HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-02-11 - Newport Balboa News TimesSl'll'd Hf'IJ. • uallpr-; of Rt'(l C"rso~ · n.·,-..:1 ladir·~ WQO Will work m ttw ~win.g pro,)('(.'l. Wo~:~wn who arC' ha ndy "'llh 1111' n('<'tlle have nn llJiflOrtuni'l)· to !tt•rvt• m thi~ way, lhou~:h l ht•y OIIIY not h 'i!l able In C'ontrihutc monE-y. . ... ' So lma-~on llwn then• was the prom~n· ent IOC'at <'itlzcn of Corona drl Mar who lhought to 1mpn•><,.. visitin~o: frif'nds from UkiA· homa w1th Ius c~1s"y statum -ogan wht•n ht• fllt•l thl'rn at tM station. lmugin\• h1~o rhnl:'" r1n ·Wh<'n hi,; frit•ncl ;.tm1. "Wf'll, well, I ~t"C you havr one of th<' station wa~ons, Rm·k in Oklahom11 the only JX'Oillt• who USi• ·.,m an• the Snlvauon Anny workers." BnrdN! 1-=-==;:;J'hJ:::::ii~Jrd(:d--A.cr:s: tJ mn the O.w1d cas llv took thP All·Star baskr tball ·t<'am from Ul.e H a-rbor Commumtv l;t>agu~ into camp last ·m~:ht 50 to 25. Sa1d dt•fpat 1!1 no rh1-· (T8CP to th~ local ml'n. !lin<'<' playin& ba.~kelball is just bu!ll· nn& to tht> ~ardro lads. Man· •c~r of thc ,tcam had bcauti· rul long locks and flowing tlf'ard, but wm~ of t hr hf:-ArdlC boastro by playprs {'()ulrl bt' tatlf'led "excuse only.'' On~ "Ace" had t mustache.> and an lnch·widt> goatpe whlrh lndl· cated a lack or wholehf'artl'd participation in hairstutl' !k>· v~Jopment. - -: ... S o lnff'n'•d ! Whll~ enthu1111111m for IIJlOrtJI Can ~ CIIT'rlt't1 too fAr, It 11110 l!f'emll that a community shoulrl hi' iniPI"t"llt t'd ~noulth In athlf'tlcll Md the-pm~tTtiU! or llll 8C'h01ol's athl~tlr tE>nmll t o fill lht' jtllllery or lht hllth 'school ~rym w h t n HArbor Hi~th'11 Sill lor~ fJ Ia y the-Ir home J!'ll.lTlPII I.AIIt n 1 lt·h t thf're WDI! a mere hllllrlful of pt'oplc to l!f'l' lhP Community Ali-Star11 play &n f'Xhlhitton m atrh ag11inllt a profe!lll~mal ,• • J ·. '· ~, ISSU!.D t •· .NEWPORT I . . BALBOA • SEMI-MID-WEEK -'~{WEEnY EDITION . ..£MBkACING • .BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY. LIO.O. ISLE. NEWPORT HElGHTS. BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA· Mt:SA ,... I voLvM.: "..:~uil :Crowds at Dedication o.f N~w-· Cost~ . Mesa P ost9ffic; 13uildi~g WJUt Uw 4.rrlv41 <>( lhf'-- quotJI fo'or 1 hi' Am~'rtrun RNI C 'rr"" ltl} HJIIII'III I" h••lnJ,; lnlltlt• ltl Hll ,(,.m,.n 1n lhP Jll'lrhur rll•trk t 111 (lttnlltt• thf'lr ~f'l'vtr,., f11r r.t l•·11~t SPV.,.U dlt)' thl' rn()nth tO I'IS'I~I tn thi~ lautllhiP work . Mnrf' thHn 15Cl ~tl\nnl'nt!' fnr womt•n and rhllriN-n mn<t of thl'm to t'W' 'hlppl'd tn RrltAin for ·l"f'fu· lo:•'f">.. to t'W' flm~hro from !hili branrb Tb~ workroom at Jht R&l· ., . rr · ... -TN. AHII14ttAN .COIIriN6N'TS ••• --AiNI<N.W.,.,., ,_,. ·ro. •• CON61116'1flll ,_ ...,IC Tl ,... I'UTI/Ifl t:M,ON/ZAJ"'ON •Y ' ANy 6UIIIOIIIIAIII . HMiER4 .H ·~ •' 75c Bond w·h i te Paper 1 . ream, 4 9<· 4 reams, 48c I 0 reamt~, 45( ------~ -..... -· .._ Mount' Whlffifiy hond pnrl('r. 16--lb .. R1:: by 11 -lnc-h. shPetc;. tx>autiful fJtnllit). "QUa l to any 7~ pnJl('r you f'V~r AAw! Sp•'(:ial Jllll'f'huc. anrl r• hi~ lruy for ~ny 2rrt{'(', -~h~<k'nt, etc. Come early ! t ltltl• It Y\ h.~ lt•IU'H .. I t odH V• ft "'" • 'JI \ ~·lllolllf•••·r It •. ,."' t .-" ,.,,,., ~~~ flltlfl f ft41tt• ·~ "\' , It~· ,,fflt 1,.;,. ,,,, ·~ n;,., 1,,, ,:,.",.' • ... ,, ..... 1 s:n:.•r Ill Jho• •lull'· "'' ,\1••n•Jtty • -r •ntto·r"''" ro·l•·••h"t ltMitly thht l'lln• •pul Sl•lt ... y II l •llvl•h""' hltol !I f•·rrn,.•J IHnt Ullll Itt a '""' ltnK .M•oll11•y Oll(hl th,. ~· Wf~trl I ltH l,t,i' l lnl•on IIIIth H• h•,t•l ho~ltr•l '<.t( lruato "" h11•l •I•I"'IV"•I th,. I•"V ~t .!J! lJ l l•f-..J.bll\ ·IJI~ ,!' bt.d , u It 11 ah11 r,. I •• ,.., "Tl•l 1 h,. llf'W,.r lin•• I•• tho> .,,h<o<>l P''•Jl"rty ' · '~h•ould •urtll '""t J un•l• II" •••I ' ,,., ,,.,, lt1 "llltlol" lh,. 1"'•.1"' I It> ! g•• ll•r'llll(h, Pattn~W.n Mh.l, lh" • hra-t• '" h•otol awl '"""'""' 11 In ttwo I '•IIJIYinlC ll'lf'tii>O tlf lhr dl)' UmiiA.l n""' th,. I'( 1\r,.,l jlt~.ovn•t. ,.,lll 11t1• t•m IM'W•tr fuii&U"L I EMPLOYEES-~·O .f· LOCA-L CAllERY VOTE . AGAIIST JOIIIIG . c~ I. O. Dllol FiHht•rmt•n !\lay Hniun PlantM ""''""' nw "'• tor ftle--.mt"'ll'ft In lh•· •1ntlr. ~al iftdulllry. II• cllfd th•· lr~·,.-In pey f l"flfn ~ C'lllflla rn :\'\ .,.ntw rwr hoour ·~ """rtlme ""'"U rt'\1 II f I two I W() U n lon t"'lNM'r- h'll ~trnullanf'IIWIIy, ttw nott"Uftklft 1llanf n~l-t lfa ••I" a Wle 11~1nt, althnu,t\ jl clld no4 l"rit uv .. runw-. tw aald. ED REZ- Nttw thnt till' J tt t•·h•••• ••f Win• I- ,, 1111" It lui l11•t I ltl'o• flltollj'lll IIJl I•• •h•l•·. l ... r lmlv l11• ntl~ IIW:lit ,,..,, l11t•·~t wruokf;. It r • ..,.., ..,. .. , .. "~ that thtl ltnly tblnc nutaf1Utdln1 ahfout thfo lt•l· '"" "'"'' •• th• J•" ••• "" '"•Mh•r "'""""lint ancl I'Vf'fl ttiMI ,,.,.., ·~ JAmet Petrillo, who "" ltr .td of Jhe Amttrlc.wn r'td.,r•tton nl Muel. ; cl•n-d'r•w• do""n t •Hl,(JUQ a 1 Ytllr, ,,,., he ••• •J w.oya good •t ~~rlthmetlc W ho <..on d ••puie ' It 7 I - I Thf' mnrr li:"V"rnmrnt ..;,,, 'hllv~. th,. rntwr 'fl"''JI•Ir 11 lAIH" t•1 nm ... :." • .1.1. 1hr. ro.url\ ,,. •• ,o~. .. .,..,. .. l'nnr ntn I II, t hr mm,. II ,.,.,.1 ~ 'l'h• m'lre \It ru•IOI thr rn•otr lu,.. wr h iH 'f' f() pa . !!!!!...!"•If',. """ "" '~" hard· .. ,. """ """'' too W•.rk H•t why have ITI••r" l(••vrmuu Itt ~ Tti!'P,. 1''11 for •f'ff'l'·ttfnn,.r ,ptllllt· • HI' OIIOI'f'ro• , • l'lo N,n•l N 1\fh•t Third 141' lll:flf'•l. ~~~-Ycwa. • na~per repwW •• followe: "The welll,t~)' baker .. rt 1111 to tile ohll*'"t '" Hfot~ whent thl'rr 11r• fifty.-. mllllvn ·hena 'Ia Germany. ~ with a va•t arn~y at Brllona, UM7 laytnr for Hltlu. -• ... ... --- ,. .. PllpTwo _______ N.EW.POR.T..BAl..aO,A..N£W~T.J..ME$. Newport Beach, CaJilornia. ·TUESDAy..,. FEBRUARY· 11. l~l41. •· ····---- . -----________________ __, NSWS·-· TIMER T BASKETBALL I TEN N I· S TRACK .-·'sASEBALL . ~ . . . lAJtORtUUCIAt -TESliODAl AT HtJNfiNGT6N · 8001 -- ----- Clote u~n the heel• of their 40-19 victory ova-Jor· Fullerton to I DOWI THE dan Hiah. Lona Beach in the Harbor 1ymnaaium •i\ -laat Friday ni1h~ tbe vanity S a i Lo_r • invade Invade Harbor 11 • . • •. - · ~Tu!d.;~ ·~~iott~~:c!~h=t ~~~· :; Friday. Night I ALLEYS' lMleeuoa. ·--I The 11\allert.on v~lty and CI&U Tribute Prior to .... ~ Ume, the 8&11CWI ~utflcently ~fectlve to w~.t vic-B cac~.:~tll ~vade tbe Newport I Prior lo ~etUng down to IN«U~ It f be Harbor u-niOn H.lp lkhool .,r;ym-matter• and wbo'a &head aDd wbo Ott H8rtJor U'nino HlP Scbool tory from Jor.dan. wu ar • nulum thla <04Xt nlJhl rolled the highest ecuru lbe pail ~ cont..-.nce, wb1Je Hunt- tqtoa · JJee<b ......., dropped o n e daM . ckelaioG. . Ou~-~~ th,-Huattn~ ~h tracu Ia npectld to be <k· ddtn~ fac:Wr In Rarbor'1 .qu .. t -u. llNl aun-t lAI&llt D!