HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-07-29 - Newport Balboa News Times, . •• N _QW Established .In Our--New Building At 3011 West -CenfraJ AveiJue I --------------------------------------~--------------------------------------------------~ Tile Majors , Colu111;11 ,_I / ISSUED ' . BAI»<;>~ '·. ~1\T·IM:ES -~ ..,...__ ~ . MID-WEEK SEMI-~· c: .. , ~ 1 .. ... ~- WEEKLY EDITION- .._ ttL -· E~BRACINC BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST 1NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA D2L MAR, COSTA MESA: \'OU'ME XXXIII .St:WPORT BEA(111, C'AI.U'UI"I\. Tl't:~n u · . .11 '1,\' nt, tNt. Elltow ftoom With muaclu that are n1 t Yt't rill of t h e Ir ~ar,•nua whk h "-.11 C'ontr8C'tf'd dunng tbf' m oving or f'<lUipmmt Into tbe New•-Tllllea' o-plant at•301L W. Ce-ntral. thla coo•-meot.ato~jlllta hlmsdf om f' ·m o.re a.l a nt'W du k, and Glory ~. wht>re t b t' r t' Ia ptmty ot r lbow room. a n d ooce more l&kl' up tbl! Majvr • t nal• azu.l trlbulatlona. ·. 115 Harb-or-Men -1-"::-';-r..=~n ~ _,__,-. Not a•d CaatU.g an eye ovt-r tM llportiOJI: ltf'WII, 'ti.l ~ l:tftt ~ N!,WJ!!.>r ~~ Tr~...:.. ahooting Club cot of( to a n ytng at.a.rt •·IU. Ita first :-om. peUlloo la.t Sunday. u ! ..oote is tht> fat'l that DOc Obf'tl Lucu . who llt'ort'd ten tar- &t't!l out ot..kLJt!!...I!tru ~ a ahotgun btofore, 111'1 It Ia 1 .-. porte-d. J u11t think wlull yttu'11 be· a ble to do wtth " little practice, Doc. Ellpentl" Rill Hay of Loll Angi'J,~ r,._ portt'd to r)('llii'C' hf' had ...... ll r>atr of t Pnr.t!' llhuf'll lllltl I' u &DXIOWI tto I I'< OVf'r lht•m )\;')W Ill! tt'nnta l'huNI go) 1 h4'v IH"t' n u l exa, :Jy an f'Xp;l'l>l\'1.' I t .. m n ( oppllrt'l HOWf'\•'r, Hsy tnJ.J J"(>h<"l' tho•!!•· p:-r. titular Hl:t>r!' Nil<\ $.!.• !\o l''ondf'r ht' wu anx.l>IIIS '" l:"l them back. LOCAL -YACHTS RACE AT SANTA BARBARA ~ . . '..,._ . -Out .For State GUdrd, But--Still Unmustered Uttif, Until· AU EnthuMiwdit• Candidate" •·or LcK"al Larll'''"~ In· l'ount)·. MuMt Wait •:xaminations Art• Coma»>t•tt'<l; (,rowd Wit .. '1111' la t)~"'' ''""'JI ••f t'IUllltcln lt•s ~·pt In l11n1 out (or thft funtt.lt iuu "' r,, ( allfuruin :-\I. tic• (;~~;;,.II I'CIIliJWIIIY In Orn -... ~~ .... "Si .... ~~:\---------------.&..:0....-·-r-r:~nt ~· til' II I ll ~ ffi .. Siiii\ft ( 'ow,f \\II' l'l'i'lll'fl'lf "fJCil-r-,~Y-1-l,.-,r:-r-.----- af ''"' llll:h '""'""' rle•l1t \\ht•n 111'1'''"\imnft•lv II ~' t•nthwdtudlc I . . ~'"' ,.,,,1 llnt·t"'l' n~·n IJn, ... t up li• '"' ""'·"t••"•cllnto the• .:unrd. 1 • llnw,..,·e·t·. ttwy \\'1'1'1' cl~tom,-.1 t u dt"appolntnwnt. So mnny 1 mMt h:trf :tpplh11 h•t ••uli.;tntt•nt In I hi' ''"111JIIIIlY thtrln l>( the 1111,1 .... , .. m l tla~·, a111l o n t ha t ni~hl the' n fflclniK clt~·lnn'Ct It \\ ·'' IIIIJII "'1Ith• Ill llll)'t c•r flu• - 'I IIIIJI:IIl~· llllliJ II .-.u fftd 1•111 ltll\'1" 1"'"" l rllhtln.: tluo l'tj( l'ul "····It• "'"' .,..,.,.., In 1111il••mt K"IIW ~~~ '''"'"'"•lf1 111111 lllltl ••••. , ... I'"' "'" r ull1,. I 1:'1 nil' II 1111 ot't&lif I hrlt 1110o ,.,. h i JlllliJIIr lllRito•u vr"'" 1 lllllllhe•t• Itt (tll'lll II e'ulltJI;III~ h.ul I'IIIIIJIII'It'll 1111 ""11111'1'· -• m••nb. inl'l111 lin,.; 11 phys l,•ul ~ .,,, ... ,,. ""''' r,.. .. ,v•••l .--••u ly th .. .. ," • 't ,.. -t'\.llltill:ttinn . m .. , 11 In 11 llul ll\'lllt: '''"\''"'"~ • r-To~.., ...... 1.,.,,,. ( •'I''""' .J,.,.,, •lo· S l Mu tt urrl\•••1 ttuel e'"lll .lrKn ''"~I M11rt W•>tlkl -A~-'· · I . "" ~·· \\oil'"'" ~ • Slllln"'" uno! 1 '"Ill lull II• I•·• Jo' r n 1 "n ... 111 nah&W Tribute. Ulr !llM&Uw ( II t•l"f''ll tlw&r awl& flw Ow We n-catta. Thn~ttah4~ttt thla .-.... ,..,. .. ,_., ,....,. "'"r" .. ,, '"ill''''''' ''"''"'II ,.,.,.,,,.'' '''""" ''""11111!' thr ,w,.llltoll •tf 11•'11111( o•apoo .Sr"'-port llutiN rert-.r ~lit• .,.,. ~t"'c tiM-• ....-'-,. • · • nJ ""''""'' hunth •.,l I"'MU"" wtnrtr: ''"''-, Thf' unt">tJl4'f'l t>d anll recvr 1 1 fomi& )'ad •UJI& nocau.a at s..ta BarlM.ra.. ~a.4 .... , • .,... t"'o ut f1ii' Pillillflr ma......, fW .. .-.1 ., UW ,...,k "''"..., lnoh• .. I• fkal• ..,...." ...... ._........ ,......,'l",..i '"' "" 111 hr •• nrrttw-htl;'h' 'f'hoo ,,....._, 111 ,.,...,....,1 to• ~ u.. brf'aklnjit -tt.rnnut uf JJ:, m,.u aro,..1nc !Uid popular S r wport tlarlM\r Rllo....., 33 rwt. AI tlw IPU '" .luhn s. Cirlf· "'161 .,.,. f'1 II" !UMI "'"'· .lan-\'. tl•1ftrt.. ... , ........... _, .. ...,,.. .1. ~ c ooltdoon ., 1 ·••l '"'"•lulll l~t•l•l • I""''"' J'r>• ,.,1111 ,. 111 mual .. rb•• • ~n be-mun .. rf'U Into t ht• lila It' !"'"'" ""-Y PPQJI)' IJ .... Ia UN-riatll fol"f'C""''UIMII I• \\'allrr 114\ftman· .. 81 .... l'f'Cii)• aiMII ............... ,. ... H•ry ( uiMIIu•. "'h4' .. ,..,... .......... ...,_..,. "'0'4~.,. T.... ;\I.~··· ~IIIIIIIHII .~lnljtlhllt'llltotl .... ,., ... ny ' Will) • l'fomml••lt•llf'r of· guarJ Monday night and t loe So. II. T1w "'CJIU& •tartf'4 t ... t !'toDCiay ..S "'Ill c"'ntln..,. throuchflut t .... ,.. .... k. lktl•y .....,. D 111111 81-~10 ""'" fPatul'f"d ,.,......_. .. ,. 611 fiNo Maturday and. t h•• II It'll "" t l~or ''lll!nt~I!!•!J•· ltJrl · 1 (lt·o·r ..... In!! KJtJW•Inloool ''" ~ ,., tlnJL wh....,o---n.r=:::r.aa t'CMnpp,ttttoil ...-n a--.ta.d-litltt Wf'f' ttMo pnt ........tl'"f'ttd • ... t --~ ~ -....... T ...._' >I ....._....._ I • • ••• e~wo at t a#...._ •& ,.._.,.. ..... ~. , .. ,. ,., .. , ,...,.,,.,..,, !ho'ft' w.tttllf "'""' 1 ,.,_"',."'"'" unl it th .. rnmptlny • tbtoy IJil•pla.)'l'll W&lll a :lt•riDitl' ---------------l•• It '"""' ltor '111'11 II h•llllt• IIIIIINI 1 uffh•htli)' niiV"I f'~J . .t Whkh U ... t ribute to Jo'enton Earo11h•w , If, "ll:t.:•·•••·ol "'""'II 11 lll"'''''"'ll It I• lhrn •·nrnma noiNt hy 11 leouler who ha• Jnildf'd i hl' org<lnl. s hi d s CADET SCHOOL HERE Not Healthy to ""'''" 14•·•·" ,,. t\4u lnt••r '"''"'I "' th uwn ,.,,,,,.,. whu Ill qualified. u Uon work •lnce It ~·a . t w"mme .1tltl. "" ,,, 1111• '""' m lnull:' IIJ)lJII· ·n.~ apf'llcant. to{ tlua ........ atarted. He: ha• l''Orkc..: U.1" ou . an I rs . Tear Up ParkinJ{ tlllth ... l'tlflllolt•ll· JIIIIW'1'11 ""'' •• ,.,., w .. r •• lnrttru••tt'd to w•tf'ft hui141Ua !~~~~~::~v·~· p~:.; Storm Gt"ant Meett"ng IS APPROVED --TODAY . Citations Here ""~·.~::~~·~~~ .... '"'N'IIon "' thotM'\~r~~~~·::~."'::n:! ot t.be-work. And lh~ I"Hponl'e ~~'~"' M t~ l•x-lll NlaiJ"'ny who fur ~ .... =---~:=.:-~r=~ ·::: -..-.....,.. -.... -...... -N ~:_;.~..; i.:Of::f~~ .1-21 F,·gfit,·ng ·MarJ,·n Ovt'r 7~ '"'-'imm t•r!l particlpalf'tl ' yard m,.•lll'y for Junior rnl'n u IN"ar C..ta ._.. ,..._... " ,_...... ,_ .• Truture M•IM In tboo J unior a nti Rf'nlnt' Outdnor rrprf'Mnt.ath·l' flf thf' P11111t1Jir na A •·i~ froaa ·Waudda~ D. C .. today lafornwd auth· Ia rtCPt """"' Ill tftt' c•M of 'Mifo Chambn ol Commer·e ~nuthi'T'Tl p a c-1 f 1,. As~l<'tlltinn nun J a<'k St-llllln anJ Jat'k Bur-orlt~ a t Saata Au •·ho hav• ....._ C'OIIdac•Un• -oUat.Ao. Doftald M . M,_queat. s ' R d s Ttt>ajiOr,. ,\laps rf'A:Iy ha v.• A. A u ~~·1mmtn~ C1uu npHlnllhtpa ·s:•n. both ot Glf'ndaiC'. V.'t'n' llf'<'Ofld ,. -·,. Accordlne to pol~. Oftlref' t rt IIOflleth lng Of1 thr ball . .\n at Nt'1111•ptort Harbor IMt !"un•IAy. RO<I lhir..J to ha\' .. thfo IIIC'hool loc-atN ......... U.t ~, .• ,. ...... t ofllciah ft•lpft W•tertu. Wf'Ote • P•'"· a ecor eason • u amplt> •• tbe uptori"nC'!' of whl'n nt'w rt'('nrds wt rl' f'!lla!). Murirl )fl'llon rut .thl' wall'r teo ha\'f' ~h·.,a tJwlr f1aa1 •pprovai • thr Nt., "'"t of Nr"'por1 '"• ticket •"" ten ll Ofl a ur Hf'rb Shf'art"r·or BAlboa. ::ow lillhed. ,•ktc•ry 1n thf' 60 ~·ani fr,.(' 11lyJ, a•,·d .. 0 ........,.1,._ , ... _ f'--ta •-r----tn· ('lub, k ~u lrar1N'd •• Ae•te llr-Mi, e.albo• •• Hnb IIMti l o-call Aluk& h~a t -n1nr -·~-n .,..llh u_ •• .,,.,,, ¥"' ...,.-...-fW' ~ "'--'-"'-_ ,;._ .... Af•-..-...,,.. up , .. _ • Thco a m.atf'ur aquatiC" s11rl' rr· or ~ -~ .. , • .,-y · ..... ...,... .,..._ ..... Nr•q~<ort hlllll'lr '" at>JIII rl'nlly l Ju ltahy wllh T. A N;t;ll•am at 11tampinK ~ruurdll and ll f•l· 1 f'N'I"'Otl'ol m Bny ~outh«'m <"ah f.,r-l 'n rk!' ""'' ~htri"Y t•r1u ,..•n ,..., un! froan rf'llablf-~. 11t...t a brief tflet•nu . he lt•p low ""'forkAr hn a fllllNtlld t:ll'n' ,, thl l All lhrf'r 14 f'rl' r n m A .. -· , ... _ 0 c-t. _ .. _ fl ..... _ -Mif ·-_tu"' .t"'U"d. There. 