HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-07-10 - Newport Balboa News Times, . L ,. I MR~. J. A. BEEK, Bo~ ~:s• ftiK ..- 41Jna to be cl-.n, tt.lr and lmputia1 an4 .(lwa to r.c:etve and retain popular wpport. 5 ................ .. VOLUME h "\\-., i • liOA PRESS AN INDIPDfDINT LOCAL NIWSPAPU .. VJIIQ THI INT1RI NIWPORT HARIOR DISTUCT ... NEwroaT su CH. 'CA~muftsoAV:-jua.v 10. lt .. ,f - ~~'''''-~ , Ill•: .. ttt: .. -4 .\ 11\"1 h lr ••• lJ•" ....... r"l''"'"' ,,.,.\ ••I •f' UJC ._,_, • • 1 1 ho• .A \ol .,,,..,,, Suuth \ •,,...1 J ••lll< I ~,,~,,,.,., ....... N\'Mtlt·:n 10 1., :£It-END \ liTION ... ====-- t ,STA *ESA Nl lMIIF.a U -~~-~ .z 8JUcl, ~--. .c lr·P-_rl·v-at--e p-·le-rs~Weekend Ct-lebration ....... ,~ ...... Gffl Marine~ Meet"" I Mui'IU.&Nit' ........ alrasu lA". . .t-. T -UHU One of Largest In •• .,. .... ..1!. Clii to AiTangt-Dt-tailti ••lt~=.:t .. ~-~:,n Mr ~~-~~-::.; S·S e s s men ----.-o , The PrMI dill-_. ---~ tJW' F. N k II •2 R By T. N. "BRICK" GAINU I . Harbor a Historv .. ~uJct&! ~--ol Uy Cltv of of··AII-n..•'\.• llike . ' IC' ..... l ....... tway. .. ..... • - Far t.he.bellUJJ, ul Ulf' !ollul who on Island to ~ !'lt-wport· ....... haY1q be.n ~., ' ~"'.·~.::_ .. :···~~~=~:to~~ Ga .Ins--Show ·:or . were w undt•rtng th~ rt'tt~t•n fot One nf the bt~""llt ln~pt"l1dt-~ awiriJICI -a --~ l!OIItraet to Girl Mal'inf't'10 <tf llit""1'<'f1 Ha tw that huge l lrpiJuw flytng 1-ovet Oayll_lll the htatory "' the Har~r publlah c:tty ... al malt.t by a bur ml'l Munday "''f'ulnec at Uw 1-nc~a, wtwn r ctr-._,am• l.fl Uw bay ~aat wt ek. this depart· 8 • L' • ' • t d duotnt·t wu ''"JOYNi thla year Wllh llrlllr\UnOUII ,. at lloaclay n~eht'll Scout hut at whlt'h flntr Uwy cc)jj, •. •nt.-d from • «TUUI ~ In t._""T8nl ---- muaeuantl. t'an l'Xplatn e\'t'rylhlllg all e I m I e oelebrallfl~ rMitlnUIIlt: y ndllnln· ('tty councU ....... pl~tl"CS arrat~t:t'llli!IIIS (ot a n all -day .. , I the Nit•lteU ... '""' llttloj, c·t ' G wt ash4'd frtHII Frttiay murnll\11 until The p,... ... ·-rded the ron-lllk<' next tfundtt)'. It lA plan!Md lflr . whn •wttaiMid •• ,.. •• ~ I y s ro s d ht and t11lrd ._,... burna. wu ru8h· That h ugt> plane. whtl'h brought un ay m.: . tract on the ...... ol ''-'b6d or 31 h l walk "'ln•und t 'JlJWr N•wpon ...J V t'\'l'rytxwty llllt or I \\'tth \'HI'KIIIIIl t'rm• a.~ ur ~.()('10 l enl.a per~ Utab for the hnt Uay, stud~'"" ,h .. I""'"'" elf "'" lnr ·::...::.:..~t Ana all<oY II< .-pta . . tht'tr !!lrlrt's and A rt>\'ulut wna ry plan whut'by to 7~.11('10 ('lt'f'l'Uflll AWKnlllng over IOAert1on &lid at e.ta a cohona land •net .,.·ater nr''" and r xplot\f\1 Ttl~> 11.-tr •ftnrtrd 111"' .,. \,tl'ut- hllltllf'll was the furtht>r C'On~trul'tton or pn\'atl' the beach on ra,·h or lht' t~ &nl'h for ..AI ,_t '-Uona tlw C'llrts •nd llllrnu&ndllll trrram ('Ll'llll4tt'Mit af:SD'IT · -• o"'" 11-a t'lty Itt ''"'""' l •oun· Chma Clipper. It I"'"''" on Balboa Is la nd w ould ~ ;.lay11. mf't'I.·Juwtll dtd a· "land urf1ce" '"'" onJy MW ...._, wu 'the Individual lunl'hr~ v..UI .,. 1•rov.,. tv" u. '"' klloo ........ , •• lAP .., .._. Vl8ttNl Nt'Wport vrubJblted by the d t )' wu propoll· bW11nt'AII, the m utrli'\pal .camp-Newport ..... p 1 Clni' Co., b)' N C'h ,,,, and -t .. n f'n mute. MenMn of Nn•·IK'rt llarbo>r A• """ Hn~ ... '""" ............ ~-·y Hsrbor ,. 8 • tnb-ed by Councilman &b 'AJJen at &round wu ftllf'd tu uvertlowlnll: which oft~ ........ the t-PI MILrjoon .. _H elma "'"" appointed 1\ltlta~ I.A.a•4" ar• llrranctl'\lf a A-•r J,.111.,. H .... l'• r _!"'"MW '·' 'X • ' ' ~ MnndH.)' mgt~t'11 rouncll mt't'tl~ and prllc.-t..tcally u ll ~~en~nal hornell hll\J<'efl for .a_.. a eehallan \pc-h (lffl<'t'r M Jlw P ay f,j, nut Mun · ''"•hlun aht•.,. and bn41r• .,..,...,,, >'""'"""'' ..,_.'f''ff-tt;--ot--ojH*'e+.7~:7~n~~~~:!!:',~~l!!m!!"~"!.,!tha~~t+.;~~·ct;:,r~e oc~:up1ed, lllKII)' fur lht' f ol'flt for ,..,_ fl-, __ .__ ....._.. ....___ •· tiny·~ 01,...ttnt; ,.,1,1 8 ,. ~IN-•• w urk ''' lw Mid a' I...Mk> lakt t•oUlmunllv 1 1 .. r: tJn • f<lr :;.....:;..---__..,., -f'f ~miUf'TIItl"•--oh.W.W. __ _,_~-U':.CIAti*lla,!l.-..ld.&lli4..,,.....-;;:,:':-.::'~l":':~·,".,';;:.:"rf;;'tr'h~"T1'1"'1J'>lltnf1tNyn'r.a-------:--:-------,.._---......, ~wu mullt tmpor-1 thf' Isla • 1 ---< · 18 atl.pi'OC'fN'clll v1 whH"I\ a,. ~I" "'" tant tlrugg"IAI In ltnn potnt · a• far u pn\'ate pten ttoru W!,t ne880-d the 11..--t.acu ar tlc'low thoee wtldl It ''Ill P"'P"'f' KH•I -•, r a ... alo.ld' IIH2 11,.. ,.1 ,.,.,.,. 11 "'na duh·k»f"d ] . . ·A· . B 11 l b.o a. an d a r,. ,·unt't'rnt'd, and tha t furtht'r flrt'work.t d1apiK)'8 prt'lk'lltl'd bolh 1,., many ,...,..... •ll"f'"r tu•uwtHIWnl ut th• M~tnn..,. tu ttw Hartw>r Ol•ln<'l 'tt Bnya' Aid thai '"'~In• ttl. 1,.~1 12 ruonthll .. eon' rna c~nder-o·nnstruC'tton w oqld mt'nltce remain· 1-'r uJay •nd &turr.Say ntt;h lil frulll <'r-·. Yullu" u~ tlonnrr arw will l'lubho~ wh M'h Ia Jlnt\n to. .,.. tho-•......-J _..111.,1 1,,. ,,, Newport . J. ;.. . •ll on , u .... .. .. 1... "'--"l"i'<'t.-d . at Anah.tm av•nw and mx balhmg beliches In that area. "'" ..,. "'"'' Jltt'r IIAIUIOa ~ t'O MEET ,.,. In chant« ut •ntrrtatnmrnL tlarbrlf r-l .-t•t• 10114! 1m.--· I II 1 .. t '"' lblboa fll"''«t In C••la M-O.n· ,~-·- One or the Cundt'f'llon's rlosest A su. A en 511 "' ur ..... er con.atruc-t-•lnt mea~ ol U. newry"""'-.,,.., C'hatrman ~ tho> •\o.ont 111 Mra "'""u .... •11•-n A «Ain of ..... pala optorattos• thst hu(!e ll htp He tlttll CJf prt\'ale ptua wo~ld be un· E c ·~ 'rt•·J OAf'~• Oowlt)' Harbor com · T • s d' t John Parlle oll.ldo• Tfll\ vv•~ th .. I'"'''""" Y•"r ~ wanted Don lu COJIII: lo Sun p~.,l uor t v uWIIt•rs o! lull! havmc no mergency ouncl J"'u'""I·.~·IOlnl. watll!· .. ~C:, ~rty ~-~~~~-. 0 nng yn ICa e ... 1' ............. .-.,--.... nv . .-. ~~" ...... ::,',',1,',,'",,',,111.~w"h"" .. ,...""""a·n":'.!:t". ro to gu through the rtVtr)l( hult'l Ill!)' fronlllJCt', Hll It would ·c.ut off • ..,.. ~ ...,.._. ....,. .,.._... ~·•• _.... ,... -~ .,.. _ but Don l'OUidn't J!'O, ~ Mnmmll lht'tr .. ntrKnt'es .to the bay. Sesst·on Called by W tlh • IJ. Warftll', Chlllrman of Bu s 'Invader' for fftf"ftl ............. ttl 11\.'10,120 ..... . C under11r..on Wl'nt tnst .. lld, snd t hen, 'JS Pteno oa blaDcl thl' board ot ~-'"''"a It'd · Jnhn p f'1atlt"'-wllo .._. """" d·o~~o·d hy t hi' <'•ounty •lfiJI l'e('Onla oD the way to New \'ork to take The councilman a<lded that there .:veaterday. The meeun, It to bt' " ~tunntl'd t-~• Onrnna •1 Mar "'"Y ' All ""'"r t'"'"'t'd r ltiu ol the up •• new' routt•. the sktpp~·r. n ew nvw are a pproxutl&lely 73 Mayor Gordon <;loeH ~ wttlt • pneral dill~ w ld Crul'ses whll• tna .... "' 44) nol~ an hour '"''""'Y \4'1lh IM ... \ ..... tl .. n ol hU· h d d ....... h t 'r·tiii"'IOn ot .-.:.-_.... • ..__ ""nl~'ll· lfl • tflll•t• yadlt l•rw»r, ,.-.... t'rt•l)tla-•lt•toroll--•on ............. , _..._• OVl'r Pre lln tJlt"'u 111 wongs a l!t'n ·lnJC Ute 270 lou wilh water u. .. _ • ._. ~v "" da rf.d u41 '" "' '"'~ ...... .-.. - Do'\ too. juat to say aoo'bye. 1 nmtagt', w hile there are 1200 In· Ilion Ia expect.ct to perform. Will· I. ..L &PPM ·lwfe-~ J • 4'd 111\oblltanl llll ltt<'ff"ll-.. a._w. • ''de lot owne,. whO altto an 'en-Mayor lrvm Ot!<lrl(<' Gordon on ler 8. _Spieler 1.1 loeal l'epr\'Mnla• Ca.fll &-tillhnl'• 136-fexrt topu.tl .....-n Oantn..r •net --f\llH)' tt.ac-h '""" St7t .tA."' an4 leu Monday callt'd a llf'<.'t't&l bualneu tlv-on .... _ ttv•-· ........... rd.. olll'.nM 1M hoonctr. luvader, wl\lt'h to C'tlar(ett of ~pentltW. a -ltor• [lf.tw•h wtt h •••i.K2'l, '"''"' t._ _ ... tttll't! t.o Ulle of the bayfront for ~ ... .., --.. _.. ........ , 1 "'~ net ,_, ....... ,.. ntHIIn" nr th~ Nt-wnnrt Hsrbor hall ~ n brrthf"<'t at N,. ... .,..,., H•r ...,. n • '*'•--_,._ a c111f.11 .... : .. ,, .......... ,. ... ,,.,,, ...__ ..... ----wantm ing pu~ "' ·-· ' ,~,._ __ ... · whU. iaader UN lnftuenN' or lntrut _.... ...-. ., ' ,_. -TID!aE Mayor lrvm Ceora-e Gordon ap· Emn«f'n<'y COU{Id l. pu~ .or Hr:II"Eft Ol£'1'8 'IIIII&T bor . ~1w• !~ember, lMO. hu Kallta Ana tu u~ the ,,..._ Add to little-known ract.~· Paul l"'"'tl'd Counctlmen Allt'n and J im whlc.-11 Willi tn dttK'U8H &ellt'ral a "!' ~ven mt.enl&__;.. farMd Ylo· t!Hn Jl!\'rt'hat!ed b)' Toun, Inc •• ot 1 "".._ He W8UI JWt>f'l • 11ft clll¥ •nil• mark Zlmmtrman. 1portJ1 t'ditor or thl' Hr••"-'ll and Ctty Engmeer R. L. ran«e•n•'l'." a nd prv<:Pd u re tn thl' h nll!ta ~·~~ the •.-ct Loe A~elf"8, tlw rM'W ('WfW'r& tall· .,.ncll!d jail -.tenc. alld tttwd MO. s ..... po•rt '""•~'h ..-honl a.trtrt L. A. Tlmea. 111 ,·ac.:attumng on ''"t h·r~n l•> '"''eiii.Jgate the sltua· 1'\'ertl •)f ma}c•r tluw"t"r ur other I laws and even U..J _.....,they art' ona ~*lun Uu• wtodl AC'bed-Ierma ol UW aUII~ Nnlf'nN' "'"'' at~o.~Y~t>d 11n tr..-~.,. t11 .-. Balboa Illland And nr•ll" q111C'k o•sta~tronhe · ' vied tu boo u•-n' .... aa an ...... _. ~ .. tllllat W ablltaln f"'"' tft· -• , lt••IIC\n ot ••-".'""'', "--"• "''Ill comt' t>qually-wdl-know n AI ctl The C'(tlln&·tl, "'htrh ,., ht'adt'd by t ruffle court. '""" r•rjol"'' llhop, lhr ,__"-"" Oll "' -.-~ or _, y.af"' M,.." ,.. h•~•l dl•tno•t .,_.ric a • ,. ' .• 11on 11 net-rt'purt baC'k to lht' C'oun-,. • ftught muet face ~ mualc In 1 .-""' -~·~ t b t l l'--f t "" -........ '""' ,._.. Wolfe. a ~At! fmm Ut• ~<~~rts dept.1 1 M~tyor ~rdlln, na,·e \'li'I'·C'It:atrmf'n S udl ., .. the plaMI uuth Ulat wurk.tnj& lbA:u "'u and ~NI Flatbn. who NIOiul a hoard u... •••n u1 $11111 ~ Tw-•nt.J·fwr Or- of that papuh. wf' h(tf\(' AI An · A-au.. SP"f'd ("oa•rol Hulw-rl Allrn and U 01\'d C'l><lre a nd I was bruqht llome .. Jutda Hel· f~tre. tht• In' alkt wa• alated tO ~-Z.hMe, wu ._ponaa, afllrl' rntnrty ,....hrw>t ct.tnrlll....,.,. cknon. the F"un Ztmt-nu•n. "".,0111 "lh·ath Boule\'a rd" a t Coror111 ,. further e·•ltnJlo•lif"d o r th• fcoll(•w · ft't:t. H&dlor ~*ad hektenl, who ~"II fnr """''"" thl• w"'ll but wu "f'nlf'rt.a.lntna" a party nt tt.t-.cl dl'c-,_... lfl --d ...-Uoa to ha\'f' w n t'\'Pryplnre AI C'an ol• I Mar u~atn came up !cor dUI· nf( r ommlltN!!! u .d C'ommtllf'4'men. wa.oc s l'fttllad JIIICIIIdll' !lOOn by Of· &alk!rtedl)' pno\'t'nted from do4ajf 110 tn..nda wtwa tM ~ tell you Iota of thlng11 a bout Ahu-j ~'Ull'~tlln At the meet..tnr f~lt.owln& :h• ''"'' o11 mf"d tM'IniC' ctuurm•n. fi . K W OortDn 11M! ~ by lut-mtnute 14-cal 41Uku~Uea. Tw• w•rw ...nouaty InJured AI'Pt:Al..tc_._.M ... NU C'A8 ka ... OarTf'l Kang, l ht' 1-'tllhu-' rt'Ce lpt of • letter from Brackn lntelllgPnt'C" ftnd l'(>·n rdlruttlon. w::~ ooi~ 8o ...... ~r '" a 'Mw ~~-ton craft wbkh .... a Local n ... aeoem. """""'""' ""' onl not• ol ·- man'• Wha rf mAn who loiJ\'w bloMtd· l'onrh, prt'Stdent of the Corona ckl Jl R Hod~tk lnll(on Rotnnd Thomp· ~-fuut ~am a nd dra.,.'ll 14 fftt of r ~ · 2~-mlle -• ~ of lit• "'•nllfM'Uon at __..., hounda on specula !Jun. huH bought r M:~r CIVIC.: Allti(X'Iatton, llllklnc ef· !IIIII snd Robrrt Gardner . traaapor· Ht'lft'U a---1 watl'r. ....... df"~llllf"d. by A. 8 . •ro- e new car . A~• J etf' oaxnn fur lJI oa the part of lhl' d ty to tRiton Thi'OI1 >r• fWblnl! H a......, ...--~brouah and btnlt by O.O .. t' C,ommiMion to Lay 1"« a C'lty Of'\hna...-. «MICM1IIIC •' e ' · ·' Rtrbert O&rciiMr .,. nuwwtn& "' h•wotJI, Rud) ac-ta ,... which or t he 'J'jnnln"ll hnd to btay .. ntrul l!f~ding an t hat area. \\'<'kh tummunh•at a"n LC"I11 )( __ .a I.AwM" and 8on ot Boeton In S b Ked C.W. ,.,. .. • • · .<S JrUIIty ..... ' · • u -.. r , ...-f'd)y n""t A totatHtMnt ,_ .... a new hat , Anyb<,tdy who dtOC'!In 't It Wall ~ugge~~t4'd ~lht' C'lty em-Ruhl IC'hlef n pt'rRlllr !'lt·wpr>rt Ha.r-' 11101. latM"-brQucht to ttw WHt • ••,... ,~··· r buy hla grorertt'l! rrcom Rub thP h-~I'I"Y' u .motorcycle off1cer to aid In bor f'Xrhana•. 8cntlhf'm California ~ In ltn at 'f'hldl orne llhot pt'al I hill .,. ,...k land food pur;\'l')'or, 18" sll'l!ly . ROB l!luwmg down traffic to. the maxi-Telepho~ Cn '· t' A. C~. I k>c:al WU pui'CMMd by J~ ~ 8nu th Brclltwn Hoet Won.. on tklf!ta. "hu •u·tf!d aa hill tnnl adv•rUIK's' . JM:k K<'nnt>d". tht 111um spH'd or 4~ m11 ... an hour, ltJll'nt Wet~tt'rn Union 1 and Wllha ~ ..........., ...,..... ,..,...,. Moaday .... an the hill!• c.-of a u.-v dun n• t.he Jury tnaJ. t'!l)ft· > • h 1o ... _ ..-·-·· -r-, laJtRS .,.._,...,. ... , • tilde-end• tmdl'd hf' 1\IWI att""pted te <*-c:op. has hlll buslne811 c.'\lt out for '1" l e lllll.le C'annot wer . W><O lo~leldl. I prt'~I!Mnt of U,. loc:at ._.,.--Co......... J'IUik. ....... --'-...._ .. ~ .. _...._ ..__ ~ ........ 11 t t 26 11 had bee D, rww• ,_ -un-111 -._. u.e tun • penntt f~W DMIOriRS ,.,_ him Ulta c.-om ln& w~k u far u '"""~ m t o m •· u · n ~:roup of radio ahortwave opera· ·u·a .... .... tf ......... a 11 UJ 1 ..... 1 M m O'tr;I'IIM Td.. 1 ..._ -~ .__ ....... , Mit -.. court t.nala ara 'conc•rn...O , , , requf!tlted by u.. c:rty, ton i ' -----nnel 1Cal1 -·R·-... .. •• • ..... -·.. --· - 01,_ Jla1l •"4~ ~ .;;.... •" Howwver, Pollee etn11 a. a. ~ -' _._,, ~..: ::/J~ .-e ,., nnrw 1IW 'GIFef =:?'~t= _.... -..: = ~-.=., -=-·=. tended the lut council meeUna. H'octckiniiOn.saotnted IWt U.t· ... w ... Ol'dlr, ..................... him~ AI ,.. ... ~ ~..... ••*Witlliill£ ... -J r .. -... Tiley -... about the only IJI)ec.'ta-coet of ~"!'J"Pioylfl4r aucfl an otttcer 10ft. Jl'ranJl lll':lylor; ttre, "!-nil All we OulrNIImen had ., .. • Name_N .. \\· Chalnn•n Tf!n., 811\tlll ~..,.. -.,.. ()0 eo. dlw-k-....._ ........ a. to,., ex~ept thl' usu•l wom•n . . . probably ~·ould be 11700 a •year. Croc:ku Jan BriM-M' wat•r and .._ u ' ~ · ' • •l•"•il'f' to llt'n 't' our community. now Pmr*>)'f'd ...,. IM flrat •rl tho> n,.w "''10"''" .,.-111' lMfl' et...c. Doc -(Tnlpehoot,.r 1 'Hoard II atilt At the !IUgJtutlon of Pollee Com· watu IIUJlply. R. L. Pattel'lldn, .-. T d CO--• r ,,,._.-mad . Aftt>r all t hr llnli'IV rlnat nll~hmer Allt'n. C hief HodgklrUIOn J nhn D Mr MIIIIln l'lr"t't.l9. John A .. \nd a Wllltn•""utu «iv<' ont' nl.:ht ·u ~~~ a)· .~MIOO l h""' •·hrdu~ r rnJ"f'h anll •I' 1;," tr "'" """' IJt ,,._""a f..~ • _.. •-k ... _ tt · ,.,.,.'). WN'k fur " yrar tn lnrn h11W pn••'"'"'"I:V 2tl mrn ••til hoo'un ttl" "1'1 ... "' l•orul "'" •r>rwAr •I 10 a . Propa-nda. on .. or ChtPr Crocker·~ was tn!llrut·t ...... 1'1 .... e ..,,... ma t'r St(•grl. 'Wm r on•r• · mt'dacAI, 1o ~-rv,;. 11 Th .. Armv 111 •e••n• le• )f Rc)t&r~· ('Jub .._-((' I 1 ff rt """' ~ ., ~ .,. w,ft tt\ th•· rod trf lh1,. "...... • ''"' tit :< .. t ,. • ..._., tn • n v • u••r-t fur hfNar· kull wa.• thl' o nl'' 1-'oltr th ,,r J •II:V up wtth 11t.Ate o •(' a s In an e o h• sllh a nil "nnatatton Or 0 M ~ > ' • • rut no~h r1f~• and ammuntttun 1 l'"".v ""'' tAl• ,..,..,,.r ... t l••l»v lu '"~ •" 1 h •• , .... •I casuslty . . t•o r•·arh a !lloluttnn ut the prob· t:ntndy. flt C"4'>nntd R lt•htrr D r And now 11 1~ Mlntored that th,. l'hto>l , "'"' '·""''' "' Turl'\IJo V """"e h._,. th,. """' 11,.,. 1~ fll ltro~r , A\\'A&Dt:ll c·t:RTit'U'ATt:l'l '""'· ..... , IBIIUI'&IM't! R31ph Hn(lrd, ni'C'f"l<lllltl'll (J( hk. n t v .. r s•wport 0..ftc:}, lll jtflln,~: tn i •HJC hl li llutnn· ~··:~~•· n IA.IIIIo l>r ,.,. .. nAil"""' .... , ... ,_'"""'"'"" I IU,t M, .. I KA•'I ',, ATI(·~ lamr•ll Brown, C"hrtrh-ll \ya~·. v M I l'trpplv f\llr ui'll(tlrTT\11 Other t'lttf'•. l'hnrh•1 l'tnj!lt'\' SHOll' ""'" P"Y· ........ ,.,. ...... I Anti r .. u ....... ',,.Ill l'ttr!tl)('ll,(:w•Ttllll~•h'.sho·lt~r.A . ""'''done at and tl'a bf'o-n truttnr '""'""''I I '"''"'"" "t••n "'" ft\'f• '"'" '"",..... "' ,,,.. ... , '" l•r•\••1 ,','' ,'''',~'' !:~; .. :·~ ... ~ .. v~l·~~ Twrnly-nn .. Rt'd t'r•l'l~> lltundard f'r .. t•·• '"'" fvr ~""purl plu In cerUflcat"l' nntl thr<'e Rd\'Rnrl'd • ·"" " bat 1<:" sh,uld break looet- <'l'rllft<'a h •:< hA \ ,, l'r ( l•lltly \ll•t•n l'lrtn,l: Sl01rmy Wt'Qther, WAll (k. -.&1A'ardt'd J.l&rbur dl.'iO'JLI n u:n 11..1'11.1 m.•ndt-d lly th~ <'ouncll when the v.·omrn wh•• ""' • r•<MUII\' '"1111'1"1· qul"'<tlln of ~ at t-fte~tract I'd 8 <'ottr;;e tn t'lllt'l!:t•my ftr,.t ......t •·I c· 1-: r>f<-Farhentl for utung thl' !!pon!IOrl'd h:V Jtlr' !'>llll(hPrn ( lra n~P rner for landtng pUfp<lllf!li Wall C'Ottnty r hoptl'r nr Rrd ('rltM l•ruu..:ht up Thl.' ICJUnc.'tl a pproved · . lito· ,., •fill at t with tht> provuuo n T "o J e rl'l'l'l\'1111: r<'rloftenlt·~: 11 1 M F 1 d 1 d f were~ ROI'I'ml\r\' ~•wrnan. MrE ' ''' t' ar an mull tn emm }' Wt'ndell H . Calktn'l, r>lro 1-:lr•auor .ht· n ty foor $20,000 da mages. E\'80!!, WAitt>r F.\'lln~, J:om••R G r lf· A..-.mf'llt Dttltric't fin. Sue Htu•hmlln, n .. rn;&rd Me·· F:III:,IIIPPr Patteraon Willi lrutrucl- Nally, Roberti\ Mttldlt'lnrl. C'hnrle•"l l•cl tn 11ta r t prt'pllratlon of 11 re· K . Prle11t. Mr:<. l'!tanl•·y Suwyo•r. p•tr'\ l'ttnr·r·rnottt; fo rmattr>n nf _li n Mrs. Mlll'!rl'd Rtnnll'y. R Rro:v Furl-l.,.;s('s.<:rt:••nt dl!!lTtt:'l ror purc haae nell. Mrs. Elmutt• IIIIYtlt•tt and ,, thr• I •:,·or,.. F:lertrlr nght•of· Phohp Hroyllo·n. all, ••I Jt,,Jto.>,o ltHtl ,, ,1~· "" l '•'tllnol """"'"'· the 11econd Balboa lsl~tml, .11'.'1~(' ll Hhll'k~lrwk, ':oh·p toward >H'quuutton of that Burton 1-'o!ltl'r. Mr nnd Mr11 f';ffl I 'ltp<•rlurtt "trop uf land tn lhe r.-n- \\' H11nolltnn. Mr~ l'l on· ~~ !'tan ,,., ••t tht• 1<t reet. ll'y, Mary !';trllttk .l :or·k ~llllltne•r• Tit•• ''"1111<'11 also nuthurozt'd pur- a nd F'rnnk l'\\ """"" .. r· :-.:. \\ '"''' 1'7tt ...... ,,( " lrat<h lr'uek rrull\ Theo Beach. Mr!l ~l.ot )"rt•· 1: It-ell .&nd l K""'"" .et " pru P uf $1620. 1\1 ="•'1"''"· r. H \\ htLV>n , rt'!ICUC'. mcnt~<l In rrC'rutllnlt men <4'hol nth I 1''r"'" "' r>''""'"·'111''""' 11" elu&ttn t••••thlr ,.,.ht.tar;,. IC"'' .. "'"'"'' , .. ., ' r rllnk \V C"rno·kpr ·'"" Brt!U'Of',l ld ., J "lll~h•'11 ll\ t•ll\<h tl • h .. r,.. l l'tl:t· I • A . I I , ,,. I ' ll. •• u.... lllland. 1.. M l •t\\•l:--•· ('o il n fin I .. llf'''"n' '"'' no JW(tnt ,_,_,,, t •• , .......... ,, ..... tilt ...... w .... ,.. ,...hllholltaltun AI _u vo mltn, "' llo•o (''l\ ll l'fiiii'C'It\'f' IIJlnA· .. ·kt' Cvt , ••• ,. l •r 1'>111!1 • , ........ ~1 ""'")', nornllliJl "' ,.._ ....... ', .. I( .... . H -·-R R _ .. _. , .... •R.fld ,.,.,.. I I r I l ..... n .... ............,_, !J""'""" .! tt ,,,,I ""·~ 'h , .... k, Jhrrp ... '"• • .,......n • ,.~, IOH .., t lloll Jo:•k •ll!' W-hfl rr•~rlt'd lL• ........ ~!; •·r•' Ill.: 11' ~ 1" I "' .~• ""''" 11\\'"ll• I", ... o '""""I I•\ II" • tt ftlo -( r K-,1 r t.: \\ t(fte Ju hn F: S~t-d ~ I II I I n f•l •.• 1• I II r" .,.1. 1tf Nutttwm . o. . r • ...: • • • . lu• h ll•l 1'lulllP ~ !I n.s \\"f' n ....... ,,~fS ,14U .. • fl •• ,., ... lit . .., ••• it 1\U Sup t h t Cr•l' twr• ",. "'r ll ,.,, .. , I A r R d •·• • r.~ ....... on " · • • • \ ..,., l • "'"111' ll"• f'tr , mo• ll'ftll r • r .. ~ ... ~·n• 1 dl\ • d th ( I 1111 '" \' h•• '""""' • '"' "" "'••• k 1 · L' dl L' I M I t:\ . nn 110ft .. r nr ..,., ,,. ... • "'''' ,,., .. ,,.. ,.,.~, .•• t. ...... f ,IHI•t !••Int. r iO fty , c.-U,.lt* . ';)tt•r•tt tH for lh f'" h$\O~Jt.t• htllh.to ll(U,."' of •t tht lt.trl .,, krt"\4IPtJj:t• I' fit tt tf1 Htrtllr' f•I•J fU it The I'IIUIH'II W l\!< """'""Y l'rf•llll'd I ....... h r I'"' 'It; '"'"'' Ink • ,, ........ ICIHI ,.... I ..... "' ' !"l•ol ....... ,,,,. IC IIMIAn • 'flO .w,a na 00\\ lt0J:l0l At ttff' • • I t•l• u' '''fit' u-a•tt KttH ft,t f ll "•t •• ,.,HI l•r tltll"f,t lllf'Vf"'r "J April .1, J!I:Jfl, hv rc r tlnn or lhf' I""". ll(l tn lhe• C'hamhc>r .. r (',111 '"K''IIu·~l~tn 11 u' ,. 1 1,,1.t 10110f rl•• \4 lt•·r,. 1h,. !'ll'wpnrt Hr11<'t1 I'll\' ''"''"e II I .'' 1 1 .,,, .. •I• 11t '""" \ II••" "''" ,. ,.. ''''' '" 1 I" ''' "I ,.,.,It J>IIU .. nr·:• •• , .... ,_,• ... ·~· f1•r • ,,,,,;,lrt ~··n AUK 1!\ ,,,\ 11 6, h ,1,, th ... •h•\ twf ut-fl tt\• T it .. ="~'W"'ort lln t•on HI•'"' ~.._._, ""'"" e•1l "·" ''''" '""""'"'''' • ha or t'JJ.n.nn Croft t:l~clf'd 1~·-·nl 1\ fiJI fllllt k nnd wtlltnt.: 1•1 '""" .. ,. I• ...... ~ .... r. f'f tr•.r• k .... . (' iv I . ''""'I '"'"' II ,.. "" ~' ,,.. I I I L'tl I """"" .,,.. llnlt~" ,,_.,,,....... t~r • C J :1\·• u~ t·u·UJWrulu•n iu r llla h hJ4h.. •· .,1 ,.,.,, 111 f ._ ,., ~. thr f!llttrt ll. IJt rdlll•·•·l • ''"" '"'"'''' .l .. hrol-'1.. .tr rrO\\ arn • . ..... t,.,,.,..J at 1-A'gJon .om man( t~r 11£ 1111' lltll:h lll'hiHtl .. mlr drtll c:·l to•u.:trt• ,., l"l"l:'·''" 1\ru•lo-ll I· : .. ll'-6 llraf ~ c•d h)' .,, , .... ·r. ,,, ,,,, 'Ill rill' .. , llt·ltf ntl rlruuorOC'Im M'flt•r Mr J . .,,no h. '" ''"'"'" 11""1"'""1 "''" 1 , for Comin{J' \'.-ar ' RN·k "tartNI lhttl bllll rulliO"! .e... ''''''"1 K ...... 1111' llt.I(IUII!ll . , •• sa ( hamfwr '''''1'111111 ~ ,,, ,.,. II laland "' "' • k J r "' ,.,. " .. k , 1 r.t .. nn r rn rt u( C'tnrt (Uitl !'/f'\'• ; "'' .l tttJI.!•' IJ .I l.l!lil~r ,,. kN•JIIIIJ: I •••f\'l' .. I ''"''" 1 :-;It.. • ""1 ' • I " ••• , "" ''"'' "'"'"" l'"t'n •' rui1Jn5: • I ~··r t •• .,, 1111 111d' •• '' '•· l<•·tu·t t 1 1 tilt-. mnrtn•' •·••nln"'l"'"· h111< ~ \II 1 "· ,,,, '· •' • "'· ,,. ol•·l1 II•• I'H'I u t . \1'1 \ • 'II .. \ ,\lift "''hll,. thlnoM tAr,. rt.lhn"'. .., • , ... u • I ' lilt••••'" .,,.,.r "' • ~I ' • IH1fl1fld tu MIH '''•t•t.J .. :arl \<\' StAnh·y ,_ "' II f ' " 1 l. H• .. ,. t•• '~.,,. ... lu '"'' h H •••II uut tht> hrRo;.~ "'•llllh fur l ll•k ' ''1'111 '1 "'"'' '"" ",., ·•· t!'4 f"'OOUnf\nd4·r H( :"t•\\pu rt Ar· ltu tlr.nL~. r utVf" n.'.~·hl. I.!Jtl I..Ju ,. I •. ,, ,,, r ······'' ..• , II . lt••t t••,. •I , •• t 't ••• t tl• f .... ,.~···. ' I f\f•r A m_..n,.,.n V~If•n Pu,..,2Y ldur-lfaroltl Jlfon~d'''t. ~··•I HHih•n'"'"• t-:rt .. t..:,n '"l;.•d "'"'u.ttrj•S ... ht • '·•• r Ht ,.,,.,.1 .. ,,, 1•••-\ ... \ •r• •n~r thr rotntn~>: Yl'llr Clthe•r oU t· ' 1 1 1 .. '"''"'''r \VIIkrn ftlld r hllrl""" l..··r' ••. Itt ··"·"'' M . 'I ~. oj • !lt•'H ' I I .,, " ..-.h u h nu ....... •t 1 If •t Vt'U f,. ...... '• ,.,...., '"''".K I 1 t I .,• t I I~ If i f ~~ • ,. tf •••• '""" ,, •• t· .. rs nnrnf+d Itt t h,. I"'•"CI !'i n •t •·nt I k \\ tt It f h 1'1• t• lu ••I• f• r ·····I'' .. ,,, 1 1 t H ••IAllot•n were Dr I' A l'h~tnth<-r-Thi'V'n • the nrw bA it·l't nf r .... ·nutll to•·• 1 •• ,~ ""''' I ' Znntnr-,·artanc--e \ .. ntJ .. a ~·"KI JooklOJC bunf'h or ffHfk•f rll tf~ 'f'••!·' ... ,, , .. ,,,1· ,,,, .. ,,u,. I •l• r,r.•J ., •• , .... ''·'~ ••• T"c rnun•'JI <>nnr· • .--.. -· P'-""1 lin fiMtt ·\'ll'l'·<nmtnflntlt'r . On•tllr k•··n I \\' , ••. , ... , ............ 1.. • . I•V'' (•.•'• I lit• •. ' ••.• ' I P IJl J•Jt•r Mrs. Bt'l!l>ot' l'llllo·tt, ('••r••na cl· I Mitt Paid Pit -~ ;-ftf a .. ----...... ........... ......... M'OC)N. MO>nd \IK'e<Curt'IJf>OOntier ' lt. ..~ .... I I .... mer 0 -'1"t>n1ml~ t"H.nt¥{11\#Ntatlmt that r-1 ;;._-~·-• .--....---,_ AUJI -.,.,,, •1 iL .... a "llc·W cttr""'"' 1" --• " '".. ... ---:--r-···--..-• ....,., ..,...,_ ~tn "' 'l:&a 1 L Sherm nn, flnnrtl'f' nfOtrr J ~f '~ -'...,~ .. " ~'"' tr••:·t~•••' r.-•• •• 11 , , 1 , r ""I '""' U.s 0 C 'ft 1 rt 1.: ~!It'll<• be allowed a v m· ~· L,..tlnl\rd, t hnnl""'· F:nrl \.\' :rn~n('•l rern11l.ll 111 \\'~J<t Prunt r .. r l 1 1 1 Omml ""(• . C h tl ' H t ··• ,. I t .. ' ''II... • ' lu '' ,.. .. • • I , .• ,,, ''' llcr-•1 • • I ' ... 111( \ ,,, 11\nf'l' at rt~ an s u S tnnll'y hll<t .. rtlllt r;ull Tam ph~. ..,-•. n .. YPRrll hlltl :"' .. ,, Hallllrn••r" I' ll~t:t.t "' .. ' ...... • '" .,., ' •. ,, I' • •. i H b A t'hl" r•r11Jl0!<Pr1 ,·annnC'r brrm~ht SI.'J'•·cunt-nl·a r m ... Hllhr r t l~tyd. ,,, II• r ... •·nlly dt ... hnrgl'd rr .. m tho-• \\ ,,, " ' ,. . . . ·I ... ,, T .~ ... ,,.., D ar or r~a-I' n·· ph.tP~I '" ... ':hi<-h 8 rr!ltdf'nt at-e • I I 0 rd . fii'<'T ut thf' d.'l\' T••el Tl1oq;rll~ lln~ "'""" •1111 '""' H~~nrr-..... -...1_. lol .... ~l .... ,.,.... •rwt-• ............ tT"'''' '"'"f '""" tArO\' Ot'<ttn r ... lcl ,,., r•·l·ll \'a nil ···'llpl•·-1 (11 nht:un SlAt e Ut)ll rtl or r.us TAm('lt'l, ':., .. r IH•atrr .... n.., R ThP non~otm fl<!hr .. ,l '" In IH'\11>11 '""''I •. , , .• ' I ... ,. \\'•11 '"' p ,,, I •.t ' r.:-rt'r.tt C'hatrm~n ,.' lho• l'tul•·•l ~;' ,.,..,. ~:'I'll• 117..:. t '"" '"'' '""· Hnd tn whtch f( rtn nell' I lln•1 l_..·~t•·r \\'~tt kmll. \'~> "'"''' e·R• h \\',.r1n• ~«tay nt~tht I "I I• •• , •I , ' , ' ~f.,::;! ' • . II,• • 'I :··1' :·, t . • ' • , I., , ' I '. '' r·~· '"~ '• I ... .,,, ,,,,,, may t'OIItll6der IWIIOI't I larbar Smate Coot- lttn I"C.'Q~ r harbor wtth .. 1 Uw f'XS.U. by .,..,., t"r('oont drw~ • lty fftr ~ 'hint& and~ "h4UIIN'IB Ia Wer- 1)1., t rtc't IIUptH'- rrv lrw ul r•lltt. If a rtlolf' by. u.. II nn fUvton and "'roc"' Kfwltcw tbat ··we ~ "'" .. _ wtll ,..,.. Jt••ttruo. Uon for thfo tnt..,...ta fill • .oast ;-dy 'IU ,.,., 11 or hilt· It ••iw an a«1JI lal .. Thf! """ .. I •v•llahle wiU t fTiaKUlnf! nn, Ill IJOO " tnur ll will lfln the •l•t ... •ra,..·• or ,,. N , w p o r l .,. l~tl•nd. l.too r ('""'• ,..,,.., }/,.Iff NewJMi. ' .. ~"' ~ .,.,. 11n•l llto'l••. n y Allra..tlnn• ~m what lhrJ •II 1\ll~c-~ Or~:antzaltt•lll< f.,1 S••lllh••t tt l 'olr-li""''""" r••pott•·dly ~A.ere tlf'tnlt ·'lit o•l•r<k. IPnlJitovtly. "' th,. 1 1 1 , • '·'"' ,• K •• ) 1, ,,, I• \ ''''"" 1-----.,r,.n,_r_,m:_n. nn Ttt••Piia' "tth "" al ,, ul.ti••rl '•JII'I'K&nlt thl' •·hart~tP ·-=-~··....._-...... ..,.,uwJm:,~._~i'~"~t..C~~~;I~!-~"~'1"~"~·r1!h~l~n~lr1~tfl~Kt!i'~"~Nlf&~~b~~~~~~ ,...._,'"""""'~~· ~·164 ... ll2~~j ..... ,, .. 1 .. , ... ..__ .... --... -,~ti .. .__....~I.I.......,..._..J. lla••nttwfH r \; W • onntnJ: 11 lint I J~···kman. t-;arl ::-tunlt•y " ·,.4n,.,.•1rof ' "" I ··• '1 I ., --:n .... 'Or-.:nn« h. IlAna f'r1 nt, •llllrl ..... J••ll• ttor r",ll "'KK~ ,.rn r"lflon. •JOhlr aJrplane with' thf! vlt..l 1'1111\llllllf•P and ""'"'"''"'I! " ···t~·· ,,,. nt•·•·ltnj.(. Mrll F Ktnj.! J tt!lly'n T I It ' I l't;o \llll••ll:il c· .. mmnnd .. r f:A rnllhiH\ 'I ·.I. I ·I •. '. • '<"I . ' . antp '"· rr •·rn.o e·lf "''"J.! (, II• ,., .. , ''' \\ ttl• 101, '"''', , 1A'tde fUM·I'UIIIIIl~ CUI11PIIIt;n. n.ond·ng in...b.r.t.I :ugn~ bN'Ailllf' Runur·l. IIIII \\\o'-J(li'O, I !r • IIJ!,Ir<>~l··<l WI' hlkf· flllt hy ""'. '• I I ...... ,.' I .I I 1•·:· •'.' k I I'" •• ,, I , ... ,,. 'A'" .... ''"""I ..... I•· . ,, •h·· ·~ Tt'll\'tng tht' t'lly ~tnd thl' ( 1\lv.... •• IIOOU! ... t.t.t>d t t1 r I J l ' ... I t:lrt•l OHie·•·,.. l'hamht•fl•n 111111 11\'olh• Mrtr•rP • " llfl'l ""' •• "''''''"" ''' C'o.ol ..... ,,,. ,..,.,.....: .1 '"'"" \Va••l> It••\ 'l'•tl•o"· ·-:.at 1 • ""IIIII af\J"IIIIttn~ Mrs ·c: L T horn • r·" tu • 1<"'"11 • d \-\' \I 1 1 I I Wtthnut h)~~nftlfltl f1l":-lf'J't'PA· (•f11lnty t n unt'll th•I••J.!l'("!'C GtUI '· 't ••,nun Rn,. UK ·t ,,, .. ," • • ~· "·''''' •'•,\t.r••hJ ~•t ltflll ,,.,,.,,,,,,,,,,.., •f l .ul•• 1~1 .. '" ftll lht• ,·aran<'Y Tr~rnr•••~. g,_.,.,,., M.orl<hllll, ,..,,,.h·r toa l Fmuk 1\l•''mnn prnjrt ttn.: h•~ "" 1 •11,•1 •' 1··1 l 'rnt •r """ , 1 , ·r,,11,,,.,,,, f'nl unAntm .. u!<ly , . .,,,.rl :t ttllntlll\10\ _, . , I Bryunl. H H lt~tnd•·l "" :cllc•rnalt;~ '"' ,. '"~' Sfll to r•lll }' '" WIUI It the '"''' ,:r• ·'' I''"''' It loll• r MtH' ,.,,., .\\ ''' .. , ... ,,., v quota n( $2(\(ll) II II( ··I··· I ••!I ro II f'"( ;>0 ... r .. , , • It \'. •I tr AU' lutt1 •d 1 1~, tl•·, •.. ., ., ,, f' '• . , ... '·' ''" "' .. \T,..-M 1r- • •• t .. r "' r,.,., I ., 'I II, If I I " I •' 1 •• ' I x fen•. WhUe IIIIUtrUal N.-w-:- :h~tl waa alven ,.,., Mal(arJne Cluh 1nd or· 1 A Tit" e•x•••·•tll\'t' 1''>111111111 •,. w tll ,.,. who1<tl•' • 1 ~·":,,11, ll l: I ~· • J1"'1 ll···•' It 111 "'' ,,1 " , ,,,. 1, .-;~~~~~~~~:;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A~~~~~-~~~~·:•~;·~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~&C~~~~;L~~~~~~~~~~ ~ u~~¥J~U~~~~~~~----i-~~~~~.,~.*~,4~~~~·~~-----.. -·-~·~;~;~~~~----------~ .,( ftn '"' ,, ''""''"Itt•·•• "'''tllt•· ttroch·r I!J" narnl'' !.•'""'* \ "'' ('••""'" t lub t••ul!hl . 1!1r• .rrt+rtl+-."' "'" "'"'''""'"~-+.' ·.r-~-----___.,. ,_ tG.-·----.e..t Hn rrv \.\',lc•h. !l•·•r•,:lt'r .ft•h U Jo-: ,. ~~ Ht .IUty .\h•tl Thf' nev.· ~th·rnwn Hflfi <:u!'f Turrq•IIH o\' I I •• ,, ,, .. ,. l ltllr• (f ,,.pf tflfl St~tt• :"',\:ti l;.,.,.. .f,Wth of ttw .,;>A. ' . , 1~1111.: :o ~.. ~ trun In JIIAt'j. .. tl I I Sndl<'tt.' t rr•ll!<llr••t ll~trr~· l-:11rn-•II• ., whlt'h \\Ill '1" ••Jl"rnlrd by 1\0\IRO'' ('llfl~t:s 1\T Mt:~A •I • I · I.·. I· 1: • "' '1 •···~· ''"'' "" Y t 8 • llhrtw. <'hnormron ,,f r u!>ll•·oly. nnll ~''' \\':cnda Srntth t .. rmrrlv ''' "fit-"'''' 1 ,,,1,_,,,.,,,, ,, , tt"'t.KAI .... f .K\Ift.-. IIIIC ~··:& S c·•td ( C'ounc·il~ nrhonl dolnl(• Mnvor Jn·tn r;, . .,,~,. 1-;cortl .. n, ho~n 111 \'l< Ut"lUI.\' S h"p. wtll ft~lu'rr Hpm•·r I t li•·nol~·' ""~ '1"''"'J I "I"'"' f ,,, •I• I ''"·It l•r I""'''' t! 't\\f'llllT t11411t:M'IA' how th" w1de orn'n.• C'hlllrn~~en Th<' l''<<'l'ufi\·c :1 vp(.,. nf ''"·'"lY work fnl'tall', '""'1'111ntfc·r "r ('o:-ota ~i•·!'rr Am <'rt· nl( K\ 11'" ,,., ,,1 :•• 1, ,,, 11 , ,, ,.,, ·...;f'rt.f f)l•lr ·:~a ~C'' fu hat l~offert'd , :.n ,;..~ttln l"•"t 4r.r. "' lh•· ••t !Zan· l•··•~t··i· ..... ," hL~ rnll.l ,.,,ut• An ,.,. 1 ~ ,,,,.,,., "'" •• ··~ ""'' 1 • 11 tlh c· •At· rnmmtltl'l' \\oil ' .. nl't•l or BrRdl'n l;lf, r·urrll, :tn•l" JWrllll\llPnl.ll. • '·' .... ,. " ., .•••• "' ,, ,, ·I·· ' II K ' t ,. ...... 17~~t oton'll n ·..:ulnr rtt•·••ltlll( h•·lrl M•m ',,,., ""~' • • .<llklt him allfrllt th,. 'I •' "'"\ ·'''' "''"'" "' "1'•1•1 II"IH'r ' ' .:1 ..... 1d v~· -on·t F"onrh. J nhn ,\II•·•' r. J M11nrl" pr .. nttrwnt hR or ~1\'h!il rot Pn .. Adl!nft 1 1 1 11 ~I 1 , d r,.,,.on, 111 1 ;1 , ,,.1 , h,1,..1 ,,,1 A •'lt•ll -..;, 1 ,,1 ,,~ - Jl.hn "". s.·t·'l•'tr. \\'nit• I ~ :-\(lie ··r tot .: ~ ••fl j.!:Oj!Pd on l hl' IHttPr O:IJn• •lay no,.: ll tn t h•· ... 1-:J'•II "' I "" 'I•". h•· .... , • "" ""Y" .. y,.,. u,. II I I I I . I' I I. I· I , I I•• I le word of . ., r .. u t .. tlt"l\ namPtJ t••~fo)r\;·\\·a,_fl fo: (Jtt kPr~ •tr'' • f9l ' it ••••' • ~f•·\'•r" '\4htt'lt•'t "'lt•l•ht,• .. tllk \ ~~~~~·I•' ·~ ''I''' •nt f!IIIN'r vM today a nd 1-'rnlllfl F:!lrnl'ha\\ ~lr!J' ::-m tlh ll<\A.f'll·k nttwnon \he "''" flr.lll \lf'<'l'tomnt!lhdl'r Rnh<-rl (;o.rt1"n r •·•llay ,.},owl'd up"',,, I"',. ···" f .·ll'' .•~···or.' ···"•'•1:. "" ,., .. u .,, "1 .... , ... I '· '"I' -•11•1 rmanyrrtendll ~~ \IHU•• ~httrtl L F astH .. r. ~rt,ntl \'If ... r ltOIOlH nrlrr ~"''tnt!a \ ... dl J ""ttrtr&nJ(' " )'llf"htlnl( f :r. r tl lwr ...... 1'' • tl I I I J :·. .; t fl I •••• k • .,.,, t h ,,. ... ,., 'II .... t 111" ;:. A ' •• • I • • • 'I ' •• t •• ., ••t'l cotnl on A mill'S mt'Citnl:, nf all n llZI'n!' '1"1"'r dt:otrt<'t. having bt't>n r nn· t; .. ,.,. r;mltl•· a•IJIII~•'I' ~ 1. KAn 1 •• '"""'"I k•••u•hi•lA«"' Rut h',. Jl'• •·f Jt,, fll • .,,.,,.,.frol I·'" '""'''" ''''"'" .-twr,. 1" h··•l '' ''' 1 • '''' "1 T "'"'1·'' "1 ·o rt of the .,,.. tt•d w1 th ~ belluty tradt at • 1 1nl• r•·-t••t! tn thl• pRtrlntw m0\'1!· at.:\' flr.Anr •• ••fttf'l·r .l••hrt JnnP~ .• ,,.rr h•·• ••• -' ·•II )'ttll r a n't nolf! 11 r• ~ •l .. tl f••r "'" l'""' I•• Yr ,,. A •· · '' II '" '' • i•'H I·••'t1 • (I lhu I )!'land r .. r thP l"llll (1\'C" I ••• ., I ' I ,. mPnt wn~ llf'l f••r n•·'<l Tur!<dAY ••hupl~t tn l,..r,,,, Anl1 .. rv•n. hllllor-t.:rrou-l.h•ll Rt:\IO\ '<• l 'fln "' '•I • " '·"' '' "' ,.,.,,, ="• 1•1 Mr M,.,., 1 1 r " ' • ·~ l'nor ,.., that ltm" llh•· wa11 ll•••ll 111 :1 lnrAtton to tw,u nnnunr •w <atl"l ,1 R•-\'l'rly Htlll' Her !'ltAH tAn c • .I St•''""~ ,., IJ:••••nl ·llt· M ,• lr ·. • u•r l'•orpl' ti'Jl'>ri Tl .. f., • • ,•I• ·I • • • ., • l.tt•l f.,ll,,v.,..l "" '• 1. ·I' 'r••l• I •' 1 1 Pillnt••r At thntl1nH•r 1f\n!'\\"111 ..... t!4tl .h•htdf" MJC:~ MRrrrJhl hrfl\1'-lhl11~1t lt·~t·•t tw~tnt••tqfl· 'h:tt r.,,. \1 Ptt/tf"nhll llfltnd T•~tl it\Pfftlt'!!".J'''"" ., I:• ,,.. "'''''"11+Jl'''·'h••t .... l t.tr.l'•' .. "'••·'1 •• lw -ma ciP f£tr ullcdln.: the t'nttr• _11 11• n:r-.... ·r~.-,n•IMt:o,.Ltlulfll' '''"""II w tll '"' .l•.hn '"""" 1tntl '""~t~ "'t '"'At <tUr drlllll All f•o•t 1-,,,. ''"·'''' 1':• !·• lf ••·uly kll''"'n .r•l"'"''"'rllr" ,\II t ' un•,unl of th•· f{'l"tu ,,., t htn :'\ f ;)t·tu) r·"·• u•••r A lt;r ..... t •. ~ t>4'lna,: "!',,.,n •u '!I• :nunttr n uth u' ~,y,.r ""'"';t .... f , • ', •• de. u 1 ' \1 f 1• t•t • ,.,u.,tr17 in f,,, .. ~ ·~· I•-' I..._... • 1• '.l.t J ~ •-...._ . .\nJlrsnn. u~rator. ~ '" rhtd nr/ A '"W I)A\0, " "Till!' F mnk ,.,,,.:hn nn<l ,_.,.r,.v J\nd ... r-A I" II • l hllt t. ... w .. r Y'•''' ~rllt t tl• I ' k •• , ,. :•A \~(.! r ••"-rr 'I h .. Hr ... 1-: ' ·•lo·-1 .. 11 ••• ,.,,, • " 11 11,.1y: wtl h lht• nrw]v.fur)IIPII homr !'1'11'1 ·•t.n ll• I•, • • 1r PI""~'~. kj(t-p y•ollr ("''''" h•·•l .· •· /' • • • ,.,,.,,. h lo•t "'" ~'-~'"' ''"'' ,,. ... ,, •' • " ' ' ·J.:IIIItd ,;l d~r~t' t;,··lw rme o( lht '"''''''"""'-••AST n rrtl'l'"'''lll 1)1' tp--..UIII'd ·at thf' ptlwd"r dn """I'll-ynu ne11l Allandtlll"'l .,,,<J tlw It•• '''" 1111l• "'" ,...,..,,,..,.._,nt rn,o<>r,t ,,..,,." ,.,.,j,\"'' "'"' "I"'" ''' tlt• ~lbtlltiH. S.11n hlL'I an aw htl bellyache. n•xt ,,.gula r mt!t'ttng or the po~~L w~k. 1-"all 1 11'T ' rrrn11""<J "'•m• m•.nttt~ ""'' , •l w .. atmonllt.f"r rru•.ra•l r·•"•. • '1"11•1"' ~ 1 h• 1,., • H ' ' ltt . ' II I ... ,,, .. " 'I "· ',II .'(1~ .. ,. ••• ,r w. rbor Ru.ttna.t Vomt>n'l Club C'llaJrmen will 1lnl(, July U , the prntdent., .t 122 A..ude, ' nenanu~ . . • \ NEWI co.- I Newport E In Gala Fe~ Wllb the d lma boalea !)('tal opt't Dlf'T <K'•'1" Ult" tl Harbor b11•ts •n· __ ....._. entl'rt.aln fTienlle ano rrlut to \\'llnua sperl from lhr llalboa depMtl~ Oey-~ f;.:UJv~~:a. Pan lale •·u thl' M·ll ('Ut' •ltnnfr bonor o1 Wn Lldn Pa moUlt'r uf )l r. p, arrh•c-.1 for th• celf'bratlon ""'''" Harvey Lynn of an now m11ktnr B&lbo& Uld .loo\r. Woodl ot Long Mr. and Mn~, J da~bter. Barb& 1---..... -UI...,_III&~ .J..Id( ..,.