HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-03-20 - Newport Balboa News Times; ISSUED · .. SEMI-~ WEEKLY .; EMBRAClNG BALBOA PENI~SULA, WEST·NEWPORT. SEA SHOR£ .......... '-""" Men ;au High School_. preSents famed operetta H.M.S .. . Pinafore_. On-Friday Clalma are bo.-mg m!Ult' In ptotitions today that U1e l'll y'a dump g : ountl Is' a meDtlC" to healtb 8 n t1 saf£'ty, 'That's aometbln~ l~8t will 1Jt>8r prop- e~: lnvesltgatlon, HO\\t'\'er, urw tiling Is certain. folks restd- lng In lhe ttrea East oC the d u m p grounda w ould w t' I - come elimlnatton of t he an1<1~c which urlflll Into t he rt'st- uentml ltrt'rL wh,•n bt>lng burnoo. tntsh ts ; Huge Student Cast \Vith Talented ~inger~ l _In Leading Roles to t•articipate In \lus.ical Speaking u f pt·ttliOnl', 1 t would SN'm Ut•s was a r.-gu- lar Roman bollcl!ty fur· pHt-I linnet s. 'l'ht> W t' T l' . IIUJ•- porh·d by M t>tu rhurdws. alsu _ hbs pdtltun" out agatnst •• liqlll•r slt•r•· .n l'usl£1 ~l.·s.'l .,;, ,•ry; •ne qu•·sttull<·d , <1ft< ··~n­ .lltg U1e proll·st n hJ\'t u 'to ·who al'luully '"' ftlmt: the C•Jr- mal (Jt t•l<;Ht "''''II s l'l say they ar(o Ull'l'l.'l)' UOIIl!; ll {ut S<•:lh · one else. Sweet pea a :-;""'' ·Hub M~ll'(lhy , w .-I I knu>A'rt Balht•n. I.JU~in• !i.~· man . Ia havsng a ~o:nmd lime gw- ing swl"t'tperts to hts fnvnds. The ~arden at t he Pl.'ninsula Club is a lhmg or beauty. 'lUI sail!. wilh a bounltful aup- bly t•C (he swt't'tpea planta, -ADd one .of Bob'a bobbleii.Ja 'oewer 1JaFIMII•:-41e 1-d. \\'aaL to Will! N.c~port Harbor High'" has -1t"sttong rra<'lrft>arll." but 54'·- t'r81 or the lad.c; appart>ntly have not leamc'Ci 1 ht> meaning of the word. "training." Same elf thcpt wt>re seen after mid- nieht in Balboa. and tht>y wt>re not in fi rst plaao in thl'ir re- 5peC'tivt' eVt'nt.tt acaint>t AM · ht>im. ll'ow no ont> cart>S \'ery much whethl'r tht>Y ~~ any t>ffoit. or no~. H~'t'V<'r. thert> ~ a large group of boys "'ho wbrk and train J hard. t"Vl'n thoush not poaesslng natural ability. • not fair to them a~wltbnatw'lll • fail to develop it. .... poinu for the tMJil that (My might have won. ~ grape- viM gives out that tht>no may be 8 shake-up soon in the tra<'k lineup by CoaC'h RHd. DNerted~ ~ ''Mutiny in tht-ranks. That's what Chainnan Marcul' John- ~n of the' Planning Commis- sion was probably mutt<'ring when l!('Veral mt>mb<-rs failed to show up at ttw ·m<'<'llng Wronesday night by tro·clock failin~:: to makP a quonJm. HOWI'VI'r. it tuml'd out Slime ml•mtll'rs had bt>t>n called to an importnnt ('Onft>f'l"n('(' ('arl- irr in 1 ht> ('VI'ning ami WC'rt> unahl>· tn .c:rt away. So """". 'th"y'll m<'<'t tht• :'6th. \\11at So"·~ Vahooai\,·ITriiO-doubt tw-a hu~v man. romr !\tan-h :.!9th. Th;;t 's tht> dnte thP r.l!1Jo dial set ling~ for thr vannus sta- t inns chan~::f•. \\'hn ·<'IS(' bua,.. Yahoodi I'Ould ri" all of thO"(' push button ra11in~. ~fayb<-tile old hand dial l!m't l'(l had aftPr Services Today For John Wm. Snowden, 47 .... Earl -~ of. thia ciU' ~K~mWIFif•l&t ~wn ·tM-n.tpa yr UW.~ EtJell · C1uh today '!lll~ at- tendlnjr till' rluh ml'f'tln~r \\'lletho•r •be 1l'U wnously lnqured: or not. I ... ~ . -· .. · -,. \lq ~... ~ ......... . ..... .· WEEK-END .. -EDITION LIDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS. BALBOA I~_LA~D. CORoNA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA ~ " .. -.... . Mesa petitions charge Beach city's ·dumP.. .menacei ask remoVal ' ,, ( 'uaMt II~J(Ifw a}' ltt'1'idt•nt:oo and ( 'cmta Mnans Ut't'lart• :\r~·a \\'twn• fi't'":IM»rt ( 'ity ··~~its- SEZ- -·' P~ Two . ~ ~ ... IHII)' kaa rollf•,hned In thP ............ ,......~ .... '"'' -.~ .. ) boldo. .. Onap CAMJ•tr SOpt'rlor ('ourt ck·~. n~.U. a.. It elltltWe to l*bi~.Ja A 1.1. l~llal nntl•·r,, Newport-Balboa NEWS -TIMES \ olun~t• X:\ XIII SubllcrtpUor. Pnyablt' In Advann~. -$:.?5o '"''' } •·tu in ( )r !IOI!I' t..:41ur.lt), s.;.!.~ pcr y~·wr tu 4th .tun•·: $J.W "''' )•·ar tt., ktll 1u m 2!)c JX'rTnOTII n by Cl<l I h•t ~red as ~ondoCiall~ malll'r at th•• J•u,.t uttic•· 111 ~''"I"''' lit· tdt. ___ c._ur~tlt, und1.·~ •.hu Acl uJ MJ.ud1 ;l. lln~r , I S. A. J.tEYF.R E[JITO R AN IJ MA~b\CJ·:H I Pri&U.in&. Plant, 2208 W. ~~ntrlll Avt-nut>, 1'\~·wpurt Ut•ll<'h, l't.hlullllll OFnCJALPAPER. NEwroaT BALBOA, ·oAUFOR~liiA Skinnj Skribbles ....... , ·rfK.H- .\nd EIM•·ht•r•i •• \\1111 C' .... (Rktnny) ,.KI&VIN :.!II' 1 ').t 1. _F.EA TURES ... A Woman Looks On . WASHINGTON POLITICS I Reads Censored Letter ... -- BOULEVARD FEED STORE "As ~ar As You~ Telephone" %240 Ne•-port Bh·~ Pboee l~W CoSta Mesa WHEII PLAYING .IAU ••• STAY OUT Of THE STREET Wilen flying Kites ••• · · follow These 3 Safety ltdes 1. Fly your kite in an open field, away from power lines. 2. Never use wire 'or finsel cord, or str4lg lliat has become -damg Gom rain or fog. 3.-.n y6ur kite catches in an electric line ... let go! Don't try to pullildown.. Phone ilia- service company to which the lin~ belongs an'd a lineman will come to get your kite for you. -· · · PLUMBING f I I • -.. .· . . , .. 1-• . . NEWS-TIMES .~'~pnty (.oa·a~· t 1'r· ,,...-, '"'-"t'l~y-1-11~---•F-....... _. HKief' tt• ... ·L..·dd o. ... -·~ _ _. ••••o• lali: .. ......._ .. __ ~ UJ .. c 'In ""~ WJ CII'"T'f'gje•• "How lo Win F'rlende ar.• )<UI dnln11 ~ .. ,,.liNt tht-f,.,..; (, . l\ r I) . II .lnd lnfhience People," \lut t h' llllln. wa•m ..... ,,..:..... • .... IIClll," . ·Omlllft t£ .ellSl' rogrnnl . t.•rt' Wolf hr ... Cf'PI Qt'ttlng Allin, " """''41 '"'"" thf' hrlt•kht)f'r. ·:we~~, UC'IIII hi' h .. a A rnrthOcf Ol hie I d11n'l lf't Aft)'llnt' .,_, .)'nlr."tt.t'W a ' -· - FISH I .N G BASK..ETBALL TENNIS ~TRACK. ·s .1 . · . . 'ALONG THE at ors ~nter gtant meet-wl 1 ER FRONT - DOWN THE ALLEYS \\,Ut '-\1 t'JI'; lt -~ 1.;.1tl\\lh I jtJ:\1 \''' lt\•ht W 'lh -ll1~rc"<"< 'rcmn•l"'11<""'""11 ....,. +,...--.~ _.~ ... ._..,.._ ' .... ,h ti I""'' dl tU.. brfun. lf••'Aithl ll\\tll ••t t•·d ~··lt ·•' •tt•tl•uf\. \\1\H h I•H P.,. tl1t• p• ... pl• an•l Ju lj;<' • II 'l~c(l., • ..r ~·11·1 ' '' ''" 11 ,· ··••I th·· t 11~t 1 .. , 11111 •t•· A.lUl, \\ tl "l"'•k•• h•ll••t • lht• 'II tt )!' t' I t1h ..,,., .. t '" •• l l! Ulh l l .. •n 1 •• 8vunt\ (."ottNI A,.-.o, •nl11•t1 l t t • '• .rt.;, -·,HI '' ,, ,_.. u' tu:dh ·n T\af't(ht\ nt :O:nlt .1 11 u1 4•q ,,., '"' .. ''J.!I• '' •••II ilt ''' II•• ut ~···d u.t,,1• Hi~b !'\t h'"'' ,,. '-••U ••' lhr \'••Htll \ ''luuul\•'1 ,,r Mt \1•·•;r•h loh H "ho IJ'f 1'1 •'"'' t 'r~IUIU•''••" 1dat1 \\hi, h tnt••t \\ '"'· dent 1ll th, A,._,c,.,.,,.,,.,J \ h tP iut"' t'''''"'"' l httttr.:h 11 t{,,.. .• tul•~~rt ol Cornnl••r•·•· ''' fh•u•.:•· ,-.,unt\' aud ''" 11••1h•n • thju l,o,t•.l t•\ lh·· lh t Ot¥•1 f••r IIUf't ,·,•un t\ ,,,.._., ..:•••Ill' Armla. \\'ctt<'nbt'rfol uf 41tl \\'Nit Heet'a On Newport Harbor Defending Champions Next A:ty. N • .,..,,,r1 8(-···h Jltcrl'l<«ll .. ol a T h·· hi'Clt 18 "11 tn CO<•ptr"t lun llll•l 11 h"l''' (,.c u I~ t' 1\ I' ,.-.,.,t,., h I. .. r 1.""1' 1 ;,.11, h lw• un.lo•r>ltllu.ltn.: uf oil II' IIIIP1ht'l ~ ntot llnt••J I lw c """', wh , h 11 ,. 11·1 thl' ('IYk' pt'Ub6rlllll tlo• 1!1\'lfo•ol 1111 t .. 11tt1•u•l hoi,; tltllhlt i l' ,,, ko•l• 11o t),,. 1.,1,11 tbo· Annw.t M••;•l•llj; .. t lie•· .,,.~,, l~<l h••• "' t1111t l 'lf) "'"''' 1•1,.,, dated J'ICt'"JKy t,ho• ~:,ttl • , ' • lol ).; \' \lo•\ 1 I ••! t h•• l ',on)t . ' , 34 Chrll< C'r<tft t"t'Ull'l'r lhil WM'k V~<.:114' Clll•l tl<>W' Saturday In 21st Annual Southern Coun-1"' lh•· ..-.. n"•" spra~uo: .. rf"'"• ,)(, only l'nf' p .. tnt ... ,t.aratu 1 h e • tht' <'"''8t HIJ!hwctvs. n,• pl\lnll tfl top th~ tuma a mi both Rob'l ties Track Meet At Huntington Beach; moor t hl' boat hrr; All<• purt'hall-Mark\•t 1hr Llllfl Cut.. a,.. beeln· • • lf~i. .JL l't Ulllt>r w1111 Frl"d Jor.lan of • nlnK to prt'fOl! thi H\>laty Club (Of' Sailors Have 27 EntrieS San Mar• no Th" 3t·foot enr lollt'd , r .. urth """'''. •n•l •lAO tn etay out Hll'l11 rJ Irwin ""rn•••l f lo ·' c "•1•1\' "'"''''' 11 111<•1 ,,,,, ... ,.1~·•t···l Ultnr• Wf"lf' ~uln~ 'i•• hnpJ'•''' t' '' ••' ,tln f ._,u lh,. hntl It rt , •nu•..:• defta.~t• Un .. J( In (lrt\n-.:•' c·uun l\ l '••ttt''!._, '"' I• .. ·•U•'"" \\ht•t t• tit• 00 m "11t'l \\'hl\1 (\t tUI ...... ''••\&111\ •f•·fqt•• \\ttl k "HI" Ill •'f'•1111tor' cru'-er , v.•lll -bt mOOI"f'd nt'ar thr ••f thl' ('t'ltt&r tbuuaht ''' ol1<l Ill' ll•l\'1~•··1 uulto·ol l'h•• "'""t ~:•••up '"'"' ••II ,,.,·,.,.,, . , . . . Jl:j>wp..rt Hll~t Ytu ·ht {' 1 u b Tho• Uttn8 Ntt 1 tf'am Atilt ,...,IW!IIon to 1'"" •·o•l 11111t "'"•t•·• • • ""1'1'''' '"'.: t lo.· '" '"'" "' 11~<· ">"" Neu:port l: naon Htgh Sch ool I rack a thlt•I<>S Will v.·ht'rf' J orda11 h1 a mt>mbrr. I main" on tup of tlw hl'llp. but tb«'y ~MJ'P.!If'\1 bo• .uc 1'<1•·•1 '"'" , "" t'"' t "'" ,;,., oiJ'"'""'' ,., , .. 111111,., ,. dfC>fend the ir last year's <.-rown n<'.xt Sctttu· ay a tJTurmngrmr;--------. m•na~te.' to "•' ll..b)' 1 tn•lleo.l tn """'' t .. .,,.,., ,.,., ',. t h· '" •'1'1 """'.: A.""'''"''" I tell,. 1< Beac h in the 2 1st annuaJ Southt>m C"ounries Track Mt't~t. A F. FrHman nf F'lrt>baugh. tbt•lr trf'Hl la11t M•lf'ldlly ~ 1 tc h t "r"~'". "' 11ll 11•· n ·ro·n··i'l 1 .. ..,..,,, t-• nr~.t '"' t tr r ,.,~nn . . •. . California. reuntly purch~ lhr wbt'n they •rllt two point. apiece Ora&<•· <'""''~' "~' tho• "'"1··· .. t" \\ '""'"' •.allct•fllw ''' llu••lnwtnh u,..n / •·•~IM'nlf'r',. jub;" Toward . . llt•n•'H . Lc~•king II :\ Pi •y E;\sTt•:lf \'ACATION • • • ~lake• Jfll ... \'P\fl I "I t.·udqttarl ···~ .. r .. r 1-:vt•t•ythln,: F t'olltc a ~tt:t!'k 111 u ~ 'n1111•lt•l,• 1\lt•:tl . PALM-PALM and HHSTAl lllANT t 'allfonua . U IU V ,t;-1 N ('u,.t~t M.-... • • • • • and thl' timt' to · cht'ck y(,ur Tires! Tht• .. ('a' II of th(• Otk•n Uoad" I-~~'"-!!-'_~~~.!_(. R('('<i IS trammg hts proteg~ forth~ e ve nt Prado 8 !l1·ft1ot l!ltK•p whH•h ·hA~< ~·ith Roy·s Barlw>l'll .-r•-at Jt'I .. M •· tc 1nn~;tr th• I'""''' ll•·n·h "'"''•1 111. 1••1-(c•l •tt;,,. tw· followmg their real la s t Tuesday by Ana tm. l'n nown' ccp-llliiT-d6Wii ur .htnw .... (::h&IJI • '!!!.!r.!L.~~ Hcvo·r~~ 1. •• II j.( ""k"l '" ··1 11111111111' th .. """' hlfljf" H&rbor High School v.·iJI b&\•e r --Ct18ll1 for mllny yt>llrll. 11p un thf' nu•ro·r r•'l"{ll'll't<'ly ol\'t•rpowrrf'd tbej and ~~~~.. ,. _nl~l!lne,o l•• Sntnr-t'llnt f'ITrrtllnrr••-+---- tv.·t'nl}'·M'V<'n entriell ID the aa. ju111p. Y.p Kurlh&Ja. Hob 6rable 1Chraa C..:ratt .waye. lht' l'raolil '"' Llbn, CubA to .w lp all l OUT poi.Dll ~J 1 tr.•n~:•· c·,.,,nl\• IIIII~! "''''"'' ''" l•h oll ''' Mototcu\' "' ,,,.; .. ,. ••. Mt•anH Extra Tirt' lla7A&rdA- ----~1--.:L.. nual clauk.-. and Charlrs Thom~•IIOrl are to ~··tcing u n •nc1•lt>tt' O\'l'r haul Thf' anft r'fltl'h Uf' wct h the 1\Arbt'l'll. w b a t It Wlwt•~•. l fl•lu~tl\ ••• '"'"'~ "''"'''' ''"'"'"'" llt Jo:••1 • Billy Andt'rliQn, whn has bfi'n com~tf' In lht' high juncp. •ii""C'k!'l hr~Vt' IW'I"n· 11trivpo~t a'n11 a 'Hencf' tht• Lion" now' have M H o,.... II•· cc•Jto04-lh• 1.tl1••• '''" l•n•· "' '""""'" """" th. Harbor's strong m a n In the Coach RN'd ~~Sid ht' w uuld 8t'nd nt•w rabin h•n1!W' built on lhl' nld pmnt11 w11n. "''hilt· .Ito)•' a 4llll th«' ~, Jlklj;,. 'tu, k• • l<l<C.1 t hh1 t "" ".-1 t.. ,,,. I''"'~ • ct 11·~ eprinta. and Gt-orge Barnett art' Dar .. n ~ll'Ga\'1 •n. Oun S m ltb IUld nnft W ith J hiny nt>w pa<nt 8bl' Junior ( 'h~tmlwr ar .. tlf'd for Jte<'· -• • ent ert>d In the 100 yard daab. J Z. Kurihara ogalnat the co unty's w1ll· b.• rt>a•ly for 11umm~r "ailing. nn<l pia•·" wcth .-a•·h havinR won HOW They Stand TIDE TAB'LE A~raun and Bill CruDdy are IW'8t In thl' poll' vault M ·(W1Inte alal«'d .to run the 220 yanJ I'VC'Dt Harbor's rl'lay t'ntry will com-Rrpll trln~ 11f Ruo nurnham"s Tht> runnc>r1111p In th .. ("tvi<' loop and \\ t>lls, who fmUiht'J lhcrd In pnM Jim. Barbrr. BKkt'r, B c II 181an•i Chpp••r wu flnlllbf'd thlll wt>rf' rf'aflv to Jlttunct' on thf' Uona tbf' 440 agamat Anaht'lm. wtll I CruDdy e.d Btll Andtorson . I wuk. A cnmplt>tf' paint job wu lasl l.tondRy Ro~··s llarben walk· compete In lhat c-vl"'ot. l't>cullar lhln~: about HarbOr's a ppll.