'ltt·~·lrol , .. r anu4hl'r , ...... ,., lfWIITtl· , .... ll,.lm. Tllnto. wa .. -lrty ftlln· nlll rltJr~. ln<"lu<ltng l...nn~ lka• h lUlu n 1 PSWO\' "" tft' f'IUlP -i Mu: COil ,..... .__ pr"'-.--1 l''U ont', Ram M . H11.11~n. now thf' F1nro>nrl' (11am~r•""~v.im ('tub bef-fila ewee, lee uw tier ''""'"" •""""n lhh1 yr•r with. 21 •ttl'll -~. \'\'httltrr. Pa113flt'fla Glt>nflaJe, ~an · • dktioa .-..de ~•tb· b'' thto N•.._n....,. that th., MHA tdt.. ' P. 11 h 1 ..o( Sha;(way RN•rntly n t>rb . .,..,~ u "''.I'll 88 ttw> Harbor n1,.._ 1 uf San JJits;tO. • -~ --oJ o..-of tfte car "turn, t.alte '""' 1111 hnvluJC "'"'"''Y hrl'n ,,,,. • R •• " "'"' (' C' lt•·weter end ORl! a TrU .. I\Jrt' lorAn wrth trlct a no a numbt'r of alblf'tl<' Third J•la r,. In tht' HIO • }..-ard ~·ouJd ~ lhf' OIM' fiaa.Uy seledrd by Uwo ~O\'rranwat fOI' Ulft tftt' flcll.t, caet tt-..... tft amt -"'-"'"'~' ....... ,111 .... 1 .., -fktt'Mc ttto-r-t JAu!.lw a.. Ul puumt.r ""'' .. tot • ll'tlt'r to 111"' oll:l frtt nu, \Ooho club!! ' 11 11('n lor wnml'n'll m"'""~' rf'lay V.;'f'nl \'8.41t tralllia~ Pf'Oit"UD· drive •••,.. • '"'1 .,..,.,.k.., llur '" lhr ..._"' ,.,.,.,.,, marlin rr"I""'IIY•Iy ahot&rd l'TOtr blll'k that appalt·rt~ly • H bo ~ Tftt' lnta -.fflcer rualtrd to K••lllltl( 1111•Jr rw11v 1111111111,.lly t•llrly .I II M•·N11:Jy'• ll"n•IY II IC~ Ntowporl Harbor ran't llf: b.·1t Thl' 1'\'t'nHI ~bo'BJI llpon,llor~~y lhl ... T'" lhf' fs·,·~'f'Olhnrt llr lrl . ~: •_m Durin~ th .. put !M'nrai ....... thr lonallon of tiN' nwlfot I ttu. "''" • flllll1 1~r "' •nul,.,.,. I''""''''' hi• fiMh ... htolfr llntl ao ao·• ... ,. next liml' h• •nd Nt"'"f"!rt ar r J un nr ', ... m >11r ""m " "' 1 f'llmpr•.• n~ ..,.,, ...... h•·-• ........ toa·--tt.-h••.__r ........ _.~ __ _. ""-nta ana h•* ........... lela ~tro4 car, Mt out In ltot " h " ~. ' a r)f Comrnt'Tt'!' and r('r<'l\' .. d I hf' ('().. J.lolllllj!lOWrlrth, C1Rirr ( t AIJ,C 1\11•1 -'"" ...,. ............ ..... -'111' -~ -.._ " ... flll!"'ll"' pu,_lt lind arn~ated .... driver '""'" ""' rl'lllt'll tl ... r ... J tu """" "'"'' ......... , ... , w I I,.. '"'"""'"r haulf'd Mrs. Hanll"n villlt In ('Allfor· ,1,..rAI~<~n 11( Ill<" :-<rv.·p<,rt lla rbnr Kalhlrl'n !4aflll'ir Flrlll plar.-wM a"·altia~ tM appro\•aJ of hi~ IO\'•ranwntal ufficia~M Ia wtto ea.we fila name •• K..-. ''"'' """'""r•l In 101 th.. tlmrl~·r 1 hi• •••t•·h """nnt In 'J.'l mlnull'll, nia. lh('y'r(' gnln~~: to lt k : 8 C"haml)\'r of CommNrf' W'lfl by t hf' II'Rm nf J&I'IJUI'lyn \\'uhln~n. queat.. Tfte ,.outlt wtto •lltoQedly Mn~l•••" ''""'" Nrwl"''' ll111l><•t l.~t~tl Hlllurtltty H.,w•r•l Y.arl ot 1001' at ~,.~port llariJ..r. J h All r th Lon n h Bl~hnp, B4'\'t>rly J'nrk"' a nd r.t unr l j -.. d i I •--th •. ....a.--• ..___ t I hi Ignor-ed ttte dignity of the law, "'"Itt 1 'lull "' "' h··r •lftl• '"' W~"lt:h 1 '·"" A""""'" hr..u,n,t In ,. m~&rJin -:- 0 n tMn 11 «' · g "ac r.tdlon anll liN'ond fllllrl' Willi wun • ne H" on to .... -ate • ~ ucn: .JIN'An!l tha "' t D w1111 tnetructed to •ppe•r In 1111: "'"II''"" 11 1111 h,.,.,.,. 1 hr 111111, 1 1,11111 t II' I'" tl '"" ,.. . .,j,..· •t 2' .. Approved . Y.M C A. wnn thf' t()(• yllrcl hilt k-h)' Audr<"" 1'\i'yl'tlllf< h. l-\hlrlr\,' t~·o or threr mJ~ Of fhr flarftor Dlstrlc1 a df'f•IW' ,....&......~ cOv.'l at • a . '"·• Aueuat 2, be· 11'" I '" lw•llo•v,.,l '" ,..,.,.,.;, lh,. J•••unflll &ll'tllrtl ft:rl O rr.c:rl,.'e Dc>l· 111trokc Cor mro In Ult' .}\lnh>r Ill-> r• ~#C" • rr 1 1 1 1 • ., t At IAI!l I hi' Inn~ clllll'oiM,'d \'lllloo. foii11WI·tl hy Stan :-.lorkN·It-l'l'llr!ll•n anti !'IIIH)' Jo'ln•ll••y Bnth ! •ill ~ launC'hrd ~·hiC'h RN'anll the expradlturf' nf lltl"t~-..... IW'n fOf"e City Judoe Robert O.ard-.. ,, " , ... lifO -,. "" ,,. "'" ..... I ., .... , .. ,, llftPr <'adrt trntr~tn~ ,ll<'ho .. l hM lw<'n t'r nf WhiiJlt'r a nti Mikr Sllf(lnm· flr~t nn•J IW"If1•1 pl•u·,. trA.ml' w r rr and thn'f' million" of dollar'l' for baUdlft~ and nnrh· $400 000 ner. I Xltt: "'"'II" w•·r•• '''""""' '"'" "" h.,,r llllll J{J mlnut .. hallie. finally nrrr .. vr;.l with I hi' WI•(' or l"'888df'na. c•ntr rl'ol IJV thr l-1urrn•··· ( hambcrl'l j . . . I"" '"" .... , Sollloluy loy •JHtr1 lilt I( I J I . A"'''""" lA ''-"""' '"land --rrl'lfll W"ulttn~th•n &Mtln.J ..rc...I"_TV!m-~""'"' nf t-M-P•u•tena.: Sw!rn t:lub of gan L>u~,.:o. a ntOt:tth J!&Yr~ll. " '" :" '' ""'"" ,1,. '""" .. r 'J.(" It 1 ·,., '""''~·• " l lllr I""'"" m.rlln whjl11 t'l'lvn1 lodav hv oftiURIII ot Athlcl.lc Club ~-• flrlO~ in __ th,. ~ Thr ~"n l>lt•Pt• grnHJ" ,.,,.... m~ --The IC'hool ,.jt.. romprifw t .. 8f'rr~· Kam•h , ••hie-h. r _x-Ffrst&llx> '"' Y ,.· .. ~ lil ttt.ll• .. ,. .. urtlt·•l a 1111 ) flllltlniC lialunlay ab.ar•l hla y..-ht. Santa Anll .. ttnif'l!l' mtr .......... "". .,.., '"""--' --a j -r t1 .-., ~ I Mi"'• M tlt e ... _., t-.,u Ill~ yard ..... nior mf'n bnr k!!lrtokr II dtcR.n .. ~, .. ,. In flrlll a nti t<'lVIld t•nd" from a poiat IN"ar Bakf'r 86'fli.f;Paulal1no, ~· ~ ..:a . "lltn 'T •'Titt.... "'"''"TI fhl' h<)J'jf' I' ... U P II mnlll'J"'IIt"~n· Is wrong. thr f'Xp4'nd ttt•r·• c,f <"VI'nt. ~llkr ~afnnov an•l .. 1npl' pla• ''8 "' IPI•• 30tr yArol Jun~•·r w••· port 81\'d o ~'t th roull'tn• C'l b tn th lla .•... ,. • .. -U ' "'" 1\1111: ~k•t•t••·•••l •·v (!llh· t.r l lo<•lm A•"'"''" hl'"'ll hl u, .. fllllh IIIJt h a va.t~t llllm or mon,.y Will Hn~tan. t.olh "' \h" lnmc C'l~h m•'" I' n.•·•llry. ~ h•h· \ho· :\<'WJw•rt ·• p...,.-., ... • . D • r nn ·~ prop-. I '·• "'"' I 1 .... ·1•• 1""'"'1 lfWr.mn ..-tJ ,, .. , IC>tlf IJj vur hour all•l Ill min· boo l' I th" .. lartx'r f1 1 -tq.t lcJCok ~uoOfl anJ t hird lla rtoor l<"ant t•••k IUihl hl'r t htn l rrt~· and ba4-k.from :'\;f'wpor1 Blvd. to Old Santa R411Wl. aD I I d L d j "'·'" 1""''' '1 1" •~• 111111111'11 l•r "'''~ • Sa nta An'l a nd the l'lll ll e .. ,,.yd Haga n rarturl'd t hf' 300 . .,-:htrl,.~· Pr:lntllln MAry 1-'int:lll'y l al'f'e of 0\' .. r 400 IU'rf'!ll. J ...... " :-.. >ll lu I K .. , ...... A.......... I ll hr r rrf'l'nl l'al•'hrll lntlwl ... t ... County of Or&Ojl;t' s an a y ....... lnllo'• •I ,, llltHltll KIWHH•I ""' l t N:l '"''"''' n••rlln ""' ... "'' by ,. "'· , • q.,.-;;:' --= I I ""111" 1"~•1 "'''' olt1)' II11U1 fhlo l Ji1ouor ul An&h.UIJt •'--•1 Mr-Aflot~r Sltop On Movt"ng A Prt·nt••ng Plant c· t 8 d tu ,,.vy, ~"''"''' '"' "'"'"""nl'(l un-s b ,"' .. \\t ll'l ..... ,, lllr l lat iNor ""'"' Nnlly'" l •~tntly, whl<"tt thft analrr On(' thm;; alway!! l!M'"Tl~ •o 'I t · Ill abetolut•· n""'' '" I''"'" anti ,.,,, lt&tlf'\1 f•tr 2 huura a ll•l 00 mlnut,.• IC'a,l tn anr.thf'r Rn\1 now lh'll l y s on ~~~o!,~r ,'~:r~~,~~~~~atl~•;n .~·.-.!"y~ uccum s t-A :.'1. J••tlll•l•o.,wu,. lnlltlr•l lty ' 1; .. .,,.,. II. Hnl>ltllltlfl "' lffllly: t h" :-; .. wli·Ttmrs s nd LA>-' k' I· 'olr\·rr IDO\'., a printin"' .......... ~ ... .. ....... ,... "'" • "'"1"""" at Art""'" tn 1 """'"' ""'"" ""''Utrr 1111 ,, •n 1,., l i'C'l'tt Nr w jl'>rt Shrf't Ml't:ll ,.. t-• bt-~J . I ' r11' fl rJI:IH11.7,tll"rt •I•·• h.rrol "In lhl1t !111 .:, ""'"''' ~ "lilt Allvu• l'h••t -IIII I t I I I I y I( r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~n~~~~~~~~~~~ ~-~I~ •·~~~~~ ·~ thr nau~ ·~"''''"~ tdi~'"K thr 1~ An· ' ~urr~ ''"'~ w l l ll ~3 • • ' e~·~ '.,., ._ l"ttllt•lll " f IIW•onlfl"h I' It II I( h t .. C ill" 1 1 t .... -ol -_ _.. ••• _.....,,.,_ • ..._A .. ..._ ~ ...-.... :-.. ---.. wu.u li:&ll ~~t ~~cw~~~~~·~ '-~a~fi~~t~wmu~ ~~ --~~:~~~~=~~;~~~~:~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r~r~w:"~~~=;~=··-~~:~:·~~•r ""'""" r.d · I'IC'3 f'IOin l'r, "'h•n ~·r built our nr" bui1dln11: r\'rr)'bod)' -• --·~ .. ..._ ..,.. • ..,..-t~n-lll1otnt1 11nt1 "''"n"r "' u·h~ aa,.t. hl''ll~lng In bull\! •!IIWlry \41ol k , ... umulatJ-d ,.,, lhl' 01 •• ~ ,. • ... It 1.!1 l"•ll/1•1 lll~&rllu M·~-··· ..... ~..,.. ....... ...,.... ----... ~ ... ~ ~ ........... ... .... .. --...1 .. _. --···A 0 ,.. m<.nd ... ~ ..... n iU'"' .. ,. ....... --.... n ~ ............ _. ~----fiiiHI-ftt In nn 11nn.rt~ """ "..,...-ifi-~"1•nn.._,~._._f.,..Ph. PML•-~ -· 0~ 7/1 '~ wll.t~ ~.,fort.. · -.. ,.~.r~ ~ • · • ' I t l r •Mitli,; ~ --=--· "'.._.