-nt the 4th b ~re lbry an· h'knca '1"'-e ~r Ku) at.. OaMa Me• ea lira. c ... CaldWt eNJdrft\ ot La. J lllc cJIDner aDd th lleadl wbnoe th· tnour parade. r Mr. and Mr11 r.Jt< ~ lne. Callroml JU"IA. Al8o vt•mc BMc:b parade we Mr. and Mra. C Uti lalaftd, wbo - claqt!W, CoaniC', tlw IDUC''I I n01 8tu-Notr Mu lc ftiA 8~ ~nt ~ln the Tu aDd II,.. E. 0 . ( M'l. ftuU. P!1 ..... &pin ...... r to ~~lay Uclo Jale bome t. ..,.__ Wltb lwr -weekend t'rolll Ef CattiM I Mr. ADd lin. · Udo llle bad M~ a.a.wa, and c ... lira . Cbaa ..... An& .. •a 'n ce Day. ., ... 0- ..... Otr.-ud ....... ol .. ~ ............ Mr.CIN*-IIM1 ....... _.. ~=~ ........... -, 0 Sl .*-T. ........ ............ ....... u.. -· ...... ....,... a. ..... ~~ ,., o1 lboottnr ott taptMr Ml raekete trcaa the til ellidllsce ••• J-----·elllllea•_._ WI --....... ott ---U.IUD6 ....... atnt• JJmted cu-t-,.. .. u.. ..... tab ot ............. ... Kr& Jolua . Mr. Ud lin. I ...... ..... Uld .,...,.. -8aen 111ft ll'l't!d C&Ulll c..rt.........,. a...te. O&JJo-..; Lti-JMD, Dut~IM lleary and OUa I pta llowny. M ., ~-ad- Butt ~ It .... who,. the .. to sell And IJlOIW) N • .. P.&&e 2 NEWP.ORT-B.<LBOA PRES,S ,. I . -. .. Th4n:~tlay, July 10, 1941 ----------------~----~--------..... --.----~ III:WPORT•BALBOA PBESS .P~,~~~~~ .. !:~:~~~~~~~~~~~ The .Free Man FIT z PAT o I C K ·'S ,., '"'"' ,,.," '"' ,, "11 111 1, •• I '"~'"'·""""' dt;: 11\l l. ,,nd !Wiflt' d By W . K.jE MAXWELL ~ P'ubllltle.' ""•I"Y Thwr "'I"Y '"' .... '~ •I "' ",. ·•I 11.-... " ''""'"'"'" "I• .... .Thm ia no wurd in tl'l language so potent aa a rallying NEWPORT BALBOA'S ONLY OftiC't' and Pnntu•.: t•h.,,t '' .:.:11 ,., •·t l~'•d I'•·J•·plt""'' 161& 'l'h•· "'"' "h" •·urn~o ht" dollar CI;¥-Of mankind as th~t word,.."freedom." From thf' beginning • Enl.rl'd ... .i~t'ut.d·\ 1 •• ~~ 111.111• I I •I•• I!, l!oJ'i ' lht• 1""\ .. r(u·· '"I'' I he ••nr "'11'' kn<o\ll.tj lht' valur of Ume raoee and nations and groupa and partiea have bat-Department s to I e :-t....,ort' lk1u·h. <'.dar .. ,, .. , ••• ol• 1 tt.. ''I : ,, .n I• : th 7!1 ••f 11 lled for it. Poe~ ha,·e made it the theme of their exalted m-·nnAt. St:\\!'OI'At't:tt ot I Itt: • ••' .,, 'f'\\ t'IIRT ' tu." ,,I "'"1'" .\"•'" 1""11111''~ Tht-a{•lllan~ rhapeodiee; oratohl ha,·e crowned it with deathless laurels ..JI ... o•e"~ Advel'lbed ••I'CII.eadl• 1·',~,11 ,",',1"1','.: t'u", tllkru ' .. r. ''' t.y th" of lan~n••-. ••1"ll11tn"' ha•·e !allen m· batt.le, tho .. ___ _._ have wm A ~t•x"''" ,,,..~ \\' It It ,,''" •. 1 • -~r .... ,1.1 , . .,l.lr•h•l . --~ ,.. ~ • ~ _al ••lloaally Adveltlse'tl ~ \\'~1 A ~1.\.\\\11.1. l.·l ' 1 ..,.riabedatth •nk f th · di t ' fth' · rd \\' H lilT(')•~•\=' t'" '''' · •I \ ,,,.,,~,,,,. It ynu ""·•n l t•• .... ,. ~"m"thlt)' r-e Swa t', or e Vtn ca ton O lB m&gtC WO . ESTABLISHED IN 191. S&.U~ Ml 't<""lt'·J::U....~-'"''•.:i.'-.•\.r ~~·· JJlm·v··r ;:..t .. lo,4\L. Creeda and constitutions have been written with .these two Th.~ "''t'¥JJ h:\il t)4~•·n lHijud..:••J 11 •~· .\ f•.q .. r ' I .._,, ,,,., tJ • o • ul.et l"'' • .,, i•·•.t .. 1 th .. "''""" -for therrlouitlatlon. Armieii&nuarmi&Cia&:C~iffiri-!~~ ... I=Nftt at llnd St. NEWPORT BriACH Till· .:r,.,.!,.~l '•I'''""~' 111 lht' hnd policemen, jailJt a nd gallows are maintained to safe- 1 '· "•••I• ~~ 11"' ,.,,,, '' "" trrc• tiJ trJard and pJteSCn'e the thing that men call "fret><:tom." And d,.,·rttto (J1 ~· litqwru•t t '••llrl ,,, ',, • •·· 1 • •I I, ttl d t d l'. ·~ 1 dd1•tl W'-"llhhMh 1111 ktllol" 111 lo ,'ol I• I ,, ol •l .. j,,l lo•o ll•l l t d·rdl.--h ·' )(• •\ t·t l+lllt'll( Jt;t, yet the ra t ( 11 t . th . . f ~ n ~·", rt.,, 111 ti•·\N•·I'""'"" tn KuNna res o a crea ures m e untvene t~ a ree man I • Sl'll~r 'ftii'IJtoS 1: \II • lu Ora11g~ (."';~uly -'1 N1 l•t l '''"' lout .... r. d ''' tlllo!l' '" .. tft•h ' ,, .• k. " 1, 11 .. " .,..,.,.,1•1 11 th••r(' 18 or woman. • ,, oil\ ··"'''"'' '"""".: thtr.....s Pur prront.'(JU~ l:Onception of_freedom-from the days of Rusmt"sx f1rn1:-. a ll t1\'f'l tht ~. '''"'~-'~ lt:-.rb.•r IJt:-.tr·wt repurt a fme r~n vf busrrlt'~:i rlultlli' tlt.·,ltll ••I J uly h .. lrda) '-'<.'Ck-'lJ 1\ntl It Ill l'\'JI~·rtl lh.tl lltt ('1~·::.. Ill :-.•·H:-..,11 Will 1)1,• a rccur d br~akcr. 11 ,,. .,,,.,.,: II• ,1 , .. 11 ... ro·lr.:1u1111 ~lave upriaings tn Rabylon down to the bolshevist experi- u· .. ,. ''""" 1 .,,,,, ••• 1 II•H •s th .. ment in Ruaaia-has tx-in that freedom consist.B in t he vindi· '"11 11"' ""1'''" "'" '''1'1'' 1" 1'11 ration of "right~" inst~ad of the willing N>rfonnance o f •l·fl ,..--. ---- Tho Cl\'11 Ac"""'"""UI&I·.~ I' I .. I I h .l•d.V ~~ lh• lllu•· "rwn thl! Jun.-"""" ., ~~·an ua{lh llt• "'"' " I t' atr l.r.d•· '""'"\''''"' ttutt th .. "'"'"tru: abovt: 17,000 fcvt to 1111y plant·s •·xn·pt. th1•:-.•• •rf tilt' Arnty •.• 1 .. , 1 .. "" Ull•·l 1.1 r111r~ 101 •h c.:~; ur Navy. Tha~·· o ne .''nJt·r t he wrtlt·r 1:-n.,t w .. rn.-d abo111 'i t..-.:t•·r • '• .a.t vlli • ra f1r JLI(•ks ~n•~<l l11 u11. __ • _ · l'r .. y,n~o; IIH •l> 1\l•r,• llt'illgned by • • · :___ · · ~,rn:..cnn 1"11l?'-lrM llli''Y t. .\ ~ ttt •·t1 •h" tHJ.: l••'upl~ • rnz \· The G{·rman-Ru: .. swn war tu:•.' h,• a IJtt 1\·r st ru~gl•·. but , 1,.1 ~1114 •• • • from a m·wH stanupoant tl '"1'1"'•11" '"be·,, \IIIII~· 1 U.·twc ... n • . • ' If• tth· J.!•M41 hltt •'·''' nn •unhnt· lhe world a~ b1gg••~>l h~tt'H, 1 he ~r.a.tlt v.tll ful!!IIY t"·n · .. lalt 1 1, •I , n "rl!l'"' ~ '~·'" 11 r.-ll\t11·• through the fr1~ uf dt·l-elt 1111J llll~t·l'pn·:.•·nt:itlnn -,,,. • ·11•<.1 •:· ~~~··r~tl th .. ""'·•·k ""d --7 -•- _ __ tf.rl r• nuunrtt :!0\l'\r•u tu•.,,nlh.1 Ev<'r)'CJil<' cxn·l'l tht· 1·Xlrt·tllt' ault·lltlt•n·~·ut t"~"~t~ "'''-'"'~ '• 1 h·· lr ••"''''' \\lth ""n"' or thr to apprO\'(! l'rcHid<'nl f{.,t,~'\'l'fl'-.:..,piiiJt•\' (rf frlt'nrlf\'.lll"l'IIJ'll· 1111 II """ I n\•• 11" 'II•.: l:llll~" Ill · · tho• ltoll ll •llll l d••l•·ll~•· JII•JI!r!llll ll! -tlon of lc.c land and u th,·r st t .l ~··~w pl.tt·•·:. [.,,. lit•· (IH•Il-1'1111/1 11,,11 1t11 • ., 1i,.1.,., 1 .. ,,.,. IJ•·•·u (1r,.d uf the We11tern Ht·miKJiht·r'-·· Jud;.:1h1o: bv whnt ha .. happt•tlt•d · • ~ ' I Til•• lfiiWHIIIIII lllpludw•t •·nnllllnS tn Europe, It l8 bt•llet lu ho•ad 111 1 :t).:J::r\':-1."1"11 h,.f.,l't' tl .. 1111 u lo·ll••rl' 1111111 n•Hkrr11( It va r- beJina. 1•1 • .11\ 1111P1•"'J'IIol• lo ltl•ll 1-1t11yth1~" • Llk•• ttw "n~ <h·iil · 111 lllttl bt-· fllj.:hlo't.l llnld. -;·:,c "fk 'l•n·hcd curth" JHrlwy prudaam<·d by Staltn 111 I lno• 1WIIIIfllt•lltuht4l lWl taft'S Uult loo"" "h.,nw "nd mo~lh,•r'" arl' 1 h .. thrt••• ,;,.,,., IJO·IIIIltlul \\'Or<h! 111 I ho ~:nj.;ln<h llllj.;lllll(l' \\'hill II lht' whtch h£• nBkH 'HUs.'4tUnH to dt·-;t ruy ull t·ropll. hn· :.lu1·k and aupplll')l t hAt <·:uuH •t U.· kt•Jtl I r11rn (;,•rm:ut in v ,,,kr~-wJII d~ubtlesg apply t 11 all Eur11pc ~·furc lhl' ntad e. I r·uggll· f,r •Upf'\!.-.acy lli ovt·r . Tht·n A nw 1 11 .1 Will ha n • to h·t•d t ht· e. I Ill'\'· "'·'11''' •nth ' 1•1•·t•kfllllt," "dtnnt'r,' ulltl '':-.tl(lJwr"'" tng malla~n~~ land 04)-tt Cnr rwthm~. tooL ------• 'l'hl' l ', S. Art11y hitil dt'vtiOI}t'd \ 1 . • II •·rn•·kt'r ttl .. t • ullllliMII whole •. 1 11 utll' C'IIIHH1h-rl4 llh' ~n·at happ11ws~ thai •·uuld ~>\· ""'h••ut, "",YI>t'nn n~t·lll .:tnund melll, bruu·:ht l 11 the pl~t~plu n f lht· world by 11 !!!tnt• t•l<J>t•llthlUrt-uf ""b<•lt' mtlk, and hyotru"t·nl414'd Cat. the'-·~> 1· :;,-and tn111wv th:lt 1:-now tx·ang tlt-n•l•·d 111 wnr und Hut lht> t''""h"u't""' ""''" t bc> ()('r· · • 1 I••• t until 1l 1111 lw!o-:1 11p1nach und de.tr :.~o•n, 1t lrnrls tc• tlw b ·lt\·f that tht· Jllot:t•rs and tn· 11114y1111111uJ~t •tigc t •• r .. ul war sh•rul.l h\· • Xl'I'Ukd. Tht·n· hat bo-t•n tiJU muclt ll n t'lh'Y tow:.nJ lhu~· t•lh'mlt'li of Cl\'lllzat 11111 10 the I' LAS CTII M 'OI'T OA \' paat. Plana ttrt' nul\ ht-tn~ot Curmulat~ • fnr 1t t•uunl y·" ul,. t 'ub St•uut rally t .. l>t' hl'ld Rl :-;, ... p .. rt Hnrbur With Japan this Wl-ek f'llll'n•J upon th\· faft h ~1<1'1r uf h~r tht· ltw•a: St>out , unu"~u .. ,. u h<lal effort to conquer Chinn, Rnd tJ,uu~h ~:~h{· has takt·n 114111~~1un Pl>lll!tbahty "' ~u.·h .. r,·rtproc•ly r f · • f h l:"''lur•• wu11 d '"''Lillwd thlll Wl't'k at o a a1r port1on o t c h1~ ,. 1\ln~ry nnu rules ""~Anc·tenth uf " "'t'"ll"~ ,1 tht-l'unuuttttt hraded * Chm.e popul11tion. t.hl' ltnth! h l•rf'c.ol f pra•·tk:tlly bank toy T Wt!.Stun Ji•Y 11nd nr. Gordon .... t -..4 .wJ unable t o Ccmq11t'r the remaining Dine-tenths I !14. Onandy. Olh"r rom~nlltftmen -all. Th . . . f • "rt' Mayor Jr)'lll Gt'url(e Gordon, o. Ul~ eou.ntry. ere Ul n o tnJ1cat1o n nf Cntn£'se Rurrend('r , 1 :u~ T11mrll•. !larry Lat·~. PhlhJ- but th~re are plenty of .n.,-.s t hut J apan wuuhl, hkt• to h an•j fl;,yd••n and Fto•d Crmuu 110meone help her get uut of a b&J :-.tlu~lllvfl . • TAkY.S SF.\\ l'H~ITIUN b · ------• Hll\' 1'ul<'nl• who hnll bl'l.•n Willi Rella It' statistan 1l rl'ports 1:1h11w that !Justnc·!<~; IN bt·ttt'l ''"" ll 1• l'~trk••r n·~tlty orr",. tor aU over the West than it hal' bt•\'11 at a~· time Hi"{'(' l!l.m. lh•· IHI<I til onth.~. hll• fh'C' .. ploo Building, employnwnt ~ J.arnt prlf·t·:-. all ;(how \'lt!d· 101· 1 pys111nn ttl' 1 t.-1k '" th~ Bnll~•rl t Wh 1 t f ('-1 I f l~ol,,ntl (h•:<lol(ll'l'. rrpluo'tlll( M11t.~ provemen . a e mnR o m• Jnl'n·a~l' 1s t Ul' to unht•Hf't -11 1(,,1 ... 1.1, Mtddlt>tnn """ h.,11 1,..,.n Governml•nt CXJWildltlln•!-(, 11 •~ h.'lwJ tlaa t btis lnt'!-(H m ay II~<· pu~t 10( m•orlth~. ha( ,.,.,...pto·tl .. ptn -.uch lnhtf\t.•ntum THat if win-,·, rnl niut· ·g .. nil arf\·r-Um·l·· fl'•l'r•·•t \1'0 t•'ml' .. r:lrn• r"~•.:ii a. ... Sara ahuts his pcw kc·tbolok Till ~· .·al··~l alattg•·r 114 mflat l .. n. tu ill h··nlth T lllo•lh \\ hr\ wall , (101 II ... I I~ I'HIIflo I \o .. \\ llfl till' J'"llo(· Which W(IU)d b<• roll,\\q•d h~· lmannal l'lrll;qa~c·. h•W J'rl('t'S ,.f fiO ,. ~l.tll~ 11 Pta IlL, 1.111 ('••~!.• and un~mploym<'nt. ,,, 11 •''<!••·· ,,. I•• r•llurt '" lw• 1 •'<~1 • .-1:~1,.. ilt""t n ·n r"f r.~ ''""" ·'!' the- -· duties. The burning phraseoiogy of Roui:IShu and Payne and Jefferaon anti I h~ patter of U~e soap box radical of tOday hll ve one reiterant note in common; over and over the em. pha.siil ia,ori "right~>." ~tagna Cha~, the sacred Decl_ar~tion whose adveht we C<'lebrated last Fr1dayl our American Con· "righta" of·free men. This .is well-as far u it goes; f or the 1mpulse and power to in~>ist upon one's rights is.i.therent in the loweat fonns of nature and assures the continuation of life. But the great failure of -democracy as a practical fact. the great failure of religion as a means of wo rld rehabilita· tion , rests upon the blind refusal of men a nd wo men to realize that there i.e no right whicth dot's not car~y with it a corres- ponding duty. What happen~ after every gr~at upheaval iu tht' nature of political· or religious r evolution ? The very men who fight for the freedom o f their fellows, once that freedom 18 won, aooner or later come t o' the place whe('e !*If interetSt prompta them to infrin,ge u~n the liberties or others .. There were no m ore a rdent warriors in our Revolution l!:ngland than some of the men who held slaves. The Inquisi- tion itself did n ot surpass in bigotry and fiendish persecution the fanaticiall) manifested by the Protestant zealots a fev. ~eara alter Luther. Only the reaction of the French. Com· mune equalled in horror the excesses· of the Russian Soviet in celebratio n of its liberation from "autocracy." What is back of all these manifestations? The llimple failure of men and women to appreciate the dual natOre of true freedom which complements every prer:ogative with an o~ation. ' The citizen who fancies that he can have real freedom by the mere ~xercise o f all his sover'eign "rights" is cherish- ing a delusion as fatuous u that of the rich man who thought to save hia soul because he had kept all the commandment!i (rom his youth up. There is always another half to sound l:itizenship and ~~nd religion ; that is the proposition of I giving value receiv~. Th~tizen who is not as zealous of his neigh~ righta aa he 1a of hls own. who enjoys all the benefits o(~t whlle giving u little u poeaible t o I the government, is neither free nor worthy of fret.odom. AnJ the man who inaista u pon religiout~ liberty for h imself but denies it to his ne1ghbor, is at once. a tyrant and a slave, in· c~pable of senaing freedom. · Asked what he gained from philosophy. Diogenes is said to have replied : ''To do without being commanded what others do from fear of the law." The political faith which cannot do llB much for its adherent as this philosophy I did for Omgenes is a va1n faith. And the religious belief which-canhol. <ld"li8 lnUCh "tor tts devotee Ts"K ·shallow mock- <-ry. The d1ffcrence between exercise and labor is ~hat one u.l ,·oluntary and the other compulsory. The one w ay to makt-I duty plt'asant instead of painful is t o do it VOLUNTARILY. The true ~'nse o f civic freedom comes from ~pontaneous. n~rudgm:,: perform ance of civic duties. And the only -·~·:b · of :-ptr itual Jreedom colnes from WILLING sen;cE' . ·.Ct•n .llnt· fr eed om is SELF-CONTROL. And the man who ! 1; truly fn·t• ts the man who balances his right~ and duties. ___ ... __ ----.. -·---..,.-------· ---------- The dty coun\'ir~ a\'1 11•tt "' d··~h.:n:ttm;.: tlw Pr.·ss. a:: '"'·''nt:u .. c.uT Joottot• .\~ t:xcrst-: FOR TOBACCO l 'SERS , . the official ncwspapt'r 111 tlw (' t \ "l :"t·\\t•••rt Ht•:tl'll f•u' ,\ ""'" :. ""1'' 1"r th·· 1''"''" ''1 An.t 11,,"' comes a noted scientist w~ the word that. • ltl'l• Ill 1 .... 1,, h,l' l••'"ll lll•l:tll···l h~ . tht' current fisl·al Yl':'lr \\Ill n ·=-11lt I" ,, ~ "n~lol,·r:llrl•• sa \'Ill).: 111 •• ~lw••!·" . , u1tth•'" l•lnml :.•han·n 11~,·r:. are largely immune from th<' m it:nlbeS anti Lo the taxpa~·ers. Thnuj.!h tlw 'awo~t ·1 ".r~ rn:f,J,. , n a strktt~· •· 11,11 I'• r,., •· • •··•·h·r '" .tl'f111:t" ·•lhPr "b11 g," th at ordinarily inft>st the human R)'St{'m. Ac · business \lat~is. bee au~ the Pt•t•::~· bt I ".r:i '"" t•r t h;m t h1tl tll ,,. I'" k hi· """ '11""'1' ••f 1'•'1'"1~~' •'••rdtn•" t ,, 1 hr scit-ntisrt's teb"t made on several living· boJies. • 11rr•"nt htt•r:t lltr•• roo its com(lE'titor • ( whicl} b1d nbnut !"HI' I"", ... t ha n tt h;ts bc•t·ll Th•• ="•'''-y.,, k llt'rnht-Tnt-un,. those 1 hat w 1·rc pretty well ~turated with nil:olinC' dt'~troyt>d <:ollectiog for many yeaN~ I, we dt> II• t ,.,,n, ···I~· that lhl· dty "·•~ ... mp h t '' , ... n-h'i', ""'""' h:ll'h'rta ,,f r.u·ningitis. cho lera. diphtht'ria a nrt typhoid within b ' ' t k t 1 \\1 1 -t '-· I '-" \ rno·n• 1 •·· 11• '" H" .• ~d frnrn · I ed " Th · b bl uameM 18 a en a a oss. t' lll n \1 ..,.. "'' ,. 111 "rut turnat .. 31) m inutes•afler th'"' same were "pant . ert' IS pFo a )' · ' lh,. lllllh•·nl to "''l"'rtl! ,,r !1~\"t•rnl ~ prices. NP1th~r do we bt>lit'\'(' tht•rl' 11-0 :my Jll~l r.•as.m why ,.. .. r .. ""''' n~ 1,,,. k•,.llt>r,. t hn•u~oth l-Pmt'thing lh thifl claim. There cannot be an)·thing \'(>J'Y ap· 'l~t;al ad\'Crti&ing ~huuld •benr U higher rah' th:q1 •ll)ll'~ nd· ""' th•' ••• o1 .t1• 'l-:.1..t1 \\l'l'k thC'-"<' pdizin~ in th~ fl&\'Or of the flesh of a n_icoti'nE' sonde~ car· ~ing. ~peciall\· whert" the> pa1lt-r h.as an t'Xt•lusl\'t' \'On· 1"1"''1 ~ llr•· t.,t•ulntt'd. rrlnt~ on 4'&.sS. Jt i.o; ~a1d, and ia doubt.let!S true, tha.t <'annibals r eject .. . . • . . , n\'lqtrr·<* • ••t und ,. ... nt "' ~u'h· U.. for a epeciftt'd pertod uf u.me. Th~ t'atl' QUtlh'\1 by the 1 ~•·r1._,...,. Th.-1~1"11''~'~'" h"''~ 11ub· ~~ m01~t nppetUing looking "steak" from the c-arc ass of a Pr ... on t.b~ pubJJcation o f h!gal ad\'ert 1~in).: fnr t hl' t'tly • •• r1~d •·· ;thl• q••r"r~> Rnd ''" 1 confimu'd t11bacco ueer. Thua tht' much mahgne'd users of aUOWH US a fuir and lt'gitimal<' margin of profll . and thl\t I~ IRhl•• lit thPir lt'mhn,:: hhrn ry thl'i lhC "filth \' w~~..l" can take new COUrage in tht' thought that ruhhl' 1'1\n ~•'C' Ill li j:IAnl't' Whll'lt , '~ . nil "'• ex~ from any cust0mcr. I nrl' Amen•·ll ·~ "'"~' l"'l'"lu hrookl', they ar(' immune from mtcrobes and canntbalB. ' ------~------·---------- ·-1'11E-.. &4Wt.:R·~TM4~E&E , DltNNE~S Christian's Hut ART LA SHELLE .(Alia..: t 'LETCHF..R ('IIRI!4TIA."") 11~3 t:Ucit:\\.-\Tt:K • f>JIOSE 811 L BALBOA --------------·-----... --------------· FUI ZBIE BALBOA EVERY WEDNESDAY IS CHILDREN'S DAY A££ BID~S, A££ CONCB--IONS .. ; Sc U N 'I' I .. 6 P. Ma • LF.AU~ TO S~\1:\1! -c11ttd~n ''in lrarn w ,.,;;r,l. Wfi~ nut e..:-a,·h· thcom to •wtifi C'Orn!(•Uy! Rulco l'atllr·h, ~uulh"""' Uh ln~e < h:uul'lun, aod ln•lruC'Ior ~;f ~w1mmlntt at t'nhr,...u~ uf T•·'-w. t .. """ "t,..nlnr; hi• aAJbc»t ~nn of dhlnttan•l ..... lt:u . :r~; in.,! ·a•l'••n. ('hOdnon a .. ~ty. ln•tnwllnn tthrn :II 1\aJb•n, ur 111 hf'U4·h hnmt'. Phone Balbo. ~o. 8 for aiJIJ()Intm .. nt-· -~••• Penny _ fun at-the Aia·x· . Arcade Ill MAIN STREET, BALBOA . -~---. , .. ·- ... . -· ..• _, .. :~ .. Thundayl July 101 1941 ~ .. ~~~~~~ ~~~?.~~~ .. ~~-~~~~~~~ ·~ day Wt>ekt'nd w'ath 1t pop· ht're. a )lmlttt'n, ftrt'rrur ker ther't', hen n pop. there Yuu ~ay the~·s no t•halll.'t' u bang, "''"ry\Mll'Tt'""t'Tnr k, rrark . . ~·ou. son~ Dr and M rs. A I C'nlt.y hll\'e lx-<'n \\'hy1 I hi' .best li9ks ha\'t'll'l been \'tSttlng lhP1r pl<r .. nb, lhP Jo'. K. wrttlt'n, Colhv~ 1n th .. •r ~ .. uth &v .ll'ront Tht• hfst Ml{'t' ha11n t ~n run, hcm1~ tho> pr,st few weeks, and Tht' beRt vei'IM' ha.sn't ~n rh)m\· 11prnrtm~ manY ~llfl.l)\' hours <m t hr rhmbt>d -yet betwh . Th .. ht'Mt hOUk hasn't ~n plan· p._..,Pl•' arvunt.l n))cull the Island ned. hod quit.• a I hrall om· clay ttJas The h1~hest 1wak haan't ~n Wt.'t'k wh .. n famous JH~t·ha He~Ct'lz dtmf'd yl't "Pf>"&ll'd tn n11r lc ... at.•, o,·er here Tht' maghltt•~t n•ers art'n't !rum tu., pl .. n~llnt tr·upll'lll H arbor IIJHinnl'd. Bertor\ Bl"ftiC"y. ' l!llund huul., Burt White and w1re. brulht•r of w .. are lt\'tnlt m 11 mom4'ntouM Art and Va11x WhitP wtts on tht> 11gt> .... H•stnry 111 hf'lng tnlldt• htland over lhP wrPkl'nd ha,1ng a ey••ry hour. r.nd 1'\'Pn 8<1, today:.~ coud um., \'t>'lltno.: l,•uldtt•.o< 'tlert• and ,.,•o•nt!' nuty pnH'" but u maid ft)rt'· therf'; hi,. c·harmanl( ware lt~<.>ktng runno•r or tht• IIRt'agt', tHmultuuu.'l as attractwe as .. , . .,,., trniPs to rumt> .. Yet. I'rn ~lllang 1------,:r.::;;;:; !'fr~.tlhn~e "'iilii'mnmr-ntlOI ' t1.' waiff tha wtiiitrn•r tht' cure proudly rollanl( 11 nrw baby ear-for lh•~ 11<1rry uld wo rld'!l 11ls, riagt', weii·Cilled , l.tH>. wer\' Mr. y1111' II (md Cnllt.R Mt•!IU boys In the a~d Mrs. SllllmKn ·Na<:hnll'. T hey thu·k o f thC" fray .. , also \'1!111~ m:tny or tht'tr frll'nd~ A yrar maybe IWI' yean~ ago 011 ,·ucfallun hf'ro• frum Pasndt>na, t h t')' w1·re -attPndln~t ,B ar&r high amma~ lht·m br1ng Mr a.nd Mrs .,r Jayc-ee ... Football. glr l1, Jtt· Jr\<'k Stt·r mt·r. J1h k PParman, &r-t.·rbu~l(tng and maybt' a battered bam \\'ud•·. J oh t) ltnd S11m Fo11ter. •!Ill Jalopy were t h<'lr rh1ef Inter· ""''h Cnt'l·. 'lind others. estx. and ftral exa m> and spa~ Tit(' H "' ~ t;rna:<lh of 211 Snp· l hanj::e tht'lr g rt•ate!lt wo rr1e11 . ph.rt• Rppt·Hr 'rnurftl lhl'llt' prtr lll T•Hlav, lho-v are mt'n 11nwng men. about 1'\'t•ry wo•t•kend. Thctr da rk Ma.~ Vll'l~ And Lestf'r, Smith (who and londy W.ughter. H4·lly. 111 :t .trP So•rl of step-couaiMI, and pi'tmlln•·nt summer ro·~ldt>nl ' now Gt•orl(t' Brt'mer and CMrge Shafl'r bu~MI)' kf't'pmf( houllt' fnr her!lt'lf. hun• Jlll!l complt'tl'd Ulelr tra lrr. M1tu Grnash ts lht' nfwly·I'IC"rtC"d m.c wrt h Ult> 38th Rel'nnnalaaanr f' president of lltf' Fal1li(IR n c-lub at SC)undmn the Flymg Fortre1111 d1· Pasadena .lunu1r enlle~l'. vl!laon of the air l'urps a nd are A happy huu!l('ful o r guuts ·nvw-st.Allont'd at Albuqut'rque, llt'rms tu ~ kel.'l'"'lt tht· J ... ~. C'a.s· s .. w Ml·Xaro ... Young Brt'mf'r 111 111dys buHII'r thnn bf.'f'll ut their !<Jlf'l'laltzan~ In tht' f>hot.u.,:ra phy di- pla<·C" on tho> Surth R~ty Frnnl t'lt<Jnrt , Shn!f'r alrf'ady holdz! a Wht'rt' they ha\'t' ancht rffi for p:trl pllr1t '• lu·f'n!!t' and will lw an army of the 1111mnwr During the hllll· zo~.~n·rart mechank ... daya. lbell' dau~:httr, Jam•. enter· Vmc .. Parke!! Nul just graduated ~lnf'd friend!<, anl'htrlmg !Arnint' tr"m thf' S a \')' Gunnery Odnanre Walker, Mr. onr1 Mrl' Jne R~<·h· 11, lttHII at SAn OIC"jtO 11nd nnw hu mond, R11~ Lm•;h. Cltrtl W ht•cler. 1, weath~reye cocked toward AftD- Betty Gro11sh. Mtr'kcoy Andepf'n. 'i'"lts Tr1mply Andrf'"'"· ,-:rnnd - anc! Mr and Mr11. "Nf'd F.11tey. Oth· ,.,.,. uf ) H. Andl"'t'ws t'f E I:Uh u lfUt'lllB l'nJoying lhf' b11y brt'c:teF !llro·••t, all· cu·rnp~nl( hlac f1nal a rf' Mr 11nd MNI J~tml'/1 \\'. Cll.'t/11· d\', Mr. 11nd Mr~ F. \\' ("fl!lllldy and ~n. Billy, and Mra. Mar Berry. Certbrilie,. ~~Hm to hk t' tht' Ill· land as "t>ll a.~ us ln<"ahll'!t Cy ···········"·"········"'''•tf'•·······"··· ........... ..,..~~ .... ,..,. Howc•r Tht>y HpC"nt a grand -dlly \'18tltng tht> uld rtl y a nd ahopplng, and rt>turm•d to lht' Jllland In tM Kindell. mo,·ie ar tor. turmerly of 1'\'l•fl lrtj.t t hf' P ;l.'lndPna C~tmmumty Play-"Pansy" Astor, feline fll\'Orate, housP and nolo\' tn Hullywn<>d, ~tnd i'R\'t' barth to t wo eone and t v.·o hill ware and their three ch"dren, duughters . Mother and rhlldl't'n do- O<'cupu~d t ht' Blumu place at 120 lllK nicely. Orand Canal for. the hollda,-. Cuesta of WeutenanloCommand- Whfle hel"'t' they df'llghtf'd In tlah-f"t A . Berry and Mnl. Berry and log. boaUng. bathing and ma.ny of the1r daughter, J acqueline, we,. ttl«' otht'r attractaoM . Llt'Utt>nant C. Ht'ndt'n10n and hla \VInfreld Tsrr nr Amt'th.yst ,.t .. Ytlung IIIRtl'r , Ma ry E vt'lyn. \'l&lt- dow n from camp san L uis Obis· lnJ( nur 11unny California from po, hrt'lll(ht hrs rornt'ly yuunjt Ohln. friend, Mlsll CynthiA Mt·M urtrle. Hdmrr nack .. y. who spent about down Sunduy rnr 11 rd~<x ful a.ny on '"'" w•·c•kll In the hospital follo w- -the sand. onj! ItO "J"'rlllrfln, 111 tiumt' again n111 Luptun, llll'l! flown fmm .n h.r< M~tru'i,. avenut• abode. Sur- Camp San Lui~ Cllt::·pt•. spent the 111 •~·· of t hP •lay Willi llt't'lng h im holiday~ walh ho11 fulkl' In thl.'ll up Hrtd ahout thf' ftrst day he v.·as ~ •·utiRJo!•' un Afll•l<'nR. Onf.' d11y. hunu·. . (hftl tnr llll<'l1:-;p.,.il,·•r rN;r;--m--fril "rs L··tla \\:tlltr.wa~ '" also ho rne '•nd a~IN•p n,1 tho• tl(>11rh 11nd I 'tj.!Htn from Rl Luke'11 ho11p1 tit .:. ' 4, .. ' uwakt' unltl t11~ multiPr,i\llad••na fi,Jiowar~ " .o<f'nous ,.llt· .. ,.;.,1a, JuPktnJ,! fur hUu Ry thnt 1a~ k uf tllnc~Jol. F nends ye \ery ttmt• h•· """ w•·ll·d .. n•·.'tu ,, rol<y ~l11d to knuw t hat llh ... l;:·~~~t'ltn& hut•. ami o toulon t ,.,.,) "I'll ''"J"Y IIIIH'h lw'l ll'r n•Jw thr rPMt o ( hiM lt•:l\'t• ·I \\'t•t•l~t·nd j.!lll'lll nf M IS!! Rnst'--' A c01urlf' uf ulll·l tlllf'l" lh'rt' wo•r rn· r ,. Huwtnnn wall Ruth Ht'n- Bill\' ~lollt'f :1nrt H,.,,.,,. ~rn .. tt. lb•u·n.,. _ truc:kan" nrwrml l'f•••"''IJ: "hAl t he•\' ~''"" R•1h<·tiA Maddlt'tun wall 1>4' rvuld tmd to rl., • lliii<Ht'tl 11 round hcrf' thlll l!Uillml'r, L•own r .. r a w ...-k ··r twv (tO ··~ !<hr h i\!1 "''"'' to LoJO AnJ:t'lell tu f\uhv "''' ~L arr S<Jnoe .nlher 11ld , .. ~11 h .. r "'"tr r '""!::!"''"g "" allne!SS frlt'~d.~ .,r tho· J~l•lnll Mr. nn•l ~lr .11v1 Mr., F:arl W ~lnnlry Mrl' Hr11 k J .,n. ~ ,.., ... wan).: .. 111 al •, · ""'''' ~t r ~111nlt y '!< n<'phrw tnl'nll~<h•f'~ unci .,ltl:olllilllo! !'IIIII•' nf 111•1 \1' ll' llr •uad Mr11 !;tani"Y t h" ullrtt·I'IIIIPI rn,·~ .. r ••ld ""' I ••. ,. 11rhl ~111all rlatr~ht.,r, ~u11nnnc-, Tho• rtrl'l • Rltll•lar•• or lth' ><o'""''" '' ~·r lho• llnhola p!. Thry w••rt' 11t lht· lblhua J,J,Inu ~ lfllltiiiiJ: tntnn~o= lh<' laJI.:"I' t·rn wtl lu \'lt'W the c lub, with Rl"nny nnd IA1hl•• \\'ulk· ,:1.ond t11~play ur f1t1·works tht' er n~ ln!<t'rth tnr~ "a:: h••ld Tur·~· ~o·,. •rl h tof .luh· n1~hl day over bv thP M a tllll' !!lrt'l'l 'I h o· ;'. J uhnsnn.'< e nd rha~rc:n brirtgl' nt>nr. t hr· \'tlht MRI'Inll rr•· 111 lhf'ar bi'IUtl•ful f>rrt nd c'ttnal Ab<\tlt z:'l stiKf,.nt.'< nnd memt.ert~ p,,.,.,. now TltC" ,luhn!Uinl' arc> con'· at~tiiCMd Mild Lbey ..r01A.5led "1 nc\ t•·d '''tth tht• pupuh<r "T trk playt•d gnm<'~, llllf1J.: sniiJ.!!I. a nl'l 11.1 1 ,,, ll" In Holl~·onct-. · a !lhort Cltl(rtnt7.ntaon mN•tu•~ """"~': tH•n••ymr.om·r H. Mr. 11nd Mnlnnnt; ct"" n lto S.ltl 0wl(•1, ~~r~ ,J,., k ;\xo•l><un urp har k on CCtrorwt.lu and T au .l1111r.:t IR~'<l Mlln· th~> hland. ha\'1111: n·•·•.'ntly rPlurn· da\' wPrP 110mr ,.f •mr-ll'lnnd fulk~ t'd frnna 1t Olll f\'t'luuK honl')'llluon M~11 ,.,,. a..n11 k;•rhu< ko'l ~tnrl ~.an. trap tn H•molulu Btll, an(i II• r tmu~•'~·u•·~ts. ~,.~ Mrs ('halnwn< WAR! Yrll. W<' du a .lalllt> warrtng, un tenfl£. ~· :8"Y"1 A tr Hob Shl'fhn. 111111 vt thr Earl S ht•f· hn». lt>(t lul v.· .... k fur Alas ka aboa rd t~ U ~ 8 !'lp.ca. Jlr will. b(. statlont'd Ill Prt'blof l&land, !\00 mllu f rum S''''lt't RWitlla Warren Ca sat'l nnd ··J unior ·· W tl· ll'ln at•• 11t Pi'arl H urbor . Haw.ut : CIBI"'t'nrt• Armstron.: and Rob lkhult'r &rt• Ill &an ('liC"JtO Snva l Tralnln~ S<'huol Jumf" Km~hl 'Ia In tht' a1r n•rp~ nl C'••rpus C'hnJitl, T t'X11!4 Floyd H <<ffard ll\'lnlluH llllidllnllll nl 1'\vtlh bout' .. Don !:lr hnrt>WC"Is ~:raduatl'd rrvm H11rbur Hl~th lnst m11nlh hut l )ll')' h11d 111 111811 Ius ChJII••IIHI l1• ham for O.•n h111< lw••n walh L'UJll· fll<ny L . IM!>t h l nfwltry ~lJ1u• Apt 11 \\ht>n lht• Snlu11111l t;unrd \\11-" l iiiiC'd 1111•• I<!' I'\ ll'" u,, I>< !ll ltllull· t'iJ 111 S1111 Ltus 1 lbu<Jl<'. u><' nrt' l'ar l l>t>i''t<rd un\1 \\'allurd ''""".:'' T he-httlt·• 1\\V Hto· \\ tlh Vat> In· tl'lht:t·rw,. Lll\ 1sa.•n 111 tht· H l'ad· 41111rlt•rl! l>eln1'hiiiCHI All u( Wlll<'h IS IJIII II bJitt> !lt'r~ttdun.: .. r tho• "''rr.u o•. f•1r hko· thl' "f•~thlln.: Jn ,.,h.' t ho• yuuth .. r ('ll><la ,Mo·"u IIIJ[l:tto"Jtly lllt'nll!< 1<1 '"' Ill tlll lhC' j:I"UUII<I f111<1P. R~-...,.,.. c .. ,u~ ~ -- LIIst Snturdn~· 11 n;111"r s uddt•nly 11prung up thut ::i•'"'"'' ~uperm J l••nd••nt Ho•rtr.~' Altrllfll>-h ull IJ4'•o•n 1 klllf'cl tn nn 1tt1 tu ,,..t'l<h nt Suo•n 1tli lhl' l<1Wf1 \\':Ill Ill Ull Uproar :olt .. ut 11. Tht• llua· .. hJ t:naut>l n111rt u I hr)' WllH tloudl'tl watt: <'nlill, lht• ''"'tor:<' uHu•o·:~ Knd tho• o'<•unty st·nt h11:<ptlul1< \\f;l'l' 'l'"'n NI. lh•• l ),)(•ftl ltt'"SJ'fiJWrll lo.o'll' b..-llt!li;lo\J . So tHIP \\',1-" •lUll,. Wlllfnj.: tn bt'hc\'1'! 11. llfl\1 y,.t 1111 dad . . ,\nd tlwn. llt'nry' ~·~nrhlllRntly wnlkl.'d duwn I IAt"'fl tu huy "''mP j(t\M'I'IICS , 1111d Wun<h'T'o·d why o•\'t•ryt•n•• Jtl11rl'<l t l him ~~<• pr•·ull:trly ... • M.r~ \\' t't~r·l <'rltftll' hrnthrr · m·law 11nd 31t<tl't. t tl .. Httrry ~~~­ thr".o<. IJWII II ClrU IS lllld hll\'t' llf'CII tf·ilvt>hn.,; 111 F.urup<' woth th•• "hCtw : (nr lh•• past IIC'I't•rnl yf'ar!< T hr 1 ttlhf'r drt\' Mr" <'rAfts WR" mflklnlo: !!Hillf' J'l;,...hii~•·H Ill 11 CnlllH Me-lilt l ~hop a nd Ruddt>nly 11 trt'mc-ndouf! r .... r ~u.ndet.l frum the str•·PI . A hoy llhuut••d, ·•H nly o•utll' It'll n I lion'" Ev .. ryunr; lrtl huJtn.: Ml'11 1 f'rnfla. d~t~hl'd tn t hP d""r . _ •urP ''""u~h. lh!•tf' "'"" nn auto trn1 h·r whlt•h h .. u,.o•tl 11 huri~o:ry·1 !•••kill): 1><·11111 nnd 111 llu• nltoc·ht'd ~ • ur 831 M r11 t·r..rt,.· l'ISII•r and ho•r h1111hand . . Tht y hatl jul'lt trtH'i.-J 111 htwn nftt>r ll llo:nllll'l! a ' <huwn ... n'll r .. n,·ent•un >tl 1.-tJS An· l:t•h•111111d Wt'l't• StiJIIr)'IIIK to I11CRlt' the ("ratt,.· home So, lung· ..,.,;.rat..d relutavt•s w.,re rc-~tuted 1 and rv.,rybody wHS bnppy ..• A let tel-f,:m • H:rper ·s . H en-I ry, o ur Utopla-~~«klnc adventutt'r 1 down P unamn wuy, rt>puru that ht' •nd hl1 Chtrutt> l~u nd coi•Husl~ arr hrt\'t n~ lht' u:<uRI f'XJ)('rt••nr't'l' uf plunPI.'rll With muny than~" '" tw lcArnt'Ci 111 the cxpo·nl!t· ur ltmP. "n•l i-rrr.rt . Tht·y 'plant•·•l l ho·tr frrst '):lli'(1ell ""· low J.!tiiUI)•J b.•f'IIU~o' tht•rp II wrut damp f'nuu~:h to ""''"'' dunn~t th•· dry ~""""" . And nuw l h•· rRin~< lmvo• • •llllt' aruJ lht• luw ~tr<>und 110 ti<Hiflt'<l und th•• ~ar· c11'n mu~t l11• rt•plun:. d nn ho Jth ~:r••llntl "Aiuillll'r'f\romrm. t \~ llt•flf\' I, ll< tl1•• • Hfl ltul .,f IH'l<L'I whl•h 1111 h•d•• ,,,,,,:! and 11 ~r··•·n tlt>tl:'"' y ,.l' l(r'o•••ll Ill! •·nwr .. tll and fqur r. l'l '""" llo· h:t!l 1 ..... .. flt•\'lollrlfllo: IIIII ltltll' J'iopa~·~~ lr<•l'' ••'n•) oth•·r I''""'~· . I ~""' huu to da}' .Jur lhc fll:-t l lllh' IIJitl \\1'11 1 ,aft•·• h 1r11 \\ 1t h a tu.: '"·•• tu•l•• tHJt lit .. d,.(l~··~t u\tu tth· 11,,.•~1 unci ~ .. h,t!' ··~•·uiH'IJ lilt' f~·• U\\ h.lt• I II 1( .. 1 hltn Y•·l 1 Anrl 111 thtnk W•· l'o•t.A M .. .J.,n~ ""' ry .lt, .. ,rt I'll• h hil l·,~ .. ,. »• "'''""· "'""l"y Lu~o::1 thror . n•~• ~ ptrh•r.s, •· ut", •rJli!-4, b••••ll.-s h rul .. lll•·r l•k•1 •n• ull:-.,.4i+H ut aaiH th:tt dl l\'•• ~o:urcl•·rwr., nul" 1\nt.l m .tk · tlllihorudro•l< ollt uf Ill'''' twld1• motn - llflll'turt•r><' Mrs. Nellie ~iller . ... Di.rs at IIOfiP.ita l in Santa Ana I Fun••rlt I ""''' '''''" ' ",.r,. • l,t•lrJ j Thur.o<da~· rtl ~unt:t Ana fur Mr~< Nrlllt' t:tll••lle MaUer, :.!:140 Nt•'A -1 purl IJo •lll••t'll rd. """ tlll'rl \\'•·tlr1f'l'· tlay At Sl J"!"'l'h h"~l•llaJ f111lu" A(a:l~\lf:AAX -S ('('(T\I.RS t'OI.I.HWI.SU l.o.SU II.I.Sf:Sl-4 snnn-GLYCF.RI:'o:. Mr nncl Mno Wllyn~> B. Hnrpt"r FllnN~d 'i<f·n·" .'.~ " •. ~~. ho·ld Rat . w d o hlll.lr~>n. Jo and O.c:k 1111 l'<ap-urd:i,· ht lf·:a rultl I< r;,wfl r•hupd plllro• ~<trr·c-1 h,lfl :... ICUf'lll!l IIL~t f••r \trq F:lrzalwth 1".\rltur ·, V lrt'•· "••,.kt>nd Mr-T utP S Tullt'n, llnd It C'IIOH'l' Ill ~ntall duS.,!l ff1r mt>dt1'11l n ·a!<on!l • ·. a 2~0th or a ~tra m or "" b ut e\·f'n mtrn-~lyr.·r.p '' (HIIfl<l an 14 mndern flhnr mowy' ~~~~ h M . ALLEN'S PHARMACY MartiH' at Pari! Anonue BALBOA I"'I.A~D l'b(lnP lll·W v .. r Brnnflwa~·. w hn I"'H.~•·t.l ""'")' "''"· Parke, and 11 JI\IPql nf Jo Hnr· lll~l Thu rl<t.ltt\' """ 11,11~: ttl th•• , ... , \\'11.\ na \'4' CIJnt!llO< k. . Ill••" II H••>-1 h""'"· It, II• \\' ::r .. ~~ •':1 ~t••ltlg th•· '''"·n 1tft'\'~nl1 ~t.;t r••t:ol. ~, .. ,.,,, 1\ lilt , h·l·l"~'.ll'l( n lc•UJ: n•~thl~< lntl'ly 111'1\ft Nel~m Stll(ford alln""" .anll AttrAI'l l\'t' Rl\llit rntt:'. \'t'T)' ~tr!l L,..r ..... whn V.'ll' II nlltiVP ,,, • h"rn"ni: 1"1111ph' l h••y do m 11ke. ""rrtn "•unl ,\' Mw htJ:Iofl hr.rt h~>~•n '"'' 11 r•·l'trl••r11 •af ·t'rtvtn M• ~~~ f•1r' th•· Tho> n urkfl'll. \\'. r_. a nd J•m. J•n~t I:'· v•·arO:. :-;It•· "ro .. '<II y,.,., '''llh lh•••r rt~nlllll'll nr,. again j n. •1f u~:•· llml 111 •un·ll •'f'l I•V ~ !II •tflll•~l nt thPtr Onvx homt'. \\'11 · ""'••·•dol tm•th•·r '" l<ll'r·r~l•h• nnd 11111•1 •B•II•. 1111n ,,( \\'. P ldt lhr•••· ~•·u~ nil •-! fJit·lo!'•ll ~~~~""'~~ h•frmd lfl'-'1 'T'l,.!td;ty llljthl !'\Pl'\,1'1'., \\'l'fl' tn l'h; t$:•• •1( (lirT r .. r . lhP F:ru\t, R tn~n~all,nn.'tr J<IUt ·l HI•\ :\t (' •• ,,.,,, .. , Ill" Full,;,, .. •1• \ '" J"ln II•• MRJ'' l}' 11 H••yal 11•1 • h•nolt t. u .. d 1 .. ,. It n 11tth• "' RtfiP!I "" Aml'rlra n \'•llunt t'l'r 1 \\'•slrntrtlotff M••rt~••r ml I'"'~ I I' I . ' .. .. Mary EDen's Cup toaCupJam,2D·oz. 33c \\'HITE Kl ~(i (iran. Soap, ram plig. 2!"M· SCOTCH (Iran. SoaJ•~ fum . J•kg. 2:W BRILW, small pkg. :! for I :"M· BABO 2·"ans 21r ZEE TISSl'Jo: 4 rolls I !"K" Sunshine KRist~\· ('RA('~Jo:RS 1-IIJ. l!"w Pio neer Ml~t ·t:o ('IA!\IS 1/'l -c·an J;)(- Gerber's BAR\' t'()()J) 4 for l~ibby C. B. HA SII, 16-oz. 2 "an~ 3.~ Dromedary DATt;s, J•it . or J•lain 2 for 2!it· Sunsweet PRl N t :s, I g. fruit I-tt•. &· Sunsweet I,Rl .~ES,'ined. fruit 2-lb. 15<· Thomp8on's Choc. MAI .. T Mlt,K l-Ib. 2!k' ,t.I:UIA&DT CHILLI C. C. with Beans ch'iLU~. c. with Beans . \\'I'NDt~X,6-oz. bottle• Kellogg's ANT PO\\'DJo:R 1'\o. 1 lie No.2 19c 12«- Ke nnel· Kng DOG t'OOD, No. I "n 3 for 17c \\'bite King BAR SOAP, r~g. bar :W Sierra PINt~ SOAP . :i for 17" WIIITF. KISO )fission 84•11 TOIJ.t:T SOAP ' flolly-CL-t:A NSt:H MEATS Pol Boasts, lb. 0-Boae, per lb. • l..t~I.S--flH.St:u and RIIU.t.U • • Pork Roasts, lb. . fTUAHt'·' .. UUI.I, (lftfN 21c . ~ScI 3 -Sc FRUITS AN .D VEGETABLES Jo'J\.S('\' K~STrnnr woxor:n Pole Be•ns, 21bs. 9C I TAII--I.ARf•f: l>4TAU(~ ·eeleJY, each • • • c;~t~;j;;: 3 for. •J4c , . I \'c \ t.III.DJP:N RASTA~ Corn,-& ean I - I ' -. • • .17c ' ' ·..., • # ruge 3 I ---r-. l'i l'f:t 'I AlA t:t•t •t.c TI\'J: t 'KIItA\', MA'h-tM•M .11'1,\ 11 ·11 FROSTED FOODS . r \\-'h y Ucm 't \'cur 1'r)· C h1r t'roz••n ... h•h. It Is t•uc•kt•tl in t't•llo \\'it h a or u t•it~N 'to tlw Puc•kn~c·. 11\u Clt•<ulinJ,t or \\'aNte ..• unci it's l·:,lS'J't}U N FISII, too! !· ..... Haddock Ol' Peadarll. 35c . . Church's Chapa Jaice piL 14c qiL25c BOBS D' OUVBES Smokc•d 0\'STt:UN, :i 1-·1-oz. c·un .. SmokNI 0\'S'I'Ij:U..~ 2Sc 19c Smokt•d lc•ealand SA I..MON, 3 1-4 ·nz co . 19c t'indon lfADIMK'KS, K-oz. can SSe SIIAD ~wt;, 7 S-4 can ~1k Smok_.d T URKJc;Y SG,t;. ~1/t-oz can .tk Hoi BuHered Nail -~ 1;1 '1b. 43c 1/t lb. 39c 1/t lb. 5.~ r;\fOnc!! . ~~ .. ,.. --.t61h1u1 Dutch , , ~--' BAKERS ~ ,..rl'l.l,\ ·111 I S~tturd~t~: .tul.\ Il-l t ! ~ --Sll. V~B er DBVIL~;§_ :·o~D CAKES •• -,r.;ac _ .. . ~ . . . .. ~EK·UCD DITION tSTA MESA NIIMBI:& II o· -=~or eqqeat .For Date Com- lY Lead to may COI1IIIder I'WJJOI't I larbor · Srnate Com· lon ~UNUrw' .. harbor wtth n t.hr ~xt.tbw by Smator • rt'l'rft I ctrv.lap- lty ,... -nau. ' trnlnac and dNpo ttU~nnc-la la war- fltoot ric<t ~!UP"'" n•vW.w ol eoalat. • lla rtww by Uw , .. "" llivf'ft and """'"• "'-'ttor : th•l "We-b.- ~ wtfl ,... Ju•llt1Nt t 1M I or . ""' .., ........ ., llf"nhl('fn ol Uw from ottwor de- .,. a~ • t'vr b) I he 1!11¥" ·~, ,,_., u. & .,~ .... GM• ,. r.wu. ., I' ... --~,. tr,.-=; :=; , ......... ... tiCDWi ......... te ftwo ,..,.... -~ ......... .,,.,.. IINfolorwtaltd Uw lhf'y wtll ...... ~ trw "lleft• J f11rt.rw to .,... · ~"' tnnu,. .