HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-05-20 - Newport Balboa News Times--·--··· n ... Fry Thl'r<•'s no doubt thl' S£-c· ond Annual Fbh ·Fry was-.a hu~c succ.'ss. &•\'c'n thousand wC'r<• fro last yt>ar, nE'arly lQ.OOO this t ime. Tha t feat spt>aks fm· it~< .. lf. l\lorc> words wo uld bt.• ~up-·rfluou~.· _.. :· To R4-"''114' There was a notable lack or ne ws jihotographt•rs -at th<• ·ground brl'akin~.: lor tht• Roys' Club building at Costa Mes11 yt>st('rday. but Martha Ell('n F isher ciUlle to the rE'SCUE'. With hC'r ('VC'r rC'ady camE'ra !'hf' r('("Ordrd SC('OI'S Of I hE' cC'rC'mony lor postc>rity. \\'orkrr'!'" Ho wf'\'l'r, o nC' point should be C'mphasiz<'d con('('rning thC' fis h fry. Tha t is thr spirit of ('OOpC'ration ht'IWC'C'n C' a c h rnE'miX'r of thE' nt~l armv or local citizl'ns which stagC'd th<' ('VC'nl. ThC' corps of work('rs includ<'d -rc·pr<''«'nlativl's from ('\'C'I')' Jlilfl or '"" ('II)'. Cosl:1 M C'sa. llunt in~ ton Rt•ach and c•\'t'n a lc•w from El l\tontl' and Burbank TI1at's rNtl co· OJ)('r~tlon .•• West Did It Many peoplt" do not k now that it was through' lhl' ef. forlll of Supervisor Wt'St that Orangf' county WA!I able> t o !K'CUr«' at~ f t'd<'rn l f ood stampR. ThC' m " v «' startC'tl whc>~ ('osta ~IC'<'lllS pt•titiOil('ll the supE'rvisors t o m auguralt' t he plnn and 1t W!UI tue f'f. torta or Mr \\'est that ca~d the Mesans t o ~tpply. Now it StlffiC' . of the st o n •s will get behind lht" mO\'E' it might 'b : lng rr.ore shekt-ls 1nt o theJr emporiums. ,· If. ,. IS$UED BALB.OA . 'es ·~-~. Ja: .... I ....... ' .. SEMI- . ... -£DlTION " WEEKLY \ EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, 'wEST NEWPORT; SEA SHOU COlON~. LIDO· ISLE, NEWPORT fiEJGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA ~ESA · ---~---- -------------. - I· VOLUME 1t:~~IU N~ BEAt.'H, t':\l.lt-'UK~IA, Tl't:8DA\', M .\\' ~0. • ae~t. · a ~ ;, __ -==---. Doge "Invite" -Is Postal · Puzzle Lay corner ·Stone For Boy's Clul:> .. :One That Didn't Get A way ··-fl Three Tons Fisk-Fe-ed .3},800 In· Re·c9rd_Fry ...... :at NeWport...Sunday ~.,....... __ ;~71 ~:Stimatl'CI Jt•Jin t :llloll .11nd ('alhryn t:n•<l~n hafflf' 111ailn11&n Tun~ l'lummo•r 'o\'f'r thf' ....... t~l rr'~eulatlon,. no·t· .... ,...ry tu ... ·nd lltf' .... ,.,.,.,.i~•·" lu\·lt•· · tlun · t•ard w · l'hiJ Harrb for· w... bite HMnf';f'omhi~r l'arty to bf' hr1d 'by tiM-~t'Wport H11rbor .Junior ( 'ha ruho·r nr ( 'ununt•rc•c• t 'rl<lll)', ~Ill)' '!S. •t thr BambOO Room n ('rowd AMI8tant"f' l~ lle•tll'!o Sl~ 8<-roll Bu.ried ee.-th Cornf'r Stonf', %50 ~" Ct-~mon)'. • ( 'omt• to of· 15,000 Nt•wport Har.~r. Southlanden .~or Semnd S('( ·tions of the Newport .Jtar· hor district. fl~aded by mem- bt•l-s of the Newport Harbor Brandt of the Orange County Assi~t an('(' l.RagtK'. wltne8ed tlw lnying of the comer storlt' l\l o nclay a ftNnoon at · Ana- hPirn and Balboa -.tniets. Mt'Sil, marking the s t "rt of t ht' n<'w youth pro- . j4•r t. Boys' Airl , IncorpOrated. 1'1'1'11 ohnJ: nvf'r the ~Y Annual ~j)onsored AKSOCiation; By Newf»>'1 Entire· Rar- S lmttr•rinJ.: tlw Jll't'n'("lt•nl t>staltlisht'(l last y.•ar. an ftltl. matc'CI cTnwcl of l ~l.fiOO III'I'Sons clc•s..'t'llC'k-d upon N..-.,art llad~~ow. "ith ~l.HUU h••lng ,_..,,., .. , a tas t y fn-..• fish dinner f!f·. fit'ic•ntly unci s moo t hi~· ns tlu• n -sult nr t h(• t'OUfM'ratkJn ot tM t•Jitin· llarlwor lll"''ll tn nss is tin..: th•' N t'\\1 1l>i1 HusiorM Men'a 1\-.. .... x ·ia tio n . ~pwtsot-s of th•• n n nu n l t'\'c•nt. H•·a•n•s.•nt irtJ.: •• ,., ... ~. pui·t of the• h arhnr an-n. a vaal ··o q ..-of workc•l'); St't'\'t'(l lo,.thc.' t'IIJCl'l' .lhnlflK thfl'lt" 1~ ol fis h . w h idt "hr•n nlr•tr'll tiJIIII'II tht• .S4.'11ff•s fit :\~ f'Ola'dL 1\m hltMn>cl JWlttrlf'ls lt•ft uvt•t· j w a s pn•s.•nt.-.1 h1 tlu• OntnJ,:t' . \\'11~ ~l i S. )lohl'!l JlOU, p~t ~ uf lh~ lf~rllor As•tstance ~r l~randr who ha11 played 1ft lm·· I)IH IKJJl rolt' in earr yln.!f ou.t thr I • ..... ,_, l'r..-~....,, • .,. · ( 'cnmty llospitnl ll!i n Sfll.tc·lal tr'l•at to 1•ntl••nts ttwn>. "'" lnh k to ··a r·ry II. by H. R. Hrlnltrrh"rr "' Kanta Ana. wiiUe U••ll Tha • lu>r "'. Ma.nta A-..a· t hf' ope.ntur. piAn to "provide J('<·reatlonal op-1 llr ro•', lon ,• lhrt l dhln't Krl •"•) and I'•"' l'n-..W .. nt Ulh .. r C'am p · port u nit ic·s for olt>Mrvlnl t1 o y 1 .,wll ul lht· :\''"I"''' Uu•hot'"" Mrtt'" .-\-N·Iallun, "'•••dine un ruu•t .. r, IIRHISlt'<l by Mr11 Jamea 1~.1 ..... hi". hattct .. full,.,. ho• hi•Jd.,·lhr l,a.l'tet 'flllh aiWI .-.a.. l'~"t r:ai1 ~bcL..&Ad..& ~ Haft ct ...... • htl of trlrumln~: "l!h hi' '>kll1full~· "'•·ldrd ratur. In thr ot Urr Oranl(<' C'ounty Aaailtaa~ I .,_.·kcrt~urul 10rr. t ·r .. nk Kull ?."d Ko•-;t !4hauruon. ·Thr htob, IIM·Idr•tall). 1 ... """w •. I..__ • _...,. .. ,.. J>ll rt ••' lhr fuur lo "" uf ...... 1 .. ~ dfonb.rn" uf thr ...... ,, llaat c~>r'~>montt'll wnM A parade 1 M~>lla ( ;, ammKr &h oot to . t b e , Aanu•l t 1"h t'r~ '•"' ~unda). Qu811tlly Of F'ood l'rucrAm f•lf' thr t<'Wt II"'J •:nurmuuJO CJIIItllllllt·• "' f (I " •I Ill t•haqc .... t w.tt .. r N. ·-pn ,..,.. A<ollf'mhiNt· tly'tfl,. mAny o·nm· · n~M8Irr "'''""""''"'IN. Vk' """....,. l"f'flllf'Mf'lt With thf' fkCOIIc:J ~ 1-Wocretar)' lia.r:n' Wddl. Annwal Nr•·port I!Hrh"r •l•h l''ry thr NrWJtnrt llarhoar (...._....., l'r••JOJolrnl •:10rl I!All. or thf' Nf'W· whic'h "''JM''alrd wllb the N..,...t llualnru llualnru Mf'n'• A-'-Uoa. :.Cou· rt Ba· ttle Over butldtn~ l'lltf'. '""by N~wport Har·l-.• . b"r ~''" fk·outs under Uie llOm·l 0 mHntl. "' Sk l'l~r Harry Oarta.r.j · Tab&M TuriN'Jd ( Jt ho•r Hf(JO'('r~ Wt'rf' Captain Con· ver $100 Weekly 7 -Day PaY Brive Ama lC'Ur l,!llotographC'r llal ·Buen·a ~.yT·sta~e·en ·-· -· RIAntlnt• F link, malt>; IUld Quarter-1 Will Smith had th(• t ahlt>ll • m :Htl<'r Lm1h• l'ulge!'cio with ... , turned on him by PrC'sto n S!'On!JI !K'rvlng Hll a c·oltr:"'l\llr1l. Duncan. Wh()S(' ~010 or a -n('W I . . ('omp l ising lht" parade we re ualt.l n auto apJX'ar<'d. in th(• May of I :irl Marlnt'rs. <.:oat& Meea ud issue' Tim(' and in NC'ws WE'('k. J ThE' Cil.)l C'ounl'il Monday mgh1 l h•· nght·of.w :t)·. l n~ldf' proJX'rly l'l'wport Harbor Boy Seoul-. \be {-ia l i~ SE'E'"! l'la.nding by thE' m O\'('d to SE'It l(' thE' controvt•rsy ownl'rs pay 75 J)('rc.:en t of the tnxE's ('o.ta Mrsa Grammar·Sebool Mnd --· machinE' with two Ho llywood bctw('('n th(' city a nd proJX'rly and arl' f'nli11<'<1 to USE' of the with majOrettea, aAd Cub --.u.l1 WANTED -Man or models, while a t the ~ar of ownE'rs a long Bul'n(l · Vi~ta ov<'r bc~h. . 1 'nile e«,.._,, ,....... ~ . ·•••I owly part titne. the car i!l' Jus tinE' S hanl}on of res~t ive pro(X'rty. right~ by o:. ". tornC'y J\tcGIIlllls <' •untf'rl'd by with a prayer by Rev .. A. C. Abbe. N T' • Costa ME'sa and H a l's !'On , dE'rin;::'City Enginl'l'r R. 1.. Pall• r· -,:•:. m~ nn • ·:<'h agr,.C'nw nt woulc1 pastor 01 thr Co.ta Mesa \om-1 ~WI· tm~a offtce. Micha('l. Thl' photo r{'("f'ivl'd son to . remove a ll obstruC"tions in· 1~'.' t'""'"'':"'(l hy hi' C'lu·nts. ttw m unily Ch urrh. w a 8 condur lrd I na tion-widE' dist ribution in thC' 1 lt•rft'rrtn~ w tth pc•dC'slrtans ll''">:. Simo ns Bnck \o. qnd dt•darc'fl lhC' Amidst ,.wir l n cloud• of •hlllt 1 SuppoS(' .'lll'h an ad a s tht• ahovt• :tJIIII'<If'f'<l in tlw d as.o;j. A,.my Of WOf'lte,.. two ma~l'.i'"*-_..00---iR -1-h>f'P--'ll~II"Al"''Lla \ Cila B '\d ~:iUL.l.\:arlL~L~tl\ has _IW J'l).;hl tu....n :UlJJ'>:C. aJlX.-IC , fC'l"ll\'al In ('o>Jllllli'IC"f' Within lf'll lfP,Jlltl\'f •no•nt~. n: oh~t nWIJons ll'< l"n'ttt('d-1Jy-a-h1jiltf Wind. ----~nh('dof· m ll'TmJR-Tir ~c""tt'porfltrftJrm< :-qf'WS'·'nm~ frwf:1~. --Mtflttft~ lho>-fo"-'t-fo'ry-e-tttfr J bark~.:round arC' two ~Jgnl-on · Mrs. HusK prr1wntt"tl Mra Jamt'B \\' I I , I I f I . . I '"", ,.,.JO w•u fhr , . .,.,,,..l"lltlnn uf llu<'kman, ... . H al's offi~l'. hc.:<lfilll: hi~ nHml'. cJa~·s I o proC''t·c·cl unl t1 a ll""JC'h uh · tho·, Wo'J't' l'allt·cl. 1 . t t h • t A · 1 OU c n I t IC'I'I' II' a st rc •:t Ill CJ l•'o(l '' (I• olJI'IllJ.: lilt o I It' c '11· s uitor• John llorman. &a1:11 c.-_1 1. h · <'<I · ·h h 1 1 ' 11 rvln<' o " ( oun y III!IIIIRnC'r "tltNIIII' r y , lcl<'AI rll17 .. n• • · · . . ... fiC'w . But thC' Assistance' U>,<r~~uf' and C'ivi•· lt•adC'rs WC'rl' undau.nt C'c1 Shout mg to ht' twar·(l O\'t•r thl" wind. <:'\Irs. Rotw rt no,.~. :'\t r.. J am('S )I'\' InC'. S1rl I lancbon, Coach R C'1•ct \\'. Cal'l Sp•·m·c•r and ol ht•r,; carnt•cl oil. llarr\ (;;IJI· IC'r'< ~~·a Sc·outs macll' ~ spll'n· did showing, 1 he' l\fto<a school h~tn(( llll'nt'CI out in luffl fore(<' a s wt•ll a~ ntlwr you I h group,., and lc> top nlf tho• l'o•ro•rrHm~. tht• A:--~a~ta ne•• L•·:u.:u•• l:ulu .. \:. ~1'1'\'t•tl n fr.-,hm\·nl~. !'_rue 10 s ar(' rC'mov · 1 '''1 ~ "' 1 w Tl~ 11 111 "'f' '" Lea u '' ' · «M'alc'f a t :!:.ltr~ \\'r•-.t whu •·onl rlhulr •l Jtu·h ,. f f o r 1 1Jif'r, tlrrb J nhnll<on, and ••t'l Lar· P'"O'' only :0' S lnw n-and oth<'r' , ... lhl' projN'I WIIS In kMoplng IO'Ith I :-'l'ntra l A\'1'11111', t r~·i nJ.: to c·oruwl'l \\ tlh thr• joh tha t orrr•n'(l tlt•Atl llJC 'thr fiAh rryln~r olr J .. rf·l ·"' . . . av.·nut•. who~t· hrick . Olht•J' illl(ll'fl\'l'llli'OI• h:l\ o' lot•o•n 11w "Uhj<•C'I of c·nntt·o\ o•J •.\. do•t•l;u · t•cf lh:tl If :til\ 'IH'h :tC'lllln I' (':tJ · r io:([ out. til,; S1nHsn' llrwk (',.. 