___ ..........,._....._•rtl.l ly arqulrl' 11>11 Afljal l'nt to •t-r do "·ith all that spaff. Madfl u~ ~·ondfor a bit, too. / / ·~mp" "_' ·_ _ _ ('h k p ,~ ....... "''~-...... ~. '"'' l 'llJIJIII•·n• .,,,.. t•r••m111'"1 , • .,,.,, 1 ec • 3Haar I~"IJihln In " 411 tnlnut .. lt~~~tll,., Jtallnn F'<IOtls l'rtwlurt~ <'ar.. It •--k th• mo\· .. -. th--•Ia~.., of •. •~ ...... appll--I • II l h "" O'll:i u"' ..-• • ., • .,..... " ,.~~·-• ,_.. • '"'"' rl'll t "11 "" '' "'11" ""''""' 1' l. 1:111••11 ••f '"'" Au~··•,.~ htlfok· n('f)', -:-Uon to tran~frr thP f'C)Uipnwnt fr'f!m th• old plant to Mother . or Ofltl of lhr flntt hnrnr lt\A'Ill'riO "11 Is SoufJ'h By ,.,, "'"' '""''''" fl 'J.Itl '"""'"''r In • On "'-'I'I'Pn -t\'t"'''''JJJM H11rbor h~nk~ in ttl t .,,. mon M onf'" n;:;un • '11w• llml' )I~ Ill n !'!HH'I l'Ub)P.,fl latwlr'fl S~ll-lln. Th<' f1fm !'hnws !>Omt• landluhh<·r~ who <'om" In rh•• tx-nc-lt Anrl aflr•r \'iPwtnl-: th<" hay from Rtoland Vnll'lly'!' 'Ciovk I hl"y pN)('f'l'd I 1.-ti h ffl ho f'd flt•n•lrd tll'ht rtf lhf' r tly "' :\··~ c F w B:olh"" h 1:!n<l, tllrtl 1011tl·I•·HI)I '""' • ,., ,... . ~.~. 111111,1,,11 "1111,. tl~hlll~ "'"'"'" thr Dr\\'. n . ·~· .... n ~ t • 0 N' ~ rro~· ,port&jJ(-Itt'h t~lerl $1,1t31l2 MI "" atts wrrk. . tLocal StoreH ,,.. AI J ...... wtlll M n• ,. ·~ l,;lllt tt ·~ tru .. •·-(lirom Cia .......... mr-.-.11), ..a ... kup·•-... •·-cr--J '() ~ _.---.. l ; • n~ •·ftJO ~ .. .,.. ~~WTV pn ,., •n.JIL'o """" U'l~ " , ,fH.,, an .. 11 ".., r 11 I;"~ Mra. J(Arv(IV, 'lo'hu -.·u '"'"II "' fh,. h,.lm.- Ray w~ and Thf'OOOrf' Robln,tO) and hf'lpNI In $2:\2 2ij ,,,r rarh .a nd f'Wrv l•f" ,,, Dies Toda_y li n••""'" hy m&ny "' ltAIII'Ift '" lhr 4.431i mf'n, Wflrnl'n, 111id <htlol Ja'1tlt>ra, houl nvt l,.l'fl lll t••r .; I••I•K' 1'""" .. '"" ''"'l'""'"k l<t """"" thr OPf'ratloa. rrn In t h,. r ll y. n 11tu•l;v ,,, tit• T h,. mot h•·r ,,, (. ..-tim,. anti • ~,.r •I''""' r ttm,. ,,,.,.,. '"r '' "'"" I( I~ I111C h111 n"""' "" Private Uites Wednesday J4,or At that "'alton. Hubbard (who hous:ht old build-Jl"r r npltll lll'hl nf C'altr .. rnl t '~ ~ ... ; Wntb . r-·t ... lly '''""winK <ll'lnt•r In lt•·r . ''I( " lJ•I k . un • ""'K''" .. r Jlf!IIIO mana~t"r ur thr )l;,..,...l"•r1 llr·•n• h r t 1 In~) and Gordon f1udla~·, ~·ho rf'modf'llfod It, roulda't C'lllt ll, Jullt f'flnTftlrl~'tl l•v <"nllf••r ••f thoo DAnk ,,, Alnl'rl• a. •li• •l 'hi" hum,., "'"' I• I '"''" ',,., "" ott "'" It•·• I ~·ait for U.41 to JP:Pt o~t, brJP;an dl"nwmbrria~ thf' !;';.,~•":."YPr!<' ad<~f~~~~·~r·::··~1,:. mom lng . T"""''"Y ,, l • L u n -~ T h,. H~trv"v"' roru.tn,.tr•l ""''' "'''1 ""1'11" t;, •• ,.,v f••r ''7 ~tnd _ 1lli-.ILS\i.l, __ ~JjlL_ R---M€fo~~--t"t"--.:~~MCWf'"'~;.;.~~~ .. ;lij;;b;-;i~d;;;hj~ Opc'T'li~~M~I' 'tt'"rrnTC: of the art. AI thr S•'IUth C"r·a~l De.-f&fptntfr "'9t:k. JW\t rn thrr lr<~m :ibOut ,.,.,..... But the rpo\in~ • .-hiC'h ~tartf'd Frida~· monln~. iouo; cine;~"" or t..,. .. ,,.. s:o fflr a l'rui<t' nn lh<' :-o;,.wp(ort llnmnr •-u finaUy &N'Ompli'lhrd Monda~· aft..mooa , add th., \arht. :-;ow~. \'i<"w an o<'i'an Df'W plant l'l ~ually U.'lumln~ normaiC'~·. "Curt~" ;..,,, rnC'f' :1011 wt!lll up a~ '""'"· Tripp. with thf' l'f'IJJ hf'lp of hill •~t MD, Don, had ins: l'nl hu\ill<l ~ f:'C<'I'll<"nl ,,('\\ .... 0 r R.,n"""· :-o;rwport th~ machlDH win-d and runniu~ Suada~·. That boy i~ RalhnA J•l;,nt1 a nd Comna cl4'1 • a •·hiz. d~ to 80methlu~ hf' lnhforltf'd, Pf''haiJI', from Ma r art' in I hi' f1lm and rlurin~: Dad. it!'' n'<'l'nl ~ho141ns: 111 •hi' Udr>, ltll'lll fA n~ r l'<:l'ivN! n "hnn~-:" 8o-(HJ-~·our ~~: pap.r 1.'1 lwlorf' ~·our ry~. otJt or ,.it'V.1nt: th,. hom<''to"-n It may han OlH' or hm ·thin~ "TOG~ "ith'lt, bat our in thr m<Wt~>l'. loyal and forthri~ht pa~. all of •·hom ~n-., bat Mr a.M l\tr,. conrad ~lli'W)k .. n. •ill a.,, . .,r ~.,t, Jnf'dah, ~n th• rommunity a paptor t e-rtalnl'rl a ..-rnup of llllt\0'1 • rlrnrl11 •ithout mNtn1 aa k'IUf'. Sunda y t'\'f'nlng at a bari)('('IJ•' (!In· Mr. 1 • tm'll!~m1r-J A-.,..,__~,,. wu • l!ludy, ,rf "A'h•l llJ•J•~n· r~nnrrflnK Oli' fiTWnif O.>'Jtlf'{TI'I•'"-~--o • l lflllf populaUon . ftJ;"IIrl'~ r rw A,,,, ,,,, ~r""' (•or .... , maJnlantl lUI tltl'roo ... t•~llly l •r•l•·ll116; s.:t ..... ,~.~. ,,, .rru• "''"I' W•••IIII'"''"Y· Ill " m . f<lr .. ,,., .lndebtedneu or thj: "'•llnly, tvh<l'•l , .. wllhatAn.l "'-~;.rl!l hlnr~J trana-AJI lranlrport.aUun to u ... ~'""'' ~· I.... l!•·d llll•l Wltll... A ~ I ~finn I .. , .... ,, .... ('ttriW.JII, 114, "'h 0 &Nl lfll'rll'll llilllrt•lll lh,.· ~lA'" fuelona ""'"'" ';;(~,,,. tu N V<' ''"r WllA vi" rnw bnoal "' hy f.,rry an•l 'rh••ll•J•II•Ifl 1••1•1 ,,ftl• "'"· tlor """~ <h<>•l Ill h••r "''"'"· :1.111\ ,.,.,.,,.r an•l thl' fPtlrrfll ~·)\'rmrr.rnt U • •n. Jut bring rn~t•l" I•Y h.·r r-un. thl' lumlwr and malf'r11tlll f••r th" ,.,1 Mr. IA.nl( •••l•l "'" ~"': "'tt." ~""'"'· C''"''" .M••II:t, nrol ln~lut11'tl In t hr fllt11rl'll Uti' n Wl\111 " , hi .~ 1.1 1 I I 'I I ' P'. "'""" y• r~t•·rol&y "'"''"Y homoo wu ""'"'' I•• th,. ""' ••r "' '"' • 1' "" ,.,. 1'llr rllt•fl will 1..-h"l•l In the III'"Of'lllliton I!IBtNl Wr. a nt! M r" \\':tllll ,,( I hi" l11l:o..nt1 try m .. a n• of a rllfl t ••n· lt1al ,,,. 1411111•1 ,,.. It~• k f ••r lt1" ll~r••l J< 1:nwrl f'h"JI"I. ('<~~•l.a "P.vt'ry l<l,.a f••r n,..,.. P"""'· • 1\y bav~ llt-•·n ''"\'In~ -lhr P""' llt.rurW for tha t f'lltf"lll". ~rr·~ ,.,,,.,. I f• • lVIII,.•!, " rhro 'k ,f•tr I M•·liu 1onol lnlo·n r..-nl will h. In hulld lngll or t'XJlllnlOiton nf "n v '"Yt ral rlll \"•~ln I;··~ 11,.11, h lln•l y,r ml!ny Y"""' lh" IC&rv,.v• 5 17 IHol rullr•l '" • "'"" '"'' k. '""'IC '"'"' h ~tnv,.mmrnllll umt 'r~ r llpllal "111" I•" Will n111 '"'lim ''' lh•· t.ank f'fiY•Y~ ~ IIUmmoor m•.nlh• In Til,. •oun•· J•l'""'''lilrr WIUI rnr-A n~otlvr ''' Whlll'fll~ln, Mlcfll- 1Ay prnltTAm, "'h" t h" r In 11" f••r anOUl,.r ''A•• ••r thrt·,. tl~y•. f'll'l· lh,..r J•land tv.m,. IUVI hAv,. 11 llr•l '"'' "' llw N••Wt"'" Mttr k•·l J:"n, ~1111 l'•wwon hiUt ,.,..,,. a ret~t-fln&nC'~'d hy 111 ht>ntJ 1~,. nr hy " J·IO)'~• •1•l '",.,. numtlf'r ,., trl,.llrtll In th,.. IUid ''" """"'l't .,."" ml!ll" , .. fllrll ,.,., 1 ,,, l '•llll a ._.,.." t11r :\ yl!a.ni __._ I ~-port Harbor l'ommllnlty who lh .. 11111111 Il l 1•1l71>11 lrJ••k'll t-;r w ll n•l .. , lh .. 1111111' lhr r-t 2, Y""""· and JBr<JU"I~"Tl H•11hnp wr r" rtrtwl . llrr•. (1l11rl,,.' 1!,•1 llf'r lltt,.n•INI wnoe tilbodred bJ tlwJ au~nte~~ ot I"'"· '"'' •llol n••t ""' ,.,.,.., ,,..,. ,,,.,.,. • .,.,, ll'aVI'II ''"'' /tONI, Rhlrl•y Ral•·ll l'Rtty f'Mlrcnn an•l " britlal llh'tW"' ''" fofl11• lA Veta h,.,,,, ... lh. J••11tr ,. ••h"'l""" lnf.,m•t~lloo lhott J<rnnrlh f!or110n , lti'Jr f'ur110n, llnd A ll•lr"l' l'\ryrnlt1t'h cnmprlaetl lh,.. Hutb TOWnlll"n•l In !'l~tnl'ft An~ ,., ~ lf'tlvr11 h,.r h•lll· " m11 n tc•• nl( ur>olrr lt1" n1un,. .,r Nl'f&l C'IH'I!IIfl, all rot C'•111ta Atfe-. ""' nnrJ pl8f'" lri\ITI. lit. O..lly l;oll f:"' k••r ,, Nrw -Mild, J . linton Hllrvl'v 10n •l ,,0 ,. H 11 J;•lllf h1111 '"' 11.11&11, Jo: A. Mild ttalph f"or110n rtf C:loon•l&ll'; one ,..,. l,.,.nt t h lr•l pllll'"_ '""m In· port JI.C~u lR 11 lr'""t rtf Mlllll l &rJII, R.loymond K,.nt H&t\'"Y· wh•• ll••ll'"' nnd '"''' t...r n l'lll'tl ijrl'-•l~tul(hlrt-, Mr11. lllatly" 1\avUI er tiii'INI Lol.!! HnlllnJI:Ilworth, Oalrr I F:l&lne He1184'll 11r Lo1 Ana-oolu Ul&a I• ~ wtth ttt11 otrar -, o1 \'I'''4"'Y· ""''" '"' •·ha.rA'r• ,, r .. r. nowno,y ; and ruurt~ a u ndchlld• C"-'f a.nd Kathle~adletr. """'· ~ • Oon&l4 Be&ctl Kirby, u chlt•t. •. • rry . rt'n. ...... ~ . ..,_ \ • ~. . ----,. .. NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS.~. Newport Beach, California. TUESDAY, .JUt!y 29. 1941. t . F. . . L I T 5 h Lou.·s A. wr.·ght I i'.:::" ~ "'~~--~;;~~~~·-~~ t t •,. ru~oralltm •RASK L. CLA.RK. Irs Oca rap -00 • 1• J)OtiU:-M f'I.ARK.1:t:OR.GE Jl. MOSH -GJven Bow tng I M~.~i~RG.~ "() ~~~~rt:RzJWA'TI: ·• Ball O 8-. hda ,,·,nt.t. hi~ w1r .. ABiliF. Y lt ESRT. ThM ~l'wnnrt Hathnr Tran,h~·-, Shop, l..'mun 0 •1 Cu •. Harry flwh-n Irt y .;~otttao: o; llt::-oRY II•A ·~ETZ-' .. .... .,... ,. v .-> ~" w n .LER. t>MMA ~·••Rki<'K <'0 .VIs. ~hoo(lll'•ll: t'lub IIUCl't"llllfUIIy Jtage1 tower. 11 H ll<Jl':'t:Ll.J::. W. T. • . L'L , ,·,u ·JTc •~. 