HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-01-28 - Newport Balboa News TimesLook .Firat TtlHe boat exploa10011 have •• occurred tbi• Ytar. Srvtr&l .Qlen have been ~. but fortunately there bav• betn oo Uvea loat y~t. Whll• not U\ ex~rt. OD oautlcal ~t­ tera, yet it would eeem that boat oWD~rs would l~am from theee blaata lbat It ia better to exen:l~ a little caution and care or th~lr cratl to ~lim· • lnat~ the dang~r of belnJ blown 1lry high.· • 1 How High Preald~nt Bill Salisbury Ia out C&nlpllgning with t;l>\'· rrnm~nt afflclall! to havr an elevation ma.rker wt In th~ aldewalk In front of lb~ n•w Meaa Poatofflce u aomrthlftJ IH"'N ud ·different. HeN 'a lioplng mn · will t» abl.e to aurmount t~e U.IU&1 ~ trafl Or ofrtcla l red tape and achlev~ hla _purpoae. .. ,. . .. r SUI I- WEEK.LY • 0 ... •• ..... -- Th~ hou~ wu ocruplf'd by D . Vu Leer 12. broUit r·ln-law of Ber glund tU told offlcna h e heard a no!M at a window but alnce It wu ralnlnJt', be UIOuJbt· ~ It ••u a nelfhbor <'loalnJ a wln- Oimaxlng one _of the great-1 dow. ' est years in the history~ tlle thJel' poked a Newport Harbor ~ of.~ J.n Jli.JUeaA, u&Mokecl -.-· l but v.•aa unable to f oree open the Commerce will be the anoua window. .o took tr\e ba4-on ud dinner meeting to be held at , ~n• for hia trouble. 6:30 p. m. in ttle dining salon 1 of the Newport Harbor Yacht NEW POLICE Club Thursday night·, ,J an. 30. Owr 200 civic l.aden1 of the ~:¥.~;1~b:~~:~!~·SERVICE 10 AID achte\·cments by rt>tlrin.: Prt•st· . dent Jamt"S D. Watkim. ---=--- --~~~._~------------~-------------------------------~~~~-----= MID-WEEiC EDITION LIDO ISlE, NEWPO~T HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND1 CORONA_ DEL MAR, COSJ A MESA --. -. -------------- Ernest Burris .,inds Petrified · (irangeM In Pi_t .. NIJIIU&a I CHILD · DIES. AS . . TlfRESutl Of EUCTRIC BURN Tr~~ Of'Mr. a nd-Mna. John E. u.d- dock Q( 17~ ~­ Balboa. Jut Ncftt ...... UWtr 16-montha-old 10ft. 'J1InDtb¥ Frandl Haddock, cled .. t.. rNUJt ol fatal. buml ..,..,...., IM mouth_...... 11a a tM-• Hadaodc home liMit ft=F-+,;,;.Wflt"k . BaJJoun&.. on directors t----ftllllbtlrrr-wtftlm'f'tt-,nr41rr--tri--l nMW J't'8Y i.s un&rway .~:i:T....-·~i:-+1 ... -ll~r-'IH ... W -----1 F ord of 'anct~t anceat.ry. ballot box located in the Chamber A rrival eft varloua membera of Lion Club~r at the Thea- day noon meet.lng mtgt't have been a aaga of trusporta. Uoo·. ~eat waya T. R. "Ru~" Rex and D. K .• '.Shorty" Blue Jalloped ~p to H~lnz Kai84!r'a car~ on horae back. tlad lo th~ accout~rm~nta of Weat· em bOrHIJit'l'\,_ whlle The<>. ·dating u far back aa 19UI. offices at Balboa. wherE' m embers a.nd perhapa an earlier perlot1. art' uraed 10 go and vott' prior .10 4 p. m . Thursday. At that-time. I n an addt>d t>ffort to combat The alg Nltht t ht> ballot& wiU be tabulalcd and t hf" pn>valling tendency of pro· Nnt 'n\urwday' ~ve Ia the the l"t'Sult will be announced at th<' 1 mii'Cuous renlals durlna the col· 81« Night for the Newport }Tleetin& that night. Onto dirc.>cto.r llf"giatf' EaJ~ter vacation, 0\ief of Harbor Chamber or ColD· will 'be elf'cted from Wt>St New· PolicP Rowland Hodgkinson haa men:e. Newly elected dln~e· port. Newport, Lido lste. l::ast evolvC'd a new plan to ch<'Ck up on tora wtll be announc~d and Newport, Balboa, Pt>nlnsula Sec· all pt'rson.!l who lf'ases hoUAH dur- Preeldent Jamu D. Watkins lion. Balboa lsla!'d· Co~na del ing lhal pt>riod. · wtlt p,_nt a r"lew or lbe »ur Nf'Wport Hetghu and the ad· .:,T, nE'W $t'rYkt> or lht' pollee year'• ac:eompliahmeDta. while joining area along ~hway. ck>~rtmenl," he said today, "Ia 1: d A I D 1 w o r Ul w I d e I y ProaiAaeat G~ -prt>I<'CI hou~holck>n. A rMd coiWIUllllt of Loe An-O ther prominent guests in ad· nalre has been prt>pared asklna t plel . wUI be tbe ·~aker. dltton oto tM speaker wiU lncl t?r. agt>Tit and rt'nter to ctve ~orth hal alwaya been · Olatrict Endneer Edwin C. Kelton tM .number of people to be In the a populAr talkel" wfth Jlarbor of Lol A.ngeiH, Army aild Navy hoult', namt'll of cl~ba or oraani· folk aDd .,_rtDI out Udl fact offlctala, county and dty officials. zatloos, nanws of c~~,-.., baa bHo 'the ticket Ale& for Entertai~ht will be provided number of maJH' !Hid 'fm\8)8. 'lbunMSay fticbt. Dueata IOid during tM dinner hour by an· tox· "It ·wiU also bt' necnary t o -:- LOCAL CITIZDI HlTS OUTSIDE sCrape Of _Yam ,._.....a, Reel i:....Workwa Colored acrape ol ya111 wtt&eb eo klapr U8lll\al tO J.OU ·-... ··-&Del SHARP UPTURN IN BUSINESS \cUi MO. --.. =•zt•u• _. .... -._Ql'Cha'"'-. ctwnbr: ~ •t· aa. pat .__....... caP-city tbal may be •rnd. lals said today. hou.~ Is to be l"ftltt'd. I n t"&R ol quota oN.r ,... Pattenon and mARII". Tablt'S will be arrangt>d accord·1 any mi~ of IM property tht' dt'· lira. I!. 8 . Worrow, 1 ron ·Rul'ntl. • ... :- ing to nf.•lnct!' of ll''ic O ty. with f1llr1mrnl Y.'l1T br -able to get cbal....,, 11 t af1huls. ---fo'otlnwlnr tnapt'Minn of thft an· I rommill<'<'!' fmm t>ach Area com-,lnurh with lht• hwnl'r at oncP. C'nnst~rabiP dvocuS&Ion ha• alia··' Look tbrnurh your dt81'ardN.I • ~ F. lc1 .~ th r ·t tJJ ~h til""'"''' ntf Hw..dt)•'ll ht•!Wh tn~nt · JX'Iin~ m frirndly rivalry tn liN-or· "f:vo>ry ownPr nr}d nstf'nl ~houhJ rn ovrr tli'e~t.L.;e_ ol wat.C'r b)'~ odell aDd •ndlt of wool yarn L _.v .""r" ,,. ~ ac ~J.t "I n~:•• l'"''f"'r1Y 1\lnnll CC111~t I IIIth· : ulini: for thr C\'cnl. CbaJrinan of know .that a minor is not capable r~> .. uimiJ oul,;ld4> tJw rity Umita, anct lf'Dd 11t0111" tn lh,. Hf"ool ..,..t Y••ar h .. """'61"1 11 d"llnltr j wAy. whrrf' rtln•ml)• the• f11mt'ft I ' he d1st ri<'t I ablrs are for N1•w· , nf ••nl••rin~; into '' h•~;al cnnt rile I. foll!lwin..: I Itt• fl'('••nt ~I otemt'nl o( cr-oar; work ruurn tn BAih"" Ill· ftu r .. ,..,. In ""' ""'"""'"of blllll· '"'' 1 tt· no 1,..,0 nnr1 t h•• · httntl"''"'~', pnrt. \.t'•'l:lll'~• G<~rby~ fnr C'urttnll Jl·tan~ hom••s tn ttw Vfl~l h0\'1' "'"'"l <'•lltncllmnn Hnlw•rl AIIPn lhnl out· land, t2fi Mll rtnt• A v~>nuo· "' .11''~" ''"'~~' 1" llu• IIMr (.ur ttr••ll Ill "'lllro~t \lll'ht ,,, ('nl'l ~l'ltllllrlK lilt'') rtl·l :\·!;or anc1 No·wport llt'll:hl>, l•·l lot illlnotr"' ant1 In r;\;~l· n( rlam· ,,(!,.,., u,.,onl! tilt' c·tt)'!-fndlltl('tl to Mn . Mllrruw Ill 2U l t-:ol~•·· '"'111 """"'11 IJ:V tlw "''"11' IIJtlunt tll•••Jt•d t•·ul11tlv•• ""''"ll''nWIII II n Take HHd Every car own~r In Har- bor Dlatrtct wtll undoubted· ty glv~ wholehearted approv· a!· to drive by p!lltCt> to ~n·· fort't' regulatlnirft. requtrlng lhthlll and reOf'Ctnn' on bikes usetl at night ll'11 refre11hlng to IM'I' such a mhve motivated hv a .Licllirf' ln avoid a death. r~Ufl'r thnn bv thP fart there hM "~" nn•• · Tht>r<' are few drh·t·r~ whC> l"annot rl'lalr 111>m•• inRtHn•'~' wh«'n a child on o htkr nl nig ht •hns not stl\'t•n lh• m nt>ar ht>arl fall. un'. \lpl•trr n WI•Uiol do Wf'll not onlv l•1 h•·ed lh,. lnw 1111 tn m~ht rltlln~ but lo u.u a loti If' r11ut onn 1n t!tr• oi •Vtlm" 1u wrll. l .lohn ~i•·~:PI . for R~lh<•n J,.land, a t;r tho·r•' •~ no1 J't'(lt o·,~: not 1'\'o•n should •·lllwr :onrw ..: ur have thC'Ir watt'r, UAn••to. lll.:h "'"'"'I .