HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-02-20 - Newport Balboa News Times-. , . .. .. I .,., --~~--~~r---------------1 ... ....,ual .... u. • ••••r•• pol••lar ....,eft. f .. . ......... .. AN IMDUDID~ r.ocAi. MIWIPA.JIIa IDV'lNQ THS INTIU NIWPORT HADOI\ DJSTiliCT ~ --• "" .. .,. ..=:-=:..::::z:::::x:.;=..;a.:.:: ., Ul .- -l ~-- VOLUME I NE)VtbltT BEACR.'CALIJ'ORNIA, THf.!RSDAY, FEBIU ARY. 20. H.,_l /Jwl.;!buii1APpear3tlCe of -Mysterious .f:i?Jii7E:. C_raft Off N~wport ~fbor :f£:~~=~: Cause of B1g Sensat1on -=--carrillo Addressllighlights Junior Chamber's first . Annual Dinner ·Meet Ulat.m&nf f'll~b·" Uahm•n'-c-I 11 s .. lht>lr dool'll aftt'r the l ast C ·AU. t"'HB &E1Nt"'rt'I&NT8 baa bMn ao good Ulla uf f'merr•nry. Thf! pf"l,.ram would In aunlf' ,.,,.uure replare U\f' .J.Iallunal o..nt. no ~u ava&~ u a h~-aJ protKUYt' unJt for tt-.. JW'"''" """ well·betnr of lhf' r<~mmunll)' I.Juf'allonnatre fo•mul arf' nnw a va il· 11lllf', .. td ~tanl")'. and 11rnvut. " ...,,.. nanr rrf "''''......,. ,.~ .. ,....,., t••nlrt~an to phnturraphf'r ••••• ,.,, t ,..,.., .... , ... n 30 toa.ft.- ''"'bur ~net ~ w .. o.. ....... 1 ......... ,.b)',.... .. ~ , • ..,, .. , ~I··,, .. ~, .,,., •wardll ro- '"~ 1 , 1~ "1• I llr~r and Oetqe Kplult hi·· ~ov.·trrl lh ll lnt•r ..,.,. tfmn7r-Jmlm·lfW"1"'t ~ Wa,... lhu\• rt ...__. 1 th JWirl Beach farf! drpartmf!nt de· ~-c.:w,.r• 1, 1..,, ,.1 ... 11,-(J and lumMI over ly a ppt>ared otr-shorf' yar's a n•l l' dHon.:•·~. fur tho· l'pper Bsy l'f'j.l'inn Chto•f Frank !"ro<·ko·r of I hi' Nt'W· for I ll•' <"II\'~ nl'wly dtlnf'd well ortnr: 1~ un~frf'd M rl'lcto f""" '"' one cl'ntrnl l"llll•lftlc,. ·tw th,. "n· tlr'f' c1ty. 'A'Ilh thr~ IJrant h f"•llt .. trlf·e•. or ~tUIJ·•t.Mtlnnll, to '"' ltt('8t· ed whf're thto Jlht>r ofth ,.,. Krt' tn•·l ur ('u•ta ...... whu r~l,.•l "' ,l<•lnln« •urh a mtovt•IIINII . v. hrthrr ur nol hf' 111 a mrmhf'r tof Ulf' A ,.,,.rlran l;f'l(lton. I• ura"" '" ('urr•·nf yar·a aco. A f'IIIOIIIIUnu•atinn o'muvuY ng • h h II hll ~ ..... ,_ .. ·partmrnl ""t n l:"r:11, ~J. f••fl'"fJIII~ tr,~-. ·nnU whlc'h wu l'larl'_. that 1n:u<mur a!! l J «. to f'lltl•·r~"'' f•or COI\J!Idf!rallon. • .... "" "' " ~"'!' • "err rt'JHrrl ed !<llllUit.nneul)"ry frnm I atand Hal ~tl the 11fh11r, ,.,·,•n •i l pr•·~<~nto•ol the l'o)llnty bonrd lallt R r,t).mrll' lltrctdl u ( CallfnrniB AJII"•Int c·amp M.....-.w didn't Mfl Bny or the !lghL'I. I T ut•llday fly Rl'o rl"tiHY HArry W elr h ~ , ""'lit' I .. 11 hrr ( '••rnn••nd .. r HI Mulry .. r tho• IIAriMor J'l(lllt ur Commano1tor (ir•·atl~· E~•·c-t•d" l.usf St·~l!"nn The nnllce d!'partnwnl. Wl lh W•·llt uut .,, ... r lhf' ~IJIIllllurc or roalltlonc. lh<'Y mu!lt hnve n Aflpulntln• "' of Joe Paltef'IIOn, "'" l)(•rcll~nnly from W Ito' ~10 mHe11"11l 1 r mplu"ef' .,, llw rlty 1treet depart· Harry Lace and CullR Mu1 l'i!l ~~I f'rNIIdo•nt Huhhnrd lfnwo•. manllger ' lhe helm . W&JI hu~"'' than F.asto•r .. r tlw South ('011\HI B"at ('llnlf'R ny "''" The IIC"I'II_!'ltnl'f', hf! t)f>Jif'\'f'll, m .. nt, '" lh• l••l41t ..., of auto c-amp 1 I wall ~1m ply " nrw fo•rm nf tar llral 1 r ulltudlnn ~ ,,. r atlftf'd hy thf' rnun-week, with rall11, b(llh t''' P •·•n•• who h:r'< JU~l r.'l urrwd rmm "" m· and Ndk), coming 1n fn>m n.ll d1·1 pnrlnnt n>~tlon~tl dc-ff'fl~ 1•on" liU\')' n\IIJlSU'VeJ"S. • . l •·rl. l'itlt"r"'•r•. whO wiU 1111 tba Y&· recUons "bout a J>OSIIII>Ie llllh~i>or· fc'rl'll'''' "' \\'n~hiiiJtton, 0 . C .. Vlre· 'nw upllunn ad,·anr<'d Ill that lhP ''""'':-' h~ft I•\ the recent rt'IIIJtna· lne. or a t lean Mmt'lh lng myRt<'r· [ r rc·I'Hl••llt f'lynn Hnll And r om· Jnllllt"l)\'f'l'll mny hnvf' h<'o•n ''"ndud . l llln "' \\'I flo'"' "Bill" U lrll'h wh•l .. , I'll t>Y thf' """Y too tti~<'OVf'r rapid· I .. ,.,. nc'tf'tl 11~ , n11todlan for thf' pa11t IOWI, opt>ratlng ort-~hort>, m:oncl•·r I' \' M··C'nrly. I ' .~.. I '' From that offlre r(>uld hi' heard rc·tllo •l, a11tl ull mcmbe the IJ.i of ~:alia from '""'''""" obllervetll 10 y .... r~ "oil receiY! 112:1 P"' ~-. •• .-~ .. ~-1~~~~~~~~~~,..~~PI.;~~~·~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~ __. .,. hy f(lrt'lfTI nava1 ~elll. Hllll'"'!l 'T"" rrth,.r applk•tlnna down the wast l'oll 1 •n~: Chalrt'UIIII Hprr cr, lAw H. "''"r" tN••·•~··of for the joh whlt·h If any, or lhe nocturnal munn .. \'1!<· 11m''· nr Hnwttrd W Rel\ltllt , .u.or. Ancl..O£Cf..'IJ.R.Ilall . Da,·e ~~!·I B. JliiUlllWI!£., Puul A.=al er, • Adelaide. Mills t h•· •·nunnf r<'f'"rted wu fiiiMS on e rtY woutd repnrt 1n rmn1 '-~" t<'rnTI'Mt\' nnof 'J 0 . W na. --• fifo tfU1II 'Or lfliiBIOtiall. • ty l>'tml !)oat. tt'lhng n( wlll1 ~!l'lSt· "\\'t• ,.-, •. ·ur.:Pd ,,, f' IIOffif' IIC· Assails Communism cha.l!lnr; over Ole ocel\n 11ftc>r, lht" tlo)n, hut hc'o·ttU!'II' tbl11rea In which J ~ • T lk elualve crrtter, Whlltt'\'('f 1t WAll !hi' III'XI nlllJIIf cfe\'('l11pment ffillllt n g1on a \Vh•t•· • • • .t~ "The B llttnorf' {lf ~plte olir goodly c-rnp .. r :«·•·f· tnk•· .rln• ,. 1" otiL,td c-thf' City of fen. there WA.S 110mrthtn{l uull :-.I•'"'P"'''-BPa~:h. 11nd entrrely Wllh- lhere Wedne&dl\y night. Probnhty. 10 th<' c <iunty .,, Orangt-. we hel'l· In my oplmon. the S RVY trymJ: out ' t11tP to tnkl' tho• rnrliRll"''· but Wf' aomelhlng new I nrl' r.nrr.·tu••·•l '1\'llh thf' ~rR,·Ity of • Anyway. from Rll lh•' rhnltl'nn){ I I)(.· !lltunlo"n Rnll d•o n•>t Wll'lh to on Ole 11trt'elJJ yellto•rday. I thl\lll':hl~lul<o• tfmo \'liAI npptorlunlt) V\'r at firat 110metx!dy'd ~<ugge5f't1 ro•ahu that uni('!IJI Oranl(e <::nunty openln« up lhe c-hip JtAmes 11!,..['-a.l· t u kc11 advanlnJ!I' or thf' opp<ortum· boa, or eomeUIIng! t ~· n"" toftt'rl'd It may ~ JUifr lJ• ( JO:R'N TIII:RE ..,,. """Urn!' ~h11t a 11lml111r Rdvanta.:e may n0t ucrur 1\~&ln feor m Rny ~···u r11.' llw l!'l lt>r cnnrlurlu. ~Jlf'llklnlt' h<!fore an• audl""~'t ur H:olh<•:t t~t.on•l wu tut nl~tht th• :r,-,o prr!IOn!l. the Rrv Adela hit• !'I< ,.11, • .,1 II·• 1 •'ICUIAr month If m&el· M 1fll' KR\'e a 11tlmng addl'f'"-" .. nn 10~ .. r , 1, ,1 .:• County El...-lrii'Al .. ~ rut'rlrRnil<ln and Cnmmunlllm 1\t I r .. 111 rn 1 l•or• ••~atlnn, PTI'IIIdf'nt th•• Co!!ta Meal. Amt'rlcan Lt'Jtlun .lr r rv l'fl•, wleldln« lht> cavel h:o II, Tu~y night, lht> IRlt .. r or· 1 A 111.,n~o: 1 "' rl•oorttetl nplf'd were "'"nlu llon. scUng In I hi' t<olr or .. 1,,. k \\ •·•l .. n and"'Wm. Tru11ty. "P"•nMr. ln a'! lmprrKIIIVI' rl!rf'·l Sui lllu; k,7; or•l 11pparently bf'llllt rrwny,Uie local Lt'ghm p<>st lldvRnr -'""'""~ 111 ..... •niiMinr.' rd 1t.JJ rolora. 1'l slmlblr n tunl hr1nJ;! t f•olfowr d by the FoursqiiiHe t hur•·h w•th 'lll colon! .• f~Prils nf Warfare Vividly Described nuw ""'"trd Thill arr•"IC'""'"nl IIJIIJnMtrll u( the Vllln rnntt'IIOI, wooolltl rt'lAin all or th .. r~dv11nta~e•·• "' ltr•· prooftl'nl ll)'lll••nl •nd Ill II•~ ~111111' t1mf! Jrtvo-m11f1,..1 IM'rYit'f' .. 1 N ,..,v lnJ l.to lhr Jlftlrtlnll u( tltt .,If I• ··~ '"' '-"11 IIJI I•• U1e It"' • """''"' Naturally. u ... •ttH"IIUn n nf ,,,. "''''" ·•f tht' ..,.,.1,,.1 toffll'e haa ,..,1 ,,..,.1, t.kft.., w :uw-....... "l,;, .. nm1 ~ r1111k Vnu~ehn of lh,. ,..,.,.;. unll Ttto ... •·f r"t llltr•tt•m ,,,, ''""'" t.f,.,.,.·~ w .. rttt WIH ""'"'"'"o will ion ,.,.,.t Hllfurt1M V ltflf'rll'~'" Ml ,1 , 1o .. It In fhf' ('ulfta •. ,.,.. A 1 ltll J,,l'j(IHII half, rrp<orllt JI HruJd •jlt•ul'l ••f ""' latin JXlllt. c ""' 1111flrol( Tu .. .i•l~ty llltclll" f'r" """" ..,,.. • w• JJj w.. N. '"'11'" ....... ~. vf,... """'loff'"nt ... w-\~1\ f 'ht.rw na I ttl' who j(ftY,. tw•rru• lu tu ~ ~ ul•,•l ltV th,. po~~tul Millo"' ,,.,, """,( 1111111,.,. •on thr ,.,.,, h llll!· ltlf!8, If a nd "'hrn they lhk•· 111 t '''". tl.nn .,1 'l•h rtf'd !Wrvwo•, ""'<'" t hai ""''""' '"" •· IJwt IWMW 1~1 11•11,..1'\t•nl r iU'l/J Ul& -! hav .. """' • h,.. ked I.IJI "" flo• t ... ol llllUIIll•rn tht'or r .. porllo ,,.,,, ...... KiwariiM to ()htu-rv•· ll('en m1t•l" puhlor Ammwmt•nt Zom· in PledgP for Clran t:nt,t;rtainnwnt 1 ( 'ha.rtt'r (~r.-mony Si~ht .of Aptil 3 c 'h,.rl•·r nt~~:ht l'f'rf'nV•nl,.,. '"' ''"' 11 .... Jv •or~tanl~<l t<:wronu• •·lorh .,J ..;, ""l~tJ'I J"'"' h will I of' hl'ltl I h•• • ,, "'''II l,r AJ>NI :1 at 14'"''" Ann ,l;.nlli nl .. n NtiW 'hh ,.. 1 , ••• ,... K '·,, • ., t t \ , .,,.,. llf'f'un11nf( ,,, r tr •utn '" ~tpvru~a,.~t!"'K wh"'• ''''' t,,,,., , •f·•·•J J,u,·•u•. , h"'"'"'" uf ~arrttnt(fl nt•'ou•,. w tn tW ••I•"" ''• tti•' .,,~,1""11 "'' ,1,,. wt1,, r,.pfJ\-tr•1 ttn pr•·lttttl publlt'. a rol1 "'full NWIII~ "''' .,.,.,,,.., i ,,,,., I•""'~ "' '"" t<tw~tnl" rn•·•·l very mowh llkr '" rhon r • "'" I"'"' 111, 1,,.1,1 '"'"V n11.,11 In 011-T hill tlon In r•~:urrl In tht' k• •I .,f ~~~ 1,,.~ , ,.,,. Mrft lllllt a•·r,.mno•o(JIII I••II~< lerta.lnm .. n ~u bf' r •• u •. tl "1 .,, •. ,,,, Ill•· 'lutrlrr !litchi ""'"' lol•· Jo-un 1,t•n•• •• AJIIX Ar• H'!' I 11, •• ··•~"JII V llnoilt<l to :11t11. lu· llrtl•l In thf' f ir I f'l"'''" tJ,,.,,. • "" l ,_,11,1 11, .. ,11 "''"'"''' w1t11 1 •r Ill to l'utari.~as vo.·ur "' • .~ w . tlwt mod· llftllllf'l y n•o l(ltlltiiiiiiK •·' ~~ \ k u>tl 111111 I' l'urrf'X, o1f H~t nlll Anto, ~rmlll-:•l At •·rth••r f'NI.•'•I·••I' "111 , . ._ ''""" ~uhJr••l v. .... a "Th,. il•·riiiiJ:•· fit !1, ••I o "' ltor J'""' WHk II"'. 1. I• I '-~•"" J••rl tl~trbf•r'l '"' •, 1 t •I ''' I t 1tt• llu hr,.:, a ''I· .... •• "' •• qt Hlf tt fttUI1th• ol .. , •• I . lo I n ... tot lf"'t fll'l'r'1J'fta..- l•·• •··•• •d •I"""IC lht•.lll:lll·40 r• '. nr • llllli' ::fl. tll•u. and II" 11l• tt•UI •t UeKfl h.atl ... , ._ ;-. •• •• • I ••l Lhlll J,IIV\' \til~ 11• ,, ,. t • .,. ' ~ t1nmnK" '*"'• ,.,.,.,t• • •I l t•1u llu au••t week'• t 11, ., t "' •• h t nrnrly two 1;~.~ ""' .....W-!,.111 I """.J£t<1 •lr:Mll , 11.1 11 " , r , r • n il h,.n '"'" ratrtfalt t•• ,, ,, ,I t• ·I 111 •h"UUMaJ uf t Ita t • 1 •tf uuuu, M u n· ••• • ,1 1 , "' ,., td ,,. '"'" • ,,un\y wd • •·· • •l •• I . dIll """ IJ••IIIIC ttN! )u~l '' I •IA••U l .ta,:tthll h••af\h• l o I• 1• •I·. t•" tl•·r ''"'" hill f lU II tt tdt I••""'UJ,:f' '"" .. ,. •• ., ... 1\ I o 1 I ol I • • lo• '"''"f"ll )AI(Uila 10 • •I • ,j, I \t " ll11· htl(hway ·'. (0 "' •~ .I , 1,.1 , '"' ,. ol•·t runnlnr · d•, 1• .,,,1 HI •I•• Ul~thway I! • I I I • ~ J • , o • nq•I••V•od IJ) run· ll.o•ooll"h tfor fht<ot~ I ~cu-al :\ •·\\'spaPf~rman llumt: on Furlough ..-rum n ·ar Zmw . J . B. M~!llaiiJ can't kl'''l' R\\'llY trom' hll ~~gant swordfl~>hln~t boat, even when n'lf rnirung · · And I don't bll\mco hu:n · · · Pnt Patt.e1110n almOIIt hhd t ro !il lwd '" line yuterday tn l:t>l a hlllrrut . ~yd Claare·11 Jln1ptrllt around wtlh Coun~ Mrs. Alida Neil~to·n DiPs at NPwport; · S<•rvicPs Today Mlllll<" WBA provldl'd l•Y II 12 ptr·•" nrf ht>lltra from th<' Fnu r· ~'IIIIHf' r hurr h. an adttiti<Jn tn whll•h I Wf• 11df'<"tiM111 wrrt~ glv,.n hy B I r ho C'<tlllp<l!l"d of MrR . .Jur k Me-· Alrory, rn11ta Mc11u. Mn• MartH F. :-;,.~ lnntt, Nt"wpnrt, nnd M11111 Mil· olr,.tt Jo":kwal, Rl\nla Ann. MIM l:>or- o•rn noh""' r I•• ed ·th Jruhjl'ct of \ Wh lilt• 1" I I ll talkll J(IVI"n bi:ft~rf' Srw1~.r 1 H·olh•oll Rotart11n11, Tll.,t'· l llktll t(ltfH(" U·· , •• ,,~. ,,,, ,,, ... ,..,.,s,,,, II , ••r tol!l I"' :.t~> "" ltr fthiJih llfolif"lt, th,. trrt•~l(lt•nl , \oo\ , L•Hi' • en m eeting ritu!!t ha''" , v.hOI'f' Tllt>l'tlu ,. nl hrr hom I', , t tr<•l S rv.-port. Wf'rt' "'""I"'" ''' Hnrvld 1<. r;rauf'l 'h .. , ..... t h·· ){ .. ,. 1F.. 0 . (' ... !Odt'll. f•rl "tnr ,,r =-:"wJltorl JJ,>Ac h Cllmmun- lly Meth•ldu•t C hurc-h ~rng In ( bllri:'' KIU.F.U IN Alrtflrlt ,.,, ~111:4-" nfflnufaclurer \1/htl rfiY.'IIrtl "' 'n flllllt•ov t I th.,.~ ruUnw tnl( 'tl u tftoJ A lf'lll")'' 1n rullrkl(mll.lldl· I• .••I ~k oll .. _ 11 1 "1 _ _. th~ 1 Iorio hh• KJ~·· 1 tlo•· PIU't 2u y•ar11 In ,.,,.,. .. ,..,,. •• ,-• n ... , R,.,.,,n•lly. th,.rto wilt f,r tolo>+o•lil\•1, t .,. R....,l -"'I "'nllt•rw " F:n~l:onol ovl h ill daurhtf'r, MIII.M '"Ill r . .. •• lro , "' " • P':h7;olo••lh •: II.,.Jiy. who have mlldf' "'' lflo·totff""' l"'"fl·IOI••·" •1 ot•Y fh,(l t;uulif'rto••n, JIIUJf'llll W~tlklll~ thrlr """'' .. 1 t:m~rald Bay •In<'•· kind. t ·r .... ,,.t, •:.dtl•,. ftf'l• h""'''" 11 I ·,,MIII"r"hh• nu•n' '• h • • 1,,..,., l.. 11 •• N-tl ('•rl "' .. ,,ruatuan J>IJ-1 .Ju)\ ·~ .. ,. r.' I jl' ..,, r ' ' ,., ll)lf'nl In r~"rn•.od,.llri~ ,.. I ort'"''' Nlotl .. w \"••I 1 .. l llotWf'r, Jam ,.. Jo , W•tk1n11_ Th•· jilt" I ~pt'akera ·~·e 1"1'11'Ph· "'Jllllnhn.r thf' ,.,,. ............. r .. l "'JIOII r Wt•lltJ.n J a y. OuJI 'rll(liJiflll lo, I l'ollklo 'V., J!:olfiiJI"IIn , , 1 •• r .,,,. tJnlt..ci J'•• ... , "'111 hl~t wlrr and , •I:. ,, .. , 1 I., I'""" llrllt h, anti t. 1 ... 11,, -,, •I t.•1udy, th,. A t .. I uf• J I·-;-, • • , .... tu M•·~~~t~t rouch'n ... Don GunderR••n nHHl•• a ~rfect tnp!lhQOltnl: llr .. r.... tout { ~ar he almul't 11hol 'enl .. ·holt' they whe aittanJt ... \\'hRI'l! thl:< lt.ory about on• or our nnrst nt>w· comer yachll ~tnll: II< old 7 ... The cbamber or comm,.rre nfh<'e 111 rotnr to ~et a new cn~~t or p11tnt .. Jan Brbcoe Ill hopping u ou nd 1\1' Mrl' S !'II!Vm. v.hn wu a nAUve .. r :o-;corway. had b<>~'n • rPAr.df'nt or r------r-~~------~--~~.--~~~,~~~~~~~~~-~wu~~~-·~· J ~ Qr TIM Baron of Beacon which h'ld hHn 11~nt at Newport. MrH C" R. Mr Ne1IIV, whtl f<1r thr l"'"l II•"' era I yr11111 h~ll ma1nllllnrtt " ,..,mml'r rt'!!ldt'nrc Ill 217 32ntt "''"''!. ~t>WfWlrl. was ln!4tantly kill· ·tl tn L..-,s Ana"'"" Saturday niJht "'' n h1t-run dr"'"'· ~.-,.,,rdlng t•• wnrd Nl<'f'IYed h,., .. l>y Mn! Gf'l'lrlt" Hrornrr. The acr1df'nl 18 ~lei tn ha ''" 01-run;:a wt~ll~ ,. tt··~· ,,1,· o r lift In a n a ir .. .. 1 th ,.... 1 r 1 "'"' J wt • """""" n ,. ••n• .. .,. ' • 1 ·toAun• "Y Dn•• tc, Va rrx Hl.f, rr~ul .ti,.ll• • and alao detlcrthf-d fhf' fl'!!'•fll" -h" ''"t'"' '' '' "" '"'"")" I< Vlnf' .. nt , Rl•~rt A Mur-rn .. m y I;" 1/IOC, throurh whlrh l~hllllhmenll dutr,., •1.,,,,. o.l "Ia~ 'Anuand C. -ww.oliJbOry, 1111 ~~...._..---... I(::~"'F;'T.~r."lltv-nr_,.,nm,_.,'m!'.,.......,...-k,_J'-7-1'-;-Fii= ----- .... , .....•. , I J I d ftot •··' 1 , """ ........ •uaMinr "I• 1 • "I turto ''· flwlta- """' 1 "'" f>hlll, 11alled 1. '"'" H('Rin._ ''" tne f •r '"' I•• nlotlor•'Ak o( ,.,~I II f f l ,, .• ,,,, ,_.,,. ... ,, "" hoauh•u•, Mr..- • .~ Stanley, Ia buail'\lf around lat · f;h4' wu 1'17 Y"""' rot lljtt'. , -.\ J~ 1 ~·, '~ • pel. the Bay!lhOrl'!l RddJUon. !o;urvtvor11 · lni'IUdf' her h~A~tband, · ;t ~-· ... ~.-.~ Watch for lhe btg shot .luhull Nl'l'-on ; Ulrff ,..,NI,•Norman. .. "'"'/ · '• •A '\.OY1e iollut 'betqre l~ng · · ·.·Our Vlrtnr a nd Wllll"m, 11nd 111x dauch· ~i.v -~ ~~-, Ekle chief II a betl#r "chief" lluln tl'ra. Mno. Hilda Brt.ttene. Mra. • . .-~~ 'f ( .. ·• photocnPht>r · · · Mf'b~ Slltrld \\'tlllam-. and Ole Mlllllf!ll V'' \ l WAH a ... ~~erpent, alter all. F.ather. Lllllan. Marruertte and W l\14 !ll•ndlnl; Ill ll Jllllf•ty IIOnf' ""''"Itt~ i at""t rar 1n frpnt tof h.-r hom .. , 2811 StouUI Gnu.,:t bOUI· f'\'IHd Xurvlvnr!l tnrludf' holr hill'· tmnd. and a aon. J oMph Mc Neilly. ... .., "" n"t" ,.f th• r tal. wu lhe lndc•m· t)wom,...lv"", hrrl 1n11111t ~tl•• 11"'' In IJhfo<1 IAlr u , R.ubf!rt L H11y11 tnahlr 'ti••·.• t ·I"I Vf'·Up" llplrtt nf thf' Y'"''-lt~lf'rll Will ,., l'•\ Ill• '" II•'' 1': IJ lio,.tdf'll. V Rll)' o, .. ,.,, thl' flrot .·l who, Jlwo Oalhattya ll#lVf'll irr 11 "lmllllr fll,hl• 1• I! 1~ f~••f. Jr , tlamld r'. W<JidentM!fiC df'r hn•• '·•Y ~ ca ptuA!d brrt 111 thta .. ntl Wf' w i"IJ '" ., .. ~\"'' Y'•'" fa• 11 14 R.euh, ICrwln W. Kruer .. , will nt'' ,., hi' conq~recl.'' Uncoln ,....d.,,. ,., 11ur JW>I" y • ., , -· T N O&lne~~ R. L. Pat N Corona IMI M r r 1 r L#.ly, · • • wh<)lll' v.·lfe Ia tht' fqm~er Mt• H ''"'""1 a nu · AI. A SI•~JtRIJN ',.,.,,n1 MaJQr Irvin O.Orce '()(or "' •I \1• f'lhki"V rr101tltod In Uw 1 •• , , 1 , 1 1, ''''"" • wtl••tl M r11 Pink· ,, I " II •• ntlll "'"'"' .... u maM llo• • I ...... • A II llltiiiW'I'o around 111• u lo·• ·. • lorru fh·no•oll•hed but 1 hrlr r••tllol• "' •• '" It till unt.oudMCI, ~~ ~~ •• '""'" .,f 11\at wrturi,, Pink· Mrary Hnrmor or N~rt. St'rv1~ f"'rymlln. v.u Pf'O«TTlm chairman -. •N K ~ • l'<:o-IF..\1, l ... ,n llctward T. Chapman, IM mnln& ~t ClBn..l ''~ ,.. ._ • • 1•'" • v.1lh lnluma.ut al In& lew~~ Hili"pr;i;rdl'q~U:Z.:::.:::. -· .. ::::;'1~··Jri1Sl'Uk'l'1' .,.,-; .. t .. -··• • ~-"X~.H .. DiiCI.I.DI:tr;:aii~.J:Itn .. Qf:~•:~::t.J~~4..-•. ·-·-------.....;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;4 .. t . ·I ' .· • ' I . ' Pa&e F our CORC Eaaaaemel'lt Mary P. ~ ReYealecl A. :;::;;:;----- ' --.oa-r-BALBOA PREIS Omoe aDd PrtnUnc r.tant at 2211 COUt Blvcl.-TellpMM llta ... ...;... u MeOOd-<tu. matter June 18, litO, at the poet otne. ·at NM;pciort Beacb. California, uml~r the Act ot March 3, 187e. WK. A., MAXWELL. Edl~rand Publlaller • W. Jl. Hl'I'CHMAN, Advertillmc &nd C~ulaUon ... ' NELL KURBARGER! Newa Editor , .7"" aVt'IIUt', Lacuna Beach. The rnt'C'tm~r. whl<'h Ill open t.o the pub· h• . wall (o~n with 66-cent danner ><4!rY<•<1 'at 8.30 p. Q'l. Charlea Hunt. "'cmht'r 11f the Lone Beach Rf'd t 'mlUI bm.rd, Will be gueat ape&ller ••I tht• t'Vt•nang. NEWPORT-~· PBESS The Road to .~ascus ":rit~ with true perapective and proper P~l of empba- aaa. tt wQ.ulsf reeolve itael! around a certain feature which might be called the Turning Point. We know t.bat tbi.t ia true of t~ose who~ V thooee to call the great; the key-note t o all ~aography ia a central incident whoee effect bu been t o dete~in~ the w~o-~e coune oti.the·individuaJ'a_ca.u'fll~r. In our IOWA I'I('Nle aEl1NlON I ldo.&.: -b iffed :--y-Ur. and M n ~:onner ruld~nlA ot Jowa now own IVe8', se 1&4·~ mt to analysis and never aubjeeted SUB$~RJPTIUN JUTES. ( Ia Ora.nee County, $1.00 per yuaT. (Jut.elde ot Oranae County, 51.10 Whittier Strttt, =-=-~ , llvrrrt or vlaluna In Southern Call· to the pen of the b.i8torian, we fail to retognise tbat•tbe -.me &atuMitoy u tht Tb~ Irish are in a t ough spvt. The Frt"C Htlllt'rtt an: afraid fornla wall lfiLU\erfor U\elr &nnual truth holda good. -· . the engal(wmrnt • · d u iu .)t·~· .. ~ to accept ·Britiilh protection aud yet they kn'o v.· HaUer will rn l -\l,'ln{et piCniC reumon nrxt Sat-It is a fact verified over and over out Qf expen'ence, .-..._.._....,._ th il uNSay, Frbruary 22, llt Lincoln Raymond ¥attl &el em . they don't . , Pauk, Lwl Angele•. U rainy that how.ever, that e&ch of U8 at aome time in '-'-life trave'-the n ounrt''mrnt Y.'&l ...-""t. • lUll Ut luncheon In Saf • d»y cor the prevloull day, the pic· Roa d to Da.m&ICua. And aomewhere along the journey, like fl1 frlrntl• .,, t Othen providt• and hdp you rt.•tain your fn-cdom. fot me wl~11 ::;r~'!;Y~~ ':r:"ew~~ek. !:)aul of Tanua, we are halted by the call of the Unseen to Hint (•f tbt" bo you cannot do 1t alone. T he prouf uf yuur ri~ht tu (ree9 um hud ,,11t 1uat .. lhe ~tate ot Iowa t·hoose the futUJ"e way of our destiny. It is true that life in ~7;~1;' t!~ .. ur:; Ul your. willingness tu defend tht! fr~~om vf o thers. ·, wiUl ('(JUfltle8 In .regular order. the long run ia made up of an accumulation 'of common d ays Thtll"'lday, February 20, 1941 Army Diviaiona would not only have aaved the Finna, but they would have prolonged that war by several mont.ba and moe aurely have thrown Soviet Ruaaia into such cha.Qa that men ace removed indeliDltely~ 1ibly pennanently-from all Europe. The fate oC Swedesa now rests aolely with Gennany. It is the aupremeat folly. and con- trary to the ev,idence of all the enalaved races of Europe to a.saume that AmeriOfll' can immunize herself agains t a trtum· 1Jhant totalitarian revolution which uses terrorism and be· tr~ it.a,_dlief w.ea.poos._ The...world in wbJch we ahall spend tha rest of our day& wiU e ither be led by AnP,.Suou or it will be bled white by Naziism." # • £MMA liiiJ ~IIJrS SAl'S BO£D BV.BF'I'BDitll on each' rua~ -• U-: · . ------and that character ia <f.etenDlned b~ a auccesaion of eommon - WAIT FOR NEW STYLES COMING SOON. FEW R.EMNANTS LEFT~ FROM OJJR SALE. -..,----lN' .. W•• ..£:L ____ •That !D&n Willkil! jH a ~;.«fAffiiwman wit.b a kn -k fort--u---11:rit~.-.aw-Me~~.-~:u..&-t.J!.'!!'""' ~rformpcea. :~t_..:::_: n~ nr.t-pqe publici~y. Hili rtccnt trip-tu ~glamt was madt· I'H'~a~n.-Kf>'l7r"m'f'r.r=to=.~~e:.n::.:d:_a~h::<MJ~t:....ll.:e:•:.:h:..:lp1~~~I~t~is~wn~·~ttelltnrl!th~al!t ~Sam..u.QIUhQ:R~:tnCll..:g{.lb:u~Dume.r..jJ_ ___ J~~~~~-1!ff~Y,., ~Uul "t'-.----llltti.....C~'rie-r--:--..&I)QI.lLt.o.IU&Dle...W:W!......tl.~::,)'......llllJl.IUDL!~tnL..m~....a.I:UIUI.~!;l!!4!1nVI I hf' Cani~n.-Navy Secre· _d I repreaentstive of Prei'!IJ(·nt Hooscvclt. But we m•ver ht•anJ Thm· are .ome ~pie who are c alled Christianity. On the broad highway a Voice spoke to ot tile Gtrla' .anY more about Harry after Went~l'll gut the corrt.Hpuntlt:ntJ.; "fl"n-rmudrd,·ao mul'h 110 that l}ley him out of apace and a dauling light blinded his eyes. lt is ..__,_o_l _!_A_ST ________________ r_N.....;;B_A...;..;;L_I;....;;O • .A;....I ... _, ... 1 --...a ... -.. ramen work•ng h\'f an a vacuum -Bashop W. 'T f h Kuuoan .. P n -.. auu ..._..,. · . "' · Mannan". urt er writt.eD that Saul hearkened to th~ Voice and wu .t.anctma In • 1 --.:-----• • .. bed' · ourtna b~r h~· ----• We Mve a way In thla country '' tent unto the vision. His physical sight deadened for I'CIOCI0CIO:l)0C>CXXX:XXXXXXXXXXXX:XX:XX:XXi)O(:XX)()(:XX:XX:>0C::.• .. Admiral J{jchisabura. the new Japan"""' am\..-.-~-dor t c1 !: ton Junior C'PIIo '""" ._...... "' WIHllng until lhe lut mlnutr three days, he charted hia future course by the light of h ili OPEN NIG.,TLY MO#U:i. ..,4 _STUDIO CLUB ed populartty the United States, lH a haghly (.'tJu(!Ucd. ma n who 'knQWt; tottd th•·n expeclln~ miracles -· r1unnlt.l M . Nel&on. mner V18ion . The reault aa recorded waa the tranaformation ~.~:.~;~o1~ America well. He is a n oiJ pcr tWnal frwnd of P re11idcnL o( Saul tbe penecutor into Paul the apostle. Whether we re- IIM recelvf'd 1 Roollev~lt and is Joubtle.li-8 lilnCl'rt! 1n h is hupl'ful u pn·ssiuns 19'!9 U('ENKEM REVOKED ~ard Lt aa fact ~r parable. we know that thia adventure re- MIM Currtt jo about ma.intamin~ ~a~(l!! r.cJut;.iumt b<otwe~n hat; country and Ue~tnn1og Frtday of lut week . fleets, in ma-;'ied._degree_ , a comm.Q.n _ experi .. _n,... of m .. n , .....,...._._...,. Ul• --But th b d not t 1 th t. f th· u.IJ 111211 ''good until rnokf'd'! drlv· •~ --Y. "" Jo.U "'tt;.~ii;nc;t .. -... e am IUI8a orcn11 con rn c nc aon s 0 c ,.,.,.. lu'•·n~~e11 are ~lng called In There ia, .. wu written long ago, "a tide in the affairs of &Ad Ura. F. 'A · .... ,. power~tazed war party lhtt,l f\UW do~analt•s J upan. The war and nr\4' UceMe& t.uued ln their men:• · lnpme. CaJitae lorda knew that when they .l:l('nt h im here. plflr" by the Oran~e county otttce The thing that we call Deatm' y 18. not, m· the c'ommon ex- ate of the Ua -----•-----"' f'uhf,.rnla Hlg hw11y Patrol. 3006 Ill&. ll.r. :uaua · :>.: Mnon street. Santa Ana. Abeo· perience, 110 much the. working of an exterior force upon our ... _ It ~ Accor.ding to the tlCJK'dn Newt~, the firrhting men "from -....., racu y .. ,.. lutt> ot .. atlllne for lhr lareMH Ill daily lives &A a matter of our OWll reapoiUie to the call from aDd JUnlnr CCJ4 down under" havt' JU•t about st.oll'n the show 110 fa r m tht• ;-\Ppt 1. but lhl! pato>l otrlce rr· ~ --1, Amona "* German-British waT. Thost· big hus ky ladl'l frnm Australia qu.-st.s that pen!Ona holdang 1929 l he Unseen. Who is there of mature age that cannot trace the approad and New Zealand ar e duan.,. a good J"b fur t he mPhtcr cuun-Ja•·•·n~U".s m•k• early appllcataon for back the path of hi.a existence te the happening of a particu- Mra. Dftlnla H "' n•ru•wr~l IUid 110 avoad lhr hun min· Jar time and place? Who is there that cannot reca1: eome day ON THE CUFF -OVERLOO~ING BALBOA BAY 1 'hmae IJJ:I fur 1\<'Sl'T'tl.ltloM ENTERTAINMENT ~ . :u..-. Mra. R try in the way they a rt• w•pang the ltaha.ll!:l out uf.urthl·rn •Jtt! ru"h ~~-~=~~~~~----~~~~~~~~~,i~W,~~~~~w~~~W:~L:.J.Ua:~~W.+r~~;-:;;n::;;~;:;;;;;~.--Jor hour when be reached a forking of the road? Yea, who is ~-Mra. J . a WID t~~ .... R9~ laOPe thaft eaee eeme to a~BO!iftt:-1!H1ik+------ IAUAI Rclalelt.. attracted attention of tht· world an their f1ghtanf; quahties. ~-----·---------· RqUa u-rtqao No other nationa ls W('re IK) con~:~pu!uous an Rpcctucular en-rv~~""~:.:~~~~':d~~~~ o~~~: when the i.uue waa beyond the. power of hia own decitlion THIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS SURELY • WOW I .. I, ~ c .• ,.. treno: Ud ua ppment..a u the CanadianH. Vimy Rillgt> wnsnnly ront• of the t•"•k thtrd place ror top honors In and the only recourse wu appeal to infinite wisdom ? A :..~":..' battleraelda on which 'tllq led the butt hn~ ho!<ts. Tll<' Anzacs ~rhol~tlc work"' SantA Ana Jun-We know that Nature gives to the migr.aijng bird a . A nry fine Bourbon Whhike .. · FIVE YEARS OLD! ' • '"r 1 .. u,.gr lut .~~em'uter. rep()rt.a knowa........4., be d th f h I 1 W k .J aU ol I"Ullertoe have .tolen the ahow up-to now . t hul'l demo nstrating the R•••:tstrar Mabrl G. Wh•ttna. and .....,..e yon e scope o uman ana YS18. e now aren,th that comes t o the mother t·uuntry (rom thl.' do· IL" 11awh 111 ell«1ble to Alpha Gam· that .the bumble angleworm ia impell~ without thought Priced as Follows: n.Jamee KCII'OII. Uclo 11 U. w..und 1 ..... Md1 lOt. 1 .THE Hotel ' Frencla ::-!~ fl ....... ...... • J I • # JDiAioaa · mA ~'gm" 110ronty. Mlyacta, ac-t.oward the sources of moisture in the earth. We know that a · • · • ~·nnJan~t ,., Mrs. Wlutlnc. rec:elved weed ..,....wm· g · • the d k t 't.& · I The world aeems to be pay in.,. "'cant h-~,• t r) t h" '"'"'at ··~ 10 ar neaa urns • course gropmg Y ,.. ,. ''-u "" ,.. -a t••t11l of ~ poanu, being ~stf'd ... t~ courage ol U.. quiet old soldier. Genertrl P h llipt• f'e tain. nc1w by 04-or-Je Hale of TuatJn with ~·~ toward the light. And ')'et we asaume ske.,.fciam toward the eervins what ia left of France as chief nf Hlatt•. For months I'"Jnl,. and J eannt'tte Brown and propoeition that the same higher power which impelS t hese R•·htrt Portt'r or Santa Ana who · f · t ' h' 'd t d , .. _ •--"".:;:_ of the monatro WJ Germ"h ... ,,r machine h a"c m enor crea tons can w 18per gut ance o man an open ....., _... ~ "' • t trd for top honorS with 65 pointe. beeD brin.gin& preaure to bear un Pctam' to "co·opcrate' pathwaya for him through the uncharted mazes of existence. wtth the Nuia in their war againat England . Hitler would THE <'A1YMJI; We imply in our s kepticism that instinct in the bird, the llke the French fleetJ.Dd be would like help of France's army The nwt ta atrewn with motor car-a worm and the plant is higher than the strange gift of intui· And folkll would hke t.o k now tlon in the being created after God'l! QWD image. iD A.frtca. SV.~. PetaiD, doubUe$11 c.alculating that his country Why dA~~~ter •ta.rea them In U\e lau ...-a -..,!ul,deiea.t.Jit ~cepting the armiatiee ~rms face The trou~ with men and women who complain et. t..be dlelae.cl tty OIA*i~ will nol.budg:e another Inch. A weake r wflirt·n they chance t.o go. adveraitie. of fate is that they give deaf ears t o the Voice mu wou)d have yielded long a~o. but it will not surprise ua TnvHU&"atloru~ come galore. tl'Om the UIUICe'D ancttgnore, In tbetr physical blin~nes8, the lf old Marshal Petain stands farmly in hi!4 tracks until the Commlttt'"~' probt the caU.IM!; :ight which shinee within. We scorn the divine crift of intui· Men ch .. ck tht' car11, their bollA .,. · Nuia arrange for his a.BBAB8ralion. and nutA. tion aa s uperstition and spurn the promptings of conscience -----• And 11c·an the nu.Cor laWII. u a handicap to our own eelfishness. When we reap t he log- A strange foreboding dt'\'t-lopmt•nt in our h ist llry is Th~y .eArcll tnr reason• burled lca1 reJJUlta of our j»erveraity we rail at the hanhneu of des· reflected in the introduction nf a bill by Chairman Vinson deep tiny and murmur doubts as to the bene.ficence of providence. And In thf' e-nd revnl li of the Houee Naval Affairs t'flmmltt<'<' provulan~ that "no That ac('l<lf'nt!l Art' moetly 1•1111.1M!d There is "a light that 'gbteth every one" and a "atill, QUABT PI!\'T 11 Pll'\T l)Wi 97c 51(' Always ,·i!jjt this St.on', "'h«>N' you han a wldf'r .electloD in UQliORS • WINES • Bt~ERS Bauleuard lliquar Stare 44t Newport Bh·ct. Top of the JIW •OOST A IIUA Telt>phone 1312 Drtve-la 8enkle ___________________________________________ _. • I ' QUALITY FOODS COURTEOUS SERVICE FREE DELIVERY penon shall be .required lUI a ,., •lltlat 1un o f c m!>IO.}'I'Tll'llt by a By lh~ :"ut lhALholda the. wheel! am&ll voice" that whiapera in the depths o f every soul, The -9-uf' At-tl t .. _.1'-f~fte'Pftt!lef'~H~·------='!:._tn __ -DO)J(i&VO~ measure 0 'ouruVe& 18 a etenruneaDy OUT reSpOnsivenesa 0 t+__::::..,.,..-::;_;:~;..=.;:::..;:::.__-=:.-· a,py labor o~~aation." Why slw uld Huch legislation be NOT !'Jt'Rt: ABQ1rt ANl'THI!'IiO the visioQ and 1-be call. 2110 Ocea.a Front. lle'Wpol'l neceaaary in a suppoSt.~.Uy ftt·~· t·nunt ry? Thl' answe r is tha t Art Mr RndP In the lA HabrA un,lon labor leaders have prul'lwally takc•l\ tl\'t•r a large JX>r· Star 118)"' "Thr older I «et thr Meats • ~rocen"es • Vegetables • Frutts tion of the Govemm,cnt. thauk!'( to t•rvKidt•nt ltoo~velt and lelll'l llure 1 "m about anylhln«. but Humpty-Dumpty Duce f'llprclally whf'n It l'omu to prophe- the.clus of high-up appointt•t•K typ1fie•d by Ma da me Perkins. "Y'"Il wh11t \\111 happrn In n11t Telep--ne 633 _ tf'rom \he Christian Sc:ience Monitor) nu Sidney H illman, Ha rold lc kt'R au.t otllC•r:; who pull the lilrinJ::t: and lntf'rnataunal dfalrs. Thlnp . · . .,. from behind tht> KCene. It lfl a "':c·ll knnwn fact thnt nub<'d~· arf' moving "" rApidly In thlll day Was it only two mon ths ago that the defeatists were ex- nnd "ge. an<1 "·lth ~'ut·h unexJ'H'<'lf'd J>4'Cting the new Caesar's Libyan legions to cr~U~h thro ugh --------------------------.. can get a job on any gn\'Cnlnl~'llt w(lrk w1thnut f irst paying twl11ltc ~tn<1 lurnto that anybody who , tribute •to la bor leaders. 11,111\tt ,1f who1m un• working tht• undertakr11 t" f<~retell tht rutuf'f' Ill Egypt and •·apture Suez? Marshal Graziani was reported tO be f ~ rutUn·~~: hll< nf'1·k In a b11d pol'ltlon. have 250.00(1 well-equipped troops. F ollowing their success mem rstVp ec~ and d\.1('8 t'"'._.,,Ll.,n a :; o11 lu.,:hly proQta blt· Tbe ve.rv fa• t tt\at many pr••mr- k t Co di · h ld 1 1 k · ·~ "' in ht~ing Bntisb Somalliand...t.he.-ltaliana bad ny&Qed we ll rae t' . n t aons & ou not eXI!\l t tal W•IUh mn t' tWCNI· nPnt and prr,.oamably well-lnrorm<'d • .., 116&l'Y the enactment of such lltWb at! Lhat propo&·d by Con-rwnple dllmJ:rr<' 110 nLdlcally nn thl,. into E~ypt Without meeting much resistance. Then came the ' Vin b h ' b 'll 'll -... ,__ ~:ar Ql~lJu.n JII..P~ti\0\4111 lhat British cuu'l!crstroke at Sidi Barrani. In quick succession greuman so~-ut Ia 1 WI m•no•r f'A"" tne n t11J8(> lUI 1111 or the-m 11r,. a-·mln• 11n Tn· • • • -~-~-• -" ... they ba""'t·d ~olum, Bardia, Tobruk. t>ema. !.'COW N n-lrl. \t ia n.ow constituted. fRihbla.ly whu h tht'y do not hn\'e ,.,. r.~ __:_! :.=_ • __ Th .. ha rd wh .. Ill too p«"r ... nt ""r,. Like an C'gg aht;ll Musaolini's power is,c~shro. General o----~---f 1 '· · 1 lu h4" kn<~ws e.ucuy wha t two as lltlk· Waveli'M Aust r:ili&IUI have covered .00 miles, taken 120,000 ~Tut n:utn:h nlll4 u ~~t~ IHh t'H.'drl<'a rutcg m t J; tn~t About 1,. hr~annln~t tn ll:l''f' m4' area (and in all Rout ht'm Caltfornaal n ·manJ u~ that thl' " "h~tht P"'" 1n thr II()Utiutowat. Ro p risoners. T ht• British ha~ shown the wor1d a lig htning coet of Bt'TVkt's rendert'u by nur publtl' u t alttil's has bci'n muflllor tMt ·· war which brillianUy combines th~ arms-air. land and reduced time a.fter timt-m tht• 1111st t wcnt.v .•·t·ars. As a mat-R.. st'a: In Br1t rl'a. in Ethiopia, at the desert oa.set~,--ever•IIWh ' P r.:-<S Qt'lt>l!l ter of record. th(• t•ost of gru~. t•ln·tnl·al and tt•lt,phone fK'r\'· Plllhtlnd,.r t n tlmt'l' llkt Italy's Afnl·a n Empire is crumpnng unde r s wift blows-of ice baa been st eaJ 11y rL'<iucC'd. (·wn at ttnws wht•n the pnc<'f; lh,. "'·"raJ~" man would rlllhf'r British a nd f'nmch forces, and with no hope of rel!Cue. In of commoditi<'8 and oth.e r S<'r\'lt'<'S W('re ach·and nu. An offi-""nlmost Rnythang rlst' thllr(f're<l'· Norway thl' British sent t oo lit tle too late; this time t he ,. ~t..lrnt 'l ci.alllllrve y by public a uthorities shnw.-t hnt Californians art' Punr•h· A mul'ar•lln 11""" hr German attempt to stop the Italian rout with air attaeks ha.~ get~ their utililY scr\·i<'t'tl nt r:\tt'l'l a ppr.,ximntl'ly 25 JX'r ~ll't'J'~ undf'r holl p111nn undf'r 11ar been plaanly la h• and ineffectual. All Herr Hitle'r's plane11 and oent lo wer' than the ratN! whll'h t'rt·\·ruh'd nl'l rt.'<'t•ntly u s nud" Hf' 111 1:1"" hf' <h~'t t8kr up .&II his propaganda won't be able to put his Humpt y-Dumpty the nute . .even Y,eall ~gC>-and at ratt•s mudt I11W<'r than tlW!IC :n r Gf'f'rnlllX>rr• H Pr llld .. Jnurnnl ~ucc to&cthl•r again. ' the country a.s a wht1lt•. Rnnll' of t ht'Kl' l't'dtu•t hms hnn· bft•n Th~ ~·nunJ! j.:Pn•·n~llln h'\.!1 ('ndur· The BntH•h success is another ltsson iD t he value of ordered_ by the Statt' 'Railroad l'nmmi~"U~IPII , whl<'h i~; tbt• 111ft;" qullttt•r~ "'''~t a,nY W-yl'nr· ~t'a power. It h;ts cut off the Italians . .Jt has moved anrta.rnp-,.. Plld he}~' ran ~·t thrnug ... thf' dnuLlc ~~ rate making aut.Jtority in L'n lifPI'Illll. hut many of th, .. m h n\'(' r,,r~ture pror.rr:om twarr. plied the·Hnti:;h-in aome places at,a1distance equal t? that been made voluptarily by tlw utlltt y t:nhtpamt.·i-1 tht'mselwJo>. C"hara~r<> l~>tol~· :"(ewt<· w~'l'man~: from ·Jo~urclJW' to America. More im portant e \·cn t han sea All of the utility companic.•R pay a ~huri' of tht'.i~ l'nm inJ::S f'f'fl(lr\.~ a fall II( ~nnwflllkl'll two• power has bt'en mo-l power. The ~~· dom and justice wl}ich' :tnd nnt-flal f •111'llf'!O ,·n 1I1Rnwl~r • ., • into the public treuury and tlwir tax bill:; run into thl.' tl'n!' thf' la~eost ,.an,.,, "W"Y D•'"'" Fo~u11· brin g the A u:~traliana and South AI icans to fight in Africa mUliona ·annually. Naturall . t ht.• tnx balls a rt' a n·r rii•Yf'd l.lnt'·111J:htm• ah thr T"~""' lor Britain. th£• seDJie of bpposing a evil and oppresRive sys- the corporationa' cost of domg ""''"'t b8nkrul't 'an the world 111 tho· mately pal~ by the <."onsumcf1? 11f th~· rnmpan1cs' pr<~urts man who 1\a:o 11\.ct h111 f'nl~u~alll'm -their only aource of ri>\'Cillll'. Sn. wlw.n Ytlll lwu r a J'IC.'rson Lns Angf'le,. Tanar11 The tn ... tha th , r. ('lllrh•t will ktP)I lhr C'l'ltantM' 11nol demanding t c go\'em ml'nt .. ,..,,:I K tht~ uttlity com· 1u wf'lfllf'f' r•·rr 111 ha.s th .. ;a~hL• paniee" juat bear in m ind t hat tw IS ngkmg t o be "sonkt'tl" And now the &nl'••me tax blank (tor blawelf. Though we often h<'ar a1t irtsm o f the "pri\'ate own · 40 anwu. v .. h•· h Jlh••w"' h111 JM e<rnMrnt II also thlnktnJ 'olf hun t l.'m &~);I tn the lta.lian 1kfenderil. They have' often shown an <'agem ess to aband on a wretched caU¥"· The effects of this difference m moral£' w1ll become plainer ·as this war goc_s on _.....__...__ ___________ ...._,__.- . ~ Enslaved Lands a Warning. to Us erahip of public utilities," it IS a flll't thAt•tht> ullhty com· Tht' Nr"· ·y1,rkf'r Mn TyporRI paa1ea are owned.by bundn,ds of thnU!~ands of )l('llplc wh11 l'uJ~tomcor. ,,c 1.11 crnl<."'' W•l'<onsln. Lela Ad ~ll,we, foreign correspondent. in a rt><'E'nt talk on "'-d upon their inv.ea.tJncnt ru; u part of the1r reuular in· "'-u 11 1';t'kon•r n••tor hl!rr laJOt h T R 11 d ' aaid h h d ~ t · .._r--"' "'f'C'k Shr "f'i'nt mort than her I c own a ra 10 program . e a n m coun rteS cOaiii: lticidentillY. t!ll'~ are h('l ~am im't'~tmHrtll th=-n bud~t allo•·f'd. I hill' pnwlnJt htr that fought fnr fteedom and in .otbera that ref~Ukod to fight. · the .ecuritis of aound, wt>ll nutMgC'd utility enmpanic~ nJ~hl to tht' t1t lr "I h an• bt't'n w1th tbose people wi\OM' ~iri\8 tta''<' stirred all for in •pite of t,Jleir rigid regulntinn and h.ca,·~· tax burdc.-n~ Vtl!ta PrNA. :"ua ltAdf'N contm-mankind and w1th thoee who chCIIK' the ea.ay road. whose ab· ueo to uy t llry ~:,...rw•t 111 br prn· . . . . • they are well managed by men who understand thear busi· \'!•kf'd by thr Unatf'<i St"'"" · Thry JCClion has reaped nothmg but mconcea\•a ble tragedy !lfld The World's Nrws Seen Through THE CHRJSTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR "" lrr,trr,•ti01r.J M y Nrw,,_~ ,_.,.,W., THE CHRISTIAN SCtl!JC. PUILISHINO IOCtn'f OM, N-., ~· '-· W..Uvttlll 0' ... .....,.. 0 ... u I' I ... ,_ • 1 I .... -lldi1oriale Are n-ly and JnaotnlcU.. qd lc. o.11p ,_ ... ,..., Tot.dwr with the WMk.Jy M .. uine S.CU.., ..... .. M.nit« -JdMI N......,aper f« the H-. Prim ll%.00 Yaert,, or·~~~ a Mon~. ~a&un~a, I.M, iocludi~n• S.cao'!o 12.60 a Y ... lnttod_tKtOry Oller.-6 ~ z' ~• , o.-•-ble au CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM . Ill UBT cUrnLu. 'AVENtJK BALBOA. CAJ.IFOaNIA Wh•re • arm Welcome end OD SOUD COMFORT 1 re ~lways weiting for ,0... 700 RDO~S • Ul lUI nea.--bl marked ·contrast with tht• cxpcriml'nlll <'f 80-l'alh•o must have lt'l\rnN1 thr art l'f ~;ufferin,g. fha\•c btlm With the Norwegians a nd the Ruman- -wt.... .ownerahlp''-utilltJea that nt\nnst io pourin<> the t&x· kl't'plng lht'lr tl'mllf'r~ ~anrr little lan T t .......... ,ul 1 have:..~-,..,ilh the =---•t:-r-.,~ -Denml\rll ""d x · · 8· .-am mot~~ .,.._ 1 ~,.. .,. .... _ uw ~;;;.;;;~=~---.. ::. .... l#:r"'lon..,~,.-,t:.-...-.·bottoailela awt:ftote:· ...... · · ... -.oo~-o+.:.".;..;n;..~;;.;q;;::...; "iiO(roasT)' . ..:...';!D'..!t."tin'ns;·Mrt-utt-"'ar1ti.tr. J-wu-'ift Ftftl&ftd·wtlt~n···htmBw...tl~-1· 1 _, .... -~ -· . - •• I .... • ,, • ---.-- 'lbunday. re&rua.ry 20. 1941 NEWPORT-B.\LBOA PRESS and appN .-.. ~~umeone ~ M. Th H • ...:._ out Ulat old plallt~<le. "Alii* pN '!J• . ayer 08~ wu~ut <'Meet. ,. hke ai• wtu.. to.Twt-nt'· out a equ.~ Ttw ~ tra~~·~ t lmt :~~~!~~~~~~.,1{~~~~~~~-------t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:_~~~~·:··~·n~·~·t~rt~~~~~==::==:J~~l N'lnlljdet"l'd that 11 .:"-un4entate. ftlll'nt. Why nnt a<•lll•'lhl"• mon de-1'11·1'nty auNta •~~"«' ··nte~n· ~t. at lh• Paul .,; Mllllmnn l '"'',." """ ''"''"'~ 111 .... ~m•, 101) MaMC\•I•I a"""'"' 1 IK'IipUv•. f'rlna1111" ... "like a car t'CI Fnday at a chantlln& VaJen. without ON ke,,. Une'a da.~ r-rty ~'~"'•" b'f MN. H. Rob.rt Nimmo, whu 1,. "ll••u,fllll: Ml ""'· "1 '' \\'ffl fCI"'h•u'dlll1n The owner ot' ft IWo-<·~ar navy at H. Thayl'r, 18211 Harbor boulevard. cooll•~• at San t.ula t'1hi~J"C'. "r""l 1111'1 11"'" 1 '1" '''"'"1<1•1 •onJI, K•n· .