HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-04-17 - Newport Balboa News Times. ' '· ., • . . . . l . • IS5_U£P .. ·4· -~----~ .NEWR_ RT ·t j BJ\I;'B OA. ..... (~tl ·~ .. r.:.. ./) .l ~_EEK-ENQ EDITION I w::~-~~ --~-E-W§.d~!DMES EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT1_ SEA SHO~ l:OLONY LIDO ISLE. NEWPORT 'HEIGHTS, BAlBOA ISLANo.•coRONA DEl M.AR, COSTA MESA :- t :l toiiT I' \Ia'"' S I 'M KP:tl :u 1 • I • CoAgr~t&.J • I 'nnj(ratulat•vn.~ u r e 1 n . Fifth ~Annual Harbor _ ;Flower Show Makes ~lt,ther of .Lew H. Wallatt Dies At Lon~ Bearh ]J. R· .L _,. • I Pr~part•dnt'ss 1m . ~ ~~ubjt'rt For l.:aooks On r;~~~~ .... ~:.~~~ ......... . ElectiorLSaught .Ior_--:· -· "*"9_...._ CoaStal Di~trict ' T Q . __ order t o "J udj(t' J a 111 ,. s Hubt'l. Lido lsi.• authur who ha.~ • so I d 8<'recn. t'haradt>r and rstllo rights t .. a s.·dt•s Of thrH-bouk s All' of whll"h mcdtt"lll • t n c Jull~-:·c ' c r y ba ppy-;- ~ 0. atur tiho.liOJ: Into :'l:t'\\fl'ort \' --------New ~mber E thiS Wt't•k wa s lht• Y·" ht: .,j. · • I > )(nm. wottJ o w11 er. L ,. ·•s . N~wport S('hool AuditoriUm to ol' !'tonf'. n ot t'd 1u-tor. und \Irs. f d Jn \' "t bl (' d ~t•lh' ubnartl. T hf' l'ctupll' art' ' orme • ~tO ~rl 3 e war ~n: f'XJ>t't'h •d tn liJ'l<'OU 0\UI'h tlml' lJ nd~r Auspii'6H of Ebell (iar~n • ht•rt• th1s Sll{llmt;l :o.n01 thc> '-' '"' , Tr'Jns- Exhibit ,. I ....,..,t:rot t ho~ "U...&t•J;:' h -• ''""lib , ..... 11 "' .. -h- !' ... r\'h'f'~ \\ ··n • tl;:t.t .v~•te......., )oP fn 11\lt•r&ll<' I II\ l.o>r';g s-ell' ' ,_.I ... tul••,f f "-t ,.:.tt .. -f, t :t l lttU I t\ lb.t• U a144U~.-~ ~ ·, .. ttlf\ lid li I R t tt.--I I I' t't t IUL, f •• ttt t' l.t ' ......... , .. ....... Ill • h ·· .... f ' • \ h \\ '"" t .. t n u•r h th • t ftl'11 n . ·~M. W. ;D; Wat~r t • ... n ,e•ntaly • t• •• l ru• tt l lhH-Jua..:tn• It• ••· u •(H' t '••·dt"''l't.;u,,•,t had ttte.•n arelll: :'"l"'ll 1111 "'• ,_ .... , .tud '''h" .:·.r .. ·•t ·"" tn •unth·,·,,,," \\tl,t.J .fi' oll'r·t n( l,ooll ): llo•tt• h fur thirty. I fan• "11) 1" "'1 "'"""··~ ·' lluo:l ll>. I I,, l l .. t•lo•t;t "Ill 1., · 1,.,1,.,.,,,,j :\t·rt·~ ln·iiU' llarwh. Two Irrigation Uhdrids In ~h·sn nnd Ln~oeuru• Bt•au·h Area ~ llt'\4 St I , . .., n f \\ t ' ... 1t'l It ""•' I t' 1 0 · "'' ,.~·ar~ ~he.· " ... ,. :\ nu•mbt'r •l•h, .Hid , ,.,,,Itt~ ·• 11,.,, ""' 1 ,, •• ot ''''"' t h•· nh'f11hlll·r,.hap "n .1 .1,. Group ttu" ~h·th ... h~t t'hun ·h l'nlil--two tt. ,111nJ • .r'"Jtln•· ... ,.,, tltt , ""'' .u,.. ... ''" "'" "'~·· .... , •. , ..... ,u .. t .1 y ... 1-4•ft• ,. h•·r 1'"\hl•ft•n {&frath. tlle li''S\rJii · f u t u r. "'''''"~"' f,,, t h•· ,,,,,..,ll•n··- I I In P-roi)Ctst•d Joint ('mud a I Munit·iplil Wutt"r n ·"•tr t , ••. a .,. .tr• :ttt"t .... k. ·Mn.. ''" 111 \\lll ••t ta,.:t· .tit• 1'''11' ··•··:trH/ '"'" Uu· "'IU111fo! \' ••a t I )istrid Plan .. t-• ., tam~~~ bea(i "' ,_.... w...~-r-~ A arbor (:'hambt-r 6f f&ffiiiltF('('o fo'anuly plrturt>~ h:u ~orn'f' • fl! -~u4•11 ~_...J. .... ..,.,..,I_,~---- \\'aiJrtC't• h~ut h.•_.n an an •n aut•u· -~-;-. ' .. I t.ut ... I ••. I hi•· Strtn1w '" JtT"f'" ~-tn -tTnnr-..,.._. L'Rftt r n ·litit•r n •tl t ~r kt"t-n llli.Ddl Jslt · fr ~t·r .t ••· • ••rtluu.:: t .. :-; •• · •. ,,.,, ----------~--~-------------T-·a .ml'mbt-r of t.h f' ~t>wport HarlJOr \" at·ht ('luh. 1 ... :· we'lc.ome Soght 'Tilt a Wf'lco>ml' I'IJ:ht. to 81'1' f>r H Q~ ~ilh10 Ol.ll 10 n d IHHuntl agam Hf' ha" b(of'M rc>o'tt\'t•nng ( r om a& ,._.rwu~t full wh1c~ ht> JOuffer('<l m h1.11 humt• l.'nablf' to liM hf' wa.' fnrro <I to lit' o n tht' Oonr for a numbt'r of hours until. his Jlhght wa11 d t!I('OVI'rc>tl )lul!t br• !!Omt't hlnJr to that old l!lo- f[ttn "You can't k H-p a i"ood m a n down." i Garc1<'n f':ot(l<'J'f.<; rrnl1 Ja~·rtwn w !ll .... ahla• to stt•p fnun lwpt I''"''' "'111 lht• liiJitll\"l"haa&· It \\ ' O'ollto·.( !toolll I' .. 1 ... ~ltt .. ry \\o•lo'lt. 1'"·1 ~· hlltl< .. 'fR ,.,,. Jnollt'ltllllll tha t lll4 • JII'IIJII I ... :tl '" l••rtlllt juinl Nlll ll'rimpo~ocl I . () I I h .._... 1 n. l 1n11 I Ill·•·:< a o·t h 1 ho·m~ rw•u.:ht '" '"'"'' "11 1 It , h th.-s 1t'('('t mto a oq1 "-':till y ~p<.t a t t t' .·ot'\\f<ICI' u<'ill' l ~ho• ""~ p ut" 111,rtv mt~relttd t "1 ·· ' · '·'' •·· ·" ... 1.1 "'"'"''''"" ,,.1111111u,.... . ' ''.'~IJll't t·.u u.: nah'r ..LI.J.:,LJ Jd -'> u1 L4,L-..tu .lo\&').11, ~.ugunl-4 • -r-. ,rull1tllo'tr ~··hcK.,) .·tt' ..... ltnr'ttlm \\'h "l'"" th" '""h h ;-m·r,"r Nr\\·· lrt I'Aittlr·.~ :;n.t th•·-.. ·,,;hl•• ..n.....,.ct: ~.~';,,"1, ~··k ''1 ' ... .,,rut·•·• 1'1" '.-~ I' ·I · I · I I I I ( 1 I .. I · ,, " ;:-,, '" ' OF ,. rill 'UI " "' .. ... • 1"'7 -n ..... I I . . • l•r ltto\\ltr•l "' ~ .... -= .. ,. h f'Mril* ...... I .1!11 :o-llll'tlliiii,IUl~ 1'1'1'11111\ Ill' 1 II' l iiii'JIIISt' II u·n~I.)J..: l r10r'l llarh nr J)»:1 !'<kt -Fkl\\t'l' S h o w A JI<'n ,; ~turda\:..' ~ p. m.~I"•LoJ,..J ..:.:.:..uuv-11 WJ Lb_.IL.L.t.L,nll n ~.1 ,,, , ." r.:~, ·11;,:,,:.;,·:'::: . ..tbc .. .rumul ......... ~ ... ,.. 1'1"""..,"' ~trt!TlfiOill:'Til \\:tfoo r '" lh1i~~ llt'o::t, \\til~"'"".'"' pl:u'locl ht•fon• . . • , • · ~ 'll•'lool.• ,.nol 'o·holoho•ll Mr• \Valla('••, ·~ 1 '·I \ l-:llj(tr1!t•••r H I. l'llllo•t o •' '" I I · undt•r th(' au.;pu'('s of tht• ~t·wport IA'al'h l·l.>t•ll (.arOt'll , ( bon !" ., lo nl nt llo~ tho· ''""'" \\o •I h th" hKol•·• oooll>:!o:lt 0 I ... , .......... "' 1 ,_,. lt 'ITIIIII'~' ltlll'o'lo ·tl \\:1'-lo•:trtll•d l11tllly. . . : • .... . . • ·h•4t nlnt·-.-·h•l•t t'fl •Hi r u "' " ..,, .,_1 , • ·' .... ~ t •• , , t t ~"h'''lltl • '' rtn •n ••t . Sf>,·t Jon anc1 1ht• ~('\\'(1011 ll;trhn r ( h:am.lll•r of Cnm!'llt'l'l"' .. ,... now trnn~ 1 t h 1 • ·"'" .hool.,;•· 1 '"""''' .1 l'••lr•· •~ ,., I '•·l"tlllllt-.. .11·o• """ 111'1111-! o·tro·ttlu lo-.1 alltllltl-! \'olt•t-s u f lht• ' 4 l lot t._.... t .. • •111• 1 ••pulur 1 Th<' n 'lo rful fJO\\t'l' s how \'.'h il'h h a : ~aint•c1 out~ta~cling Stw l•a\·n · ho•r olau~htt-r ....... W11h t ' Ill• ., .. ·, ..... ,;,. r.toltll•ll.ol • hul.:•· "1 l ht• ""-""'"'1'"11 ' ",,,. ,.;,,; ......... 1 to•tttl \\ . .t .·r olt .. l rtl'l l''lllll''lmg' 1111' ( lntfl)!l' ('ou n t v . . . So h r 1. Jo:ll:a "all,,.. \I ""'""~h t-.•o ..... 1 • .'-!. , "l"""tt•~ . k I · · re<'~nt~on m ut t.'rn 'I-a I· I II , .. II .N-•·<•rlfll \\Ill tr· lilt ··I .. 11.11 I too I :--ttpo •f'\ t ..... , .... '" l:t ,. I h' 'tto'l1'"·"·~ ''''lt-i. '"'' ··nllln..: or .1111 . . .. · r of tlw IO ');I'II .tfholl l'ooll1mllt •• · "~ .. w .a ai'<',JII"n'.t."J ..,..._.J Jho mO'(; .... \: l''••hlolllt: I ll ·· I I . 1 f.orrua d~lnng Jht> p;1~t~ .. mu:--11,.1 lalf·l th.m !• :lit a m All '''"'' ttou l••r o· .. : ~·J:olt-r 11n.l Newport .. 11"""'""~ ('"""'" I' 1, 1 11 1 ... ,. 1 ,. ''.1'1ttttt. 1 ~•1 I h' lt~rttt.tltPtt of 11 ( 'n:ts tal Mttnid pal \\'a:c••· I \'(':tl~. Will .l)(' OJl<'n until 10 0 I'~ loltl~o Ill· lf't ... nt.ootwo·~. 1'1.1\\o'l• blll'lni'I*IO man . Max H W e la-.,~ r..&lho I ''"" . p bt· h • llt-.11'11"1 0 lti'O'IIt olttl)~ Ill .l tt.l):l' I )ottaltl ,1. I )olli)!l', 111011('('(' M.cst p m Satwr tav ntg ht a nd from t•oi pl.onl ~ lrl c'llllll"'"""n 11111'1 1 .. · . ' tt I I II I o• XI ITt It •••• ~·· ,. I" lo " loo "0 '" . I o'l\ ,,. 1'111 I 'I' :tttol Jll'ltllltlll'lll In I • . . lltlllllll(tnn l'tuk . •n -' ~l . u IS er s I I ·. '~ • t.;loJ\\n lo~ tho• ,.,lo,lo~ool . ,.~,·,•pi 111 olltiiJ'IIf t•o 11" o•a& 'Y ) Uc-f<otto,•o 11 ,,,.,, 1 f 1 j 1 1 1 ,,,,.,,, loo I•· o·llo•o'l••lloy lht• foolll\ll· 1 to ;-, p .m . S uncta¥ a ft<'IT,IOOn . 1 ;rtt.llotJ••rt North l•akota. ,,Ar.tt 1 · '· oo ··•· llt"l:"' t:t 1n11' \\ I ,. I llt~:c II 'I'll ..... 1 • ~h\\••• .lt t .enJ.:t ltl••llt , .• a.._.....,., Ex· , . ur ~''"' t .:-.., "i' u .:ut• 1,. w f' D . llnu .. , th•· ,. • .,., "'Utt•t ~UJ&t rh·1. tu ,Flower Sh-.J'r··IIOlr:OIIIIO,. fo r con\o'IIIO); tho• lt•IV'-" ...... t'oollt.tlno•l• ma~ I·· It" ----t b f¥ bo••l. I. h .•• •I •.. loo • ·, e . 1111'"'''\\ll,\ '" ulolttlll 1\h•tr.,IJllll· "I"·""' ,:,,.,.,.,, Ill', "' lh•• 111101' Nrw port Harbr!)' r~>lllrlt>nb -:.chool aurlllvrium into a \'i'nta hlf' ,. .. ,, .. , l.;o·t ~ ... II '"''• and "'" "Ill,. Fall ca· u· se· s1' ~."·'n': •• ,"·-,. Jill.!! ·!" llw ,: .. '.... tes tl.llt \\ato•r r .... lht• ~'~!:tSI 1111'11. loo•l "' '"'' 1' """ hallfth'<l fiJI' a rt' Urj.;t>oJ IO 3\'3 11 tho•m!<.-1 \'f'f' flo ral }!:tNfo•n \\o•n• unoJo•rW:O~ ~· ~lllol.l\ " 'r • ( ;.'ill):l' ,\ \\'afo•rtttllfl of lito• );H\o'lfllll hi 1110' 111'1 'llllt• Ill l(t'll· of th<' uppnrtumt~· to llltt>ntl d;\.' uncl•·r tho• lllrf'<'llnn of.tho·~:o·n· ('"""'""'.,." . • Thr thr .. · '" •\• . .,, I. olwl '" s dd I . ,. llo•l•'\lls I ''"II •·I··~'"" 11'1 th'"'' un'"" tht· :St•WJ)(Irt t llubor l-1nwt'r •·r;tl chaorm:on. !\!r< \\'tnlfH~I !\!. ,, 1-l h • 1 l', '· ,, 1.,1 ,.... ·"'" J.'lll'l ,...1 tTi~o:at i"n .,,.,. t••llllnfl' w hio'h rail llllun Show thiS \\'l'l'kt'lhl M .. n y \'OIHll,:. promiO• n t t:l)t'll ~:aroll·n o·h.~.l~:;l;::~~.: :o: .:11 ~ .... ~:·11 .. ;~~ .... ,.."·~:11~-D . h Of' ~ h f!l. t'• :~· ... :• ol .... . . :I '" u e'n y 111'.1 rtl'l h i" pl;t~ I'll a Jll'lllllllt: ,•h··,-·,·1~·· ', ""' ', l•t•l•·ull,,nn ··l·~·t ..... 1 folkft arf' not ftow .. r O'Xtw>lll lr•arll'r. . ,... eat .. . . tl:.·· .. ·:.':·l:'\'·,''l.l ' ·~· ll til It I ... l f'll I I II t l . t'''''''"'"""l'' ···r "'I""''"""" nnd rr.ay nnt ht' l'nlhluol.ot<tk .•. • .. o.: l"''""""'"t 1-.1•.-11 ·!""'"'" b • ,. ' '· • I· ' t >'II nl I' Itt to• 111'~11 a llons . '"'"' '"'''11'1 ''"'" I~<· foinno'<l. an• l(nrtlnrr~. b u t. IIUrl'l\' l l l'n' !'ll•n~ l)h•i..!nn• !t~o· ro·,.:l•l J.ol"'" uoutcu.t .. m· ., '.,·,,',1,",1.':, .lutnt IM•trtfo& lw'llll: o·m ·ulult•<l llltttr tlw l'llftl• f h · 11•·· •. ,..,,It'·' 'al lo'l.' of flot~o·r"' ·11 1 'l l on1 •· ' 'l ., r ' ar.. I'W .. w " f"!ln!IOI apvrt-· ~ .,.. ••• '' ·'.... 0 ' ·' ~ •• '. ,. I d lito ~"'"''"" "' lliOI!Ifh, of ~huly h) lo•lltl· _..wd J)lilnl' to 1\o• (}!IIO.'I•·•l ttnolt•r l'ul \1,1 "'' Jlo \\ onl \' S.•·•c ·• M •··. • I. lo~ ltAol M11• llnrnlol I. Allr· :o:• "II"~· 1'1"1""'''' 1'"·''1111 l\lolltll'ljllll f'llltl' th~rr twau1y wn m llr· ( I ,. . 0 0 0 • • • 0 ' • .J.u. I • ~·· ,;... ............ -J-to "' .... ~..., .... "'"" ................... ...,~_\\,a!t'J. ~JI HI U~JII "luch \ULL'ni ''"Ill ,,,.. IIO'il(hhurln.: '"WI"' \VJifo•r ranR,.•I l:wfmt> thf'm Al!<u thf' ono• ro<~f 10 I hi• "'"'luon o I u• Uo rnran. I 111111<1 ',, "II.•' ( 'unkt,n. e-sa a· ~ _, • . . y oh,lr To·l' '"' a n tnmo•n";,,. Ill 1111111 '·••••nt~ I .,,~'(·t•·""'lo> m ·tr k thl' l'lo•·•·•l •l·•-••·•· \I I '· vc lv, ·' .,, .,: ·····t .. J ,u ••·•· \\•fit ••u1Jtrtu ", ... ,.,,,.,...,, luu.u •h n l .. u.t "• lw• •·•_IJ.,f u puu II• h:ellul .,, .. rr:uw da\'s n! lalxor b\' t-:~11 • ' ~ " ' • -'., ''""' r. :, At;. I ~I''.' t "' lc·~u l wor k . .Jwl.:•· llttd~ot•· luth· la..h(:~ ,.,· prl'p:t I' thP ·f',hihlt. I!HI "''"'t•trt llaroor Ot!<lrtl'l 1-: l><hlthrtt•t, \\' B. p . nmi•fl \1 ,\ • ,. ,. .&ol lo o lttt\O: olf'lll)' Ill lh•· Allrn I"'"' : ..... lito ''I"'''!'''' l'lo~'lloou \\Ill lw· II ,.,. ...... \\":)111'h Ra•n• n •('ttgntltun fur t 'loo\\or ~~~""' Tht·ro· Will,,.. ···n~\lohotl ;mol l>l\011 ~llll l h .\1 ----p erc.! tiP .... k ....... , 'N'•II ~ .. o•ll o•IIJI Rh ·t -~ ....... ~ ·•··1~1111 ilto·-""" rtt"<~r-rnmprt-m~:~·-- ........ l''lrt H a r b 0 r . u•a rran•· 0 .... ·, '''"n' of o·nmrw·lllton \\II h many 1.1111:• ·m .. ·lll· • !\1··-ol:orrh'• ( .· !\1 \1t. 1-:lnw;o ;'\Htl:,.:.l• w\jo would ! thualk~l h . I· ott I tlt•'ll! I""' I •• .... \ ,, I"'' oof " '"'"'' """' k I• '11 !\t··-I ..... 1 =--•·\\ I"'' t I l•·•~:ht ' c '""""-..... ,.._ '''<A " ... 1 · A It 1 •. 1 11 . 1 1 l. l aaal·,.d lllft l la•..rru·t ..... r c· ..... t:o '1•··•• 1 1 1L 1 1 1 1 1 · • 0 cl:l-~tftcat I On!< llllOt'r. O'lll'h ( 1\'I~MIO. I ),·;~li Ill~ (. \\' ·~IITI>-'10. I J;o rn IJ " \' ,. b ,. e.n !lC. )' •• /1 [ vld the ert>o .,,, I"'' \\1 I I " '"'" " too ~· rvl"'" " ... 0 nrlol ''"'" \" 'lin II~ " • "' ~·· ... l-::1' ~ ro·K•••o I I•' ..... tho• l'nmmu.nity··· ""I'J'O.rt · lit · s .. ,.,.._ • ·. 1 \\' 1 1r 1 · lll\l''""' ono·lucl•· ••nftto•• fur \\'o·r·h :onoll; lo\ ~1do\onn:., 1-1""' llolh ut l h•• 11111nth "" : oday at purr hn "r lhrm loor IJiru ,.,.., ~IIU · oluv 'l !Ill t• 111 ·, .. IIIIIH!Iu ' · v'"' ",.,. · ll<lrl'l llllol till' '"'""'''"" ut tlw .lo•h•t .. •.tr· \\' aJ -It h It I k I I I .•to .. • .,,,.,, .. , .. ,"lito •.to 'II "11" h II\O"IIIolo•• tho· I 'll\"' l .lt''llllll W I I I ll•lr lc·t I ,, .. r It • l!l:•rnm.or "'llf••l '-luct.·nt-anol fur •·r orranJ:t'ffi<'lll:< to \' niO'n .• • t~· ~~ 1• 111 '" :on C tr:m~·· ho!tpjt .. 1'.!' " "'' "'"""' "'" o·o u ·• " ~ ~ ~ ·• " •·11 ~ 1 '' ' ~" .• nr ''' I""· l • C:te-an •. ,. r a t h h' 1 t 1 t t t t t t t t tt ,t, '1' II .tt1tl t.f•t •11 ,,., ••I tit•• lt\lrt•· 1"''-•' or hn\'lrt~: \4'rtt••r futttt•tit·•f All .... ) fro•ltU•·ntl_\ loolk-r·· ttw ':O.:o•\\1""' ll:ol hOir !'rimn l lll:h H ··!!'lo•f 'lito l••lllr ool tho• ·tp·k o( a , "111 '" 1' ~"'" 1111' 11'1 ,,.,,,,. '"''''' ... , ...... "''"'~" wtr l(lllo lt rok r-r th I · tl \\ 11 m I t 1 t I ·· 1 ,,..,,,.,, .. t \\hlf'h '' '"'J·•· h\ lht• ._l•·t n•J•tll!IIO WMirr tll,.trl I ~t·hMI :-t'= .}\f\11 tt'· fur cuntn,···c·t:tl ~\n .. :•n,:••U\.1 "''-IJ~ un:,;tnu • ..c"."' l.tll en \\.tuc:h ... h ... ulf• ,, .. 1 n h Cft l •' •· ••,. *'• .... ~.' ... 11 ~ •• "" ,. ,.,. • "' •"" " 10 nt ••• An• • ••t•H A n I!:Onl ('f,·~IO·l'p. l'.unr·t 'p :on<f •-· "ul lool 'ootoou ... lo•I .Mur urt<llh•• ,,, All 1 11 1 a --rt t .. - t. 1 nn n·rnmfllll it 1\ ,. rXhlhit •' . .\lr-II an ~ (' \\ '''"''o•r. mmu•· hop :o "'"'" u,.:u dtJ< l or. Huurl ..a ad olo·l M .. r All• I t hf'ir ra11• h "' .l11h1111 • "'"" • II nu W Y ... e ... ll\·I'Jt campa1~:n• a• J"'' nne• ld 1 r 1 1 h 1 "'"""'''' '"''"'""''! I ·"1.!111111 l\o•ud1. ""IWtl tot•• ''lw·'fltll••n ''' 1 .. -•· orlfMt• , h k I I \ "h h . t I'I'O'" It< :0.: I' :'\l!nlo'\,o'l :tOft :o;•'l \too•al o'o 'f"(';l'lllo;.~~ "'~ lloo IOf llitlf'\ \\II ltll\ •Ill -~ '"" • ~ o t osl" WPI" ~ l'IH' 1 yf':or that , mnn.: ,, '"'' w " :oro• cro•:o •n:.: · .Lo .luol1:• I loool1••· ""'' 11 -' 1 1 1 nt'W"II<Ipi'"" han · ,.01111'tluno-In unu,II:OI fl oral ,.,luhll• (nr th·· l'n· \lr·· II :\1 \\'o·lc·h . Mil fluwo•l' s ....... , ·~ a t lh•· II:• It! K Graua 5-Y Old G d ..... : •nlu•Uun-n ... lofi!IIIIIIHII "' 1111, L,,,,, ,,,,. Wlllt•r ' ~, .. ,., .. nv .. \'f'( ,,. fll 01' . ... I .\1··~rl~,,,,.,._ I( I 0 Tlllnt""n .. R ~ ( 'h ·r··l "'II h mi.·· tnt of! I '" ear ran -Silt' Wll" ''"""'"' nt Ill ( lllltult ,. -rrcorllnl!~ fnr ltlf· fumllllkln ... II· 0 hollt•r about 11 00 I.H'Ih:op,. 11~ ll•rtainnw nt nf flow.-r owt•r,.. :On' • • , ·• ' ' tn "' '' n,.,.,.,~"') '" m•·"t tho• n • unlfh'(l 1Ji,.t rio't llrt• hl'lnu 1,., •,, .. .. "'I h 1 d h 1 d 1 .. _ t _ .. , th hi b th "'''1nli'"Htlln Nl untll'r lh<' Munu ld pal \\,'ttl• r · J l" 8~ :t ba,.is 10 st:'ll adV<'t'tl~in". , ~orman's Nun:rn.. 11. ('ardozn llo~dt•n ~t_nol Mr EArl Morrow_. "'"''l•·r Mt·nlorlitl P a rk. hut · to • "' It·• At ,.,...,. ltmr M r Allrn. .. ,. s u .c h 'campaign~. ho w('\ .. ('r,' ~SloAn a na thl' fAmous JW"~. Car· .. OWI'riOI.! ~ 1'\.l >" An Vtn<~. our la no! )o.'(•n llf't Jll 1 "~ In par nu ... o p w • ru ... . . tako• l>l~trlct An of 1911. . lhow direct b<'{M!fltll-II mt'r-dens, 9Vffled by Mr. and Mn. Rob· Mr.;. J . A. Ganl a nd !>trs. Clttytoa of fhll! ••nun~. . '""••ll.--lftt .. ~~-trJ!fl•lllll' ... ~ .... ,... ....... dlaltA" and ~Jdf.ntll ~-f'l'f'1fCD'Ift~., flk~a. -'-· ,l'boml Th~m ~n~~~~ ~•'lla~MN.L K~l Mtf"'lh ~:-c-',._.~idt-1 --... 0.000000 lfl(tVf', tG F eathered Fri•nd• a t<'. 1\ Wf'll carnN! out clenn· Rt'l,...._ ···•II ~-. ~ ..... ,r .. ~t th,. • , . , -"' . '" . • m , .. .,.,,, M•m no•m• ~ a '"' ,,.,..,., ,. .. rtt•nn• ~ ~ .,. .. ~ "" 1 ff I h t \t p 1 Sl ,..,.,. ttouunr1110 • f11r·t thnt J111rw11 rvii'W'~hn hn~ up ramJl.,ii:Tl "'"''''' mnn"' for h(>~t , hlb , ... 10 l'arll <:)a'' With '""· "" 11 ,. "'· • ,.,. :nr • onp. " •;. "~1:'' \\·,.,,., "''11 1• r ln'trln tlnt.: 1 1 · t. hi th 1 . · I 1 , • · k c" 1 · • ' · . ·fnoMI •:>lo• .\Jr-. \'l('lnr C.r:oro• :mrt ( ·,1,to•r .,. hn ,,., ... ..,'(j :tWil~ !"'\'o•ral ~11 Hnd !\Jr, :"unnan H ""'""J:rr '''""''~ r••m~ll •rn r nw In th•• (' ('1 ~-,'n r l'lln ~ r .. ''·I"~' . 0 hhlj.' ~010); '" Jho· WIOn• r. r·•l fnr ,., ..... :>nl"l ''"''"'' o•umnurt.~···r.n l moo.,th' :~-n Ahr:llll' uf l.u1n 1-1·· l!'t'''"'"' tho... ,;, /lollo•fl• Jolin"''""" I It . I I I J••lllooo u '" lho• =--··"'"''' ll···~hh .. ,.,, .... , .. llf'lll "' wnlf'r "" h'•IMnol •·:·~'· o~· l<'r C'<>mmuntt~ ~JIIrlf. ,,.,..ond nl:w,. and "ro•o•n ful hnn-,,.,., .. ,,.,,,.,,lol I ... '"'''.olloou ''"'"''' "' \\hiJ'h '"'I' '"" lrlo•lo,.l-1· "'WI "~~ "''llh r-· I ( I ,. ,... !'c·o.tt ... \\·111 ..... )1 houtnnnH~n ... :tnt1 :-\h• ,, ••· t•fln..: \\tlh r\tr'-("u..r· . ~,,.,., ... ,,n .... uttttt•· •. ,,,,,. • •l•f ~1 ·r , ''"'••lt·U••· '"'' · •• "' ,,..... -, HWt•r I ff' o~-.. llllfii'0\~•11 1lay-nn hlo• nwnlonn '!\lo•r·llnnou' o•)l· .f • 1 f h · 1 l'l o •tolo·fl l. "' lito• lloo111ol 111111 .loul••o• li'"''"~l \llltlltllrttl ••( ~ ..... l,fliWi aloa Ho~l\ ~rout ... \\Ill ;ud an r•·<'•'l\'lrlJ.: t•·r l N~•'. ~ •. ,, pnr"1 Bh tl . a . \'ttl :uq• :tnP ru 1 S••:lll •· ).''''' • · .. ,., a r"" ·•..:•• ... -~·~~~ l(ruund~ fnr <'hlldro·n tnl for hlhll• no t r•ro\ llfo•rl (m · 10 tho• ~t••('· I .. I t I 1 II I I I •·It··· So•o'fo•l,ll \ .. , tho• N•·WIMtrl lho• '""l••••·d ·ll•lrl•'l I t d ;tnd •.:uu tn c \ , .. , .. ,... Jll . lltlll•·nt lt•:td••t lfl th·· Frul:·~· u A)'. 1trU "_llflf-.f• •. ,. ••••• , It' a• ., ,,. ., .... ~,. .... .,, lt•'t\'t•... tlf' h ll,. • ._ .unoruppyi'C, nn ... gr. ···r ,c iflr:'llinn!' for CUnlJM'I1°1tll1 1o\lll ro·· ... ,,,~:.·,t ••. ,,,,,,,·l··o<•tlllflll . II ... I I' I r ..... '1• .. tt .. •.ol looJo 1•1·1111'\." ''"''" 1''"''"1111_\.tluol ttu•-•.ll•··n II•• II I I II ( h h i1< ., -~ • " ""'"'"'"'" f'lul•· m ,,. ·~··-.1••1 ...... I t;llllllliii'!:....J.ooucl, ll .• i .. lol I. /lollo·n . '"" "''"" .. t•;t 1 1;· •• ~···:..rctlh··~' .IC' m: •..... a ('t'l\1' r·····•t.:nlllor' htl•!, ... ,,·h, II \Ill . ('nnlpt l '•' th·· ...... , \\l't'k th• ftL:•"<f l:uh ,,.JI J'('huol ~{ ...... ,, Allt·u ,. .... !":, ... Allt•ft ....... LI'IUI' :• P· ....... ,"'that Ut t•U Ala lt"ffiHit"fl IUUf......,. .. , ~ •• M ... ,.. ... , ....... nl••••• ('nn1muna1~ to For· thrt ... t ;,l,nni~ng ~~ • nt I •. , •..• •t .n .: .. ,.,,. ,., "I•· \\Ill IM· •·ut \\IUJ• ,., tb•· k tt•·h· n t•r••,tkr~·· fH·r· ,..nlltt\4'Uli: r io""'' on th• tu••f, nf ~.,, .. ' ., ... ,,,, .. ,, , ... "' .,,, h:trtd"' uf ""~\ t .. • ottfltlfl•·d thtlll Wt···k \41 .,. vrn ... pt•f"t l\·f" hOPH ft\\rl•"l' :lnc1 ... .., (tn tUt Jit.._ __ ,.,,, A tiUtrJ,:hf•·r ¥-'hft .,.,~ .... ,, ..... ,. •• ,1 •• 1 I I h 1h11' ;,t r nta11• ... mu ... t It-t• r-n.uf•• fln\,,.,, , .. .., ... uf a ll ,.tnf"tt t ·1 t t h h hitc ;uTI\'a l Mtm•· •• •·l··c r:.ru l l••n• 1--1 1 ~ t ..... ,.,,. H\ 11 • '11'''''''.r ,,,. l••u•S.