-11 tn tht> decks and ne-w 1 rti off o•a11cly with thf' flret ceme Dave Almond bu bMn eotc-r't'd defeat by A naht'am lhill WMk 1.t1 8landln.: rilt' inatallrd . Tommy T . I by a !)9 pin margm Again thry In lh• ~ run and W es Pl"'terldn I ~he fact that Harbor .Jt'ftated Or· thf' 30 fool rJ.uJarr of Roy11l ~uck· ~t a bllstt'f1ng pacf' to wen tbe and Daren MC'C&vren &TI"' ~<ched· anr;f'. Orangt' took , A-naheim, and er wtll ~ ""ff' frum fire~~ from 1 ... .-ond ~:cimr by a 1mall m&rctn .. uled to lll"t'k pomta to the 120.y&rd Anaht'tm W IIIJ Wtn~r OVC'r Harbor, nttw un for C'hr1s Craft workmen Rt'a.Jy to ma.lce tht' killing com. high hurdtea. Petlrkln ••UI alsQ 1 Coach Rted I'UC'fully elated. recf'ntly inAtallf'd a Lu~ Auto-plt'll"' In the final ga.mto. the .,_,... BDJ Rlttf'r and &bt-rt havl' Charlt'l K .Morgan of BalboA Is the bull. " , -nrllt ttvr tremt'a by tht' Uone been n&ml'd by Coach RH>d to t.ou now tbt> O'lllo'nt'r ot tire 28 fool ---who wrr«' battling to eave at INa .CI11Ic Lugue Lions ('hth JWy'a HarbrrA J11111or \_"tlamho:r RDtarv t 'lub Uon ('ut.. fl4!ll'" Mark•t w 27 L ~\· :lei :Ill :>7 Jo' :.'1 MAR('H 4 I ll It :tH 4 tl II ';! . . ,-·' .. 't .14 I It 17'21 4 ' 4 I II 4 I-'ll :.'.1 1\ :.' 1 II :.'11· 7·17 1:01 ''" 1r. 44 11 :> I 7•1:> 1 1:1 7 :~ 1;42 !l l 11 4 11 0 4 1 Tu ~!l 7 44 14H 1 .11 2:12 1 .l, 1'\1 U" ~T I ... , . • ( '( ll ti(TNJo:Y'S hn\'t' th•• tntl!lt t•ntnpll'tf• Tit'\• ~~ "''' In I lt'lllllo(t' ~ 'uunt y . • ( '( H IHTNEY'~ 111'1' 'nw on I~· rtwmh,•t'K ur t ht• ( ittiltl ttf 'J'h'l· ( 't'lift!(ltl('ll. • ('OtfHTNJo:Y'~ hal\';'· clo1,clhs of Kllll!'flt'fl c·u~ttlllh't'); Ill Nl'wpor1 Hn lhtNt . COURTNEY TIRE COMPANY-.. 4UB North HoM .......... Mall .. A .. nu MANTA ANA .,. rwa the 220-yard low buJdJH. -matlc flrl"' pr,pvenUon eyatem tn.l be,.. w ere bl"'ld' f'Vf'n durtnr the tile llbot. J im Barber. BW Moody. CJ:loop. Play Boy. t>urcbue wu Mr. and Mra R W. Hampton of ont> pol.nt out of tbt> matc b. Our· Ceorgf' Barnell and Dan Almond ~a<k-thro ucb tht> Port of &oft• Lot! AngeiH purchued lut wetk· In« the latter half of tb.e r;&Jbe. have all bHo Ia the broad Seu. end a 22 foot 1loop from lhe Port ea.ch team bad a -all Mn4 · ot Sailor Nine to Play Two Games : 101• ~pt., .• .,, In nrdn yl UC<urr. .... •·••"' ''"'"• • ru_4...~l~rk U cut•• '' rn 1'-----------------------------.....J '' ••• ,., ......... -........ low. - ,. IOWUIC B&LBOA PAVIUON 80W'LDfO .._ -llAU.8 ... KIQUIPIIENT Pa&ca: Ue Anerwn•; zee Eft.; zee e.t.. llaL a &oiWa,- urr m sELL m .U.Wt.-.... ___ .. y_ .... , -Ilea& y .... ~ ..._.u ... ta "Manufaduren • Moorinp • Rentals •• Sales PA1Jt. HOIIIIAN Y~MJL .••sw:a ................. Often ... -St., Newpart a..:tl -n.."' . -$20 • ,. • $1%6 t•t OOABI' RIGBWAY-er 1ee BAY at 8oatb Cout -- ' ma.UI .. CVJUlEV. M.D. EJ'&, Ear, N-... ~ 311 So. 'Main Strftt Teleplll•• ltM e-ta"- DR. RALPH D. R~A.R~ PIIY81C1AS stJ-.GEOS' OSTEOPATH ....... 1 U .. auwer. eall ... Balbolt ... ~ Balboa DR. OO~"R.W RICHTER n eac:J&D aDd surr;- ~ ,,; !!ad. ~trftt s t'"lJJI't llt'M",tl Roa": 1•1! a, m . .t S·S p. dl. Plto--otnflf' in: Re!l. ·u ·I JEA N .... __ , w .... Spenl•'"'" Pe,.,;li.,-nt WaiiH t1.• "' &~ •nllll Fln"r Waw -·--. ~~,_~· =~:o;~~._ ~~~ 1·. DR. B. E. STAJII.EB DESTIST Tr~plilolle Sewport .. Slon-y Bulldln~t llalboe LEROY P. ANDERSbS , ATI'Q&SEl' .AT lAW • Co.ta M'N Ba•k BuU4Jq PltoM •tt Co,ta :\1..,.. Callfo~la I . P .. V. PAB&ES \\' k..._.er • ,_.., • ElllfJ'&ftf 102 Oct-an Front, N~'POrt r; ... rt s• "'atdl ~ GoW Plath!c . E!re oa-..,_. ... Al..l.. WORK GUARANTEED • ·-I n at au rtt>,.. a.od ~ ... '~.-The '""*- Planning to rt'tum to Nrwport A .L. Pinklt'y etrlklng out tfarbor ~or a 1ahert vacatlnn. J oet'f tt'ntb. Hrlf\& Ka'-er bit for Haufmllll. JlOled planial. hu or-I a nd the eetvice club mea won the dt>red hhl 2~ foot runabout to bt' third ~tamr by a euffldent m&rctn complt'ttly cwnhauled. 'Ttle name to al~ win a eecond potnt for Coarh •Wt'ndf'lt l"kkm•' N-· port Harbor High ~rhool ballf'ball -...-which Ia In Ill ~m~Uve lltatte. will play tw() pm•• thle .-.ft. Wf'•thf'r ptormlltlnlf ..,., ....... - of the bay cratt Is Pepl. • t11lal acor.. na...a.. ...... t 8Ith ramre al"f' echt'dul..., fnr tiM homt> diamoad Whrltlf'r 11 apwl~ to comf' hf'rt' Wf'<llwotlday an.n-end 8&n 8f'mardlnn 111 8Cbeduled to play here Salurday addlnl ........ , . ' • Sailors Fall Before Anaheim; _ MANY.,........_ Only Harbor Cees In Track Win and atodolL 1.-11 ............. ~ Tueaday _afternoon wu a eligibility wu tht' knife 111 tbe aftMftooa. 81Drt'. the 8an Demar· eony day for lhe-~ H&r· beck that ktllt'd the Bee aquad'a .._ acltool .wtll 8eftd a bua wtth bor Union KJgb' School t r a c k dsa.ocea. Varalt_y tndl -e· to HunliDr;ton a-ch. teama.' I Btlly Andei'IIOa pertOI"'IMd bJa tbeJ are ~ It • .,._ball Tbe undefeated vareUy a n d I !!bare for the Y&ntlty, ~ leu! to Mdlor, u It ~ aear by Clue B teama went,down to de. nnt Ia tbe ~IU7 cMIIIItl a. 10.1 .._.., JVUtbe ROW MP'n to f•t before UM lllv~ Aaahel.m -.:. and nl'llt Ia UM DO .....t pNJ -Uu Yanlly .._.... ~ Tbt> Sal lor Ceee. whom I til 2S.t 1«. WeUa ftftiiiMCI tlalrcl ~ ftla --a. .._.. Coacb Reed deemed the ma.ti In the 440. Deve Almond tied Clapped by UM to. ttl BW HIIMRiy likely tn loee. walloped Anahtlm for rtrwt with Vlllaloboll ttl Ana-&Del the f!W!t tb&t eeveral a... 54'1t to 221.,. 'nfC' v~nlty loet h•lm In 2:1~ fo'r tbe 880 yard race. bUI lllt!D .,.. partklpatloe In 4~ to {19 and J_he Beea. 37 to MI. Walt' Clark trall•d In N<lODd tn tnc:lr. Harbor Ia -not ' out of the run. the mile t>nnt. Daren Mc:Oe.,_ Tbe JUIS¥ thla Wt't'k, lkJwner. nln~t If tht> varaity can wlo the' 1-....,u wcond with WN PeteTidD are acbedultd mDN! u prutlt·e I remsllldt>r or Ita conff'rence meet. tblrd In Ult> hlp jump whlk lfc· wor'llouta· for bflth partlclpAIInlf Ill •••un..21~ .. •• I l.a~)l of· tnllnlnjt and eplnt c11vrtn atepped thr low hua...flltboola tban for tbe comp.t!Uoa among a few cndlvlduaie wu bf., In 28 nat to tue nrwt.. ··St'bert 1;":pec:t.d~~· ----------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. li«'Vf'd larr;«'ly reepnrutlble for tbe and Bill Sht'nln flnlabt'd l('<'oad V&l'lltty•a poor ' showtnr. while Ill· and third In tht> 11hot. Charlet!~ 1 Dt'nnleon and Charlea Thom~ j _/'-rr~ Ued fM .cood wltb an Alla~jm I / _ f'' J'll "". ' miUI In the hl~tfr jump. Jim Bar· ~ fl• 1 bt'r le~J 20'6 ~ H 141 w in the 1 b~ jump and Anaheim W llfl Ut• I - ' • relay Clae1 8 111~ *'/ Fowll"r took a flnt for Harbur 5 I j In lhe 100-yd. d&llh In '10 9 Jte<' j naultr rra~f' Joiner and Halla , m ort' m&df' a rlean 8WN:p In Ule 1 --BE PREPARED--. LET us· TAKE CARE OF YOUR PIP,E NEEUS FMtlr Po.tA-Clothea PoiN-F1ac PoiN -Une PIPf' BLACK WILL TIU:AT YOU WIIITE -. Y CMt know. an addfnlr IMChlnt wW •ve a lot ot hf'ndnrh~ and Kfluhln,i 'of tHth • • , not Glib" al !nromf> tu II~. but at Uw end ot the ~ or pc•rhurs evf>ry day! We have tMin •••• a mnrt,.J for your ~. At your pcb, Gft ,.... 'T" . R • ..4 . TIER!Y..4N T.Yr~JJ'RI'I'.IC CO. ... J 120, wlnnlnjt tlmf' 24 nat. An· ~·ar at~_ .k Co. ltM Vllterry "-~ cSeaon took a third In the 4IM yd I 8 ...., l.oq ~ -ttl·'n _! • 110 WNI Fourth ....... 741 t nent: Clark· flniahed flrcrt In tllt t !.~--..:..------------------------J I l t320 with WOO<Ia third Wi~lniE tlmf' wu 3:1>1 Bt'ach took a~ for Harbor In t hf' fil1th hurdl,.•. whllt> Jim C.rrlllo and JWacb took ·1 e«:ond and t h i r II In the I '' .,, t.ht' lhot CijDe'. f_aotbas _ever _carried _ I -lkt'dll nf'tll'd morf' HarbOr potnUt w ith a e«nnd a nd third In thf' hla.h-jump. BW 6h•nln tied Stnr. I art of Anahf!lm fnr llt'COM til nwrtiiiiiii~!!!"'",_ ___ Ir- hrn&ll jum p Thf' pole vault anol r"lay f'VI'nta wtont to Anaheim lRA·VALUE w~·(· ltkf' you to IH anti drive Anci with Ita room Anfl riito and thr flnMII Foret w.-'vr f'Y.-r bu1lt. vaew, you lf'f Forcl N tr• power -~~ ftndite~l>od'!" 1~ ~ flltra tt~rtrt the hiuetrt hy· in~iilr. ar,..ff'f 11) n6i1 IW'tiiiftt--j~ ;~(.,i'JII(l'., "'!d wullh, 111111 Jnrcrr in win•l•hif'h1, • lot ,?f finf'-<'•r m~t..mcal '1'~a· thnn 11nytluna r iiM' in the Fl)fd tures .round only tn • Ford •t pr1~ ftt>ld n&ht now. low pnce. You'll find n 11eat n~w Ford If you .,,. .. r1mocdna-. MW e~- FOil PIIFKT TIIP LOW fAllS fHto \" MONTT.RF.\' • · · S.'\.~t 1'4t\:O. t'tC.),:O.C I !'I( 'It .'>.711 ··Rt:~Sn · • · · · li.K.'\ l'ttClt.' IX · · · :,,,,., "'''"'1 Jilt. '"' .... , It· 1llitl I I• S9.&'\ 111.~11 fl.ll/1 !J.INt Claaa C Tbr CIIUIII C SallOI'II trlurnphrd ~.4 ,., to 22•.., ov«'r lh,. A nahtlm hsnlAmR ,., Pt'au lllr follow: MW,tr rnmpt>t><l homf' flr~t In I lh,. • y11rtl duh In fl ~. wllh lluhlmnt•1 t hlnl flltt tonk ...,,.,tfld •n th,. rf'ntury IUI•I r.raham "''~· •·•I 1\ w en 1n thP ~0 Wlnjt IU>d , Lcn•ll'mAn. flnlllht•rl ,llf'('f>nol. .11-n <l lhlrtl In th,. '""" hurotiP• 1:.11:' "h<l•• ~tl'('••rk<'ll An<l M,lnllt" won ••• ••not anti t h) rot m tlw llh••1 KunhrtrH. I!AIIt\lmttl•• 1\r •l l!:tm- "''Y • '""nf'ol Ill• c"n u,,. hlli(h jump "hll•· M•ll••r '" ,.,.,.,. '' win 111 '"'• "'''"'I JUmp 'l••u r ra~ 17'1tU,...• lind I(UPihnra W I!!< tlo•rol \\'tnl! \'An I<IJ"'r Anti \\ hlfo'h••"tl all 11• I fur fir11t :,t !I I• rot m "'" I"''" v .• ult. .Ua..l•uo 11.'(•11 t!_lc. Q •• r.ri~Y. ' NAG.GING BACKACHE \' \\ · · · 1'. · \ I • " I ...................... ~, ... ., .................... . ... -.r7 ................................................... ...... ...... ... MUll&. E.. 4 ........... --....; ......... eMMa. ....... .................... __ . .5: ....... ..--.............. ,... .... -=-==·-, __ ...,.. .. _ -. ·-----' .. ~ ... t ... H~-::~-.... .-g. 0&W 7: el _., 11M ................. ._._... ... ....... I M r:;.... ...... _ ........... ~ ........... lller•C .. . ~ •• , ••••e ,,. .......M ....... e... ____ .,..... ..... .. ..... ..... ... :.:::.';:;.~~ --=---·--.......................... ~ -~ ... ..., ........... .... -.. Wp ....... .,_......_...., ....... _.. ...... .. ............ _ ... ,_ --* .... -_...... ,,.. ...... b ... ~ -~._....,.b-L tin -......... -:..'=.r ._...._ .... I ~·e,n.r .... -.. ...... -..w...... ... .... -....... ..,.._...,.,..... ... _ ~., ......... ..._ ............... .,.._ DOAN'-8~1LLS- .. .__ GfT THf .· quite so far! ~ ttd(". too. A •11ft unit qurr-t new . thiayear,you'll du wrll nut to m•• ride tltut hJII aurprceed 11 lot of th1e Ford. Ancl not juat bfoc:•u-peoopl~ and m•y aurpraee you. WeiiYI!O!buthecauaethefoctadot .) f~CTS .AND Y.OU'Ll GfT A THEODORE lOIIlS Mt:RC1TRV U~OOI.N ZPIHVR • , ' : ·. ·. • t • Pap Four • NEWPORT B~A MEWS-~ Nu .... t s.ch. ~lttomJa..nmRSD1.Y. MARCH 20. 1941. ----------------------------------------- - V.ariety-or· Attr.actions · Make City- . 'Ideal For . Vacationers Spectacular Swnfl)l!r Pro:!rant Planned FQr Harbor Visitors Yacht Fleet-Prepares For Spring GET REA I)\' FOit EASTER - ~"' lli thf'rt• sud1 o Jlltu'(' Ill ,,,...;,.,.,iJ) an~t.-· .. nnrlltt•:.tl) ••blum· 1'1\'tt: it'udo•1r< 111110 '"''k Wt·n· AJ·•tl I'• "'''' '!•1 .1~ lht• N~rt the-Southlnnct for f'N:'rl'ntlonnl nhli• nn n n •nt:tl h:-r•b ut l>t•t h ma111hajhn~ for.•" '"• owuph•l• l llorl~•• l ••~tt l•l ~l.,w•·r Sbow qt punults as N('~ port lhlf"bur! 1\nll ... a nnd B:.thull h.l tntl ,, .. ,,;,ration" rut "1\r...f•f tilt' 1-''""t. ~hf' • :n"'"""' S• '""~ Audllolium Naturally: Ow anM~oo·r 1". th••rf' :">lutl\ --·~·tt""' .. r 'th•· I'll\, .,(1, r •·st ,-.. mm<IIHiv l""t.:""" .. r ',.,.nh on ·""" '' th• l'nnua l Jo,81a 'rry is no bfotl('r phtf'f' for h ill. whulo · t•to;co•llt•~l \i•llo' (tot t'~f"ltnl.! i~lllh• t" toflf'r ~:•101t·r '''t :tl t•oll 111111 101111. '(h 14 \\Ill ,,.. lt~lol :ot lhl' Pier at ..n.. I'XPn"ISf• and II n •a l ll.IJ{'IIItnn ""'' ,,,..~I I·' ·""' :011 I :t•tl,\' t>hl.l lll• n..~F-"18II•Jr8 t'\ ··r s h• ''""'" Ill tltl'' :'>t•\\ ,. .. , t I ~· .•• II ooJl ·''"Y ~ tht' NC'WpOrt ll11rhor offf'r-fh,, In· f'fi hn,. rt•flf hl-1•.•~'' tn ll:tiiMtlt ;tntl llttl t~•r '''"l llot "'1-!Jtl ,1 ''"'' 111 ,,. r .. .:um Deco·· dtlllf'll of 11 smooth. ('111m Anti un thr bland. • "\\'tlh t h ,. .tm..:t , s•·t "'"' ,, 1 at1 .. 11 r trt\' , ,.,. "'''''"" Thla Je~<r ~..