__ .... I'-· the -kend With hi• ln••llu•1 M r~ • H•'l h ""'I .,.1'1\"'' .. ,,..,... t..C!k tn t...-. beal"h IIUJl.JII'~tt'd ~1'1\e ml«ht ,.,1 ""''IIIJC lun··~n. whloll wu --ntake the ~"'""P••n,,.1~ "hkco a ull-aerv~ at Harx•n'• cafe, UM Aucuata Nlmnw • 1rvtrw t ' .. l'"' 11""" ""'I ' ''"I' """I "u1ny Ool'· I ... "nc:h. I •'II I •I• I ~~ 11 II" loU.. lluw "'Mk••.o, Jnrnt•8 E Cl11rk ot Nerldian:wu M I ~~eddl' "''"' without 1t 1111..-r;e " .At that &roup r4'turn"«S t,, hr '"'-Y.r home ~ ·- t•ntc•rtu:ned Munday 1\t the Leroy ere y ' tng J•ulnt Tht! A41tlw•h .... ~ up, •truck ror all llft.·rnvl•n llf hriq.. W\n· 111111· J!ldwtn M . \\'illllllllli, \\ "" ,.,, 'It 0 h I" ''1' Il l II ··II Mtrlltl~ ·~ .AntJt•r:oun bomco, 208 M&C"nolla II NaJM)I'OniM'lll•' pulle. rourhed nc:r ut hitch •t•urt• Will 1111'111. Met· ha.t ~ "lUI b.u ...... I ,, ''1' I,,. , ,,., 'I! IIIII At IC1 • -J San MAnno fnr th,. 1"'"1 ,1,.,..,1 M .. , l• l•o.l ''"' l111 lllltl••h.• Ill M'f• Mn. Laura Davia haa m ovvd ~I rN!l. By N~ KURB. ARGER 1\\ "'''· and hru~t~olll forth· • Will ... Jo'~c•k••. •~null[ !•Ia~ ... ....,,,.. . •· •-·• ap.nt UM w.,.ktond •t lwr ,.,.1 • .,,.,. '"' Uo II 1 •I • 1 o1. I Mn1 111. and from 188 Magnolia alrfft to 12 :-it•w Cvsta Meaa I'C'Aident.e are P'rom cat.e tohat yowl · "Appll' 1'1<' '"lth,,ut 0,_, ta to Jllnl. l.. R l>auahenblaueh, trav-d4ol N 1 It lltllatreet. And doca that prowl hkt m• wlthuut lh·· whefiu~" . 1'1lfll prl ... to Mn. Beeele Clla-. ar hnm•, Plll tk~l\11 l~llllt• '1 " 11 1' II 1.,, """"'· f'WM!t Mr und Ml'll. B.~. Millf'r of San· It wu alxmt lllo•n ... _t ... ._ .... -. and lo_. to ,.. __ <>·m .._wt ......... vard II"'"'' ·'" q,." ... ta A 1 •ho h re<: Uy located And every ~ping-nelghbt'i'r, ~ .. uoe ,...,. -·p ._ ...... uno. Mr d N 1 J •• •n. Ruth LH. who hu b;•,·n • , a. "' 8ve en lf'ttll aald It w .... tu•h lime we all Lun.-t\etm tAW.. w•r• au-..u .. ay an "' ~ '"""1111\l lu~ ,. ·n ,. U 1-t 1°"• H bo "" 1 'd ttl 2:1~\~1 .. Nt•wport boulevard. Lord, lend me (lllo~e " .,..... Je.iHCt th•lr 8t11-a11d 11,.111., ,1,,,,1 ' 11• •· \1 ""' '•"'" "'"" Ill• Mar· v ·• a -~ ar r ""'" t'\'ttr • • '6'~nt hontr, S\1 ",. cUd. -tr-~ora•Lea wt1h. reel ranuntuU and ·~ "' moved"thta Wffk to 188-t lo'ullt'rton To turn my face rta 'or pbc-e ca...... len at 13Qb (',,.,., hiNh" 11 v ,.,1.1 "'" 1 '•'11' I •' ,. ut ~'uu liii·Mv •uf· Mr lllld Mra. ~·. T. Lara have And carrr on my labor. ' ·-will mlw .. "'"''" ,,. tl"'lr II•'W ,..... I. lo•ol • t· ..... J Itt Ill"~ Ill .. l'llllialnn aVU\Je. nw,·l'<l to 170 "'"I Mar at-et. Mr. In acWlllon lo the ----. , 1 • ~ 1 1 1 ~ ·~ Anon. I a d · bl .,._ ........ , room atu~u .. h.uu• "t ":'!It• 11.~1 .. , L •• ,.. fl\\f'' ,., '_.:"'"'" .. del Mr. and ,..-n. W. J. N eville, 232 Lar;l IS tn 't'harg, of brld«e con· • • .....,.n 8C&~ Arc teet nena, othenaen)uyl,.. the boepft.all· trope aYI'nUI' ·''II ;. " ...... l"'""~·n Tl\4! In· E . 1m atr-Ht, had as we .. keno.l .<trll,'lu•n "" th~ South Main ex-I've been lllngularly rortunut~ In Advi""-Club Wom•n ty or Mra Tbaytr Wfre ........_ ICim•r Cubt ... •n, J'l""""r ""'"' r "' I'"' •I 1 • "' tt .. " ,,. .1111ut1111,., ru-te Mr. and Mn. F. S, Crawford t ''1l."l"ll. numbenng a lot of Ntwpuri'K (.)Ill ""-'0 ~ Oeurre Ru~e•n. Jnnte. 0 , Tallm&ft. N~ioport Uf>arh. Ia "l"•rt·~f KM 1, I",,., .• \I 1 I" 1, "" I 1 ,,.~,,,. lllahup ot .u-.A"•-• ... Pu . Ia Tt n · -r "'· I' G d ,., i c._u. Hus tc•n. J M .• l-. .. l ... r, W . a. 1'1 I I J ·' I : ~ol~ -~ p nt Yt•lt'rllllll uf Fo~lgr\ Wan, Coaat· me. llll\111\~ my rlt'llul<. l't<' on ar en LOp C8 Jl'nnk, 1.. c . Bt•l·r, Gu.::. ... •·t-C"'Yelin& Mltafa<'tolrlly '"""'""1: "" " I . I II '"' 0." .. ""I rlvf'n ·--------'-~++...._ _,. 11 Thon1aen. \\'hu re~ldt'll Ill ~· ·--_,. .,_ ''' 1"•'1 l•111 11 •:lo!hlnlo•, •~'· -~"~-guxl ary.-:~l]~~teo.~t:r-M-It--tHt<~~<-l~:ll-._cll.lJol:t_1~hc.. ll'r. Chari"• Nc Ah&ry, -o I e "JN'f'll...,n at Hl. J"""l'h h•'-"r•ltol ... ,,hilL Kn. H enry W~esw.-tl<"r, :!.11 111111-: R l'••tltll'k dtnner .J..tAUJ~~acr...u.lllo....ot-~:wll~trm10-.,llm11'n ..... f11thr~ "' MH .. ____ It -Jo(y:_n~ trHt hllll~ '11h·r· ·~..at Cc..sta . .M~ ~.(ton haJJ, fnt'nd uf llllllt' ,,., mate Affl'rhoun dub nut lhll WHk In J o hn a ........ 718 .run uno• '" ''"'"' I I .. ",. I 0 tal I · ... u.r G '" .,.,,....._.,..."" -Cue&& _foCI'aa ; Mra lW ...... o.v ... Personal Mention n nc ... ra. ,. ayne rauam. Ill\ lloliiHrr .. w C'\'\'Oin". Fl'b. 21. .. .. a •• tor-r t'lltllM', l'lnll' to lhP rtn~ 'll'ltnT'nUm, rtt-•tridt • u... u. aM w..._ J!:._ .. ~ L'lulll Ill I'' 14 boot t M ... .. N n--h , 1 • lirra. !W~~J~Til' <"hst,.., Vii. "Jlmma ...,.u-""'-"' --__ .. o 8C mate rom. t'tOOc" CHUn· · ewporl ocal' "' y<'urs llt:o 111:hl'n llml' NI"JI. Lyd111 1' navl~·Sant.a Eat.bronk And ... , .. A ...... Y••--. 3nd1atr.ec, a re thl• .,.r1•k 111.,,,.1._ ~,.-:-,Ja .''·,lfii•-,-:1-;.1-,,-:H:::-::-:--------------~ ty. ' \\'llhnon Patl'l~k. of 1788 New· It wu little murt'-+hnli 'flt:ll'llhland AnR landl&<'8pco ar• hlll'<'t. cltac~ .., .._. ._ to tlwlr newly-('nmpl<'h·•l r .. ~ .. 1 •. 11,, • u·~ " • • ~ 1"'1 t brlUI<'I'ard, has l't'turned from a nd the I'Jlurt~<·mlnt.h•d llnrl;orlt~s thr \'llno·ltrll nr In·••~< and ahruba Won·.-.t•r .. M&AII., JoCn. J,r-l(fle t 223 N 1 1' f 'f At. \1.1 b Mr. and Mrs. Robt'rt c. •k· 1._1 !'.I h h h k .. _ d .... ChUf', Lome Hl'a•·h . Mnl. Doo " aN'IIlltu• 11vrnur w •••. ~. •. ,. .. •or 1:1", ''· •l'f'ne . ... rult, • II .. w f're t' too ....,. shot Ut'k11 lru111 bllthL~ "" lht• bay tws t 11daptf'd tu l 'oo-.tR aeaa plant -I UNt. at thC' f'ltnn hllllu• ,..,.1, •• ~1 , ... eon, 1168 Newport boul\'\'anJ. un • 1 r d had 1 1 Th Hinkle)', J"I'Wjlurt ~-ach·, .... ,.., I' (, )t M IVC'I')' (> It ni'W l'llr an an ron . t'll, tht•r(" "U$ iht' IHif' '"~ HU~I4 • .-llr\ll'n !"'IIlii and FC'b-.... -a nd Mn. Waynr Fllllll ,,, tt ... u...... .. urutt·., I ·I ar UM pannt.a ot a baby s.m b~trn Sl J ''u'·l 1 lh 1 t H ..,1 k WaJtrr de Un1Uw"1· .:ruattn. • •·n u, . .,... ~ \'1111 WI wo eol\jl o enry ., sro· whoo , 1111•• lwr1• :'10 nutry f'llHnllniC ,..,,,, I hi' main top-and .... ,_ Jan• ""Inn, , .. , ... ,,,.,, VaJenUne'a Day at St. J ost'ph hus-· --~ r • ~ -laspt•r \\'s~8r of \Yut W•laon R):11 .. oln,hlo·nt .. lll'. h111 II'K n( lin 111/urnu•t talk by Mr11. L. TM ettnrtlvl' hum .. .,,''' '""I II· 1 "' •1 ''''' M ••• ""II •·•I•· pltal. :~tr('.-t, widow, M rs. E lslt• :-it .. n ·k.' at11~ A NflrmAn ... r11. I lo·Jm .. r 8tewi wa• Ne"•ly-Weds ~lakin• lllra. Robert M. W•dr. :1.1:1 I("'" lot·"'"'' I " ''" "'""''"• at 8t. Mra.'O. E. Hatrh, 2:'>0 Broadwny, Whl''n thl' Orangt County Farm hv.a at l!l12 Cuart Ut-cct. u.nd lull 1uunt'l! chalr.man u( the annuaJ I'll dri\•e, wu ,...l'nlly th" .,.,.(It' ,.1 1111 t'•·f• ,· 1 " " l A· ''"~:•·I""· fnr tlaa bel'n confined to hf'r hom" tnr Hurr•au hnnd pN'II('ntt'CI 11 oonc.rt C'hll~n. Mn<. F.ln~o·r Patt([!'on, t•lttb .:Ardt>n tour "•'t tur May 24 Their Home In en)oyabl• II'M"taJ ntMIIna~ .,1 :-; ... ,.,., •·11 1111•• .\ \\~,. w tt. wt1n111' dMlh ..,..raJ weeka p&8t with a .aeriou11 l .,r ut:,·co, io'ndny ni~tht. eo.ta MH~~ Mn~ ~rt OQulsl. Mlo:l£ uml Karl H1•~<ll'lll!toa .J..,... Mr.o< n,.,.. Grablt' Ana Etwll t'lub modt'rn 1,...11,111 ~··• ·~ • • 1" ,J ·'•"•" 1h 1 ,,, 111~ h .. m •. 2\t attack of tnnuen.z.a wmpliC'att'd by l li:unt~uc•n pnrttrtpfttlng were c~u, I "BLLddy" J Starrk, lllllllt\'C lll var-a nd' Mr1. Shennan ~ftltf'r ~~-Mesa Uon. llln. Uonkm Rldttnnlld .,,.,1 I • '""·' "•. ""'' t • .. , .. .,, ·I•• I M11r heart trouble. 1·:. I'•Aok, lklh WIIIIMns. Mr. and 1oua parL~ u( lht' Hurt;ur tJultrtl't. Thco ncoxl af'nentl mrt•llnjl of thf' w,.. IJWIIM y 1111111 aAAI•t,..t 111 . M1 \\'ro 1 , II "1,,. ""-" 10 rt~ttred • ~ Mr" "Hnr " !'mlllt~>y and aon. Wll· I knt-w "H1~ Jun" Slauul! who •·ktb Will bt-held l"nl .. rmw, bf'~eln-St. Valenllne'e llay "'U·~n tw.t ... ctutlra. '"''''I ., 1o ''"'" t11 'c•1111.tnl\all, Mr. and Mnt. Henry Abra.mll Rml llnrn. Mrll !'rnrtllr·y· WAll plano ac· rame hf'r.· 111 llS!I2 11nrl A N Sru1th, ntn~ with 12·:10 ,. •lu.-lc lutwhNn. fnr the quiet lit•• Which united Mn. Gerald w. ftltc•hit• li nd AJ ,..,. 1 •l11• 1' t . 1." I I·· l11ul '" .. 1 11 r•••· daUI'hW. Graycle Carol, 18.10 Full-,, t•l1lfllllllllt tvr hi>r 8011 who played who canw tw<, Yl'tlr;'l IJttt•r. l~•lh or Sf"!Aker of the nfl••rn ... m will a,. In marnace M1u Rn~rta lkhu· llla,..aret 111 ""'""-'1" .,1 1.,1., 1111 "' 1,1 ,,1 1· "''"' 11111 j11r 2U, yMra ert.on avenue!, spent the w et-kt>nd "l'o•uny Pc•lku" lUI 11 trurnJ'I('t eolo liteM lrtit'rt<"I"IIC m..n hav" nliW Mr10. A . C. Stu.tp, "'"'" 1~ttlt1nnen. !l}akcor, daulhtl'r u( Mr and Mrw. del Mal', ~('Uitlp!IOII'<l hv ""'" 111d ,.f t ' "'"' old "'"' r1,,. the at ~OI't' With another d!lugl\ter, I . . . .:one ltJ tbt•lf lt''"o'lrd. hut :,I.! II \'t•ry a"' mu~.IC', Mr/. I( c. Nlo•llll '" 1>1' E l't<'hlllllllker u( -UJI.I\1vl arov ..•. ,_nk L 8owman.Jlfl!lt<tM '"It'"'' ,. I ·I I" ol ..... ' >-ttl \ 1\ ,,;,. lndu4e IIIIM H~niet Abrams. .l1"' \\'ttl r to! Verona, Mo., who much ~~ol"''' ar.• Mr. roud Mrs G•l(· I In dlllrJ;:e of th•• pr .. ~rllm. Hue-•nd K•nJH'th l"u"'I"Y· acon ut Mrci. and Mra. 8tdnto'f Hlao·la~w-Ar>l "l ! "" """' Ill• 1 l'ot 1 ,, 1 A~'" J. Roth l't'<'o•nlly lll'd llh hla liOn, don Shtw>nm k••r ojf Cu~lll Mel<ll, whui lt'AA<'l< Will bl' Ml'll W E Nlrla,.IJ Rnrah Coonf')' ut ... llllrrtun. Banta ~ewport H•t&hlll, l•l•n tu Hit• ,,,1 ·I o ·,.,,,., • olo I .\1101 "'"' M,.., Z.tta Kr. and Mn. E .. L. Bennett a mi I Lcuruu·d \'aiker *tu came t.o Ne~to·purt .-:>)'Cars a'ii:u Rn1.t • 11nl1 m,.mb<ort1 ot lh1• t·lub'll mullt' Alia Wl'ddtna chapel wa• lhe -M u.. Oralll'e-C•mnty ('unr .. rl "'''"'" 111••111 1• "' 1 .. ,. •\l~t'l~. •od une .Bennett'a aunt, Mns. Ell~ WnrtJ lkrrr: uf nran.:e a~con .. writ.ea sin''" that tlmt' . . -• -Uloee l't'AdiDI the ,..."''ll'e. at w~teh ume Mia M•li•ll Anlio•t \"I 1\ c 'II\ who le confined tn the 1 hnslmn that h,. \\tt11 *' fltvorably lmpreu-• • • Atten __ dln• th• '"'Uill ··••uple w•re N l"l"~'l" 111 w ''"'"' 111 "-lua..., t '._, t.. "' • 1 ""--l-t · "' ',. · s eon, n.lted earo vt~o """t. I• '" · • · '" ··•· • .. • ., eon, Ted, spent Sunday With Mr st r,•et nnd ter .M Llo)•d have hwd 111 th .. H urhur d1~trL" t fi('C't aun c.f ~ nuptla"". ~ IWv. l:al-1 C. at 8cutta Ana, Batu,.y ,.y,.1111111.,•••t• r ~''"· IA'"I" V1•u t•f N•w kMjJ Uii 11 5(1.' uaortt' · l'<l \\'Tth-c"t•llt.ll 'Mt'8ll and tt\111"'11h'~-l ""r.:=-r--::;=g""1na=-o"". -=ur-rT?Il DDOUDU thco bride'• cuu.erna, Mr and M~n~j-MIE-IU'!',.....,.!ru:W~!!!~ -~ • · '"' l••1 ,. LltUe MeN'IIIt' Nickell. dau,::hif'T ~~·r tJu;;trll't that he 1!1 planning to at'll too guo.d II srntlm .. nt tv nut • ~lary PhUippa Cu Haruld l>ut..•ll of Or.n«t'. A recap---------------------------------------......!::1 r•·tutn 111 ~rt I'Brly dale and make jiLU on It • Uun r~ lnuned&ale rll'laUv .. wu ... ---------------·----_ -----... :!n~.: :~n~·e.N;:el~~9~.·'"~:;,;~ till:-hoi! pi'r manc·nt home. "Thr 011••~1 l•lhhl.: quultty a hll· and Ray Matt hal ht>ld llt the &·hum .. ker hume fol· >-A f k man bl'ln" , an no,s..-..·:;, 111 tnlt•rrtn•'n luw•n1 the cert'mony. ' to ..,.,.. o~ the pallt thr~ Wt><' ~ ft"', J•tul Vau~:hn. l•w•l F uture Farm-... or • • • T reault of a genel'1ll breakdown and ,.r "hu 18 nnw nltl'rldlll~ atrii"UI· It IB the \'1Sit•ll lhat o•m•bles "n•· tu Mr and Mn. W '-· ~m .. or he "'''" Mno. Cuun"Y Ia a ~- eomplfcaUorut. iur•· 1·ulll'l:l.' a t · Ran I.UI!I Obi!lpn, /Jt'C' thm~:s fl'l•lll """th .. r s vu·W· \\"h1lt11'r avenut', thtl w"k an·j uate. ul t;~~of'den Gruve UniOn Htch pornt. Jt r:-tho• "''no•r.,:'lll)' I hal ettrt· """"' o•d the en,-agl'no,.nt .-r thtir 1 lk h~J. lhr bn~cr<lounr C'omplet· Mra . ..AngeUnt Allcon 2~27 O r-1\.rtt•·s h~~~ Jlllrl'nts Mr .• and Mrs ('edl.'8 too ••lh•·r~ tht< rt"hl 1" thrtr dau"ht .. r. MIM """' Pt11llrr•11 ('ur-11111 h r• etudlu llll f 'ulll'rton H••h h · F'ri... l-1.111k \lllll:hn, t bnt on 11 l"f'Cent ,. ... • anre avenue wu nstt'l'll'l u.'IV nt • uwn upuuo1n,.. nntJ 1,..,·ularot i•'S It rt••. '" RIIYlnOnd M•lltu11 11.,n "' M'hool and 1-~ullert.un JuniOr ooJ. a meeting o; C~tll Mesa Wom~n'a ' lllf' 1'1 S;wrRtuenlu hP JUtw many 111 thl' blt:lh·S!I th~tt <'tHthlt•" u~ Itt Mr. and Mnt. Ji'. W Ma llhta til lt'JI~. Hto 1• nuw conn~led '-c1U. TemJ)el't'nC't! Unlnn 1:1 ntf'mbt'rs ' ·:•·odl'lll ,., ,, lllurm !hlma~o:e. The let ....,,,,,. ))(' hRnp)• In lh•·lr (1\\'n Hurhn~tat'nl'. the aruury dep&rtmtont or Ooet.a ,_ .__1 · t r th ~a( ramo•(llo 1'1\'(lr, ht• wrotes, 111 al· ..... ,. I M AI..... .lJt. aJJd ~~ .... d""' ,n~d prcosenod <lr e rt•adv 1n fhH>d s t11.:c and ~ping way lnst.·au "' uur w~>y ·· Thr turm11l annount•:m,.nt wu eaa .... a ta markfll. Tbe1 pf'OI'Tam an 8 u Y JX'I'I · thr•r~l~h SllntJ bn~11 whirl\ are-being • • • : 1mnd" Slll t•rday at 11 llllillrt hlnrh· plan ltJ 1!1alcr their home at 1116 IC. I ·• t t h 1 Glt'antn"s r~ .. m tha • :r:1pc,,111• ·" "'lfl 111 Ollnl~ter'a car,., NAnia Ana. I lith ltr"Ht In the latln communi-The -"'lt.r SoC' let.!(_ or Our Lady P "''"': on up, u t e e1•en. .. • · • '· , ty o1 Mt. Cannel Catholic r hur,•h Js i The· otlli'r tilt}' " \'Pr)' anc~>nH .. d "'htorf' Mna. Currico l'nlt•riJilnrd a • meeting today with M.No. Chris t't:TF.O OS ASSn'F.R.'4AR\' genu~mlln tuld ~one ,., the lo•11d1ng gr••up llf tn fnendll, tnr htdlnK hn •b~t ""rd t t F 11 1 M ,.. rt"-L dl ... V naare nH~c•rnc of th111 t•1,wtu~hiJl dttttKhtc•r·ln·law, Mnt~ W L . Cur· l!aOBATI: .. .IUUD'M" l:ln'Aft A J , . -1" 8 rte . ? OW ng ..... "'ll '"' U OW, .,..3 IC• o~ r ... ,_ .. 1 h th aft t .. that a nt'·l.,hbor hnd mahclou,.ly de-I'll', )I' • "' .,.ullnt.on ArH1 Nra. ~n-T~ hllt~ Judllon But .. -rland, .......... CO'+' -u ... , unc eon, e t' • lul'lll street. w .. o 'lllllt Fridl\Y ob-.. '""' .....,. IIIDOA-W111ba devoted tn work pro j. I 11erved ~~r 80th birthday annlver· etroyf'd h111 boy's kit~. He wantt'CI nl~ Htt6(1And ot Coeta MNa. ll:lcht ta Mf'fMl eolumnw: and phtlo-pher ec:t.. . • r.~ary, w 811 ~tly aurprtaed at tv know huw to get ~~itliMacUon. nut·of·town I'Uel!'-completed the who wrote un4er the nom-4e- a· party ~tven by her daughter The of(Jcer told hlm lnU the rec.:-part~· plume of "Judd," lett an ....._ ot Mr. and Mrs. L. 0 . Rees of 1810 M,.. ~ndN'W Lupt.,n ot t.M aam~ ord or cuu!'MI Utlll 111 h11 t he ••ubtit Th·· hrldr-_,.l,.l't Ia a ITfldUiltf' fJt J!tOO '" Jotnt ten.aMy with hl8 Laa"una avenue lla"e m o,·t'd to the utJdrcl'ls [)t'rllrnlu•ns rollowf'd the to do wruc to K" Aad b<•at h . , ·t !'llrwt••rt H..rhnr U n Io n HIJth Wife. Mnt. Ada 8uthf-rlawl wha J. F . Parke pro~rty on MaKnolra Vulrrttln•·'~< J>uv m•ltlf, refresh-out ot the !lil-And -"'' nnd me.kf' him I"' hntol, F"lllll'rtnn Juntor I"Oll~f' and thla Wffk tiled petition In ~UJlf'r· at.Ne& which wu occupft.d unit II m<'nla uf · :.n~:rr'•,. Yct~.d · Cllkf', ICe pay tor the kltf' I n d ut' ttrn1• I hi' l 'niVPrM1ty nr t'allfomla, W~Tr 11he 1ur rourt tu tenntnale ~r dl'\ ,.,._, NfC!nUy by the Lloyd Ben-ys. Mr. I •·n•am .. net tc•a .... In¥ I'C'"''ed. tnal for assattlt and hulll'ry I :tllll'l rc .. 1'1\'t'd hn II B. de~. S he Ill huttband'll lnlen!&L TJ!-t'lllalt" Ill· and Mn. Berry are now locatt'd at OU\'t<ls uwh•dl•d Me~mfl H. 11p 1trtd as thP cvodtonn• wn11 hr111g nuw II m,.mJ.,.r ~ot tlte faculty 111 dud,.,. Jll(l ac,.... uf l'l't'anu fuHuly 15541 Orange avenue. 11. L11•11,111 E. c. J'k kering, Nina rrr~ntf'd, ttrf' drfl'!'jd11nt htanood 111 , Sun Juan ('nJIIIilrano Hl«h ~ho~,, rl'AI c·!ftate, bt'•l<k'• the familY <IU' Mn. LC'nora CustPr and Mr.t 1-; ~.111sllury. El!p4'y W illlams. thco flC'A<'C! otfwcr and &lld. "Afl•·r Mr Mntthnt II' " Cl'&duale of the and huUM>hold efferta. \ · Ill <1 M E all. I unly d1d what you ndvlsed m" 1'111\'t>I'IIIIV "' l'11llforn1a at Duke;· Elmln Norager. 1880• ~ Nl'llll'Url ' nn:1 l-in 1 1 an · 1M tta Bryant. to!" l••v 1\nll ht ""'" N•nneett'd with the M 'IIOOL \'.Al..I::NTINJ: PAaTl' boulevard. acrompanlt•d by Mr~< •111 "( < 'u:-l.t l'oh•Sl'J: lind Ml'l'. G. F The f111 ulth'-" .. , T ort IJnton Hl1h ~hool :; of Santa Ana. enjoyed SundAy nR, a diiiiJthler·tn· dinner at Bllloon. Jatrr mootonn" I atttf f.:lltrtt1·dlltrlo:'hter or lhr hnnorff. .to San Clemente and t•thPI' <'Ofll'lltl 1 .. polnt.a. -'\\', lC, r. ~. ~AT MEI'A ) \\'hPn lht• Wnmi!I'H Sorl,.l y of .Mrs. Clark Rather ret urn••ll ( 'hr:l'tuon So•n ·1rl' met IMl Thura- 'Thursdsy fr.om 11~1 I';!Ctl'ndf'd ."1~•1 r l1Hy al !"n~tl.ll .Mrsa Community In Okl4homa And I~ niJW lo('a!Pd nt , hun h, t:l(l 11\t'lllhc:rll wert prtt~ent ~38 &!boll lltrt-et. Mn;. M. C.' rur lu1wh•'"ll nnd the projtl"am Turner, who ha.'l lwC'n 11''111~ at ll'h ll'h (ttllll\l'o•d. Mrll. Grow S. thlll addreM, hilS returnl'd tn u ol< llruwn. (Hrmf'r Ctt111.A MPIIlln and Anceln whl!re ~the ha~t buslrw~~~ m· llol'lllbcr uf lht> farulty at Spllnlsh- tereat.e. ,\ nwrwan l m4tltUtl', CArllenR. ad· Sam F.:rquhnrt, 2071 Harhr•r llr•·"s••tl thr ~rnup on "Chrllllrlln t boulevard: lluffl'f'l.'d brui~<t·~ Thurl<· C'l to7."n~H'ip," M r~. J . J. ShllnRI\a n day afternoon }''hf'n \;~. 1•11r "'' ~lnne.: 11 hrtl'r ta lk nn Rl'd Crota~ Involved In a t·oJil.811m-<4'ipa n lll" _,,k 1" En,.;Jand.. A aaca:.d duet 41rJ.vu tu-~r£e H. Wnts"n ul Lun l" Cl11rk and Banta Anw:-'nlf' ftet;&.,;'t~~ on Newpill't bnulemrd 111 l"llrlh Bf'IIIWtl pl.t)'ln.: llot•nl. -Coe\f. ftC~. Un T\•~Y oC lhla w•ll. ~ -••·toh-!11 Mr. a nd Mrs \\'alhl''" Howtf"'l', ,j,.J,.I(Htlun fr•m1 Co11t11 MeJIA at- forme.rly ot Cleveland. C)h1u. nr~> t"n•lt'fl lh•• W.S.C S. San DJPgn aow located at 280 Ma~o:nnlia ,.,,..,,., Oi!<tt h•t TT1Pf'tmg 11t Corona. In- It nee coming from the ra~t l<t'\'l'lul • hrd•·d In l hP lncal cro up wert' 8'\ont.hA ago, lhry hR\'C b••en l'<'liHI·I Mr'cfialll"" f'A.I Bt"nnl'tt. A. C. Abbe, Inc at the home of th .. ir sun-•n· Fn·•l l.."nK, Ward Ptllcy, Nelhf' Jaw a nd dAughter, .Mr anti Mrs I IS<rl<'n, M1nnlr Buyd, .Andrt>w Lup- l[arl Shumacher l•m Jl Lu·nnu and EmriiA Simp· llra. Ralph ~E'IP, 210!• rl11rhf'lr """· ~ul~rd •• cetebt'3t<'d h••r lurth· "day ann~l'l'Ary, \\'{'lln,.,.tJsy at n luncheon party J(l\'l'n hy h••r 111111!. n ·ar 8flief \\'orke ... Corripl U\ 'Quota For R d Cross_ 11!11'1!. Jen nl!! Emerlf'k "' SnJIIa Ana. Gue!IL~ lno•IIHINI ho•r c t•W<tn. 111n. Cltftqrd Daly and hrr rfl'lf ht>r- ln·law, Mrs. Anna ~nHI ~ Fnth•W· In• the rc:put lhP Wl•nlt'n •njii)'Ptl a IOClal afternl)(ln. Hei.ry Abrn,m11. :mperintentJeJ•I of COIIta Mesa Ell'mt'ntar~· 1-whon~ and president of thr Orllnltt' t'IIIJn· onr nf four ctololllll to part . c:oncert held yestt>rday e\'t?nirtl{ nt Banta Ana High !l('honl aucftlonum. Tenol' eolot11t for the e\•ent 111'8:< 8tephen Founllttn. l'. !'. ms11l t llr · rter on 'the Santa ,\li'a-Newport Beach route. , Or. C. A. C.n-tt>r. who Willi ser- AoWIIY Jnjurt'CI In R trllff1c arrldent ahortly after I.Ak ln1 tll'er the rrar . ttee of Ule late Or. C . A.. Cu11ter, L!l ftported u lhowln~t Mllllfl\l'lory I!M)OYery. He 111 at prl'~cnt I'O"Ytfln~ to the OrthoJ>f'dtC h•lspttal 1n Ln11 ~lee but hopu to b<-llt~rk on the job &.«&In by the middle of M4~h. Or. Carter's datt~thter. Ml'l! r(IIH•t rroductllln cflm · llll!tt•t• •. r C'otllta Mc~A n~ Cr•)M 'lltd•·r • lo· onnun~hlf'l or Mrll. H . B ~I• .\~urt . ·. htt~< Jllllt l"omplt>tPd Ill! ._,., •• r·)ol ( IIIII! nnrt thf· urtlrle.~ tlltV" h··•·ll 1111 n•"l 111 t•o l;rwtA A n11 he&d· 'IIIHr(l'll<, r"{l••rlll Mr11. ;1ullt'J'Ih C. lno l1ad••(,l Ill thr !11\ wc.or• 37 WO· '"''" -~ nncl ~I rill' drf'AAI'I< nn<1 1k111Jr , '"''" hoy"' ~<hlliK 11nd nvt>ralla, hotpi!HI r•ol•"", nntl )'JtjRmu ; nln,.. '"Y••Itr!t. In tht• k n1tt11~ dtpart· uu;nt tlwr•· wl'n· _.flm,.n'R, women'• 1111<1 • hlldro·n·ll ""'"tllPra, t:> bean- to{, 10 Jlllll"ll mtttrM: 12 pa1r mrn'11 l<t>f k!l. t'I''IJ l'rorh,.tf'd •ha~·Ja and ""'' R(Jo:hAn A I'Jir~txlmRI~>Iy :\0 womrn "-'OrJc. "' ~ '" .. rf' PnJC"Iot~ In n)f. "'"It' thf' ~rm#nt11 And ~m\tc:h u "" /lt•Winj( l'tiOm WU 1\\'R}Iatll~, tllt "urk 111'1\3 clnnt In prtvat~ homu . Th,. next qunta 111 tn be <:<111 IJy Ma_v I d11y .. an.ri . . nnd .. Aw, well ... Mo>bb;> 111'1' llhouldn'l hll\'1' mentlol\NI It AnfV.-ay • Pe,.,.nlll num lnRttun '"' the Suh- z,.r, I>Ppartml'nl <:Plcry, grven ontr1n11, 'Thro>c St•~<•~c cnmPd1e11, t•~olbllll or lm,qpball J{llmes VIR thr rac11o, IIWinl m u!l!c a nd aft,rnu<tn ll'UII. • • Sn }"'" think thr dnyM ()( l h,. Old \V.t·lll rtre ~tori~>, d y' 11tra ni(Pr 1 Wo'll. ll't me tell yuu !lmnPihln~o: . '--"111\ Van llmhur~:h. •111<• ••I Lind· '"'rl(h ~rhf1<11'11 J>f'r!lnnRblr t•·aC'hl'r!l ~J'H"'III hPr 1111mme'r VllCltt1u~t 11.:· n_ .. ll. (lrt'ltlln. It's 1\ mnRl prunll l'''' ,q''{l ,r vlllag., hJ~;k•-d rtwny ln.Jhr· nlfllihlsllnll. the I•UI.)' nll'llll1< 11f l;lr· rtVRI and clo:J.artur·e br·1ng IJy '"•"1. ft tnJt WhiC'h t>nl111111 Hh•'Htllnj.: lh1 lnht.hlhlllll Alld JIIICI '""" lllref>t.'l RAtllellnake a\·,.nu•· 11nd cl)ucar 11tra-t ... T hf' I >ld Ttmer. whu JUlll ram,. h111 k t mm Palm SJV1n..:~ \o. hPr•• h,. If hf'fon •·nt•klnlt the r hl'umllh-"m nut ,,( hill .)<ttntJI, AAY•" ~ri~Pr aohuJt 1t1' ·(h,. ~rt -rev•rt -d111piays lt!o• r .. IIIIWIOK IIIKn · "Palm Sprtngs A ,.,.raRe W tnl"r :rem~~tur~. 72~.&r..~!'· pnpuls· Ucm • .20.000. St.Unm~r Tem_llf'rntl.lt"· 120 df'J(reell T'npulatlon. thr ~~a.nv , . . . "'Twu At o"n.> <>f til<~ J'lft..1.tu -::-n Mn. a cay *'en,., Friday all 39 boyOJ MUd jo:trle made (ltlllljt Ub· •en•a nr·c;, tJt ValenUne'l di&y, With ellchan••· 11f v~tlenuriM, ~"I""" And hbl'ra l rrfrt"shmll'nt.. <.:anrty f<~r l the r .. ..t Wlta provtd«S toy th .. lf'rlt'hf'r, Mr!l K1u1r , the at'lll•ol RIIJl· ply111K <lrfttt._,.,. And apple11 1111ol MI"M 11 C.:. Plidham and Mr11 It 1, Mlhllhnc . ro.,klell and Ice c•r•·1""· Costa Mesa ChurchM Ooet.a , M-. O•••-Uy ('huffh l1ote~1 ->1·--"·_e_v. AlfrOIJd C Ab~. MlnliiiN 9 46 a. m. 10 46 a. m Morn1na woor•hJr• 8 :30 p m. Youn,-1'""1'1"" l!:p .-;:J~I'"ru.....,-,u;.......,;u,.,~Nf"i--._.,_... - (i.\IS!'4 I~ I'HPI'I.AarrT !'\kw.., ~·" 1 • •tn , or C•111t• Mf'aa, "huh "·I' '(• • , t'nnductlnR uld-um,. ''""' ,.~ ••I I'·" enlla 'I'Very Satur· '""' llll!ht r ,, '"m~um .. PIIJit. -ms tu tu• .:·•Ill II' •t!!adll)t In J)\tflUIAri· ty At • oor•h••l' to "Bob" Sklll'll. I••Jtd•·l .. r 't 1.• •rrche11tna. lAIIt Rllt- itr•l"" ~ •I"'" ·· •lr,.w palron&Rt' from I I• ••ltll•lll•· \ • IIIC't, Loll A Ojtf'lf'll, !-lJIIlo l\t-111111 ol ' fl And Of'ltrly I'Vrry , 1om mun11 \ "' Onnce cnunty. "" lwllo•\o'M ltio~ \< lde·•pre~d Rppr<ovllf I-" d 11•• l•1 ~h· pr.llcy of th .. d•nrf'll "''"' h l at•, In· family tiutt.. and ,,.,,.,,·," ''''I• I IO rdf'r on'"" flnnr f 'lllt'KE~ lti.\'ND f'F.R1'11:D H~ll•·r •" I 1.11. wht) w,.r,. flN'I~<I · •·•I ),,. Mr• 1 • L Hutfln,. lind M11111 1 ;,.,, •· >o:u. • r·.t nt., featured Jut 811\: 111 ''" ,. l10l'l,t • mretln~t or the or •lilt:• .\ 1•1• • l•11), hf'ld 11t thr r luh hoootV• "" I·~II'I&CIIIA t<lad f 'nlhJWinjt -4,!1•• r• P• t ltrtr! I bri•f buruneM rn•·"lln" 1 t · balance •1f thl' ,.,,,.; nln.: "'IUt ,,,., "lt'CI to dflndnlf IHC'· oontltoonR \. • 1•• In ('har~ee o1f M'*' I 'hrt~l "'" g, rd, ·~Ia I a'\I".JilJI tro r rh .. lofl •t.~•· ro ~Ina Mr. and" Mno J"'otiiiO ~WI• l•lra nul', ,.,,..,., M~'lla. 7·JO p. m l~peJ I U VI• r We<b., 7 JO Jt. hi. · Mtdwf'tk ~rvlce of ttra-y•r •Ad pr""~ Thun.. 7 46 p, m.-1 'h••W -· rt heanat. l1nt1t Yutt,...IIAI'tl C1t•ri'Jt fll ,._ .... _ 0 . W 1llard St•rNII. l'uto.r Phone 1778-J fo'riday, 7 JO II:V&J11e loollo -rv ll'e .• Sundlly, · t ;JO 11. m. ~~~"'""Y Rrho•ol ClllNtf'( fr1r -'1 •.:r11' I I 00 a m Mom lnt; ... , r~l•'l• t :oo p m. c•ruaadrr~ , 7 (10 p "' l:venlrw ••. , ,,., Tue!ltday, · 7 :10 p. rn. '~1•1 _.,~,.k IC••rvtre. nwno(JRy, 111 n. m, m ec ll 'II· Full Oo~tlll'f . ~ra Munday ~~ehr,.,l, t M> " 111 MurnlnJ'~~ l 1 '~'''·'I·~ !1 ' ll:vAnlfehlltttr ""rv1c.a 7 :t't 11 111 l'r11ye~ "'~11~, ,TuooMIJKy """ 1""· ; .18 1• m. i>n'C"" IPrvtoe, Thurwl;o y, 7 ;)II ~~tfl .. )' ~\ ... Ill\ fh«a el Otrtat BIQ., "ai:J•l AL Hllhb11th Ill ho•JI, SllturtJII)', II '10 J •rearhtn~t • •en •lc:t'. ll " "' W4'dn-sAy nl.hl IM!TYIU. 7.ilf) lllu,..ll "' "'-t&ad,...,. W~ U•Wtouee. --~~~~r1-\'d. 8EE U8 for FINE BAKED GOOD8 made of the bc~t ingredittnt!'{ obtainable. Also Wedding.and Birthday Ca ke~ for all occasions. May wt• lw)p yuu with suggestions fo'r your purt}: plana? Information cht•(•rfully givL•n QUALI'rY BAKERY . 1111 "'""""" ..... • ..... "" 211 ........... ·---------~ ·---~---·-- 0. YOU_ JUIB. IN~ITBD to vldtlhe new I I • a Arcade ll Main Street -~-Blli.BOA --~ r.a· =:.--------.You '~Kn . , • More than 80,00() p0 400,000 used 'th crn ~in the last ' J • four years, and that tt1e:rc's been no accident seri ous . e nough to call a doctor in ove r thr~e years? 111Arl AT.TH'E I i Jobft MCoolBn of Lnng Beac h, ..,_.., two da)'l _last lll't'l'k at her ":-.-.::.:.. .:.... •. ~.~······-·-........ .., __ ~AUIIr"Lholne. 1H9 l'!~:~P.?..~ .. bo-ul!· ~l'ltt ntt'Pllftlt or lne MH& 'Red l"'rllll!l. w1ll be Wf'dneadlly evenlnJ. F"l'h ~. hf<KiliJ"IIn&" at '7:~ o'c:lock t~ "Th'll\a It, ~l'Q 'lll'rW, fi,)'YT@: ttt,o Mel'a Whf'no evrry budy d<~«M ~AI.f: Ut.l.l' "'-'NTF.D rveryth1nc. lh~ ~y'11 lhe limit llnd S ALfo:SM AS Want enureUc .)'J\1. thr 'hf,. of the party' 111 "">'''"" 111.11n ,,,, Muae-t~-~uae Mllln&. who Cl&ll-~~lll the 1'.&410. lll!lni'Y lor -Qqci IUv. Rlchmt.nd Burl(,~-l•utar Jtundfly, 10 a . m. Chlj!Jrl'ln '• Jl>,ur II a. m Pre.cblttl( •JICrv~ . Wedn~y. • 8 p. rn. , {;lue In Dll~ZBIE ........ Cc.ta Meea. . -~~ 'tflr~~ llt!l"\'1!d~ 11"1'..__ . .,.,..,._,.. A~ .,...._...,._, • ·~·~~=~~;~~~!!j~~!i!~t.6~.:l~~=;;:;;::::::=========::;:;;:z=c::;:===:i::::=-:J~.....;;~~;;;;;;; .:I --.,. J, --------------------· .. flue Four ·, . 't £nia1ement • Mary P. C Reveal~ I lolr. and ~r• Whittier Str._t, S ll1urday u th• the en~ta~tom('nl loliu Wary Pl R.a)'lllond t.tatt- oounc•mrnt wa lunl'heon In Sat m frlf'nll~of t • H int fol tbf' b vertllt'd by h n) d lnlnc tablf' w on -·h "Mar 1941." Mra C"t ...-.nt-lllld ~ and whit• n~ ·t _ __,. f ~. -·- ( ALE • CONTRACTOR I 8udtl.t, o/ ~~ ollome4 . PH: 94 225 MAAUo.l~ AVE. 0 BALBOA ISLAND I ARCHITECT • ll55-coast Blv-<1., S._ Laguna Beach. Calif. • NEWPORT-BALBoA PRESS • • I "' >I • . .. ~ The-Al Rofhgary Home on Peninsula, Built by Erickson ., ~W"'Iday Pebruary 20, 1941 ,"! -~---41Ht--e--e--..-r- ANN UAL BANQUET TONIOBT The annual banquet to lw!rald ielart of preparations for t he 19U Sot1thern C"llllfor nla Home Sl}nw, w1ll be held tonight m Los Ange. lcH. the show being l!Cheduled fur June 6 to 16 1n thr Pan·Pa~ftc WILL TRY FOR ob. Announeemrnt was madt' thtB wl't'k tilat Frrd Barron and IUISO· •'•ates have -leased the 170-acre Karalos proprrty, southea'llt nf the betwet-n Huntmgton -- ~ '. ... Work on S.ig Market Wetl Under ·Way, Says Contractor Balboa lsl&nd'a newest bualn.~ structur.-. ·"" 18000 food ma~tt whil'h ·Is beuut built by Ant.oh Hrrshey and ,Phtllip Carrell 'At :.eo.. 202 Ma rine avenue, ta now weiJ underv.•ay de~p•te lnc.ltment We&· tiler_<![~~ -"'U!W'ta..~ Sho.•k. &lbc.lft lllland bu .... at Newport H -----------it:::::::::::::::::::::::~::::~~::::::::~::::::::::::~: mark~t. whtc-h w1ll ~ eo by Ceet •n floor a r ea. 1.11 located on tht> stte u ( t hf' present "Market Spot." and 'upton o·umplf'tlon w iiJ hullS(' tht> Hl'rsht>y J:rocery depart· ment. 0 . R Crnwley'11 meat mar· ket ar\d a l:muw h or the C01ta Mesa (,JitRhty t.akery. 8cbool wlwn of tbe Otrla' ICbolanlblp tvf at.andlnjC In • • Durlnc b•r t w t on J unlc)r ('.til ed populllrity art&. Follca' 1A1 Unlnralty '()I ~ I'WCWIVed M.lal Currif' JC1 ~pt.trann ti)f Her ftanct ud Mra. F-91 ln~am•. CallfO' ate of the tnl nta. Mr. MatU t.k f&CU It y crl and JUnior cal Amonr ru•·. ot tht approac Mr'W. Omnia • Me-. Mra. 8 1 ;,..ra. LGuia RGDftlt. ' RuUa UW.pt< truo: aad ~~ J ~~& ..... AnJta . ••• and Mrw a1J o1 P\aUerto ·--- 11M Jua.u koroe. Udo 1 tM ..-.nd ·, ,.._......,a Hotel Frencll cet.dH• .... • .t Q BUILDING CD~TRACTOA Phone 516 "' slmpll' and unprrtf'nttoUl! u :'1/t-w England ltMlt Ia t he martgllltl·bordtred IRwn ~tnd'whtte rm ·k· • t It ra·e Which IIUrT\JUnd.s tht' AI n .. th(;llry tf'8ldence, located at the t urner of Grrnatd8 and Strrano 8\'t'• ...... , • lose ·to tht' extn•11w ~•uth end o r Balboa penlnau la. :.1vled In thr popular c·a~ <.:ud AI"Chlttcture, the rambling dwelling tneludr.s " llvong room, dtn· on~ .tl.·m:e. den, ktlrhl'n, two ~r11onH!. two bathe and a l:laMed·tn aun porch With .aouthweatern I'X· 1•·~•••• ·Or frsmr •· .. nstr uct.•on thruu~r:hout, the U tt rior Ia of shiplap stdtng fintllhed In glea mtnJ: "lui•·. the brilllant·J:rern llhln .. ll'<l rc)n f 11nd front-porch roae t rellis being the cmly tnm neeei!Hary tu add I hat certain 'touch of dllltlnr t111n' ''to the quiet 11tmphc1ty of the whol•. -All rooms are finished tn wallpnprr, a llpeclally·•tyled mantel and fireplace domlnlltlnji( the hvtrlg F. • Rntwn. manager of the :o;rofr"·ay mrat markl't at Costa Mf'!l8 , has purrhas .. d the Gtllis re!!· tdt::nCI' proprrty at 177 E. 18th Rtr ... t't 1n that rummuruty and Is now re~·ondttiomn~ the ~welling Cur h o8 uwn U!W.'. 'Rhe •mprov.mJent prugram lnrludPs remodehn~. re· nHo!tng and pa1nt1ng. · SI'OSTASEUI'S t 'IRY.S t:AS ILY PRF.\'ENTEO Other ImportAnt johs now bt,inl l!uper\'ll'lt'tl by Cunt rnl'tur Shook ml'ludt> It S 1(),00<) n •stdence w hich was slltrled th111 week 111 Fullerton Cor Mr. !IIIII Mrs. )o' C. Crimea ot that •·•t~·. Rl't'(•ntly briJUiht to 1806 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA ruo111. Both llttchl!n and bathroom ure tiled In U\e m~rn modt', t hrer-quarter 1nc•h hardwood floor· ong .l>o·ong Wled &hrouKhout the dw••ll111.: A double &arage wtth eem .. nt flnor ct•m plrll'!t th~ picture The dwelling WlUl completed during the put year. C. R. "Boh" Er11•k!!on or :!05 f'u.lrn Atreet, &lbon. lthll~o: the contractor In charge or eunatructlon. All sub·c:ontractmg wurk was handled by local c•tn· Spontan,.uus ·<'vmbll>~tton. the t'lllll4l' of rnurh fire damuge In homes. 111 rn1111y controllt'd when il~t .-aust•lf ure untl.-rstood. FHA ex- pert." su,v. ~·un•pl"t"'ll hy Stwok wns the !ll:zi~OOOltJ!----------; J ohn T. S~1l1J>ll;•n hom!' at 1112 Holden Construction Co., Inc: r :-4 . :-1 : 1 1 . CONTRACTORS ....... on •&wPOa~ •uca eo7 R. ~tuttJJ JIGJJ •'•·ru" t Photo by Rl!& While 1. ··Questions U and~ (Juo·~>lton Our nrw huute will PIIOTOH BY &£0 WHITt: Rec lnald 8. t"R••K" 1 Whtte, one of OM Harbor dt~tnct's ludln~ photograpiW'rw, Is resporuuble for the attractive carntrl\ s tudy or t he A. Better Homes~ Better livin Otly r11g>1 nr mgs ust'd Ill paint· tng. n~>"'~'I'Rfll'rs and magazines, and ma.ny uth.-r mat .. rla ls tOH~ in um·enttl11ted c•lollrl.$ may prodt'ice Mpnnt~t ne<•us <'hmbus tu,n. To guard ngamst th11< If Ill' r,.eomm !I pace. 38th s trw•t. :'ll .. wport, und t he Oen· eral Petrul('lml fllllrtne aervlee ala- tion butlt 11t 127 20th 11treet for Rcob<>rt C'nllt><. Ht• hs.~ al110 been In t·hnr~:t! u( <'Xh•n:<t\'1' remodeling and rt'pa1r wurk ut Newptlrt Harbor Ya r ht club Seek~ Contract for ))(-fens(• \\'ork hA\•· a·a8f'n.l'nt ~·lnd .. wll w hich 1 Wt'<'!,c's photo. A( Uw R I>o.nl\14f_Jtall Tht' "httlt' thtn~:s" about A huu!lf' "P''n ""'· H ow ntr 8uo h Wtndow.-I rt'll.nce at 307 M a~tgotdf"8v~nue. that put l'harm nnc:t lndtvtdtwhtv l" rPt•n•·t1? . c:.1~na del Mar.""·" 111!10 by "I«&" Into 11 tlrf' th .. th1ngs that gl\·e ;, Buildt>rs' Exchange Huhhar.a H......... manager o1 Ah»~l'r· ln~1de llt'rt'<'na Rre M·l Whtte. · · \ommsn appeal. declared lrenl' ('on., f M t T • ht Suuth l".,,l<l Bout B1ulders, re· I l'!l"llr\.' for thlll '·"""' "' wmdow .. • ------stance of Oklahumn C'tly. fnr lll.tny 0 • (•t' .... onag h ,., lurrwd ~ •• tllrrla v n1.: 1 Crpm a five. ThPV mll y be llld.. htn•ed onto· IUIYS PAINT !'\TOKE yel\rs ll llllt'C'f'l!Sfur home' buti11Pr Ill at Bu.ona Park d ' •.. I .. d w " ... -ay:: trtp ..... !lt. " wre """an al· ph••··· ,..·reen.". l\4'11·5N'Itun horiz.on·l Earl W tnterbout rw. resident of her ·· own rl~ht. addreulng 1.h't-j h •n Huhh.tnl. prf'lttdt-nt of the In I ~'""""· nr R t y!)f' that rull up C<>9ta Meaa for lh• p.tst 10 years. !IOUlh·et'ntrlll ,.,,,ftrrnrt-of th:· ="""· Tht• F'ebru11ry mt'mbt>rship dtn·l S<lulh ( · .... st rumpun.y, ·went to '"""'"' to a w1 nd•1W ,.hadc-lr tht-hall" Pllrth!Uied th,· S herv.·•n-Wol· tiona! Asl'(H'tattun •If Rnl ~.·tt•h· n•·r mt'f'ttng of Oran~:t' Count) ,,:nr .. r \\llh I' S. NII\':V offlclalll w1nd"" s are r .. ntmll..-d hy " ra,..,. llama paint atore "' Ornnge. th~ I Board.'! Ill Ntw OrlPans l~t "····~. lhuldt•rll Ex1•hange 111 st>t (o)r to· r<'~nr!hn~o: , unlit ruction work 1n the mc-nl !<ftllh Ollf'hllang df'\'1<'1' that for mer owner. Cl?,l•• Selden .. hav· Aside f~m the Ob\'lOUI! mtt-tll, mght at Knott'll Berry FArm. natt•IIIHI •It ft·nse pro~tT~~m. Rep· t'XIelldll' throu.:h t he wall to lhr 1 1ng aaaumed mllnto!!••n•ent of t.h,t> nert' nre ~me lhtnJ:B on ho·r h~t n!'<'urdu•K to i':x•'han,~~:t> St>cretary re~<t•n laliV•·~ uf liOmt' 100 t•onstruc· llt!"UII'. o!)f'nlnji: of t he ~rrt'en I!' nut F ullerton atore of lito ~<~•me name. for womlln Rpp<>al : 0 W BR$l1Ptt Stanley AcJser man. tlon fi rms uf the country a ttended 11<'1'1'!4~<ary. With this IVJW of hard·l --,1. Clc>v.#r wmdow treatlownt. Balboa conl rlll'tor nnd nt'v..,y-elect· the conf..ro'rll't' ""- wnrf' ll one-piece ,....r;1c•n m&y be S 11 H Re t d "Today •t Is thr eorner Wll nluw, Pd prraidf'nt of the nr-Jtanizatlon, It wa11 ll~!·ertalnt'd that the 1~-"--., Ullcd whic h Is ,...movable for l tor· rna Omt~ S Ore PICture Window. bay wmrlu\1 ur Will p~atde ftU the fln·t t ime. Sam cltnatlon (of j(overnment offlclalll General Contractor ...... 301 Nariqold CORONA Telephon~ 222. .. DEL MAR ------------ MARINE -COM-P£N6AT.f ON • AUT(3M0StLE F"IRE • COMMERCIAL • PRIV A T E -EARt. w-. STANLEY ' OP ... O S I TE POS TO• I 1r l , 1:1Al90A I SLAND DONALD BEACH KIRBY A. I. A. .......... CONRAD SHOOk CONTRACT O R AND 8 UILD!.R CC ... PL£T( BU ll t.:>ING S £RVC!=E ••2 .,-.., ... , AVf p 0 ... ~ 2 0"1 InK or for ~·indt•w cleaning . A simi· to Importance of s tudio wtt\dow that lltreaml1.~'"8 ·a Kinafat.her, Newport Heights 18 l o ll't tht> work to lar~e concerns .. .,.~type of ll<'reen w1th a slld!n• house ,Into the 1941 •tyle, llhe plumbing c-ont ractor, to be pro· that are already equipped to handle w1c..tt throu•h which the cue· Colonial Area said. c ram chatrma n, Dmner ~111 be bi" Juba 11~dlly. For one thin•. tt ~ ..... r:-··.., ., .. ment h&n<lle may he reached aJ.ao , 11erved at $·30 o'clock. costs &II much to keep &n IMpector may -'"'~ whf'n special eate· Careful planrw•r coupled With 2.-Two rlost't~ In the muter At 1ls hut regular~g. the on tht'' job ,,, building one atnaU ment Opt'rnlln~e hnrdware t. ulled the advl\nN· rniHie In the develop· brdroont, even 1f you hli"' to cut IK)IIt•d 11f dlret t••rs vo~o mem-watPr craft 1111.1t dueR for a firm Queatlun Thr \HIIbt of our k tt · I ~htn are ,.,., •·r!'tl "1lh -.·hat At'rms . to be a thlu lny<'r of l!f"lllle l Wlllh t o repaint 1 hel<C' -.·a.JI.~ (;an J paml .. over the ~ro''"''' or sh••uld It ~ rt· moved! I A nAWt'r l'n1nt Will n(lt adh•·rl' tn 1 Jn'f'I!.M_..o,·o•taod WI\. II~ Rt'm"\ ,. thr &~"f r ... •nt thr surfse~ by "'·••h· ling with a "<•Iutton !IUC'h a:l l'••·•P , ~tnd ... ·atf.r 1•1 whll'h a ~mall Anwurit or amm"""' or oth•r g rrA!If' Nul· -~ .,....., lt~tfehl~ otr "tlh •IPar watt>r 11nd lllluw the wall!t 1 .. dry lwCore patnlt"f CICH•D 8U( I \I. t'A('IUTIF.S f:SIIANC f: ..t.ciC',\TIOS Amnng til• !1110!'1 lmptortllut ''"" j Rhl••rfttiUI\>' Ill t tw Sc>ll'l'llull ut II l '"'l~hborh .... ,t ""' lht• app••.tr:lll• •' 1 of n nrlghloo 11\o~otl and lh<' (llr'tll· I til'S olrti'MI l t ,.,., 111 ! 11!1'. :1•'1 o•rcl ang to Wf'tl 1<11 '"'" h11t1~tnJ: {IUtho•r '•tll'll ' ThPrt' Ill • \ lo, "!II' nrtj:hhnrh .. ,.•t l,uaa .. n.:' tht''' • h ,·l•'•l '' ht,.r•· fP'tt·n•t' i Of ~~ hw ,. fiw.ndll wttt1 • hll'llr<'n l h•• '''1'1•' nj:e nn•l """''' uh.\anle. t.ast." u.rurnth•n An•t A\'· t \4' at ann r••rr• '"I'""'{ 1( tht!" n• ..:h htorh"'od o f(, 1. 1 ho• !111m<' nt '"'·" h th•• !'••m~ IHh H\I.,Rt'1t a,_ uthr"'r~ lit, I -~ der roh.~td• ra t, .. n. at W11\lltl J'r• •I• 11bly he' wurlh \1 htl<' lot ""'''•'I tl on prC'Cerl'nCe t .. nn.•th••r whot h may I hR\'f' bH-~ r.lto•d :<h~athtly h1.:h••r l'IIAUE ftt t. IS IIF.LD m•nt of ll111lrtln~ matermls is re· the .comerl! .,fT"'t11 s:.-.t thtll. nnd 1 hf'l'!'lhtp . .I M. Mt~lrr. gencornl ron-bulld tng 10 or 12 l'Mlft. AI a OOft· ~ttorlng lh•• ~1111111 house to .the sheh·es lnslt•ntl of !1(1 man)• drnw. 1 1rnl'tur of Ct\!<tn Mr!t-.'1, and E. M. s••qu(•nt·e. mo11t uf the deft'nse work pl~tce ,.( ""l"•rlance It .•K'cupted r rs. \\'um"'' prefN" llht·lvl'll, !'he flurrt:o. &'lnd nnd griH't'l denier, of 1\:<'<l!:llt'd to llml\lll'r rnncerna wiU durlnJ: Cult'"''" Umea, Federal says. But •pat•e them at dtl!trent :'1/l'wpo.rt R<'Reh. I probably C•IOit' IJy. I!Ub-i'Ontract.a ~ng Adn\1111~ otneiAlt wldth.a tu take eare ur largl! and !rum thl' lnrJ:e rorporattoM. dedat•'{j ro•< r ntly. l!m&ll "bJe<'ts. RF.'D'f:('ORATIOS The trcp ~'t\1! mode by air, Mr. AI lha~ limo· neei!Uity and good 1 3 Wmdnw ,.1;,.11 ••r wmdow r:•·•·F.cT CORE~T lluwr hll\'111{: Sftt!nt one day In tn»J.s • umbtn•·d .10 prodw-e a type 1llhrh·.-s · at leRI't tl\'1' "" IJrs wide The< ,.ff··•·l on tht _home o"·ntr £•( \\',a><IHn~:ton. t"'" day!! In New ••t lln·htl•'• tun• which .. lUI bt>come on •ou th and •·u..~t w1n•luw11 to ae-hll\'tng th .. •nlrnor rtpamtNi r1r '"' k and "=ns hack In Newport an llltpoortlllll part of Amencan rurtvnndate plnnt11 .:Th••~<e ne.ver repaprrt'd 11< u~uully str1k1ng ,.,,,, ,, '''llhtn fl\'<' dny~ from the time he lrad tl"•n nn•l. • tallure. 1 f.ul to dehg ht .. The st••nl '".-ti-el· tht' !lllrfa,..e ('O\'I'Ted IS thAt nr th,• l"fi 1\tr H ubbard rematned In the t,IA S JIIII' ~o~Dt • at~ement wtndOWll t''"' b.-used. ~>nttre room. Ft·W modernt7..'1lllln 1-:a><l ff•r fur ther eof!!erences. ttM), all a window '!£Ill Jnhll are "" ciff~etl\'1' 10 ai(Sn~. Tlll' l'mi'll:'i'l!· .. ortlle BtytTjll,-4 A mo tto over the f1reptiee. and lmpm\'tng the ent 1re charactcr ,------------------------, •t•trc ltly h1111t It " ·coat home u an or a gay btl or D11t•·h I tic tn thl' uf " huwile. :~r• h•t••• lur .• ·l ''''"re on the A men· k1trhen. A sptre ,·,.h1no•t :alx1vl' t h,. Cnhlr r h01 ce 111 haghly lmroortnnt • ;lit "' ,.,,.. h.a.• l···<'n bro ught about s to\·e In rl'dPrnrallnJ: mlt:rt•lrl', ronal 1 ... 1 l:trt.:•· • '\I• •1t by the Cact that I Thf'' IAM)k r 1, ll\Jlll\' htghlv d<'sttahlt• eff.:•c:-t!