·,...., tn tttt· r·nn,·• th•· ntttt\' hnnl•''.th•t•· .u.·. th•· t h., 1 h rl••\\,r • ,., "1' ,,,. v.~, ... ,, ... , .. ,.t ,, 1 , •• ,.... P.! II I "ruarru•• "'''' ~ n•u••·n uf,,an th. lf··••·tat ... I •• ttu t ul ,.,.., ••ffu•· t u "''"·•·un" r.t~t rot .. •IU•n \Vat,. ... t'M·ttt·r· tf .... ror th·· Olt•tt•h:tnt ... ,rrnnrn ~ • ..,, .•••• , Ydf 4'ntn•"' :trr:tnc•m.f 'll l.. Jllant~ ftlftl , ... lft•:tt rn-·nf ..... lh•~ ,hfw"'k r Hnf'l :\II' F •h,.u tf ... ,, ,,. I •••J.:'' •• ,. I ..... IHtt, ... ,,.,., hi II I I I •l•ll\o'fo •<l :o t Jol ;o m a t tho• :owhtnr· •01nlh• :mol \lflo•• o:wti nnrl ,,,.,.,. ,. INit••\'tofl '" h.l\o• fll\1'11 ton lhr ,.,, .... ,that " h.olo,\ .:u f \l:u o· -~ "1"'" """''' .... ,,,,,.Ill<' l•llllto•" " r ,.. H' r.• ... u •'n ..... l.u·,· rn . , ' ..........,. Jl,, , .. ''·'•••II ""''' h.•\• ·• "'' t 1 I'll 1 1 • ----r.:inw••r llrr r:ttf'~tln•rii:'o"{';70ttl'-·lW!l.~··•u!?_l··~ :;nol h<• '" HI<' h:mrt~ l<'nt• l'l 0 .of fnt ''"" "' IH·r \ .. ~.~ lvn. "'" "o•lc .. nw<l A pool J'; 1\11 ~ s ff d I 00 ... , •• ''"' ,., '" ' ... 10\Jfll'l vt ....... --~----""' l lllld.tl" tho ol.otiL!lllo•l "' \h untl ·, ta C)r loJ• 1''1'111 11111111"'1 "1 '1~"''1 ' "h" "'''"'".'"' lll'llun w lthln'llu· nr· I r~ ~::::·~::::::~:~:~~::·::~.::.~'.'1"::~~ .•. ~~~·~·.';~ ·Stellar Arrav ()f Bands Are To Oil Balboa ~ff' Alu:om' ~\~t'nt ... .,r~ Auto '""I I· IO'I''''' l•··l \oolo•f' "' lito '''" •Ill\~ ~~::: ... ~··:;.~~;.~,!,' '~·~:.~~ l~7 '.~:: • · Rilled . For Rt'ndez\'ous Auto Park Area Boys, Girls to Insurance t·~o. Tax Law Ousted,· Ma~ :\r<t · Tel Allay .Durlf". Stawe Giant ''"1 •• ,,.,.,. "' "' '·1 "" "' """1 1-.lrt~··n~ lhut _, .... k,.n•t f-'r Jd·t~· 'tH hr •tul,..t fr.r th.,. hrftl h'\Uf"uAnl :'tl. ,-. \\ • II h1••'\' '' \1• .1 tt. t • • ,,.,f • ,. • r ~ unlny ll f!'l :-u:~da\' a t t hf' l!f'n l'hll tllllrl!' ... u !Olat::f' .. hnrn... b ..... Atblet1e Show I "'··I "'' "'' ,, t "I of \ ... 0 I Protest-' -Qa 'bi •t-oiP7\'0IOI~ Hallrrn•m Will lw .l::tmn\'·,;;m.,g~n M:t\' :!:\r, on ·l""'n•·f•·ol l 'h ......... l;lllltth • .:. ... npatl)' ------l!!...u.....t....:..\.1• I I '!~"' r· ... ,-m--mt -Rrrhnr.t~•~nd htP ban~l "'h1 h 'h·nt11r "tdr r ,:,_,h_n trAdf'hJq~fart •••n•pl••f•.f •t~ ,.,,.,,,.., \\'lth th•---, .• , •• , ... .,, ... ,,,, ,, .• ,, l•r lh• pr,,, ..... l'"f'IIIIH IWf'r tilt• F.a.stcr ,a L Ba lboa. IS t'XIJ\~t··d t oo t•· fdo•d r'lt \' '"' 111" hnuhlll: oo( ·••rt 1" ttl~?-~:::::.1.,1!~·;,,"( ~~~·: .•.. 1:·"'"' I ''"'' '"'""'"t.;l. ,,,,,, ,,, '" • • t J J k b , 1 t l ,·r.:.tt•• th•· ;ttat .. )•:trk iu •a oil th•· ,.... ,., ' ttl•, 1 ,, t. ,111r, ft.t lu . ,, "''~"'It •• Htl'itY~ M.lld u~ ••t·plnJ.! \\'Jt h Hf•-,hv ).:':da ••·r •rnt nn~t ·~····· frnnt :•1 t ~alhtm ~·••~' 1.-.Rm hih,tlon,. •n ftt•· •·ol•r lr,i .,,.,., . ., :.r I'•'•'~''" t .... r~rw HIII(J ~t urph.\'~ an nount f'd ln1f'f1t u•n "', f iUH·r hand!' !II• hf"tlul~d ~. ad rd fr •-.ftl 4''1t v t-:rq,,!IH•·•r H L .... Athlrt t f 'artll\al l·l ld t t 'nt'111 Ul n ,,,. ,.,,,,, Ill, ...... ,, •' t ·.~ ... ,. ,,, •••.• tluu ~. .... ,, ..... '",',',:1:1 lffllld•·flt ., Jllll!h f\imTf """ nll• m anv friO'nol~ 111 thf' llarh .. r I •1~t nct. Ill"" u_wludo·s " nll~lllf'r nf fr:;thol'rrol .fno'lld~t arnron~.: htl'l J'" 1.• I> a ol\· ptj!f'oons flu tt ••r f•• a lar rltnj! rn froont ro( llu~h'll 14 can.. front <"':I(!' at :'l:<'wport ----~·"'· ·~<JH·I+~"'" ,. At J ••••• .,...,, Mtt" ~:·.r~ll:il~l~:~· ;;~~; ~~r~~~ .. ~~~::::: \"H'•• ;oro·~~~n~\~=~k~~ltl~•!·~~:4;~ f•l" 1 t••l~·: . I lhf' high ••h•••l ~·•• ' 1'•11 o..;;, .. l l 'oo l o I· 'ol , I,, ,.j.;o• ltootlo ..... oll\o ,ult to , .. ,\It:; ~:·';,~;·,;'.1 ,1,111111:,:~~·:·,.,~·~:::~:,•:1'''1 t:.\••10 lfmr' '" ll" nut nn fhf' ~am Tlooyol IJtJS' and ~.'.th r lh·· i'I•J.L...J.:.L.:..J!..I'JlJ,..,na1 • A ,.., ... t l:t• f tr 1 ,'.!.!.;.·'.!!.~ I t_,. • .. !.J-!!.,!.11 .,,. llt tl..:.;;r'"'..!!!:JI\ ···"'J'"''' IIJJh•...J..•...!JYk: uu.-'L'' ,,, \\ ., '•*'1 ................. "tft\J i(eov~ "'''""'""n ...... ,,, ... , '"'""' RAih'loa n~r ,. !•Iff"' ,, ,. ,., .... ~ •• ~ .. , tlu .ntn·r NM.<fYlrl l l'orfottr t::r.r•l\~ Hoo• h tllll n f llllolv 0 """' .... ;, ... Hlr rnlllon tri .ulh '""''" tlk. tak<' . T h•• urr·" '"'""' <Jf (;;,.,..n !\!1l ' "'!":=r--~:=:::~~~-:!:~~~-..:.;,;;;;,.:.;;,~:;,:..-_., __ ~l·tlt n• Ia ~hf"'r ~ ""1'"1'1"'' r~n r ll' J>Ofj· -~·...,=~':.:...oft':o.;;,;.;.:.;..,;~· __..;,..-•U-nOl&rk t• -'{{lCilln.: of tb t.uocu·~' ••·.t•: 1 .,, ... ;t•"•1 to J.!"t thirtv ,_.,, .... \\ t ••• ~~~~ f,, :. ! ,,. , \ .J•··ul•"fat ''' tlu · Jl:u tAJr rr•kJ..rul• •J .• u a • t ..... ..., ..... ,., ... ,, •• , p}',,,.,, ftf hut~ :.nrt ru·tlnn \\'til en ui'\AWJ\o\il)' ~atuf•ht\.' _ •• , 1_fi,._f l,;t thr00alh tlwu 1.;, ••.•• , I. t \f l f ' ••• f· t 17 ••• " ..... A ,,,, r I I • •• •• I ".I ••••• , \ • ffll.l· .••• ,,, t 1.. I I I t l . f ... -·~l , "'p \'()( SH· ~ •.•.• ~ ... ,, nf tho• t• ... nd<'7\'(UJ,!II; •nth. 1'4'1 ' '"' ""' ,. "' lt~n.,. f h I . t I I .. "' C: ;]" Jf ffl~ ,......... -" i ! ' I tl.• U __;•11 lfllt,t• -.t•t ... llJ'I) 1•1 ••f ,,.,, \\ , .. k J' •tf••r ... ,.u l'atd '""'rf'tn t•n~ n ~t t...,. ~ r-; ~ _.,. "• • ''' \,. .• ,f"t •h·\': '"'" •f ,,, ' ... ...;~:r\d• \ ' .,,. , h.u"l"'' f,·.tft f•' llnr--ft•• • ,...,.lt'•: t'U1Utfy ,.,.{, I~· ,.,.,.;oturo•!: f':ll' oout oof Ills 1 IS ~ \\II 1 ''' {H l'trd~ l.tnol f ill!• •l:tll• Ill): r :~:hit\' fh riw~ ... ,.,, f'Oo•t\ \\·•·•·kf'nd ~··xt \VCf'k•·n d Apral :!~• Wf't·k t:••vd :-'-•uJ ·r ;,,. 01 , ,, ..... t , ·• . 'l hfl' "''"' J :,r ku'a.: l••t "·h wh ,.,. .. ~. ~~ tun.t•l•r .. ..Jt. ,.~ ''''''' lJ••'"'' \\I ,,,. f,. ,. ,,, •.• , 1···1···· ft llltl~· '"'''' ''' unahlu ''' h•• 1•••·1•an·d fnr 'th~' 1h,. tu,, ... ·til rr•• ,,. •••. ,'" .'' ..... h . ., ''Ill '""'""'• '" ''I"'' tf• l • I •· • •' I•· 1, •• .t •. ,, 11• t q ,, ~:·::,' .. n~:; ~~~~~<f h,~,~-n"l;n "'~h~ 21i. :lnd :!~ f'hw k I ' ill's In oo\\tl '' ltoo!t \\llj fol:t.,\~ rf'J.:l.llarl\' t llr"llll h. trroup F.v•if··nt l~· a hnrni"l).! ~s Ka~· Kl~f'r ~ J!•.C J (llllf•·c ··· :trJ•t 1•11: f h· ,.un.ru··r has flttf Vf"t ..... n •::,~fl',. f'"""' l •~oo11 v.•·•·k•·n.t ',tu•· '-''nl ,,.,"" ... ., ... • ,, ..... ,, .• . '11•· '"'''"•··'"·•I•, lr-'•t lr• .,,.,, .. u.r • .,,, ,., •. ,. ,,,., •.•• , .• , th• •·1,,., n Jl•t fill t hat 1~ J••~t f h•• hll d \\·ho h:t~ }tt•f"rl prnOliO• nth f • ~·· !"t-.lt·• f f"tl If \\ ·•' l•·~ttnf'tl f ,, t •r raul '\A.'tll :u tr•mnJ.-tAfP ht· out un Ua• Jif•..-tt;· l••·:tt ' I ,• I•Llt. I ,,h.,•·· h lll•fl · ,If ·''·I" I 1\. • •·111•• t., ''' •fl,•t ''''' •r• • .. urf'd ora naf 1onal r ad1n p1 nt.:r au~ f \\t...,1 ···,u !10d 11•1 UUI'tl" Jlntf Ht'l f•\'l .tiJ,•I ,.,,., 111tf ft ll•k )fl lit,,_,, 1 Voll tf1ft< tl I•,. •ttd•l\lt t,1t1 \\,11 ••n T hv J:,ltl'-' i-'\'' • I • .J .r ~. · f•t••'•' tt•;• '-:t ;~·fr,.r-1 ,.-.•'• •I f. I• .. I r '• . t '"' t \ ,, "' h !II h•'ll11t1ful pl11mn :tC<' 1111•1 rec l'ntly i• 110 h• ,J111, .t foo~ th~ l!~n- llil •a·h· ~~~ ~lnll" 'lf,:hf ur ~''" fo r .,,, •-.. • ;tt~~r•\ uf H t1 hrn I~J:u •t ••hf· '' nnrd ntan~· ""' f~orme-r Halhoa Man 'Speaker Fo~!--Kiwa-nis thP d att·•ta n •• 11 \1, r • •J 1:11 •• •I• '·'"' r ..... rr •• r '" tft~~o:h ~ o11f •t 1··t• h•'l palm f,. ):rl'o••LI_\· • o: !lllnlf' fho•l(l;lln• o lt•7\'lt1J~ T hl' foolln\\ Ill): W•·•·kPnol !\! a \ A d hm,. y..,, ••. t ,. ......... •I t•: \tr Jtfl•l ,,,,. f f , t ~t. 'l.,..,. .• t. 1 •11 oil •.. •' ..•. f 'I till ••• ,, ' . :!·4 \\111 (o•'tfllr·f' flu• nl\11<10" "f ~tant,.~· 1\••nl .. r. ar~d h.<oC '''' h• ~o~tra w l llf' f>l ·~ 111 1.: at l h<' l:•·nol··~noll~ ,.f ftt"''· fr It n.: ... tin~ pa .... • "tf'k• ntl 1r1 h··r Ern• 1 ., ;o~ 1\\ •" 11•~ h11nu~ f'llf•tJtt •}l·r··•r t r•. r 1 If•"" 1 ' , ,,. ;.,,., !Hrr••h '•' Alh:n nhr.;• t.r••·ut r t. 1 t •• • ,, ,,., I•,. J r'''" n., •·f t ttnl, Jlrf'pH ttn~· •h tl l f • •II • "''' '••' ,,, • F n 111ft • \·:e• "'''" 1r1 tt,. ... 'I'"" It • •·~ •' ttlfht•l \\.d ''" ,.,.,.,, t!l\nrf"· tt~ttt u1• ~ f••t tt,• ·r r" •' 1 .. 1,)•·1 t.••trl.. • o1 "' •' tt •• ·••••I•••• dl ttu-hall ,.,. -·Wo"tt•,.. , ·F ritl:t\' Jn,.,. !llll:\\'ilT J><olh" (am· Th~ m,, . ., to hnn): al••ut a n I'd Duk<' F:ll.miton org:u 171111.," Th•· l!r .. wt h n nol •·xr• •n•l"n 'of ~If'• IH)fl fur. th<' foorma tutrr of Th:~t .!'llm f' ·wf'••kNlol nn !<1uy nf !--'•"'' '· I ~"IJ.:• In '-'"'.: H••tto It K l\o\'Hiltft !'Int.,. "'"~ 1<'\'<'al"d too • ~'"'1 ~l r • (t _ M c ·~J.•t .. ·tl :ottr:;.<lt'•l '"" lrl~lal~;;f tolt ~;n·1• o• a 'nn!lltal ~t unu 1pRl \\ att•r l frt h ~fu??y ,.131 ,.111",. 011\,. ap· t•' \\ 1t n• ... , u ... 1n•ku·t 1... of t h• ,, thr 1• ... :..1 t•n . .::a· 17Af l••n at it~~t m~'~"'l l'i!<fno•t for th<' .1'11'1"'~" n ( p1'3rlOJ( Rt lh~ n .lt m ore 11•"-I Ill nl'f'h··:\ ,,,. I hl••f '"1' TIHir~ol:o .. noo••n "' ~!'· ~til ubt:u ~mt: !.!<'l ro f"•htan 11\'at l'r ~~11 r ·ar•· h\· \\'1.11111111 0 ll!orrt.l City fn fooperate In · (;l:ant ('l('an-l'p Wc'(•k • 1... ~~ ..... W" ,. "rrhrtrnwrnr n ... l.tll .,,. ,,. ,,,.,., ... ,,..,)1,,~ .. ":' ,,.,, '' ''''' •I t •\ "'' \ ',j tf,,. , . .,., I . ,, .. .. ,, .. · tt • '' I•' '*' • • • •If • • lluurt ..... ,, ,,, ,. • '""'' ''"" •••• ' •• k for a part n f th,. fUt\~1 tr,.a I" •t 'l nf,.m~ttJ,,n~t J•rfl',_l;f,..nt &! w;lt bt' watr lwol \\llh lnt •·rN:t Thi s ' \\'eek ·Mark-s Half (~nturv f\o\\:101~ nn t I""· :til .. rr •. l .. ll• \\'n1<'r 111 )iff'. """" \\'t' I"Rn ., t ' r· 11om•· Uutlo!•·r~· l r~tlll,l•t· of 'J")fO rtt~· • !'"'••I• •I ·I\ \f tt \ ., ' frvan t; ...... t ;rtf•l'•ll ,.., • , ..... ,,. ra t ~r ~ v.lt , n ••. :..:•·'Y\r•"•'' """·'• ,.t.arr. If" with .... t '''"" far '''n~l'r In Newport ·For·· Antc•n Sutt(>rae! /lol tl ... ,,. than •·<' C1in do '\\·it h out "'·a-"' llsu n .. r'"''""'' t h•· •• R fr•n r,tr hrr of f·,,rnm,.,,.. . ..,. In .: • tilfll.' t •·rr~ tt"r Th<" mnve t n h .. tn~ ~fPtM· :"•·'-.4 f•ttr_t{H:..rt ... :r rtPtl• hRvuur: ''""'. munlty "'' 1 'l-•· • ,,,.,.., r·,t.H,,J f '• r pot'1tan -..·atl'r hl'rf' •~ fnr 'thf' )fr :inot M r!' .A ntnn ~uttnra m r."'~'<"' ltnl\· 1n 11114!1 nno1 .. ·~r,. rol t~r#-•h'f"r•nl h"rr:"~ to ! 1'31· t1 .. a r ''I' \\•···k AJ· t1 .'~ ""' ·:,.• purpn!'~ o f ,~ruarar.t<><'lnl! a nonll,£<'nltnlln!O. rf'lWhn.£ 11t 2 1,11 nl!'l<'ol -throrl' In 111911 thP\' , "m" l~oa II<> .al~o (t,rm~rlv WIIJOI 11 111• f'! Ohrtnlrul1on · •o( ::'~"' t, ,n !loll • (lltllrP ltunpl,\' Th11111 far r <'r· l!•th ~ttrl't 1"1'11\'nnrt lwa~" ro•-to thr l'mt~'<l !'t:ll<>lO ancl .).at•r to l,ont r oc •· fo.l•·t·."' :0.:•·\\r•o:t J:.t• u1v.nu lttJ"" .. t o• 1 f• r 1'1• '' t 'r tnln rnast,.~~ert•nn,. h:l\'1' hl'<'n r11llrtl tn rrtnd -'tb;~· w~l'k t~~ ,.n! :'\:PWJH•rl g,.,., h Aft~>r <'!'IIA;,II~h 1 have ... h .. <>n .. ~~1nt•:;',,,, '•lt•l ro;,.;,,.,l: rrllll tnnt t() ·bfo lnrludNI In tlr<> hl!<ln~· nf l h t' tlllhtnjt a no! mg . ~rmnn,..nt r<'s HII'nr" h,. r r SERVICES fOR MRS. to httm .. <o'A'r ,.,. II\' llo• ~ orj I•• th!' prnjf'CI. Bul thl'rl',·~ onl' Ah1pp1njit lnolu~t rl<'·~ "nrl thr 1'1".."· thPir lwn ll'orll* :"Irk an1l 1-'rllnk · · partm .. nt t ht'•otKit l h•· • •••1,.''·" •of, 1111r!' thin.£. the wntl'r lll~pply ,~rrr·s~ inn/11' In . real. t'lltAI<' cl<;· ,"~m,. tn :0.:•·\\·pnrt B4>a{h Th,. 111r1nK ETHEL ROWELL TO rtf Chlf'f l'r•wk• r a nol lit• "r1•·ro • qf Any rommunoly ffillllt ht' \'l'lnJimrnt 1' nr .. thl'lr nri"l\'111 h('rl' I ···uplo• llrr n .. w Kr .. At .ntnrl rnr· • 'Y Sornr of lhr ""''~··"'"'"~ a •I · cnnlli•fl'r('rl ,lOaf(' fn r th<' fu-hy tram fifty YI'Ar~ Al!"n thu• """"k <'nll'l' hR\'In~ fMir !VIllA nn" •lll•l.£h. BE HELD FRIDA 'VIUI C'NI loy lh•· :O.:n•uonro l A•"'"''" turf'. nr th:tt tr•nt n~· rPR!IIr"l'l Thf' rtoupl" who !11oll arl' "' l l\'(• t~>r '""nt y l:rlln<Sr btldrt'n 1< n t1 !'<:rvlr,.11 fnr Mr" f:th,.l R'lWI'il t.6on1l f01r .Jo,rr J•r,.·.r ntt•.., r•r •I t n 1lrogrf'M :~lror.g th,. ,..,.tl'•fr~ ~ai-rlv"'l on ""''"rat J:l'<'llt ,~rrlln•lrhildr!'n 1,.n v,.,.,.,. t( r'"'''""' "' :-.; .. wr,.-1 C.:kan -t;p IIJf' IIAll'.f •.n th• •lr< ul:tr _.__ 'April ,I '-!11 I•• ma kP thPo• hrom' :"1rk ~uttnrl\ . !Yin. r 11.m f' to Rl-lld> .,. !II ,,... I'P!ol l"tulav 10 • to. bt dll'!trlbut,.•l "fh.,..,. Ill• lu•l• nn tlonnrln~t hf'r nrph,.,.· n·~ol h'I•I•J 't hl' l'Nnn•l """In :'\PWf•••rl n .. ,.,.h ~""'l"•rt ll htout 1!Will ,.~tllhlt,hm,;: r -1 th,. lft~rnltl ·K r.rautl urfl'I'Dt a pf>"a.l '" r·t,.IUI l 'p rl•-!.11 Mr and Mrll RAlph Alm nnJ wh'l IO('alt'ol on lhl' ~~·nd !'""'"""'" A f1!11h m11rkt'l wh1rh wu IAt<'r f 'hafW'l c·•·•la \1,..,. .r•ra~t""· ~aii~Y" ""' a1.1 1•·111 •·t • w ('rl' rrrl'ntlv marn"'\ •n ~o;ith. Ruttnra workr•l fnr thP r11llrrwvl lllk,;n f)~rr hy h ·,. hrnthl'r !-'rank A nath·t nf f:lulA<lll Wr•. n.e-l'a!nt t 'p h•1lloln K" h ........ fr n• ,.,. f'Rilfl~l'nR. t.f~ll A c· Alm ont! of tran•fl'rrln~: rA rjitn frnm '11hlp to wh:> now "PHilt"" It WPIJ '""""~ twro "!>0" r 11,.11t~r Ito-tw.t1. pl,.rll, t•l~a nt '"'''" ft .. w •·rll ("(ltOitA Jl!t>AA wM hMII'I'.• tn "l.£hl 'r~r \\'hl'n ~"r"l~'" Will'! oll!•rn~-At lhr> rt ll"" "f 1'2 An<! ll:'l t!)ro well of thl!l r l\v 11nrl J"""flh Fill!: llhrube. tn'""· t•,x t•p jtllr11~n" frlf'r'lt.IIO\ IIIJII Monda~· • !\f:11 L C.· tinut"<l on tlloo r .. ilrf>lll't ~utlora . ~uH01 All "'"· 11tlll In wst~rfrnnt • f'r nt Wtlmirt~tln;-a delf«'tl'-" ,.,-da. parkw&¥-.. ·IIJ)c.l p~~rk nl(" Almnnlt. m QtJ?I'r rtf th e brldl' hf'IJ'f'tl In tht bu·ldln~ trad~ &II , a ctlvoty "l"'rlllln~t 11 hoat rf'n t&l Mrtl Huth ,.-,., tnr nf f,t)ll .A n~tf'lel l To faclllt&tf' r1'm9val o f a t I jtTO()m. was ON'i.of thf' ,.,tl'lllt~ st-a r RtJ)f'ntf'r C'onr~m ron l!lth l'llr"" lllcf tht -and .,.. brothf'r. Ralph Rplou ~ -wa.t# mat,.nal 11 mu ..,_,., ar· t~rdiDJ M r -.ntl Mr~ RuttnNl ,. {U ,bnrn b11y fr•onl Toronto ('IU\&(IJ( I ru.td t hat thf' f'1ty ,...,,.. w:<t ~,,,,., '.:· r·:.rtrr.r nt V.llt , ,,1(· •• ,, :rll ''''•'• r rnt ,,, t.,. t)l"-f*'•'f•··l ··f •r •I ttl I I II.,, fl"t .. , •• 1111(•" ''· ••• IJ 'h• }o'ar • f "'J•ft f f ,lt•Uf J•f•••lt• I •, • •I t h • !-=rn .. t l r•r•••rtna••ut at · t},•· f 'ttv fLtll r•t,i.n.-:.1 nr . f h,.. tJrv.r;,,r-t J 1:., ..... , f.,.,.,, t ... , ··f • '••fflfflt • f •• I ll rr '' \ Jw fH• k ... tl ••a· :tre t I flttP '"" t•·ra" I ol ·~,., • .,.,.,,.. ,., •• ,.,, ••• 1 ''· t.t\f ,-,.;,tr r HI ff•st.dy. t,, Jttd '' II }"''t''" ,,, 'K.r1••''" Hl 'It h 1r t1 It ',.,, h•· ~ .... IHHl•IIO'•I "'"' Olf'llll)' II•· J•OIIH'rll 1• buntllt·~~t ttrl hun,·h ,,, ••""'It~ (,u,, r u.:ttr rtal wh.,t•· tr '"' .,. ,., • .,. "'' r. , '·"' ,, • .r • "'•,. 1\• 1-. r •• , I 11f t.\ fl h• I fl • f1 I .tfl flftf t' •I f ltllf ft • 1. II • lo, lt 11 r .. ,,, f l ftlfl,' llll'l ' \\ ,, . ,, .... f•···(:.}l ,rf,,., "''' rf wtl t 'ta.u n l,•·l 1h•· 1\, .. \\ ,,, ('••ftl '' • I• • tt. tl h• I "''rk1111: lo "' t tift' .... ,. ,. d tIt:.,., ... lll t•l ··~· .. ,, .... ~,·.f t 1 •••hft•l•tttt tft.r ll1• 1 -'TI'I:ttt~ll' .., 1JI "' "dllnt• tn ;,. t ,,. , .. ,tv•· tftt~ TO COMPlETE PLANS ... FOR GIANT ANNUAL HARBOR FISH FRY ., ~tllol• ll•·lro I h,.,... '· • I ·: I '''I''" I ,.,.,.ol, r~ •I( I hro ;o.;,....·~~·rt 1111"1 rr•••roh In ~"ry """Y f""'~ll.tr In r •" M•·n,. lvo''" 1111 I"" mr l Thur11 ta k on~ rv.r .. '•f Wlllll" mnl<·r1111 •I ·v 111~ht In lh• 1-:"t"" HCJIItlllll( ,~,. PI• "'" nr,.. urK•~tt -rl••t ''' t''''' ,,, , ,,rn pt,.,,. ftr.-.1 pi""" (t•r thr o;;.,.h '!toto I 'Ji y I Jf•t•>Htr~oronl• W•ll :-.; •. ..,,,.,,., Jl:o rt ... r F lAil 1-'ly . .' r•·ni,.v,. tt Ju tt1 hrlp J•r~\·,r,,, fir• 111 '1'11,. ,.v,.i l •·Y JW' ,,.,, ,,,\ uttnt,.l l!ur n "'""''" •11 rly In t It• no.,rnlltl.! t h••""" n•lll ••f to• ttl! hiMn•l. viN•tnrt~ t o lof'IW"f'll IIIX llrtrl nino• ~11 .Whrn o•r (•ov H frt'<'• fl•h •lln i,ror a.nrl lhf' iJ,ln.:" lVI tJfO """" ''' ll•of lfV Ulll -r.., r .. ~tl lr1111tl to•lv,.fiiAK ... li r.t t h,. 1-';" I,..JIIII"t~nt a"'1 t" kNI .. !u.u¥b&Tb<A VlfJliLollrl ll)', will bf' hf'lll "•·a y frrom toull•ll:o«" ~unrl11y Jolav l"lh 111\< Ll ft~J) SEZ I·• r.d I I. ., h•· '.,,' • ,,.,"' ••rl(llflllltatc .:'''"" frttlu-,t rv Tt,,. ''"'' •·r" · 1 r •· "'"''"'J.: fqr ~t~•rnr•tttlntc ,,, hr,. I'~• •4d;.,,r Htt"•·v,.lt ftf•V•·r ruu. •,. " rutl~t, ttddr• "" rt urul•1 Itt "" 1 • •II• It• • \\Ill' I •· fO:It•ftflftr ht ,. JCI't ,., f•or f, "' l•olkH will think h ull • ft.-· ••ttlv '-''fiV t••• n,.,. ,,( t talki!', tu ,· A mhl ure th.ltt l~cludf'l , 11 ·'"" •ro•n h be•ng teeted In Ml '"' Q•n for. u ,.,. on conet,.ucl ong h ,. ' Wit ya A ottol~h l hould c:ert., . I y •~ '"' ;otond on • ro.ad ll~e t hl '~'·" Art.:,~r •. ;. lttHh·rl~th'l·r,. • •• •· fl1111•·. t .. fllllltol ''" 11 k r 1 1,rl. 0 ••• , 1''1 "'"· "'' . In I ho• ~lli'I'JO of 1,.,1 • ,: 11"1 '""t""' .. '" "'onrc t to,. hw'•· wro y' Til,.~ II h "II Ill r•·rne r .. to ·r lho y·,..... In II l(ntVI'· buatn.•JUI Cr.and oper.a t•n't w hat 11 11 • to be-o r. m a ybe, It I• and th,,i·, what·• the matter with lt. Stray . o"tnlmal•, repor1c:d In ,.,,, portion of Albania formerly or.-. cupled by the ttatta,.., may ~ lf"_pe e-t-. 'l'rlklnl( pk tur,.,. lan't dtftlt ult; It'll a anaj. ... w. ... t . • ... ~ ·. I . J .. . ... 't _._._:; •' ~BALBoA NEWS.TIMF.S: -~ Beach. Calit~~ia_. TifVRSD~Y. APRiL :11. 19.U .. --------------------------------------~-----------------------~-------------------------------------------------~--~--------------~--------I. . Tw. ...... "'· ... , ...... _,.,..,. .. 1M .......................... Mitda- ·-.-·· __ QnNJ..~tJ s.perior t:Mrt ~~-_; '-c lt ellclble lo .......... ALL lqal nntW.. ---'--------'------~·I ,, ..:.. Newport -Balboa NEWS-TIMES PROSES 1% A II l')abUIIIM!d f:\-t~ry ,._...,. and T11unday ARrr----__. . . . Sub«nptior. Payable m Advance :-$:?50 per yt•ar m Oran~;e Count). $2.-r.> per year 'rr 4th znpl': ~11JO fw·r ~··;rr ''' !.th Lunt· ' 25c: prr month by carn.-r, Dltered as &-cond-cla~ matter at tht: l'ostotrr(:(• 1ri ~t·wport l.k-ach. California. unrlf'r th1• Act of Ma1ch 3. IH7'J. --------;.. :------------------:I l 'su,..ly I t &)'.•· l hr!lo innut:Ddoe Ski .•• ,. Skrl·bLies aud !tit· tlt~·flj \\h.:IC I t;an ·forcet • tlr(·lll I "''" loa vc one on fl!e \\hit h \\_l d1 t .. · f ••l• I t•tl to & Cood fr o·nd ur "'~'"'" I hav..-u,nreatrict- •·ol • .,,,, ,.,, "' •• '"lA rt:ay h e ar h .. trl rl !.o l•·r aud If 1 do DOt ~··t h 4 ~~r.:u J:.~ll Jttl\, you w ill nev·er II . . \\a~ llu· trllfa\'<lrable weather ·'A ... Woman : Looks On \\ . .-\SHI~GTON" POUTICS . . Harbor Stout Committee to Hold ()fganization ~ee~ing Orgamzation of the Se~'Jl:Ort. <"n~lli lt.