I:I frum evert penon who gets tt job. 'rhl· nHH'c h.tring Rnd firing. tht• IDOI'8,... are collected. tioni.s.t.s or creati~. we aee-that tt'ae pl-ogreu of h~ been merely a st>rws of hard-woo advances of the spirit- ual over the physi<;al. It iB written uf tht! first man that be waa created out 1 11f the .dust of the ground. But there waa a new creation.~ 1111,.. f'I.Acl, when the Lord God br<'athed the breath of life into the crea- ''' If,..,.,. ,,,,.,., ... 1 .Joys ut unl\•er· ture's I!_OStrillc-"arui he. became '11' livtrr(r'lOW." The earthy ••• 1 • h .... !i. au .,, • .,....., .. "."'nng-nom· man and the man of the living soul :1110 it baa been from the I 1"'r "1 ''"""''''"'~ ,..,,~ lu 111" nag I~C'"nning. Literal or Hymbolical, the et ... mal t .rut.b a·s the oJ "'"' • ••111111\ on lh4.' behl·r lhrol ol &" ,... .• tho• .'•n ly !:"'"""') 1or humn.n l arne. All hwnan fll"!''h is litera lly formed froin the dust of ' ""''"''' 111111 '""''•111 ll•..:•uly In a the ground; every. nourishing factor thft builds -up _the hll·ll 11 "'lol lh·~··l by lllll'k 1111d t'l'll fore-· ,.... man body comet~ fru~ the soil. And the birth of conscience The Doctors 11 it Vitamin~ Dietitians tal of ~ations We call it Good Wholesome Food! TIIAT'S .WBAT WE IELLI Ocean F root Market ' • At ""' 11" t1nw. ot 111 parll<'utar· -the dawning of that .light w.hicb distingu.isbes bet~een j --'l'b!t ha4Jinee tell UH Britain Jti mak.ing strong protests •\' :.o.p prur rwt .. lu .,....,.._... -what right 1md wrong-(:omes \11 time to every nonn&t human fie. J tho· fin~ mo~o:ttt !<II)' tu the <'IliUM to apan fo r a llowing German raideri:i t o nutf1t in ·JapaJlc~· ,,1 llw 1 'llll<'d Slfll••!f of It wne ing by proCesst.'S phicb are beyond the un~!Sta.Dd.ing of mOl:• 3110 Oeeaa FI'Oat, .Ridllit~*=---+---r- pol'ta for att.ackJng Bnli.-h nwrc·hantmcn. It iti a flagrant -uolot.·nl) "'".-.1 "'"' " ""'n'. A... w. lal mind&. The 1reat tragedy ortoo many people ia that -violatlon of international Jaw. Rut thl' btll now-b\.:ins:r d<'bnfl·ti '1"wk .... f'Tl"llftt.-rl l .,f L'nn.:uleuril· they make th1s duality the cxcc;use fo't' "weakness of the ~ ·•111111, lrwj' <lloJ JIUI.l lhat ~ntfy rr. h • r.lls h • MeatS • Groceries • Vegetables • Fruits . Yelep.oiae .33 rD our con~u provide~:~ thqt Anll'rtl"Un pt>rlt; ~<hall be u pc n 1.11 1111> (oOI••WIHI( llllrrr nj( \\ur<ls. oaes .. whach II t eir own lives and ~e lives of· those \0 aU Britiah Craft for repalnJ, N'<'o ndttiuntng KnU rcfUgt'. ..lou h 11\'t•tl II•• lllrthrr o'Oilltut!nt aboUt them With I!IOrTOW and distress. 'J'~ey forget that the ---------- --------------· I, "" Y'•llr fl11.:. n·pr••somt )rue 1 ltigh destiny of m an is nof to yield to this le$8er perSon ~-------------...-------;:__ ____ .....,;.. · ''""'"' ,,.,, Ill th,. "'Pn'Snttatl'\•e I . . . . · . . . . . I Ja~ fiaa joined Cric'rmany anJ Italy 111 nrfl·rmg RUb!ii· · , ,, 1 .,111 ,111\ 111.: yo·a r!l uld. wtthm, but tu s ubj ugate ~he pol~ntaal beut JUSt aa cavabza· Th~ WorJd•a Ntws ~n Through clie. to cOUJlles ~aving largl:_ fltmilie.s.. preferably boys. And !''''' h •• , .. ,... 1 tfl('lk rnnn , and 1 .... lion has subjugated the powe rs of the jungle and science the THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR ~t theee ~or nntio iUI cl:um tht·v an· ftJ,:hlan~ for ,,, ... I •··-oloty ""11'""j; nf pet•· microscopic encmiea of life and health. They forget 'that thc1· An lntrr,11ti01UI D•ll)• Nnva!u""r • • 1 •·tlll toll):lh•lll lllo•wtor ltl hml gl\'l!~l . . b . . r-r .. more room" ,and Jnr Rupplies of raw malt•nal~. Tlwy t·ouiJ I 1. 1 ,.; ,, 111 ,.11 1,.\11111 1, ~" .. ""' powe r· whach brea.thed_ _the reath of ;i:::atual life int. o_ tht-r•NJ._ ., 111E CIIRI"T1AN scu:scz Punr~trtsG soetr:n C .• h in! an •. s.,..., St-, Bootot;. )U....dllbrl~> ret ~ore room by ~ccable nwthod~ a nd tlw molll'}' tlwy I rill ~ I nan 0 uw;t aa arut.e power to r orce the spa.nl of .. Truthruf~otructi .. e-Oebi...d-F,.. rrom s-..rioe.J. are •peDdlng on wur.; o( conquest wo:tl.l bur all tht• raw ma·1 1' "''' w .. Alol ""t 1"11 .nw Yl"' man in its battle with the earthy seU. Ttrey forget that the iaa-Editei!I'W.U Ar. r.me~, end tiUtruCti .. ~ and Ita Dtoily . . • II 1'1 ''~··• I ,. 1111' Ill "hal I l'l'P· . . . F•curee T~.dl•r with the .,_,. M · S.Ctioa. Mab teriala they could use an ccnbtncs. . ... ,1 ,,,1 ,.,,1 and lh•·~•· 1., tcolloow. rc~ man as not a creature of clay, rcverlm~ to the mot her the Mon,icor ~ ld#•l N~'"P•a-r for th:-;:;_'!!n!!.•::...· ----- -----------•~ •"" 1 rl, n '", ~··rt ort.: nil' tll \ln1y1:-.t)il, but the "living soul." · • ---ilricoe 11'2 00 Y-.r!,, or 11.00 • Month. It would be int('restin~ to lt·~·IH·arlt•d Aml·ril'an!l ···l ... r l'olho· nl "' ytour ohh j!frlwn With()Ul Uti~ conflict which r ages i'n the numanoreast . S.curda ,. INu•, oncl udina M•auin• S.nion, $2.60. Yeu. ' ' I,,. •IJ\1 )"''(II'(' """ lh~lo84' . d 'd . • . I lntroductor, O.er, 6 r ...... 1' C.nca. know the actual &lm!i of,F.ur op••an h··ll1g · t·nt~. wl~ ha\'t' bt.•t·n 11 .. , ,,.,,1,.,1 J.!.J.!:._jur ~·.~.~. unccastngly life woul be v~p1 :1 lfll!!l.e_, w_grtliless. Ex1stepce . Ohce'··ble.-l;;;;:~;:;:=~lldlit'WliUI -lJit'ftly of Jiagh-tiH)Ithllll g p 'lt.J ll• t':-1 " mt whrit I ",. '" , ..... th'""llh "'"· llbt•rty , ~ould bc as colorleM a.s a world ·without light and s hade :! CHRIST IAN -S. C 1 EN C E R 1: AD 1 N 1'... R 0 0-M··· . Germany ia J'i«hting (or and what (; ••·at Bnt'a1 I· IM f1ght mg . , 1 1 :,'11\":;•::./'~::~ •.• •,;::~ • .'.·;~~;:'~~noly j tht•re would be no gau~~ of_condul't, no i~centi~e to ac.hie\'e·: 111 UST CEN'I'RAL AL~NUE U f~r, but w-e have ne\·cr rvad <t ('1•11<'1:·•· and unprljutlrn ·d · , 1 , , 11 '""' ,.,,. ,.1.rvoccs nno.J the I orlcnt. lnstt-ad of bewrul\ng 1t o r attemptmg to 1gnore at, the BALBoA. ()~OBNIA --itatement f rom either sidl' a~ t11 ~ht· rt·a l ~SSiil'S tu ~· sdlll·d I •:·1 ··• ' ... " ·.: th·~ "'"' ": th(' rrJ:ht·' \viSE' and courageous accept it as a pa~rt of ~he eternal !::...---.:...'----· by the war. And If we ar• """" "'· that '" """"''""'" ,.,. " "" · "" '" " ''"'""'' 1••~ plan an<ilm• ot aa a means uC development to the t\111 stature t-·..;... __________ _ ,.. r '-! ,._ tt •ttttr tt•l ~ • " have a ri&'ht t o kno~. I 1 .... ,,. \•Ill \lllh thUI lhou~ht. vf '!lanhuou. --B _U ·J. K: w-:l-N E s.~ . • C~~=~'"":!--:&::.:--:!::::::==~~~~~~=====:.__-..:.._ "f.~ tfllJ1',0 Will 111.--_n '·'"!",.:.---Jf'is "& uui'*-'• U. wM U a ltriptUftl, ln(..1Jlat ftte ~ \''ttll!lltt ;n-.,fql :m/1-,t h··G···irTo:i'"~nn t ruwn uf hfe romee to him who overcometh. There is nv I · AT TilE SEW , . luophules tltut makt' 11 1. "'' ,, .. ,,. r111ol "" 11'1'~ thnrl tnr J B I · rd a.• Slam practically \'oid. The pld ft•dt•ral ~t atutc and tilt' lll'W H .• tl·h 1•'1 1• ~.Ill olllo• ,., \'•1111' I haru cler. "ll('l'l'SS or any kind worth while that does not come of -striv· alii eva lquar . ._,-.------A~---"""K:A limit. Lh&.-~~~at.('tbutauwt llfly uhi!\•tJtutt or l 'u;~o..u~<l w..owut\' ~t pwflx-. 1. mg; rc~Jlll!ll prefer to win their rewards, rather-than have ~ • • .. ' Jtt \ t ".11 1"'' .~r (orsutu~ the th ~ ·1 ·I t th · J b th · d 1.,. f f k ' h 119 S .. \\ l,.t0 T Rl \'1) CTOP Of"......_. RILL \.<nPnnratton may makt• l11 11 Jlnlltll t1 t'rlll(llll'n l ttn•i ,,,•rt' ., . 1 1 em un•J.lt~~ rn o ear aps Y e m u gen ce o a rea l8 ·., ... • • '"'"" . l ·-·r-. . I I ,... • I , I :o-1 ltl• •••• HtUI r h.,,,., VuUt both Cin:l.UDvented by means uf 1mnwnsc "lva ns· t11 thl• na · •·•• "'II •••u lol·· "'" ~rl\\lt}'ll lot.hold ,.f~. Tht.: battle rages, today, tomorrow-and aU the long TilE RE~OWX I·:U~OMA Wll\F...Ii\ IN BULK -Uonal part-y commiltt't't~. It ha:-~ bt•t'!l r,.,·,•at.·.J l hat J{,·\ null~ · 11• • .:h.''"' pl ~o • "" o·n rth. ~umurrnws tall the end. Providt?n~e. Evolution, Destiny-I Hie'. Pint :tlc• (~ltart . 56c llalf fiat. 99c Gal. ' t the tobacco multi·millaon nl n· i "1"'1 nt•ol m,,;,. r h , n ~·3i)(l tlt)il , '1 111 •• rl" -~ • "' 1h" 011''r .. ~tt.l whatso<'\'e r word you will-is battling on the side of your I n:\'t::O~T _Pt · AUTY GUAST.I AXIl ASTI COLONY • . • • • • . r•• 1 • tu lh•~ ~UJ•Jl4•rt u( thP · · -c: \o Demtocrati~ts:tohmml itll'<'s ~~ I hr · r. Jl• !l't, l'.ltll.lii'·IIJ-:1'11 . andt ht•j,; ~~~ 1; :. •,:,·,·;' ·,·1:: ,·:l•,~.,',,h,,,.n,lt"ll, rlnnp,llm·l ll(;'tt{'r sdf. But th~ balance of power IS an your own h~ds~ I r.(' J•int -l!k Cluart OOc lfalf Gal. $_1.70 Ge.l. uoea.no e~ e ORil!i It\ Ul' rt•Jia l . ..:;.-.lu r t II~ llll'll o'llt , I ~ I I n· .. , ..... .., •.•••. .., \ll!I••c a HINDE'R'' t ThP!'lf' wm•·~ ar•• lh~> (111"!"1 lhl\t money can buy. and all are ... ed. . . · • ,,.,, ' ru.:•lll rl llHJ'f'·lll'l<S j · ~"'" • ~~ .,._.. " I \'1~11 WI nnd s laCy~ If gave btrth to the aden (I( "lt•mhn~·· armauwnt~ and m un1tirills ".\1 ,, '"" , ,.,,.1 '"'l'l'l ~··•ur nh. u v ''·"""' B . Oadluw In ('lmllttnn ~rl~nrl' Mnntlor . '*"-·-·-_____ ; ____ ·-;-·~:_ _ _:?~'.:'~~---·---' to Britai_n to c ircum\'(•nt t lw p r,l\'t"'lilrl:'l of \out~ Jt1hn<~t•n A,.t ,.:.tl j"" "' t. . •n '"' ""';r prl\'ll·l Till,' Julm:o;un Act and the earlier Hoover moratori~m~ -hich proha'b 't da're ·t 1 t , · t . t . · d •f It · ....... •'"'' •· m•'"'''''' 1 "h1rll ht• , -P 1 t oananJ; o rnnnl ~ o n.1 IIIIIs Ill • 1111 • 11 • r" "••rr ·l·tt .1.1 o np is lhn "!Ul""......,e -~ the oth<>• Th~>v a ....... • -, • • d l ~uu .11.\..1\>-, 1( )VIf •1\11\lce nl1!' 1 ~~~-'-" ~ < \:..,. w-:--·-......., ..,....... UL ......_ -., ~we· on tbeJr war debta to lhlM c·uuntry. : •tu~· · 1:d as :lirt, '" t n[alitarian powt'r nnd-aggression. The ad~r •. -·• .. ut:,1 \HK \nt.:: IW\URK~ u\tcs ,,f tlw .r .. tmson Art fail tu rE'C<>gniU' that the cayse of It beats all how bnl:ld tho' t •'rt" "l,l!l I 11 •na l dt•ft'nS(' ha~ T •. 1,.111111 ,. , ,. ,., • 1,, 1,1, 11 vortu.-~rt"at Rr1tntrt. rn her preS('nt t~truggle, is interwoven with ~6me in· t-he past fc\\ nw nl h.-. l-:\ ~·ry g rat kr 'fl.. th(• rnun· '""''l '' ,, """''" I•• th,.. ""'''"' 1111r PWil. unol that the nCC('Rsity for America t o aid her, in ley baa lob'wilsts in Wa !-!htng-lt~ll ltytng tu dq: mlo thr ft·d-II··•·· 1'' '1'1111"' '",.,,.,.,,11 1" tht'l llw pn·:.:~·nl "l'eat crisis far tram~cends the p~.(·ment of al bs' I' f 'I J~••nt 11 ,.,.,,. ,., •'rllh111~ IS 1/'llo'rntrd ,... ' J er trea:sury to ,!1~ I' t?.t' he:.: 11\'olrt\l' sc hem~. and of t'4)11rtSc 1 lto·1,,,.,,.11111111 ,, :O.Iarttn "'"''· · l \\'torld \\'a r d1•hts. W ould America ns prefer have-thetw Jt iB neecsaary c. I h i th1• n.ut t•lll,tl dt·fcnSt' progr am.t Onr w. '~•' f ···" "111 11w ,JI·nwn-dt•bt:.: patti. ,~1t h Britain gated by N . . . -O•oP<rro~•Witloewt~ ., ... ... " ••• w ............ , ..... . • f . .•-W.rh Slo•-~ f171 C •l •••ot~=W:ot.f ........ _ •• '"''"•"•·fwller sao.-.... $lSI """" ........ .-... MONhll\' .. ,. .J -;)'' I '- Fpur New Re~iden..._~ .. l Stanley Se~a~at.-..S.,.... .... -t-...,lr-f?Y~Cr,....,.,,.::a Started This \V~ek President of J" Harbor Ar~a ., ~catty Board - Construl'1 1un ,.( ll'"' "''''' hum~11 ,\t a joint -ion of the La«una c ot undt'C'W:.t)' 111·1 h,• ~ •. \\ j'lltl·llfl ;, IH'IIt'h und Newport Harbor Really boa ~tlllt~t·~ llunn.: tlh· p •• st Wt·<'k • ... a rdll. hl'ld laat n!ght In the form- Or. ant! !>In• . .I It :-s. l '••Y .,, • r city. F..arl W . "!>tanlf'y, Balboa Loa Angclt•t< h.o • •· )'l••ldt·tl l•• -4h•· I .;.~land realtpr, ~o~;•u inatalled u lure of tht· llatU.•r th~t•" t• un'o.J llrt·l ·'' , ... ,d.•nt of the Ideal board. • Pa.ul bUll~!~ 11 111.'" :.uu.l.t• 1 lu..uh· un "' l{.,niLIO'tj,:er of Modesto official· \V. May :o\o•nu• Th·· "'' utturr J l.; 111 the INitallatlon. Other local Whll'h Will ht' :o l\" I"IY"' ,.,,,.,Ill fl.t:i'ri! 114"1lte-d Wf'rf' A. J. Twlat, liWccu llo'llh dotubll' !:·•: ,,.,,. l>o loo ,.,.. ll'<'·PN1!1dc-nt : Lew H · Wallacf'. bu1lt at .111 '''l"'lllltt,u. "' ••JII!r.oxl· and Harrv Welch lll&lt'ly $41<1.10. . • •· .... ·' •· •· ••"''" requested l[lt ucco-thH·ol&nJ.: . llli ,;.,, •>=•· ·•I ::!I I'' ''"llliK'~ of the boArd to M H~holruJot> ·• • ''"•·•. • ,,...,,.., ll•·l .\l.1f ly tn · ml'l't ~gula"'y ~arh at 1t ('ubi .. ~ ~ "'~' \ ,.,, .. Ja~ouly , •ulh H1 1 c lr:lt" prt"pared to t'O· tltlt-n.>om :<trill lutt· \\tllt lluubh• . .,. tl ••piJ<"'"n11 of gt"nf'm·l lntf'ret~t gamgt• 1:< h.•ut:: llolll t ·'' tl~t l'lub· lh" H.ubor ar!'a, tlum,t• av.·nth.· iJ~ \ '"'' ' J.,. .. :, llay A 1 11 I'..CI'nt board m~tln~:· It 01 UIOIJ \'•Idle pt.,..:. • 11.1 llv.•·lllllf( , ,~ 11~1 th .. ~n1y wnuld boone· w•U. -..o.<t 111 \Ia 111 &);Ill"!' hv;od vl . t lar~:l'ly from thf' ea rly complf'· $2()0u. lluy •• I'"''" •IJ ".r Mn nch,.s ter 8\'enue free- H . M. H''"""'·lul ul ~-111 M.or11111 • ~·. nne! Paui,A. Palmer 'of Lido is buillllllJ.: ~· j;•ll·•l-:·· :oiHI ll\1111. I If· Willi uppomte-d a rommlt~ of quarters a t 1:1~ Tup.t.:, l'.alhw1 Is· ""' t,{ r·<tntnct •col1nty·officlal8 and land. at an (•XJWildltllro' "' $':'~•0. '"'Ji:t' c-ompletiOn of plana at Pte Darrell Kill~,( 1:; hiJIItiiiiJ.: II $1 000 'nrht>llt datf'. L. w. Bri((l wu .. . ' . add1t1on un !11s :n i!t sltt·d lHISin~ .. .:!I!llOinte-d to contact t~e Sant,a Ana - property and Lul;o :-ilttl,•n.:c u one· Mnd 6 r11nge rounty oommltt.eee The r lt'llll·• 111 lin:.,. ••I llllli hume and the m8,.,. ,m-,~., ... rool}'l add1t10n tn ho•r reHIClt'nC'e at "llldy•n~t local ,alrport development offt<rcd 111 1ts 111111plt· tJ,,. ~-:11.,11 ... Ming ~lied n;, lo· ,.,., h ,7,., 128 Opal li\'t'IIUC, Uaii.>Yl4 l~htnd. Prf'1ftdeot Stanley, w1lo hkeWIM by purehURt•r'll Ill 141111111 .... nll':< Thf'rt' Ia nothing Rl.lrthll" ltllul;l Walter J, Re<>kmll'll ll1 :-;un t't'dl'o 4rrn•l! 1111 commander at the N--,. ~ has e_ngaiJ:('d Gurdrm u. l'•ndlay tu I purt HA r~r American Leeion, was the hoWK', !lut •I '" ·'" •·x• o-liJ11t l'Xatnple of ho" an ''"''""~" ,. bu1ld a $:1!>0 addlllul\ at hill l t!>ol· ll'<'t'nlly prf'a.nte-d with a beauU-and comfurt:ohk thrco•·l~<·dr•"'n' ht!llle can be bwlt at "'" , .. _..1 dbu:e property, 1oo:1 :ilalt' H1gh· fully tnlatd wooden ravel l>y the .undu llw Pl'c\'111111111 '~"'Y t•l .. n~o 11( flltallCIJ\1'. Tbe l''"i..,rl' ~<h<•v.n way. ., :'\'""'J>Ort·Balboa Rotary club. above WIUI appra•r•-d nt Sli:tuu and w_ill i:any a luan ,;, nbot•t Repa1rs and l'cmudt•ln•g under---'-'--=-----===:"=.,.,=----+--i~~-r::-·;...J(~ _Er"'l"'' 1!_\'o• lu11nt' huyt"r llWAI tua lul i'tHI , '+II f"'r--1--wey-+rld<tntl!'lr-n-~~-n-'11!)0 roor nt ,, ...... ter· Board Election nann• lllnlltrlll ''""· 1111 IOSUred loan can tw h:u.l ''" tht• piC:;;)I-.... ~Ii:~ .. .r.:-· H::arlhoiPntUt' tJuplex. ·• baa t 13~ thl 118 So. Bay Jo'cvnt. and J200 re· aa o II ton • y I"')'" .. ""'· wtuch would rover pnn, •I'>' I •n- ·p&in a t the MHd'ulludt penriy ar-Set For February 4 tereat and morl~nJ:•' Trii!u;:a;;c;.. --- cade on Ma111 ,1r, ... 1• ~looa.' Any o l t h•• oolllttu t11r:< -.·host' advt'rtiMnwnt.'o "l'i"'"r ,,11 -._ ... ACilEK~AS AS~l )It:. ... Ol'Tit:~ Candl~te. for director of Or· th'-pagl' of thl' :'llo•wr"•rt·HIIlbun Prt-a.~ will be P!!:;L."'·d tt h"' ·•llS: Cuunty Water dlatrtc:t mWit thtll and other huu~~o-l'lllna w ith per~11W de.lin ng ,;, t. llld uud 11ubm1t f101Je& ot their. mtent1on to owrh homr ~ek oC!tct' by the end oruua week, ll'l't>rding to atate lliw~ v."\ilch pro- VIdt's that such noUce M filed 15 olny~ prior to election, In lhia cue, Ft•b. 4, SF.C0:'\'0 Jo' L 0 0 R~ r PL A:'\' . . ........ ~·· ..... aao 1.••• •' .__ ---=-··--=--- .• Pag-e !'i • BUILDING • FIRMS I· .M.--M~ BUI.~INIJ CDNTRAC'rOR -Phone 516 ' .. ~ .. 1806. NEWPORT 8~ yo. ~OSTA' M F~A •·-----------------·----. ;' 1 . I Jj f DONAJJ> u .. :At 'II I\ IIU :y ' A. I. A. ,•! I . •• l'lwnt• ~a:, I\. . I +--------~----""-'-------·=--r----..-----... .General Contractor 307 ~ariQald Telehone 222 DEL MAR -< CORONA ~------------~-------·--·~·----·!~----w. B. Mellott _GENERAL C 0 NT R--Ae.:r E) f'(-.--- .R•••denc e CorDer S.Aia Ana Avenu• anti Coat• M••• PHONE 1857·W lNitallatlon ur rww ofl •~·,·ra w the-<>rangr~ County HUJidl'nc' ~­ change ~ lit'! r .. r lwllj.;ht ut l:i!lnla AI\& Country l'luh, Hl whu·h t1me 'Stanlvy At•kt•rluan .. r H.•lbua w1!. 8UCt'eed Gurdo•ll 1-'llhll.o\', 1 t>( LidO lale, &.'! prt'llltlt•rtt ur til.·· ;,·rJ::t1117.a· lion. Ollwr:r tu 1.11· >'<'iol o·tl. uwluul' Ja.<~per 1-'arllt')', So111L1 ''""· f1r11~ vlce-pre>~ul•·ut. ~" '" K•~•MIIkr, Newport H,•il(ht.'l, ,.,., •.ul 'ltl.'·llrt'8· ldent: li. \\'. l!.u<!lelt. Rl't"'rl'ta,ry- ma~g~r 111111 li••11·n li. ~orciU!en, <· K Sm•th or District II, and Veterans Will Build 1t1~:·n·~.' •.. "'&:hway. 1% ulltlt'tll, Jlt•r !