< "'·"· tht• ~·11,\ "·" "•u•ted upnn m101· · ho• .. 'hta•nt>d. by 11 9ktllful dP~If::n~·~. 11111111 • ""'tr·. · "n reqUtrementJt ~ Thnu~:htrul 11""1:' Y••U Cll n The 1nexper1t>nred dP<"orator shuultl II. \\'. \Vrlght " 11Rt:PJ.ACP: WOOD, OOA-( AND CII..UCCO~C 1'71U N ~'" &~nrt~ul~vare l 'h n!t"_ 8.'\5..1 t~id~l"r"IWII\ ,a 111dR rd~ for low· d" "'lth w:tllpnpl'r. "\\'"ml'n prl'· lll'c>k nd\'1<'1.' whcre unrert.11n '"' j•rt• ••ft ho•n,..• •-well a~ for thl' f••r ~'111111 wallpapct hut th,•y low• lll'lc>•·tlon of i·olor11 IS often tr.t ('kv 1 llla.;lwr·prt~•o•d '"'''~. an oCflclal of h"n1''"' l:trl(t• ancl ~h"''~' one!', Hoon111 tha t 11r" , . .,Jd and bleak ;,. ,------:;~----------------. til .. •···do•f:t l If, ••lng Admlnlstra· j gnyly pnJ'ol'rr•~ •·lo~rt>< lind b<'autt· IIPfl<'Urlln•·t• should 1w .1:1\'t•n wnnn C 'I'::;~C)(')(, l t••n ii.lllo l l'lrn•-tnd S(M'Ciflt•ntions l ful n••lln~ll. \\nmt'nnhl ll\'~ Jonk at chrerful culcirN. and t>t10r select 11on 1 ' ~til' Tank -BaA~t r.rl' ll<'tn•• "'''''' •I out 811 CArefull." reth ll.I:R why, I dnn't kllt~w!" h I·' th lo. .JI-' l'hn ne ISS! PUMPING ,.. ·" 6 A h b k ere wou u me11n e nwtm """'.!>" ta•r htlll~•·· ,.: .. ·,•·g $3000 lUI they 1 · !lllfllnttor ""~ 111 thP 1\e hll\'o• n t:htlly r hnrnrtrr. I C s N H II\1'11\'A h·l\ •• ,, ,, •• been for tho!M' Yllrd, If ~·ou want lhr 11"1111" to be \\'ft llpnprr ('lllurs nre !ll~r to • • 0 age f•rt• ,.;1 nt 1 1;, "'"' hought up In a hurry 'Thtll wall llJO§L.Pf.J>l,!lllt. Q_c;!-_t~e,!,lltl ~!l~ W. lla!!!!l&~ &t,. ~ ~ •<f'Wirf' tlw• 'n•1~tenee UJIOft styf~ ~· • ftw ,..._..eat: «mcra. ~nmt' rult•!l pre\'nl).. "'ftnnm!! wlthi '"'' nra h1t••• t11r .t attractiveness rough t tmbt'r ""'1 11' r•'"" It wtll Southern exposy,H' should be 1;1\'en l -=...::..:..:.. •. ~ rwrami' r~TIIrtfl,'lf," an otnc"'r..._ ....-• ~tt...-''~•"1nnM 11 tmall rnnl light ettlnrs whtl~ wam1 :~.,__,....,_, _________ ..., ,, 1 hod, "luut.l• 1 ltko\·rred that an I ftrt'plnre on vnr end ( lllr women shado•s 11hulthJ be l l\'r n 111 ruum>< ant• ll•~:••nl '• ,. ., materials w as 1"''1' ~nrnmrr f!r 1"11h"u'""" Thu• 1111 the t'oul !ltdr of IIIP hr•11s.>. 1 ,, .. ,,. prol(IIHhl. II the long run. Idea Will work JUI<t 1\!1 \\I'll '" thC' ra.-r ·---•• Wiu Th••v fuun.l ,1 " ... no more <:Mtl" 1 . lcow-pnrt>d hnmel' as m the htgher-,.. -··· I'AINTr.\'0 _ DE<.'O&A.TINO · " ~ It ( 1 n "rht' ll!lt' M wallpap<'r RS a ftn· t .. IHulol 1111 ,, ••• ·t iv•, well-plan· pnc . nr,·er 8 111 Ill rl'mt'm· h f h p••• ... R ........ ,, •• .,. .... ~ be t be J' 111 1ng olr t e tnlertnr walls of the ,.. o:. ... , ........ "'"' h"lll•• tit.• nn unat tractl\'e ~· 1 ~nust .:';.~~ne< hOUII+' otrl'rll an unllmltt>d ranJrl' I n••. nncl th o1 the formtor Plad '· ' •rrors. ""~"1 "He<'lll can ""-h d b 'I M dt>cvralt\'e pt>RJ:tbtll ltt>s I ·• ma rktt.abthty of ..,..... 8 Y ll!ltng !lnlih mtrT\11"1'. ""'"Y 1111 "' ' 'Htiath•e and In· mtrrnnn~at by the mull~< 11n twtn \\'allpAJWr' run!' lhl' ~amut from BURTON A. J. lhl' latl••r J'J, •, b th• ~ft•truc· WllldiiWll. nurrorf'd fl••>r~. mtrror· fnrnwl hflnd prllltl'd .'O<rnw type~j i D&."'IIL4BI.J: t·na •n:WJ: C•'lllllly ''"'1' ' Y ~ ,·v•~ thi• I'd sht>ln•s 1n 11 Jrl'~.-tng room pnd tc• !lmsll ftgurp papers suitable for I • ll"n tntlu't" .,.. punn1 ng ~ 1 1 R n >tt a11e bt>drnnm. 1' Rtulcll'l'!'l ,.f '"" homr10 "111 f1111l , •llr!l<' h.,1 1.,. 1\ credit to tht' " a rgc m rror '"'f'r lho• lll\'&tnry T t 1 t 1 d 11 Always pii'I\M'l'. Mtrn•rl< neatt An hl'rc> art> no ha m And fast 1 111 \'l:<n 1 " 1' '•'t ""' " " •ma t•ulltlin.: and ,, ·, ,J t rade!!." rulr .. f r •h d !<11111 of ,.,,,"'' !11r ""•"''-l r•'''" 111111 lll)f1re.~'"" of !<piH'e and n hugl' ont · " t •>ri:OIIIJ papl'rs. an Ill· ~hnthb~·. l.a •.d plan11111~ t"'<f>frl~ f 'll4. lnn•·w. .... 6Y.d.WUty 1n alh·in~ rn<•m te\'t'n thuuJ.!h cO/It· t~-r.··~tu~ r~rrts ttre nbtainNi ..,,..lin . 4s0 x~ .. alvd C'O!'T A ME~.& :<:1v . Ttw FIL\ ~ ~1, •lest contribution ly l Will p11y a dl\'tde.nd thr••u~o:h or··~"'"' 11~cs Wa!~hahiP j-1 wu ~11,.,., ,1,,! th:ll tlw '"'""' wnllpnp<'rll hnYr rto'l'ntly hrl'n add·,:---------------. "~ hlll' ,,,.,." tn II ,~;,. home ownmt I'd t t d 1'<1 , Th .. wnrr I" In ' r•o•puttlblr IIUI'<o't\ o\ull.ohh• t ... td.lti!Onlll thou.,.ndll l'k~PF.RITY 1"0& JI()('1'111.A!VD " mure. !I an :l :'rlJell. <'!II' IIHIIl !HII1 r;o•l•. • ,1 t\'t•t• n ( ,1 'hnrol \' ....,. l'htlUid not bfo <1\'•rltlliktd Ill dt•Ctd· lnn••·H,·r••1 ,.,, .. , 1 ,. "1111 h "111 .. tt.t :r • tlll~•·ns '' '•· 1nlght not ha\'t' Tht •ndulllrtnl f11t ur" pf !ii(IUihl'm lng nn ~he w.tll f•n•sh. .. ---------------------------~----------------~ .. h•·••Jt ""''' '" ,• rd 'more •xpen· CaltfnMlll\ 1:< hc>rl' tu ""'" dc>r lnrc>d c· 1 r n nd lf 1 11 n.orm11nc•nt '.till!' to• tlw 1'~'•'1'''' t \' · 11 " "" rn \\'!I pnprr mn~:. ,.. •11"1• ho>tlll'·(tl "' ;: ll)'lltemll whleh Or F.lmcr S Nt•l""" ••ne·llnt<' ht liMo) to •'lll'PII~>nl Tlcl\'antRJ;e to v-_....d Sh--1 u-•alWOI'L-__ 1i .... T~h ... ( .... '-f·,'."'._.· •. " ... " .... r .. ~.';·.:,·;;~,:,·~:.:_·:. ~ l'r"' r11l•••l ·1,,.,., I'JU88..1e of tht "'·onom•e ndn!'l'r t•• l'l:Cfldeut ...,...._.."'" t·olor 'lll"hrmr-nr t~ r.1nm. ~ ....... ~. __ .....,._ &!AVA .. "\.tltl"nolll•tll' r.:. rtcl. Good hOUS· r)(l(tr••w \\'tt:o .. n. whn addre11~('(! :<rtw•• ~"•'''"-"'Ill •~'l•tN< .trf• w•uall\' l•'lll'l\' lll)llr!KI 11\' lilt• ftr.H "11111 •'I · '-S t \ I I I tl: k • h al S ''" the F it\ It .nail!~. ra n .,.. 811 a 1 1H1 •1••n~t r II • ·'~' "'"" "''"'0111•'4 1n """ p:t"'t'. T h11 drap-1 A Comp .. lete s eet M·et eiVl'ce ..... l'h>rlll, Pr 'I ...... h··~e "'••ts \\Ill Th I ( ( h • ... I'''~"" •'" ''"" 1, the combillJltion e r '"' r.·n~<on ••r t 11-C'Pll· ,.,.,.~ c·nn -'ric un '''"' shAd!'. the> , ''"'~ tQ thl' •urtll• r ami •n;ur• • ,.. ,. •I 1-:•'!'<1 aralu t•. t .re, -ll·t~eleded "'"~to<' ''"'"T•••nl. [lr · ••1-.ttn 111111!. uphnl!ltery nnnthtl'. smnll llt'l ob-I - -. .n....•-• .., __ , ............... Ill \\ Ill< ••r w111 •l••j: ~"''"'''' lllh'• th t th I" ..... ~-... -....--. 'llfll•'rtlll!" ..... h· I . >It bulldlllg . "'11" R Ill {' rr··~·"·t \\'!>r .. C't'l• Jl't.'·-nnn h~.·. I -.....__ ,1 1.., _..... ·te " :O:t'\me hardy t:•'•':t llt'C' n11tll rnrt' s, .,. ..--_ ·-~ll<, ~ •utht'I;'Tl t'ahf.,rn1.1 IIC •(llnJ' Jn f:t'nPrlll, \\ ht>~ th~ nn..,.r 1~ lttw ·hrnnrhc-d "r •ll><t d··n~.· ,h.11t.• •11 .... L'l'" ... , ••. .,...,.... to ha,·· th <YY"•at t 1 f ,...,_ " -• .. .,. "rr-.• ' e ,. .. -•n II'< II war· fllfUI"t'tl. the c2ra~rtt'!' should bt' llnal. if u:o~rd 'h•'lll<l 11 " plol• '''1 ~&\TIOK':o. "f'l.l ,'llf; ltmr bul'tnr:<.~ tha t I'll lit" tn f\('tf'ott plnan "Kcrt7.<,n\J\1 hnt'l' Ill t hP n~nt'r "hrr,• th,.)' """ .,,, tnl••rf•ll' '"th d 1 "' th 1 t , ... ,. Tht• """'"UI• '• nf hom~mort· urn.. " n.. Jtr••:~t 1 ••nfltrt mn.v hi' C'Qn tnur•l n<'rn:<.~ a w1ndo"" lA\\ n:o, drWI'WII\':t ·•1111 \\ II(~ "\\'ll th ~ t~ !::'11:.1' 11"1111~ h I• , profound ~ffK-t " l'r • "11 .,. ru C'nhfomiR h~· ,h,., Ul'l' of "•'lJ'ed mntertRI. .. n th1' flllllll• t1 .. lruc;ture of tht rc>8 hu s 11 nr nto~ hi~ .clf'<'la N'd If fht' p.'l~r pllllf'rn ~~ o: ln,•r· ll'! ·~·u_T \.\'~\U.J• '""'"ry ac ... ,,l ,~,to buiktlnclead-"thr n>st of IJ'II' nnt~o•n knl"wa that mf'diAN !II~. It Wlll lulp a,..ur<l In monnj! mn<.htn.-t~· ta o 11 """ "rs IHI!l ~ll i\ .-f 11ala. t hr Snuthland Ill 11~':-l m.-d .O b>-I Rl&l) fu~tiiT<t .o a 'W n'l(lm A bUI~ Ill Gntll<')'" Dotal \\'nrk.t!., ./ m••• t!I"IC"·I• nltfn« ·~tlftttftt co~ ll gn.at mdu.tnAJ "'"·" IIC't'nl(' panofRma nn n onr wall rt:l6 Balboa Sll'l•t'l \.lol!lo.l '"'''""· ·"•'. >~rn···l •• ., , •. IIC'cnrdal)(le)V.i th , ~111 jri\'(' ..!..""'m dC'poh "' TRY .lt\J:!n OridttY N'•'•'nny sutr,•rt'd a ~uutf pnnclplil$ ancl-prac\acea.._ !~80~0 Bo.~mnt::n:! -tonnal -pattPrn wtth tr <"'~.~~tn -·- pntnf\ll Injury whc>n a hC' "'Y lll.hl' lht•y ran ,·,ntllbtii P m!lteria~. to Dnn Ptdt'l"''f'l'\ <'f \'lktng 's Ji'ort. t ure V.'lll roncnl Rn unevrn "''Jill It'll r>Q hla' hand Rt'rll'a~l" manj,l· lht' •·•'•'"'"'ll•" nl'<1 financial we_l ,1'09 Sta te Ht~h"'"Y hA!l AeaJI"f'd Drop ce1h 0$:11. wht'rt thP Ct'lling hnl{ It: :\\;hilt: llltll 111 :l J'Ait• "I fllrr nf the \'•Ill: tn It wii"'atated. l'I'M1'it to build R S.1nll •tueco ad . J'll'f'C'r I!! bn.,UJ:ht down nn the·s·~ f('lr1dttion. tht' lllj•tr·~: nwml r Ill I Thnf . horne • ,, :'1t-rwhtp, and a dltJo'trTclhl!! rrl'llf\nt hnnttthtp. Otey wall •" II molchng or border. im· ~~~~~liliiliiililiiilililllllliiliill•lllli•iiliilililiill_ ...... _t· •. o.....,.c~-..~o:':.._===;tltif~~mP;;;,;,;~;;-:"·'l\ll .;..~~~. .. u ......... ~t-Ln.o.·e.· •t.a.ble e<'\)1\<o·~A._:..,., all .aridT._.:_J ... ~~l~.h-"!.t.J )}e...qm~ ~ .. IAt,APJ!I.I'mt.Jm~tS.klM..al ...... ·-·•• .. .~,---=r·~omc''i\' .. "'~·-~·r·~ ·~···· n c ... ~e a room whtch Ill ..00 talr. )\ ._ ____________ _.{ • j , ··' ~ . . \ • . .. , ) Thunday, Feb¢ary 20, 1941 "" ~ ,... ... ~ ;_ 1-, ..: l'l I~ ~ j "'-• f. . -..... L.. ---- Peffflits-fsstJed F o.r ~-j ..... ~~:w.huw~~?~~~~,:t&~-He,~~~-:a~*!n. r· ht N H I lip (.'a rr.·ll. :!Oo Mllrln~ ll\f~n\le. tlg ew •. ames I Bn ll~'" h<l:ln•l. butld ~tor.-building I and ll••moll~h old 11trur tuN', J)fr Alre d th S Month l'.,nr·rul Sh•wtk, $8000. . a Y-. I Ft•h. ;, IJctn Ped~rl'l<ln, rsturco ad- drt '"" t .. pn•st>nl boll! 11hop at !lOP ICrecUon of eight nl'w hom .. ,. at I ~llllt' llrghw~ty. JM'r 0t4"y llnd Me- an exJ)endtture of $26,000 was lhl.' t 'ull••.:h, S.J/141. • .. enviable n>t.'Ord lito! up by ~ .. w. F..t1 tfl, Hl'r'tha Bowu11, SAnta port Harbor dilltnct durrntr th•• \1111. 1111llotoun to bath and Mrvlce flrlt 18 dayll of the t•u rrl'nt nwnth l••ro h a t !Ill F. Hay avenue. Bal· reporta Bulldtng lnspe•·tor A. ~-• 1"1" (k r <ll•·y nnd Mt•C'ullnt•h, $260. Nel10n _ ----~~ 1-'.-h· 1-4l,-Fh•l'o"ftt'f" C . W.I)Ol:.y·,-a.cklL~- 1 ~-... 1-loll r ... ~ ~ 1- ' ~ NEWPORT·~LHOA PRESS ... • .... ,... Simplicity h--Keynote of Th1's ·small #ome Design . ... ' .... ~e~,;THE PAINT SHOP , . rOH r STIMAH 'l' c)N })A I N'·f'JI~ C. , l 1! t ·~ , I ~ ·\: I I It c·~ P"o•e 8 47 L (' Hlll'Y I'•· 1 I I,' l 'o!lt ;;, J~;,.,.1,,1,1 WHATI ONLY ONE KEY? Nn necfd t•• IJ..· , ,,._,,,,1, ,11 , ~'" ••', n . lh , ,1 r.,. tht• •• .,. 18t•n··~ ttf \ftftl\' Plh l t t \, :11 \ ) 1\1 t\1 1 1, (lit "''U or thr .. .-lt .. ul\ I •I.. • 1d 1' -.. "' tlu n ;t •phr,.te. and w• du" tu~~:.ht '" I • 1 ••.u "''"··t• ~httt• ''"• '' •t IIAHUI.U I .. IOII,So'. (,,.•J,,uuth lilt l..al&.)f'llf' !'ol , llt•l""'ll !:4 n•1tl '!II u11 llor 1'-r L---=~---- ...... Jn add1Uon to the nl'w rt>sld~ncl'.s,l ••"''" Knl1 'hnth tn ~JQJL-------'"-----work w•• begun on an 581)00 don• •I 21lA lr~~"H'·-'~ot'Of'..,.-411~-­~ulldlnc. 18 otht>r prrmtls fur al I· t or l"'r uwnt'r . $150 teraUoM. repatrs, additJnn!' end 1-'•·h 111 Thull G Ptll:.bury, LA· aundry coMtrucllun hrtni(Hl l( th.· ,:un.o B••u,·h, cml'·:llury, Adohu February to tal t~$40,920. a fog -lr·u k tlw••llrng nt 724 Poppy &\'1'· ure which UJ '$14,1175 grea ll'r than '"''' {'ootoonH fl•·l Mar, pt'r o wner. that recorded ,'durrng the ftrst I I' ~:!•• 101 daya of January. llllU!mt~<·h tL" ht"t Jo"•·lo 1 1. Reymonc1 G. Millf'r, LA· month •aw a <'9J'Illt ructton prusrram i:'"'" H<•:ll'h, ont'·lltnry, • J>er Cf'nt greatf'r than that .,f ~t•w•·•• clw••ll1n,:: und gerege, 3 18 January a year agc1, 1-'t>l>m:II'Y ~I •n~:••ld. l'ttr;lnA dl'l Ma r, per ~vea IndicatiOn of fer lmtdt!ll>IIU'· "1\'rwr. $:liH\cl. ,.,. previoua wmter records . _ J.;-b, 1:: .. Mn~. Churles Htll. tw~- ~1 .. 1 \', 6-r<WIIIl J<lU(TII dWt'lhng And Jtlr;hl ' t'IW Jlolllft nttRCh{•d. ~~ of the ent ire. H11rbtlr areA. n :oy ll\'f•r1uP, p~r Mr. and Mrs. R. 0 . Rt>a, 2~R "'"'· SIO.kl Poppy avenul', art> burldmg " unl'· I Ft·h.-1:1. I>H\'od fl. H~>ylf'r. two- ator)', 6-room lltUt'l'll d~·01lhng and ''"'Ill hcltJathm ""d lllt4"nttonl! tn two-car garage al 1111 exr•'ntlotlln' d\\'rllrnt.: nt lillfl N. Bay Front, Bill· of 14500. R. Donald Hull tH'mg th•• I•··• l~land, Jll'r ~ ... H. Mc FarlAnd. co t~c~ chargl'. At 30~ Murl : (,~jQO ----~1--....::;...:,:::::.-L"~~~~rr.:.;::..-;..:.;~7::T---- I Oid avenue IB the new 4-room F••h t:l, Mnl Murtf'l ReiiJ(an, lot, ~.111 13600 res1dencp lwtng htull '"' 4·:r. C'arru'lllun. Altt•nttlfln!l and l't!· 1,1111 bt• 1111111 \\:lh :t nu1111ual Mrs. George Le~·tll hy ~ht>rmnn F. p.llp < tu dwPihn,::, per Gf'O H Me- Salter, Costa J.feM contractor. A ....... l •• ntl J:.>ro11 double garAge Is rnt·ludPd on lh<' F ..t1 1:1. Alfr•'<J H H nnd. Los An- job. ..:•·1• "· I•Hof •lvt•rd .. •·k and ~nclo~~e. Raymond G. MtiiPr nf LotKuna :!u; \'r.c K••run, Lido IIIII', ~r own- Frantz o, .•. ;l.-~~-4t ... c.i~,·;~~;~~: .. l·)~~;;~··---.. A•UIIert ... Apet 80HIAGE I AK'KS OU)(X)UlN\' PAIN~ FOR BUlLDING INFOHM A'J'IO N" SEE Bay District Lumber Co. _NUY.£QR'L.B.LACJL_ fJliiTA'R HIGHWAY At 1'111• ArchH ' Beach Ill butldtng e nnc>-stnry fnur-• r S lf,ol duwn J•.&\uu··•t unrlt•r prl'a \'Btlin~ 1111'1 hoHI:< uf ftnap•·· tng. Th•• nu•lllhly pnynwnL< un a $1:!•~1 Juan wuuld ~ it(lp;OXIIII.IIo•ly t.:\1 62 t•a rh I Auy •;( tlw t'untrart.,r~ whul<to :11b ·IJ'f"•a r 111 lh•• Pr(•J<s "til I"• pl,·a~Pfl I" doll· C'IISS t h•~ plan ancl •lth•·• plans w1t h J•r•'"l"'''t rw· h ullll' ~···· 353 . . ·-·-········-·· .. -·--·-···-· ........ _ room atucco dwelling and l!&r8J!t' Ft•h 11 J OH·k A lhr1,::ht. 322 Mar at 318 Mart«old Rt a r nlll of $:lll00, II•· a\f'nu ... ml'lKI nl'nn l!tgn. pt"r and Thomail C. Pillsbury, alllo of l '••w••ll :-.;, • .,,. Sagn rtlntpnny, $1 75 La«una Beach, ts buoldmg a S2flUH F..tl ·1:1. H. H R"jotc"r!l, ~1 111 Club· brick dwelling at 124 Pnppy an•· h••W«· R\'t'nuP, ndd ftl1f' room and nue. Robert \r. Brn!ll" of Hunting-::.trn,~:l' tu prest•nt dwf'lhng, per ton Park 111 bu1ldtng a thrt>P·rll<•m ••Wtwr, $r,oo .bu1ldE'nl Jo' L 0 (I H I' LA;\; dWelling at 228 Haul drl\·e et e 1 Ft'tl 1:1. GrPJ!I(ll Artl>~tlc Hornell, COIIIt of 111500. Gl<•ndal4". h nl'·!ltory, 5-room dwell· Blly U\'{'IIUE', J{l nutiHl!, l'<'l Bln•·k· I huus•· "''''lltu•. per KlrlNfalh•·r H11lboa 1111Rnd. per owner,' $4000. Jo'eb. 1r-.. u-,,11 Yall.', 122 Curnl, I•~ .Jntlt•. rwr K!n•falher All-Around ('hecking For Small DPf~ts · N-blaftd Rftlld4"nl~ l 'nt.: ~<nd ~:nra~:_l', 106 Jade' avemu•. b.-erd. I Ft·lt 17. l:rt•fuc'il ArUatw Uullll'll, Included In the eight, are two l F'Pb. 15, J ame11 J . Muetard, one· 48 outll'lR ~r Tnpp. Ft·b 17. A. J .._'J'wlat, 11~:16 Ocean ~OOOhomtl ea. at ~~~t lsla~d.1,_: story f:;-me. gadr111.rMe at ·121 Hello-Feb. 11• A. a. R wtumls.•n. 21 o Bl\ 11 . (lf'r Kln:<fathf't. ,,,,.'"',.k''!~ •• ~~~~1111. ct'~" 11 "'11l':f'r!::. ~ -.-e-room lluuc ure • uv tr<>pl', .. urona l' ar. J)fr owner, Marrn'-' R\'Pntu•. p t·r F.ldn'•l~1. Ft•lo 17, Mr". C h11 rlu Htll, 1:'>00 " Jade avenuf', whirh '" hl'tng bruit ' $kilO. Jo'(.'t:) lk. A M Hothl{ary, 21 111 ~lllnmnr. rwr Kln•rnlhf'r. p rl'llld•nt nf Mndl'm Matf'rlniiO, by Gregg'll' Artistic H omes of F eb. Ji, Mr. an~ Mr11. R. 0 . R~A. Serrann.· addltronnl wtrmg, per J-',.1._ 11,, 11 S. 1111,1 J , M. Paynl', t nr . whult·K>olt•rll for J nhmc M•d• Glendalf'. and a two·story five-• 2_. Poppy rcvt>nue. Corona dt'l Hlal·ktw·urd. , :.!2 l :1t1ul Mtrt•t•t. rwr 1-: J . Allt>n ,.,11 ... r~nuru1,o hnme nwn.-NJ lhttl room dwelling end duuhlt> ~:arngt-I Mllr, nne-~tury, 5-r(Htnl l!tuc-cn • .-.,11. H•. • Martt•• Ubuna. 203 llwr,. II< "" I Inti' hkt> th4" prf'J<<'nt at 114 Jad~ ll\'('lllll', whu h th!' "\\•'llrn~> 11nd two-car "llrn<>e, rwor I'Ll':\IIUSCO Pr:Jl~ L • II f••r 11 '""'"""h re<'unchlonntn" .. t ' ' 1 • ... ,.. " •-' 1-:uu•t 111<1. pt·r .,. J \ ""· ' _ .... .. Holden Corutructinn rnmpa ny IS I R O.mald Hltll, 14500. Ff'b 111, R. s. Foger. 6l:ll 1 S\·a·' ~, rrt<t l11'nrl' Jlr"Jit'rly, building for MM!. Hu!Cton 0 . tf:l· F'l'b. 11. Folltl'r Bryant. altera· shnrt•. 1,. r R•ay S hllff'r ('IT\' fit' :'1/P:WI'fiiCT IIF.ACH, ''Hprm g "' an n r·l·ll••nt tlmf' oof rer at An' eXp4'ndrturP o( S:l500. t'""" lot flwt>lllng llf 61:1 CarpAilOII Frh Ill ·'1rs . \\'ttOd, ~·~· ICed-11·\·t :AK HI'II.JUSCi IUI:OQIID Y"•r rnr "" IIIIIIUftll·h····kup "' ""' A two-lltory .o~ix-room sjuccn res-a\'t'lliiP <'•rrun:r dt>l Mar. pt'r R land!<. l"'r ~htJf•'r. I HO:Ifl • :148 1782 0401 huww Andt-nlwl ""'tl "i'"e"'' I""' lelence and thrf'e·car J::IL'l.l:l' .s Ito•· l >o•nttl<l llrtll. H l)(l. I ,.-,.Jo 1•1 ~AIIIR \\'alkPr, 116 :.!7th l!''tl • 3!11 ~.344 pl4" n·ullzP th,. '"'l"lrlBII<'I' "' " lng built at 1:>00 Mirama r dri\'~, 1-'Ph l i . ~~~ <:c"•rRe C. IAwt:<. ,otn•••l 1.,.1 Shntt-r. , 111::2 • :107 :zt7,8~ "Yill••mRUr ""'llJ: """r uf a dwi'U Balboa. by Mr!l. Chari<',; Hrll ht I"'"'""'"'\', 4-ruonl tlwPIItn~r And t8x I ....... 1 j Mr ~tnd Mr!>, R () flt•n, 11<:1:1 • 2!):1 238.!H9 lllJ.: Rlld Parlv • •orn•.-1 IIIII uf JUlY r a C08t of $0500. Indn <?eorge Cor· 1 :!•1 .r.:nr:oi(P al :104 Mnrrgnld 11\'f'ntlf'. :!4/t l'oopp\· ('l'r R. Uunaltl I lull 1934 21fl! 236,074 t)IJTitll ur WPIIkll•''"''" lfl c•urutlru• don (s thf' COntr&rtOt. r·,,l oon•t "<l..t :\tAr. !'l'r ~herman f:l' F t•h 17 \\' .1 BuyiP. Jr. :-.;,, :1 JU:ll'l • 41\'J 4117,4411 loun 1 ~lnr Pro~.. !":olt•·r. J :lrt•lll I Jia.)' L'IJ;uhl rwr s;., .. nm.•f.tthrr--1!r.!e • !'>Z:t 7~.081! "Jlff'il ,. lfljl ''"" lhinl{,. I!IHIV ' Newport •••ell ............................... 0 ............... ~ ... . Loti and Homes . m AiiWPOR'I' BEACH • I , For .Good 13uys Worth the Money SEE • Licensed Real-Estate Broker • -'. -'I .....,, 1lt, 1't1'l'ffinn Pmkt•. Ann· 1 Frio J';, wn·, A 1-\ork 1::0 1 w. I 1!1:!7 !'>6:1 908.090 and' ~'"krn.: n•·• •·l<Mtcry ro·aatra," lw Sizable proJe<·L~. whwh l'l'':ill" h•·•m. r_l'·rnCJf dwt'lllnjit Ill 2508 Bay It\''''"'''· 1,..r Ko n.~f><th••r 1!138 5~ 1111,8:17 , . .,n•·h11lc·•l. "h"""''" • our bfo kf'pt "' approximllte ~wellings In scope, ~~,·:ln in·rnut>,JWr U11rne11 Rt>Ofrng·1 F••h 17 l'h.os J l'.looo nlwrg, 21:1 1 11139 :'\42 IWI1,74!\ "'"'"llc·nt '"'"111'''11 rr.r V4"ANI ""'1 (~~~~~~~(~ ~~~~j~~ ~~~~~~l~~r,( Include a two·room eddttlon an~ ,.,. 1611 1 :!lith l'lrt·d rwr K,,,.1,,u1,.1 l!r40 . r16Q 1,1110,122 v""~ wtlh t.ut 111111' ••1RI Hn" 1 ~~f'~~~o;s 8~~ ~hi' H~,·~ ~~~~ ... ~:~. 111~:1';: ' <I:.:::~· : ~.uL .. \,::~Ir ,!~.~ ~~~;: ,.,~ .. :~ I ~ .. ;' 1<'.,,~;,:·~~::~;··· i t l Itt• I· .!:::. ";; 1 ... ,.. $ 62.1140 I ;·.~";;I '.'".~:~;:!:, .. :~··~;·· .t~~ •. ~· r~~n"~11111~:·:: l J J I • I • I J boa Ill lend. whil·h will t'O!It tn the l"'r ~" nla i\ "" !'/(.•on l'ltjln Co., SOO. 'I Jo't•h li, H )f Hotgf'r<. ~UI Club ~'rb. 2j $ C0,920 1 lhc·y 1 1111~•· 1 uMll~ dlllul\1(1'. •• • • • ••• t tt • • • • ••••••++++••••~•~·: .. :,~~~'>.,_~,.~••• nelghborhond nf S2~. Fl,rl'nrl' C;~ V••lo I!' \\' F . ~tr>phrn,., hulld - Wooley, 219 ln!l "''<'lllll', Corona ~··n·1,.,. ,.,tatum ttffu·r. 12x24 fh•l . ~1 Mllr, lio buftthng nn f•'Ct ra ll•·tl· •nd tl•·ll rttlol<h uld hurlttrn..: ut R03 rpom and bath Ill n rust of ~7j0 l'•m~t huuh·,·nrd. p<>r owner. S250, and William A Krrk •~ tHirttn~ a I three~room· $1000 a pnrtniPnt u\·•·r I t:I.E('l'KH ,\1. I'EK:\IIT~ Ill• f &rage at t':!ru W. Rny fi\'1'1111P l-'•·11 ll, ~:ct Hnlml>••rJ:. 41 I Helin· At thf' Bf'rthA Bnwrrs' hlllll<' t roop••, s uulll'!.~. p4'r Rl:u ·kbenrd , CHECK YOUR HOUSE NOW FOR NEEDED REPAIRS Ill E. Ray 11\'Pntr(•, n hnth anll I-'• h R, 1' H R<•t.'d. :Ill'! lllrf'l't eerv. Ice pouh ill hl'lllJ!' ndrll'cl a t n _;u~-la·u. hjol mo"•'"'-~~'Ir~ -·--- aiM 'dt" 'M!''Alrtfnin,J< '1lniV~1 · l':h ''lf. ~""'~t '"'ffaroor Y~ti-li ~ UM.~aL._.r..-~-1rfnti. w-~1 tVfft . 1T ~· lnt; rnad~ at thr Murlt'l R rnl!nn ·, t~ 1,..1 Hl.t• kllt'arrl f'ellidencl', 4:1!1 (':>rnaltnn, ('.,rnn:l F..t1 6 \\'m ~1.cXWPII, !j26 W tel M11r. a nd A rr ... f n\'rrcl•·•·k • '"I· 1~ 1 ,. >ttltlot •••n ;w1l1 hc-!t, p4'r lllnr k· 1n1 J150. 111 rn 1'1\llrl'l' nf rnn~<lrtw.-lw.trtl tlon at thf' Alfred H. H nnd dw,JI-F··h 7 f >r 11 c; Hflffllf'ln. 120 1~1 20'1 VtA Knr,n. Lodn f,:lr \\' P.u:-·. :1 nirtlt>llf. !'('r T n pp A framj! gar'\J!'P IS h<'tnJ: hurl! Vrh s. Fr~,nk R1drllo•: 1;61'10 ~tAt!' 'lly JA"!'tl., J Mu11tnrl1. 721 ll••hu-• llo).:h" <•V. I( nutlpLq, pt'r Black· lroPf', At n co.~t nf $'1~. whol" I~ 1,,. 1111 · R. Rog4"rll i!l Prrrtrn,~: a I?:H:tJ:r. F••h. k. H. M Rntrsl'l'f,t. 1:15 and extr11 room At hi!' h"lllf' rr"J'I· T nJ•:t7., 10 mrliPt.~. prr Blnf'k lx'ard erty. 5HI Chthhmtl<t' U\'1'11,11' al "" F••l), ~. l$lob ('alhll, 227 20th expendllurt' of t.')O(I R ll~tnal<l ''r••t•l, )II ••llllt>lll. ·(l"r Bl!u khl'~d! Hall. Corona dt>l MAr ronl r:lf'l"r F••h 111. Adrran Tlllot.~on, 209 has hePn ena-agPI1 hy F••ilt••r Br,·· t '.,ml. pufl ho'l, p4'r Bllu•k bl'ard. ant or -BAlboa lslanl1 In mak•· S1(l.t 1-'•·h 1:1. ('hnt v Bllnhnm, 214rl 61t.ratlons • on rr1ldrnre prnpPrty 1 .,11,.11 Ul\'11., 21 11utl<>lR, per Blac k · at 113 CArnation A\'t'ntrr. hf'nrrl I ~-.. b. 1:\, NW:W rot.'NTI:K FACII.IT~~. ~Jc'No n Ul,·d Kerb' .J. Sh('nrPr of Sht>llrrr'll Li·' ht•,.rll 4UOl' -At.orAI. .luhn ~·. Vugl'l, 1~58 "'"' oUUI'I, per Bltu::k -.. ~. •lboll .. 111 thil' "'""k nfldll J: n•·"· eaunter 11nd hnttlr st"'raJ:•' fa• tl r· u ... Three-ply ,.~lltf'r 1~ 111•1n~ ''~"" . F•~lt 1:: .. E ~ I 'unnrnJhAm, 1()1')() 1Qr llltlennr at liM rmlnt l'l>' wlur h , ~ ! .. ,~· ~ '''"c aevtll ••utletll. ptr 'Will bot n mstu£1 With M:t!'<lllltl' Hln• klw:tnl ·~· I F tlh r.. J)• .r' P... Jtlr ("ny, W • .. ·~-------...:·.-----.., ~· .. ~ ·--------------~--~---'- .l C4fl>ets, Rugs· and Upholstering · CLEA--ED .DI'twtrat .... : N•·Y.' Y.:t lllmr>•• a111l ntltPf •II t·•~vt•rtn~" ph .. ~t· n t),.: t ••lln l't.t.tn..: q w,r,-;, MfSllfM~ Hll(f tHh-f'l "''""'t"'ilf .. rlfi'Y.' 1 .rdwllrr_ .. IINIUII. ltWII·'••: •'•"~>'' ~oh .. h·"' • 1t11· •·ht, r l•-tJ:-. lltl o•r•••• Tf>J''' 11'11 ....._.....,.:-:-;·~ '"'"'''""' ""'1 h!l • ''''""· n~, plrrh ur gnntJC• """ "' • ... n.,.nt tt••nl • .._...fl, Hf'llitnt.: """'"rl117.111l.t l>ll<h · 1 ~•m. kltl h"ll l»un•ll;, "' t..ry, ""W Ill~< "a'~'' 11 r•t11n •. ERICHSDI ·Contractor ·305 Palm Ave. Telephone 132 ---- .. .. ' ,I Page Four £niatement C 'Mary P. Cunt . ' .Revealed At \ Loula ~··t. RuUI Uvtqaor tnao: &Dd Uw ...... Anita f •lt•ln and Mrs. all ol P\&lleltoc -.TID ... ·~ c ~---~.L.. ~-., nlllrlnc tM comlne race11 lin' auc:· u umh11m • F'..~.rel, thll! t'Oiumn rt>prlnta an "'"' proverb • "Uelp thy brutiM-r'a "boat .u rol'l!. and lo! lhtne own hall Uoned ott to thf' hll(hut ~r. '11\en are lonr aholA and ta...nt.. Odda crow 1ntere11t1nc. A pool &a c,_ttd tor each race and wtnner take all. Fun LAr.:e~<t o·omr~tlt ll•n 1n ni•Y ri\<'P u• Tt'&ched th•• sht•rf'." uauall;v-U..._ S'"fw \ AC'IrT II ARBOR IIF.AJUSO JU'd early th'-moman~r Cullowed I ~altA. Thf're arf' puMibly mure ='lew ~trguml'nll!. Cur and acalnat '' •ven Albauoea lind Ill! many , ~nljlf'll 111 the woori<J lllKil nny uth-, JII'"IW•KI'<I ,.,111111nll'l~oon vf a 110 .• ~-Stan &de }h" tr1p by ••r IIIW d n:<S of ~t~t llb<•nt . lh•· _nulll· 1•••.000 •a1 ht h.-ubor nt Playa del t.ratJer. Snl~ and PC11 have ~~~ l){ot-r"~:u•tut'd 111 lht> I 'n1l.t-d Stu I•,. 1, } d h ~tely to the ~rene ot the burning veMel, .but up.1n a rrival found at a total lou. i ,.., •. were g1ven 1n 11 J>eC<>n ear· le&Y1n« by land or by llt'a ~ nt'e upprv18<'hlng _i :KMI, Numlwr 41:,o "' 111" b.· fort• lh<> l,.,ll A ngelel! rounty Harbor Power Squad One df ~veo on Pacific Coast 8u'*Y. The tint ran• wu ~hcd· "lllpp•·r Ill tiWIIed 1111d llflllnl hy 1 d ( t dJl uW tor 1:30 o'clock and ra.c.lng f'lul t;r•'i'n•; ~·~~.r rl Sllp;'f\'l,;tln<, ye~ er y. conUD~ throuih 8undAoy. IIJltiO· "()I r . Ill" Is brand n .. w. f-lnttnt'llll-: ''' lht> harbor •• p~ I Y ·ht PP" 1~·.'<4'<1 thruu..:h etlher federal grant. eot'e4 by the. Loti Angf' ,.,. lit 111111~'<1 ~nturdnv, )\nd l'•'llri'So•nll< b d t 1 rt ca.. w1Ul \be Calltornta Yacht dub • th.,.flniP/!1 10ntl hf';t In t4nlllf'll :;;h .. 1'r Y Itt'!' lllC upon pruJM'_ Y ......_t. b 1 b \' 1 f , _ A .. wnerro tn th~ d111tr1ct aurruund1ng One ot the llnrbur dtl!trlc:l 'l m03t noteworthy ur.:~tmz.ations la the United Slates l'~·er Squadron , an a&IIOCiaUon or yal'hlllmen. fi•her· men and olhtr J')t'MIOna antere1ted In bo&tang, and dedtcated to ealab· ll,.hine a hi&h•·r standard ot •kill llf the handlin~ and nAvigation ot U ,_ "''"" 111 I y Arlt \'1\)' fl ..,,11 n h C Ooaakleraba. CT'OtlmlnK pr«edell •!'If's .,. tw hall bmlt 18 Anlpu, thf' th•• harho r nrea. In t f' ount.y a .... tt&. "lA Cucaracha," Gc<..l (trill uutl t he lltst r.lr l'hll. Snopt' H•'KI"Illll PlAnning ('?mml .. lon" K.U.nbur'l"'• PC which ftnlahf'd rw•pullor.ty Ill dt·~( rvl'd A l~(ont . ~l.l.o<l••r Plan for U.·n··ht•l!, the har · ---.:. •-...... ,__.,..m•• ftf'orat •-Willi h "'··rd al ..,_ I• •r 18 del!lgnatf't.l Ill' Marina del ._-.,... .._..._, -"" ..... IIIX·Inl' C4!1ll"ruvu OOp, luc rt'· small marine 'rlltt. • u. ..,._ at Vlkln«"a .P Jrt thta Mmbll'fl a S tar bdllt In l!porUne.llll Ro•y hrubor and u1 roht1wn u an .._,. ffW re-rtartne. Two otht•r .. n•l tl~tnO'IUI and 61110 in lin•• •'X(JRnRive ··vve cnpable of mooring POl. IDon IJI'own'a "Imp" and UIU The aallor who property handles " ~~·1 tMuaan4 pnv~ate ple8J!ure ~·· "SlUiouett.," were there Sntpe'la rf'Ady to 11all lafl{o'r hoalA. f · Allhoul(h a nation-wide orglllll&- allon wtlh more than 7000 mem· N f'W york Magazine bera, the l"ewport Harbor 'llquad· teo, reoelvtnJ ~fiit and ~tlnltoh-l'hll, "''" u( the 0 . K. Gret'netl a.. for t.he event. · ••f ~n Marino and the httlc Island, HaWed out for ~mln.g at thl' 1• 1~ Rnd hl\s tw••n sa1hnk 11lnce he Cbri. cratt yard weTe t-.·o lsl:tnd "" nl'<f hill I'INII ~nowbtrtl at the CIIPSMr en trte-. Bob Tayll>r'l! "Jnv· Ill-!•• uf nlue The windows of h111 elln" and Rod Bu~·a "C.1ylo•' t•11nkr'"''" J:l\"1' It bt'<;kulllnK view Jaland Cllp~n arf' l!IQmethm.: \t'ry ul thr , h.onno•l and tl!t· wallll are faat and very tine In a&lllng !'l1.11 op.~. ~trUt11( "'1lh ttny i>•·nnllfllll he haa 'f4 feet lone. deSI(tled by Mrrlt' ro·i '" C\l fur plat 11\f: rn raCAY. He Da¥111 and butlt by Fcollow,. nnd htl" rr• t•l\'fld ~:l trorhtes. Hla most 8tawart lut yt!ar. You may hnve n '('f'nt rn•·•· w:ts lht' C"hnatmu Re· ... n the rreen "U10yle" anchnn•tltn 1-!flltn 111 whh'h h,. plllt'N lleCond in tnmt ot \JILBurnha.m borne u.n Luiu ~-t rtJ'lll"T' n.-M \il, In hf11 ~n and late. or -hH' pttoture wll~o h r«n , fTC.'Im -·L 'lf'PI!T fl I" -.nit be the for Mveral lauea lu the ~··II""~ • '"'"'lt''"l ••11tr_y 111 t he !inlfl" Cle<'t and Btewa!t ad In Sl'& n•H.MII :tllw 111 llw .Mttlwull••r fto'J:attA. Cral& U you looked at the pldurt \ • r~ 1> .. , lo• w1ll lk· Ius <'rt'W. ILUIOLD L J OHNSON 0 PaOP&LL~ t:r\) PITCJIIINO ~ 21 and 21 on the U&.J M..,.,.-t.-PboneUO, R•. 348-J BALBOA CANVAS SHOP • If I• "'Ill Wt•lll ho•r llt!!e<nlrRt;~ yuu. 1 ""''\1lo•r \111• nudwlnter lhtercnl· 1 1r~:ont•• H•'lo:I•IIA back Ellat. D1nahy 1 l'"l'llljl II' I h .. (AIIIellt j(rtiWing Win· l••r "l~•rt In •~•tern and Mid· ''. ~t .. rn , .. u,-~:,..~ Cnllf't:e yachlll· • "'"" '"111 ,,,.,,r!!tnf1f'd mAr klntollht•l!, I'I •IJio'lll~t hy h'y w1nd11 1\rf' racine I hrnu.: ho~ut the "1nter wh•'lll'\'l'r "•' hoi~JI I (''"""'' Ill llt'lj~hht>rll­ t t\•f' .. r 1 ' ,,. h i H111 1"" ltlt'IHh-t• ron II: unl' ut only M\'en on the en· Extols Yachting lire I'B<'ICIC .cout, the ot.hen being ,... . · t 8 · ll'lrnt~'<l a t Lone Beach, Loti Anre· 00 ,, (\\\ p0r ay I'll Snnt.l Monica, Hmmeme. San· "\\'••"t"·,.rd "''·" 8 ft'ature story tn BariJ»ra and Tacoma, Wash. In t h1· ;•urr,.nt tiiSue nt Motor Boat· J A I tht> prt>01ent lime effort Ia being '"~ m~l:llzln ... Rwnnky New York' ml\de tn est&bUih a llquadron al yachtlnr.:; rublt~·atlon. 1111 devoted ex-~ S eal til.' .. chl:<l\0'1,\· In 11 graphil• de~~cr1pllon ThP 1"1'nl croup waa organiUd of tilt lhnlllt lo be had~ a yo•ur, ngo, the tint aer1es of on !"o:\•l••rt RAy. Thf' llrtlcl•. wh1ch d a."8es s••••ong the "craduatlo n" ot app,•ors·undr r the nnrtte or "Rob·j•• rhttrter memben. Jn hil'" ft,.t;111,.1111, bo•gtnt!· 1940, u rww c:laJIII wu formed with "Th•• pits•··· Ill the P lrate!ll' Dt-n m.cttrowttnn beln&' &iven by Robert ot !"t'\'1"•rt Harbor Yacht t'lub, Bt~yd. :-;,.,,port Beach yacht broker rnr on" "" thtt landlocked bay of and ~l·<·r•·t.•ry·treuurer of Balboa tht' '·"',.. 11111111'. The date l11 De· YIH'hl <"IIIIo, where the 12-weekll' rem t ... r :!7. 1940. and the event 11< n•urs~ nf tlll!lrucUon wu held. On thf' nnfl~tal t.:hristmll.l Regatta January II. ot lhl• year. 1~ mem· llpo•n .... r ... t hy by the Newport Hu. bt•rs <lf lhv latter c:lau,.llu(:celltlfully hf•r ooq.:.1n1zut1nn ,•,mpll'll'd their ~ and were ad· •·~t··~·"•IIPIIII of lht therntOmetC'r nuttrd "' memberahl(. In the 1\.11· l"l'J!"1!t'tl'rln~ ir dl'grt'CS Orttl bclth t1nnn1 oor~;nnl&allcin. ... ·eek'a .111udy aubj«t u 'nautlml rustronomy.' Boattng·mlnded J~«~ple !rclm Santa AnA and Laruna Bl'nc:h. M well All from the lmmedonte Hnr· bor area, are taklnl( advttn¥tge of the short course which 1ndud#lo 1at.Jtu~e by mel'idlan altitude, lin,.,_ of position. sextant and t•hrunn· meter work. Both men 11nd wonH•n are ·eligible to attend and may start ~St any time. 011ly t•nmmun arithmetic Ia r.equlred 111 hnndlt• the work. &aid Krddu. 1 tne I'IASII m~u Monda)'l'l and \\'o•<ln~>l'<iayll and ~other Tuel!ld&y,. and Thurs· day•. both fro~ 7 to 9 p rn Rud und R~l." appear,_ the Item: Marl1·n, str>p~>d : year. 19:10; weight 6!12 ro•unds: whe.r e l'ullght , Balboa. Cah!orm". Thus. attcr many de· lap•. lht> rt'C'nrd 111 now nati!lnally rPo·ng ntt•-d and d1sputut1on on thr sllbJt'o'l 1!1 hapJUIY ul on end. PU#Itma11ter Hamann, the fnrttt• natt' nngler whu sucrtR:<fully land· t•d the world'R rt'curd s lnpNl mar· hnlr IS jululn nt uver I he uffiCIIll nat1nl1al riecu.:mtuJO Ul"cnrdt'd h1s •·uk'h. The r .. ~urd Ntlll Htands. un· df'ft>nlt'd. .. All. k inds of !Drm!l and tltallon· ery prlntetl at the Pr ... shop . I • South Cout cnmpany, returned S11turdny n1ght from Wuhlncton 0 C., Whf're he attended a confer· <'nt'f' of o thn California 11hlpbulld· 1n1: r~>pre.~nt.ative.ll who are bent <•n hn nglng a major portion of the SlOO,OOO,OOO conatructlon prorram to the \\'N<t coast. Tht> senate hu already approved a SiOO.~ authorization b1ll to r<•nlllt the con11trucllon of 400\ sml\11 boalll, Including eicort, pa· trolund nllne 11wee~r cralt. 280 ot which are alated tor lmmed1ate butldlng. Thi Preaa Ia only 11.00 a year. DOLLABS ....... ~ that R e a c Ji· to Next Week -·-• • Old Art McBride says "People who make a study of such things say there are three ways to make money S-T-R-E_:T-C-!J):_ · .-:. Salle • Boat Cover• • A.wnmg a 1-Cariae JlR~,pJelJ~~ MIT , II llko• Thl' lnten·ollt'~t~ lfl$! Jt,~'(tH'IU(I•\n flp\Al hU r,. md1111111~ llnrlnt~tuth. annnl 1111.t the \'ntfed ~a(_aml bUJl~l -.-_ .. ; 11 :'I II t I'll !"\ l, .. Wilbf'X dou1 , ,,r tlw r1rnh•s' Den lt>adtntt The 14 charter members nnd on tn th<> dub's \'l'rsndnh bfo1n~ nmr ·n~>" ly-admllted members met wid•· np•·n. 1\ In~ fire t'rao·kles 10 ~atunlu \· night at White's cafe lh•· "1'·"'"•11111 rarl'plfH'e. Thr fiE>n.l "'tu•n• 1'1.11111 were made tor the flllll• d ... I Sill nr th ... !"f•Wf"lrl Har-rttrl~ r .. ronaUOn ot a third elL'-, b<•r , h•h "1lh 1111 mAn\' murnl~ de-""'1rh '' II r.qulre approximately picllll,_: lll•ldt•nt~ In lh~ hft• or )'1'!1· l'lj(ht "''' 1<!1 tor completion. ••I ~ S~IO&r&. .... ~-.;_~t+::.::;..;;:=:;::;=;:;;:;:::;==+t1•~~ Akll'f"'"'· ~ membf'M!, llnd nwmlwr,. or lhr rtM'ktnl!' rhn1r Ol'f't. A II 11 n• ll•sn tAAtnR thP dRy·,. rares. ---F IRST.-Budget. ~Ian your expenses and keep a record of ·what's spent. Learn where you can save. ..... :Jiij. 'rl''f'21., ~I NIWPORT BEACH .VALENCIA UUNOiY ~-8o1111Jlq ---SHIP'S and I HpME WASH CL&AHINO ... Pll&.'4SIStl .....,.. ... 1114 N-.por1 Bh·d. . 008TA KESA Pnpuh11 ,;;! lllo• II" 111 ml<'r.nllf'KIRie rncma· w J 2·CNt lntcrnllt h11tll t..y Ill I' htuldt•rll ur llyt>r Dlnk.ll. Th•• ~·ur1:<t Gu~>nl acadf'lllf reeent- 1 4 for Its e&di'IA. They nwt "'oth I natAnt approv· \\'~>Ill l't>nst Three 1\Jwe ···n !«•ld from the South prtny. Tht' new 12-footcr tho• t•-r'"'' lntr rnnt1 nn11l I flort i'T" 111 rl"'nl'l n11·Uun. 'ulul \\"1•l·lw,.,.,,, h ull with h ., ... 111-!hl ha\ , .. al~t, ·II ''" lht• olhf'llll~ ,,, ( ·uftAt ~ 1tlll ft'\;' "'hlt•O.C 111 1111•' hu II h·•.il II \ I"'' r1h~. • I \)'lnl<' Y• 111 11 rt' 1 •lll,.ldl'rln.: "frost- Jh·rs anll upen dmt:hlt'l!. I ~ldrr the "t )<ly~~r~· :· .-It·" r)a.r ... ot yrtwl "'ht~·h I' ··nmh>rta~le wall Cur· t tv!··· sktp \\Ill ..,,11 1111 rry ~II' ha.~ " nh I OtH't'. ••I' <'oo7.tt'r 1'1111. I hi' "lo~n.·Jitnt-~-------:--------"'""" 111111 tht• "="a.:hl'nj'' ~lrh 1 hll\'f' "1'•'11 ""'""' f1n•pln• f',_ In thetr ('1\-htn .... Men and Boys' FU RNISHINGS Tele~o .. e 576 "\\'hoi. ynu stRml wtt h p •ur !lAck lo tho r1npll\re \\i lh 1\ hnl·huttrr· Nl n 1111 111 yuur hand, ynu l<'l(lk .OI thr 11•·n s open dour~ -upoon thr , d uh·,. rtn<'htlr<'d flo>l'l p1u!ll lhl' 10:1 vstt•ht,. "luch ha\'1' bf>t•n l'nlt'rf'd ;n lh1• Yull'lldt <'•'niJ>Pfttlnn Th,. lnttl'r on•1ndt> biJ: "trldJil llllllt>no 11ml Iotti,• "lllllng dtnl:hlrll Rnll all 1111: !1•11: .. •1~· nl thf•lr lllolo>rllllo: hnrl' nll th•· l•d·· rbhs lln1l n l'•'rf•·~ I tin~· near~ ol:c ••ud "lkv Jt•l ttw nndon r•·•t ·n l' .. t you ~ .. ~t" ~u" ,,,.,.ut:un~ ~nn" , Jt f'P<'d tntl l"·'l'l1• ~:r··~· t 'n,·utt.•?-• .. u~ly aa \'I'll \ • \1 lho• \< hrlt• I" :lk!' Y••U llil' ,·,.ur t\• •t rum .1 net l>n•·k , 1,•,,.,,r It\ thr • 1 "ld1111: frn'-Ynu'vr f,.r ... to(, It'll 111.11 lhr 11<"-•TS IH I" Wtd1• "l't'n thal._~·'ll .,rt• 1n ~Pur l•~.:ular flllm- m~>r ~.llhn)! l"i:~ nntl thnt lh1• thf'r· l ~~:·~~-~a_r_,l_•• ___ a. __ J_t.o. __ ' ... •.'•-· ... d~ F olll •\\ 1111: lht• <'pl'nlm: p.ll'!llnl:o' 1~ 1 fu II ,,..,., •11 nt of tlw I \\'n•tln v rr· ._,\1!1\, l'••·lllt'r11 ~ ""I"'TI• rll·,.,t h~· lh<' •·••nlt"t .• t.r r.: \ '" hl-"nll'll !\1111 11 II!< I· 1 mg "' I t11• pnlt \\ llllltir!' 111 R II \ ... lf\&4;1">: ._.tondreda ot Ulam .. . lal~o "'I .. , .-led .. . r ..... l\ f<>T 1n11tant day or r>.~o tlt '~M to alleviate pal.n 111 ' · ·•·rrency . . · m,r.ny •r• •I• ndly po1.10n r• 1 .. ;, IT'f' tor mild allmenta 7 · but ALL ~ oa~· r .... ~ handled at . •I • -- SECOND.-Watch the pennies. It's the little things that mount up. (Chewing gum ·and·'matches have made a lot of millionaires). THIRD. -Buy car~ful_Q'. That:s where advertising comes in. Printed news in this paper, from store and manufact urer, keeps you advised of the llest buys. of the qay. ~ -~. R~Atf ·TH~VER..TISE <f81If."' They will giv.e , you the ;~~~ ~~u ~~hat· makes-t'bis week's a.r~~ Walda...; PB£S -~ I!'- • I • rea .,_ J .J I I ........ : 1111 Dr. Ralph D. Hoard ...,........ ......... Odeopadl • ' Thirteen local Men Join Tfiird Quota I ot Se.lectees 'I 1 Annu&J Ball Planned Fot Monday Night at H . Beach - NEWl'QBT·BALBOA PRESS Harbor Fl~fiJ.thters to Fete Newlyweds CHURCH SERVICES I • Monday Ev_.ning ot,a LADv oF Mottllft' t • C 'AJL'CitL Alter many WHkll' plannlfll and In at'C'OrdanC'e With" n atom of C'ATRUI.IC ' l"'tt a('H pre,.rauon, a\oerythln&' La no""' In many ytoa1'11' 1tanrt1n~ -...•twn•vn R•v r J OICAf\ y. 1'11•t ,...din-. tor lhf' annual ml.llt.rv a m<"mber of N~wl"'' 1 Ue..-b fll"l" Sunday M.-at i oo, 8 so, 10:00 Thirteen men from the Newwrt ball to be held Monday nl&hl. Feb. d.-partm•nt tAlk .. on th.-..-punal· and 11 00 a 111, Harbor c1iat.(ict and coat. we.. 24, at H"ntlntton Beach M•mbrial blhllf'a of a wlrf', 111,. toll\er mem· COMMVNITY ltlr'niODift' Will be inducted Into u . 8. anny haU, nporta the r onuniltf'e In lw-1'11 1\nd their -...·"~' f~te the C"'tl'at'll Cll:; Nt:WJ"'aT BUCII sen'l<'e, March 3, u reault of the char~. Judfe Franklin West. put nrwly-wed• at a putlu, k dtnnrr, ~;overnn1ent'1 call for silecUve com,.ander of Santa An11 .,Amerl· hl.:hhaht or whll'h •~ tho• prMenl&· E. D. OtklO~ Mlnl8ter St-rvic'! Nerultl , reports Chief can l..e(1on polat, Nn. 131. ouhl a tum ot a blank•! I•• til·· huno,._. Sunday achnol •t It 30 a.m. ·=~=====~~~~~==~~~~;~;~.~~:~ Jo: Haymin ot Local pJ'OJI\lJlent (>ran(( c;pJ,Ulty \'lliU.n. Lalli dfalr tJI lhUI "'"" t11 be hlllld • Twu Sull<t"J'nlurnl"' •~rv1oee, at ; • &o11.rd 171. will lntroduee tl)e gueat of h<J11111'. by the' loeal flrr fl~hte1'11 wu II.!IO ami Jl u'l'luck. DR. C. J. CARTER . Volunte.~rs lncludM In 'lhla dl•· The ball ia belnlt hrld undt'r "l"lf\' lhiHt a y.-•r tt~··· ,.,, natllr~lly, lh~i~'?.,.~1~11 1,n;.•&h~rno11Nf1~~t. .. ·~ lrkt's third-call quot. of 36 ~nen lpon*>nhlp of Jtui' Jo'\shrr r hi\Jl· '-' aborl\l~ f'll\nil a r•• t•o'lnl' madf' " ... ..., u~e. a ·~enure .. Deallal 1nl'ludt-: John Woudrow Burnett tf'r of Ol.aablrd Anlt'ru••n Vl'lomws (or thl' "l(l'l·lngf'thn ' tlo'Xt Mon· 1·Jo 11· 111· "~""!11111 ~~ervlc •. lloollNe Plet•• • Specielty nnd Mar!'u P.-l~r Anlch, Newport of the World war, &f\d .a t'X~I't•'cJ dy f'\';onlna whlrh "Ill hnnClr )4r t'I~T ('Hl'a(1t Ut' (:UIUJIT Pho11oe 1529 Bea~·h: Kenneth M. Knlcht and to be OIY of lht-out:~tandlnjl' "'"'"'' And Mr11 C">f'nr Sw""~""· a brtdf' ~ J l"('IES'I1MT 18e0 Newport· Bh•d., Com Me•• C<Jrc.lon M. Davia, Coat& w ... : f'Venta In the rounly duruog thf' 11\otl .fC1'011m of rf't'ent •h1 lr. 112 Jo~l Central a\'i'llllll -liiiiii~~~~~~~~~1 W1tller A. Siefert and FTedefiCk year. . Anulht-r rrature .. r lh·· CI'I'<'Uion A brano•h uf Thr Molhf"t t..'hul'cla, ----T. But>t Laeuna Beach, 'and Roy Local m•mllf'rx nf the r'IIIUnll' "oil ll«' tht> a~~o•ardln~ "' " 10-y.-ar The Jo'l1'11t Chlln'h nf l'hrillt, Jo-,Hl v~. illoc-ondlcto. eem'"'""' ·~ F.m Stanle-y, ~n htodtc.. lu A.udy l:O..Ittlt'r , 293"' Sc-tenttat, In DoltCJII, MIUIII, .... ~ P&~eT DlldlO'I'08Y 0P BARBOH UL~l'IUt'T 01Ui,\SIZA'DON8 · ~ ..... •t•r ., r-...n..,. "' "\''"I""' ll•thur: It• •l.,.rt o;-rctn.', p~t . Toft)' Plummer. 114'\'f'f'l lll'\ 1 .... 1 .. 111• I INI l'hun<•lny or mondl. · O.ta ..... ~r nr C'ntiiiiiO'r.'f': 1:11 ~: L'Hh ~<lr•-.t. Wm. l&lYb\&ry, ~lcS.nt;. J . U. Jalllllilll ho'• 11'111 1,\' :.!11<1 'l'uo•Mollly, ,. . . - N-.ort a.a11 'ft.IAI'd: IO:o111 ~111 1\lo•\, 1''''~"1'"''· llnrry Welt'b, MCI'Itar)'·U...urer. Meet• ll11111thl)· N~.-n-......_ llotar) C1uh: 1'1'"" ,tlolll 1''''"''1"'"' M•Mntl C. Dodd, 81(',..UI')'. Tu..W.y t'Vt'IIIIIIIM 11 •II n l \\'hll•··,. l '.otk AVtllliM! call. Newpc)rt Beac;h 'lele<"tea' In· lxNl l11&nd, and Ml"'l. J ohn Jo~ \\'t'h· •:aruf't avrnur. l~l1te1 l11land. SundRy ~~t·hnul at 9 :10" m . dud<' Claude s. Kearn-. Clifton eter. Coet& :hh-sa Fln~tl arranjtf'ml'nL' f·•r thr Jlllr· Sunday wr'''''" at t 1 a m . ' .....,... '-,_ ef N-pnr1 """"·h : 1,1 Cr1rkhlll. Wayne Leroy &tumnon Patmna and pAlrunf'llllt'll from ly, "'hh•h Will be h~lol at No. 2 TullmiiQI&.I ntl'ellna l'l<'h w.,d. Sam KlnataUIIr, ~nt.ry Thou"'t"). WORK BASKET ltnlt•h I • lloont •l pr...,.,_n\, l.' I~ I' Ill , 1111• 'r'atnpJ18' \ and W()()drow c . Ramlf't, o\hen the Harbor d1111n{'l liN': Amrrn:-.n l-'1r.e SIJlt.Jon, were nw.