HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-07-24 - Newport Balboa News Times. . .. ft 'I'D PIUI:M A.Una tD be dean. tau aM Lm~ and tbwl to. ncelve and ret&la popula.r 8Upport.. • • •••••••• VOLUME II .· H&vl' yuu '"'"" '"'' h~tndqoml' tlw1r P'~<J><•n:orl>tlity Rnd 11hdtng out pollcl' c h1e!'11 nPw JRI'kl'l ~ All thl' w tth · 11 t•nntnbullon of S!\. whtle eope llrl' jl'&looll!< Y.'hrrl''!l .lrm th" "'"" "tth an 1nc·oom,. or nnly Brown. our gnM't>ry·runnrng rll~· $40 nr S50 o month .. ·ould ch~r­ coun~llm&n. brPn lRtf'ly ~ Mrb-, f111ly J:ll'~ n d~>llar frnm his mu· be ClyAn Hsll madt' • p<wor hf>t J:Pr rund.q lhl' other dA\' It \\'1\Sn I nn " hnrM el thn . . . Hll ''" YNI I n t'd on!! nf Darrel K 1ng'11 IM'afowod rnrktRtll! ovl'r at h1a fiaherman'a wharf? 81NC&aE8T n .AlTT.R\' The Preu' Bulldlnlt Pag.,. hAv• been lmluted but not u ctlled. .. _ "T hP dr l\'1' Will JlOIIIth·rly CION ''" Attlol"Ul'l 4 ... !'Aid Polmer. "a.nd w~ hope by that Ume to have lh,.routhly ro\'l'rl'<l lhl' terr1tory." 1'01ntniHJt 1on~ may bl' left at ellhn the NI''*'J)Ort or B&lboa Bank of Amenca or at the chamber of commerce oftlce. .. -- I • AH IND.PINDINT LOCAL NIWSPAPIIl SdYJNG THE ENTIRE NEWPORT HARBOR DISTRICT NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, THl:!RSDAY, J ULY 24, 1P41 bttlltnrll!l frrm11 ~tnd or~~:nnlutluM .JUdli:I{IJI: Will ~ tnlldC' on thP hrud~ ,,, (orllol'1nllllty And wnrkmanllhlp F urthl'r pl11n11 11nd dt~uMton tn· ~'hldl'd th .. bart-our tn boo! hf'ld at thl' A m~>ru 11n 1-"'JI:Ifln hRIJ. bt'gtn- nlng 11 a m .. the hilt paradp llt 1 p m . hnnlt' Hhnw At 2 30, and the dAnce •t II o'rluck Thnfl,. dP~trlnjt tn l'niA'r ~rl'· 'Ctow•m ay obt.ln 1ppllcatlo~ hlan~~:~ llnd lnfl'lrmatton f(nm Car· nlval Sen"t"'Y Ell,.en. Carv~r In the R. C. Parker offtce. -I \ / • ~'"~''"'''"'''••··­nu: t'K"~"tl \. "'"'"' .. r 1 he nUJet I Rf'lllh· tit'\ C'h•ptnl a(Wa oof I ht• l '~thl,ornlll SouUI , ........ •h•lrt<'l ~~~.-..-.. Harbor Guard Unit to Be Mustered In 1•11 \tol ,.,,,,,;,l••rJ:•· flrUIIfh'q 4i 1·~·1 ''""""· rli jltr~t. ror•tlltlly t'lll • • rlt•(l llu• llloiJw ,r, Ylll'lll • hoh l•ura•·• ' lufn U Nftf drtff·fl)llf _., \'f( f rtJ y fit ft1r 11111111111 T nllo.Mfoltl'ftl,. Yft•·ht "'"' from 8•n l'l'dru lu lfunululol I EDITION L ~AR. re~t.ors Jroperty 3each. U r !k Solution. of il-h Ia Sanw a'I•Janclen. Both 1ion of -sa, 81iiilil •·n IHIII('\Jaud"" tlwo tMtlc~tt t'ltm«' to 1 tw.d w1111111111111• I•) Mr. Anc1 Mra. ft. L. 11'"' "' r.n•••niM for Clw ••• """" hiOn• W'n«)Ua ....... •r.~l ,.., ttw llllrfiM'\•. -to I' """ ltw INiktr loti .._ ... lt••1 (mnt .,'"'"•" fniU\,1 4 th.,t II V.ulllft m U'd ~ I It uf I two I~IMit\, ,,1, "'m.o I 'flft(flf lnft fMia ~t ,. l(fll\'J' ~ .. an~l, wtw-ro• tlw• rlc¥.~.;n;ji==41'ii ttt cnuatiq pltllr ~ • r-. I( I vi n,c II rt .. I hGulftt tftwtrH-" IMI mJtht lhf', hill Whk'h Ma 8rri\llfd b.nc. A• ~ rtmt,.lant • C"tlUndl, whl,. "..,......_ "'u""'"'' PJM"r In ....... 'Vf'r ,..,.rrl~ It lind a.. It' ed c.... lftllldp lot t"ll'" ""' h•• bHn IWl pl ..... u,t t hrr,. wilt boo nu lnt .. rTUpU• • •lrl•y lh th" tottbll.tllnl ot U. ew• T im•" nr In the ..,,.,,., .tl " m•n1 •·u.tnmr,. With ,. rlnt11111 ( 'ollYI'III,.nt •arade to - (~arnival ·•'eat·1l-....-. . "' ". ''""''""' , .... '' IHII Ill• ltllol If !tilt o .. fl/'4 II f!itl* Ill 1,,. '"'"' lt•ol loy lhf' r•miYJI lfUtrllf ft''* I lllrtold I< r :ra url, ~;loalnnllll ol chlt.H ... tu .. ltrrlln~trtl for III&DY '"' ~l ouu olllltolllYII In "'"'" wtDo ow, '"'" ''h ;orl•·" -r .. w tnkll' hU .,,nl•·d Itt•· """ nf hla -former Of•• l1111l•l lljr (llf It fair A II I• 11 I llfl'lt •If lhll h•tr• lllMRf Ill '"' ''"''' "" llo,. commUDftJ Mr•l a h ont In Today's < News-Times v .. ,,. "' lfrpoor ·Bay ln11 Pa.re 3 ""'"'"""''Art· l'ap J 8\111•11• lot Nrow111 Pll~te I Ql&MI ftr ol Ad1 r.,c .. 1 He"'" "' l'tuu •·hr" l'ac• 1 cr. .... w.·,,,, l 'ur-zJ,. Pal{e 1 Httrlo•lr Alllllll''"l""tlll P~,!. 6 '"'" ,.hi'At,.. ... ... I Nlllw" ••t lfArbur y,·,,n ... n Aqtllltlf', llm•l :-/I'WIII Ne-w u ... t 1'1tll Rand Hlfl o•r Oufl'a <.:nlumn ... ,., 8 r.,. • Pan • ...... ...... . - NEWP( cos· a, Newlyweds l S. A. Meyer I By News-Tir Arnvtn(; "JHI't fc n.-r·' Frldtoy .,v,·nlnl )Ira, S A Mryt•t ; •I anti Mr11 Will11rd M mam•·l.l July l:l a•t · Wf'n' llllrl•r1.tc•ol b\' 1 ot thl' 11: ""'JI"rl II • 1 Cum JllUl\ '" h " ~ nf'v.lp •·co•l• ""'' I! .palllry Cut'al.a J:lllh• r• II' )tlt'yrr humf' ll' •I '"' tor tbf' :h"rt"'"''l! ' lfl'OUJW'tl Ul I h•• J'fl tlw pair art. I .. n )"' •n·f'd by 1 hr o•nl a.od ht .. h · .. ~ Latf'r tn 1 hr ,.,,.,,. ,...,.. pro -.·nt,.,l !\.1 Minor th··~ "',.,... u ~1.1' I v .. r .. • aiM ec1 Among U-•-)"•' w . .Mr ami 11 ~. Mllf'fty, Mr and M ltr ud Mn. H• .toe ' J-. C.bn•l. a.Jrt AlmA a. a.tUwn J-:-r;:- a.d .. ,... f; v , and Mn A I~ l'lnk -r . Kanhu Mr. a.od Mra 1: ~ arco occu [)ykf' cotta(\' 011 ( IIUIIUDer HAROLD 1L CHAP "W• Ounoelvrs tht By St'I"Vllli Of ..._New c-ea .... SeeO Be IE\ -Learn tA · Swinl'- .·R.. G. Pap Offen lA In Dirin1 and Swir On '[he \ Front N' ,.. r •' .. I '· Pap2 I • ' • . f. f II B · p 10<'11001.8 s<Yi To BLAXZ ll'OVR PAin' IN T~ QAJIE By w. KD JUXWEI.l. ,,,,,,,,,,,, .................................................... , &WPOBT• ALBOA BESS Th"r" hiiJI ~"n qu•t~ an upro.r . --tW~ence'' an~ ~·Whither" are two standing interroga· A Jol 1/olltl:t·A·,...,,,.;,.._"T 1~" M .,~·w·wlt·•H over the f•N t.1&t th"r' lll a ahort· tlVea of li"'·man·ty which have never been ....... ..,e-..~ d a&" o( tr~tn~ mechanlca to till the au I . . -.. ~~. an Publ~ nery Thurild•Y H ••nctlf: at N t" fltll'l IW.u•h, t'•llfurnl a j<Jbe tn lh" ntpldly exy andlnc atr-which, in the nature of th~ga, doubUeu DeV« wiU be. Wan'a Oftlte and Pntlt1na Plant ~<t 2211 <.:o:ctt Alvd t,.l••phun" 1818 11lbne. lnl!wllry, atupbuildlf\1, munl· liOurce and b.ia destiny are riddles which at beet can have Ent•recl u HCOl.d-elus m•ller Jauv· 1.11. 194••. "' llw J~lc,. nt 1 1"~ plflnt.~ .. te. Th~ reneral tend· only speculative 1\fUIWers. Men have philoeopbized on' these · Newport S..ach, C'ahformA, undt'r lh•· A• 1 •·I M11r• h 1 lliill ••n• \ I!! II) hlame-thf' arhJallon on · · · the. C'du••auorwl syt1Cem themes u far back a9-U\e, record goea, and they wiU continue o t·nciAL SJ:WSPAPF.R Uf' Tilt~ ('ITl' ot· ~t:\\ I'IIHT Ht:Ant A~ a matt.-r of tact. It tw1 to pblloeophl.ze so long aa the race livee, becauae it is the ap· nothing to do woth the e<Jucllttonal 1 bl bl th 1 • .,~t•·m at ttll Education never rarent y unanswera e pro em at most effectively chal· Wm. A Maxwtll ancl \V H Hlt••hrtttctt • '"·"'"'' unci Jllll>ltMio"r" • W~l A. MAX\\'F:LL, Ellll"r 1 W. H JIITCHMA :", Ctrc•ul.ot 11111 lilotl i\tl\ ••rll~••·l' NELL Ml'HBARlii::R. Looc Jcl :-.; .. \\~ fo:dote~r -. . ' The Preaa ha.J been BdJudgf'd a rt•'"•pap.·r ••I j;t~cwr:tl c ,!l'llltcllflll IJ)' "~~~ lntendt'd to bt: I' •r•t•m of lengea the thought of virile minds. , n.~tnulll tra1noug The two' are quite And while wt• ~:~hall never know whence we came nor dltr .. rent. hlth re not b ed f f" ..1: Hut suppos• tt lll cor;tceded tor w er we go, Wt· a arr rom m\.Ung a.n.swer to a llv· IIR ke M (,rg-um .. nt that the question that is evE-n more ~portant via WHY .we are /here. 'li'I!Oo<IIS uught IIJ teach trade.a and Thouaand,s <•f us. ih an probability, have not even stop· ,.,., '"Icon~ If ow d11 vou ~now be· 1 · · • st'BSCJUP'l'J();o..; RAT~!' ~ -... • .. ,.,.hr~ntt"""'''"'~adt>s tl) t ~gu~·st on. But lh_ere are t1mes 10 every life '" Ora~• Cnunty, Sl M po>r YO'I•l' ''"l·•tl·· "' t •c.•n~:• !"'"""'' ~~ r.u .\ml h•·v.· rnuny mt•n tl) trala In when the i.ssut• prcl-lt'nts itseii t oo urgentLy to 6e evadeu.,n Oeci'H of lt\1> Suptorlur ('our! nf 111':1 111-!•· t'••'li•IY '''"' 1~ '''''' •r 111llloel.l 10 pwbllah "" ktnlt# vf ll'!::t l n~o\1•'•·.-, l"lllll '"'' ,., to~• ,,.,.,I' F ew peoJ.il" know whkh tu I~·IH·\'o· th•· C ;,.l'll:an •11 lh·· KU68ian news reports -but plcnl v ,.f t~t.·c,pl•· hop•· tht•y ar·· both true. . ----------·---------- ,.,., h \"f"l('tttoon • the depths of surro~w. timid the ruins of great <>nterpriRes, . It It hud tll'''" s·aggf'sted two , •.•• rs 111(11 llllll "'to ou~ht ttl be out of the debrtll of wrecked alnbitions, the query h~ risen I I •tlnlnJ: th•·~-uf youn(C me-bitterly to~ Jiptlll8'a pi'Ote&t against -th~ force' WhiCh oplaC- IIllrll• 11 to "P!:rt~leklnthe• and oth· ed, u.s in a -w&~"W !if.J poorly a rranged fpr our weal. W ith "mis · ··r rnadunf's In "'nnk£' airplane , pari~< hnw much auppott would the ery outweighing ha · ess ancj grief outbalancing pleasure Nobvdy CIUI aci.'U~l' l'hurl'htll "f bt-rfl){ an oflfte'll !'.cr . Ill· •''"P'•SJII lulvt' l"f'('t>n-ed! M011t in the total ac~:ounttng, w prone to inquire witti petu· ' W II I II ' h folks wuuld have demAnded ttl lance the wher·eff.Jr" of our C"'e a I 1'13YH • e WI never par ey. Wt· WI fto'\';or nt ·~ut 1a t1• Wtl ~ • ktl"", what are yllu going to do Hitler or any of his men." ",111 thl'm ! And yet, ewn tho ugh we believe inn · her beneficcn.pe -----• I ~·irfl'•ll4' that t-.H• yean &c o the than that of nature. we ought to find an answe r "Why" ~ -,, ,,.,,, . .," 1((1\'f'fllltl .. nt had !laid, 'We f lif It . at'c with t r ts th t th' . Acconhnj! tn Prf')o;t/tt·nt Hon~t·\'t·lt . hft· 1:-: Jill-It ltlll' r mer· .,, I:""•S: 11, drt~fl 11 million young O e. IS ytum 1 na ura 18 a no lng n ~ency after anotht•r ""and tht•y arc-Kt•tllllg btgg1·t l hkt: thl· ..... :n . r"r tralnlr\1; n" rnunltttons nature without JUstification-that everything ih cre ation r1ational d('Dt 1 all t,!le time. ..~ .• k•·r~ "'" 11ro· I:'""J: to tak" ol\"l'r I'Crves aome tJnlamed purpose in the economy of the uni- • """ h o f th~ uhllf' • llrhool umblt:Hl Weeds and insecJ,s have VJeir: • 1 • qutpl nc•ttl tt:< n~·f"l<!lt.ry 1o rln the ld the scheme of thangH, is it unreasonable t o assume that the Eleanor ill gotnK on lht• :ur a::; h nt•WS l'lltnrJI••IIIat .. r. colo . \\'hht hfl tlpru:cr lhc•rl' W()fl J, . . ff' II ... '--~-. .. 'I·".. •·····n· llttc·ulc·nt .. lly, R•~<•ll."· highest form of ercated life also has a well-defined service to tmmy IS o l<'la y OJ.nM:rvtng S!~mr•whl'rt.·, the· 11lt1t·r boy:-; , 11 ".,111tl ha "" 1 ... .,11 cll'ft'R lt>d laM are captains, or something-which is a fairly K~~"d l'Xumpll· ...•. , .. , JlCrform in crentiun '? • of all-out &Jd. •rtw I.:JI1l!ID lll•;.. .. J..:.w.1J!d-Sl&1ea We do n ut thtnk the sel)!.ie nt mind will have_ t o study ------• , ''''""' ~;•• lc• wa r ljlll••kly Ill be· long before accepting the proper justification of every l-1· • '"" .. •• '" "111 " tutallt.anan na· man being's exi:,~tcnce as simply this: - The senior Olive r 'Wt•ndt·ll Hnlnws )o;;llil th•· hnma"ll r:wf' I'"" ,..,,1 h•·• ........ '' Is not llnd nl'v· To leave the wo rld a little better than it wa~we ia divided into two clas.<;CH--thol;(t whu .... ., ah•·,1d and rJ,,I· 1 It,, ... 1'''''11 " "•(rll ko• 'lllltt .. n Ev· . ,., . , , ''""'~; 1111111 .• 11t1 wc,mRn t~ al· found it. 110mething, and those who Hit and mqurrc, "Why w:1Mt't tl l .. ,tc·tl '"'''II"" 111~ ...... n mrhnat1on11 done the other way!" I'" till' '""II~'~ "' •·d11ratic1n and ------• _ 6 · Cttctlltlllo! It '" 11111 uf lht_llbf'rtlea , htc h ",. "rl' s. • proud l'f having. \Vendell Willkle, though rt>puclr:llo·d hy ma ny :1s :1 lt·;rdt·r 11"1 '' tl•""" ncot rwrm1t .,f th~ regt- of the Republican party, still h us a lan..~t' foiiii\\'IJlf.! JO :tllpolf'l." I ' Ill cllooll "ftlld l•tn$:·f8njt~ planmng ... '# • t \ \\ hll h ~ffief6!t'nCI(•II+an be pr~-~11""1C:fmlrJl'iftl•fUf' ll' lllt•\'l"ll ll'lll l11 1, 11,~1 r"r lung 1n Rd,ance promote national unity. \\'hrrt ..... blarn~ lhl' srhoolt• for ·--------""' h11VIf1Jt mel lh" pri'SA-nt ~mer· ;.:• no \ "'" "re •'rvtng l)to(•al1Af' w~ •l•• "'" , akco and du not attll ha\·e 1l. Lu Habra Star. AU the ad\'ances made thus far i.n civ-ilization have been made because someone was willing to do and to sacrifice for those Uiat came afte r. Very few of the great onN' or m an· kind have lived to see the triumph of the things for which they labored. Cethscmanc and the Cross are nearly 2000 years away, and the triumph is yet a long way C?ff ; Unr:oln has slept in hit; grave this half century, and the 'problem or the black brother is still un.solved. But the sacrifice of these marlyn ia ~aring fruit, because they labored for.those who came after: Jarll!' conlinul.'s to win battlt•s m l'h1nn. but tt Jl-1 bt·<·om- ing· more certain every day that Rhr will InN' tht' war. fo:vl'n II Ute inva~ k~U a eouple of hundrt'tl mtlhun ("hm,·~ tho•n • will be mort' than that many left. -------·----- It ia one of the divine instincts of ~arcnthood-a trait \ usK THAT RINDx which keeps progre88 alive--that parents long to give their • ( lft~ntlml' wh~n WP '"" po·rull-c·hildren "a better chance than we had." We want to savo 1111: lhl' dn1lv I"'Jl('r~ unfl hPIIdhnf' -. I ,f1,.,. hf'ttdh~ .. un• .. •wu:u. a, borrl-our own aon.s and daughters the bhght of p<noerty that , I F ·l T Z PAT R I C K' S -NEWPORT-BALBOA'S ONLY . Department Store J Natloaally Advertised Jlerclaaa.U.. at ••tloaally Aclvertlaed Pdee. ESTABLISHED \N 1914 Ocean Front at llnd St. NEWPORT BEACH QUA-~·ITY F~-DS CQURTEOUS SERVICE FREE DELIVERY Ocean · Front Market 2110 Oc:ean Fl'ont, N•wpo .. s • Groceries • Vegetables • Frutts DINNERS. I I Christian's' Hu·t I (Pitcairn Island ) ART LA SHELLE (AIIM: FLY.TCIIF.H ('IIRISTIAS t • . • I'IIOSE 1111 RAI.IJUA . ' -----------·-- --_________ ,. __________ _.. At t\ recent eleNFi<'fl l AAI)W lht' Wl~:.l'dl4 .. r im···Jttiun ah~wed how a meal may bt· t'llnkt:d by ~h nrt waw. 'One wa~ augp~:Jts that hot swing. wuuld be about n ght ror t'it:rambll·d f"IP· Judging by some-of the Hhorl WU\'t.' emanations, th\·rt· ia cSana'er that much of the food would be r ultt•rt. 111 .. l'rlrnt>. M>m•• "'-'"' trtl~t'-'dy. ROmf'l hampered ua; we want to forfend against their suffering i tt•·w~no;:llal of human Wf'aknt·ll~ from the things that harassed us. H ow many r.lther~ f(.'Cl-.. --------------------------~~~ 1111d 'mll'tt·ry, we 11r1> tl'mptl!d to , . · . · . . • !' thruw th,. paJK'r tu11de Rnd tu wiMh mg. the handtcap of meager educatiOn, have sacnf1cccl a nct 1 h,.t aurh nnt.als \\We nm1tted toiled in order that their son~ might have the benefit ot frum the news. Dll<l:lllltlnl{ and college training ? How many mothers would be content tu ----~---·--------- lt'a vacation time again. &nd as usual, thn!V' who need \"aoaUou moet wUl not be able to tak<' th('m . Wt' nften won· der what 80me vatatlooera arc vacationing rn,m. Tt' g.-t away frotn lteady work and routine grind i~ 1\utnl'thtn~ I hut nujone should ende&vor to dn. nnd many timt·~ lht' ft·llnw who tb!nb he can't be sptlred fro m tht• jt)b lt11, 1n't afforrl to pua a paycheck) ia sadly mistaken. ptt inful as lhe~~e Te<"lt.a"lll may be. • \ th"r" ttl no doubt some good In feel th_!Lt {beir daughters must "begin housekeeping'' with . 1 th•·tr peru11al. , the same ~ager equipment with which they began? Foro.te Peaay -----------·--------- War, aa weU--as politicK, makctS Ktrangl' ~dfl'lluw!:l. Six- teeD at.a~ bave_ w~ c andidatt'lS n( tht• (.' .. mmll llilit p.,rty from their election ballots. but l 'nl'll· ~am r>-.,fJ\•nn,.: t•l knd ComniunU!t RUS&ia billionl' of.dolla ~. That rna\' bt· what nn'' would call "fighdng th«> df'\"11 wtt h ftrc"-h'•·lt•tnl-! ttw (.'"m- munU.ta beal.-the Nazis. both ,,f whlt'h art• r·nn:-<lolt·rt•d tlllllllt':ll to the welfare-of the Unit l'j ~tato•)o;. -------· Ther<' arf' .m•lmf'nt!! In the 11!e ll ia .lhia instinct, magnified to embrace all the meek col ~vrry pt'rl'<tll whton he lungll ~ • • (ur thf' fl'Jwer let !lhut out all ron-and loWly of earth, which hu made the great o.1es whose I tul'l w1th thl' mcSt"ry and sin 11nd v~ion ha.'l brought the wo rld on its way toward the perfect lt:o.:r·dy· Uutt gn to make up th• day. It is thli ilultinct applied to the moral and Slliritual as·' ~~~"' ••' human f'XIl'lenrr. Su much ' .. r ... ,.,.. ....... ·!1(, much ,.., 110rdldn~llll. pecta of lite, which laya upon every man the burden of wf'Cd· ,.,, IIHu·h .. r •·nm,. and pco~ly mean· ing out his own vicett,-strengthening the weak places in his 11'"'.!0 "nd futM !Oirtf"' If on" JJature and fighting ceaselessly t o remove the mt:naces and , .. ull.l •1nly rlc:>k his eyo·ll llnd far~ . . . "' •• r~ll nnd ,.,:;,l•·r 111~ thnughu p1tfalla m OW" IOClal system, that tht! commg race may be a '" thl'--c-s. ~ bNutilvl-and ~~ hir;hff in Ute-eea&e -.han t.a.ra.ce. which now js. It was 111·· 1111 1'r1Y· hcow mttt'h ~'"''f't'lrr. hll this inatinct which led the Man of Sorrows to pronOUnce 1 1 hank". thl' srhC'm<' nf life would l)t· 1 hat firtest of all ·definitions of. the true mi811ion of man's hfe it !«•und" w•'ll t'n<>ttJ:h But we ttpon the earth: • . I ku••w thul an n•Allty nnlh1ng could "I th t they ight have life and that they to.• mo•re tonen·totmg or mnrf' cal· I am come a m • • llla h-d Ill wurrv <1111" With ll\·lng mtght ha\'e It more abundantly." . J \t..r·· .th1u1 :oun<hanr as """u11ary Brought down to the ultimate a.nalyt~is, that is all you The "V': campaign in t lw t•nn!lllt'rt·d nat1111\~ ,.f 1-:ur .. pc 1 .. "''''''''I' fl"'"'r Rnll fnut. ,an~ h f h t h 'th h · rt -1 t h preeent.a a aplendid opportunity to th•mon)o;tralt· tlh· p••w••r '"'"'' I hu n '""r•• phH 1dlt~· 111· r•· arc t'rc or-t a .t ose WI w om yo u com~. 10 al Y o uc. of mind over matter. With no wt•apqntt other th~111 a Jl'lt·l·-'1"""11 '" ctr"·l .. p" h""'l:· W#' ac· and those who come after you may have hfe and have 1t • • .. • . 1 tutlh' tW•·c1 thl' 1mprr:~,nn11 ""d more abundantly. mined Will to esca~ Nnzt <'fll4lll\"('t'llt'nt . lt•lll4 of nllliH•ns nf ' "'"I'""" thnt , .. ,,.,. II• ""through ' · . . · f I' k people are ('balking big \"s nn th<' t~idt·~ ,f bluldll~~-la pptng th·· k"""''""~:·· .. r ttw """'"rtau"'"· That Ia the splrlt~a~ eugemcs ~ tfe, so to spca -:-t o It out in the Morse codf' lthrN' de~U. :wtl ll d.a.tih . . . 1 ••r 1 the· t rn.:·~ll•·,. '""I ''''''" lht' !ltn.~ nr pa\'C th • way for the nsmg generation and the gt>ncratwns 1 Have -all the ·cieanest fun in the world at the. IliA X· ARCADE Ill MAIN STREET, BALBOA • .. .......... a~~ .............. .. 0 t I . . . THI . . . . , 1 •llr f•,ll"" ntc·n :1nrl wnrnt'l1 Ltghl ~ t•l to bt_• --broadcaaUng it~.thily irom .h1Jd\'n ralill• lil attutth. t::v~ ,_.w .J.a..J .. n• :l.LJ.:. U~e. J=IIPiln.c.n.t.:; • · • . • 1--tt-----... ~,'T"-------wbiii a.&l .gua an e t'unqul•rt•t ,.1111 m,·s"""'Ti t'l' . c·t· +-Tr.rt-m-n)< ... -.n-f"Mtt~l : ·~vj Your ,part In t_!l~ game m_ay look sma~l :. perha~ tt. ':!: 'sr with the portentious v ·s-whi<'h l4trtnd f11 r \'11 1,.,, .,,.,.,. 1 11,., ,., ,·thllll! '" .• ntollh ~,!<," "1l" " 1 small. But humanity 1a made up merely of rnilhons u f you s . . . . · I' "'"lui ~"Y'"I! .. r '""J! :o~:n • -and domg yout part r ight m akes it easier for the others to mvadera. It Ul ~sud to bt•.gl'tl ~ng Ht•r r Hltlt·r s }: .. a:. an,t ,\'c·ll '"' ,,, .. ,~. r .. , th•· "lf~"'•n!l" and . . . 1 ~ may, for when mtllinns of t•arril'st llh'll Hlld \\'l'lllt-11 t'otl\· tfl•• "'" ornon,:~· lllttt • ••rtll' In lhf' OO thCir part rtghl. . . . . .. u ·~·1.11\'.'! for I u; to leave thmgs a httle ~tter lain to bring ~ulL<~ t'\"t•n though t ho· f"t"!-.lllt ::; llt alt auwd 1"1 • "·"Hh ""'I•· tout r .. r lhl' rx- through·physical effort in~ptrt'1.1 by l lw IIOIH•r .. ,.l w1sh, 1 ''""n .• r "'" 11111ur,.~ '" c,·rnp11--~---· IIJ\ •·nrl •''''" lc• ro•pul;.c••n :.n'd hnr-\ MIS('Hit:•• RESULTS FROM GOOD L'iTE.."TIONS '"' ~· Ill• 1 h.na: t:•"""' """ f'nnoh-In :;triking at child labor the Washington and Sacra- HOOVER'S SE~EN POINTS • a: ',.,, '" "''·.: 111" 111'' "' "'"''ry 111entn meddlers bave put a curb on all youthlul enterprise ,.. . ,,,,,., ''h'' •··n•l' ,,( tth, <1'\tT0\\!1' -------- -------·---BALBOA Many an Arpmcan thM~e day~ lA Rt<ktn~ htllhH·If : "~h.mtd ,, f'lhl'r' :"•'' ;"I ,,,h .. ,. cor Jnl'thrr ' Rni.l ttmbition. In trying to wipe out 'the kind of labor that Ylt..United Slal$.S w~r !his~~ .. lt'X,!~ I·• th;... II\'!" I 11111 c ""'" ..... t~ flo·· ' rr"" ful ,., .. ry or I harms youngpple t~y have also hurt that 'kinJ of work ... EBV WED-ESDI·--~ for aD 'tlCm·lnteM'f!ntimrim forme-r Prt•!ddf'nt H~l1 oo~l I • rml[n! d•'.llth or-r-t'llncs but t wfrieh youtit een c10to acrvantage::' The -•lrl,.frii.Jl•a-:fiiil.jflfft':""ii-tU·~--~~· ----r-~, k b ~ 16 o-y I 1 . ,.. (t rl" • ,~,.,, t f"lah I n fUZQ 'l th1 'Q..J»f'l""f' • • . . spo e_ an emp at•~. no._ n nn ad~ t\•s:-: \•nt tl ,.,1 , A ':-~II tn '•L•I ,.,, , ""''''" '"' :h .. ~"r•·t y nnJ' ploymf'nt of young peo~are aaUy wh~~ applied to condition:> l • IS CBJiiDR•N'S DAY =~~-.....,.,. ........ ......:I'T"~,.._""T"",_.,,. ~~ Reason.. rac::lh~Lf.!.!l,nJ L hwago. lw t't•nrludPcl lu:-: • '1'1'"''·~.-,., ttl••lr ··"" Thl~ 1• al-l tht•y are found in s mall commumttes. )No rse than that, • -.; stay-out-of-war argument by pn•ptl:-<1n~ tl11• fPtlil\\ lng , ... ,,r;c.t llll''"ttllftr~"" 11'mJto •~.,. ..... ~'t""-,..1n'" deffii"*"Y detriJDentai to you&A ittelh For g~.sa 1 There'f tisl.ng l .. 'Them vertisir 1 L:• flu T th • (o•(lo•l\ f••••ltnll I hAt ""'J' ~ • "lor reasoning people.·: !'~ u:. .~1wctr~kuuL.m the l-ll~kc can 't w~fVl.jt so tb,at youngsters who want to husth.' 1. Give ev('ry aid we rnn to Tlrit a in and Chi11~1. hut d,, nc~t 1'1"'"''11'··· ·•f ~,.,. •I tr:l£e(}~·. tr~..such _~,,Htn41 ttnd eam a 'few doUa.rS don ot: bS..ve o go "thtoutlf an; A . I "'""'''"' \\• ·'"' ahl·· II• l'l\"!11pn-• d . ed t II h 'J·l f put the mcrtca~. flag or Amt~rlt·an b··~·~ 111 t ho• ze~tH' 11f war , 11,,,,, ,.1111 111,. "•·r••:o \•'" p·arc•nt-. tht• red tnpe that IS es1gn to pre,·cn sma c t uren rom 2. Arm to the~h for t.lt•ft•n~t· tlf ttw \\',•.-t••rn llt•llli)o; ., .. ,., c•l .. u 1111.' lt••ffl lhi' clark Wt1rking 10 city sweatshops.-La Habra Star. h d l k .J -I 11 ~ wh 1 t ht• I <ntc•ltll• nw t hPt 11 1 .... ~ "' • • ~-------~-··· -··• ' p ere an cease to la anu tu pr•l\'tlkt• wat· unttl we art· _1,11;1, hNt 1111•11 111,1 11ror11 1 .. 111~,r \\'IIAT ,\ MAN! 1 armed. 1"'"'11118 n~ ""' """rd ,,, tht· hn r-J Di.M · of San Francisco. New York Yankee, 3. Uphold Congress stearlil,\' in a~\llllln" tht• rt•spons t· lo.tnnn lhr•• 11''11'''1 t" th•• mntf,.rn °'' aggto ,.... tanw \\h••1• ''''"'I"'"'''' n1o~1hrr" tn :olt'al!l th•' newa. interest from war and politics and strikes •I lnst.eac billty to dctermine pea<'e or war. t'honn ro,.;t1\• \\'1111 th,.. nn•n,nt• ,,.,. :e nd taXI'$ by aett.ing an unpreeedented record for consecu· l--t-:-----+ea•t-------.--.L~l~\hi$Jlotign o{ idcQIQ"is;~~~ •uc·h rnn•'"" •• r nourt•hmtnl "~ his score is 56 in a row. f~.~!'r.._mi~~~.f!'!'f!.!~~ .. "~"inf!t-!~r-t ~'~' Q'.£!'01 ''· "''~~' l'fflll«'~~' !'I , u i&~ ,...._ ....... __ ...... ,._. --~~,.. And D l.nthe busy l N ~ Tjh., ... h ..... ~"'' -n~... •• "'~ f'r\ 1\n ana a '""round ball. Wltll an the~ space around tb~n'i and "'A c De . ~.·rr>•W A•l•l .,uri:\n hl'lplt'~~n"NI • <J. vote ourseh·f's to tmprc•\·m~ ttw fllttr fn'<'dolm~ ,11 ,, 11,. 111 Ht:" that "'"·"··· t!'Jtf'lh: pttt•ht•r putting everything he has on the pellet. you prob· within our borders that the ltJ!ht nf ttwtr stH'I'l'S~ rn ay ~t 1r t lw , , t h·· " 1rp ",, w ... r ,.r f'lltJ"'r· .•bly wril figure with us that hitters, like poets a re born and people of the v;,,rld to t ht•ir ndopt tnn. ' 1''r ,.,. ·u1ol 1'1 1~"~: · ··: th~ varh'J:r~tr<l 1111t mati<'.-Hynes·CieArwater Journal. • 8. Be prepa~ to s it Rt tht' f'X'a.'<' ta blt' Whl•n Jll':ll'l' COIDee, Whether it bt_• t.hC' J't')o;\IJt 11f l't:tlf'm utt' olr \ io•t,lry. Wht'l1 other nationa will be sufficit'ntly cxhl\tt)-;\t-.1 I·· • 11:-.tt•n l•l t ht• mWt.ary, tcODomic and m oral J>l.lWI.'rs ,.f tho• l'tut,:d ~tal~!: • tl •ll•·rn "luc h ., ,.,.,,.ro .. u~lv rPnc1· •. , ... tPt•' t .. ·.u;t \ \\'•• u··· tn \'f'i'r\' a .a WE• II 1th l•r••IIWt• t:•clo•c th•• •k·ro :1n;l SAFE :\SO~-. • .,. 'fl••·rl II ·•ur h··,., ·~ \\llh nnlh· It Isn 't the deadly firecracker or the fl~ming nx·k('l tnJ: '" "''" h .,~ \\ lt.ll t . r"a" c•ur whi<'h makea an UJU~afe and insane F ourth o r J uly ntlWadays. 11'''1. hl•·l ' · """'""' "·••r.-t llt~t"nt It '!I thr traffic. La.at 4th but five deaths we~ laid t o ftrt"· rh.·u~l\ tho\ .... '""'i!~~""'" n pro•j· ,., ,,. .. ur "" n '" ,., "'''' lh~ J.m:l' workll, while 475 wert' laid to motor accidents. Most com-· •'' r~tl '••lh•"'t"l' rt• h ""'' p.o..•r. h1~h munittE'S have tamed lh~ stflall boy and the powdt>r rut-up; "'AZi£-BIDBB, Jl££ CON~BSSIONB Sc LE.\RS TO SWUI ! Olldn-n wtll INrn w '"~1m. \\ h;\ not '-'h tJwom to _,_ ('Of""'"' '! Rulr Pat~. l'onth"'-' Uhlnc -('h:tmallnn, and IMtrilc'tor of i'ilwtmmlnl[ at t'nh·,..,..tl~ nf T"'"" ~ n""' Ol"'ftln( Ide ...... "-nn of tlhlna amt ""lnunlna ln .. tnldlun. fllllofl"f'ft a ,..,_...,.,., . IMtrvdln• .. ,,.n at Ralhna. nr at tw.<·h hnn1f'-. Phow ....._ So. I fnr aa•pnlntmf'lllt. · ··s.,. .t l 7. Go to that peace confercm•t• wtth•Hll llw h·1tt·~ whi(1T1 come with war" ... and with a plan th•,uJ!ht .,ul anti m atun•d ... a tMw concept of human n •lal11ms t hat w1ll ~·w Hll' world eo me permanent peace. , ... , 1"" ''"1.. ~~~., trn~~··.ty ,n th~'b 't th ··ld onee a• the automobilt> wh~l l<'<mtinue to mow chttl~· 11•'\lo • I~ ti ,.Jmk I hilt h•ll(l~ Ull U (' ~I ' o'l••sl'r lh.th "~' kO.>w 1 '('m down. • ••• I I \ I ~ . .. -1 .. -= \ • l \ . , '• July 24, 1941 NEWPORT..&U.BO.A PRESS Pare 3 ....... : Ult Dr. Ralph D. Hoard ~ ........... o.e.o,.. • D!!.. Obed L.ucas DENTIST I Sura muat 1hlne and men m'\llt dream If they be worthy of tbe name: ~ CT'Mtut ·atan mull kincHe h&hl. • --' The lft&tHt barta. a flame, That thOle who follow lhrou&h the nl&ht And atumbl4lloward their 10&1.1 \\'Ill find a star to (Uide their ~)'tel - A dram to ruadt their aoula. Nancy Moeeley. • • • Howard K&nqy II a radio tech· on Tba Yo111oa Linda atu •ya Uw nut time O~e county he&p. elcrc!l a eonarueman it wUI tiP .orneone balldH Harry Shepp&rd lnl·IJmbent Thto f'HhuUie ot con- ,.._IOI\IIl cllatnet.a IMVH him &nd Ora~~~;e rounty polltkolly aeparat- f'd He ll\'fl In San ~rnardlno cuunty and the ne" ... 'dlttrict Into which thla county has been placed lnl'ludtoe th11 llnd Rlvf'ralde and Imperial counttcoa. Conaequently the rar e in the new d11tr1ct will bt-a frn for all nut year. Commfnllna on thr "lltuatlon" tllt> Hf'met Newa. uld hne Demo· l I lilt I~ W. O..tral PMIM 14.11 NEWPORT llEA('H IIICII II (rom a Way back_ .·ll1·n·I-IS'ntJfrla•OIC~l.: ~.:_;lru.~wi:n~Ar"'Yl\"miPI'iT"?'llil)11~;+it--­the namf"'br~llaCY 1l "t)R:-~J. eARTER - Deatbt Jtoou ... Plate• a Spec1alty Pboae 1529 lleO Newpor1 Blvd , Coate Meu H~RDLD K. GRAUEL lwttral (~llprl .... '"'"wport .. IIIII......., .... --~~--~~~~~ ALL TYPJP:~ ot• BOAT iu:..l>AIRINO MOTOR IU:BlTILDING IU.ECTIUC o\ ACE'n'LENE WELDI.NO VIRG'S GARAGE Hit ('f'at,.., • PhoN ••• VIRG IL MOORES, Prop. E•pert Macll.labt SHEP'S For !hto same relatioruthlp to radio a1 ty I:Hmu.•rat nuw 114'n'lna hla tlra' 1 doea thf' name of Fulton to 1teanu trrm In tho> "tAit' llf'nlltf', 11 1"P· .ch1p11 . . almoat. sard..-d •• a pt.>A~~Ible ra ndldate for Back Ill 1921 when our momml .. t~ !Hmocrath· nonllnAtlun for I "-~re· Juat lt'arnl~ to make bath· In th&o n .. w dlatrtct &iib~-cin incr we fllll -pwtllf to l .... u., ...... ....t ut·Rweralde. <>nn,e an4 ('ttllet:t thr war dtbll, Howard lmpen•l l'uuntlu Sao·ramrt~to ob- K-anagy •"&& l.n the flnl"oY ot the wrvc-ra haw protdJclld that a..., r aulroad . . . 1pec1f~ally, In the tor Lockey Will figure promlnent- autumatic alcnal maintenance dl· ly 111 California public-atrall"'l In \'llllbn. Hl8 home .,..._._In a box-car th" )'f'MI"'I to romf'. i!ldetrarked hlch In the Nevada "County ~uprn·1aor N E. WMt m ountatna, nme malu (rom the of Oraocf' rounty, who wu de· Utah line-. He waa more than 100 frnted by Con,-rHMman Harry R. miles from any atzable c!ty anc1. Sheppard for the-Democratic npm· ronseque-ntly, had little but the lnlltlon Jut nar, hu air~)' coyutt's and I.'OU&ara to occupy hll atatrt• d hie 1~2 campalr-n. • I Radw wu atlll hl&hly expert- ltlt'lllltl. T here ~A•ere only a few re- ''""''"8 lldJJ in thl' rntire United Stalt'll and thellt" far from IUCCNI· !1i1 .. Bein~ of a m~·hanlcal tum .(of In th..-ne"' fad and cathered all thl' Informa-tion poulble trom newapaper atones. ma1ulnf' artt'- •'lf'll and t.-..:1\nlcal .pamphlell. And ht' built hlmMif a radJo ... It wa.-. a clumsy, three-tu~ atf.lr, 11 yard long and operated from calli -Mf d"l <'flit whll'h hAd ~n 11~ an nulruad bln<'k 111('~18 . Wh~>n hf' III C'kl'd the required ma-'"'"'h;, ht' llllhlllltutrd 110meth1n1 I'IM suc-h as wire taken from an A C motor, t.he puteboard back ,.f nn old wntlnK tabl.-t. Mmf' rub- bf>r llhf'ellnl{ and pme planks _ \\'undf'r or "''onderw It work- P<I' l'r pult•tltlul Republican candldatn jtiH'IIIIan~ Thf'l"f' ArP 1mpnrtant In· dh·1du111~ In OrllnKf' r unty who think ht> llhnuld Ill' a c-andutatf' to "'"''"""d Harry Shi'Jlpllrd In thf' """" dl!ltrlr l. Kuc-hel follows thco 1 J><•hth'81 ph1l•1110phy of H1ram Jothn•o n and 1" onf' ot thf' trw bnlllanl Y•JUnli: m1•n 1n thr lrgt!l· turf' H.. IJ! thl' I'Mirm ftn nr thr I Rrpublocan l!latr t'f'nllal rromtnlt· !,.... F•Jrmer Ccm.:r""-~man Sam Cnl- llruo ••f Oranr:r o·uunty, now a mf'rnbo·r ,.f ttw ~tll tf' ft.'lll4'mhly. nut)' fight 11 ttUI \\'lth Kuo·hel fur tN! fUopubl1can nvrnmatu•n I "R h't'l'llldt' o·uunty Rt'pubhc-an• 1 ,..,II ••n('uurA~" huth Kuo•hf'l and I I IOPF.nALII .: t 't 'IJC.., \'It t"'UIJAY, MATI'KDAY _ oii'L\' U.ll IS \"lr." Ut" Til.: IU:C 't!"il' t•Mc H I.A \f \flUS K\' MAYUa IK\ IS clf',UKtlr: UHKIMIS HI· 1'tlt! I'll'\ UF SY.WI'C)aT Blt.-\('11 IN ar.n:Kt:SC'JP: TH Till: SATIUSAL Ot:n:s"'r.. ASU 'I'IU. l\t:t:IU t-.IK Al.l~ lllll\U~o~ 111 \l.l ""' \f,· RUII'M IM PL&AKI:D TCI ASSCH'N<.'F. ntAT, C'UI'UUISC'Il\U THUA \. A !'loU I !\Til. t 'I'K1'11F.K Set1'1t t!, l'tUII't:K t•'\C 'IlJTII'.M · I BE I!JET I I' TU Kt:C 't' \ t: S ' J'U!\ l'IUa.' nuN,,. Tt• Tttl" t'l!lft: C'"'A'l"!'f .. -. JP:Vt:al' fr'T't:' "'"· HI& AM T IC U : Ttti'IO c 'Ut.t.t:c Tr.U Wll.l. Itt: TI'KNF.U U\'Y.K TH l 'IIF. I'KIII'I':K A I 'TIIUKITIF.I'4 t"Oa JP:JU'UJ81\'E l'~t: til ' ·ruF." S .\TIUSAI. Ut:n:l\~t .. -·U. '1.. KUitF.ItTMUN. SOc a llaU Day, .LOO AU Day GJo.COat,_ ~plat Paste Wax, lib. 59c 59c We an hie Dbbt•aton oa •••·•oa 18LAIID Poaadcan32c 2-lb. can 62c Schillin~ (:one-.• Sehilling ( 'offe• Owerstuffed Hamburgers AND A SPOr 01" OOf f E& 1111 eo..t Rt~ Thf' famf' uf h1s c-ontr11ptlun IIJ•rt·ad fllr and "''ldf' OutJ<Ic1f' newl!papcrs pte!(.~ up the &tory of h111 IH't'<Jmphahmt'nl, for r vl'n wTth all 1111 llllJ"f'rft'Ctlttn.tl II !ltHI WU ('plhnJ< t u ''"'""' thr prmoary f'IM'-~1-::::::::::::;:::::::: tiWl rar .-on thf' thf'ury lh11t If thl' o'""~·· ,.,,unty \'nt .. ( "" llf' 11rl1t hr-1 '"'''''" two ~<trrontt rnndldllt.-11, thf'f'f' w ill ~· Q guod C'hllll• l' fo'r a Rlv-. Pnnck-rmm+y-n.ndldAtf' l•• •-k uff with the nomination." _ .. A -I .. • Eorlcht~l fc'luu r .. A-1" fc:t.rit•hNI fc'lour \'t•rmoot Maid s~·rup \' f'rmont .Maid Syr.u1• ScottiNNUf'' 1-lh. t'Bn 261/tC 2-lti. t'&n IW)c ... 9-lh. MtWk He H.K-Ih. Mllt'k 4Se -1.2-o~. ju• J k 24-oz. juK 27c JUW•r Kook!,...-ave PERMANENTS II&ADDY•!f ane;_ ~~"!f"~~ Oaeta 11-PMM .Ill thf' <~nl\' rad1o ~t-.·t+n Salt Lake e-m· anlt So1.lttlern Catltorma. an4 not .,nly did 1t work. but It worked like prncucally no radio tlu ever wnrk••d bt'fore nr alncc UNLY TWU ALTJP:IlSATI\'EK Thoae who tell WI now that tM ~ l11 sUit our c•il.ain Snur In hl8 lonery box-car home, Huward cou d jynt' In the flout dance. lt)USic from Stalktn WJZ in New York Cltv-a 1~,JilAI- tlon, whlf'h, with the flnHt ,......_ ____ __. L. -=llal'le avall11blf' today. cQUW .eca~l)' be --.-•• -.; heard outside lla .home state ... ~nd thal thf' tremendowt foreea IIWHPinlf thf' Old World threaten no danlfer to the Nt'w, lflve the lie-to their own words In the pre- rautloM they would ha\'f u• tall• Thfre 111 n(o fiN'ape In IIIOlatlon. We haVf' only two altemab\'l'll We ~an aurnndf'r or we <'an do our part 1n holdlnli: the line We can deft'nd, w1th all the n•fai\A In our pu~A'f'r, thf' ra~hlll thAt 11r .. moral- lY lind )1'1(&11)' I)UII Jl -..c decide r"or thr Amf'nCitn tnldltiOll. for thf' P"'MI"\'at1on of all that we , twld dear In I hr. yf'ar& that two • Rht'ltd. "-'1' ahAll tJikt> uur place In lbe liiJJ' 11nd pi!)' "'" part In the ddfnl't' M frffltum Nf'w-Yorlc -(IC-W .x.k r..-.,. A-. Al that lime there wu wfreleM f1f Calllora._) t .. lepb.cme llt'I'Vlce betwnn Catalina TEACH~ OF ~lA NO llll11nd 1and lAs Angele~~ and eve,n Orpalllt • A~p~UM!Jt under advf'rwe weatMr rondJtlorut 8*-Uo: M'7 GoWPt.rod A\ea~ 1 whf'n I.A!< -Anr;f>les and CalAIIIna Ooroea 4d ~ar wuuld hllvt' tu re~11t llf'Vtral tlml'll PROSE: NJP:WPOilT I...,_W tu mllkc themMh'e!'l un&-ntood. I.Auon.t Cl\'rn u home-or I Howllr(J'II l'rudl' little hl>mfm~ ~===~Pu~p~l=l :l:f:~~s=1r=f'd===~ Rf't ..-.. uld pick ''P both con,.t',._. tlonl'l, ~rfl'f'lly c-k'ar HI' rould I t \'t n .time 1n shlp-to-ahon-wire· lt'llll , llllll And that wu REAL-BOIII -CAFE L 'I' sometllrnr: In thnn, thar 4a)l8.- ITAlJAN DINNIAS • l'el' f,..nt'•_.,. ~,,..,.. Ell'r trlclty and rad1o arl' aUII T lmt'!l ud COCitTAI..S, too prl'tty much my.lterles ttl thl' a v-, Anotht'r thm~e thAt 111 probably CD.DNA O[l NA. l'h"ft• 1101< 1 Prllltl' !'H'MIOn I d f '--------------' fo'llr 11 numbf'r or ye-or11, F. E. s)Q'o\'lnji! up uur nAtlunA f' <>nM WORK BASKET Helen N. Oallqher Stamped Goocb .a Yanaa • N...uework la1&naeUo• Gratia ... .., ctJ 1 ef lla&eltale 611 !fo . .,,..._, s-ta ..._ noee zas Ru~<l<f'll hllll nt't'ded to wear ear· errnrt 111 thf' ldf'lt that nttbo'Wty In phunes t u hra.r ordmary converaa-Y.'AIIhln~t"'l o·An tl<' tn111lf'd w1th 111111, Then. tht' uthrr day. work· 11uthurlly unlf'll~ ho•'A II "nf'w df'lll· I mt>n Wl'rf laying a ne,w. ru main ,., ,. in front of . his oftlce and were c-uttHIK ouf lhl' !'ement pavement ll ntil(ht halp, the national de- with f'll'l'trle drills. the din Win( fl'nM 1f people ~erl" I'Ompelled tfo j iiO tt'rrlfk that an (lrd!nary per110n earn monty tw>fun· thfy ~nd lt . o·oluhl ;<arc~' ht'Rr hlmMI! lhmk. The louder it ~arne. the better 1 RMIHnr Rtt!OIIf4.