• "' llltv..y ~ ''""'Y •• ,.., ·~ VIlli f'd ltft¥•1np. ""'JOf"t flay. ttl. I II rapMU,. -ftwoct. -~ ------'"II • )Ur-r••l•w '-'11 ''""' an aert&l ..... '""'ttftHt I available wtU 11 maauln<!! on, Ill I~ a murh will atve Ole •Jll"'•ranre ot ,,. N "w p u r t '* Iaiani!, LatSo .r, Cullta Mua. N<~•l •Nf'Wf••rt. I ,.,,m,. In tl'lf' •• ,_....,~ ...... ---....... ny llltrllf'llnna "'" wltat ttt.1 1tll "'''"« ttw. ~Uu~ ·h. n ana r'u'QI, ahll•J. l..a J nlla t ~ .. rtnd •P'•I• "rn rPJtton. -..phlr. aJrplana w ith the vital )Pf.,n•. Wlllltt tlfltmJ -pf ••• ----, :hilt wu lfiYIIO 1..,, M••a~lne C luh end l'lf'• t lltCJ •'·"' a IMiy In •how. r-:r.r.,... .. ;;...,..;;:;;:;_ .. , ....... ~~ ~.;;--;-;;;;.. ...... , HI-.C,I I. \I( "l 'l.t·:,\SI :\C , I 'I:IC 1 ...... -----t A lmnnd 1'n ist ( 'uft't•t• C ';a kc· I fk' . Firlf' Jc·•· ( 'rc·am pint 2!k' .. •ant "rtlvlllew rhbol dolna • how the wide hilt. I• ntfeN>d -rth <•out Jl;dl. •It you won't ICJ Word of. eo ewrved toda1 • r many frtendll '111t'1 I'Oin• oo ·o rt of tb• w. tbofo BUill~ Vomen'• Club chalrmet~ will Inc, Jul, 14, he p~Mfdtnt. .t 322 A.Dade, 1 ' f • N~ c Newport In Gala l I W6tll uw (lu• baalea IW'in~ 01 ater av~r lh~ Hartx>r hos ts I b u • L t'ntt'rll friionaa i nd rt'l te wltnua lipc h'onl the Balbi ca.p.odencto 0.) ln. a ctivit lt'lt nw .n.ck Pa !Ale ....... 't h.. 1M ~ 1hnnl'r hon ol W ra l~Hlll I mothe-r of Mr UTl\•r.l fur the «lebrallon w~ H&rvt'y Lynn • an now makl • BIIMioa u d W' w ooc1e or Lon1 Kr. and"'"' dauabtn. Bart u :o:-- Wbe .. Uwy &r! tndda. .,.. ...Ur Kl ..-.c..taMt'•• Jllra. c. ... Cakh diiiJctnon ol Loe * cllaDer ADd I Bieda Wkre t tnotk parade. Mr. and ~· 1':1 C)L; lne. Caltfor. ....-... A*. ~IDI lleearb ,.,.. w M r. and Mra. til bland. wbo daqtlter. Ccanl u. -..lr<~l n. Bhl-l'fou M " 1lc .... ~~hoc* epH ....... intlwT ud lira. E. 0 . Mllie RuUl I' ... bu ap1n -to'lt&,J Ulto ble lilome .... ,. ... ..,. ..uact froal I CatiiM Mr. &ad Mrw UdD ... MdM a...., and ... 'JIIr•. Cbl _.. .Aaa .. ., ..... f' N Jlal ., ... -.... a.-... ....... .,. .............. ... ._ ... .... ... , ass .a., .......... ......... .......... ... ..,.. ~- PI et _,. ,., ., ~ .............. ~ ..... Uilt ~----~dft~ .. ~-~ .. ~.0~ T ....... ol .... _. lilt ........ ~..,.... ,_. .. UN-.... ., ,..,... ......... Jobn Jib. -.1 'Kn: I ....... ll.r. ant '*"" fll 8ecr 11n.. Jl'nd cata «:aut. ......... a.rtee O&l1owa ~a-~ .... Dute• ~UidOUaJ , --Jill~.~ It saY who• the .. tollll And monll) • Harbor ~ads Counh· .,.. . ror Nf•w Ruilding Si"rf• .lari:- '. lot f i 'tit h O• '' r I I' ~·n 1 tu I' t v '' -;-.; ..... '' 'lu i 1~J t I ··• ·...1:!' '' 'lol 11·1 1941, r,..,.;,r<l> 1•1 lit• I It •Ill'' I ' ly Butldf'r~ r.x. hnnJ,:•' •··\t·.d t.rsd• lh .. 1'1•·•·• t • •lit ,t·.\ • !1 tl ~I . I • I~ J' I I ft 1 ,!I f,,, tw n tt11•·• •rtHtiU '"'' • \\,th •rld~\1d11u l 1.• -1( II 17. of • ,, t II II Hf.: .......... ,~. ol I I •' lt•ltl ••I Ill•· •'. '··d '"' '-' 1t ,, • ..:' •• '• 'tl t • \\ •.• \I t f I w •Ill fJ t•t• "'HI l'•tl 1 ~\' \\hu h u.: 1 ' I 1 \\' tllot J( Ftotl7 •. Wtlh r tl\· Hutl•l n•· ~ ·• It d ,\ t·fH h ~ •• ,~ Mot ''N11t fur southeu:~t 11f l.ot4 A lll(f'· l('S ltes thl' !lUnny sa ntly worltl uf Ha'I1~Ya and New port . Jt I~ a vn· C"olb cm land:o f wat.T, for ttw wa ve11 ••f lht: P artfu: break on Its lkucht's. a long-armed penlnsulll almost tn- ' tn lt·l< the lung. cu lm bay whtre hoth kayaks a nd so>a-go"'lt ylll'ht.<l '""''«' 'tuamy t rntl!l 11ronntl ptn!·llt:U •~lands. T h,. tsfa nd of ~alboa 1~ rtonc ht'd hy bnd~;e from the maun· lantl u r hy ferry Its humn ari"- Jtlll'11twd lu ltsk f' adva nl.ft,;t' o f a •·lunate lh~~ot'a gcod moat c.f the Y•'8r. all Wf'll l!ll tor tht' r onv ... n -. ot:n•·f' u r ;;wlmlfll'r!l and Ama tt'ur Ya·far .. r>< B ualt for yf'ar-rnund If N'"ll!On 1•••111111 111·; '" r1" • durtnjl lh• ftr,l h oil ' II•• '• Nelo\~ ~I••• .. I"' .t ... •··· • SM bart'ly ntol!N1 ootH It• ' I •• I I MJIIM r ·up v. h11 h ",.,, ~ • "' • \ With sd4.~. a tllrt··r·, .... : I I ,, tjUI )Hh \\ til•·• lit ('u\' I 1 I I I· J_LI .... •" •It I' ,, 1: t •••• , ld ),,'41 I I • I -'71i0-Tb•rd plan )\ill! bo lo l lo\ ~ ~--·---''--' • m on 'wtth J :lll:'l 47rt ., ''~""'"II ... ... II \\ I f I • •' oOL \~t • I '(!', l , t \P t • t I I I • WU OftftTlV 1\ tpl tr~·r If 11 ,, •• dt I Ia" und••r '"'"WI'oort II "'"'' toot for tht' ~nud .I!JI.\ Rr..,ortl T'hr n•• ·, •Tt1 • •f • .n, • ,,. \\ t11 day. v.ht~'h ;o.l.-w p<tl'l lfot rlootr 1 11·ol .lhoblv tlllllltlln•••l thr"lll'h•·•ll lit• .111onttt uf .ltll'l•· ~t tl! "'"I • n• '"' fallt'n. tnr l hr ftr'<l ••tj..ltl '"'' .. "' J uly. "'h it h h>t\'o• 1111 ltul••tl I ·' • • bolld:a )"8. ""t' Cororu~ d••l Mllr 11 rr n nlnnr •w ttt. llart Jf f tw• no•\\ h•111l•. In t h,. ~'""' """k. tlu• , ... r '~"" h are h.-tn~ h \1111 1"' r<'~t·lo·nl:< •. r l..a111no Rt'tlf h •1ul I h•· n ·t11 '""'': two by Lo• A n.:,.tr~ tnll'r•'l'l~ l.ap~tan• Build 1-·rMn k J\.Jr"4 hu;..,-.-r "'•' f~~•" •' elty. 1ir b u ilt! n~ a "1"'-~'"'' " ' ruom dw .. fllll$: II nd tltotrt.l•• t.: 11.1 j..o at 324 :O:arctlll'll" nt :l • ... , ••I ~ 1>\11'1 witt~ lto.o -~· ho•r.w ot Mr~ V "• - tJnf' J K"nl"ll nl w tll f)r •·•• • I • ol • 1 aoll r n:oldt>nt u<l ut nn ""l"'lhlol llrt of $31!\H Th,. 1'"""' • 1111 fool 11 O""·""l"t "!1. fuur -n ,, .. n, f "' •·•t.:..., .u ,f l a r&J:(' A ~ell:.. "'"'' ••( 1 .. 1'\ift'l. Ill bulldin.: ll ........ ,., .. , ,. r ..... PA·INTIN ...... <W-tte CoMIUo• Call fu r • IUPt !llatenaa.. all4 A.pJI!&O. • tl • ' ,, d 'I I I 1 I t • t .. ..A \\ ~If! I I '' ~' • """u••rt•tal -..tntt·tu"""" ·' h I I 1 f ~ ' .. .I... ' ;ot \ II ... I o! • 1 '•·•1 ' f 11111t 111 I 1k• I,, t 11 •I I' I I I t I ,..., t•• , " ,.r ~ ... .-.11 , .... ., •• , n ... I o f+ I • t-: t: 'tl• I I f 1 II '"r Ill \\'1ft.: hi ttf Iiiii \\' , •• h I• I '··· ~ Ll. ...... ( •,,_, I ~~~ ,,1 ~~ t'ft lt·\ I• 1\ '>~~~I tit • • t,.r,· tHIIh1 " •• ~tt l 4 . • I I h ~ "\\ • \ ... t •• • , ''''"' \\ fi \t• ... ,,, -~ lh·· , • t t' d·' d " tt tt\ .. •t••L Ill J 1•1 1 I ~~~ t.._ .th•• Utul.,.t ft f .. I (:1 tt( tht' I :-;I I I l'f I I I 1 • I'.,,. h :t'- I ' I P· 'II .......... , l .• 1w l ULt. 'l!,a l Jttll ttU \h•• ('"•t:l~..,t tl t: \ •It tlt h r~ Tt1•~ I •I t l.ttt I .. ,, .,. II •• \.\ tU )H• .. t ..... ,., "' th·· I ~ • ..: .... I f ,,.., ~ ·.' 4 ·.,, ""' Ill'''' 11111C t:K tlt 1'1 "' Bitt<' l'rtnt.~ Photoetatl I • • n ' . c- I • ·I ,.; .... th .. rn l'ahfornho 1'7T~ -nff.-n< "tttf' I' • r fur hn ...-nnum\' ~. , • .t \• (',dlJurniA ++...mm-.... !'I'."T111in!r-tlnm-~1nml1'ner us .. th .. y u re m<'rt' sub:ltantlal than mt~'lt beal'h huU!It'll." '1 ... , " I II• I 111 I f I '' ~t-Ill'''·' h,,_.._ "' 'l<....t ""' I hat !f,, r I' t'l II•• rlf "' •t.·t.u iPd t\ I' • •., .hl\' \\llh thr· .-uun · • ,. " '· t··· f a r•·t.tll lunltwt •t l•·t "' t I,, •I ftu 1d r~~·, 111.tra•·· I •I f . \ II .f d ti.H.: r•to~tlll:4 U:ot h ·•" ,, •.. "' .. t!<!tl\' n1111r1"d tn 11, tu•"''"' I. t VJ~· ct1rutunrtWuu f&.OOR. ': uildin~ Per:uits .I U•• ·;tt !"• 11t lt ,.,,...,t l~nt c .. ~· ;•t:_! \\' t '••ldt tl ,e\• fl'l•• td tPrl•• .... :, .... l t.IJ I•; I ' , .. r .; .. rtl••n n t-uuft,t \ Jr,fWIH Time Required for Ruilding a House lttl\ I t' t~" H tll/ (,,t!> ,,,. ..,:• Ia >-t•lll•~..-.1••1 \ ; l •••llt .. tlh.'-U itlJ\d 1~ f,\ .!•• t• .. t ._., •'-!• .ll Ufl l'nul· .., lie:. ~· ...... , .t. .. J M ,,.. 1~r r.IPnn ~'..tilt \ $.!tthU lu i\ I (' 1 .. ''-ll tlt7 l.n~ An· a,:.\d t•l'\,. toft(_• .... .,, )': • ftMIO I 'fUt·~l :llld 1:! tn ~H r .... t a.: u .•t.:•* •• t 'U M P•••n· ~· 1lr.t t • •• ruu I n. I :\1.u (lf'r t~lfl'nn H ,,.,.,. S:liiiNI lorl v I l'h.lll••• H !"l··.~tl 1' .. 111•>· "' :•;l4l:t t••n t .. ~tr •at• Hf l:lr. flu•-- '' .. uti a \t•nu•· J~·• \\.111\ t"dOv.t:+ll. T ht" 18 a dally wu1 k •·a lt•mla r h••Wtnl( thf' apprmu m a fe number ,f d11~11 dt'voted to tht' """'''IS lip- .. r lltnn." In tlw ooru<truo·tton rot lhf' ,·,o•F'HJ;<I IIIX·"room d-...-JI &nl: • It Will II"" you a fair tck'a or · how lnnr tt "''II lJikt' to compl,.h your nt>W h••ntl' . &Mum•n~: tht' Wt'Blht>r I• ~~:•oud ... ,... o,er.t1011 .I l.nyout and t'Xt :n;ollun :. fo'outlnp and luur:d.Ji tnn ~· 1-·mmtn« to n rtg .. ~"'''" 6 S ht'a lhmf and ~ urn•<'«' ., Roufl~ and rta~h1ng '-1 f Mt ':, .11&1\ :! E ~ lloojok'l•• l'lll'lllf', 'I 1, 1'"1r 1fw••lltn£ ot 11\l)o H.tll•~• 11 1'1'-~ ,;, S1d tnl( and v.•tnJv\\ f ramt!l. f'IRJittr a nd d ry'lnl( JWMrtd l.ttylnlf flnl11h fl•••r , ,,. twt (', ''·'' T··rru•t~ >tlltl F un· .,· 1:111' l'untro•t.' Sill'\ · • ., .lui&· ~~-I. P l'<lrooplo•. Altulmbrn. ; ••11•'•!<\ttrV tl\1 l'fltn,; II to! j;IH II'J:I' Ill · 1:11 ht'<l .il 41 111 I "''"" Frtmt . N tW· ,, .. . l-4ll"nor trlm I ntf'nor paint Sand and flntl<h lltulr f:tnde yard f••tl , l"'f IIV.IIt•l .S2lJtl(, July M. ="otr!M!rt J C"llln<'y. 20 by :_oo.fnnl fn1 m,; g llntJ!l', 3 1:'1 Poppy '·" ........ , ... , .... II•' I $41li) Plumbtnl, ~nc and t'lectrical wtnng a re p&a111d to be earned ··n stmult.aneoUIIIY wtlh 11lructural v.-.,rk . Thus bt-jt tnll a profll!!t'ly illus- lr.•led urtll'le on tht Cljrrtnt Issue ttf Sun!lf't O'IAjtnztnl'. pubhllhf'd a t Slln. 1-'rAnt·uv•er and ctrcult\lt'd ""'""It honot> luvt'r!l thr·oughout th e '"unt.r y l!:ntttlt'd, "ldt>a.<~ fro m Bal· boa l!!lnnd." lht' a r ticle fl'lll llrt>ll tlhf'<lr;a ttn n!l or t hE' ltvlngo a nd !<l1'1'}'>1n .: l>111t·nny a l lht> A. B. Ya t .. s' ht•llh'. two l't('w .. nf th .. GPo rgt H . lith Fa rland linn.: rt•Jm lind on~ uf t h•· lllf"-flf><Jrt'd sunrno m at thf' hum .. <•f ~rs Go>Qdt' ~'ht>rman. l'hot\C>S (ttr lhl' a rllt'lt• Wt'rf' ma(St' It) K•·nt H tt<·h(•f><'k STr\KT $1l0.000 PKCUE(T l'•.ntrad f<•r butl4,1tnl; thl' flnlt uno! o f thi' F f'dt-rttl Communtl'll· !looM l'ootnn u:<Ston rndtu Illation u,•ar J h" S.1nla Ana rl\ r r. ~'ll!l !hili Wt•t'k uw~tr<1t-d l o 0 T. Mot'lft' ftt a ru:u rt> of $.2!) .• 000.' TM butldm~. I w h ll'h ~·tJ) hHII:<e l'<JUipmt-nl fur ;.t .. pptnt:-·up ntdto c-nm mum<"a ttons. II\ til I><• a stur)'-lliiii·B·h.clf 111 ht'1gh1 .tnd Ill !ht' trnh a l 1~n11 Ill It projt'C't whwh v.tll .. ntatl t''lf><'lldttun •!! n f $1~.0 11(111 at lh•· t'iotw ty ~Itt'.._ mne ltttl..,. f rum t l\& Ht\rhor dl."t rtct. liA\' t:KECT AL"UKV I Thursday. July 10. 1941 ... rmest Deal iii --wewportilartJor BALBOA BAYSHORES LEASEHOLD ESTATES- A new deal in property dl!\'e lopment that Ill bettel than property II\. tee . Dt>munstMI.tiOI) h ome now und .. r constn n·Uon":..! For F u ll l nforma tton Consult EARL W. STAft!{LI)', 11th aad. C<&ll1 lf~lh"af Sole Atent P"'-N'ewpon'lto .r Beautifying the Home NO ONE TKI~G ADDS·MORE TO TH£ BEAUTY OF A HOME niAN A }VELL·CARF.D-roR LAWN AND sHRUBS. WE HANDLE 1LAWN MOWERS .• EDGERS, PRUNING SHE ARS, CARDEN UQSE . A ~D ALL KINDS OF OARDilN TOOLS AND lNSECTICIDES. /;~Garden Seeds ¥ Rower Seeds C. R. Erickson Contractor and Builder 305 Palm Ave.· Telepho ne 132 BALBOA . General 307 Marigold CORONA Contractor Teleph'one 222 DEL MAR Holden Construction Co., Inc. ~ GENERAL CONTBA"OBS TELEP80NE IIE1rPOBT BEACH 807 f 'ell tJe ... We "'IU Be Glad '\o ~w ,._ tlwo \'ltal S""l fttr Orange County l'rint Shop I .ltth 'I fo: 1; \\'llj;:hl l 'tt~la )lf"AA. l""'' "'"'' -t•u ," 'I"''' hntldtnJ': "' "U\'t: ISTO SEl\' HOM~ Jo:rt>t·t111n of 1t s:10o armur y fr r th•• :"t>wpurl Ha r hur 11111! ftf Cah· tor01rl S tJ\t.t' Cunr..l W ILl< <'lln.•tdered las t \V.,dnellday n!l(ht "' thf' unit'~; ~•·nu·Wt't'kly m f'o>llnl(. The lltrlll'·' tu~. whtch would be built lafCely l through .-olunt.-er labor . would ho UM' arm s fo r thf' Cuftrd undtor l!tn••t army regulat tnn!l for ca rl' I t)( flrtng pil'CI'll. Ctms..l r url u'" of '-r---·.-,-------------"!"'-_--:..•_·_·_-_·-~---_-____ _, the .bwl.:lma wuuld t..... m r hM 1:'1' oft ... e.;·;,..------------------------------. Pm,..r PalaU~~& !Co fll !atW fer"Yoer- Proloftrt6oll • .... 1'1 ... cia 733 a~ec•: s-port ......... 1'!17 J't I~~· ,:• -1 .... ;....· t:r 111•· 11· ~ant:t AnA ----- SYMPSOH & HOLLAR llllt.l'I.U t: \\CI!IU• C'CIAI. .Jo HN T . W ALTER ~ 11. \\'. \\'right .\. .... 11 C 11.\Kt OAI. a;;;;::~.;~r;,;.. -l~l ~~~~.::r·~~~··vard '~''"' I'"""' ht~h""" ,.,.r W B C ';\I• llvll $!kWt I Mr and Mt " . B Rudd havt' luh 1 1 • \\' ll•••k•·r. (l(·•·t rly 1 movtd frum th•·•r formtr r t'alck'n« lltlb• r r ""'' tl\\t'lllnl: Rt 409 :'-J.\"' 222 Ajltttl•• avf'nUe. Bal~ 11- 1(,,· ,.,f'f'1'1 1., ... , '"''" H··•fm ..: "", land, to thl'tr ~ly·but~t homt' a t .. ;.; • :1020 Santa Ana avenue. Ne-.-port I til\ : \\'w 1·,.1 •·r1 ·o~w; t'l:< 1, 111 Ht>l~hllo. th .... mOVII\I In" proCI'N •"'' l't .. r'. :, r\!''.lll 1.1" .. thnJ: "nd 2tl ht••ng rom plo•t•·tl Tuelld&L .,, ".!".! ''"'' c •r •..:•\ .• 1 :n~-1-:1 ~t .. •+-ml !'ol""-j1'·M 11· i.:ll'-. I" I R It c·, ·•• 1 ,. It• It h I \T'T h •t \ t I• ·nn tho! Ha t bur Enj:IOI'I'r!l plntuun. I Bl'ILIMSG AT ('U~TA ~E!'4A Mr 11~d Mr-1' J amrs E S tory Art' bmld tnl( " fl\'t'·roum dwt lllnr on P aiiAAdt's road &n thf' H a rbor Vlt'W trat·t at AIL Ulunat~d U ·f peru1U.ur u.t $1~~. Rnght Broe:,.. and U •l't' art' tht' c-oni nu·ton . PRINTING :--------------------------------1 1 •I I \ • • 1 j;.tr.tt.:o• HI I n I t f • I t tltll ~1.tt I.Al!lfn.•l J\\ t•llin.: 7f : J:o-. , ... , r. :-; Questions .,-•nd~ ~,1\nswers CITY Newpo~ Sheet Metal Works A Complete Sheet Metal Service ,.. w. em&n~ N~n ~~e~a.ea. PboM •• for DUinale LIZ 0. PO'I'EE~, 'Proprietor'· ~--------------------------------~ "! '«I"· ... W •ll•4 .. \ p,., .. ,~. 'iHIRWIN WilLIAMS PAINTS ood P · t" YOU~RE . ''G am • • . MEt'' TElliNG ·. '~\\ I• ... •• ,., 'f··· I, 'I ' SWP House. Paint· . 'I c. c. T t:ma:u .. th\lwr l"honv WI . Uulli()IA \I ,, ;·11\ _ ' ,u~oot I II\' . ~~~-IA.'tttl J 1 L t ... u ... a t;. tl t '''It" ... t••l' 4 r,.,.•n I . I I' I L I " 1-' t \ .:•• lttt~\ ._:-,,, u t1 "u •: ·I I·, t <~t l , ... , , "d •1 ~t.tr • I ., I • •I I t I! I. u 'i \\ $ ! 1 ;,. ' I '"'': \\.tll•l l o l·t,t:ll.. :!:.!1:.! \\ t 't p t•.\1 t tl ........ v ·~'"''"''"' .... "'"!» I I .J ~ II'IL. 0 ,-........ : fl 1't ll .. ,.,,,, I< 1· , .. , 1, •trt f "ttPII 1\. I· :. ' " ~·· I ,. It.~, ' I' I til ~ I,. • 1 ,,,., ,,,,,, URUISASCt: SU. 301 • • 1•·~11••11 I· ' flt'"~tbl(' to mak(' Thl' r11~· r ., .. n,.tl of t hf". Cti'}• of '"•UJ'" ~h .. •ll 111 ~<quart' ur r«-)JPWJ>'•rl RPilr h d O..!< nrdatn 814 fnl- •~tut.u 111 •h •tw appear tntf'r· "'"·..: .• IIJ.: ~ SF:CTII I:O.Z I llrd1na llf'f' Nn , 440 '' "••t \ t .... \'tn~ an lntt'rf'~t· ttf the L'tly or ="~'"'l"''rl l k'a('h 1!1 ~ •·'lt•·r 1 .. 1 ·•l'1•enran•·l' for rt'<'· h••r••hy n ntPIIflt'd hy thc· rrcln~!!tft· 11..:u•u r sh ,1, ,1 hu urt•JI fl'Q\II~II t•a tlttrlttf <'Priam dt~<lrtl'l". n~ !lhuwn ~ .,11 ,. tlmn trrr--ttml!e :-.upon UtL J_:I.tlll n <'t M:op ndnpltd by I j":o1d OrdinatH•' H O nnrl m11 fl1' 11 •., "''' I. 1· "r Z·~hllfl"d. Gt')Od p:ort th .. r•·w hv l<lll'h :tdt~r>l wn a nd I .1 ••Il l II-•I ratl$:lUII'Ol!!. <&rf' puhh«Aiuon, lUI follo\1'!<, tu·Wil --. • ''"' , I Ill'•' ••f m all'r!a ls . Hlnt;c~ ;\,\. IIH, 1'. V. \\1• n nd d tl• .;; • 1111nl\r d('t:ul~t ar~> Z . u •t.'< :l ront1 4 111 Ill<>< k Y. u >l• •••II '' ( ·,.. I' l"''' ,. • • , ••. n th~> u~ of a :: 4 :tnd :'1 m HIO('k T . a ll In Trsc t lui\:~· \l•'•''•t (',•uln' ;~,, ,,n 1.r,.1 .. ;1,, pon-h. ·~~bay :--;n:l2:l .U lL ... !"tHt .. 6 ... _.,nr hJI'1 \'c.a ln 1. 1, ~ I ;•I · 1, t;•htt <flrk 1 o1 .• .ot ,1 •ttmr ll\'1' t'nlrllnC4' Hlou'k A u •li' ;,2 It• :>'\ tt.wlu'<:~r 111 · ·~· t· • 1; .. ,11 .. , H ol•••l""" "'II , u•t tn obl&lntllf( a n I~IN'k 11, a ll tn Tra• t S o 6 •. 1. 111 "\' II h•·r.·~· t•h~tn,::f'd 11n ~r11d OI!Oirlct · I• '' '1 1.: •i ;wn r:om·t . • 1' • ~r .. p '1r"m ~tn R ·:l O tl'lru l t•1 C·2 I I \Ill< h. I '• hro I l..t I•• •.•• w.t .: .• l.lowt walll!. renoes~and ~~tn<'l .. I · ·' ·• ,. ,; ' " • I tl •·. • ' ,.~ ran t>t' ul'C"d t•l Lotti' 1 anti 2. Rio•• k A. l..nl ~ !".0 ....... t l.t 4 fiUI \1. I'I:IS'IIf "' I 1'\-_, -, \I• • • I :ilTl '~ ('",' t, ·' I t I ,. I l· I ' I , . \ I c 1 ;· I II\ -I .. \\ .... .II \ • • l ' •• ' \I L t • ·,, '1 • • • ~I t , I\,.,, !•' . ' ~· ·1:· h.• \\' \;\11'1• I • •• ..... \l j .. rl H.tll'-•,1 ,t L J \ ; • :-\\ • •I n ~ 1 tl U \\ t'' k. Ollllllhlll1l t.:U"f:t!III'Nl. f'O!'lltbl,. ltt ftlll k 1• Ill'!• h II"'' I'll !I p.h ~81 II· It• .• tndtnduAitty A t-i\ncl ~I Hltw k B . All 10 T rar l :"u 4." ,. t" T"1 Jt1' "' ltM• ttnu11tr. ir'befttrr -etJafteftt tm uKI U1es • "••dl\"1'· nt('An:< of tril l Map f r.•m A C-1 lll•lrtd to,, :.. ' '" . II lf'n~ Itt m l\kl' ('.:! lll~ln• I lt.o.J\.4>•' ·'I ;~ ,u la.ra_,r by 111• SF:CT IIIS :! .\ny fl"r"""· f1m1 , , .. , .,,n o r ml\1'." or thr nr l'o rpnrntinn ,.,,.,IAt tng nny of tht' rrnvu•H>Il:< of I ht!f n rtltnR n··p llhR II \\' t ll<lt h ... r ur rw•!Ot' of •.uf'<:iwn w tlh patnt 1!111 lot lhtr I I " • t " .. t !• ~q ~!'lro ., :.,. 4/1\J't I ,'of ~t t \' ~ • Jnnt 6; Jn)~ 1:'1 b4' d•·Pntt•tl ,::mlty ,,r n nll~<ll•·m••annr. tH h.l u pnn n •n\ '' tu,n n ( n ny rnurt h1n·.n~ Jllrt>'<:ht l tnn th.-r .... r. l'hllll ~unt n•'1 t ... ~x,·f'Pc1 CONRAD SHOO K C O NT RACTO.f'l AND BUt LDER CO.M P L.ETE: f;.U il.OIN G S £RV tC £ P+f~WJ-.:;:1 • •C;J 4 ~ ~ ...... , •• 1/11111( PO B o •2 0 1 i;-Al f'C""A ~o.A"""ll~ t-•1..1r Wriglit Transfe .. · co.·· 'fRA~~Ft:R ,\~() STORAGE O lol·'"' ... s .• nla Ana !\once 1892 l\10\.ING • fl..\CKI~fl • SHIJ>PING Long Dist:1nc.-or Short Hauls t""'r.t: F.~TI\1,\T~"" ('AREt'l'l. IIANDUJ\00 .. , • ll•'ft:''tt'-'~ w athnut E xlrAvRgnnre" 34)) : .. S.\S.TA A~A Phone 156-\\ Carpets, Rugs and Upholst~ring CLEANED A COMPLETE liNE Of FLOOR COVERINGS . t"Rf:E E STIMATES FOR YOUR REQUIREMENTS ·~ ~ CO l'~TY 610 So. Mala IL Saata A.M, Calif. _ .. / ,~ . ·--··---- I ..~. ) / ' t I ... NEWPORT-BALHOA PRI-~"~ By SUE HI'I'CilMAN ~nnta Uarbara to Hurtolulu In 11 l.l!i)'ti. U tluurll, •& mlnut••· · Lrkt> running mto an old frurnd wt"• .v .. l ng 1h• Strarigu lul wHit· .-nd do,•ked 10 s,n Dl•ato bay. She 1~ In thr NAvY now ~d th& Na..-y, q11ttt-lnj{t!'ally, 111 n-lamlng moat ur hi'r ('rew along with he-r. leo. I undt·r:~tund, sht> hal! the-JUIIt right quahftt•utlons ror . th1• laylnc of ll.,pt~ ll!Jmbs, • en arul at.,p-o.:ruilk'nl Sum41 ·,)f ~m ..... 4-'V~t.ru.cl*i 0t convtn· tlonal harcSwoo4a and othen o r mart nt! pI yv;ooclJI. Pa..-lfh' t.h•turWilt ran a .etory ab.tut a 8o)'t't' boat 110m• Un1e a1u ~ rwr 11nd hla friend t1>0k a fit'~' 18·fuut Doyc .. runabout out tu lk'a one day. Now you clon't uauall)' a.Nuctatl' marlin ttaht,. ~-~01 apHdbo&t.a but tht'M tw6 ft!ntl~m•n d1d Tht')' each hook~ a marlin w.-tehrna over ltiO puunct. llP'"''t'. 11\ndKI th.-m 111 th.-•f boat and r .. turned ~~tiHrully t o ahul"l' ad..hn.: rulutlwr J'tlmarka&IJil' dWI'· lt>r hi lhl' Uvyn• Buat IIIli•· • n :&Jl\' MTOif\' The Glor.ous F ourth waa an t.)'t'· tuJ th1ll yNtr 88 w~ll lUI an earlul. The moon Wall djmmed bv the bnl- llanct! c;( tht> rar··~·.,rk:~ l'nday night and 01 .. 11M >~hon .. ttl't't'n un- dn· the white mngn"·'""" lights floating down to ht>r. Ordo>rs tu "d~llll llhip" were ~:iwn on many yachts. FlagH ~lew un the Good Will. Martha, Norub. Rurnona, Sol- lllquy, and the \'llltttnl: V<llador The whole haroor lt'emed to t>xult with them. T he blac·k hullt>d, top 80.-\T ot· THZ Wt:t:ll: sail liCh()(lner. Vo>j.!ll , .. utllned·· in .ll'G·H"ID ll t.b.c:_.Urcy.a.._.nu\\ ,·rv~"l"¥ P..· tWPt'l\ :-lan lltf'gu sn•.l C••r<tnadt.• l1>0k "'"'"lt<>ly funuhnr. It 111 be· caus•· y1•u ru.~ ,f•dd.·n on tho•m be· fur•· m ~ttn ¥ranLuh" .Bay. Tht•y wrrt' rt'l't'lltly bruugh: S1•uth loy ,;e,. un.St'r t h .. ar uwn puwer. An OCt'IUI voyage nw11L b.! u .:rt-at ex· Vt'rlt'JH't' 111 th.-ah.,ltel•-d h(e of a httrbor fl'rr)'. I Till: ME.-\ ('HI:MT fla&'a was Onl' M tho> prett~t•st Jug-H Rad Is not a lliC'Ill boat H er ()n dtiiJllay tn t r .~nt of a s ights tn the hny Sht' satlt>d hert' """''' 1s Cnronado. ht'r playgrouna shup r1t :1:wo W;o>~t l'c-ut rttl t week !rom W•lmm.,-tnn .aru.t ~c. bay u:hwh h&a ....,~.,.""+nu:nt~t, Ilea anchored off the> c>n~t tip of limit and Is thtf'f'forr Jut•t the place \\'urll•n uf \.'ur 11nn do· I Ma r \\'hu hail ~ldo IRie .. Ownt>d by H W. R ohl, or ll b(lj•t lake Jug-Bald. The fut-><pt!Ot 1nruay Y••nrs lluah.lln.: buttll< l o rmer commodort> ~r t fie Nt'WJinrt ••Ill thtnl( In thl' l)ay, .. he rrpe along fur uthl'r , ""' .. rns. has ~""" lntu H arbor Yacht ctub. !lh~ was built :It r.J malt•" per huur Rnd could Plll<ll bU>IIII<'Xll rur htm:~••ll wath thiS pu(l· In Germany In 193:>. up n rl'du~btable <'rash bollt if 11he ular ""'~ hrw 1,r buat8 and buRr<1JI Th•'ro• I:< ~•>ml'thtnj.{ tmml'dlat.-ly ~ttW nnt' Ht8 vro><!ot 114, all uf \\'l'!.ll"t~<od •'IJJI· lntr.gmng nhout lhr ~j(ht of II \\'t' !':II nn ~ dn<-k waltlnr; for strlll taun, at't> 1t.:ht1 uu1a1Jl ... at- bhH·k l)uiiNI '<RIIbnnt It t'l•!lll"l"" hrr u wnrr. Fnod I "'111)'111 f\avtt'll tra!'t l\'t'ly plitnlf'd r:tnd r.-~L~~Un&bly atranr,l' prratH'III miSllhlnS, t'XCitll' 11fld c•urly, II nH•t·hanlr, tu takt her prtH'<i. carr.oc·s of sptce" und trctUUre. de· uut fur a br••f v.·ann-up apln. A llt'rlt'd l!lhoncls. Or If you nre blt'!!ll· l'ro•w ntt'mber h.:ld tht 11tern line AJb t ... d Wllh " pr . .;c·tu·:d n.\11\11. ynu ' may I rt'ttdy to c·ast orr Cap. taln l)avlell Rhodt-8, a .rosses, lllmply rerl<i'C't that hhu·k patnt Ul turn.-d the fiWI\t•h and Jur;-Hald Stars and PC Craft more d tffu·ult to ker p up thnn s tu< k h.-r c:ock)' nok In lhe air and • -... ·hrtt' ~CllU~I' It rtb.'4orhs tfl>StnJ('· tll'r f!ltam•ng rfod ardell and VAl"-Race O\·er \\'eekend tlve hrnt rays rathi'r than refntct· 1 rushl"d dt'Ck drnppt>are<l rtaht now I 1ng them. ' I rn a <'loud of f~ F ortunately. Tht' Jndrpt"ndcn..-.-0My b~ty l!tor· From San Pedro H artxlr Fnday fo r l'r('W membt-r~ 1tem llnci les prund ''"''l'edangly pupul•r noon the Honolulu rart got orr to "'8~ nnt wrappt'd around htl hand~ waUl the :-o:t-wl'nrt UMdM'Ir Yacht a fin• start · rn a gon.l Wt'St<'rJy c;r hi' wr1uld ft11vt' execu~ lh~ j dub n.,.:t, u lurK•' numa...-r ul l!lart, brHU. Or tht> Ml'\'t'n i•ntrl!'ll tht world'll fas~st flymj.! tackw at the ,•rlj l'llrth'lflJttln.: 111 t'UI'II Clli>lll alld .EllcllJ>&de was !trill to c•riiS\1 llil'~ httY Thl' J ug-Hsld'll motor, it cru h ,.1·,·nt 1•v••r th.-thrt'<'·WtY pt'r· lint', our lndrff .. rl'nt ttmung thf' •Ct-11111 ta dtl'('<'tly couplt'd wllh the tud. leade", and lh•• Ma.:tr Carpt't. rt llf'•l"'lh•r and h1111 nn jtta&r ahlft · · u n J uly 4 th•· star, las~ w1111 led 38-foot kett·h. ILt!!l. The all tun.. "hll'h lll:CounlJI for hc>r audden ~-by Mun~ 11 T om .. RI•IJin . Hnll'-. rt!cord tht')' hope to break Wl\!t I' •rlures <'unnt.h1Rn lnklnK 2 nd. Vu kt'r 11 made by the Martnl'r 1n 1923 frum Ru-k l!he O.w In • atartled In· Rnultttr. JAJ. H l<JI'il \\'htr11'1nd, ~· ~ota nt ~ t~<tdlt'd ~monthly up In the H h ,,11,1 Rug••r " P•JIIIJX II. 01 h t.Jn ..----------...;;...-----. •I·~ k. and''''" all piled In I Mt dl· =--lttUn1:1\' !ht' Star hnl'lljJ WAll BALBOA CANVAS SHOP r•·t•tly ht•hrnd her Ml'rrury m ot ••r ~'''"<'" h;,t rtltt·rt'd WIJII't'rll fur the w1th ll.'< rnlllt>d ht>ad snd IJlt'nt lla\' 1111 urd .. r nnmed l twant; Cor- tit•• ftr'!<t I'Ullple of ntlnutt'S trying onihu.rt, Tulll R•illtn. \\'h lrlwrnd. Sa.il1 • Boat Cover• • Awomqa Manne Upbollteung Pbo .. 207 224 \s 21 ~ St NEWPORT BEACH R..u&OLD L I OHN80N ~ PKOPJ:LLEil PITCHING .. bet•een H and 2t on the Bay Newport-Pbooe 820. R-. S..._J =·~ Bultol' hrvlce LAUIIDBY AND pi.I':.-\NER8 Phone 4& I II Palm .-\veaue, Bal--. S HIP'S L.-\VN DB\' tr, a ""''1111'1' mys•lf I WAS O\lt In kvul"tt" an.t l'"llux II. Un Sunday • " '<\'AplanP about lo teltt! off. We TOll\ Roblllli """'" .. amt' In ram ~ohnt Ill \"tiS!t lht' bay frc>m U\e ferry .tnd l;unothlllO, 2nd, Cullvw\"d by ! rndrnl( tu thr San 014!10 Yactit R<JW('Itt'. \\'h1rlwmd '*"d Pollux II. 1 tub ora .-xac lly fll'e minutes Com-ln Ult' Albatrtll!ll cl~llll. .,.r1d"Y 1111: bt~t:k Wt' ctn-led about dry "''tnnt'l'll wrre Jru•l.,t''ll Myalu . I lit, rS. .. -)<, and battleship» rtalnl to Mur ris' PeeS.. 2nd , Jo)'c:t''ll Cr111p1n, •lr~.zy ht>tJ:ht.a above ua, cut flit· :.lrd, wtUI runners-up. Kirk 11 Kal- urt' • "8'11" around the plodding . uhe. Wrr&ht ·1 M .. kanl. Farna- heavrly loaded ferryw, .and Un.Mt· worth'• Ob Ob. Tttu.' Ha Ha U, tied a grand j)& pelican perched McNally'• s 0 u v e n 1 r. l"uutll'a on a piling y;ho O..pPfd hill ~~~ RbaJMI()dy. and HJUm.a.n's Fully. On rn dlanpprnv•l Captatu Da\•TH r.-Sliturd.tly lnttiC'I' 8 Myr.trc a&aln 11'0 mnked that any or ua who ~·anted ~ AJb8 t rmi!lt·"· thr Kalohc> and to mll(ht drwe the Jua-Hard. Ule &.IJ''enar. lot'u'.: 2nd nnd :Jrd. Sun· •only thtng WAll to watch •out for day 's AIIJs\rvl4:i rat•.-8 ga&tn ended 1"1:" I r·ould ~~t•t> whrtt h\' meant. I w tlh •no M.yattl l .. a\Jtrll: the field. Wl\11 !1\IT'I.' that If J ug-H a1d hit--a l lhe Kulu h.-2nd 11nd t:l'ltiJ!In. J rcS to~: _:'It tli:H ~-"h" would IIOAr I 111 tlr• R~~ t:lrt.Ss, l:kardalee's .. 1( 1111" fhP sky lt!A\'IIljt h~r pa.-. s.-u U.•t• \\'llll thl' Frl\tlly rar ... uth· I I M"'l-!'''' !<ott rna: on the h.ojt. I t'nl ftrllllhllllit an tht• t• ng TIDE !T A 8 L E tC'ounl,S)' .Shrll lo(ar1nr [\,. M lt..lt.o.c ... l»honJ 1 .II'L\' lllch a..... lllch ........ 1:1• 't.6 lt:llt ,_. ..'rl 1l II :17 :,,.. ~ 1!1 al 7 '::I t 6 I Sat. .12 I I~ 1• 4 ~ M \1 ,I 't:61 6.'t ~un 13 .'V7 411 l'i:l6 11~ 3:10 1\.t t :t ! 't.l M••n U .I(~'J 4 4 II l iS al': I :U 6.'t 1o':sa r.a II:U l,l TUt'li. 16 4 Ull :111 10 O:l I ;1 II:Ul 6.1 We'd 11 !'I :::1 :1 6 Ill 411 1 ~ 6 :6:! 6 't .ll'L\' u.~ ~p '"'" Thu" 17 II 4: I !\ 6 6 .I !\ I I 411 :1 ': 1.1jrhtf&H fti'Urr• tnJa.•att' a . m . -..wr ..... hocUr"l• p. m. lllllr t :u a.1 Fifth Annual Rt'Katta St•t for Jul~· I H-20 Jlalboa Raring ('raft to VIe for lltmorM. in Hawaiian ('lassir . :tt S i•w1mrt lfairbor t14-n• Ow attllttlll -'t.n\ll:<f'IWihf' 1 H;t 111na Y ,..-ht .-luh.,. nor r rhll1T \'Ar ht rae• frvm )\.all l'l'<lr<o II\ 11\.tt\ \\' ,A llo•tho •~ 1111\k\nlt "' 'Hm•olulu r o t u mt.-a """ Fnday. '''"'"'" "'"'"~ ,,,, 111 .. tartt. a11nua1 t\\~O oi the c:ont-:~t •n~ ~h•IH' ~···rt• llotll"'" Ba\ "'~""" I·• '"' h•-ltt •• :'OntlrnR under lbt• Hl\llt<•rt \'Ill-til ~''"l"··rt llurl•o•r Jul\ Ill"""' :w dub bullfH-Thty '"'r•• tho• 411-(u('J_ . Thtt•o• r: .... , ,,,. "' hr•luh-.t; 'Oar 811xtllary Mlllrt« rultt>t. ltultff.-rt'fll. '""' I" ht· Jtn rl•·•l "' ":. p 111 . Jul\• ownt'd by Rear ,.,.,111\H.'durt• tUIII 111 ttw o•tlwr 11'" 111 111 •·•11' 1111d Mrs. F~ Hunll' "' lA'" AnJI'If'~. 'i I' 111 J uly ::11 s, lwoh:lo· ••f nu·- rtnd the ••·fOUl •·ull•·r l'rtjMrtt. In~ ltthl • "lafJto• , hrtrt~ wtll h" """11- nwn~ by a.ora .. lln<l llavld <;nf· lll•lr I•• ,,u ' .. nlo·I<IM hl~ •I " ttltll' tlh t>f Anaherm I" r' tlh'•'ltr1~ I" 1,.. h• lot 111 HRiho•n Pn th•. •X• of ll~<t1mli. a bt111 ""Y ""' ht rh1h ut 1:! :til I' m Julv .. gr party _wu h~ld rtl Bslllo•u 1!4 Rnrrlt "'111 I• · •'I"'" I" I\ II !>.oat• rlll!"'hll' -m-tl1f'T'""Mllf'~-, f -mf' ""11111 •o·l1dl1•11 ya chUnwn. \'11'" •·•ollfll"· lt•n' T.-d JuhNitrn "''11111( "" rttlll\· · ,,r <'l'rtomonii>A 111 tlw tlb.,..,,,..,. ,f C••D1modono f: II k 1""""· wh11 ,,t h Mrs Rl~n. ""~ •'IIJo•YIIII( " rur""' tu Catalln11 hlhn1111< 11blu.rol I··· Lurrlle n. In Mdr1tl 1111\ tu I ho• lluna•s. the lndaHrl"t·nt 110 r111'1'~ 1111 LuuiA Vlnrf'nll RMiph Butt .. r- f.c>ld .11nd' Bill Ktlly Tht' r.rtrtlth PIIJIII"A will haw• a o·rt•w 11! ~lx Amonr thOM "hu \\'t'tt1 111 Hull rl"<<ro to -lht' ~lnrt "' ttw rttt••• wrrt' BYC Jl'lt!f't·l·,.ptMrn H 11ruiJ Holm a n :and Mr11 Human Abt.o&rd t ht•tr k•tch, ln~erludf' -tlc411Ml1' U.. PtMJkJ. By VELMA RARHEJR ,,,,.l •tl\'tl"ll•f' i•f ~ .. '1'"' rn ~·nurur •un Yu••hltn.,:. rt"" .. t'H''"'II l-!11!1\' t•·•• \\Ill h•· !'Ill •·~111,. 1\1111 111\ , Ia~" ,·r .. ti \\Ill tw Ml'lordulr<l l+f tt\'Uit•tl (I\ t• t111tt U'f' IU tha t t•)Jl8Jiit r ,, frlo•tl ho•(,.,,. I ho• •kll'l'.-r.-mrf'l 111: 111 I ht• f'\1'111 (1\ t• rnl J'lf'll .,... '"'' n .... .-.v ..... t '" "uy ••n .. ,.,..-!'" th• I" " \\Ill 1-..• N'l\111\ .-.t rr..•lll \hi' ·r•ho•rtn1P 1111d l'ntl'v ttl'~ rl'tumf'd · lll'rl~ rrj>(•rllt thMI Hooll".>ll Ya1•ht , lull t'1111 l nkt• • nro• ••I " hmtt f'd rrun.tlf'r ,,, ho•"ll' """r R"tnrday ·1 Rhl pro•\'llhnj.! .. wnrn brlnr; t lwtr nwn ""'""u1 la1·kle and f•nd· rna ~ ... .,. mil\' bf' launchf'd at thr rlub (',,1'C'IIF.!>' nRI'IT Tl'SA Nwlmm,,.. a n•l '"''' ~" aro~tau•l ­ allkr are borllll \11'1(•••1 ,,, •·111'\•11 fur Ule l~l Rrd t'r;o.•aA """'' ""ft' t)' ,•a m p.l,ln t\.1 bot hrl•l til lluiU.•al I lor twu WMit• t.c-e~rnn11111 '"'" "'''" ct.y, J uly H Sp.c•lal •tt•nth•n "'111 Ia.• l " •'" bulh tu U.Ciun.-r • •'I""""" "'"' '" •J"'""''"" "'"'"'"'· ... ~~ .. Ill·· ....... ~I r,•r hfr ~'" 11111 o uot rw l h•ll :-.:trw 1lllll'lt'lll ~" 1111 alr.,k•'ll ''Ill I••• 1 t•UIII•t til' \\o•ll "" Ill\ 11111 1••111 1 h•'*'ll ~tHI f•'••t ~''f''ft\llfCt ttlhl fltiiU •''"""' ,.,,1 .. 1 ph•ff•'fiH •·••nk ,,r "l'n"lf""""' t.lt'lho'(l" "' .-n ... lttll( l ,-,~,., _. •• ,. h, l!io\\ tnuH•r,. '''"' .. lht41\H~" f1 r•''""'' ''"'"'" ,~f l"~'""'n"' th'"' •lruwllltlj[ "all ,., .. , 1,., IIlii,.. hi h:ur,tlhuttnl• nu~y ht' UU\_•h ' tn "'' 4tafft·r.-nt ,•ln•uur" ut<'t•tlh ..u•H1 I" df' , ..... tl\'f' "' u•t.·ula "houlol If' II"'',., l'tthrr •I lht' No:" ~!,._JI!r IM•r ''tuatnhf'r .. u f Ccutul\ .. 1 • .. ut l1' .,, "' "">' ftr .. ur lifrl(u•r•l •IMI I~tn ~tr any H•d l "r<..,. wurltruull) ,.,,.,,. M•·~ana "111 rrl(•~lt·r "' It"'' I''"'"' ht•Md•l1111flt•r" ll'illl'i No•" lh'l t h••ult' , .. ,..t .... 1'01'41'1'41!'\J: !~oSU\\ KIMU KAf 'lr. 'l'hr 1\JIJI\1111 ... lljthl 111 llu• l'rruw l•tr•IK. urttcllut lly 8t'l lu a l'uoul•}'. July 21!, h••• lwru lh••ll"'"t'll untal .~u.:u•t Ill thr ''""""IH•r .In •ll~~trt: ... tUUluruu r,l tlu111 \\N"k 1\"-Uhllt th o• )'t'l\1 "'II 111t1111ll' lilt' l•r Albf'rt ~11llllli1 l"'tl>t'lu•l tru ph)' runr pnr..·• tu ~"""'1111'11 Jklp- 1"'1'11 plfu IIIII :ltn1 tu 1111 h IUitl 1\t . luolllllt~JUthtp 111rd"l~ fur 1\tlllll'r'it· ••JI ~~~·tal a w.r<lll \\Ill It• lll\'f ll I '" thr Yllllfllil""' buy ""d yuunaelt ~:arl ,•unteatant•~ The <'OntnllttH rn • h•ra • lnr·ludM J . N Web41trr. uf N•"'l••rt liar· bnr Chamber ur ('HIIIIrlt'f\'1'. Ur.l l'•ul McK tbbrn uf Ne"'l"lrl lt11rll•tr Yrtcht chlb a.nd t.CIIrk 11••1)' of" llo.lbo•• va.·ht club A p11rly ·•f S 11 n Frllno•lt\•'" anr · lo·r~ tr .. lhn.: nhunr.t F.•ltlif' nrr .. r lf''l Lt•tt Serranue un·h .. ~tr:o h10d "'"'ut 1 hr.rtrl" hnnt. Thr llollphtll. !'\ttn· ---------------. •• fi)IU'h run u , Ulllho u• y,.t•ht I' IIIII-dll\' hr••IIKIII In whKt I" .... h .. \·l'd \Jo · SHEP'S ..... ,,. .. nd thcolr ('W~t .. lnst Thur•· 1 ... t hf' fir~ I t un11 "' "'" .... "''" t .. ttu\' eYflllnf la nd lo'rrdfty morn • 1\f' r•ttu~hL v.·lth rntl •nl.l ,.....1 Th• Wht'n -Uiey .e'•Yf'tl r .. r lht• 'lub'll <Kl• h ..s-~ r..a. .. ~..... of nurd or J uly PMrh Tht•y ,·ut II whrrh WI'IICh~ 24 IMIIIIlll~ WAJI talt- h•t .. r I'IJM'I"' all m·j>r till' h~tllr•"•nt ,.11 '"'II mil"" urf Thrrr At••h Ray, nn .. r. addlnr; mfrnnwnt tu thrlr OUrrl" rrpurt" Cln Muncb\y. a •wlnt! mul l<' • . Anol lht-y pitt}'· fl~<hN'IIillll 111~••rtl Thr J)oilphtn ,, I 'NIIJI't.: I; II•,. :-I IIIII' ·:u \l•rlnr 4•·-u. K\1.1,41.-\ 1•1.4'\IU • HAl<~: llll-"1'~ '1'0 ~lilT AIJ. 1'0\'Klt'T- IU \IIKH A:'olll 11'8 Jo'\JN .II 1ST 1'\ I ('\ j)CJC IN ANI• lllt11Wl'lo! 'IUI\INO THE ISLAN&lRS. I'IIUSJ: 16U VALENCIA LAUNDRY SHIP'S ·and HOME WASH C 'l.tr..-\NINO ... l'h-•• au• N-port ....._ l'HI'TA IIUA DEAN W. CAMPBELL r•i>rf'Hntatlve of MERRILL I. YNCH t:. A. Plll&CE a nd C488A1T Nf'nttNtl"' N,.w Vurk KtOC'k IDilch&nc• New Yn1'k 6111 "'lr•t Nat'l Yank ,.ANT.-\ .-\N.-\ l'h"ll;jl Mn nl• A n• ~•nO N"wfurt Uuch IJ:li-W ....... "ll ttl 4 o'rlock In lht rn .. rnlnlt fr•r 1 h•u•k••d " 111111 lur~,.r 11111• hut wu +-----------·----------------·· \'w,.·Commod<>re T.-d Juhn .. tn and 1111t.,rtllnllt,. tn hrt'H'1clnf[ hl1 fl•hlnt Madl(t' Stanton. f-'ll't>l Capt a nd rnd Rt ,. rnwtMI nlnnornt Mild "'' ltlf't Mr.o Hal Homan, Purt Capt a nd '"" 1•11 t1·h Th• ft•h wu f'lltlmat.-d Ml'll Ruaa JtarcSca~tl ... Judgt' Ad· I•• "''"Itch around :lO puundla vnt utf and Mra. Ctu.~ M. F ut'llrr. Flt"et Surr;eQn and M111. Jam .. ,. B lt.-\RBUR N.-\V.-\1, cll:AaO. tJhv"r. ~. Treaa and Mra Bob I':X.-\MIS.-\TIONI" "'n Bnyd and thrlr jCllrlllJI. Ste-wart , Ptu'•tt'AI rxamm•tluru• fnr Nrw- Swayne and aon. Fred, and Don l l"•rt Harbor·" n•wly-fnrmed unit Slyh or I... A .. Nr. and Mra. Jack ,., the California Stet• Naval Greene. Dr . .,....,.. FHCS HaiMr, GtrltrcS wtll M held n"•t Wfldnft- Ur And Mr~ A K. Lt.,..rcll. M~nr ''·•l'· Ju!Y 18, a_r c:urdlrn; t l! Wf'•ton "lftd-Me11Ct11mH ~ Httn r . .r .. v -p,. .. ,.l;r.,n.ll r.-. rurttnr offlr,.r. Gwl.be.rt...J?lalL. I:Jud \\oodflll. E "'h" f'ltplutnrd th11t ri(Mnnnatl""" s Yttu na . Bob Sandon, "'"ltl'r I wrll hi• thr rrr11t sl"l' '""""rd rtr tual S• ott, \Vs)'n!' B Harp4'r. Jor fl<rllio, 11111~trnn.:-tn ·r.,nnllht•"" \\' S Lu ud ttnd """ H ohart. Jtt•·k Stt•plwn Mtrhnllll puhlw rt•l11tloru1 \\'llqun. Kennrlh Murc 11n rtnd ~t .. rr 111rru·t·r .. r lht• l'tll\t• Nuvnl Clu11nl. om. and Mrll Howsrd Rakt•r and , ~l'·•kt• 1,..r .. rt· thr l•w.•l l anlt tl\111 Gl'.'<lrgt' t...owu AltiU, Mr" ll,.n "-'t•••k iu~ l1tlk ''""""~' with thr 11r • Tho• .lui( l latd IJII a Ul-foot, ply-~ o.kr. Ly~n a Ma>~ll'e.'lli w•tt\d l'un!ltru.:trnn l!pN'dl>Oilt bunt Ht•nny p ,.1111y 11. Uul'-··n•.-,~ .. , ----Baild thl!< ~···•!..r .bY~ L Huyc:e or Palm lM·~•kiHlti ko-bt!J.L;r.-furli:JI Whun. DUaa81'S c•1ty llu yl't' has lwrn burldlnjt boat!! MRrlln'tl Syl\'llt, lluffnu•n'11 Blu.- y st .. phPnl. Stf'dman Holar :7ao·k .:"'"~''"" J•r"' •<th trf' ttnrl ""J •t:td Rol!l'm,.r y Lal'll(tn, Mrlt Etht'l ,111,.11t l'lullrll ul the-Jtlt'ntbf'r" '· R.trnll. M.-A 8 -Rirhftf!'d!ooH't, • ., • • J.,a netlt' 'J'humll(jn and ~,.t·urt Till': \'AC 'IIT c l.l'ftRI':IL~ • J•~vcrythmg for <?._X~IWiJVC_ l4•·•Mra ..a.nd. .lll.e.adM.naell G.~uUtf I 1 . } f d t '"""~-r v Wurdl'ntllnn. Alttn M .. ro• 111"'' "'"' lllt'lll ..