•J•'r•u•\\':t.'-·' ('o.Jrlplntionl F••a11k Crfantpi,on, of "-Diatrict 7 " • '' • .? •· hlt\'c announce-d Intention of -k-New Meeting Hall Jan. 14,. L. Z..nlrll'r .. ~·:I :lOth ('itt•d as ~ t•ct•ssary r------------------------- '111': rl'·l'lt'Cllon. while WIUiflm c. I w· t N t l!trt'f't, 11 OUtlt'b , JW'r rrtpp. ·I . i .\lauerhan, of Owtrtct 1, hu not n es ewpor . Jan. 14, Or. H A Stahlt>r, 3:1» to Lot'1ll t•rogrt•ss l Followlllg ll!lllll'r nnd 1n~tullat•un lormaht•cs. thr c'"''"'"J: ;..,II t>;o de· voted to .dallt'lllg uml , 111 ds formall~-·ltfnifled whether or nOt Veterana or Jo'ore•g~ War•. Coaat-!:le\'lllc On\·e, 8 ••u\lcta, poor litl.l I he-w11l a~raln -k office. All ot.ber liDe poa.t and &uluhary, are cliaft· Black bean!._ I Jo~ro rly ''"'"I"' 11•1JI uf Mancheater I rllrecton will be ciiTiia-over. on lftC pia lUI for a llf'W ~luhhouse to Jan. 1!~: Frank Rlddl.-. &6011 Bta~ A \'0'1111,. ...... v o•W)oy " ,,,. lwlng ur~:ed I unexpired terma. be built 'In lh( \'M:I Aity or 84-a Htghway, 2 outleta, n~n "'Kn. per hy l~•lh th• ;-.·,.,q,,rl llnrhur Rnl·/ I n the Harbor uea (Oiatnet 7) Shore -colony. ilpecu tt·aJiy 011 Lull! BJackbeartl. l tv lit•"''' "'"' "'''" 1••rt llarbur pullln~t place. will M the co.ta 3, 4 and 6 of Mlock I. Jan. 15 O.•n R~hllr~. ) II 25th ''hau1h••r "' • ·.,111111•·•• •·. ohrr·duno uf - aoy • ._FER Pla•blag ~d Repaln :'\fe'~a Amf'lie&n Le-'on hall and ....... ,.,,u ........... 1 --• l'tr.>t"t, rt'·'I'II!IIK,..,.,..r Blackl~llrd lht• llltl.•w "'1:·11117.ot l"ll l·~urtll111! t &' ~ ... .._ -.....:.. .. r .. •·• v~w.~ · • -·'!'---~ OOJIII'TRA<THRS t :Lt:c 'T ~ewport l!.eac city ~1. Polla W!.l' will 'be nuldto A\'lulr•Lic 1.; the or: 1 . · 1 •Ill lh•• 'al11•• .. ( l_!lr ""'J<'r trunk -PIIoae-353~ Glenn C. Fry .. r ,\n,du·lm w a!! h(o npen from 8 a. m. to I P. J'O., ~rama.at1on un n lun~;-te1 n1 t•IIM l.,l -\'t:AR HI ILDISO RF..('Hittt--!u,;lm '" :'.' u '"1' 111111' 1 11 ruud boo· electf'd prl'sldf'lll ."r t h·· Onongo· lh<' only qualifie-d voters beiJ1a ""'hlch w as r•·•·t·ntly "i'i'r'",!--d by 1930 . :14~ $':'62.~10 1"': :• ."" 11·'11"'1 '1 "1n' 1 ·"'tl ,.., .. count y rhaptcr. Cullol.n~ (.: .. n lrlll . J•l'I >JW'rl y Olo\'Of'NI In the ~&net, the Clly t'n\Jnnl. thr r !lJX'rtl to bl.' I 1!31 • ~II ~ :u I •• \Ju.;t l.,.. IIIMJ ...... ~ \...t..J U.t!o ton' llNI'M l>tlh•ll nl l '.dll•••lll·l. 111 \nth ••nr \'Ole allotte-d for each 1100 atc ned all lit""' llS lttlt• 111 qu1..tl.'ll 1932 . :1•17 247 tl\ttl .,,. "'" "" d '1' 1'' ' 11 '"'~1H•rtll· ,, ""I'S..'<l'<l \'aluatinn. · • 11 '"' 1 a Rl~l•n~: h<'ld 1111,. "'"k 111 ~:til· on the lanll l'olltlll>tll(lcr RuN!ll.'ll 193:1 .. ::!<.> 2:111:t4'• " " ''' ta Ana . ~··r""" \ul h 1-'IV \\ill"·· S N t 2 '' ,, . .,.,,,,1, .. 1 to i J•I•d.tholl Wt~ll .. "" . ' or on 111 tonj::R)(t-d Ill \\'urkmg I 1~:u ~!l~ :\:l,h-:'4 V. J . And•·r~rll "' S.111111 ,\ IUo, \',0 c· \\'AI.I.I'Af>t:R GETS out lht' It' Kill diTlu ultii'M nnd wurk 19:15 4<1.1 4!4j H u "' 1 11' 11 "1"'' I:....U' t.....nl, dto· rn't~ldtont . unol l :o.H,;•• Harrr.w!l, "\t:\\· TRt:ATM~NT 11 ~XJ>"CI"d Itt blurt a t an early ,1936 :l:l:l 768""'' "·''"" · ..l:l.ant.a Ana.""' ,.,, .. 1 .\'~1 1 ''""11,.._,. In· llu1ldtoM1 ~Port a ~newed lnttt· da~ A f O by GO-fuu( 11trm·turt' 18 • JilT. • !JI>.l 908J l00 • \\'hLii-U. 'l l..t.. .. L 11'tl ·IIIIIO:Ill oC • lltalh•tl•m "'II t,,l,,. r•l " ,. "''"'' .\1J.w. ··~t •n ""'tllr•a,_ u a flni.th for contempl,ltcd lfl:llj . :II' 1111617 , lt•rtrh lm·-· '· . ' .. ' h . .tt•·(·tmg day \ j l II '\• I b ~ ·r ,~r Th -• lr "'"'1"•11 ' I ' I • ' ''"'" lhf' t· •·n n~-: ·• I•• "'11''1114 • u • "llllll ·10 ne-.• and modemi.Jed e pullt uwlwh•,., mo•mbenchiJl 11•:.!1 ' :ol:.! 831 .• 4.• \I t' h<JWW'UI I h r H • ( •. . . FI .. J··I.I.II ,. I ·I •I I .. ~A ngt•· M , _ " ' • ,.,, Ito lt<o•l .. J •r IIJO• ( •JIIIIIy ttl t•r·••gn·"s -.•lthln the lndWitry, a ella, ..... ~umt ""''•"'" ""rJ the !tar· • -COMPENSAT ,: .. ·1ctyttfpapenarenowavailable bord1stnc t ('O.TAXt:~AJ'I'O&noNED "1·"'"' ''1·'1 • ION •AUTOMOAILE . -. . I 311 ....... -.... ,. .• __ --Wewport hack --:-- .------------------·--------·--- MARINE --. •• EB·END m~l]ON .. _ JSTA MESA -:-- l'l~ ol Ida We-st Nrwport II mc¥t Friday 1. In the c'OUn- rJ ty hall, at '" undcmood. vUI br Klwn. rtdctlruc ttiat ,. !d J~C.>Wer IU lrtl .,.. "'udlm. I I'll(}<' LPai'M • '* . ., ... ,.. m•oJe In the ,.,..., from tM .. . .. ·"'~'' 1 h•HQt•:c. As a result of technlcal j rom un.t•n,;lnrt n.,.,•h, ( u:<la I !1411 · ·•'•" · 1.161).122 1 . H 1.'\' \\' • }t \\II•••·• ,ft •l f ft.d i••H 114 u( • • • • flf") '"""''any tyn. of interior. ·1 Murt' thun 100 Or~nce county 1 r-IRE • COMMERCJAL • E?RlvJ~-..L..---+------''-""--""""Jl&CL--.---x--"' .-\"I 111•1"'' L l~laL...Lllu.U:ll}' Ill.:_---~---~""-'-'-~ --... • lhml-1(~-y-....ftnlllhea, mH&i -DUIJdln p • -~--hnnl tmttn• t• snd WP"Iat-dmnrtl' . · , • ..... r.l'f'./\fT. lt·nnn . (~o;n. ~urr:o! l'!!, b811ket We3\'f'8, cloth re· . D g c rOll 8 ,..,,,. ~;,,., \\ , ... k 1\~V)I!<'d .,, lllf• "I' f.' 4. llh· I d .•. I I • I" "'" tlo•\'t•l EA w ASU c·IL\Itf o ,\J, r•r•~t.hll't1ons. wood Imitations, and _Jan. 10, Mr,;. M111'1 'ullod1, n ·-·1 JH•rlll>llllll't<l of St.721.491.12 lu "1'"'' 11 1 ''1 ''' ' ~· '·. "' '""1 R L ' • STANLEY t \\ II• ,. I ,\'I I~~ ,, •• ~ lH'Ir\1': R! ••1d·(:ol'htron<'d l'mbossed deal~ are p&lrll tO IJUIIIIII'N!-llll11t lurt•, 1<)!1·11 !11o•1r n orh•ll;' (linda by Count y AtuJ· "'' I I "• 1 • II "·'i'"r• OPPQ.,.IT£ PUSlt II I II. I . Ill\ 1 IJ fl/\ 1'>1 II litJ I 7111 St·u i'"" Uoo11l•·1 11111 l'lwn•· u.· ....... lrll t a (1·w or the 11tylea on the mar-Mn1~ lltro.-t. U~tlh""· t"'r 1-. Hoy olnr W . T J.:orubert. The munl')', k•'l. M<r(ll'rn ar('hitectural 'atylea Gr~nll'af. $:.1110. wh1• h wa!' tlu• ~ond 11pport•u11 1 " .' 1 'I · '' '1 """ ,,,.,. r••:<t~•nlllble for the lncreulng j• J an. IU. \-\'m. Hal tlt .. l•u""'' (IJI 'J"'II l u ( tho• l!f40·U ftJtCal )'f'llr t"« 1'''";' 1 ' ~· •f 1 ''' \\ uy" dt·lll ofld 'lur hunzont&l and vertie&I~L'Urp., 11 .0, S . Hn)' Frtolil, llaiiJ<•:t Ill· • ""''' llfln.'l. w:L• distributed thrnu.:h 1 '" 111' ' '' ,\1• 1 '"1"'11 rr~~l1··1ft'llll'l.l ~. 1 ~.:...ll•rsurla~ea wi~tform&1 .-J. Alhln, $1(,0, :"l.' .. w,....rt H:;rhur Umon J11~h 1!1\;:-• •~ .. ~~ "''1 ....,_ a\~..a-... ~~ ..... ..:;.-;--...,..,~two...-emng ~m't~Yf~ ~~-...-<illow.-··~··....., .... .!·'"' '" •v·~.,p~•· ... ·-~''r·J ("on•Jtlfot .. ('ahln .. l and II•·!'Uj.(ll Hft' II dtrect ~preulon of Jan. 10. \\'~tllo·r J H··· kiU:jll. Snll -.-J .. w•l. s :\:1.11'" lr,: Nf'"''JlOrt Jll'tlf h '\\ ••• I• I ' I ""'1''11''11 ( arl"'nlr~ ~ ... r\k f' 11.1· mnd,.rn' trend. Theile come In Pe-drf), add1tluh "I HIH'I St.oh· luJ:h·f ':rnmrn.•r ,.,.h•••l. $1 8,194.!12: t'•~~<la 1 11 1 ' '1" "1 .:r•·kt l'll;\1'4. SURJtl.,. , .•• 111. ~·h·,.r. bronu,.and aluminum. way. P•·r (j.,rll"" II Fondl.oy. $:1!14) .\f••,.a c :ra11unar liChools. Sf78f 'lib '1 ' '•' 1 '''·"•..:•· ..J ..l.1.r l,)c ..IWd .W J ft. N C u--. .. ~-'· .. ,.Ill) -1 Ill A~ -w..J&iti 'MOJ'IIt -nte ~xt.IJia ftr.d8bel &JW em-IIA. • J.l6, • C'0 ·Vr:lt\M.C! UW1Ly ~-dltatrict ~·.. 11,,. :'\'• ·,.,. fl!<."•d f>:IJlt'ra Simulating monu i L'oy, Loll A ll~""~'· '""'''"'>" 6· o":'':o•\\l••rt H arbor• lntrroo\'t'IIH'nt Ito! h. ba.~kf't wea\'1'3, and old·f&ah· ruom li(Ul't'to IIIII I :.Ill loy ',!II K:OntJ.:l', 'lltklllJ; h tnd ·IOII'l'f'8l, $1:1.7811 711 1' 1; II 1 I" "ol '11 ~·· w 8a I • II • ' . • q,, Sltttt• .•ml'd pllli!tera. . )' R\'<•n•h•, J>•·r \Jt'u. II !ltL· --·I 1 " .. ,. , f'arland,$.4000. Q ~· r-,.. ··I 1'' .' """'Y• J II \\' L' l' I I' I fi t ~ I,, ' • • 'I Ill\' '" I.ISULt:t•~ WALL ~"'SH an. . ''· .. I . a:.hl ··na. u ues IOns •I • • I I n •f' PAJ~isc; -Ut:niR.\TISf, !·•nlllf'um wall coverings an re-by i2·f•~t ~~:' ~<hr•ll 1111 ·: 1"1 stn•o:t. d \', , , ,,,1, ""' A. J. ·-·---·-·----·-·-·---·-..... .~ CONRAD SHOO K .. CQM P lr I t Ullll 111111 , ',1 '' '" 1 .... ., ....... , ~··· I ,., I • ••nt •rmo,·ationa In hoU!Ie lnterion. per uwnr·r. '., I In , _ · , . "" , ""' J•Ai•ER 11.\:'\'CoiSCi \\'h .. n rroperly installed they have Jan. l :J. Ja.nw.~ J. Mu:rlnrd: 1.\(Jj -/1\ . I I hi' advantage of h1gh durablllty, ;;~~n~t ~ Utul\'l.l ' 1 12'r1'1"'" .So· I·' ~ur. :;. ~ nswers , , • H··;ord. I :....----------------------------....J hl1d nre en!uly Clf'ane-d. ' r C<'ll ( •• lllJ.: otllu ~aragt•, I I I I i21 Hrhotr .. pt·, p•·r "'"'l'r. $:l::.CJU. """""1"'11 •·• you appl'\l\'1' til•• • .1.1,\ l 'r•·H ·. ------Jan. l J. Vc1hwv L.rna IJuy. 1~ urufurJ_t1 :w·l ·h"• k tJi~dtnan~~ l hul Cah.Iurnia Sat6tf~W.:-Blolo-Vtll'll~ 'Jll",.~"· t\\:,.,•!'ll nr)", l<tX·mmn .JI •· ~·Jll"l'l'd Ill liiJIJte cltJ~ ~o.l>o cAll man the l!Uperioranlmal,l dwelllnl( and'l 5"t;y l!S t• .. •l ~-:urn~" Am<wc•r M••n'lluny In .. n"ll-:h Phone 166'!"-I_!W :"~; .. ,, JIUrl Uhll lrul h&\'1! you noticed Ole Wood .• 1!ll ·624. c:'l~bhousc R\'CIIU4', prr ow·n.l t~•fhl."od .... n••·l.llrtetl rt'IIUilll fr•flll ('CI)'.Ti\ )ft;!« \ Jlf't kl'r UIIU h18 head when he I er. $2000 •. .f'i•!M• !'!K ""'•~··~ Rt a lllllftJrm d1.11 \\ fltk~! I J 1' II ., n •I t s I"''" .. ~IJ•Iorl \ tonAt inn In lhl' !41'1 "" , . " ""II!Q' . , . . an , k r 11 • r ~ 'M~tnnu, J!':llllj;;l', IJCdl'""'n ""'' hulh. '"' ,, ''"""' rom the bulltlul,; l..:tc'k of''l"ropt·r Plan S.•t!ll a ... \\ ur ... t Fnt• of ( 'uur!t ·' Be·:adw"i I ' 11•t• 'lo R 1 1 ll I l 1111•• n•llll! u1!••1'•<t to tfle llllre..t fon•l ~~~--..---··"'··-··-··-··-·· ...... • ......... ....._. __ __.........,._ --.......... .,..._ • " +PilZ. JWr , 11 f' \ ,,,,,n,a l-. Fnarttz ·o,···rh••a() G Doo . S750. ·:mtrllullt· .. ,,, lhr aeneral.apr~<'l\f• , .. • ' &rage r8 J , .. I> II K ti l ,,,, ,, "' Ill•• '""'lehborhn<>d .. 11n. . , 11rrr• IIIJ:; n 1 1t1ron (Jw.flt '"" l 'l•·a~~e lnlltr• t , ctJu THE PAINT SHOP FO R ESTIMATES ON PAll~ lllJl•·'J )JSeORA.~ING Phooe 647 I. C h:LE'' Prc.p. ONLV: PNE ~EYt nn care. J 1Rl str•·t•t. 1~·r :'\'ylln llu rrl It' 1111 n"' Ja n JC L I ~f Sl I I' • ••••tl w1th t•I·•IJ • for a hnUAe lll'f••r" df'na. on~-r~~~~,· rui,,;:,~·.~grnt r.;;~ 1 '''1•·cL•~ m.:)w~-~ Opl\1 a \'I'IHI<' l"'r \\' (' I 'hr·lpR A '•"" •·r '• \. ' ann,Jt -lntf'lilj.:~"lll 1300 . 'I''• d··· ''''\ ... '1•111n 0 [ df'l!lf:n Wit h · ''"' k'looWif L •t.r <'f)Od lllnnll of tlw I SJXto'i'll Jlf'llllll,. ~~~t:o •1 Ill .lhllll·l t• ,\ II·· I . ·,, the lllde tJf n lull I a n · 'to l ~•th • l•·t.ol lllll.,llll't $21 t25 •II• tut.-,. 1t •I ':r•r,.n( layout rr""' I · . . """ I null "'· ·• rtat .J!.!1._1..1kew.-., PLt ~aL"\Cf-PJ:R~I7ft • -fPP'(I,...,t'-...t ftiT • lot ~vtnx n Jan P, J o1hn TuHIPe, Itt lth .n d•· frnu\J•i<•· ..,,u not wnrk ,.,,. unr lllrfft. p.-r n" nl'r 'I onntt ,. ""','""'' fn:onlllJtf'. If Y''"' l ""I rh"l"'' ~ ' ""m•r lot th,. '"" n ~ t.l'l# hot L't -t~fd ~ rn:JIT ... rT.IJJ'C-, ,. I. .. '· t ,, . -~ t•-f• ___ .. '• r • ' ., , l '. ~;·ti U.•.PL • , I , 'ht~ ,, ... flhf I I I '"'"'' t .... , .. ~,- .. l ';lft•·r ,, ., •l ...... .. , ~ 11 ,. I ' 1 ~ V ''' k .. Ganvas Porch Decks • Awnings AlTO TCU'S Muritu· ( ·,,fr,,t .. lf·rin~ ? , ORt · AWNING co .. Kewpolt Slaeet Metal Works: ·A Complete.Sh.eet Mutol Se rvice • -W. O.tnl N~,.I'IJ't 1\f-., a. ...... .. for r..u-aa. ' ,. - .. ·'--- UNaB Ell SF.Z- m •rbll that• llactu,.lne be4fe •r If they 4oft"t Ike Urt't .... , 1" .. ' l'ardll l.rn ''" •• vl•ltofll fi'Rh ar.. untt_,r nm hum~ '""~fiiC a Won- '" Yuu w .. ,. .. .rt ......... "' -do '•acb oth•r ortu•rtH. 'I vi· oloe dulh me,. ha .. 1 llruwn f\e. _hi• W<m\811 for "I luthw \hat lampeon, ••tJut . 1•1011 hfor for." .... .._.. --. .. ..'-" ...... ...... ........ le kl ... ..., --~ lit--.. ., -I • • 'oie4. Juvenile Delinqueney p .. ,,,.l N.-NJM ~:!:IN ::,ulationa and 1:~=:'~~ Ban ~o •• Subject for Stq,dy Mr. and Mn. Emtl On.~ntr, J7!i7 ~3t w~ l>f frienda Ia the fQrm· C&PJid IUioUI l.nJUl)' Friday mom· B B .. *"d p W Newport boulevan1, tranaactecl cr· Mia Marpnt Mor1an of Ban· lng wtwn./)ua car -!'hided on Ole ~ • Clol& • • buAlneM In Loe A n~;rlea, Monday. t.a Ana, and ~rre Went.&eU, 111 rain-wet aAd overturned, J--------------~==--~--~----------~~~------------~~-------;·--~~Vv~~~te~r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~t~~~t~~~~~~~~:::t~~~~~~ ~ ~ wu an event of Decem-A~llea ,intersection. Rlvier11. wu twr !H. at Yuma: The yo~ couple, travellna we~~t on the Couf b.l&"h· head of "Hobby HuUM.'' Orance county'l ypertmental "laboratory" for un- ~rprlvlleged boya, addreeaec:l N-· port Harbor Bualneu and Profear slvna1 Women·a club Thur.day eve· run1. the aubject or hla ta J2bP Dodd Newport. After • week'll ,·.watlon at 11:1 Centro, Mt.. Lt-tta .. K••IC~rl hu A· turned to boer duta.-s <•I the Balboa poatotflce. who have returned tb Newport to at Ole Ume. make their home, were att.cnded by Mt.. Bernice .Lucu and Norman Nelt&on. A dete~ W'4!ddlnJ crwM t u Aluka Ia planned tor later In aEPOaT8 aA.DJO ~;rou:N R.ay .Kimball. who operates a fleet of live bait boat& out of New-the year. • a, ..-,------l-fiGI'JL-KIU'IIOI"i ,..,... .... poUee Saturday that a two-way radio had been stolen /rom hit flahi~ boat, "Flyer ." lnte"st IJI centering on a San Dleco boat wblch wu lied up at Ole "Flyer'a" dock throuch gn•ter portion at &turday reportedly dla&pp.red a'-lt lhe same llme u the "Fiyec:.a:.:. radio. IMP&O\'E WATER UNE Work Ia alated to began next Thurllday on a pipeline improve· ment project spoltiiOred by the NeW{>Ort Mua lnigataon dla~ct and financed In part by WPA fllnM $6028 hava~ ~n allowed by the federal guvemment ror the jnb. ESGAOES .1'-"E~ 0Pr.aA'I08 In Dnkr lQ_&tCOmmodate &ltMd• IIY·Iotrneln~ pali'O~e. .IMn:a Beauty ahop. 180 Broadway; Ooeta Meu. Ia now ef\lployln& anot!Mr C\11HI1TI( pperator. MJ.¥,8eUy Rftl of 1810 l..aKUn• avenue, eo.ta 11- MLU Reea wu formerly with onl of the leading beauty Mloa. }n Santa Ana. ('()t'~..,.,. E:'ltt>UWEE8 TO '110 .. The Orange C( unty Employe. as.wocialhln will h.oJd a d inner dance and l'aN1 llllrty at Hunllnatoll B..onr h on F'ndnv <'\'l'nlng, Feb. U , St. Vnlentln•··s ·tl~ty. Accord!~ to Jark Ro•Jtan·s culumn In the ReJ· ;ster. the twn ~acs -~ave Mc- ~tallan ami Marur McCallen-wiU 8Pt"\'e All fi11stll. 11 nd you can't beat. that ror huspatathty. It IJI rumored thnt th .. Mlly\lr wall mvite the Ro- tau tnns tn ru:t us t•haperoriell, but !!u tile Ill !' >tskins: who will chaper- un.. the Rvt.araans. -....................................... ~ ...... ., ............ ,.,~ NEW·PORT work.ua ......W be-.em-I-..!'11~ .. HF-IP'F~-----------­ Mrs. Eth~l Loekwood Sails For New York !\t•l~er. Mr11. A L f'tnkh·y. Mr~ \\' W. Mlddlfl"n. lhP h••nurce 11nd ··~tr-· Tho• P n-M 1a only $1.00 I( )'Ntr. City Hall ~mployee Married in Yuma II ooyllll:' lhr J.fo'nl'yrf\tt '8 hOtJpllal- l ~ ''' ,,. Ma nn.t Mn< . .lllmea "'r011t. :\Ia '""I Mn. &I Zubfo. Mr. artd \fa' Jt, 1 h· r l Thnmp"'''"· Mr and ~~~' .1 .. ..,.,. S•'llrlo•ll. Mr a nd Mrll \\ 111uona Sma th. Dnnaldllo>n w111 be Mrs. A<1e1~ Hatgh. \'1<'1"-prt'llidl"nt. Mn~.-Hu· ~rt Cn"ml'l'. lle<'l"eii\1')'-INiallu.rer lind Mr11. J. £ Rurkl'. Mcn:otin Thl" 1'1Ktwn t(l('lk ph,re lut Thurs· dl\y "t t h4! homf' or the l"f'tlnn~r pr.-aldt'nt. Mnt. J ohnston, a com- ,-----------------------~----~-tl.!kt.e "port ot t.M y.-r·a actl\1· t ieti ~lnft read by Mr11. W. J . Ne· DYE CLINIC $1.00 .... &<* ....... ~E OF REA t iTY I~ Olllrat-f'e~Jtoc'e) - (~ We,.) PilL n• E.ul..a,....,- VIlle. • ~ Harbor d.lalr.lct mua1c are now atfthattd WlUl thl' Ora~e County "'arm Bure•u bAnd Gm n8 rrom CMta MMA '"' C. E C'nok. Bob and Rill Wllllama. "HAp" Smalle~· and "1n. B1ll Small· ·~· R&rry F•lllr\1! of Balboa Jl. lAnd Ia alao a member of the b&ncl. ------~~~-~·- •' •·It·· ta••n 1 tw• -.ek. Allo eledtd '' •·r,. H~<l••l Ollpb&nt. Vlce-prelll- ''""'. ~lr" Hnnald Vincent. ~~1\11· un·r a att1 ~Irs. Chaa. White. Mete· I" r~ M ,,.. .Joeephlnf' Ktelt'r and Mr .. a., I• lhlyle of Balboa l«land "dl bo• ,.,., ••a1·ed Into men'l~nhlp "' til .. •nolrauon and IMtallatkm IOI"et anj: OI'Xt month. Mr t~n<!.Mra. I:Jmer ~"and r.onuly •• r llllol Lacuna av.en l"••~la M,"" are &eevln« thla M"'. LAura o. Belden. 1MIO ho•ulr\·ard, 8&1~. ••ho n-- f'llt• hued the Rojre.rs' rea1- trum JollA y~el wtll bf.. 1:1n unmtd ;llta .wnoa.u~ and al· ltorat anM. preparator, to uUI~na lht' pi•• e tu• a MQ~U~Wr home. CORONA DEL MAR Mrs. Glee Gray haa purchued the Betty Mancht!.lller 1adll!ll' wear shop at l.aJCU.11A_Beach. lAkin& poe- BUllion lhla week. - A . J . T'Wial. 307 Sea View. baa been appoanted on the budJtl com· rnlttee for South~rn Ora~e Coun· ly Red Croa chapter. Mr. and Mra. Stuart Diehl. 