· Iitty' bultetbaU cbaalpioDibiP: -''""'"Felli TIM Jordu nntty fell a vic- tim ot the de&dly attack by the IIUlont whiCh earUer JUt -k bMted tM .tl'<qt Santa Ana Polly RiP 8claool aarnPtJoll. TIM 8&Uora lltepped Into the Mad from lbe ~ w1Witll and BE P R F. P A R t~ D -- LET US TAKE CAUE OF . ' .... ~!tL! Jordan Buckle• Cartacu•rd Kt'nnedy Mkneel • YOqR PIP~ NEEDS ' Ff/llft! P0111tA :_ ClothH PoiH -t'll&\ P nlt•N Uae l!lpe ANNOllN{'E.."\ A 'FlEE LECTUR·E •• I ON CHRIST I A 1-··,SCI£ ICE by LUCIA · C. COULsoN', c: · S. B. OF LONDON, ENGLAND ...... 'of The Board 'of .(A(-tpi'Mhlp of TIM> Mothf'r Chur"h, Thf' flnt ChurC'h of . Cbrillt, Sde•t. bi &Mton .. Muut'JntMIU ' : m· LI.DO-TiiUTREi eor. Via Lido -& Centr-al --. Ave. . SIIDIY . Afril•,-.fEBIUiiiY . IT 3 P. M· ' 1&, 1941 -----"'"- :\t 17 ,T\t !~ • Reckless Driver A ~lenace PuBLIC NoTICES ·-· PuBLIC NoTICES SOYIC& L~\"JTL~(j IU()8 an••·•· thrn tlw Ridlk1· "ill enter t"t'R.'OISUI:s(.; llEEP·WELL \\Ork <W lln~ J>IUI tlwn"'<>f. ~nd will a•t:)IJ• h<.• dt'Chm•ll .forf<•Hed if the sue- • 1 CPl'~l'ut hit1dur n'fuses to ••ntt'r· into I ~OTICE IS l:JEREBY GIVEN a t·onl;'tJct afll'r bdng requ~?sted that st•alcd proposals wLII ~ 1'1.'· so to do by tlw City, of Newport j Cl'iVl'd a1 ,1tle-off~ of. thto~Oii31 • ~(lh. ,, · 1 C'l .. rk in tht' City Hall of thl' City Titt> City Council of the City , o{ Nc.•W(>Oft Bt>ac;l\, California, yh· ·or ~o?WfiOrt &:ach reservt's the 1 Lll 7:30 o'cl~k P W -li"~ruary l ngtrt to r(>jec.l. an).' ·o.r all bids, and I 17th; '•1941. at which timt-they to wllWf' a,ny infonnaU'¥' in .a t»d. will be publicly opc>ncd In t h el Dated February 4th. 1941. Council Chamber .of !!Aid City Hall: FRANK L. RINEHART, for the fum'ishlng and installi'ng of ~ C ity Clelit, a • deep·weU pump w i t h t'lectric Cit.y of Newport Beach, motor. in accordllnce with tht>1 california .• plans_. and speclficatiollll lhert>!or.J Publish Ft>hruarY 4th and 11th, n{tW on f1le in tht' office o( ·lht> 194l City Engineer of said City. · . I ,' ---.----....--- S~Iflcatloft!! and Instructions NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEA"INQ to b1dden may be secured trom __ ,.- the City Enrln('('r of tht' City of Nt'wport Beach. Each proposal or bid shall be accompanied by a· cer- tified or cashier's check or biddt>r's bond fqr ten Pt>rcent ( 10%) of the THE NEWPORT BEACH CIT'f" P~NING <X)Kl4l8SION wIll bold a 'pubUc hearine upoo U.. applleaUon ot Orrin K. Eane, Jr., h&YinC 231if8l•QCll 4, SectJOD 5. Qalbo& Under the provlalona Ott O..rdinance «O. appll~t reqw.ta a 50% ( 5' I froot yard .etb&cll variance and a 50% (1 WI •ide line Htb&ck vari&Dce 101' t h • eoutllwe.t cQrarr or the prqe. The public hearing upon tht. matter win be held ln the City Coiincll Cb&mber. City Hall, New-• port Beach. Calif .. February 19th. 1941, 7:30 p. m. By order ot tht' Cluurman, M~RCUS JOHNSON, -Cba.lrm&D. HOW AllO. W. SEAGER. Secretary. Publiabed Feb. U . 194L TF you never ha'ft bad aq .l of the~~e pains, be thank- ful 'They can take a lot ol the joy out of life. U you have ever suffered. as moSt of us have, froiD a headache, the next time try DR. MlLES ANTI-f AIM PIU.S . ...You will find' U.. pleuant to take and unt~N­ ally prompt and effectlve ID action. Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills are also recommmded for Neuralgia. Mus c u 1 a I' Pains, Functional Menstrual Palru ¥td pain followinl tooth extraction. Dr. Milt'S Anti-Pain Pilla do roDt upset the .tomach or lelve you with a dopey, dru~ feeling. At Yoar Drvr Stcme: 125 Tablet~ "' .. ZS Tabletl Z5f :-:.-..:.-:.-.:-:-_:-:-:--=--=--=----- Fresh Daily Delicious Sea Foods Or. complete equipment ·when you want to catch your own. I' i Newp6rt Beach, Calif. 4 - '• ) . N ~~.!";;~!~~ s ·~lADY DRIVER -* A Wo111111 Looks on ::~:~;;n~::)':~~; ::8:~::~50~ ~::: ~:::i.SURVIVfS DIVE -52.75 per year to 4th zone; $3.00 per .Y~ar to 8th :wne. , &\te~ :-~~l~g~~;~~~~l.~l~~rt Be~.INT·o· CANYON W ASiu~GTON POLITICS By ... .., 1! or IS REIT -BUY - .., btiei"'IIOI Routt 1 s. A. MEYER ---. EDrrOR AN1> M'.\N AGER _ Printing Plant, ~ W. Central Avenue, Newport Beach. callf~ : • .. Puauc NotiCES '· l.ONOON KNEW befo~ t h 1 dlalnnanahiJI f•f, 0"' ~o•·utl ~-NOTICE 0,. ~\l•l.IC HlA .. INQ ornCIAL PAPER, N~BT B~CU. CALIFORNIA Mn. Dorothy McEthennon of Unl\ed Statu pubKc !mew lh~t vrity Board th• JIOtlt nt>W adm111-~ A IJieala hWe Lotal luUtlllliea Few 0.... U y_,.. Lona · Bt>ach II ~t>rln& today Jobn G. WlDaDl, 1.11 to be UM n-IIUrtd by ,i.lr '"""' MI'Nutt THI!: NEWPORT 1\ICACll \"ITY Laval, Like A "Lavaliere," HaJ!gs Heavily Around Neck of ~France. . ' frem ·ttw ahOck ol bavinc plu~ ambU81dor ~~etected b)'-FrankUA Mr. Wl!llu!~ 1" an atlum•y at Pl.AN'NlNO COl0118810N· w I I I Mr car approximatelY thirty feet D. twoeevell to ,..,..._nt t b 11 aaw. ,.1\e Ia M yur• told and 1.11 a bold a publlr hM rift« upon lh• off' Canyon Drive, near Carnation country at ~ COW'l o1 BL JamM. ~ubllcan til• ••JuraUnnal '-"It· a pplk'atlon ol J L.-Grtllll for Avet~ue, Corona dtol Mar yt.>~~tt>r• Prealdeol ~veil \old bla P~ ,rou'nd aountla lmpr-1\ e ~t • vari&JlC'e &Dd rnodltiiW\al buhd· day. ~ auffered only a bruiwd cOIIIera,ce ~ "Ume aco lb&t PaW'a l'f'I'Jl4lratury IK'huul. Dart· lnl rermtt bavlna t o cSo wtlll chHt and broketl ~. be bad ~ ti\a dect.lon con-.,.utb u d J'rtn~too Hie l&w de· Lot ,lt. Rlock 4. AKtlon &, 8&1- PoiiCt' ~"' lnroimed M~y oenW\c Jo.pb Keoedy'a • u c -I""' M r..ulvf'd at Nf'W Hamr-bo& lll&and l,_,der ttw provl.lllooa (.)' !lfLaETWOOD LAWTON) On u.. daJ -foUowiD& tbe 'P'rell~ by Gf'orte Levt,tt, 406 ~ Jtve-~. but tb&l \.be latter' a ws.o-_.,.. Unlv•r•lty ol OnU~ uo. appllc:Ut ,.... .....___.101..1 -. t.b&LL.~ quem a ~ 'Ct•• foutt t . , tamillar A&me for a cravat or ta.Y)'· • neckl&.ce ,..aa '1a•allara". ~uredly, P\t'I'H Laval aD4 bia aat,elUt.N &1'6 no orna.aaDl, ~t around t.be neck of Ft&Dce today Uloty weiJ'h ao beoavlly u to bow tbe -.hoWdare ~ a oou proud ~. \al openly declared that his home and said a wbile. AJlboUCb. Mr. ~v.U PwU ADd enlt.t.._l u a pnvate y&nt ..tba«'k vari&JlC'e bl.ll gTe&t dellre wu to a a 11 d lh all auto acd~t and appa"'ntly allowed It to aound r&tMr my. a the Americ-an EllJM!dltlnnary '111• publk' hto&r11\f upnn tbla aP~ut Brtla.lD t.be armed fo.rce did DOt lmow wbt'ft abe wu. tutou.. .ctually be wu _,..., ~ H• """"' a membv' ·<If U!e matter wtll be twld In tile (..'It" of nance u quk'kly u mipl be. Ralpb Hoard. taponded tD t.ba tollowinJ" lbe accepted proce..tu,.. ,.t Arro SquAtJnVI, became com-Counrll Cbamt».r. r 1 t y II a II . No audden revulaion of feell~ call and illecovered lbe ~-under web drcu~·.. t b at .a~~der ot tbe El«:hlh Ot.erva-1 N•~ ae.t h. Callt. ,..bn.