__....\J--I!u· ..:UA<-t'.UA•• -~h• It• '" Al--ttntl" l<biii:('Cl a wr•rk "~='" nnrt-~n h,. hfTitl rm thr !'/~port Plt'r. Anjt, lind for thf' liM· of fliH11f lo• 1\n•I••,..,..,JI-. F'"' z.,,.,. tit•· A ju t~ &'ht·dut10 J '" , "" \' 11:. ,,, .\!.II• h J uow ,~.,. .. , .• ,; f• ""'''"'' .tate -"'1 llilll:tl k Alf·:ttl•· and "'h•·r· 1\o •ll "1"'1111''" :.!:J·J{I thl" ".S•·a~•·ll· 111,1V l.w • "" l'\'~lll_' tho I ·,.,.,,.,,ltdly Biltllclay ft~>hln~: amu:.•·nwnt '"n''' that ••ffo•r.\\h••l•--MtdrH·•I "'"" """''I . l\11\' ~::,,.,,., l'utlv "·' Jut' I '" fl the Hev•- ,__ ___ uuu..JI-IDilltl!.--ll:U:.......Lililljij~\llho._d,o ~-!!Jll••rt wnmt,!UL..lw' ~111: aw 1 , .. 1 tit' ~ -nTT'n'lTI~ fli'oll P I'!""'"' 1'1':1\'f wrt1T--th1~Nrir:-~~~:1~~~t?~ not own boel11. 1r:nall toalllnl:' r rafl old l lilt• 1 '""""'"Hill' llll'lull•• the -• ""'1 "' 1 , "' • :· '"•-'"lli.~'Ai&.~ lU Apn u .. \'ill t1 ..... Jill U I UIJ.! ,, \.\t~t k ... l ti!"J•Iav •·II n .... t0\'ftn .... tJ( "' "J'OR SE\'t :N Vt:AR.~ \'Ul 'R f"A \'ORI~t: RAIUtt:U" PAVILION RARBER rSHOP '1 In ttw ~""' h H..ctf .. ·nr•lf'd ur..oanr; M . f'Atll. fblltOII I'M\IIIun See Our NE\\' SJtMnK Stoc·k .lu!ot Arrh'f'cl •. . ~'FOR THE EASTER PARADE" • JO-t-S-DRESSES and SPORTSWEAR .., l ttf .. Uw nth aUd• .u r \'HIJ,! "" IIJI l\\tl th•· 4tt \\••1 k .. I h·· ,., ''"lltl• h 'd 1111h", ,, t-lt"hi,.!J' :--;ht•\\ t u lu ~~tl,e).·• I 'll•d•' lht UU"~~I \••!" •·f th• Jlllt•• C'ttUh ,,. u ( C 'tt01fl11 It 1 HU t•: t~l• I ••t ""' AI·"'' t:i '"' I. \\til I~ I I'" Ill· :-. "" •.• :·. ,,.,,-•• at 1t1•' tt-• t • .,f,,,,, tl .tt .1 "t I ;I Ii ~It •' t AI It •• ,, t -!!.U.J.I '" ht ~·,~ ll•ll'l h tt 111<"'11••1 t •• '"'"i: i\i·Jr ( 1 li t I'• till ht•1 tn fit•• 1 ~.,\ ltltl•f•l'ott• 1:'"·lt• !'tl•t•l . d '" l it•. •·:·•Ml rlu I H.,_ I IHt "'~' r \ •• • I r:,, t "' llu~ :-:1.,., ud ~·,,, \ '' • '' 1U l,t• lht' tltr·i.~1n_...: .. r 1 h··-~1~ ~ I• ~• .,,. th• ' ' 1 rl\ ... ,. h ''\• '' p tr f Harbor·~ ~··· '''"""'' \••t,l a,; f••t kw }'ACbUnJ: 1 , f·u 1 1 • ~· t.. t • I • .r t hr Bao" . t.,,,(,, t •lit ''. 1 u Aut.:uat S b\ II, II \I ,1, I '• ·o.·lt \\'ntt'r 8wlm ,,, '"' J'·. • '" '"~""' lotb th~ '·•'l l• ,, fl •1·••r ,\nntutl A.D1 1 I• .u !--·., "• ,., -t 1 '' • •·k later t _h.· t '"nj·., 1 '\' ··< t "• • t =-'" un &roun~t 1: tllo.,lo 1-IIM\'1 ,\iq .. tl"\ 2lst ·t. Jn• '"II '"'''"'" I ••\ l'llf' City of ~; \1 f••• I I!. "h lo·mg lncorpor 01\• ol I•\ 1 .'t • I llh· I"';'P._, Au -1: .... ~ :1 '''"'; ,.,&:,,! :11 and ae,. ••l fu u1 b Jn • hare•· "' rlh· '" t•·n••···• 1 l .. d· 11 l ttl\' Ae,.._ u! •·SU!U UO It l tatlttt\tl ft l111tS \\'lth B&Jboa :"1-I o,,., V' • \ I • •' :-;, ptem~r 21at. I :-ip •tllun•lo ,,.,.,, . .,,,,." •·•·nto·t \\li lt :o.::u \ tof l h• nuMI..Important l ~~~ ,.,,..ll,·nt l"o\\llllt.: .til··~-"'It ""'', If:"·· II"' \'ol hten detiDttelv o • t ~ pill a,! III.Jill: ;JIHI Ill HI) ~ollto I I'll" • j Just Around th" Com"l" L.._,m ,..,_,..,10 L't'Otll :o•Jo·on:1· .. , '" • "'"'' <lntea ot all • "' ~ a-n, \1\._, r fo•rt.lfntnb_ l•·;oJUI\'!'. '"''•lin:: ,.,.,,ts lllllllt be JJ)prov- : UlUa \'uur \\ardrobo· "Uoukllllt 'uk .. • :Sp"" IIARBOK St:~,·if't~ I.At'SUK\' aad CLt.:AN~RS I II .. aim l'41rH'I "\1.80.\ SPEND EASTER and SPRING at _ BEAUTIFUL · r\E\VPOI{T HARBOR • WHITE'S COFFEE SHOPS • Balboa Ralboa Island t:~.JO\' \'OI'R i-:A.STt.:U .\T St:WI"'ICT BFACJI 110 Mcl--aclck•n l'lac't' Ncwpoi·t 8<-ach CLIFF'S TACKLE TACKLE -UMBRELLAS FOR S.-\1.1: and REXT Rod Repairing H .. ~. 0\'IATI', ~~-PboDe 1297 L-------------------------------~--~-~-----J'- , On 22nd St~f . Nc•wport Bearh With '11~' (•onun~: nf tlw '''"'' ••I hv th•· Stolllhl'rn C&Jttonua l ;;=::---!:======~===-=:.....--===:==========::!~~~:;:~~~~ 'c'"l•·n <ti 1&:1 l'~ ~~N'tllnml' .. HOW'Wfr I ~adtiMPVn ai'CI •h•k'n" "UI &II• .. u. Ql la..1r ••rail all•• &IM> -"••• .. ,.....--===========:::;;._,;;::;::.;;=====;;;..-=..,;..==~----~· mnc'll\'11)' chll'lll~ tho• ""''''" th>' drttl'!l tnr 111,. bl( ·Newport 1 monthfo In ,,,...,_ratlun fnr tlw "t•rlnl{ ,....,,,.n, ,Jant> IIIII of Balboa. ~~ALBOA 'S FA VORIT~ OOCKTAIL WUNGE • IIIII, CISIIO II Jr~ .... BALBOA ltlc•nlhs. \\hill' thn~· who"'"'' 1'-llnrloo~t It ,.,. \\'!'1•k . one ot the 1attln>4 In " "''" llawallal1t·typt' '~lrn ..... ull, f'nuldn'l ... au an,· lonaPr 111/tlntod OIIO'Il lito• flll'l "'11"•11 \\ttl IJt).!Ct'"l ,\ ,1/ hll,ll); 11ffalr11 lD the to 1{11, ..ulllns.t. , ... 111111lh!K Ill lh,. boW, 'hf• t•a.:.-rly .hllPf"' for M X~l lw• alrf'!Hiy "'oth ••·rnpt m~: ""'""' ·r .. r :.umnw r \'b llur' ,,11' RilL •·nlir<' • """'"' un.t thio date for ••llln~t hr.•t·7o•. 11wulrf' will """'"~ "'' OIM'IIIItnl.! ,,, llall•lllt Yu• ht ('ltlh nay R.ecittx '- IIIIS..'lll<'lll thr l.uln 11wuiJ•' clutllll: wtll 1"' '1''' t•h·d \'o•ry soon and any N t H b p th•• ~ummf'r mnnlh~. ltlt'n•tt~ 11l o·IJung<'!' 111 tht' IO<'al IICht'dule ..,._ ewpor ar or repares to ff'rina; a \'llri,.ly .. r 'i'rt'f•n allr ... •· f'~IIJtry '" fllt'\f'lll f'llnn tet ot datell J . c·· I ful s . p d linn.~ this sumowr "' \\I'll II• lh•· VIlli 'he ~rumptl)' ~·dt'. I Oln 0 or . prtng ara e 1'1l0\'t'nll•lll't' llf 11 I lwal rt' at hot It lll'atlln,~: I ht> f:H•nl.a CoauDJt. c•nd" of thr city. ~ I•'•' "' t hr ="""port Harbor ~-:"\ul unl) \1 Ill tho• lol_k, lh• :oil ·n ,,·n 1 h""' f:tmtlr:tr "tth John Nnw ~~~· 1111' ""'"' rlllntllj:•' "·" )r'r nr ('umrn..rc·e wblch ~. ln ,dOIIl'll UJI r .. r lhl· t-:J~Il'l' varat.t.-.: \' .. ~,;•·1 ........ funlltwc_ and t:tcJJ" l lltrgf'l)' tw-l'n riPnn•'lt up. m;orrhant• fR~Inlf out all or theee ~-~ 1 but .thP _ ~rwport llnr~r rom·' ·hop "•!I hm·o· fo) louk 1~ tt••·. bo•· can truthfully )"IOint out tho•rt• j, I~< ~-.,ll'ton ,Jay nf llalboa. CM1Mra 1 mumty. "'''"· "':•II ~nm m tho• 1.""' .•·au"· \~~~··I h:b morlt•r','•«-d thl' 1 I nn bt>tter phu:e for n vacation thnn f!IJ 'tht' Commlllf'e are Rcillert of march. ,.,,.uti tnt; tis hll••,t butld· l•~•nl o~ tl't~ IJUtldm~ a nd 1s a rmng· NPwport Harbor. 1 Oardn•r. l"realdent of the .J..tor ln~t. N'mn<'I!-INI ston•s anrl mnny m~: h1~ c· .. mrlt.'({' strK'k in an at·' ~ASTERTil\IE OR .SPRING111\1E · There's Always Some~hing Doing At The Arches! JOIN YOUR FRIEND S FOR AN EVENING OF li'l!N THE ARCHE·s I new improvf'm<'nts. " tract l\'o• rli~pl~·. • r -~rw··~'!i='"=·~-J·~-i-;_;_;,-~-~-;-=·---.-~-~-=-=-=---_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--.--:---------~-=---_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-.:-:.~1 C 0 ME 0 ~-G A I G I ha~;":~~~:J'~~aa;~~~~c~~·~~~ ;:,:~~ ~''p!~:~:~l-~~~~~~~:~~rr~j · mumt~· In p11~1 \'l'lln< will Jxo a 1111-: 'flriiiJ.: \'t~llors I~(' fll"lll lim<' Hlchway For Good w R.itz.n 1rntn' thl'\' will nnt hc· :1bl·· lho·~· w11lk dnwn Mam Stn'('t to· to I"N'O~ni7f' TI1o; n .. w rmd mufi, 1 n warrl lhf' R\t~ , "Just A Little Bettt>r" VOCKTAIL LOUNGE ud CAFE at . ,. IJe Sure to VWt RAW$0N'S CAFE ltlS o-t BJpway EXPERT PRESSING & MENDING M E S I C L E I -I E IS ---Launcky Service -Prmnpt ~vt'l'y , \ IU4 Newport Bh'd. -OOSTA MESA . lAC& 8CIIILLINO PboL. Nf'wport 130 11-W I Y GI.IAGE Phow Nf'wport 637 ,. BA'ITE&IES -IGN1110N .,.. R•:I'I.Af't;."ENT 1':\ICTS Southern Cali'fornia Auto Club U ·IJnur t:nwrrrPnf'y ~·n I<'«' 1 ;oao_ N.-"·port Rh·d. IL W. WALLACE COSTA ~t:SA FOR --- ~ .. :IEJL~ CHINESE DIIIERS ·Prepared . By Expert Chinese Cooks . .. Go T o -The "-T ''DICK E N.S ~' .BALBOA -lNN CAFE . ' Opening Friday, ~pril 4th Dancing Entertainment • . Located .. llAI.B()A INN Hartt 8~. . ~ ... -. .... -·,._ ·~· .... ,.. . . ·-. ~ - At Balboa • • ~ WE'RE OPEII AGAIII . AID, READY . FOR FUI. • So, Drive Right On Up ... and see that it ta~~ more than -a I i t t 1-e r a i n t o dampen our Spirits! front. wilh tl< h.tJttl,.,m•• m:otqth••· AI Antlt•t•lln h.tlo t••J,;rinlt'(l ;mrl Jlpllcillll' lnhh~ ·""' ntho•r IIIIJIIIo\'•. '1•1 fi('NI llfl Ill• n a lhoa Fun 7.on(' rTW'nh Wtll c•nh:cn•·•· tho• :opp•·ar;~nr" .on•l '' n•"' makins:: •1'\'rr:tl arl· of Ccnl rat A\ •·nil .. · oltttun• lot Jlw c•nJ;ort:unnwnl fo•a· La~t 'llmnwr', ''"''""'''''" .. r '""'' '" I•· nff•·n-<l. IV•r.•nlh· rom·. Let>'s Hilrho•r !'hPJI '"II at<,, ha1·•· pl•·t•·ol "·'c ltv' n•mtxlrlin~t of to do u•hit .. r ··~··· •rralrhint:: To ll:trr~ ·-. <'nfr nt Wn!'fiin~on nnct r ealizt" wlwrr lh••) ltl't' l.f'l' will Ha~·. dta"J.:in,.; thr npp.·:trllne<' or tx> ju•l llw lortnw, !1111 hi~ ~hop 1 hat rnrn,.r f'tlno,;,icll''r:lbly. will ho• t•nt irt'lv n"''· tt p;u·t nf '"" ~uq•n,in~ infltnrl folk• who hnVC' r~filll:' flr;.j.vot H( ih,. P.lt7 nnt \'ISI!t:d fhl~ city ~ill<'l' J:tq bulldlnl: ' •umrnrr will tW' lhf' n('\4' RN'd A fm· mnr;o :lflr:wlivr ~fain llulhlin~: nt Palm a nti C'cntral Sll't'f't will 11l~o ~;rrf'f th,. vt~ttnr~ "'"'"" hou"·~ lh<' hu~inP~!I oUtrf' thill ~n~n Thr llf'\\' fmnl of 'lhf' nf tbf• Snuthrm C"(llifomi:~ TC'I••· Ajax Arrnd•• will [I(' nriltro•ahll' in l'h"nf' r omp:my. thllt lti~t rlrt :'lt.m~· lrwrrhllnl!' nrP painting ----th••tr ~lnrl"'. N'f!rrnnging tht'ir1 Cbamtlf'r n f C'nm merrr•. K (' o t 1-Jttchcoc-k . w tt. Httrhman. 84'r· n.JI.,ri1 :.1":-laiLII, Flnh\1\d \'alh•h·. COnra d· Shonk.' \'nux \\'hit('. a~d Sid F o•ttr •l(l('k :11111 prf'p.1 rin~: for th(' ~prin~t trad ... _ Man)' bu~<illfiS folk!' a re im·.: provln~: thl' 11p~nraoct> of thf'ir j huildin..:• w ith "''"' ownin~:s. n!' i~ :'li n<. r.rf'l'l•·v 111 Balt10a. Httlhna l~lttnd will ha\'1' n nrw 1 ChairmAn \\'t.'oiOil .l•ly piAn!! >I ,,.,.,, huifchn1: nn !\filr inr 1\vl'nUI' Easter Spring Vacation and Suqtmer 1. Are Always Fun At Beautiful Newport Harbor So Come and Play - On Newport Bay! CRO·FT & NEVILLE Bll'LKJIJ;AD8 -DREDGING -IIOORIN08 FLOATS -· PIF~ -TOWING '24H Coa.-.t Hl~h"·a~· '1'1toae 268 Newport Beach Glenn Croft • W. J. Neville meetln~t of ~110 •·~>mplt>tf' grnup tn nnrl ("ott l;o'~ Grnrrry will b., nl'ar-1 ' pertfct dt>ff.UI!' ~or .• 111 .... nts "" n\J.: rtilllfll<'t,nn :It :';f'\\')l0r1 ~~~ thr ::....--;;;;;::;;::::=::=:-:--::=f=:::===~=--:----:--:--:-'"":=---' -::;:::::;=:=::=::::::::::::Jt~'n .,. the •. ~ ' A_ ~·ow . .ou~ ai'J"fws.. f.: ---··------UM ~·~ ~M(~~ft ~,. ........ .---.--.-_-.--.-......... ~------~----~~~ ........... ·;-.......... ... • MO-NA'S ('oa...t IIIKhWa~· nt I ith Strt•\ (h'4'rlnokin~t Xt>WINlrt na~ Phone: New&>«;rt Beal'h 9:1a and a gN't'l' Ill \lato•ll (,.,-:"l'Wf'"rl I Harbor Ita•·•' \\',•••k nrid Bav I·•·· pt~ . tanley Kenton --~ Band to Open At ..Rendezvous Aml'nC tho' man~ :lltnullo•rl• Ill'· ing Offl'l't'fl ~Pill hf.tlltl Yl•lf• ''' :JI N<''~'110rl I larhnr tlunm; th•· ~pt tnl: WE't'k~ j, rlnnl'tnj:! :tl lh• f tll'l'll' • ----------------------------Rtonci<'7\'0tl< ·~·11rne~m r ..... , 1\ hwh .. STILL GETIING FOR ·EASTER AND --~ READY SPRING!· The l\lerry-(;o~Houtld "Is Jus( Likt."' X(\w! I And All of the Zone will be "Spic and SJ)an'• + BAL-.oA·.-. . ~ '· FUI ZONE· ··- man\' ~1111'11 nr tho• 11111•11 .tl \\lltltl hnv.: rN'r lvo'l'l I ho•tl"'' t. 1 1 1l\(' R••n(lo'7\'t'11l' I\' I I. ho• • 'I ••n (•II S&tunlny ni..:ht "' 1111• "• t•k· nol And "''"'· :O.h rdt ·:.'~'nd :1nd :•orh ar<'ordi~ '" h:tllrn••lll nffit'hl• Thl' hnltr·•••n• "Ill "'"''"''' th· mu~ir ro( ~~ tnl··~ IO:••nt::r: ""! hr• orchr~trn \\'hwh {o'.11111'•·~ t'·ll··~-rl ·l BUTlcll II~ \'llf', ""' dJtQI'IIt<.:' l'l711t • 11t 9 p m " f 'Kt•nrnn', ~>rdw•ll.• t· • • 1"•11• I to n ayr cainNI 'Hl • ,,.,-1', nr T qilt· ta•lon f,u· 1t .. •I·,,,., " ...... , . ' . . I -. Thi K c>. Hnnm~ .. 1' I •;"'. ,\~- plell lll\\'o• m•W•'•I lntn t'hr r l'lllll· 1mer 'hnml' nt 31!1 ~th\'' ~l'l'f'l Balbo& ll'lltWct '''' .!11,11\' unttl fnll Tbefr sraugtltt'r, 1\fl!l~ C1~mll Rallm, I ~who f9t'inerl~· • '&ltrn•lcd ~ c h ,, "'·' · bire. wlJI IIPt'ncl '''«'f'hTltlll on thr 1 ~ I . . ft. Crtl lll ~ n~tl h lt~w -.~cm ~ \'"'1' ........ --fl """"" '"' .. ,., .I ,. .. . ..._ ... ·~-. t MEET YOUI F-IIEIDS -.. . -at B A L B 0 A' S M 0 S ,~.. P 0 P U LA I S P 0 T • THE lEW .. AJ-A --X-·- ·, ·PennY Arcade , ~--~--~------------------------------~----------------------• . "THE FINEST ·IN THE COUNTRY'! . . .· ., . , NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-'J'DIES.-Ncwpart a-da. ~· TI-ftTR.'mAY. MAHCll :.)0. 