1••~-:a l '"''""~" of :\lr ~lllllllt•' 1inop· o•rt~·. would ftlo• :tn lnJIIIH"III•Il. ltltiJ· r·atmg ciHtt tho· <'flrtllf'll'' :tt"ltr•n will "rc·~ull In hi Jg;;t ton In d· ('lei•· tht• i"'"LI''· Foifuwin~: c·ompl:unt' a~anr· I rho· :dlo·~o·d nli\tniC'tJflll,' Ill 1111' lluo•n:t \'r,l.t Bil'd tl.,:hl ·oof·ll ·~ p "l"'rt~ Ol'lll"' hold r,.,. t1tl". the' A-~~<u•tan•·•· I.A'I\.gur·a. pu~-to pav so h:lndsornC'IV for onlv a pcwtlon o f th<>lr flfll('! '."""1 w aJO '.'hrf tlarry •:..tua.•n•l l Deft. aten cl :\l (. · .11 of fu.!filhng cnmmunlty n ~,. d 1 . · · · rt••lf'lln~~: him wrro-W 11n•l• l"'tllrt. c '•onlrlhutlnr: Itt Uw huae noftlt · r ''""'~ srn ,1,,1,.~1,. t~-wh<'n lh<'y arC' n<'f'<l('d ~h .. 1.olnt-1 Yr ll, I hill '" ~1"' 1''0'1"'!"111"". lh:.t : Murv. m-an. l.tra Kuy Krn(\all, Wf'l"t' thc:wt' wbo Mr""Mod _...._.. l·'·oilol• tnt' :o l••1"ol " · "· 1 f 1 1 ~ 0 'I ~I _. .I'll to thf' vouth JWC>J.«'CI a11 onl'l ll 1"'1111: " 1' ••·d ,,. -1 1'' • ''" • on •Y A''"" Hullorll I ll,. lc 'Whit"'"'· n,...,...a ry Thf'v lnrl~ -.. l\\o•o•n ;\fo'(~lnnt' and ('tt~· Allor· ,.. T l "\\ kl I' II" 111 ' ·...-· whwh Wflllloi rontrihut<' to tho• de·l ·dmf'll Ill 11" log "\\'o••kl~· , ... ,, .. 11 " .. \' tt yn o flfiW flron v Hl<lf'r tlnlottrt o ·tt .. w •·ll. fiJOhlllJC ho~~ .. rato<a ,• c-.:..-r-ll"\ H"land ·n ,mp-un . llw luttl'r· ' 1 i 'I o r n f I 1 lh I 11 ' · ·• · V<'lopnwut "f t'XC'C'llent ell 7.t'n·l 1111 >Mer 1'1 1"0 "."'''· \\ 10,..,.,., """' 1' "r ,., "~" " rn• ""' ,,.,,. 1 ll<>y • r.t .. rrho•m 114, ... (""'ul•l-M ra daJ tlllhfo . rn New ........ Her· tl t·lan·tl 11 v.a~ '"' npminn lhl' rity I 1 I I I II t I " ~, -..., •• llhip •nul ""' laro•ol that todtty lh!'rf'. I tlw fu ~l 1!'""'1 """" 11"' 1"1: ~ "" ""'' "r 0 '' "~' '" ". "' ., .. ,, M•·v .. r" ,r,.,..,l,. Ht,.rnuo, Mille l~•t."·thr Uay.~iftr fl'latt ('0. P'rank .. ltn" ld t•n 'n 4''011 rr :•nd not on I~· s4t.JO uu ~1 •. , 11 ( .,,,., k ,, 111 h:n, " .-hutt nnol ... .,,.ppv , ""'lutla,: 11 Jl••· , . • "'Ill•· lh•· l"tl•' ""''r IIH• 11,11 .:r• of IM a n••••d f,.r 1111-:h l'ltl7.f'n,.htp all · . 1 !'hal•·•· Mr• •: I' c;''"'IC'' "'"'JCIC: HuU.urtt, 1.1•14• fo•onri t'o·, IM k I A mo·r,wn llltl\'1'_. I " rH n ln ' t ll ' ram<'tl $1 fill Of't I"'' "•·•·k 1•1118 I h•·u ~t."'"' "I-"' ' rot"'"'" •lA J I ,,.. I'"'' . ~ld 1; "'lc y Mttrl "" c.,. 'It " I J• h .loohu .... ,,;.·,; Tt o-liW"r thrv ~-rho•l ir•hl·of·\l"o~.hllf"''' In n•· k i k 1 ll!<loi·IJ. I o•wiv ··~" fl h . . ~ 1;1 .. n ;•II of lhj_• u a t•••front 10 tha t thni'K:il\e~·. I w•·~ Y I'"'" ~ h•··· " i')Ht lnJ.: 11' " "1 •· •• ,. \\·,,...,,,.. P.:t Hvor Jrvtu f;t••• t;uttlun , trU;ult••l HV•·r t rt+f'l lttfl• uf ft.h · a •o ·:o Tlw puhlw h:o• In ti ,11.,.0." \\' ('a'rt ~p .. nr·,.r. who J\ln HOIUI nrxt lf'w '""'1 OAo·•·k" ~·lA · 1"'''" c'"""'''"""' fJ,.y•l C'holrt> to!Jor • c·orurrwal w IJr~JM'III,..·t l•y tllr 1,.11w hf',lf'h fnr lht• n:"t 1:' 1 ,a1·, prt-.. <'nlf'tl JU. t hl' m nn who ''tn'tdt•j Bonuse• Offrr~cl All 1" 1 '' ••·•j•ur•:d 1" , •. ,.,,,,. ""'''' .. :"t11JO. l.wll•· K,.lt,.r 11 n •l SJ"'"V Jo1,.ur c· ... Allwr• .. llttnc- :tnrt n 1nnlp'-nn "'-f:t•,·d h•· lu•1l"\'t•d th~ prnJf'f'l pu~uclt,lt···. M id Atnf'r· T h,.. I'•''"' 11 '"" 111 uq· Itt• rr• ! a • ••••hdut• 111 11"" 'urup···~rt 1• .. :arl ltu ,.~ r•·J•H·,.••ut lrtK th,.. .. :.u""" t 'u . Alt1r r,. ... IMI•J•• k VktUr ("'41 . •h·· ... 11, t·ould :tc'fJ1lll•' nt:ht 1, th•· ua tu-.... ht·4·n ,. "''nrking-n nlion ;f"llt nurutwr ••t •t••llf to; •lnt tn~ t it• Y• •h 1• 11•• "''11111'11 1"' ''"1P'"1 ,.,. f '••U'f•ltll\'.. It "''•hnw 2UffiMHHHia J•u(Jitu t'h l,. cun,tf'Ut'll'd h.\ Jll'lljlf'l'l.\ o\\Jlo'J• 1 II I I ' frnn t:u:c fr••rr1 th•· truu' uf th,.. pinnrerJt u n .. • ift'" uf t h• '·'''jl''••a..::·• .. ,Ill , •.• ,,\, f•4:.'''''' ''' .... 1'4!'1."' ..:"~' .x•rt• ''' •···rttrr itt r•· In •luertc•~ ••f .,,,.,., •ru u•· fruru &J.f'''" t·•~•••• t"hif'• aOtt tmt) counc tlntan ... ,11.!\.!P"'t~·d tt-l '' \1·•' or Jr·\·in (.,·o ( ;nn~n ...,, af•·d t 11 tc:HIH.\' \' h•·n dt n1•wr:u ·y .,. ftJ,:hl· I thr J<.tfWt t h• 114 'f I" ..... ,. ,,..., ur .,, "'1.! tf •·· II •~ • ... ,, I'·• , .•• ·I• I ur t f I h,.n-1•·•1 t.,. tf ~ ·rh••tt•l•"nu J•"r.ftof•• hl:.t' t-du ,.. . Rt rln.c r.,t ttt~ Bu··na \· ..... ~;, ptoiH ''~ 11\\ .... ,. .... d····d i r t r tt · \\ kh I' \, 11 J'l(l,.~ f )()( I•··· w.· •. , jll.·tcc•(l (Ill ''" :n:n·o·d \\'it" ,,,.. ,.,, ~ a IIIII n \ lllg '" '•·1'1111 tl>t• "" .. I 8 I ROd n~ I ho· 1:1''·" ··•I '"'" '" I .. , • ,. •!J' , ' I " ,. '. ,, " Ill• lu•l• J Mra-11.->rAf'*'"' Mr n wr c..,. ... ,.~;-·-~ TTillfl'lliiii.;.T ,,, ..... ,.,, ,., llH' C'il\' tho• lo:11 fJnnl:r,.:o• 1\hll'h .. 1 ~I be w 11 1 1 '""' l•"·''"l 111 lhr ,.Jf.,L •4 ·11,.. · · "lho··,;rov;:rhl:tT,.·~pol lto<f:ty af · thf',V o~·n In rl'iiJrn for tho• •·If~ ""ri "1'h:TT" thry .-tlnnlri-nw·n "" nl "'-'''"-'~'"" ,.,..tl,. "1 r~ ilf!OPI~ • ' ' .JULJ w.J. IL ' '0 ' 1 i .... ------~-,. t.......-\\,_ ll.o "" .trrrV'I'h•-r.ntr-...u.l;u,L lh 1·lu•:u·h''' f'ttw---tpt1l !4tdnrv H Oavhh1on tn 8tld1ttot1 '" l h• \\\••k h l':t\ :":•·w,.·r urw,. y,,., "''II I·• -a''l'l''••:·t n t•tvlr rn~·-·t 1ng. ~on1f'Ont• ~a ad dt•,•dtn~ t h•••n a tu· r •t.:ht ·ot '" ,1, tn · 1 .., ; ...... u ,..,, ... ,...~ f •tulttf•" I •uh~ 1~ .... h• r ·lk'rl tlc"jlll,.\, ru-ht!lJ.: h:tl'k 10 II!Jo•na \'J..::l:r. \\"h l<'h h:" 111'\1'1 """' 1\:ollnlin" o•n ,,,. 'lt'll;•ll 111 fh· """ ('""' 11 It """ ,, .H<'Nf "'thO' Tht•n lh•·ff• "'' 0 11111 ,I • 0 .. , .. , ' .. " • ' ,., r·. ,, ""' 'OoJ: ... ,, ·' '"I' '""'' -~,, "'"'!\It" ""·"''"'I II 'M· I g 20 No•w pon ""h rnn1t' '"PPiio•,. .dl\·o·lnp··d .,, ., IJ I o ... .,,.,.,, '"···ol··d :• "n"" ,,.,,. "' :-,; •. "1'"'' l':n l••r l 'n~<l'1 l-l •g h •VttltJahlo· """ '"''"'~·· """ ···•II 'If,.• .,.,, '"'o"' . .,,, "' '·'"'"'' ~lr• !\lrortr ,,.,,,.,,It •• • ~ne, '()'. IIH· r.,.h It',\, wa,. tl<'kc•1t·d ' ·. ~ 0'0' ('ootJnf'ilrn:on Ho•o·d 1\hn dt•t·l:or··tl h· ~0 """' \\hn lt:l\'0' '""l~rat«'d In ... olilll rillltl•·•l "'""''~ ,.,,,,. ,,,,,I 'I"·'"' ,, ... III•J toll lit· llo:ol Mt ,., "M•• r· \' , .... ~ .. 1.• "' y A R 'Ito rr th~·~ don't :lt:l•·'f' c·nllnnlnh:l t tt l tt l I I ........ ,. ,,,,,,, f lf l f••'A III .t ',l:tlf\4 nars g oa r for ~,x nu ll'' IM'f hOUI' In ;a ·1~)· .... ;nd. lt·1· .... t:tkt• f~\'t'l\t fllfll: fi1J1 o f\\ ..... :u;:llfl"'1 ,~,.,tlit\ltlt: ,,., ........ \\hll'l ,, 1·•·· .. ··· I "l·•·k·· "'1"11Y n l ,. IIJ.: I,,,. ,, ''" '-:t l.l : •HfHitltfl·· V.lfl ,, I,, ,_ • .., ~ ' ' . "' rTIIIt" ZOJI(' nt•;.tr-G<OO'&fl M~·a. • ....,,...,....,...---~ .......... -·-------J•I O.lJ•'l li,. "" )o·r-h:t\'1' ~tfUnto•d Ill Bury Scroll • Th•·r· lA Ill '"'· II• I· •• I "' II I lh• Ill f· ' I"'" '''OI•I"''' • I ••. 0 ""' ,. II '" li. ~ 11141 I"""'''" .. , 1:.'' I ',' s.,••"ll Sp•f. ,~l ~ .. 'llto' 1,1-~1111'n•· ,Jfp~·r wantf'd -~-~4•~ ·--th~ ~~~~w~y··~~~ ~ 7 a ~~Hr fhk .W•~1 ~~ ~~~-·~·~-~:~t~~·2 IAIII _I·~~~~~~·~··~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~-U-~-~~~~~L~-~-~~~-~-~~~~~~~~~~ ~ " ~ J ( c II I . ' I " 1 ' \i~ ,'\'"""'\'. • ,,.,, ••h v "' •1 <:·o lotr• '1\ 'f-.. no I w;;o:tloq-•f't •ftll(l,...£ --· 'P to l<nO\\' "h it Bt•l1· .... flnf• • -• :•t•'t ,, nfhl'l ('ftiJn•·r n v·n \'Oft•f·) f'l )f' t.U ''"''t UWt .. rf'd a hr u .. you "-'Ill ft t f)\1 .t , •.• •I t k 1·1 ·~ ~L.rrt• ,,.,,,,.,,·, )1r ' ~ \\l'tll'l II.• '.tl tf)t'. fllt'n1ht•r!" unlor '• nr d·l :til ,,)t..,tf lf('llnn.., lf'flltl\••d ~~:l n•l•• •drlf tlr1 11)' U pR r€'hJnent biv liM .\''•IJ v.;uJt 1•• f!Jd't II It,,. •'•I IIJ ,,ftpJ •V•rlrtJ'"" l o\' Il l• ' H \' I t tt t f ,... • P'•lntn'""' 1 """" lf,.,,,.h:.v u~.-t ~''' I ftt• I CCJ..tJ!!;l.l'hll'II\_Itnd ,,,, 11 Th•· I • • ,, ,,, ,,,,., 1'-f:t !"f l it u :t,.lfll.: ••• ~~~A Urf"l' n lli7.f• ,., ttw :o-tft;•J,. I'' ·h·•K f t·t· ··1 l:•u •h .Judgf' ronally !-lipp·~· o"'("(.-t"'h""l'.,...._,.l =.....:: ~,.........,., ----.. ~ (;,..m'i!f' \\'hllll"\'. 1"0''''"'"''"~ A .... ...w.no,. ....... .,. ... -nu•tnber..-Aft< .. •"Wtll't!o> orr ln-.thr-ln•tn·r•lual ,..,.,,, ~ptol ~~~ do ·o·l:lling tw'd ha\·o• to I H 'I•·· H \\'l11'n•' ·•nd '1 I. otf ,.,, J•:n t to q.:otrng In th•' projf'f't 1 thlltf: '"""', "''" 1• '"" tl. , ·. 2 .. 2 M · 1'1'\'Jo•\\ tho• f:tl'l' 1\llh 1\o>rl at 0 . P.:•hh;lf "\!(\ Hot• ~~ \'I''" -.. .u~ .. ~ };o•:t ~'"'"'". "''l"111iled the I forti' f'X J.t\'l.ol•·ol 5 coutt. ht•fui··· , ...... IJ ill)..:..~ \tl'd!<:1 onor l:u:t•·f'd "'' • ., :tf '-"'lnlf·nt ... n( 1\llnr. (ftrJH •r !'4lnn•· fl\'t'r 11 H.I'Jlt··~en·: en,.._. ~·1!..!_ ~tl.WLk __ UlJJ .. LUU. l.l\ ....... -· .--·-, ~ "'~rmi.,.. •' -· ··tntl\'1' r.r nil p~trlnt tr n r,..,., IU. • --· . · ·-. -· · · · .:· 1 .,. ~'"' All"· \'"rkt•ll ~,,,. ''••Ill••• •.• ,.,. Trlhulf' ,\ hanrl-.ml•' trtlllllt' w;i" p i!td Tlll''rl:t~ hd\ot'•" :0.11'"'" .t'••WP.Orl ll<tl lloof' !.11111~ c·n n· ('f'l nl;lJ.!' 1h!· \\urk.~r .... :ti t h• .. fi~l; f1~. 111o' tnlilltt· ~'""'•' frollll Han\' \\'o•kh. Ch omh••r !'-f'Cr Ptar·~r '1 !··· .... had ~f·:n·, ,)( B. d , ' ''""·" ill "'o· ""'"",. Alllli~r oncr •Fam(;us M·trincr M . d l··"k" ,., ~''""''· "'""''""k· .,, '""1.''·''''"'''. ""n • ·i • 1 1h t• t:f"''tk h:t<= n !'·l((lfrl)"d hn~··· prn L•·:t5:•••· n1•·rn l w1 ~ !"(•f"rtkPriJ, hOy~t • • l " l l ~'""'' ~t ... Zt•v •• '\1'" 1· ' an ) man t·••rliton' oof tlu·. hlldl ···"n< ... t whn ,. ••. ""·I Well Known llrn· 0 ' .ern \' ~-fii!Jo ~''""" , ..