8 0S n A 1~'\'ESTM£..'11•-It~ lil.it ''8(\ooOt" hut Sur.day 0"1 Gordon B. Flndlay COO!tlnli'troJ WUII A WriJ;ht city plumbing I'IIJII PA,.\ •. " · lotrp<>rallon. II H 11.-rolu l gruunds u~ Custa ~esa. the Dll\'!!11&"'• _huuae for lhe club's .~,~ ·tor huQ >..wn. pr~"tit•mg on 1 lii.At':,"TI':IS. J 0 II s t t; KEL.'I,A.T 1 • ~ , 11.., ~·• • ~~ ""'.: -, •1.1\'t~ lol" t~ K•:J,.~A \'. oo• wof~ G uo!'\: ••\ltll'••t.lng lhe UpJ')t'r 1:. •Y wlt:1 new t rap equ1pmeot at ('•Ill tu1tl lht• hoC"al INwhng all~!\'ll Wit h th\' I Pt::.:t'A I.ATJI()\'11"11. ~ t: ct.: R 1 T T ~:un ··xrwrt .. trnm many t~e•·Uuns o r t he city aasislc..J by bovln•; J u,·l< t,. ... "'r "'lln•r ball rec:-'•mtly g•l\'t•n t 'III:-T :-oATiu::>AI. R 1 Ai!_" or •• ~~ d B . .1 l 1 • •t ~ "•~ ,.. . I A :"o;n.~ A ="•I'""" ... a~~tuc ,._.,.. Ed All F Save y ~oolllho·rn ( Rll(l)rni.,. partod putlnJ!' 1 1tlll-b ••. l hc cll~ln,• r101; o..<lpart. hlrn liS a birthday present. o uolh•~ J (./11:-; R'»tTII£1t. f'J{ED· . en our I (,lo"UIIy llllpJ:K/rtlng U1e III:W cor· ment survey the gruw11J~. Thl.' c•lty Orfil'tal, whh b<>wiP<l In ~~~~~~·~ .. \\~1.!;~1~EruL:.::l!'JgH ~~~I!lE Ll·r auards. Man lo:lllll%11t •o•n Wl'r'l' lllll.lly Nrw port Re.ulta I the Wlnt!'r leagu.e .. a rnt'mber , ..... : Tn ··•tit. J A="E 001!: OSE TO Fqur Classes Sail. In Balboa Yacht Club fomptltitiou £l,., ' ~~~ lo•or mtm •hants who cuntr lhut: Tbt.> rerults ()f the comp~tltlon 1 11f sam Km~tfather·s team w as prt•· ;:g.~~ .. ~~·":=JE ~.fru~Jl,.~~~~~~ I A . ~ I 'Found ()n Beach I .... ffil'll'hlndille pnzes Which w·r~ Saturdtty w ere .as-follows : :-4!nh·<l Wllh the baJI by K mllfllther TIIIIUO lKJE COftPORATI~i.nclante Only four t'lri.•SI'S I'OI'I'Ii tid~ J)ll•l l l 'hlll!lJ.'~ 11 1 • i-llf'l • I 1 .. • •• s ngl ·lng I 1!1\iilolf'd the w lnrlt'rl In tne COm· ·8 1nglt!3, ~ targets. Ur . ..-:. J ·'Md the plumbers ('lJilnected With \'uu .. ~ <llr~.t•d 10 epprar In ---k~nd ... _~HU!II' 1t11• SniJlo' flt'd , 17~,: T1iirk l.(m; . 1 . I ·~" 1 petit lull Haw~ 49: f: L..llfTlc>r, H tl: Brtb I his bulllnt'BS. . •· tloon '''"ufhl al(aln~l ,.,,.. by tbe _...,.. "' ....-~ ,_ A " th d -aUft pn'•n11 , ... 1-1•1 S llh •. al""~ namf'< a>lalnllff 111 the_ Superior 1.• a lll'fldtng l ht• ""n<•' (oor !IH•u 11:r.orn, '\'• l,o ooll• lll.ol'om, .• n ;-. ... 1 •. , ll:ul .. ,r llfeguarila ••· rnoon., <18t" rno "!{ ,,~ Lowry 46: "I am m , 4o, _\V.rlrht WIU holl.Q.tejj,. 11M' 11111 ,,. ~ c.t..._., ltt clau a t th<' Los AnJ,;dt·~ Ya.dH l~oh Ar.ol~t•\\ '-:u. o II ,, r • I .t b rt . !.u: .....:. Lulu; pciJIO.Da ~ \\cJ>ot .... Jha: ...... N.cwpoLL lee lllld Co~ Chark!e-Rapp, 4&: W C' Arim~. glvt-n b•;-'the "!100" card club of anll f,,, lh• Coounly fll 0 MU'I••· and to I C I -. c m<l•rs n' Dr .. B~f: • H ..... D I J ........... 1h• • •>noplalot tMrela wltbta Cub ~petu~ tvr I hi· L.. G !\lt•l· "1111:o•l', 1.! '. . Ill·•''' • •·nn. ··~ • -II ' " •.• ko•f\•1 ... ,, ollJM·overed AU· !"lurRgl'. ... ' 0 • u.,. •.• 4:>: fo.lrnf'r \ nro.Jy, .. a ; oU rf'W. whtt'h he and Mrs. "'rl;;ht a re , .... dA)'• allt't ~~ ... .,.1,.., Oft )'IN or ea Pl'rpo.•lual TI'OIIhy 11ntl rJt,. ·It; .llmm~ "••nqo ~~~ ~l.o1 ~ If, ,,h u ea ·~t h ,. 1 ll .,f I ..a CIUlad&. ly-ho·1 M1Hine Ha rdw are, \\:bite' I H : Jalt~ JlH'ollMn. 43: Art :'1/lcbol~. membt-ra Pre~ot Co r t h t' oc· IIIIo Alia" Sumrntrnt. I~M~ed , wLIIU• ,-,attic-rlcot'l h.._, ~tvm• 111 Snr1l1< ~ll ~-. ~· 1;,,_, .,;,., 1"u~ un the beacb 1 r .. r~ Sll<•p. Fl1her'1 Sr>vrtawear 43; Or. IU.Ipb 0 . Hoard , t;l; Boll 11l'&SII>n w~re Mr. and Mn . V, Dt-al, ~!~·!''lr'!:In'~ o:.:=~t;_,.., ~~ 1~ Barbara hi r8<'(' 1n I hi' Sourlll'm :"' ,\TIO~AL l>:\E l>l:SIG:\ ,1 • tho• ;-.·," J•••rt ocean f'rollt oor 1_.a~"llna, B a I boa P ha.rma cv. Reed .;t. D~n-ell KinK, 38; Boll "' and Mrll' J ohn Ha\,111 EJna n .. lortr<:t that unlne ,..., 110 ~r ' ' ' I I · Z t 'I' 'I ·• L ' • K · Fl hi F 1 (' • t G or<>t''ll • G nd ., •. · · ' an• I .. n•w~r u ab<ln requlr..S. .._ Calif om lit Yurhpng A•"n<'lllllrln" ( oorl "'"'1: · r. tn :' I• I~ r ••' · • •• ,. , , :'om.t .. ,· rn"rt1111g , llljl: • 11 ng ~ • ., ., Ed'A·ardl, '3o: Don u er100. v >,I Jonu an..J G('()rge W~ber In &dill· 1 ,Ja 1 ntort .- 1 11 talc• Judrrnwut fvr .. ,. co • I I ~ t J 'It'' l••r ... ••f th•· HJ_tlh"ll Alt..:h• .: k B 1 .. __ u k t .. f h • n-.-. • ..... ___ ...__ I ....... !fwent.)'-flr-t Annu:.tl ft•'l:lllfh . \\'~olkf'l' !'mil II .... r . In 1• 1 1\Jl · 1 , • h ,1 • ""·" 1u,.h1•ol to a pby-1 ~tar et. a uua ..... ar e . n urp Y,ll J oba Olrterk h. 33: t'hur k .,...,w, linn t•> lhe \\'rights. w ho W('J"e mooo~y or d..,..«~# ~ • .._ H H 1 · A 1 1 1 o iuh • "" l• I 1-: II Al•·n "' Hnll•··• · llll ho< Hvo Ajax "1 cad e W • d l 30 Sk I Coonoa>leoot ae arl•lnlt-upon r-trwt, Rfosult• U'lnj; r<'"'r<o<· Honn~; ny II) r In m oro ·• -• 1 ,, ., =•·lot 1 ; .... ~.,,. 1• llr<o·ll 11 1 , .ui ,. •flto ,. 111 "30 a. m . wbere m 1 m , . , • 32: Gtorl't' «.:ol'lll . : ~ host s 10 the club on that night. I,,, wall •Pfl)• tv tM Coun for .. , ._trm "''n" J~trnf'o\ llrtlf :!!l Jl,,,, Jn.lto• \.! "' , , ro·ll.hHio o! o.ndr•r the t1octor'1, Sporlland. G reeley'a Sport Sbop, Welch, 30; Ur. C'barll'll R'i"p 211 ; ' I "','"'I rt Hill' d•man<kd Ia Uw CO.· .. ,~ ~ o. .,, I I I k .u l 'a..'81o>tR \'lc " p,,.,.l•l••nt. n u: "' ''T k l """ F ALCON C \\'ul11••man n C:nll IJor .. oro "'· :trt •· 'I" •'l• "' \ ,, ,til ~-" 111• ttoJ,j g-u.ardJJ be 1 surf ~tnrt San\.1, ... tt'Venaon s ac e Wr. R.. D Hoaro.J, 29. Haroi..J Cald· ·, • L 1 c 1 v,.n undfor my Mild aaf1 _. of Bunny. ) •., rtolnl,. IIIII t_.N;In:"l 1111'"'' ro ,111 1 • .1/1' lh•• I.,J,ol' up 1-'rr.l k ,·,,~ ko•r ""' r .. t.o~· Tr<'ll.•: 11,.,,,,._111 I.•• '"!.$ 111 !'\eal Beadl. Sllor•• U11lboe ll!land Phar.na.cy, w~JI. 29" Charlea Guaro.J . .;l7; Rny ;:-,.,..rER~}.I".fR~118EL;:i~. ~~~~~ c· h"" ::lu~~IOr C'\:('7;. j'~11the ~f:.'!''ao:'~ ]9, fi~ liiUIR Snuth 1n :"11 :IJ. 7 , ro dill I' ft\r It'll' W t.,·k Enrl Sumi'IW'r ! un-r at " mH'IInl¢ h··lol ~«lur•l.a) "'""' "''" lullv dutbl'o.l 1talano.J Variety Stor('. Cllfr s Tackle Flaher. 26; Bud Boomer. ~:.; r.<.~ I:I':W!~ ~·~t:I.JXE .• LEWIS. SAMLJE~ 1 d~~~~.'r J~:~ i ttt." 1 ""~· • c. M II I .,. 31 " ""'> (..._"Jt• -... nc·l Inn· I lnrltJ•I•• lht• \\ t'<l· anrmt•.n IIIJ!t ' ( o1 S t Ill . r ''\'.....-·-·• Z<l . n t, ~ P.A\ ER JASE DOli: W EA\-"E. · 1 ..: •r <:t:J••'Jl iOR ,.,l:RT u ay m "c' · ... '"" .nn "''i"l''' 11 ' " ~:.~th1·r .\turn~. 4 1, . a n a 1 --G . :.!:1 . Jr. • ............ . ..... r ..,1, .. 1, ... E OOAR 1o1 BAXTER. JAS~ · • 0 .u·scE"cot•STYI 1 . man In KIWI, 10, n \\'hilnf'y In n••'-lliJ~ Sl•rt•·' Till• ( 11111 •It'<; t.l•••l II• .. rr.·r .• ".,. "a .. ~ t ··~w·•l from a J>()I.I.DdJDc' Sportland Is 0 . A. Oleterlcb, a : )frs. f)arr~ J!f!E ~~~T~R Thl,ll~-.. Tu"c·o'!}J'!~v 1\ B J SfiiTR. " -M1s,"l r.d. I I , Jo-1 tocl ('c•nll'l t tn ••·1 I• H t•f llflt'~ tr•i ~ 1_rJ.on~ :.. .... rol• · •• .. _ -"-Kin 2 Fl Hoo.J k lni!On l'!l RASI t: • ' :s • ~-• f'lounl )' CIC'rk and C'IC'rtt ot t~ ...., I 1-II All n I S\lll "' t 'o,nou~ old .uar Wucn -g , 1. orence g ' •'"{l~orllltoon. Trust~, <' Q M P T 0 ::' ~ul"'ri•Jr C'uurt or che State of Call· Ar~n I'\ 0.'\1\l 1\n I~ 11 County Med.tcos I J B ll• :-;ally ""' . I' ,.._ 1,. •• >Ul"' o"<l':\ll!'ltN while •wtm -D f ated By I!C, Cly.J., Ift>nllnger, 17. nn~.lli:'\G A • .'R.OSA:'\0 EA~JSOCT·IIIAOTJ~~ '•·rno ... Ill aail fur IM Cuuot, of ~N.Il\\'riJ RJ)S t'norl Jlllf'kl'll Ill tn): IIJ•I"•Inlt••l t" Jll'(~trf' fl ll~t d U · e e t. la t 0 01 j a '"~ra11"n a • · -· · • Ot:>IIIC" , Ill He tic bot few bot Ha ..-b. ·'Tao HOI eta --~..,.,...-­.... Qbt a • .., no be-. t&t tor boa: T evet ~ I I• .. ,11 I 11 11(,.: 11<-lt\' llho·r. 9, an lly o "'1rglt>!!, 2~ rge S; r )•• JUII :'\ '{)()P. TBCUIAS. t1~r htat.antl, · ~· A L Wll~ht·o.-k Depllt, ~._ .. I t, :.!t •· .......lnts Rnl11n Ph il· J D Se c•f f111h foor wtou I ·'""1' ·' ~ ' · _,._ C ) • K J 0 " ·1 10 :o.~ kGAIU:; .. T A lotl'llPI;IY EIIITH R • ~ • · • • ~~n Cuzt'l.-~-r::. ~Ill< Pf't1o•N 'll n eep a 'm tul .. l 'rt'l<lllo·nt F: It .\ll•·n J II l '•••rltl+'ll, 111 tlot h' tof No....... a Vln eg ars LUl':\!'1, I : ~~n vea : . • j;-1, T 'j4£.HTRt'.DE·:~.:~~ ~l''';'"n IIOMJ~:OOO.