HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-06-26 - Newport Balboa News TimesSnappy Outfit Coml'S th•· rt'JIOrt that tlw local Stall' Guard boys W<'nt through a s m a r t drill, for th<'ir fin.t try, with Ft•nton Earnshaw ~i\'ln..: t h <' com· mands. And th<' dtrt'<'tion was smartly pt'Tform<'d also. S;aving Now t hat the new $13.000 water main from the city well·to the reservoir ha.a ~en completed. the aame pump can handle 200 gallons of watt'r per minute more than It dijl be!ore. While the ~sultarit efficiency will net some aav- tng,' the new line will · a~ re- trom watu dt>pntment t)ead.a u well At leaat there ah6uld be no troublt' with 1 e a k y mains in that secUon for a wh11e. . :- Young At a.. Occauionaily some _Peraon Ia referred • to aa 80 yean young b«auee they. are fairly ..,ry for t h e I r xes ra. But Edgar A. Spaulding. who thla week obRrved his 84th birth· day Ia more than just apry for his agf'. "F.. A." pioneer lleun. still thlnks nothing of hopping In his car and knockll)g off 400 miles for one day's duck hunting. Rt'<'('ntly, he ar!d Mrs. Sp)lult.ling tourl'd a large portion of the <'C'Iun- try by auto. and r.ir. Spauld· lng did a ll or the dri\•lng He hasn't ev('n ht'gun to gt'l oru. yet. Ten Ve;ars J .. u B. is. "•' ill proudly Wf'»r· lng a ten year JOt'' vice b:\dge ot' tht' Nt>wport Bf'ach F ire Department. HI' ''now a.~~•st­ ant fire chit>f u n.;lt'r . F' r a n k Crocker and ill prominent 10 a.ctlvltlt's of the State Fire· men's AsiiOCiotlon Nice g oing. ~till ~ It So help us Mll . If ~nton • Earn1hay a n d T om m y E&rnabaw a n d T o m m y Bouchey are riot aUII fuedln'. Yeaalre.. JI'Mt()n Ia trylq to rouad up all tlte el&cti!M - for the locai C.llfQrn.la State ru&rd unit-before Provlt~lonal Recruiting Otflcrr Bouchey of the pro~ local N & v a I GuArd unit csn get un<ftl'rway. F enton even placf'd a "keep out" •ign on hi!! li!!l of pro· apectlvf' mf'mb c r!l at thf' Chamber of < ·ommf'rc~ ·office. wIth Spt'Cif c rt fert'nce to Tommy Old Timer Paul MU<•rr. Vf'tera n pub· Jlaher ~f thf' fll'dl m(ls Facts. may bf' " lf'a<IPr In that com , munlty , but hi' Is no stranger to thf' Harbor aru.. f'ilhrr Mr. Moorf' l!tartl'd llpl'ntllng w~kf'nds and lor.gf'r vaca· tiona her4' :l:'l yell' II 11~0 11ncl hr hAll &lrt~dy 11rrlvf'd to !IJ)f'nd Uu11 season at Nt'w port Har· bor. ~~Win_., SteaJing the limelight lor a while from !lrtm<' of thl' at· tn1ctlon~ at AI knderson's Balboa 'Fun Zone <r.1UI the ap· pesr-e.nce 11111t Monda y night of onf' o f Hollywood's f I r 11 t lad!es. She wa.. Bette Davis. an almost annusl Ac&demy Award winner. Th~ tal<'ntl't.l lady l!t'emed to f' n j o y the pmf's. rides &net amusf'mrntll at tht' Fun Zone u muc-h M any-. ·.·· Nifty· New Balboa Yo<'hl Club build. lng Is " miJthtly nitty alfa ir. An attracth·f' dilting 111\lon. glaa.«ffi In tfont porch . h&npy kitchen 1 Pardon me. KaileyJ and manv othrr Attractive ff'A• tures mn.kf' It onf' o! the mbst handsome strurtures o f It 1 .. a ........ .!lruUil .. ..t.ll.C-.noiL.i.~n-.IM J~ "" .• ~mfl~MW-nt-lmmy pi;,; So rll'~lllng !11 the l'ltlb house It's 11 wnndPr a nyone will leswe It-t o J!O to "''a. 1upreme T o n ~· \VI\C'rk ll'l l'luprC'mt Whf'n It comr11 to dane He ~ .... "''ben~~' old llmrr11 l'layrcl hy a Tyro- Han band at recrnt U or.s Club party. Thr war whoops rmlt - ted by lh<' skillful Tony ll'ft no doubt 0? l-hr fact t-hat he was en j!ly 1ng t hi' !'hal)gf' f•rom morlern rhythm .. --... ISSUED ; WEEKLY -· ., .. • ;\ •' I N:EWPOJfr~ ' I lDITION EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY. llDO ISLE,. -----__ H~:EHTS, BALBOA ISL~ND: ~~'!_ONA DEL~AR~CO~TA MESA VOLUME ll'.:~ll ~T.l\'I"OIIT ........ C.\Ut'HIC'I,\. 'rHl'I&Mit.U', .n·~r. M. IN I . t:WHT rAUF.M / Exciting SubscriPtion·-Test E11ds Tonite I :--. . , ., T L. h.I E.A.·Spaulding, 1 Star·s Sa;l r--------~----=.-~ 0 a~nc Pioneer, Has : . ; . ~ w H 0 w I L w Ill FirSt Crash Mth Birthday lin Ouest of l. · Ft.IST IOIOIS Boat Here Sp~:~~~~:af~i~y ~=t~ .. r~::!:~;I Po'rt r.·tle I . tioa of Jnnt Craft ID South Cout Company's Defeue W.otk In •'ulll'rtOil' Park to honor lht' ~randrather ot the family, ao:. A. Nt._na Bar~o-:........ ew Spauldlngo. of Coal& Meaa. plon~r 'UIOIOIIJ rt'Sident of that communit:l{. birthday this wet'k •nd hla yt>ar In Coeta ldeaa. F estfvltlea at the pknlc affair CeDleTed around • Elsie Newland the lntelestlnc tallle ot Cood where En•11t a dec:oraUd.. b11::1bday • cake tOGk E) Sa b• I . · . _ the center tpot. . F oremost star q t skippen sa_ ge le .......... Workers Stag~ F~nal Spurt For Total of · :$550.00 Cash Prizes Urive To End •riday Night; CompetJtioa .. ·ClcNJe-and Any-Onr-of--the--eotltfnderl - May Win •'lnt Money Amountin« to...-; &-rond Award, $150 · Fi~t y. S .-N avy cralt to be A·mong th<Mit' congratulating~ o f the Newport H arbor f1oti1la . ~ I c~pleted in the vast defen se octogenarian were Mr. and Mrs II will read t.Mir sails in !M Gene . Taylor p rojeCt program n ow under-1 c . E. S!M'uld.lng of Loe Angt'lu. ~ . -----, ldr. and Mra. Harold Spa~ o1 open1Dg this week-end of the nn: Cl.IMAX .. "RIDAY NIGirr! way ~t the South Coast_ Com·f Puadena and Mr. and ldra. Cbem a nnual Newport Harbor Star S.•wn w~·kM uf hunt work und RnxiMy <'Uiminata .In pany m Newport will shde off Schl<'gt'l of ·Alhambra. M rs. c . K. Boat eliJnYlation JerieS. .. ttw dc~NinJ:: l'C't~' Jo"ridny nl.:ht, ut whic-h .flm.• the Nc.,...... the wayS into Newport· Bay WUcox ot Phoenl.x. Arizona and · • . . J " ._ .. . . . aistu O{ Mia, E . A. Spaulding 'llW' Wl~ll('r of ttw-.. ~ . 8 I F· H . 1\nlhna N~ws-nnws hl~ "·w.Cf'kly fllt}'f'ull" IIUliN'ripUon drtw Fnday afternoon-at 4 .30 p .m ., arrived today to spend 'IM'verai galn•th(' nght to 1"\'J)f'l'Wftt New-ury att es ·•ve ·ours C'Ufll4'S to " dcM• nnd ttw fll(lflt R~~n'Miv.• C'Ofl'l ... tJtortl will it Was announced today. w.-eks Wllh tht' Meaa pioneers. :port Harbor 31 tho' lnlr_f'Mtjona.l •--• "t 1•-~t t ...... r..-IA ..... • , • 1 daim tt"~ ma•!lllflc'f'nt nwn ..... s , '-·•:t•'·--1 t,y " 4r,IOO M--'t ,.....__._ Appropriatl' C('rt'monil'S will "' ar ,.... ruco"' 0 .,... ,.._ -" . "" '" '"" ~ ..,.., ~ mark lh<' compl<'lion or th<' boat. I AUJ:U$I .a~ Lu~ An~::·lo'1!1, wtw-rf' ttw-T F· d D G ·t . Sttc'\"'"S." In n n y n(fnlr ur thl" klncl ctt,..ndA upon kft!ft a 45·foot Navy Air Crn~h l)'IX' T w· kl I I. A Y.~. ht ( lub ~·11 be> t.c..t. 0 . . . . t ,1\achno t n I lt .. t tl Th h It hhctory __._ craft. one of four for whiC'h lh<' n e Thl' flnol twu d tf)'S of th!_ off· . In riVer Ul y ~ . I a . (. I lltlf'( lfl •• lit' on. NlUJ: n ~ South Coa!'t Company holds a ~ e I ~oh:m· r:!r•n~:. by. fho· famous lltar pt1S.'i4'S. .. in~ ttM· fllc'tllty nf knuwin~ ll ~noel thlOJl· when they $200.000 c·nntroct with tho• U. S. 1 I ""·'1' ~•II bt ho lit Saturday and St't•'lt, llfl(l ~ntMplng it nt ttw • · I · Navy I s h ~unclay. TIIO• 'roJIOIII'Ing "'('f'k....nd. . Tweln :s"'" I'"" llarh .. r l•l!lt "'I .... I ·' I lfl h ,., J .. k Sunllllt'U ~ hll ri~ht rnc~nt. hnvc• won Cfrr-I "' lbr IIIUtiO' Ia .. HMdal to ---. . • • O\C'r t hf' Fuur th or J u ly. thr ~ Soulh C'"OO!>I C..m~p..'ln) orf~Clals. n 1n1ng 'Star ,.kiJII)('N ~Ill ~0 to San_ t.a -Clad WOIDO'n .... mpruolnl( lh•· ""'" llllll)' lhchtu~,.r ,.f Ua.lbo&, qt .. •tttJV on ftwJnst tum of the•l l lf'lf'nnlnellun to win , ~ h~dt·... h\· P-~•dnnt 'lo.·•lton l ' I -wbu h hf'ard ''"'""""' ,.,.~ a l ..... '"''"''"" ~ .... '"' ..... '"I -'. . . . . . 'llll'llh relf'ntii'M ...... ,t., Ia ---... ".' · ".~ • _ . • ' . Harhara to ''"ml•'''' m ttw fa,._. ~~ ., I ·• hil 11 ..a. ll I ---! Jlubba nJ. Jr.. a n arlilnl(lnlit thP Lipton Cl.lp rare.,. fo'our mono rlim· ...,..., tn .... nn""'"" ~ 1th " •trunk. ...-.· tlu· <t.•l•·ndrtnl T hr ar rf'elm.: ',lf'l "' . \\ 1 lUSt ttn .. o>c C f'( 1 mort', an11 )'f'l m11r., credlt.a wtU · l launchm~ c·o'rf•mon l!'s '". "h1c·h N s j mntwn rae ..... Will IX' twld at N....,· ~ a«aln11t """" N lluvt. "' """'''· K \\' o.;'"''"'· """••taut a ncl a frnill stnncl lult'k nncl talk! "'"k" a ny rnrmbrr a wlhrwtr. 'I'IMtre Jl~lnl'nt South ~O:t~l :"a\'~ or. I ew tore purl llarhor .... arlin!; Jul 12th to ~-~ttlrd flrarly fiVt' huurJO , ............... , 1-'rtonk N11VIur 1-'rMilk 11111Hit what ttwy mi~ht huv··lla "" tlmf' .......... To ... ,.... f1cmls ha\·!' lwt•n 'lll\'IIPd. 1 M-ll'<'l lh<' lot·a l n>pN'M'n~Ati\'(' at ...... br•nrtmrt 1n " ••••••1•1 "' Kn1.:ht. c: ... r.:,. Ka'"'" ""'' llr t Ia lu lrl anrnf' .... mpet.ltor -~ I Invitation~ ~avt' abo lk'f'n f'X· I 1 tho• ·lntf'm a tionuJ-.. 11 world ra,._. .. ,_., .. at II p m H:tlt•h I• ""'"''· '"" ,.,..,.10111111" 1 •lflf•. •hra.l anol wtn ttle-piT'..-Ilt at l<'nd!'d ~0 promml'nl Nt'WIIC!rt liar· ---('\'o•nt In l'otar htl'II IOJ:. ....,inlt I.Nf'l thr llh ~ ""'" "''"toot', ......... , ... •llllr·l "'"'" '" a lg Eftert Nltede4 mtaht haYf' '-n youre bor hUSinl'!'l" nwn a nd 0\'('r ~('Vf'nh·. ftl67 trial ID ........ k aft .. r ,. , ....... , ...... , Th .. '""'1'1111(11 '"'''"""""nt h "a At lhf' s•rrNnl u-........ -d c1 ·~ J.tarkmg thl' compld•on of ovl'r 1'-'l'au~ !lC ttw EunJP"&n war. 1 11 .---- l ~U<'l'IS an> ~X[)$'<'II · tu a tt<'n · tw" dN·a•l•'ll as a It• llhng mer-l lhl' lnt<'mauoruti 'III'I'Ws thilo year of _... than • y•••or 1" ~11" !l no 'I h•· :J"'Y ··umrn ..... l I." r " rr-a '"".,, • m"n•l.lf'r• 1" '1" tbrlr IW'et. mrnt •of Uwo campatcn de~t . :'lla•·y Ortlc-laho. C'hRnt In ('nflta Mt•!!•t and elghlel'n lw•ll lw• almost <'nlln•ly an A~ ftl67 ~ ~n ~Nhallr•l • I I y I HAIII~·Iu, Tuny ""'"hf-v. Jo-: l•a rll(tll "'""''-hut nuw II ~·ll!h.-• '" ut thl.a IH'We(Mtper ta u •-.ell tn i\('('orchn~: to adVII'I' I'I'C'o'I\'NI Vl'nrs In thl' h~rdware bt~~~mess In I lean t'\'<'nl. J ....... RDbf'rt •••r.tn••• • hiUII(<"I ' Sltl(••luo•l, t-'o•ntnn t:am .. llu~·. Hay lrt y flltrlkular alrf'u upon lbr rtnal lh.-tlark u '"the r-.lt.a *•tan II 1 h!'rf' today, nmong Nava l oH1c!'rs that nlt Ch 1 W T 1 u r ... e..w. t.M Jllry at 2.~ p. m I \\') lll4•, Join.. T . w,..,111n J ill)'. AI· n,.. rulty "' ,,.,,_Ina lhf' llltuatlnn I olurlna thr pr.-Mnl .,.... M .. ~ who w ill IX' pn>!'rnt for I hi' ll\llnl'h·l cnmmu y, 1~r u · e· At J ... a~t flfiN'fl <'nttws ,.,... n · 'ftle 'a61fUm"nt wa.x .. .-t warm l>h"n-ttama.nn. M, • lluward .,,uartoly In thr , ... ,. and rruht1DI _,.. ~'••wu ,.....,, wtltdl ~ ing art' C"ommand<'r C. II. \\'ant. Wink~ and M •ll T e\\lnklt> will be ~It'd for ttw OJI"fllftlt o1 thf' 1-br-fNit t.M llart •1th tht' Jury ,.,. t:Uuttt. Ua•ry ttlo:kr. (;ue Tampt ... •hf'rf' 11 will'-' n...-_,-to pul l the nnal wtndup ntrw.e17 ... Co!llmander E. S. Grimsl<'y. Cap-• h.ol!ts to the Harbor I>L~trlct a~ the bor' t'liminatlon llf'rift this ~-,.wa, t»atUuta 7 to ~ fnr run -T K lt#11 and W. It Hltch--. Cnrtb supr'f'm,. f'fforta betw.._ n•,., lerf'tlttn If not acau.. lain J('ans and Commandt'r Bunk· I opening ~ the nt'w TeWink.le f'ftd acxordlnc 10 M)'fthlr ~ ........_ In tlw ~d ballotma. aDtl ""' flntllb If Jflll would be ,... · • · • -· t'r of th(' Suptorvisors otriC't' at San Hardware building n e.xt Friday wb~ with hh Scout II, I all ......_ jurw waa won over for Mr. aDd Mra. I . Jo" IJaaM:b of tUIM<J winner o( the ~ award. \ • Pedro and Commander Rogel'll and anll S&turd&y. ye-ar -u. a.-a ~ ....._.. a tlorid ,... BalbDa lllland .,.. .....-tal ... a ~·t natter ,....U u.&,.. c.ANIKDATU.-.raL. , .. .........,. Commander Con,er of San ~ na. pu..U. ..W. M .S•-a,....... bot tanect to captui'P tfwo lntf'f'INI· tlk cllaen', the arav-t '-· horwymoon fOUplt' '""'-WIIwaukft aii'P•dy bne tDOU4rb . cr.dtta to -.- Mayor Irvin Ceo. Gordon. city view of _!!le ~~!!!• rww tMM.lslJn& tionHI ero<Wn. . ea.. -lwate.l • 8bouta o I, Ulta ..... lu'lld. win O.on't think ft'rll' nne m-nl OflfJ • ,._ ....,. 'II RitA coundlmen and city . d<'p8rtment and Ita complete atock l''riday evt'-1 Sueh sailin~~; expf'I'U aa Bill ~ c-ad be beard ,._..llidf' that • mllllhn •·f1'<11ta wIll be te Win' .,. ....__... ....... heads haVl" al~ . IJet>n lnvlt<'d. nmg Wllh f.ht' !!tore remaining Orill. Rill Raxtrr. Ourl Koontz.' Ow court c.bsmbrrs.' UW(I .. a f'ntiUIIh t .. win Tht'rf' Ia morf' than Merft Checlt. .. .......... .. South Coa.o;t offtc•als statl.'d. ol>t'n until 10 p. m. T he official lloh All<'n AI nk'k .. r ctnk'k ('of· jury ·....-. wtlll pr1nrlpal•. •uurt City Needs' New ,.,,,. "'"mt .. ·r In that ra.,.. naht '• an h-•• aeltP rteM eut With th(' first of lh<' four nir· 'orwnlng will be ht'ld Saturda*, ton ~tnrt··~,, HAll. •-ho '"" ac· 1 alteodanfa and tht' ,Uhi!C-·,.,.,lwt ~ """'· 11no1 ..,..,,.,,. tbr fin• I ,...,.n,. and take ftret ,. ... lit ...., cr<~rt ~rash hollis orr th~ C'On struc· I J une 2Rlh. with the at ore open I 'fllin~ il rww ~ttnr nnd· ~'ill haw I'd. A third b..1110( f"•llrd P '" ;, In Jail, City Half, ,.,..,,,.,. rnt" I'I"Y Y'"' may ,.,.,,..,.,I big drive. j u on h~<'. pm~rf'ss 1" (:xr·t•..-1 to 1 from t1 a m to 9 p. m . hi~ (m•t tast!' of tnp ni~eht com· favor Of tOft'f'lt'llon. a fnurt h v~t(f' f,. ... ,. t """" fiiC"'"" .-r .. a tly f'n·, You ••• It •• '1~'-'1 _, 11:K' rapid on thf' rl'tflamlnJ: thr('(' 0 11 l h d s; 11 d l pet•tlon ,..·UI .,..,k t n ~·4'11t Lrtl-l wmtltto1UKtf•nailyatNp m Grand •••ry 1"'1C,.,, i"on'tlnkt'a "'"Kir•h'll''" your frlende..,... have...._ .._ __ 1., .1 ~·a 1 ,... I 1reC' ng (' ec< ra on a n · · · !l.U 1 th h 1 .. _ •rt ..... j '""' · · 1 -" ~'""'''"· dUiplay of TeWrnkle's fur the ex·· 1 mnn'c:-Nr wport llaril<~r nuwn a Uft8!1~ balltot f•or · ~;IIIII).. .., ""' '"" n n11 th,. sorlr,. you m1"'t you roug -•• ....,. . Now tha t much or th<' f'xpnn·, c:.siiJn ~· 11 8 C. J S~> nl'. m('r· I rrum him. ~-c:alit. That ,._port k ..ch "«d• ,,,.,.1,,. Whal If .'1'"' ,,.,,.,,.11 ahurt 1 your frlende that yeu uw ..._ llll,o_n work nf'~sary to afford fa· c-h:uuhsin "" '"''er for the South 1 Jlrrf'ndm~: rhamrtlon at ltw-In· ttoyt. arr,...ed an•1 r harg••l ,..llh1 11 _.., cit" 11111 lind c.ot" hlltl ul ,. frw hundr .. •l thuuaamt •·r .. •llt• _.,... a~td .... ,..., .... ...,. Cllllll'll for th!' d!'f<'nS(' projN't!l has W l H ~_._. g C r1 1 t1•m a t 1onnl ~alta •'Ill tw Jlm drt•1na wblle undrr t "" m flown• ,. I ' ' 1 r .. rr .... ·nlln.: ,. mtr" hendful "'1. the I OJ» 11 the wtftd·up f'rWay "~ I 1_.., . r f'l! ll.nn•'llre o. comp I ng . . , ., w11• the verd•ct of the t-nty h '"'~'" romp<''"'· <"onstrucllon o 93 at f • •hi h T w k l . . 1\0WII' w11h h1~ fu•mhuMtiowl. flllnt.oalc:aUnc liquor. Wfl:< ,W,f,•n•l· t .. na trrrn •uhoo.-rlsotluna nlg I at t e'd~lt ... IUN te llh!' mini' SW('('!X'fS ror which the ~~~~.To\\':: k~ e 10 ~: -~ l'r••winl{ Cor ("u~·i(• ~·ill ... hi.c I ed b)' J--£. Walkrr .. ; ~""'": G r II" d Jury which flied Ita I No Time To LON r ......... ftftat tMtruotleM i.. South Coo!<l finn holds a $2.000.· on~ r " 10 e WM• pres f'n .hn•ttwr \.orMn The C ... Ana a8d Uw pr084'<'ut wn """• '""' N'potl thie w~e\. uv,.r ·rlonflolf'rlt'" haa 1,.,.t manv Tueedaye l"ue. ()()() t t is rt<'dl d 11 of Ule company Jut year. · TIM ,..,pore tltdlc:atrd that tiM. , 1. ron. rae repo Y a v nc· . . IHrnthrN an• famoo1" Cot' thf'tr ducted b)' Ctty Attorn .. y Hulan•l ......... 1 ... 111,.. l(f'lea•llun at thle alai" 1.....------------.....J m~: rap~dly. SfW'clal dt'parlmo'nl~tl display!! romp<'llt inn '" lf'lld ing star boet 'nlnmp.m Ttw ,...,... .......,. htll t hlr•l l city offocn ar~ over crow_, .. --------havl' lliiiO be,,n pr('pared by thf' !'Vf'ntr vl<t~ lD a •·-k 10 11,., 1, .... 81 11nd b11dly ·,,. _.,d of "'PIIICe 1 -. · ---- 1 · hf'ada of the variuu11 lll.'partments I court. The dt'ff'ndanl ~'"" h111 "nly ' mf'nt lind "It I• teGOmmf'nded $ 00 2 d f k P of TeWinkle's lndudlog Hug b . wifn..-4 He tlf't"lar .. •l lltal """' tholt IICiion to provide ... .ne be I 1,0 . .· -ay l·re· wor -s -ostm·aster . Davia of the radiO llllLI a ppiWu\ce I 8 . . •f I dlly a -..11 amount uf "''""' ... n. t.Jioen lie -lie prllcllcal I . . d rtm t h 1 t d b t A,,co-dmg to 11 rell11ble _,"" epa en . w 0 w_u 8811 s e y I eau I u . . llllnlf'd prior ... ela '11nl: ,,., Slln Alt•s Vltte : J . C. L1onhargf'l, buy-no-.n. be waa unal!lf' t11 rt mtmbtr of lnform.otlon, the city hall..,... D I F h F h M II ~-&-,....ferred to 11e a "fire tr11p'~ • t rt '· e ott at _ ;~n:~~ ~~;!.:rr('oed;~:rt':~~'t·-~·L -do -fokJ :.:·b,,:.:,ba!. -:-;··;;:~.~~~~· .