• r ·""'' ''''"'lo: ""'''I I•~ l••·1r 1 rtlt'f' ,,,,. m••'•rllll( 11,.. "I;,KMI Will" w..r•••l ,\, M. Rl11w•rl ~on; Rnlooa, \\'o•!<\fJI1 frt)m tho· p;orr·nl ... IIJ\clo•r 1111' Ill~ .. water· 1'111 nlf J1rh~ haVI' ht•NI llllkt•ol ltt """"" (~111111~ durong 1111" I'"'''"' ·~· n ... l'fln•td••r••tl. l'.ollt•f'•un 1'1•\'t•lll•~• ~llrJlth1nl( I ~·· a I tHdflra of J11\': 1-)•t.l '"N••wrinrt. L. \\' Jlri~J.:'. ·nil' rir•\\ '''"' ,..,. wo•nl 1nln Pf· In t '"' ''"'"'~'~'' lun E.,.·l S. Mor~ 1ft msklnK , rot•lt..tt-•l J•l<'<·••,. rw !'i .. \\.,..."1,.,," "" ""'1fiiC 1 '' 1 •'''" 1:' l"lw '''"'"' '"'' ('lun whiC'I1 .. •Ill a'"'"""'"'' •tally ,,.~" In wtlleb ·'· Big Boata AllfJlhf'r h•r~Z•• .yn< ht 1~ o·x prr•t r•l It• rnm r to I"I'Wfl'trt Hnrhur '" tht• nl'ar futurl'. thl' n .'IIUi( n ( b4>i'ng forl"~d to movl' from n tar~t!r port now l.trlu hit·~ 1'. A l'a lml'l''; on t.:••n•·r·nl f•·•·l 111" .ftr'-1 nr ..... "'"' k lrl I'll~·· rtt\\' ll)fl~ II f'"''''''"' tlf N l'wpor1 the anwh Dt•NI,.tl ,,,,,,.n, I' ....... ,,.., IIJI\ .. •rlt .. IIIN """ ,.,.. • ....... "I' hot III•JII'tt\111 lt\ ,,,. I'll)' "1'1""''". '"" t•nmlf' .trtrJ, "rll•le .fhUI't.;o• nr ill((tnJ.:t·m··nt• fnr· thr· ·'" itllll\iolu . .t wi''"'' '" fl\;lll hit~l·,H··:If'h. '" t h~· ..... ,. .... "'on lniPr· '"'''"'" "'"'"":•• • ..... ,i ll"nt II• ftt•\1 rtoo•t•llltl! ,, ~trul· l!otV-Jifl ' Wll~ " t'n'fllt llnC' to ,.,·,•nl :~r•· l't11h1~1·c1 lin\\··: S:tm ,,.If .. r t h i, "'"' It••·. 11 !' '"''"""' rt I\ tt·~ ••~In~ .-.~:rl'Ni wrth Mr AI~'" "Th•• of•, ~<l•••t pr ··f••r ''"', t .. r 1 11 1., lh•· l••il"' ,1,1,, ,.,..111 ou 11lo·t Mt11" ,lllrrl""""" '"""')I) nt ,.. __ '""'l;rlh••r (;m·clnn :\1 (;Jttnrl~ 't h:ol ''"'' plo•,,,, ph•ln.· ''' 11•1111 ~ ,,,,,,.m .. nr and '·•tri · TWO BURNE '-· \\ . .,.,.,;, •••h··•lt•ottlo! "'"' h ~ttl• ,, q1,. S• tu.Jioro t.; Y"''"'· 11\\llll••r I"''' ''-'""" ""'' Nt>wpc>rl tlal'bor. II. F .. \\'~thlo•nlH•r,.;. l.•mmr, •\'tn!'• nl Itt•· fo<•lll'o do •p;11 tml n l I "J\, 1 1 1,1/, n :•ntl :o l"l 11 tax· '-0,• """ ,,,..,,. IJIJit >•:.•r ,,,, ,,( thr "" ,,, .. , "'"'""''' f.u•llltlt·• (rnfll th•· l 'nt .. n lll~th fkhuul •t•t•lf'nt 'Inti C I> an Hnll I"" t 1 "111 ''i'ftl •·oo:otr• 11 furth<>r I • •1 ~,., • ,.,·:..: hh 1t "''""'" I hut , ol\ 1'11<1,, tluot n~:r•·•'rtt•·pl . tit•• 'rl,., o·r•·•llt """ '""'I "lltale'a Car Thief· Nabbed "'~"II'''"" •·r lnlofn\lol fl tfl In rl'f••r· tho I·~ ttl ''"~ttl•··~ , .... , "' llllhollv • ,,, ""'""'" ''"'I''""' """' .... , •lfl'ltll t•MIII)I •lf>•llll\1'•1 by J~qu. 'Death Claims In Act By Two ~;:';:;.·. ';:.:·:.~;:·~.~;~.~·.~l:.~~n~C:.~ THIRD BOAT ~~ '"1';·.:,,:!::· ':;:~'.·,,:·: ";i·.~···:.·:· .. ::',''·•,',. :::.:" ::;:,:;,' :.\·:~~~:~111~:.:•;1 ~·:,"·:~~~~ ... :::· ""~11~:"~:::,~.,,, Ill:'"' Ill ""(' a Former. Me~. an , •lflo ,,, rRI-'"lflt•r;JI•• ltntlt,.. of lhl' ~""""', ... ,,I olo•\•loof•tlh•ftl nil "' ',.,,.,·, ....... , •. , Jltfl loot Ill ""'""' llljCb. Ia ""' -Balboa Men rtl~. . l "'''' h ·~ ,.,, .. ,.II Ill lito •• ·~"''"'" .,,. ~ .... ultllt11o; \tlf'lot .l' "' rn··~ •tnrtl(l)l•l .,, Mr ... tl .. ,. Ttlomu R J ·w t -, I '' , ,,,,, ,,,,,, ,A 1 , , 1 ... 1· , ., ,,, ,,.,,,,, .,, • UN''"''''· 1··2 ."lith ·"'· .... t. N·w. , .. ,.t.•llr.tl• fl.'" ~"'•1 pnrlf·r puh· • H ••I • ':· f"' " , .• '''' ,., 1 tt " .~·ut ,,, 1••. ' · '' • " P •• • ,, •r 't'J oy • er z ll·lud ,, ,,,,.,,. '"''' C"otltflf'ilmlln BLAST . '""' V•fP ,, .... ,,.,,,, '" l<jordwr ''"" "'"' '"'"'' flttrn lhool '"''' ,,. ,. .. rt {.,llt o<'k Rf'IIPII h\' ltlatfooll: 1-'llrl~t h 1\tl••rt 1J tt l 1,1.,111,111 h,.,Qfl' tht• IN BAY 'I It• ;-;, "'" Tllfl•·~ I• hol••o Mit 1, Ill llo• r o otl t oo( ''"' loolllol tl••f••ll '' ftl " fo'ormrrly n \\ld•·ly kn .. wn !••rei an I .tnm l'.· ('lfrtll\ol l'ltolh f'ttlpl1tV· ,.,,.,,..,, lht ... , •. ,,,,,n "' ('nrfttnulnst ' oil ........ ,,, ... ,,.,,~ '"''"""'II ""'" d••nt ••f ('rn<lll ~~~·~ii. Ht•y J \\'••rl1 "''~'~ "' "'" t:,ltl(t;o ~lnrlr •• llnr•l '"" :ot•llttrl p:or tl•'otl •r l) 1\~ re·~ ''"I IV• tli"'•l••· ,,,111o11u1• ""''"'"'' 6:.!. p10necr Calt t~>rm;tn a n•t prum1 ""''' l'n r~'~llll•·•l on f••tllnK ~~~rrl· JJ;tJit.•l J JlJntl. ~Jw4-. •• _ · __ ;::--:=--=+.~ YIJJtlll~fC~mi<Mrtr.:'iT~'9"~~1"t'"''tt~~!:1~~~r-.~7fl'~~.'::t;.;.' . UNCLE rwnl .bitlb...iJQ.~'~,..J~4 ~·*"'~''"''d llr .. -J 1 ~f _-t,~ , wo•n • 11hli~url rn ('nll~lMtly ~ ' ·r~l '"'''' hllfl•li11t11t.: ''", """'" 1111 ''"'" tlo•· tor • "' • fl,' '•·tl ''' ''"' ~l the home •or bf.1tl•ter. ~trlt .IN1An &lltl tb& lllflf)f'f'tl~lrtl'ln l'lf ,.,, ,., tho• ''ilftio<tl \ tt( ttllf' WIIIIPr ~0 rwn "'"'' ••"l"lt•ly lnJ'n 1~•1111 I·• thr ''"'""" •ott ool lh•; I• ''" l""l'l ttlll 1" ~. "1"''1 Jl,ul••l B F'. Jkswwk ur 1'\t~ttn \Vt•rt7 ('hstrl!'l' llll•n ~·harf. 17 Wltfi\Ptl -~"'"' :ontl '-IIJII •" '"llf<il'r to ·~· ed early SIIIUftl:t}' ftl•tl h jJ\1; 1,1• u ..... tt.Y.Ultld ,.,,..,,,,lit•·· ""'" llllll '"•"''"~" \'1111 Ll11!,.\ IJ•It•Jtl r~"'" tl• ~ -~-tu"'"-~~ to · thr N&YIIl d~frn!ll" pro~ram . • """. riol'idf'nt ot 81'\ Mcmf'ntr !Mit"UMftof~~vtblll,..,_~ll-.;oyv-t~h+ "'""~"""' dti= ......... llloal ""'''""'"" Ill nr <ur , .... ,.,, ... IIV"r "·· "'till' f•ll l~'·· ,,., ••. ,,, • .,,,,,,,.,,. lllfl, .. t.t•···mflf' •. ("hrlllltan S!'l•·n•r ll••f'\'H ('H ...... , •• l'nhrl' '""'' ••f lht• 1'1Wflllrl\lt• ltm)lc of t.hP,IUDOGC-.9<lmiiU'II II\I '•TIIfl''" 'Sf'Vo·· fltllllni ., ........ , In IIJ•' ,.,,,, .. ·II~ ttl ,,,,, ...... ,lc ' '"'"''"' lwho).! l•'f lwlil at l'nntR Ana TttM!tla\', :.! F urtll• h':< •ar Will< pnrkr•l ~n l · •II> nntl .oil nf '"" rn•l!' nttrndltntt port,Hstrh<•r """ "''·" trlol I '""''' ll••r• p m . for \\'r rtz. Whlo Rl ''"" llnl<' orrol8\' In front .. ( thr llall(n~ fll•'t••ll\ 11111•1 ho· hnt n•· lw t hr IIIX· Tbe -1njurt•l , •. , ...... , •. Pill I ""'"" l''"f'l\11111-m,. .. ,-,.,,., "'"" II"''' ""''''''•~-•. ··~Ill\', IIJI('rat.·tl a lfltl{f' 1•11111 nnd n .. ~···r !ll :•rlfll' H :u d \Aar••'H hr:orl• II ~tflll', ,..,, •• , '"''"'' 1\( lht• I'll)' limit", Bloom .. , lti:.!r. ;-;"'"' l 'nrk l'ot 0 ,., ,,,,,,···I· ""'''" IIOitflf'" II ftl'lt' "II 1. I II I .. I I · 1 fur .. "" •·••orllf'll¢ .. :tutlo·r "'"' i"J•rln•,• I , vlnu l)utiiOI'llll Ill Ctn<la ;\11'111\ ,. ftf\11 II: lWII)I Wnl'lt II' W I) .. , r .. r ""'' ,,., "''' 114'1ii"VI' It ,, lllOI'Ia •m1 ~ '"'" No-Jrr lo!Ml Eru•l p..tlvlt tr lf ,,, -Nr·Wit"r1 ""'l••·r lit:· f)l"llfll Ito <-nt'f"llllt'l' \llf'lt' ""' ro A natl\'(' of I<Jin!lllH. hi· r·anw rnf'n n••INI.Ihr. )'ftlllh, Ill th•• •lrt\'· l'tfllfl.dolt ,,,. richt that lhl11 pr11c· 7th lltr·•·•·t. I'""'""" "'"llnwlf•lf ;-;, . ..., .• 'T'trll•'lf 1.,,,k11 ,;,,.. 1111 •·v•·n I'""' h.ort""" w hlt·t, Ill•' ''''"''''~, Nobody lon-• what wsa In Ute to Cnltfornla 57 )INH'II 111(11. Ill ··r:,. llt'llt lind Rl\••rnptln~ tn "lnrl llr-1· ilf• rnl)tin•l!