608 ployt:d lor approlumately a month, npoiU Clayton E. Tnggs. acting WPA adrnmistrator for Southern California. ~ 0 . BURGLARY ATTE~iu A'n unsuccewul attempt to 111t>&- ally enter the Corona del Mar post· otrlce WTUI made I'RriY. Tucllday rhornlng, according to report faled walh local pollee by Mrs. F'1orence Anderson. furmer ))li.Btmaster at C..orolla dt>l Mar .• who atill resldea In the rear at tha poaluUk:e prop- erty at 1107 State Haghway. Fa .. d- ang therru!4!lllts unable to forf'e the bulldanl('a fi'Ont dour with a pl'1Ch bar, the would-be burglar~~ made tht'lr get-away just pr10r to the a r· rl\'&1 of poll~. rod avenut . had u weekend WILL AF"'l'ME P• .. ,~IC''P. j· Mr. and "Mrs. Roark and ~ "T"~· .... of Loa Angeln. Mr11. C. A. Cwrter. wife of the ~no Christuftenon late Dr. Cush•r. this wct>k announc. ~~~~~~J&~~~~~&L~Of~·-~·~.~~··~v~--~n~ ~ CHURCH SERVICES OESEitT RENTALS-How about a vatl'ntwn. In the warm suru11Une ; uf Pulm Spnngs area~ F'or rea- Mnal>le rPntals 11ee W. L. Jordan, lJl'l•crt Villa -Apltl., cithedral Caty. Sax milt!.ll from Palm SJ?n~s on l.ndJO )ll,lh.~)', f~e 7819. Pftlm Sprlngs excllnngc. 1 42tl ' R~ ESTATE (For Sale) J F(JR SALE Lot on Bay Ave. In I El Bayo tract, $900 J ord&ll. Twist, eft Parker, iOO E . Central. 1 l$l:tlb.:aa. ---1 FOR SALE At bargaln price. 3· unit bldg. Oood location; good income. Jordan, Tvdst and Park- t'r, 700 1!::' Central ave. Balboa. ('onthtuuu_ .. !'ih""" Sat ... aad Ku-. t•rcttu I :.aS P. :'11. - \\'....tc ,,.,.,. l''ntm 1 :4& c 'hiiiiN'n, An)· Tlmt', lk •:rt'ftlnr: Loet"' tOrrkqJJ .;, ,.,..: 1-"it"" ICk;· Ut'ftl. Ad., l6c ~lutlentao. !!k 1 l'lu" t'f'dl'ral Ta.x) AI!!<• "FI.A(i o•· lll'~A~ITY'' IIOULM l ' UJ(;III.ICi)ITS OV. LADY OF 110~ c A moue <.'Ht;RCH Re1·. P . J . BEARY. Priest Sunday K.-.. at 7:00, I :SO, 10:00 and 11 :00 L 11\. ''~~·--------~--~~~ \\!A!'ITED To BORRO\V $3500 I . - Will ga,·e 1st truat deed on mod· I ...._ ern 'tmslness bUilding In Balboa au' NT£ lUI l!('('Unty. Phone 153. Htl c:U:'IUU'SITY :'ltf:TIIUDIST C'III'R('H C)t'.SF.W~RT IIEAnl E. D. OoclcMll. ll'ai.W- §unday ~~ehool at I :SO. a. "'· No t :30 Hl&h ec:hool church. 7 :.JO p. m.-J:ventna euvtee. tiRHT ('Jit'IU'11 OF <:JUUHT. ~'IESTIST 112 l".aat C.Onlnll avfnue A bran•·h of The Mother Church The •·1n~t Church ot Chnlt, • 8d ental!. In Boeton, Mua. Sunday "'hool at t ·30 a. Nl'I~INO HOMES Rl!;ST ..A NURSINO HOME-~d. nur~~e ; prl\". rms .. !ray sl'r :., spe. 1 dleta. Specull ...... ALT£R1NC and REPAIRING - Men·"· woP."en·a clothmc. Dry r lunang. laundry. Alpha Cleaner 182i :-lewport Bl1•d., eo.ta Mea. 45tt HOME FURNI8111N.08 • !!lel·era1 •noal m~tana •ch Wed· Storl', 30• Mam. ~act.y at 8 p. m F\ax and llnundlt ('artnotl ~· fiJ,I''NJ N"" S&&unla~·. olan. tS .luo·~ 'IATISF.E l'lr"l of thf' ~rtal 'JUNIOR G MEN' Read1na room, t 11 Central MUSICAl. JNSTKvMENTS ""e .. open t~AIIy I to • p, ru ... cert , --. . MkS AT'Io:l.r. o:DtBAI. Sundayw •nd 1\ohdaya. ..... •• nw pubhc 1a cordially 0 . LL 00 BI."TTI:R AT BLL· · DELIV_ZIIID to atlend th• Mnift and UN lf\• NOTE Mt.;8tC c;:o. f20 WEST ...... H...,...._...,. PaL -"'"'---'-11----- ~ t'OOIIL •Til IT. aANT.A .UU... 31 ..... ...._, ... ~,._~ ----------·-----.--. -···· ..... -·---·--·· -·--······ -· -~.:...--.. _ ·. ... ~ ... --:: '-·~·· . _I -_,_,. -· ~ . - ~- art• unt to ho· 't'f'tl I l!ort, .. r lli~t l'lt't- }"la\'l' llo)t '' <uto•d to o'fl r,.,. a \o'[ll ':o trnut· hiJW l'nU~t•-d In l t•~;u· nr N;wy fu~ tho•m att· \\':ono•n ('ll·· Rill \\'<oto·n. b•tlh of '"''' ••nto•"od thl' ~a\~ lo•f: I larhor l-j1~h hot h "' n• t••ummutt·~ 1~10 Sail<~r J;:rtd lt•:lm. lx>ing :In nut,lnndmg and W:ltPrs playtn~; in \'f'!' to Jru~n m•m••y tc. SomC' locnl In· Jist(•n tn rf"port~ iOVN!lmPnt is 81' a matiC'r of t.l' up to 15.000 art> just as in any. bank. report ot a propoear bfoach anti .Mua undH OM pr~ram unifll'd pool of rl'· with 11 come' the An Al"lawer. In lhts r·nluuin hall lfJOcd tltr f ll<'l that ri~ITt·of ·W:Iy lnuk~ th~> tror kll par· than It tlltl ~­ flT8t Ml:l'l~>thlnt olnn(' ~thnul It 1\ u attnn frnm !\lr r•( llu• P F. ro rl'· lh•· ('lHIIIIhC'r rr · th,. wr•fl< ha.• bN·n pnrlirll\' alnndr~nl'fl nPP!I ( .. r m"n nn nf t rark'!l tlamn~:rct h w~if'r tn lhl' ~un· IUitl • ~Pill B1'11rh \'I' IIOV niU'tll' unkln .It · ln<'lud· rl'l'tl' Ill! c-.-ntrAI. atfcl d«l&r4!' t hi'. d <"otnt' to· ll vott> k 11nr.l nnt havr «Uided by protut.l who w-ould ~ dl1• if tMir oo.tnua ad· ch&n««'\1 ••hlch almoet. lmpo111lblt' ~Ver)'MI ~)'. • .. . -. -, Junior Chamber 1-s lhcorporated i4~.s Ci_Vic Body BALBOA 1\\ES· W£EK.£ND EDITION .. .... ... .... , .· LAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COST A MESA I:ICilfT l'.\c'lt:l'4 I ~11o•onnll•llloo.lotlJ ltl 1'1,\'oh• A \\'t~l~nn 7 11 to oll•l t'lo'l ""•••mhl\' I niAII, wn• """"'" l'hnlr tlll\11 nf Ill<' ll10h lllltl .CI\IIol' l'"llllllllll'l' 11,.111~ fulloWint~ anoouru••·tn••nt uf r1;1m · llolllo .. •a (oil' lhl' .(ltl)' foiUI'th .... llinn ••f lhl' I 'Whfnmoll IA'.cl-l"turf' 1111\•lf' bV I lo11 olnn IIIHIIIml, llf>i'llkl'r NltMftQ I :CIVIC LEAGUE IS ·EXPECTED ..( ""' "''"~~~' Protf'l\1 of Hfowt>r Odon .._ Olht•r 1·ommtllf'1'41 llfllHI Whh'h •tifUUoil t'w ... *"-' I Wllt.,"lfl Will llf'fVf' IIH•Iuot" A!Jrl_. trrti(Mihlfl. laboor ""'' Brldpo, Z..laa Prottta&. '"'"'" "' ""'' oh•ntal IAWII I ~~c~.l~tL_~~~--&LL---~ 29 Attend Start Of 1 Mt Aid Work; ·Mort' Welcnme ---,....,. ... ..J 1 rh~:~~.~~:,~~ u'~:'\v:~~~t!~~ I Cl\rl,· I~Ut" wlll-11l("('1 Fnday n~ht . 7-:~u Jl. m .. tn t~ romJ. d~ d111ml••n~, dty _ h~tll, at \\'tlll••t flrot nnt dn" """~ ltu~I-J whkh rime•, TI-l,. undrratood, nlo•ol \\'o•oltto ''tlll\ nl.:ht With :.!!'It · If ooL ·• hnn•nr· '"'" 11tt• 11,t11111 111111 mt•N.O: c'tyn:oclrlt-rntlon wl ur ~lven '''"'''"" "I ftr•t nut ••r•· '"''".: llfc•p,.. ·tnwnn1 tirldln~ that '"lll(ltl (oor '"'' It•··· 1'"'" Wnlk, lll"t'll or lt~·rft'CI .N'Wer lila ' ,. l'lo od "'I nnk t .,,.,•ko•t !11111•-d I I I' llltll1\ 1 II( Ill'S llt'IC ,_,Vl'l/1 cortlmver- l'o, ' l.t• "til ., ..... , "" \\·~In··· I :-tll't.tl l'llhjl~fs will . , , •ol ~·llolll\• n l 7 '10 I' Ill In Otf rt11l-uf lhfl C'l¥1<' lAili\M ~~~ 11 ,., .. •·~•Ill ''' tit\' Nt'"''l"•rl N~l•t t••l!l)' that In '*' uf 18M 1 ;.,,, ,1,11,1 , h•••l l•u <luratlt•IL nf ,.,._ ttl,.. '"'~tt.....C wu Ma~ tn U.. 1.. •'"I"''' •·tt y ''"'"'''II foir rf'll•f fl'f•m the I• o• rlo" It o•tl In \lUI I II t'lll" foor ll.lJII.,UII I' n( WWf'r IU oodofw, • .. " '"''' ,;rn,·t~l• • '!'~''''"',.' 11 ""'"' Thu.. far n.othln,( hu '""" IIC • ••trflo "'"' """''"'! "' fii'Oftlr rompii•II,..J ouul -,!nl.,,1 '" ..._. n:oJI••·• J, lttlorl I• fl loll\' II lool ft'l'l"'-.fJtmll,.... J~o I •IIIIi" fl'' ol 1• r·o roll\ frro111 ('lulllo hll<l 1~•1 t u1t1, ,,f 1 l1• f '' u ·Ut \4 til' ta lit t' h,• u11 • u•lq'• tl \• tlfl '-'"' 'I t• I I• \',ollt!hlfll llftoi r loilrl r• 11 \l1 ,loo·•1•lt I j loti• ,11 , 1\11 ' 1. I ' 1'•11\ Mt I' M Aw lr•o""' '''" \If "''" ''" ·' t-; ,.,. ,..,.,, ,11 ,. tlo•• "''"' I•IMul••l o, Mt ""'' \li ' -, ... ,,.,, '"' 11••111 llo• l llrtdo f. 1 I fnolu•' EU S~- N-• r.om" '~"'" .,...,u ttlet til~)' .,,. ni)W manufaeturl"tf be4e out of (.A)ff~e. Wonder If .ttt.)' 4oft't ~now that many' folka ~n·t ''"' on (.A)ftee. lo iiV••IIIt• phrolot fottlll f llrcM •••IU(hl loY Hu n Jo'non• t.M·•r Vlllltor• ' I I • I lll'iJIII • :A'ti"Jt1Ta7.; ~ 1 wht• h th,. lt•omr tnwn humnrtllta l '"Y"' uloly wrttr "IIAvlnrr • Won- •lr•rf••L T ina•· Wl'h y.,., Wf'nt Counc .• lll····· .. Loe AnoeiH undertaloara -en '• t o ~ tr~lng to out-do each other nlotoVr• 11uml"''"'l "l tt·•·l11 lro tlor J In bulllflng f•nc)l mortl!arlee. Evl· h.r tghllt IL'LV" 11otJ•JI••lllt:J1 111 Nrw ct.ntly hOfllne,to m.eloe,.t.ath meN I"''' "' f"""''"' ' attra<.tlvft. ' 'f'lor · J•r••l••llfll lnf'lo11.l••H f hllltl( I ill( "' y v. .... , "' . I · '# f JANUARY 16, 1941. E A-X U~R EJS ' r Newport-Balboa~-. NEW -TIMES · P' 'M b II KwwJ ~ T11tu'IIU7 ~ \'oiiiiiN' l(XXIII ·-.....criPtJon Pa)'able in Ad\tan«':-$2.50 per yeac In 01ungt• Qounty, l:L~ ,per year. to 4lh zone; $3.00 per yt•ar 'in. tllh u1n ... ~ per month by curnl!r. ~--------------~ -.._ed u Slcoad-Cl.ui mattu at the Po.~officc In Newport 1\touch. . C.Womia, under t.M Act ,ot March 3, 1879. · ii UNCLE SAM DRAFTS THE DOLLAR Haft you lookt'd at the lnc:ome tax "stat_ementa" for 1Ml. ~t by the·~ a f~ days ago from. Uncle 8IID and h State of Calltomla! Tbere is quite a differellCl' --r-- llUilP lllltiVYtU-won't let you lftun.J up ,, ••t olown and ll ·)luU , lot' 1)4'"' o Y••U t,vl tv turu ov.,. a.otl Brt t a I • . o t tw~oc~an navy But the lnd~»o o~. .. D 4 lri&J mach&De O[ tbe Un1ttd St.a\M, ol OUoa. t. Ole ,natut In tbe world by far, lteeplq • a a. now ..-4Uy belJic lUred.-to • ...., t r o • a full a•arUme level ot mUI~ tbeee ~bona. producUoiL. .. ., .... ,.---~----------. Amenea tnftlaaba umoe '1b wlddt to prepare ber own cW ...... aplUt t.be pcllllilbUity t.Mt ~ tb• defeat of tbe ot!Mr de- mocraclu, abe ml(bt enAtuaUj bf called upoa to bold ott a bele- Uie world. But thla &a a .... How Goes the World? • AIDertcUia IDto the federal ~ tax who ~re not truly patriotic penny-plnchinR, to ' draft StRI<' l<>gislators for MfMM of· tbere a ,..r qo, and they add $8.80 to the tax of mntlons the economy anny of the home front when Uncle Sam ftnda eventa to other BrtU.h outpoet• al .-Jl IDoame lin8le pe11001 aDd $22 to the tax of mUU~ it necessary to draft dollars fro~ every famUy's iDQD1M :n~mta"~~; ::mp=~.~ ~:rt ~:~ ol ....U IDcoalle married couple8. At $12,000. ln_come taxes I for the common def('o._c;e of all 'Amerka.-Santa Ana keatlter· you mix Auatrallan brawn. cour----~ -tlaDI 18.-+per Cftlt;-.t 140t()00, more than half is paid tn taxes • .-------------------------~ .,.e and lnJtlatlve 1D fl«h~r men. · -""-..a...n .... •~ the._,.;;.. 1.-) 1 you ban a IJOUnt cotnb!Datioa. 1-,__ __ _,..-.~.._...l'D< -• -u~v.•oooc • ~.-yer a:-on;c.-on Y one 1 C A 5 H R E W A R ft Thla mlxtu,-. ,.,.. one ot Brtt&ln'e 11kke1 oa the dollar! Uncle Sam is dnlftlng the dollan or .U prt~~r ,-.ciJM'a for victory a reaer- •---------..,---... -t~ra;-Ametb for natJonal .auity. _; atlon ..,.o It La likely t.o be DoO which taxPI')'ei'S, large 1 k sut.tantlal c:ah i-ewud wlD be paid for ~ ._ effecUve today. .betttor looldna or IDOft Cl011Wftient martne .n1e11 stAtion than the • ... - S~ell MariH s.Riie-'ltalill . ~-toll . ... • ., ..... . . ~ . lockiD~ doore 011 tbelr m~m Balboa penllmlla bom• · •·hlcb wu receaUy ~plet~. Ml• ~~ Montcomery and Mla8 Louia MPI~ry have mewed -.rae to 8Uit.a Alia where they expect to m&lle lll•lr bOIIM untll ..rt1 -wiiiian WASHINGTON POUTICS By D9E~S FORD PAl GOOD WAGES!· .-- :_ .,--- lbu AU 1010 ••en aboac Pord Labor. pariloe ol com.--tioo lalut&OClt emu: DwiJII cbe yeu eoded NoYembcP 3()ch, 1940, cbe Pord Payroll throapout cbe Voiced Sea• a..erapl 113,628 bowl}- .... eamen. DOt iDcludiD& o6ce na-p..,_, madena. or aeaatiws. They were p.Ml S185,10S,639:12· Oo this beaia. cbe a.enae aaaual ,.... wu S1,629.05. .AcpHdiosco die la•t anilable so~ meat 6pftt. tbe aonuala.enp wqe ol all worbn ia employmeot co.ered br old aae insunoce law .... Sl41.00. u .. ltilutl ... Mi~imum bi.rinswap . 7Sc per·hour s...,;..sltiUMI . • 0 Minimum biritla wap . 80c pu bour S~~., Miniaium bitloa wap . 90c: per hour Hiaber waps ue in COGiidentioa oi ability aod yan of .e"ica. · Miai.mum wap icaJel ' r uoikilW Jabot at ~ Rou~ plant ue cbe hisJ-t ia the iadusuy. Top .....-for lk.il.led laboc c:ompue fa.wably with. or uw bisber thaD, W.ps iD other autOmobile plana Now 10110e facu OG ford labor cooditioal: Noc oaly are ~&~~itatioo aod ochft health conditioos the beu Ia tht. i .bur· procectioa of employes. 01 .daia it found ia cbe foUowioJ c:O~~: -.. ' The aatioaal averqe n~e in aucomoci.e aaanulacturiq plana u computed br me Natioaal A,laociatioa of Uoderwri~en II io nceu of $1.50 premium oa ncb StOO p.yroll The Ford COlt of work.meo's compecuatioa is lal thaD 50c. This UKiica• dirac the chaac2 'of injury io a Ford plaat iJ much las than in the a,-erap automObile plant. Tbe Ford Motor Company hu no aac. 1imirfor labor, aDd ih fart cklibtra~ely anempa co kftp older worbn working. The a.erap aae of Ford worbn at ~ Roup aad oearby plana is 38.7, A receot check-up shows thar nnrly one- half ~ worbn It rhne Ford plana w~re • 40 or over, fallioa into t~ ·~ Jroups: 25.819 between 40 and SO 14,73l •be.rween SO and 60 ..}~ll..,.k_twee~ ~,aDd 70 117 _betwCCJl 70 &Ad_SQ 12 between 80 and 90 In addition to the to<alled ~sular em- ployes. the Ford Motor Company hu hired, and now hu on the p.yroll, at -, tame replar bo\irly wap, thouunds of , worken ;who are blind, crippled or ot!ier- wile iDQpecitated for normal productive work. They are DOt ~elected for tMir ability 10 build can or to maintain the p.lauL 'J1Jey arnnnbe-piyroU ~ or Heary ford's beli~f tMl the responsibility of a lar~ company to labor son bt- yood the point at w.hich ibe unfordanate .worker an no loo,.a!r produce profitahly. 'l1le aboft m l•cu. They are open to aayooe whd really ••~!I.J.O deal in feca. Aayoae who ~na 10 ~~ a jOb •· .• buy a ca.r ••• or place a naiional def~rue con· • ••• MOTOR £OM PAN Y ------=---. " Tl EO DOlE I 0 I .II·S I J'ORD IIE&Clllll' LINCOLN ZEPIIlll N..-port ~ c.llf. .,. .f:. .. NEWPORT B~A NEWS-'ftl~. N._.wport ·~di...Oillfonlln. ~--------------------------------------~----- ' TIIllHSnAY. JAN\IARY ·11\. '1941. SAILORS _TO'-·IIVADE ORAIGE__lRIDAI -IIGHl --.: • • • 4 .. • '·· NEWS-TIMES --Harbor Daskc~ll T~am~ to Play ¥irRt Night Pi.ckens. Senior Garta~ of ~t.·a~n As Th~y Opt•n S~n~t Gridders GurRtN F· I S H I N G -.fa A S .K E T B A . L L SPORnAID BOW~ ALLEYS BALBOA PA'YD..IO!f BOWI..I:NG MOIII -1U.LL8 ..--.qVIPMESI P&IOE8: Ilk' Aft.e,._; !Oc: Eve.; !k 8at., Saa. & Hollda)a WHO'S WHO II HARBOR DISTRICT . TENNIS TRACK-BAS - APPLIA~CJ:S-.• Cas 6: ElceU'ic. 'l\ · tJl&, RCA Victor Serv. Mer::riU Whlt~J'h. 17'9-M. ··fo'Our nr 11,. ,.0 11,.,._... anti ~.1 , h'tl I !'I•· ,.h .. ,. 1 1\.-, att t•tl' No AVTO 8UPPLIJ:8 & SPOilT 00008--' ' 11nc• •Ill• k nt~;ht •11•1 10tul DWHY blu• k .JCRI1!; rn••rnlwr ••vf'r r~ Hundaiton Beach Aulo...SI&IlOli~ 210 )bln ~t.~ A.a1mua!tion. rmm f'llr Jr•o.r~l ah1p, .ho'r _hi.Uolly f a m&U fo1r lv•nt.: unt..~o nne ot 10 BAJU:IlY 00008-NewRQrt Bakery, lll2 CX.an. Bekfty 1bat 11 Better l"or La&, r aptalw arhl twr ~nry olt'•·ks With prodiJO:h'll" :orzl' -AIJTY SHOP-1111 a rhr10t nf R<>l•l. a J••i" nr rum • ~l'a Sbop, 1883 Npt. Blv~:.L.Colta M-. Ph. &ll·W. AJ1 ou wa,.._ and trt•k.-111 n~rf' ~·,. ·tonk We Thf'lr 11tanre complete, U..U, llary'l bland BeaQty 'Shop, ;r1S MartM. 'dllecf Jt.tduciiiC Mltlladl landHi In the dark nf thr m4)Qfl ctl'moratrll!•on ln all the. pue.. C£IUlO:T BROP--and hid nur ·atolrn loot Th• 11pol or bomlnr;. the ntw•.bawk t.b.tr · 1aland Cabinet. Nowlty Sbop. Fu.mltun NDnS.ll5 .Apte.. Pb. 281-W -a likely one will nt 'f'r be picture look But u thou(b the Hartlor Qa.b1Mt It Nowlty aop, 1300 vf. 0atn11. .....,. •· touDd until eomeont bold u we .. nuhbulb .-u John Silver'• elrnal .......am AtfD IIDfDLDIO WOOD-. --aball venture IDto CherTy Cove!" to ble youDIIt pal, J&m Hawldlaa; K W. Wltlht. 1'1111 1fPt. Jllord., o.ta 11-. U.S ~. Ph. ~. &o-rvn• tbe parchment lerend the urkl~ tlocxa ~ 1ato I"'OJfD+=t=-.. ot the 41Hoot Salllnr; AIIIOC'Ia· ahoula of vlrtory. Wbl~ t.be ,_. --P' a r-... F .,. J1 .. a '>rthc UD fti b PL. OIIAa 11-. Uon'a &ruUW Treuun Hunt at tlemen trto ·npc»fd t!M proptr ....-&!. OOII'III.AOI'Oa The l!thmu.s. And thlll d~ wu t~hnlqu«' IUid apparel ot treuure ClclldaB a. ,_..,, MlO OoMt BIIPd. Pia. .a2.. Pl-. aDd~ apKt 1.n •·atcbln~ ataJd. u led and IN"klrut. hardy aoul• lD eplrt LVIIB&II OO_.Al'fiD--lruf' gt>nt\f'mf'n walf'tfrontt'rll. dungartrll _anti IIWtaled bodlee. Calla .._ Ulr. 0..-"J.At • MID JIIDU p&.. JGV haale." Pholw 48. • l~>d bv Sklpptor K,.n Walke r. P!ral c wllh little h•chnlque but m tkh o' lilr ~ ~ CD. "PbaM 'lao. ~ ~ ArCiba.. Chief ·F.r-Win Jon•'-'\. "llen Gun·• thf:' erfort. -tolled hidden Ia the ~ ~TIEB-J oe Bltl,frjlfl 11nri .tuhn Hurndall.l ~-uhnotlrf'd unpboto. M~he Sprdalty Shop, 1205 Cout Hlway. Supplies. Hoists, Etc. dl~t a nd """""' anfi IIWHr-Olton lf"aphM. JIOD&L ~ ..,.........._ 1llg and •wf'at ~tntl 1wcar somt' 1 Tht'n. h kr ~loman lllal!d~ Kl~ SUppHes. aeyde ~ ..,,.._ N.-t to,JIAk!.fY, ec.ta .._ mo re unUJ tht biAzinl: 1un bttw k ,.b()llr•llng , Pnrt •ff'rTtlby trtvtrr1- !f0'1'Aal' P!JIIIM)-I hlm~~elt toward C'blna W&Y and n\'rr thf' W!ff'. Y~"llin~ nYagee dfo.. Mora M.arzwarUa. 