-1 .. Thu~y nMday •t 8 fl. ln. 41611, 116l"'*-.~w.~~~~4~•nnmrl~~~~"~'~'"~ ftt --~~r~~-·~wv~r-~~~~mr.1nl~mTrar~e.i~========~====~----~~----------------~==~----~91 Balbc» IJII&nd; and M1'11. Slanlt·~·. Dr . and Ml'll. T U.-Ju'h 1-'l~ni~NI· IIUll tfl,.ry, hrld In "llf'll dally I 111 4 p. no A , ............... , t•l, ~ .... ,.,111 ll•tiMor: t•:nol ~l ntol<'y, <'<om·• H..._.oltl IM~ Gi-ataa _.. Pwrdlue of .......W. '11 H._ Brod--., S..ta ...._ ....,.. Jat HI, HI! •y, llllm Soutll ol .....,... ~~ OD Hlc~wa1 ltl cam. _DDwll aDd --- 1:1\.joy Our Good Jl'ood and Cockt&tll Slim Henry Areher, Newport P. Stahler. Jool<·ll.~N and Mel!dun1n tht' hunH• of Mr11 lkrl Arhurn. 3HI dAy1 and h<lltda)... mancler; 41 D)'cllman. adjutant. Jo•l tontl lnl T llt'144lo\'a, IA~jllon but, H~>lghlll ; LouLa E Jay, Sherman Leo B. McGn\'ro'n. Th*'Otlurt' Jt11b-Onyx ~t\'I'OUf', Rlllb••a hlluod Our-Th" flubltc iii cordially lnvJt.d l&Ua aa4 Ill&)'. ' Huwe and M1lo 8jol~eth, Coet& Ina, Ge<>J'ie 81\ker. Eugo•ne Fo•n.-lun. 1111: lht' IIO<'Ial 1art c•r lho• mHtlng, to altrnd the-~ervtee and wte uM 1 Mt'!Ul Compoaing the balance of Earl S. Morru\\', A U Rnus.'<f'IIP, I hf' birthdAy anmvf'rMtor >t of MMI ~adtnJt ruom_ • lhe quota are ei&ht men from t.· Harry Wllllllml<un. 0 z. f\nbt'rt· .htmC'Il Jo'm11t and Mo,. lttJna Beach and 10 trom vartoa-~n. James n \\llfRrns. lTurry c Jofinlltln wf'rt' ot.f'rvl'\1 "tlh parta or Ule cl1&tr1Cl. Welctr, ant1 MesdanH'l< Sw"'n M 1'1" Jrlrtll And l(rf'1rtln~" A MJM"<'i BI-1'1\UI'(! one or more of the f\uthrr'ford, anti Ho·m~:ln lltlmt·r. Jlrl7.<' Wllll uwllrdt'd M r~ R. N . .Jad- ab<we Mlected men may not be of Newport, llnlbna And Ualbwo Js. 1\'111, f1r111 plaN• at ; 10Mll bfotn« aec:eptatlle at the Induction 1tA1\Ion. laneS. From C•lr\lnA dl'l Mnr, Mr \"'on .bY Mra Ed !tub.-. with M1'11. n dnun "r<'phtcemenlll" are avail· and M1'11. J . !Aslll' Stefft>nllen. ttc•rll'"-tl 'I'IHimpeon tak 111~ ICIW Rf'· llble on call; rel'\li&Uona 1pecltylna J!Jd«e an(! Mra. llnrry c . w .. Htuver. rr,·llhtnf'l\lll were JM"rvel.l hy the 1\och that any m11n ealled &II a replace-A.. J. Twtat lltH1 <' W. Hllrril<un to•M, mf'nt llhall be notified at lu..t five Patrons 11nd patroHWSNr" Croom -· In ltclcllll•m tu Ol!'lllh• I'll lllri'ady diyH bC'f11~ hf' Ia required to re· Coat. Mella tnr ludc• Mt>ll:<rs a1111 llllmi'd, uthf'nl •ttentlllll! lht' Mil· port:-IIW't'l ~ MMdtlmPJJ llnmthy At· . Le~eal men In thla caltiOry are: t.e~r. <Aorgi' Heftii'V, g,.m Crnw-brtj(hl, lllll ~llllth. WM it••r Lester A. Charle 'and Fred Calvin ford. W. B. Mrllfltt, ·N_ 0 Mellf1tl, o•ult '"nd Ralph Ran&!<:.!. Cult•man, Newport: Kenneth 0 . Char lea W . TeWmklt·. a nil R11.-11 Ha1gh and Samuel Stranr Day. HOittUer. C'. !il. M<~ENf '£ MEa\'1('~ 0 \'E• TH~ aADICl At 8 o'clock nut 8u11day morn· lnjCI .lamf'JO 8 f'atl.,~n. ,,, 8po- kanl", will• condul't a bruadl'ut o1 the Columhla W~t C'Oilat Church uC tt\o, A.ar over 8t.lt<~n KNX. At II p no on Tu•llday, .. ~.,b. II, an •ulhonfA'd C'hrUillan ~llftCI J,.._·ture will bco artven by Flo,..ac. Jtottddana11. c_ if.. or Loa A.nceiM, • numobt'r uf ttw Board nf Lfo!'tur-e- Ahtp of The Mothn C'Piurrh ,.,.. ,. • .,. .. , Ch1m·h o( Chn.t, 8cl~nU1t. u \'f'r SI.Jttlon KFWB t11KISTUS )4('1J;S('F. TOI'I(' II AAITttn• a..t-r..t taa, c•oeca ~•·-: "''""" ,.,.,111111. '"""' maadlw; o-ar.b&l, ad'utanl 1111 "'"' :1 .. 1 M'""'"·""· t...•''"' ball w. liU. ltl'llt. . .._ It M ....... AIIUUatt ttf Voala ~~~-: ,.;101 ,., ~·~~h•r, cleat; ............ \ DICkeuon. M('rt'llH)' :;,.,.,.lui M "lldll), 1"1"'"":... 11\a at lAfloa Hall; •ua Monl&lr ........ , ""'''""Ill "' 11 .. ,,, .• .,, ...... \'..__ ~ ........ ~Ul'ii""T'c .. t l llu;;;;;li ~:-iii""~­C!CI*I•ant~r; 11o)"'l Hiilrard. adjul1111t 1 ~1 "'"' :li\J ,.., ~o\1\ya, Cf .. t. 1111& ~ ~ haU, UU.h atn<"l. V...,._ II ....... Wara .\11atbar), c ·,-111,... I'•••• u ..... , OtiL p..aclent; RIM! Hoftard.. aet·r~l•ry :IH<I "'"' 4th Ftooltoya &1 Cu~tta ¥.-AlnlftCIUl ~n hall. Blllbna Uland, Jack Sutton Foe1'11· ler and Alon~HII'.Ieft., CoetAI Meaa. -• "'All Ot' \\'UROI'I J:lold Fun~ral Ri~ For Alfda N~llson So effective ar(' wordJ< as .. rr .. n-~ •·r;oERAL (N('()MI:-tAX' ~ ens \1! ........ p .. M of war murn1n~ at Harold K. r:muf'l l'haJI· "It Ito r.liiJ .f'h wr oriefh ln you 1 ,arn~:;:~:-:===~i=J;;J:~~~:-E~~~~~~P.:;~~~~~~~~r,~-----~ o..-"' tua aood r lolt•ll/HJ.fl' " Th111 vrrM from f'hallp· .flE1TIIlN!'I p()l'aJ~IN that Amencnn_ nr w:cpa JWI'l< wllrn •·I r .. r Mr•. Alida Nellalon who d tNI L,!l~l~l~~~~~--~~~~·!-~~ ~·~."' thAI f.uropt"lln dlspu~t'hf'!l l Tu••llllrty at her homr 204 36th Fegera1 lnoomf' f•llnjtll are a~ cenaored at tht' ~~ur••f' · Hy sl rNI. Newport Be&<"h. •«I'd 121 per cent mort" than lut year. word.!l. u84'd tu ~<flrNld l'"nfutloton yr••" SHEP'S For lftsstaffed Hamburgers AND A SPOT OF OOFFEE IJJa Cout Hlp_W&7 Wllea Ia 8 •••• Aaa ~take &ICJI BAS8E'IT'S ·~HELL STATION '"' ... Mala - •u·r•lrdong to a st&lPmenl ll!lllutd to· and lerTOr u~ 11:< a JW.orl uC f•fth 1 M Nl Nelleun. who "''."-.!I a n11t 11 ,. da}' hy the CoiiKtor of Internal column J)OIIkll\ 1:"~' l11l1Pr hall 1,r =-:oorway. had been ,. rr~tldf'nt ,, Rt'\'rnw• for Southern C.ltlomla. I'T)II~ mnre • unqu .. sls than by .('ahh1rrua fur tnt' p!ll<l 20 y.-11r11 lf the preMnt 'trend conllnuu more forc;e of armJ! A out hy _. ... ,..!.~. \\'111· Htu• lrn''''ll hcor hu11hruul. .lu loull than 900,000 rt'lldenlll of thut dut~ IliOn Churchill thrt•w UJl <lt'II'I\/W'll :'\'••ll"<ln 11 nd ollx dauahlt·MI.• Mnt trorl will file by Ma,rch 1&, thf' Jut rtgatru~t the sporol uf dt•f~~<m thai Hlt'l:l"'d WoljHIIllll, Ml"'l lllldu nr111• day ll.llflwed by law. held f irm wh1l .. physwat o.Jef••ns.•.-( ,.., 11nd thr Mt-11 Ellt h"''· Ltlhsn, Rea.t10n for t.he record breaklnc 1 agalru~t Hltkr',. 1.1omb 11 wo•r•• M~tr~tUM'Itt' and Verna Nf'lhl<~n, all vo..!u mco a,t return11 wu ucrtbed to numbllnc • Ilk" sand. Chur•·htll uf u, .. Hub<•r diAtrlct the loweflng of I"Xemp\lona to $800 know11 hl11 En~h,.hm.,n. kn"""" lh••m lnle•rrut'nt wu maolo• at 1-'alr· for llln"'le ,_1'110nll and UOOO Cor I"" S tu.kea•-are knt'w lhrr1i whrn, ... .-.-h"vf'n crnnlery. , muried. rouplea. t.rr••t lnr~&Mtu only ~even ye11r:~ arter thr repulat• I are being rolled. up In the •mall of the Spantah Armada. IJw rw,..t n .n·wr.a !"IIUW J>(JKTr:&H 1111lary brackf'ta. which exceed 1940 wrole of ll11:h lW'hnul, all well 1111 1rammar YOUa ID..U)QUAilTI:U I Cthnga by Ht't ·per cent. lncr.-"Thill hapfly breed or JTien, M~>h••1l IIChOill llllldenta, wUI be ell· ~=======:::::=====~ In the hif.her bracket. avera,-• thie little w orld, J:tblr tn rnmp4>lf' for prt.N 1n a ; 70 per cen · Thla prf!('IOUI ltone Ht In 'ule f"•Hi er l'f•nl«'lll nnw tlf'lng •rntn~ted J ' ... ty llaJ · llh•er aea, hy tl1f' l('ltW•rntn,c t'C>mmlttH nf -I . oa Paralysis Committee WhH·h lllervt'll It 1111 II moat d•·-!'lo•WJ••r1 llnrlwlr lh.otrlc:t Jl'lower ... ""' Waftl 8peci&Dtt feru~lve to a ho~ . . . ~hoow, 11r•hNiulrd f••r April It and PDIIANENTS. ••.N VP Closes C~paign Th111 ble11lled plot, th111 I'IU'th., :!11 ~ Pd Flaprwave, Me $ ~ th111 rt'alm, thla England." Thl' aH111r, v. hto h 18 preiM'nled Jll .._....,.Colla II-With J2S.J9 Obi!Oif'le 111 the l'lulnne·l "moat <"al'lo y••~tr through'" uperatlon of (11oft W.-) PIL liM Mrll. R. R . Randel, chairman of 4eferuuvr." But f'hurrlull prepart>d Ill•• F:t .. •ll jr~<rtlt'll t<•·• !loon and NI'W· Enj(land fnr tht> nrdl'lll or on· pt•ll lfRI hoor C'hnooolwo "' Cllmmen't- 80811-CAFE the "March or Dime~~" ~mmlllH, 11nnounua the IIU<~f the 6ocal l!lau~:ht wr lh h111 "biO<>d and teats, "'''" IMkP fll~tro• 1n th,. auditorium et!orl-with ._ wt.&\ oL $l.2.3..lll col· tolll and I!WC'IIl" a~h. And ht> ''' =--•·wpurt l~·ro• h Orammar lt'<'ted by th• gTCiup of workers. In IIJII'ltt1 F.nl!.llllh hearts and arrf'l· ,.......,.,1 P.NOh>r JUdi(..., wUl btl ap.. addiUon to thlll amount, which 1\&.81 era ted t he '1tal I!WHp nf Amf'rK'an J><llnt('d hy l h"' •'oolllmlltH at an ad COCICTAILS. too JIUIIrt~·M!, the Harbor dllltrict will 1f England 18 to ~ !<llvf'd with J'II<IL~ Ill lhf' Otlldf'n Tf'Xt In Ull 1...-••••"n·S•·mll•n 1111 "Mind" on Sun· 111 llll l'hun:lleft uf <:hn1t , Bel- •• ,., t!'tl , II. Bthlt• llf'lf'('tlfln pr~Mnta t'- "'"nt" oof Jt>ll\111 from Matthf'-...• "Ye ur .. lhl' ~tnlt of t~ earth but If U.. Mil hli\'1' lullt hla 11avnur, ~here­ Wi th llhnll II tiP 111\ltf'd 9 It Ill thence· f••rlh K<.C<d f.,r llhthm&. bul to be • 1t11l 11ut, and t.1 b.. 1 rooddf'n unca.r fu<11 nf mf'n. Yr are the llah\ ot lhl' world. A l'IIY Ul"t 111 llf't on an lull t•annot be h1db Nrtther do men Uaht a r andle, an(,! rut II under " bullhl'l, but. una candl,.cttl<'k, a nd It t:lvrth ll«ht unto ah that are In I hr hnuiM' Lcol ynur ll~tht 110 •hlne beforf' mf'n, that they may - yuur r:cxl!ll work•. rwd alorift' your l'•thes whic-h 111 In hetlYf'n." SriM'tlunll frnm the Chrt•Uan t'c•t .. nc•• t.-xttJ.~.k. "lktenrt~ a nd Hl'ntlh with Kry to thr Srripturf'fl" hy Mnry nnkrr Eddy, at.t.e: "IAI "" -... rtt< h, "'urk, and Jlray that thlll AAil '""'' nul lle Mltnr ... and th111 light b.-not hid, hut radial~ Bllfl I(IIIW Into nuuntlde Jlory " "LI~thl 111 a aymbot uf Mind . of L.ttr. Tnolh,.Rnd l..o\'t' and nnt a vlt.ll•· ~ pruperty u.t ntalUJ'. ~ r•- \'1"8111 "'..JIY un" Mtnd. and tht.a onco JOhtmntt hy ltlt ov.·n ltftht and ,-ov- .. rnlnjt th;o umveMif', lnrlucSina man. 111 po-rff'<'t harmuny " llu ~looto l'tyk 1 alrPIIdy be.-n fntwarded to head-1 /lf'nttml'nt that .,..,11 SA\'1' Englandjl rarly dRtr • " oo•oMA DlL MA• , • .,...,~ l!!'o. rrrelve !'redlt (nr coliKllona ma<k 4oratury I hal ma y ~ All deathlt>M Th«-Prf'llll IM unly $1.00 a Y•U'· lhr?U.fth othrr eourcea 1uch u the ~ Sha.kt>llfWAre "We .!lhall dt>ft'nd r--------......::!1..... ____ ... :..... _______________ _ St'h~IA, bankll, tc. lour l11l11nd whatever th<" co.!ll mAy I Mr11. 'Randel ~tu the workers be • we sha ll fllthl un beach~. SCRAPI'I.•: auu .. c Kook"'._,.e PJ:RM A.NENTS II&ADDl''S IDr and Beauty Shop lltl Newport Bh·d. o.ta M-Phone 1168 were this year succeuful In col· landlnR gruund.ll. In fl~l<lll. 0\n I O ne }¥•unci pork shoufde r r<X4Ked in a two-quart lrdtng " llhghtly larser eum than 11lrt"el.8 antl on the hlllll. wt' !!hall wn.s sef'ured lul year. lndlcat.Jnr; j nt>ver surro'nder. Let WI lht>r .. rr,re kcttlt' o( w al•·r 11ntil tender enough tu shred. A s lice of nn m<"reason~t lnlereat In the 08• brace nur,.,fl·es to our duly nnr1 110 liver I"()Ok<'d unt rl it will muh to a pulp. ~hrf'd pork on t•r•n·Widf' f1ght ll~taiMt Infantile bear ourYII•es lhllt if th .. llrtluth I a platt('r 'ant! aol1l mashed liver. parroly~ll<. In making her r~port, C'•Jmmonw••~<lth and Jl:mptrf' Iaiit I whil•h 111 n•IW ftiMI with the New-fnr a thoUimnd yearR. men >kill say, Stir two ('llf!H yellow corn m eal in liquul iJl which Jl'lr~. Hllrb<lr c ~r or Com-'TJus waR lh(•lr flnl'Rt h ... ur"' I meal WM C(ll,kf·•l and cook s lo wly, with a"beHlos mal H ' Du •· onrrri', Mr11. ndc•l wt11h~11 to ex· under kf!U.It•, unttl thoroughly done. A dd meat and IICA· a[!J. S ml pro·~~ h. rr ,. Jlrt'l'l!ltlnn nf the ~:~~AHr. J'ASS TJII: B~ANS! • 1 ( 1 ht'lfl r~rt•d -~_llrr:_ !'.!?!!J_mJ ACJa 80ntng r ~:!Jf )' II _sa tl--- ----·--'Wfficll w.-eompooed ot u.a ap. ,., !!nufhrrn -Put Wf'l1•Wf,_li and pla<'f> in i<'cbox ovrr night. '"IJUT 001 PI!E Ill BALBOA" l"•mtffi rt>prf'!lentl\l\\'1'11 fmm vat· bl-an11 to r•·rlure th• 11urplw• nnd Warm up tn t .. ar o r alice and fry in very little baccm ""'" CJVIl' ~tr(HI~ tn the Harbor strl'nathen tht> ml\rk~t. Thl' prit'e l gn.'~Vli.'. Si:.cn; Wll h •••run '---..;l;.;:ll:.;;..:";;:lAI;;:;;:•:...::S:::bee=l::.....;:~:;:;· .;...._,,,rea. --I tv be pent-nrS%.~ pfr lOO'lb."bllg. ~.,._._ .. . . BIG TOP 'tneH 1Me ~G S~OW WAS OoleR} -Sll K' ANNOU""C~D "1\--E NAM~3 ANb-crs CF ~!!'" PeRf'ORI'II~RS IN ~E-(ONCfQT · tsy t..O WHt.ELAN .,__ .. A111 lafhw: c .. ta M-llrr .W~rttoll•nt, AI Otcle~ ,......deftt; WIIIM-d Mlnoc,. aecr~lary I '"'"> ,., •·t~lHII" nl ft,..hall N-..n ~ Yer•• t,..: i<!ll w •. ,., ll"v 1\"'"'"'· '"'"""'·<.:om-moctor. U.vld Huward, Vll'~-('oillllll•~looH•, .lu1ooo·11 V flulhfl.,, Rar-com~,.., J. N. Condon, ~·~1~<1')', I'''"" W 1111to:to:" ...... \' .... ~; Jt. ll 1\c"l .. 'll, O'lllllOOI•IOiurt!, 'I' vtc:e·commoclo,..;l"r'ed 8 . Hunte, 1'..,1r ''"'""''""''" Jr. Jnh080ft1 ..... ...... Y ... t (...,.; llub ttllfhllller, Jo~ MCI'Itary, lla.lbua lal.nd. I ('IIIIIIIIUtlllre; KaJ ,..,_'=~ A.18•*''" of Ni'"l"'rt tlar..:rr Ua ......... ....._., 111'1. a. 8. I>U&on. pl'elldfont, Mf'll trr .. ~ Aaltuoan, ..,.,...._,., Htcb ..,~ ealellrta, 7!10 p. rn. :lnd '1'uo•OO<ir1)' .. r 11o r .. t ... r l)tol-ember f'f'bNaJ"Y alld ApriL ' ' ,..,_&-..........., ..._.. .... 8f N""•"''' '"'"'II Ciramt-r ~~ M1'11. C. Harold HopkiM, prNident, MrM .. ,.)' llo•ror•olll 1, Nl'~tAit)'. Thlrd MondaJ at klndeflarlen mum; ~a."'-diier ..._,. .... of Cloet. M"'a: Milt A l. I'J.nltley, ..,......l, Mrw. OU. Wntherwax, llf'C'T'I't1.ry I 11 ,, .,.,..,..,,.,. el Uran1· ~ echool au4lt.ortum, 2 ·30 p m. (le ............ v.--11 of N""'JH•r1 llart"''· .1 11 1'"'1'""'"• I''"•~ dtonl, M1'11. Oloflefte Muwf'll, ,.., ••·lou y 'll1u.t 1 "'" \JJU' a t N-w,..n Hubor U.UO. )f .. h echool, Hoom 1:1:1. Jr. ttl .. ~o·l 1" 111.~ "\ ,.,,.1,. ,._ ....._ .. : ffan-y OJOrtl,.r, llkll'l"'' ('••II' 1 ,,., " ll111k, '""' 111at•: Eacll Wedll. eve, T-8 o'du~:k, Alllt'IH 1111 '"'""''' 1o .It l'ollo ""'' Uay 1.1 Oht llari_,.: Clar~ HI "'""'"• "" '1'1"'1 lilt and lrd Thu1'11. Jl. 111 'a Ml ht.:h ~o•lo•H•I . ~· •I Boy 8c:out but. \lo I 1 111, 11~NI 111•\a, ""I 4 111 Moooool11y ev .... lk1 ..,.._.., Newp()r\ tlarl~<•r 7 J'l m, Scout llul, IIUh and H11y lltrn y II ,, U.t1 ~ ... N~rt a--11 Tru-•1•: Mr 1 • M l8a Mar\ha Ftahltr, co·lead4lr 1 ;,.,. 1111uo11 "' ,,.,. 1 ••ch Wedneeclay afternoon at :t :w Ynciay, ,\f lf1 I 11 • •t • lf•••t~t, H'''"'~··'',.," r-wun, Voeta .... u ........ tl%: ........ 1': Ito II " ,, I "'' 0 II•·'"'''" lt..plrr, ~r•lary. Hf'<-••1111 lt!td 411o Tloooo Htl,o f·••j•,. '"' toull. :l:l114 llarl.lur ttlvd., l:U.ta Mf'n · I --------~ ---~ W~!!Ne ~ O...L .,, c· ...... , ....... c ..... :r. .. Ill ! ~,.. I• r ... t lira!'•. ctutlrrnan, Mr•. Haruld tcllcly. ,..,, 1••t "y . , .• ·" .• '"' t f,. ')'11,.. d•Y• a t hllll\1'1 ol nocornbf'no ,__ .._ ... n,_, Kra. J-1.!. a· .. , .. ,. """:'n,~<or..,,, -M1" "ll!.lt't> Vlf'lr, IM't'rttaty. •lh 1'11~1y r l r!lllllo( ul r • I, ,\1. , f o1o•l11tll, 1 ~1 K•,..hMler •lre.t. ~ C1ult of N-port 1'"'-'h: Mo " K11 "' H I' olloo 'i"''l llfrlll dPIII , Mr• Jt.uy Ande""'"• •"•n·IOtl\ INI ""' ,o•l t r0 ,1,.t 1v 111 f-:1,.11 • lullhiiiJAC, 1111'1 ac..t (Anln•l A\t•. lloll••n J'lif'wportllarhrWt-'eA""'"IIltiHII, \11 '·• ,,.,., ll!nl\Wrll llr,.•td,.nl, Mr• Harry ltllrn1111"" ""'""'\ 1' 1 .. '''••""'' &rot M•mc1ay' ltl.ell ··ho!Jh<•u ..... r •• ~. w ' I"' 0 .II. II 11' ' Dual-Md J•rvr-a..aa,~ """'""'• .f tut1 Mrro v .. ra Mtll.,r, Jtrrllldt'lll , Mtlolt••l ,;,, klu11 1 "' ''"I'"'' 1tuA1r: ' #1' d, l "'lf Hhtl :1111 Th•orrod•Y•· t'rtcl.ay -''"""'-( 1ub .,, f ''"'" ~••·•" • \lr . •: ,1"""" llullrr, pr••ldf'llt , Mr11 lit1rl111 Lftnkf••r•l. ,.,., rt•!ury I 1 .,, d ·••I l•llllll,)'ll AI ( '1141\a Ml'll& rf11bhr1UH . ·~ luaJor w-·• Ci1ub flf c· ... t. Me· .. ,.: l'lrut, Ml¥, ,ICVC"Iyn hra4'r , ,..,, r..thr,v I• 11 ~• Mr11• r lul.ll•rtiMI. ~~tiUtJf")'1 Jlf'"fUd~nt. rR 0,.,, lf•tlfl' r ~·; t .1 d 2 r m at lkiC tal hall "' ( 'hrt•t ( 'lll!r•·lo loy I too• li· ' w-·· "'idPty nf C:hr••u•n "''"1"·: Mo olr nl , Mnt Mary U.nnr tl,· IN'o r••l101 y <!not ·r ''"' ,;.,.t.a Mua eommunlty c:tnJTo 11 _ - ,.,,,' ,,,,,f..:•, , ....... , ~1•1 I 111 d~t "''"• I '•;llh& I • II ,,, It, 1"""1 '"' ,••I .,,..,,!I 1\nll. w-·a~U.. T-..,_.,.. t lll•~t• Ill 1 · .. 1• '\\,•,,. M r~M tnru,. V f\.ld. pr~•1tt.nt , MiM Hr~raf• c •.,,, .. ut . "'*' ,, ',, ,,, . , 11 ,, •• , ... ., ,,1 memll('1'11. 2.nd l"rlcSa7 of each ''"'"111 W...,.'l ...,, Vorp!l of ,.,,.,. M"""· fo 1 '" o•Mo Mrrrtry pr .. ldenl, M1'11. Jva Cue, M<'Nt\Ary 111t w,..,,, •I ,., ,,1, '"""" 111,.-.u,.fi •I lk.ot'lal ~II ''' <A•t. Mf'M ('mnnllllilly • 1.......-,,J1'.,\o\'•••III"II(JAY" w.ctal meetU.. at ht•m•• uf "'""''"·rro I ' AIW ~1• O.r 1 ... )' •f M'"'nt •~•rrw·l 1 """'"' t hll,..'lll Mrll T. J Johnaton, prM.-nt; Mna. W J, Ncvath .... , r.a,., y P'lrJOt Tlturw: 4a)' at ,...tory, lfJ3 W . Central M\'r , N r" 1, .. , 1 1 ;. ,,, 11 •• • ,.( / Page Four .. ED1a16ment Mary P. ~' Revealed /II 'Mr. an•l lotu Whlttll'r Strf'et Saturd11y u th the t'ngal{rmcon lllu Mary P: ~ ymond l.ta tt nouncf'mt~nt ""' luncheon In Ra "' rrlrn·J• {)f Hint 1•r lbr t verified by tin d iDI.Df t.ablt' " on f'&('h "Mal 1t41." Wn C at Ntowport I 8c:bool whf're ot th• Qirla' acbolantblp n at&ndlo& I.D L. Dufl"" ber t ton J unior CU ed -populartt; uu. Followlr UDinnt.lty o ..... r.e•l•ed MIM Curril' C&p&..trano t Her fiance Ud a.tra. F. t.npmt', CaUl ate of Ow Louil R.oDfl l'l4d!l UWII' tzuo; aDd Haw•. Anll ••.ua and l all o1 1"\&Ue • ··--. Pap8 NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS ) -~p---· _ .J. AI.-.J. _ ~ Miss Leone Collins -~~ ''~,. ~:!.~.~7:.!~:~~~~:: .... 1(ou GiUl 1{CUH N.u;l.!.tvu Ellis ~tertains EarlS. Taylor DIM Monthly 'Session at Spta Ana Home • • ,,,. wh1• h )'ellltor'llny mnrnang Mnt. Oeoqe• Qoeldner, 211 SSrd ~t.._t, Newport, hu" u houaerum ht:r I'Ouain, M1N MargtrerLtJiey •·f MmneapoUa, Minn. ·: r. t1 in rnarraai(P tw<l •1f th•• Har· Junior Class Danc'e 1 Parents-to-be Feted ,. , ""'r" , ... O..llt k"""'" ynun~ Mn~. Hany w . wnrht, ns• Postpone.d Until at Gay Affairs on I' ,., •• MosN U '"llr ColhM. dnugh· ~"~WpMt boulevard, COIIta Meaa, I.e '• 1 ( Mr a n<1 Mrs, f'·r,.d rnlll n~ •••onftnl'lf to her homt' wtth a Be· February 28 Balboa Island . -,, t: "''"" l,.lanc1 und Rurl)l\nk , \'t•rt' ll ltack of lnftuen7.&. ....,.--......t-=-od tto .. lo·rlt k !J. Cux, K<on.of Mn;. Ortg1nally ll<'hc•clulr.U for lurrtur· l•:tl\1'111'1 I· r uulo'tll ~>I t ·,II·"' • · ,,,•o·s :; l"ciJ(, 1695 Pao,:lf•l' rlriw• Mrs. D. W . H<Jltby, 228 30th row evenlri~. thc• lfnr!T'm'rl1nnrP nf-l:tnll. •·'I''""' ul \111 \•ultl ',\lll tll.. ,,.,111 dc•l Mnr. :<trl't>l, returned Tuesday from Loll Newport Harboor I'Ohlll lla);h »o.'hool u11.J ·•" "'I" • '''"' l.tllo! L "1 It"' .•. •'l·'tllll Prc•R!Jylo•rutn t•hurch i\lll(rh!ll wbere ahe had been visit· Junior claaam,.n hlllt b•'"'' JW•~tpo•ll-,,.,.ol l h11, "'"'It u l ,, 1 •J: I·• ·'I' ,, l.•~:tamt Bo:lll·h was !'ha~~en t11r Ill~( "t the hOrile of her I'On. ed unlll n~ltt l''nd11 y ''"~"an~:, Fo•h-~"""' ;,, ... I:I.V''.'' ''' ;\•II h•ll l.'r ••' 1 • ., ,..drJong rtt.•>~ whll'h tn<~k pla<·c Htc-h~u"d Taylor of Long Beach n~&ry 28, rep .. rl.ll tho· , ..... Hntlh:•· In St.,,tl,ld 1 '"""' kc·• ••I :."1 1 1·: .... •.o! I · 111 u'r•hwk In thl' l'rt•seno·t ,,r 11 hull ,...,en viatUna at the home of eharfe. ,,,.,.,, ... , llult•"·' (.,l~t"'l. l•oollt•·"' ' ''" c lu~t> frh'n•.L~ and members of Mr and Mnt. Ralph R. Randtl, Ofo<'oralloM, v,:hu·h.ll rr tn r•harJ:Pi Kn •·v•'lllllll ,.( \ltttlltol:. "' \dlut ., • lWh f!lmlh>'S, the R<'v. Ra'· s :q•Jlhlre avenue, Balboa Island. of Donna Sttlnh•y, Manoon c:artlrr •• , 'r 1111 n "" ut ,, It: I'"'"' ' " BrRhiHS ·r.:udln~ th .. IWrvu·~ and O..IJiy Rlt"hlll. w1ll '''""'~" th,.j luahv li:nk•·l ftll•·•l "'lit·~·"'"" ,,, lJnduiii•UJlle walltannttcnded Mr. rtnd Wnt. \\'Hham Willis, patnotlc thl'nlt' wit h rt•d, Whitt' l llrf'~t·nl• II I,,. I ,., "''' l•o '"' II• I oil;~',.· on~: Uu· ( Crt!muny lht 11('\\' foornw rly of Westvillt'. Okla., are and blue prt'domun1tt•n1: Th" contf'r· tr•·~lun•·lll · "I • ""'"' "' .t •lt•11~ It -'11• ,ud Mr!'l. C•Jl< \.-t·re t>nterllt1n """' Harbor dl.etnct residents. Mr. t.aJnment a nd rluur llhtlW ts bt••"~ 11111> • "''' IIIII• ol I Ito• • •, • · · ;· .t ., \n•tll.lin~; !Jro•akfrL~t 111 tho· \\'tllut haa eecured employment at arnln&'ed by St.unlc·y ''""'"· Jitck I In lllhlollootl , .. 1 h· ,,, ,,, ..... 1 1 •• I I· I··-homp ttf the br1de'!l Jmr· u .. rry'a cal• In S.lbutl. .. Yale and ChArlf'l< O•·nmll<•n wrth ,,,.., .• 1:110'~1~ Jll • • •·1 "'II' II '" · , ~fr arHJ ~t r:. ColltM Tl)••) rtfrMI\menlll twin~ l•l!tlllll'd hy l J'hllllpll rt"'" I' 11\\o II 1-.•l\\ ,·1 I ' Jlllllli'<J.at•Jy llflt'I'W'I\rd fur 11 \\'t>t'kf'nd fUUtll at the home Of 8turley Wnght P uhl!<'tty t•nd lid· 111'<"1) Jlalto~o,t 1 .. ,, .. ol ,.,oJ \\'I\ "'''Y m;,t••r trap lhroos:h A rl Mrll J•. H. FlJher, 1 100 w. vvtwnc II Jn cbarn uJ l'b•llll t!')'£. M!ID'IIl ~, ••• rl• .111\.l H •• ylll00._ ... __ __,.._.1lll, ...... ~.u:~~'.gJ.rol.-.I.UJal.JI>I:.II.~h",'.,''t.1'0ll4'. ·wer.e, Mr. ~nd Mnl. Hayden. AU v.•or.k 111 ..., • .,,~ hundh·d 1-:;,,clll•·•n. r· .. ,.t.t !\lo».. ''"n ho•lfl);" I . wht·re lotr nmt by atudentll. of the Jtrrllttr 1'111l'i.'l I \\'1111•· ·tlo• 111• 11 ,,.,,. IJo·•r.,: • .~ "'" ~ c·uruw<'lt•d with a lar~:•· r .. ll. Rli. of Bever)y Htllll. The ,...,l'f! Will b•· Ill' Ill in tho· I l••rl.tHit'<l IJ I Ill•· I 'r1oo h••lllt !\1 ' ~,..,rwt>nn•· f1r111 Itt• is nlrt>w'y an •1 · -w , . .. " " r and Wnt. J . S.Krut<ger, who Hl&'h ~hool cA(f'lt'rlli, ht•l( lllnllll( n .... ,. (. I h\1 II :.' 1•1 I' ... •"'"' I "''''r uf l'tllhldt•rn Lla nut(l, h .. ,.. ' de ~ ,.. •rfl\'1' ma their at<lltli! on Balboa at a o'clock ltll1h_ J.h£ l'IU'eol 1114•·. U til••:• '""""' pl.l\ "' h• !· ·-IJ.a.tLa.lL"• ll"o' p·•d I.Jl .:..Mtr-U -1 1 ... t .. .. • " 11nn or ltOIJie time pa.st, are Teacher ..-x-1atuon "'•'"'' rule r.l I•• lh•••r ""''' 111 • .: "' '""'· • •.. r tht· ,;,,loJ .. n \JIIlP brrd.:e at 111111·1ng to Long Beach to be near· otllc~l •porlllt•r •·f \',de 1111111' ~ I' 11 ol• '•' o1 •· -., Fr~•n• r!l<·u llml ll•lrtlt'tt dam tn •·r .Mr. Krueaer'a 'employment. ~ " . • \.\hhuJu'~t fut u~t·d Ull' J a\.LI.:...tu:. •. \t,J ... na. nvE DOLLAR BANQtTF.T lht• t•\'o•tllll).; ll• rt o•lfhlll• Ill \\'I MMI. Mary flolder, Newport, and At ciON of the rl'lll'f \'fotlnn Jlf'r· ... 1\c•cl ~li:-;s Weston Married Mrll. Blanche Hanson of Orange Aod yesten.lay f'VI'Jllnj;, a total of J\,.,,.1,., 1'<11~ l·:,.,,.h "' '''"' ~1 · R\'o.•nuc. Coeta Meaa, have ¥en 110 tkk.etll had ""e" 144'•1d tn thl' t•w•·n, "'h"l ~ 111 1•'""'"(: "'' "' .\1• :11 Surprise Rites •·nJuymg a visit rmm "cnuflle of S6 ·"Mneflt bantpwt" nt Cmttll clam•·-Jo:tlwl\1'<1 I 11~"''· A'"' " I '• " uld frienda, Mr. and Mr!l. H. Lewis ..... Commtllllt.)L o·h11rl'l1 ncrord· 1111cl lfll'rrv Ph1lhr~. Hn 111 .. , I hnol lloonc·yn'""n"'lo: '" Sun Vlllll'y. hr Oregon. Inc to repc1rt ut tho· dlllll•'r rnm· nnrt Mt t· II 1\'tll"l•ol 1\ ~:, ''"'" I I 1, .. , ra r" Mr ""'' Mrl<. H11n·cy mitt. which IJI h••ado•d lly 1 he Rev. Mr11. 1\111 ,. l{lt•h .\It:. ~~ 11 1" • "'I>< Sunu·r~. \1 hus•• w o•dd1n1: took Comus club memMrll are an tiel- of W.S.C.S. , Friday.Morning Newport circle ot W .S.C.S. met Funeral aervlcea were hekl lion· Tuellday afternoon at the borne ot day momlll&' at Banta A.na ra. Mnt. William Ellla, 1628 Ocean Earl s. Taylor, Eut C.nt.r.aJ av .. M Jo"ront. where Mn1. Smith prealded, riue prope .. y owner _..:.... 'pa=t r. and Wr . M'onroe NuUu. d tt bei 1 h f .., •• ..... h evo oM ng n e arce 0 -"'· cal -stden· t of Balboa, w .. __ .. _ w o have been nvlnc at 20th str~t J Bod 0 1 ott"-F ltb '" ,.,._ ,._ Mr. and Mra. W. C&rroll Bonet, u r cecu place, oo.t.a 'Ke•. ae· comi*Jlled by Mr. al)d Mn. YAI· llam Hotcer of Fullerton, apent Sunday at San Dleco and Tijuana. ... 0 os. man. pen ng ne • a occ' u-... Friday at h'· a.. .. ta .. -· an..... nmce avtnue, C011ta Mellll, J • d 1 " t · "~ .. ""?""" _._ ar IMC OHd contrt'(u ioM of home. A -tt~ .. -·-"·-• .,_ -• are moving the flnt of nl'xt week •2 32 · '" """ • ._,_..., ... --• 1. siJ!ce the laat opening, two .. 7 y•a-o" ••e and ...... Uvecl •-to a ne<ov location on Fullerton ave-u ~ •• 1 -. ·-... nue. ' -f.IU¥LU.\.!!l-.!N~~'"1,_"" wtre given Orance county for the put two lin the re<:ent visit to Spanish· yean!. Fraternal af'tiUaUona ot uw American lm~tltute at Ga.rdtna, d~ Included both t.he K&80M and pions for forming pnyer and the Elkt .. He wu twlc. Orand groups wl're discussed. The hOII· Exalted Ruler of Bcott'a Bluff teiiH, Ml'1'. Ell Ill, was aa~~lsted by (Nebr. t L<Jd&'e' No. 1387 B.P .O.IC. M{ll. WlT).,Mickelson and 'Mnt. Ann and a memMr of Robert w. Jrur. Davis. WIAII Allee Baoon, a student at Pasadena Bualne.u collcgl', Is spending several wteks at the home of her mother, Mnt. R. E. Bacon, 811 W, Central avenue, Balbo&. Mr. an~ Wnt. Walter JCuopman or 3789 Acacia at""t· bay VIew Park, have moved t() S•lver Acrel!, Mnt. ~rtrude G<fodlellow uf 28e9 Eflrc,b street now being located' 1n t.be Coopman propert,y. rs . E. M. WUUama, 1310 Ocean _Corona ..4e1-.Kur evtning entf'rt,rllf1f'd tht membtnt of Mnt. E . DOraly's SpAn· 1sh claa~~. A aoctal penod and re· rn-slunentll were enjoytd. Sunday f'Venlf'\&' dinner guest.a at the Alma Rath home, 127 27th st. wert Mr. and Wnt. Tho1uas Hub- good, Dallu Wtlla and Mnt. E\'a D. Wellll, all of Collta Mesa . The affair honored the birthday anru- versaries u( Mr. Hobgood and MMI. Wells. M .. _ d nu Lod,ge, F . and A. fl(. em""'r11 an g:ueslll pretent ,Survi\'Orl Include hla wile, Krl. were Mf'sdames Emma Smith, R. Sarah Taylor; two 110M, WU11am B. H. Hill, Mary Stanley, Edna Sm1th, and Robert L.. Santa Ana; a Geo. <rlotldner, Wm. Mil'ktt.on. daughttr, 'M111. Selden Davey, LiD· Mane Smlt.h, D. W. Holtby, Ann coin, Nebr.,, and a .brother, LoMUe Davas, E. D. qooclell, C. M. Harri· T I f K Cl 1: sun. Jus. Bodman, Arthur F. Wll· ayJ!tr 0 an.su ty. ntomJI-ment wu at Fairhaven mauao-ltams, Nancy Atwood, A. 8 . leum. Thompson, Bessie Murphy, and the Lilley, Ina Mae Pett'rson. :ilrwlnnd, Patsy Smtth, Aldora Da-:ls und Cun.'ltance Smith. Lor&l mtmbers who attended the W.S.C.S. diStrict m('('tlng at Coro- nll this Wt'rk were M~mea Mary Stanley, Mtnnlt' Baker, Jps. Bod· man. Cyru. Willer ana-MlM Allct< Ulln('()X. • KI':LIEt' CORP~ MEETS CLA·SSIFIED .. FOR SALE . -~ 30·F'OOT Cllbln Crulaer with &'al· IPy. SIPf'PI •: Gray motor. 3eth 11t., Newport, on Sunda~. or phnne Newport 212. 32c SNfPE FOR SAL&-"Dipper D", E'XCt'llent conclltlon. Phil a ....... 1708 S. Bay Front, Balbo& X. land. .aUc A. C. Abbe and fll'lfHrl'l 1-: 'Hawh. Moooon · '"''' Mt • "·" , I I\•· , . .,.,, ·•· Frui.•Y ul A II·SIIint.~·b.v-thc-pntang their flr11t dan<'t' of the new ------.,.,..~-,~ ti'Tr' tnmtorr<•\\ .. ~coning M""ll .. • "' Mull I•·• ''" The· hrrtle 111 t he r.•J{Ime which is !let foF tonight at The attractive new hnmr of Mr;r. llarns L. Cottle of Nl'wpurt He1ghll! wu Iaiit Thursday the scene 11f 1\ pleaMnl brut~:•··llllh'h· Mt'mbtr11 of Costa Mesa Women's Rc>llet corps met yt>sterday at the hnme of Mrs. Iva Coe, 1829 Or· IlliG<' avenue, where potluck lunch· roll and a social J>('rlod waa en- JUyl'd, MMI. Alvyna 0Mr and Mr11. Flor t'IICl' Cle\'eland bemg \\i nntnt orate turkry dlnnf'r Will ho• llfi'J>IIr· t\)oiSIST \St t: l.t: \tol t: Tt:.\ eel by membrr11 of lhr \\'f•llll'n'll &•·, M••ruloo'l . ool :00:• 'I' 11 11·,.,, 1 \ tlet)' of Chnst1an So·n w•' J uciJ.:o• l<l~l•tll• ,, I" ·'l!''' ,, .11 , 1l• 11 1 ·•I 1 Kenneth E 1 Morrtl'un, 1!1¥·~1 llfll'~k·l , r 1\ ·~• l•w , ., ~ • . 1 t '•• , , ,, f'r. ~ annfltan rf'd hill llllbj('('l 1\11, 1\ hi ,1 I lt,u /,,,,j 1!1• I I ·!1 I• 1 "The ~ctflxlon u ( .lo•l'll~ froorn II _ l'l·tiiiiL'iJ;.'J \ooJ• .:l,l:. ··-•L!..!.!.• Yrft'r a Polin! .. '"'' SJH'I '!' r Tl '!'"L I· I; •I •J.III 0 ·'I '\. I' 'I , ... I mualcal numbers wlll hi' J.:l\'en J1,v ,.,·,1rcl 1'•••1:• ~f· , ,.,,.,1.),11, "' •··1 ·' '"' uth ·'~" n•r ttle ~ C~k qru.ortt'l, llolly• l ho• l••a 1 dclo• ~·II 1 ... \lr ~ J' ,_ 1 .... 1 lo• • ., to \• d II :.c> the wood ntcliO arliiii.Jo, 1\t ,,, '" 1 fiM"<.o"Jo •J , f f ,,JI, I I• I ,,,.J I •'II 111••11\ lllt'lltl!'d OnJy by • t• .. •J-!'1• \1r Lin• 1 t •t. r.• , • t 11 '•'" tnt ......... 1:11 1uls nnd m <!m · CLUIIELI:C'TMOt'f"l('t:RJil I I''' •I· >1 ..r S.III L< ·''I 1 •.• , , ••. , .... 1 llh l\\11 lolllllht•!!, came Ill! Wnt. HalT)' RAker wl. .. f'lt'<'!Pd .M1 1 1: t-.11 aiJ. 11 • ( 11o. \ 1 "I""'' lu J,~ .tl Jrwnds. preeldent 0 ( D D F'. l'luh Whl'n thr h• oil o t, •/ I , 1 1111•1 .\J 1 (;, , ~· :,; t. .I! II J..crlt ~fllrj1hy Wl\8 the IT'OUP met In r'f'gulllr 81'1<lllun Rl ( 'oolokloll ,, .. ~,. ~ ,\dolt• I ( •... It ••I I' '"' s olll\' llllt•lltl.ont. Whllt• Jamell the 8Nldon Smtth hoomr , 127 2:\th :O.:•"f'"ll tt.11 1••r l•••j!'" __s;, I. I 'J"'' '" •:raud Rapul~. Mlt'h., Mnt. Gordon M. Grundy, 92<1 Ocean Front, :o\t'Wp<Jrl. wu includ- ed amonc th•· ~0 g-ut':<ts entertain· ~d Saturday oflt'rnoon at a l'hann- tng brlcfl'e l}ll1rttf'!>n glvtn in 11\e S.nta Ana f\oonu• of Mr11. H uber t Nail. Island joined wtth Mr,. Hubt-rt Nail 1n entertatnlng at A br ldiC" luncheon m the latttr'a Santa i\nn hume laat Thursday. l>t'< •oral tuns foltowed the Valentmc muttf. tht Rev. and Mr11. r: \\'tlla rd Stearne of Costa..Mesa FHun;qunr" Gospel church, arf' ellJUYtng tw.r w~ks' vacation a t Mr!'. IA'nntn Custer's mountain ('a boll tn' Jo:lllt· trnno park. The Rev. Mr J:lynt'!t or Hun Iangton Beach '\. •II O\'\'UPY the local pulpit durtn~; thr1r ub- sence. ( rt ... r. MArgaret Long, Florence I C'le\'I'IAnd. lea Clark. Margaret lll•llfl. h·a Coe, C lara Rollins, C. T. M<·t"ork!'ll and Blanche KuJawa. .. c 't:LJ:BRATI!H ANN'I\'EaSAa\' Mr11. Ed Zube of Balboa Island W:t!! h~tes11 Sunday l'l'ening at a 'Urpnllf' card party which honored a \'1H!ll1on In the warm lll&naii1M of Palm Spnnr• a.re&f l"or n.- SJ•nable rcntala aee "f. L. JOI'd&D. llPRerl Vrlla Apta,. C&thldnl ('tty S1x miles from Palm _ f;flrllll:ll on Indio hlchway. PboDe ':'819, l'nlm Sprlf'\&'1 exebanea. Utt the brrthday annrversary of Mr. Rt'Al ESTATE atreet, Jut Thul"l!dA)• Olh••r 11fft·r 11 •1! ~~~ lot•st man. Mr ami Mrs. cent namf'd to ~~en·o• damng thl' t•n· ·• t:'l t:u \T 1.;\ \ t :T rt: ~till\\ t .Jt I A •'. hrut h••• -in-Wiw llrHI ~~~tt·r of M111. ~lit !':rn1th, Widow .of lht INlftC year a rt' Mr11. llujter &r-~-·'Mr., 1-'ttto l \\' .lit•• ,,( :-: •. "I'"' I t'" llr~tlo•~o.•""'"· fl•'\\ 1\••st fur the lnte Lollis A. Smtlh, 221 20th st.. row, vke-preardPn t ; Mrl<. F.lnwr wu~, l•l• 1, 11 ,, o1 ~;.11 ,11 ,Ja, ~11, 1 · •·•l<l•n.: aud art't•r\\anl f'nli'rlnin· Nl'wport, Is r•·p<~rlt'd as r.-covtrlng PaUereon, ~rf'lnry. nut! M n~, 11,.111111 n~l•·•k """"''r II"'"" 111. •ol tit•• brulal [o:lrl ~· \\'tilt llliJl(Wr frr•mal!erlou.•ll•'ll rtRIImtntwhlch Howard Paturson.· trtoa!IUI'Pr nnd It•••· 11,.,1h••r Ml" ,IIIMt•ph J•, 1,,1.111 ,11 ol Jh,· Ltm· .. h''""' 111 Molntf'l'tln. hnll I'Ohtlned h••r to hf'r bed, undt'r nower chalnnan. Mr~~. AI llur\'ulh ,,f :-;,111,1 ,,11u. "h .. """ 11,,.,,1, c1 n ... n .. , .. Juhn -<I•· Furre11t Pet lull t•arc or a nurs.· rnr the past aeveral eacl Mra. Richard Dalltnar w••re ltv tiiP h••n"'"'''" "'"th••r-ln '"" t• 1111 lh<" <'<'rt'IIH•II)'. l '''f•;•ks. laiU&ted u new membera. t;:>th<'n! Mrr< M11y \\'rollz•• ()( Jlnlhnn_· Pr•·: Aft•·r lll n'•· .\\o '•'k>i lit the -ld11h11 attand1njr the _.lon werr Wtl!· c•oodlnll' 11 pll''t.<t"''' 11...,.;.t."on ,.( ,.111111.,.. 111nl•·•· tc·•••rt ~lr nncl Mr11 Som· Mr 110(,1 Mrs Mar~~hall L. Kee-.. · ' · · ll'r. 1600 Balboa avenue Balboa damel Robert Wllllama, HArluw "'"" 11 •l•·~q .. rt ,.,,11~,. !!prt11s: nnw-t'r.l ''ell rl'llll II lu nlllk <' lhetr homt I" 1 h ' Hon.U, S.rt Oqulat, Roy rag-P, H " llo'ln;.: ~~~•·d In,,,., "l'ntt .. n Mnnv In l..o•,; .\n.:• "'"· :~rrm , ~~~Be recent dinntr guestll .. •--.. _... '""' ... _ h .. .. • • thr1r !lrrUJ.:hter, Mrs. F. B. Hu· "'"-........ , ar---..-<Wteu. ''~"'"' lflfll! V.O•·rl' ''r<howl'rl'ti" llptHI • • • OIC.\S II\IOTJit;K flt'nOATt:O 11'111' of Lof'\&' Beach, and MIAI llw llllfllh'r·lu-hl' Ttw J:u•·~ ll!!t . , I Jn>•·Jihlllt> &nd J immlt Keeler o1 (liCLEBJLATE~NNrVF.PAK\' 11 ''" "''"''' up nf (nrnwr 1<r-houl 1 1.. '"'''I"' • tn•ttnl~tanrc .. r 11 1 h· l!tl:ctlll • ltlr. and Mnt. Paul to'lnk, .,. hoo ""''''" .. r Mr>t \\'nll:te ~''·" .l;"olllt'r ··1ft< c:c t•n;.: 11t the·! wtU be remembered All foruwr • "• old ... .; .. r lr•·• .,, '""·•I·"'Ghlo•r uo•· !\lr .1nll Mrs. Mlchatl Mahonty ..... nta of Balboa IIIIRnd. l:ls t I ;-\1'\\ D. I) \'tc'\\ r .• rll J l'I>Ulents 'Uti, I I h.,. '". k '""II Mrll. (' u .,r :o\o•\\ poort were dln~r gutlll.~ Suftday celebrated tht'rr ~th \\'loti ,art• !\lr anol Mr ~ \\'tlllam <:r<'·Pn Js,., •" "' an ""'·' 1. ol mmiRIPr n( !'ttnnrt~\· :11 the homt of the lat- dlnc anniversary at thf'tr hconw '" J' • l11ul•• "'"I ~:ro•·•J• of r,.,.,.,,i :l:l••'' II oll••r Jo,, •I· ,,,rcl. t:ustn l••r'" a:ro 11-uncle and aunt, Mr. and Oran,e. Among ctuldrf'n a111l .:rancl •In!<'. '' '"' h.,,.,,' ju"t 11rrl\·ro from lit• ~ • r .... 1 t h<' m,., 1, •r:• ~··n·~o·1• fotr Mrli l'hr" Schenlc of Ana.hetm. thl' ehiklren .ratlwnng for lh•• ''"'Ill Ill'"''"' Tlu ~ ·"'' """ lu• alt•d •n '"'' ._, ''"' ol.ou~;hl •·r l\lt'<.q Huth ,,.., ·'"'"" 1111\rklng the golden v;f'd. we_rt their 1101111 And rilltrRhl'l • 11 lh• r "' \\ """'' .11 ::-.17 t'n•r•'""· 1i., I • 11b"'' ool Ill• ~ '"''' :o\t>r-, ohnc ·111111\'erti&J')' of the latter law, Mr. and Mn~, ~wnrcl 1-·,;,k • "'"I"" loun .. r "'"' h w :l.!l n•t'l'nfh·"T~<•I' IJ, •ll'l"·l··r .. t r.J ,,,,, .. ,~I Tit•• • ""J'!.• and Mr. and Wn.. Ha rold 1-"'" ,, II • • '"1'11'\l'cl hv 1 he• l•ndt•fo! ruom ,; lol , ,!· 1 1 o1 au._ hlo-r ul ~I 1 11111 ~~ r!l I of Balbo& Jllland. • '"" '. \\'dh.llll I: •• ' II, >'I •. :.. I ' ,. ", ...... ub·· "' 1\l•'lt I !\tf' ".•nty Ward, 212 Sapphir e ' '· \ ·-. !jkY'Jj·Jio rnt~·rhJfJ/t P· //,yt/~? rtuy oi'kei· i'ttl' "'''''"I'' B tlboa laland, lll t'njuyrng 11 '•·•It flum her brotht'r, <rl'o11te ., ll'ra.:ht who plaiU! an 1ndt'tlntlt • t.t I' "' the Ha.rbor dislnct. A t .. rllh r reahSent, lw Ill renewln~t I I ·I' 'I'' o11.1.1nces with many old fr1 •·11tl• I Mr-:\.,ncy Atwood. 106 30th .. , r•·•·t :'\~wport, had as SundRy I tilllllo·r t.;ll••:<tll, Mr. and Mr11, H. L. :->1\ .. IJ •·I Sa nta Ana; and Mr. 'tt.nd I !\1.' '• • :1. · •• Atwood and Elden At- '''""' · · • :Jendale. On Mondfty 11hr ··••I· 1 t 1111· ·I a third eon and h1R IUh,_.,.\lJ. .IJl.l1 KrJ_J"Jo)'4, A tv.·~. 1 !II~" .. r • :J..filtale. " • I' he• ·t,;t •1v frltnda of iUrhard C. r rlo J.ou, tit 27th l!treet. who has I''''· .J 1\llb lar)'n&itts and undtr • • ,,. ' • phyalclan for the fli\JII I I\ • • I. • •II be glad to know that he • • 1 • " · 1 ht road to recovery ftnd " II I • • ' be able to rt'lurn to hill d111" , • the Newport postnfficc I t I \1 I o\' of ntxl week. Tho , \I meeting of lht' PiloL'I' Mr~ and Mnt. K. V. 111ft~< of Bl\1- boa Island were Saturtl.ov holllll 1tl a birthday dlnntr pArt\' honoring the natal annlven!ll r~t•• or Mr11. Ernest Maxwell of Hollywood; Mnt. Helen Band. Pla<·f'ntla Helght.ll and Mrs. Arthur Cannon, Orangr. Other gut~ts mrluded Wr. Maxwell, Mr11. Blind'!! two dauahte", and Mr. C'11 nnon. !\!~. Robert E . Roe. of Coltta llf••sa. rntertllintd a trio of frl~nda rn!lr Thun!d11y at " df'Mert brl<!«e party honoran~ ¥r:o Walttr Dance, mothcor of Mn1 P.•~ald O..ach IKr· by, of BalboA ll!lnnt1, who 11'"\'ll!ll· ing hrre from Wayoe. Pa. In add!· lion to the honureP nnd Mnt. Klr· by, Mrs. C. L. Thurn of Lido tale, Zubo> Pin()(•hle, "500," tu1d bndge • •. (For s.le) formt!d the d \Vt'l'l!l()n nr the eV.· ntnlf. , Gue11ll! In t 'nhtndance were e!lllnl And Mt!lldames Bill Smith. Walter Honeycutt, Jesae Searlts, 0:-1 LINDO STREET In Balboa nrnr the bay, a nne lot for ~ nt $600. Call at 700 E. Centnl uvr . B&lboa. . 61U lll'rt Arborn, Jarnes J.~roat, R . N. 1112!1 WILL BUY one of Ute ft~t Jadwm. Ed Zut>e: Mrs. Dorothy AI· I nt''<·lln front lotll In the Harbor bright, Earlyl\n Stanley, Milton D1stract. Jordan, Twlat It P~rk· Arbom, Louts Gleaenkamp and "r. 700 E. Central ave., Balbo&. Rex Albright. Gltt El\'TEKTAJNM FOR !'111~. ~ S'OR SAL.E--60 x 270 feet on 101 Highway, eaat of Archea. Build· lng 25 x 35 rt. A barraln. Jn&o CMh. 1808 Newport Blvd., eo.ta Mtsa. Mnt. Edw&rd A. Dudlf.'y of Bal· boa Island waa hOIIless al a rl'!'ent afternoon party which markt'd thr 1 natlll annlversa.ry of Mrs. Jell!lle H1IL Mrs. H1lf. pen10nal frtl'nd of Mrl!. ln~rll.w F'lf'tcher, a uthor of ' FOUR -DROOM HOU81: -A thf' <'UrTt'nt best-llt'ller "RaleiJ:h's few fee~ from the bay. Fine Edf'ft" And whn t)'Jlf'(l lht' bnok v1ew. An offer 11a low u $1800 dunn~r 1IJI' preparatlun Rt :-lf'Wpt•rt, will be cona1dered. ~ Krl. fi'"Y~ "" lntf'rf'!'tlnJP: ~-M-ttw-· Parker a t 700 E. Central, BaJ. hiRtnrlrlll nov!'l. Othrr lfUI'!'Il< :It· I ~· ISUT tl'ndln~t w ~ r t Mr~ Ouwl'•·!le completed the quartet. Adnmll, Mnl. MargarPt Allen n~d THREE·UNIT residential Income MMI O..tty .Col • 1· proptorty wathln walkln( dia· Mnt. Albf'rt Ogtlr n of We3t Wl1·1 . • e. • • -• tanct of the Blllboa buslnea c11a· !!On lltreet, Coi!IA Meaa, WllS holl· L A D . 206 trid. Pnred very reaaof\Able. t.-s. .. at Thun!d<~Y 1'\'cnlng's lle88lon C' la M II\ 111 l'f 16111 pl:•rc-•. f;l'<' M•s11 McDon[ld at 700 1:. of Zetas card • lub member11. tht I 011 Mill, 111 reported to h,, In 11 Central. Balboa. 61U hnlltess tyln~t w1u1 Mlsll Luella <'ritlcal cont11tlnn ftollnwln~ 11 ~P\'o•rp _ Dixon for high llrnrf'. Olhtnt at· I hf'Rrt RUAr k !Hifft>red )lelltrrd:~y LOTS LOT~ LOTS tending the fliPa~nnt affatr w~rr - --·~ Melldamtll Jud Sutlll'rlBnd. FrBnk Mrs. MaryWatther Sevtral nice resld~tlal Iota on Chllpmnn, Ht•l<'n C•mwl\y, H arold • ·• B11lhon Peninsula at prtcea from !'Heck. Edw11rd Ham Bnd M18JI Lol.:'l Died Last Fr1day 1400 lo J!'>OO. Nn bund11 or ....... llunter, J Lo A I ntf'nt.q, NllW is the time to build. n s ng~ ~s I J nrdan, Twlllt It Parker, 700 E . Mr. and MMI. A C. Ortdley of Mnt. Mary Rubt'rLcto•n Wnltht'r c·entral, Balboa. 61U !\:\6 Ballx>n ~tr<'••l, Co11ta Mesa. for the pal!l.l5 )'t'Rr!t a rt'sadrnt ut I -----------~r-=­ Mcl -~~ c.-. ,....__f •• ~ . ..,...,. i'cvat. ..... dted I ~ll&&INO BOllES and Mr11. Earl ('Jrlnnd of Long :ouddrnly m Lns Angrln lrult Frl· Reach nnd Mr. n nd Mr11. Howani da,, funt>ral ~~rrvw,.11 bf'rnJt •·a n· A NJ~ISTRY HONE rur elderly Rl'nner nf L.•~ An~rlel!. Mr. Ren·l durtrd nt ln_gl~"'~01~ W)th lnlf'r· f'lt"•ple. away from trafflr. Home n<"r lA w1lh the \\ eber Showcase I mcnt Ill Jnglew(llid Park cemco· Rtmfllll)ht'r't'. Trauted nurae In at· • ttnd Jrlxture ro•m pany. On Tuts-l tt'r)'. -t•ncSwn~. Phone 131&. pe d.ty. th.