•• ,.... t\o .. l·, 1110\'1111: l•·••ft In '""''" ..... lbla T h•· ~PJ •"rl'nntf' ,., l'hil tlarr·• top<·ratJng And Mrll. M yrtle . \!n ~t•l•l\ l::u.· .1.,1,11 • .,10 t:lo• ,, 1'11''' 1·11'1" •ol•i >:•·•lf'r<l~<y t h•t oh., I . I I l l 'rl I I II '1 . In· I s ttl ··~, .. -.t•<l ... 111111 .... a.•ttv .. •::J -·..--nnrt tnll' h·•nrf ;.,• f l•· ;••fl•••7.\'111J~ '\ O l~f· (IJ(IIrltrll'fl lrl 1l(·····xlran , Jes n ea {' G h 1···•11 lf r-n ,V tl:t,ll'! 1·.-·nudf~ . Phil J-1:11 rt~. whol mu,d" hr~. do·· I P.nltro·o•rn F t .d:t~· t11t:l:! '" I h" fir,.• """' h JI~''•J,..,., a I \\ "l<tmlnhrter ._ .· u ns .. ~ re 1'·.•·•1 t\ I . \\'olr ""·l:•·r :--;t·l•"" ~~ro t '" 1111 "" 'o utury ''.'•·rk 16 1 huf '" ,.... popvla I 11111~1·: \\'Oirld ,rf':ll rll Ill n ··n~:·· ~:•·rn•·nl .. ,. I h·· AI " IH't a~-lit I'"'"' )'T-llld p!t I ~am I I. I ' I ,'.; "' "·"" ~''"'' \ , ; I "" ' I '" ,... If•· "r ... lollllf'tl the l... •• nt lhP Hrnd··zT•·ll~ l~nll r fiO~ du r· n,ta!"i• l'Ht ~~t ro o f .IHf k H•·rrn~··~ .~1 14't•lli rl·r·'·~ttf'd a •'li,Vf'l r .. ll Of Car •' .J I. \nd•r •• ,. loff ol h•r .,.,,,.,. Ulld f .IIJIIII :"l•l •fl '·'"", •. ,.,,.will tJ•· ttlf4 hllrcs. .. t tu p .. !''IJl<'l'll'nCo • Ill o·JI'I<' o•nto•rp1·o;r, ~ anti know" "ho·ro~nf b.o: 'l"'·•k· S:11d ll:rrry. J'\·o· ,,.,.,; lot' of gJ'OIIP" wnrk nn 1 :tl l"il" ~\'(•nt :-o':"' hul n"''t•r h;l\'t• I ...,,., n a 'f~J'T'8JJi f'04'lpPr:tfl' ., .... thn'f' lsta~lllJ: thr fl,h lr~ II•· pn1J11· ltlt,.: tj,,-:~:t\,.., ,,( l(:tlf~' •·J•11i 1 ' r•d''' h••tlf !-!rl•• -h, l•ft Jwr •• :1 •J rf (J\'f•f ttJI" ht:tfol~ ft lrttftlnPr l in·J;t" '" \1t \J <t•q f,t,h••' \fr w \1 ~f l h \' ,,f l '•llhttlh ,\Jr '411d ~1t .. J.oHilt•r" .. tUa,....lfhl• _Tild!.!L_ Hlld,Jalt'[ f)U~f cl f te fan.•· r.umhrr ftf \'f•ars: jlt:o .. 1f• f ~~· 1•· !'-\IJ.:llll'-! Ill•· J•:tn l.rru·nl "~r,.~ tflf•d 'Hid·nh '-.:q r,•l t, !'•••'1111,' .~1 Arl l 1111.' tP r• t lu• 11 '•11• ,,,,,,•!1 \hl•h•ll •\'rra•••r•t l't ~,. "''-k•l••l ''""' "''\'f"I J:t l tlay• IIJ.f..nt ,,.,II r••tur~·t.'ndn.v. ~1av ~=~r.J. a.,.·ran1•· M-1"1' ;J-,m~+rnttror--M.,-,. ~t~lt"l biJJ borut.: llr !::!ill·.!. IJ...••J ,., '''') t ·.~.·.: II···· or•! •.·.T·,,, -~_._h ,_.,..,.. ... t---nt n r:Thtn-r.vt r hiii ,.rJ out t ha t.' aft<'r' \\'otktng from 1 i ·a.m lo ·I p.m Sun: <111~. thl' workc·r,. \'Oteri en " nHln . or \\oman. tn . ront1nt1f' until •'il'r} on,.. wa<. f:·•l. "r tlv · loocl d if,(• ,\nci llwy' d Jd 11 I< F f l J K t Jf I F: \', .. .,.. "' :1 '' H·l:t \ v.•·r•· :::!·· '"f '' IH•II' " .,, I ,,,., .,,, I ·l--· •. ,,,..,,.,,,.. Th•· ,.v ... r••e • t h• h''idt~r of:l "nanl"·t-..1nd f,,r ''~~ ·'11 1 • r•V p,-.n ~,·· ,.,,,,11 fh•·•" \\tt• ,.,,,,. t t.•·· fl•·•'''''''"f l '!-( ~1urru-.H Mnx. -. a ont •nq . .:ht l···r fnrrna:.cf\ \\h··r·· h·· lnj"ury In Surf V."··~t n\'f'r AddJt• T ttnuj{h, Diane • If• \\, ... ,,., •. r Jh•' t ... "''''"'' ,., ,,,t\fllll !-<h•td··i7 r rndlt ,,,, .. HI>{• ,,, ltw J'1l~·tt1 " 'Astlt 77 .. MM-y \\' fi ll \' I " h ,.., . f r • " •h r '''\II. ' t., ... ~. t ' ''I• lid• "'' '"'"' ,,, lr11J "'!" ' .\h,u,.,,,. ,,, I'Uk•l .. na . Mn~ rr.:\•l•·,.hl!-4 fl'~t f\t n~rt I r-n:tll 1 J; a,: In H. aug . ' •••• dllf1J: I,., I .: •.• f • 'Iiiii• ,.,,,, ;,, I ,,,.,,,.,,,'t,Ji;,,,, lh• ~ •• ,,,tJifl ~'"''''Y "",,,,,II ·~ . r <:...tJ·hrat lfl).: l ht·•fK l a.kHtn l'f'"f'• T B b z· I (·a,.,, ..... f:l.a•l.v'( t f ~n.r•hnf"r. Huth i ftnd h:t•l It• I 11 I I •• r•!· , ' ,,, ..... ,' i• ,. I 'If 'II i I fl ·I ,,ol• ,,. ..• ,,,, lfiJ.: ,, f I; K ·~''''' '"'Hill 'LU ll UHtll It I f .r .•• • t a.:u•· ,,, ·~·'·" B+•Nf h a.D(I .,,,,.,,I''''·' .,,, ,. IJ'rt·I••J "' ···~· to.· .ot,n,.,, 0 . 0 ~•e" er ~: )'aim• r \'o·lma I . "''ltlt. ~fl\rll' I ~in···· lk't.'. J I· ..• ' I. ···I ': •t,. • . I I I .. , I .,, '•"'. •I ,\I t~ I '"'"")0 tlt·alctll ·,.f 1"<-WJlOf't , '"'n,_. ,.. . l h• •. "'"''''' 'A•:tft!"'" ••h ftt, Hnl 1 t:II J"• '' 11~' 1 Jtft• 'A'"" .. .., 1 t ·A ..... ,,,·, ,,,,,,,,. • o•tllJn•· · ro.r , .. , A ·Proves Fatal A H'''J'""''' ~, .• ,tha 1-~1,.rr ... ,,.hf'r. Kt t-...;"' (',,iJJI'\ • •••••• · ·'···t· , .,qui.. ~ •. .,, • ,.,, , .,, ~1 ,,. ,~_, ... ,.... ,... ~ r " l ;,.,,. ,11~. 1,:,rlo-l' v u; •. , v.LI•··•· ftw\ t.·. ~''"' I.~• If \• I a• •d•~t I. I, n ttft·d hand Jrrtd rr.undrrthf"!otpOn·l fi•·l··n II J•ar k•· l·:lt7.A~til J . Stnd l.t!••f ,,, '11' f •• d · \\.tf •ft,''l' fHYt •l ,. •• 'tfl\llrl •• , /\r rn \·"·I ~IHkf· .. ll'f·ttllti .JlrnHnllt ft .. !l••r .. htp of ~11' :--;,·wpoll llarhon ' Thtom, T•·r rf'll 1-!nu.:h StAhl.:, v~, Sll•arnl~o:OI ,... ,,·,,k, ll,:ol ''"""'"'''''" "''"' J\M loltlll( 1'11\'IIIM 111111 •lllllflf ,lfo 21 1't•ssed In .JunJof ('h tn1bf'r n f ('onlOlf'r••l Ttlf•UJ,!'ht at f rcrt ,,,. h 't\'f" ~Hf· l,!tltl:t r •:l \'l~ K ill on An n'-\ A . (~apt ,,,._,,, fo!l \',.'I 1'''l ~''''' /\rtlfiiV'II ''"'"' ,,,, ,,,, t•i p t••.r• .,, ''J!I"tl fJtlp,, v.•·r••'.\1•t(•la rra·~ • • ..· Th·· rN'f'J•tinn will .... ht·ld Rt Bolo f•·r,.,r 'I ~. .... k lnJIIr\' whf"n ,tor l;ooit~li~:V E~H (' \\'llltll. ~i<lnry "1''1''' h•·ro• "'"' '.It ·'""',.' ,f;:· .,. ,. ,,,.,,. lto>l 1-'ll•h·.-l~v· ...... ""''"' •:ttr'tiu t\ltllfl l:nllo Ml•l l.rln Ray Sunday HAROLD AHRENDTS HOME FROM DESERT '1 1 · I' t f ~ • 1,.,u1 It l !:f'lll"l"•n. nnd \·\' l'arl Fr,,.ncer .11111 ho· """''."' \1r ''" \1• ·' ilf'J• 1Y ~ ).tm ')Ott If t(•nl .rnm •• rti\'(lTt t t-rnuch HH· !'411rf h ... ,.,. ~ ,, ! I ' t ( I ( \ .• rt~ .. nd ,, Ill If f I ,..;,,,,.,, ·t t-: Mr ~, elf;.n Hrtf ,.., .. ,, .. ' Htt•l . ftt•· ~' uuw~" t I· l•·u a-:" ·P m until!f p 01 .Whf"nlhr drtnC"•· .·llt'dH('-Jtr,l.,.,, A Z lf'5::)f·r . 1ft ' M r~ l ttft 't' l fillmun Jlr""'·nted S()~ :Int. •·•' ~~ 1111~ ·; ;,r ll;'tiJ• .. h'\ ,.,., .. ,,str\d •·r •• , Hk lf•·rv ..: t u~ l 'ut twrhw r;,.,.,,, ,.,,,,thy ln. Sudden Blow" i 11tart.• At thP Hl'nolC'7.\'t>IJ~ Joof 2~.j4 Ln ('r~·~<<•ntn HJvd AI· lhr :"rwl'"11 llrt (l,or •·llntllc;lnlr for j la•·~ 1 '"1 '' •·•t• 1 '1 ';~11. ,., .. ~, A>lill•·•v .\1\·•·tM H•·v>t lv C'hlr•· ·"''' All"· Mr. and Mrs. Harold C.' Ahrendt' of 20!'1(1 0 C!'I\n Rlvd., RRiboa . Ar<' hom~ Rtt'er i.e~~ral Wl'eks Rl Wh1ll' WAll'r. Durin~ th~>lr 11tay \.ht>rl'. . A h r t" n d t . v1nltni~l. """ Mr" Ahr,ndl, piRnil'l. appe11red on thl' pro g r ~ m of t hr Tw~ty·Sinc Palm~ Wornf'n'll Club. f h ' .. ''""''" ,,, Itt•· AMailllrtnf'(' l.o~>H"'Ue'l or " ''"" ,,,. (lftJCI'r~." I " . lll ,l"r l:.,om·l hamhrk '"''" ~""""·'' m•·minl( Ill .. I I r I r Aft•·r lttt•·f , .... ,, illf·· "'''" llrt• .IrAn Y.ll•"" S~nl• Ann lltrll • "h1w 'Mi VIr fo · ""' 1 .,. 11'11' I• '1 '1 '''11' llf•r Ar<' llik "·I! All precauli()f)'l! to . Sl J•lll"~·h lllo!Op IAI y '·"'"lt_7.tPI{ ' ~ • c ,., } . • e~ • M ' l I r ld I I flJ S o ., Ill' h.J 1:'"'" I• "'" y "''' I""'''" Wt•f ,. "'lt•·ol M, ,..... ~I '~ Hrt :1 K """'"' rtnl'l II~ r.l••r MllAlu T b'o m a • p;. ln!!Urf' that I'VI'r~·onr ht'rc Wh t•l lo·r haol fo('f'O r••mn\'l'd lht>r(' altrr 'gmrn ThnmJl"''" An•l ann•·IUICt!d • "· . ""'''' ·, ., • r .. I. • ulo •I ,,, ,,. l(tV•II " ff'W h •IIHII laavf' l'hyiiiN M··'·""" 0 Ill "''' ''''"""" ,ll<otwhry .rf'J>2rtr4 tbe. "·-·'· .__ ........ that lh" ~<RI" tot ,.v,.ry Ur kl''l In ' onrr ,,, "''' '" I ••· •tn•·t:o Y•IVI''''' .. ......, ...,... dHno·<'d 111 th,. H•·nolo'Z\'1111~ wh,..:1 rrr'I'IVinl( fJrMI ''Aiol hrr,.. htorliA llh••"'. , ••• to 114, hol•l Th•tt"l't \ a i••JI!•-.11 11 n h ''"J'•\' llw r•·•r>·nt•rol'lltl l•·nl •>r"• "~"''" wllh lh•· f110h Jlltrlm,.nt JIIC'k~l up tw .. nty.four l'htl J-llirn!l wAs lhf'r«' ur lgmally . l l~>J•lll ,\' C'or'flm rr ltt-r1 ('n~ll'ix I hi~ rtri'K '"' lh" •· ~ ~ 1 1 e 11 1 .. 1 II••· "'"''''; '""lr!d 11'11 "~ whl• It l'r"J•rtrinu Ill•· r.~.·, '"'"'0'" "f ,,..,.,.0•n•. wlto -··· t-.a. t'nt.o ........ 1 r rf'ftl...-r1 to'df'r th• ''"'''''''" '' 1v· ·""o 1•1 -.. -.. ~ . .._,.. ._ :lnd 1'\·;·n · .J'If'rMnn whn I• a pt'r.· r~p<orl ,.,l lh:-tt 7.1 PJ:)I'r had llllfft'r · "h" llll 111 1 ""1"ll hr 0 IC Rllr rh·,1,1, 1 ,,f \l:o"onf\ "'''" t•·t wn•·<l 1 .. (',riop IIKIIII 'tor"'''' Ito li"I"V'' W t<Jt tuon•llr•l loy wnto·r wh,..n t hfolr 11mall MJI (T'IIft llnnRI f r 1 e n d , rf'('('l\'1'!1 an tn· ,.,. r. hrt>kPr. nrr k And that a l " .'11.r 10' 'antluiRlc . ._ I A""'"' 1n1: l.l••ut"n"'' Mf Mlllrto W111trr. ll• I '''""''1. rhttlrtfllon, .!•·son t'AJl'ot7u<l in ttw> 11udtto>n wtnd that vitllt Jon 1 \.ornrnN'll lnvi',.tlg Htlon hal! h<'f'n --El~ct~lf I· nrrunvtnl( '"' th;·•"VIAtl '>f !t••• ,. . .,111<•r All• •· l 'lnrk MrA ll It •prun« up about 3 n'ckllll SUft- AdmiMion w ill be. by Invita tion nr<l,.rrU, but that an inque11t was party •tf frtf'n•U., Allin from AJ. Mrll (" ~~ lwnl<in' '•' I!Ril•'•ll ~·.l·ll,.r• h•·r ~· w I.~ 't '<•un~llmM .tfltr·h<·ll Hn<l .I II Mltr·hdl, Mr11 •ltty nftrmoon onlv 11nd J untor ('hRmher il'aolr rM nnt Ol'('l'll88ry · hRmhrll. w h "n th,. arr id•·n( OC· Willi ,.1,., 1,.,, 1,.,rli:.m,.nl•oriArl ,,f th,. H•tlo<·rt .\:t,.n ,.. Habre Ulu~ J.tr Altht•l IAAI~t•ltr •J<.tto harh<"lf' t~·• "'"' u.d( lr. ·rhAr)t~ arr llf'rlltrhing I h r I r Ytounl( Zi,.gl,..r wi\JI a ~pufAr currt'<l~.. • : Or&ilgr ('rount y Spt·~k"'" r,n1m A '·•r~evan "' thirtv h ug .. Anny ltrx. H•rry f'otttr 11nct MoM '""" ""' ""''IIJIIUlb nf ra~ cre ft ~oolta like· floringa are opening· hc"act• an thPJr ... rro rt. to makt> liurr v111'ltor Af 'NI'wporl ltarhor rlur . 