~; wtoe~ ,,,,. rec:ewde are mill"· I ISP a·y . or -· ~ a~· ·. . .Lee Uutlcr._ pr ke &)).d ~~ • e ... aun ---....... WAll tWtVI ... ·-~ntd. Jllll IIC,.,...modllloO"t llt'J '..U dt'l k : Jl&rol..t Elmer. In charge of I I rar wtUI t.hf' top ,,.,,..n (ltr t h.. poor afld Ul equ•pped. ~· wsa . • . I M nsa qu··lts ~:~:~r::~A~~I "~!k~~:~~~ .. ~~~;!~ I 8 ·p I fl~ ~::~-.. allrol ... ·th·· lndocet~d. I f•rrTht .. hrgr;;~;;:, ~:;"~~;k~~~~~~·~~~. ~~~:ak~h'!'·:,;·::·.~~ •;:,,:h .. :.··}::; ~ and Alma Thompl!On and Lettie y a mer ----~ --. --____ ll bt-hf'ld In till' btatury uf t h,. lu •lnll" IIU..t\ a h llllant and apee .. T~Winkle Si!ld . today that lhf' . ar r Jg eac er ..A ec e · •'"IC"'I t-'n<lay an•l Hatunlay uv"r ""'.t.~nrlln~e affe.lr of Its kted I. IBf'll bookkM"pt'nt I H bo u· h r· h El t d ;s .... , ... rt ltttrlour lll•lrlrt will br larulrtr nhllolt .. lrt be tb4! ~ Appolntml'nt or a· Postmastf'r l p~bllc ill curdiaily IDV Iled _t.O In· . • ----I .. .. .. 1-'nur1h ,, July Wf'rkrnd .. t "" lhr H••ulh ........ I at eo.~ta M<'SII, to tak<• th<' plaC(' i spect the ne~ store 11nd d.'Aplays Thf' stream of nllt~<~n-wlde pub-• llllll~·" untl'"r t hr auapl•·ra uf thr Thr tw11 •lay c"lrhntlun wtll or Norril> 0. Mellott. who quietly M w ell SJII WllnCI!II Ute t'J<hlhltiOnS I Iiclty for thf' Nt"'-port Balboa bar-I :-.; ... w.~.rt lfart. .. r, .,\lunbrr .,, ( 'lrtll· """r<l tllt11W' "'" aiM t., t'(lftl8 to rf'signNI !'Om!' month!' a..:n. 1,. rx· of many Vftrtt'tU;II of hom e equip· bor •r..a "'"" I!Wt'llf'd lh111 wrek "'"'' .. 11 w:uo """'"IOr l'(l t•"I"Y hy Nrwl"•rl lf•rhr•r ''" f'rlttay, the ll('('l<'d in lh<• ncar rutUI'<' Th" a p· mt'nt • by tht' 1s1uanlr of a bt'autlfully Ualw.an..U..~ ot Uae fire-... th. but. wb"..,... hf'No.•Jtt a.t er ), poiiUment wall probably ("()fTlt' at I . l llhulln ted 1o&dl'1' t.y ~ :PaiJI.. ..,....,.."~ ...,,m mltt"1' '" ..,,..'>' antl partlrlsoat~ rn the nbout thl' !':lml' tim!' a-. th:lt f'f·. p I ..,... • -'f'r. jti'Of'rRI ll"lf'll "II""' for tht' Udo ., .... "1"'1 '"''lli~r tlrf'Wtork• r •. tlloiiiiNy fratlvlllra, Andf'raun Ia - fi'Cting. th(' n~·w _P-os.unu~l.cr at I ort -~•on , ...... propef\lf'S, ---"'" wm 11" •t•~r"" , ... m-fli# ~~~~·t Rtlfboa. l · · The outllldP etWf'r ahowa a ltr~e ll~tll~·.t Jtlf•r• "t 11 " m •m lrt •ll• -· -- . Mr. Mdlott. "'hfl for many yf'an;. To Name New 11('1\le airpl&nt' ph•llopaph ot t.hf' , .. v .. n Ill( II .: ...... nll(hl .,. lll•play '" South Coast Wll!' 11 pionf'('r huild<'r on thl' Mi'"a. • , harbor dl11lrlrt lns1df' P"R"• !'arrj ,..1.,., tr•l t., 1 ""' "I'V'"almat .. ly I conn('('f<'d wit h hiso · hrolht'r Wil· OffiCerS numerous phot011 of 1epresentatan 1,!'100 I) od 1 Old lia rd n. l\tC'IIntt. hll!': !'f"Nf man~· ad· I / hornell on Uo1o llllf'. togf'iht'r wttb • . AAolotln" Af Anol••fllfiO. 'll .. ll>!f"l . 1\em e H vartc<'s mad<' in th<' Co!<ta Mrsa vl .. ~·a ot '·ariota!l 1\utJioor ACtlvll~'• •un ""''"'" pr"JO""'"'· 1n rrti•ln~e '"'"I Newu Timea BJdg 1Po~t OHI<-f' '<lnrf' h!' C1 rst took or·' Nl'w oA-Icl':o for tht' Newport ·t'll~h lly w"tf'r •l>'•rl•. whlt'h a re 1 '"'''". ,.,,,, ruookllll( 0,.,.,.,.,.,.,y or ~· ~ • ric!'. It was rlurin~: hi~ rf~imr lhfrt ' Harbor AmeriCAn Lcglfln f"ptrt wlll j_!areylng thf' f~m• ~?f Roulh~m ranlt'""l.f"'" hllv•· I,..,.Ji l.1onnl,. Vlu· . thf' nf'W huilclin~ Wll!': <'rr·ciNI h} he o•II'CINI at the lllCf'tlng ·next Callfnm•a·,. f)lvOrlt~ plsy~nd , ,.111 l<•·l.•n•l· Vooll:·lv. ,~,.111,.11 11 Wntk w111o .ur"l."rway t • .. lay on -M . .t...lil.n<t ~~Jw.ut.I:_W~.lbat 1\Jcsday lllght. Legion Hut;.,.., ~;,ea,hl,&o.s...q~ r .• ~~~"~~~ tl7iW llll'iii«-t?li'''Phsf'l('1rT'r<'r. n,,, · J.;;r-;;.,c";ltf/ t;~;d,11K ib~ .. 1 0 ~ i~ ''~Yr: ~r";,ct' w.u'ea l!nst It tlli'l.l'""?iMltr nnE'!t1 orilit ~'rz<'-post th<' past y~ar has bef'n com-! In his .dur rlptl"n of t~ .. rolorlul In th(' county .. mandrr F:arl • w !-ltl\nlf'y-,...h, til '" n tl plctur~""'Jllf' II" II lng vi-ed j ~1r~. II liz<' I Wtlcox. th!' dnu~:h· r halrms n of the' Joc~l draft bo&rd I rrom L rl•ot '".1"' ··rm llw -rTl'JWnt'(l lt•r of l'l:orn~ () :\1!'1Jott. who ha~ . . _ D'IOUntJilnl! In lhf' purplt' di~llnce hf'f'n' in lh<' !"M t orri('(• Ill ("o,la TRA' :-.. s ... nl•nrhy lrtlnqull hlllll llhf'IIC'r- • l\h·!'., m var1 r . . , ... ,.. u ...... l hy thr Routh c·" a at lt·,,.,,,nv 111 r•onn,.<ll•>n with Ita ~ ,."l"•'!rl-.n prttttn•m to m .. ,.t df). , .. , ....... ,,. ..... ·. . Son-in-Law of Ju.dge llodJte Goes To Honolulu r l .. Pqe Two 11 NF.WPOn'tllALOO_A"NEW~. Newport ~ ~omla, TI:!!JiisOAY., JUNE 26, 1941. --------------------------------------------------------~ .--------~------~~------------------------~~---------------------- 'na . ...,, aot oeb 111M eo.Dfonned tq the Maae"• .e..a ,.. .. ,...••••·· but &lao bold. - _______ .;.... _ _:_ __ .:.·~· :..· -~----__;_~'=_-_ _,_ ________ __.._ __ --- Newport-Balboa NEWS-TIMES PBOSE8 I~ A 11 Skinny Skribbles -·~------------- rarut \li'Vf'l••rm<·nt, aild J'U cet no ' y th Tu d 21 y M I A LITTLE SENSE AND NONSENSE . G. A. Magnuaaen In··· dlnn..r ror lll&Jdnc. ~la COOl·' ou_ 8 rne ears ust I J·llrLJ"'" _. 1.... ". ...... I Register ·For Army Next Tuesday • a· 2 • EYWJ ~, ... nundar AftemooM \'olup ~---> Here ='-"1" ,. wh•·r·c lhe Uoaa of tbf I I Wll 110 0('8 through lhl.a life lu•uth 11rca arc to COOduct !n· 1'h t1 • · d f>IJ p g , a;l.'l5 per )'ear tc tth zone; $3.00 per year to 811\ ron<'. And 1,, "' 1 11,, service club brr 1 >e e • u ay · u. Y at. r eglater at the nea-rest regiatratlon Anu never craclul. a mlile . a I good, b.ut 10me lnqulaiUve 'mOrtal 1.11 alwaya loqulrlnl', For wbal. .; ~ Snrue arU.l.a ait on their cite- oily; othtra ua camp lltoola. Tlw first pe1'11011 to c~Weover that you are a talented 70UII&' artlllt 111 generally your-.ell. · ~p~ Payattle lu AltviUIN :::::si.sdPcr year in Or-;n"'i:e Counl)': I There -lallatl"n *'''vtCtl8. Wbkh runln;a I I b ~d n;. ~s ~n~ 1 ,_ ay will ! vacctlonlng at the beachca, may gn.uch 25c per month by carri<'r. _ 1 11 k 1 n r 1 d lf tM Jaflfl.l Upon lhat date all young men plac~ established by sel~ct1ve ae1•• \-\"ho pwn<.la b111 f u1ger -<toot li&Y EMewhere """ au; ,., Cj r eo wu ll who have bec.:ome 21 yeara ol<.l fke atflclaJa. r "Ouch!" How thrilling llliatakea are! Tbe IDitn'ed u Sec:ond-Qau matt<'r at the Postofnce In NeWJX>rt DeAf • ltutltnun, or u Uon KJ~Ia. H~ since the lut regtstra.Uon date,j Local draft bo <1 171 has ('S· But awear.a Lnslde the wblle. more I m~e. the mor~ I wOQder California. undt>r the Act of March ·3, 1879. uu·.ant at nil ••ght , but It • tbe W&) Uclober 16 1940 muat r•"'"'•ter tablla"ed f ~ 1 1• ,__ ...,.,, t f Ilk fiddle long If 1 am. w1aer, f»ore foolilb, ~ ,., .... -, ll --..~ ---• · ~-•• our refii!.r•.tno p._ea ~._<lAO IWI ace e . 1 S. A. MEYER EDITOR AJ\10 MANAGf;R )Olt a~} · 1 with thelr draft board or the in Ita territory u a convenience I But-ever's out of tune, or neither. Printlna Plant, 2208 W. Central Avt>nl!_e, Ne~rt ~ach. -California C. F. ) , . -1 • -Iedet all neareat bo&rd to whl!re they are tc1 re111dents~ In their n •specUve An,!! never alnga a happy aoog, I One --or'1;,ur atudent. ta a litue .,._CIAL PAP.W.Il NEWPORT BALBoA:' CAUFORNIA-(8kJaay) , •• ~.~:~ ~"l~-~~ry1.,8 .~~:.: bu:'"wt located for military training under art'u. The regiatratlon pl14l'ell 88 Ne cannot die too. aooo, dumbbell, She tbougbt that Veoua ~... -t-.. • 81U&\'1N i ·. 1 • • the Selec.:Uve Service Act, ac· authorlzed by Chairman Earl W : Herf''8 to the fellow who can be de MHo wa.a a brand of cla:antt. A D11 hHe a-1 ... utaUoa l"or Over II y_,.. ___ l u~;.~~·~:·, 1" k lillybody with con· c••rdlng to Information received Stanley Include the regular board Botb aober .and since re. I until tbe o(flce boy told ber It ... I The thing• whlr h , ... n · ur.1·r al . -• -1 Uve .atrvlce director. Un ion H igh School, l~th and Ir-And amite~ from ear to ear. Next wedl'a a.&ck to lnAnlct.lft · -~ 1 v ·\ from J . 0 . Donovan, alate .elec-of'flc<' at th e Newport Harbor But joDy too, at Ume.a la be. facr cre&m. NATIHOl EDITORIAL JOY ,,film•·:, IW'r-•nw lin annoy:u ll'<' fhPr .. Is <'nnsl~~ra~le cooveraa.: The I o c a 1 Selective. Se1 viet> vine Stret·lll. for thoae In the New-Each barve.at ba.l Ita wheat and ;·ork-. 1~1~ SSOCIATION I Wh~t """" c>n•~lann~>..J a .. IW tum ~tl><)ul Ule good Deipbor 1 Uoard. '171. r eceived reglatratlon port Harbor Dlatrll't ; Clty Hall. chaff, 1 ; ~ ~-lnollllpc·nalhh• <it·\·tolupm.-nt .,,rn,.. l•t•lwy. hut alt~ther too lllUt> b 1 a o k a from headquartel'll 1 n Maio Slr~t. 'rualln; Chamber of F.arh lift ahould have Ita work and If the bolll calla you dowll ._ ../T~ llJT.f'~ Jt'lll h•:a t h<: prop~<rtloD!I ''' 1•r:u •t wnl a ppllc•atlon. So It Ia re· quantity equal to ooe percent of Comme :ce offke, Jsl and Park laugb. I fT&tdul; the pro~bWt.le8 ... JOG ~~~~~~;;;;;;;;-;;tw;;J~I I"" obl'IJir~··n•·•· •r h .. lhlni(N w r fn••l11ng whefl a coDCrete,-. cue tht> population In the board's terri· Str~t•. l.l&1ln~a Jkach; city ball, __ mould have been,lired.. How about 4 __ _ _ nn,: "n>uld nut ''" WII hout · ure, l••llli up tu <'onvlnce ua that neigh· tory, Chief clt>rk Andrew Jack.aon State Highway 101. San Clemente. An arttat may be «onaldere<S lt sam! · Ewl7 _ t oft'kllal or boaN U..t laudiM puWJr __ , 1 DIM ' r •) u n tJ <inn.-.H~ury Tho.• .l.lf •rly ro•IJ•l(~>na .:u.n and do e-x1st , Hayman .aa.ld today . ...... ~ M ,......., a.tervala -~nttftl of lt. allowtac-ctJu.n~:mx wnrl<l l"'l" a • ramp '"I 11nt1 this Urn". we do not hav-e 1.0 1--rmmetUatl'!lY the local officials ............. ..-dollar a. apet~l. \\'e Ito" tW. to M • ,..... lour •·•th'ulptluM llntl nuthflt·" "'"'' !:" far· fr<•m' the city UmJlll t" wrote for adtllttcmal fotple de--w jiltaaiple o1 .._,....., Pft,._•L 1· .. rwJ1a•lnMI T hl' , r.1uol hn·· <'Om· lln•l the t'lllh' in point. Wben the , clarlng that due to the t.nn~ ,,1 -ruwulil'a 11r•· now ran,I~,2U.!_tll"" ttll-unp~ ar cadet ccllldl· 1 ~----~rwWR~~r-rrYWTW~~~--~~-rTW~~rT~~--------------~~~~~~~~-~~~y~~U-~I(h ~~~~li<~nln~ t•amp fifi~~~\0~~-~~~s~O~m~m=-e~r ~~~~~UL~~~~~- ari<:MUI Is twm~: <'tll•k••tl. """ ··x· '"" •118• ~~~~1''11• ft.nd ~at tlm.ea ae.;Ul· reglatratlon.. would run con.aider-, That CtJrly-beaded yOUnJ{Sler :ip khaki o r SOmt'Whaf in -J't•rll; Kif' MW Urjll!l)( ll III'W IUipi•r.l t•ll tn tw ~lipping, &mOOC Olhl'l!i ably blghcr than iy ID)8Dd cities. dltferent fit-the kid who hailed you \\ith a g-rin a nd tril'<l hl~hv•nv to tuk" the l11ai.l .,ff of ulltd u1t11 the controv~rey wt r.-sA..!!)'' yourut mao required to Uw ar~fry whll b f1flet'n yru.u a~:u' A. U. l~ouaaclle, ot Balboa, tlftd; reglitt>r for the draft and who Ia -to thumb ycu down as you~ along too highwa y tM other mn•ll' 118 tnttk ",th rr1rir "t •t.. tm-t111rry W..td 1, aec.relary ot tbe 1---____ _ day-where do you think he was g oing? pnrlllntt• An lr•tnnd , . .,.,,,. 1.• """ :-.:•·"'p"rt u arhror C'hamber of COm· · • , 1 . 1 •u~o:~o:•·Mt•·•l ttnd In ''"'"' uf n .. · m1-nwn·•· Hullll~<'llt'. with bla ex· Should A •t WeU, where woul~ YOU be ,goinj:! if ~.1 ( Jt~<;t ll't'~ _nil!~-11 .. nal ,.;,1,.rl!''"' 1· ot.•v··lupnwnlll l 1.,... h•n•~,. In the NewpOrt HarlJ(lr Wal .tered into Uncle Sam s Anny whf'rt" a prIVates Jli:IY IS s .. t t;~kln~o: "' ,,-•• alton,.: II\•• ..... ,.! lin(• I ··ampat~(ll, 1\1111 hls k een •nae uf w ' E d F • month. sent to a part o r lh(' c'OUntry you 'd Prfllla hly rwvrr; fii•ITI 1.1'!4 Au~:··l··l< '" %n l llt 'l:tl, ''"''' II II tl .tac:Ucal auggeattons. • ar s . n or .... f ·-ht .~ dimC> t s o r w a rfare-a nd \\'CN' orr It l"n't >H"I'!t.>'•ot d ol• ... II lotol • !p••ol \01llllly In the cooawnmaUnn Time Chang·es eeel1 ~ Ol"e, Ullug uJ{" rtJ n . . t h_.t t , fi'·•J• l \'II'. I• h • ol , 1 tlo, ll 111\ll'll defeOM proj•'C'l OD a aoldier's holiday? To a movit•. may llf', or to Vl'-lt w m r-"'"''" 1~111 "" "'"' l•··k,. lmok oil 'ol ho<h !--'olllil J\119 has been'trytng -·-- body in the next town to explore ancf lf'nm ancl h H\C' Sc•nv· tli·· '""'I!' I''"~""'''"' 11uun .. o1 wt•rc r •· • •'l•tur•· • In r •• the national Dr. Frank P. Brockett. 1, r,.,,. t\m. ' ' til•· · ''"'I ""' ol 111 11 till I• pltohli'r;t • rr '''II'''" ' '''Ill! a nnuunced. A~&l~l-uf'nt of Balboa Island and tltnoctor , a. '"''lll'hMIInu-Ht .. dnrnt·•l 1r Wt' dn. 111;: I ~ •• u:us••ll•• \'lU> ::;ccr~lary \','~1• h uf the obaervatory at. Pomuoa, Why dldn t you give him a JUt? --,,, ''"" t ntl 11111 t h•· "h .. l•· : h1rw "hu I·••S~<•'~'"'" •lab anll lnfllr· s.oyll "thl• -,. not the time to talk Most of us have concluded that pi<'kin~ UJI strang('t'S on 1 ,)a ... ,, IN' dun•· ov•·r a.: •Ill "11t1"n 1H:~~nUal to. lhe pra~-·about chlmt>rical changt'll In so tbe nMid is apt to• br dangerous btJshwss. It shouldn't })(' .. -• -'"1-:" Til•·~>~•· t wo :"llt>wf>Orl II Hb•.IT rundamenta.l a m,atter u time." ~ Bu .... _, thf I hit I h 'k . ·r rr ~ .. t Ill lht• n•·ws "•011111: '•Ill llf l!lt'O r·-~1 "'"''1"1 wh e n reque~tt'll The augj:!e8UOD.a f o r a o me uuac. t u~e~~~: one, YOU U Ill·. 1 f'rs tn Unt 0~· 0 'I w;.,chln~o,'111n ,,. "ar urwJ< , x·· f•·r Rll!lf!tfan,..••. anti gave an ~t · changes to time zones haa l>t'en duty for an evening or a day from thc tr <"amps, a n • dlfrf'N'ht. , ul•lfllatly lllllll<"tllh' ""t~"> n nw•11n.:·· ,, .. ,., lv<: nn.t_ l•"sltlvc t'lt&Dl ple of tbt· nolvanr~tl by . t b e Chattanooga 'lbey're the boys we sent to leam to dc ft•nd us all. thP hnys wllh " , ... ru·•·ful nrot ~<•mmf'rt~ual "!:'""-1 nf'lli:hhor" pnllcy. Ch&m,ber of Commerce snd the I wbo1J peck ~ guns and m arch endlcs.<;Jy in sun ancf rain l•·n•· I~> It Thut kln•l uf lnfor-• -• -~~t~~~-a!_.referre to Dr. Br()(:· . . • matlf.n r t'a• ht'.l Jlrrbt'rt. K•·nny !\t~· frlcud ~~,..~~ · . l!er acuulon at the rt'· and clatknc!a it the l'll"ed to ftght s hould ('()tTl('. Grvt' llwm a IIUil wu k whl"tl hf' w••• nt~Ufl•·d that a III'W hulldlng at l'omna del Mar. n mt mt't'tlng of the Newport Har. 11ft when you can. Give them a pat on the back and a d\('l'ry h•· wu11 tn l:lt' llniOO.t'• nrw poll· anrt 11111 lt•nunt Is a United St.atea, bor Chamber. cllrector11 agreed that I word. It'• a smaU duty every one or us o\\·es the kid in khaki. OUU!tl'r I 'll I>M Hl'l b lllk~·!l thf' I~•Slntrlre I'll bet M ac doelln't I suggeaUl\118 frnm Eulern organl- * Sontq Fe-the easy way to viwt"Corlsbod Caverns. See this greatest of on undfi- ground fairylands, adding only one day to your trip to « frOfft the east. T1v~ Tourist sleeper on The Scout, Santo Fe choir cor-Tourist .Hteper train. tokes you direct to Carlsbad, N. M. Here o mc)tof CIOOCh takes you to o hotel f« breokfotf and over the 27-milo highway to the Caverns, where you'll enjoy ft.e ttwiling houn with o guide exploring o fantastic underworld. LuncMon in Coni'I'IL Mal« coach tokes you bock to Carlsbad for o leisurely hotel dinner, then to tM train to continue your trip * Side 'trip cost, $9.75, includes: round, trip rqil fore Clovis, N. M. to Carlsbad; motor transportation; -als; Ccr~ems entrCMCa fH; guide Mrvice. (SnloJI utra charge for o berth in through Touriit .&..pet). .. _---------------· _ , 1 Job. JUltl 1'11 ml\kf' An()lhrr l:wt that '~''"' any. rt'tll The picture I b.lvt I zatlona for a changt In time :r.<mt'1! ht makrJ' " Rood pnstmu tf'r seen show" lhl\t lhe Santa Ana throughout the entire U.S. w11l not CAJ.JFORNJ.A'S BUILDING BOOM --• -¥t .. m •·y 111 ~lvln~t Uncle s.,m·a r·ecelve much consldtratlon dunng f--Th(-N1u:l "par lll t1 f frlf'nol· boy~ a nl<'t> place to :work ln. the preaent war n lail . c.J ' 1be year 1941, now hall gone--;' promises to go down in llhlp" -m ••IJu~tahle When tht -• -Dr. Brockett de{·larea "It would 1 ......._ record boob U the hi.--. building year ln California NuJ nN"d aomf'thlng thf' oth~r W t ll, wr still have w ith us -m mort~ aenalble to walt unlli UK' "'"66'='• fellow hu, th.-pact Ia ch•nged to Harry llrllll!l'll, ~rupportf'd by film the war Ia over anJ lht·n. with *-ce the 1920'1, according to a survey just concluded by rrult thf' pr ... a.ng n.-ed. lo'rtend notablt'l! anol otht ra who are mak· tM reat of the wor·ltl, adopt lhe GIIDn D. WJP.man, ~tary ot the Calllomla Real Estate Stalin Ia now an en.-my hecauae l.ng a lot of m<'ney out of Amtr-new 'World caltndnr·, already ap- ~Ucn:. Sta~ a...aLU--'ts for the year. it .11 esti-be bu wheat and ott that Gfl'· lca.n eu~k .. ra who never analyze provfld by ~adlnc na tl•m3 , churcb- ............ ~··.. anDy can Ullf', M long ru you • picture. but pay cood mooy to ea. tru.tn-men and a.,trouomt'Tll . ..a.d. wiD I\ID In ~ ol $440,000,000, '01' nearly 90. per do not have anythlnl' that Hiller aoee 110methtng-that one of Uleae -~ ~ Oft tbe Wat Cout. · •-t.a the frt.lctablp pacta work. daya may taktr away thttr ~rty o1 CCJUIW hu a mJabty job to do for Uncle tNt I would bate lUre the dtckena and p~t 'em Into aerfdom: The ' to make one oa ~ Damon and work of the Amerk an Le11on In ... jlalt now, wtth this Sta~ UIJigned the stupendous task Pythlu bula with the Gt>rman npoelng this type of parullea on ol prod! ..... more than 1Jne.fttth of all the nation's defet18e war lord. I tht natlonnl body polltlr should -teiUIL But heavy c.onatruct1on ls only part ot the story -• -·not only h«'" •upportl'd, but ptn · Newpor1 llt>artt Is •tudyln~ lhl' re<-m lts fmm lhll common people ~ Callfomla'l buUdlng boon'\. ''A big factor ln the ~t purrhulng-agt'nt department "Y"· who , nul<l stop 't l!b dtstructi-re buiJdl'll upning.'' reports Mr. WUlarnan, "is the dmland for! tero for the city, In ~rder to aav"l l'r••paga,!l;ln If they would atop balns and the resultant spurt ln home building. California dupiii'Rll(lf'l 1>1 purrha!K'•. anti an-~pt>n•llnl' lhl'lr mon,.y for tliiDII ...._ __ ..._ __ _.a #_ • ....,., pia ln Ia . . • .,_,1n.,10, cldt>ntla lly ln s ave thr dty mnnry. I whH•h have HllhVI'Iftlv,. IDlt'Dt. -..... ~ to IUUIUI oe popu tion -smoe UJC ;7 I ftf'l'hrtllng t II ('nunrllman II n h ----- O!DIUI and ~·re building new hOI"'leS to hou.o;e new residenl<i... Allf'n. The propnllllloo hM fi'J\C lll'tl 's· c.· cos and ,. general tenor of energl!tiC Mr. WUlaman's story is the "r.•jU'IU'• h" Sll .• ~ ... llolll.i If lh<> lg r . , . ' report loou J:()l}d the ~<y$1~m will F• ks At R ~t happy days a~ hen> again-hut aburfdantJy . And in a I ht'-A>I(.pll'<l MuJ<t l'ltlc•Jt buv lhrlr Jrewor ose world whk.h has grown very grim. ind(.'('(f, we'n> inordinatt'IY llliJ>Jlli•'" by th1s rr.t•th("l it pub Bo J J J 4th glad that the incrcaslnJt din hen> ~ from 8 J:oOd, OJd.l rurc•hJ\11<'~ 111' lu lhr hlll.tlnl{ P"IDI W • u y f'--lontoned Ca}}f ia buildi boo · d f ( hr. I IUhl l hf' luwrsl hlol•kr l;·t•l!< llli' -u om ng m , m st('A 0 rom t t' I hu~liH''"" ,..-.nwlaml'll :-.:ot IHII'IIlJ: rattle of machine guns. ~tnythln~; t~o "''II 1 '"n'l wa n or. It•~•· Th•• H<•1<•• llnY.'I t'lrr-11~ and ,re-I no mDltt'r wllat systl'm 1~ u•lnptr•l w"rk." t•l(hthll "'" ll'hu;h: .11tarta at THE IG -e -I' I' M. Jul\' 4th t'l«'h yNrr. lll ont R HT TO WORK 1 I hAl'<' II frlt·nol \\hn lm·arl.<lll\' n( lht' lino•llt l'r"l;!'ilms of any ' f c•omr11 htl k from th<' Hollvwoh•l t•utrrlnlnm•·nl l!ll'o'fl tl fl the West .. "When he cleared the ptckt!t Hfl('S a t. lnglc w O()(l. lh'',l'rtrk wllh th•· .. t .. ty U>nt 1f II<' hnol r·n.1~t Th•· I I''• II~ numtx"re VIIs Pl'eddenl was d<>clarin~ And enforcing th(' n g ht o f any man l'layt·<t h1~ "hun• tw,.·• 11 .. 1\•llllol \0''\r 1n1 1utt··~ ~··••"Ill fr<>m New to -bold his--job;ll dednres Just~ Cr.trmM' iTT h~ Ornngt> t~ .. ~···n .... m ... l-.... ·~At' "''""' I ,,...,,,., ... , H l .. l ~lllfiiR<lU. etf-llla&Dl-'- .. . . ll"k hlm •f h t' h1<1 l'l" "lllln•h" m .. tt. rr .. p<•lll·•ll• '•'\'<·r before In Dally N"'S. It i!l runc:lamt>nt81 In ltw law thn t .~vr·r~· m a n Wht•n 1'1·· ldl hoollll' lw -n'r·Ttt'l (,,, ,\tlli'f,( II 'l'hl''t' II' It tw two large has the right t o strike in tim<' of J)l'AC'f', tho ug h thN'l' m:ty !)(' lnw thr••II J.:h \I lt h •I Ttwn r "l!'"n ><t•·•l Ill•"' '" ~ .. an~ ut the aam~ a question Of that right in tim~, or natio na l pt~dJ. Jt is ~rl lh<' >IIIIIW ••I ! an•1" I I ll il IIIII•' ••( I "I ltj . .t'r 1<1111 pantht"r "tt11H" nn..-tnnu.l hqn uuf .. r It IH t • ,,nt• 'r tt .... L4 f'!tltt!"l Hor~e equally fundam('ntal in tlw Bill o f Hig hts tha t . a man ha:-; 1 , ,0 1,.11 thnt (,11,." 1 "" 1,. 111 ,1,,. 11,110 "1111 h h.• ll:o-";'" 111 com- a right tO WOrk." moth•\' f•illt,\\ll C lht• 'Ill ~• • llll•! Itt~ 1'1:< I loll k~ fro•m Flt1J1da ell· In that brief panH~rnph Mr. Cra('nwr h ns summ('(l up '' 11 .. n t t~0· "") '"f: 1 •r llllt·•··l• , ... ,in Ill l••r "'" f l ·~;, B<>wl prc.o- -"" -·--· the . . t '--. . .~--A b I bo • . j!I :Oil\ I .,.~ ... ,~ ~ y Vlc:'\\'S comtng. o '-"'" ('Xpn-s....,:u y n r m e n TIHit 1111,. 11 11111• ,.,.,,, •• ,. 1,. 111,. _ · M..St ea.t. without blgh po11l· Uon, but no one can reach hiRb poetUOD without •ome merlt.-La Rocbefoucauld. JOiri m UCI Of UJII IIIP YOI IOai-ASI AlOin' lOW con IUYIUIS CIUif' SH, VIA SANTA ff -.., '-w ,._ ....... .._,.,.ole ..WC. ,., ..........•. ,..fiv ... ,........,., ...,I ..I._ dd'lt) fOI llfotaAIIOI, RUIIT 01 PASSI.IIII, ASI YOII .UUSf lAllA fl Mar • THE SANTA FE RAILWAY 18 A CALIFO.&NIA IN811U/00Jf . . .. ... . .. -~ thenwe}ve&,' 'J'hat responsible .Jabor I{'Ocft'I:S l'('('()).('niz€', fhl' (nf'<'.l\lll•h pr•J'Ilf <•ol ll.,•ll•h ollll· ),. 11 """"11111 1;1~1~ b)' his! ~ .nttment AI tndtcatM by-ltatenM'nta fl'Ofll unm't-J!"!· JCl\"111: lllo•ul a ··llltllt\Jl'Ttll•t"~ toY~('III'r :"' 11.-. IU6kt'l! bi!IIMit .. • beads castigating the "irresponsihlc and unauthoriU"d'' lt'ad-In r!'tur~ ". ~'"rr." ,,. m•· tt "Plllol '""~" llln "" J•rn• I•• "," what he~ • . _ __ l'o(' ~ h.app) 1\ n ~I I' d al •lol•• c·~-"ra~ t "'l'hl :'llnr y Bnkf'r li»dy. _enbtp 1n ,tbe recent airplane strike. . • ],RftJ.!~ (fit nnt MMW \di . l! 1~ ~fnf~;ht (ro•m lh<' Mi!!;h1y B 0 w Tbe right to work Is a pm·ious right. But the strik~ hut u,,.,... 110 l\h .. n~·~ !lnrrf'thln~: lhi11 truth ,,. drlvrn : 1 W'OI'ker . caught ln the pinch betw('('n loss or his job on OFK' tPJTipllnlo-' And "l'l'f'li1lna.: nh•ll\ II Thf'y fl\il lind lhr y alone, wf\o ' • -• .11 I cbtckt'n tllnnt•r_ Thl' lwllt lo•st 1•f h!ll'c n.>t ~<lrlvt•n. -•' ~---. This is the - SOCIAL ·REGISTER ··'band and t. of hispion card on the othPr. nas bet>n I'C'· Ita popu.tartty hr thr Krwx ll••r: y I ~ Cl:lrence 11rtl)j. ludant ben!toton> to try to exercise· it. Most or thOSl' who .---. · --- tried have got bashed heads for their trouble. 15 It fair for you .. a mule, the. son o f a jackns.c; to swindle a "In the cJasli ot mighty' political forc-es." -says Craemt'r. rrran, lo~ or <'rt'allo n o ut of h~s subst:tn('t'? All fetll and most "tbe right to work has been largely overlooked." (l( th(' wmt('r th<' who I£' fnm1b'. fro m Granny to the baby BALJIOA ISLAND \ ~ .of a City "' Attendantt is bnter brca~ ~ food, ntra M'rvi« and tht air of import.an<t rht ' bottl 1ivcs your mreti~~S mah it one )'Our mft'tlMn want to attmd. Try tht llottl and 1« what • cWJ~ace it makes. ''hltrJiody ...... ,. ....... ...,...... at ... hotel" " Srn&tt hostrssf'S are "turnin~t to lht hottl 8J the pia« to JlYf lhtar rartin HNrls rclinor you of all h<llh.-r abtlut rl.an) anJ p~aratians-allow ynu to l>cAtn. •I'd md, the notnin& lllmost a 1unt yollnelf.. Hntrls m.aint.ain lu~r ~uff, ,..""'" ular- il'S heir ,,.·dl lhr v(llumt' on •l•ur 111.uj storM. And,~ timM 01 hJJ. h • .,th 1:'' 'on r•l''"l! • Ioree shore <'f rhc t~1r~ ~. 111lo.l bu5oOM5 rut"lllt UH, )'IIU lorfp \'I'UIIflf ,.,hto yuu suprc'rt )'Our ),•c.• I h •le:, To tl•miiJYfll< .m./tf,oNtllltd< of ,,,,.,/,, yo11r b otrlt .nr thr rrn iJ rr,:irlrrr of trill• ritr. Tl,, .,, thr u·iftdoa.-t tl"o"'" u ·lmlo 1hr '"' oJ. tl•r "o•IJ JUt J.o11· yoN '"''"'"'"• hou• 1011 , o•JN, 1 tu"' blui•i-n, I•Qu )ON lur. 1/rlp lit rr/1 011r (0,.,.,.,;,, "' ''"'' ""'· ~,,, A•4 '"~' ...Jr.,.,,.~, o/ Jltbr lnt·iu• flfll1" bt.~rl ,,. oiJn,. A S!>O(.IATED HOTEL S Of THE .--D'T l HOTEL 'JS TH~PLACE TO GO ' · It costs ,'a lot leu than you think I , ... •I ·~ !.J 1 \ I - I I( ·~ .. -p. A• Clr to RAt F l 11411 Be cbl I l .,. • I 1!7 . a. • Col lla liC 'hi 04 .... C4 II '' ;*· ' .. ·- ... .. ,·--...... -. ' . " NEWPORT BAlBOA NE\VS-TIMEs. Newport .ee.cb. CaUtomt.; TIIURSOAY. JUNE 26. 19U. News Of The Churches df'ratood It took 22 tn,,. to LAne Man F M , flt'&l'll tv flll<l f'njtT&Yf'r&, but WU • rom ars ''""II" fllllllh•"' .u ......... "" .. the Visa·ts Harbor ··~{'\\: •. Tiu lra'' bf-111'\'(' rr \\"blat • h<' ~·ould Clntl 'n:U. iC LASS .I F-1 ED A-DVERT ISING GOFF ~rmuo Lou~a S tt'VCI\BOil. • I. Mnrport &acb · JJl~:h· School and lntt'rmediatt C ASTING THEIR SHADOWI VIMlln~ ->1 ~··" J><>rt ll.u-t><•r ~·· -..-IEIJ A ~b or The )!other Church. Leaguta. 6 .30 p. ru: ' BEFORE ... art' I h f' ('UOI Ini ,OMti) \lo·.u.. \.ip..on . \\,pll, ...... krw"n-. -· ...... IS TIM F\nrl Cburcb or Cbnat, t-:, •'Ding .\\'or>h tp. Song Serv!ce t'\'t'nt11. on l.J<tn . . Thr-allt dint'·. u t.h,· · :\1.•11 F1 ''"' !\!.,,...._ .. '"ho h :l> -k~~~. ~~too.~~ l'u~r·aurmoo. !hgb ~bool hl· 1~1~1 tw~.~··n~n.A~~ ... ~. ~rf•n~~· l••r h••·r~~· n~k ------------~--------------------------------~ Bun.lay School a t 9·30 a. m r..wsh1p followu:g st'rY1ce. nwnl'm,: .t.'.0 ., :!1-th. anll tht ruur ~·n th••ll· •• ••th' ttl '"hlt..1l· 1'.-t . I 8uaday &rv~ at 11 a m Wed· ~IJ-Werk Pray~r SCO'tce, Wt"d·, "\\',•uw• llllkt•s" f••r all dultJren. the .""111•' "·"'"" ·'1.:"1: PuBLIC NoTICES -s&y Te.UmoolaJ )1f't'IIDK at I> nu J ay. 7:30 p. m. . ho•)::l"nmg July znct . . thf' Lout. v.;,.u,., lnl)·o•r :.n~ plot-fo .. r w nr- 1 p. m.. Read.ng Room. 11& l.'rntral ~un,l.•y nw mng." q a .. m. Pr~· llnttlll,:h.un·~ nf ~an M.arlno and llkf' ~''PI••It. ~tlul.• ''" Ill• hoohol~•~ NOTICE. OF SA_l.f.~ · Aw:roMOBIL£!1; A~e .• open fr m 1 to 4 p. m ~x. ~ar a tory lllembership Clau , luldn•n I'XI'<'dNI uvl'r tills "''t"ek· and "n~·• ''' 1 HI Ill!: t ho• m:·m ·.:11 .. crpt S undaya ar . .t huhdaya. ,•nd t ,, ,.,..,.11nv thl'ir 'no•wly U • round (,.,~, ~t ho-.•1 •h•"•tm.: at ~,,1 1,.1. ••F S \l.l: .,f' ~,n,lt The publi<" Ill corll!ally ln\•lttd ~ J lll r~r • now quu.·.l h .. n~o• tl!·, L ..to Sl•Utl ..• tbe t81'1r"l•. llu ''" '". l•.•·•·h.oll• '" '' ~n • "'" l'lllor-,...,....._.. .... t ,,.,._"""" io attend.tbe aervr.c:e and uw t he , flllfl ..... ll \\~~II \1 E t lll'lll'llt'"' "" 1~111~· 111'\\' l'l\l rl' · ' l\,.t u·.··~· •,'lark·~. 1'1 al. at their dolb nnol th.· 111.111~ \1\l'lo'lh'• ,,f ' •t un,s.-r t'Cill~lllh'li"n "" l.llfn '""' .. , t I II II t-' Ill lh•• T \1~1 kn"'"'' •• lh• c "'I' ftadinc Hoom. 1 .. , '"''1'111 J:'• ·=·••·" •~ tho· ·Hh \\'a;·~o·• J'l:i.,· a(h•r flll thta Pft Pr .unm•nl o1 tho• :o "'·' '"' :~•,,., ,.,,,,.,,. 'l'l u~l :-; .. ::I •<f ttw • ----_; .. ,, u( llw I "'''" :-rrll11fll "" ~:11 11 tho• \'lllyil~: rt'po>rl" lltllllld l •k ·· ,,,ll••·•:t ralt•d "l~t.·" II!'W~ r~""'il·t ?..o~W H~ ""I•' ""' ........ 1-'lll'l :-: ....... a,~llonk ··· "·'"'' An• FIRST FOURSQUARE C~URCH d., Ill ;oil """ I' '•··~ "I I 'lor 1•1 ='• 'II "\\:or l'n•pnlf:\rl\la , .. Tho• t'lll lmato•• dt•r it )'<'II IHI\''' l.lolo ·itlJO 7 of tho• I• 1111\ "' '''"""' I :.•m,al ,\1 I·'·""' h.l\ u o; ,..,,,...'I"' nth OF COSTA MESA I •I '1, • 1: ''•!• 11 'f •·\1 '' fl""' Sol 1.1r. ran~:•• 111 "'""'"'" ll'tllll •'1):111 • Andrl'on """•'I' l••illtc-.l ·ollll "·"'' . I I .... t. "Th . ""''' h:orh rn.•dr•1•:11 •· ln 'l'"'r,v: \\'hill' llh\~•· "'I"''~~ I lnclu I I II I ! 11 II\ ,,., " •lo:•nJ:l'11 ,... l l' ,,... till" "' . (Chu~h of the Highway) l t.tonl y :11111 111 "'" ,.,_,.!'1 uf :.lltt .. • NEWS BY "STOOGE" .... Tbe ''' '" "'I''''" " I ' t ,,..,., onl , th,. --G. w·u~ d St a I Pat olrnw ..... IIVI<IIy c urH•ll-, tn 1111' ,.n,,,.,,,. ~ """'''· t\:llt·ll· ""'. TIH'Y ,wood'h t .. l.k ".l"' 'I"'"' tho• <'\t'llll10: ........ 1 .. I \ II \\ ,._ .. ,, .:, ..... n .. ....... I r e rn • I or 1 .. 1 ""'. :·.rtJ. : II '.·'C' 0'1\ol" '''· • .... upo •t tlr··~· ..... n cnnt nltl f .. ~~ ....... .... ~ t t .. ., I ' I I ' I ll.UIH'• • . I; ... .. S C t ~ ,. f i t II li•'Tht•R ''1111 '"11''"'''~'"''''~· If-te~ma, O·P.otl or • or tit ··' ·o.l •· ,. l,t · ~:l'h:l'lon or 1 1' I I. '1\ll th . II\'W holllll' oWrit'rs Ill•' 1g • 1111; oo\o•r It' "I"' ~ " F• ,., 1·•11 nr~) 1 ... " It \\'all~t•,. .u -0 a 1ni·J llfl r l: ... s.. I I 111 ,) • • . . I I h A I I ttl~ nlln·' ot Rio. I , ...... n.. . h ' l'ttlh•t lion''' ll••tt•nf4t• ~··tk_tPI'M Kt ,,n '!'\ ,,iUJ.:1 ,-u I ~ ... '""'''"" Friday 7 30 p m \\'orshlp f I 1••· !.•· ,on "~>r:~:onl·ll'lnol<•, tlu•"· ' ' E WEST ENO c'\'o'l\"nt•. n ·pu·.llr,;s nf tlw ir In· =-t ' The n }fl;<"tl ;,f lhr '•1\at rho>l.lo-r". llerrice · ~~ )J~e Slt'ama In "'on ls fror'l Jnln1: "Thoru:ls ~~11!1 , • FASHIONABL -.·.. · • · r•""'' ~'"" th•· '"'"' , hu" h ,,. . . . '""" """· l.olld. "'' l.w ow "'" "I' ERS ... Tholh' l"'"l'h' ·w h" an• tloff,•ro'n.t't' "''"trrtwnl nr un· ~~ln~ alung fino• ''"Mar nc• Aw·. I ~·· numl .. r "' •I!H'"II ,,..nl-.1 on•l o cta.rc~ 1 h 1 1 1 inft~nlt•·ll •nm·l~ ft.llo•r. w1th thf' aJ•.. h f th. ""'"""' '"" '"' unt .... a.l 8 .. .,.,.. · h 1 m •'••r lhuu ro<>t. nntl lww """ "" a lrratly l'sluhhll h'd '"I o•r ·'"' ...,oc•~: "1011 ~s.w ,,, J ul\· ,,,. 1 . BuDday Sc 00 e 30 1L 1 ;~tld··d 1111 •'Ill 1\'o• of foH~I IUhl oil tu l I •1 \\' II •n•·lll" ,..,. hrtrl•v f'll~uorrl\lf'>l a. . · · . l.:lo\\ thu •·· :.y 7 J, •11~ 'olth 1111 ,, 111'11, I I•• hunwll nl''lr thr bl'l\ ):c•: ~"m<' t eerY c·r • l<tt" " "' 1 ,. · Mocniq \\orahlp. 11 oclock : l:uu tho• "·•~.111.-trruh.an.S II P hf•· nf t hrm alro·atly twn• a r,• th4' \\'t>ll· nht:un frnm Hll!<.•m. ha.~ "'' IN' ~· ltrlml'l In r«•nu· '"'''"' 1'·""•'•·1 t .. '" t h,. Tnu•t A.:r_. ~ muak', .p!Utor'a wrmoo . no man I'<H:~o"h u ut<1 th<' F.ttlwr 1,.y ~1111 ,,111.-t h e• E·l):tH Hlltlt·r~· h•~ pn•pa,:.u~ola ·l~ lu::·m u ,. h l n ~ t"-tbat ;;..,111,111 1 1 "",. '" 1 . .,. ""''"!"·' nt olut:··l ,..., rm'"'' 13 1!'73. at cn-der &rv1c~. 6 o'clotiL but by nu• ... If >•' lo\t' 1111 •• ~ •• ,.1, t h P 11 1-"'..lm ore' l h•• L riiiH• ll)::u n m m•.•t '""· that w r . ( Amtr· to . 1 "-1 kl l"'l''' t. n • ,, • .,.. lh"""' EftDo-Evucelka.l Service led ruv eumm:.atlmt•UI.s. .\nd I "Ill t•r 1.\ •. t"t'll • '"' • ' . ,, "' tilt• RL•I ... ht' lhrnWTI niC rrom Wf'Rr nl ' ~ ... ~ ••• "" of\,., -' ' l~11hln8nt l! tilt' 1-,.,., C..athns IU\J • . Ole (nut "'-""''" • "lto.nk IHJChl, • .,. ,..tor. the t'ather. 11nt1 he s hall ~'"' ~u11 thtlr thrl'<' nnutkf'll't'rll. narlt'nl'. l l ho• truth \\t• k~.1w that an army c-ertalnh "''() 111 )..,pular .... nt• 1 N.t~ ~,.. ~~r T~&chiDJ. a nnrht>r l"orMnrt"r. that h<• 111!1) LouJt'&n. Md Mll rdl wttllt' prA<'· mu•l l>c• u,. .. .s nr 11 "Ill fa ll to m•nt ml'r "\,.llll 7 .. 'ml!hl ,.., lh·· H,.,. t ' 1'-"11 a-IUtiject. r abldP •·lth )OU fur e'\f'r, E\·••n J h•· th-ully ni'XI clo«r Mrl' :"o:tlhl' \\'11· • I''''''''~' ,.., what " Hulll&n In . ' , . .,... l'f'rlur,. . "&JLL GOSPEL CHURCH c:e...r .. 22N aft4l £!deft lb., C.... Meu. ~llforn.l~ ReT. M. C. Cronk. putor Stolrrt ot trurh .... Th.-~1' 1 111n~~ ,.,.,., 1 • .: \\'•I• "" z • \'OU. t' U'-! \ e•l ..., .., ... .... ttll t·r·····nt ""h you. U u! ..... c.· ... ,' !\:1'1'. <:I'U'1z. ~ H'un•t Y.atl Pat. ,. .. k····p t ~., G·~man mat'hlne abort IN'f'n "'''""'' ·~ tho• '"'" \\' .. l 'h•l'l''"" furr•·r. "hJrh, 1~· tho• llnl~ t:tltl-1. lt'r.\Un, 1:1 ml"-''ing sonw or thr !u n ~urk n,:. 1~11\ wa11 IIO'c'o'Mary. U {llllturr "l..okf'OAU.woal )o'...-mn". _.\\' \\' \\'•l•"' Z f'.O "hnm thP • Flil!~,...,. "Ill Fl'nll "' ~~~~-~of 1 h~> m•wly ru·qu•rNI anJ a lmo!'t w~>n as I!• pr.cvtnl fntrrnar<tfaln· aJMt how """!•v:'1iltu 1111,. 1., 1., ,. :; ~ \\; .. s.t 1 ,.,., n:1me. hO' shall twH'h }.ou all lhluc•. rompl(•te.t Tl'nnla Cotlrt. dut t o h·~:rutu>n t.akUIJt pl,.c'l' In the buldler ")lh tuiftiarnr .. 1 -'unnm.:· Jrr~· JanN·~e1 1 t : "'\'1. hrln~: ~tlf '''"'•·~ tn )Our ro·rn•·llo his stay in l.a Jull~ unt.l &!! a!:"""" • numlry. nr '" tlwr,. llnothf r rf'VO· Ham ~ .. nr hav,. R ,...""'' nf humur llarry "·~' •I .. _.,.. ~~·:~· ;~u •;, haHn.·\ r r I ha V<' "'"'' I 8 J'('('P at tht' Ran Plf•s:o 1)(-fPillh' Iutton t a k lng t•hll't'· In Hu~oua ~ u kHn u J J !oluAI''\nl. '"h•" l.1'" II \\'at~ .. "· 11w only pint'\' In the• !lo;,•wtlflrt IIArhor nn•11 wlwn· Y••u t•:m ~··t l •,..,., t 'ars t'O\'t'n~l fJy l~t· l:i~t·-·~iim• lJSt"!l ' ( 11r C .uanmh't'. C'Mw In nnrl M'f' our hi~ ~·lt"t·tinn & lt':IITI first h:uwl nhout this THEOUORE .............. ry ~~r n .. a N_,_, c ... lral ...._. ....... · llwlday ~hoof 9:4~ a. m. llanJDc Wonblp ~rvke 11 a. m. J!nncelilt.lc Service 7.30 p. m. ""--day and Thunday prayer •I"Y.eea 7.30 p. m .. . 