22ll V ... C.tral A.._..,-Phaee 12 or 13. Mewpof'L tht bra2h rf'llf'mblt'fl nnt "" .mu• h ' bnu<"ht d rrnm rnvf'r Into the I orncs ~ !anything f'llll' 1111 lhOOJCh ll g rnup I ('unk.n~t·fll'f''!l ~·(M· Turlfyln~t to Mlwport Harbor~ Co. ~: U • 11, Newport lleedl. of F.urnp"'A w11rhOR11 hAd bfof'n , thr Pxtrem ... th~v proclalmtd to I PlllitTIHO-I I!Oinjt n tlmf'IV l'lfllri<'h &<'t. I nil tltl' ,......n,.hhur k lenl ~t,..,...n ~ Kartxr N«+tc Co. ~: 12 • U. Neerport Beac:b. · • ! th•'• ,. aml ( 'hri10tlan·,. Hut that 1 hr , llADIO NRV1<2-I R1it nil ft>r nRIIghl lhf' olutarol I Bnll)tuo l!olnnolr r RUIIIII'II C'TaiJC,1 &tdie's Bai:Joe Rdo Sllop, eoo E .• ,. Ph. 22L For . bnt« .ervloe. ly ( l't'bo<ltl'n hatl .nil too Wt•ll IIWnt•r ur F.s<·n,.,.., hBtl Wft'lltf'd lhf' 1 .aAL .a'A'I'B, DIIUilA.Jf<Jm & NOTAaT PCBIM)-I (W"rlllftnf'C I lhl'fr ""(nrf•Hlll art To) r I IC'!lAilrt' fr om l"llnlR Catalina 'I Lew ft. Wallaoe. ~ W. o.ttral AY.-e.. PbOIIe 3. lltlmuhlt•· .thl' ln&:&:ln&: .. rr .. rt:o "' ~hofl ln~t ~'~'"''~'~ 1 &lliiB!l&,JT~ ..l.. • _ ~ lwkt.ked dcyvcra fot: 01.,' -------1 ~rt Harbor~-. Co. PlaonH-. 12 -13, Newport Jieacb. "<'h""' n·.gnld ; ¥• 1 11mmlll•···· w iM' '(iJIU.'-' PRO\'Jo: NAT11R'AI.8, :.-..;.::~ ..... Jr ..... C"'rv•h.,. •uu a Hlssa••• ,..,. ...... :.;.'::~. . ;.: ,,. Kroft~ a-.."';:.:"',: 'II" TU I WRl ...... IIIIlS ___ l..iptoe'a r •• '·";.:.:.~· ....... ,. --~··· ..... " f ....... ~ le4 Wift9 Grope Juice :;~~ IJ' free let ~';;" ;. ... "·,:;· . ;.; f6' .._ __ __._ •··· J"'• '•s~ r ........ 9. ···,:.:·:."'' :-;.:.T ~,.,.... Jvic• , ••.• • .... • J ................................. . ,.,:: •.. ' T ....... l I ,, •• fS' II • T I.......... ... •• . .• , .. '-""'..,,. """'c• ., .. , , '!,_, ac •• u ,.; 1: ;~, • TMt•to J.,tce ~.:·;, ~ ~:,.' T Hfh .:~;·: c;u~. , ·;:-:·• ~! U ' Temeto Jvlce ••;.~~!~ • I •:.:: '17" ••• .-..u u--. tc .... , ._.,., '"'' c ... ,. ' s.,bot·ft . t •• : • Temeto Juice h•,:;: :·• J ~;...' 10' 'Fol9tr't Coffee ~:;·,.,'·; M. J. I. Coffee llllll YlGlTAILlS ::: 14~ :,·: 14' ::~ t4' ~ =~~ftJ eo.t:a Me~~a. PhGne 210 fn I hi• """Y" "' nwn ,prl'ii)IIC'('ol "" n,,. Fl l'~hm• n nN' ll'nmlng fn•t.j ---BO•• • -D"".n. ' ' l hlllll:fl II rohhit fl'ltnl li hut II 'l1lt'~ hil\'l' '''V•_.•ral ~.;J rl...-Whn llf"' ....,,.. ,.. ~•a....,.nu--• · ' . . . n.IMoni'e PaA_a ,~ .. ~,:.. • B•alfic1 The Sl!,'t'l Man -4.2T Ntli'C'taus, Corona Mi Mar.-PIIotw 87. r•n. · naluMJI" nn 1hr•1r hnd<r:v trnm •nrl ~:.' 11' M.awell Hou•• ,.1: .,: •• ! . .-,. .. :;: IJ' lrit Coffee ~.~:~· :.:· ',:: IJ' Edw.,Cfi Corre.-:-;:-w ... tcr ~ Cnmph·tr wllh "'hl!r· t r"lll"''~ whro ,.,.11 rr•.tll~ Jll") Tht'Y .1rr Sv .. r Bde Peel 1,., ~:.1 11' Newport Karbor ~llatli"i Co. Pbont>a: 12 • 13, Newport ~ach. ~nlf i•I•V "tllii'P·~IoH · JoukdM """ \'on •.'! \':alll'hn. ('lain • C:•nh:. ('ow Five SieveP .. , .:· ~:'I' .,,_,..,,., •• t), I • ,, v,_ ''J f''"'' ''4 Nob Hill Coif,, ' · ·•:·'"''.', ~:· 16' R&r.TY •roaz-. " 1131\v 1 n p~, IW•• lhi'lr ~lou .• f' •h•l 1111• ( "fll!''"'lot. HunnH' f.l{l{l'l'1 , nne! V~ulboa Isla nd Va,;cty Storeo -5c. lOc, 2k and up. Phone 2lll·W. Ink•· IIHo'f~> lhf' llrlfi W••••I J irt' .ln.\t"r• \\o·d•"V.••flo·r·. Ni~eh ~~.:~~::: ' ·~;~ •cr A;rw•y Coffee l1 '.''', •• ... ~;·12 ---------------------...: ________ 1 On•· ro•~~<·d 1111' Jllrk 1411•1 llfllllo•tl cO:ut~try Home Corn ~· • .' JO B . . d p f . I o· thr ll!hr-f'('lllf'rNI hb Rltl'nl .. n Mr' lln•l !\If" .ltCmr•p k•rl ... l untl r .... , <•···· o .......... 0• ••• •· ..... --USIIIess an ro esstona •rectory 'II J'I••Il lh•· 11111·,·1 1111•h:tn~: lht• tlw•r d lllrlrl'll. ·'""'' an•l J tmml<'. Com '•!; .: ::·: . l ~.",.'2S Vermont .... ;d Syryp :·~:·. 14" ~n4·Haa4 f'umJture "lnttnw. P4had,... and \' t'1U1tlan ftllnd• lT.'i 1 Ncwpotl Rl\'11. Phonf' 167-W C'fl'ol:l Ml'~!l DR. RALPU .D. HOARD PHYSICIAN · 8U&O&O~ holle II U •o &UWN, eaLI ... ... ._ .... ArNde Balboa . Dr. Ocrioa .. 0..-ciJ .., ........ ~.-­..................... O.tntA .... a&~ ~ .... : ......... : ....... . ,,,. ... 11A110LD a.. Oa.&CSL c.APIL "We OuneWel 1M a.tt« ...._ ., ........ ou.n a-t• ..... " ......... a..--. Q!Ma ... I. ... ~ -. ... - ~<I ru•Jol Tht>n I ••I\\ .,,. ~n~~~~,~~~·ni'i11!~tl~·~~~~~·~~~~~ii'i=~~=~~~':~~~~~(tlll'JII'ft'~•~==~=--:=~~ -?.o:!:!!o::: --= ~ u.·Z11H:"~~ Cl u. WWtt ~- ··-···au&' "' 1 '• 1 1 ,.. T bl · c 11 '' '' J ' IDRAM M. Cl'RRJ;Y. M.D. 3 11 So ~lain StrE'f't Tf'lrphone 121U Santa AJ&a • DR. Q . E. STAW.Q LEROY P. ANl>EKSON AftOitNEY AT LAW ....... P. V.PA--I ••". ._ . ,. ...... ...,_,.I :n02 ac:.M rn.t. Newport ...... .............. ... .... ,..... ....o.....-.. b .. AU. WORK GU1R.un'ma> IIOY'S BARBO 8BOP F'o~b· at Bal~ Island NOW '-W at- ._.lid' ..... riMe ~N•w Pt.{ EntraJKoe ' ;, Nf'W'J)Ot't Beach LJ:T US. SELL ·n!' •· .u M ........ aolw~ wm .., ... }'~ ...... y .... Maituf arturers Moorings • Rentala • PAa~ .-TMIII' MD. ...., A a_..... a.... HEWB·'I'DIU .... u ..... • .. _a."...-t.._. ...__ . . Oae l~foot llldff-A-1 8bape, wHit Ouw -- --.. 56 b.p. ~ ,llutM· "'-elM. Ooaapletel)' ow.M.W --- -- -. -- -. • -1116 • ....... ' ....... "(" ·-............ : It ''"""' .. ~ "'""'" -~ ..... -~ •• -.... ......_ .... . • ----. -~- . '• . .. -.. ~.~ . ,. ~.-. .. """ .. '\ ~----..--v• ,._ e e ~¥1.11$)--,.,..~-T.ny l ime& •·,•. .." • tT '" •• ,. •• ,,,. ., ''" Or•nqe M•rm•lede .'. • ",,'.' 15 lime e .. ,., • ·. ~:; 10' S.etide L;me Be•"' ~: '7' Stolely Sp;n•ch 1' • ·, 2 ";, '. 25' EtM,.Id ley Sp;,ulf ... ' 10 OTNlR CAlMED FOODS Dia.ie Pr~"'"" • . , , .,.,... It ....... , ••• ',,. t •' f ····-· ........... , ,. ••••••• I ••••• • 'I • o (, ••• '.t •-t ' t • '' •• •• fo •• o '"•••'•"'"t • f'o•o I. Of 0 It Ou"n'a J am\ '1 1 I" '• ',.~ JO' , 0 .,.., , t "-•" I • t • ,. fit ,, tl'loit ~:··~·; ~: .... ~ ·;.: ~:···· '• . "1 ...... Str•wberry p, .. ,.,,..,., •.:~ 3!' Feftc:y Tunl ':,' .. • .. ::' .. , •. ,., 17' ,_.-----:'1._ . ...,;, :~~ ~2 s~· _--.,;;N.;.;O.;;.U.;;.;;S1;..,M,;;,OLI;;;.4, !!!!! ,,. .... ,., ...... _,.,.llilfloM \,{1 .......... , .. ........ , •••• ,.b•• ,(••·--· """"''" ,. .. ""'•· I ••• ~~, l ••. :.:· 25' • ........ v ..... ., •• •••' r .... ,. ••tt•·••"'• ................ , , ' ( .. ~., , ~\ .... ~ .... ..,. , .. ,.. ,.,_ •• ,..,... ..... ....t. '>~• ••• 0•• ••• •••\ .,.,._, th''"•"' bw-b• V•r ••"•"' G.,.._, Beby Food& . • ;.:• •• A..-...4 • .,.., Ap ... '•••• '''•'"•• Cr••"'· ... ft ... ••c. ..... , ,.,.,,., •• , '""'' ,,, •. , .. .......... lf••• ••••· ,,,. ., •• v ....... . ..... ,_....,. ,..,.,.,,., # SWefy leb1 Food, --~ .... · . ,. .... .. .. _-:,. .. ~---~,. '- ____ __.., __ ,..... I PIODUCl DEPT.' VAI.U£$ IUF ROUT , .... ···~·-"'· ROUWI lOll ROAST , ............................. . I IUF lllF POIT. 1111 ' .............. . lllUSH LEAGUE BEGINS I AJ:fllll lhho Y'''" 'l)u~h IA'"C\M hlor. but with 'mm-. t.ama .. l~f'. Crltco ~-··•fllt\f I !•• ••• •II •:.~. n · Spty "~·.::.:~ I!.'!.JJ• ~! 46' Wlw4rlft :;.::::::: !.': 41' Short•";"' :~:::·:.~·~;. ~:: t4' Flwffo Shorlt nin9 :,'! '10" 1(,..,. Short"'in' :,'= 11· :,': r W.aaole on ·;:;· Jf' ~·:~ 11• ctt •• o+' ••·:"'~~~~~,~.. .!.:~ ,cr leal FooJa Nucoe :..; 10' ::: )f' Oleom•'9•r;n• ·~·~:·• ;;• :' 10' Fi&her'a Wheat 6 enn ·~~.· IS' Ou•ler Oeh ~:.· 'If' ""..:.'· f' 01111••• ......... ,, ••• ",., •• , .. Ch:eder O•h ":.:·:~' '16 "'.::, r .... Honey Me;d Grehe"'a ~= 16' ..... _ ......................... , ....... ..._, Ritr c,.d.,. ~ 1r ·~: n · Sr-ow Rel•SM" ,,i;!'1'!, ;..~ 14' ,. •• , .......... lt't ......... I I •• • .. i wuth,it'a Credert ~': tr :..:: '10' r...-. ............. , ...... .,.. Sof+eaillr ~~~:'. ~;:;! -:.:: It' Sweflt Dow" Cele Rout I ~;: Jf' • oe.= 17' ........ - ..... Four 11· In,. tl lleiti~ ~11-. 23 ·I·. · it ..!. ~or--Military ln~ninc, ListM 1- ~-' A· lomntic "Arizona". tnteri1M County Coast . Group to Vote On Officers 'Record Winter Moorinp-At · ~ · Y Hilt Cl1~ -POint lo Iii Year •' . I • I -~ u.1 rtV~ ~ ol lf&IIIIOJt. ru... l.w\-11 ~•lmplf't.-d .t.nU tta. '11 drafte.a wbO are .c.beduled W&.ll IUinounC'cotl ycoatuday IJy 'to lC' Servace c.:lllt•f t'lcrk A J I lay miLD. <:ounty tnui<'allng lh•·. li~el\>111~ _oct' a.llo be ma~ t.n tb.e cl~ gall~. Newport Harbor u tt:ae yachting Conatructi<>o ot a con<'nott• plat- ••·n t. r uf tbe P~&c tu: Ia the fo r'm tu rt'plor(' the ohl w(l()l.l • • • • a brt-rs kflllrt l u ~ !;J\'t'll hy ~~·v. p41rt llarhl.r t'"hamlx'r l.,'urnmc>IC:I' a t \\'htl•··~ <;.,((,.,. .=-'1 ''"· H!ltll<•ft. t hut. n&Omlog. will I be ~nl tu "? ln•tiH llun atlut un •to Loll An.:rh·11 .. .-fhl' \ndut•l lnrl brtoak- ta . .<t wtlt 151' IM'rvr't.l at R 30 ·a rn . Mcmtwr il of alx . ~ncan lAg c· ,.~ "''' •• L .. •..:u ·" f'at ;,o1••i t ( rav •,,llJ "tt~ ::..ulh~ un.trli at tbc lasl l'hlllltmu m~L. Rt.,..Oill un tht• 11u•• f'AA .. r t ho· Yule party aud · ''' t ht' organ . O'atlnn's C hriHt nws hghtmg pro- 1: llllll wilt t. .. .-submllteJ llll well n• othl'r matt••n1 ur ttnu•w•L ln- l't'n!!lf. acu>r1ling to ~1!\·r .. hu·y ex · ot th., New port Ha typrC'Ill ql activ1ty aloog 1 t·ntlr•· ::>11'\\.~rt l-lar oor watt>r ------ trun~. the padl year. -. . I SLEEPINESS OF l X cvt•r 1n UU' h.istory of lht' club. · · • .,alu ~fa.nag.,r },lyt•on Bul'WI, hus DRIVER 'BLAMED lhco • lub an• hura~,;r had so many 1 ren tl'u dureng the w1n -l FOR OIRL'S DEATH u and l'lub work-A 1-.,, orrll'r':~ Jur·y at .an. lpquu t men &J'e now lnl'tal)lng 6 add •. I ht'I\J at '.thl' llurolll Gru~el Chape't. ll.onal moo1ings, Indicating •a I Cvala ~It'll~<. \Je!'lru·t'd that ap~· ~:rcaltr. aamml'r . llt'OSun Uaat l.n pan•ntlv Vulrt'nt l{rut'~t·r, 20. ot put years. . I o'rll.llgc: ft•ll Mlt•t'J! ut the wh~ Th_ls_ e~pan~1on of moo rang a.nll • uf hia (·ar whldl , raf hj,tll an to O<)&!lung I (~&Cihtit'fl, hu bc.:n noted 1 a trf e alnng .N~wpol t 81vd. 'ta~ drattcwl! ' lbroughout all anchorage ~Il l last Sunduy m o• nlng. whleh re- I \'• H . Donaltl BertrAm W..at. S •k & S • · pn-.atco m uonngll aruund the bay. aulteu w· t he dt'll.lh of .MU111 Jwae ~II r:ry Wetdt. Lai(UIH\ Bl'lll"h v :!IU. ('httrll'll trl es pares c .~? ~UOIJf'f -~~ ·".:!e:f'·~~;·;· ~te.ny yat·hts hll\' .. been eomlrag l l linexlv vf :.!02:! llarbor Blvd .. Chut•·r tk•ottJ.Hanla Ana; V 220 • ro " 0 .,... t'CI" •'·"V" 0 • tu l':.ewpnrt l-larbor. having m QV· Co · . . . I -..._, ... II • ~ (" • Or:\llll•··.. "~nrth \\'""' l'lountf'd eu out or •• th~:r n<orlB due to ex. ill& ~t'ill. ,...w...,nlf' .u,.1·ue .....-v.-ruall ..... ean tlv l9 Leilguc • 1 • .,1..,._ .. IW" .. ~wu,lntc at Jlw Udo 1 I r: 1 hi l I . Thf' )~lhCul d river Ui a nephew !'ark . V :.!46, <:.-or~· E<Jwar.l c.;e.. Wttttam Hohhotl and )'.:... -Arihur·are dclwn altove .. a--,.._ U ona -· Cubs · ''6118 on ·'' Cl)mnurc.al 8 PP ng. uf Huu' Kru~t'r of the Rank of den, Sanlt, Ana: V U5. Maned \\r~olry KUIII~' lfr" ('columbia ,..-~n rtll<·. ".\rlw na," "tuc-lil .... lie A. Pinkley :hlt . "19 ;-: !'tn!(u·1t ThPatrf'. I hu•lllang &JhJ Naval lll'ferllll!~ pro-1 Amen ca . Nt'v.purl. w ho ~1111.1 the .~11* IJal-HIYil,"l'oata Meaa : V 4:.!1. M'rMIM!d at lbr IJdu T twalrr .... ,, l'\UIHlil.'-~lun la.) .:11!1 l u1•..day. 1 tlc' <;. ~am!lay HI 413 A Oyck man HORVATH BOWLS ~;rams. • ·. ,young ml\n hns l'Pidom bfo,.n con. II-~ ~ , •---1/, Rotwt1 lll&ke. Long Beac h · V ~-rum, e..ooroc~ upon ( 'lar .. no-.· Ktulln;:l .. n h rll .. llll'. .. .. , ··I ul 1 btl asnw 11 Ku1acr :,,Jl :l.!-1 Thump!i<o:. . ~tanaJ:e: nuriUI announced-ttl-1 SC'HIUH al:·u!t' lht• 1'1'8-~h. but that -.=:..=---+-~::::_.:.....:.:.....: ____ o::...o __ -r-A._-+.;;~It;,;h.-:-.:.rr::..Y~o:-A:.:..::xr,ll;:;o~"·;....:-;:""'r.;"r.;u;T,o~II.~Aii...,_~,....._.....-k_oa--"l.m. .... .--''-4....4l~~.w.-Ui...u ...... ..a.~u~IIA-~"-l.IJJ[W.j:... t SJ 43-t B Reed 671 TOTAL TO-•htY that the ya.cbt dub'a dining h•· Ia elCl!'~·tcu ..Lud:eull:u._..._..""------.d ~~ ( ·1 uwh') 4~•ti ~:19 n Oodg.. n wou tit' cl~s(>d ,from J an 1 driver woe n ·mov•·d tu St J~ph'" 1'7tll ud ()nap 8ta. Brit.ljtet._<.:osllt Mf'BII. V. 1377. Frank Hukanlia. Nt-wport !{<·ada. 1 A, WJN SINGLES ZV to Jan. 2' wblle tbe room f• .huaplla l wath brokf'n arms aoiJ • l)t'ing repalnte.J. Alt~ratiOII>I w 1ll 1 .• h V08TA MESA v 201 3: M!kt· "•"lltlllth'%. J r . SIOII Re]IOrt Shows c.·Jy Has. Trouble :lf>-4 Tot Spot .f-AI Hnn·ath whtt won thl' hand-, 1 egs an .. ut .. r IOJu ru•a STEAKS • • • • CHlCKF.N • • • • SEA FOODS • • • • Frt>5A Frozen Vegt>tabw 8PEQAI. • Cen Beef DliiiM"r Ch men I•·. V :.!7111. Mf'l\'ln Huya.l _ 77 ·-':•4·7~ i-:.1~ 1 .• ;:,!t-1~79-77:'1-2213 ,.or~ .. t ruph~· at ~r .. r t lan.t In the Lor·.: . .>;o.nln Anll , V SOH . l..t"'n Valer4' v.-rnlf'IIIC'JI, SIOnta Ana, w.·th Yell-ow Water In Well lo. 8 2 !lt~lwrJ A mundlliJD. liiUl 't :1 Roy·~ Boarb4'r• R our y '1'1' k ~ ''" w _ n H 1ldu" ti \\'n~;ht . I : ::., • c. ~)tOOh !<IOJ:I••R o•venl Ill I ht• lt'l'<'nl hull· .:nv l••urnaml'nl ,., 6rc•,l a lnlal "' 1 71 fn r h•j.:h !<t'l'l\'11 Tht• score ,.,,_ II 1>1111\f•tl t'1111tt•r thill Wt'Pk ' tL1 ~>Ugh ·' tyJ><•~ruphl<'al t>rror rrt-ntr ; 17. J r-ph I-A.lw111 M•·· - ··Qt.att.-. Y.,lltt-wt ; 31-. A.rtlou.,..l-.-.n ICbntmuc.Jl Jnuetl, ~nnta Ana: 00. Jwtl'ph ;\lr l'lt ll•·r-.un r•·1•11 h tl•·•' iltu· Robert 7.amon . ~f!la Ana : ~.7,' In>: lh•· I''"' ~··nr h·· '"'' ln rl Hobert J lly Milia. 1\u•l n : 6~> .• Jnhn n •oultlt· v.llh )•·III•W ""'•·r 111 \\ •·II J ttk Qulnt nnt. Sunlit A na Nu. R, whtda mllfl1• 11 m••·•·'"'"'} Replac.menll 111 !<rill utr r••rllaln ~• rain un•l 1'1" ; V 986.' Gordon Davia, CCJ!la J <1UI'I' lh•• d l!<('hur.:1· Nttiuclty (rum 1 Weaa. ST. R&lpb Hoyt Cul!Uill.na, J:..'OO "' 750 .:pm Whll(• lhls •ttu- II .... ,,. ~!1:\ ~:t~l :\1 DH.:l•l .L.-....oo Lr. ...w. ~ !.ti ] .Jl .;p:u n.lliA W lftnl J'an 4 H ~!l ::'11. Ut:IT'Till 1 , ltH 111 IV I • • 11loACI11 Alii(· H. :.torl'llillll [J!flj • [):!i A W9ile '' 1 1"2~1 •h •II '"" "'." r It) ('nn· 124 Tot. :-;pol. '.an" •·' :•1'1:1 •• ,r I''"'· whtch I 71i;t ";t:H;7~·:.!:.!~>o•l 7!"•1>-il i·ii~-2:: .. !1 pe.l•· h1r:h '""' 1~ unl'xplulnt>cl. · N J 1 •1 1 . 'I£ 1 l'ol J . '"' "'' ,111tf .,,ell t•nnl t'nl arc ~ t>te . u n tl~ l uu u w t• r.u ,, 1 1 t 1 11 · · '"'"~ anJ Rob11 ma rk"t muat roll "' 111' ·'1 ' "' -~ •' w n· 1" !'0 t'Vt· t ,~ >crl bl•full' Monua or •t•·1wo· ol "'" "''l••r· o1· oll wcU 11 .r C'!l' Y flrorval~ ar tu.lly h<'v.'lr•d a ' ""'lea that. tAJlalt>ol 60~• pin>!. aver. , :•.:1111: h..th•r lh~tn 200 pln~J per !(lllllt' \\"1lh thr atll111111n of hl!i Hll pin 5J'Ol. bu• '"·nrr• n10unt£'tl to 671. -I'IIO~t: 15M - t'ontmuous Sh(1w~ Satunlay• 11nd Sund:1ys (rum I :45 \\'t•\·k Ua)S rrom 6:·15 C'h)ldl"f'll, 'Any Tlmco, I Oc- • Saturday • • ...,..,...,.. soc. 60C. 75c~ Phone S. .......-una J.k'&Cb; 114, Mumaj nlum hall not )t'l •·xll'ntll>il 10 Wl'tl Aa&m-.R~. 5&Jit& xna. No . , a....-r.< lo•ltrlul0 I ha l al "''') 1 101. ~ WUii&m Mc.-Eiroy. lA· I' a nd V.IJulrl Ilk•' 111 r•·<'~LJ•··· "' r·.- httn•• tnrru .. lon. ln Oldl'r to ~Jiew ,rorf,•ll 4 polnlll .. rl\1' 1\1',1\5 rll.lh <m till' jJIPii'iil • ---------=-·------~-....Q.-Ilo~.U;........IIIiol-.....,.W..--'l-n•t-.l.,..j~-a-H--•br-ulltlrt-1l-,.-rn- l\\" \\•·II· r \\".~11 :-;0, 7 i:< 8 amall' . Wd~.cl;ay LNgue ~H. )olor riiiOn 6 1 TT . ' .__. 1 ~· lkaf'h ; Jll. J ohn Woodrow I:: llll'h W••ll U•Pfl rur irr igation BomM,.. Klnafather 4Z o .. mett. Nnwport lkapi: 1_311. Ar· 140. HalfCr. Balboa' Hnh 1. :'-lr i•ali•'rl'On ~~~ anldoul to MWt.•n 41jJ 439 ;"ur OeWhltt> Lew\8. Santa Ana; 1 tlrtll !1 '"'\' Wl'll at 11n f'lltlmattd Clark ,~,., "' fooom ~ to $-1500. • L. Boomtr 530 ·n~·· , ... niltt wn nC tht> 12-ind'a Stt'vt>nil 4 H .•' ,, , '"''" '"n'" ma10 hn been. pt· Hlllh•!!!ll•· t •n~ •t~>:HI1Iy wn n.l' dU!· tn cor-~'~"ltln en lh•• lll'lfl soil. ~tnd lt ,IR i ll!•·-".!1·7,7-241 0 ---------~.lJII. ..... lW" w J>UPlp--QV .. r 1200 pl-· • Unltut ""otora '''"" t••r mlnlllf' thr0111:h 11 wit h· Thnr. 1'""11 430 , IIIII t''t'VI'fitn~ 90 JlOUOd.'< MIIV~ I 8 Jo'ry 4!:)8 . 111•''-'llr•·. h<•ynnd w hiC'h II~ faJI· 388 L. W right H7-f-11-IS31\.:!4:!6 423 F. Stieve . 402 St. Cicero r Mi.Qic. Chef 384 J . Ut laeoe ll. Fink J09 442 492 K lnatatht·r Thnmpl!On 343 3::'>1 68 Tot. Spot l"lr )"lna r<l 4'~!1 339 72:-.-1:w. 11 :?-21!'>7 Lllct-3911 390 Pen _Club H Caldwell <li9 3i•9 5-43 A Horvath 466 P. Norman , 71 ~-1-?4-724·22 16 ORANGE COUNTY'S . ecrBB P£.4CE TO ClY' n...,.. m···" lw'<'onw P'l(t'l'l'l!lvc . At th.la *- "''"ry rail' It IS not pos.•dblt'. to k····p up v. il h f ht> r~nk !Wmandl! m ,.,. th•· suinmf'·r "'N>k·<•ndll. and "'"f'"'olr _~;tora..:l' l!l rlrnwn down I•• rl:an~rous limlt11. Thla Ia an ex· S • ft••••. •c.---....pay-Me" ·~Jnee ........ -To l'taJ .... "'""-( .......... . l!ftda Tolfterrow ·1a at.. •a••· 111 .._., Wiaea and Llqaar ,_ Sale at ATIAN'nC OOAII'I' 1..0118ft& DINNI!& tiM T\I.TL& llftA& DINNT.& tiM i DIU.ICAcu:a OP TIR DltEP IIF.A .--L• I I ,. r,nw . 1-.M een &WI c ..... o.,-o ... ...,... .... . hMIIe ....... ..... or--.............. ~··· ..... .......... . ...All.,._ ..... .,.......... ' _,,,,.;;(Iint;tfy pr('('arious rond itlon., and 11 i!< Imperative that a nt'W fort't. main of lal'fCer capacity ~ bulh.j A llnf' of 20 or 24-lndl" dlarnl'tb is estimated to c011t $15.000. j It l5 l!et'n that the'dty f.c. •I mlnlmam e~tu-r. ~ -.ooo Cor plplo lint' and w.ll to eo..~nu.l I the p~t>nl Mllv.ry sy.tf'm, or, •1 an allt>matlv~. ab<Nt $115.000 f.-t a WPII And thl' l"f'louted ~rl ~AUL MUNI In "'HUDaGN'I eAV" .... HORO& aAND&fll 1tl '-.AINT IN ~A~M lt'RINOI" ...., ..... L T-(.lea. 11·11) ...T&"'NALLV VOUflr . .... -HOUI&'nAOfiOM TH& .AV'' ,...,. Neaal•· IUcJtard CarlaOft "NO, NO NAN&TT&"• elM """ H ........... l!lien Or-"TI!XAI AANOI!AII ' JUDI! AOAIN " .,.....,-.. -. -,-• ....,w~.;.~ -tJ•"· 1t ·21) o .. ,,. ,,..,.t-Aftn Sheridan . . ·-t •• Me .,....... Me -,., -tl .• SAM'S nsa· --ron I&A rooD 8Wbl • plant Rnd di!W't dl..~ha~ UM •' ~-.-.:!---!---J~ditl~rf' --:-tflptiiiM""L-a:-'AAi•Jw-.~ • pr'V'wd in.. Uw. '1938 P. W .A a...-I 8'lltAIII:D ClAMB !: w -=a·,_... tnaaeM-0,.. turf A. I . plication Nt>ithl'r of lht-w ~Xj)fft-~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ffi~11 w ill tak~ ~re ~ ~~~~-4 pntl'd d<'mands for mo~ than a • *'I'YB ~ OYBR- ALL 'HRBB LOW• 8BF PRICBD CARS AND-" fe.w )'e&n at the .P.~nt rate !1!1 Rf'OW1h. On IOfl ot.,fhi11 a. wrlft 01 drv Yf'3f'll would probably ,end 1W ~,;,,;r tsbtr tx>lnw thfo law of •• al' l'UJ:Itt'llled hy''Mr, UpP~ncott, with II pos.~ibiP JC>!<C Of t)w ~tire ct1pply fmm !<All lnlruJJon. La. o( fhf' E'ntifl' sy!ltPm migtat f111il)' rl('('ur in rn~ nf n !WVCrt' f'arth· quakr alnn~t thl' l nt.:lrwood fault. It i!' quill' C'l'rf'llin that UK' t~ r•nrthqunkP h1111 •nml'thinlt to do wilh the ~n, .. ~ !'r ~,.w~_rt !Wach ..,.:,•li s .. n· Rorth11rl1 Sl I'('Pt. 111'\'t'IOflmPnl nr An rntl~ly n.- "nurw nl l'UPI~ •>n -thr. _,14·A~ t rnrt 111 llunl zen..:••r and F:~irvl.- 1 A\'t•nirr!> wn~ ••<llmatf'd hv Mr. 1 1 Pntt•·r,.iln in 1!"1:\4 In "'""' $1~1 .000. nwr•• i~ a ~lnt:l•• 12-inch Im p · tirn >4 1'11 11n tht< pn,pl'rty at the pr··~··nt lir~·· pri'Yhwi nt: wn1rr al 11 l'il l1~far1nr~ qu:~hry l'otr. Patter- PRICED. TOO u•r<l l!nw••\f'r thf'rt' is no e'er-c.... 11r 1 tninlv ''"'' lhr ll!lllr ra;rnund w atf'l' ~8~r•..!_. C!•la ..... Mal '«"ft~!\ ""'" )'1Md llftjiWMl'f ..... , • s~ I th1• qu:tnlily of \\•tfl•r n-qulrt>d to . . . · * I mccl th•· l'ily'"' pr1'"4'nl nr fuiUrt' clrmnnct• II . i.• :.ns1 Jll\~1hl•• That' n hl'a\'\' drnfr in thi~ locAtio~~' wnulrl rlr11w tn J'W'Or qu:alit y v.:ster. Th1• h 1•1nn· n( Wf'll< -1n lhi\ \'ldn· Old• 1,,. 1< .lfl•" ·.,lll'h A< In ln"'JIII'(' ~ ·s pr~~ bel,in •t ll~5) for peel•/ Sur B uaan,-6 1 C I fulfnl'f' m th1~ ro•t••nliAI ~0\1~ ol Seden ...,...._ oupe. • ;;upply II -..... ~~• •t•rt., 1 898 °d 1 I d .,,,.,d --·L•natnlf lfh h. e-I tT n Rfo r onr lll t I St•te IIUI, optiolt,T-<' •ll•n. 1 ~ __,.aao · ~mrnt r_.c t Cl b L d .._... WM. (Jan. II). .u>a&RT TAVLO" II> •tr~tiGHT COMMAND" 111M • "MICHA&.L. .IHAY'fl, ~IUV¢'TI! OI!T&CTIV I!'' F 0 X PULLDTON . .-.-Ml · ---T-( .. t .. -4aft. •1 NTH II!~ OF" .AODAD" .. THI! -~~ICIC" .. ,.., Mo .... Twu. ~J•"· 19-21) NLOV~ THY N~IQHBOR" •••o "I!ICA~It TO OLORV" w;;:-, ... ,. . -.J~~ "ARIZONA" -a leo • -"i'O¥" MOTHI!R.I" In "HONI!Y.MOON "OA T H"II,I!" "•o "Jaeklt coooar '" ' "GALLANT IONS'' 'FOX A~AIIF.I:\1 Mu•n,. S80'! ~ En•• tor'-'t rfv , .at .. '": ·•• N•~e .-o OL.ORY" •. ,0 "F'OUR MOTH[RI" '""· to Wed. tJen 1t.!ft "SA NTA F"E TRI\II.. ...... "WH~R~ 010 YOU G£', l ~4T t",lnL." . . T"II•L, f'rl •• lat. IJon. %3 lSI "ChAO HAI'o'-A ' • .. •• o "ROMANCE lOI ,. n10 Q,.A ... OE ' 1100 . Mon • Nite ISc ••~to It ,.,.•-utra. Pric-,., ~n ~ U ·~ en ...=. -·~· ~ll.Utot.,~--JL.-if--~-u .•••• ~ National -----+.._.. I Def~~•e Problems RPIIIr!'ln~ wtth "1 I'IC'Artr llnok nn nAIII'nAI rlrfrn"" ancl-..t- rrn ntftatr!\. \trrr •~vrrtll nftiC.'\1 r•f lhl' 0rllllJ{P Cr•unly f'ell~ratloft of W1'ml'n·~ C"1ul1JO whn lltteadecl l lhf' Soaithr tn .!'t~trlrl btlftnl I'!IIMt· 1 in!!' F'riiiRy In Cllllf'alrlll. Imperial \'11llry l"lh•trtrt ChAermRn •>f AmmiU..I lnok part In lhr mt'rt It ,. ... aD· r.nunl'l'd tfu1t Mn• Thnmu RADII· a ni!<. still ~ f~l1r~'n lll•n presldlnt.j • '111111 bt Jlf'tl't'nt 111 tbt nc-xt .-- ~~~~!~ tnJ[ or thP Sr>ulhc>rJI •ll<trtrt dlcla I will n >m ·rn• at· Sht'r man lD6aa InstltUtl' at Rh·l'raad~ QG MAI'Cb 2& ~o\\· TO TllllR!4., oiANtr,un: !S I~ ..... OM. Adult ,_VOL ... 1001-NIGim Get One Now, ffleft Clftend loolr·Nightt reglllorly ontl obtcMII "'-COMplete .... !odl 'fOI· 111M ,Ia 10U" for,"'-Sp.dol ~ • ,_. pl.-loolr·Ntoht Certiflcat-. ....... -k.,..c....._,.._. ... .................. ~- ;TEACHER ANDERSEN 1IS NQW A FATHER Rov "Anuv" Ara.lcrsr11 111 not only La \I'O('h ('l :ll lhc Nl'wporl l-larhor L'nlon liiJ.:h S t•h t¥'!1. bart hP 111 nnw 11 f11l11r•r. ~lfn to Mr . r111u ~1r11. And.·riK'n We<lrw~ay, Jan. li•. 1)·3:;. p m .. Will' a b"bY girl. Tht• 7 pound. ti o!w~:u yuung. ~tc-r ho11 bl'en nanal'l.l Margaret Louise. J.l r11 llouten •• ,.!'' the 11ls1 er ot ~Irs Jo:l\81jtn. . Movrng today tn a nl.'\\ lnt:atlon on tht Balboa pl.'nlnauln are Hr. , antt Mrs !-loaner Lockhart whn v.-111 ha.-e Octan Annur on tbetr "PlUDE OF 'fll£ COUNTY"' LIDO Theatre Enh&!"INI to Udo ble Prtc-ea: Sl5c: ·.' %~ • I Oe ~'bon~ ~fU .WY COOPEI - -LEINE CARROLL .. CICIL B. lkMILLE'S lORTHWEST 'IIOUITED POUCF • F•r•l ~~~a Associ1tion lelps 1 -Ove "110 Peo,le Sec•rt-lomes : llur NCc'c:h•m•~ ru·c lt•umll!g .in tnt' ,•;a>mt.: {lllntho•r-:. that tho·~ can lx •I th1•1t "" 11 tnll'r,·~l:. b} NEW~.RT BALBOA NEWS.'l1MES, N~ BNc:h. ~bt'nla. TUl HSDAY .• JANl.IARY l(i, ln.ll. n.~···•·l.-.1 irt lho• II I I~·• tiVII\' ,,ht<'h tho•)' c:IITidi 1111 il'n 1111:' funol• U• "<J I hal \\C' n • lit .,,,111 11. I , ,1, .H ol.lllo "' ·' )>ea...;, a~:o. u041 mor.· I han 111 lllt) llll'n !'an ht•lp n•·W rt•!<ui('lll!-''' lk'rv••·•·• --• ~., Of' II•• "" 1,, 1 , ,1 i ",.111,,111 l f th • ·nlll" C"llllllll\'s 111 turn I.H•c·oow I e t'\JStonwrs o · SClENTI • · • , ~ liE 101 OF UfE. .~ H..tp~na HaM ,.... u.e ...,_.. Trou!*-ul II~" year in thl .. llll'rtlll ,\ fill);•'" J)o'r· :ll'ttum• lmnws :111rlh tho,.,·· 1'•'-"Ht.•nt~of _ • _ ~ FIRST .CH URC~ OSTF CHR liT Of a bonth ,., II " ,, 1 II.• 1 1 hal ,",· ,"1 1 1111~•11•1•1•1•1•1•,•.',',. ",',",'.,~:1•,·~ 1·1•1•,~·~~ 111:'',,",,: cent&l:f' '· 1 • ' '~ -1· h ( llllhll\ \ !oot n. \t' : t'lll t:t 11 J'"' ••r peo1•1•· ' "" 1 "" '"''" ·.:. .. ~.~J savin~ and_ t .. mn. r.m:uw tnij wtl't 1· our mt·n· .lnt.,. . 1,1 ..... 1• 11,,. 4111,,,.,., 111 111, • u:z· .t-:ut L~tral ,\vt'nm• ; •-.-. &a u 141, ,. 1 ,, 1,1,.,.,. ,,1 ., W H\' IS A WOMA-N J"•lou~ of. "'""1.-ol I'"'' wh<l aN wltb.~t • ,,.... '" "' ... .... t '*,;~ ,f th•• t~'"'' t;,1n cu1' a th · t... k 1 til'!' Wt>nl into n.•w t"tlO"I'\I('tiOn Ill 19 .. 0 t'uDCia 181J.M! f .•.• ,,.,,::.rlliolll o)ll :-'1111(1.1¥ Ill nil ' Nt>wport !Wacb f'lt't'traclt )' 1:11' ..... ; , .. , ,, io\1 Ill·· 1\•'1'1 11' 11·1 '"'~'~""' olhl N()T ''''''l'V'· ..... II 1'1/ hy;o llDil lbye to 1~0 than nt any 111111' ,.llll'C' l~:.!!l. ;-,;,." motto•~ tn\···~11'<1111 thil' an· 11;111 '"of t'loli~l . r'•·to·ll·li·l 1'1"' A l)rllt\lh 01( 1'11\' Motht!r t'h\lrch, u.-ebuto•• 1,, 1., '" "''' ,1 lolr 1111 "' """''~ '"'1"1 ~ "'" 11 llinl l\" It '""'"""''"'''' uno t•th•·l 1 ...... ''"''" nthl'r A hmnf' aho\ild about onP·t hlnl nr 1111 h~n-. nHHill l>l 111111110 in 1940 t otallt'd s.AA.· .: ...... II 'I'\ I I. I I oil II Ho•l ··l.lllull . "I Thl' 'I-'tnt ( 'hutt•h or Chr llt, I cocnea baa k I·· I "'· 11" '"4~··' ''1 11" ,,,.,1 ~1 111111111 IIIIo( '\II ' I ho• I hnlh "" n rt• tlmt. h•• , ... ,. ......... , 'l'lllt'r, hilt f'nuutth to caso• li5'· o1f 0111' 194() loun :15:.1.:1:.!. Off~l'ltlng thi. J;:ttin pur-\\jJ IIIIo• lll~l) """ llt.il IM alhl r~l S<'lt'nltat, In lio3ton. AlaN. )C!p!l'llllll. II '''" ,, '" '""' • •II•• II· .'''1' IIIII "1""11• 11'"' ,,, l•!•·fo•lfo•ol \1,'11 w IIU' IJilu:r .unr..rtnt ... '" h!IUI'I1 ' ..... ~ ~»wiMI----_, ... ___ fm"'1U'1w fllhlCIIIKitWii. \hilly ey «JtlttiiiiW'Itls wMMt \\'N't-+-nr-fTI\"'"Tf11lnlnln o t lhll '""".,.or lifO I • Suucla)' ~rhool llllf'30 •. m .tcantntri. \ •II '"' lllili/o•l1 ~···fl.···-( .llorTCi al~ll ........ u.u \llll .,,,lll'l!' ,,,r r•'ll '~'l c• J '' r,.,, 114\1 lhr ft\11'1'1)' f>c'rltll~ll tl'laUC)tl CtlanJrd Loc·al M\alu• nnrmul an must of th1• m. onth~ a nrtl r,. •1) Ito• lh.n u~t•n· .. :owlh 8hall Sun11ay Sf'rvtcf' at II n m . \\'tod· ... ., fill '1'111'1"'1-: 111"'"' r 11"'' 11 '''*'''1""' u11tv' ItA\<' I'""""""" \•• '"' J•'"'""" \'1'1 ""'" ""'' \'011 ctudJtnr your • ' • • '>00 • ' I 11111'1' I nil II I tl I Ill b~> Ill ' ' . . liiO ID-v 111~ >l•'11'"1~ llllol olrua.; t 1' ·k I " 11 \0 It • " •u l n j 1 Fill· ' ,. ' ' 11 b nlwavs i11to·n·~tln~ It• II:< whad• totRII\'<I $23.o>c>0.60. nur nl't . 1 1 1 ''""· 1111 11 1 nl'atlay Tt•lltlmoo lal Mcotollntt al 8 l I' " . '11 '·" ' ' " ' "' " \\.l•ll\1111 ""'"''ly '"'''"""" '"'''" vrry ""''' h t·l"w• bfoc'l\11111! "''"'•· • to noll.' thrtt 'w tor to I hi' tin. w WI' l:flln 'in ~nvl'r's and invl'stors' cap·,li"•l. ''11'1 ,"•·,~h ·.'1 1, bt ~ 111>'1 111 1 11 " 1 111 m · Rcadmg Hoom, tl" t'f'ntr. 1\1 :t= \',~1 '".~r1 ·lt '"1: 11'''1'"'1 11"' ,,.,.,,.11 •1'"l1"" 1 'oil••..:•· '• 111111 """' hu~tuonol ""'I hta I*"""'JO 111m,. In thl'lr hnu~f'. Y••u mtrhl -. 1 · l't 1 "W '"''A ,.,3 ... 2 ''\'!'ra"t' 11u1• c• 1 ,,. .1 '"' c 1111 nn1 n I .. · I ~ ""):' •• 1 lul,lillhfiiiiO nllllo•t•· of I !IT\ \\'11~ • 1 1 11 Olltanizl'd. ttus eQt n• .cnmmumly I a as """·'"': . o. , or a n .. . b . rluol•·~ I h··~·· "'I •·A from Mill ho•w . A"'' , uprn fl'\111 I t o • p. m. ex. that tiM f'+'ut•lo· "''"' Ill'"' n .,. I II It I . . I ",.I•· ,,,n.t ••f I "'I W""'"" ""'' , "" """~'~"'" -was not cont:iiiPro'll rtt·~irahh• R~ R 111'1 I: IIIII of $.')400 flj'l' tnonth. ''And." ht'll J• .u: "nM tonlf'rt'd Into. Ct'llt Sunday• Gild hulhll\\'8. _ _.... .. t>v .. ry ,,, 0110111 Q I 0 I "'',·~ ''r'111'"", I'll'\\ lfl ','"'",' ~·:t "' lf'ol I•• hf1flhlrn ""' llfr whtlt' . \'fttl hll\'f' ""''.r .,.A, hf'r but -• 0 ... _ ... ,.. U1 1 . . '" .,.., I -· • a.-vw '... •• Jh ••I t ,,, ~ '" I U1 •• \'tl):•' '' t H~· ,,..., f h .. .__ }GaA ficld. by otutA>o. c_..~a·· Ttw 1'1'<'.4>1pll< o( nPW mortl'Y Wl'rt' t'lll"'f'llllllftl lhl'ff' l'lntf! unto him Tht' public .!a Cl)rdllllly• lnvhrd I.'Ount fOI' 1111 tho• llllm , l'lllll 11 I I I 1;.1 ft'r1 hii!Ohllli•l -.1\JO itWIW t'l\ IUJIII· h•tr ""'' f'IU' t't urC&IIW Of A ance Compallll'S and utho•r< who from both olc1 mPmbf>rs aoc1 n••w a t't'fiiUIIIJI;, lll'o•·•·•·h lnc him A11d to atttmd lht> IH'rvlct> and UIMI the I Or do th .. \" n•~ ,r 11 .,~:-( 111 "11~ "' to~; .:•~111111 ' 1u 1 '~"'"" ;' ·" 1111 "' "" Th•• "''' l••lk11 hrw r kr pl I hi• WII'Jif'l.l tmAifln•tlon. pven a t that t ihw wo•rr o•n~.t•rinl: on!'s, Obviously Wt' ha~.. s pl'('arl J:•)·tu.r, lAIIII, '"" l!el'\'lfnl ll;lb at Rt'adang Room . f you Wnk. In 1 ;, 111 "1 ,.,,., ''111 "1'1''11 1''' ',"r k"" 1 "' '"''· t• "'""""'I' "I'~ \\'tw oo'tmulol th••:v I toty a•lvk'•; ·1•. murh Into tile the fil'ld thai ro~·O\'f'r a hundl't'rl both our snving s Rnrl our lPnding lfom~> ""'" ut '"" 1Jii(8)', r;rlf''fOUIIh' -~'------· j .. _........... ,1,1111,1 1 ,~ 111 ' 1 '1 1 11 '11 '11 "' "1'' 1"' 11 ''" '1"'1 1 1 11ol\ ~ ,. ,,., ,,,,. n•lt ·~··•u•,. to Ilk',. h•Rt,.. nf thNII' nlr• old people d .... ·"I I' ld ron • t •l A·' J > llb t n .. .....,.., ~· u·'•' IUUJ' w tr•••• '''Jinu t ... , .. , ... ltUt '•''' .. )•ears ha uo.•t•n S('rVt-u >~ >lit llljl. '''1'\'tr•• an 1111' rommuntl\' siJblotRn· ltfll ''· llu t 8llft aa uno CHRI"T CH URCH BY THE lEA 0 • .,_ r " · . . 1.,.,,1,,,, nwr o•l\• ,..,,.,.,., ... ynur •"n JUtol ""ll fnr "" tnlro.lu~;_Uon to i · I t J Ill <J h 1 bl Tb • ' 1•n ~ '·'M"• 1"1 •• """" ""'.: ·~I II """' ··•a:wh••• 111 l'llol "•'11'· • · Savings and Loan A~l'cl<:tlll nns. unlly rn th<' t'our;;l' of lh!• Y•·ttr ju~t. 1 01• " <'0111" ao "" Dl. 'I Re~ E 0 G--"'-11 paetor -•A-... 1 1 · /\I 1, " 1·• ... 1 hllf'l"'lill In mlltr\··,.,mrhu.ly f'h•,.~ lhla thrlr frh·nol a nd your bue-• . I ' . ro . r ••ntutiun •n~"··t••d •nd a&I<J IAlld •. . . -' • -~·-r.. '1.1111: •ll• 'II IIIU ...... ""' . . •• Shortly aftl'r WP ?rJ:8nl71'11 and r n,.,Mt; NPW money .I'Cl<'~l\' ~as I am ont "orth)' that thou ab~ulll .. •t I Sunday S<'hool. 9:30 a . ID. Thee, II (hu•h• "I"'" ,.,.,, Hh .. llo, k ·'''"""'" h:thl.: "'I " ,.1u•nl II Ia t~r•••••ll" •11•1 .klrul In t•k•• t1A.n<l • frtco_nol gave to our commun~ty th<' :wr. tCf 1:\1 p<'r C't'Ol l:rt'!ttcr 10 \cllum(' ror I romo• un<ll'r rll) root· but ept•ak tbf' SuuoJay Morning \\'orahl~;>. 11 fora JOU ~Ill h lito 1\ .. a, 1 ,,. ''"" l •~· .. r·il ••I· :• tl:l foot 1 ho• lutlf 1111k, '"\. '""'''lt' rr•"t"l.e •n•t .,, ••untr\. I Jl'ah~u.~y Ia Ilk~ a al!ot'ploo Ia it so son•ly nl'i'd<'<i. nil bank' and tlw full twPI\'1' months than In 'tl'urd only, 111111 UJ)' llf'nunt eh•ll be I o'clock S"""tlll mu.llt.' Choir aD· aR clrtvlnu ""'" 1 , 11 . 1· " .1 ,1 II ,1 1, /\I ,1 ,1,,1.1 t',11to· '" .(hr •In tr ,.( '''"'"'" ""'' )'"lll hri'M•I ("1111 I )'IIU lw-rc¥\-. I t l!r\9 . ··--I ... "' ,, 1111 · \ lh 1 I ollh ' 1:1 • ..., I t I ht' .,lt14T. n ( life msuranc<' com pan f'l; OJ'l('Mt • . :--. bfa~ •.. Autl. J o ll.lll ll'lld unto thf' I lht~d ae -. bor -.on h.:ht~ "t~·ll ""I "'~''''' ""''"''''' "' lh•· flla ml• ,.,.,,,.,. ,a.ort '"'''" otul "'" ··~ l ""t .,. "" ... t ,.hll • I'll n r mua yqu in thP Soultwrn Cahromia . ' \\'I' tel cla\•tckncli' or :<nml' $10,-' ('o•ururlon. l:n IIi) "41~. ""'' <iillhnu lntt'rmtodfate ·-. ' liJmosf ~m t'{'Jll1:0n. Lt'nguc'•, 6 r . m you I, J\111.,;1•· \\ "' .j 111 l111o( •II \ I iilllo.wk ,11111 Jilt t.. ,JolhrhPII deCided that th1a~l ou1r ('Onh\OIIliOfllldy, r11r lhdl' :l o· I llll'C . .t\IIIJ Ill~~··'·"''""-h•al~'ol Ill Evenin• Wnn~blp. 7:SO ,p. 111 lette,..._t;A•n-; Ill lhu• lnt~ol .of ""'' ,111,,1 1111 roll'-lo•n••w· 1111111,, "" 1 (' ~r y ' 'I~ ~ II' J0 ""--"-I I h I tlu• ao•lt•:rtuP )lh · .. "' -. ~ ~ t I I f WaB 11 Jlilr 1 u. " , , l'l" •" • -an u•,t>m .... ·r , .; I!' rt u ''" Qua.rt•t muaic and wnuon. ,-...-....-. t h•·ro· 11111,.1 1 ,111 ,11, 11,,,·1<"' ~ uur '"~'''"" "''"'" ,.. nr,. r I \\ (' nm h hod our I I f 4 l ....... Lo >•Uil ,,., ''"" pr .. " II" ftl"• • ·"--"ff' ... It It'll or . oano;. ('II(' ll ' I .... a,ni~l\1':11 lll•r<tlo'O tWrC'o'".· "''" 1'1' .... I I 1 ,, II., •. Miol.\\'l't>k P ta\'t'r l'\rr \'kl', \\'C'd-di'DI')' to .. , •• , •• nt 1'.1111• l'l.\:1 ...... lho• ''''"·" \Ioii i "'"'" '"" , ..... ''"'""''' .. , .. , .... o•lllll inltaal purpo~ nf forcm.,; n•cv~:· .,., hlo'h ha,. l;,..,•n t hl~ 10~1 IIUIII'" ~ ~·., 11, ,. ·;, ',, ,; 1 . , •· :llo•l nNlay c·ovo>r-dla·h dinner, d :2G. 11 11~·po.: ll~:l !" 1 ;, , . .,..11,,.., ''·"'" ,.,.,1 ll' .,1 ,1101 '" _, ut h••r ,., ~'"''"'"'"'r. "'"' llf'VI'r nition or the• SOUndnt•l'>; or OUI' l;antl l'o'W,U~i ill \t\0' lhrtfl\' ;mc.J tho• In' ltl':illh \\II '• 1\o \ 1, I ,, , I • ' ~ 1\IIO• l,olo I ill'olll~ill till' J.:l,ol folll' llli'lill"ll h1•1 11111111' lu 1110' 11001\ \\h10 \'alu~ una thC' !'UIJ'\t:\Jllllilll~ or \l''ltur.< fllr th(' IKI;, 1:.! month~., L)' .\1:11~ ll •h·• . ' .. COSTA SA COMMUNITY I To. frir I ,. I l 'alot~ loolholl ,, .. , .1• .... l'lol\o•d "'' tho • "'"" """l\10 lh'o ""'lllkr ... hrr our communil)'. ul)On th•'''' who '!11u."'' '"" """'''' thl' 7th and Mth I ~ .. .-.,,,,,,. f.,,.., 1,, 1. 1 ,, 1 ,1, ME HURCH ~"ranee: "' 111 ·" '' , ,.. "'''' ,,11., r~o111, ;tllol 111 r-11111,11111.1 1 Thill " "'"' nn.t· ,...Jl'"" ,.,~ 11i'i'l.'h in t ht' '""~I hafl l.:ry'll'l'd II" h ttd tlo•· rlinM'<'UI 1\ t' dt\'ldo•nds Jklld hy ~ llllr ,;1 111, 11 11 ol ,1, 1 C 11 I I l lloo" I 1 11 t• .,... J\&lt, & l'tllt•-hoot 1 ,l fl' flfnl lUhl t \ f\1\t'l 'lf ) 11t'll \ l\l'l l h1t·~. \\,I' lilt 'II tit "'tttlt rr ., I .C • C'linl'd to rf'('III:Oi!r• llllr mlwro'nl tn'llllltiOO. Tlli'H' itr .. Ill\' lllf'J.:P:<l \ '"''· ,,:, •'·''"'" 'I ' II Rev. A. c. Abbe, Mlnl•ter I u..e I ol.i\ Olllt' I fto\,4 "'"r• """"•nolilll: •1.11 Ill lollll (o•rloofll'\' • oom t•t .... :-""'' "•"' a-n ·snd growing !'tilhihty tfivido>mi c1io.;bur nwnW.. '''I niJulc 1 luo: ll.l-.lll:>u Lui , 1 -·· Surula\' B1ble SJ.b.ooL 9:£> a.. m, n r""""''1 t .A 1' -. ,... . • f ll I 4 -;-.. -~, -~·-· \\'urllhl)l St"rvll't', II a .m C'..holr liltJi"" ... at. It '"'~ >• ~o:•-.1 ••I \'uUJ I'Till \• .or MlltiVDttng . ConC'Urr!'l'ltly, w r ·nfW'Ot"" UIJ tn by rtw A""ll\'JUI IIIII, I filii"'"" of\' r I ,~ "'•"',.. • "' ., k I., l:u;, ;. .. ,. AI lo" "'· '"'" 'I"''' I"·'"' In I ''I"''''' '""'' '"' nil' ''" tho• ~"''" OUr own' c•lfil.t•O!