1 ' f laal Wl'"li ttntl w~ll In"'"""" "' T il>' k• j .... vl<l•·•l '"'""l'"rt nll•m thy Jllu" ·. wrr•· quic kly J&~hfore<J up with n~ up. The Joel( and key people Say 1 that nn. onr who knf'w Harril lng thl'_ ~umml'r month11 lln•l hllr1 Kln<ln,sto In ourlll'lvu, 11 the t h r fi nAl m•'"''"" in· l .o~~gur ,. f,,, 11,.. """" In• :olfllnJ: ~ '"•lfl l•'"'" Tho-·r,.,t,ll• ttol•lr•·llll •YJ01rf!l w"" In Juri,., , ... ,·utonjC Operatonr 0 1 lklalne"' 80 far thla ye•r, t1 the -..·hen hi' wall hf'rt" ~s 1t"ft out Sin<"e many fri,.nd" In lhill community. honry •that. hlunlll ~I etlnr ot 1 Beach. Mrll J..rr1 fo~rilll ,, . AnA· ,.lltn~o: kit• p .. n • m u110\inl( o •Ill· pr<.vlcl,.,1 ·loy l hr lj(,!trrml:tn 1•1•· llrJYIItf' n•ft alao ptrked up .,. beet In the Jaat ten years. that waa a nuDJtit"r of yt"&n ago. He had been !!Wimm ing w ith a 'l.lnkmdn~M In anot.h~r.-_Landor. 1 helm Willi r,. r irrt,.tf pr,.•i<l,.nt . •lltlrm~ In th,. li~tlo1 trlhutfn« f '<> "' l..r•ll Ang,.lr•. ttnrl 'rr111 P'''"''"" hr Mid. .. · . . ' . '· .. ~·---~ f ·. .. . ; . . ( ----.,.--.· -.. ~ Pqe Tw.o ,·. NEWPORT.BALBOA NEwS-~. ·Newport Beach. Califo11Jia; TUESDAY: MAY 20, 1941. ~-~'-:---:-'o~RT-~~-HA-=--=--IB-.01 ~. -~~~=tc-oM·-~rs----=-=. __ _:.~---~ ....... ~....:..~-.-: --=-~--=::;---;;:-~--~----==--~ ......-• • ---• t .... ...~ ... - -·· •• --------.--------------:--.-....,_..,...-- Phil 'Harris At Balboa · Rendezvous Friday. __ , . . I Ptill Harris, the genial b .. md leader or the airways. who ~ made his start u an ObScure youn~ musician tM>re a .~urn-: ber ol yean ago, wUl be featun"d "1th "his ordwstrn fll' a ~-dance bMd" Friday' night, May z:lrd, at the' R.en- deivous Ballroom with dandng schC'duJed to get underway ~I at 9 p.m. . The al)pParaftef' ot ['hll .Harris • ---... -: -; ~ Ia m· ket"pin~with lhl' pro· fsou. rhlanct ballroom and hy Sam .,..ir{ outlined by Bob Murphy Boyd, his. IUl•silitaot. of offl.'ring "" lhortly -after he 1 t he famous IK'rirs of ~rormnf'nt bands for the Record ·Sized Invitation· Bedecked For i Hu9e . ·ln~iiation Card Phil .. Harris . 'I S . t Ph· .I H. . . .BIJ:w,a ~u donned~._. holl-. S en I arriS day auit fo welcome · Phlt ttinu • - and h1a b1\nd to the Harbor Dta- ; ........ tr':.:r~::~e~~:;~-~~~;fe!~rt Har-, ~ ~<itablishing a new record !.or ir:witati9ns, at le~t re-: Welcome Pill --·- bor Junior Chamber. a 'royal "re-gar(IJng the. Size of the. invitatiOf'\ card,' W8S that sent this c.ption will be al.forded "-ia-t w~k to Phil Harris, nationally known band leader, to a uad hill m~iclana and'Q evrtreiice 1 home-com' ti .._, h ld · his h Frida BALtWA of the-co..-.munlty'a aplrit · ot co-l mg recep on to ~K ~ •• m onor Y at 1 •u.-GA • 181AND operat 00 in welcommc Ita form-. the Bamboo Room under the auspices of the Newport Har-=-------------' er band man, the entlrf' Balboa t bor Junior .Chamber of Commerce. I made of tbe u. 8. Na ..._ u.. buaness cen~u been ~ally I Th . · "Y bedecllrd with bunting and naga. . _ ~ special lnvr_tatlon card to, , . lad fell eft a boat. He autt~.eoe- O.traJ Avenue Ia llterall cloud· Ban<! Leuclt>r Ha"1_s was approxi·j P. l<ncber and s-:m Boyd, wbo cu.tca-only, tbe ftport ~ Tbe .. 09~ b tbe raJ I >' wavln t matf'l)' HI Inches wide and four heada Bob Murphy a Rendez:voua accident occurred on t be b a J a...m Y nt n • · Y 01 rt.fi f~t l'n ll'ogth and was uniquf'ly I Ballroom etatf. front aDd pollee wen DGtifted •• r'1·' tpreaeth 1 1 'l a c t 0 1 .! coricelvt'd·by mt-mlx>rs of the Jun· Invltatlone are belnr aent to from· lbe VlklnJ'a Port. 8JIMIC .. c e o . e vtal or en er ng . ,._ ........ 11 '---6 b N ..... _ .._ pa e a r or . ......_.. • bor J "-·-..... rt ot•lb H b ,.._ &or ""am"""r. 1• mem...,ra ... t e ewport ~- --..it The t-ure lr,·it ::tion canS · wu u.nlor ........... ber and to all Funlalt.o,_a. N..,_. _._ ' y. lettnf'<t s~.:.:tully !U\d wilb art..Lit.lc . ot thoae wbo kn . Phil Harr.:_j.•+r------------r ~nr.: by Harold .Benedict. we 4 1 ben he r came to Newpo HARR.IS . PHIL For oi ANY ONB ELSE! HOME BAKED GOODS Bakery BaJl.o..C.Uf. . . a....a, .,._.. .,_..._, wPh bo-. llaJ'Mr lUella. ,.trl. ..... I tile .... t t.ritjaUoa eanl wnt to PlaO Harrl• l•w1U•c 111m to U. Ieala H-·('orlllq Part1 · to 1M! IW!Id In hi• honor at the .,.. .... Ia-_ t"rWBJ , ~ay ts, by Ule ~rwport Harbor .IUAJor .<.:~ ~ ('-· Attractive Harbor Girls 1 known local alp painter an d Harbor. Attempt. an belnc made Junior Chamber member. · to make aure no one Ia overlook-! P lanning the unuaual method ed ln.tOfar u Ia pou lble, Junior of extending tbe invltaUoo to Phil Chamber otflclala .. id today. SON OF NAVY)IAN INJURED IN F AU:; · DEAR PHIL:- . When you need Sh erwin Williams Paint we will Publicize Celebration L---------'-------------=1 l ~ Altl&etiYC' 1\:l'wpnrt Harbor p ,,.. th!' younl( ladl!'ll pollf'<1 with t.be I trlrt (1rl11 havl' <'Of)pt>rato-d ~·lth hug.. iny1tat1on !'ard Mnt P b t I the Newp<lrt Harbor J unior f1lam· · Ha rr111 for n!'WI! photoe tAken bt' hei ot C"omml'rl'l' in pubU.-Idn~: Kl.'nt ll1tchcock. publtr ity cbalr-1 11!f trMpr CtlOllng f't'lt>bra t un · bt·· man for thl' J umor C'hamber. · I Harria and active In pluninc lbe home coming reception for the n:aeatro a re Judre Robert C anS. nf'r. prNident of the Newport Harbor Junior Chamber ot Com. merce: Kent Hitchcock .. In c.b&rge ; ot Junior Chamber publicity; Har- • old &nedlct . w ho prepared the color!~ Invitation card: Oeor~e Police we r e notllled Sunday morning of the Injury of J ohn Lo~. Jr., 4-year old aoo of Lieutenant Commander JobD Lo- have i t! A .. Cordial Welco~e TO 1"he LEADER Ia tlw llal'bor Area r. Circulation -Advertising irl"« 11ta~l'd hy thl' ynung · mr n It Th,.,.,. ll.llllu li:.g aa rn6dNe • rtYtc Kro\IP t M Mtn Harn11 and attrnctlvt' Jt>M F:lilott. BeveriJ 'hia bend lo'nday ('11\lrP. Jf'~llll' P nonl<l,.on. Barbara !off'rllng at the Rendf'zvou" 1.\:llh ~i .lllun :u.ul ('Kihryn ,.:n101gn. J unior ('llambrr lf'ad!'rll thia Wl't'k Thl' J!r"J"d uf publicizing the l ttnmP < ·nmln&:" rN'!'pt)on for the , dltneml! pl('u,ur·•· of 1 ht• Nt•WI.Ort n"'' .t hnnd h•adl'r an• I his mualcal lfarhor an•a nnd for llw o·nllrt' "rJ.:aruzatiout ini hult>ll the prepara- "'Uihland t111n of II(Targl' quanCiy-of nia. Clerk c;ablf' and Hf'dy LAD.r lliat w nall)' k no!U) bJIDA.Ia~ ·tl'rtlll a r •l pholt'IO wh1ch are being ., In tilt' love MHIIf'dy ('_,_. bet>n, brou~tht hf'rr for nnf' ami duotn but4"d thill Wt't'k to every X: wtlkll wtU.' ~•at• O'Keefe Ia . twn OIJ.:hl l'nf.!RJ:t•mrntl< t hrou~eh· '"'"'~'l'i'l"'r m ~nuthl'rn California. 101Mrtc:t Atto..-y s tarta at u.e Welcome- PilL-.·IIIIlS ' 0 . Sam PU'MBINO • Pho .... : Of Ike ne no-: ~""' 58 • Ki-n sf ather: Ht.:A 'I'ING • REP AJtnNG llt Eaat Bay Ave•- BALBOA. CALIF. • BALBOA P.AINT STORE 700 E. Bay ~ve. • ' • , ,. , .§.HER~~~~-~~ lAMS ·----t P~s . OUt thl' llpring &flod l'&rly IIUmmf'f . Tht> ;Jnnior ( "b,tmhfor, !lr&ded by ~ IMl:lt Wed .... J'. IM'aaon . l':t•xt wt•••k. Tbur8<ht~·· 't•11·rudt'fll Bob <:rtrdn;•r. Harold · '---.,....---------:----------..:.........,......___J 1..-----.....-----~ May 2Pt h. Gh•nn Millr r anti lw• J!l'nl'thl't Ko•nt llltt·ht'<l('k. Sam famuwo urc:h<'llra ~· 1 II be• thr lloyd. (;t'orJ:c kltrchcr and otbera, 'f<lj;Jll puint for lht' Hl'ndt•zvoull 1,. mRkmj( an "all·<tlll" attempt t o 11pot IIJ:ht Othf'r famou.,. m fho·l!t rtt" pr._:.ll,l<le thr foirnwr hx·al band man RE ·IDEZVOUS : arf' f"XJ'Htf't1 t o bf' l!rhrdUINI Wi;·th a ruyaJ rN'f'J>IUoO upon hia Durinlt t h r aummf'r munth" ,.... 11rn f'nl(aJ(t"mf'nt to Balbo& and r-----+-------...;....----'"---------; note•l ban•lro (HI' rxpt'<'lt't.l tu' '* th Harbor a n•a ·BALLIIOOM Back Home PilL IIIIlS arry's-Cafe OPEN ~ JIOVR8 EVERY ~AY • But llaJ Ave~~ue Balboa. Calif. -Let's Everybody ·Wekome PHIL HARRIS • A8d Uwta Drop bAt T'be .A.rt·IN-A ucl we,..talk It oftr! I ----THE ARCHES "Ju.<~t A Little &-ttt"r" COCKTAIL LOUNGE aad CAn; TIE· ·fUI ZtiE ~ WELCOMES I PHIL HARRIS IICI TO IILIOI •• , .. 23 ll<'hl'dull'd by Murphy ~tnd Boy•l to play fl\'f'r tongt'r JWr t<l\111 .. f $17 WORTH OF GEAR llmf' Murphy alao plans to nfff'r :thr ronuthllln•l the f lnnt in ~>nll'r· 1 • I talnm4'nt at the Rendezvoua thl• •tr. Hammon nf 280 IIUmnM"r I t'o•ta )! . m. that ballroom11. the Rendt'z· t lrn Nt>wport Pif'r after fiahl.nc tll flq)f'Ctl'd ~o-pllf n I g b anti fi8trfofg6t1en lila tll:kTe oox. fa\'Of' with •lanr r rnthuroiiUitrl of rontamm~t · S 17' worth of ,equip- all ·~"" thl11 IM'a"''" a11 thl' rf'roult nw nt \\'ho•n hi' rl'tur nt>d to ob- of thr exo· .. llt'1ll mu11k to lw offf'r· I t 11n hill box. IIOffil'(lfle had beat ed. ' l him ~o it. l-lllmmon toltl pollee. Welcome . . . • PHIL HARRIS . - Everybody have a good time e~ and then drop in at the 44Casinon ... ~ . KKAAK CASINO . TO \'Ol1R BIH IIOMt;..('OMINCi J•ART\' Carl's • Liquor Carl l\tonahari Store 3011:! ra1m ~trf'f't r Ralhoa. Calif. , . • THE AJAX ARCAD.E • I ·wELCOMES 0 ' 0 • 0 PH.IL HA.RRIS '-niJIIY, _MAY 23· The "Night of Nights~ You Don't Want to Miss! • Come Hear Phil Play For You At His Big "Home-Coming" Night! . -.- .RENDEZVOUS ---= · BALtiOO -· Welcome ---pH It-ItA ltR Is- • l1f a· aLB 0 A. A I D·· Y 0 1=1 --11 G ' H.OM E-COM-11 G PARTY --·· -• -) We're All Ready and the Town's Turning. Out ·to a Man!, Main ~treet •. Headquarters For the Evening's Fim 18 'At the New and Enlarged BOB . MURPHY'S ··BAMBOO ~ lOOM Balboa, California ' . .. ' • I I ' , ' t I .. t • • I I ll ) ' '( ll .