__1&-Maf--and nih· 11 r:nt "" he could lake off hla •lnrtthttnc_til nnd hf'a r evrn \A·hUtfl"ered ,..........,...,......,, ............. .,..,., ...................... """"" .. '·'· ''""''''r"Attnn much ~tll'r than a pllllf\11 In 11 c-o\•f'n-<1 war:on, once 'Jlf'rMn wtlh normal hetU1n1f · · In 11149 onC'f' In 'l\2 Rh,. wu a ,.--------=------; ()( , . .,,m,,. the J"?asun lay In the • Phone 16() J7Ul and CoeJtt Ba~ lilt-:- TRY THE HI, HI! • ~~ MIIM ~ut11 of Lac'UA& s.--.c·b on Hlrhway 101 Oomplet.e UDt et HE\\' AND 1."8ED ,. BIKES 111.11 ... Up ........ r 1111 -ar. 811. G. Pall ~ .............. .... aaa IIAKTA ANA lndtan lull n1ynah!O .,. - ~ttfr t11lkln~ blrdJI lhan Jl8r-r<otJI 1-"lnrf'nre F:l~thm,.y lo~d to nwn on,. whlrh wa11 c-un.~lltf'rablf' nf a ladv kiiW "''tM-never a w•.macn Jl&~ hy 1111 1 aae ~ bird ~A'ould 111ng nul . "Hrllu IIWI'f'lh~>llrt ' Who ::.-.:i~tijfni~~ .. "'ii~~~~~~ ~~: ... ~ !'..c'l AAhmll n ot 1JATlSfiA tlitAnd tlnl'f' VITAl INS A fpw ynr11 aco nobody knl'w th11t the feanome shark 1 w•ntld Ill' a l>o•on tn humftnity ThP cll!lo'fl\'f'f\' ttf Vltamln11 In ShArk Ll\~n w111. lhas year. h11n·,.~\ 1~ mllh•ms or Jl()Undll uf "hl\r)< tu he dtllvl'red at • They vnll comr t.o ~lleve humanity In Ole form of Alpha- Dt>talin. Mulllcebrtn. Hepleebrtn and OayamJn. All t.o be found, upon prucrtpllon, at .. ALLEN'S PHARMACY Martae a& Put! A.-- BALBOA II'LAND no. ·~•-w • bw.lt a mJnlature raclnji: car with 11 1:.1-lnr h whf'f'lhiiM and a qullrlf'r- horaf'~lwf'r rT)Oiur C'IIJlllhlr Of 6~ """~ J!er "ln1Tr'IJtc:-1;n ~ te11tJI at l.ldn IIIII' th_,. tiny "2""hln" clocked at 64 mlle11 ~r llo;tr . • . Kl Trw1n. I'Rptlltn n1 N_,.,flt Har· • hor llff'J!UArlt!l, l(rlldU!IIf'd frotm Huhor Hl~h In lii:Je. ~enmr: rrnm lhtrf' to thP Cnllf'jtP nf thc-Parttlr 111 St(l('ktnn whf'rf' )lr dllltlnlnJIIIhf'ft hlmllf'lf on thf' ~rtd I'QllAd. rl,.ln~ In the r 0111tlnn nf tf'llffi rapt11ln In H••o Hl''11 a mfmbf'r nf Om".:" Phi Alp ia al)d prt'l'tdt'nt <)( h111 frH- tenolty A11d ·a ~cw,d ltft'I{Uilrd, Nelahbor pohcy . A njl what Ia ltranrl'r 11t11l. hi' alll<l practice• tt The Mlt~hell'a little pe~bll'· duh cottage on Hamilton ttreet 'J' one ot the moat attntctlve placu In town. w1lh nowera. vlnH and lrfft In protua1on .. HI" hobby 111. ~.ivln~ a"'·a y fluw~r ~,.~ and hl'lr· ln~t othl'r prop~ b!JIId rock ,..,. dena a nd beaut1ty1n1 their hnmi'!O He aay11 hf'd like nnthln« bftlt>r lhan tu llf'f' all of C.ollta Me~~&'" vacant ltttJI planted and tw>a_utlfled '" that ,llttlf' c-hildren ml.rht bave all the flowf'r" lhry wanted'. r.... tor the plcklnc . . -. 1 Holland Dutch -a~AKE RS PIIONF.1Me Friday and Saturday, July 25-26 a-uYD OIIIBIITAL RuYCaKE ICE 'OX • BOLLI, 8 for • (Willie Ol' Wil-t) Ruttt•rfly Cofft•t• Cake-s Pattv Sh~lltt . ~ LOIS UK 43~ IOc .. .. • DOZEII 15c l-2U.aAG L••b Chops, lb . 31c 29c 31c OOt:STlU' I"Tl'L&--ltt'7. Pt'aJP: Pork Saa1age, lb. ('t'OAH\''~ .,uLD l1UIN-t'ull ~. s, Kind Bacon,-lb •. • • • • , . IAtx t,lak"' 3 roiiM 20c ~--9e­ larKe 22e Sunshine HI llo l~rackent, ~b. eta 19c ~ Lux i1akett King K~lly Orange• Matrrnalade•, Jh. jar l-Ie Kf'n-l,..Ratlon large• t•an, S ·for 22c Dronwdary (ii.tJge•rb'd. Old Dutch ( 'le•~tmwr l!ora~ Soap ('hlftM Uf.-buoy Soaa• t~ux ToltPt s.,,.,, RinMo, rt•g. nuraxo St ah·y ( 'uiH· ~tarc·h SmaMhini• "'ht•at 'foaNt S(try Spr~· ~lb 14:oz pkg.l (c :J t'&nl'l 20c lar~ea Jlkg. 21c S t'&kMt 17c cak~8c 21t 2 can 2lic 12-oz. nkg. Gc \\'afe•rM · lb. Hie l-Ib 1&1/ac S-Ib. 52c · \\'illa(toint OyMtA•r-. l-::iThtamin oy,d••r!'4 )!UJllt•ine• ( \'.'uldorf S ·Jtt :m·•~ \ 1-ut.. :i rniiM 28<· :l n•IIN 12c 2 for 17c -nm-s lh:GETABLE ' I ' 'I Lb;a Beans; 3 lbs .. 19C Apple,s, 61bs. .. Cucumben, 25c .lc 19c each 1.·\IIU.r. t Mr.,..ll tiA"AIIA~ Pineapple~, each ... EDITION tL ,, irectors Property__: __ B~a II' lie" tM proh1em U\at Bal .... flhOI'I' hy plt'l'JI to 0.. • 1st.• Communlt fl•l\ ctll'('\uatln K thc- ~llnu t'UnW to A hHd 111111111111111• t fn Mr. nn•t Mrw. R. L. .1 .... 1 ,.. """''"'•..t rC1f' u.. Ill•' "'" lnttn• IW'I'lOUa I hut It .1.-1 IOfl lht• IIUrfl\('f', ct.. tO • 1h111 lh.-ln•kfco lnt11 ~Nil·· ,,,., fmnl ttc'r"~lt' ~ Ill llt"t II 'o\tllllt1 noiiU'd ,.. 1 Ia uf 1 hr l•lnncl Tltl' •nnl<' •~'ftftltloft hAa .. ~1 II foil ftV•• pn .... lfom Oft ~mt Wlll:CC UIC cit¥ c:u.-..._. ... •n .:rMnllnll J)l4or p.rmlll .,.,, ~Ch·ln~e lltl .. thoua,ht IO _,torr..w" lhet ndtrht 8tN', hell whlc1\ hall emwod ........ ~ . . -----· ,.. """ rmt .... t•nt • CVOI.Indl, whU~ mnlftlllldJ•-1111• tnnhudvt• IJI!Wt'r lo ~ tvrr rlll'l'f"l~ II and lwJ •u.-.t Itt. INt..., lot t+ft ~ ... _ _..,. c..:: .. ~ l9pOr1 MclcldtJ,. '" l1fl '""'r nn~ttntn~. IVI'rtl nv.,.,. th•n .t•ty O'lh un ttl.-hland and a ca•~l Oft lhnt 1~ (lf-n)'ln~e ·--.... " frr•o• IU"N 'llll IO f"lhlit' lll'lllftl-. ; Moves )me Frida > I hr· rtttlar• llrtrbolr ,arade to ( :arni!a_l ,}"eatU&c ... a-~ All 1• llf , rt IHtrflltUt t (,.,. "rl...,ot•· ntl'l r,•l11 •lnnf'.,_tlt oltl lo•: olll t•l f•·ol loy lhll raoml•1181 ,.,,.rulft•·•· ll•ar .. lol 1\ llmuo•l, o;halrman ot· xhll•i'"· hi\.• nrrnngf'ol f<lf' man1 ''' I• Hl1111: •li~I'IIIV~ In 11tore wtDo •·w• ,,,,, l'h •rl•'ll TI'Winklf' hu 1 ""''''' ""' ''"'' nf his fnrmer ·.,~,. lollll•l ttl( fur 11 fair. All ''"'"""" oof thf' hnree shoW ·Itt 1... lo··lol "" t h,. 1-Yo~muolty In Today'~ News~ Times Vf'l•o "' IIP!W'r ltlly l•w J>alf'! S Ar1 l11b ~tnol Att l'ap S Hullollto.r Jiolf'WII Pa~te t •ClaMI'fl'f'd Alt11 ~ T Nev-·11 ur ''tlurrhr11 l'llC'e l ~o•""''"'" l'ot171r l'llgl! T Har'"" Aniu .. Nnf'nt" f'•«• 5 Tbe 1'h~atru f'alf• I Nev.'' ••f llttrhur """" ·~·Itt ,..Jl· SaAtl Hlflt-r Ouff'• <.:•Jiumn ...... rqe' ..... , Pqe Four NEWP• cos B. Newlyweds S . A. Meyer By News-Tit Arnvmt: ''JIU!I fl nf'r .. F rlolliy '"'"llln, )Ira. ~. A loi"Y"' '1 anti ~1r11 \\'all:or.l ~I m.IUTI<'O Jul~· l l! lh W t'r.t' aurpna.·ol b\ ol lbt' ~ .. ~port I I I Compllll) V. lo '1 newlywo.la "ltlo I p&Diry g 1t I n.o.a '" I ~)'f'r homf' &Pol ~ • (or lbf' hunur.,-.·a JToupf'd tn rflf' • fltl Uw pair and f'nJ<·~ 8erved by lhco l'n U d bOIIIC'IUI Later an--t* .. vcot WU'P pruc• ~ )' M inor. tht')' v. ~ •• comic I v .. r ... a ~ ed. Amo ng U.o-}Ool er. Mr and •tn . Murray. Mr. and Jot Mr. aDd Mf'a. Ra!bfo June Gebrtt'l. .t.l n wai1Ja. Mn Akl1" 1.. A 1-f'ln~ Mr . u d Mra. F ~are occu DJu colta~e oa c -er BAJIOLD IL CBA..P "W• Ourwlvt'll th 8) &-~Ot ..._N_ <*Ia-- See 0 · Be · THI Learnt Swim G. "Paa Offen L In Dirin and Swi1 On The ~nt N (Jaun<"h Comdruction on S~O,QOO Ruilding at ('osta ~~~a ';t fl4J v. •• ;-t.r,. ·-\• t.r•l •\ ,. )It*~' f I ,, "':t""' !::._, ... In • ,_, .. t Pr ... hi. !t! '•It' A t.l4 f. 4 1 • rt•·· t•-d ,0 th"" l :"h• t,k"' '-. ••r '•• r••rt lo '"''"' .,,.., I···; M l " E • I~ I t'l'''"'"' ~ J4r~1 Tht"~· ~tr~• tuJr ·~ al. '''--"""''' of '"'" t..nlf" •• th h s'J..-.-l fr •'' 01:" nf 1•101 r.-rt .tt .. rrntnol fn•r\•·. t1 .. n t.,..1ng ••f ...._ .. ,.t,.t'tl••r;:u v n.o• tUN' 110 tl mlt\ t ... ,.,,,,.,,,.J "1 "1 ., run.-t hu.Jl uu···"-·'~ U~..C· t.\•J u .. t· lntu nnf' a.t-._,.,._n ll)o • '\(• '"""''hn r •-.~t .... ~ 14rnnt Th,. l•uakJ.t~ v.all ad)'•lll w $1 0 000 1v." •tnlt t<tt I• l t;to J"'' bt-UI~ b f"HU«ht tu I "" Jth t tltf, t~·. t.1r s c;,.,. ... n thu ... ~·' •.e h• r ·•· u· 1 n·k•·rt 1:,.• r~•·t ... tr ..... t 11 •' t.•J.. .. h ,,1fi1h t1n ,.,.,. ,,,. ''-... : .. •r • ~~\' r t. , ... n.-.u unat11 •·n th~> v.1 ..,t '"'' "' tt • •. TIIKt.t. 't:\\ IIO~EM 1 • 1-I 1 • I 1.. II I \1 (,f Loa A Ol!'eleA 1 .-1 • , .: t h· , n·r • htn nt a aJJt o1 ;, • • o1 'Uil V111 tlrvreto. I . I· I , II • ot IIIC flirt, \\'h lrh Ia ;. r ... :1 1 1 r ;,.... ~1. llulsteln. • 1 , ' '~ " lr:'J't hgt: nnd "''JI f I I ' f \I .• ,J.111rf" ftC s:-)r,oo. '' • , •lol Mu r. twn new •. I • t .. rt·~• lh111 .......... k k ·, • 1" , .,r ='-'• rt h Hully .' .. J •llt\J: a t ._...o ~tor~ 1 ,,. 1 • •J,, a.: Ht 71:. ~1ttrJCUt"nt •· .. ~. ·,,. P•""' ••f S~ft(J(). untl \1·~' Tl ' 1,. 1 llkUI:II' ""· 11 fnur I I• I • .. 't llt.l 1>: 0 ntl(f' .. I ·l!l!7 1 I .... I ...... I te• lat l•·r .• un•trUl.ti••U • ,. o hnt .:• .. , "'" lli'IAnko' <.:uUII· . 1 :" \•I • • •••nru-u} untl \\Ill .. ,, ( ~ ...... Itt I IIUII ttl \IIHK lllt::o- 1 \\ It f f t I f I " I ..,, tfo I t ,,. 1 '1 t ••t ~II~ f. ,. t I : t 1,.' I ,J •.•• tr.....-t .u.d tt.t•• '' n .. • '"""' __ ___.. __ ~u.~_.._......_u..~ ..... ,__ " "'I oor U ftl?'?l :&fl' 1 .. • 'iJ•fffi !.f ., ' I I \' I II f, 1-. 1 4... I II U .._ t I 1 If '"• Jllt'IW'OI IIIII~ .• ,., I ,, \• II .., 0 ' '·' Tn-' l,.t ,...,ct &dtht ... rl t., 1 ' 1 1 •, .-.,:. • t r• k\ • ,,.'"'" b tlfii;Ut.-s!' t rril •~t "'u ..... 611 ... I ' f •I t •f 't' t fft.l "-1~ .. ; In AI\ .... , ... , •• ,, stu' f fl "'··'h ar1d 'A .It lfl•t t I I ' ' ,, t. I ~ oiJ+ tl• \" I,.'"' lo,ljf ! bf' t•J r. .. t ·m~<'pUf 'At lh 16 !•··I ,,1 1,, ,.,. ,. ,1, \lr 1 .. ,1,1 E I ---££JWA.'f'. liuU:I urul.IL._n..· .... .._..:LIJ ....... w.)'+'>".~ • • ~r.~r . rr .. ~n W......-.d In t .. "ad.Jn& '-tuun stu rr... t. I "' \\ • , t. I ~·--\ n~··lt>~ H\HI - tho-td<•nlttv oof "'·lw h '-fr• Gr•·•·n , 1 1, 11 ,, <1': 1 \\11 , " ,.( 1).111 h.<u • oool 0'\ ... a lrd -" I I • HOJIF. ·~"''F.JolTJIT.ST • . I PAYM II~S\" •r.n·•s~ Q • Ranr .. r--•P" .,., fi'•l l•lt\' "'''"'. uestlon_,s,........., I for ~ ,,..._, Jt\111''' .... ••f tnt"f'1ttln~ d tunciA but ""101 "nllrrh t.flff"r""' In . A • -I m l•li\'H tho-)' •ho.uld t. I''' \olll•'<l l ~J'"\nswers from buy1n,: t ho-"'ro r ..: ho"l"' •n Ow "'"'"It Ot'tlth boof"ho ••l '•' ",, • • I"·' n• ·,\ hooll"' "111 1 n,... h-.,n tr u\4 r.rr I-• 1\ ..... ~ nt..m t1,, •• • , .... " , r~f \\ U1tl• \\' \\ hh~h brrolpo~ntn'.-r..-torn.~··nht.,.,.t.,,,-,,, , ••.• 1f tl.,., ttt• ,..,,.h v..tt.d .. "" ln\"f"etn,,n t ·• r•' • •I • f 4 Jrn,. .. r .n,ar u.lll\ the~ h-•u•• ''" u \~ \'. 1 lr ,1,,, 1 ,. •'1\44 .lrf' I +• *'r a t·qu1rr-c ..:.,.1-,.;h•nJ: ''" "-h u h • 11 , t••f f h 1\ I" "I \\ •u•l"'' Uwt r..t.Jrn. allbo..,.:h d .rr .. ult I• J rr. , . , . ,.: ·lo t1 ~~~· •I oo1. I"' •J ~,,.,.,.,ltv ~Jtl'll _,..,., '" •. I\\ • oo luto h~oll/ooro t tl" uab&fo "-c ant ... r.-.r .. u •• '"'''"'' •·rl"'' •I , ._. , , •• '' 1.,. th ..r r••ll ... •tp IJI•oek 1t ta J"••'n lf'd out 1 , , d· • .. 1. It llh' ·In tJU\'en..: a htunf'". ttw atvt,\ul••.d ..-. 1 •1 .. ,, .,, .. , 11,,tf .. l h\' 11 1 1 • c•un~~ an nl-•t 4 :u;.r,.. -.. ••• ..-Uuu" . 1 1 • •• 1 .. , ,,,, ... tf• '11 , ft11\l 'mnrr ,..-:-lr.':'fl ~hl'tTI li1r-·~n•l ·, ,,,.j,,j. tlttoo•it..li lho· ''"" to Ill• • I'" td ' , ' ..... n ,...,. \\"~"""" "'"-'"''i'n.:.... .S• , ..... ''•l.' • •f I h· ""' r• ' '' ' ft tf.i' r ut ~utu '' ft•u, . r1liC hrr t h u h n C t -. u \ \\ II h ttu.-t \'fh• .. t '"'Unflrl'. '"'" nwn.-r f,....h, t t\.11 tn:c <Wtl1nott an-boon'« .JIN'\.IIy l'~ll~f1f'd t.lHtv •• '1•11• flit'• t••••·u fH t\ --.-· L.:..J •• _ .. J ....... It!~...J ~ I I •, I It S T FLOG• ·'LAN· r L o d'" • , ~.; a • h ,., nt1,1nln" th--.. _ .. room~ •1nd w htch cost~ If'!~.~ thttn $40(111 I~ like-ly t o bto .A t\\·u·~t~,ry ••tnt• ..._n ro '""" ~ , • • .......... , I • t" a ny modl"rat t inrt>mt famUie." whu und#r prev.u hnR •':1~~· flna nt·lnj.: llWfh•"'-"· are hu.:hh' 1'<•1'11 at \\'t ·" 111 ' ·' k t •h \\hilt>''"-IIJl . . LlllclLllome.s.~Ji fl{!l n .. or conlaln.tl hv•n.: room. drmng ...-... m . a~1'! 1 ' ~>n1_ w~ • ~.I .... I~ U.\\:1 ... d h t h Rtu;k E&at Ull/1 prn~rly u. \'Rfu···J or i1h'~) aml.· .. rru• ... ll ll•n~t·ttml' ct:.ll" ;~r·· thr•••• h• .. rnom~ an " h htoU:4•· '" S" u t h ,. r n Cnlifn rma 1 ,. , r S'llfl" wrth nwnlhlv ptwm,.nlll of only $18 00 To build 1 I" "' ' fr f 1•1,..,)0 1 140oo d••pt·ndl]lg <'n loclltiHn qualit y of fim:oh, rtr . Eva•n "" :~ Pompnr~tltvf'ly ~\'ollrltl 'oo!'t I <Ill -th ,:;,thlv ~ymenl• would be nu more lban r elit, th•."•Rh 11\Xl'll nnd inllur a nct> ~hn~t,.~J _ _:•n-,n, ;11m,_. "-f,. mOJit h Wltl~Clftr trtll' tll ll lot lHf(t a rl'w l'ntni!rt'd oo11anf fni' M~fn p \\"II"' nu< 1\ I')'' uo II ,~ r • · ttwnl, l h•· ""'',.,.J:•· fllmtly co uld b uild this home v.·tth safety. Oraap Cooaty Blue Print Shop I ,. "".,I v. Itt• l1 110 r''JII\IVIIblr l "L f .(,.t IMJ,! ltf (t lf \\ Pldd\\ t J•••at11flJ.! 1\ •tftltltr' 1\f'<' olf •t•rf"l•n ··at h a J<ftd· 11: V. 10 1..••1 lht oollo:h \\h it h lht• t'llllt'· ~ ,.m•·~>t h•mll·· ,,.,, . ..., ro·ru-hl"d llls"j Land ltii Important ,,j •' t.. U"'•·.t \\ ••• n ""Pf•t""ln I <'3J'f"· I Buildin~ Perm itA . f \Vall Treatment I July 1e. Ra tpb JOtuulon. Nnrth Off~rs Range F'ttofw 37t8 107 N. Broeodw'a J . Sa.nt.a Ana . H. \V. \\.riJtht f'111KPLACE •-ooo. rnAL A.~ CIIAJI()()AL ,.,..,...,_. .............. ...... foU-,1 PAINJING , .. 111 "I· r:.w .: 11 "''""'" "' u.-t'd In ffoust-· Plan 1 Hullywood. tw o story 4-ruom framt dwf'lling at 715 M11rgut nte Bwklone .. "r,..rt:c .... trm•tlf' ,.,., •••· '' 'r'h· "'"II• ••f uhr kil· 9 In 'tlruldlnJt ur buyttoJl' • ho,ullf'. nvl'ntle, Ct>nona del Ma r, pt'r owner'. two-thord10 tof a huur<l' 110 wall !~pncl!' , h."' ,,, "'', r• ol "1111 1\ h11 t ~··•·m• l:uul u• tonr of th,. ft1'111 and r'ol!l 12t)()O T r<•atmt:'nt .. r !'UI J:r .. at an arr a may too ... I t h,Jo I \o•r 0 r j.:lt':'I:C•· r lllflhtt.lant £nn,. .. ;J .. ratlun8 July 17. GMI"Jfe J . K u hrta. Loe mllkt' •>r mar tho• t•nl trt• tntl>rlor "I " I •• , .... I II. • \\ o il~ (.'an \\'hl'tht'r fr"m th .. p~ont or VlC'W AngelH , e -room 4weUina and t v.·o-d l'<"ornltt'o• '" hrnu• . 1 1. '"'' .,, •'t 1 h• l'f•' 1:<1' oor ~ohtoulol 11f t'<'Onomy or of Mll:cf~tctlnn with , "r J[arajt". 201 VIa <>rvvto, Lido ('olurltal htomo,: furm~hm~ a!'l' 1 I • r • • '• •I · , Jlr<•pl'rty. or ur nn.rkl!'lllblhty, 1~1 ... pt'r r_.. M. H olatC'In. ~. murf' th.on '"I" •II I'd loy tnday's '''"'""r 1'••0111 \\Ill nool 1111hrrt· '" "" lndl\'ldual dwf'lllng u r r lap of Juty 111. M1u Ttw~ Haujl;ni'SS, ,·ant'd v.niiJ'-•Il"r palla'rns. w htch rr• •• 1 '' "' •I " •II~ fto-mm·f' ttw ''" ··lltnp m~ty bC' I'Onl'lm>rt'd &pllrt• 4·ro••m dwf'llinr anCI 10 by 77-n ""''''r 8 wado· rrrn.:•· n: :chadt's and 1 L.'' 1 • lrootfl t h• ••rll:" ,. hv "'"'lilt· '""" lh" land al("t'lll'l<'<1 And thl" ~·•r··~,. Rt 227 Jumlne a,·enue~J!~tJ:n.'<. • L. •••• ol h •• , ol II • '"It "" .... ltr •Ill r<ouodon~: fc-a turl'll \\ ht~·h ll'nd tn (.'oruna-<kl Mar. l)eJ' Orange <;nun ·. l:hc t.ha!c' ele.tn£nts to.. be con· ....aA ""4 ................... 1'1 ... 11 .. m .. vnt -~~ IKo• tlw lanif rtilsun lt.• \•ana .. rnr I ~· llll l'f'll\Pillf'nt Co .. S30C1o. !lt<lo-n-d tn th(• J<f•IPrt a4<n nf wall· I 1 •" '·' • 1 "11 •I " 1 ' 1"'' "'''''111 1•·-ul••ntrnl 1''"1'"!14'!1 Julv :!1 ReAI!Ie Han·11ll,., 612 l'"f"'r :u•• t•·'llun• t•nl•·r "no1•tHnf!' "'' I···, oolol••l I hoo t ·ll~hl\' ''~~II~' l'l1nmn~o:. ,.,.y .. rr .. "'II' nf thf' :t6th ~l rt•f't. il<'reert porch. ~r own-All thrre h:n ·t' 8 ahrt't'l ht'anng on •'! \• 'I ,,. ,, \\,,,I ",, fllloo\\ tho• l·"··ol·•r"l H(.HIIItnl' AdmtnllltrAtlon. ~>r. $1:'t(l • tho• ty~~·-nf roHIIll I•• Itt• rroduc~ ' ' • I·' •II\ I" '' I' ttlll tnlo: ''"'"'"' lht• prnt't'!<!< tof t~dnpt 1°K a Juh· 22 G' W . Andrt W!I, :115 and h<'lp . o1f'tt•n uuw wlwllwr it Is ~r'"''lftr ru rn nr l:~n<t to the *"'"· J"Mn;1w rumpus room added to '" tw runnal otr rnfnrn~al. ltKht or ..... _.. M •oae! ~11'' ~1 '"11 1 1 •"•· •' I' '1111'"1 "'1111 ""'"" q"''"''· nn<l ph\·~~rnl fnrto1'11 • pro·~•·11t ,:•lrfif{<'. ptr Shannrn E . dark. :<lmpko tor pr<'tt'nll~lll•. ) 'at\ "Ia,.: I .... I'PI·d •• ,,,,, l ltt\\ t HO \\h\l h '''"'' tn Ol.lkt• fh(• lnnd rf'·,~.•lf···· S:!:.tl a..rJI ~ , ..... ._ c·.u for tho• , ... ''"'"'"'~' · r.11 n ol• ,.,.,,,. fur r,.~alll'nlil\1 pur· .lttlv ::!:: V. Blanr hllrd, Lo!l Ran~tl' l 'nllnaltt'd .... IUI(tlt Jlae.nah ... I · ·' • r !'-l lf•l>lll ~ h oloon•· hy "I'· I"'"'" :-;,,. h rtolaJ•I:at~o•n 1:0 nrhtf'\'Pd ",11.,1,.,. 1,,,,10r wllb C'Om~alwn , \\'a llpn pt·r r>rfflt~< n-n unltmrt~ A ....... U.. .•1\ •• 1 '"" 1 j•oolo ( ..... 1 OtiX•·ol lov tho• p1Ritln£1'':1ht• lfl tlil. l)y I'll· ''"''· 1,,, llllnkln Rooflnjt Co . SOO mnj.;f' nf olt•ror:rtl\:1' pn!<~ibllatll~ll. , ... l '• ....... •• liP «olacl , .. • 1 1'1• tlo ~ •• , r l •'I ll•ll tl \\ll•h t.tl•llsfttn~Ztollllli-Yr~r1t·lh••rr•·"lrlt'• .hh·:::: R .. y RtUNM!!I,Rilntll Ana ,t .\ \'fl!'l !'<·l•·d Mon t1f I'Qlnno and ...._,._tllt'\'ttal ,.;....,.f,.r , , 1 Ill• lll•lot ooo o\ 'l'llt' h 11 fth~ • ( I h .... -' td , lui ttuHnl '"'""J.!' I ,. 1111:1 t y " •· "" ,. $~t~)tl froom 1 h,. nnnn n ..... p .. n I' .............. .,. Thunday. July 24, 19U +--------------~--------... DONAlD BEACH KIRBY """ A. L A. • ( Balboa Island · Phone 345 !~-------------·--------·---=~~~ .--------~--------------------~------------~ .I • 'tinest Deal ·in Newport llal1lor I BALBOA BAYSHORES LE~EiloLD ESTATES A nt>w deal rn prupt-rty <k\'l"lbpmenl that Ia bett.l ttmn pTOpt'rty m-~. , \ MODEL IIOMt,: :"o:OW OPE:-> POR L"'S PECTIO N Fur F ull Inform ation Consult • EARL W. STANLEY, Sole Ate"t 11th .... ('a.~~t Htrll•-ay no-~-.ort •• Beaallfyiag lhe-Bo•e NO ONE THL-.:G ADOS MORE· TO THE BEAUTY OF A -nORE'"'Til"AYX-wa-c:cA'REn -mR LAWN .AND iBRttiii:- w~: H A!'JDL E LAW"' t.tO\\'ERS. EDGElR.S. PIUJNINO S HE ARS. C ARDE!'J UOSE A!'<D AU.. KJNDS OP' O.ARDIIN TOOLS AND JNS ECTJClDES . C. R. Erickson .. Contractor and Builder. 305 Palm Ave . Telephone 1~2 BALBOA Holden Construc-tion C-o., ln.c~ ' t'ZLZPIIOIIE •a:wroa'l' .saCII 807 CONRAD SHOOK CONTRAC TOR AND B UILD ER COM P L CTE. B U ILDING 5 £RVIC£ P H O ... E ... £ ... PO•T 103• ... 2 l 7 ..... q -,.,. A. .. r .. P . 0 ¥ 110 • 201 B A l BOA ISLA N D. C A l.l,.. .Wright Traasfe.-Co. TRASSt1t~R AND STORAGE Oldf'lll tn ~anD\ ,\nR Stncl" 1892 • T H • ~--" I· I , it. 1 d td•· 1 "I .. r Ill•· '.'""~ und lov ootllo·r.,·r~·· •·r•·nlong •111,.," ~loor•• hulldin"'. State high-p.atl•·rn!l >lr<' :1\'nolnNa> rnnging ":::::.ewrw:;-:: · 1rf "• r• 11 • ., •t. l'l'lo .t ,,,. t.tp n•·•~o:hl•orh••••l U .t:( 1 Kit •\1; PEILWITR ~· ''"" typo·~ tu th,. l'mnll·fiJtU r" -p, ·• I"'' • Ill I •l•otl\ F .. r '"""~· ,.,.~:!_"nl!'!> ... l ln!!l :tnl" f"' "&iii& Bath;. 1---------~-----r~reen-.... , , llr ~ t ~rm:<lwt: 111.1\ 1 ....... ··h:or~r·lo ll«lrr n ( ~~·' mnr i'U· 1' .. n ... ,.,, ~I) oulltlll. ptr Alack· n l<\m. wng Dista ncf" or Short Haum MO\'ING • PAt'KING HIPPING ..---- ••wped .. acJa 733 '• '·' · t I ~ ''II -k 1, , ,. , . 1._t l••r ""'"'' • t ~11l•ln r 1. "" Rt•m:~rk:ohly mlprnvf'd wnllpa· t'llf:E L'::-ITI!'IATF.:-1 ("A&J:FtJL B.Al'lrDIBG ~~~= s~~ ~• 1:1i ~ 1 ,,·•:,·~:•1 ,,''1,~~1 ·•··•• ~., ho~h ~·n• ••11 ~·nw~t ~r,1'1r1h ~~J~,,~,,~;~~-~~~:~~~~~~i~s~~~l;t!L~i·~~~S~~~"~·~~-~.~~,,~a~a~h~a~h~~~·~~-"~~;·~11~~~~~~~~-~·~8~0~d~~~~~~~~~··;c~a~r;~>;f;u;ln;r~~~~~"~'~t;hn~~ut ~~~~t~ra~\~'~~·~~nc~e~·~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 JOHS"T \\'AlTEH I '' •' ,,,~.,ftl~·•h•••ll" •'·"' "''" '" •' U Y l'•llll'•ll 1 :!•I outii!'Ut, ...,r Bln\'k · .•Jih•'r cl••\'f'l .. pmrnL~ now 11\'Rilnble \I t~ 1 t t • • •I• .. ,,,.,J 1 .t "'·' .. dtf•, l• d I•• IH h tt••t tural •·· ~=p;;::====:=::!::::;=:::=:::~J laliil;;;;iii .. •IICIIIIII•Iill•-li .. irllitirlilll~~,.~~~~~~~~:.~~~ ,. 1-\It~ Bonn!'\". 204p , .. ,1~ rao •l (n h n tbthly and I" •'"• ,,. '"'''"'·'"'' 1'1;,:'1••t.n~ '"""" K 8 t~ts · Tn •·lt1•ttlol noot to.· m •rlt~<)kt>d tn decad· ... • I I I I[ 1''1 1\ ,. r-r· p··rtv nt' '\~t 11$(.1 ... ll}h.trthlff ... •I ... ou .. l'l'f'r I&-I ttt.: ttU th .... \\· •• u ruu~h 1bere tising 1 I f'ormuty Johu T ,S~-;r l'"'•ft 0 1 • 1 , 'I, 1 11 \\ ol I\ ''"~ .. 'I tit ... , ~ht• .. th• .. t I'll\ '' Mllrjorle Cook, 310 Th•·•·· ·"'' n" hnrd nnd fa~t ~Irs I Carpets, Rugs and Upholstering " a.a· 0. POTEET, Proprietor. +--------·--·-·-- I·NSURANCE \\"hen y ou n~l ln :<ur ant •' l)f :l:l~ hlllol. ,,, .l ... t' :0:1'1' us .JORDAN. TWIST & pARKER ':011 t:. ('.-ntral .\\r· .. 1\alht•:• R. ~~ cllall Ge.neral C~ntrac~r 307 Marigold Telephone 222 ol n. "·'' \ HI·•·• \\ .... 1!1\t'.>l!. Ill ,,,, I. ·'' ••• ouUI"IJ!. ('t'r B'IRo'k· (oor. h···~llll>: J~<~pt'r. ami tnll'r('~(tnJt tuchJr·•\··d ,, .. d·-~••1 pr tt;•tl \ ~·rr~.t::--1u.tV lH· tthl:lu.ed through I loo "" ,; •k•' t. h···l • t•• I ru~l • c t ,. 1 1•2 '1na.:u t1 tl!'-1!"' .h.• • I" l'roi'W'rtii!'S, nr, , ~ 1-. I 11 • ,. J''",L:!.It) 1:. L~o~L -~----F ... ~-"-'e~-J"i:ttldtnn.I::Jh~:t1)e:I'Jna7 ~ ,; ut.tu~ t n U""'f"'l(; ......._uw ~ ,. ~• \ ''l .. 6.k. »~ per tk· u st•d tu t~Ju cll~nt ad\'unla.flf! to ~ · £J.I;4NJ:_ ........ ~~·==:I-~~~~~ I I I l-.lo·• Ill• h I 1 ( tt 11\•i••• ""' ol ' •• .., ro·' '""I= '" 1" Ill I\ i" ''ha Me"all. 420 Vall "'I I e I,. oor ,.,. wmr n It' ro'Onl tin··~ th.ot lho• tttll't al J••l-llllllootl . • 8· ......... "'""'' Sl'n·J·~• • "'"·~~•D.LIU.I~OIIA~ I ,, .. 'if '·' 'tt' f ' e!ttl,.e~·~J"'~......,._.~~ ut lhu-&:,;.bL~b)· u-.-, •• ' ~nr Jftt1 ~~ paPf'r. he ~ •" r•lf' own."' f''""'"''ll• th .. ,n~1'111 \n-Jul\' tt I. T. 1"1......,81 ' k'"-rd. -mAlt h <•nt• ~h:ult·. tl\o• uphcoh•tl'ry r .:• lol . , 1 •, •~ ""r ac .,.." . · lh t h· t•r •• ul• ' i '' ... •·hl·· , .. nJ•''·Jnrnt '' · • v-~-•0;! r.n••tht•r, ~nJAit nr' nh;t•t l~ nno \'r. · loot\ .:t \!1r'f E. H t>.,..,rgt r. , ... 11··~:.,~.;:\·.~·:\~.~ .• r, r •• , ttlf><l•'~l ''"'•'11 ·""' •t r• ,., :'12 ouUeiJ!, per Blac k-l ra.:':l1r.~~~~~~:l .. d';~~;;.~,e~h~ .. :~~r ~ ln•fll t J 1111=~ lt'1.'·~·J:!U!.b;_~rJ.....!3L(Cl· Jill ,. -~ 11131 pja1n. Httrt~t8 lme~~ 111 llw-pa ••P•·Il In tills nr::tnrftr fri'QOI'ntly II ,. •. 1Jerm0n1 'All • J'M'r rnA\' bf' cnntmurd a c1"081! 11 ·r t' •'\ h:l\'o' ..... I' rn•ol'h'<'o1 <lo•\'•'Hl tl( I 1' ,. , ., Ill\ ol :ll out HI"tJI,kpel r 16elnl. Wtnd .. w 'b\' the "~" nt stnruod m a-' I• I\ ''I ;\' It: op 011 • ~· I' I·''' nn1l \\11. II \• 111 n·~:ot•••l ''' 11'1~ · ' • · · · tl ,_ ·All tt•rml l nrrdt>nta llv. thr u~r of ho r , h 1r:ot t"r p( d\\~11.:~~, \\ hh•h Mtti:hl ll,t 1"'11 1\' :.'IP, 4 OUI euo:l~~ rll"n. IZt'nllll lint'S un t.he WHU ~~ a m od· ' , .. ;"'" llllt' h•· blaolt ·" h :>~ ~: J . AI ell. a ne ,..r n toll'a. confnmJtnlt to lht I ThP nl'l n all•·~ •• ( l hr F ilA h11,.,, ,,,.,, '' • fllttlela, per Allen. J ~tratjo!ht hr.r!! "' modt'rn fu rn'h ur r. j •a.tnj:•·d \.fh· l'lllttr<' nn.t .,,..,. fuh· :~ \\' P'. Po-..za. 801 Mar-F' mltu"' "djtlllhnf'ftt • .: lo I lo ,,,, •''· 32 oullcla, ptr E ld· • u . 1 • tL..hh.~rtu-.. •I ... , .tn h, .. pn,,L~t t•tt ·'" • Itt:--( u .. 'h\1'11~ I· . _.U1••,1. ... t h•'lfto""( I• .. t•··la:•~ I r,.' ~,~ , p. St.ruplt. 41 tO Su· :••r r ).l:'t'"<l\'f' htflllf'"" N:K\tiT~ n\·· n:.\R~ -. IP33 793 1934 • !PS 193:1 403 1!138 t.Z:l :!11\ !'o4!l :!:l.'\,(\7. 4!17.441\ 7fle.~P ....Juh• ~ H 'b~:..m.~.,. ~ Ol!tJtU, i • rnl 1'1.1 \JHI'I• I'E&MJT8 tr lhe cr.y mfo>m JAI pntt•·m \\Jih 11 rough lo•'ttllrt:' 1\111 <•'nt C'lol"'"'n unf'\'f'n Wit II 1 >rnr rt>ohnjol" whl'rf' thf' tr 11lng f'Art'r 1~ hrt'"tt:ht down on LUDLUM CAJJPET WORKS .PhQP.e 2806 16~2 s. Mu it . TERMITE ASD Fl'SGl'S CONTROL 5 \"t•tu ftondt'd Tl"rmlte l 1111ulat1oa TEBMINIX CO. tllL':E ISSPE('"I'IOS~ FllF.E ESTDIATJ:S .......... t !1~7 • :\6.1 1!138 • :14'< t93P :~u 19 t0. :160 !l08,C\!l\) 911.837 861.74!\ .July Jri l'ropertiN, Inc.. 900 ::11"r•• "' ... ~ ,. per J . H . Z.twt. .lt~ly lr~ '''"·Letha C. A llen. 300 f',.lr.~Pit , I j'l'r Z.tu. !~.1' ~~~~:~.~ ~~ ... R ~~~::~;:, ();~:. L.l.,.•,----------------------------... I 1N1 &o Oat•. Jan. 3• .. Feb, t O Mllrch. ~0 Apnl. !'14 ~ .. l.l80.122 .l.aly 111 :\lary It:. He~er, 404 tJcns or R J"(l('lm whrch 111 too small , :11-th .. ,r,,, rt"r Jlllt..-. , •, J aol\' H\ ~ H. -Ben~. • 1020 ILEP.URS ~HEDl"LED J 82.0.0 E C~ntra. ptl! Jlltua. I D. 0 Rntomfl<\n, Plll1!'8mlln 1A1tb I 17.1~ July 17 Robert V. llroee. 228 thl' R C P"'k"r rt•A ity offlrt 11 $104.729 111171'1 £1rll'o> p.r owner. I"Xpend tnlol ~41'10 nn unpr<»·•mrnt Slll.lt:l_ ,!_ulx _: _....-a, tMranahan. M hi1in.•r1'r :11 ~7~!'1 Rm h.l'tr trt •• ~ 7•'• ~fat~ lHIIe, per :r. VII. K llll!'n. Rl!'palr~ I· l,hllj; s:loo(l Art' 111M bto- WHAT! DNLV DNE .. KEY? N o riNd to be continually lnconnru.noed, bJ U.. •· IIUn« o f only oRe key when you.JI&va .... fw tww or threL It only taltfl a }llfy to make a ..,.._..., and we do It hi{ht here In our abop wbUe )"'U wul RAROLDI.JOHXSOS.~ June 87 July, :1:1 $182,7t 8 Jul\· 21. J Q . ~. 3808 m• mAdt' at, thf' Gt"1'1cl' R Lowman .$ 83.999 l'hnn~l'l pl,, e, per ownel. home, 4~ !'<t'"'l"<'rt boul~v&nS. j J--_;:;:;.._-'!~-----------------------· lilt !Marette St., lk'~ is ..._ •~• a. .., • • -- • ; .. l' Thunday, July 24 , 1941 .. NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS Pap~ ,-~_.--------·---------·--------·------·~~--------~~------------~--------·------------------------------·-------·--------·--------;-----·-·-... --------·--- J I B Jl L B -0 A B~-A Y S B o· 8 E S MODEL BOMB r --------~-----~------------------------------------------------=_..;~----...-·-·---·-..._·-·-·--------INSPECTION ~ INVI .TED / EARL . - w~ S-T·A N-L E·Y Address: Entrance to Tract, 17th and Coast lfighway. House Address: 37 Bayshore l)Jrive, Balboa Bayshores I ~~ oi!CUIUI4 BY .; ) .·:> ,.. . £DJ'tiON )ire:ctors t ProP~rty · nBeach Us ~r:ht.. "'"'""~ ~ tttlrf......._...,.__..heft<t.------t----------------of-il---+t-+it-flht-----:.-.~-------------'"""! PESBNTS A NEW HOME _of unique style, engineering and design, providing the maxi- mum of living space, s unlight and shade and handy quarters # solidly built for creature comfort Modern, streamlined a nd <lurable . See separate ad on the building page EARL 'fl. STANLEY Balboa Bayshore Leasehold Estates ........ , ........... . .J>Itoee 180 "...,__ w-et l'hun,. tnt l'hultl' 6%-\\' 11um·aEJ • II IN THE I I ·DEW mODE,. HOmE BY I IIIJRbar I lnuesllllant Ca. • NEWP.OR~ .CEMENT, BRICKWORK and -PLASTERING ... ~ ... C·HAS: C~ FIPPS 3302 Co-ast Blvd. NEWPOltT Pf{ONE 1213 I • ~ \.. mo"lt•rro n;o tuno11rruw Ul thll a t· ,,., " Vurllltun• ~<luro· ur ~""'" Ani\, • lho• ""'k ul a rr·ruo~o:ln.: nn41 lrtlf'r· trlldl\'t• rnodt'l hu.nlt> "'l't'ltll}' Q~n· / lor do·o 01t1tl trt$: luH trtjC 1>4'f'll In full t•d (tor IIIIIIW\'Iuorl lit tht' new Bal·; 1·h!.lll'•· .. r c· \\'ilia""' u111pant uf 11<.18 Uuy l;!hol'\'11 dl'\'tlupmt>nt · tftco t'h~tndlt•r !lturr 'JTht'-Homt' of thP Mov-if' 8 TI~Hit\11 loa..u '"''"''"~ In th,. who'n • ~<lrf'ady Dick Po wtl.l,-oan furru-h111.:'k. •·xplnuu• r.tr H lppr&rd. Hl•lndt•llll~d lhl.' Cajlllf'Y!I a ll< tho• ..rro'<'lll'o• nnd hKmwnluUII to1rtnhly ~tr'ttlrd In lhell new l'l"'''ohruol ltllt u( thro·f' dlfft'l"t'nt hnld ElltAII'A. I typ.-• ''"'' ,.tylr,. nf fum1tur. 'Mitt I !pon entf'ring lhf' hornP one 11 "ul'l"''" t .. ~lro•llll 111 .rarly Amen· g l\'t'n rtn uuprt>Mtun of 11pacluu11-cnn 111 ~I) h'. rurmahf'd with bt'aull- nt'!lot. due niAIIlly tu the cle\•t'r ar-rut lllo..lo•rn fllllf' And llulld Broad· rrtn)(f'rtiPIII and w•·ll.plannPd lntPr· ICWlm n •rp•'l u( nullll' hnton flax. thr hlf Tho' fl\'111~ r<'l'!l" IS bUt !!lightly ruoom·,_ o oolur "' htOOW oo( biUI' and • lt~ll<'d 0)(( frhm the bt'am-cpiJPd whrt,. hf'tnj! f'llrriMt throu~eh In 1111 tJ11ttng ruom wh .-h. 1n tum, O\'er-dr"~""'l: "'"'"' And bathr<•um Thc- luotkH the pa Uo thru~l} a hugp .... oonl1 ho'iirooom 111 fanuchf'd In ultra. plnh•·jliRM ~nduw In addition to m•od••m sl\·1,. hut k'r pt lnfnrmal bv I hi' tl\'lllJ: .,< .. ,m Rnd d1nln~ room. the ""' "' ponr w•ood. "''h ill' lht' th•· homo~ •·un1prt1!4'S thrt>e bed· third IH•Iroaom Hhr111 unul!tn!l'l\'rly n fltlll!l, tA•u hntlvl. dri'Min~ room. lnt•• tho• lrnpk RI rttm011ph"r" w1lh kltl'hl't). lrtrll" ...-n·lt·f. porch, df"''SB· !I<IIHJ m lron furnl,.fiTn~r• or unu•uaJ 11111 2"'111 ami Hhuwt'r for bathers, mt.-n ~t hrt• the dr•f"'rlra and rua• und a twu·('8r j!ara~< P.y means In lhr· l.\'1111: r'i.t.m. t hr latter bt'ln& ur ,-t.h.e nlUd.ulllllllc style oL.a.a:llh ~ oL C..U~ ~Yf'f' lrnf'"'1.d fmm tl'o'lttre. o'\'f'ry nHmt 1n the houM F'r .. m h IIIII•• Ch1111 {nl'hldlnJ: tlh· kltrht•n C'omm andll R··~po·n~lht .. fur th,. pll'allln~ and Ill\ lntftrt'!l.'41\'l.'ly-lw8Ullflll \'I(IW of lhooroollj!hl~• "flltfl'ro•n!" lltylr ut ar· thr• hrcy Th .. l•ru•k rmtiu 111 com-r•holt·•tur•• '" 1-' Rtoy c:rM"nl,.af. 1•l•·to~y •·•fiilJtp•·a !Ill-~tit nu1iJ,iilr'llV: Rr . \\'lln fW'M'nnally Jl'lanll and dor 1ng ro~tom w ith o•\'f'ry fa!'lllty for lll~n~ trll work fur thf' bulldlnl( finn n•hoxntlun Rncl .-njnyment to{ the-uf F Ito)'. Grcenleal and Sun. l(l'n· :'/ / IIIHnmf'r dny11. A AervtC'e yRrd and erKI ,..,nlr~tdu!'ll. The air <'•mdltlun- blidmontl»l ·'"*"-' ,.d&, ft~rt~~ h~ a.nd be&UI\IC ayaUcp w .. In · the pleAIIUI"4' po>~albllltlel! of lhP AtKIIr'd by lhl' Payne Fuma<',. and JliKC't'. • SUPIIIY .com.pany, and landllaaptna. I I A11' may be nolPd In lhe above whwh Ia now in proc,_, Ia belntr plcturt-, t.he homP 11 of brick. frame perfurmed by tbe Irvine compan)'. and atucco conl!tructlon, lhe gleam-Lllmber wu IUpplled by \be Hay- lnJ white roof beln( or particular ward L umber <'nmpany of Newport lnt«"rtllt. ThP lat ... t development Beach, pla.lt,.r1nl( and Cf'ment In rompo111tlon rooflro~. crushed work being don,. by Char lea F'lppa, white vorc-.. laln 111 rollf'd In dunng plumbing by E!!tu.~ Hsrdwar. and thr fm~o~~hrng pnwf'l!,, the model f'lf'<'trical work by Rid Dla<'ki'N-ard - hum.-lw1ng-lht• .ofu·st 111 lhP Her-Built uMJ:tnally a11 a dfomo nlltr-- bur tJoMtn\'1 wh1d1 111 110 equ1pped. tion pruj<"f't by Earl Stanll'y. &1· All mHtOirllll ws~ '!UftphPd and In-boa b la nd f'f"altnr 1111d dl'vrlnf"'r l'lllll,·d by Uw \'sm't' Ro>(lr_rng rom -"' Balbc,., HAy Rhu,.,. F'AlAtl'fl, th,. pony. -... hll'h m11111lalru! four ol"flcf'JI 1-dweUU~& hAA alr .... dy tw-en pur-Ill OrK nl(t' t'•ounty. their local head-f'h&Hd by P hillp' f\nut h nf .,.re1mo qu~trtt>rs bt•lllJC at 22051., Coaat Mr. Smith. hOIA'f'\'Pr, lk,.." not plan bc•ult'\'lird to tak,. J"'"''"Itllllln untol ~r•tcom· 1-'eoi\I\IM ttll't"f'l! tn-t~~ lWr and hu klntll\' o·oon,...ntf'd to l ht' l~~onw un• C'XJlr+'lll!llllo: keen t-nt hull· humP bt'ln~t' 11hoo1A n lito Ill ttuct tiiiiP I s lim c·••nt t·r mn..: thr rurnl~<hlng~ P hott1 hy H••..: \\'hot .. J, B •.. ESTUS Paints Heating ' I "Crushed white porcelain processed , - into durable composition roofing." / ·- / VANCE IIOt»ftNC CO. ~· . ANAHEIM Phoftoe 181 IJ Itt M. ~...oct AJa(elea !'4t.' St-rving Our ('u~tomei'H at Convenient LocatlonH: NEWPORT BEACH ~ Jt~O '• 22061,, (~t ...... Ft:LLf:RTOS 't Pho..,. •oo-~ lit K. Han ·ard A¥411. "11rnrr:a PltotMl U2-tl IU "'· .. hlladet- --------- Plumbing to Plastics. Hewn Timbers . Brick ·: Concrf'te Steel .. Tile and Pr·ecision Fitting. 2830 W. Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH Phone 337 ''For Forty Yea~s--H&mea and Industrial Ruildings Literally made by_ ha~d.'' Ct.~ In this N .. w 11om .. Light Power a nd Heat Conduit . . . Switches l'imc ControlH and J.;lec- trical Safety · ..J · ~y ... .. .. es. Moves - ~orne Frid-a Yt •·•r"'l'" "lJt tuu ~n ., 1 I hal I hrtr will hoo nu lnlt~rTUpC._ II oor •lo·l11y Itt lhfl Jtllhllahl.na ol tare I , N•w• Ttrm':• ur In th,. Nrvtaa o1 .,. I oour rt11111y •·u•l.,rnrra with • t j'ltrlnl II 1< 1 I 'oofl\lf'lllrnl an11 llf*CIOUI aue. < 1•111 k tnw •r•·" l~t 1~-tna pro.kW y In fmut uf I h .. n,.w printing plat ~ w)oll•' ~ •lrlvrway will run bet.._ 1· 11 Ito• l'uhll~tl Ina I 'umpany bul J ,.,,1 ""' J! K 111 .. _llutld&.aa~.~=~ WUL~-"-l llf t•Kvr•ot ,.,,.,. ·In th,. f'f"Ar, ftl&bl ... t. I"" rlrll\•rrl••• "' atnrk lo be ...... r-ut "'" r ""r ... " A hiH.,trlf'fOtnrnl 1'1·-1~~:...,..---_.,.-=-f----....;..-•4 ..All rWera Willi IPP" .. f ..1"~~-r.a "provide the com- plete Furnishings of the elegant new demonstration ~.h?~e at the B~ -. /J~ . .P«U.I.oiJ •• ... C&AilDLB&'·S Main Street at Third SANTA ANA PHONE 33 tl -psr11do• wllh lh•lr fin• lln rllf'a "' '"' '"'' 111 tl•,. h'JC tt.r~ue to W " hr'ld Ill n•-m 11nrl I h,. hi'U'hec:ue •• Jlun• It wilt llf' ll~'rv<'tl tfl lh,. pu ... II•• rot 11 n••tnlrll\l (,.,. Ot1lh tJie l>fll f.,., "'' """ l('tltr •ln1we II( nlgbt n 1 will ltr '"""' '"'' tty the cunhoal f • qfn udtt ,.,. tlftr•olo( I< t:rRul'l, t•halrman Ol o• 1 •·~fl lfofiR, hi\:s, RtrAIIjff'tJ (Of' IO&Df ltolorqof trl~ oiiNfolloyll h1 11lore wt. v •l••w o ••1••1 ('hoorl•·ll Tf'Winkl!' hU • 1:0 lofl lo•ol 1/1•• 1111" uf hill ftlf"'ller •'""' loo1tl•llllf tnr " fair. • 1 A II I• ttlur,.,. ••f the hnr• .,.;,_ l"'fW· tr."A I IH· I•• rol rol th"r" .. ( -...- In Today's Ne.ws-Times V,.t,-,,, llrJlf'r Bay IIIW Plllf'l' 3 Art Itt!" otn.l Art I'll«'!" 111111•11111( N"w" Pateco I I 'IHAttlfll'rl Ad11 Plt«t' f N•'WN •1r _f'hurf'llf'• J•qe T ( 'rlt•ftWtor•l l'un.lr Pa.re T lilt lloror A lflllllf'lllf'llb P111e & Th•· Thratru PaJe' & N o•\\ K oo( I lltrbur \\'11111o·n ---------------------------------------·-----------·-·-·---·-·---------,·--·-· 1_1f111Lth•. llnool Nrw11 Nr w l!nut TIIJC,. HntJol Hltl•·r l'a~re 8 Pqe. p ...... Pap. ...,.a Guff• l.,;nlumn .~Four , NEWPt cos ~ Newlyweds S. A. Meyer By News-T11 Arn•·mg "J11>•1 fo nf'r" .,., t.tay •·•·•·nln Wno. S A ~h·y.·r o PapS MIDDAUGH'S SHOE SHOP LOCATED AT. COSTA IU8A roan YEAA8 -"-7• Pa.rk.laa ._ "AAOCND 1111: OOaNtr:a• at Ill Broed-y (.'oeta MNa NEWPORT·B.ALBOA PRESS 1t~~l~ Mf~~~ ~fW~ .~~n~ ~fW~~~l ~~~ij~~ 1Local and Personai 1Costa Mesa Briefs ~~:0~~~:;~,~~~,;"~-~-~-~,l "·est Newport Seeks " t>etna held t •1 d ay, J uly Permanf'nt Reliel Mr and Mrll. W JL, l 'lllt•y.42:l Mr" M J tlt~etler. 11180 24, at the home vf Mrs E . P. F ~hnrl l'ln• .. , ,, ... ,, ~lln•h1V "' MAll l'hun:h ll\'l'IIUl'. t-nt .. rtatned Thure-George, 407 Short atreet. Under a rom Floods lm tt •• n II·'" II d~oy ut brodgc 1\;;chl:(.lll, her ~rueata new pl&ll adoptl'd thlll year by 11\e ~!1 • ,\III II •" '·''I'''"'· ~.4:1 \",o •ncludlltg Mell<.lam..s Georae Brem-Hell'hU' circle, each month Will 111 11. J>'•tJtlon 111,-rit!d by re11<konl.8 ,.,,.,,, •I r•·••l 'I" nt Frr•l • v "o1 h n•l · ,., Fern Healey, E D. Crouch 11ee a new preacdent in the chair, vf ~~ urea, the Or:1n&tt county I ,,,, . ..,. "' >';o ~tl;l ~'''"'"'· •Clair• Welt.t, Ray Wall&ee, J. C. Mn. Oeorae ~lnJ elected to head txmtfJ or aupea-vtaorll wu t.hll ; R. C. PARKER 1.. , . .,, I•• 7 W :-; c· ~; "..s '<'~In l'uyne and Jvhzo W.