HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-07-08 - Newport Balboa News Times1'1ie Majora COlumn Record Fourth ··~EWPORT lSSUED. ,~)~N SEMJ. WEEKLY .I ~.1 , MID-WEEIC ~ EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE CO!-ONY, LI~_ISLE, NEW_!<!_RT HEIGHTS, BA-lBOA I_SLAND, cqRONA DEL _MAR,.COSTA i11EM ~"E\\~ 8E.\l'll. t \Ul UK"\, Tl t:~n \\, Jl 1.\ II, llltl tOT OWNERS PROTE.ST ·TOO MANY -·BALBOA ISLA-No· PIERS . -. I "Fourt~"· P~Ov.es IRecord \X/eekend "' For Warbor _Area fLouis .DeJean, __ ,Noted Author, Is 1 Newport Resident -------(~ruont ('raft Fur Snowtiird Flight ~ ( I Counc_il To Study Cla~ms · :That Swim ~ Beach-es -Are · Going lla\!JM!:'' >'1'1'1\ oil II"" J:llllllllll): all pulllac park an~ J1la1 ,.,. nod fillln;; t h1• 1'. ~: r ~ht ·nf·llll~' fr~om Newp11rt In llulhn~ fill Well u.:; j) . .u ku1 SAJlM.i Uluilj( Ct•rau·al ••ut ,,,. th.• J '••non,.alla tu wtu•rl' l'('nl r111 A \'o• hrnm h- «'s, out lho•ro· 1:. !ho <ltHihl thnl lht:< !o'nu ·th .,( July ~1llmd · l"d lhl' tar~ ... ~t .~nt\\•t h•·r•· '" mnn\' Y•'IH~< nr1 th.11 dah • :>lo·r· t h!lllh l••ll o>( o•xo ••II I'll I hiJ!II· ni'Sif 11\'t'r t ho· \\'t•t•kt•r~ol unol thP lmt'l! nf "a1t1ng l"'l!l•lf• nt tx'lh ba•nkll Ill-at uut thrtr l'hllm. In fll•·l . "'o m t' ntrt lJmers .Jo•dart'd tho> FO\arth of J uly t'ruw<J Jo-n oiHy .;..u nn a -fl~U--'lt-4 thMt. attn~ t.-.J b·Y--4----=---o-------============-._ ,th~ Tournament "' l..l"hta. al· Tremendous Crowd Treks to LotaJBeaches ... , though It W&8 • m ore 111pr ~ad , For Three-day HoHday; New· High Fo~ Week-end Business Is Reoorted By New- 1\layor (;ord~n NameM Committft to Recom• m(lnd Wht•ther Balboa l•dand Hu Enoqli Uocktc Or If Mort• Should I~ Allowed Bv. out. "el-41 JIL!!Ch a H~'rel7.. wnrlrt ram· 4ld vloi!Jiilll w"'o Ia n(OW lft hl11 Harbor Jlllond hom~ has a u-;;'i'que l)cen~~a numl>4'r for tiTs auto. re~rl11h•rt'd In ("l)fl. ne<:tkutt. whrre l hl' Ho•ileb; family 111110 hu a r~slrtence. The numb4>r Is "HEI <4 1", IUI<l r PQrt Harbor Merchants, Banks U· the rt'C'Ol'rl breaking crowd and tn>mf'nrtous ~aln in bus inE'S.q owr the 1941 FoUJ1h of July W('('k·('nrt is any cr1· t erion. then NcwJJOr1 Harbor will have a very busy summer to lla r bor merchants. .. 'rontagt--Ownt-n -. -~ ••••• '·' •• • , .. , t•h .... Sf'M')Ifoft ... , .... , carr Marht .. ,... .,.,. ''""'"'"·' '""''' ......• , .. , , .. , I I ~-'!1 1\ltlhnn l'iln rnl h nvr II 'llttffldt'fll nurnhror nr Jll"'- lWpatko'ft In ttlr annual t11cht ul ttlr !o'no_.tM,..._ 4MI ,\~tt~u•l ~Srd. MH>n \'Hit'iy ownc'tl pil•t'S itlllf :-h ould 1111' I'Oil!lfrtlt'tlo n of IJUCh doc::kl .... ,.,.at wnrt& on'""'''· I"IK••htrd, "Uitlt" , ... '"'""·" ""'· lt"rt t•• rtaht.l ht• p r uhlhll•'tl In 11w fuhu-..• ur L-. th••t'l• still mum t•nouah tor \'lratnl• \tkln~on. ltoroth)' !Ontlth IUid "''-.... .,,... Mllm .. •n. ....... .... m on • ln lll lin~'( n nct "' Hw SlHIII' tl If' ~-~t~h~f~l~t~t~h~~~~t-t~~.~Mh~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r~~~~~.~r~n~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-·~ n~ • lll•nnllll1NIIIft• lnwl~• Jl~-rty ~n•, . e rs r~ I' tr!' n I e { h I t th h II II I th F II and will ........ ,.. tu lhf' t.lrl ~hrh,..r-It~ \lr "'"' \tn.. \\. K. ~ll•rtoft) ., '" • •• ,... .._,"' I. noted mutolrlan's IR~<t nl\mt. davs h ere a nd the <·rowel. onE.' o t e a n::('st o ga f'r <'I'•' " ''"''"" 1" 11 • • ·nu~· 1m• ftlt• lfllt'lllit_~nlof whk h 11 c•ummttt1,.. wv10tnted 1)., H I . . d I d ~p.·nd Ill ll'8'<l holf or t'ach yt'ar In ,., I w7thr~.t~;ath~h~u~::"rfl"~:~:. n many yl'ars, was ('Care finn Gunotf'r1'!1JO 1'1\0\f' thmut:h C:tlift~irr _Rum In Pf'nn~ylvanla. c . D M nyw· Irvin(;. ..... (rl-H'Ihlfl'Monclll:O' nl~o:ht "' ttw dty coundl lng tbt' yur b4>lnJ,: changrd. by somP to t>qua l t ha t attra<'t· with the> Jlllsll'mi'nt"\hat tlw w.· .. k·l hut r.ll~ ln. ()ran~f' Cotu~ty, Dt-News-TI· mes. an· t 0 1'4"-1>ii,Vl_ \\Ill ltftt•m p l Ill llnSWt'l'. 'till undPrl!tOOll. <'<I hy the fa m ous Tournament t'nd buslnf'ss .... t a n""'· h 1J,:h f.,r .J:·an "'.'1"\'MI •:wr.<rns '111""K the-( 'uund ltnn n HoiM•rt Allt'n infumll'Ci the> C'lty otndall o 1g ts. · Air FON'i' tri 't9'l7·2R h<' wu ttwo mnny ln~flt• Jli"OJM'r1)' I r L . h I lht• lllorl' illllf'o• Ill' ht\11 bt•o•n hJl<"f· fir> I \\~>rill \\ nr "'lfh thl" Roylll tllrtl F ight On The Major r!'t'l'iVf'!l 1\ notr f rom Frnl••n F:am11haw 1 n which th e Pro,·leionnt com· mander nr t hi' IOf'&l S t a 1 r Guard s "'!>' s a with flllJ:t'rs CI"'OIIK'd I thrre Is no (f'Ud he· tw""' h ~ a nd T n mmy Bouchey, r~rultlng nffirer for the Nava l Guanl unlt. We're only .eon-y for a ny man whn hu the tuk of luring men lDto a~elog to t'nler a nava l UDit. bllthly spoke F.atNhaw. In f act ao aupremrly confi- dent ll F enton In the .uper· lorUy of tbe State Guard that he wrttu: "It eHma to be Ole of)tftiO!,l of tke men ltl our W11t Uaat de.ptt.e bett'IW labe&- ed 'lnftutt.Py', -ca11 mwt tM D&val branch on water In &Dy contm they mljt'ht Wltlf~ &1'\d defeat tbt>m ." Okeh. Navy boy&, lt'a your tum t o put lo your oar. S'fact Seldom Is mt>ntlon given to pnlslog corn~rci&J en· tertalnment r ~a t u r ea , but there Is one ,..hlc_h "llf'f'pll to meJit lt . ...'that'.