-~a -S t'wport Harbor Harbor Scout c omm1tlt'c to dt>dJ~ La .. ns· l'lub. ti:t-j;HlCr'l pvt'rn t"!l anol IDl nagt' > ( 'omplt'lrHn O( the Coa;jmUJ\Ity unanc.-s tor th'"'"e l!('out unats "!!_ drganrzataon 1 s announced by •~ ,.,u t.t' h .. t.J nt>xt llonJay {;Mirman Gordon M . Grundy a.s · n>tt~·s: J . D. Stan--~.A. MEYER Println~ Plant, :.!2(18 W. C~h_tral ,., ~;J><•rU<rl11<• '"' th•· III'IJitoved Eut- • 1 lwhtn lu~t l o f :":t•\\'J)()rt BaJt)oa. ,..,. Patterwoa yt>ar . My, ¥Jile t .~-Henry Vaughn. wall ~ 0 uthnf'<l un•!t'r tht> lt-ad .. r· TI•I'<l<lore Hubins. Vt>rn~n Orr. Gus . . ONE OF THE !nr<•most · atlao -14-nt l•y , tu,. trrst nan:.. and be . ~h11, Ot t;Jr COI'd•>n lt . (;runo;Jy \\'urdrng.-r.' Hugh Spranger. flos-· o·t•!r.nlPntatprH rr ad.-a bt·t "r:!' l<oi·k t 'a.. u~' vn~n <ttl\·.-Harr~· l(ent'ral S<-"ut <"lla1nnan ,.:bo ,.;n · • o(' llurris. Hahy Lace. J ·O h n l~ .. ;·k ms · anto tht> !w-art of b~ p: .. sldto o•·t-r· 1be ..-AS or. AU Ser-Cai!Jhan. John Srt'gt'l. Gus Tamp. t h.'". t·nlumn a ft·w olav11 a!(" 'hat · · · . · • · r:r · 1 _.. -" • f.,n.al~· ar .. ! h s , t.nfaokn< t' And ,.,.... CliJIMI. md udlntc tht' Amt>r-·. lis. l'rPd 'i" OZier, rvJn .... eorge Hr.u!rh would ~~t . 1't'.npr<• atf' l'l 0 , ... r t•.-.ntem at)onal h!!Qk·l!pa !can ~lvn. n otar>'." ~rvact' club. Cordon. Roy. Worley. and S a~ krn-1 the pren.-dt'nt-hre•krng w.-}-\'• ~.:1 :web beautaf"'i t·nbutn'" Ltcn-&ftd Kawanut ·art" rt"pr.-s;;ii"t"-~atht"r.' uont~· whit•h Presltl.-nt l{lM.S! n ·lt :n . .-•; ·a .. a.•ka.ng ).Irs · f{oow('elt .-.J' un the comnutt• l(a\'•' to Vrll(·ount Hahfllx. r('t .-nth · ~·· (<•m.-(A~ t•·• lft:-:don to \-t.ft ~t un1t11 now orgiP.Il~ed are arfl\'f'd 11mbassatlnr t .. thf' t"nrtt-d th.-m 1 ~a Sc out ~hlp "~g.-r" spon- St'attle Draft ~rd juat re- ct>h·ed thi3 it>tter :--f Tbls' Ia to ~tates. Of ('Our!W. thl" t'tommt-n· 7ha:< ,..,lumn u• -not <·ommf'ntmg ""r.-.1 b,· tht' J unrur ("ttamb4'r with r> t · H ... Gartl ..... notlf)' •·ou -of a change of address. tat or lost \.n·al Hr tarn would tn a a nt .g .. nastu :>pant. IJt'<'ata~ 'ap &10 1\• ry er. ... .. appt•r J .My _former address wu the coiln. ty Ja~. !'aiem. Or,; preeent ad. drt>s.,, {state pt'nitentiary .. Salem. Or. I will get in · touch with you· nilt run· the r i s·k "f 1:-,currrng w f· 1..-h .. ,·.-art! tu Bnta1n 111 a uf tht" Shap· ( -~la!ltan Fl nk a r.d Anwrwan 111 will or hurt f.-. .. lmg11 n-..--t-!!>'lh '. 16 dul\· ano.J a salt"-J G ~ha.Jn. matrs <."ub ~co u I .,,. n •J:I('('IInl( to mat.-h Prf'11rdt-nt ,:ua r.t' ·but 1t .: .... ,. go to prov<" l"ac~ spon~med by the Amt'ncan H••••<t•Vf'lt 'a gf'Kturf' to I h.-Hrit r~h It: at t t: .. r.-:JO nata•{'lal p<"lf'tac . ]WI· ugwn "'·alii H.arfy \,.ace !M"rvJDg and 5 of I out if are still "In WashinJ!tOn and out . or it ttw> {at't that national ,_ 11111110•· habrtll Hll u .at ,.arl!l ular Joii FS•'. Wtth only ~ (rwntlly frnm K in I! l;e<.rgl" t n ···ry IS n~·l'r a All' 1!!;~~:,!.'...:~~!'<' def~ ~ in prct1y bad shn'p(' i~ tOO fnmiliaf tO t)(' ft.,-j1nJ.( rtn,-tt,.....V,.r: th,. ~pantuat pur· """"~ rr• rt --:----r nit<'oT SlJt<'s --xmTli"ssadOr \\'1:·--ii:':y·~omi~-!•> ~~~~:.:.:;!!i~~~!'!!!"!!'!!~iiil---------------------"\ · pt.,... h<"l•l ~fs 1• 1 a , " of l'J •-.:_ _ • _ "• -;---nt --~· ----~· I ·" fr•::n -.·hom on .. snub! today r' _...GQYem rOenl.JDCILSWap. the la.tcsl.. and ~ ~""~ stor~ t·rr. n•·l)('t' t:a:ih•r r.r.~ ttw ullmtalt•, :-;.-w,l~" r, h•·a.tl nl': "R u a h How lt'l' lllhlt'~< ba\'1'' t urneJ· Th-r .. "' .w-..· .. t•'f>lr.~ rn ttw Sa-"Every. Day and Night" •• o( governmen"t bungllnJt.i• Th~ F;tralg htforward n'marks an 4 'h nitt.-n.luru 'H it was ac rl'l••· ll K+-.. llor '" llu:.JJrlal". \Vbal.. you. \\'<• r~call the d al!IIIC, an~<wer ~~t t: ... at (."3J•at11 all .u.nJ'Drtunate ten. are printed in the la test i~sue or FortuM M-.gaziM.· . • .. 1 Ill liS KrOiph~•t.\' and n·alrl ~' ""11 t ~1111"·~·· lo·· rn~·~.·' a sale. or S.r P,onal•l l.rOtlSf')'. to·m··r Bnt . .-n• ·; n ·n~:arJ to ant•-,.·ar lW'Otl-. As' th' • . h ood . f . th•· -. .. rid w.oulrtn t 1..-on frn· t--· < ·1" ~-.. u" r~h amhassaolot. t .. a \\'a,.hrnfrton ~ •'l.t a-· bo>rr ~ a::ta·B';'luJb. tor Pf'O.. lS m agaztne a~ a J! teputat10tt o r aC('Uracy ·, """' • -'nrn·.-pondl'nt ·who askeJ' for a . a 1 In :~pat .. ot th<-h ct th •t "-'l , it would seem hig h time that we imfll('(iiatrl~' find out_ what • _ • . _ t tlunk '· .. ~ta :'-l•·san~< have a #~111:ht cnurtf·~<y 'tro~e""F.iill.-y '"' • ··nl ut t.h.-P'f'Opll' throughout. is wrong and do something about it. Till' s tunning s wiftn(•ss It tak"" h•·at '" l(•·rH·mtl' .... kr• k • "'" n~: r··l-:i• olanog the apeed "Hut I am rn thrs country to he lp u,.. f'nt .rt' t"n\t<'d ~tat~ are <W-•--t~<-n ~t.•yl,.. th•· lat k ,.f 11 w ts alll .. lll'·l -tlr~t s J.:" through that F:n~:llshmt'tl. nut Anwric'an11:" Jx-rately eag.-r to a\'otd anvo~'t"- of the Gennan blitzkrieg s hould dispel any notion that half-,.·hat ma;lt• th.-t:a.-t•·r """11.,11 1111'1\'trtg ht ll·· trlv llow top~..-. :-; .... w the llrillsh arc busv lhmk· nf'nt an the t:uropl'an ... r Mn- effor(<; are goOd enough. at th .. I..-at h ~<oonwwhat. lo·s~ •·xu I-'•·nl it '" ~nm•·thing elafe. I &m. 1~1! qf ni<"f'. thrngs lhf'V ca~ olo f,.r m \\'all'llngton on.-f4"t"ls ;.oruocaous "Fortune" puts forth many wason" why ttM-df'ff'n.;(' rng than t·u,.toomnl')' Tho·r(' ·~ a ~ur.-lh· ·!"''·~I 1" excellfive. Tbe Americans. The Unti,'lh tvok W.-n. r~. m~•st g~>Upl! at nne woturf'l! to I t I U ro·a!to<11 I kll"" IS tt·at I WU ln •tell Wiltklt' tn their hosiltn as a.'lk "lJut sn't 't ble t Ml nrnuntt"' has drifted and stumbled for t tk' las t niM month!'. "1 " ,, "~'"""'' "' w n ,(' ~1111 IS 't I ••• , I I I . t ' I . h ll I pndl•l () p ,......,..-.. • ,.hmtng l' .. "r•l.-ad 1t.flt·rt·nt. tltt')' l ot ""'11 1 nven en re Y. tho:ugh t• ha•l l)el'n guilt\· o( mur --t h t' Hr llllh ,.-uhout gotng t 0 Most convincing or the m i~ that William Knud'\f'n has t_...n t an· happtt•r. t hPy 10111111' l h·~· all' ..... fa~<l t hrough 'th .. htlllineM dia-d<'r.lll( the Krnl('s t:ng.ll!b. and "''ar~" lnvanabh· W>U rl'('en·t' • mlsused. 1lle job t o which Knt.lds€-n .was· drafh>d on tlw ()(-. moor.· • .. ng•·naal \\'hy t•n n hu~<l 111'1 lout rnay 1 atltl. I wun't V tlv Hahfax s<·a ·t·elv wart4'<1 to pn~·an~: 11m. I#. t hat · .-xprt"''lo8t"S iJ'r-' I tt dn\'lllj.! . Utllllil k hl'r loa"~ ... :f01:4' IO.ht" a··--~-· oluto-t t~l .. .:.....n-~. t r )0 . feMe Commission was a policy job. This ,was not <'Xa<'t)y tht~ n""" '" ,.. ••r . ., '"' ~,_..,. ,..~.. " •a '' " . ur ag- -You'D. Meet-the Whole Gang IT TilE .lEW AJAX ARCADE • 1 • -t>r gra\'c.d rnvltatlons t o thf' "''umeo n"rdnC:t" a11 mU('b as to sa\' -v ou best place to put a production wizard. Th~ garnhll ng • ,.~~r Ht·x · wh11 11 l'nl11·•· • ·,.rr•m•~""'"''r Hobe rt nf '1 tt .. Prt•~JS rn Wa."'hangton to t·· mt· t r•lfll w .. st ot ttw-A.U.:gtwnlof'11' . One way to rally the nation IX'hind defrn~ proctuction • ,.,,....1 "" mut h ··xo·ll •·nwnt an-t A llo·ll "' :-;,." pnrl Oalhoa tbinka boo h<'r gu~sts at a lea party Win-"'h .. r .. lhO'V oJon t .... -.--~ ... ,..·-.~-······ . ._. . • 1 1 h ( I h •· "''I'" I Jllo·nt tlurr!l2 Eaater "'"" ( 'hurchill calls , ur Pres t "nrt.-.J "t · ( l .. is for some stimulating f'V('nt to ta ke nJa<'f' SUC'h as thfo British 11'P'1'"" 8 on~: 1 t' rr~tn~~;o· ·,· .. un· 1 1 th ,.th ------' a-·-a es 111 • •·ar ALL N-EW · • · ·. r· " . . -ty ,· .. a.·t 111 nnw rn t hf' :'-I a n 1 Ia v.l•· k "alt "' lt•r an ~ pre-. had in the episode or Dunktrk. ThlS wa~ costly. But It' brought ; ,,...·,~:ht bulllnelO!I. ··nrrytr.~ oil a n•l I O'ohng w ar lout I suqpect tha t Be •..J h . the best in England to the ro n>. \\'('11-plaet'd iri<'OfTl(lf'tf'nts l0\11-:'" IU'H"-'10 lhf' Pao•rfrt• Troouht.· r\ .. h "·~~'''" tt had Improved a tot I yo'nu t e.· Balkans . Is s~tre of • 1 th 1 1 1 · 1\ m .. ,.,. 1 h.tt mdht>tl nf reportlnc II"'" and --.....,... were fired and public liot'ntiment was (')(>(·trifled into a t'tioil. "' t• t•·x ' .•• n t lo:<'t ant .. t •. too _l" __ ro·nl~ till' t'Oilduct of tbe What Hitler Ma.r. Do In Af~ --yr.; r -:... ~ 1 Du k-.;;L-..c,d h . fL---" rr I U>.jl:tmlak -e.nou~o:b tu san: ... • .... a vn Or 1unate y , n .hi\ IIJII not a\'(' IM' S;UJl(' (' ('('t a tnt nf ~'"P" a t .. t oo( mnnf')' l!Ul I "t h rld haM hM'tr f'fff'rttve:-lt-m~ · at • .. • • The -Finest fn the -country upon America. It it h ad. W<' might now I)(' turning ou't -.nd' at funny that m•·n wr.oo t:H·IIy.rt·h,. "" l"mmrl\' wh..rl 'Top" hu to pay ' ..a...u •• -t~~ I k h I k h th lltl' ol"ma~;o·s for "sonnys" ailly, r By FLEETWOOD LAWTON I ~rirul. ~.-e Quantities Of first-r.tf(' (iJ!hting ....,\Ji.........,.t I f' I f' t I(' f'nl' W ('II ,u•.<'lr Wi\'l'll • -""'! ~... '" ..... " •• k lh t r ·' II I l"'ynlphl•ntf•M I to ~land nd the ttM-()(' · fi ht' ..a~ 1. as f'm ur a <'W uO ars. Iran· ~: .. ull rrr:: ov.-r t h,. t·aptur4' nf &:AIIf> a 0 r mOCr.tCI('S 1g 1ng uot-=-JlO ISIT\. lw·yf>~lol ·t hjllhr~t• mlle limit to lol<•' -• -S I k lh H . h d But .-rha ........ _" DattJe o r, ... _ AtJantt'"' ••••. ,, awak nn W"'. :-;o•xt 111111' I h.-t on the Santa' ..• ""' a (' .om'\n ~r_..,.,. f'a . .,.. _.u~-~ 1ft" '-.. "'" •• hun• n•oll' . . . 'f'•f 1'1\' tha,npoln rlr Roma prompt-Anti:. h:1: Ill• "I' I m l{nrng to Uk I d . I th 1 th -• -e ·1 \' ,., :.r a <' nt•xl '"'~'""" lht-n lbb~ "''"UJ<I IM' I ttl.--.·hlt'h th•· ~1\IPt (()Ul.J Jo ,ll&\'~ &1. llw a,ck .,f "'ar ,.,,h r..-rmany ~ At thf' l!aml' tame, ).lcJ8<·ow·s Jl'"•l·r~-t....-a~ a HttW.r "'be nat! t'!<tlll,lish.-d barn....-lt firmly ---a s \\'hat krnol of j!O\'t>rnmo·nt· , .. (oor a I ;a ll up 1"'11 l'v<• trrt'd every-,;, tllf' AXIl'! r .. r; ,.,. ""Ul•l l:w th~ tlun•· ''l!!o' nta!'t.-r of a ll t t.ntlr.,.ntal t:un..--lh " that d r af111 m~>n mtn t h.: " · I Suez Canal .-" ' ' ann\' 'for olul \' tha t o·all~ for fh<' • · "-If "•otJid almt·.,.t •·-•t arnly < h an~~ PUBLIC SCHOOLS WEEK • PUblk Schools W('('k ".·ill •-~~~-n·cd in Califomi.-. from · · 1 wouhl liko• In ~<"'' that Flower i a 8l•~e<ly anti t·nmplt't •· _:-;a ;r on• e m<"<fi' Ut"' ~-IIUJlrPml' !OR<"rifk ••. Rlltl •thPI\ Jl"r• April 28 to M ay 3--the twenty-~>c.·ond SU('h annu<~l t'f'lt~bra-rrut" lltnko·ll an tho,.., rntlustnr,. Shu\\ "prrl I !1-:.!ll. I'm · fond ot' rt(urilanali?" O\'t'h JUJ;t•:.la\'l't a n•l b '"'",.hi ,..,..k,. a" Halll'r·!! Hal-flow··· • Tht'\ ·•n· c-t·.. repre-;r .. ,.c.-Ill achlt'"f~ tlatl('r wall k·•r. olrn·, ha.;. rxroandfo.J to an- lion devoted to schools. th(_-ir achi<'V<'fll('nls a!'ld tlwir M-d ... -.·huh ""I•P1Y 1 hf'~•· mnl w 1 1 h ,,.,.ntat. :\.,.,. 111' 1 'h ,. .gardena ·at undoubtedly lJf' J>"r't<'< tty ,.rtuul•··l 'lu-~ ••n.-naiann "ftf'r anot~r Most or the schools throug hout the S tate will pro udly :.r:; .. ~: .. ·:r;:;~~-~-n~l~~r;·n:r d~~~~~. lw IUt y llolr'!_<'" '""" "lht'. A!!len ~r 1\ n otf~nsh't• ag lllllll t h •. Hu~ran ,.....,..., ohplomahc oppo- proclaim "open hou.'ie" for at least a part of th..'lt w~k. throw I ~~Hm tn ha\'P the pr~J'>('r t>quaU-' uf nahan· •~ ~~"·'Yll a tlo.wer."' • urkJI. !lat..,. an.J Ol)('nl~· , . .,tc ... l cnllcuun _ _. .......... ...: doo and · ··~ -bl" · t ' \•'hat • • :tatinn In th~ tit•t pIa c e we Anti lll'nr~· \\ artl lwt>cher aald: B ut b e .,f :-;an J"•hcy hA1I ~n ate-add~ w~ u~,r rs lnVIu: pu tc lnspec ton. _,..,. a <.'011 : .... ,11wf·r~ ·an· \hi' 11wel'tcllt thing~ would al110 be tftCrl'aJOI!'f' trut . ..r.-'t will find be .._ __ __...... .....a • l pia 11hnu ltln I haw• any war!l. but If · • . 1 ,_._, vUM Of'S . tween t • ., uiUUl:'rn t"Uucaho na nt •'~' ~In ba•·e th~'m th<> IPaJOt wt .-an that (;,.._t •·•·t·r mad';' a nd forgot n an · ~ But if 'f"'lstanrr tu IM Saz~ and the Utt~ Red SchoolhoulirP that fond parents used to do ill to J.'tVf' lhf' df'f<'ntiHI' Jllf'ntv to put a snul into " c; .. eee th,. P''-"' llno to ~n-an the Balkarut ,...," to colla~ visit on the final Friday of each month to tk'a r· ttk'ir orr-o( malt'lral with whk h In nw~l fh•Wf'r :<hto ... ·, think o( Him who! .-IJ•n·t>, hiiO •~<>-Mlhrel~--tt....n an. f"'Utd ttw ~~ . th A ' . • mat II' 11 poo!<Siblt· I mands uPo n afffOr•l t 11 ( ontmUf' "'' <lah~l'rous a IJpring "recif.e" Or grope through 8 !'OpeiJing ..... ! f' l'nf'my. nd you can I gl'l ' . :-:,.,.,..t I! U l< •• t ourt<f' . . that l'\Jpply whl'n work lll"f'" --l ' J •-California is proud o r her schools. and ju.-.Jiy l'O.' Stw> -· • BRUCE A. MERICKE !'Ia • ··man..... , ........ hly. lh<-n'fnr<• H u,." I" .\_. ~-..:_ wbich the Fu-'"'"''·I onrf' m•-r" ,....,k ,,;-,iiiin tta.-IUVe&.lo..ta~ to othe.c Stal:cs about her cxtens i\'e educationa l Tl1,. rf'qw'lll •:<n't n<'w tn me -IS GRADUATED hl'f'r t a~< un· ..b ....... j ,:rat-..,r;.t ~rlan .. ,-~ 1lt tt.... _,.,.,.....the )' r ..... I L -h l'\'f'-heartl 'it 'tnr mnr(' thiUllhrrt'~ 1 -.. ~.......... cost lfl('S.<; 0 IrK' out a\'. """' a nnics. or ·tl'aC' ('r.; • ~.· T ·\ ','. 1· I) 1{ f) 1"'.' '1\'"','-'SITY. I qu• lot ·•n a b I~-•'XI~·r:s nf l't~dmg vlly by ·"'"h'lt' • · • ,...-.. r,. yo•arlO, All haJC 1'\"t•ry ollwr ,, . ·' -' r.n .... ~~lt. 'J d She emplOyS ,.__ l-n....th and dJ.\'e""'l.fJ'"• tt'o n r fh 'tl . 1 •• , 'tl•a "y 'fo r:.·-llrll•·r·~ I<'I!IOnS plani•-..J thl' j1V .. 311· • • '"' It:' ,..., < •• ~ ta '0 <' t ITil'--"""'"JlRJ'f'r m:tr\ n•1 nraltt·r \\ hHI Al'rrl ltr l.rtr< •· A !ll<'nckel of j mulatt'd h111 mrn.t. df'man.!,. 1 k, har.· ··r '"' thl' l>ar•J,oont>llt>s ulums. ThiS year WilJ brint> Jon crrr thotwhts than tiSUrtl, ...lr-th•· lf'n~:th of Iii" Jtllrrnalr:<llt' t uw ll:tlhoa_ !Ius "•'•.·k """ gnuluatt·d ~which would in thf' IOn" run t-· · .. ,... ,.. ... 1"-... -.. '·"~""'"'II~· h""t't"•·r JUl"l .._ .. all haps. on our s ystem or fl't'f' ('(fu('ation --and so~ ... ~.'t'r ('\'a lu-ro(l4' II i~ thf' ro•tjllt'llt for 1\ l'l ll (room !'Ianford 1.111\'l'fl<ll~· wrth till' tall a t lf'a.,t Sazr ('\'(1flUII11< olooma-.. nwr ··fftortlO at ars-'"'"m<>nt ha\'# at'on of h t th t . t rn•m uf !'onwthtnj! tnr whrd1 tiH' d•'!-:1<'1' ,.f ha• ~h'l•·r of art11 rn nation nv<'r fhu~.,1a l'r·obaiolv t h·· :aal,-.l h ,,.,, ~'••·ntually r<'b<•untlf'd ~ ~-a a sys ('ffi mrans . author prd•·rll '" rc-marn 1111 I" ·Ill It" I\ I -· ll'lh •• :'-lo•rl<"kt•l •. n m-Nazia WO'""' -. ~k .. ~. rntrl"ll;. ~n-1 . ~ u•u ~·~ .. • ... n -la.,.:t!<trt ·u~l\' lll••n th .. apJ'>('aAen! l 0 . a ·whole g~neratjon Of '-'OUn~Stl'J"S t>rOWin <Y trn in -kr.nwn hut r..-rf,.t·tl~· -...·,il\n~: tlw J'ldo·ol I Ito• \\ "rk '"' htll tlf'grce dlplomstr.-prl'!'!<llrl'. to' b r 1 11 ,. · 1 ., ,.._ ,... r• ,.. "'' "''" -~ l hl~ attf'mpt at apf'l'a.•· Middle. EuroJ)e today, (I'('(' ('(iUt"'<ltion is <1 thing unknown: wrrt•'r ~ h n u I .t tnko• I h ,, rap t o!ur tn,:' l h· I!OI<H I "ti l<'r qu orlN.' about both "bJI'I'II\'1'' ~rmultane. m··nt farl -...tamrt•oU~l:V f,.r th~ ~ it lo; a thing of the past in the blight("(l ('OUntti~ or other ----'· ---i oualy. ... . . ' .. \1•' • rnnlnl'nt. U Grefet' . 'lntl Jugn~hl\>ta ••rt· In t •~ ho•ok ")l••an Kampf"'. Hit- millions. In Not1h Afril'a Hw British will h a\·1· to fidlt ckspt'l'· brought l'lt'etaro·ly IX'n rath thP'Saza :-·r arrply ··xplam"'l tu_~ e\'entual Poss\bly that .knowlroge will make~ C'~tizcnl' h<'n' look atf'ly hani. prNfi,·tt·d tlw l'rinh' :\linist<:r. if tht• ~a7.i ctri\'e yoke. then rt would h•· a:m .. st rnt•·ntr .. n~ t .. war·!" Hu~-il ~ -1 .. • • Mail\ Street ·Balboa --·, with even fierct>r ptide and ~prr appn>c.·iation on o ur school "' . I ' Cf'rtalnly well WllhirlHttlf'r·~ I"''A"· r.t<'r.tron;< ft13\·., ll 0 ~ a It .. r 4' ol' ------....:..:...:..:;.:...::..:...::;1;;..::.::..:..::~1~!,::.:.::::___ _ aC'ross" \·n~n;alt'a is not to d t•\'1' o p into a Sl'l"itlll' thrPat. not e.r to con 11~1 .lh~' J': n.lan,•ll•·~< . --m:tJ-l..ll} s .. a_u. _ system. t wou d he well for e\·l'~· dhz.tm t o ~'TX'fld a litt f' only to Uf;ya. hut t n J-:~~·pt its4·lf. . "' will. n .. m th .. Ratkan,. ttatlt>r c a :~ tiJrie durinJ:: Public Schools \V('('k wilhin th(' four wall;. o f n A ('o(•rman ;a tl;t<"k upon Turkl'y is •t 11 lrt• '''llt't:h ,d . And ~nnwing tlw•. th .. ·Turk" ma~rht «:rrk<> at , 1th~· Hu."ta nr Turk~· .Why Have -figUre .Fag-?- .,. local SChool k . t :. .... · t nd l'ttl' 1-tt t IIUddt>nly bo-t'tome \{'1,\' milt h morl' -.: nt' tal<' n t · ~hi · ~ In~ 0 U rHK'n-a <I 1 e ~-('r. 0 CIJljll'f'-Chur·~·hill flt'l.'lan•d that 111111'1' clt•ar Pach cla~·,;l t'l' tlw in di-amenable than h.thArt •• 1,, lhA ar-· ••• ·r ,,.. r a ' pr•··-Y aa. t )'ttl r 11 h · a.l · r r _... • , ,..., •. -· .• -r rathrr than tat .. r h .. "'tooul.t e a l! e m ore u y. t t' J;:rt'at. "'~"mg o f'('(' nrucation 4·a tinns that Jllllt•r is prt•paring to launch an offf'n-.:i\'4' ag ainst gum~nlll ot Hc-rlan.• mrght P•'rhal'~ .t .. ho·th in p. ww:Jd UlaJ ba~ ~ AMM:~ ot '~~muck ~"'"""' ·ROAAi.t an pffcnstvc.· deslgn~tn.o~c--rro11ft\~rr~rar;·-tolu h sh.t ftlliwtlhKe to tt~t ~· •r Mil, ltiUN4fiC ... e "'~' Of ,,....__"11.-foT 11-...... d I --~ ___ ___._ __ J -• • I M'"s&ill w ould b<' futlll' an<'f "". rf.i\.-·)l" ll;; mnr4''"N;w4'rful Fr I run-arcml .._.., .. ~ art P racy. ttw r·filt \\ hc~nttit'lcis o f tht• Russ1an l "krainC' and till' o il \q•lls · ·-· om " J"U"' Y the con<"lusion that foor l hf'm no rmht~·y proant ot ,.,_._ (~nnany 4lf .the Caucasus. · alternati\·e t'xastt><.l It> ltH"t•WrnJ: rn rl' 1..,rhaps ,.-.. akt'r ni'Mir than ~~> But gn~at('St st n~ss diet Churc hilUa\' upon tlw hattie of their lot •.-ith"t hf' Axrs "a.~ boi-~ .. n· -hA' conqu#rP.l Hu- (' ·WATCfl THE SEA! t I . ~ . . -· --.-·-· · t Tbat UIUI would. be mO!!t --dts. nuuua and HU~&nJL . for ber n . With thE' sun o n<'(' again \\·a nning th«' bl';ach<'s-int<'r· t lP At a ntu·. Smmchng a mos t om1nou s n ot<'. lw adm1ttro thjll plf'alling to llollcow ,,. .,h,·rou,. hut ,.; ... ,.. ,.,.· arf' wid.~ "JlrPat! thrnus:h r:nittently.-liJTY"'n~ t.itm• to bt.• n•mindl'd tha t man is a th4' clt•lin•ry of l'mh'tl States aiel to Bnta1n m;ry 1)4• J.:'rawl)ol-.. fn.utrut lan•U. ma•l .. harrt'n. 10. ·~and animal. not a fish . ThC' ~ •• ~-is" m ighty anrl lt"t'<tdlCCOUs hin(h•n'C't hy lack of _ sh ipping unless Anwric:-t can prm·ict,-. · BROTHERLy LOVE , ~~~;~~~~-:~;.::a ,;~;~aJI:~~~ .. n a a::: master. which each ye::fr daims· upwan4.-o f :~10 \"il'tims on l'hrfor~ ~be. t-nci ?f _tht~ yt.•ar. nwrdlant ships pn tlw· st·ah• of LEFT IN WORLD? h(>!'t:l•' AmE>rica'-s beac ht>S. In lA" Ang<'IN: ·count\· alont~ t;;, liws tht• Sll(ll't'lllt' f'fforl Qf 1~H~. -~ -1 were Jllst by drowning last year. · • _F ailing this lwactlong prndwl i<m of ;ht~U.'-_1 'rPmit.•r ! Many thousands mort' an' n'~'Ut"<i from tht~ ~"Urf by alert ,'\JI-:~t'-"!1'(1 th:-~1 it mig ht not Ill' l>~.'::'~ihl~· f<!t:_J\ritain to .\\:1!..;1-! -JifE'gllafd<;. 