1H4 1 ,.... ..... BALBOA ISLAND EVENTS . . :, . GUF.F \ Island Bridae Cfub Gueats ln Dilta Home )!o•rnbt'rs 111 tho• bol II ol HrtJI(.- CiuL ".,ro· "-'" ·''" "' l\1 r' K \' D Ull! uth· •I·•~ Ioiii \\ ,.,.k Ill lwr BaJio<>ll J:olnthl huuro· St l'.ol ru k'o~ I •a~ do·o ooratt~ons w .. r.· in g · •·en !llllHill oo ks ll\ the luncheon tahlr (;uo·IH>~ WtlllllllJ: brtt.ll;l' p rtZo'>o Vo o I<' .\h :jd.l!rto•• \\)1- Uam Luni!J:Jhl lll1•1 Jo-. t·!l I'Brks. Mnl. J uhu Allen and Mr'•· Jvi~ph stamr w.·re th<· ~uu~.~ututc·•· Other!! pr.,St!lll tndud,•.t M c II • dame::~ l'unmd Sh!)(Jk. A. ~. Ht• h- ardsuo. Jnllt'ph, I 'urkl!. C.: I a 'r k 'lllohtas .unt.l )<. V . llilts Mr11. LMngJ&hr will · b011lcss the group Man :b :!7 in her lalanol hum c. Noted Pasadena Resident Buys Rhodes Sloop The Week With The Islanders .\ hto~7 "( IH'II\1\~' lOll lltt' i:lll!rtd I hi~ \\, o•ko•n ,t llf!OIIJ.;hl I ho• f 1 "' Ill- Balboa Island Resident T& n._._ Friday Club ~peaker fill~ II( \'ll<ttutll a .!AI ~1111\llh'r ro••l-1\r t: " ~h·rtlllh'r ,,, ll,lllw• I ol• 111:-. 1~1111 o·3m• """" Itt rn·pllrt' l•ltand ,a:r·tl\ll al•• ••£ .~hfo•rol l 'nl I ,., n ut,\' .l,q)l l•o thr p1r•t l'J"'"k••· Ill ol I<'J•Illl' l ltl'lr '"''" I o utt.o~:o·s 1 th•• 1-/'t 111 ,,. ,\lt. m•~·•n t'llol• "' l•·r a f=llla s.-a;;un I ,~~ "II• k ,. 'nt•'• tt··~ ·,n tho• \\'•,_ A~tdf' flonn h••nw 1'1\\'llo'rA.I ;nun~ out"''" '• h tllllllll!lo' Ill 'J. I' m. l-\11! by E\'t :L\"N Ptll<oltlrlln Jll~'o o·o' a no I ' •l r): ,. I "l 'utlwdra llo t1 (. u s"f'"'"' rn,•mb<·t~ wrr.· ""'"'1''"1: 1"1'"' w 111 •· --eoNST"UCTI .E "" th ,; l~lnmf f<Jr pln•'o'l! tol 11\ay 1-:u,..t>t•••". fmm n lhlnkln~: J(o•ntll'mlln l•:nl'lrr Wt'~k. /l'ho· "lol wnrloi'!C fil l Ill o''llht•ol· wri• mnoh-'" "f:ulf" nbout thla Entertalna /liM, ~ h.o h h u:o lnko•ll a mlnror rnlo· <'l'llnmn Ifill ah tual wo r t11 •·ere I Mr·11. HRYITI\In<.l Kt•nt H urv.:'y or /MUJo·o· J.:uroop~;an outhu r"b .will L'<' •. 1 tl1o)I~UJ:hly r nJu:v r f' a llln If :110 ·<·ryt<~t•l. t:U•LI~a 11111\n•t 111 <'n/ ole>~ riiH·ol 11.,1' tho• ~~~llkl'r IRW "Cuff". '""' nPvr r m iRR It, hut to•rtnlmng l <1<lnv at n lum·hrdn '(6r l hnn ~~<·n·ral yo•ur!f 11J.:0 !'lo)lllf'tlmt'~ It lA m ·••r my hf'lld. ami n lt'mlicrs o! an-mformal dub ~q(ru. I Oi~ull Boolo.a · Jl"nl'r~lly 8JII'IIkln~ Is 11. llttll' too pt>!<l'tl of f\l..nnt'r lll"hOOI f.rt<'nui. . 1\lt•rnlle'rll "' t hr hc'K'Ik 11nol llluoh · to'rllr" 1 likl'll hl'" l"•mlmo•nt snd. l;atlwrln~-: arnun<l the lutlrht'on JON'It"n .,( tho• F'rlolll\' l'hth m~l wnul.l w r lt·n ml' fu rthl't I'Ommf'nt tahl .. will lw ~11·li. Jao·k ~~u~ul'l!<hn wtth Mn• Clt•nn ('llf'o';..'OIIUI :\1nn· frnm 'lhJ' r~'lttlf'rR Any tuk r ra! 11ncl l\lrs t'n~t~rtrk. llirJ of . !"An olny aft••rno~om nt 2 p m tH oh11-ANOTHER REX RUMOR • • • !'.lnrlnoo l\h~l! l uri I all} nntl !lolrll <ll:<l! •·urrtnl ·topt,11 11nol rtorl'nt 1'ht' t8 t,.11t W<' hr ar ill. thnl the l'hut II•, Hilt k•·r of ~~~~ ADJ.:f'lt'!l, btl(>kll !If m>lr . .,IIJ:hlll(hl o>f tht' Htox I<''• I l h<.' Tanl{ll llrt' both to be !'.11:<!1 \'trj:lllnl llall :'.V~•·uth l'!l9 •-n!tt-muno w .. r.-two o'lli'\H•~t>tl' Ito-lllkton .. n ~n Jtif'J:n I•• form bi\C!t;- ot ... nn 1\0ol l\1 r:o Hi'J'!U't.l l\lo»glt• uf '"~'"'" hy llr~. (:unt•tng Uutlt•r. o>lnr hou:oin~ f<•r f'f'frnlM' v.•orkefa ' h ----, I I l( tit C!olnfl . ··s~t.t , .. II I nth•" lw no~r>th\' t k'n· "'lth tho' tWo' thotumnrl trllllf'rll Sale o l ,. ~..,_~un• ttt.t < ... ... • 1 • ,. • · .,. · -------------------------1 --- t·uors ST.~AKS ( 'III('KEN ltOASTS SIIELL FISH JIIRLIR1 1/tnv~~ a7hlt ~ oil~ er;J. 11th &· UranK"" Mtr...-ta ( '4 )ST t\ M t:.~A -t•hnDf' '71 1-'.l!ll tli••' t 'a h •n .. t '1'11 • No I Jqthll' St•rvt'tl i>irt.u~i-.t · sOt-to ~r)(· flUI'k.'<l ., -•tass 11 '\ \\ 11,,1\. Tht~ 1.\o•o•ko·n.t ¥r anol :\Irs I ·'' Ut'tl lliHI "IWilth•m Han ·eat" b y 1 th<' C:IO\•••mm<'nf Ia aald to h&-VI!i Hh<>W. t: ~~I ~Cain lull IJO• jJ<.• hollso'l:llf'~l~ '''.James lhllon _ -t ~t-""f'nr-hmnrtnl'·~n_,...J:n w11, !tnnourH'o'tl tu<l:o~ h) tni'""lllii'Vi', · M rto E ru,.ry Hanolt•l 1: a \' t> 8 will !<I'"''" In rr•mlnol UIO nf thf' II'• •h thr.•u ,,,,.,,..,,. ,11111 "" 1.•·• lluuow.• 1.,,.,,,11 tho· tllh• Bob Bo):ll, y:ll'hl hrrlkt•r. JolnJ Army "ho•rt talk nn mo>rl••ru l'f\ttllmll "": 1 "'"'"' lnwn nf '4!l I• •Ant) ll~rth ·, l'rh olo• ... ,., 11•1,.,, .. ,,.1, ,1 "' lh•· h.ol'l'' llo;r•h 1 ,.111 Buill ,;,ul that l\lt•' \'tnt'•'lll Full•·\\ 1111! It ~'"'" ul oJtnnt•rll Ill o,.llll! "" twr rt•f••o,.nf'o·,l!l:'hllrd ~Iaiit-• liJ WI' "hlo·h ·.,1,..11,. tudll) "" tho• l.loloo ,...,....n . .nrfili'n,. 11f t•:o,,Hio•tHl "·"'put·· o luoll'l~ a ~ala fan·wl'll ohnno•r :o lour111n'" l rll\'o•lo~.,-.u• "~•w \\oorlol!l SEEN OVER THE WEEK- l 'o~.-ol•olol , 1 lo :ol r ho• 1 ·,.,,., M"'"' In •~•U\•'11 th•• l•utlolutt: f••l lht! 4et.ttultnlt ~t lh a.tl 111,1> UtCIIIItt• II t•tt•lto 'ttl ttllllttt•'t li,.•~~~o lltfllth•(ur 1 111110,,.101110 ,1,111 1 .ol•·l•·rtu j'' "' 11 !Ill' '""' II 1\oootlol l11• 1•••~tlol•• to u • .tu •• udttPdtltlt til •• ,tift}' h•ut hu\ t• •• lt'uth h •l , ... ,, '··tu . I"'". •ill '" ,u.,ullll\h"'l,al• lh•• tU•• ...... u l t~ .. ,,..,...1.. cha~tld "~o•bon·,' Blund," frum \\'o•o•k •'1-i"· Ko·nnt't:l li.Ju;h. l<"n "t to ('nnt]uo·r ' T hr" \\"ol< fooliiiV.t'<J hy END .. ~INI 11 p :-haw n n•l h,.r Frt'tl••rtr (' lttplo•y J r oil t,.,, An-rho· .luhu ll l l'l'l i~h" o•f :!:.!:.! l'.,IIHuo an lllu~trt\lo•o l talk "'' !\1'" l ,lf't'!!• • twn '''"'" ll•·n n · 11 n ol f:l'nr~:,~ ~lo·'· Thl· pr to·,. paul for lito or .d I '' .o~ , a llo•d y.·st.·rd:o~ tnur n IIJ.: (oor IIUIIl o uno o•l n II~ ro•ma~tll' ""' ~'''' I'VO'nl t ho> .... .,,.k ,..n•l "" l.ltlt• Jale. Wll• ntll tit••''"''"" ~··I··· I " I ... r\'10'(' '" !\Irs J a II ,. I S\\ inrW,\' ,, f r••r I hr f ,.,., tlnw. "''Ill•' fo•rtu- ''="\ul1lh Jl, n," th•· ttllt•·l' nh·~h·,. ''illl<m(o11ol• I 1111;1 ~I n• \\'tilt om \'••flt ,. I nlllflto•lll o·~~ \'II I l l' y• nato• ~·;I'"' w ill lw• a hl" In rent • n><'o•ntll· !'<lid. \\':1~ purrhn~f'rt hy f.~ ~hosun \\I'll' j.:'lll'~l.!< 11:1 tlir-I!! Fo•tJ.!<' Ill \\'a >hlnJ:Ioon" P• floo•l "" thl• \'l'r\' 1\tlr"•·ti\'r hnnor folr All· Gahrwil,• ,\1 <{;t.onrnttl. • ol Ho·l t•r [,\ land Sur·<l;ty Tlory rnak•• lhl'it •lf"C'n ho•ol Ill tt 11••\\ I\' t•ttl•~l~h··•l cu~t :anol ~o·pl<•mtwr~ Th}' "'hi! It' lhlL•. attt:rafr t:un~Jun~ .. ~n'UII\t', ltum•• In Ran l't"<}ro noon -fl.""" o·olrll,.n. !'t\.r II C .I fumlll' pt111,,. tn nwt .. r ·r.mot';-1<'1\\'• from Drrk" l'n\\'o•11, ftlm <;far Purchas~s Boat l!ol>tloatr~lo • "lllf'lrto•ol r •· I' t o•"' ;o oil); 1 :o•"rJ.:r whn will J:l'l tn I..Jrw - .\lilloon 0 ·a~ho·v of llul.l\·,,., ... j ro•-\\Ill~~~~~ Itt~!"'"''! w•:rkll "~···~11.'.' .. ,.11,,.,.111•• T'rt•p ~··h•"'l lhl~ fl\11. 4\lll<••~-tlw 1."."" .,,,, ,,, . Six Ha·r.bor Men Le~vin9 For Army "''"d' ut l h._l~ .... ,.,t.t•'tat•l\ Hll'll'"' 1,. •••••••••••••• ~ t •I \\ tl fl t ltt• It JM II I 11f tftt• ,,•JttM•I ,,,,,,,,,., •U •Itil•' 1 llllll l'·~ ( ~ l ~ ( ,\, lh•· '""'til ool lllto•r..:.-.l "' I•HI 1·hl .. \\ fu • tl l••thl•··•l lh•• "'' hu••l ''""'"" ,,,,1 nh' IIIII' lloo• "11:1:•'' 1tOf\ 111 U t:;,\ll1 , .. \,. tottft•lt•t tU \o\11"' t '~ to.:h•'"'• II '' H I ' ,,,,. & I tt\ .... Buy (;,...atl'r ~ .. "'tl4•rl ·u.rhor -La-te ~lass.' Ads F'OR RENT -F'urnlohed Ap~r1 · m t"nt fo,. couplf'. tt!J. 1 mof\th. Plio"• !>9. -F'OR 5ALE~ocker Spoontel pup. -lllta.._ .Cil.tiP~ ~ Jac.iolu. $1-eo.u ....... _ ltp. SPECIAL OFFER Are You TIRED PEP-LESS ~--OftN OU.T?· Thea You .Should Tr~·- E I a·-ALL : The All-Herb Compound that L" !llpr<"lally prt>parf'd for us! • HERE IS OllR FREE OPFER (For a UmltH n""' Only) Bring the Coupon below. to the '. Coast Highway Phar- macy and you will rereivc a FuJI Week.'s Trial Supply or ERB -ALL Absolutely Free! DON'T DELAY ACT TOpAY! 1'1161 e , • ~~·••••• " M'n~~&tlonal In Ita t"f'ffUitA! · .J. H. GORDO~'S €oa"St -Highway Pharmacy 700 Coa"t lllt.th'u~· .Ju,l ~ulh of Thf' ,\rrhM Open F:wning~ 'l illll P.l\t. Bring ihis rnupnn fnr your w('(>k's supply of F:RB-ALL -FREE! . - <'<'IIIII' purohR!I;·<I t i-.., 4:! font 'l'llo•l.t. a no t Tho·.'·'"'dOiol l.11)"' .. II•• Is fourtr-cn. n .. arlv r.rt. and l who'cfi'IWtrl o•ollrulroi ll'l•' ,1 o. ,., llt•o•r ''<\lo•lltu II" ·:onol has nl_!~•r-A •har us;otoon (o( "Out "' tltf' ,..l,.:ht \\'I'IJ.;h• 11\:'1 ~nmr k lol' l'l'rh iiJl!l the I' • ol••i••l \l'•·oln. ,1,,, r , 1 11 'o•ol It nl ttulta r'oiRun's Yal'lrt An-hy J a n \'ult .n ''"'''lt!olt••l lho• l<\~Jy h o• w ill anon 'lll"lllfv fnr tltl' t hrre l ductiCin ••ll~o. ·;\11 1 I ·• ·,,, ,j oho>ragc· l\11' llnolllr)l.'!'u.slwy ~tnol hootlr. ..,....... IW''"' ~h :'1.•"1"'" II ""'"'"· "'""· Huh, plan tlo ,:ppno.J lht•tr llllw1:o ''"'' \\'Pr r• prr•,.nlt••! J>lnt Frnnk HAr<llm~n 14'1lV4'11 fnr •11w) 111of11.t.ol J,,.1111.t lloo.l,t.oro W•'.,k••nd~ lwrr Rhuctr•' thf'ir trim :'\.~Hf" f r n m ml'm hl'tl'l rf'\'ti'Wtn~: lh~ Ji:llllt :thollt thr flr~~t or lhf' liOn tiC I \loll•"' ll··l~k'"'"" ,, , rrnft C:t..~h"Y 1~ ltustnl.'i'l'l manRI:<'r h n n k. w rr.• ~1o•NinmP~ ·t:r•!rP' mnnth ~hr will plrk up II nf'w j wl'll klllo\\ 11 1,,..11,,, 1, .. t •II• I', · ,.,,. llo'\'o•ral lntlt llm Jlll'ture l!l.lr" lllnnlJ:t•nwry. f:.•urj::o• Hngrrll :onol rrtr nnrl !'tf""llil R o'nttpll' or monlha o ffiC\• ~l.ofl ·'"' ''"~ I"'" I r l\1tl! 1-'tank L !'mitlt nf 1-0:1 tho• ~luo~rto ~llrllh 1.:,\'ola anti F.•hth ~Mt'Hlfe' ~h.-N-y_ ~~&111'1 .._~ ~~ ... ~~"'" &h. U1.1.l -N'nrH! ~\' Fmn1 s rcsumlllj.: no·r;-run.\nt !lot no c J Holt a blluJ:h Will ro•tumln~: by way of ~"E Or -! !.!1hu .ll~LllLL• .. ,, . \ ' etudlt•l! m' VOl!'(' 'iUia 1!1 DU\1' l a ki!:!JL.n.•stt_!'!' llif' l!«tWtrm b~A' ii'An!i . Mr=Jiiftif"'Mt1t. ml m:::i HM'nnrd I ~·lo· .. ._.-~.... "' '· .. I. le:-lJons frornG<~Jr"i:ta Jlenr~~ ur :!:l:Jl J-:lt.lun A\'~ou..·. Apnl :!1 111 mnmt. nf P &AA•Irnll a nd J:UUIII. M~ •It" ",, •·tt•tol"', o1 ,, '·" 1....8,;:unn B<.'ach lllrs Smtlh •s a 2 V· ~ • also d:~ughter B<'tty with h t'r pal j 1.ort Rf';wh I I• ""' ,, n~·••olu • "I w••ll kn••"'ll 110ptann solt•t..t m th1_. ' Oecoratlona M~de Pruf' Hlllolw ln. wr rc In thl' harbor •tw Co-r 1 \I, •. , \"'''"I'. f r• .ummunlly. I Tlw Arts ami C"r:\ftll 10" loon rtl~ll'if'l thl~ Wl"f'kl'ntl \\'•• rl"mrm-Orpartm•·nt ,\rr .. lh• t ••· II '''"" '' U tlll w< r k thr Smtl hs entt'r-' nw~ Tuo•~~<lay "'llh zr. mt-mhf'rll hf'r w ith pl,.a1111rr ~,.lng Pru,. r l\·1 C'011ta ~,,.,,,11 "' llo· 1'r "'•I' " ,, to'llnf'11 J:UC'RI.JO • frnm LnJOO Anf!I'I•JOO wn•klnJ: on f\<'l lntln,;: llnol vnrniMh~ \olr1 inJ: in thr wl\lrr In~tl IOUmml'r J.y~ F.\'••to 11 \' "' rl• \\ oil. • \1 .. , Vlsita H~re rr~ guurol10 In thP l'trnroom \\'hrn whPn thl' Rnl•lwln fllmllv rrnlf'<l " o f tht• Mo·•·• " ~~..,, I 1 ' <.'<':u!llr H"mt·ro, motrun Jll<'lllre lht• hn~rntly Jl:l nto•d f>hJP<'ta nr r hou~ here .• Short\' Blut' 1.11 HIIC\If'f11 f!fa.r. lind. his !>land. in C"ha'ICA flnb h•·ol Uwy will hf' hung llkP "~·oln w• arlnl! "lh" 11mllr U1at R4'J~· Ill till' II oil•"' I I •'·'' Ill &Vt't• Dr l;ll\' WPn• on tiM: Island o lo.orol ,.trlnj;l'l f(rr IIM'orattona In wnn 't .-nmr nf!' .!llnrr h!' hill' ,..._ llw l'"n'"'''' Ill ,. ' I' '"' Ol r nn~ •lav htl'l ~''<'t'k vtstllnll: frt<·nrlll t ho• hrt~ht l'Unro1oom "' lh<.' wu. lum,.1t t11 th" w m k t hat hr 10\'«'1 Dougl.la tlna~o;lr ·'"" I·,,, ott!. I ""I Anii{!rr;i"-fam .. us _ i't·~cmagt• flf rr.• n's club. • Nc.-.-pon Wft ~; .. o1 c· "' '" 1 • "' thr l'nlerlatnment world w ho w ill IJ.,,_trllll\'11 fnr I hi> hllli'I'N'"n h•lllt' NOAH'S ARK 1 . . T'••rhllpll thl' man "81l h('rli! 18 U JUI!I Altt'r. ("om 1\t'l'l' Mrl! (' II lttoll('y llntl ~lrl! HWT1,.tR of Rav Shnr~ r .. mr '~an Orht ..... ""Ill 111 Ill•' ,-1 l\o" 1 puser . .l P C"OOJ'N -.. f _ 1 tnk,. a lf'IIIOOn from N011h 1 atnh• 1 1 u.-. 1 l'Ofn l' of thl' many bo8t8 a 11 an-c• . Le d A w t o···· I c horagl' In pl&cl' of lhtt Cllblnll IVIC a ers pprove a er I ; j whiMt-~~ wubed away In tbe Present Gift to Dr. T. P. Reeder ~;~:~ .. QUI:ENa ... ,1' ~ Jlf"r.