&. the. mu.ak a! St.anley Kenton's h&nd a t the Rendt'&VOUII. Have hi'IU:d many "name" banda h.-rr ""'I they were 1111 alike. Thou~ht the town l'nmpr1sed n bunrh of aava.gu a n d prnreNied t o ''beat It out". Kenton·;. boys p i'Nt'nt a brand of m1111k both r'hythmlrat a n d plt>ulng tn the ear. whlll' Kny r.rr~nry 111 the b4>st ru t l!l"nJ:In~ tAlent tha t h &8 been f'Crmancnlly acbeduled at the ballroom In many a moon. .. ;. Oood Cauae Lt>cal bn!.Jlrh of thf' Oranp;l' (" o u n t y A11slst a nrf' LtllltU«' w ill et~~,~re a bent'flt party .July 16th and the affair Ia •·orthy of th" rnmmunlty's IIUJlpo't. Proc~dA will b4> u•PII townrd thr ronatrurllnn of t ht' Roy11 Cl~ habM being Alponsored by the Le~~oguto n.artf'r Ml'nf'y ID\'I'lltrrt In pmvldinlt' proper ... ~.tadlft!Eil ti'IKJ;fl •·hiC'h will enabh> lhf'm to grow' lntn better rlll&f'llll 1 .. onr nf thr 111\Un!lf'l!l lnVf'llt· -m~nts for the future that any· Ont' can mllke Reapect -8t14t • pepp.ey r t e m_ all,. WTittrn ronrNnlnlt a h nuroP· hold In CMtA Mt>ll& Whf're I hi' Amrr1r11n f'1111t I~ dl11plavt'd In front !'VI'ry d8y lln d hnll bc>l'n nniNI tn have r!'matnNI ' In all ntght .but lh•• fin~ t hl111 rommrntntnr m lntl Mill hnldl' F:xhthll of the fllllt hall ai~A'AVII hrrn rM:o~tnl7.1'!1 ""' drnotl~~ p1tr1•1ti11m 11 n 11 that'll a quality ha11ly nt'Nied In t hr!IP tlml'~ Rut If ttwo F'IA~ Itt ~tolng to hr r11111plnyf'd, thrn It 111 tntitiNI tn prnrrr rourt. t'1!y INH1 rt"•J'l"rl. or ntw-rv~~onrf' or f 1 A It t'tlquttt" f'MelPl!ll ne~tli'CJ of t hr rourt MIV r1ur tht' fl&J:' 111 m nrr a pt to .tml&rk of fa11'1f' ratr1!'tl1'1m than l!ny. Btlllg ID Hlllbtlll c J I b I . lndacatan~ a tr~momtlous an nux Wldeapreild Activity n ..... r, :l~ "Onriu" Gf'll('n " of KFJ. · •t · t 0\\ lll't'l'> nn 1\ltlhua blnn1t 11 1,.. "'"'" c 'lty Att.unry tt 0 Ia" • of (nmohf'IJ '" :-.:ewJlO"I ltarbtor T hi> jtrf'lll bUHIIII'U guln for thl' to t::iVP 0)-in~; ll'<l.'llln~ on lhf' radio. I y ega s e ow -ros I'UIIlJIIIIInlrh' .,, tuo mnnv PH'MI , ..... "' .... ,. olro·l•l"'f'() lhf' l'lty \'OUftoo over lbe weekend a.a well &I! a W1'4'k .. nol waa nol ••olfflnf'fl tn 1my llc was abo the fll'lit Stale ac-~'-'<' • • II hoe•! Otr l"••f'r tn 1t.ny appn.. hul{e .emwd of d&lly vWtora !"'&S one llt'CIIlr nf lhr Ha'rPc>r J)lllt r k t. ~lllt"'l •-ctwr o( AN'onaul~ la . I l!ll•lllt'fl nlnn~-: th ... hny rru nt. I ··a thena '"' ~"""' lu ~ thr r~Jl<lrlll or J:Tn<'l'f"Y at orr pro-1-: I. Moon· dN"Iarro.J lhl' .. •11urth I""' Anl!f'IPs <"ounl r IW'hnola, -~ F'11 o4on11 u ut tnrly tlllf"'""ll'lr tu rorat ,,. .. rllooll 11n.r 411 ot•nla t ur I ~ Tttrrr • r " ~ J•r1vlll,.lv uwn I "'""' tnn~tl Jllrn arciUnd tiM ,.._. prll'toor•. rPlltJWrani.JI and rl."f'rr -wall 00,. M thl' ~>t-at 'wrt>kl'nd.lo at hR~ Jon~: lw .. •n nnti1•nally known u t>ut u11 '""'" t ... luw t•ro •ho.-!h•ll •. ,. ""'"''''l";"l tn..-rthona, ,.hllo· thr l •••I •I•• ka llnol IIU\dtna rtnllle whlo h an•l lhat If It ~~f'd II«! rmry; a Uon&J ~nterprlse11, all or whlr h Nrwport 'In a numl)('r. of y~are "ptl('t lrHII"1'8lr of nviation" pen ..... tho• )':1·,." Ttuw .. ":1,. ullothl•· , .. unty '..... Ia 7:'1 , ~'UI • ""'I ~ 1 h!""" hrrn , unatrul't".t b y ha y I t tu. ~'•tUrM'll rftltkl ~«*• ~ riPr lareo.J lhl' pallt ~rektnd IIUr·lollvl'r M C'llmpbcll aupp011ed h•ll f.>I">JI'nn J.:IV'< nor1h thllC _...,..til furtho r oonllnul" u .. ouuto ... t rl'nla In ttu~ll lllol( al a hlol thr t fl .. nl pru1•nty ,.,.,n.,,.., A IJ f'll nuw In ~ll'-ff!IN'• paMed a.ny twu f)r lhrt .. olay flt'rlooJ ront rntt(lfl "'"'' dl'darrd that ml'r· for 8 "hurt \'i~il with hill youn« of r•lnt l ~l( till• ··ltv h'l(lll" •n·l N~wa-'nmNI ftliiOAJ[r r ll41\'l .... t tilt" f"•lnlf'•l uul In a4<11tlon to lhf'IN' u ... , ..... t Hf John " llantll , In I~ put 11evera1 yean. r hanu alnn~o: the-Oc:~an Front dnughtPr, Lois DnrN'n. _.,ho llvt'e tiJe C't•WII'll Muntlay ,.,. 14rolo-d 11 IHI '"tih•jl 111 ''"rulu•l•lfl wharh, l hf' r lty bJUI cuDIItrur1f'<J l 'r.lperll!..e I~M'CW'p4-l~ that tile •••t In 10 Yea~ I whom .hl' ('flnl&r tt'd ell had rf"Cortl-with hf'r molhPr In Bt-rke lf'Y. UH! f'MUllll( ''"'Ill Yl'tlr tu IIO!•lhf'r ''M~y 1 rf'llllllil )'IOIIr hunllrahl·· ftYf' pnblll' !lllf'kl, makl"« a totJtl l'ltUill'll till• ...,. l.o llu&W & .... Loea.tCedl'f lnv BaiKbo& r1ord m1 a~~ I rd subatantlal jta)nll In week~nd l.11trr this month hi' «<H to tlw! peptr It " prlrl' of !\1\ o•t'fllto •JlC'r bowty that t h• N .. .-.••T•m,.. 111 l h<' •of 't'l JMf''" aruund Uw lalan•l tatnln• waJI 'for u.. ,...., ,,_ yran, a f on enne K a.rocu aJ llnivrrslly of <"olnnuio 111 RouiMr. colllmn ln•·h '"' lhf' far"t tn•Htlon nl•lf'•t l'll•hllllhrd nrw•JMIJ,.r In ••trrtrunt. Bey •r.t. Onw to ,..,.._, .a today that bUlllnes. In Balboa wu 8 ;;~r('• anti 8hopa on Balboa 111• for thr a nnual Writf'r'• Cont..