'Ill~ tr~ined N-scu<' work<'n-claim . that m ost full-sl'a~ warfan• thnlttg hout \~1-1:.! . .It 1s d4•:n: that tlw long-swiminin~ mishaps rould Ut.· a\'oidNI hy th<' l'wn ·i..-.· of ~im~l<' :m _;aitt'll :'\azi sphng off~·nsi\ <' has n pt'll<'<_l in :t11 ih ftlr~:. ;111d common S<'nse. 11 1s hkl'ly soon t o ~prl'ad. . Don't t t k 'o t )' . nw Ollft'tlllll: of tlw \\at" is in tilt' habtll'l'. hut ,tht .. Balkan ry o ma <' a a 1ha on your first dip. Rt•nwrnht•r .. . • . .. . . \\'ho !'a~·,. tl~t•r·· · s no hr"'- thrrlv ln\'f' lf'ft rn l ha~ "·nrld • snFJ·"ar~callfilffii~ aT:-;"":_ port 11ar·l~,; ;.l,~m~k+'ol th:\1 m · rrra11inglv l'nmtl1on han ! hoiled '~~t-Ile-f. . F.nc.•ml't'd at tht' munro1pal camplfruund!l for I h" ·t:a •t••r NEW ARRIVAL , r~' t!H~ pa r~nt:t • •f a ho .,. I •a\·ad H tn•l(•lph ho•rn .\pnl l.f• m thl' !'I J: ~I'~ ll .. !<plal P.~r-t 1!1 ";"· ,.,. rat.,.! ""alh Th.-. ·'I• .r;. Robrns 1-nr-l Ai:\>no ~· :n :-;t"''J">rt l~at h. r .... you c:urget fo r as little as ~17.50 chines at mod<'rnte pri{"('s! rna- Fi~ Fag is known 'to all m erc hants :md otheR who-~le ""ith additton.c;. subtrac-- tions. di\·is.ions, until they can't 'lee s traight when a cuc;tomer ~ in! You should s.we .&-Ourself for other matters •... get an AddJn~ Machine! T. . R • ..4. TI£Rt'!..4N TI'PEWRITER CO. II 0 .-,_. F.o•rth Santa Ana Phone 743 you've been hiberna ting a ll wintf'r . anrl no m a1t('r h ow man,· fnmt '' 111 n o t n•soh·C' thf' rlf'ns1on. l·.n •n 1111• l'tllllpl<'ft! :'\;1;.1 swimming medals you w on in 1!"!:!0. thi!' is still onf' o f th~ -.:LJhjm.,'{ltion o f souttwaslt'rn l·:uro)ll' w oul(l l~t• Lrr frnm d1,_ most st.llenuou.s ucrC'iSC!'. Although sp;·in g ·(,,,.1,1• hm's ~n\--ci~in·,in i~s 4'ff,~cts ~IJitlll tlw t·onflic~. ots a ,, twit·. "VRcatro•n. nrw of I ht•rr m11~1l>< r· 1\!IUJ citt•d and r<'m:ln-lt'd t·• t·.- c,ltv ba,.t lllt• fl\t' d ~y ~ f,.r ipE.~din,:. 111 1 "" nt th•· $1" fin• 3~!'·---~qf'd hy .Jud).:,. ,;.L:·!· ner. SAM'S SEI F-CAFE--~-• ·( ious swimmers t o the seash oi'C l'<lrly. th<' watt~r is n't mu.·h ll~f> '-"-'lit' 1~ s t1ll l<l ht.',ddt'rllltnt'tl in.1h<' \\ ;tkrs of tlh•' wanner than in Oect-mbcr. If you stay in t oo lon g ~:ott may :\tlant.ll', tn tht~ ~·n;~st:l~ wa~r-s o f tht.: Hptt ~h l slp..:: a nd in . get crampo;:lf you t•at ho t dogs a nd soda l"''•,fi~t \'Otl n~r-tlw skws ~'WI' tlw J·.n~ltsh (. h a mwl ;tnt! tlw .. l ~ult'd h.ln .:ll••m . tainly will._ · ' ,· p,.~_(llt4' tht' f;tcl that ll<l ,<'PillJIII'It·l~. t'ift't'Jt\ ,, dt'(l'llSt' Despite its placid surfa~"'\'. ttw watt•r.-·tlncir t· thr ~·a an~ a~ain~t ni~ht homhing h as ~· .. ~t l't't'll 04'\'lSt.Yl. it ·•l'tlt':ll'' t''\;· still vfolent. Spring is th<' tirm~ for rip tidN:. If y ou ar'l" ('aug ht tn'ml.'l~· ltnlikt•ly that Hitll•r ~·an dt'li\\'r :t ~:t in~l l<n~l;lllrl a in a rip •• just relax. ·\·ou (;\'n'·t fi,Eht th~· ;:..,a. hut Ytltl at~· kllt'lt.'k-nt~t hlow frnm.tht' air. • buoyant e nough to !'tay o n top of it.-l .os Angel .. '!' Timt.~. Compl~'l••i•· frllm,:: tt;w lt>l>h\· or th<' .!amrtllltl\··· :-;""l"u1 ~­ lice statroon. !'I~ hul'lk~· ynun~: men crowil<',l u p It• th.-ol<'l'k and e a • h nftt'l!'d :\1 t.·:·.!ant ,,Charlit-I ':ro·st I t• "nt k "l:t' da' ~for lhf' nt~· I•• !'IJIItlrt' up t ho;~ pal'!' srntt'rh (' !'It" ht' , oult1 C'D· jOY the rl'marnrng t-:tL~tf'r \\ l't'k· t n<l. Tht>tr pn•p;•l'll:t•n rnt lud 1MO. D--Ell MARINE SERVIC-E td a bnr\,.., ,,, th(' ··•Y-~'"·" . . &ht>y Wt'IV coffrnn~ sax o .an. Winston OturchiU-. A!' tolrt tht> British IIOUS(' o f \om-day of labor ftor th<' flw !'<'D· GRAVE PERILS. AH~D . ·-tencetJ the l'l'<'l'tl •·rolalor mons ot ~ faJJ of Salonika. w a i"1'M'd in one o f his m~t ~ s H E L L I o· c K Tourhl'd b~· thf' nff,•t . JuJ,:t' 8011'lber speeches. of the intense peril<; whkh li<' n ht-ad . \\':liTl-,I · Gardnf'r AAid at wa.~ "•'t lc~:il . ed that a Nazi Offenld\'f or 'E'pic nroportions ('mbracin).: per-I to do It tllat way, hut I( th(' ~ , , lilt b<'y!! wl,rkl'd . l'l d " y . h.- haps¥ ~y as six theatres o f war is impending. • woulrl c1rdrt the-~''ut hful nf- Genriail hopes of ~vading the Biitish 1~1<'!'. s.'lid B A t · B 0 A I 5 L A N. D fend"r watb, Slt1 • r .. -,,n,. .Ia~· ~ ---1:'"".-·--·-· • ~ ~ly .• :t . QurcbW.J. ha"'!-beertne.lt.ber ~~dQned· "C?!:. r~·t~sa'rily l">n!<t -work. thu!! ••ttr. tr:-~: has rf'· Beer, \Vines and · >Liquor ·f~. Sale ·at SA~I'S FISH MARKET· T __ pcp!d,_&nd the_jn~ attem~t _ !.!:''!~~ expect~ ~t ?~"~~::_·,~--~-----~~-.--~~~~-~-----~-:c.......llllllll---~.;...'!'1_ '"'~-..1 :..-_-_---..... -----------!, lllll:•llf::; •• ~m::z::.::::s!il:l!:s=~~~~~-~~~!:!m:r.~~:;:a::l:x....,s:!!llllii'IA!n='lll«.:~~:tJII!s-----~•;:a:~~=-:~:•=r:& =:=-=·~--==~===·=~.t:r.=-=::~==~=:-:~=-=--=;-:::~:::-::.._::;;::;:::::=:<=:~x:::-::\!e~tt:-::::s::r.:::;:= ~ -' -......\.__..._._..........._==:;w • .....,~t!&SI>Ct-•• ~ ........ -.:::= ·= ·= .-. ... ~ .. :u:: .. ..M...---:a:.-... _::;x:;: .. ~-------------------------------~-----.---·---·-·---------------· -----~----------------r---------~~ A~~nc COAST LQBS~ D~~I:R St.!!& · 1TaTLE ~Tt:AK DI~~F.R SUO -I qt.:UC':\('JJ:S OF: THE DF.F.P ~F.A F'.--~ .... Pomp.Do ol•mbo Soil Sltell c~ Gu,--G,_ T •rtlf' Steal! .lumbo f'ror Lep 0J.wn • tile Half Slle-11 l.ob!lt~na Shrtmpa ... All Odler JUIMh of Sea F'ooda . a.-...~ . Dtanena·~ ~ 15c-SI.OO · : STt:AJ0:D CLAMs · sa I'Ot:aau F'OOD 'swiM PW'iiieLB.iM-1'1w~--~-~ --o,-untA.M. --- 'l . ~ -----__:_ _____ __.!_ , .. I ·. r • / . -·~-------. • APHII. 17. H~H . .. We are . pleased to present l ~·~~-~~-~----~_.s_._·_w~~-~~~-~~·-w~~-~--~J-~~~~~-at_e_P_l~~-·~~J~~~~~ilf 1 -=-~ · -To An1eRd Law On Water •'runt Lots ... " "---....... _ ·. EVERY WEDNESDAY .r$ CHILDREN's DAY -.. Nelso.n Stafford ___ .. ..,.----~------ \ IJIII h '" J· • " m~1,,., '" • •~vt•rything Is 5r .. WHu HAS ' BF:F:N AP~JI.:\ 1 r:o lOCAl REPRESENlATIVE . to bria~ ~·ou tbf' t'our~ lriendl\' service that has built . · f.UWEIS AliTOWOBIU: IHTd ~~JANC[ D1JWM . . . T•UCK INSURANCE ....... Aall bifn-to explain our oootiDuiog form ~­ eiea ca.o aave you money 0.. ·automobile and truck iD· ~ liE C A :'I: RF. RF:AC'JIEO AT • ,. ISS t;AST IKth STRt:t.:T-('()STA ML~A PHOSt: SEWPORT 1~7 NOTICE 0 .. TRUSTEE'S SALE c-on\•ryrd to aid Tn ... H b)• said NO. 117 •k't'll of t nu•t 10 pm JW'rt)• sltuatr tn the Ctty of :s~·port ~14!adl :'1:0 T1('1·; IS IIE HI-:UY Gf\"E:S C ·uunt y llf Ornng•. ~tatr of Cah - fo·rta dr~~e nbt-d a.s follo-..·a . Tha t on T ur;<t,ay. )18)' fllh . J"'arcrl 1 Lot 14 ao<l ' t h• 1941. at tt'n o'clock A >' at lht> :S o rt h ~·•lltrrly n'Ctangular Sout h t'ntrancr to 'tlw Oran~t' ont>-h"" of lot 1:0. m blnc-k Count y Court H OlliN'. in thr City' I ~ nf tht' "F..lUit Stdr Addl- of Santa Ana. Ca hfo m ta . <'ttlu ns , Uon" to th• BAlboa Tra«'t. a11 :'l:attona l Tru11t I< Sanngs Ban k pt'r )Jap tht>n-of rl'<'ord~ In -of-RIVnawe... a r-.atlQQlll Han~-ll<••k 4. I"''K" 2~ of :\hiK't'l· AasoclatiOC}, of Rlvt'rst<l•. Calif or· lant'ous M·a p s . HN'WdJJ uf nJA,. M Tru.ttl'r ur der thl' P H d of Orargt' ("ounty. C'ahfornia. TrU!It t>Xt'C'Uir.l bv LF:O )f (1{0~-T'a n'rT 'Z 'nff' !11~- and M IDA <"ltOSS . his ~if•.. "rly 4~• f•·<'t of t ht' ~tht>a3t· l'ffordrd J une 6th . 11139. in Book c>rly 1r.0 '"' t of '"''' .. ,; .. o! 1001. at T'~r 14, of Offjrtal RI'C-tho• F.ast Sl1l•• A•ldttlon to thf' un.la of Orange ('mmty. California. Balbo-a· T ta• t. as f't'r )I a p and by re&IIOn o f drfault lo the thrrf'<>f N'('Ordrd to Book 4. paymrnt o r ))f!rformanct> of obll-p a ~,, :!ll h f :\l t«•llanf'<lu.~ ~ation11 l!t'C'ur~ thrrt-by. mclud-:\laps. Hf't ordFOf M hl OranJ:t> mg thl' bre&eh Or-dt.fault. nottce ('uunty .,<'x• "J.>ItnJ( any j>Ortlon of whh-h WILli rt'<'ordrd :SOVf'mbf'r lhf'rrof lytnr; .,_.low t hf" hnr 25th .. 1940. m Rook . 1065. a t Pag r of ordtnlH)' htgi;J ttdf' of thf' 595. Of Official Hecords of Or-J'ac·ftc ·Ocean. · ~ ange County. California. will .ell fot the pu~ ot paying obh · at public aucUon for r a.ah. with-ptloru S«ured by INUd dHd of out warranty u to tiUf'. ~ 1 tnnt. lnc:hadiDc r-. cttarsa. aDd alon or enc:umbrancea. the lnt.ere.t j upen.ees ot tb• Tru.tH. .-------------'·;....,. CITIZf:NS NATIONAL Tl'tUST Quality Lumber ud Building Materials • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. IL IE. HOSTErLIER Phone -IS • '6 SA VlNGS HA:SK O F RIVF.R· S ll>E._ <\~ !:WCII TRt:STF.F. •<'OHPOH-ATF: SF:AL1 BY· H B HAl.IPSO :'I:. BY . \'u·• J'rrlltdf'nt J , G. f<F:t:o . Trw~t Offt«'t'r llatf'tl Apral 7. Ht41 l'ub Apnl Ht. 17. ~4. 1941. ~ltll~ J~>an t:•li• k "-·1>' tho h""'' •· n t t hart hol:t\ "t•it•ty ho~·· ~~t ! i \ ~h :o-L .. ~ .. J•an.r:'. anti att, n or•·•J hy :. ~r,•n• uf rls~~mat .-s •J( tla• IJu t!.olay • t•lr hrant ·IRVIN GEORGE GORDON BliLDI~G tOSTRAC'fOR 1111 W. Centr-al --............... ..;;.,;;. Newport Beach one.._..._......,_ ....... _ .................... aaiT.d " ,.. • , _ _.~ .,.._ uu.... J..t ........... a rn.t eaua.. ...._....._ ... J.arae ...... --. ,_. . ...,. ••'-- . balance wttlt tile rwt ot tile f.-t ot tiM! .._, _, ................ cart ot uttar~ Ia aU ..... MUer ..at ........ wbdb.r .... ._ or eet~. 1Ma114iq aateriale ~ ....... ..... baU mark ot .-JitJ .,.. ...,. .. preweat CCNitJJ upkeep. Ia ...._ .._ It Ia ,.._ ••• Ddf'd Uaat rit.lwr ~ pipe or cop~r UIM lw Med for , -etMr ...... Y .U...W le _. water linn bee&-tit~ will pn fer ,...._.,~r ..,..,. ....... lone . utlalartory een1ce _. wm 1lecl ,_ ... bln«w. -.al'-7•. ....,.. not Nat. TfHo7 will .... ~Htlw.ty 'aad ..,........ "---.._ .,. wltbat.ul4 corroeloL tiM' wttal'"'ut.rtN ot a ,...,, Ia tit• put tt lilu IIMw U.. __. ..,_ wie4owa aad eftMr .,_ practiC... wH..,.er ~r ellftot or ~ llardware .._.. .... DIK&I won WU 1oM~ ta l..nld-d edf'd .. tile ~t ..... M .... loc. .. apeelfJ ·~ ~ .a.o.ad _...., ~ , ... ...... wltbout apedaJ r.prc1 .. tile a · ~ '"'-Itt t le ._... poaare te wllieb tt wu .-)foct..S. ~. _..... .. ..,.__. --n~nt y.&n laa•e 'roGctat •"-t tallatla. a INil ~ P"""""' _... tb4! rNII&atloa tll.at «''Oldlt.._ o1 •n ot -.....U...J•J1 tit ........ .!~• aDd ••poa•no wuy, _. le -~- .. uburban or rurat ~ A....,.... ......_ ... 1 d a lh:bt•r tban 1~ ·lau tri••a a tioea.. are ..... ~ ........ l!iood !"!rfO~ ot ~. jf. Ia skf!Cdw!a ot tlile twt•rioy el ... tbf! C'Oftllrudloe ., , ... ......,, -.o-... w.n ... K:atl ..... ., $35,745 In Building FOr. City This .Week · l'o:f'w r .. ..:r<!•n< •• ,. and th.. u .... alton arvt rf"Jlll r •.: f'JuEtm g ~<tno• . t urt'" ~ta rt"'!' h~: :-.;, .... ,...,rt tlar~r hUt loll'!~ t h•' r uct ", .... ~ · • 1 ...... nt~ a n .I ' t ••t.fP.~ It• !h• t• •• ! .. •• (4 t \ l;t.l:.t n~ In~; • • t t r\ !.t "'·I un A1i a t• ""It ••f t hu .. t unllt n a•t Jnn :\, tl\·n \'1 t h•· ,.,..,,., ... r ..,.,)lrh-~ ., thtc o II\' 'ftot 1!<41 l••t..l• j,,.,. 111· 'rf"a."~·J / •• l:!:."ll ::!!• :"•'-•n :-tn·- n• d " T l.' Ito 1 ! • :u 11\ at ·. h· ,,, f •• t J , .. , ••• k .. 1.1 •• J .. J, l"l \\I .. , :"···A ,. ... ,.., f"':tlt •• IJ>J.e· ·I • ·,..r,., a •1.1 :1 r on I ''"''lw•tt It• 11:t t... Th·J~ ra.-t h •.• H h tnld Hil' . r•• .. ,.,,. h .• ,.,. t .. •·n nh•--a•t 1,f th·"' H •l•! ~nac'una.: u trk u t }!•,,u,:.. J~.t'O ho Y.P\ ... r 1n•tu at ···~' ... #' ttw: t h• l!t11 .,.n~1 1 1h 1 "" J•:.•• \\tU t_, ·•t••llt ,.n :-. J•a r \\1th t htt ,,., Ja~t ~"fl ttr• •I•.-"nf~ t·· rm t '"' •ltarun: A, r~l : •:' \• ,. t• t tll• I I \.I ~ 1 •l•Utlt \" 1' • '. t• t d f 111 tl11c;: n1"n'h ;,t th'· t.:-.1!- v. '' P,.,r.k t,.·an;.: c:--::-.. •u ,,, ••• A,.,. f..-(.' H ft..td. f'Oia8tlt uUnK th , n•\ll•!Jl tt•l-hh u , tu the-f't;rW· l••rt fff"IJ(hll' A,...A. Rere•s t he way to S&ve •oney (and have n good tl .. ). -,t;:-f. . ..:t,l.tltllt' "' s. "·'''" h th ht•l . t n d t t•ft I It'd I•• tht.:· t'ttiiUtUflt't' tt f1 1.-.-..1 ..:••\t'l n ttlt'J'' t .~ ~·h.u•h.:.•· th•· l.t\\ .... ''······ ''''"' '""I" I·~ t l\\ It I" "' .. I II\ l'h1• m rca..,nrr rv-hrm J! ""f"'~n.,l .. , t hi· o'll\ •• r :'l:o•\\ I"'" n.· ... ·h :mol ..... ..,., ... " ..... '"' 1h•" '""'"'-''-'' ,,, • 1'-'t ltulltu~: t h, n u n •"lil.tltl\ ,,, .... 11 \\ti t I f t•"llf J,,f , ~~ th .tlo. I tht 11 h,tt }, •··• • ,, .... · n,,. ~· ..... ,,,, 1..,. dNh. I ·tft ... lldt '""''' lt!l;'\t f h t lht• .. puhlh 11,, llh • 11\t 111 ....... h .... 1·•1 ... , ... • \u ~'' t t .. ,ttth·ttd :--: •. ,I •·•h ~;:: • t "'t tl' lt'l ·~tl ttlr··· "" .••. , ,,, ..... " \ td •• h •t .th•• ttl a,:.Utl/.tl l~tll llh'\11 I •• til· II tUtl .... ,.·tttlth ti l ··I 11111 •t tptl "''I I"'•LIIhlfl' .tppto\t•d '1 ,., h 1 t ISS.t ,,.f.1t m~ '" '·"''' 111d o'olt1\t'\ llh '•' P I H 'HIJIIP J't'lf\ I h·· l'•'••plt nf ltu· St.t t • 11f ~ '.th t .. tt' t .t•• • ;, tt t ,,, f·•ll••"' S··•·l~t•n •1htll N;_::., uf thh ... !t h l 4-h 'l l)o I• o\\"' ...;,.,.., "'" ~; ... :· ·r~~ , ""' ··ht'''' 1.-.• , ......... t't'l\t• ,.,,.h ····.tl ......... 1 IIU ,;.,( ...... a.t.• ,·,, ttU f,ld t• ttl t ht• ..;,, luilll» :&llol IM'IJWIIJJI IJI UV.'LI). "' '111.1\ 1-..• rl,"f.,. • ..,. . .._UI ~ Ul JtlltJ"''t' fttt ltHIUit lf:,.tl (\III Jiilt..._.., au1J ft• '"''UIIn l .ta ... , .. , ... ,. n f u ntl '''''"''' lh• 'utnt• 1·•• th.• t ...... ftt hf t h•· •. ,,, p r.,\ttl ~.;r II 'h all i 1o1l h ll\'o• I'"" o•f ,,,-"'II ... awnor aboald 114! awallable ..._ ....,. tile l nal df'Ciaioa 1o build .. .... ·Koow)n,; ami •-Ina all Uaee• PDIU. &o Uw bulldln« procraa' ..._ fenlaaad Ia to u old tbe poMlblllltr of d'-&U1farllon lat•r on. C..plet• build In« piau f aad 1pedAeat1oaa .,.. anllabl• for tbta ...,_ fcw 11 00. lnrluded wttlt tbP plaM .. a cardboard nt.out IIM)(I,.I • of &M bouw, arcbltf'Cturall)' dra•n to tea~e. Tlulllloo~ ca...-1MJ eotcwM a lid tt WUI Ylluajla• for JOG •••M (\ what Uae -plf'Wd b--. w111 a. ... ~ l!.le. Add,_ JOUI rf'<lu•et·for ltlau ud aaoctet to lh• Mltor ot tht .i.w.paper or l.adl .. llome Journnt Patten • U 8. 1 • .... I • t \ ~ 8 0 lfil'•l t1 U • ,,.._, fl • f1t lo f••'I U 11 fh·-· "'ld•IHL.: ••I ........ , Hh··· 4 '•..-ta M•· ... • h .. n f•·• t .., ..... ,, h ,. .. ff· aloo~t tb 1''"1"''') m I ha t n r.-" \\'ht n • • '""' thu••n ""'kt-•1 .v. h ••n th•• Y.HI h ... ~ p "',.IIW'"tf tu tw-• th tflf", l 'tty l:t)~'.flf'<·.r l'atto·nw •:~ 11" I <I t,..r .. &I•JIAr\>ntly v.su• "" do-flnltf' d tl+' l oll tl•ol '"'''lllt'lll" ,..,,.,... ,,... tn" "ht 1 n<l t u nlltk•· ~urh a pre .. ~t P'"'aiblr 1. Try S.t':; r r 1 end ly Cn l1ro{n 1nn. ••• ,.,,,.,,., •1u H l"•rtauu ,.f .tn\ "·••··•f ront u nit''' '·'' 'fltt· "·••··rf t1•nt "'"' .end •"'•lt\t'\•*11 "'-:1'-:lt'tJIIItt-.1 h\ .f ht• t'll\ .... .• ...:.a.. •h··•·"''' r... ,,.,., .... , .. ~ .. , t ,,,.... nr .... ... ,". , •. d ,., ... ,,,, ..... r t llt.~t .,, '" t••l\lflle'11 tt1lt·l:uu .... \4 h h h '' "'' lt~na.:··· . ;t\ ;u luhl·· o t 11'-t•ful ttl ,.. ..... • •·ptll•l•• n f t .. ·tnc "" tl fnt tHt\ ta,.:.t ''''" ,-.,uun•·n ··· ft,tun..:. "' It ert ... l Jtlll P''"'' .uut "t.~t·h .u ,. ''" lnnr•·t .,, l.t•'l tad .·l.n uh .111 '-tthllh'J.4~··d 1111\ol.' Ruildin~ Permits '\Y.\\'I'HHT Hr. \C 'II l't·rrnlh I '\11'1 :1 111 l'l'tl 1'11'.! 1'1'\1 1 'Ill. 1'1 ~~. ''flf, 11rt7 1'1'~ l 'rt'l 1 !1411 .I. on jo',.J, Ma r ,\prll :1!11 •:1117 ~~11 ~~~ 411:1 ~'.!:1 ~--1 ~·11( ~ ... :• ~·4 'l :.'fi ·11 4'1 .(.' ]''"' - 1941 .. Tulal f 7:'f\ ~111 ~f.. :1•11 :·n ·;~, :·v. !"\ l!l '.! c-. 1171 4!17 -110 71;£, Cl!"l !llt)(f)!lll !Ill fi17 )i(, 1.71~· I.Hill.l 2:l t>-f r.1o 77,1!\0 11>1 7:'!l 7 t.7:-.. , $t:'ll :''1!1 ,\p11 l 111 \Jr, .1;1.,1\, r; 1'.1t 'f-tt tn nh-f ut'ft•,..t,rn :•'"',.,--w-tnr.,.-..t••,_ til l •lt••\4 ·•••• ,-.l.u·•· 1•1 .. \411•1 '7••• . • ,\pill IO !\It ' :\l .ol•l• I.. II• •<I< t•Jd.u•· "' t•· ,,,..,f ... n wH d:·•k IIIH 7th ,f ltt f p•t llt•IU\ 1\r~..,lf ~.'lift AI" 1l II J••hll F r.;ll, 1 \1111 pi I\ Itt\ st ...... , fttuld 7 •••• , ...... .. tt''ll''' :uuf a•:tt aa:•· a fl.t• t.~·d t:•t \'•·• l.td" ~ .. r•l ,..,., t ;ttld,ut I' ~ ll>dl.o\ ~J-·1 \J•Itl I.' l ltt\o\;etd ft '-'11 111 h:Harh hurld u ru·-,fo t \ .' t•w•tt• "'-'""' :unl 1':11.tt'•'. uiJ.ultt ft ll •· t>'tft • I I• • I tw r o \o\11+'1 'tl,'f .. f --~ .... , ~~ .... ~ .\ ·'·' I''' l••t ........ flttiJ I " I\ II I' l"'''"i ·~,.•l '••t •l •' H\-•·n••· , .. , I< I ••ro old ll.dl ~lUI .. until 6 P. M. • -------,----~----M-- :\11 Uidt•s :\II . t'ont't'AAions • . ~ ' BALBOA FUN z'O.NE • HOME LOANS • ~ SF.f. ' SANTA ANA IU I JLDIN~ and LOAN AS~OCIATION Iilli North 1\tahf Slr'l't'l nhout 11 monlhlv payrnc>nt lo:111 pla n (or .tlia t lit'\\' hnnu• wtwn•hy -tnff'f'l'tlt awl prind p:ll n .. 'tl~u-.• ••a i·h mont h. OUT DOOR fURNITURE St't• lht• lalt'~l in Naulkal Slt'tH··Hun ( h1r ' N t•w S\\ itt~>: mwl l mhr-.•1111. C'll,\.lllS -RAC 'kKt;.'4T -I 'MRKt:U.AR "" """' -~•:" cue. Nf:C'C)\'P:Ntr.U For Building Information ~ NF.WPOKT BEACH .................. , At n. Aft'IIN I I ·II I ..... 1150 ~=-~=========-~-·==~==~·[ GORDON' B~ · fc'INDLA Y .''Bulld~r of J lomcs of Pll\tlnt:tlon" ( 'ONTitACTOU and IUJILUER M IU C 'tta~~t llh·d . Nf'wport .fiMdl AuditH . Tax Advice ·\--.,. • Milan Underwood 222 ICuhy Av .. mw tsalhoa IAiancl - .;_. .. I ' •• .J •t ., "" ~ • Phone Newport 721 -«m 1 ""~'".,.. • £"'""" st1n-w~ ----~ ,,( -.4., l!• f ·~n~tr J• u .. ,; ... l ... i . -~~~·., .... · 1 .. •It '"''"' ·••••I 1, tilt ;tttd ,. '' ,,,., '" f.""'' '-'fill, .t rtd ~ tl ))< t ;,.J,J, I ll • ,f ,\\ • -.--...-.: NtWfWit .t--------....... .-...,o---..., TERMITIS Fungus -Ro:1chcs -Flt•a<;_ ~loth-Proofing. Etc. .,. Coast Termite & Fungus ('ontrol Co. 107 West Thi;d .· · SA:'\IA A:'\A .rhont>: Santa Ana ,3261 DONALD B,EACH KIRBY , A. I. A. • · ._ ...... Marine AR C HITECT Balboa lUnd •. Califond• HARDWARE • General .~.,n,J that a 1b1•\•tt • t 1'.: ... \• r A p·al h f JA ... t v•·u \, .. , • ·,, • r t1w J:rr:,~ •.... h111ld•·'c nl••nt'• ... r t • h t'-1• r ·. !41. t •~. • t •• • J nfut 'F'~.mr c.~ 'it .q•lh ' I~ 1·11'1~­ llll: ,.,. 1•! n .. r···· 1. ·· ·J· .. h t.m f'" Ht 12 t \t,l l.ld • :···~·1 ••• • ..... c ..... 1• ,. It 1 \ t I. I • 1• r I· l.r :'11 I : .. t r,' •, ot rr at• d , • "t ... c. ,, t ... ,. l•l:or I \ 11 • • \lr<;. n L • . : \.\h ...... . . ; ... ~ ..... t-1. • ... ,,, h•. ~ lll ..... 1·· , •• ! .tt : 1'• .\J- I••fq \' ... U J\' J-:.,, I t1:•.' to.. '• • 1o •! Jt t;. Ju!• At.al .. n• /\\•·· n--t Uu -..L; lan•! '" 1• • ~It• fur ;, r.• '-' t.••rr ~ • too..t IOi: J..!ftltlt L:.t•·,.t ~ .. old1t ••• f•· ,-·, r•·r•r1 .J.' ~tar I"' t h-f A:V,., r·~d•tu •· fur J..,,., ~: t;r.~ k t 41•; ll:t7• I I ''"' A h ·t• ~"'' mr t.-II~C •• , ,., •, d , ........ · ~ ...... ,.t .. n• • at ·~.:~~ ·~·•"ll , P{umbinc Permih I • ,\pnl '• l'a•:l I .~'lin .r -;;·, ~''' r.:"l'l '''' • "'1"'"·1 1• 1 \I I. ;\k(' .. n lw k A pr tl Vf \lol ill' \\• J• r ''"' n• r .. , A;•·tl II C \\ \!'""" II'• ··.1-1 -rr •·:-' J•·r .J Jl' ~.·'•1' ,\pill I I AI \\"~o••lhtll "•If.