1 t , . ('onstrul'th•n tll('n nf c·,ur~ 1-t!Ulk AI<. If' lh•' rr"t-of thl' wo•ld. we. -.' b h•• 111,.,, •. ,,,. Mll~t"r'l l'ut •1 .. • llany U "•"·.lhu~· :->•· •·ct1on" ro'n "':-\t'h•ncP ftnt! l ~ ... n and ,. ll•·;lltiThlrh Kf':y to tht-Scrlptur•••" Shaw \l·ho announc~8 hiA arnvall! llrt' lllt lt ··ula rly lll·n~furnwd .o n \Illdarrljftnoi booth ~II\'" u,.,. aro"lltd • .. .,., ~"3t R A.L ESTATE , loy !\l~tr~ llal.~>r E<lol y !'I :tiP: ·T hrt•r·3 w1th th«' tout "l n my m t rry OltiA· conol1t nn11 '" Hu"'~'"· hut many re.. here'~ . • 1 ~l .. l!l•lln~o: • • E ('"rbtlnnlty 1~ t h<' l'hnlnl of ~rlf'n· 11 mohlll'''. 1'o k r f' p fa11hfonablc•.' \'Mitnl( l'tnrll'll hrwt' bt't•n told of ' 1 A")' •JIIW ""m.-nt •-·••••nt .. nb 1 F o R SALE OUR LADY OF liT. CARMEL CATHOLIC CHURCH I I t I I t h I I ( I II I •••n•-• • -• ·-<1 nr ftllo IIMII "' 1\A. ... •~n rnt ,,.. 11flr b··1n1: ro·:q•r" at1111: in all a~:•·•. tht>llt' 1\N'I'"' "'' I Ill\'(' " ra n " l'<mc 1 11111 " •· ~~'....-.. FLOWERS F'·-..·as TO ~· m.dnl:drunl( "" .,IJ, .. ,. .. ~ Nlrr<'~T"'" I t'Vc'rvbo.tv to kf'I'J1 thl' t I' n n I 11 c l'rAtW'htlo> '104'rfro 1 11ufCer lng. at • &:.ft 1 »AJoo·,.,.m .. nlll • h6t h n-n1aln unpel\1 .-o,. ~L«-•••••'"· MeUt • ..,... ol•·nr .. "lrh ~h,..l'(ar:ipturi'S an•l nair j c<~uri. fr;•m mll!trt'atmtnt purt ·cu· prrsl'nl If lh.-~r moortt.' Ill ~y Clt££T STOKOWSKI >~'"" Uw :!4th .tay ul JuJy. lt'tl. •n•l 1 -•-•-• .-...._ .. _ h .: all t>o•:wol". In tho d•'""'" ••f '1Rrly no\•· tht• I'Nnt•nt 111 "unl'u rc•d" hi~:h o•rit~o~*h Ju pt'r.tllt tht' HUll· '11nlf'11t1 t··~·mrnt 111 ""''"" ,,..}...,,. •• _ .. ;;· .,_,_ - •:•>•1" "1 '"' ~f'r!llnn on. l h" !\lu11r11 • unol nl."~<> uftpr·w11rrlll Tlw "rurt'd" 11111n8 to f•lt'ht tfw k ind nf war that Ttlt I'IOlllulrna H.,,... 1.,,,..1 ... ,11 '"Ill '"' ,..1.1 at 1.ubhc .,..,,.,.,.. t o WILLIAMSON 6 WILLIAM.ON fkv. P . J . lkary, Print J&aar• 8 a. m. tu 10 a. .m. I lla.m. 1-thP Ps•··nr·· or this S<·i··•w··. lllfrl •• rl ... r lhr duhhmu<t• Ill 81111 ha.'l su~t ;un.-1 1111' Chlnf'AI' for ""~ .......... hnqu .. nt ...... ,mrnla rt.o.w 171 ....... 1'01 •. c-••• , I ''" t>l<•rnal Itt". nnt t he U<'.llh of I' 11 11 a be Ct>nvo•rf•·ol Int ... t• 11111'"' '"'"1 1 .,,.11.,., ••lh lhr r •lfii1J •<f a.hrf'·l and Jc.sus. is Ill!. O.Ull:llw":' . '""""''"''' 111 "rt~nl(ly-d:oll . tl'nms flo arly fuur Y<'!lrll. lhrr·r 111 hoP:_e wiUIIo a Uu\\ 1 ..t .. r l h•· , "'" ,.rl I•\ .. ...tfc. · 1 Tt•"l . o A ,., .... ho"'' Wt' tlon t ha.v.. Uu•t hJSlOfY WIIJ . rf'l'filt 1tllril to 1111m~ arlol •"" ... , ... n.-•':' .._,,,. \ , ~-· ......._., ,.. Leopoolol ~l"k""""' ""'' hn• All 11 k 1 t I If 1 ·s r.·l•l.u'ln<' !'o:a!>oltan Wll,h llltltr Ttw ,..'\hi ...... t. .. •h a 1• .,. I' a•" a R ·E SEA r•·lwatn~ ." ~'~11 .•'· .... AmC'nl'a r """'" clhh•slr o "''' thr uffu o .,1 .._11 \\•lhh ••'~" EAL STATE COSTA MESA COMMUNITY CHRIST CHURCH BY THE ~ .. mlllt.-r how lht• Hul'8(1..tlt'r· Sunday •tt•·'ll•••ll J u1141s ~'1flh AI 1 F R CHURCH R4'v. E. 0 . Goode h. pa~tor. CASTING ANCHOR& ... nn m11n "ar ~·.,.·~. "'''"' or lnJ<t . llrit· 3 o'cl•w-k Ttl•· :-; .. ,1h., '<I '""'_.. :!Ju-: \\'r.~-t t 'rntral A•'• n~ .Nr• O R ENT Rev. A. c. A~. Mlnlat~r I Cburcb 9:30 a. m . and I , ht' 1'\ort h• :O::hnrc' nf l.ulo ftrf' tht' am now hall " d iAno'f' In llt'an-up or th.. •lad IIIli ........ ICio•l.alm!: ••••• IW> • h I lfllll): .. c .... an\\ c.... , o .. ,., .... ,_ !'I Sunday BUll~ !"<hoot. 9 4~ a. m Sunoay ~lormng Worship. 11 ~'"' ,...,.,.., b "YaH·h..S~<", "c;ouclwlll'. by hu n: Inn~ tp novult"tl ~hf' hu I l~.OOO """•l•lr. •• 1, lw• 11,....,1 1,;, th• f .. nua at Ill :tn "• I•• II A M ·-••""'-"' · "!\l rh~lv". "1..111111' t "llr&<on". ··tn· t-nou~h mao·hlrf'f)'l C.t'nnany ant.! ,~ · Juh :!4 1!•4 t I 711" • Or:•.., r·-•· -~rt ,11, ... , .. • "~urnb" :ontl "lttlmunu" thr 111\'I.L'It"n c nco111s At thtlt tlmf' lly ur•lrr "' tl\r h•>4•lo-rll •tl ll\r I ••" ~--;.. ,.,..,.. •. *· All a thl a J:rt•31 lll'al ll( bt'auty and 'nf yo•ar. m~:ht tlyln.: ht~ur!'t arf' lh~ noa.)'trll )• .,f tl\r •harf'tl '" thor M-"i 1 .. ,.. ... ,k \'Rhh' tn tilt' l~ncho\lr<•. but Wt• 8':ortrst. 80 111 200 mllf'l' an hour S \ n•h• atr a t a n>,....hnlt ,.f aa1ol f 0 ,. ,. .. ,.., ,_ -. .. ,_ t,., !Mus iCAL INSTRUM!:~ I K~Ae£ lHtANO lw•t llt.e ,...,. tor 'earo c.._•P· D A~ Z ICHMIOT Ploii~O <0 , &10 ~o. Mel" Bt., S..nla, Ane VICTOM M•C.'*06· ....... V~l 0 P I/'OiQ tH to t4t 811 Ia jjo,;'<l cnn<tl!lon Doll~l I CHMIDT J'I'I~O CO .• &10 No. Mel., tt:, ll•nt• .line VICTOM MIICOMI>e • . . ..... ll'l~r l Til 1•1.11~0 I e I a mo4al. A•r•ooooued ll.ola"Ca t••· Tille lo • ""on<t~rhcl barlfal". ~ay ..,ly til ....-,.;onlh •-Ill ,.,.,, DAI'o6& M'HMIDT f>IA~O Cp .. UO' He. Mao,. lit • le"t• Aria. VICTO" A•COMDI ··ttl: """ ,... .,.. .-4 , ..... _ .. of en •'""•· ..-um,.,.e. " ....... -. t •wtM'. ... •• ,.tw..... tt~lte't. •tar•· DAN Z ICHMIDT ··-....... "'"• y..,·u •• ttottot at eLU·NDT. MUIIC CO., -W-*tl M., _..,.,.A.... • ..... MISCEL.tl..ANEOUS .. ••• -.......... 1 tto-- HCh .. •tt"-'tt hiCOC..... LMal ....... IOC. ""11111941 ..... A. ... Nollllof', Ce•. t .. h A WaetMI111~1 Pho~ tao W . ITII·IJ· HOUSEWIVES I L .... awr _..,, • ._...... ear• ~· .,.. .r. ,, .. ..._ wa ~ tile'" tt ciMh otrr -llt-y. ~-UII ... _otrill ... ..._ .. ""'"' , ............ atnaa. .. w Cofttrel Aw., ,......... •tot~ -.Ill ... , -...... a ..._.. fot .................. fllff , ........ , ..... ....._., a.tMa ....... Tt- • 'rrally nrf' curlllu.'l lltKillt tht "h<'if. no bombe-r I'Rn mllkr lh4' round •h .. r,.h•"""r• h rl..t "n Apn l t 1 1 ......... ,...,,_ , .. Jw< • •·r 10 thl' 10t.all". or .rohnulll It ~ trip to Hf'rlrn un•a• •·omp an •'ll by l..uY.1-----1 .__ 0...•-"'"• ,.. • • "• • t --~_.!Mall -------;,.: Now's .the time to lrade In ... ... Y ~ Old Typewriter r rdlrol tht' llt'\l'nlh )on of a IN'Vt'nth (IJ:ht t'r plant'S At pn •itrnt. tht> only l l..t~· It .,. Al.I.AI -.: ..,.,_ .-_,, 401 ,..._, ....... 14h1p ~ llnJlC' Tommy Be~uc·ht•y 111hl!· w11y In ,,,.,.,. ... nH• !his lllrflrulty Ia 1 ~ rrtary A.-1 ttp II ( • I I'Ub·. J-1• ;:,. Julv J I tt INI I 1 fu·11 mv curios t)' 1100n . . arry Ito f'<!Ulp Bnt••n "'1th ~ " o ur · ~ • · 1 palnstllkmJ: r F:nrnl!hllW d I d " nf'Wf'lll bombt'rs that ha\'t' a •.-1 £M """" JOh In ~'"l>llC'r·plal mJ: 11 map of 300 m1lcl' t><'r. whlt-h Wf' c11n -, !IOOTICT. t'Oil ...,. I ~OY¥NT I u( Ud11 Cur "PAl'" I'JIImrr Un· Wl'll affo rd f o r ALL 0 U T I • WA,..TI:O -H_r., "' ,.,. ~MA SIII:<>IG O F GF:IUfA N Y. l'un.uant to ,......olutNW'I nf thf'~ ...__ U7 ....... e-ta .,._, .o'clock. S~c•al mualc. Choir "aD· • -"J'rw.lc._ of thr ro;_,..n ~ ·••· HousEW.:.:A:..:.:A:..:.:E::.:•=----l..' __ fli.NTAL._ Marta~ W..._,. fliCA ....... "-c--.-...._. .. ...... lh<'m an<twt mon. WATCHING . , . ·thr ·'birdie" A HEARTY.__~ Gnunmar Srhont Uktnn dl.-1"'c' _ -------------~----1-llr;h Sc hool and lnterm~diate nvf'r on UaiOO.. Ia Paddy J>ewar, .. ~ a ... lhtJI notin-. urd N-·pnrt 1\rwtl · Leacuu. 6 :30 p. m. former flrwt rllnklnft Stale bad. ---~· ........... c;,...,_,.. Sctw.lfll 1)611trid lmt .. l....,s no II 111101 DIIT.T EvcniDI Worahlp. 7 :30 P· m . mlnton play~r. Sht'.la vlaiUDI M~. eockWI• two p,.t a-... -w b6da for thP foUowtftc ......... Quartfl muelc and eermon. H. o. 8obolkef1; .... 00 the S.UUI Bay ....... a a'r nW. ........ IIW'ftt: ~ , Mid. Week Prayer Service. Wed· .... E .......... ~ · aow· 4 fM'W tlrft, lbP ~· 8 "'· OM a a.t"-. ...,..., RCA ~or ........ Mfrrttt ...... "'-n.clay; cover..dlah dlnne~ f :20. T...s.r·• """"!.>"'• _,.. first ~: . AuwO ..,...._ a ~ GOODe-, :!.~; .. ,~:.1·;~·· .~','td1• :'ltf'f'ftlltf' bid. 4 nrw "'"· ~ Uuntinctoa a..da Auto ......... ~0 ._. 8t,-o.., Ali aM._ SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIITI ... ~. ""'· •••ot• '\'"•' 'I• ~ ... If d lr ... 120. 8 ply._..... cr-dr. AV'I'OIIoll.n..& IUI:PADIDfO Sev~nth .Da)' AdvenUat cburcfl • ., .... .,...d •• ,.,o•nn .... a fWt1 _. ....,.. .... W. ~II bMh Bl'f' to 1M' lrft thr ..._.,. V. ("-.. ___.__ _ 1 ..... ""~r·-........_ ---_ N-.._..... T d H IL .t ,.,..,., .. , u... ...... ............ .,._ ... l<at thf' drrk ot thr ~.ol l"'trirt "" _......._ _. -~ __,. .-_,.. ·--·-Cpllta Mua o.wnwn A; -~ .~'nd , .. ~··~· ,.,.J.. _. .., .... ,_ ,.. ..... • I t 7 :10 o'rltrl J' N "" ""-• a4&QY O()()IJa_ ' We an 110t alai"'DJaU. but It S. time to say that If saturday morning. Sabbath School :;·~~':' .~;~",,~~~~~:~.~! .._ ..., ,.. _,. ,..__...._ ~~, ~ 1· 1 I!MI to br oprn· ~ IWt•ry, 2112 OeNn. Bakery n...t 18 Bttt« rw 1.-. I t ·30 a. m . w ho '"' oh ••'•• • I for .W ........... /Jt8" ......... · ,..,.) · u y . . Umf' FIIIEPPA("F. AND KIND""'O WOOD-- P reaching S~rvlce, ~. u. ... • un•l•< ""''"' AUla...._ M -.-dldae -I'd at NIITW' 1'""' and dllt" • ol II W. w~...,t. 1784 N .... Bml, Coata IC..._ UNCI ~..umber. PtL ...... -~ _ 1 bbo ,,..'"' •u•H!·"'"' ~ L--' tw""ht .a hu.lldenc ••n ,_ ----~ ~ ---I '""" ri•H•ano, IOQ, •II ,.., • .,.,. -·~ 1 fYI ~ ........ IW el ~ ..... lhJO•VI' ~ " · f'OfiND ............ ,_ waat·a _, typewritt'r, If you h&vt' an old one to tnc1t ln. c1o 1r-while prieft art' atiU r ight and a ~ dreJ II pouible. Durina tht' former ""ar, type- writ« compu~ies ltoppt'd maklnl typrwrittrs a n d ~ munition&. n..,. may do 10 aealn. It is plain aood .._to~ advantal(' ot TODAY'S undisturbed aJicJwancel. tft.n.. and aupply. ... . a . ..4. 'I'IERN..4N Tf.PEJJ'RITER CO. 110Wac Foerth Phone 743 tt Ch••.....r. ..1 •"""1""C >"" , .. ~. ·~· '~'"""" aU...... a...-AUaa·s.tt.. I '"-' ~ ~,,..... ,_,._ thf' •• a t • Rraa FOWN!ry. Jobtnc-<Aatiftc. 110 ~PI 0aeta .._., . y -~~~rea I .~ .. ~ ..... ,, ..... -~ I · ... I,.,.. !_,..:!!__I .!.~~~·.t.cs: . ridl1 to f'f'JI"("f .IIA)' '"' •" ~ ...., o·--..... ---~-.. ••• IU~"f'' d Uf~IIC ··~A11n""' fOil d ... ,.·,, ,. ....... ....... ................ . ,..,.._...,..,.., ........ ~..,. na .. :roo r>Oll<*'l ,.,..,. rhllrt..-n ...... uo. I of ·~· ~ .. t. ., '""'""" •"" ,.,. ttlt•f of •la an~ l"'~.,',"""'nr:",~.', I' ., .. _ •• 1•1 •v. <O... Oil. nr... Ba~tf'rifoa. V. Orr s.mc., U4 Mc:Faddle Pl., Mwpt. a, t.em1•rf'd and rNt&t'M • t11 n '' ' ' : ••~ J ••n enrt .,i,, tt cau •H •..,. ,. _., ,. _, , _.,. . Tbhlotlue 10 .,O'Ion ur-...•••ntt '·' • • · If mo<• r•op•• • .,, .. ,,, d ~tjw '"' ,..,. 6t wt..aauar .,-...._ ....._ • 1 k .• tL-~ .n ,....,.. OENt:aAL .. 'ONTa.\(.''1'(,._ pnaof l>al,.....-<"'l...tnr. ,,,..,., "''"", • • h ln<)a "'u•l , . ..,,,.,.,,. ,,._,. ••••• .... "* ........ '-'. C.WI,. 1 ( '".r ''" ,... : ....,.,. I Gordua D t1ndlay, 3410 C..t BIYd. PtL 402. PlaN ucl OJnrntnaadla, diul~ ru·•~, ... U·t• ...... tln 1ft,.r• I Uut ••nr...c .,~, In ... ~~:,... t ••t~MM.I '" .-.._.......Peete-:............ (,r .. mf'YU'r Srht•" IJ1i.-trw1 ..,. •• •~-...,•· t or II"' I' • ·' • •· • 1uor '" lou hb, 1lwo• "'" I ,, 1><11<~ un .. .............._ ........._ J 1., ~~ ''6 l!MI UJMIU'.& VC»>PAN~ • .,.,,.._,., .. ..,... t ... n •""• • r • .t...-orono!•nr ol .,,. ''" .. ~ I< b .. ot, ••' " --•-t•uh unr •. . " • Coate N.u Lbr. Co..-~· Ul h.lp~· ..ta-your home." ""'-e & ~ U M Ah1 '" r""li,.\1fiC·'"''I lllf•~· 1 '.; 1 •l~n l.t•h'f'J• l•c. anti f'~tur-t•c wu·d1ta .....,, ,,., •• n........ • ........... I .• •I I '"'" •ould t.. ........ ll•n '"'~'· ••d. Alka-·ltaer ......... ..tf ... ...., --I lt.y l.*lrk"t l.umbrr . ..,_,. l Cout ~ at ....... • f or ad•tlLA and ro.o • •" • " l llatn•na. •u nrr •r l•o ""'""'' utlna p"-nt ....... •, Y-.,.... ',..,, .. rt MA .. NE IIU'E(-aALTID-. tra\<>4.,.."" ., ' ' ,., l•c;. lion ...., •• '"n •••n nr dooluobr·' k•.t• ... • wlltt Alka.a. .. --. the_.__.. n 1 ...... n,~ •• S 21XJ Cou Hhra7 ............ Jw.ta, a., mhfnror:Lir \\n,,..r •. r l ....... ~. " ~~..,.... -~t r.-~trur'" •tf .,. .. r • an• Jlll!lt'' .... , ,...,..,.,. • ._....,.,_lly ct.._, 1 t •IUII'IIII-. funcuon. \'nu ..... "'"" """\'"' ""'~ hla ... r--u~ ~ ~~ - .TMI ..... ~~.rMta.~l~l.:~'.".:~~ ~-~.',.l:~. ~~:; •. ~;::::;;• .":•t:;~::: :'.';;11:1~1 "'~~ v""-M fedla... fOC' .,_ • .. t ... ry •Ill •h\'"1,. I hi• -~!~'", tr_;;; NOT AaY Pt18LK:- tl •· uw. WhJt Mt _.a PKkaee It••· r•·..t uf th .. H.o-"' "1 Non Marplrrth. 22011 W . <Antral AY.nue. Phone 12 or U.N..,..,. Qu:cldiJ ~ Travel ., :;;~~~; .. ;· •• :~.· ., .. hd •nk. ""...,..'· tiN-'"'-)'.., . . . """ hun•ln··l ,.,., ... ,. •tf '"" y .. u th Of"J''(;E 8VI'PI.I~ R I. .. ; -~·· S'c.'-ncss 1 ~ ,.,.. •. , t·.u. 1r '• ~~<•~r to ,.1," .,. ._ a *uc ~: ~ ..... 11 •~ _, ... , "' ,..,.. N-, ......... _ ........ ~a~.,_ Co -.._ l2 1,., N-.._..... C .evi!.~El·l'C:!&: 't> ' • mrd'""• •••• ~ .. won wo•lcl wod• t< store .~-nn!'"""'. ""' . •-...-• • ._ ... ._ __ ,. · .-.....-: • '" •-...,. • - • .to, 1 d••,. taan em """''b•roc ._,. fa•o .. t>lt ~rr:.t "A< • "C"''' al ltrtl.., t•~ "' I PIUNTINO-. ,.->:_._.. 1 lulown. A•• )••• .,,A.h •l Olh• 11, ,.. ,.,,.,, It\ ~t"lt"wro•.t <tfl t""' ~ Jla~ ~ Co. P.bona: 12 • 13, H.wpcll1 .a.& M .1' • • A 0 II l l ..-m .... rrecl.-.lf ... _ ... aM a.iuto .w.aviC.;r,_ ~.-o·~li1le~·~~~&S-.lt1t1·1:~~~-'1 ~:~~K "~~·~'h ...... ··~nr"~"'"' ~t~~~ ~vr::C&~';t:~':'·.~.~t.t••..m.. ~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~·~u~w~~u~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~ ·-~·-~·~~~~tral~m~~~ .: By Char~ Mt>Aianu11 avua ftUrra- 1 N.-pon llarbor PubUahJnc Co. Phaftee: 12 • U, Newport a.&. HE All'>fT tN IT WtT ... MY OflOTa.&E. Q , OANCtR 5A.'( ·'· K 1N wE l!c:>QPEQ. ,-AA,.- IRON soc-r 'fE~ 1-C.OvPl.~ ~OuRS p,..,.\ .. v.-r ~ w .. A~ "'~D .~ ~t~~~~"~~S 1f "v 11(1-•T "fl/56 ~ If¥ To!llf( 11t NC. EO 'Z . ~ s,.)Dp(. I -... MZn METAL WOIUL- .... PlurnbAQc Compuay, C.C.ta ac..._ Phone 210. ~ ·~ ~.:.oa. a-.: 12 : ~ ....,.t -----~l""l ~ -~ 1~1b<• Island Vari.-ty Store~. lOe-, 2Sc: and up. Phone 2ll1·W. .'I:LOINO -.._ w .. kttnc npPrtly cton.. v. Orr~ U4 Mer~ PL, MWJILM.-·--·--:s l1si1111 ••~ Profasion•l Direetorr DR. ILU.PH D. HOARD · rtiYJJinA,/ • IUJIWEOM ONTZOP IID&.UI M. OURREY. II.D. 311 So. Main Strwt -~,-~=oU-t .... ~........ ..... ..... ... Dr. Gordo~~ •. OradJ ... ,... ... ..,.... ...................... , • .,., A"' at Niall! CJMr.. lira.: ••• , ....... : 1·1 .... T•le••••a I'J I~ROY P. ANDER80N' A!To&NEY AT lAW c.ca ............ . ....... QoataM~ ~ I Near PWr Entra.ce • !.----N-ewport ___ Dnc:h __ . _: -.......: .. . ... .. NEWPORT BAUlOA NEWS-TIME:S, Newport Beach, BALBOA ISLANP EVENTS W imaen Gu .. ta Of H.,., Kendalia • Atte11d Yacht Club Opening 'I'be aa.me llay Utlll l..aoly !'\um· )r\ c; ~···" f 'f•O•IIl••IIIIO'~ .ollol J\fl'~ 1 nu·r maclt' hl'r 1\H 1 •h•hu.t.. IIi•• olkmo·~ ~:\'i>rt A•l11111~ II 1-' llal• h Atx.rd th• dc>luxc pn wt t.l <'ll•r 1 A lll ·h un•l ll••"il r•! enal.eer, J ackUyn, Mlal .lf'INIII' J)On· ~tllbua 'a'lu Ill ("lub huondh••l tho II , H ok: r • A I,.,, II y (' v 1,. .. (·,,11, . .•. aldaoD and Mlaa Ilarbara Mataon, ~llf1UUI :-;''11""11 " "1"'1110 h II II ol m101t,.n• 'fo·ot .J .,hm<"ll lUll I ~~ I >l-two of the four Vett'rlnll nt J.'Or· ~··lo•brulo'\l tl~<• Ch1T.J1If't.lon c,( lllf' l\l dll"•d Stt~nl!>fl lt••tu I "<orn :ond elp W an quu n 1'..1\DCIIditiC Win· nt'W l'lubhurulf• Wtlh 'l lla~·~~ ••I l\1 I" l-'1• •I I I IIIII•: 1•1• ••I c. •l•i "n I Dera, we~ JUt'llll of Mr . IUld Mrt.' 1 11~'~1111:• 11 1llnn..r lluru '' ·pn••···dool ~~ ,,. 11111 JffofrHIIl M lol l'llrt \ "hpl HeJvy E. Kendall of Ualboa Ia· by a r orktnll hour t'hnu.u.m~: lho• ,.1111 l\lr/1 l<ll.!ll' 11111.,1, .,,.11,. ~">•·• laDd ·aaturday &nf1 Sunday on A' f1'8tlV1llf'A n l ntJ"h Y """wr "' "" 1 11-,1~ u1111 M111 'Ilion lltwtl, !\1 ... "" c:n&be to CalaUn&. 11w111 I on Su11tl•:y • v••nln,; ul \\ hi• II """ M··~d 1111,,. Jllo k (;r~·n•• c·t v.t•• ~YiDJ Jilt'~ H artxor f'llrly ("ummclllm•· ~.ol It ··~··n 1'1' "'111''" "''"'I' ''"" 1\.o·rn(l, 1-: S Y111111K a.turday wtlh lhf' two ('..oeta Ml'llll IJ lt111Jh1~11 I<J W;nnlnl:' AAIII•rll 1•.,11• '" llfl•l ,\!l ~lhoOI•l< 1-'ro·ol IIIII· ctJ1a, Kr& C'harle• J1, t or f' y o f Anauna; th•· ~~~• tollt•rullfl): tho , ,,..1 ('uat!c•m .. n Sm1t.h. J. ll OIIH'r, BoUywood and M ra. Ru_.ll Mur· dlnnrr diU\ If' Affulr "••n • t'um· \\ ~ 1 ·11 IIHII un•l ,, t. lluc.l~t•m ...,. ol DeDver. ColoradO), abc.>ard, modure 1m 1l t.tu Hl•·llnr lln•l Ill>' II '"~" .\I• ""'!> \\ llfro·•l II··• I· St,•ll tM J acldlyn moorl'd nl A\'nlon )(UO I<I II ••t h"n"r "h" ,.,.,,. 1"'"1''1 l 'hn"l"l•h•r IJ 1rr' )·,,,n,•, I!•• I• wbere Uaey t.nured thl' bird farm at tlte Commodurt'll tAhlo· 7 In A ll>•ll 1;, .. , ....... 111,.1 l•:o'''' (jtllfotll .ad dined at thf' SL Cathrllno• rluffo·ol "'" ,. c 'tolllffl.l"llll<' llthl l\lo'" ~IIIII I'"""'"" n.:ttl :w ol ~~,,.~,.,. Hotel. 