-. &114 31 crot. tnr au~rutnt puh Nf'wrort Ul'ach tuul hu I>Hn ,.,._ Many ~!ere OOrQna 4eo1 Mar wu ~ .. t he bellt It h&ll bfoen In lf'fl year•. land hummed with act ivity over Pll<'f' tlwno. llca&lon• ln. bualnrw hf'n' tbt -1ft C'AIM6dtorlnr ~ ... no watar Cit)' ......,. Pat~ .... II Fayette Blower ~ported lhllt the holiday• according to buatneaA 'J1w Newa-T imu hu bet-n .toln1 yean. durtna whk'h perirwt mAltY front lat. around U. hl.uld. a.a. _. ,.... ..w 11e ..,.... ... weekend AleJI were the hlght'l l mf'n Of. that· community. Put c.· D.M UMDnpupbllol•hylnleefn8r IO'orCf'llt.~ tiM other IJ&P"ft have ...... f'o\ aftd _ ... ~ \II • ,.. J~ ""' ................. -.. ever recorded 1.o th~ three yeara Zeller Robert..on declared Rob' a dialconUni.MIIf: wtu• l ., • : H-• r .. lola -tile .., rto.t. the 8aleway ha.a been ln ope'r-wu -amped by cUitomen u4 ,_..111M.....,._, WW lie I&.._ II ,.,.p._ ............ !llllllfl*'~~~-~~~i aUoa there. Cbarlea Way aid Ole atmll~~C..Dw«:tll were l"f('eJved trom 01!._~ tilt ..... tllel tl!!t --._aft!~ wn• '!!!Itt .:-:=:..:=~~::::.;::::~:!!11~~ g"r'OCft'y bultnea toppect anything Councllma'n Bob AJien'• ltQr~ ahd s f t . ·u· c.·ty Work Are abould .,._ ...... day " Mod u..r. .,.. wtll lint .. c •"' recorded In recent yean u the that ol John AileD. no new~. ahuuid II det.lct. tn .-.. len· tor ......., ... t1 U. ftou1at w. ow~~er-... ~llult of family trade. • a e y p u. ottwr medluma Afld .. &Ja It cOMCrut11Ufl ut prtY1a. .,...... la to IIYt&ll a life ..... at ' • Vaux White. Wt"ll known rl'lllaU· ' ---. Authorized I •• IIIIII:J[t"lltl't( that thr N-•·TimN "'"'Unuf"d to be ~rmlu.d. ·Au-..__ ~~Meat 011 ..... _ ... rant operator. u ld today tbat hl11 Rudy Goetz I ,.ubll•hr • ... m•·• .... kly •hk-h ••· rHnmm•n•if..t liNt appnU\t-t nt 1111 tt WOIIIcl eo~~~• wtu.&ll buamu• h8d lhr bea t holiday I T s IJof'•IJtr• It!# '"'""''lith•• "' •m•• •\•·nm m ltl ...... In IIN'IUM c'tty 1':11· .... ~.kend lliDre 1936 and Lnnn lt' Appeals Caa4 0 tate' Sf>vPntl NTllll(·~··· ... "' tho· rllyl ~ .. nrv l•r•llnllfll'""· ""'" aavtnec llnor • ., ..... , It I. l'att~r-. Ill oetljjfJ ....... a ... n~ Vmcent declar~d bit! Ulf'll showed I ~ not lnclmk'tl In the n'f'o•n t l>lllllr) llnr1 'rxfll"tJ"".. '"" •llualto"' anr1 ,..Jl'lrt' bert& tu Tile I'Hf.-naUoft .. , ...... r. IICIIIW an ext"t>llent gatn ov~r paat yu.rll. On Boat Charge h~t "''''"' rtpvno\"t'fl loy lh<' '''"-'"''111 "" lhl' s .. .-. .. Tllllt'" pl14nl Ia .... thr l'ftUn•tl wh•th•r thf'rf' w•r• Jlllllyn .. a m•m'-ol u.. .. ..., H a r ry Finney, another reJI. ~onday na~o;hl 111"'" "11\lr~t uf olo•· lntc "l"'r•C"'t ""'"'" llo• full l'ro """"fh. t'"' \m11ny. •w r-Oom for .,.,_,., wu .. 'C'•pt..d wlUa ,.,.& taurant nwn~r. rt"pprtrd ·a la nd Ar tlnn by the ctt y counr tl Mon J)llrltm'nt ht·;uJ, 4:1111'"'• .,, 111" W"lil""r "'I tllu11 mur .. rlrre a numd llal))oll lai!U\d by ~ r <tunl'llnuon Ud -...,.... office btl11lntas foT the Ulr!_e ~~~. Rurty C'.oo•t7 wl!fl rf'Cr>ntl) _con· W. J Rutl•'•11:•' wn' '''"''"'>'"1 "1 In' full taa),.,. '""~ tu..t •• ..,Hh .. ut tnfrlnllnJt up111 Ulfi 11&111• pn.ittt ...,..ton ttt ~ftllila ,-~ • _ .dur trd hlf; O\\n d!Jf'!'Sf' -w_!ll'n day-Tl~ throw.-tht' pNbll'm nf $6 pt>r 1\A)' 11~ Jorwk ifl)l'r (nr lhr ~ .... hPn lfo4.flft ........ , ... rtf-1_..,.____..,.._ 1 -.......... .., ......... ~l'ftl,..._lt--11,.._..,.._, __ -..J-_ I · h' .___ inflln m ,; 1<a:ft'ty ·nn t"tno""lliJri\Wa}' ':.~,.;:A --w ·r llr"""'l "' So•Wioll '!I w -It ,.. • ...,-•• "'lt hnut a Jlf'nTlll from thf' Harbor t:rougtr Corona drl Mar 1'' ~df'jO· Hf'IJ(hl~ ~· I I r I cf I Ill' tnahiiiiV l u•. ut ''"' ,.,. tuuo II" ""'' I 'IHIOI llmrn A Urn ""'' J•m ... pnwrtlrwml r• .. cS.ftl nt L6do ..... A M l'hnr~o:o-rt With anrhonn~: '' '""'' w•· " f ,. "''""' 1uul utll,.r ""I k II '""'' t• Wayur 1:urdun mamNI Patlf'r~>hn Cklrdoa arrolnl~ .,.,.. c. a. . yers Ma•h·r And wa" rnunrl "UIII) hy t nil and motorlllll rt~:ht 'lnt:n tho• (A.oq;:r ••• , .• ,., \\ "l •;I ,. I .. lUit:rv lh•tool(hl oovo·r lhf' rruoll,., ~ llnown IMolh l•l•n•l ,...tllfonta. til aur··~l .. r •• JOIIlyn, wtlo .... • ~ JUr>. hns f&lf'r! a s t&l f'ITW'OI Cor I lap!! of th,. StAte IIIRhWI\y l'at "'1 io:N lhr 11'11al ~ 1" n''"' 1" u•n 1 ,. . ..,,,, , ""'''lt·nll\' 1 ""II " r .. r w•o•l .. 11 th .. , •Jntnolll••... t•laln••l In hf'r. ,....trnaUon u.&t ... S k b /IJJIM';I rhl' "'"'·k • ~ht>n Ul~ mu"tt•·,r wu ro·frrrt'ol tu lo&l.llry ortllnlnnr •· ,",r~', 'nown Ull~ '" • "'"JII"II"I' "" fllr lh•• "'""' ~ll'tltltenf'ol ' ,.,..,, r m lnl( Ito .. •lloa lnlf'ruta to ,...~ an IAII ~ t,. . ' f't~'l'l/ '-alii lrt!la~ lhlll h•' W;tS j •T'bllh lP llU lllfJtl~! • Wall .J:r8tl(l'l II • '" IM'I 1111111 "'"'''M"ful rv,·II.T Ill "" J'III,IIIHIIIIII ------ riC en Y nrrf·•l•'ll ~>n u l'hllr£P or mnorinJ: e Corona l!f' ... a.r ( lvtr A~fiO.. !'alary. hi tnr h•• I)OIII Wllh•llll 11 p.