-,nablf' and abl~ Bl'idJr~ Teacb -Dirt'l'tn rl! of the N-o>ort HU·j org&nl7al ton •• n I hi8 line " r f' f'r. Mn. S.n ny ()( p•un .. rton. will / bor C'ham bfr of Commt-rce l\lon -!"antn Barbar11. Kf'm. Rh•f'raillt' n,. "'XJif'<'tlng all handa _oo cle<-k u11y lut ·approve<! the bill which :a nd many otht'r." tn "pJ11y 11nd """""P" nut Tttur~>­ w I l l o•n1tblt• Otange C nu n t Y Ctommno.l••rr ~"1htn•l a ml"mb«'r . ct11v m or'nlnl('. M a r c h 27th. At ~ur"': \' ~urs lot w ind u p tht> a(f&int ,,( lho' C'"lllnlltlo·l' 11n :-.t~vy An• I F. I>!' II n uh ,., thr Orange counJy wa ter t.lia-Arf!lY .tfftttr8 I>' 1n \\'a~hmJCtOn on NEW PARISH T'lans liN' trtrl It wM <"XplaiDf'll t hat only 1sJ'('rlal ffu111nrM and w\11 r<"JIO~ bt'IDJ{ formulated. few a M'-inn I part of the county ..-.-u repr<.'WUt.. 1 t o thl' f'l"mmtlttl' nn hill rt"lum Oft C'hul"''h Tht' Pa.rl•h of "'Ur L~t1y I Nl in· thl' district and carried lbt' th~> mattu nf lhf' JlOMihllltlea ot uf Mt Carmt'l 111 to hi' rllvtll,...l I tax lond nnc:J tha t thl' purpolll'll for lnlr rrl'ltlnJC Wllllhtngt'nn In a elt.r r.mund will be brokrn abo11t ltiRY whlrh thr dirrt n ct had first been on l"<"Wptort llnrbor fur 8 branch lilt fnr " nrw rh11r<'h nn Hall••ll ' ., ;.r~a.Ai.u.l-ha...l nuu.· m gc.ner&l been I l':a.•·aJ A<.a.o.Umy. ~Tfllllnl'l '"1111.11 r hurl'll' wtlt ''hllvr a ; attomph~hrd 11nd what r'l'Tll&int'd ('tll\lrman W alt('r !'I l"prr<'r · nf t PMtnr tor th.. 1111mmr r m onth11 to !)(' donr eoull'l 1>1' C'llrried on by tht' H al'bor rummltlf'l' lll8tf'd hf'' li nd In wihtf'r th .. rf' w ill bf' 11 l\11•· 1 lht> Sttpt'rvillorl! Dtrecton1 abo pla nno•ol a mf'f'tln j;; of h'Uo ·com-Ilion Fathf'r . 'T'h,. ..tmf'IUn> 111 n - 1 1('&1'1' approv~l to the auggestlona mftll'r nt'xt WNinr"•lay I'Vrnin~~: t o Jlf'Cted t o rflllt ahout 17~00 that th.-Sup<'rvll!o rs be a uthorized l llll!o'UI!.~ aololtltonal ~·ork propo!!C'd ~th·<"r n.nry r«"mttlnll 1111 T'll,.IM to l n•utf' and finano ,. 01< Cuunty In tho• lowrr hlly area. Thl' mf'f'l· nr tht . olc1 Churr h. Chamt.,·r (Jr Commt•rl'<.' as s ug-1 an~t will h<• h<"ld at lh~ N<'wport, ~ "'"'nil an~ 1-:"ralnf' Ua) I gut('(! by lbe A1180Cillled Cham-Jlarbnr Yarht Club at 6:30 at din· Tour ~l~nnd •• ........,. alief .,._trr lrr "Ur. llliJ~ bers or 'comme rce of 0 r n n g e 1 n<.'r. The Dl'vl'rly Hllht plan for llaWa (:rWa,'' lal .... t nr thr •tr11nl( county. The plan (l( a county Parking 'dh!ll'il'll'l u outljncd In I Plan" ~or " lat.-'"'"Y~ ""''r •of MKJNere" "'""~· ... .,.,.., o..,..., .. c.ha mher of l'oiJlmt•rt'(' Is li'l" o r>er -1 a mra.~urt' bt-fOrc> th(' fl r <'Il l', n I R Vl\f lf'ty nf r•l'lfltll M"~ll ~tn rolo•nll ~ 011 lhf' IJtlu '"''"'''II. Thr atlon In IW\'t>rnl-rountars Rnt.l w1th Lt>J:u•lat urr wn11 r••m"ldt'rNI an~ I. hi' Wf'n> llkf'tr he•l hrlr fly ~ldn~v ~tf~ ,.,.;. ftl111 mark" \ u111111'~ fir.. I •1• gn•rtl 11u cc·e1111, s<Jmt• nf I h o 11 e ~:cnPral ltJ••ttl< a n•l t crm11 of-thr hill lr m OQtJ by mt'mhf'r11 nf lhl' Cn10tto ~-~ a• aur~t .. tar lt1 llu• 1"•1•· I count1e.11 which have suro·essfu l whk h v•ovltlt•fl f•or M \\' IHRirlcts , Mf'IU\ F'rl<lav A!tc rnnnn c~ 1 u h · ~ 11lar r1N'4k-o ·d,.lt·•·tl\o''Cirluna.., r .... Will! fav•lrNI t :arrll'rt fiN"tlnn In thr 811nrn"m nf turtllc l.rw 1\) rr .. l Ntll l.l•'ft••l PLYMOUTU I Tit T I' HN>olo r a nwml)f'r of thr f'lubhnul!f' Ft•ll•owtnj;; •lll'<'ll"· "•,.,.,.-r.,, l940 -a_a . Ult: lx>!lf•l ~~oa.s.--. PJ'CSC~_.l.b~ ._..Mrs:-C . Ill. DNJriJnf of' "fttld-o;.......... - DELUXE COUPE I mt'f'tlnJ; hl• Iaiit h<.'fOtf' 11"11\1ng tr1r """· Rnuthl'm nl;trll'l :unrnlllr~ PLANNING BOARD Pu!!ih Button Radio Sold with N~"· ('ar ~ $678 Rf'.a'II>Onablfl Dnwn Pa~ mt'nt- l.onl( "-" Two t'C'a" to I'"Y· 0. ~R. HAAI '·st:n cAn nt:t"T. '!10 F.. ht,. 7'"" r.tn s . ~lain !4A~T.\ ''-'~\ J•Mnr~ 23Xfi a ml ,61fi'7 ('~mt• c·nll"" 111 Torrt~· Pln PI'I fnr r hl\trm11n ~tnt! ")lfl"r1 nnm l nr· • A. "'"'''' plloo''+' ht-o''lf""''b lo lt'll\'r r1rtJ!o•r. ~!l\'1' an lllustrnl•ol lo·l'l'l•ll SESSION HELD OVE 10 ,. fo·\1 dn\·~ llrfrtn• a<IJnumtng In thr art ••f •ll•plrl l'lnl: flrm~'l • TO MARCH 26TH 1 "" mr'.,llnJ: l'r f'll •lrnt lluw•• I' all-too Ul!:.lr ~Ltt•lY..tlntM..!' .... UJIO" Dr n.4'f'<l4'r &n.J.lhank ... l ..... r llrrlln~rmo<nl• Wl'f f' "'""''" -htm fur IIIII tul•·tlll rn I h<.' work tn <lrtllal 1\rol r hnrmlng In N•lror of ~lo,. C'harr.llf'r or I 'oomrn•·r•·r nn•l h1 r mnnv ,.., .. IIPC'r •·J .. r hnr m~on\' 11 • lttr '"mmun1ty und un hcha.lt l\1r11 1 if'ukln11 !<nlrl '" on rhn>o!onc hf h t.IC' ft•lftt"• ... fitr• tiUfl' h1• Jlrt:.ft-rnt-t torr • f t HhfUir-jl' tt r h ;H"kJ,!fUtlr•l ••ol llr It• ,.,,,.r Wtlh A C :••hJ JWnl'll ... ntalnrr-. 1••11\'"" ron•l fr~uro·~ l\lr• -.lou h t•• hul"'<+ wooul•l "" llllf•ful :-: J( \\'IIIIAml' fro om n lr• :.I hull. t11 tu m In h1:o nrw fto•lol r1nol ru•n•v ''"""'f\ ~It \'<' It "'h"rt t olk "I'"'' ,,. a ph :OI':Otol t o n1111do I oo( lllo tlr•• l'lttt• ••f hllllo~ ''"I"~ h all\• ~lao! ( h •m l ... , nn•t "•1nrnun1t \' In ·'' u.tn,_ ar1ti ~1f !'t t;''"'J:•• H tNCt•ll '"" "J•l••~.: lilt 1;111 !11 l:•••·ol•t ·~ oluoi"I -IIH• JII OJ:r om -.ot lt :o lt><l I'""'" ol h•ll "1'1•1•·• t-olt<on !itHI :111 . oo( U11• f'llonlln~:~ f••r II•" m n nlh ••I .. ·,, ! 1.;:-J• 11 " •:rr t~ 1•,•1 • •• r Ill!' ~'*''h. tolo•:HIIil j• Ill WOof kill~ 1.\ II h Ill•' II' 1111d -.,.r lh•• • ~~rrlndtnll~ tt.rc•u,.,h 1 omrn•f'•· Here ~it . . 'Mil' m ,.,.llnc •·f lh• "'''''~"''' ~h C'lty l 'htllllllll! c·.d.no•••loorr ... hfduh~t fu r I •.., I \\ t••l' • ttd.l\" IIIJ:ht, 7 :111 I' m tn tit•· \ rl\ hnll "'•• o rt1rr,..•t ' •• ,,, n•••• d ,.,,, I \\ • ·' • ~'aday, M .rro lo :•,llr 1•1 f'llt rm'lll \l&rcUII .loohnP•oto ThP rCltt••· " ' I •k• 11 l'lf1• • u •ruorutt-a '•' nt'\" ,,. t,.. r • l•·.t ,,, ,.,. t"•ar fnr t lor· ''·' •·I Ill' I \ • 1 " , ru,. ff, " pr.-'''''" ,,. •.•. ,I hi' '"-hi• h ''Vt rtl't rrurutlt~,..l••n•·t ~~t "' .. ,. • ,,,, t-rlll'd .,,-u tlo·nol SAM'S· SEA FOOD CAFE .Beer, Wines and • Llquor for Sale at SAM'S FISH --·.....---.-MA.RK.I:"r ·--. . ~ '1-• - U'I..ASTIC COA!<CT LOtt!'4ir:R Ol~~t:R II.M , . TURTLF. IOT.AK l>l~~r.R II.Ml Dt:LICAUF.!!J OF TID: Dt:F.P MF.A FamoU!I IAIQJuna Pompano JumbO ~fl Mhf'll C'r aba fiua)·maa G..-n TarUf' Sleall Jumbo t·ma Lfot~• o,.we.en •• t~ae Half M~w>u ~.o""''"" 811lrhb~ aDd AU otMr IUIId• of !We f'oock - IAaclilleoM 50e OhiMJ" &Or -'Jk-..... Sft:U(£0 CLAMS liD YOL'll IJ&A FOOD 8WOI La...,.., • ~-II for PJ ~--0,.. 9' .1 A-K. ... ann cimr ln R•·l ;,., b•acK.' ,.,,,.,.~, ··•! fur "fiiPJtk,, ~rtlan' ud rattl1•': ~U HMJUS'-~h're rt"aaly "Pf'''i•ti•,t in n_arin~ an~-.. SJ'riltJt Fn .. ,.• t{pnptn!"• \'our ('at !fill~ df'Hiop! D. K. BLUE Phone I I \ J 'W \ t " ...,., A '-'tttt I t' • t'h uM' 11 It I ' ,,),, t d'' tt d, ~--t·, ._, '" 1 1 ·r ..... 111"'' t1 '"''' , .. 1 ... '"'' ul .. (''' '"• , I ,1 ... , "" ''''" 11•1 1.1 r ..... '" "·"'I'"''" Ill;• ""''''1'1 loouloltn~ ,, Thu~ l•'rl. l'lal I t. I ''"' l'..to.o•' .... '"'' ''"·' ,, I""' '"'' "''' k 11 1'111 lit•· nn ·hl· t•, 11 • 1\ltll•l"'~ t f'u .. l tlt t t1\ IIJ• '1;1 I•·• '"" It'\• ,tl•••t lh••\ h••ltt \'tld II • rt• \t I '•'••II f ;utt ll ~ttt h ,,J,,,f'h l ll t•l\ l"''"lh14• ... 1n .ft1U\'t' lht•"tt'lll I t , 11 J rt.1, 1111 ,, 1 1• 'l'oor,. 1 ,,11 '"til -lh'l' fit•'"'""' utullloulum \oi.Jo • 'I 1'11•1111 loolif! H11 lo oool h·w l< loot'l \ lo·••l, '"""'' 1111' •11\t:o• · ... ,,.," "·•Ill \t11 11 oll'lr lloo\1 '" 1111' 1•·•11 tol !lor• o•nlrtrt:"'l Iouth! '. "' ""'" I,.,.,,. I 11·· ... ·11 (1\olo· 1111. lo·ld lho• "'"" mt•l '""'"11 1 L "'"' 1:........... u...:w~ ..u..-..:c~·~l~t-~h~t~'i': ~~~~··~"_::'~n~·-~~~~lr~l~··~'tt.4...!&LW.=£ru:::Ji~=~;.:~ n u ..... ._....._~ " ... "' ,,, .,....,.,, • •J •• ,..., .. .,_. ,..\u1huu .. \ B.J.Jatl. ~L;a..:un ~. ''.''"''' • 'l•·u 'll\ ··~--~· '""lt~''''1' 11. , h II• 1111 \l,onu•·l i\lorl:o s 1111 '"'"!: tolo lttlt: d1nlr' · • I 1 1 • 1 111f'ltrnl It 'I' I'"'' f"'\'o•n l· tu •on 1 '"l'"l r:rnn-I "'ui ~s ll'•·"··r .,. "" • ' '• oolom "-S :ortl'o Allol \l,ot II l id 'ol '111•' 111111°11111' l'oOitlo l :olo,oo IH' II" ol 1 .... , 1-'•·l t:ll'"" ).:11.111111 1 : 11 ·" 11 o·uf••lo•rlll, urol l V.IIJ• 1111 o'lllolra ll••fl'kln"''" :onol lho• 111 '1 ••h:hl r.oool l11lolo•' foolo lo-ol nrul '""'''' lltlll••l ''" ,,,,. •• ,, lfl ltu• ,11wt\t• 11,1 \At't•• th• ~~ttu.:•· (le11ut llu• t••utu t'f •Uict tw• \oltuth'Pf' U't'41 "' u ..:)ttl , 1 ( ·11,1 1,,.,1mnl•'~ nr-• nnw hrint: \••o·ooro lm,~.; In 1 1ud c I··• k All· 1 1 rl) 1 n ·lu tro"IJ< wiWl olt• \, .l:oo k"'" 11:"'"'"1 .. r lh•• lni·11l tor•·t~"1 ''' '>', ;,· : >elll"'l' .. ;n,·lttl~ • • 1 1 t nr-• n llliH • .,. •n n•• n.: t dl .•l l l•••rrl. '!'~~''''""'"' r··~ "'t.:m· '" l•·nn , tr ""' plnn ""'m ""'''' np· nnw ·with th•• or•c!,•t Noo 1.'1(\(1 uro• . I j I•· 1111: nutrl.-1 tht~ Wo1•k~ Tiu· hiJ:h• 1'~~~~1'1,. II Wtilll<l nn t IH• pc•flllllol•• , •I n r'<lo•r numlw•r 1r1.il\ will ho•l 111.ollo.,l '"'' M:ulf'h :!1 ~1 All 'I"''~· 11\•ttn:o '"'" >-hmrlrl lw• ro•t um•-.1 I lll'nn I ln1111 of Ranta (•n tr. t• \\I Utili rilo' I hi\'' rrnm ""' tllllllln~; Wllh thf' II K UIUC'II for \ht. <la too • Wffk Your Spring and ~aster Headquarters- •'or fasual and Active Sportswear "'or Men and tloy11. • •• (,.. llw "t:.\MTt:IL .4f 'TI.VITIJ'.H''. .4. i,.· I. _L ;Ia. 1.- THE SAWYER SPORT SHOP • 0 R AN G E C 0 U NT Y 'S I.Y.AIH~U t'fl r..\ TR P:"' I "1'111-: 1'1. H:f: 1·o f:tr· ~ L~u n, ... ,,.... J1 \l~onol.i\ "lr "Supe.r-Pay-Me• "f'4"" TO I'I.A \' '-"F.ST COAST ~ tl•l,_4 " I ... ~"" .. , ... ,., .. , ... • t '"""" ,, \ •• ,. .. , 1 I 'uti • I AU-I r V t "' I•• ... ',.. , ,.,,,, .... , ... , •••••• I ' ! I 1. t -I' t • t t I' I , ... I V ~•t.t '1' • """'til I ••• lit••'' ,,,.., .... r 1 • •, ', t 1 ~. • f•ll A t t ,, •• • ••• FOX I•• I ,,. I o .,,,, '·'' ~-·--I I l.f f ,ll I lt'i l 'h ••flf1 .• ,., \ t II t J ' •10 ,,,,,"' t •, V/••t ~~ ., •• 0 h ,, NE~ ANAHEIM Broadway 14•nta •'"" ...... ,... 100 J rlth '"""ltff W ,, .. , ,_.,,h7?f f .... ,,.,_. , ... ,h ,~ l..-, ...... ,., ... ..,.,. ,., .. ,,., , ~ .. ,,, ,,,,p Ntf.tt r •• J,.,_. W oth••• 'h ,,, ... tnutfl'itl ""•O••• '" ,.r,tu t '' N HttrH ' • ,. "" ••• , ... , ty , '14 ,., ., /l ) t .,, 111.-n .. ll f_,rnr-u.-. M u•t•t'li • t f1'"'" tf o •rt•l"n in • ,. 111111 ~ ··~·,:., ,. •• ,, A -c.on'\. "jlllf t'\ n .. H "''~ "'~•'0""•• 'tnf'f••Y "' f I I , ,-..... f')llf • '~"" ,., ,, r .. ,,, "' tlt•ot t rtV1' .FOX A:'\ \llt;f" I'Jtll't 4::tt "'""t.f\f Pllloflt' :\(1/)~ I I • tl#. o I HI •• I ~ .,, A '·' t .. •••~;N t.J •' · •l•v · fJt &. ,..,,.._ • ~fl., I..'! I lv••• LM~•4.11 1':1. ~4. =~I '' r,n ~•r • "" .. , •••• Af,Al"" W ~t,II.IPi t_. I Hr W o<t i l•u•t "4 •• ,. /. ''' • 0 1' /4Tr,H r'l'l)lol f~I OJT (n \" ., .. C,llo t.. rn(JM Alllt,H.JI. A" .... , ...... ISc · .. • A l•o • WAI.T UIM:'IIt;)"l& .. fLIJ'I'O'M t•I.AVMATY." arrt1 llw "''" •••I ohurl ouh,..·l 1111·~····1111 ''\\'t~"41'fo:I(N UAZt :•· \ ''"'" ... ''"'" ) . t --· I I' .. « ' \ .. .. • I NEW~T BALBOA ,,'EWS-TIMES, N.wport Bf.ach, California. TIIURSDA a. :lllAtlCt 1 ·.~. 9-.t .. County Builders .. Exchange Code of Ethics Safeguards Home Owner~ 1lnality Lumber ud . Buil4ing Materials • COSTA MESA LU~Bl!li CO. a. lt. H08'ft'l'l.Ea no. t8 ''The Finest In the Coontry" Evef')1hlq New For Y~­ ltiiJoYJ~W•t Pay o• Nlpt 111 ...... 8t&'W't BAUIOA • HOME LOANS SEE SANTA ANA BUILDING and WAN ASSOCIATION "'VER-THE-TOP" Door Equipment . ,)W UIOOXDe AND rra GI'D , ~tk~....-... tlwtl&ttt. low bll.__ ... projM- --ail ...._ waDI. or .,..... to baa.rfft'e with lAde door .- ._. W'lllft ......_ or lodten. 1'IIDHested, troulll1 frw . ~ ~ MM ,.,.MAllY ~ U, .,._ .tl 0.,... .._ .... v... ... .._ "'Oua ~ •a 'e •L) . TeWINKI.E HARDWARE -·· ............... t O'r Wst1btrd -SANTA AHA ..... :a..taA.-1111 IRVIN GEORGE GORDON BUILDING CONTRACTOR itn 'f'!, ~n~ . .. I . ... DONALD BEACH QRBY .,;• A. LA. • • A&C.ITSCW ......... cwt ... C. M. 1tRUSTY & SONS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS • llay Di8trtct Hanhvare BIWIS HARDWARE -QUALITY TOOLS W. P. nn.r...Dl PAINTS -'ADIT nTI1NCS World Plight Fails to Halt Thc-n•'s no t1 uth rn t'bco rurnur Mtt-knu~ Is 1rnp&lrf"t.. •· 1. be that Waltrr Wmcbell · ~ J Otog nut both aet~v anJ paasi"t, lead- 1" I!Vo'ildl h.ts prugram • to a In ur'lu aub.Jur our U\Jtl e)....tolaa vttl u.am r I " a n "r manu(,ac&urrr · g 1 R(·•·kun th•· vaiJuum cll'&n<'rs ~o~o•lll and rutnlmt~·'· ae 'f;t'l~ u t o ~ .