•t! llfttl hf'llt•vr thlll treatment ,,, II I•K II. '"" ···r til•· J(f'l'lll••r ,,,..,,,,"''' Ill '""'''"'"" •l•tflt' "' "'" "' r •. , .. ,., .. ,.,lint ,,. '''""'' nOh l to Wlneton Chui"Chlll .._ .... tht' 11~1' "' ft\'<'. An of tl ittl ro'kltl• .. l lhr .mat•hlne. ~nm" rorl lttn '""''lrl 1.,. Htkf"n IHd· p&lr w .. r,. n .'rn••v•••t t•• ll•· I''''"'""' an•f J•l••d,.;t " 1111,., 1,, 1 h•• , "'" ,,..,, . ., '" t ttl' plo·u• ,,,. I~•' I I Pr .. td•nt Aooeevelt gsve w endell 10 Oranl(<> ,.011ntv 11mr~ 19111 llr l ' Tht• pair dutwd Hill t•1 lhr 'fit Inc tnwnrrl' th•· tll,rnnlintlllnrP of Vall•y IIOIIfl lllll "' r~·1,.,. .,f 1,.,11,_0 ,,. """"' ,111.,, lln•t Wtlllo t.,, but It w••. probebly Ul .. l wol! •'hiWJ:I'ol '" · hulh growing at nno nll hbNI t hr ynulh, hnl•linR r 111~ •tul•i•l•· '"rvirr IM"forr lh,. City B loom. a I'll""''~''' ,.f t11• ,.,. utlv••rll .... •r "'h•·n 11,.. ;"""'"'' ,,, JJJecra·J Cag tina M v ''"'" l 'hun·hlll . •!';an ('l•m•nte. him until lh•· arrt\'a l or :-;,.wporl r mmr tl •~ :t•k•'•l In ~i\·p o rontlne--mona !'1ty flrr •I,.J>llrtL~ni ftfl•l ,.., ~ fit Tlol" wll: tnfr•~lu•·• "mv •-~ , ~"~ ,,.,,,.,. •.rrrl•·•l In,,, .. '""''" nl Ill·· ' -, Hll! • WlrlflW, M r 8 Newport Ba.y, v.1t.h tta cle&n wlltl'r nnol l'parioull anf'hor· ag~ Ill hlr'nJ for moorln~r lhC"se li!rjlC' yl\c•hlll ·'f'hor ci.ty l"oun· til II• nn thl' ·~·hl tr11rk In . atlPmptlng to rnoprrale In tvery •po111tihlr way \() providr artl'quAtP factlitlr!l for thl'lll' largr c-raft The addition or every yac;hl of thr l yf'C' 11\l<"h all thl' VItia ontt lnvR<II'r 119 a dPrlntte boost towanl II greattr Harbor than pioneer lraflrrll l'\'l'r drf'amrd of "''hen thrv tlr!!t started "plu~rg1nl(' Ne~'JlOrt nay 11s a "yarhtll. .\\'rrt7.. 1Tnwl!'t ~In• II Mary Mr11 J \allf . \\' Hl~'ll'h r•••li('P~··fftrl'r.'<, who hll'>k<•tl ""'''' .. , lh,. rflntrnr tc lhf" tiNJI lla\ Nrlr ti\A ilPf /f-.. 1 Ill·· l~tlol ~hf•we'rs. GJaas On IC'""' frlt•nol" W••ntlf'll Wlllllie, u.. (, !';rharf 11n l<II~JII' IJtfl •If g rru ul m••,.firut in Aprtl ~ ' 1 • ~ 1 t 1 fl"l'''' f••r 1'''1'1 !lllv,.rlh!lfiK 1"'V•·•• L' J ~ rroafl wJooo . · r ar "' · 8 11" "Y n "r11 n~:; r tl(hl ttr•••m•l I h•· fl)l~' "" h '""' lo lhf'n. "I• tl unr•·:tv on;cltl,. ''' A~k of at the M lhnrw.:•· ..W• •• •Ln•l 1 or I" • lr• tlurtn~r the rwent !'1 hnrf atlm•ltr•l I J.orhnr l1<lanrl nr 01 ht•r 1·nntiguowo IDtee'a ~t•t , '""I"''"" ttfltl IOQ wu la,...elv ,..~ ~ • tt•H• )'•HJ •. I man'~t panlc1111f'" Hnw many loc&l fe>lk ptulll by the lnw~ lx'twllng .gre~n at t !Sl h and Central and think ·' onlv of It· as B rtCreatlon 11pot thllt contribute~~ lng ~x- :-._ ~Thick Home·~~~~ Harrison'• Crlte. •·lllld a.banilimc<l II. Eaat "'-Ne.w.: 'pnrt !';an Dirg-11 p!oltrf' Wf'rl' nlltl. 1 fled tun I l>t>ll'l'llvr .Jan""" •If 1 hAt l olty~·, rrived hr rr .' !iun.t&y tn 'th!' Y'IUlh' In to ruslndy · ~mnll rhllnft"~ In r1r1 111J .... a •wo~ of tlll'lntpot .. nr~ "r 11prtre" h11v,. bM-n maltfo -SmJt•. ~~~11 hlmAclf thla w~k. ·- .. NEWPORT BALBoA· NEWS-TIMES, N:Nopur( s.dl, Cautomia.· TuEsDAY .. JANUARY 28. 1941.. ' . -. . . . ........=.:=::::"'~l ~ct;: BclgeFS Tie -Southland Fav;;rs Ford--station Wagon --j·--=-~ In Volleyball · . League· Race Douclu Ward an.t F:d Roger,.· lwaw-lf'd lh~tl' tt-ame to <t vtMewtefl - l aDd auffert'd ont> tii'I,•Ml l u l:li' ttt·•l F I 5 H I N G -8 A S K E T 8 A L L T E N N I S -, -T R A C K 8 A S E 8 A L L ~~r~, ';1~;·e =--~:.,~~~ ·~~~;:: --------------------------·-------~--------!"'----------·Community Vullt•yboll l.A'Ilgtw a~ 1 Tbunday night at tho high school 4&21 tae reaull uf gamu plllyt'ol 1»81 -IC)'ID. -- Opening the futi~ttlet thl\t I'V~· .. SAILORS IROUICE EXCELSIOR JU SJ T~Y r .. ' • r --,· ntac. 'Ed Rogers and his team Smarting bN:auS(' or the 1-point d('ft•at m~tt>d .out to E I . fl. w· . St k ...,_ted tht' aquad led by Harold Ice Slor' Ips lARin• rea K. Orallel .•• the folk)Wing match .• ~lr fell~ ~layers on the &>C :"'lUf'd Jo~1iday night by F.:x· , .., & Gerald "Butctl'' ~ill'hte·a "outfit" e»lsior. ~ Newport Harbor UnJ~n !f_igb .SChool basltet.ball Of Sailor ~8 ·BaskelLaH Qu·1-a. ~~.~~rf'11 DQ.w: w.aru·s liqulld. 1 . clefMled, the IU.gers rrlen sub-~"6Urned" the court as they swamped Excelsior's' . · • · . ... ComJIII' Ulrouch tne evenine Wl·J ftl"'dty 40-2l. · t . • The· ClaN B Sailor b&aketball · · The· fll'llt frff·lbrow aftot ~ cll..s the Ritclue team i.D the ~ victory ie.Yell thto Sail>nJ · . . qulntf!l, undefeated la.at year IU1(J ~xcehtlor mlasell · the hoop, llitl& piq-olf, wbllt-ln the conaolaUon Aa _..._~ ...... Ia .. IMI r...-..... D.t.sa .... II dill__.-....._...-. ...... ., _, , ...... ~ ..... -,_ ..... _.._.. .......................... , .. -... .. ....... Wldefeeted ln conlrftnce play Ancs lthe EJIC'~I-'•.or!l back .on lhf'&r hl..'t'l"i Ult. year until Friday nil'hl the ~~eeon.J .Jroppt-d UlTOUI'Il · ... ..,_., Ward IU'Id ht. meD came U.. Hlltlor HJch with IJUI'Itlneton 1a1 nd 1~ vtllito':" did !'01 su<'Cftd 1 learned they were not tnvlnclbl~ hn"kl't for tho• wmnmg point. ott beet when they tanfrled with I Beech for ltrat place In t~ $_unaet n IICOnng a fteld JO&I Ul'llil the 1 when they were ed•e.t out ot tbe !\c:ortnn U.. Orauel squad. •---·--~ · !fourth quarter · • • • .......... ~ ............. ____ .... ~ .... ....., ..... ....,. ................... _ ... ...... _,wt. s..u.. Z3..: .... _ ~ .. -liT ............ --r -.-........ -.. .... s-........ ..4 -.... ...... ....... .. ... • -· -......... ,_ ... ., .. , .. llotor c...-,. ..... ...... ., -...M&. • Oel.l..r. . . ---· · . . I wlnniD&'..column 29.28 by the Ex-• .._ 2S 29 ,....._. ~ 8taad.lar .._. .._... A ff'f'ltng of tnvinclbllity ~ue to ceblior B team In the curt&ln 1 J . (.."arrlllo 1~ F' 10 D. JolaMGD -- W L their lonw ani('tl of wlru waa ac·J rai•r tor the var•ty club at 'the B H I 6 F 8 K&--W tfd u the t'Ontrib· · mu Y ·--, 1--. __ Newport Hartxlr--···· ...... 2 0 8 team. whkh .ven In , &!feat Over c:ontlden<'e, a na.tural re-J B. ShtOin 0 G 3 ~ IDd Ro .. era 3 1 ~ a·.a Sl --I u I. h .. ~ -a·k·· ~ --Anaheln! 2 1 llhowt"d rot\&l!krable mo,..;. ciUI ault of their unprecetlrnted atrint w. Cla rk 3 c. 4 -.1WJar . H . K. Grauel -.a -I• ree s n I• lcu I es Kra. w. A. Kirk t. spelldiJl&' Orance .... ........ .. .......... 1 2 than their ~mt!l. of vlcwrtea. w.aa llellave4 b,-many ~-&be: N. H.-Ftlapatricll (It,. I Owald Ritchie 1 3 · It · . 1 Monday i.D Yoe Ancf'lea w 1 t h Nluton L on:efully polntlnc this f;ctor"' t.o hne been thw COIItributlnfr WtlkeriiQn. <.:omw'all, Spink (2), ~ · .... ftlenda . . 0 . 1 out to n ls varslty team u It took fact or to the Rf'ea' dllut. Woody and Jolnu. Ex. -B. J~-I ---1 yachtsmen I Newport Beach ~lice . have they shoul_d le~ to accept thts Mr. and Mra. Dan PoUter 'IU'Id Jardan . .. 0 3 1 h (I · 0 h ~ made • ,-n. Sa.IJora led tbrtr oppooen'-· 1 M 1 • 1 and c.,o.IAKB launched « dnve to rtd <thf' city rt>sponslbihty, stn~ u they KO da'*l'bter ~Dt Sunday ln San -o.-1.