•nnlt adja-I t;latlnn reoquesl<'ol lhl' rtty 111 IAkr 1lw t•toomr al npprmo-<1 ';ohnv "'j • y. Ch•ld c • •' 11 B d r••nl 10 t lw Union Oil Drw-k . hut IIOfTle l'llc-pa to l'nfOI"t'e the prt•IIC'nl Lulf' F.lll~ of tho· llarh••r )lt•pllll· • , • t c . h k thnl lhl' rnmplnint rrnd .nt thr 4r··milr ·"P"'-1'11 lomll in liM' htoh .. f ment lln!1 nuthont•-<1 •lr•!'lll111nll' (,tty Council II . •• • rl 1 a y urne_· eart attac lrinl rhnr£1'11 111m w1th ftn('hurin~;' t hat <'Yi>n 11lowln.: traffic lu lhal 81lCf' of ~nl11r, of Whtl••\ llulrhan 1 ' \ hiS l'l'llh Wllhnut II JW•nnlt. I pill'(' wnuJd ma tl'rlally 6ul•t In liOn, Em,nnyrllPOI .. , linn·), n.ttl•· Meets AK IJoard I M F 'I If,• tlt'(•lilro~l hf" hurl lllll'mplNl ~tfurm~t thf' numtM•r l"f ardolrnl~ All du6: ('lllt'h•·r "' f.H •• ~~·· nwnlh • ·• n ystery ·Ire, to. ,·ve Ill l'htnin n fl"mlll frnm th,...H :rr Tht> romm!JnWIIU.-m IIIJJI:JI:t"ttl"•t for tWtl mnnt h11 '"'"" roolll~<trll•-ol ""'' {)f .. :C.uali7JJtion ThP Newport Har bor colnny or lwor l\la~t Pr :m fl IH•o•n . r·dul'{'d uml I he l!tAtloolna or a mulur ''"P at "'''II .UJ! the 1a<1) m•·nl flf 1,2•, •'•'rll•l "'' r•ommrn·1al fiahrrmt>n l~t nnr of lnld ht• r•HIIrl nut morlr nr rmrhnr1 C'nron11 olt"l MAr mlaht r••1111ll lr jHor hnur r .. r ••V••IItno•• d••vllfo•ol I•• I • b I I ' • 1 L' 11 1 11 1 111 I II••· uoarr•rillllll( """"'""'" '"''""I'"'" In lhrlr '''"""r r ••l•lrn~· ~om•'"'_..-1111 hfol't knm~'TI mrm <'r1'1 w l ,. n :o fa,hmJ;: hllnl I ho•rr Afl••r· lllfllly· IIU(flr I'll( r.nrll to pAy tho• ('I·~· I work ins:: on roly J'll l ... n~; "'' t r ...... Ill: ••• "'' ' II ,. .. p ~ • • ~ ,, ...-~ Arthur Nt>l~<•n "Shorty" M_vl'r!l. I Ill: to tt1,. l'ullnrll an!1 ha\'in..: it hut rtty nffll'lll.lll rf'tu~~rd tn , lofl ---, 11 ,. , "'""'I uor••l "'I< Moort•l•o v 111~1o1 nnol ""''' •Inn I • hi ll•• II Y"llt ••ld lnl( thr laall nt ftliN in• when tM ~~~ dlrd Ill 2 a, m . Jo"'rlday. July r••f••rrNI In tlw llnrh<lr MMirr l I'IIIIPr lllllh a ,.r .. po..ltlon, ('hlr f ,,, I Coronll "''' Mnr ""I oolh•·r Il l• lh•· • lollll•lllll•" • IIIIYf'll•··l "lo:"'" M•·r· Ill .. Nlo k .. ll ... 11 •• "'"" 'rll ••·•llv trlljiCh ·····1•1,.111 '"'''llrff"d. H~' Rt hi~ hnmP nn :!3rd Rlrer t as;nin. '-Aid C.fl(•l l hr o;t;orlf'd to l'ollrl' Hn•l~k maon rl'p<ort~•l 11 t r1rlll w ""ttl l•l<>halolv r•~l"""' ul•·•·lllll: a• '' 1•"'"1 ,.f "'I""' llal l•ofo 1111'11"'' wll .. ro h•·r • 1 .. 111111K • '"'.:tot Mr• IAIIh IIAiol l M rhlld wu the victim or 8 sudol .. n hl'8r1 Ill· IRk•· hi• ho:tt ,, lhr· Hlth ~'""'' WlttJitl ('f)JIIl the rlty $1700 8 y<'l[r ... .tmiiH.I ... I"\' II,. I"' I .. ~. "' "'Ill•" '" ····:tr Nil\' I ""'1'1'""''" "" ...... ~ fllf' ''""' .... on .. unkro .. wro ..... ,n .. lournr•t ,,, ft ··rlllft In llf'YeraJ pl&cei. lno k :onrhoorn~o;l' hill hrnkf' 11 flr'l'!)l•ll••r mtunta m 1\ motor rop tht•rt• wnul•l llf• pr,.hololll\••• ~tllol 1111111or ,,.-;;y,, '• ""' ~ lloi14V mnnoiiiK ,./'t1 ~-.., "Y''' I It tlul(h"ll rf'l~trlf'tl n,..t , 88C• Pollee rl'Celvffi wnrd that :lly\'n• •hn(J nnd onrhnr•>rl 1 ho· rrnft '" Ttw 111111" •·annul •·ut thr IIJll'• •I Couno·1lm11r1 11 tl••n ••11'1!•·~1··<1 t II• Th•·n ''"'"!: ,,,,,,.. " Ito•· rtu•ll• "' • '' '""" l•·hrlo•·•l I••IHy "'"'.""'' thtr•l •l•·atr .. r httm• h!\11 rnuldrnlv takm 11l and ru11h· lh•· :•ro•/1 (nr "hrrh h•• h:od loN'n Hmot to 4!~ m1l"11 on th,. hll:h .. av m•tter ho• ro·fr11 .-1 •• l'oolwr !'1\tol lhaol lllfhl "' •111111: 1•· "1'1••11T I ll• '11or Y"lllll(at .. r •l.lwl(hl•·• ut Mr • ed.'Dr.~-~lolj(~·-·b;·. lhrrP uwk'r r r•-nt ...-onrllllnnll ...,.IJJ:Itln ...... "'''' m••t-u•lo•on• ·-··· ... ~·· .... ,. .......... , lllllll IH .. Ill 110•1 ,..,, Wllilllm Nl • lirll .,, H-1. u :.:· r·t lhf' Ala tion to thr fl!lhermrn'!lhnml' mooorm~o: or (J H HN•ol l''•lntl'd IIIII tlh&l If" t.kr th• 111811•1 "I' \llll S IJOI ,,,, T···~·l.t\' , ....... thou• In~ ...... , ... ,"' u ...... l .. ll\' ( •• , ..... M ....... ,.,..t ... bly uge txne I hut l hf' man. "ho m t'\'t'I,Vone In llrw"'lal Mflft'r W&8 llllllloinf'ol 81 thoritl.... I throt I om• ··W··· '":'~li''•·d· ~··;·~llha··~~~~, .. r':Whsji~~~~~~~l'" ... ~Y~Da,.!-,.,,...Mi(.~ ... ~,.... c•"~-... .....,...._ • ... ,... .&we:<=-: • ,r:=: ').,..] ,..__::=:::-~ >' ?!.:_ .,.. , c .. 1::1~• .,.. -::::=::;;::: pru!IK'•I away.• • Our1n~ tht' fpn ynn w hl<'h hr flshrd 11l Nt'"'l"'rl. H11rhor. Myt'n• bef'aml' wldt"ly k nnwn and llk,.oJ anrt nonl' rt'~entl'd lhP fnrndly in- 111111!' whl<h it was hi!! ru111tnm to ')lp W8!l UNITED SERVICE CAMPAIGN Gm -UIDER ·wAY nying trip tr1 thf' Ha r bor to N'pla in ctctnils of th£' nalicma l and stair •·ampaigns to rai~· funrls fo r thl' <'ntN1stinrn•'flt Eddl•e Offe•Jey and r•'<TPation nf th1• national d Pff"'n )';(' fort'f's w h il•• on h·avc. I · pa:aarn111n I' A l'lllm,.r in1Nt·1 -- I Hooks 24-pound dur,..l lh•· ~fii':Jk,.r. nnrl •·xplt~in"'l rl"ttlry. lf11rry A F:Arn~thnw , halr• I hill J)<•f'olll'•' II( lho• f'hllrOt'lf'r of man publao lty. T S d 1!11• f:ovnr,.d lr>rallly n ~lll'l'lnl A minimum <JII~'>I~t Jfor th• Har· I una un ay I ro ~pon,llollll) '"" alr~•;uly 111'\'0h'f'(l h<·r ·l>lslrlrt ,.,, S2 OII(J WllJO ..... fout • IIJ.On lho· r romm11n11y m ronnN'tion ,,f whlrh thr •hulk .. r thr rund• will Onf' of the angllrur pri7P.f' of th,. "'th \a<ll roro: lr11m thl' vnnnu' br """~''"' t'l l'rraling 1,.rm~ni'!Dt hnh•llly Wffkend wiL~ thr 2•·potmtl lonny n:ovy nn!1 n1r fnrr•• un11~ lor at rru lhl tf'« r11r tt1., , 11t .. rla!D· l.a•h "' "' .'