· --..... •a..,...VJklrw Ctulth'. :l:l~.. l~·murd • Mo·N•~IIv t' Har.,ld ''""kin.~. •·a• II "• r• ro·s. lh·d loy ~:uaro.Ja at ~ -__Dou.bl.c.a. ~-Pl&tra • .A.l'~~ "!!~fi~~ ~~·tJ;J'";,~ ,...,~ THO)u ,i ~uoot•o ~" rllltr ' " · t 1 tt::::ll' , tlilp J::l"illlrt-Jmtt.:tolur A1~en I 40 .• Dill Sm1th. 38, Ed ::lrt:\\. ).J. ,j,;) , T . s ll:L'slt' F' WAT!-'HS """n"' lur Pl•onlllf. l-...:....--~~~~Jl~~~~~r-~~~~~~lt!~I-IIIIJ~·~IIfUIE!lM,.------nmT'I'.T ~111!liY!ltl' 1~ ";"~~t 1''ns .. r ·' l'a~aoh·ua wa.~ 11111111ted from • 'l11f' fortu.nt>11 nf w.ar t urned Ooublt>s. 12 p111re: Or. Huard. I t,~ ~~~~ ~-i. K 1-xrA.1o JIIAE io s-l\:.: •;~" ,~;"~ t:. 1941· ~ Pub .Jr. In 1\1 Tal· 1 •1-:rl•o·ol 1 " ~!~11.,.." '''':..'" '' · th .'t r h)' hh-gu!lrtD agaln1t th1• Sporlland bow ling 20· Elmer Yordy 19' C'harln'•'AIP hoA •·II~. J())V:I'II ="· TRL'· ---·--·-·---------madttt' 111 C"llfllt~. 4H',: ltr 1 '"' M<·· .. .,rt··~·ri "'~t or" An<! th,•lr ~Uf•llh 1 '' "I" ('ll•l: •·•·rtlfoo "·'': ,"""t.'l ·f.,r ,. "'·' _··_. ___ ~ team lut Sun..Jay w ith Calvin's ' n~pp 1"'· Dan D•·ai, 1~.' ~i;~1'r.r:~W~''ft'.A·t.~:,).'{~Y~.r:l\~~ I • C<>o"'ll m TWo IIN•oh••N.r;, · All"" m"m'"'" "' oho• no·oo <" ' • """Y •o• '" "'' '""' • "' '" '""'"" by • flow lin< A<adomy of """"""'"" "'"' ,.,0 Jo ko J a " " b " o , 1 ""'"·"; "'' F.O.•F.L. "'.'. ~ 'TOX ~· ALOAS -~ .... ~. J(d Dr& Kibl .... 'MOl! L&n ~ &Ad Hotr but ~ n Bct>k In Dtot•kln~; 'fun, ~l!l, l\1"' )11'1liL.II A~oouatl .. n, lt>h N "w. thr C'lutl to all fr~ho•rmrn lanOI,f'~l: f . Beac h taking th~>m lnlu cam p In 23x":\· Art ~ic:bole ~~x:l!l,-El_,' ~:;\~~-rJAWx'\'~ lpl ~r~~YI '!!1!.----------yu - in Rf•x, 59; Jnl'ln C"nlOk, fi()i\, • p•rrt ltarl14•r ut 6 a . m ro•c•o•nlly ll K\Hillflll<h .tlltl '!'••ll(f\!Og In_ ul~ a th ree "'&ml mat~h l)y a t otal of 1 Ynr I" l ?xZ:> 1 I Hlti·J\~'S )lAitY 11" SWITZER . 'A.'I}: lroj ~HE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE doD'I 'liol>k L) :;:, IMII ~ • --1 < A I ~ C'lttll Statll•ll a t 0 tne .,. ' I '~· '. t.IAJol 1'\CI •• :l' MAHTIIA J J-.;(JJ.lo;,'\ &TATE ~ CALIFORNIA IN UCIOI !----.-JI.~IAtl-4.~~·-4t"l~ol Ani! f\J'h e-l ilJr.,ll)' "" fliUla I llllll lho• l VI '"" 1 nj( Ill( • ' 1, #' r1 260fl to 2rJ84 Jlln!! The matt·h Wall ' The II~W club pii'IJI wen• award-11 11 • .,..,,., I'Y.Ilt'Y RL'ST. f'I.F:JIIE:-;'1' AND FOR THE COUNTV l<rael'nf'r m ~linn, R5; Gtlhrn t 'p•on lho·or· ro•tum. th<· lll'lllr" lhl' ltRrbor ~fa.lltf'll' ol•~k. "h 1 held at Sport iiUlo.J lt"u t o n r H awke for hllttng 5()13TA'\;I.EY rsr:!·•:s . C'0:'J.tA.lJ F: OF ORANGE "·en 8mUh, 116. Jk «'< "~" '" I"Uw ~"''d '"" '" <: f:'m """ "'''"' "'"''' "'"' "''Y "'" '" 0 ' T h< pmloo~ w•k tho "p<>rtlaod ''""'" ;.,d t. K. L, "'""· l'ol ~f\f'~TA,([.JK'ok'lt..~. 1';:;;";1', A~· '"'" •••ooM '" oM •-•~ c..., ~· Wow, 90: Arthur Pl'n hl'rlh) Ill ttkltt ••/ l"nn~ A M had w-1)11 lh<'1 I'! VI"'' t h·· \\f'l.:hllll: IUhl ii<I'U• $100 For mf'n IIUCCe~llfully invllded Calvin's I o -w aod Or Ralph D Ho::tnl l H)'I<Kt:_l.!\tA:-; _Ill~ wor~. F.I !\~Aklt t; of , ... Count., of o.~ ..... ~ .... c-. 01 ,. _._,_, 9"'-Jilin Alll'n 99~· • . · hi lll'"'alurf' •v • \\ALKf.l< REI.I.F: \\ALKF.R hi e f ..t 1M Off f tiMCie iC .._...., O, ''-,; ( ' ' ' jat·kpe>l• With tbrN• \\ hllf' llf'A 1..0.8" 1 t•rtl(lo tolt II toVt r II "''' domain IUlol admlni!ltl're;J a 126 ft•r brt'Uking :.!5 COn!eCutive ta r · 1 "1(" n tt:O t:, G\VIS. I.HHI:o>llA I. ::A;::! s:-:~~.' Covr1'!; ~lfl C4KHft~. Scar BOac Nn ::!19.112 the IIHJ:,nt nf whlth WPI,.:Iorol :!"I Pln••t"rlllltl•·n•llll .. lh•• rn••••l tell: 1 dPf f'a t t o t he H untington eta l ~.:wl:-o hi• wlr~ l'LARt:sct: II Vlted BA LBOA DINGJIIf.S ~·i.:ht • ' ... 11 All • J II Mr :-;ally P n g · \\'Rlo;IIT t:t.I?.A J WJUt;tJT h1a ' •J><IUtlllll and 4 OIID<'C'ft t)nd mt>aJOIIr· ~~··n· • '11 • ', ' [Wachltu. 1 l ,.,r,. J t:W'P.L Kl"liiA" t:VA P. IIA..... f'rTT OF' :-o'li:Wl>ORT BEACll a <:eDU AD Snowbird Owners A'sked To Big Rate 1 \\' J · • • " " .... ,. p NoTICES 1->o;rtAM M ,. :'\Ew roMRt:R \'.:Ju -1 t ,. 0 3 f1'1't Itt· h8JI t<')(ll!tt•ro·d It fur t• l lar••l•l llnflklnM, .. "tunk Lrvo k-'M h 1 u S' "'it h ach a.nuod ha\·Jnv woo r l l.t:v ALICE Joi At: KILt.t:F'Eit El.I.A ' rn 1 :.'.":•·oc':" 1 1a 111 • 1 • 1 • 1 rJovratlun v f tiM 81a1b for 1 tht" Rt~uth"m <"'•lllorrnin m .. nthly 1•r unol . ""'"" 11 } • ISC 1e a matrh, tile tw o tt"Rm-" will dash _ U_BLIC __ ,· st:wrc!loi.Rt:~. h•• 1 .. ,~~.ROT.,.~ •u:Lt:"' L ('f>t~YIS, '"' a1. Ddnd-t'Oil. ll'untf'lll -• &jtaJO IClm~tlml' ni'Xt W~l!k Wllh ALIAS SUMMONS l,11~1l"~f~~~ ~A I.~U~ ~· ~Uir~~t:k aDI• ..-en • tofakon~ lh .. fll<hln~ "Xf"'\hllf'" 'G n Draws the lime anu plare to be an-NO. 3111] I.CITTi t: t: (1()\\':\JSr. ("IJAilLt:." t: T11fl: l'f;oti'Lf: or Ttlf: ~ATI! or WU t' DoH lou a IWtt, llt•'ltl••r Ball, runJO , nouncetl latt'r, IU'tording to Sport· IN· THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TH. l-'1~~·~:~l'X~A1~H:'t!i:qESn~,;i'f·?..t ';..· ~f,l.lt'C_.IR~IA S E :of D GRDTlSC~ I• A anol l'hllol ltlln'•••·l lon.l IJ...g Crowds T llr···· :-;.-w, ... rt Uttrhnr m~n "".bo land Wanatce r Chaun('t>y Ontck. STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN I''I>I'PI • .IoSJI l'I.ARA :1. C'Ol'PI.A,.-0 tff'J.F.'\1 ,, ('rlP'YJ'I1. HARRIE'!' K "•rM.· I<&VIJt nf !'ton,a Anu L A '! flU e V.'l'll' 1 , "'•rt•·•l thiS mom ir.ll U •. t S d y' ('BIVIn '• m~n nollad AND F00rR 0Tn"!,EN~CEOUNTY o;~~nR,o;~ II Bfi:ASLJ:Y. ~AJtY B I...-on-" kF.T.IAS('E TITLII: ~~~· .... ~ h I r " tt• • iLAS ~ un a " • ' ~ """ ... llf .u:I.EY F: " ntf;r.t:s. MAR I'A -.;y •• "rf"•nltll.n, Tna..t-. -u~ n urrn\\A (' F: Irvin """ ll.lr· To The Beac h;l\' II! '" o•ro llffo:l'lt'tl or C.l .e a llt"rlM ·o. f 1!9 1-~·86112608 ·t o I C:Ait·:~ !' ltlf;f'E...; hlf Wlf .. ; t:IIII~A !;f~.~~A~~,. ·;~l~~r.l. : ·p~;:;!:.J-Owner• of the Ol~bundl't'J a nd old ~llllr• oo( Aoalwim , P I !"rl· ru!lthn£" nl ("1\tllhnn l'll!.r.J Wei"' 911 •84 1 .~ ... 2584 by the Sportland Ael•on b roughl on the Superior Cour1 f1':Ag~·i\r/'-f~~ ~~~~':..:fr.:.r;'l[",:r.~~l~ "'ui•J" •••·" vf rho-~t.o.t• of CahlunUa. II I II f' I I Wllllitm t 'I h Jet om a C'OfDJliUCf ol • of tiM County ef Or~nt•• ~"d Com. • . : ' • ~·r . I> "RI ~~ 'l'l'f'ltVl...,..R.'! or ....,., -.oft auooa•btrda at Nl'wporl &r·. IIIII I '""' olllllr 1101 AI na .. r~pri'MntatiVf'll. plAint foled 'on '"• Olfoce of the C•••IC f. Wll.!-'0!'\ 'MAMM IE .. 1..._•<0)-.;: ••• Wl~ 0 I r ~ • .-.,., ..... ~tor u ,.. . ., 11 u tb(»>! from many llu 1c,. uf ~'JIIo·rt"n ll.IIIJ•h lluno·An 'l11r f'lltJO•''" grun11111 arrwllr ... t m~tlo ,, • m l'iC h11·f 1L11ol flot'd f lo.J The Sport lam! li'r:un comprls('(! I of '"~ su11eroor court of u ld County Mr.Rl\~.t:.~ or!' d]'.;~" E. A\\~~~~ :.i";;:..TT ~~~f .. O~~~t;,,;..~,. ~~~ llouthland r ltll'e hav,. .lwf'll In· u( l'lllo ••nlla ttncl J . H. l'nmp uf ulun~ I '" a I IIJ•adll'l'l ~tunlky ' n!l!l. AI Horvath. ~kt>l' WPir h . C' !.! ' CITY f)P' ~•:wt't;;lT ftp;M·n n ·tlf:l...#ttE't. r'.~A\!1}! d''tuJ~r,!p ~ .. tJ"tn~~"!,.~~~~ .tte4 to ~ In Ula Worlo.J'a l \\'htl tJf'T ni~¢hl llnol a lhiHIII: llf tniiUlol.-tl> Th·J 1hlo't' llto'll W••r< J o r.o ['1, i)~a lt-l ne . ~y tolnrrllooQ aDdqoJ nnortJ:T8I t'nrpnnol\nn or thl! AIXIIl Jo\._E J>co~: 'AJ.HHF.o'IJT lllo "''" l ,..,,.,.,laool• ~ ftei'IJdta. the 1U1Dtllll·1'f--, ~ ..... r ....... 113. r.. t "'" ~UTr,..,.,., ~~r~i7i'iiu: All.'ll~ll\nl watPr , .per. --a uncy Dru<"k Bowling for Cal. I ', ........ l 'lallllllt, llt::\HIIo:TTA J('ti i{O\'Io'lt l.t;Cl Jl'lt· \' .. u ., .. •llr'H'I .. d In appear In ... ..,. --·-• oJ I .. r ... ... t f ... ....... . ,.. "II\' ,,. It h .. r hnshand EL M 0 I loon loruuchl ao:alftlll you b)' tllf' abo ... port H arbor F111'ht o1 th~ 1'\nu~·-Boat 1 fb h al 1 ""'''.u t' ma tnl•·nol··to•. Jllm•·l! ~-roa ~t' vln'11 from Hunlln~ton RNuh w"r • t~nn-t'ITII cosvHo:-o fl al. 0.· "' ,. 11 ,. 11 v " o111oooor . A r. T A L. ""'"~' Jolalnttrf •• tlw ~~nur c.o...n ~-.. ~ 1-.. for Auru... 1""h Tho• "rotnlun wo>r•· ''"IIJ:hl n_t':or I c·1t,. \\'II•:.! ,,,.,,uri ml'nt a,J .,.._ ·~ ..... f< H "''lr 1 .. , ....... 1~_. · .lolL n1•u v ·~·•h-· , aw-..-..,-y ~ tv l'f•f*' of ralTfnnrta •• &act ~ IIC•-.U ""' •• "' . " J --Paul Ad..., · rtwtt811, , &f'ry ._ • TifE PJ!'