&&ry .,.. t.bl.ll. but the 1oac-c:oac:e&led noo car appareaUy had come dowu proc~ ~1111 that UM Prea-Uoa Squadron. and whan tbe war 1 teth, tt41.· 1 so r m by ontH &l!.lmoai!Y w~b_amply .revella the hill at Femlt'af to tum onto ~nt cbOOMa b1a .,voy, auct. the wu over be bf!ld lhf' rank .,, ""Jl'" o1 !.h!,_CbAinnan bow ~~ Jll"•t have felt cone em-Cilnyon Drivr. F'aill~ to makf' -6 tD i}i; goYen imnl Involved, taln'"' l t III'U att•r 4be war Olat y AftMJR JOtfNAON. n.alicn "'"" th• tum. the.car ha(t plun~ted 1ll ... k h'-well ml...,t ln.,. a war ln' wblcb· Brttaln wu • and doea not &ADOUnce ... e ~ be ~lurnetl tn •'hC'ttol to la t -C'balrm.a.n a~ .. 'ttte bottom of the canyoa. app&r-f \\", t h I a a m all tbe ally _.ol "'Fnlnce. In whlcb b1a ~ntly wlthool. hhting tht' sick> of poilllmeDt otnclally ~11 tbe or • ...Ur'• Uld hla law de~• HOW A~n RJI:AOJI:tt. ITOUP olainl• penonal friend IIUM011111 WU 1n th~ ba"k at all, Sp('Ctators said. ~ l'overnmeot aenda blm Ita ~ Tllto yooniC Nt•w •:n~tlamlrr l10•· RKr•tary, ttr men be tbe enemy C&IDP· Thf.' machln~ Will' badly · dam-pnwal. The ld• belnl' that abould. e&D'If' lntf'r ... t .. •l In polltln, wu i Pub· f\ob 11. 1t• 1 described a a No aooner bad tbe armt.Uce a~ted and lh0!!4" lnspectin~t the tHe country to whom the ambal-aaetted \Jo N•w tlamp•hlr •. ·,. •tate~ I· the lavaliere ~o c:oacluded tban PlerTe Laval wr('<'kll~t· <k-clart'd '' was a· m.ir-aador Ia to ~ •nt dl•pprovu lael•laturr ,..,,..,..,, In both llomM'•. I IN THE IU~lfUOft COUftT Off or Franc e . wu eaget;IY atrlvlng t o l'f&Ch an acl~ th~ driver half not ~·n kill· the PrealdC'nt'a1cbolu ADolher a p-and In 11121\ IN>rAmt• JCO"""'"r "'I THE ITATE 0,. CAl.ll'iQft. rtaced a b !)Ut u.ndent.andlng wlt.b Muuollnl. to <'<I or !Wriou!lly Injun-d. polfllment could be tnade wlt.boul Ute •talt'. In lll3 I he w"11 r•-t'll'('t · NIA, IN ANO FOft THE lbe tbroat o I a.c:bie" lbe formation of a firm Mrs. P.kEihannoo wa~ 1"\'mowd the embarruament o f .Pub II o ed rur IU'Inthrr fuur·yrar l{uber-j COUNTY 0,. OftANOE tJl e F r e ncb bloc of LaUn n"attona. led by to ttw Santa A~a Vallt>) H~llllal. knowledge and comm•nt on the natnn•l IC'rm, Artn whh'h h•• w•·nt -· 1 • ~pte by Ad-Jtaly. Franc~ and Spain. Hutll)', original con•lpee. to Wullln&ttJit . 1 NO. 311111 .. MISCELLANEOU8' - -----AJAX AIIICAOI-cl_. ~ -· ,. .. .,. an4 ,..._...,,lie, w.-.. .w ......... 1 ... ·-tt-'· A,_a ....._., HI Mala .... · .... _..... . ... --Of!. MaNIIIY C. 'V'Oe? Clol~le .... i... ..... ..... ~.__. ... ._ ..,... __ • v ....... ...._ ...... -att "'· L• .....-..._......._ C.llf. TH& ftAOIO IH0~1 ~·-fl H . K"leloeeo~ ..,.,. .. U. • .,.,,.. He,._, A,_ Q ......... Laloo .. ,,. 'N...,...t ..... , , M ile ,.. ., c.... ••w HousEWAR~• f!IHTALa- Marue w..ew-. fiCA llle .... ., .... olf H It I e r . howe~r. II nuce. tbrougb t:be col-.,, s d London baa apptov•~f tbf a p-Wr wrruonl '• rt\.llrrtt·.t , .. a Wn· I NOTICE OP' the ahadow or umn.e of tbe Romu prue, re-NeW 81 S pee polntment of Mr. Winant u the alan whu w111 rnJ"Y tho· aolvf'n COMMIIIIONE_~ IAl.l ro" IALI--•11 .._ • .,, ....... a doubt Pterrto Laval and hla tot. jected with IIC&thlng dladaln and 1 F • Of new Amrncan envoy and It 1.11 turou• 11111 prr. rtrli>UII ••latent'• ~ • , .. ,., ~ .. ettrlnt eM ir. tttO lawen are 110 mo~ than t h t' r1<SJcule the advan~ea at Laval. ormation prautned that h• 800ft will be on wbk'h. wilt~ ll14'AIIUI~ ht<r In l.<~n· If'\ A JANY. Y.,1JION .•• "' I Collr1 A w .• Hew ... r1 -..ch "' =~ l':.e tb:; c~;!,:.:_crw. for ::.:.'~:r u.~~e:::~t~oA:;;=;i M.W..D. Distr-ict:_ I ~~:!" w.:;~~~~a~=S UM-ra ~. 1A Ill•·"';,.~'.'~';.~ _;,.~"" ~~~-;un~':t~~~""'•l• ;, tlenr!..LRE-At; -EsT AT or mercenariea 1 n t h ~ Middle against the Nazi lntereatJJ. --·-Harry. Hupknu <.lepartJJ: ~ It .. , ... tAklnl( " lut u ( tlurnorowo r om-l'1alntttr J F R ~ . .,... &mply prepared to-sell Unabuhed, La vat turned t o 1 1'tw way to launch procu.JI.D,p g-rowing tncrC'ulngly n e I' t' • aary I fort In tht> flu t lhRt thr wnr ha.-. v• OR ENT hl.ll allegiance to 811Y leader /Wh o Berlin In thrconv1ctton 'that H.tt..j 10 hulen tb~ anntoxatloll nr tht' • Uutt we have an offirlal repre· ao cur1n11n1 "'~ 1~<1 tunt·tlnoJI at ltAI.IlPA 11 ,.~A ("II AMIII41C. Dlatf!T fii~TAL~~ 1.,. mtgbt off~r " tempting price ln ler and not M'Uuollnl wu the I Newport Meu Jrr1Jt&tlon Ol.•lrll't. St"nlatl\'e oo the 8rttlah IK'Mt'.. t.bto r-ourt uf !-it JJUDM t.bat be Mfo:NT ('OM I'A NY a ,.111 l"•ratlun. «l4. cl_tl., •·~· 1,. , ... ••"" poUtlcal power. muter of tJle &xia. Nt .,.'f\Ort Htollrhta lrr1g&tton Ola-\. Although a Yankl'l'l frum . l:•Jn· wUI .... ltlt~m hll\'<' tn dt>n k n~ T II 1-~ I 'NIT .. ~ .. R TAT Y. ~ 0 y _.,. • .,,,.. •• tM MMn. P .. Me4- Ttr only two prtnclplu d o e 11 Hne too. he was at ~ln!t met trtrt. lht t.llguna ~arh-an11 S.•uth coni. Ne-e Hamp1h1l"f' ~~r Y. lnaat brftcbra • lh• """': llmblutaatlnr "' AM•:HH "A At~n knn\o.•n ,.. Ttl•~ •• ,_ KC-••"•"• calL •• ,.,. Pte~ I.& val aeem conalatenUy to I With acomful rebuffs, but rreal· CO&I't w11tt-r Oll!lrtrla .' n t h,. II• nu atran~ter In Y. uhlr\l'ton. f&l~vm<'ly I !ttl I •h••llt.l It u •• "rf" I'NITt-:11 ~TAT•:N. JOliN I K)Y.l otMIIIT VILLA, eat...,••• Cll1 b&ve adh~red .. hl11 flt'rAAn&l greed l"r lnterw In hl..-wrvlcea dl<f tht' Metrorollt.an. OIAtrkt WIUI l"'"e4J'f'om · l93~ to 1937 be held tba ~t 111" ,,.,., tiYo'l .IANt-: Jl4l'fo"; ru\o l ltlt"IIAHII ltOJI: 11 ..,,. ••• .._ ,..1.., .... ,...,: ror advancement. and hla hatred Nuda 11how when lbc npected thta --.·eek by th• el~lnll( nr t'n· 1 -----'·l 'tllli'ClllATII IN. a '"fl' "••-•• .. ,., .. w . L J .. .,. ... ot Br1tA10. which amounlll to a rotlapee of Britain tailed to, ma· abllnar acta by (~Yf'mor OIIUD. . Contest Waged Altt"tu.le Mark llfofrnt.lanla ........................... 1 .... Pill. pbobLa. t t'r1allu. when It becamA' t'vldeol The fiNt atep tn bf' t.a.ke.n will U ,. I tot.et.. :_ ________________________ ,he t n d~tl'nnlnl' tx.und ty linl'l! nf Over Will of Is Installed t'n•l~r ""~ hy vlrtur'ut An Or - B.Siel ... and 'Professional Directory ~~-~~':~:~~ f:~ex;~'t::. ·~:!t~l~. I Mrs Cora Brooks At Co. sta' Mesa ~~:n·:~~~ ..... l .. ~ .... ufF:~~;;~::~~~ a~l~ I B oATS & S u PPLIEF - aT.tHWAV O"ANO, Tile ·-·. Uti ~...... .... fw .... , ..... lhl ...... e f ...... liP'-0 a fl I • ...... l.t ,., ... C::.. llf N. Malfl -.. ...... ....... n .tfll ua~o Tf!UM~•ifi. Ctar4,... • ..._ .. • ..,.._, o-..-4 -~~ ..... , l...t-ta. T-..-4 ·-· o.a .... ~ ~..-o. .. -~ .•.. ~ -•••• e ....... •1'---· o ..... k....,.,, ~ ... c... • N. Mat" .......... AM. .. .... -------r-------------------ACCOf!OicHot, 11 e e. , --.T..._ ... ..,.._a.... .......... ~--fC...-"'· ..... ...... ANt. """' --...... -•• will rt 11 t . ?