&:Lodtinut-<o Jllck up lhl'lr t!lrt btar pallcontly .~ pauiona and I sllrn•• aa always. , rt•!flentmt>ntl! ol tltht'rll. F011ler. I LAt•!Ot l1f>J1ill'nnt f " r · mNnbPr eh I' 1-th" ()run~~> • ··•lint\ "111111. I • t ,,.... J:'lldiiU'.lf~ 1.'1 R l'l••r a l.l II nil 1 , .... ,, "t .. , "' :'IP7 ~ferllfOld A"•. C•>r nna t!t'l )flU • .,..,_ 7 I , ~lr ~rol :\f! • .) , Jo: Vun \\'11: •n 1 • .tan.:hlrr ~\a•J'II"••· • J'141'llSRntly .,.,.. i !..·~··'.!. f1 l••n .t· !l1 :-;,•wrort ao\1 Ra 1 "' 1~1 <n•l· ~aturthl\' •· h ,. r •' lh· \ ~ ..... ~l lllf' ;Ill\' -• --------------- . II() 1 .. DES , .,. Co~struition ·comp~n)·, Inc . ~: =" .......... IINdl 8(1 '! l.f llia~DCMMI Sf'"': ..... 4 • ,' -. ' ""':' " I ,..... • ' . . . ~ 1 vj ~ ... /·r. 'Jjj /' )'.,~~~I 1.((.</:t-c (I '"':~ .:,, . .' •. •. • ·:,.~1,\,•• 14 .. ./r1//, . '-<~ ,,;/,_ ~~' t II''(. C. I. E II C I . S 0 I -.:..1 CON'tRAcrOR and B U II~DER ' , 30a Palm A n nur BALBOA o I . BALBOA--BAYSHORES~ aDd Beacon ·Baf Lease Hold Estates WHCIHf .. Property 11114 a ~ .,._a EARL W. STANLEY. Sole Acent rwo OFFif'&e 8&1.80,, BA \'8HORFA Mel _.ALBOA M.AN1I hoM w.wpott •• e. tne F• BuUdiae lnlonaatioa .. ~Bay. DiStrict [umber Co. WM.'I'D e. .. OE& ~ ................ --- ..... . lUI WINDOW .StiDD :... YENE'IUJif JiuND8 LINOLaJII J1AJOIII ... Da&DI .o•s• • Hanso,'s Shade and J.,inoleum S.hop ............. . ·-~-_ ....... -t ..... ~ .._. :wew;ort ua-._ Wwrwt .-w • -MD8n Underwood m..., .... . ......... "' .... : •. ,... ......................... • GORDON B. FINDLAY CONTRACTOR ud BUILDER . .,.,._ .. Hlt(Mu~Jh .. . ........ ' Oran&e Countr Roolinc Co. PAt '4., RA('f1D.C3 .. ~Ttl"t' ~ .. ; ,· ------~ ~J. M. MILLER I • Contractor and Builde· . -~)~~.e~part Blv..u_ 7 • --· -'-A.'~'-I'IC61~~--ro-~ .. I I. I News Of The Churches l UR t-AD'. OF MT. CARMEL. CAVHOLIC CHURCH ' Jl f ", ?. J . !tei r: , ?rle ... ol'iiUISc:. .t. h 11. Ito IUhl lll a m p tn Ho· ... t1IIJ: H•>•>m. II~ Cf'ntral ""' ''l'•'n rn m 1 t•• 4 I'm ~,..' ':~1•1 ~lllldlty:< .11 .1 hoolidn) If RANCHO SANTA ANA GARDENS TO BE OPEN TO' PUBLIC Tho• puhlh' ,,. '"' ohHII,y lnotllt"d hlra. ~ : ...... ,. ' .. ' I' "'' r .............-\ l•' u ~tt'UJ the' ih•rvt.••· anJ UJ'C'" tbct )la n.a&-.;,. t ,., 1,,, , , , , l.h , 11 ~ 0 11U"1 U ' 'J lt. ~C'ltL IH II 'IIF · n ~tltnJ: !'tu<_tm ~anla Ar.• 11·11,., ,. "t•ll th. .J l!f.t~s. Utlll 1111 tlo • ~"'"t1uw~" til• I,. Fl~6. FOURSQUARE CHURCH o·atll'd ooo ,.,,.. hiJ'Ioot,, t: 'h -t11 · l•hnn.-RENT -• -BUY . Tilt! "or.J~uf ,,..,,,Jo, ',\II ll•·h,. ;I(JUW 1'1 ,_ ••I l'ohl."l''• '" of II "• llh· flull ·t u l tho• Ill 1.1 the OF COSTA MEIA Santa An" II ll<f''~to. l ot \rt' ' on I f:IU I ''llho•n th,t.tho• rt.,1,.,r r:111o'lh tChu~h of the Highway) ynn, c1n.14 , ,.,,.1111, 111111,.,.,.,, CU.'iL•': ~OTICES lJ•'l':ou~" lhf' •Pitti u f 1 ht• J .. orll hlnw "tv. G. W lll.ard Stearna, P .. tor I H ousEWARES I lhf' opt tUn,: n l Ito. 11<•114111• 1 f.llltl'll ! t'l lo UIIOD lt.", <'tlllllnltt•• ""' ''"'''I'll lllllillct Stearns, Co-Paato" 1 Uill 1't>ll Ill 1111' , I.I·~~Oct·~•·ttll\111 1111' Jahon• 1f71·J 0 v or. '"' I ho• .' l't'"!: '' ""''" "Mattt>r" oo Slwoll\\' Ill '1111 ('hUH'II•·• ~ I r lO \\'~abl ' of 1"1 "' ~'!to Ill\' ~ 1••11 li lt .u1ol IUOifTAl OTIC . ').' PU .. U C lEA ... lNG ........... - I· t .,~ •I "',..,...\ I J ~, • ) I , . -- SELL I Mus i C AL INSTRUMENT• onlf, tiM annlho• e111, Keay ,.,,.,. 0 • " 1 k "mldt ~··­ C'V"P~I'r. 1110 Nerih Malft .... et Cf I • • • r h av. p. m . p lUll ...-r) 1-'r Ia I S I I •r at, &·u '!1"''" ·~•rvtrf' · R<'v l lae 8\t'am.. lD " Y ""' · ' "'' ·" I'll.,: ~.,.,, I'• ttc r 111-:A' ·u , ., r,· j A lllble ctt.tl tllll lnrluc1••~ thl'• rbar~t• ~~ •lurll'\:! ""' ;,"" ·"" "' I'I.A ~:\I~o ; 1 .,1~U.tts:-<~H~ "11 1 I \•o•rau front Jnh11 ".\1111 "h•·n t"\t! "' d St·b 1 8 SO AprU l lld )ltty I ••• POW' l'OIItt'. '"' oJI~riJtl,._ "1'111 ·~.un •, y ... oo .bl t L ~·I .. . Hewtofur .. \1\oo H<rl•nlo c ;,.,,,,.,. ""'" ·• I'""'" I • At ttl I: iii""' I hi' dOotD UIJIO llot• ........ \nil o'lll<'r•·•l mOIO "' nora p. I oc oc:.. . ... , .• ' '"""" "' M.r• •:t ... h ...... ,. ...... I ---..___ OO•tfC • 1 Into a ablr . 11111l ",.11, o vPr lht• ~<'a l(lt't'lal mull('. p&.ltor 'a Hrmoa 'ba8 ~ "1,..0 "111~ "" • ,., 11 .,.., ,,., foor " ""'""' .. IUhl , "n•ht1 .. n•l I to.-ard Cal'o'fiiAIIIII. And it ":<A now Cruaacler 8f'rviC't', 6 o'c lock. day. llut .... l hf' y ..... ~·· "' I tt.. lnu lolttl.: , ... , lltll """'"" '" •••• ~ llh I Vfllt'l V,'\ •fllt:AO & PAIT "V ldllrk. aud Jo·~ull 11 n• 1101 ". o m t> In F:vf'IIIDI fi:vangf'llcal M"e~k'• &eel l lnc,...ln~t tntf'rrat .,( l h~ I'"" 1 .. r1 :J It h .. k A :1:1 c • .. , .. ,,. ,.,., lhrm; Ami thcr'l'l':t lf't...,..,._..by -l'<'l11'<lfl b)' pa.tw. . Uc . aab• II I'M'<',._,., • f,,, l ito• !\l.tt t ·11,,,., 1 11 ,. 111.,, . ._1.,0 _. "I or II ~rt·lll Ydlltllha t ,,,,.,. ~ .. -.. 111'11 Tuellday .• Oet>~r Tf~l'· = ••• "''' lu ..,....1 ....... : .. r .... e •• ....-hn rorn-f' .. ,. lll'l''h<'IUll ·,.,.~111'•1•, • 1 tht·1 h111l ru"t'll uhuut IIH• toull C1lt\fleO aubjt'rt. for tw .. ll•y• f'&t'h '""''" \ ,.,,,.,,. 11 :.It• .:. 1 1,.1., )&rol .,.11.,., ll l14 t·nty pr lhlll> fottoulll;ll. lito•)' ..... Tbu~By, 10 L tn .. Prayu l are edmttt~l by •·u .J •>llh· ,.,,,,. 11 '""""' .. ••o"•· '" .......... ~. c-... ....... -.. ., •• ,.. v • .,, o.uJf'--;,a,..,.,., .• IMf foe. ,, ' ..... , ~~t. t.u ._, ... ..-.. .. r •• ,,,. •, pttc:., .. • M -tOtc onllf •••·• coet .... 00 -· T••m• •• will ....,,, ""'' • 11lano -M •-M ti.OO .... -nt... 0 • "1 ktiMIIIt ·,.,_ c-..~ ..... MatU ........ ---------··.;:..,: ... .... ,. A~te II.Wallnc.- .&._...ehuk as. lOad ol ... ~ lt.IJUlrm aa.Toaaaa t-r-"-"""---..... -..~ .... ~~ ~~-1.1 rtr "Via. Bt -....r.-.; t rr ,....... ~ ITI-;m rr. h -----~ ~ '~~·!.. J -u .::: .. "'"o...:=::~1-as-+-~i:""'t--1r--1r-t--t~4:rr+-+-.f--.._-l hu: ms:ll Ulltu tl .. • ""'' ... aoll tlot')' ~~ nr. ra. earna n ... _.. • • .. pu ' ' -nn~~: "''"" '"'" ,.., ..... , •• a..... '"""'"'"'· ... 11 u r Jtf' 1 1 II 1 1 1 18aa&a l&otanh 1.arol1 n H .. It no .. ll••• "'111 l>r hri.l In 1~-• 'ttv I "I' t' · rt I II It' ':til I Unl<t • • ,,.. ' C.olt --n teo W i' ft. ~ 'ri•Noa:=::a _..._. ... ~~~~ ....... ... ell, •7 ell ate. DaN .. .._..,. ~ lf.CO&or -~ • Wfteblttf lncU& u.w~ a . lntrequen& &Willi ....... UWt)' ............ Mdl a Tubular lbeatll( .. ) lllo"llt, 18 1: IJ,. 11.,1 lilt aid T h"D CHURCH NOTIC~ No . ., ,3'17. An•hl'tnt c '•Ill•" , ...... ,. tl t 1 t1ttlllw·r -1 -.ty U a 11 . I (I"'Y "'lltln..:ly rl't'l•l\t••l 111111 tliiJJ the ~v,nth Day Adventt.t Cburcb nis, WI lf·••hl• .. ..,..~t 111~1111' ;'l;,.,.,.,,n lt.•a• tt' <'~till A&•nl ••· M •'"'': """ """"''ll~<t••l) tho> ah•l• w.u Co.tA Meaa TownH~~d Hall, eel •f'fklt.,. ,., ... , .. ,...., Th•· 1111111 1~"1 ~ :111 :• t 1 • ISCE;LLANEOUS ls i thP land •httlof't tlt••y '""Ill .. • 8at~&rday ruorolng. SabbaUl Sc:boo1 1 ber ot c-or• &n•l JM-.•plr on •·••·h t1.l' ""'~' ,,, thl' ''hatmt•n a.w~h11o• ..... •,.,. a.~"" O n!' CJI '"" 1••'""''1:•·& rrum IM I 9·30 L m . · Jllllt)'~h1 bf' "'"•rly ~"'"''"''hh .t l',ltt 'l '~ J<•IIS~t!'l(, :-., ... , ..... •-•• "'"• T-t 6 Chrt~ti•a :;df'tll•· to'lt lltl(ok. "Sri· I ~ &"Ice 11 L m. I eac:b Fllfluo>at , 'hatrmr" ,._,,,.. c •. lC4. , .. , .... ,,. ""'e and llo>:olth "'"" .-.. , to the ::.' 111 •\\ Alii• t .L S• tltollll't's" b) ~larr D3·1.•'r •:.J,~ u.-!';.;,,,; :ll, •• ,_ 1101 •• tete ~l;oto·~. "In r toJ>ulllllll u 111,. lr•·tt.,i ~RIST CHURCH •v THE a~A ..... St'hool and !lh:rm.·•ll&•: Sr1 r r lal) d iii:OJipt'llfS t hat Ill·· :lOll h llt"lllj;..UI.'f' Rev. E. D. 8ooclelt, ~---,~ 6 ao p. m :•uto ......... ~'tltto41 I 'IITAMIOif ... w .... u ....... -•r• lo "r of mnltPI , t!tt lntutortnl Sunday School. 8 :SO •· m . EYe~Ync Y.'ontup ~"I( :Wr 11r .• ~><>• "'-• u .. -" r-•r f;,rta (If b•·llt ~ "'"' M'l'll, oorl thi'or Sunday M orning Worahlp, U ......,., llf'rmon. Hl1th ~h•KII ;;.J. ,nne· .. ; Ot-' ••t'RI.I<' •t:41ll''', :u ...... v IM>"'IIoOOil· ,.,_, o uly I.Wa or hliPIIIto:l'Dct I• to QI)IJ. 1 o'clock. Spectal mualc . Chotr aD-IOWIIIJp followlnc .,.rvK'P •• •·""""'"''"· C.•'""'"'• '" ~irll Is r•a•·he•l ""''. 1 hruu..:h rhe Ulem and eermoa. IIUd·~f'C'k J'Tayn ~,........ Wf'd· ·nw t 'loloh•· llo•tor tnt: ,,,..,.,, r ... -.1 n 111t• • •f h<.,...,,.,..,, _.,. ••• .... ._.,. •t•n• Ottet Mtn. ,.,._ c.m. ... ,, .. """" ...... ••.• aen te ... a. • ..... "'"0101 • 00 ..... ._.. ..... - moo<" as er..oo. oa .. , kt~Mtllt Pta-o-.,.lt,.,, .. Het1tl .... ~-...... ..... .. .... N-.,,., e111 00 .. ._ ar ....e .., acca nlta ... O.aa llctiMidt a-. .... .,. 100 Nenlt .... ,,. ~ ....... ..... .... ..... undtr~taaollu~ rontl lletuun~trallon H i«h lkhool Md ~tate ~. 7:30 p. m . h~ thr ~'''"l••n 1\o•,.tit t'tl) f'll•n-1 u.. " Tna~~.......-. ~ao-. •· ....,.. ...,... ~ ~ •. Pn-=ttr: ~· ~· ~~~~~~...J~~~~+-~..e~~;!!!!:.!!......! ... !:•!!'.!! .. !!•'~-:!--~,...:!!.-t•Lil-IIIJ.Illttm.-.aJ~-" ,,. .. "-,.._ -• ·• j ·EvulD• \Y<>nblp, 'r:liO ' p. a ~ lltallienlllp C'lUa l'll) t~-.1 :1\lontl••n.. "''> 111111. •• 1-. v..,.,, ... '""•' at eLv.NOTa ---• Quart•t mwiic and •rmon. \t'*n'h 1'1, 1!111, lllrolfl 1114• t"•'l•-1 MUSIC CO , ... W ......... , • .,, ... T CHURCH OF c•ltteT I Mid-Week Prayer ~-w.. PU~~ QO~IL CHUMH •aft '""'". ut.;. pl ......... ~•wl ......... ". ··-.CIENTI.T _ .. Alta_--~-·-· · fladeJ; ("()ftf.dtllh dinner. 1 ·20. , ~<I• • "' 1 h1 111 "'""' •l t""'"'"lrt~o·nt '" lU Eut CantrLI A .. oua c;.,.., ef 22M an4 ,,._ au. llt•lln.'flo,. -'"1 11.,111~ '" •lo• -.eth W"liotTK0-1• .. • .. -•• u.t1 ar>4 lll~ i'JM£b CqiTA MEaA COMMUNI'\'V c-t. Meu. Catlf.,-ftla tho· o·hson.:•· "' :l..or~o· a t .. n.: tho• .,__., ...__ .. , .... •auto- A btWlcJl of Tb~ U other Cburcb. CKU"CM ..__ ·-C'. ~-,...nr t..:....:ul ii.J+:.b"""'" Ul cw..-.... , ~:J .. ..-. .t..tlt.au.IL.I1 ....... ......_ .!.J:"~R SALE Tbe l'lnt Church ot Cbriltt. •••· A. c. Abbe. Mtnlllw au.day School t t) a. 8\, ·•I'" 111 .. ·•t•a•ltmU,"' oJ Nelli.· C ._ c . .._,. ....... ........ ·r __:- REAL EsTATK ktentH&. tn ~...... hnday llitlle~.~ ·~r ....... w ..... p rknk• u .... j~_J:ur..a ~-.-.. ......._ ... ~ o• ""' • 'I '"' w.........._ -------e undaJ ·School at t ·30 a. a Worahlp Sei'Yk'e, 11 e .m. ClaoU ~UIUc ,.,.Jc:!t 1 3t p ·ea "'·'"'''· lu1' 1 ..... " l'unttnu.,l 'WAOifT•o-.-.0--, •• -...... SI&Dday Sel"'l~ at n L m We&-antbem Mtct epeclellll•c r..tcr ~J an4 Tburaday prayd• s,.,,,.,. I• n .. w twf't'toy """"' '"'"' DNtlaJ' l'utlma.lal UMtt~ at I aarmoa. .,..,, tear T·:se p m lit•· '-"'1 C'tt) l'>l~nruu..: t ''"""'" ...... ~"'" ........ :~t...._. ''"" •'•II loultl ·' jNI•I'l· hn or lnt.: 1a 11 N \.-.. ,.. C...rl • .,. - th o· $'11~ Cnun.tV (1tiUt\lr£. Ctl y ~ •-.ao ftc ll.tll ~ .... l••rl .............. l\litto'lt ~~-•·•I I ,,, j ... , I• m fl•l Itt•' ''""""'' Lo~T Be FouND ,.r , • .,..,.,\ "'tr.: ,,,.._,,,.,,, ·•nd npt•fYt\ L.O-. T ""••• .. ,•~ .. ~... O.n•• nt.te -I .•I ... ,,,. 1h•• , .. .-, •• ""' .tttt•'n•hu•·nt 'in t •tdttl;tftt't' l ... t ha\ '"L: tu •Ill• .......... •'.,.." ftrlut ._... • .,... •• .. ... r ,,.. • ..... ,,, ...... ...,,. ., ........... ... u .. ~ .,, •• d··~·• at-. ·• ,_:;-, .:-:.,:::.~.~,:7,~,~~,;-;f;:, .. ;.., ...:...-.:a.... .... .__ll!!_w __ c_~·· _,...-....,~-+- II• one •~~<· c•,.,._,, lltt.:h"'"' 111 c .. ,. ...(' •..c" .ooi(I,Z • ""•• tl. I ~l.u J ~ 1\low·k , 1\.\ 1111 l ' \' W l ~·h 'I ••n•l I 1n l ll•lf'k Y. 1, •I' ~ I "'"' ~' In fll.,t·k T-. ,.,,,.,."-4 H-wltll ...-.. ............................. T--0.••111 W. "'M"IO· ta• c .. se H ltltwe)l', c;. • ..,, .. , Mer~' ....__Ill -.... TO THa COHU .. V~~1Ya fiiU"· CHAU" 0" IJUL a•TAT·t- Ws ... ,_, II~ • ..,.,.,. tw ,.... _, .. , ...... -......... - ..........,.,.. .......... c.-... .. , ........ ~·-·· ...... Wll.UAM.c>N 6 WILL IA,..._ .... , ....... "-·· ,.. .... c. ...................... . N_ .. n.._..rn. , •. ..._ '"'~ll'f1,.,j in l&o•tlt 14. f.'I'ICI'!O to IOIUII -...... C.... .,._ . ·- l'o:t·Wtlor1 llit rl~t•r a "lwn• you t~n ~··• r ... '(t Cat' ,~,,~·noc llty· ) ' All· '" Tt,wt Ntt :t:.o:t. f1 t'M, FO" QUICK ••L•-•r --· , .. ~tnt 41 orl M1Vf'fl,fW'IIUII M,_pa. ..,._ ....._ ............... ,, -~~ ~ ~·-t~~am~~~~-. .. ~~~li l.11h ':,'J lu ~ lndti~VI' ol Ill• • k B In Tn..-t Ntl 117:\. ''" ""h!l 111 11···6. :..,• aonte•·• 17 ltn•l IJI oof ,,,.,., llrHit'lott• Mttllll. Tea-.. ... • ,._,, .,,. .. W "tt~ltiO, tall C...t H .. .._,, Cs••"• ... , M••· ....__ D 1M. !'MATTER POP-Sure, there Ar.e .R~ar Attacka ia War .. 11w l.ir•'-Tin.,. 11~-cl ('ar CitiiH'IIIII••·· ft• • oor•l• ••f nr-ron~:•• f'iHinly , t •:.ft.f,.ru•a I,~,,., '.'• f4t t11 , n:1. n:t M .,,.,, r.:. ... tu •• k A .. r~ ,1,wt R E AL EsTATE F o R RENT t-ELP. HE.LJ). t£.LP .t"l:LA HELP t WE. t-4A0l A N O' .~HE. Ovct<lO ~NO WlNT J'O fl A ~TOV1 Ll 0-JU\T' TMtN T~· COP"!. (AM. IN ..,,.. f) PUT "'''TlR OoTT ~ I'?Rt)T • 4 ('nnll' In :!rlrl ~'f' r111r IJ1~ ..-k-t1illn & Jr:em first h nhft 11ln•t thuc # •• IJ(lf ... rful r•lan. TH ·~OI)()IlE .. . UOUINS ....... ,....._, u-.a. ~'r !!.. • .. •• &Jbr, (r•t..., .,.. .. ....._ .. !a (ltarl~ ' I'• ,, I """. r.7:t ,,,M ''""' Jt·:t :t .. onr '" " (:·1 :~ ... -. ~·'"· ~·.u4., liar• '" tiM .. ..... ........... ef , ... ._._ ......... . I •·" I .. n•l :•. in 01•• k i\ ,of • "'' Tt ... , :--.:.. r.-7'1 ..... _....._ ........... II ... .... ,,,,_ -Jl :oroif ''it 11r nt•w•lt %l ...... T YILLA, cathe4rsl C .. )' •of •:ttrl 'f'rn'rl :O.:ro r.7:t. 11 "'"•• f ••m Pat"' lllrl"l•l· lloott( f'·l :,f,trn•· fr, C' :• z,_. ~tteltte rat•. W L ,.,....,, owtMr. ,. .. a ... PeiM .. rlllta 71tt. At"' "I•"' th•· "l'l•lu•fll ioon · ,.,1 1 "· II•• c· I fttt.:l'r lo•r '' \ nr "'""'' ,., ... ;I '''·'"· • ""''•'••lfllll '""lrltnt: p •nntl ht.f\'lnte -ro" "~NT -1 room llouw. 11•~ t•1 ,.,_ •••h '"'' :II. 111,.-lc 4 SN-· 1 ,.,,..1...... o • • • • •. ,., N a ''"" j Rolb-•11 l•lnn1l tlnTr thr. _,., ••1-. t&tlt • .. , ..... , •• llf'P'"''"'" nf f'nlm,......,. .... , ,.,..,.,., :-to ..... liotewpo•t T1B J1-llt ... ""' ""1'1<":'1'" " !tltr+ 1 ,._ ''"" • 1 froonl \ntfl .... 1 h,tt k Vtollnrn·•· F 5 lh ,,,,,,.1 •tl tt.•· c"111m 11•n O R ALE MAJWI '~ tniiN~IIN. B o ATS Be SuPPLIEs Clt~tl....,nn ·--_ _ __ lf,.w,.nn w sr;Ma·:tt. •o• ••LI -Itft . ..,,, .... ,,. ••• s .... r••lllnr.. .. ill 1Jrd .............. r-t llaaclt. ttc. t Put. ~, .. ,.,.. :"1 l~t I lwii'S iii. i1-111801 DISTIIC W~ldlfte ~J da~M. V. Orr s.mc.. 1.24 ~Pl .. Nw;,.t.,M. .. , .. .. NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIJIID. tfawpart Beadl, c.MionMa. TlruRSDAY, MARCH 20, 1941. , COitONA DEL MAR GALBOA ·ISLAND LJ PO ISLE • THE· ··W-OMAN'S PAGE NEWPORT BEACH ~coSTA MESA Huabaad• Eai07 Ebell .. Aacl Mortar Parties f'T<lVInt: t t\1-h•uoban<ia • n j" y 'Rrtck• 1111d M ••rbr l'*rtlf·• ,.r.,m· !11•1•'•1 lo\' mo ml,..u ol th .. NM~<"JlO'f 84-a.·h t:hf'll C'lulo Jot r• ~m K11111o- lalhl'r h .. ~t..,,....l Tu,.~t~<llly .-v,.nt~~ a l!~tiA rn1x~>.t 1 ar•l p~rtv rn b .. r !llrw1~·r1 ll f't~tit • h••rn" · .A ll .Olul>b"ndJt h.llll ,. h ··~ g10tbrr eel In tbf' bQm~ lb.•\' JUID,.<l fHpt'<'. tty,. t.alrl#• of linot~; .. f••r •·ocnt-n and IK,..,.r f••r tt* "'"n \\'mnrr of e r ard·• ut pn1.-t..·t•• r lh ....... , oinJ: a t!lv,.r ~"'"• bo-t~: an "'.u t: I )I on,.., uf ="•• .. port l~ h N n. L I. J>th• II ::n.t )I r 8' I <h.aae AUde Club Pluu To Hold Recipwocity Fair J•lar.a '"' " r. • lpr•vJty . 11 I r Arnl 20 W••rr ml\11•" I•Y th,. foratiK<' Ao•l" t1ut. at ,th,.lr Mart h m,.,., ar t: S-"l t tt •L'\\ ~~·nPt: '" ttu·n rlutJht~lM "" J>&bll.'ld•·• lt<•&•l I n 'Sl:t'111r.; t.A IJI ••~•r• t• U1 t hl'" n lk tl ''' :.11 , lut. ,.,, th,. tmr•l ,;r h~·r.r· i.nl!' 10 ...,.., A n~~:~t.·• t· .. untv '" lu• rr1 ,.. ~r:tro.J '.:at th•·lr K:da r u r n-,, n ... t•n~ \\a..... ..,,.. ut-.t ltv }of "-~ t:J5l• ,_,., tluf'llo•· flii'!Uoh•fll "tJ .. an ... , unf ••t H • .at th,. f lutJ nr•W ,_ a puar.n d<•a •I • t.1 hy llw I o,, r 1· .:.-;. hrr. •!t .)J ...... ( '"• '"''''" \ &n :4::t.nta A1.a .\ v·•l .. •1t 1\flr• ~· 111fl"n ... ~ l.;t·:ty I ,,,cl)!e .•• Phones 12 and 13) BALBOA Mr:a~ Malcolm Reid - --2:!nd --;:;a ~na I Legion Birthday Lecture!' UrJe' ·~ ~ouaewarmin1 For Your,-'---Honoree At Junio, Ob.o.;t.•n·t-it Hy Joint Post, Auxiliary Fett Cloaer Friendahip Mr. and Mrs. Cfi,rlea '. P '"'' ,.,. "'"' .::fld bir thdf!> 1-.ttn11 (\'alko•r ''"'1-: ''!'air· ;,non, NEIGHBORS With South • American.. I W Tewinklea, Meaan' '..!/.':.. , . , •h '" 50 "'' m · "lnrt1.1n J...,,.,. S··••~-:" <truJ "t 'h;•r· l \ I'', 11\ •" 1 "'' l•o \, 1 ·, .).,. • . I. "I 'I ' , • ' II orbor1Am••r·· IIIIIJ.:Ih' " ( 'oull'ltldllll: I h•• rnll~ll'.ti •lana Trip , {.\111/.o•ns of l his 1VU1ll r~· ~hou)cl l .. l•l•••'l"yrll , 'l d 'II ' J •• ~ lllti'J'fiKI' rl!o » r. IIA 0., 111 hi,,, .. , .. , ~.t,, t.ol .. u. 1: •. I 11 I. .• " 1· '" .:. and t lwrr , 1"!1'' r••n ••I tho· pro~-:rtmt ",.,.,. ~,.,.. l'ro·rmriDI(' l u •·xpto)rt' pru ·ts ,.._ 11hulrsh rhdr ~omut:: t'Ompl;o('Pnl at· ~rs. \\'. •C T~\~'inkh• nr O:>eta wns ~:lv•·n i.y 11••:-••·l'<.~·~ at T"' ""''~ ,;, '•I lit I~·L-·~1nn ;•nil "·'1-:l"t~· nunih•·r s playNl Ly •••rnllnl l<' old Mt'XIl'll aga in 111 Mrs. 1 1 1 1 th f th • I 'I •' • r 1 '/\11 I' k . ' rr lll ,. uwan s I' n •.st a. <' Ml'{a wall • h l' h<llt!ll'warmlng olo .. n.~;l.t' .·• " ••.. I II L! • j It ol. 'I I "'·•l•~ 01' tl ).:11 II 11'1'1 •• r ~ nnr~tlhy ~~-. Carlt·r. l:l3 a 0 l ,, \\'o·~r··rn 'l<'mi~phPI'{' if th(•) wish party ll'l\'t ll hj .hd • m:.,ny !neoWI "'"'"' \\ ,.11,, 11 , , • I• · t II• • ,, '' olo·t ,, · r I ! " "" l.<·t;ll•ll o·ulors "'''~''' ll~•·d Sslrc·>•t.-NI'V.foort Ut;~o •·h ~ .. ,,. In lu ruak•· lh••u· hllmt·~ ~LI'r for t in lht• no·w T••\\'rukll' ll\lnli' al 190 1,.,111 , 1 "" ,.,.,1 \!. , 1 " , • .,, ·1 '' • d Sranlc-y ".J' lhi/IIIJ.:h"" rho• hall Lo •l••t'<~tlllurn:< hil i>-lh, y~>tlf M r!~ C'o.~r·tl'r Ia jUJh ~··mt .. ·ra•y M r_s A .. H K l j)p . £rL~t •Mh Slrt••·•· C•>~L'' :w~-. \ 'I• r n""" ,.,,, ,,. "'' ••f' ~~. '• '" • ' 'I '. '"""it'll di\flnJ.: lllw· ;•wl l:"lrt fl,\\,•r·~. '''"·~·ll•·s a fill 'n.• !!pry HnJ ••no•rgctk us uny !'lllllh,:nl I)JMnC't. l'hllirrnan of m·' 'l'lu•sday c·vo·nln~ ~~~":" o:lnrl\ ~·•rot ·~ · '" .r,'"''~ "'''" 11ol lhl' pror.;r.•rn fh•c'; lorrrwd lh••..r•·nlr·rt•"·•···' flu· ·"'•IIIII:' l rtl\'l'ih-r 11111 ur'anxluusly lo•lnalr .. n:d rl'l.o luon~. 1\:0fll·~l 1()0 1 Gurstfi "Wulk,•.J" lntll ,ht home l l•,.o urlJl .\lo • ;-.:.'""·' ~~ ':·· , ; I ''I I I ''' ' '''"M'S ol llu• lh•• ·''·""I'••·• lllhl•·• !>IIIII• I' "''' I••JkiiiJ.: forwur.l .u •ak.n~: lhiM n.l··,'.nlh·rs•o)f th•·. :--;,.,,1~"' J:, ·u·h anol llhOJrh'tl llllrprJIII' wht•n lbe ;-.: "l""' B•aoll ,.,,•1 ··--··· I'•'~ ''" ·1>-,,,·, AI l~o·loJ.:o• .q•rvrol h\' lfll'llolk•nl o. ~~~·· Am•·r · lllto lll lt•h· ~llll'!'h 1-.h •. ll Clult I1KIIt). . T••\\'tnklrs <h'rtvrr:t 'hnDI~. n lew ,.'I llot 'I,,,,,,,,.. r ,,,, 01 =.t· ,, 'I II' ,, 'I ,, \! •lie fttlll oiiJ.:, 11"111 I.PJ.:Jooll ~ul(ilr••ry .Jun.orA" In· '~l rll Arlllllr ,. .. It~·.-•• r I'"-··'·.· I I r d ' .. lllJL "'·~ I•• "·' runt; "a~ J.:l\'o•n urrn~ mlnui••H l"l"r tln~<l•·"~''" t•lannlng 'I I I I I ''''· .,, .f "' 'I '' \ ,.,olr •ry .......... nl· •·lwhn•· lh·• ~~''"''' •• tan.'"'""''' II 'I (' I ·rl I I I ' ·' ,.rp.u ..... ,, I .. 1. ·) 't. l ll.lr( ,..... ... • 'A'I Hf t'l)fiiJ'Kny ·~I H. or.... )t: )t r t ... t'II ..... IOtl nt itll ntn•·l.l(' Ill I lh~ 4\••••t ... are ~'IS. T aroy AD· II • • I llo "1 1 \\ 11h 11 dec-n•·•l· "h:ol•·r. ll••tr~ ('t'IH'ko·r. 1-:llo\o.,._ 1 1 1 L ~ ·-•u "~ ·• ..,., t,ha• "''~· ••!. ,.. ,, ,., ,,. 1 • • oup .... Hnnouu<•• d -f'y wall ftt·_•'-• .u•fl\tth•, au ••· .atuu1 tu I l•' r .UH•· •l••rs.uu #lo• 11,1 ... 1r" t'lt'llw 1 f'n.tncer. I 1 1 k I • o! '" •fto! • I \\ 1lh I~ "'"'''' rt.mt1• I 1.••'11" :-•lui lip• ,ond t-:1, .o· ··1 I' T 1 1 rt 1 1 fl " "' ,..-t ' ~ '"I ' ' r I h )I,, I•'''' tt ·.. • ''·• , .. 291. JUI!J~ llf'u fl.o rld• I gn tu ··~ a~u ~·xu8, o_ \lt9 L I'' tr! \\ al !•n pu ,..,h-:e ~~ u~·nt't,' 1"h•• t·\~•,lu • \nl~ Hpt~n4. an playing "'"'' ltJ• ruall'. -. .... ,., ; • '·~·· 1'"'1 ., -1111\fltls .uaJ l h•fl·f"lls lh!' IJfll<rtl••r ••• ~ .• •Jih ,\trh·l'll':f :\l r~. l'tJip ar· , ... 01B~ nn,)l:\\ftl'•hlrP· 1.,~ hnoorees I I•~ ";'11 1,.:k 1111 !' ,. , "··· )"'' .'.'••1 I' '1" Afnerl•'lllt' lnlr•"""''"" 4't~lllti'T:IIHio•t ~·-•n· 1111" ~1:txu" ~It ~~ 1-'••rht·,. ~l"'lkll'l<'n<l•d 111:011\ llltl•l:,nolm~ l'uukr· ,.~ ' 1 1 ~I ~ 1~ H frl'sh \'.h•11 t . h•r u•t ""··~· I · 'ttl I·~~ H .... I :.:••·· ... , "-llh (11 tpJ. .. n tl l"l l\n~•w..-II-."' ·ru· ud . 0 \.JIIII)Il or int .~ HJW11 tnust illl J.Ht''•'". ~ ·-... ,\'omen's Seuion Gforx .. t 'lnollrt) ..... n I. I( !I "' 0 un ~""' ,;; u ... I nmr•"•Y frnm thr trsrt b T nt-;::-.. 11 nt! Ln~f""""'' 11ub tr-vry t :<o<HT?Y ~·~ .......... ------=-:::;;hl\' J·, ... I ··•I)'* II Um t•,. ..... ll·t tAl ~u._..,.,, nf ll"f" f'"\'•-ntn. ,. .• na: A;';,1'fr••m 1'1 .. ~ •. .,-,.,;y-... ~ \l rtt1 ,_,.,. l lt~urr tht' ~r••UJ• w ill "" '"1•1-.. t t .. I ho •.u•l.lll•l: -fuJ.o<l , n ") <•I 1 h• ,.t"~n1nc '•lln• tn~ 1 ,, nt tivt t:t ... ll I 1111• l;u .. "tJt ""·""lnlr tt r , ''-"" trrtm tl•"' • r:·~· f'l'"" Uti!' gaJ10 f'\',.llon~; ,., • ~I·..,.,. tfni"rt lllllnl of ('o>J<ta M .. ,.,. 'I'll• ''·'I'',.,, .11llu lfi•J.: 111 "·'' t'on HIII IOII•·r Sto rn.r "' '' "' ''''' 1 ~ ' 11111 ,. ' '' ' "' • ' • u.onll' ""~ ~···:1 In l.l\t eve-tlj.A.• At ' p~·_,...,·V·t ••• ' ... t t. I'JuUI tt •• ~.r n lurn ,o Lhr ( ·nl-.~d n.tlUJJwl JUl-JM..._.-1,.. ..... I hi .. l:t~ ,., II l I """ -...-.---+-I .o -· • ~--..L L int nytucrd -lbA..Ctu•.tU\.a u..... ~-r: ~ -T I --,------~ ~-c ( _____.. -at ~ .,_...........,... ~~·"' ... ~-" ~:·•t··o, ~.,. ,_urt.·r \\Ill ,. ,. r• ,,.. '~'-"'.: nuu·n "' w1' In ••trnall••n :•-(' 1 1 1 1 IJ 1 no.l ;" • antJ M rnl'11 If• ''" K •1"'1 t-: : ..m• ,J lh• , luh mwtl• lan '"' the M oor.-(I \', I~•· ~-r I t ' F ,,.11_, n.lrr ,,( th,. )'""" \\'atlll (#••nl •oO t-11••1 '' I. I · 'lA A,w.-.r•1m m.-mbtno Jlr•·s. nr brll R.:slrtt H .. t.lrn "'' tt>r Kf--... t h• ,,. ""r" )fr anlt )inr tl )t falhl'r'>o 1;.,.u1 .. ~·. "'"' fit ....., .. l 'lu.:.: ~I rs• na-h ... ,,.,. •fll fto·,r-1 •IUI.:t. ,..., .... n Ar.n , .... !: ... Rlltl ''rll•ru• rt.t k• '"'' Jl.:'•' •• r \ lfJ .,.Jr.~ u.--. J;.. ,._ .. n til :-;..,nt ~ n t • .ttn•l ~11 St f 'tttrh k'~o I t,"' mut lf t t.IHU.J.:h• '•r~t )tr · 'f"'t••m .. f f;urd•U t;tn\•' trut tht• l11111.C' A rn1oln J,:t•t .. '1', .. r WU 110'1'\4 •I al 11.~ QUI\Itrt •tAttl,:, t fr l'luar It'll II\ Ill"• ' . I•• '' l•t o> 11• •· II.• • I II 1-•• I lo 1 \'tee r·h '11 • ,-;.'l"\'lt·c )h'f'lln~ I \' ll \\'\•;'rt 1 bt f I I' t t n I •I 'I Ol't' lo' 'l< r •alk on "P •tn ol.l• Sl~ Ill II<,., r 1 • rs . • , \ ·: \JI"JJ. E:·•h•·l \J, '""•'l• "' l ho• ,\11'\ill.ll \ "II! I .... ' . . 'I II I! . " "' " II • • l ,. ". • • • ' C:unn'ng lhld~r. Cnpl31ol ond Kta. "·•• t .. )o!lltt 1\·•h ,. ............. • u•~t·•:'\\\\lu•ttt'A·A,h. J,fn•'•••·:tntl ~lrSt•n l·:•rl,. ~J r·•·ud ~\•~ ltt•s s ,,, ''" :' _'!, :, ~~·· '• '• . -. .,._. ,. I!· 1,,', ',:;ll··•pHia~lnn.n,,t'•~ ""''' ·' 't•·•·l:d t· .. n:ruun•t~ s. ""' Home Clvb l>n• ''"'"' .•nc: I•~ fJt,.,,.,, "•'I• Hn'1•·'""' -._,, ""'' ~1rl<. ••f·ory J '• .... • t H \~ • '. •• ., t ,• J rl"•·•·l tn~ n••\1 ~lund:i\ niL!hl tn l h I turut•t• P:.•rk•'r o UaU)4't\ u .... d . d;u Ill~ .h.· ltt.u·h,·n.t :r.t f".ll tl .'1 II., ,1,1,1 ... 11 1,. ,,., .... ,,1 '' t•lolod !t-11 n· J., ... ,,,., hrll 111 k····pm~ \\tfh ,f1• M~o 1•11olos .on·,11,,.,.,J lo_,. 111,. 11.,,1,,", .. : ll11\'ls. rl .:ut••lh'. M rs. N••tll~ • ~ ~ · 1•larul w II ~n:l ll~lln ,h;:-llu no(' ~ 1 1 'I 1 :\t H B .... -.r. H• I \l •• 1,-... :.••.d· f•Ao \" I•. 111 -tnddo->1) ••• th••roo• tnr ;\l:•ldl All.n··ntl•·t' to( F.o .. nt•lllll!<l'llllon(tho'C""I:I.•I•,.a 11( lh • d•·~· llll'tnho•r!-o; tho•loiiii.J· ,.,, tltrt ,. . r ;!It • ,,.~f . o' ;\II· I • ,,.,\ ''••h·• •'•I 'I•· '• '' • ,,.,be '"'l :ht '"""'"'' ,,, .... ,,./:tlinrl' lhr uu~:h""l t ;tlllt;:o· "' ll•·r home T tr.