< \\, ·' S urf "''' p•·r' .I II ).:''"• ,\pnl II II I' y,.,,n: ~.:-1-"t- ,fr, .. t r• r f{''' 'sh·tf•·r Apnl I I \TI" IJ• I'"' ~. ·''''"' I;IH f1'1h~'"''"" 1\\• · f>"r l{n\ Sha f•·r Apnl II (' A Jtr•• 1:• 11'• • B :Di-tri ' .......... d F•·rnl' :tf "''' p• r P.o\ Sh·.r,.r ay S d . .-...-W'~ .. e .. ,prtl 11 <.l•·nn lf,j,...,, ~.,.u, ,, • . ---. C:.•ritt;•l A.,.:. I• r H"' Sh·•f•·r . BRASS~-QUALJTY---"'"'eLS · A pnl I t 'ro4'<1rl!' 11 P :.r•,n 111 T.ifi:r·" llf"r PlaN 1~ r "" n-r w. P. rtJU..ER PAINTS :__ "YXOrT" vrruMJMI~Nrrcs~--1----..·....._--~--)fr~ ~;;;r;ur+-~teii~l1•·• liN Au -----·- Phoee NewJIWl nu f '• ' 2. Meet t he ::;mll1DC Nur ::;e-::;terordess ! 3. Eat de lle lou:; meal :; -~5~. 40t, soc ! 4". Deep ·s leep in a big berth. 1. Spee l.ous 1 ounge car tor tfourls t. ~ssenger:;! SountuN PACJPIC'S •frimdlf C./;jor1ua" "ttands for mjoyal*, tbrifry travel. Spttds to <llia'so Yia ~~ Kmic. lower-altitude Go~ckn Swi Jtoart. It's the train you'll want to tab wb8 you JO ~· l t'a the tnia illli,_J for ,ou. ,. •-•••••~'•. •••llle'• " .......... . • I•. ~~'···· ,.,1.11'1111 W •t \prol I I 1\lr•• \1•'•"1111'1• I.''Vo Ac·c·uuntin·~re Proct'dure t ,J, rtd.,J. •·•11ld : \'I ' ..... I, I\ I ... .,,,.., f1 f"'t1flm .. ,. ....... .,," , .. 1, ,,.,.---------------------:----=--------- ....... ,., d l l't 1\tM·III ftrt ,\\1 f" I '1:.'~--· : IP"II I . Y.olo· ,,,..II 11 , .... , 1··. f ;t. ·, ,, ..• 1•tl \ f, f t illlttfl '-ltJt I I t }tttll I ,,., , tt ,, h· d 11f, I l.•t• I I "", ., •• , ,,.,,. ~, ••• ,, .... !t. t '.tif t t\ pr ol I 1 I ' II I! 11•lo I f I tf \ l' " '' ., ·•' 1 ,. ,., , ..,.., ........ ,,.,,,, '"') t. tftf ,.,, 1 i' 11 .,., '!!'' S.utl ;t .\r. ,\\• ~ 1 .. t I· "'·\ f ~.I I.,;J, ... J •• ,,d to;.,.,, ,, ,A ;; f ,\I•' II I I .... \ ·h··•• • :tu d ,,.,,,,., .• tiLuh.d I ll \·,., l.1d•• S••••d f"" r t ,,,,.f,,ll I ~ flro111:n ~11 • AI•• II I I tr1 ,, r ·.rnn"h l.utld •• tl.fl''' tff.t• h• •I to I''' ... , nt h'•'l 1 n I I 1"t Jt n I· r••rat r•· r I I' Hoftlrl' 'Jfl ~,'fJif • A1'11l I I T I 'lo •l•lro ,,, t+1 'til Utft•fJ••I "'J•·ttflllttU Itt J•h••''• •• , •t•ltt• -..ttad•,. ltr7 ~t .• u• ''' • t lr t '-'h• 1 rn.tu fo. S .dl•·r. ~I'"' Ape ,r 1 :) \\' . .t••·r 11 S rrr•··•• • ~ ""'''¥" ,,, ••·flit•-.· fl'''''• .... ,, .... , Jt,,.,. ''.1•1 l!•t• ru• \"'''·• Hhd f"", ''""', ~, ... ,\pill 1:, M ~' (';in <ol l ltldt•v.Jo\ . luul•l-1111d111"11 Jtlf<l llliJk•• .oil•·• at,,,,. ""'' hntl"' ltr7 ICr'l At •. ll'•fi• J\\ • t• I I I J,; J-.:orf (';fl -fl . Apr tl 1:, I t:orlr1rrol I ' I .t•rr•l lo1uld t~,;ot ·t ... ol, 117 ~1 .1 1111• "''' P''r ,,wn•·r. $:1J -'1•111 I'• ('tty ,,, :-, •. "1""' ft.·;tl h tHultl S':tr:tl•r hntl ..,f,,r·al''' \.tn l :tntJ '''J''''• f•·n,:,. :~:'uti an•l Ltt f~tv•·tt~ Htr••"l. r~·r t;"";,,.,,,n li l-'1ndl:oy, S4~oi.JII · · • ('ONJ(AU SIIOOK ('()Sl'nAC;TCm ancl UI 'II.UF.It 1 '0~t•f.Y.TP: IU'If,UISCi MY.tt\'JC'r. l'llnnp !'orWjlflrl IO~t J 212 ~artn .. "''"· ,. 0 . '"I· 2111 llall~<•a l •land, C 'KIIfn rnla llALJU·JA . HA YSHOI~·~ Qnl J~acon Hay Lease Hold Estates Wundrrful l'ruJw•rty and a Wondforful J)to.aJ .. EAI!h W. STANLJt;Y.. ~~Jie Agent TWO CWYif'r.l' UAUSHA JIAYSIIOitY."t uacr· BAUJOA Lli\IAND. / l'hunf' Nt;~'IHlrt 100 ur p76 Phone: Office 516 J. M. MILLER Coii&aclor and Bva er · \, ~.-T'-·-,._ ·1. ,. I ·.· 'J Page Four !'t-:WPORT BA(.OOA NEW.S.ID~. !'OC\\-port Beech, California. TIIURSDAY. APRIL 17. 1941. ~-:·FRESH ---snaT-····fl)R-.-Stf.MMEit L ' .~ . . IN6 ~- Worn· Tires tauses of Fatal f . Th d Ar_cid~nts Say U. S. Technicians ree-ay ".Ill\(' )"ll l·••ko·ol ,,, ~tour llj,., .!.olio.;· 1 til\ 11 II\•' .onol th fl\t'' ·H t•d 1.. , ~~ ~ ,., •h·" ,_ .......... n~···~ ·nl.·) ,.. .. , .. ~.. o· I a Fresh Start For .Summer : ( t t• ; Spfcial Offers to Assist Auto ~ -· On r ~S 1ng Owners Made By Mobilgas ~fen .()flt•riu!.;' motor i:-;t:o: a fn·~h -:ta rt tn\\;11'11 a Ina .. ~. t•njoyahlt• , 'ltllll1lt'l' tounn•! ~t·a:-;on. :\lohih!;·:-; ... •n in• <.tatlon opt'l'ato~ of '()o lth'~ hll\o' th,tl l tl• ol \\Ill" !10 I• t"lol ,.•ol 10f \II oll••ll f,m 'J1ll'~ -----~r·r·wom lnnk• 11:n"T ttr~r) "*''· , I r h•·• ,,, .. ~ ht .. -. • .ut .. o·;otcll -- • ltt~lc..t4U l.usld w ~t~t•t:....L.U Uwy ''" •1 '"'Pl'lll~; ---· -td _, -Weather x'Pected 1 b .; an•;• ~H'I" t.nrlay b tmr hin_g :<fJt't'U11 ut~ .... ~· ttrnl :-:t•J'\'i\,, • .,,.,. ·10 Q II h ill !C E\ 1 fk h pi tR fllfs4ftnwat(T'hl(t ~fttc• t t·llt •II ?tfe! <tt....-... ;•.•r:., th;ii a n • ,·italtt> saft•(y, t'\'l)llt•tily anc1 :-;a t i:-:fal'fnry auto- -· l • l J -' • . , ·. h h\'t', if~ :td VI'Wihl4••1tt ~Hh'h I•Ut .. • ··~tlt"h l tlof•tlt'l" \,dll• .l .. h Hl· ea ~~aw.c traf fM' fa~ur•.ar--!-oho"' tflnt 'I" ,•t~t.n .... I'\ I•'· ... n 11\\ •· n•l··•·•-.1 t.y "runoth, \\tH1l t ll't'' ar~· th•· that·( \1nl ,·l.·:, ..... , .... ,,,,, t ... -t·:•t• .. •· lt•~~"'' • ' ....... (':tt·~s of f ,1tal rnntnnna,.: ;uTi·JIIl'l" • t1"1!" n1s1~ 'l"'''''' r tit•· f:.trlt ... d•·nt'" \' tl,, h '-.t1•L~:,t lu. • ••J f••t.-1 • d f•• IH' : .. uC'h I!'> th·· tlnh·h ·"· rrl1n).: t1t:tt ,,.,_. ~··!.· .. · P h l ... .,, ... ,, •. ,,,,~ tll•·~~~~· h .a\• J,, 1 .d,. ra. ~~ Pa,• "''Hl. I)..,Uo•d 1111~ \\o·•·k h\ lho"l ' S Ill~' ' • ,:. ' :', • ,, \•' 11111•1 ,:, •lo "\• •· I 'I • 1•:• ~ • • ,., t •• ' 1 • J u···· t•n.,;tna-t•t '. a .... lh··) .ncSot '-•:;f 1 ~!,.. '"'' .... ~·H·nt,:JurY( Jt..v,-t~'l-,t.·· :1•1' rn~n·. 111··, t ,\ ''~~ : ., 1 "t h . ~[10'<'1111 Sprtn~;·o'llllfh)llllltn~;. ur to.hl ~···l\l)t• f,,, '"Ill\ 111'11"1'1'" " II' I I 1'•11 ~' .ot.' r -' Su~r,IJ'""•tan..: ,..,.,\H'•'' nu" 1 .. , .. •u_,: 1••11•..!\.'Uti fn'•lfllf·'''"" h ..... '" ··n t" ·tt. 1 ""t t .. 1 ''· 111~ ufft•r,-.J •~· 1114•f••t l .. ,, I·~ the·,., ... 1JJ•J.It·•f 1•• \t •• t • .t.·., .. '' "1'' "'''" ,., • t •• f•• I··,, 1• • • \ • I : I I"'' t'l 10 ~ har.,:f· .• :( J,.-·,el ~Jobal..:tP~ "' ,,, • .(.., ., ... =' 1··• hnt• r~n ... J•tf ,tk•· 1,,. 1, •• 1 ,1 .f , , • ~U·11on.' Con1tnutna,: . .,, .. t tt'!irtf't•rs f., . .,, Itt of th•· ru.u1\· ''h" ·•••· "'''' ,. , h ·1 11 ,, •• , •• 1• f,,. , • , cto't·l:trC"CI rt n h lllt' 1!1 t , • fh"' • 1 •(, •' 11111 !It I 1.• • • ,, • I \ • •, I ;· .. W,...,.. rl)uturt''"'· th•· on··~ v.h~t In out ••t•1fltuu :.~,., • 'h '"'''' 1,,.1: 1 ....... " , •. ~ !· .. ~ ~. : . \ elu~ hf•· :1nft ·Jirnt. tit•n'l .,:.tnlhh• '• '"' th• 11•\\ h1.•h· ••' .. rr ''' .t \\llh lh<· ~,aiJallt t•'" ul _IJiuWuUil>-"" l' !' .f{ .. ).d I• L•t\• t ..t~· ,i• •It Th~·y don't 11'1 fault~ '"''' o•n· ... ,,, .,, ···h-m•.,. · t"""rrt '1'1" I. LEIS lHr\E AT HARRISON'S THJS WEEK-ENU! • •• ~)l't• ........... .. A!IMRTtm IU':I.I~IIt:~ . ... .rKTAu. A.,.,.,..h, llALAil EN:r1tEt:S MWHDn,... '-Orh•'tnu• 1'"ak Fl"" A l .. arc,. t'tt•••·• ratM~ at• .... ,., tn .-T MAM '-'•uf..,.tn ,.,,..,. Who Knows Th'• .• ·~· "\\'hn kn""'" ''"' II C \'aua:hn. lho· hthlll'all .. ~ •·XtM·rl .11 llu• 1 1<•~-t('llll ;\lnhtla:;to; ~~'~''If'•· St .,. ''"n . "lhai Hll ;wtu:ell~ ro•~l "\ rn• '' ••r' a ' \4'••11 "' tuhricatrs lho·m : that I t ~·" n ., d n 1111• t' t l••ttd.tt II )...., t!l .. ,.,,,, I• d 1h. I 1-ol"'' I •··~ ;\l .. nd.o~. S·t•'• m lol1 I "dl loo· llw lo1't ol:r~ of an<•lh•·r lttpl;. t• ""'' ••I h.tpp~ tt.o\• I ol:.~­ ·• S.d tu ,·,,,~ ~uruiit~ :uut~ ~1\'ntl,a~ lfl \\hll'h 11 \\ill I-tt· ,,., ...... alai• It, f tt\t I h it.: ,lt•tt•·r.tt\ .uul ,,..,. rtl.t ll~ u ti• I· ,.,,,,.~ .... ..:tat .... 1\111 ''"' ,, ""' all 1\ulh tho· Th.onk'l:" 1111: '"''' ( 'h'''' rn:o• J•·t · •••I' \\Ill lho·n "" 111 lh•· ull an~.; lin th• ..... l\\o ••~'ol'lt'ta'-l~t~•th ••f ·rh·· •. , .. ,,.,. ...... , .... n , .. h· r ........ ' \\ t.'!illtt•J' '''P• t 1... It.; ... , ,....HI I \\ llo t1 • h~tth rn.·il .tnd rn.adnra. ... ,,,, .. r.t•· 14:0.:~. L.u l OJ U I~· ..._j• .lLIIifw I •I WL .·h ,:tu :··'· \\tlh , .. , .. If,;,. '' ... u Jt d il · ~l.una,.::.· ('o~i dllll~ ••• •hill); ,, I'' l l• ,,, '"· ,(, ::\ \\ • ,tlh I J\111• 1'1 fool lho fl "' t;•, ~· .tl"' II 1' dt~t' •\• I• fl 'h tl tflh ,., ·~ lu• ... h.H t •J ant.: • .r HI ·d· .••• ~~·~: 111 • ... t 1-.. •• ''!'" ••I ••th .~ ·~ .sual ...\\tl t•pnt: ,If 'x_·, 'ttl PI t \t II 1 .. 1 d··t:rt ..... tu:_• • d .• ~ ... '\\ ,, I.!_!: ~ --' ,-;:-r,.,, •1 n· t ~ t"'t' h .,._._ , .. , ,,.,,,-.. d uuu• .\J•••l 'I• •' •tuJ ft, 'It I tri. \\• ,,_ ,., " \\·;, ... htn.•r,.,, •tt t •I 'I•.... 111 t->o•l•·ril \\':o,htn"'"" 11 \ rn \\',,,,. ; 1 ri f •t•'\!'•n "t rn 1-' ''t' 1 n ( tr .. ~·un -l"'l in \ "'""'.r~•IIOh••rn (';oftl•111'11:l \,tl)t·~ .... !M; ttl t.•t t tlnt~ lttlu&J.II~ '" s .. n I Ill J.:ll >\!I Ill·, .... S.tn ... , .o n- ··t .. ('O n I~ ftrt•a ~1)\ H1 ~nr1t1 .. 1 n ·, < ',oltln• no' tnt "' S:m .)u:tqlltn \'a I· li:·HI·r ill \':trffiU, w l4tW'IIC ..... fWhy "'ouldn't lw bt-joyou.. und1·r ...., ... c·h-o·ullhlaiiN'.,·~ 1 .,. «flU.C a ;,.... .. "tart for Humnwr with tlw bunw uf milk frd to him Ill)' n)'llla Ruth, fralun-d ptayn In t•ara· muunl ', "( ·auJC'III In liar Draft," wM .,. aJ..o prrpan-d for w arrn wf'alhfor. 1 ,;, l't ... nf t\ 1 •t• •ft:t ·nn-l'l•·:.,;,, ;u ·o·nnlttll: tn lll':tllh :llllh.ot'tlh'' and 1111'\i.ll.lltt•·:tl .. n~;trl· ,.,.,·~. I h.tl hoi II nto·n and mad uno·' lilt\, I ho• "<'II lntltli••cl :11:;11n't 1 II•· Stars See Holiday~ Ahead -ol;om:of.:l' lh:tt ltl:l\ lu• \\1'101tl'lll Ill 'h•• drarn:•• ''""; \\ 111foo1 c·nld 111 •Uilllllo•t ht•,tl 1:.-•l•d,· IIJI<'I';tllelll. n.tl '"'"ol I) k Jl,l\\ n pt uducl' "'11w ;\lulotl>::t• (lo•alo•t' fll'l{'. o·d o n thf" JH't•n1t"' J hal it , ... ,~~~·nt a;e! '·' kno\\ .ttl :&J.Jtnn1ohalt''' t·t~ thflnn and prnJII~t·l~ luloncato• 11 : ll4•fort• MUlllll•·r actu:.tl~ ,t;trt ... , •KAT ••~'r """"' llun..,. .,,.,.,.,. \."AI. f'l Tl_.,. I.A•a f'MfU'1l ~-Sit IITttAil llla11 """''' aaa:h l ,l(•h a nd m"'"r' mny ""·rlwat. rf the' u ti ,, '"" lttrty .. ntt ,,n·., of lh4' "h u·h IJ·'I'I"'" '" r •• lt '"' Thua -.l.o~ lha ... ~··~u lh•·n · aa•· l huu ..... uKl ... "'l1l•'M' ,h;up lo•Jilf~<'l :tluc'o· n,.,.,, .. Tho• Swl'lll?•'I'JII'nof pl;m 1' a d tv '"~' II \\' 'l";o~ l"r. ··n..:rn .. •·r an lmc·t ;uh·anl'<l:t' to mulori~l <. J:"' ,·h:tq.~·· of th•· (;t·n•·t :tl f 't•t rnlt•lUll 111~ .1 lunJ..: \\a~ ltl\\:tttl a ... ,UIIn1.: luhau·.•n•-dt•p;lltttw nt ... ,how thai lho·m that lho·tr maC'hm•·~ "''tit "'' nlll-1 l~t· '''1"'''1:!1 1~ \\:tlo•hfut •t.rnct up and r•·d .. nll pmp••tl~ flt'\4 Ill tho• can• of Ill<· :tiiiHilloiHI••' dtlttn~.; 1l1o• "an11 Wt•:tlho·r "'il'"n LOW fARES ,. C'IIN'&Itl'll •• ., ........ ,., ""~ ~· Y. f"''T IIT&Ail '""'I! 6 Juory t t>:lt l lonel y. fol r 1 h•• .... •· ;, 11\ n n! ,\net -. hu knoW II .. "" '"It ,, tt·td l rh·-· h .. lul.·~ 1• r · u•l' :u1uth•·r •Jvt,\ thu' t.t"-.tnt: an ·• J1HII '"·'~. 1-'t tol.t~. S;tt Ufll,c~ .onfl Sunday tn ••.!c h 1n ... t.1nc-.• ..c'n \\hWh \\o• h.o\o•• Ill\• ,,;:,, Hill ahcad. . ~"=' VF.C F.T A Rl. t:.<;; ._ .. _ -....... ..._ ~--..... ~ ...... _ thai Jll'l ;, >o~nalt •tuanlt~ u f "''' anrt ~mf'ftt ~tn ..-'r~tohat•or cu lt:! A' " ~th ,.f •t-"""" t hto .. • mun··~ \\',, -ho11ld o·Jt,.flllt) an· · ,\, a m;tllo'r of f.t<'l. ;tit autn- 'l"'c'l Ill• Ill lk•ftll•' \<,JI 111<'1 \\o•alh••t ,nll>lt\1• o·n~lllo.,•f' ltCrt'C' thai an~ bl•t;tru.. rn.tkw:.: •Uit' tv lhan:.:\· to drl\o•,.of_:Lc·ar -huu]!!_c'ha~· luh·!. tho• \\o•t~.;hl' and ~;r ... t.• ,.f hahn · rro·a nl' a nrl ha \'o• llw machanc• <':tl•" )1unlr r,., s-··nU..·twe l'ortland · ........... ,.· .. ·. $.\.34 .4\ ~., ..... ..... ~ 5 •• --~ or .. ...,..... ..,._ DESSF.IlTS .--r.. wat••r J'll'kl'l "'ttl "' n.,uC'•· o•nnl· 1111: ..ffl<'lo·nr~ "' to C':tlll-1' o•nollf'"'' .mot '""' ·•I··~ hulul.o~ '· ·,,ttt-:1 l~o•a\ \ 1:·•111 111 ,:•••l·r .. ul rmlo·aa:•· -+·-·,..·_a n.,....·-lh.ot \\ttl 111•111•' th~lnu'l ··f· fulh d lo't'ko-ct ancl ..... ,,.,C'c'(! al t., .. ~, t<to·nl. n t••rafinn an•l p to'\'o•nl fioil· h\io··· a -f i·ar:-:lrl'if-:"1 wa~' Ill fl1•• Ul't·.uf t'.tt p rt ... :tf ('tltac· • .t rno· 'P1tn~ ht·fo rr• th,,. to rHtr,,u ... fr•·at· m.r1r-· Th:tl ·, \\h~ Ill"'""'''· aro• J!h nl t1 w-·1~ "lwn t•tUnfiNI ovpr r!ll\\ nlf··to•d il II• '" , .... I .and .. lho• r<>;tcl 111 lho• ho.•:H of ~ummo·r tt~.;hl ~1.11 1 '""a: d p•·np•·r tlrt\'ang · ./. 1to •·k ·ttp' h..tr> · pn•,·o·r.o hluw· r·nndttlQn'. thnttiJ.:h Ill•· Sumnw r · mal• h:tllt·t~· f:nhan •. hum in.: out m ••'l l'l•n J' ,: "'"" '" ···d h~ ;\t ..... ( l•·artrlJ.:'. -trtJ>ptn,:: nf J.:l'ilr"'. hi)J.:·,, ''"''"n'" d"t:a:in·:· of rooting ~y~l rm~. O\'rr· ........ : Till: AMC'III:,. .....,. ~-..... --... .,,__ ... _ '"-411 ....... DRINKS ..... . ... .II~ eGj. ,...._., ._. ·-· ., ..... Onllp ...._ .. ..... n C108'1'A llaA ~ ~hftl It rhr I} aar rlo'ano·r ofl•·n ro-.ht''••s malo·a~;" ono• tu '" n male•,. to I ht• I( alton • F olk' "hu n •a tllo' thf'"' thrn~;~ :ll't' lho• far-t r>no•, to t :.kr ad\' tntaa:•· t•l I hi' fn·•· tn~pc.-.·linn!> ·nnW (>H~f. fnr 1t tlmtlt"d tmw an ,-.nno-.·llun wath o ur Sumnll'r·proof 'J'If'~'tnls." 1t K :mtll'rpt.r,.,l 01at 1~1 t "all bo· tlh• r • .,·uad·t~t• .ek1n..: ~,.;u for autu· mnhtl• ''·""' ,.,, n t.·.tun~; th·· .oiJ· f trth' tus,:h' of th•· , ....... t f\4•• ~···II ' ; ,\ ... th. 11 • f'tlflftlhlltt••n f••\\.e ld__.. maktttl: lht' n'<~•nl hult•l:t~ ~···•r " -~ ,;,f,• .trVI ,,,ll,f.u•l('oJ~ on•'. :\luloll· ~;a' ol•·.tt•·t' Ill•' !)"" ntfo•rin~: to :.~;'· 0:"'' mfllo~ .• :Ul<l ~:wht~nwn ;a ,_. ·l -1 f ' ) .. , I fr•••'h ,farl lhn •ua:h tho• man~ •·:tr•· Mr~ flo8(' Pi<'k~>nn~ of \"IC'tnrln 1n•t"'''''""' rnrtuclo'<l ur "hat as A Vt'lllll' hunort>d !•o•r 11illl ··r .' :0.1 r~ known 11, "Sumnwr·pn••f" hahn· 1 Laura P:<'krrln~ o f Pllllll<it'nl\, 11t ,·a lton a net o·ho't'k ·up. hnncKIOCt'fl ' a 11pe<>lal birthday Jl&rty 'nnl' day 'rh 1s WN•k. '· .,,.ron ... C u-.a n and ftart.ra Allea "ho arf' '"'"' ft'ulurt>d In l'~tru· n-••·, MIU"' Thr "'')" C'.ood B)'Wl," rrch•lf'r lhfolr d,.ll~thl u\'t'r tho• _,Y Uer,...·d a) hullda~" llldk-atf'd •n lhr 1941 c·s lrnd ,u --hnllda)" •IIN-11 Mill br rajoo~rd h) ma ny ta.o.r..nd" of mtJiorl .. b , al lhfo Ut'C'Hr· I lut ~ll. A h11lf dOZI'r: guuta • ~ ~t at tbe pretty aff.Ur . cii? auMi Day. t 'uurth of "•ly ...... ._.,.Day period,., , . .,,., Thank"t(ldn& THt!_A_os--__ '-,...:..-1 ... (.llritoC-.... ' ."All Out" Effort By \\'est foast to Brini.r Rig H if~ ......... ,., '· .... n \\ .'t\.. 'lit ·t .• _ ....... , .• ,,. t: .. ;\ln\'h• •• ,, ttl ·,, 10.\ I "• t •'tl "tlamillon W oman ." \'i\·i,•n l..t•rgh .o nd Lnttt•·nc·•· (Jil\h't'. r~ml;tnltC •lory nf I..:• I~ Jl.untll"n and llrtl · .on's ~;rPal n.l\al ho·r·"· l,o~•nl :-.;,I· ,on : "Sas tl• pktn,.'' Juf!~ ('an .. ,·:r "R•~H " htniHIIW :m d I lli\'i4'1'. lh(• p1C'Itll,. thai ' ro·c·•·l\·,.<1 ~tho· .\eadt'm~ ""·t·cl r .. r tho· ....... fllm ·•f th~' , •.. u . "l ;t, .,, l.t• H··•··· l l:lvtc. (; •• ,rt.·· 1:,. n· rv f \l:r) ,\~!rlr, "jlto ,:f. ld ( ;:tl \' h ,,·hnlt• ,,f • , ... , th ,, n ••h.d' i . •.. \."• ·· ., ' . ..., I>·• tl\\, .uP! \\,• ... 1 .htmt·~ ~~· \\:11~ ,Jqd~ t •• idantl. ( ·,.,,, lhf'.•'• t'-m ~ant.t Ana an· I h'<l) l.:un.11 r l..ana '1'111 "' 1 :in• I ,, ~ .. ·•. tt ;, rt• •.,f l Hlt•n... h •\'f' hn-.... t of ullh r ht · n UH•·' · Hn:ut to lk · ~ ~., 'Vf'l• ··--rl t"r '"'""Ill.: 1n thr Znnllhllr.' l~·h ""'"' Hrn..: ('ro,hy n•·a r futun' Jlnltyw l'('{t, I'TlOCI nut-•nil Dua·ut h) l.o~m""' "L ui~ F 1·nr1 .. · ·u·tr•-: h11-('hC)'\'nn•.' l .•r··tf.t Y••un·: a:d :--:r ,rr·n..: \\1th th• lltr.u"'ftnn ' Hnt)("rt t•tt• ... tun · r· .. , ...• , tt'l F··· '· '!t,.s.: ..... t .. ··tur•""tlth p!o\Utt.: )11 tht' tnf,::· ~1••'1-• (\), · •n '"'''' 1•,,· ~M~r-----',._..~_...~~.,..__:;~-..;~ 1n I~· ,..t-.!...........'IDll'l'uu.~~ ...lL.·J••tlllh, "Po·nny th• \\ ... , ....... ,-,,, ··rr1111.: J)ttn ~~ .. rnnfl,," lr•·P··I)11nn•·:lnd ("at·y ---=-Ge.U Saf~ty _Start for summer now ••• ,\m.,·h_.; .. \Ill ··~·.,, .... ,J l'••m.-rl r;ral'll ' a n•! '"'' '"'' n"' lo"'''· ;\ltr.llld, a nd · l1~o· I • '-:1 .11111 ;\It-• F •·nnk \;~Jll':t', J,,,.,, :111d .:n·:a t•·-1 ·'' th•• llrn. ""·" \\ith hit. ":0.1t-c'l ·'""" 1'1•"'" \\Jlh (;,,·~ Iiiii \ GJVE _ YbVR BOAT .. A -- --roor- · fllitll• 18 extra IJrotectifm-:.of~ ,.k:ap •\lU}U( . .;\Jl(J Jl,u Ia.'.. rllbiJ~I1. CWJ?!L!!.!'~t H:lt h:t !::!-S~n~'l~·~k:_.' -ell,-·--·-·r-------~--. ~rr.:'!-m''"Nt:' n-nm~· 1ncllidt' 1\11 • u_ S. R· 0 Y At ~~)CpT IRES ~" It ow U. S. Re:ral Dt Lu t litvJ .~If txtra u/ti:J twf? ,;/, ~•.aritv. 1. UEATU PIITlCTIIIt AUIIISf IUIOITS! Esclusi•~ U.S. "Saf~ty Bon.Jin~" -each tire curd satura~d io pure, liquid rubber-makes cH·ry ply a safety rly. 2. CIUT£1 PIIHCTIU AUIIIST lUI! .Loo~tcr:wuring ueaa of f.amous U.S'. Tempt'~ Jlubbtr (Pat. No. 1,984,247) plus deeper non·. akid· design give you up to }8% more ooo·skid m.iln! . . 3. 'CIEIUI PIITECTIOII AUIIIST SKIDS! famous "Brak~·A.ction" ·uud ,.·ith 2SOO aua gripping edges gives y~u quick, sttaigljt-liM.stops ... protccuyoufromd2o· gcroos skid~ ·oa slippery. wn pa~emcoJs. MUIU eUAUNUI ~ I 1. 8acW b, wrinm Lifnime j:jbanntft of rb. ....,.,,latpst produnr of ru1:iMr. 2. Pia .. added anunDC"t of out pcrspaal · ......... ol ad.&ctiou;" . ···•44•~ ............ .,._ ........ -· ·•·: \\I,, • \\h·•' 111 lto•ih "·'"l No wtnd mak•·' tnr htm Ui&l' I'. ·. ,r,.r. hlf ... th·.t f l~o,n..:r hath n o tntt'll•l• d p•ttt t,. ~·ul 1ntu ..... ,qr ·, t·,n .. ar•• ... nnn fll-.;;f'•' .lrr \Jo·ntntJn.Jfl'. J .I - ' 16" fll!ll (Ill [!fJ! fTAil/ Gill -caR take 0. awlulboatlno during the bod weat .. r. months. Let us drain aut win-*i change to cOrrect grades of oil for hot weather driving CHMJpvt your c•r in tip-top ·. · ahape for a sum~ of care-fr~•. motoring: en .i·aoy FOR 111· wuTHll DRIVUIC . tO.£ II ii.D ClT .. ·' . ~ r~i' ... ~~ -. SPECIAL Bt'«H·on Ser\'it•t\ Stat ion lL t. \\1 1..·11 ' t ,,,, .. , HIKh\\.&~ .t l \\• '' i u:r.u .. ,. Tn '' '' ,.-.rt "-•' ft., • l'hmll' lti:~~·:•l MOBILOIL •• " . PREPARE 'flOW FOR .SUMMER . . MOTOR ·BOAtiiG Know the thrill of having your ·pleasure..- or fi slli ng boat 1n •ip-top shape, after • inspection' and service at th~ ~lobilgas ~larine Station and after ~lubricating with c e I e bra t r d ~1ohil and fut'lin g ~Iarine IJrodurts~ , I. ' MO B-1 L MAR I·N E S E Ri ICE It L. I !hone.•: i~ti C Buh) c .\LLIS Foot nf 20th St.. T IIF C'),\1J>I.E'I E Cf\F-STOP ~<'wport EU SEH\'ICE EHI..E~ • A . ' -- .. _ . . , .· ... ..... .,. .,.. .. ~. ~EWPO~! BALBOA NEWs.TIMES. Newport BHch, Callfomia. Tllt'H~OA\'. APHll. t~. '1!\11 . .. __ .. ... t:u •r, luud .. rn •·onu·nlr~~e·r and f•c·llll~ fur I h ,. •o·n kin~: uf ~ :u·hl ... lar1:o-. uuol .. mull. ;uul o·umm•·r · rial r raft .,.,. a~alla ..... al ltifo c;f'neral a• .. trul .. um d oH·)4. 1\a~ t'runl' and '!lllh Slr .. ..t, ~''"l"•rl. "I"'"'''''' b) K<...,.r1 c·am ...... ~ acrnl. and t:d t:h ... n. In •·h'!rl:" "' lltt· ''"''•ll••nll~ '"tult•l ... d ma..t1hw a nol r·•'l"•lr """I'· • · Ul" p .. " r f' nnJ14:nrt tl and \\nt k · • t un1,.