-t WIIHI t~, 1 ~hilt~~~ .. :.c: Sallon would 1 Willi the 1aat two mi.Dutra or the fJlaon nner. um 1 • -Jn I .ty C Dm• ghy ! s tn•ev• of unilahted and ~~ through life, they cannot always Bernardino witb frtenda. -FulleMCNI 7'1· -J~n ~ j:.~ac-,_ Yw..-nw l'l.'ai!Oft. 'c.onlut. A apiriled rally by Ex-._, -~ • • l t'r!y cqwpped bt~yc_les at maht 111 f•Xpe<>t~ ~ ~. ~0 shoulde1-Membns or all t,be Onulfre Or~e :lAUielm TO. • a...--tt Sial-j celalor tied the IICore aa the final Jl E TABLE Saili•ng Event an attempt to ~hmtnat(' the dang· the enure re. sponstbihty for the County 4·H clube will enjoy a Newport 40 _ bcea.lor 21. · • whl.atlr MJUn~d • ' • j c'rous condttlon b<>forc some child's I !laft'ly or youngs't.ers on bikes in . rt thl Saturda M • ----Shinln~: s_tar for thl' Sailor!! Wll!l l Oollla Into~ over time perlotl. • .IASJ'ARl' ~ . lir(• bt-coinl>s th(• prtCl' or careless· th(' hands of car drtvers, It wa.s :: :,al~e.. 10:aJ boys' ~·-H •;:; wtth thto IIOUndlnc of tht> open · Gfoorge Raml'tt, who It'd hilt t('am · . n•·'~ C'hicf R R H6dgkmson re· pointl'd uut • lie trhiatle, the Sailor vaniiy down lht-victory path by hlttln& the two aquada batllt'd on rqual ll)ljoytng brlak racea abo&r.J , \'l•~t.~d toda . . . . ~. . . . . . S'a~d'plper'a and lbe Mea& Glrl'a laundwd tJie lr""atf'llt whirlwind thfo bllllkf't for 1( p>intll ..turing term• until a foul by a Harbor I W :l·52 II :tl •ata tbelr dlnghJu tht. last wt'ek et I Aln·ud ·~rrict'r~ havl' ~to I F arN\ts ~a) do . thl•tr pM t.., t~ 4·H piiUI to attend. olfena.lw tlw quintet haa )'et ex· thr f'Vf'ning. Hanrlllng tht• bllll player gave Excellllor two f!et' I 5 4.3 -0..51 tae LQs Angeles Yac~t C I u b many Yt;uths. ridi.n • b•c:y~l('~~, w~rd lnsurmg. ~fe~y of. thetr Moving from theJr Batboe-Ia. hftMttd. ,_. bo)'s wert' "flrrd ~p" fll81 and ~klltully, Ramett f'Xhl'11!: 1 throws. , n 1 :\:\. 11 :II 'I IU courw wr re &I boa aa•lora who ntijhl mir.•us hl•ad. '.:ml~~ or pror!'r~ c~~ld~~.". ~n u. ~IC:)Cies ~t n~~.ht 1b~ laniJ home at 123 Eut Bay llre ~==~-~.t:il.l..6llhllt or-. the ~~at .dmll~ -· · ·-5-;+-WI.. -+."t:.:.;:_ .&Jao -~ye.d w&.rm·LIP· .par.ttat.r('(I-Nrhlc£ortrf.P111ned'1'0 t~ l'oat. ,p_ ~ l: <Q •• Dl!t.ng 1-~---~£XS: c~Mt 1tf I ..._t »28 .breaklnr tht> ping t.h•• bllll through thti hoop!'. 11110" 1~ .:ivo•n . II 0~> 5 Itt I :M I 1be cllnly evening,. 1 Ate ell's arl' also bt·in, cht'C.kcd nnd ~PT'I'~mg-mr, ch~dT'!'rr"ttrr t"·o dftughtf'f't. They will make ~etahta' aerit-s of 28 vic· I Nf'xt F'rit1Ry night. 7 11. m. at ln~:tnn llcllch thl-' followm~: w ,. • -1 :> I 7 f 0.5 , Skipper~ and crewmen who j for }hc~nS{'S. · I: n.('<'~~~•ty or carPful. ru1tng. tfl('jr pt'rmllntnt residence at 815 ~'----1-'". . I Attaht-1"1 . .thfo SIWion ..wiU tanl(w . ~0""-' t 'I:BKt:AJU' took their tlnl' cr~ft Included Mr._1 Nut nnly 8 ,., youn~~:s•e-n~ ttltiSJ Rtcy<:lt's ~n·_ "uhJt'<'l to ~nnw SPI.IrJ:eon. Santa tna. II.W ,..,., with XnllhC"Im High School v11r·l \ an.Aty-40 !1-t:"crt..tor Sa 0 lfi. 1\ 07 11 :47 1:11 and Mn, Everett Morrl•. Mr .. and stoppNi !wing WHmr'<f 111 ('QUIP ri'J:Uin t•.ons as cars unC!"r the mo· nw SaUon 114!Ver l't'linqui!lhf'd slty. Dt>llpitf" the fact that Harbor G. BamNt 14 F R \'au.:tm . 1 '.! 1 R 3.9 l.D Mra. Jamt-11 V. Guthrie. Mr. and tho•tr btcycil's With adt•qUnJl' ltghts l tor W'htcl~ act_.t•xcepthtllat 'h n·d Only Baby a-r Ulled at the lfoed apiiUit Excelsior from I and Huntington 81:-ach. an• now B Hlttr•r 7 "" ~ \'atHhll Su '.! II;'»< 7 lfi 1!:41 •• I Krl. R ichard Terkel. Mt.e Shirley ,·and rl'fll"<:tOI"S. but lt'lll'l'l' are. oo·l ''f'rl£'('t~r ~!< pf'lmi~SI~If' In j)IRC(' I. a.~~ Cafe .ean to flnilh.•Pia)'ln« a .. perbtthr only two undf>rrotl'd tPIUY\ll ln ln Smith 5 C •1 · BwiHnrrl 11 1 9 3.3 1.5 Bro)law. Barney Lehman. RuMell ,101: addrc,.~-rl 10 thC'Ir parrnts 1n 1of n tatl light. Hodgkm~ofl ~md. P · w.nd ol M1J the swift rnovin111hr Sunll<•t Lt'nll'te. C'OIIodl R.t't'd F. Tail 4 G 0 li'ron:~hurgo'r :\I :\ I 5I) 9·00 !:11 1:111 CnJfr, Mra. W A. Kirk, William I an l'ffort "to s('curn 'nnr,•ntol . co· 1.---------------------------, • .,.t_G ~o..._ • ., D II s &-· ·-. _., . ~ ... ~--..... _.__ . __ ..:..:,::----· i----1 . ·-. --~ :.l.a 1.9 ............ &I ._......,_,.....,-fHt-.., CIJ)(lrtl flon Wiln"jiiITri'ir\Tht• ma y p m~ In ftrat half 11 lou_.. hllttltor" •··• Suh~ • ·II lin•~:. L.om~:m:uk,Tu I :.!.51 1051 4 :tl liM' William L. IMler. Jj--'nt.' ·'d So ~ -u.. Harbor at1ae'k.t ,.,. fllct X ~nll"'t"-~ I!IIJU!ft'" -n~ ~ •• ~, d M . ;--1 2 • 1 5 2.6 ,,2 I Thl" nniiC'f· rhtf'f d('('IIIN'd that I ' "" ' -~-.&L Sh4!tlm l4l Si&ullmff-41. · r -IN . "'11S"tnllf)fl ~~ · LET US TAKE CARE OF •"'~""· a:h!.-_.... ...,. _1 ' • A h 'I th" •r.nnwty. nnmM Is. . 11n unl'7' • • J)eJ · -wv-...--. ~-. •-· . ... , <MUIIUnl aconu ..,.. .., .. nt~ today. hu 1:· nil r ~ 1!1 F:xrt•lslor Shio7oth' C"·"tnr 'II T"l~• """ t·•~· ... •l tn .. r•tl'r ill~...,.,_, llXIl ~ .tho· sllu&ttnn hn!' hN•n «'Orst> thnn WCir'lP Exl:eWor prnert'd a tally. wP(-k he thft pmblrm tbAt wtll hn\'1' · · ~ • 1 ~~ · · · Ll~rh• lll(ur"• a "' . tlarll rt~ru,.. •· •· Jl.arrl8oll's Cafe £'\'t'r twfnro· dunng thf' pn~t two Stn!ftlth ol the H&Ji)or attaf'k 'C't to tx> worl<f'd on hPfort> f'Ofl~ldf-r· f;.'~ll:l' 1 • 1 unf · u"'u 1'•tmr-ar .... ·n~ ••11 •h .. w hl~th aad lo9. • month~. Ch;ldrc•n ru1m..: htt·~r>Jr•s YOUR PIPE NEEDS . GET READY FOR · ..... and ·a . rea_lly Great 1941 SeasOn! ... .BUY N.ewport Harbor · BUILD Neiport Harbor REMODEL Newport Harbor --~~ e ''pick'' of I h e I u i l4 i n I, Co n ~ r a c I o r s ' listed I .I ,- pluming will say..e you mQney rut-yo'ur . tiutt«ltng-=- problems in the hands reputable. local on the /~ewport . Balboa NEWS,-TIMES • TIM~~intains fQr your convenience an -Consultation· Service to bett-tr at m..:ht Without :<nfo•ty hl:hl!t. nnd u-uall>· wcann~oe t1ark clothtns:t. nrc almn~t inv1~iblt' unltl• IIUIJJ:-~rf• dn:-c 'l"m lh•·m ~ 11kms.: lwtorf' tht• I'IIJlll• nf :-.; I'Willlrt Bc•llt'h c; rmnrna r I n'<Vntly. 1 hi' poiiN• chu·r poll 1•d out I hal wh••n 11 C"hlhi '" 1:11 •·n a htl'\·c lo' hi' hn' 1'1'1'1'1\'o-rl " \ ,.,,. It• "i1wh o'nllll'" undr·r n·· ,, rl!'l 111 of l;ow:-J.:tl\ ··r·nm~ all ,., •. l11d•·" <llll'l'lllt-!1 on t h1• pHhhr' ,.,., ... ,.. n ... r hildrc·n hn\'1• tho• I'I''II\U,.,Ibility f11r lh,.ir Ill'<'' pnr· Jinllv tn thf'lt· nwn hnnfl,. wtwn liclinf" n hit·vc·h· ''" th1• ~~ r\11'1 :1' •ml'l 7 ' I ----I 'YOWLS OF FEJJNE r BRING . RELEASE; t. FROM GARAGE Low! nnd leone wnll!! a~rt )·.,y·l~ • of .it~rr··~~~ l'mttttn~: r~om 1 h r J!Arll!!•' ,.f tht' hum" I•" Ito•• I l·v 1' f\ H.UI•'"' n( f,.,v Ant.:••lt•:--~0 1 ,\n:••IIJ\'!'1 lliJIVII ll'l:tnd (' 11ty hn•uJ.!••' 1 ··l··a~·· fr••nl th• .. It ~ k• d -.trtt• t u·t· (u t .t ~1:t1\; •\ ur •t ltiL!ht · • nt•tl f•·1ut• '' hi• 1. ru :u 1\ I'' .. , • th•' "1•1 ptu \tlh •'t '"utu ... aly ~ II• I .1 f'nt · . ...a.. t• .. IJtt· -..,.,. nnttft,.,t ot Jlw th• t • :-'' !tla;:"'nah. h•·ttlJ.:~ '':tflttl up .. n th• :tll 1.