-r~ 1\ll( Beach W ear lH to >C oun a T 11 \VII-I' • ~~' Wl•rr o•tt i••JIII Irt••d ~MloirolllY !'4t«M'k <.:rulllf'nt V -8 Mar1ne EnJ1IU'II Maln~nanoa. · Ma.rtne Way" Marine Hafdware OuU...rcS Motora r .. r !lont~ 2~ yrara IJottr hrr.-And l l'ei(IO', Strpllt'll". V~tqtu'ror, Hub· '" thl' ~ML H e Is notc>d fnr hii!I IJ"rd'~< llt-.llnX 1111d llauapt11n'll AI · , rtj.!U\Iolo l~· hts plollt4't•rtll.r In many KU"Y 1111 Srtlarr•h•y. lluiJIJ1trd'11 HI tt~>lriJ< 11f html butldlug, and hi~ 1 Jrnx c:umt' In 1,.1, Mu<tr.-810 2nd ~tnd k 11.11 k fnr rr•allng 11petd He plo· .., '"' 'lrd Thn Pt: d n,.11 r·",. !on P r 0 04! . . .,t'a .,...,. • . • . • '"'rrrd thr n!'l ~~ ne s~gn July 4 .,..,,8 .,..1,11 by Rt yo·t''ll Tnult•- ''"':-.. 14-r..,.,t hydrnpltoflt'll,. Which "and . 1-'ry'll TC'TI'Ip·l' E And l:ld· THE PEYTON COMPANY I h.,.·f· twrn (uo~alllent <'liP "'tnnerl' drll).-11 W tndy '''Ol'lll: Ill 2nd Rn•l Hnth tlf htll llunll rl\1 4'. Tht'lr El :ird kunnt·rs-up "c•r• ShhtU(It-· l lr.ahlo 'anw an !l('l'l>nd In l hf' llpreod· rnall" SfJIII<W, t:rwk~«•n'll HKif 1101 ('oaat lll~rbway Sewport a--la Phone tMt h oat r: .. ·o·s h(•ld hc>rc ln11t Mummer M•~'"• WrlktniiOn 11 Kultlu. Uruwn'll Tit~yl'l' AI'IO hulldlt Mtn"I'IMI~. ~rm.-Stlhuucl.W amJ J(••nu~·tl l'odJac, .._ ______________ _ -------I on Saturday thl' IIAif l\l •w•n. Wrndy nnd Stlhuu.-tlr fanish•·l! rn h rl. 2nd n nd :lu.l pln<'l'll. rP~p··•'ll\'l'IY SAILORS: Hardware • Bronze • Brue S.-\\"\' P.-\\'S 1150,000 l'fll•l: ( :t•llf' f'o·nl'lorn. "'"'' y ,. I II:• rl"tl "I\ fill I t •1V•·n·n~ a f *""''"'l'"r ... ' k•n••·ll 11 ud 1-'rrd Brf.'Wt'r "'" J 1 1 tuft t ht• t'\ t'UIIIt.:. t,t•tn tr: fh•votr4 fu 'II '1' l"•"t tllfllll" urul ol .. noolll: I Ill ~llrtlltt Y 1: ollt'•l• Y 111 ht ••hrb'~< I'll II ~·" " 1 ntt n, ,, ... ,"." !lttArtf'"d \\·ttl\ " hllllf,: ••\'t'fHHJ.: huff ttl~ •t1nn"r "'a~ "''"' v••• to HJ•I•rul(IIIU&trh l ~)f· ttl• lltht'rf' Hutl 11 t' ,. 4th l ''llnJ lhP rPvrr.ot' ru·ttr· 11.•. ~, ... trnr t utl\1 r"lllllll'< ·_rnr t.h• IIHt'flUo 'Th ... I.Hia•~"' ,. t l•lH \ hr Hll(•• 1uru t. r!1tt•·-th~\' \\'t•t•k ~nd '"It~ ftt1lu\\·~ l'tUII'o f.!t~l t~ll 1•• U J.:tt••1 1\fJHI Itt lh1• Sll.j•"• l'hrl l:rt•Pnf', .) •., 1"11111.1\ • I 'luiii\TR M••lo•rtlt, 4. J . K•·JHII•·oll. 'hrh 111~1 "''''" Mt'< 1"'1J''~ 1 '111 1 \' 1 " d U 1 \Vynutt 1"' Wlf•· •• t • '•nulll•nl•,r•• f :ut hr•,., r, Tun• ••u ~tr, . an uc . ••nt•'lf HifliP~ " partY ••f 2" Mt,. 1 "lllltt•nl1 1 On•• rrtrl Lunt . jr , 4'. 1 .I ,.,. 1'1•"''''11 .,.,,,. nt \"TT'fh,.,.,.,.,. · \\' lk !'I th f\ R• ... ..,,.,-,,.,. f 'ttt1tl•··• \\til ,..,. h .... ,,..,.,. "' ft~•·nt~ n ••r • nu .,.r , I I I I I . Ill ' II ·h 1'1 I'· 11 L.-h• '"'""' '""' "" IJh• ,,.,,. ••lh ~ru .:• lholt•y •. lrt • • "' ,., ~ I • k I' 1-u aul ~''"""' ""'' Itt llt f\t(f'fl••~n " 1r. (,nil Ll<r '"· ·1 1 1 lh I .. I I' I L'r d D l~krtl R' nt•• tl""' '•~"111..: 111'1• •· ••f ,. '' ·•• ' Snu\o\ -,tr• "' ,.. P 1 • • t 1 ·t h 7Hl Ea~t Central Ave. BALBOA -T,N~ Ttt~ H-*K.f44 ~ AJtJ-:A IN c•r)ftRJ'~ 111':/\<11 Wt':Ak 1 II' ~;N .. :v f-::-JI NC:~ ·----·---------------------------·-----... J • k I I ' Hulhu "'" \''I 1 1 1 1''' 11"11 ',.,.,. " 111 J.,t10f~ llhft ( rtMI ' . 4 • f• tfA fo• hi f• f I' lit \' lid\ ~~~ ltf l'lulltpl< 1:1. \\'wlkPr Rn.Hh. Jr Ill I I y I 1 I I thf' Flttlagtl • Tools • Rope W . P. Fulwr Paint!t 8 .\ \' DISTRILT _HARDWARE ·---...... , ._ ................. -.......................... , ... _ .... __ .. ____ .. , .• --.--~ t'UR \'AC'HT lo4TR.-\SCii':K !1ft W11rln• ftAI.ROA t ..;f..o\:\'0 -PboDe %%!• -----.. ---------~--~ _..:..t__ __ . ' .. y M (J#U;i, '4. UNTIL 2 A. !f. -STUDIO CLUB Dining ••d Deaclng ENTERTAINMENT QUALITY .. FOODSJ COURTEOUS SERVICE FREE DELIVERY .Ocean Front Market 2110 Ocellll FI'Oal, Ne~rt Meats • Groceries • Yeletables • Fruits Telephoae e33 ---J -- Till' \'. ·s. Navy r~>por~ly f>lttd $1 ~U.t)t)l) fur t h•· F E. l;•w111 mo- ltt,.,.hi1J, lo;ftMIIR..,. HI. 1t w .... rPv•••l- f'd tha~ wt•.-k Aft.-r ~··Vf'tk l m~onlhll n.,l(llt a&ttnnll fur the thr•••··Y•·ar·•lld _,..,_ .. "' ....... '~ pi .. tt·d huot Mtmday. J hne :to, tl'te , raft llf'tnR dt•ll\•f'rt'd tu Ulf' na v11l 11\tthoortl-al. San Olqo,· the f'!l· low tnj( dny. Th•• Slr~t·r Ill. whlt'h IM 1111 f'X<'t'pl111111llly IWIA· wnrthv r•rnfl ttnl1 h11.:1 vl!\ll"d port11 frttrn ·AIJ\1tkR tor thf' !:inuth Sr·aH, ••vlft S:lflll llllll Wh~'n built and u¥,t· It lll Maid h Wit!' M ll•tn7-" "' tnalr'-'tt<td, :-.;,.,.., ... rt H urhnr 1111.. Saturday ,;~-:ht t~'""d rnr rnll•hn" hu• whM• ,1 ho·nvy f•>); df'l<t f'Ju1t·d lhry tn· """''""'" l(i rPturn Itt t h" hArbor It .,.,.,., hN lllllC 11pj11ttr nt \hAt Ulf' ,,.,,.,·~ ~•··"rtnl{ "flP"t!llll!l Willi d&m- ~~"11 nnrl thr •·raft wa~> trt~v.-llng rn r1rrlc-11 ~,.t,..d flf rullllw lng the '••ml~')ll l'l'f' o .. r .. r .. thf' rundl· ltrm· rlluld bf' 1 nrr,...ted tne c rdl •t rurk th,. hf'~trh, m lrni'UI<•UIII)' mlll~lnK two r<orky r••rfl' 111111 hit· l tn~ ltlf' only snncly 111rPI• h tn U1• \'ll'lnll y • • t:n1n)ur~~ lbe thrre.Inade t~lr "''" R"h••r•· Rnrl I'Ailrd Smllh Brt>A 1111: fo r lllllll~tAnrr Th<> Pre~~~~ only II .00 a year. , 1 ,. ,. Mt•r nnnrll 17· t:hnrl•·~ l't•ol I !':o•l>oJ"''' I "' '"r 11' ' ' 11 ' •r ' • , .11 I A ·•ffutr ,,., ', . .,.,~~~~~··1 HI • ,,,,,..,,finn .,--"'''" ti,., ru•lhll', ,..rnnrt rut • . • . u K'-...-... Allrn w 11h llw ""''' kiV llltlo llr-.,11 potrty. r ail 211, ..,n~ "'IL J' • •• S I . I ' B••••k 24 P .tu Krnt•nu•r, --l:~ At Hutnh l. .. rt-.,: '"' • nrt •••'W'• r n •r .,4 1 • J .. tl••u 1 uh•·tl , \•. • k• "'' f•Utt~ "' frl••nd,. th ur f'vuh··r lfi\ •• 2 . ntl n n • ...... Ollbn'\ """''ttt ...Jt7~ H~·'f'"'~t "wu.>~·h..tl •J"'Ill'~r~l~ ·~ • ' I•'• •""~~' r ~ nl\"''f"" t ' ~nn1a """""'"" ,11 ,,.,,. 'lit 1•• nUl .,. . ~- " II u II I' "' 1\ 'It• 1'1' 'i' 'i'""l S•llltloty Ml •• ~" 1\:.lhtta 1 "''~ 1 I'lL o l >1111,.. J J •-"'htlf'V J>hiiJI'"'"' ll._o ("lt~rlt fH•It llz.tbliT p·.:.•n'-», n , .... ~. • ~ • 1\: 11a.; h 'I 4 "'""' Crnm. 14. II"'' -------------- " Jlilft'"' H •• • 1.-toul!\ Blalt•·rruhll T ifF I•I.At -~; Til p; :•n•l ~t11rk ll•a ly. 22 pollllll I 1 ;~;T Y•JI 'H ' H:to ... "Ill '" llalled evr-ry \\'o·d n•·~tl:o ,, :,,,, ·doll&)( at I I' '" 1111'1 1 lhf-. f )It'<• 11f K-"it" ,; •.•• n •· SAnrh,.z. l\Orl I J t< EHtlr·" ,,1 r'l• ,. nrl IMlnn" '1\IJif•. ''' C 1 1 h• "'" .,ld .T•hn•li~t:t'll '"II ,4• IJJ•\' th• 1 "I''"' hnm~ ,,n A UK l:o.l T r.• tJ .. mer Mrt• 1\Pll~ h~t\'t l•·:, ... ••fl " t.• .. ' '"(.;'I M r ''"'' M•l' w .. · ... 1: ll~trJl"r havr llr!lJl "'"' ar.• t! 1 1t 2111 Rapphlr., a ~r an•l \1 •~ (' V \\'urd•mann ·,, 211\t H ,1 ., r .. •t R"ltn• l1tland I t SOl MaiD ~·-Rall,.,a FCJK INMI'IlASf'l': Mt:l': Howard \Vl" (it'rri~h t81 1 W. I •ntra.l .-\~e. s .. " "''rt Rea.tll. , .... .,_ l 'bn...-•111 At'THMOBII.t: • 1-,Rt; • A('(iiO.;NT • · LIFF. •. ,, ... "_ -*' c .... ,..,.. &Dda WrttW. • I ~ . N EW~--and~ OPEN .. • I 215 1 ':~ Marim· A venu{' iJA LBOA ISLANJJ Mt\SSAC:Jt; I'AH.LOR and -' PA~A+.>J.;N A l~;xpfi;RT I L\ JJ{ STYLI~T -· ~-END DITION )STA MESA ' ·To -.- X . equest For eate. Com· Q' .Lead to ~ may ~'01'1111der fWIJOrt Harbor t Srnate Com- .lun n.'QUN~ "' harbor with D thfo t'XI8tinC. by Se-nator hf'rf'. t l"t~t~· ... )' rur ...... .. nlniC and deep-- et11111nr'la Ia war- f)tllt rk:t IUpet"'" l"t·vl••w of r,xlat- ' lluJ .. )r hy the ,. fHl IUYf'l"' •'!!' _. ,..,. e 8fona C 01' I th•t "We be- l"f'Vtt-w wtn ~ Juatlnf'"tlon for ,r th.-lnh>,...ta ol r•·ohh·m ot the l mm ot tt.r ct.. _... anmor.,. "'"r b1 ttw! 110¥• lt"l thllt u. .. ~ briftC Olllt• 1~ f t.OUU. ., ............ • ....=; #:; .. '1 ........ ·~ .. ~munblw ••to~t. •rwlrnrtand the t hry WIIJ pmb- l'f'd r flf' ,.. pen. J l•rlwtr to IK'-- tht lnnux. It•• •urv.-y rNI)' IIMry 11ff'J) to- ""ltHt !1MI1tJQp. Wport Ray, the 1 I• rnplrtly ap- •'n"1 ----• .oast · ;-dy OU•·I'IliM hark br.w an aer1lll lr~l• Thfl fln•-t • av.llable will ., ma•a.dne oo, ·til ,,.. a m l.lt'h will l(lv• the •PP"•r•nctt ot n• N "w P '' rt ''"' hiNnrl. l.1tln ''· ('""'" M•••· Wo'J'I NrWJMrrt, II 1 '''"" In fur '"" ~>n•l •tn•lf'l , -"'L-1'-UI.ru:U!loe. ' ,~whitt~ • "II alrllliC thf' :lllu ol Loft« :h. f)llna r•,'nt, '•h,.rl, fA J<IIIIL -!lor '""'I IIJI<Itll uf th,o l(ftner .. 1•'!• tl'lflon, •~tphll' lllrplanl artfvttln, .. 1-- .. • -.,.liiiil an~-~-• thfiW the wide :h11t Ia offered Jth ('out rcdl- hat ynu won't ;1e word of. eo 'f'llf'rv•l1 today r many frtendla h~tt'• colnr oa 'ort of the w. .rbor BuelnHe Nomen·• Club c:J\alnaeA wm nln~t. July U , the p•Htcftnt, at 323 Made, ., .. .. . . .; r · , • ,. . .. ·.• 1, • • NEWPORT:B.4r,Bo~ PRESS 'niunday, July 10, le41 ~~-~~~=-~~~-~~-7C~t~M~~o~~.f~x~L~=~~~~ro~va~~~~,S,oo 7Cl-~A~.8~~~~~f~l(=ft~un~~~An~<7~~~~)~-~~~~~=~~==~~~ Q. ,.;, l Att,~ A J--. J.-6 ~~~ ~~lclr~l ~~~~NI~ ~.J.r 0e ~:~~::~~t= . .J. U A~-~-~~!.!..-.CMIIIC-,-9""--:;.~::.~ 'Jll~t . U ~~ I,~ p •·IW' "-'" l'·""lully •IIJIIred Sun· Upon thelr 'retW'rl hom.,, Sunday. SITUATIONS WANTED Rome of )'OU for 110me-· d ..... Newport 'In Gala · W l.tb t he ell • boalea bfoing c mer 0\'t'r the HarbOr hOI II b !!• y t-nlt'rt rrteftth and rt' to. wlt.ne u sp lr'Orn the Ban dependenC't. De lne ac:-Uvlllu. !J'M J Hk P }.ale WU lht-I cue d.lnntr ho o( Mn Llda mother of Mr. U'tivf'<l for tt eelebratloo vt Ka.rvey Lynn are. now malll Balboa u d a Wooda ot Lon Kr.andMN daqbter. Baa their lllllart l r-----~~~~~ wt.ere they u trMDd8. Tbe ~r K at.. eo.ta Mue ("'lln. c r. C&ld 1· dllldren of Loa Ilk cllDner ud Beacla wben trlotk parade. Xr. and Mr• I Q&!t~. CalJfo JUKU. Alee ..... Beach parade • Mr. and Mrs. Ut bland. wll cla.qtlter. CClGI tbe mu.lt"tl t BIM-Not. Mull .ue Shook ..,. trieDda In the • u4 Mn. r;, 0 Jl._ Ruth --bu .... ........,. to .. Lido hie b oJa daft..· Wltb be -ke!¥1 11'0«0 Catllftl Kr. Ud )0 Udo llle bad 1 OIDMiiaJ and ...a Mu. a .... All&. ... F Crill 0. ., ... . .... car-. .. -...,. ~ ....... 1lt.-... ... •• , ·llll!t . _... ..... .......... ,..... ..... . ~ .... . a. .. " 3 .., ,., ., ~ ., ~. ...... ftwatt .... , =------·~·bo · ....... ol ........ !*.._.atn bmt.ecl ru-t ... the .. tab ot ..,... Ud Kra. J~ ............... ....... Mr .• .,...._ ot .... Kn. rr.d Cat ~ ...... a.artee a.J1ow ~ .... Jlute &.r7 u4 ou. .... )(.,.,..,., Ak •; ... •In\ ·'"''"''"'" ... h .. n the ''sr o)~r-lh~y were acoompanted tJy Mnt. ----------~--have fUied lt4 ..,.~ .. t.eur-Dr. Ralph D. Hoar . 11t•·tl hy h"r hu.sbtuld. IAOnard tk'· Howard who ww ~ma1n tn the WANTED -· HoUMwork by .lhe -polle)' ~t wW p&)' )'OU -~oo1d """ 111\ul .l'd tn a colhaton Valley ctty 1111W next s unday wMn bour.l.Jif>Aiate ave., B&lboa 11· ~k a M.-o.e UtUe aum ' PllyUdua ...... ,_ M l s. JeAJit' HllOpt'r , l!JII) Ct>urt I 11!1 "'''I ~I I~ .luhu ~ll'll''l und '' tlh • mac-htnr dnv~n by Paul J. Mr. Howard ~ ~·~ north land. 17tl alloul &M time la life )'OU ...S 0....,.. nv.-n •e. Nrwport. II 1 ,,11ftnrd to 1 1 ld. • 1 I •IJ11 Jt r;111 ry 1111d P t• "'""'k 111 Orhlll:'" tho: :<l"('ld.,nt OC· to ~el her. lt _., er ,,....bl7 )'OU Mve 1 I'; h<•ll•l' wolh ttn ttltllt k 11( nlllllll'" • , , 71" I • "''"'' ,,,.,.11111', t · .. r••hil • 111 ••••1: 111 !'iu uta A n11 H\'f'llllt' And Mr. and Mrs. Bert Srmlh and L()8T AND JOUND fa&le4 le your .avlqa MlCOQDL. ~•nc1 Mrll A L Obrr. 1007 .. ~ I• I "' I ll• I''""">~ 1111 rnjuy.nlolo ''··I ~loll l<trt·•·t M r .. Ot·Ford Willi "''"· Jac:-k, au Hamilton lllret't, Here .... opportuaH)' t4 caklt • ,. -UIIIh"U. hfHI AI< ll·•lldtl)'1·"· t •• • I 0 ~II '·'"I rm.rkot 1•••11···1 (oor II ln'ukr n leg und ~~~-!lpt'nt the J"ourt:!l ol J ul\' Wl't'kend LOST-3 .., ~~~ker -;p;n1;a. • ............... , ........ Mr and Mr• lA'O c;.1m111n .,, ~ •• ,.1 '• \hoooo<lli••"'" • lol· llito·rnul lllJIIrlt'" •l LlncSaay, a mdetrlp .t•• Camp AMWenl "t.O "Jerr)'." Reward. w...r....,.. fortuMale •t.Ma )'.U. 'lt'lm ~11, 1 • . ., 1 ~I II ,, •, ,. tn:, E H.... 1111 k 11t111 Ani! R••b4'r t Tru.shelm =""leon In the laiah m otJntslna pro-See Preu. lllp S,.y a 11-tM're or u ~re -tiM • nif"'NI'R:' p; r--Chr•rmAn .• ,-•(,'I' lo , ,,,.1 ro·••utly t n •ll)"'''<l t••ulf"lun.: trip Munday \'ldmx weleome rell..t from the lllaiwet~·l•('oataM-.af .lv ,,r ll21! w . f;111r ="'""' 1 '',1 , r' • ''"·I' •·f ~t."'''''" ""'l •'r•ll ~~·~,.··s "'"'' hl'ld r.ton· Llnd.llay temperature or 110 1n tht' •'OR 8A.LI: lit clowo a.d.llt per moaa.,i'P'------~----r-----: .,,. thl" wr•'k 11111,·1ng tn l,,, 1 •·II 1 1),,., ..... til• r~ 1"'"1 ·~· 111 s .. ulli Anu tul ~~~~ Oorothyt ~hade. Mr. 8mlth'a gmncJmotller. 'F OR S ALE Rowboat and m oor· oDI)' 6% let.er.L Dr. Obed Lucas 11 , clf'l Mttr •· '" 111. "'"" 1·'•·•1•• ··~ lhu l.h· "'"'''I uf ~r~ l·n •tl n vwe 11 Mra. A nu Smith, a lef'o ,,( t(amtlWn A fatlller of a youa1 fe(low who t L'J .. lng tn ltood c:-ondltlon, SliS each . DENTIST ;1 .. 114111 )' J.'. AlU1LI'L11fotl nr s""-:-'.lo 1'1 I \ .l'i!llll•l ·'"' . ••\1)••11 l~·ult·\alll ~1111 ... ~:. Wn() 1<\n!t'l, .. lpenciJnc '"" Wo•('kll a t cractuat.ed from Harl»or HI. aad l ''""'"'' ""'' ~l"'ncl.n£ th" fllrr••nl \r r .ot I I• o'l r .11m,.r \ ;1. z~ \'l'llr:l"nf ~~~" p.-.•Mld aw•y the Bertha--.mt baJnC! 10 1..-o;~ An· !23 Collillll ave., Bal~ l•land.. a vkdm of tM above-.meataoDC'd , _ \ • 111 .nth tot thl'tr Hl\7,,.1 '"'''' h•mw r:. t. ol~·! I 11 • II•"'" nn ni t llll\' ~a t L-·~ An.:•+·~ \llho·r tiUr· geleA. , • !-'OR SALI:--New· Zeal&nd white dt'f·..,..~ .J9fd.. jl1ll No to :!'!O'!'z \\', ('l'al..., PliloDe 16M 11 ,. H••n 1 d"l MrH •· Ill 1" "" • 11)••\•·ol , '"'' II•• lutl•· ho·l hu~lo&u<l, pur· Mr11. Jlldllo.n Bu~rlo nd w~:o M8· jtJnlor ~. Martha Moon , 182 buy oae of u.-hocDe al&eo<; SE\\'I'ORT BEACH l\1 ... S.lllrlt>V Hunn. ::2•111 l······:.r• ' I II I. \ ·~~~ • 1111.'4• r '~~ (\\lo I luhllo " ,,, 'i'"! .. rl! 8nd lt'l<li Ialit. mlclw..& at II •ntl'l'ttnr; of AI~ plac:-e, Coeta M-.. 23c tliat he wouJd pD)"'t~ 110 down ~·r •n'. Nr>w pt.tr1, r.-t "fl••••l Frt•l"' I. "" • I' ·" t•r"l th·~;< Sigma Tau Pel aoront v Plunll 'w~rc to atart It off and ad\•~Mld tM 1 rrum RIVt'IIWit> wh••ro• llh•• "I"'!'' ~1 1 I • ,,, Ill\ \\'• '"'' 1 t11111~h Th• H•·\ \\' '·""''' former made for a lteak hJkr> t<• be twld fo'O H S ALE--Girlll' B1cycle. Co•t boy lo •tart lahl own u vtnc" r----------------,. 11,,. f'IUII w...,k With tnrnruo , .. s 1, 1 1 ·''' II ''" I' , lool •·f t 'oo"t" ~, •. ,.., 1-.•IIIIIIUnlty lul t't thill month at tlw hum!' or S 1 4S; like nt'w. New rubber; $18. ..,c-ount now. • I DR. C. J. CARTER r 'lh'ln ~rw,clrl'l lltl oo( liM :.!7th .•• I· •• I ., ' • .J I \I ll hoi '"'''" "''"'"'''" llolll'lt•rrh l trotnl !\tl811 Lol• IJunt.er, 224 M~t~noha nqulre 3200 Oct'an Fro nt. Ph. ASK )'OUr clad t4 look lato thlto ,.trr d :'l:t-wplrt. hlu• 111,,,,1 1,. ,.,, ,, 1 , .• .t li \1 ·~ ,.. ,, '' '" , 1,1, . .,.,t 1.,~r .. ,.•l•· "' <•xna rd "t r.-.-t. FoUowJ.nc th•· .huRiness 1944-\\' d4'al for you. 1 Dill a clad...._.,., Deatlat ./1 ·-··1 ... In .. ,, .. llr .. r '"" ""''''"' I .•• '· II I •I• .:l•lf••'lv •I• ' 0 I'''""·' tho· "I'I"•IOlllll'lll .. rr~·· llll'etlng. and a IIOC.';al rvon••l rtc~nlc:---phonf' 400 fa, .. appolabnf'Dl, I Roofle" Pl•tel. Spec••.'"' ~ " ,.. t'OR SA, LE Complete urut tanka .. l ,.._ __ L: ' ~ 111 .,, ttl Hawthorn•· atr ft•·l•l •···'·d •, I '•I '"~1"lo'~ • l ho~ \\o•o·k l11rf'l'hl"<ln w ... Mrvt'd Wtth 'll't'd • nr-R. u.._....:-,. at !1.. Phone 152g f'aY Mtlla u•l. ftolltllllll 11"11""'~"1 ollot ., ' '" \It f' ~., '"" I~ I \\'dlo·tl ~ till' tuko.on o\'t:r lht' l.lt'Wr&«"el. ptpe 3 bur nt'r Protarae •to•e with N-port Blvd .• In C'llta~ of 1860 Newport ~lvd., Coet• WeN ~111r, luul t-"t'n R hnu9•• Ill ({o•IIO'I•I• I lo•l r.•oll f1f I •olio hfOI\1•' 'l'l'f' 0 ol ol••)'illl;,..,,, "' l li·· R<'cl lind M.-mbers of lbe M····t-l}ni'·'An·. UVt'n. '16·00. ~Hitchman, ph. thlaollquldatlcl• ~ )8P.0 'V' 161 2047. 15 ~ ~mt-11 .,,......t...tlw.;-h .. tuw 1• u( _ L!,.._:L• 1._:_1 ~· ,, r.. ''""' •I '" \ lo~t• .st,.(•· ""' • • •••l11•j(. Harry ••lht'r club enjoyed a plt'ttllt•ll t Run· ' .... month In lhr lltnhur ,.,,.,, • 11. 1o1••1 IL• .tj;f,:;-:;t, lio"Tr 1.;11r,:ol71•• \\'l\T,..,.;-ntl\'\"' m nnPttrtt 1'T m1Trn1nl' ~an-n't-lrn 1"0 ~:-;;:-::;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;'li:;;;:;;£;;;;;;;;:.J~T!:_tiHRKE • BEDROOM furnl.ahed .--,...,....,....----.-.....---~-.----~---.. ______ _ •· h'Oullf! iii"'Bieta'MeS.. full prtC'e ., .... ,..uL.u ................... ~ ... ,-!"•rh .. rmar~t .. r 1111,1 ~~r~ Th"""'~ , '"' I•• I·• •lr.:• Ill t B.dl"'" '"""'"' i'at k lht' balenc• of th .. 1•l>l\ 114'1ng t'rll, lawn m owent. All klnda of 1 f~ .lloom·hlloy "''rf' ~""''"' '"""''I •' I' ''' · rl, 1 1' .,. I•• .ol ~It • "'''" 'ur 1' •· •11••1 ~:rs.nJ.·~"11 •!•·vuted to rtlklnc a nd '~'"'~K (;n-reraanng F txlt S hop, 2200 New 11600' R. C. Parker, 1806 N ew-1funrnal ([l!nprl jl(l'l "lll AI thr Stl\'osr:tfloo """''"" '"·'' I• "'' "1 '''"'I"'"' 111' I! t111•1 1:1.11 •' 17!1':>-:'"l'"rlltulll t~:froomColltaMf'IIU \\••r•·~lr And portBivd .Costa Meaa,ph.ltl3. port Blvd. 18ll• ...... h"""' .. r Mr 11nd t.t1 ~ \\'t)luw1 : •. '1''1' ll o11 ... , ,.,,, •1•1"1111 •1•' •loi 1·•11 Tu.-"1') lt•~:ht fur 1111 "!'" J E. Williams. ~ft at\O ll&rs. 23c FO R S ALE :1-n oom ,.luccu ho w1,.1 \\''t:"H~. •1 :; l•11 •l , 1, , • .,.,,, H .. t .. ,l ·" • ''''"""" Jo::o"t•·r fl 11 11' Tln·y plun l.tn~<•!l Macklntoah. M r and Mrs. unci garage, JlrlCf' $1~00. $:100 Newport 561 .,,. ~~~~ Mrll V•·rrl" f.o·•· ""'I llw '' 1.•• • •t. ··• '"''' II• ''' I'"''' loo 111 d•·· lll>'lr fu •t l•·ll~lh\' ~t<~pllt !••rdun Almond and 1 tllllln:ll. AI· Jo'I~E SELECTION BlBLES, Con1-down, $17 munth. J c. Puyne,1 II 0 BI'OIId_"_'ssD1:_ __ 0oe_ta __ M_-_ _, roormr r'l fAth~r. 11 11 1,( c tniJ•I·" u1, I • ,, •· •· ''' \ ol •I '• \I ' llu I '"''" ' oolol hooll t•· 111 (\at!lklll. '"•rl and. Julia; Mr• Ira H lirl · uorn\Jir lt's, a w a rd II, plaques, 278 Broadw~ty, Co!! Ia Mt>sa, ph nt\"• (c')('Atfod fo r the I<Umnt"r 111 1 ,, 1 • • ,. '' 1 ~· •I I '"'I '\ Y J.ot•' 'uul 11''•".: ''" 1;1 St•w lwrt\ And 110na, Darw111 anl1 Unr· S o npturt' gr .. •• lang cardll and l205-\\' 19.1(· :-----------------. thr'r N""'l'"'' n ...... h I'••II.IS:fO "' • • I ,, 111 \ •o•du•lfll \ ,,, k ,.,, \ \\' •·h II.: tun f) {',, 11'11. Mrs. Calla Vlt'lo·. ~!Ill How· "'''". Tht' Scnpturt' House, 117 . I KIIIIDC Kuok"''''l! 11112 <M-t•lln t'rolnl I • ,, I 0 I' loo ,. I I !I to I "0 I jO k~ooll\lllo•, Fl I :-.;." Orlennll •rrl \\'nght, Mnt. Lt'lllf' ncoll Mn! •:. :>th. Hsnl4 A na. ph. IS731. FO R SALE Thr\!e·btdroum house. ~ f: R M A N E NT 8 Mr. and Mn1 M urr11 ~· R1·tl:lt>, ';'t~Q ''I · ''J•• T il• • •'tf'l" foo1111 ,,ol \\,,,.I"""'" '""r•ll lll( loo prPJi· Lu<'tlt' Paull and 110n. Ru.•;;~t'l!, lind 28<: $1800 BRADDY'S Hellotm ..... ·8Vf'llllt', Cunmll d•·l !lfur IV ,, .... , ol ~ol !l ·::.lh )<tl'•·•·t .l . Il l 1•1.111~ 1111'\' 1\lll r•·llll'll Ito CHitin l h~ two Gua Beach dulor~n. ::::·:-::=-:::===-------''-----.. ,. w'. I Barber and Beauty-SIIell ,~ • 1 · R FOR RENT .. w buy an unuau&.lly cood lot hAd 1111 WHkf'nd JCU""'" lh••lr llf•n ..... , .. ,.,,,... -M•·"" IU"t 111 111•u• l•tr ~t•httrd to Guy Boldman. whu 111 l!ltltloned In the El Bayo Tract. In Itt\\' lind •IIIIIRhl••r. Mt 111,11 !If•• ~I • , , I \to loolu ~!···11• :l:!l l •· o•llto·r '' t11w1l 111 ttl•· fa ll •l Nnrth leland Navy bWk. San J.'OR RENT-Room• and apart-, ... wall buy a ~ hciuae and lltl Nn\•pvrt Blvd. I. n F"li•>WIO ,,( C'hntf'l••n t. oloo ",.,. ,, ll • II•· • ",.,, Foourl h ~It ,in<l Mr-. H I< hard ('artf'r : l ... ~u. spent the W~t'k .. nd wtth hill mt'nts 12:> Agate ave., Balboa lut on \Vest Ct'nlrsl t.ve., b4'· (',.,.,. ~It-Pboae - Mrs r I r l l.ndcw ••ot1 loorfll'''" I ,, "·· I ....... J· 0 r la;tllly .... , •. "'"'''"' ,,.,,,. !\~1 PallliS.dl'll f':J n'nl!l In their new lvoml' Ill 2J ro 1SIIInd . 17tl tween Balboa and :-.lewport. I nf :0,0:1' :l ll h •II'""' hill' ntlll '''' • • ,,..,-•'••· I"'" "" l•t•lllll! tho•tr1 ,.,,.J too 146:1 J.:ldo•ll a\'<IIUl' Mr &nd Ktre~t aAd Oraq~ i>VC:nue. ------------.-----------------; l ---oiO&DAs"t, TWUIT ... PARKD& -• L --...... le> Mldt . ., .. <'•I V f·•r tho• "11111111•'1' •• I lq, I ''I I I• .. ,. ):I :Olio! tlllll: 1 fit•. 1-: H l'l\11>'1!11111 Will cl<'I'UJ'I)' Russell Te.,p&e. 11011 or rrnnk F'OR RF.NT -2-bedroom hou.ee ,100 E. c-tr&a. ..._ -.... a... . ...... • h .. r Pl'l'' "nl tl lllll tw in I! ,, n •lllr n ., I \1 I-'"'"" .lubu.~t•JII '""'i ll•· ft•l 111''1" f"h rlt•r rt·,.lllo•IH't'. T••mpll', 145 Cecil piJH't , has l'oo01· furnl!lht'd o r unturnllhed. mini: c \lf'fltbfor :\tu .. k· TN('be ... "- •o N""'l' 1rt 'lonwll111,. 111 \ "ll""'l I r, I ••t ~l oo• 1•·1 '"' I' 11 k ~fr• M1 1111cl· M ,.,. !'<urn ('t uwfurd unci ;old I'd his prellmlna0 1'•1111'11•' or mum ullhtiK patd. $2&. 33i Wal-uf California) ""tw-r N·mm•• ""'"r: .. nt "' I'" ,., ,. I I oliol hoolll"r Ill l.l\1 ,,,. 1 .. ,,,, i\nd•··~"" rdUrtiO'd TllPII· 'nl'll'll('tiOn at fWD 01f'J(o1 :-.l>t\'31 nuL 181: I~ Tt:At'lU:K Ot' PIANO Poly lnS~'l f.•I•»Oh•ll""' rol tll ll•'d \ , .J \1 • ~I Oflllo Fot~hn~•n•lll'"' o1 ... "''"' t woo '"'k' \lllllttnn in Truln:nr;alatlon and "h!!lhtll•\l•t'k R . C. PARKER Urteanl .. t • At<e•OIJipaallot nor th T••,.~d· ,. 'lfl••• :·l"'ntlllllo: tw<• '• \lo ., •11•1 ~r '-'""r" hru·l tho l'u• ,r,. ;-.:oolllt\\•''1 th .. C'now· ~r:Hillft>~ to Brt'nl<'l'l••n. \\'N>ih., HOUSES F OR REST Wt' have' :o..tudloo : :J07 C.nlck'ltnrod A,_ .. daya "' th hi.. rfl•·lho•r, Ml c • "' II •I 0 ' t•·r ..... '"'"''~ "•'111'11 1 .. ,,~ • oolllllllllll~ ''" llllu IdAhO •'ht're be WIU 1'0 on IIC'll\'1' duty U\·~ral houaea' for rent In the "'Notary Public ( 'llr<IIW cU-I :\tar AujrUitn ::•mmu oof II\' I II<' ('"''"' ol \I ' .I • ol "' 'r. M• 11rq of ~"" \\"hair Ml'!l ''"'" ,_ rl'IJJhlllt'll at M.L and ..Jlra. lAnce Vlrulon. Co•ta Meaa-Newpnrt Helghlll I'IIOSf:: St:\\'I'ORT 1...._W rwnch. '1"r"''' "'"'"llwrll, Oro· "'111 ha•r mt>lh..-r ·~1 14 Nrwport boull'l'nrd. ar" the &res and will M glad to •how 700 Eut Centrnl Avenue l.o·<:~ilfl> f;rt'('TI lit home ol WHkMlc1 nl: In thrtr :'l:t•Wpurl M... I I ,, " • ;, 11111111:'' ;111 l'llfl·' I 1111 ~l··liflllh•·r t ., ... " thl'lr r!'tum '>nr,•nU! or a baby boi\', horn Mon-t hem to lnterestNS partlea. BALBOA f"uvtl If lJC'Itred Beach l•n:Jr w••r.. ,.., niHI Mt • ',,' "''"'''' "' "J• I I ll•'lj.:htM I"'" "'''"" ·.;jj"rpl , .... ,1 tu rand Mno •lav. 8l St. Joaeph hn!l('tlJII Mr R. C. Psrkf'r, 11106 Newport Rerberl All,.•u•n 00( sanll• ''"'' I' ~.•l ~rolo\' oil• II""'" (oor n •lllrt,.1r ·r.•\\fo,rd'!' fnth,.r \\' J LIIM uf onlt l'lnl. 8 B. VlrtiiOPI C'l'tlllA Mea~~ Blvd .. Colta Mea. 18tl •oho hr .• ,, ,., r"'"rnNI '"'"" IW•• 1 II r•• 1 l!t 11 • I'"' I \\ h• I•· '<h•· llo•n••llllll, hnd oll'll\f•O tu makt' '!l'l \Ct'rll, a~ the bAby·1 plllt'rnal MJSCEL{.A,'IE()US 1806 Nt"wport BotJie\•ard COSTA M"l.:SA ·II'LOWIIlRS "Say It· \4'lth Flowerw: I ------- weekJf \'""r""'tnn In :"lrthf r u , •• ,h , ~''' ;, ,.,;u :"'• Pllrtl'l.: th•· lh•·u1 u vuut 'r8ndparenta. fomis :-· llr•":••·• • • I I II "' ~ .. 1 '"" ,,,., k~· ''!I· Thr••f' Cnlllll l'tf••li:\n~ werf' Rmong Roy Berry, ISJ9 Bern11rd llln!~t. Mrs.~· '·'h IIIII :!lll(l '"'''"' '''" 1'•' .tllol h·1 ••t•l M n; Uw ~·x rnen fron, I"""' Uunrd 171 Yhn hall been In Ill he-alth for thf' Jl'ront ..... ,.,,r! lt •ol "" 1'<111111,1\ '' •1•"1 '•loll Oil ool 1 .. .-J\II J,:I'Io•>< "'"' Wt'l'l' tn<lllolod w lu &-II'I'IIVf' 1'8~l !II'Vt'r&l weeks. \\'1\11 given1 a ~ue11a h·• · · "'• '1 '•II w •f•· ~f1 I ' J .. r.-•k·• T-.h ..... R•'""' S"r""·" -Jt:~<lrrdu~ Th"Y ~<re \\'tl· ''''"~ tranafualon nn Monday and lind Mna. A lb<'rl Trll\'1• "' Mn,_,.,., • •• I ·· 1 •o I 1 •I •' •" \1 ~ I il lllllll~•· I·"" H Cunlr• I•UI ll••raeho D .~ now c:-onalderably lmprovNS. Of chUMtta. and Mnl Hn1 tmAn Tt 11\'1• •' ,.1 •· • ol "' II.• ~unt.a .\n:o ~~ lo•nclo•z and T•m1h• EZAkl. 1 11 the vnlurttM"T d<•nont tested • .and Waynf' Tra\'111 uf 1 ... •11 Anr;t"l"" 1 1 , 1•' Itt• S "'"" 111 (',.unttl'!l Mr und Mf"' J \\' AnltertiOn Mr~~ .. Berry wu found to ~ the Mr. and Mra. J.T!Inkh n lfnllllt'nj' '"' • "'"" '''' ••f \\'• IRth slr.·~·t lll't' hhlldlng o •nly one whoee t.lood mAtc:-hed that tonnel1y Qf 323 Sapphlrr nvrnur, 1-t r. • • .. ~t 11111• • lnh ""'' MCIIItlit Y 1 110'" f•v••-ronm frnmt' d". ·elllng. 1r her huab&nd. ~he! ac:-rordlncly Dlllboa lll&nd, have mo\•ed to Hnl· , '''"·"lo: nt Ill•· J ~' Mtllf'r hnm,. Tht' ftf'\'. (l \\:1I1Brd Stearna. lw'<'sme the doDtf. 1~ W1Mri Mf."'Hif!Wfn M"'l htrfll 1"in tot !r."fTMM m...,.,,., f'Mtlr Ml""ll. 1 !fn~71t-tliC l'"mmiQU!rT'e' rhtnTh Mr:-and n A'rehle CJe 11 ('allfld tnlo f4!Ckral serviC't" 1Thtlr ~ \ ·h••r•• nwml~< I • ••lrhml•••l th,• f I 'usta M••!ll\ uffi<'I"IC'd ThurwdAy V"rJt'Tie uf 1M Marnolla !Olreet an! ~-bome 1.8 ~alfld nl ;!Qfol ti01J• loll(hol l\' ol( ~1 1 1(,11\ f'hiiJI)ov o\o tr ll" ,of fho• \\rtfcJIII"' nit'' Of ·~-.. ., tnn vlnJt to Lon~t Hearh I<> be near· lywood drive. I' 1 th! ' ' k•• "'1 ''' '1' "'' "'"' 1 • 111''' •• ~''1111 l'rlllitnt• ~IPsrn.t. <·r Mr. dt' lA Vt rtne'!l employment. Mrw. Loulll(' 8<-dtlllld. ('t•rrnr r ···n· I .• 1110' I• ,. ··I I ..... ··",.,. '''"1:"'''' "' l'tfl IIOd Ml'!l rht'!lttr They phln tn l•wale at 13~ Lac:-e realdt'nf of lht Harbor dlllltll'l \\'hu It;; rl! .. ·· o:t•·•ill11ol! \\• , •• :llol' I Slo III II~ "' IJI'liiiJ:t•, lllld \\'tn!llun :t \'t'nlle ... •• now Jocatt'd at San fllr"u. ll""nt :1,·,, • 11111,. ~II' ll<~t nl•l :: • ho~l~. """ .. r M r nno.l Mr11 H. 11 f d k th .. ,.. • A tC!r spen Ins: Mve Wf'e • wl ~vt'ral day1 th111 Wt'l'k \4llh h o<'nl Cauhh• ""' ~''' l 'htttqo~ .oil nf "'"''I' uf llllt'll>t f'rtrk Thr Ct'rt'· .,,.r p1u?nlll Mr lind Mn. F . E. ~rlt'nd11 and rt'lall"e.." amlul'11111: ho·r !:ttl••• l~l:tttl .\It \\ II T'"'" "'"I'' t•w•k 1•1 ..... wt th1• Fn,.ndA R ussell. 1!12l ~fAnzanata avenue. ll"n And daull(hlt'r·lll·IIIW. Mr nn•l ;. ,, p ·II II· .I '• ~I I" ~1 •11•·1 • htlr< h "I 1-:1 M"d''" 1 ~frll. Edwnrd M~ador and baby Mr11 H. t: Bf'<•htnh.l :u r. ('ur11l •I,, \lo "' 1' I t I 1·1\ .11i•l ;\l r w ~ool !>I n H B lilt Murtry •on. RIIII!Orll Iff I Sunday allt'moon 1\'tnlll'. ftlllb!>A l11lnnd. ~ .... h t s •• s ... ~.,. .lot,, t • \u.t • 1>~1 tillllj.:blo•t, O.tl'll>. Z:.! :!Uth !It . , .. r lhl''r hoom~ at San FranciJico. ~~~YI'4VI\~Aii~Lil.r) AI •·I '" ,., 1''•1' ,., k otl 1-•k•· 1•· 'III"Y1111: ·• "1·"' (room Mn ,\ o·umpnn~··n~: them north waa "' tht' a<t~m.ll'r hutlcllt1).:. h1111 '"'''" ~· ol1t o11 ' '""';-T.'il<' ""'t I ~ • ...,~, ... ,,,....,~ ••• ~ .... '<I~ ~~"'M<I':-~fw.tc1nT-"ft'tt,.'drnfe 11<.wtt f t'nlertlltntns: Mill" t :v<'lyn F ltnl "' 1 .. J, \1 1 ,,,,1 ~~ \111111 \\'h lo• I•" ''' and ~tr~ I' ,. !-lnuth .,,. H'\y ("I\' Fl1dly. · S~ty It wtlh Ourw." Glll'11 Flo wu Shop. 17 10 Nt'wport Blvd Phon" 547-J , CnlltA Mt'sa . 27c 1:-.ISURANC E JC you need a.ny In· auran~ pleaae aee ua. We handle~ all kind!!. R. C. Parker, 180e Newport Blvd., Coata M-.. 17tl EXPI:RT WATCH, CLOCK and -~wt'lry repa.lrfiiC. Dia.monda Mt- whllf'1'ou walt. Betlach Jeweler. 1838 :'l:ev.:port Bll'd., Coata Maa . '-. • 24c ~---~ ------VACATlOSERS~ .PJCNICKERS ~ Lt't mr help mall~ your hohdayf happy onM. HOT DISHES, ball I'd bean•. tamale plf'. elc. ma~.e from yollf' own rr-ctpe, l8rge d ish . 7:X:. Larltt' POTATO SALA D. DINGHIES PADDLEBOARDS PUNTS AT Ot.:R NEW UX'ATIO:-.' 1200 ('eat .... A,·~nue !llt:Wt10RT 7!X! LAYER CAKES, _]·mtn.l l BILL WARREN fmll~lnlf, per Jayt'r, 35c. "l...oflf c.aJus. 7 ·min. .Iula1.1n&. ~ LEIL 1 • 0:'1: J.H:RINGUE P IE , 50c. Bak· II '• \\ h ~·n lo Kao la A•a 'll&ke RJ(;H BA88E1T• SHELL STATION ilh and Male \ ut'K llf:t\I)Ql "ARTEU ROSSI CAFE • ITALIAN DINNERs :<ao_. randaow ~Uk' _ • •od COCnAI..S, liDo COIIONA Dll.. litAII \VORK BASKET Ht'l«'n N Gal&aaber ~tamptod Goods & \'.,.. e :-;,.,.,u,.\\urk IMtrucUeM 0,...._ ... uh t'urt'laaae of ~ I) I ~ ... Rrodwa)'-&M'ta A8a- Pltollie Ia! C0411.a Mf'AA At luor Oo·o•llll\10 " I~ ,nol l\ ,,. lho I """·' " f·ol '"" olllltlfO•n ,,, Et.ro·k,t nnol p .. nalrt 1 ...... l'•:!'t E. 18th llrHl. homl'. Mll<l Flin t ·~ un l'lnJ!loo\'•' ool .... '!o .... I ".. ll.tll••. ~~ ""'1 hoI ~··1• I ~~~-.. ,. ~~ \\'o•tf .. f'ulll.l l\lo ~-~ latelll runlrtbll· thr South C.llllll o·umpany 1\11\l l~otlt .d \\I I• 01 lho llt,.;h ::;,, I I '" '" 111 ool Foonl:llllt Tho• l'1111th~ f'llln ttn n lu tho· l rtll¥_ and the only •ng Pf•*"·d~r BISCUITS. ready ._ .. ___ ,_. .. -~:, .......... -•. -.. -.--.. -.. • fur fo\'en, 15c per cup of flour. ~===x==:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:'St WASHING. IRONING, MEND· O ,-:~I~~~e•• INO. Pt..AJN S EWING. 50c per C)~-.,._ \'OU!Ut womt'n llrf' M'll\'(' In lo•·nl ,, 111 1• ~ 0 Ill IH'tl ""' 0 11)'"' ol 1 .. l!o' Ill tho• ll:ot l'\oor olo· lilt I lnr tho• n"h~:r H orhoor <ll~~ri't! ('fiiZtn to be B & P f' \V. duh work. "1 l·•·l "1 I""J.: 1""'" lltol ~''111' •·\I t"'' '"'•'I<~ 11 'lllfl<'<l tn, tfl~ r urrt'nl S~lf'l'tlve hr. Nirt' large! RABBIT FRYERS ~fr 1111d Mr:< f l Th••t:<•·n oo( rt" ,,:-I• utll\ L >·ool 1.• •II l t•IH1lr; ~~~" \\ ,I '\t•\ltlo• 2:12 F. t!ltll L h • l-'1'1''''"" Qll••t:• \'ooung udi, w o oA 1'1"!11d~ !IJl"'nl Ill<' w .... k .. ml Ill lh .. u ll .. h .. ll·d Ill tho• !'·"'' .. r o'l).:hl tl••o•t o•lll•ll;jlllt tl l:tn OlldWf'o•k lll.JI'rt~'l.l.arWf " lht' 11011 of Mr. and NrwJ*'rl h••ml' 111 1211 27111 lltro•,.t ·, • '' !1 ollo l ,\lo · II K l:.,cl•·'' •I 11 ''""'' 1 f'"'''' ho•n••rlfll: til•' ,· • P. :-.; l.ud. wtll lravr ColllA Att Mr-. ThoN'•··n h:LII4 IM't•n r t•rtfUl• J••r nt~•r ,, •h ,.., ••t 1'·11"•·• l"l•'l•t •••tl lhll ~ """'' <C.It\ ••f hPr hr'• ... 1.~, f•rlv ~·1 f••r I...A'l8 Ang~lf111 Jn .. cookl'd and hot. r eady fnr table, Sfuvd g~ $1.50. WILL DELIVER. Mrw. H. ~ R. DunlAp, 209~ SAnta Ana av~.. __ /..., COlla Mt'M. Phone 10811-J . 17tl I'd tn hftl f••r lhl' past t .... llloofllh~ •• ,. ,. • II ,of I"''"',.. lto•l II \ T'"""" I··· .. r Ontlll(•' •I .• ... n !'Ill or ~ .. I 110M•: FURNISHINGS ll Willi l'un~ldo>rll>lo' uf a ll r\l'lll i• I II•· • "I t it• \\'lulo• lhll" '' 1111•' lltllo•J~ ,J'.III' ('!ll tn).: Ill 't• and .\lr• .1, E. \VIIhamll. fur hl'r lu Rj;lllll ,.,,.,1 th•· lit·••· h 1 p•rol 1•\' o\11 1111>1 ~Ill' 111•· 11111111 "''''' ~l r "''lllh·. Mrl> 11 11 1.,,1 l•"ilt'\'1\ni, hllve ·bf'~n S CUB IC·FOOT SERVEL GAS re ·l fngt>ra tt)r. 9 1, yt>sr11 guarftnty. $60 dtRrount . E Z terma. Balb91l e nd r!'nt'W nll1 1\f'll'lll llll:llll'l'li \I I \\I··. II ..... "·"'' \0111 I l'lo olllf'••to•l """ Mr-llorll ~\\'('I'll· • 'Ill '11: Mr~ Dto"Vort' or H ljth· M C!< J'l,•llfl n ohrrt"""'!t '"''"'' ,, \ ., .... ··r Ill •' oJ. 1::\.po•olod I I 111,\0' t hl~ "''"\( i' "' ll227th l'lr•·••I.N••wptll l l~n~:n•n \11 1.,, 't'o,lol.-. ''" •it..th • aoom l! .• p!tll 1~ :-; l•.ok 1~ ~fl., ~·ru p1Nt fo-tht\ ""li U\1111 1 ~t, ... ~ 1 1~ • .r :'\••\\p.t•l' l·:llr .. .t'•·th T I •II1Jt•lt•r ruuth ••r t•f ('oh(ortlloon 11 nt01lh••l '111•1 ~It• ~I \I if • ""' II, h ,. •· '•• ,,,.~,. lotS! \lr-. ="••\Ill~ .11111 ~fr Tr .. mpo•lo>r tlt• AdAnl:o;-,,r Ht'•''""'d'' lwttt.,; '' ··l< '•'l l t 1P 1t' huh h••••'l •h" \\til !'Jhfld l h•"' n•·'tt ''''' r,\lf'tt0t.ft U\'f'r ~undn~· M t~~ n .,t..•rt • I\ ''II 1t 1 , ...... ,.,,,, ·11 h t'f H.-it I tlnlh .... ~•t , ....... ,;, \t.·~a s lll, whu lli prlllt'IJ>I I .. 1 n H ,,., .I ! "It Ill• nrto'lll"t'l' ~l r llnol ~II'' \\"111 ''' 1\llll'f'\' INt • ft.-ttt•hr-.u) loe r • \\ Ult rt.l, ·~ ~"IIU o! 1' If tfld \l~l"fl~ r .t~t\' t.1r l\\~t \\'•'•'k"' U lt1(11r trt}' ntt'r l'l~lllnn "' I;•IIJ,: It·-•• h ~ "' • I,.. II oi l" 1 t.lo<~;.l 1d 1,h101h \\Ill I til• lh•·m pnrlh ~fr And ~,,,. H ~t l ... llh a f 4 ... t. . ' \H l • ~·~·' H,l 11.)..h t ht l••tl\\lil"""' ann n ·t uH 1·1••1'1111( fr""' lh• 11 :'1:••\\ f'ooll lt. ''I I' 1\ t .liw loO'Ih 11.1 ((, .. .,, .ll.ol th•• ll1r,:h !"u·rra:< ll'f'!«'Unl1'1Lto thMT"'f'r'ltlt!t'nl" ~ ..... , +-""'" J h•"'· 1 ~ 1. , .. 1 .. 11 .• n..t 1·11., 1;,.,. ~""""ll.:J.: 1111111., .. t I'll~· 11111'·•·•111>1•·1 ~; <oollfll I lhu I 1 'l 11•1111. Mr" 1 ""~' 111.111 ,. ,1\o•'lot•' 1 .. 1!' ho••.-11 n Cust.a Me.'lil •I il\hu•l.ol Tll\y 1\ II 1·: j. ~ I I . ,,,.,. ="··111•',1•11>~ rl.to··~~!lio· J••).l ~. \'o•ml ""Y" t' 1nlirtlll' I•> "I"'' .t• lh•' 1 , t1 ,. t: .. 'I• 1 I I • hooll•··~'"'•l '.lt 1111.( "'' :-.; l'•'nl"''l! l'f'lt•f.'rnf•'ir latf' uffh.•t •• t :.!UM --···l-Ul ·•\•'~··· .. -·· ... \1 . '.t ' •• ' L,.su ) ... !.· ·.ht•U \ ..... t.,l.a~ .n •• h\•·•:..11) ua JUII'" Mr. La nt• ~ t •;••lt••l "·'•' •lt•r M'~ 1 • •n 14··~"' ..... \t1 •rhl ~1 1 , J I' t '•"'f'''r tw ab1ytmprt•\'t·~l ntc.a .... ,.·t •ll•ftth~·f .. ~ ,. 1 .... • •\ tn<tf:r u·t' ••..: t.:tr•· .... l ~ r .. 1 th·· .~•(•~•·•n 1'\\n ill ht'&llh ·' I 0 '' 1 i' 1 ' I' 0 11 l.t\'' IIIIo 1 lito\ "1 o• \• ol ''"ld I hut teg-ot--spring -L~b;-29e- .-LEoNaao DEBORD lh•, "''"~ 1h· ..:1 l:,dp.,r••nl~ •• t 1 "'"" t' l·,,hy t-w,~· h ·t p •• ~~. ~tlht ~I I''"' '''•'rY • \, t ra.· ,,.; .. ,,. ~t ··:o;'<t ~ ,trut ~~ ..... ~tt • rlt•'~ l.(o 'h11111 ll:ol • II 11 1\•'11 Jlato h. till~ ,,.,.,if~ :ltl--i rn11 Ml'!"'' l;lntM 1\ ,dko'l' :ln.!'""~· 111111 lltr nnd Mr:o~ I 111~ \\':ilk•·• .111•1 ol:1111:hlo•r T hr I '" ,,. , ··l•·to::at•'•l u;,.·r,""t , .. .,,,11"'1: •I 1\o'rS.II"'\ ''' Mr f\.llo l l\tr>' l~o·l .._ ___________ ..:..--o+--~--·----------....S ' "'"" ilk lo h ..... 1 t ho• lllllhtlol\' nnnl· ____________ ..... _._ .... ______________ ....;_~·, '1•11P ' ''! ~l r• l!:\t l1 K ~lrill'h S.\1'1 fiJI.\\~ "l't:t f \I .,, .. , 1'1 •1; llo •' ,\11" II •11~ •I .-.tlldo•nt ' · 111 l'u• • ·' \ d i l tii''"J..: \ota ~ F .. e.h Apri ... Ot Pi (~ 23" ., ~~·~ ·''·"'' ''·'·" 1··1··~~~·" ,,, ..._, ...... -., 1. h p·• I··'.,,. h. '~ , .. •. nfl,,,,,J -rn1· -.o,u: ,, 01 n-"''II" -··• .• •t11olt .. t m •• ,.,.., •• ,. II • "I" ul u,. \\ ··•-!.••tal \\ 11 h h1• "1 '.I ''" Roy H lrks. ~~~ Furniture Store!, pl.ortt 145 .• \\ ''• It -1 '., 1 rrtumNS S Aturday _ ., 11 1• .. 1, • "h•·re tht'\' ha\'e bee n \\HITI': ~F.