~•II• C.., -H. Melfi M., ...... A.... ,. .... -.;;-I~ITTI PIANO, Ia ........ ,._ ~~~····-·· ,_ ............. ... flref .,.,_.,. ~· , ... ,.,. .... llal-. ~ -.ttl .... c-•· o. .............. Ptlifl& Oa., -~. Meln .......... "'-- LIMO REAL EsTATE) F oR 5ALI: ........ TO THI COHSK .. YATIYa II'U"• CHAMIIt OP IIIK~ aaTATai- We _tt .. IIIIa .. wMft fw rttur c-•• .. ratt.. -u .. ..._ .,. Ha-..r1 Hollftlt, c..-... .... ·~ "" ............ .. ... .. ... 11lnre both t.IIR'\In& thlltrtrlJf'" hiiVC' . • .Jwt.:mrnl ltNtulrlniC Rotll' uf J'r.,r W4f\jTCo-ltt.,.• ••••· .;.•"" ., atltlf'd aC'rl'a~e to ~". t•lr terrlttJ,rl~··l C'lnlmln j; I h at t h f' I r unr lf!, .. : .. ull ii!O' I I "'" • 0 ""'l''"lrfl o•rty IIUIIIf'tl ""' ,"' l,hr !l'l'r' ..... llor I tlnn .... trd Muet be .......... 1.. ::~LIAM.OH a WILLIAMtON . Next In ortlt•r w1 I 1.14' th .. t' rr u-1 Flm•·r J A 1" .... ~ uf 1 ·,~18 Mr aa '"" ~ 1 ''"rt ••t ttw ~Ia P .. c ,. urn a. L"""~'d "'•'"'1•, f18Q 01•"'•" "••I ......... ...._,. llltlon of twtltlllfl;' Jn,thl' ruur dl~-.a madt' lhl' n ,.,,,,. heir ot Wftlr"'l hy l'r•·~•·l• nt Will i lilt H. In unol fnr th• C'nunty flf Orana•, Ave .. 'w••• Loe A., ...... tl "•· * .... ea-t,.._ .. ,.__~~ UB. RALPH D. HOARD DR. B. E. 8l' Alll.ER PIIYS.CJAN -8UilOt;ON --. 08'1'1l0PATH DJ;NTI8T . . -..._.11 u ........ ea~tMO . TelepbHe NIWIJOrt- Balboa laD Artlecle Balboa Storey Bullcltq ...... ;. DB. CONRAD RICHTER I LEROY P. ANDERSON Pll,.&daa aDd 8urceo• Offtc-e 101 !~nd Strt't't ~ ATI'Oaxr;y A-T LAW S_,ort. Bc-~h COIIta M-Bank Bulldln• Bou.rw: 1o-1t a. '11· li S·IS p.m. Pllone ue co .. ta ~·--C aUf o nala r.o.-ornee .us: R.H. 14-.1 I ~------------------------,·1 ------------------------~ Dr. GordoD M. Grundy. 'Miyll.lrlan and 8 uf1(1'on Newport Be&r-h Hn.plta1 ~ntral Ave. at Ninth Offtce Hn.: 10·12 a .m.: 3·15 p.m. Telephone 31 P. V. PARKF.S Watrhnaakn • .lewel~r • f;ni(T'Aftr :.1102 Ocean •'Tont. Ncwport t:apert Swhle \\atclt Repalrtn11 Gold Mathtll( r:ye <il-• Rep&lred ALL WORK GUARANTEED ROY'S BARBER SHOP trlclll Wlklng1 thf' lluhJ.It'rviJO<>rJ011 t~ 1 ~;,." tnh• Mr,. 1 .. ~.8 "11,1,11,, nrouka, 8ftll11bwy nf '"" 1 '"~111 ~~ ••II a un tht 10fh day nt lf<'bnuu·y-UIU,I call an t-le<'l r1n fflr l " fnrma on Ctlflmllt'r tit '1 'ntnnwn·•· IUld lm-In thf' ablw .. •ntltlf'cl At'tlnn. wb•r'9· Mid -"ay. at ttw ftou'b 0oor o1 ,._"" ~~~ m. ........ of I I 1 t II t l~t ht" t hr•·•· rluhtn•n aro• protetllnl( l • 1 11 rr 'I' tty " ' ---a mun t: Jla wa er • 11 r , . prul•rmt!n nlt"'IC • un · ' 11 - ' ln the abov• namiOCI plaintiff ob-t he C'otu t Bou~~e at· ._\{1 OJunt)' 1 LAte IR ._..,. T,... -.-, "'ll•hlch wherl f<>rmed. wltl ~~erve u :t~11l :~~re<'~·ntly for pt'Oo th,. U. R Gt•t.xhth' l'ep1U1 mf'nt \l•ln•d a Jud«ftwnt IUid dfo<orte ot o1 <>na.n.-. "' u,. 0\.J Of IIUta an anneutlon unit to the M.W .D .. ~ Y latma oi, the p.rot8t.Mita, lu!. lnetallad a 11\l\J'ker ln.~ ~-r-~oaure on lbe Ita day ot AM. <>rup o-M,, o.lt,......_ Pt>tltton• m UJJt UITY 10 ~nt. ot ., c l4'r ol ~ ~~-o.SHIIf'l nn the I January 11t41. wbk'h JlldlfTII•nt. 1\\ 11llf'dlf'ftt~,. tu Mid Order ('I( the to\111 rrfChllt'rt'(l vult• '" lhr M •• rgarr t Hlltr h. N•lll• Anderaohn ~ldf'watk n lmnt "' lht' ~~-llml •IM'I"t'<' """" "" th•-,.th rlay RaJ• lnll "rw ,_ ,., f"•~lneul'fl lllslrwt at lh•• limP or Uw Iaiii •n•l War rl'n ('h•pp "1 l.ltnl( i:tell.l· . ,\lr iUI' l"••lntth ,. ..r fi'••l>r~rVY 11141 r ntf"l'f'tl rtnol •n1t Writ trrf' th .. F.ntorrem.Ont (11 lot\fb(>ln&tnrla.l l'll·•-U"n 1 <lau~hl•·r,. '""1 "'"'or Mrll Ar•IOkM. Thr ml\t kf'l "''I ,,.,, .. ,, Ilk ~ttl· ,.,.....,..,,.,1 In J1hf1:ml'nl llo "•k :u• "' .hul~nrut 1 will .,.11 lh• atww• Fnltuwm~ rnmplt•t cnn 01 ( lhl' alo' lwlnj; hf'H t•l 1111" _..,,,.,k 1" 111Jco ••f t ho• ~~'"' •"'·' luo ""'' llfl Mll•l l'mrtl AI 1"'1:'" Jil:: "'"'''I <low iiiJO·<I l''"l"'rly, "' a.•nuwh ••nnuolr<llllt•tl ''·'''' •liltlrh l I lrt 141'1"'1 •·r 1"1111 1'} J\llt.:r l o\'<•fl:t' K IICUrah• ""''"""''lll•'llh nr•• _,, · ,,, whit II .luoll:fll•·nt IUiil llo•o lt•r lhrrr-tor ,.. fllftV 1..-n"•'l'llllft fV to I I l • "I II I l • ~~ ''"''1 -"' n II I 1 I I I I n I t I • 111 • t •••·• .. , " "" •·:t an ·~ ttt •un up· T h •• \\'\11 •h\ ld t•cc t\\'•l •n r••tt)a of ,.,~. l'8 "HH' " Jt •·• t•·ft·r• ••• ~ •~ u·t•· •V r "' .~ • "h""'" •AI• I Ju•IICIUfl>nt with In t, un th•~ tfllt· .. tutrl. o( J•thl lll).! 1h• . I Th•• t HOt pn~~~ r .. ,.,. "n th•· lltd•• ... ru m nud• ... t ,,. -.•11 nl t•tth ll• Hilt te•t •~•t nud ,.,,.,,. •rul v•l""n•·• ot l :\I \\' I I 11"1 klnh Ill'\ t·li~O r\' I"'" • lrllh J:'O' Mill Ill y n'l\1 t'~llll~ ~-1•1\lk In • lltlllltt\1, 'h·· • "" ru-lton u• 11"'1 II\ lltt• '""""''' , ....... I ~~~~· loy -""'" "' """"· llllf•tlun ltl the ~''lllltulo• •·lt•d t~o./1 . t""' n 11·'' thr•••· 'hlloln•u 111111 Mrll '" •llrPIII""" r\1 ,.,.,, • !II··~ I hu•t Ill\\ 11 ll l h ol "tlllll '"''' l''"l'''f"IV hl~h•·rtl IUlol ,,..,., lolol#l"r (ow ('Aflh,'. . 1-:tta Httl•o•rt/0 lflulho·r "' /It r II 1"·~11 • """''" 1"1 I " I """ o•ll 1\11 "'''""'' 1\•lltl( ""'' '"''"1: Ill lht• Ill ., .... rut moorwv "' lh•· tiftll .. d • ~hi f•tr nonnl rn••llt li~ 111"1°' ""' Hrn<Tklo. wtth,wh .. lllliiW mn.Jr her ~""""'"'" (tonl t'\"l tti .. ...,•Jo•ll ,,, "I'll\' n1 Sr ... Jwotl lu•nth l 'ttllllh ~~'"'''" 11 I I 1 1 t 1 humo•. Al14'""' \\All nt<lll••l ho•Jr tn I t II r••n ''' ~''''" • ,,.. l''"'•na,:r•. nnt fi•~l.-.tt 111u k••t 111·1 ... ntu• •'• ••f ,.,. .. , ••• Jr-4t ut•• :t.' C"n l umt~t 1 \\ " KI ~1'I N•:J.!U I hal ,oft• I IIJI 1-'111111 ,. llll~ll_l pi !I~' tho• n·srili.H.' </(Ill<: o•!l~\lt• J'lll""f utflt-lr\18. ol •l •I• ~· 1 1"··1 ~ l"tl•l\\11 lu "II . A 1"' .... 1,. IM'IIIIuu l11!k'o l $10011 ,,.. · · 1 ••lltrltlll"''"'''r A I' P •• I '' I "•I by i nlllt<'flll loo!•l I ,,,1 ,. ~11,, ofl 1 ,.,,.,•r o·lt 11111 • .olll•t ,.,.1111 T ht>n lw):nn n no 14 l•hll"" In til•· ill t•••tsoollnl Jt'"Jtf'rl y nnrl thr '""" DR C G HUSTON ....-J Ill lit•• k '1•·1• • lilt "' lttt· IIIII , .. ,111 "1 1-'••1.. Ill , ... , r I• L 1 t l•llr< •·l11 ,,f n ·ul o•t<IJII<• 1111 thr eJr· • • • II ,.... •:trl'o·r I• .l••rt• '"•I n I'"'"' l••ot 'l on.t IU< I"' ""'I' ,..,,. 1•••"•1,1• -1• ll•ttWoott. I I h I l I I lt•l'\l ur lh•· ··stnlt-whtt h hit" All PIONEER DENTIST I It I " " " I I 11 lin•' lila~· l'"l''" ',. • '"'~" "' ,., "tol•·•l Ill ''"' 4 ••.:•· Alt .. lll•·v '''' l'lalntiN' hi• 111\rtll' tu t• .. IIH'fll ••I o•tl In hu• >tftrlll!ll uwrom o· ~t $4\!11 hr lllAt~ II otl Ill f.., ••ll tllt• ""-MIt I• .o Ill -:.·. 1~41 ltlrY h<•hkll """''" 1114'\' ro·•·ounl till' Th~ 0 tllllo•MUll\1..<1 • hat..:•· lhut HI Or. (. I ; I I"'."" 1\ "" , .. , "'''" \ '!o•o •. , •IM .. r ' •r'l"l''' ..... Ill\ l'lllo ..... I. I I C'l •:nls .. r lhi.C <'IIi .:t .