\' lho I'll"\ 1 Ill 'Oil I 11 "ao l••a1 nt•d tho• (,lin,. l111•l II> ••n • tflf~k•'•' 1n 'tv• ;:. , n t)::-o ,,. ., ... ,.,.,,, , 1 •lays. 1.;,.,, "• 1, fln:d h ""l.•lno·ll t hrt•I;J,:h 1.•"" '"'''and lhl .... , hli~·nlo•1l AJip.'tt t•nll~· tlw fl'llrw \\hHh •tid not h.l .. ua..: 1•• ttl• llauc•::< """""''Pd 1111o tlw ~ara~·· !md """ '"·-•"· ""''" Ill• lamtl): ·. Ff'n«'f' Post,. -Cloth~ Polt"S -~ Po~ -U nf' Pi~ BLACK \\'-ILL TREAT YOU \\"lUTE Edgar Black Co. 3'!90 ( 'hf'rr)' ''''NIW R.-ac-h -~!1 ·11 HOTEL MANX • • ,_.~ A •, •. ~ • .... ~ A' ,., ••, ~ ... • . • 'f'•. ,,, .,, Hotel Mana is Son Froncisco's belt.l~ coted Holel. "Meet Me .t the Manx ... ~.,.,. Reha from $2.00 si ngle : $l.OOclouble. Specie! Family Rat~a . Hotel Clume, Sacramento ••• Femoua CoffH ~hop •• Air. tooled •• Famous for quality" food , • Moderate prices •• 1 Rates from $1.50. ~ · .. Re inbow'a End ... on the glamorou5 Feather River, Paaton, C a lifof.- nia. A year·round re· 10rl ... Summer and Winter sports .•. Danc ing every evening •••. S~c·•l f•cil.t.~' for p•.-•1~ P•'· ti~•. v~rv •u· 1ono!:!e ••lei. Hotel Sen Cetloa (. . By the Blue Bey of Mo,.erey et~d• world-famou5, Seventeen. Mile Drive •• ·1 Rates from $ 2.50. IIVENJG -R-Y TIME .. janu a ry· is the period when busi n ess firms take s tock of their s upplies. and ·require office forms to itemize· ·them quiCkly and effeciently. • I We have laid in a complete stock of such forms and amqn g them list a few. as follows : • Columnar Pads -· ;; rolumn" with dMW"rtptin s~. pad of ;,c)· tl-• ·• 10. rolumn" p1th clf'fWiripU~• ~~. pad of 50 11 rolumn." "i t.h df'fW'rtptln SpaN', pad .of .50 I .f C"bbumn• "i th dftw-rtptfn "~· pad of 50 . ...., PENCILS ... All Degrees of Hardne~ and Quality .• - . , Activities ·in the Grtater-N'ewport ~Harbor -~----_...... in TODAY for further .information. Phone~: 12 or 13 NeWport ~h. Calif; .......... . ........... ~.-nloO ....... ~.------- ... .• • ~· ----£---·------ ----- Two ·.Maa Yoinplen Win Prizes For Cuessinc City Ceasa Co1nt lasi11ess and ~rofessional Difectory . . DR. RALPH D. HOARD PRTIIICIAN • 8VROEON DR. H. E. pAmJI!R OSTEOPATH DENTI8T ~ .J>ttoae lA . u -auwer, eaJI MO Tel~ae Newport 188 Balboa 1-Areac14! Balboa ~tOrf'J Buii4Uq Balltea .I . DR. CONRi\D RICIITER I.EROY P. ANDERSON . -PltyUc-lan and Surron . A'n'OR~EV AT LAW Oftke 101 22nd 8trHt • ' Newport 84-IW'h "lliii.;: 10:12 •. m. £: s-~ p.m. Pllon~rrtce ISS: Rfo<o. H ·.l Dr. Gordon M. Grund!· Pb~"'ldan and filur~tl'fln Sewpnrt Rn<'h 'tf010pital Centnl A\·e. at Ninth Ofn<>e f(n.: 10:1~ a.m.; 3·5 p.m. TeleJ•bone S1 IJAROLD 1\. GRAUEL CHAJ•EL "We 0UI'li(')V('S thr nr ttl'r Serve By Ser•ih~: Othtrs Tl~'lll" Phone N ewJ)ort Mil e-ta ~~-Rank BullcUnc · -Phone 426 C'o~t• ~I e ... CaUfonala .. P.V.PARKES 1 \\'at<'hmaker • .Jeweler • EDK?a'"'' ~10:.? Ocean Front, Nt•wpor t P:xtlt'rt Swl•• Wal<'..h RepaJrlllc Gold Plat1n1r I I . Ey~ ca .... " Repttlred ALL WORK Gt'AttANT£ED RO\:"'S BARBER SIIOP J:'omwl'ly at Bal)loa J,J;ond SO\\' l .A.IC'IIt.-d 11t - IAA ~I<'Yaddrn l'larr :-.N1r l'tl'r Ent rr<N'f' e..~ -~, . ·cwwrt U•·uch . .. -/. I L~( c . I ..... ·- Conditior1ing · Mud At Mesa Well Is Now l nderway I 1.·, I! or IS -REIT ·--BUY - aUBBa ft'AMN 25c roao~cu ... I Tbe tollo.·toa N1ltler ..._,. are ln •t.ncll. at all Um•. 21t ~&eb VOID BACK ORDER SHIP Dl PAID REOISTI:R&D YOU It URDICR PACKEV Kll>lil Ul' AIR MAIL UAMAC:Jo;o I >IHCCIUNT Ji(JWJ 81'1!X..'IAL C>EUVII:RT ENTJo:ttr.:U . WIU.. CALL IJJu.&D ANBWICIUCD BJ>IlCJAL ..: TO THI CONII"V4TIY. I"UIIt· CHAta~~t OP lltiAL IITAT·~ '0" I ALI-1 ,...., O..aft ,...,, W•II·IOC:olo• at ........ W ill ACC"ept A Mlt~,,~h•n, lOt f'•lm et , eet. bo• " t .. c. Newpor1 ••vd O..an "'-· lftal ;., Motor Court o-:n•r, .,,. W . N-por1 .. IICII • lip '0" "INT-,,.,,, ...... -•'Y· ,dKoret•d •P•r-1ment ,. W. C.ntral, New.,.<! .. acll .... DIII"T , ... cerci. cloudy da)'l In , ... we"" wnoll•-of ,,. .....CS. ,., ...... •-·~-•atloAo aoll at ,.,. DI.II"T VILLA. Col-r.W Clly ,. ....... ,_ ....... . ....... ,. "•••noblo rit• W . L i••••"• ownor, ~"""• ~olm lprtneo 1111. 101-Uc. FuRNITURE SE,_RVICE COtTA MI;SA r\J"NIT~~~ CO.- • 11110 N.-toorl .,.,d, """ our ontl'lu• ohot~. 41oo flow \ com- pleto II no of eood ~..., bo4 ,..,,;,. dlnlnt •rtd llvl"l room fwrnltw,.., ....... , ......... .. ..... .., -· Clll..,. ..... ~~-I ... ~ ........ ~ .......... . m:i('t.lt.£ COI'Y < 'AN("ELI.II:U kJo:ws;r S IIII'I 'I':JJ NIITH'E l 'ltt-:I'AI () I HousewAR~s ... ~TA.&..•--- 0 " c.,, ~:no·:u J•A:·n •·•·•·: :-;,\!\II'Lt':l4 J;"\;:o-;I 'HI-:1• HI-.1-'1-:Jt 'I•J It I ' :-Ill ( :J.JdiH Jtl·:t 't-.1 \'I':IJ ---=-------- 1 ' ) 1 on V•<.u,um r-~•••"•'• Phun~ '•94 , .. ,l ....... C.u , '104 M•ln '" .......... ... a tic. m~ ( 'hulc-.• uf t:at ....... at llarri~Hn',. (;afr. SELL 5e per.U.. . . DAILY "~DI TO UO. ANOaLtl -w•nlod by •••II'· ~II •• ••• Cooot Hltll-y. C.rene •• Ma;, e r l"llone' ~~~-... ,.. II. ,..._. HOUS~IV!Sl L_;,ll ..,., ~ .............. . _ ................ w. ..... ....... .. ··-"' _ .. _,_ ........ II .... -.......... .. ...... . ...... -.. -....... ... w. c. ............ ............ .... -"'"' ~" ·---. '"""" .................. -., . . ... ~-.,.._.,.. . ...... ......,_ .............. I"HY~ICAL CUL T\lllt& &. .. ..;. ... .. ....... .. ....... -· -"'-...,.. ..... Dell.·~ c...... -_., c:...e .,._, ........ -......_. ...... ....... ........ .,.. ,....,,,...,,.., w.-.. .. , ._,, .,. ... ~ ." ................ . AJu Ar'CI •. ttl Mllft M., ... . .... . .... Dllt. HlllllltV C. YOOT Chl•eprocue HNitll .._.,, ... -LI-d ... ,_, OrW .. ..,_ • v ............ ._ .. Ilene 411J 111 Ill, LM A~ ." ......... C.llf. Tt4 • RADIO IMDP ....._ .. H . Mftii~Nft~ &"tire H.,.., ..... 0 I M•••• LA..,.. Itt Ne...,.rt IIW. ...... t , Milo No of Col .. --~ ....... M ••h·ln llr,.••lc AmM"~'""· l .lka ,,,. .. '''"'''"'"'! v. '''""" """' rlotr• ol ""' 1•·111 1•·•·•·11•11' lh,. lc nuw nriUI. f t••'l lo•tlf '"" ,,,.1 r') In lont ll•· ltrlld """' ltt<'V hnv,. '"'''II l rrrtfytn• r.J """"""' 10 lllllliii'IIV "'"11•. •• l ••lol 111 Tlor Auwrtr'l'rt W,.rkly, Ule lllltlo(ll1.111r· ... ,.,, .......... "'llh ntllt .... ,., .... ,. J,r t:-1 ANIII':I,Jo:l'! JilXAMI• :-;t-;1( AtiY . . , •• • • I -· Pap Four CORONA ·DEL MAR BALBOA ISL~A~N~D~--------· LIDO ISLE -I -·~ -r --, . . " ·"NEWPORT BALBOA'NEWS-"TDilES, N«i";q"t BMch, <:tJ"o"*. TUESDAY. JANUARY 28, 194:1. ----------~------------------------------------~ w 0 M A N ~ s ~~~-G E ---------------NE;:o,.:::~~CH BALBOA THE . ' f Brtty Dodge •.. Phones 12 a net 13) ------------------''----------• I Harbor Women Are Guesta Of . Oranae CAVALCAQE OF ~IERICA Weddina Vowa Are • Exchanaed By Laura I · Ebell Club To Hold • Bridae Party Next . Local Autho~ Reviewa-- Owp .,Beat Selle~ .. -Aida ~l•nizatiooon---Beue~fore ~ .P W C•oup-.. ---F~t lAdy of the South~--- Feative Party Honora I Birthday Of Miaa Wriah, -;luaepfr-Joner·--n .. n~unday, 1 p. m. -catherine Cunninahaq~ Th" JMuar.· bu~ln•·"• ,.,.