-t ,,,,.1 ,1n i ~·•nh J.!a ... nl1nf' Th t '~ .. n.!.U.J:o•ro•oJ I>~ a l"'"s!hlo• "'· l'l'l!lo•ol 1111" th•· o·xt a\·atw n ::O:hn!l· rea I"'""· •h aft• "'ani~ ttw fho• ~lark.! \'." """' "• I,. lmrno.q. ""' n( \~'lwtlwo 1):1111 oom nf ).::\~ fumo 10 • 0 ' !oih!el of t!H' St•rva-.·f" stataon... \A.'.U&--4r .. n• ,. n1at• h .,, a s.pa{k_ Fire 1-;----thl' :l!r h•'ll•' W l\ll do>!ltrny···t nnol from nll'lal sthko·.~: ll)I'Lll olur· 0 gaso lne tth· ll""!' O'll'o'trll" t lnck oJamaJ:eoJ. ln~o: tlw ri<u•mx "lwrattnll '" nnt I :mol ~I ~·ro•hn n·1~ •rt l'll l.mm n :llyl'l·hn ~ttat••ol to'<la~· that only S ·· th•· prnrnpt a<·toon by t he Costa lhm.t~o;o· l u tlw h tuloh nJ: and au tat)• 0 n :llt·!la \'ulunh't•r Firl' ~artmo·nt ho"f' ''"" t>:<limalo·ol nt $:.!0 and 1''1'\'l'nt•·tl ht•a\'l!'r damaJ{r fro m o·o!ll "f ro·pa orm):' ·t h ,. n •' n n thl' mh·n1.,. lwat of tht> tlamo>s ollun onAto·ol <'lo>< k hao! ""' llf'f'll f•lltl!lft tlw ft'W' ll"!lnt.:•·ll t at f1an,rs rdf;Po.l a rootanol t!w :.1\'t••h . l'.to:o ~rvK,. ~tatuM at 17th and ll:o.,.-pt•rt Ul\'tl . ('O:<ts t.! .. s.t latf' Y•~tf'nlay aft('r':fwon. ~a s v 1 , D f' On~on of lhr fir(' is 'not known. f!Jnl'"l .\tvr.•hn n ·,•r alc-•1 Duo> t n wato•r lr~kinJ: int o lht> u~dt>rgroun•l ,.t,.rag•· tank ·dunn~: thf' u•ct>nt 1 :unio . thl' lAnk wa~ bemg rl'm<•,·· In a tlohlonn tn 111stalhnJ: a rww unoh•rgnmnol !Oiur og r tan~. E m il 1111ol Ha'ph :ltyrl'h·n art' al~n r on. 11lnol'lm~.; n<'w a nd mntlllrn ro·lll· f'•l pr.-parat<>ry t .. l~!ltalhnj( :In '""mil 1111 t t f' latl'~t tmpru\·o>r:•nnt o:twr \\'htlf' lifting tho• ta nk. it t oo lho·ir M rno f' lll.atinn . The Motori~ts' Beacon On Coast . Highway . .. . ... ,.,. ' • ----=-----!..- ----~ ---------,--- -' "'at ..... :.,,.. i'.! ,. ... turi....t'! tn,.-••ll•tt t~ ('ua,f llla:1ma~· a• "''II a" tu tllr lfJ.~rhur· IJI,trlrt f•ar •·••··r •hu t~Nr.-.. ... 111 ... malntc•nanc·•• tw·rvl•·•· tfl ....... ,.. ,.,.,. .. ,.,.,.,.., '""' ro•1mlr·fro·•· n•ll••• '" tht' Uc•1u ·un """'•• l"latlun, ( ,,..,, Rhd. ,.,., tht• Mtatr Hl&hW:o\. Tlw Kt•a.·un fo•:•turr' t ;•·•wn•l l't•ltulo•uuo l'""hwt ... '"' loodlac \lo.Wlca• _. lllnt.llnll •1111.-f'u Urff'CtiM _,,. f'llic·io·nt .,..n ·k o• 1 .. pru•id•..S h~ llt·nr)' wul(hl.., ,...,...r, aiNI W.. .. ,, .............. aHiro.. Sure.· Bet For Boat Owru.•rs of Hatbor In Summ~r · Months n ... o'!ll 1.1111 ,, l'olllllll! Ill' foil' thl' .. ,j,.,u .. ·a ':u·hl an:..: ..,,.;,,,,n a rut u"'·n- ' 1, .. 1 1:,~,. pl•·a,.,,.,. •·r .• rt l)nd .;m:tll 11(1\\1"r'1vf:lt'<' Wtll hf" f'Utfmjt Hue , ..... u u1·ti'H•J~ bnurs of ,·unt uHloU!'l !"-t I"\ h.,' tlu~ ..,,,a~nn ;\l .m~ lt<>at "" 11•'1'-< an· r r•'llllrlng lot I! II\' o• thdr. ---------r----~-----~---,....., ....... ..------------------ t ~ •• ·' '' .I l·"" rul l )'II) "~nt n il lh• l<ll•h•n \o·hn.•~ ~ffll ISLAND PERSONALS · ,., • a ar\l,! u1• th. ""'L• L.\ 11H''" laM~,. on t c-l \l.1nct \\p. •' ~ \\I • I • · ~ • • I\ .. , I\• .t In "'ft-d•"' , t 1 ,, t b.-H~trl'f*f ' HolnH\:\ ••I '. •·u • ''' t\11• •'I'• u•'l t •' • , I ,.1,•n .t.H '' 1 • ,.t hh , ,,, "'' • .1 \\tth n ·l31t\,..,. .,... h tiJlH 1 \'1 I d \1 1"-I' :' fo I f 1111 :, .. I 11 flilf\ol._: oh ••:J•Uia,:, '1 ....... \ Noon .uut •.••• t t.r t..,.tM u1 !-=:ult t '• r ~' 11. l it\ I ••' ••f t•. dt.t~,, ,,1 t ~Utl•t·•' t. •••n.,::r ttu Mooh .a j,,.,., ,.,, •I.U.t..hltl ,,a\ "'''· \o It \\tlo .... ~ .... I ll•• •••• '•*hU\ ........ htttHtA\' an H.o&Dl \il \\' • ,. I ,, .. ,, .. \\ th '• .... ·t I tl I .... I. I ... \\ hll•. "1\t , ... ,,, It . ,, "'' '" ..... ~..,.. ..... ,. ~ ... ~n-n., r •.. I ... \·a..·' ... ··r· .. r ... , "'' ·"'' tlu l •• n.W r·l .l rh ..._, ............ , t ••I\.Jhl •• , t he Open h.na. t•··•·•·t "' t h •· Itt .ftt•"'··n nn,.. ,,.,, t' , .... ~-:.......~,..~.-~ ~,_.t.,.t:•'"""l hUt RJchtt r\.1 ;-.:,, '' \,,,~ •11 ••<•·1 ''' •''''''·l \t ,h t ~.ol tw ... I ,,.,,,,,,,. 1 .:u•"'•~ ,l•t~t. ltt'"".a ••J ••~•h•"''' .. ' THREE HURT IN MESA CRASH AMONG 1 S . COUNTY VICTIMS A rn""l: ·(in,:..,, ,,..-!""'n" injur"'l '" Jll.f"'\ .... ..:""'•-..r "rrke•n•l t r"ffh" A.. ......... ,,,~ Ul • •n "ltt_. t • .... nt y " . .,.,.. elevf'n r.~ann' ,.... :ut.t 1 r ,,; ud... , !'4 t._ru... ,, "" • ""ff"' .-,1 1r junr~ In a f'"r ••h ••"\ Ut '''11 :o;ur .. la\' Mftt'rn.q.ml at ,,.,. • .._-,.,.., ""'' ,-., ,,., w I"" t · lth .1 .u ul S.u.t.l J,,,.,;.l '" ··ntt•• . . c .••.•• trOJIIIf• I'• '"' ln. •·'• !.I ol ' 1: ....... "-,"'" Tho• '"'"'"' ....... All .. • \\ rla ht, •Tall thoii'('\IIJ:h• ~:hlo II. 111 'I' . : "' •l lh '"''' ltllh' h t'ho'<'ko'tl h y • ,·, :rtn,•ol ~··t·vl<"t' '!;bnp. t< •·II· ''"· ''"·'" ..l~o···l, 'l--'\•'t \1h tHt h .tJ'I •' .. 1. \o l tt1• I 't • • •J•I.ttn I\ t l Aol•hH t \\'t't~ht 1fl •n•l ~1Ary I' ) ··I !. ·._,., l t ... k .. ••t lh• I •\•' t •• u•t:•·•• \\).nu a·. ,.u ,.r·e· • .,.tl\.1\l~•u• Thr- 1.:•:--: "''h \,, .. ,,, ,"-•l lt1h \• ..... ,.,,~ ....... , • .,.._ .• '" ''''' tlr~rr\ -.cu t,. ••·•·· 1,11"!"''"Jt:.,.,. In "r"r A, L CAl .. tS up. t 0 ;a ...... , •• , I• .. ·'I P'\\ I'' I .. mftkr ttU-"It t'l dt I• uh ... ~ .. •h mo•n. I'Jio' (~'IIO'raJ '11111ol lho I -, J 1 !ul ,"l !1.1•' l \•lr~ute••un rna· I UtC. '"~''IC't' at .'1111• ,, n"'' and ll.l\ II IIIII ="•'". p .. ·, 1 • •JI•·ra trc:t h~ Hnl~<·rt <'nl· .~11 . .,.·. ~al··~ n.:r nt ho•r•• and t:d !-UO'\fllt•r Ill• 11• 1..-\,'11 t I'\ lui•\ h I tton ~•n•t ,.,, .. 1.t • a' h , u . u , ,._,.. blr'\r I•• ltl .. ll t lt•IH ho•art .. ••I 1 n•llhl·· I" • • 1• 1 111••11 I' olio • pnint .... l uut .\11\ l .. •.tl n~' , ... , , ... '"v~rlck•hutt .r ~a. t 1f \,,. "'"''' nnt ll•h 1"1 111 1• • I •'II 01l lu• <'1llllll' nlent h. fttn I' .. 1 .... l.tl• h,· ... :till •· '•1••111t :-.I h do • t '• ·I \•' t • ir • ... 1 .... •II•• I ·''"' F t • t I '''·l•t•U ... 1 '"'' !'t•"' ••t•·n\tr"'l I•\ Juhn ~ ~t .... ,.Ut'hftmp J:tll~ ·•&.tol t•l11• •' I'•' 1 \th ' 1 1u t -lta'"'•a.t "' ,._.,...__,.t.ua ·•!.!..:l_t#t'!"'-..uLl-~,p.....!i..&u LuLaa eUM.IIJ"'•: ••hkb hquad ·~•·· '•\~ , . ..._,,,,., • ., ,., t '•"•u , .. "''t• ... ,~. '"""'••h •••11a.l•"tl ••lh 14 tt .R•hlne• ~lrtv~n 1'1 • .. •'!-o' ••t tallu, t '•• t l '' tt ,rf ll•t Ut•• .. , l ·•h l u tk r \ t"\ J,,uUif It t-"r'r•llt, '1:' u( 17!1!\ .,.,lou, If , 11):1 ' ·' • h• oo I ,o I o<•: \\Ill! Rll \ho illlHIH.n .:< \\ ~ R.J•:Otl J,.. .. tuot !ttr .... l \YrlOinthh•t .. r l•tf•u k l•lll 1 J••• I rill P t '7 ·' "' l tu 'r•lt htJ'th•U ,, .. I .. , It \\ '''"'"' ••• th l tlllt ' ................ , .. , ..... fnruth·'-1\"'t ....... , ...... ,. u .\"''"'"" "''". ""ttuu;.: .... ltl••t 11 .... :-..., ... f" '1'"'''' 1 th. U•\\*\ \4 r~t.t •• t ).t r,. ~1 •• .. ll••lt\•• tU"'"'""" uf llf'o\'f'lrly lttt •. t •1 hu h•t ,.,.,,I tt., uHtll1 11 tt''' ,., .. ,, .. :"-••Jtt•t"' ••.• tt. .. tlt•'-"1 thll .. •h.• rni"'rrtAl_nf"t l I n h•r tl_,~,_:-•1 • 1•\•L. t• •. , 11 h.._t) tl •. P•t L••'\-\Jlj..•J• .... ~l.J 1\\u l.tJ lili."'..!'l t.:u..uu-· .\11 -.hal•· ~~· .. ur•.liuu.ll v.·we l ···n···l t h• I• •I t ooth •• II ,.,... ••f t· If th. "' ... \t tl ••• , .......... r tl ,.,, II\ ' t ............. ,~. arul tah .... L I'" \ ( \ . ' ' \ . ' _RENDE Z l!·O us ___ ·_ ... FRIDAY-SATURDAY-SUID.-AY I • ··- ', ., llt m ,, .. , w-.:=y JOHN ·.NY RI.CHARDS - ' F. o-r--s u-m·m e r .. D ilYi ~-~-·----- AND HIS hAND I , Featured V ocalist8 ~·atriciaKay and · Ja<·kson Sh~rwood! -• - SEXT WEEK -Friday, Saturday and Sunday CHUC·K C.A·SCALE$ and Hi~ ·+Jrchestra K a:·. Ky. cr.. ; 94 I \\·ith ,. ocalist ~· Pro i c~c }:ca t~l rcd hn ~luriel Shet-man .. F 1tch ·" Ba pe( ~· a·~,m .. and Clyde llankin!' R .ENDEZVOUS r •~ •. '' BALL .ROOM . ~ B A L B-0 A . • "The ·Finest In ' ' I l I Your crankcase, transmission and diff'~rmrial flushed clean, and chc cor- rect gr~cs of Mobiloil and Mobilubricants suppliN-JOUr ban~ry. lights. (ooling syst. m, oil fih~r. fan bell and rilft chcckcd-.chCK and och~r safety pr ·aut ion services arc whar .-~ mean by ··a f~ scan". Ev~ry car should have such a ch~ckov~r pc:rioditally. his panicularly cumrial ahcr winter driving and in anticiparion ol summ~r driving . .. a.nd here's afotlter "flESH STAll" hi, fer r••r "'' Gt111flli~'fltl11116 MOBILGAS and MOBILGAS' SPECIAL ~ ~ . t ~ . . Ask your MOBILO~l-MOIILGAS deaier •bout tlrese rem•rlfl61e ••• ,.stli•,i ••d •• ,., i~s ., . ~· . ; . .. 'I .. .! • ... • .-·/ . . ( ...... I· ·'· ___ -· __ \-l·------.--~--· N_. EWPO __ R_. T~·.B.._. ALOO----:-_A . ~S:TIMt~.Jiewpod:~ .Calllornia. TIIURSDAY, ;APRa 17 .. 1941~ I • \ NEWS-'PIMgs l, SP - lMesa School :Nine Starts ~portfishing At Harbor Harbor Raqueteers ~_How They S~d Meet Wilson . Netmen I Working Out ., . Bait. tht• k••y to c~ !l~~inc. ~~ •Playing thl'ir ;a~r pra('uc.· 1 • • _ __ • .:.howm~ m qu~nuty at !'\t•.wport march bt'forp' leagut> com(X•tition ' Pr . . .· d . llal·bor Tht> watt·r IS ciPar. tt•m· \\'hu·h Will h••cm m·xt '-''t'f'k . th•• acllct'. ~s.•aons are u n f'I'Wa} "''f" 1 uri' 6'' dt·•·r· .,. . . s !I"' 1 1 b bo · r h . C M · . ,.~ .. .. .., ' ~ d. .,a n~ llarbor n('lmt•n nwt Long fil'<l('h • Y ~ o .1 t 1 osta ~a ?ram-awn.•c. of 59.5 . ((II· th1s t unt• or \\'1lson a mucn lars;wr squad '.,,. · . mar . f oo prl'paratory to orm~-Y•:ar. rt'('nt d~ shuw. H·ni·lv. f'tn-t<'r 1tlld G~nth ph~·- Wedn~ay League' Pen Club Boomn's Bombt'rs United Motors l lRJ:l(' l'ht'( ·Robins' )lercury W L 6:>-31 :>4 42 50 46 49 47 30 66 f I' S H I N G 8 A .SJ.JC ~ t s· A L L. - T E .N N I S T R A C K - 8 A S E 8 A 'L L !:~. ~n ~~~~~~n~~a~~u~~~~:. h '1 1:1b"r, t~~h'1':m.'1'1n ·~rn· ''1',~1n~-:. sr·~m·· •·rt ,;,;.· ru·,, douhl•·s :.put wiih-s:;r-. . ---------------olrlioii ..... llil""'"------' ---'I Sc 1 . . 1 '' 1 u "01 ~~ tm Ill ,,,rgt bh-nl't t and McC.a\Tf'Jl hattlmg oul --~-~~~~-:-~~-..,..-.., -M i!ift ~-h J ,. SlJ : SW p .: -! A ~~ _.. c ..:.._ .. ,f d be.ilt~ ~uct~~a~~cJ~a~~~~s~s l =~~:;;.~~;)(g•·~•~~~'\,~=::::~-;ht'~ -tir~-anrl . . ei-ua ~ 00 .Jr \./ ean ee ~ f eti ___ C_ a-r-n· IV'a r...JI ay··:n-·Onll c'Y. tx~ ... notk parti~lpating in . ~!nl ... lOiti!O Rlt tnhmr; ..... · ~l'i:-;;d .. ~OIT thl' m.'atc,_,_,_A I Th W 1' k M •. ' 1 row s tnw II•<Jms ·1rt> now 1 · · . •• ""'"' ..,... n ree· ay· rae ee d . h• I .. ,·' ' ·k . racu<a m a bl)! "")-Ft"h an• on th<· hull..rin hoard a< th<' Th·:l-• . . _. . · ~~~:gt> m t ' C'ar} s~ason "01 -largt'. ·averal:ln~ 8 pounc.is. Thr b,i;;_ n m :-port ~ pal;(' ''<'nl to pn·s~ ouw . . ! :-. , ~ ..J ..,.....---•1 . _ . . : fish Monday llppNI 1 ht• s<·a.lt·:. at <i•J·" too soon ' Co~<i'a Ml.':.a Grammar ~<·hual rl<'ar··d t 11· ~t<;:i• " ~l'· r r·t. on•· • • • 1 ·d bl' . -" I um ~.. · ThP fu"l't lt•:t J.:UI' match w1ll h,• ··-. 1 ).!&. 1!.. -~·. • tho: " • A aq~t· ,numtH'r or boys m track J'JI• )() I .. . . . M'OI"t'<l a cl<'an !>Wt•t'JJ In lht'-J.hn·•" ha lf m<"'·l. ~1-h'. l\c~·<:t)pl Boxmg. Crowns, Wrestbbg TttleQ Buketball 11 d~l· ,"Xfl('('f (' bill "b~lnl · romP can· ('al('ht•s il\'I'I'IIJ.:••"lO. fish to tho· Jlla \'l'tl no·xt Wl•(•k with tht• Or·an .. i• -..· ;t · · · ·· · · ~ tc a "!' or as!' u I<'Um~ Tht• o · ' ~ way ·truck mccL.b.d<t at (Jran-~;l' wa~ ,.,.,abh:. ·d."ll' tho . l'l <lump ' d ·y II b II £'h • • h.. ~ 1 . , , · . ·' man. "" r<•port 1s a s h1ogh as 15.. Pnothc:r nl'lmPr:t wnorn th1• Sailor.: t:LF..('TRU' ('I..CX'KS RE PAIJU:D Gr,mmar school Jnsl . T\.Jt',.QIIY Whl'll K .. ,l'cll~k~~ ~~~ .• a l!>ap-an ~ ey a ""' ampaons ·~ at take· In I~:~~.'. ~ou~t;..,.~~··m~ar .school .harTa('IHia _P<'r man for :!0 m• n on . ln<-lk to thl' 'dl'anc.r~ l<isl. )l'ar. 1836 Sewport 81\·d~ '(.'OII'fa Meta . .' a ftt•mo11n 10 hoth A and II d t· of lt. f<·..t . ,;~'arid '"""'JII·" t•·•· (' I f I H • h.. S a.:. I Ath'l • C .• --r-pens • ._.s<ta.>. ~luY Sth .. one boat Another· rcpoJ·t ~\'cs. 35 .--------·----...:...-..:....-:..· ------------......,_ \'istons. N<'wpurt Jlt·ach Gramn,ar mcho•\. 0 or u ·. lg ('1100 ettc arntval In S<'hlodUtC'd for lh(' SC':t~on OP.('n· 'IJarracucln. :! bonita. 10 mack .. tl.'l. school rook s('('ond J.•ln•·" for 191· >.lthou~-:h winnmg' tlw Cla•s B S h' I ( • · L, •d N• ht St t At 7 . ~~ fnr.11thl',_ 1'~--~•·h~~-0 C6.<ta ,!>omc.whitc sea bass. '-lnd fiv<' hali· harbor ar<'U In thl' A dl\'l,.H•n. hut dl\(,lnn,• th•• J\lt-,.a mldtllt•'A.o'IJ.:hls • (' 00 .ym .. rl ay ~ lg ; ar 8 . p.m ... ··~a WI I:O '? stm,an rang.• IJ.ut lanrJI-<1 hy on·· small party. 'rmi!lhl'd thi«< m tlw B ('Omv--· flul•-ff to st·t a~ nl'w mark Tlw •·om· ·. "'11 com<' 10 N<'wport R<•ach Fish ar1• l"t'JKII't••d nmnin""l'l'p. tit ion. .. · ! p<·lllu•n '"'" far clo,.••r ui 1 ho• H · . . " · · ' . · (;rammar. sch(>OI, whl'r<' . Orvtlll' ThP)· comc to lhtl sur·rac<'. an<1 dn f1nal. ~Or('~; Jn thc A dtnsrnn . dl\'l<~nn than m thr . A Omn~:r lr<i-Qoc ,_Of I ~lt' rnrn-"1 thnJhng a~nuaJ S_POrtS: events liJ th('. J:rown .'s P!<_mm~~' ~ prac~~c~ _ _Pro-.DQI .oo· IDru:. b.u.t tllcrc :ill c plcn1.)' Harbor Dasl rwt wm be hd d Fnday m g ht an the H.arlx>r gtam f<!r hts ,ch.lrgt s. . .or lhPill and lht•y an• hl'ing takl'n High s<:hool g vrn when thl• A nntr.ll Hi-Y Athletic Cami\(al 1 -----'only fi!tl'<'n minutd; away from ' f_.. , th(' h.nrhor l'n(rartrl'. nt• N<>wport . 9 5;6 poirw•.. 1 dt· W;;l1~t•r won tbnt pv•·nt to ~:•w Boys and girls o f Inc physkal f'Clucation deparbnent , Sa!es ~t the Balboa Yacht Th_n'f' ·nfOW ~·hool l't"('Ort!ll Wt'n'•the Me~n httlll a f9ur·pnlnt mar·· will pn•s..•nt a wid(• vari<'t v o f · athiPtk t-ompetition. -f3oys 1m were transatted with Thomas !Wl In ,tht> mwt hy co .. Ia .M!'AA 1(10 of victory. . . . . ' . . . . . -I Taylor or Loe Angelel! who pur-your ~~. a('('ordlng to thl'ir roach. N<'wport Reach. Costa !\!o'SII "ill ( ornpctc o n _th<' nngs for . . , . . t 'PI~ Blaaters 1 chueu a 30 foot Hunlt>r cruiser . Bill Crow . Fran Stl'ams hunjf up· and Ornn~o:<' ~mm~tr !'f'ti.IIOI.(' And tlw li('hool c hampionship fo r ';~;;.,.:1~ 1"fi ~fh~r;~e~ ~ f';;. The Wt~n .. ~y nog_llt ·keglars , and j,olu his 28 foot craft. Allie -B a ricw r('C'ord for thl' shot put by o rr_nck tf'ams r las h•'d at OntnJ.:<' the• first lim<' in th('f his tory ,1.~.1;1j ~.,.,~~~~~ :nd •;resen•'-.. ~ t~<'(' sent the bal.., z~ppln'g uown the to D. A. Jacks~n of Balboa Is-HAROI~D K. GRAliEL CHAPEL 108-~ang th(• rTl('tal ball forty fN>t l Wrdm·sday llftPrnClOn. · · ·-'-J --• . maple lane..s at · SportJand I a 11 t land. ·or. 'Thompson's "~1t>ga" ill l'tlone ... :., ... po_. .... 1 _ _ c~•-M-.-. Cal ... 'of thl' camrval Hoxm~ matdw< m1nnr 'l••rt~ m'""' !I to the wrn· · h 1 h -·· j · . "'~ n "'" -----'"' ·and 'l'l<'v'ln lnch<'li. St<'ams a nd L-----f 11 • rrr 1 · 1 · mg 1 w t a ma orlty or the up on th<' BYB ways for spring · "We Ourselves the B<'tt<'r &-rw By S<'rving Oth<'rs __ . Belt" ~lairo ~~~a m• n~wd fu~ T~ 1~. wo~ ~ ti~~ ~a~thnK rrnJir~l!> and!~· lrutth· 11 '''' '' ''' rl ;~n ~~ttw• g~n ~wl~ being ov r the t~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ th h. h ju h h bo l~twt•o•rl thf' ('rawfunl lJnJ•••••''' 0'\o·ntt ~onll' .n I:L'It Y~l CJt'· "800" mar•-. • --f' 111: mp w f'n I I'Y th jump! " ~... f d h " and f:~tu~ Jlartlv.an· qwnto•t .. lor ·.n lnl! ,. amptons art': Edward An upMt occurred when th e -SPOITLiiD BOWLIIC ILLE.YS ~ 1 h•· N•·v. l"1rt JlariMir ('.,mnnrnll\' f link. lo.: net.·: Harold · She#lifl . RobinA' MerC'uryll came through I Ha,k..rhaJI t'h:tmplon•hiJI ~II l;,,.b•·:\~Wo•IJ.:hl l)()xing and ~tlin~; to win three points ott the Penln-, hut a ,.mfrll part cor th•· 'l:tn'r' ,hov. •·hamJJ . ~_l)alj.l·n ~tcGavren. tumb-IIUla Club. whi<'h · mu11tered but . · " I IIlio! 'hamp: R all Marrel, ropc-BALBOA PAVILION . -.. n11rr \' ltllllhlo·r,. tn '''llllllllon'. t'lunh; Ja,.l )'t:<tf'l' &-niors, obstacl<' thrt>e men (Or tht: ml!lCh, C~rrylng ""I"-' duniJin~:. ~~ mna~ll'', drtll . rd<t)': ;\;•·" I'"'' &ach, volleyball . avt>ragu of the two m11111ing mem. I tNiml'. :111<1 :-tunt<. w11h a t lo·a•t . •·hampion~. . . . · ~r11 ot the quintet.- thn••· o•v•·nt, und1·n •a' all of tlw :\l inor ~port • lt"llf'I"S are award-The Uqit t'd Moton ~~quad whlcb 1 ----, tuiii· w1ll rum tho· hi.IJ.:•' ~.:yrnna-· .,J 1., 111,. pomt winn<'rs ol thf'l;t• h~ been,..havlng Its up!l anti downs f BOWLING IIBOU -BALUJ _, EQUIPMitST PIUCEII: lie Alte~; tee EWJ.; !Oe_ 8at., 8ua.· a Holiday• i lllm mto a \'o•rllahlo· '1••11 ' 1'11'1'11' 111•10~ ,.,.,.01,. and presM~ted to the pa~t llf'veral ~e~kll. hit tht> Thill 1'\'l"r-populnr llthlel io ••n-th··m I"'. tfll' · · n~·xt-to-last IIPO t J:roove for a 2431 !!t>rlt'S to . wm · 11·rtamnwnt w1ll mdptf,. a r'111,k..r · ,1,"•mhlv which is in the near ~u'~. all four points. from Kinllfathl'r's I hall ~:amo· llf'l\\1'1'0 IIH' J.:I:Hiu:lllriJ.: , ...... n ... ~Nir l••ll('ryrw'TI rt'Crl\'t' .. Piumbt'r!l. Combl~ed wltli the I' CliiED FRUiT I t~UICES. --. r ....-mor-,. Hllfl 1 h··· un•h·r d u--man'' ~~ h<'nllll" minor· 11port.a emblemll. fact that ·Boomer 11 _!3ombers took IJ·am: a •·umrnunll) vollo•yl>:oll ),,,, )•·ar·,. hi·point ~. Ward thrf'e point!! away !rom the Magic , d1am~mm,h1p l ... t v.o·•·n :'\•·v. l••r1 ~h~>rman and FA Flink. recelv"'-1 (1\.t>f m t> n . the Unlte_d Motorll I anti ( "''·' :\1··-a . turnltlln~:. IN '"n1.: ·•1'1'""1mah•ly 16 points each ami cpunt~>t 11teppt>d mto thtrd-place. 'wn·-rlin~.:. IIIJ.: I Him~:. ol.-r;of'l,. "" "'II f". comJ.:w•ting ror the "41" Th<'y now trail 'the Rom~rs by Signet Peaches . Or&dQu~~ •;·::··15c 'Ia)'. In~.: hn,inJ.:. ·ropo" d imh h:orn·l . hi·unillr ,;·on• _ .-fotH polnl11 nrlcl tile l<"a~rng r:l'n ! •11-lttJ.:Irli:. rin~-:-. 1'111111'"~. anti :II; nw Cami\·al as a 'wholt> is U!'l" ('lub by 15 points. Goklen City Pe11ches N•~z;;. 1cr ----'-+-1~\<l..t... -4!1.'4·~thuw "'"' .llpal.:lll~~·r thf' chr('('1inn and supervision Bull Hlllhnu~~ k nockf'<l oi•t a Cltotce Quality, Yell-P'r•u toneo 1 J ~rsr ~···:~r and' 111 · pr•·""'"' yo·ar-of C•~u·h n, ..... (f who as ai'ta~1'1f-"~~~ M.rica f.ol' the. ~,~~··~-------f;;;, • ..,,...,&.;,-,~--do .. .;.._ 3 ~a•,.· 2 ~~c lht·. I h·\ ha" alway" p:wko•ll th<' a oo·w ~mel d1ffw· nt prwram for \\ t>tlnl'!lday nrght. whitt' ('hauncy ~ l.:)'m char·J.:IIlJ.: th•· f'IIOlnllllllf)' :::> o•lo·w•n <traicl)l f'nl'!' ~r rn411\' Onu k, No. 2 m~n-~ t hl' !!&ml' Peeress Pears ':;::!:~· ! N:.:.:r~ ~sc ·c··nl< Jlf•r . I"'""" IJnwo•\'f•r tho· han<lita(l" Thf' . l&or ffiMTI~I'$ ~, ll•am. C3m(' lllt·ough with 557 I· H t A • t W'hol• ft No. :w. esc t"•l l"<';trniv:d inll'fl(hiC't''-a lo-n·•·•nl tho• III·Y h;w•:., l'f.!l' of tht> d if· llarolu Fink lo(IOOVI'll his ,ball for eme praco Sun~~~ .. d~ Uft8 ~ . ro'(ltwt um tn prwr ~I'll in~-: lh•• ;ul· f••rPnt ''"''"''· a kN'p ttwm roll-a 539 ll<'ries and Rob Fry!!hot a 1 Ch h' G .. J • pint 14'' 1 :l f urc s rape u•c• . bottt~ llll<,lnn In . •'••nh J••l' Jli'Rnn • -inc-Til::flf lflnrte tmf' 1tftt>r thfo ottwr · niN! 629 fOI' Unil~t Motors. A I ,._ Ouaflty o.