• ..... l, > • . ..., ! I -. --'· 'NEWPORT BAJ...BOA -~ Newpwt ~ 'Cillfwda. "n~AY. MAY al. i9U. --. The .Cash WILL BE AWARDED TO THE NEWN&T A ~ ~WS~IS . JUIE 27TH - .. • MERIT CHECK , 10. 1. COPYRIG·H't " WE~KLY. BONUS AWARDS COUNT BIG On Saturday Dip1 a ~ MOl'lo"EY BOl'lo'US BALLOT a•ill ~ ~ven ~b pertk1pant ln., on thP work do onP by thA't ('&Ddidale r,... the a·N"Ia, A('COnhnr; to thf' foff0oa1D( ~lwduJe: TH£ rtRIT P£RlOD $2!'1 00 r'f'loOrtf'd for the WN!Il $toO 00 rt•portf.'d fcor the •·~k 17~1 00 r'f'por1f'd for the Wf'f!'!' $10000 r•portf'd tor the •'ftk Jz:)()O repqrtf'd (Qr th~ Wf'f!'k $!.000 ~ported f or t.M .-... k 17!'1 00 reporlf!d for lbe .--k StOO.OO repot1f'd for tM Wf"f!ll si!'JO 00 .~portf'd for the werk 700.000 votea 1.000.000 vr-"- I 00.000 votea 2!':.0.000 Yolf'S -"..00.000 ~ • 5.50.000 vola 1.000.000 YCltee EXT II CISI "IGIISES ~.ffiiO!l·Ti .: THIRD -WINNER In addition to rerular "Weekly P•yroll" Ch«ka. Third poeltlon w orker •111 rece1vt-a bonua check of 20 perctnt of hla or her aub. · .Crtptl~.~n collt'ctlona ~~ rouam-~'ER , In addition to rerular "Weekly Paytbll" Check !. F ourth poeiUon worker wUI l"f'Celve a boDue cbedl nf < I~ percent ot hie or ber eub- !lr r.lpU.ors: coii~Uooa. 'fW~Y. .. ~Yr011];i . -Free Cr:e~it. ¢oupon GOOD FO& 100 F&fZ caEDIT8 ,... .......................... ., .. ... , . .. ...: .. , ............... ~········· ........ : ....... : ........ ························· ................ . Otllftt .. , .... o..-,.. ,... n.t ,..,.., frirr.tt. te •n ttlrft" ,., ,_, (rt:IJ• ~.:.\ Tl. Y. }JfJ ~· •'1 ROLl 0 14 t'ill..fl I • " - . I l l - Entl) :Coupon GOOD fOit 5000 ... CIIIDII'I ~ . I t • • ............................................. . I• Ad~ ........................... -•• , ........ . . , J'IOTY, ..001, mrr P.:ati'J c....-~ tw ~ ........ , ... ,~.. hrtktpaM. 1·--. . .. ... • • r1zes ------------------------- - IEIIT CHECK •. 2 ~' ·' - 4WU:IIIr~- .u ··~ m• r....._ In ....S , ... .., tr, r ~r•l,_r '·V\-I!IJ' Pa.,.,-..-,·1 ,...,.., laa >Jl ,._r,yk..-ra ''n't'r F\ftb v _.""" ••ll ,.,... "''""' a tw,r.u!l ...._., •tf ''' I"''' .. r;t ,,, h uo _;,r t•r '.~"JAO'oO ,,,.,_h, ..... .. ~{~-~~.~roll:~ ~~ Op_portunity Coupon 1 I• ..... ._iOCJ~IJI1U.. I ~" ... -......................... ..,_... .... I • • • • 4 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . . . ..._ ......................................... . I TWa~ 8111 •-.r floW J4J')II'"~ t"Pmtu• r,,..,,. ; ...._ -·~ , •• • • ~-IJ t-•, .. .11 .. l ~'lrtrr.P111, • • ..,......, •tft, t:.... ,._ ....t.-r.c-tlt>ft J.'\'> •·I•' al j!. ()"• ~· ......... !'.to ••• */"'"''f .. ,,. h4~nl c..t , . .,. •nh f"tpt'-•M .,.,~ ' •• • ,..,, .. •I'" rr~,,.,. •• ~• J'''· •fi ,......,.. ,u,.-I' T UF. n•r; T rt HT AflT, -------------~-------- . ' ..... , ..... bar at ~ fHt, • 1114-two. to M a -• a...-.. u._.; ,.,....,d for uw btate I ,....p, Uw f~h l'-Uta. T.aJ that t~ .r~all IIDd lltlw Ja.,.,..._ ~"TflUlh ·-Nlat.la.fwd • -l"ft':. I ont Ott. ,_ ill that """' Vun X.Uth _._ ......... I•• ........ lila ...._. Mark Matur ... y at 4 :"'"· ...... .... ,. ...... ""« .......... . ln.-two. In I~ 4 1••" 14 f"' ... vault "' .... flnb ,.... .• Jtar.n M rl;&wf'f'ft. whn mad,. a YuaiL)' ....... C1a• (" In trwta. .,,.,.. .. ath pia•'" ID t t... I ...... c • kM-hot,..._ at c :~rn&la. ,.. ·-........ ~ •••• : ...... ta .. ' ........ 1 N Uw I~• Aftlt•..._ ilr-.. t nAI n ...... 'Um .to ... lu nomtoltnlt .._ I •'"lc"b an-at tt... taat mlnut,.. in ao b.-otodlnc 1 1..-h~J«r bo-1 l.t~r Aw.,. Xlf'loptnl( t .. I~ platfo-rm nrd WNhr8day h • rro ,..,.. ttwtr trvll .... ,. ... •Ill br t~ .... .._ ... 4 ,_ 1 A llan-n MrHav,._, llllly An'- •t.r-J.... llarb..r l._v• Al- .~ t ' ,._. ...... ,..,. a.ur-nw flnt nwe wUt ._ rolled ....... maple.._ Of 8pntt- l•nd Tllur.Say nlcht. 1'tle ~ flwr wiU ba bowa.d UIIOft f'anoa'e lk-VOUftd at .the VlrJinla ~ .-I .. Une. Lmtr l..,ac-h, the follow-ana ....... ...rra "-a11 ........... .,..about .. 110, ...... llnlc'la'• avt>rac• .. , ... IM•• pttr acunr Uulh ronlelltan'- wlll hnwl from IM'Uio·h ,._., U1' matc-h Ia ••I*"IN tu t... a bulr u~ alfatr ______ _ •~•• bo-llna fiU\II 'ar. lnYIIfod tn allred aAd wll-OM! C'lllll• pe41tlof1 . l --1. I'"" "•lith. \\'ra \\'alt 4 1•rll. ('al\'lft ~l .. laD.IU't"'"..,_' .... "'.+• Starck's Are Pine hamps _· ., Hill 4:nutd)l. f"-a• llamr tt. K.u Kunhano. I<•')' Kunllano aM Ma""':f'f 4 'tof\01\'Pf, 1 t,._ U -Bubu, A.__., I 1'4tlut h J im l'antl.... Kuy Kuro- hant. ,, ...... 4 ........... \\'nabt. J Clark. J..UWr. Htll Nwflln. hob \f.allanwrr v ..... >n •ltzP.tn.·k. -· ' ··"'-" . M.tct.J n .. "'-un,. •••• '"' lil-t-' fla rt•of' ltrc l•r• 11 ,., , ,.,.,1, .. 1...,1 ami It• Ill •lf'\lofr.,. nf thr btl(' "'"lllol t.lla an.l 14'n P'"" ""•• nuthtnc lrrt too '"'· ,.., far u 1..., -wlnl•r wac•-• r ~ ,....,....rn-..a ... I"Prot tn • •ollfo< I I~" a lnnlnca f•ot tt... ·-·- Nally '• NDYy rllded tlftll UM1 U..· K'•n n l• Cluh In lfwl r.tlar. I"' hrh•ll ol I lr H•IJih Hoard lllkJ h I a '"''"-· 'Kiwanlan•. 1 t ah•.,•l•l hr putnlrl.l out that lbeJ •••>II """ tbr • rllar p •Uon 1at.e '" I hr lf'aet1Jf' ll''hf'n lhl'y ,eub. alltulrol fur a· I••ID thai h1d "'"P· Jlof'd aUrn•llntc W IUa Ott• handkap, ............. , • '"""• \'Ia thr ar..,.-t>~•• · tt... rart th•t ....,.,..1 u~ vlnr nun•••• "' • r h•lwncr •horlfolt "'" fltat r-'llrf'f'll• 81nMt In l hr f '...til .... ,., N"wpt•rt lhrlr -'~'ll!lfl!._UIIut!.. Uu!. K1waAk '""' -r ..l•on• ''"'"'"' t>v th .. ,.,....•nfly "" '"'"'" '"" r.J lu furl•ll aootnt• urcanlr.r.l t<•••n•• 1 1uh Krcl•r• •11.1' lu ln•l,llll y I u h r J•rrarnl, "n• ""''' tt... , ,..1 .. 111 I• ..-hffl· Hof>rr .., .. har•lly • rhan•·• t " r ul,..l '" lor " "cn~<lc" met• ,.., '"'' ,. fhrm '" r llmh uut ur t hl' •·•liar ln ,lhr """Ill" r •orl u. rraJiy \.11 1.,. lhr ah .. rt , ... rt••l •lurlua whlrh • fun I hry • ,.,,,..t ... l . • .,_.,, "K '"" "''"'"" '"'"'" .,,.1 Mrmt ... rll uf lhr • h•mphorlllhlt• ttl .. 111 t ... l'nt>t 11tn A . L l 'lniiJr)' •tulnlrt '"l''",...nllrtl( ~l•r•·lt'a C'afr lAhti" l •t I!R if•h """'' d ol"f "••· ,.,-,. :-!too .. • \\'rl•h. AI lluovalh, II1,.S ., , • • ""-.,fl., al <>t thr 1<.....,., l('f'rootp -JIJJlb.uUfC-lkrt UqulJI.t•aui.l Ucora.e '" •• ,,, ,.,,, ""'1 ·~"·' .,.,, ~ft for u .... tt•l•ttnft fill' ...... ,''""'''"'' .... .. , ••• , .. h• , .... ., • ., • .: ,,.i ... ,.,. .... ,_, .. •h• ,.,,. UJ••fl l'lA f,, thr '"''' ,,,,,. ••f ~''"'' • rualo h 'I hr IJ·~•• flrot.hf'd tt. r•l 1n ft1r ,.,, ••• ''"'K'••· tf•l11 yrrtr Complete ~hetlu_le live. Qait, Tl"bllin1 . . t•uf ftu v t, .. 'rll~<r I"""'"" w l "" lho v Thr · N""'l"•rl llrHINor 1 ,,Nmhrr •l!tult-tl ''1 • "'I~ I "'''' h '''"1'1,..•1 n1 I 'nnlmrrr~ ann<olln• P•l I hill wr rk ""' an•t w:rr 111 a •luuutvointacr 1 • rrlr •.,. ,,( lh,. 11141 ;,.1111•"1 of t f,.-•,.y, • t•olh .. ,,_.., .,....,. ••tomr • n,_. N'"'"'l"'"' II a rl:w•r !Cr h,..hlll' ut "' !hr ..,.., I•" al lrrJtlara ,.., II Rt••.r1rtllhlntc loOala ''l"'f-llrtl( nut a.ho• "-_...,.., tit lllrt~.j rrf NoW I'"'' ..... rtlnr ~ -• 11 •~ul•l '"' w .. rth wat• hlnJt Thr ,.. h••lulr llal• rv,.ry live I lia II a nti I rulllnJC '"'"' In lnt'a l ~es ..... ,. T'• ..... h,.,,,, ........... ~ •• •urh ~' , lnf•ormatl•tto tur lhr "'""" ttl the I ,...,,t, II• al7'", na111r "' lhr r ap· ThvrM•J l ... ue taln In t hartcr. •I•• lc wlwr" It Stare.• 'a tUwanle m•••••. l>h""" numt ... 1 f~or a r r ana · ~ \\'~t.h M. 442 J tr llt~~~rd ' I nit frl1•11. llrn,. tot •lrp11rtur" '"' .-" M 2 ~·24 It Jl'lnk r rdt "t,..r•llnJC un lll'hr•lulr . t•rll ot ltlllh•·u... ~.Ill 3711 U Kr•u«~' of ,.,,. ron•,l n"t"ll""" a11 In wh,.rr fl (,..ulat 4:i7 401 r »nlln rr ' r r all h""" • .rallr_y. •·~tiJiru. uullu.. . ~-w.m .. ~m r,iilr (' l wuc:k 1 N .. tatloon" "'"" ,,,,,,,,.· r••frrllnf ,. T"l tq,...c 48 , 1 • 1 I•• lhr lnollvl•lual h "" I • "" I o 11711 11M M7.M~•I 7~ .... 7~"l-792·2303 1 wh .. t hrr Ito")" a rr •I r11•·l "' ICII.,•· ---I""" p<,..,.,,.,., r a " I oor rnr ollu m &pert land •I"'""· nnd ••I hrr •Ia til ''' lttii'N'IIt ltr .... ,,.. ~O:•ft r,;u, M Htan i'"V l •o J>r'"IIJ>N'tiVf' Mlllt(t•ra l nfur· 4~,1) 4411 .~Iter : tnlilioon 111,.., I' tc lv• 11 1 oo111 ,.ntlna II•» ,., hcuJC•• 1'oon11way 4110 44ft ... , ntt "nor r hrolulr 111 In liololotlun to M • lvrr 4~ •tn tl<,...,.n th.. wN·Icly '"'"'""' . ht'1llrlln ,,.. 1..-alt na ~.211 ~.111 K rllalo I ,,.,...,,1 lov I h•• l'lrrtnoloi'r oon •l rolllrtl tflll T,t ~p<.1l t.y I 'h" r 1•·11 A I I 7 to( N"WJ.H>I'I and llflfl ,,,., 1\l:t 2~,1t(, 1\:.4 11:-" 1\Z:t·:tj>-14 hun•lr"'l" "' I'IOJolo·~ luovr ,,..,., tllll· '"''"'"" too r "1 to 1 .... ,.,,.,.,.,. an~l n,_ .............. t .... s-•· •oC h"'" • "'"'"''"'' wltH lhr fo11hlnl .,....... fw P.U: 4alt -a.w. lnolu11l ry ,,,.,,. New'""" ~ &1boa NEWS -TIMES PHO~FA n a II .... •••t:~.-r....., ... ftw,...,,",.., ... vot-"""m ~ Subecnptloft J•ayablfo In AtfvllnrP· ·$2 ~ P"' ,..ar In Ou.nae County; l:t 75 Jl"r , .. r to 4th 71.Jnf", $.1 no ~, ,)'f'&r t<l 8th Z()flf' • 25c: ~r month by carr14-r. Ent~rf'd u ~<fau mlltlf'r at u;,. "P~tolf~ In Nf'WJIO'rt Dr1ci C"~llfomla. ~-~ tt... Ar t of Ma.rr-h :l, 1879 _ ~ A Mt:YF:R , F:J>JTOR ANO MANM'of:R Prlnu nc Plant, 22fl8 W Ontral Avr nur, Nt'Wpt>f't 1?11ch. Cnllfomla '!"""'f'ftaAJ.. p-~ NEWPOR.'l' BEACH, {)AUFORNIA ... ,. ... ~Mo .. 1.-1 , .... .., .... r ... o.W 11 Y•n • . . r ' NEWPORT BEACH ... r .. - 'NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. Newport Beach, California, 1UESDAY, MAY 20, 1941 . ., ~ ' THE .wo~.1\ N '-s P-AGE ..... ._ ... '"""'""" __ ,. ... '* .4.,. ................ 