-blter the «roup for July. Mn1. Edith we.~. &Ilk~ to ,lake ~ml'lltldlate I ·- ., Thursday, July 24, 1941 ['ll :" .,,. 1 II•• 11 '"" .. ( M 1 ~ ~: A Mr ilnd Mrs. !Jvnal'd Gtbaon, Mandery will kr\'" all vice preil-step>~ tv t'llrr·cct I'XIIItlrog c:pndiUorlll Notary Pu141bi<I~WicK;---~.Sp•1ult1..~;o~.-:MU-u.:__wLh .,..,·,. . .-~ Jw'U W.WIIer IMwl•,..,., a..vc liMn ct.nt. 111 Wu t -lllt"Wport,...lAibau, .tba '*"• --~ ~ ~ c·, II"""·'" ,,f 22'1'• ll orb •r "")uy1ng A \'l~lt frum the latter'! A lltlon chargea, dikn and lev.ee a nt.! Mu \\'llla,r~ll~~-------~--;;;uu;. ... .r ~1 i1, Yt'fn' aurr•rUoo!o! h\ ot th" ~""port It 1 eoma.an~ " 11" • ne\\ """'"•Ill ·" 111. 1 pant;y . ~ C..ut'at. ~:sill•· I• •I Jol.,eyer home lU ,t ..- for the h""'''""l poupN1 In I 1M> .,. t.be pair anol <'"J'" ..,erved ~ lhl' f'D IUid h.-11'1<8 uter In lht' r\'4'1 werr pr• ... nt rol ) MIJicw. tho•y "'l're 1.1 comk I """"'• ano ed. .-. nyone lntert'slKI In Joining the built to prote~t the l<' .. •lan-'-frotn I 100 l:aat Central Aveuuc 1l•••lll••• '"' 111 • r••• t 1111: 11 n·~hl•·nt" '''""'""· Mr. and WNI Ed Hotch· fl t-~ "'" .... BALBOA "''' l:"'·'j:'' '" · • tutl•"l W•·st ul Snn-k1,.-; ut Kalljas, and hl'r brother ;••w "' aid C'IR/18 which opened htJCh I hi.,_,. and heavy rain runvff , r~.t week at the R.-~ CrOlla _work a re nflt dvtng • .. e 1nt•nd--' t..b • Ia Alta 'oll.l Sllllt'r-ln-law, Mr •nd MMI. ~ 311 K u• ~ ""' r-I 110t Newport Boulevard M • '"'" M r • II II 1 ... : 111 li"'• r-:v•·n ·tt ·rrue.•uale fit V1aalla. m, a rant: liYenue, Balboa l anu lht-r..Cvre conatttute a health latland, Ia ulct'd t•J rontact MI"JJ. nrtnace COSTA KJ:IA \',. t11rlll "''"''' "I"'"' ~•lllll oy with \\' odell Calk! h 92 1----------·------' th••lf .. n,." I"" , mt o lr.u~o:hlo•r Mr e n.ti _P one · Claaaea The t"XISIIOJC le\'ee work, the pe· roa INiilUUNCE HI: Howard W. Gerrish Mit "'· ('eetral Ave. N-port a--11. (..W. ...._.61 AUTOMOBILE • r.ml Mr" ~~~r""''' ~uollh .. r I:IPII '1 \RRJt:U A"( 1-A~ \'J:GA!t "''111 be held urh 'rhurlldny at 7 30 lltiOII as.'lerb ht of a temporary 1 dalo• • Fno>no.lll Wt-rt1 Sill pntted thl8 p m . Or . P . A ('ham berlin to be Ill& tun · lind f~ll'l to g ive aauatac-' Mna R A llkk~• 34~ E t8th "' .. k '" l..aru vr thl' ,uarnaae ot "' charce or w•tr u<'I IOn. Ct~rtlfl· tvry prote<'ttun. Since the Coaat \fll<l< Jo'ranN•s M~<t~on. diiU"hter or catn will be &'-'""kd ~~~ m ld -Sep· h1ghwttv w .. s'hvoat.• ~f l••t y•ar and ,.,,,.,,, 1• ••1••11•-.i 11 .. •ntlrul1\' "' .. _ ~·' _ ~ -\to. ('oHit'll•,' MH .... I/1, anu Reuent tem....-r to thus .. •ll!'t•SII(ully com-... , ful "u•k 8:1 th~ tlood•yt'ar .,, Ill 1tl 1011 C1t ,, .:•• h••• t>t llol, h• t " u ~ , :-t. ........... n<'jtht'\\ "' Mrs. Haruld ph•llnf( the lOUt~· 1!13&, ·-·lt•u•rary dlkt-11 ha\•• "•An trnuhl•· lu UtJ: ttf nt.ta:r•~'4,.th u( ur ~--...--~ U'llt'~-thq tt• ':.-.u.-1 Tho• • ••n'""'"Y t•"lk plact" Currently \&<ull•>ntrlg at Kemp· hullt from time tu tim{• but w ith Mr 11,1 Ml 1 •• 1,.,,. \\'olio 110, "'""'·'' :ot La" \'""""· !Sev . the "r !I AtJIO Coutt 11:1:> Co'i.st hlgh·j t'adl hravy rain thl' lt"vttos are :.':.'Ill 11 ,11,;-,1 1,. 11, • , 1., 1, 11 1., I·• 111:o I o·uu!Jlf IH·IIII( "''l'nmpantf'd '' ~<y. 11 8&mu..t lornt'!!, Sou them wushe<J "lit. 1~t1ttonera declare. • 1,,. , ,1 '-.~ •. 1 " ,, 1,, ,, ,1,, \ t.\ ~tr Sh""""" h '"~tl'r~. tht' Mo.-,.. Stalt•.!l auper111t• llll•·nt ,,, <I'IIIU!IniC· Th .. ruath•r hns bo>t-n reft'rretl I Everything f or excluSive Beach Wear is to be found a~ SWJ/. ~ SaiuJ 701 East Central Ave. BALBOA ~ ..... -.~,.~~ .. ~r~.,~~d~~~. ~~ .................... ~ ()CIJ)t:NMf • . nat; UFE" • '"' .... f ,, I•." .... " •. I< I .,, , ... ~-.• ""'"'' ttllol Thllln Shun null I IIIII und real ,.,.,,,, .. (llr s.-ars R O<'· tu tht' I'HUIIIy flll<od C•JDtrol and IF/I I t NinJ" Tto .. Sh .. PI'IIPM~~-'-'-''&U~If-lhul'k a qd Cn ~~~~-' !llr• I! 1., 11 \I 11,1 ., 1, 1 ,111 ,,.,,. l r<•m th••1r hnnoo> on SQIJlh Dll• Tt•rrllll o/-8&n M.oro11u Mr. Terrell AREA IN CORRECTr llEACH WEAR. .,-Mr &nil M1"'. Y~rny~ Mr and ~ ...... IUid MrL HIIIW June Gabriel. t.in B. &au tJwo ra. J 1.. aDd Y.n1 E. V and Yn A l... r lnl p . Karcbe.r. Mr. IUid Wn t ~-., .. U('e\ 07k~ cott.tce 011 a~~D~Der RABOLD IL ClfAJ "W~ Ounelvr« dl By 8(-rvin~ 0 ..._N_ o.u-- SeeO BE I! ---2-0.. Learnt Swim R. G. Pa1 Offen I In Diri11 and Swi On The Front ~ ~ -..c~ ('oiat...,., ._..".,u,_ """ to .•• k 11 1 •. , 1, 1 11 '"',, k t' • t• :""'"' lh•· n .. wlywl'd.~ ll'tt tor \\ 11rd and Co M'"" Ul'tltrlce Mllltr . C'vmfnrtnbly ~<I.' tiled In the~r new • r h r ...... -t•. I ..... ; ~: I ···t •II'. I I "' ·I.• .IIIII .unnwdlatPiy 11./trr Ul't· "'. dl~lrlct manu .. •'I "' MuntJ(omery. Sf:'ITLt:u 1:\ SI':W UOME I • ,11., '"!''''", , ,111 1 1 ,1111,., 1 "''"''""""'In that ~<tatr. T h4'tr •\tlltht'lml'lty ltwht"r.hiUlniiiOtak-hulnl' at 646 Cliff drlvr'. Nl!'w lrl ___ .;....::.;.......=;._..;... _ _;_;-======::=:;-f-JJ~ Ah~J'am! T '" , ... ,,,1,~1~ loottu •' I"""" h:"" n .. t l!Pt'll _rl'\'-f!'ttl· ••n a cutlalt "' 11,,. •·•·urt and will lll'l••ht" ar. Mr n d M . J p<A ---'---r ....___.._.. ~ on-upy--1t-eac~~nd-t ltrou h1 !: · 1 ·-"-11-l"ll. • • • ••r" "''" "" ~tl•·d "' ''" ~'Ito:• "'" t h '~-Sprlln£1•· ·who recl'nuy-;:t•t urnt•d DEAN W CAMPBELL Mr• tt .. v ~ I'•"' 1~:!!• llrJ11111•· 1111 • t t' l l.lmmll· "''1111011' frlln1 '11 IO·d11y wi:'dd1ng tr1p In thf' • "''"II'' . Itt• rl .111 .. 1 1 l.oJ I.:•· nuw-c II~T1\ \lt:s .-\ ·c'l.l RWOMAN F.STF.RTAL~ MC'I't:sTRIAN~ 11111tmtama of ld~<ho P n or to her ho·r .. r 1''1''''~ tot "'' •II• r "'"''' "' '' \1\IO;II;t:U fi\' UF.i\TJI • mnrn,.~ ... whlt'h to»k pln('P J une re_preMn~tlve ot llERIULL LYNCH E. A. PIERCE and CA.88ATI' Membt'n :'II tw York 8 t(>('lo: I:Jtcha t~~~e New Yor1l Ill F'1not Nat'l BanJt 8A."'(TA A.'IIA .~; s ,.,, ., ,, na ~•oo •: ,, IJVII 0.011• h l:l:ll -\\' IIlii 111 .. , Tll•ot tl.o\' '"' "''"' '"'ltlj! Mn; 1...-·nh ~!v .. lyn E.'vanl. a relt· The Thomu n Ho·l( humc at 32b :w Ill Anzona·. Mrs Sprnnglt• \\'lilt r•l" ····" ., • I· I ' I ,,,, ch~ \\'.. ·l··o.l •. ( t· .. ~t.. Mt'lllt (oor lhe paat AlvnrtHlll atre••t B.tlbua.. was last Mr<. Ho·nrt(•tfa l:I\111\0h\'t' of 2614 111•'11' Ho•l~ol ,., ,.,. f, •d wotl•·r -· •· ,,... I'·'"~"'' uw11y $1lturday "'""k lh«'' "' ''" "' " ~el· \\1 Ct·ntt·al tt\'t-1111<', :'11•·1\Jl<ort. Mr I""'"'' " ' :, r'' ol I ol St .l•••••ph hw<ptl:ol (<JllowlnK lfiKl'lhf-r whl• h h .. uon·~ MI~S Jan" Sprang1<' Ill a PnR/Idl'nn building \I t "d ~tr I'" •;flultn••\ " '""''" "' •• )l .. rt IJuntll"ll IJvylt', Oran~e~ ' .. unty ll t·antJidatt ' l<mt r .. l'lllr. 1r.r F':1111 • "' ,, \f•, lo'(t \f••n•lt" .\1 1, F:l'kn~ \<1\S .wtl\'t In C(llrta fur "Sweeth., .. rt of Lhc Sahna.ll I .,,,,.r .,. '•lu ' •~ ,., ol •lfl\'11 "lilt I \J, • I 'IUIJ'-'''•rk llo<•tnK II ,mf'mlw• R•ldw .. ln the rurl\ mvrnlng ttl# I t-'1 'HIS . I • I -' Cll"''-' I'Onv•no>tl .ol thl' Ct•·tt .. Dear-"' . (, S GHOO 1 •h• ( •II I 1• '' ••I• ~lr 1\lld !\fr• ,( I OI\\fi'"Oif rhlb-~\1 :1 lind OOf' ' J Jo'ol 1:,,111 , 1 1:··: 1-'ull.-rt .. n ,.,., , r It"· 1 .. w h .. nn,(;y mt-mh#rs rtf u"rlt tw:•me m :;..,.,,. Ana. prncf'd-_Tile •·l.rly lltttmm.: tnp from , 11 •• Tt1• \ 1 , , • ,, 1 ,, th·• (' C' o • ,,~,, M·...,. Fridt~y Atlernoon "'!: (ro m tht'r• .,,. hur!Wtnu·k tn KtrcJ;'!I l:ondln,:: at X.-wpurt Beach \Ill •It, 1 11 .. Iii:' I' II;•) ,r;lr•·t>l 1·,1· Slw 1""'"~ h"r hullb~tnd, \\'II· tht' Rex htomo' •···ol h1tt'r t'njoyiOJi: h'l!' lx·Pn "" prnd tWII\'1• of flilh thltt \t 1• \ I•· , I'• k· 11 n•o•l 1 ,111 11 I-:• ~til• "' i26 w VtC'Inrla • t•lrflllilnt " n•l•• 11 r11urut lht' bay Skll'l'•·r lh1rrt'll K1111o: 111 dt'lpat.·h· t 1 u•lol• 1 \1 1 11 r , ., ., I\' 11,. 1 .uul 11 "'''!'""" \\'tlhllm ~· fl1'1'1t befort' lun• h '"'"' lndudf'd Ill)! I~·· Vnl .. ntta Ill nt 2 a . m . ,..,,,1, •I ... 11\o•l ,, .... 1 ..... 1-·ttlo \ off! s t ... II ,.( .: ... '"''"" '" the croup \\ hll rowt .. \\'t•r .. C'lyd~ I \'••rv dtty ltl:.t••fld-nr lh•• I!Jlt'CIRl h I I ' '".I I • ,. "I' llrooo k ~·llllt'r .• l ... n ,,.,.,. " .. r .. ho•ld Mon· rw .. rdorlf, T R flo•'( C1••nl' Thnm· \\t'o•k•·nd I nps unly y ......... II\ II hi\ \'t' 'Ml'':o r>~~r,..,t .. M: '" tl \tr• K ol ,,. ·•fl•·rnowon "' llttrllld K• Grouel 1\1!, John \\'a~""' lltod tht' looliSII<.'S ltt•••n a dally O<.'cltrr,•m'!' • nn lhl!l '. . ,_ . .. ... r I I I I I . l '·•rolhy .. ,M"I••• ··r ~~.ll•nn•.J Jno n •• '"' ..... A lllllllll f"IKJIIOt·d !•lit Wi th -.....-.\\u uu. " I It o<lo•r '" t ,,.,~ • h qu• lnl,.miO'nl ~lnjt mad<-at " "'~ «• 1 "" lir•" It• 11 •• "'' '"' ol• •I ·ot t•..ot!llf'lf'\n f~ lk'"l'llott, Putrt•l·• rtunkln. atUJ has,., bnrrn'l'llf1R whctc St"n bnlill J.,.11~ n ... 11 h MarjHr le Fult'll\'.trll•r Jultunj! thP llrtd t>nntt11 d:11ty. f;'rnm Uic fiMU' ~rmd.,,. do• ·, 1 , • •h 111 llw 1' tiiii.U tTSt:RAI. ,..P:R\'1('~ ____ I I I<IIJHI\ • lo• o •· I"''' \\'lullo••r I OR \IR. IIO'fF.R 0\'E ..,. _____ .......,.. __ ....,_...., ____ .~11.,.....,............,&,.~:. fttt:.:t\'\:.U.:! tlr"•th· Vunt-tnl ~··rvi(rs ~ wf'r~ ht ld rtdt-rlt later ""r•• ~I r~ O!'nrdor((, Hl Itt•• l.ll1<11nJ.:" ~•'a tr•.ut. yi'II•>Wflll M r~ Rf'X and M"'' non~< l.urrnlnf' •·r .. :o kt•r anol llniRII halibut htl\'f' Faupel. hrrn ~ tak•·n l nr•d .. nhlly. thr •'hl'f ., ->~H SpMJ S.luJp ..,.,, Martee LU.IIoAI.I'ILASD • Sox ud tM aww ruhhf.r~or" U~bt..wel&bt Slloe8 • r 111 Ia\\ .oto•l • •··• 'l_r on•l ~t r,o ru•·•tl:o\:-A.f~n""" fur Homer Dyr. . I II ll•·n•o•ll "' 1•111111• 'IIIII 1\.,1\ Santn Ana R\'O'Illll', who diM .-\(TIVE YOl'Ttt C',\RA\'AS \\'illuu·• \\'111 ... lol'••• "'~~~~~'"""FridA~-mnrnin~ at an Or· Anactlve w••t•k ll(llport.s.r<•crcn· K"}""" ulllJ Mr U.lln••ll .w w•• h .. 11p1t11J. · lion, handcraft 11111l W1Jrsh1p hn~ ,,,.,,,.,.r, "' c· ... c, \t•·~:o C'nm-~fr ny•·. ,..,,, wns 72 yea~ of be~n conduct,.d br th1• Mt'thndtst IU'Intl\' • hur 11 11-l l'o•·11 rr,..oul~ I ,,,. ~~ 11un·l\·ed by two IOnll, Ynulh.Caravnn, now Opt'ratlong ln- ,JlcL Uw rc..,;t.aur::.tJlt ;.,l Uw. landlnl(- h:o .. " !11>4'• l:tl r .. rnl<l lfl (ur l't><lkln~o: (tllh \\'hH h hn~< ma ny n ( thl' hny<~ Holk11t~ 1•1 lht•llllh'h'<':< Thi•y 11ny 11'!< dt>lt!!h. A nrty A ndl'r~tt~n In Soul h r (,l\l't N Pw!l, L.n.:un .. Bt-nt'l•. .. , •• plunnon~: '' ,,., · '''"'" fnr tlwor 1.1••\'ol. "' :Surlhrrn Cahfom lll, and cally rww Jlll'<tttr 1•ttt tn,tl-r. t he Rtv WA\"nr, of Cn11ta M-. two daUJrh· MerniMn t•f the Cara\•an In F.XIIIBJT!il CiiAST USIOS!il •r•t M1"'1 ('·"I J••lott~· n And twn trr~. Mn~' Ruhy &her of l..yn-~-harcr nf th~ local cnmpalgn are I l'rnot that pure b<oat•h 'and . r hll•lrrn Ttl•• llftr~lr, whlrh ~ tn ~· ••of1 rond Mro Almll Arttr~ H,.len M11yo. l..out•lllnn 8tate col-frrllll~r. sun 1111d wntrr. rnn con-I~ Mitt ll\ll"'l"f1W ntl."ht "' ttv .. ( Jfirnttntr:tnn S#A!'h and thrw lt>jtl', In charae of worlihiJI and !!lltult' a hiJ:"hly pr11l1ttc quartet '• I h •II " II '" ,. 1 11 "" du•·k .-1•1ntfchtldr .. n A nlltl\·c-of Mllrltt · f'\'ltOjrl'hllm. Mtld~ C'herry. Ore· .l'hl'n f\rnp.-rly <'tombllwd nnd !'ulll· lltf 1111•1 ~,, .. J--:.1 IW-nnrtt lln(f ... llhln, hf' lf''IUI II retlrNt rarmf'l" j:IIO State rollt'(e. !!Upen'li'Or or I ~·ntPd. 1!'1 b<olng ('tiii\'UWIIII:IV ~h .. wn n T r·tl ~1'•"1 -.:, '' l'"rl h<•ul•••·~tn! 11111 hn•l ,...., 11 rf'!iodf'nt ot CnRlft rPCrl'at iMII. Cfoorgr Lork,.·ood. Du-lhos w~k by F'rnnk Pcnt•kforl n( '• •1··;.1 "11"11 l!o•rrv •·.,rm. ~un-~ "''"·' (nr thr p1ut 22 vean . Pftuw unl\'!'rtolty, Grl't'ncaJIUe, Ind .. 109 :l2mt Rlrt•••t. wh:, 1:4 "''"' In ·! \ '" lh·· o.oclv \\'o '<l••rn 11nd Jo"unrrnl 11rrnn.r;:!'m,.·nta were In World Jo'rt,.ndlohlp: V«"rnon StuiE· tlw m1d.~t n( hi"""'"" ho1no•'t Mr "1 to • I '"" '' • 'hthtl f, •1u,..d trv , hu r~·· to( Har ... ld K Grlluel chAp· 11111n.·~ulhrrn Mt'thodtlll uniVC'nll· r~n< .. ko•rt'<~ "ntnn!l \\ hto h 11re nt I'"'""" t h• ll•ll•··ll , ..... plt"••••(f ol thr R,.,. Jnm•ll Huno.t of th,.•tv. In r hnrge of community M r\'· th•· nartlln ""'''''' \1\lll"lV Wt'l'f' I·• flll<l n 11111nl>< r ,("I'""""""" I'""" ._.,,...., Ctln!!tlnn C'huno?t nf Hunt-I<'" Thl' ~up 111 aiM) nrcompnnlt'd nomt"d fmm •<'f'{l thi!< •r,:.~l: All ,,.,,,.,, "" ...... ,' \f ...... ·~ • hlltuJ'I~'" ,,.., .. n R<-ftr h OffiC'IAIInjf Inter· 'I)' Ml,., June Yarll\·11 or lhf' Lo!! ate IArJ:••r '"'"' lho• ·''' l.lj.:o' 1111100 "'"""'•••··r H 11 ~h11 lo \ "I''"'"''"' 111 \\'r~tt mtnlllf'r Mrmnr -\nJ:~Iu Junior H.t.:h school s;rs·j ·"~ I'I Z", nn•i ""'' Jllllk(] y~•.o:tcrda}• ~,,...,. 'flifrl~ \\'M IWIITih whn w all '"ml l·tttrk. · • •t•m «11ll1\t'ts All rounMfor m~>alloffPit 1"' Ill• lw~ 111 n n umf<'r· """' ~.•lul•lu\' I"""" • lh•· l•rtd•· • I A I•HI:~ number o1 adult;c nnd rnr·r and Wt"l,l:ho!tl '"'n pnund. ... ,f t-:.orl .,.,,,. """ '"'"1'1111ll'lll•·d l \'toltn l: p!'Ople were tn a ttendanrf' thtf'l' nnd nne·hl\lt '"":''''" Thror •I •' .,, • ,,, ul11l -h"" ··r I: I\' \\'ill Ballot Tu~sday \\'•••ln•·"'l•lY night at" Jl<:ll·hlc-k llllfl· Mr And ~fr~ "'""k•'rt ha''" hv· '••n ,,,. M•" ~!•h' onl \'n n•lo-·ntmr~r 1 • • • ,,. .. r h.-l.t tn the rhun·h pnrlor .l l'll at ~•·Wpo•rt fur th1• pul'll thr!'f' .. , \ron ht trfl Tho• ''''111111: \\ll'l <1··-on Formation of Thl'fllt• ... r the f'\'enln~: \\'1\!1 "\\'orld yo•llr!l nnil lll•llfltlito .. , '" .. bout\- '"'''" ,,, ~IIIII• r .. ll .. \\ lilt; WhH h , 'IIIIo... • -,,. t ' o· ·t : Fno•tlll~htp," Mr. Lol'kWOud helng 11'<11111 \'f•£1>lllhlt• J!flr~lt~tl hll\'(~ biO!I· I MIM \\'o•ntwurth (\p!'lll'fl ho•r "'""" ;,f \\ a 'r IS • II • hlll!t' snnllnJ: j;;flrllo·nm~. ro~··~. 1'111'11111 1:1f111 nuo l ro•frt'lllllnl'nl.ol Wt'ro• •• 1"\' , 1 1 f 1 1 1 ld h I ---und utho•r '~'rtl11r ... ___ ..__.._.....,.__..._..__,...,.~·__...._ 1 I '•"" • u•t f' p r rono r,.!l lnJ wit • ---:-_ ---~-··-I,., t.ff'lliiW I!I of,,,. J UIII'Ir \\· .. , ..... ·~I I II th·· ~1<1\llldilrtt"ll of ~t\\·r<>rt Mua qed Cross Workroom ' I ..tuto oorol plr<nntn~: " """llf'r t hr~t\.1:•· •tt1d ~··wp.ort Hl'tj:thtJO lrrigato"n ' I, • Cha f Annual Rt>port Shows -·--1 I I I II ' It ' th olo'<ll'lt '" "' ('o~t a Mt'M and lht II 0 Jf' ID rue 0 A t• " H' ,.. • ..n.~~n·,.,,. '"~' " •. ~ th ' t \* .., c ., .• , Patronauf' "'"""'"·~ • 111111•··~~~,. ~'"''. •·· '"'"'" i .. ~: ''":~ \! "!~'r dlstn cs nnd "'. t'\\' SupervisQr . ,., < 11'Io:!ll EVI':.!\INGS . ------..,--·--------·-·-·-------··----------·--... Now-·. ENRICHED BREAD C'OST.\ISS TWO IMPHRTAST fi \ IT.~~IISS ASD l.RON FU>ftE~Ct; BAKERY F.~RH'HED l{REAO ml!'el.8 the "~''"~lu••r1t" prupos.·d t.y tt .. · t: .. mmlolt<!e ua 1-'ood and ~utnt ... n "' lh•· :'lla ll"ll••l R,-,..,·an h <.:'""" o1 fnr "Ennrhed Un ·ad .. In ~tddlttl•n till• ct.-In IIIIlS "h•l· lnnf 1!1 t-quat to hrt•l•.l Ht.ulo• t llh 1!\ o•f.tJ:•' I\ l.o,j,· \\ ho·:ol {luou Ill thrt't IITI· l'••rlunl \IIDilfln 111\0IIIIt:o•r,ol I 10'l11r~ It 1111\lfiiOII twr pound 1. 2. 3. 4tl(l llll••rn.ol t"fl ol I '1111,. I I '\~ 011( I nr \'IT A MI ~ Ill II• ot!o tl 111 tho• oJot•t f••r i'00-<1 a p1.k Ill•· I" • I" r tit,.;• h\onn. l"ffu·t~nt uttll7.11 11"11 11 ,..l.u clu.-ll unrl "'"""" 1\ 111" 111 ~li'IITI~II' Al'I1J .• t mem- ho·r "' tho· \'oLoropn H I ~·lltjllt·x und an lmpurlant ··~'""'"" 111 ht>nllh 9 ·~~. ~r ·H~uN."" 1nllt1 nl1nf>l'a1 rl'qlllN'il Ill tllf' dlt'l !11 """tll:tlll ho•alth . FLORENCE · BAKERY .. 303 Mala St.--t a.U...OA lAST! A g c n u i n c. stainless-steel, \\'aterpr.:~of, dust-proof wrist watch. 1\' c n-tarnishQble luminous dial and hands ARTIFICIAL ' ..... I I T l II I I th l .llj.:llllll H1 11th \\nlo·r d1lllnrl In at {'J·t.'· LJ.brary _ • " (H • ...,< , •• , •• "' 111 "'' th•' ln ttt•r , ,,,. \\til n•'Cl T ur!'dAV ="c\4'• ·' l·---'lf---------------+--··=""'"====~~ t•ttUtl ; .. I Uh~l Uti• t6uU "''h hUU'lwun \ I tb _ ( • r;u.• AIJf'PrViainlf 4i&lJJ.ff Of P' o'l;';t'h til no< fi\\,lnflio) !i!i jilltt•" I' nn I' I'WPIISIIH!D u c rea.L. _.,.1-H-:.rtnrTfted ero.t-Wftl rehefr -.11 totffi-uf-.;4-:!(".-() YO'lllm~m"'11n-~----~-&~to.oi11-----"-.!..:...-;....-,=::- The verti .And in t ' bull ..... ' and SOc Oppoeite PICTURE SHOW BALBOA .Phone 164 .J,._('I'hlll•' I<•' lo·l 'htollllloll1 "' .... Ill~ n "11~''fi01Jl\!!<t'd l"IIRI<l.Jtl Mu, I •I • ''"" hAJ! recently undi'Tj:nnr 1\'t'I'Uj<!•' uf 1•14:1 r•t'r \\'t't•k , Wt're I IIIL•'Ill• .. , .. I 1 .. '"I= ;.-.. 1,.{•··1 It\' flWi f'lll \\nl••r dt!ilru•t whorh, If ',., ol 'h;ongf'll dU(' ln II plllr or lo~nnl'll h~· t'h·· !lif'\\f"lrl 8 \'nrh \tt~< 1~,11 , T o11 k· 1 · f.,n rtl'11. Will tw ll.'~ally Phj:lhlt-''' "11\,• \\••t kers lt'ft\'1111: thf' H arbnr · lthrnr~· du lh<• f1~1·n1 Mr -1., 1, 1 ~ .. ,;,1~, "t!' tht• l••ln t h .. M••truJI"Ittllll \\'11trr dill· L~lr ,.1 1, r lJortl'. $22.50 J and -many interesting $16.75 other· useful bargains! Sycamore at Fifth. Phone 5618 S"ANTA-ANA . . Dlalng and Danclag s ON TH[ CUFJ OVERLOOKING 11/tLBOA BAY ~ "Phe~nc oJ; ~ {or '1\•'lcn f.ll111ru L:xx~.:~ EN T Read the PresS .. ·.• , . J I ' ( ., ' • ..J Thundayo July 24. 1941 NEWPORT-SAl BOA PRESS Page 7- I I -Swlmmttrs Comptatf' for Champlomtbip (ilf -Harbor Area ..__, ___ ....... ._.... ·-.. ---------, ~ne of the Reasons Why Fishermen I Like to. Come t~ Newport;~~~ I I 11/.ow; tl.e WATERFRONT I I By SUE HITCHMAN ----, plo\\ 11n1·hut. But thl' sw~t .. ~t The bualut Clt•t>t 111 N•·wpuft Harbor ill buck lli:lllll . . bu~ll'r ~o:ud.:•·t vf Bit Is tht' shtp'a whlllt'· than ev.r. Boats At~ l'll&l'll'ffiiot w.o "" hltlll(,..ll'. n hronzt> antlqul'. ustd l')y ~l'l'mt Ahl\b on a IA·nalt>r 100 daya In a<fvant't' ln thh. flt•ct wlnl'la '--1 \'1'!1 r~ ll)i:V A jpidgt-t fo •r 1·vt'r\'· ~ 011&'1 to If!•· Mu"""~~' 11'hraw · · -tlilrlt! tllld ,.\l•ry gud.:Pt Ill 111! phll't' youngstetll nuw ••nJ11YIIlj: ll ~rla!th· \'l'n)urt \'l'ntolaturs. llkr th•lllo• tng good \'UC'O tiOJl Il l lhf'll ~111111111'1 ~. •'t'll till M f " n••tul'y rut•l. Vl'ntllutt' C'a mp on tlw L1ltll' l11lunli. ·Tht•n• f' 1 • 1 11 1.: h ar~ four rowboaL'I . tl 11.. ,. • ' '·1:·· ""ryt •n.: Is \'t'ntllat· "'' 11 v~ an.t ··II and m.lmotll'U to hght so that two kayaks and aud• llf·fuvt 11ual-th•' l•Htttv or thl' nlr Is unlfor:m \ bloat call~ Mount Ohv.-F.\ .;1 lhr-Pn Some mak • t1 1 • f h . ' o Jnnl' .l"'m'''pplrtment,1" to the Ba S~ 111 ~~ ~~ Jill( t rap~' p!ao' d nft l..,)um.l fill u~bl'stO!'·Ilnl't1 Y or~!' 11 IlK Bnnk". t.lllkh .. at1. I.K•truvs nu gas runlt'~ Others are the . st·t>nl' u( h•rrtfk Tlw ,.111i:"ll'~ by th" ,.•uy. 1~ u Grt'v .water battles \4 1th rt "'"" met · , ·o·o "llh -"' 1 · board -.-•• -a rt-ulll' tun l{t'ar a net· a every nunutP unt1 Mut111t ''""' !!<'nrrattng S\'Sit'm. Olive Is continuully "" u. •·ours•· u11fl~:••t 11 hi•" c.-~uased the Atlnn- N~t long al{o 8 •·unnl• "'11!1 '"' n•·· tu , . .,,.,., frum :>:u\'11 Sf'•lltn tu Flur. ''t:,e ~~\;r lhl~dll••••t but ats sud loll• illlll \l~ltcc1 th«' Hnhllnll\11 ~hr 1 a ry . Ill to by thl' Mas<Jilll' hns , .. narwt.·•l 111 .. v .. r m ght .ntl't'l! !' I SI'IC I hamptonthlp IWtn\mtnl{ rvrnt' 1\f<' tn P,_Pt"<"t fnr llf'l!l S uu.ID · llfll•rnoon. July 1~ ~l''"'"'''""l'lJ\• tllf' N•'"'l~·rt Har .l '""'' ~ 'tuuutwl ~·t ( "piUIUt•tt r Wlth Ill•· l"o•l\ l"•rl llrll't"•r .111111<'11' <'hrun l•o•r ,.,,,,l'o·tulttllo! th•• l'th'«'ll arc full\ •IUwlat~ui'J bv tlw ~~·uthl'rn ' l'no•af••• """"''"''"'" ••I llw Anwteur ~thl..th 1'nt.>n nmt 111,. n1wn I•' "II 11'.,'''''11'•1 ~I' A 1'1 I' ftlhl"'"" Fh·•t n ·,•nt. :odu'(t111f't1 tn ~«'I '"'' <It' I'\' II\' Il l I I' Ill "Ill boo lho• l.i.lll.l\'.11..1 bl.l.:lutrHk.o• "''" _.,,.,. ,, .• , I It•· ~~~ l'll•l 11 IIIII· 'J-'''1 IJR<'k .. , 1 , .. ~~,.. f••r JUII''*' uu n nn•t t h•· Pa·n l " ::uo yar.J ""''II'~ r.•r l'"""' Ill•' II Tho• "''''''"'' h M tr ··f' I 1\1' n ...... I ',\til 1-.• ok•\'"l••tl lu Wo•ll\1'11 \\ llh A 1:11 \'In! fro•t• Ml\11' ll lhl II lfki·VI•n l rno•,ll.·y tur ~~t·•t.l;•t~t 11 11d ,, :Jtl\1 ~· .. ru ,,,,,Itt•\ n•IMV . f•!t )\IHI"f \\ •'f1h'l\ c-""llu·nt11 walll,;iiii"Ht '2 :hlp tn ':nht ''h t•t nrul hn•n7•• '"'~llll!" •'•n hlo•JII tlh ,.f l'hiiiiiJII"IU\htt•• \\Ill lo<" • ¥ u r.h-.t U\ •·th 'h ,.,.t•ut .. :utr'' '1ul4•'~ t•'IU);t•t .tul\ ~·• 1'.•n\' l'h ll llllll'r bf-11111 111 ··hntl(o• ul ,,., "''llfl.,l\ Tth• fll .... l \\111 hr l1fl'ht 0111 tho· H1tll!.•11 Hny fr. n l. '"''" tho• F un ZPth• ~A I L DRS: . · Hard••"· • Hrull&4• • tlra- . tlttiDC" 8 'l'lMtl" 8 lt4tf"' W. P. t'\illcor l 'tuut.. 1\\\ Ul~l Hit ·•· llt Marta.• t\.,l.t\UA 1'1 \ 'tl 11.\IW\\ t\Kt: l'hoin .. r.'!t --·--.,..---. -~ .Presenting the Star Performer Golden Shell MotorOit Home II OWn Wt•l'kly ll('V:!Ipup••r . .llltl ll••l h Sf 'lilt', M VAI'hlltlj: ntOji:· i ·~+.t"" . r--r1~·44-U ~NI0IU'\'IEMIC):%-----r------;Nift:bi.-~4£~~~!--;.\-- w~k Wand N F. trd•• hl.:h Th•· cano" r t th•• Ma"''"~~' {''""I' wat h the ~o:uud Cuptarn K1'1111t'lh B·1 ko•r at t ht> hl.'lm. attumr'•rl '" ht."''' · ,,,,11. fi lit li 1 1 h , , ' H'•• ~ H( J;:t.• t e ()(·ean surf! Hut 11,, "'"r111~ "" ,_~,1 ,.1111,, 1111 ,..,n1,. ~hifll T'nint ('fr~ cltlllllO: " r:11 ,. trl ·u n•• ··um· ..• tOll mm·h Cur thas sm11ll n ·a(t 1111!1 •·d:"" .,f t>rrnr·s whll·h •·un\'lllS'I'll you ~he ha!! goJ~I." l<1 h• rR\\',IIt·r~· ~rttt'P !hll\ 11t tonlt'S fill<' I!IIISI hll\'t> ht•r I ow.-vl."r. lipl.atn tikt'r, ilk>' uti owohl'"olls fun HoWI'I't>r I think I good I'IIPIBtn,., "'"''I'd wath ho:c tf C:~tlli:•'t .. fl \\'t•nt ngr;lltnd sht' I sink ing t•rall untal lht· IK~I 1111• \\nllld 11101110.c.J111tt·lr prudut·,. '11411111• mf'nl!l lind tht'll l'lrtll'k nur lro htnJ ,.:.ooJ)o:O'l f.,r \\'nlkan'.: huml' with hts shoes unl.l gla:s:-,•t< "" tl:o-11 ••• \CTS GADGET II: \\'h•·n tho• ma• k••t..t Mo<IIS.1r1" ''fl«'n~< __ ,IIOAT O t" THJ: "'Jr.Jr.K apun .-arty tn S .. ptrmber. 1\.M'al Ont• ,,f ~t'll"-•tt',.. f11 :<t M~tl'irll ',,.,,J: ~ho\\lls Wt'l~hl'd In h••ro• lu11t Pf'rhAp!l you·have ulrt'Rdy admar. fo-llt•rnlt'n w1 ll ftnd a tM"tlcr pno·t> Sundu\ Ah"l't' .ro• II P e:rrfftn. Jr, nf I"'""'Ant;l'Wr< a&nd Mr~< e:ntftn ed Gadlet 11 lyanK at a St'wl"•rt f.,r lho•ar •·ralt'tl Pal"tfu· markf'rrl r w1th 1~l ·poulld ho·11u1y rnu.:ht JU51 nfl 1iall1011 Har bor Ya<•ht Club M•.>"riiiJC. 1111 \("ltJ hnng -f2'; :1{1 a te>n a'l'\d Span- ltllf'l'•"'••nu•nl 11f l't'l'llllll l•f'A• hi'~ h i'"\I~Jt.,\11 lht• IOI,.It• ,_,., 1411~111'1'11 :h it' '' ,,. k whe•n tjp\'f"rth •f • 'l:w't\ I I' ·•··ol llu• "'•IM'l•l bill '"" k tni I I IIlio· $'\fNI,t\il!l ,,( ~lnl •• ·f11111l~ --•. -r-1,,. IHU . II Ill•· 1\lll't'"f'r'"''"" lwn• ht•IO 11111101 ,.~. ,., t1•·l11ut•· uH••r.-~t tu th•· t:"l\ ufllf Jllllifll' Kllc1 llhP\4'11 1010 !1\lt'h u!l ll''~h·r '"'"' h Jilf•n~ drr~wn up ,h~· I th•• tfHf••t••nl ''""nlw" '\lrrtntt•' o,•llltlv r• ''"" " •rklltJ( t .. wront thl' ,.,.•,tiJit,.hnwnl "' 10111 h " phtll llawbot .. mce LAUifDIIY AND a..&AN-.a Phone Ul fl&wlese and llparkltn~o: 81! R pa .. ~·,. ~~h :na<'knt>l $22 50 a ton Llut St Alb t . . of .:ryatalware. ~he ('llffit' herf' (l"'mf-1 ~t'llt s pnc.-... wert 121 and 116 ars, a rosses u 1 t 1 F'atung In the bonita rnt-rvolr New York tend~rly c.-radlt•d on tht' I re&pt>C \'f' y or Uw .. ,_ fiah. and Rbod~s Rae~ mAintain~ at Ulf' head nr Sf'W- Ill raa. A--....._ 8HIP'8 LAUNDaY Does 4 iobs at oncel turnm~r. Phil Rhodes dt>l!agn~ ht-r, ~upplyan~: the fresh flllh markrrs 0\'(•r \\'~t-k~nd :r-•rt Blly by the ln·lnr Ranch deck of • linn and wall stay the I !l.fellnwhllf' f11humen are bUlly Mdu bunt her and h t'r ownt'r A nnc1 ntnnlnJ r hllrtt-r boat I! whlt'h I ''""'I' Ill\', thth <A'ffk rost 01'0tf& I _-/lovlii):Jc&rf' n hfl'tii'Tit' .. r h~ta'ttnl):' l.la~ 1-t:~rlio•r \'ou hi • lith !'tnr rltnllnlt· ·:,:::I.J•·r~. I' r .1 "• A('~-•nT~thtu '"' 11 ~ I you d 1ft 1Dt ..,_.. .. 1"1" uxnr&rcJ to nx.. I( JOU b.aJ .a-u, .. ~II " orhc -d~ inlflftl JUUr en~ ~.Ya\' Btb~ in rnrporntrd ~th ur~ IJrll~.Ul£ ln the un~•t 01\-'fl'~· Th .. ftfih rnrr 1n fhl' :-.;,.,~am\Tho~nah ,s1:o~tt.rdLow: lk,a.m, BAL18l CANVAS t'DftD r~'"' lt.:.Jow n)VCJQJ) • • 1 ... r•~'" '.-,•nur recun..... ._,. CAJif' S II 8o C A experitnt'f' l h(• .,.,~:ar1 ~~~llrn.: Nat I ''''" ... ,,,,.., "·" ~h1h••l ~atwtJ.•v at '"'" 1,, ··at«! d r Crall 1 o~• • •• et o•ere• WDIDQI IUI'U · · · boaUI off CllpP Cud tO v••ars fl$!"' !'IKIJ~I·t~R .. F.DERSF.S I Nrwl'"'' lt.o\ 1111 kt•r':; H•!leio·tll' '· ~~~··.' un" ' 1 y '"'1 Meune Upholateun~ 1 • tnto the"1U'T1ln"""m•nt-~f hl'..:.._tnt,.-· -'•J ••UI;'Inndang_ young ~klprwr '''1111111'-' '" '" ~• ('.,11•111 ~ AI•·•~'"" 11\>tm ,. .16:~ ,.1·~~~ lprul)aiJtll! I !Til· 1 'COOL __,__ I _._ "'' ' ., ' '· lh h . - 1 -, .. • r ,. · L:""~•n~: nn t• ,.,....,., andll Phoo!' 207 22t~ 2 h t St • Y~ ~· .....,.. keep It ................ lora. hl'r gPar ami I!IH1J:o•tll ThP 111 1• Arhor Ill Char I'!' Pl.'dt-rsnn ~''''''''"'· '""I ll.f.,m .. ,.-, 1 •'111 rtmnn, • • · "'WPOaT 81ACH .-p ................ 11. result Ill R Caultll'lii'IINIS to 1"1111• ""11 llf llfon nnd Allee P(•dl.'ti!Oil nf I thll tl n t ho•r I lfllllt'l"' IIJI In urtl.·r·• ' -y..,...... - jure witt(. V1krnl( Port, who Iaiit Sunday won nlll••••d '"'r•• t •~<·11no 1:11 I 11\lll'n 1.! CHuRCH SERVlGES -2. IIQ.IAH euf ertt eft' Mrt..ft. I -'t ..._. 1 Ulrt ~ Gadg('t JI WR!IIntl.'nd,.d to Jtll tn ·~·· !'no~l'hlrc1s hl'rteJ., __ In VIking rhutwt oKt•'lll:!"r • -~'"''' •l .,.h 1 RAaoLD L 101Df80N ......... 'erourHI precltletl ., ..... lf'Jo clenc.-y and comfor t 1 m a 11ral 1 • that ht'$tlnll !ltllh,!lS hy Wll\nlng a racP.' II, tR"Ii:'''""' V••r•>nk ra. tSpt•th'Pr.l CII 'R LAM OF IIOVNT PIIOPICLLICII a. 1 ...al. M pewer. ttoa • tilt te ............... ... aea with thf' niiiXIIllllrn .,f l'ffl-( hold•· Chart.·~. at tt\r ag<' of·12.1 man •. \\'hartwanll. 'Ill\ II •, l'ollux · ~ ahe might bt' handled by her ~k1p.l . -·. -. . l)n ~unduy. th•• !itnr r ro•w rll<'e Wilt' ('AIPIJ:L PITOIIJNO l' ............ ~~·•• ...... •' cytiR .. F ..... Ideal throughout. She 111 four Sewrort Harb<lr hfet:Uardtl put Drum Garl k coud ant! Al&odo~, ltev. P. J. BEARY, Pneet between 21 and It on tM 11aJ I' • 11 ..-y ... etthe__.o ....... ll•l .. •'•~ per alonf' and 11hf' conronns to thl!l ~\\ 1:\IMF.Rs RP:I'W' t ED l t·uplltrt'd hy tho• C'hunl't. wlth c.:AntoUC CIIVacH 4 OIL years old. 37 f~t lonjt, cutt~r rtjt· Ill 8 busy weekend but were IIUC-' third Sun.da.y Mo.u at 7 8 'I JO and Nawport-PtMMM ........ 161-:J I ......... If....... ......... e~· ged. He.r color:lng la. lovt•ly. unrnn · <'t'!lqful 111 pr••vl."ntmg any fatalillt'JO , In the Rhf...So·>' 1'111111', !'nturdny'sl ll a. m. ' ' ' • ventlonftl. blf'ndlng II hull II( A IIJng ,.llll1111J: lhP thousand.'< of Vll!itonl ra\'1' Wll• "'"" ll\' !'lt·pho•n'll Vu--· -"How do I 1ft ch.lt w&y> lr' ''"' I ('J~ of rmrn lng royal .blue with 1'1111~ f o( a Wf'R -who flnr kf"d tn thl' ~ft<'h. '1°"r". '"th J.\· .. n·s Mu•tn•s~ nnd t IIRIST ('Hl"IK.'H aY THE 8U Boal BalldeH b41aoc~ (Of ct><Uy • prt'l.l\11111 Iouth nwtn«. An' ,oo. the~ henna. Tht~ tnttl'r Nrl<)r 111 :\fo,l srn1111~ r ast> of the wrt>k M1lhknn·,. lt•·h••l ''"Ill'"~ '" ,.,., und ' · · --,.. , the pra.f'tkal tPlllllt of tAn bark "' •·•u rf'd Sunday at Corona dt>l .111d th1rol Runno•r ' u p ""n' 1\r-(t 'ummua.ltJ M~t) 6d~nnaUy, dlC'l' u y I m 4 Mt'•l 41 • <tWIIt f &••uan!" 1'4todl c,....,. " dye. a pr!)('e~ U!lt'l.l b)' nnt'aPnt ~!.tt whrno l'ltm \\'nltrrs . 17. uf J:ll!o\ 'Jlnlllpl"l'' ~\·h·nt, • !1.1n r -F. ,f! GOODELL. Kin11t.r \'·II Mart.e Eqt- Phoenld:m.q to prc\'t'nl th<'lr MilS 1 14:!R F. ~·'2ncl :otrt>tol. Los An~tt>lftl. 1111 1. ll•·nny l'••nny I I, • <.;nfftl h 1. 1 ~uni.IA)l arhool at 11:30 a. m . ...., • ._._ from mlldN1n'b Her <'OCkplt r!' wl\. "a~< r,·sc·n .. ct from uro,.·mng by \\'h.ru 't ·r·"' f.,r•l•. ~··a »•·"· Twu Sunday .momlq Mrvl~, ....,... "'ar• ter t ight. ~ht' r.:odt' nut " hurncnnl', l~•h•J:tmrl.l Al,.x Mnf'Gtlh,·ray. Art·, 1 l!f·nr<l.~l••o> 1 Hhto• l'o·:.:~:'' • 1-to•rt-: •I II :1Q a&nd 11 o'clock. Mali-Ha,.._.,.. without shtppang wah•r b4>low. H oot , aflu.lll 1 <'lll"ratum wa!< l'f'<ll ttrt'd tu mnn I nnd' Alrl••a) • GranntUI o II JU p m. lntenned1at. and •· .,....,..,. llo&owa draft I !I rather shsllnw. '"'" fPI't, r•·,tn ro• • hrl< hrt·Rthrng Sunday·,. f<h•""'~ l'f<• o· "'"" """' I h &h :1d1vul Leacuee, at tM tbal.abe. n'1ll)' .n&\'l&:\11· tht• nuoo~" Oth•·r !';unch<V rP!!<'IIt'S Included lo tlw \'11•111• '"· th~· ~ •. ,, Bo•o• und 1 hu~<·h. an4 cf'llnnll'll anc1 ~houh!lh watt'r!l ' f••u r ut tho• 2:1r71 s trt't't stBllon an Ho•nry f'l'nrl\' 11 (~tk{u~:·.,,.,'c,n.:J n1fd ' 7:-:ffl p.m . h.Wmq Mrric:e; I o ( thf' New E ngland t·oa!lt. but ,. :>;,·wpurt KPnnPih G<.utdang , :11. thoro! nunno·J~ up ' \\••r,. l'yh·ua • I broad kffl keeps hrr ro•!lpt oilS I\'<' n nd \\'1lhn rn ?.A'Ill'r. :11. both nf 1 Mnrttn •. M '"'"'"~· • l.\'1111 1. ('on· t"IR~l' ( 'llt:&<.'H 01" ai&J8To THE PEYTON_COMPANY HI C"-l 11\Ptnf Sf'wport ..,.11 re.u-lut Shell Protlucta at to windward. Sht> g <)(')l tlo !It'll In I Sru1t11 Ana . L.awrl'nl'<' \\'ard. 26. <JIIrMtlltl•orr· • Bo•nj111111n1 Ku t••h S('II':SflMT hot wealht'r nf' Nllc1. IIPr hnttlw!l ~an R<•rnardrnu. a nd Jprrv Rllw· ,r;uthrh' 1 AI'J:"""· ollum ptpn 1. • rl .... 1 •c 11 k 11 1 II 11:! East l:cntr•l avenue and portholes ftrl' st•tt•o•n•·•l Ml!!lllll't '""· 1!\, u( Pnrnunil. St•lurdRy rf'!l· n••·~· '''. 1 I '"''· 1 . Ink .... 1 uh----------------. hnr<1 , F f1 H 1 Arr· ,\ lot ·"'II u( The Mvther Church, I r the !!WIInTI!I of lllfJ!<QIIIliiO'~ "" no I ( 11··~ llll'lllllo•d l\\'11 a t thP '2:lrcl ,.,. \', I ·~IIIII\~ ''11 ' 'I ll· For><t ciiurch of Chnat, I eastern lnlt•t a nd a tattl•• ''""' ~<1 11\'t' 'lr•·•·l .,tuta .. n. Uoh Alh~<••n, J-4. •tf foal ll~'!!nn11111. \ ,'""o· l'o·~~y warms the• qunrtl'n< 1"'1""' wt11•n t: •• p .. ,,,, nnd Harbunl Flury, 12. nf tllflfrlllllll !, :; '' n\t:<l, 111 H<•Mion, M ..... 11 w intry wtnd as htowmo: ooolt,.lllr• KO\·••ra ~·lr>~t nod was 111!111 ndnun-l n~l,..,··• My~l ao "'"k '"P h"n••rt< :,uuc!a y bdln<~l at 9:30 a. m. l Gadjret ll'!t rnii'I'H>r:< hll\'o• h1'1'!1 ~tt-r•·ol foor" number''' minnr tn-fn'~nlllr•luv'• llll~>~t r"11' n11 o· w1th :.u.au .• y :tcrvtce Ill ll a . m. I laid out out w1th 11 !<IHit• r11lo· tll• f•· l'lfH'>' J.•tornl'\\'<•rlh " I til llh ..,..,.,,,,il nn•l 'I'••. tonoumul nwettng eAch Wed· ly. There are rnur hunks. '"''' m lltlhruon , F••llv. thuol Clth•·r :<IIIII· "''"tiny at b P· m. the forward t<lnli'rollont ancl tw .. In li t '\'~ :>:t:\\ .'\LHATR010l'! ••rs \\•'r•· ~ .... ,.,,,,1, •M• :>:allv• H .. ut.long r"""'· 1111 Central avt., the.mtin ettbt"-'~llft'81Ktllllml_pll.:...-l111.,n_< l'ywdl. whv w1th h\1! waft>, Po•du, • Moorrall • ll>t flu II • Tai ii.S', "1"'11 -<lHaly 1 tu 4 P· m . except Bun- lows are~IJ)('O\'I'trd m hlut-!tl\11-lo"'n Uluiuicll.-!'eccnll}:-mo\·ed into C'l'l~pln r.tnv,..,..o -Rhnr""'~"' d., ·s nnd hnlida 8 · cloth. %ippPr fR!<tf'llPCI R<·•·nuJ<•• o( I h!•IJ II"'' ty-•·nnlpll'tl'd t\Jlme nt ,.·ell• l{ul~oft•• I ~~~ k 1 ·• 11 Ml-1.-T I08 ..,ut.lac. ia thetr clammlnf''<~ nnll h~lk . stu•l't>< Hodt ... a Hrty Shurr:<. l11,;t Sat urdny \\'rll:hl In ~11nrla\ 11 rrto ·o· th•· Kn 1 " allt>ru l aud u"" a-re dispenlll'd w1th AI na~ht you "nturf'tl fnrth lnr his ran~t· s11al an lnh•· l•>~•k raro,t tho• C1h Oh ~··•'"n(l ''"'"'- hh ram<'ls· thL Powo·ll'l< """" Albatm.~ll. 'Muf·, !Inti Myf'nr thrrd I llh,t•r, f1111sh· "'"r" Hh•• r'"'"':-' 1 u. If a ll. hke a sll't-plnJ. ha~ anc1 rn lhl' ""II \' """"rdrnr tht> f'rnft'" !'ltttnji'P mnm lng you fold yr•ur bcddln~ in '1 •nu· lo>arm·d tha t lh<' intl'nllnn C"n'l'lll u11•l ''' • totdl.lllll '!l.lo~'<- a !IO(t llttll' ptle and Mnw It an :1 h ool tlf'PII tso rhn!'l<'ll the' h<•at 111 wellr K••' I 'arl .loluL~• • M tniller Reed'• Sa~rlei'VIce 2920 W. Central ewpcm · Mari ne and Balboa &lb~ Island "'~ea ID Haata Aaa Make IUC..'H BA!48ETI""8 1MI MODliN OIL POl NICISION-IUILI CAB DIRIES IR THE ·SDUTHUIEST '• . "' r.:J - ~/) , -·----=--- EDITION •A DEL MAR, COST A Directors ct Property >nBeach · I IM ~k Solution of n w hk-h Ia Same tsltlllalllll Kalbea _ Jalancfen. Both A.-Mirietion of Bay ~'"''' Ht•riuua ~ that •f h11y .-hor.-by ple-na to the ..... ,~.. Ill\ tt, .. lrrt ""' 8t'h tMt' .. , •>f .. ... .... 1111 es Moves ~erne F--..., .... ~ " K ·v ... STATION ventllat~ c.-ompnrlmf'nt ab<we Y'''" '"'"''' sof .lh•· !1.1uthPr Go<•!ll' Lhar· Phone JII·J bunk. "l••r "Lttllo• M1~~ !loiu((Pt." but \ lr'ITISCo \' AC tiT~\IF:S Sunday. 1*:45 ._, 111 -8"-..o-y ........ * Go !>onto fe -1@1!! on" or I"'ort of th .. u• roiOfiul, eaclt- The ~tallf'y lonk~t m anult'. but rh:c t R '""'""'•rsy arn!'f' whetht!f \\'•·•·k•·ll•l ~~~··~•!' rot :>:o•\\f"•rl Jl:rr Mho<tl. upon closer ln~ptrtteon, ynu ftn•l 'tw "·•rrl re•ntamo'<l nnl' or' tv.·u .,.". bnl Yn• hi 'lratt '"' ltul•" t ho· w•·ll· 10.4~ a . m ..K<,.-_..,,.K woral\lp. 'Hit IUid Mal• lng •"'"" enroute eotl o r ...,.,,. Co''' or• rooaonoble o..t t l)arade tt» \Jal t~t!IJ'·T'ftl ~fl'"~~Fu.ul ..hclJtt C... t.h~ :rnatt.r-r M;:.tt,:; .ki)O\~n mnl.l"n J'l"luro• ,.,...,.,. R l• h-6.:10 p. m . YUUill: PtopMID IJ:p-t'CH'R IIF.AUQ'"A8Tit&8 thart ia o !>onto Fe t•oin "rvoc-;. lo ~u•t your requlr-fttL ~~~~~~~. ~~~~~· ~~~~~~~--· -·~==~~~~~S~~~~~z~~~~~~~ugaa~===;==~====~A-1 '~rru·yaJv-at f'n handy c.-nmpr~rtm~'•·*" ••t ,· .. ur h:ul :oddcc.J lh£•' se~.:und 't.' The Alba· Hnr•lv , ~l .. u•· 'r ho• l~tllo·r ,..A, 111•• ": .30" p. fn. CoaJJef MrVlce. t,.-..:.....;..-....;;...~.-..-.,;;;;;=;;;:;;;;._-::.;:.=::..~ ~ I:X ~~SJ~ finger t1p1. Therf! 111 lUI alcutwl trus,. IS rcg1slerl'd 1\('<'ll.'dtngly. · • ; t:ulllJI·•"" •I II) ha!o w 1Co . M r :< st .. IH' Wcdll., 7 :10 p 111 -Mldwttk OfM( . ; stove hung In ~illlbAI!o ntHI nn •'lt'r· 1 ~r·n.'ICI' ot prayer 11n<f pra!M. I VALENCIA LAUNDRY * ~IIU"'' 30 J l, !>o-11 1 1 • 1941 tric ~l.'!l. and a ntllno•l nt<'lnl hrf'MI SOTF:Il .-\l'TIIOR TO t'11011 Th•· l't<•!',. ,,111\ $1 oo 11 }'t'llr Thurs., 7 46 I'· nf .(;hotr re -Co.;;iy, pog~ontry, ceremony d t All rl•l,.fll Whit IIJiJ"'Itr In tt 't•ttrlllll' wttn '""'' """ lin,.,.