#"''"· whn 11rrtv,.;t toor " vl•ll 111 "'" Nh 11"11 IOtiJII" lh• •I• v t .. ~t .. r•• fo:•rlf'< '"'' r 11 h .. thr m o • t ""''"•rnlt· "'~ llol Kffll4r ••f thr -· ~··u 111 ltlo· lfatt .. ,r l •l•l rlt-1 Ia th-. ~1n11t '"'ll•·fll ,,,...,,.rt hn•l1r11 and ...... I 2 2 ...... .__ , .. ,..f lfflr hnr ttr"nrn flf lllf• Uranrw (•mmty AMIIIflllli'P l"'lla"lf! whic-h will "" hrl•l W•~tnrllflllv, J uly 18UI, "' I I' rn . In th .. 1.111 .. 1•1" tlom• ru u "I I V Alt~••dttll~tn, ('halthlfiJIM, will I'" ''' ,,,. fM1 r 1"1'''1 In "'~'"' "'" ll•tYII' A 1.1 IIIMJI'IIIr t" llu~ll· ~ 14/ll•l n •• w I If' hill 11t rtrlrol unolt"r t h 4t II••W ""' 'hll•o" r t••lhlll~ •ll•t~hf ""~''" ··~ ,,, lhf' ..... "' A .. llltlnt"e I,,,,, "1'1"1"" ,,, •·•· "....,.~""''''" ''""''"'hrnll< h at C~ll ....... ' ,.,,,,,,., ~ fit ~.,, .. ,.,,,.., )o(h,. li!f~tl • , ,1 1 h•· 1/'lrl 1,,,1 ,.,.v~rnl (tr ,. , , "' k I :r11rr"l • lonlrmrHI In r harllfll nl , '" 111 1,.., h•n•l rurtf 111111 1111,. "'"'"' """''II''"'""'~ Ia Mrrt J ohn Parke' ,,, 1.1•1" '""' In !Vhlltlrlfl t., th., '"I Ito" •hlt.t 11'~1 1'' fir•· 11'"111 '"'111 •t1 .. 1o1,;y .. r lnt rt~:ulntt 11tylf'11 In the tit' I•'"' "1" ''''""''''1 ,,,,,,.~ tJu.t•tt•n ,.,.hlt•t1 th~'r,. will M both "I 1••1•1 Y"" n••l lll .. f•r•• l h•t~· Ill• ''''" I lor , II IIo! rtf!!'~·; TTrim•·• 1 ""'''"I '"''' ""'I Inn hrlo!Je _.li .,. . ..,,. •,,11t "I •ll•ln'l ~ 1 •I 11 · t · 1•1 l1<·11 t"r ""''II lllltlf' lndlcatiDC ,.. ,,.·,m• •I "'" y,.110~:111,., llor •• 141•· •ar••m whlr h th,. affalr "M v '"""" , nowllt fir•· /rnn• 11,.. will ,,.. ~I "IC*'•I 111 l hf' rrJoort Iodate thing f'LW l.y .. llnwfin I una IAnf!Pd 1\hn•n•l n u ... I "II rwl H' dill) Will mrrNlf;l' m~·nt llllrl lOilVf'nlf'Df"f' ,, Vlllitl"« F.•lollr Off,.rl~'y'll bot\1 . lhP Ool-Ill m.o..:nitwl•• n• tho• na1111n ~""''"~" tnrmtlf'nl 11f tho• a.i-nwd fof"l ''"· Leaving rh•n whlrh I'J'f'r&lf'll At! A m,.m. mto lh•· full m•·;a~urr of rtr frn<(r A hhl1. r·;rmp:tllo.'TI 1,1 r.11.,.. the Arrl'•tUng to h,t'r r!'fOigTlatlnn I bf'r nf t hf' Ralbna Ftllhlnr: fi1rtt. e~:Tlli7 .. 1110ll. (lrnrt~Wilhnut t·Qt! lo ltlf' rornmun. h•lrnln~:;.~>¥r~,.• ...ut 1n Ji••r11 •· Mr11 '''"1 4" l""'"" ll•v,. 1-n r.aervl!d IIAIIh ,...,,..rt,.<t lh,. • latltl acrrametl 1 hy 1•~'"'1" l'flth1111hurta tfum the city llbruy board. 1 Tuna ,_,.M reported by Cliff Yon Wtlh rh,. ~Nl nn<l rarN'I~Ion r,r 11y wn~ (Qnnulnrrd. with thf' tol• Mrs. J t'lll!lt' R Jolllyn II' gnlnJ Kf'nnl'l to hftvr heen lantll'd 0\'•·r \'r lo•non rnmpnif;!Tl"N th" H11rhor lowmg f'Xf'('1lf1Yc• rommlll•>f' In ~ to !""0YP rrnm thll' rlty nur· I lht' Wf'C'krnrt by a m~Jorlty nf 1~1' (·nmmllll'f' \\ llhm 11 rrw m inoalf''--ran~:r !J!;tnrl.o: W!Lltcr s. SJ)kltr . lnJ;:" the year .. that llhf' hu trollln~r boata at !'cwport Har-.Junnl'tl.Ja.szr·ru·rnl fftmmlltflt•, "'1th ,.; 1 . .M••~·. f.·,.01"" finm.....,, hei.on a rellldt'nl of the H". rhor . I bnr BonitA (>( e:xrrllrnt 1117.(' hll\'(' lhf' roll<tWing rofflt'l'l"< uqnnlmnu~-·'•·hn Allrrl. n r:Mr n Flnch. and Olatrlrt ~h" ha.~ hf'l'n irtlvf' All!o J~tArtf'd In run, Von Kf'niiPI I~· f'll'('tf'fi P A l 'nlmo•r l'hillr· Thr'() Rntrtn~ In o•gsnlutlnn8 llnrt r 1 vIr Mlrl totflly. Rrnught Jn nvf'r the m&!1. A I! Rnu~tliPlt,. r ha(rmM I A ftnal mn'" m""t lnK I'll all wnrk. and t ht're •111 be-mllny ,_,,.,.,k~nll ~A·e~ bonita ••elghlng up flnllllrf' rnmmltll'r, .l .. hn F. R"''· work,.,... w111 hi-'"h,.td 8 t " Jundt· aon-y to w e her dtpart , to ten pounds l l.,lr. tr,.uurer . Harry Welch. _.. ron """' Thf'llday, J~Jy 15, .I .. .• ""''' r Mo~ IJ·~h tror,krtl ~out In AhKIIl"tlllrtll Into ll11t nt hllnd• fr'lllt hut 'lolll•l fir •I "" ,. I ft I .. ""ffl'' lql•ll(f'. v riPJ'lll Will hfo three wll• ,, ;-'lUI" lot••l ho•No lwrnr•l, 11a ~~~~.-"''''"" •l•t~•r Jlr i7A'JI to ~ award· !l·f•l 11• r'lll11 11111 11\rf'~t. nnot ttHtt , ... ( •lur~n-. til" Jlr'il",..m._ hllol'l,..,.n ol•.nr rovt"r ,. 1tay ,,..,,.,.,. • •--- Mr "!''I Mr11 Nl!•k••ll lut•l '"'"!"'I ')'lor lol~turv ••f llbf'rty ta a ha.. r!lfiYIIIJC IIINI ......... -,,,,,. 1111 2 Mllll· lory "' llm ltl\tllollll () f cove,.. 71111 lt~~r,.,.t ••• .th .. lr pr!'ll<•nt lu-I "'""""' JlfiWrr, nut thf' ln<'re&M of • •tt••n ''" Rrn•tfway •ntl w,.,.. OVf'r lt. Wu11drnw WIIIIOI"' . ( ... • .• • .._,._ -Balboa Yat-ht r Club Holds Gala Uolidly Festivities Over. -F'oua:tl~ I • IEIE'S OlE SIEIOGIIPHEI WHO'S .. IOIIG -,yo TEU Til IOS$.1BOUT . TIIS SALE! ' . Partial Liilt of Nationally Known Supplies Offered In This Removal Sale -·· - All OFFICE SUPPLIES • REDUCED Typewriter Ribbon~ 4!k !lllmeotiral!h Stencils, each 15e Mimeograph Stencils, Box -$2.80 India Inks Paper Clip~~ Penal! Eraaers 25c 2 boxes 15c 3 for 5t· Type'ti'Titer 'Erasers 2 for 7 r Index Alphabetical Guides-$1.00 ~ :=::: ~!IDC ~ Type eantrs lnci!!X Tabs File Guides 2 boxei! feu: 25c 92c Gummed ReinforcemeniJ! • 16<- Jfu. Steno. Notebooks 2 for ' DURING OUR BIG -R-EMOVAL SALE .. • NEWNR;! A 'BALII04 . . '. Vr:-wmt " , ='"~''IVJI<'rt n('arh h!\VI' m.-...