\\'INO MACHI~~ 1111r.: ';, , • ',., for the pllllt six g,.,. ua for r tpa1r11 and rel!ulld- t. ~tr• 1111 kll and hl'r m olhtr m.:. Lllrgt• 11lock .new and u8ed '' ,. floo\1 ~1"'1\lhfll: a Wtl'k In the mnchlnt'll nlwRyll on hA nd. 317 ·' 111 P.t•rp, rtllfl" mountain!'. \V, Fourth. SantJt A n8. Phone ~lr ''"' \lr• H. C. Lelah are 1261. • 13UO -. 1 111~ 11 lilt· toolmt' of tht'lr ~t~~n· " 'm ,-rl rl 1111:hlt'r . Mr. 11nd Mn1. ·'· • t-~ ;o.;,~~..<u-M :I:U Sroad"·ay. :'-!r "''' :'-fn Prank V1a!'18ctlam 11111 tho> lillto•t • ll!Other. M'rw. 'M. 0 . "'""" nil r.r ~: 18th st~t. ,... .ltw•l S.olutJ.i\ from a wt'ek'.i tool t r I' t• t-.m FrllnCIIIro end I! •Y P•llui~ ~~ 1 • I • • ···• ~I i('kenZit' rt'lurnt'd ol.o\ I· h··• ll•>mt' at 1tl8 Ct'CII '• ~ ... ,., ·r·: din« thrH m onlh:l II II'•' :'-!11 k• "Il l•' rot!J\U In While ,--:,hS-t•p,. ' \1· •" 1 \1 ~E. \Vt'ntwnrth. _:,''" \ 1 1 .. ,,~'l'l. th~ \\'t'f'k nn· '" •'II'• • ol ". ~ 1 lhromtng mnrrlnFtt •I t h· " ,, , :. tttrr. Mlu DlliJS ','.,1111\•·r·r \\ ,, on July 2e ,.,II A FEW I"IC~BEO ROOM S ETS Or cnn furntllh your hopte com· p'lele, eaay (erirul. 84ve ooe.-6iu. Lucr·~ J.'ll rniture, 3 10 Spurgeon at., Snnta Ana. 7ll. TftAOJI; wha~ you don't want for what you •want. Rhorer Furm· ture Market, largeat alock of \18ed furmture In Santa AnA, 1202 South Main st., phone 41S8-W. 49tl AU. Tl'I'El: (W Machin~ ~\·ork BHAT RF.I'.-\IRINO :\tHTH#l RF.HI"II.OI SU F.l.t:t 'TRI(' ~ .o\Ct::T\'LESE \\ F.LUIS(i \ .. RG'S GARAGE 207' 1 ~arlnr • BALBOA I~LASU • Balboa Rktt-s SwHrl Suit!>+ Swf'&tf'l's S lat•',.., .bdil'b &lt.o. KPtiM ®x ---, . . and tltr nf'w rubbfor-C'ork ll~t-"·"i~ht st..-.. ' ALL CARS MUST BE SOLD! THEODORE ROBINS , • • • 1 , h• <•t-Ell rl R. Fril~ •·1 rr-t,·~ ··t \117..,. !IOn-OT'Irr:"' snd :!RnO Cf'ntr~. J'hon~ .. 181 !tnd -and ~tNI '' l r • }·'nu• of PBMc1c-na • S't:\\ ll()RT REACH Vitamin-B-1 Enriahed BuUc t crt!~ lir~11d •. atrh r. ;\t:" ·'' ~ .. ·';\!In~•· 11 .::~" QUALITY -DRlr'~ft.~, y · .~~, ., ,., ,,,, '~···t \\~l ,1r1 ' D .t.•A ..oo ... &. ~ '· 1 .. •., 1~. · h :-""llo\' ,,,,,.,. (t t,l\ \It:'\ n •, ,. • 't' '·····u! .. ~t1 l'' "•II lltkt> piAl'!' nt ',;Ill!~ II. ~ll )t"l}lt-:s. f'rool" ; Harry's Dump I .,BEST OOFF'It& .. • BALBOA" ........ 8bell !';JIOF. !iiHOP f ..,,.,. around the conM!r to M I D () A l ' G II ' S for 'l.uallt~· Ill 1\ruad" ay Costa M- EAHL W. STANLEY :'1:1 ITAH\' I'I 'UWC • -I'J1v1~J60 _ ..l'bon&. 1771 1T1h 1tnlf ("ntlltt .~te P.O . H:1v~h"' •·s ~:111. I:I_Riboa 181artd Jean'• Beauty laloa l't:R\IASt:ST!ol, 11.85 t 'P l'lhaml""' anti t"lnlt~"'ave, 60c' l'lhtunl,."' anal II!Ur·c1n, l!ko I KCI Urooaoh\ "~, ( 'tl'tl.a :\t- CM<tft \\at~) • llt8 TRY THE HI, HI! C'omplf'l«' Llne of St:\\ A:-:u n sm B I K ·~ .. S II'!.~ and 'Op. 'l. \ \\'t' rt')>lllr lUI mall• lea. G~, ~·I Co~r llrd and 8pu'l'f!Otl • n-'• ... c•,•'...: n(i'\\' \\\th h 1< , luhlt• 1 !tl ~~ •I" " t 'tly 1'1•'"' ,,. ' ••• thf' younJr ('l'lllf'lt' t:'l"'rt ~1..-.hlnbot I i' ('111'1 loo Ill.\~ I ti,O'If h()IT\('. I:....--------------....!'~ 1 _·_· -~ rnn~r; 11a 8A.VfA AMA -.. :.;J ·---------~ -. , . •• • - --, I ( ., Tfte. MaJow 1 -~limn 1 1 ..,.,.'-· r ISSUED SEMI· • ... WEEK-I.ND Carnlvala Augu11t ahnultl b<' )Ust 1'0(' gala r.-stlvit v nlh•r IUlutht-r in the 1111 rbo)r lllslrwt. wt111t .. ·lth tlw l'llmo)llll Tournu1nt'nt ol L•ghs m thr offmg ancs ~ ~tllllnfi J!J.!.nnln~ 1111~r "Sr a1 eo 1 ,,.,... < '11rn1vnl.~ul to mention a ft'W bil:.l:<'r a nol bt>t. t.er awtm m~ets a nd rt'pltu. Fi(le Time Commandt'r ~. V. Mc~\.ly, n ow ba(-k In the Navy, drop· pt'd Harry Welch a p<llltcal"d and departtnr fTom the Hme worn ··.Having fine time, wlah you wtre btre", Informed the C. ot C. secretary that he waa 'llft1rrg trre1.'0Wn, san -ntego, - With Harry and Mr1. Wll. ll&m8011. .. . :· In Earneat A bramlng am lie. e v e n mort than uaual. waa noticed t~y oo the feature• of Mra. A. L. Pinkley. The reuoo, abould onyone aak.' waa the receipt of htr hf'W bowling ball. Tht ntw tqulpmtnl Wal uti! ruult or aht a nt1 hubby "T'Ink" wlnnlnlf thlru prize mooey lo a mlxed di'Ublu toumaml'nl hthJ rt'Ccontly In t he county. About Time \\'antt'd on<' nt'w Amt'r1ran 1'1~. tbt• 118m,. to be prt'· H nle\1 to tlw ~Pwpnrt I'Pel · ortlre • Th,. fiiiJ: ]low •n uiM' Ia totthf'd anot torn and tht' ~d. while am1 hlue are far from tht ''i\·ltl hul'll thty onre ....,., Now Poetma.ater 11 II Aolnms liD•! 10lrtff !Rithtullv rallM" arvl lnw,.r tho• ti&J: t(nlly and It aum11 t r,o ball It the P oetal Dt•p,rtment won't rume throllf:h · with a no•w A~ • lean Flac. Glory Be! One woultl nrver recognize Crntral Avenuco n11w that the P . E . crew art comp~Ung the removal of polea and ovn· bead powH aylllem from tbe ncbt-of-way. Yea air. evm tiM ally Ia DOW vlalhle to t.be 111otor1at. And the rHUit ta ~r W!lttl!! ~e 1wo thorou,_.ho fare. cell:nprlllng Central Aw~. have Jlp( bren wtdf'nt'd one .. •hit. the' ctty'll mo.in trdtlc arte"ry a ppco:1 ra to b<' ('Onllolfl'r- ablt wider u a ruult r1f the elimination of 11 \'trllablt for- rco•t or poiMI, wtreJ9 and other unalghUy gt ar _ Alght Idea Look!' like the Cullt.& ldeaa ~·~scrow Carnival comm it· ~e 1181 the-~ .._ "' at-- tt'mptln!( to Jtllln IIIII' Pf the communtl y park Pill' foe the hor11uhow arr nR. ~lnct• tht're lJ9 no parkw&y or planting at prel!t'nl. t h e acrt>age fOuld be&t s(>rvc tht rommunlty at prc1wnt t1m,.. as tltco horseshow grounda which would for the t1r11t tlmf' provhll-runpll' room for the Meaan11 W put on 1\ first f iRII!I ~how And w ith T. R. Rex In fhar~e of. the honco shnw, t h,. Cllmmttt,.., hu a mnn tha t r iUI do It A Few lhorta 'Sfunny but the t'OIInly I!U· pervt110r11 havrn't nollfit'cl thC" Df'W h81 hor rnmmilllllllnl'rl! Of their &JiflOIOtll"l'nt Or •~ It ju11t a """'"Jlnpl'r yam ., . . . Dlr k an<l J c n n y flwhnrrl!l' n~1,home on the -Ht 1gh\R u. a bi'Auly and Rr<' th<"y thnll· ed! ... Ole k f'atlt'rllon walk· ..to work from hi~ nrw Lll1o l11h• hnmf.. My. my! ..• Seems a bit ll<'rrwy for lhco 11lrt'n11 to hlcet In the df'ad of night. Alwayll lmlljt'lnt'd a alrt'n was to 1\hl in ('!rAring the street 1!. but ... :- Flag Treatment• Then th<"rc "'"" thr• ,young busln ell.'l man Dnlbort Ill· . land who WEEKLY EDITION EMBRACING BALIJOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY. WiQ ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BAlBOA ISLAND. CORONA DEL" M~R. COSTA MESA ----1 -----. ~ • \'OLl' ....... Y"'""lll St:WI'OaT aiiAC'II. t • \J.It'HH" \, Ttlt'H~,. U \\ . .11'1.\ HI, I!~U . t :h iiiT 1',\Cit:~ '"'l J.,.••• •• ~;;~~;;·~~-~-;··~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!~--------------------~~--~~~............ •~ ~u~ uv ·Mobilize ·y ast Corps Port Civic Workers I . , -· . • --. . -- 'For U.S.O. Canlpaign ·Dfnefit Party 1'o Uaist• Funds For Roys' fluh ... -~-Seek U." S. Aid TO . Expand Harbor. For ·Gfeat Y a_CHt Influx Army of Over 80 Newport Harbor t"'ivic SuPt•rviMor N. ~t:. Wl'Mt lll'I]Ort.s llequeat For Workers Organized to Conduct Campaign , , 1 •;nginl'!'r~o~' Survey Made Uy Senate Com--~ • Ahcn·r .. .....,"'~~ tlwJ a.rdllteeft .. •t•·h (If thfo hantt""m" R•n· .. • Aid c·hahhuu-t .. he-''"""lru.-tf'd at 1 to Fill Community'B Quota of $2000 to Aad ('O•I• ~·--undf'r the • ...,.._., .. S r "IM>rl llarhur Rnuwh.of ......... ~ ... f'uunty ,,.-~ ...... ,,. IA'Aj[Uf'. mittl't-On ('omml'rt't.A; Study May Le•d to ·-n :d. ·R .:. ··!;'~ 1'\ __ ,,_ .. Uan l'noN'f'CI .. or the •al• hfoiM'f1t ~ brid&1' aad •••hlom ahu" to ... hfold \\'f'dltf'Oiday. July lith. •l~rtl!'l lJ I' A t " "t .a.ll ,LfOVI_IQg -~u.OD..__L.lll"JLUI.I.LI:'U.....\...u t .. p;m:-ilt-ttw--~Me ...... ,. __ .,. Auudatkttl t 'lllhh&ll .......... ~-..w .,.... ................. ._.._. .!.'-r •BY l' lVI y John t•. l'arkr ur Uclo lale a. ,_.., t•halrn..,.. uf the hc-nl"nt. t'IIIN'It'4 to he-unr of thfo nt«,.t l"lahc1nt.r Setting a new record in Newport Harbor fo r the rapidity .uc•lal anal" In U.CO tlarbor .,... UW. --~n. l'ru .. ,. fur aur\lofl and '"'"''•~'~ brtd1" and hand-nM• · l'clS.•dhility thnt lh(' t•1-.h•rul (;nvc-runwnt may C'Onlllder in organizing a corps of over IO'ighty civic lf•adt•r s as 11 !O<-.tl dtM.Ir 1•riu<o will br ..... ,..... VltN Un&rt '"mlnlnr al)lr• "'" hfo rnraiNI ha thfo •-hlun .~tow. uthlltJnnul ll••vt•lopnwnt 111111 hnprovt•m1•nt' In Nt•WJIOrt Harbor committee for theo United Service Organizat~ons .• Gcn£'ral • ' lnl'l'\'111'4'tl toclny wlwn It \ms ll'llrTK'CI thnt the s.nate Com- C hainnan P. A . Palmer annoum'\.'<1 today th£' w orkers whn Ren' ewal of ~sslons Of . New Boat 'ntlttc't• 1111 CII0\1111'1"1'\' 1'\'l"''fltly INII\,;{'(1 " n'tiOlutJon requeaUna will seek to raise this community's quota of ~:..)ooo. Harbor Board. llw Bo111..-1 of Jo:n.:lnt't'I"N to &'f'vlf'w n•purt11 on the harbor wltb Fonned last Tuesday. the vast or~anlzation was a l-• . -n \'lt•w t n ctc•tt:rtnlnln~o: wllt'lhc•r nny l'hftn~t· ln the ~lCJatlnl ready swinging into action today in the drive for funds t o Le I To Be Secret ··se·rvl·ces I '-'llfUtltllllli'< is lld\'ilin h!t• nl thUl llnw. • aid ln establishing f('('J'eation-ICense I s SIIJI(ll"\'ll'ur N. E. We-st Willi lnfnnned by.' Srnator a l facilities for the tho usands krns. S A Ml'y('r. L. W. nng.:~. 1Sht>t•lclan l>uwnt•y thn t ttw "'"I - or young men in Uncle Sam's J . A: 11<-t•k. Jlany ltldl'r. Fn:r( J.:. d d' b Jo'}r<l m ... ·lln~ l>f '"" nt-wly' F-Ch h I 1JIII)f.1 Hiu1 hc..-n mnd<-to-thr ""' n,_, IIW1\11hoc1 hl'l'f'"7 .---~ LA.•wL~. Sum Km~fl>thl'r. tl)nn -• c::n•ulo••l llllllll!•' l'tuml) llatl••l '\ ... -I 1 1 h ....__..__ 1"3pidly ('Xpa nding a rm e cill.tii.Janw•n Ruh<'i,l A'-Sio•ffo •n· enle ca C lnmu"'"""'lll><•lwlti Ftlll l)'lll or urc Bn:ll'll ,or 1-:n.:hlt'('l"N hv ttw II\'II'WO I f'Oif'""'"'t.......,...,.... 4 ""' (. , , • I · ,llh'lll <. Jho• "'""'""lly fur aertou. fOI"('('S. <;c•n. t:ar l \\' S tnnil')'. F.. J. Lout~. ,;."' 11111 1111ol1n ko .. ·IJiua.: 1411h IU•• tlllll'llt l'f" ( llllllll lh'f•. l''"'l) 1111 111 ttwo wklo•nlnec and dt!epo t-:"'""u'"'' tltftr..•rs a.o;,~i,.lin~: t;.·n· J:oc·k lltllman. AI •\wl••r'-Ofl. J anw' I v'uu .. ·'"""'"~~'''11"'"1' "'11i 1"' IH· I \\·,.,, """' 1••111) lhnl upu11 ,... •. o•n111.: of r \ll'tlna r hAnMII Ia _..,.. V c;ut hc~·· l)r R.'f~J•h l h)Drd, r.or· hind r lo"''"t •l•••r' Ill 1h•· ""'" Ill ' I I II II I I I I t I 11 .. ,, h , .. _ ...._. ('raJ C'h;unn:Jn l'almr r In th,• dnvc• ... t I l.·.rllllr ,. 011 .. Wll'-~·t .... "'t•· I I I f r' '' " ,. ) " 11'1;1 .. ""' ...... rlln f'<. "' ' ............ _ t1om II ~ncllnr. Jlr G"''l'lon :\I 1 ·"''" IJo or -~ '""' .... >u ... • • • "'''' .,., \ ,.,. ,.roo\" ·~I "' 1 t. 1 .._... II l"t' :\Ia~ or lrYin Gt•n Got dun hon· "'''"''' t 'r· nk I .1\ntl~ '"' ll ... I II" r·•h "'"'''"' ·n w ltw•ul taxi ,,,, untll•un•·•·rn· nt """ n ut•!•• ''' "''''''''nl' ul tho· II Ill Mil P I' II I• I ,.,~ •,•· ,.,., '"· "' ''"tnmunlrrat.-.1 VIMrr r.c•lntt...t •out. • lll 'lr\ 'dt•umllln J ohn E Sllctll'ir '' ·' · '1 • •' ' "' ' ' "'II I S••nttlolr Uu14'n••y. ltftt"tt:h -ll•'\ll!l''llnll tllf' n'\llt"w o1 f'lWJ\oo tr.'•:o~lllo•r'. If.,~ A ~o:..m,h:ol4 Blow. S~•ln·~ \\' Bi>wkh••lllt1 Rnh· •·:'"'1'·"'~· kn""'" 11.-. tlw _Cu'll:le Wllll'l II"·"'"'' '""""'·'" ul 11o:• '''''' ''"""''·' "' lh• 1'"111111111111> "'"'"'''''""''' llw (',,.,11111.,..,,. ,.,1111 lilt: ,....1.,,rl!' nn ttw tlarbotr by the I flUiolll'll) oltro·t'l or. nnol Ht.od.·n ··•I I. 1\4 •) ol. 1 1. :\1 C'umr~l,-11. 'I \4th ( ah, "·'" ol•·m·~l n•no·l4 ,11 of I~ b )/11'1 "' •111• 1 \ '" .,.. S• h•·olul•••l '"' \1•·•1."~ "' 1 1 'I""' lo lk•ll••• k1111\\ 11 111111 ,.,. 1 .,....,,~1 llw lullorl4ln.: '''"'' u,.,,,...1 uf l':nalnt'f'nl on IUwn and 1-' Mt J h All F: 1 M ,\11!'" 1""'""' \1no•o•n1 \\tlll.om A ht o..:n"• UJI<tll H•o•oornn~o•nclalnlfl "'ttw "''"''"I:''·' t:•'ll•'''''""ll"'"u.'l' t "'''' t 1uudt It~ 11 ... ~'"· 14111 lllllllll llnrhura . ..}\'•·~! WIIO(• Qnator I \\~~llt:r ~ n Spt;,~;. ;~d · Ft::.~';;"J.(uk l:lomnld Ho•;u•h 1-;nh}, Cl'rahl I,,,,., nf l'uho •• I< It llu<l(lkln~b· ol th .. 14~to k tl~o• ''"'"""""'II ''.' L!" ''"' lllllll~o·•l \\lwu II '' 1"""'' "1(,•..,,1\,•ol 1, 11 ,, ., . J)n•·nly. rfN'l~trtoal t.hal "Wf' bt··· F h Rtlt'hl•' llr llol\\111'11 St•at.:t•r I\. .J 1 1111' lt•'•'JI"'' unli••r "-htt•h tlw ._a P'<'to~ll" tlotJilt'ooll!lt't'lh•ll \lllh lht '"·''' •I llu, .... ,1..,•11 "",lui> .~llh 11 , . . > 1 ( Jllllllllloo; ''fl -,. th t lri1 nov! W1U _ .am !'""". . '"'''' \~ol\l'r l".!.!!&m•~t>r Ill,;,,~ II c:.mp:tn) h,ul 1 ....... Oljll'rtlllni; ••aa ~'r<JliUJI. l1Ulllllt•f~<tll4'•~ "'"' p ohoo·-.... :1« ··~mNt lfl<f:fV . 11.'"'"'""' .... nt lhr f 'ntrN1 Sia l··· ~ " Ill " Mil ,... \1~ ( halrmrn ·.tft"'•tll\ -r··n··"·'''''"· lonol .,., Vlo'o• ~·,.-d'-· II or ... • II I ·ri L' .. I I I . II II I I II ~··ntll•• 11101 lho· 1\ullltl of fo'n · vo•rtl lh•· nl>t'fl And jtJittrk'IUlon for I The h~t of \'.•ct• Chainrwn for .T ----o•unttnowl1 olllo• "'-.•lf•nuol ,,, lh~· II· ralMiun I'-"'"'' :tlllhoOIII•'" ... l•n ·l "''''''' jllll\lol•·•l ;,;, low·ut'lol""'''" ur n l\'l'l'llllllll lf~tthuno. II 'tlof n ntC'rMtlol ·', "'' • ' ~ ' .. •"' "{:'"• .tr "'1 "' ''"111 r ··~ "'"i' '' ''" '' '11 "' 1 . rarlcllll I work I tht> l lt.:rnUJl!o. nnd dL~tncts ~ndudo•s : Mr~o· l'fn!l<• tbu; nwnth, 1t "'...,. h•ILrned J'W('tlmtuo·n 111 "'l"'l''"''' plan' ,.,1111.,.11 1•11,.1, 1,,. C'hn -t 111111,..,"' ,.,,.,.,,.,, t111•lo•r St"«'llnn :tor lht•,nn rlt'll t • "nlW'. clnnws ntanchl' OuiVI'Y. IJUITbnn J OS. Beek Wins r lt)lll IIUtll.;kiii><IO. ror lrnJlni\ O'IT\l'OI ol( I lw jill II ""' otnl\ ""'' ;., ".. lltnol Ill I.... Ill\,.,. •.Ill" llnfiMor I\!' I. nppnlVt>tl AIII{Jnt'Aiilllt thr twoblMn ot the ... c. Mowcor. Rii'hard J. Rurkl', c. L. lliMll.;kln"'"' '<IOUJ h .. ro•fust'd to All puhlwlly o'lllln/111111.; 11'11111 lh•· ,.,.,, .. " s.,, ...... 'IIIII ·'"' k ~. s .• rt ·11111'' l.l, l!t!YJ, IM•, !''"' '" .............. lnrlulll nf yrae'ht!) from oUwor .... Thorn. W. IL Muxwl'll, Irvin Gro. Semana Nautica ltj)lmiVI' tho•t'I'III'Will ol.lhrlict"nllt' oornml-.ooon·, •l••hlw•tlllllln• 1 ... 1•1 11<· lo•lr, o'lllon·h ,,, ..... , .... , ,r .. l••··~l•'il ,,, lo•vlo•w tho• n•pll-1, ''"· ,..,., .. l'f'nlrrtl whf-r'f' •nehona ... Cnn1on. Oonald Bt•ach K irby, IN'<'IIUM' nt numo·rotll~ vtolat ion• of r.k>n~W~I lhi'O\IJ.:h th•• MIIJO•rvt1101, ·n u .. , ,.,., llw ltll\ l10wtl ~ 111 lw· 'N«:wl"ll t "''Y llurho1·. \iJJiffll'llltl. hnvl' IIJIO'n IAken tWrr by the pW• Clark Kt•lllkan. H arry C. W··~t· Event 3rd Time· 11w t'll)' and suu•· v•·hlc.lc laws by Com.mwlont·n< t•re Wrtllt·r s m:u>~w<l, 111 n1l<h11ooi, , .. 11 ... 1.tlo1t. 1'!'1111'"' 111 • S••nnt•· <'o!fnrnlttN• comrJYY~t. Ia ttw-feel Uuat U. I. ove~~~~tMark Jl{'aly, Earl W. Stan·, • tho• t'llfllllltn)''" n 1h... ~r ttnd l.t'flflllN'I f~ Swllil'' I hy l14•o n1tra•·t1V1' w•rl~ tn nnllllt'lli 1 '1"1• T.\tll < '"'""''"11· flntl IW'll~lon. Nnvy I'NJt .,... nOw ._.... ~· 1!')'. S u!!oan B. RuUt('rford. C. M \1 p on t h t ro mp • n y '1 N.wport Rl-nfh hu~«lnrllll mrn: nnrt o'•'lltunw who will "''"''' "" ~t••w· wit~ t• h" "1"w tr, tll'tl'rmlnlna •tnjCted her'f', WNt eddfd. Dcakin.o;, Eugt'nr F('ndon. Tht'w C'nmmndo•fl' Jo~ A RN-k rr 11r••· llt'r·nlt' ~lng ref u 11 ~ 0 lndl· lla)oQr Elnwr J llul(hnl of St•~tl ·~ al't.'uccllnw 111 1.,.,tio•nt \wlw th• r 11ny r hlllllll' In ttw r11l•ttna A rrv.._ ol. o-. fMWU. f1f llono R.obhu. William A, Kirk. ~·ntl'd thr Onlhoo· Tnumonwnt of cal ions were that the finn' mlpl :~~ B. Kuc:hel ot plana. ' •. · pru)loct Ia adviNt,&e at thi1 UIM." N.-port ~ br U. ••• 1 ra Victor F. G rnCC", June Ledford. Ll~thlfi A880Ciatlon 11 tht• Scmana ~ to court action to obtaln • u4 Roy N. Edwardl of Tr\a-wm be. nMJdolo from the .,.,__ •x 0 .... .._ -.._ ~ .... Cecile NaUon . R. B. Powell. H. B. Nautlca hcold at Santa Barbara lM ctty lklenae, It ,... ,_..._ Balboa PltvtiiOf'l tn BalboA bl•nct ftequftt for lltUity ~ dw ,_. """-•• -fM f~ tllit Smlt.Mrs. V. 0 . Wroot~. Ray M.,lut Wef'k~ and for U.. third Howcovcor. no such action has bfo(on jnnd th<-n<'f" .to thf--("'hril'l 0111rr•h tu .. •'~~ ttw lf•mor WaJI iMIJM'd upon thr ~~ rNa)' _._ .... I Atford. Ida Brinkrruuj, V""' Mil-cortll«\\tM lim(' Ntp1U,-d flrat takr n thu~ far II was 1<-aml'd . Jwullna ~tnd rt•lum fiJI l~t~.~th ur th•• th.-prrlll'nl rlt•l•·n~•· pmtJirm. 8u· ft,,.,,,.,. ttlannrll to INII'4NI..,.... .. ler-.Sld, BlacJtbc:eat. A.C. H~rold .r.."~ in ..'.!'.!:_.. mJl~':_~IVIliiOn or lh(' ~~ (...~('f Jl~kioson today. I Et"---:=ner For ISunri•ey nuomcn~o; --·n ·l····' lu•lol ,,,, I.M'I'\'I.Itllr Wt•Mt ~1111•'11 f)llrln.c 1,. 1111' Vll!ll lnt'l'f'ftJir In lhft numbft' I Hopkin~. Hubbard .Howl'. F.. l nt~o;m mnnnl' 1)3", .,,,.. Th!" ~;,,,. Gl'orgr Rho'uunw who ~IU in~.; llw ... llnH••·r m .. nt h~ IIWI'VCY II)' JIK•..l.l! ... rd uf ~!.lot!J'l~ ,_!lr ('r~tfl culnlf N~ Harbor, :'ttoorr. E s. Morro~. Murra~ L. . Tls1C'kr d h~. "'' )'t':t~ of I''IC!"'r· rho'<l -.4'\'o·rotl mnntl)~ IIJ:n. ~l.tr11'd License's Here I In n•tohll•>n I•• "'"~I··" .mt•·'"'' II I• '''l"""'''f' In ..... J"llnlNt l"lt !'\Uilf'not.lnr w ... t tltatfid .. •• , ~ Rnbhttl, Stc•lla RNft1m~:ton. Roll· •··nrl' In tll'<>tr::nlnr:: tiMH in !"('W· t 11,. 1.1,h ,,.n·n••• 11,,. 1,1111, ,,111111 .. ~ ·~ 1 111 1 11,, """"'''' 1 luol ~''"'I"" 1 11.11 lw•r nnw hnJt 1 lm•f• rngl~,., unc...,.tand t)w ··rt F. Ro-'5. A. R Rous~.-llr. and JICII I I r.orhur': lllrnf>(l Toumllml'nt l \\'hth• no nfftrtnl JCitlll'mo·nl wra• n.·es· Rt.tes Today "'" ..... "'Ill lw.OI "1'1" ''I" IIIIo• hull' "' ,., :calf I '"'""" IIIII I llotol ,.. Itt•• ,... •• 1''11-llnl[ flrnhll'rnll. thf'y wtll .,..,..... Rttlph R.and('l. • nl l.t.;hl.,. ( •JmnHKiur-; R<•o k ('n· m n•l•• II "-:I• n•tlfor1o~l lhnt otho•r ' own. •lilt ul lh,. Jl•·l•·h"' l''"'~rnm In 10hly r••flll,•• lht• JWf'd fOf' ns-n· Mo><~sn<. Morris Sontl4,;t, Uoward "'"'"' "'" ) arhl. 'ho• \ IUTI~. brnr· mrul•ll ~"' ' I'" rnnl rJltUII'II Ill c1c•·. ' >\ ,., I 14 ··nl \ ' hurl'l• "' fh w l-on• I "'''t.:hiHtl "'t.: lull I••""· " VIO•I num· ~lolt1 •of NrWJJOrf ll•rtwtr· to lk"-Kr~···. lll'lnz Kl\iser. IL F. •n..: a ch-\'l'rb Orran..:('(! ~(:n !'ho ·ll , nial '.,r' 1111,' h r.•n ... • ArrnrrtlnJ: 1,. 'Tllurnu \\' Wrkh ~~ ,., ~""1 " r,..•mtn""' lo•ntf•·r< ,.1 111,, nrJ:1tnr-111•r "' ntl•ltfllmlll l'rrtfl 11ro• rnltid l), r~llmrnltlnl,. thl• )'al'ht tnno •. • Ko•nn~. Lrw \\'aii:IC'f' R.nlph Mac· \\hH'h rnrr'll'fi nn nllrn!'lh!' mt't · po•hr•• r ... lnl, '' tlrl\•'r ''" on•• "' Anll who IH~·am•• ,...,.11 k"""'n "' lllll"fl "'" I"" lo•·•rw•t•• Ill tlw In '~'"'Int.; '" thl' flllrt I 't'tw rf'11ult ot IJ'f' •urvcoy may k••y. Dr. ~onrart Rtfhtrr. Chrt m;otlf T••14 In\: lh·~ ""'' ~ht'll "'11' a thr t .. cal '•·ah~ wac lfl\'1\l\'o'(l In n thc:-flrarbnr nrra whtlr •lullon•·•l 1111~-:•ual 11111uo t 11 ,1, "" .lt11\ ~'tll lo \\'•·•• nl"1 l••lnl('(t nut thnt 11 r• ... •Jit In • pl'f'llmlnary •ff'P •. to- Mf•nt1. John D. Bu mhAI'!'· C. F ~ant .. wnnltt"k anrl nl1olit~o':'nl :o-lr••••l fl~;ht '''"•rnl nla.;hl' n~:o Ill tho• 1"11) hhll 110,. llll) 10 W•·•·k "'"11,.11 ,~,,1 ,.,1 oollnolll'r ool 111111 h lar~.:<·J lw11o h !han Wlll"'l tlw ltlnlf aw•ltl'd ,.,_,,.~np-\Vall~ C 1-L,rold llopkms. Gus rnl'nnnul•. rnt1" on tlw flufll ~htc-h 11s 1 drtvl'r·~ lto•"n"'· f''IIJnllll•·r olt•·ol ""'""~ '""''' ,.,1~,..1,.,1 1,, 1.,11 141'1 •· nntlt'lttlolo .. t" wh•·n ttw tlr•• m •. ,., ur \tp1trr Nrwport flAy, ttw Tampll ... Rob Murphy. J. 0 . Wnt· wnJC hnlhnntl}' illummi_IJ.Frf· ) 111 thl' Suwlt•ll•• """l'llnl S••f\'l''''' '" 11,,,1,. 11, 111,. 1.,.1,,111.,n, 11 11, It••' l'"•••l••rnl lmprHVI'nt<•nt pntl''l'l. wn~ n••c•r-..Mity for whlrtl 111 ral*fty ap-Dr. c .. Ping ey l wl'n' h••ld 1!11.1:1\ TIIlll"lll\, Il l I. (ll;...,.r.•ll Saoii•II .M" .1 .. -.pl o OJnll••r1uk··n Ill NI'WIIHrl llnrhnr1(1NIIII'hln.:.WI'attlfllnl'd. M A -k U --Qf ~3W1!'11 .... wnh ,ml'rmrm .,.; ..... l'tril'll'l'mn. l'tTIIn'h -....r.,. .. ,~~~-~. "",I ------. · Amazes Rotarians l"'ml'tr·ry lho ·r·· t..'"' :>.l uk··l ... ·n ,, .... ,.uro..: _,.,.,. h B s h c esa s s se Conun~.; to Cnlitwn111 10 l !l:!~1. h•• 1 on II \\' ll••llh\' Sut~~l·l\ Sdl•••l 15 t e t -~--With Deductions Willi In lht• n•nl I'Sf :ll•· 1111<1111'" H I ":,,: •• rllllt•nd•·nl , lt:ovnouwl I< .. :, ... , 19 ou oas - P k. f H s h -S•m Jo'rhnd'l('ll 1111t1 111 l!l:lk o·:""" mnn .. "''''" 1111111 "' lirHon•··· ''""""I' a - ar Or . Orse qw. lh<'-mo!ll '" lh" S{lnln Ann """''' nlth•!)h·.•,q.. 1111t1 "''"'' Nc•w'mul llnt\rwo• Ed N I --R d-C'Oillfli'ISin~.; nnl• or "'"'on nf Orivo•l"" l .h't'n"· !-:"'"'" "'''ro•lllr\' "~" ~ •• i ... , :.rrwuol• • •t• ·i lllllljllf• and o•ntPrt;nnon~o: l"''(:rllllllo WH'rll. llr wns "'"''""'"I h··r•· 1111 . . ' ' I I On ear y ea y 1n I h,. ht:c-t ory ol · I h•· Nt'WJIOrt" 'Ml ~n 11 1 I Nl1,. 11~ k I h 1 II\ II n •. , I I II . y IMI . \'a "~··· 11 w •• , . .len " s oe I 11 >11a oiiii'Y ~ 11 1 141<~ I"' 11mn.t· La..:unrt O.•nr h and tit•• r•·ln:tllltl··• , KJ .. T t-nlatlvt• "hlnll Wl'rl' mnoll' thi ... , hy thP N•·wp~ort Jlarhnr t 'nlom I Ill" ''"'"I"""" ul hi' clc·t1ucll\'l' r h II II L" • L II k I ••lnlo;, will! th .. r-~.~~,,~ o....~k •. .. oo,,i'r,.,. m·· ~·Ill' "' •••• ~"11'" "'"' Fleet w.·ns r ......... ,,., w···· ,. .. , ,., .. 1',.,.,, '"" .. ..... • ... ·-· Wt'l'k ky oJitN'lnrl! or the l'o);o tn H•J:fl ~dlnnl '" l'ro•nlo· " r::rnnd IW'""''r' lty llr l 'lt;t rlo·~ 1'111"''"· .._ .. J 1111o1 " l("""r'~'" """''"" "' thr •·m·rr that will ah•JW an aar11ll M<"lllt ("hamhf>r of f'nmmrrl <' tor JOIII.IIII (fir lhr AffA ir, J•n•llllno·nl S/llllh ""·' jl~}t'hiJioJI.;I~· ~llhl<lifllfln£ r .. r \\'o·ll'll Ill .,,,,.. • • 1111•11111:111 Otl l, lllf• No·w· Tltl\o·a "" l•h•llJJf,trltllh "' l.tdu lal•. The fln•.t 11tsg1n~: tht' borM show and com· I W ith "", 11 "1'"flou11 gn>un•l" • I114..Jiina.: """" ''"' fi,.,. 1>1,.'" or ,.1 1111 lrlf'rll ~:,:1min•·r I· lll•n RecognltlftR """' "'"""' (""'"' F.•lltt .. u 111 n11 •tt ,~,111 r untrtt rrl!IC"k available wtll pPttll .. n In o·onnrr llnn '111.-.t~~ thr An· ll\'allnblcr •lhc> h11r~W 11how. l'ttm ·IJ•'I').unailll<'jo, a..' dl~lm~.;ut ... hl·tl IJ) Sttlltr"'' ol ~nntn Ana rnmlllttr 1111111117.1!1•· '''"" 14111 ,..,.,., t ... ll""•l ''' ltrlnt lh mq&&ln4t on. nual Sl'arl'o·rorv.· Carnival on a 1><totlvr 4'\'ffllll 11 nll rxhlbttfnn "' phy,kal d tllflll'lt-11'1'"''· m n n Y ·n,.. 14 \""l•·to ,,.,.. •I!Jim~ llo c•t K,... .. , ••~ tr11111,.1111•1• .,1 l•"lo•l"r•l whll" '"" ''"""" will ,,.. 1 mucoh tar j:rantlrr·~n In I' R I! I . , nl' Mtldl!' l\lllmnlll I oui!l be bdoJ~rl~ l l U-111.\. \\I'll' ho•nnl hy l hfl DR H . Q WILLIS '"' tuo•h ·······nf I> "' ·~IIIlO I• •I "' ~1'14 • .. r II•·· tlll•·•·llllo I""~··· """''' """' hravl .. r otu•·k I hat will liVe lh• Y" orll ltnd B mur h hHl:l'f I"II)Wol 1\l l'llm · I t il~ nr ..... I"'''"''"' llllt•rtn~.; llll'nl" • • • ; , .... llatl•·• "'"" '"'"'""' "' llh· N rr I I , " •· "' l.lla 11'"11 "1"•1•··1 In 1111tk• ••nllrl' rtlllfun an •PI"'IIraru·• ot ('hatrmnn :>.lorri~< 1 ·rowh'y Rnol mn•IRII'tl th·on In flll/11 Y"'HII. • ,.,. o.o•l\ ,., :o ... :o ...... , 1,,,.,. Ill llw ll~.;hl SERIOUSLy ILL; 1,., •·Ill S••n 1:ouu "'""' ,, ,, lu lol 111 111 ~ VNII ~ ,,.,.,,,. ,.11,. 1 11,.1 will 1,.. '""""' 11.,11 T ~H Ho•x !•( th" rR mi\'l~rr•m· nivlll t•nfnrrltt••••mPn pnlrlNI nul •1l kAo"l•·<l..:•· ,.,.,,.rnl Hutart.tn' s .• nta ll:01h:otu 111 k•·•t•tnt: IAIIIo II~<· 1,., .. ,,1 ltr,.nll I In thr 1,..,.1 """"" N"wp o rl m il l nut ilnNt 1 h., ""'ll r ,, r Ttw •llr•" t••n• tnlol ruo tr<l I'm",,.,. h:orl tho·m._,.,,.,. .. n<•:Jtly tak••n upnrl IS IMPROVING 1 • .. ,.1 .. 0,1111,. " "''"'''"'" hll<•n I••• 1 ,.. 1 1 11111 11' 1" 11 v h••r,. "' N•·"'l'''' 1 I •• ll•·tt• h, llrall••l\. llall""' l•l•nd. IAI•Io t 11• linu 0 lur'",f' art>na or th<· anti R""' In prurrrrt w ith l h "'I r ,,.rhally anrl ,.k1l ful ) JIUI lo~Ptlorr ltw h•·ndtl ul 'lldthrn•·ll ••I tl1111 1,,,1 ., ,1 1 11 1 .., 11 .. ,, J " 11 ''"It "' • n If" "'''' ' 1•1". I'•W••n• tlfOI M11r. ('u•ta M'••· horllt' l!how on th• llitf' oo! !ho• nr" n••~;nltllltnru• ;os.;;11n , '" ''" ,,, ''"'"'''' .,( Ill•• '"" n ull 1.,.1111 It k \1'1 til--L. or at • \\'hll h l''''~lllt•nt Jnlua A Uun aJIDIIUnn'<l £1r. r H . Q W 1 11 1" • v•·m•o nit I• ''"'"IM'I•·ol tin 1•· 111111111.: th•• M.u In• • 1 !':•·"' t••r1 llo.:ll(ltl•. w .. ,., Nl'wt••tl. rnmmun Y r,r J T~· 11 • ~" nn flirt rr pn>.:rf'~ll wn.tr 1 f 11 pbyltclan whtt fttr "'"">' y•·no • l"'r"'" l hf' .,,,l"'wrltrl' "' •ltv r····ntnl'flll f'otnt~ •n r<omfl In rnr I' 1\ mt'elln~ I\ I llarrl!!on·,;: Ulnntr rlf'tlrlo•tl ... ,, ··rnortt:" tIll" rur mal Jun n••W n:mm•'"'" ,. l.b"""''~ "' 1'' _... \\'•···k ,,.,, 1\ lilt'' .. ,. .. , pi Ill .. "'Ill I HOUt!f' i or 8 1181111!\ry ·h~lri• t Mr~ ('• ~· n•·W lt•llilf')' )1'111 l'hli 1-.ll••litl''"'k .,.1'\'ru "'" Nrwt""' llnlhnn ,.,,.' 11•'1 "';'' II .... lt••lllll~ "' Bhlllltlo I •fllllr , ... """·1 MIII<JI '''"'" n lltlV lhl'll flhHr .... , l'lf'lllr"• IHI•I Ito• ita, t -'J'hto Wnbt..-.. pl--~•1 -k~j H•...,••• ._,.· • .;..,. ·-'-•'"1' ~~cc · .l,gbn ~u•s;l, VI.V#~.In rt'CC'ut vetu!l 11'11 ~~~~.~-•-not-ol '"'"' Jn~tt~r Je·•l •lrt" ltYlL~ . '•"Ina g« oha•• ma·r aUM,..IaM 1' L ·~m · vnrnt lrm1tf-... ~ .,.,.,.,.,.......... . ----I '"'''' r I n >Ill j .... ~-,._.~·hotllfttn•'""" "'"" tlllv,..•mllt11' n,,.;n·..vt..t th,.,. 1 /'f'l'kln~ Jl''rn'IISI'IOn from lhf' Clllln· trallh l'ftill'rtlnn hu~lnl'llll or n <'t Flnt'h. lnl•·rti'IIIIHIIII '''"'';.,. I )'oVHI oU lhla Wf'l'k • '"'' II• lo I n• I """"'' "l""t~ ""'I "" .. , ltl'"''' ,.,,. l••llly Whiff' Ali ai•JniC the ty aupcn•lsors tu use t.qe ten atrc ,~~·· hu~han•l. :<n o1 11hr hud ._,.,... · ' 1 .0. · , u -.... rt 1 ...... a y •-· ...._ ...... _ .. 1 thl 111 t ""' ... h ~t'-_...__ _.. .__ sltr or the rnmmunity' .park np· tnfformNI thAt It lh,. :\11'/l'l h:t•l n Knmrl: <"tOIJl)u.hlfY ~·rv ""· 'nnrltl.. .-...... "" ·-'"" ~--~w,. COUNTY ~CI L '1 "1 1:• 111 ~~'" " """'"" Uf' ~ " • ,,.,.. ,.-.. n:--.... , ~no•--· • • ,. ,. .~h•M•k . Sll rJ.:PI1nt·ut·AnT1~. linn I •llllllf'l Wltfl lmpr"v"'' 11n•l h••l"'" l'r•·rol•l• 111 'w1r~ ~1,1,..,, ~lllnh·v -•IMI v lit " tot N••WIMII I IIII.IIM•r llf IC.uLf·h, '"'"'"'• I!No•·h. IJana Po'nL J'lft~ll" lhr Amt•rirl\11 vglnn Hall Mnit~ry t11111rlc;t. lh mnlt r Of IT Hnlw•r t Al lo•n . youlh ~··f'\ .,.,., llnr ·l ~rt' e•pr,....,tl fnr ,, 111,..,.oJy 1, •• I M 11 Mnll•· Hr•llln~o: 1111,1 Mr• 11,.,111,. "I""' In I lnlrr,.•t 111 tit" ''""'l"'rl•••ll ~"" r·f,oH•IIII•, l 'llrl•h~t•l. I .a J11lla for thr horl!c ,.hnw. 1 o~ump ~.:rnuuol Wfllll<l •••ml' untlo·r 1, k hill If 1, .,'~Avcory · r .•,,,,.nrnn·•l l\: .. ~1~.,111,.,1~,rt .. .,, .. .,v•·f·lh.-l "'"' ''"'"Y lltll,. hv-ttr .. m~ .. ...,11 .-• I j . r t ~h I I I h ltN• lor .-r . (' f Wt• llr•· ,mn··· . l'llli•·n Att••t,ol•·ol I ll•· "' I • u ~.r It w•Jultl ~ ll('('I.',I\I"V In m. I IR lin~• H I'HI · ,. "11 "1 t AI t' • 1 ,• · . ·k u n Sol •r 1 lllr10 ''" "'" ~""' h r •,.,.,.t ltrh•K· I nrr """w" "" " ftllrl 11f the ••neral . . llhf>llid thr nrmv tnk•• tr\'~'r thl' .n~•s.:n Ill)" "'"' • "'"""' • ' 'I . l"'l(lloll Alllltlltii V •·o~tn•ll llio'o·lllr~· " 11lall "'atrr lmr~ l( rnabiP thr · puhlw 1nrormat1nn w 11 Jilll'h· ·· ltt'V an 1 M Th••rnutn 1 111 "" 11 111,,, 'I''''"""" Til•· :o<f'w In~.:"''' "'" '"'I llo11l ""'' 11rr l•~lttv lfu·no .. "' 111111 lllolllh,.rn r".rton, grnunil~< tn br wt'ttt'd down ·1., JliC~I'nt '"'" rnntrmplnl<"<l fur u .· • 1 r11. 'lllo• 11 1 1 \ II d t I' •·t d It rnd••t .flyln..: ll<'htl<ll. llh•• ml~othl l nl·'~1 l ~rrl' chi"lrc•u 11f ('jtlo·llll t• IHtV" p••rl llltrl"'' A.uldllurv will ,.,,.,.1 v 11 ; II filii 1'''1(" n( jfrllphll: air)! an• a ay 1111 • '"" 8"" " ' w 11 " • 1 1 \ ol•••l talto·n a h11 at l.u t.lw Lt·~luu al.Ao prof)Qt!e\1 too rc~UI'!,t the usc hnvr tn J.:IVI' up t w • u .:r••un•l will b c lllrl';tmllnt'll, ..... i t h llll•war<kl'lll'~t hBnnHs. n'evf'ry. thing nt'flll, ,1"'< Ftro<t l'ntry for the On Tnur· ---... __ _ . .....-: . -.. __.....,._,._ ., ....... _. ~·• ·l'"'lr y.otlh th<" ""''l"'flr":'rt :oll••nto11n ·!SffNi'f""t: (' 1''tnlT'ITJ pottm.r~ colorrrl JlORil'll• In pla<"r. He ull('d blue corn n nwf'r a. red geranlun\3 and wh It e car · nattona, r View of '""~on­ o7tlnn" ht>re by the u.s Board . nf En,q01•rr11 fn r Rlvt'rl< and , NPIIrlv nnl' thmumnd volunl .. ,.n . 1 Harbor by the Senate Com-1 or a ,,;n rf'Kim,.nt ot 1MO m .. n. nnmr·nl nf l.i~:hts on Allll\l,~l. ~:lrrl Wll"' flll'd thts Wl'f'k hy lht'.SniHio Srh•lfll nt fllllh<la. It Willi anoounr· cd h#'-lbc .llAlbua Toumamcnt of. LtJ;hl• A"~()l"tal ion. • lhf' mnrlt>l hrihl'' 111 1~ .. 11 t ~t·r·l!n ltlv•l , wltwh . .,,..,'"''II M•·llll' nnd my"'" "''"'' 'll"'n•••l 111 llu• pultlu' · "'loo• h '' "'''' •4 "'' mt'dlat,.ly ~tfto•r th•• unnu•m•·•·rr••·111 ''''"f' """•: '"' II• ~ I ''"'' 11ppc,un:d .in _Lhc.. ~WJIII>l' JWIII'oJt ~...w~'l'trw-. ....... llo11 IIJ•I• ,.,,.., •l•·mt•nol f••r m•tllnl( t•• w••ml'll'll 111 tlvtllfl•. Ill' hoot doln.ra 1111 ••f I h .. lllhonrl • 111r11 An ,.nrtv nn•l rnrany ~tl h,.r• ahow the wide Unique Juk Sadltlr. jt'IJardlan af the destiny" or thf' Bank' at Balboa. comt'l _forth with ~he o~rvatlon thllt 110met•mu .we-take thtnrs -t~aa ror gnnted. apectflcaily the-bo wrvlce which Chn•t Church ~~ ... by the Sea will lnaujt'lirate ' bexl July 20th for t ht' 8\lm- mer mnnthll Folkl don't llf'fm ~-< to realise lt'a the only wftter tul llt'r \'ir'e In the United Statu opt'rated tor · memberll of It 1 COD«J'f'gallon , by a cburcb. aay1 J a c k . That·• wby the Mf"\•lce thl1 IUmmer ~ merrc .f'ommltt!'t' 111 a big 1 conel11tlnjt nf thrN' bl!llallonll nr l!{l'p toward future port de: 1320 rr "" ~tml ort'frl'fll I'll!' , 11 thf' velopment:. W ben the En· new recrultlnjt' ft'OOI .,.t for Thl' Jrinl'erll rf'altz~ lht lnrre&.'le lrr·. r alltom l& !'llalr Naval Guttrtl hy I mber or crllt wring th" • Rrl~tarttrr r.rnerttl J 0 Dono\·an. r. &bd partJcut11fly t he l lh<" A.rljlllllnl c: .. nrral, following lilA' Qf ve~11ela. thty r ertatnly mu11tf'r nr t he> F'lrllt Rlltlllllon 1hould rf'allze that rlf'f'ptr and I To f'l!pli.Jit1 thl' NIIVI!I r.uar-1'" wlrlf'r dtannela a.r c nctdclf, recrultln1r adivitl<'ll over a w r!<"r Then too llayachta ronllnue to a r"•· Uf'lltPnant-COnf'mant11'r W ll . ht' rm-rl"<< to move b!'<'au.IIC or ll11m f'hrUittn~m. ('ommt~.ndtn~t ()f. detmw work f'lll4'9o'hl!rr. tt ftrrr. will rnntlnn lodly provl!l· would IH't'm no moil' than ,. it')Mi llflf'll'lntmrmt• tor OrRn• .. rtg1Jt lhat t ·h-e covemm~ County unltl1 'fat Rwnh Ana. J''ull .. M"~llt In providing am pI,. ,.rtnn. Or&nlf", Ncowport Rfoarh ri?Om In 1\ll'h a baven aa New. Ralhoa. rot~lll Ml'lla, JfHntlnJt1nn port Harbor, which le&ltli to 1 Bear h, Sral Re&eh, lAJrUn& Ueer h the thought. ~'hy not d~ Ran Ju"n Olp'IIMAo and other velop Upper Newj>ort.Bay?. I prlnt!I JII'I pointe ~t'" Knth l,.l'n QuRirn l"'·prco~Wnt · cd th•· school. whtoo ti'!JC'h"~ )'OUO!-!'II•f!' from nrv .. rly IIIli~ anti mlnnrl rll'"" ttw art nf satling llnd- '<Wimmm~o:. ~aihn~t h••r llmaiJ 00111 tro th" TooJm llmt'nl or Ll~:ht' t1ork I :~n•l fthn~t lht' '<4"ho.-ll'~ c·nt ry 1 ·n.,. ili'>TJlnrl or tron'<(lllriRlion r wn' '" kri'JlinJ.( wllh thl' 1941 1 ToumRmNlt'll thcom~". Trorlitlnn~ •1f I h" St•jt. ' -------n K Rlu,. il'{t lblll Wflf'k fOf I mnlor trlfl to Wfomtn~ Mr and Mr11. '\\lt1ed M Lewill or Rlv•r•ldf' ar" now re•idJDC at 900 \\•nt Surf .., takln~t lh111 mr·lln\ of t .. lltnl( }'"I !("''"' thnt ''''" 1'"1~·• • • 1 laln~y brln..:~ "''"It ' . Our mat••r11tl """" r•·lo·11..rcl ·n 1111 ••l;•y all•;rJI'"'" 11nll 111 My ~11Urpr1,..-, vi•II•HO; 'lnrtNI 111 111nv•• i:oll' I ll lit•• loflt lll'•"n nnf'f J10 n u.tnt•rnta!\ Wr•rr• t h,.,,, tJ;•'If lOS! I h \lit ¥. ,,,., I'•'UIU'ul~t P olnr TrAct mot11·l h•;m .. thai 1. wn' umof•l•· ''' l•·1ov•• '"'''' llll•·r 11·30 p.tn. .. AA lon~t Jt~ I 11m nn th~> s ul1 }!'!.1. yuu uu.:hL l>•• lnl••r•·~>INI to know t'hal yflltr t)l•f" r •~ 14'<·11 ,,.,,,1 t1y manv f"'""n• '" I .ott AnJ{f'll'!l wh•l ,.,.. ltll.,r•••lro•l ,,.-;":r•\C"f1tln-llnrl,.,r V•ooJ would lwl aufl)rl!Wr1 In kntYW huw mnnv lln}l'~ I hnv,. ht••l fulk~ In ttk' city csll mt' ttl my Lo'l Af>atol-·" <Jf/11'1• (r1 lnq\Jir•• uiJI•IH .thJnp '(btoy hav,. l'f'ltti in ym1r ~Tffifl"T. ' I lhOCJ~tht p<'rhnr,. ynu wr11tltl tot• lnl••r•·~f•'(l 111 kn .. w lh•·~·· facta ~l'mln~t yuur pulllic•lotum ' Stnt'l'r••lv, JfJIIS f1 llliltl"IIAM '""'"rvnll"" "' "X Ira '""'""Ill rarl-"' r'"'"'•lr" that le qffert'd v•-4-,.,. II 'Ia. n..c .... ,_.,,.,, I hill ttntrftoottr-cn..rzd- lfu• 11•1•111"'""1 •••pply wilt Ill•' I lion A 'Hvtlral(" that you won't l•rnr.: w11n1 I•• mtu a •ln,le wbnt of. eo Ill,'"'"'' ••f ,!lor ~rrr~tl lnl"'""' ,,,.,,.r your •·•wlf'a r,-..rved tod•y ~.,,..,.,. "' 1 "" lllu~trrat ... l map t.h"t f,.r Y'"'r .... l( l\llt1 Y"'" many frlendll Wll ' rojll f~t'lol \'rftr,_)& II"W Rnol it\t• lhllt Wtll tf\r1JI tn What'll JOlDI Oft I""'""' ""'It "''"' t,. "'" In l'nl .. r "' th,. "I'INI•ur• I' o r t of t h • In '"'" rrnlrr "' th,. mafCUine thlll l'adtlr'" ~·r11r Thl• ma(' wtll atv~Vtt all of II'· ____ _...._.,...---- lhr n.-w I m p r •• v,. m,. n I • arul a. 6 ,..-W. 1-hRnll'"• lluol h11vr Ot'!'urrll'tl Itt Itt• Thl' N"Wf"'rl Harbor Bualn~ b,.rt, .. ,. fiurtn~e t)l.. lf'Jit tw,.lv<' anf1 .. l'mf~t,...r:Jr~al Women'a Club "'""lh• ~trvJ. will glv" • "tJtrd'th ~rd mom~u and cllalnn.en will '""''" ·vlrw "' th" "l 'll'uo"" J1u~r lflllh,.r Mtln!Say I'Venln.r,lJuly 1,, •If fh<" l 'lll"itk" .. t thl! ro>querrt ot the prealc1ent, Til,. • ••v,.r nt t hP rn•gutn., thi• Mra. Vera Mlllu, at 112:1 AA&de, vrllt Will f••alur,. un., ,., lhe oc1t· Ran~~~a. ' l"'•nolir;ll' m-rln" photocrapha of Offlrera "'d.cbairmen an uf'Je(l L--"-------------------------..1. lhf' Y"ar. an<l will~ run In color to atte~ • .. • ' . • I /'." - • ,- " . ' I .. t ,--:1'1 ·•' . ~ . .... . ...... Two P::zt"' ~ P.:''"'" T-....&11}' aa4 nuandaf Afk!I'IIOilllol , \:olume XXXIII sw.a1ptior. i'••Y~•hl•• ln.,\.:\,,,,~~ r~Omntc Cvunt)'; 12.7!i !Jt'l' )'t'·'' f , •l llo ''''"'· :!\.:l lJV 1~r )·~·ur to 8th zunc. ~:-:r.