-:and IIHIJII'I'I" . H•'"''''"'''' \\hid\ art' n ftn:arwial 'l'hl1 unolPf'llllll:lllc • •I• "'" ••r:w nntht'm nnd llpl'l'lal musk. Pllator' to u utto 1 Mtu>o 1 r 1 111 b 1 ~ d I I I I 1 1 I you lm-· ltr 1 1 11 • lit<lioll'. ••~•l l•.·oll '' ''.'·''' 111 t it" L' .. '· .'"'' ,.., l•lll• '' " "" wo. 11 .• ownl'rs a sa.fl' plat\' '"' tho·ir In· •n~litUIIvn·,. I'X tra lJul\\a rk o[j •.n ll':t s 1 ,'' •I• '· 1' '' 11 1 • !1 ~ aermon. v"· 1~ 1 "'111" ,.,.,. •· ...... _ . r 1'111 'n··•k UA 0 11" I ~\Ill•' .. ' .. I t dl t rri-·At' 0( l'llt'r•'\' ,,, I'''~,,, Qtt•· h·~·· ool l'tu'llio' ""····· , ... "·" "'"' -vl'slmt•nt and !:nvtn~ runc1~. wh.•r(•· "'fl'ly i11 ulldition to m~urancc o --11·,, .. '' " "' ~"· '· High St h11ol """ n erml.' a e .,..... "' •· ·• ft 1 1 c :"''"'" tu th.. 11 o ~nalacn · , _ _. 1 } Ia &ft ch11rK•' "' lh~ ""'"·,11~ at l·••ll•·•ll ho•llni' olli• tll<'lllil•lllll th••1 by t,hf'y could t:;aan un•urpOI:-o.~f·d ucl'nunls, .,.,.,..... mc-n •a,......, lY · Uague11 6:3() p. m. . HOt.& d• P~tlrtl~ nn.t ' , ... ,., "'""' 1 \\ 11,,.. '"'" 1,1 ,,111,.1.,.1111 t • .,11,,..:,•• """"' '"' . N•••·t•"t ll~t.:ht.a tbl• safety combmt'<i w ith ?'ai.Hl\•c•·thL•· S:l:.I•IR.:l5 or a llocat ions frnm the CHURCH NOTICE F:wnlu~: W o rlOhlp SonK ~rvlce. h•ar t.ht'rl' .,... ''""'' 1111 , ••• ,,rt 1 '""' l'lo••"" 1111,,111,,1 1-:l 111 ""'"' l"'"l w••••k "''''o' Mr anol. }irtl L. averagl'" N II'Titn an•r ~>I ll of .74"< 1 ,, . · ~ J'utn r'11 llf'T'OIOn, Hlb~ School ft'1· ~ • · J.• \'AJI tluull'n nt Man li'nuu:'-ru <•Vl'r 1 l ntnt' rl's..r\•es ar thr t'ncl Sevt'nth uay Adll1!ntlat Church meftt of uthrr -.nr 1rtor•f ,.·nrkr MI '"'' ool "'''""' "'"' 1 'hllllo'' l.nn~-:· ' I d nr r'-cftm .. -r , 1""9. Your dr'-tor< Coat.& ,._ T oNnwnd Hall. lowahlp following aerviCt'. .,_.. ""''"'· II '''" ,;, l oolll N•il'l '· '"'"'I" ...... r .. rriUUIIIIJl '" (ht'lr ~~00'1" build their own r ommun ty, nn .,.. • ..,,,. "'' "~ Ml£1-\\'l.'ck Prayer ~rvlce, v • ....,. 11,,. lim..tr..:ht 1111,1 ,,.11,,." fulluwlufl • •·lO.CalWu 1n u11, !Cut. not be siphon ro bff rnr ~~~·in "41ntt' h:w.· frlt lhllt l1111:t>r rt-~rv~ art> lnv.'f'-1 ;..,l4M,nul ltum. tlc-• cb n.d nelday. 7 :30 p. m.' I bav .. hf'rn '"'""'"~-! "' ""''"' \\',,n """' •lartlo·fl 111,, tlrun.:f' Ma "'"' t.tr11 l'~uJCenr llaakiNI 'distanl placl.'. u pnmnry n >n('t'm at a ttmc. wht•n . roan a Sunday mom1ng. 9 L m .. Pre· who htavr hl'fon f•tothll"fot It ur to • r 1 ~ .,. 1 llllb HI 8 c t Ou t . w n..., r nl'n<.,.,IZ.e_.lhc. WIUQil l$ u.:nt on.bwldJnn liP "" c:on::lant avaalahtlll) to nwd ., . ._ hi Cl ~r ol.d nrllll ar \' lllhltlhm" l,•lllo(llo.' """" h•• "''I II Ill'"'' nu•k " . ~,. ·••, re . oa a r Pl"'fX'l') 0 ;n~ • ........._.. . • • !mll~~t wtthdmWftl ~rmrl .. pa ratory a CITh ... ,.,. ~ IIU lui lho• lu~;h jllllll' ool r. tr 'I r,. I Mr ... Att• lhr , .......... nt • ,, ....... the+ ttw>y can bt.'l>l ht•IIJ th••tr own Ill' s t rOlnj;;th. · 1 c1 1 11 (. t _ .. ptMt an ene-mv or hu~r num tnrhr" , .• l lo·r. h •t 11 Janulilry ~~ ln lh_e Qr· •• lo tlow I C. A. L. A Y "" Nlilt't ahav,. •It own tba b"""" llut •Y•II'malt~ IWimmiAC WltiChl tn tlmf' .., lmpn.v.. )'fi\U lllitlll'lo•a I hAl t hr hllflf'll woulol be '""" l'fliiiiJ>h'UIA"'t It lhl')' AIUII ,_,.._. .. ,., .. c., an~ hut 1tiU. • WCJtch Your Kidnc v s.' valUt'S by cnabltnl: ni"W rt'~lcUonl,. C lur loan~ from th(' F l'dl'ral 1" a "IJ o•n 11 1 u~t~'lt\lllll <1' I I(• ""lAST FOURSQUARE CHU..; "CH' er1c:al 8Upt'r1orlty I ul~<n \h nk oof a,ot,l il¥t.:..llonic LoaD flank. hll\'(' ~tuat('d fUn<'IIOn I hat I ht• 1-l'tl\•rul ' Jl(ln\1' r ~ oi\J cumb~lUIII' "'II•• l lotnr1l; II ~~.~~. ~~.o:::.fl ntTIIIII~!::Inl l ~:;t )'u.,l,..lo_"',..J,.ll .. ta .. I_.....,_Wi~-<1.8--t.lj~;:_wlr--li.f!-Siiltt,...ri;i&=::,_----~ __ .. the I th :>st J i th!'-)'('ar b<oin" S5R ~tmm-Bft~rm. "1 Whlf'h we t'OIDDUI.Ddf'd olurlll" lh<' ltot war on"" 'on o " .1 1 11 1 1 ..,,.. ydare P acrng Clr '"'h'< • 1 ur nh1:. 1 r l""'O ... Th · . ·f 1nr1• mt•mh.·n<. pln)'l' an hrlpang u~< IChurdl of the Hlgbway) 1 .,_ _, ... ,, , M•"n rumf•'11 thruu~h tho• •'IIJICt· ""II ' "" "'" ~ llf'U nar a n ,,. ment an snvmgs m om•y .,.,,, ua nt t <' <' Ol'C o ..-. -" u..w o u.o._ mauu.ain..'"·wdit~·-~Rev.. G. WIJia.rd l.t&a.ma.. P.a.W _.,. .,.nn my,.. t .. "'ran•·•· lu ... ,114>A un ltw -·•··"-~ •. L .-•• ,AU· l<w'll .. y &•m•· 11,,.,,. ·wu for that 11'11 ron~ ·C1"1"!trr rt"!lMVP n .... ' better h..r allu11l 111n 1tl thl" <•rnvr -II.._........,_..~ 1•-•-It ti lt ·' 1 :;. 1 ____ .,... __ . .,.,.., __ ·___ _ ___ .-. --I Ml'mbfor.-h(Jt lfl IIW. Ft'dc>r-ftl M .. StN"'·· Co-Paltor hour ~ StlllloO'I I A'llt.(lh' "'"'""' n ''""JI'"n ...... ,. ".' t ... ...... .. n ...... llomr LN!n f\nnk S}"ll'm onrl l n·1 Phon6 1771-J • , "'I"'"''"' lh•· Ill"'' vulunhlr· mnn' •llrtlnl'o• nf lll't'OUnl.., h} th(.' Yl'd· F'rlday, 7 .30 p. m .. Wo nablp 'nte I l'l-:TAI N 1111 hi' to•n m In IIU' !"lln~.-t l.i'llfot.AJ.,. totllollntn Ul\11 ~'" II ' •hlnl1111 rrnl Sti\'IOR~ and u~o1n ll'\loumnrl' ~rvlc:e. JUov J.tu Sttoarna In ( preced "O two ahort die. thnt )o'llr nnrl l111<·r mtuko I(Oucl ~t:hl 1111 th•· I rar k. ht'lnte nllf" ul \orporut ton hnlh tH'tl\'1111' tho• /\:;."0· charge. patoMe have been tranelaled from l'omutHt Cull••!(•' Mo'(1o•llnn wo•nt tho• '"lllhiRnc l'• uuhflll!lllniC hurd· t'l<tt lnn wtth h~·n••ftl '. pNIIf'C'I111e!< I Sunday School. 9:30 a. m f'f'MCII\. The)! we,.e written duP'· '" 1-'ullo•rhm Juniln ('ullo'll" ""'' t.•no . a n•l ~otdt"'tll~+lo• lnlurmfltH-.n on Morning W orship. 11 o'clodt; IAe the lall 6ayl of the FP'C!ftClh ·'"" war .,., ... ~ n nwmiJO•r uf tho· 1 JluriM•r tHnlu•""' thn .. • ten••t• In 1 rrn1t~ nnll lo•j;:l'<lnt "'" IJJM'<'IIII-mulk, prurtor'• 10ermon. ,...,lc. And th•y w ere · _.IU•n ·Jtnm~t lnn1hn11 tr11m "'·tm1t nc-11r I~• t lfonJllo• MIM!f"iw11ltr 1 Our Uarrc-tors, uti 'llt'<'C'II!Ih tl Crttllldtor ~rvart'. 6 o'clock. ~y'Moyur-old 'MA"SHAL HENRI lv .... eon tho• f'fm fo•ro·nrc• from ~llnlll t1'f'fll(llltlon on thf• t~r1c11rnri u the bu~tn••s!oo nw n. VI IIIII) tnl<'rf'lllt'li in F:nnlng F.vangf'llcal Service led ~HILI~PE ~ETA IN.) Ann. I fiN'~ I fool hAll at r11tr-icl•l «'Yf!r 'to th<' M>unrl ~;mwlh 811d pr'?l:fr<'Sll of by putor . -:-• ...J l..cKJtll Pul.:l'nC'Iu nnd ,Qn•lllco ca11.1rteriNiork a ha~ va,...ty crid our ~ummuntty. hav<' ~tvt'n (o Tut'8d ay, offper ·Ttachui.r. ~ ch«kl In Jlllymo•nr .,-' l.luyrl wo•n• tbt• •ta1l'louh• In th•• nuu·hltlt' 1-'rank Stwflln waa onf' Office equi_pment • Oct acquainted ~·ith Til.'man's FIRST-OF·THE·YEAR S ERVICE! Machi..-and equipment t~ rt'nt and to wU, offlet auPP-IJet, l'nf)d. "" aida to new recorda. . Call and -our alodc.l and kt ua t.U 'you about our wrvice! thl'lr runt'tlon not o nly th!'ir abll· C'b'-D aubje<:t. moee, r1,tllly dllf' hill r llent. t u nrbor 11thlo•tfr fll'ld In m:m Pul·lnf th•• Sallnn<' l:n'lltcor~t f'ndll a nd ltit'~. but muc h of their time nnd Tbunlday. 10 L m .. Prayer . At Ul• requHt of lb" ~latto Bar lli:t>nclo "'"mod lft-(ootbllll. hallkl't · non llnnaldiiClfl JH"OYt'd valuabko In thought a nrl with no compen!13tion M~tln.r; Mra. Stearn~~ In cllarp. ~~Won. the Rua•rente Court ball, tr&ck and ba,.I,.H, whllt• llf'Vc r•l ·apnrt•. All won Sunllet ot~r than the knowledae that ot W&ahlnrton ordnt'd the attor . Unyd pnwro. a r.hlfly runrvr on LHI\M'·honon~,~tha;tip~IU'~ .••• Es~~E~5=~~~~~f~ they ~ helping our art'a to crow I U -r ~ from the further . • IQI.Indly. Too much can not ~ said Keep n I p praetb ot l&w In t hat llatt'. Said for thc since!'(' llnd eam l'1!t man· lM ...._.: Adding ,,,.u;hlnH to RENT ternporartly, or to wU on ~~t or buy a T'~man· ner In which they have dlt1Ch81ltt'd wIth The L. w "TM lawyer lhould their duties. ~ frem· •Y act'-n wh.,..6y tenna ~· rt>nl! Some ~ Rt>b_u1lt typt!Wiitt'r. your til·· bUtlt models. vorite roaM. INI r:xpe~~lllon Byroa ~a-u.· lL.B. ,.,......., Mn8flt or gain he•tluM• - ~. 0 - 0 Tra.auttr rtiM. llllnr ~ulprntnt and •r•t,..ml of &II l!lndo . . I·~·: !IT~:F:t..! DupllrMnro ....., th" n • • a u l om a tle ''"" . 0 -~rt11t &l W .SO! ,... 4.!lW. Th(' as!>O('Iatlon'!\ PllOKJiAm for While tllle recent declallin ,...,.. r!":,,._.~ ..:!:.!:•,•" ~~m~by ~~.· 1941 includt'5 thl' expan11ion o( aente ,.,. ,,,. ,., ,.,_ Itt .... 1 ·-n " lt"nding !\j'r\'l<'t'l' ~·lth tht' likely ,.,.,.. ..,,,. be · local ".,._.,_:~ clleftt. __ _. d f On epeclflc QIMitlone, c.neult "M ........ J ~t the client or collect· inCI't'OOM"U dtoman or mort pee, your ,_, .... ,.,.!!!· ...... ... money:-t1n1~ "'C."'ndttionr-chan~' --• M fw tM ettelft w other trwt matl.'rta ll)' from thl'ir prt'!icnt ATTO,.NEYI-Tbe t'lJtlca of ,........n, _..tng lnto the ~ p~tr., WI' Khall have a~t.her , lht-te.rat profualon ~ulrt t hat I alOft .t Ute la~yer 1haul6 be ,._ $120.000 lt'llodlng yl'ar In 1941, a nd a laW)'u be beyond nproach In portH M4 accounted for. prompt. plnns an• bf-1111( made to handle bla flna n<'la l dNJIDf.ll wiUI hla ly, an4 lhould· not under any clr· conl'ltdcrably more volum«' than cllt'ntA. A II. mon"y uf hta <'llt'l'ltA cumeta.,.. become mingled with 11\at if the n('('(! ar1M'll. ' hto boi<J. In tnat. It Is ll M-ri0\1" hie OWft el' be uNCI by him." l n Its 5th yt'ar, the N t'wport otrf'n!ll' tr.r ·htm ''' N~nd hi11 A la'llt')'n ra nnoot """ ;,, rf'tllln llalboa FNkral Saving!' a nd Loan cllt'nt'~t money In hltl ~raonal al· v.olthout r ood lUlU autfld •nt ,...,_I A.'lsocialtOfl hns reachl'd a sta~w faJn1 rwm.' bla cllrnt'a money, and be o f n<'W promise in It~ S<'rviCf' In 1\;tne c11tftrt>nt charfl'l'l! wrrf' r annot maier llf'ltll'm,.nt nf h ill thl' cittZC"nll or thl' N('wport Har· hroul(ht 8Jt!IIQ!It .a prominent Ill· obllcatloft.l In lhlll l"''j{art1 hy t hf' I b<lr 81't'8 n nd it11 environs. I hopt> t o,mry Mn11t of tht>m h ln(ed '-tUance of r hrC:kll fur thl' pay· that ynu, tn whom thi!l 8!1!10('1ntlon around lhl' ract that he bad re-mtnt 011 wtllfh hf' hlUI lnt~utflrl,.nt. tw>lnngs, w1ll cont inur to ~allze t't>ivtod AOml' paym ent from " fundJI to. deJIIII!tl 1 In ftl' MM an. 1 that Rn l'ffiC'il'nlly Opl'r~t~ thrift r l1cont t•• hi' U!l{'ol tor " particular ----- nncl homt• ftnAO\'tn~ tnlllttultOt'·l purpo~~e anti had failed to rt'turn ~lck abed wtlh lhf' n u I• Vlolrt t'njoyln~: lhl" full I'Onficlf'nC'I' of i\.t It , In HVer1ll CIIIU he hlld given Wlrl'leman et Aat~. ~hnr•·holdrr:<. owin1: In progl't\'1,_. p.1rt1y to thl'ir !'PrtWtrtin~: thl' wnrrl ur ttts o•xbtNI('I' and lh v r.•irl'. ~~I one or t ht• fint'l>t rruit ~t or our ('{'O· ------~-----~·-.-;r~ II ENTORY ~ TIME IS HERE'! January is the p~ri od when business Qf .their SUQQli ~S arrd _!equire office them quickly and effeciently. , firms take stock form~ to itemize We have laid in a co mplete stock. of ,.such forms and ~rr(on g_ them llst a fe.w 0 as folloW$: _ ... (fl Colwnnar Pads -· · I 5 rolumM Mith ~r.ipth·f' ~~~. pad of M S.,.a'o • II column." •ith ~rlptt~:e "~*-"'· pad of !iO It rolumu •ith c~Hc-rlptin s~. pad of 50 7fte PENCILS -All Defree8 of Hardnea ud Q•alitJ Phones: 12 or 13 .... ....-.......~. ··--··· ...... ~ ....... ~ t .......... :::::=:-..:- 'fiOM LOS ANGILII TO SAl f ,RAN .CISCO ~·~.-~-. ..-~-;-.... -• ~ '-·' . I '7 ....... I •o t ' •• aa• wai, hucu u rtaht. ..,.Mihltt pi••· equat« to uourt '' of hot ••• fnr q u rdr hot ••t•r. n~rythtll• . -.. .. -~----- . ·. "-'--'"'·' __ _:_._: ___________ _ •• r •. ----------"'1-..... Don't put up with hot wat•r faucet• that tur.ft troltorl Y,.ur hut Wllt'f aurply c '"'he huth CaJJ ic k an~l failure-proof. Ju•t get an aull>mallt Kil• wart'.r heir"·· of the ri~hl ~"''for yo ur m·ecls. And sprtify a Ru\tpiuof tank ir '~ Jellaranfc(·cl lnn~cr-lut~nR. there'll be plenty of hot water foHr·,.,. bt~rly. 'Pil'nty fur haih'l, fur the clishn. fo r the store\ c,,r otl~t·r daily huuuhold ncc:da -witb the Jntk ·buttom npcratinl( c:tuno my that onl makd 'bk It will pay you to got full lnformotl .. from a muchant plum~r. dealtor or your gu company,wday. P.asy tuma,too-ulitta. • J5 down..fl.H'monthly. i<JUTHiaN tOUNTIU ~U iOtUANY -.· - WATER HEATER~ .. .. o. .• '· • • For BuildiiiJ' Information· • See Bay Di~tritt lumber Co. • 1 W AL TEll 8. 8PIVE&. Ow~~er NEWPOU BrACH "OVE~mE-TOP" ~r Equipment .fllllla: Ba)()NDtl AND a. OPEN j.Exchange Heads.. To . Take Office 'At Annual Meet-- " Three lew limes Started In Building Permits Darrell . King :-One Week; fermits ·low $23,3_2_5~n.~-.;a.;ACRT-j r:,~¥~: ~~~'""; I t.:t'III:1J: hie l~aae ot thr Newport plrr faclliUu 'nr ..J>peratlug ba live b&IJ boat.. baa .leellred & building permit to conatruct an addiUon . to hl1 clfe at, bla boat _ lanillng on. the bay f.raa.t. &Llbt atret't. Three ~ew rftldin~ i.tru~·, or Mr. and Kra. J . J. Mullt&l'd, le30 348 ... -................. .S726.540t aurprlaed ma.ny ptreona by c&n- Amoo• the nt'wly ell'ctl'•l of-turt'll were at&rt.ed UU. week. ar· promlnenUy known tor many 1931 391 ....................... ~.3oM ,1941 ( 16 23.325 nc·~n of th• O range co11nty .. •:unlln& to bulldifta ,.,......, 181uell yeara in that community, whue ~~ 307 .. .!. ............. •: ...... 247 Bulldera F;•fhan~ee. who will btH by loa~rl9r A. M. Nea.on and they operate a at.ore. Their new 293 7 ......... : ....... : ..... 238.549 lndll(.'t.eO Into oftl(:e at the or-total . V1tlue 0f ptrmlta for the hocue. to ..lqclude 5 rOOm~ and ~~~ 298 .. ,. ....... : ...... ! ..... 235.074 ~ranla&Uon'a annual dinner m•et-mnntli of January reached gara,-e~ .will be located at 721 400 ............... _ ...... 497,4-to lD& looJ,ht. -Ti\ii'r.day. Jan. 16. 123:325. Kelltrope Ave., and wtll co.t ~~ 523 ....................... 766,0119 wtll be Bam •Kinafather ot thla"' t:onatrucUon ·~ 01!. a new about ·$3!i00. I 513 ......... -........... 908,090 city, aecond vlce-pre.ldenl. The two-alo!Y· 6 ·room r-'dence roe Ac.ldlnl' an apartment lltn.actun }= 54!l ................... :_ .. 911.637 Santa Ana Country Club will be Dr. and Yra. J. R. MeO:Iy on 11o the .Weat Newport il.bllrlct. Vol-1940 5C2 ...................... IIIT.745 the ecr ne ot the feiUVItlea W··•l Bay Ave., ellhDatad to eM ney Leon Hay 11 erecuu1 a two I -M2 1.16_0,122 I '4900. · . I story,· two family, 6-room atruc-~tn•father wu recently rlecttd L!l~t reatd.eoce. to be atarted ture at )2• Clubhouee Ave. Eat!-I a director Ill thr F.•rttanl(l' ~-In the corona del War ane Ia that mated coat la 12000. Jan. lot~JW am.l wu elected to ll'ie 1 ___ _ above n&m~d po11t at • recent I mMting of the new bo&.rd. To~l 16 ..$ 23.32~ WINDOW 8JIADE8 BUNDS LINOLEUM FLOORS aod DRAIN BOARDS • Hanson's Shade and JJnoleum Shop 180frN~rt-Blvd. • eo.ta lieU Pbo.e Newport l&tS-Bee. Newport 688-W ~::~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~:;~;_-~~~~~~~~~«-~~~&L~~~u.L-~ua .---..,.------Ana will be lndut'ted u pruldent. Met~· 1•-' T k Off tnuac., work beDdwi or locknL nnw-t"ted, troub~f~ 1ucreedtn~r Goroon a. Findlay of : 1 t lr•J I IS· l•ce loch. makr npalra to Ptnuy Ar. eqt•lpnM"L the Harbor area Jaap4•r Fam t'y cade. 109-111 Main Street, per F. Audits Tax Advice Systems JfEW DeOU HOI' ~1' -Aa)' t,.,. el 0uap will lakf' thf' office of flrat vic-~-I Roy Gretrtleaf and Son. 1200. .,._ 0.. .. "-' wttll ..,. "'Ova Tlle-Tep'" ~ ....... &. pruldent and Roren F • Sor;n.cm Mtetmg toolcht at 0.. Wooa qu~nUy by puaed In bureauratlc Jan 10 William Bartholomae • .· . TeWINKLE HARDWARE E~MnES Fungus -Roaches -Fl<'a.'l M~Proortng, Etc. CoUt 'termite & Fungu Control Co. 1227 So. Matn SANTA ANA P'vwes Ieete •.•• S281 that of trruur.-r. G w Ha...,tt. 1 UN Restaurant, the IDIItallaUOff mt'thod• and the re1ulta ar;e. ex-o1r Corp .. r~roof two reaid~ncea Rr . flf Ranta ~ha "'u arpolntrd 1nf rw'V-offkH'tt and cttrecto~w of j pt'naive Ud not of~e blpelt with compo~~IUon lhlnglu. 107-111 to un•r u ~relary ft>r anolbe.r thf' Routhtm Ca.llfomta Chapter. ctuallty In many lna~cra. T he , Park Ave .. per F.. J . Allen, $I50. year. I .o\merilnn lDitltute of •~• t'OmpeUUon of ~linL rooma, JIUI. 11! Wa.ltrl" J . Bee)! man. In wa.a ht'ld w:th Gordon B. ""uf· •·ondu<'t«>fl bY publlt' agenclea Ia I build addition to houae, 1003 Stlltt' •· n~tmn. prominmt Loti A11~le11 onl' of our m<Mt ·Rl"tool probTeblT.l Highway:-per Gordon o. F'lalll&y 1 Arcbatect, conducting lb1 ce~-t aai.J the ptealdcnt. The Architect I $3!'10 ' Mllan UnderwOod m RGby A~eaae ---~~N~~~~-- • rnuny. • M ~mrtheTn-Callforttla llla.nd j Jlln lt--91' 1 w J R !'