·M 1nt,.,....,..,u t trelr t.lr-1111. homr nn Nf'"''J'M't ROll• I. 1:"""~'"11~ T'"lk~·; :\1~. t..ru• w\11 r nntlnur "" OrAl llrlf•,.hflt'~!l. etr . mil)' t:.t•tf' AR""' In thf'lr Nf'>'llJOr'l f'n•lll t>ut '""" ,crNlt """"' ,,tfkf',' , tn.:t nn ' IT'\'IIlfo:' · Tht whrld•s News Sun ·nlrough Tmr·CitiUS'I'IAN S€JENCE MONITOR · !'"" l rrlrtPIDiiottai DoJily .~·f.J4upaptr­~-.t ~1 THE Cli.I5TU.N K lr.Sc'l rUILI~!IISC Jqe!n'Y • "' OM. s .... _, !\-!'"', ~"": M•...,,_., .. Tr.thf~i-UniM -t-F,.. fr-5.Neri<MIII· . • ,._-&titari•l• A. ... Ti .... y •nd J.,......-ri¥. 1111d J• D•it, ........._ T ........ wilh dw W:"kl, M• .. r.i:.·• s-.ao., M.a .. .._._ _ r•al row .d.. H-. · NE~~T~S~_· -· 2208 West' Central ,Ave. N e11·port Beach · 11.00 • M-'"-·-.....::_-t-jl:_a~~~~~~~~;;-:.~ ~ri-. 11..60. Y-. "e- M• CII&UinAN ICIESC.: ll&AifiNO &oOII Ill EM n.tr.a A ... • . Telephone: .12 .or 13 ....... c.ar ...... • • ' . 25 • ., ·. NEWPORT BALBOA ~'S-TIMF.S, Newport BNch. Callfomla, n u-;."nAY. Jl l .\' R 1!)41.~ City's Major Disaster, Relief , __ 1 , Yacht, Invader Is Reported Sold; Set-Up,t>empsey Asks Lease I I r Conclave I PuBLIC NoTJCES ALIA!"> 1fu MMONS NO lQllJ THE ft UPrtH OA C'O AT or T1>1t: CLASSIJI"ED ADVERTISING r I -' Rl'Or~lzallon of l ~ ~ ·city" a I ~aylllf" C'lly En,lnt't·r n l-r'attfl'r80n OLMJ~lu antJ Rthfi'C plan to• to'tre .,,."' Cttit'f fra nk told t hr <'tmnr H Monday mght hi' conilucl•'<l Monday mumln1 C¥ker, ch.Ynnan: AJiaillt.ant Chlrl hatl bc-t'n anfurmr<l by Harbt•r Mayor Irvin Gfl'o:lt~' Oonion Jan Un.-oe-. alternate. I ~lat.llh'r T K l~llh'h<ry M tht' rt•. I T4Tt: 0 1 L4l.H QfH•14 IN AND l OR THL CO NTY Of" ORANGE Attton brought "' thr Swu~'"'' ('"f\u•t (\f tht l t'U•ttv ,,, o, ,.,, •• , """ < '>''' ~~41tnt •~••lt ·~· th,. Otr•,• of th• \ •••• Of U \f' 'u&'f"• ltH \ OWf t .~f •.tid f. ('U tt\,- PhoDe l% or 1S ·REIT -BUY. -.SELL . commiltHmen 'and c-. Water anu Wat.-r Supply porte,! IIIli I' nf tht• pa.lat hll yaN1l. and appolntmg 11 e w I <"haannan. R. L.. Patleraun, watt'r luvadt>r. own.-d hy thf' ~'a•t .~dul· to JM>&la v.·hkb have bHn aupoonnlt>rxknt, altt>rnate. J ob n l lin~<: E~lllh' a nd •h•· N>unral au· ~lnce onpnal ap111.>Uit · Wc llallan . 1tb(ll"iud nnnrc-ht' ..enL"t the rtnt Wl'rt' m aut' by former 1 H ~t rf"C't ch&l~. Strl'et Su· now du<'. totaling $1:.!0 Harry Wllllanuun l lwrant.·n.Wnt Juhn S t.-gel; altfl'r. . I'Rtlf'rllon. 11lat••d thf' rl'port wa.~ , who u mayor, a.uum.ea nat.f'. BUI ('(>\'t'rt.. , 1 thst thr ln\'lhlt'r v.•touki boa aatled ~x~fM»lllon an dUIII.IIl t r J... _ltedk~ .J!!alth a IJ"'d &1!11.1., to tbe F:a.at <"Nut. ln ev .. ntuallt y ' relit ! nJ1:tLillzaLJon. namt't.l tattoo rbal.ruuln. O r Conlon )I of lhr <'&nCrllalt<>n uf thr lnvadt•r'a Commbaloner Ro\ll'rt Allt'n I C.run,ty , all<'rnatfl'a, Or. Conrad h.>n.t!<· "" lh•· •·tty ''"'"k• rt't'<'n\l,y vit~fi'-C'b,rJrma.n and Counr llman H.il'hlfl'r and Dr Ralpb () Hoard, <'OIU!Irur tf'tl fpr mooring lhl' bug<~~ u altt'tllll.t;.-vk<'-j J Secl'aaltlf'a of Ufr cha irman., rratt. a ,.,..,. on the l1uc.k wu n·~ Cornmittet>f••tort' namt'd J ~ Rrowe; &lternatea Chllrlea quc-att'd fur the ~mpllf'y ya•·ht. : A-loteiUgtonce an <I I Way, Ohnr C&mp~ll. Gu.11 Tamp. i:l VIda. a '11~-fl)()t rrut~Wr r01.1ru.amlu<m. t•halrman, Chwf of lia. R. HodgkiiUIOn; aJt .. r-K StM-Iter cbalnn&n, C It): Rolnn d Thompson and Rob·l l1u11Jing ln11~t•1r A.. M. Nelllun. Gardne-r altemat.f'. 1':. 11. Wbltaoo. Three Slated To Leave For H Tranllportlatlnn, Thf'f'llorf' •· L Re.cuc.-C'halrman. Jo' W. ns: alternat .... ttarry Wrlrh. c rocku . .:tu .. r or U tuaving Dr· Army On 21st Communlratwn C'hairman. pttrtmtol: alttomatfl', Ju BrUIC'Oi'. • ... n~o~hl. chief local tfl'lf'phoo4." I ILUiatanl cblrf. ---• ourn•u•r : altuna.tN o u; HniUw. -M Rehabahtallnn chairman. Al-j Till\¥ men hn~·<' l:X't•n not if1ro West ern t'nton agent a,;d be-rt [)y{kma.n . altf'mate. M tl by S.•kot-ti\••· S..rvll"t' Board \71. to Fl ..... or tt\Q Am81e:ur: itrutl~ I Helen Bandel. l'l'por1 ror andurllnn into th<' a nny ..!.... _ _l N F'lna.oce 1 fUo<1 CTo.a 1 chair· on July 21!'1. Otlt>f ~<'r~ Andrrw Per11onnel rh~an.'""'Citnn 1 riliii.\."'I""~ttr,--Ctnnat.-, .Jolwl J<tThrko;on ~n s.ald today. r men an• commanc.le._r ol Amf'nl'a]l F.. Sa<.llt>lr. • Lurl1 or C•osln Ml"':ll 11ncl : aJ~rnatf'. Bot> Boy<1 ° Amf'fll'an R e o.l C r 0 8 8 1 Fr:mklin RiN<nrr nnrl G4-ofl:P Law and Order chaJrman, l'hamnan. <:iordO!' ~. ~~~~ aJ. JWntht>y Rtdd••ll, both ur l.aguftll of PoUce Hodgk~: aJ. t~rnat~. F:: 1 lanrr. •• • . !Wnrh • 1 ~,rull....,, BMillt..ant Cblel F r a n k · ..,.. -;_-. Awards to Be At Stake In World's Largest Small, Boat Event lnereaalng th~ n u m b ~ r o I a S~lal Committee from t bdr offn~d t.hla year for Uw CJia'll grnup to tJoo.t t~ flltry ll.t of the SDOWbirda at of Uw Slltth ADmal SDowblrd will reaAJl ID ra.:e. ...,.,...,v .. r~>•• awards betnll( at lllake Accercl1DJ to DT. MrKJbbrn thf' Aucuat lOth In the •·orld'a tarr;m mtna aa.t year t9Ulled ~. but "~I boat" regatta. u 1.11 up«ted to be lacreut'd thla AnDouncemerit of tbe ~rnae year. In the nu111,ber of tr~ fo~e It 1.11 811 "open" ennt. Enryone e-vat wu made t.hl• wH1L wtul a 8noWblnS Ia ln"tted to ..,. following a lt'aalon hcl. d by J M.. ~ Wtt.h OWT 100 8nowb6rdll on Wet.t~r. Dr. Paul S. McKibbro Ute "Ray -11bwJ4 euily haw aDd ll.ark A.. 