· r•·l' rnvnth I•>' rarfiL'r. I:Dte'rtd U ~-cl..., UJioll•r ftt tho• l 'u,tu(ll•~· 111 N{'WjlOr.t [i..;::;h, ~~~--·-Cull!ur rlill. um.l•·r lh•· ,\ct ••f :\l~lh'll :1. Jloi79. S..__A._M~Eit . •· · • EI•ITL!Il ,A!"U-.1iA,:.;,\l,t,:B Printinj: t>tanl, 2208 \\". <"entr:l l A w·nu;!, :-,:,."1••!1 1\o·arh, C111ilonuo DEATH OF A GENIUS )pt't'ssinn yl';~r:-;, lht• lil'll'ral i \ tnslitulion likl? tlw B:mk. of Anwri~·a . a piont'l.'r in 11lqugh a large pnrt of thl' world moumf'rl llw rll'alh of aidin).! llw ·smn ll·hl~,··m<' l'iliz:tn. nol fln l~· rA Jdn Padf'~·ski, pianist. compo.c:t'r nnrl !'>ta tl'sm:m . I:H-gl' \'OIUml' of r·nnsunkr 1 i Beer, Winea and ~<iuor for Sale at • • .. " . 1\lmn.llt • G .• A . MAGN_USSEN. ATLA.l'iTtO {)OAI!IT I.ONTJ:R OINNE& 11.11 tuftu: IITEAK J)L""iNER 11.51 DEI:.ICACII!II OF THE D!:EP 8EA Famooa ~ Pop~p&no Jumbo Sort 8~ Cnt. oua,.... .a ...... ftrUe StMII lumbo Frar lAp ~ -Gil Half SMII LoMMn 8llrlaq:. ud AU OUrer IU ... of 8ea Foode 1 ucltane Me DlinMif"' No .-1&1-11M '-· ' . IIT&UIJ!D CLUI8 PAY MOTlmiG nLl OCIOIII-JUll OIDII MOWI f• lftt !Miley-~ o.W costly ~"Mnhln..U" .•• .-Nlere't!! Mlstet- ~ ~ fof JM tWem, ... .,_.. Mill IYIIT YIAI,)OU1NIIN CAIHOINIAN5 by the rhous~nds take advanugc of this big op- ,• _H T lngl •trt '" Hu1 "'• c 0( thll! o-thi!l trat '" """ ••nn \h<'i ... -~\'J " _ _fu_w· Clyo aho• A <o Egg ldr~ lng. A ..... •on, . I •• I ·- SO OIDII ~~~.;?;o~o~;;;f,;=:--··--1 and on tilt' insull~rion, too-!oirh no p~y· mcnt till Oetobcr, More-than thar,you'll uoid the ru•h rhat·alwa)'5 arrompanirs faU anti wintt'r. Easy F. H. A, H'rms. tHIII'S A GAS FUINACI 10 fl1 YOUI NIIOSI You;lllind just rhe type of gu furiuFc to provide · hralthful winter ~omfou­ Nore the models shown " -' his 1 and lo . , .he frequently _returned . to rc.st nt t.h(' (llld-of-P<lCh ;_·_ 'Ft)(iay k -::r-fnr dtff('T'('lll j'''PI>lt•n1 !h.tl ,·.-.n fnon""~~:.{~f;:~~:;';:;"'::--;:';::'":,""";;;';~~~- year's labprs at the politihtl front or on thP ronn•rt plaHnnn. n•u.nlry. hut lht·ou.~h )'ric'' l't't.:l_ll.!litlll , h dt1•r d..r~~n~· 1 , Padcrewskl. who lin-d to tlw riflt' ,11-!C' nf •1).!hly, \\';t ,..:_;t :o;; ;1t11l :1 \'lll untary l i!-=h To•nin!-: ~~r ITI'I.lit ~·~lltln •l l·~ l•t 1 ~1n,•ss ll'ad· nutl.•t in thr YJirhl rtnh th)r wil l l much a· tradJUon ns a prrson. For a half f't'llhtr~·. lhf' little f't~. tht• nation is n •;u\yin.t.: iT...:df-w hdo· tl h·rt• '" ,,., linw-to ~rrnrot r'}IJI •UitiPn """ rt•·"~11r" tn [ wi h h h ·1 . I 1· 1 (<1 1 f · 1 · tnrt n!l nrlll1t'r r nunh ·• hnpr~ th<" man. t t e s nggy. t'OnLnf' man{' am 111 f' go;.t lf't~ \\'11\'t' ;t ,. ,. llt~ t'I\'SI '' ti s :n·m;~m,·nt ""'til ''' .. :.r~· harbor ' ttl 1 1 1 1 · 11 "· •tfl•o' ~ . . _ l o r n !' ~~~ uto•.• w ,.,_, ·• ' '' ,8pcll wlth .,hill kryhoard m01~\c th;~t ;tiii':H'II'fl lhnt1~1nds _ . ~('nn ru1.t wnrk slrl rlr'ol ron th!~ r~·l wherever he play<'d. 'I)mugh hl' amaSSl'rl tht•~ lul)..'t'SI for· trn.•lw nntt•'n11 ••~rro.•r pr ... t,..·t. tune ot iiny rnuslchm of his l.'ra. ht' l!:';tn• lWilri~· ;d[ his mil· MODERN MA-RINE SE' Rv' ICE ! 1t mrall.• tnn~h 1" fkr futlltf' f1f \hi ~ ,.,,JtiJ~· ~" mnr h ~'' thn l.)lrlt·.,~, lions to the~cause of a fl\."l' Poland .fh tdllJ: W n l'ld \\'a r I. Jlf' hnr ru 17.,11~ nn.t ••t hrt·~ hfl,.,.-''"ll· worked heart and soul io l'!ilallli~h hi>: ("0\ntlrJ';,<; inrlepi'nrtenC'f' ' ' ~ t rlhuiNt tro I!~ """'"'OlR{IolO, 1<'1 AJML,ults~tlllf premier. rouragroll'oly plui1gNf·int o n n('w and s H E 'L L o o c K 11111 hf>r; -• -- 1 ~d1tflCi~J1.:neld of'endeavcr Whf'n he wns. ll<'itrly f,(l~ · ; r>nw rnrrfulh· Thl11 , .. """"">1 - He entiCI8Cd hlriiSeU in no iVOfl' "'1\'M',, The fam<' nnd • 1 vt,rnli•'fi. \ 'hitoir .. ·u 11r" th"'•J!htlo•.o.~t ·rk:bet he won ln &he world ot music wen' for him tools to be l l n11t •~ th" rrn~rm wh" ''"'-1 111houh1 'lifo mi"ITI' lhl'u j:htl!l ('A'rf''rut.drl\'lnE: l8ed m behalf ot his f!e9Pie's rreroom. Tho!Jgh the magic 1 A.L B 0 A 1 s·L A N D w111 rwonntt ,n .. rhll.\ to return to ol. Pl!de~'l flnarn If 1one, the magic in the.' name .of .a, frhQOI. ~nlo nrd flllt. You Ar~ - t m,..,...n and patriot auvlves. · cal't'tvl of ,·our o••n rhtld. Be · • · eantul ot aOrnf' oUtf'r child . • ... .. no .......,••••" o((,.rnOce hto~ au hrc .. •h• to oht o<noH h""'" .,.., 0 ,.,10.-fo.-o~u \'<nO<J lnou!la ~uoh ""h 8nor -"~" .,. -or ott in 1ho II"""-.n.l rnm omuo nalr luolo oo-•. Prien,_, 01. t 7J,u,.ull..t llO.IlOGiiTOJ, FII~IIAt:ES . ' • ' . NEWPORT BALB04-NEWS.TIMES. N~wport Beadt. Califomls. -h1trRSDAY1 JtlLY 10, 19U. ... HUmane Soc\ely Chief Stre~ses j. News Of The Chunch.es ----Need For Housing Lost Pets CHRIIT CHURCH BY THE SEA 1\l•••.tay anJ Thura.lay i !lil I' m. Rtv. E. D. Goodell, p ... tor. -.•t\'ht'!t D A.DVERTISIIG ~ Chun-h 9~30 a. m IUid ::;un\ll\y ~~:~rnuo~: \\ nrahlp. 11 U ll<t, k ~J'<'\'<Itl lllUIIIt' L'bOir &D· tho•n:: lllltl 8t•l llltlll 1 OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. P. J That a central IOCilliltn on hoUR· Mmu. Ida llrlcb~>rl. G " n r j.: ,. tng lost pt_ts Willi nN·•Irrl w!\.'1 1 ~h • ..-hnol):t', Annu .I l lrtlllttwn. H atrta~d at a m<'o:llnj.: TtH'll•l •Y \\'. ~4111n•:< T J ;-.,. d t-:.1\ tho• tVtnlng or tht' Ornn~.. l't.•llnl\·.' C'Ollrtlle~· -\\'u~···· llarnl'. ~Ill··~ Humane Society In th(' t-: F . nnu\· 1~<'~111' llr• nn.ou, .A It,, ll<•~<•' ,l,•.tttn•· 'tng h om!.' on tht> n~&n> rrunt U.•uu~o: 1-t~~IJJn»un tut.l l.u l'uuh·t••' llo.:h :-;"''"'' a nJ lntl'rlllt'\.llll lt' :\l.tl'.lo .. " ol Le..gu•·"· 1i.:1u " rn Ill Bury. Prle....-- 1•• 1\1 IL 01. and ll II, Ill Dr. Bnmlo~; .. .-h .. •• r•··~•ol· nl all et Santa Ana: Mr. nnd Mr:c t-:\'t'lllll" \\ • n•hl1• 7 :Ill p Ill of the count y fit'<'lt'l." annnHn•···ol I•' A Ill to k ~lr ond :\It,. \\II· I.Juttrt• t 111\181<' and ~··•11•••11 thRt th(' main prujt•t t tt( tllo' ~'""!' ltatll :\It• Itt< ,.It• ·~Ill' lt11n•• II ,111•1 ~lui \\11't'k l't:l\c'r :'t t llll', \\'~J- yt>:tr \\'~ t.• ,.,.r urt• uno• t.t·n-~It anol .\I n• A I~ ~'(1"11 ••f ''' nl'<l.•y. 1 ''''•·r-•1 sh duuwr. II ::(1 COSTA Mi;S A COMMUNITY CHURCH Rtv. A. C Abb~. Mlniater II \ I " I' ', \\ ltf\1 J . tral plllct> tnr' nil trllnt:ll ><ht'lll r~< Ill(• :\It'" l:o'"IJ.:t·tlt• \I,,\' I !'tll .. t.l\ I' I•. ;-:, lto.ol !'.4:\ a. Dl \' In OrUIII:t' <'uunt\' 1 ""!-lith on ~~~~ ~""'" ~I Hutll• • ,..1 ' ·' r: ·! FIRST CHURC H OF CHRIST \\ t~<htp ~· '"" II a 111 Choir t" 1 " Sant• A1111 su nnun;<lll ntH \' "' :lit:' Jun•· l,,•,lf,.ttl of l:.;ll oo.t 11111! SCI~NTIST tllll •'lll otll l >li"''·"""~" l'nator' I<' cnrl'd f••r llllll I~Hl••d ,,.,,.tl~· h\\ .\lt.• 'J'h .. mn,. \'111h11 , t<,,l .. •o t .f,, 11 112 f..:!lsl l't•ll t:nl A\'<·ntlt· ·•'r""" · ''" \hrl r 1'11\'nl'rll: Thr·~· Ills•, <1 ,.,.,18,.,;1 ~~""· !'\ I· :\1•~'1'1' a n d 1 'I~ .t,• !': ''" l><•t'l II• 111 1\ II 'I-II ~. 111 '"' "ntl I tlt<'rtnt-JIIlle l 1', 1 Ull' Prl'l'"~•·il ll\u\'t' In 'liT h t lo1 A!lht"ll, . .lr A hr:mo h •t l'l.t· \l"llh't ('hilt • lo 1.• 11.:11• ~ o: :;,, I' II• '\. eiVlOI:' 3.\\l \Y or. f!!llmnl!! ~~ P'l?l'~ -Tt:" Fu bl l'llll l, It ''' ( 'hru;t, l 1·:_,' ,,.. I> \\ ,,, !ttl' ~ .. ~~~ i't'rvl<'e. 1 ~· \ \ • ,, II \t \ "' I.\ .._~ \ 1• I .1 \ I \' I' I J• ·. . ' ul \ •' I I 'I· II ,, t .. 114 .t.Ul •• I \ ol' ! ·'· ' " ... I • -BUY Rt •\t E srATE I' .SJ\1 L " •'I It f l ~." •• .... Ill' t t 'h ,,. :·Ill - r . ,, ,. ,, "" .... ... ,,, t.ud ,,,,., •••• r 1 !•••'' , .. 1•\".r •t ''''' • t t l"' til l•ol' t•rtt "'-""' SELL Mlt";t< 1\l. l"h fli UMENTS t.4.)0l) u•~·• l'l..tth•• "'•· 13•. up to ..... TPttOIO 0 A f'4 z &CHMtDT -l'1J\fi_l,l.,( 0 o-211 "'~' , .. ,. .... ~· • !oou,f:. At•• M tf\. It ~ tt ' vttA~O n.~t'lt•••''••d A f\r •11t _. • •••f """' In~ "''""' ttttl~ tiv.. "'''' uuut ••"' th11 DANl M UMtt\1 ... H it "'I f'IANO CO, "20 .,.,,,, .. ~ ...... "''.... -~ trc t:nl~>rtatnm .. nt 1<':o!1 ,.r .. , lol···t r .. J ·Free Classes Op·en ~. o.·m·"' 111 ~~. ~~a.... . 1 'JJ!t• , 11 ••J ... !::' ·1 • ..:11 ~· l11>t11 ft l· ••• Jovdng lilt' blllm l':t• ~t':::<ito;l ·It~ I S UI 1,1\' ~. ,,,ull :\1 II :ltl u lll l "'"'''I' " nv~l ....... ,I h 1'.-h ... Clytlt> H. As11cn nf ~Mia All a wh11 T s • ~un.t;l\' :-: ... rnrl' :tt 1 1 n ni \T,.J · ~fr:r:'\\o·•·IM'1111,, ~Y"'<'. \\"f'd· lu:--;-----:-,"' 1 l ,..._,.. ,1 :•'"" aho\\·cd ,!t-Vl'r 'LI 8il\llhl p1t'tU~tiS:, liO tr Wlmmers, lh"Sd,l\' T\•lft iJt;."OI:tl ~, •.• tW\).! J't b llt'li•!uy, ;,•'ttl p tU ·.·:.. '· t I 1 ·,/ H ~.:n. u til Ito~• Tl~t• 1111ly pl.ao·,• in ll~t• :'\a'\\ pn rl ll.11l>oll' .lit'. I \\ h••t•• ~·•II <'ol ll 1:vl t · ..... ,, t ·.1"" C'fl\'1'1'1~ .,,_ '"·· l.if1·:·nm,. 1 '"~' ""lliiAI••"'ON J A ccnnlllln solo by Llnrnlhy l\1 II v n· H ~ " .. , .. Ill ·I<· to !on.: Htllll!l, I I" ····nl rill Sun,l.•\' 11\"'illllJ(, ., It m., PTe· •. I.' I I ' I \1 ' EgJrlnlon a nd plano l!t'h·c.·t'lllll!l by IVers ere A\'1'. "f~l 'trIll I In • II Ill \'X-l'ltrllll>'t~.....,.,,,lllii<'I>IIIJ) L'IUlll. '•' • I ' lo I ... ~",':·.~:., ...... .. Mrs. E. T. J ohnst11n llnrl fir'. Brun·j 1 Ct pi 1-'undt.ly>< 11:.d 1\;•ll•l•tYII •, 1 ,,. tng. ~womnwN and nron-!>\\111111\t'r~ Th<' puhlh· ts C'Or•llally hl\'il<d SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIITI ,. ~~" ', ,'~"1 .. ·,: ',1'' ,1• 1411• Among those allt-nc.hng Wt'tl' alike. art' 10\'th•,l hy <:or.lton 1-'llld · !I' attl'nd the ... r.'l\'1' ttn.J use Uw St"l t·nt h l•ay A•ll'~nllat Cbureb I 'I I ~~·-and Atmu. K u. Sackt'r-lay. l'rcsllknl-(.'1\aom•lut <• f t h ,. tt .. l .. hrg Hu••m I ,,, l 'h n~t aon, E . T. Johnston, ~. F. St·brot'd·l ~ .. wport I lurlx•r BranC'h nf llh' • t>rn,•r uf \\'nlnul ttll•l ( 'hun-h Sta. NOTICE INVITING BIDS tr, L. E. Wllllamll, H. J . 1-:gginton, Suulhc•m Oran{;t' County He...! CJIRI!'ITU~ srn:~fr. t'Hl'KfHES I <.·.~~Ill Me·"" ~·•l it I' I~ llr•rl'hr j:l\'o•n I hill , .... Cha. rlt!i Brtner, EU1%l'L A R. obm-C't'llloS Chapll'.r . 1~ Nlroll h •r. 1h1• .Communl(ln ~:rvl!'f'l ,..111 bt' cnn-Slllurolay mornln)l. Mnbbalh Scbool B"llnl "' 'l'nuolc'••te "' lh<' Ne•wt">rf aon, Or. anJ rs t::. an. an ~~~'"-.sat..t)!..,ehin-~--.... ,wk¥-4"~al~-4;tlur P·3o a. m. • 8<>11• h 1-:l~>nwnlllr\" :-;,·t1o.•t llu•tr1d ----------------lllllt.:n JO tw• J.:l\'l'n lwrt' July 14lh of ChTisl , SrJ•·nll!t Tht' IUbjo•ct or Prt'Rrhin~ ServtCf', ll a. Ill. Oft ,. rnyo ' t"Wp••t ,. ' . .T~a aq~1n~ . :_ Backache M .. ,. \l':arn ol Ol ... rd<"red Kidn,.y Af'tio n to :!6th mdw•J\'1' . • . I the Lf'~~nn ~l'rnoon Ia "~llrram!'nl"' Cahlnrnlt• 11\'111 r••• ""''' htob '"' Spcocial a tt••niiOn Will Ill' J.:l\'1'~ ,,, and the Golllrn 'J'Pll Ill from Jona: E . I n· ru ro •hon~o: 11\IW•r. mal••t lftl lr.nn .. l><'h'tllt11'rs clas!'t'S, Ill' Wt'll :·~ Ill lht•. "A Df'W eonHHllnclmt"nt I .:tve unto ptscopa IOCese prort.ottn•l fl n•l ... r\ It.... fttr u ... ud\'ttnc.••·rl stwiPnt~ whCI Ill'•· n•ad\' :rou, That )'O lo\e onf' antllhf'r: aa R . S c .. n•fllt•l t••n ,., 11 "l••ru"'' .:,urtt~1· for Lifl' SIIYIIlJ.: unci Wntc.'l' Saftol y I I have IOY•·ol )'nu. 'that ,.,. aleo love esumes ummer li t St'" l~•rl lh·ttt h ·~ r It Ul "'It r , . one anothar. II)' this Allltll all Jltt'n · - tnstrur tiOn . • . know tllal ye ArC my dl~rlpll'll, If Church ServJ·ces ~ h•••l In lflllo$ I II\' uf N,.WI••\rt ~le'!hod!< of df1·Ctm~: n·l'<'UI'!> b~ :re hue 101 ,. one '\o anolhr r" , t Bt81 h. ln l" ··ttrtl:tiiLc w1th Ill!' latinn of JWn.ons nl·nr·dr.lwnm~: r atta:tJt:PA a18o from John : "Th<'o ' Foor lht ,.,., 11•1 "''"11<'11 lhf' Jo~ta-l,h,. ••ftu·•· oof .. : I ,,,.,,. .. I''"~' ('ntll•' in :o11~l ~··· IIlii' hk ~e·l.·l'llllll ,!(, lt•lll'fl ftt...,l hand aholll lh i~ t'n"' · M~rftlry I J~trnln Zrlolt) r to U ,,J,rn l.tr •H.h Ill burt) •nd •Orr.)!, h""f'I'Uh.r bab.tJ. ll!lf\tup~-, .. t.nP ••d d,.ln\. .. 1£-&t• rt.tk. of ''lfl1'111~r-• an,. tnfrr .. tl,n-1 hro -.a h,.,, '1 t\.relft CHl th• •vrM of tbt '"dnf')t~ ·a hty arr apt to t..co~• ovtr .. taatd and h 1l 10 fth •r t-l~ •~ld and ntber UD11U""" frofD th.e hf .... ~v••• ~lood. ~wommC'rs and mt•an~ of r~>>-U•t't· A Dlbl• t kllt lon prt'~t·nll t hf'lle I , ~ fll"n~ ain,l "I~·• Htt ttlloon,. .. n flit• 111 Will ill~o IX' tau).:hl durin~:: lh•• l\\1" 1 JPsua 11:1llh unto thl'no, ('hlldrl'n, , "I'" I Ill•" •·~·· 11111 d•••·oJ•••I to ,hoiJ olf'nl ••f th•· t.•urol ,.f "rltl "'hoottl Wl'l'ks ramJ'l<'li,::n. ha•e Y~' DIJ)' nll'at! Th••y nn""'''rPd ·, ""'""""'Y , hu'• •·h 1wrvl•·•·• dur-<11•trlrt PET SuPPLIES En.mllnwnt.. fnr si_x diCf•:ra·n~ blw. Nn. Anll hP &r•l•l unto tltt•m., w~: ll ... suu11uet ht•r•'' 1u1u the tlrat I Y.rtt h hlal 11hull 1 .. • ""'"'' ttut "'' rln!<~tf~<'nllons m thl' Ht•tl ( r<1:1~, C'~81 tit•• n••t on th" rl~:l•t ~1·1•• ot ~:11 tht•rtnl( wtll ho• lwlo t thh• romtn• a t.1•m 1 •• 1 ... ""''""":' 10t.ltt•• .. cr ... ,. ·)Va ll'r Saf"lY Sdal(tl rna~ bt• mado• tltl' ~ltlp, uud l'" l'h:tll tlutl Tlwy ~""'' '' st urtu·~; u! 111 to. m ·Ill tht 1 nt lh•• l'r•••t•l••nl .. f Ill•• hoo:u .l no\\· with Fil"'l Atrl a mi \\':tll'r "8 ~1 llt••IMOI ~' _'~~nd r1nw thP.-.-rrn I.a.!., ·rl,..:tll•· I tno· .. t.··l •I ~'IIIII \\ ,,,.1 n .. •An ... ...,,,"' You may •uff..,r oar«ioc backar'bt>, ~-~·d-;~;;· •. dJfl&~~;l~·~~~!.!.'il ~D.D~::.~-9 • tu,..t, Df'f\UU.t, all •vrft out. Utber tltn• ot ~u.ln• y or blad4 .. ,. d ~rdf'r ar• aom• • tlm ... bum1oc, t t anty or too 17.-qu,.nt .,,,.., o}ft, Tr'/ ll•a•'• Po lio, Dn.•'o bdp tho ll.ldn .... •• to put oft harmful f't t'lt M body •••'•· T hf'Y have had mort tb...an ba1t a ::~~~~ G~yp~~~~~~~fP=~l.•~=~~:~: ;4ol )U.U Mt,~foo</ .. r I • r-. rtf'. •1 th•' ~··\\ •rt nnr ut•l•• tu '''·'"' It rnr thu Ot1JIU-~n I'~ ~Cimmo ''1 ,.. • I~ tot•l••<~t tl•h•" ''~' ~""" tlt•ttll• Jl•·•n l<••l• \\til ,,.. lh•· mtnl~lt-r N""P"'' ll•·1.-l1 t'ltll1·•"''" 1t••l llarhor Clwmtwr of ' nmnlt·t'l't', ' •. t h 11 t 1 \l . . · tiJ'•V ,.,.ff' fllflto' tn hll<1 lh••)' MtaW a Ill tlt.ttj;t' :111d II•· 1'1111111' Ill IIIYiloru 8 II "' lit• •llll l""lt•ol t\ 11 • o•t lt \ty f''trl' or l.t(I'I:IIOirci ~lfllhlll ;ony (1,.: ut Clllul ~ th•·l•.' 11~11 fl•h lA hi lot ltw ~•'1\'h o•S \\1\trll \\Ill ht> hf'ltl flt•ol tor < :t~lth•t 10 t lu•o k ••r 1•1 1 1"•11•1 l •••i Cr:'sq \\'ork rcK~m c-.. ~1 11 '1••·;~ lll•·r•·•>n , lill•l ,,,,.,.,~, '_., J "l'llll ltl.lllll ll1r"IIJ.:h""' .11111· 1111ol AUJ,:III!I. fur t••11 t•· •• •·11t • HI• 1 "' lh• ht•lldquarl('r:ot 1\tnl'rt('llll Rt'll Cr~'-uulll llio•flo, I'II!Ho• lllltl IIIII•' '1'1111 ~··n I• .... "Ill Ill' • ulldlll'll•d next anHlllnl ••I I lot• hi .I ntllol•• '''"' ol 4·· 111 1~ N,.wr)(lrt Al\'11, All <1•''-lrt!'t.: I• ItO\\ tlo" t'lt:rot IIIII" tlant J•·~us ~un•lrt\' nl tu 11 ru -lttiiHWC'<I by In the· oorol•·• .. t tho• llt'ftrol 1•1 "rnl' IO take-tht"'t' <'Hllfl'4'" l'hnuiLI r•·s:ts· ~~"'" l'tl ltlltt&t It to lu.~ rll'• lph·11. , ,.11111,11111.,11 _...1 ,.,... Ut an Dvl.tt' '""'" 1' .1,. •It !Ill l•• r"• o•l\'• •I tt llol ' lt•r tmffit'(h111t•ly '0 that dil''l'' ('lin :t( I I tJt:tt Jt• "'I~ r(~o·n frOtn lht \\ltu I' It f,.flll•'l lo'"lolt•lll of tbll nlt'<l .. .,lt tilt• olt rlf I)( I hi' lwt llol 1)1' fnrmNi .1!:' n~lvan~'<' o( ~otarton&. '1f·"1" •tlv llrlll'• •I Hw« "·•·k fllr tM nn or ltdott•· 'l'u•· ... t""· Au.:u"t faft h , dah•. ' :<rh•rtlnn11 frUiu lhl< Clu:l.uJ.a.n r.evtNO AWAY 4 h •vfl• htt•• Aft"'t ff't"' .tt U 1 flw.uth t hr • ut••t l • • ._.,., ...... u •• ter 0 1 u an ..... t•u ,__tlf"t tHH1 '" "'"I'R•"• ~""'"" (,.,, .. ,.,. "''"' W~rn•1n •nd Af ·--~ "''" ••••• (. 4\··~~ .... I ... I. flit ""'"" H <tt•t '""'t'J.l"'t d '• t•' t "'-~···· ....... , ,., A £ f' ............ Calif u. .. ,,. ~ ( .... , .. , . ._ ... , Nl tlt•lllfl t ·t•• ..... '10 ,,.,'AU *"'' '10 t••• tHt'ut h 1\ '"''''•t on •At-·•. "'"•••rtt )' 'V('u '"•t '"" , t.h••• half •t•• for ~ or an ac• • fC'It ~ I fill~(· tf'l \1 1('1tM U l If YOU ••nl • hotn,elt•, buy nctw thta •••r ..... ~ fii.tt• ft 0 t hAtn ...,." "'---"'""'..n 1ti'VIf , q .. u J Of port 400 • R E AL E s TATE I F o n RENT . 6) ~~~ '-Mr Nl '+1'1• hA¥4 • bt•t~d ttHn ltvfld In I Md IN'Im "•~ front h~"~UH A¥Alfabt• fnt ~··• 'a ,.,. .. at a ••••o n•bte ••n t.-1 t o autt•ll'• h:n•ttte .,... ,.,,. .. ,,., l ltf u 'iJ'"' Offlt • """'"• 1&00 M 41c I Oil tlf NT- ..,.,,.,'"''"' , .. ,. ' ()(•.an ''n"'• "'•••uut B•ttrh Ml\ft••n I'• i •II••" l tt(a11nn &1 tfr ' o n ••t N! ,. • .. ,,. .. , .,H.,.'""'"' :'117'41 04••'" f •ortt. NewptH t n~••" , •. ,..,.,...,"' , .. "."'• tte •• tic -... ~<'It'll'''' tt•\11"'"''· "S••I<>nrl' lind IIITmln<r JMl rll 7 10 "• lut'k I ' \t rtn•l lll••alllt ."itlo "'')to tht• S<·rlptur•·,.·· will be I•J>o nt•d nn•l tlltloll• I\' ,,.,.,, , ... ,,,.,,, ...... ""'"'""""-d I hy M:try lla ~··r •:·l•ly, f'(!\fft ••\\'llal K h I w t alou~1 flO th tl ''"" '" #flit• ICunl•l "'""''" •• , 4: It \VII"\'"· .. : .. .:•lf\tt l•r •t •uuln h f'H4 ... "'' ol\• flnftr II <'IIIII t ~-~ 1 ... 1" ····n nur l.nrd '• lat!t uc e ' a son of Tru~t··~ .. """"'· "' tltt• :'1/o•wpoot l ":rnt•looll ""'' lol'\0' II, ~\'all""' ""I . ... .•.•.• ••t NOWflQI' ......... . f'llf'll"''r nntt Ill• Ia .. • llf'h llunl brrak-To "Tell All'' Jl4oftrh r:rllntmur "''"'"''· :'olt•\0 l'"rt , fiiJttrt•Jt I Will ··~· ••• mo '" ~··· ... .. Rebuil rn•t with hi~ •ll~rlplt•ll In I h .. brlll:hl u .... h, l'llhf""''" Tht• IIIUIII'I "' lhr Jthrtf't•hnltii'N lnqt.tlte .. ,. .. N .... , ...... olflt.e · mt~rnlng hnur~ nt the Jorrul mfft-• T ht" .. .,.,". "'"nttnnl'tl 1 ht'l'k "'1 tllf• nnn1l"'r "' alttorr" co~~<n•·•l ""''I At G 0 P M. t 0 ' .,~, ......... ,., •• ,. .. .. In~~: on thP ~h•lrf' or tho O:rllle:tn • • • ee bnn<l ah•ll .... rc lvrn ""It ~llllflllllf'r th ... m ... mt ''"" '"' unrl\hl ........ ~a!" "l.lkll our llllt~<l••r, 'lfe muat that lh~ hl•l•lt•r w1ll f'nlrr lnt•• u1,. rnt'nh cur hl"rf·hy f'numf'rttl<'•l •• E df'Jl,art front mat•·rla.l aeN.e lpt.o the II 1 r tl T M~LOYMI!NT ~plrllual llt'nllo• "' llf'ln~~:." 0rrtnJ.:•' County sfnl(' lr gislaton, COf'ltnrt If ~~~~•11.-.1 t n him """ l•f<•V ',., "' In '" r u•t Altl'ff FIRST FOURSQUARE CHURCH _ OF COSTA MESA Se-nn lnr Th11m11_.. Ktll'hl'l nnd Ju· will hr <lf'r lttN'II rnrfrtlrol If th" mf'nt tllltf'rl llf'< HQlMor 13, 1P4!3, at !u'mhl~ ffi(•n (,ycff' Wni!IOI'I and .1\J<'N'•d ul hllltlf'r rrfWOf'll tn .. ntrr lo&«~" trn 1101 lh~rf'Of S:tm ('olhn'<, :rrr fn "tf'IJ all'' tn •!into a&Jd rontrart 11nrr btoln~r rr. Am-\ o'itllfll) ·~>lilt• ~llthrrln~: or tht G qiH'atNI ,, <1•l 110 tw th .. 0.1Atll or N•~· lhar.. Due 0 1'. boc•krd fnr ttw> t'VI'nrng ot Tr:u•t,..,.• o t 11 al <1 F.lt'mf'nla"Y Ray <" I !foil 2 ·~ 11:\0 79 P081TIO ... WANTIO -tll•ll•e.te t•111n•<1 a•••• 14 u 11 •• lwlp wltto U•llllr•n •"II llatot .,. __ .,, ~all MaeAntc Home G•"'IO· N-· ""'' IOU _ ... tk. l•u• p •v ''"' "''.""' ~ on e.ur '""'" OtOtNl "C HMIOT PIANO !'0 , 1)19 N'""' M•ln 81 , "'"'" An• ... , ... lvl Mot1••" ~C!tfMUa PIAnO """' IN •llloo"I P,.. DANZ ICHMIDT P IANO CO , NO Ncutt• Malft at,. "•nla Ano, te.t ... .. IANO ACCO"OIANI. ...,,._,. ...... ... ·p,., ........ , •. .... ""· 1 11>'1. ••tto ,.,,.., of f,... .. _,.., llf"ft f 1mHl .. K••• ••• 0 pfteftM. "" ond' "" Vlllltn~. ""•""•" .... Ot~ll•~• til and liP •••r ,, ....... Vletnr a"d DK•• • ..,., cfo IIOd •••••• ,...,., rn " o I c 0 A H Z t!oCIIMIOl rtANC) c;o , W0 Net11l M•l'tl "'•"· .. ,.,. A"• ...... Vow'u clv t:.eUo• •t •LU NOTa MUIIG CO , UD WMt .. II 14., .. ..-... ,. ...... I Hott ~FWARES JUNTAI .... , •• w ....... I'CA l'a4tM ........... J OR t!oAL r -T"'• Mt ctoe 101•- l\lllllni~IIO•I Tr.rlar Pat ... HOif't· '"119" thnh "•u•n•"'' ... ..... BoATS & SuPPUtrfll ..0" t!oALI -tll••._.t ..... -~ .. '" ...... C-dltl-, tit -lo. - U.Ctt-A ... , .,,._. lef ..... C:.l, , .. """' h~rn c 'allront&a oll c-~ JlU'J •• ,... uttv. c-la lma t bat ,)tla .t~nue uer IOMW paint oa \Mir ,..,.,.. \hau hla t'<1fn~J u-e • 1 ~lr ClU tanlaa. t. by the Tiernan Process (Chuf"Ch of the Highway) Rev. G. Wllt.ald Steama, Pa1\or Mae Stear"'· Co-P .. tor Phone 1711·J 1i'rldny, 7 :lO p. m., Worablp Sf'rvlct . Rtv. Mat Stra m a Lo cbarp. T\u•Miay. July 2'2 Rl thl' Huntlnc· 8c'hool Olatr1rt Cora l'nklna 2/80 lU.70 ton n.•twh M~mor1nl hllll. 'Jlwo eon· • Tht" rrucculllul bht•ll"r will hi' ~ Y.. Wllrp• 2 flO 1112111 WHO'S WIO II 111101 DISTIICT t'111w wtll IX' prt'c~ by a d lntVr. requtrl'd to ruml•h a lahnr anti n. (~•rru•• 2/80 130.20 Thr thrrt• rt>prPM>ntatlvt"ll a~ matrr1al btln<1 In •n amount Pqual W W Wllaon 2/80 ~.U • • ~ They still keE'p ·trying to dupllrnte ttl<-'nt-r- nan procest of rebuilding lYJX'"Titcrs! But th£'N' hnvt>n't been any sue<'eR<~rul imitnllons in over twenty yt'nrs! ... at the m~';i"tc pl"tl·t-S· \\'(' orr~r. Tht vA1tlell~·~rt ftl{'-, all-induc;i\'e TIF:R!':AN GUARAVIT.F:! \\'•• .stand nt the top in thi.<: fit:'ld nrrt inknd to .st:~y thC''N'! .,. · R .. 4. TII<:R.\.AN Tl'PF.JJ 'RI1'f:R UJ. ~n•tla \na DOROTHY DARNIT , Sc~ooJ...5 OO"T' P..NO MY 5oN AA~N''f .SI'IOWN vP 'I£ T .,,,., .... 71l _..._1-t __ _ . , Sunday School, •=30 a. m. MornLD1 • Worablp, It o'elocll; q»eei&J mualc, s--tor'•· Nf"DDOD. Cruaader Service, 6 o'clock. Even•DI' Evsnltlleal lkrv1ce lf'd slatl'd tn d lsciOSI' thf-btohlnd·U~-to ttny ptrt'~nt 1 IIO"l-1 of th!' ron-8 8 Wold 2/8d ttl T3 AI'PUA"CICe- l'G't"N.'ll story o( tht-re<'t'nt -loft tnct price. and a tllltllful Jl"'· J41ry J&llll_,. t;eo •a.eo Ou • a.ctne. llla,Ut. RCA ~or ~. lllenttt ..... 1"'-M. or ttlt JAcUlatu~. wtth ..Oal}tormaoce bond tn an UDOWif~ ~ny K.WIIll•.-oo 2/.0 Ul.21 AVI'O •~ a~ QOOII!It- empttuts on tM SR.A «<ebeck! for~ nn,. ~t II)O'!I.l ot OM c011-lAw H. Wanaee, H\lntlnctaft.~ Aute....., 2\0 ...._ ~ •rr .._ which GoV~mor CUibfort L elaon &act _prtcf', Mid bnnda to bf! ..,. Harry H William· ACTOIIOBIL& ... AianfO-· and lh..-oppotJitlon ll"rtslaiiVt'" ~ from a .u"'tY compaay 811ft and E. A V .. Orr Servb -1,. llcr.dclla PS.ee._-H....,.,n'~. ITK'mbto~ art' 111111 veM'ft,..,tJ)' ..u.tarlory to t h t Board or Rpeuldlnc :l/80 212.!1 aA&UY 000~ bll)minlt On(' anotht-r. 1 Ttuatl't"tt AnY .--t. -Mmt'nta N.wport O.lu!ry, ~12 Ot-Mn ~ '"'-t b R.tt« J'or a.-. T l'achiQC. Th(' rrl('('lln~ Is npt'O to thl' 'Mat Rottrd nt Tnlftf'f'A ot th~ and or rrartlnna uf a.ut'.aament or I FIIIF.rt.AC"'E AJI!fl) KIND~c:J woo6-• publlr . Newport R#arh F.l~meniiiO' .. h•Mll AU4'~mrnta whlrh r•m~t.ln unpaid fl W Wr1Jhl. 171M Npt. RiveS., O.ta .. ..._ Ulf'd r...umt.r. Ph.. .. 1. tiy putor Tuuda y, llef'ptr Pray~r diAitrt4-t, rt~rv,._ tht rtt?lt tn r"jN't • ~"' tM 24th otay cot July. IU41. and P'UUNPAKJES-• ('hnnn aubJect . Tburlklay. 10 a . m .. UHttn&. loin. Stf'am• :n charee. l A ~tAtr to prntoJ'fr. mu1t ht' ~tny or all hltl• nr •·alvt> any tn·1 unln• P•Ymf'nl t• m"''" · hrfon-, t1 It F nraaa t1 oundry. Jobln~.C.•Unc. 110 VJrrtnla Pl., Coeta ..... built un founrllll lonN of a moral fflf"maflty In a hhl 111'111 I If' l illd at r•ublk aurtlon to OA801.1NE 8EKVIC&-j ~ comL-~ftet4 -Mlt'Af'$#r: ·'*ftd lh ... .-Mrar~p Wl· Dated J ul.)' 2ml.J9JL It New-fill~ '"" ,, .. llnq~nt ~t.a.rumt'n~•j 3 8!1, 0 11. TirH. ltalt~t1.-. V.f>ITS.~ ~Mer~~ PI, N-»t.~._ __ ..... I Corner of 22nd ana Elden Sk., th" print lpR I ,. I" m,. n t o t Ita port Rfoarh r a11fnml11 t t"~"t fl,.r "lffi lfi~ ,.,,.,. (I( anvtr·J 'Or.NUAL CONTJlACTf)a.- -• Coato1 Mtaa. C.allfornla 111 n•n.:l h Bn•l lh" nnly g~.uoranty of GOJtllnN II <Fll"I11.A Y . ll•ln~~t •n•l l h,. ""I"'""" u( u l,. 1 Gordon D. f'lndl11y, 3UO Cout mv4. Ptl. 402. PlaN and Conllt~ RI•V. M. ('. Cronlr, J'Uior j ltll Jlf'rtTIIlnr·ni'P 11n,J pr<W!po-r1ty n .. rtl ,,, o,:,.,.J"Ifl Hf'llt 1\ .. :1,. Th,. ••lol '"''" 10hall t.Ak,. plar!' at l.tl~ftf.R c:u~~trANIF.A- 1 -Suntlr~ School tl'4!"i " m l.l"bt'll ('urry. I mrnlary ~rhotnl 11111t<lrf lh,. ''"'' (' "' ,,....,. It Y.ll lln•" 11t N•• 1 ~""'" Mf' ... Lbr Co -"l1t u• twlp you plan your home." Phone a Moml04t 'lo~ablp Scrv;ce 11 ;._ m. _ · _ ---. _ -Pub· July :1. 10. 17, 11141 1220:! W•••t r .. ntrlll A~f't\llf', N;w H•y l)latr1r f Lumh<'r Co. J'hoM 11~. Cout lltatlwar at Aret.& Evangt"t111tlc ~ervlct' 7 3ll 1, m l•r W , I C'ouvall Ill VII.I'Allnritnl( -I l'"rl """'h. llrr~ng,. l "unly, 1 all MARISr. 'n•r.c·tALTir.~t- • ' In h1~thn tnr tf"n <iny11 NOTICf. OF -ALE f;,m l•. "'-Ill :10 u't I•• k, A. M 'I Martnr• Sl•·cl~tlly Shop, I~ ro .. t lllwa)'. Suttpla.., llabt.a, at'. 1-t· (,'~m-Julv :.!4. 11•41 NOTARY .. t KI.IC )--- --·.-..•-UJ a 'II[;;Q MoMler.s·llls NOTICF. 0 '1-1 !4ALF: uf f:\n•ll·l Jty .. , .. ,., "' l hl' h••l•lrr• "' th .. ' No rA Mllrpllrth, ZI08 W . Cftllnl AVf'ftUI'. Phone 12 or 1!. Newport. • o v• "• • rat!' Rharf"l '"11' .. ""ntlnK htlltllnl(ll rnaJttrtly "' 111,. •h~trf'~ In th,. •Alii 01'1'1C'F. Mll .. PI.It:lt- 1\t c,,.,. u•rd .,, In thr T ru11t kn•11A n u th•• , . .,.,,. ~yn•h• "'" Itt " 111""11"1( "' ""''' N.-wr.,,rt ll11rhur l'uhllllhln1 Co. l'ttorw.: J:l • 13, N.-..port D1ef1L M~"" Trrrar~ Tru~t Jl>o 4!1 IJI Ut,. llhArt'IJultlrra h" I rl u n A"rll ll.l r&INTlN"" """"'' <~•I!< >nJ Vfff!' ., ,.,_. , . ., .. '"'""''""'will /tl.UMS S7DifM:HDISTitES$ F'lrat National lhnk ro("fianlll Ann . 1941 , ·-N•wport llnrhor l'ubllllhlna Co. J'tl(...,..: 1.2 • 1!, N.-port 8eediL ..,.,. r~!lt.. WHEII TRA'IEUIItl uld Trt(ilt hAvln~: t~llba~'•l""nlly 1 a. .. :w ll WAI.I.M .. :. l llAUW Kr.ICvu·r,_ , 1 . •· ........... " hl'rn l'han~:r•l ~ .. ,,, ,,.,. 1111,. "' ~#rl'tarv t:.ldlr'o. 1\IOllHNI IC...tllu .Sh<>J), flO() F:. rllly, ...... zn: F'or. better~ ·-~~-------------~~~~S~~~~--~~~~~~~~0~~ lh~ prOJlf'rty ••Wt ,.,1 In lu th,. l 'uh Jun" HI. 2'l. July :1, Ill 1!141 llF.AI. F.l!tTATr., INMi lllA~CT. a NOTAKY PUJIU(:.- DID You HE·A~ :TJ.\AT NO' SE LtT T"-<.t tt .__..., _ __. t----J--~ By •' Charles fi'.Y TaCI ... PC>ft(T SP/\1~ 'nt PoD& . Sro•L r~ (~it[J - I M "fOT I.tow II Wttllar~. 't'.lfi'J W. Crntral Avtmw. l'h<tfW J. • aunnr.a at".u.r&- !'lf'wl"'~'' llnrhur J•uhll•hlna ru. Phn"": 12 • 13, Ntwport a..1L 811t:r.T Mr.TAI. WORK-· I nhta Ml'•n ·l'lumiJinJC O~peny, COlla MIIU. ,.,_ :ltO. TYI•EWRITF.A8-• ' N-,;ort llar11or PutaU!IIIalftl .£Ill. ~: U • Ia, ~tjN .. ew.,..pe~~t_A-~.r;: VAKIF.'n' ~--. • IIJ•II .. 1,. l•l~tnd Va rt .. ty Stor. 6r. to,-. 2!X and up. ~ 2lli·W. WF.I.IUNU - -;:-Wcohl tn" uerrlly doni!. V~. ~=;f~~.!.~W!!_g~g~~~~~~!t----~ lft~u": 10·12 a.m. a 1·11 p.m. l"ttun-.-(}ffiM Ill: JIM. 'Jt-.1 Or. (iordon II. Oruady PJI:rwJaa and fturc- Nf'.,.,rt ,.._.,. .. H~tat f:.ntr.. .twa. at NI•U. . ()fftN Jln.: 1•11 a .llt.;'l ·l p.-. TetfJttlllo .. n ...•. ROV'H BARBER SHOP t'onntdy at lllllboa l.lla.nd NOW IANW at-1• llf'FY41e• Plaee NMr Pltr Entrance N~ Bnch ~ l J • I.EROY P. ANDERSON ATrOKNt:Y AT LAW f:..ta .. _ 11aa11 8 .. ...._ 1 n-ut ,(~...... ~ P. V. PAR~ • j w • .c ......... l....a. . _,. .. ' J.~· 2102 Oct! an front. NtwpOrt &.""' 8"'-Watflll ••••-O.W .... ~ "'z,..o._......,,.. WORX GUAUHTI::I:D 0 , ... .. • , I ' .. I - II NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Newport~· California, THURSDAY. JULY 10.1941. 1!------~~t&:--A:-..,....and News -E:v e-----~--+t-H-- •nteresttnl Notes Abou~ People ~nd Their Doings Phoae 12 or IS · ------~~------------~--------~--------~----~-------- have not as yl'l broken thru thr I The Gor3oo B. Crary. Jr .. WaJter Holt. Stalin lrne 'T'ht'y ev£•ntuully will. men tretlb otf the-Blu. ~CY aact •but at what c-olll.'to thc>1r ma-"A"-Tfi _~UD othcn.. -• .!' :' _:~ _ _.._ ... -111-+-cltw~¥\'Jr'"ll~lhoa.t,_.,.._, • .,n C'Otntf ~ lTIT -L:nr I ·r..n O.S THE JSLE OF UI>O---; m' what may M tl\l11 t amr,allo;'n. the fbr Pnontiu Fulmor bome for the r.ermana Will probably be bvsy re· 1 Boating aetlvltlu in the Har-wmmer a re Y r. and V n . OU. etrl(anlzlnJt" ll! thl11 t he Lilgmnmg 1 bor 1.8 an all year ·round t o pic-Buc-kingham and IICIU Ht'tlry and of thr ultlmatto ""'' '! Ot h .. _ r .._.,., __ <I( <'nn\'l'rsatwn up Rnd o,lown the ' II w o are uvm e tom ............. --~~~~~--~~~~------~-----------------------------------------------~~====~T I - The blg~r·st nrw11 u'r lh<' Wi'l'k Is ('(Mill. Wher~in ('!lhfnm ht 18 theno I!Cbool. The .Kt.ooiM>r Volador·be- t he Amertcan n<'l'llp1t'l'in t1l -Tce-a not hc>r IIJ"'t llkc> It. En~h aum· longing to w .• L. Valrnt1nr. Kr• land with It's f ttr rt"uching im· mer brlng.11 nt'w Jar ,..~ ""'' new Buck ingham·• #a.lbt:r. b bloored "Pat" \V atd ron Visits Hawaii ; to See Hula Girls -· Junior Yach. ts~en L~Ject Nell' ~"'irst Aid Class l•llt:Btionrr lt will 1'\'t'ntually re-bttals to our Wllh•I'S. The> 8 ·11 ln tbe ha .. ~ The motor piler. Ill r. II'Al!l' an in1flllrtant. part lo( thr• J nyccs' IJ uvce shoe fa rno>o art• loll'lll'd by, the D¢~rd llake ra o( Orrl·ce' flO: F"'or I'J•m•"ncr Season Shirts Jtdy 17, llntiHh Nuvy. Guessmg a galfl , thll' ho•N' for the IIUmm .. r an.! hfl \'f' lw \'••lly Hill!'. l 'R-11. hall befll o "t ~ llrlllsh !"twy <'OIIItl m u. · dou:n _o , l'llTI'r<'d llwir nrw Alhatr"•· 10 tht' tran_~rrfil t(\ -lhla h.nbor. Dr ~ 8 lboa 'Island the> Ml'•lllr rran··an and t1kl' a ha t.h B h lind ~Irs W&lllllnl ).layht> of Loe ,· I a I rHI'k at what i1' loft of thl' Italian T. ·,·res 8.llth ve e ud "'n g '"· •n.,el .. -·a-aattlin" rn th-'r a--· \ •• • •• ... h •• H.1lt14'~a l•l.uul \\ • till• ~1.1~. '' •I nr ... IV\II IU;,; ., • t th Alb " " ~ ·~ ~ .. ~ ~-KE IT O R LOSE IT r k Nil\'" anct the A xl~ comrnuni<a· 11 m '" " l!J'lOr "'1 811 :I· · ,_ \".tlo• 1'' J1 ,., .. 11l} Jlllll"l 1a.t11-nw•""· TA ·. • lu J trrol\S Dor<•thy ttnvc-r nf !'an O regn homt' llrs. Harry Shaw ..,. leav-Pat WaldJon. ·'"" .,( \J1, 1;. 111.; ,., 11 , ,,, kind •·n 111 .\11 1,..,, ·''"I \\.ol ••r W'll\111•·' \n .. l hol ''"''"'",til Rtotl Cro.a To·r.llll •' hf\J< Blll"rt•ntly 11ulvo•ol t·11ns with Afrlt ll, and •·n-np<>rat•• OI\LI Pass.dma 11;.rlirall\' l ives IDgWILhbl'rtwo ~na<rt>orge alld t rude Wnltlron. oJ U . .JlK•.• 1-.1 ond , .. , • 1 •• 1 ·, •I. ,. 111 tw• h·wl "111 111l..o 1•1 ol ,. 111 Jll,nl ur 111 .. I '11 •1 Aool I '••Ill•• '"' ;-.; .. ,..port Har--th• h'll·•ll"<'r" ttruhlt'm y 1l u with thr Army of the .Sit(' w hk h n hnan.l hl·r PC Prt>ntiS!C •110 <1 f'ot· ll£'111)' for a thrf'c-~ronthJo tour o1 amv~ In Honolulu J uh· 1 "" lht• o~l I. ' I .. ,. ('1•11.11 ' I .. , \\ ... \IIIIJ•h\ lol•l •• 1 ;,u, ~ ..... h ..... f \1)1• II• ""'' Il l' lnh•rt>~ted in kn•·" lhlll y ... ., 'round """"'"' •. Will tMo IJ\\"~·IIell"by t rr.opll rl'~e.a!wd tro Fuhwor r<l'ntt'tl th .. l l.ltto '"'" thl' t'8.llt, lipenU!ng mOIIt of lhelr - I r F 1 Lurline. Ht' w u m t•t ~::! ("''' h~ " \1 • 11.,.. • ,, 11,o,.i,.l•·. l( • .t1ot. 11." F1 o•lll ,,,;h ' It• dr1l•'ll tJ,,}' r .. r ••'I o1n1u.; moor" nr••thca l knowledat! "'' 1111 IHwt· t n pyt up wrth. anrl frnm thr East Atnr an nnll S\rlan 1 d t d'-·-··,rtb 1 time Ill the &:ksh•rtro an.J WbJte -1 u . Th 1_.·tb wm~:_ aa say .......... u "r boll ~ . ....__.,._ Mr. and Mr!l. f'r(-d H irl• ami .\11 :,J.,. 1 .. 101 , 1 ., • ,.,,111rrr()doo1o· ;ond 1lr• 1•'1 • I tho• nuon lh ol \\II' 1 ••• '" ·•""' 110 •·1•111111Untl}. Wt' ~~~ ,..t.11.h UILr~s 1h1nfli( llw rou1n· ;;a mt>otiJCnH. IM Army c•ou" _1'11 -~-ltlK~ Wffkfflds,-·-:trl1 lR\-do :Uuuolain• C..orl(t' w11J rf'mala -m aod .¥n. ManhAII P. Tnt ... "ttn Allun Hc•t kllll .. tl•l l l•lan·l 1-,,,, •l·l·ol \t••ld ~··nt r:w•·' ltOI , •. \\Ill , ... ,l,'ltt'l( no·" '!!JU~.)(..ma-• UWil~ ..... l~~mrnt-thc ""'~fpthrAXIl\tnrr't•!f"11'0mLftiya.-t-:t rtrh 1 It n h I .Stow J t'1'11f'Y In·~ fall Whf•re be ~ thf' vi~ltor '~'ilh lbc. Lr.a· cunlm<...Jo~, ~~-,.,.t111iy ..,. ... wn n(.-.t.Ttm "ft tu ....-:;rrr il "'1111~[ ,lrtl)li. lr} ·:nr :0.~ A¥f'ftUe". th<••J!''l~H11' who v11!1t h Pr·l'. Itt' lh·ntJ• Lonk 111 'y nur mop un.J draw a f./;n ~ B~~ nRI'II rn~'~ ,nn \f'.r "'111 l'l'tiUme hiS 11tud1u at the d·~·Haw li'harr hts.'lcriiiii:"'Vtllr tfi;7'"1h'?' "•'' ti:l•l \J,.,1-t;11 ;,,11• ,,ooot.l •t .. 1 '"""''"''' """ 'l~n J:,u .... l l•l:mtl th•·•·· \\ondrr-whv·l -rli.tn·t·b•rn~:·it lrnt• S•1uth fi"<Jrrl Jc·<'lanll wr max 11 ·k "'t 1 °1 8 ,~a'e t t<tr ,Laurt'ntftl\'tlle 1(1\()()L d ron wu lntcn •li'Wcd nnrl JillOtt.-In•· lol th•lf lll'.ulqll.lll•l' ·,.1 ,, 1 .. 1-1'1 ·'' I 1111• 1111 Ill!: 1.!1°11 11' \\:I' 1-'lr·· ('lrll•f F rank Croc:ker who fl o.lo ... ·):tll'l<lll. p;llltt•ttrdl! t l'lhng then all J:t•t a new lllea or what ls )JI,ll' bl'fi\U Y.":..' "",'"b"r, p~ moor~ ....___. ,.. 1 1 t t t 1 1 1 • th 1 'h \ ~ h , .. I out rom u•l' c u or ... r ~<urn· · era .... ~ by lll&ff mt-mtN·~ uf tho• tho• J A ll<··k ,. tl ,,.,,,, .•• tt ... r ""' piJI• ......... I I• I• "''"!Ill .. 111' 111' •. , I •1'"" 10 t' past lft•r•l , .. r.turn ton 11 BfWI'Ifk •lat .. n I t' '""tt'r n ll<'nusp l'ri' f ,.. I ,, G h OT'EN IXG HOltE.<; a nd houM II I I f .... · t • 1 Th mc•r un • umml)l nr" 'ud ut -Honolulu S tar-Rulll'lln a 11t1 ~otlll1-<l .. n lh•· ~ .. 111 h u,,, 1-'1"11' 1:,,!1•• 1 "''' • • o Ill•' "I ;'1 11••1" ·1 qua I """' rn~ I"\\Ctor .. n.! , ..... , h •n~:e a hnt d1sh '''r wh'll c trrt~t mn\'1' ;,,undt·rway for i 1 .1 Jdl J h ,::-u~tinJ: are )fe-ura. ond Mmt!a. that ht-had a marvf•lnus I fiJI 1'11m · 1 lan.t • •tlv • •I "" • 1111 ·• "Ill h,. ho·l'l 1"1 th•· '"111''' 111 I•· •'''"f)' Thul'll· tnn· prt'\'loo118ly lf·rt · Sou no!JI Irk•· krt·l'lnJ:' thl' llr rrrt Army 1ntt1t't and ~ t'J 9 a ta• n~ 8' ct nm lUI C'l:trk ·N(ohiE' Fran k )farshall inc OYer. In th•• """''~~''' .. r 11!.!:. l'l" lll.i,:h • 1 ~ I '"' ' o I• ,.,,:, "' 7 1'11' a t 11·1..1 l•ol' fton """k'. 1\h•mh<'NI in-ho•', pla nning 1\ part'y . or Ut<llll{ 11 fur challJ:lng thl' law. to ~~~rt • J~:~~~ ~:.~(1:.·.";.~,.8~~:: 17::~e~<'~~ Alf'xand!'r T ;odd. Gro\'f'r Garland: Pat wu t'n trrtnlnNI rnrly thlll .. rrwt•l·• 1\11.111 Ho·. k I" •• t. •I "'. I I I II ........ ojl~ll lo'l. • .UIII • I 0 I\ I• I O -···1 Ill I)' '-lr.!n a t l'ilhcr ol tht-m .. •. 1111\'f'l wav to help the (" llllr A r-mv '" )!(I a ny" h••rt• F.\'t'O J u . . < I-Tt·~ ('l:unp<>tt Allan Pard~ and f'Yeftlntt at UlC' R.IC'I''~o hQill" with :1 lh•· m •. 1 o1•r.: l•·•'', "• I. "' .. 1.· (or "'I • 1 \l .. rrol ol 11 1' I• 1' • 'II•• 111' '"" 1:. •I 1 '').)." "111 kn worn ... ur at any nf 1 • • 'rhl' ar climulntiun nt "lcft· t.d rJrf' thPl!