\ ffj And dlrectol'1! art• cJ t cJ h t I . • . attc ra. . . Acco ti Q..-• • ' p ___ ..... J ' /~· o l'rra re~t y ... _o n•nl l'r w a ever aerv ce Mo:C:oy, build 2 I!Cury, 6-room . Un ng ---ou~"ISIOn -r~ure lUI " vw.s · • m11y ....-d~8 rcd 'by QUr govern-lllU('C'o guraj:;'e W4'~t 8a Ave I ~..:..... _____ .;.... ___________________ • 1 Gas Rates Will . J'r••s idt•nt. l';ylvanus B. W.n-mo·nt Ill Its olef~nllt• program. The awr Ct•orgr H . Ml:F. I rty lim' l on ur l'os .. <l~na: VIce Prealdent. ''XIl<'rlerl<.'l' ancJ Ilk ill uf our p 1 o--J ' 13 J . "San M · cJ. • --_ _ l'alm•·r Sahln vr Loll ~rlu, fl'~lllon, !lUh.l :Ofllraton. Ia at the an. 1\0WII · . · ustar · Dt•t,,ll, c.ol tho· $.1()0,000 rwlur lwn ~N rt'16ry. ntmalol Beach K.lrby of '••mmund of huull.n • and arma-buill! ~-~m lrtUct'o rt'sldence a.mJ 10 111•' clom•''111' and 1'""'111''11'1111 B:IIIMoll l•luttd, Treu11rrr, Wm. H uwnt aclmlnlstratur= who havl' ,g,,a,.'0111~rl', 1~!001 HelltruJX' A\•l'.. per r:tl•'' ••I Suutho•rre <'•••enle•·~ t:a~ ..,.. llnrrisun nl Lt~~• Ang~lra : Dlrtt'· homu•11. harr.acks 01 bualden-g-s to Jan ' 13 \; 1 ., ~ H b 11 <"w. df•'I.'IIVI' Janu.ll) 1:, "•'IJ'.hll' ~ 1 U. LuiJd . . v ny ...,on ay. u •I nulln•···rt tll(JO\ h\ th•• ('rllllumn 1",. • ·"mue ~ ot-t:a. AD· rnnl'tnJrt \-\her~ l!urh proJerts 'l t<lor v. 6-rrH•m. ~ fam ily cJwell-. · , .,.,.,.,, 1>1. ,., tor. IIH lwrt J. Powell Ur•· hllnollcll Without a COmJWh'"t In" st; U! tur., an·• . ra rn ' ••• RaeliwHI <'"11'n11"1"11 .. r Lu11 Ar g•lt·•. lllrt'clor, Ulyaeu Ul• hllc••t tho• publlr mont'y 111 not Cl,.,u"-" .~ A~ u J(1l g'·1- 000 6 " .. -r,, .. , ....... 1·••··-j,l( .... !l mu,imum F' n II r 13 i ·u. uuvu~ Vf' .. pt>r HWn('r, ;: .._.UoLu<~•'':.-.l.U~b·•u"j'\!l!.l••J,:-I.S,II1.'Mih· • • 1· " t'\'t'l y He . W••·•l to hcHt a.ivantal(e -anli thl" · Jan . H 11 .!II HouMAt''T""'--:i:..:=:~ In lhu"' Who ht'al IIWII hurn<" hv !'"0'-'llrtt-nt"-~llntmr."fn-m.--m-:--81\t'~ of mr \l.'nfl( I!! lmJ1ldrPd b)'' ~lann•o. buill! I l'ltr g~< r.nturo~l .:•''· n~ \\I'll ... lur ,.,11,:r •II••,, t" thP ..:roup urced mort' IDe k nf 1\l'l'hltN'tuFal l'Oordlnatlon r•wm and h~tth •1 3~ i A\·e .. Save $300,000 For Aey Ty~ of Roof ~ _._ Or Boot ~pair . VANCE . R00£1NG -CO- 2205 Cout Blvd. u .• ,, umty "' '" tlon In tht' forthcom· l'r••flldcont tt1U10tun, · rt>t"lrctl'd to • po•r Halpll Jj i.J• . ·> lLupaz .. ~------·-----------..--..;:=-------------------,• "nw fullu\\tn~ lnhlo• """"~ th,."tnl\ )'lnT, ~lll'g rf'II!UII.e ~to tip· If!< ufnC't', Atntl'tl tMtlll h1s opin-' J lln 14 D~rr<'~~:ng bullli fH1- J>r•·"·nl hill•. lh""'' unrt••r lh•• rii'W I"'"'' \'<'1")' Vllo(OfOIUiy the Ktivety •m tht· A rl'h~h.,•tur,· of thr nt'xl dillOn to caJr Itt landeng, 318t rnl•·"· lhc-""'In!:" ftno1 r••fTo•nr ul of burt>a~rattmg ro<>ma and the• .\t•nr or ><> lo\'oulfi .refle<-t th~ !!tot'rt pt'r Nyll'n Hurd. $100(). r.-d.U<'IIon !cor 8 numl,.·r hr c1efl,·r· rncn.ao hm••nt of ft'deraJ anti mao hlne con.s•·•nul! era In whiC'h Jan. 14 Lula M. Sudenga. build ~wport Beach, CaiU . . Aher 6 p._m. CaD Newport 2040 • IRVIN GEORGE GORDON BUILDING CONTRA~o:a · ~~ till W. Central Newport Beacb Phone Newport 721 • DONALD BEACH KIR~Y &.LA. ........... Oall .... C. M. TRUSTY & SONS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS • -. •n•n ....... 18!8 W. beatna, Newpcri .._.. ~ I OOMPLETB --GABINET -and CARPENTRY SERVICE D CHAS. NORRIS, Prop. · .. IWiaWied Belboa~ Marine HARDWARE General • BRASS HARDWARE -QUALITY 'roOLS"' W. P. nJLLER PAINTS-YACHT fll l'INGS .... SAM KINSFA~HER • ._ . r-~ .... tlw ElltiN Harbor ~·· ,. •'nl mnnthly c-un,..umpllnnlo. "181t' agt>nreu wu ex~. \H' hv._. and that building~ would 1 on._. mom to !runt of houae. 1211 UM per mo. Pre1• Prop. ..,.,., \\ urk wbl~b ll 110rma.lly baadled h&Yf' 1 ... 11. 11nd lt'M traditiOnal de-()pal Av('., per w C Ph 1 IJOO '" cu. "'· •1411 •nlo ,,.111 hy prof«>sah>nal Architect il frt· tu~:n elt"m«>ntll. I ___ e pa. · :t.OOO cu.Jt. -$:1.~10 $2.4.. $.06 ---• • PI b · p · ~:~~1:: ~:~ U: :~ luiWen Sti~J _____ rro• J an. ~o~:cTuff::,n~~~ sth 10,000ru.ft. 6 .. 1 6.18 .23 atrret, per owner. P. E. Official Assures Rails - To Be Cleaned Up . C~a•c• 11 Construction Laws Propoed rmaton of Y&riotll dpliDary acUOD and the f'labt to Jan.9-AJ.Jan F . Clark. No. IU ~·· uta COI\Daeted wtu. ...tuae a Rehewa.l applk:&Uon for Beacon S.y. luatall 62 ouUeta ln lbo buUdiDc IDctu.try il bdq fa.llure to comply wltll rul• and n-home. per C. M. Trulty and atudl.ed by a Bulklera' oautom&a reculaUoaa duly adopted by tht' Sooa. JAaialallve <;ouncn wtllda wiU be Board and tile Reautrar. Jan. 10 -<:. H. Reed, Palm and ~y {D' c:leartnc up ralla a~ ·Wbm.ltt4'd to tile annual COD; e· Provimon authocalnc dla-1 Central. ln1tall 78 ouUeta In oew oW iMt.al from tbe PKtftc J:Jec. terence ot the State BuUde111' l:lt-dplloary. action &Jalntt • llcenat" I commercial bu.l.l.d1ng. per \t. A. h1e RaUa.d ltcht-of·w•y ~tau cbance at ~ramento I• ,.._ enn thouch tlle ~ouoda or ca~o~.~e Tripp. • been b~bt about by the ruary accordluc to • bulletin trc.D aroee on projecl;_a r•empt from I Jan 10-Richard Schaub, No. Erollkm problema at Suna.t Beach thf' loca.l Orange County ~· operation of the aft. • 60 BeaC'o n Bay. lnat&ll 108 out· and Surfmde accordlnC 1o ••nrd chance. · t Ptovllllon aulhorlziulr tbe re-I·Jt"t.a In ntw ruldence, Per C::· M.l m..-&. C. J~. Cbtel ~-1'bf-Bu.lld_. counctJ -11p-~ ftt a Qo~Jtrarlonr ~Lt~w-tn1!fnlaly -d Srma. ,tnwr of the .Pacltk .fl:leclrtt'. pointed ~~everal monUw qo Ulld a m!nor or a.lleo. Jan. 13 J. C. A.xel.on, 30C ~ lD a letter to th~ Newport Her-divided Jrito Northtm u d 8outb-c -Provlalon authorizing Reg-South Bay !o'ront. repair v.·ork oo l bor r b&mber f1f com~e Mr. ern group1. Thr t"'O ~ommltt.N wtrar to ta.ltt' d•arlpllnary a ction home. per B. F. .. Eldr~d,e. I Jobn-•JII: a re c-onaldertng ~Uon • ot acalnlll a Llrenll('e that II a.lready I Jan 13 E S ullivan. :.!05 Edge- "'The work ot removaL oL thl1 ·v iil lntrrer-lll 111 'Nidi!,. -su.~a~on 11r l\ll3 lap81'd ws~r. lnlltall 60 ouUt"ts 'In. new portion ot thfl Newport Llne .W&a thr IWI'O jtf'Ollps will hold a jobat or ha. Mf'n \'t>lunU.rlly I!Urren-home. p4'r C ~.1 auu • ·~ .... CONRAD SHOOK ~N'I'BACTOR UNI BUD.DD VOIIPJ...II:'ft II)JILDJNG u:&VICE _· . p..;. Newport ·, .... ~ 11% ........... ,A.._.., P . 0 . Boa Ill , . ...._....._eawor.a.. GORDON B. FINDLAY "Builder of Homes of Distinction" CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Telephoae 4()% Ml& ()Gut Blvd. ---I· undertak~ In tlw-latter part Of l!t'ftlon In Saeramento Jan. tTUL <Send. -· 1 Jan. 13-Frank S. LAmpert,' Det't"mber.-but olue to •t.orm F'ollowln,; ar" lh«> revlllona to h Prnvhtlon ·'cutting duwn time-1010 CO&III Highway, Install 141 ----------------------------• dama~t' on tht" lint' In lhr vicinity vannu11 ar tJe wh>r h the committee trom' oflt' Yt'IU tn ninrt y days Olltlt'ts •ry nt"w CIJ\11 t. per ownpr 1 r-------------.,.....-------------· ot Anaht"lm Landini(. v.·.-hllVI' i8 prupnRinJ(: ~ within whlr h 8 h!'C'OS4' rna)' b.? re. J an. 14 L.. Zrntnt'r, r>~J 30th bHn torrc;t to t~mporllrlly 11\.llt-1 I .. C"'NTftA(IOitS LJCENU newe.l, ( 'lu.rlfil'allon or COI,!dltlonll ~tr4'l't. lnlltllll 16 oullt't~t 1n new pend the "ork r>f r.-mov.-.1. LA~. upon whll'h a lkt>nl!4' may IX' re-I how"""· pt"r V A. 1'rtrp I "Pie&llll' bt-auur.-d thnt It ill I " Provll'tnn J'('rmltUng OWner newt•!l; Aut,h~~rl7.1n~o: Hegi~<trar t•) Jan 14 Dr. Jl. •: ~11\hlrr. 339 our lnh·ntlnn . tn do " flr11t r lcuol! • builthn~ Wllh s1 1 \'IC'I'I of a u -refuae rl'n4'wal fnr fallur<" to f nm· Sc>\'111•· Dr·, ip11tall· 1 'l hllll4'tll In ~ In !'(>lln'-.;'thm with lhi!O re-I r••n~t(• 1:rnt'r~l In do 10 \\'ltbout ply with the Bola rcl's n11.,~ nntl no>w uJo.le11on ltl llllml', rer ~ell moval 1\nd WI• hnrc-In u._'l\Jn l(d \ ·nntrartnno l~u·••o8t'. regulntlunll \\'. BIIH'kbt•ueu . on thr JHh 11nd complttr It Mlll•un C,:rlmln11l pru~•·•·ullon11 apllllt 1 1, . ttl~ lh unard lUlU Jnn 1:. !o'rnnk lt'oldl<' t\1\00 ' U .v-llii>IC' ·• · I h~'n" ('OIII f"ll'il .• 1 d · o·lll\1 ~ '' <·t t II' h I II 11 ( ,~-· f'• •-. n~; IIJI , ndlv1 u&ll Rl'~llltrnr lu !'hlAqll\' •·ontractnrs ·' a t' . ·~ \\'II)'. 1118 a (HI I'!!! ur· Ttw Jllh 11t AnRhl'lnl Lunden~ ·~ \\.hl'n Li<'t'l1~<•·d 1\11 partn..r11 llh 1 11 It 11 ~ b t'll'r tnc· liiJ:Il. Jlt'r ~lol \\' lliiH·k-t•allln~t C.ur 1111 th(• ft J)Ill't' IRbur I ,: l 'ln\'1~1"" nultlltrlzin~> R-c•. wt t m1 1 n,1 fill 1°l1 11 ~-, Gllf«'l!t'ntl , h~·nrd ,._ " ~ --II ll Ill olrV ue n . on 0 t•nrrn • '·"<' <'urn,.nn>· hiU! nnw etyrulnhlt-t mr I•• 11'!lun ••rlj;llllll "P(!.IIc&lion ~ ~ p QU ij 'ltJ .Jan 1'1 llnn HIC•hnrolll, Ill 2Mh BEACON BAY fastest Growing Community Development In the ~astest Growing Ocean Community In California. ...... SF.E I Earl W. Stanley ijpposJt~PG.itOtnce, Ba.,. blaiid. Oallf. l \ ,II'"'!' ~·~ ,,.. .. d'"*j-' ft'f'IO nitr,-· llf'f'hl'll.llt liii.S anti ~~cr cia •l~ • c:':ft fll('t r cU~i~~~~ tnallttl 4of OU\kG-(ft 1\tW1 v.ohtc•h It qultr l'lllffi,.,Vf' will bt'-1 t•> ~u.ellfv fo•r It hl't'niM' • pe ! ) ( 1 1' · 1 I~<Hl!l<' po·r !'1111 \\' H1111 kt ... unl I 1,.. h. • prel!tnt lltatu t,rv <I•· In tenn (nr rt'pRIII'• w .... an l t' m•xt frw .1 l'ru\'.l!lun pt•rmlll!ng tJae ...4.-. • ------------:-------~------....,..--• Wt'('kl. H•· •trar thr r ~ pu. ,,.,l'f' of ('IPCtlnn ln Buar<J T . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~):'1~. ~~~~~~~~h~l~tO~l~·~k~e~m..;;; J l'tO\'IIIIlln • Wlllln~ In l h(l rtpp Home Is I BUY -LEGAL fORMs· HERE ~~~:::~~~:~~n!IJtan~~e:, .. ~~~~. AU FhTotir.e.scent _ Thi:-: nrw;-pap~r :-:upplie~ a ll kino:-; of legal forma at Los An)!l'le~ pnre~.-3\:-:T~ ·AtF .. tfle following: RE>al E~tatt· ~tort~ag.t:-=short Form Real Estate Option Bargain and,Sale DN•ti-Joint Tt>nants Grant Deed · Notice of Compl~tion Store Lea~ · Proof of Debt :by Partne_r~hip Power of Attorney-(!<•nt>ra-J . ' •. tlnjt t ht' fiXUlj:t of oilffi'I'PIIt fc•r~ · ' for oltffrrrnt t'ht~tslfu·atwn~ nf cnntm<tnh• ('umpl"'"'" uf. lh+' h .. n.l-.oll\r 2 A:\IJo::"'ln:\11·::-.:-r~ TO THF .... ,,. h"rn·· ,.f \' '' TI IJII• "" Lertn LlE:-.1 1 A\\'· • h i•• hn• JU•I •· ,, •. .J,•cl lhae lh•• 8 • Th~ n g ht "' lhl' dl"nl"ral ..dl:C.l.rLl'tan lm' •n•I.J_IJ,od 1111"111'1 ,. Contra• tur tu f ll•• 11 ~utiC<' of o'o•nl lil!hfent:: 1h1nlid11nll t1rh" rnu!'tt ........ 1tu-.. f••.dttt• to :tp-C'omriPtenn w hrn th<' own.-r or hill 81o(I'O( I Ilk I' !I J'<......_q('!<l!IOn ROo! cJOC!' not. hlm8Cif, fiJI' !laid nottr4'. J>tt"l'l:llt' \\h-It tlu ... n,.,,, ...... ')'lt·rn nwan• \\'h1J.• II l o·dut'\'~ lho· •·an(il,, pnwe)' 1 h•• li~hl 1111: i• ~:r••al<'l' ;)nc1 nf " mne•• c1erlu·•~l \ 11r1t!l\. ~lr l'l'lllll ha• •~lliiPI~·d .h1• pl:!r··· 1n ~ueh 11 manrwr u,. h• mak•• b l"lllrlfk lltlnn nr th•' l'om . mtnCt"Tntnt ~--w.ofll wUh ~ .... «>llmlnRt 1on or 10ur h • enclllrntals R.• cl~rtno of JII'OJ>t'rtv. lnstRIIatJOn ,. -' f'Ol'~lhli' ('h:lll!:•'" lrum \\hill' '" of · Wllltr mc:tc:_r. !'urvry. tl'et' h~l<"" 11mh••r anti 01 h••r '-!I•)"''· nil 1n 1 h,. etc. ' l'llml' arr·:lll.':<'lllt'nl anfl admll~, 3. 1'1 'ULI <'t'OSTHACTOHS l 1 h:~t tlw ~) wor1ti of li~:hll-" ACT: • · -ft'ir show purpu~.·~ a:. w••ll "" a ' 11 '"''"n~r. It m1\nrtlltory for •ic-p forwnrd in rt':erlh11: rnmft)l'l , ~Tll'rR.I Contrac tors to 1111bmlt · ----- Deed of Trust Warranty Df:'ed Automobile Contract A~eement For Sale of Real Estate ... th~ namn of thrlr 1111b-contr-.ctors mol'\' perl!ttnl!. rc>'gllniiNl~ of rt- Landlord's and Te Chattel Mort~age Notes and Proxie~ Satisfaction of Chatt.l MortJ(ag~orporatioa F.urnished .House Lease G~neral Lease Noti~e to Pay Rent ar Quit House f..ease Conditional Sales Cotitrict BiWof'Sale Proof of Unsecured Debt Lan~ Lease on Public Worlul. mun~ratlon. blo ."ubj!•rt lo tht" 1\t't • l'NF.MPLO Y Ill F. NT l N -l'l'!IFORJ.I l.f\T I L DING a1 Oppnlllllon to IUI:V' 'amend-a-Rrquut for I hi' f'!'rlfer • mt'nt to tlle Unemployment ln-1 Coa.t Bulldln~t Offir iala Conft"r· I .utAnC'e At'"t relating to mrrl~ l •nc~ • to lntrodurf leglslilllon rating. R~ulnng that ooe or •·htch provld~• thllt th~ t nlform ·-• l Building Cod~ of the PacifiC' Q lim •· . .........., Q>Ut Blllld~ ortlcla.l• <'on-, Ua ".1 ~Um~ ! reren<'r 1ball be adoptrd .tor all Md I bulldlnr con1tr11Ctlon In tb~ State or C.llfomla. • Building Materials 1 ~ wMkallo~ Cil cbarac:t.t ·Ia • I everyday lift "nee uneventful and COSTA MESA commonplact hour 11 where the 1 batU. w loti& or woa -MA!Itblt D., LUMBER CO. Bat~cerk. -------~-Ward PUiey of NeWport Hetpta a lundleoa IUftll ot Boat Covers -Canvas ' Marine Cushions. A SPECIALTY • ·NEWPORT AWNING co: Phoae 800 -.· Orange County Roofing Co. PAUL RACOBS, Owner Offi~ $16 . -Phon~ Res.-106~-M J. M. MILLER '! ---COntr~tor and Builder ---- 1806 Newport Blvd. .<Asta Mesa 0 Gflt~,AT JAI -Repo-1 a1 )1 ... I ........ -.t . -.Thl• u-. Do :T...-1111 PIAftO Ccl .... ta Aft- I"IANO SAl of trade-lr .. -· ~ T•rm1. Oa .., North Th11 •• a Oanr-Schn North Ma• PI~NO S ~k. " ... $plnetlu •tc:. Lole · terent pr ,._.,.,., . • -D~SChn North 1111~1 PIANO SAL tzt6 In I ...,utlful rent at t khml!!t.-1 Malft. San • PIANO. L.l'l N-port I tir-e balan• e6. Write 17$0'•1 VIc: FuRNITL <:OeTA 1\jl£1 1to0 N- afttlllue •• pfete liM .• ~ dl,.h•t an r....-." dll-... PltoM Ne Hous• --.TA~ ... t v. ,,..... . ..... SALE ·.;c....- Tr ...... In .. ._. "' ...... ,_. TELEPH ~WILL Bl ; I, ReYtldou Ia the telepl IDchaded 1o . an recel•ed ot the Bout pbone ColllJ ~ lac to c. l Kanacer. N• duded ln a.l pbolle IDitl made by·thl ll.embeN • Club met 1 Fred A.abau SN • ., DOl • a ._ .. ~JI' .. ,_ Ollf.-••-rt .l1rhr Pllllia~i•c k '!f., ~~~1--:::r.:==z..:...._.o::r::;.:=...-... _.c.. ....... -.... ,, ... _ ... ...:o.-----....o:.L--------..:.~=o· .. ;...~ .• ~ .... '.~ .. ._......,..._, •. ,.,.._, .•. ., . . "· .. . . ·" · .. --. ORI!AT JAIIIUARY PI.NO SAL. · -Ae~-.-d lpl...tte aa •- aa '\lit, anotller at tie, - etiM" -,t liM, liM. tat(), lh6, -· Tille If. a cllanc. of a life· u-. Do 1\ot welt. Come now. Ter,.. like rant. Oenz·Scllmldt PlaftO Co.. up· .Nortll Main, .. nta An-. I , ,_ T' 1 106·tfc. PIANO &ALE, Jio,w.ry c ... ,.,_· ef trade-In planoa. &ome aa low •• ea. 13&. 131. tu. a&7. l'tc. Terma. Oanz-Scllmldt Plano Co .. leO Nortll Main, la,.ta Ana. 101-tfc REAL E•TATE F-oR SALE PuBLIC NoTIOES C£RTIFICATE OP BUliN 'fi~TITIOUI FIRM NAME nnr. UNnERSIONEO d~ lal'~by ct'rtlfy t~t hf' '-("~l cooductln,r Uulldlng )tRterial Sllfl- ply ~ 3104 Wr11t C'f'ntral. Nrw- port ~ach. raltfornta, under t,he fl rtltlou11 finn naml' ot N..wport Bulll1era! ·supply Company. aod REAL ~ATE FOR 5ALI! -that M .hl firm Ill CCII)'lpotf'd of lhf' ••boa Penlnawla Tra~. 1 -Iota tolln\lo'inK pt'riiOIII II I w h oar frot~tlno on Ocean. Blvd. lot Block name 1M 1 and &llllrl'llllt l'llt 111 CAN' I o. All ctur, ~-00 for tiM L 1111 followa. to-wit· L..ew H. Walla.,., 12111 W. Cen-L L. htbtoll. 3104 W C'f'ntral tr ... NewPOrt •acll. 10S·10tc. Avrnur. Nrwport lieat·h. Calif --------------1 WitneM lilY hand thl1 2ud .1lay r--fli~'WI! ~"'~"'HY£-PUA· of January. 1941. Tllta to a beauty. Coma a't once.. CHASER OF REAL ES_T~TE:-S • . L L. I UJo:LL. Oanz-Scllmtdt Plano Co.. ~ we would tlka to aubrotlt for STAn : 0,.~ C'ALl,.'ORNIA, 1 Nortll Ma1n, S.nta A!!•· 106-tfc. yo\tr conatd•o'atiOft owr liattno• COl'NTY OF' OJtANGF: 1 M . PI~NO SAL~-, l\lotl'tlno lllld ~k. 5wry plano m tllla aale. $plnett11 atart at S\611, 1186, etc:. Loll te ctloooe from •t dlf. terent pro~o. Olgant1C aal-.1•-...,... ,._ ...... llaye onfyr- • -Oanz-Sdtmldt Plano ~YO lllortll Matn, Santa All•· It~ PIANO SALE-Oral\da ea low ae tft6 in maontftcatft condition. (I ... utlfwl tone. Terma or Will Nnt at 16-00 a montll. Dana- tcllmidt P!.f.!l2 _t;o.l&. -~ .tl3ll!L Mat .. , $ante Ana. IOI·tfc. . PIANO, LATE STYLE, -· In N-port Buell. 111.00 paya en- tire balance. Oellverecl and twn. eel. Write CrltcMtt Plano Cq_,._ 1~ z VIctory, Glendale. 4-ttc. FuRNITURE SERVICE on Newport H•tollt.a, Corone del On thhl :tnd .Jay u( January. Mar and tl>l P•ninawta et Bat-A. D.. lll41. twfort' mP C F. boa. Wllllamao'! and Wt lllamaon, \\'&ttl!' ft Nntary PubliC' ln IU'l\l for Aul Eat•t•, lnawrance Broke,... the II\IJ cnunty and ..ta\f'. rt'lld· 703 Eut Central, &aiboe. Pllone: lng thcrt'tn, duly c-ommulatonr <l lllewport Beacll 273. 