'lkaly W!lo U'f' tn ocw ~ llt.ut6w 1n the race charge o I ar~emftlta. T b e awwda lnel~ both trophjes~and medala. Building -Permits __ :---.. STATE GUARD NOW HAS OFFICERS TRAINING ~SCHOOL nw Ne._'.pon Harbor unit of the State Guard no-• hu AD otrk era training •bool. and the -1on held lhla wfek at t b e Boomer Building found an n <'elled tdm- out. Every man apparen~ anak11aa. t o ~am a ('om mission. l'rfm.ary pu~ of ttw ..._,. .. to lnatruct and· train P.a rdlmen In le&Mrablp &Ad procedure to Wl- conr lholle mo.t capable or be. ('Om\ng troop otrlcera Oa the blg working rOUlmltt~ wtlkb carria out the «Tnt race. ID addiUon to the three members N&Wi"'86 ~~........ viaitora happy ~ Wayht' you think ol tbe Elt~tlv~ Board. J . M. I ........_ ,.....~ ao, but what do your Wf'l'k-end Wet.ter, DT. McKibben and Mark 1130 3411 ~ glJt'8tJI •:r about you wben tb~y Healy, are 0 . K. Grtenfl', Leon 8 1931 311 D tet back t o town on Monday "-a", K B. Grandin. Wallet" 1132 30'7 _ 241,1101 mor~~lo~! It ynu want t o find Lewta. Harry B. 8\-art. J W . 1933 2'1113 231.549 out ilolv you rat~ u a hOld. an- CoDdon, W . A.. ~rta. Fred Due-1934 ~ ------2!5,074 P~Pr t.ha novel quutlooalre by llett. DorraDee M<Oure. Mra. R . 1135 40.1 -----417.440 Jladltb T. Cbue. well-known q~o~lz II. AlJft. J . A. Bftk. 'lbomu E . 1131 S23 ..,.,_ upert. in The ~~rican WHkly. Boudwy .. n-aak W. O'ock~r and UDT 513 -.mo the m&JUlne'dt.tnbule.d with nat Harry W~ldl. lml 541 ------111,137 tnoek'a LOS ANO~ IOCAM- ' Otheq belptng tn the procram 1d 5.:2 -----· Ml,Te lJII£R...1.Adv. and MrYin~t u Hono·a rv memben lftP 5Q...._. . .. _ -1,0.0,122 -------- of Uw Ce~raJ CommittH a r ~ "Skip" W~n. Bob Rwrkaurt. lMl Harry Ctoc:ker. M, S Robi.n110n. Jan. .. _. 31 -·-·--··-.. ·-84. !"llliam Cteakbaum. A. B. RoWJ-Ffob. __ 41 ------.. ·-77,1!10 nDE TABLE an~. W. R &-hroetter. "j:~pl«''l Mar ..... 48 . 1()(,729! W 9 10 00 ..-.-u. Keont HJtchi'OC'tt. w. c. April ...... 54.-:._ ____ .. ,_ 111.195 4 4 8awyu. Frank J. T'aylnr, ('har-1May . . 26 .. - _ -·-1~7.188 1 1" 10 10'43 ,JUNE JULY 3 41 1 3 4:23 W. F. Croeby I F II 11 ·28 lotte W. Cue, &tty l"'fl'nln &Ad I June 67 166.888 4 4 J~mlor Skipper-. -.:W b~lc.d TJUl_ '"'-_J690=~:.=..t-;l ::---=-:--,.,.;.4.4 l'a :t Newport -Balboa NEWS -TIMES PHOSJ:S 1~ a 11 Oo...t T TALK. IO PAPA A t30UT -"'NCtSTo RS WHATEVER Su 13 PAPA HAD A MAI\J LOOK OP OUR ANCESTORS •• 0•22 I 1 :'1:04 0.1 !H1 -0.3 G 2:'1 0.3 7 :08 Stnr," "'""' nuhtanch n.: hlif\JN'!i at n n'<'c•nt l'dttorml f'OO\'i•nlllm at Stanfnn1. u ·ukt. roliM"tnr or .-ua· toms in Snn Ptnncl~'n. h~nd~ up ttw lltlltl' ll~illtirnt ol JMthJI!IhN-1. l..i• twr. 001' of lb<' SJM"Bkf'l'!!, ella• rull-t lhl' "PI••IlM' Oon't Print Thnt !" problrm. Nl'nrly u hundn'd plthli~h<'rs a nd nl'wll t'lU't.'Ui iV('jiJ at- Courttcy Pabro Paantll. CEIItTIF"ICATE OF P E lit a 0 N TRANSACTING BUSINEtS I.INOEIIt FICTITIOUS NAME AMEN ~o-rM~T! MA~~ Mi: A "'NG E~ W IT~ V'4tN<itS A S ~(1 A"S ·~t S- 1 WANNA ~-~~~b ~t-4 94~6E.5T 1/oiiNw~ VA GOI I I R E AL Es~ATE ·---------~ F,,,~ SAL E ., MusiCAL I N&TRUMENTe K NA8. 0"AND JY•I llu -fer .. ,. c ....... DAN a 1eGHMIQ.T ~IANO CO • YO .... ltlel" ... , ._,. .. ""•· \IICTO" "aCO"De. FOI -SILE lt-r .... c. l·n. (hram MI--. hrnt Ku....,.out. t ''""'*'1•1) flnl..aw.d ., ..... , '"' ln•laUa· u ... ot .... 1-. -"""~" ~•:"·-tta. SMrr .._.. Ia t~ \\alrr. --.... _-_ 4 f')lln4rr ~l•c _,.. I..... Mart-f;qt-. ,....., ...... l.tal ..... I• ......... '- \\'Ill w ll 1'0111 for tna ..... lnu1W'IIIatrl)' . 1. "· Run:• lt!l r.. (._ ...... .. .............. , ...... . T H t M AN F-CUNv ruT T("f" ""UC.t1 AND p ...,_PA 11A ~ T O P A.Y rl ~ ~ii M C N [ Y I N•\'JNA 11€ ,,.. l tr.:''->T . F,tO() 10 f '-'1 .Jo (~u..,"f".,_(. w ()QL(). 1 r ~ (, l)f\TC f o f LY L.l t(t l •ND)' r., 17 "I HAT~ WH"'' ! 1-iO~£ 1Q ~P~r rofll ~Al l: •••••'"· M•t.J w-• ., ... bt• for ,.a•d•l•••• ............. "· or ent•ll f\u elnMI ... I WII,LI4MION • WIL "lAMSON I ,..,,,. rn _.,bn• rot 1:. c..otrel ... ~. WA""frO -'tO •wy••• ••• PWJ'C .. IW ..., hnmMII••· IO< tiO dow,. e nd t tO IM'' ntt.trtth . .,..... tnt•r·~" C)n "'•• ••4 at••M.cPnte O.'od eeu. •• ,., •. ••«•,•c.a..t.¥. v"" "'•v ...... t ...... '-•tf •c ,_.. for lftO nr ert t h te •••• _. • .,. N • M Q C f\Am .._,. el f >CIO ...... port ••vd . C....a M•••· tn c.h•'•• nf ttqv•d.tttnn .. ,. nr e.-rotntftW'nt. Pt\one ,..,_ peort tOO eo\ U<- REAL E sTATE F o R R ENT ~ ~ ....... Uai.O ~IANO -I• .. all .. ...... coftdll>•fi OAN:t ICHitllDT r tANO CO, W N•. Meln .._ l ente Ane \IICTO" .. a CO"De. ....... --ll'tNI:TT,& ,.IANO t o I e _.a. .-..,ooooMM .._..Mt tttt. ~ , ........................... ~ ... ..;,,. • .. P.r "'•"'" •• wttl .-.... 'bANZ ICHitiiOT P.IA ... O CO., YO Na. Met" tc . a.,.,. A.... VICTOR fiiiCoOfiiOa.. • ... .... 8r4UTI,.UL ACCOftDION-..._ .............. _. ...... _.. •' etl lolnll., .,...,.,..,, tr_,.,..,. ... . , ............ ._..... ··-· ·~ . ,..,, "'•""· 0 AN :r ICHMIDT , Ofll fill. NT w. -;;;;. • .;~I·· ~ ...... 