.OPLF: -Ill" TlfB !;TA'rr."OP' fl;,;;n.:t Mfii :0::F:TTIJ: I"'H"Vt11E r .. r th,. rnun1r rot Oran&e. u d to &a· ll:xpected to competf' are yoon<· AngJ4 r u,. Eul Jf'tly-for • penod or 0\'f'r HuA"~:.:.l .J.!Jllu. ~\' operatl'r. d ick Frank Calvin tu1d Hopk ins. ''AJ.H'OH:OO:IA l) E so Crtt~ETJ sr:s rn:s tot:TTA Jim ssTo s . AI.F'Rt:D #,.,., th" ... mplalnc 1he,...1n w111>1a t.a -... wtao-wttt••P'-•l~ ~ an h~our, Ml&rtln~ •l 10 15 P. m I T11C' :,\,. wt•r•· rl'p<trtt>oJly arr'l!lft· ' • TO l t:tw;AII WAHl•. MAl'IJt: Wll.~)\1 ''•r.• aflf'r tlw _.,,., .. on you of U.ll t a l"'ht llll mall\' d t Ito r.Rt rYI'I'II -<nSI)RtJ:-1. I'TF:UOUM W,\J(Jo JI'I.II'R r:oJI.P)CAS YRt:l>· AI a. •omoml'nl, It •nrf'd wllhl• 1J1tt Loa AnreiH.Glendalt!,d an Ma -Ine•. To A Doctor S.lnlf' YtliiiiJ:if r rll t I " . I'd '>y ~ ll~h M )Jo!llffil' l'll" y Ill So ta Bo t • Ul Al'OctlAftJ) a t•otrvomUiun. RTY.U· F:Rif'K It no•;F:n:; t•A\'111 I.TOSS. r· .. unty "' 01'11.DI~. l)t within U.tl'tt OAnmoat. lA OUiada, Oran~e. U teo t o tWf'nty wltb lhl'lr ha nds 1111\h.•'ol 1 trail of bi•IVd le_.,•llllt: n g a loulll' A Dl A:'\<.'11Aitl1 a o u•p&rlfl~r· t;~;nltl;t~ TAYI,UR, LII.LIAS t; 'J:"Y· li&l'~ If acn-ed e!Mwbotra. a.a4 rc.a an tt t l t ni n httnl a ..... t ..-A oll1r Ji'RAS{'F.K W Ml'lOtU~ KA('H~I, t..OR 1'11~ "'Jr• F.VVA P"F:Rr.t l'lQS ""llfl"<1 lhal unl"•• ,ou ao ~PPM~' WbttUer. Rlver8ide, CovlD&.· Bev· Tilt• o·n IU~IIIJI l' Kt 1 0 • from t hf' l>l'a•·tt tO I' ""'" m"""""" d w• h WlliTTAKf'H f'Ul':STY cot ; 1.0~ AS·I CI..A RK, 11 M KIS\: IIATTIF: E. an<l arutw•r u • .,_,,. .-.qull\d, die ...... __ ....... .Aib&mbr'a. Fullerton, ...... tlah ln.,. bOat. Elm tl, a'kl"-('rl wu.. ro•.,.-att'dly doullt'd hy at th,-f'mpln• L ondlnl{ llntl UPf'D Save Jt o'F'I t:s .. ,;~ · .. , tto« poluu·al aub· RHF:S:SAS. · FRASK u . ::; K 1 T 11 , r•le1nurr will take Jud~t for ... , _,.._ -'"v ,. " a.k b th I plrllll bl Ul 1t'1;,;,,;,l. ••I tlof' St•l~ 11r C'•llfornla, MIS:OOOIP. H. SMITII. hie wlrt, LEX· rlluM r nr dama«H d-. Med ltt die 11aata Ana. Pomona, Pl&centl&. pered by Captain R. E. Rlo..lf'r of hllrh hrf' t'rl Ut e r 1 lnv.,,tol('ntlng. foun.l 00'1 or ' Abo d T HE HOARD o~· lll!PERVI~RS OF J:-o;;To'S I.ASD COMPAST, ·a ~.,,. C'vnoplaJnl. ae anatq u-~. -..... """"' ""*"""'-"" £ .... A .... C~la "-· _,. uodo m........ dKk ...... H ... ·~"" ooutaod Four ar IJ:•.t::?!'~Pr~r.o~. •;,<i~~~~ l'i':'f~8L~.~ .. -:. .. ~~""· r~l~ ::rM~·::.,.:fP'.:..::.::o •• ~ ... OAbrill. UplaD4. Hollywood. ruahed &n an~er, E. 'nt'kfn ot l hl't'e ~~ ·:s In the bold. Publ..aud Ufecuarcla notlfled tbe Ha r bor RADER SMIT H BAKER. P'ANNIE M. u H...-i!h·er ur TM •"1ret !'iatlooa.t Gh• .. uackr ,., ....... aad llioal - w:-.. a-da Uld Al....,_._ a--01-·· to tbe Harbor ~-DelMar LookS renu rts thla mornin g •·ere Ulrtt MORRtl COI!NTT OF ORANGE. once ~k or Dice"J))n BMch. In liquidation. tt.. Superior CoW1 ot die ea..t,. II -....., .._ ,..~ I -'tb Department Sat urday that & boat ,,f the Political IUbdlvlelna. of the Ot1NC'AN M'. B 0 T D . GRI~ Or.n ... l!tata of Caltf-" tWa lUI o..r tldltJ' awudl .,.. to be partment dock Friday for medical the lllree bad bHo cbargeo '"" wu lD cSt.treaa about 100 y1U'd8 off State of Callforala. THE BOARD or C'O._PANT. a rofliOrallttf!.. A-....... IIAJ' of 'w;:z 1 .. 1. _ ----.. _,. llld,.n la tbe -" t l b Remrd On t tl -Ulnl' d SUPKRVISOR8 Or T HII C'OIJNTT or ICAH ROTALTT COliPA!IrT, a --(JU l. ~ll .... ...,., •• --,__ U4 e~UrTleken ~mara-• • F · ca e .ws · · tiM be&cb at COrona del Karan ORANGE. In the St&te nf Celltomla, J)C)~tl • CATHEft!!lfJ: c. XE!lJU. • ORA.l'fOK J 0 __ JIOWJa ... .,.ctal prt..-hook la btl .,.. or )o{c::.f&IIM, ow ntr of Ul~ oo&t, ~ aboArd were wa~ tot WARRKP.: • 8AROII:!'fT, CATH1:R· W ER .•. 0 0 L D, PAUL •UR· . lllf1'T1l. .. .. ta tale ---a8d ' u-~ otfl..,•-•-DO._ .. tbe Elmo • Frid aid th•y w~re cb•,...ed II! tbe rNt A. SARGENT. hi• wife. A. L'. RA CARRIE lfUB.R.\Y, tu. wl,..' C_, ~ -~ ...... ~-eotf t lie ,__ _, n.o .....-.,-...,.. Openmg ay ~ -" ...utal\c:e. · DA V&s J . C. IIEfti!PfDtiUP! D 0 R A A .. A C .. JUNOOLPH, • C L !: N N ~penor Coult .,. .._ -o.b-j ?4Ml .... to ,.._ tbe nee. ~In( Up the Harbor and -re complalllt wltb m.allcloua mi.Jiob14!f. Tbe Harbor ~partmeut ~peed IIINZ 'c:EORCt: R BRIG Hi'. RUTH Hf:LMS. A. L. Jfi':ARD. • AT 0 . Coni&. I• ud Co r l. I ~ 0 t -•-'-.,.c.,.Wan lta•.-o that b• anA. Jl&Me _ _. ,-BRlCHT hlo wlfr. PANOLA D. IIEARD. hla wlr~_._J. J . SCJfNIT~ Onftp. C aao,.. ....__ pnpartac to .... e ~ pro---~ ~ boat Wft\t to tbe reacue and towoo:u L 0 C l' t:. SAMUEL TeSTIS. COR· PAUL !: KRE,.,LT, CHAR LOn., lt]o_ • 4. .... __ ,.. eNdure to enforce tbe ~y apeed TMre Ia lUI escellent Chane~ ll&d not lf'ft the bo&t, t ut Ulat ... _ boat, own~ by )o{orrlt Soo. POIUTIOS OP" Allff:RICA. u TN,e. MAP: JltRI':SSI.T. hi• wtt•. IIENltT J. ROLAND TH!fciP80N. t 0( th ._... ree BA!IOK OP' A.ERICA NAT IONAL K.EARNET, ELIZABETH ._ KEAR· 210 a.ur.-.. ltmll, but the craft put IRto the that a tle-ld ot Uo or eleven tprm • h~ had been beld U OW11tr tac. lnto port. 'Mle craft bad a TRt:ST ASD SAVINGS "SSO('IA· ="ET hl.o wlf•. J OHN JCEARNET. S...t.a "-Call ontl&. dock .ntb tbe patient. who wu en may CO -po~~tward In the open-r ra!t and Haln allo, alae. be .......... ......t "-ry and wu drttlln• T ION, a :-oatlonat Banltlnc -"->rlatiOIII, JULIA KEARNEY b1a w1f•. The .C.U. Att..-,. fOf' ~tr. .__ 11 -.. .,. ...-• IIIIIUI A.""S BIEBER ROUERT A. ur ~•1-• of Maud 8 ._._. •. eM-let Pub. JuM 17, 1 .. 1. t.olt hll.-N8bed t o tbe otfl.ce Of Dr. Ralpb ~~~~ day'• fl,!!oOO la&"''\\rll Ha.nc • ••u on" board, GMr the breaken. IIWI:-oK. MART A. SWINK. hi• wife. ""aeed. u follow•. Jlelf!D L. Clan.. tt . 1 .. 1. D. Hoard, wbo extracted tbe tlab eap at B1nc er-by'l Del Var A.bo&rd wKe Bob Sootac. Harry Hard To Believe . - · Bit It's True • 11 .. s: It u ... • ,. • ~ .. as • .. •• •• !look f rom tt. ~ful poelllon. 1'\Jrf Club, Friday. SOMETHING NEW ~~·. AJbert l<at.&. aDd Eml& Y• ......... -el Jobnuy K&luviUI, In cbeckln~ ._....., .... A_. D .. Olllll-o-A~ ..._. ..... _.,. ~ ... 1..:;.. -onr tbe prob&b&e f ield tbl8 morn-TCHJNG 1-..---·;J-· ...... A Min) 'r.w.t. .. .. r IBIWig ill,. revealfod tbat lhere are •l~t'tl IN DOG CA H ·. K . . a ,.. ., c:w u.. u: __ lft •· g ~lbutuu now. bonu which au ... __ e1nz BISer :: .. :.:,..:-::: .. ::..__:11. & .; :l lU.IB8 :,.:::~lt'":'Ynda DOW or will be by Offlrf'r H arrla Cottle. ;tt~bed Returns From fun I • • ... . ........... -.,.. For Two Weeks 'Mt~ moet likely to 1('0 ,....,.t.l to the canlnl' detail of e ew- ._ • .-. .-. "'ru tn Friday·• featul't' IJ1r hllt.-port ~~h Pollee Department. Convention ' .. T"• ........ t, a -ni(' B~··. N. o. R-·n ,....Ina, ••·•·· ""'th•r. l.a.ll· drmonatratf'<l I'Omtthlng Dt'w lD Dll ,_. .. ~ -, 3 -.. ~ ...... .,.... • ~-~ • v -.... u "..,, ' -~ I f t hlng dogs H t lnz KaJur , lmm~late p ut Dr •-. n '• ... • -a.. 27G231, "''bleb l~n Nt>•'JIOrl HAr-aatur, Golol f\labblr , t~olsv.-orthy, lh,. way ° Cll <' • th C ._ M a N w ...._ _ .._ ,_ 1 • 1 l.tltt,_ T'loto, Camp \' t' r d t'. Arriving at 11 6 Rllpphlre Av~ ~dent of e oe... es · e • ---·-\~r···-- ... , "" ....... ..... I IT'S .· ---.. _. t or about two w ef'lt11 •flo to go Smok~ Snv•l•r. <Amet II, Rtraw . nut, Balboa IIIIIUI<l, to retrl<'ve a port Harbor Uona Club arrived ,.. __. Ill• lK:o • • ahari f18blnl' oa·aa r•port.A-d Suo. lfllt au?., Tr~Jol•· Kt'rry. I strlly do~e. (,,~til' could rind DO home . Elllturday (r<)m New O r- IJIIII., day u mlulog to the HArbor Df'· flor~e van,.· from Hl)llywn•-..1 trtll'r "' a l'atltnP. lean.. where he attended Ole 19U . ~ n~ • ~Gff pllrlmt>nt. park u·-r• lltlll JlOtUnn" In ht•rf' I "'l111'rl' It ill" ll:ll<.i a Dt'&rby UODI IJit('r natlooal conventlnn. ,, lnvel!tl•atlon by Harbor Mutt'r R -· • .. I h ... Th Ba S .. or• ca~p ONirator HOME ... t-·'" ... ,,o .. an al l im. "''""'' 700 h~nlt'· houll""'' ff'. Anti trurr f'IIO\Ig . , ... ena I! y .. ~ -·· .. -"-• .___._ ·-Bourhf'V'II lltaff r .. ve&letl tb~ rratl """' -... r • v ., 0 tl rt I n t he fa·t-lvltll'l aoo.l -~ --,_ • • 1_ th.. ,_1n1o_ ancl lh1, ham~ (>f1 the-rntof n( ll hou~•· Wl\ll It' repo t't ~~···•--.