106-tfc. liruJ awotn. ~III>OJllly app(',&rcd REAL E9TATE F oR l3ENT .. L . L. hbell known to me tn. bt• -peraonll•l WhiH!t' Ollmt'IBI Ill 1are1 aubBC'rlbt'll to tht' within ln- 8lrument, lind a <•knowlC'djtt'll to me that hr n:ecuted the aame. TN WITN!o~SS WHF.REOF. I band an.d DE&ERT RENTAL5-6ponjl t"'t cold, cloudy daye In tl>l warn~ eunalllne of ,tl>l dUoll1.. F~ mocl..... era tiiiRWYDdM.._. caU-at -tile my DE.I6fiT VILLA. eatlledral City 1 and yeer In thla Ct-rtlttr ate Jl mll11 from Pelm . J prlnoal. J above written. R0610nable rat ... w. L. Jordan,· ISI!!ALI - ow-r, ""one Palm Spr1nft 7a11. .. C. F. WATTS t01 ~tfc. Notary PuNic lo aod fOT aald -Coun~ and State. ~~u..ANEOUS ___ ~ft~'-alon_E~pi~ ~ 12. t..... . HOUSEWIVES! 't>ub: Jan. 2. t . 16, 23. 1941. Look owr yowr dlec~~rded gar-Kids · Get Cake ol j <:OeTA 11i1EIA FURNITURE G0.- 1100 Ill-port Blvd. Vta11 owr afttlqwe allop. Ateo llaw a COm· pe.ta line of~~ jl-.4 becl room, lllnlng and llvlntt room fwmltwrw, ,....... ... • ..,.. waMI... -· dll-and vacwwm • a-pe.ra. • fftlnta and 111d clotlle. We noocl tl>lm to cloan ow~. maciiiMry. Pile-13 and -wUI oot tMm or bring tlllm to CH.tr office, 1:101 W. C,ntral Aw .• N•wport, and -Will pay -n centa a pownd for tlllm .. Ploaee art off tJio !Hittofta. On Birthday of School's Cafeteria ; I, ·I "'""-....._.rt .... 101-10tc. .-wTA~ lle)'tall WMIIwa ~ Ra4ft .. v-a.-,._.. m-• Aftllr • II· -...... """ &ALIE---00 "econllltl_. 1 C..._.. IEiectr c Rlfrl .. ra or. Tra4M In Ofl lerwl •lectrwlll•. ...... f'wmit'lre c. .. tiM Main .... ....... ,•··~- TELEPHONE USTINGS WILL BLREVISED 1\evtaone ot exi.lttlq 114tlnp Ia tM ulepbone directory wtll be Newport .. lllloa Newe-TI- N-POrf ...... CALif'ORNIA SCHOOL 0 .. awaotaH M.uaAGa II'HYalt:.\L COL TU"IE Let"' IIIIa ,.,..._..,., •r~rell -· -d-Nrta -· .. Dey & ........ c-- • Nortll c.ut atv<t. ,...._- AJAX A"CADtl-cl.-d for ,.._. wtiOfl and ..,..__1"11· Watcll f..-our openlf!J ... ,...~ AJa• An.Me, 111 Meln at., .. 1. .... 1-1- IDcNded bl tlle Dal iawe If they DR. HENRY C. VOGT an received at the ~ otflee Clllret~ractlc HNltll 5tMciallet ot t.be Southern C&Jifom14 · Tele-~tc:en-.4 Pai!Mr Qradw.-·~ pbone CoiDJIUI)' by \M c:IOM of II Yea,..• l:•perle-~ J!n Jao~ 28. accord-Pllene 4113 l17 N. Loe A,..elee IDe to c. I. ltk:Dooafd, DUttrcr I--A~. ~ -- Jtlanacer. New lul1Dp will be In--._ltc. eluded ln aU cuea• to wblcb tele- plloce 1Ditt.ll&U0111 have beeu W A NT E -0. made by-that llme. -:------------ Kemben of '(he 4-H Sandplpent Club met Saturday wtth Wnt. Fred .uhman In Co~a Mea&. SNOODLES l I L - WAN-TED-Room and board by yowno bwet..... man, ciNn llalttte. Write .... J, C/O Nawa-'rimet~ or Pllona 13. 1tp DOROTHY DARNIT ,~-~~ .... _ ...... .___, .......... ___ ,,., ......... ,.,____ .. , ,... . ...... Cekbrat in.at thl' fifth year of OJ>('ratlon of the Nl.'wport lkoach GrammAr School caftttf'ria. pupils wt>re t reatrd to gt'nerous sli«'l! of birthday cake J('JVed ,bY Mnt. Rose Lugo, manatter of the c;afeterta. The evt>nt took plaCt' urly tbil we.k durin& the noon hour. Mn. Luro rnadP anct decorated tM cul- inary master·plt'Ct' which ~rved thf' entl~ studeht tibdy. A~g to ~ports the a~Cl' numbfoT of pupil)!. who paironlZt' the cafeteria 'has lnc~a.wd by 150 in tht." pt'riod. Mrs. Lu&o Is assisted by Mnt. El- more Haydt'n of Balboa. This Wt't'k's menu includc>s: Monday: com ch9-~1 Jneat balls. ~paghettl. lettueto. tomato ~ floating Island: Tht'lday: barley soup, c&bba~tf' roll. potato aalad, prunt' cake: Wednt'Sday: chlckt'n liOUp, hambtlf'lt'MI. aspera~ .. led. · autumn glow po~ ThUQday· navy be-an 110\Jp. chicken fricu.- with bisruits. fruit wad. vanilla ~~ Friday: clam chowdt>r. vt'getable stew , tuna lllllad. and lemon pi•. -------A daughter ,... bora to Mr. aod Mra. Uoyd BftliKlfl nt 60&"' Weat Central Avenu•. B&lt:.o.. January 11, In St. J~ph Hoe. plt&l. ' J -... ' . ' ~~; IJ , • , -- ll··""· -t\lt'-lhl~ •.•. •lrl\'o'll 1•1tt 1•r lh1'll ~-~:;~-,n.j~~~~~~~~~~~.~U-U~~"IWU ~~~ In 11pectal dt'man<t tb• aupplle1 en bei'\J handlt'd n-e-t from Southern Callfo"'la without crl"t. J. F. Wetklna of EUt Newpor1 and w. F: .tones or Balboa an lit-char~l''"or local cnmmlltl'f'a For ·-.....- YOUR .. USED CAR uam tbf' Truth About thf' l lSEDCAK You Pul'<'hay. BU\' LOCAl,l .\' · FOJ PERSONAf. SERVICE .·· .. AKI ADVANTAGE OF THIS NI'W IIVOLUTIONARY POLICY ~--rODAYI J"'ow, u&ed COli guorolllttd IOf Jife -regorilleu Of oge, 11101te, or price! Yes-you'll gel o written, ironclad guoronree Oft .,., '"~cot ot ford or Mercury deol~rs. It 's good o1 long 01 you own the cor-5 ~r~onlhs, 5 yeo11 -or lonoerl And right now you'll get the loweal prices ond biggul If You Don't •~ch ·Morning -Buy.-.DKEPi.tRI\~-==t:----a tT A.M:-DVer KFOX-News "''1l1•ii, ~'"' It $'1~ 1\HII 1-'nl~l •I•· htlLt' IM'Ihtn; loh · ' 1 · ol ,.,.lrn•: low milrftCt' ti80 111111'111.: ..... lltll. • l tUih•, 1\11111) 1'\11'1\~ :1! .. "1 11~1 l >o>tlllt' .... It·~·· l',.tlpll; al· :lMI llll"'t llt'W. fur c-.nly 10 1':\1{ "''I"' '"'"'"'. ,.. ... ,.,,., Ill l.llll'llht i'.1'11h\ I ""tnn l11tlt11, \lo ht11• '""'\0011 ,,,..., 1\~l 1'1\fttlllo' •"tl" !'l·tlll-'llllt'r , • • ..... ,k_., ,.. ... thi•! ·Till f.T;'i I !l.19 \1ulill11r "6 I " ~'ial ..- ~-,1~1 l111\l111 l111111111o; "~lfln ~> \ l ''""· w..Y nl•'o· . - l.tth'1tln i'.o•tth) 1 "'tlnn: ·nulh• 11!1 1-'o111 l t111l1,11 "'1l11 n lik1• I > pr:". 3t1 ~t"l •llllti•• lnunn.: ..... tltn. ""'> .\!'• 111M I~ I' 1,"''"' ..... ~-I Ill tnt lttt<l "1"'"'·····~--. ·I I F1111l ~IIJII'I' tlt• lutu• ~lllllttll "'"!:""· tlrl\'<'11 170fl mne.,., .. )!1~1 !'l;n-h·IJtfll)'l'lll' ...-.tAn ; 1n'il "''"" c:-M'n•, nnly -------' 111:¥.1 ( 'twvmlf'l r"' IUlV' •port K..~1 "'fiJtn, rKttl<l , tlfll)' 19~~ l .nl"AIIt• "'"11\n. t'l;_tlnr<ll !:1 'O_i (W\f' '" t ""'"' 1\I:IIC c 1tl'\ rult>t ... ~11\n , rk•11n : 4~ .:•••1 . nk'<', tlfll.y 4411 ltl:litl c 1~o·\'ntlo·t !>("Jan. ..111 • :14,'\ y.our C'htl&n-at 331 ~·-~·lltl !'I 107:\ Itt" t.lt~~-.tln ~'m-A -a.n; T· llft,.,."ntr .. r . _. fttfa f<lr • lie w. ~Not Ia • PCMIUoa to "eopardbe Our ReputaUoo . lf'ot--.. iwn1Dirift1 " •••• -Ofl .... .-evctiOilbloclt giillioutonc1i0f frlslty 1-2-3 yeor olds -oil brands -just traded In on the ~· fotl-ttlling fords ond Mtrcvryt. 'Y. Nrt•h·l.~tfll)'t'ltt• c•utilll', only LocWJy For J\iil Uaecl Car Sale! HERE ARE A FEW. OF OUR 8PECIAL8: 1939 Otevrolet Sedan E'x. con. Low milf'a&e '175 DOWN 1936 Oldsmobi~ 4-0r. Sedan. Repainted. 4 new tires. Motor A-1 '125 1.836 Plymouth H>r. Sedan. Nf!'lll rtnca. A·l 1933 Chevrolet Coach.. Rune good. -• - -- --. 1 S.O Olt"VTOlet Buslnna DOWN •7s DOWN •10 DOWN Coupe; Radio; SI!Ot-$195 light · Extras -·-- -1 .!>. -----. 19.14-otd.nl'Ot,ue "6" St>dan. Mighty Good $75 Transportation! -- -• -. ! --,---DOWN I l936 ·Oldsmobile Convertible i ~n~t~.r • • ·) '125 I .DOWN H. W. Hartley, Inc. Chevrolet &Ad Oldsmobile 30th Street and Central Ave. Newport Beach Come In -todoyl Swap you~ nog for o thorov ... ,.d. O.t the new, e11cluai•• LifETIME GUA.ANTEtl r '40 Ntt..ta·l.afa):ulla• ~IUpC . ,,, • ..,.drlvl' -.---. . -----.,..--t--t-1 ~VI'III' liN lin; tnr" 19:~ Plymouth Coach rhnnlr'• IIIA'C'Iel . . ..,. mi1Hp ... -.. . . ... Thi~> rar WI' 01rou..:ht ~ 1\~ u "'""' 6u> "'h•;n w t• "'''"" tllokln6: -:1..'5 M}'fli(IUIII 4-dnnr tnmlt $510 for II. II '" }ti\JO. torllly fur M~i nw Jlnl't• \0'111 Itt• lll'dlln. n-l'!linl liMO wmy. dr luu cuatom _,.n, almnet nf'W. Oftl1 INS rt'duCf'd $1 011 1'11\'h day unttl sold ' ·~ .-unJ IM'(Ian, 'only Markrt Prl~ -.S.'i If~ 25 W11 Rellev,. We Haw the N'--t ... S.lfooct kMI nl R.fcGNtttton.cl Ullfd C".,.. In Lone a.dl Special Sale ·Price -5487 1937 Ford 2-Door Sedan 'nib i1 a IOCill car a nd 111 f'"('<'ptlonally rlt'an 'throul(hout. See It toda_y! Market Prioe -11'76_ Special Sale Price -$325 finllah, Market PriM -SS66 Speciai Sale Price - • THEODORE ROBI.IS Ford -Mf'f'C'.Or)' -Un_ool• 7~yr 22nd St. and Cc,ntrnl Av(! .. J 'h 01'\(\ 2M Nc>wport Rt•:H·h, \..nlir. By Cy Hu,nteiford Thf'IW' ~ a Few of Our BargaiN Cot'I'\C! and See the Rest ' WE INVlTF. YOUR OPINIOif ~ 01'HERS-Prioed to w liT IILL Uncoln-Zephyr: x.mary Dlatrtbutor ''The 81~ Ribbon Firm" "RIDE with RIDINGS" 1633 Ameri~n Open Evenlnp and ~Sunda--y-+--1525 Amerfean Lone Beach I -hone 620-7 4 Oprn Sundayw and ~ 1313-"American-Avenue 1313 "NEW" YEAR .-"New" Resolutions "NEW" LOW . PRJ~. l!rl7 Pal'knrt1 1:.00 4-fk~t~r •rmk INJdan . . l!l:\9 Pnrknrt1 6-.ryllndc.or lmnk ~n; radio; ""•"'rlv. HMO J•a .. kllrd 1:.10 4-dr. trunk ·IM!'dan ; 0\lf'rdriv•; ndio 19.17 l.MSnll•· 4·•tonr 1 runk llf"dan: radio; u ric. lhruout •. ~-""""'-~f:1rJ'tl,._!llill,.. ....... t ~ • - 19:\7 l'•~nlln•· dl' huu-4Htunr M'dan; radio ln:ut Hulrk Crn tuf)• f11mlly Mdan 1939 fo'onl town wdan; "''intlbfd . 19:\9 ( 'hrvml••t femJiy .. ~n; radk•; htollt,.r; apotllftlt l!l:l!l Wllly11 :l-rlfoor tw'ftlln, ori~elnal thmuahout I~:Y.. '"""' :l-donr I nmk 11f'dan : orlltfnal bl11dl tlnlllh 19:\7 Olr!Jimohll,. "fl" 1~111pr; tlnlllhfod In bl11r k 19:1.''1 r'lymt•urh tlr lux .. roupr, h'tlrtlllhfod In 111n Hl:wl t-'11rrt t'ti\IJII'. rrflnltthrd; hurry 19:1."1 Slur1••11Akl•r ('nmm11ndrr trunk 1M'CI11n , radln 19i1 1-'of'fl l'tiUJif'. ..,... II J9~!lwm91 ,. ·dour ru ~ IW"dan_ _ l!iw l.lnf'uln 4-ilonr trunk; tlldin: 11ld•-mount• 19.'1-4 Oulf'k 4·t1nOI' ~; flniatwod-In MM'k WAS • M5 IM5 10116 !Wl -~ ...,., ~ !15 ~ )(15 41& 4115 m 3~ m 145 145 391\ a5 Packar~ .Long ~acb Company 'llw Hmrw-of "Packardlzed" Ull'd .Carr. 1:11 :l -*MI-:JUCAN':AVENUJo~·-1313 Long Besch 18 ••• 741 1ot5 .. --us ~~ -515 -.a .. 245 218 ~ • 100 HI 215 --·------ ! ·WAIT _A MINUTE-! CHECK THESE VALU~ ·:n C'h,.vrtolrt l•.wn IW'f1an. ltJlf'Ctlll at _) · J6 WIll)' 11 4 ·dour )lf'(l11 n: 101-e It ':1R Pnntilu:, 4-~~~ S-196 . 145 496 ':r7 iiiymoulh 4·dl.otJr lll'dftn: r11l1l1o, ve·ry dr11n ':15 f'lymt'IUih 4·firl0r IW-d/ln, II lllrll Ill ......... 31& ... 211& !\.'\ Ot~Umotillfr ~"lll'odall; oomplc•tt'ly rrcondltlonM, •nd 11n r11.1/•tandfna val~ • .. . 295 MANY W(lR§..j)I.J1SMHDING DUYS HERB BEAR · .. Your Hudlori I)Mier't 2'l'l EAST ANAJIEIM '-aBMcb . ~ ~ -· === .. ,,:::;::.,., .... :.=:-...:.::.&.:t-... -·--t·~~------.................. ""__ __.=·~i'r. .. -.. 1 •• -... -., •• :-_...,. •• _ •• , ___ ... ~ •• -~:::::·_ . . .... , . .. • r=WIItol ....... _ ... ~··-"-·----,:.·--•-"-•••--... •--~-.· .. -___ ..._. CQRONA DEL. MAR -BALII)A ISLAND LIDO ISLE • ,. ~~!~~~~*~·~~~~Y,)~~·l_6_,_1_~_1_. ___ ~--------------------~-- THE -WGM-AN.'S -P-A -G.~t· (Betty Dodie ... Phones 12 ~d IS) NE~ORT KACH COSTA~~ES,A BALBOA . • I ~----~~~~~~~--~~~~Evenb ... ~oin In ~.ce For 1 In Harbor ~rea Le11 Me~r•al .Fund I F RI DAY, JANUARY. 11-I • (!lolita MUll f'tlday Atlt"rDI}(>II ~ 1'1!1!91 et dy t~ m i'Wbel a :.af7"etu:b. --tp. m::-liecJJ,!roctt)' Ul1,y prQ-J \!tt. Wowen'a 80<'10'\)' of Chr11tlan tram. 8erv1c. of tbe t'hr111t Chul'l'h by l'\l'wpor't Ji(oarh ~y scout 'Ute' -tka t09t1 p11rt . tn-tJwo lnau-' ll"fV•J'. 7 p;.o-!' -'-ball -~---.!A! JW'I' IAJI Ml'moriaJ Fupd ae1. 1 t'oa.ta )4rAA Boy !"; n111 trnop _ Vice Tueaday an .. mnoii followlnK 1 7 Jl m .. Meu· I!M'<IIIt hall., I an all-day .mf'ctlng whlcb featurfld · f'•~.tta M•:lli' Jo'ln·ml'n • Club. a--~et.aUv• 4 ~Jazal 7~t(l p.m . tire hall Coalm ualty C•nttr I wbo rf'l&t.-d I Balbcl!l u l&nt1, H4'cl ('rOIJII. t 30 the ~ry of the . LoiJ A n~tf'le• p nt to • 30 ro m . 1M llfarlnt' dwroa atnci lt. fnundinc Ia 11112. avenue. We Tbe flrat I!I'I'VIcf' for tile LeiCK SU ... DAY. JANU A"V 1t;-bt'ach Kemortal Fund was It'd by-Mra I Jl'. R. Aldrlch mullf'um. Hay 1,._ · f'llpt't'lll.lly M• flO Balht~& ll1land, I J obn R . Mcdure of Balboa Ia· land opt"n to publ.<j 2 p. m. to "''lth thrt•f' vf our nt<trr hltrl'lr t tvo> tud v.·ho read two or1Jttnal poeau :\ p. m. . 1 f•·m• lr lttnl( d,,,..n thl' mAidenly • wrltterT tlrpflCIIIO.Y fOf' t~e ()('rulon M ONDAY, JANUA"V 20 -bar11 t {l NY "I 'Wlt.l.'', In ltfi'J'IrtiW' by . MJu ~aUdt' Jl:llen C'hllcoa\1! 1 • F.bt>IJ Arta and Crafta Rt·rtloo wt'(llllr1Jtll fl4•t.ty J ••hn11on, bf'lnR and ltlra Sara Bowman alao o(l rlubbouw. 10 &. m lh!' l8tnl to j<•ln thf' •1lht'r tw(l Bal..._ leland .otftr1n~a tor Ute . Newport H t>l&hlll Nt>ljthbor• 1 J•an f'lllmtr ami ~~~s•·m~: y 1\md wUI bt' In U\e form ot \'olun-lunch.on Jlall l • I m Coata • CLEI.IAJC·E SALE EXTRAORDINARY AT • GREELE.Y'S • CHENILLE. FLANNEL nnd SATIN ROBES Regular SJ.!Y.>---$4.~ and $5.!l5 Reduced To -. -$2.50 OOME EAR:..;;,L=\'~! __ SLACK SUITS Rcgulat S1.95 Reduced T9 -$1 ,00 · Hlgh<'r Pricro SLACK SVlTS 25(';. ·OFF , SEPARATE FLANNEL J ACKETS and SKIRTS 25~~ OFF j 50~; OFF Variety of Mf'fl's and Women's WOOL SWEATERS 25 5'<-OFF Broken Line ot SPORT SHO~ -.:AU Toia --,One-Half Price . aXCBAXQB8 08 &&FUNDS ......... To Lead Diacutafon' At P-T.A. Meet r .. Beverly Bechtold fn 8th Bbthd~Y. · Hnnortn~r. Mlu BC'Vtrty B«b. 'Mrt. June Ledford Ia told on ber lith blrthday Saturdav 1 B . ...... ,... lt'n Yf!UDJt tnfl!dl of Balooa r~dae Hoateaa llland In the R F.. Bfocbtold hom~ &l 3 1!1 O>ral AVf'DIIf' B rt1bt cdored b&Jioocui and - By Librari•n . For · Newport EJ,ell Club I .• Esclaanae Vowa With Joaeph J\rdain To Hold Valentine Day'a Card Party ·, -8krtchea:-at-ten nm'""' rrcnm·i-' 'a... tho 'US't"?:l! .J.anllAI"lt.-bndea \';i lN11lnA' D&y. 1 -~a 1.o .,. ~ u.a. menrtet! by recognized critiCI! and wu adde<! the name ~( Mlas metl( ror a bo.>neflt ca n! party to in hunor u( ht·r 81~t•·r.' .. ~t tl' ~~W ~ 1' ~uma.. f.terv.·ln .1. I· r ''" M N~>WJlOI Heltthlll I'Otl'rllllll"•l ttt dl·~st'r t ,_,.__.....,...U111 .. sl ... ....,_ ... ..._ ......... 7. ........................... .;··· ._.__ .............. aa --.~ ...... t-UN . . .. . • bfollt .ellen v;ere f!ven by· lira. B~tty Jotmaton F'riday at 8 a. m. ~ ,dvcn. during that '":e~<'Ord.. Duuglu . heafrl5f'1!r. New· 1 when abe exchanged \'OWa wltll lng to plan!l by t he Newport Har· port Beach City Library aml I Joseph EWIII Ar~ln lrf" the lm· 1 bor ... merlcan ~gtpn Awtllla,y I populsr book rt'VIt'wer, At today's maculate <"onceptloo church ln. wtlo met . Mond4y night In t.be mef'tln~ or Ute Newport 8(-ach I' Yurna. Arizona. Rev. Arthur Val. Le)rlo-n Hut. Ebell Club. • 1 lue ·read the ceremony. I Headlng · tile committee ,J n Interestingly told In the atyle of I 'MI .. brkJe Is the daughter of 1 char~ of all a rrarigementa for- a <:l'lttr. ttenry Bo~'• IBrorm-Mr. and ldra. T. J . Jo~too of ~-11P!l&t' vent Is Plle!'"ident Mra .. In~ book, "'VItam~"· and tht' two 1'421J Cjlrnatlon Avenue, Coromr del l.latie Rolllog. Otllm- Call(omla novl'lll "C..oldt>n Gatl'" ~hr Sht> clioee a travellns eul~' Mme11 F.lht'l Taylo•. Mary ~an. bv Felix Rln.-nbf'rg an1l "Harbor for ht'r we;hJtng CQIIIUmt' and Gcof'~tte Gordon. Beaalt' P.ullea ot the Sun·: by lid&» Mlllf'r wt're I w orl' 11 corsage of gardenlu and Esther S uod. FUrther piau I Ute n~· mentioned by Mra. Doug-I \'owe Wt'rt' u changt'd b~ Mlaa will be made at their January 27 lu . Tht' l¥t t wo were of ~ JohnHtQn and Mr. Ardaln. , lae.aalon. F'ran¢1aco and ~" Oltgo r t'llpK· Mr. AJ<Ialn 111 thl' son of Wlllla Following the ·bualneaa aei&AoD- tl'vely "Hungarl. n Rhapsody" a W. Ard11n of Opel!ausaa. Loulal· whk h l.ncluded r~portll on codl- biOtfl'llphy of a i ctrees by Ber-ana. It waa tn Louisiana whf'rt' he I munity aervlce, Mra. Roy Gf'bri• tlta Hardln~t " r~ommended rect'iVf'd his IIChOOIIng. 'Mrll wu aurprlllt'<J "'~th a layette ' GRACE SHIPMAN SCHOOL of DANCING Tap, Ballet. Toe. Acrobatic and Ballroom 219 Ma~ Ave. Balboa lsland Woman's Clubhouse COAta· Me$8· 418 South Main ~ta Ana Motorin&' to R.edl&Dda Monday _,. Jlll'r'e. D. · K. Blue aDd Ml" cou.m .. Sibyl Do&D, ol ltllchlpn. PIUVATE LEMONS-Sl ... 1WO BALLROOM CLASSES Oilldren 10 to 13 yeen and mp Sc:hool lC to 17 ,.an • • THE OWl'S EYE is made to see at dusk when me owl hunts its prey. An owl's eyes ocrupy one-third of irs hc:1d and it can see with less light than a human . TilE HUMAN £Y£ is designed for S<."t'-lng in full ctly· light. fc requires good li.ghr ro function propcrly. Y~t many .J~plc endanger their vi~ion, na· cure's most prt·ciou~ gifc. by l!~ing thtir l}'l'S in h.~ht that \\Ould h~· Good sight depends upon good light. TLf ~his e>:peri.rocm at home. Put a .tO-watt bulb in a lamp and read for five. minutes. Notice how your bead leads tow\'"d the page. how your eyes strain to see. Now placc.a 1 00-wart bulb in the lamp ( whKh . . . , should ~~ade the bulb properly,) You your placing your old lamps with bett-er-sight lamps." They are designed to provi~e the kind of light your eyt"S oted indoors. See the MW models with me diJfusing ~under rhc sbidc IOUTHIRN CALIFORNIA IDIION COMPANY I.TD • -~-------- '•