• Wll ~ '"' '"" Itt _ttr r 1111( hJHhf'or·ue to lie .... ll•·ld Ill "'~'" 111111 thl' hllrhec- ,, lint• lo Will I~· 11• rVI'tl lu I hi' pub-bnx. Ovt>r lhl' nto>nf.'l m••lltl ~1nk \'apt 1"'"1" dP .IC"an, Wf'il·knnwn lwat~<RI. -t elebrot•nQ""on4untlofth .. fill! a c.-uttlng hn11rd full nf•ho>lo•• auth .. r :on•l lr tt>n•ry llj:f'nt wh11 l!t •· J tW"k f'W<!I!llla• through whirh <'l'llnlh~ c1tlltlppf'Br ,.,.,.ntauntnJ:, at :>:f'WJ"'rt Harbor. J y t'l"'t •·ollnMIII&f"' f'hlll'da of proYinc .. loat to ~po•n •n !lire AtiiiOIIIIOIII, N . ._ $ft}fe '"''· s.,J. 11,. ,. The lllnk pudifl !ll'n'l'~ 111!10 1111 II ;ol:cnru'•l \<) •·ntrrtam R pArty nf • our Boat Co•t. !Uo-SH I p·s-and Pueblo lndlon tevoh of lbllO. bilge )'ll!'IP· The IClPhnX hnldl! 100\ HoiiYW•KWI rne.J'!(ill on a dl'epsen . -b __ ... , G Willard Sic""""· Pulor I OM poundll o ( IC'e. A hundrf'cl pounds f•f ft~htn~ tr1p tndll.~'· lnvlt~ tn Q('·. qUill er... f'hoM 17':8-J t, .I }4; wASH IIIUITIIUl UUMONIAl, GAllUP, M.ll. * AuijU\1 1J 16, 1941. f rn"' on Q'J,...el, orh. crofta -tn the 1pi111uul ond e thrcal I 1ft of lndoun ltrhta ·of the !>onla Fe 5outhwe•t CAIUIAD, N. M. '""•'•• Avll¥tl 11 U '4 rwr.a..,auo.•.-. 1, •• ,,. nniJ """'•· A.,. J2~t4 PaMIJDIO Ice me ItA Into 14 It II linn~ of wnlt'r •· .. nqo~<ny lh•· gr.oup WAJI C. K .,.. I · Fnday, 7.30 I'~I'MoJ.:tllaUc aerv•.. ('I.P:ASI~O ThU! msy be ho~t'd antn lh<' 101nk rrarst flP:ik-~,.r~esnt of the New-"'"'' l.rltA"rlniC we. to~ dllltlwatf'r or Inter a bur ket for port llcRr h Jl')llct-dl'pBrtmf'nl and c;h••n 1'"''"' .. "'"' Su111Jay. 9.30 a. "' -Sunday .• c.-hamolslng tht d<'r k 1 Hll' !!hap'll hllllFf'lf a wntet-of ltnquullonf'd Cln ('all Uar nr SIIA'~ "''h•.ool Cluaea (ur Rll aa•. mop Is made of ~tnr~ of rhllm!ll~ :ohoht~· C Apt. d~: .It-an .,.;II lesv~ ••0_. 8 7 11 00 a.m. Morn•nlt woraiiJp. leather!. I would ll'ke•tn ~~''''f' h(•n-"~'" f<~r thl.' l'nl\'~tllrty of Ct1lo--.r-n.. 6 00 p. m <'na~Adertl. 0 I rad••. "hrr p he wall ' c.-nnft-1' on lit-7 .00 p. m . E "t!nanr M f'!!_gt. = Ford briquet!!. l'o thl' lrl' rrPII m , !'11m,. nf tiTMl' "ho pttdf' freezer. to thP ·cull A p~lble fJ"f'!l!" •• h'f'l' on lwrng "h~<rd water l!hO\l'f'r~R nd t n l.hl' E ngh!th unly h:!lf·hAkl'd TIDE · TABLE 1 Courtesy Sht-11 Mftt'rw n.,..·k. Balboa J11land ) ft .. h. r! , II :&7 6.7 IULY Low Rl«h Low Fri. 25 6 09 .n 6 I :09 t.M · 8 :00 !.4 Sat. 26 6 46 -0 4 I :44 • 1\,0 6:50 'l.S U 'L Y Hl«h Lo"' , Hlp Sun. ·• . 27 0 43 5.!\ 7 :24 ,o 2 2:21 ll.'l Mon. 28 1·37 ~I II 06 0 ,1 S:OO 5.4 Tues. 2'9 2 :16 4 ~ Fe 49· , Q 8 S:l'l A.A W~. 30 3·47 4,:1 9 :18 1 I l 4:'!1 5.7 Ttfuh. 31 5·08 4.0 10·32 1.6 6:17 Ul LIChtlac.-~ fli'\Jrell Indicate a . m., betdfare IDdleate p. m . Low· 7: .. 'l.l ' 1: .. 1.11 1 :51 1.1\ 1 I :OS 1.1 lj:fl!< A rr""' • l'a• t11rt11l ~., .. u ""'k lli•·nltft<alr•·n :>:atnoiH•t" fsol 1~11 llll'><•ilaru•m.- •ualln~ot • ruff l.t~othl -. rr••n-". l.rf•· 1 '"1-:'· ,,, ll..t~o• hrohlo· pan · "IS \'u rm"h"'l l'aant•·rl Rn<1 vtt~>r;.!l Selt Weur Aeaiataftt Peiftt Uaed E•cluaively ·BENEDICT TH£ SIGH MAH > ·~ f'ORUSA UP:L MAR 1 11\t>ellng. t 'uD ~P"I A,.._..J %100 N-~YC. R,.v M C t·,.,,,,,. Pu t.or Runday IICh(J(•I, 1• 4!') a . m . Mo rning won~h•l• II 00 o'dock. EvanrehaUc R<"rl. ~~. 7:30 p. m . T'r&yer m~Un~ 'rue.tday Mn- "'"· 7 30 p.,m. ... • Pra.l11e 11ervtce. ThuracSay, 7 :ao. Kewttltl Day AtlvMIIat f 'hurch of <.'1u111t Rltll{., WU..t •t. Sabbath IIChiJol. !illturclay, t :IO Preac hln( 11erv1r~. 11 a. m . W~n-say ntc ht Mrvtce, T :ao. MiniM! IH 11114 N-port BIYd. OOtJTA MEHA u.~·ach t.;mbr~llu & R~JU'h Rack~ ... l'"or Salt~ or Rent CUFJ"'~ T A('JU.P: MIIOP """"' ,, f>U ( , .. Urt r;, f'rythtaa t'or Y ""' t'llaWar . ...._, .... ~ lOt Mala · I'll. aon, Inc , "'"" operu'" o :: rl••y fi'Otor ft•v••• from W r• •lo"'. ""' . lo thia we•tde•l Ame'fc.§!n., oboriginol uremony &AI VfOAI, N. M. ,,, .. k, '•"'"'0 "'· ... , '. PIUCOU, AIIZON-• . , ...... ,(_.,.,..,~,_ .. , •• A-. w IOIWIU, N • ._ Ho•·•·' tJ.n -.••. ,,, .... , .... UNJO DOMIHOO PIIUtO, N.Ait. ~.ot (c,.u• (Jjjltte • .,.,,,.,. 4 At• fOUl ~ANf& fl AOUIIY 101 DlfAIU AND IOLIIII s-SMfta re -fot lh• 'f)tld ond rlup•r.dobtl•ly of truly mod· •'" a nd complete f•eoghf aenll(e Aa1-Oll'f So11lo Fe Agtltl. fMI IANU II IAILWA'f tl A CAliiOINIA INiflfUfiON * APftf ... Ill fUiataa It A-. I UDT UIAYIOD CUff lfrP 'f• llfl .. 1 lit Ill II I ••mlnrtl (,.,., JV!th lM 1"" 1"" "' '""I I("" slu?l"e 11l nltllt II will ''" du•·• 1•••1 loy lh<' catnl(el r1: t'rttftfrtttfrtt ""!::.''~! I< ur, .. l, "''"lnraan o1 ' "" ""'" "· luvo Krrltnlf"t.l fl1r m&D1 ~ 1"1'''' "''"1: '"""'"Y" In rtlure ·wto-v •how·• '"" I 'l111rl"" TPWinkiP hu :I 1:11•n•:•l ,,,.. rt~o· uf hi• cnns~er ,.,,,,,. t.ull•l lll( f11r,. fll lr. /Ill f11ol llf"" lh,. horN abolr II IJ#• h thll -.;--- In T~ay's News-Times y,.,,, uf IJrpPr IIAy I11W I'll~ 3 Art 110h lin• I Art F'ace S f!ullolllll: N~w11 PIIICI' I ('IIIAAIII••sl Ad.. Pql' T 'N••w• ••f l 'hurrhr11 I'Ajft T ('rt'"I'Wiorol 1'11,711' """' T lta r l"'! AJil\IIINnrnb Pa1e 0 Tlw Thrill r..., ..Palfe 0 N,,.,.,. ••f tl"rhur \1\'uu•••n IIIJIIIIt il-, fltl"l ~'lrw11 N•·w llu11l TNJI Ko'\1111 lollfl ,.,.. Guff'• (;ulumn F'111e 8 Pap t rar• • ........ ..... , - Pqe Four NEWP C05 8 Newlyweds S. A. Meyer By New s-Ti1 Arrwtng "Jur<t n•r" 1"1 tolay ''"''nln Mra. S A M t'y..r o a nil !t r11· ""111..-r-rt ~ marrlt•c.l July t~ Ill Vo'l'rt• IUII'Jli'IJI('ol b\' 0( tht' ~"""Jl<'rt. II• Com llfln ~-v. h • • nr~ lyv. ,.,,~ "tilt 'p&nlr)' GIH•8UI I( litho I o ol M•yrr hom•• a r d ~ tor lh<' h"n"l"<'8 .-n)upeJ 1n lhl' I" thl' pair attol o·nJ'" lll'f\•ed by I hi' o•l &lid hNitf• .. !' LAter an tht' t·\1' 'a'I'M' pruw Dl<'•l P Minor tho•y Y. o·ro• I comh 1 , ... , ..... llA ed. ... . ., ·- I Mtu Ell• .. N ewland of 2100~ 'ote4.. . 'Personal Mention · 1 1 (1, t'IOO Front spent tM WM1lend '" Loa Angt"lt't wh~re ,-wu a • I(Ut'llt •t th .. hume ut her a~ater. 1 After s~ndlng .,.venl dayl ' 1-•nf th• JlfhU Ill Loe Aqalee. S F h. Sh 1 S C f M t~ PalMC1a AndeNOn hu ,... port ~s JOn OW urn me r on erence l t un H!CI to" h .. r Curona del Mar and Briqge Luncheon of Business Wome n a re Well Attended He ld at Laguna h<JIIH' ~~~~~~ Ellltnt HI'SMII. t.laurhter ol !the Rev and Mt11 W R. HHMII, Mol"!! th~tn 100 yrtc·honr.·nmen 1 Mon· thlln 1r.0 m•·mbt-ra CJf the tormer rutde.nll of N-'J)Urt ~r; ~nd their f~l a hl'll.ljt .. ~.Ulht'rtl l)t~etnrl 8UI'tnt'IL'I 110<1 lour, II apendtn& tht' week &8 ~U .. lu01·hMn """ fllllhlnn ~<how ltt')ol l't••l4••~•nn•ll \\'"m"n·~ r luhR rnt>l uf Mllol Belly Lou Racku of ew· ---~-·~~ -~ 8t :'l:l'~<'p<lrl Jl:.r· ~Uitl1fo\ ''' 1-•l(UI\U Ho•:o111 fr,r lh•• 1"'1 1 Heights. 1 1212 W '0c hor Yacht' l'!ub Pf'rllt'l(l8tllllt l!hop• ttt.nllhl ""'"'""r •onr"" nr •· H.,,,,.,.. Ml~ Jan• Qu ~-h ·k ~n lnrltldtng MtM Emma Hu.:ho>11' Surf ••·nl1111: t he· 11"'"1 ('lUI• at lhr· •·on· Fr•.nt, entl!rtaln t 11 ':: a U!.a and Sand, •nd Jeann .. 'l! Sf\(orr 1"111\'1' Wl1fl' Ml1ottl'ol ...... lchnrt. Jsn,.··' •• klall p6rly kunurln, ~ : ahop Ill Ballx'" l..n<'RI j!trl1 wh .. l'~olkllt• \'o•m Mollt•r Mnn• C'or n-"' Mrs. J uhn Albert Shl!llt&. •-... ~~- 1 · • k 'I •f . 1 \'-!"''' gu.,SI.ll .....,,.., preaent tor u ... rharmlnr;ly m·KI~I""I th,. lat.-.st lr. "·" •·'""'"' !'tur •' Hfoltrl ·~ • · · -' • · 1 E . 1 . '\'o•n•ng tor rr>Ulltt and dan<'ll\1. IJ'l()rlJI Wf'llt 11nd ht!ao·h """':mblf'J!, ( .'',."11">' A 111·• '.t.rol"" 1111' \ P ) n ~fr Rnd Mrs Ytall•r Splcer and lnr ludl'd the Mas-S..ttl' C(>ndon, I' lonl , tJtldrt'n H"rrldt, Carolyn a hd Oorothy Oh\' .. r. Hden Anne Grun· sr .. •uk••r •·f ·to> afll rotuun v.•Rs , 1 • .Ba ve re dy Wan~le Charll' and Ann Antrh Mr N rt'uy fr~om th•• L-os AnJ;t'l"~ \\" h•t , uf U<>Hul\ y, b! · M~n'1 raah111n~ weft' modeled by 1 'h11pt,.r oC II;.,, t'r""" v. h•• dt!IC'UIIll· turn'!<.~ :;:; a plt'uant ";'caU~ UBum .. )•" Bu,_tte. c.d .i!O>IO. .J Ow n ... n . uJ•P<"'1unttiU I jAUnt ammolh ~ke n ....... Y.cht rluh memben1 •ntl'rlaln· fur "'""''" on "·'t"'""' Llt•fl'n!W' ll•tch Sterras Uurlnr t r; 110~"'-r;: lnlt l•r,;e par11ea of f rll'nd.rl wue \•urk Vanuu~ lou~'"''"" wn~ tran-th .. y .. ·ere .}.,.~eat. .. t amarac: Ml"'l J M. Webeter. M,.,; Jame>l! '"' lo•o.l utnl J•ull>< oo1nl1r· fur futur•• loot.l~e trvtn• Mt11. Gtlrdon M r.nand,\' 1,,.,~., 1111• :-.; .. tal' uf anttnllon to wed hu Ml'1' J 11mea Guthn" Mno J \\' M· ,,.,,..,. "' t h• :-.;, ""l"lrl Hhrt;ur , ... ,.n ftled by ,..,... Ola<Jya E. C'nndnn. Mt11 C S R11•k~tw ""'' II 11. I' \\' • luh \\•''"' t·ntrr1atnl'd lln.wn lo( !'lf'Wporrt &Ach and J oe· 0 Do 1,,1 111,,111 .,1 ,, , h''"""'" ..,.tin l rph Jorhn He>llj(ha(l of 388 Broad· Ml"' lt. • rna. ~ " ,... M M H ha Thf' Non Calma, Jum•or y11o·h!J<-oloo '"'' ""''d t.v M rll lirdh11 '"'' CuHil · rsa r. eur n mrn'11 nrr;anl,zatlon. 1188 _.,.ntJy :r ut•''" .. t lwr rtlfll h hum~ "" Rrtl unlv · reo•ently l'•;mpt~ted ha new fnrml'd tlJI o~n orC'hf'OltNt 1111d ('•tn· 11111 n\•'1111• '"'' ""'"' bunl(al••w at lht' 14tt•r r:s j ('f:"P:ST Mo,o~ Oorothy Wt'etnnr. cSaurh· ·• 11" ! · ·· , t~r .,f Judi(<' tutti ¥rw Harry Well· w • adtb "' tuOsu '"' lhr f'lub'ro Sund.Mj nlttltt bufh·tJ ,\!' ~jH Sf t: ~upptor Th«' ~11tul'day nlr;ht donn,.r danreo -.. alloo. .... u a!Undfod • • • M~ ·•O•I ~l r• I! I< M• Murtrv.1 ,., • .,, uf t'Or(onlo tlel M•r. ldt Sat- 221' .lOth ~~ ,..,., ( "~"' M•·~"· this , 11...-ta )' by Sa ntu F .. nul way for For- .IIJM Emma H urhe•. 701 ~ E. Central avenu• BaiOO., baa been enJo1inl MVt'l'lll daya' va caUon at CataUoa l81and · Mr. and Mr8 Ma rion MuUlna of 300 Dtamond 3\'enue, have JelLied thelr home on tht' laland and are movtnJ to Curona del Mar tor the auaotmer. Mr. and Mrs A. A , Scott. SCM Apolena avenue, Balbo& Iala nd, had u _,..kend .(UMla·lheir 8011· ln·la• and daughter, Mr. and Mn. o.o-.. McGtll o,r Alhambra. M n . Al:!luHta Nammo ol Irvine Cou£ ranch. C1orona del Mar, hu returned frono Sun Lula Oblapo wh•n abe ~nJuyed a brief V111t wttl'l her 110n Robert. an •mploye at Cal Poly Mra. Dorothy Hoeppner ot Phoe· nix, Ana.. h.u bi'f'n a~nd1nr the pUt two ,. ..... k, at the home ol Mt' COU8ln, ft H. leenne11 an<! Wn . ~en 200 Garnet •wnue, Balboa laland l{r. and Mrs E. S Dixon. 123 G.n-.t evenu". Balboa Island , have been enjoyan.: u wuk'e vlalt from the latter'• mothtr and aunt, Mn. W. H . Worth .. r Enrlno an4 K n . J. R. Wa tM>n ur &rkeley. '"'a A. A K~m~r tw>m• at 1135 Cout boul•vard, pram!Jiea to be a • 'I . J,J I ICA.~AOISO H\\' STA ftOS e~~9 ~A .. ~ 1 Ben Whtbnan. who with hiS .-~~ brvther. Ha rry Whatman, has ~n \JperaUnr the SM II M"rvlce stataon 8~ndlnl w veral enjoyable day. ut 1120 State harhway. Corona del an Hollyw.x.d are Mr. and M~ Mar. for sonlt'Ume past. IB now Herbert L. Johnlo.n ot B&lboe ~-upancliDI hiB tlt<ld and hu U• land. . • aumed manajement ot the She!l Mia Helen J acobllon ot Glendale ataUun at Third and Bush streetJI hu been vlalttnr at the oome ot In Santa Ana. lin. Sadie Haefner. loot~ Oranre avenue, Coata lleea. Hu&)l ptmlt. proprtt-tor of Dim· 1t'a cate--a t Newport, 11 enjoy1nr II 10-day VIIU with hla alater. Mnl. W. W. Virtue ot Dodre City, Kan-... lin . Charlu Donnelly and ~~htl!.f, Peen. 9t 1102 Bollth Bay Front, BaiOO. laland, are cur• CLASSIFIED W ANTED-UIIt' of plano In ex· changt-for 1torage. ·bMt care . Wrltt• V Woods. 120 We•t Surf, S.IINa. ~2p. , renuy vacationing ip New York ROOM AND BOARD City. TI!:LF.PHOSE 111~~-M for BOARD ROOM anc GARAGE. $10 PER WEEK. 24c Dr. and Mn. F . E . Seal and Mlaa Ruth Pinkham ot ·Lido tale have been ,eptert&lnlnr Prot. Hen- ry Chow. a teacher from !fankanr China. 1 • FOR SALE Mr. and Mn. Joe Bummenl ot --~ --Loa Anrelea were l'nday f\lftlll l Fe IR SALE--New Z.:alllnd white at the horne of the latter'• mothe-r. Junior cloM. Martha Moore, 182 Mre. Flort>nce Torrence ot 114 Albert place, Cotta Meaa. 23c 27th a~reet. . . ., FOR SAL& Gtrlll' Bacyde. Cost Barr and J an Hendt'niOn of Bal· $46, like new. New rubber , 118. boa lllland ar• enjoying a week's Inquire 3200 Ocean Pront. ·Ph. vaca tion at Catalina ~land, t he 1!~44-W.: trip being made In their 47-foot -----------sloop, Marin. fo'OR-SALE-Recondltaoned wuh- ers. lawn mowers. Ali ktnca of Thunday, July 24, l Ml HOLD .unn' AI. DfwJII Ui'& Memben ut Nn')IOI't a..ch w c T U. held their annual I.MU· tute y .. atuday at ChrUt Cbwdl bv the Sea. noun luncheon betnC '"'rnd under the aupervtaloD ol Mn. Nellie McAdama aDd lln. VIola N•laon. ~MI. Lllll&ll Hill, wbD hiU! bet"n a(tlllaled with the W .C.· T. L'. tor the paat, 38 y.an aDd baa !erved as secretary-t.reuurer ·or t he local uoaon since Ita o~· tlon 14 yearso a~ wu the Ndp- lenl 0t a fln• leJthtr brief c:ua, presented vn behalf of the UIUoft bv MrK. Flora Beatty, prutdant. • G,ue~t apeaker wu Mn . JeftllM Rse 1'ht1mpson. correepondlq Me• retaTY of the state orran!AUoa. whv diS<'USsed wurk ot tha vari«M.w flepurtmf'nlll. ~he neJCt mee~ Will t>to held Augult t at tha home uf Mr11. Mary Hancox \ I~JT~ SEW PORT HAAIIOR General Abelardo L. ~·· !urmcr pre~~ident of the ll!'tepubUc .,( Mexu:o, h~ts been lpt'ndll\1 M Y. eral day8 at th• home ol hla rneod.s. Mr. a nd Mn. Loua 0 . Bnlltnjitham uf 801 VIa Lido Baud. LJdo Isle. Ac-rompanym( the Melt• tr an alalt•liman 11 hla wUe, BeflOl'l Roor1g-ut>z. ""d both are hlrhlY ··onaplmwnlsry conct•rnlnr tha Harbor are-ft. Ht'lptntc to mske th•lr vtatt a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~rnm~ lra~anl n 111 lht' hoet'a brother, w•l"'' U r and Mr1 H , :w·r IJlol M,..,.. UUJT&y. ldr ami • WJ'. 111d Mn. Ruho June Gabntl. Mr F.NTJ;KTAfN H 01i8F.(H1&HTH ,..,.,.k lttllll oun• ,,,1 lh•· f,,, ltt•'""""l: .,_.t HtiiK, :-.; y ~<·her• eht' pla.na _.-....,-...~,..,.......,.:-:-:~~=-:--::".....,,....-_,'=ou'rruol(., ••f lllo•ll· '~':.!' ~l:.:c::r-=: . .;-;M~ISF.!I:-f-IUL,.\l£1ii!Jla..JUU:....I!'WlDl~~!illi!!!.!!.!.li'-.!LH:nl!rmr··~roNoT:""-ftlrit""'r-'lllt_,d:--.-nd¥~-!'"-'illlG._.Ili&l~I.,...JI.I~W~I.II'I~I-~LWUliL-:~WilP''4-~~~'-"i14:.1,';'_U'i-!"tm1~1l11\ill':..."llttrrrl:tr"'tl~IR!"-dMm-----< Thl' D r nfif"d Cur u hOme •I ~18 l~<•rt" M• ~hart " "h•· '" "'"'n lll'ftk,. umv.-rtuty wa th beranntn( ed from a vacation at B: Smllhl'l'll J L.. &Dd Mno 1': V and Mra A 1.-I'll; p. Karcher Wr 111<1 ldra ~ atl' U('C1 Dy11• cotllre oa M~m~D•r HAROLD IL CHAI -w~ OurN•Ivf'l> t) B)S.·~ ,..._ N.,_ v..&a -- See () u._ IE TH Learn Sw.im R. G .. P~ Offen I 1n Dim and Swi On The Front I\ Topaz A\'".!'11"· Rollho• lAlllnd, '" • ,,....,,,,.,. th .. '''"''' •·f l{lol"·rt Lw k· tht• fall t~r111 A 11lopov~r at Grand their bowleruest. Mrs: B. Chrltten-their Salvarado~c-anyon--home. They Ulvd., Cc.sts Mesa. buay p1arr th•rw cSay,. with \•annua h.or oll ,,, M••lll'"'" Tho· 11nn111111r l'·,e·Rnyo)n 15. MCiwdul.eod. I aen el BrArkttvtlll', Te!lall, are now hav• u houHguut Mn AI'· _ ------- 1 hu \\'r11t CuAS• or Mexico. Tba HrtlttnJ:hi\m fomlly hae had wide lotl~tlto•S~ IOlt'rt•!illl In tht' Southern R .. puhl~t' r .. r t ht> pru~t two genera- t lnns pll'ntca •nd parttf'A bfotn~t plllnnl'd "'' ool ..-11~ "'·"''' Suoo•lt•Y m .. rnl n~ I Mr l\nd Mrll. Rudo~ph Falken· 11pen4tnc the week at Santa Cruz. lh ur Mo·rr•am ot AJt.adena. · I FINE SELECTION BIBLES, Com- In honor of a half-dtlun hnttae· "hrn 11 a.: '""I' ,f f.,, 11,..r llllrhor loA• k ttnd sl)n Harold of St Joeeph, Mn . 8tt'lla F.llllworth, who hll!l Th K b8 d \\ mt-nt.unu, a w s rd l!, plaquu. rue•t• whll art' I'IUTt'ntly snJ<Iurn· · hla.:h "' h••·l to '"'"'~ "' ltw torhl•·-l"· 1 M•· llr).-nt Munday at lht' home of l!pent Ole put SPVE'ral months In t' 0 rt an 'lllard Oho-Sr r1pture gree-ting cards and lnlt with lhf' family lin S undAy I• w••r,. ••oot•·tllltou•l o•t ltrr,kft~!l Mr and MMI .I ·H Walah. 133 H ollywood, ha~ tl'turned to New-well famlllu. both of Newport ,.;ttla. The Scnplure Ho~. 117 •v•nlnK 23 "ut-of·t11v.·n ltUI'IIL•. In-"' lh" Mo ~turtn P"'"' nu .. >~l!o tn·, :;anta !Jiab<'l atrHt. FoiiiJV.tnl the port for lhe Aumml'r and Ia m&k· Beac·h, have u summer houH · E !Hh Santa Ana ph :1"31 r ludln,:: •·:th fnl'ntiJI "nd tl'lllii\'U, .................. n .... r .. ll I'" 1!01 I \\'llttrlll d··I•IHtur .. "' l hrlr VIlli lOti, Mr.j •nr her k adquai'Utll at the home ~esg'lll~~-.. \~n:'d;~! ~:~n~; . . . . ' . 28c ~t•lh"rt'd fur _a d~"""r _l'l'rl)' ~n.t Th"rnl""'n' Ml"'o A r· A m.ll'l""~Tn and M ra. Wal .. h l•ft tb& earn. day of Mn . Emma Smith, %700 Ocean 0311 'TtdWtll, all Of Solomom·alle, -FO--R-R-EN ..... ...,T,...._,....... ..... .......,=------1 reunlnn. wh1l~ ""''ffi,.r lt•Y hoi~trb • 1 :•·n<>\ '"~·· ('J,.rk ' '''"' Mt!<.~ Uell'n r .. r Slln Ut~o wh«'tl' tMy wtJI va· F'ront. Ari%. plcn•r "''"" 11rra~g~ fnr Mt•ndA,)' 1 o ,, ,,. 1111 .. r r· ... ~,, ~I•·~L': M r.~ ,.~,tmn for th•'nl'.ttl tw" Wf'f'kll Mr. and Mre Lnu~.o~ M~OWI'n. eve. . R· t ... rt Adilo)~ oll.•tlv 1 ~oldgl'r uf ~t.r rind Ml"l!l G Add1.110n Wncht 1722 <ban Frunt, Newport, e n-t-'OR RE."'lT Rooma and ftp&.rt ·' IIH'tltJI 152 Agat" il\·e., &olb"a .......... .y ... _ I'Eil~ASEST", l U I ~ Sham"'JO IUid F'lac•rwave. Me Shampoo aDd tblr-4o, 15c: • 180 Broadway, CCMIIa M- CSnfl Watf.r t PIL 1 .. In atifllllun '" Or L"' '"' muthfor " "r••r 1 lt.·••• h ~''"~ r,, rnloh tt" ,11,1 •Ltught,.r. 1-'hlrll'y, ha~ r•turn-t~rtalntod Sllturd"" evl'ntnjt' for 28 Mt11. Obrd Lou u uf Kf'ntudly ~<'ho I'• 1 rv ""'''" 1J ,,,,.,,..,, Mtd M r~ ,.,1 1;, thl'tr l';nnt• lsab<'l alreet tn•mben and Jt'flf'lll.!l of the Santa Ia now p.-nnt~r ... nlly looc-11lt"<t In nur 1( .. ~~ 11 1 h·11•·r , ~:1 , h ,, Hnlhn•, 1 11 .. 01,. aflrr -"l"'ndan.: th~ p!Ut three Ana Woml'n'll rluh rvrnlng BOCIIII m6dllt, other hollull'trUMtU fur 011' 'il ,,l,.n , iN\•· ,,, rk.'l ,.1 Breo., On Sunday the tno HCtlon. ContrA r t And auctlqn wwk wel"f' Mr_ 11nd Mn C K M,,., r.ti'Muttr)' '" ,..._n-tan· '" ,1,..,1 .. 1,, Snn 0 ,,.1:''· bren~ranc back brtdre pro•·ldMI lht daventlon of Mr. and Mnt. Walh•m McK inaey u r <;ciJII~ .MI'IIIl tf'turnl'd Tuud11y fmm · 4''0 Wl'ek!l \'tlCatl(on which ttJOk Ujt'm to Mount LMI~n Nil · llnm\1 f srk. Cr~t•r lnkr llnd other N'l'iilr ~tpot~ ot N'nrtl•l'tl\ Cllllf•>r· l'lland. 17U 1 HUl'SES FOR• REST We hu''" .--------------, Jol'\ell of S.n Fnln<'a.•o ; Mr~ and ~: .. c .. n .. "'••noJ .. •t • "'ln1 V pur• h ll'· l\llh lhl"m Mr Wn~tht'l llatt'r, the ••enlnr • Mn.. .£. U. &Jar.y rul<l F ran~ w:.:_ Jt.:t·JI.l. Ute. l•lu•I"-C te\'t IJrttlr· .. ,.._ ~~ Wnpt. lll.bo ap.n1 After alx ~<'rl'kS vacat~on In . the Chrtalae nf Gl,.nflal .. 11.nd Mr and .:1 ""' .,, .. n .. , •• ~,, •• ,.,, 111 "u\•·m d . h "-r _ _.1 Nl"w Enrfland staU•a, lolr. and VMI -. --"' ft " twn ay11 f"rf' ....-ore prec:'oru n( Mra n 'alt•r Rnbl'rt. o1 U.. An· '"' 111 ..... "1•'11111• "''" wo•rk Th,. to the llnmt of Ulll Au~:elea r•la· St•ven T . C'r011hy and chlldren c•l•11 ,.,.,.,. .. • "''t•l·· "oil "• •I '"'" thll' 111,.11 • Miriam a nd St,.,·t n, jr .. returnt'd I til :\tt•l "oil Ill ,I(, lho·tr h"nh' tr1 M.I:Js Edith Ctlmdlo.f 6Q2 &co· T'ueada y to tnetr Balboa bland QlaL IIA-UIIIr.aK ~E'I' . 7-l .. rflliOII -,--lniA "'''"""· Colrona del Mar, enter-home at 318 Apt'lena avf'nue. En Mar1n"nc nf th,. S;•wpoor1 ll•r· d ~ d 1 rout• homf' th~ f'ro!lbys took de- bo ,h V ,.I •t .... ,. • l11tne<l at lnnu ... on ay even nr . 11 f r 'I'· """"r". m •"•"'"hN•. f:STt:KTAI!'"' AT )\IIU"r.a '.:•w>~L1 lncluci.m~: 'he Warftn "~'fY o a "~'"' ru . f'Vf'nlf\1: at lhf' N•wrnrt f'llf Is . . , , • lALI Co11tui'IU1 rlub met Monday hom• of Fjntt ... ~ I.JIA M .. rrltl.' Mr.. \\ II Tm~et~· ... 1111 Sllllft ll II' lf•tctlenl or,. co:n;. dt! Ma.r: Mr. I'Ven ln&' at thr ni'W Corona del Mer where pla.ra v.·e-N' l!tatt.. f.,r rhr " '·' ·"' '"''' 1111" Mr~ t 1 Trw• Y and Mrt!. '-raz tr or 81 home ol Mrs. Luc:ll• MulliN!. Mem- llkatln.r JMrtJ to 1M! hf'ld Jllly ?!', u/ Slott ISO """ .. nlt•rtArnf'd Tul'lld1ty l..<n1111, Mr_ and M.ra. Paul Tayl.or bera pi'Menl Wl'te Loulae G bbll, uMiw .Upe~ of Vlnnm• At· I''' " loruh•l """"'t"r ••umpllnu>nllng ~·C R<)stmead, Mr. and Mra. C. G. Dorothy Fru.-han and. ~llan an-and M&nlyn Quarry Pur· th••11 ""'' t•, "n"" f<cotty J unr Jt.,IW'berry, MtM Marcaret Van lA· Ow•n BaiOO. llland· Dorothy 1M* of, the "akate" 1,. to raaw l Tru~l y """' "' 1'111nl11 Anll, who ""n and_Mn. Bernie• Fletcher , aU M 11 · Coeta M . 1 ' 1'rwlt enoatta . m&h.y. lhmu"h Urkf't i Mil nl''ft' mnntll ~m• lhf' brld• or Ba.nta Ana. N~:~rrt H~lfhll~ ~I Prlc!: aJa. to p&JI' f« Uw ~wly .. c-qu1r· ::' Hoo hunJ IH•ootl .... lt ro( M11~·ood. The K IJIMII Gertrude and Lou&M Surfnldf. rua and Oregqn. Tht> "Ptlul Hnuse" Ill 2914 Ob-an Frunt. Nt'wpurt, -Is thJI! v.•l!ek ~h,. IIC'enl' of a bu~tv hnuse party, tht> jrllt'l!lll an rludlnK 80 •w••t•r~tl hou~ett fur rent an lh,. Cusla Mo•HII·SI!wpo•rt lfetght.'l sr•a 11nd wall ~e glad to sh(l~ lhem to .tnt.uuted ~ ' R (' Parker. l b(l6 ~t'wpc,rl Ulvd . CoRtu Mrsa. 18lf A l'NIQUE tiiFT SHUP ynun~t wonu•n ;ond ~trls from th11 ~tiSCE.l.J...A.NEOUS Latt~ nay Slllnts Church, of Lnii - An~ti'IP~-~wlmmlng and ~rh FLOWERS ·•su.v It with F'luwo•rs. !!ports a rr being enjoyed to lhl' Say tl Wtlh Ours " Goll's Fl"'''t•r ~~---.11-.. 1-4--M•...__ A-- RAI.IIOA IHLASU fullellt. 1 Rhup, liiO N"Wpclrl Blvd. Phnnr ' Mf.'mhN'II or Phi !)mf'ltl\ IIOrnrltv 547-J. C•.llllll Ml'sa. 2ic I wer!' gtt•~ttl! !;undny at the nai-I !'it! I •RASC£ It you nted any Jn.l holl bland hnmt> of llfll!8 Myrn11 Hllran•·t' Jlh'lllit> IW!t' us. We hllndiP Br"?kll, 310 Dll\mund R\'tnllf', Fnl-• 1111 kuJd/1. R . c . Parker, 1806 lowang a late brea kfut, with an1 St-wPt•rt Blvd. Collt.a Meaa. 11:.l parucrpanlll aaalstlnr; In hoatl'"" .-• __ _ d«talla, the remaJndu ot the dAy F.XPE.RT WATCH, CLOCK and I wu glvton ovt>r to l!w!mmlng, 'c y· Jtwl'lry repct:ring Dlamlfndll Mt • RARE GIFTS TO s urr Au. POCKJ:T. BOOKS. ASD ITS FUN J UST TO COME IN AND BROWSE 'ROUND THE ISLANDEU PHOJIII"E 1141 eel •U on Uw 11rlll' Snvw1J1nJ A 1 li t• """'"'~'" 101111 ,, .. , ... to-d . tn Mnlltgnmery arr "'"'" ple&~~&nUy Mr and Mra. Clark• E. Bell ot iiiMJrt bual-~ v.•u roqd urt-~,.,.,,.,., )'rt71'11 IJo•tnt: 11wnrdf'C1 11nd lt>('l\tl'd In lhl"lr Balboa pentnaula San Manno are a&aln located In 4!d by Gall Hnmcor ... rrwrr nf t h" ,...,,, .• 1\,.,..,.,,. "''n ·f'(! M,llnY lnw•ly hom•. a~ are makana; planl for tht'lr lov«<ly home at 12Ge S. Bay day. followll'\jt •·htrh t.hfo r:mup hf' t''"" "''r,. r,.,.,.,,.O'd ll~ the h••n· 1on IHll\e JIOC'Ial llf'aAOI .. On Sat· F ront, BaiOO. laland. Thl'ir hoUH· rling and sailing whtll' yuu walt. Bl!~lach Jewl'll'r. I MillS Drtll!y Gnnnatct. :1:1:1 S.lf\la .ll!-16 Nl'wpor t Bl\•d., Costa Mesa. . Ana llVtnur. Ne-wport HPt~tht.'l, has L--------------~ r:•n work. on till"..,,''' l nt••rM· '''' urdlly the Mont~tomny alate"' •n-~JtlJeat for the tummer wm be lloRal al,-naJ naa• ThHJfl' a ltt'nd-': ....... \\' r• ~,r.. l.llt •••. Mul· tf':tl\mtod ror thl'lr COUiiM, Set. their 14-mOlftJIIJ~Id jt'randdaugh- •nr: WH'I' P,.c" Rm I h. MllrJ<orir lu ~ ! ·.or"n·• ''"' Mar . Mrs Hllnolll 1"· "Ph Thom~n of Fort Ord. tl"r. Ml~ Molly Mc Elrath. dAugh· R•lma l none IAdd T"•r••ttw p,,.,.,. •:oulh• •n•l .\lr• t-:.h,"n l F rw)han ·•fr~• J"seph Thompllt'n and Mtaa t t ~ -~ ~ -.. · ~ . . ~ ,. II I I ., .. --~ .. _rth •r 0 ... r . .._ -n. I nOm&A ... c. Ct!)' Dornlhy !';mtllt \'ttfZIIItl\ AI· '1 ••!< • <II•! •' I" I( K 1-:.uct-"'117.annl' '""'m l"f'<ln. "'11!111 a.: a l f:l t h ( Co d . . . •. I \1 •t • I I. II f S ,.. .a~ ,__ •~ • Nl n rona o. kiiUIOn, Ga•l 1-lum.-r. ,.. .. ry. f-1ont Ill'" ' ... I • , t ,. I. " ~.nt .. '"" 0 an r emanuu ..... a..., M Joh p Cozad 319 Anade Ma rilyn Quarry lllld ,. Jl'""l'+~ 11,.., ~·k .. n•l dll•tl:l\t••r-.\t •rthll 1\1'11 N-l'n • ~nt ~u .. ~eat at th• wrn"::f'. Ka~~. •nt.-;ed a group new m•mber. Bratn<'t' RurJ!"'IJ! VtrJttrt tn lt.•ltOl•' k ~~ ''" •••I Mrll hoomt'. ••f IOI'Vf'n SC t.& Ana friend& Thun - \\' s 1 .. 11,, •t .. n, "" •th-:r ,,, the . Mtl<ll &unu·• Sa.nde.ra ot UA·I11" . ~·nun~ bUCh-1 ~ which. "FAL·L IN'' """"1•·••. Mr~ Fr .ouk II Lath"''· '"'" Nibr . arnved Monday for i Y 1\1 po ~~~ .. ll..r·v .. y I;. ...... ""'I Mr" c. I '··w ral dAya· vtstt •t the hom• of I Wt'h! tnJnyecl throuchout the morn-Te u~tv. 1111 "' :-;.,,.,,. """· ""'' tho• hrr urwle and annt. Mr and M,... lnll hvuro. the ~up t,ook lunch· .\t•lll<('!'l Lulllllf' ttollll'n~. f l.,rooltw l''r!'d C'atltn or 213 VIa Co~va. "•ln Rl a Balboa cafe, later return- By rRIV A 1T. GAR F..,Jwnrd. \\'tutolio <:••oc:l••. Rc•l<f' P.ll••n I.J•·tn 1"11' ~J>Pnlitng thl' wt!t'ktnd rtl( tfo thl' Col aadf hborl~~ for an Btl· At thf' ratr ""'lnot H· n l17-<'ns "' \ 1 C 1 ~rnnnt~ ~""on o ..,.e. Coata Mr11a a~d S""l"•lt Ro•llo'h \'• ltl\ llo•nnll To llrnw llrll\' Slnr· :ot I'". Rl an hnme Wf'rl' Mr and l.f r lind Mrs.J . L. Ovl"rlees and kt•y a not .lunr T11u•ty.' •II nf .RantA ~,,.,. t-.lmt>r Ho•·l<'!t uf I..Qa Ange-1.. h•-,..1 J t H aN' enllatlna In the-1•)('111 Ul\11 .. r ,\nn. 1 , .. 11 l'unday d mnr o K\lt'~la b!olna crront ullujt ... r. ,.. "" sne enry, Uw Guard we ain't Ji:"lllll: t" form , .. • • Mr lind Mn1 Charlf't! Swsn-.,n. •II "' 0Artlettavllle, OklllhomR, a'r· no <'Ompany . ..,,.·rt:' K•••n.: t" M 1 1-f • • r. • '"'' Thunlday to lp«'nd-the bill· mu.tar a. BATTALI0 N ' ca\ F. t'AIU:\\'t:l.l. MIIClWF.R jl . r Ane, t" ( .. ,,.1Jnw11y anlf . f h t th I 0 -~ o'htldr•n. John Wtlltam!l an<J Loren , t " " I t aumm•r s e r . oro Blow that bujtlf' fnr lhl' f·•ll··~ Mt•nt bo·r8 "' lito• urt~ llttd 'raft~ "' r F: t n ... J I th•l Ma r home, :l09 Mllngnllf ... 1 '.rtlf'n. n ~~ rRnJ:••. ,,. t ~ tnr new enhatrt'!l' Ed Bu• k··· f'l(ln _.,,,..,,," .,I'WJl<•rl l<o•no·h F.loo•ll ··lull, '1 r• t ••··•rleea Ia a lllfilt'r o .-.re. etattnrd. ~~,. Mlr k .. lwllll, .Ram )"'"' .. , ,.... ... nth• '" rlnnMIIJ: " r'"""· F" F: Fl;nn. 223 Narciiii!UII, Corona &)old. 0 J "'"'-• Ttl.-ttoft ... Jutm-ant tlo• I \ JIUSOlS returned from two Wt>l'klt varn· taon v.-hk h C'mbrart 11 "ltlp<IVf'rll at many of thl.' Sta le's hrnut r l!f"•ll! Ont> Wt'l'k WIL~ pllA.Kt'(l 'It n Mnnn count y dudP rllnr h, tho hniRn• e of the tnp ln.-ludm~t: \'l~tL• nt Lnkl' Tllhnf', Reno. ~"" f'rllnt'l-"1'() 10nd C'nmp Roberts A1 WUn!ingH, ~t~m or ?.fr and Mn~. Gus WurdlnJ!I'r <•! 1'\ewport Ht>ighll!, hall Jnlno•d tht> Cl\'llian Consl.'n 'l\tlton Cnrp11 umfl!l nuw sl>\· tlon!'d at Cnmp fiRitnu n('nr (;lrn· ()(ora Wh('rP ht• hold~t I hi' pu~lllun nf as!itstanl bnk••r Mr. nru1 Mr11. \Vur- d.ine~>r \'ll'ot~>d ramp ln11t Sunday 1Htd repoJrt thnt AI '" wrll ~tnlllt· fled w ith hill ""w job. A wel<'ume hou11egue11t Ill thr ~h!'lton Smith homt'. 127 2:5th s tret>t, 111 Mtll.'l Donn" Koy C"nrk or ~nntn Anll whn 1!1 110 fiO)IE· FURNISHINGS -------------~------ R Clllllf'-FOOT SERVeL GAS re-•1 n~ I-. ~ -'· ~ !rtgr rnlor. 9'-, y .. anl Jt'Uaranty. (#If/~ (loo $6(1 dtso·nunt . E Z terms . Balboa ( Furnoturl' Store, pt.one 14~ ; \\11JTE st:\\ ~(; M.-\(.'IUSEs-f s .. ,, u:~ f•1r rrJoa·'" Rnd rcbutld· 1 • tllK Laq.;t' Sill< k n{ \\' llltd U!IC'd 1 • nuwh"'"" alwayR un h.<nd. :ll i / \\', Fourth, Santa Ans. Phone jt ~ --13tt0 l A FEW NICE OED ROOM St.:TS. (lr r nll fiJrtt:!lh y .. ur humP •·•1111· plo•IP. cnsy lcrntll. Sn,·e nm• hJJif. l.tto·r 11 F'urnaturt>, :.110 ~rvrseon I ~t.. Sttnln Antt. 7tt. ------TltAlJI!: w)mt Y<•u J un t want for I what f6u want. Rhnr('r 1-'urlll· lure Markel, Ia ""• I !1511 Ma rtne AIJe. RAI.ft()A I~LAND l'honf' M8 lnrludln~t . . MIL,.gJte Parlor and Puadena 1m Smrth Mlrtn st., phone -----·-·~----~-__ __ 1-feu. mulher. Mrlh LA'wi.K Cl><"k , 111 In t hl' 418!1-W, . 49tf Arthur IJ,w,.IJ. t•hurl,.,. M•. p,,t,.nlt8l membent of the new-, hn"!lltnl with R brand-nc"('' bllby +--·-----·--------r :-.: .. 11. !•lln"''l P I""· Hn,..•ld R urr• •II la~r "' •" 1 • "' ,.,,,.ndo•ll t'ITO!n.LIU \'aklng 's Purt whtre Mr \'·•'~'t:""'ud. r...gllna B4'1lr h llmbu· lx>y. ~ new s rri\'RI. who hAll ( l 1'4TO" Rl'ILT MATTRESSES I Th Hu«h Spnn~ot"r. Rut' I !'mtlh. Fm nk ' I •I n ... I ' I•' 'X Y \ lt••ntltrtlol .,_ on<! Mr'l Onn Pt'd .. tl'«'n wrrr hoet.J 111•,. , .. rpll wert' t'Ott'ttRined re-~ bet>n . nllml'd .11'11111 ~nJt1't, Ill n ne· 1 !oifiLD At:T AJL. l'OtiR OLD e . Stle.'l'e, \\'tlloam ~11,.'-Mnrk lit•• •'f •II "" M•" \\ I, Flo\\ lo·r. "l an out -of-d.oor alu l< ~kl' Foi-l , .• 11th· 11t a dinner party given by Ph"" of the Smith,. nnd II grl\l)ft· .\IATfRt:s; \1,\Ut: L"'iTO A."oi • I T'waddt'll, """"' \'n u~:hn J ,hn •·• 1' ,., 'M •rn, ''' '•' •I \f • ·•llltHr:t lo~WII"t£ lhl' rrput lh<' aruup lld· M,.. J11met Irvlnt' at N•wJXtrt ~n l1f f'hnrl';' F'. F'1r k11!!, 124 'i ISSER·"I'ftiSt ...... \STA ANA ! R Voc• .. Jr .. J(lhn \'o•gPI, ~<r T"n\' " ,. • H II Ito I,, ... t ' II \ololo•o•rt l"!•rnf'd to thr lnr:nd. Jj ·foot kt'l(h Hl\rhnr Yacht club. Alllll'ltlng thl' 12 ' th street. l'O t!wport. "AT' flU :-.. ~ (II . Il l F.. 4TII.I I endezvous Warek, Hnv.·anJ f'rf'rr&!lh, Anth,n•' II It\ \\'o loh •·•It• l t··••n• \'to -•\\rt<"t.IIJy L. R Culhl\ll. whu~ lhl" h"•l•'"' wu her jt'fl\nddl!u~thtl'r. ~ftl'I'Aflr·laldrRRrhrr nt1164lllt I'IIOSt:tJut. Itt j Hut\'llth, ('II(( \':.rn<'r .Rild l•t .;, I . \'•I' . ''" 1.•·\\ \\'ol •·•l'tno(' nf thf' e\'f'nll jt "'"" dl'· \fr• f'hl\r1ea Wheeler or Sa ntll ~lro'•'' ~('\\'l"•rt. Wll!< hn!lli':C!I F'rl· • • • there'a mono. bul ... ,..,.,. Jo!flln~: ,,, I • • \\ "· • · :\t. •• 11: I' :' l.lo•\ •I , .. lt"d tn mu"'" ""d l'lnaan~: Thulll' <\rt& 111.,1 her daughter in law. Mt!<., tiny at a IAytltP llhoowt'r ltnnnnn" Rt .,\L ESTA TF: (For Sal~) ! 8 I -· r,_.• -,,,. I• oil ~1-•'·1· 11' ...... lo··r IWIIh· ,. .. rttr lpn!lnjt ..... r,. MtlLlltl! li nd \\'tllllllot White of Harbor IIIIAnd. M~ AhrP LUd\'ljt. nl .... nf Nf'\\'· THREE . BEDRUn~ furnashed l al room Nnl. MnndA~· Otjlht .•. 11\ ,. Ill • I '·I .• :' \1 •. \\ •• , '"'' .:..''".4 .\ll'l'tll\01(!1 H owllrd Pf'll'rUII, Burt . Mr. ~nd Mnl. A. L ()be. r nf 1007 r nrl. Tht> f'\'I'OIOJ!' WIIS dt'\'lllt'd to hnutw> 111 Cv!llll Mesa. full pnc• t ~~;l;a:;!:~:,::;=::;;;;:;;;;::~"' thfo ht~rh so·h•'nl wt'·r,. miL•l,.ran.: \\ ·' •f )" '' 1 I \" t \It • 1-t-. t-:.-tahnK•k. Gl"n P(llhna. Rlrhard ~:; Cer.tcal avmue Balboa. had J!'amt'S wath m11ny lnvi'I:V Klflll Sl500 R c Parke 1806 ~ • Iii .. ~ : • ~ytll ud~tnDF.3Tf'a:-t;ejtJ,"DDn ~~-''To,.'PRa.n-1 ,: .... ·,:t'ltmd ~ "'"· bt,tay ~nt4!d the motMr·to-M . Guatal f'l'!r t Bhod. · r, ~ • i:u .:t\'tn~ ttif'l'f' tn h m ;:.c!(bl tfi"t wp'f1 ' ~ .. n.r flit ~1'\nn.--. ~-lll'drft~aett"'WW~~"'lfl\ 11111('1\-aiia"'Mri. Ma . l·ab,._.cAe: ~ ~ Wa!ker, t _ • • · tum nnt oy~r IO.Jnen Cor tht ~rr • • • n1e, BIJl Croaby, Dr. aru1 Mn.1 nf Rlvf'rwtde .,.. --81.lnday en· Elmore Hsyden, El!'le S ewland FvR SALli:-Threr·bedroom house l'R£SENT$ mMy Mt t':'O' RH.\Tnt II.Ht:•t \\F.Il"' Paul Van de Grift and Htber 1,,,11110 .. 11 Mr. &tid Mrs. s. A. 11nd IA>m11 Mlll11. llnd Ml'!!damu $1800. · Tht publlr s lnntl'd to lhf' """"' ~"'"'"II" 1-! '" tho I'• 'l• IJ fanllly Erfrk!lon y , un~; .. t Coeta Meu.. Yeltl'rdAy. lro>nt' _Dunn. _E. 0 Good,. II .. FlnQI $8711 wall buy an unu.,unlly good lot I nwn~· Mnnllay night, toy !Ill'"'"" "'''II•· ·" 1::7 l:t.ll.ol l 'ot•al Htolt'••ll ~1t ltnd Mnl. Ober drov• up to B<'alt~. D.\\ Hollh~·. St'lllr MC'· tn lhr El Bllyo Tract. STANLEY Thl' drill IIL•t M(llldRy ''·" n I ~" rl •""" :'<lr '"" ~to ~ J( l'rto" Tu ATTF.SO Rt:U.-\TTA •:lo•t•,lnl~> •nltartum where .tt'ey Adams Rnd Grftrc Btllfn~tll.. ~1600 wall lltly R j;o<ld house and noU.hlt' llth'rt'l'~. Th!' Fp••r l··· lr .. , l'• ''""\O hm , lt l.llll.lt.:• .... k pin··" J .. 'llc1 by tho• rlnj:!thtp LIH'tllt' IT. 1··d th1"1r daught•r: Ml"!!. Wlllll'r i\~r~ Ma~·.nto· Fow•tl' WI\~ down 1111 "" \V(•llt l'enlrnl ave .• bt· i• KENT "TIIriAn" T'rul!t~· 8WIItt.:11tl: fr••m _~,,., 1 ,.1 11.. ~ ,, •1 i\1. 1 h·'<lt~l 1111,.1,,d h_v l'"mmn<1uro· E. 11 !'t!!:-~i'f' .ll-:o1 ~b~·nf''!_IIOn, Rlrh·, fru 1 Pn~<nl1.rnn. mnklng hPr h"74rl ~·l'rn Bnlbnll and :-o;t'w 10rt. f ----ON' I wt.phone ("M lu lf'Wj_)h<•ll" ~ .... I •• ''''""''" •'fr l 'e!llll.t'ttM l'tiM , ... hrr:"ili'n ~I'"" Foy Vn. Rlrl!f'n. ~ttl Wafillllft. fliiiO'f'~:s ot'llie . lt.. l'Jnrnett 'ho.~~ ,.JORDA.S, Tm~T PAltK'ER rnaktn~t "'lju.lltmt'nl:o "" Nlr 11''"' "' "''·•II•' Mt .. I'• \I•" ""~ ~Ill'-• lt.tllh•ll Y "hi oluh,. <>nlorf' I"IWI't Mr nnd Mi-l. Vu!Tily Reolglt ''" Snpphlrt' 1\\'l'llllf' nnd rtnewanA 1 700 r:. (:f'nlral, Balboa • lljthtl WllJII unfnll!f'tablo II "" tl't J, 11 """'II''' ol.lltt..ht..r ·•f o'riiiSf't flo•Pt nnd llll\11)' (I( lht 1'1111· ,., 7M Heliotrope avenur. Cnmnn tlt'f)tlaotliAnt'l'l' Wtlh ·•ld nnlhml Ill· : I '' A~ If thi'N''d ))f'rtt l'jO:trk .. flylll}: :\It ·''"\ "r' Fr···· li:rt .. 1:• r "' lltj.; \'Ill hl:; Will RtltnoJ thl' Svulhl'rn of.ol ~~or had u Wt!t'ktnd jtllt'!lt!l lanol fnrn.-1• Mrl' .. Fe~tll', Who\ \\'118 : R"'.l\fryers Roasters Hens I I N· from hilt lf'Aitfo•r t.~tl "' 1 ''111'1 ~'1)1" \11·1 T ho h1 ulo•.;ro .,.,, ")t., 1:0 c '11 ltf••n un Yal'hllng A ~s•••·•ntt"n re-lh•"r lll•n-ln-laW and dAufl'hler. Mr. "1 • .. mpnniNt h~· hr htoll hl't·ln· liU • • .. The wrtl hll\'f' r hlltJZf'd "11"""-•t•·tt 1 .,·,~ .. 1 ~1 1 ottol .\!.-.. ,1,,,.,, . ., \\' a.:.tlln In bt:' hl'ld at SAnta Brtrb8rtl •'·'' ~l r< Lin F•lloW11 and chlldrt<n. lnw nn.-1 Rl:<tf'r, Mr, nnl'l Mr~ ('nrl MRS. ADELE GIMBAL I It'll _rumnrt'd thllt th<' po·k -Jwlr · ••• \I •II I< I c rn-lto.tl o• • I l ito ~ .. II· Jllh :!7 l·• All£ :1 Al!lll, J(lltnjl lltl' r I ' ., !'lon. On SundAy tht Rtl~tlrl! l.PWi)l tof Fl•onda \\'111' for mJiny ... L ftoee 1111 . ~· n dlfgJn dt'tllll 11\llt ~lllill:o~· '',7~;~k l h\"r'::~,;"~:~::~:l ~~:~:~:~~~·~,:::.:;~:"~t ;'t'~,t~~~:~;~~~~ ~~~;;:,:::;~. ;•:,'.''~ ~~~!~wa drov~h:o-;, t~ Sl\~ :;;~~~ ~:::~~-~~~;&.\t~?Slf~~~: ~1 ~l:·~rw.:-JL ::;~,....;.'·,....~.---~--+--- I--4 --·--,.:::-;.,... __ ..,.._ ___ ..,."""WI"r'-ti_,~_. . .,....._~,..-,.....~~:""T'~-ILOOA at p/...st:J~~k:Z._BIS'i( .ccr~·~.,.itA. Ea.Ak~ou~-Lb ~l e.· .9~'1 .!:!}~ Ph· ..• 'f£.!llil~i:h--::~sh~ M-:aaa-.... Y';..--~~.:± . And in tJ ~ • ... ' . "' &'!-\Mo. ...... ~.lMtwr • ..-.horbrolt~ tw>IW¥•..,._ Mft:-~~~1"',.,........ 9tiMP ........... ~a\ Wl\IO•~Ju)~~--*"-..... All 1 1 ~~~ _..,.. ________ ,. • e>-1·: lr11'1r:: mrtu~ttry m11y ~''''''"motor. lht• Ro·t~le home were"l{_nt. Augu!l· llf'nrr . . 