•. \'lu<lutl•·r• lho• ll m• lht• 14111 W1\ll rnnoll' thrlr )'I'Arll '"''' ll.t•~\>11 fool .,,. I"'' l 'ullf .. t111/1 , . .,,,,,I ,, .,,, •• ol .,, Nrw .... 1 I nntl trl'lldwry t111t <>no• lmiiJ:III"" , ~ '""' "" 1 \\lltr lh•· ,,,,.,,,.,,t, ll•·r~ II• ll(hl• Ml•• r:•tt •:•·.,r~er. v111ll•••l I LAte ta .,...._ .. ,... .. . .. AU.~ ~:'r.-; .............. ~ ~ , .... u .. , ... "'""' ...... ,....,_. _,,. wot111 ~rtaa- La• H, W•ll-. -W ... Gall• 1<11 Aw ~...... .. ,,.., -r Of! IAt.l -7 ••Ht 0cNft ~ ...... .. .,..,. W•ll·l~tH at ....... W ill •cu"' .,.,, ••ce.-aa. C:. A Mon .. hen, lOI PalM ef , ... . bu. ..... . rOf! t ALl--A er e ltock .,., Pevllrr "•nch ...... ........... 1 ..... ••••• .. -... pl•"l1 ....... ''"" .... ..... t, • • • r•._,d •o•d. alevatl- 1.000 1.. .. ........ Yel.... ...... ,.( •'• .... c e • t tii:.O ~ .... "·'JOil "••I •••d• 'bw ... , .. ,~~,. • .,. ,, . ••IIi .... ~ .......... w. ........ HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL ' Ult'' 'h'l•" .. ,Ill .... 1,11 .. 1.~ fr11111 that ""' woll w 1u. 1111l l''"l>«'rl) know n 111 l•l" t•l"f'""l"" rlu• fll~l 1 1 •• F I t Balboa I I d ~· n .... ,. ~ l . ' ~~ r •)lllllltt'IIIM 1•11•1 "Vl"" ,. n II n I •• ,. wtl h h··· I''"' 111M, II I 111111 ... ,.. --- m••th"r ... ,,,. "' untu111n•l mlncl, ltiOWth-11f , ... ~, .. ' M• "" '1" "'"''1V I I ormcry 8 s an whlth hl11 olr .qt•o•ntln.nt8 wilt ha~tly 1''<•'4 111••11 rtnol tllnl "''" Uruok~ df'ntl.flt "' "1"1' ·I 1 "'" · ··~• 11,.,,.11111,, ,,.J1,11~et 1111 ,., 111 rtny Y. t' 1;'''''"" 111111 w•J;•·n•l Hhr Mr11 T W,..11•n Jay nt Ualbo6 '""e Ou-elv-th• "-t~er ""-rve NOW Located al -tlrl"t·l ···lttl IIIli-ttrl•lr 14'1411 un•t••r Uw tftluo·no·o• nf. Mn• hill poloo•r>l" 111' 1""'' l nl k~ ''""' ( 1 1 I Yll thl• w .. k to ... •• ~0 " ... _. ..,., n ' I I """' "l'l'"'' 0 II Ill' r·r I ""'' Ito hl·r Jloolly 1•111 tlomt'l "'"'" ~··v··r·rt I II , ., Oth n-.. 108 M~Fadd•n MIU"f' ll••l" It~ 1111•1 /\ltlWotw) R.t the tim•· manv ,. .. , .... mdotoj! • '11''" "'" ...... • I By Serving Cl'll ,...,.t. " -1 t•11t,lil ;-.; •. 1 t• • • • o loy ),IV• 1 111,. """''"Y 1 '""' ,nl(f! "~•· PhoDeNewport561 Ncar Pif.'r EntranCP Mr11 l.ut•lllo· Mulllnrt of Hnllx>a •lho· 14 111 ~IUOIIlll•h· unol 111:.1 lho Anl(l'l"" Ill~ "'~1:··~ 1:1 1'' ~~·~~;.::: lltt~l "" llt1' ~otlt •Itt)' uf Mttr•h L ~.U~~t~~lola·f --~~~~ _.I.II.IAAU,...ll JJL.liUilM&..YJIU.I.IIur.~:..L.lh 0_!.um .. r h ''...!. !.'l"ltln·n 1 n h .. r ."1 hl!f """" ~...:.!~ 1 .!.!.!_·.'.!:__;_.AU ~ ,u-oo o"l:h j;;;.'::l~;:::o"t~~~~~:_ ___ ! .. =::=::J '-=~..:.:....:;......-..-.... ____ __.,,._, m•~,_,. f1"' s ~t1'"'~"'" ·-f '""'"'Y wwwml*•r•u• ... ~"1ft'1M!Y ~~.-.:--.. --• - ------------------------~-----------------------~ ... - •. -. ~·------~ I • t •' CORONA DKL .M'AR BALBOA ISLAND . ·-... Harbor Area Clu.; ., Leader• In County F onam Pro1ram · County Federated Women a' Gr~upa To Meet In La Habra • I ... NEwS-'J'IIlZS, )il:~ Beacli, CaJifomla, TUESDAY. 1-'EBRL'ARY 11 . l!Hl .E r Hrtty Doc1 ge Phones 1? and IS) BALBOA · 8 .-P.W. Honora New Expert On Glaae Gay Social Eveqti M~mbera, Sam China An~uea, Ia Honor Miaa Avanell Collin• Ia Speake~ Ebe~ker Nelaon, Brid~Eiect J ' 1 by • Houae W, a"!"in1 For I Prominent Harbor 'W: H. Truatya Mark Women Gueah At Weddina Anniv~ry -JValen~ne P~rty ~ ~autlful pieces of o I d g IIlii II Ml1111 Av!U't'll !'lleleon or !'llc>w· ~urprillt' ~se ,...llrmlng ho.pl-1 A Vlll!'ntlne lunr heon and bridge Several Nt'Vo'port Harbvr v.·o-:'llvt11 I'll h&vt> 1-o 11'1¥1v~·. by I Nt-w ,.JXIf'ntflto.r~< nf uu• N•·"1''111 I ·~\'EI.VN wer~ •h•playetJ • aru clhu•u1151'd by pon. who will btot·ume tlte bnde• tahties w t' r e paid the W. H. wu g1"rn by Mrs. Henry Eggert mea· pla.n to take part In lhe Or-lf'•lt·ntlt'ol t'lfth wnm;on ur thl' N••w. Hl\tlonr ·n~,~1""'''11' """ l>ruf•·~"'11"''1 ~tra A A. Cleaver nr LIJOIJ Bt'tu·h. uf nalph Zunmermno of Fuller.[ Tnlstys recrntly b~ • SantA Ana 1 or Udo lllle and )Jrs. E u Rene &llC" C(nlftty S~aker'a Jo'orwn'a po.rt Beach Ebc-11 Chll1 an•l the I Womu·n~< ( '11.111 .w,.r.,· tht· hwlttn·•l •·t-Il known .authur1ty no gta1111 ton 'F'f'bruary 21. wu the IUr. anu N ew11<trt· Hllrbor friend•. The 1 Ft'nelon 'or Newport Beach In the ..,.aa tee and progriUil ,too illy ccml-F..rJ•Iuv Aft.-rno.m Club ur th,. n r-•llnn••r 1:U•'111" 11 1 Thur~olaf' '1 •' and <·hlna antique piM:ee. when prcet-tl honoree at two b rId Il l clay wu 11lso tht> annivt-re&ry of tatte;·• hnme recenUy · ~ralln~ the Out..len' J.ubllee ot ''"K'' 'c•nunl y mN•tlnJ( nf lh,. l'ol~· nln~~: 11 ""!'•~<m ~•'1d In . 1 he· ~,1111~~'" ahe 11poke l>f'fnrt> 100 NewJ")rt shuwer11 given the put ff"\v \lays lhr honured eoople. Thl' hoiiiU.I·duo employed red lhe C&llf omle F'NJeratlon of Wu· tnmla · l'e-dPratlon •• f W<lm~'r "I f'afr All"""'llhmlln SillY 1 •II In~ 84'1lch Ebf>ll JrU,..tll Thurll<lay fr1l-by Harbor folk. Planning the enlir~ rvt'nlng 1 roeu and bright r~d carn&lLODa In men'• Clube and lhl'lr fltth year nubiJ tn tw ht'hl ln th .. La Hahr& I "' t h ,. i '•l h 1'1•1 rid WK.• I h ,. towtn~r a 12:30 tuncheOb. Th.. c 11' Walla of Ab&lone were Yr. and Mra. U oyd P~r-l lhelr Bettin~~: for luncheon t.nd 'ftC! of extate~~c-e In thla l'nunty. Tht-Wnmen'a ~mpr<'Vt'ment f'lubtwww.l llp4'&1cf'r ta lk I OJ! ".~ "11'"!1'. 111~ 1" •. Relattnr the 'origin of glas• Strtoet .. li a I b o a l~tland. opened pont. )tr sno.l Mrs. J <: r ooract l candle.a romplet.rd decoratl o !I •. tea. will tw held In the home of Wf'81 H•-A vt'nut-. 1-'ritlay, F eb· Shapt-LeJtisiAI IIN' a:JULy cenl.uriea ~o -Mta. Cleaver , t.bcir tlA:lmL, laat eVeDJJii' to a a o d. M ra. Melba 'tru.sty. Pri.w.a Prizee .,.,.N' won by MeadamM )Ira. L Earle PIUUIJ». 2001 Nort.b ruary l4 at Hl1a. m . !"llh. Wllltu • 'MMI V "T a Miller. pre«ldrnt. "GUFF .. BY POP Tbe Um•• told of the varioua eru tn gi&JIII group of bu11lne~~:~ U AOCIIllet! of I went to Mr ~d Mr11 L. Clay-Ralph Ma11key, L. W . Blodcett, ,ower St,...t, Santa Ana. F. Tiptop 1uul Mn fiay 1-~dgar Wl'lrnmNI thr nrw rnt'mlM'rll •.n1l llln .nmll' "1,. n th<' · ia.mlly mu~t de11lgn lnclu41ng blown venetian lhco honoreco and entertained at I boni Walden and" Mr .• a.nd Mrll': \ Ro~n fiMII and Le11 111~11: Mr•. c. IL ~alclnl Of B&lboa, • IU4 lpt'llkl'r of .t'!t' day . prf'A<•niNI f'lt~h with . a <'llr!<l\l(l' I ll~lf· tu ••Jo:vPI)'n'll" n !IM'\11' . • Till' glua. prf'SIIed giUI and lland· a llpe<'lal dinner. A trio of eard R. c. Owen. wlnn~n at "Coclty·:. The t vent . brought together a 11ft:" OunDinc Bullu a11lt Wra. Tbl' mornln~t llf'lllll'nn v.•lll lM' r .. · Thl' lnitlatr II:I'OUJI lmluole ('hrt~ lh·ll•lllnt' IIJlJi r•lll<'hc•l! 8 11 d t h 1• wk h glus. Con'cludlnc her.