4 ........ -• .,_.._,... CORONA DEL MAR . ---· COSTA MESA BALBOA '. (Hetty Dodge ... Phones 1~ and 13) BALBQA ISLAND --UDO ISLE - Mesa Friday Club To Hold Annual Ga~~ Tour And Tea May 24th. Men Will Prepare Pilot'• Claaa R~lla • Bride-Elect Ia I Ninety-Two Harbor Young People Are Ba~W~Uet For Mother Old Fashion Da,a Honoree At Harbor 1 Guests Of Miss Jane Graee At Gala Dance 1.. n._ h "Aff • In Coah,ame Party Publiahin1 Co. PartJ I A"nd uaUI ter aar ' Mirth 11.od gayt-ty prevBllt'd Rat-! J.-am·tt~ Shook. Boonlt-Eggtrt, E1q!alaltt> prdena II\ ( ·uat.. _,,._ ,.,..,.. M•" ~iullnl:' Hlt'uk;:-ba! bt'cucd to urduy night at th~ Wumt'n's Clu~ Juun t110klt-y. Cfll•r&ia .ff'acbea, wtU be vw-wed Saturday. May 2t , t'ur " numbo r ..t yrlln 1'1:111~ ""'' th•• rru•nll :u • ''' •h·· Au ul•l '""h roned" .m:.t(sa ·u on ~er :;. A. Meyer 1 h<•!lsr tn f"u~IR &It-sa when~ 9. 1'111 Chapman. •·bo l~d &be La .,.-di'IOI,-'If!Rtdl>ft WI~ 1~1'"" -·.,.... .... tnu.uliU Ill '""' G"'h ~l\f'1'tM""'1"'"-1' l lt'!••l··ll nf lh"'-\•ltltf'lr"'t 1'hurwdny au\1 RlTOWpll{llmi!lllll. llt'f\'t'tJ . b; I •of thE' ha:-bor ~~~. 'UW ell· Con.:-a-Chain. 11 n 1~ Uua w-uuty wtwn 014! t'u t t ,. and tn lt.c..l C.'r·-.a"r•rk )l r• ('hl"f~\ n 11orch h 1 h•· ~··" .. h .. " rnJ••Y•·•I ll:V nwmbers of tbe l'tlol'l , 1 lht> l'h·wvort Harbor P uhl1IOhlllg rurts wl'rt> lnilitt'd by Mtu Jan~, ~rilyn Kamv C'arol Millt•r. Jean 'u-F'H<lay Anr"..,.'" (,ub •JI'W'· Ttla yrr t•n•l--rt>d IO.•• rn•ll(ntotooll •·halg 1111n ol( rtw loMH I"'' "''" c "l.t~i' '" lh,. Chrlllt ClaUI"f'h by B y , Company lllalf, wert' a part of lht' (;r~c t' t •1 an Informal aport dan(-e A'llt'n. Corinnt' 0111011. Mar~ le • -1hf'lf annual ~ar.lm tour and IW\'o·r•l w...-k• •tc" t-.awo.: u l ,._.,, m ill•··· f•rr '"" ~lul hut l l:ltll!ht••r 1 11~ s ... !L'I _,,..11t11 of Mn. 1-~lrnoro UDD pit-nit• t'llJOY<'d fo'rlcJay towonln~~: 11,1 ·l'h~ h1,111teae. drclll!W In a, green tohxwf'll, Elinor Noblt'. Jt'an \\ar- Ia. tw-&.lth I• ''"1""' I•• 1 ... I!"· 11 thl.• • "'""I! llttyJ .. o. ~~ nt Mary Btutlo•y an.t POPPY Jno'lnt' Park by elg hlt>en ~rnployee• a nol whtte shlrtmakn ~reu. wa1 I~"Y· llrtty Ann Rogna. 1\<'\'t-riJ Wra u .. l Rt .. tn VI bulk" t:ar< ... n ltu~lnJtl "" 10 cool••r •1 "1"11 1 '' 1 tn tho• , huf' h \lr ·on.t ~Irs \\' ft. Fowlrr -----a.nd guntll. BI!IIISit'<l by hl'r molh~r Mrs V ic-Crace. Paula (."lliUe. Pellf)' A~ to 011e c1 OW kwf'h~ ol thew .... 1""''1"'' n, ..... ,., anant:•'lll"nlAt "'"r.. ,,..,.,, ltn.: '" ,,11 '""'"'"'. "" ''' l-•·~1 1\'11 1''" bt'I(I\D wtlb J:&.mt'l! •• Mr MPyt:r d nnne\1 aprrnpn atc tor (;rlll'e. lltlral'ttv<' rn a powfi<'r u d Pt'ggy OryanL .. __ -tttn,.l. •·Ut "-In • har• .. atl""'n b )'« '"l''"""rt"t"r "1 thr I' 1 • rtn•· "' •fi·· I"'P"Iar .\'''>lfll a .. o. wllb M rs 1-: ~ HEHOR· IAl D·A,V · bluP ··ny•mbl6 Dfoc(trat nns an •I , ~•t J u.-··-......... -.. ,,... .. " 1 "'·"'' ar · "'''1 " • "" ,. .. .. -,.-; drt>as rur t.lw outJuttr ' "'•kin .. ctt• • ~ ~ AI··• Hal '"""'nn " ua.u)' .....-· ~ ........ --•-. ('•w • • • ..• ,. l'uml•>nY. •I"'""'''' ., • \ 1'1 ' [J ,. I II ···lnn•r •u _...,. .• ar· ... f b I r In ttl• hbn ·•-rt --·-·-.. '"" \\nm•11 ' !"••·••'' "1 11 '" 1'11 •'""'' ~ ~ ·"" •-'~ • mnny wht're he waa Ull!lllo·cJ by l re '"11 men It V.'t' t' ~ ...-"'"l nn ·r Tomm~· !.lf'CIIrkr ll. tlr rllr 'TtN-R.oOoo l ..t: R.-. ~ar.lrM nn t h .. c;anl.-n ~"" tl•m .Junn.: t ne S · "11., 111,. 1,,..0 .,1 th• ,.11n..:ro•· "'"'' 1n "'"t .ohl~ .,,,.tume 111r th• "V.1llanl Minor anJ Ourrl'll Palm-ur !'ttra. Mtlt'ts Crawford and J ohnil .. n. f{<•b-l'pl!Oll. U\rrv L..anr- Newport Qoul..vartJ 11 (boo> mttt•l fU• ~,_,l h•ot•r ..,...,,, h 1••11•,..•·•1 Ill•· C:"'"on "'oil '"" ~ n•IIIJ'''"'" r-tr.lr-.. oc·ra.~l<~11 F'lrst P r 111e fur th •· Spaniab Adobe To er to.lr• M4lyer preald4k1 .wer ar· J'at.ey ('lila han supt>rvtSt'tl t h .. ' ma<l~ (of'fl~• :Cprnk. 8obbJ ~- lpOt to ~n tM lour \ll'h rr r t.u ... m•>'• .,.,." .. n Ra•llar•l T uv.·· ,.1 pl omorrt.; ••••kill •. orul ·•nrn.: "llr11t dr\'II.!Wd" lad,)' waa ~~;oven • • 'r~g .. m~ntll for lht-tabl~ dancing ' !':am f'o~t .. man. Curtur Ptunn,y. Udleta '"II~ aYatbblt' at tbe ftl. ""''r ,.,..~ ,..,.,hntf'l . J•r.--flt..,l 111, """"'''''"' r•'l•·•·'· ~t~,... ~;mma Hra.rurtly .wbo •'&me Be. Vaaated By Follow;lng d nnu. Mr Ml'yer. Th•' tlollwom WOtB \ll'coratfld Ill J ohn Ask n r"'an .,ana;:an. Carl t.ruMlco "" 1\ii'V.'JI'Irt Jlout .. ,ar\1 at•d M-\l'rll arlrr1uiN! ... ""'J>'UIIrol "' \lr• 1-.l.ttn•· l 1tr•ll•' 'h '"""lt.: "t!<t umf'•l '" blade aftd for mrn uttlng aal\le hla ch~f-ltke ac· co~rful CT't'JK' papt"r cbandeht'n . I Ohforlu Ruh Flalgh, Bob Boudlnc:C.. c:.cae "*" Hen• arf fNtu,....., th .. plauu hy W•• li<'rr ••.r HO< k fto·ltl "'''' k• 1 f--'h•· , ; ••• h\111 In • t" trt hu~ l'r111'1' ol Balboa lalanr~· 1 Ebell Membera - 1 coutcrmenlll, aaaun.t'd the rok' of palm lt'I\Yes an•l sl:arlet guantums,; F:ddlt' C'hl pnlan, Hall Moody. v ar- OOYft'ed tM<kfll rflnlllll'IUll: trovit •·•atl itln• ( ;,...,..llr HUL .. It '"~"'' ,,,.., ,. •• "' t..... \ncol•, h·•• h .. n ,_.., 1'. I Goodell WIUI P ,. ---muter or ceremonlu m entlonlnr; ball~ln~ In lh{lab net all aet for ~hall Rlrlcmrd. Jar k Hlddoo. Kt ttb , cal plant. ""hJdJI a~ tutwrou• \lt., ro.J tho-pr .. .:r•m ·••k• •I "' ,,fldo ·t ~~;"~~>''~,,...,,, M lit•·ol "'' h a prettily dot• uri\ led I F~tr th~>lr last mPetlng or . the that ..... ,__ n-tly Dod•• Ltt IKXln l'h<' tl~lloon du.r.rt> and favors filr ~vat"r. \\'tllllrd...c 'hapmaJS. Stan try ...___,__ . totra 1 :unn1n11: Hut lrr _lfol' .''tar I' h 1 k t before ar ety ,.....,. """' .~ d t t d th t .\.: ---S,'h•· Wtll ltlllll'll Ill SJ~tflt•l l'll' hut I •Y t R \• JUII_ a v ' l yea r. U.e Newport _Oe_acb Ebelt l •. '---·--& .__.:._ c.all-·· ·~-ll!i'" th.-·~ar._d_anre 0 e (' II ag~ n ownn J!l''" \'alf'. K_llnrm•n t.ltll-1-_........:·:.:.·_ T --------~~ \·r•• loom& ~Jbc mrriiDI!' ..._ --.... t .-d =:t -4=............. ...._ m...uu u .:r t= -_ _......,......,. -.. :R ..._,.~ lllahon"" •~·" ........ -~ " • . ,. rum•• ••·llmt.: , t ,,,.,Q'tllnr.; ., .. ~ ,.,..,r, .. mrr. 8 we.e ·~rT ·••llah tllf'mlwrs wTII. goln C'aravan lafl:~ bollf'll 'to bC' brought forth r unano. t-' \\'altrr ''"'""" Nuhr ll~ovJc.D, a.at. AAa ttnad h•• an• other n<•rth Mr• H 1• s l .. an "'1'' 1 h ( A WI· .,f "" h (".tltl••• 111,, 1,11 , ,,.,,~,., 1~ .. r ~.'"'""' •··~ ''' thl'tr ehlldbOI•d. days . .tn l 'al•lm~tre" A \lobe near Pomona , fr•l"' ••nnc·e&fhlt'rit, ..,., h 1 c h coo· Bl't14,Y Ha.bbtll woo I be honor or. Jury I'll rica. ~allv Hlackbo 1 .&rd. _ •1 • ,__ u__ ..... , .. 6 11 ...... , •orth trr at th.-1'1"11'J "'' lh~ '"'""'"" 1 I k to n1en1bera '"'ll 11 lhc ... _... 1"-1 d u to t .. ld ttu• Itt ...---·-.. -u. ~·-· ,,,. ,\r~.:••lt·• \lu•t• "'"I"• I'"""'· •anw .. ,. · · .,... c Thurftd11y, May 22. Mr1. C. M. talne\1 an attractive "'1ft tor the ""ng crov.n(' q een " J immy l'owrn. Hirhard lllmm . ,1_.., __ fM Ita lmHftlluuc lath · N "An ... ,. '· foil•.~•· '1 hy tht' n a.: 1 ,,. -d I(Um drop., hoar· .. 11 h to th sunroom ., b -~ ,aJut•· 1,,. W A 1 •l•n • ..-r h\ m•·ml~·l" ••l •It• '"""r.: I"'"" l•i'-'•'..._,,., "'. ' .. .. l lt•tlklnll annntiJll't'd 1\l Tburaday'a brlde·ele•·t 'll Jutch~n f r 0 m em-g,_, mace ID «' . E<ldlt-tottllol'r. Po~~ul )lyhrf'n, .., o llcMM coot.aaniiiiC numrr""" \'ar1•· 1 ~ "' pi•·'• ,11,,11 Hl l.tflj.;o'd 1" ~~,... Jfllr· huun,r • •u•l) IUld niiiW babies ffil't tlnj;: .,f lhl' dub lployt't'll or tht! company. when~ lt·e rream roll and cak1.'11 Bt'tkt'r. IJ C'k ("llnlfllun. Bob Ray· Uea ot raJic..Joo luchll&ll, bfo.«untu 11ld F \\ uld• nl••r..: "11t1 l h•· olr•!!llt'rt COW'M. Mt:mbt'rll uf the Antlqu~ Sec·, Enjoying lhe ft'IUvlt n w l' r e WH I' "t'rvo•ll T h t' refrtoehment. m••n•l lb y Wallao·o•. 1-:<l•hr •1mll. a.d fern•. , ... tJul )1\'toJ r .. •lm and festive Round Of . J•JioJnl( 1n thf' merrtment w.-ro•lttun will hr In t·harge or arrange-~ Meaara and Weadamea S. A l'ttf'ycr. Ia ~ •· will! trtmmt'd m colored I C•·n .. Tan-l11r HohiJit· :O:ull(l, Harold ~Uful , •• .~ . t.nl p . H ld .\!o·.~:cr:c 1\llol Mt>lltlamu 1\. c ( )wl'n,·~··ntll All mt'mlx>rl! wlsblng loJ~j> c. G HIUiton Richard Mc:\1urray. I I.: ~" hl.-rll.l•·•l. Ill palm ... avt'll C t\1!8. Altlo•t• ., .. pktn... n 0 b e rt -nw S IJ c·rn•1orol .,rnfwaltf'r artln e lnatn.dion School 11 .1 l'ru ,. llaymo.nd Eruttmttn, ~hnu.lcl m•·ct In frvnt or lhe Coltta , .Don~d J ~g~ ·Mrs H ~-w hl• h f••rnh'll u IJ.ou ble an ·h O\'t'r :o:turk••y. ·n" b · CalflliiO. Jimmy Welm« bomea prom..,. to attrlt't friday· Eveninc Conducted At Mesa " " .;, rrosh. ·..: D. Ooodl'll. Wil· "~'"" .. ~rtduy Attn n;,on Cllibhoullt' S rii!Uiers:-Mra. Al;na lt&lh. Mnd l-1•.-..ta.t.~"A•I II h"ll" Cturah~'apl•~ R.~r'Vl'}· ~b ~loody."'nob Cartier, YUdtora • II h tl··~r l .. ·.to~ k,..l lrarn ~'" k••lsr·:1. IUid MuiJatneA at 11, "· m. hrinJ;'tnJ: lndlc!dual. 1 Nora AhrjitWitrlh. &tlu June Gob· ',\':.!1 t111· •···nl•·rr•e•·~· Charlo•~< Plur.tm•·r Allrn 11 t' e k . patloa and lancJ •.• , ... ln~e .. nulty ,. mf'TT'I-rm:rn.r •• r ··ar.r 1:141Jft'• W.C.T.U. Meet ,.,,,,. l'h lhf18, w.' R. f"owler, Tho· Mlrll will tht-n 6(0 ln caravllO rid. Mlas U..tty Oodji:t•, !'IUM Dtanll l Clrt tho• 111\,lt•ll lt~t Wo·rt' Mmi'S nun ~l a nuff P ttk llurkt"f'. Ja r ll a.c.r. *.aUla Jaa..l UU..oof(.. ~~ ~ c ;. "''"''"'' Hnrnu . AUc:e !'