-a..-, (Quart 8ottle lk) IIi Mngl'l of tho• H t--Y. H1fl Rit· n1•\'l'f nllowin;: a rlull.monwnt. ' "'Lion·ath. rollln~r No 1 11pot for the __ ....:.:_ ___ ...,... f't n Club hit ~>15 for hill sc·ri<'s 1 Harbor Ke.~la,rs to Strive -For . ·Annual p)~y- \ · A wards In, County · Tourney Day Event l j Nl'wport Harbor kcg.lar!l w11l · ottwr than for th~ u~ · tt'llm. . At ~gdna -j. , rl'flrl'l't'nl this l'ommunlly in !h('. Jo(nnwn to hi' <·nll'red in tht> - I. Orang•• Cnu!il ~ Jlt1v.lln.: Touma· •tnJ.:I•"' a nd •louhll'"· comJX>tilion in C • .. , :-1 :. . J'~ .1 ' I 'h h t-' .._ A 1 · 0!'1 a n I'~ a .tnr •~ 1'\\ Jl(lrt wit< 1 , nwn " IC ~r:trt~ n c ... v. pn !":rnr:. An:r fnlTTl tiTt• hllrtlor art'a G h 1 1 · 11 l~th. , · · arl' Cltaunn DnJCk Bob M't lwl 1 rammar s<' on pup1 ~ w1 go ro .. •1,., .. n1a11 .1,.,.n1, fr•-1 all _, ... ,1 c· ~ 1 · .1 c 'j LAgun:. J:W:arh to part1c1patr m • ... • . n1T1, r:"' •'Y and ,\. L. Pinkley. th<' Annual I'Ja , ·I>:" prn~-:1·am linn" · .. r rlw co11nt~ v.lll ''"1111'"'" llnwk :.nd :\l1tcho•ll will compett> Racl'' oi all ktnds. \\iU h<' l;•·ld . • o.l 'Anali••rri1 • \\hilt·. ~in~: I.-:.. and-., 1 •h .,._ ._,__ and ·"" l~•r n •. ,.... m ooc•~' , ... u....,. for both W ''" ttntl "lrl~ w11h H11· dmrhl•·" ''"'{If' \\Ill'"' h•·ld on th·· C' 1 II' kl ·11 I · " r·a" ,._, :uu tn ··~ WI be team-phil's anr1 rihhntl" to ht•· awanlo·d · . a llo•)' a I ~>I 1 ;mol It•"'· S::ml a An r o•d....!..!.•:;•·l.!!.!:.r..__Each_•.1_!_1~__w~1-c-t-a--MI>!'!t · G!'fttnmt~r-: ,..--hun!. -----,w-cn,.fa ~f.·,.-;l·:'l:o•wi•'r:t J1.1r: ·J,.. · 1 · th · 1 . -:_. · • .' ."m~•· •· m . •· s1.ng ('~; I'V<'nt. 111•hich in pas t ,.,.an; has usuaiJ_,. 1 l••r ).inn' r}uh i' t'flt,•rin~: II' fl\'o'· , I p kl "'-' nmr•·l•ll":l ·~ "' •'Y and ... aw-brou~ht homf' at lo·a<l on(' troph~- 111an IO':tlll Ill lht• C'llll11wll llllll :tl lo•) Ill .oil lhn~· 0 \'r'nls, 1<'3rnll, and a ·numbo•r of rthhon". Will St'lld I Analu-im. ·nw ,.quad "til 1,.. thl· dnuhl•, ·•!to I ·•nxl··'· w11l, m1tke righty ,,·oun~:~tf'r.: to patticipnt<' l-:mw lo'IHll whll'h i' no""'lio•d "lth 1 1 11 I l•'m •· 11.;1 • ,. tn rt>ml1f'l<' for the Tht> ~:rout~ will inchulo• thirty l>o~" Ho) 's B.'lrho'r Shnp for tlw if':ut m ,tll·t'\'"111> .m :tnl-and tift ~:iris. t h•· Civi•· I .<;;tt:u.. ;o I tho· I• •·:tl S1•1rt\)1nd lHm lin~ •···nlo·r· L .. ·aJ.I,ln ..: tlw . l.u•n" tjlllnl.-t v.tll l>t• (';t plalll, A. L l'mkl··~ Otho•r mo •rnl><•r .. · IIWlud~· (; •• n to>n 1\. Fmo l· Ia). l l•·mt l':"'''''· \\' :\l111oo1' .tntl w:r.:t.,._~J,·) 'Ow • tr ot(ll~~-M-1 .. 1 ._-1--11--I--=:_-11-- "''i••dulo•i-t lot hn\\ I :tt Analu:11n tht< ~·ncb~ m..;ht al l'l I' rn :\l:lll:IJ.:o'l" I 'ha11n•·~ · P r"ll<'k '·"" tod.l) lh.ll otho•r llarh<ll' t•·am• . had ,.;,,.,.,.,, . .J '" ··nl•·r. uwltulln.: {' :\1 Jlt•,lklll•' [1\o"fll,til ''[ll.td h111 !h:iili7rrf'tlil7-ZI·•-n n~'n .-:: .. ,~>i---..-t'l~><• .... ,...ot:::::i'"' Manufacturers .... ""' t'd fnr· \••nfw.t111H1 nf A H t • ~~~nd· · int.: or· :t\·,·t':l~·· ... h:-.d ht··t·n rt..C~ ·~I Lion Keglars Triutnp,ll Over Westwooders A fl\'l'·man lo'am r·l'pr""'"''' tn): -lhl' l"n~tn ~:\tt'l'1 ·:'if'wrnrt Hnrt-<r>r Lull1:< '('luh tnumpllf'•l · O\'l'r . fl\'0: k~).:.lar~ frnnt t ht• \\·,·~t \\ '" •,I L l• ,. cr <'luh nt thr \\'t'!l:w<"'d nllt'y~ h11t Tlw!<da~· llight 111" t h<' li>.·al • •r- RRnl7-"tlon·l' fl,r,.t mnl<'h w1t h n Linn~ t'luh (liii!O.tth-0 1-f\Oj::l' t '(lUll· ty. Tl}f' llnrboor OJ('Il hnwlt'd a total l>f 7!l7.1l4fH,1 3-:.?4 ~'1; 1\l' t'OillJ'Arl'd to .t·hl'. c;F -t\47 -f.J(l.~(l~,(l "'cnnnJ! al· mll('t 4fltl pm10 mnr.-th~n . ih.- W f'~l "''""!cr" wtUio•ut ~p.·t •l>t'lng !ncludrd Th<' h~t·al l.l;•r:JO· •fl\·r man ll'lim _lnclmt('d llt'ln7 ""l~l'r. r: .. r.ton ·ll l.ET l_·s S~l.l.· IT!"-.. A• A4 1• tltNe oolumn" ~ill Bwy 01' .. u \'our Roat ' ... _Boe& \'ard. SJ:W!'I·TUn:s rtto ... I! And 13 Moorings . . . Rent11l/ • Sales- PAUL NORMAN YACHT 8AIL MAIJ.J:a a.a.. A....,._ BMt Co.-en %M ~ 2llt St., NeWport BHch Plloee m One 10-fooC Sklff--:-. .\-1 911ape, with Oars· 1 ;,; h.J•· Kf'rmaJh ~Iarine Eqtae. -: $20 c~mpl«'tf'l~· 0\'f'f'hauled • • • • -:,. - --$12.'> F'inttlay . ..t1 llt,r\'1\lh. \;I'<'J'ir('·H..,~---IU.. . . 0 dnmt' an.l Mnrm t..'rRWil'y. Ac· 13QI ro~ST IIUiii\\'AY-« eee RAY ~· South coa.~t ('Oillpl\nytnJ: lht' ft'Rm Wt'TI' ~lnt F'indla~·. ~I r~ K!U~Wr. Mr ~ Hor- \'Rth. ~trti J~,ldllml'. BArbara J l'n kiM. Rnt OquiH l l' o a:·,·om· p:~nlt:d thr group nd w1t h . ,tht> ladlr!l fnrm<'.t 11 . in tl',l rhl'rrlng llt'('tioln Whll'h I I I ht' lnc111 kf'jr- 11ar11 kn•"'· t h"'" wPn' 11onw t.onll' town folk~ !IUpp.•rttnJ: lh<'m Tht'~\'utwood (·tub ro\'allv t'n· t;rtRinl'd tht' \'i~lllnJt ~-lo>r~ a ::cf _ lh<'lr ladif'J! w1lh a party an,J prov- .-.1 'a hug.-IIUCre~ll. · ' · ' A rr&ngl'mf'nts' Wt'rt' m~tde· f o r ~t_ Wf'!llwOOtt quml!'l to bowl !l m\Jrn mRII'h Yo'llh lhl' HArb<•! NAGGING' BACKACllE ., ' ' \\ • ' II , · I", I " \ "• (),.., t !'I; t',.: 1ft t It' CAllED YEGETiltEr Artichoke Hearts . 1·.~·10" can .. Santa cr\Ja or awr-"'ally . · Del Monte Green Beana ":~! 1ic Stokely Beans oC.::n ":~! 10". Industry Corn '~:~~~" ! ~=~: 15c b L H . l'lwln a · No. r.. 17'' Bur ~l1K omany (;ntMn ilt e•n• Stekely Tomatoes ~~~~ ! N:~:.-rtl~ • BAH--·'-.IUIIOR. FOODS Oeal Chili & Bea"s Deal Ra~tiol;.., OeaH~ushroom Sauce Marlo Chid'en Ra~tioli • N o. , fts· • C.lr\. A COFFEE & TEA _._ Hills Bros. Coffee Edwa~ds Coffee . It···· 2 lb 51'' . '~. ·n f .-1" ! '" ftftc: ib ..Aft·· c.1 n •• c.1n ~· Y::tc uum P .lC"td. .~axwell House Coffee Nob Hill CoFfee 1 1""1 •.''IIII I \' , Airwlty Coffee ; :'·:.":·:; 1'.", CMterbury Tee . 1·'""'Y .. I ~~ ,r\( t~"'·'" bp•. 7<: • ,.lb. bo•. ~c : ... !!!!!!!!!!!'""'!''!!"'!!_..!!..'!.!!!!!!!.!""'!...!!!..!!~!!!!!!!!"""!!!!!i!!!!!~~!!!!~\!!!!!!!'!!".""'"!'"'-'!""'-----' Llon!l At ~('l"rtlund. allt'_:s· w ,.;1.' nuday niRhl. April 30th . · JIOBD -IIERCUH .._ .. ftad ud Cetltral . Thf' \\•ut"·<><-.1 mllt('h Ill t>x.pt't't · f'd \o bf' a fof'f'runner or s w.ri..a ult'd by tht> U on• to (TI<'our-ce J d<~Rr' rf'laU~btp. bet111'f'ftl ftr!- oua Uon ~tior\8: ' . · · .I . SATVIDAY ....... --........ ,. ......... C-.4 F .. tlla S.... D-'t ••• tills _,,., lcclllty h My .-fHy t.N111 et __,_ .... ,nc... •c-le ~ .... 1hct ... · ,rr. ~f:J!:.!:~=r~-,lr:co:b:c=~=, ... -,L----... -~-._.-.1-,-1-5-, · ran . F,..fta ,_. .. ;..._ !!!P~~~~ 'fRICOTS • .. ··••J 4c ••nd. C1t01-•• ..., ... !~filET PRUIES ~ -,••• .. 11. F'aney c...., •A" ,._ •:!•Joe .:!'16' ~~u"'d Bone Rll)as:: oaa!h:;"4 "' loili .. hef Pl.lt~ nl" cut Aert 11-. G u.H a ntt"'td !»tc£. ,, J · ·.· 1 . News Of TheLChu F·ULL GOSPEL CHURCH FnJay, 7 :30 P-m .. ·Worship St-r\'icf'. Rt>v ' l.l~e Sttams In cbargt'. \ Corner. of ~2nd and Elden Sts., Cosh! Mes;a, California Sundav &hoot: ll 30 a. m Morning Worship. 11 o'clock: Rev. M. C. Cronic. pa1tor Sund!IY School 9:4:, a . m. ·special musi<'. pattor'a sermon Worship Snvice 11 a. m.. o'clock. i.atic Servt·ce 7:30 p: m. ' Service lrd -ETHEL'S BEAUTY ~SH<W · Permanent Waves -Manieure. $l.95 &. U&f . 50c --- 1888 Newport Bl,·d. • T~pli''*r .ftt·-w • GRACE' ..SHIPMAN . -~eHOOtm1TA~cWG T~p. Ballet. Toe, ·Acrobatic and. BaUr~ (' ~~~-·~·=~~~~~---,~~~~C1U6 ou.e · Coata Mesa PRIYAT& LES80:S8 -Sl.OO 1\VO-BALLRo()M CLASSES Child~ 10 to 13 yt'al'jl and lli&h Schpol 14 to lT years . ALWAYS A· SQUAR~ ·nEAL AT COURTN.EY;S •• one or a of Our . Fam- New-Tire--=-Wheth'er it is ous Re-Caps When You Satis factiQ"n Trade Here Your -----...r,----ls Guaranteeu. , . ·"LET'S TALK OVER YOUR NEXT SET OF TIRES" • COURTIEY TIRE CGIIPAIY t09 N. Ross . . . SANTA ANA Phone:· s.ata Ana %933 SOMEBODrS ___. ___ _ . ~I I • .~-' I '. • / . . .~·-'~' N~~T, ~Lao A NEWs-n_MEs. NeWport Beech. ~tomia. ~n-~o~.v ·~ AP_~ __ 1_7._1_94_t_ . ...-._.:__:_...::._ _ ___.__~·-l.:...__..,...._ _ __....,....__...;,.,. ______ .~.,...---~-Jell-- • •. -. ~y PAP. so: ~~~ ·COQNS f\Ct: tl.uQ11N. T 1l ~G6' AN' "T~.:\T5 A $VO€ 51 <31\l v" 'PAIN ~ ......_.._ ____ .. ~ i•ltu,'t' ju tlw Nt'WJlt.lrf llarhor m\•a wht•n• -you can ~t·t lls..'(t Cm'l' <'tl\'t•t't'd h!t' tht• ,l.ift-·Timt• ·_ll~'t1 Cm: Guar;ll}tc~·. ( 'omt~ in and St.'t' our hi..: ~lc-.·t inn & lt•at'll • n l'l't hilllcl o\hc.'}ut this wonclt•rful plan. -40 Al,. Rli 'tlf AifA 'Ht'' k Anfi t'o ul t•" R Anc h . ttt..od•• n bu;ld jn ga .• f lf"ctnc-t•lttt~pe. '''•ntv ""'Atf'r, ,; u•t .... _. n '' 1h•~• t••••· I'.AVf'd 'f C'Att •• lf'VAitt'fl ,\,()()0 ff'ftt I U l U c•rn• v .. u.y. bAC~ of Oig o ....... ·t'''' ,,,'00() ~'••('.-t /000, will t r•cf...-o.,.,~r \04 ... A.m uftt. St , .. ,t O,lll,u.t.._ f'hUI\A' 616 W lJ_j.lp_ R E AL EsTATE . F oR R.~NT- f'OR .RI!:IIIT-J .b•d•noon 'hou ... u,..,,,.t •· •l•c •••f• •u••·•tlo n and douhle g ar•g•. ouhld• laundry. m oet. n•w , 4 .l.lf• preMrv•re, o"'' 1, comp••• fo' t tt. Own•r : Jl~ ll•d .fll , Ntwp0'1 ... ~h. "lip WANT t:D .a••"• "'•" or v.omaft to •ft•,. 'P-n••••• and n•• •....P· ac,(ptlnne for th• popular. faet . ••I ling '"aga•ln~ The AIIIIIIE .. I CAN HOMl lt'o uoy. plnunt \IIWo t k. and Jt paye big con!mlt 11one 1\p•'• t•n .. only rqulred ·w, tt" tod;; t~ Dlf"Ktor. IUiee Otwloton. THI: AM F R IC /lc N H 0 M t MAQAZIIIIIE COIU:'Of!; Av•nue. N•• I 1 \' u ut,,l•·n·,. .. ,. •• ., tu I\RVr" n1unu1l _uiL ''!l._K!:Il l_n llkf'lo In to " ----------~----------~ .. .· • J • ~ t1SICA1o: I NSJ'ftUM~ O RAND I'IAIIIO R•poe..-4 t iN !•Old, ,no fh •l pa y,. yeu Juot .... r~• l>•'•"f' or will ;.,.,. OANI: ~HMI OT PIANO CO ., 110 Na. rutn. kn.\11. A.na. · •·•te ·-SI'I~r: T.TI: ~1•oo .. a .. f tt .. _, • t•,·me anoth•r for l\41 er Wlrlll ·( · ••nl DANZ .CHMIOT PIANO CO . YO No. Main, &anta ANI . ....... 1'0,. t•(;a!lal!t .• ,.,.,.,.,_,,, · lieU· ••r •• ''"'""•r '"'•· -..... ·-· .... ,..., .... -1•1 ata4._.,., t ltiM,r pl"l" • er wltll --. .... •• full .,...,., Pr-'"' -tal ~t•t!o.ne')l .,.. -aHradlw. "'"•'"'"' HarMr ,.,.. ...... .,. e.., '-..C. w. C.O.tr•l Aw., ...._. ........ oc ... C.llf., ........ " .. . u . Come In ................. , YOU HAV~ TO up ·--.y-1i ... It ar not lnln.t en "'' pal.... wtll lhetp ··~· , ... , .. ,., .. ·"· Ja!f>O.Kota for wall flnlofl, .... tt.7't fgaohall l:namal, -~" ""'• • ,., 1 ........................ . -a uper lor ....... .-. ....... , ... ....... 1. • .. All tha .. •nd et hara are , ... ,. ... ....... , •••• y .... Paint Ia Oftly p•rt af ..,, ~­ M~· .low lli'lC~wr .. II C-- bor t-Anyt"l"• fer , ...... 1141- tr . • .,., on our •vdaot Pa..-t P'-. No Mor1t•-N• ~·~~~·-........._ red ••-Juet • 'antract lllle l;r- .... . .:.. .- T • ;- ,·- -.,.__ ·- •mn .. th llnr "' lJllk. hut lllll.rf'<'l'll ,..011rl O'llJM'II 11huw lllf'y 'l<• IIUW 1(~­ f 1111: 111 ort •·nrntwtllluu frum ' ltll'lot "''l'hlaii<'Rlf'o l 1 ""'' ""rry 1 I'll y ~111- trr•. ltt'a.l niJ<111t thrlr pll~tht an1l "''" tlwlr J'h'lun•a In T ht' Am4'r- kan W.-e~ly. lh4' m-.ulne dill· auto• and '"'""• .,,..:------.,...-..-·--.------1. - LAWfUt NC& LUMH" CO • ........ -po ... M•ln aa..u Ma .... A mt'rl.-an beauty lnlaa up -- You ~le wfto occulon~~llJ at-trlhuto'<l with nl'lll W4'f'k'• J..()N t.nd a 11811¥ Md ~-.ood........-ANGJo-:LY.s EXAMl.NP:R Adv and wr•tward T ~ ,._ lh4! Okt Zl4'1feld Mtaa• ...,..... ___ · --· m .. nt ... thfl m"vl.,. are tkcna~Mtb• lowahlp and Foci foqd, often pa, ------'-- ,. .. , day tor u.. ruo you aa.cs. 60 LEGIONNAIR~-- Why don't you "1' AJ'IIs-S.I'-for that MMorntnc n.r" t..ll~ Alk•-S.lb•r II -IIWdiriM -. ful •n the r.l'-f ol _, ml- ailnwnta t-.uw Alita • Sel'-~<>n>bii)R"a ~•114blotana1aaic.--. "'"'""" •·1th buffl'.-.d allaoflztfll ults Try it whl'rwvl'r you 1\•v• IteM· fiC..Iw. Add ln41anfle.; c.w ly...- '"""· ~tu..-ul•r t'•tlau•. N•uraJ,t11. Nu•~ul., l'aln,.. Alka-~ltur Ia non-laulln and a•l•·a ... nt to taka. Your dru1ahot \rll• Alk•-S.Itrf'r by tt.. .... at h•' !V'fla fount••n a nti tn con· '''lllf'ut JHt-•~ for hnme "'" Why not pt • p•ck•le th" ""•I time yoU> ~n· rn a dr Ul ,.tr•r~ By (:y l 1/JV Z. ~(111'1>'\l l' Gll\1,1 lo 6 £ 1 ~ t·: rt u'~ :/ :,r T,•tQ · ?f(v't. V..'( ;., Q ~. "'J ~H ~ .... v.'t .l-;: .. f_s. .~ .\ :. ..... ";"' ,.c.£ l'V ~----:., &, "f \ ~o.V -'.. 5 ,,: ~ u~ 'Jf'l "'" (I~O v~D ~--Mil &N'i ..v A_ I z . ':io..r J)ONT ~A" ·JO r AA, 10 fp.u .. ~ $(14doDL. I 11114'r lm•4'11"" "" llh,_lflrii, •r>d . AT COUNCIL MEET lh•• ~er~otl ,.,,.,,. .,,..,.,.., •r,. wlnnln« t. 'I' h " 11 " r io In' pr•afud n« . aad • .. tn• .. nollnltl~ 1 hr.rn t 'umJ••u e your A p J•Itoxlouul•·lv 11lxlv l••ndo•r·" 'in UWII hli'"J<IIrf'hll'lllll with th .. --~..';2!_11 1~1~· 1~·1:1"11 i":"'" ;,llo•tlflr•l llw lllantlarol uf tJf'a~ly ... 1"-~. 'lntiiJC'•• I '"tnt y ' '"on.-11 Amrrtr"n t Ill "l"ilr Amr rio'an \\'f'r kl)'. the . L•·~ttoll "'''".1 111~ Rl ""' ll~trl••r , flllll(a&lnr •lullrlbuled with neal I -''I: I toll l 'toNI 11 h11l I tor ollnrwr I lUll ,..,.,.11 ·11 J A IH A Nl: .. :llY,tl fi:X AM. 1 .. 'rl•llly nl .. •hl a 11tl ·to bi'.JA.'r .JJIIu1•l tN Jo'!R Adv • •· · · ,,.,.,.,.l•·d , I" r fll(hl llll( IOiti"''"IC'" I .,,,. ,,pttUI• w••f11 rtft ,.. ..... , .... '"' lftV· H . . "r"'" " 1o111 whi<'h will m"k•• 11 . OUSEW ~RES t•IUflo'l '" ulolttlll ··vloh•n•· .. Ill sr .. on ' IIII:NTA~- 1 ,.,.,.,. Htut.c fo'lrl' M11r11hRII Wulfr -rt•t W•-re . "'"" t l11• "'ho•dfllo•d lll•t'llk<·r ,.CA "•JII .. "·vacuum CIMnere ............ ~1o1hersills ...... 'WAN T £0 lffUEVES ;.mJHKNl)J_.S._TR ... ESS..__ )'IHEH TRAVEUH6 WANTFD G"tod ... -,a• ... ••;;'JL,t..·.-. fo, r ... h •• ,,, w ,., ,.., Vtte tni• P••t•. <Al•ta . M••• 1tp . - i IIIKAM. II. CUKKEl'. M.D. J E" N ·- I P.y•. P.ar, N•-.,, Thrnat ,..,,..._, w ... ~ ' Pern,an•nt Wav.e , · t1.11 ~ 8hempoo and ,-lng•r-w • .,. . :~q So Mnln Str..,.t I ~~,.~.!A'~:;·~ .......... ~~~ -,,.,...,._.., I t M ..... Alta I Cf I UK. KAU'II .U. 1 , OAUU I Ill~ II. F ... 8TAm..D I l'tlt'MIC:I-'S · Ill' H F.HS . f~"'TP:UI' 1\ Ttl UJ:NTgT ' l'h<on., Ill ., nn •n•w .. r , tall MO I ~ T......,....., NAwport -., r ""'.,.•• Mturfl)' .t'ulllflal ....... Ita liM•• Inn A, ........ ' ----------:---,''t r-----------''----. UR. ('OSUAU IU(;IITY.U J .. F.KOl' 1' . .\Nili':KRON l'hy~rl-~nd ""'I-ATTUKNP:Y ·AT I.AW ·urn-Hl1 !2nlf. !ijf...,t . s ..... , ... ,, fk·•··h u ... ,., 10 11 a."'· a 1·1 p.m. J'h.nn .. .-( ,,;h... 1111 ; RH. 74 -.I Or. c.lurdnn M. Onan•ty l'ltytd<·J•n and Mur~.,.,. N "wpu rt 1\1' ar.ll llh•J" tal 'cwntral """· •t Slnth ornooe lln.:10·1! a.m.;·-· p.m. Trlt~phunfl li'J · I I ( '-'-M-l\allll ~ l"hotMJ •• I (:Oodll M4'aa 1'. V. PAKKF.S wal...hmaltl!t . ,.,_... ,......,.... :lf02 On·nn Fmnt. Nnrport F.•Pflrl Hwt• Watdl .......... Uota PlaUq F.yfl Cll-..,...,.. "' AJ.t.. W<JilK GUARA.NTEia> ~.~----------~----------~ \ R0\''8 BARBER SHOP , : ~ Formerly-at Jlal.b.9a bland !'COW l.n«:a~ at- tOIIIel"~ PlaM 1 [. Near 1'\f!r F:ntrance. Ne1irport. &act.' .. ...r: .• ----"-' ·- .. .. . . ·. r .. •' .· . ... ~.:~:.·wPORT BALBOA ~S-'J'DIES. Mew)Mt BMda. Cdfomia. nfl.'RSDAY. APRIL 11. 1941: l l .. --~----~~~---------------~----------~ :;;..,_.~ ....... -~~ .. .;eoaoNA . .D.EL-.MAil .. --~·· ~ .. -. .., ... -THE -~~,~~---·-~---BALBOA ~tsLAND UDO ISLE · Har~r Girl Mariners to Formally Launch Landship "Vat"quero~ In llites -t'onnar lawtchmh Saturday of 1 ;,,II llt~m•·r I ~•rllth) l'uoW.,: ~ the lumbhtp. ''\'loi'~Ul'IO." for It• ,, 1 ~••1<1 J', ~~) Smtih \'u..:u••·• BALBOA (Betty Dodge .•• Phones 12 aDd 13) ;;;;...;=:;:;;;;;::;;::;;;; _____ __,;;;._-:-----:------r:,.........;;__ _____ __;.. -----=---- 1 Alice ·Shannon Becomes Bride of San Be~na~dino Man Easter S~nday ·-------~--- Floral Anan•eme•ta Shown Newport E~ll Members .. . (' .. t••r!ul "''' lng eo,...__ a n d • '·' r. t.: ...... "rrlfnj(t-mf'nla ot n ()o\\ J-:.'l•t••r"brJtiP ;/nd s::romn. Mr ;mel ''II I 1.: ,..,111 4\l'h :\lr• )lu,uH' :\I~Ku·, .. .,,,. m:tk tn;.: n;o\\ hlut• ;u•('<''"Ort••:; and WQrt' a . th<'IJ' hunlt' Ill Tt'IOJIH tht• \\l•(•k r .. r... \\ 1' .! ,. , . .If•' • Nt>wflort -tftlrb<•r Gu·l M aTIJW.tlo Alkln."lll ;tlld l l\olul~t~ Smath ')\'" -----~-eftlllr.-t.-toh~ COIIVCIIlJ.pn 1ll Ot'\\ ·~~ whu ·"' -l"<'n 'l\tflt4-·lho· ')uulb!'ffi 9h·~n··L:_t~~-llll' ~ ,.,., ~ •''' ~ fomla G1rl Scout Sk'IJJI"'' ~ "">-4'' · !\l tll.o Fluok i,!il•l !\t ••J:·•i:Tl\• k o11l • u.ade and dlap&aJeel · by : :m '!_O,h_ ..!.h•:i!' ~'.!.~~~11.:. Sund.r~ tn ,:1 :.1. ·•1•'. "lw .'~ \':·II _k:-ao wn tho• t:phf'OIJI;Il C'IHII'''flnl t h•• :'\to ....... fh ( 'o•>:r \1•";1 1'1"'1'1\'t•d •.IIIJ,liOl' t'OI· ( i I I J r . . I • . ..-.... .... .. • dation to ho· ho'lll vn lliolho<t l'-land \I a-~ S tam ... •n ''"'' .\lr-.\lo-r rail Will kh·Jl tht' local .\ta nn••nt and '"H ;d-.. l.tk• '!·•" an th• • "' ur rha1'1ottt"l P'lo•.. - .,:h'•l' 111 today'll me«Jq ot th .. ' ="''" l"•tl B• a• b f:bf'IJ Chab. T~.~ ~ah 1n S ant;-o ,\m '11w !"'!~•· j, I·-~<' ·(lho"I~JL.in SAntA Ana v.'hf're • th•· fo wmo•r Ahn • Sh·mn11n. d.rm:h· ~h·· "a~ a popular mo•mher of thctr SktJ•I"'~ .\11'-' (1;ouo• Sttm· m••ll\ , son und .'ott-,.. Lila .\t. rntt '""~ ,\it•·t th• 1""' d I' •• ,.J .·· r• • or "" I("" ...-.. r .. gi'V<.'D to ,.embf'r· t t-:t .. ·tt " h !' wen: c:11aaee a ~ rn• •l•·l11 Tulips. v ult-U, a.tbiri'4Jil '"" Rn•l ltlar were lnchlded m ho· I• ''"1""1 a·r:! ~~~!.Y· r .. r of rlf.. lt.t~ mund Shu nrtnn• .. r Alph:t Rhf! T~u. art society, and (:Ct•ta :\1··-a Tiw hrtd•·.:rnom '' a wa ... l)l't•:.JI'trnt of Plloteers service form••r n •,jcJ, nl nf San' ll•·r n:rr· ,.,.,,, 'I•·' h t·'· ·1111 1:-<'!!IJihJ~I'd a~~ thts Wl't•k •nfiorJil:d 11••111 "oil ,,.. ,, ..... , \o·cl lur tltnn. 1\ ch<'ml~l in Trona. Thr laundunh ,., ~t·mun~t·~ Yo til ~t!lt:tnt.: "' ··h,,;,., •. ,. ola"'"'''"n ;,, be nhoanl thf• fam..:U. ..chovJt••• · 11 ll'k•" m huloh~o· ... ''"'' tnfotma· "J..<•ttt\'.r {IJ'Mtn" ell '.! .1• Ill . Sill' !loon Jo•a.;.u ohn~ tlt.•ht-lury .,f '"' untay, Apql 19 ·n1" "'!II run~"'.'""'·'"'~~' -.ulm · \• "'I :I""· of fomutl shtp " ••I rquo•ll•• for J • .. ra"n " -bouryimh ~htp. r.~·o·t\'tn.; hlll'"'"· IIWHrdmg harlg··~ 11n1l "htp'~ JlaJlf'~. Et~tht tn,tall~'<l Mnrmh :o. \uU Jl<Jr- ltf'IJ>IIIt • tn th•· o'\'o•nl t!lduchns:: Ell' a nut C'r.M"kf'r. Mar )Or~<· Jlf'lm ... :f-t.;·? -YUDOI PLAJI'S NIW IOMANTIC PATTIIN ••• ,,,.., w.,, .. ( un\t·utiutt ~l l'-llo-mt••ll .r ;~ll··ro u( J..,. ,\11• ..:.-1•·"· l'hall rnan. "til I" ··•1·t.· "' •·r 1 h•• c•unft'r<'nl'r' "llll'h "til I ak•: pl;u'f• un !'aturd.r) Jrnrl S unrla\ Ill th•· hnme of ~tr... .. Clatr.• ltu~··r ' :\:!I Apt•l,.na St n~·t . Balhna hl:tnd o pc•n un Saturrla)lo a hll'in•·" • m·~·ltnl( in th•·· muru1na.: f.,llu't'•·ol h\ '-ilthn~ nn ;-.:,." J•ll I ~~~~ ,\(!o•r th •. l,tun.·t:un~ ••f 1h... \'.-••·•tu•·rn ~kiJ'I~r< \A.'Ill ..... I· .... , hi iHI ,., ... ,. ma.: h:rnqu.-t ll!)ll• proo.:ram Sunol ·~. 1 .\t,Jrtn,.~· So•a l.tfo• ~IIIII~ "til .Ito• rle-..c-.U''"ft Hruf Ul th•· aflt•r~n.., .. n th•· 1JWTI1 nffjmTTn for n aua' •all tnJ.: IICII\'il }'. l\fr... llc•nr~o·tt.J i\M•·n nf 1 ........ Aw t•:·l··-.\1•---t-:1111 ..... J'll'kfl•ll uf J ... •nt.: n.-ar h f n r m f' r I y or' :"f'IA'J!Ort lfarhur llntun ilta.:h !'J'hool. n:.ir•' Jtoh'''"" of lk•vt·rl) lltll' anti Mi .. ~ • Slllll~tJn ('OiliiH'I'I', tho• com o•nlioJn ~~~~~~~~ pruo.:ram N>lllllllll•~· W•les Of__. ~l oll F K ' Reinbold ef ;w-, f-nral. Halbna Jal&nd, entnt..lnh l · m•·n1·,,.., ~ .,f Mle Book 8ecticm <4 :\tr:' ~harlnnn·, ·J,:IIW!l "·a, ·•I whll" ntHntui....-ttt' ('tWt•n•ll h~ ;i. nl"' \'o•tl "htdt f,•ll (runt a n """" ·-,.f oran~:o· IJlth•om• llo•r• 'Ill u.!11. ~qu .. t y.·al! of whitt' carnations ;rnd whtto• orrhub llo•r falht•r g:l\·,. ht•r aw:ty in n1arna . ..:•·· Th•· :\ti,,,.,.s J.u,.lint• and \\'inifn~l Shannon. ~t•tl'rS of thf' hnrlr'. ;;n<l ;\It's :";at11n•• Taylor w.·n • hnll•·'· m;-ott1' J:('l\\'nl'<l in yl'llow ''lk m:.r· qui,l'lll'. 1lwtr hats wr n • of tiny crs l'r•·~tun ··.,~t.-r ult . .,....n nw,.,.__lrst uf no·w booka. "My N a m f' ~l•r In thf" 'harbor dl!otrirt .,.,... Ia h1 A.ram" by Wllliam ear.,.. and RtNI' .. t AnicJea .dainl) no~"!:~'~~· o f \'ioll'l hiQ.~snms. lht' I.Jcl" Thfat ,,.·~ !Ound"(' att ,..,.. t h<· "\\lu t .. 1 '!Iff" w~re two 11oo1u1 Rf·~l man w11s Woodrow Moor" u .. 11 "Th•• lu.omd l'l•·" Kl<-hard Uh <!1 .. ua...-•1 In late ~ ttw for Joint sale Cardca of Onklanrl. hroth<•r of thl" brid••· and .lat·k I"'""'·~ , .. u .. "",.."'" ...... ' hol'tf'llll llt-rvf'd ~a to ~ 1 g room. ;mel u~h"~ wrrl' l 'pton Uun \\ ""'" al"'' •tar. ( lh,. "'""" ~l .. !!<lam"" <: L. :n-. cMII:aan. Rum~.. i.• s:tlll '!l'Uitf'd by :-~u..ntt-a-;:;-;Jaboratc floral' PNt. Rnhf•rt ~fnnrl" anl1 Thnm:t!t 1~ "('""'"~ .. •n r•.-ltln.: ~'"'~ uf =-' \\' t:llh k~ard, R.alpb ltclldel). welfare coaunit~. ot tlM-Srw-a rar.,.,,•r.wr.:s JWedomlnat~ll t b ~ J\for~r>. tlw_c·urro•nt ,. .. r._t~ 'al..o• f,.alur ·d. l'l··nr,· \'au hn. J ohn Pane, K -~rt U..acb Y.bt-!1 -<,ub and X~· • t:m~t f~ lhr g .'a t~a.at whlrh H.o-<'t'P''"" I""'"'" "';n· p:1tc! :·:· I. latt•·t f'On. Jot . A. Abbott. 1[. V port Beach Gt a.rnmar Scbool ):r• Jam~ lrYlnt' .-ntertaioed .tr'nl Mt• Jtoii"'Wt PI IRI" r...ccpUOn Comincr f~\·ents 1·1 Ill ltnnald McCallum ... WUI-P T .A.Q .. tiM-y ~~ for UwH-,,_ ... y aftt nll ..... n at Sa.n JO&qUln ,..h;rH' fnlh"'"'l Jill' ,.,.,. !'Hill \' I•Y ,.,. a•. Ktll~,.n· l.f ra Hal W''' ~... .. ..a. ual -·-._,nn HI'.•'''"" \\ht• l .. t il• .• d an r "In\\"~ • ..t. '· • -_._.. wm..-ann rumm.acr .....-to bt f anc.bo '! 1'1.. a ft••lr attr u.hng ••• .. In llarhor ·"rea "Ill "~" h~r bome MaX.. 13 to he-ld Saturda)'. A9f"IJ 2l5 011 ~ n rn -::AJ ~· fr n!". all p tr18 nf ... :., -~ .r· nf th·· C'hllrt'lt Fo•llo"· FRIDAY. APRIL 1S--m .. ll.bt-,. of the «roup. Slut"t .. s-·p urt Brac-b • raa~ .. t 't>U:.ty v·:u a pro·hr.unar~ •nt;,_ th ' r-·: d:rr•,r a• ,., •l""fl<Ht~ nf • Thn·o· 1' a) ~1.11 an.-r :O:ktJ'; •· CO!!!ra<:t L...-. \ Mn E Y.. Br•udtDoc F.bt'll w ri-• .~n· :., th" onnual n""'er ahow ruttin:: I hi" w rdtlin1: c·ako• 'unfa-. n •·. I''"~"" l~lan•.t • Th/• briolgt• ~lion Of Newport far~ chalrmll1l. and Mra. C K t .. bt ~-~1·1 Jun .. ~-7 '!ir ol I' n rnupll' "1•-d aw;l\ few a •ho•·t .,_ .. ~h....,.._·JJ --·'TI m·a:.. Tboo•-"-r·-'---p T & _.._,___ • h"'n~,·-·~n "" ('ataht':O Jo,l;on:l. , ·,,..,, ~~ ~.t Ftrola~· Afl••t'tl"''" ncac ,.,.,... -• '"" --Y· •~•. ""'· t.~. -.--~ •• ..-.,.....ti<_,.. .w 1th t''" rnunt.v fatr •· '' ·~· \ 1 ·•• t t: 1 ...... __ -• • Thl" ·n··w Mr.<. Moorf' wa~ ;;II irl'<l IHIIIU:O! 11 1\('f ':O I y bar IIU#'( li J(l • Jlfl *-• In ,f' (' U --. 9 that mQh-ruDllll&f/:f' Ul ~ fey an.l t ~· •ha•• >'l••:1:1<.tlrol by tho• l'-1y;--nm1Tt7'iT1" --.,.-.m ~ .. piA·~ ..-d-ft'--itrilt ~r'• _.... a c-banty ~ Ot:ua,;.-C<.oUnl) t'hlpl~'r · uf th<' Mra. 'Loia Thornpton l'u H~<t \'<'h·rnn" of Fun·•~ ••·"···J•I:oym~; lrutrucUorw'7Mn ,.hkb ~ pm t•c.-a J'f'llr .,-~~ Lraf:tw Date h Set for Named Head Of \\'a rs """' ~·· ..... l.A'J:IOil It a ll " J \\' l!o>r lllf' of Ful~rtoa.. • ,.,.. two JII'VIII"'I*'nt orcar.uatiO~· ,.,. I " IIW' w a" -~Uitf'd In 1, m Th~ •'ho wlll call for f"UIDJDal:.. r:-r..-.. t>n!': r-•~".t• b\· · m,.mf>--re of Til••!'. "'""' hut i I' ·rn . • •lf'l }.Jar an•. :Wra t". L.~ TU-. t..acu.-by )lra U uy..J <:hf'nowf'th Barbra Rogen, How~rd Coe Nuptial• I~~!~~~;~=~~@~ V.f.W. Auxiliary :'l;o•WJ"''' B•·a• h 114•Y s ,. "ut Women' a Relief Corp. a~ Mr11. Harry Wt-11l<"'"'· Cut-• thf' s nta Ana l."hapter ut t h<' I Mnt Lola Thnmpt•nn 'of • '""'" ·1·11,.ta ~It·", l-11·~· ~ ""' Truup_ Obaene llurteentJa Balboa I !!&and aree. :Wr-. (' K A:.. ,... t hf' r•• ~ •:mto: IJnP -h um ,,•h•:""{·~:~atll ;~::r'::ll r:;"'d;~:~l;~ ,. ..... , hall 7 ,. Ill Anniveisa-Da~ l .. n...t. &Jbc.-s' a..... and ""' s .... l"of't Har~ ..... r. ~Irs Koh. \\' h I.. {":1flll'nt~Q IOto''l'lll•··' ~ ·~ • ~ ., • ;-.:,." Jte>rl llarbur At "lo'l" t ·iar "~ f:h7.abKh H~•.. X~ Br8tb ..-1 J: ,....,.., .ba nn.a.n of the Nt'Y.'· formPr , lRI<I<'llal•,. Jl) r•rt'tl\' af I Wara Auxiliary l-'rtolav f'Y<'ntnK 01va+. j 1, 111 . h1jWI schuot a;~m &rf'&.' J'Wt N~bor ..\ut...tan<r Ll'ai(Ut' fArr In thl' Cf'orl!l' RuJ:rrl< H<llbo, rf'J'IIArlnK Mr11 ~ll?WI ftrst prf'lll· SATURDAY, APRIL t9-A m 1 •I " jtalaxy 011 ~ Ru:nma~~ o:l.lly aiM bt' l,ft b!an• t! ao.l l'·a W1:11frNI 'I'OUnJ(. ll!l;tnd hnll'P F'ridR\' 1'\'l'nlnt:: "'""" d~l'll uf th<' Yf'llr olol ~troup l'o·w po 1, Harl~·r IHtllru I F I<JW· d•·•· .. rat•~o1u< f fty-two «Ue.U Q)d "·'h. Mf.roda.r.-.. 11 t: J: I:J<ludan<,( t:brll ~tardrn S<'f'tlon rhairm:~n C'hH~I'n h\' M ill~ Barhrn Hlljrl'rs t" I Th~ t-IM'tlnn tnok i•lar e i n lhl' •·r Shuw. 1111-d ay. :" .. wpo~r1 llo•!u h :o•<·rr•l...-r" ,f lhf' \Vomen'a Relief J I' "'1l110n. ';.-,or,: .. C-kl&D Earl J.:r• •; t.. n n l 'h.·..,.•·man. C'H•Inty an•H•unr.• hf'r w!'.J<Iin•~ olat,. ~~~ I Co.ta Mel!ll ~lODD liall ~lth )tnt J(t:<n.~ ..._ • .......,, auilltvnum -~ o1 CcJI!t.a J.ltaa eel~ ~:n;-n-.v . J P \\'tii'Oft and M .... p :<!-n C'balrmlul •·11s :\!1 hnnorc>d Jun·· 1!\ who•n ~h<' ,will I'XI'hanl{!' (1111 p~aldlnlt Wr1h Mr• Thomf•· :"•·wpurt llsri,.Jt G1rl )le tnu_ -th .. tr 13t h btr1hday lo the eoc:hl l.Ja Sea,t~mrrom A~ • ...._.,~ vo...,..\»>1th Uow;;nl ('Of' ,.f ('n.~l" :1101\ all offir~r~ arl' ~Int. l.tlr lllf' taunc·hml( ~<htJ' J..utt f• l'at!o>•n "" hall "' l hf' Community Claun:h. rum~e d'l\'" an' any ~ AttOCllo!' t:~'t.• •ttf'nolu:h frnm )ft'•ll S1 A WID •'~995 I Oodo.l. fir~ vtCf'•J'IIf'l!toll'nt: Mn1 1· a.~l Hrl(hY.a~ 'l I' m \\·,.,101.,..1,.y f'\'f'ning. ltPJllll?l. k .t c bf'e utftUiliS ....S ilo'"" ,.-.-·r :\!-1.'1· <'!I :'uA:tn :.: :.·-~10 R"J,:I'r~ 'lnr mn•hl twr <'n · -·, e --·· ' l M innit &yd. "':rontl \'ire-prf'll : . C'ookt>ol fon•l ~<all'. lll"•n·.ur•·ol hy • Prumm• nl Orangt-County &Dd tmlall fuutt.m:n,a f ':Uth .. rf• ~·I Jl ~Tilnet: t:towltrd "ll ~"n.•·nt 1• t" hu•t ,:,.~r at . R -~·.:;::..:;::... ._ _.. _drnt : M ,.,.. F.lla < onrl\d, ~t'JI\ry~~.Ju111,..,_ \\'<~nl+'n·~-t 'lub. 141 1t m.. :-:anti\ "'a ~of wMI'f'OUJM -, ~er. :-A M~)t'r, l (, tim•· 1~:n11•ar a•fnir iJl. h r r pnn•nt11 -· ..,....,. ........... Mra. Irene C'llrla.,n. tn·•umrf'r and c'uJO\:t Mo·aa • ...JU.rc .preJICil1. aL~attair-~la-S.Ciaool .P •• TA , turL...l:. ~~!Xl[_C. 1J.clnz J<~l!l(•r, ~ F O!....t.:.L ,.\·•nin)l''K oll\'rrs"n ~.::.":.:!'.:..' '*::.::.... I ifni RIUrplrrhaplaTn Cftalr· SUJ'iioAY • .APRIL-20-h .. n .. ro·d nnw ~t prf'tl6daiU. ln· It It ="141!m<')~"'· Harry. \\<•li!lt. )l'uo ~ts j .. tnt•ol rn plrw 1ng hnotif'--J-.,.. .,._ ".. , ma.n10hlp11 "'Ill bf' fill"" by "l"l"'lnt· Ora l\~ I' At<.lt' t-'atr 811•1 Tt•a . d udlll!: ~kt~tlames H . B. Mt·. To Jaduct 1941 1: t-: ~hn••t VtC'tor l;rac-f' )1 1 .~ Jln•t• Thom:'-""n f•'<·f'h·ing ,_. ..,. • ....._ _,, I mrnt of lhf'' J'N'IIidf'nt at 11 lalf'r l'rdtll~•l•,. lt•~•.t t'lubh .. u.lll'. all· Murttv 1 • ., a r 1 Brown f'lllwbf' Of·f:...-In Rita r....n. \\'a.llatt'. k 1'. Tlllo<l!On. <' hi)l'h awa rd RIIICTOIT.... dat~. . day. ·~!ortt~f'r t-:tta Tead. J~a Qark. -..-.. \\' ""I'TUII"' Gt'orgf' J \\'heat Alt t>•'llltn.: '\'f'rt-M I' !l ol a m "" S... s-a..t 1 ln11l~lton w ill 1)1' ~on<.lurt.-d I r-;.-...-p .. rt llarbor l)llltnt'l l-10\A·-Ah· 1 a 1 Jllt•r. h ·a Coe. Maud.-\\'in1tn-d Youn~t. H B Mc)turtry. f)(lrolhv Ho101n nf I P I< An)l't>IP~ .............. Ftlday enntn~~:. AJlrll 2.• o•r Show. all·•lay. :".-wport l~ach Jo~~eph ar.d Blanche Kuja-. Offkf'n Of Ow> S_..,ort liar-W G "'alllf'r. Georgt-Gantner. Mnnly;1 HRiflt>y. M R xI n I' t;ut-...... , 25c \ .. "'..,,;,., . ..,_ L ._.a.., • ., ~··ammur ~~<'hnul audtluuum 1 · .. nt~nnJ( tht' head table waa '-' Unklrt H!Ct ~ P TA \\'. B. )l~llott. L H. :"onnan. Paul ridg-r. Myrtll' ~llintt. M i 1 <I r., d ..... ~~ ef ~ F H Aldnc·h t<hf'll DIUIM'Um. a lalltf' C'alto• <Wcorated wtt1t ~ wttt be ~ lflo a!r~ --.:1 ~-...,..._r 0..1 ~tf'tn. Gunoln.-:But· H~bel llrcl tht' M i !! 8 t' t< Doris VAN DEUS EN'S 1 •-Bay llllllnd. • J'f'n Z p m. to !) p m ,..,..•bud• an d t b.. IDacrtptiaa. 1 'TUNday "'~ 1 n tJw II l r; b ~: 0 t 1 s \\ eatherwax. itrrwln Thomp~~on a.nd Jane Hager. •~1WEL4..Y I ••' .. ~•·· ~-·ao.Ae,.,;..,lcM~.,' ~... MONOAY, APRIL 21-"U·pry Htrthtlay" Bowt. ot red. .-bon! nat...tf'ria br Mra.-0 Z. t .... ~ •a~nn (~Hm'<n. C.' W. Mi~<l! RnJ:t''l! JrraduntPd fr llm ~ A -,:::__ ="•'WJ)olr\ l14·a• h _t:bt-11 A[111 a :lsl t ... -h1t,. suf<f , bhw' flo•·..-. ~ lRob«'t1llOfl. p:urt ~t 1-'l·r:~ Hnbf' t ("hurr hman. ~~ J l"t-wpor1 H arbor t'mon Hl~h ..._: Newpwt ,..... I 'nifls ,... """ 111 a m . t:bt-11 , nut lh· 1 ulnr. ll<'ht-mt' aa ctid tall Jcl!t"U~ m.-mt.-1-• .,n dKio-1.1> If!• t.-rl.-r L R !'lmallf'y. Rll'hl\rtl Schnnl qnrt attmrl<"d l'4Rnt:t-A~:~a Ml S . Mal• 8t . 8ANTA''ASA • hthl~t· • . ~ '! ta'Jlf''" rn Uw cPntA>r ot all Uw Mn t: ~ l'lxnn pr-.ot•iM1t. )lr• t; t••nn· an. I :\ll111< Alrrf' Plumn Juntor ('ollr~:c ,,b,,r·r 1<hl' \\'1!' flf'· t.M.ona Qt ... a at H-of Pvpll · • .~ If O..tred • . :-.;,."'1"'' I lto-.u·h J: r a m rna r t.al.Jf·11 • • W. H' )da.x•·f'll ,.,, •··pr~n· li\'f' in m111ly r luh f'\'l'nl~<. i'hP ·I~ It's ' As Ne.w As_ The-Morning Sun! -First Time Sold In Any Restaurant! CHICKEN EN W~FFLES Qne-~n.jointcd Fried Chicken_-('n•:tm \\'afnt~ Sh<>N't ring l'otatO<'s ~oe: .. ,..h••·• :·T '. krn•h·rJ:ar1··n :.: :w nur-uf-t""" ~""'" JntroduOed Mra J.-r .. <1 Ashma: Nc-r...tAn JiAIW._ G. RobJOSOD r •m b~· U.c l'rdUU~l. ~(fl. lllilacllllot. M~ Clydf' Oc~.. , .. ·r~!mr: now 810'<N'1Rit>•l wtlh a cln•Jil< .-hop tn ~ant a Ana. Hf r f i,ID<;C atl••n•h·d !IOI'WJ'MI HRrbnr H lgh-itt-tlonl anti 110 r.nw "111;1 t hf'. ~an Uw~n J.l:.r- tn~ ('orpll l .t~ht ~-: .... 1 .. ,,. :-:'1"""~ :-:.h .... , ""J'"a "··r .. ~''" :w~ caJd. ~n )lr·· t.,.ct • ., l •b .. t t J Ja#k London's Clasl< part~ i :Ill I' n. t:Jmort' Wt'll prr!O•tif'nl of th .. Ranta Aaa, trf"uurc-r .,,~ t;unnmJt lkltWr' n. '- llll)'.II'IJ httmr llil7 East n ·ntral Ht>lt·: t '"'l'" and :\I ra. Eaelkl p&rl·an;.-·tanan ,_,r,. l{.a)o· Onrn•· ~--111~Jr Balboa c:ra~· •·mnthrr" fu!' al) Ora~. toe. h llfto)i"n a -11 ICtr~~ W bJt... ~d YMI C'o!lta ~1··~'' J .. ·lo:t"n 1 ',.~1. L•·h t 'nur t~· c·,,.,.., ·rwo'l"" mem_.. lle('k,audltnr rnn hall ,. r m. "'""" pr.-nt frnn}-th~ couotyl 8pC"altf'r .. ( th ........ :-In~ •ill flf' TUESDAY. APRIL.:l2-,..at '"'1'" '~ TTlni of t "A' ,....hoot fan JitY :"o•wpurt IIHrb-•r l 'ntotn lltj.: h lla rulol \\'llj.:ht uf n .. ta M-wbo· 'lll'lll n;pla.tn tho-r~,.,~l ~·h·~•l l'TA 7JH P m \'a.l<'· furnu•tw.lth" mHJ<r<at 'po•r11oe of YOC&ho.,al t ratnln::Jr•-rran:t••.,.. l•·r a lh•• f'!>•J,:ram "h•-n hr playf'd a ' Jaunclwod nrxt ,-.. ar ~,.._ Hri.t.:l'lt•·~ \AJt!l ~lr11 lt .t rry ~a"a1•h1•n• ,..,,,. "lnJftn Lov ~ Uon 011 m a•hrn .. ··h<'l• w•..-~l ~'f' liltk•·r. A lrrul~··· 7:30 p. m C all-. and &«rlcultural •'"'"'~ Win 1w I ·,.,.Ia :\lo•~t;r F11d;;y I 'luh Arts .-.o.'D. und ('rail~ l't•• t1ull 11 a. nt . • tuh ,_ _ _..,...., OQJ( II ="•'" 1'"' t t1.1rhur Lt,.n:o I 'I u b . •·•"•n. KaHw·r t ·aft~ M ll~n·•y hall btal )'._LA =""na •:r:o~l "'"'lt-~n. ... _--...........,... ,.._ ---~ i:....u.co. ~ tht-pt"')l'ran. •:ld!th rr.t.!"' =""" ~~·rt l11tr .... ,. 1\"t•or~· \ 'hth •• :111 1' rn \\ htlt··,. l'nrk .\ "''""' '··af•· NEWPORT IDCJII,.b.tt:ra Of tb.t· ~ t \t. , ... •:1. J-1.,.-., t. Cramnbr ~h<••l :•· ! 41J"'t .. )'•~ Elt'mf'r tary ~ hi••l v.tll I~ r- ed lltf'llt• u( till' "'''"llln£' -~ 8f'a W olf". lltarrtn~ t:d. wartf r. RnblnlWln. Ida l.•ll'tnn . 1r .. ! .J ro h n f ;:lrtif'ltl ~ • Jl ,, .. ('n .. t:.-.lul..-.1 :\ll tb .. r~-.turf' etrr" . t -at tM 1. olu Tht'alrf' T h r Corona def Mar Reaidenta .Vacation At San Francisco llr•·! • ..-t l•lfl o!!r ... t .. .t ll\' ~ ... lt:Jo I ~~~~~ Mnq:~rd !'l'harlr \\'Ill: hr r C'\Jr•u J4 """ of \\'a rJlr r l~ru~ . mot hr r . ll! !'~ A. :\1 !';o·ha-h• hnt h t tit•"'"' •·f th .. ~' .. ar "' C'orw·11 olt'l M a ' If tta11 b-,.n JIL:t&•l :'•"v•~ al ~:r:t•·;o. f rc •nl lu( ul mu~ f'nl :tc l i\'ali··~ thu·. Uat 1! .Ja....k 1....uu1t.M' _lw 1 \\ nt· _ tnj! 1-: ·~l•·r \\'f'"k wtwn lhl'y dro''" t~r ·Tho· ~,. , \\'nlf'' t·.,, •t·;. t.. H"rk••l• ,. wh<'rl' tlll'\' ... I' r fne-~-t;.d_fS Ldt• r h~ y..-.·.•.t h R\f' ~1H"~t.'~ nf ttrof•'toe!'f•r nnd ~trs A l\':t t ·•~n 1• f u.J~.r•t ,,f t.a\'snJ: t--1~ t"\'f'll' H Pa\·t~· • •~·· m....,_-,.,~ F':tl'!. rtor•lll'll"tJ:<' .. ,......., ft~l P"'-lurL*-fUt' ~ har:t<'·. 1n 1 h•• hurn•· n f :t t• r ~lt••n_• m "y •"pia n t h ~ lOfT•· ~: .... ..., .. •:•a. e:aa ... a Tu. , .. \IAT". fltol. A ...... l :tll .._11ft -T..,.SO·IIrt•WI Aft ....... __ .-E_.,. ...... ·emY---·WMI c.m.l ...... IIU ·IU-_..,. _ __.. ........ -"-............... p,0 d.ud by CI.IFF 1£10. Olo•cled b Y J/OC.K HIVtLY. ·sc, ... pier br k rt G•• ... (.'attoon , Sr•n !Oun • ''"n.·TIIf'10., Attril 20·!1·2! tlU fl \RU UIX ' rRt:~TOS t'O!i4Tt:R I'ATRU'IA ~nRRCSOS boN WILMO~ FLAMING HEARTS ••• Blazinc Guns ••• A nouianil Thrills! ~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~ .. --------------- SJHTS FRIDAY, IPIIL 18th TREND 0' FASHION .. 210-ANftiVRESARY SA -.LE! H..,...,.. of D.BES$ES a-art :Sew SLACK SUITS SKIRTS-$1.69 $1.49 $1.99 $2.99 $1.79 -$2.99 -$3.99 SILK HOSE -50t" PRINTED SHIRTS . 50c- 69<-Rayon Cr~pe -& ~a tin SIJPS 'lREID 0' FASHION • . I • • - · NEXT ro NEl\'BI;R&\'8. ' . r . 215 E. 4th St. · S~N'fA ANA Federated Group t •h~·· ,. ,,,, •: ttf 1 h·· ( ··~· t ~1·•.!il:t ... F ra Ia..-,\ftt'f'Tlo><•n l'hth !' l\\•·ntt.-lh ,·,·ar ., .... a I' t tt tl{ nh ... t1tfurni'1 F···t•·tat••·n ,,f \\'••s:nt>n ~ t 'hlt. .. ",) t h•·•· • r L.: '"" t11t'11 ~r\'• r:tl ~r.lr• l't •'\'1••11~ '' tlT l ,. tn 1 h•• (, •n•t ,,f an ··lah •,·at•· hp:•qtll't Fn day ,.,., ... ,n..:: .t1 •• :t.• p nt tn tiH'' r 1 lu lthou~r • ;.-•nt(l f"\ \tp •{:an r r-'flltnt•nt ,_,.,.:;; ;\ n.:··t .. ~ 1· t ttu • r ,..tiac-attl1" "n t! "n t. r "111 h. t h.· )l"U<'~I ,.,~akf'r Tht 'nlll~~~ tl · P•'tt ,.,... •'f thr pr•t. J:':trn \\Ill lw fllt'tll~ht'ol "" Brr · n •rd 1:• .. k')'"wt "'''hn•~• a n.t In · situ• :nr a I ':-o;""l"'r1 II a r h 11 r l 'nt••n hl):h ~· ho•nl """ :"<'wf><>rl . ·1 1(-a._h <:m m m a r i'.-hooll • ~lr,. t ;unnlng HtrtiPr I 9 4 l pr··~<itlrnt w1ll I~ ,...q 1•'•1 rtl t h~ h<'li•l t11bl1'. rr··~rolt~.: '''"' thr ollr.nl'r hour l'a~t r···~ ·lrnb "'"' l'tl',..,nl "fflo'f'J ~ wall h•lfllo•~,. lh•· 1'\'f'nt whtt'h r r(ltr.L'l<'ll to bf' olbc h'J:J:• ~~ :JffaJT lht~ Y~"r fllr l-'tt· ~!R~· cluh nu•mh<-r~ "llll'l'l'tnj;~ nf Mar hlnf'ry · · •·r11 h.• I h<' .1•'1'"' llf )fr !\lnr~ tn·~ a.l- rlr.-~!1 fotlmldnJt mu~tr b ~ ,., r • H,,.·kw'""l "''•·ompanl<'•l Ill t h <' I''""'' hy Mr• n ... ·k~·,,.,., )h ~ 1 ;t.-nn t 'hri'!O('man 111 tn !'h&rjtf' uf J',..,'~rl\m arrMfit~l1lf'lll!l COUPLE WED <' M tu ~tar)ory MC'("lsry. ,lau,.-h. t~r of Mr a nd Mr~ A ~ )It' · C"lary nf Anaht'im. · formt-rly • ot CC>IIt.& w .. aa ~lll'hRngl'>l ''"" ~ With f:d~-erd '\'llndf'nburJt. Arnl IJ. tn the Capllla tit• San Antom&· <'hape-t · nt-ar Anahf'lm Onlv C'll'l'<' rrl.-n.t. and rf'latl\·n of th~ b ttll' ll tlc-nd.' fd thf' rf'remony Th~ ··ouplf' w11l mAll~ thf'lr home In thf'. inland -I Sf'Wpnrt BMw-h. ('allfnraia Ph01t.-I !\110 ('oati•UOIJ8 M,.ti!M'f' t:vf'~ Metel'll•~ and Sunda~ P opular Admi-H>11 l'riN>to :;,.. until :. 1~. "· t 'Kt:ut:RU' "\IU II. \1 \KI; \Rt:T !01 1.1. \\ \~ I'K \ '( t:~ Ut:E 'So· Ends Our ~ight' ----. '"' -- H nat ~~ •. t:t:"!.:KT "~h't't Thf' ('hump" ' I.Aua:h Rlt>t :. r • • T'...,.. •• ,... t:Jr.ur• t 'Kt:U \'iT\Uh :. P\t'l.t:TTt: c.unO.-\D In . '!S('(·ond ('horus'' 41 ..... ''Moon On•r HuPnta" IM,RflTit\ 1.\,.nt R I•Rt:sTn' t'U>~Tt:R ·. RURt:RT t-Rt:!'ITON ,_..-...... fl~" ..... . ,~,If '!\'!A.~~·­ TRI" II' 1111\T H•I '\F \0 \fTF" ,_ ('H \RJ.It: ('H \l't." ""'" 0 \hlt: P .-\t't.t;TTJ' c.onrt.-\D ·~ 'The Great ·Ui<1ator' .. - ORANGE COUNTY'S U:.-\DI~G 'IHUT&t:a .. Tfl[ Pl. •C£ TO t;tr . ~s .. er.Pay-Me" IT PA\'lil TO Pl .. \\' WEST COAST ..... T..eMa, (Ap--.1 C 1 Allee Fay.-o..t ,.,__,._. c.~ ....... a'f'\dl.a .- "THAT NIGHT •• •uoo--•--MM ... ,~ .. -0. --·A MAN .ETII&VED- ...... w .. -•r · . • .,.., .. -Ill Ac.-y A·--·-~-Ea£cc:a- -at..-•-~-~ ...... .... L'DDY-;;; THIIEE~ FOX JTUJP.JnO" ....... ....._T __ la.t.. ........ -·c• GJIIL~ -·--~· ,WOU' TAKU A CHANe& .... te T~-,.;::;.... a.,zt...JZ) -.AD MAll-'_,....._ •ADAM HAD FOUR ... r ..... ...._ ~a .. • -n.• -.AT DtCTATOtr -ste.-va "' Ta.- ANAHEIM lroaclway ~.:. = ·~ T~~errQw t5 tt . A p r t ''' .,..a,. Arthur.ROtlif1't Cum'"1nQ,\ ...y,.. DRWIL .. AND MISS JONES" -.at~o- ·-.c>WE,. O IVI! · ·~· Sv"d.ly Apnl ;'G) •• c .. ,,:, •. Dorothy L ,-1our a ~o Hoo,.. ,, -ttOAD TO ZANZIBAR" -.elwo-••ie o·~efl'· P•t~,. Lorr• •ltfL. DISTRICT ATTORNEY" ---~----FOX ,~~~~' .,... ,.,,.,4,.row ~t~or•l U) '·THI: SEA WOLF" -.IlM - LA. VEGAS. NIGHTS" • -.. •• ..,. . Twh t Aor•l 20. :'1. 22) ""TH. GRIAT DICTATO"" -··~. "'THI GRIAT •R NOaODY" ;;;. .; -cA ... , 'ZJ 14. 2~. 1tl -THW DIV!L AI'IID •lSI JONES" ---·~wf:R OIVI" • 900 ·Mon. ,.. ... ..... ...._, T-,....,. a. n. Ill "TIN P411 AU.-r" -'"MVall .............. w ADri.n 15c --... T1lowa. , ...... Zl .... ltl ........ , LOVa* -.... IlL P'IIDtt HAVAIIIA" EIEIY . FIIIAY! FOX A. 'fAit~ ( I'H hnu~·· .. r \\ h" · !\It~~ ~:II··., p , \ ,,. 1 1:< a mr mh•·r Th•· I •av ~· ~ , nt .·rt ·tll1• ol at d i' n<'r a t lh•• Facu't ~· ('luh "" tho· 1· (' • .ur pu~ ht'ld .,n tht"l ''Vt•nul · nrf"• •·•hnc t•u·· !-:• h:.trh ·~ d J•:tl tur , "or tltt· :0:11111 hlan•l BALBOA Theatre ' . . .. ,,,. 1-:nt•·.z;.·t:tuun;•ill Hrii·hi f'\1••1 In the (.',~:,t 'j'adlltn~o: 1 ···n t•·•·· l'rlrf'~: lbr. plfh t a': Studt'nl" ··!:><', 111u~ ta11 : ( 'ltlldrf'n Ilk ., ·ll'·l!l ··--.------.... ---~ ~JelliiCitllllti•UwftC ..... ~­ C,.... • C>ltorih..,. ~ tlO I.A~ "-a .\pril '!!l ·~· .. ,...o ..... r ,., ,.., ....L.--~~n -- CASH 1'\IC.HT S 1 2.~.00 or $.1).00 . .,· ............ ., ,.,.., ........... . ..