-Gru11t·y:~ \'tSitf'd at thl' The det'PI\I!ed, whn WR~ A WllJI'h · ---- hnm<' of thl"lr !Inn-In-law and I trr of tht latt' Mr. and 'Mr11. Thco~~ ML.'tet:LLANEOU8 dlllll:hler, Mr and Mn1. G. L~S t P . Rob4-rL"'-1n, wrll-l.:tnwn Hnrbor of L.o11 An~ttll'll, the dtnner rty d lstril't re111dl'nL~. ill !'IUr\'1\'t'd hv 11 FU>WF.R~ "SAy It \\ith Flowera; al!ln rnl'ludrnlf 1\ruother I'On n·law i daught<'r, Joan Kan<ltc \\'Rithl'r Say it with Ount" Gill'• Flower nnti dllu~htt'r, Mr and Nrs. Paul 1 Bnd 11 brolhrr. Thonll\.-. P. RQberl· Shnp. 1':'10 :-lf'~rf, Blvd. Phone Renntf' or Alhambra. , . l lllm. Shf' wM 4~ y .. a,. <>( aJtt'. M7·J. Co11ta Mella. 8c 1 1, 1 rtst Church by Ure Sra. :~.:~;~·~ orlllrht~~:\\~l~~~;;pl~:!J ~----------'"""::-_____ ..:.._ __________ ...:...=:, ::: :·.··~:.~,~·:,~~·o';.~g:i~~.~: A NEWPORT BEACH UNIAED .. posTOfFICE MF.S'S SUITS, cleaned and p~· ed, 7fHo; Ladie11' dreasea, cJ..,... t'd and preAif'd, 7Dc up.-Alph& Cll_'llnent. 1827 N•wport B1vcl., Col!ta Mf'lla. 6ttt ,.. ctatms Aiw'tlll lhr f•ll" \\ti'HH',\1! ar•• thoee we know I•• 1'1' r ''' r• • t \ Tlw f lilt' A ;\\li,+.l l ltll~:o> \\ff'hh \\ I \1: I! t .._ t Tht' tint' AMF.Rh'AH •I\ I •h 11 .. 1, 11 roomy, With apl'l(>lll:tn• I '" • '• < I• •I too I' tl· Wf'y tht Wle of lht• I 1•'-l •I '• I II lllo Tht flnt AMt--:RH'AI: • • • ,, 111 II\ ,: orating tonic II" " nwt··l , 11 n •II,. 1 '' h,, h mav have looked 11.8 thoo111:h •• 11.111 1 ... 1 hrlll• w( Tht fine AMERrAR ''" ··~ .... ~-.1 ,, ,, ,, • cooct looklftC. • '"'~~' '-'••llp tlh J••YIIH'Ill The• f II<' \ \! IIIII l'l'ldo f ill ll t The li I'"'"~~~ , 'In 1\P '"'"~ n1 ••lh<'r 111 Ani< I • . , . j .. I l:Jo , \11 • \\1 'I • ,, ' Thl' f111t· . \~II I. I,· \ 1\ \"a l•~l t\·a~·n I• r· 1 ._ ).. •' • 1 1 \' r \ 1 r 0 ! j I ol ~~· l r. u,. n tr,,,,. I ..... , •t•••l :•h 'r n~,,..-,' than a. Lew M •267 for 4-Door Sedan, Delivered Here, ~IUIDD .. Lih.ral Tradet Lt'tw no~n P.wment ThPn $2 1 98 r,:, M •nlh on W1llu' O wn E.uv P<tyment P l.,p R. W. TOWNS&NC 108 ~ nnt lb .. t ~T& ~& ., . ' I • 'l'•· 1 tn ' ~81&. A&~l~tlng the ''" •. ' "til be Mr. and Mnt. Ray- '' •• ol I' Ba,eLma'n and Mrs. Edith .\t.o d• ,. " \1 ·, Frank ~tglf')(, lh.e. tomter \1 · II .j;h Me lllan, WAll t>nter- ' ' ol today a tht' hori1e of htr ol . ,., 1 •, 1. Mrs. nald J . Dodg<>, the plt<uant affBir bt>ing • • nature of a po!!l·br.adal w1th' ltlany IO\'tly girt. .. • •, ·I tlw hpnor1!4'.•Games werf' ! : •llo~·lng dmnf'r. "'UlAn Ruthtrford, prHt· • :"ewport &ach .):bell club • • rma"' of the M'COn~ hnUM- •, •nomlcll aectlon ot\ Santa ,•Jl e~. preeldfod Thursday n aj a ~rt bnd&'e par- TO THE PO~T}I.RTP GENERAl. OF TilE t ·~rno ~T+TJ:~ Wullln&'fnn, 0 . (', \\'r. thr unde.rsljrnf'd llrC' ri'Stdents pf tlii>.'Crty nf Newport O..a!'h. StRIP of Callfor.nill. Our rit ~·. 11 t lhf' prt'~~nt h1111 four ( t ) phst nfrlt'l'!<, n11mely: Newp.,rt. Jl,.n•·h. BalboA. Ballx>n lsl11nd nnd Comna del Mnr. lt'l', Wt' fl"l•llun your ortire to untie our four ,. t pol!t flf[kt<ll it1t" ••ne mnr11 office and nt t~l' AAJ:llf' tune rei.A1n lhl' thr<'!~ t3l rc-m~tmtn,l: pMt oftlrf'!l "" lluh!l{at .. >nll; th111 beinc nccusary dnt I•> thl' !'<'•'Uhlir J.!t'0$1rAPhll' dr\·hium ot ou r rrty. Art'"" fmm •·our attlce nn this nft"dtd tmpro"tment wUI be j:'rc>lltl):. npprtclatC'd. \ ' Add reM Namrs o.f ~ta r.cewmr ma~l 11\ thla ~: --= HOME FURNISHINQI CLOSING OUT -Several UNO Scrvel Gu RetrtgeratoJ? at a._ Diacountll. R a I boa t'urn1tw-. Store. 30• Main. Uti MA\'TAO WASHD\8 RCA RADIOS ~ 9ACUUM CLEA:o\ERa "UUI"E'IJ 4PPI.JAS("E Mia._ ~~.. .-u. TRADS what you don't wa.nt l« " .,..hat you ~·ant. ftboru J"'lrN. ture Maf1tet, larrt'At atoek fill ·u.c~ furniture In S,.nta ~ 1202 Sout.h llaan IlL, ,..._ .u aa-w. •ttt ~==-"'""' by the latter ~up .1 tn t.tw peacock room of \na ICbeD clubtlouM. Ofte ~ f...-ft ... ...._ .. ":.. dt> .. rt co\lne wu~ .. ,........... 11• •J•• -~~~~~~~- •'1"11011&, the attemoi>n ~Ina' • ••. : to contnC:t. Mrs. dunnlnt: IOUI. ADELl: OIXBAL ~· ~. ~~ e~b.~a= Kindly ••en and rtturft r..·~·~~·~ .. Womao'• 1-aloc.I&Uon, =.:. n ;'l'daJ J11W1 &l concluaion jadv I 1ft W•t By A"e"~.'..&JbOII, Calli. i &•Ja,....... ..... N. lll.··...rt.., I. -u---------.....;-----~-----·------......,•.,..-~.~ .. ~-~ .. ~.~.~ ... I .. -- ..... .. 'Ti!lo ht! ot the missionpr out pay, 011 the nc Wbile th n'COffiUl t't the coun< abidr by hoped th· get' toget anU. cull reach an sat111fy a of old on tbt' I'Xpe< Should a l'Cnaf'tr! ert becau, oeu bu•l• lmpror~ they can • lmpru\'em at a Urn enough 1 siona) VII roe al lm ahoc~ 0.. monLia. 1 bu gooe Reed has of Ajax modem au Tbe&tre i and tm~r acll!r of 1 "abow". Latrllt 1 to aaaa1J glooa In • aport 1!1 n Chid Fra •Y• bt 1: 1 at.ace whe 6n the dl the time. admlt.ll he Inc oo a Htre's wa y . offlc to .lnclud• Cor-ona d proweme~~l ·way the" they WO\l) --.red • .......... dtlaoa 6 aa they I area. "' Now th .IUbmarlnf powtr dna a mystert beaveo lU ported &II being 1111r thl' ot.htr Whllt Will tht' tlmf'a. dtrway h WOIIIfl thlt Jlgh'l.a 0(( Jamr!! l\ mlln pnin wert' at \ of any <'n• tn shnrl' I cur onlv ' ('!f(' fh~~t Pol 'JI:Yf't' W rt ally no thP <'lt\' ll ably 3,.,., 110118 nr lti Oil«' ru,•m a ll PnJ!l.\' fteall'!l Ill fart 111 r\ 'a'll nlo, 'II. h ber at th A llrll 3rrl !;ants Alii tlnol 1111ffu Mee Actlun on th,. I'' ll'an Lr~:•« It lak~1< J!UCh prnj monl'y, It &allf't In ~ Legion ml out plans larre thf' Kiwa Jlreeent tl Caaraut m city .. 111 111 lfr and Jl Oil lW Ne IIIHa are t. ...-n Febrw ~tal. Mn. Don• 17 ncovertn IM88 wbkh ftnealtnt lo. pttal J.aat WI ltlr. and l DGW '"ldlnt 8trMt boaM aade. their Wu ted 7 'Ti& hOfl\•\1 lhal th'f r ffo·ct of the l'ity phw ning l'OOl· ml8siunPrs, whu ~t·n·e wtlh. out pay. will n •tt bt>• wtl8tl'{l 011 the new :r.onlng m din&nce. Wbik lh(• plan OOIU 1l IS li rl'!'omm<'ndlng body nnly and the rouncil dot'tl nol have tc• ablclf' by tls dt-d&IWJI , 'till hoped the r ounctlrntM w I I 1 gel togt'thf'r with tht board anU, -t>aatinJJ 11111d t dlfft l't'n r O'!I, reacb a n agr<'t'mt'nl t hat wtll aati11fy all and corrt'cl f'vlle of old ordmam·t' H O pnor to the t'Xpe<'lt'd boom in build !' ..--+IH'-t1~~ ' • No Inertia Meet The Need Actl•)n •~ _~:..t tlnJ!' unol• 1'\\'lly 00 thP prnpn!lt'lf nf•w !\ mr•r· !('an LI'J:tom IIAII h('rr ... \.hllr It tAkl:" tonw In •work ""' IIUCh prOJI'I'l" nnd ntil'l' 1 hi' mon!'y, It would bo• n rll'l tnltl' &Ncot to ~ community tr triP Legion m n Ar•• Rhlo• t u wurk out" an11 t)r 11 l1A II l h•lt w ill Jarr e dl 11urh M t.ht K lw llnls.. piM . A t t h e . p reeent Umt \the cApacit y of l lari(Ut ml'l'ltnJ placet! In th« city .,Ill IIIDitd to abtlwt 200 . . .. : .. .. SEMI· (~ .. ; ·r WEEKLY-("• • L. . ~ ...... --: EMBRACING BA1,80A PENINSUL~ WES"!_ NEW~ORT. SEA SHOI!_E ,Wild Ta.les of Lights Debunked , :O.I r :\lw h;,..l •~ " l.i•·qto•n:mt 111 tlw I ', S !';wy anti wa"' •·•·nno•r!o•d ;, ~·ph 11 ~ .. aplrtnl' ~upply haw In tho· ( II'IPOI hr for(. l>t>in~o: I rnn,fr•rN•O tn "" atrtTaft rnrnt•r nt S1•.1ttlo• Thr (''lll(llo• 111'1' 1"11 jrl~ inS( II hrtPf Vi~il ~·at h thr• Pill"kf'~ _I • Land Pric~s Jump ~s South 1 Main· Work Starts • • a --• I ' Wf:EK·END EDIT-l ON = l:hoiiT r-\cit:s ,Sup~visors Study Harbor Comniission I :Appointment Plan I ' ( 'hamht•r St•t•kM ,\('(ion On Port Body to ~IX't•d· l l)llt'r Bay~ Ut•n•klpment; I~J(isla­ turM t c_t_fuw~Mi..llill o ·1-:na.b • ~tal__........._...._,.._~-+ Jc:x,·hanJtt'H ·. \\l'f'k IIIWIH'rl JMr• 111 tilt' ck•vt-.&npnwont Is This th~ Low-n-uvn On the Sad Talt• of Mayor llrunH? "'"' ph'u.-•· h II rt "'"""''""V t '' ''"t<" t .. ,tul V '*''flu I t,. ttu• tf11tltt•f v.tf ft Mu v••• l 'lurtuur~t t tttaUH ••f hllf lt ;\Ute " !'(uulll A1111 Hn11tn All>t, w h ld t hu IIIIO.'IIY• f•l to!••• I IIIM•Ir 1111 1111 olf'· • "' "'" ••n•l I"''"'"" flh•• tlnl(••r or .... , " ... "''' '''",."" "' ... Ill .. ,, IIH· '''""PI • ~I I•·• 111 llu• 1 """' y ,..,... •hM tn•· • l.•·t ''" tw M••u rv.-n tr ...... , -... • .... -.. -... -......... -n-r-' ...... u-.-. '"''''"'"'•• u v•·ntl• ""'" Mun•lv u ll ttu• I • "'' n ( H w • It V ••fft• II\ I" fl th.'h' t .. v•·Htlt·u••,. ,.,,., "''" t h ,--~ t"' town 't"lll•t k• "If ~·.,llllf 1\ II t I t f# It r t "'•fUt ••f t h t I Htl" • ttt•J tnh 1111• -t th rtf • "''" • hl•t •nr ''I d ••\' U Itt• .tu ltHI•''" ·r,,. •u l•t 1hnt \1r l!t uu" h '"''"'' 1 • ,., klnll t 111 u ntl lt••f h tt• tu lr•fl .. \', p1 trtn"'t Jtf lh• 1•1 "''J'.A'ttt• t u ',,, ,,,, ' •• •' tt. tl ltcl1 I 411 I.,,,, I '#'''' ,., f '''""" tt. ,, v.llh ,,.,,. ,,,. I t • 1 tt l \ ~· • '' l 'ut.hh~~tfl• t \1• '••llttt H td htn l ·~:··• I'• rt v "'' u .. '"·" jf .J r·~t '''" ,\ 1, t f ,f •, u ~tt• • I 'f fl' h h lt••ttl"l ,., ..... ""~ '" ""' '""' ''··d u •. ,;, ... ,, ~ft•··t l •t'tk tt1• f •"l IUtf lfY t\' ''''fll fft; l :•••t •·~ ttr ,,._,, HJ"~ t ~"~ 1'1'"""'''..,. Y••l•· 111111 lllnto·d ,Ito• ltlo•k '~·,.,,II tlltj.(ltl •·•t•l11l11 Y llv \1• ""I" It• '1 1 "'·'I ~1· f '~tll••n H111n .. ''" tt,• II I• '' l••h·d t••r ~1 1 1•'1111(11111 I 'Ill IIlii II•·• \\ '"""" In ,.,u, UNCLE EJ> ~EZ- ''''' ,. •·u u rl. ••Itt hrr hu-.t .. ntl wu "" t ll(ht , . .,., .• ,, '"' tw" lhh•«-11••· 11>11111 ' hr ,..,,, 111HI th,. thln1• .... •ll<f · '•-. lhMI l hr t\mr r lr•n ,.....,.,. """" "' ",........... ,... .u ...... \ru~ Ul\tlll' "" lief. •lr, thf' -··· tms../.rt•nl thi"K I•• 1llow•u"" wttllt IAiolor l••"'l,.r• '" wh•·t j,..r lUll...._ , • .,,~,,. 1 .. u11f11lr '"'IIIJII'IItlun t.t , ... -,-----,..----i ' 7 7 7. ???????. -,..-.-.. -. ---r--i. !" NEwPoftT BALBOA NEWS.'I'iJas. ~.Beacb, ca.utoi'nla, nt~DAY. F£BRUAR ---· T ~ _...-r ftOI OftiJ . .... rot~f&J'DM!d &o tM e&a .... lec'al ..-q.a ... -aa. but abo ~ ..... Orace (~ant)' ~uprriur ('nurt dN'rt'fl, mak- l•c II rllclt.lf' to pllblb.h .\1.1. lf'cal nHtlr ..... E.D I.TO.RIA·t ' _FEATURES Thl• p11per ;trin~e to 'acoa...n~:r ~-• MW" of tJW. c;no.ac..-r llarbor DutrlC't ; to lie • lfUicllalf Ioree Ia &M .,.. •• ,...,.._ ... ...,_ mt<nt; and to •t•v aluor from fill{ obllpttoae C'~~'t'Jit that of fldd Jtf to tt.e .,Utll}c; lnkrt'et. , • Newport -·Balboa- NEWS -TIMES B ublicnpllor: l'.ll'aiJll' 111 Atlvanc·· !'.t 50 ...,..r ~··.11· rn lllltnl(•· ( •1tt11l). S:tn 1i.•t >'"·" It 11h 1un··· S.'l iJO I" 1 )'''" '" 1-111 ''•rt•' :!:X• p•·r m unl h h) t'lll r ... , i:ijit';red {II• 5N'ontl·Ciu!»o nw ltt>l 81 IJl•· J.lt~o>lltflll'<' 111 1\;o·" I"" B•··•r:lt, Cnlth•r ruu. untl•·r I ho• Ac t of ~1>tt do :l-nfi!l $kinny-Skri~~les In fulluv. I• •r I h• rnnrl' l"l'tlalnf an.t wnr;tr·~>nmr tntnJ;;"' m life. ,....,. Scotch 'Letter to Mrs. Marlow • Describes Grim Horrors of War F I S • . SA Californi Ree- Tol than madto ap, fo h im in hla trt~m-1 the Whtl .. ~ou,..-at the appotnlC'tl ..tow.t~ full tif lovely things caf~s F'ram·r via lh~ DunkiJ:k affair. ..from t h<> ( Cit y Coun r tl n•t umt'C1 t h<' zonin~ nrdinann• tr> llullln~u llUt or pbal ~ntry ,,f tb~ Natioo&l Capital· time • -, t mwd .. ct and nu tack "' ftn" food Ont' 19-yrartl-old youngster got a " • . · , ' . f -1 llf'nt At lt'Ut that'll thl' way I Krf'MIV•' • ••n.ttl1""" t 11 l hi "' · E 1 d Th ,.. I' ~ a• fltta•t t 1 h wrek'a II'BVt' snu that and walk-~e "" nino Com mlsston f or fUJ·tht>r s tudy. Thts m (•ans soruc. 0 I h,.••d It &nl" h o ow og !' ao1 .. urn m ng an . " ' atu ~~~ ··~·m w ~ '' •• anyw t>rf' "' " 1 ~ u llfi1')1 t ht' way I In-:ond t'aJ:Pt •nlo>rt·"l 111 t,.P -nu HI' had all official Wubiogton thE' last 1nrh o)f lh lllpdt'lly :">t'ws-1 "In the everungll u 11 r yuun~: t••l intu ht!l fatht'r's booee w ith le · -,._ .. tt'•f"" ... "l""'' • 1 t rt It I t--' I -' ••1-'al nnol t .,~,'"'"· ·•f I··'"Y ar~ rl!lD&lk.-1 .. t .hi houl .. -r and agu u: .. .,.,.,,., " "'" '.• · ' ' f"Tllrt' e n ~,..,,v.. 0"1~ '' ' "" eltfler on Jt11 ~d o r at b ill f ecot 1 !'Bpt>r rurrf'liJ>c)nllrntl! IL n d pho-(ulk diUH'f' and pt&y .gnmell 10 It ~ u&yone on 11 '11 u"' · 1 h .... th ., ,. n l 1 t ·' 1 1 th h Riot.· ror ""'" lth 1tn•·~~ And hl.a r-k h f It nia have b Bo1h sit~ Kfl' a 1111 a l ~ger eatL<; fl.\'l'r <' Sl ua I <I Jl an ll ut'V" op n~; .,, .n .. ar I' ttr· from Pruldl'nl Roostvelt on down. tugrapho"ll tun1bled <lvf'r eat' h l.ltldt'rl{r<Jt,IDd llhE'ltf'rs belltllf'l' I rttm-a .,. .. rma n pac angmg rom . . . . h h 1 1 1 lw•r Ill ,.,.rtuln 1" • fun•e ll'a'dentlal ••fftrc< t~ "P"'" 'lll<l hilo h,.art lAng--• ·" 1 nt 1 th t th houltl go throu""h d ' · · and lx>th SI~S ha ve m c n l In th t'Jr C'Onf('n ltons. ut ' n (I)!'~ I' . t I () t Tl In" nw "lun•·.~ .. , thl' t 'ni\11' ... u Thla pollt!C81 c-Ity witnl'-d the ntht>r in t.h ... prt'!'lll ~('(·tum .-lose by .In~: for all sorts uf uhrea..uu ,"''('h ,· A all a you " '6 IVlSlOns •• • · •o<'a 1"ntc n rnnji(,r c.uun Y •t'r•· ~ .. h !.1 b refoot atrange spectacle of a ~l'publlcan Mr. Willl!ll' 11 wtl{ll'/411 tabll' Alil't' ualit lt'S, all u\ a appy • ~ sur h timl'!l. •ll'lllh and dutructlon a division not SOIV<' dnyt hin J,t. ~ llln't ~tny rf'IU".JII why th•·•,. llh .. ulll mt·r n ty 3·" wh••n I' ~~ ~h ,.. 1 pruldenual candttlat.. 1:14'1ng ac-nons .. ·:• It Lunb•wvrth 11tou.s on 11 ht>arteti comraderte. Only we uld-a'nu surrow M • U ,n.gentk>fnton t'On~mect w ill rt"l':tll, a fpw \\'(>t•ks :tt.:o 1 rtt•t 11••11 will~ favur 11f>"11 lht> 1 ur-'••rnl'"n'"11" "'"''' l'j''~ "f e 1 • claimt'd by tbe Democrats and re-tttbiP on hl'r 1 tpt'nt'!l ' Mrs H~nry ••r fnlk rl'alize what c.-oodittnna ..... _,~An I H tJO l3c: rd wa.-.at "uuts"with tht•ft '<l-l t.o ·r art•a. llx rruxlrruty, 11" na-SV.tlllflllllj.! 11''1'', l.tl•,',"n·· Aj;oyl pudi&tedbyhla own pllrty ll'adera. \\'ullare, Witt• 0( lhtt Vh't'·f'rl'lli-wtl1 bto aftc<rlh1S V.arlli\JV\'~,\\'~ Keepl·ng Up Provlding-u-=-a..un ge e!!l a r r >a . . turul t~t•Jtuty tend r,.. n·nttnnlll en-unolo•r ~ 11 • h ... ,,,., ' 1" " • hf' varalty acll era) J.tOVt>mme nt • OVer rPJlftrtt"<< ('Xh Or b tta nt h>t~ fl'\r rt•n tals. I II"" llhHUl<l rill 1111 llw I'm ply I'•·• rg .. Wtll om I 'uri IIi !tttlil• .. A~re I Mr. Joseph Martin, l'hairman <If dt'nt of tlw l 'nilrol !"tutr •. lllootl I!UW 11001<' (~rman prtsnn;t' I . Ita fh•at con • • • ' I . t 0 f th4' R4'publlcan Nllttona l r 0 m -~&1\UWII'hl'ol h tl I w ..... It m.,~~t'DI{er I InK mart'ltvd (r·nm thl' I'll!< ,. " It w •. t h The Law Tuatln who Did the board throw in tht> sponge' and say "lo ·h ('U w it h it ?" I lliiiJtl'lt Ill :">o·wpnrl tlw y •• 8 r tH II multo·r "1 I•··· lllg. nn m lttee. who managl'rl Mr Will-buya 'and f'l'r!lpirlnl( ('r>rtgrNIHmt·n lllffiiJ llnd ll<.lml' Polish uffiN~r!l j Orange Lea. N ope. Tht>y got IOJ,tf'th t-1' w ith W ash in J.,:t on a nn lht' cil'al \\'I'll' l lhruuKh y••a r!l ' -• -kle'a campaign, <11<1 n<lt evl'n ap-1 oJurlrtg t h (' lWII·hour \Palimnny. )IIIW tht'rn tt•• nne uffH't'r lmn·ol Byron R. Bentl~y. LL.B. Harbor Hlg- ... _. h • ·• l • ·-1 1 1 't 1 lr n•• now before pear in the Caucus room .tn1bten 1 .Mrs. Gcur~ec•, plump 1t~d cheerful 'Ill:. t .. l'lb like a wolf ~n•l math• .. Wh•la ,.,, • ...cant d~j110n .. .,,... ed to play u14vulit ' • J\rlljZ'• Hrohf'rt l:nrolrwr 11 tn ' 1' 1 wr•n w ' "' to hill t<andidatt>'s h!lltlmnny. witt' of I hi' S•·rtntl' 1-vh•IK rt ,flt•· u rush at tlw m. I)Ul htll r hums unh the l~w In 1 moat a,l•t••· " 111 it no t possi.ble for; our lacal fo lks to gc•t to~t·l hi' I' a n i I rlo..-t tho· N•·WI~•rt Ht'll<'h Junhor t httt ('nMiu ~~ . ..,, " d aaMlc, t h e On t hl' aftrrnoon of the ·W•II·: latiuns C<tmmltl•'"· hutJ to fight J;:ruhbt•ll hlnj an•l held <>n to him '"••• rna~ be tool ,.,l.llon.. of a priva ork t is(> The lnnnin • board h11s work£..0 h;tr d 1 'hl\ollo..r "' 1 '<•mm,.n·•· tl••llliOI'll "So l\n ·•·r••w 1 'arniVitl" '~"111 claim kit' teetimnnv belo~ trn: ~nat>' I tnr her I>IJtc(O to he11r autl 11ee. And till th" cu(.thruats wt•n· JIIIMI , an ~c:'..r •r,;~t1cau:~~=~·.ona. conault Monte San W 0U a comprom . p ~ . tlw t'llmlng term A<lb llhuuhl jZ'I•I pulollt t'nlrrtuJOn\l'nl &ttentloQ. · I • h 1 t 1 1 ..t hi ' bolder; and ..-this zoning without · nAy . We believe l h«•.v art' I'OnS('If'n-• •l•on" nii'AI." ... ,lh ttl" Jlani••r ta·'l! I ""•k In t hr ~1 1·1·\\'~l!t cum ftellll F'Ort'lgn R t' tat io n a ('omrnillJ'1'. 'J !laW " photn..rrap er b8 anc n~ u~:y ~<II: hi. hut um r rs ~n a " qulntet w hi ""' ,... '~ .. ' ,, -' ,.u ""'' Prel ldtnt ROI.lllt'Vf'lt's reg u I a r· hill t•nm•·rn nn lltr ol1jmlrlt••l h~atl "The NorWl'j!itUt t!>t~lurs l(lO. POLICE SHOW-UPS "No per-tioua. So a.llo are members of tht' roun d l. T h at s t ill dnt•s n n t .... Ill llll Ulll"•l·l·• havmg huo (>rth!lll ,.. arl'f'rtl'l''lt "''"' ~ part of _lh4' Mml-wPekly p11'!\!l conft'r('DI'(' WIL'l "' So·natur (';porRI' lltOIII~It took \ICIY wc>uthrrhl'aten 8 n •• """ !thO II ..... ('Ompt'llt'd lll give Counties Le -•.Wy..l IIHtl &mpoeln Je lbo!m. Ofl 1 h8rYU~ anJ.l.lll.-lJl.J! 1\: IQt !!_( !,!!1 J:Tim ~li4' WI'F"-tm!~WUUJ •I )'OUC leslimuQ)' ltndlDj:..liLAD)'.. ._._..,.._-tlt-"',..,~nThrtn\e gam The counctl s pent about ~.000 with a zoning •'XJIC'rl from the p ty a nd out of It cam <' O rdina n <'t' 440. w hit'h is a work- ab6r plan. Th<'y have spent abou t ~ o n l ht• n •j('dNI n rd in- ~. Should that be w a.octect? Mnyor onion wdaim s it would COlli $2.000 t o print a nd pubiL~h th l' Orilinam-.'. Th<' writer. w hen asked to give an estim a te, found it \\ou ld cost a ltunt<h 111 Junt<•r ('hamht'r huylt fl•·w nut "' l)w •t·~·k matket. but 1 1 · t h lin~ HtUPr and pi~ '" 1n1·rtminato• hlm,'f'lf." So r.-. l4hhlllol hrlltl: , .. turn :r loot M like tho' llllfl Wit!• lhl' ~roken pm-lJrt•ta•tn Takes Offensive and Gives ·::: !\~C'r!l ~~-;.r tn thl' J .. w~ whP~ llw 1!11\ll' t'POI!lttution. !'~c;~~~ I•II'IUtUrl' lln I Itt• nttwr. h tnol ,\'0111 h ton tl,..r hll\'o'D I n ow11 10 blgh , · l(h l:t 1..-,_at I• .. "<Hod A nn~onl'r Will! rhargl'd with . ( I h l • t ,. wa r «'n• " '" ~ ~ ,.. ,. ,. tz hi\ .... ll•l .. ( "'""' to It ,. .. nw "' "'"' ,. that lim•· All n Wh c II w . 0 Nazt Balkan Move 'thiiU •ht anti whn bo•tlo•r cnulol Ill•• l'ttmP n( robbery l)y force. ~0 ~etin) II r•·•·lllt tlrunl anol mnyiH• I hI' t•Xtrant•<HUt lu l h•". r.-al P~~~hlll~ arntng n oh•al :.,l·h thr tnl!llDI' mnnSII'r~ whu Ill' \\':\11 pl<'kt'd up on. suspiCIOn JUol.K•' ml~;hl ~-:•·t a r.·...-d•·• 1'1''"" I hi' "~• ru •·• '"" 1 "1 mva • w 1 • _, 1 .• t•rtttr . 1 thf'tr Alo'lflo w1th othrr prlsont>rs, he fpr tht m.e m t.o lh hav•· muruf'r<"• an.. • t . .. uague "i n .,v,.rruh•tl llul lw c·an Ink!' II Ill a •lual uhJN It~~ .,.ve t' 1 By FLEETWOOD LAWTO N , • , ... uthwnrol ad\'1\n<·t> to lin,. nr rn•·r ror-l!b many -Y~-Wftll llnftl u1• tJfl R :-tal!~ and -• p1lhiH' Pnto·rt.unm• nt &nd at {ht' All thuuJ:h \\'m•ton 1 'hun·htll'll \'allt'YII !IIIC h Rl! that altlng whtrh "Our snn :">nrval v.11l s1><•n I•• o•Xf"l~l t...-th<> Vtl'W <>f l.l crowd t "'nul•l llko· 1n ~"" lht' Nf'wro•rt M:tm• t1m•• "'' otrrlltlate • fund 1'1 hroatlra11t fof a V.l'l'k IIICf' wPrt> an n rn.o lht• rl\'rr Struma thrnuJ(h "''<lt·•·n an•l spentls 1"" hnur11 oof· of P"'~'~~""" to llt'f' if any of them ltllrl. .. or oiJOifto t flol\\'o•r """"" II pay r••r J'llflll lf'l\ltnn In the ccn~t (IW&IIl••l !iljmli1 ° Rrttl!!h -P""'';\ tm-Aull(llrla Ill In J tti(OIIhl\'tll t~nt ;,., l't ii!Onl training fur tire fight. t••uld toll'ntlf\' him tn t•unni'C Uon 'I! 1\.lt o·~t·rtt My •'"tf.,.rknt·r 111110 lin•· 1 'hn><lnllo' huh day llgbtlo~ ml'•llllll'l\' 1<h11Wt•tl f'll'ar sl)..'llll ut alun11 "'hit'h run!\ th•• l'nur"" o! tht' 10g n·~ruong wnunol•·•l a n .t n•. With tttltho•rt.l'll v. hkh haJI been '••&out $ROO of whk h m o re than $100 \\ntJid Ill• fo r t"ngrav- .trip «Uld a nother Sl OO fo r l OtiO folck-rs. Surt'ly that rould no t be Qne of tht" rl'nson-. for J'l•jt-<'1- 1111 the o rdlt1an<"t'. w h il'h rover.-' som<' fift~~-typ('\\Tiii••IJ pm:f"' . and a dOzen larJ,t«' drawin~s. If thr "n~in('t'ring <1\'p:wtfnt>nt ~pet~t $600 oo the dnlwings w hat about th<• t<'dio us .}lou rs put ho·o·n thlll v. h••rt· I f1nol a !"'"'"" ll.•y ='• "111 "' ll\'tllt•!l, IUld perhapl! 1 urnfnj;t (hono purrly tlefPn!<.\'1' lu rl\lrr \'arolnr m .. ,·tng the ol1'3tl flghttn~:: .ga.~ at-t mnrntll o•tl '""' anlo<r'•·~t·••l lu 11no1 a l"y••r ur fluw-l>lh••r v.nrth~· pr••Jt'<'lll "11 they •h•-ntfrnlltvo• sllll.!Rgy.·_ Smeo• hlghWIIY>4 :tn•l rn1lr<oatl1'1 tn tat kll , I• 1 lmpt> Itt• will never I!•· pruto••to'ol \'IK"rnHIIIy 11gainat o•r11. I hlt\'0' fuund 11 !IUhlllttntutl n ·l••p s:n·•· (tor ~~ brlihnnt-••pr•·r · htolh Hul,::111111 rHtol Humunut ar.! 1 • Dl'l.'•lt-.1. t.ut -st1ll 1h111 h••lh,.h lo•Htt: :••" '" I•• ·'l'l'•':tl In the po • , IU~.f'n, It ""'" "r a woman who ' -• -Ill 1111111 In l.thy,, an• I Tnpulttanm. rPII:ll 1\'o•h• (o·w nntl I' XI'"'"''" tn fttt' v.·nr l!"''lt 11n 1 "m ,j, k nt h• '" t hr·o· ~hoi\ .up. dnlrrtnli( that he • I · h I II :-;an Itt Artll 1n t•arllrular llrt•l ' I 1 I I t · '-•~ h '' lo·lll l t·tl In '"''' I •' r II' uw lho• B r r t 19 h RIIH• k~ 11 lo•rtl!t\'o• "l'''t'U tun~ •r r111 mttny fnf'D•I!< who~· h••\'11 h·'"' w··~< IM·In;.: un•'t o j::t\'1' "v•u~nce in by the P lanning Board. 1 · nh·n loy hi\'II\J!' nat ur•' ftrst Tho·r .. (lrun~:•· 'ollrtly In l!••nl':al 1• ~n1-h .. ,.,. nlmOI!l Hny.ol All F••ro" hnmt"'r" h:tllo•tl In lwl'rt ktllo•.t und for many yuun1: u~aon.-t hlmlll'lf, r.n.t Inter at the "' ~ .. m.•thllll( •·•••r•llnal ln~:tv Rym. "pannf';l ' from ull aldl"ll for not "nt1rt-iv. re -1 ;,,.,~,. i\1111 Tllrk r~· tnl(hl , ... ,~ . ._.1duws :ond w•·•• fallwrll'l\!1 hntrn:l tn al hi tlt·mttltd,.(! that h~ bt' If the council ls satl!'(firo w ith O rdin ant'(' ·H A. why w orry abaQt the..Jarger p lan? If they a re n o t salis fil'Ct why n ot SC«'k , QOm_Pninlle all a"!'-'nd! Its been do{le t:M;torc. puthrt tt ll>•tw•·"n mftnkln•l rt n o I lcJt'rtllnl( nnt tunnl oll'ft'nllt" lndu.• muanl'ol on tht' prOC<.'<Ihly "" •ll~rttpl till' I : .. rrrlnn :0.1.1\' 1-;,111 (nf'l:l\'1.' ~~~o~o' nwful v•·••· aqu•l.lo•d ho•t•lttl~l' I h c C\'ldcnce n&turr . nnol lllr rcol!ttiOnltho p get.s t r"'• 'fhl'n In th,. mi<htl of 111" ol• frn!<l\'e, but llno•M .. r rnmmuntt':ttl<~n that th•· plo_-who h ll\'l' raus••ol l<u<'jl •lo·~r,. wa~ •·hlnlnr·•l lhrntt~th the show- tta hrl'l t•:oq·r••t~!tlnn In fluWI'fll ·~11" iltm t nntt"lt nn utftdlll of tho ltt~l "eek un. :">a7.11t would rtn•l lht•1r llllrnl' It-o I lnt11111 .. :~·rywh•·t I' yoltt II•'" ~~~d-"I' "Ia • It lw clninwll tu 1>1' ill~gal. h &pll It 111 lh•• 111lent l'xprcAalon we . R Y " n Alr .. raJt Tr~tlniD(t .ell~• a•~ m ;olak f' a b I e llup•·rlonl ~· •oro I lh ~n•und u n a•l· , .• •·d 1 f•fu~····~ lrurn Ht•ll!ltUm liul-Tlw ( ;,.,,r•!in ('nul I of 1\ ppeala l uae II• l"nvey wt\llt'll In our ht<&rb ~ "lll.k.lnlt the 1\<qtl ••ff Kanta A..nll \ wt r<' tbe \ndl-, vaniiiJlf! 1mpn1tl\IIJie l•• """'"'' .. 'la nd onl.l Frnrt<'P ttnol :">ltn\":y v; •. • ~''"'''"' •·•I him tu 111isun and rul· WASHJNG'f()~S GREATNESS I wltl'n wnr"d11. •·on't tlo II. A lbver by u ylnc that It w n.atdo't \ave ''"li•ma t h" t In · Slri\'Bkt!l. tlw rt•·• mon3 """ :r.t do 1our bt'st tor thPm ••t Nlul'll<' ed -· 4 uf flow .. ra 111 ul!uallv a ~Jaff' ~:uldl' 1 mndc< mur h ltlffn••nc~ Wh i t. Or -t hi 11 11 h n 11 e snld to hll'''' mn""''" ;1 fnr•·" nf h1tl nothinl! ran alll'vl~tr th('ir , "Forcibly causing a priaonw to 1be trfbtJt~ tha t a nft tiOn pays tO ill\ h i:'I'OCS y('nl' Aftf'l'' • . 'riDJ.:t" ~nunt.Y olld. tlw:t plont ~·outd rnrty hl\\'t' rnol· •lppt .. '<lrtll~•·l\· h'llr 11 mlllloon m'o·n ~· rr .. w ur "hlllcrat.-·tlil' olr<>udful take a poaltlon In pri10n In IUie 1 ........ h h r th .t _ th -How n .. t hit\'<' IOI IIlt'" thrto• &n)W&y. ed. It ... rtHt l<tlfl\\f \\lto•t llo•t thl' lit'\\ ···hi>' lhl'\' hll\'O' ~····!' -wit h other prosoners. there pas-_ .. ,_,ea 11 m orp fh .1udt . t (' l' ar-n<.1 t'l' o · l' na to n nn :-: .. thai " .. rr nur , h•·•l hut pro-Th •. ,, 1, 1 1 1. • · 1 1 .,·vely to r•n··on w .. 11A h• Is "-lng ,_ '""".. • ,.. f1UL9r••"rn \\'arrun-..· t , .u .• ,.i 'I ,,, t ''a ... u· .1111. ttu .• a 1 • · ,Jur n1·,~· ~t·tvw• 1~ , V•'t \' 1n•k g .. ''" ,, "' ..._ uc •bout tlw> l\ei"'('to(. Amt•rka honot~ no C;u-snr . no Chark•-G th !<l\111" lolr nth,.r 1'1""1" ar•· atilt l!'"i~. tollo•wo·ol imrno••li.Jt.·''' 1., "'·'""-r' 11t" ,., .. ,,.ntr,l t"n ,,.•,,., ,1,111 ,,1111.' l•h':<t ··quip inspected by t"e alleged victims rnagne. no Napolron. Tht" nlt•n to \\ h nm \\'1', p:~y ta·fhllll' in -.oes e II ltl:t(to•r' ..:1"1111: l'(ti\JOIIII'•nbl<' con. t h• ltn•aklllj: ••H .. r •II I'INn•ol ll l>tll II lh·' I • '"' th· 'I llrllo·t I •• ,, I ... 1!<•1 ;•• lnJ.! " "" l;t~l for ldentoflcat lon 3~ the perpe- Feb d M f I I t r II tl \Vorld? . ,., n r• l.t l ltllt~ "u h Hll!l Ill!' • •'" ... I •I , .... -I·· "1\'•' '" ,., '1'11 I'll: I I ..• h""' \\'•• lt:l\'4' 1:~ ,,. ,. It• I~· I ; .I trator of I he c romes is not In con- nmry Spok e an 8('f no t 01' Ont• (' :1"~• lll Ill' :1 lt' -e h.-'"l!rtrol r.j '" :011\'lhi• t:: t, ~l' tl I' ~~~···I .,t lit• , .. n I trt l "'''' '' !llt"ll tt:•., a l"\'1'1\' .h• ;o•!m:t,.t••t " ''"''' traventlon of tht' r•ghts aecuf"ed peopk-. Watdrington nnri L1nt.ooln f~l't"'l nu ,,..,.~ll:ll ~than-• '' !.ore•· lf""'' •11••-lt••l. th e 11 "''"'J .hall··~·, .. lla:l·• ~ 1,, '" "'"'" •1, "' ~""'" 1,. 1, , 1,: , 11.11 >!\\•tl • 1 h··· to 1"rn under thrs provislo, of our W h h "'"' . I I I l ~'""1" ~I·~' r. w 1''"1"111',.. '~II-I 1 -... ' I tage. It t f;'fl'l,~JuAtl<'t'. tn1t 1 anl tnt't'I'Y l'illlll' l('<tn• In· II): ro'l'"''J..at 1·•,1 t' • 1•:'1•1'•11 ··~•t••t-nt••ftw .. r .,,.-,·~··•-lh~ .. -~t 'l h· ~•J.Ju· corstlluton. B y • ,,n .. u \\tty '"11 1'"~1 •ffl••'" are 1 ,., tl 1 -"I ,. t •t 1 tl 1 ·,1 · ,,__ 1 ( t It 1 '' •·o r-ct•ng d•fc ndant to stand tolfranN'_. blood.-.h('d n nd c·onqttt•st. • '<oltl> , .• Thn hll\• ull tltP bust-, .... 1111 .. "' II,. ''" I II' ... \ ·" •• • ,, # .,. ". • It }'~'" .:< I ,.,.. •• I'll·•· ' • .._ I ~ ~ '\ At·sn ·N f'f11Jllt l\'t~d hv ltll' lhlft .. h Ul L n ... I •I ••• It• 111. 'tl'' t II ' Ill H""l\'t •• , at .. t ., \" otJII! c.··· I••C\ !.!.tln•t~ u p for tdtnttftc3tiort IS not com · . ()n this a nnive rsary nr I he hir1 h of ( ~~~~·· ,,·a sh ing lllll, CO:">OVI:R ....... athl "'" .oro· I ""'1"'11' •1 to go m;olll I , .. , I llnlhs.. t .. b l>lu\' n • n-I Rmpalj.!n , .. ,I' I t:um.ttll l I II .. Our nrw h•'""'' ... I••'. 1·. I • I pelhOQ hi"' to be a w itness OIQaiQst h I • 'd · h ' · "t h 1 'tt th• r• I ,,: tll\\.t,\'t< tlt~•lll:hl I woul<l not lnjit fl('W CRn I(' S.'\1 1n IS pl';tiS4'. 1>0I'f' :IS W'I'O \\1'1 I'll tlld\' tr'<ol•H, 11•11 in 11• ,, '•'" l:o.l~ llol r t. 1'1 ''""1·1 ho\•' t .. !<hnulol !11\\' woultl l•l' !On 10 I"',.. htm&~lf." about our fi~t Pl'\.~id••nt than ahout a ny n lht•t• Anwri<'an .• JUST THE M .. N llk•·t .. rol'<'•"•""l"''"ll••• "'1do~ ptoli '''•l••l tr•.t ""• ''"'"""l<ll '" 1 .. It• '" "''"l•••l .. n •• l"''trt''" .. ,, .• ~·''h.·~'"~'"'" c ...... t'l'"'".r.:r:tph!'l.t-: 'prt<llnPr anti •·· .. \\'••ruit'll ,:tn "''11"1"11 1 "IIJ.!J.:•·I• lillY ol~·l!irc m•·•l l"r•• \\tlh 1"1••· n :-'HIIIh-o·nt t-a-.;, lo• '-!IIIII i a1:1111 1 '"' •I ,, •• ,.,.,, ...J;Ia:-• .tf.,, .. and nwa:<tr tmJ: 111m '"' ••l•nti!U'alt1111 Sorne ofhl~biogrnph,-r.-hll\'t'SI I'ilint'fl lhl' lan~tt:ll.:t'Off'ltlog~· \\ollkoo• """ '"ltHrt•·•l ''""' Fn.r.:-I•· a J!"~l I • •·rt•l ''h" "'"'"the r:'l:<t•r•• ..-,,,,,1.,. •·~.:•· 10 , 1,.,111,~ '''" ,.,11 ,,cht .1.,, '""'"o""' 1, ... ,.,,.,._;;::' ,.-111 11,. "'Ill"'"" 1,,,.,,..,.hn)::< L.lkl'- to the point o f <'Xhn u.-.tioh . rnal{n ifying hi~ I.!IIOcl poinls and land '""Int.: ·• "Ill In Ito tut:o 114••·n c .. , .•. , 1111 ••nl "''' '"1 "1 1" •· 11" ad-An 1mr•·• 1 ant p a r 1 n 1 It , .~ r ,., •It ":.!·'"' .. ' -.: 11.1 r 111 '· 1,, t t ,, 1--mt. .t .. , • ,.,.,, 1 it 1 11 ~·· 1 h• """' •• "''''-up •:o n lo·gal t I I t Sh I 1 1 I \I .. • I ·J•'ftln't tl ~ .. lhnlll u.'fly 1 lJ , ornlttl !tis dcfPCL~. O ther.-. in th<' opposilt• t':\ll'l'lllt', Ita\.~"'"~ ,., •:•" •· • •· w~ "11 • •· • ~ "" """'J.:•' .. r olltll'lol•· 1t ~~ 1 "''lr••· '''"'"''" tit•· r:. 11nart ~l nlunl! ~hudoiPr ly thtnk """' \\Ill "•· ''' lhool .. 1 •ol•·fltll"ln:: •·ttm ta.s ng -. Ill \\ llt:<l. '" I 'hull hill Jll:<l tit I' """' ~"" k 1" l h• "''" '1' .... I ...... ,ne.. l•···n f•lfl\. I It\' I h·· II t' "'"''"' "' 1"1• ' I• • L II' <I I;,.. • .. tnd I ... , , ... , tl "II. and ""' • IIIII ... j•l l ,., ., pn:onno•r <)f ROUght tO cJcba!O(' ('\'('!')' \\'OJ't hy rnntl\:f' . ., • ''' fo•u,l h•t 111 thl~ ho•ur ••( po•rll ' lhr Aim\ ••I lho ;l:tl• lllo o• lh•• T tuh••. \lo•ll'l 11"1 t .. • nttl•lt 111 \\', II"'''" I I• t•• 1: lho• 1'"1'' h1~ rl.:;hl :\J;::llll~l ~,..lf·ilW I IIninn- N{'('(!ll'S."-to !'ay. \Vashing to n did n ilt l'fX'I1d 1\ls lifl' llpon ~Htlllar,h· Ill ...... k~ l'rl'l"•"•'lt~~ I etters -Frnm .. 'ltlllt:o n lhl• ,, ••• J-:~\1'1 I a~ ho•••IJ '"'""·I IHalf ,, 1111111"11 111•'11 rain lltform In yr,rll. 1t l'll'l•··' linn 1:\l rrrlwt•utht•r \'1'. Stnte.l a ~tnl. 1ft' WAlt not AS witty a s 'l'ho m a:-Pain<'. 11111' .. ~ ·'"" • "" \'' l•roo.t.!llll'll'. Hrlt.otn .• ~ • ulloYrl\' ol l!'l ... llt•ol :ond IIIII~ \l'f\' • . l't lfll• """"~•··• hliJ h•·t•rt •olaun. tONDQlii.T '""l'lolo•rnl•l•• (,,,.,,., h.l\•' '"'''" ••· eloquent nSJPntrkk H t'nr.v. AltJt h e h ad thP f;u·trtl ~· fttr kr•'JHng ,.,1 A ~ 1t"'A~t1t l ft~l !"t'f'\'11 t• "t~• \\ h•·t •. 8 OOa f«-n . ~t~uvin~. fn>czing, di~('Ollt<tgl'fi a rmy l o~<'fllt'l' and \\ ll\ .~ <'ht111 1111 ''' I'"J'tllll\ •; Thi.-th••·~ not ru•·a~t tln~l lll llt1111 wlnnlnJ;: vkto l'i<>S w ith it. 'l'h<•N'ifl Ji('S hi~ gn •a l lll'~S. lit• """ 1"'''" .111 l•tlloll•-IlL·· 1"1 Jtl Our diatlnguoshcd' corr... ''""'" ""I'• IH oll,op It• h..,.,. :--.tllllllk a, , ---.1 ~r •~:~ .. a... \ • Itt~ '' 11 hPitl ,., ,., hu\ Ill'-! Ill"' II pondent. Ben O~von, "'ho l1 11r 1'hrno ,. "1 r:rli,. '''I'"" 111 11111:· It WHW iikW+~~ ~t and _.-.--••wh~-.. ~ .,~,..__.._~t""~~~t-·.-.._ -f-'-• ...--. E"f44111111"t-1-. · ,..,............ ,_.. .., tilnt th t~ U'l\tt'ti...,J!'T-fttjl!fn't .f.ha n b y t h(' ll~ o f thl' sw~nl tha t \\'a~hin~ton \~n us ttllf .... 1111 1 \ 1114'11 \\'11 •I nl·l\'11. r .. rrttttlrt lo C>~pr Town. South Africa. ...·nd '" 4\'lnL: v .. uth\\llrol lllr;.u_,.;h independence. E\·c n his political cn£'m it'S I'I'SJX'drd his h\~!1 ""~ '"' "1'"' '" .. "\"1' •1 1" lu.llv P~"~s·I'M!Iow l he flr•t 01 hll HttlfeiHIA 11111 ... , th .... 11,..,. I• .. A.Jr -•. · . J Htlll h 11 hll\tl ltltll Ill "n•' "'"'"'' reflections on tl1e Euro~ tte thP nntllrf' olf thi> t i'Tr"llln wnf1ld m oral qualltlf'S . TilliS, h ts fn nw h:1~ grnwn wtt h thl' ~·~·m~.~m 1 •• 1,. . • 'no"s •.o ~-u. Editor • .., "'~ ........ almo~t .ntu•lyr.·~trut:tt;.··•n:'n not o nly rai~ocl :1 stlllul:u·d 111 \\ hid1 all hntw~t '""" m it:ht l't•-1 .,, ,,,,,. tlttt tt: h•• ··nt•·l • .t • '"" pair, but h<' wns tha t st nndat'rl in hi~ 0\\11 fiC'rsnn. ''" :.lu\ 11"" '' 111' 1"'"1 "1 ''11 1 , 11, , 1 , , nth•·r~ i=" 1,. l""'l'r '' ,. liP,;,.,.,. "" 1'1 •'111 1. t , n ' tit• ~ 1 ···<I funnel ' ,. '11' or.• II• 111,1, \'~tid 'I h tl\•' •I•' 11,, • ._It \\ltt.ti td llt:"" ll•'elnlt Afr11a ur ~:n~l1nol ~ltl~! pll1(tt1 MEDITERRANEA~ :\1:\STEHY ll.ot. I• 'l•t Iott i lth••l '"'I I• Ill' F ur"l"' mttvt I'•'" \tt·l '••I bavr Rr,. llw =-'l'ttllard,. hi•;ttllr !of lllo• :tl• I ~o\1 • ul 1111-l• o:l•l • olh h···•rrt tl r~wnUoned han•" r• l!•m•• \\'It• 11 lho•lr lim•• The hofnbnrdmf'nl o f tht' gt't •r~t Jtn lian por i :-t nd flot\'111 n 1• 1,1111n·l~·.,., .•• r •:urtl•nhl• ,,. tit.~~~~~·''''''" 1:\11 ••1". 111 Ul1 no.tllw l'o>riiiJ..'\1,..,.,. wJII nN I 1 l t ..t· tnkr I hl'lr 1~11..-t'l' I h•·y Ill' a d h:u k base of \o4'nua. n l thf' t'''''''ln<' nort lwrn t'tl111l'l' •'f I taly·~· \q•o.;t Thul 1!1111 • • ntur\' J" rm prttnP II os It,..,.,, •t "•'' '• ma •• ne b h R I n I fl nrfrro·ol ht:< r1111••~<'1'fll' ,.111y ,ltffi· l.t .. t11,1 pi ,, m._ .,,1, 11 11n 11111.Qf't.ant to ~rnm tn•l t ho• f11u1,.: ~qua.•l, C!OflSt . Y t <' r tish N'l cit"mon~>lra,,•d. mpn• c· rarly tnn oullt•·• •H•· t••lol lhl'm t.llllt tf ttwv "'"' '" lh•· afl•1 '• .. r I " pe. Jt• -- any rumo r.-o f r ioting w ith in Ita ly. tlw a p p :tllin).! d t'lf•l'irrralinn ,,,.,., 11.,1 ,111.t "'' nt LRt'k trnh-1 ~ , ''"""' ,.l .. ~· 'I'", .. t• ''"'!IY lit. I Do.lr ~~~ in the (X>WC'r of th l.' F asdst ai1Jll'd ((II'('('S. '"' , .• Pttltl ll\'f' In ''1111•': thnt hsr.t-lir "I" nw lo•l ' '·•IS. !• '11''>1' poeta Ynur ~n'll·rio '1" plrlnr;. .or. ""' •I" I' '1\.!tol lttlrll:• r Allot •••l.t "'"Ill• I "tlh hill•• \1 lflol"l\ ""'' • tlttlcl't<-ll(l fAllt Ill' rllhrr 1~•·rm:1ny s ~lr!O-Littlf' or n o Sl'l'iOltS l'l>Sis tnfl('\' d id tht' I kit ish • ll:t\';al tilt',' ·-··-· Ill•' l ,r•t .... , l .. n-~. 8t'ro·hmoll 1111 ur lt\!1 And II\' lw I ho'lt,. If lltt•y (OIJ I(ow('<l him .~, -~ -r .. ~- lquadron <'n<'Oll\lfl'r . n lthottg h il rl'malm'!i l•'fOt'l' (rt'rtna hm~ r hn f.,fl,."'''" him. l'r oplo' ''''nl 1" ,, "' k · .11 t•·n antJ _ttw> wny. lh«':o,. plano'll "rll ~""" h·· enough to fi~ n o If's." than thr'\.'(' h u nd t't'll ton~ tlf .-hf'lb into H .. th ,,, th··~·· 'nwn. l'hun hill l'l"l'l"'•l .tt .. rw. f•· tall{ ;on I ei"P· rt'plftf •••l '"' mutl• mor,. l'""''rf11l thcina\(alandmilit ary installation~or th•'hlll:hor. 1111.1 t:'nr'1hn1rll. :ot nwk upon an ""'' tho· ll•~l ol11rn•1 lh•t .you ~c<r1n,nn f•J:hll'l'• , . r-• to 10111 tttlllt Tho• ltrr pp~· lif•' 1s ,-,uld h11~ didn't , •I 1114 •1•' than 1 l'!anc<s frnrn th•· :--l air!< no·•'•' Remember ·when?. LET AD Ad IJ Buy Q 01 N Ph• 1301 cc And It was reportt>ri that in \r('JlO:t itst'lf lny th(' t..-mn ant:-; ,, .. , tilt' llfr ,,, l!':tl't l'fl••rl. Al t>n ''"' olllllllr mnro• than "£1''''"· ~""" nnd nllt l----------4-..ua:.~&.wwa.u.....u.'"-I.A-"~IUI.!L.c-;-l,~l!--.u.&LIL~&-;&u.-'<~-''*1~-uL this...J k~· '" I•· o..1l1c.J 1'l~tLlll-Ll..p.uLtb.clr __ ~...i.JAllull_~ ~~-turlc t•• !'"1111"" "' wtth the Luft -._ _ __,_-'-1._-': ' • . ·' •. .. • • I It '. . • I • II ' 11 It h "'il'rrfj;-lhl:o 1!1 r~ 1 . "·•llhlt•.ll"'" ,. • ~. exhibitio n o f llll\'ru SUI\J't.'Olllt'\' IS an\' Rt~ma n rlatnl tn h ,t\.,.. "11"""1' l ~ 1" " .,, • Ill n "1'"11~1 II l) ''""' II\ ,,, II-.. ". ,,,, u . t . ' . • r . " .• . •• . · · · . . • .. :">o•lhtn~: 1.• ):;1\'1'11 t•> ul (nr-~:a1nt>ol :.!Otl!t(l(\ 1"'•'1 •, .• n 111• lut ~01"""" h.ll• lw tt ' nt. h~ lit n. bArred lh<' <Vntntl Mt>riltt'rr nn t'fm to tlw B nttsh . ,.,,., ""'" 1,, ,1,.rk ""'Y n l~'l'"' "'" month~ 111 11 , 1,11,11f'N'rl As tht:o Ill wtttt.•n nn Prl·rmh••r Wlthln C'alt)'stl'ikin~rlislnlH't'uft hPihllnctl'rillg\\:t l'::;hlps I•••Hiqlll'l lhou· ,,wn land. Onl\' Utt'rl.' nr··· •H.h l'.<u ''I''' ~r •lr.th nntl t hr ""'"''11 nt my u -• · · . . · 1, . . · · . rv.rtmrntnl ,olrlll"lt 11\II:OI hnvr h/•••n oiBritain wrre m o r'f'lhnn a c1o,;r.t'n tmportnnt ltnh nn au· hnst'" ''·' ""'k t it··~ "'"'"~'l'lN t hl'l r <>wn \\It•• ""' "''"'' • ·I • ,.-per•. ,., • . , • . ••>ul:o And mnko• lht•m~tt•h·r!! ln,·irw-••r 1"""1'1•• "h" I'"' 1'"1'''~ and tnRdt In Arr.rn• II lltf<l "llmm. r Ht>l'f' WM ltn ly S J::l"('nt o pp<lt;lumty t o JII'O\'f' t ho' ~llJll't'lll:lfY thl,. 111, m••tt<·y :-;una• 111,1 ,11,,1r way tt w nulol no•l ho· fnir tn ri<'lo!ll'<'t ol the F"aticlst Ai.i' F on.'\.' 0\'t'l' t'D('fn\' surra('{' t'r:tfl. , .•• , ml'ntlunln!= lhl' (aft thnl thr Cur- D • · 1 · • · · · J ti810-HA\\ k Rlhl thf' Hl"t'w~t·•r ""'· DucP 8 1\U'D'M'fl a lo t\·ro tlw upportuntt~· to Jli\M Wtlh out . • c A .s H R E w A R D filii' f\lfJIII\nt'!' can nut-IV.,IIt nn•l _,----D\aJdnst mort' than 8 f('('b)e ~CS\UI"(' Of l\tl8t'k . out-rnlt thr hf'~t ·~( thP Grrml\n London clalrm>d th·.t l rt>ltlf'ndou s dam:t~«' .hnc1 th<' Brit-"'"n"" -_ ..t llh ahella lni'Ucled upon the Italian ba.~'. hut the damn~" A su~tantlal cash ft>Ward will. be pate! for infor-be~~~:~":;"~':;~.;';.~~;",~~ ~~n- ...ould b! tar from tht> tnOSt im porta nt l't'SUit o f th.-\'(.'flh tr't'. ma tion le ading to the Identification o( a zno re m odenl. trollt m\illt nnl IO<'k In " dlvl' "'"'' An objfoct I~ of tht-\'altH> of :o;('a powt'r \\'1\l' th(' bettt>r looking or a\ON' CIOlJ\.U'lieftj nlaTint ~rvtce mu.t be t uy tp lll"t ott the ,round ........_...___..__ f h ..a • ·h__. ,.. 1·· .. • !'tation than the aDd Into tnm for titrhtln~t -~•un1n1l. a proo t Rt utt«>n~ sma:o-~-.. •nlL._,o.;o tnt s on N' JOHN A. Sl'LUVAN =bar challengt" t o th«.' British n f'Ct in the Mroitt'r-·Sull Marine .Service . SlaliOR . s rttt•b F.llre". It is • ~ (rom which M"M'Y nation bonk>nng u pon P.._., 401 B.u..BOA JSLUIJ) I Mr and Wn Rob8on Enghsb of · 1..oe Angelu apcnt tbt WHkend at that .,. will not ~ !dO\\ t o dra~-i.!"~.~nt roncluslonl'. tMlr t~tach _hom~ on Ullo 1a1~ .. aaaWi•c d..-. ... , ....... the t• .. c11ia.: Hr Raahl•r el IHS, bri11r• b.MI& •••1 a r01111 ftC'oiiHtW. ... ,_;h, r« I..UIIft, u the bl•.ll· •• , bride. ..... ··"~'"· -t'-ef ... drftlaal&er'• art; aM Ole ~•H1 .Ut.l•r tlllrtJ • .... •~ ... t te •nl" new pfct•'" ef u.. ..,.... ... U71" Wtft .. ,,"" ltJ .. ar-4-' pk lar• '•"· "'· ft. \uti•. e4 .. nlll .. aa.al'"' rer Uti' •••t•,.. ••rhlf'rl ef Mtlblll'•• aM M.WWL • ,......._ el "'1 ........ will-." -~.aii~~iltilfillli . .,., .... r ... -~--... ., •'l'tal Rlf. thin ---di&p time • I J. ,I .. ' ' -·-, - N EWPORT BALBOA NE),\'S·T{MES. New1i:>rt Bench, California, Till 'j(:-\PA Y. Fl·:lHn 'AH\' :!\1. W·ll. .. • I 111.:~ 'fhn!ll ---.;:;-;----------1 ~EWS ~TIMii ·'ATHLETICS CHIEF ."I Mes.~ Schooi Wii1s ;·Round In Tournt.·,· ('lass j) Teum Wins Second 1 ... TI ~rhur · Basketball. ·(~rown . S··PQR: .. T ,S • --• rh. ~ • .... ,.. l\t•'-"ll • : ,. ""' 11\ ,, r :--:, ~"~" '' dH tt~ l lt t<~t ,,.(,n.l tn th•• ltunllltj;lo•ll l'•'ll l h l••"'k••lhll ll t ·,,II I •:,, I tl' ., ••• ' \\ ,, l t ~·Hd•'d I I~• ll••tl~t q llqh ='•lit"'' \ , •• "'''' ,., l h1 ~ 11 11 •' t I ' •.:u• \ 'hHH1Jt1•1H~"hlJ• ttq~ \• II tt l\d \\ h:"'; L' ''"'' t• t ·•t th·· ,, fh;, I ld ''''" d• 1 I''' • 111 I• I• tl (•"'"' th;tl tltttllfot "'"" Ill' ~··• oolld ll/114k..tluoll IIIlo' o•f tho• \'o'llt Wht•ll 111<• htol\. tutu 1\rl.;ht I• l •·n111 ""II tlol"·::i, ... ~··· o.'Jttt lli iiiT•n~<hlt• r.w lliiof • '""'' F I s H I N ,G - 8 A s K E T 8 A· L L -=-T E N N t-S -.-'f R A c K -B A s E B ~ ... L I Tilt• ., •••• " \\~It' ••• ,.. ~~~·d ' hI .. Y<'IH "\\'htt•·~·" Whll••ll•••'ll. n\lW 1, 11J'I!u11!o'QI IUt'41 \\.Ct~·a.__wllU..~..W.--.. ~~~:·"" ... , ... o~.· lh·· "'''.:"'"'"".: fhletlt.'S fn . .SAILORS TO · PLAy. ·ORANGEMEN. I Ill 1111 "''''"I''' I•• l •'llllllll Ill llh' . '""''"''''"'" \r.._i.,··· \t tl .. t h lito• A 1110.1 It lo•tun•. dt' .l It"'. '-: 1'•1'"•' "' \h• ''''''"'' llilo(h ~. h•••l IJII 1111\ \\'h(IJ;Ih'rk l't'IVI'II ttl tll1t' (llllt' \\Itt\ t ht• le•t ft•lt ttul\ul ,,.,,,,.,, ''1'''"1" l'ftlk '" th•':" tlr"' ,\net, h~inl Ft•h. 2.1 l ~tlllld "h I•• the• It J'qUttd ln,.t '" "''1'111 1111•'111 Ill 1.••11.: ........ h 'I'" I' 11'111)1 llllolo•t' \\'llllf'fiN•k'• Jr,:111ttUtH •• •'1\•lt•,l Ill ll nuHh,·ru•Ut•al t il• ,,~t 1• 111~11np•. hut IIIII•'•' ttl• 1t w11 1 tl••••wd~o~ht .. olo•ft'•t ... t Or•niC~. llwy )'"'''' Hl"ll"l'"'"'' chllm It• th• l'h" mptun.hlll California Interscholastic 'federation Notifies Coach Reed of f int Opponent In Basketball Play-offs ; To Be Tustin or Brea, who Clast. fri!J•Y· Mesa B Squad Wins Second · . County . Casaba Cham~ionship 1 II"''"•' t'ut k t t-~Utt•tHIJrr: tht• f!lf't'Oitd t••lllld ttt ""' 'l'hou~.ta\' thO' A,. ll'tll la ··kl•• AUHht'tltl IU WIH\1 II'C '''I"~• t1·•l tn 1"':•,11 lo•tt.;h.,.'l:llll\1', Whlll' lhl' ll'11 Ull lilt h···lttl•·d '·'' lllf'lt'\ tO:I f\1•"£''"'' l.tatU IIIH I !'-\t lh•t11 ,, ''''""l'ifttl•' .... ~ ••• , ..... , .&i) A ppiHI'ntly H.aroor High St•ht>OI That the Sailors of' Newport 1iarbor. SdnS(>t LeagtK> • haa no "om l'r nn hAAk4'tbnll ('ham- Champions for 1941, are scheduied. to play the wfnner of pionshlp" ror. 'tht-Harbor ftrt'8· first atnce ttl# C'las11 S to>am an;l Vftl J ollfl•r. fo~·ard8, c:tt'nn B0111t'.-('t'ntrr, Wallay Uelau &n1l JMnt'to lkt'da ~or~•ard><. ~ublotlluft'a David Hu~tht'e. A r· t .,,,\\ \\ t•.illt'!hht)' IH•h•·nt••·•l Head'lne tile Phlhtdelphla Alh· .Alud<~u• •1111 roo t••ll. IIIII v ~ tralltlng at Anaheim. Feb. 24, ..._,, tion ...,ceived morning by-·Coaah Ralph K'. Reed ond "on..,-.. utiv<' Orang" Tht> ~ team. t'u&dlrtl by John be the ... eteran b .. eball tudet, • ._ Grammar School Chllmpionahlp 1 Lasld•a. "lt1111 &h!O been at'<'nn•pllah-1 Connie Mack, ahoiA'n above. 111 t fl• t 1 ~~ f'tuaud ,,, •·· unpt•llt nn 'lho• 1\1•'/111 ll tl•l\fll j ill I'Unll'l'lllltl Ill lht• 11+1\H•thtllttt\ \t~ll t HfiUlj'Ut .. from the Cali fornia Interscholastic Federation. thla aelleon l tn)t U1lngs thl• ytiar. ""'ling tht---· "<l.:he elimination ('Ontests between winners Of the variOU!i Laf!l ··year the (ln<l vnr lhr 4:-ounty Grammar St•ho<lt l(•agul' In Est s• k I) • • •)7 •)•) leaguJs in Southern Califor-Mesa ~hoot' partkipa11'1i In the 8 thrl't'-W3)' Ill' with HttnllnJ(\vn . U8 In s rare ~ -. ~·) to . -t>ol The Sailors v.111 ~ requlrt'd to cotinty gramml\r lll'holll l~ut'.l 134-a"h and Garden Gnwe T tr,t"-J Lead J p t Ra nia have been divided into two pl~y a two out 0( U\ree gam(' the n squ&d <:aptunod the Ul'le. I firllt play-t>ff j(lim". ~ U.pt!C.lcd -ncrease . n ennnan . cc i ·; ... I. I·· ~'"' k .. d 1111< l'htl•·kl 1·h •a \tid• It· ... 1\\1\l ·"' ,,,, trt A lu\ ht•ltfl I'" ••••l•tUitl\ '..' .. lh lt "ol ft• U tniU Ill ttl 1\ t'~ tl ' .. 'th l t u Ht•ttttv Mutt-:u l"n.t ft I ttl tl 11..:. 'l'rll\'o•lllll: ~~·~H·lat\ t•f lfh' A ""'"~~ lhf'l •• tttl u11,:•tt14 '"' ll11• "1"'"'"1! ••f lhl'll' tr n~tttl~ •tu~lt•·•" ·,, I ;t •t'nhn" 1'. ,, • l•••o " ...-"1'' tlu • 11111 h I hotlr IIH 1 ,.,.,,,,.,.,.,"'" ...... ..._," b ut w11 h ttlw olt•fo•ul whh'h thry autfrred •t lht' '"'"''" •tf Huntln!rtnn Hrtkh. l'ott k . "I"'" lu tho• t•llhlio w11hutl1 dtlltl(•' !-lo•l\lllo• v.lll "1'1"'"" llw Alhlt'tlt•-l.l"li" c'tuj, Ito llw "1'1;11111._ j;<~IIW "' 1 ... l'atma Hu~ 't-l~td~t•r' f'fUk, ttU ~Utuilt\' ~lllf1'h :lfhl J t•nhu-(' u f (" t till!' I .,;..,;1<',. Kl A1uotw1in. will hr Hul ~tl') { 'luh with t •·ulllfh•l "'' M.,.n_.,. ~. ~t.lon t'llhlr' "'""' M 11,1 '.II Ill !-~,., ramr nln, Ruh'11 M11rk1•1 lira r o'll l'J, l"ttuhi'lr~rh t~ran•a. ........ w u 44 4:1 :ltl 2S 'J'l divisions, a minor division and aeries with th' Orange winner, Re~atlng their Jlf'rformanc .. of I to bt> h('lol ..-.mC'Iimt' """' Wf'f'k. a division for larger schools. the date to be arranged bt'lwe4'n tut yt>a!i thl' .84-f'll. slliWugh not : prubahly with t;llrdt•n t;rove. II the two sl!boola ('OmJH'ting. undrfeatt>d ~for tht' llf'81K>n, won I Willi 1.-arn,...l,• • League Sbndlng ~t•to·h 14 . l'ht•'aau l 'uha, Marl!h tlw ,. .. , . .,,,, hlllf. lh•' l'lh'r' aotll"·' 1M, 1111ol l'lth•KI(" \\'llllr ICua . '"I lo':.t n•at UuiKII"r"ll lNII,il tWt> kMa II II l''lvWI'r HI l"rf'l ~~'ll'-\~ j 0 Rolwrt Krnt uf th• M•• Minor 01"'1•ion 1 Scheduling or the date for •Har . all -five or their leagul' l'Ontt>ate. "A " 8quBtl ml'mlwrs ft rf' J11hn Providing tbe Sailor buketbal j bor11 first play-ort aefiu is ex· conquering Orang... Huntington Wtld and T Kana kltWB . furwMrllll, varsity achieve• a ~~to~ over l ~cted to be arrange-d shortly af-134-ach Garden Grovf' •Tu11tln and Frank Stf'a tns. t'l':lt r r. l t•hn ~hal CT&wfor•l llru.: Ita first contestaD\ e l er r rea: I ter the winner of the Orange Lea-New~rt ~ach Gram~ar Scba<•la. J er anll Kt>nl.'ht lkt•thl. I(UIIrtl.e Sub· Eat uti Hanlwt~ro• Tu.atln who ar f' bp ay ,ng hot r ~ ... 1 gue. til delermlne'd Friday night. !.1em bl'rl! o{ thl' C'hllmpionahlp 1 • ~lttutt·~ arl' Allwrt l..rulkfortl and Q.T Plll'kt•r" Orange League c amp ora p . uat ~ . • H.arbur l;ruy~ Harbor High -team will be requir· • Oran~ Title , tt>Bm art' Hamid \'&n df' \\ alkt•t 11un \ 1\u~hn. Foodbaekrt ed to play St. Anlbony·e. winner I \\.hal the Huoor H tgb,s chanct'lli ~;"rice'• Sh•t ,, '' ·• w L .. :I !>lllyt••l o il I'Vt'li lt'f'llllt With lhf' .....,,.. ... 2Mh .._ ... :~1 .,,. J. 1\'•' t•\jt \\ t•r•• nnt tthl•• tu ·--------------------------~~~-.. . o·loao• th•• t"ll[ 11nlnl 11'1\ol ••f lhrl' qpfh'"""'"' ~ .. • Tlw c 'r~twf"r•l 1'\rul(l(tAI-"""""'I' o••l lht• lllll'h"r t;tllyol !111 12 Slo•p t 1 f l: ,, 1hr ,,.,d liPit tfh 1111 tt 1111• l lrlll!l!lal• w " r o· Ahi'Kol It ~· "h•'ll I ho• ll111141l•· <'l"lo·ol I hr 'lutlt of a priva~e school league: ~-~I 8ft' for a Soulhl'rn Ca lifornia 1!1 w ):.I Almanac Recognt·zes Monti' San Gabr iel League tltlt' l not certaln. H owever. it ~a ron· or U 1be I<:Atua llunlwur,· •tlllltl•·t lo· bolder: and Bonita. f"Ut lltt>pping cedell lbe Sailors may o ... e a f Hamann's Marlin As Record rrialned unth-f.-'11•··· IIII-I Ill• ............ Price q uintet Which conquered the Trl c~nre 10 weath'er the minor dl-Ita a-t in thr IO\'IIIIIIItt 1 "' ,. "' ''"'""" G.ome Scor:u 23 27 I Es t us Counttu Leatgue thi11 llt'Uon. ~ vuuon pf thr elimination to uma-the N~wpurt llariJ,•I ''""'"111nt1y llr•l•·.' 1:: The game betwe4'n Bro>a and 1 mt>nl. I Nattonal recngnitlnn n r RRI · hn•ul'hl '"'" th•· harbor la,;l Y~'llr fleei<Cl!all t;r11 .,.., 'l'u•·s,lu.L_!l!.:_!!t l'lt•·.;.f.:.:li.:.:n __ ....:.'J,_.i'-"-!.....:--~~~:.w.~l----' -"-rumlJll'""'8ctle<!utet1 tor Uris li'rf.-. H1r f att>11 F'tlda~~4 60ft's rt>coi'd BWordtlah ctttd l tiy 1\n.l many nthl·r 11port ffiili c1r:--by IU!kinc ttt.-l'rtl <' s,.,1,. 111 ,111-M, 1 l'ltn day night and will dete-rminf d~>cre~ that Tuet1n beco\ne the Alphoollt' HIITI'Iann ~~ ~vrn 1 n varlou11 ktn•fto \ttt' lm por18nt•t> or, ('XCII 011 2'o'-2J , .,111 ,.,.1 l.luy1t wblch school U\e Sailors must en. Orange ,J..eague IIlii' holder. Har -I tht• 1941 t'dltlun or the \\'orlll tht• snort -r shllll( bulltnt'l'll' '" gr•tw· .,__ .;_t · k 1 1 Gray• • · r· 1 """ ,.._ Ul! Rt1 8t' f'HI \' Ill t 11• tJ c; 12 ~ter; I bors hopes will lncreaae ror a Almanac. u n d t' r t he heading tng stradily 0 111t' p,...m lnent ftllh-• laced tho·m 1 tho· j,."" "'1111 No defin1te qate hu been ael vlt,.lory In the rint aertu. atnce Worlds Re<-ord Flah caught by rod lng authority re('t•ntly 11tated that ~UJJ~f dl ·14 ~ r Grays 12 30 2:. thr match 'with the 'Orange I tile Sailor a II<'Ored 11. win over the and r e e ,· ,. thr ltt'm Marlin, tn hill opinion tlw Newp<~rl Har-1 ... e b-.... ttn n~; • 11 1 1" 11 'l''"' '1'n' \\'illlr•cr'"" 4 ... 111 ' ..... ' . woe .... wan· ffit'n ta YIDI( _ ~e ~hne~~ ~ed elal· "-F~rmer earlier In the Bt'IUIOII. _ S tnj)('t.l. )'.C&r. 1940. we,U{b1 .692. bo.L&rca Y,:.!UI t!llllilrd tn ill!!' l!!.l' 1 • _-1.!1<4: , 4 F '' Mlllrr c ;nar l Crawford Cr•wford 't'llti(•·n,·l·• I Calt.bul. SPORTLAID ·aoWLIIG ALLEYS pounds. w h ~ e caught, Balboa. alogan the "Sport l'~lahlng f.lowt " DOWN THE .!"'"'" II I' " California . Thuto aftt'r m a.ny de-\VIth "'' many hm!.·ts !'Omll~C • Munt7. :.! 1; 11 • tluo klllll•l taya the n-cord Is n nw Nationally, into txl!ltenrf' It Willi only rt'&.l!lln-I ALLEYS 1 'l'IIMnr•f 'l t i 10 Cottle BALBOA PAVILION I rel'ugnizt'l'l and dlsput.al!<m on t hl' ablr t••· UJWrt that In alld tl lon I l'lllllf MHIIuy r~or ! ;, "Y" subjl"Cl 111 at a n end. Newport Ito the Rolle Bowl. t ho> IUce Bowl. .. ... ,,.IINIJiko•l tw f•·ltl"<l tu ~ T BOWLING I!IBOU --BAI.L8 ... ZQUIPIIENT Harbor 1 s rt><"twlng in r rr>aaing thr Ruu11r.Huwt and a tnt ur others ....__ l'no.-k.-rll -·--1.-.11---•.._..---,.. , ,,.. Mo_ntla) n!Jili!.,..J.:ru.t:J.Sowt...., ----· ·------_ PRICES: llle Afternoona; !Oe ~: !Oe Bat., 8aa. a BoDcla;re rf <'ogToillon 811 a sport-fl11hlng l't'D· lht'rl' shuulo.l be • ll11hlng or bt't--ut :sJ .. 11.1 lurul 11,,.,. 1111,.1 -i~:=~==~==~==~=:::i~ii~iii:itte~r~.~With two hundred IIWJUd!iali....~»·lf·~jf~· and All &• .--"' ___ s.J::: ... i .~..... . e)'ll w..s "'"'···ntly .... w .... ,..~~ Ill TIDE TABLE --bt't'ftlllle nf tho> ar~e number of this column u~ bt•lnl' 11 d""'' rue·•·, Brea on tht-·other hanl'l. has IIJl<lrl·ril'hine rr!lft ot all klnd11 Tblllp are t.llffer"nl now T h " • •"~red 8 win ovtr' Harbor In ~ a.nd lhf' utent. or 'lport.fl•.htng tenn heat('(! ronte!JI would he YF.RRti..\Kv- pnctlc" game ~d should It be thr the tltte might well be· applied to more lhtina. , F :.!I !\ :\9 1 :Ill Jt:M Orangl!' wtnner. then "that school ! Nn•port Harbor. 1.... Thill week the Uoos tanKit'<J I :\,4 :\ H O.f\ will probably bt' favort'd over tht' 1 Alphonae HUllann l h ~ck.y with loy'a 'Barber Shop. Roy'•l Sll t'2 6 ::\0 0 :26 '1 1M I :lA 1 Sall,ira. I anrter ~o •lely 1 and e d the team wu rar from _ bein& up to ~ 6 1.7 4.1 0.8 c:i1fe factor that ml«bt upeet the World'• rerord •trlped mar II n rqula.r form. but thl:' Uons w('r(' I Su 21 7 t6· 1 ;13 1~11 J:le Bru. conflden"e te the fact that tiWonlft.h 11 Jubllant at lht' n_. a little bit worse. w tho· b~trb;·r~ • :l R 1.4 • •.t :\ O.!t ttre Sailor varetty now 111 mucb I and ofrll'tal u welt u National came off with 1hn.'<' points ~ n( 1 \t 24 7 ~ 1·:\:.1 11:1\a t :n atronger than wh,en It ptayt>d Brea ri'Mgnltllm -;c .. orded hl11 flab. foor to ·p illet> lh\: two tc·ums ln u ;, H I :! 4 !'I II !I early ,lD tht' eeaaon. both In man til' fo r fir!ll plllt'l' : 11 2:'l H :Vi '/. ~• -.:J( 1:11 powt'r and In t'Xptrience -,:-READ THE ADI-:-U ke herot'S. lht· l.ton ( 'llh." t'llllll' :l7 ,I (I <I f. 07 • -1hrouach tel win thn't· point,.;; rrurn .. ,. * ,.,. l•lfu ~·· tu •• ~tf'lr ·~' '"'. urrf'ftt..e .... PuBLIC No, TICES PuBLIC NoTICES ttw J unior Olamh••r "' C'unmwrn ':::.~',',h:·.~;:~:· .;,n"'.l,;~:,•k,.,~r."~~~~~~~, .. ::; · tc•am which hall h.'o·n t r:uhn~: 111 II • ,1 "'''''"'' phH·•·· unll on•· '"''"' Ito· RAIN pnsTPONES ORDINANCE NO. 499 ~l'hnol nnd 1<.• I'J.:I• llltt•l•'lllll llnt htntl the Liun~. A' 11 1,,,1111 llw . \:7 • , • . . • 1•lho'l' Y111111~. llf''•t•h•. "'.11" ~<tWn<l J uninr 0111rnh•·r 1• "''"' 111 thud TRACK_St_H£DUL£ Tlle Ci.1;,-D!...Ne.\q>ad.....Bcac.h_~c.IL .aaiu Ewllc llJll.llliL.tn» a. t hjTff!'l' tl"lilfllflr"lt1lv-, IIIH1 n r.o T.flih '-. IUld throu""h ItA Citv ('nunt•tl :-/('Wport B•·a ch. that IHrJ.:I' t·rowd!l l1 1' · ' "'lnt · l hto• to 11 ... Wl'f1lh•·• ~l1•· lntr r ,.. ... • )\' ttnf' ,r'O.., . ,rnrs ~~~·Jatn "" fullowM; ('.onl('r.,..~alt-."' I••IJ:IOJ.! hou ~r .... ,.An lnl!'rf'st in~: I"'"" \A dl lll ·~lt•· ''""~ lnu k m•••·l 14'1111 1'""'1'"""'1 Section 1. hnl~t" ruhmln~ httll!"•'' nnol olht'r outnrme nf nPll f "' ··k·~ lltllf< 11,., fr om Mttll•lny '" v•·Nio·r•lnv 11wd '" F:vrry hnlt•l, I•HIJ~Inj.!' h n tt!' o• plao•t•!< 1dwro· ~•>\IKI'rlO nrr llo·<•um-Hoy·11 mu11t t11n..:l•• \\tilt tlw .111ntur •Ill\' Manufatturers 0 Moorings • • Sales· npRrtnwnt hnURr', t)ttnj1nl.,~· ('</Uri . 11101~1 nnd II lwo• .. mo·N lnlf'H~-t'harnl/l'r w ith llll,\l lrllll! lt.tl•l•• 1., 'I hi• 111 11"'".: In Ink•· 't.Yo'IIV ~""''' rnntf•l or rnnmfiiJ! hnw<t' ·whrro•tn :othl•• tn prnJWrl~· r·o·.,:ulltl•• tho•l!f' lillpf••n. Titt· 1.1,11,. ,011, ""''''d ulo•d .. r lit" I"'" Ill'•· "" wlu• It ,.,,,., h room~ arr> n •nh•cl I•• U1t> grnrral ''lltllllllflll<l!< JUt Urr·y at'•· nttt a~1 11, 1Jllt..> ttw Hoi Ill') l')tth 1 1,1 Jt''l"',. f<.,•·d "'"" • .. tmlllllo: I'""''" 111 l11•1• W==============================Jrr. pul:tlw. l'lhnll k,., p un•l mainfii1n th•· rw••s•·nt ttm•• ''"'1'-"n·:t 1" rrt:'" 111, I ton~ ~huulol "'111 t.y l hrh· or tn~o: T •• '"'"' " ITillhti•I"IIM•'t• nr 1 a ~rmnn,·nt IJ •• u n·d n ·.:llll<'r 10 trr. lllldf•r any •·rdtuano·f· "nr Uw (j,,11 point,, lull ,1 ,11~11,_ In·· "'"'' "J •IIt~·•~---~ IMN•·~ lltl~ ~''" th1• ofrll't' Uwr·t•of wht•rc·in I'IH'tl 111y ••! :-lt•wp .. ll Ho•lll'h , t h at quoni iV prmo· tr•·;o•lt•·ro••l' It••\\ ll••n lodj!••r. r••mH·• p!'l l'llll or-•.••• upa!ll f'l'"f'' 1 t'f'JIIIIII lt"n ,,( lhr•"o vru-a · ,.,.,., IIH' lllllldlt''-~A til •l•·l••t,TIIII" Til• h•v" "'"" t•lll••·d Ill flu• In ,,..,.upy1ng ltny rt111m, 11hall lx· rt-t l•ml~l" l11 ro·qu1n•t1 1n orllo•t thHt 1..twllwr Ro~··, o1r th•• l.toll~ ''''II i'•·r • In•~ )•'HI•·r•l•y 1111ol t•"lirV will , LET US SELL IT! PAUL NORMAN , .. .....,. ... _.,.._.. ... ..._ ... ..-.&diu~ • • •. UIE · TIERNAN SERVI<EI AB....rCIInl*eMr ... ,,_.AtM- Mr#t(_. ...... _~!: ................. , ... ' A. ..... ..-•• r.o.... . C.W....J-ttlutl J+de,. eMce fwdwa. ... wNr•. ~prool aalea. ...1 MANY ~ ' -R.ENT .- .. R . .4. TIERN.4N 'TYPB,RITBR CQ~ UO Wrat Fnarth Photle 741 AD Ad ln the.e cotumn11 "'111 "1 Bo7 or Sell \'our Boat or Boat Yan!. NEWS-TIMES J Pho•e• 12 ud J S 224 ~ 21at St., Newport Beech PIMIMIO'f quu·;·d II• 1wt ft•rth ht" ,.,. llll'ir tho• I"'"~''' nnd mnrnl~ .. r 1111· <'IIIII· tnlc. tit(' lf'llci 111 tho• 1'1\'11' c'tiiiiJM" lw Jl"' ""''" lo rnlf'r thf' fl r•t In-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ namt>s and flt'rltllliii'TII pl:1o ··~ .. r mu11 tty ntRV h•· Rafo•.j.;llot rtlr•l tlllll '"'"n to•r·••''""' mf'rl addr•·~~ hl'fllrf' 11f'tl1g J«•tmltlrd t .. in l h•· <of•ltrtllr~· I'OIIf!'l' ••f •·V•·IIll' 1 • •~<·•·upy nny !iUt'h room t lw ('tty ,·,.until Will not h1t11•· SEI S~ctlon 2. ttmf· '" pa~,., 1111 ""llna11•··· wothout :....;:..¥-,_....:.-g.;.;"..:'!.:!...!!rr•:!n -~ro·•t,an urg.n•· • d lllll<f' ti llllt'h~-tl !.!!::.!:!'. ---·----~....--. rlf'rmtmt'ntt:v-tw'illn4\-!In ;f~. tif.fr" .. t ,. ('l'lm n ~ ..... "'"~'•·"' One 10-foot Sklff-A.l Shape, with Oan ~-_. .IN ~~IRETCILOUI ------- f!:v~~~!!!~-·:.._.:·_:·_:-",;:....:_.:_.;_.:__:__:_,;__J~~-~W.!:~::;..,'!!~e~"~t1~m~o~v "" tn kr>n 1 ht' r('-tlnn. ::: brllW"mlnTrrt 1m ec t 1'61'1'!: .tolze of 1\1 lt>:~.~t twrlvr· lll!'h•·,. hy The <'tty C"lf·rk of tlw l '•ly 1of ,' 1301 COAST HIGHWAY~r 8ee RAY at South Coast t w<'lvr lnr hl'!i nnd 11hall tx-kl"pt :-/f'l(o'J'I"rt IINu·h ~<hnll r·•·rt1fy '" fl2~t:~oOCXX:ICICI:XXX:ICICI:XXX:OCI:X;x:x:oocxx:ca:xx:ldl l in th<' •>fflo r· or snld '"'~'"''" ru1t· thr llt'parHtr vol•• un tho• urg.-nr y "' lng runm~ af~>rrsntd w.lwrt• th•· nf th{,. ordlnaru·•· a nd llll J•>li'IIHI>(•' I samr rna,\' t,.. ln"t'~<'''''"l by any by thr> wttl• ''' ftvt• mt•rnh•·rM ••f pohC'r nffal'o•r nf ttw C"ity •Jf :'\I'W-tltl' ("tty ('ouno'll ••f tho• ('ltv ••f • port B.-ao h.· N""-'l'••rt Hra.rh. and r111111" I It •·' ' ~e-tlon 1. Mmr ·tn hi' puhhl!ttt''l ""''" '"; I Any pn~on , ftr m ••r 1 "'P•:ra. :-l~:v:pnJ{T B A I. B 0 A NI-~W.~ "'J)on. wht·tlwr as pnnnpnL agPnl. T it.! I-~:-;. a nrw!!pttper prtnlo•d 1111•1 I !'mplnyPr, ol' nt ht'rwillt'. vi11lallng publilllll'tl 1n thr· Cit\' of No·wp•rrl any prnvuot"IIM of tl1111 ltrthnanr•t> 1-!Parh. and upon ~~~; h Jlllhlt•'Ait••n 1 10hntt h•• ~tllllt\• rof .t mtflllrm.-1\n'lr I hiM '•r<hnan''~' ~thlltl ,.,.,.,,mf' lm· and. IIIJ"II 1'"11\'ll'lt••n I h•'rl'llf. ''"\II mrtlialt-ly 'IJ~<"·ral t\'r nnd t~1k•· f ull 'bo· 1/llnl:.lfahlc· h.v ~-h llf'ot ,,r nt.t f'lfPtt morr than "''''••nty-ftve •IOIIIU'~ l:tH·to·ll\...;.t:ltfy thnt n ... rei,.,,., . .. r S,j;, • or l•y imJ•rH"'i•nmrnt ·In t.hr Hfld f,,r~·~utnJ.: ortlu.-'Ulf''' V.'ft!" tn· I'll~· .l>itl of th•· <'tty uf :--;,._..p,.rl lt·o~ltwc•ll al li ,.n·gular "'"''''Ill! •1f ll~'no h "r I hi· .i'luml\· .hu t ••f lh•• ·1 h• ,.,, v !''tllllllll nf ll1o· 1"1\ v ••f (•(•Untv off f H;li ~l· In UH· ~tA t•• uf :':t•\.\'fUU\ H••at'h h•·l·l UTI ~h·· ~rd ·~_;_~-----(:J.Iifn.rura r .. r ,, h<rrn n•ol • !I htj •f ,-.. ~-1!•11 lmof t r•·•·dt:1~ t'"h1rt ,\ ,;~n , da,\'~ ,,, hv unr.~•'H'Y ,,, Uu· (t-,r•·l(••tOJ.! ••rd · '"'' h !ltJo h f '"' lln•l 1mpr1.11nnmrnt ro11111 •· walt 1•:\R~' d nn•l ll••• fnrr - ~~u h' p••r snn f•rm 1~f I nq.~trallt•rl ~'• riJ,! nr•JUlltnf t• \\'IUt (U11tlly nditf•{· 11h•tll t)f• dt•t·nw :l "ullty nt r.· ""flllf· f·d ' ltv 11 vr,tt· IJ( ftV•• IJI••ffll••·rll ,,( ntP ofrrn~ .... f,,r •·fu h and fl\••ry dn~· th•· i "t1v C't,lm• 11 .. r thf" f"ttv ·~.t r.louinj.! 11n~· pnt'llun •tf .. whlrh any :-lt·Wpnr1 11,.,., h at lin a•IJIJu !nl'd vloh;llon of fhu• nJ•ItnH r<'f' 111 •nm· r•·~o:i1lnr m•<•tl rtj.l lh<'rl'l•f hf'lll ·••n ... I . \ .... -._ -. ' . . -.._ ~',·~ .. ,. laJ mjoy soiffg ~ ftl~ etora and marbtt··"~n t~ -· "" I m lt\_l'd, r·or.ltnuf'd •• r ('lf'rffil\1"'1 lhl' 17th olny of 1-o·hn.tary, I!H l 'b~· !IUt h ptor """· f1r-nl nr ,roq w.ra. loy 1 h<' t•.llowln~: vntr . lo·wll :uon and ~<hllll ~. punillhablt u , AYE !' l'fll ':-/('ll~ltn:N ltl',.ll,, llu-r,.tn Jn'(Wtd•••l t;L9.1r,r.. A ttrn. Rrnwn Gor•lnn 8ectlen 4, J'.:(ll-:~. ("f)t;NC'IL.Mf::'IJ· N!ono· I 1111~< nrolnancr 111 hrr~<hy ill'l'lar-A BSEl"T, (.' o { • N r 1 L M F. )'I; j CKI L.o 1M-an rneuur.-.1 )'l;onr , • : ile<'<'ss•ry (nr -, ArM-:~: ~a"h a nd t h • -<'lly Cltrk .. NEW COMFORT waa the keynote aa we mlde plans for this year's Ford. Get in, throuah the new wide doortl l!ltretch out, in room to si>are I Seat ina width has been increased as m uch at 7 inchea. Khee-room and inside k nath are -createst in tJ~ low-price fteld. ~take the road an~ try its ride I A' toft, ateady,afi<Jinc n~w Ford rfde that ta ket aood roa<S o r but I in a sat- .!afyina new kind of stride. Ami notice the quietnesa of this bi~t Ford I There'• neWt at your Foret Dealer'• that1ttooaoodtorrii11!Ncwain com- fort. Newt_ in value. And.ncw1 in • "deal" that you'll find ca1y t o take! a 1!1!! new ridel wrathcr is. nitt. J ~nj~y doing lots of ~If. But with a t~l~phont a~ hand, I ~ ~ttplr c e~,' rnANK 1 •. R INF:HART, : ~~~ nf , ..! 'th• ~llbt!Vf' ftniJ 7f'lrtjfOinK , IV ~Y!t:. ~,~i!fance Ia_ approved -by 1n41 t.hla ~ ... ..--------------------~~~.....-::~'::""--::--:::::--:=:--=--:=:--:::::::-=:-:=:-:::-:-:::-:-"~.....,..--,~-:--=-,.....,."==,_..,~~,...._-~--, ·•ha:fl · I Hth day f.l( t'ebn.tary. 1941. L " JRYJN GF.O GORJJQ!':. .... I•IIR'Ir'·•-·-74CIUCIIIAI4~;,c..-;~~-L---···11 .. )4•'"a'fl'y'or"'"''-""'·"'",,.t~.;..~~ ... -~ .• !':~~port thing; to do in.~non and quickly -~·ua:li.f.RN CALJPO...RN IA TEi.EPHO~E '-_Q MPA NY --tOO-E. Bey A~.-;-IWboe -.. T1wphotw 1 ... -' .. . .., .. . ... -~ ... Page Four . . -NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. Newport-· Callfqmla, THt:RSDAY. f'EBRUARY20, 1941. • ·I .· • -New ~Reed .Bidg •. Adds to Harbor District Gro'!lh .NOt -4::1 ' ·' • ---- --'r \Clarence Reed ,. Phone Co ... Ope" ns Hai·bor Firms Congratulate •Phone Growth :~~ P uat .. ( 'Balboa . Fun Zone Set For Ret~rd Season Proud Of New Balboa On New Structure Re.quires Second ;~! ~ Building New Servl·ce ~, ·c· e ('ungrnt ul~llll~ P.ulbc>U nn tht· I!Uf•plled by lhf :-Jew"urt BuiiJ· Balboa WClltion T~(' r;.on d:<(lmt-n"" ..JU!JLI.tml tn Ill!~~~ Sus,ply ..-curRI•heJ (ln tht' C. t . MC"Donald. dlllrtct man· Nrwp~ I ,,11,.. ll••"J "1,1 .. n•·•·r :oo;,.,. I'"'' • 1 IHI>-III'''s :wt'tH•n u n J \l'lrf'n> e JOh by the Haywa rd Lumbl'r c·um· ll"t r o f tht> S o uthern Callfomia darn 11 I h IHo~ll\1''"' "'·'" ... IIJ:htft"tll) ll••(•ll, 01\\'r.•·r .. r the lll'W 'bffll't' pany or Nt>wporl. tb<' llltl~st lum· .. ld h --see• I' h TeiPphone Company, sa ! at be d vir lt•atll't' at Jlrnud .. r 1111· '"'" Ioiii! III• ~t~ "' nu -h.•••'Jllll~ IJI" ,. "11 h 1 h•· 1 1'\'mm·: R('\ .•nlm~ tlw ~.;r "" 1 h .,, ph•lll" st r "''I ur ,. at l'a lm and c 'f•ptrnl twr f1rm In Newport •~'Ill' 111 looking forward to the OJ>¢n. et r~•·l AI Andt•J"!';()O, ~··nlul and w\'1~ knuwn turo· I' hit II Ill' .... ~ ltllllt Ill 1110' lro· f I lllll .... _·r D'as-8('rVI('f' Ill k•'l'"ln•· Wllh lht• •'XIJ:on· Whlt'll II< tu h<' thl' bUHinf.'ll!l urtr\·e N ot on ly does Jim (tgle of thr . • b I Nl:l-: j II••"' ~;1.,," th ., 1 w "" ,. .. 1 ('I b '"K-9f_ ~~~ny_11 n~.!' u11 ne.as __ Bltlboa, a nno uac'<'d tociJty thnt pn•lm t<ttio n s at\' lUll er way ,,.,,.,., t111n ••I f•r.ln\ nn•l •···ntral , 111 _1 tnt lutlllll.:. :'\•·'''II'HI &ach !don nr thP 11a 1 ~·r a r••<t •~ th•· .. r llw Southt·rn C'allfornra Tcle· llarl.~t•r Luun•lry am rnner11 I'· uffic~ 111 tht:' c . '"H. Fteeii buDding a.n.l--a. fo r tht> o•..,nin"' oC tht• famous RaUil>a Fun ZOilt.' with l'X·~I~it ... n ' r "'·-·th m r•·cnnl "' th•· lnl'l'•·a"· "' t•·l•·ph .. rw J'hllrw c '"11'-J>any In this d ty. an· h••vt• tht'. new Ret•il Buolbdlnj.l'hto, ht: s t 115 Palm Av .. nue. Balboa O!l Seal!h( ..-6 !'01! ""IY 1,. ll··~ol '''"' " u,.. ;,nd t ·,,,,., ~I··~·•, 1 h\' """' c \ UM'I'l< Ttwn: \\VI't' I till() wh>t('rth· many I<ICill busmi'M hnu~<ell. in· I " big asset to Balboa. ul e l4.'! • In B<~~o pcct.ations o r a N't'Ord season during l !~ 1. l""'"'l'l' llur l.w ltl.l~llo\':L~ 1110'1\. ·~II C:olllnru•·· To•I••Johlllll' ( 'ocnpaQ¥ ers In 19:17 dunn~.: lh•· ll<'ltk ~4'11" I ltl•linJ: thuttt• Whtl runtriiJute In moved the-cleaning ntabllshment Mart•h 3· ,; IIUII M · 1 1 H. 1 1 h It "The n~w qulir~ra will p rovide Thf' t'ntlrt' Fun z.,1,.. 1, I'N.'t'l\'' ''"'"'''' ul \\It' 1111~tuor ""' ~~ h·· 1,. urw .,f till' m•,Bt l""l:h'""''"'' "111 "I"'" 11, 1,11..,111, • ..,.., ttll~c·{'t )1nn· son, IRSO 111 19.'Ul. :!ll:I!J rlur inr.: 19:19 '" ~nstru1·Uon . 1 whrc·h he hu o~rate.l n t Ill r Y ty, • Ina a rww co-tot ~tnt. Mttn) tm·I A\I n\11'. ltilll tof •\urlo-r"'"' 1-\m , ~l to ny Y'''"'" lll(u hr atu1t•·d th•• rlh\ ~hii'T'h :cod 10 ,.,,, handiofnet a'1d !2:\0 la~<l )''"r AmnnJ: tht>m ar .. ·l ,l'"w H \\'oll. rnr ma.ny years .• into tht' nt'w idc>l\l acC"ommodatlona ror our cua-aho .\-n provements art' tx•tn~ot mucil• '" r·x· """"'' hu~lrlln~:~o 1'"'1 . "l"'ru,lt'<l 1•> ~t"""l"'rt I•·•· a mi c 'ul•l Stmagt• 11,.~ < •t.rro•nr• Ito-• 'II Burlt11na. 11~ SouthPrn (';,llfnmru T••f,•phr)ni· ru·e. p h>Ot·rr resl rstatt' man at 1 bulkllnl(. I r Y In ('.eoPge Gprtlon. to~e~l.'' the mana,er .. ld. Front aatlng l!tructul:)'ti (!nd ull ~UIJI" II arTy 1-lnllt') l•rtl\ ~~1'" 11 r... ~r, u.am~. tocal~ »t 30th !ilCc.el. ·")'nlm Str .... t Hati".IA _ _ _ Co.a.phan:c 1ll.__fur tfi,. imnallatlon Nt"wporl llarhftr who for many-mayor and well known bu1ltler.l ~\ lth tht' growLh or the ex· pag,. rnenl ts b(llrfC"lJI~f'ff -rmTt.:zn,mtP ·I:T'I'Oif'l'l"t'YT'. llJ;_rMinn lhr···--xrt•rtllr _ ~, "1.o..r1 lit "'''' t'lll!fu lly uper.,t t'11 :-.tuvm~: .,f 1 h·· uiiiC't' t o ~Jboe of four It ton, llf ,wltchhoarcl~. year11 ll•t.l the -loRg nattl~ for ha r· wu l,he gen~ral cont.ractor for ,I he c hange and lht' n~ed fOr addiUonal ret'ord rt'&dy for' the opt>llllllo( uf tht• :-.pnng I rt f ~ llmU""'Mt•lll c-•·nt~>r. • a rt~>tt of 1\e .t .. l'""' '! tr II• kA I'·'',,.., tht• "">' t .. r 1 b,. r:oc~ I inci"C'II>ting thr• '"I> I(' .. capac1ty ••f bnr dt"vt>lupmc>nt. Wallace. whoee hiUldl!ome ·edifice>. , ~ntraJ offiC'e equipment ill tbt' :oil!._!. -;-------------------~':":"'~1!;~~~-:f:~~;:;:;;..:.;~"~"~'.,' _;.0~1,t.&~~at:m~~~ ---~rn,;• h:t +00 It'll' ut(l · 011 Bay -""temee, 1t-tJe.. · Thud Ho ..... ·s on tiw nwrry·~l)·rou •r Hn ltunn.: lilt r )'~ nr • on. Tl?\l'rl'lt!r~mr~n.-wttt-~wpllrt. n8.111!TNflhe-.ate-of the"rlfow...,-t1T'l!l"'W"-cmmftted---'lritfl~ arenl that ..ll!!.. o~t,::h;..;e;:.,.:.r ____ ~ wttlch h11vr• camt'fi liO mnn) hltpp), n-<'reatiun plnrt'' for young ~nrt l• 11tru• tr•.t tllf· hnrul11umo· ~hrll 1111· 1, ltwu•·~t. lt<'<'or rllll~ In OUtrict t iVI' thl' t•l(<'h:tn~·· an ultimllll' prllpt'rty tu Mr Reed. the erection of the Rerd llulldlng I bulllli~.g would ·~n prqve n.a t'· )fosce dlildl'l.'ll "'ttt-twt~t -"''IIJiiOn > 11ro· 114•·1 "ld llllkt•. uro ~~~IIJ~tl<'ll ~~~ nth nd· p.-r rwrvlu· 11tat11•n al lht' •·urn..r ~lun;~r·r ( · 1 :<td.l(•f11t lll or San ta total rapacity nf :1:.!00 phunl' lwrv·l ('taudl' Sw~:t'tma.n. well known 1 are AI Antlt'reon. proprietor of quote. he l!llld. Tbe new build · aa.ltl C tna l't'plunl'f>d lind di'C1tratt•f1, nnr.t 1 ~nrr In 1>1'-'1 )' oH'!I Lnsl 1>11.110n I ot 'l{tt n uno I Cr11trlll :-lt•w,,urt 111111 \nH · 1 ICf'A to mr'l't futurr· ..:rowth l ''last c:r a 11 ,, {'(•meont r on tractor thf' famou11 Balboa fo'un Zone. 110un In g. be log C'loMr to the ·c~nter of upon tht-Mint' pn tj{>cl '" "unrlf'lwKy on 1}\c Fun 7.nn•• uttrnrt•·•l ;001 tht'~' .. nt!Orl(t'd hi• . hullllll'l!ll will).~ '111,. 1ottr:wlo\, '"''' quart era will Phnnl' rom puny n>eorcts l'ih~· •wh•> han•llt>tl that work on thr nt'W to open ror thl' 11earmn. Harry bus In~ 8.~tlvlty. will be more recore the> famou~ tun Zonl''li lllumlmttt:d 1 1 strr"'(Iflfl. N.-•arly 400.000 ,..arr ~··•• 1111 'a•l•llll•m~tl """'"'" Ala.tlnn 011 pr .. v.• "'"·" ·,,. ,•,rrtnHt<la rioraa tpr that Ia..~ I Y"Rr. durrng th,.. busy bulldrng. at.I<J•·•I h 111 cong-ratli)a. I F:etu~ or tbe Eat u 11 Haruwar~. conventent. · Mlac,. f f'f'l'i• ~lr ~lks g-aily t'fl.lfl)'lod lhr• l'ntrrta n · 1 M.a.t:lnc. AvdiUJ' lQ IM'l'V•· tht• Bat· eu~t••m"', .ond th•• 'llll<'l' fonnerly ~~eason. 11n rwr•r;tl:'' u f 1 ~ .000 Jlhnno• ttc;n11 to the .:ummumty anu Rc>ed. J:l:ewport. Wbtte'a Coffer S hu p .1. Tl,le managtr rl'ported t hat tbe aald )1any nt'W gaml'l! 11nd umu-.." 1 t•nt off•·n'll .. hy tlrl' ~~~nt• 1:;{: hna IRiun~ arr•" B<>lh l!tallnllll •··~·111'"'" h.\ 1 h• l•ohlll•·-~ ~~ at cfl!l~ wrn• han111Nt dady nnd nf Swc:t'lman h llll bttn ronnt'cted ; Balboa, bl\t' o f the> moet attrac· · Nt>wpor-t 84!&Ch exc.b&.nge now baa .showr ~t fu&tures are to tJt, 1ncorput·, PBAI four nars. An · lr:. 1,.1iturl' 1 ourtt'ull• ... rvlt l', '"'II· 1 h•· ,., 1111, 1 ttvtl.lfl~•· hutld•nc. will tha,; numlwr 9700 "•·re loc-111 r alls l "'Hh lhe •·nnMtruetonn of many t1ve C"afee ln the hllrbOr area; apptoximately 2QOO telepboaea ln t1un 1 •tf'd an the-Fun Zon("'o; offl'rln~ "111"11 . blrw•l "llh 'lull lily pr1~turta I•· tllllfl•·d ;,, n"" •"1Uipnlt'nt , Wtthm th1• ~t·v.pnrl R4•;wh I''(· flnr hom t'8 rn the harbor &J'I~II.. Hi\Ward Gerru;h , Wl'll kno,.·n NI'W· St"l'VI<.'t'. In Bo to Ill pet run.• thl!l M'll!'On And<·r-"" lnlr•rr· .. tln~ 1\Hit", ollll1 ,, rh·~·r·l ('ttlllll.rurttun. "' lhl' '"'"' buthl-\It 1loort rltl ,, \I rJ,o(j Chllll${1', "tlll'h llliiUdt"' ('(I,UJ llulltlt'rll l!Uppiii'S \\'t'rl' r.umltlh· port lnauranct man. arru tht NtW· OUII ),! IWifl lndicatl"d. lui nnr•, ,.., th·· 1:11'1 th/11 n u ""'' ha.• tnl! at Balh<t:t lntlh lllt' u ... !'roll~ n,. tot•f,rll:rt lo ll\ of nPW equip-M~a. "'' by th .. Nt•Wpnrl Bulll.ll'rll ~Uf• port Balboa :OO:eWII·Timt'll Pla nt '-•~·•f'r S rwport Harbor &II Ia Nnt unly will the-JNt lntm.: a nrl J,...-n tntllrt•tl nn tlw ,numr•:-tou!' nrnt IIIIHIIItllll ~nun 11 f:uth tn lilt 11.,.111 ;1r rho II" ,\\••nu•• o~ II Thr l't1mpan~ '""n '''Jlt'Cl!< to ply vpelolt-d by LPslt'r hl>o'll wlio map improv~>rTW'nts In tht• lo'\rn 7Ant' im· "rirlo~" 1n lhr• Fun Zom• tht' J')AJ!t futurr ,., that 1-11mmunoty ~ •II t. .• -..,1 1'11••11 lh • ••••mp:~ny's e~Umat·. trnvr• th•· ro·t:ular 'Ia If M :l5 "111'1" tr~t.lay l""ntl'tl t tl th" nrv.· Rt>•~ I Bt>&C't provr lhr 8Jlpf'llntnCf' or tht·int.•r·l thrt .. > .... llstln~. rt .... Jlltf• thr'i t7ous· unlv •lo ... IO th•· alrlll tllll' J'fll\'ltlt• ··tl •. ,, •• r·l·tl 1'1"\ICtt ur ~ 14tle-,atnrA III tht• l(l('al •\\IHhbt'l<'lrcl~ to luuldlol( ll' a biJ.: sh ·r In the Jl.'·l For .<\ Greater Newport 27 t•f ••· oot the N'N'ntly C'Omlllt•tr'(l r••· """' rhnt l'njoy•'<l th•·m. nfll'lll· (oJr ~PIH I"U" '"'"'~'""'nt hnol 11t r•h••n•-j11 rh .. h.rrho't Hrt'R duringl hnncll•• lh•· inr rc'fl"'" tr.affir nf vc:lc•pnw nt or lhl' Ralb<>a buslnt'!l."l of 11a modeling rn•jl-<'t of H11• n1l1• nn thr In~ lh•· run· ~:•v~"n th•· •'fllltJ•nv•nr 1 oar""'' '"' 11,1"'" ''" th•· , .. 1.,11, "" 1 h• , ... n""'"' -uronwr months .• :\fc· rail' d11rm~ rtw .unrm··r m•1nrh' ,-.. rrlt·r 1 Harbor J)istrict In 1941 and 11 lltfh··· <tf I hi' piWIII' I'UffiJIIII\\, IIIII ,, '"·''" lllolll t1• •I M<·J)(lnnl<l ~~1111 lrl(lll~ All t•l\•t·trwal wvrk for t.he nl.'w 234. 11J,q10 1111 hod•·-u 11umt,..r· ''' at· 1otr.('o' !lt rurturt' was in l'hur:;•' of 36 ar. ''"'' ,.,. """"~ """ ~, .. ,. , ••• m~ 'l,rfJp(•u. ·~d I .egJ·sJatt•on to ILll ··lc·<·tnl':tt '"rln~,: ~"'' lnlltalla. • ~ . rt>co,.. ,.,'-~ ll~tnll T rrpp Is on•· 111 thlo leadong er!llrt Congratulations - To CL.\IlltNCE REED aDd IRVIN GIOO. GORDON P.1 --Aid Coast Is Studied ;~:·; ~~~~ uontracturs ur th~· liar· ~~~ ·~"'·~·r nn.r oth .. r malmnlll Ollt IRVII GEOR.GE GORDOfl or s ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ j~~~~~~~~~~t~~~~·~~~-~~~ ~·•I ~·~• l01t1on ~fli~~~d ~·~··nHnn ''ru~ru~~ ~nrt rtwl not -~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ 1-~ri~ ... II• Ill ,,,.. ""'f,':""ir ('u[tsthrw Willi fii'OJl'IW ftY' !1,TI!rl' l.mrtc-m crn-·c-d B ;:!la -..oc£. S k t '''"'" tl ,, I ' .. lll•·n•llt'l' this "N>k ··nil ,,., lLIIk ;lrt':t' Till• SL•t·· rn or on Ult s ... kc I pea er a ... "'"II !'I,,. So•nn tor Ttlllmll~ !-I'Vo•rttl ,,,,,,,)(' •. .., t•ould "''h olll· H d N • lltret' r--..o:,..,.~,,:"'':"':"';;IW'rT-:-,-~n-:-,-,lld~';:;' ... .;-------------. h l..-h• I ''" orrl•l)nlllll C'lydt< \\'.11 " \'lllllltf.!t' '<'i'III'O' ~ni\Jahlt• llotlll.rL:•" an some ew ... ~. "'~~ ,,.~ s , .. (· •• urn .. 11nd wa·lo·n. r .. r j}ill k 1""'1'"".,~ ,,,, \\:t~ 1111-•hl .. R .... ~ . -----•how 1"1 lho ',,.,,1!, ('11111\ly Cnal!l A-... o· ,,, milk·· tho plltl'ha ... • l>·~·:oiiV •.:.!. -eeu-~tr..u~-re -~-1111 West' C~n tr~J-;'A'venue. port. Dt ,.,,, ""' '" , ri~<'•'''"Ji-~ J.Llh,c..,llw..U."'-'-tt1~-ttmr"tf!1'tr·m -n,,. or M 1111:;;,; 4m\~i":'lr,-r.,r,:-:-nlltrr-rrr-rtl...-,rrnf'M''Y '" "'' llf"' trvr" r. •. ,r~; .. .,ll. g('n('rat P h.Ofle Newport 72 1 Newport Beach •••rt J,•lll l•'tllt''>'nlUIIVC'l< at lh•' (1\llrt•ol lW (•ontrrhlllt•d lt H ;til\ o'lllllr!ldotr (•'r tho• llltriH'II\'1' llt•W llhOW ''"Ill••• ,,,,.., 1111 III>IA'fi S . A. Mr•\ fir. ·n1 •• ,,,,,,111~: 'I!' ,.,.11 '" r •' 1111 1 lt•·•·ol Bu IJmg at Palm and Cen. purl t'nll• r rho· t.•.rd••o-..IIIJt .. 1 1•,..,,. '""'''·''"'" J•l•·•lol••rlf : Dr Ho\\'nrd m1•nl1 In tho• ~hntl'lrn•' pl:onnrn~ I rill A\• flU<'• ""'' whtrh "Ill Ill' 4 f'll tl•ttf ll•·tll/ •'·""'' ••I lh•• ,.,..,.,I \\~S•.•L!•' .... ,,trtrynf t~N••\A'·;, ... ,.,.._.,,,,,.,ntha' '"flh'fll••:a ... ur.-~·h,·u·~,,uarh·r ~ (ue t hf' ~nuth••r-n rt~OI ,1,.,,, "'·"t••l t 11 1rl••• I."''(' t 'lttlo 1••11 I\. ••h ('o l~ l'lanninr C't•m· 1111rntlro•·••d \\hWh '""''"on lh•• lu· l'alllttlffl,l T••l••phuno· ('ll mpnny F.,OR 1941 ·anti ''''''"I'' \\Ill It•• Ill t<l• '" .. 1•1 '"' 1111"1"11 l'tl\ ~·n~o;m<'('r R. L. P.tl · lur•· l•lll'l'h,t"' nf p.nk '''' ,,. '" tiro• h••'•' t~ ""' u ( Ill•· f'l"ooL;II'SJll\'\' ,ln•l C~NGRATl J,ATJONS Balb \'llt:ll l'mklo·\, nul••l r ..... , ... I• ... ··•~•n ;rnol S.·.·t ..rary 11:trry \\'••loh Sl.tlt ··11111111·•1·· lit•· ll\'tldttll).; ~··· ,,.,line 1otllld· I!< 111 tho· Jlnrb•lr • Pf ,,., .......... "' Ill• l'rlllttl l 't• ... oof .... 1 ..... , Charnlwr and Coa~t IJIIIr'o Ill• Ill !IIIII I l•ill~ •h•t'I I .... O'fl ,.,,.,, • rf'l't)l ,, ... 1~ak••r IM·IHr.• .1 J4tlnt .. ,.,.'"" c r .. up ,,,..,. lh•• .,._ , ... ur•·"' JHuJ.,_i"'llt!l'!•n 1n· laill ,,f rh•· l.•""' Jtnr.11 ~ h.t"""'' .1 nd Y• "•• •II' I• •••I thnt lh<' !'T't'l>11"" , ,,.,,,,, 111 r!h' .1111••11111 ul lh•· f ltl ..-.. , " r.urniH·r ••f Y''"111 (;. uq.:•• ()() \'()(" K~()U.' _ O\'"'r o -),1 .... 1 ""'· o n'-of F: "' "' I nrf!.llll/:tllllf)' In I h• \I. II""' Ill 'Ill ~ ''"''"" dl\ "'on or th€' Ito•· 1'•11•1 ~·rolltl-\\ h ii'U '""ultl lol' I' I"" ) ; .. , "' . "·'" '"'''" pronu nt•nt in lh• ·~ " • n. "" ,.. ··"' bollt 111,111,.1 ot ""' lo·Hrn.~l ""''~ ""'"'' nr .. r l'ulthr \\'ork!l Wll · 1n ,,.,,..{ ,,.1 th•· .sr:olt' t• .• tk ~""" t 111 :-.!. '11"'' lt:ort••r lnnl•hn~t '""'"' rot.lf' thf' M .. rr\·-Go-Round and . l 't'rrl" prt~e l'lnkl••\ ·1 ltr· .. th••r nf ,\ 1 .. ttnr••ll.tnl lt•IWilltl ~l ••v nnd l••gr~· lh•· mrrtlt r tol Fr~hlnl.! ft• _,.,.,.,. lttll I t\ ""'' nnlo•ol for mnn y <'lltt'r•ll••rrl "'h t"f'l la.<tt yt>ar '! rl'cn l'rnkl··v "' 1•11,tn :'>1•·~;1, IIITIV••il in l.lllton I" nt•rnmplr"4h this-shmritl fnr '"" Oran~·· C"nun1y t·n.l•l 1t .. 1111• 1111:.1 J''"~ •·ompldl'•l herl', t c>ntu ;oo.:.·w Vnrk City Mundn)' allllanl ro-.·•·1\'•' "'"flJllll'1 Wll~ :•~:rfl<'<l fll.,..t to ~Ito<!) lh•· pn·~· 'l'h•· lut.•l hUJiolt·r' has t'reclt·u ~ \'01 KNOW -In -1 yea~ aliDOI'I, mar th•• ltnr·r E 11t·nmhrinn The· U. P.1 ·~~ mr•11•tU't' ror Ero!lloft and enr r1~h 011111 (j,om" art "htch was many huruJ.sumt.' rt•:ttdt'lll't'll In th,. oioo,pOO ~pie ha\'f' taken theM same OCE , r···pr,.•c•nltlll\'•' t1•lr•phnrwrl hi~ f;~m· ""'1111'-lllrtn Wit" tfi~u~..,'<l rt Wll( 11111t'll!l{ .. t h) \ oltr• nf th•• (li'Ofllr• ln~t ~~~t nnly h~t~ t.:unlon coope ralt'U f:idft8''! • , lald J lh nt l.J•L:""" Jl••:trtl 111111 n ll!hl. llPtnl•-.1 nul rlw tll'qUL"rtton fe11turr ~~···rlllwr ti:Hhnr <I l'trll t IIIPt:t' thhr dty f OI' KNOW_ that ln S )'eu'S there Ill h NEW REED RU II..DING HOWi\RU W:-G"~ftRISH ...-. u-181111A:N(Jfi!'~ --------·---- 2617 W. Cenfral Ave. ~. Phont• .t:l:~ . I Believe In the Future of Palm Street YOUR DUSINF.SS BUILDIN\. IS A C'OR N F.RSTONF. LEW H. WALLACE 2202 W. Central Avt>. Nrwport 8<-ach ,.·.,,.;lltnl: h·· \\:I' lot .. ,II~ in ~.·w ,. .. ,, lot ''""'~ I ttl rml~land.~< nf"t'((ffi Tht• "tlt•r "''''"'' loti! 1•1'1'1111~ l••·t·anw I h •• r rnt rr 0 ( tll'\'l'lo>J•· m e ;:==================:;==========::l y ,,rk ~o'\"l'r.ll rt;,, .... :tnrl W"''"l .. r·"' "'•l"kllll' 1'111 plan' fur ··rosk'rn on .• r to•d \\,l•ol'do•frtdtll('l\dt• \\'ol 111\111 '"' I h •· O!!lllj.:l' ('r.tllll\' ha. .. not bf'f-n an arc>idf'nt neceMlt.attag ac '"" _., J ill' lullth ,,r ht' l':,ro·nt ~. "'" "h". 11:1, .. •I lu .. ,.,. rh , •JI 111 r " .. tl n• ""'' I• • rntlv • 1111oph·1t I fnMliMll attf'ntion ~ wny The New Reed . Building A• ~t IG B&lboa and tht• "tWir llarl10r m "trlrt .• ~~ .. CLAUDE SWEETMAN BRICK. PI.A~Tt;R Jlnd f'F.Mt:ST ('USTU:\('TUR 1%2 24th St reet ' l'hont" -Ill·\\' St•"pt•rt llt•adt C o n g r a t u-1 a t i o n s •• ·~~NEWPORT-~ BUILDERS SUPPLY U ·:S I~Bt-:1.1.. Prnpri<'lor Building Materials lloofing Cement Plast.~r Bri<'k Tilt• SI0-1 W""t Cf'ofraJ ,o\nnut> Jlr \' " l'mkl· \ S.on 1\o 'n llthl\1° •. r···to~l I• ' ..... ~ \\• n · •IIJlJillt d •I ' "' 1111' lltoo't h··· ol!lnn . lin• I Jxoln l,hl) ~torul i\ WHY PAY MOR-E \\ rh '"1'1•• ,, I!· lotll~ ll!lt ud ··d '1'" '1'''1111''!.1 .... use. .. on 11 '1 This Is The Outstanding J. r -F ntlt•\\ uH: th·· l't• ••Hnc ••• '*' 1 1 p ••nll"• d tu ta~t •·n , 11 fqlh ·~~ t luc •'•· t ''" <"• ntrrd ''''t•nu.• _., a m •• , .. ~,IIIII' "'"' 11'111 '" l•t· 111'\ll\ FOR A ,, I!•·'"'"' It ... "· ,.,,,.. ...~"-, .. r••lll ,, l!lo :..... l(e('Or~ of The ,1:-r I ·'' :O:•n 1'·'''''tdtn•' It··, ... •\IW1't .. .t 1., I t''" ,,h,.11 ·•~~1 •• h •d ~ ... ,, 1 '"· ''·•'hr L •·•u:~tt\ hu t tw _.,,, •. 1\· ,tuA ht t"r-hlf9t .....,._,h hu. \\ilL' J.J.l!.l •lu~ • Pi-RSONAL ... LOAN-(L_ l':\•'''llnll'l••fl ,,f tft, '"' •· p, , 1' • -4 t nrur·aur'utv u 1"' a '"I! 0 t•·r \IIOh•\ t~:•·•l7 ''' l,,..:unn ,11 ,,.,,, lirlra~1·•'nnmrmhr-r .BALB A ~-~:'r'.~ 1\o •ll'lr THAN THE \\'•"""''\ I'"'''" r .. 1111 1 I ,, .. ,, •I llu . I\ ooo\1'1•11 '"'' 1 .... , \0'111 > u N z 0 N E FHI ll••l\ l01rr1· l'url.lo•\ \\oil 1 r••t11ot111 p~ t (;1 .. th· tlld dllll't;; ho• 1'1•~•·1 1 -~•·•111ol F • f•tllo "' th· t "tut•d S1 ,,., , .. n"' '"'''"" • RATE? 4; .. \\lH ' h •" ''II l h i"' ''"'"' rn·Jn t••n ,~t .... .,.,,,..,~ t:; ~1.1\t•r-•"\d lit· i•r .. rlt 1 \I. 1'1""''' ,,,, .. .t .. :ot ,,111,, l h· 1: .. .s ~ttt!t lllro• "th•· f-111! Ot'l •tl l ru t.·tl l 't•'"""" tl• .. "'' lt11n "' • fit"' he·n•th th•· •·wt h h '" h.•11 •'J «i•tHIIItrtltl t.u.1duH: lo tt ~· $' tn·tkt' ·• .. , .. ,lk •n•· t••••r ,,ft n;'"'' ]UII~ J,l..,,,.o , '"'1/'''•'''iAI, "'' ·'' ,,. t1••m•• • •··•· t t~. t h•· :"•"l"''t, ttnrtu'r ~trf· t•'lt'"' ~" th• '''"'"''' Hll 14 '"''' 1-':tiHt ~un ,·,prr~ta·ll \ l hu~ far au l ~l1l "'A VI l· tflr••d ""' ''" 1 h•• •<til •I" " (flllltllitnl, ''"' ., .. ,, ... i1111 \\'h, th. r • 1 ""' 11 ".11 1 .. l;,,.,~o•. (•hon"' 116 '220;; Coa.-.t Bh·d. "'''' '" Jllilll,~.t u J,, tlo,' 1'111 .If~ " ~ d { 1 J K • • .. 111 r • (tH \\t J'u•l,1t \ It~ utd •t ,'t lhtt t• tf• \ •)0() t tt n a a Jwants • f "''' ''""" \\ I• ..... kilt•\\ n dt ,,.,,;,0, ,,r ,,,.. I .) (, .. e J • PI b. d H d n n :-'ho•tllol o'Pttlt•llltl ll••tl pl.•n .. (n r fhartor Nt"ght Aprt"l .·>rd um tn g an ar ware rt'l'• I I ', Y•ll•r f'l'"''"·" 1111 lrf'l ><-~1 •00 at '--,) _ 1,1. 1\11~ f)\t• .• t,Ufl lt1t'l fttl\• \1 I lnlt'1 t ill rho· ,, ... ,.,, 1\ ttl ~ •• lwl.t ,f! 1111:~1 ,Ill\ l•r "''It ,,. II 1111. "' :\m~ri,J _. 1 !IRH r~>•• 11\o' pto\lllll•h ''""''""'''" ,,, Ha lphllfl:tl'n ,llr•'Jif"l "llt'tll , J H ESTUS \\1°111 l IIIIo·•· Ill\ II••" ... ho•lll' r .... ,. ,~ .H'•~'"t•l "' Wl'!tlolh tllliciolls I . ,. . 1\l< h tnd tt•·HJI1' ,·nn•'•·t'f\lrH.' th• ,1111• ''h •rt•·•· nk.:ht pr,,...:l :u11 t••l ' ,,. 1nd ~' ,.,,.L,,~, :--;.,,nl '''"""'r"'h11r ;In· • • h f•r• .>ltt•llllhru:ul \\htl\\o h PIIII',OII Irrtr.ollllll aS J n•·\\1~ ••ll'tllt/od h r1<;o111~ l 'lrol• "n 11,,11 11,., ... 111.". ft>llnw tnC rhall•'t II;\JU)\\',\I{t: _ t•t.•·~ml~(i _ J>AJN TING A\' n..,1 ,,1 11,.,11 fl".·ubL 11.r,. bank--. ,\prr1 'lrol "dl l·•·l1•ld ,. rtf, S .u\l,o 1 . to .. ! .. 1 ,1 . ,Ill !llr< To ,Seek· Three l nderpasses Alon~ HiJ!hway (-.ntnphUh! \\llh '"''~'h'flt•f(•'' th t il \ tt11IIHI1 llu ... \\t\,k t P\ I 'II '"''':r It I. l'.lllt'l"'" "·'' foo l -~1.-.1 11 o·ph\hllii11C'~lt1111 IP tho• I' d tlo <l"111 I .J 1\!;lt\1 ,1\ I 1, I' 111111; 11° II dh '·' IJH' I.,.\ ('If,. \\ dl t'tll\1 H~t ht · hn II\ oollll'llrl' \\ ho·ll I ho II bqo h;o'l I• lot'lllfo: (PI 111\li.tl• ol l'nll ,., l·fl\1\t! ••h•• P'"l"'""''d JH'•'t••c'l 1(• .),nun~•'-nn\\ tl.tnc• l•'ll"' ,., .. ,, .... 1ft t ·,, .. ,, l lo11h"·'~ thr1111~h ( -,,r.-n:r ·1··1 ~1.1r -~"'~'-.. . .... ~--~l.l!.V.,.,.. :---" Antr"1.~ffl1'nt}· ~::<'-:'f'ni'W'IIInt.'t<t· '"'..W"•J·'~ Jv~•Jo.., .. ...-J-~ '· ,. __ .. _ -' '_.__ -_-r -bert '"~ "tl<rr;_s:~• '«hm l'"•tr_1mtn IS 1,,.1," 'lllttr,,l.1~ ,,, tho n r . .:,11w 1. .IPhn ,., ~:trlhrr.: AI 1\nrtr r-<nn G • E :\PPJJA N CE~ O'KM-ff" I' Mf'rrftt A\" 1pprm cd \'ll\1 ·~·CI\t' lh~ full IIC'n' ... ni'Wln Jlll'o•tUII,; oll r.u-· St•.l 1>.;Jl l.undo•r-.on. .lnm··~ T'l \\'nr• fia." Ha~e& -s .ll.Uuulll ul 11 .Jt Vlh\. i r,lm the l'lw ll t'.tl• lttll~t:r kill' .