/ln·n· : urm to I he tnllllld hllltorical (lOlnt: Jd&.: &WJLrth. Gcora c. Karcber, C . I Tlwr l'lla I h•ndry. 1-.lalno·. ll~ssrll: J arJtM an• I Hartun llo•f'k IA'ho lo\'U · (n-.t prckon tu nlanv "'""'' r ~llo "'""' '" ~n1· 1 lor t · f' 1-'rt•llt\ ~""' I •~'rl" Y.'llll:'h ~tanl1f'TY, J!:lmbrr Hay-' F.ll<•ll nrllll:'t St'ctlnn will con -1 Wll'-rJ Minor. Burrell Palmer and lltuth lit<rshry. C'lalrt' C"nug, I t'gg) hom•· fur t h" •. ,..,k rnd from raJ 8aila pont In t.hf' rt-at nr t •f' It n,,'n.!,..".'.::\.r::1 1 1''':', .. ".rY,,."Ka'l1':,''"~1;:' t\ c ·uunt~ In'''"''' "( lrl•lt!IC' ,.,., c:r11•·•· Hilllnga, Hal Whlttl't .•• ,.,. thl' aamt' day at 9 a.m. an\1 1J L fo.•atJe 1 u.u CruiJIJs. Shtrley lt1111n. Mar· Tt<h V Hall brpf' L ': GtllttJman -· ~~ -.. ~ .. ''"" ~-'' It• hi t "rr•ta\ .tll••mr~<on 1 "'''"" ~I lila ·an d the ~~~~IMI ,fl nu•m t:H<r, whn JIIRT~ed t-arly grr .1\ta~~<m. M11nlyn Hill, C"'lrr~l Ralw OI<'ILm•n aDil o l'l W•t.un •~·r•.Ch\• I:O..,.rnan nr• F:''' \\'lltt• ''' ''" rth•lltllll m•·•·llltt: "' •h·· t-:.rumtL Bnln8ttnl' ud Elalt' New· thll• m•mth Hrt' rt'(Ju~ste\1 to at-' p E 0 Ch \\'ult1t·nbo·J); Vl\•lan \'au;:hn. Kath· t·"L.!ean·ll\~~ ~ ( ~~, •• a.~r,n wt.o. rambltn~ ranr h homr In a nn l Jotf1t 1 1r1.t ~.ovl .. r n lht-1"1 ("'"''·' ,.,,.,,, \\'('T I' l11 '~'' 1 no! ·n1,. n.-x~ med.lnr will b4! lo·rhl • • • apter 1""" ~atJI...-. IJuo·al!t' Adams. J un«', Ur:J a r u c;_ .tUn~: of ~or~ar>e• t~nd. I •· m" n t er • • h"rmlr ~ "-h"'Tl .. nn Ar•• \\ 11lto·r I\ ll.ol , ... ,. .. 1 '; ·• r t1' I! J un\: l9 ut thl' chW"Cb. Mr anadl ·I Ent__._. ed B O rr11111t"n IJnrothy As'hman El· I ,.,:-~ · ) .... ~ c. 0 ~ • • ~" lf"'¥" 1\aj! att.rlll·t t•l m&ll\ wUl l#na ~tr .... f tc..ltw•• '"'""'' c;,,,, "' lh•· lin'''"':l\ ~' 1 • •' I ~~r~ H ilMI ow.,n and )Jr and ~~atlaln Y wuntla J;,hnsmt. J oan \Vakdtt>ld~' ~ ,.,.. .._ ., IWDOn~ hum ... toor ... t TI•• ,.,,.., .. OJ' lfl ""'"'Ill ... hun It· ... ~fr-': \\ 111·11 ·I .._ ..... , "' \I lla rr y J>hllllpe will l>o' l'O your Balboa Hoateaaea Lr•n Rano• ~ty~rl!. AI!Ct' Best. l'han I :~ •co ' c '·'"• •• ~ I. ~.lr a tuur o1 tM Glran Ow-"BI"f•ll• •n<l )Jr>fi~tr fun•l to•• ln•tnrr·r1,.11, '" o~lfu•"• ••n1l ;,,~~ ..... ~.·~ fol~ 8 pot ··luck •uPI><'r Hl'loll. UI'II!V Habbttl. l'al Packe. •· ~ • ·I ~ abudr t ... ••all,. WrY· s .... , •. rt 1«---:c h 1-:t-ll • lull Win ··h.tlt"lll• n '" lttlllllllll: lho•lt ,..... r.-•. ·• p "! NEIGHBORS •. .. U~\l'rly Ho brn ls. Ntim·y Holman ~ • • .. • •. ed ff"ttm 2 tu :. p m tn thf> Ott n.-r~ r" va.ne'la• Jlrtz_r-s .... ,-.. J.l r• tlnn ' ttt••tuucht~ "' .. r-4• J.:l\t•n (Jur· ___ M ~s Suaan ll .. Rulh~r!ord and -.:--- a. ~ at :r~ OraAc• Aye.. K_ ,. r••tta. wu r II Ht~tt.r KMrto rn~: lit• "'"""''I! ...... ,,,n v.htdo h·· R--··1 lt"u•alement . mM,··srA £lh.lltls thMtrtorryov.m· ·"mn~rtr·slno•·tJr Fa'fty Attend Muaa· --•e --. -· "" Hlack~an). )(!a l'am ln8-a: .. n "' Ill :Ill V.'llh l H \\' (' T I' ...... _ y ""' ~ • uor D ~ .... I v I ol n)llt .. ~ fathl'r .,..., ("tlflrtta•l ~h··· 0 7. Ea I s I I . Phi Omev•• I C"hopt er An nr 'thl' ~anta Ana ~ o· I _,.._ Ra pll It' e .. F: I "" ml>t•F' pr•'"''11 ~ ..... Mlnntt· \" Of Miss r ... _... tan ey HonQrin v lJlel r mgtherl . mt'm-I P·.£".0 . ---'aw ·'-. , .. _ Rut .. Ar -Arb Club anner n ... nam.-.1 Jlrt-•Hir~•t "' thl' .. .,.. RotJf'rl><CI (I t.l I 'amf'brll. • RO"t<l ........ (',,...,, Mo .... n ""'"" f1n•· I ~ -r.. .. ~ ... n~~ J \TI nor ,,.... ..L.-i h f II t .. -.. • --·• I I bbi'IJ To Re• "lbn.lhl ht•rs of l'bl Om~ga 1111rorlty rre-I rord home lrt 1~-1"--wtth a buffet Co d 1 M _, 4.Af'rnnnn c u n ,,.tnt ,.... .. ,.,, .... , • ' ,,.j,tl '"''r lh•· o•rll)t•·.t.lay ~lr-. ... A ,..""" rona e ar I ..J M H H ---y-r ~u ....... ~,... In rP<l wh•t,. !tlti•'I.J at a pretty affair Tuead&y l•tnl h~n -n•l llr•wram. I ........ Uon"' " ,,_ • •~·"• ......,. (;ra•·•· llumo· ,,,, lho· tlo•l ulloonal <" u ,.. 'nile a~nt.lrl~nt ,.... an~ and t.h~ F..tpHially """)' wu 1 I'Yl'ntng Ill Oa.nlgera In Santa Ana Tbe hoeteSJHiuo rh~tllt' yl'lluw • ea. u. ~~ ntday wtwti' G&r-h bolrlrl rtl ,.~ Jivrn Wu Saylur IY•n<•l 1..-wo•l\• mm1·•ture weddln)( bou-I .Amon~ lh0114.' lnvltecJ wer~ Mn ami whitt• ror thl'ir c<.>lor I!Chl'me Approxtmlltt•ly frfly mt'm"""" of .. 8tK'Uoll -~~nw """ ~ yHif'l'~f . ..l'Y .a-.au.t~~brlnd .on &lw'lr qu•'t!! ~·•·rl' r h•lllf'n by Mr anti I Grn•·t-E ~rook~ and Mra. M. L. In n ower• uad ap1,.,intmt.>otll The I hi' Mtlllir:tlo• Artj Club ell Oranji:f' wedcUac 181Ulinraary Mra. Arthur forbea Mr11 F:"rl Rtt~nlt-X of 223 PeArl ~J<eelcr ut Jl&l!)()a Jaland. Jncludt-d 1 pw grarn wa.s the final 111e.,tln~ C"tlurily '''''"' pn~l<4•nt (It Hw ,::ala ' Hlddtn.: and b)'in.: .... ,.. ,,....,,~ l f M • Avenllf•, Blllboa. lll&nd, to an-In tht• lillt n r hol!tt'IIAPII Wl'rf' their of lht> club )'(•ar fflr thlll ··ha ptl'r l'r~n•.;qv·· Dtnn('r J:IVf:n Tul'"'l &11(1 .. _._. r.-\\'atlace. J. A duma rom eJtiCO 'll~tctnl'• tn Mrs. St1Ull~y·a .. ororlty aauji:hl£·r s, Mh111 Myrnl\ Bronk• 1 Amon~~: ~IH'lllll atto•nollng from h(•rt• rluy rb•nln~: hy lhl"f'f' of tt~ m('m·, Callt v.uc-~k>ll. L. L. I• to t<lay tht• f•nJ:'Jl~tement a nd ap· and Ml:<11 J n11Pph1ne J<eelt'r._ m.w-wt"f'e-M-n! A M. (:&mpbl'tl -tw~ In !Twir coro n a 111'1 -l'tfnr · 1»11. C B. Rudd. F. I Moor. Sam !tot riC Arthut f''ttrl:wo" rc>t"r:.""'l~~~ mt~rrl~t~te of t treiT Northward Ho l a.nd Mrs ('atherint' t-: Slol...,., ' hom•·~ . -JUI-~tulllllta.Lae.:, f"-""' ~n. ~ W ~~"" 1 nm;;-) ·~t M••n· •laul{hl•·r F:Hrlynn. to Rt'll Al-l "G<'tting a wa y from it ull." Mr.s·l Fir~! to ••xt,.nd hnspitalllic·s was , Olkk-.rd. n M r amp,flf'll. o R. rt:•y fnllo.-on;: " "'': ".,..·k· "''" hrl~ht. son or ~fu. Dorothy AI· Vernon Orr cnjoy<'d a moto~ tl'ip j Loyal Workers Claaa t.lr~~ ~:Cirth Com••ll o r 8('~:onaa j I "-1. Oortrad 8110>011. G f' rat d with h•·r motho·r anol ro·lalll'•·' In brl~tht llf Ralboa tal&Dd. Ja~t WN•k ~olng to 8«-rkt>ley to A•·t•nll(' whu 'WI"\"E'd fruit cocktail fl~t.c-t~No. 0 Z Rt*"'-· r-11,. Otahu-.hlla. Mo·:..aro. Wht'n ll:ll<'lllll arrived lbl11 noon visit MN<. E . T . C'am"ron and I Elects Officers cuur~· N>llow<'rl by Miss Margarf't . ' WIMsl.cTnft. C f" Yo' at ... F'rltnk M,... •·ort..--a l ... , vr,rto'tl many llltd ""UI' Matl'l1 about a p~ttlly to Onkland to visit a childhood Sc·harlc• or Cold.-nrnd Avt>nut> who ' ~-Fraall Say!«. H f' In z intf'f·•·,tin~: P"'""' south or tho• appolntciJ lunC'hf'on tabla ln the friend. Mrs. P . H. WC'dt'l. Th t' y M 11 R \k Murr . (If C'o~tta s<:rvtfi a ck!l.q>rt course. . --_,-_, Ul8 KA~Rr, I'Ce._ aoct"H&rry [)ay•a bof'dj>r Shl' llc.-np;.~nlf'd M r 11 Stanl .. y hamt-. t hf'y were praee~~t-t~~Wnt ·M'Vt'ral days uploring curio rs · I') • Thrn thl' r::rowp gathl'rt'd 1n ttlt' .. Atty ON ef tM F .. .._l"e Lecal A...-clft:- HO\\'ARD \\". Gt:latl811 M11 wee( c·-&nJ Au·•-JI(_,..t ....... . ..... _ us .IORDA.N. 11\1ST ... PARiliEK ,..r.-..-....... A-..... ....... .• At.o .. ....._ Haary F~ftt. K. t Domthy M Car11'r of N_,ort I f'd thfo bnuqut'la ,..hleb wen Ued lhopc ln the bay ana. Mrs. Orr M£-sa wasw::;·tl'd S P.:;:•dlo~~ channing homt> or the Lel;Jie Stef-l !.1'. IW•·,.... M m ...,.,_.... nMittl 16 Mr..:K-o ,...,,.,.rnl ••p,·k~ w1th whttt' !'BUn ribbons aa wbt.cih I rf'tumcd Friday. ttr~ 1JJY~~fJ h ~ • u ~, Y C 1 frn!«'n~ at 209 MMtgoJd A'\>"l"ntH" _. E. W K . C'lll!-.' o I t• "c>!"tfl l~ r<:."l om· h M . S t (f ided ~ · ~-·~· and wn~ tn n~ndud.• hc•r tnp wf'rt-"".~ttt-n "R~ and IC&rt~n. IJdU&tM . mllmh C'hun·h 111 lh<'tr mt'!'lln~: w c•r" rs -r l'n.qon . pre"' _. Rdrftllilml'nta •~~ WrYed a I •·tth ttl;; 111:10~ lrawt.•r hut Ml"" Junr ~6 Color~ or noral lln'IDCe-Wl'lcornt'<l as a nt>W ml'ml><'r of · . 1 In t•n to•rt:tlnln~ thl'm Mt!<ll Eliza I U•f' ~ of OW ~f'ftt•lt by the lf'artl'r • .,., l:rk<'n •II ''''l'r:llw• .. •k, mrnt .. ""'l'rt' In rNI a'Dd wblt.. '1 thn Coasthnr v F w Auxtlla""' Tlll''fla~ '''::;:'•~r.: '[}_ I hi' ~'01 lll'th Fark rno'r sopra nfl anc1 tv'r bo.c.-.. • ·· · · · ·~·,hA ll whf'r•· L·' , • .-m.,.·r~ ullo'nui'C I I \\'Ill' 1--kl both ('f>-,.. ·t ,..,. . 11M """ fnrr•'<l t<l r••tum Aml'nll: tht' ln~·ltf'rl fi:'I~BlJI ~pt'Ct· Mn~. Ma'IX'l L Gln,::rall of C'O!'tll 1 \\"uh ,1,.,. ':-.t•·~hrrl~ rl•'<'h'l'1 1,1 1r01 li'r. r:tm :or nrr. Lido lale Ho.ie Sc.eae F • Beaefit S.ffet . Lunclaeoa hum•• ,.,, tr~ :~ttrrd v. rr" Mt-111llunu Wll· Ml•AA wa s antllnt('cl Into m••miM'r·l 1 Iff 1, r ... Arl• of A~aho•ihi ga\"r a ;.:roup ? f 1 I . . . ~.~n .• tl' n··x )""•"' t I •• !"" "'" I t om 'I .... hv l'tt·~'l "."m M <tyhcw C'lvdt' W a r r • n . ah lp · re1·cntly tal t h e . gmup s !.I no Ftl"ll F'inur. \'trr·llr't'llult'nt. '" !'f' rvn' ace P· "''"' " · ~ ,\....,.a'-t t b~trl~" llatl h<'r, llmry Siebrecht. ~tinr:: an lht' :0,1;•--a Lt'grvn Jlall .-,.,.,1 Fmur ,...1.,,.1an anll ~Jr ... l l••lrn l'tfo•r al~n of J\nahc•im . WomM1 or Our L:wh uf Mnunt C;,rmo•l C"huJTfl porri"'h liN' lnvttf'd 1•1 11l1•'ntl th(-ht·twfit h11flo·t lurll'h· l'"' an tho• holm<' nf :0.1" J E Hutltlo.-k (tl tH(I Plnnt 11<•1 Sul"fl. l.tll<• hi••. Thuf'rl:t) al 1 ~ 1• rn Tit,. an\111\llttn "a' r'ltlt•rMio>cl Ill· •I ·~ t;.) !\lr-. ,\r thll~ l.'ltlrtahL"''"· ,,,.,.,lo·nt ,.f th•· Ahnr S.W'ii'l~' 1\ hnk"'l h.orn hlndl•'"" • oil hf· "''" •~I h\· W111 lfll•l~ll··k ai'Jtllltr.t hy )tr~' ....L fl.. j L.u.cl.L. .:\1 t> I JlULkc au I.! \It" ,\tthur llo •n~o ltl .... •n 111 ttw IL,IIt\ ,,, '"" l.rtf.