<' wonl3 np~r m f.lrlllt. ·~nn an," Alt:r<'r'l r nskrnJ: ~",11 • Ja!r.<'!' ~I month~ C'..a;lt•ll')n and 1\'o -'-•-" h' h 1 f 1 'I II 1 '"'I 1• '"" 1 1·•1 , I"• 1•·111 l•lt·· ""'' •ol 1\ ... nt.'· frno <;tntlon5. -._ · h h 11 j1111 N• ,,1• m h"l , b(''fl .. 1 _,.1 ~tr.no"l' l"fl' llo>nh r11m l!lr< !l<'hoon· ... • UOU<ULU party w K' "''lt." a t•'r •1l· 1 ••·1r-,.,. • .,' '"'""'' r • I• "'' ,.. ' • ..... 0\'1'1• rn lll>m<' <•IIIII· o\ <" 11111-;· .. : •' uy • \<' .: 1< '"" • ,.,. J'llj:rlrn 1,1 tho· \'RC"ht r luh anol ,,urj:4'1111 han • h ••tl 8JII lht'lr ~lll'lltl low('(! •1th an AlohA JWtr tv ll:ivr•n f':tlr·ntl;.r rtlon<owr•···d "' fa r rri· "" I 11 '1 "' '''' •• 1"':1110 ., "Ill '"' ""11'~· 1' ··~t"N"'IIIIIy ~ivcn for ~··•t• lhr ..r1c•crsNtv cor a prlvalt· tnJ! 1111~ may l'"'""k•· uur ••ntr~· • . · . . lJr. Jlllll ~ ~le~ K:u·:lJ_en. • I \I I 1 I •11 II """h'll lnl•·r•~"tt•tl 1n jotn"tn., t'-~ . • . t tt u •o.. II I .lic.:;u.k ~l<•fJlii·A-1' l"k•l1mm 110 ~tty ' · In hill honor by Mr. and :'tft11 Till•' 1'11111•... 1 II 0 "111111•' ''110 ·' • '• • • .. ,,... n u .... maJ.:t' "'"I' ut the t•n•l to( tlw 1 rn 11 If' ... .._ 11 l"r. nt-. MlUTSI' i h · 7iPM ·Uid }Irs f'h1trp T'ournt ao a t the Outri""<'r Cnnctf' C1uh :ol \l .. ntlorl 110 •• m l'.od•llo lou.ud \I ....... rr .... ol ~-1 '" ,, 0 \• nms.: I"'' t.nr lllllll•r rnrp< ~T"~ -~~ If ~~~.. l ...... --H-w ni-lm~·agcog 1\_l_ J;UC.StL ---i ·-. _. -rr F. I [) I ;..·. __ ~ "" I I -tnr ~ tm !\ r:Ttt"'tnr'11171l'i' \\'n rkPrs -anlie-·~-. ~., . . . . • ( ·, 1f'nmotlnrr \\". 1,. .Sirhl'ls of "' llCII•'(' , rom .n j(' an• · 11"' .....,.. 1------l:k'JI:~.IO...Doacb. -~ ......... .!t ~m . t hTfc ~-"'~ ___,.,., 11 '"'11 , I'•I"TT . . . rnr:lol lwlr• lhoo!\1• p:n.~t rnl••r<'-"trd ~:ono.l rtrH t heo\\1'\(•r It IIIII pro· , • t·orf' llmt!om <l of the Brrt.ah Oipl~ .. Tornol'TOW,!' P nt AAirt, "I nm l'll(ltllolw•u •l• 111111 '"' n •nl•tl ,f1"1"' I ll'•' "'" "" ;,,\·:orrlrrl nnd lk ol 1"""'' 1''"'"'1' 1~ ~~c:orn belnt:t 10 ,.,1• 11.-tto-rnu·nt s a\' JHrh.q >l'. mot!' \'n1ty, and l'nily nlf'l\llll the• ~:~n 1-r:•.lll l~o n ,'\n•·)ll C'l uh l matit: S<'r\'kl' going to $11't Ill\ C'llrly ,_tnrt /11\tl Trr• ••1:11 • 111 ·' 01 _,.._w onrnlin.: t<"t'l" o 111" "oil l~o '1\\;lldo•ol :11 m.ul .. Ill :0.1"' l.1ll1;,n l.mdt•nh<'rgt'r h l'(lo UJI 'r r , I I J•ll\\l'r-d•• kt>.t tho• Lan"k1ht at t hP cluh . • 11 ,,, . ., ul Ill•• "'·""" too h ll!h on t'11:or~•· 1of lho• l~o llw~, rnom and 1 ' on•;" n · '"" ,. '' "''' 1 10"-;ofto•r tlw vnyacl' •lnwn tht> ralm ,RHYTHM O N TH" TYPE · 8P«' liOI1lf' of I~ huln gr'l I, thuv•ntl Ill\ 1111: :.• I' n1 ~ orl111. '1'' 1··1 ' • Uf'l 111: e . WRIT E R ~t 'I y I l'vf' tw'ard M muc·h nhottl " '""''~·HI';. ~"""LJ"I'·•"~tl •n ho•·• !••II' \\IIIII• I• 1•1 "'' .J:rrn•·~ Fl•mln~ m•'hBrgt'l . • .. TO THE LADI ES ... \\'••Ralllt(· 1'11\1(1' ~lr,; .SII III•I" nn·l olaor,::h-. . -. ,i·.a oungove STOOCE·NEWS ... l,ollt 1 ... k h I tt•r .t1.,1.,. down lu Joorn lurrr hert> IIIUJ:ht an t-rJ:ht Jl<•llntl Ht>n1ta off II '""' th.· ,.;t\ll)!l<lt•rs' Tlllll Wo•f'k ,\I ""~' ho\'t• y. t•flo•fj!t•lw 1\'lltl\O II w•u • . ' • lht• l'lh· aftPr (Loohlll<> all rtr ornm 'i!IAoll' th1· ,(·plnt•r tlllkf' at th•• l.ltl" tort 111.11n (n r ;t\\hllt ~Ira llarrolol • J • • -g nJo.r•· lhnrr •·1·,.r It 1!1 ttlt'· :llun ·l 1o1 rot b 11 h I~ :llaltlll a nll twu t hll.tr•·n uf thr at [•an:~ I omt. .. Th,. Ja('k Htll· , Tl A I I' hi ~c' II nu81'. NUl' a j:rl',tl !-Ill· d I •1\.•11~'11~ 1'' 0~•·r «lll 11 11 I t'll~ ;\In• F.. Jo: t-l f'lr lt :llrs ,.. .~n1nt Fr'lno·111 Yachl t:Jub are.Mt 'lliRnSJ:I31 a tennr',!•<:bthy"lakrng I hn~ '" 111 \XI' up 11" mrn•l uJ 1t J ,... k • ~t • t ""· •ltl'' 11~ art• •t1· and "rs. I' I th<> \\ t-l!l un Ja vs to a buffl·t su ..... . · . , . • a1· t•. " rs 141ftnlt•v ( 'h~oml)t"rlf. • ' u ~ ·' · ·'· · , • r rnno "h" •~ clnln,:: t r'l' mMt I~ ln.: :llrl!. G•••Jrl(f' llul!•tl'ln: :lln l lt. L :11 Hrrrt"n uf :-;1.w York nlso tilt' 1 (lf'r at t hc> d ub and th«"y •·ere •rt•l• mak<'s B m clflt uollati~<fnctory Paltl'r,.nn M n < ~~ ll'. s. Bruk .. ws of Pll8adt-na. y •rnt'd by F.\· and rat l lnr1ts 1nd ,..~, tn t ry an11 prognu~tlrult• fu 1 (' L Th · ~·! ',,. Kl r'byKII·I. rs • olur , ... ts Andy and ~ue K I r k .... t . flffi. a rro •. tun, "-~ h l'b tun• ''"''"" . lllllt 1\frll \\1 L .Suttl'n, .lr ali i OTHJ-:Il~ APT'Jo:AHI:-:G lul\'t' A nl'w m<'m .... ·r nn t I' ' r~ry \\ • ,1\n ulol all It'll. n te o ol '" r11nr 1 a rc m<-mberJ nf th•• .,ntvrtl\rnml'nl lx·•·n :llr a nd 1\fn . J. C. TltlJI!' ol ~.J. ri'f>lari~ J~H' JMiya i• n t• IM \\\•·•·n lht· 11 !'\II 1<111 nut (nmmltt Ill f t 1 l t..'-" An,.<'h·~ :lit and ~tr~ J 1... f.hzabc>th Thorn of Ll•l" ll!lf' ..•• ' 1"1' ri'SJ)OOii • ,. tJ r 1 I• <> • • ' • • IIEIE'S OlE · STEIOGIIPHER WHO'S '''"''' "''"~' a ,.;fm yr anti tlw ••f-l ll('rrc>!I.'Of pArtll'l' t hnt htw e plan. A:\rl!un , :llr nnol ~''"· Frank D1t1 ~·ou rr•all Tom Treanor'• <'01· fulat • ummunJqU<'"· Ttw lttltt'r 1,. I 0;.d fpr I hi' ynun)!:<lt'l 11 111 "l'ap": Jlat1,h. ~Irs l'aul tluward, A. 1: "'"" "'"'":"'''''~ ~ . T~en yvu r"'"" 1>!11 oil\ 111111 h rnnr··· c·omH·rv 1ll\'t' Pa lml'r's eta" dro•arn .. 1~1, .. rsom•·· An•h·r!Con. F rruuls llarvcy . Aonr nhout C'ecrlr =-:atum a ..llnn4'r ~~t "'"'' .!•11"!11 nnt ""*" "" II'!< imltJ:Ina-tlmt>s l'llllr.t hll' lliJ:htm.ort•l that \\'t>rkman. Ja l l<k C:lynn, )hri1m lhf' utla4.-r n1ght. :Ura .Kt>nnt'lb 11"11 loo 1111 J:l"l'llt a Ut•!o!re•• How· hurd working j::IIIUJO in lhf' Alt a r 1 ~:lmt•rf'. Uave Bllnni'r rtichartJsun ~'tll. .. .. \ 80118 10· TELL . TIE BOSS ABOUT -------------- TIIS SALE! -v--amal List of Nationally Known Supplies Offered _fn This Removal Sale -• - 'l'fpe~riter IUbbons Mimeograph Stencils, earh I !'it- Mimeograph StenriiR, Box -~:tfa\0 s=*=....-.:MII~Ht~W. ftlllll Ink Pi«h --10t--- India Inks Paper Clip& Pencil Erasers 2 boxes 3 25(· 15e ·~. ALL OFFICE SUPPLIES REDUCED ·--_ .. o ..... ..,.... A •VI'r If \\IIUiot l'f'flll m llllt ur•hk•'IY ~llrlt•ty wh•• J>Ut una IIIII' .J t~plny ,.------------------------------------th.lt Ill•· J :•·r·maot~ have ili:Btru\:.CA.I nf hnmr-rnnk<'ll f•••"i<in tlw p·ot11 •• i :ot~l l<•··l 11111n~·"· ''!I l'laur •·•l ·u... r o Audits •• ur l..ndy .. r lloHIIIt ( 'nrme1 . '"111'",....1 '"tltl "l\h wlw•h Hw<:ola Churc-h 11\.!lt Sunrlny ~lr" \\'. J 1 tTrt~ thr ,..nr' Om· th1 ng ll< 111111n II.•· ".Sa:slwl!" hav•· nwl Ulh ~I" l tl'l I t'l< ICi anr (' flU n111\ I) ,... 1 ,., hot> \llrth•Jrawinl;' trcw•Jl~ Tax Advice SystemB • ''"'' ~~~~" f rnm thr \\'rslcrn fo'tont . It ,.,..,. rnl~ht hll7~!\rll 11 J(U•·~<I' th•·y ,r th•• J1111111.a h tnrvl group. ~Jr-. 1 11.11" Wt·kh of Balboa 1.-. now m I rh:lrio· of thr J:C'Of'rlll Rl'11 ern~' 1ttu"'l a work r<'plarm~: ~1 rs. E II f \lloo•-ol N•·•·po" lloo'h''· ' ,The Balboa :Islanders-:..- Trolllnc off Uv Newport •bore- line 'Jut w~kend were J ean a.nd Barbara Hodgkins, J e f f Powell anti Mra. \\'. W tiodgklna. Six llah of aMo~tl'd klncla Wt·rt" lh<'lr "ward for the day11 ruo. \\'Nr. tyl•l tllt>r uf M 11 ~1trrl '\\'r lsh who \'lllltt•d h"rt' r .. r a w····k nn·l t nf\"'('r ra&n uut ;,r ,..,,,,.. t'IC .. r f'r,. t hu!CI:t.•m fur "'II 11•mmuntlji I llo•lt•n f,(tiiiSo' \\'•'l<lll\'1'1 1\'llu "lnnk 1 It un ttw • h1n"· "h••n h•·r ,l:ough· I t•·r·~ 1'(t h hul \\ ·~ pn r h••l a~ ··t "(,lum 1 hull llr.-.'<ltUI 1·· lnl'll t·a.J c•f "(· .. tum· IJII!O Mo>""'"'l'l·•'" ~~·1·m~ that th•· ''\'uu.AII dun .. an't ~ ..... r In b<' Milan. Underwood 222 Uuby Anaoue Phooe: X~•-port 46% • I Olfi(U~o•tl \\llh t h t• "\'IIU•J:I!t·lO. Accounting -Supen·ision -Procedure ~<h•>W·m•·" hun• h · aan~ of America National Trust ·and Savings Association Co n de ns e d St a te m e 11t Jun~ J O, 1941 BESOUaCES Co11h In Vault and Due tram Bonks U.S. G o vernmer1· Securitres . . . State ..;ounly ana MuniClpol Sends and Other aonds dnd Sect.Jrittes . Loor.!' ::mel Dtscounls Be· k i re·1 st>s F ur:.t• liP a:u f1 x'IH£>S C· .~"'"''"'r ~ !1m !1 11y on m·-our.t o: L£>r~rs o f Cred1L e lc. All O ther Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . s 296,671 .303.32 4iJ5,119.979.9~ 285.026.476.90 844 466.563.::,3 31.873 314 42 20.231.2!! 36 13 34'1 92465 )tovln~t In for tlw l!llmrnt'r ar<' ! the Harry Hurd' :ltr ... II. (; Ar·i z.nnt and fa1mlv ,,r La \;rrne. ic ... atc~t 1.n lt~.:ir t2oo south - Bay Fn>nt hr•mr n rc• :ll r 111111 :llr:<. Clllrk Hd l M San l l:trlno who will [).-.ro~tls TOTAL RESOURCES • LlABILITitS L> 1: ,, ·y lnr Lf>llers r I C'r€'0.: e-:c. . Rr '".£'1'':('! 1 l·:r :r.:-· F ., ·;. -l :n Ad\·a~C£> R• :;,w.-e !or ln10rns' T IXr: e tc. Sl o;:::, ~.:13.~:-~·3 _! :-o; f'; -3 l ! :-. J .... ·s·· t:..;:-29 s~ntl th<' l'tornm••• hr>rl'.- lotr 11n•l :ltr.r ~··oj!rlhnn~r \\' h o 1 hAl'!" "'"""'" n n t h•• I:<Jnnll fur n t tf!<A· mnnth11 art• nuw Jtv ng In th•·lr l nrw h .. nw "" c·nron • dl'l :liar ••I 1·r-I lonk lnJ! lht• hay A bu~lnf'!l:< J!UI' 111 :"' <' w p or t I boastrullv kn<wk~ h 111 • ""'I"'' ito~r~ I Nothrn!( ·,., ~offrr In hu• '"''n IIIII' • A know k h111ld11 lontl '""'"'" tlw • ot hl'r· f••ll"" • I Jlr n nd :11 " llh··l l.u• ·~ •'n · ll'rta tnl'd ,, n .. 1 1y ):1•1111' l•l•·r-t 1• Fnunh ""'ll·h"l! ~~~ rnol ,.,. \\' p llaJolot~IHil '111•1 •1111•11 •11 .,(I lc .. n•n:l •1·1 ~tar \l1--''"'' 1-1·"· ~~r. J:-r• k tt .. ll1nr.."'"'''" I'"''..: ••··· 1 m•·Y• r I •· n )I : ""~~ '1 \II• • I 11 ~:r•o l 1,1• ;d. y "''<"" 1:11;:-· ~~c • • \'t•rrw. J•'.all t;~U!OU Y-w..1 t.;..;. ~· 1 tt-r ~ ·- C:ul'~t · ••f 111, \rl hur 11•·'1' '"''r (" . i •:;! ; """:"' ) ... .., l r ·, ,., ' . I:·:~~ .,, r .q !,....,.'·!.-; TOTAL t iAIILITIES . . S1 ,C77,7~8.U4.6l · :,.l •. J .,., • • s .,r r -,, , 11 ! c: ' '' A ' T .,. •• , • t o, I ! h r II .~ o: • ''If .... ,_ New Record o£ GwwllL Slw.w4 .. /n ... _...__ . . , IN P R thr \\·••••kon,J 1.:1\•o• I••Pn lllll•l•&ld I I " r I Anolcl_~··n •. r I •aklillltl 1\!IJ t:ull<.-c'-i 11~-~ Ph~·'"\"',~~·-,.,:.•to·" hn1·.. ~ferue ~fort p-romot ed Bank of America' A!icly~ar Report .... ,~ I· • • _ .. ., ur•n I • l•f .. , I • ~ .. "I '•'llil! ' 'I· ,,,,• •· 1• ' \,•!IJ• n f rt P ·•d H ft I f~ I. SOt tn. da, wh ·v ann 1 rae nwr ol· -X t iv•• four and fam· on t lh(' N.,..t; at I land w "''"' Wide 8\'arl \\"hilt and for ( mPth r-; •• smoo 15alllr boan art' c I .... c .. ~::~~::~~~~~!1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;::.~-~~~----------~~.-~--~--~~~-~4----~J !~~-·~·~-~~·~--· Boards A_l' .. MUCH A-S--~f:or~l\;i.t~ .. :~~."~~~:~,~~t~h"'~ .. ~~~~ .. ~~1•1~.~.,~,:.~:J.~a ~-~:~ While Bf.!sinesa S erved I··· ,, .. , .. r ''"'···:. S.. u ~ tb ... ,, , I-A ""' , ..... -....... -••, • .,.-·-,,,,..<-..... ....cih-"""-~--.... ···-----"'t'"""r~ u ~n ..,!Jl... ~c·r f'f1) ' a t f'~]~~.'::tJ• ....... ...,.---·cc ......... ..,.,,_ e .............. _ .._:p • •• •... .. ,....--' ' , ,,. • •• • • • • • A - Index Alphabetical -Guides -$1.00 Mim~ Correction-Fluid ~­-· ·'""'.'~eX-Tabs \ ·~.-''""'. Gummed Reinforcements Steno Notebooks. 2 for 15r \ NEWPORT~BALBC)A -NEWS TIMES·, ' 2208 West Central Av~ Ne"·~rt Beach Telephone. 12 or 13 .. -. partl("6'rirn1'!!!,n ~Rnrt~ro l"''l'l ''"'"" a;:-,., •. .~.,. 1n .... , uptn :-· ... :, ........ l•ltl.•.t '1 n · r,. • n 1" 1-·tr~ H ( .. C)\\'f"'n n( ~tnrl !"t' •A,•"'· t11ttl ~··.tr ~··•'• Ill'''' nt tn f'•• .11. uql ; •u uLl l" ,, ... • '' •: 11 '' •• l•tl 'd 11• ••f •-"'t· t .uubtl'1'\11 ur lt.iul, ttl \ru• 1• ~' at~•l 11.•· 1 • '.11 1 •' .. II ut t • ,.._ •· tilt~ .. f,..;.J ..... n ut' h &... '"'f'fl '" t hr!l r'"t "'"rk --. anti hsu• ,,,..,..n cnnfin~d tu t.,..: , '·.•hl••rn.'-• .. _._, •• '' lt!l.• l._nk, 4-f.t-r ·~~ .. ,' • ' 'tf • • •· . 1' • r• f•"'. ,. f :'H 't• ,,1;~:-ly homl' or hl-1 rar•'nt~<. 1\tr anrl Mr,. RAlph Hantlo •l I!' l lll'll 11Pulnh l!,n. Ml wh11 "Ill' ru~hf'CI tn St • .lt•!Orrh HOI!Jllll\l ,-,., f'lltly fc<r 'An !IJ11"'""1'''· tomy ~'" j;'ltl'~t~: :'tlr11. H J Gutfrrol•nrr nnd :11 1'1' llo•l•·n Hn rn.•· fll'ld bmh (If f'ltl r(llt a n1! ~1 r s ·I Lt\111~(' \\"•• ... t .. •rcrr " r llnnnlulu who 1111 I'"<J'o:l tt•d I•• AI n, . ., I at~ I hi!' I m•)nfh. M r~ \\'PI•hr 'j:l'r hall bt'c>n ~ empi~'Y<'•I h1·. t11r nuthn r. E 1\ r I StRnlrv r.:~r tln!'r · n •o ".Yn t· ~,.-:r.~ Kntr Mr-1 C'llnn whin n~: pn~t • l'llllt rnu!lly l ln hrr nt>w Pr !' .. t,.. wh·ch 11hr Ill 111 • I~A.rnlnj: tn •lrl\'1' l'rrl! and I C'a.riA punrnn anal ltnl An•l ~.tnl'<'l 8Jl'lllh dlrlln): _a t Chrl$tian·~ Hut. also !d!lrl' Adi.oo ,\hhntt with A crowd ot ·rrlx dmlnJ: m -<he Unlboa j Qlfe .. ,. Olr k and Lolli Sfl'lv re- modeling thf'lr patio and, 8t ll<li•) I tronl .... Sunn~· W~lkt'r bf'lt nnld« I .wtm clauu aj[aln . . . George Karcher getUDJ eetUed In b lel ~e Avenue ap&rUneo~ . "' (;111\1.1111 ('Pillf••ol IIlli 11Lt1 11u t• t·ur•! \\,,..: .u·lu• ,pd In ,,,, r.u •• ,,, I I · II•" ' ftb Joor•1• a 110l •\lh·'·ll11 1lh '" rr• d !l•• In l hf' •• t\! _:.: 'UUI'Ut~fl .._t11• ~ t1 d 1.: " lu r ... fl,n uuiL• a·•·•·rt••l .. '"•h ... t·O<:flil -=1•'1UI ~-· ~1· ._,·, I . .r ll •• •t \t ... II••·\ ..... .~ -4'"" •·• ttll•lf t I• ,, .. ,. n t ~\"''' :t::••·• '1 ' o n •• i I• •' tit 4hf Uttfl P\• f fll•' t IIIJl•·ll tfl'• $1:""•: ::••t "'" ttfl f 61 ' ~' '•lu \4ft.d• ot .run•• :.::• '''''' 'I or,al •h ,,,. ,. ·' •· ••1 J' ••• " 1or 1 T•· ... o urr•f'\,. \\t'l•· Sl ,;; ;·~'.· ff1• \• 11 itf'• 1 tl • ·•~t lit •t'*•U f otiU oi a,::,fn (\. s:nJ oo•o; t it tl JO U( J• ot•l t IU ttf I t'tlt I f ;htl'"' tlh :-auh ,,.\no.t '''' 1 t • r··1: I "''' :.: • I 'la••nt u l '•'* '""' .. JI H• ... nf Jlr'• LoAn~ nnrl rll ~rnnnt• nnt. 1, rt • d ,.001 1. o>ll "'" ,,1• ~ ~ 11tnu•hru.: nc..:r•£.tt•d ''~s f•.ti. l!.•&l f\ltlt "l tfh l" SJJ•t .,~tJtootH 1~11!'1 lll·•ll n )4.JI a~:v. l·::~rniQ~~ ror lh~> ~111 rnonthe WtorP Jft roo;;,,IIIV F?nm till~ IZ.Z46 ud,, "-H~ rt•tto•r\P•t fnr d"l'r<>l'lllllnn nf h:~nk pro>m· l1t1 !llld aruorU~ttqn of bood I'J ..... ,.r, "' ,;, .• ._r aut t•nll ,, •1 n111 lll"l rlu•\11"1"· .. , , .... r1:1·thn llhl\h .,,.,..,.,1 •h• l'f<>l•·rl'f'•l •lnrk pr•" Ill• ol lnr t h~ ln('rt•,t\,. uf ffUtdlt"O t :n• llal b~ IUI!HUIIll' f'ojUI\ .tlo·nl ltl 1 he par 1 nlue ot t•ro fr r r"d --. ff , , r1111t1 I·~ " ·~ ••: , ··~··n•• "'· I•· t .PI·• '" rl •· I" r,tkl ,.n, ... • t•·•l ,·,t·run ltl 1 , ... h • • n C• ~•· •I Ul• 1'• •It• a ''•, ,, 1 .. h f• •!· I· 1.:-• I · 'h~ ,, t '".ta .t ut.l o tr ",.' • .,,, '' • r . It If • I t I ltf ... I I, .,,1 "' • 1 t1, I htoe ha~ l"t'l f • r 1l • 1 • •I .._t H t,,,J ;\(•IJHI••I f1411111•·-\\I • Jf,\t-r lt \ .,., I•• ,,,, ft 11 •• t 1l ••• 11•••1· •·:-:, rt•nu••'J .. 1 h .. ••.. u • t • ._. h• t·;pt•• of tf1• t•' •; 1 ., It • ~.c 1 f(n"'f au•l a,nf • '' ••• 1· Tt\f fp.. th ",r • ••t ,,. \ I ,. b• fttr• 'I"' tua• I'-' ··• • • • ·, r· l'fl",.. n ·1l••lU ... ~ \•f~ J' 1••1- IAUI fJU f,•t tO 1*1• \r •• '•ttR .... • r1• at •t .... h ••• • ,,n ........... n· •f31 10 'hf' I lito; • I tl \" .. frort OP(r ... c.af) In ..-. n• r.•l• AmPr lra'8 rull IIQ" t-r ·· • CO MPL ~T E S TATE W I DE BA N Ki l'I;G SE R V I CE i r •s 1 CD •. '•' c1•l . ' -t. ~ NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. N"'POrt ~ch. California. THURSDAY. JliL\' W . )~11. \ --------~~~~----~~-------------=~=-----~--~-- ltARBUll -AR£1t 18 AMUSEMENT CENTER FOR ENTIRE . SOOTH · COAST • t Newport Harbor Is Recreational Hub ·for 1 The Entire SoUthland_l Stars In Thriller Entries Start For Stellur fomedr In "Uarnal·le Hill" At W(lst (oast. .I Comediantt Na\'Y . Newport liar~ is literully the J'('t'l't'ational ~rt of thJ SOt:JlhJand l or ooth bo.'\1 owners a nd thO&• who, althou~: I they do not 0\\ n a pll':tSUI't' naft, Inn' aquat.jc-sp011s l.ly , day a ncl t•njoyablP J't'l'l'l'ation fo1· pl('asant l'\'t•nings spent while s ummering or W<'l'k-encling at tlw st>ashorc. ' \'l.,.llon, \UII l md' at Bulh<>:l an ' .. • ~--'1 annl,.t'f11t•nt zom· wtth mam· at-I n·nt~tl t<lltnd" alpn~; the Pcnm!\IJI-:1 trarllon~ tlwt art"• o,irall:il h) and Halt)(>£1 1>-l:tnd '' :tll'l'frllflt,.. m•·n ~ ho rn:unt:un 11 lll~:h !-luntlanl ---: --- ol r n lrr'lhlnftl,.nl. 1iv•· c·ot'kt;ut luun..:··· a,.. '" ...... Speaker For fuu nd in \'l~lluli' 1~1rt -< ••f tho' •·II~ nnd Balboa htl.o~l,' llllt' "' 1ho• "''"1. Ha· rbor Lt·ons famnu_, h.JIIroom~. tho• rtr-n<l••L\Oih , on thC' coast. ! rat O'llrll'n, Marra~t UD4NlJ' !'\t·wport llarlww pricl··~ ir..-lf un .I II. ll:o Ill"· f.ot hr·r·m-law "' u nd ,Jaum• .. ( aa:n•·~ aro· c•t~mln~: 1" lht' numl~·r nf · t rulv '''l'o·ll,·nt l'r•••ttlr•nJ ,_.., St"' fo•n-r·n c•f lh<' lhf' Udu In "0..\11 Dop of t.1ae n ·-t;our:on t < an d •·ar,.,. iu tw f11und l'u,ta :'lh-...·!'\• ''pu rl I hultUr Lh•ns .\lr." at Halh<.a. ~'•"''f"•M. B::~lhc•a I s· l'l.ui.J "'iJUiu• (...,lull• lhr•..ulijalll.t<~ll911 land <tnd Cr•rona d··l M11r .a t II"Jl""'"'IIIIJ.: lbi,., \4 •~·k Wh r n II t'I.Jille, lo :UtUallr •pOrt!'. Ill• ~lti>Jt't'l ~~~~ "1'hf' Amrncnn •M Jlarbor lo ,,.. nu hm11. Frnnth·r .. :'\lr. Jlallt·n . nuw rr•llr<·<l d.-an s;mtl\' lx•adt•·' 11r<· ''"' tunuo•tl~ <'tlflUII<'<"It'tl with tnr ttw ~lin bat her». Cbl't'lll<>nl c .. u~··· I I the; d.·an \\Ill•'"" ul crc.···•m bny rrond(' •"•·a t s~ •mmin,: WELl BABY CLINIC I riC'\'ol•'t'~ of thr more "•.:nrous SCHEDULED AT MESA I hod i•f "hathm~ ·· h wat.•r-arNI, 1~ iclt•HI for Th,, .,..,,11 b .• h\' -r lmw uf t~<' I ~<mall hoat ... u,.,mc l);tcldt.• 1 ·.,~ta !ll c»a J-:ndav -Aflt·rn"on ! 1'111 ~all fW<:: Iff l'fiiTt • <'lu lo, "l'<'ll '" th•· p1il•lk , \\til tx• m la11:r numlX'I"i at h• 1 1 u11,. 11, xt ~~""'"'Y· July II. at 1 p. m. -WIL<o announrrd ~I EAT MORE t··•·lay hy :.1 r,. " 11 ~tt·wart nt WGII GRADE FOOD 111'' ~1"'" '· FOR LESS MOSE\" ,,, ~~ .\ •:•··I"• .. ,., th·· tlranJ,:•· l'ounl' llutltb l h j..Urlm<'n t will + 1..: Ill ·, l.llrJ:f• anJ Will lx• a.q~IRlt•d I tw :II• ...... ,. w "' ,,,.,, :.tl,.~ I·"' ola .. - II '"I"• 1. II· II · ~''" • 111r \\nil U• • It• • I\ tn htl' f ~t,.t \\ t.·rlrpnl h•h t•ul llrt 1'-llh •• '~l tu ut ~.t lhll'' llllol j•l1111.:111j; hl111 1111" Ilk 11\"MI -1~-----'----· r._t~WUa .. ~,\:.H:.-.. r 1;,,. ,...,..., . ., ,.,,,,., h' t il•· '''l' n ttt:hth'" •uf' • lt'llf h "' '• • UUlt.,: u1 (lh• \\, 14t t 'naAI tthat••t tu :o-;,uta Auu •-;.. Itt'' I\ i•lh\-. H \\ tftlftn lll ,,·,tt .. CA • t ... ul '' '"' .. u .hl••uh n nd .. }"'"''" 1f trt 1••\t' \\tth ol •l•tiU IItt l lfiL' "'\\t't'f l11 :u l \\ 1111 111nk•"' h tnt ~" f,, \\ •If k .. ~t .t h· "''""' t lfth' '"' '·····l\\tfh 1th· • h t• ,,f n ~tu &II ·L·ua~hl •, h • luut~l "'''''" ..... ,.,.. "'h•' \\U<t u hnl•\ ~t •n••J'h• ~1 HU \\It" ;tJ\1-.'Ui t d _,,lflo ho#lo "' "\\ '""1111.: · ''~'" t'•• ''~·--1l1t -t l l .. , th.• 111f t•,..-\ :!J .. ""'' J-----·-l.l.......a-~.·~.._.....,.,.,..,..,~-mtnT"I'ri!lllf·-­ ' J'I"'• .. J.•<~t J'ht 11t Hlt1 It 1 dt I l11P ,, ...... "'"' 1 I II· \II I''"'·' \\' I• II··· pi \ ttiC t h ,. •1 tu~·t ,.,.,. ntt.l 1 '•, ,-, U11tr t .. ~, t•t\ntlfu t a•'tth• •u '\'l(ll I '",tl 't t "" tt "' ,., I HI t"' I".. ,,, \t•n tutt·>t ttlttn a,: tit•' "'''' • ''''"' 'l·h·· 1111Ut •t.:•·tt••·nt n )! ''" t• """''-.. tn••\1-u•-t••"'·'f"!ll nf th•· flf'\V C ·,,,h f""1u lt \\l lo h "''"'" '"''' "'""""'' ol~:ht t lu n~•,,.(, .. t h'Ht '" a:n••t nt t h•• ,\hhull tutti 4 ·,,..,!·lin "'" "" l hr ..,.,,... .. "1aJn .. a1 ar. ot1 "I• ,. '"'~·"at thr Ualt,.•a "''"· "l}llf'rnal'-al l'••nu.." wit• aU U. ..... tn11 o·ttluuo!ll"l" l•••lllnod, " l'••lr P'utHh tto\NI), ,,.,,,",. •*' -•• ....- •"•·•oN"nl lhr l'"'&rlltn. Hr••ud"U\' ••r \\'•t~t 1 '•• ,.., tu :0: uttn I Ana lh•' ..,,,, ""'•h•·l•u '"''' A11a ltt'tiU 1 Itt ,,,.,,.. ,,f A fHttu •Ju . LU I•! 11w >· 1 '"'"1 1 'utllt•d~ 1 hu• IO'<•c•lo I I f' CONDITION Of BILL ,,.,,., ol tt,, A th;tti"M )tuffc•tt "''" F ltllor toon Ill F ullr•rto"' A ,_.,, "' • ~"11" .. :1'~''" , , ... ~. 'PONTINC THE SAME ALONG THE WATER FRONT •l•~,.t..:u. t\th l 1' ,,.., d fttl• '"' ", .. H U•It tt't tUt l\ It\ 1'"111 t "hr .. ttr It t I Htt• \\t1fll••• •I• pHtiUlt'llJ. etf t h t' l 'n•l•·ol ~~ •It·~ Nil\'\' In Han lll"lt•' t ·.,,..,., ~ "' ""' c ltl m••"" t hf' I''"· • h~ uf pt .. uuno bc.t• wblt·h Will ;-,:,.,, 1111 loro•tlu,. 1tll•l 11\lol•·' ''" hf' MVIIIIIII•If' lor ttavy trr·r .. a lttiO ""' , ...... ,, ...... ••( ,.,k it\J.: ,.,.,, t j ••••••• t\:1 \t' tw•·u lht• I•I••U .. Jt t\1 •••hUitun • ~ ••• l.k.ul •••• t .............. .,. ............... ~ .. t t h;: I ..,;, " l•ull~ltt .,., IHt•l 11'111'" fut "'fHflt1 hftlltl' "'If ,,, •. , t•••l ,,., "''"f .......... '"'""•.: ""llhrt~ f -htl• • fl h•\• •I n • t tt t ,. t• l u l h•• I thrttu ,., ·t"•J f 't1.thn 1 "'', t h . t' .. u rth autl \\ltll•· lfl•'l•' , .. '"''' '" I 1111l .. tUt' l'i tt h p h rtlt 'l\\tt ••f I l I I Juh IHt tUt••t .. nntl t hf'tr t•t l11f"'~ BilBO A Theatre 1 ·,..,,,1""" ., r 1 '•tQIIIaht.. n s 1 l'"'oltn11 "' c '"''•, tot .... ,..m•tu ahnut the -... lt wu ...,...... ~. (It Ul CUf\ftnt'<J tn bt•ot, It t•bde • • , .... t .... ,.. .,_, ht.a • .,,.,httun .. ,.11111111\ l ... ttrr IlK' ""'' lhat he ~ not ,,.., qultf' ... w.u. ~l .. tur ltt tlt\t t .... ,. ":....-r Jttlff h.....-d b)' • ML-!JrUt.iatrhaM-t!lf ~ __ ...-.. f'lly whu bt~ht the craft rrc.a l..ou .. Ca.. and 8laodwi Mlduel "'"" 1••u 1 ,.,._,, 11... It fuoot ...... ''""I 1-:rn•t• L'lull. MAIN CAFETERIA \\·,·r· :>tnj:. 11 u r 11 <' Cun.'!u1tallon 1 -•-••~~~~~o~••••••llll \\ llh th1• ,,.,. tnr !!lh•Uhl lw• llllklt'l K \'J'III,,..t::\ ttl' \I.r.s. left. hnncl~ fil,l <•ntry tor Tnurnnn'wnt I lly :tpf.H•.nt.mo•nt j .. r l.•t•hl-. h• .l.ono· IIIII n t the tnumnnw nl lw.ulq uarlr•r•. Th,. IJl"f'· MJttHI 1ttttr h Hitt\llltMH it ,,. lht•..,. ' ''''"""' 'f'ht'\' "t'lf' ~" ""'' ~,,,. "" k 11•·1"' ""'' M r nnol M1• l •l·lo "'11~t••l-:llt ••tllllllnto 111 Ill lr ht ~~~ll It• 11!'' 1 '.~"''" \'owhlln~: C'rn1cr'' l'r"'-; Slk-, P'• tu I Mtudr nla '!&•, 'olua talft C'hlld,...,. lur r•• ---e o&/1, e Ill ... II T••• ... ................... ,_, ... ----.... ,LJ r n•t'h1 11111{111•' fl:l~t·nnl Will bt• st:•~:· II 011 l't'Wt••rl I IIII w r OCI Chrt.r1h' l'•·o.lt•rst·n ami IJI <•l h•·•. \oh;u'1 ::.1' t .. "''' Ill S ortla Ma.l.ll 8hwt Pat Ke'lly, Prop. "l 'ra. h Tt ,.. ~"" th .. l1n1t of tht·j -, l<noowh r.1 t:lll'l< \\ll h lhflr \'lktnj::'l! l'trh ·yn D"u&la• a nd oluun ('ra \\·' y 8aata Ana t 'hUdr Th<'y cOml'l<'ll'd agaln.r!t 30 ford, I'O'IIlant of "A. \\'•tnaa'a our Friends Mine· 1--------------.. 1 olftn boat!! !•·...,,.·· a JIO"f'rful elrama OJif'na Kunday a1 ~ Balboa. ~·bo' ('raM" And SPORTLAfiD BOWLifiG ALLEYS BALBOA PA \'IUON font play" a "uman "'ltot!r dl,_. flC'1JrC"d fac•f' lt'acb ht•r to a llff' of rrlnN', "ltb Doual-""'" •• the !.1111 Jt.ltlph Ztmmt•ntlJUl oC 1\)lll· pt~UoUr .url('f'OD "ho i't, . .,. ~Nor back e.tvn w11~ a Vll!ltor m N•:wport PRICE C'HASGE 111e "'eel! Daya: e a.m. to 5 p.m., ZOe 8 at., Sua. a Bollcla)"11 r beauty aDd brt ... &bout Iller I l!c·tu h Yl'lltwnJay. Alter 5 D.ID~ !k !5c: a J "''e-raUoa. Mra. A. J . Cl"alg or Fu.llertoo 1----.....:.:=.:::=.~...::::.::::.:....=:~------~:.:._=:L!....:::r...=...&=;.;;.........l -Ia vaca t.onlna ot 712 E&at <An- FII ·-FOI PEIIIES At The New -Ani ARCIDE EVERY DAY AND NIGHT SUl\11\IER AND WINTER • • Sign Our \\'hen (;uest Book You tome In • • Main Street Balboa ~- i)ouble Your !\Ioney Back If You Find Anywhere ..\ B<'tter Special 85c Dinner 'J'han Ours I (Sfon·fd From 6:00 to R:SO P. M .• • • Aftf'r 1':30 SPECIAL CUT STEAK DINNERS• -$1.00 -$1~5 -$1.50 • • ..FJ:kollty By-AI'STIN ~· .t tlw•piatto AM tlile IINdwtl f1on Dora GIH -\' E E·R A • • \ l'7TR 8TilEEI' AND THE HIGHWAY · ((herlu' ... New,ert ....,._.) -' Mn. H. Cuanave Weds Paaadenan In Arizona t ral. Mr. and Mn . r . L.. Hi•&lna ol Loa ·Angelu epent the weekeod wtlh ~l.u fo:lale N4'wland oC New- port. l. ';r- lLr. &n•l llrs. Arthur 8 u • b liurpriltllll{ lh('tr 1uany (ncnUII 1 ::;ll'\'Crut or. l'&lllldl'/1& a rc at 'their In N e w Jl o r t llf'ar h. Hrnrle'lla 11111\nol l~e j'pr Ull' •m m mer, nr~ '""'"irrf'tltmT.I ~y rF.Of U : . M••· J . A. l"l'Wpnrt II•· w h anti .I A. ~1'11111k1t> I U•·•·k. t•tf.:ll lliZinJ.: lht-JtA,II"u I~ n( l'nl'!nolt>na wt>ro• quit'! I~· ml\rtlf'fl '""" Yul hl Cluli; .lfra. 0 . Z. "Rob" In Arizona. June 30. I ltitlll'rll'llll, "" 11rryu 1o: to ~ .. ,k at .., T h• l on dr ha:o """" lll'lot~ tal•••l ·• rr. , ,llf,lfllta I : .. ll•rnan I r o 111 with Loutr·~ f'af•• In 1'\rwpnrt.fn• 1 l';1an(r.ru ho~1 ''""''"" fr h 'fl<tlt a t 11hf•11t ~,.,., n )•·:or~< and ha11 m·~>l•· U1clr Granu Conal home; and Mrs. h<'r r•·~od••nrr h••rf' fnr foft•·•·n , lll.•tshall ).;c·t.ll r ~llu ll'lt. 1.·~1 \'f'Arl' F'nllnwmi! thl' rl'r~'mnnv :.tr \1 • • k t .. "''" '"' lh r•r ~··•·kll ~ti ll ~ n •l Mr~< ~rran k1r ""J"''~d a h• r '''"'"''';,, :lla t !<ha 1 11•7~ 1111 1, , !folill!r Ply m11t n r tr·1p \f) l olnll" rr. 1~•111.: Jlr•ar h. 11111111\J! tn :>l•wpn rt l!rn•·h 1'111'10· Thr l 'll'lll••n O ur10an,. m.•n:11:• •lrl\' t t ... rt~·• lll' Fnolay,.('\'l'nlng 10 thrlr I 11H')' \r.tll mak<· l hror hom•• tutOio d ool tll•tlll( hllmr lltlf'nrtr·•t ltY '""'' 111 l n•·lr n "w ='•'WI""' lk tghi!O "'"" ·:u ~.:u•·:ct • ro•~<•d• n•·•· "" l..:J o(( I I r I\' •' :.t r. ThiJ8t' IJu U11l \\',0 S m tih" 1· :t ~rranklo· '" 11 • ~outrnrt•lr In 1'n:oa- <11'na. r·,. "" "'' \\ 1\~ fut tl\t, .,.,11~ Wfll' 1\r lloo\\,tld ltuko r'" 1 1111~·1 l•r·.,·m :lflol lh•· •"ll r:o!'r 1 f i fty r .. 1 1:1 ... t '1~H mee_t ·you 'I ,, at the hotel NEWPORT T•'ll ll<fluw .. ~liihfl~-1 and :\blinN• !'1.\T. ot I :1.; ( 'nnllniiHII" Surullt.v frnn1 I : t.i lhun.·•rtr.·l'al., ~uly IO·II·t:: GUR!-4 Ofo' tTS: Ttl.,.. "Ru•• l'rh•&r•'' a.-.., In th,. !11'••1 a n4 u ..... •ttnc•••• •n•l •l•lr.r. ---~~t----.................. .. M -.~' n.l ,.,nrr \••ut hntrl U •·•11 rhr n~ok r lA<r "> • ,,,·: \11111 ~o•t<tAt t' run~' f r· , ' • .,. f .... I !t. t' \t n '"t. ~nan· ·• ' •ln' • ·'Tt ;• ht.~n Jlrtlf•~· 11 t tt ,., ! '"' '"' 1 •I '' \ .u rr .,·w,•\' '''r"''" h • "'''' l'lt'nd• "'h• d 1· .n )·.,.,,fun. t.clr rn•lr ····' .... l HOTil IS · TilE .lllCI TO GO ,, .•...• ,., ''" ..... ,.. ····~· ® C.•······ •. I • nt·n r.ot· , AIJUUTI' ('USTt:U~I. Dirk t"Owt:u. ~ <'ult'fl .... n. AI'URt:\\ !'I ~ISTt:llM . n.ul-Uttdd -Ukk 1 uran S<-h .. ·tood l'hnrt l'uhjo..-1• l'un.-\f.,n . Tur,,, ,Jul~·,)~ II I.'\ Th~ ~Inn n f • \\ ""'"" \\ hn'-" 11.-arl \\ •" 1\n Hi"'" U<tltlc : .Joan ('UA wnmn ·-In Mt·h·~·n non ii .As "A WOMA N'S FACE" 1 lr wll .. f 'OSRAU \'f.:IDT 't 0~~ MA~fllr:~ •· AIIIO THE F't:S{'E I"Oa AMEaJCA' lll'rrv l11t:o·rrooo11 .•n 1\'r·ol I a .. lbo..t v .-chi B•ulr~ lht• "'" k ttfl I\ " ... ,., ~"" I •t··..:t• \.\'l'f'k "'"'" " •••• ,. .... 1,,, trip 111""'·" t'\ttlllll: '"' " """ \\to·k , ,.,,,.,., M•lli•' 1. II In ~an l"f"n. Vftt "' "*" ft ,uu \\ •. k• thl 1 ".,._. .. -,_,,. • ,,.. , 1 ""'' "'u,. ..: r '\'~''•"'' •·v t hr "'' rur l whu h IM111nolr•r" ""Y '" '''"111111: Ml lh~> Jlnlhoo11 tuoMin (,.r hilt 1011r II(('" ('~<lnhna 11nol ,\,aJ••II ,., 111 I''""'"' """"~·· Ill" • r nfl 1ro ,, 3:l Mtl' c·nnrnrl ~h• .. •k """ Mrt1 jl ,,.,, llunl r r z. Hn bcrl,..ln Wllh llu·lr • Lttt.1non n n l.hf' 111\1<'11 • ""' H h hnr•l (' Tue~<.lay Y.'11ltnn ""'"h~..-,j' a :\2 ''"" "'"•'" The lulboa lflll&nd <,r<'1f' of cJf' lua,. H unt .. r fllr hi• Ran fllf'l'n Ulf' W.S C 8. ar.. hu•y plannlnl' mnonnr •nd Harry nrtr1r k of a,. tb.eir awnmu tr.e.uu.r '" boo • H~hoa falanc1 bnuJ'It a 2A fnot I he1rt July IR anti Ill. M,.... A . J Jfuntf'r \\'ll•lr M lllrr of l"lfl An- Ruttl'r ho In o·h1tr 1:•· I ~,.,,.,. ,.,...,.h•r•l <ll'lh·N·v n r n :12 ,,.,, I . I How Y''"' ohtld/0 ,,.,,. ~,.,.,,,..,., ,,.,,.,.. tlunl •·• warp..tl A f ,,, """ o1 ,, "I u 1 ~tur-F l1hl110 11'001'1 tf'1G. why l••anoulo! ''""'" ''" 1 .l .. tntn~o: wll h "' ""'" "' ll~th<•mr,.n ha.nda, 1'11fl•JIIIIj; "" hlthtl!< "'"'II-lll)tl' liUUl I"•' I'M• IU, l-fo -·· in~rl'l"11rrur-nrroT J,:iMIM'i;;:? fonJ.:•'I t r "" an· .t I • ,.,.,,, . ..,.., "' v.,,. n11ll11 arr· ohollJ.:• "'"~ unol •ll~riJ.:III'· :-..'11\'~ ut~. 11 ol hI" • 'I•• IM I' r u I 1 tng hnh '" H1 "" '"" 111, 1 """" ,,, , ,.,.,.,., ""'' Mr· '""' Mr• V Y. provenUn.: t~Uth hJ.t,,r .. t•d tttr F rt·•·ututt '·'' t.a•l•• '"'''"'"''"I thrlt recUng thr •l:ttr·a~· th•·\ ••••. '"' • rut""• r l'r••"'" luld tn ;·tu .. J\rur••· un \\, • klv t•u t '" k t'u" • fl. l" \Yf '"'k••r• •I YIH •' 11JfllfRZlllo• dt~llll lllt·ol "Ito 11" x I w~k'• U oS 1\:'\•:~:J.~::-; 1·:~.\:\11 ~ .. :tt "''" t1 .. n• r ''"" ,,._\ 11 I if1·1 t111 .. I'"' '"''"~.1 A llw 1no"ut S •• 4!1t •t1d U 17 ,,.,.,, f.\ u un fMLtn•l•' f•ttttt ~ •• ,ath ORANGE COUNTY'S "Tilt: 1'1 .:\C 't: TH HU" ' 1.7 nst Cu-tst S.lnl.o """' ry '-4 · Phon~ ll':l8 '"• ,,. T"''"' t Ju lt t • " • .,,.,. n. • •, \l totit•lt \It II ,,. n '"' '' 1 1 II t1 I '*I " .... ""' ...... ,. "'" \ ...... f ....... 'IUtl,ltU I ' ••t It t\' .. . ~f.tt• \\t oftt• •liH l ,. l.kHt .~~ ,, •• ,.~; ,, •Jut• _.!!•• t,, •• It _:'\ttiU' ,,, I u \jJ Broadway 6,\nl A .Ana Phnn~ 300 f till • J llfUIIfltl... I .. tf ~oif,, f I f ,, I'", I . 1111 " .... ," \I I ...... 1 '''' tt•.u••• '" \I .. "•'•' ... t•l··· , .. ,,.,,. h t t\••ft•'u .,._. ....... .,,,.,., •-.,......-,-ff.Tt~ •J•tlt I It tl•tl• ••• , •• # "~""' l.A.&ht t ." 1 111 uuil•t ' ''" • •••• · ..... ANAII I 1"4 "l'tl't H' \Tic" \1. I IIHI "1"1·1•· ""'II h" , .. ,._.,., ( •rluon ,,.", ,Jut~ I :t I 1 I 1\ FOX . I Ull EJlTO N ~·hon• ;>jj7 FOX P • o nr 1r,O:,'l.J.,-1.JI-~_;~--IE'--- .... .. ,.,,, ·~· ' h tl I \ I tit Ill. U• ,..J .. • "l't HI ' I I '' Itt< "Il l+ \ .. I 'f'thtt •• , ........ " ·~· \\I .. , ••• ,,, "''"'" •••• "' ••• , \ fl ........ ••• • ... , .. , ttl flU l fH,"' A NAHE.I M PHO NE. 44'12 • ,..., ... ., .. " .... ·.~ ""' '"'"' ''"' juttiJ•' • •tl "'l••l•tn el 11'M IM-1tlrN P'nM7 .,.. f'illln,4at tlult II a.W ~~- ''M\k'\ \kit I ttl lit"•'' at .. u . I ''It ttl .,,, '·' '"'. ... •.. ""tt ftt"•. f4wll I I I t t •tl ...-. "' .. ,, t<' ',, .. , ... , ... .. ,,,,''""tun ,., .. ,.,,,.. , nt:•;asTt:n !'\ft\\'! FOR CA$H ·cLuB -· t·rns ·r • • AWAKH 116o_o I ._______._ Monday, .July_ 11th, at 8::10 J•'! M. ,(TIIF.RF.AI'Tt:R t:\'t:H V ~tf •SU.H a nil TIII'R~IM ''I RE<USTRA TIOSS NOW RF.I~U TAKEN AT AU. ~ 'IDA TREs' • ''O l 'R "HI'I'P:~I'\\'·MP:'' Kt:f.lli4TR TIOS ·~ \' UJ ar.-ar.mMT " voa "'CAMH (.;LUB" .,,.,,...amllftf'll '"•nkry•• ""'''"' .,. N"""lt)' \\rod. '" Mal. "u":: 'f 'I.,\HK (JAntt ' It ta 19 l"rt ....... , .. , 11-11 ,._ T,.... t'all ,._'tt KA V FllANCIH .IAC:K OAKIF. Ut'.OIWF. BANCIIO" a. ....... M . Alrett'a ,_..., "LI'ITLE MEN" -AMa- -~· l.ot118 • CONN ,. ....... l it'• .......... _..,_ w ...... P'onl .INIIIVI&er .. "UOAR o•, THE PU .. ~SS" rt ... --....... , M;.r,..,. M,......,:· IIHI.I.n\'CH.U .. Tt:..,. OtJ'I' N CIOPCI MQti!G(JMfR! Q',A lilA\ ,f N AI .. Wm. ft0\'1) '" "BOIUJY.K VIGII.ANTES" AM CA$H. NIGHT , • .,~.oo 0.. .. ~.oo· ,.,_ ...... ..., ........... , A.- ' . • I ' , 11 NEWPoRT BALBOA NEWS.~. Newport .Beech. Calltomla, nruRSDAY, JULY ~0.1941 . -------:--. . ---~-1.----"cus-to_m_Mad_e_--------W-gh_QuaU __ --tl-. -----.~-Lo-.. --Pri-ee __ _ 'NE·W H .OME~ BQOST -BlDG •. l9_J713, l49 ; l ~~~~=~~nXTu~ ..... tOME 01 The Neatest, u Harbor Area Construction For Six Uays In July Is Valued at $:n,:159 Attractive Peninsula Home 1 ···~:7· ;;~uGH''"'· Boomer BuJidJnr 28:.!8 W. Central . 1 MG&t Easily Accessible and Most Economical • ISLAND IN I Tho• r:•ptd p;"''' ol •••n~trwltlll! .r1 1 ~t'\\f~ll'l tinlf•·d flu:-,,,.,.!-.tllll htntdtn" I"'"""·" l tw lhl.' city ru.d ,·1·.11 ho ·d ;1 ,.,,,.! c•l o.:-;1.. I\ 1 1,. \\ o·dtlc· .. d.a,\', n·c·nrds l't'Veal 1 lllttrt~ Ill•· "" d.t · '" t!.t · ''· '"''' tL t1 lht· • 11~ lnnldinJ,; in· •11., ,,11 ·, ""''''" , ... ••1•'11. d tt•' '" tlw ll~rc••··da~ hnlic1ny OVCI • • ----:---.-.uu• l·utll'~lu.ue-~uu.L tu!.rh tl '-!l .,l:i:!..__ I ' •-• A -' NEWPORT, ISLAND Where You Can Own A Bay Front Home With E~ery Privilege -.. 1and. None of the Worries of Higll Ptites 1' u1u '""' un:•1 r-.• ~ .,~ t ,..,.-, "' -, • ,... j.& • d o.,. '"I'' "11, ,I •,, \\I' t l it I• 1 ,:,,, 1 l ilt,' f1 ot'o o "lllloh"hM in I ~· , '. •, ft 1 .•t1 If ,,, I ,.,.,t \ t 1 t t,,ftttl fi l d I ,., lu II I• I'I Jitld .U\•1 1fu~ It• J ,.• •d b:tltlut;! ,,;fi1U1' :It tht _r ,.... <loot, ~· It Ill flotl• I f1t lilt 1 I o I •I .lol\ Ill ('tilt \\," ~!}.1,22'7 •t• '", , • u•.nu· \\ It, 1 , • ",' 1 hr 1 •· tt ·~ ... r--.·na::unin~ , fltHftllll,' J• I IIIII I 1 I I ol tll II II o1 "" r·tlt I flo 1"1 tf tt( 1••rmit• '-~ lito ft.l I \\• o•l, loot,tf• t! '·' 1M•• tltol loo. 'It• \o·.tl lfllh l.t\•. I' $18,9'~ ._(\ ••I tlu•.&JIIPUUI.JIJ•J• •lllth.,:tl•\•~' 1, •'\" •I tt.4t l11:•u•· ~~""": I• trltll •. •I\ "· I• ·,.,, '"" t• ·• l.o•t .lui~ l11ulll.tn~ • pcrmJU t1~nr·•·' '''·"'Ill' o1 '" ~~.I I:'! llunnf" thl' !'lllllot•·•l t{l th.-beaUUful Penln- \\lotr "-''"1"' ''"''"' ''·" tlu·.lnttldrn~ for each aul.r l umt Trull along Ol'ean '11u l•urftlm~ l'r •'tttol• .of • ., """ "'""' h 1o:,~ '''l•l~·d lh;ot "' the 881l\(' Bh.f. nt•ar the !\lO<It'l humr bt>mg rirl·· tho· "'"': "'"I"' .. r olo•\o•l•·t·· r•·ll••l Ill l 'tlll !'hnulrf r·on~tructlon """'·""' hy Joohn n Uumhnm f•---~ -,.,--fl.,.,-.,, IIUI4""' UIHII'I 11) 111" rf1T':""rrry-f'!TI"Ttll' flit" ttl mnntn-nf--Ju a.n~Mon "'5fi'Blili.J'53-,--n»::<eea'"'n..-+-+------._.--.- TIEIE liE OILY 20 ·LOlS LEFT . Priced At $400 Up Don't Delay -They Are Selling ·Fast RAI,.PH P. MASKEY · REALTOR SUO C-GUt BoaiM·ard Ne..,.,...Beeeh 1 1,tl'•' ol lit• ''" no·\\ tt .. u .. • ••:u t· "'"'d lh;ll .. r lh•· •anw month last Uhol . 111 anrtthcr lltlractlve· res i- "1 11•1, "''"k 1o11· 111 C••tootlll tf,f ''·'~' !'\,"l••rl Jla1 hur wtll havt• 1~t-11.,. "' llcu·nh·rrn BJtll Mean!( !\f,rr •hoo\\lf .t J.:.tllt In,.,_,.,.~,_ ur$95.()()() wht~ll n•nt•rll! tht' ~rtl!flit•, yet An tttto·rt"lllll: filii•• 111 o'otllll•·•'· .r1 tloo• • llt'l of Ill!' month. • o•vntl••tlatJh• tyl'~ n( residt•flct's llt'- ll"n "-llh l hl' 1:11•"'" uf th.tl •ttlll Mllml'ltlum Gain• 11111 l'•lll41nl<'lL'd In the tract. m u rtll ) b . lht• rt•t•o•nt 't.