8uD4ay tht croup crutu.t l olumra J.,hn Sllo:k, ( • 1' \\'••~I· .IIUl<'l Jl ololo-l ~>"II 1-'•Uil"' Th•ml~to•n to the bthmu. retumtntr lat• l:;un• worth. J L A.tunat•n, J. V t;utlorh· ll.-tl\ llioll "·'"'''' s r••••·r t-:o.J•th _,. evenlnr to the Kendall •lliJ• C K Unr~ma11 c; S l >uuahlllon llu~·r. ~llll):lt Hu kno:u o· Hto!<•. • U.. South O.y Front.· 1 Harry Asht .. n. 1-'rank Rupprrl, and mlof)' ur .. l J,11 k l.:ll ri ''" l\1•-.o•r• ID BOWLIIG ALLEYS · BALBOA PA VD.JON PIUCF. ('HANOF. !Ut., Mun. II llullday~ .. 1 Mn. M. Flemin• New Red Crou .. Await W ashingt.on ~ IUrold Grauei• j Your ··Friends On Mesa Site Flying &hool Leave _Tocla'. Fo!. And M. e ----------~~~~~~--·--~~·~I~N~o ~h~w~e~•t~T~r~•P~-------~1 -------~•n~ Arran..:rmcnts 81'\' "'t' f'ntin•ly J)4rt of -(h(' 'H.tnnin1: Tral't which lllss Mina HNU or Savanna. Production Chief ~In• ~'"'''" I-ll m in£' ot B&Jl>oa c<•ln(Jio•lt•d fur thl• lut·· lng of a bordo·rs on the 'lx:rry Jl<uwh. • ' U ••vin"' II"S IJI()ming from ··1 1 ·~ .. Fr kl f fl (.~ ~ ' " " ,. llllnola. enjo••eiJ a Wl'ek'a vtatt I 1 ..... 1 "11 Hp lil'-... ,.._ an •" ~~ houl nr ) m~ l'll<h-t.~ n osta Lt'iL'*' or fiV(' m..-: lwlWl'\'Q tht• Co~1n M1•,.n. Mr. a nd 1\trs. Harold " """~''" "''" ••f the laland M pro-;\lo-~a and IIX'ill ('lll~nl} :l·ciU arc '"!:'~''?' ranc·h and Ua •r "!frt:l't, (;IJuwl unci dau~htt•r, La_ Nom.-l. 10\'Hh.,ber nwco·. ~~~&. Roy Rickard '"" c 1"" •'hJou m1tn or tbe Balt»a now uwail ih..: uppruva or eli~· 1 aularlno, has be<•n afftoch-.'t to an(! tlll'rr n•N·••. Mis~ Jamcc .Jvn·. ut 1.1 Nurth Hay 1-"rnnt, Balboa 1~1:111d Arrwn•"•n Rrd Cr~ work· ;,pprovul of th(' projt'Ct by auth· afford ingr~s a nd <'l;rt'!lS 10 ~It' "'"of (lmahn, N• hnL-kh. starte-d 11 lelanc.l, rf'<'f'ntly All a a!Jt'Cial ~vent ""''" till!< '"•ck. . 'orllll"' in Wa~hin~;tun. I . C .. a~·-schvol sitl.', h(• Sltid. · '~tlrrc wet•ks trip throu~h thr of b•r atay tbc 1tu·~rc.l11 motortll ·1111· oll r '""'l"rr~>nt came follow·., l'"rt11n>: to M. 1\. ll••n rkks or-All lt•ases had hcoc·n compiN('(I ~·t)hw•·~t wluort• t.hc·y w111 \'I!' it to t-:r·ll('ndtllJa. t.lc>XI~O. to ahow 11,1! u ,. 1 ''"•l:"IJtlun of Wra. Ha11·1 Sun Ill Ana. Jncl_u·at ion,. ) l'illl'niny tmd, appn1vNJ by lh<'al U. S. Anny ro·l:•h~~t•~ atul l-t'l' mrtstamhn~ Oil-M rss H,_aas t h• h1wn · ao~.~:th of tht ht·u "II'' 1" 11111V n~ to Loa An· ,,,.,... lhrol tl1rn• 111<oy ~· ~um,• d ... hradqunrtt•rs b) th\' fll"l>t of tht' thmlll J.l.'ll~~ un.cl rnpnurnrnt~. bonJt•r". ~:•·It, 11.1~ ""·ko·nc.l. Mra. F1emlnlj '''~ 111 11\'llun '"' th<' projl•ct by w~·C'k. Shoulrt l ht• ~''"· O'"-nc·cl IJy Flr~l. th~uarll"' will visit with --------------, h.•·• I•·•" a• !1\'o• In tht Red Cros• C':tJJitOI •lffii'IJII~ · \Vhlttit•r Lnnd Co., ht• RJlprOV('(I an D r 111111 1\lrs i.P'H'Il Kranwr in • ... \\'Ill): Ullll lii:II'C tla ora~uttvn Vl~ll ln)( 1111· Iolii-)'f'Stc•n1ay W('J'P Was hingtnri, 3679 uffi<.'ei'S and ('(1. Nurtlwr-n C'nhfnrriit and .then J:O 10 ~ ... r """ c""l. Ko>llion, MHJHI' Httrlt>y and det s tud .. nls wool.d.. tw ~l"ttoned to S<'attll', hoard·a stctNTll'r to Vic· ;n,. ""'k""''" Ia open al 311 \loi)llr 1'1111 u[ lhl• lJ. S. Anny at tht• school. tuna hland, then to ·vancmJV(-r :-.;~>fin•· A\'•·mn· 1'uellday throu1111 n.mrd """ ro•purtt'<i tt'jat·"ho in·, County SUJlf'lVISOI'!I this wc•l'k a nd tht>n down intu tlv· :-tuto.,. t-"11ol;oy lr .. n• 111 J(l a.. m. to~ p. 111 ( .. r·mnt lcon h:o' ~··t br•·n rec<'ivl.'d lc·a~l'd fiv(' anc•s at thFOruncc a..:aro tu \'i~ll thl' 11 C r\o·nn..tc~ :0:•·" '"~ mao hint's and UJaleri~ I !'lorn \'v'a!-hln..:tcm. 1 County Aii'Jl(lrt.,.nenr I hi' training cor Idaho, fu nno•r l'I'SIUj'nls of' ,.,. tu•""'"''J by the Red CrJJU • \'nriuu< nJrnor~ w .. re !wing cir-field,· tor plarw commuting pur-co,tn M«>Sa Endm~ t hf' trip thry -----rul~tl.'d Wt•cl nt•lo(hty on ·thc• Ml'Sa fiOSt's for orriet•rs. bhould thl')' Ill' 1 w1ll rrtum hy ~~t·:oy bf y ,.,, m ill· c•oncc'mins;: tho· ~lit• which js under 1 quartf'rc-d a t th•• ~chool. ~atton:1l Park and L.;tko· Ta hO('. Th B lb r.,n,lolo•rallon ,A_('cordlng t'o llf'n·• -----• --------e a Oa• '1lrJrk!1, ronnN'tcocl Wi\h thf' trans· D t I Cl' · T 'I t'or pta)'•AA.It' •llw'k or awlm ' nC'Iton , lhf' Bc•r ry 1\ltncho which b en a IDIC ra l Cf' M&ft•-11H I'OLL\· APPAUL -' EAT MORE m GII GRADE FOOD FOK LESS MONEY • MAIN CAFETERIA Sll !iiortla Mala .8tftet Pat K~lly, P rop. Bali .. Aaa . rr-ciJ'l(>!ool•d t<l bf• u!'NI for the .cadet Cloaea Seaaon Of I<'OIIIta IIINA-i . I I d . 'Chntll. i<~ lncntl.'d on the W est tilde I S an er. s nr NI.'WpOrt Olvd., op~it(' the .Work In Port Area --., -r:-R€AD HI[ AD-:- - -• Snnta Ana Country ('lui>. . T-----------...;.-----------------, Thr 41 1 nrrt•s undl.'r lt•asc Tod9y enols tho• apvr~ce nf the ',111rtl' nhnut flO() ftoc•t Smrth of 11fate IJental <'link tnuler whrr h 1 :'It rto · Ow i l1:lkl'r S t ,.,,.., at Paut .. rino anc1 has betlu brought lu N e w P h r t :\lr. IITif • r~. ,..,. en ri'W' . &>ach Grammar School many cay• (c II""" r..-n \'un Nuys Monday Ill l"<ll'nrl<. Sntllh"'Urd alnn,:: Nrwpnrt I h ---I • 11 ... 1 h r-1 ,.... b t as Yt.'9t f or · ~pt·clal work tor I..<• ,, ...... , J,., ;oncl ut h·nd{od t he I '" pno; t I' ... nun ry ' ou . 1 ' Th" llc'rf'lll;l' f''< rndo,; t·st 10 rhtlrtrf'n whu wuufd nnt otht.'l wllle r----:-t=~==~~~!J!"i!S:::~~=====~~:::!!!t~~::!:!:~~::f-,.:---'t'T~r-r.-ft.,...,-.,..,.._~4!..!.-tl,..,..~~·~~~~t 1~;~1 n~•;l ~:1~1 r~-~. ~S~t~•·~rl~in~~~·~W~o~rr~('~11;.!01rl ~C\;mt 11 Ann Rnncl nr· ntmnr rl'l~rtr~-w-a . -.... ,..-----. "''''' "I lh k••r-.fic•lfl vi!>ltt'd "uh l'lll'l'f•nl lwrc• wns that thl' ~chool T ht trull~>r Whll h Ill fully t•qull.)- and M• "" ,,.,,.,. \\' \\' 'J'uyJnr J r 0 " I :n••·nr lluol ~'"" 1'1111 ;\l:c •• , ·r :u~: T .c: :-:.t~lr·y I:"~ I:, ,,·r~t1 .. n• c· A i'r••loll, :-: .. 1 \\Ilk """u. lJuu 1 '••d••• ""''· llr.r .. Jd M""''"· K··n ~I I'll·· 1:'"' 11111 1:ru11urn .. \\' :-: I-'•""· :\1 IIIII J ~-~ 01/IKII~~ . . ' A VIJA1 , .... , el _ ............. o IIYOAf •• 10 -·· .......... 0~1 ..,_.. • woolo .... 100<1 ;,.y ,...d \f""M1 o•o•e ol olo,, o•e .... "-to Ado ol "O•Ae d o•d • '""',."'"d peop .. w+oo o•• •"909•.1 .... -· _..00<1 ...,.......,_ .................... ,....., .... tt.e food ....,. "'o•vfodvfett, who proce" .1, olfll4 !he ~~~,......,.,.. .... d-·-II-I>'OYdlr •Of'"'ll "' .... Mil ..... floep ...... lo ·I~!!JI't wpply ......... g, ... ,._.., ....... bot IOit lAilY FOODS .... t1 lAilY lriONTHI P..tyPricle lee Cr .. m 1::~:~.15' ...... "!C"-A,...ttM , .. ¥ere. '""''· lk l I ·-._ ,.,._ I t ·•ll•r1 t•c ...CirM ""• u r1•"• • .................... , ............... ~e Buttermilk 7c I -"out.. .. II!IU fDDII .._c..cl..._..._ • .:tr a i •• ,., u.. .._ ~~~::.-::.• tr Ha.u .. C ol~ert ..._r.u .... ~.,. , ·~~, UA ..... ley $piNch ":.:-'· .. ,. PIT FOOlS - Sh ....... DocJFood f1Wiwllo9 food To;:. ··::··~ ..---_..,.... Fawm-FI'esb Pl'odacal· ~~-~.r.~~9.~~.~~ .. 3- J ... mbo air•. at • t pe,l.tt ptiC.•. CABBAGE Lecally erowft, Mil• IMede of co.-.•••· '•• alow or for cMkl"•· AVOCADOS Nalloat variety. rletl '" Aatvral ell. M•'• ta .. ., __ ...... ..._ ..PEACHES ... Sc PLUMS ......... 6c Y ....... ,\ia · anu :\l;.,,_ll;lruld C~bbll over,,,,,. r~Ctc•nc1•'11 ttl11o2. l:'JCWJ)Otl...Bllld.-~lth. lbe w~:st,: ~m. ~· 111,. ,,,., k••lld ''' \\'ll~nn s r ri'C't. tncludin~ thP neu•s.,.l.t!l anol furrushtiJ by th~ t'·fl'kllt" rtto·lr hrlongings 8 n c1 ru·•·•·ru:•· whwh hR~ llf'••n u~l'd in statt.' il nJ {'uunty •"' WI pnwurcll by I 111.,:1111.-1'j11 111 fur thr sumi'Tl('r te> ,,,.,.,.nt YNIN fnr ~row in;: r l.'lr·ry. I Mrs~ Grl'tha C lark Tullhs who 1 · ,. 1 1 .. 1 . , lh A th p · .,.. 1 This ,, nnt ('III'I'N'I • al'rorrlin~ reuh:t.\'d thf' lll'l'U fo lr o"lrly <·h•'l'k· :-;, ·• 1• ·" 1 .orr f' r ur rtl II c1 · k Th t ' · 1 ups. Dr l.arry Hc11111iter 1 t1 t h " 1 r 1'1"' t •lei 1\vo·nw• who havl.' n •nt· 1n f'n rt(' ~ a arrf'a~c ts l • , o1 111, 11 11,,, 1. hnmr h rr<'. l'<)Unly clentlllt. , , .1.o~. tt '"·,t.l. t.•·•H·r known tc• Festivities Mark ~ -- 11,, '"' ..... l.nl•···n. "'U.' N llht'd Seal Beach To • .. ,., •• :--·~~··· ""' 1 "'"1~ hfP,r .. "' Induction of I · \f·•utl" ,.,, .. m i•PI~·nrlooc·tnmy. Sh Hold lrd Annual ",, ..... ~.." ~ '11' "1'1"'nc.llcl tl. S !\1· Lion Ot1'icers Beachomber'• Fete ltl d \ • \t fHU ~ ",, .1 .1 l""n:'nn .. r 2H> S;op· phil,. I• J,,,..k ;,~:am un lhf' Island F'r-Atur~ or thP Third Annusi IIAROLD K. GRAllEb CIIAPEL Pllont! S r wport 5411 -Coata MNa. Calif . "Wt: ()urs{'l\'r!t th" &>tt~r S.•rvr By Serving O thers BHt" The Bob • lo1 lh•· ... tuunu·r~ ~ • An t'XCI'Ih·nt dlnnf'r danrr 11.111.1 Brae hcombl'ra: Frolic at !:. ,. a I pru~:ram rnt•rked thf' m1lur t1nn or B~>a<·h wil' be a ~ala prugTam Run· I. ~"""""""'" M prM!illt.'nt of the d:sy. Junt' 29th whlrh "''II Opt'n at I . OLD T-IME Skiles' DIICE • .I on••" \\'Pn<h·ll Cal kina. M H c ·,.,,a !>h'AA·!'I;e" port Hl\r bor U on. 6 a. m witb a fl&hln~~: olc>rbv at thl' ('I n p p . Hal Hitchman. R F. l th111 IA't'Mt llt a ladln' nl~ht ~s-1 munlripnl plu . n w ccontl'.t C'l•'-lea l'hllhJ•!O •· R F:lllntt, G C. Par· ~'"" h1•hl an th" handa.ome new at 6 p m . w .th 1 ~. pnll4'1 tu be 1 rf'll, J1111" Wll~<nn. Clair~ ~·un~r. 1\Aih .. 'l Ynl'h f"luh building. l trwarded. Ther• 111 no t'ntry fee. b Bela« TraiW.-rnd to the RemOdeled "'OMAN'S CLUB110l1SE -COSTA MESA A . S HI• har<l~on. Huy F.Awanll Otht'rll lnlluctf'd we r • Nei8Cin Scbtdul~ for l':r a.II.R noon Is II ugh Walla• t'. C C. ua er, R. '!'tlltrnrd. v.ire~prulolt.'nt; Ray Har· a batbln~ beauty n·view for whlrh L ttu •l. \\' p Ralllf'MI ' nator \'t'V. lr~uurrr . Howa rd ~mesh .• large numbl'r cot entnrir havr Begm· m·ng Sa~urday, June 28 I llovlol~un. W H H &rpt' • · M ""'··retary; AI Horvath, lalltwl.llt.er; bet-n l't'Cclvrd. Thrrc· "111 al110 bl' _ F~ll~.nunr~~~~ H• Al~~rnan.~H~~ey~~~~~~u~a~~~~o~ll~c~~~~~~h~w~l~ll~~~<~~~~~"~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ m. nn. Holllll.~tnall. Don ~·~· Ev Abram.s. 1111ng lea.•lf'r ; and Henry •whr m1ng and padcllrbc1Rrol mrln~. Mnrria. AddlsCin Gurley, · J ay, Vaughn and Sidney H. Oavidaon, anu'N H Y C Vice-Com . J . . Oln· director&. dnn. 1-'ran\c:lin t-lanaon, Edd Han· Arctaf>iahnp Ctarkm of La«una 110n. A. F:. Ar llnr. R. A rn, H. Beach ~ave an exci!Uent descrtp- WIUtam&. C'h~. Butler . C. •· Hut· tlve adareaa of bta world travel1. 1e-ll and J . F. Boelo. · · · A d M.ra. Dance mualc waa provided by a Hope and her daupte:l, &riM Tyrollan orcheatra. and Gene Townaend. MJ Kabtl Oak. Mildred Calllater a 1M R.etJrtDr praldent who baa aerv- J ea. ber brother ~ ud ed a blJbly M~Cce•rul term Ll ,;::;._ Fred srew'er, M 811 D e Rebut Kal8er ot Bay Sbore Camp. 'Vf'C&. H. R. Ba.rcua, Cbaa. Dellnl· ,00, Paul Mi~beU and .. ,.., Dorta PuBLIC NoTICES L&nta. ... Nat party at BYC wtU M a dance beflnnln&' at t ·a.' m. follo>rnd by mlclalpt buttet I\I,P. pu 0.11 July W . ' PuBLIC NoTIC[S , ---· No. 71171 L NOTICE OF II'L[ UND~R ou;o OF T II UIT NOTIC~ OF AIIEIIMIENT BAY IS.LA.ND CLUB. Lbcatton ot ~r&aeip&l otnc:e. Mo. &. Bay laland, beln~ the realdence of R. 8, Huelt1ne. Ia the C\ly ol New. port Beacb. County of Oran&'~ . State ot CalJfomls. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. 'nlat at a meetln.r of the Board or ~ton btld on th• 2~tb day M June, lMl . an aaaaamelll or o~. Hundred Fifty ( $1~ 001 Dollar•! per l'hare wu levied upon lbe abare11 of tbe above natmed Cor · porallon. payable to A W ~!M'n{'t' A•lrllant Secretary M !l&ltJ ror. por!lllon, at aald offir e nn Mid Ray J.Sand. In t be City nf Newport ~ac·h. County of Orange. Stat~ of Calofom la. Any 11hare8 upon whlrh t hI 1 asS<'to!lrnl'nt remain unpal.t on lh• elf'vl'nth day or Au~u"t, 1941. wtll bt' drllnquenl. and uniC'JOII payml'nt '" made tn tho> meantlme. tbe aalt.l 11haru, or l!O manv or aald aharl'll &."1 may be ne('~~ary. w111 ~ 110111 111 llll d ofn('l' or said A8~~tant Sc>r retary on Wt'dnnday. thC' tf'nth day of S.ptC'm~r. 1941. at thr hour o'l 10 00 o'clnclt A. M. of sur h d •y to pRy anld dt.'linquc>nt asl!ess· ment. togtother with fl\'e pt•r cent rwnatty. or be forfe.tlt'l.l to the Cor· .. is fl IJreeze witiJ t1 mDdern • - Thf' ma·n 1 botton: pump I! v-vulr a nd a noJkf't ~fflcl~r ll)'lltem City E The tenda , plarH •rved ~ Th• pl~ltn Q.f 200 I Lat Jt •• At: Nn Cr --""'-~~,.. ..... ____ _ ,.. __ .. _-L.. T hn~y '::...• ... ·1"( ~TWJVU'Y ·~ Rluk "" • C.oncr nu.ttr d .u; p •r r. 1 .. \l, .. d,-y crtr for dis._.._ LUX SOAP FLAKES Df'&lg nf'd f or ftnf' t.aund~''"D· cS ~unc,., k ) ,...... oM Oran .. PeloN. (Small bOa. 7<1 T .. '" • •-,... C•niPrloury p&..g. of 15' u.i~ tllar la 1!1 bOQI H-6u T • t·or l'ummer I o1 W -· J ' ·~ l'uddirur-bo• • Sleepy Holow Synap '!~~-13c ea ... a ... M8ple blen4. (M·N · Ull, l!lcl Golden Age Ma:-o~~·H .t': T SAFE WAY --t-'IIINIIIII'"'I,I'fii'IIIIWI"'X ~ D''rtlmll':""i;o-.-~ _ t be ~ •• , h I Ill (I'd m•· ,, 1r,,J n!onJ TWO t ... poonlul• oJ Cod• z..,., O.t, -1 1:,. \\'··•t Ill , r ~ .... : I ,1 2t -t/"4 rninim&IITI U. S. r Stander.Ja ch· !"·Hi h h , , 1 • ,1,1 ·~·•rth 1-aod you will actually ltlle the t•uo. 1 t•l f,, t 1 .. 111.: I ,. •'IM 1, the You don't ba•e to m•• around Wlth ~ .•. lh hro ,.( • 1,, t , 1-:•• I elly bottJ• 011 lf'MI)' lpc>Of'O- • r .... II I; ' " • ' ,, l'~.lll bfo I Do you aeot ENOUG H Voremin• A I ""'.~-II\ I. r ,, I .... ·' II ·•·uount lmd 0 1 1f oot. ,..m .. mt>.r thor • "(ln .. ,q pn··· I ,, 'II'• '' . I I I=• II, ad· A-Dey" tablet ...... y d ay fumo·•· ... \ l • 1 ;< ,,, , 'I' , • , ( ule. fOUT full t1¥1nn.al reqwremen lo, at e Af ,t • r~ • 'rt ~•,, I .. \ I l I• .I • • J ,,. 1! ·\II:" i t; \•' i •, I Tl rt.E I :1· ,\1: t\ ':-; \ l I \IJ ,\.NY. . ,II\' I' :'\' 1\1 1.1 \ I•• -.1df'nt. t'·, H ,, h 1 • •l !'' ~··•, ,,tary. '. •·cmc:Y, Rr.l;'.lt \1':-'" f't iROY. _, oJ t!J~M PMiuf G !ba., AM yow clnluaet f« DNE~DAY Prlcll E.fflctlwe FrkiiJ lad -Sat.rdiJ, .1-Z1 aid II '~~~:At.o l ewe•& '' JO tab/ell J$f PO tableto U f I M1 ,.,.,_ I I .50 FIH!-'T :'\ ·\TI. I 'f. 1\ l'l.i•O. ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~A~TA ASA ,.,lt~,nst ~ I .... .ade Ntwport Oh·d .. .("Mota M.. A ll••rn• Y~ f••r t no~!., . .... , .... , Celltral. Ba!.... \~ J'ub .}UIIII 1!1, :::o , J u!y J, 19.1. -~~~~~~~~~~~~· -.. AT YOUR · DUUI 01 .... SOUTHERN CAliFORNIA EDI~ON COMPANY lTD. I • J. H. EST~S G .. &a&LetELECTRIC .. H .-\I~U\\'..\H E . , I L \ Phone 116 . ~~rt 114-a ch ' 2205 Cout Blvd. ,, .\ .· t· 1 -. / OUT Tak<' moth<'r out of th€' kitch<'n <'S-'"- JX'(.'ially on Sundavs. IIN't' . th<'. wtJolt• family can r-cl~x and t>at \\ith , -groat rdi"h. ApJx>tizing. · hulfR~r­ Sc<ttjsfyipg full ~-ro\11~ ·ct.innl"r.'rl'rom 50c to 85c. Our St~ak Dinn€'f'S an.' thf' talk of the harbor ar~~-· I • NEW Sl 1M~t:RTJME HO,JRS- .,.._..,..: Noo• to M&dnl&lit -WN'kda)'!l: &. p.m, to M&dnl~ht NO IN C REAS E I N PRICES (formerly tile Laurrl l•ol • ·•• .. _,_ ·---"T",-..,.,.._.,,,..... ___ 'I -, ,The SAND SIFTER. 8umml'r is !Iff ' l:\11\' h• r.: n at···. nn' ( h•tll(l'ol I'll thC' r!lll'nrl:\r~ t .. r .__.~,....,....,.'nnun~o: '''•··t~ nthl t h•• hnr· ••=' ur,• t•tt,;.!•'t t., , nt.-"t •nt.• t ht• J , l~\'lllt•s '1 h·· ;:..: , " JXH1 1 Ia 1 - h"r \' IU hi { 'luh \\til h,.j,j 11 ~ 1'<'1111- t!Dillll\l IIH'o IIIII( ~ 11-+tf'olay llll(hl aftl'r "h o·h Will llo' I h•• (I st ••I t hI' 11umnwr ~aturtlav n 1 1: h t olan<'l'!l t-~11h\' JUI\' t-o~uYl h \\Ill h,• ttw f1rst ,.(. t lw · '"'••kly lor •l~i' lurwho•11n ~~o·l<~lutuo W II h ~I 1 I I 1 t' c:uthr il' "" hu>~t••"" fo>r thnt <Ill\' Thl' 'rll('(' rnmmittl'l"' hn vc• t hl'.lr tT hRrtll ro•uoly fu r thl' Fourth or , .July r:u·ln.: ll<'t ,,.& tu lw h•·ld uff lltlw llalt>ooll pit•r un thl' hlj:k 8o'Ml<. l'nob.~o>rvl'•l. wr l•nol a "'"'"k 1 hl'llflll~ 11f t h ,. plum• for t h I' I ' A~<l!ll!ll\l'co• l.l'tti-'"IH' ~:nl~t «' v «' n t " I wftlc-h w II takl' plllt'l' .July 111 ut the I. 1 ol " < 'luhhm1"'' ('orktaill!.l 1 l.l'ln('ln~ a mi •hvrr~II'>Ol< 11 n t hI'. I salle Dcta 1la w1ll <'ltfllt' llltt'r. ('H ATT t-:H l.<IUil<t' Ahn·udt IS o !<till WIOOIDI{ briiiJ:f' t\unort• At 1 ht>r hf)lll!t' nf fat,• alw t uppt•ll t hr I I'Curf l! ut l""tnro•y !))wen nn. To~l_lll)' 1 \\'u•lo•v nt\11 \'«'lma ltl'idt . , B\lll ,_,, "'" nr-o t• h a•l illt• bj\y !runt l~flll' I puz7J•'•I thl' ot hl'r day. Ill' Willi ~ rowlnp,-t!uw n th«> bnv with whrtt appl'arl'•l to bl' a .. DRAMA IN ETE~NAL I TIU..\~(~LE .. 1 l i l <•· .