• 1-1·· """,.. "'" f lnr.,,l1t \\'hll "'' "".... ~~~ """"''~'!' ~thodi'IO Milton Gerry all Plan" "'~'r•• begun ror a JOtnl pot· Jnhn K•"tlln~.: 11 ,.,,,11;,., ~I ,., \\' Spt'('tnl 1:'1Ws1s or Ul(: evening f">tntt·ol h} "'' sr onl•·} '" fill 1•f l'aAAIIrna Hf'n Rutlt-r of Loe luck dtnn•'r with thr P ost in tho· L Ctirn;. " llw 1•111~, l•'·ll'h•••, lho, \:t•·:tnt'\ .,f _,.,.,,.,"" ,r ,.,,.. A n~:o•h•~e a nt i !.In• Y,'nyne 8mlth i lath•r part of Mny. Ttal.-1 111m,,,( Ala .. k a "o•rr• A.DVERTI8&-llrtllc...,... pU••" rur lhr n·m:unrl•·r nf tho· nr ~lanhatt11n ncarh. I lnt>tallrd DoUan Ia U. 0,..! ,·ror. rl1trtn.: th. '"'''~'''" ,, .... ,.," Honor~e "" I \\'ith o rrrrr l"" inrluct<'d 1\JI'"(lay Local f on.m of \\' s (' s Ttt··-•111\ .,.,,,,,f•O• 1\ p•t•tl\' Mllt'f'rllu• ml~l'f'lleanoul! I evening Into the AMociallon ·ror "'"" ""' I·~ \It • \\ rll1 ''" Ktt "' "h""'''' w11:< J!IV<'n for the Junt 1 Chrldhoocl Edu<'fll'""· 0 run~ •' Members A ssist u,inl;( It~ h• r til• rno· 'c,,,,,,wn ltrt•l~ ••lr•·t lly '"'" or hrr achool C'nunty t•hnplc•r. wn~ ~hsll i\luri1•l •:11twa11nn' "'"'''" M •~~ .t .. w F1tr.p••trlek and lll'ntlrr~hnt .Q( C'l):<tll Mr~a i•lf"<'l· Santa Ana Hosteaa ~~~·~ .h•tan Marl\hAll 111 thr laltt'r 'll ro tr.·a~ur<'r. ('f'rt'monies took ~11, f. f! \)'Ill I• of S:onc4 An:t :'tlr" 1-.11.1 1 ~'""' ,,1 1';,,,111,,11;, """"' ut ;,10 ~~~uth Rny Front. plaC(' in t hr Ornnr::c Womiln's ...,.,, ho~r.•--. 1., .::i m•·mlw r• ,f 111,. ,. 11,. "·'' ,.,1• ,.1,.,1 1·,, 1 111 ,,1 I. lin llnlluon l•ltu•tl on Fr tla\' l'luhht•U~I.'. • ( 1,.0111~1, { .,,11 ;,1, Sl•·ak••r ·~ Fol lin! lilt' \\' S (' S "·" lltl·il•l•• Ill ill· ,lo'•'"1""tltt'S "''''' I'll'' ~~~~d by II 1At'4'·:"1aklnr: Tll•·•clit\ fo1 ,,II :til (1!1\ tii'I'\I"ICin 1,.11,r ,,,,1 11 1, pro •lt.tltl•• th .. l '"'' t.ulfo·t ~,;trr~"r ~~, .. ~lsmley re. Mr ... su~:1n :0.1 Tlulhl•rforrl nnl1 01 111,,i,•r n 1,1 oltl••m• · lA III u •lll• '"-LI.I.I' ,IIIII!' lll•'•l iiU.: "''"''" m•n• lnl•'h' J:tftl' for hf'r . MrQ (' l\1 . DNtkms all••nckd a . l)unR~ 1111' Junr.:heun huur :\Ln. • T···• 01'.~~ '''"' .r ·'' ·• 1,1,,11111 ,.1,,, .. ,,,.,, f1""" O.n··~t~~ "''"''the Vl,wa l f11,1·in :llmr.: prur:rarn il\ ~ant:t i\n;t \\"In•·· '"'' "'"'''''' 1,, :\II• 1-:rlll h '"·''"' r.tl•lo 1\)u It' "'' r ll (1\'l'<t trw I'll•"'"" .lUll<' ~~In, VIr-. F:hl'll'" ('llll)hOUsl' pr,. .. r nt t'<l by (~''"'' :01!11 "'' , .. ,,,j Htl\\l.t nll PI ,;. ... ,.,. t! l'••rr••l ~·l'IIIIJ: """"~ Ct' I' r: .. ~-1''! 11·1···1 Ann Gn.tndy. lhl' Sl.'<'ond JIOU!'t'holrl E<-onomll'S S·tnt. '"·' ,\t, .. H ,; \l tllt•l' or 1:.\RI. \\'. STASIZ\' Ill•• ''' ""'" ""'' :\I t' \J u , '.'"' :'ho~r•k l'ln llt~ ll tll Donn,~"''''"" \\',·tln f••tlay J.:u····rn:ckrt)..! ll •m•'~n.:tf.ii llo•.u h :tnd \11'' Tloll· Sr.m l•' \lr• p \\' llorlth~ iln•l ~IIIII•\· ·''·'""'' 1-lltnlt Uar y l ...,llll dt-mon~lrntrrl hy:o M n~llunll>o·ll ;\I l l:t\ .orlfl \I t• H,l,.·tl 1-: ltr t<l~:•· .and rnt..r ··ll "''"~'" l!·•nlf'ooo '"'" I•• ""' ,, d ohucnt.: th•· ,olt• r· n·-•n "h.·n ,, 'I"" 1.11 1•1 "'" "til I• ..... ~~ ,._.,~I TTl • t:t'""' ,1,.,. ~.1-r·· ,, ,. ltnol ~t,···r:o nn.t ""' h· st .. ~.<-•luo. ..r Snn'l• .\nn "h•t •l•· .. i~n~ anti n"" nr c-.,."1., :\1··-a .,::::::::::..:....-::::=~_,...-.:..:=.::_..:.;.~---~:--------:-:::-:;--------------..~'!"'"~~:: rk.-.. ~1-Nil•~ ~!Jtlll --~-· ~~--_.. • ----• 1\-r ~ta·ll'\' h"m" ltt•(••re the Babv CliniC' C LASS I F I E I A I V E R T IS INC ft~•uly m l I 1•·1\ ftl•nol~ VIII II , Mr.-\\' 1-: .:'l:tl•kdl f'h ill'1 w,.J. • ~I,, lo ,. ·~ a I I ..... ll• "' :-Jewport rnr ·· l'lllllllllilfl or !hi' Fdrt .• ~ .\f· 11 ""'' I'm• • ll c1• ~· h"''' and 111 1rrnoon l'luh annnotn•·•" th:ot Ill ·ott. "''"'I! ~ •11111 Ani\ Juntor Col-I hnhll'll Wt•rr f':>l AmlnM nt lht' BaiJy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~· U11• )•:tr ~In k he~ In th,. ~rnr~•m 1n t~· ~ NllbhmTl'~ rt'N'nth· A I ",. -lk>~l 1%«13 .,REIT -BUY Hous£w~PFC: ~-_;_---~- -SELL M u s iCAL I NSTRUMENTS \I· .,.,! \lr• I "'"" fliii:I;S mov-1 '''-nntrt"'"' tn~····llr•n, f,,r rl•r•· I'' L• "• • I.'" '''• 1 footm••r h omf'l thrrra \\'o•r•· I:''''" .\.-t•lln.,; f•1r • '''"" lr-•n •h··•• ~~''"na drl th•• nft•·•n•lnn '':'' :\Jr.. A lr•' 'f.u '' .. ,.J,\n, ,~ Ol~n. _ ,... . ,l.u k ~Jiouldm.: "' 1 .... i\n-:•·1·•• " ..... :: ,, . , k··nd .:u··'• .. r 'ft .tn•l ;\I r-l'l• •l••n 1'11111 ul "' B.tll>tn l•l:orul '"~IYAt ll 5 ~ LOS ANGELES ... NTALI- Martae ..,.._,.. ~EAL E sTATE F oR RENT roq .. E: ... 't-J ~droom ......... ,......,..~...._ _..lee<.o.Ubn .aad doub •• gar-~v•. o"teld~ l.awttdry, r lf'<t"C "'"'"'"'!~ rn.tctoh nf>. "'a•dl QWAr1er-l W 'llt ,...nt b y tN y•.ar t;T[IN\1\A" C"'A~O B~••lltfut C-1\f'Hf•t t"f' \. •r,t t''nJy "' p rt¥ H~ h~m., ""'•!• ,,.,, c hf'-'P O,tnz kt,,.,,,ff fi",,,,ow, r <'. ~ -N1rrt-n -..,_ ... ~t , ,,.,,., Ar'!,"t 16 H e Business and ·Professional Directory I Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills ".,C~ "•d..!!fe • V .c uu~ C.•f'.anere Pt>ono &9' AuT("IM nb•LES F'O ...... LE-ttlt "••d cou~W fto.-f , ... noll ...-14111"•· "udr to ... to .,.""'"""',..."' '-""ante WILLIA'-'SO" .. 6 WILI..Ioii ... SOl\1 Pho"4' 171 S.'Dc• 7IU £. ContrA! :n.u, ' OoiiBV G"' ..... O .. O•~llCv c,,., n'v. $( .. P~ ;""V'\ n.~w ctn .., t...'% 00 Tr qtt• o ..... ·r '-r h rH eft ftt~'"'O Ct'. ~ "'fr•th ¥, n ~~ c-...ant., 4 ru 34 "' ·un. H.-\1.1'11 U. IIOt\RD I'll\ !'II ,,.,,. ~nwt:CJN Cll"Tt:nt• \Til . f'holnr 111 It nn an Wt .. r; r:\U -""'"''" Inn \rc•rull' Ralboa t .. q.,•re Cl~ 201 "*' '' .·-· pol1 ...... 40..1tp. M ISCELLANEOUS w ("'l ... ~ dfotfu l ' nr ~·oreut Co1 H S<\ld fo• t\~ 00 .,~,. t t9'> 00 no l••st nn. CO:\H.\U IUflrn:R J'h~'l••lan nntl Sui'Cf'O• F'OP .,.LC-stuP11r I .. ,&., trail. or lilt Q.ar -t. ••ltoa lo la,.d ·~· LOST & FouND LCKT~II .. ld •atclt. J dll · _. ................... .. c..-.. K. 0'1111 .... ~It ...... .... ~·-· • .a.c. 8 USI,E!Oiit OPPOfi!TL'NIT!E:$ - Cor•trvct•,• .-tor~ bvtld fne tO• H i w • .,. Corof\a ct.t M.lf" llloom 20•10 tn1 fo r 14'oM. C.oll S.Onu A".o ~ or N-P<>~ Buc1 -fr .• ,.,. -F'Of' .... L~ ...... .._....--- t)pr•r't•r .,.,d df'•k llbtl"' < af': N "-'d '"' -CIO C.. II or wr ltl , ... ,..,.,.,..a, Aw Coat.. ... • ...,. ttc l)a ..-nlf',.t nf"(rta.-r• j Ut t P .. y ('lut c~"" .w:t Or ... tt r~nt 0 .1nr 5ch"'''" .1-tJn~ C•, ~ ""'''" ..... ,,. Sl !i>A'II ' """ 34 \It BoATS Be SuPPLIEF · cA"o oF THANKs -I .Studt"l OPPolrlunoHu. Rrtond.,oon f'rt C•.t••,t t I tt i!IJ : T , u ,, r •t »• e') T rombo"t IJ9 9!1. a.c . cord ton tJ t oo. m-:-n, o t h f'r bot• o••n• O.t"' khnt•dt P tano Co . YO Nortlt ... l in at .. ~nu ""• )6 ,,,_ jq)fl aAU-A""*f ,.. -*•· I We •·_lllh to thank Ole manY:-------------- ........ ,..._ O.CM~on! I •• '. swraoru anJ organlzattcotu wbo I USED PIANOS lor Prac1110 ...... ,.~; -er ..... ..,, ~ ... 80 thou«lllfully tJe•d tnl>ute and •• lo• •• ... ao In good eon· ..,. .,.: _. Tnllw .._ 41tllrlt. I oftei"H Uwtr -"XJJ''r~thy In Ill' many I ''"•" m • .,,. at a.sf..oo. t46.oo'. et ......_ ... .,._,., --. ,..,.,.. ctunnt our Ume of (Tief. ....00, otc. o .... f><"mldt Poano ·• Ur aftd Un Fl"aDJl \'lf'l~. c.., Ulll Nort" Main St .. Santa PET STOCK 1 -Mr. 0c1 Urt,, ~ Vif'lt'. I Al\a. ,. "'· Jfr:-aad Mn. Bertram ~mltb. ------------- ~~...-DOG.-"'- • _. ...... HaaeC Or.! ~ ........ ~1-.J ..... • llr . .ad lin, 4 9· Al~ood. I bMH S.Jth, ;Un calla Vtea. . . . ~ v ... ·u fo Ntt•• at 8LU·NOTE 1111vste -eo.. w w-..... · t'i.. a.-An•. ft-tfc. Otflt ... 107 '!'!nd !\t~t . '"" l•urt llt•AI'h lion~: 10·1!! a. m t. S·3 .._.._ l'h"n"-.cllfiN-t ~S: Rf'll. tt-.1 - -Dr.' Gonion M. OnutdJ 1'1\,\:-tc-tan and ~~ !lii'WJKort 1\u('h lto.plta! C,.t~tral -''""· at Slatll ()f~ ""'·:, lO·l ~ 1.m.; 1·5 ,..... Tf'l~"" ll " ROY'S BARBER··SBOP . Fonnt'rly at BAlboa ~ NOW r--..w at _ lM M('Fa4df'fl P1&e~e . . .!'lit&r ..Par --~;;"POrt S.acta DR. H. E. STAID..~ DF.~TliT Tl'lf'phone Newport 198 Storf'y Bulldlnc Balboa . I J..,EROY p,, AKDERSOS A'M'OR~"EY Ar LAW I CO<ota M-Baaa BuUdlq noae 4M . . ('o<~ta Meu Callfonla P.V.PARU'.S . - WatellniUer • leweler • ~"' 2102 ~an Front. Ntwport &.pert awtaa w,&c~a ~ (Mid" ..... m,. oa.-.,.. ..... ALL WO RK GUARA.NTEED Mo1hersills RUIM$ $1fHfACH Dlmtf.SS ~..,~- tr=s+• 7 A-HF.ARTY dinnet', or mld- nlghl lunch, a little too much anoklng, perhapa a cocktail or two-great fun to• night; a miserable letdown, headachty feeling tomorrow motning. You ~ople who occ:aaion.XL1 1&• t.tnd 1 ptrty and enSllr'1ood tel· lo••,.shlp 1nd 1ood food, oflftl P81 nut day for the fun you bad. Why don't you try Allta-S.IU. for that "Momll\l After" fHIIna' Alka-S.Il.nr II ... I'Mdlt'IM ,_ ful In' the reUef ol, -n1 mlnar ailmt'nll benUM Alluo • S.tuar C'OITtbiMI • n liable ana~tlc ~ln­ n lrt"<"V with butfrred alltaU&.lf\1 Mill Try it whforwvn you tiave HeM-ad w, Atlcl lftclll'"t._, C.W 5)'111~ toms, M•scullr F•ti~W, N"nl11a, JliUKUiar hllut. Alluo-S.ItaiT \a non·luatlft and p_luanl to t.t b . Your dr\r.allt *lla Allte-8eltur "' "'-..,.._ et his lOde foanl.lln and ID '"On• venient ~Ita'" f.-home uw. Wll)' ........ pecbfl the nut"-Jtu arw In t drq '•tore 8 r? 7/J/Ao -T .-:-' ,.\lk .. t · .~c·lt tt•r- u .;,:llh· rl'li•·ll' 1!. ;odnch~~. You wrll find them c!Tcctive "!''' 111 th.-rt-lrd· of the-other n:q::~ng r.;ins m~'ntioned nhcwc. ,\ p:ad-.1"t' of t hese r mr.:pl 111'1111!! p:tin r ('- ltl'\ crs !TWV ~a\'e you hours o( !'UIT ~rin~. R•a4 full dir .. rttoftl tn .P•rla"•'·