1 _______ ....;;... _________ ....; ___________ "! 1 1 :"IT mo and Capt. COok. lhr Mr11 WRIII'r Ho•nl'yf'utt. ~:li SRn· • ',.,,., ,.f lALf\lna Beach. ta AnR a\'l'niiP. ~p\,·po rt HI'IJthL~. t"ClR f'RIOA\' ASD SATl'ROAV T•w lfarokt R. Holts homf" at enll'rtntnl'l1 FrtdP)' llfl••rnn"n 111 " I '·' Allt ltt•lt' t:arlon• wh,,.;,. \\.h•'ll p ,,rrell King'!~ ~rw ~''" "~ \;••lena a VenUt', Balboa ll!1snd, fArewi'JI party fnr !II~!< Kennrth rr!~l!•' ''' t'hnrk" 'io•oorJ(t> l '••r· t••••l o·otlo{ry, · F'l'thf'M<n .. n ~ \\'h11rf " ,. 1 h'·ely place ov•r lht' week-, ,lp hn!<nn \\''hu plRn:<t tn l'Cl<\n joan '·t • I•• t ... •In <'\'•·nt t'f l·f\ln\· • l"~··d l11~t Saturday 1'\ t•nln~-. 1\ .. , 1 ~·nday nlfht dinner J1!1,1ef\l8 hl'r hu~<bllntl who w1111 rrcrnlly ·• ,· • ''" phlih·nl•·•l T'lot'!l\1~~· rll~:tai • h• • k •'' lhf' tv<'"~ :<ht•w«'d thnt ". ,. .. \lr ancfMn. Claude Yarkr!l. rnllrd toll' nrmy i'll't\"I'P Fe,llow- •l " hi ,,l:tl "hv\\·l'r g '' .-n bv tht-11:.. rl'!ltauranl and Ktlllt'lt r.lllr '""'"'r Taland ,..ldenta who . ar~ I mg 11. I!O<'Ial srt .. rnuon "'llh Mnt ~~ '-C•" F:ltn .. r<' Un~·,Jrn 11nd i..(lrna, :"J'<>tt!l~h•nj: tx-atl! h11d that d~y " ,,., ll ttd a t Palm, Sprlnp. On J (lh"""" thP rr~tptl'nt nr " gtner- more CNOeOUl\1 lrom lbe lrf0Un41 ~1.11~ tlw nff11.1r lakll.lt. plarr "' IW>t'n f'Riro•n•ud by net lrsJ! th"n )0:\lllrli"\' Mr. Holt&' brother and I ous handkl'rchtPf J!howtr. r•fnol!h· up. Jl'ltt,Y tHt of "u p ." Which wt.U tht l••r nwl 10 ho•mf', 1617 E 'l~tn· • !!~'''II pet'l!(lnll Th• rutaurant •:•lo r-'n:iaw. the 0 . A. HoiU'a l mentl! wn• aen·ed. GuutJI lnclud- ~" the eaJlon a C'tlance to prac· lnll "' ••r.H•· MAlb"" The l'\'f'ntnlt wh11'h 11 a modrrn atrurturl! lt<>us. J r ,1-~ tn trom Hollywood. bringing t'd ,Mt<lldftmel! Jan Brllcot. Ball Uc:. c11mbll\f with • can ot paint I wu "''' •'" "' .. r to ~"m""· aftrr '"!: a r<>mrl•t• r•llr)' 11nd l't'fnrt r· ~<tth them ,.._ Lola Holts who Smtth. t...w111 Ml'rrill. Hl'rbert U.S to tl'lelr beltJI. . which th•t b •'nl'not npl'nl'd htr' Mit•'" ll)'lltl'm. maku, a a~clal CrA· hAs bu n yacaUonlna ta the latter Thompson. J im Fmttt, ftsul H utr- 11\at 'a all theft t.. thla Ume./ many s afl:c Rf'fl"f'~hmenu werf turr or ~ra food, chowCS.n, ahell cllv. sunda,Y diftMI' ,....ll w•re man. Ed Zube. R . N': Jadw1n. AI IUip up · that NCI'Uittna drtft, Mrved to the 17 f\IHtJI In etten~, !41ft and crab cocktail. _Howard w;, and )(ft. Pb1l (Wpenter ot 1 • Dyckman. Jac:k CGnntrl, aru1 Kra. ~a~& FALL OUTI ...., • Jalt)' Ia th• maJo..,SO~o tn @arr•-j 0\clewoocl.· Johneon. :00\\ lt'T'~ RR ASDf:Q :OOTEF.R Chuck Roast,~ lb. a a • 23c ~-Lft. BOX Kraft American Cheese ~7c LEONARD DB BOBD I I! McF,adckta Pl. Nat te P. O. 1 lr ... t't JIC a. " lc bo ru a lu th n ( H, ~·· pt; '" Ill. loo w 1!1: trl hI ~ t'n So Sa £'0 rl'l me llt1 du hy l''f fn1 h-• lln bo nr rl• "'"" th lot fa: Tt by l r Ill I -nl' "'' WI Ul, til WI 1111 to 'er bil on fin I rna thl' \11'0 01• 21· w .. J • lr-----------+ TheMajor5 I Column · No Vacation Tbll1 wOI.'m:J;~.tll\: IVQ.k allorn. lng tht• ft>uturcs nf lhrry Jo'mn .. v 111 bt•t•au~~ Ill' dn•uo1· e-d ofhadn~ a va(·~tiOn, th,•n 110mt> ont' JIOIJt><'u th•· ball•~'ll an,! snapp.ll h m t IJal k to reaul\' Hurry had u Jl'al ••n to Jll'.ll hl!l cuft>. but lnsl•'llfl• ht>'s ~o ng tv ··ontmth'. 10 ltu~t· ISSUED . SEMI-' W'EEKL~ \'OU'\at: XX,III · 100 Men _of Harbor 1 Some on Crutches 1 to Muster in State Guard s~~e·s Mtaaed II.A)('a) l\1en From AU \Valks of Life and of A tamlluif'. face le m "'"It am•mg the city hall glrb anu AU Ages to Participate In Ceremony, h&ll l!t't'n the put COUJM Of "'·eeka. It's that o~ AIU'\t' {'rt('t United By Common Cause of -.·bo Is now re('overtntt from an o peraliun. Indll'altOnl Brf' Public Is Invited to Attend .. ~t:\\I'UKT Bt:.U 'II.t \UI HI{"\. Tlll'lti'IU·\\ ... ,.,,,'H.,,. ... s 5 - ~pet•dsters Tune l 'p .,or Regatta· Thrillfr t • ... I ... • WEEK-END ~DITION 1 ... Lido Isle -.Diredo;s To .Protect Property · Owners on Beach Use no w thAI Anne will eoon be • !---,'i'=Tirr.-;;;-..:;;lh,e ~-,..:.;."'.:.:.:.hl::..:.:ch:.._".::..:;;;t~t -+-....A.l.MLJO.uD.ud .. -a~~.~yr-....... N:J.Jii,.K.£1h~~.....,-~7 :~.::3:.-!!0~P~,,_· ...:.;l\:..1.!1. -=-""--~-.s.:..z.%.:11:"--~-- lnMidt• Lot lh·~idt•nts St.•t>k :-\olutJon of PubUe :-\trand (kt·upation w hit·h Is SaJM Situation That ( 'onfrontt4 Ualhoa IMiandera, Both of \Vhom · Sufft-r Ut»Strirtion of·,, Bay Shore JruJJ· q:ca.----:,----~--- frlt'nds. ·:- H igh Sclt09l Field Hrlp! ~ ( 11 St.>t'rf'tary Marry Welch vr Bctwren e ighty a nd on<' hund .... ,, m<.'n o a ng<>S. somt• tht> t ~~~!_~~~~-co!!!!!!!..nL-l soung_gf 1!Jn!). 1in d ot}l<,>rs on Cl1 1t<:h es. all .united in.. · gets all mori ca~ of dt'feitw. will I~ RlU!li<'J.'t'd into tht> C<ll,ilo mia lhf' latnt 11' State r.uard as thf' Nt"wpm1 Jlarhor Company In Hn imp~'('!';· ll piunu. A J(rt•IIP uf 1)11)'~ •h·t111 f• lQ h al'c iln\' l ur ,,ru.-t•to: ut • si\'<' l'<'n"mony to b(' hl'ld nt'"' l\l onnay ni~ht at 7::w p.m. th<' Balbnn Tho•atr'r ,.,, h w .. 1. Th£' lontl .rompany will I){' muslt'rt-d on tlw brilliantly nNiolay !11:.~ J am,,-told ill umina iC'd 1-:l'OIInd..; of l ht' Hat·ry who~ I>< Jllll'lllltt.: t h •• ~I.Jtl!' r.wu ol u nk>AA "'"'"''r d t!l· wo nt un. Tu <~Ill Mr" Jamtll. !':l'\\'po rl Ha rbor l'nion lliJ.:h phut~o· :.!H :-\t h• H rl h~· prnmin<'nl offit'('I'S Mustuc:d !tlu!'lt'rto.r.: ••I t hr ~'""'·rnrt Hiuhotl \'nil"' th •• C"all(ut · Ilia Sl.itL. l,;u Ill ... 1''<1'"'• 1 .... ltt t. un '"I'"'"~''' Hl !.ur 'A' f 1 h t hr~ t • t ''"'' •UI•':f t .. IU).: A II J:•• I Ill'"" tth' Ill'\\ I\ t!ltt· n I nat• .1 b .l'l'h til r~• 1.1 ·, .. t•,. h s:h ,.. h<t<Jl \\'ha t" m .. ,,. tit•· •••1 In at!• n•1 1111 I llro 11 r 1o: • •I I " lw Jll !'I"' Ill That':-nn•· "'·''" \\•' 1 an ~h"''' the -l'••lloo\\ • ~I\ Ill" • f, lh• II lime fut· tl<t-r mJNt lhul l't' RPf•l'l'l l.•t•· tho tr t'ff<•rt ~ . :- My ~c:.:k St•ll Out of the' Stall• Guar([" 'h•r~: .. rt h1· prufH'r ~tuthnntv. pru· \'tdo·d thut I ro·••'l\1' till' nghl \•• rn!'•1l111 ~··· tlll•l••r tl\.-l'o'~tltt;tiu- H,.,.,. 1 .. it,,~ !\fr( 'ullouch ••t•kl•c e#l" Ia llw \ a.nk ............... H. -ot ,..,. ,_._. .._t. Ia u. 4't.- "" tht> t•ua,t and unr Mhk·h h-r,....._lty •ttt"'•n-4 In .. tlun lu l .. rtll ,...._.. .. oof ,.......t.a.n ..... lhf' ..... ,,... .. uf t lw •~•unt) r lllaft-1 I• JCewpwt llui•ur. \to-e llllt~U&Il Mill .... •-"'« 1-W ....,. ...... •"- "Ill -nd llwlr roarl}lc uutboard• IUMI ............ hurtlln& O\f'r ,...,. 1-. nr .. •h \t•ri-,.,,.... .... .._,_. ~unda)', Jul3 '!1th. In thf' lllalh -nual )'lif.r,_t .. l ,, .. td y,.,,.l., Ro-calta. lhr ••p,.rt.) ~ .. ran ,._.nr ('-1 ,.,...,...boat t'OntjWtltl"•· ""'"" l'f'rt.M'Iwd OeN a-..rth, All flnt, _..,lid a"d third ........ r upo •Ill .... •t al.a.r. ~· .)at' !.\J)OO ·--_wu--4 .............. ( ·,"''"lftleocl with tlw !1.111111' >-4'1'i<~U!>< Jltuhk-m thut &Jboa J,la.nd r:..v... ''"111-:•''l"lfl "' llit\' """'.,. by l'h•n to the ct.tJ1. II Will ;I, .. ,.,, .... ,,,1 II\\ llt'l':-• ili"" I• or' la .. l nlt;;ltt t ~:•'~'~l 1t ~·s.tlttllon "'ft~Hin6( tn ~otrant 111111)' ..... , Cll' lluu l Jll't'llllt'C nn puhlic' ••·a··tw-M without nrwt h o lchrw .1 I"''''"' hot:1rin~ 'I'll,• I 1.t .. l .. l.t ttolo·r· ... It,,,,. '""'II cliM'Ul(.ocln~ lt1•• tdtuntjon 1111 ""'"'' littt•· .tntl lh·· '' ft,le• tJII4•s llolft t'llllll' tu" hc:'Od when 11to• d •\ t ""·'• ·I •r.tlllo-,1 :t JIC'I'fllll 111 \Tr unci Mn. lt. L . Pftt. I• 1'"11 1"1 ;t l'h'l' lllfJ.II't'lll ICI 111r"lr nM h ••lllo' 0 0 f J•fol l;ll;· I'll• I'·•.. .. I h·. ,., ... I I II I.. I ~ •11 ,, 1111 ,,.,, "' :111 :~r'l'n I h it 1 '"'' ............. ""' ... ....,.... ...... , ......... ltnt t '""' " ..... ntnr•· "''''"'u 1 han It ap- 1•'111•··1 "" th•• ~ur111C't', •"-to tNt r~o·r tlt11t tlu• ln•ltk• lnh "•""""'"' t .... ,. ,..._.., ,,.,, f11r an,.l•l•• lnl "'''''' lt•ont "'''''1111\' mnny tltnf'oe ,,,.,f tlt~tl II "''"tlol rt•lt\Ttl the> II\\ 11''1" V'"" tit "I tho• 1•1111\tl l ~••t )• "' Cho , II\ ',11 l\•'\4flllll 'Slot .. ''""'' .--!ilion hiiJI ,.,,...,.,., II. Hit ••••• ,, I .. ., ,, ... , ...... IIC"h 1111""'·" l:lltV•• llf'tof1IM11-, .. '"'I~ , 11 , ,., h ct ... ''""" '""' .,;,,111 ,111,. f,l.tn•l ..,,,..,,. tho• d ty ruunl'll h n• .. 1 ""' "' "''' '" ,,.,. l.~ot.• 1~1. 1 •,1111 I""'" t:nHII Intot 1•1t·r poonnlh fur m-rnttor .,.........,.,nom r1rr n ,,.1 111 ,., ~-''· 1(1"•...: littt.-thnltttfti to ttw< ~1 , •• 11., ,,1.,1 11.,. 11,...,.11111,.11 ,1,.,,. "lunttu·tuv." tlwl mllfht """"r , 1C• ol """'' , .. ., ,,111,.. '" thl' 11,... ,,. .. , ... , hu t whit'h hft~ •rrlvi'CI with ,f lh· ,. '"' .... , .... ,, ~ .... ''" ""' .... tw.n(---.- ' liere'M ·~I South Cout Editinn t4 }•' lol\ lo •otti.IO:• A" Orlf' pn>l,..l~l h>mArllftd, Uso d p \ .,,.,...,,. 1 ... 11,. th•• l''"mdl. whl~ <'JU•rdlolftC Ita ; s•··•mlo.•h• .. IJO-t•r to r"f'V'*"· hM rive •\ r.:•·~•l'."' '"' nv.no·" •'•lflllJt*'«~ "''''''r ,.,,., ... ,..,., 11 11nct twa. P""" "' l •t ~ I • c, H )' liT Allhur lt. mlllr.l tlw lnoil~· IC)f f'IW1Wnl to -••. "oro1tlu t .. , Mt .. •·naol! IIAn.JiruaD. ,...,. .,., 8aJtMwl lal~ I , I "j. t.· t I s t•u k rn~ nro k nut li\J4t ~t"tt ~· !"ltYIIlS: thllt thl' S.:IW· t.>rnment r <'JIIIIf'•'"'""t o n South MaJn !':t r o'l'l b<•(wl'~n Santa Ana anol ~rwport wu J;oln;; tu '"'. ,,,..,.t•· J h ••,.,. r•pnoll<"n!ln<( " .S tOO,OOIJ a m onth payroll and ... m .. twn and a halr loo thrr<' mllha.'l ot doll:.rs In buthlin~~ I .«tK't:~•l by my J:\11'!<!< Th.-n,.xl f•·w Wt'f'kto ~httotl•l rnukr hl!'loo~· fnr ~1\tll.t An o :->o•\\ I"''' H lr· bur and n r un;.:•· ( ···un' ,. 1 m an nptnr.1:ct \\,,,. ~hnutoln I YHII hr ... n \1' J..u.' ot.l II IV ·"'-'"' .,.,T 11 Pi'~ ""~'P.•f\ ll111IH11'~ o l&"t ··-t. h· h•~· ~PI"'f C,'Qnlllln.,•ttw F . ._,.. a.... . (',~.~~ N • I ,., . .,.,. t 'r• .. t ('"'""· Mr• 11 U d\lfl ,,,.. t~tvr. ~ to- ears goa • t Mt ' ltotlh l'lnkhem and ~hera~tfild .boll11 .,. .. I /Ill"'' ...... \he .... ,%.............. ~----· ' I • 1 Ill t lhiJfr ........ ..,. Jhe .... .. ..... Tro11p Tl'H' hulohnj.: u f a · .r.uul " hy th•· ~''"l'"rt ll111l"'r Tmp· AlwoUn~t-Ciub un 115 itt'vunolS at lith ~lrt'•·t no·~• tho• •'I•P•'r OO\' blufts "111 n.nrk rt no·w t'r~ tn !l:trh .. r 11p4Hill Thl~ eA J,:o·r han•! n( sporll!mf'n nnll 11porl10 w nmo•n ~ltootJl•l p rnvo' rt valual•lo• n•~l'l 111 tlw ..tty. On('t' un<lt•r~< u~· nn.t u( 14uffo· clt•nt ~<17.1' lu •till-:•' tmportnnt 11h un1" the r lub <'t!lll('t'ltltnn w tll n tt ral'l many pr .. minf'nt Jlf'r!lnn~< wlfo art• <lt'vot LIIIC: Right ? r PrtHlf'll \\'l''llnll' tn thl' liar• bnr I 11•1 no·t ol11n t h\'o• nght , or l'"mo•thtnJ: A I l••:t~<l t wtt piN'I'I' nf h·.t:L•Iattnn w h t ,. h "'"'i'nllol 1'18\'1' matl'rtnlly atolrol • tl 18 fl<'o tnr WAS fl<~'k<'t Vt'• toed by Gov Oh1nn lllld thul! far nn n ·Rl"'" h •~< bfol'n given Thr lwn htlll' hoo~h mlrt•hu o ol by T••m K uc luI. unl' In t'llRhiP fn'illP I.Jlol Ill<' \ lltllli,Y to lrRolf' IAn•l~< , .. ~>11nhl•• futur•· chnn· . nl'lll tn lht• upprr bAy lu IW> ll!rll'ls.:hl<•n,.•l nnd lh<' olhi'T Wlltth~tlll2-man prrmn:tl!d' tbe C.:Jl.¥ 14.-Ill'"'" \\:&l.trJronl tax lots hfl• k:.oon th•• tax roll. W('TI' llf'f'lll\'f.'ol hy \hr. II'~ I~· 13\UIP hut \It(' C ;m'l'fflllf filtl•~ol ro put h o!< ",Jnl11l llo'nry" on 'em. A'lld they WPI'I• ~urh nu" billl!, lnn. Aluminum Drive On In Port Area ' The c'lrt\'f' for alummum ~~ firl!s." A cil'l f'rmmNI llrt\'1' 1< tK'tf'U: m<~df' tn rnllt't'l alummum for thl' ~oH•mmf·n t ~ u••· 10 lf,.r rnl>f• w ork 10 kl'~'fltlll: "tth Gn\rmor Ol•nn'!' pmdamnltnn of Jul~ 21·29 n~ Aluminum l.:t lh<'rin~: \\'{'rk, Alumtnum JW>I < pnn«. <:kt llr l<., fl"rrnl;'tl n r• nr :my n l hl'r hou<l'· hnlrl 11r11rl" m<~y llf' l,.ft nt thf' RAllmA. ~""'T""rl o1 O;tloon to.· land Firl' Stat1nn' ' \\'11 hill n Wf'••k. n •P•'<'m I nm•· dlly d rl\'1' wtll hi' l.,unf hl'n 1\y IOCIII ci\:tr lf'ntl••r• :1nrl If h t'('""' .arv nt hl'r N''ll"' 1 Inn pl:H'I'• wil·l two · n~mf't! in a rlclttwn tn nrc ~tntton~. .. Swim :Title·s to F alt at Big . Ba-lboa M€€l Sun. llt;hhj:~ oof I h •' '!ICftlalll' proo· tr.•l ••ll \Ill~ l'<• lt•·oltlo~•l loo • loo~l' 1<>- t:rarn f••T \hi' • oom tng V.l'••ko•nd \\'Ill ol:t\' V. llh 'J'01II\' l'lttrnm•·r Ill ( hill'~•· ht• I h ,. gtnnl !-\ooutlt<'f'lo l"tll tf H ool r"''''\'1111! 1'1•· rnlrlr~ A!llln•·t.•ltnn A A l' l<\\'1111011111: Alhlo•t••l< v.tll toolll fiO'Ii' 111 lUX I humputnshtpll ,,, h.· ht•ld Ill Bnl-··vo•llls ' r .. r J:oolol, ~lh'CI' u.nd l)roru~., !01 of\, no• t r t Ito> \\'llllhlll,i!l"ll !"I r'l'l't till'• In 1~. <'Ill lt)o•mot II 1 l 'lo•r uro.l on Ill!· c., .. llllll: '"· "" ,. ~· '"'""''' "tll •l••r lhr <llllfl•l<'f'!l 11( llw ~P\\'I"orl l11· I h•• I" o•l11nlll<ll \' ),,.,.,, 111 t h•• 'Jhttt.\ ·~lloif"' \\:tJt. I"J•11 l•vl •ttl\ ••( lhe· Olhlhl• c.u iJ•• ut II'*' \'••l"'tt ~1••..,c,, l 'h.ttllu•.' \\t'h••u t tth "n"v.a .. h. • ••f I'' u.:.•·•--t \ I. f'tttk "''' ollt ltl til·· Joollo \\Ill~ .... , 'lh• f••f•'••r\ \.\,1 .,,.,,ttl th•~· If,,. tiU fl1h~ • \I' .... •:·•·d lfl lh• II '''"" l•••ln;' ,h,~ ~~~ ... •h!)'· \ tnl\' :.n.l I ft,. trl'l--rr.J Ill \\ Ill• It tl '-'"II ~t tL:t tf Ydt:OO hpft4Ut'tltl\' PHt • lt•\'t•rh p1a• ll• I h n .f ,.,,., ut. ,f tha t no ~~~~•·· J'l"llllt•l •.r \.\••uld think ,.f h• 111g ""'I'"''"'" 1111111 nftrr thr ln.tr• v::t~t tit,_. u\'•'t ••d Ht"'t IHhH~ , U!o!l"n H r "4 \\ h" J•llt\'· td lh•• t:ttfH•· nu ,th•• d l4\' t1••f••t • h• ,,, .. , •• , .•• , •. ,! t h• s:\11 \\a,. """'ofltl&! I' nkl••v ,,., 1111•··1 lhltl \-\:i\ t lh\ pht~•'•l uf\t• t:~Uflt• l'•nkl• \ .,.h,,t t. ... \\H~ ''""'" \4' tl1 l'!t1~rn !"\h,.,•lff th."lr,... t•• rh• • •'P' "tt t. \ nur ''"tl•• tt1 I fu "'\, \\' l trl1•'" ,,., U• k QII\\ I" ,.,......... I . ,,, \\t fln• th•· ,..:,, ... '"'" u •f '' \\II I=· ~.,,, Iff ••• •I , •• h I' I U' k Htt" I f \ • •• I -I• I • • 'f f ' I'Of't "" ttf tfu ...... t ft f 1 1 I Etttl .. tft ••• ... , 11•1 ,,. Itt• ud Ul •I• t: .•. t 1•• , ••• -"' , ... 1 .. ,, tlh It IH•JIII•"''"' ••I '•"t••lt fit t.u ond th•• s .. uth c "' • I Answer on Cadet field ··f nth "'•""',, '' t ••II• ''' '' $1300 I I """'~t •·urndnrt trf .,.,., wnut(f ti(inc In 11 n-port Mniwt-)' S n • '•<flllt '"' 1°'''"'"' ,. .... ·~ th•· f14Jh·, <4th t tf'l lhf'lr flndlnp, wtdd. I ' 1• "h n '\'t•ftl muA• lh10n •laly pWn llftd \'o• • I''""""'"' \\'"lo-y I. NUtl<'n ,.,.,,, 1111 ttw ll'lllnd 11nd 11 0...... f f•t..,.l\• t'. t. •I '"• ''''' '''"i••n f,., ,,.,. ,fu ... '"'"' ,,,.,, ttutt ,_.,,, .. nvlnt.t ttnlf~·r1y OWl"l'"' ,,. ,. ,If I, ,, ,.,,,., ,,., .. ,, ...... t h ,, lh·· ,,, •• ,, ,, •.•• lff"C"f''" ,, JHIItltf"" ..... C"'f\rtt f tlfffllfl•• \\••f k otlt '' fl •ft lftL- ;.::;::·,;..::.:T.:·~::::::O:~:~:::::·:~:: NewS-Times Moves I" t ::.~::: .. '::::·:: ···· ·~::; .. ;; .... :.:~ To New Home Fn.·day • ~ht ~~ ., \\ , .. tt~·~ ..... ~ ~·I l•tjtJ ... <.: tMMI \t\••t~·t t .. t• •• t. .. l A "''''' -• fHttf \ ••f -"'".-.-.lltl" t•·• • 1\ • •J I• \'t it f , 1 llu>tJ. ~ "" , .. ,u, •·f "" '"" I• ~· 0 fJt•of I flf I ff t ofJI I •Jt 1oof ,, ' t~"l'l•l• ut " rtr••l thMI ,,.,,. th·•·•·· ~' ,, .... ttfiJ.! ....... ,. ,. .. ,,. .. ,. •utt u •' tHt \t II'' I UU ,., .. , .. , ... , ......... . h·· r·•n..: ....... ~lth ,,.,. lo:fft"Atft .. t t tw 1'•·"-I"'' t tt ,. t J• ,, r C *run , ..... ,.,,, lth•t ····~·~-..... ttt•• "'"·· , ••• 1t 1111 ltrtn•t '''l'llt•n .. ,., '"'" """n ao fllannl'd It'"' ltwrt• will t,.. "" lntrrn•plloa "r •1••114 V Ill tit,. Jlilllll•h of ... rta• ru·v. tt••ttt• '"' ·~ttl I \\ ,.,., t .,., c ·,,,.v,.ntt•ttl ttttd "''"''''"'• auto 111•1 "'''""'' lt•l l""'"' ... II " J'lllhlrllf """" '" tJt-tnl{ rrovtrtf'd t l;uhPf Chamtwr u( c·~tn\m,~r~ (Y liiU v:utl hlit k ,..,,,kf' (ftf IWUI*'f , ntHI thr S ""Vof'! ltu rlwor JIJ.!II"L!!'"'h.. I" lw• foolloo~•·ol lty Uw IIWI h• IA\'Ur&hl•-,.,. "'' .... ''''"" •1 In;.: UJ•"n t "~'"" • f<ii. 111 Ita~ fHHII 'Jl! Jll'flDQA.~ t "'J•l Tt:lllilflA: &.lu.;ol hn; hut' rrrrrrrrrhtlrt'Tf t f"'Trt nn~ nt 1,, tv.·•''" ,.,. 1,, ,.1, Condition of 1\nne l,rice Now •:xrellent ~h··•'"' tt111•,. •• .,, \''"''' ''~' ,,, v ht fr ont ,,, th•• ,.,.w t•rtnttul piiU'It .1 h• I•' •;,,.t••fl lfntlwo( l'llh V.fl tl•• 1\ oltiVo'\\IIV WI IJ filii ht-lWf'flll ll~hlhJ! • 'oo h ••rr •• """ ,,...,., rum llw I'Hiolt•' htl( I '"nli"'"V hltllttln .. r·•·•· • h\ ,.,,,.,,,o.r .. , •;"'""" It Jll•l''"' t• J< lll••"'"•lloltnc. whlf"l\ t lu•JI•\· TUl!l IIJI l caull D1 ~1w111 UJJrn-lnt.u •lltJI.bar ~­ , ,, "'" h • ., t pflu ulltlt; a-. "n•--,.f -f•ttv•·tl tu l"u Itt u, .. r,.nr, fttlattltn« t ••· n ·~._r .... ~,, , " l·'~'•lt•h.,••' l''"''t,. ttll •t•·lt' • t l•,. ••f •t•" k l u ..,. tn"f .. 1 'h:ll'r lwr .. c c 'umm••ro ,. \'Ill ll l•ro• k~t rtJk•• ''''''"' ft•r Jnll· tth. Olt'O .... ,d J•fl ''\t'l t ntJt 0\'t r t t• Ul Ill H.nd h•• tUol fl I tiltlJUt UIUfl ~~ttnhf tn ~•u h " "''"'""' 1 :t~ tn ,., ,.., u lh• l'rt'ltnu1111ry n.-ull' "'II l<l .o I I prumplly kl 1 ,.·, low.k Rntl l "'"'" , \\tit g•'l unolo•fl' tl)' _at :.!.30 11 m . off•• H\1" unnt•unr r,t tutlnv Tho o (omp<'l It loon for junlnr,. lln•l 1ilrnt•tt" "'til Itt• ,.r ... ·n t u at1 ,-,·~!'­ l t.•f't'ol S I'AAI' athld•·~< H•·~u•. 1-·-- Harbor Trap '"' rn•·n Tho• :11111 \'llrd m•·dl••y jun "' m .. n (,II V.,l•l ,,... flllllr ""'"'"r """'''" Tlh'll' Will ·~· '·" prt' ltrnn~tr)' ••llmlltttlt•m h"llll! .'~ tho· r••lnyl' Th• t "''' '>111 \' • "'"'" '' Ill• h v.lll h<' lll'lol "tl h II •' ftnRII• In I h• :thf•\'•' rru•uti••n••tl ••\'••nt~e tn• lu,t•· th•• 11\il \lllol nu••ll"\ fl•llf\' (oor IW'n· 111r wnm••n rtn•l 1 hi' :lfWl m•·•ll• , • IIlii< huw fru11 ht.• \'t••v. AltiJilr,•ntl)' I'.IIIJo llll' llo!Ul v.tl h tt1•• • •*lt nnof I h• har.•llt "'hu ''I" r Mtr.f'l th• n•a• tnu• ~· r.-n•·d u ... ,,.nt ••F"*'I :tf """ n r d••fv.~ty th~ fhlld m•·rn tll~r ,., t' •• lnu (ttltt••l .,,.,. u lhr ,j,,,, t•• th•• • 010 t"'•X .tnd r• m m'f'•l l hi' S:lo ""lltt ••f uw kh's Shooters To ·.Make Debut" t Ph\· fn·r JtmlflT \\4nmrn I • ed D • --~:....... _ -DJur r1ver Mr An•l ~frl' .l11hn ()h) nr•• IPII\'· 1 ~ E. ~t........l__ 1 I li\Jtl("'TT"fTIIW luT ,lifW ~11ftmlr't1j-x~~..:::.....:. F lrl'l romprt'tton 11( lhr nrwly In f:11 .... , •ltol10 T R or~Anl7.f•tl l':••wp<H't Hrtrh<tr 'Trap-I I K llroov. n "f Jill Vut Qulin 0 ecover """"l•·r.~ t 'lut. wtll h<• ~<'!!I !'un· 1.1-1" INh· t~ mm·tn~ tn l':orth dA y . Jul~· 2ith. 11turtin~ at til R m llooii\'W•~•I '1.ll~tallnt•on nr a nrw trnp· pur-. · t hr~•l hy th«' «'lu_h ha.~ hrrn ,.,:m--D E plelell nn lhP C"htb grnunrllo, In· r. . lrn H IINT\'nonn ••f :lllk t-:11~1 llrth ~lr••,.t Sarttil J\1111. l'hlt \\h>< cnliid nl .. n,; th<' rnw n ( ;:um trN'l< whlf'h f'Xtf'nu from 17th l'trr('\r <'••l'l a MI'M, luwarcl the upper bay bluff I 'r<'11iolr11t II amid Calrlw<'ll A11CI rlr HRif'h Honrol Rllll01tn<'Pol In· I hr f<olflribuli~•n n( • on I.A\0.11! IIYI'lt'm. f"V~rynn,. f"C"mpl'ttng hu a r hl\lll't> tn w tn R prtu, ~·h<'lhl'r thf'\' br eak nn~ tar· gf't :,o nr " hund~P<l , ('luh ptrvt h8\'" 11lM hf'rn nr- olrr"<l Rlld will be awarded lll lhnlll' hri'A.klnl(' 2~. !Yl. ;:; and lllO • •trnlfl'hl '"r~:r1:o Th,. ..r ... m l)flr!lh•r n nw tn tAlll thirty mrn and w n. rtlrn ROll I ht-y ha t I fr••m ~<'wpnrt H~trbor. l.n10 Aflg,.lr!< T..nn ~ Rt"l\1 '1. Onll\rlo, P~t~t~tdf'rll. !'111n-fo~.,fl,.., Rnol n t her Snulht>rn Callfnrola r llirl' Th~ lnrR! rluh pllln!l In the ""'H • future In t-rect A llmflll r lub hou11r for lh<' ron\'f'OI<'nre Of member s 11nd to tl<h1 to lhf' numbe~ of trans nn lh<' g-rnunol!! u lht' dt'mRnd for thnntlng jfTOWII. G. Bashor Tell s Kiwanis Of ~xperiepce'· 'T lwhev~~t .. --n,'V_t' ~ 111"~1}" lnjurt•<l In " l'hoRh "''hlrt) nrrnrt,.•l ·ru .. 1orh1y "''rnlnl! "" t'n11~t llt.:ll v.·a y, n<'ar Ill" llnJiirn lt<lanol H•tl\•1 114 rxp•~ 1•••1 f,, r•·' *"''·r, su f t•rtiiHI-: tn Jn(urnuitJ,•n r•·• P v••tt \\'••d n•·"' tilly BaiiJoR J~htnol flrrrn"n "•'I, nr r.. r. IIJ\11hnr, nnlNI 0 11tro. rallr•l '" a:•vr ftr~t atol pathlr ~urgr-<m, hPiol m<'m lwor11 nf Arrnrollr ~ ''' nfllr,.r~ """" ~ln11 k n111 "Xf"'riPnrr" u •·~· n , Rr ''I"'' al•·•l t.y .J'"'"I'h H111vu r"''''AI<VI hv Pr BnJOhnr Wltll th~ <o( thfl' I' s s Nlrstl•o~a 1, ,, n K rrturn In ." ht• h hr mll'IW'oi hav-fJfoll<'h , wh" wl\.• h"r•dNi 'A'r~! tllJ: t .. "'''" n P<lllll'•lo:" Rllt•Ktd lhl' J~rrym·•n 'lolr•l prooful"jt ;:tnol tJI•fa_l,..l Alh~'lloA hy twt'flty ,...,.. wiu toa l•l t•• hll\'" Hllff<'l'<'ol r·••n• •uo on•la. "'''" ~tn• 11-·rrvm;on \\'•••In•••"'"'' nr nn•h••r h'oll hill m~ ... mlnntf':O lool•l ll ghwlly pat rtolm•·n hr r hu• In lrll\'"l R' r,,,.,. l,tlllll•m In rrarh tlllnd ~<'••trlol '"' lro 1..-·d ~tlYnJI " t h" f)lfl< h lfnJianol !f!f'rtnl<'r IIJ•OO whtl'h h r hR•I l)ni>krol J•AR,.IIjot~ l11 lb" t' P. mH•I,. I h~' toh•!' WIHt 21'1 I" • ••nol~ '" ~I''J r,.. IIIIo! h,. ml~•rol It lhl' Alh .. lllfl "''"11•1 hl\VP .b.-<'11 thr only nl h,.r hnl\1 tn t11k" Thl' ,,,...,, niRn~ mt~tlr pI R n ~ Titurll•lny r.,, 11 ln<lt<'ll nll(ht mN·I· lng to· l)r hl'l11 AHI<'ll"l 211•t .ll'rk R3uh "''"" nam"'l r h&lrm!Ul rof ar. r~tngrmrnt.• THEATftE ~AftTY .Jntnln~or 1'1 mrtk,. 11 totxsom•• "' t)lr• Earl ~r1rr••ll T hl'l<trl' Hr •IJtu mnl In l..ttto Ans:"'"" ~llrHIR v t'VI n ong w••r" t·.,nnl,.. rtnd ~"I II,. StlCoC:•k-"() Z '' artl lltllle Hob,r1· Rllll ~tnd X'' &Ill! Thrlma Hlarll bf>&rd t ill .. ,,,.' A"'' "fll"l"lt" t h•• • "'"'' 1\ • lo1lo t• f'llfl"' tooct lh,. fino! oof I h•· "' .. lo , T t f11 lit•· uil""" "'"'' · 1. 1 "', .. l••arfH•tl f r••ru , t• It el-l• ''" ''' ~IliA An11 l••lu\' .. , •• ry r N ••flJl!U\ ••ff l' el I ·• .,.,. .. '"'' an YtAI'Ihtnct .. n 11 ..... q •l ' '·• 1.,.., .r ~'·· 1., ,,1 A\• ttu• '~"' ..•. t' ,,, .., At', ., 1•• f,f f••UUd Ut ~ ••tttht f h C ... hf ••l ,., Itt .. tf'Mf "'" flo• ,..,,,, • r•tartt ""'" 1 ... n ,., "' ~ ,.., • ..,, ;•· fl ~ ....... ta v ···f t 1 I Y • • k ,., I tl•• I r tftNff•r ,,f ltl• ,,, t.•U\\' trt•l tU••I••ffl "'''"''"''''n~ut wl11 111uuu he lllllll• oo( tin• ''"'" flit 11fflf'l11l UfW'O• t n~o: "' t h•· n•·w •I n t.-lurr. a t whlrh c '"' lh•· :-;, . .,..,. . .,Ill,.• will br hlNrt • •. '"' • IIIII•· ""''"'t l•t•trk t th• 'rAnJIIuttt"n of1•1 tt• 1•1•• •~·• 1 I Ht•l 1, t •II k ,,,...,,. •It\ ll'•'-' ••l1 l hRI ••fill I ol • I• l< 11 • 0 'lo II \•' y •~ I• ("·''' ·~ I••I•H 1" ... •• • .. h1•b•"t I) t I) d t \• rRolo no Itt l it•• t•l'•t••"' I t•l •n 1. • ,. , 1,,, ...: h, ,111 ., 1 , , nt a r .1X s, e ara e ft • ' I'""" 11"'1 r.,.,.,, I , •. II ',\I ' ,., ........ ,_,,,l•on' ......... ,, "' ..... . • Ro-Me~. a ( .. ,arn· ,·val Features In"'''" JIUturfr,..~ ., 1 .... , J ,1 11,, .. 111 ,1 11,1 f•, ._, "', ,1 '-' ., 111• plan11 I' All• f.,r I h•· t tolllil nf ._,. tfWI """~"• rtf l(t~ll~•l 0\ll ,.,;.~,\~.~l ,..t-1~-_...,_,~ j;t ~.w Jia.ui..U..-lJUU-! '•"' , •·~t:ffl'""'n~ f'IT.1t ___ .............. t 1 r1f •• I I If \ h ·11 If t • I V 14 '•I 'nnta An" I:••Jt•l ,,. I '" 11' l• ' 1 ... , ~ •• 1, .• ,,,,1.' '-t· t th• f''"' 11 n• r •tfll\:et hfttl I fur••· Htt'-'N f,, t ... ~ h,..td nt "'"'" fttl•l thr ''•rttf'f'Uf} ,, .. 'h # u .. nnlfll,t ,., .• , •• '' \ ~. If' \' ,, ... t~ ,,.,,., ... ,,1 '• t .. '' ••ll't,l t•1•1 A ".:••,.t ·:utta, ttP•tr•ltn"' {h luflt lt wlfl t .. ~ ~u r v•~tl lu th.-J1Uh-~ ·.,,...' MP"f:t Th•· I''''J'" 1 ,,j -.., 'uJ'w 1, ,. , '•'•••Ht '1 • t ,,., •·f ''' •t 'A• ••k 1•1 .,,._ '''"''' t.y ,.,,. • ~trnlvttl • '''" ll• •••· n "'''"'""' (,-,. IC,.th th~ f•r,th,. t~nn~tt n••l tur• •·f ltnt'd'Pl'• f•lf .,11 1.,, .... ,.1,1 91,.ttt\' '"'''••· ,,, u ,,,,.,,110.:: tt• w••••k --''"'t,r•u•• nutl t(d,. ,,,.,,, ... ~,.J nllht 1 ,,rl,n!of frnm ,f:fJ'.--ItiJif Tl IJ:clf l,r.o _ , ~ .. ,.,,.,,;y ,110m._ (r 'fllflntRII . Will t)f' lltf"r l"'' IJY t hll !:amlv&J H11,... mtllt'fffll 'of' ''''""'" v. jl h 11 , • ~ •• ,l 1, ,, 1, .,,,. '"•" ~~ ,, , ,, .. , 't,v ··( t • .t ·, ... fJt ~t· "" f 'tuernt\''"' ,., 'itlll t,lll t•••· "' • ly puyr••ll oof ul~oul Jtl~t•tl~o ' • "'"lt "t Urt•! t • •' r·· "'""' v '"' ,, ''••fflrrl,.,.. ·~ ., .. ,n.,.n r ,,, ... .,. , ... , t Jfrtr•.ld K t:, ........ t1hAtrm._n ,,, Gov. Fails 1 I. \' ,., ''-· I,,,, ,,, .•• ' ... ,, flt \,;.'tl "',,. .. ,,,;, .... , Iff f tutrJ(•• o( 1h• I"Jlhlt.ltll .• hi\,. rtrrun.:r•l ,,,r 10"-"Y 1,,. I· 1 '"· t1 , • 1t , '"'' '" v ""' ''""' }"• "'"'' ltn•l T It lt"ll ~~ lut • 1 • "''htc--•llllftltc Yll In "''''" wlrt· ~ ... , 1 ,.,, t". ,, . ., ,., h\ q ~ . t v ·lu•·' t p ~· u ... ttn/Hnth"" ,,, u•·•HIY ,f,,w" nu-t f 'lltttl••" ·r··Winkl,. h"" r1., :, I·• ., •t t, 11 v.·••;ll h-fl • .,, ·~,,., ,,,,,,.,.,,.,.,, hr :...;, .. ,,~,_,, t 'rtll ~JCn•nf,1•1 th•• -.,_,, ,,f hh1 f••ryr,,.r , , ",,, ,.., •. , ,, •t u11• .,.., ••r• ,,,,, ,.,,,,.,. ",,.,,. ,,,.,,., ntc f••r" fulr City's Bill \\ • •·n f~•-v,.rn••r t Jl"""" J.,t~ k• • , . t ••I tht> ,.n&t,tlng a • 1 v.• h 1 f h \ ·•i•l h•v,. JJ•v""l ltH· ..,.. :. v ,,,, ""' · lrrptru nt In l'l•t"'r :->•v. I•'·'' 11 .,,.,r h,. a l""" fa''"'' t •1 "U.'O 111• , • •. • ll•lt>lnnol •·•II l'••nrt..l•· IIlii •,, 420 ; •,. Af t w ould h~t\•' • na ttl• •t.tt • ,, ... ~.. , •• J t.. ···1·1· .,, , ··~ f 'A"" '"', ....... •t •• y '. ··~~ • ..: • I I 'l .., t. ' f ,,, ,, t • t t • .. • '"''""' ..• ,# • t •· '=I•; '"'"' n'•• ''" t .... h,.tf t,q \ ,.,.,\' A"'''"'"V H'•h•n·t 71·'•" r· •t • • I' v t t h •\ t11 •r~••f '•V• •t t•v t' t f• I''"Jiltur,. I ' 1 t • •• I f,.ct .. tA.t '•U •141 • w ; · 1 • ,.,,.,,. T•• ••••r•' I A I, tf 0 tf I '} '.,\ f f 1 .. ,, t ,\' 1 tftotf•ft .. ,.n , tt·. t•1 ,t "'"'"' ,,, '"'' h t '11• h., ·.· \'r <-•t~·t )hi t•tvt1•• ,., ff,,llry prr,~y •• U •"fUlrt<~J '" :•r \t\ ;# \1Jt'P 1 • "''' ,,.••1\ tH• '""'' ,,,,~o~l"e<J,naa anti "'•"l't hzt\'• .,,,.J.r. · ··· rt •~··•'h • •• , ••,, ,,. "' ,. "' ,, ...... thf'l ....... ,, ... I,, .... :.·. "' ·'~' '.1. •. ,, It If .... \)<'" h ,trr.nt ltAo ~· I•'"',. thr'n Mr ltrl'l M~ f~utl••IJol• Jt•• h•r•t• '"'' k 'ln thl' la11 "'" .,, t ··oro ''''" ,,. "'"Ytnr.: •I ••.:£1 ~:.. .. I 'n<lt>r prt>at>nt • nn•lltl•llll a I I S•H r I :.011•"" ,,, •~ •• ,.,.,. htut t ..... n tnvlt ,.,J I •• ,,...,, Ito• M"tta r vrut l uf•1nnroll"n luu• r.r.t , ... , t .... n '""' •:•v,.•t "" ••-wh ... th .. , h,. ... u, ..... ,.,,,,.. •.• "' f , •••• Th" prt (t-.rn•l" v.tll 1.,. ••1"'11 '" \•tunt:~tfrr., ••'1 Jtl",.rnrnnr ,... '1•.,•1 hj!,. ;tn•l ,,ffJ• tMhl IIINt•J t httf ylf\IOJ:'· ._,.,.J ,.,,, s ...... , .... rt J<--~t•t• w.,,. .... , .. ~ lhvlf,-.•1 ,,, r"'' I(,,, ....... TI•tor•· 'Atfl II" 10117r~ f•or' l ... llo Rll•l II th•• •~r fl,\(•t ''"" f'"\•~r y rh hi f•"'f '• JAtlnl( tf \l,.':t• ?.,'"'•Jffoj t t Jt '"""" 1111 :-;,.,.,.,.. S tarroor•t •• r u,,, '"rr• hau t • ''''""''"' ~ "a I rl tlol' 1'1111111•• I 'JOoiO I•I• 1 loo ll•l hlt.ll •Kr• • '' t •• "''''' h T 1tllt11 1n ht "' '"'" 1 t •r ~ ln .. ttltV•· "" hrtnv t,,_,,,, •"'I 11 t ooflttlll("llt 1tf "" h,:r <'lliY~try I ••r rnfv •t r )' '*'lt• ll•l' t n I It ,. 1 , .. ~ .. II f• "'"'"" ••f llo<· h••n••• ~lww ,,..-). ......... u ... , .. In Today's News-Times y,.,,. "' lltol"'' lillY l•w l'~tl('f' J Arl tllli< htl•l Art I'"IC\' J llto ll•ttlr,: N••""fl l"ltKI' II l 'looNolf•·•l A <I~ l'~r.:r 7 N•~Vt. .. ••t c 'l11u ' tu,,. l'ft..C,. 7 f'rt••-A••r•l l'ltnlt• I'Ate" 7 If .,,,,, Arttta,.,.,,,.,.f,. ,.,. .. ,. 6 Th•• 'fltl'lllrr" I'll~~ 3 :-;.'A .... r t1 .. ,~:~ .. r \\ ""'''" A•t•lllll•· !111 ·I S •·W• Now fl-tltl 'T'It.K Kuntl ijlfJ •·r _ t~utf'• f '•.tumn ,.,. ... ~ r., .. • t•a~r .. 4 ..... 4 f'q~G ' .. ... I ~ .. .... , -r- Calitomla, ,IU~AY ;J ULY. 2-t. 19-:tl. ----------------------~---------------------------------------------.--~ Thl• .-per atrlvee to aocurs&ei.J d!Me~t. new. of Ute OreaU.r Harbor Dl•trl<'t; to be a culdi.!IC foNle In the. arN'JI hlrtliler de"lop-T1al• .,.~, ""' .,.,,. .. .., ~"'""' ..... ~ .. tlw I!ILa~'• ...... ~~lremf'ot' but aho Mid' an Orul,. ('oont) MUJW'nur ('nurt drc-rN'. ntak· lac It ~ll(tblf> to ~1"11 ALL ~caJ nutu..-... -----...:.------- -meot:"-aod to . .tay aloof froQJ aU obUpUou euept tbat of fldeUty to UMI pubUc ~ Newport -Balboa NEWS-TIMES Skinny Skribbles LETTERS TO. THE· • LO&ANGELES LETTER • I The 11ummer Balbo& 1 s 111 n J ' on t b .. Stlllth bs.y tcuol ror a pic- Yacht C..:lub bouta of forty m~m-111c liUpper. benr In gooJ st.an<llng U11a y~llr. ~Irs l.. J. Slier Ul D;IAk.in&" her PHOSE8 1% a IS NEWS-TIMES By ('HARLEM OAKLAND I All lht' boys a.nd h'irl:! are,a<·uv.. humt' In lloii)"Wood t.h1a •wnmer ~londl1vs. Tulllldays and Wednt>s· fo~lluwtng a 11tay In the cottage at .... ,.. Pult'hleed E\·er,-'l'UMday.and nareday Alteraouaa VoluQM XX.'I(III Sublcrlptior. Paynblt' 1n Ad~•unce1 .:.!.50 per .) •·<u .:m O~ange' Count)'; a;l.75 IJCr .) ~llr tc 4th Wll•', $,:1.\)() JX'I' yt•ar to '!Jth ~n .... Th.-re . .\nd A SSISTANC.£ LEAGUE THANKS FOR PUBLICITY July 23: !IH I !nubbed lmmlgra.,t. euya ~:o·stion lu "dut .... nulk l'(illllllner,~ dny~. ,:~in~;. anu swimming. ;'\ext :!:!:l sapphire .• Sw.onk Club hall '.wen r .. purtt .. t hy. tlw llf·alth ' Munday at S p m. Uw yuupgKlt•rs lal~~lt\k~~: ~~~.ir ~~m~: ~':; ~l rdwll'k Cuuntry ~""b . 210-C'omm iiJHi•m lUI t'XI'<'IIIIIVl·lv pn>-will galher at \)lei~. beau~'trl..rs nr r,.,. nt fJiaygroun(l ror playbt1ys hlbltlve , AI t.o.·vy·" Tavt'rn:" next door to tbl! J. A. Ueek u(tu··· Slt>vens nt PaaadenL 2!>c pN munth by OArn.•r. Entt>rfd aa S'-c"nct-CIIL"* mattt>r at thc.> l 'uJ>tutiiCI' 1n ='""'JlUrt Ucarh, Callf,mlla. undc.>r the Act of Mllff'h 3. l ... 9. S. A. M EYEH t:lJITI Jft A:"'D MANAGER Pnntin& Pla.nt, :l2tl8 W. Ct'ntral Avt•nut'. Nt·"' Joult H<'ach. C..hlomut A Dt>peada ... 1-..1 aa.&ataUoa t-or Over SS Y-n U~Wwh .. re • ( .... C!'4kl•nyl !'41Ull\'IS l'• 11r J,;1ht"1 . 'Ill• """·1·1~ "'the Hara, .. ! t.o .,. t; "' th,• A . ...,;l>~lance Lea~··" " ~1, 1oo •·\l• nd 1 heIr JT&IA.:Jul 1: "·"•" H \uu r~~r 'W t: fine t•ua, j"' tl \ \"U h.t \' J.:l\t•n U8 for t ... il illl1l plu)(~:lrlll w ho rould affor'd It, nil'<''' I\ uf Hull)'''""'d'R inl n•111blt• h •11 lwNr sold. at auction to a.n notahlell, hM sufterl'd u $40.000 1\ It, 1111 lmU~IKranl who bP<;aint~ a 11unch·hnur firf' wh;rh I'Oillt'ol 200 anu't YOURSElF FINANCIALIV ...... 1•ro~lunt lmJKH"ler an.J ha,nana mer-~ non·puiM<l sophist Irati'.~ IIUdlh·nly 111111 . I. I I U 'h~<.nl to thH f'Xtent that ht out· n•11olt-rt•1l llllllllflhllttu'll.h·d. l'awn • E 1•1•1 MuJwwk ml'mbtors who w .. r~ shup" will no 1(11'\)l:l'r he allowl'd in M" EO IEXJIYEAR S HIGHER TAX S ..... -'·"'. l.•· I• '''''" llull li nd for <~l•f 1,. ,,.·: ,, 1 ••. 1 ", ··k ·nu· ptctUI"t' .. , ~ .. , ... I ,an t' d • h 1 •• -· ' .. ,,, • "!u ; ••·; ,,, ·• 1~•)1'' ("lubh<A.Lall' \\...,. "'\\ tltk\ JU~t },. ... ,. •····• t • • q • ' ,, • ·I"' • ,:,11:• '''' t , uualill' l 11 m&!<'h hi• $17~ 000 cuh the HIIII,VWIWlll bltl!lnt'«<l art'!\ IWl 811 ,, h1d !!.fl•lwlrk. n~ntd \n 1913, ron-~ tu prl'Vent it t rvm h<-•·omlng "like 1 '-.•••••-•••••••••••••••••••••• .. '""'~' a ruin tll'ld. golf rour~. Main Strt'l't" Thl're will be ' 111 b<• 1utlful l<Wrmmlng pool. anti club no short&«•• tn ful'l tlurlnl( the ' hriiUII' T h 1> former lmmlgTant. t•omin~ winter for Californians. l:¥ery ~rovrrllDWIIt oftk-lal or buard that handiH puhU<' moiN'Y ..... ld publlall at n'C{Uiar lntrn al" an .....-nunUnc of It, ....,wtn& --n' aM MW ~AC'· •ollar ls JllM"DL \\ ~ bu&d Wll to. M a J.wl4a· -•tat prlltdple of dl'mot'ntlk cuu·,..nlf'nt. "' .t k>li~ .. 1" 1. ,, d r-,,. L ' '· ''"rrunwk Jt>bbla. 5~. carol' to th 11 :>~ewl<lmers trJ !':nuthem ("ah· . ., "'~"' tn ht~ I",..,,., ... , ,1, .• • Sua·•·rely your• ' .. unt ry at &l(t' 6 Jl'bbla 8~ tu rn u wt·,·e pank kl'<l by tht' t>IU'lb· 1•· ... ~11 1 ~··•·rn 1 ,,.., 1! ·• .• 11 1.1 .1/..\1\~:TII .I THO_, "'lh "'lthtnK Thole against whom quaJ<e while palsan011 "lumbe-red ~· m11l ''"n ;•'k"'l: f ., ;L''' 111 " • Secretary. hi' b)d. slartt>d with l<Omethlng and through It almMt 9:.!-y~>ar-• 11. "· .or \I••IY ,, 111.1 II r••.: I ol ldthuut thl' handicap of belng nld Luther Brt!ltOI ('I vII \\'ar "''·' n tr" v. .. nu 1 "''~ th• 1. lh· •···• 1... 1 .•. 11.:tll · ,., .•. rythwr ._,., ; 1 ... t hf r fnreljOit'rl' or . havrog to \'t>leran. 11nd hl!r wit"· 62. havl' I 1'''"'''1 """' '' r tl.o~ '"' • •' .,. ~-~ 1 ,11, '"'' • .a~ 111;hl J,.am a foreign tongul' At a bt•t>n .tenlt'tl a dtvorr l' Oristol ...- "" ,11 kl•• previous au c tJ n n of t urn turt' t••sflfW.rthey were Jtl'lt lng along I •41afi• h••l h•· •\i i••N•. :• \ t•t \\•l h •\••\uta· rit• ktnd &Ad ,, !'•ll •ttuns: ,,Jf: tJ• ""''''"" ·•··Y.L.'• •t•s•t ,. ··••• pr-•J••c t hi bourut ·•• OFFICIAL PAPER. Nt:\\'PORT BAI.BOA, CAI.JFOR!Iii"'A • :--. "1 ... rt • -;:-u~,·atl ·IM'l"VIce 11 1• "hiC'h he atlA>ndffi In O\'PI"Illll!, he wdl u ntil he tum•·d hill rn l utate __ l.;.wU~..J,.Ulu!l!..lLl!! roo!.::!!_• ,1 ·o: ''"" ,, .•t .. ro·ol \'iuiKtWnll of 11 d ,"'''~ Rll much Lll toltt' hall affa.lrll nver to Mrl!. Rrlatol .. Ill~ Itt II•\' IIII•Jt•,•••\• f ''I~ I~~~~.~,~.~.~~~~-,~.~, ~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 411 11 '"'·'"''" 1 It •' I• "" ''"· • r 1r 1,. • "" "" t111· bum, 11 1. I do·lllrl'fl. yt>ar. . Maurlrt> <'hPv&ller, wrll-PUBLIC BEACHES t Los Ang<•l<•s t h•rald-E:\pn·~ .. ..-I lflllfltl \' tlfll l t""'"'• •I II\ ,! ..... f l 1 I ' =',.,,. ~, .. , ... ,. , .. , .• :.,...,. !' ''" ~.l fll• """'lh U tttiJH.f ltw ,f!tt k t tl Of 1 " 1.• l l.lll><l,•tlt•d utt.,r ( 'hr•: One· Time Swllnk Plco , 1 khuwn In aael'n tazla I.Yf ·Yt'l!ll'r '''"'-k I"'''" I'"' '"" "· . k un 1 h• House Saved yNus. agnln appt·RrH lh loc.·al fllm.1 ()he of tht> ~rt'ai<-SI altrnt'tion C alifor·m a lw' for lo~tart:-.b tx-nch~-.' ----------------.,u,l v. ,.,,. uu••••l•• t .. Ui•U t•t. .. u. u. pt , , }tt '"'hi ··•authhr urn ~,. t."4 f , •• At the s.1mt' timt'. t~· o( lhf' must t•n,¥1y:t'hh• '''l••rie•nl'(\.; ,., •.• 11.,,~ "" 11, ·.,.,.,. 1 .• ~,. 1 1.,, , , , ''" "'' \\'hit II rrmlno• "'' lll!!t nrlr f> I co UnUM. ro•mer "Persnnal C'nlumn"," pluylng to 11 .. 11 ..... ~1 .. ( til•· """"'·"with '''" C'nla ho,.tt>lty whlr h fan 's thP old pnrkt'd au1li«'nrt'a. . . flukt' •:1- ,1. •·nl'JflTT11Mr ~" wlt~-~I,.M-al Olvera. atrN>l, ~ jJinK3on OJll'D4 at thl' Ma)'IUI J\lly I , "' '""'' "I'" "'''Ill In wanl t .. '"'hi frflm olt•lltnwtl~>n "'hlch wa.