· ad-tablea were arrtLngell tor acr.vlnjt A pottery 11ervlc1' for <>lgt-t wa.s I '¥If! group of prominent wo- r . E. Ru.ell o1 Coeta Weaa will cupled by Walter F. Tlptnn IIJW'M-tin•· rh~W"nlx. Mary c 'nrowllll. JIUI • .~ r;ol! "r" m&ny Su u , dsUih· dreas. Mra Cleaver 1howed p\ecea the apecl&l dinner. A cake wllh ll· Tru11t y Juat bt'fore a au~r counll' nwn In Newport Harbor lncludlnc t,U. e part ln the mem~· PQft.lon tnl( on Hrobby t{'oullfl lln•l plctuua~ r~tklna. S" 11 Y Suwyl'r 111:•rln ;,.;· a (' tlurtt'<'ll '18 hum e ell ' of Ruby and cranberry plecu and mlnl11ture bride and gTOOm atop of chill ILild bt'ana wu served. ln· Meadamu Albert. . E . I.' of t.be In rharce of anti narratlvu nf ('allfllrnla. hy \\&l'f'k. su .. llurvsth JunP c,nh· 11 lt:tt-....,._~ appnlud ~br~hl .. Y ~·wun'ttle-cenn-r-~rpotdtlrtng-the-re-h-1~1Pri-t......-1t'tno.-,..,.,""'.-......,.,....-,_.:-1m=o=-,...,....,,.-.nr;;n-:;-'i~;;;-'m!';;n....,r---t-- ,_ ___ _,'171ii11Nii;;:;-y@riiir.;-"i'lii&iminw U. u~r.;:-n A Rn-nnTiJjj""'i'iTi'ffi'nm. rfl''l T.Vi'lyn 'TU{liii&TI. an1t Jl'l'ani'NI ~~~ u~r o;:;;" """ take l hf'll m,.embt'n•. · 1 truhment' coura. l dames 1... Claybo~ Walden. 0 . B. Jamea Wheatcroft. c . B. Rudd, wW be Mra. Robert. E. RL .. a of fron lll\ Ho.a<l ('oun•·!! ~c~~~~~~ Ill I Tun,.~all A "l ... ~"h•l w~trtl ,.0 ' ~···I · ~u~ 1~ .,..Ta.r klng thE"Ir bralDa. Qoli Quaint noae gaya were et th~ The group pruented her wllh 1 Sumner . Morrla W bIt f'. John I Harold W&ldenburg, J . A. Oant, a.. ... ..._ 1 12:!10 may bt' m.ad~ with, Mr11 rumf· wu ll:lvrrl l)y Vil't'·l r•'111'''"'ft h•·l , ltw rrnol"'~ 1 • center or each table durin~~: the I a 11t>t or crystlll lnc\uoJeo.l In thl' Clark, Mllrtln E . Lln.aley and Miaa 1... L. Iabell. 0 . K McKinney, GUMU wUl J.nclu&' 1late aml 1 Arthur Stone of 33:! F.ut J!lclf· Oornthy Smith ~ I ~ GREAT MAN ... Wtn.atnn· luncheon bour and dslnty vloleta1 guut h•l wert Mr. ¥td .l!frl Grace Lloyll ell of Santa. Ana. ~an Collver. P. V. PArk~. 'Frank da.trict otflcen anct r helf'IIH!n ol encl'. La Habra. Hf'lt•n Kt'IHte<ly prut'nt.l'd ·Am n un·hcll H llktn~ tu hie coun· were at the prealdent'a place Watt11. Mr. a nd Mra ~orge ftog -1 Mr and )Ira Floyd Ott~rt. and Hardiman. Da"ld Lindstrom. Vern- Oalll. orula fl'lderatlon ol WOGlt'n'a . Lrtlalatlun will tJf' •llacufllll'il hy 1 f'nlllna whn ,Kllv" intPri•Jttlnl( 1!hh··1 1 r 1m"" ~u~ay mad~ hl.a cour. Tbe Antique S«tlon. In char~~:e ers. Mlu .hldrt>d Wyer11, Charles Mr. and Mra. Fluyd Pierpont uf I er Britton, 0 . W. Hamlltoa. Ro- OubA, reAidinc In Ute cOUDty : of· M r~ Ray Edcar. Oran~ee ~·ounty light" nn whAt .:•-on t>t>hlnol lhP a Y,. c·un~" 101111 • ancl wh e n h ,. or th~ day, we~ walti?IIIII!A at the K.JIIt'r. F.rwln Kreu~~:er, J I m (q y Anabefm . Mr.-and Mrs. J . M. land Thompson. Clara Wood . ncera _pd chalnnan 6f tbe county Chairman Q1 .Vglalatton. ~n~~ a_,, ..... n .. • ''""!"It lhe "1"1" a."""011~1~; (1~11,11 ,. finl~fi,.,J ·hl" ~~~kh 1)1 •IY· tun~heon hOUT and formed th~ re-• Watl•, 'Edward Rlch&rrtMn, Ralph • MilleT, 7tfr a ad Ml's. R . r . Con-] H'llrry We11tover. Clllra Wood , tederaUon; and olub preeAdent..a Ia mualcal provam pN'..-nlcot1. 11 Y ,.,. ... tun tf~ 811 ... : tohl, nf 11111 '"· 1 In ... ~1vc• 1111 thl' 11.,111 and we will cf'lvtng line to welcome guest11. Zimmerman and Wilford MeDon· rad and Mr and Mrs. H. C. Owt>n. Ralph Mukey .. C. W. Harrlaon, ... _ Ani!&.. • 1Mr11 ~mrr C. Stolp. State-C'tliil"1 1,.-rl~>nl'f'll 1 n \\ IIRhlngt .. n 11 11 11 ~ 1 .. · Prt'tfdtent Mr11 SW!an M Ruther-&Jd --....__ Ro~rt. Rc11111 and loliM Grt!•"-......, --..~ t () • I' tin th•• n·~t " wP ht•aved a a gn • · · 1 • ...... , ~Tvlnr .with Yra f't\UitJ» IIDAII of Mualc will fill the &fUr· Rrpri'Mntllttvr. rom TIUIJ:C" oun-ruul "''fl4''l " furtive tear . . ford opened lhe bualnna hour A pia aurpriiW' eff&Jr aa a pre· Younltterl fete ('lark Many out of towa brtdr• will be forum of'tlce:llncludtnc noon MAlOn. ty. t~• L'rll "10 , thnl t h,. "Le&M·UD•I wllh the aalute to the nar Mra. nuptial compllmt'nt wu lt'IVen by ~n~uta Included Wead&.mea WUlla A fljof'l'lal P"•~·· WIUI llWilT( "'"'" • j.; "'......... L -·· th t c Ill u n-u Ka p 'dL--... -ed 6 Be I f ""'II rt L. w Blod llrL Ja.mM o. llcO"&c m , prul· 1 • · M .., A. 11111 .. hatl pa,uwol thl' houae· anll uun~ ucaa .announcnr . e nex Mra. Anna o na. -ra. uoo:: Y y n 0&1111 ~ nn c> o r u e on, • • · deet· MN t...eo ~nu.. Yna. C. P .IShook Home Scene I Rally ~~~wyrr 111~1 "'~c· 'bl 1 \lotth 11.,, wur 11ft t)Ur mtnaa tor o~~ro&'"lJYI '1>'11.1 bt' ~ motion pic . Grebe a.nd Mr11. Jo':lnnor 1'1u·ker In 1 gett. F. A Burkett, William KlJlt • .,..;r, Mra. OullJllnc BuUer and . •fryer whu Wtln 1 I' w te 11 an, 11 ,. mnm~>nl "'" r('turned to our turtoa. Tho county art exhibit, the U onard <.:olllns home In Coet.A I lllra. Otto ldao. Jolnlnl the ho.t-Of BAdte £venta . ko·t . lt~ll•· ""rid nnot ;lutlea. wilh II sponiiOtl!lf"'lly-Ml'W. tewt~Lxcntft'on •vea. ~ fi\'ent tooJr-ptac• rrt~· ,.;.-;..;-:;'-'' ... w.u lhe anctW.rrt"ll"'~f'(! or Pta· .. croup will be Mra. Robert ___ 11,." tll'lt·rrnin~tltnp to I'QN,t lhl• rnynty art chairman. wIll b ~ l day rvrnlng at 8 p. m Heart.!! I Bnlboe I Aland frlende to centla. ~-diatr1Ct Ooldea J u b I I e ~ 'AUJtiliary. Card IID<ofht-r rolh It( th4' month . 'shown during tbt' 3rd W~k In wu the \livenlon In ~er with Saturday aftlmoan In a;....,..'""·"':-L.----------------+--1 ~. Mn. Jl'rf>c! Rotlvland. ,11 CoDrad Shook honuo nn • Alia,. .. 111111.,1111• <lay: FebnUlry at the ~ubhouae. Mrl! Mno lrcon;o Pcoter .. m rt'ctelvfn~ tll~h 11atlon· Valentine a b d birthday £. J. Moorea Hos~ u4 Mn. R. G. MWer, dllltnct Ruby av•n\\e, Balbt1a lala.iut wu Beneftt To Have • . kutherfnrd a nnounced the croup ' ~eore. j party In the home of ht-r parent..a. fedenOOD prwl~at. ...... .CeDe of two bridle atf&lra Valenti e Motif "CUFF'' BY DAUGHT~" ... , n( pamlln~ll have Men done by Prior to tht refrel!bmC'nt hour !.tr and Mra Rtl~rt. s. Prldham. Prior To Trip North . Iaiit w~k nn" of whll'h wu .:lvl'n I DJ ThP C'alhc)llr ('hurc:'h rouee an 1" ~t'lected ~:roup of Orange Coun-Mlllll NPillon rerecvell mtacellane· 204 ('oral. 13alhoa bland. __ _ .Qbiane Birthday Thui'Miay for thr laland Bridi'C' f'r•'flnmlnatlnK I 1)1' N" w JH >r I dc•·tl '"'"''llnl( houM for tl'tftlds ;tY and Rout hem California _ert.III(JI ou• ,.hnwer glfta. Altt'ndlng Wl'l't' Tht• tiny MillS lrd the Wily h i Prior to their vacation In San C!uh. . • I lf&rhM AmE"r lr an 1,A'IC11'" Awul. In ml'f'l anll diiiCIIIUI the doings ~ Mrll Mary Schellhn4ae of Tua-Mndamn A M Nt!hlon. mpth~r the party r04>m where ra.mea were Franclltco, Mr. and Yra. E . L Of Bill Maxwell At' Thurwda etVmoon'11 dM· la_ry bt'n_efll l'~trcl J>llrt~ nnlr~t~lay l ..s J.hot ._.k. u ~ ..Y'*_.._t...J.iA....w.lll..DJ)i:,,.h.et: h ome to~ nr 11f1' Jm~P-M . telnune Hay-plllyt!rt umtr-r~t t 1m.. Moore ol "fewport Beaeh in u . a.;;.... __ .;:_;;._.....;;;_ ------+ ~~ert n~at were rad.im•• II· PVC'nlng, Trllruary fl3. In .. lht tr In l!ll''"'' lln lntPrf!eUnc !DOnlin~ I den Section Thured.ay afternoon urn. L:, L FernAndA. H D ward Birthday cake a nd lee ~ream were talnrd m~mbt'n1 ot their bridre Duo ceJellraUOD adJY1UM mulL. ... t.bl JOUl btrthcky Balurda.J ol WIJll&e Maawell, .oa ol Mr. and Mrs. w. A. Mea-u o1 1:1 B&~ ...._ 16 ,__. p&a.Nd for din- ..,. ln hAll ..,._ .wl lal.eT ~ ed liiUU'tOw .ct!Y1U• at t.bl Lonl 8Mdl "PUle ... lin. lluw.U wu ~ for u.. party aDd ..,..... t b e 't w 0 calla deeonMd wtth Ute tndt- UGDal ~. 