~>:lH"cc Thl' romantlr hl~t .. rv "' :'\nrt h ---I !Illes ('athl'rlnc Cunningham . M1111 J,.aura.wa,ghl, (htughter or F'lna!" plans .were made early t.llldghter of Mr., and Mrs. R. N. ot u,r oran~:•• A 111"1 'I 11111 ~ n or . ('J\rr•llnll lnt'flf'Jl'•rat r•l 1n lllf· ht·~t pnlutlor• '"' t t1e llurtl c'iT h1•aJtn~: rwllin)l n••vrl "ltalr·q.;_h'tr l·:tlt•ll' youn' ~·PI• In Ora.nl(c c"no.nty wu revtt""'"d hy·lt lt 'ltutll"r l\1r11 beld F)'lday • c-vt•oln~ 11• the dub· ln~~:·\111 .Jo'"lttdwr. '~<umuu:r ~ •'llltl••nl • , M rs. Herl)t>t1 Churchm~tl of <AIIrtll this wrek fur the .N,ewport Bt'M'h v.·a11 Jwnor..tl \\'Ctlnt>/lully evening M ~11a. t'Xl hiUlgcu vow11 with Ju1· F:bell club bridge party to be held I upnn lht• f'VI'nt of her birthday •·ph J un••s alao or Colllt> ~lt'IJII Sun· fThuraoJay. January 30. at 1 p. m. witt) a aurpri8e "Littll' Girl" party I clay. January 21l. Ill 1 p m. In llll' In the clubhOIJIIt'. . II;IVl'n by Ml1111 C't)IUlle Davia of ~It' on P•lhuvl ... Jl"'"'· Stllll .. of Ualuou. wh~:n Bhl' .,.,,..,k•· t.wtw •· Ana Hetl(hta, rt vralt>d Ulat thla tl\•• :-.: .. w,-. .. rt Jlarbur lluHIIlt'l!ll. ttnd 5roup aided lht! Newport llarbor l'rufo•»Jj iiJDuJ Worrwn at th<•lf A.NI~tance Lt-11gue In tho•1r <'hriHt. 1'huriW1ay 4'Vf'nllllf •llnnt·r rn•·••tll)}: J:'irst-Bajllull (;bur·cll Ol Lo.mg • ~rr-e VIctor CTIU't! announcC'!I ' 1-tS f!llllt Bll-y. flalbna l81and. _ 1 Beach. -· ~ .. '' ·?hat f(rand Jlrlutt to bot.h....&UCUoR Dre-ueu • In rock• which they JDII beaket pro,-ram. In \o\'1111•·'" lla lb<l6 l8l.111•1 4 ... ,,.,. Ml.aa ELlie Let!-Huftloc, pra.h • .shup-~,;_-~--ciint. read the lelt1•r fN"om thl' )In fo1t•lt-hn •'J"''"""''ol t h t• lfom1•r I J uhnny La~ • (Ill VIII. Thr lmprt"uiYI' greuf~ wa"and contract will be awa'rded and wo~tt>n yurM ngo. the t\ I g b Tellcl;tJt'f'Ort• meml)f>rll II( tlll'lr lm~· prize at each quartet table Will aChtHII nlfi!Sif'll enjoyed games Of metllatt" famlliu Ill th~; altar co • 1 ~ pre"'ntt"cl at the cloae nr the ~ "Hide the Thimble." •:Among the t'ft'u with whit!' tlowt'rll. The brlc atternooo. • I Llfllt' Whitt' 0 1\)1!11'11" and "But- Le6pe thank.lng tht m for tht•k' hilt kgr .. lln<l uf hi' I lluuk 1111•1 t h•• N1ghl l'at r .. hnlln un Lltltt bl•·. ', paerou• effort. Mill Marj•lrle lr n.,rth f•f Um•· rw~·..,u•ar\1 fur n· "VI<II'ntly lh1Dk11 "~pnn~: "'"''rr · •• Pkk~:tlt of Gaorden Orov.. w" • wrll c:~~ ·anti ro•~~t·&H·h -In th1• fl 111. a<Jinl'thlnlo( thlil, 11tatts v.•lth a t.o.t.. for thl eveolnc and waa yl'an whlt'h •lie •rent .~m Unl( hl~ll t"mJlo-1 •lure •n<l 1 all~ '"' c hose an aftr m oon frock of · olu Rd-reahml'lllB will be aerveu "" ton, Button". Favora ·and place rose wool crt p4' and winter a c· a dt•nert courae prior t card' ('anla at lht' rl'fr4!11hment ta ble Cl'llsorlt's 111 ~!"'" Her bridal cor. I plav. Resen •atioos sh made cuntmued t h ... theme. Place carda• Mge wu.11 of ~eardl'nlu and vlolcota vdth llfrll .. Grace than were II Hie n r tl olltes the bnde'11 brother and llllter.ln-Sevt'Dtt't ll c·andle• were atop -.. •n•tol•nn•e . ~'\ tit' ntm-...... - Jf. J>kkelt Ia •rvtn.r a •l!Uf'rt ~uatra.l .. nt,.rtulnmrnt fur tht' 111 th•t, but n•.t In thr '"'"Y h., ClOUTM. Entertainment lnrludt'<l H A I' W v.•u furnlllhe•l by Mrtt thlnka taw. Mr IUld Afrll L. ·Wr~ght. Mr1. the tl~r~ratetl blrthtlay cake prf'- .Wright "'""' a poudrl' olur dre1111 Miaa Grace Reiach aenteu Mi10a Cunningham. Com· d&Dclna In the ·club ba.ll The nut Arthur Cannon ~·h,. ptayr 1l ~~rv. IE•ELL QUA,.TE"I MAitCH meoellna will be held by t~ anm p t'rat pi ann nu!'Jllwr' ftt't·r tvlng tho· OH • . .Tho-•1 .. -rt ·lont.lr thu• -ribni&TY 15. Plana a re fcor • 1 '"'f'«'k'• bll•nkt't frtlm Ute r luh w•• c·olmlnK Tflurl'lay 11t1outd . .,..,.11 ~-dllii:J d.l.nD« and '!lpllcilll rn· Mre Helrn rl.IUldtl M 1\alb"a II'· lhe "t:ultrr~" rt wr b.ttvr ,,..,...,., acTented "'1th ctuk blue accom·j • B 'd Of I phmt'ollng hl'r were the MlaaM panlment11 a nd hc-r cor11age waa Becomes ~,r.c e Ruth F:lyn Plummt'r, Bette Ro~- ot gardenias. Following n change I·Loa Anael ... Man t>r11. llllh.lrt'd Hampton. Peeay Bry· , ot cUIIlom&ry vowa the. coupa. ob--ant.. .Cathwlll• Enai,n.. Warian &.rt.&l.luafttt • -1 land. co-ttn.t-Mn K 1 n a j 1at• .. ,_..rvil~" tllen UMill1 • if 0\lellta t.ncludet.t Mr1 H E Hf'rsh~y and Mra tdar.Jullr '\.\'bH,. 1 •·uur ... thf'rr "'" al.,.y,. da.~artUrr~ ~•rvrd tile lmpre.u1vl' dou~le·rtng I Gartl.t'r and Hl'len Davia. flalll•r .l1l Ba.lboa, ·w;.. Halllr larJanp d tablra &ntl plar .. , with ln ltUt·h a plan a rwt w h-Ub• llort1111u and Mra. Albtort of Lona cacd .. nlu for «>ac·h JCUrllt 1tepurt11 analytll'lll fl'm .. w "If thry d•• t a.dl, and Wn. JunH Frntrt and or thr Dl•trtr t C'onff'rence at El IM'rve luncb, I worn ICr•: • m}' ~ Dorothy Calllnp•ood ol Cent-to. January 18 and ·19 we.re mt-nlal r-rvallw waa, "aJn •bt 1troJ Mr ecllool for Ill ,lilllt ot _,; bulll'llptC)' llaa more tltaa .a ...... lmmlaut. llat t.ltroqla all tWa 1111 llaa carried 011, Dner faltertq In b• detennloatloll tbat tile FCMitll of,.., beloYecl Soutlllan4 ...._., Ita•• Ita eltuee; ' ceremony Formal announcement of the Mr. and Mr1 W. H Owen or eurpriae marriage of thl'lr adoptl"d Yf'hudJ b Right -lla.rrilloa'a Long Beach, grandparent• of the daughter. Mlllll Grace Rt'lacb, to ·cat.-for O.Uclous Dbi.aen bride, were ho1ta to thC' group for I Gilbert Gaylortf or Altadena wu :- eo.ta Mua. 111ven b) Irene Stanlry and A Ill... l.a.lle )'bur d~la and 1r11 tu.a:u. · ' lllomqutal· I Sertoualy huwrycor. •·bat'a 'thf' u.,. a weddln~t luncheon and rect"ptloo ma..lt' at a Sunday t"Vening buf'ft't 81 RTH DAY HONOREE honoring Mr. anu Mrs. Jonn. Tall eup~r by Mr. &nd Mn1. ~-A. Nn Informa l get ·togetber of £" •• ---J'Mel Az:e Gueeh lntrQtlu('NJ llurtn~t the of the 1lrA1t rt • w,. havt' to "•t -.-OM ' t'Ventnr wcore J11nll' f'alkln11, Helt'n lunch anyway, "and Iota of uur Hoeb To Group hllell, lngll• F11'tc:ht'r, (;hrV!In1• IICreamllnf'd.lema don't want thrlr Pa,U. 1tadeata to Berry Scllool M•e liMa CODilatuu, refuHII 14- aJMJoL !CYan thoqll tile Deed for 1 ~pere and aprlng now11t1 center· Kirk of the Balboa Peninsula, frit'nd8 In thto IIChool apartment of t'd Ult' lunrheon toblt' and 11lver prominent members of the ll&lllng Mlll.!l J l'an C'sbnnne In Fullerton and c old table wrvlce were u~. tn ..ttoaor 'IV' "Eutene ftMIOD home on U.. Ocean l"'roat, N-port Beach. wu op.nt'd BaluN&)' nlpt to I ot Lbelr Newpnrt Harbor arvera of Mial! RUth McGa vTen'• · 20tb wrvea .their l)()tb wcoddlng annl· Nevada. birt.h(Jay. Ji);.rut• 11o100 jolned lA not makto II a brldce·t""? Hy that .-oot artaftt -..-ftT "-dcleed to-Vl.'r~~ary and u11eu many of their Gua11t.s numbered 24 when they the run were Mlu Brtty Dyck· o.