0 co .. .., ........... .... ..... ,., ...... tcttM waeo..-;-- 41-tta. "V~m e • ._\ f(Ont h~vM av••l•b._ ,.,,. , .... '• ........ , •• .aft .. .. ~··· ...................... ... Pot-• l l .. ••'" Offlu ~- 1110 .. -... - ,.0 .. IIUfNT & -,_ f11nolot!M ·~·•-"• IUfo, Ou-t> ,.,._,, ....... ,, ....... ·-...... . .. u.... ............ .. ... . ""''" .. -· M .LU-HOft tiiUtiC CO.,, .. W ... *" .... ._ .. "'-· ..... P"O" ~l.a-Gtr'l'o alc~le. C... ... .... ~. --.. -.w .... -Ocluf'l ··-· - HOUSEWIVES I L_..-',_-......... ..,._ _.. ................ .... ......... .._ -..... _... ~ ...... _ ...... - w~ ....... -...... - w. c:.M,.I Aw .• ,.., ,,,.. • p _. -wtu .-r -_... • • ,._.. fer ......... P'-... -----.................... n.. ........ ..... -·~~-...-----"­...... fer··-ell I liP• ........... ~ Business and Professional Directory ltK. UAI.I'II U. IIOARD 1'1--· ..... ,...,, ... ftaltw.a Inn .\,......, II&IIMa "', ............... . Ofn.-. JOT 2!111111 flltrwt Nrwpnrt ,._.._. H-ra: IO·lt a. lB. a J ·l p. a. l.,_.ra Ofnn.t IU: ...... , •. 6 • Or. Onrdoa II. OruadJ n, ........ ~~er..- N-...,rt..._. .......... f '8traf A..._ at NlaG ()fn.,e ,. .... : 10.11 a.a.; •.• ..- TI!IetJII••• n . I ROY'S BARBEa·SBOP FonneriJ et 8albo8 blud !tfOW..._... .. _ ............... N.., PW Jatr-.- ~ .... DR. D. E. 8TAW..D Dt:NTJ8T flllO"'J ft.al4tRtr ....... l.f'..ROY P. ANDERSON -AW.MIIf&l' IW LA.W c..&all-~ ......... Pllloeadl (:-ta .. _ c.lllortlla P. V. ~ARKt:8 W*' hr · ,..... · z.p..,. 21CY.l ~an Front. Newflort &apwt8wt.WaW.• .......... o.w raaa .. ~0.._ ......... ALL WORK OUAJ\A.N'ia:D Oriental 1"1ramr~-r _, '1 ....... . t:.:~W:.C .. ......... ...... . ..... __ .. I • --r-- NEWPORT B~CH I ... ~ C9ST.A MESA -~ALBOA ,.. Newport Harbor Folk Participate In Gala Fourth of July Events • IS ~ - ·ad verti-sj_ng, A Jot ha.s been tlslng. ? But .the whole fact ln a nutsh<-11 is -a<Wert.Jslng is Simply a a~M\'f"r. It saws time for the man or woman_ who wants to buy sortl('thing-.,nd for the store or fact~ with som('thing to sell. .. And like most time-savt'~. it'~ a money-saver too. Newport Balboa NEWS -·TJ ME S "D~Y .._; •• ~ LE@Eil .. tile IaUre llarbor Area" NEWPOR:r BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. Newport .a.m. CallfomJa. TUESDAY,'JULY 8, 1941. ·THE ! Sport Dance ~na Official Y oun1er Set Season -·c Betty Adams Phones 12 and 13) Exqui!Sile DeooratiYe L!:~l'l",-c•t. M~t· ..,-...,-,f. !ft" :Ctff+i' "";;;~,,,r1 •nl Hl'ndt rs 1nd 11 J ~I r 1\1\•) M r~ \\' ·•lt••r ll:"·••mfln ~•lrrnw tlf uUllty storaae apace at the bot 1\( l'o11f11 ~,,._.,. hn\·f'A ll"l'•'•l ,,, 1 .11~ Halboft atlrnolrol thp formal tom for ataple foods th1t rcqUir<' A OJ:<"f""!l _, j"'~ "Nkllng or' Moil!! ftoberta Tuthill no nfriJeration. • ~lr ""'' ~In• I ~ H l'"lll.:hl'n llntl Jamt'll J111r~r in J:;llJllll ~na The ek-ctric ran1e Will be h·u~·h "''"'f'.l ,.nrly 1, 1~ "1 ··k 1, l'atur<J-.y 1 equipPed with ftuore~nt h~tht· in« ahed from 1lim modern tubes t .. • An,J:••I•'• ~l r nn•l ~lr!l \\' P. - ---It will have a ftve-apet'd ndlall· ~~~ k•·ll h111·~ ruro hn:l"'l th.-l'au~o:h· • auv•AI IELLEAI tu~ unit and insulated ovt'n. It rnba~h prolJ"'rl~· .OAAOWEAI LENDERS will abo hav~ a cookm.utl'r for !\1'1.•• Rrtty. T1yo·k m~n !lf"'nl tho • IM~ATANT NOTICE I · • automatJc timinJ 10 that I ~an \\~rr,rnol \\llh ho•r pl\rl'nt' ~lr.an.l ....... ~Of tiM CellfoMia Civil pop the food In, set the hmcor. :\tr" All•<'rt PwkmAn .. r n.,1tw,,. e.-~,....,,.... on u l• Of and 10 out fo-r th~ -.fternoon without a WOrTJ In the world. !\ r;< .Al•to~· ::::hrr llll·l •lauJ'!(It,.r ~Mttol -r1t•t" of .,.,.,,_ Then wUJ ~ ample~pboard At VI.• 1•f ~an 1111'1:•' a rt· .. IWn•hnJO! · ·.. '-,.,_.UDULENT •"d 811 ~ with JT11duated ahelvea to lh•·•r ~umm7.= 'fl•'llt•m '"'" lfrfl ··..:. ~ or lel\de,.. to 1M liable .eliminate mfUY atackinl ofri.pa~M J:l.ttor )':t,u'\ k . !lt,.to•r ,,f !\lr,. ~ltft I fer tiM *MI of .. ,,.,.. or IN•· and unc:omfortabl~ atoopin• to In ~rwr~~rt nt'n.-h _.. ;,." ow"t Of fellw,._ .. .n~ th~m. Th~ poll and Pln' Ml:t.• P••mthy Pnun••·y hu •lr-1 _,.. ""~ pwlllloll Notl~ of'"· tlWmHlves willlle atainiHS. dur- f'llr1 "'' rtor 01lklllnd tc> I'JlC'IHl " l"'r1 ...,.._ f"o .. II or to .. r.._ .. a~ and abaped for practical or lwr .trumrocor \'&1'1\tiOO. 1 ,.._."" by t~ .trlct •lllk .. ,.. ~·dream ltJtchen will ~ the :\tr nn•l !\lr~~ F'n\nk Quillin Law ef '"1• Ita to. F'or cop)l · of 'belt that money can buy, tor· CORONA DEL MAR BALBOA ISLAND LIDO ISLE - Get Our Prices of your baslaeu + FRANK CURRAN LUMBER CO., Inc. • Every Wednesday Is , CHILDREN'S DAY .. '• • Everything Is 5c Until 6 P.M. All -Rides and All Cencessions Come On. Kids -Wednesday Is YOUR Day! BALBOA F'UN ZONE B 1i ?lJ/'1 .; -T., y ·''"~•·'··;tlf't" han· mn'\'t'•l from th~>lr llfll\rtmrn't I tM law, fvr11Mr '"'ormatlo" .,.,. ftWrbeat quality in' equipment n· Ill 21 t:t.." Ot·r nn F'ront AnoJ llrt' llllaMI ,.,_, odd,_ .._.. eelYirur liard, every-day, uw .t.-j lltayln~ In Lot AtlJ t'lea. · .,.._,~Ileac"-C:.llf. u , owr u;. ,..,........UU.t'ftOnOI'J\1. ..------------------~-----...1