\ .f 1'1\l~l . J-:tldr•• H• 11 h• n· ~lr\ 11\IIIC tftc: t \.hi ""' ••I oily pet· M\n.d hun ~1111 rru r ll•,\!ir~. j .I Ccnh Y<""U T""el A~•• ,:.~~~T, n!..;!., ..... "" ..... • ~.00 I 8.U J Sl .OO lt'l 00 ~~· 'r :r;.QJ n,,. ''"''"'"''. m··rit "·" '""''' I•' It wh F•tdw \lt•:-;.•rl Coiol .\ \ltm· Nt' 1'1 t ''" ... t I tlf',t .... !I llrn IJ1 • : wh, •h lfl .. ~.,,I,,,. 1\),.\\, r .lenlt•, ... .------,;_ _______________________ ,-. t f'h~tl t••r n h::hr , ... 11 n't't' •• "h. I• \\ tl k an.. 'f' \\',,,1nn J ,,, ,,•.tl••d th,•t th•· I'"< ••1•1n " ... t••t'l•·tl tn Hhtdll\ .. q lttt•t,•nl ·u, l'<ln\llltllt.lll•'ll ' fnr .11•1 l~'l '""' l'rr<1rl1n~ '"'• Pr~ H,rl{'h II"'" rl r·.w.•nlt~ ,,l,'f'lf'tf tu~ ... , P''''ltlt•nl pf t ht' "-t'l~\ It'•' c•lul1 ~l"'"k' r 111111''11·•' · \\ ,< l lr f)''" )'h~ ,,, '"'" ··~ 111111 k. ,._ .. ,,.I \~ htlo' l.o ol\111•· H \'u\<'unl Ht~llt'l l \ ~lu1 ph~ .111d .\rm.rnd 1·: \\"••l41· 1•111~ 1111 •·f 1\.rlhllll f ir tih ol l.llr;,~ 11< ollo'rl I. ll11~ d. r 1 • (;,., .. t..tt. F n .. , (;,, .. ,.. ,II', lt;u'l'>ld F \\'ni~l••nh••r~; "k S lt.orob En• 111 \\' 10: 111>'1!1'1, In The New R~ed Building Thf' S Pw l.o.'fttion of The Harbor Service Laundry and Clea~rs 11 3 P a lm St. Phone 45 " I JUl• :o.hn 1-11•· :\l:t II.."' 1!11• ·In 1\•t ,,.,,,,n "'"''' tnl .•nn·~d lh·· '"'"""ll"''t''" thai,·'' "n ... all~·~lutc-l~ L----------...:..-----:---------------.J , ,,. ... ,.,<.11') th:rt .rl ,1•·11~1 r hr·~ 1on j • 100 00 ·1~.00 JOO..OO $00 00 400.00 100.00 \7,17 l~ 75 34.33 61 ~ "" X 900 4l2.0C • 1.011 1.00 4.10 uo 1.00 l UO 11.00 1~trttlll C Cttrr··~ .,j-S.>lll.l \\ hft,e· 'llhl•'t'l '' , ... ,\nl••nt',\ lit• t•l,ll>"r,ltt•d '-'n th•• I ro "hwh h..., ,..,,..,, I Jl,.. h<'l'l I Anu r ,.,,,..~ l••r '" ,., t:-"1 '•·11 •l•·\'lnr•-rl " •• mu~t I><' pr·;•p.l flt.:hl '" ,;.,,"" tin t h.•rlf:tl!t' F I.·•~ II T :0.: l ;:lln• '· It I. '~' .... "' :'\la-~\·r If'\ 1n Gt.•ur co' ~;rh•arrl T ( llapman ,Jr olr II P o'nltm:<'r a ll ,,f Balboa Aftf'r t 'f'bntary lath :.lt! l<llll •·u: l b•· Ito•( 'cJ :-T •lo•qfll . ..-r• '"' I''''' Ill> 'II f••r po ·d··~ ! nan• rn tlw ~.'''"'11;1 1h-l ~1:-rr $o'("-j---------lr-r~~~~Tii~~16\nQl----------~~~~~~~~~~~J+~~~~~-J~.~~~~~~~~~Iilesfon~ 1' ma•k • ......... -The Owner\ · IRVIN GE.ORGE GORJ¥}N:. The General Contractor 'Of the Mod'~rir..,...N~w ~ . . . REED BlTILI)ING In Balbo~ • • • .. ·nw· lttul.·r p:l'"'' a•··· '"'''t'~'""r~ of, Ral :~~ lndh'alt•d "' rhr a.·c·lriPnl• m · 100.00 __.,;-----;-- ' nl\'lnl! ,,..,,,...,, r11111• whu•h httVo• f'("-4110.00 • >'IIITP!l tr1 tlw p~~~ "''' In nwnlirm ~ 100.00 I f ntan' n:lrr'P\\' ~,C~itJ""' "ht~n t"'~'·'<" tr'i:to;~~mrwht n1•1 ""' ,. ho•,•n -.(> (f'r· tunnt•· to '''1':11"' 'l"''"imj: .tlllo •~ '" 1 l> t .lr••n HOUSEWIFE MAY SA.YE ON S\)RPLUS BREAD AND PASTRY <~r•At MvlnJlll ml\)' llf' .. trKte<l lo t hr l~'n•tlt t•f lhr h('lllll<'hol<l biHIJl"f't by thrifty htlU~I'wh-.. 'hy tht' UIIC! 1•f IIUI'f'l\le bi'I'Ad 1Uld ~ry • be founli at t he ~ur· i plwo Br'Md and f'utry Stono. \21 J I J I 100.00 110.00 100.00 liOO.OO 4110.00 100.00 100.00 110.00 100.00 100.00 4110.00 100.6o l 'I.A_HENCI< HEED ami • ..,om thf' llarbor Dl~trir&'s ' Own X E\\'8 pa(N'r ~taft V A J RJP p R""""'""Y· C'<wU ~fr&B. ,e atllrt --.. _fl. ~n ~,.n over b•·r · ...... ·-·--· ·······~ru-N··"'·--=·--.. --. '"';;..,_,;:;o:_~~.;;;;;;:;'"';_-~.~ .. h:;.;.~=~~ ... l1··~· .. n·~ ·r~~-:;;~-•iriik i1( .litir Cli"11- ·TelepboM ,. ~ hand!• All KIHr ·oar,., pro-~ .. A&. 1~1 M.0C..1'1011 d11Ct• IDC'IUtllftl; frf'lb ('I'Mftl, milk /11-M .. , P~ .. ,_ .... 1 byt_t.rmJIIl. u well u trHta COUll·! IW-.1 ,.,.,. ,.,~c.,._. Phon~: 12 or IS ~----~------~------------------~------------~~t~ er~ •• . ' A STEI~ F'OR\\~ARO IN Tli_E JIROCHESS OF THE GREATER NE\\'POR:r IIAHBOR DISTRicr 11\1' Rt;ED Bl'ILDI~G lnBaJhoa • CON GRATULA T IONS ·HNWARD Lu~ &, Investment Co. . \. ar .• Ad I'll I rr! ro llht alt an lnt cln .f lyt en II nf R• ~ df ~ 'ftr eu ~.,.,,rt~, .. ,~ 29 • .. ca na ~R'T BALBOA NEWS-'!DIP.S. Newport ~ C.Hfonrift. P_u_e_L_ec_N_o_T_ec_E_s ____ P_u_aL_•_c _N_OT_e_e_ES __ -.-. ...,-,_.~G_I_.:..ass-· Manufacturer Tells • \ ! ': • OAOINA.IIIU 1110 .... --'-luesaihe.l ls hereby decl&r~ til bt. Rotari':lnS of War In Jc:ngland ! I • CLH'Jo" I mnrt-: . A N ORDI NANCE OF THE ~tTY SECTION 8 : That ceruun pub. 1llt> ll•rnf)ln): rntn of ht>lnhs'l'h••ull1 1h"~ :lltt'Olpl 'w m~~ tht> .OUNCI L OF THE CITY OFI III' l!lro•t>l known u OC EAN upnn tlw n riu :-h J~lo•J;, 11(1, in 1:-l.uul ~ll••n.:h .. tol tlu' ~pnn~. NEWPORT BEAC H RENAM· UR I\'E, 1\"inlt betwet'n Sah IJoor 1.m ,.dood :ur hom h :-lwllo'l':oo ,mct thl' _j'l'''"''lltm.: :\lr l ;at>ull~ uml hill INC CERTAIN STREETS IN nnr•lir•n A\'Cnllt" an ll lltvrrsldt• tlnuntlt•'" t't)Unl~l' tlf tho• tl!'ft•mlrn~;l thttl~hlo•l "'/'" Lllh'ttln ::"1/tlmlftn, THE CITV OF NEW P 0 R T \\'t'IIUt' 11nd nol1ht•Mslt·rly ,,f l'111k llntnn• \)'It• t•ullll'h lfl) lt'\o•a lo•tl Ill p r . ..;•·;1111 <'h 11!1!\olll lnl' lht• nw••t · BEACH. CALIFORNIA. \\', Ul< ~nrd sln '<'l IS IC11ol nut nmf :"'o"'IJO'I I J\,olh1o.1 lt••l.ll l·ll" Tth':OO' 1111 ho•ld .11 \\1111,·, l't•ll•'•' .Shttp. "''""'" up<>n n map or F irst Atltll· "·'~ 111~1 I•~ \\'llllam t:uhalh .. ,.,. II lh·•·• l•l.mrt t'l~·'" I lull I"''" Ttw l'lly Cuun1•1l trf Uw ('It~· of t ann tn ="t'wporl Ht•ijl'hL'I, II'I'Or•l til th1• w 1wld',., lo·m lrua.: a.:l:,.-rfl,tflll· Sill,,! · N <'wpoi'! 'Rt•l\t'h, ('alllilr!lll\· .to 11r;. o·d In l1u11k t , ~e 9,4 or !\lt!!l't•l· l:it'llll't'''· ro111l 111" ol.o11..;li1t•r. :\It'-' ' • dam att rnlluws : t.mt•nu!l !\lap!!, rl'•·••r•ltl elf 11ald l·:l.,al~.·r h t;nlutlh Coast Lyrl•~' -¥ Seetlon 1. That l't•rluln pullh<' Cuunt y. shall h t'rt'afh•r be t'l\llt•d 1,w ( ollh:tlly,., 'whot n •lllllll'tl 111 ..: ~ etr~•·t kno~n 1111 ot'Jo:Al\' AVE· BEACON ~TRF.ET. a nd th~ name th•· t 'mtt·d Rtntt•l' ,.,.,.,.11,1 nwnths ('.Job tt) GJ"ve· N l '1-: as 1111ld· 111 rl't"l 111 h aJ nut 1•t sal <I st rt>t•t ht'rt>inbt'forl' dt~.' =•to:" litH' 1 o lhv IUl•'!;ISJ' l'loulhtn.: 1 · --~~.at..own j,lpOn-a map of thc.•ICdbt'iLI8_hut:!J)' •!!••lar:t-•l hl bt' 11f tho• 111~'11 wht•n · lh•·~ n•:-1cl.l'<l 1111) t p f St>a8hQrt> t 'i•lcrny Trat·t rt"t:Orded UEACON STRE~ Ena.:lnnct fnr m·nrly 20· ~··nr·s. :n't' S . er Qf.Jnance in UQok 7 ·llllf:t' 2~ o f MrM'I'Ifllnl'·. SECTION 9 : That cl'rtaln pub-now n•,.,irll'nl:-111 F.nwntlol Hn) ·t· owr Maps, rt'l't,lrds olf OranJ.:t' Coun· lit' Blreet known u" T\\'F.LMH Hirth ttwar hnnwl< Ul Lont!.1n and '11'<>-(·nn~t ty, _California. as ta1d nul ami 1 ~TRF.l'~\• I yIn g lx'lw<>t>n · 0 1<1 l~l\'<'1'110<•1 hn\·., '"'"ll !1o•>:tn>)'t'<l h~ I f l\ ,. Hltlhoa h b tnrl abown upon 11 -mup of lhe Oct>&n j Cou nty Hoad a nd Sanl.a Ana' A VI'· hHmh'. tho• l""r :-tllf1 F:h~tanct at m··ml~<•r-,; w1ll 1:1\'t' Front T ract. 'rtcorded in Book -4.1 n ue. as aald !lrt'et Is laid o ut ami Hw >otnrt or tho• w ar \\II~. unpn:· p•·d~•t1nam·•· Mn1·d • , page 12 o f Mlsceflant'OUB M14p11. s huwn upoo a map of Tract No • t>~~N'd. hul lodn~· Crl•al Untum II' c.:.uumunit~· Playen. 10 l...a2Un& record.r! of &&ld Cqunty . u la.ld 444. recordt"d In IJ<)uk 19, page n •ady Ill J!IW I Jtorr tlrtlo·r·, trnolt•r · n,.,.,.h ar<'onhna.: In t lw nnm•u~- 'ou w u n " rna o r 29 of M isct'llaneoWI Map s. ret·onlll lin~:• nn unhralthy N'N'PI•on nwnt marlr• t•wiaY hy Ml'!l Ma ( __ ......, . . ·.~· . ' YOUR SUNDAY • • • • \\'ill Bt• A Trt'at. . .\nuttwr :\h•al fnHtt•~d If \' ou of JLtHt Uirw • • AT • • ,JI~(Ja,j. 17~ h ""'' Uranl{t" St n'4•11'1 t 'UST-' Mt' .. "l-' Fnrtnt•ll\' lht• l.mt"•l Inn r ----:1 -··----..... ~,-­·~· COURSE DINN E I~ p \X'Jth UinnerH Choke of 9 5tW-6()(- Entrees 60C-85c "11 It-: 1\Jo:S't' IN f'()(l0" --=-Thud Add II lon -io • ewpo .t.•ac 1, "' S:L o un y. ----Ratll'll l'lt•Ho•ni\t'n, cttn'<'tnr , f rnm l------~~~<~e<ll-.1A....J.:IOOtk-~-.J~:e... 31 oc l saara Ana AllrQ.I.IL.I.Q..<LJil!l.l .,&r.jPuBLI<:; . _ OTICES Pornnu 1t.•l Mnr M tiiCtlfant-uul! a.J apl' r••·ords of f nardmo Avt'nue. and hetwt'en Th•·1 --~ --=-=-=-=-=---~11"Drth..,...-'fttiP't'-.,. ... t-....,ltt.v-......jffw~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~-~i!!!~!!~i!!~~:_-11-~~~~~-:-:-:-;:-:-=-~~-----...:_:_ ____ ='""'-J aald CWnty. aa luld uut aml 11how n tin Avt'DUI' eml Jn ·iM A vrnue, "" lUI dHC"rll>t"d In d',.t'•l from Ht"ll· n·J!IIhtr rl'h<'nl""nl AI · tht• ..11~una "THII'I THIStl C'1\l.l.t:u l.t~\·t:" .. ,.,.. hn·fol) a.-IIIMI upon a map of Nrwpurt Bta.ch.l &Aid atrt-el is· latd uul anti .-how n I man C<)mmel dal Truat and ~a'. lkad\, h tJ.:h !'<'hnol Mr.< Franklin lrn'prf'-&bho \trh) n Uullllll' a t tlw IJdu Thr •t"' ~ddf'd recorded Ill Book 3. pa~.:e 26 ot ".PI)n a map uf F'ust Atlthllun tu 10 .,11 "-nk t o Or&n"'• ('rlunt•· re· llam«·n. M n<. F rnnk ll<l wntlln, .,....... ,. .. nn .. ~ ~ u ,.,.. "' lth d M • J ' ,. ... atn&a• ndo•r t'lrr" •nd "l nformatlun 1'1-. ," M~t'llane.rus Maps. rt>t'urU.. of =""wpnrt Hl'ighlJI. recordt'd I n rorctetl In Ahnk 2112 pajle 172 ~ ••• r... 111xnn ;::om 1111 n: "· · abown nnn r L' t A "dl ~ . tl.!l !" i I Cooont . • . l~lanct. MIS.'t F.l-.11' O'lruth•nlll'f\ I Ia d D • R liM y h . u,._ a map 0 c lrl! n_U • 8p~ rl.'<llr-0 118 • .... \, ly ing l>t•IWI'I'n thl' lnlltlhWI'Stl'rly s n Olngs a )a 3~' t aald County. as fatd fJUl and I Bon k 4. pagt" 94 of M:l!<'rlfani'OUII I Derdtt Ht'<'t>rtls Of ~<aid Cuontv R utt••r ar•' thl' ':O('alr~t" from th• t l•m to Nrwporl l:kach. rl!cvrd.ed ,flbal.l hc-rt-aftl'r bt" callt'd BF.ACO~ prolongation 11r 1 hr northwf.l!trrly. from C'ornna !'~'~ Mnr With Mill" \. In Book 3. page 27 of lotlll('dlane-STRF.I-:T. and lhr nam<> llf 118HI """ of AVIIt'Btlu Awnue fHrmt"rlv !\1nrgan•t Sl'hRrll'. llt'l'lltnf>.'\nl~l for ct' b ... OUII Maps . rrronhl o f 1!8111 C'qunly.l l!lrt't'l ht'rf'mb<•forr di'SI'rlbt'd Ill ''7lh Av .. nu•· l\n I MarjiUt'rllrt Av~-thr l.ym· C'luh. rontplrtr. tlh(' n'Jr Wrrk wllh 1:-;I.A~PI-:Hs / • u ~-ans as a. . f\U anu II OYo n upon a t're ) uec Rff'l (l "" "'-', IIIII'. fllrnlf•rf\' r it•r AVt'rllll' an ol ' , • a m t I ld I .• h . 1. h b, .I 1 J t .__ BEA,......."' -• ' ro·s.•nta ll\'t•:-an tht• t'OII>ol~ muMIC A num llt'l 11( .. :u~t•·rn f·•lk hnv•· N (, lt o f ., I .,,. N t "'TRF.L'T . 1):1 trup bfoen "lll'lltl! "" I ht' l~lAil•l t h .. 0 r •. , p lf)n m ll p n ,..,,.,. w n '. ewpor .... • .... . ;. .. ulhw~>lltrrlv .. r l'al'ifk (l r 1 ,. I'. • • • \. Beach. rt'l'llld•••l In L!.t.-tk ~. pu~·· Sect ion 10: That <'t'rtaln publit' rnrmt"rlv ..:1 •. ,.1rt.-WllV, a!\ !IAiof • -~---!-----1' 11111 "••••k 111 '"11"11~ ~'111"11''1 27 r M il 11 M <ill t l k F O t 'RTF.Jol\'Tfl · · H t h Buy r aban•• 'Mu: N••ul t •o•nk"'" '""'' .,,,,, 1•·11•'' ;n.t ill"'''"'"'"""' () '·!'I' llllt.'Otlll llfl8,1'1'1'nr ll.ree ... nuwn 31! . •• ,A vt•IJU\'11 ;\nof\~'ay llro·lllltlll\II&Jld j I c man s ~ 1:11''"'" I!HI'i Ill"'""'"''" \\llh tfoo· ·~·n•lllll' of 81lltl ( ount y. rtUd tl8 la·~l !•UI S rlU.fo.r. liS Sllhi lllr,....l ill ln1ol l'hown Uj>llll ,11 lllfll\ o f Cnrolf'IB [)t•f n, l'flh•rtrl!llllll! h ~ -H 1~ 1 ..... _ • .... th•· .. "'' t ~u,l ".~. .............. ·" , , .... , • ._ •• , '"'" 11111111•~ and 11 own upon n mnp Tru<·t """ uut and ahown ... u pon a map "ftf"+~fn r. l'i'roroi'it tn Mill 3. raii• ;t 91 fft~StJ--HI Mr ~,1 Mr~· lln:-;r.;;=:ift:f~;=;~~;;;;~!!l:lu;::S::a.t~~ddi!lllc;;m•a:::s:ut~.t:=l~ 234. rN·nrdl'tf in Hnok 13, pat;~" Trur t Nu 27. rl'<'nrdt·of In Rot•k ~·. 41 111111 -t:..'" nf ~t18t t•!lruw•IU:-~1un11, '' 3 . 1 37 • 1 ~· .... u ~ t.-P Grand l 'au.d !II• .. t'.tl•• · .. ,11,. t·l··• .. l '" 1ho· ''"" .. r th•• ,.,.,.k 6 ant ••f nl lll('t>l ant.'O\Jl< :'\lAp:-. png-e 26 '" ..,,.,-.. .... -U~ -~t"nrd,. f'lf ""tt1.(..',•Hnt.y.,..~&!mll-l\ol WIUll" P.O.QQ tiJt f f t f 1 f t 1 (_' t 1 'f"TJ"'• ~ Utf'r ft-<ollt .·.._u .l.h.lll'l" '<'111•·•1 llill<ll. '"ll I" 11,1111 lt1Hlooill11'•'1!tt'lll rt•cor . o 111111 roun y. "r at 8 rt'<'nrr s ll l'll l oun y. nm tu• 1 uflrr h•' r ullt·d HAYS I Ill-~ [If{ IV!':. •ari.Y lhuo w•·•·k 1,. ~~~·nd , 1.,,1 .. , lf•lrllll•· pi "'' '"' o·lrrfo ,.ffio•lfll" t"l!ltre lcn~lh 1111 :;huwn ron 11a1d lnt•l ""' aut! !thown uptm II map 1 r;n1t Uw nllmt• nf """' 1111 1• •t h••r • · _.. "" · I ·11 1 t , 1 . tl• ( 1,. t A IIlii t ~~ · I . ·' ' A IIU•Inl'~' lran•III'III>Tl rPIIOI'Ino nl&ht. ".,. lo· olll••l lo•l•l\ map~. 8111 lt'l l'li ltr II' t li iol " rlr!< 'I niT 0 ,, C \\ pnr I tnlw•(llff' tll'lll'rlhi'ol , .. hl•tt•ll\' ..... ~ • • , OCEA!I: FRONT , nnol t ho• na nll' 1 H~>IJrhL'r .rl'rorded rn Un..k 4 paJ:t". l'lnrl'ol tn L<· OA Y ~IDI-' llRIVF. • Ill t1 S .mt.l A,na ''''""',•,•;rl'llllll 1r1~1tpc't'h )till" Jo'1nn• •" \\ • If • ·•I t II • l'l "'~ 11 • ''I"" •··ol 1' 1 •·t•hlo·ol ' 11 t .• h 1 1 ( • 1 II , u .. 1 1 • • • '" hl til<' ,.rr.-.·t lhfll , I r • G rand ('11nnf "'"'II• d II• 1 t .. 111,. 1111 .. ''"' '"" ,l rw ''"'' '" lw• f,w·al•~• o tt a 1 u l<lrf·tt ••remlx'lnr" • <'· J4 " -' tsct' un('nu.~ ... aps. 11'1 nrul' Section 19' Thl\l .:••rlatn J•uhltt lbed be ' ~ • . r t . man "' H>tii'Mm 1-tnnrl. ha~ pur-....... k '" ~.lrM , ..... , ... ,., ~l··nt·· ... , .... , ••• , ·" '"" '"'' ll('r ...a l'Oib)' 4!41.lo .bc u( :Sil lll f. •>Un l>. ur ~~~l "" lrt't "tr•·•·l k ntt"l) aM I'AI'II-,1' PHIVF., , .... ,,,,.-{ n h·dl "'''''''''' 10 ttw Nt'Vt'' ''"'" !111• 1''''"'"1 1 • .;,,,,,.11 "' -.kru:l.ll. ' !lhOWfl lll'lln AAti map~. JOUJ4.Cc1):_J'4u.1fu \'ay jvrfl .-!)(> ~,,.~iJ>i . ..,.: ~L..n''m-;-1.~~~:!!;!~~-l:.tJ!.-::I:ll.Qe......JJirn.f.t 'luloltoorr-.• ••lt•l ••llol ;,, IIJIII•ut ltctlon 2: That rt'rtllln pub h.: stmll ht•! t'B.flt•r !)(' ··allt'd ( LAY '"' •.•• , tht' '"'" hW• .. t•·rh· prlllllll~)l-n fh . . •• 1!l::1.J'!!C!et nt +m-ti -,m....,T"" .. fo-·f49-f;;.......-I~W-oo'4(•~~~~=:;;:;: slrt>e t knnwn n~ ~\'HF AV"F.Nt'F STHFF.T an"l'tht> naint> "r !I'll t ' · h' 1"' :-.utrrrn \I ll~ the No·Yo l'"'' Hit'lu•• l'n'"" <ht:ll . • ·• .. · • • • • • 111111 uf tlw '"'uthrll!!l•·llv ""'' "' th·· 1\.onk ,.r Auw1wa '!111· f'lln~ld· ~··h(ltlf ''"" 1,,,,,1, 1 11 , 1,,, ,,1, u >'&ld atrl'<'l IS Iaiii out and :<lrt'('l !wrt>mltf'fllll' .t.•lit rlloo••l 1!1 f'.o'J.:IIIIIII r\\'t'OIIt' l10lfllt'rlr ::9th o•r',llltoll "·" '<1111 '" "'tft. llhOWII II~""' :1 miiJl "' t-:al!t s.··('W I tll'r~.· tiN lal<>ol \II l.l<· (' L" ,. h:t\'o• '(>f) para•lr '""'I""'' I .. 1 ...... '"' "· I A\'• IIIII' ·'"" !\lllf'l:lll'rih • A\t'n\11' ~1.000 I ' nnrt. rt'l'ord t•of 1n Ut.~lk :'. nn .. ,. 3i STI, lt:ET r 1 I . l•lanolt-1-.., r h•·' "1•17 .ot~••ll t Itt• .... ·• ,., .. nrmt•r y 'lt·r A v .. nu•·. n., !<a 1 tf of MiS:rllnn•••HIH !\IAI'" r••t'"'"" uf Se<.tion 1.1: ~h~t ··~.rtni~ yuhh• ~ln·l'l 1~ l.wt u ut 1111o1 :-hllwn """" ISLAND AID Cl'd;L£ 1 "fanrt "~ "" 1 ' •• 111 ' '"'" ~• .,,, ,a id (:oUTtl':V n~ I n 1 rl nu l -ant! ..-l.r-~ .kn.own. 3-->. H S rl< . .LJ:: r. for ll fllllf' ,r l'.,ruf~ lwl )I !Of, IC<.Hf'll•. , • Mll'lll llo II '' Jt.,tl ool .' :,,, t r,. I 11hown upon R map nf th•• ="''" · lis l'nlll•' lf'lll!lh. "" lnlol "''' an.t •·d 111 Hnok 'I proto:•·:< 41 tln•l 1:.! 11( PLANS LUNCH£ N AYMIItr '""'-"',..... 1 1 '"1-.v-t• .. •u , • ., __ port B:ly Tra ct fL'lOrtirt.l an Uook ''""''l Il l'"" u rn 111 ••f t '•HIIna dl'l' ~lll<•llallt.'"~ !\lnJ):<.~ I!'II•IP" 1,1 df'n ll 1\ h • r • '"'' '"'" ,.,,.,,, 111: 4 pllJ:t" lti nf ~ll:tt o'll1n•• •11!1 ~hlp!' :\lur. re•·unh••f 1n Ul••k :1 pllJ:I'!I ,.,11.t 1 • .,11111) >oh.<ll )i.o:!.J:.Atlt•l lA' Ttont ntr\·r f>in n!l foa•" lun<'t1.eoo ! f'rll'.ll•l:o ~h·· "'"llt.!ltl "'"' h• 1 n '' d •1 •1•1".' '' ••I ··luh nl fh"tul"' It , •' ttl .t n • p lu tt"" tlt .. tu•h nut ,, ' u•r"'"'' '' ,,dl fnt an ,,.,., ... '''' l\\ot •tPf\ Hll• "'" t.• fnllt•\4 • tt ttll u tl 1l11Utt ,,f .ttthlt•,·f tlf•• \ •••• , \\Ill • t ,.It If I 'It• l l.tll· •.• l" ,,, r1111 fl o\ 1111' on(' .. ( ..... .. "'' h ttUI "'"'' .......... ,,,,I •. t tft\ ttl ft:,IJU/.\1 lUll UhUH.! I h i'-t o.t~l rt><·orrll\ qr ~a 1rl •·•runty all tat•! "UI 41 anol 1:! of :O.hso·••llanr••w• ~lapH I• ,.r1,..1 IIAYS II•I-: llltl\'1-:. a nol 111,. 111 :'11uro h Yol'rt' mll•l•· by lht" U&f-~JI'IIIHJI 11''t111unl.oto•• \I I" 11;.,,, anc1 ~hf•\\'ll upno n 111111' nf I ll•· '""nds of l'ltl•l t'ounly. :;hafl.hi'TI'· 111111••' Ill ,.11•1 ~lft•rt h•·rt'lllho•f••r•• ho:l l:<lllll•l l'lrrl•• ,.f tho• \\'umen'a lllt"n~ "'"' lAIII '''"""' '"' tlu• llot•l ll•lf>r~ fnlh• r ••f Mr ~ Bnfboll Tr8o·t. t o•turtfo•ol m H•,.,ll :tft•" 1\•· l'nlft••f \'11\'E :-:THJ-:~:1'. tlt>IU'I Il~<••l 18 ho•ll'l•v ol•·•llll'•·ol 1., 1,., ;-: ... wt\' "' C'hrt~tllhn s .. rv•rt" at wr"'l"r~t flltl l\ ,f 'hrtfop• .,( ;!'~"; lo'flf'Jihl ro• 4 , pagt> 11 ,,( ~~~~tO'Ilnt o•l\11~ ~I IJII! ot nol till' 111111\t' 11l 8Htd Slll•l't hero'· IIA \'S fl llo: IJI(f\'t•: IIH'H' .Tu:•:-•t,oy m•·•·ltn.: In lhel ('nrl l ~•l)j: I• '"' ·'"""' H oo \ ltolh •ro f•l1111ol •II III•• h"ll"' l hl>t rl'cordM nf >~nltf t 'ounl\' ;ut•l rt•• mhl'forr· '''"'~'""'' '" ""'' t.~ do•. Sect•on 20. I'll<· 1.111 C'lo•rk shhll i\.,;At•• Av•·lliH' l'ul'lt• fiHim Jo'1unl 111o• ~"" l•olll111,: •1·11'1' ll•••k lro •roo ''"' i\lljlolo•~ 11111,11 • Ialli 0111 11 11ol sh11Wn Uf'"" 11 111UI' '"''"" I•• ho• l'II\'E STHJ-:J-:T 1 ()' ~1rH A .t • t:•tll••r, IITrllhll'nt,• Yo'f'Aiho l II• oil ''"''' ''" '·'"' "''''k to• '"'" I•·• II , ""''"''' ,,,,, '" 1 •• .. ttu ... , t H"-I+IIU.tiH't' lu I~· I•U11-~ .._ or F.n/11 ~Ill·· ;\olohliton ,,, lho• '~"' Sectlpn 12: That ···rlfllll f'llhfll ''"')''" "'"'' Ill lfw l':o•WJI!WI Bllfh•lll :oflfllolrfll'l'" I hut t ill' luni !Iron w tll ..... • I I ......... M "" (lltt ,, .. , .• , hlp Olllf••ro" , ... , ..... , boat Ttnrl. l'l•t•n rtft•o l l n. B•••k ,, stro·l'l ""';Wil "~ ._,. ~THI~J-:1'. r.,,. ;-.;.WI< 'l'lmt•fo (I llt'\\'"l'nl't'r •• r j.\o'n· , ... l-:1\'t•fl Ill !\hi 1 '11~11 '"""'•time hi~ ~ ol • ol I • 'lor I l. '"' \\ h h II oonlh• ·~· .... ,, '"'' '"'""" P BJ:l' :w .. r !\thw··llnnr •flll' !'11rtp~ 1\>< t•nllr!' t .. na.:lll ~~~ l.titl .... , """ ··rill r •rr ulallun pl llllt•ol. pllhltsht·tf 111 ~l llrdl tool Ill<' t 'lrt "''" \J•·neflt ho· flllllll< 1•1 I IU....• , .. '"' 1'111'1•1111111 ,,, 1\11-l 1111• '"'"" ''"'" ,,,.,,,, ri'Cortf,. 'nt lltld l 'oollnty , .. , ,,,. l'h ll\\'11 ilpoon II 111}11' llf ('oo 11111< 111•1 anti u•r•'llf>tlt•d m tho• l 'lty II( ="I'W· An IIIILJIIIIIII '" lhl'ir m····l llj.\ room \'nohl l 'llllt 1111•1 •11\•1 l ...... lo.ltllj.\ .. , o.:to•nllooll ,., .. ,, !Ito• \\l't•kt•rr•l entlrr IPn):th, 1111 s hn\\'11 1111 11ai•l ~l.u , ro'•ilrolt•tl 111 lloHol< :1. pll~•·"l l•f•t t 11,,11,.11 ontf 1<hull l~k•· d fPt'l \\:1s rnndc IJy Arthur l'f'll~~<'. A~;atl' l h•· ~ltd \\'lltl•• t:•a.::ol ltt l v.tlh tr to•uol~ '"''' 't'lii'V '""' 1111 c· ...... r Ron.;."' plaJ• map!!, sh~t\f hf•rt•Bfl•·r h<' 1·alll'd II and 4:! of :IIIS<'r llanL'IIUI< Maps.l 1111ot 114, 111 !nrn• lhtrty ,301 dtt A\'o•nut• rt•nltor. who) gavc-thf' Ill-· lhtotr 1-:'1"1'1. 1\HII'h lk·oulo·a _ l !MIIIW' man fall .~:_tria • .._... OCEAN F'RONT ami I he nanw n ( rr1 oniM of !llltd (.:nunty. shalf here-111fll'r lh Jliii'IIIIKC. ys l lnntl d1d" u .&•'••"~ Hong• Wt'lf' Au lnn o•hr.rl\t: ''~' "' """"''""na \r------------------------------.. •aaJd slrt!t'£ ht.•rt•lnllf'fort> <ltsr r :!Ji',! 11ftt': bl' 1111led S H F.LL i-ll'HEI-::T. Tit~ ahovr n nrJ fnrf'lti•llll: O r· rn]('l~ about lht'lr nf'W mu•ka1 1 lo JtiV~ •trv~cr 1n ~hr ,''-lhuli h · · • .. 111 h erl'by th"'r f&lt"ll to ,..,, Of'Jo:AN &ntl the narnl' nf S81tllllrl't>l he r ... dlnunl•' "'"" tnlrtMlll•·•·ol fila rel{lt· p1r•·<> fnntl l.r•l I I"'"' \ "'· "''" o•ll ATT .. ;NTJ()N Hf)(JS .. ;WJV .. ~S! F'RONT who·rnt•· d•~··nloc•l •s IWI <'Il.Y dr-lat nw .. tln •: "' tht• 4'11 \' C'•mm•tf I tluo<ll':<ll<'~ f.,r tho· htnr·lu~un hour Mru ln r Avo•'lt;. ~~ I ""Ill hit•• • Section 3: T l•fll t <'llntn puh\11 ..tan•ol ttl '"' !';IIELL STilEt-:T .,f ""'I'll\' 111 ="''"P";1 twaoh. "''"').I l l' o;'''"lt'' t-: Hu~<~~f'll ~l rl! ht"'"1 1" 11 • ' 1 " ""' "•• SPECIAL_ S lrlttlt.· "''"" .,.Ill, U ·M ~ - uoay f1ftfir 1 1 ~ f I tllf S•ct1'on tJ· Tl1ut rl 1n J tlhl ttl• 11,1 .,11.a '1 t 1 ' t 1 1 F"rnnk lm l lar~>u ""'' · I lllo· -n. • 1. ·'' ,.,. 111 \\I'W' 1 ~ · .. ,,. ' ' " ht'lol 11n' J-c•htll.tr ~ :tr.t. 1\0I I. a n•! ·' rs ttl I'·' t aw• hl'ln.: 811 uf nl .. l'k ll J-' r.. 11:-1 ,111 ! Sll"''' knn\\'11 "" ·tt ~THt-:t-:T. Cor '"'" trn:tlh· 1,.11..,.,1 .,.,1 'ltfnpt NI nn Kl••"l' I~ •h • '• I • rl 1 11" J All lold "Ill lollol ~~~"""Ill'"" t:< ,.IIIII•• h l!J!I h :i,. Htl•i "''' ·'"" lh• Iiiio .r,., ••I l•'.torunl\ l!l ll tOMUS CLUB TO qunt l \\' "''' 'l•toh A map nf Trooot ="~> rot" l•'''"r.lt .t ' '''""""I'"" •' tnap ,.f ('., ""•' P ..t h\ """ 1'1\ ,·.,11111t :ot , l•lo!lllar I .1:1 Butok 17 1'·'1!'" ~:l l!.l,~1; 111 ~lnr rt'•"lol•••l •-l'"toM 'I Jlfl).!•'' ooloolllll ol 11 "1 '11~ tlt•ro•ui 11· t h•• HOLD SPRING DANCE rhuch'f' ••f ~11"'•, ll:tn~ nu• ~1ap" 11 ~utd -1~ •! :\ta :u ••tlan• •·u~ ~I up,., (,.u,,\, 1n ..: ,,,1. 1, " 1 rr•"l''" ,,, l<llt•t c· .. ull\\' ·'""" ...... ~.,,. .. , ~ .. ,o~ I'"'"''Y ~"·'""·••·-.A.X.t:!i....t.:ul;~·~uu ·. L:,... .... 1 AT YACHT CLUB llrr,.nn. r -1" , ''""' ,,·1 ·1·~ ,, '\ ,.rt. F.· , ,(1,.,, •I:OI'T' :''fttt·:J::T fo~JU l:"T :nut t h•· n h n ,. o f "t~tl .uhl t lit 11 .ru• ut , '"I ~t t ,., \ I•• t• ftUhl•' \\'\\' h•n •nh•·l"t' d•·~•t.h 1r1tw l uft d•:!'o'"''"d 1:-. h•·t·t~ d t•. .. llu rr\ \\"•·l~h •·' :!•r: ltutt\' ,\\• · uu•· l•r••rn•r~o·r l (•t.•rlJ.:•• f"o nlll\" t hutut">4•t uf f ,.,u nu '' • l•••uh·r-\\It" t It tlt d , ••• "''!·I I ••' tht• • e •• n;ll" t 'lull h :-1 "• • II \\ lo• II I l11•y h• lol 1 ht•ll t•!t•t ll••U u f ulftt •·r,_ ift Ul• :-=:n ltn All., ,."HII1tv t 'h tl+ t•tl 1~ h•tt·hy d t·' l 11 '• \' '" .t:u•·t t11 t.• l:lt'h: !''l tU :t-:T 01'1-:,\=" Ft<~'l' SECT ION 14: Thnt • • 1 tall< pull ~ectaon 4 : Th:ol , •·111 11 l•lllth• ho !'l r•·• I kl1""" ,.,. '1" :-: rt~~:~; 1'. l!lrrd km •wn :u< HAY \IJt-:\\ I••• ''" •·III II • I··•J.:t h a:< lahJ ""' A\1·::'\,·v ~~·u a.: l··t\\•'•'n HH \" hfl•l .. ~.IP•\\fl ''~"'"a lllll fl .. r ,.ltltJUa A\'•·nlll' 1111ol ~I'\\ I'"' t fh \ II" """' ll··l :O.Iltr ,,., 11rol••d '1 n Ill took !1. lllro·•·t '" l111ol ""' rt llol shown upon l''l!.;h • 11 1111d 4:: ol ~~~~··•·llan•·"ll:4 n nllll' 111 flalltna tt'iJ,.,.,,,,. '1'1111 1 ;\lap~ ;•,·•Ids 11f R:olol ('l•lllll )', r.·l .. rolt'ol In f111nk 1. pa~:•• 'i~> qf >~:.:oil h• l•'<oft•" '"' • :dlo·d \\ ,\ \'~: 1\ll>~t'••llnnrt llllt f>lap!< r·o·t >~l'dll o f STt,~:~:T illt.l th, 1\lilllt• oo( q:t)•l !16111 ('ootlflly, fn r fi ll i'lllll't' l•'lt)!lh . .-loo•o•l 1!1'11'1!11• f<ofl' do•" lll.,•ol IM Rl\ :<hooWII "" !latol tuapl ~ h a II hrr ••I•)' oh•t la11'd l11 '"' \\' ;\ \' 1-: h l'rt'nfl t'r hi' ,. ;1 II,. d ( 'YI'ttl-;s;-; STHEE'I' f 'J.t u • ... \U•·• l h .. \\11 •·••nlun ·,, rl :' II Jl :'-1 '1 1.\11-=" ="""' t\1 <:-: ~:=--I t 'fl I ' :'-t' I f. :\I 1-: =" \I I ~ s I' c 'al \' • ·•· r k ,,, t ht f 'd \" •• , ."\;. ',\ I''" 1 Ht~~u·h f Ill :don \ t Ill. ; (,,, t'l,!ttl' J,: I Jr .. tltrt IUt t• \\ ,,,.., ,.,IJ.:Iu d ,Utd IJ'J'f lt\'t•d ,,,. 111• ~··•·• 17111 da\' .. r F••loruan · l\111 .. ~l:t\'"1 "' I h•• t 'tl \' ft. a. II '"" '~ lh·· h•·r;,d .. r th• :4"' 1:d ~n"" \',' l!"h :tntl• II•' • •t f lw f1f>4 t Nf'rUH! •·r • nl "''II h .r •Inn• •· to U t' ~··\' Jlt•rl ll•or l~•r Ya• ht I 'llllr Ill M II'• h ,\II• noll Ill' I h•• Iaiii Ill• • IIIII-' frooll n,o:-,larl .. or liJ I•fl 11'•·1'·· M r Anr1 :\lr• \\'unr·ll 1.'1•1• lio·r ]'.lr a u•l ;.1 ,,. Fr'IIJk Allolr• "" '"'" Jlr ulld ~1 1 ~ fln lllllll: :o-;llf uol1111 An~• I• • , .••...••• ,.,. 1.-• I '• '• I '''' lil'"llll><lll " ,, . r .. rrn•· -· or •· It la ,..l , •• , "' filii ••I I Ito a.,.., ,, u:.:··l· IIIIo ·hh II I bllllolllll: ,, • Allff f'Jol k \\• fir~~ .. , Ill• Mhn<~K: ,.,,,,,, ,, II• "It I \. .. t tl •• •I I .. -\. \ 'tl 1 t t ' , I" t I • I AI tl h • "' Hhu\\. +-. t Itt I 11 I 'I • 1+1 ool 1 t •tturtur• 1 • I•• • ., • '''"J'tl1 ' d T h•· gnla ,,,,, htlf~ t ''" • '''"' ,, .dt• t La &LJ1L't.hJlc.aJ "Jut I h • I ;1,.:.4' 1·.1 ..t 11) Mnn h WEST COAST tllllh """' f u rtt SA\'t: Ure•nel AI 'I H ESE I'UI ~It I '"''"''I \\ ht•"t I.H.\\ t :."i sc met:\ n ""' n •. ,,, 1'01 ~H 6C mliiir l'ool10l11 111111 II \l.t ' t .111'h lhuarulh• , ...... , ... ,"u ""' 1.c • \' t :s '"'""'" " u ...... , 1:"'" IUCt;.\U '"'" \II. hl'll"' Ill 1'\''rtC\ \I 1\lr, tal-.4111 "'"' '\ 11-.1 \C '1111' l ol \f( \ '1t.t.ll Ol't:' l U ll.\ -t~'C 't:I'T ~~!\1M\ • X \. \I I :\'Ill.; I'. ~1. --S1\Tl HHi\\ I ~Til. X 1'.~. Wt· UAJUY L• •. ,,,,,.,. .... a.,,,.,,"'''·''"'"~: teo thfl "·''" 1.t11•· \1."'11 I Ht -.11 I Ill ''lit\ t .lot , .. Hurrllus Brt•ad anrl Pastry Store A\'1-:="I'J-:. 1111d lhr· rm1no· rof llil lol Sectron 1~: That • • rl ''" l•llhll•· .. tri'l'l llf'J\•Inhdurl' do•:<t lil>t'd '!I ~l~o·el k ilO\\ It fl."· IJ('Jo:,\::"1/ 1\ \'I·> t-------------~~ ~.Gy drd&'red t n • C\~~~-~---r-. ... ;F., f'Yii18 tHt~o·t•ll .:J:'.iml;-.ai 7 C'US'J'.\ ~II';~\ -~------4··----"-"~-·T_,_,_:'Ii_' .. ' .. " .. r-... "'---; ... , ...... ~ I .:!~·. I ~~- I . ~ A \T.l'\1 TE ,\\'<'Dill' foorfl t•'ll\' :l~1.ol :'I 1•·•·1 11nd SKtlcnt !1: tnt .-.rtrun pu bliC" ~'WIU'CIS!JUS AV<·nUt'. forinc-rty tot.h ~~ r••<'t k-m•\\ n 11,. 1 ·y Ptn:ss A \'E· st 1 ""' ~ :1~ !'<I hi st · ""t b t •• '" ""' N\_'1-:, WI l'!l\it.l st1• ••I ll' t.1t.t ""' •nol "''''"'" "I"'" ,, m •t• "' ('ooro,n.• And !'ooht•\\ r IIJ'(Irl ._1 U1 'Jt n( :-;,. :&.• n, 1 ~--=-,r ....,.M•r'l'f-r1l ttt u,,. .. ,.l( •• :-.h•n • •'•1••1 \ T t,tft t•••·• h •l an f•:t~•:-11 .Ln~t IL .,t ~t~~~··iluUt"nl~ }{tttk "'; J•"lt:Y "J:, n( ~~ ... , t ltaOt'fl'l~ ~lttJ•l' lt'l.lf tf.., II( "U\HI t '''" :\ :,J:•r~ tM ~~rtl~ uf ,.a,.t c ·-.unt~ a·.•S ~t.:dl ht"t•·att• r II•· l a ll•··' :'tlr tH~ .. : "' t:.trt out u no I f'hov." IIJinn ,, ,\ \'E:'\1 ·r: arr•! 111•• ,,,n • "I ~H I• I IIU p uf Tr:lc t ~tt 7i'~ r••,urdt tl ... tt•'t'l tu t•·U\twl•tt•• tiN:• tduld &:t ·In u .. ok 2:1. P'!JiC"" !> and b v( tu·rf'b\' ll• • lr11•·d lu t•• !"tit tl! ~: ~·I Ill( l"tf:tnl'tlll!l :\f II)'~ I • II tl d• 111 ,\ \' 1-::':1 'f: s n1d ('uunfy , ~hall ht•n•~<fl••• hr-Se~tron 16: 'J'IIRI • • r tam puhh< o·artrol Hixl y·~•·torltf ~lro.j•l nnrl l'ltrt•••t kn11wn ~<B I'A="~ A\'fo:. tho· nll.ml' lif llllhf SlfPo •t 1H'It.:lll· =--rr-. rrormo•rfv 4'.!nol Stn ,., .. ~ hr fnn· rlrsr nhl'of l!l hl'lt'll\' d•·;·l•ir· s1otd slto•f·l• 1s iu1d ••Ill o!J•I l<h''" n l "CJJ tu LH· ~ J X T Y -~ .. :4.1)!\: 1 ~ Ufl"Hl fi ·mllJ-~,., uf t"''f'""" ft('of Mar STHEF.T rt:t urd•••l In Bouk 3. pAlo;• It II RJIIJ Seclron 6 : Thill l'~·rtalll l"lhllr • 1:! .,f :\ll!!t PIIRno•ttull !\I~<J•:< r ,., ... rol~ l't l l'l'l knm\'1~ fUI Tlo:NTII ~TI<J-:F.T. 1 11( ~Aid ( '<Jlllll~·. 1111•1 R>< 1111ol nul 11.11 l'l\tol lll rrrl Ill huof o ut llnol and 10hown upon a map .. r H••!t~tb· •hnwn upon a mup M Tr~·t ~~~ 1 d •\lsaun nf t ·r.rnnH 111'1 M 111. ,. .. 9l !l: I'PCordt'<l in fi<"J.ls' :.!9. pajol"" ,,cunlmt in H~~Pk 4: f'lJI:"' 6 7 uf M111.1 lc=t====--=::3"l~4 loclumi.!.-.IUlil n.s...JlllU....CJ~""""'''"'ll Ma&•~< 1•·•·urds 111 !1>1111 ~.\1 sh••WII upun a mnp orf F 1r11t r· .. unly, fnr ll~t·-reii"gnl, ~ Adolltwn l•l ="""'ltl'lrt ll!'lf'!'hll', rr.,llh"" n un S81tl mrtpll, Rhltll l,o·ll'· rroroll'l! in ll<'<1k 4 pAl(•• !It 11( :'IIIli after b t' calf"• I P(IINSETTI A rr!l~ll1~'trll!l !\lnpl'. rt'<orlol.o! nf-l'•lol A \'1-:="l 'fo: 11nol th•• n:.m•• nf r<lll\t f'ounl\' lfrr It~ rpt ·11· fi'I•J(th.' "" ~l lr••l h•·r•·lllllf't .. rr "''"' ralt.-1 1" 8hnwn on II!Hol m Rf\8 11half t "r • ~bv tlt>dnrNI l•• hr• .. ()I =". afl••r bl.' r nlfrol A \'f'l=" l'THJ:.:T . !iETII A A \'E~ 1 'E. 1 an•l tht' nAml' of 1!11111 •tr~t h H«'· lectlon 17: T hat ·t·u lllln pr~hll• inbef11re dt·~H.nbc-<1 111 lwr,.hy olo•· ~ln>tl k n•""'tl a11 I ' A NY 11 =" rlnr~l ICl !)(' A \"0 !11 ~TIH:ET l tHI\'Jo:. ,,s Jt>S< n beol on H\'A,.fu· ~ctto. 1: 11\al , ,.r14111 pulth UO.n ="" 3i 0 ~ rh(' 1'1ly I 'orun• tl •reel Jln~·n a11 ()("F.A.'\ [)RT\'1'!, !yin~ lJtol'"'tn l'~tt ''" Prl\·~. fur· ly•nJI t.tv.'f't'n smc-flz,.r A'"""" an• rly F.ll'•·tnr. \\'"Y· 'Anti F1r8\1 AD•I Twt ffth ~tl't!<'t, 3 ~ IU\111 8llrf'l A\'t nlll' fnrmPrly ~:lr ll A\"nllt" Ia flltol out And ahvwn Ullo•t> a mllp and u tt'ntll1.g throos h Hlocll 3:10 II{ F' I r . t Ad•htlnn tn =""" at<>rt liS 1\&ld Ell'l lrtl W&y, ro:lrol i\\'1'· I H "lghlJI, ~ordf'd In Hook '· pace nutLantl Ulock 3~11 are la•d ... at I P4 nf t.fiiiCf'll&nf'Ollfl M-'P' rt"l'oniJl &ntl flhr,wn ~pnn 1\ map r1f f'r.runa dt n l,!l Cnuttty, and I)'ITl lr brtwern LH.I .)\ar. recnrtiPd In Upv k 3., San &rn&rdlnn A venot" IUid Jr-Jl&l:~'" tl a n1r -42 uf .ltiN ellan1 t•ull l <ftn~~ Aftnut". u aa.ld 8treft 111 laid . Ma pe .• rcor orda of IBid Count y . ollt and 11ho•'ll '\.lpon • 111ap Nt 11hall here~r be r a.lfed CAR!'~ A - ''SHOW'' TONIGHT? ,, OF COURSE YOU AltE • • • and it's of.lly natural for you to local NEWSpaper turn to to 'find your what's show · • • • ~he m()st moment ! t o yo u the important of And this wht"rt ran important you find Why. "' lhe NEWS-TtM ES. (Jf cou rse. , r ight Page ~ on where ~ ..... , .. ~ .... .pap.et .. ~f formation! the every Theatre NEWS- ' •-' "'IQ';;;•-·~''1C'l).'"9W;'w~cf"tft'--" •ftefh\·~r ...wl• &Ae-.IIUQ .• , 29. pageta 31 tD M llfcli.i.efv'i' C1l a&ld 1trMt berelnbdore de~er.bed .... ,..,.llant'nUII Map!', rKorda o f •• hl'reby declared to bl C Aft:"'lA·I aald County. ah.all hereafter at ' TJON A VF.Nl'E -1 called CLIFF DRivE. aud lllf j ' lectlon 11:· i hat certain public ~ of nld a1rn\ hereinbefore lllreet knnwn u COL"NTY ROAD...~.._.....;. _____________ ~:----------- \ • !':>10"" j !· . ORANGE COUNTY'S I.UUtNO ... Tltr:A Tr..JlA "'11'1. 1'1. 11.1: .,., t:o .. "Super-Pay~Me" It I'•J• Tu 1'1•)' ''lEST COAST ,.., ... 14• ' f •nl)• _. •• lit N ''"" I•• '""' d "'''" •'I r•., C•••" CA.•t,te \/, ,,,.,.. l "Wh ... ,,. ttn..,.a•d • 0'""'• ,,,.,, • .,,.,.,.,,,, '" "GOP'Ift! W I I tt l ttL W tN'!' '" '., ""'' ·~·,.,- 'tl.lf f • Wtt1P••d •:f tf r h ,'fit M tr ..... , ftltftt'I•Y -t ew•t "";u f!' /4 Nit<l ttAttfJ 'I" ••., • "" • l "1. c. n r. 1 .A'' ' ah o .. ., "',."""· , '•t-Ar,. ~_. <~" N•d t hal ff ••• , .. t-~ •• "COM I LIVI WI IH Ml" ...... . , "TIIL L OAAI( ll'ftll HAiiiOtrlMf'" NEW ANAHEIM Broadwa·l!-,..."'• -'•• ' '"'""" lllfl •··•• ,,,,,,.,., ·~··· ,-.h r7l t ••tJ M•• M ,,, '; M.-•1•'"''"• Ca;roU 'V tHftlftt.A' ..... Jot\" t lt•l r '•Itt• ln••c.o•' " ' t A f tt t It !) 1\f..l,.~ ' • I· 'u" ,,, 1 hult '' •b 1\ to 111 r. •• ,,,,. I ltftthAI" n •• ;,. Mon"on'\•' f Mil A,.fl ,_.,U~ .,._, 1 H " •leo ~~~·;;~ .... ,..'A·~,·~~~Af.·· •• ,, r .,,.,·,,, ,,,.,. t,. t b 1t •"• U "DnU""I b "' T'l-lf! 0 1\811\T'' aloe "OI'OIT V All I \' "AIOCIIII l un , W~n , Tuoo (l'ol'l U lo Jill .. ,.LOW tNO n Ot D'' el•ft . "COIIIIIN' ltt>UN O T-fiOUNTAI..,. W•d,Mtt er arut ,,_ll, .... , ..... ,. e P'd n t ·eA~TA I N CAUTIO N" aiOO "OOL DIN 'LIICINO" ----~------·-------···· BROAOWAY •'OX FOX AJII~R&UI r..,_,., II ~.......... •.. . ututf\ • 1''-ll\ t.'~t:lT &Of"Oif t.A~: on. "'"-~'~ 4 • ~.J~\\, ;:~· "< ... ~' .. -~-____! . ... __ USU~i . -I UAIIIIIIMI.IIor · \'IIII.II'IIA r .lt.Mirllll , Mil. fll" lUI.& t ll~lll!olll' I.IIUiniiMJO 'MU •••"' 1 tu .. •an . ,, ... , ... l.llllfNH • , ....... IJNII .... til." , .... .. , -· • l~rt'll' tttt ' A I .o.;t I nu,,lt.·tt \IU:H mltl1"'f~"tl,f':t& .lr r n ( ulluou• '" 'I •, ' ----·-------·-·--' -· .... Gain NetB }le(er4 , Year For Loans • HOME LOAN$ SEE SANTA ANA BUIWING -and LOA ASSOCIATION- •• 601 North -Maln-Strftt -about '1l monthly pa)'1"nmt loan plan for that new home w~reby interest and prlndpal ~ucr nch month. 0 •• . lOY SIAFEI Phone 353 3114 Weat Central Newport Bbch ~~THE-TOP" Door Equipment fiiW ..VONW AllfD 11"8 Ol'l:llt....._ ~de ~ ..... t.bertJPt, law hHdroam. No ·JII'Ojfc- t'-• .._ ........ or PJC*1 to lntedlft wttb ~ door tft• u.c., wwll brMiebM or lodlfts. ,._.tsWd. troubW.fl"ft 14 ·,. sat. -DOOIU JfOI' KWaeAJU' -Aa7 tnre _, Oe.rap ._ 0. .. 0.. .-.. "'Oww ..,._..,.._. .. <s t. 1227 So. Main r SANTA ANA PhOM: 8uta Aaa1ift81 I • 0 l -·----... '\ I, ,., I"' , -1\T.WPORT BALBOA N E\\'S-Tl.MES, Newport Beach, CaJltorfli.a. T}fURSOAY. FEBRUARY 20. 1~1 • . • 0' b prom N•·w·r,r•M lfnrhor rnnt rnr tnr" r.n·•·nl••nf & ~~~n havo• tw-..•n nl'· 1 lw•l) ••nll!lll:l'ft.ln rtm)l'f't.., 1mprnv· ins: thr llflflo'llrllnr•· of th•• rlaltw~o1 huMnf'~ llr<'ll n• wo•ll 11, c;m,.tnat·t· ln.: n'IOclt•m h"""'' m thi~> rity 1lw1r ll\t-1 prn)f'<'t pnor to I ho• 1 Ajnll Art'lll1•• 1n lht' B11l~ hu,l· """~ r••nlo•r wn~ tho• rt·modl'linjl anrl /Tl<ld'l'ml71nr.t th1• IIJlJl<'llrnnt·•· of thl' fnmouc nJd RsrlhoH p l!,;linn. ownNI h\' th•• N1'"110r1 f\1\y lnvt•lH· nwnt C"o - BUILDING IN 12 DAYS TO"I'ALS $218.000 HERE City to Start - Condemnation For Alley W~y 29 :.!R 57 To~ • .. _ .. $726.~0 Lt·,., lhu.n t"u month:. hill<' mg :.trut:ture~. Two pnsuna were abghlly ln- . ~ 34-f 1)""''11 .-uu·,· lht '.UIIt ••I th,• )•'hi An •xampl• b lh , S IR 175 ~~· J\llcd. m 1111 arcuJent anvolvlng two .. ............ .. :141.600 untl IJrt·t.~tly p..•nnll!. for construe· "· · " ' ' · lot ran•· oo lh~ Codst H ighway lut 236,!).19 11110 Ill :'1.1 \lfJOIII lk.ll'll IIH\<' fJil'~· ,,r bwltiU_)!: pt.•rmll~ Cor lht• ru~• .. 'rldll y lnl(hl nrur th..-An:ht'a G \\o.,·k. Of th1s l!mnunt. ~13.000 r.•p· p Karcher l~"O Ml 'o :l35,0Nj•~l tho· nno· hundro tl thuu,IIIICI tlu l· r ~ 1 h h. h h ,, • -r&mar r . 497,4..0 tar mark. ••.t•n " nl'w umc~ w ,,. a" bt.-..•n drl\'l'r t•f one n 1r, suffo>rt>d a allgh' · •turt.•ll Th.; l'<'mamm~o: ~.17!) rqJ· cut oo thl' torrheud and C. J . Rt•-766,089 l'••rnuh. tutulo tl hltt• \\'cdnc"· Yo ....... -........ . 908.(}9() ll:r~ ro•\ •··•I•·CI tllllt n•ll"l I'Ul'l ion ,.,.,..·nts lll"ll\'11)' !.U£'h as installa· of Lus An..:t•l..;. till.'IIWngt>r In a ....... ,.. ........... 911.637 for lh•• tu·,t month unll 1~ dt•Y" 111 11•11~1°"1°./ nt•w roofs. addlng of extra mat·htnt> Ol•t'rlllt'd by Joh n Sher· 861 745 n to ··xlstin~; hom('!> and roof·, rod H"arrla, wu treated t~ • ........... .... .... . 19-11 rc•tJI'<'>o·nto·d 11 bu1h.Jini,: Vllhh' in<• d 1 I,O.O.I22 Iol ~109,715. <•<•nirdm~: to r!'c·unls I ... an cnc o:; J>llfl'hl'l>. , la.crraUon •n bla lett ler. 1941 . u! <'!\Y .. Butldl"'-'f 1nspec1or A. .M. I 64 1\40 ':-.: .. l~lll 45 .. 075 1 Fulluw1n.: (I lull . 111 I'Pn~t rill' I ir1n lwn•. dur• nu doubt to t hr• raan~' For Building Informa.tion See .. $10S.715 ~~·a,.ron. thirt••••n ~·nnit.< \\'rn• tl'· 1 . I >'urd by J n~JX'('t or I" •·l~on tlurani: F~b. 13 David B Hc•y~<>r, h~lld ; thl• pnst W<•t•k Tht' J)(lnnlt~ rt'prc· 2-room nddllton and alt~~r roosi-1 sun t a t~ta~ 1nv~"l"l••nt tn . nt>w dfonao. 805 N nnh Bay, rwr Gf'Ur~c hom £•s. hutl!hnw und tmprovemcntli H. McFarland, l :l500. _ I ot e11.1tln& ltrutlwu o! I18.1U.- FHI. 13 Mrs. Murrill Rc"llgan, I Wht'n fhc ~n ttn~ stonny Bay District lumber Co. • . W..U.Tia 8. SPICE&. o';..r NEWPORT BEACH 435 Carna tion Av1'·. wf'atht•r h•t uv. IH.·cordm~ to the m Rutty Ave.ue Pboae: Newport 462 • ~ 1150 Accounting -Supervision -Procedure CONRAD SHOOK OONTRACTOR ud BUILDER VOKPLETE Bt71LDINO 81:&\'JCE ..._. Newport ..... ~ !l! Ma~ Aft. P. 0 . Bell ttl a.a.o. JalaM. Calllol'llia ' GORDON • B. FINDLAY "Builder of Homes of Distinction" • • CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Telephoae 402 SUO Coast Blvd. Newport Beaeb ·l . FIRST liZ A bran• Tbe • Sclt: 'Su ndt Sunday ouday p.m. R Ave .. OJ _t"rpt 811~ The 1 to atten Re•dlo' CHRII1 Rev. Sunc Sunde o'clock. them u Htcb Eveol Quartet Mld-Y of'day: OHRI.S1 LECTU ~· a.n autl -tr<-tUI'\' at 8 p. daugh. member ablp ot Flrat C tn Bo11t KP'WB 0{ ChriJ FUL Corner C• Rev. DR. PIC IJ Balbo! DR. p ( Jlour Phon. Dr I ~ ( orhc-t ..-------------.·.YOUR . HOME I 1\o•fun• 1111 lntl'rt'llltd . j,rrOIIJI O( :· .. ,.,., MM1~tn11 RI'V. Atlrlaldt D. Mlllll, tiiii.Atllnolln jt' ll~l\k1•r uf ln. 4frnallonAI nffnlr l' tli~'<'ll~•~·d thl' I' nrld'l' n nn,· '"i11m~" In tht C010la ' \1!•11 , I.•• I: I •II 111111 Tlr• •da\" •'\ •·· F. ROY_ GREENLEAF & SON GE~ERAL CONTRACTORS w BEACON BAY IRVIN GEORGE GORDON BUILDING CONTRACTOR • ,•' Ill· W;l:intral ~ New port lfeacll Phone Newport 721 DONALD BEACH KIRBY A. LA. - ,• 1--t-------~c._--, ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS • au 8.U&1, In& W:·la~Nel,o.. •att. .._., J • Phone 733 Marble-HARDWARE -·General • ANn MINE by nln~t Janr Floyd Buck !(,.,. 1'1111~< tlllk I"IH111' ttt !hi' .. rlnt hrn11m~ tlll~t Y""" ,f,..,. "" cl~ 1/fl a arr1eJ of leclurr8 OD full or t rld• ""tl ntfflt•ll t hcov llr"l ('VIIn~ttllllm at tht' Mr11a Fuur. '!"llkl.ng othr r tl~f1)8 lo ua~ Jw:riit,-cb.urch.,~l,\.mQil~ .. --lf'~m. alftll\11 ofulf "" ... "'"l'"""----: - :-.~,. lun~o:c•r •1<11'11 II "tl••" for I ho•m mr•rl'l\" t 11 (ull"w I h I' jtt>nt.r~_l 1 t"ulor l!('hf'mr nt thr bl'droom, Thl• """"r tlw~· hi\ v .. hM-n tl!gntCI...-1 with ~II 11ort • uf 111'\\' 1\t'l'l'liMirll'll I r Irk· l'tl nut tn h••81 '""'(>rl\lor fl\l'lhton A fifow lin" nf llh"c•wl'r l'lirtalns lllntr k nn l\m11~1r1: nt>tl' w1th pRt· tl'rn,. lnlll'lrt',l hy Hav.·l\tran hula ''""""r" 11111 rl' tlnol 111 riJlf'll ""''I hllmllnl7t"ol (l,.t... rartlrutarly ln. trrrl'llnJ: "t•rr thr matrrll\13 Ullt't1 fo•r th,.,... t·urtl\lnll vollr". mar-l Bv ABNER GORDON qut~l'lll'll 11 n ,J ~'"011 ·1 ri\O!'Jll\rf'nl MODERN color atyhn1 m a I( t • -ltllkl' ..-n"ttl"d ~ttl thl' l'VTTthl'trr 1 · asbeatoa shlnclr' n 1 I'"'"' nn.t •·rl\r krr•"'-'r "·~ !' ~sto• sldt~ u nd• '" .:,,•n 1· "o•ll n~ ""'"f1'r·~·f Cln~ ~otrnul' "f ooot.d with mrl&l Jurfacrs ''""' ,,,. 1 . 1 10luble a&lta. and oftrn brcnmr ~ ll\\\ <'f IIIII II n10 (t'R!IIrf'<! ruf0o•IO all.er-llroitrd ~llposurr. C1t'An.· •. , , "f l~•lk:t·dt•liNI J lk 111" IW11.111n • caulrn labor and rx~n~,, •lt-~r~r·~. Hll h quality extr rror 1'•••11 ,, '"' :"••w lin• I J:•••;d look In~: w r 1 r N cb cl.,.anlloeu and df'r•: ·•I 1 I' r•t •I. •·lnlh··~ h trnp•·r• "1th rl'ntO\'IIIIIo• lema. beJideJ sealint a•lw t •• rf'"""" ,.,,,., o\( lt'IIY 1 l"th 1\fttl ..t1rntl1('~ ll'la!erlalJ AJA!nJI• t'Vt'•'ll! r:_• 1 'rr.· ~. •~ ·••t ,,,,,,, ,., •'urt!llll rllr~' nnd absortJtjon. I If ad~l\ot ~;d ·1,.: t,,, '' •• ,,, 1' , ., t " 1111•111 t h'· h:11 ks Ill l'!ll'l!'l l o>Jlrd -IWftcienUy lv 1,.,11tr...ltw ll'ik•h ., p t-'1 .. ~,,,, •. •1''""'J:""'j' t•' J!"'f' fur. crmtnt. ~~•·!\ \,.;,, c 1lulf'l,., .r 1,, th• 1 '" 1•11 I • tlh' 11'4 t hnthr••<>m pound.J ll!h <ulloott to M.r ~ .• :: !1 • F ool lhl· ~.rl whn kl't'pll 1111 ryo• watrr. Allow ·~~, dr~· :hM""•·•l• I 1 ,,n twr "'' •.:ht tht•ro• w11s " hl\lh· fore a pplyma P\)Ot. , . ., •m '' •I•· \\1111 11.11 llllt,•mlllh Apply thrH roaLs bru<h(',f In""'' 1·~!1t i1 hr. I& fltuthrd r t' (I when to~ Jurface, allow1nl( f!lf u• 1 , .. • palot •beorptron 1n prlnHn• rr .1· 1 , n\1''\\o' ~hi II ol ~rt'PO whrn lhr poroua aurlare. 