-for wllom It wu concehed If ~ tlmt' rvrryunf' either hu II ho·ntl otMr. lltaD lltoee wbo are wi.IIIIIC goldt'n wedding &ifta for this wert' aeated about tbe festive' "bit' man. Mills Pat Mnxllon and Mlu ache anu ntof!lll the tt'a, or lhry v .. J to ,_, for lltetr ed11c:atJon bJ t.ltetr I '~·~ng. . · 1 anu werto told the wedding nt'WI. Ltohl Dittmar • y OUDIIteh Honcw fortrutten all abuut lunc·h and •~;J" ~ pll,elcal labon on lite IJ'Oilllda ln keeplntr with trac:U,tlon tht' The couple return~ thla weekend 1 rt"ady to f'a\.. Anya·ay I hopr lA t~ olllte ecllool, be admitted. Mw Mr. and Wre. J onu cut tht from a two week! honeymbon. Petite Sharon White all atve the "Way. lUll! ....... ,,. ltduu ot tile Berry klloo& (I ret niece ..!tLU\UWQ-tier£d~ "r11111 l'tatmtlay Mt 6aylmd u . ----------1-~~n~rJttj~-~r-ft mtt•,.naa-.&"l"li>D'I!JJ k r 1 t att th 1 for eant~ card play. ,.. quartet tablell weu li;;;!l---..li•EISll:Jl~UIII~IDilL..tll•u~...u~-----a 1'116'\'T ltDl.We c:alllne; tlle1 1-tradM, l'a "· n a e emoon . e coup e ~ta to sail for South America I"'UP· a~menta o f 8urroundN1 hy hrr small frlf'ftl111 '"Hlal ,lltay latP ol lite &o.llt". ac:rkaall.ve, U.. II.Kllll an.; tlle:r f'l lpfX'd ,away for a lhort .honey· where lie will bf!comJ. m~f!d In PJ ran~ulu and yellow button t.n the homf' of her JIIII"MU , Mr «a · Martha Ben7, ...... " tM ttdt boob. A. M.W worl4 II opeoe4 -moon trip They are m,alclnc their mini~ enjl'i,_,-work. Mrt1. -Gey-~...;..------------: Clt~U...uma _,.. naed by and Mn. Vault Wlll\e, 900 P'.ut , • • .-. .. .;. 8cMit~ waa ........... to tb-; Berry Bellool t,..ua1 tt:t. hom~ ton 19th Stret't-ln Coeta lorll will join him In June and f tile ~ In'& ftnelan. '""-C.ntra.l, Balbo&. attracUvr llttlt UNLIKE CITY COLUMNISTS ~: ::!';'!.. :'.,,::~._. ~lea, tllelr, mtnu ud t etr Mese. • thf'y will make their home In J E A~N Wle<lr>m Ia lbc prtnc.tp&l tb.IDC: "ttlf"rl"fOTtl ~<'t •TICfc')m • il'iir wttli all thy jlf'ltlnK get underat&ndmg. -Pnwerba 61-7. at a.na,. _,.. ~""" Mn J . A. 8 ._ __ Wbl"--ntly ~at-b-t-.. . wr are nut brl!h•Kt•d With ~,.. • a....l.. r .__., IMarte; tile)' 10 fortb wtllt a aew .Th~ blldl' 1& a member ot the Bolivia.. The br1de ill a graduate of Pe,_·t \\'ant a---oa•'-• ,., __ • • -.... all--a .... -Oa .--.~.. ""' ·~~~ '~ r ·-..... to L • ,. .. oranu.ud bP'Gla.llt1 or-.Wioe toto a oew worlcf.·'TMt la fl t g -·· lin Alii fro N _, ~· .._., ......,.. .... ..._e .. .., .__ ... b d tJtrtbda 'Wf!fl our m.any IJUt"t lea. r-ven Ole ebDC:e to IMnl; to til .. ,_tile ,. r .... ull g ' · 118 m ew. U.C.L.A. whl.'re 1he wu atflllat..... Permanen) Wawo t1.15 wp. WI. ~~ .,c;:llt4-hono~ee rrnldf'd at If you don't llkr Lhf' "GlJtt·· •t abe clf!dlcated ber ..UN ....... :-,::':.n~~e:..lla~a~ ~·IJ'er:omlae PQrt Ha,rbor Union Hl&b School 'III-ith a 11Chool IOrot'lt)' and la an S"ampoo •"• 1'1nger Waw -.10 ~ tilt "•J~'e d.l-..r. a lu:ebeon for. ~r IID&ll frlet~d• would help a ttlt llllplr&UI"'ally. ucl tlllrt)'qllt )'Ml'l ot Iter llllr Tile Berry Se~l Ia o .. ot lite and attended a San I& Ana Dual· l lnlltructor In Redontlo aehoola. Mr ~~ .. ~ :AT~~~~IIo ... ~-:!rt~~ l6aa ,..,.._C. Yet"e anof'd to I and t.bri oth ,. hi h to ko1-wbat It Ia yllu Ilk•· I·• •••tn« to lite cllll~ ot * ... ._. ..-t c.o-•Ddallle edac:aUOil&l u-neaa School. She v.·u an acllvco Gaylord Ia a graduate of the cau. u-. UJd M-. 1M Iabell. L!ew 1 a.. tr mWbl_te' ~ c Swhe 11 • ret14 In tb~: c-olumn "R ofiu• WIIJin'l a th&ace. Ia order to 11ft GMI pertmenll 1nr llant:bed Ia Am~:r-mrmbt'r of the Fltlell• Ch~aa. Mr. fomla lnltltute of TPChnology In -..r Gall 'C B. fWdd 1 •"~ a e • ~ ,.,,,.. op. " llacll to America etroDI o1 ...,._ 1o ~rim t J d d h 1 1 N rth Wa.llece, J . A. t, . . Ba.lbotl. 'nle vnup then procrdf'll bu Ht In a t.lay , .but It took rvny· ot ml.ad, ot •owl: lea. It Ia no ncer u u lit ~D ; one• attcn e ec oo n o Paaa~na. C. r. Watta, J._ Wli..Urt roftaDCl. to ... _ Wblt• ._ _ _,a, ~ha-t .. -bt-..Jy tv makr k omi' It Ia 'fibrilla• teetliiiOB1 Lo • 1Ct Carolina. He I• now a/filiated I Gueall Included Sunday were H •-,_., ~ uuu•~ -~·~ ,.... ApiDit almo1t la..,.aa~ tkt wllere lltere la Yllloa, coupled lth h "~·th C t C 1 &. L Kdbre, enry -•" 'JOUDcwtera rn}9yed ,-amr•'lllld the · t.•ATL~TfC · .. Aftn hl'artnJ: odd• _ de~patr, lleart.acbe. ......,. wlllt eot~rqe and enare7. DO Pf!Ople w 1 r ''"" ~• ompany n Mlu Patrirla Bowlin, Wllll&m ADint f>7dl;alu. bonore. wu attowered with blrih·jtb• account of Col. Undber~·· -Win Berrt •tra11led uen...,. eaa perlell. llartlla Berry. 1011 laue ~ewport Beach. Bowlin. Kay Ki'rk, J oan K irk and day rtft.e. 'nle birthday cakr bear. rr port "' lht• lftMilW'' or t-'ort'llo(n Her llcllool llu bara.. .. t.M Mded t.o llaau llapplaeea. -nd b1 ' G~s &tlflad*!Jg the wedding Bill Kirk ~d out.-ot·town frlend11 . .,........__ Ina the lnacrlptlon "Harpy Birth. Aflalrl O>mmlttf!t". Wltl frankly &TOwul, llaa bf!en ttu.t...a wD ~ to file cleaoerac)' or America-. were Mr 'luld Mra. W, H. Owen • ..... .. .. .,.._. \_ feellna a little dt-p-...1 tell I h CIIIDCtiOG br tile fonraq ...... ol I .... penaaded tllat til-two of Long Beach, blr. and MTI. Wit. w· s E j eel aa• '--e. aay Sharon" wu In k,..plntr with ._ .....,n a I" • be llam Bllhon of n-llnower, ur. anter gorta n OJ ttw dft:orattan• rtf ptnk and White. &aaert.ed tlraatlc "tatcomf'iJll, wo• • railroad •lllcll J.bfnt_.. .. • ._. .... are macll t ~e. ,. oc •• Atteo.dillc were Annette Cbrl•· Wfre IIOiac•t.t. amUM-d. anu arcret and M il y/ B. Mellott. Mr. and j By Leaden' Claaa teMtn, aaua. Newman, Nancy ly •!lvlou• of H. v. Ka.tt!n\,orn;a Cominr -Eventa Friday Club Muaic Mr•. Her~rt Churc~rnan. Mr. and • • comment "A na.t 11 t t 1 Mre. Lawrence Wriiht ..and daugb· ---~· and Melldamel Allee Chrla· I an a y I 0 In Harbor • --C!!~tion Plana Gala Iter, Joy, a.nd Mr. and ... ,.. w. L. Snow &lid Ice covertnc t" e ..-... of San Oabrill, HeleD Naw-~relp Aftalra a n d W o r I d ~ ..,.;; 1 W&n)e all of eo.t& Meu. mountain reaort of Blc Pinea ID --1111 A11111Q, AlaMtte ~ EWnta~ Col. ~rp. ~ .. atlll a "' R • •._ Da T I · tbe San Bernardino Mountalna told ol BIJboa 181&Dd, Audny met tone d!at.ah.ce Oyer. I WEDNIIDAV, JANUA .. V ~ eclprocl .. , ' ----- . beckoned memberll of the Le&dtTI L,.a o(_ 8u Kfrlno, .:. A. Rimel CON,.LICTt · · · With llle C of Ne•'Jl'lrt Harbof' Servt.s:e Clab, Mildred Andrewa And c lau of the Com Meaa Com· of HunUnrtoa Beach. Mn. Whit~ C on one 11~ latlditi« and ~n1I·J BaiOO. Coffee ShOJf, noon. Pfo«Tam plana for the Red prn. • ' · IQW\Ity Church Sunday...,.._ Uley and Sandra WbiU_._ and the bDrl· Ina . . my Arthr1tlr rrir!'.S. oo ~Wt'"" ttbrary book '"'ew. c-Ity Dey tea lll!h~nled for a tat~: &y_aene Ba,Q~ea_To !Jltf'nt thl' day llledcttn~ and hiking one. ~ ot.twr a.lde IITO&Illn~: and I!Pf!tld·' 10 " m April da y for all music aertJonll E h V WI Toni ht M ills Grar<' Daughenbau~:h antl log . It mull boo tht' weathu' NI'Wpllrt Rrrtrh Girl Sco ut I of OtanjtP County and for mem. XC a nee 0 I M ill~ Glaolv~ F.dick Whrt wrr~ In CH .. IITIAN ICIENCE LECTU .. E HADIOCAIT MArk 'l'•a ln waa right, "" Troop. kln<ll'rci\Ttf'n. anrr lll'hool. I bera of the l'oliiB 1\ti'!Ol\ f'rulay 't·har~o:~ uf ·affairs IW'I'\'O'd lunl'beoo bo.ly dnr11 an)1hlnll tttwlut II. hut Hrtlllua llllantl Rrd C'Tou Wort! I Afternoon L111b WH~ pllmnP•I h:V Qui••t rill'!! t.hls 1'\'l'nln.:. Tlll'll-nt r t)llll 1., thf' Mi~<S<'l'l f'hrillt tn!" Loc-al ral11n ll8ttonf'nt may hNr !stilt A' II n1·w th•1111:1'1t fnr lh•• H•••m 1 :111 1, 10 tn 4.30 p. m 'th~ ~t'IIR mu1ir .fii'Ctl~n F?