-w:_~-h -a·•·-" moor" 111 the Lido Lamllng F:. \'• n• • .... ~ "' l t"' htn~• -.. '"" -"""" flho\Uiol t)C' fiJI('\,( \Q the. c.apac.1.1.)• oL olng, {\I'I>WII~IJ; ~w_l'r ooC !I .,..CLt-IIUa!U>CJ.,. =a.NE DJi~. ~Jc'I d t ht O!!!_llll~or of thf' 900-. _ 111•• ini:NIII)U!l < ,,lflf' lnuk at~url-tbe convl'ntlon At thl' mf'rtlrlg ---bnat w .. Pat Mc<.,usky IUIJ that 1 h t TU ld noon of the local t.lom11 rtr-~11 frc>ni···t he tl!lnJJ;;fr (\f 1 hnolrrl. f'lar rd It llj.!'fl n11t t I" roo , t' ay . tbey opcoratf'd the cnft nn flh~rl',. f'I"'"T' __ 1 anti ~'h;l..'lt"" t h .. uu~: t~rwa.rd ll He made the triJI nn a special ron· SOuthland Sea-= Scouts To Rendezvous \\'holr t h ,, • tnino• llnlff,.,l 11111-ventlon train whtrh r arrll'd lil'le- ' plrinu.~ly. ( '••til" Lhn1~t lhl" boaril ptea from all sectlr1n.rt of South- ! ht'D<ath tJw nn.mal llllo..l 1l 1114 •rn Calltom la . At Harbor ol"\\", tho• l"•orol roj!ht IIllO the -------- '•·ffto .. r,. \\!III111J,; nrm1 )faybe It's JJ"'I"'I nnll m aybe it lh,. A. nntiOI onr "' t ho l:.r~t•'llt l:'\lh•·11n,;!l ,.( J u •l I""' th.-olo•:.: ,., . ..,r plloed lau't, but a L<'ll Angl'IU 11rhool A.,._f''Tll'nt t h "t .. ! "" .• 11 t bo f 1"' ha-attMtdct1 h~ rta.._q. "'" , • . • . . Srouts lhrou,::h<>ot 1 h" "n t .lr ~:1 t .. e rou -,>.u• .... 1 H ntvoo t"1')'. y o .,, ~ R"g1f>nal St·fl !"!nut RrnJ..-z\ttWI , "'•rill l..ruct \'enr nl'nrl\· .•nl' lhr>I':O· _ ~• f(lr 10 yean~ Without an ab- "'OUhJ be ~atn he-ld a t Nrwpo•rt and ""a scr;ut11 anot tirco:r ,,, rtr .. rll "'" r.tt h•n• ,.ffo, ,. 1nol11 atr lhn· Dt>l lt'nC('. rerhnp!! hC''s deficient In I . H•roor at Thankt~Jn\'lnJ; Wl\,1 1atuml£d thl! rt'Jld!'l.\'OUS h••rc. Tbr,.'.lar \\Ill h.l\1' .. n,, "f 1t·,. llug~rt vitamin f\..1. Anyhci\A', someone 'S d , · o th ht "'"II r nough of the sup<'r-T ~ /!fl'~f ~j •·~n ynu st~p ro>Ar hc•ol "' ~ mPt'hng hrlll at 1~1·, }lUlllr lpA! Can1~ t ;rc•urlll \\ .1~ :\~:loll '•_j_oC'ntn!; ol.~· • r••wd,. j~ hl:l\/r..)'. Ql41 ... ' •• , · d · hom • 1 tllllfl~.-t!J,..-i._~ B••••> -t..-rt-~ C. I;. I T~IC\':t~ae-t&! &ne~lOr 'UM ~ ffil' rh""""" 11t,. t 1tt N<tt;.t tMu natunt ttlat t~e ~ "'aa ... .c:A an •~r ,,._ ~oor new c · t ~·oo~< ~ nf Lo on~! Rl-1u'h, H••IAII <I .... rub!)', 1 tt:\.1111!1 f:tM w11t ,.,. h"l't'· .. 'rirlJIY· a pet certificate. f~n drcamin~ your MW ~morT fu n Y o u'll make changes h ere 01nd tbuc u -~1me ~ on. buy new pdgcts for kitdicn or: h athroom. Y o u'll puue r in the basement l>r p rd. Y ou won't be s.uisficd to lca,·c things as r~y a re--nm fM long.· Th.u 's "h)' oa•e nrc liuilding octtcr homes roJ .ty in our tM··n -htttrr hnmt~ for lr(~ mon r''· Jr'.s run. too. improvin,~: and mo<l<-rn i7ing lin fllJ~·r place. not Sdlislied to lc.n ·c thing, as t hcv are. \X'c d.an't That rc~dMs intJi, idual spiru 1s 1hc !{liric of Am<"rica. ftl\.d hlli~d and Ji, c .1< we ch QO.)('. h ·is a~ lit ~ freedom. . ,Amcric01n ·Industry·, UlC s pirit o f free entr rpr iw. It is f rccoom to ~-ork Th.ilt is the spirit of ..... W e all ha,tc h. lc's in our blood. 'fh,u's why it's fun to buy a· house. lon~st now:-in your own bomc,io your o" o communi~·. CONSUtT THE ADVERTISERS IN THE BUILDERS' PA~GES .,. . ,. ..... . ~ 0 F · T H· E -~ E W S .. --TIMES . . • I ·~ ..... ,.,.l .. 8.; U~ _:~ .: -T ~ r \ IJ, , ' · ' .-I t 1 • • r · "The Mo$' . Comple~e· I.istlng of Buildel's In the Harbor Area" • • . . .. . . . . ·, .. • • •· • • • • • ... ,. • • 11 I 6 I 1 I 'a .. & • • The ....... -- SAND SIFTER li&lbus. Gnal.J li&rnant nf Lu 1 t"anat.~~A. Han y s .. ymuur(.~!_f i'~­ non..-utu J l' Tat us Curmn,• •• t'. l>av o.1 lillrry J r . Jvhn ~~Uo)' .lh~• Hc-lrn Harry &11 ot Loe An- 'Whftl you fUll out 0( a.S.· , :uk g~lu Mary C\lo,)un .t~e·a full vi lhrru I • • • Hn lauat a«l<'OC'tlun ._ . ._. a ~.au-l F'H ti::-.:OLY GESTl'RF: \\'ht'n Ucal pr~"·.-.UJ>~It'r fl'••r"· Tummy an-t Puff<·v \\'orlt>\' ,· .. th•d boating from &llll bo .. titu C'r.jtH •ll an a fe-w nt'll{hlx>r~ h> tn;Oy bolme for .-c:Ju 1boe fant rours,. th.-j ml\<1.-ll'lt'f'f'tmeab. ~ittinjo! aruun<.l boB-d'~uvr~. .tart...S un H ob 1 en I h .. lawn Wt'rt' T.-rniJ Sl.&hlf'r ttamptan'a Rhodrs t h C' Ar,c~ ... y l an<! hff poa:k.-t Mlllooa Shlrli'y wbkb •·u . mot•rNJ at th,• Xrwpo1rt Sur ll l'll.l Lynrt. Charrotte H"lly .. r. Y&cllt Clu.b aod Bob waa th.-hHJI Ann h:rrl!l(o< Harold Ahrendt. Ja.·k ~ ... fur ~ aa1ad dub \1-,•r., llt-u.-1, F:l:ur Bamu and Jot r a . ... NEWPORT ~A NEWS-TIMES. Newport Beach. Califom ln. Tl'J-;."\PA\'. JlTL\' :.~l. l!l.ll. Pap nu. ~--~--~~--~·~ -------~--------------------------------------------------------~------------- Crorheted Sailor Important Fashion Th•• .,,,,t.•r "l.:_u, ... t ,,,..,.,. hr~r.•t\'• <'efllh· I hal I••· 1~ , ''"''"' 1\u,r " yat""ht IUU'h U t lt.:t\ MJh l ~tPI••r flt.Cttl at IIIII J\l1\ ~(.It f' r I \' ,. 1 'nJi.:,• Cou1•1\· l 'nllt,•rt'l 1 llthl1'f' tllf' 111 PhCMW I~ or 13 REIT -BUY - tltlf'•u• nttlll•• ••f "\'all" Ma rinA" and thAt ~1.1 ,,, ... ,n ......... ,.,.",, .. ._,~H ousEWARES ol lh<• (oiiJol\\1111: l"''"''l1 ,.h,,...• I "t:NT•H.I-•. 1\&Jl\~ lln1l tHI.I...,._a '" 1\t. fHII.•wl' 'H••w~tr,t \\' :-;''".:••r """' 1::. lin I·' ....... g w ........ fiiCA fll•dtoe I R£~L EsTATE I F n1~ 5AL F I I '('tA '"l I , .... , ,.._.. .. d'hlt(~ ,, .. ,_ SELL ....... .. "'·'" .... MusiC AL. INSTRUMENTS . UOOO u-PlonH •· .,., Ull 10 ... To""o D A N I ICHMIDT Claire Ollvu an\1 Brnrly lirtokaw 1 .\lltl'hdl \il' it h daughtf',,.~~[f;j-'ffl~~~=~~-!t U.~-0. oa-u.. ..-.uy-l.oQ:wn4 Jnn W~'fhe_ I boa I ~IOJ\•1, N•''!'.l'!.!!l JICJ'<'II l "\UI.s,---fOm!l. ', \\'tint'• In\' h t\nol lhlto th .lttv -·-T M"1••~ tetft r tHt • ._,...,. r.t~~,,.. •w'•· a.... ''''" ._, e t " . I we•"- ll·... I I "'"It l\01 ,. ~ •nlr•l ... ,...,. PI ~.CSL.-JIO tit,Q.b !l'•ln t4., --------l ....... ...... .. .. ~. , 8 A II V O"AND fll~-_. 14 IW•ufy, C .. ~ ,...., .. "OW o"ll' ... """ ..,,._. -IIIIa. DAN.I 'CfiMIDT PIANO CO., U0 Nortll Ma,ln II . lonlo An•. .. ..... were Mary C.oadoo and t.r.rolh\· arr hAving a tough tlmr grttinK Qlinr dlabing up tbr ma1n t'OUnlf'. t~gt'tht'r. Wra. Mitchell baa ~n a .atN.mlog hot Italian ~tt i bt'rto for 110mr tame and now hrr ~ wllb bot brra.J· And With I hu.\)an(l, trying to land bf',.. rrom no cuuattiH. pt'O~ f&Jhng •Wer '(1ltna and bo'a.ng & BriUah aub. bo&nl and the like. the ·~ OO.t 'Jt"'l Ia ha\'lllg ditflcultiu grtting OWn took the crouP to tbf' .\rgus • into tbr Slain dur to nf'w regu- for dreWn •·brr«> Pat Slmoos \ii'U latu~. lU.da m~ havr to bf' boat ~~~-ttwar mtorUng ~lal;f. Tboee l.nvltrd to JOOh lD Ul.. • • • I ev~p lestivttia ,.. f' r t' Brtty l>ttOPPI:SG IN -Foe coc-kt&lla l(cKibbPo. Bftty Bn10. E lranor at Lrr Hrrold'a a day .or so ago BraiD. Brtty au,.... ~·II.J )ole. \il't'rf' Gofdoo a nd Nrll q rundy., Kibbl-o. (."Urt.la Sm1tb. &.ib Br~>o lfarold and l..ooa.e Ahnndt, Mra bW, Sand R.id.la.Dd. Tvm and l hc:k S1..tn.-y W ynne of RMl.anda and )lOll rot'. Y r a n k :Warah.all a n d ~")' Sbrnnan. Mra Hrrol.t'a Larry-Mr~ Atll'r all thor fu•o..l dautthtrr J~ Trapp, •·ho Is vialt· ....., ••••t ~-~ ~. aDd danc-ed at the club. \\'a.atrr f•,rt'ago .J&ncca, drrAM'\1 In CUll· HotfmaD rf'1t'l'IIN mLN•n~ .all this tum.- but br wu r arouu w ttw• Blu., T. · 1... ~y. ,._ OLD F'1UE.'IJDS Mr11 Jamt'll C ScartJoroucb ol I.Atl Angel.-• an· fnrnda {I( loog at.&ndlo~e ,..... to brr Bay A\'rm~ bnmt' ... ·unaung and a t...·.rt1t luoch· IUmllllklnC O\'t'f' old tJmn ..-en wmei. )olo.,.,land Lllt.buW of ''~ht t."'ub, Ule a.Sde.l anadu. lh<' .. t .. ji!ant Swulay night bulfl't aup- pcors and lh.-pi"OIIporoua ' tnmtn- atlnn of the eatrrprlar tn general ~ ~ ., 11 Emily Poet -lsh to •.ell 1'111 -~ hAar '!' But due to the < ,.,..<.18 and Ulr •ucceaful .aea1100 s,, far~ onr can't brlp but notice • • • ftHVTHM ON THE TV P E • ·1 ..... _e_t,_~~-~_,t_,_~_lll_1_tt ..... l .... 10 I AQIICMI8 10 Cc:Jnaldla.. .. ap..d _, ,_ ... -~ rnaatodr7 • ~.. 12 .ut...n J2.-a.m U. Low lalaad 23 . .W. auce 1. u s.lndlu 11 Toalftr a...._..,. I Pnoek.ly tnalt wUf I nut. I Oft en-.. ~. "'......,_ .... ,.., •. TriSr w-e• JT, ~ J 1. lnterrupe 20 Pan ot ,.., -talaDtl 14 ~ 21 GAMe tal -Palled...._. II Cllet for CIU'dll •· ._.... &rdl ftl1a..... 12 lt. hll ot... 22 .To .. u . ..._...to 0,..tlllol-) .......... A_. .... ......._ .Newt .... IS 11-~-­............. -.