8be ..., KCOCD- ...... tM IJ'OUP to Ute ..... ..,, llam L&nrjahr. K. V. Dllte. JC*'ph hall will b<-rf'oJ IUid white hurt.lt Ju•t Jtn to rhui'C'h and ltatea lo , ... hen the gToup will diiiCuiiJI wild Gr~>b<-. 1-~l .. anor T~o~fker, J r ene l t'rved at a gally decorated table club. . ParkM aJid four runt. M~u I and •treaml'tll lluggutlng VaJro-J .. I:"""'I"'rll" rnh·rlng IDd lftvlng or common n owera aultable for Prtcononn. MarIo n L&mp. I rma In the dining room by )fra. Prld· Seated et the three qU!Ut' Qn&Jd Ritchie. RA.lph H o ld en . tlnr·,. Pay . I ~IAllll -I >~ITftnjtPmenta. Mra. W. M. Young Shaw and Ann& l'<1111nll. and the ham. I table~~ were Mellllfa and Mme .. Robert l"rye and Yay 8l&mp. The artlllr wu planned about . BIG SHIPS .. The 210-fnot~ anoounc.e<l I be annual Newport Mint's 0 or i ll Mc-Murtry. Helen Young gtiPIIIs who enjoyed the ; Ralph Mukey, J . A. Oanl, Lew Tueeday brtd&'• ch1b mrmbf'ra. lht t~tntlmcon;al •latr ~y ll IIJW'C'IAI, .v~.:'.T.b~:.,.V.Ia.t.';,.JirJI~.an,...W,; .!-far~r. Oa~d.!!l,.,-nd Flower Show O&viM IUid F.lmorr Hayden Fc•bruary purty were Sandy Welk-, Wallace, Eugene Fenelon and L. ..,,.. .. In thl' Shook hom~ for·IWIC'h rnmmHI'tl~~fo~Ai1~tf"1St' ~"'ltltt1• trrilltln" a.ntt' beauUful apeetacle wUf ~ Alfli 19·20. i r r. J ullth Allen. Nancy Cook, L Iabeii. Pr1.zeJl wert! woo by eon •nf'd at the queriet tablfl k nlllai. pruldent of t.bf' Awll·, llt .. a mt.n'~ up the bay , . ..,_.Lot-I The Willard KilLion bome·le the Com.m· ·g Even._ Donna. Zube. Donna Price, Tova-l Mra. MUkey and L. L bbeU . ud ror contract bri~t H 11 h llary Aa~l•ttnr her are Mn. Jr-tlr c erann and lt'a new fOWI.t 1 Jetting this afternoon tor Book • l&fne Duncan, w 0 n lc a Wyllie, • wtDMr-a werop . Mnc. JIW'k Wooley,, vln Georr;" f'o<ordon and Wn1 Mil· frll'ntl lhr "l nvad .. r" Jive c:OOtrut I St'<'llon llflMIOD. The I opec cboaen In Harbor Area Billie Burrue. Bevuly j; b 0 r e • AD~ _ ...... ....,.._ lin. Mart6n Dodd and Wra K drtll Stanley. Wr11. Stanley •• In to th,. blar k and th~ white. 1 for diiiCuMI_!'n pertaJna to Oreece, and C..rollne Pridbam. .,....,. Ia .. .Giilal V. Ollla. a11cl othera pruent Wf'N' (J( ·tic ket llalu . 0 Mrs C. L.: "'Thom. chelrma.n r(· Mm,. Jack Wooley of-Santa Informal ilf&lra are be· I vC'IIIed WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12- W.,..;.. Mtiaatnc J¥1t Raub. p\alllled by bllrbor ~rODa In ON THE COMICAL IIDII ' · · · w d hal Llncnln'll Birthday. aank Holl· ' d A pepa..to.be ~lng a MJuman a Y I an meana c rman. B. lllcOaYnD Uld ~-· RobC'rl M~h homu precedlnc car hlld to tw awa from au. wtfe Ju•t ; Mra. Victor Orace .. geve a .uc. day . ADen -.act Pbll l:ll~rbroek.. wbm ht n~ ber. An•"'uaay ceN{IIl . report ot the finAncial N•wport. Har bor Servlc~ 'Club . .___ w'alllng few the newe he called a galna from the benefit deYert aooo. Balboa Coff~ Shop. friend and uked him to lllay with bru.lge rlveo the latter part. of Red C'rON Work room. Balboe 1 him. Wbett• ~-telecraaa c:e.aae It January and fr o m numerou• Inn bucldlnr, a&k! "Conl"ltulaUOOJI. Nancy 1w1 money drive.. Red Crou work r00111. Balboe a beby llrl and botb .,. do&n( Mr& Vernon Orr annoUDCed to-Jaland, 10 a. m. to 5 p. m .. 126 toda. that 11 ICbell at-Marine Avenue. well " TIM tl1«n4 tned to ftC\lre Y -.,-WOIUD ft.ed en-l"trwt Aid cs-. 1 :ao ~ .wtl7 U.. fatMr wu ~ tended llCIDdaJ'I AJU &Dd*er.tta llyater1cally wbee be aw 011 tiM 10 o'clock ..-on bl Ute clubbOUH p. m. ,-ram.mar ecbool mu.alc room envelope . .' . "It you net'd e boy workiDI on NwtDr. knltUac, plDe Newport BMeb Girl Scouta kin- A.nnouncfng THE The NEW LOCATION OF Harbor Service · Laundry and ,. Cleaners' 113 Balboa ......... -" ............ ... ,...~·m .. .._A..b't-.c ........ pd •a.blladoa ....................... pda. .... ~ly call Weatem Unloa." needle baaketry and metal work. ducarun. alter IIChool . "GUFF .y GUFP:"· ... Han Inch~ were Meedlunea Mar. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1l- 1uat thla one remark to ~ l ~taret Wliii&JDJI, Lew Wallace. 0. 10th Annual Newport Ha rbof' Unltlt'tl famlllea alw&y• pinch 11Jt W. Richard, R. P. nllot.aon, W. Volleyball Le11gue. h t'g h achool Palm St. ; After Fe~ruary Phone 45 15th -ca•fo:-!K-.. pUcated dlewhml Look crt« .W. 1oac Iiiii o1 faftrita _. aab YOUA ...... :\WI &odayt MI .. A-..:.0,. a 11MAZ1Ma 0 ~ ....... -1 Y.. § Padl...., {Wftlty) -I Yr. ::' •----.1 Yr. Meknl • ....._ ... -. .I Yr. 8 Dlptc .I Yr • ., IUftr ~efta ·····~·--,-·• Yr. 0 .. 1,.. .. , .IYr. Qlpena Aldd · _IYr. • §~..,--I Yr. O OI>m llaed cKm• I Yr. A~ Clfl --I.... 0 ~~~~ and lltaUH:I) I \'r. ...._.., Ill ..... -t Me. 0 Olrhdaa Hn-ald _ .. 6 •ro. • •outt • ~ ML&CT 2 r.tAOAZINU ~ H-'"*1 N~p~'-. .l Yr. 11 A.rr;c-fnth Growu I Yr. "-Ara ~f'fdl<natt I Yr. f' llf'lwr'• FanNy .. I \'r. Padlfilldft II ~ 1-.n 4l l1 Natlnaal u,."ft,d H-tiac .... ,..,.. I \'r, ~ .. I Yr. ..__.,,.I Fan."'c .... I \'r. (l Nalkwull ~-__ I \r. .-..-:.. UUCT I IIACUtNIE oo-~en (llld. c..l c i..twhona "''"... . ..... I,.,, 0 ;:;:').;.:;.1 ~ ... -1 Yr. C Amniaul P11ry. Jml. I \'r. f..--:r'll WU~ -·· 1 Yr. C ftrrr.tn'a GarNir I \'r. 0 N~ tt-LUL-.. 1 Yr. 0 llhock IJbDd Rnl Jral. I Yr. 0 "Y-da lloct Mdlly. I Yr. 0 "-hry Tnh•nw • 1 ,.,. -nu. OUT COU~Oflt o MAIL TOD~Y' · PI.~ASI. ALWW 4 10 6 \\[t.:S fOR nn~T '4 \f:UI""ii!I 'TO ARKin (Ct., lut •f """C"l'"''' •I•,. ,.,...,.. .... , ,...,, 4;u•'l ~ ....., .. •-" IIWt ,..._,.....) Gcw~: I .W... $ --· -I aa noduliat lk .-a .au., .U. • •ur·• NbwripiMie •• ,_ paJ~«· ··~····~·--····----................ ---- -----·-·- v.11Ungly . , and on th1a cue oaly A Abbot, K. V Dllt.!l, r: E . Bou-gym. 7 p m. 1 ~ll' when lhr h~sd ot 1be hou.ee ohnot, W .. L. Moody. VIctor Ore.ce. Red Crou Work room. BalboA ta called, Mr. "Gu.ff". J . H LaPerle. VPrnon Wroolle. Jlllantl. 126 Marine Avenue, 10 a., Su11an lr. Ru-p~erroriJ. E. S. Mor· m. to 5 p. m. row. W. M. Young. Ora.ce OMI · t Auxiliary Carel party. Newport man, Vt•rnon Orr &Jlll MIN Eloi11la 1 tlarbQr American Legion h ll 1 I , l>ilnm11-n. 7:30 p. m. C'n11ta Me.aa Women'a Soci('ty 1 COurt of Honor Observed By Mesa Girl Scouts _ J»ro1resaive Dinner J ~:hnstian St>rvlce. 