~~l~y In day .Januarv 211. Will u.n~tr Ml:~~l H:~ir.t. F:thl'l (;Ill, Wanna Uoykln. lUI authun ut! ("hrlJttllln H•'lf'lllt' llno.c-cupll•tl I II~ ('An ynu l hll llj::•! l'ntk an.l ~t:u 10,. A"f'nuea. lht" tlubl~nll~f' . :"ol ll•lr<'<l An•lr!'WII of 3117 Jo.n!lt Bl\)'1 Jt•nn Crnughon. Mar~:arf't Rollf'rt· II'C tu rr on 1-'rldlly, J anuary :11. thf' wt:'At h••r ~ 11 Olll(hl '"' !"ll~<ll·r Hrtl (.'rul!ll f'Jrsl A hi C'laaa. Mr11. \\. F. :'\k kdl. t'Uratur. ap· A\'I'IIUI' Ralhna. nn•l F:lll:l'llt' """· fl<•nl'l ~It :\turtry. \'lr~mlii 1 at II I' m . whrn ('ffl\'ln \.\' AllAn '" I hRDI!" Y"llfll ... f ="•'" Jt<•ll llo•)to h II' IIITllnllr Ill hvol, rolntNI drftlll!l' ... mmllt···;" WII h Hr~mrll of Bulh~oa Til<'. I cr•·mtoll\' II«Vill )tarjorw F:lhr k. ~le!'U!rll l C'.l' B . or Tmunto. l'nnll•ln. a •llu•l• ,..~1m -;-·:lU I' b. I ~111 A A K•·m pur •·f ;'1;<-wpurt w1U Lake plurt· 111 t ill' snntn (\n:al J nhn Pnu~:hrnhnuch. Rt~h<-rt lflrt· 1 ml'mhf'r of Uir Hoa rd of LA•cllirl · Valentine Motif foT THURSpAv, J ANI.MR\' JG-1 [k'uh In l'hc~r,.;•· ••f t.hr l''"~rnm \\'•••l•h nc C'h·qwl 111 !'~tnt·• Ann at l•·r \\'illnrd Kantt•!)'. Earl Bunt. l•hlr uf T h•· Mut hh c:hun-h. TIH' tfllh An"""' ="• WJII•rt Ha.rlaor :\lrll J. A t;an tn,•r Ill 'hHJf:•· .. r .., I' m : i'ltll llll•l Hlt·hatd Hllt;lsall A•·· I "'"'' ('huro h "' C'hn:ot. snonll~t Beaux, Belles Dance \',.11•·\hall l .t•ac•,.. 7 I' 111 blfh ~~cnrat1on11 11nt1 ~~~~ I. It '.~"''~": Soft \llnl••r hu•·11. ••f I"''''" and ,,.101,1111ymg 11,.. gwup \\l'r•· tllt'lr in llw•tnn. M1u..o . h.,·lur..,. ,.,.,.r ~· h•~·l J.:\'llllllli' '"" • nhaugh '" I luu ~;l' t•f I• •\_ "l IRn "'"r" 1 hiV<I'Il h,\ ~11-.o Andt • \\I' l•h'll"•l" ~l r """ :\lrl' Hp1lartl K:"of'rtt ·~·7nkl' , .. , :'\lnth ('hur•h IIN'nll~l' r .. rm~t l ll:tnot'" ll ll•l ll.tll;,ol '"''"''I ll•··Lc:'t n!l.~ wnrtr r&OJtPIIll'llll'l ln\'llall .. n~ "'""'¥' ... fur lwr •·t ~··mhl·· JUIIIIJ.: lh•· h"'" ""l k\\••11 o•f ('hrlt t. 1';•irnt l10l . V >ll Aflj.:l'lt•l! \'ul••nl lno•'ll l •rn· 11,.,.111 Ito "j::ll 1,. n••lll I 'Itt I' t 1" 4 :111 1• m . IICIIt lu rtll f, do llllo•ol f luh ~··• tlnn11 nnol 1"1 th••Jr wt•dtllll~ II 'I' ~~r~ II " •t t> 1 II IJ l'11rk nr••l .'1111 1n•• 1\\'••nll"' , to....t .. ln th•• looal J.:l ttllp \\h11 l1 "' E•h\111•1 ,\f•·:->·11 "r 1:~1111"1 l." ""' j!t H•r t It' '\'RIIX 1101 t• 1 ~ ·' r 'J I I A ~. 'lt',ll -,;, ''1'••11 ll•ltllt•t t'll.lm· in~~~ ~·'l'"lld ·''''" ••I t••,~:ulur t:'l\'1''· rr.alrttll ttf horu:r and ~~olwHt d "'"• • 1111t'lrll: ~:r""l' wit ·.t '"' •" In '"' ·• • nuol 111 t 1r,. l•'o•hrw1n · 1 r In 1 h•• lo• r .. r 1'""'""'1 • • I llnt~o•r :-.;,.~, f"•rl lng11. =""'' '" th " bt•11l m11n ------------:-:-:-:-:-:-=-----~-:-=-::-~- CHOP sui-Y\'· Fresh Dail~ ..................... ... ...._ ___ ........... . ..................... 11 ................................ ............ ~ .............. IOIT. k SCHOn, .... 7•· l:,. MAIN <; T LOS ANGELES FRIED · ~HRIMP Dcrtrivus Sen Fo~b Or. I'<HllJllPIP N'1111pm1·~t "'hen ~·uu "'ant to cntch- p .,. "rnl lvn~ 1A'III 111· In tra .ll tl .. nnl rrtl IINI "'"''' .IIIII'~ \\11 h r .. tl ll1·,,h prt.,lllf!ll!rlll 11~ T lw "I'ICI· nllllflll nf lh<' 1lllllt, lo•g:o n ~·rl· tiny _l'\'l•ninft wtwn 1111• ll•·rlull r.r1ol IJ,ut• .. r ''·" l•t c'luh. ~.:111 I' m Tlw n.N'tm~:, '""" J•l•'"'"l' I 1\llh T •••' hll•l•• ·~ til•• d1111~1ll•·r .. r :'•it>wp1•rt "''"''" Jo:hf'll llr!•IJ e II pol ·ludt lun1 ·h••••r 111 Ill•' Plln ~lr :111o~ ~~v ,J It ~~~ 1-'llololt•n of 1'11 11\" I I' 111 II• •~<••rt 1 luhh•'""· rtHom ,\lt••ndlli}: '"'''' ~l mo·•, H \\' I• lui,, 1\aruoaJ<. Wh•·l o' .'11/· It•· FRIDAY, JANUARY 31-L lilman A t\ ''''1111'•'1 c;unpmg to•h·•·d ho•r .•• h•,•lllllo( !'hr I!! n:<~tt- S1>eeial Luncheon '· • 35c: Y•'"' t)WT\. HORMEN FISH MARKET -,...o.. ON CE,_."TRAL A\T.SUJ:, ,_.'EWPORT BEACH ="•'lf'••l t HI lith ll o \· ~c~t Hutll'r IPX. Cil•••n. \\"tlh,llh 11111~1. ll:tlt•d \\llh JI IITI! .. ttll'>< ('11(•• n ' ";.m.,. .. n jn,.'t'" titi~~n.rmlt1 l'll~l'f ""'''I' In th•• •luhh"lll"' T'""l' ';' p Ill St 11111 lhtll .I 1':11!1 1-'l!ill!'r \\' ('t~:-ln .\1 •·~11 1tl pr··~<'lll ~l r Blll'llt':4 "'""''"'l"iMtnl ~l' -c;IM1l. ·~ 1tffiTt.NMi" Vf\'f1l 'ftnt1 tM 11ow • fll'•· 111111 hu!'m•··~~' In IIRih .. n ~I r•. E. E, Ro\ltllnnt -11nlf \'ll'!ur 1 :ra,.,. · !lrrvt•ol Stud' Club Of Church To Meet &!boa Istllnd ~JO l\lo•sn !Itt\' ~ .. ut T~lOJ'. 7 S• ""' llltll 1 • flollnrl' Hr>r l\nl hv r.ra t t mAn' ~honl 1•( P anrlng, c:lubhou,... ';' 3(1 p m App rnxlma.o•ly ~~. mrmtwor11 ,., Homer. Lockhart• th .. !'l wtv nut~ ,)f t hr \\'omrn·,. E t rt · 'B 'd Gro ~nt'lf'h• ~( f'hril'ltian Srn ·lc1• will ft e atn n 1e Up mN>t Mnntlll\' 1'\'rnln~e In lhr tC'I. lnwJthlp rnnrn nf t hf C"t4rilll rtlun·h hy thr ~r11 t n lll~t'llll~ thr}r ~·tl\r's """It .. Mra n \\'. Hnltby wilt t111!t'll~ll thl' ht>nlt "IUj!ht lfl'rr 11t Hnmt' .. ThlJo wtll Ill' thr flr11l mHIIOit ~ -. Mr ~n.t ~trl' llomr t Ln<'kbut or l~ol:Z \\' ('l'ntrnl, !'I!''"'J'O't IJco~rh. l'fllt'rllllur t.l me_robl'rll o f lh••ir Mont1sy night t;trtclgt ~rr<>"' tn. t ht'lr attml'ttve bl'11rh homt \\'tnnl'nt fnr mPn an\1 womeft of th.. 11tudv ""' t ton "''hll'h ln· At <'Citlt rll< t tnt'lutl1!1l M ,.,. Grut chltlt·l' thf' N~wrort Rt-Arh, n&ll•1"' Pullrr a.ncJ Nr'fl'l'"" Hl'lj!'hlll dn-11' or I m~nt" .- Bennett, '8 Years Theatre Party Honon Birthday Of Miu Patricia. Butler F: L Bennrll AnntilPr h~rthtlay • "lrhrntu•n 111 v.·h•• ror r ight .l'lnuary "llll th.tt ~:h·•·r !-' 1tur vPa r .. tlirl'lt•·tllht•t '"l'l:l;)otr•a dl\\' fnr ":"oh!OI' l'atll<la Hull!'r. tJ rommunlty ( 'hur. h • httlr Wf'rf' ~t'Br·c•ld....-ta~hlt'r 11( l'r /\net ~lr!! m ort' than 2!\ m rml,..r!' '""""''"!! Gunning llutll'r of C'011ta ~~~·~~a m l1111t Thur~ttll\XJ! rract1ce. . ..q,Jch -Ww> Uutl~>r."toua\P nl\ht>1m' !'!trN•t 'II'U hf'l1l-In 1111' r ou ~onn~r , I ;IH·~I.• • n t••~ PII 1\ nlll\1111'•' Jlt•r. ;\11"' "''llllt'fl \\:{' t~•h• \•'<J I ( (1\rffillllrt' .,( i1 <'llrti'OI 010\lo\n Jill · tll'r dullr~ thhl Yf'llr h\' Hll'hard turr 11nt1 l~1·n n•l nrrll~l I•• th ... L&wrt"nc'"e mul!lt' 'tn•tnlr't,)r 1•f t hr Hut.lf·r hom•-. f·•r ollnn• r A ~I'" Meal\ jtrAmmnr ""h!'Oo •l A . !thth\'l'r CJ,tlly <11'1 nr11t o•p hlrt holny Nakr of handkl.'rr hic-f!l wnll th<' I'Ur-cer1tl'rl'ol thr •h'll~l'rl tnhl" \.ram<'" priN•note In the part~· \lhi<'h fol. Wl'rt· pla''"tl •lurln~: lht l'vrntn ~: lOYo•ed 1111 t'\'C'n ln,.: uf llillJ!illl! a n1l blrthtlav j:lftll ptr~cnt <-d ~111<11 Enttrta!nnl.l'nt wra~ pn "·ltlrd b~ 1 RI.Jtlt'r · ' N11 kt'll. Hllfnl'r. Elellnllt l'lmt"JkAI. nyc•kman anil W 1ltla Shlr. CHtNA HOUSE Ori"Wrs Tn TakP Out Ph~nP 2i26 GRACE SHIPMAN SCHOOL OF DANCING A.JIJIUAL DANCE REVIEW 1941 ' Friday Evening, January :n ; Costa Mesa Woman's Club· X:OO P.M. Adult" 2.'k -.-Chlld~n lOt- ·'