•rt uf ;111 t-'r~ur,11 "·dy ~1wnkm~:. "the ball • Th•· '"" photu ill th.. art•hi- ' mflu" 1J}' l~a~:un11 l it·,•• h t•••t•l•· " 1111f1rt~:" 111 Jh•· gtro14lh nnd con · t.t< t,. !!kt·lC'h 11( the rf.'Cently com- ' II lh•· "'"''' lhro·,., 1'''11lo•rtr·••" •ltU•'fwn uf :. ~-:r•·:111·r :-Jewport plrtr••l rNtlll«'n<·l' anc.J grounds while I uwlo·r l'(ln•trw•li••n·'lhl~o "'" k ''"' 11 ,, Ill or Lll•l r!l'l l11t· mun• homes 1\t tlw rtl:ht II< tl:<• flnpr plan that :tr•' IN'al•,.l ?n ttw l'••nrn~ulil nnot th:tl :11•· IHIIII lt!'l'l', rl•i.ult in~: in In· rfV•'HIIt tht> f'l.lro>ful arfang .. ment of ""'''h•·r AI Nfo"'l."'r1 ll"a..;ht.. l;on•l rr'<tdr•nl~ •prn<11n~ th<' 1n1m · I'OIJtWI tu prOYic.le the mulmwn H••t'ttrll' of c .'1' Bwliltng lu· "'''' :rnlf "'tnl••r ""·k·o·ntl~ In tht' tUI1\'••nlt•ncc anc.J comfort. 1 <f" •·tor A :\1 :"o·l'"" lf'\'l'ltl lh 11 o••.ntfllllntl t lw m<tl"t-t•rn'lpo~ftYf' Tlw 1t'markab~ aru:1 appeal:ng thoo ,.,, '' olo·lrnll•·h .oho•,ul .,f th•· ""'"'' ""'~:.r ... tho· ''II\ h." :o:l thelr tao I ootm•·rntn~: thr llumo> is thnt llt•·n•l• l•·••oolll•· •"'lt;t,llnt•·ll with 11 lWIIi< fttr ,.,·..-n l•·ss t.hun the Building Permits tl~ Unrlwll' n·a ... •ntthl.. ft~urc· ft>&turt'd I n I SF.WPORT Br:ACH Peninsula Point Gains Widespre~d Attention ! I f>f'rmlla 1!\,10 -· :WR lll-11 :lfl1 11!\12 -:tm llf'\'\ -:.>C\1 Total S72fi ~10 ~ :W4• I h.tl ll;o· I '• ·" •·'' ,.,,. t Tn«.•t • lht' II llhotr un·a ttw1 kn.sun thiUl ~47.69fl • : ••• ""'II',., •" '"""' "h.lNpr.ad 11&.1 V••:&r wu Ute lllatent\'nt m.,.,,. -~.9 ~u.·nl.lun cr tml :"•·" Jw•rt llnrhor t .. Jrt\' ltY J ohn n Burnham whn ' • • .. E l ~·t .... ~ ~ . . . 23.'\ 074 !•·l k .. not tnltlll<l ro·~tol•·nts vl.~ltlng I rM , oon<hir tm,:: tht> Penlrumla T ra"t 497.440 •at~ .. I 1!'1.11 :.'!IR ................ ~ ................................... 1~1~ ·~1 . ' DONALD BEACH KIRBY For • .. ___ _ A. LA. A&CBIT&CT fine Paintinq ' Call Balboa Island , Phon( t952 Phone: ·office 516 ~~ 5:!.1 19:l7 51\.1 19~ -!'1-1R 19.19 542 JtiO !'>42 Jnn. Fl'h Mar. April . t.fay • Jun~ July Tutal 26 41 49 ~· 21l 67 I :'I 27R 71i6 OR9 • 9M.090 Bay J4'ront Held ~l·ny (lf'rrtnnll whet hnvl' lit't'~ Ru· nhflfll """ ~~~"""' rn•·lt·l httrnf.' 911·f\37 rrnttn.: h"DII'II for sevenn wt·eks wht< h "'"'t" thr buy••r '''"II than I ~il.745 For Recreatt·on <lilt "' thP Yt'llr nt Newpo•t Har-$:10 r r r month -.. ~ .. j 040·122 bur llre now t>Vh.lenclttg lntrrt'llt A unriJU" ft•~<tur .. _ ttf. thf' n••w ' ' 0 N t J I In lhl' commumty 1111 a homt·srt r·. home Is t ht' arrnnJ:em,.nt of th<' 1 n ewpor s e llumhQlJI dE'cl&,re(J. liVInl: fOIIIII (01 . pruvldt• It fl t h 1\ 1941 1>4.6<10 · Tht' qultrt ~~otmo11pht>re and many Nnrtho•rn nnot Sttlllhl'rn r:rt pttlllln>, ..... .. ... ,.. 77,150 A t"·tl trlo'nt ''" lor m maklnc aJv&ntages :offered to thr homr t>nAbhn~ lll1 uc t•uptlnlll t.. t'njoy ................ 104,719 N•·wp.~rt lsltu~ol t ho· attr&t'llve reai-nwn•·r by the Ptm.lnllula Tract tl'l fll••uty fl( IIUrtlt~ht Jut ln~ the {'D· . ...... 111.1~ olo-1111111 '"mmuntl)' II Ill, point. OUt tht• relli!Oil for t hr t rement.IOUII tlrf' f!oy. 1~7.1811 H.atrh P ~!allk~y rton~l'r develop-butldlng program alreac.Jy undt>r-Tht• •Jlllcmua .:ara:;:e. which al- 186.AA8 "r of \\'•'Ill :"t•WJlOrt. 111 the fact way furdll ttco:om mn•lallon (ftr two can . 31.3."o9 , tha.l a htr;:r l't'l tl11n Ctf beach ltum u Jocat~d In Ute trar t. 'I! •iJ aJ110 hu an uulllldt> bath. showrr ---' f ronllll:l.' hu br"n dl.'dJcal#d to ,... Burnham, are on tbr oce8ll front An.t olrn11ln~or ronm11 , $713.149 ' creaU•maJ tnlf' f••r pmptrty ownere where youngwtera may gain th" Wbllt> a d'"'""'·~ <101'11 ne ll tooJ I lbn-e. beach wtU\out the neceultv of from tlle hnullt' t(llro-<"tly Into the J uly 2 t.fr. and Mre J. o The Ia\aod c.-ll.'vcn atrf!!.t e~»&l C'roainf any atmt... . -garner. llll lnt«>gnl Jl4lrl of the s trople of · Alll&mbn. bUild ont> o~n,; onto lhP bey front aDd TlwD too there la tbe qUNt.lon totr-Ucturr. the p"r"l\.. In wltic~ ac. lllory bOU8e wttb pr&&'e ConnKt· the,. are ]!)(} fHt of fronta,. 0( obt&inlnf the maximum amount Cf'M ia potllllble from both tbe eel 4110 ~an rront. Nf'wport. drdkated to recruUOO&l uee, be or ..aDU.bt. Tbe uDlque design of llvlnvoom and hAIIYo'ay Ia aheller- pt>r OWMr , 12000. atatl'd. ., Pm!Dftla boiDN, many of ed by a prrl'ola. With the amall JuJy 3 N_ orhrrt J . CltUKy. buJid I T hI • lruu,.• pi"'pftty ownen wtakb have ·~toua front wtn-door of thf' g-arage u~nlnc on to 26x.20 ,fnunt' pra.re. 31~ Poppy aDd _ rNIIaent. of the t.land ade· doWII on the North and Eut .Sde thr porch. occupant. han acceaa Ave . J'f'r o ... •ntor. f400. qulltr beach for .wtmmiJic and u weD u ~e w1ndowa dpenlng to tht>lr ~n 9o'llh complete lat·k July 3 1':. G. Wright. (" o 1 t a j aqualtc aport...u well u rnppc IDto patio~~ on Ult> SOuth atde of of t.fll!cu.mforturo> during rainy o~ JdeM. build ooe 1tocy 1tucco .tore In the pGW1lar .,..Ume of IUD the UYUI.< room~. afford a.mplr lllcltoml'nt wt-Aiho>r bulldJn.-. State fllgb-way. ~r w t.A.nnlng. wfthnut fu.r lhat lht eJtpotrure. As Mrn In th•• top phote>. th,. B.. Jdtlloll SJIOO. _ _ bN.c__J!_ front wtll t)ot b\lJl1.. IULiru1 ltfa ny ~h!L baY e _purc~aMd J~t' _r&tln llnd .Y"f'l whirh 1:~ July 3 c w. Jlookt'r. &n·rly llpolltod hy plrrw IUI•I othrr dt"-hamel alr..-dy In the T'ract , Bum-llnl'd hy a p1ClUII'JOqlll' wall. rn. Hilla. reroof t\Quae. 409 North BAy vrlopmE"nt. bam polntec.J out. h:we purch&IK'd llllre~ prtval'y Anif at.lrquatf' room Front. prr Owrn Jlnofln~t Com-T ton yi'IU'tl 111{<1 Newport hiiUicJ two lot. ln.~tud of onr. u th,. n-for a bcrbt'rul' pll. badminton fl&ll)'. 186. Wll.'l "nil'' u " ~ldentlal &rE'Il wit of lhf' re&liOnablC" prll'ea. Thull court Thl' IIIII' o( thr rc•·r<':ttlnnal July 7 William ('uvE"rt. · build T11rlrty fhc.-re ar«' 10~ lot. of the 12:'1 ooe lot may be U!K"d for· the hnlt!K" yard rt'Vt•aJII wt~olvm of a r quJr - nnf' lflory. !'o mom hmuor llnrt zo112z hnntt•llotu cumprialng t h e Isle. &nd the se<:ond walled In to form In~ llllfflclcnt fronlajle to r a trara~. 31~ F.l Mnc.ltonll AYI' .. J"'r with 64 reaidt..ncea built or undt>r a p&tlo where barbr"""' pitt!, bAd· homt>llill'. thrr .. lly •'limlnnton,:: th1• R H . Ro~tl'rll, ~~;ooo c-<•nlltn tr tlon. Ma.akry poln\•••1 nul. mlnton ~01.1rlll lUI~ ot.ht'r r i'Cre· J'Wwtlllhlllty uf nthPr lwrnf'll bt•HIJ.: July 7 A c. Wellll. L n g 11 n n Though an lsl8lld, lhlll Attrar-atlonaJ t rnturu ln:otalled. f'l•m· C'Onlllrllrtl'•l \NJ l'lo~ to "'Murl• llf'Ach. huflol 8 two ~tnrv. ~ ruHm. trve (•om.munlty ln \\'1'111 Ncwp<~rt lnatlng lhr poulblllly of o ther prlvnr y how..• \\,'lth 2 eAr ,::arni•· runnf'l't· I~< l!t>rvtod with ws.t.rr. J!M. IC'wl'r bomel bf'lng locatf'd .tno C'loee on ln.r. 713 Jumln" Avr . (.'nrnna rlrl 1\Jlll lights adjoining propt'rty. ltolu. rer t: ~ Murrhy. $3000 J. M. MILtER Contractor and Builder J uly 7 Mlu l.l'onllnf' J ..-.. n. n~~rtl. Llttun-e Bf'ftr h . ..llliilu ------"It' ...... _,.. --4 nwolfl"' fw11111' 1111•1 l:!x:!ll ----,..;-s_t_a Mesa lt'&ll'lt"· 30P c; .. t.lf'n~t Aw ""' ---------------R. ERICKSON -s;rs ~-Home~~~ FrNt llArthulnmrw. s:l.l~.(l Bu11 . .Phonr '7SS -S~wpor,. -Realdt•nt'f' 10.51-.1 •'\\'t> hatn• some rf'ally woncl~>rful buys in .lwnws, 8JN&rfml•nt hoUM>:oi and Jots thrnna;:hottf fhf' c>nlirn llarhor Arf'a. St-.-u ... first~tr last-but lH' surt' ~ uu st't' us! REAL ESTATE 2117 Coa!'>t JJJ,·tJ. Nt>\\l)()rt Bt>a<'h T .. lt>Jlhont>: x .. " I""' U -HOUSES FOR RENT ... JORDAN, TWI~T and P~RKER 700 E. Ceptral Aveaue· Phone 153 BAI~A. CALIF . IEWPORT . BUILDERS SUPPLY Cement Brick • Steel LES ISBELL' Res. Phooe I U5 SHU W. Ct>ntral A\'f'IIUt' Nt>wport lk-ach , CaJll. ROY SHAFER PLUMB Ill and REPAIRS Phone 353 3 114 West CfJDtral ..... OUT DOOR FURNITURE See the latest in Nautical Stendl on Our New Swine and Umbrella. CRAIB8 -BACK.BEST -UMBRELLAS AWNINGS -NEW ~ U:COVEilED P~Jt~Y H. BEYER 1%4 Unl 8tne&. PboDe ... Finest Deal In Newport Harbor Balboa Bay Shores Leasehold Estates . . A New Deal ln Prope DP:MOS8TilATIOS ROME NOW UNDt;R COS8TRUCTION For Full lnformfUon Conault , • - EARL W •. STANLEY, Sole .Agent 17th and Coast Higthvay · Phone: Newport 160. July II Waltrr G I-TIIn7 hlulol 001' 1\tory. 7 n-.om. tolurl'n n'!Oith·r •·•· IU1tl j%"1\ra~c-. I i 2Z F.Mt () ~ I' n n Front . Bal . ~r ( • It 1-":rkkMon 18000. -• IRVIN GEORGE GORDON July ; r..1 w ... r.·ktn·l. m-.. k ~ •---11-----r-.,.._ ..... -... ---·li all.cul:OJa to howw. Z 1 :l V 1 " I underway I F;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;F;;;;;;or;;;;;;;;:;;&;;;;;;i;;;;;;ld;;;;;;in;;;;;;g ;;;;;;I;;;;;;n£o;;;;;;r;;;;;;m;;;;;;a;;;;;;tio;;;;;;n;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;~ Contractor alld Builder ·Avenue Phone· 132 305 Palm Kmwt. l' f' r ~nn R 'fo'tmtlrw BtJILDING CONTRACTOR s3~.o · . ' .Ju ly T C Aluand"r C......,lln. 1111 W. Central N 8 bull•l •f&rk room In ~tnrn,.:r rtf prl'!o-ewporl each f'nt hullt.JinJt. J!'t l \'ca U.tn ~ottlll. I ,---------------------------------------------. r' Muine -HARDWARE -General BOAT and TRUCK LETTERING f)l'l' r.-onllm n 1-'lndl:cy $~(\11 July f{ Frl\.nk ..-irtl\·hnt•r. butlc.J 00(' 11tory. r. room l'<'llhlt•nt·r and Cnrnn.-. ''"1 Mnr. prr ownrr. $4~ltl Electrical Pftmita .July :l F.. Kn••x :l:.!tl On~·-x A \"r· 'n·~\ •J•o~---., • Ciw~MnM!"-~ ~ \o.•l'rk o•n r;lx nf•w Harbor Ol!!trlc:l " ' r('!ltfl•':tl l'~ reprc.scnling a lot.aJ 1 .............. -!IP"-----------""'!"------.\ ft!\'<'111 mrnl nf $2ir.l;,n. T\\'c) All f'll •'ll\'1' t.<•ml'll 1\rt• ht'lng STEPPING INTO E"l'r<'tl'tl .. n lhl' 13:\lhol\ Penlnsuln. TIH'Y nrc• fn• llr. nnd Mrs. J 0 :=:t n o pit· nr A lhn m hrR n ntl (nr \\'nlt. ' . ·.t .. '•t.., ,.J See - Bay District Lumber Co. ~: W.W.TER 8. SPICER. O•'ller .. o.,l NEWPORT BEACH Phone FINDLAY~ "Builder of Homes of Distinction" MlO Cout Blvt:f. Newport Beach 4 ' . \ , IT a: u b n Pi B. In pc ir ri ar &I k a y 0 It h .. \ ( -.- ,. I •" NEWPORT B,\~A NEWS-TIMES, NfWPOrt ~ CBUrom La. Till HSnAY . .1\1.\" \0, l\~H . --~------------------------------------------------------ GAS RANCt FEATURED ltf MODEl -HOME ON ··. PENINSULA POINT ' - Harbor IJtaiis founty . (~itif.'s In RuildinJt Quality· Lumber·- aad O'Keefe .and Merritt Stove Streamlines Model . Kitchen ---~-·-- Many Modem l',eatures Mark 194 1 Cookina-Fa~ilities · For Exhibit Str-eamlining tht> attrattin• kildwn of thl' lx•autiful Peninsula Model Home ·model home a t 1531 O<Van Blvd., whkh John D. Burnham and Thennon Means opened to the public Jast wee!< is the I ultra _rrtodem ~'Keefe . and M('n:itt gas ra~gc-~·hirn . has j 11"'" ,,. ""' "'trrtt•r ,,.," of th•· t...autlful ar1d """"'"'"•Ur •r· been mstalled m the home by J ohn Vog('l s ·Balboa Fur· IJ&nJC-d modf'l hunlf', 1!\!'11 u ..... ,., l\1\11 .. Ralho•a l'••ntn .. ula. "'hk-tl .... niture Company. bc-t>n o pt•no'il fo r IMihllo-., ... , ..... ,, .. n b~ Jubn u . n umtuuu a nd Thformon Simtlor o~ rnn~-:t·~ flrt' on Iii-: -=-:. !\ll'an ... play at t_he !'faluoa· o lC<'o f lht'fi)tj;,•'"'ii"'""irnnTrTiiim Of slJi<'<'. n ll1Ji Ba1boa f'ur;rutun• C'omp:tn). and port:tnt . f:tciOr in thr humc. Thl' .., · -· -' In the Gr('('nll'llf Uuihlsn.: 111 N•-,.'~ '"" floor ~JIIIC<' rt'\tUirN1 fur sud• ~-- port. • r-'\,(•ntutls a~ ;_,. :o-t O\'l" and n •friJ:t•r-,, 1-'asclnattng any hmJ81·Wa(e v. hn a tor. lht• mort' :-par<' thcrc is for 1 lnsp;•ct~ thl' nl'W O'l<rrf't" and M.-r~ tlw hnll"'-'"' 1fc tu dl'vote to hantly J rill is tht' comJ'Irt ctnt•ss. nratm·~~ and tlml'-c;uvmg <·onvl'ni<'nct>s ,in and uniqul' arrungl•nw nt of tho• h,•r kllt'hl'n. 111ovc v. h~<"h urtuaJiy aUord~ h•·r-Th~> !--I O\'l' j n 1ht• nt•w mnd"l kltchC'n the fat•th\lt'S /'If n t'P1olllur· home is equlpJMX) with two gl~nl ant. yet occuplt·~ only a ~qua'rr hi.:h !:J)('t"d bumC'rs and lwo small· yard or floor ~>pan·, Vog£>1 puml~-<1 e~ burne r.<, wtul(' on t~ right out. .... hand ~do is a plall' that Is thl' ~ nandl'OITI(' n"W !Wvt>IO{)rTWnt •~JUIU of two llddttinnai bumcr.<. In gas range:; Jits nu~h to th<' 11w plat!' i..; cxtr('m('ly uS<'fu\ kitchl'n wall, cnnbhn.: th~ stO\'C for b<.•ncl\ homl'!l stnC(' tt is idt•nl l f or prepar.lag bot dog!\, hamburg· rrl': ol"l(ry'mg any typr of mt-at I>AII:< l\7ld I hi' lik('. lt aiM pmVl'S 1 tt~ful ·ns a piiiC(' to S<'t cooked , cl•~h1•s to k('('p thC'm hot unlll S('rv·l lng lim<'. Thr O'K('('fC and Mt.>rritt hall a spnr•ous and modo•mly lnrulnlrd 1 bakmg oven and a S('paratc and.1 ~onv('n.!_E'nt wa'!"lnr ovt!n built I ,-.._ ,_, _ _. __ ... _ ... ,.._ J'··•·-. ...._ ,.1 1.._ ... ....,_1 11 .............. ' mto tlic ~tlOYI'. •-__..,..~· ....._ ....., o.I..UaJ~ I"'F ,.....,... --"',_ l Fl'atured also_ ill 8 ~liding brolll'r the ('omlf!rl&blr tr'..-h IYI"' of fumllu"' ulllf'CI by lhfo·Ral.,._ .,._.,..,. I drn~·rr. Evrn · thP back, of the (.'o. Ia furai•ILI~ llw! ltou.-c'. T1M' 4uur leada la to 1M ultra .......,. ronge ill· strcamlmcd and hold<~ llltc:lwa. modl'm istic Mit. and pc>pfl('t llhak·~-· en which tire within easy roach. and Mean!! ha." <'N'lllt'<i wi~pn•ad around r.•sidt•ntll of the> N ewport The model home 11tove Is a ll attractiOn nnd hrou~-;ht many vl .. it· llurbor 1\1'\'a I~ thr fu m tiC't' heat· •' To Open Handsomr $10,000 Sheet Metal I >'' I l , ........ , \\Ill tlj \o'l) "'' h.u .. \-.•IH•• ~lllolllll :'1-•'"1~\' Sli<'<'l . !llo I d pl.lJII .t( .11•1 :.'!hi' "ll'<'d . !\.'\'1~'" :'.tllll\1.1) .1111~ 1.' Plant S•'"t;••tt tl uh••• •••H\hhH'M thu" fn1 t ••. '"''"'n"t•• 'h l\n~•' '•,,, .. ,, ,, '•\llhtu,~. n•, "t •\tn._: •·~ t .~, ''' ,,,. t\f t tlo· 11r 1111!•' 1 \•IIIII ,. llllllolo·r~ l,;, Buildinl' 1\tateriala • COSTA MESA I..Ul\fBER CO. &. r~ 110 1!11'tft.11!1l Pboae .S Howard W. ·Gerrish 1111 w .......... ,.. ......... J~ISUIIICE J4'RANK ClJRRAN LU 1\t DER CO~ lne. Jltt.&a.l 4Ut .L. T•lllph~ I .ANTA A.Jif& _.,..,...__..,_. .. ...,._..... ........ --~·,--.. ,.._-.,., ... "'~----------.-....... -------~ • ( .. .. . . II. KEEFE & MEBBI'IT tilfe_rt~ ~-. .. . -. hrat • controlll'd, enabling t he 1 ors to thr l'con•!"'ula P01nl :rrac-t.. m~: !>)'Slrm wtth whirh ft'W bfoech- 1 houltcwifc to completely r""gulatt! Clhchmc thr SJX'Clntor·~ 1mmcd· hnmf'!l arc ('Clulppl'd. Oc-auUiuil)' thf' cooklnJ: of any di!lh. The low. 1 in I<' ~ntl'rl'~l l.s thl' '-'Y<'-Jlpprbling dt'Signttd ht>at I"'"J:lSIN'I built lato temperoture oven Is automatic In extcnor of thl' !"l'W hofTK'. I thl' wa ll provldl' for ,amJlle 6- op(-ratlon. ma.inttllning an evm I Upon compl('tmg a lour of I he t trlhutlon of heat to mamtaJn eom- l<'mperature a~. long u a dish Is mod('! ho~·~~ intt'rior! wJth its fortablc trmprratW'\'S durinl the Jt>ft In the oven. ~dous Uv1n1 room. two bed· winter montt\5. Another outstandlnc conven· rooms, attractlvely tJ~ bath, and John Vopl said today that he 0. All PACD1C OM HEATING AI'PI..D.NCD U Ordered Nctw! lence feature and a derlnlte aalety con~lenlly COI\N'ctlnc two-or cou.kt polnl with pride to the ~ factor of the new stove Ia the tuU aarace which Ia equlppt'd with an em O'Kftf• and Merritt Pll t11J1i111 automatic ltlf'lll"' for nwy btq'D· outside beth, lhowft' and dreMina In the model taorn., aAnce lib 1M er. the griddle, both ovens and tM room, ~aton art' eovt'n more ~ ltRU, II combine~~ ao ~ .broi\H. -·-enth~IMtu; over the home. convenwnt fM tares In a ~ Thla feature ellmlnates the ~flnltN9 appealtnJr to the ycat ~~~ nt,aaity of atrildng matches to -- -----':-_ __:=::._ __ ;;:::::..;;;::::=="" ,.: light burners and the dangen& con· * * * * * • * ~~ 1\insfather PLU¥BINO Ill E. Bah!:· de IIAL80A nt'Cted with lh!lt practlct'. Abo of dl'finlte lmportanC<', the automatic lighting ellmlnatcs the ~ty of evm k~ping matches In· the kitchE-n where youngstE-rs may gain pos.wsslon of thPITI and suffer ln)ur1K. '1'be model home b y Bumbam .... I R W IN W illiA M \ PAINfS . SHIIJWIN Will iAM \ PAINf\ House Paint No• 0 Dif $315 IJa "5'a" Hiah qtrtrlrtyand low·pnc4! teldom ao tott~th~r. But hrr~·a one cue "'h~rc you can huy the h•1th~1t of h•~th quahtv hou=paul\ nt 11 pnce as low ftS t hat of ordanory paont t The 3ml\zinll)y wash· nhtr, co,orful wnll fin ish for lc itchtn, t>athroom, wrY.<fv•orlr. utlfst-JIIm:lle t~cost o [ e colt or two c;f beautiful. l:utin~;ly-du· •"le SWP f ,, your ht m~. J urt J>hnnr u• .. Nn <•l h ·:l!•••n A'k Ul about ow EAs}'·I'D} PomtonePlaa. //1 I n nrrow l h f' hmoll• Shu.._,., .,.,.-tee w,t1aam• Paant anrl Cf,lot Sl\ te • • Gutde !rom us. ~~ oblt~;ationl L£T US"SUC C£ST A RELIAB LE. PAI.\'TISC CO.\'TRACTOR .. BALBOA ~ PAINT STORE 700 E. Bay A\•ea e Phone 101 . . • . ' •t fje. • I • --: ~ . . -,. -..... ---- - * T liT~ I'·, no hncu• pnc U\ Jl-onut lou.lolan~ ~nydunjt . -roUuaa,. JJnr poidt ro 1 11tw t1t7. ·h't wt '" tht-orm -~re-wct <'lin 4l't' ~u. of "\4 wurll. \X'lu.t • -.1. ic ukr• in men and mltrro!h o • loc \C'en fnr the look an g. h., n•y tot« ... ·h.n ou,r loul C.umtrul.lion lnJu11ry tu• done for thi• to..-nl Lw>1r around vnu! And thmk back .a ttle It\ lurtl t<J ~l.cvc thie If you look lxhind tk scent• you'll \l'e mort hJppi- nr\0, more hc~lth and a lx11a f u1 ure fr>r ~11 nf ut That:.· ~b,u, ~ ~uH-"<.ttOO ~try ~ dont for thi, lntl'n! Thn't the hi);J;C\1 job it't dnne.. lt't mi~hty imp<yr~nt to rnl11r '"'"' 1()("~1 C",nmtruc- t•nn hJt done t1 1 bo~: joh. The 1ul> lut IA:tll June loy inJI\ .Ju~l cffoirt-Ly frtr f'IIM J rl\r. ln •n t """'-in your o"'n homc -m }nur uwn (UilllnUI\Jt }'. B u·1 L D E R S ' P A G E of the NEWS -TIMES "Thf' MM t {".f)m~lf" u~un~ ()' Bulld4-"' In thf' llarbor Ar .. a" • * • • • - • l Ynu l'ny ( l11ly I' a\ t ·1 .0il tl••" 11, 111•l lnw fll.1 '"'"~·· 1\rr~n• .,( l:!.f,? a mnnth, i( }flU Wl,fl. , -... -. ......,.. / ..!.. t DO BA ·LBOA F 304 Main Street BALBOA lo t• •" 11 ( l't\····f·· •'< \f,·n•lt "') k All yours f,,r as low us S:?.UJ a nlf111tJ1, 1f )1111 Wl,)l. H'Kt:t:n : Al"U Mt:IUUTT ICt\Nfit: n :t\TI "IC t:H TillS - \H:t :K IS T llt:,MftUt:l . IIHMt: ,\T l a:U fK't :AN IU.VU. _ St :t : IT TUUA \',' TJit:tct; UIC t\ T T ilt: URIITURE s·roRE 29th and Central NEWPORT BEACH -· r .. ~T BALBO~ NEWS.. TIM~. Newport n.cb.·Calltomla, THURSDAY, JULY 10,1941. ------------------------------~~~.----------------------------------~=-----NE~~~T::s~CH-·',·~ THE· ·-woM -AN~s-·. PAGE I BALBOA . ., I FII'EIDLY MARKET · Courteo us Service Free Parkin,; ~djoinlnK Ston-••or J•atrons -l 'S4> Our PatiL Lot "'tillfo ()OinK Othri .. Waok-f'Dd Shoppi.n~" 1 Bt·lly Adams .. -~• rfl6nes 12 and 13} 1- ·coRONA DEL. MAR BALBOA ISLAND . LIDO ISLE Assistanre League Uen~fit Party Coming Eventa In Harbor Area Wife Of Foreitn Mill Doria Weotw~rth, Kttl'!l wtll take plac(• In Pre• W c-ptt. Artz<inll, wtw r<' thr brld&- To Be <•ala Sodal En·nt ar Cor:reapondent A -a· M T I nl' ZOnA an 0 ):I'VIIUI t'lt'd mllko•S hl!l hurn~. July < FAtDAV. JULV 11_ . Feted By Balboana Marry July 26 :t•i ~·,.,.n.r,. .. r l ito• yuung couple I!• ~··1\'.o i iHll:\ II •• , ••••• Ill).; Of I f ol .\.ulrl . .1: 1\ ,, ... ···~··rvttt•vn• and ( t I • r th b t othal b 1' .. t:-1 \\•tt·runJI or Fore I'"' \Va.... lrl! t'8' 11('\1 ,, I' (' r w en . rt ... •lihrllllll~ l•"••ltl l,t.d):• \\'•' IHI •I•.:" ~'···oltnt··~ Huht>ti E 1 .... 'Q ~lr !•nd ~Its \'~: \\,•llt\\orth th~·-IJ!Ido·<·t.:1 t fi'O't'.VI•d hl'r soti- 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 I!. h AI"' nF\' 7:30 p m . Me~~a Le.,..;orl ll Is u 8~d l!tah• of nffairll wh.-n n•·.,dh\' Jul\• l•i 1111 1" t.t : .. 1 • ,, •• 111 •·•••n '"llh•• eac 11 ,.. 11 1 , 11f llny \'In\· Tmct. CrJIIIa ~h·::;;l tnrrt· ~~~~,. \\'l'nl\\'olth W<>l<' a l'lllh' """' '"'"' r !It•· 'I'"""' ~~1. I· ho 1•1 I' \ I' dt1wr .l•;hn Pa rke. llu yo tng ~&nd attractive I><'' liOn like · 1 hu~<' lu announce lbe approach-l urliA~o:..-ot j.;ar·ucntas a nd bou- • t 11 1 I' 1 1'1 1 ,, \'.1•tl•· II 1·.· S,'l•ltl•r , C . ~· "1'"1t Ro•ar h Boy St'<llltll, 71 Horrl<'l Uowns hat! tfi I'VIII'IIIllo• _. ··' ''·-"'· , ~of t il•• "\o ,,.,.,, \1 '"' ,, 1' , ,. ··n~ marrHti(OJ .... -. uauj.!'l.ll'l.-,·ttt.\11\ 1"'"\'IUt•d mr ttt-~on "' IIi•· A',,,," • , , I ~ ~. ·~· •·•• 1.. I. rt .. '" .\I. I'' A " I ~ A bbolt. II I ' St ""I 11&1. fo:u rupran 11011, lt•avin~o: evrryt hln~o: t '••ris ltllrl tc:arl P. Fru~ Ill a h·· hi' I' lltt<l••r. ~lls!l J~•YI'i' \\'<·nt- h "'1"1 11., 1, .. , .. \ 1, ,., .. ,, 1 ~ 1,, ... 1, 11 ,,111, 1 1. ~· \\'attll. •: 1. •Ill .\t .. sn B'•Y Sr out8. 1 p. m l lllu• uwnnl behiiul ,. x 1· t'l' t th<· 11martly appnlntt>tl t<'a sun<.l<~y a r-worth. · .\II 1 .. 1.,1 v I'·'",· t.•ll• '" 1 1 . ,. 11 II , r · ,. \\'u 1tnver, ~lc•.o ~~ "ul tilt II. l'lutht•ll nn lwr llat•k ..,.ht•n. lwarln~,: tem oon In their h(lme. 1hruh11111 .11.( 1,. J ' l.111l•tl~l .. li 1:.-r .;ool ll,1!\1~ 1-:lrth·r llq!Ot. I' 11 F ('hrh. 7 ·30 fl· m ~Aith 1 8buut Hulhoa l>~lund from !rll'nds r-------..... "'!"'------"'!"'-----------riii l'h .. lu • lr lt l lu '" "' •" I' ,I "'' \\ I •• ' ~<.tl '"" .l .. hn II llmlill, L. I _yr ~ llt rr Oqullll. f'" ll'l'w York t.lcc'tl«.. tu llcltle ..n loll 1 1111~ 1,,, k '" tk :.:: Ia•' I' 1 1 •• 1, .. 11111,., c;uthrle. T SAT URDAY. JULY 12-here with b('!' twu childl'\!n ~ncl '"'"""''''''"''"'I ''''" t •···l··~· \\••'" ·'" ~: ~~ lla rv.-v and l'll•h· ()up .. }/ .M t>sa \\'S.C.S . 1mn~uw. ulo~n(' un UaiiJ<•a llllunol ~· ,.1 , 111,1 1, ,11, "1,1, t. 1• 1 .. 1,..~ 1,1 •1 , ~· • ...... .\I 11111.1 1-:111·n ·FI•her (1)1•. ~,.l;o fo"urQl<'r T('\\'lnk)e ·bull<.l-l for three m oolhs and hu n\t't nt> :or ,1\l• 111 I'"''"' 11.,1.,. t1 11 .. 1.r· -.,. \I•" 1'1'''"'' !\lr11 Addle In~! l•lu m . cme. Somethlfl~ 11hoult1 bt> done "11, •• ",1.,1 ~ 1,. ,., ,1,. ,111,1 I: I" ., 11 .,~1 1,_-t ~1 1 ,. 1 'hat 1,..:< \Vagner. I. ·lu I ~It· Y flung People's Sp<>r\ 1 at .. ~ut It a nd it was. Ce~rle :-Ia lion ,,.,.,, • ., '"" Ill •t• h lh•· 1•1• n th ,If ·u·l ltll I~-"•''" '" '" ure aiiiO atd-Jlllt ,. " p. rn .. c lubhoUM". ., h••ar•l about· hl'r tlllough •::lrll!lor ,.,1.,1 ~. "''"' 1 .. 1 11,.. , 1,1 ,.. 11.,11\ lltl: th.· l:'"'li' l SUNOAV, JULY t~ T reanor anu tovk ber 1n tow She ",11 1,.. !:", 11 1" , 1,_ 1 .1 ••• 1,.11,, \1 " -111.,111 ,,. 01,11111 ··•I t fla t F H Alf'lrlch shell mu~um, Invited her for ~cxktui18 a nd din. 1,. lh·· 1111 v 1,,111,..,11,.,. 11,," r•· 111k,•!w .,,.., a l .i.tl.abk f(um a l l IIJl''' to rubllt-. 2 p m . to 5 p.m. n<'r tn meet sumt' or the Pf'Dinsula at·rvl-.l . n,• wl><·r~ thl:< ",.,.k lila' 1"1 •n•l • pt'Oplc>. ___ _ .., 1; rl ~ltll'l~l'r Hike around uppt'r They found her, moet lntt'rUll~g "IT'S S~.-\HT TO B_l!\' NO\\'!" p.; p I baY &nU werr awed at the experiencu t---~t=~~~~~~--'--~~~~:.UL.:~JI...=~~~=~!!!!!:'!~-t.D.&I:.DfJtr_B.u..aineu. .C.lub_ ,_.I-Ll"-.-uj.on _ --MONDAY, JULY 1~ ehe bu' ad .witl!_lhe~ .AI. 1 I -;-:. "Ji4>i1 Jlar60r Xiilertcan IA'g. her heeLs. She-baa. lived a life 1-,~~~1Diiiiiii:::::s=~~ Attend Convention Bar~l'a . f<:rueger ion i\II.Xtllary. 7·30 p. m. Legton time rn the put few montbe. The II 9 P. M. SAn JRDA\' OPEN TO 8 P. M. FRIDAY FANCY KLONDVKE WATERMELONS lt:. ~ANCY •s SIZt: CANTALOUPES · 3 ~ lOC CREAMED CO'M'AOE CH .EESE ----------------------------------8. ~ W. t.:.XTKA LAKGt; PITTED OLIVE~ So. I ('U Nu. • ('an 17c 11c Ranch Barbecue w~d In Las Vega• Hut Omvns family had to make their J 1'1111tn Mraa American Lfgton way Into Paris via the und<'r - J All'lllary, 8 p. m. lleaa Legton ground. narrowly eecaplng being Th,. t 'ftltlt•·l·~ Hu "' h ut ~nta I l..lut••lly """"'"~< u.w11y from all Hut captur~. With bomb! bur8Ung In M11nll'l\ Willi thl' '"'" 101: )Or 1 he• U~o· II"I"Y 1• •lllolll' ~ <'lebraUon. l'\1'""PPrt Harbor Bu.wineaa and air their evacuation from . France I "'"""tl' hnrlw• .,,. t••r tiff· (;,.,.,.1,.1 l'ru'<' l'••ytun. 101m af ~lr Md Mre. Profo•llaional Women'• Club, Board waa eo buty th&t no time wu : F••d••r"t1on .. r llu,.t.J>';,. ""'' l'rn J \\' l'•·ytnn nf Halhtut lr;l&nll, and mrrtln~t. 1:30 p. m . with Vera s(K'n t 1n aaJva.gtng keep aaku and f•·~'•l"n"l \o\'1111\l'n X'l·nv<'ntton \\'••d ~I"" Hat hu "' t ... '" K ru•·l:1'r.llaujt'h-~ Mlll1•r :122 Ana de, Balboa. neceuitlu. Harriet Oowna arrived lll'lt""Y o·VI'III t"'~1••rl• lhnn :l.tMIII t•·r or Mr un•t Mr.•. 1-'rt>f'l A. !'itfiti.' Guard. 7 p.m. In New York with hl'r children ..,...,m••n al tti th~ r vrnt from ali i Kru•·~:• r uf II)JJ O•lUliW Av•'nUt', 1 !'ewport ~rh Ebt>ll Club, art• withQut e ven an extra pair of l'"rt10 ·~ h•• l 'lllt••ol l''tall'll Sr111lu Ana IA!'rr 'JIIIt-tly ma"led an•l !'raft• !W'CIIon. 10:30 a. m. .tcxldnp. I ~on~: ~I"'' 11tl t-:u••,.l• lA hu , •• ,. 1 July 4 ·,n ""' .\l1·tlt .. dt"l l'11Urt'h of S o>wport .Harbor Girl Marlnen. Her husband. lCenneth Dov.'lla. ~ lht• o·rtti•!IIUIIIIh'llt llfl•·r t h•· •~" \'n:" :-;.''""·I 7 :10 r m . Scout H ut . "'m1htt ow t\•·rr 1.•·" l'orrll t .. .f.,.,. ,,.,. hll•l·· ""It''' tr:l\'l'lltnr l!Uit TUESDAY. JULY ,~ a fore.lgn corrt>epondent. Ia rum- A •r•·• 1111o1 hll' ~I"'""'" Tl"huhntl••rlt 1111 1 ll o "' ~ •I-!• "' I"""" 11n .rt-11 X•·Wp<lrl Harbor L'on e c 1 u b . ored to bt> In Turkt>y and It C. · a c-onstant worr..: to receive only """ •hUH fd ,. I.-''\\ he :-:,...... ..:.lllh ,. I !Itt I ··r••fe "'" :--:h·· l:C K arad. ntw ·fl Kllt.,f'r raft' 3 1-'•·lf .. IA~ """ ~r. .. lhn ~ ... tt Ill• I l."n.t-: II•'"' h l'ulvh •t hnlf" :'\I'WJ'OI'I Harbnr Rotary Club. a bn cf nnte from h.im about f'very Ht'Jirl'll•'lll11ll\'''" from l h•' IIIII lltt:h . ..:. ll•••l 111ol :,;.1ut.• Atilt Junior .; ~·· I' m \\'hltf''8 Balboa taland two m onths. tl'h ~; '" "u,.,. ,. tn \\'lo.•hP t.:l"" 1 .,f , .:• "h• ,, .. It•· u. II> f,. •lured f'1•fr•'•' Rhvp Com ing to the l'mt,.,l Stall'S on l 'hlllt•h• llrtiA.ut .• n.l l ... •n•l"" "'''" I" .I Ill • '''""' ll• '' '' JnrnlnJt lhl' 11··~1 ('r(ll!l' \Vor'krooms. op~n th<• \\'ashln.,"l>m, Mrto l)n"'nll and Ill""'"'''""' T h .. •·· !oltoll•hll"-~1.111 0! , • ., I'"'"' o'o•IIII':OIIy ,IJit'\t tu ';ll Q m tn r. p.m . at Balbo:t tht' two llttlr Oo\\'T\11 hftd t o lakr r, n 111 :'\1'\\f)•H t 111111 "r ""I"'" J·"" I·,, ,., lh• c · ••. 1•t IIIJ:hway Inn n111~ctrns: Rolbna. and 31 t lll a I fe buu t in mtd ciC'rl\n ror a v. 1a M1lh r l'l'''l•h nt A ~ 11 • -~1 1 I'•, '"" .1lt• 11•1•··1 lhr ~n\ltht'rn 1 )lnnnf' Avt'uu.o. &lboe....lslaruL . few hours. Thry Wt·rc rtn•tl upon l't .. nHIIII~I . ~t .. rJ""' 11.111 lllf'lllll ( 'u ltl ... ~I IIII II\ \I :oh'my and .lunlnr \\'om••n'!l nub of ('nsla I by lhi> Gl'rmaT\8 RB 3 . wpmin~ Y.-n....-lc ~" ~ H"'"'~''" l'h\'111" I;.•· I· ,, l·'n 111111 •I !'• h ..... In ~an . ~I·'" I( r Ill !lllllronm of Fnday . thry rh~'t'rrrt IRtt'r, t o JrN>r -''"' rtl··• 1; , • !•·• T nt he .\t "1 1 •• t•~o t.." I Attr moon l'iuiJhnUIII'. I on thl' t'11Utl'4' lltl'y ttw t;o•rmonl! 1\ "'"'r 11n•l It• n•• ;-.l.lltlo ,. ~~~~ II .. , ,,,.11, a l• "'"' ,\t',•upylng WEDNESDAY, JULV 16--had nrdt•rr(l ·lht'm tn !nllnw \ltlll"r hn•l !\I I~~ lllomltlll~t r··· u :·· .I \\ I'•} 1 .. 11 ""1111' ''" the 11-l:ol C'IOtt!l \\'n rkrnnms o~n 10:30 ----I your · home completely while prl~ are Low-duriiag HORTOI'S.·JULY FUIIITUI£ SALE Sc-f. Ol'R .,r~la.-o bfofor .. ~·ott buy! TERMS ARE HORTON'S· C'omplt'tf' tlo~ t'umhotwnt SinN-IIISA MAIS ST. 1\T SIXTII SA.NT A AN A "'"Int-. I l<~h•v fur U11• 'h•,lll: .,( lun.l \< hll•· lito• ~· nt••r l'l'yton!l a.N' II m tn :') I" m Ill Balboa Inn l The J ohn ~a•ll<'ir ramlly t'njoy- l h•· """''""'1"n whl1 h lll~t· •I ·• , H 1111•1111 ;: 111 ~ 111 F11rno illt"O Rlltldlng. &I boa. and 3 11 Mar-t'd ,a t hrt'f' day I rip nvt'r the hoh-1 w~k "rul ··~~ .. r~t a~~•t thr Am· IM•· Av~nu~ nnl~ ~d. ~~~~~~~t~~~~k:~~H~f'~~~h~~~~-w~·----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 blull!tt1l11r lt1MI Upper Bay Tour ll:rwport Harbor Servi~e ~uh. - -FULL QVAKT E JUICE 15c -----~------~------ 19c · VALUABLE ·cOUPON! ~ O.p•• ud I~MtHIM yoa to a.e poad of our PAY-LESS COFFEE Social Activity 8e1in1 On Buena Viata, Balboa Wtth thfl orwnlnjl' of home• lor I he eumml'r nn Ruf'na Vlrrt& Boulf'-. varc1 ovrr-looklnl'r lhf' bAy. nume r- 01111 h"ll'"" l:""~t" 1\nd ml'm bt'rs c•f famiJIU hAVC' (leQIIf'nl~ lhl' llrl'll I With lh,. Mnrnl\' Rabbitt" fM thrl'" wo•vkJ' 111 Mnt Rahbitl'll ""on. W hltf''ll 8alboll Co ffl'f' Shop Scheduled Sunday By Aut•tance League B~nertt De-s· '"rt. Bridge. 1 p. m Udo I 8 I,. · Harbor Girl Marinera Mondlly rvcnlnJt Nfwpart Har- bor )fuin«'r" m!'t al thf' SeoUl H ut M d rerf~ed pi8DB for llft all-day hike on Sunday arnund l'p~r Nt'wpor-t Bay. It Ill plan- n~ to atudy lhf' c-ontour of thl' land and w&lf'r arl'a and to t'· J>lnr~ the-Pllffll and IIUrTOUndlnjt h•rr1un X•lll"l)ll~ lunrhn w tll bl' r lubhouw. Womt>n'a R.-llet Corps Red Crol!ll dN)'. ...... Red era. room . ali- day. County Club Holda Beach Picnic O&ttwrin~t around a campfire nn OM beach at Corona del Mar i'U<'s- ~~ ~ ~~ ~ . .h J.Wo-way economy ts yours wtt a modern aunt Mr• Thro~lorf' Polnll<'"tll'r c•f J'l"t'f'llrr•l h~ r . .,..b Jtlrl and f'&trn I ~ ~nnrl~o Th~ wrck Mrr;ai·~r~n~~~~~~t~~~~·n:.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----~--r,, f' n r \' ~l'l'mM will t'ntrrt~1n -...lirL pi,lnde•t,., MTW'-t~ I a,...., .. ntM ~ a pk'nk! dlnn4>r Sollowed b)• I R· l~~~~i~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~tea:~~~m:~~-----Mrtt Mllrv Nll~krl rnr lunc-hmn orrwo•r nr l h1• Oily rur thr ml'l't· an Interval of ~~:rouJl •lnging. • l ,.n1l hrl(ljt~ lnJ!' tn llP h•·l.t un thl' 14th, M ll AJ! Ourln~t a sho rt hu~ttnl'llll !'eslrion 1 of I EnJoyed By Seventy I Mr llnol M r~~ Wallrr Rlmon~t of l<h,. .7" wot kml!' trrwllnl hl'r .. ~ .. a -plena ta'f'l"f' made fttr a Los An- IU.IIOAB.ET L 8CIIAJlLE ,....._ ., 1'\ue ~. Aeeo-v·.w ...... , -Qel....,r .. A-Ye Cer-"'Mar ~N......,.llMI·W r.-Olfta at H-of P\lpU If DMI,_ Harbor Service Laundry & Cleaning Ill ..... •tnet ....... 5:-iet-MemLz-3~ Rul'na Vl11ta l'ntt"rtrtln a rrruntl ma~ n<tJO~; ~II prrparr ami 1eln theetr,. p&rty Mlu .\lalwl 1 ..-; ---r U..:l • F,omp~rnv c<"lfi'11Wl'I''J( "'Tff\J:'li'Mot..• ~ £-...,4 Awlwlr t.> ~ u-tfle. rtutr "P"'Irtrtnlr \\'A:S ln .. - Aprrc>xtmatc-ly lti'Vrnty womt'n 11rrlvln~: i rnm Ln~ A n,::I'INI 80,1 "?"mlw n• "' 1 h<' llarrnr r ghlp. cha,.,-~. ur thr \\' ~ (' ~ nf thr ('hrlllt vic-Inity fur I hi' W•'•'k<'mlt~ I ""11""1"!: th•· ·llnnPr llhr will hnve Churrh hy the su attrnd.cul the I Thl' A II \\'hllni'VII nr t'rl tncl d u rj::•' "' 1:"0"'11 flll•l l'nt~>rtl\ln­ I I I I aMIIIII pknlr Ill Anllht'lm r ark I havl' tnkl'n up rl'lll,'lc•nrr at :112 ! ment Tuf'IOdll)' 11nd llllt'nded t hl' bu~l -j nurna Vh1la whll<' lhl' nl'llnnf'l Till' ~!ant~•:•~~ P.IM tn hll,·e nn nru ~ulon h<'ld a l pknlc tabl""l nnxlrr11 nnt tl•~<•r pop In IUld 0111 I I'Tit ry In th•• 1 numRmrnl of UKhl~ durlnjt' the momtn~~;. nr ltll'lr v•·IH ·r••lln•l hnmf'. l ilt·~ yo·.~r ll.nd ~:I•'HIH•r l'lu('kr r Willi M111. Mary St11nlry announN•d Mr an;l Mr11 1-' 11 Nushlt•kl'l l R1JJ1lll ntl'•l c·hnJrman In '('hllri:P to thRl thl' Hl'd r.t-oM MWinll dn~·~~ or ~lin 0 111111,. IHI\'1' tnkl'll a ,...,,_ nrranJ,!'I' no'• •·•~>H\' oiO'l:uil! If I' r for mtmhl'rl will hr thl' flr~<l nntl 1 llhnrl' 1'11\1111:<' IIIII 11 !1110 nrrttnJ:<'· C'l)ffintlltl'f' will h•' th•• r.:n•up lt t lhlnl Tltr!!<lay~ or AUJtltll anti , mrnt 111 fh•• " t. ('t\r\'l'r 1 nltrtnn lar gl'. Rrptrmb4-r. The churC"''I hniJ wltl l hn,. 't>Hn rnllif,. hv 1111' Marllhnl Thn!!r \\"hn attl'ncif'd thr mN>t. bt• OJW?Il all <lily on Ult'.llc dal•·• IU'Id !';nwyMI' nii1I l'~ol and Mill \\'htll'lv Ill$: nn.r who p n r I "" k 11( thf' mr ml>f'rft Art' urg,•d to tak•· part wh .. l1t k•· t11rt1• 1 .. no flu,.: ", •·k~ 1 "f1 <'~'7.1'r-full" .. r II'•' , ro•anl which fii the activity. hrr<' th•·y fro1.,. thl'm!k'h'"" "••rr t:nll Plrruc lunrh WM l!t'I'\'C'1I ut noon II .. • n o r. MarJ""" l·fl'lm~. \'tr~rinl& ta'lth each circle providii1g a IIJ'I'· ~tll\'1111: 1\llh ""' l-:IIJ:•'I"•' F'••nr-Alktnll<tn l'l'fli=Y ~rttllh ~I ill •• rial part of lhe menu. J .. n~ 111111 ""''k '" .\tr • ~'ohlh llnw-Jo1ink. llarhar(l 1-: h 1, 11 El,.anor ELECTRIC CI..OCKM REPAI1lF.O •• Newport Blvd~ Coet.a M-I INSIST ON BETrER CJ;lEAMERl" PRODUCTS l I ,.------------------------------------.--:_-: __ -___ --.. thnm1• "' ~nn Frnru 1~1 " l.nlrr t ·n~·ko·r. lrt·n•• Lad.J and Jo"rr"t 1 ~lr" lta,qhr.t ,. "til \11'11 \\tl h :\lnlt• Lila Mc-rr:tt From \'our O~r -• • Or Of'U\'f'nod to your Home th•• l lnr .. lol \\ llhll•t 1 I:" .. r Jo"''•ll··• John ~a~ll<'t r (lf tht• B.llt>o>n It nk "' AmN~<'a returnr,l ta..~t u. ..;.k frtnn ,. I rrp tn ( 'hu·:.~n R.nd Oc-- t r·ntl \\'h1lr 111 Chii'R!:n hr vll'ltetl ~r~~~~~~~~~~WIIIiall~..l .w"-11-~-a.waL e·lt· ~'*" ll wllh him. · • VAN D£USEN'S . $IJ mnr--·...,==-..-.... ' ..... 1\.._T~ _":.!~~~-~~~.,. ~~::~~ Ch~apc-;-,~'7; of rn'Cin:~l'ce ~A-dcli_~i~ flavor and tenderness cooked in your modern (' See for youl·self Free dectric ro~ter. That is one:~ way you sa,'e on meal costs.' Another ... · your c:lc:ctric roaster cooks a :\'nthoriU'd Fa<'fory SOver Dlstrlbuton ------~~~--·~----~--~----TmmM~~~~~~~mt~~~~"·-~·------~~--·-Yow"n11'1',__,.,. u wall It's quicker -reachl'S more people -- at a lower cost p(-r call. • In other wol"'Cls. it's a time sa\l('r. which means It's a mOfl('y savl'r as weU. ~ewporJ Balboa __ NEWS-'TIMES "DEnNn'ELY ..• tile LEADER b Newa -AdvertWal -~Uoa!" Ba Wu.ll -T .-y Alkd -St .. ltlt·r TQWLE.. ---llliGf:i~~-l.l':"\T .~ BOWLEN STERLING . TI IE G()RJ IA;\I,C'O. REED & BARTON R \\'ALLAC'l·: & $Cl:":S HEIRLOOM PLATE -... AJ..8() -~<~ERS t~tl and IR."\1 ~~-and ropeR t r~ 1North MaiD St. • • • SANTA ANA. CALIF. a1 the connnitii~TII!'~"""""¥.-f C'OOI.in1 ,.ich a modtrn tltctfiC r~lftr. Try l>nt i11 your kitchtn. Ttltphoae Of wrllt )'O<U (diton of'&ce. ., tri~dun att ekonriH,_~....,_ . ........:..;...Aj.....,~~""---~~·--·····­ ro~tcr gi\'C:S you bc:tter meals at lower cost, ••• :.I; • &'I' yOtJJii qEALER OR EDISON OFFICI: HARDWARE J. H. ESTUS · PLUMBING ' . a .. •••LttiLI~a•c llANGES e UP1liOEilATOBS ·· • 1\'ASBEBS e 01811\\'ASIIEQ e lt.ADI08 Phone 116 Newport ~h 2205 Cout Blvd.