· '" • ~Tfst Wait'r Wells ~ Ord~rlld I· 1-'lr•t ••I lho 11 l.utcl lo• h,• <I11II.,L Ill P l.tll):•· l'oOIIIII\ \\Ill .... t\\!' \\ ,.JI, ,,, lt•'l Ulh lt t ~14tUihl \\ ,tft•t •1 t''-4lt'll'1't•' ttlo.,•tf,.: I h.... N·"'' .... I In~ I··"'"'' ~···•l·•~h .ol t.u11t \\ hi• h h "'' I"'•'U ••td, lt~.f b\ t \,Utrtf\ ,., ltt't\ h 4U '-t 'tutqa,·t, '''' tht• "'lt' "• ,,. ·'"·"-'·~• ,\I l'tude•:tu ••I ~....... '""·' .• , ...... ,1 \\··II· \\Ill .... f't•lllhh I"'" "' t lh· \' !"" ·,;,_. •• !.:h· .• t ~111 \t·~ f,.,., ~~~ 1h "lo 'l:h'.d f'ltl I"'"'' I lo•ho•ttlo-I) I '' nun••ll(• \\ 1 II '"' 1''"''"'1 111 '• h o• "'••II, ftH '"''·'''"'"~ th•· '"ltllta . t to tt n( ,,.;, \\Uh 'l' Ull~• llh• undt•t~ ! 't:t,Hittd lt''''"'·•'U' ll••th nf th•• '"''II' ...... IIIII lo•o•l "'"' lho• ....... 1 I • IIIII fo·e•l olo•o•Jo. "til h,· l••'a l•·•l "Ill ' 'ut.· S un,•·t ltt•a• \'-·' .. " i\ ' ~ . ' I t • .. • _........_.\ __ .__ .._ .. _ DOWN -THt~ ALL~YS 1., .....~IUl, I'~~JOdlla "'"*'" ..... kfln') 1.)-...... 0.., ...... Ilk• l .ldu', IN'" hll. "\IIIUun lh•ll•r ~a.,:· .......... ......._,, Th•• I"" I 'HootR !'.11"'101\ Nrwl'nrl : lla rl'o•l '·'""" l 'lulo lo .. wlln~o: Ji•1U11• 1 •·ulo•nn~-: l,h" lutj.;l"' P lrtlrlo 1 4 t-: t '''"''' n1 '""" T.-.u ru lnu•ut t\1 1 lulh 1 ''' '"I re·• ••nt t~· ·h•ht't , '""'' h'''"~ \\tlh Ull\ 1 tt•phh"C NAVALr1bUARD MEETING TO . ORGANIZE HERE I• u• •·~e. u.-w N...,.n ~ '\ I T ...... ,_.H ~-...-. ........ .......... tA. •• I, ..... , .... .. 'l>ut' not an ul'o' !llrtvbl' ~--..:..._$}3 00()"-w t M • Fi _ a h d .. , l w bnarol w l'li o•n ro1uio• !rum ~nuth , a er aiD lOIS e , . j <'oa~t t o ht• m lcldrlf"·: ..:v~ .. Affor'ds Gre~t Eft• . I should rl'lul lhl' lt'llfr Mrs. ~rmth· Rubo•rl !\luniJ;IIIIll'r\ .-nd J.....W a.ram,.11 ~••r in "K••,. ln l T !. !" 1 I I ,llll f.,, """'"'til l,oJ:t"ll tlul ,.,; JJ . Iiiio It n • ,.n .. ,. .......... r A I tt . -"· ..... _ ... ,.,..... ... . e.ll\'rn,:· t'llrrt'n~ attro..-tlun •I lhf' 1\alMa 11tt·•l f1•. Tlw ,.,.,. t•l•·turt' 11"1\lllh M"triiO t 'lto\\lo•\ II •I l "' I''" I'"'" "I "'I' "'""'1: ·• "'o" t:h•·" !\luttl ~t<lltM•n • J"o,.t'rful cllaa,..,.te........,.. l>t an·-t"-----" .. -j t.; ""' t A I I' ,.LI ,. I ,· ,. ' Ill I"'" ll •llo .. r ""'' .. 1 l ho· '.tl!l .. ,iu .. • •nn,..-"'"""""-" • • ~--· I ~ t• l Ut ~•f'ttfj!t S lut ;\; I halaa<•t•d man ...... lurlun"' W-lf wt .. 1"-' bo•lic•f thai b1,......1ft• llo•,J.J,.IIII' loollt•ol IIJ' ,.• tooi'»l-;-;j ':!otll... I 111 1 -~~~~~~-=----:---1ftllh11Lt-.eUJ ~ ICiency ('I'll rN'I'IVI'II frnm hf'r 14 )'Mir ot.l , . · . uu·c·o· in t-:n~ltlOtl, who•o<c• mnth••r Thf' cit y's new $13.000 wate r l pumvmg capacity• in movln~ wa-""!4 a \'ll'l1m of thr w1u u yo•ar ma'n aerou the SantA Ana ft1ver h·r fro m the c1ty wells tu .thl' o~n It I~ full of 'phllo>!!nphy w lddi bottom from lhf'. Nl'w rt tk'arh , r<'so·r\'olr, PrLte rson 11tatt'o.i. In other I \'<'ry fo-w ndult11 o·nulol top. po 1 w1•rtls. du1 ini; one minute of OIJt'r -• pumping plant to th<' <'lty rc•s-1 at on. with tht' r:Pdur l'd ht'Jid pru-I IIF:nt-: ANn ,.llt-:HF: Vern on ervolr w a11 complt'tl'd lhil! WPt'k f · · and' a ll'f'ad h ~ s 'l~· I r•ure aJ ('Ctt'O b)' -"he t!Jllllrg_ed Janol l.nurll'lh \\ f!HIIil' ..... Ina Rn•l Y Ill! "' u n a. pipdint', the pum;>ing hantlh-s 200 Martha-t-:lll'n Fi11fh'r Rtl'i•n•l4>ol n noHcf'able lnc-rt>:uw in Jlumping 1 J:a Oons nf watrr ma r<' than' wl:en I rn<·ktall ruuty rl'l'l'ntlv at thl' efficiency f M the tlarbor watt>r. th<' uhJ lint> was In use. I c tmnnt'l l~<lnn11 ht>ml' uf Mr an.t ->'stf'm. It •·u leam t'd today frum I Tlw new main wu c mstructt'd M r~< J n. Huth non and Ma ry CUy Engineer R. L. Patlf'raon. by thf' American Concrete Sll't'l M<'l'allum play•'•l hnnky Hn•l wt>nt The nt>W 20-lnch m9ln wh.ch t'll· J'lpt' C'ompany and the line was to Loll Anlll'l«'ll tn IOf't' C'ahin In tend• • dislanct' of 3000 ft>PI. rl'· .. , ut m" thll! Wf't'k by employe«>ll Tho• l'lk v nt thl' Phllhnnnnn•c. a.~ pla('('a tb4' old 12-inch lint' wb1ch of lht· city water department Pat-!lid Ct'Cil4' N11t1nn wlto wtnl'tt l.Af«' 8t'rved the city for a n umber of unUn alated. . I and C'onnil' I Val'hnn I Lud~11[ a nti 7e&rS. T h,. lnerf'aa{'(! pumplllg l'ffl-othl'rl' anlt took In th«' C'OI'nllnut The lne n'allf' In the 111~ of lhf' c iency t. ex~ted to net the wa-Grun llftN·waroh• Lou s n•l Ooxir pfpeltne hu rel!ultf'd m a n lncrea.M to•r dt'pa rtment a aaving In o~r-~hllllnJ: lll'f' hl'rt' from Hont>lulu of 200 gallona pt>r minute 1n the ation collt. It wu understood. I vil!ltlng Ooxlt''ll m ot ht'r anoJ fathn. --• • the Hoberaona. for two Wf't'k8 Dr Harbor Service Laundry & Cleaning t.t and w H , d G· .. and l~Jn Jamt'll ll Ollvt'r are on r. . "'· owar err b Ralbne Jaland for tht> au.mmt'r. e nte1ta1Ded a number of tbe gram· Mr and w r11 ('harte• Stuart mar liChool graduate& last w eek following ceremomes at the ~hool. lla ..._Street ..... " Georgia Brt.coe wtll leave next week for Oreron where llhe wtll vaca lion oa the rancb · of her gnndpareota. YOUR '8BODJ AM ova BU81NDJ8 .._._ .... _...._ ........ ,... ........ ,.._ .... ,__. ............ _.._ ........ ., .......... _ ........................ ...._. CAaL VAUOBN 8101: 81181' ... Neui,_. --. coeTA 11.-aA P.ASADENA ROSE BOWL CIICIS aM FIIEWOIIS Julv 4th -8 p.m. nu;r; PARKISO fw la.eM A•t• a•d a- .. jolaa.a the Bowl ADULT8:- North Sc-<'tlon ~alii • • 50e G l'n<'rat rdml<~ion • Sioe S<'ct ion!l • -• • • • 75c ~ Sfoction .. apitr d -- - - - CHJLDRI':S :- $1.00 and youn~t .eon of Ran Fnnr ilk'O arf' plannln~t to m.ekf' lhf'lr homf' here They hi!-Vf' pu!Th&M'd a lot on Corona del Mar. F.leanore Sears and children Tommy and ~t.er are \eavlnjt fnr their home In Grand Rapidl . ll:leanore'a navy huaband Ia still on duty In H onolulu. Mra. HUT)' CarT left Balboa Tuellday fOt' a brief al.ay In her Loe AD- plea hom.•. mainly to e~~tert&I.D a lfOUP of ftlenct. at a ternce daop -7 wpper booortnC Ule Datal day ot Huel Hetnrk:h. • N<YnCP'.-JWit can't keep thL8! 8ld and Thelma Blackbe&rd and Oliver and Grace Campbell d 'ned a t Chrtatlan'a Hut the other ntaht. 'Miey wanted one of lhoee baked Alaaku. •1th ~eaiurts. .10 they aald It waa Sld'a birthday. Wbat we want to know l• did Sid r et ht. face clean after the g•ltures • COMPT.TJTlON Tf'nnla champs often M!Hl oo tht Bauer court still battling thf' ~!port art' Oorcu and Fenton F.amshaw. K a 11 11 a Brt~tJtS and MPry Jay nut walt until Millit' Gulhril' and F.v Mn'rria step ln. "HVTHM ON T H E TVPE· W"ITE .. -R«-h Lewlll had, bf'tter lll.ay away .from Lonnlf' VIncent. Rf'h phoaf'd Lt>nnlt jullt ·at thf' time Joe vwl11 m111le tht' knock· out .... Myrtlt' llrt'f'n I!! n nw In h tor nl'w quartl'rll In lht' 700 hl01'k on Central ..•. Pat Morri.l'll new halrt>ut 111 vrrv hfor nm lng Hf'le n E11t1111'11 ·JI\ne 111 blu:k a nd WI' hoflt' l!hl' will WI'Akl'n 11n<l n'· m11ln for thf' wlntl'r to glnr'fy lu\t"' hi" ..,.,., frlf'nd. l'lnM I no IIHihllt "I'"' Th••v """'" I ·Ire I I\ r lo·nolo·o" .n I hi' m ",. f' ha \'t• hntl un r"•t•llrnt •hnn••' u f ,lt~tl..:•· l<••l"'t 1 c:rudn_ •• ,. l4fh l l't u M h \A.IIIIun._: t hr t••uttUUttt•ut tuhl u•·~••h 1 '.'"h•llnl 1(,., t utt t1J.: ttlfll,. .. ,-Thurn"" B • c . d nil 11\'o• ool 1110' k••J:IIttlt ""' l'llfft•trol .~ ll.•uo ho•\' t.-111\ 111 1:•~1 l h"t "II art a erry row• e ·'rr.om I'J'hl10 1\Jtol hh•WI', r<'I'U II IIll: Ill o'll III Io• t "t•·ol Ill IIJo• I''"Jt'o I . n ~II " fO""I "' ...... lht'l~ , ..... .:nnu· • a llo•llol I ho• Mt ""I" II . • f ht• utlu·r 1\\'U ..:uuu· .. ~ ''" .. ,,,., I I 0 ' . !~II• 1'-'1\lt (100111 ~to'ltll• h I . B£A CH PART T IIO' l.looll ,·.,J.,. o oolnt•r '""'It llo·l l t-llllt,lt• too 1111. 14flrrno.on un lht' ueen.l ltllllltt No•l~t .. ll !"l:tffoo'ol, AI ''"'k I'"'"'" lit , ........ 0 •lo• t.t ....... ,.,. '"'"' In :o n. t->•·ut 1111.-lu o• k "n ·I · \\' o ,. •In pitt,. ""l'l"'r f "t "'hkh •mrrn-Mesa Carnival -4 ~1Hhtf Mltut 1_t :.tH 11 ,. ... rtt·: '" , ..... ,,. "' tlw ,. . .,.,., l 't•·.-t•vt••r ,an 4,r M~trtha lkrry pronunt•nl ;:..;,.w. 1 t'mblcomllth "' 1r ,. 1 IIlii' M•·r o luo11111: hut~>ho "J'r l •lt• "' ;,.nln A1111 tclllh .. ,....l Tuf'• port tlarbur l 'n101t1 ll11:h l-'•h••Ji l chanilla<' 11,.1.,,.,. ,.1 ~111 $i 'oll $'• Th•· '"" l.1oon ~'l"u"'' will ~il ·~ '''""'"!: ~llll!'"" )'•-una ,.,..,..11.-1 etud•nt an•l a J:r:HiunllnJ: l'l'n or Wf'rrl to tlw fll l'l l hro-.• w:nrwr~ a re•l~trn llllll•'h 'll.ll h l hr '""' Kl ""J"\t'ol 1..-o .. h "1••1111 IIIIo! lh,. IC"V uu~ ~-.. a r. \\'WI 'ruwn•··l qu····n uf l'f'l pectivrly ""'' $:!'If I 11 \\ '"""" t iO "1111 • • 'luh ·~-all.. "' ~I'"'' '""''II"""."" llrt~lnol '"" hll\7 n)! lfr• I I~•; ( 'r:1a11lll••"'1 ~l'an-.·mw I'IIIT\1' lhf' otht>r fl\t' .,,.,1,.,.1ants t-'rttnk 1u:>.t Jl.l,.,,.,," 1111:hl Itt t• 1• 10 Th,. • \a ta "rsc· !-;huw '" bf' h,.ld Vau(bn nn l·•·hall uf lhP MP'"" ;:..;., I l.h•lu• l r••w """''" 1.-IC "" t.t r a n•l t.tltt \\'r n,..,U t:alkh"'l IUIX A~gul!t 3tlth by t h l' \'ftl~ta LA~ I'OIIt. pro~<qot••ol :..n A•W· lh" tro~ph\' 1 .. •111~ nff•'rf'ol 111 111,.,,,"''111 ••nlt•rl l\10 f rlf'ful• Xun•lay .)1•'"" ( hambl'r of <'om mf'rce at llonal $:) tu 11,.. 4,,.,,.,. h~U·· with 111, K l~ .lnianro thf'lr Ualhna llllan<i ..._ thP prt'-camlvRI rurmoJtlon liiUlct' Muak Willi 10,.,,,.,.;.,, hv llnh ' ,,,.. Kl,.ttnU. t'ul"' wo~ thrlr hf'ltl \\'f'dni'tiJay mght 1n lht' MI'M · , _ma lt h ~~~nat th~ •I.Jun t •11t .. at Lt>g1on tlall. ' Sk iiN and hi" "" nl "n lw I"' l"r l-I t hr la111 mHIIn~o: •no I ttwrrfoor(' I W lnnf'r out of right rnatutanta 1100 l!ltalfOI<I nf th•· ''""''" •·om-ha\e L I•·IC "" thr tl'u phy foor whh"h f.or t hP t it It•: Mu._, Bt•rry nma"~ mlttee Mid toolay 1111 l'llJlrluwa hllol tlw '"'", uh ,.,111.,11, ,.,... r umr .. ·llna ll total. of 300.1:'>0 votea. ~talnd beeD paid and l ht' flfOC'f't'dl would 'J hr fll 101 tt•am In thr N. t dl· through coupona lulled to tht' 'ub-~ to ._ial In 1tla~CIDR lh•· giant 1 vla1u.n lu ••ln lhrrf' match"" IC•ina lie by Co~ta Mf'll& Merchant& and --carnlvaJ in Augu•t. 1wrmanenl ptiMf':lillhHt 11 f · "t h,. from the aate of tlckf'ts fM the 1 ltophy nhd thf' Mmf' hnl!l11 tr11,. T COAST "' t ,. Cub tnoalhy J\coth ~~eauruilo dance. FOX WES r h Second place wlnn H w u Audl'f')' dl'ff'atNI at thf' lui till•. ar .. df'. Blaladell. 119,800 vot.ea; wttb third THEATERS CASH t.ermlhetl t o evf'n thf' .cure with go!ng to Vlr~tlnla Delaney, ~.3!!e their Ofponenla. vot.eL na. ..cpnd .and thtrd paace CLUB STARTS SOON winners will aerve the queen u attendant. durtnc u.e rtut car· nlnl. . ll'l to 1ae Cub "Club .t.art1Jlr Other conteetanta fiDa.bed a 1 KoncJlro July 14. at the nve or- fol.lmn: Roeamond lhbley 114 • ..,. O.U.lJ Weill~ 'J'¥alNS 67~; J u. I e Dooald.toe M o1a. ( W..t ODMt &ad af~ayf&&Ata Dorothy Aahmaft, 3'7,27~; 'F.Jw~,. Aaa; ~ and FIJII '"'-•tera, J ohnstoo. 14.700; and Hetty AnabeUa. ancl the Fott Fulkrtool. Bam ea. 8800 vot••· All ~on~ Accord~ to lhr man8~tf'ment anta Wer? Harbcw Hl~th School 11\u-ft(tlittauoe. are now beln~t taken denta. at any ot the above mentioned 1 F.ach -coalealJI.nt wu preHut.d tbeaten, aDd one rejtlatratlon will • co~e at the darK' .. by Morrill be food fOt' any ot thf'H ahow - Crawlt'y and the q\Jftn w u pre-.,__, 8t'Dt.e<S with a bouquf't n! r.-.e• u ~·o ca.h Clublla ,..,.,.k ar.c: ...-hf'd- Late ca.-a. Acll WANTCD -H-111 .F U. ... r. ~ .._ "'-'*'"· -w ......... ._. ...... , ... IEWPORT TIEl TIE ----- ---: uled . ..-.ry Monday and Thuraday Dla bto. Max dt' ~ wu -en11lnp a t 8 :3Ct Opf-ninr; ni«ht 1uuhn~t ~~round In h ia IIIOOfl G rinra. all membera wtll tw f'nl1tlt'd to I Two ~llo-NlaiiUJ-T .., 1 U W1LI hand.eom• Waltf'r Hoff-participate ID dlrideoda amt>unltnJt man wtth hi• Blue Pf'gjtlf' t o tlfteea bundred.. O.RAN.GE COUNTY'S -'<TilE PlACE TO 00" West Coast a.nt. A,.-.-Broadway Phene ~ aa.tt. Ana Phone 300 ~•• I•• T•.,.. fillip I t r..wt• y....,... , ................. , llfi,.A l'ol t: I lilA ,.,\1 AI YIOJ'II ! C'latlo Clahl .. • ll-.11104 11-11 I" "THt:\ .Ct:T I" "'l'fll\\"' -T,... ''"'" • llllar ... ~ ....... I• "t"llll llt:.\1 1' ""lilt:" ,.._.,b ............. , ,, •• , ,, "fi'<YIL ~ or TIJr: Ala " ..,... ....... ITI.411ofl \\Nil" MaU-MAT. at I :41 Mat. t'r&day, .lui)' 4. I :48 p.m . C'onUKIM>UII "unclay froM I :tl • At l'opular Yri.·Mat., .Ia-U ·%11 ROBt:RT MONTfiOMF.RV INUIUU Jlt:KUMAN In BALBOA Theatre -~nw-f :nt,.rtain"""'t Rricbt Spot In thr Cout'a Yadltlnc Cftttl'f"' PrtNat Ue., .... taa; ........ Ue, .... taa; CMN-... C'-<'n<'r:tl Admi!t~iofl • -~ 25c Rewrv<'d S<'ct ion • - - --50c 8r;AT8 FOR 80.flt0 PF.R.~N8 . -BUT COli.: r;A&LY! I Ralbonltl'll ... And thf' fAmiliar fact> t>f ('hArll'll Plummer. !'lr . lll l among 1111 Rltllin 11ntl hill d11te hook I 1 111 rapidly filling up with eum- 0... AMHhf> • fi•U J Ur•ttl .. ....... ,. c ...... ..-•• ,. •• '" "MIHJ!Io 11\t:ll 'CI\'1(11" "RAGJc~ IN u•~Av•:N" f ·•.rlull•. ~----... -----111!11--~---------------.1 m«'r chO'I'I' .... AJ:O«'I' lllnmqul!rt ,.yi. ..._ t.n't doiDft an)'thltllt but -------------:-:-:-:-~-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-~---I wt>rklnl{. hfJWf'VI'r, llhl' r u n 11 a I bur«>au t>f lnfonnatlon Fresh Daily_ • I BOA'II1l!G A~rrl t hl' J.awre ~lldous Sea Foods- Or . romplete ~pnwnt when JOU want to catch your OWl\. F rf'l'rntly hRVI' bt'f'n N 11nr y Pel. ton. )far~ote Hnwf', Ot'horah r.rljt!t by . Vlrglnll\ J-:rirk11on. J'llt Afl&mll. P <thhiP f;Roltlllrr . Ht>!ll'mary n ro111.'1\, VlrJ:Inin An.tr r..hn. t ... )rRif'l' Rmlth f'I'S:IrY lngh~ m . l\..P t t y lllylltAnr , anc.l MAT~ W~IU'~:cr..Jn~eat..a OS CES,-.AL AVENUC. ~aT BEACH S SEA FOOD CAFE n{'cr, \\·im·s and Liquor ·for Sal{' at S:\,I'S FISII :\1:\llKET ATl.A'>;Tif ( o \"T T.on,.Tt:R flt'>;Sf:R 11-M TI'IITII '1t:\K Hl'>;;:..;t.K Sl ~~0 Ht.I.IC \C II .... OF Tilt: U t:t.l' St:A ~ Loal,lnn" 1'"'~'1'""" .lumltu ~'~<•fl !ilht'll Crabe Ouaym•' c.r,..•n Turtl•· ~lt>ak .lomtJrl I"TT'fr'" ~ O)•l,.,. un lh,. 11,.11 '""II t..nt"'""' folhrlmpca anol \II Othrr Klnlt• of !"f'a t'ocoft• J.a]k::tlron !'.or n•"-'' :o41o' -l~ -l l.OO STl:.nn:u <:I.A~s l"t:t: \ c ol'ft !'It: A f'()()J) M\\'111 .._. L. a, .... , .. er 11411-UG fnr ~......_ 0,.. liD I A. 11. ' I • .. FOX FULLERTON -Phona.:laJ P.a'li T-••• ·-. ,_ -· .. _,...,.,. o· .......... • .. .. _ .... HP. K'lt:• Al.l. TIIP. ''"Wf:IUt" Jrlun •• :~,:..-~·tt.HT ':~-. ~!:,..:~~~ t t -. .,_ .. r.. "'"""' Tf'l•r• .. Frt .:,..~~ \ •• .,. ~lei, ;, t -At .. ,. ........ ~ '"''·'"'" IIAII\ .. FOX ANAHEIM .... ~~~ .,.,. ... _,..,. ~...,. 1•-tal "ltl S~\ .. ol•• .c • .. ,. ........... 001.1 '" 11\11\" T._.,., PYL •.... :. ,,., .. "1 4 ,, "A WOIIIA''" f'\1 f'" .... "TtnMY !IMitF.Il" CA$H. CL-uB l~soOI FIICST • • A W A ;, U M,onday, Ju)y 14th, at ·8:30 P.M. fTtft:Rt: \I'Tt.fC t:\ t.KV Mfl"l \\ .... THI"fU4U,\\ 1 • Kt:fiiSTt:J:t\ TIO.SS SOW IU~I~(; TAIO:S :\T i\1,1, Tilt:\ Tltt~-.. IT PAVK Tfl Bf; A Mt:MBt:K OF ·.- CASH CLUB !'lun.-Mon., ')lf;K l'fJWJo.:U. .I.I.Y.N DKt:W In .~(;HRISTMAS IN JULY" AU4U -·---- ' KU'IIAKU AKI.Y.N ------ with .IY.A'>; I'AKkY.K Nf'lw• ASH The MOl'.STEit A .S it . ·The (; II~L" f ,.,,, .. ,,. ... , •. " .. Thur' I rt ..,,, • ·'"" !'I . KHUt:HT •'f,\\,I.UU 111 ''B ftLY TilE Kif)" '"'o a_.; ···~ . . . "o -t.•llttOUt OIIINWOOD AI .loW• ('JIAIU'.It; ('If\~ "J)eatl Men Te!l" \\'MI. ftttly .I•IJ t 01 •. \'Mt•t; RICAJN)NA .. "The Knockftut" .,\I .. MU u·, r.u-tllaa:• "The (;ase of the Rla4--Parrot" --.ASD --.• • ·cA$H-NIGHT · SIS.'UIO or f5.00 -r • - LOCal ConstrUCtion In er .1 Re.WUnl from the ~endou of 12 pellJIII!I. lndl<.'tlting that lh<' caa.t.tu~ pro&nm which bu I percent&~" 1 o t rt'llidl."ntlal con· been undu •••Y 1.n tbe Newport atrucllnn Ia 111111 rullnlng high. Harbor Dlllt•lcl durlnc the palll Tbe new real.lencCJI im:lw<k tboll4· u m ootba, Ci\y. b\.llldlng peratlta or Mr. lllld Mtlf w. II. WOtolacy Hl I have eoared until tKey are $42.000 . Rctk<•lc>y, whn 11 r,. l'r!'dlng an 1 · &bead of the' record for t.be IllUDe-I $Sb00 h<llnf' 11l ;>;u 61 Ht'fH '!