2 p m. IIOC'tal H.onon Birthday• Of ;'l;ewport Bt'ar h Townll<'ntl Club · "' r h J ~ere T H bo W ccty h!lll . 7.30 p. m. , 1 'ourt o 0 n "r 11wsrc" ' wo ar r omen I Newpnrt. B~ach Ebell Gardt•n • rrf'flt'nl:·l 1" <~ 1lnr~P r um~l&of . __ !-;e•·llno 2 p m Mary !'khellhouM> ('neta ,,1•':<\ .11 !'t"lll!l. •r • f Y j 1 I ... h -th !.lain .Anothl'r htlllriiiUA pru~rt'll ~I v PI humP Tul!l tn 1 t'Vh4'n "11t· ~· 1 "'· 1 Y L '" 1" · to I dlr\nPr hnnorin11: M r,. ('I a r k t'v·,.r<hnallng Cc>uncll uulor! "" t•o Attul ••rtum Rc'r Prt tnc I •t 1 h l .. _ Tho>miUI Rntl ~~ r!! K V · Oclt.;o upon hc~h l<l'h<l<)J ronll\, 133. 7 30 p. m. I ROs•• " •·rrvwc·R rr """ 111 uo: -• in ~c:-nut VR;If'r!l T 111 8 1 ,. t he t be ocrurlllll'l' of thl'lr birthdAy .II , p 11 F Uub. 7 :3o-p. . • I t ll ._ tA Will In full IIWI\V Saturda y nl~eht ' Mt•Rn H••nw ficonomH'" <~luh, flnl lllll'h prngT~ " ,,. · r nu 1n threr home• ~r popular bl11nol 2 I' .-... aln('E' lhc•tr "r):Anl7•""''" 1~ yrar. and Lldn hit' c·ttupll'll !'\I "ltt>rt Harbor Rralty Boalll Tffidt-rf""' ~~-.·an i. ..... ,,,.., ~:lven 0 '"'" f••UviU._ tb.-~ ... ~ .• ~ ~ ~· I 1•1 2:\ ~II II• ohnlnJt th~ 1'\'~'mlll. H I Pf'OI -.., [) I A R 1 • .,.._,...., '" o c 1'011 n carr,unc Vl'nUP. R hrt>u kfullt 'l'lannln~e tlw prnJ!rAm ·"hl<'h Ia boa lt!l&nol ~~ervp(l r o••kt.Acllo In FAIOAY. FEBRUARY 14-nJl<'n tn pnrc·nt~ anol (r ~o•n,lll wrre .. 1 •t (1 k Th \' 1 1 · ll Mf..,. Murtt'l ~t"'l•IPrllh"t ~~ '• • ... ('ll•rA An• " mPll 8C' oma.~ . R r n 1111' I! "Y l ·R •t h •t · ' \ ' K. \' DlltM, Willurtl Kllllt•n. Wtl· Ut'IIPll and Hconux·ll Dance. Meaa 1 nt~" "t•nvwc·Rt ,.r. ,. '"~ , n a . 1.,.. 1 · 1 •11 \' 1 1, II I"""' I~Anl(jah r (." L Thr>m sncl t-·rltiHy Afl••rntoon c•luhhOU!II'. 7.3(1 r olZ~"rll 11 Ani " I'M I( I II • "fo • A llltt n( !'>lh IUI >I 6th rc Ide l l. A !>fnfft't Thl'll thE' gro)ll(l p. m 1 1 1 h t 1 r lOt mot<lrt-cl to l..'hannrl lslllnd ror Oange C'ounlv Ft'deratlc:m o f I' r 11 r('(',. "1~'J: 1 1 1 ''1'r... <'ln• '1 ',. 1 their rniN'f' ,.,,"''" In the Msry \\'omen'11 Clubt! · LA Habra W; ... ba<l~t"" llll IIUomlt r, ''" 1\f' eflu· .. I M lh -i k n I AdlllJt Ahhol hc>ml' Ancl i ondullrtl Men'8 l"!J>fliVE'mtnt I 'lub. All day ~"10 AI"' llr 8 1 1\r · ac· oara th,. n11•nu '" I hE" WIIIMol' Ktllion 1 <'osta Mf"lla F'rllln~· Afternoon l ~ttn:all l"ttlll'hl tlr Rt'lll t: rA r e homf• nn Udo Isle. t 'luh r.ardPn :':rrtwn. clubhoullt'.l M•ll•rr. !':•Irma .14'1\n Alh(•fll. ,l.,an Afll'r •lt'II!Wrt " >~urprlsc> !lhuw. 2 I'· m. \Veillon .1•'1111 Tr••mrPtf'r 1 ·arniM E'r nf hiUI IIkPrt'hl<'fs WIUI bf>sto"'"d !"rwpnrt Hnt·bt>r Junil>r -c'hllm,. Durklrk. ,ff'nn ('I 11 r k . MKr~n.ret Nf'lllt•n l'ntc c.la ,; .... Jot 1, "1 • upnn tlw lhl()-honorPr whOIII' bln.h· ht•c ,,, l'omml'l'l'r 6 30 p m . p&J1• R ) I (• t I b..! llll\'11 WPrP rPbruarv ~ Tht' 1<11· "illlt'lt Tl\\'l'rr, ('urnna dPI ~hr. I 0\'k, I r11 nt er A'll?rl' A ,...,, lin:, h11mp \.·M ol~t:llrRlPd Wtth \'irginla ( '••nli'liln I ;,.,,r~Ht \\'t':<t·l heart.. and nuwl'rll In ko•rrmi ~Rtr. Lncrnmr RII~'TT111nol 11o1r11tl\)' v.(th th(' \'al<'ntlq•• Pav ~ulnr~. Aftt-t· n•turm~g from a trip tul Nrw York and New Orli'antt Mr nnol Mrs. A M Hawn nt Loll An·, 1 J:rlrll nb,.••rlwll the .unl!hlne lt.t I IJRiho•a Wlllllln110 llllrMrn llniiJ•IJ:"~Wflrtb, • 'Jtl)'l'l' Lf'1•. M~MI .,n .l••h• !!•>n,1 1\. n- nl4' r-;,.,,...n M •l OHI••II" Hili<! G"' ~ ... " .. 11" """ :or.· ~~~~~ "'Mil-'"~ prlm11ry c:•l'l• 1111 1 "ho tc'l>k pAri en lh·· 1''"1:1.1111 '"' lutiMI l'I,•IPtt\,\' ., u~•'fl 1 :t••l lH MHtson , Aftnl'tl<• ~hr1 ,,.,. F.•lfill l~tn<'. Sbl- Lflu ~r\ lllr .l.•yri-='t"'' act. Ma ry Annt T811!'<>11 '''IIIII•' ~lc·lnn Ron. nh· ~'"''rt' I'-'"' I•· :-.;,, kt•rtt~'n IUid 1<111 hrnnr \'ct~~m"n • The· t1tnwncP Tr""l' undf'r the l ., .. l .. .rahcp "' :\IISS F.t7~Hill1d Muu• l't>"'t'll a lB<• p••r'•'rmt"tl ln. C'hH.1C'tl Ill th.ll !=ri'Uf' 1\( .lfd . d • 4th ,-ndl' ~nrl~ Art• M"n'ltlt 'N 'W! t'IJ. n.onna (,..,. H"•'k. :"ntmll p, ,MAry .In Q1111'ry Jl\l t'JUallne n· atnn. l'atsy ~mcth M!lrv El I Cunnul. Ht'l-1" Tluu. ll(otly • Mar · • · ·rl$:bL K ill![ F.llr.atlM'th J&rk!W\n. K a o Claaa in Practical Paycholo1y Offered Prnrlirnl P"Y<'holngy for C'hlltl-1 non. artnlc'll<'cont!l s.ml sdult11 111 lti!l AOn nf ~ant a Ana .Tunlor c 'ollege each "'t'·"k. at t hr Aolult F.tlrlt'allnn Coun111 ntrrr~,l jlllrtr \\'Mnr :>\lAy I at 9:~0 In tht-Nf'Wpnrt HArtx>r 1 Union Hl.:h Srhnnl lUlU lpnnsnred by thr thr;oc· I' T 0 ll(rnul'l' In thr j barbor \liJtlrlut. Aecordtng to rrportJr t b I' r r astlllt bl' an &ttendan<'r of 2~ fn 1 order to kHp the clu. open The> Newpnri ~lll'h lln,l t 't111t.a Or am· mar School I' T A ·• and tht Hlgh .-cllool ITOUP Uf'lf' evny ~r I 1~!!!!6:~!!~!~~~=~::~:::::~!~==~~~~:~~~~~~~~. ~~H · MA~Urll' ~mllh ~~ I Kint. &>,·rrly Tht'mpiiOn \'1¥1ao ,Joln .. r. lltll'n HilA. I>nn>thy S haw f alltl Hrlen Y11machulu teut -rvrrtJ ll!t'turM a nd t1~ C118eion.a 1.11llormatlon concrrntDI I tiM educltlonlll rrorram can bC' aM&tnet.l throu&h M r • E F. Dtaon .• Mrw A I.. Pinkley nr t.fra. 1 C. MaroW H~klna. I 1 Lt. and Mra. Donn Jon Robert- ~eon.~\'L .~. l'lleco_aoa. M.r&. .. J. N Rt' bf rt.Jtnn C' f B N'C II t'll ridC't. Jol1nnr,f'otA. l'l'llalnll C'f Mn, Bull \.) Cta•'ford w.-re v.·eeltftld ~ at the era .. 'ford -home. 21& ..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~~~==::~~~~~::====~~==========~==~~ .. ~~~l ~. ~ ~~~~---------• ' r .. . p, VenaO!'. 0 , .\\:rOQifea of -·-·t····•== ._ tnten.atnt'd Yr a~~.t Mna 1Jr0D11 M~llntock o r Shcnaoll. -tana.. Tuf'.-dly t\'f'lllr1Jt T b McO•tocke ~"* atayUa.c at.....Ut&' ~Ul .......... f .... CHOP SUEY. FRIED SHRIMP Special Luncheon - -35c c·HIIII HOUSE Chin~ Management - K 19-821 So. Main St. -S~T A AN A Ordt>r!'l To Takf' Out Phon~ %726 The World'• News Seen 'fluvuab THE OfRISTIAN SCIENCE MONrmll ... I ,,., ...... ;p .,, IU.,.,. ,.,..,., t, nD CRUSTlAH !Ct&NCS I'UaLDmJM .:x.n 0.. N.wtr SIAit, looloa, w.-. ... .. Tnachfui--C.ouuucriv•-Unltf'a...t-Prw f,_ I • ... -Bdit«tala Are TI,_J, end lettnctift ..... ~ .......... T.,..m.r with th• WHkl, ........ ~ .... tiN MCMlltoP ea I dotal N•wopap.r for lh.. tw- Pric•lll .OO Y•arl,, or fi.OOaM_ .. Saaua., 1 ...... indudins Masuirv Sactiota. IL«< • Y-. lnlreldo&aonr Off•r, 6 1-U Cei... Qt,.;.,,..bla at: CBRI8TIAN S<..'IF.SCJ: READING lUI ,l:ut Ce-ntral Aveaae Balbo&. Calltonla • ROOM HOTEL MANX Hotel Mana is Sen Frencisco I i best1o- -t\.. ... • ... ... '• • Reinbow's End ... o, the CJI&mor ou' Feail,er nia. A year-round re- IOrt .•. Summ~ t!nd w ;f\ter sporh .•• Oanci n9 evtry, eveninCJ •• •• Spec.al lec.l.l.•s for l>'i·••• ~·· ties, Vary ,. •. -~le '''"' I ..