~ HI Young•t~n•. ty,n young to Rfl· _,, II"' r,,, '" ''" •lt>l!tlnutl••ll •nt~>ntlo .. t to mllkt> WI\Y for mndt'rn· prt'I'IUIP tht> <"ht•vuli{'r <'l)a rm ,, t ·, 11~k "I "'"'I ··v••rybody ,.,, rYullrln 11f lower Main !"ll rf'Pt "f>!t:n 1 whr,•h ma..J.e him tht• hlol nt Aml'r-J for C..alifornians thc•m."4•1\'i': million:-. nf tht•m i:-.. to \'1:-..11 " rttll '"I" 1111.1<" "''' "''" 1,. 'r"" and f'njoy ttlf' Spol o; for ltath(n).!'anft Ofhf'r fomlS II( f'('('l''lflllln. 1"1 ll \\'IIKI" Ill' IUJtll• 1 •"111 t h··~·· • td J,:ta.n•l ,,ut•lll•"' •l••r t th•·\ • • -'""" -Ho.,.........rmrr• ttn• rl'nter nt ~ kan wol"iWn. wilr appreciate Lhat 1 • -Anj!(·l.-.,. l!o~ll'tv will l)t' rPstor PII 1:1·ton!l .. f. ht'l'f Wl'rt' o'unsumt"<l along thf-Padfit: s hon•linr . kn"" th·, ... ~ • ,, • "l"l u• "' ,. ti(i."' t•:tl into tl11• IM•adlt''· play~J-utulll"' fur lh<• lll'fl)llt· Jl • '''''"'.._ ••'Ill"'" 111 cett HI-' anol 1111 hr.!Uorlf'al !tlgnlflranc·e to hy 1n.noo at the annual ~h,·nft'M YPt CV<'TY year !>lcums anct destroyin~-:-foot hy font the> fr'\'\• along lht.> f'(fj..'t' of lht• Pudfic·. At.tht' J"'('(.'t•nt S(~.;inn o r tt\4• l.t·~blatllrt' lhl~l'' \\:lS )lii:O.. ... 'fl and hal' sim 'f' llf'('n si~llf'rl hy th(• go\l•rnnr·. a t·on<'tiiTt•nl resolution Sl'tlin).! forth thf' puhht• f'Uiit·y uf lhi-: ... ta ft• In n ·f- crcnce to thf' n<'(ttlis itiun ~tnd us. .. uf l•·at'ht~ fur p uhli<' p;rrk pu~. In thaf' ~lution it is 1lt•dan~l tha t the"' IA·~i:-..laltll'' ,.,. e ·' • 1 10,. 11 ol :--• '' )"'1\ Balbo&. 1111 ; o lho· t•lt \' rf'VIVI'<.l. hoirllf'f'trt' Only 30 000 1\t\f'ndrci l \I• I." t11~1,,J I•·" IH• ,~ .. ,. I ol I ~1•1 '" ,.,\ .. rolfrsh. brouj:l't Butlding Flgurea 8.ulldln9 . Uw 11tar-J1tu1klf'd U.S.O show 11t • 1,11 ~1••1 111 ,111, "'"''' •11 .1 ,, '""'' wl l'' 11111 h shutrld Alii'• All·tlmf' tmltllng reoo••ls have ll'•llyw<)l)o.J Bt\wl Ullinjt Pvery ,...,11\l,.,r ,., "" 11101 .. ,,,,..,, .rvl,. •..• 1. tJ,, '"'·" \\'M.Itun plllllllll" I'W'o·n llr<•ki'n hy the-$20,:l~1.R.!I15 'taml'll mov'l' nn.ml' In Hollywood I 0 "flllltrll•· ... """ I oof!lf•ll\llh ol u .ut ; •• ,. ~ '""'' 0 hill I! noout 11~11111.: fll.:llrl' ..,., or·h··· liv thf' unint'Or· .l'tty "' t.Ol! AI)S:l'h·s 0Cf'11pl1'!11 h•· 1,,.,1 n .. t 1~ .,1 1 1 ttool '" ,,q, • 1 II ,o IJ ·I • li• I "'""' Jlf'Opl<' .,,, purall'•l Rrl'll "' t.o·~ AneriPI' roun-,.rnnr" \Prrttury lhl\n Any nth;>r t.•Jt .. n.-0,,.11r;J.-~ .. , ,, ..... ,,111 1t••· tr.J ~h ..... ., ''', ... I um r ontf'ln•·•l tv •hrT n ..:, f tr!l't r, mnnttt\c ,,, fh•• Ol•tropuU~an Amenr a nn•l h ...... ·'"I I .II r.ll J•l·· ,., l "till I h• I I ... II . Ill "•I' nrn•r •• lllo ,.,. 'r '-1 fl r~·rm ll!' "r•rl' IR/<IIf'tl f•lr' L.A. versus S.F. tho• r•• oo!;Oitr,.· :-:,, Ill• 1•"' 11• II • ·I o lr1' h10ffi• ll •hlllrl'' J 11n1' 2 !l atq•ntl ·.,-,IT' It fUW·III""n• !1<>-C'Illll'd by <IUr ""I'·'''"''"' "''' t .. "' rk II I :.• • l•llllollnl!~ li f,r •q•;uln~t·nt '"'""· !'an Fmnrl~c·n (n<'nolll. l..ol! An-I tu\tttd tti•· t• ••f • .... ,,,...,, ... ,I t~.d lh•t•· \\ .... 1 '11' (lt l(wl m••:ot•'n ~~ \4 •r •·h••ll~~t•'.ti ;,,.,d 1"l7 JuJ.It. J.!VIPA he ~··t\in~ utonlC J'lurprUliOJ.!l\'1 hP h:ut :.tt••l•l•t'""'"'•ltl l:· •·· ••.Jt.t ... , J, ... , !'untlay. "'\ l 11''""' In t h•· •tty •rtt h' tua.;a·rc~ w•l1 t ...... ~AOJ:••lP-.'J'Mt~toml'dt:-.t rh·t l lu~ '"nllnll l•·• """ ll,,t "" ""''' ''' . ' • r. ,,1 •. ,,.,,,. wa• prn'r'l fl~ll"'~ ft •r lun,. Inti o'"'" that t~·· t:rf,.,. ~<h:th In Vftlih' ,,, ''xpnrts Thr lnc01nr l<all yo•~ paid thia )""' i• a .lotfD"~' 41MI hMUUU' tA•n ~ou.•ill h.&\f"" tu r.a) ttr.'-1 )t'oU ..IIC" UUJI'UOl.t'U• but ~ .....,~ ............................... __. ... , .... __ . - \tart '4' inrt nu~ in ~ '1,... i~l R>a11l.. uf \mrHIA T "'liuor \,11 in~ \uuuul lu mo..-t ,.,." ..... ,·, luchrr "" .. '· J)n iolr ho~o muth )UU ~o:aJil lo ,J..,. by """ """"· tlwn ""'" "t:"'"'"· The "'"""Krt ol ~our RAni. uf \rr"''"" '""oKh "'" ~el••lh """'If:"~ T~\limr '"''"""'fund IO« )OU. NEWPORT BEACII 18unk of Amtrirn NATIONAl Z!';~TN·.:~ ASSOCIATION • "' .,_., ....... \ ..... . .. ·-·- 495 Branches united for strength and service pres.ws a<;·thc polil'y of tht• ;••uph· tha t "lh•• :-.tale·. lhi'Ot~J.!h .lllLf\uthoriZ('(i I!J'lf'('S('f"'tativt':'. sh;tll a t<ttllil't' all of I ht• mail- abk> brnt·h ln nd on tht• \alifuml:t .,.:1~1 for· .u.:..• (oa· I"'''Ji,· park--ttAEI f"t"t't"t-Htiiln rt.t~.' .. t C!Cfi•ftC \\I ', ... u.. In, 'lt·'. :T"'T(! _, ·~· , ..... _ t ..i.l ~iUJ.)t.'ICtl.f.l . \\ ·~··-11 ,,, 'h \\ oi:O: tb!· ht •ht•.!'4t !...··~·n~ ...S.U.U-,1,'-r ··D• bi.Ctl e4:blh. Lull_ lu· 1\noln 1 , •• 1, , , r.:l•· •, , 1., 1, '·• • • 1 1 .,. ••-'·'-.!;-' ftf'V,, 1-. I• 1, '' '""'""' llurldrn)! l"'l lllrts ,.r ,\nc o!• ~ 1,,1,.,1,. .Jurini: the v•·ar'~< -----~~~~--~~--~-~~~---~--------';......,_ ,tTrr nil • -•J I.''''' :"l•w tMn t th.ol ~ <!'-'""'111111 "' ,,. hli!ll''"' Ill naJi .. •t •l llr>ol !•II .tav" l•·t·•t•~l m,,,..· thnll It rurtht'l' t•nncls tha t "t ht• (ll'(jlll)o.lt ion .. r lt••ad l l:lrllb pursuant to thl' progn1~n twn•in outlintorl ~ha ll ··umml'llt't' a-: aoon as JX>!'."ihlf' nrtPr July, I !l-11." and "shall I•• caaT it'fl on as rapidly ao; funds nuw or hN\'Hrtt•r a \·ailahl<· "ill JII'J'mil in anticipation of lht> entift• t'Orn(lk'tioo ttk•n•uf within n o t rnw~· \han 10 yt>ars." -• ' •Uh I " ~: .... a ..... ,.1 ....... lr~ fl. rf''i•h·ntl'il , oonii'l rll• ''"" \· n l\1 1' ):\'111011 (lf~l .. r $~:11) !ll'Ki J'l'f Ull\'~ ~tud• t '~&It '''' "' fk t•• ·h· t • t ''I ·•u .• ~ '' ,,~. f,,r nht ~~~~n~ I\•·• f'Uij! :tf •ll• ,. lh•~ • It\' l'ark th~ . "''"1~•1 1 ll•.till '11' .,II II •\\ 1 .. ,• •''" 1>~11 111'111 1\:o • "'"'''"I ,.h ,fl •· Wlngtd Ooilars •an ,.,,11 '••tat•·t ,1 It '"'" t h•t• l •-t ttt·•·" r .. , pnttlnnJt .. r ~~" 1. J\ !'uuth•'t n t·allfntnta luJ!'t ~···nr ,_,0,.,, H•u~. ••r n•·,H h n l ;w•k••'' V ,, ••• r,,,. ,; .. ,.t,•u 1~ KUitt (tu1._ "''"''t.-. T r •••lt pl:.ul••l a t"nL: 1h•• ""'li•J'h•·•l uhollt :,;, rwr t•ttnt uf tht\ Ill\•• a hnuwt ttftiU~' to tl •' .. ltltkf,, d ~"II tf•,flliiHHU fnr nnti• t•~Hkt '"t,:)fp(V;ti'tOf lnt ~tt•lH\'JJlU\' 1lllli!O'<if a \rc taf1 •XJ+tt1t.!4, a du1· 1:1· ••llltol .... th•· "'"1'1'"" "jf' l lol •l . I• ,, I '··"'' .. f tw "lol At·ll lllti!'O' 111111 l1111111rTII\\' 1·11 l••hlmo· oo( lll••n• llllll' $$:!till · 111111,.,. 1 • .. un1rlmau 1,1.,,,1 0 1,, 1, I '' • l\1' ,,,,ollod till' hnlllll' un•l Bulldfn"n ett:am plons UIHI f\110 \\'llh 1 171~ .Jun,. J'lano·>~ I \ ~ l . Here's what real " vacations are made of Up to a year ago lt h a d l)("('n t'hargt'C'l that "lttt> s tate• o(. Cahtorma had nnoer taken the lx-at·h prohlc>m Sl'riously.'· bllt tM lut ~ ol the ~l~. dalpi1.e thr JNiny o ttw-r trout.ae.on~·q\.IE'8t.lons bt'fon--that body. pas...ro till' n-solu- Uon above mentioned. The Shon.-line Plannin~ A s.c;.ot'intlon· of California w ns t t ·t t ln your " y • l l• ~1:.:'''"' •l•·lh'f't '"~ '-\ ••rt.. \If) :'10 "'I''',., nllnr: thl' 1 II\' ,·n • htnl '" 11'"' ' '' 1'''' '1 • Ht•tlltlt'l"n 1 ·alrfnm rn lt•nnl>' pia•. · · 1 a,, ftn orto ,. ,.,, 111 j 111 tro·o· , 11 •I 1 1: 0 "" '' 11 '' 1 1 111 ' " 'Mn In tlw f'r~ " 1 , 11 7r> f>•'r "''til ,,( II II 111 ,, 1 ,, 11 d pr r 0 1 nt In JJ~u~n~··~~~~\~'"~r~~~~~·oiv~u~n~d~-~~ :lU,~ ...... J~~~t-i~~~f~t:~~~]~f~~ '""""I ~h· t" IM•rnM .o ,)11114' '101111'11111011 "1''''" 1 W•"Vf• tt:hY t..nnla till•·~ 110 lhl' t•nrl••r.l Sl 1l• • 1'''1 1"'111 """r ·Juno•. t~,.O .I l.lo~uLUit-r·~l h .. w 1 t:"l 1111011,1 lh• .t•ltrrlnt• rtlWn ln...n'f ~f'tl d•tcrn~ l !l<t iT ~,,.,. Anlo(t>lell·h o r ll IJ o<klll't'd l:u1t '\''''~ Wrtl! nwHr,J,.,I I ht l .r~r' mo1hcr h.,,.."'"'" I W'l l' ~rlltnl: otttl u .. ,. th•' ~l••ll•·n l!llurlv • 'l t ... y are Ml p· Mf'X II'fV\, Httl·h lf' 1J•m•""-'ll I• '"" ·••l•hll•,nnt ront rll.-t~ tnt·tlln~t uschildrcn toholclsonour \,lt..IIIOOS. I ... 1 t 1 t 1 , .... , •. ,, , .. • "'n r• .. ,t • t tht• atllm· "''''~ .. t h ttn 1!l:! nno.~): Oou~11l!i4 t •* ntn ••· "''""' oo( t .,. '"''ll rr•·n•" 1111101 111 II •· 1 .. 11.,1 ~~ 1,,.,. and In lh•· n o• w wo•ld'll (o•:tUlPI"\I'<·)~ht $l l l~IH rHI(l, :on•l Wt• ahrnl.. altJr') lt.alf rht fun of trJ\'tlrn~ "' tl>t• "'unl\· Ill :" , . .,.. t• •I I Ht'ltl h II -. .. u ' •1.,1' • "I I I :tr• nut unltf'<l '"'X lq : : h11 111I•H>n "ho Irk·· I'" \'q:a wl \'i'hcn I ,Cll brJ.! I'm ,1.:010,1.: lu )I J)' Jl botch I •'•uh1 ftnd •Ut th r••rt ,.,.,,,, I.I•Ut,. ,,(f,•r:r-'" ,,,\<t• "" loo-<.·,<.r~'!.<mc fonned and inrorporntro fnr th_c <1istint•t puqM~ o f looking after the public bt.•1u·~. n''' only tu ge•t lh••m St'l a par1 for the people', but t o h n\'t' th<'nl kt'pt in rt'l,;&ia· whf'f"'t'\'t'r tlw need arises. The California S tntc Highwn~· ~om~ <tl:oo~•. IH't"'•~'tl­ l•••k til•" .~,."'" ltlt.l I .,,.k···l 1Utll 1 '1 t IHh! ru•• hat k ~ .. mf" hulA' .. r •·1t••·r 1 n• ,.,, "'' t••n 1" h"',.. "-"'' lll•llh"''•· r.:••tlllll: ll loo lr.oulil<'. hut I ul"a\s h tV•· ....n•·u~h )!•••l rnt•nd.!l ~~t I.JlW~~~~~~u- • 1 .. 1hl~vlnc , .. 1 l·n~ t .. "'1.tr1 fH• .. ht(l t .. •! on a"""'' < ··"" '""' 1 ~··roo r•· )•lllnt "1111'1""'111: l"t •tn" n A111..~14ott v.;. 1u :!!• tn~ 1 lttt<l\'t' 1111 Ill•· 1 • ·•I• nolar" ,\1 11•.11 ljmt• ft 111t•nt•~ tt( llf"Sfol:UIJ1:;1 f ur lift:-. nP"" nu·n "Ill "'' h' I.J :frT-r 1. .\ 'httll Cro....,•ng Like .or Boy T• ·lng t.G Section 1 of Sf'l·tion 10·1 o f tht~ Stn ... •ts an•l llidmays i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· ~··•n:•l r ~1••r~ t ,. hv thr A~rrt• :tr' t~•un~ -1 ••f f'ltl•ll, "'''1'' ~r n•·" ln•l••~1r1•'' ktl•l .~~ Code. lt iA po1'ntt'd out, muld mak<' na•hlit· half ttw llt'adws 1 k 1 11 tt · , .. _ •rt Jtp·-,h \\h1t h ,··••·tt·~ •;.rn "I 1•'\\'~.~.Y Hcl:tl•••n!" Jo·m u•••nl t.u ... rn··~~ •l''' P•':~••·H"' lh l .••lll /\n,e.l•14 c· •• unt\' Of Los Angeles COUnty, if it SO d£'Si II .. ' fht• Ja w 1~1· t th•• :'\<'WJ••I"I \\ ay I ',.,.,I Ilk• I h· Ill 11\•'Y tak,. r llliVI'IO 1\rt' l~tkln~: up t h~>ir IIIII•' 1l111111~ I'll I '~ ft~l o\.m.,nt h!' hrt~ beach pJ'OIX'rtY within 1:..0 o r irnprovc-\<1kll l ftr~\ 1<!\W II """I ~"ni'' ""' \\Hfkool hi\Td to t .. m Ak r IIJI Uw 1'\f'Oilll! ,Jilll'll"~'"" hl•>k••n a ll , •• "I··· """ l lt''\lf'd e •am HI~-<,,. ... , tl••'h lh•~t•· daY~' pnnt•l!'l t n4~u•rif'1'4 :dH'Hat ttt• "''~ '..!!•OhH n••\\' J'•htt Thu4 luok•· h:t ... l th(• bt•ntofit n f tht• t•uhlk . 1 1 .. Tht• ••run.:f" t '••Uf\1\ , •••• ,!"t A!'-:o&•t-\\\th •• u ··( ,,,. •l\h •J'J"•a " a nu ""'"" ~hui JI.t n.• ;uldt··~~ .... ·l •·· H 11fl11oC ·V~"Hr!il t; .. n 1•111fh..o.c rti tl'tl-·f ~~U.Hhfl .. 'ralfolll II< h llo• , .. II • llj'lllllli<rn It , ... ).·rftl 1\lhl .. lho ·r 1.1'1 lllll•lo n• an· r. K inl{ . .lr . 13 :-; lltll ~,,.,.1 """ tnak ll).! "'" ~,IMI "''"' )"h~ =-'1'11\'- h,·ld n 11\t'l'llllj.! HI :'an l'l•·nl••nl••l 1\Pl !.1\\'111~ .111 • ,~, IIIII•' lDd tu ,,.,,. An~:••lt•:o ""' 111'\\ ruollt~lt l•·ll lU1•l \ill ri:rnt l•••f,,,. 1111' ~l rlrla1v H''l''"''lll'''ll I""" "hnl Ito•'' "' '" lo lrtl for to Ne.a,.ly "Cone With The Wind" :oddltt,nl' '"'"'""t'··i f11r tho• t"l tl .,. th ( ..... t h C '.,,.1, t 1'1\ntl• ""• """"""''•~! '" ~ .. ul• "" ~···J '"'· •: ,, 1:1111 pllt',. A \\'<•ll·knuwl·, I harn "r ol ,. "J.: Olstlnguished V lsltO~ 'ror ('ll<'Xt rwm•lfltu.l;,orpt•rlapst t•nt•xt \.'\\' Yt';ll')o;, ;,.ll~lot•·• d••l •lll~ """ ·,~_.n't "'''I' "I' aol·h'"'"·" "'" ,,. ,,., .. bf't'n 1\I IITI'~ Willi ~JI:lfo•d llo'lll~ hi(I\\IIIIJI Hllll'h 1!11!•'"'"11 t•ll lll r•h•l "' we must" go \\•lthoul ntany o( (lUI" 1\IXttl'it':' tu sa fe~ttanl tltll' .,,, :\1trrtrr •11• h 1111 alttlll''" \\ h<'rt h••klll~ 1 .. 1 llh I I'll•·\\ 1\hll k.rvtwK w iH'n an (tl,.rt phnrrr11• 1"1 I'"''", :"cw \'utk';~ 1':01. ''lll'o'llt•• 1,, 1111• leCUrlty. We mtt't ('\'('n rntion ('\'('11'-tl.ay nt"<"t>ssi.lit':'. for ,.,. ,\ .. 1/t.t .. l "11 ........ , .. ,.,,. Ill•\\ t .. Jolll•jl II 1"1 .... 111"'111'' minute rurtlon,. nf :lll ''"I''"'"''' h •ltlt· fr••lofq II( l 'hinn IIIIo! 1:11~~~~. only by "swentinJ,: i,loo<i nnd lt':u~" can '''l' e·arry o n our \'as! ""1'''"' 111' uts u ... ·""J.:I:•'· 1 '"' 11 o • ·-• f,•rmula "'11" 11 ""11 """'' ''" ·t" ~lr-I\ lith llunrH> :'>l o 1 '"n rw k ''" rt madt• too""' rf I ""0111 · l!otlol ,.,, .. , • ·hi ~~ •o 1 ·• I '"tve It!' to ·II'J'hnrn• II\' 11 "Po \\'rtl!'' In ~ln.ntq olaur.:hl•l' .. r :\lrtrk 11:-nnn but vita l defrnS4.' Jll'11).!171nl without St.'rliiUS t"''Onolllk dis---, lnr~·· q.,.o,.t,ty litho•, ''"1··~ rn th• .ln•l "''" "" ltlll,lrr••ull , .• lr,..:ol"' Jocalfon.«. r --:\T:t!!tiU'''"· l"f'ttlmi~tn-th•• tHt.4it•lllll t';tplt....l .tllt•l'.!.. tour. l'lll'ln "'''' r •' ''"11•>•1, tll.owd&:ll ~l\ _ \'o'rllr>lllt !': Ktortd.<l•n. dJtnt11r Ad . . t t I II I f II • )((' I I) . I ' I A . I llft"n 1~·· .. h. II 11·•·· r~· :!1 I nl•·l\· ,,,~. •·11•'1' I I' ( ( i ' nf ~~·liii n .. h muus ra o r A•on t·n~t't'o(l o It'' '"' 11 rl\'' ,.f r\J,1..;1\,1Jl rlo•fo•ll,..'"· .llliHolllh't"' th.tl lh,• l\.·1.11' I ~~1o1 XIS •.. 1,. ,f 11,. d~1,,.,, Til•·,· 1,. .. l! o 1 1 1 11 11 THE HONEYMOON IS OVEil! .1 I ~ ~l Somebody else waits on me To mc .1 rcal \.at.tllun mt _.n, 1.,.u -.twlc ~A ccks free from "orry .;ltuul bcJ) Jn•l mc1~. My bu>llJnJ ~J) ~ I J, x rH· J tJ''' of the scrvr.t: I ,1.:1\C .ot humt .. 11 )Clr ,~-~-~ ~ -\ -..... ..... I I I ./v ./ A lot more for your money To me .1 hold'' J p iJ•C lu l.nllrt.lln our , ~~ frtcn,h,· J f1ol""'.u.frnc Jd.lrt'' l11r tn.11l, , . ~, ~:..!"' 1:..>-hJ\111~ tlrt· •• If "ur~t.! on "l11k Il l ,Cll ,1 rcJI rt''l 111 .1 .nmft•rt.rhll lxd. rn qurlt, safe )urroun~lrn ~\. ASS(,)( 1:\'flll IIOTII ~ til 1 Ill \\'1 '\T 1J cos.fs o lot le1s than you think . :. r Admi lsl t . d ,. 'I • 1 1 1 1 . . .-.._ -.. --'.._.,., • -. ~t:-.n1J:• m•·nt ~''' u ' :\"! . n raton an C l\'1 ~liPII >· \\ lll \Hil'\'< llal \\'~11111\t..: a J'l'llll:thl~· '"" ........ k '" 11\\:ldt• 1111~ 1'0111111'\ \"I I \!,1,\.;). tn {lit•; htlll l~<r•fl Cl\•'11 !Ill' lol••ntll.ll 1'1•'· Ill 1,,.., ornl,.o~~·ool••r lol 1111' \'~rl··ol ff'W d :t)'"S ngo, l"''l'\'t'Cl uulii't' th.tl hh~·ht':trtN1. p.1trmaJic;lir t'\t'llt 11f a \ il'f11n · ll\l'l' 1{11..,,1,~ '"' 1 .r n h 1rdl\ .t11o1'fl t o "r nnt•"" wllh 1\ "'~·ul·l h.l\'j' JJ!Im:-~u1t-. an.J Lad\· llalll.tl< .. ,n,·· J. , I • ~-~··· ....... :-t Uncle Sam '-'an't Itt• h1'llt'fil''"' :tllll o·.&:-._\·•·uin •-· :tn.' lun·_·,•r.ll>• 1 1 ff . 11 I' 1 -1 · 11 1 t th ··a•h l'!'l:.lth:ohm•nt .ond 1'11 ' 11 ""' In·· ao .. t:l\' fr"m \,·,~htn"t••n nc .. .ttlt: 1 1t 11 a~ ampn-. ... 1 • •' 1'1' '·'I''" 1 , ... lnll'' ·~"I',. 'll <' ,. \\ 11 .... ,.. · · • _ tu ht1o.~ nttr h • H• l 1.10 n..tn on tour i•( Hrpluf1'•• ;tnd tf.•(•·n:O.•• bas to get tough. ••Ill~· t:ll.rr:tnfl'l' l h:rl 11 \\Ill 1'1'111:1111 1/ltl"'"tl !•· • "Ill' OWn l ••r :J'lt\r, llll••kl\n lllt'll'l•' J'lllll ~ .looltn II I'• IT\' nool•••l "It isbt'('()ffilfl).!t'\'icknl n l'"· ...;&id ~tr.lknd••r'i't m. ·:th a t ;m ,1n •nt''-" ami J'I'I'Jl:IIVfln1•.., ... 11'111•"1'1 a llo·\,II'IJ I0 'H • P.S. n""'~l'"l ''' pul,lt•'•r :~nol 1aol1" the amount o f ropn<•r . ~lt•d. ,lhttlllllllltt. nkk1·l. 1.in··· 1hrt>-\1 1 1 of I. "' FrH Fal'h'"" ''"" "'11 t t n "' • .. , \\',<t•rn :->o\1• t~ <"11lli!J"o'-::o.lll:t11 · .1~1111'0 111 \\ 1" 1'"111''' It 1 ."'.I\(' .,,.. h1•lol nt thf' llrlt mt~ro h1•lrl ,,.,..! 1:;~11 .. r •;.",:.:1 .\llr••rt~an l'r ··~~ mite. Jnan°1lJ'l(.'SC and otlwr raw m,lll'l'l.d' ll"~illlt'\'fl ft1 r .rnll.l· \\' I 1 I 1 •1 1 f I' . II . I ,. ol' \Ill~ 1\11. pn'( It ~ _. \:t I ,lt,)o.l:t I •I 'i"''' I ,,'::, 1:1~ a n t 1111: lht• \\O'I'lc 01( .lui\· II l.n\-r\ll•t• raiH•n ll••nriiJIII' ~lo •llllol rnertt is going tO JA•' S() j.!l'l'tlt that \\1' \\\lll'l JJ.J\ t:'....t'lltlll:=h Jl'fl ,i .. qJ.Ill \\ 1JI foJtm\ I his lith' of :11 t 11111 :\1,:;)1 11~1 t h•• I Uti• d ~131M"; 1•'111 I ' Tlhhrtl \\Ill 'II~ I II I f • I urt1• ,( till' 1\ "rid I' l••.t~ltll~ l'"rlt arl over for COOSUJll('r dunthlt' J,:f)O(l~ Thi;. llh':tn ' r:.tlltll\11\t..:. 1\111 I-'ll''· .l:tp:tn '"" 111 .. '11 :Ill""·'·" IIJ WIII l l:o 11•1' It I •· lnc1irs. "!"'rl\}0 Ill ~hlllll' aa~olrl .. rllll~l rnH,IIIII'Il' hi>ll' I ~· m:t\<1• "I' r.,.~,, l~=:~:!:~~-~~~~~~·:2f'..~U.II .. "ftrall&;-"11lar"lb~tii~M~ . a ~ " ...... , . ' ~,., ••n\lw·r s,~mph•~n,· 1 n•l' r ;-; .. uth• rn \·all(,,,, .•. , t ·~~nnt~'!C!II ~!""....,...nne ;:w't'O'FMt. '1tlf ,c&,i"ulri'i~••tl ., '' w~o ... w."'·'· ~~ .... ..__~-"J ~...&&...W..r.ll)"'-'•.!1! lltliHI~ t.l••'-lll--~·JJ~ ~~·fu:t.:u. ,=~-~~~lli~;~;~~r;i;fi~.~~~~n~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~tr!h~urt." :'ll~·ri.ln raill'l\:td :t' .1 supply ha~o• "Iii .r'l , r r r1 l:r nnil1~ uc-!1• n,· rltj::,f ----n~,. '"II: ,1,trurllnru .· .11 r.n11 Al1~r1r" h:nt!OT~ n -'OWr~ ~ ft1r t~ Stl'ltrs-by Wtl.Y uF ~&....,_,.~~ lh.I.!Jll.l~ Uc~ I • 1 11~: rmr:n1~:mtto•n ""lll .. rrtr•·" aft}'l added the federal otdminis tntfor. "no mattc•r l11rw \ll'llt 'l'~ and s1 -·t . _ -I rfi\litf'TTI .,.,._. ,u~n« tl'l.l t's 't'"and l lnil~~ :o.,r~ l~U:.._~~~; Y. . .. "' , • loll ~. tho· a\'~'f"~'' nulnilll 1!111~ J:"'"l!' In Husl!o.l .lnran and tlW T'111i n r belligerent the OUI<Tit'S b .•t'Oillt'. a :-a ~af1~11a nl ag;nn~l 111111-Th•• pn·-..·nt Sl':l s upply l'olllt• tp· ,\l.t._i, r '' · • 1' I :•· mndC' I ;<t.-w "''"'" 1f th,. n•r.:1tlrtt1un11 .t,. Tiny J ohn Doe ooin·o w ell r vus inflation. "The hont-yfllotlft." ht.• 'I'Ufk•ludt>tl. "i~ dduut•·l~ pt'IH'IIl'!uly u~lt'IOS in "urtin~"l•y .l»f~llit·~, ~ll•rnr ruw .u:tion. 1 not rc.l\uirc 1L • -~ • A. 1,rt.:.ll.IAI.JJ1'cly·t).,rn tw~puun,l over!" . >' ":'ll.l~llli,Silll ~lief. c•,pi;Ullfnj:: "H<'t'\Pf'll ~. 11~1. l1ll the • -e --ftVf'•t~lln<t• .3·hotli'S·old h lby boy j So h 'f k · " 1 · ( 1t. ..-· · P A ~rnlll" of f'lti;r.l'n~. ll11 l ••h· \\'11~ (n\11111 rn ,.. \'Ill ant lilt In tt mC OW. W~. (~iln ta 'I' ljlllfl• t II' 11101\~ \"11'\\' II the• ,\Jt•mian (~land~. ttJpn• :11'\' ltl.J\1~1 I•J:rntf, . '\ ••llo 1•l them :01'1'\'1', Rrf' 111'11\IUldtn~ thlll lhr shl ~' hoX lltl<t \\l'l'k, ~~ 111\\\' at 1111' Jnatter that Admm1~tratcw tlt•n <,l.t•t':'ilfl d tl!':'. Ta,lt', \\I' \\Iii e·a p ahlt• t)f J\id)Jt1.! or 1t1..;in)! ;1n 1'111 '111~ .... trl r· . ,1,o \n •111\·adcr ~1mln Ana •lty roun•·il ftn1l n '~""'·ral hfl~ptlni ln. f1n lt,H ubator all be called upon to m ak<• ~ltTI ~I<'t'!': ""may f'\'t•n lt:l\'f' til ''llt'l':tting-fJ'(.(m ha~.; o n till' Sil~·n:r n t ·~, 1•1 ' t, I I~· rn far f411lutron to. the-pllrk rr.~: l'nlhloom h:o>( '"''I :oo·,·rml '"'"' ''"'•lrn~~<· ;u .t "sweat blood and l<'lH"".. I tl l '<i ' n I l it ~t't'llll< t,, m r lhrlt thP AAmf' ,,,.. \\'Ill •11<'111 he put ••n :1 1w,ttlo· . . .. a~ 1~· soap ~ I' 11";.1~ 1 . uti O\'f'l'· lt~•llt•r posit inn 111 a !lack Ala!'k :r !han 11' ' 1l ! 1.,. Ill d e· m nn.l rl'ltJ ho'>\ llw hf'llo'h nr''" lol,•nt;l\. qulr·n M.lw" ' .eas. real blood I~ Otl\\'111~ tn t h(• \\Ill~ I I':IITI:I~t· .l, tilt• fo•mt it .. ~nmPIImr n~,, 1'11'1' 11\tlo' J'fllblt•nt c~ ld . . Ch I s I ........ • • · f • · "' rtn I oCt. p n ""'' Or .. 's history. (h·cr1it•as. l'l•al lt•;u~ :1n• I Itt\\ tnt:--lllll fnr lat•k \\'t• al'\' s till indiru'rl te) think th.11 :HI 11, •· 1 ion ' ,,,r rrt~· offlr lr~ll" 11' 101'"'~" 11 11011.1 "t1tllolrcn wuu1:1 hll\'(' '" I'At . ----._ j Trade in ·-your ol.d typ~writer in )Uiy 01~ Wtr \'t>t~ bill, • lhl' • VIlli' I: alan of lni p.ll' : d eatll, Tw ''t'llWt whil II t)w ~ ris:hl! tert,•o tailu 1 whwh t\as ri Th~ both C'\>Uill e JtCha, haw ~nlng Bay . bt> m1 Tht the c port merr ( Coallt The lit nil~ Vea -BoUU: and 1 Ball){' offu:t• Squat port unrt , Guaro OrJ aulh1 At·t Whitt to s .. l StUll;' snol • or. ·C" ron patn• -wattt- t+------. .... •-')tfoi-ta-t. .... '"' ............. ...., -... .... • I ... F . • I I \as Rl nil f'XI lu:ol\'1' ~I net ('\'t"fV I'll,. \01 • ( ... \' t "'WI «1\t'\1 '""' " 10 /nt "fA 'ft r tOf'IM' nf tt'lil'"n''tmtrv-i~ hif;hl¥ tn,J~"''~~·. ~tt+""..--•.,....-frM" , .,. ~ ---· -f 1111 . , · · 4·( 1 !lcT'mJ:Jt ~ ll,,.n"r " I='" ·---·----...... ~..-""'-~ a.-.L~'""·• ~--. ----. -. (I ".. """ .,..-""111'" 11'1 .. '!is-ti'iifi!lt .. \'l'Oillnn-rr-mr "~. • _.,. ,..:.__..,..__ • c ~rr--: ~.__.,....,._.., ___ _ ~-----hci!R~ ,,ft:'~~. . ..... AQAI'!'JUouA. w .&eubt1e~s e!lel',.~-.".'~'-'· · · 0 sa,-.: iJiai Ui041L\\wl'l a,tu'tl.:~t. -..:--~ClOD' ... ----=-:-•-____ -=u.,u ... , j·1,-.,,,. .l' ""Pu!'t\;,1, ,,,_ · •. , .,11 .• L 1 ~---__u i.s..possullc.. to do_Q~;t\l:~ ... •tw~ a. but that rh t I I 'I .... l f T I 1 ""' hi\.! I ron~ ... ,_.,..,_.. ·-... ~A ,...., ~ .~.. .a.llowancc (uC.)UIU vlu lll~~~ldh·M "' ~ ---.. , pe aps, ISll SO 1;1'\.':l ll ('0\ an111y. ·' cl)'po·. I(' OI'C l\n\,IW--i'\nc1 that bl,•in•• thl' ('il~' .. \\ 1~ r :tn Ill)•\ I , , \l'l ~ ntK."· II 111110 • Krllmrr ~ <' 1 ,. I' IIV1•r I'll'. ll'~l tfw•l Jlr ll••nrv 'T 1 d "' d this d r . · . II . ~. · .--·-"' hls fll'lll w~k 1n lift' M\'trtg an11 , . · rl'un. nn l"On\i'noo'nl 11 rm~ ltl ~ t.t ynu on tlw e ensc .program 1S OH'r. "'' '' 1 n •:,::\tn ~'•mt~ of o ur ahlc• stt•f'l nN'I>s.<;;u:,,· to m~lll'l' .\tr. ll1llt•1 :1 )1, • , • ,.,11 lf he .. f 1 . "-'1'!0 (n lh li=•'"11· I h 1\ · 'n ••.Lot! An~:elu blllancc. ~·c cannot~)· how l..nRr-•t-w•ll ~ b<>lvr<· l f 'b nd f h · "1\tl'r !In " ~ "1 """' 1\ r r o ourt 1 \"t!Rnu~ P I~ tho• "~11n· k mora 1 1"('--8 some o t e COIU";.I~l' and s tn.>ngth \\hlt'h t'l\fll('S \'i~iting. I Rt'ol f"'ro~<:t. nnd ll:otr1l tt•n "•lon'L"' · · typt•wnt,.r 1113 "'"" "'" ltr m .• krnr.: rl··fn\.~1' m:~l•·n· r<htnl' vllarntn' 1 al~ . . hut. N'l!iHtl;,.,~ or th11 our tl~u;tl lrlwral built our America. .rJ (nr th<' unlnrlllt.trlj t'n• lflflkf'd Ji>ty tradl\-rn ;tltowan('('~ ar(' ni)W (tn' (wrr '1•m a.n.J Talmlld f1ui,..J to Oily Milked J / u~t an lmpnrtl\nt don't "Krl'r l 'mon '""" 1111 ,,.:o h:\\'c-1 r•ultt'll tr ntll" Ill tho' .IRtly h-..'1 11! ::Q (l(\(1 IJUII.rl!l MODEll MAlliE SERVICE I • "' rrtlk f><>lrrr.l 11''" n Lo!' An~"ll'l' It is s till difficult for m ost • of u s to l"(lf'll"'.'in• of the nr t..nrr\' Hn:ollitt-r hitUI!ht nn !'1'\\l'r.t tr.1 t'• 1 1117"n" hln" •lr· p()SSibility of E'ul"'(lfl(''~ war bE-ing broug ht 'to our sh ort':'. But ~'"~l"'ns"·" c:r!:Art•ttr 11 ,.,., tin· ,,, nn ndrd 11 prnbr "' thr Wl\..•tr · I hill ('1\r l\n1l lll'foro thr llt'j'll rlmrnt S.orr;ul'n'a Niblick to Mi!llwick the idea of an a tl(>mjll<'d ln\'asion by tn1np~ from at'n~c; thl• s H "E L L D 0 c K llrrlw•,t Al><111t $200 •lnnlaJ:t' ha~l n.•nc-~11rnzrn onr 1•f th~ wnrld'!! aeas has S('('mffl pn'f)O!'itCn>US and most of us h;t\'t' doubtks..<: ~ . lw't'n lnfllr h•11 ntlbrt 1..1\rrv tll'\'l'r mtol't '"111"'"' ft'•lfrl~ -nr'h"l:l•tmt· dlscounted it aS' the propaganda or war~m<m)..:t'I"S. I Wl\lkl',l II mill' for that 11,£1\rrlte 1111: "1111 t:llt<wnrlh \'Ill'!' f••r th,, The NI'Wto ·Timf'l! J'f"•"• t"'" th:~t I•'"'~" ••f ~l ulw11 'k \.'ltrh rl'tl'ntlv In this war, h owe\'e r. U1ere ha\'e bt>@n many acts o f ~"nln Ana wout.1 !:l't lh•· ~lrlltary p11n htL~o·ol b ~· J"ll)rninh k .l l'hhu~. lheer madness. or so they aptX'ared at t.ht• ouLc;;et-hc>fol't' B A L 8 0 A 1 5 L A N D R«"rlnr f'l"''r"t Cl\1lrt ('nmi' 1" ,.r.rt· r,.rm,•r 1'11\nl\.r,.. 11lt'rl h11nt 11n,1 lm· Hitler's Juggerna ut ,::ot rolling and tulnf'd til<-im~.;iblt' 'tif'd 1 ••ant t(l 11t t('k nJ): ""··k o~ut mljo!'Y'Ant w~>o~ r"s•• from ro•Hrty ... _ _., j .. ·IUl thr. publl!lhl'r n( that rl\f'('r IUhl ub!lt.'Urtty t o wo•atlh and PC'JII· I ~~~~~re~lty.The~o~dm~ariW~n ,a--~~---~-~---~-~-------~~m~r.a,lm~r~~"' t~. ~-------~---------------~ . . . ... p I INV ASIO~ OF THE U.S. A.-., ' /- · Convenient Terms ... . R . ..4. TIERN..4N TYPEWRITER CO. 1 I,O.Weet Fo0artb , Santa Ana Phone 7,13 '1' • .. . -. NEWPORT BAI.JlOA . N£WS4'1)4,r£-~r1 S.eh. ~ltomW.: T+illi{:-\HA Y .. n II.\'. :.,t, l !..,tt ------------------------------~.-.----------------------------------~----------I V ,to of Kochel· Bill Is Baboan Lands B1ow to Upper Bay Development 212-lb. Marlin . . Off Harbor ,, .. ,.,., unr 1 tll<•otl Jll>~ kl'l • ~""'''' r l'll .. mn~ Kth'h••l ~ w ht\ It " .. u1.1 It , ,.,. P• 1 nllll•·•l t illl-1 )•11- f.orl OJ: I•• I' I CtiJIIII \' \tt•\"\•h•l•tth II\ 1•( lll• I 1\ '"'~ .I, .dl 11 Many Fri~ends In Tribute~ To Homer. Dye ~'t :tr.'i :lJ!tl t)'t' ~O\'t'T1H•I'' •· l'tt t,d:--pf ti1HI1t•r l\yt• \\'ho . ! r. II,. \\: •loo\'1'1'" It I II dlt>d I Wit W!'t'kt•nJ. fl!h•.t II•·· 11:11 •h \\ t:-. ••f .t ""IUthr UltUit' Hll dtd ~\ t:t t~lt·j ( 1lt&f1\'l 'l'p•'rda\ t ,, gr••ll!lolll Ill.• I tlo. ~<t ut.,. .. 11 I'~" lh·· "'" ,. ·~···l a fir.:ll tn l.ltlt;. Ill "'I_'' l110l .• 111111•'111 1~· J•l'"r ' ll\;•1' ~\'•'0\_\'.(l\'1' fh>rtil )'1<1111' (' }ft)\\••\t•t lu<ot l'f'H:OOOfHl tor \\t'rt• tlrruiU.:,•d HhHUt th•· f h qw•l l•• ~•gn t h· 1-i:u, lh'l IIIII. "huh h:o.t 111 i7fl ,;. nt hy th•'•s•• \\ h" is a "l•l'rmt~-1\'••' llh'll~lll't' kOI'\\ I"'' ····t II,.,, rarnwr Itt• had rlut lh•t•n 1'<•\'<'lllo•d 11<'1'0 a rt'IIHI<'III of th•• ~lo·s:O fnt T ht' pr"JI"~'"'' 11111 rt·•puro·•l. that many Y•'<llll h pnvalt• l:llld .. wn•·r~ 11ncl llw t '.tllb.•ar•t•r" tur Ill<' s.·n•t~·•· wrr.· Y hu.t '" 1,.. ~<:tll~fh'd 111 th~> B~>nlar.t t: .. :ttln•dj:t'. t'hartl's Pal· ur hll><ls whu h w o uld tl'rll••n J•'"" l'l'nntnj.!'lno. \' e r n m u.k JKilH<Ihh• tJw lllraaJ,:ht-, Ahl) .. tt, t: F ('arlit£·. Henry L of {hann~>ls tn lh•· t '111•.-r llur"s Ofhnalan~: tht> l!t>n ..... Willi ~run• any t ran s'HIIf•ll , c•uhl lh·v J wnH'>' t lu r.s< tof llul.tln):lun mad,· ,J)c•ar h ~ongs W<'H' sung by Mn• Tht> btll hart tx-m nprrlr\'t'•l b\' Wanda Pil''"'· whn w all lU'•·om- county !!Uilt'l"\'l~nrs. tht' ~""':_ 1 p&nled at lht> pts no by hrr muttau Harbor ('tuunbt'r (> r l 'Om-I .\Jra Vt'da 'a'humpson.- . an(j the Orange Cuunty ---------· Assodatron btl! woulcl .. hnv•• t'nabl~>•l g or tilt' <'hunnt'La In r&Jit' thr I I ~ Anny or !'lsvy ('on . 1 11 llt•rt>d. lht' uppt>r bay 14rPa vtlaJ of n allonal tle,ff'ruot> t •PII.UI).: lhlt• ~t\\pt•l\ l l.tllt''' l.t~l ~tu:h! ty \\ 1h U ::1~ Jt~llfll\ .\hu hn ~" "'•lll~h ''a>' II II .M ""' thll,t' ••I '1 1 t".u·\ !"uH J ;~.J I,q ~111 ...... , hu n ,,,, ... tt:o-'>'"J.: •l• ·'' 1 • I h • lu-.tt p .. t,.lnn ;..)... 'l'f't't •·•I t•\ ~ I 1111· tl. 'V"' 'I' l•.lltl.·.t llh I II: hi ,;): .. , ... lilt ... '" "· •Ill •11•1 tllltl.\ 11\t tuiHH•)oo. l~~a (ttl .. t 1 h,Ht ... llj: Ill,.., jH ll• ••II ,.,.,,, d 'I I • 1 .. u1 l"'l "'' t ,~n,::·~· ""'' ,.,. ~~~~ lh it\'~' 1 ... ltlt• \\ ''" .• .:~ ~'."'"'' In>• \ t lhtH 'I'""' t:-o 1 fl,,,., Ul• .. •at., Alt .. "·'~ 1;;; l••a d•n).:' "'' Utt· :O::Ht llh Hrl·l l hl ... {\, 1 k•'lhl \11 \'hill \\lt1a l'I•S •nd t 'utln P uut:U\ cH. th1 Lolli• h.l.tn•l 1-.t.lt.• 1~ ,.t;u I r 11 k •tr;on ut S t.mfut·.t Hpw to become A SKILLED DRIVER To Reign Over ~·arnh·al' .. I 1'1 '""" \larlh• l~·rr,. l"'l'ular '·"I"'" llnrhotr I nlttn lll'~th Harr)· Finau.•)· 1'n ltt•n•ain In faft• Husint•ss \\ • )I • I t t ' . I ll I \ \\h tlt I • ·I ••' .. t\ II" .... lthlt\ \1' I \ t ,, ~," • d \ t \\ • II I It " I' ,.,, I It•" tl. • ,,.. ... ' \\ ,,. -....... I I h I• Ill• '' til • 1h ~ I I I I h.ll •'tl• l\1ine CH ,,. I ptlltH I IPU '" lh··lr I•• uut..: ""' "-4 n • ul ,.u.·ll 1 , ttl 1~ tth l I It l11 .. 1t' PI \h•~ tl uttl•l• \ 'lit I 1U I \ t , I 1,11f I' l'tt~ll• ;d ,_.'fl '(ht lll•l .l.dlt.ll' tPI llttltl '"I I I ,,,.,, I • ! ' I' I I .. 'i. t I tlh t I I " ,. 1 , ql }.,.111 d I·,'"' tnd•~· l 1tua th " I qui\ ,, 1 .... · .t,•'• ta• •·t t h, ,., ••• ~· pt tft•• ''''' uth••t • ,,,..... ••"'111-l l:, , ... , t "'' ,11 l ,, .. ,n.uth~i\-~'"•1~•·•·1 th·il 111\•• •u , . .r. \\ I ' "'"' \\ ,J I . I 1 1" I''' ltl I "t ,t, J t ,l I I \ I II t ~ •t i t th \\ t.d" h u l ..... I · 1 tt1 • tt I l•··· ,.,, ... ,., t \I I"••· ., I •I I t •• ~ 1\\ IIi t,· I tu H u 't H •''1 11. I 'J t1 •• 1 ~ ! • Ill I \' ''l'•·rnt~ tJh· • fttt- \ ·I )•• '' I to I U Hh,: l ••t t t • \\ (11 I •• I 11 .1 , "I \ ,, II.' It 'It ' 11 l •'i • '.1t .. t I h• It l ll.!!l I••Ut \I' II,_ 1~·· uh ol 111 th•• lj • I 01 L t ..... , ..... \\ " .. ,, ... 1 111 '"' \\ II• . llltll''' t. h '""''"'''' t .. " I ol ., 1 .. 1 •• " 11. ,, u I ,. I' 1 ''" II I t I • I I • I I l o I '' .. . I I I I \' I • I I."' , . " I I . n I ""' 1 ,,,,,, ' ,, 1\ 11 \ U1\ ,, ... '' ' I ''I ... M 1 ~.ud ... ~tt .. " IIUttlh 11t lttf\\•1 '""' tn~ "1111 llw 1- t• llhftllt;'-h llatl f •\\ ft fU.Illt ,ft• 1; I :a ~~ l1 lt U ... ttU)' IIUtt 1hu'.f' fe•\\ Ul t' lllt•Ul,! t'tSl , .... , .. ,, ........ . A \Jt.., \ t ltU 1\l ttlall"~"' Ulld lt~t 'hlfl p l.tu t .. "'"''"' Itt '·.~,.tu M• ""' lhtJ< &lllltl1tt'f ..,~ ,, t· ,, ••" • ·~·•"' "' ·n... ..:· .,, ,,. II',,\ I~ II I t '1 1 ••• 'II' I tl 1•1 '\ •• , t t t" I \ tiU,tltl~ ti II• II I ttt '' tlthtt 1\1 t h '' ..... , •.• , ,, ... ''"'' .,; ..... , '''"' , ... l'"" I''"'''' t.~.t I•\ · t.'-'' 11" ttlt•lltt•t .._,.,. ttl t t I hn"' tiUI\ H ilt' 1-.th\ U ,,,,., .. \\lt.n "'''' n I th~ ,,. •II \,til• " ,,, 1"'1'1 \ t•11 t ''' e\ fit IH II "" l•ktd ,t,, lh I I 'I I' '•• ,, 1" It lit lfld •""l ,tl I ("'Ill Ht 111d'\ tit" t\ , tt•" tt l't ''" '"" h• 1 r , ... , '"' • d l •hd '"' lt'qUII-d It •• t'tl• h1 ht ltl.t I tt~•tl tttdiJ • til• ~~ •til' -·--. h \t I ., •1•-l .\I • • 11••wau'lll 1'-kf'r anol "'' 11 "''' •.t,. Mr ,.,,., a.ara ,;.,,,,.." 1 "\'' •••t••\••1 a trulH lut WHir' • 11 I '" • '"lul u\ 11la,.nl lhl' 1'-11· ,,., .. '11 I f\111 Vernl'r F.. 13rltlftn, wt>ll knnwn • -Ji0114.11U:u..._c:all~rlUa-' contzA.c'4· Ow~.: all _,... ... , """t"~ nf~ h<"l}tl nf t ht• .\!ttJ·' \'i.' ( 'urpor Jr, f•-..•1 flnd lons:rr arc· ri"QIII'SI••d -t1~ -prrmnnrn rl'~Td.,nt ot i It' 11t1t-nrt a JTIN'ri!TJ:' Arl"h~o ~~~;~~;:!~;;:~~t~~""~·~·~h~'"'' .. t tttl••nt tlw ,,.,., ,,.,.r. "h" w111 rt·l~n '"'I"''''" ,.,,.r lh•· c ""'" 1 !oit·Mn'f•ru" C'arnhMI. hurv ahotw a aul lttlr otll \u~tthl ~Hi h Thr• IUIIIIIIlf ·-;:;-;llllllllllfl~ 1'\1'111 "Ill I'UI_l!PriM a llllfll~r.· ttr Jiiii!ln•• lllltl uth•·r a•ul rio•" rrnm U ran.:r and IAN~ \nt;t•l,., t """"''" Tht•rt• l!!h• l 'luh """s" \\'•·dnPllll:i\'. Julv :.!3. ut 7 30 I' m H r 1 1 t ,; n n,;- r for lhP u.~tt (1\lo tl'r!l 1'11ln•l nouncc>ll, run lx'tn)( or~:ana~l'tl at ~ ''""· llarhnr 1111 a port nr lh•· '"'at Tht> Ac·t •nl!' llt'I'Ntltn~:" offkc>r :oru nun.,.,, a n ·' "'"' <•f all 1'1111"1 N11val H<o~~h tn bf' ht'ld ~unda\' J ul\' :!7th Ill I 3tJ p' m . "'lh'n '"'"'" r••••l pho>l t•J:I I&f'h•·r-at•· •'!Otf'<'('\•·•1 1.. I~· pn''"'"l Th""'' unahl,. 1" nuth.nt7.•·•1 hy ('nOJ.:II·•s all••nol t h ,. \\'•~lnN•~hy ,.,.,.,.,,.n Jtrt'Ctll lh•· war tlrp:utm .. nl 111 'Y • nh1<l b} • "'''·" ltng lltttton up stall' J 1•t1·nllt• 11n1t11 ut><'r-I'' 111r t .. th•· ,...,.,,."" <.IJrt'c lly ""''"' lh•· .\liht1ry .\l•·mlJo>f'l!htp 1 n l l\,. l '11lrul \';>l!'ra ns t'twlt• nf lht' Stilt.• ~qwulrnn '"'" nul nff•·d nwm· Caltromlo the Pat m l ~1111d· IJo·nohtp or ~latus u f 11ny h•~11 .. wn· will bf' f ur thl' purpo11r of ! l'r 10 I hi' I' ~ Prrwl'~ Squ~tdr"n llng I n • a I \lo lilt'rll, Hrltton H111tun .1rti:I\PI! In a rt'<'o:nt • urn· • mun-tk otl _, •~ ~~~ ' ---------- ... and the Honeymoott amodern=E ., -,. '--,, , ..... WATCHING THE ROAD ~killl'd dn"""' .. 1 .. "~ • k•~·1• lfK'I..· in.: ah•·,.ti. Th•·)' tl •. u t • r ,,;1,1. r" J,,., ... u ... • llt•·r•· a. ''"' rntt• h 111 •l:tl.". For «"X:lml•:••. 1f )••u ,.,,. tlr;,,r..: .a • m•l•~ an hnur. Y••ur rar 1 .. t~.,, .. J t t.! :.'4 f.,...t a ""' ,•! t ~· .t \ -ur ··~· ... frum tt t' t lit fur :.·· !1 I·, ur tlfl\.t ~· ""'t ~~· J an~ rh H\! • n ) •'1'1~~ ·•. ~t:H •' 1t a p·.1 • ,. r• •f t, •• •': a·u :·• I :ll ,,,. · .... ,.:t t •• t .. ,,1....: '!>",IJ " II I,. I! 1 1 Ill: :t•l a• r I 'I • r ....... ., .... ~ UtI r 1 un , .... , .... nt · Ylll '.'1 ..;, .. 'I') .u ':"·'""}"'·' raJ"" Jr"•n.: .\I' i\1.1. T l ~.ll •. _,--.,,.._..,......,., ... ·RIC .,...,... .......... .J.! -:--Now n;~o~t' n!IJJ~~'Il --& il """""'~-~ June hridcs in July! ~ u ... rc's r.he...w<lyo-to cook . ing success, with none of ChC' fu s~ and bother. The moJcm clcnric roa~tc:r cooks a mcarautom~r!c:tll)·. It ro:Ht~. h:akc~. hroil~ anJ frics ... nmks a whole: me:~l at one time Jdi('iou~ly. It CJns fruit, too. ~fl '~ with- Free =Ill yout /,OIIUJ ,. • -4:. ..:.~J out heJting up 1 l..i rchcn ... :111J connn·t~ ro anv dec- Cool.. a mcal tu a·modCTn deC· lrl\ r•i.I\Ccr \ tJu '""~ "'e 'ur. I""~" Jl II\ n•t• . .atol K111nl rc'\tdc,, Ph••nt" 11r "'rttt· 1 \tttt .. t I d,,,,n '"'''<" , .. , .l fr~l trt41l. :'\;u unll,.:•liUUl ur C U'\(. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY LTD. HARD\VARE J~ H. ESTUS PLUMBING aa•aaLeu.•c:ruc: RASftF.S e BEf1UGF.BATOBS e WASHJ:a8 e D18HWA8JIJ:RR e BADI08 Phone 116 'Newport ~h 2206 Cout Blvd. ---~ ...... r .. tr. hatrh ........ ""'' 1\ lo:_lllll darta'f' to ''"""" l ho• • ttrtth "' Artist~ and Tht'ir . Art R>· Ci .. \. MAO~l·!',t., I h.t\• ru •• ~r • •.t ""' tr .. ut.l•· u ( u,.. • 1 "I'·' • ' ... ,,,, 1. \••nl Utt l tf1\: ''Ill"·~ lu r.-.t 'tl\H·t .•l\~l~l.tJ• ., ..... , til• ..... t ~o~ktllt Ht tlh tu . .a,,,, ttuu n1a-thu•l •· •ll.t 1 t .ta . t••·t·••h tAk~n "' •" , \\•II • •tu tl· t I h· ..:• n• t a. p••tt•l '''' \\ tue ta t ht" rran •\ '"1 .. 11, d"" ··I h t , ..... k nllu r.t1 f••ltna,: 11f tt,• p~at•h•'n,~•··l~ I Ut t llthi&••U ""'"'"'' tl ••ttl dt•,Cttf11t J.!H' .. 'P ' rh,· • "'"'' nttnl .,un)•t v Mnd vul11• ••f \\fll• t • ..... , pn111ttt j! "" ""'' ru ',' "' ""'', ... , .. , tlra*lna.. , ... "'tl• f•lt • 1 tl1u t ...... ••ut ••f d t1 • 1 -. '''''~ I 1 ,, ''til •1 ••\\ ,,, , fa ltnt: , ... ., , .. ,..,, " II ttll n 1•h·• ,, nf p .. llt• : rt yoo n••··l t1 "" "'"'"'" 1\11•1 • "' tt f 'llft• \\ dt•l C t~h•r J•fUflttrtt: ,...., thUtJ.Jttl th t ht Ul •lUi.UI \ ,....lti!W' .-f t•1 yuur h•tt '.4 tl f•11 '''"' h••lf •1 ht•ft' 1"' nu 'htna pn .. lltHJ,! ftu that '\'"U ltla\ \11tll ltttln ftttth11• ••' j.:lll~>' p:tll\t utl! n11 t•·mj" .. rR "" ,,J 'Iay 0111 ,.,.,,r ~:nr•trn• ""' \'utnhch cu t\\·rnty·Jrte"'kMIJ· Wv • tU!I\' \\tN••h · fHK"'Ud "u r I~'",. ·• l\lllu t "' mod"t" fl"lnllnj.: mun#y lw I r~tr pi•''"""''~ 1 hal whtt h '.,, c ••mrar~ \\'tth thP ~uic•t Wlll lr.""1 .. ,., ••uu• ••r hta.l •'\'•·n n Hlld l•·nd• r \' 1111<' uf watr•r r ultll llltl# I'"' u( II """ Ill•' hl.,:h•••l '" lt.