>fl Hay period lut. year. In $:Uo35 ho m t-for Agrwe SlranahiUl Total value of building permll8 l of l ';umdt•nu at 7 0 4 ~llrlo(ut-rll•• l.Mued In the City of Ncwport 1 AVC'~('"'"nn •h•llo.to,r_ _ 1 • Beach up to J une 26th, acconllpg I Mary F.. lh•bt·rlo(l'r, who Is c~erl· i to 9Jty puUdlng Jns~tor A. lot. log 11 S3000 hlltl'lf' at 404 31\th N~ISOII, 1.a $6tl0.2U!I. str<•et. Mn1 LHim All<'n, whollt'l nt'w U900 r.,IIIJt·ll<'t> 111 bo:>lng on-Durlfll the paJt lltV4}D daye. t ho lltrul'\.,<1 111 :wo l'otns••tlla. Aov" &uuance of bu ldlng pt;rrnll11 , has I twol W 1''. Powt•rs. w h 0 Ia con· alac.ked ott. with the t.olAl viLiu-l11!'ructlng • S:!750· htiU!w and G'" aUoo being $27,483, only about I ag, at 601 r.turlo(·u<•rtt<' Avf'. balf at lb•l of Ule prevlou• week. t: How~ver, local butldlng ot flciiLia I ----- declared tbt'y were confitlent that ~acb frolic Ia · tM-dn>p III'U only temporvy and • DOt an _tndlcatloo that CODStl udion Enjo)'ed 8)' Me .. na ~ a.c:t.IYity heTe wu Of} any · definite cSec:l1M. The ebore of ttununglon Be'ach Tbe "rmlt. liMNed for Uae put wu the aetll!'lg for a wtconer. bakr W..k l.nd uded five a-realdeDc• and be&(:h pa~y Monday evening fw UM Harbor aft&. -out 'ot a t.ot&l for a ~:roup ot C011ta Meii&.Qll whu CARPENTER BOAT and TRUCK LETTERING Pai11linq .. For fine Call Phon~ t95t Phone: Office 516 • J. · M. MILI~ER Contraetor and Builder 1806 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa YOU'LL ALWAYS HAVE FUN AT THE NEW AJ.AX ARCADE EVERY DAY AND NIGHT SUMMER AND WINTER ~:::=a==.;;•• LW ______ ~QRGE_ GORD.ON I. BUILDING CONTRACTOR 1111 W. Central N'ewport BeaeJr Phone Newpdrt 721 --- Marine HARDWARE General • Bay Dtetrict HardW'are BRAss HARDWARE -QUALITY TOOLS "tw. P. FpiLER 'PAINTS -~ACI:IT 1'n.1~GS tOo!t% IIUtJie Atealib .., Balboa lllaiMI \ Phoae Newport m.& --. . r ·" .. r •' NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-~. Newport ~ch. ~omia, nroRsDAY, JUNE 26, 1941. • • '-., .• .. ---__ r. __ --------.--------...------------------ --SALUTE TO AMERICA! Building Permits c:ru::8Av!~-:-~~/~.0:e~~-r, 120 1H b' 0. 'Bu!ld ._ Tw-,l·ce . June :.!1-Seymour, 1207 -a r k I ar f I lng JIIIEWPO&T II&ACB Ave., per J . H. Eat.ua. .rune 2 1 R&l P . camp. ~2_~t033_l~--·--h---:...· ..--.f-ffi+---c------ "She'i got the neateSt house in town • • • and Six claiiJren, too! '' -. .,,_CAN Jw ... ltn .... ..~ ..... rltcle.t _,. SIX JWJ,.,.r• BALBOA PAIIT STo·a·E 700 East Bay Avenue Phone 101 348 ---··.l·--··-··.$726.540 Ju~lt;e;~· ~ ~.~~~~~~; .. ,Mar-I at'll·_:o· e oun--ty. 39 .. ' _______ .:_ __ 5«),3+4 l.ne Ave., per J . 11. Eatua. • . 307 -·------··· 247.690 J une 21-Don Lewt.. 207 Mar- 1 1934 _,.. ~ ~====:=~ ~:~: ln~u~:e., per J , H. Est~. IJurlng U1e first 17 day• of June $47,000. Thia Included the $25,000 1935 -403 -----· 497.440 464 Cllf;l.; Henr~"tl~ ~ve. Newport Harbor IJistr~c wldmg-j)crmlt f or a new church io Saot& t 19.16 -5;a 766 089 r .. pe.r · · slue. pennita W6re double of pey:-f'Aoa 1937 -, ~-~-_::::=:=::~~~=: 908:090 n:un~v2e1 M. ·~· ~lin~er. 1030 W. mill! issued 111 ull unm' uq.w·att:J ~ la.tercst ing M tf' Is that with 1938 -548 -···--.. -·-91J 637 • J n j' p.or . · : ~-~tus. • territory of the N unty lflc addition of Ole $~•j:l:.! wortb ·, 1939 -542 ... -.. ---.. --~=~ R6J:745 M~·~ 2Av~Har~ c. J•·ns;en. 3"12 LA~<·ai constructlolf for that IUUJle of pennrt11 Issued tlur111g the 17 '1~40 -M2. · ....... 1,04:1,122 J une 23 ·· r..·th~-r HPo:~~~~~-305 po.;rioJ was prat'trclilly douulc that Jays in t'n1114 Mesa. t he total con- I · l94-J-• •tontero. per Sam Kll\llfalhc;. rcn•n.lt•tl by S~nlll Ana. l att·ucllon _for the eutirl' Newport June 23 Te<J Tt•zlarf. 409 t:d e· 1 In adurUon '-<> thUS<' two out-t-tarbor ))Jstrtct wa11 nearly equal Jnn. 26 -.. -..... ---···-··· 64.640 wah·r >er fij.un ~}no{ • g 1stanJ1111-: a n omplilllmlents. th e tu that u( tue rt'lll of the enUre 1 Ff'b. .. 41 __ ... _ ..... ::: •. :.:-, -:;u~ia . 0 M"Tat'!6~'·3 11 Newp01 t -H:a~bvr buiiJing record •·oynty. • . l f11r. . . 49 ....... --.. ·---··--·-104.729, Undo. r Sam· KJ~sfuthe r. · 1 f<w that Pt>rlo..i Wllil far _auuvl' that Fullcrtun·a pt•rmils f o r tha t I April . ·. 54 --·-··-.. -.......... 111,195 Jurte~3 H. A . McConnell. 190:> ~f ,IUly uth"r Orflngt' t:ounly anJ venod tolul_'t·d $:160~, while L&- )duy. 26 • .. 1:17.188 East Bay Jo'rnnt per Sam Kl11.11· 1u•a.stal C'lty. , gun a Bt'~l'h s tutal "'lUI 57..!00. June M . U1.788 father. ' . . A comparrt~ve tllble of bul111· • : 1111: p.-rmtta• lu ued to the receat 252 . June 23 )1ra. S. D. Me( utc:h· 1 Orange County .llwiucrs t:xl"l .. uu.~;.· · ---·:-$660,26.') eon, 2129 E. Ct>ntral, per Sa 01 Uulh:tln ,;huw that Juring t h e ,2-· · ~· Ktnar~t.~er. • ~ ftnt 17 da"'* of J"'•e, permits June 18 ft. f\. Rog~n d J eJ ::3 A If d C & ,0-49 ;,w ~· b 10 addition to rnr ot bOWie d un • re · mn«;J, • totaling $&8':'MKI were '•1111ued In Oce-an Blvd., per Sam Klnsfrither. th.· Harbor area. m ake alteratlaa. &Dd repa1r•, 209 J 23 K M 617 0 hid 38th .Ueel. per ~r. •m . une -· urray, rc Total of permrta for unioco'l>Or· June 1&-lira. llary Obert.o, Ave .. per Sam Klnafather. 30 alcd areal! oC tht' <:ounty waa $4::i,· )luUd fT&me &Dd .tucco cafe, 705 June 23--Sam A. J4eyer, 11 122, .the ExcbiUlge abows, wJlile W. Central, per Sam Kinafather. the total for the county seat wu Oola.t BIYd .. per OWDer, JlOOO. J une 23-0 keley Quirk, 1432 ,w., __ ..:......._ __.,..-- JW.. 20-.-r. and lltra. W. H. Bay Ave., pu S~·Ktnafather, Go through, go througJt t he Wooluy, build 2 lltory, 10 room June 2)1 -E. A. Chapman , 1308 galea: prepar~ ye the . way of b~ w1t.h 2 car lar&Ce cooneet-Ocean Blvd., per Sam Kinafather. the people; caat up, c:yt Ul\, tile t'd, No. 61 Beacoo Tbcee ~-~d u,e N-•· Ttmee for ts.%5! Aak lb llow. r -10°/o~ DISCOUNT , · Quality Lumber a6d . . Building Materials On All PACIFIC GAS HEATiNG APPLIANCI.:S II Ordered Now! NOTICE OF PUB~IC HEARING THE NEWPORT.BE ACH CITY PLANNING COIIVISSION w I I I bold a public hearin~ bavlng to do wltb the p~ rezonin~~r of Lnt.A 2 and 4. m ock 731. CorOD& th'l Mar, ft'ftln R..2 to G-2. fi&jd bt'aring will ~ held In the City Cnura~il Cham~ra. C'lty Hall. N-·port Bt'acb. Wf'dnu day eve· nin«. July 16th. At 7 :30 P. ••· .by ordt'r (fl ~Chairman. HOWARD W . S'EAGF.R. JLUlCUS J OHNSON. Pub: June-26, 1941. (1& 10 ICAW-01' .......,... • TKA.'Ii"SAcn:NO B U81l'lt'T.88 , RARD DIAN GUESTS UNDD A n<TJTIOU8 NAME. ' --• In the Frnnk Hardiman hom<' The -undeniped does ~bereb)' I on Udo l.sle thi!~ week are Mr. rertify that ht' is ronducling n and Mr.:. Irving ln"rahnm of AI· gt'flf'ral f'l<"Ct ricnl rontracting bust-hn..U.rn. Mr.:. Ingraham is a :r~i~t<'r rM'!'S at• Box 44. N-,,rt B<>ach, of Mrs. Han:liman. Tit(!kouplc va· ~ County, Otlifomia. undt-r cat1ont'd here lAst suttiifer . ttw-ftctitiou!! n~tmc.-of "HOME .--------------. ELF.C7RIC" and that said 6'u~l- Coultty ol Onlnp l ss. On th~ 11th day ol J unf'. 1941. aad we -feel cooiJdeat of your~ boslaeu _ • • • COSTA ·MESA LUMBER CO. Sam Kin sf ather PLU MBING B. E. R081'ETLEB ,Phoae 48 iue E. Bay Ave .. BALBOA Phone 4%0 OUT . DOOR_ fURNITURE. See the latest in Nautical Stencil on Our New Swing and Umbrella. CIIAIB8 -BACKBEST .-UMBRELLAS AWNINGS -NEW OR RECOVERED PERCY H. BEYER . Newport a-da EARL W. STANLEY, Sole Agent 17th and Coast Highway "Phone: Newport 160 • For Building Information ·' Bay District lumber Co. WALTER 8. SPICER, Owaer "Builder of Homes of DLitlnction" .. ·- CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Telephoae 402 Pltoa.e 1150 S410 Cout Blvd. Newport BMdl ., • • Milan Unde • bf'fortt nw. iA'ro)' P. An&-~.-~~ toes F.ut , .... 8t. Notary PubJic. In and for ·~ said Tf'l,.,._ 8 SANTA ANA Accounting-Supervision -Procedure County and Staff'. rt'!!iding thPrt'ln, \!...------------.....: •L--------------------..._. ____ _. duly C'011'\11'\ialon4'd and rwom, pt'r· ~ny appt>iu"f'd Verne A. Tripp. ----------.----: r----------------:----------- penonall)• known to me to bt' ih<' A* U• Abowt UN! New ~ who!re name il' ru~bl'd G11U'8Dty Special Auto to thfo •1thin lnstrumrnt. ant:\. -Acddeat Polley ac1m ow.•1tdgt'd to me that hc cxt.- ruted ttw-SAmt'. AOCIDENT POLICY IN WITNESS WHEREOF . 1 hftve ~r't'unto !&<'t my ha nd and Pro......_ maxtmnm lndt'mnlty affixed my offkial !lt'al thl' dA~' of JI500 for SS.OO ~ year 1n1d )'t"llr 'in thiS t"t'rtificatc flrs"t a~ writtm. . · LEROY P. ANDERSO~. .Notarv Public In """ for snld -"--Coun4'..8Dd..s.t.a1.L l fNritltrilll M~· ('Ommi~•lnn '"'f· Howard W. Gerrish !liT \\'. (A-n tral Pltnne •u ·; ~ IISB.RhC£ 54-al" rtn-s !\brrtl l :l. 194:l Pub.-JWW' 12. 19. 26; July 3. 1941.,;..__....._ ________ .....-: • H .OME LOANS • SEE SANTA ANA 'BUILDING and LOAN ASSOCIATION 601 North Main Street about 'a monthly payment loan plan for that. new home' whereby interest an'd ·principal ryducc each month. t i . ···---·-.~---• e ' . • :. ....... \ •\ t • a DELIIOU£1T ·HI MD ASSESSMENT: UST · City of Netll-port Beech. State of Callforaia NEWPORT BEACU.CITY TAXQ AND ASS~JIENTS DELINQUENT FOR. FISCAL YEAR STATE OF CALJFORNIA COUNTY OF Oft.\NGE 1940-41 -............ • • •• -"1 I '', •·t • • t . . . -. I NE\VPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. Newport BHch, CaJifomia. Tlll'HSDAY. JUNE 26. 1~}!1. I TotAl Lot 81~!' queMy NEW.,ORT BAY tRACT Moore. J t'nnif' lof. erow.t-: Georct: F. et a. 1 16 111 1412 2 ~-10 SUB. OF. BLOCK C-NEWPORT ~A Y Way. Ht>lt>n D. Gay. 1. Jo'. Burt., E. L. Burt. E , L. 'Burt. E . L. 2~ 47 BALBOA BAYSIDE - 24 25 26 C SSM c --31.02 2 2 2 16.1t 28.86 17.~ .... DHUl., A lt I<'J J. , State u( ( 'ah( •. ; n " ...k. 1-:•"""" '; ~a.tl1. A lh ,. \\' ,., a.l :.!t't} :1 14 !Ill\ N•~ l"'r ru '"'r p,,..,, :121' ~o7 TotAl ~lln­ qutncy • J .. ttS ANGEL~ L • .:n'ER· IIJ t 'H...UU.F.H ti•INAIIOe ----·--------'-• ~ ~:-. 1JI•·n• 1~ • '' nrw '""'""" f••~j \1.~(·. ha• authorial'd a •rtee IlL! I 1 Nrwrt·'l'tm"" · rc<ru1•'1"11 \C'rltt,.tt_, hy or "1" tultlon:tm enlfinHriJW IO.'<.~tl I "· Yl'rl'lll llf llt'W"I"'I,..rmftn •bo,at I ~""''''"'" "Jlft''*,.._.. by the Ualled 1.2.3 3~ lh•· m•·l r•'P"II• "' lh•• .wut Loll HtMt.,. Oftil'l' n f F .• ducatlon, to R£7SUB OF CORONA DEL MAR I An.:""'" It Ito "" ••·•·un•tt' •'on-1 tlnitr•l fltat"• r lthten• ha.vlnr (wo '"'r t olrlu•all,•n "f lruporf-.nt c-vi'DI,I j )'t'Mr• nf rnllf'lll' I ra1ntna or Ita . (8t>l'ut tht• • It~··· Al:th•llil'• "''"'''"'I f'f(IIIYtllrnl T h" Nliii'Wtl orter.cl Alden. A k. ,.~\\' t'l nl ~to: por u pr r 1 ,,,,.,, '"' huay l'"'••t•l,. In •rnnllf'r ••um-•lllr111JC I'Vf'nln• hourw for 12 aad . 3~, S7 1.2•3 :1:0. 87 ..!§.__ munltlra llkt• I hi' Nt'WtM•rt tlar· 16 WN'k•. lnl'lthle. tec-hnoloi>' ot ftictl.a:e-. Htttry NL!y zo· 12 I :I~ (I CiD l'>l•r th!'l ~:~.t·t •n•l • rllt•n ,..IM'<'Ially •·h•mh'lll lndll•t nn. a p r ll• d, llkhanb"n llarr y • ' I 8\\'ly 20' 14 13:\ 14 i 3 I fnr thla I'"J't'' 'nff' n~ ta_~-yn~hanlr•. II nIt operalloaa I • ••--1 ' fully ..,.l,..·t•'<l ltfhl t'tlltl'd t.:ill.torl ,. "m"'-1 e.n&:!net>rlnr. bydraullce. Cl...-ns :"\ttll 'J'r A ~av1 1\Ank·l~A .. NEI)' !'>' •01 13 137 3liS2 1 twn r n\I!'IW'a ~~~ Clttun·a :O.:ntl Tr & ~an llank·l..A · 1!1 1:17 11..:14 Coet Up m•rhank• and •led.riclty, twa~ -.._ auun'a :"o•tl :I'T ~ ~·v• tbul\-L..A .. ~\\'ly t\' 17 137 :.1 '\o I ._1 .... An ....... t•nunly MIJ)f'rVI .. lre IIJCht an• I IIOUD•I .'T'H! Rfolll4ttD- CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 8111a&rf'r, JI\Olt'a II. Nlo~ly u · 1:1 137 8.67 l .l>o'l.'f!ti'\J til<' llf'W C'UIInty budaf't bt'r. thf'N! ••• ahort••e ol t~ •. BALBOA TRACT AND p.,..r, JIUllt'A H. S\\'ly 2:1' 14 1:17 1!1.83 l llt'Arly tuur·ntlll "" \.tullara, brlnl· nlnl!y NIIM .. ted na.en "' u. e. In• I, R. R. Hodgk&Mon, u Ea-Otflclo Taa Oollect.or. tn aDd for BALBOA t'BA. y FRONT Halnul <;orporntlun' 10 1:18 21 ltl lnlt thl'. toltll hu•l .. t>t up to the 1ha•try .. "nnta arlfearw to be a tbe City ot Newport ~b. COunty ot Orance. Slate 01 Calltomla. Ham&a1 C'oq 'l•r•tlon Nf:ly lO: · 11 142 1~ tolAIIII•rin~r •um uf mure than on. Jr•at ~>J1pm1unlty to · ne.e.. a HERE~Y GIVE .NOTICE that. •r.ult bavtnc been made WllllamAIOn. Harry H. . 8 3 43.12 ,ntlte. H~atnaht ~: 19 142. 43_28 '""'''"'"' million ctntlant. ,.,_, tratnlnar free u.at _. ...... ID tbrft payment of taxb ADd aaaeumeuta due to the City of Slemoo.na, Clarence E. 9 3 107.15 Wllitf'. Rf'»rnald ~-21 ..... 9 ... tu rwt~ '" ft t741t per f100 of men hav~ apt'at l~ o t " • · ..... ~ va1uaUoo. <klllarw mo. • Newpott Beedl for the fl.ac&J year ~ Jue 30, 1941, upoa the City of Newport· O...Cb 11 S · 42.91 ~t•. Wcrneld s 2J 141 40 01 • Property bf:relnafter de.cribed. and that, unl-· •• , .. •·--ADd • 8m1Ur. EdDa IL. 3 e 41.79 -•t R · Jd " •-· •t t H (''I 'f!t'~-J!''Oil for t Ia• --..... -~ ..... e. •c-tna S. 8Wiy "'-2~ 142 20.30 .. mer-r ~ •v.nth rOftllf't'UttY• t t 111 • t be ..-mftlla AIO ddlngueot. topther with all penalUee and coeta Smith. ~ Let a1 1 t ~.11 ('hArlf'• l.ln•ll>C"rlltr "'"'"• bfof<)('f' N ,. A.A. tnw·k 'end fteld ~- du• tbereqn, be paid &ti:iieTu Collector-. omc. In tbe Cit• SmJU( ~ L. et a1 All Ctnc: bet aame and CORONA DEL MAR •n .. n.trrly IUht rat .. clly audle.,;;e ~ 1 . , ·~ r»nnahlp at 8tanfotd wiUa .. 1.,. Hall. oo or before MONDAY, June 30th, 1941, AT TEN O'CLOCK mean biCh tide line) 0 6.14 at lt<~llywnu•l l\1••·1 •·nday nljtbt pntnta. lndlana pladnc 884.:0ftd A. :U:. of that day, all 'of aid property de~ribed tD ~ wttbln G,_ley, Alma -,:_ ·-e·. 9 22e 37 0Neley. AlmA T NF.ly 10' .. «< 23& 122:1 "" bt-half nf th" Amt>rka io"'ret with 110 polnta, l.'allfomla third l18t OD wblcb aald taxee and aueaamenta. penalties and cotlll i.re Bilbo& Beach· Amu.e-t Co. 11 10,.· 93.~ Onelt>y, Aim• T 11 23& :\!\ 6!\ 1 'nmrnlltt'r 1-lrn•tur ( 'luk. Jtlaho, with 41t~,>, polnta. Althoulrl) wta· tluc unpa'd, wtn on ~ date. and the hour' above tpeelfted, BT Allen, f:<!ward .Jt 12 10 · • 12.16 Beoedl.-t. 1"'"'1" I.. 9 238 M .Z:l l.llll~n c:l~th. kalhll'f'n Nnrrl•. Ann ntn.c th11 me.-l, 8. t ' . .,.me throup OPERATION OF LAW, be aold to t"-e City• of N'eoa-port, Be_!Ct'· Allen Edward H. 13 10 12 16 BeDedh·t. IINUIII' 1~ SWiy !,., ll :.1!111 11C.I,II4 t.t.urrow l.'n•lllt'rl(h "11'1 Mr•· O. with unly one flrat pJ&r. lUll~ --~~~th~a~t~~~C~b~M~I~e~·~·~U~I~~~=~=~e~in~~~F~F~·~I~=·~·-e=r-~~=-T~U=~~~AI~~EdwaT~R ~=====~=~:=~~~~~d=~a:~~o~f~N~·r:~~~~-=~~~:~:•:•:h~·~-~--~~H~ IM ~42 6:11 W•~hi 1Krkw~~t~I~Umm thet~"~~Jiu~~~.~~ • OO~R of ~d Oty. ~~~~-----------------------~~--~ 4~ ~~--~~~~·~r~~~~~·r~ .. ~~~·"7" .. ~'~~~~·~~~~~·,t~u7.rl~~~~~~~n·"~·~· -r~~~~bl·.~UMUW~f~a~yoorct~wL._·~o~r~o~yLl•~r~---- R. AI•-Ed •rd H. 1• 10 1" 1• RothiJI•t>ll, Jt,.hf'r t J :.13 . no ""'111 .,., u l(lf'lllnlC't. t'allfomla. In Uw ...,.. • ., . R. HODGKINSON, ... n. ,.._ " •· u Webb, Th•>rnn.r.n l) bet'n tlf'nlf'ol thf' r~,J:Itt tn ml'f't tn ter.mll,. In 48 fla. Jb-Otflclo Tax COllector _ot Newport Bea.cb, California. Allen. Ed•·ud H. Ely 13~' ·. D 4S.77 ~·-· 1'!1""'1"9" .... h.,.,J• "'"""• ot· c rlf. -~ Tetaf • (Mj Iota 12-13-14-'1~·16.) Qumt>y, Th<lll<UI! !1.1 C't &I 1~ 3!1:1 4 411 k llun fullo~t·r.t... U1r .toclalort Dettn-Fairf~.-E4•1D C. _ .lt:ly Uf4t !l;)y 60". 1__1.1. ..l!ll-.111 RamP*"'· M.try A 1'1 Ml u 429 .4 ~ ,.... aheO...al4 H4t &My Toeether Atal~t ... __ AIMued Owner " Jo"lalrl1eld, Edoa·m C. ~ly 60' 3 11 862 -RIWIJlklil. ~ary A!"t!t-•l • ...1 t~9 l''bl Llona and' LIOfte NEWPORT BEACH TRA LotCTB*k .,e~y Travllla. ldr&. L. Nf:ly 30 of 9-10-11 11 7~63 Beebe. El~tlt• M. · 9 4""'3"'"0--3 .... 0_,!1;u9'*,-f.lnn'• nul• •lrlt•~eal~lflR"all· Ntmtnon and ,_.of J..a.tt. Ball. Bin.lella M. Ball. Blrdella M. Reitz. L,ouiae ~ e. 30 4 26 1:>.21 26 36 76 26 10.22 28 32.46 Nortoe. Amanda :!IL Foote, Ellubelh H. Utch, Ulla E. Feuman. lo'lon•nce D. ~utnan, Alfred.J . NEiy 40' 1 19 20 21 32, 10.59 14 6.60 M c:$.79 a.. -h76 THIRD ADDITION Twomey, Joy M. RIVER SECTION Faul. George w. Marlow, Stanley L. Title Guar. It Truat CO. Mukey. Ralph P .• Vauglm, Lettie 9 36 18 S8 13 39 1~ 40 16 42 1T 42 TbomAIOD, Minnie A. et a1 Smith. E -Garret( Wly 1e 211· e 136 ' wty 1e 2/3' 1 136 Smith. E . Garrett Burlelcb. Howard B. Bur lelgb.' HowaTd B. .J.IdCE ·TRACT JohnAIOD, Emm& Goodmall All (es Sly ~') . (Inc por Sec 21H-10 bet -.me aDd RR R/W) Klrtland, RJchard L. Ooff, Rheta V. Vac Norman. VUida N. .AMew,lda N: • 1211 1 . 1211 4 130 •. 1 111 • 111 15 111 u 1St u 1~ 19.ft 12.63 2.62 ···u2 s.~ 16.4.1 23.94 16.42 1.00 8.00 21-U 4.to 10.11 -~·1 Ul 5.U 1U8 Meek. t-:strr T~ 437 ., 33 (uTnla •n•l N••vll41,ot nw-t In annual Jlumaaon. Ida ,._ S\\'ly 3~' or 9-10-11 12 9078 ••.• • t'lln\rntlnn lut Wf'f'k nt thr tlllt. Qr...-lt>y, Alma T. 1 13 1~.88 Bakt>r. ltarolol \V l!l '""4 14 :IO "'""' u .. tr l Murco tban f·n-n Mad W>nllht an. I NC'Iaon Eddy wUI ~~ t••••-1 to t .. arn that lbey .,.,.. t-n ••·ar;~ plaqi!H ety the Na- tional •'flt.ra.UJ>n uf Musk Clu ... •fmha•ll•· nf• ttt.tr rn-.tpatklll u lh4t IMIIIt "-"and tn011t ~ lllltrtn~r •tar• on the ecreen. 