1\ •' ~ht 1\ 1' "' • urrlrn,: t\1 thr pr<'· Eaperleoc. rKOmmrnds u an t \, •\'lfllll'lv •1'1 lll<lrcl\tnr Tt' 11lmpllfy llllleot Priminl roat J parts tby '•l· hrl-ft•r m : tnn •lf\'olrt'll there v.•u llll'lt) .on pee~ wba~ lead. ~ pnts " l "t t . hlr •un h1mp In a ll'alhl'r-I balf ud ball ml.sture of raw hnsl'td I' It.· l .rrylntr t"IUir. • 1 : ud s.d ~hriDC or lead rtdunnc Quality Lumber 0 .. 0 ' aad . Materials FoUow wiUI boc17 aod '-obh coat. lei I puta IOft.PAJie white lead. 4 paf'\1 ._cl m1Ebal or leecl reductoa otl. Poi CDlol'll add colon ·lD-oll to fa1at 11\lftd .....-... --.., 29th and Cf'p.tral N~W.PORT-8>'\I.ROA 337 P,\l .. 'l SPRINGS •. AJAX AJICADE • • • • 'l'hf' l"tnt:St of Itt lri-' in Southf'm ('allforriia. Contpif.f4"1~· Mod.-rnl:u6--. N ""' f'ixtun-s, FluoPNt1nll UJ;thtln~. 84"autllulty l)forora tf'd. All Xf'w Cram._..:_ Furi...a..r and Fun. with X.-w MUI6e for ~·our f'Djo~·llH'nt. • • • !110 OONT FORott roo DA \"TIME OR E\.ENING n:N ITS ALWAYS Fastest Growln~ Community Devt>lopment ln the Fastest Crowing Oct>an Community In California. · SEE ~ _ Earl _ W_. Stanley _ Opposite Postofllre, BaJboa Island, Calif. Awnings -Drapes -Carpets .Cushions and Mattresses Yacht U pholsterin PERCY H. BEYER P ROPRIF.TOR !lttK'N"-.or to NEWPORT AWSIXG SHOP • :!S,.. BtN-I't and ('oa•t Bhd. Orange County Riifinc- ) . . PAt!t-~Ownft' '· · Office 316 -Phonee-: Res. 1Q65..M •• Q .... ?1-=' doot ... ther T I E A J II 'til la!-..tne ltliPPllll. f• ... •• will-aN. ODe for bot· • A I c A ' J M MILLER ' j •• ... oUMrli~~-~·im!-~114::;;~"-= Uld~l-·~: -·~...::. ____ • -·--~---~-'-: --·~.,-........ --.~.~--···· OJ~tr~--~r-··;:::::rlJu::!l'l a:-······---~'··-~;.~-.. •. :: ..... .. c • • __ ._.._ ltrl, te ~ IKWI anu IIIII ~ ·• I .. ca el loor toataft ~ down, pruaiAc lnal7 aplut Ulrubold. Tad! top ...... plec»t to Mar ... --=------.!. :.•.::.' _.,.. •111 It ...- 111 Main Street' BALBQA ,. - 1806 Newport Blvd . • . 1 Costa Mesa IORAM II. CURREY. M.D. 311 So. Main Strcx-t Telephooe 1!9-t Santa Ana DR. RALPH D. HOAIJD PH\'SJCIAN • 8VRGEOS OSTF.OPATH Phone 18 U DO aonrer, call &eo Balboe Inn Aru df' RalbOil r------------------, DR. OONRAD RICHTER Plt,..&d-..cl 8urpoe Offke 101 t!nd tUnoet Newport Rrach Hoan: 10·1: a.m. ~ 3·5 p.m. Phonf'--<>UIC'f' I ~~: Rr·"· , h J llr. Gordon M. Grund~· Ph,!.,.rlan and ~urJtN>D S~wpnrt l\4-ach HO'Jtlfal C1footra l An. at S lnth Ofnf'f'l Bra.: IO·lt a.m.: S·S p.m. .Telephone 3, DAI~OLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL ''We Oursc1vcs the !Wttcr 5<-rvc fly Scrvlllf,: O thers !Wst" , ............ _,..._ ................... ..-.."" .. . • DR. B. E. STAIILER DE~'T18T T•Jepa.ooe Sewport 1911 ~tor~y BuJidiJa« Balboa l.EROY P. ANDERSON· ATTORSEV AT LA W ('~H~ta !\leu Bank Bulldlnc Phone 428 I ('o,ta ~-California IL--.------.....J j P.V.PARKES Watchmaker • J eweler • r;...,..,.., 210'2 ()('eal') Front, Newport Expert S"1N Watclh Repa!rlnc Gold Platlntr Eye GIUIIC'a Repaired .\LI. \\'ORK GUAR.\NTEED RO\"'S BARBER SIIOI' Fornwrl¥ al Balboa .l.shnd S OW Located a t - 1011 ~lcot'addrn P laN'! !'\car Pin' Ent ran<·t- :"l'Wpm t l-kach Oriental Cream oou ••uo ''"\ ''~•d'l rrf wf" l.u "''" t<t• •r'"", lh,., '"" h nJt"f ~'" of ""''h. ..--""-......... '-'• ::C:--- --t-'E~~·s "10VA 1'£1"ft'41E ~ 'foil 'f"'~ <0~'-'-C..,-tON ~o'f:-. NOW 'QuN OM .,..o -. ,S~DA"f SC.MOO~ -"'--•-, • ,. ~~RT BALJJ(>A . NEWS-'I"'MES •. Newport.~ C~tUfomla. TJ ll HSDA Y.·. I''EDHUARY 20, 19-11. ----~-----------------~~~--~~-==--=~-=--~----------- • March of Dimes Nets $123.19 In Har)or pistrict I 1:'-IAJ••r Mr li•tu"h of F.l Centro lap.-nt t 1:1 ,. Wt'Pkrnd In N~wwrt Beucb ,.~ ..wllb J. P. Me :\I ... 1 ••• ~.. 1••1 \Ill· \1 \'d ... u.J CLASS IF-JED .A ~V£.RT-ISIN~ l to>-h uf ~lll l~"illl 1\IIVC, Newport.~ Mr IUhl M1" \1 11''""'"" '"'" ..... ....,.__ Co·'P.a.etM Phone 1771-·J Frhluy. 7 30 p. m , \\'orahtp ~r\'lrt Itt>\' :\t&P l'itt'am• In cl!arge. Sunday l'ic'hool, 9 30 a m. llolll• nlng Wor11hlp. II o'clock ; I>JW<Ial mualr , pru!t.•r'll ~rmmi CrlllllloiN ~t'r\'ll't', ti o'clock. ~:vrn•n..: fo:vangrll••~tl ~trvlc• ltiJ by pllftt o r Tutl!Jay. Dt'f>J't'r T~al·hi.ng. Ch611't'll subject Thursday. 111 n m .. MN•tlng. :'.Ins ~l•'l\1'1111 In CH URCH r40 TICE Praytr l'h.:~rge. 1 Sl'n'nlh IJ'uy Ad\'cnlhll t 'hu•r h I '<Jl!la to\1•11u To"''llllt•nol Hnll I Saturday rnur.nln~. !'lal)bath School 1 9 30 a. m Preaching ~rvrce. 11 ll m. l OUR LADV OF MT. CARMEL C ATHOLIC CH URCH R~v. P. J . Bury, Print lfR8"<·• at ' 1 · nl nnol lU a. m COST A MESA COMMUNITY CHURCH R~v. A . C Abb~. Mtnost~r l'ill>ol:t\' lloh lr• 1"• 1.•••1 I' ,-, 'l Ill \ "' ~olup ~r·n r., 1 1 ·1 rn r"h11ir Hnlh··ru ,,n•t liJh•t ,;,J "u,.ca. l'n~l~ tif.'rm un IIIJ.:h ~;, h·inl 1111tl lnt .. rmt•t.l~¥~ I 1..<·11~111'~ ti ;)II I' 1•1 1 .,;, O'lliiiJ: \\ fll •hif' ~ .... ~ '~l'l'\' ,.,. 1'11!1\flf'l! !11'1 1111111 Hll:h Srhrw•l (~>l· I·~"""' r··""" IIlio: "''f\'lo •• :'.llol• \\'rrk l'r;a \'r'r :o;r•I'VII'I' \\'t•tf ne11ol11y. 7 ·311 p m ~und.•y ,,.,. fiiiiJ.! fl n • 111 1'1 ,. piii ii i•Hy ~lt'lllll"r~hlp 1'1:11'1' ·-"iHirrnllf• t .rr•rtlrr '""tdt ll•rt~1r OUT 0~ ~R£~TI1 "'T'<) u 1(\J N r-~ 1 ,..,. r-o R? -----~- tl•·•.:htl! family •r-••nl l h1· \\1-.·k··u.J 111 lh•·" Mra l't·&rl • KNL'!'' o( w• Jui. I'IIDCb ln t:at't>ll tll,h• I'! nr lS RENT -BUY -.SELL -.. NoTICES ~!M I SCELLANEOUS . . . CERT IF"ICATE OF DO ING I 0 .. HENRY c VOQ'I' BUSINESS UNDER FICTITIOUS Clti 'OI'f•rtlc H•""l' lp..:J .. Iol , F I"M NAME I L•r•""••.d, P~hn•• Orotilualo,- li<xllh ~ 'totu~l • .l)• • ( '~tllft•rul• _ ~~~· Lo. ar}•~ l'•'!J~II'II\Iolll h ~· il'~ l'fl'lll•lt•nl , Plto"o 4Ul liT N Loo Angoloo lho•r•'lllll•• tlulv ""I hnrl,•••l. I'O'r1 1. Anoll•lm , Colli t iC' II Tlu<t It 111 ,.,,,.hwlln~: 11 ~ernrral hf\at loHfllrH•Afl "'llh •II 1111 •lllrd I """"· lnl'luohn11 lht• •lr h<tlllllntr. 1 n-palrlntr. '"""'"II· mnorlnlt.' ~ulr· , plnlf. a nol •tor\nlf I hrrruf. un•l•r lluo n&m" • u( ltuhbar.f• Ru'~_lh j ,.,.,.,.t C"i> THE .. A-010 IHO~ ........ ,, .. H t(n lgltton ... ,.,,., ,.,. •nllr;-H•rbo.,-A,... 0 tr: Mudo Lo"'"" 31t Newport •h•d. ~us.tcAL I NSTRUMENTe -1-·" IT~INWA.Y Q,.ANO, T"e lm-r• tef P loflo. lell fer •-tMft t hird. o f ,....., ~trloo, 0 • "e • act....,,.. ,.1.,.. ~· w N. Met" •• . .. .. ,. A.... ,, ..... vaao T,.VMP•Ta, Cl•rlnete 8M a.oeploo-, P rumo ••• -~~ etllor lnet-ft\0. T-eM 1_... o. .......... l., P'feM c. .. .. H M•lf• ee .. &o01to AN . ., .... TJIIAO. t~r oltil jtlofto '" -a I II I• tllr ... t ... uwnrr thrrco .-----II--,.,..,.:.,.:.:,".::'.;....:~ rralolrno r 4n•il•71no•ltltll ...... ,. .. ••dto .,, .... ~· ~~~~ .. e ~~~~~--------~-. Moln •• ·' .......... . Ill 11£1 II AT JACIIfl~£ PliCU lflt 1930 ('hf'\'rnlfot ('uaC'It piA• ,. otf '""''"''"" h• • :l~t '' I'll rrt'l ouul t 'o•nl "'' Avo• flu.-Nrwlllrrl Ito•~<• h ·,.,.llturnh• I tt " lllll'u v. hrrr<~f I hr Ho'lltl h 1'•111"1 ,.,. l1"t' lta·l'rrlll,ll'nl lhrt!' 1·101c · HOUSE~VES ! Loo~ ow t ~owr d iK Artted ••' tltatn •tutv nulhun~.-.1 h '" llffh,t·,l m.nh en.r old lott'te We ,...., •• ,. uunu· ""'' t , .. ,, .... nt-:7 Sr·ttt 4)• tMnt \6 c•••" our m.act.IM ry. ltoho•t It! 111111 Pllu.,.-11 ond •• •Ill get lh..., l-14 II 'TII 1 'j lA l-1'1' 1 '4 1 or br lng tllom to our oNioe, II\' \\ """" lluhhu10l Jr~'-fMil W C.nlrol A,.., Nr.ip~. I 'rr·,.ht•·nt •"d '"' will .,.~ w -.en cent• a ~tllt1• .,( 4 'ullf.,l lll!l 1 r ound fo• tllom ~~ .... <ut 0~ « 'uu"t \ t~f 1 u JU\~t"· • • 1" ,.,. '"'buttone. 4 lo lool"'l ltl. 1!141) llo•f11f1' !til' I N .. •tlorl ••lhoo N•w•· Tl- \'f'l'u ~: Mtlh•r 11 NoolllfV f'uhl)l', Nowpnrl .. ..,ll , ... ,~"""11-" "''''~'"'···I "'""''" uuh I -------- ""'" .II kllll\lo ll t .. nw lot ,.,, H ousEWARES th•· l 'l'<'fllllrm h( ~""'h C'ootUil c· .. llllol "'h" Ill kll•l"' h••l~t••d I" tnn. lhrtl ~"'II 1'011 ptotlllltlfl ,.,,., lllf'•l I h ,. otl..•\'o• lrUrt fiiiOI'JII IN \\TT'N,.:~l-1 wh••r,.nf I hio rr AI:Nl Al a- M•rtoe w .. ~~o~• "CA ...,.dtoe Vocuum c ... .,.,, Plio"• ... -~ ., .... ACC:0"010N . u o~ til , ....... r.,...,, ,,.,. ,_,.._ o. ...... ...,., .. "'""• Ce., NO H . Melfi M ., aortlo A n• • f1 .tfl •Aev O"A~O "'"uuud. C... n•w .... 00, now l Oll If --· 01' wiU r a" t • DAM·k Mift _ Pl•no Co.. UO N. Mt lfl M., ....... An•. "·"' ali'INI TTa f'IANO. tete,...._, ,., ......... d. now '"'Jt' •••. 00 .... ' fl<~l pay.,.,.t --•If· , ... P•r out "•'•""· or w ilt ,..,., clloop O•n• ..,lotooltilt P't-C.., .. N . Mel" et., lettUI Afla, fl ., ... UIID f'IANO&, owWIMftt ....... ' ..... o-.• Ill•-.... , ..... .... 0.11"1 te C"-fr--. c... W.l JcMtt .... ~~ ..... of buyen-todeyl 1 .. ""' na.v hl\n•l ""'' 11H I1t my or-t r1, l1tl ... ,.1 .. n Ill·· ol1tv 111111 , •••• , • \f'M")'l"tc '"' nnr1--.-11'nr-..,..'1"11...-1---""'::-..-,,,,.,,,. "'"'''" -.'litl"'l'ir'iii'=tlnnrir:;Tiif~;;T.m==-I--...::...--..-. .... ---A.-..... -----~ lOili trr ~••Ill lr;lll'l••ll,t11"11 1l'I-:A I.1 w•"' t8 ••("4"-1• fnt .,.~ t.•"-' of J'l.-no •• 1 ('n••• H II"WAf' ''hu"• Nt Uc These Bargains Can't Last Long I HS2 Furtl {'u UJ)f' 1{,•;,1 ~n<•l ••C'llrllllffW:d t !Oifl'<• purlatl"'' Ynu ""11'1 ~~~ \\fOOg "' 1111~ 1" ~o·o• Markrl m·l I'Rlt 't: .l'r k t• ~1 211 .$95 I~~~ t 'ortl ('um t'rtlble• Club Cou&w· ''" • ,,., 1''1"111111~ ••·1··11n 1'.11 .111d I h••1 • .11" lin I 111:10\ "' I Jt," lt\ottlkhl•• 111 StoUI.ht 111 ( ',dtl"l lll,, Ynu "111 ha\ ,. 111 "" llu ... 1.11 l u l •.tll~ ttltp~t · ,,,,, ""·'' 1''''''"''''"1 lOll\ 11\1:-lOll ~i oJII.) f• • ~lllr"t•t l 'r ic·t• SX4HI Cit "K l'RIC t: .$795 ll'f'•. ~Jilt lltul • •·••lh•ftt,.•;rl ~ .. t PriC"f' '7a.OU I os·• t'Rl c·t ,$50 1!•'.!!1 l)lNIJ,;•• St·tllan JU).I a ~ ..... t •·:u t .. S.:• t )•'U 1'• Wl•fk olllll ltolt'l.. ••-.0111 1\lark••l l•r ic·•· ~II.IIU CI VR t'RH"r. $25 ._ _____ __ COME IN TOUAY \\'1' hot\1' :1 lo!l l't' -.tc.·j., J1f ll~'fl <'a r' ;at I 111-. IIIII•' :111d 11 1! :11't' prwr·d 1 ...... 11 (~ HI llUd ~··· \\hul u fin• !'o4'lt•d iun .. r c ;uuu t 'St:n ('.r\ ICS rn n IH· had In ~"" JWtrl Ut·a•·h : THEODORE ROBINS H)UU · Mt:IUTtn· · LIN{'UI.N zt:I'II\'IC t'!nd ami Ce•nfra l a•twnl! 2M \'l·iltA ,.; M II.Um. :--; .. , • 1\ l'llhll• In Kll•l rur I h•• 1 ''""''" "' • lr•n..: .. ~tilt" •tf> (~llll (uruht :'.h•~ •• .,mmuunon r11rlt..,. Julv 114 1114 :! I 'uh .ls.n :111, Frh ii, I:\ :!II 1114 1 f O" oacallo"' .,.,.,,..,..~. WI· ... , -......... ,. ~.... -.... ·-, ... t..et 1,. NCiol .... ,__,. •••-111a1n or •"" ..,.,. .. ,_ or fwiJ ,.,,..., P'rl~ •" ,..,., DECATHLON ENOS oiolloM rlf oro M W •• ,._,_ 88() Newp.,rt H•-P'wbll ... lftl C. .. MJL£ LAST EVENT .. W. Control A,..., ......,, '-..., .,,.f( ... c.,, Coflf. ,.,_ te er "'-11. c...... '" for .,. ... ......,. 1 ~1111: th•·lr th"'" , .. ", ... ' llv"l '1"'""'" ~·~ ~~·~ ""'1 ''" 111 th•• ""11 R E s T ATE ,. 11v'" "•~'u~ 1111v" A""'""' ""'' EAL l lar•·n \1 •·1 ;,.~, ''" hh\ ,. 1 1 ..... ,1 1111 lht' uf'td t..• ltt,..t •t•••nthluu e~vrttt Almunol 1111•1 \\'••11~ Oil""'''' I.,,. •lr o•11t hlnn rrr••r•l frfl\1 k 'l ,...,.,"'''" 1whf'n hoth t rntt"'l lhl' "-"" mlle j \t " • "u t11 t t .,.,,j r.-t . . . .. • I. I' \t I t ull '• •' •• I ' .. •••• I I ,. " I f to f • • o... • f o f f I f r_ • ,.. t • ''' • • t • ... I ~· -f' t I ._ I t t lol• F o R R ENT OI&IAT "I':'TAL._.. .. ,... 1 ... 'old, cloudt d•t• 1ft ,.,. we"" oUftoltlne of 1111 .... rt. t'er ....... •• n •c:.c:nmmotflt .. one Nit at the OII:'II: .. T VILLA. Cllllodrol Cit)' f& "'''~· ,.,., ........ , ,,, ... ,.,, u..,..,,H,jlbt,.. • ••••• W l J ntt1An, fth,,,,,.. ,~,. • .--., ~ptlno• 111t 101 .,, t r.•. f W hu, flutl ttuu Mtr.,-..-t .. ....,.,,. I,..,. 1~1 '~'h .... "'' at , lleftte AN. R EAL EsT ATI[ FoR SALE lo ---~ TO TH• CONII,.VATIVI li'u.-. CHAI&" 0 ' ,.IAL IITAT8t- Wo _,_ lllte te ......,. .. tw 11owr <_I .. ,.U.. -lleUAet 0,. NfWIIOr1 Heltllte, ~-... Mor """ ,.,. f'Otll....,la It llat· .... W ILLIAMeON A WILLIAM.c»N .... 1 ....... ,..,...,e 101'1• .. C.ntrec, •liNe, "'-' N-pert .. M it 111. • ...... I Lito Itt .... me TraM -.... I Lete '" P'-1-'e Tf' .... ALL CLIIA .. fmpro,.. w•t~ fNftt .,....,., fronlln' e01 '",... "'"• I.,_. n .. nto wortlt ...,._.., ... .... Low H Wollou, liCit w ... C»JJ, 1••1 "'"" ,. ....... J ,., •• I r 0.. 8Al W ~ A ' t • Alf•tfa-;- atutlo 1 "!1 I'OIIIIr., ... M .. ... .. . .. ," •wU(Jh:V•• • I 1 (. ........ . ., •• .,,'t ........ ""'' ...... ..... t • • • • P•v•d ,.,... •tft•tl• 1.000 In lot<Or"• V•ll•~ ..... ftf ••e ... , c • • • ttl ... ,. .... ., 000 .... , l ro... o--1 .. -I I• I t t' •• t l••l , ••'•"'(,. I • fl It I t II J ••t lllft o t ........ l h· ,,,,.,,.h "•·I ",.,. I Anodo "' , fl•ll)na. f•llono ete W , .. ..... • J t, o 1 I' t f•h • •I • t•l• t •'• • "'' I ,, • ' • , • .., , .... , •''"'., , "• I I h• I• f ,., "'···~ ·~~·~ •• , •• , '"••J"'" -........ --- ~·; 1 I I II , '''" ' II ·ns .~::.~.::J~:=.'; :·~~~.;~ ~.: .... !.:: .. ~: ·."·:):"I···~~.;'~~:·~· ·;~~:::·.:~·~(.~·i::::~.:·:. · Mo&ers1 · 1,,,., 1.,1 1,, ''•'""' .,,~·· ••••r·~··;;---;-rrft1111W"• 1 .. ~,, "'""'"I ''"'nklfll( AI 'Ill A•• ,.. . .,, "''W"''"''i '"'''!•I ,.,. \I••"" I t ,.~·,,.,.,,",. lffllmJ STOIM(H Dlmti.SJ WHflf TWANfUIM _,.- If lft• 11•" k aot '4ttllol I I(HU•'" IH•al v. .. ·k II•• rrlll• "'IU-tt•· nu1 "" tu • n.J 11.. I II\ It ••vo·i;t . • a a r ~. . -~ Cl.\-: rles ft 1. · -~'IS . ~~~:!!~0 II HARBOJ D'SliP ·~~ ~) "10 ~L • f) t1Uh1 <' t' -- ~~E'1~€ CL.EAN CoPPf.QS- W HAiS 1'~E. HI(:. 11)~"' O F EM ..... FF ""1 I,., _I> .. :r I 11 ,_,1) i \ 't ) l r I I ----------------old------- "-• f't11Vfo4N•V () IP.iN TIO t}uT • tAIIIrT fAirwr•~ Yt ... NJ (rtT' -r .. .zu wj-o. ,7 1 ''" 1\, 1.1•~1 ,.,. :0.1tt vtu~o~. It< 'A Vlrl•lr S.•rvl•·••. Mrn11 t Wh ile .. J~. lv.H AI'TO Hl 'l 'l 'l .l f':M II MI'ORT nf)UU"- 1 llu''''"J:'"'' 1._.,...., ""to' ~wl~t-tt. ~o M.em st.--GuM. Ammun!UGD. \l'T H \fHIUI.t : Rf':l' \lfct~fl - \' '''I ~· t\1' •· 1..'·1 1\l•·F•,.I•I•·fl 1'111<'1' . II \kf':IU' loiJOfJ"- :-, ''" 1 ~· I I~· t.Y-::U:L.I.JOCtWil.-.U..~...,~1'9ttlot-fr"D~l'T'?~, nr:,\1 Tl ~.,.,,._ V•tr• I · S h•·l•. ll.k..1 Npl lllv•l . r•t~~lll Mr111t f"h :\ll·W. All 0 11 Wav.e. Mill\·, hlund l lo\IIIIIY Sh•IJI, 2111 Mtu1nt• Sklll..,l llA'<luc:lha Methodl. C' \hl~f':T liiH Of'- 1•1·•1••1 c 'ul''"''' N .. vrlty Sh11p Fumllur,. l"'prd. II~ Aa•t• Ptt. ~W 11,,!1,.,, ,.,lrrro••t lit Nuvo•lt y Shnp, :f!i(J() W <'«'ntrlll. Phone M . t'IRt:I'I.\C 't: A~U tii~Ul,ISU WCHU)-11 w WIIJ.:f~·· 1 7~ N pt. Jllv•l . <'•l'llll M·-· u~ I .umber. Ph. e-J. I'Cil'~Uo\ltlt:M- 1-' lit I lit·"' """"'lry .ll>l•lnl(·<'•"llnll 110 Vlrl(lnl• PI , C:Olltll M-. c, ''""·"r: l"f':R\'IC'r~ J ;,., 1 111. Tlrr•. Unllr·r lt·• V I lrr S•·rvlc-f', I:M Md~urltlc•n 1'1., Nwpt. B. foP:NP:IlAI. C'HNTRAC:T.OR.- ( ;""'"n II I' mrlltoy, :~ 10 < 'oMt lllvd. Jltt. 40'..!. Ylten .. and Conatructloa. J.At,tt:IU 'C~~I'i\Sir:"-. . o.~tll Mt·•fl l.hr ('II "IA't Ill ht•lp )'flU plnn )'llllr hllml"," l'hone 6&. 1111y 111'1111'1 l.umhc·r Co. l'twnr l f!YJ C/Jnllt llhct1way Itt A~ ~AK"f': !"l't',C IAI.Tit~~· M•ttrr••· S p•·n ;dry S it! t. 1:.!1~ ~"l'l'llt•ft. llnhtl•, t:tc. l(th, SIIJIJIIt•. 1\wyd•· lt. t•nlra, SUJ•t•llt·ll I In nnkcry, COCita Mt!ea ./ NHTARY l 'lJIU.U :-... .1 Ntrrn M~~rp1r1 llo, :(:HlR W. ('.,ntnt l Avrnatl" l'h~ne 12 nr 13. NPWpOI"t. CW t'IC'P: Ktli'I'I.IP:~ Nt·~p~~rt 1 1nr1Jttr l 'uhlbhlntot <'•1. l'l11m•••: 1:.! 13, Newport n.c!b. I'RI~TINU- NI'WJ)IJrt Jfnrhor J'ublhthlnt Q>. f'honft: 12 • 13, N~rt l3eMh. llAlHh Ht:R\'IC.:U--• t :Jithr•'11 111111"'" H11rl111 ShiJJJ, f'.OO F:. Oily, l'tl. 221. For a bett« aenloe. U:AI. F."TA't'P:, INKt'"RA.N(.'E a NOTA&Y P~.lo- 1,-•w II W11llnro•, 'J:JJf~ W. ~ntral Avl'ftue. 3. &UBBD 8TAJCN-N!"WJl011 Harbor Pub}llhlnr Co. l'hOM!I: 12 • 13, Newpoft a.dl IIIIEI:T MET AJ. WOU.-.. I Coata M..a Plumblnl Olmpeny, eo.l•-.. .... Phone 210. 1 Jilli ON Jill-BOAT LE'M'ICIUl'fo- llt-nl'dlct n.. ltp Malt -U7 NardaaM, Corona .del Mar. !"-.,. I ~ . N~rt Harbor Publlltl.lnr Co. PtwJnee: 12 • lJ, M.-port a.& VA&IJ:Tl' liTO~ , O..lllott l.lland Vaneottr Store-&. lOe, :Ilk: and up. F'tMIM Jlli·W. -·-..-··""· '"""' • ...... ,., lln6 I·'Jyan 1-faJI. 1 --4 ........ •Jnr ahuuld ha'Ve ou Ja~". .. ,', ,, ---. NF.WPOltT'BALBQA ·NEWS-TIMES, -----r...._ .. THURsDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 1941 . CORONA DEL _....:.&L.--- BA.LBOA ISLAND LIDO ISLE WOMAN'S Phones 12 and 13 ) PAG.E NEWPORT MACH COSTA ME$A -B~J:BOA _ .... Mn. C. ~ Dea~ina .To Be Speaker At Junior Women'• Meet ·~tf·~\tn (' ~~ l••·ll k"''-,,1 1'1111•"• will bt tht> !:lit" I "l"'"ko•l ill t• • Marf'h 4 m"'tln~ lif thfo Junh•r \\'om,.n'll Cluh In th•· 111mn••lm t•f tbt Friday Art ... moon CNbh<'u ... whf'rf' ~<lrf' will oll11pl1•v an.S ohlsn uu1 .. rommnn fluva·ra an•t tltt•lf Ill- . raDfement. Annuum···ntt•nt 11( tho· -~ --:....comln~t pmp~m 'f'al! madr l• y ~~n: BenUc:e K.ell<itt •t Tuuday rvenlng'11 l"~'•tlnlol Mrw Yalrolm Rt<ltl or c • "~ t " .Mf'llll Wllll 'ln rh&fl(t' uf thlr< "'l'l'k'~ -loo ot the M"la Junlur W••· mf'n'J C1ub fflr a Valt'ntlno• p11rty Followi.D« a a h o r t buamcaa mt!*tlna Yrs fttl•! hl'$:an th .. ap pt"Opriat.r tam to of lff'llrtl' I 'Till''" pNaeftted tJ rll I'M\ , Fint Of Ebe't Buildina Fund Parties Held ) Ttu rn ~t ~·: ., \ol r u•,. ,.( ''' n •·f •• lunt h\·un8 b.J.d l..l &d-M• ..-*''' th•,. ~twport r~<·u• h 1-:tol'll s hulldon~ lltnol •,o. ,,,.. ).'I\'''" hi ~11,1' I ' \\' JtartUiiOO u( ( ... , •• .,,.. •t..-l .Mar Tu··,. day ~t.ftt'IIII•H• v.lwlt "ho• .. ntl'r· tumrtl ftft<·•·r. ~:twll ""ru•·n lllghi!Jbl 11 t 1 be <ldt.:httul )UIH h t•itM '-JIVI t'UTtt plfl\ \''"" f_l clr•\•r.r l',.nlt>rf",.' ,. <m I II•· olmlnl( lftblt• In n•nlf'ml .. ·ranl • ••f l:o•c~rgo· Wullln~t(•n ltlltl t ft l' c·h,.rry t n·•· Jn lh•• sunroum "'"''' tn,\\1~ •.t r···•t 'Aht1• ,.,,•t t1Ju•· llnv.t·IJI! t-:l):hl ur t..ht (,'\Jt'IOIII • hu~·· lo piRf rnnt ra r t wh1l" rot hrr11 IIJornt Uw a.ft.-rnow.n lit•WIIog unl.l )>IH) IIIIo: ,. \V~tslllngtnn .,;;.,,~I .\Irs I' V !'Itt k1·• t•l ="•·wpno t ' llo·at h 1\,11 tl a LUESCAPE SIGHTINGS . N•·wpurl ll•·n••h 1111.~ ht'l t•hllll\'o• aubmarlntO:' t\.l•rm•·~t• l?~t••h h··· r11fnou,. m•tUUt tt •n wM.v••JC I 'u1nt Fo• rmlll ho r <hllltrll•hlj( lllrt•l~<llol••. I.At.,"'onfl llt•a• tl h•·r thrv•• 1••int llllp·ln·lhl' fol't•Un Tmn•v I'IOt>lt hl'r Military 1Ut4'rvallun tmJ"'(•llln~ all I I Radio Official Explains ASCAP Puzzle lo Et,;rr Dauehter Of Balboa ...Summer Resident ·Becomes Bride Hfmp~·m•Ymtnl( In l'un \" 1llf.•y P'ormatton or a fifth sectlc.n fw ar .. Mr uno! !\11,.. 11111'\'t·l c·ui'!M briiiJ:\' t•flthu,..JII'tA Will! be~tt-t., . .IWIIh f~ \\h•·~•· "'•'•l•hn: tnol< pht•t> .day. Thur11day, at -lh~> ~"''T'"n ,.-,duv at All !'atnl..,.lw Ill•· 1-\C'tj, Jkar h F:bell l'lub meeting when F:J!Il«:lop·ol <'hun h •n 1-:uo ul_vptu11 !l.fr,. .. Jo'r11.nk llarollman f•f Lido lslo' Lam·, Montt'i'lto The bride 111 thC' announred trn-grnup will mPPt f~o1 tn"' .\!iss Sail\' \\'••Jitlln, I•JI'i'h' Wednuday. February 26. at 1 31) daughtPr nt .\Irs' f!niiR Wt•lltnn uf With thl' Cflm lng of aprtng a.od p. m. In the t'lubhntJ8t' T'mgmm c·uunt ry ('lull Munur. 1..011 Angelu the proba.blt' end ot t.hl' raJJly aea· f¥" tbe day wu turntshf.'d by ~,. who tlas a lllllmnu•r homt lt'f Bal· aon m"mbcl'a ot the &l~ aoclal Program rnmmlttr•· •anti ft'ature•l hon Sl'l art' mukmg plans for nunwr· Wra. Wlhlrrr< nf Cvlumbla B11a1d Tho f•orm11l , o•lt•mnny. 11ttt•no.J. '"1.~ hm<pllul lo<'s. cut StudiOfl who f'Xplalne<.J dlffi., o·d "nl\· hv a fo '\11 1:1llmfltr frwnols Extl'ntlil.g husrtt-a~Lo.>--~vl'n CUllin with ASC'AP concerning a nd nwmllt•r!! 11t both famUIPII, trletl<ls Tuuday allf.'mnon In her mualc over thf.' air. , an.,. 1111 11 11urpnse homt• <Ill Uul'na V1~ta liouiP\'81<1. Mra. Hardiman announced t.hat ~11811 Rarbrtra !.'!urJlhY wu thf.' Ualbua, w a11 ~11'8. Ethtd H .. m lng. a contra"-bridge in11lrurtnr from hrl<lr··,. nnly Rll<'n!lllllt. w h 1 1,. tnn Gu .. sts WHt' seatefl a tX•uL a Santa ·.Alta hu ~f.'n procurNI tu Jonw~ Jl LA•we ,,( Granll ,llRpltls. tablt' •lecuratf.'tl with bhl<' !!hK•It'<l be prul'nt t he lM'C'OOd anti fourth Mwh •Prv,.d Mr !'om.-rs as twill n c.wt'rs ancl dtilnty water color Wednut1ay lltl~>mnona to teach m1t11 !'llr 11111.1 .\tr~ Low•·. brnlhl'r· l>lat't' ca nhl. _.,..,_--_,_.,_._.RJ.ay.a. and trl<:kL ..ElecUWl..w·ww lllll.l alal..cU u! .MJ'_ Somer• ~ HI~ winntra ~a~t,...;;n;:;.:;:.: t•t·IVt'd br1tlgt' a wardll while .Mra of a ch airman And ~rttary will nc-... · h<'rt' fur the w••ddong. antl COraon "Grundy an H C _.1 1 .,.~tk1Juo llJlol Jotr• 1, J , (;at· "' tlvll ' ~utng 1111 lhrr" t&kf.' place 1000. ~ aftl'r""llrtl ~ntt-rUIIIll'<l thr brtdal Ftahtr recl'IVl'tl oil palnlln~ll &.• Ptana wut ma•lr f<•r th .. ..,m~uro hn rt-t'rlvrtl ""7_...11 !rum th•· run-~o\••·r a huo•lrl'ol mtlf'l< <If •·•oa•tul MISS AVANE LI. N ElSON "RadJo knowa no ~tOvtrnment party with a IIUJlJWr a tt.hr t..owl'tlhe!r prizea. Oth~!!r 111A4'1la playmt; to J1w an rvenlnf'll <'ntrrtaln-teat . rx• ll"mo·ul t\wr.. "I •• 11tlll 111om,. She will become the brode of Mr. CeNIOrl!hlp at prf'llt'nt," Mr11. \\'ild· rum11y hum.. \" ~1ontec1to The ttl qu11rtel tablr11 tnl'ludtd Yell· ment tbla aprln~t Including a ml'lf'· lr~Uolltll aur ria~ ~~~ the hoet. l"'"ltlf• lrfl v. hu Inn~ fur tho• gnv Ralph z,m rr.e• man Frod.ly night, ers alated In hrr talk to the M Kt'\' John lJt>Jinrre~t Prllull rf.'ad damu Vt'rnon Wr~lt', T Web· drama In lht ahow f>r()('l'tda •••II A P fl hrh:hl llf,. ••f lh,. c "'tv. bN·n11"" odlet Ebell women whf.'fl abe hlnt.-d of the 1 f'remuny lllf.'r, W A K1rk. w. A. ~la.xw.-11 ........ __ .. .t 1 1 . J 1 .... k f.'U an.J an aiJdt'<l &ay note: tu tbt 1 1 t t ....,. 8 p m. on the Sp rrQcon Mcth ,.. 1 • , ... \;an 1 R be t Roo -• -_.... 01' c v <' ano cu .. wor . 1 11 bu u t.a or now thf'y &rt too un magna lVI.' n ,,.... c~.ur~ S.1nt;a Ana. ...e poNib lltl.-a ot rtnsor11hop In t u r . lllt.-Oladye EcMek aa lt'J11UI'nt· • WIC f<>D ~~~ uq .. • · llrvl' th11t a "1nt,.r b<'llr h tlt..-nt -c-.. Dr"'l"otllrW&r The remal~ _ d"-h ' f Shower • M ,... Raub, Hoet-... "·b t t h "'-ers ~~eDt by lolr• Harry Wutuvtr ··-~ · n.an tKerc 1e T ..... 8 tl 1 · aUw of .... r ou a e """'"' and W J:J Z M Kin t era thrllla M iaa Avenell Nelson ot ber addrea11 conc,.med prob. ue....,.y rr gc c-ub membfra dlnatlnc Counc il meetlna told I'll M "'R. ·I'· Til~ •UMnt'y.b lllUng GETTING CHARLIE'S GOAT l lema o r planning an evt'fl program .Marlu Farewell "'"re thl' guNte of ~ra. Jac k the dlacu11alon on CI<'OUtln~r At l&•t ra. t · h 1 1 .. m. u 1 111 neo mr1•· pun ~<In•·•· t ho• •I"-To W•d Fullerton and lhe won'lf'n'a d ubs reapon111• HAub cor Newport. Hetghlll t h Ia -. · chall nuu1 u l e c u... IU\DIIUII<'''' ... T M Lad k f 1 h 1 auurwda,y enDinl"• m eeUnr . tud that nurr,l!t'r of vartle• mlu·nf thl\l anlm,;l th18 w~l'k 1 butty ln radio. · 0 eaa 1 w~ or unc ton and cart! pay. Tbe rdre11hm~nt lAbltt 1 a 1 rradnr·l ure ·~honn .. d ~ur MIHI h 10 !Jo!ndlt I Mr tCharlt", • Mlllrr ft>rl~ ttl•· Man, Ritea Friday , Mrs s u 11 a"· M Rutht>r!Qrd. A ~urpriM h&ndktr<'hlt'f l!bow· ~fuuntin~t up llcores this WE'ek ur ., un• .., , f'r It H'n .. .,a un ay f.'ven ng n e ,.... J k W U , Tittle Tally of thf' Bid & Bye Clubs Entertain Trlaonlca ~ln. J wll'ph T:omlJII'l llt'lt'rtam· td mttmbo·l'll vf I ho> 'l'rtiiOntc ~rid(t' Club ot Santa Ana In her )(eaa hom•· Saturday even'lN. Her four table~~ wl•n• 8••l w ith ali :u II\ •· f•HII'WIIt• n olur11 durlnr lhl' dt·ss•·rt ho ur 111 n·m~mbranc:'t' of We~li111Kion'll lhrth<11l.Y Tuudo~y Club M'l'tll .\In• J o,.c•ph Hamblt'l nt Ro. • ho·~tt·r St n·rt. l'~!!'ta ~1<'11!1, .,nto:r· tnm~d 8 cl•>ubl.-quartt'l or blldge Crltn!Ja and contract play. The gatherJng marked the nrst FeiJ'fuaJ y ml't'ttng or lin tnformal bri.J~t' l(ruup ot which the boete.a Ia a member Mra. 0. W. Richard of Nrv.-port Beach received lbe high p1izt' and Mrs. Raymo.od K. Harvey or Balboa leland received t•un""la Uon Cuealll mr ludrd Meii(Jamu H.al Will Smtih, Lee Trine, Hugh War· llhall. Robert Fryl', William Lang- jahr. Raymond K. Harvey and 0 . W Hlr hard. ed b)t Yrw Reid wu pr .. t y f'C'-lh f 1 ~<Oitrt·•· ut milk Hupply WI\~ ""'""'\' • 1 prtlllldent. <'Onducted lhf' bualneas 1 , ., 1 1 •1 1 th were ~r•. Howard R••ber\ls an.t orated wtlh a plum·rolor~ ('ycla· · II~• ~tmhlll"u" "''ho>n r<hP ml~:hl ,11 A ·on 11 ~~ ~ •lson ·•au-· hour which began Wn!ft lht nag Ht•IJ;hlll home ,1 Mrll. Juhn Me· ... ra. ac oo ey. --011 ~· .. •1 blue rloth Htor h 11 1 1 fh tiA•IrA·• r ·' ~<R '~ " • • ' • " •" -• •-1 d b ....., R H s ON'oratmg the quartet tablea •• d ... M h • h -M a ..---. IIVI' 1\('t•nrnp "'"' ,. ,-" .u .,. I r M n I ~~~~~ A M Nf'IIIOII ... u..., e y ... a. . , ummers. !'.lilian W IIA In h .. nur uf MrA F'rnnk .-.r. an ... re. I<' arl ufa oney refr.hmenta were In keepln« Siama Tau Pai Rull• w1th patlr•r.l'o• rKtlu·r lh1111 .~r ,:;111 \;.,.~; ~~~~·is~o-1· Str~>..t New· A lPn)..rthy . F<'bruar;v trcalturer·~ RpHidl&&l whn Ill moving from during' t.he luncbeoo bour were of N~wpqrt Bt·ach attendrd tbe wjtla t.he Vitentlne theme. lngNtulty , lltrhiiiiUlllllllng our ~ ·t 11 .,; 11 ·1 • ttl . nlt.rR cll-j report wu read followed by an hc•r Crll!ta Mcaa hume tu S&nta -eel peu and spnng now..rs gl•ldrn .wc•tlUIII~ a nmvrr11ary. Sun- 1 c R h .J-·····-......... nnl• 'bo -' I' Ill . \\' II ' ·~ h • from t.he Raub va r.dt>n u~-.... n d .. ..... I --------reeta Ul ee8 ~ "'"-·-•---......-xea ..... ,. poor •I ruun hrldt• wll.-irmlmyTY11!11111 ennoo,.aoc•mez~t ol t-• N a•dl.-6--Ba1'bftnt •atf' Utili m<~ttth ----~~ ay ...,._ _,, • "d -ra. e Itt ?'· Anivtnr homl' laat w~k rr901 · ~euhrtt llut" rnr tl'rru f1rm11. ..' ,; · 11 • s .. n Melhod!at meetlng madf.' by Mr11. o h f' d Ent ertainme-nt fQr· thr I'VC'nlog prt'sl'nt Wt'rt' Mudamea AI Dyrk· Schnt•c~ or An&helm. The 1.Ma· Be&rdalf.'y, Ylnneaota. waa ltoy ---e g,'1', "rl '1 11 ;8' 0'1 1'"A' 1-:n', 11 L~llaJ· •ve· Locu. Frank Ma rr cof Ra.ota Ana waa provide<! Ill lhf' g 8 me 0 f man J ttl'k Woolley, Leo McCav. 1 hone}.'8 were Included m tb. e diD· -.....,_ ot 267 Flower 8lrMt I Complimenting n f' w ruabf'f'l UNDER DR .... T "GE . . . ( 1111 I II .~ II I r I ' ~ ~ I _ .. ,, ......... _ r t I . rrn Hnward KubC'rda A J Oint h i h r 11 .• 1 .--bt .. r .. .: m n•· '" WI'~, . ._ IIJ'I marr.a•e to •• ""' uu:: program ea UN> 8 ng· "C:uollt'" l'rl7.t'll wc-rr RWIU<II'il to . .· De.,._~a~y w c o uWf.'u II ar&e .tao wu called lo lbat lll&lf oo Sunday afternoon wert-mem ra ... h II I ,., \' z· .... n .y I ••• or ""'"".,WII Inc operatic 3nd favorltt numbfn rs Geor .. t' Jo"c,ltz .Mrll J II c• k anl.l Conrad Shook aftr•rnoon recr ptlon .....,_, I (1( Sigma TAU 1'•1 llllrorlly In l.h~ n4' 11\lf' tlllr llton. ''" 11'1\ v • PIH Haipli ·"'' ... , I .... ...,.. • . .. . Santa Ana home c•f Mlu F.lt'anor We wonll,.r whv wc ,.n~Pllm•·s ~hlro• ~ ultPII••n He will be ar c-ompame.t by Mills lling and Mr11 La \'t'la Lare. ~-*tfo~l"" IU .. IIIPRlAI l'lw r•~.,w~_....u .Lo1. J;t.:a.t1 &1.~ Hawlty allloo_="r:f:rr.:S,_,a::.n~,t'='ll""""A~n;;;;ar,.~=--_....,looii..,.I.\C.I.~Ii,...J..._..MJ. ..... ...LIIU,iii;.n.t~-Ml14:'-f----------<GI~H:i~·-f!IHIIIIIIAN- OqZLIIW • ' I 5 =H ......... ., 0.1 .... ...-"--c._ ... .. ..... :Jf~I ... W i-0."1' ~ el hpU ,_trlflr ... ONE·WA Y FARE ROUND TR.IP FARE .. c art-... sevtn • "HI Dcttt". " 'In Mum · btlunK' tu • by H'"' Krtrl Heohnon ht!to:e a . G~tiD• ru .. t.a wtth M1u Dorn. hill frf'" lift' tlllrHI all·tr Alt<'nolln)' .MIN Nal· mometer. to ahow t.he raialn~ of' <tot'au""'"• I money towartla tb.-building fund ' "'batten. c~·rop ""o ll z . Ed"'nrd thy Sklnnrr. prnldt'nt. enol Mltllt All tllll tho• knlff' that ti'IR1J Pol ll(o \\Ill t:w ~I n< Alina Colllnl of "' w ,. r " I !.Wily 8cJOJN'y w.-rc• Mr11 Jud.,on auprt'mt' until th" (;un wa~ <'<•~<Ill ·'•' !18 .\11M Elmore Hay<* wu dlaplaytol by ' Mra. R. p 1'll. Zube. &•ulah Ft"rl{"ullt•n. Rny Sh11f· Sulht'rland and Mlu Low Hunter don cof Balbo>H nnol Mr!! Jarqueltoe lot.on. chairman. M r 11 Howard t r . Sadie II'Win La V.-t.a l..at't'. both of Co8ta .Mua Stcond party ITht'n ~twll<'ll t•~<•k tho•lr placr 1 -~mtlh of ~uulhi:RII' Sea«er, .Memberlhlp Cbairm 11 0 · Jamu F'ro•t a nd tht' hOIItf'llll Rto . ' In Ole ~~trlea wu a brld&t tvent Thank Cod for Son' --• 'r:llmttn ~mllh or !'louthpte 1.1 lntroduCl'd thr namtil or Mrs. fre.ehmrnta and n owtora -a·f.'re In ~ada I In Buen Park the hto11t man for the O<'Caaiea S~ley Ackerman. Mre Ceorgf' daJnty VaJentlne rolora , Y e'(tn nr · • · Wheat &nd Mr11 Dixon Smith u PERIDNAL NOMINATION .. ·I v.·htlt! ll&lph :>:rlatJO of Newport OI'W meml:wrahlp . L I' s' ff . "ifu~• my hair and r all mt Will· rrtnn ..., ~ kit''" Prior to htor lakin~ a poaiUOI'I will have uveral guut.a !T 0 m 1 Hoata T 0 Players T AG ENDS ... Tht' ~tf.'o ?! j.wttb thr Nt wpon Stach Bank Oil Long Ouch 11 t their Mondav SCHOOL of DANCING • Tap. Ballet, .Toe, Acrobatic anci Ballroom S!l9 Marine Av~. Balboa ll!land Woman's Clubhou.."t' Costa Mtsa 418 South Main Santa Ana PBJVATIJ. U:880S8 -tl.IO CLA88 L£880N&--aec: TWO BALLROOM CLASSES Children 10 to 13 yNrs and til&b School 14 to 17 yean fo r th" I>P•t <flllp or lhto Wffk Beach and Elml'r Taylor Of FUJI. 'Mie Art• and Cral._ s~tlon 1 ea 1e te enaen j thf' hlllll Ava.nell Neii!OQ'li Amr rka, thc brlol<'·elt'Ct attended mMUnr to learn how lo do Pf'~· 1 .Mr. and .Mra Le•llto Stl'ffl'neen t td ter work. Mre_ Vernon Orr l'e· w·tt open lhf'lr hnmf' at 209 ~farl· '--------------------------------' 1 11111ety-depo<~lt amlll' ranaferr lo Nt>\Vport Harbor U'nlotl HI Cb vealed. Art. and Cratta mem ... --gold A\'t>nur. C'roro,,. df'l. Mar. to.' ,-----~------------------------., a ()f'rmant'nt grinning a pot School snol Fullf.'rton Junior Col· II'<• • 1 Ranunculu. w It h thrlr h~ful le"C' whert ahf.' rrcf'IYed h 1 • b have been uked by the Newport morrow rvl'n ng to mr mhl'rl! I'll i 1 I 8 I ...,_,, 1 "' • Harbor Chamber ot Commerce to lht' cut of "H oliday" R piBy t o co or, announr "' pr n~r · • .. · 8cholast.lco~ honor. and In t.he lat·. ... rod d b th 0 (' I I take part Ill a Hobb}' Show this .,... P Ul'f.' Y e ran~ee 0110 · •trellml nt1.1 brunette .Mn. Wold· ter rtcelved lhe IJIII'Cial aclloot aummer. Tbe mattnWiwill be dla. ty plsyt>rll next week. ' enbura a ptorfect foil fOf' htr ~-honor t or the hlfhNt lleboi..UC cuuecl tu.rther at next week'a lll'll· Tht Stt!Ct naen living room wlli J haired IJ>CIU!Ie · Harry Eatu1 ratlnlf. She 11 an uUve membew aloa. bf rt'·arrangtd tor the atlllng of 1 un·a rrumentatlve)y In doubt about o1 th~ Newport Harbor Buatne.l l lh Ia hll &'U u <1 t.h the .• mile atro IN1 ch&mplq at ~nd PrOfesalonal Women'a Club. '• O.tberlnc In trout of lb.e .Meu e P y "' e ea apen e I the bU ... UM "Rex" 1t UJ unable Mr. Zimmerman la a craduate Jl'rtclay Afternoon Clubbouae at , early evening leheanlna. Ftatur· to rule by t.he divine rtrbt of l ol -·ll•rton Union HI.... .. ............. t :30 a. m. 'Miu'l;aday. February 27, I ed playera f r 0 m here In l he r u ~ e w ""'""""' llrw. Howard Sea(t'r atated that comedy are Mlu .Marjorte Adam~ klnlf• • · • Delighted the C. of C. and Junior Colle«e and I• now -mberw ot the Antlque Section ot Balboa Iala.nd and Mrw. Slef· think Opportunity Square Ia "Thf' with tht Bank of America In Full· will motor to l..na F'ellr: Boulevar<i tenllt'n. Tht' hoAt aorJ h011te1111 plan "BE PREPARED LET US TAKE CARE OF YOUR PIPE NEEDS Feace Posta -Clat.hee Polee -Flq Polee -u.e Pipe - BLACK WILL TREAT YOU WHITE Edgar Black Co. l%10 Cltlerry A ... lie Leer .--.-•sa-11 I ~~" for our coming Ctvlc Cen. 1 f.'rlo~herr the couplt v.111 live, ill Loa AnJelu t.o t.olu UM AIIUq\H' i to Hrvf' ~ lljtht buffet I!Uf'pt'r at To paraph rue. t h,. ajfe-Oid , • ---abops Th4! book llf.'Ctlon will con· lht< t 1"'"' ut lh•• Pvo•ntn)( I ~~. ~~~F~~r~~ Co~ngE~nb ~~~lr diK~~~pmmi--------~-----~~~~~~~~=~~=~=====~~~~~=~~=~ II evil• J H bo A ~t countrtu or F:uropt wbt>n 1 a • 0 ar f rea t.hey aro· Jrlll.'llll ~larch II uf l1r11 Bellea And Beaux C F Watt.~ or 1 :?0 Atlalonc, Ual· • J.!_tJ_DA._Y, FEBRUARY 21-boe leland. . Dance· At Mna !'1/('wport Harbor llnlnn H I 1r h Tea wae aervtd by the program "WE'RE nGtJJUNG ON ONE OP THE WWBST PRICED THREE AGAIN ••• " 30-RIDE TICKET llndl,rfdual ~day limit 1 • l~DI.y round t rip Excursion •Fnrt'. 'l 10 1:.!% n .. u ... ll ltlrrol in ""~1 1'1 formlll .:nwn11 Kll<l Jll'nux In sru•rlJI cl<'lhtll o18no'Pol \'otlo·ntrn•·'ll 11 11 y "1\lll' &hoool DAno•c 8 p m h11:h ll<'hnol commltlt•c, h• Rtletl hv .\11!1 {' M ralf'lerla. Dea.kiru.t at lhl' rln~ M tht> llfl!· \\'f'tlohn~: t'('rf'mony I 11 r !'.lise I alon. l'atrtolk l' o l o r,. pr...-lo•m. A,·an•·lt 1\:.•I!'IOn HAlpl• :f.tntrtr 'l\ lnstrol thr fln1111 urr&nl(l'm.-nt~ rn&n. !')'\II ,;t•un MPt '"""~' \ 'huu·tt.j --.,, 1 ho•11 fo•l nut I Frtoln~' •'Vt'nln~: In Sa nht Ana. ~ I' m I H W . ( t h•· 1 ·,.,., 11 .\1 .-~<~1 Fr•dn' A ft •·n••10n ,. ... ,. ""tt:or hnnqurt , .,.Q1 1 ~I··•• ouae arm1n1 1 t 1lll hhPHIIf• h 3 s c '""'"'""'' v • 'huro· · ~> · " I' rn urpriae Event lll'llr1 ~ nnol II fr\\ rto•Wt'rll tl<'lli$:· :-;,.W)'"!'I ltnrhoor A~llll'l 'tnl'C Lea· n.1to•ol lht• •IIIII"''" m .. llf \ '••·h>~!Ol· )(II•' '''"· Hill'!!! Tllan,;k 1 ;:rr•lt•n!! ,.,.,. Mr~ \'lt'l••r t ;rarc-IUlll Mrs. 1•1.,.tn .\t••sa F rltlny ,\flt•rnuon Mr11 Eh•l!' Slnrc k arul !'llr~ Be-rt ~: E ll>~tlllilwt pn•t<t dt•tl Ill lhe 1 'luh lun•·h•··~ m••t'lln~r. 1:.: :Ill I' m. Oqul~t hn11nrt'ol ~1 no p 1111 p;..1rirr 1 •·I r ''~hm••nt t nlllo• t" h,.,.,. 1''1('~'"" :-;,.,.,.," 111Q H<•flt'h [I" v :. 1 o u t with ll 11urpn,. .. htlll4<' wrttmlng II• nnol Jlllllo'h w.-r .. lll'rvo>o.l ""I' ~·''"I hut 7 Jl Ill het """ hnm•• Ill ~··•·Ut ('••,.ta · fl••tl C'lnl<l< \\'urkrn11111 ttl a m. M.-8a, \\'t•oln• """.1'. w1th a lum t~ t•• :. r.~ •~ ...,._ .. ._0'! .. -.4eQI}. l'lolhoo.l 1•1'""1 I Tlw hu1<l<'!<~ olll•• el'rvert i ··•Rill .\1 ""·' H••y !';rout~ 7 1 m. ''"" '" f1fto•••n •·t :\1 ,.,. l'••llt•·r,. ,., nut Hall I f1Wn.t11 p11111 1<1 II bo•"D· co( l{lfl~< ·,. 1 'lfth fir I' h:tll, abowtrell upo.ou Hle-b~lttl!" "!It r s 7 ·~' J' nl P•11r uor lttrlllt•I IV 1,, t'd ut l~!t ~7ll• llJ•Pnln~ l•nv, Ann<l'tl :\lid \\'on· Slrrrt. :-;, . .,.,,.,r t ll•·arl• lo•t l<••p ttla <'Rh(oorrll( Ya 1 h t Cur AI!I tnohulr•l .\11 !1 •: \\'I'"'· t,uh !'nn l't•dn> rtll . .\I n• r.t'u•· l 'u"~ 111<1 d tll)(hl• 1 t: .. : ('I .. :<.~ l 'lh.!<.• ~,.II I' oi l t Dorlll. Kn•l IIIII ( '••110 II .. , ltl\'>•r~ lkao h I ;lltiiiiTI,II So hoool ~~ 11 ~ 1 c llll.lt . ~l r ;tD<I ,\It" J E \'on \\'1)( Ho>o•n1 i :ltl I' m and thtuJ:hlt•r !'.lnrJOI"It' tlf f'llrnto·. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23-)frl! (;,'1111-!•' Frano ts of r\lh.tn f.' tt 1\ l•lfl• 11 !'II 11,.,.11111 ll 1\' is. brs: \II :o 1-:r:'""' l~tAirr .,f Tal· l.ouol •'I" n 1 .. til·· pnhl . -I m. bfort: Ortklo• fllld ~, .. ,, ... 1 \;IIJI~I 't.o ;, I' 111 )frl! 1-: In ,. 1 l'att••1 ~""· .\I r ~ MONDAY. FEBRUAR' ~~-Ol'orgr llurrwr .11 "n >I :\Irs :'\o·\\J"orl 1<1.,1, 11 Fl., , 1 1, Mid AJmn Hn th t•t :lf1.~r II•'• I ltH\ )t\ fU :0.1··"• '""' 1• '''"' 11 ....... n. Card Fans Jttint i"• \\ J'• I I Ht ,, ~l I , rnr•n .. Au":u,ry , ... : h1 k ·hm, ~ r 1 r 8 Attend Benefit :otatw11 N• ': •• :tn I' "' 1kartx•r r srd fRn~ ""J•'Y"" th•· Ht•tl ("ro~..•!' 1\ ••rkl •"•llt~ nil ''"Y· benc!lt t'Rr.t prlr\y ltJ'fiDII<l rro! 1\v l':olt1<•11 11111 loulhltn,.: .onol l:•i :'\l11r· the Ntowp<•rt H R 1 b or Amf'rio'l\11 triP A\'o•mu•. Anlbol\ l~l.,ntl Legion Auxiliary li't>lol ~~--------------~~~-------------------------------------------------r~~P·~~~ M<'~~.~~,;-~~:n~~~~~~~~~~i!!!~~!!!!! S'R.E'A •. liD E a IRA IDs I ll~:~~~;.:~:~;~·~~!\~.,.~~~~ "'"II· fo~~eiA'!'~;:.I:;· .,.~;~ VBirnllll<' tBry. l.r~l<'n Hut. 7 30 p m .colora &ntl AJ'polntments about · ,.Y'I.J.ID.A-Y, FEBRUARY 2>-tbe urd tat?lu. High l!rorr.&WRrdl! AMI•Ii:A'J lUGISF llllf 01-SJAINlfSS :t:::··''.YIIJ ---FTII1~y AftPrno'llln l'luh A rt~ and for contrAc t pI a y and C"tllnel!t' 1 C~aftll SN'I19n It 8 m ehecktra 'A't'rP awarJrtl In Mrl! '* 5011111 r., farMIOit-the 1eoc1ers 1ft de aiDpltioa tWOdem tron offtn-. Ntoa'pol't Uarbo1r Ltt•n~ 1 I u b , ftalpb Mitchell o1 Sant& An11 anl1 -~·w ·w -KAo~tr Calt , DODD. ' R.alpb Randf'l of Balbo11 laltuld ...... AMf of llglftMfM, atDWua ..... aereo.ti!Md ......... A1Mrico-fw nf" N.-wport Uarb(lr Hnt11n· l~lub ()Uwr prtEN -a·ent to Mra ("' H I II :SO p. •· W'lllte._ BaJbo6 Colt~ Campbell. !lfr• John Luumbour-.,., .... e,CIOIRfolialllafcM•,w.tor boHt delv .. _....,.,.and OCCMIIOMP trc...l, ol.._ 1l'hop ,.,, Earl St~ty. c F Watu. ' 1 U&akttbllll Tnumll.mc-nt ~l .. .,_ Mrw. BeNte Pulltn. :MfJ R n y -••• fll 4/-tei,/,1 r-•rt : .nrbor t1n1nn fllgh ~rhoo&, Bean. Mrw &n Utberman And 'i P •· Robert Allen. k .. , \~r,•u Work r<1<'lml' all <lily, B~lh<>u Inn bulldlDif and 1~ y.,._ "' -·· ,.~IHit', Balboa ltlaflrt • S... r. Ia lraf .-•••ll••d DloMI loca•...,_ ta. -•" u ... fraittlt .,.,~., .......... , laJ , .. .....,ap•tttkM;,T .. oftheteM'W~otf_,, •• J"~• ._AI 1_, ., .._ ..-••• doble ........ -'*-*-" e ,_,. h ....aitc.. ' a,_ lncludf'd Mrs \'lt'tnr Grar .-of Balbo& and Mra E ·E. Boudlnot El ~o Trac:l PrlEft' AND SEE HOW IIIUCB · IIIOaE YOV Oa1't lOO·IIOitaa'OWD e.CIJ:IN. ... 8COIIIO·JI.UTD DfGDIII U..u.cll W1'D' ...... • •Go -. 110(*10 ,._ -y ••• llfTaaaoa LV~l'uay • con..araJNG .. n•••c .... ' .AIIOOa 01.-...... rn TWIIOOGIIOVI't ''HOLD tVKRYTHINO," ia rlcbt (eepecially your puree •trine~), lJD. W JOU eoe ~ drin tbe bii:,Jusut1-oua OldlmobOcfSpec:ial. We'D abow JOU tbat there'• UttJe cWfereoce ill pnc:. betweeo OldernoNJ.e aod d#J' IIID modell ol loweet-prioed caR, but a ~-cWrer-illwbat JOU rot for JOUr 1D01U17 !..aDID 011»' ,....,, CameiD aod ..... )'OU.-Ifl ~OLD AUO AVAILA8U WITH HYDRA.· MAl'IC DRIVE f* •• -.....a.:.:l:::-r ... __ ......... __ ,_ , .. Ono e-ffort Wt'~llt I 'tolll.o Ullloh- at S llt't•l a Blur •·at:.,·d runtlu •tt·.~Y·~• days Ure1 men · f•n I CllDtf>ll tho• ( At lo·:, knuw ..... , ..... s Twn fl)t'h I aro· ll•l Th .. ,· ~ bn!it m l(iW• II tht' l \\ 1111 lht• n1rt ,. ahnu 4,J • t.Jl•• I lp AnotJ th.. ron lhe ll:u ing u ( lnclln ttt• H&rbnr few· Bh<t or hu•tl 2 St'f\'t( came a fuunll a The co grown auggestt c I u b J none of• affiliate lllhln1 a I WbiJe .. top al New be polnl boat lnd tor tun crb.{t. ot of Me-. ... th.. lilt Jli"'jf'l t!l !!llltur.t - f-),,na bv tho• Arn11 ' lh· I·· n IJ.:Iot \\ tho· ,\ • 11 i n~ ; , tht• •!"hi ... , ·~ '" J'l L' l.o • I ' • t I ~ 'I '""";: !.Jr. '·"•' ~ .... n. r "l 'tnil \\ • all· lit• I•' Jol10o k· I • ...... u •• , u r •• t·l:e tt f ron1 t ·,. tiun fnl II' I( c 'hq Ki;:;•" nt lnRp~t'll'o l Ttmt•lf 11 they .n·•·•• jlnnw CoUriE Boat _f Fi'f'f.' to men ot 'Jl'o adult event to be heltl bor Union toe p. m ( d&y tvf.'nln Hubert Jo atru.ctor ant tncludrt~