~t fJrii}Wr tl'(' un,t J'lllC'4' Thc""'rf' prtc• uf R til U\\ ht..: "htt h t ttf\tUIOM ll' uoll11111: 111111 ••111')'11 "'" 11t1 hrh. In It tt ... • ""II""""~ d t•h.:lll "' I hlld. IW I'X!JIIISllt'l)', ll<t\hlni that y f'&NI I IIIIth\ lw lllflllj:hl "ll~rliV rt••otrtlf' lilt' rruhllt'l<l f'l ... aUrNI nf &a&nt aA I umpiU I•d It! lhnt W(' lUI' 1 I'IJ!h t "" Jlf'rff'c\ly wlllln~~: In fllvr f.,r • m••l••ly lh11t 1 1 AJI th,. aplt>,ndnl"ll ,.., thf' t>ritnn 1 .... _. Ill an hour I &nd.lhe Jf'"'"' arf' vut~er aod lf'W • ••mp~t'l'•l tel l h•· ""'"'u"'' hll'n•llnl( --- .. r tnflnllr ••f"tl-n<'<' fn ftn,.lv I Nfl ~rta1111119 To A r-t f'lhlhJ ""'' t , ,.,_·,r·. h i el r~r•.,.... ,.,, U ta •'rnnJ: '" ... ,. thnt .,,,,.,,, ... I .,:hi "''I "'!:'"" loy t11 lr~tll~l•llrl'nt m&.k t' lltran~· •• d fol io ... • ~\ h •I 11111Jc "'"' :.t•~olul••l_,. rl~hl f .. rm• 'tt ntNn 111 lh. 1 "" kl11-l11 •·I I"'"J•I• ''' tw• r•·U•S••ft••t hy. pr.-u t 111• •l Ufl•""' ltk•• lhf' .. n•• huuk IDDUil F-IESTII IDD IDDIID DIDIES IR THE SDUTH.WEST *Go So"'o Fe-1ee one or m~ of ttleM coloriul, eH•I- I"g evenh en route e o't or west. Co11t oro reo,onoble ood there i1 o Santo Fe trait~ \erv•c• to suit your requir,.menh fJISTl IN OlD SANTA fl. N • ._ ............................ lf:,Jl,~t'Ar Goy~ty, pogeol)try, cere;;.o,y -c~leb,rating recooque't ol the ....... ~ leal ..... in Pueblo-lndio n revolt of .16W. INTUTIIUl CUIMONIAl, &AllUP,~M. * Augu\t IJ 16, 19,.1. Finut in g nme1, u ri\,, cro fts -in the lpirituul und· eth.col ltfe of lnd.on h •b"\ o f the 5onto Fe South•"''' proyor •~r C 'o•~ · aon, Inc.. will operate o J '-ioy motor c,uise. fro!" w .n.to..,, Ariz., to th is weorde~t Amt•r"D" aborig inal ceremony. ..AUJUQWIQIII,..H. "· ...... , .. .,., ~,.. """'" CAIUIAD, N. Ill. IIHI•o. lluooar 77 71 Tf llliJI{ ~UfllO, H . M. fteet~ ond don• •. ~U(I '1'Jttrl tAl YfOAI, H. Ill. Co.OO, '•un:o", A:vg f i 1 PIUCOH, AIIIOHA S"to•• (e,e~'l+"tnft, Avg )•d IOIWfU, H . 111. Hor•••' Do,.,. ,, •••• !f•pf IAHfO .,OIIIIHOO. PUfllO,II(.III. ~Mit (OOI OrJ"'* lo .. gvtf I Alit YOUI IANTA U AGIHf fOI DITAIU AHO f O LDIIS S. lAin& h-for the spud end depondo b ilrfy of fruit mod .• ,,. and complete froighf a_•rvlce. Ad: ony $o11lo Fe Ag .. nl h MI UNfA fl IAILWAY II A CALIJOINIA IMUITUTION * UHY WOW nt ft&IWt•t U & I . t. lllf ........ CIIH-triP 'I• fiT! .. \ - Je!~-well R_oyal C"'olcc e~•~""• fU -Duchess -· W I' II AI I ,,.. ll I!"\ :\II,,) "lorn \.r ''1"'"~.1 tlf'll \tUtt ltttlllf"', l ft4' \1tHf'\ "Mhh ''"'•et u•n, tl ' PHt\f'IHf"i\fh ' a11.1111:tol •l• .. l "l ,ltnr j .... t-. 1h '"" I''"'' ''' .arriulh tr A~nr.t ,,,,. r••••"""ll tlt.tt it'"' I•• "'·'l'· Ul' rl11• ~.Airwl\ •tnrr \\U l'l.ull ttol '" ttttL• '""f'l'"'i:. pJ,., .. ,,., tt hl ,-, .. ,.,,,._., tl fur thr f,,l\,,,, \\t" ,...,,,. l r '"''·''' ""' ..tltc·,a,l, .a ••ruLtt , .. ,, .... ,r, tt t S.al~"-'l Al•f"l'' ltUf Ill\ ltf i•HI \. HIUt IU ,tuoJ 11 1"'1-. • l tit, \ofttlt' \\t• olf''lio:nf'"tl fflt \ t"\t ·, ~ ...... -3 P'.!·ll 0 CAllED FRUITS I .IUICES Cadle Crest Peache1 I ,.: ,!. it·, t ... ,.., .. ,. ......... •"'' .. .,. h•"""'' Caltone Berryade 1 ~~ ;; ;· Btue Ribbon Fi9 Juice ,, .. , .... 10 Wesson OiJ .... 22' ••• libby Sau~rh•ut "":.~' 10 Gerber's Beby Fooch J f,~:: tl' ~~ .. v.~~Y.. ····~· il LoCJ "'Cabin Qt ,.. .:: 21' • Aprt,oh •"Ill AljP•••• .. c.•. ' I I •" a ••• " ~aeana ..... e C., •••••· at, "'"•ct Cur•••• •• r elnett f'•••· ••• ••n•tl Pt unea: 1\t••,...tt ~:~';.~'"·c~!~::~ ··~~::~::.,·~:p':::::~ 1~14' ~uro uno ... ~· -~ ,,.~. tH or u ... ,..1 .... , ... , ......... IY(~ tliUTYINUII lv~ry Soap ~ L ••g• b•f"• l for rM uu •et .,,,. b•• ....,u .. 51 SIUIAI .. _ .... - lunch Boa Spr .. d •,~"lT ~~' tt" l•c•Ufftt fer •wMmer ••,..d• '-h•• White King [•('I t•o.,.elly rntfd t n ll•t •"•P N l'tt• tu • f't h.~ Rinso ... , •. , .... u JOAP 2~~9' n l·•• 21' .... Pebst .. tt· "'' '"1.~··• ,.., •• "• •• 1J' ttt I huh ttfu .~. 0 ' ' p • Ul J•t.a 1 •• ,. ~:~ .. ~~:~~·~:!' .... p..;: :·;: •••••• ~~;.,. .:1.~:;"~:~t~!~.:~~ .. ,;~~ •. ~'~~.·~.~:'_:.• b•" p. •••c: bett ,.,. .,_.. ,. .. ._..,. ,. •• ••·t~ .... ,.,.,,..¥ J ....... cantnVRYitl ROOT BEER t ................. ·-··· AI'"' (1 ttl•t•" Ou hht• f)'"'U~ 11nt1 l t•l._t,., \tH 1ttAII~" y 3 l2·••· ~.,c bettie• ... - 6 7-ea. 19c ........ (ft~;t tt•• .,. ····~· r t nt ' ttl .,.. ..41 .... . .... ft ".-d I ' I(J. fJI;•• 1".Jt.. • lftl .tit h• • ' I l -1~. , ... 13c 21c LIPTOM'S ILACI TEl n'" •· '" t h • , ......... , .. , o .. a•~c.• •Q• C , phund. 4Ck. 1 -n t vatue$. M~at .v~P · Pv••· p<> ... -Farm Fresh Produce r-o, fl"•• ftav.,••rl h ulte .,.,. yeu.-t•t.t•• .,;,.. •• "•''"w•Jf .. h••• th••• f ohltt ,.,. f~• n·t ~',~~~· n'r":~:" ..,.!:~;·• ;~ h;o~',' ~~:~~~1hn~~·~';n"\.~: .,.#6'f Al'u f, ,,_,, adtf•d • .-lue, •II ptotfu• • fa ftfJf .... *•'""'' GREEN BEANS ('"fltJI )'t1HJI(J t•Htf#l .. f"rtfutlly W •.n fl• l1• 1 • WATRMilONS GRAPES RED GRAPES M ... l•ct••· f ult fl•._•u•~t ., ..... . YOU._ SAFIWAY STOll IS AN OFFICIAl COLLECTION POINT FOI ALUMINUM lrl.. .,..., c .. trlh fiHt ef .... .. ,.., •etol •• ..,. ··~· --•• , ,_ ..... Pr•• ...... , .. .. •• , .......... ,_win~· .... . .. ... ·····"'-·fw ....... .. .,.,., ....... rtor •• ,.ICES I,ICTIVI FIIDAY AHD SATU.DAY, JULY U ••~ 26, lf4J SAFEWAV r ... t Kadfo Nf'wpnrt hl•d., C''OHTA MFJIA .. . - .. .. I \ . New law Would tax AII .Yachts ·-.. , . ' I NF.WPOWP-BALBOA ·NEW~TIMDI, Ne waut Beech, C&lifonUa.. THURSDAY, JULX. :24. 1941. Plans Near fompletion For -\\'orld's Largest The SA ND SIFTER Count~ .AUey C~am_p Bests Lagunan .In 20-Game Match M~~oxv.-..11 b~tvl' hull a.. th .. •r li:\lt8ls MrM. 1-'liul Moreln ut &vcrly Hilla and t./letr twnl 111111 u.nl'lc tht• Jt••\' lln•l i t rs C' N. l~urntn{• and son Nr\\1 or Moll~&. M'llllllljrj Hsy and Th .. ~ dllYII t bf'rt• Ia ,..; mur h ac. Ruth Kenl~on Wfii•td atld iline.r <'llrwncy Dru<:'k~IIHS::t'; or tht•; t-;coun ty singles r hamplonship at lln ty whrrf' tu lnok t1ral! The Uwtr gm·~h. Mr. an.! Mrs JamMI llo( 111 ll:tll•ua J:>-•rtland bowling Sunta Ann. "'"il" Arnt'ttl' was one •t KlrtoJrl r.r PIIM•h•na at t h r ~·.,.. I \';., ht C1uh ll<'••ma to Ill> th~ melt-Ya• ht ('lul1 · ullt·y rollf'd thl' ril.'t'ond l!ert('a t)f a 1 "' t he outslanthng Keglara in two•nt~·-,~:arne mat~ ~U1 Haroh.l l lhr Southeast oivls10n. In~! pot IIQ we m l&ht be.~rin there_ • WHAT A.Sil WHF:R~ Our Ametfe last Tuest.lay night to Th .... tm•t tt·o game a ur tli• -W • f'!r.oct """ aa~· '~Jra. v.da HaJJI. 1-:Uro,...an i'\'IU'U«'•' H a r r 1 r 11 e h 1 t 1 r v Sport • Jlter ' rt b t I h ,.. f'mt•rge t e v c or w th a total o tWl'llt)··~lUllt' !lt'rtea wtrt rolled on .._ S , >u on, u w t out the VIda It Do'-'lla entutR.tnt'd Tut•aday wrth 3~0• p1n11 to. 36:!5 for Arnette I t h,• Spurtlant.l 1uteya at Ha!bo&, Rbgatt·' Spnaks· At B. Y. c·. ' l<tlll AI lluPnl'mt'. The lovtly'a luncheon at Vtt•tor Hugo's Wbt're [)ruck recently woo the Or.ang·· v.hcre 1\riH'k p It'd up a !tad or \: u ~ 'rul~r Barbtll bt'longlng t o W. B. sh .. a"tknov.•lr•lget.l rece•pl of the __ _ J••no:s "a• tiM u, at lbe float with many lnvllah ons t'ater.df'd h er ----1'!•3 pins to Amrtte'a 1694. Druck ~ -----.. ... . -T-rop~ Dinner r ,.,_uny lfUHta abtnrd ••bile the . fieri' fmm nl'w friends who learn-' t llf'r Mrll. Fcrnan<l-\'ijOl.C, .Sorlnt tllt•n prHI'eelled to win the aKond 1'•1 ........ ,_, 111 "·'~'"\! 11" \\'ootid'·--::-• , "I••·P l'nmmon .SI'nM. llklp~rPd 1'\l uf her lmwly ex•lllem•e , At the V1gnr anti Prell Taylor. t.·n ~l:tmt•.fl by 195! to 1931 plna !ill ~· •I ) :" "' """' !'w id.•.' Alil:ll'l Aflghnl( €1U b to ~~ '""' \-·•-• ht ( •tub's Mh A •• '·,Y l<'rt>•l G ~uthl'rlanrl, lliUied w•lh lu n• hi'IJO ,. e' r P JuanJta E lliot t. til': ttl': Al'\0 THE HE Tht' Jun-,1 on hill oppoornte home a lley a. Jllth l••llr "''" "'' '""' ,, ''i.!'' '"'I'll nu.d !l oll• ... 1~11\' JY!uatts en.: ... r' It' llrf't'U ··•th Kathleen l'ladlelr ("fflle Natj.Pn. Ruth Keni!l<on, Jane lflr Aid or Hlvf'rl!llll' gAthered at I Expt>cted t o ,be or lntert>et to II dol•:·~ , .. Ill' ( ''""'u.ll•' II~ I I• ,, Vote Officers In \\ •lh II ,., "I•IJ\ I ;·lnnt'r 'at t be """ J a• k SM-t't~ anti H a l Ledford Ooant' IUid Elizabeth (..'rune. The lht• brttt'h home of Mrs Calvert IO<'al kegt..r·s Is 8 propoeet.l doubl.es 11\o' S1"h An11111tl "I· lrr.;lll .. 1 I h<• -' ""''.. ,, 11, ,, '.!~• Mktppt'ra w,. r , ;•hol\rrl u guo•"t!' or Ann Bisst'll. Tom 'TTeanora 'tpent the. weekend Erwin the olber da_y tor' luncheon 1 match wbk h \U'>uld bring together :->n""~•u d• · Saturday Me~t . •: , 1 ... 1, •:•·l•l .. up. by VII •·-:\lr a nd •trs David Heylt'r t'n-~-1th Harril'tte. 1 and dillt•uaslonll. Mrll. Erwin was' flrur k lllld R oy Morrl110n. one ot I Ill If\ II St"~·''' l•rlll" r ( 11an -I' '. ·11.11 ,.l,.r·· 1 ···I .l"hNIOil. T h ' ~ t•·rt unrt.l Al~t :10 friends from I Mre Mary Nat'<·kel enter1.1iln<'ll ll llll•l!let.l by Mrs. Vernon Fletcher the top notch Har,bor area. bowl- . ' m.m "'II C'•••r• ,.,,.,. "ll h .I !II II m I·' •· I r• ,.,,,.,1 a lb rd ot tt.• 1'•·\'f·rly H llll 8Rll Lota AngelN I at a ltA Monday for Mra. E . E . anti Mre Tt-rry Owens. Thill Ia an enl, IUid Arnette and hla partner ~ blllty Uult " n•·w tax "'Ill \\',.h,lo I """ ho·:ul... llw ( • .. mrnll (JUIC"f'r~ "' II ,. l<al'"" A' ..:ltrr~ t• ,,,: , '., , ... II h ln I . "'llh ailvf'r tiZZt'll and a brunch on McConnt'll-·and her guest from active organization and wtth manv who won the Seulhf'Ut doublee bt placed unnn aU ya•hta WIUI to••· Ill" ~··:)r (llh•l' ,.,!•lo·cl Ill•' II l'hrh Will tot· d ••lool S.ll•tr!n .• r -:•rl,. lav .!_ dJI<" tr. .. """ dt'('k. Le~·l.l Stone wu 0&.11811 Teua Mre J S Lucey or lhP m<'mbenw summermg btie •champloollhip laat wlntt'r. •-u G ....... _ L' ... 'b"k \\ L' t ·m"-ut 1-' 1 II• k ""." 111· • ''11 -1."'" "'""""It.._ n-•·~ 1 ~• .. --· · · · 1 · ·, · -· • -wllh U.. r~t. a r4" urtl -rll.UUllL. "LL-u ,uw o.:l l. ~-' ''·• ''' r " • '-' ',, 1 .. , . : , , 1 1111'1 ,.,... "lllmen "t seen.. ""'• an. _,_,,. appeartn• · Othf'ra lnvlted Wt'rt' Mmea Robert they continut' to a rr/ on fhf'ir ln the tPn gamf'll rolled :durin~ -. ta.x btll 111 ApparPntl~· .:orn~ <"r'•"h} .mel A II 1!<•11'" II•· B•o~~r,t of 1 '1 "~1"1 ~' 111'"t ,·. ,,, '1 , ,1 .. rt 1 •lk ~de by t h• '"r •hnnf't nllln~t or dancing have H. Wntbroow, WilliAm c. f:va.na. work u ueuAI. . . In tht> Slmotts the t1n1t e\"enlng or com~liUoo. to bfo p.liiUM'd by nmgr• ~~~ . J:ull ...... lor 1 ho• hi&: ,., ··nl •• r.• ~:;t.l" ~:r~l: ... ~"' :~~::·.·:~lll;l::~u:.';·, I! II• ~I • r t ... n<•l l 'lllll Zlrrunernn: l~···n I >at and NAncy PattenM>n ,l Francia a.(cDowt'll, Carleton Bur-hnu8e for the ~MOll are Mrs I Druc-k II hot 172. 173. 175. 221. 209, 'Iii. bill, whlrh bu ,lllr.•ll•h· h(-,·n uh 1·:ul~ eomtn&: rn :mfl 1 nlflt}l,.~ HJ •;·•·• 1, , "'"' 0,1 £IIIUmni.a ot Uh· \ Pmnn a 0 d Laurietta W roolle, geu, Howard YoungJava Hunger-~erry Owms, Dr. lllld Mr11. An· 169, 18 l, .20g, 182 for ' tota.l ut approved by tht IM'OKII'.IIfuvtdf"' IH· .1\\alll•·d ,,,,. 1:""'1: ••n <lr,..11l11~ "1 l'hH'<'IIlll< c:o·•·•~· 1'1 ' ·• "1 A 1 "·'' "h" v.tth M-. ,.101 11".111 M Balltt'r, _Walton H ubbard., turt.l. F:veretl 'fnrr~s. Jamu Cuth-l drraon and Mr. and .MMI. Ruhle Ui~. Hls aecond eerl~ at Laguna '"'· r I II I I I 'IUO:t<II O>t t-: II ,,,,," l'r.ollk •• L thl' r•oy l'ba•-n• th ..... s .... -· h d for thf' la.xtnl( <>f yal'lltJ> 211 ,,.,.1 '"'"I\· 1\1' ''":"1 ' "' "' mu11· I: 1 ,,n,,1: '"''" l i!O' o·blldrt'n ,,1, . ".· • --. e ....,n •· rl.,, H<llll ~rter,·'Fbomu .,rr-CJsaer Simons or Phoenix .... The F:d-!Tut>-.ltty nil{ t inclu ed 222. 179. and over • • ·111tl 11;,. ~lflln~,;••'t -~Ill ''' w..tl,.'''' < 'r•·• k•·r < • 11111 ''1" 11''1'k111~ 1 ,...., ,t . :.:u:: .,11 lllilboll laland l_funtC"rll. Jr • Or. and Mn . John and !\Ira. Mtlt'trt• Moore. wtn •f'ret'munll or Riverside huuse :!tK •. 169. 189. 214. 19§..-2,19, 182, The propo&•·t.l ti\JI v.oulol .... I ho· ) nun.:·~· '··~ looiiiH. ... h tlw riU"I' :\!r :-.'n.Jiy • It lid \\'dtl•l• ""' "11 ,,. ~~·. i' lliiii••Mn:on and t h ,. ~-~ Rutll Y t·<'ny, Or. and Mra. L. 8 . I CecUe Nation goea In lo town gueMtllll with t he R obert West-r 176, for 8 total of 111'Sl plnll. qull'f' boat owners tu pay 110 will ,,·,···1\'o• 'l~'f'Htl r•~·f\~111111111. 111111"'8 ~· 1.-b 111,. 1;, .• , l<•>t.lt'('kt'n nno! S,h,.rry. VlrtMI~& Bamtln~. 1> on Saturday t o attend. a birthday bruokll In the Don Slt>vi.~ homt' 1 Arnette. in the tlrst, half of Wually tor cr&rt bt'twl'rn 211 ft'f'l 1-'11"1 lt•n In fllll'h till• rill''•• ~otolll l llh•·r "'''11''" 1'' 1" '11' "·' •..t ,1 , 1,.,, 1-,.u m tlt•·•· Tom LIH I: '"ung, f'rank Ml\rr<h!tll, f::liZAbeth i auJIJWr t or ht'r father Ft'rnand l on lhf' OC.'I'IUl front .... Tht! C'ul· lht' matC'h Ill Balboa, llhOt 1.81, arwt 50 h ·l't. Thne•· hiiVIIIJ: y•<·ht ~ lu· "" art1••1 .ino ~l..r 'n"" I Hill~ 1n hv 1 h•• It>• ll•l 11'''"' "·· ""' 1 •' .-• 1-1· , 11,, "01 A r·. Duc-k.t, :-:n..tl Juan H<)Sklnx. thl' l hree V1f{ne, Jr .. at lhe Jon a Ulan Club. vrr Nicho ll! of Palm Rpring11 are 112. 179, 155. 152. 183, 142, 181. 1)0 ftoel to 100 fH"t In lrn~o,'1h v.uul1l ~,:rll nn ol ho·:•\) lo;,.,,. F1r<l lr• rrn ... ~ ''' flo'f'11" ~ "'"1 11•' '·'1' 11'" 1 '1 1 • .,·1, 'I" •. ,, ,1 t 'ral• ..._,,1• ,Cih\'t'r l(lrlll. lllr 11nd llotu. Han-She wHI leave from here with her here .. : Buu anti ~l1l11e Cuthrlr 169. Usll. for a total of 1694. Ar-1 ' •tl I I "'ll•l••l l t ... •.,• I 8 ...,.. k )'-I J th Co pay StO I!Ulnuallv a n.l thnM' b twlnlo( tho· lono· 11'1'••1\•·' :1 IHtlld,,.rn<· 1111-"11' • "\' ·'" '' " ·~ • ·'" 11 111 t he (' .. !'-':· ... no n~t. r · e mmodore 8rslt'r Pat Zorn 81\1,1 h uaband Karl ' IIWrshrd Into Los Angt'les to rM;& n_t>ttr du.l. better on hts homf' alll'ya bf!tw-n 100 and l~.rr f,.,., wuultl t•h~ •nol h,,, hr• "·'"" pl:w•'fi 11n ,., . .,~ .. n ;,u,! •1 ·~ '''''" "11 •1'111 "' 11 •• ,, ~ , ,, 1• ':ulhril'l't ,IUl•l lhe VkP·<'ommudore Zorn of San P l\&9 wbo are vaca -the> Vinrgor Tree. r emaining 10 at LAgunA this week . 11hootJng pay 1100 annu~ly tkoata 1~10 ,,..., thl~ l 't'll"''ll"l 1'ttol'h~ .r .. nlllt•t1 I·~ rt "" 1•·•~1"1' •·I 111' •'I 11" 11 , , , • , , nrinn \\' A O.._rl~_ 1 •.Odoons )t r and Mr11. 0 . K. ltnn111~ in tht> Vlgne home .on the t11wn over nljtht_ ... Seen a t tbe 176, 203. 186, 171, 203. 216, •183. J .. G A Sc I All fie Lt Ma gar I at for Bo en ... eD! ED ... Mr An Cu en to 200 f«t v. mrld rl'qulrf' a S 1 ~.0 c 'nm•n••h" ,. All•·ll !'ud.Hul, um· 111 Tho 1 • '' 1 '' ' 1 11•' 1'·' 1''' ·' 1' 1 a ·In 1• _ 1 ;r,•n••. Sh'Vt' T.tu~. fir lUld Mr11. ocean front. A ttending _ the -le-Biltmore w~re the C. S. Meada 193. 18Z, ant.l 218 for a total of _ ,, ' I • 1-. J•l • .. , fit ·· -.. t&a and jill UlOM' 0\{f'r 2oo-,.~ .. t "I .tlrlnm la ' \4'..11-knoo\\ n s IH'hl''. tl(h"J! c ..... • •11 .. •11-· II ,. I. , -.~. :....:.....:._.,., ~ • .,.,, .:...:,..1·-.,-.~11;,;__.:....::~_:.:-,J,..,:.::, :,.1 -,-1+-~·'r-H'IIII,op ........ ,_ ......... ot-M--iOIMI!IIt: • .---br lltiOII &two "'"' be Crclh!'• WO-I ll'lld -ftay K --------+--our .. h•"l' t•l ""'Y •""" a Yf'IH n1• n ,,.,,." •·f 11" ''"I" 11 II -'tL" 1'1'1-"1.,.,. ( '-· -" w• r• ••'"' .,, 1,.. 1. I ·•-t L' •• .11 o,l.t "''" nt A • • " " ' ' ' lo_..·~·~~~~ or· BoAt owner" ln Rn y pnrt \\tHild .. ,,,. r :u~· ~jfl\ ... 1;ul n t 1 '\It ,1 111 1 h.u,,t.. 1 1'1 1 ''r~ 11 '''' I (. I ~ t I U be noqulrf'd tn n ay I hi' l 'IX /Oinfl• •I at I In•· l•ll f>l ,,, ···~ .. lrlll' '" I olio .. '" ... I• ' I·' I \1 \, I -1.· 'I• I <I•·· I· the dll."'. ' 'I"· •. ,, •.. !I um ruuno I' up a r ··-,.. -. ••I 111, 1 ~ t i I• \\ (ur h•a "' •. h••\'\' nf nuufte·r ~ n_nd t\\'0 t'!lCOrls It I·• ..__I . I b th 1-' I I 1 "'jl ' l<it ,\•'Ina: i 'hH '" '" I h WOU u ""' t'VIf'< Y .•' N o•rn I'"'"''" Ill•· l.<ll•••r :O.l tt•l••l ~·1•1••1'·•' . ,, , , , 1, 1 ... , •. ,1,. thl' alrr: 11 •.• I'""'' f.,r I ,. 11'11~ nbn:trtl boalll Jt9YallmrnL 1Lwa.a._I){Linl.u1 .o.uL_ _U;.Jbua.-'-'14 .~ .. I''"''" llt'lh..., lh" l·:t.' 1 ··~· 1 •1'11'11"'1' '' ,~. tile ~11--lfl th .. 1\IH"ht'i' ,,..,.hng---rrn'rm·fMrt-+-1 j rtmnn<"f ~...U .. olt .J.!.m~ ' • ' IIIIIIIIS 1'1' f;or tllo' I'I'I'Mll Big Balboa Island CW ater Carnival, Swim, Saturday ··""'"' ... , "11'· • •n ... ,.,.1" , ••••• , N ·tmr f)ffi(·ers ••r.-ol olu•m~.: 1)1• ''" , . .o111 l 1•11•· 111111· ' 11. 1 I. , ,, . Uro-, '"'" •~··'1 ' '11'" • """1.-d ''" 1" • "''' Fc~r Jsland kaw·l4 t •y··r w•·n· Franee:~ uar.~ F'ntti··' .• \0 oil ··~" ''''·"'''"-· il!l·t~ I I ,,. ,,., P:llfl r oo\\'t'll, .ll'an Yale Aetty '1''' '"''" 1··• • "'"1 .... 1• Swim ('Juh ('ar :art• l · 188e8 t<r '"' B· ''•·rly Kr,kaw. net s y Tl••· """"'' '"m""''''' ,, ,.,,,1,.-('aft• f)cHtr\\·ay Hat,lntt Au1lr.·y L'.arkr. H ulen ~Uoft IU\(1 rlaultlcatlon '' nl.ll i\o• ,,( !':"'''"' 111 l ';.~)lf"""·l Ann c:runll\' ~tnrv :tn•l HNh· <"un· fM lh~ llf'('(lnll IUlnllal AlllbriA .,.. Yooun~:-.•· , .. ' lhnl" "' lh• IIIlO ·".. I I• 11•·11 •Ill., •• ' I ' ' ... , ,. ' . ' o\'folol an a ' '"'" I-:117Jtt.th ;\nil Snell. Jo1n land WaJf"r ( .. ~tmlvftl an•t A•·tm forti\• fruru d l ,. ... ,, ... ,., tlu• !-\•IIPh t•••''''"" \\•t• ''"'''·•I t \ n ., ••.. ,,,.,. .. ,.,, •• T Cra77trl J to~k•nJ:. J uhl• ltunn,..tt . ~t~ t: (; Mf'f't th\Jt 1'\~1 urdn~· .July :!•i. Ill tn, I •u•l l u II,.. • 1,'1111 tr\ ,. ' nil ,.., "' '• ' of tl ' I :.•" "' I ' • I " '•'I• I ' " '' ,.,.,..1 l'M'r '·•' \\' •rnlln~o:loon. )I I'll l(.,bfort Ramt'y, full ..wtn~ thu• 91'••,•k tltTnr•hft~ 1 .... , \••if' ,.,., '"•flt, t fq ,, t '1'''' •~lut. Tu .... d ,,. ''''11 l. t· '1' ,. '·'' •.,\,,. a •ide-\\ult( Hu tr \\t11t•· ancl \\'alh•r lloffman to Runny \\'lllk••r 'A'hll Ill tho• oor ~:· hlld '"""" ""' ,. I"• .. !llo•ol I "'" "'""' to... I" I II II II I I' I I '' H'hl ,, to a hoi\ <:t •t-:~T~ c; •• ,w F t•m•lnn's hru- lnalor a.nd 11)1Ulllj{f'r nr t hr IMinnol lolank• "" ,o\ nlillolo• "1 all \ 1' hi 1' I I .... II. I ,, I I• rd '. ' 1: ol "' 'I ., ·.·' I" II (•urnl\i) •1•·1 lho·r·lfl-hl\.\' \\ tlham H••hmnn 1.~ 8J)OM .. vrnf r lofh u t ~t'\\p,.tf ff.edu•r ,;lfld tt i\\••ru,.. \1 '~~d •'\f l'\u t lrta t•l•\\· \*l~ttlnj.: hfrt• (r,.ttt =•itll"~1HhU!1Ctt.S n&(' ... nf 10 )'br<l '""' •tylt•rl 011•1 lllo· :'\o•\\f•H'l "·'""" , lo.tml•' 1'' II•·• I" '1 I .... ' \1 I ' l• I •I • I· II•!• I \\UII llama!!•'" Th.-1-•·n .. l<ulll llh"W••ol tum t h (' '"" YA"'I trl'f' ~tnt.l >'PI'M"J 101\'lo·, '""""' I•'•' • 'I'""" " Ill l'"d '' I ·'· ' , ' ·' I It t I I I UU ~· 'l 0 I I \1 I I /'•II o•IIJ"'u R JU'I J<lj;l l< lotolll I ln<'UII'tl lrlf!S to wtll ~!fin at 1 p m on lhr t;r81l•l 'Y • pt.1111 tnt ''"·'"' I I ()lnAII'If'Ar P:trk Ay_f'nUf' nnll'llfl·'( n.cal Yachf omon I• lh· ''"" .... , .. :00111\ , ... , ... I• ........ ,I"'",. l h•· car >oil•' .... lllnU.Ioo,"');hfl '''•'!:" lUll! Tut catJona 'Aill l>f' hy A All lltnnll JtJ .., ~ 11111 ~·r :-:u/" '•'" II ~·. lf!ll 1~-.-•onlto'lllf•l •rn; tl')aY'Oid'lr.l"1Jmut..-1\ I 8bt1ftrd Ult'"AII Pn • • ,.,.... I··· \1 .... l.uo r Conklin uf ( "TliJI!lC hout lh··y 1111 l•>~•k tht• Jllllnl -,.~. "'!'..!~tr AAitl. An ll IIWitr<ll! \A'III Tn c .... ~o Tc" .. , t.:•'lll11 :ol II n. llloo\\' ,, I I ... •___.......... ~ ~ ~1.111~na. to <'ataltnu Rill and Get.org{'ttc .rbe J"ota. fithotor _, blu~ rih.,..ro • v ~~ # -I'll'\-·····~· '"' .. '""I "'' ~~11 . ::,,.:';:~ •• <'Uptl rot OUUt&nttln~ Santa Barbara .,.~ ... wM--wlllb to qua.llty ~ - •UIIt be undf'r 18 JUMI or AJ:t' 1 .... :.1 '''" tho• ~11\\!'hiJ• J.w Ill·· II and for erY~r.l (V4'nta mu•t ~ p lt1l•·ol lov l'comm••loon• 1-' II HI<' lr-----lllj==~o~t~Bll.~~lboe~~~l!".'~~an~·d. "''" ,., 'nmpnnlril liy Mr!< ltlrll•·n by lh" 1Hillltnl\ Ync-ht !1uh'll f'nllrf" A..aue M ere • fW'Wt'r r miM-r rtf'c:t ll.ntl m~ny c;f C!latlaa U14 the S.Jboa laland hta will 11tl1'n.l I hr ..,_ Qvb. hrtber lntonnallon Southf'm Calltom iA Y8rhtln~t A'UIO· ...,. t. olltaiDed ir'CIID Mr. Wa.lke r rlatlon ftf'ptl& at Sllllta _Barbara a& • ...., • ......., Balboa u. July 2'7 to Auc. s. _., AJ.o arotnr ·~ s tar r Com- . : -.od<l,. Howard Baker end W ra 7"'-:;:::::-. tr .......... ...,... tile l!llaller Ofll tJM DrMm &ft4 L A. ..; t: ·-..t-. fill ....,._ ...., ~ wttb ......rue Rup- U.. _,.. fill .tetory. _ pert on the ~elar. Mn. B I 1 b ...-..y ..... IIddy. _, ,., ria motor. ..... s-nt t t• , .... ,.,, t 1\ ,.,., •• ,Uf1 '" h ~·. •• ' " .. I t .. "!"'"" ~t ""'' n -:-l•rnm-'"' I l;•lll.o \\' dko I Ill• r :Ool\'1'1•1 • .111 I ~lnlll' IUhl ~~ I~ • II 17,1•1 llt111111 h. th1•lr <IIIII"''"'" • T I 11 y c 'ttl lwrtn1· ll~tldl•f1n1Ut, tl '"'"'" nlol pr1'JO••nl1•1l lu·r PIIPI•' I JOhnw, slntrtn~: humf'mKtlf' mat- rrun<'tl1'8. Thl' l<tury nt "Jark An•l lhf' Rooanat&Jk" wu ,glvt'n by ~Ia• lblduman ua'-tN by T t' t.l d y ~owen Mn. Ja.-k Wut and -· Juklf'. o1 Fort W alt&M, TnU. vtalted Saturday with Wn Y.mHt M<'· C'lt'llan. P· ·!·l'r.·:ul .. f.ompet~ lor ~heting Honors .. -....... 'j 111 £F. c.'S ~ llo•.v I• r<l..,u e t. tbia h~nd-c•orh~tcd t .JiP' ,-1J. an o- pll.:ntly ~~~~.ocd ; .. ·'/ l.rn&.• Ita du.an i1 b3sto on ll ~·r;ie n;~lll, whrch II •·m~lt 10 tlo, .and COlla 2t to m;.le. Workinllf r.(lm tht ccnle r ' aprl<t ilnd p< tal dcs1,1:n. To -• the buuty of tht drs:~n and for lone wu11n.-quahllrs u~~ muc:eriud crochtt cotton with a high lustrr, in •h•tt or ce>lon You c.an ~ nu n tht' finitht'd aprud '" tht FilCh N.ation-W tdt Cro<htt Contnt dlia Pall. whue ~•prt'•da ••II occupy an •mportilnf plac~ m tht fuul judciac. Din c:tionl for crochttin.-thi1 aprud and dtfaila or thr Contul tN)' toe ~1ntd bt ~dinc a stllmped. nlf· addrn~ tnvrlof~« 10 the N«ddtwwtt ..!!!!!!..nl of thia ~pu,:_::___: ____ .. ____ _ '"' "''" 0. 611 I . K ::Yr mcmy year. ago. the ~ roam ol a a.w baa. waa Ole kitchen where 1M builder pt.Jidiy daplaye<l• buUI-lD tiD aink .. Tpday there i.a no tiD iD the JdtcheG. A porcelciin &ink. buUHn cupboarda. broom close._, beebin conta1nera fcx all aorta ol kitchen equipment and frequenlly OD automatic refriqerator cmd a .ton are juat part of the equipmenL The Conatructloa IDduatry broaqht aD thla added cxmvenie ace and nll.M to 'your kilCban. llw modern plannlNJ c:md lowwNcl· co.t doo't .eop· 18 "-~hen. Yw 11 .,. the bcmdhro"tk of the Co.Dmuctlon tnduatry JD every room. ' lmd wtsu·Ja•tbe Coutfi:ac\rosa_!Qduat~J? h 1a all Oi ·u.-bu)'fr cmd builder. It Ia all the men iD ow town who help to build and remodel our lloloee. office bulldiJip.fcrctoriet , roads and bridq-. The men who m'ake the Joana, put ln the plumbinq. the electricity, ,pour ~ concrete, bommN the nalla, rint the ateel ~ Iheae men of ow CotwuuctioJl lnduatry don't work (roz:p a National Blue Print. They operate aa iDdividuala, Oil \belr oWD iDitiatin , accordln<f _to local needa cmd local opportunity. That'a tb.e way ow -rstem of free ct.-priM worb iD all American Industry. You work on TOUl' free inltiatiY.--the way you want to worlc. -----~ ~ CONSULT THE ADVERTISERS IN THE BUILDERS' PAGEs.-· ' . OF THE IEWS-TIMES -r ~e-M()fft .Complete Listing of Builders In the Harbor Area" • e • e e • • • • e 011 THE FRIENDLY "CALIFORIIIAII" "''mt.,u , l• '"' ,-, r· ~, -"'·I «"~CJlifto' ("m\ r ·u• l o I t,! \ ('.,.I tf\i- lf' .. \t.' L.,, \• .,ri._,"' 1 .., J .aily. SOUTHERN D. \\". HOI.nn·, Ape& '• ...,,... __ ..,. .... 7 ..,..,_ .... ,. .;-;;;.. .. .._ .. ttl\ ••••••• , fOfAl ;., .W-e-.;-.,--·- ....... ....... -. ... $61.10 810 I!VINOI llf IOUNeU" fiC•I,U PAf;IFtC ~~ ~· ' . .. A~tu~l $8 Valut K ·•e~' ole Lest.. ~.95 Ill 1), ' .. IIHI • •J ••h f·· 1 11nt . f 1~ :11 \ I r " f ~lfl .,., • '11 r "'•'"''' r I ' "' •.., rn 1 n \'"I I • •I r :\ •, • " ... " ( ... It··"'"· H ..... -Tft.t• .. \ctu:.J !6 V.1lur \1 .11ntt y Pr•ctd .. 1 ·4.79 1 r"loT ~ .. lltn• nurn• 1 r ul •! .. .,T1'"''"1d •W p r I I, .. , llt~W Pfll •·•I "''"" j. . ...,,., ( .. ,. Au· '"' fo'urnl· IHr~ ~'11• hta.tl\,!h:ttt ' Ac:tu:al $6 Value CornH Cabinet 4.95 ~mnothly ••n.,_.f! ll_nd rt'!\•l)' "' pum.t •~ ri'lttf' ... ,. y11ur 1 h, .. ,.,n~· r.,,,, thRt • ,..,,lll'n•l rurlll'lnr•t 1'f'l8t'e' )'OU n,.,..j 1 OfocoPatt ..... too: --· ) ALL 6 PIECES at a S!() 00 Savins! Y<>s. countllll'nl: fi hl·auttful p i<'t<'S-('X- IIl'l'll.v ulalt'hnl. luxurious: l~icldy co': cn•d. ma,;:H\'c da\l•nport·antl <'hair with - kiln d fli ,·.J rndd ;1il l:dt1•• ntld ll'lnl~tlt• \1 at h )'1: .; (n('S. )~j~·:l l,\" ll!•linl"ll'rt•d 111'- (':t~ion:•J .1.:dr ' !'pl(•inl r .. r th t..; ('\1'111: AXM -IN.STERS Actually Worth $3 5 · ... Now (nr-eo~ IK'ttin~ ~ '-d~t'ili'e nf"rt~ ou(lll:lntfriii .. ~ pAtt .. rna 111 <'O~ra &.o RIO· rLfy nnyjl_r u>r n ti ve efhl'mf'. Perrrrt qu:~lily! Ccnuln! 100';< wool race ! SJJJowa t '~u31 CArry· IDI( Char~:• Set Store Addr&s· ••d Plio•• Her& 4 • .. c !of () d • ... -..:..~ r rJEWPOR'l' BALOOA NEWS-TIMES. Newport Beacb. OllifQ~In. Tlll1R.."0AV .• Jl ll.V'. ~·t. t!.l-11 . "-• ~'GOFF by •n.-t•••••t ,ltnt-:li •" ha• HH .,.•..:•· ,,, ''""•~,,.:-,. 11 ,,J ..... J\ ~•untt tt••l•thl-tl u ,,, ,. hi\, I \\til "'' ''"' "'' • ......... .., \ ···n.t.:t•"" 1'1••1111'1 h l'l'"''"" t.•.: ~ lata.•n .-,i.•thtu\,.:: th•• ltnu• "'' JM·'t ~h .. ••l""th•· r\n t-;,,""' •:ua.t •l t\lh l Ill•· 1'11ort 1\ rm• \\'h••u I hiM •~ I Membt-rB of t hr <'wt' t.tesa' L••·utc·nant John \'. O."'Uo•l. tal·; \\'h t'n Nt~wport Harbor is dt-st·ribt.>d a:-; tht.' "l 'lay~round A.mer\can IA'gion AUXIIiArv Will d h I d 1 t•U( tlf tlh• \~t,\' tla.• IU't.( 11h•p "'" t .. • f,, ,.,.,, t h ut th•· n rtn\· ,.,,n h.-• -; ••nr.· aut or, tr.l\"1' ••r, a ,·,·ntun•r o f Sout hcn1 Callfon,ia" it ha :-; a w ith' n nrl t'nh'11aining va r-flt't't thl• ~onday t>\·enrng ·ln tht' and a nw ml'lc •r of the• l'. S. A nTI) -..... ut tt n \ '' h•·•·· LP~OCl Hall 8.11 gurtob · of Mr~~ ri'S('J"\'C' 111r c-orp~, amazro Rotar-il"ty o f t't-'Crcationa l (l:'a tun'S to bal'k ttt• sud 1 a slu~.:an. Margart>l Dirke nllt•n Cor a IIOCUll "'"' lo,.t 1'1tt•Miay nl~,;ht a~< hi' uut· No, w ht'l't' on H11• P adfk Ct)ast is tht'l'\' tn ht• 'found SO gathering. I hm•d tht• 1'lll'lc'riOI"it y of Am r rk:m m a n y \'lll'it'<l. a ttra dio n s for ttw IUllliM'IlWOt or \"isiJOI'S and \\ r n oh 11 \\ llkh• IN Ill\\\ Ill I '!t it f ••rtUil I•• auuuar.:utntt• Uh' pl• ,, I··• l "ult )' \\ ,. "'"''' 1'ooll~l11ully ,.,, I'""'""''' 1111~, ""'I ••nly ""I~~' tt ... • r•'"''" \\ II•• hr :onl lilnt "l"'"k Ill t Ito• Ho•ll\ "'••U.I llu\\ I IUI•I "' r 1 I h• P la.n. for the lll'lll!lon wert' made AlrflOWt•r With tha t ol 6-um pl'tln at a rt'<'t'nt meellnJt wht'n· orr11·t>r.8 nat1uns Ttw mt't'tin~;. w11,.. at residen ts alike, all of which , for 1941 were eiN"tfod )Ira. C'ora Whllo··s Co((,,., Shop. llalbou s u rround a tx>a utiful h:trbot· nr 10 a r ar and r('•'•'"'" 110~an <'urb Boll) boy . w i II prcosidt' 0\"\'r the J,land.. I whk h pro\'id{'S m a n v t \'~ or IW'r.,rt' ' ..tlw r \\II\ ........ u .......... IIIII I\ 1•1 croup lbla yea.r II.Jlll she \o\"ill bt-Durin~: hill lf'C tun< tour In t he. . • . '\ ' : •• -.. l\h•na"• ····a tC'd "" ... ,. uf the \\o•ll \\Ill llul r·~ h•'l''"" """'' ll'llh· \\h.;t f'th h h '""'"~. ··~ ·•·· ... t.ted by Mnt. Mrarprd Dick·! Enl't , during whim he n"("C'i\·l'd tht•· •lQ~tal~l elm~ I'll( nts. hill lit 17th nnd t ·wlllt H ljthway ~ri~· I oi\IJ;hl Ill l hr n uHr "~'''I "'"'"' t 'nil \", Ill~·· I hC' ,.r ...... ,\'14· enson. first v!c«-.pro·nldt•nt: M r 8 • coopt•ra!lnn of I hi' govem mt'nt.l s w i'mmln.:. boat In~: w1th •·n ·ry ••I t •· r" •·nt..,rllllnnwllt . rlh"f'llrnt drn.:a• I , "' llfl ••r.l '" •tav ........ 1. """ ••f Am•·l"l· 1u1 .t,·moc·rt~o·~· Emma Hall, 11econd vi('C·prcsldl'nt ; 1 t 'lt•ul'l had .nmpiC' opportunaly to .-1}1'4!. of o·ratt. paddlt' bl>ards. row· .trcrtkll 11"•1 mq rWI••u~ dtnnPra. and I! thr -·J~•·• n ,•r•i111·· ''"' n;o;t~llun•; • M r • EtJitb Dulaney. lt'Cretary: <;IUd): l ' S . atT JlrC'Il3!'1'drw sli'. ~l'n llng, I'&IIOt'lng and ruohln~: ll rt' all •nduolo•ol Ill "'"' ''' lh•• m••t bt'au· 00\\ I• ''"' '"I I h•• "''""'' '" I'"'"' ' QUIZ AAOO I I"" "'""''' ,.,,., Y nt. Hattie Tall. t~aaurer: .,ra lht' wa r I!' O\'t•r. Amt•rit·art m ade• ~\"ll.llablr ~ t hla ht·autiCul mar· llCul '"'""" .. r lhC' hllr hor at nl,ht f'd I'"' '""I'"' ~1 •11\ol,. " mla.:ht)' Ilk•· '" hull. I II """''" ••lo•.:•wt l'~~'r Anna Ferl, C'hapl&ln ; Mr11. Anna ooq_u1pnu>.(!l ~·111 84•\ a s lnndnnJ fur l '"'' ph )J.:II>und !hilt •~ :•ht.•lnahh• , J'PI~I •111""' ••I 1~··•1.111111~ "Fa lhf'r """ tlwn "'"1"'"'"-"'h" ,, .. 1,, tt ·· Curley. historian; 11 n d A n n a the-world. wa' thl' ~pconkf'r·~ HoWt>\'Pr thett'. 111 no """""I fur , The' !'I:C'\\ l"'rt Ttlf'.tlrC' 1" another T\n11• of \ho• 1•111 '~" lloo1 olrf,..t• .. l:., "'" ,. ) ,,11 .h .. OIJ.:hl ,.,111r 111 ko·t ~ Cramer, executive rommlll~ wo-'l>f'Ollht"('y, Alro•!tcl)' t•ni,:ino'('l'l' ari•1 t'Veninl(e to be dull with the l.lal·, o•r•ll•rtulnnh•nt f••aturo• no>t to be 110 .:ft hu•\ '""' "n to• ynur o·un fur tlw t;l>l'll l'luh hrlll~:r I'"' I'" ,,11 dt•!liJ!Oin~: n plllnl' tw icf' •the-Sil l' bl>a Jo"'un zc,rw anol lhf' A J all· "'"•rh .. •k•"l by \'ill lo1rll 11r local ~•.!lllno.olo •~·r .. r.• 11" 1,,, IKI••' 1\u~uot lith v<'l . ~ •• ,., 111,. 11,.,.. nf thP rumo'li 13-19. Ar<"udt> np••rolmg altrll<"tl\·r and ,,·-•ch•nb. 1\llk•.• l'u n fo•rtr1biC' IN'ala. "STOOGE N E W S" .... 'l'ho·r•• ~~ h ., m , ... r ·1 11 ., "N''"" •1•11,,._. , 1 lo•uc-l dC'dan •cl H wa,; h b opm· onll'rlv IUlluaemi'nl •·••ntrr11. T h t' rxrelll'nt """"" tl n•l llph-n.tt.t ff'll· Uti I,. lu 1•'1••••1 '' 1 ''" 1(11,.,.,, t "'" I'' ,..1, ,.111ft , 1111 1,1,.,,. 1111,1 ,11111 ,. lcln th.~t th~ l ' ... h.~~ m.~~hln-. or Jo'un Znrit oHI'rl! C'\"1''"'' l'CIOl"C'I\"Bhll' turo'll arr (II hi' f .. unol ttwrr. WC'tk Tho• ft~:lot ona: 111\10 l .. ·.·n \'I'IV h k I n ,. .~ ,_., ,., , ~ ·; • \\OH1 loo" IIIJ.: 111 (t'llll t ho• 'tl •.. ~tuk.~ 1,.1.,. ... h••·h .. ,1.11 "cult· 1.\'"*' u( "radr" as wl'll a.~ ~an)' Tho•n f<>r lhr l"'ll'<•n who T'f'ally ~-,.,,. toni ""' 111··orl\· u• •• ,,.11t to• 1 1 \\ 11 1 1 1 • ~ ,, J .. .. -''-,--•v · o3 ,.. " .. ,. ,,.,~ 41\" n IH ,. uu• f"''" t•• ut Stuka" an)lhin~: II pott•ntial f'n,•my ,.ntt'rlnonln,; tP mf'!l und l ··~tl< "' \\'lmb It• ha•··· ''"'"'"''•I ''''"rythinl th«' ''''''I'"' "I'"'' ,,,.,,h ~ly hy th•· l>l••k "' '"" """•·" ~'<••nt h:h or 1.,111 pnlCIUCf'. ~ Anwrkan sk ill. on tho• H111l••r lluot r l•t. U~r•rl" I• ).t11,.,, ""'" 11 ,,11,. 1., ,.,,1 Mllll plan£'~ ('(>ll1tlllro• wl'll w ith tlw fir•• Thl' Aja.x A rt'll<lt'. IW•·s<'ntll an l<•hllf' lll•••rc··,. < 'onf••• I um•·ry at ~h:t•l" 1 II··· .. 1 .,,.1 Tho• ,.111, , 1111. IU \"t"tll , PUtt lh llttufl t o 1'1'' ,, ~ t. vo·t'• \'l"llo•o l Ill•· lh'\\ o'hur• to · !lane'" uml far m tn .:uln): 11rr11y ,,f I!'"'"'" unll o•n. rlu~• . ., '' Ill• 11 , •II I•·· '"'"' 11 11, ~~~~~t~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~uu~~ t a~ un a.h·•·rt,:o:t·n h·nt "' lh18 f or ••' '', t 1 n l\11 '-t ~tl liU' A\'11tHH'. lt,,llt4•" l,.IUthl ' On hot ~umrJwr il:o~' :-anotnii(ht, ••• d rJ\"1.' an for an i•pJlt'l i.llnl: ,.nack and 1'£>/n·~lun..:, l'C'Icll ;;ocJ;1 ur maltc't:l, brou~;hl r•ght lu 1hr cf011r or }(>Ur l''il lttl" )IIUr f"olll• \tlnlt'nc"·~ PAL!\1 PALl\1 CAFE • I!Uh and :'\t•" 11urt llh'd. ("OST.\ )lt;.OOI.\ -~* 1.0 Of Hollywood's ' I liGHTEST and DIRECTORS W_ere Here Last Sunday! • TIE FUN ZONE .. N-EWPORT THEATRE SE\\'t'UHT Ht:.\('11 l'bunA I :>ItO Two ShCJwa Sl~thtly-1 and 9 :\latlnf'f' S .\T. at I :-U ('untlnuoua Sunday frttDI I :U .\t l'ot>ula r ,\tlmi"'..Jon l'rk«" )olun.·:\ton.·.Jnr~.. .lui~· ~1-'!J'-:9 .f"l WAITED WI liS"- Ray MlLI.ANil AND -..,.- , 'WELIDY 11~ MOOJUIIr' .. .IOHNNY 00"1118 Bart.ra Vera \'-c-) ALI...I:N --lfan Merry-Go-Round ff'aturlnt: I'IIIL ~t:u,\S ,\SS U\'UH1\K l.t:O (",\IUUU..O ca:sF. 1\l"TR\' Thur&:"'t'ri.·Sat.. luly 31 -Auc. 1·:! \\'ALLACt : BEER\' in BARIACLE BILL ASD .. r !i'" ~··" !"o.,-.,,.,,.M •••·• 1ar~'l hr 1 aur1.ti•· r Tt i" ~~h""''l r, t , , • t h•· .... ,., ~··ud f"•~l 'tutl drink-. th,--n.,. '' • 'f• hu~\" h• ·hdt\"t lut.\t• t nu.· ff'lll ••t ,,fl ul\,, .. h•H .. 1 lh• tcnn~h IS lho· 1-\rnnk t '1:<1nn at ~111111 nr~ol t o~ \\ r ,,,. •" •\ '"' olr~a·ln \ IIHWC'\'o•r hal•' (·pntrnl, Hatttoa,-7.n\.t.·al !'lp••f t•• ht• .lo•·!'4 h ·tv.:-l••• f'n•·JCt rn h'f''-\\hll• 1t11 ,,,1111.~"~ h.,,., r~st f••ll""'H\..: t'nJ••yn\~·nt t\f th•· 'rt•nrn \\ h t .... rn••••· F d•lh • nutk{•IJ , ~ tnJ~\ \\ll h tilt t:u:o.:-.•aHR • . uun::rrr.rnt 7nnr .. . ht" t\-\\" •• •• • "·"t' """ --tw--h~ n..Ar--~-17.'7"u -,-.,...,1,-,.~,...,....-·-~~-• AIM•' n ttr:u t a\·r an•t \\t•ll \\Pt.ltt •• ,,.,~. kn••"n thn··• 1u "'.,._ .... t ..!._r~'_!l , bnn.r''' lt\v ,,,, 1, ''" , ... ,,t nn•l ----.--- · thC'-'-hnfof rtn..-r t.-. ~wt:\ !'11""lt 1..--ami " f __ n,_..-,, ""'' hi· •ln':lmi'a aa 11 111 ;, ,.( 1 ;, 1 11j,111, .o ~ , ,.111,1 1 .. ~ llw l 'lllm l 'a lm c:a rc on ="•'W'"•rl 1111 '"'""'" "'"' lo "·"' I''"'''",.,..,_ .. , I• 1 11 111t 1 1 1 J"'" ,..--.. • • It• ••••••••• \ ... ,. h-h lttvd '""'''' ''"' n Ut\' •lin•• "'~·h· lr•·•n•·l\' JH•pulur u1 .. ,1,._,.,.1 ,11,,1 ,,1 h ttl\l.:tlla.! 1,,,h t:uun: \tHHHt. "'"" t oM! bua\ I I fruno II•· l:u..,.lall F r .. ut " 1•111 1 ••I tho 1.11(11' .1111 I ;, I 101101>\' !'10f1'1 II II ..... llf •• III II J•ll•·t ... "'' It H t• h •••• l tlh·ltAI-···I \11•1•'" I'''"'" Tilt· 0 IH h h• fttl•ft •t .. , I UIU (lAIJ"h I It~ t .. • 11 l,tllfh h• d Ulul h ,.,. t'AU'"'•<f 0 11 • ~ t"l l•"' tt\111 h d l"' I t't1t11f••l l lft•IC I, 1 fIt till I flo tr I • J•l\ to at T!1~ tt•Ull Hnd fl•• lulttt un)\\\• 1 , .. •' p , ttl t .. , l.tuu •' 1 .. , l J .q._r ..... t• ~ '" h.,,. " ,.,, til' 1\A tl1\rt•t ttli utt' • • Ill • l•ltth lth j&D utl 11k "" '"""',""' \\h.ol Wf' \1\tU •I•• Ill 111 .., ~H.,., ,.,. ptPI•I. lraauw..L !l I.UU\ l.tt U.