·A<II\,' l'h • •n~: •·n.nn.itl•··· ho•atlt ol h\ .\ta,. ;;_ ,..-rw • .tr .. ugh. Jud~:.-1.1~·~1 rAs l • •ol 1 ,. • • • •! ,. • •• ~· h • •·o ... l'fltion: .,. .• th•· lt:'lrhtw 1 ,,.,,,.., h:'"' ~··•'""' d .... Tdlursun Tho • ~::•~ 1.,.1,., ,, . .,,,0 1, •• r'lotf;.:,. :,.,r ~tnd o r8. non l •h• !1,.,,, I'• •'• ''• .' lo'.··· ... I •lo·l hPrpt•'. ln\11:'"'"' '" ll•ar iow ,jp,,.f,• n••t'trng 1\l)l h•·):ln Ill 10 .,·,f·~k '.O.'·,r('k -'"~ ·~·II ••· 111'11 :\1rs 't• 0 • ,· '' '' • ' ' 1 • 'l'llh ,1 pth lilt k illl.llh'Oll r., ,\u•l•l \\d• J.l ho••'JIIII).: W1lh till' 1-11111 ' · . . ~ 'J ~~ ·' 1 , , •• 1,, ,,. ,, •.,, t , ~,1 1 • ,, '• .,,,niN\t~ ... · hr ,,._,ttk•·r· ... ''H'l!t" t .,.a~ ... 111 '' htf·h atl'"'''"·••' (H o~Jo~m .o~i•" Nrth.-•. !-=pt•nt ··r 1r an< r-•. • ·'II" 1,, 111, .,. .h• ,· .,. •. " '• I '"'""a dot1n· ll'lo• 1 t111J, ·f'•111 a11: d'l ' ,.,.nlfllllllll~ Sp1.u.err;• ~·:, !\lllnl~o·r -: oi ill•· ·'"•lllnafr,,~ 1.• 1"\' A• ,J, , .. ,II :'llr ltl\tl Mr s. It• l t '\ 11• ·····I ,., .... , ••• •• ' '0 t~o•lfl of k····p· !\II'' 1-:.:l ho•r· S•lllll. l•w·:d , .• ,,,,n•tlll' ····~,. J'"'" lll•k···""'' .·\IC s O'l lflllrllllo (ttl ·'··xi ... .~ ... ·,.. .. rr .......... J::to·k ,; .. ld··H.'lllr llrhl .M rs. Elmer ., •' ' ,, t In thf h H111•'. 11.\ "''~"' u··· ,.h.etl U1''•'· , ... i.l (":1:11 l.'•' f·:.l ri~IU:' ~la r l• ~·. J1Jld ~1 "~ :u·· ",.1,, ,,1 •••.• ,,~r.,· ,_111 10,; tho• -..11_,1,., •• , .. R tt•ftut d, !-.1 r und ~1 t ~ :-.:.un. Craw-f IJ, .t• ' ' '" )'lllh "'' I I ,, . I "' • .,. rh u I "' I u ... J • H •r I I Hl'll lUI I''"'' "' ru I-I 'I •J t'. I II ' 11 tl llln "' 1hl• pH1L_t\.•n1 ~-a.llu · ... tUl1fH4nii"""WJ :t . part.. tl fi ll ··n n:.· \11 .... ·"" -\,·, l;I,'H'klu•;ud ''"\' "If' nod &tr·~ ,.,ner e. ' ' • .. r • .... '"'''' rntart111n,.(l '"' :-:,> ll!••·r,.· v·r. it1 ·tho· :-:10nta " 1, tl"l•"n ''''l Clo:lir,na" "''"" ,1,., nriolc ot Lontr Dt•a <'h, )fr. and .,., •. , ... •'' l•tuk ·"''1· t.t~" t •• ,,,. , .... •11 , , .,, ,,,,,, lnr~-.,,,,... •·t·•ll ('ltll'" II" F rll y r···' ,. • "1 ""I 1 T ·t ••I "tr anC I .... ... f ' A 't ,. "" .·. ~ "'" ,,,. . '·• .. (' \\' • 1'·••·•·1·•••• alld '\tr·•. {' L. " t I' L ' war. a:~ ,,,. " ' " • '""•I· ,.,, •I Ill" 1111•11 1 ... , •• , ~· '•' I',. • I i ( trC; U lU ··-1 u _._ , , •, 1 '• 11 •I• :-;,. t'f'l w D ill 1 • ~ •••rol""'l nt l I' m TliP ~il!l<'l i<lll<i "fhrorrl C:llnlnlo•lrn:! 1 .. ,. 1.,,11111u 11,.,. M r~ 1-'illlll Cnn rnoly nf Hun "•--i\11 • ''"Ill: '"''' ··"" .... ,h. I ,·~ , •t I k I S I h w· L:-. .1 ,. ., " k•n~ and ~'',. Y"t.:•'nTII l )A•·•• l!f "•' ' · · 1 "' • m l ~~··,Pr..atted ita n; ~rto-tcJII f••rms • part "1 Ul•· J.fr~<. E. l: ~not . "t"!fllr•''B t alb. n -;~----~-_.._-.,_~_, (•., .. t:l ~,, .. a ~~~ .. ~•· tof '" ,.,,.. • 1 N--._ __ icaa Flaa ..,..-<·ln-Jrul~r n<:tr\'ltt~>~< A stylr ,.hnw LEID-LE.IS.E .BILL Means ~lore .Job@ fOI' Trainftl Peopit . .,._.. lr-ur , .. tl ........... . . .. .. •o,tllll!ntM ....... ?' .... a •••--..-.._two .. .., ..__ oni.a ,_. ~ .... ,,., w aa.& Eli ..-' •-a F Irp "" tfee ...... ..... IF e.~.newiTtw. ... llft, .. .. ---edlw a ..,. .... ,........__,...__q ..... ._.... ..-. ... llhtnt& ..-. ... --. ....., ,.ae II ft. .,. 111 ft. ...... _, P. A. ............ Vta Ulle; ..... a.. c--,. .... ...eea. "FOR WHAT IS Be)_ RARE ~ . - AS A DAY IN " APRIL, MAY OR JUNE! E.&p«iaU)' Wlwn ·JboeE lla)·s A~ SaWni ~~t Beautiful s~ ... ·port .,JlJ'ber • E~~rything ..... has ~~,. J)l'o . ... vided for~ your Complet· .:.:·•· -, p~~ynfftr. .. ,: ···:1t ·''1,} · -'. ~~if~;~:?.t'titsrllt£-· ro li ·.-: -.·. ,. ~ . . . , .... ~:r ~~~f·T ... :trA<.1·Fff:U . .- IIVESTIEIT CO. ."SPEND EASTER ,f.T BA~A" 'ntnt.: tul.t AJ··~Iitnh~,. • t-:h ,, I'• •••I ...... ,.. ..... ~o:.1" ,.,11 11 .. h ,.1 w11n.., ,\JHI .. tr . Coming Evenfa .will 1M' a featur e "' the att.·rnoon P••rullly Tlh k'rr, J>l all ,lm 1: • I d i'r<•..,nl>~tl"n. •-rf e:n Alll!'rl<'&11 P f'OirT&'tD U •l i.h~ ~lllrtt-8 JUJ'I!' ~;aht~t'l J • Ml In Harbor Area nl\. ,,, l hr Ne'l''tlnrt Bnr h Firr-1 "-~ .... Hellor • bouab.an~ '•'o~JU.& 3u)'~lll. l.it~Y DWl'& A.u.sJllary at" tbaU '11ua•. A lift ~tml..te.uhlp In 0... New· O.u rnhau b. FAI.OA'I'. -MARCH a\-~day_u,enJ.W!._..t.t.ln41-.hy Kr:.a..-~~rt r..ech Gr&m_.!!~llr .::'i•.:l!oc.lLPilr- ' v.v .. lyn .lr..-t-. ..JIIo&Jl flllel~., •·,.,.1,,~~~.. dll)' noii z .Roberbnn u~sentlltjt t" e t ilt T t-llChn 'll A~laUon w as pr~-Ju~U" x....... ~lbH l"tr1.8<1il_,; <J\UI> :: I' rn I tc~nrt· Rllrbnr· A.nwrica ~~c. :~111~ MI"'!.-M('T'iltm Pn~rr ol ~h I J .. aJ)f'U{I """"''n ('tlr!Allnf' Ba.trd. ,. ...... ,.,,., llt• •• h n.-, • e n u t A u& II ""'· \elt8 " "lghligflt ol tbt>lr I Nn.port Su ch C~mmllr School I f'alriera Wllatta• 1!114 Dun11 N c·. l'r••IJ' 7 I' m So uul Hwt. J""'~n~ t"'"' 'rh• met"llntr: WILli I f rwulty at Monday 11 m e.tlng ol 1 Mun ry. c .. ~,. Mo·~<a Ftn mrn. ftnhan. ht lt! ln '"r hum..-l'1f fl'rl! Ker.ettll tht" .IJI'Oilp '" the k'tndl'fl(llrten I T t ... lr Of'Sl ...... u"-'1'111 bt Arrll 7 .!. r m I J ohas..., "' '1\:PWJ "'" At> .. ·h If ... ~u .• k>at'hl'r "ere lnr TI~E A Os-:- ETHEL'S BEAUTY SHOP ..Pft'manent Wa.,ve-•.--. • ..-. • .--.. Manicure + • -' Telephone Slt-W 1 1 aDd wJII tlf' hrlol In the ~lll'lroom R·dho m llllltn•l F:.fd ~ 1fnr\c-T11t A.mr roc-an Lt>•1..., A.IISJir&l')' 31 y ean . wa. uward"l th .. mf'rn· o u1 th(' r lubtM>\&M U u F..<J1th ('hoy -· r•••m ~ e rr ''' 5 P m . who p:r•'tltl•d Tla,-tl• each or. t..rs h•p tlecaulll' nl h rr ,·.,ntlnued GMCE 8BIP_MAN 1 ,. will 'c-omr lo apt"alll oo play,. SATLIROAY. MA.CH 22-KMI7..at1011 in'thr cummUillty ••w ""n·ice in tht organ1uttnn .:.P~r:e-JL-----:;;:;;,;;;;::::~ aoll druna. I F rr•lll\' A""' nnon c I•. J'ood th .. nr~lrll culorll to l hf' f!rl'men'a ~Dtatloo ol the award w,... SCHOOL of DANrcnnc Rail'. CO<Ola M ua. lri'OUP throucll lin. O. z. Robe-l't-by lolrL FArl""BI"yan. \.Jli.,~ ! P Of U if"etl 1aUNDAV. MARCH 13-eon. Am .. rlc-anhtm rtlalrm•. lfu. Mr. and M ra. A l<loen S ryan a1 , roanM n I I Aldrirh lolul!ellm. Bay •••nd. Malle ftblllng pruld~nt off the BaJboa . bade tJ;rewell to thelr CJ.urcl. OrcanizatiO. ,.,.,en to pubhc. 2 p. m. to I •· m. Legion AuKHiu-y ._.. a •hort frlenda,.hert-ore lhry left on , MO..,OAY; MARCH 24-talk following t he preeeot.etlon &n envla blf' and lt-laur"lt trip I Ia Told Mesa Crou, N .. wport Beach Ebell K.ftl ant ceremonlee. through EMtrro Ita tea. They lett 1 Crllfle Sec:tlon, JO L Ill. FolJowtnr Ule ~etillf the bo.t· ~onday· In their ·" e , .nau on 11,.._ Turner McBain o1 J..al A.,8. Balboa fnn Bulldtnr , san.... and -be,-.n ca.N p.mea of brtdre "'111\JD In which Ulry wm travel plel addr-...ed .txty memben at Red Cro. Worlllroom.a. all da,J, .ad fln ·lluudNJd. A.tt.er • co r~ • ~da and up lbe Atlautlc ta. Ollila a.-w--·• ...._, 121 Ma1.ne ..,...., ......_ .. were tallied lftl. o. z. RObert.on w to Otouo.trr, · lfua., o1 Clttrtlraan 8en1ee 1ft Uw Com· laad. and Mra Ralph" Randel received ,bere tbey ~ll 'ftalt brfo~ r• Ta\), Ballet. Toe, ,Acrobatic and BaUroom 211 lla,rine Awe. Wcman's O ubhou• ·t18 South Main Balboa blan4. . Coeta U~ · Santa Ana - I'IUV Aft J.E88011fe -..... o.a.sa LII880Na-.e 1WO BALLROOM CLAHsEa • --~·~ Ctlildreo 10 to 13 yean and HJah School \t to lT )'dl'l m&llllty Churc:b, 'nluraday attn · Newport ltarbor Amertcaa lAC· ltlp and low brldp prtzea and I turotnc here . ~-~«mln~Ul·~~~~~Aurtl~.7=~~k ·~~-D~~·~~M~~~r--------------------~--------------~----, Jlt'OC1"f• at thla unlfl~ organJ-Hut · Wal.,.r Honeycutt prtzee In bridge. 1 whll'' now b:u over • mil· Nr wport ~;~Kh Clrt Martaen. Mrmbr... and g II e II t . lni:ludtd , ' l lloD mt!llllltra. · I I.A'glon Hut. 7 =~ p. m. MNohunt-s Mott l• lwUmg. 0 . &. : ~ . Aa Soulht-fll Calllol"'li& tlutlrt<'l TU!SOAV, MARCH.-Robrrt,.on. lllldr~ ~tllllley: Rob- pfttrict.nt Mra M cBain tnld at Nno'port H • r b o r Llona Club. ert Jadw1a. W 11 I tt r Honeycutt, 1 1 U.. -.ny homt-a. m t..ton• &It d • J{nb<'r Caft. noon. Hert>ert Thompel'a'l. Ralpll R.a.J)(Jel. ; rt'tug~"• "punlll'lr .. d by thr W ~ (' i ,.,.,,1"Y Aflern~ Clu' Arte I.Dd ltd Zubf'. J an BrtiiC•». Orlando I tbrou.hout lht' ''nit••• ~tl\tN )Ira Cra_f'ls SM'\Inn. 11 .. m~ SWU'OOIIl. Brtacoe. Dorothy ~bri.ht . 8 . z.l 47th ' Wu•l Plllf'y ~Hidf'd uvn lbto ~rwpnrt Har~ Rotary Club. Arbon. Jamu F ro.rt an d Eleanor mef'tlnjt in the ~-n.·• llf t h r fl :10 P In Whth • I llalltoa Jaland bndel 1 I presld~nl. )In lJ 1: Hrd r h c •• rtt-t ~~~ • .., . I The Aprrl 10 n»ttlna Will be Th .. mut~rcal ,..rtlllll of tht &f. fta~tlttthell Touml\llltt.l N • W • With )ln . Robtrt Jad.tn M N rw· &vuooe prottram wail l "·"n by P.•rt lla.rhor t:nlom H ll h S<:aool, pert H t-ll hta. . I .,ra Harot.l lAnK n1 Aflllho•lin.' 1' f' m . ..,'pr•no IK~!llat wh1• song "H nly 1 • Rr •l (~1&11 W nrk ruOIYle. all *Y· C1ty " and a requ•·lll aumbn "W,. B~lho•n Inn Bllllollrli:. Dalbc ... .-a<~ 'T1111k" )ft·,. .J )f r:allnJ:l•• 1 ••>.t!' 0 '21; Mnr ln• """. ltnlhnn llll&nd. •n o·t\.~rtr•· or ,l,•v .. lru. s \\ :::: ,. S Rt>tl • 'rn!ll' <lny ~ spi;,~ or 8rt.1kflJ!Il ( 'h111 I It h\' ljlo' ~I'll !1 'I 111 C'lrrl• Nun hn l" " •of 1 11,. Sf;:m·• ·Tr111 Plll '!-.. r••rilv 11.-ta W ~ • ~. t..wot.._• 11 ton-"ltflt:ol ..Ana. 7 .Ju I•· m. · Hoaor W. D. Huff......, Oa 49tla W eddint Aani•ersatJ Date .)If, &nd Jlr:L -'Y..__ll. HufflkiU I ·. )'l'•l••rotn,· nuon11ng "' lh·· ~,,:,41 Red Croaa Datet hall ul Uw dtu•l'lt "''"'"'' "11·" '11 Ro•ol l'rt•llll \ol-'n•kr•••n.l' IO(ated CJI Hunlln1.'1•m Rt'IH'h ..,ere bon- oren At 11 otnn••r pu rty Sat ur<Jay ~vt-nlng 11\·rn <m til•• dale o1 their 69th wt dolnt: ar~tuvt•rtt.aly hy Yr Save on~ the things you need for Spring and Ea~ter. h ru1r·ol l•y fill lll•·"""" T!~t• 11'''"" 111 lh·· llulluoa Inn lttllhh: o•nmer IIJrlllo ... ,J h nl l'llk•'• wlu• h Wl"rl'. r ~~ .._1 l I U j( "--~-.. xa.•tlh· /I'Rolo· '" \\'a• ··n ('o••k ". • t•ln . r••r un1 ,,. ,,....,., ,.. j ( t'l ' d ( f-111nt Ill llnJho11 H ll.J al l::!ol ~fllr1JM ~~~J!II.A ·~at·•~nl. 111 Jlll•'kl"lan '~' '1 AV•'Illl" ll.oll .. ,n l•land 111 lh" llat •. ,. "~'~' n;.: 1 n '•""4' n,:: a 11. • • • Wpt-t-llff'lll•f'l· w f-...t.:v~ .. .:::.c•_\JJ..c; .... ::u.rua.t;o ,,le>J' .. ~ I 1,. J&no•\l'<t :u• ''~ llllt,l't n St,.. Th• NM!.'f\flrt "RI\lh('fl R"tl 4 "•• kt••~~u~a. tn •, 'h.u I:•"' 1•f t 111 an,d Mr11. D K. Blut t•f Newrort H~lghta. ' ' J ored.......au~ on.. J,bl.'l ~~ll•'t WI a Blue hnmt for many \'f'&rl fn ff'· •W membrnnro• nf l hr 1mt r.•l W<'dolilll deqartme~~ in every on fJoor. e . Values 1 r. r••l f . II I ,.... •.1 G.:\ • .. 1n• ··nh:'rJ.!t ' a t,, u p . n :tum 10.3. ~-m •" ) I' m MGD· •f • ,. ,.,,, --l:l_; " · •l Y>• olrweo.lay. The Hutrmall!< ba"e lrf-f'n bOD·l • dat.P lht hn:<l C'MI llt't'YPd II r<.•plt1 . -------------::.._-------·--------------:--:.:-:".------..J tfl & br·~·· ~(' tfurirJ~ fbi' I'U· I -.rt bnur , r-----------~---------...-----------------------------._ __________________ ~----------- '"i::iiii~liiiWii:iMUim;r,;;r:;:<.;iii;ni) '' '''" ...... t.t\ •:-: .,.n ... , , ~"' LA,ton • , :"''";,,,' .ta:· , .... , .\lr• lmn CIH'"fe :olten.ttn..: Wl'r,• ~ r 11 Orphn :3111~. ~r:< Mah'" t'lv••. Monrur !'o•wlt•e. l'.w Jiul f1o &.n 1\AlJ I ';,., 1 t.• • ;,.r l••n 1H 'h.l.-1..• .. I Th·· ttullo. .. l •l:or:.l ""'kl·.nm t. loUse f)CI'"\~.y Hit..-•h•· hn.,t>r~t• "'..::.....;..-.i:-...,.._ ';.:~~~==~ "l'<'•l •"'• n · ,Joy •• ,_, •)l ··..: ~-· ant.l .J(. r!flol ~:Is 3 lur o1 ,,. ·'"" ••· II• I.•', " r h •!lrtt ra t -- .i an.·'"~ Tn··~(.H \ IS~U.l' .~.· ~;\.._..:: ·r ptlpt-r h. \\ .t:r-1n' .,,.,.,.,,t~y .:-... h•"'l l . &hal ltol." •·m, r nl 1 :ou~ln.·c.~ """ j hnnt•r•••: .~( 1 h.· P n F i1ult a. a ' l&Vt'lh' llhJI\\'t'l . .>I til ,.a., I:;. L'llJ\4lS• or !"'('\\)'o!fl llo·n· 1.1 \\:I,. llw b olo\• o~ •'n ,ht• ... • aston .. • 3es ; .. •7'' :-o .. , .. .---J. \'.J·e \\·flO r ~ . ri ~. ~ .. J; "'llll1J.11 1 r. .J ,,.,., rr \• br HEST '5PR i.\(; 'I . T H.. ' .~ 81 ~t..fl _,.-r,agHii! ·-· .. •p .... ~ ·: 4) :\l ;\i ~t( \'F-\R~· The NEW8-T1Mt& tJ~s You to Tell . Your Friend~­ "Come and Play On ~ewport Bay' ihh~~'Ea~e~: 'SP.:~~~;;.cr=s;~;;;~r· • I I