'nMI prriN'ntatlnn waa mll(le at· ttolt)'• won>lt Jtnwl wh.re eco,_ ot _..., e6n .. tn.. • l a r e aad -.-wr1t_.. te<f'IVNI l'f'rtlflnt~a of rac:otrDJUOil Greelry. Aim~ T . All ctnc bc't aame and Alden. Alh '' \\'. 1~ U3 }4-30 ! k un .t r,. •I . In• Jh,Jin~ •11-h•.rat••· me&n high l!de Unt!) 1 3.64 .J.Id•n, Alu •· \\' SWly ZO I !I 44:1 II i:l fnrrrlllt•ll, ntt•·n•l•••l • • MCClurt', Evt'lyn B. 2 14 3~.94 Brace, H1o hu rol H 11l t•:\7 211 13 I ' l':xt'r• r~ttlt•nlll nf r•w mi'At -no Brace. Hie hlll<l H. IIi,. 6.17 ;lM.t\2 1,..11111 ,.,.rrfully han•lr•l n11t at .... EAST SIDE ADD. TO BALBOA TRACT & BALBOA BAY FRONT. 1 16 \\1y 30' T 15 17 15 ' K 12 18 13 18 1 20' ~·y "" 8 20 Coffin: J. fl Coffm. J . R. P&Tkln, Allee D. Pukln, Allee D . Syer, Gretchen Syt>r. Gretchen Pottt:r, Edwto Potter, Edoaio Potter, Edwrn NWly 45' of 8Eiy 180' V vitirrt. ~ce E. Vlbert, ·<Ao~e £. Vlbnt. ceorge E. Vlbert. ~E. (adj lot 7 It W!,jr lot 8) l"eanND. J . B. Pe&nD&D. J . B. Hk.b. CkYel.aDd R.- , ~CTSt~ J'\ra& Tnllt "',sa .. ~~ · Moc118ette •. R. II. . '.., . Hunt, J:da P. Mora. OUver H. JIIM!&rer, Jamn IL Wlll.._, Harry K WJ!Uemeon. Harry IL ,.. 5 ~ 6 .P e ·25 I p 12 " 20 M 2S 12 S8 u 26 21 28 B c I: • 0 6149 1.ee 63 12 1 40 48 44 '46.89 64.28 1~.80 1.79 16.31 1.40 61.82. 1.40 1.1e 1.16 21.4~ 1.11 41.50 41.18 11.47 .ward, C'harlry c:. 'J Ml :11 7K <:uy·a l~lun 1-',.rrn whl're brand Ward, ('hurt.·~· 1; 4 1\41 29 17 r•rw qullllul'!r l• uf l'rlll<·-JJnn Allen. ttu..arol " 6 1\42 20 ltU wrrf' •luln.c nh't•ly. B\IDlbaugh. Jnhn "; 20 630 Rooen, L<'l> 1 &41 Mclntoah. Bt>llo 1 729 Mclntoeh, 114-11• 3 729 llclntoah. Ut-llt> II 129 TRACT 470---cORONA DEL MAR Bnnner, Artl,:!ur J .' All (ex Jlwyl 4 K TRACT 67:1--CORONA DEL' MAR elty of Newport lleach Bblbbe-Hoegatf'dt It Co. Inc City ~ N-·port &.cb r,· 39 2 A A B ~TRACT 1045--CORONA DEL MAR 2 4 ICI\ 311\.1 40 33 3r62 31 62 12.00 M49 63 7:\ 18 23 R£-SUB ·oF SECTION ONE-BALBOA IS~D ~-Oartwrleht. R. M. · 1 2 1ci,.1 r O~dd, Howard A. 20 6 49.61 Tenrillleer, Edward J\. 19 . e 17.t2 WWIUDa. Je.a M. Eata~ U 1 11 lT Buk.-.J'lnlt NaU ot PoauiGa 11 f 4Lt0 · Palne,' Albert 8. 2S 10 104.61l ~· Mary 14 10 17.12 J•paneM O.ported, a,. Mlllloft lmport1d { . Onr l'r ttt. twn J•panl'ee r hal'l[· Nl •·tth l'lplonl l(f' wu ~portlld Xatunl•y Jtf' ~~~ C'nmmanll#'r Jtaru Tatlhlna. rt'<'f'ntly f'nroUetl at t' 1-l <' Th,. 'nth•r. t'harll .. t"ll•r· lin'• f'll valf't, l .. twlng Mid In th• rourit y J•ll f\aH : f21\,000. .L A harhnr lmJIOrta dunn• lut ,yra t lr«'l'f' th,. hllhNl In rlty'l h111tnry . th,. NJUh••l•nt of near- 1~100 fnr covrry m•n. wuman •nd r hll•l In thf' <'<>Unly TM fl«tJre: f 223.12t.MMH llf'•t customer: J Rt .. n flh,. boRJJCht mon• t han f :lll.OOO.OOO wnrth of pnKlurl.e, but m"'" than f:\f\.000,000 worth ot I •>Odll w.re rurrh•!Wd from !Mr. lun llftd Your Hiett 81..,.. ~ ... -,. fnt· Uwlr t'Ofttrlbutlona. · -.utbel'ft ~Mtfto ... .._ H .... ll I' hl¥1 eanouncec~ tbat Ma)' n..t opc>rattnc ane-au,.._. ,.,. f'f!C'cwct.l ., .... n.. moeU.. CJI thta 1"' · ha". prodwed a ... qf tfi3,AM.20S o.er t b • ... period a )'Mr aao.' Mea1 oUtet' bulltn-a a r • au,..,._lftl loflJ' '2t ,._..,,. •. A little more ad..,._ Ina ·~~~..,. belp )'ou dl..rt -. CJI _thl• plull bu8t .... to you. KIM 8utlw • A tw•ty-~ a..erty H ... maiUI&on bclU.II"tl elaborat.1y~ act aamb&ere wu raided IMt ......_ Uraclou8IJ, tiM dead-~ ...,.... • n nounc.d the polke, -n.. co,., ladiiM Ud pnU-. Tbe Jl*l&'a betaa rakled". Af'IM'fiC'aft A.ndatton tar "-----....-~--AdvaMemmt , ot Ilea-. IIMt at Te. UMlullucl ...... ,_ to U. th• Callfnmla lnatllut.e ot or.c:t.. aae.& llla&e O.l'ttiUaa .. ,110w nolnlf)' A numtMor ot ICMDUfte coa._~ .,.. .. ~.Ia ...... and aen .. llonal tecta _,.. meal· tnto, the elty for u.e. f~J' ..,. ed. many ot them' .,_Uc:al o-aeon, .tune,..__ o .. - GloeeMr. Ida L. Seatoa. Lilly et a1 Service, J olm R. Harding. Mae E.· Jordan, El,l.zabeth B. ~ ~ 231 22 2U 21 235 22 235 2.M 17.20 ~u \\' Utt.IDAIOa. Hany H. hll(ID&D. J. B. Meca~. Robert H. Mad1ey. t'tobert H. ,26 • 1 I I J J J J L K M 0 0 0 0 p ~12.15 12e.08 2~ 9' 3&ft 20.91 30.7S 4.~ 7.76 13.43 1.76 9S.IH 10.23 SECTION lWO-BALBOA ISLAND HOicseo, M.uy f'. 11 ' SECTION THREE-BALBOA ISLAND lh•t · w .. · hf'artf'nlnl lo u.-e with f 10,000.00 ot o.t.... B o • • a hll(h blno~tl pr .. aaure wu a rtport wer. purr...._. IMt wee111 ~ Ulle 11lruut .th,. lowly lf'mon .-1 An Motion J'lrti}re ProjectJoaa.ta -.a I utrlll't df'IN'rlhf'l.l •• " • <'ru,tl' wa-IM ot the latametloaal AIHaace tr-•oluhlf' ... trar t fnlm lemon ot 'MMetrll'al atace J:apao,e.. .• 1"'"1 ... travfln,.oualy lnlc-tf'd''drope 0Yf'r 11'00.000.00 ot Def._ ..... 8allchu, N. J . 8Aneft~, N. J . CANAL SECTION 3 139 • 4 139 12 139 38.49 M.4. 12.43 Helma. \V'mt' M. Helma. Whit M. Hawthornt. Robert S. )f&.,kt'y, Ralph P. ldianer. Howard H. ldWII'r, tloword H. NEly "" 13 139 7.64 17.21 15.6~ 2 '432 "' 8 438 · DuckmanJ H. c. R utledge. Lao F:dgar F..dwanl~. F:mest Chamberlin. l'rerre A. •I 9 ~2 10 ~2 1 ~ ~ ~4 8 ~9 10 636 . ~.92 ~92 . 16.M 311 28 29 12.80 LANCASTER ADDITION 'Oil t mn r. 't. R. City or ~ewport Beach Atrth, Lt'" rs A. Hnnnon. J)uuglas R. \\'rtzermAll. Marga ret \'. Riball, Anoia 13. Suttora. Fnnk 8uttl'ln, Frank Suttora, Frank Brybn, Mildred V. COl~, Walter E . Houghton, Uta M. ~8Rit:JF. ~buru, Robert SECTION A TRACT 815 TRACT 234 · -25 22:> 1:> 329 17 430 •M 431 :> .~o 8 219 1 2~:> "'2 ~ 3 22:> 19 227 -..... 1 . 13.57 9 ~.5 1!1.3 9.6!) 23 79 ~ 17.46 23.79 10.12 4 18 1~7.28 -SECTIOtL8 _ __:_ · Armatrong7 S. A. et a1 Armatroog. S. A. et a1 ··- Glenn. Sadie L. En-etl. Wade Plllon, COctan ,. --- .. TRACT 234 Br1&'(1, Gertrude L. EAST .fiEWPORT City of N~•-port Beach Butler, Francia J. Joelyn, J euie R. Dewea, Florence :U:. 20 11 14.13 23 11 24.12 16 118 • 20.95 3 5 10 26 16 4 5 1 75.eo ~.31 15.73 47.63 ft.37 SUB. OF BLOCK .. ~ .. ·EAST NEWPORT McKay. La~llla .n>tmJron. ~re L. et a1 Ad~m1. Hugh McGrew. C. A. (Eftatel 1;7 124 A A A A 4t.e1 n :1e 74 72 22.95 Pearman, J . B. l1ri«g•. ~rt'rude L Pearman. J . B. '\.._ -eoraon. Will&Ce "\. Martin, Perle Wheeler Nly 11f1 (Inc por Lot W actj) MarUn. Perl~ Wb~ler All (Inc por Lot M adj) TRACT 756 Locke. Roblraoo Carr TRACT 94.6,_ ~Pf'lhcy .Frf'd~ric R. el &I ' tl~nry. J-1orcnt·e S. All (f'X f:ly 5 42 ._ ACREAGE Henry. lo,on•nce Shrffrl 31)\ Ac, In St·<'. 1-7.10 CUd Nly hy C'o•nt rnl Av•·. Wly loy <:,,t u.n lh.e,· t •a'r{rl ~o 17 1 RucU1er, .t.fllrJ(:lrt't F JIJ ~tr ]'In s,.,. 31-10·10 < • 1 Bd·Siy by Lntll 4 & ;, lllk 109, S<'oulv, LoviN K. IJroular. Lool~ K. S<'oular. Loursc K. Scoui&T. Loullle K. l)ntwn 111 TRACT 772 2 1 12 13 14 15 78 A T I 9 10 SEAsHORE COLONY- Pf:terw. N . C. Petenon, C. Mactnls. Allee P. Maginla. Allee P . ~~...,..; , ' . r.a-on. Maude s. Kueon. 'Maude S. ,. All •• 1 6 8 p 19.N 106.19 lll 42 30.38 202.58, . J 23 • -1.8.~ a ·t.ss B c 1.k:J 1.R5 J1.70 6.38 23.77 26.08 l .U .7 All I tnr bt)t 11nme~ .tr high l.ltle line) 12 ~ 8 ' 160 1.14 1.~ FIRST ADDITION TO NEWP.ORT HEIGHTS COnrad. Jame• C. Rl>t>erl190D. Henry L. Robertson. H,t>nry L. Covert. L William Lee. VIrginia . et a1 Co~ert. A. T. - ,..,.._r, Lud~G. ,~ta. JobD. U oyd ' TRACT 919 NW ;of) nr ~1 : 1'11l1 71'\' ,,-!'(\\' 2i()' I :\ 4 2 1) 11 ' TRJ\CT 907-LIDO JSL~ t:\ 13 13 23 :?6 38 . 1 22 911 1\1',4 18 94 11 .92 5 \I! . 069 22.92 SmJth, Vl~niA M ..Han.OD, Jkle.n Minnie C'ullea. Mild• ed t. Mon'111, Bertha F.. Wolfe, LeRny Tlllotaon. Jun R f'hook, N•llie V Jlu-11, G•orgl' F.. f'lnper. Frank A. f"11~, Clyde fl.. B11lu>r. Jlowartl ll \\'~tove;, HArry ('. Wr.wtovu . lin rry ( •. 1-:ll~rbroek. t'hllruPr Ander ll(ifl. C:ord•m Rmlth, W. R Jr \\'ataon. GN1r11 •· M Allen. Rnht>rl • t 111 Gaylord. Frrtlr rio k J . Br••watr r; 11:11 r y I·. llur~l'". 1-.:vn (( lolrnonalcl, ll•·lrn rt al "Hartholomt·w, :-:rna B 18 'JO 2l :n 'J1 13 Wly 3~,· :1·\ Nly r,· :14 11 " .. 31l 2 II"' :•7 31 :\.1 :14 '",I\ 3"1 'J7 e 8 10 HI II 12 12 12 14 ·~· ~~. 1101 ..;, Ill 17 17 17 17 17 17 1'1 1R HI 27.34 fti Zk 23 ;tf) 24 flO t\4 ~· 31t ~·7 )fl 411 47 fill Jr. 110 fO:l 40 3H :!4 27 17 3·. '11 :1 1.4'> 2?. !til 1•i '•·t :1•. :1·. 1'1 1;1 2r. 1!1 :u ~.;. h ~th hi"'"' pr•-•r... •low• the and an a(kUlloD•I ··s.ooo.ooO.te hr •rt anrl ovrn nmra an nrraalon&l haYt bf'en purc-ha-.cl by Uw.a a apomlan"""" hr•rt hln• k. u~ r lty and lh•-In Mtirb)o c:oe• ''"" thAt w""n't · :l.f'la Aurllllfl!. numltW!It, ~v•.ly, llow 0 ...-0 n• '"rtlh•K lu lhr lf'arnl'•l AA*>· ynur lf""'J>II· dt•lna pbout purebuo .-lnllun. Ito " """ t,.n mill "" tlmr• InK Hrff'nee llund•T Writa ua . lhr "'"' "' thf' ""rllt'LJ!ll!l~~._..t-'lll'_tNkl like, to tftt abollt tt. -~"'"'' ~""" l01•lnl(· rtv" hun•lri'tl llrn•·• "" lo1l1:hl Mnkr 111 uf lllll,.r MIIH ef .~arke and T,... u v•·r v •l11 1 k unol lntoll(utrh·llnt fiK · ) h 111 rlty'• obj<'C'tlve' l• t t.JI ""'· "'" •n't II~ lh~ru....nol mil,.• ot p&Tlll and tiM l l•lllntlnK of 700.000 more treee at Liquor In Cafce I 1r '\""' 111 ,. " 1 "'" uwllf"r, tit thr r~te l'lf f rom ti,OOO to 1~:000 I I· l .. lr•l Ill ltV I"' " n·• rnt ol .. rla on ' ltl'f' I' antln~t• a ye•r. l'arlul aN , l.uud• d "'''' 11 t.v .lu•ll(f' \\'llll.llm IL 1 ld,.nl f.,r llf'autlfyln& a romrnunlty ~11 l<:o y 1 ""', 1111111( 1 "'''" hulolln~t "I" I a•lollrr• tn ,,rop4'rty vahlf'l At loo, 1 """ "'In•· lit , ""''II J "•I I( "I"'" !ttl•• Rll 11f Hnuth,.rn C:allff>mla f 1\1• I<HV h•-l•l 111 .. 1 ......... , ... _. ... IHil I Ito J(IIIW IIII(, rr'"~ 'I,.TI•I ..... ~k­ ' ••f llqunr "" "''' l•rt•ruhu·" ·.,, ,.,.,,.~, lnn•t" nrr "V" "'"" ~ac 11••· 1 111,. lllJ: ,111\' 1.,,.11 """ wlrw 11,,...,,"p" 1111( y••ur · II W'llll•l 1,.. wl••• for •II I• 1 , 1 lrt 11., 11 ,. , ... ,1,.11 .. ,. 11 1 • rio•·"· lttrl(•• All•l •mall. to rtel 11111111 J,1• l''"'"l t ltul Ill•• liolllllr Ill' lt llllffo• aolrtiiiRir Arf'"ll fur pubtle 1•11,1, 1, I~· ""'" l'"'kll '-9/hllr th••y 111111 havr the l "l'"''r II lt1k1•11 yrnra .. tu i(lfiW a Unl~""ily ol Southern Calllornl• t '"" 11111 unlv a few mloutr.tl to C\1\ .. ~ ""'' 1l11wn Hlllrl 111/W. SECTION FOUR-BALBOA ISLAND. .1 ' . ll~'aly."M. A. 3 1 1M U f<~rd, Jo~rank \V. F'11rd, 'Fr &nk W , mrfi1rd110n. Arii(U~ S. l>romcotd, C:eor~:e C. Dollln(. A. R. r. 6 " 7 ~I :.1 ,I'J11).>1 2 1.11\77 11 21'1411 II ~~' 41\ n Mt:l SECTION FIVE-BALBOA ISLAND Ellerbroek, Phllmer J. ~ord. J. A. Paclfte EleMrlc Pac'lftc J!:lectrlc HallwAy Co J'&elftc Electric Hllli"''"Y Ct>. .... J '·I" . ~ .. ., .. l'ar ~-M•p ~~~- 30-4l6. MHJ Nri. 1 ('ode A r,.11 7~;()­ l~•r 1. Mnp ~~~ 3().111, Sflll No 7 , . "" ('rod~ Aru '{r,().. Par 1: ~!lip ~orA- 30-66 .. ~ -~ o. 2 ~ 11 4~ 6 53.71'1 -lrJI fl""'f""f'IY hf'r"ln.,..fore de.~~<:rll>"d II lltuatN1 In the ror. po•atf' llmlt11 nr U1,. f'ITY f1F NY.WI'OHT BEACH. COUNTY OF OR ANGY.. RTATY. en-~ CALIF'Oit~I A. -.------n. R HOTY:Kll'f~~. _ f:ll·9trl;lo Tu Collcc~or rA N~port n.&c~, CalllomJa. ... .. .. ,Murnj L. All (Inc hoot ""m"."nfl I-:·--~~~'~"' -. ---~ ·-tttr,r~ .,., ........ --A-· ..... . H"c .... odc, _llarp.uliL 7 117.21 ~.._ ... -~ted l~ll 2nd day of June, !941. • _' J'Ublliti JUDe 6. 12. 19, 28, 1941. i U. "'' JIOL'111Y, ,qw&..:;. ...._, Jil...-r:-.._.. • .. '• • .. ~RT BALBOA NEWS-'I'IMES. New~ Beach. Calliomt.. TIIURSDAY, ruNE 26, 1941 . .. NEWPORT· BEACH WOMAN'£-PAG ·E· BAlBOA ' GUida L.-den Go To M.thodiat • • --.• l . ... ... (Betty Dodge .. :. Ph~es 12 and 13) \Mrs. Mildred Stanley .;~ted To Lead Newport Harbor. Leaion-Auxiliary In 1941 Pilots Claaa Enjoy Church Pot-Luck .Party firemen'a Club, Aux_;liar, Attend Joint Pro1ram CORONA DEL MAR ~BQA ISLAND UOO ISLE .. "'The South Coast's Smartest Gift Shop" Wher~ You May Find the Distinctive Combined \Vith the ·useful • PRACTICAL GIFTS • INDIVIDUAL STATIONERY • BOOKS and BOOK-ENDS • PUZZLES and GAMES • RENTAL LIBRA6Y and NEW BOOKS • KNITTING SUPPLIES -YARNS -, and INSTRt:J€"1lleN------------I--I._--, I fAtab. 19191 . MORTIMER SUMMER SCHOOL 'OPDIJ IIONDAY, IVLY '7U.. INi EASTE"N GI/£STS loin N~llk' C WiU1r !'-'n al 1011 VIa C'nrdovia.. U do bit', hu brf'n ntrrtablm~r a trio at ~h. hl·n of ~ plea to ,-.main bf'N' for U.. --u... lolra 0.•1 Crab of lolliiiiHpO!t. l n1nd lut Olllllile W 0...... PI I riu..--A....,. ... NaW7 r;._ ~lUI-Jlltat;w;c; W by Dr . ..._... D. BIN. PI 'fnt fill Oedd.ntaJ; Dr. JGtln w. ~ P1itdpU. pg 1 ~ ~ ~ .... .,. ...., odwn. ..a to "-' Ia t.k Wllldn8on ~ u cltd J.c:lll Wltbdal wllo . .a~.. .. ~~Ul ~ t!~~!!dl::~~~!!~~ le liiiMrMr1 loliir Ada Montn • .._ .......... el ~ ~--11ft "'" iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.~ for 11ft' .._,~.-.llaa.IDWiclol .•••••••• At · Our OPENING Fine Old Colony-·Paints -..:!11~;...4C-... • ' • • Demonstntion of . . ~saturday, i _une 28.th By MAE LOUISE ANDRE·WS .... · You are cordially invited to dis- cu~ a_ny -.er..oblems YQU may ~ave . in connection with the beautify- ing and preservation of your home. There is no obligation. We will be glad to develop color· combinations that harmonize for for individ- • FREE • -To U....·~l-A so.-Ca-~-ew c I ., NA:JIO.IAe .... .....,., f'SUiel ., ~·eMir OW1I c"'Oor ~Wifocotioa. NaTTl(' . - Addn-s.c: TO\\n •• ~~~ . .....J.~~~~·q YWI'J)wn Hoow -~:!:tr.:.....: .. :::o-..a:::;;;;J "NN- Other Demonstrations SeiTel EledrO!ux Rerfigeraton and Roper (;as Rang~s by ~larg4tr~t Lockland f Sunbe~~ Mixmaster, Coffeema8ter and Squar~ \Vaffl~ Baker by Huel Carlson .. ... , lolra. ,on Beatty of Ne"''J)Ort 84'adl wu a~raJn f'll'C'It'd prc-Aident o(. tbe N nl'port ~lleb W .C.T .U . -.t llft t'led lon mHtin~t yf'lltt'rdAy In the homf' of M ra. Nanry At· hod. . , f;:tet'tlon took plllCf' durlnR" thf' bu~ln;-• IIHIJOtf when p i &JU! tor a t'ounty t...tttutf' o f W. C. T . U. JfiVUf't'l O be l'f'ld Wt'dnffld&y. July 23. at t.be Chrlat Church by the Sf'& were diacullllf'd Wlt6 ,Mrs Bettty on the unlnn boar d will be loin. NeU'e MeAd11m11. v~preel­ dmt ~ Mra. Ulllan Hill.~: .,.,._ Allrt' Hancox trf'a.urer anti COrTf'II'JXmdln~ 8K'f'tary. 'Mie ln~tltutt' will bf'g1n at 9 &. m. In tht' r hun-h hall. an<Vdur - tn~r t.he day the prottT~tm "'Till (ea - turt' Mn. Jennie R. Thompl!IOn. .Ute c~ndln~t II'Crf'Luv. 'a·ho w111 ,Ove the main addrf'811 Tbf' W1ioQ voted .l,.o ~· -Ula. date of their mHtlnp to the f I r 11 t Wednndlq of the montt! .fnlfelld of thc lut WNfnt>lldAy. Thf' change wW tu:e etf!Cl ln Augut. Coming Events In Harbor Area ~ ~ ... -IIJ------t--l lUNDAY, JUNE 29--CI~ ol Stftr Elimination ~rtea Ra('('ll nn OCNUI Nf',.'PQrt H llrbor Yllf'ht <;I u b dinner. lltar ra<'l' t rophy. ('(' rll<'t'll In coOnt y cb!UlDt'l a~a. Comrl~>lf' shf'll rollet'tlon, ahown f rom 2 r. m. tn ~ p m. Aldrt~b Mullf'um. Blly lltland. MONDAY, JUNE 3~ N~·f'i'rt ~ach F.bf'll ArL• and C"'ratta llf'Ctlnn. 10 :W a. m. · TUESDAY, JULY 1-• Jllf'•"J'C)rt H :.rbor L'onl' C I u b . noon. KaJ•r oar .. Nt'Wf'Ort H ll'h(>r Rnlllry Club. f\•30 r m. \\'l\Jtf''l Balboa bland c-orrN-~t~op I • YOU ARE OORDLU.LY INVITED TO VISIT OUR NEW S.HOP !14 llariDe Aveaue •. BALBOA ISlAND ·sE·RVEL ELECTROLUX is the refriger~tor for &-and NOW IS · I THE TIME TO BUYI. "\ . SERVEl Pbone: Ne1'·port Bnch tM"i "Wr/1 111w ... 9 ill •JMr•ti.•t cost a•J mjtry btttw unu, with" gas ,frig"ator-it hill 110 •ofli•g par~~ ;, tiH fr'ni•g systnll." MOIHUII. AUfOIUfiC alfalelaAfiON it 1 iOf yeN thot&lde't •ist-DOC n<ftl ooe JDore WH~. From the nry line day, a pa nfripntor Mn'n you ia rncfuJ tilmce.Aod icwill coaaoue to briaatou ~ bnc ia nlripncioo looalfcer ordinary "aueo- ••dct are o&,olete. ilaYIL OPIIAfll Wlflt A fiNY OAI fi.AMI. without the ooiM- wit'-•tiH "'••1'-o( movinJ partt In the frreainr. unit. By instail- loa • St'nef oow, you do •w•y wich .U danaer of repeir biU. auMd b,. fricdoo and weu of movlnJ putt ia the refrtaetadot lystt'm. And you 11n mont'}' chrou1h the munloua ecoaomy of p.a. Iowen ia con of all pnct:ical fueiJ. Ill lit I UAUflfUL NIW MOeiLI of cht' ailent PI nfri..,._ -It a DIALER'S or SOUTHIAN COUNTIII GAS COMPANY REFRIGERAToRs ... . ~BALBOA . FURNITURE CO •. Nf'"'JK'rt Harbor Amt'MCIUI lAg· I lon .~. fl r m . IA'gion h ut. F.lf'("· i Uon of otf~C!fl· l ~ .... 111GIJte Club 'J'ith }(ra_l I _ 3M MaiD Stftoet 29th St. and Ceatral Ave. W~~rrt-n M~W~tn~r BALBO~ NE\\VoRT BEACH Coati t.ff'U F'rlc:tay Altt'moon ctub Arta •nit C'ralb SKllon. 11 1 a. m. clubbou~~e. . . :.---;-------------------------_.::-=..._.L.t.. _______ _J .. 1/ . '