• JIWLlt II> thf' Ill olt·t I hal \\Ill "''I I h111~• 101n~o: T he• l•rl"Mttt••n1 h~,.,. ht,:Uin "'""' t•• •rttf' t ..... r nttY ,,., lhl• •• , hut tw• "'"'" "'""'" unnl• It t: c 'Ht. \'Ill at '! IIIII Ch·•••n I run I '''"l"'rl llt•11t'h • 'r"f'rl'l'lrnt 'T11no-tTmr m-mntr liiiiiiiiiiiiii•: ORANGE COUNTY'S •"TJIE J•LACE TO 0(}" "·r .MT C'UAM'I' ... B&OADW At' F"ULL£1nON "'Cifle 2t1 lT. '"-lOr "'···· Broadway -.,_ t*L "'b •• , ..... ,_ -..... """' Neff? ,.,.., ._ ·-nta ""'"r"••• or""" MII.IJO" .... .. .... ' .... ,, .. , ..... »I ..... .,. t i ......... " -..... _ ,_, .... -"-•· . ., .. . ... A!t Mlllla&" -h., ....... , or •• ~...:..~.·r .. ••• ..• .-.. .... ~ FOX -iiJ--i-· ............ I,... , •• , .... t --.,_,_ .J.ftotl. ,.., "'' Rudy \'all~ I• hl• lau-.t mu..Jc·al ronM'dy ha• a JlrHbtf'm dN·kiiDt: tw-1.-f'f'n 1"11 MU'b lwa utlful clrh• &A llf'lt·n l'arrhh and 1r1 .. AdrtNt. The-"rk•ad t:nd" klct .... ta r In t..,.. •-o·f•••l uro· "lilt Thr Road." Girl Mariners to Spon sor _ Skating (;HA~IPA<;NE COCKTAIL ""'''"l 'T:" ..... "R \t tit IAIK II \1111\" ...... -... , "'Ttif"W ......... , I IMh '!) -·'ttl :r81 "TMF\ 'lt l I' ""'lit\\"" .... I 'Uf l(t.MUI 'ft" n.,._. Fri .,.., t .h tl: tl \•u I '-' ""'"'''" .. ,., .. .... "Tilt\ It \It t'. "'"1 It>\ I'" .. '"'""·" .... .. ....... , , .. , ....... ~ .. .. l'lltiA. I" -Nf •l •h Tl o:t• '1. :\ttl r nr '"'-l.~u • " .. " .... , .... t ... , •• , ... ,, ..,..,...,. ... .t,t. - , .... , .. r•• -. •• ,.,, "'' , .. , • t • t u 'f Ull Ill \'ft lt\IUC\"" ..... 'f tlkt tit • ,,,.,, .... ANAIII~IM ANAHE IM PHON E 4212 .. ,.u .... , ....... , '" ""'' ,.,, "' .... )If ttl"• •4 ,., ...... " ..... ....... ,"' . rr...., ~ ""-, .... ,.~~~, ..... , ............ l'" .... ,, ................ \k l 't ....... \ ... ,,t "" ............. . .................. .. ... ,."" ,,, .... ..... · rni. •·•·u c;-.o nrru.."r WN. aN 1hur• t Juf1 :wt '') "1Ut\ \I I U kU \II" .. r .. , ""IX l .t .... .._l,-. f Mit" 'Ill \lt\'f t \ 7U'f.U" A~AIIt'.a'l ~TR-1> "'· 1 • • lSc ~MI'.ATH Evt:Kl' MUI"'UAl' .t TIII "R.'-'UA\' AT K:!iH t•. M. NEW CASH CLUB '"'""''"" ,.., ... "' •·••'~' ... ,'tatt._ llO \ Ollt RF...GL~Tt:K 11'0\\' AT ONt; Ot' Tilt !t _ __ _ _ _..._ .. Party ~onday -...:~;::!';:: -~311r..~---·r--::~ t:DW. t:\"t:Rt:TT HORTOS UOS:\l.D WOOU!' -U~MU ~~a.N. _and BAR\' SASD\' F 0 R P E Ill E s· . . ~lllrllll'l s ••f tl1r !'l:rwl••rl .... l10•r Shit• "\"IUtu~·rl.\" mo·l 111 th• .. iiF r' ";.f.. .. 1,. ~. a. • .\Ltrr· :'l:•·wl"'' t llf'l11ht • !'of on •I R y .. ·~e­ n ing for thl'lr regvlar wet>kly llf'tl· ._,,." ·nnll tu rntlkt• l'l'jn,...-tr.r th••1 r Ska.tlru: Party on Mf!nday. July 2R CASIIO CAFE -; -.r.llilit _ .. ___ , BALBOA Sandwic~ Too t 'HU"r. f ·n" sc;r. WI'Jf!ll Ita¥•: ft ''-'"· to :1 1• m .. 20.. ___ , An•r " n.m .. SAM'S SEA FOOD CAFE At The New '•f f•t ,., 1,} o f t h•· IJ:iy ~t :u11 ltu rn•'t t'ufl :u• t• •I ·• ,,h,H1 hu:c•n•·'4~ "'' s~1on · 11•1 ns ko·tl ft•r P'IX>rl" "" 1 h" !'al• I of l.< k• 1~ f••l lll,. :-kat 1 J.: l ':u t' ftt tht-\'Ah•n<>t'l ~llt-lnl(' H111k I•·· I Wf'f'n !'IIIli" Ana 0111d llt-.1111~•· Th• J;"irl!l nrto wnrklng hard In UlOll~h t l• krl• t o pay l••r !~I ("Oilllt HJcltw.._,, 8nl Bt'u.JI "W•tdtl for Sword f1"h" EVER¥-DAY AND 1\,G SUMMER -AND Wl]l-TER-- • • Sign Our Guest Book When You Come In • • Main Street Balboa t:AT MOUF. IDGII GRADE FOOU FOR L&~S MO~EV • MAIN CAFETERIA ... Senti lllalll 8tnet ~- Pat Kell)', Prep. --~ Ana I ~------~------~~~-------~ .. .. . Beer, \Vines and ' Liquor for ·sale at •SA~1'S FISH MARKET ATLASTU" COA!IIT I.Hft"Tr:R lliSSF.A II ... 'Te 'HTI.r. "Tr:AK UISSf:R II lie Ot:l.f("AC"Ir.M CJt' THr. ur.r.r "'r.A • ......_ Lmd•laDa l'ompann .,.,.._ ~ ...U ~-, ... 0..)'maa OrfJPft Turtl11 lttrak .,..,... t'"'C ,....,. O,alen -thfo Half "'hfolt l,.....t•n ........... -all4 AJI OU.r IUD4• of ,..a t ..,_ L• D1 • Me IM•-" Mr -11e-..... ITEAJIW. CIAII8 IIEE I'OCII utA FOOD IIWDI ..._._._ ... ,.......... o.-•a.La . . •• ~· '\'our frit'ndH and minf'-.. ,. l>t:~ .. thy •#•' "~ .. "'""'ed 1 111~1•·•· e•r "'" , • ., o~t•rl \' 1-' \\' Au· ll IIIII\" Ill· II nh•••tllll: lt1~l \\rl'k l l• ~ Slo lla t.tt .. , ... : t h 1., Ill :'l:,.v. 11.11,.~ Ll••la \'an Ambur4h 111 ""'" 1"''1 "''"' h '"' ~,.,.,.1 111 W•••\k• l'~tlcllllna v.•lth fl11'ntlll tn lho• htlle !111 ""'' M r~ .lt•hn \\"o•l,.h•l, ••I I >rl'~otHn, • • I, o 1111111 11 ;\lr llll•l !lin• Ho•x l.lra It: F.. tl••n•lrlc•ka 1\t llay. "" .,,.~ "' 1 ;lo•u.t111.., r"'·••ntty. lt1fl Ohio, I• vl•ltlnll w llh her lit '" I ' !It ~'""''" ••f 1 ho• "'"~" ,tauaht .. r. Mra. I. II.• Nt~rman ot ho ld 11 '·"'"" , '""""'" "1tt1 hrr I ,,r,.na del Mar ' c• 10111 , hll.trrn J 111\ 1:1 w .... W . II. t'\tla bum and C&mll)' havr retumfd trum a • atay Ia l'11lko•.t lu \\ olla r.l !ltltrhlr allll"f' MII'ITa Mad1,.1.11111111., '"" Ioi li•• J"""' 111 \''I'''" • II•• •urr '" Jt • h•u•.,:•·,t .:u\ •. ,.,." "1"'"1:~ t h<'l"' •lA\~' llf'H~1 1111\'11\ln).; fttlfll ' 'l.l''"" •h•"n Nt•r BALBOA Thtatre '""'1••• Ent.•rtnll\111\'111 l-4na.:ht !"put In JIW l'""'l'~ "''rwhtm..: t 'r nh·r" t•n.-: S.'\co,l•h••'••: MtudO'n l• '!!\c', l"u• ta•: c •tllldN'ft I Do· Thu,.. .. t 'rt. Mat., AI..MU -- 1101'-A·IAtNU CAHKIDY "Old Colorado" -11•-IH) II B 1 .. lr. (~A$H N IG liT Unuhlr Vour M•...,Y Rue. If·\'!* t111d , A•~ "lwrt' A ISrtt .. r ~pet>ial ~!"K· .1 )innt·r .Than OurM f Hf.n.-4 •. ,..,.. ft:CMt e .. M:~J 1•. M. ~ • • I • ... SJI(.'rial « .m .. ~l.OO $1~ =-SJ.JiO-......_.__...:.;t_.;;._ .. • • , f'rtu.aih' II) -AI ~n~ M•i'OV at ..... ~ AINI , .......................... IW. ftlrt-V F.~ R A • • • •· lOll'S llTII MTaP.I'!Y A.ND ,._ .aiiWA Y (On_. " * Nca,.,. •r*r• .,. ..... - v . . TO I IEWPOiT ISLIID Live in Prh·a,~y Combint'd with Every Ad\"anta~ . the City' Offers. Value~ Are ., Unequaled! -. . ... _,.. _.._.,.. --.. .-..-,. ... -~· NbypoRT BA I .BQ~_?iEWS._rJl(ES, _NftDAtt ~ach u1 1ng errllits Soar To $748,714; Three Ne-~ Ho,:;,e~ 1n W ~~k -BuildinK Pt.•rmils_ Fur l'a:--t :--it.•n•n Bays 'Total :-ili.S~H: Brin~ ~I ou t h uf 'July J o ~62,.94 9 t '''"'tltL! .. rd~ ~l:.th•r. ttu-.. \'.olll•' '" !"tll··l 11 !1 11"' • toflllll'll'' I•• • l1111 l• loor t••: 111.,: "7 1'.711. ,p • •l it II ,, •. ,'"I ,\ \1 . ,.J ... n •·1 '11•· .'\1 ·1\ 1"'' t lf;,ri,or Distrk• .. 1 .111 r),. l •ol.d ••I J•·rmils J'<'adl· 1 ...... , .!, • t 1 11' J{uildin~ I n . I 111111t.: tlh I•·• t 11 ,. l11·1• ,.,, :-.• ·1"'" 1-.\111·cl Jl('nnJt-. !1~1ll iif h'IIIH' dt'"li.:f1t'1 f \ ll"nllo•\, l1ulll li\ ""·II :\1• o111, .on1l ,,;, It\ .t. •ltro 1 I I :11111· -. 1"\,.,) l~ Improvement cd~ EXisting li~mes . . . ,~ . ·· Adds to Caty's. Appearance I ',.ll.•lrlh lt"n Ill llw 1!.'1 11~ I a t• d tjl J a>tltl .lill•f'l'l, l't>>illllg fl50. li't nut .• l .. n ...... ,,,r n .. u l• I 0 \\ t 1'. ~ 1 Lt M fll.l>ft•'·• n.• Ull! df• U t l"'rt· ••·! 1 ••B.t ~· \.,,,t.!.r ..:~ Tn. J,ni·IJ. l&lll t o UJ., City's prugnss :.lll('e tt I • .:~ :' ,~ ,:,lul~ L u~'-" ... .:..; t.H.u J .t .,.,,e:,.u~h• th~ \Ull•_Ul.~•o t .JUthJ '""'" ,,,,.~.,. ~> ••1u:U:y impol1unt il:a • ma~-< tt l• s "h•·n: newly u~ J•Ut ~\htO ll H•!l-'"" ft• 1-tflt t..""ah,., \'\Jupllh.nt IU•·l~ .tit I' •• !Ill oil\• !I"• • -t I ••. "1111· IJUI th ... ''vld '''"' u! 11 hll '\ .1lth~o'la.:l. t: ..... :alu. "' Uk l•••k" •llu;.y ,.,, 1 u: •• ttr .. •ll\'•• l!.f l .. \•rtl•lt' , .. n ool ··•!U:U th •• ,... ''·"•··•! II lii"'' \\III II .. ! lw loll u l n o'\\ >ll'lu tml'8. • • -way )! I ll• pr.·.,.•nt bUtliling n:nd \r! • 'arn;-!• 1:-1~11 '!·.,, f1.IHJ•I: ... • •.~rulr:Ul :' ln~t·:,•rf th• nld••t s.••·· 1" 11: \' 1111 b •; \\ .\ ltdrt "~ 1~ h.l\'· tu.r.s vf Uw • 11 y :.r.· 1 .,rf'tu111ally ~~~ a •t•lHt th b:!-11111 .. '•· .1t ::1:. J .... ru,,.1,·rttl.llrt~ tul1.-nd \.\llh th.~ fhW fJJif'U' ,\ \'l'. ('11ro•na J o•) ~!itt !.lfU• I UI't':' l ht•rrtiy t ro·,l!IO!; 1i I 11m• ~lr J \-.-._. .. ,: ... 1 •• ,.~ 1 ......... \n n:u:1'y th:•l ·~ •·xlr,·mely attrat:- :.:·•·.., I"' h .1\1t,.: f r ,·\\ ,,,,,, ... ,.t .. l1\\. 1:. &t,.'§ t Otlr~ty. ' .:. ~··•J u.:oot d h .1 ..Jt h~"t h ,•ntr • :i:!; ---- -Arnd~yst An• J~lbo.M Tiliool : J••hrl ~~ :-'•lf,,Jt .,f Ara:runa 111 l :~,~h Jl,,nal ,. a• n;,,·rn~ a ~Ill\ 1111: '' 1th hi:. ranuly at :!011 S.r• • n 1~·n h ad•lt•ol l u f.,.r hro:s.t• at t-:a.st Hay A\"Pnu .... ·----· ALL ·.LO'ffi ARE DESIRABLE HO~I~ \,1hr.-1 ·" ~II."!."' '"''"11tn· 11•'11111 1" 1 .. ,. Ill•• c••t:•lt ll•ll"ll ;••I thn,· rh''' ll.11 l••r hull''' 4;\••tL:•·f h.ltJ .~tt I f.• \. 'I ~· r. ~ ta .... :--t ·~· .t , •.• '' ,, 1 I H S ~ ... , ..... r •·,.l•i• , •• , .t ."1 \ • • 11 ~ ewpurt Island Attrartj\'e to Huat _Own ers Rulkhead N~a( Completion For Staats Plant;· A wait Materials FOR ~IN£ eAINTING CALL • • ~- So Oon 't IJelay They ------- • IILPI P. MIS~.IEY R r; A I. TOll :W HI Cn;u;t Dotak'\·anl N"'POrt Beam I 'hHfll' I( 1:! TIEIMII MEHS General Contrarior and Builder -·0.....--.._.u ...... ~. Ill r...t 6&h St. ..... 8581 S..ta~(Wif. 1 I t \ l• •·· .. ,.,, 1:-J• n, , , . \\ , ~~ , 1"'•11 hll\r "''' ,, ... ,H!" Ht t .,~,... -,·.'I ' I ' f,,.,,.r ·~ rAJ)ldly bt• I ,,, ... fl,..,, "'-ltr. ·• ' ,,,, .. ' l •J i-! ._.. ,,., • 1 11 1111111 1 • , 1 ' "·' •· • •• f'en ~~ l•t:"" ... , \ •• ,, u , rr ~rh. l:otl .tnd Ia par Al•••lh·, u· v. t t ,_,t .. t h •• , • t '• , .,.. 11• •I l••r ttu· nf"eda .,1 ""' .,f t A ' ""'"'t' ,f ttt . \\•, h t • ,. ,n•, th·· tnajortt·· • 'ur .. uh ·l• t ~hu '" th 1 h 1 \It .f , 1 ,• "' ••II fh• \4'rttflr frot·' Th•r•"-'• t L&.J.:I••" lt.• ,,,l,r._ ,, •• tt • •••• , •• r•"l•t•·nt lhf' ,...., • 1 p• r u •t.-•••··1 1 1 1, , , 1·• • ... ,t.. I"-'"' d It\ .,. .... , .. I 1••1 t. •. t 'I• k \\ h lt ..... f uuu.l • 1• t t ,1 , ..... , Building Permit~ ~F.WPURT ftF.AC'II Pr rmlla 1!Wl -3-411 19:11 391 19.'\2 :407 l!n., ~ 19.'\4 29R LQ.'\.~ 403 f93f; ·-513 19.17--563 1931' ~ 19:l9 ~ tt.o ~d 1941 l:o1lal S7:'ti ~to ~l :\41 :'17 1i!Jfl 7:'lf\ :'1-ttl :t"\.'\ 074 497 440 1M~ 9M<9"1 911 6.17 ' M61.74~ f.lUO.l'l2 I J11n Ff'h M11r. ~----------------------~--------------------__j April 26 -· 41 49 54 f>4640 n.150 104.729 111.195 1~7.11111 lM.AAII ,...,...",_1ft LOlli ....... .,.~ ..... ._: -.... ----nrz.. v ... ... ~ ................... ...,.~. CHAS: F. DENNISON REAL ESTATE May J u- July ~ 87 34 1\2~~ ' • ,,,, nu•t ron 11f a liUikht-ad • I"" th•· •·ullrl' trrmt uf a.tw prop< • 1 1 ~ • •n tll•· ('uunfy t1taond nt·a'r . tt . ,\n·h•"' \4tlldl llo lht• ~II•• of tlw '' ~7:li(W) plant of lh•• Rrbat V. • ...,. 1 11,. Cumpun~ '' JJro.:rv...,mg •1 •1•ll~ anti Jll'•'lkH<tt 111n-. ~ 111 ...otlfl • • untJ,.~ d~ fur t lw rot\.'' n,j('l aon r tit•· ,..lat.<~rat•· Get Our Prices ffl ~Ill .• . BALBOA AVE . PHON~ 19 5 2 Marine -HARDWARE General • c~ R. ERICKSON Contractor alld Bailder 305 Palm Avenue .B A~L..B 0 A Phone 132 · ... . For Building Information .. Bay .District lumber Co. .. ............ , Atn..~ ..._ 1150 • N..,._n a-d ..... k••: ~ %4 ud we feel o-'klnd GORDON B. FINDLAY --- IEWPOIT IIILDEIS SIIPPLY Cement Brkl -· -. ...:Steel -· .. -·-·· La IIUIF.I.J. -. ...._ 114.5 Slot"'· Cellfi'al An•• N"'.,.,... Bred~. Calif. ROY SHAFER PLIMIIIG •• ~ IEPIIIS -- ____ Phq_oe_M.rl OUT DOOR FURNITURE See the lafelt·in Nautical StmdJ on Our " New SMng and Umbrt'lla. · ~ -BACIUlEST -l'liBRt:U.AS A-WJIIDr08 -~ oa ~\"E&J:D PERCY Jl. BEYER BOA'F--and TRUCK bETTERING • .. ,, ..... -..,.,,, .. ,. '"'~1 ,, n ..... 1 ~ •• t ~:.;; Au ..... :-;It& , .. r 1 "~· ... an f! ··•ftu.,;. .lui\' '_'": f,,,,. t !•1 ... I :-;,,nt l A n1.' t-..uJ,J on•· ... ,, r;, ,.1t1 , " .... lo•r•• f,,,.. tPttt•l \'• t:•·• tl•lt· t r ,,,,. :o't tJ ,.. ll•£h"·av J••r '"'' n•·r , ..... Plumbin1 P•mita .l uh · It\ l'n•J"tll•ll III•"I J••r 1\l~>•l. !100 Sh• •r,. A"' t'-'r ,I II t;,.tu~ ~ -lt>-Wr.-l #\h• .~ All,... :Inti r .-tn ... ·tth Aw· J"'r J 11 E ,. • tu.e. • - • .Ju.J~ ~·-Mary J1 Hr~~ ~ 31-th .t~t. pcr 'J It t-:1111111 Jul~· tt> fl. ll l k nJAfllln '"-'" F:.-uot t'«>nt ml A"'' prr .J II t-:• ~"" . Jul~ 17 n.-.t,rt ,. ltr ••'~• :::..•, Jtaul lJP\'t•, t ""~fl<N•I, f"'r 11\.\ 110'1 .Jial\• 17 !ttr~ AJ:T~f"lO ~ Slr1111· hll!1 711-1 !ttnq .. 'llt·rii•JI ""'' t•••r J \(' K·ll·•n • July ::1 _(~.\ TERI~G -P."RTICl'I •. "RI. \' TO IIOJIE O\\'SER.4it - " ..... ~ • , .......... ", •t•tf'\ ,.., .... " ....... ....,._ ... ~ .. ~. ~ .. , .... "' .. ,,,. r••• ~'" -• •" -. t .. _.,.,..,* " .. .......... , .......... -,.. .,-, .... ,,.._ ==~ rtc•t at , .. , ~~· ~' .,,.,.1~ ....... ,. ....... &. ..... .... , .. --·"' l .a'""'nN-l.umhf-r ('o. .,._ .... .._ "A'T \ AS A •·an c.,,_, "'-e'Uifl A\e•nu·· , ... ,. Quality Lumber ud Building Materials .. COSTA MESA L UMBER CO. a. E. H08'R"."D..E&- .. -P1ioae -4ft - IRVIN GEORGE GORDON BUILDINC. CONTRACTOR \\'. Central Newport Beach --··. ---P~Ne~12J -........ • -. HOME . LOANS S EE SANTA ANA BUILDING and LO.\N ASSOCIATION • f,()l North Main ~ln'('t about a mon thly payment . Fine-St Deal In Newport Harbor Balboa Bay Rhun~s Leasehold Estatea . A i':t'w T\•al In l'r~•po'rty Developmt>nt That 15 Tkltt r lltfln Property In F'('('. OP:\fO"STRATIO)o ltO\U; ~OW UXDE& C'OS 8T&t"CTIOS "'1' t'ull l nrn..-tao. t:--11 E.-\RL \\". ST.\~EY. Sol~ Agent of )'OV. M + FRANK CURRA~ LU~ffiER CO., In~ ... E..a 4tll 8 1 . T~~p.aae I 8"-.~TA A.~A _. .. r • ..._., .. x_ -u~ 8pldal Aato- A~'TPOUCY rr ....... _., • ....._.ry el liS. ,_ ss.ee • ~ Howard W. Gerrish IISIIIICE ~.AU PAC'IftC GAS REAn..~G APPI..MN~ U Or-drred N-r'! . . Sam Kinsfather PLl'JIBI~"G lit E. Bilf \no. B.U.OA ....,_ ·~ l i th anrl CC\1 ... 1 Il1~hw:.y Phone: Newport 160 l = ~------~~----------~----~-!~~~--~~~ ,, . . .... ,. .. .. . "Builderof Homes of DOOinction" CO~TRACTOR and BUILDER ~ 10 ('oaAt Rh·d. / • BALBOA PAINT ST.ORE C. E. FERRELL. Prop. 700 E. Bay A\·eae -Pho~ 101 •• ' Tl of .. t -of ~ -r- Io~ "" ; ... ... wl .. tic ,.. IIC ai .. 1111 • ct. 1m [ --· Yoe .UJ ' ' ~ ----·- .:- . . I ' NEWPORJ llAl.DOA NE1\\·s.TIMES. NN-pc>~ Beech. Callf(lmi:t ' l'llt'lt"PA\' .• ll;l.Y. :.'1. l !\1t .. ,,nat' Sewn. News· Of The Churches ·~()'\).\ ~~ . . U\e1\\~ ~ ~ ~ -·~et\ sta\e ~e O'let ~ e ... ~ ~\'Z.e'C a-ce 11\a '-e\\e'le ~e~· ;,e ~eacoe " ,. ...t. ... ;ML a-L v\ease, ~ ?nU ()4tfl1. ~--'I' &joJLLJONS au fftr lrss from Hr:adachr. Acid Jndtgesllon. Di.stftsS m of Colds ''1\fomin~: Afltr" and 1\!u."Cul.ar Fallgut ~ca~ fhey bavt hrard-11nd brllr\'f'CI-Aika·Sc-ll.tl.'r radio announrrmtnu. 'fe u-~ Ul.t. reht'f obt;un~.U by the W4" of Alka-Sc-ltttr ta worth far more th3n lht' gtnumc crijoymcllt tl\fY ~ from th.- bri\OidC11sb. The most important Jl<lrt.s llf our radio proll"'m. both to you and tn us. aN-Ow rommf't<'llll arUlounremt'nl.&. Once you have t.ned Alka-SdUtr wr bc-lat'VI.' ynu ••all a~re walh us. But try Alkn-S<.'It7l'r be-cause! ll 1~ an unusually t'IJC"c1ive IDII!di· cine not ~U.W .)'l!U t'nJ01.. lh~ radao progn,ms. . WHY ALkA.SELTZEA IS SO EffECTlVE .- The paln-rt'licvang analRcsac in Alka·~ltzrr u 10 rompl~te 101U· lion. rtady to r:ue tl)c dl~\1'1.'14 u aoon as you swallow lt. 1be painrrlarvanq nctaon u madr more tfft'rtl\·c by alltalane bulfen. The alkalWna elements an Alka-S...Itur reduce uces.s stomach acadlty. Get Alka-~lt.zcr the oat time 70u. pass a d ruif' storr . Larp patbp .. 5aaaJ1 paclaa.qe • Try a glass of Alb-Seltzer •• JOW' Druc Store Soda .Founwp. DOUOTHY DAHNIT ....... I~SIST OS RETTER CREA:\IEUY PROUUCTS F'rom ''our CirON'r · • • Or Dell\'f'rM to )'Our florae ._ EXCELSIOR CREAMERY CO. Phone> Sarita Ana 2Si I'OR !'f:R\'IC'r. ( \\ N•k M l ..nnr:f'r} ~ J)rht•r ur (all C .. u.-.·t SNOOOY A14D II"' f,tw& ....a.1" ~1$1-\IN' WITH IT :your friends and mine1 .,. ~t ·a .. t: ~o:n I t. Woodrn pln 4.1'nlM'IIk '" 7 LAI\I;ua <'~'In• A Altarm 10 l'n1t,.. 11 M .. r .. M"<i"m 13 S:!l: of 6. tl.hl 7.l'olll~ t C'nrd..cl 1: Rnf'n·e a abbr.) 17 :-.:~·· boet Ul ~mootna ··~ ....... 21.BIUt~ ....... •. ~u u ..... •• ~Uon ,,.,_,.. .... ilapat CIMt S'T .... 14 Crml..lro by rub!Kni Zl) Or,!lnary _ ~Angua.ce Zl A ta,.; ........ .,.,,.. ._ ....... "---fabnc I~ ~amp 16 COITodf' l8. S-ohaJ...J 2': F'."kl m(> tool Z3 J&f'&nNe ,.·orm It PHI 21 La~t.suhllm 2t C'u-chOJIIo-. v&luan monf'- larv unit 28 h ulaiN 30 Sruft1 l.l. l 'ullap_. 33. SliiC'hU 34. \\'unted fabric 34. Vt~r 39. l~l5tllt"'l'e t O A ASt'm bled 43. Dlaconun~ t~. On tire tT. Work 1 phya1eal t8 FtrnaJt ~- ttr apnt.e tt Groped IO.Joy :'>&. Oas trta IIII:T\81 ~% £\ tr I N>ntr I DO"~ 1. To<'<•lor 2.v~vm h"atang hquuJa ll P.nClf llfk.v• 4. Authtlnza. tK>n I v~ r .. sta·al ~ ~ I t{a 1 10 !'~ -- '? ~ ~ ~ ?I 77 ?3 28 31 ~ ~ ~ 3 6 3 / 3e "1 3 'I I ~ ll'f ~ ~ !II ,. tl.a.&rr U . A Cl'ftt Lalar u. Ollllllllfl~ -~ 2 3 ~ .. ~ ,.., ~ II ~ Ill -· f... ~ 16 II ·~ ~ 12 ... 2'f ~ 30 !3'2 ~ 341 3~ <:- ~ 3, 11'4 ~ ~!> ~ '4 6 ~ ~ ~ !>1 Audits .J-Tax Ad'Vtle-= • ~ ... /~ /'1 'I . // 18 ']0 ~ ~ I '.J 4''- . . 33 ~ ~ ~ '10 '!' 116 .j ~ - Milan Underwood %22 lluby Annw · -J"hmw: l"r.,.,..t 4G2 ~ t:-~ ~ 11 - ~ 7 1 ~ 47 f;l:: ~ C LASS I F I E 0 . A 0 VERT IS I N·c PIMJer I'! or IS I -BUY -SE·LL . ~UTOM OBil F S 1 RtAL E s irATE. r=. '1t S~t F M usiC AL INs TRYMENTS lbe·only plat...-in th•• !':•~1•1rt I lnrhor nn•a " ....... "' you t';tn ~"' \ ·l-1...-t C;u-s '"0\'t•n-,1 hy tht> l.ih•-Tinw {1.,.,1 C1tr ( ;.a;,ranh,. ... con ..... in ':mt1 :"t"' nur bi,.: ~&."'·tit'" It lt--nm ·first h:tnd ahnut thi.-4 •-.nk-rful plan HousEWARES llll: .. l A&.- IIIApt•• Wa•twre IIICA ..... , .. v ........ c ... ,.., • p_ ... II t fa MISCELLANEOU S f O M '-.AI~ ;,.....-a. f t "'"'fl'l't . QOid t•• .. t•d • •c•U• nt , •• n ,1t1ton p•b ···"' '""··· f't.,no lcJ.-•. ,.,,., •ne f ~.., t ~ I'"-""• tt..la ._,. It f) Puauc NoTICEs C'l fl I U I( AT I" (lf' fiii,I"'JI" <,o, t tt fttt0 \" t tfiM NAM~ f II t t ·.1•• I ........ t' •I ... , ... ,, ""'' f I I t f fl 0 .. tf• •ltto f ff\ ... If • • .. • • • • • t ~ ,,. • f t (, • I I ............... .,._.. ···4--..... .. ., .... .._.. tt • t Itt a• f ,, t '" , f I • \t f .. f+ • \t 1• ,, • •. " ,, • ... t fr Ill ·--• • .. 1 't ''" t • tn ., ,, , .. , u ••• ... , f\•1 .. ;.~ '' ..._. tl• v t II , ... 1\11 1 1\~t t I.\' I I " • O tl '"' • '"••• 'Wt\. fh•" .. I ••I '''"'' •• '·'f• \ IPA: f'.t'''''" t'P,nin· j' •u•• ~ •·~~ t•", h r ul.ll•"• ' .. H ... "'' t ; ... ,,tt•. o_.u··"• ~···· I t f\U 'Al r • ftAih''"" r Af• futlv 1'flU 1t111fltd n~\lllr ltt~Vtt UfiV. C't•C'f •• ,.,,,, ..... '"''"'' '~•h 'n r-.a' ••• ,. (, ............. ~ i'h"'''' t ....... ; ''' • un '"' ly,tr t .. , .. ,\t qu,.• '""' •'-····· ••Qh t '•" ........ r n "'•• , .... ' ........ . J .... 141 , •• I C'III In t ,,, .. •• .. .tf ··-· • t t'l'"' ... ""'· ~ '"·· .... .,... ,,,.~•d t "''~ "' ' ••o• trl' • until 1~• \("(), eh•l1• tt••t. f•u•t ,,.,., tri '-'"'U" flttd n ther ttwt ~u 'fi"'U• •·••t• W*ttt '• l\ie '"" f U••ru 1!• r tAU, ,_,, -~·•lr WAN'TI:O flO n11~oto It> pu•t ho .. M h,uH•tltM '"'' t lO ffoWf' end t tO ,,., IHM'It ... & .... lt•h J;•It 0, d•'•' '9ft IHlYf'IP""'' 0 f'od eott. •~'''"•· ......... 1 .. "''" ttli'' ""' th••• t-.-Jr •'•• f tH ~ n r .,. ., •• ••·• ~ tR_.,. ••utlctl""'~ tf .,, ... ., ...... n t • hMtt••n• hu~ "ow t h tt •••• ..... _. '•• n 0 C'"l\am 1»11 _., 2 UJO N•wr.~utt Dh,d , L ot tA ..... ,,,. pn•t Now "' "' GOOD """ Planoo .... ._,., .,. •• ... l,rmo 0 A ... l .CHMIDT PIANO CO. U0 Notih Mol" .... ,...... ....... ., .. ~. U A II v GillAND ... , . ., ... _. " ,_..,,,, ,.,., now IIH& ,.ow Oftl" tl9fl Ynu mual -thlo. DANZ ''II~ lOT PIANO CO . U0 N..-1. M••n St , l onlo AnA. M ,,._ "I'INi'Tu. lll•p;_ .... 11• YM1 '"'' r••Y ""' t.•••I'Ke eft ,._, ,.,..,, O.a.tfl I CHMIOT ~IAI'fO r o 1\311 N 1t1h M•l" ..... ..-..,.,.. .., ..... • no t" ,.,,,,,., ., .. bw~ • ......,. •• fVI . Mod.," ,.,,,..... P lo,.. ..,..; w •l•h~wl o,.. OANZ ICHMIOT · PIANO CO . YO Nll<tlo Molft lA-:' ·~"·· ..... . ..... J'lf'NO ""r i..OIIIOI.a.NI .... ,,._ .... IIC7, ...... Vou'll do .... ~ •• •\.u.HOTa- MUIIIC CO .... W-4UI .... ...... ...... . ..... F E MALE HELP WANTED DOMf .. , If' HI:L,. WAN flO ._- O••t "' w.._.,.,.. ••t~~ttM te ...... w tlb b.tllJ< l o• 1-1 _ .. , .... llllle.at• And 110 • .....,.,,_ H .... "'""'" Coli "' ltL ~·\111111 -fll EMPLOYMKNT :wANTP'O I"Of>l liON WANTtO -llell .... tttt• f t110 • r r-•nr ·,. "''1 _,.,_.rnn tff"' ••'""' W tU to~'-a •• • ttt11 fH t ••f l•.t•~ ,,, ... ,,., • • M" N•.,..• Ttnw-e off••• n• I thou • N••••"'• t tU W\ •• t•ol....t I I• I• 14 to 17 •• ,.,. "'"'- t'hltrl••n and •••"'' tw.~tl. f"llll M w•"""' "-e.,.. -· .,..., 1011 , ...... WANfl D-....... - - wonh w oflll "~ tlw lwYr f"lw- 1 OIJ flLN I J.!Jwwa ~ .A,>la. ---_ Da-W.. ~ '"'' ,,, • ,.,, •. ''' -Au .. t• ._., . •-•• h• l• t ....... , ••hm'• 1"t t w WAN ff I) Ynune Ottt waM1 we•tl .. '" l l\ .' ·,...,.., t • • ' ... t • ·t~ h ' '"'"' Ttu ...... ,,.._.,.,, .. .,.. .,.,, thf-Nttwe· •• 11 ' '' ,,,. w '' lim•·• fur I ll.'.! I\' A•k •• lllow. t ilt' lf\V f tH r."Hdt•ft er ae ,.,._. ........ IMifW• ,. Ylly ..... ,.~. W•"'" t n llw I" Pho-11, ....... -. .. & • t ~ ..... u h \\ ... i. ''""'"" l\o w h ................. I .l.;~;'nj~;t ••ur h.a•·•· .,,,. lfth '"'' ••t ,,_"'l•t " \ , .. "~"'''"... ' "" I "-''II ' T \T f .. , I ,. U·ttff'd \ t ' I t.tf\f ~ f 1 If of\' I I •• ' ., ' t • 'fit,, I ~' ' '.. • A t I ' I . t t ... r ... " • \ '411h r, '''''' ~···•· •"' ... I'"' ..• I .,, •• ·tl .t '•'' , .... :.~: I :·t~ lo •, It :~~:I ...... '.::. ,..,... I I o I I , I• o .. 1 • t , 1 II • , •·•' I I • I I tf I • ttlotlt J ft .,., au• '"' •• ,f • 11. .. ,; • 1-'tc,..f e.. 111• •t 11 If t 1 t t ,•o t I I o t h t I "'' ., \\tlt h •••t I t,,..,. ·-1 ••..-•·• f • t • ' t n I ... •f oft\•r •t ••·\ •f .t .. t 1. I ,. I '" •' ••• ll•t • • • •t to ~ r •• ,t -..-• rHir tt '"" ,, ...... ".' \ "111 111 ... ,.. , .. , , .... ....... ,. •, • u t I ' .... ..:, ..... ' 1 . .... , . . "'' "l ' .. I ' 'I" t , . "' ...... ·. ,, .1 II 1'>11 nDE TABLE ~I _..,. If\, ... . , . ' . II \1 .... 11 111 t -; JULY !\ ~~~ •• rt • :/!1 114 · .... 9 11 I \II 10 12 :.t\ 10 !)8 J 28 I I< 4.11 I " !) 0!1 I j l11i11111 antfrollllio111 Dindoly I UK. KAI.1•11 U. IIOAKD I IIIKAII II. CtTRREY ••• D. . ... , ...... ,"" · "11JlUF,ON ""tr.ni•Anl F.7•. F..a6, N-... ,...,_t , ... _ .. - If aG a~t•Wf'r, ,.JI .. :lll ~.. Main Stf'f'f1 ftaltwte '"" Ar ... adfl ......... y,. ......... I1M ....... • UK. L'OSKA..b JUCIID~R UIL-IL &: ta'AHIDL .. 1'11)'•k'lan altd "ur.-I nrn,... IOl ~'!INI ,.,,.., DI!NTUT s ... ,.,.,t ~.,. .. floun: T•......._N_,_._ 10 I'! Lm. a 1·1 p.& .... ..-.rn.,;. u~: H-. , •. ~ ..eo,...y ....,...._ ...... ltr. Hurclun M. Hrundy l,t:KOV 1•. ANUt:RHON ..,.,.,...., • .,.and Mur•...,. A'I'TO K NF.\' AT lAW Nrwl""' Rf'IM'Il ,._ ...... c:n.ta ,.._ ftaall .._......_ C'f'nlral A•"·· at Nl1tlll ~ nrre. ... llr•.: 10 It a.m .; 1·1 p.ra. .......... n .. t. ~"-. v.alfo,... ~-~ ~ • Ttt~ Ill ·. t: 11 :1 ... :-·t It'; 11 .. 1 t :. tot .... I ~ ()()(I I 11 7 ·'11 I .. T~"1""-ll ~ Arrou~ting l~E'f LOYf" 1'tt£tll.. 13M£ £-'1\L-'- IN ~H· (Q(.(.r..," Uy C harl~s Mr:\1anuH .. ' 1 " Go~K ~ f\Ptt' If \'\E I l>'D"' MlN-1 . 1\D 1(, t-.M..l K IT' IT 'fC\i R.£ ~- f' t~E 0 f'RC.Aol\ ..,. ... L EA(,l.£. ~ i ' . PA \IL NOUMAN a•. V. I' AKKt:8 Watrhmak•r · ~ ... ....,. • ,.,..... .. \ \C liT 14 \11. "''Kr.a ~Hf.l < lf'f'lln t'rnnt, N-r-11'1 M..U.._ A-.nl_na~ Uual C """'" r..""rt "'" .. w .................... .'.'I ' t .'1"1 S l "'""' l"•rl f~<ad1 C.o.. P1aUa1 . . r., .. ,,._~ l"t~t•n•· '!07 AI.!. w r•HK G II Art A Nn :F:LJ - .. WHO-ILHIIBOR DISTRICT ,('J'rf.lAStT.A---- - • olll\ & ~:I••• I rl• ¥_~tyhJ):-TIT" A Vlr t ,,, ~ft?'\1f'" 'MPTI'1ft 'WM'• .... 1\1 TH Oil I'I'I.U':!4 A MI'ORT fi(IOUM- II•ollllltl'l"ra lt"'"'la Aul•' Sup1JIIf.,., :.!1 (1 Pwtnln !'it. r.un~<, AmmuniUoa. AI 'TO'ItOfiU .r: ltF:I'AIRI"fl -·• I V 111 r S••• VIN· 1:.!1 Mo·Ftulflt•n l 'lllrl' Nt•WJIIlrt 1\f'At'h. ltAKF:K\' f10CIU~ - I :"•·wt-.r I lt.ok•·r v. :tll:l I .1•·r1111 ll~tk•·o• :J1•"' I~ ll<•ltt•r t'()r l.cflll. l'lftf:l'l<i\C'F: ,\~It KI"UI.I!\111 \\OUt a-. I I I W "\\'r r~:lf': 17M Nfll Blvrt. 1 ~ ... ,,. ""~"'~" I '"'"I l,ormbcor. Ml !m-.1. vm· !'I 11 "'" r. ~ lit F llr 11" F•,ull'lry J ill tin~-; n,,, fr,.: 110 Vlrt.:lniA J•J./ Ol~la Meea. CIAMOI.1!\i r: ftiP:K \'lf'r.-1;11 ~. I •II. Till''· llllllt•lll·~. V I 1rr '•••rvl<"•·. J:/4 Mr l-'1111fif'n Ill . Nwpt. Ill I HF:NF:IlAI. C'CI!\ITilAf TUit-(;,,,.,1.,11 II h 11ollav ;QII'll'ol"l 111.•1 T'tl -trr.l l'lluiA •nd f 'un•lnK"IloL MAKI"r. IWF:f IAI.T ir:!i--w M 111111• St-·f'l·o ll > '"'''"· l.~f.l (',,,~, Jllwny. Suppll~. Jlr,lflla.-Etc. NHT AIU' 1'1 '1\l.lf'--N"'" Mlal l!""'lh.,~·riR W ('••nlllol Av••naw J"taoiW' 12 or 13. Nf'wpor\. OI'YU'F: 141 'l'l'l.lt'.!'4-Nrwl"'' I 11.111~•• l 'uhli~hlnl( (.'ro l'h••llrl' 12 13, Nf'""llllr1 I~ I'KISTI"'fl-N••wJ~•I 1 ll:arl~•r Puloll~hln~t ('n Ph<on6 12 • 13. Ne•wport ~ • ftAUIO "P'.t&\ IC r..-1-.•l•llt•'' l~.oll•"'' H:a•lln Sh!tJ•. fillf'l F.. Jl11y. f'h :t.ll. t-or • ~ttn-wl"'fkke. KF:AI. r.JotTATF:. 1'141'KA!IIf'F: a NOTARY l't'ftl.ic:- 1,.-.. 1 1 \\ ,,11.1•·•· 'J'Jf1:l W. I ···nl rul Avf'n Uf'. l'h•m~ 3. at:HIIt.K M'rA'I<ti'I'4-Nt•Wl~''l Jf,ul,.,r l'uliliAhlnK Cn. Phcorw-11 . 12 · 13. N~rt ~ , •mr.r.T MP:TAf. WfiRK- C'•I'In M••\11 l'lumlolnl( C<Jmpnny, Co-etA ~!Ill. Pholw 210. Tv••r.WKITY.R1'4-Nt•wJiior 1 J(sarl,tor JlutlllahlnK Co. fhones: 12 • 1'3, N..-port 0... \'ARIF.Tf MTClllP'..-, ' J\111111111 l'lnn•l Y~rl~ty Stu~· ~ . .JOe. 2:5c and up. Phone ~lll·W. WJ:J,DI1110 --.. • • · W•kllni••Pfrtl ... V. OiT IJerYkoe. 124 McF.&s. Pl., Nwpt. .... I .: . .. ~ _, .. .. ' .. I ' I NE\\'1''01~ BAI.H(J,\ ~:WS-TIMES, N~,x>rt 'Bench, California, THURSDAY , JULY, 2·i, 1941. ------------------------------------------------~r-~ NEWPORT BEACH COSTA MESA BAlBOA To lndud New Legion Auxiliary Offin•rs In Ceremony .\t II untin-.ttnn Beat·h Nt'\\ I)' ••h•, It I ••fl1 •'II-••f til; N~v.·po·rt llad"'' Anll lh.UI l.,.lll•>lo A.ux.ll ary v. 111 bt-on~t~&l'• I .o t " I• r· mal H 'rt'mlmy l•• IJI' llo•l,f on """' tngtt>n lkr.• h .1111\ :11~1 .• 1 .. ·~• P. lo.f ()fflr.-rs tr• 11 •• 111 l'" '" '" Uw Cnuuty "'111 I><· 1n~t 'II• ·I on a "\\'e 0ui"SC'IW'fl thr JW·rt••r So•l"\ f• By St-rvtn.~~: ( lth•·rs ~I·" ..._ !"_,.,." 11411 (leeta lll-('aiUomla .. THE Ru c;incss \X'ur11cfl Entc rta111cd By J\l r!-.. Grdha 'l uhh..., Showe r Is Give~ r,r .\ll~s Adelaide Barhr<:1 Br ide-'Ele~t Vaucion cim~! Pbycimc for you-but or·rrli"'r for your car! Thac's why if's mi~hty imporunc to mak~ sure your car is ~hipsh~p~ now! And rhaf~ why we HY: St~ in-coday! U l your ~ord·M~rcury duJC:r a JUU ch~ hr~kes :.nd scccring gnr. In face, ~rc •II mont imporunc service opuations ... ac o n e.' rcmark;ablr low prier. ~ou'll Jttr't pltffl) ~·ich this Summc:r Saft·ry Special! PA{;.E State W. C. T. U. .\nnual Institute Secretary Addresses At Christ ~hun·h I' u't ''''J,;olll'~ h\ thc-unnu~il -m--1 hlrt) ·••IL;ht ) "'" ( ~.1 11w m1Jo·t,ht , ·'•'"''' """'''"d ":wh •:.umnto•r m m ,...., \\' t'T l' "I ! nr ., Jt.• t\• t' \"• •J lf "" ,.,,,,, t 'hur dliJ~ lho· St•a v..·ro· lo··1•h••t' '""'' ,.,,"' \'lll•'ll 11.•1 1 • • I I I I \\' . 'I' • ' ,,, " I ·" ,.,,.,u i' .t ... ,. \.. tHnan ' •'111" n.aiU•• ··n~q&\ t.•d Ut J.:uld uu t tu· .... tf,. I··· oil• ,. I llhlll llhn ..::tlht·ll~l )•··· ,,,,. lll•··••lt•nl :IIIIH>Uih'••tl th ,, ol ' I'' 1"1 llltoo·h··::n .mil I•• h.•.or o·h.tJI~•· II) I••· 111•'•''"'1.; .,,..,,. "oil \, .l•lllllo' Il-L· ltu,mpMtll, ,.,,.,,. tnk•• t•llo•<'l 111,,1 11111nrh \llwn "'I. ·t••lllflfiL: ... ,., o•ta~l!! ..... D.:: Jll•·mv···' II til a.:.olho•t' All!lll•f h, th•· ' .' .1."' •\nt:~ ffl'•l \\'o·rlno•-,d,o~. IO'I•··HI u l tho· \,, I ltumtr•"n o'lloH1lll'lo·ol lh·· _..., \\'!1111•·"1") ul llll• llhtnlh. •n1,, 1 •11••:11•"'" "'''''"" In t ~ttJtul·lrohlo• 1.:111111• 1\lll '"' tho• ..:u•·•l• nf :\IT:. """ .ond lo·ol ·' rlo-•·u·~'"" ul un· :\l.tt~ Jllon•·••'< 1,f IIJ7 :!!'llh Str1,.,1 ..... ,, . .,, !''' ,.( :wtl\lllo·:. 111 th•• lh«l tllo) :\lr-~ IJ \\' J111lth) ,, ru·· t rtHtll :-.;h,• :et ... u ~;a\P tt tt·,tUth· uf ho'h''·'· 1 !o·· '"'l•>ry und :.tnrlc~ of hmdt•r.. Att ntl · th •I • "' ttl•· rnm • m t•nf. Sht• wa' 1111 ro: ,. •n..: " roomy. PX~Ut V<', • mt .. ·ltnl! tnday tn t ht• hnmr of :\Irs .t "• •I '" :\1 ,.... l-luru 1\o·atty pro·~•· 1 1 c · · · ,1, 111 ,.( tlw l':•·~·Jll•rt 11, .. ,~;. "'·,.. 1~•11 .orlfl11Jl, Jll'<·•adl•nt , art• Mrs .. , , , . "" ...... · ,.•an y. M rs No•IJ • M ·Art · r t "h" rn·P•td<'d ov,•r th•• .. nt in· :-.r·,, ,1 ~· 11· ·~ ... !1c 11!""· "·'' • ~ " '"' unr•1x an .. " r:.. V1ola Nl'lson l.unl'lll·un "11~ ><'n.'t•d ;md ~upt•r· "'"''" toy !\1o'H :«:t'llh• Mt·Adttms. onol )l r~ \'1ula N1 •l,on f«•v. E. D . 1 ;, • •l··tf l.<cl t ht• dt·vutumal r-·riod 11"1111: as h os lho•mt•, "In Jt>sUl.l :-.: .ortlo• " SJI<'('tnl muswal numb<'r!o McClellans Obser-ve First Family Meet In .17 Years Coming ·Events In Harbor Area .l11n111r \\'.,fu•·n·" { 'l.vl•. l~t•n<-fll • "'" p Ill' !\I•·"·' \\'•omun'll C'l11l,. h·~u..._ •. ' p n :-; •'\\ I" •II B••at h H u }' ~ C' "11 t Tr .. ,.p 7 p n1 r·.~·-1 •I \' F \\' '""lt1ry 7 1o I' n ~~· '" 1 .... ,, · hall H••ol l'r.,~• J.•f•· ~:11101: f'lruo~ 1 J' rn l<:olh••ll l wl\' fr•111t !\l••l<tt I "'tl• l':t• k !Ooi, !"• "ill l hll f p m ' SATURDAY. J ULY 26- l.ioln J11lo• olant •· I' I' m 1 lull- Hnll"'~ ll'l:tn•l \\'nlo•r C'amh·"l 1t11ol !'\\ lm l\ll'~t. I p m 1111 r;runol ('anal Hnlb"A An l(lin.: f'luh •hro•t l"r·~ I ml'••ting. 4 p m al ('hnmhl'r nf ( ·ornml\rt~, .. n ff,t•4• J>uhnp;q yu11 haw II (Prhn l: l11nl SUNDAY. JULy 27- ynu 10hnuld ll•'l"\'" mnrr \'I'J[rlnhl"' 1 Jttnh•r S•·ntnr fottltl•••r ~uwt 00 ~·mar 1111111": o•r ""'""" h II I ' I'll• ifio· All!<owt"tl"IW A A I' 11\\1111 80111t'hlll\', ll4'rl'l'ol In lht• l':lllll' t>ld 1 n.r••t. Ha lhn'l hill' (runt 9o'8Yll. llwy ~····nt '" h:l\'t' '""''I F n . Alolri··h 'mllll<'llm "!"'" , .. appc:tT Tf)' uJn.llill~~~~\'tlb .a¥-1-ttll• fill hill' :! p 01 I" ;, p m ••n reclp<-11 1111 lho·l'o· '""II ftnol !111· l~tv l !<lnnd. family n:<kln~: f.,r 111•11'•' M O NDAY. JULV 23-!- Sc.JIIop~d On ions 2 pounds onions 4 tablupoona b uUer t teaspoon ult I, 8 te;upoon pep per 1 te~19oon po~prlko~ 1 te11apoon cel~ry seed cup breOJti c.rumba S ('('f' nr tnns llhPIII o., llteh thick :-;""'Jl"rt lf~rh"r r.or1 !'olnn i"N Sknitn~ I' n t t .1·, \'al••n• 111 ~knl· one r ;nk i ·'lll r• m :-.;r" l'"rl l lt<l •~•• Anlt'n• 'lO L<:t'- ion All"'lllllry rn<'f'l·nc i :tO f' rn I.•'Ctnn hut m lt l s:h :«:""J"'rl l:t•twh 1111h Arl ~ CORONA DEL" MAR BALBOA ISlAND liDQ ISLE SOMETHING IE~W H·AS BEEN ADDED A SPANKING NEW BUILDING FOR YOUR· OWN PAPER -- But With A Jaded Appetite Nothing I& 0 • ADD Nt:W ZEST.TO \'OI'R Sl 'MMJ;R MEN\.' SHOP WHEN IT'S fOOL AND GET MORE FOR. WHAT YOU ·PAY AT Open On Friday lfl 8 -Saturday 'Til 9 NEARING . THE END! -Last few days to ~ompletely furnish your home at imP,Ortant · price savings! H 0 I T 0 I 'S J U L Y I SALE OF FUR,IITURE ~~ HOME-FUR~1SHINGS !'Ohan-In t~ I1UNQ' tiP"'f'l•l \'all-Jwofon-thl" bar~~:•ln bu~1nJ: nppnr1unlt~· I• 0\'rX Matl .. fy ~ollr homr IW"f'd" SO\\!· S n douhl ahout II ! lWfrlilac nf'f'd' ~·Ill makr homf' furnt .. hlntc' •·n .. t mnn-In I~ "'""'"'' 10'-con lf'! -Yes, ''It's Smart 'to Buy Now!" Main St. at Slkth Pho~ 2X2 SANTA ASA ·~---------------~--~~~~·-~~~·8~wu••~~~~ •n.t t'1 afl~< S••• ll .. n. · 111 :tn n m •B3Jbt>!l nra ("I"1)P. Worlcroom.1 tn :ltt n m ''' :, r m In Balhun Hill'S WHY IT PAYS 10 Ill A FOlD· · MIICUIY .,IALIII Yo. ~ wn-ica of a •• l1drtl t'OII! approYcd by cosi· Mftlo •now n-ery nut and bolt ia yow car. Thm, too. ,.,. 1ft "ooly scnuioc ford pe.ra. AU work it b.Md oa lac-rate labor dtaJ'JCI-. t1IIMI ,.,~, -=-----~ AN.JLMfa.c.uarvCAas.-,-= .. -'7"' ONlY-MATUIAl (JCUA 7 IMPORTANT SERVICE OPERATIONS ~ Adiust lrak" ... Adiust Steering O.r and Front WhHI Rearrange nm If Neceuary ... Adjust and Clean Spartc J ri iiii PLUI THII 10-POIIIT CHICK-UP fall 'l Uthh ... Wlnchhlold Wlpor_ .•. Horn a .•. Whool loarlnt• ••. Shock Ab,orbert ••• Tr11nsmlnlon ••• Diffor11ntlal ••. Coolint Syatom ..• 011 Filter •.• Ignition YOUR THEODORE ROBINS FORD·M£RCUR1 Ford -1\tercury -Lincoln Zephyr I' u-1 ... (Btral Aye. Newport 84oac-h \Jf '• I • . , DEAlER ' .. ·. • ., ' n k i ·n ~ ·ll~h '"" ""'"'""~· -. ' . rf'fi•r\' !'''"' Hnlhoon 111lnnol Y.~o hi c1uh Cnvrr Rnk•• In ntf'o lrrnl(' "''''" ollt•l"~'ltol rar,•ll HI n m for nho'lll 1 hf'llr. lhf'n r••m""' -n ohu c nwrs. 2 p tn cov<-r. ~lll'tnkh• wtth-~rrl\(1 rmmh~ "tUESDAY. JULY 19-' and oint \l'oth r•·mninms: tmtt<>r i :-.;.,w r nrt Hnrb .. r .Lour~ 1'111 h ('ontlmt<' hnk 1n,:. 11 "<'•0\'f'rf•l. "'! ~. no>on !.; o l~t·r <'rl!r milu.llU·IQI'!Jt<>r or untij >{Ut>O•II..JI.....,•t .:;...:-;.-:wpnrr'M~Rt•hny-M•nt.-,;p:.-tw te.ndPr 111111 IOJ'I I!< hr11wn li·:tol J' m \\'hilt''!< Hnlhntl l .!t11nd ·Eggs 1 n Spinach Neata . ( ·,,f! ,.,. ~ho•p. Mfl\.~llr<' • '"'k••.t ~J"n'lrh :~ 11•1.1 l{f'd Crn.O!< \\'nrkrl"'nll' h Alf tht' nnw11nt n f hrf'nd aumhl' HI .:lO :o m . 111 :o p m nt Halbl•a F orm lnln n rlll l'; l>rl'nl< <'~I= tnt•• Inn Rnllthn~r 11n.t .:l l l !\Iarin ... Aw•. MlC'h 11111' !'J•nll!:lr w ot h !'all nnol ""'' Hnlhnn J:<l11.nd ~pprr. oint with t>ttllrr Rnkl' 30 Hnlho:1 l~l:1n.t Y~to·ht (,uh !<W1111., I'm. 2 pounda broccoli 'to cup b utter " cup bl"eld crumbl !\frl' AI nyr kman "hn w a " cut 1•ff tt'IIJ!h "'"lk-< n nd • nnr~<l' nt11hr•l t·• !'t .JnJOf'f'h ""~l'•tal !"un - 1~&\·rll f rnm bro1C'o·nlt ~fdt but101r .tny "''~'""'!! II' rrp•'r1••tl ln hAl'" add t'nlmbl' Rnl'l fry 11ntll !ll'li· r l'o·m <'rr.t 1'11fflt'll'nth· (ro m n t'lltf'l\' "r n w n "tl 11torrin~ t't>n -~,.,.,..,.,. ttln,.~ t n rrt u'rn htoml' t ho~ stsntly [I nun htoo·,·oll plno f' Ill ,.,.,•n•nc -f:hr Will ,..., nrn '" !Itt• tl MrYIIl~ ,J ~h 11nol pour .,,.,.r -tl h n!'lp olnl l~lt'r this m11nth for an th<' mrltl'•1 hu tl<-r nn<1 ,. r' !<I' •'pf'rat"'n r rumbll Smothe~d C~biJOJg~ )ofrlt z lnhll'l'J'OOOll bA1'~n f 1t in dri'Jl ht'II\'X pAn ~hn•ol nn.t R<lol n m rdtunt !<17.....-hrlhl 11( • nhh:~.:.-': c11p wll.l <'r ""'' !<1\lt Anti I'<'J'J'I'r Co\'t'f 1\Jltl "'1111111t'r f••t .!0 nn ntttrl' Tlum 8ltr m ": l'\IJ' .. r "",..,,t •'fl':lm Jilt! 3 l nhlt'!<ponr• of • ltlo'r \'ll'•'l!'!l r ()n't'r &n•1 !llmmf'r &n illltltt11•n11l ~ TI1c call is.(or ~hips-planP"-a thnn•:tntl ki~,J~ flf pr•~<ltwti•m. l nolu•try j,. llltoln J•r••--tm•. C : .. l!ltollt rtt· •·attnn;: an•ur!ol•-r J•rt·:-.. un·. :\lu•lt "f tlw"J,.~ ,,1111," · ,,( '"" tinw,o j .. 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