•. ....,. t1 ........ "· Jft1111..-. ... r.aa.Mro_, LOIMII ......... ....... &5 ..... :::..-:-... .•. a.-w .... ......,. .. .... -~ ... ,.... .. ...... ...... ........ ILY• ......... ~ ~· ~ ~ [1 ~ 0 ... lt6 ~ ~ ~ 20 17' 22 2't 31 . ... .._... t'T. Look ,,..., ti.I'Utola &OIIMII tNdr 12 ~ ~~~ ~ 16-~ ~ & ~ ~II 2 ~ ~ ~ I~ n ~ ia& ~ ... ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ 214 2!> 26 1:z1 ~ ~ ~ 30 ~ ~ 3~ - ~ ~ '~ ~ 2e ; l' .... ~ I.IQDdo(AIIpo ,...fpl) ~ ~ ~ ~ ... ~ ~ ~ ~~ I . CIIIMecUca a~...­ l .ltulerol ,... C.WUp=JMI 6. PocWIIooll ._Cue tor ........... ..,. ·-~ ~,aa.t 30 .. '4 1116 ~ ~ ~ 36 S7 '3e ~ ., - ~ .,., ~ ~·· ~ l1 '40 '41 '42 '4'3 ~ ~ "~ ~ '15 ~ :00 ~ ~ ~ ~2 ~ ~ - ol J uly, ltl4 i · H()WAHP W ~·:At:fo~H. • St.att' v f '~llfnmatt l MISCEL L ANEOUS County of <'lrsn..:,r 1 "" On ttlla K\h ,,,.,. "' Jul\'. 1\44\ ... .-FOR ULl. 'W'o•• -.,.,",..,..,,., • .,td brfor. m,., :S ~ ~l llr~ar th 11 , pl~l•d. _..,11~,., ""'"'''""· ,,_, Notary J'uhlh 1.J1 """ f·•r 1 "" • •-' p14'~ W•,_h tttv•!C. h fth1f't • C.l• t, MJd !'OUnty 1\n,J I'( Mit• N'IOidlnlf'l "'II UO# l» p ,.,.,1• t~ M ~p Ulen-an, aluly • 1•nlnll,.,.lurw1l ~1111 _ I • -om, p ~ r • •• n " I I y IIJlP<'lU'•·•t Hoor.·ar.t w l'.• .. .:•·r. t"lr"'lfi"II'•I B O ATS & S uPPLIE~ known to mr tu he-t ht' l"'r*on 1 wbc>"l' natnl' l,o llllllll<"rlbo•d t•> tllr IIO "TS AN~• S~PPLIL$ -,.0, wtlh1n lnl!tt llnll'l\1• Ml1l ~•·kn•lwl-1 ~r,J ttJ mf' 1111\1 hr rllt'\.Utf'\1 th~ '"• Moto• Con"~"'~"' '"' ••••• ~ I "·~,. ' o,n ""' L •~~""• c •••. tully •qu••~•W'!-,t "' .. ., 11e~ov• ,W..., t~t .. ., b..l \ tUt h •• t.tf ,.,.. ••• 4C) .,._. .,.. o,,.~d , ....... •ltuoet ) .., •• ,.. \4't • "" ~~ hl\1~• H\lt"~ q \l&t t•" •'rlr•o ••tt"" tu• t••" A•lt• ... v 0 R9 • , ... B••t~••· C •"to• .... ,. Jte l '0" '"' f It Af tiVf' • Oft fl)v•'t 8 '4-tUtt(t • '" Coeta ........... t•u•tt't ~ c.toM ... 1" t t.,,. •u l•••• 1lllht00 •"•If• ..... ~. ftw•t ,, ... w••4W• •nd cttN ,-..,, IPINl.fT& flit~_. t l• ,... ,.... "'"" .... .. •• _ 0 .. _, tor"''· Do\Nl ICHMIDT .. IANO CO~ 100 N '"" Mal" at , ...... ..... .. ...... • CID "' ''"'""' •lit hy I lloevtl· 'VI Me4r~" lfll-le .... .: •...... , IW ....... .,, .,.. DANl ICHMIOT. PIANO CO , ... -rth Mal" M .. a.nu An•. • ..... ..... lo-~-l.l:a.....i:UJile.ILLJ...:ll..u:tw.l:.-4--..-14..,..........-jf--.rn...,l>'"i"::-;.-w• nh_.,.,. '"'" Ill . _ .... t .. """" •"" P r•l ... to,.olo ...... ·'"· • CROCHET hu tall!• the t .. hiOfl world by atorm. thla yur, and thil tr•ditional ArMricaa ftHdkworlll ia beinr utrd in man)' difftorf'nt wa11 ))' tht' moll faahior\aba. dJt .. fnlllln• and millind1. Tht' all<roeh ... e4 Nilor ia makin1 important faahion nrwa, and ht"re i1 one which you can crochet for ycurwll. )hilt' it in luauoua m"rctonted croch~t cotton in I color to dramatiM yo\r cla)'tinw wudrobe. Faahion atcn aoriu , auch •• tbia, will han an ltnpoftant plac" in the judainl of th" f'1~tion-Wide Crocht't Contut. t.hia Fall. whftl Amnia '• outa11nd1n1 crocht'tua will be wl«tf'd. by fort'moat ne~l .. worlr. auttloritin . Dart"ctione for maklnJ thia hat and druila of tht' Contrat may b.. obta1ned b, und1n1 a atamped, ulf.addrn,ed "nlltolop« to th" Ntedlt"worlr. o .. panment of thil paper. lf)Kif)'inr dM:'"n No II I Death of Driver Crushed By Steel Is Accident, Says Jury A._ tO.t\dl.U Jl. ~y •Lt.·t•l&r¥4 ~~ ~d K Orau~l t"tllp<'l C"nlllA 'MH& "'harlo·" f: Hruwn, 43, w!ao "'" • l'oruru·r F'.arl A bbl•y t'unducted ktll~ ·tm~tantly 8llttl1"d1ly wht'l'l a It~ tn....t~«f1t.c• loe.J nf att'.-1 tmlkhrsu piling l!!llf\-Brm,.-n. an •·m,.I .. Yt" uf lhe FlelcS eod rorwanJ on hla truck. cru11h· Tnln.t~poorlttllnn C'1ompany w "a lng ham In the cab. illt•l u tl:lt' 1 •lnvlnt: a bl~ 1lit'""' .trui'k which ruult 0( an ~CI(Ient. oct•or.ttne r hAd h<,..n lnll<lt•tl with ~ atffi at to a verdict tnllm~1ng thr lnqurst SIU\ Pr•lrn and wu bound fnr the held Moo.tay, 10 a m at thf' llru-\ SuperiOr Oil Co.. prupl'rty. Appar- --j ••nUy r .. ttl tzlnl( bt' ha.l made the WRITE:ft-An attractive chap I wrung turn nf'.ar thf' U dn lale Morrla Daly, of Loa Anl'f'lf'IJ 18 brl<lgr , Brown put on the air ataytng In the Parker Apt!!. and - er'ty froi'I).ANb&, &Ml.J.G<UeL .._ • ._ lJI • being tntert.alned ' royally by t~ ~ HO'Ift'rda. . . . Mr. and Jack &Dd Diane HJJlman bad Wal· Mra. Howard 8 . N. 'Butta of Holly· ton H]Jbba1"d, W)'rna Lou Reed, wOOd bave bHn. HJn(ing tbr WroO-Bud &nd MIUie G uthrie for dlMer lle'a Bay Avuue home .... 1 AAd tbe otller llicht. . . Gurllta ot the C S. Brokswa ot Puadrfta Judl'f' and Mra. William Rhode• are on Bay Avenue. too. u art Hervt'y have been Kre. Nlcllt.&. -Mr. and .1r1n1. •I.. 8 Wntrr of Rnooevelt 0( Long lalaod, Una. BrVf'rly Rllla: . . Mr. and lira. Frtt7 ZWicky ot P&aadef\&, Mra. J. B. AIII.Aon of· KADM.:I C\ty are Gt'Of'lt _ Wbltelow fL 8all1& Bar· aa.o IIUftltnf'rltn. . Mr. and bua and Mr. and Irina. Cbarlea Una. Cb.rlu Blakeley, Jr &Dd 1". Steam or. Lee A.nJt'lea ..•. 'nlo thrlr youn~t aon Charlu n1 Uf' oriental c rew aboard Eloo 8roWn'a Uvtar here DOW ln tbe El Bayo p (" have bf'en OectJe NatiOII, trut. Mr Blaketey •• tbt' aon Harrlf'l"f DoWN ~ Betty CoD· ot Rear Adu>lral Blakf'lt'y, Com· don. At le&al they' will know hoW mandant ot lhe 12th Nava~ Dla· to saJI .._.. .......tt drciU alt.rr a trlet. The Blakrley Jre , are rorm-a frw more allt-m~ lru:truc:Uooa . \ Newpon-BalLo. ~-. NEWS-TIMES . PHOHU l! a II ~ fJft!'Y TUMday aad ftanday AnerDoeoa Vol-XXXIII Sublcriptlon Payeblt-In Adval')('r:-$2.!10 per y~ar ln Oran&t' County; S2.75 pt"r year to 4th zone : $3.00 pt"r year to 8th zone. 25c ~r month by c:arrtl'r . Enter~ as Sccnnd·Cia.'-~ matt.-r 111 the Poctort!ce In Newport ~-;ch, California. under the Act of Mard1 3. 1879. • --- S. A. MEYER . . . EDITOR AND MANAGER OFFICIAL PAPER, ~RT BEACH, CAJ.IF(}RNIA- .,ZOOt Ot• .... " 8 '"" 0 8 .110"'• ,..,.""• . ... "''"' ........ , , .. ._ .... a .. r ... , ...... ,. c• .. •-· T._. I P'fl 'Trorubei\M. e I • ........... ""'J r .. r ""''' LosT Be F OUNO ~~~------+---Ou•U •• ttl,.,,,.,. &ell'~ VtttHr ArlA o.c_c• ~~~~or41e e..4 .. , .. , al\ .. 1 "' " • I t 0 A H I .CHMIOT ~·14NO CO ... N•"ll 4Nutar1al ~·nil M v t•untntlluttun t'Xl•\n •• J"'" ~t; 1M2. l'ub J uly II. t:. 2~. :.?!> 11~41 braltt'~t ... hi' .1rn1 ,. \\'•·~t .. r \'ut 1 l 0 5 1'-"c~~· "" r "'ce [' . ...,,,. 1\IIIIIIUt Wtf'Jt In d t•montJ• t Loet Ju!t. lJt .,_....,._." 4 •"d .. p '" "•••• d •f f"''"' •••u• n• '' to Wl~ntoth. 1M() Olefll" 0 t¥d , llattiC>• 60 1'1< M.a..llll:ll That "W•tf'lol H..t•tllll:· (1111•1 that ' '""' 3P.flll0 ""'""'" ,., 10t,.,., ,.111n . 1 •• u .. · h••t•w '" a.·~• l•rt·llv "'''" N for ... ard 111111''""'"1: tltro~u~:•1 tlw phu k•·tl ·"'"""' J.: flt•t tllll.l trl4 k • WOI><I 1 Hll n ( t ho• lrtH'k IU IJh>ltfoth 1 l•·ol '''"'" Ill :!II )'•'ttl II •hut U1• It ••f"tt• J•.t•l\t•r fllltt t .. • tUt•l , f tlll,ahq,: hAhtl•• t•lat 'otHnlltft¥ I uUI•tn l tin• I Hr'O\il'll a~:arnat th" ,.,, ... ,.,,IC 1\h•"'' any '""r.· ''~~t ••rth\" 1,.,,,.... ,.,.,, 1(1\•'ll ....... tllr , ... t m .. ~t-1~ ·lriW..: lu lh•• H•h'ttll• "'' I 1111i1<Pf "'ht"'r "'""' t•lre•~t ""-'• t u tutV•' • 1\ lh7...alhtn Jt.·••l Ml-otal h1111 111 Tlor A uwll<lA11 \\',..,.k lv t II•' lflllfot "~ lnr diRt nln•h·.t 8mokr <lluN··I ''"'" lit .. (II• t lun of tht' aJrt•J ...... ltUOI tilt• \\'""I I .... attrwlt~l t'hl' r•ll•·utl"" "' 11 frllu" dr1vtr. J•• k lk•t. ,. htt w:ua '"'· low1njo! >''II II " l'lmrhtr I nwk lnft•l 0( 111..,·1 lt" I I , llfl , I ll t h wtth "''t \ill,..ll'• l..ftS " '" '' " r kXA l\IISio'H A·h AN<;•:.¥~ ,_,,,., .. ," .. , .. r1~ .. , 111" 11 ... k ""'' · • • r.ta to B,;M n" """'"'1\J\' ~ 1 T t1 ,. 'r---__;:;;=:.._------==-......, motor ul t.hl' I rut k \il'lfJI ~ttlf ntn-G t 0 p • Dln~ an• I Un•'".lL" 1•"..'L 'A lUI tk.-_ _ _ .e_ U[ f)ceji pr'H'tlnl( 111 .. • lulo h h.-totllol alltll we , ... ._ ....... Botli II .-• I 1'1 n ol :-.; ,. w I "•• ol )'0111' • r 2 tt'tltlflf'•l at -tlw I 11 1111 ,. ~ l tloo•t • W ILLIAMS.OPoo A Wll L14MIION' fOJ ~ C•t•h af ••fho• C.fifiHn la O.elr-•bf• ro•,.t en o..n .. ·.,.. ............ c ............ _.,. & rov"' ...,., .. I &II f1 "" •• ..-chooy on4 ~ h . ef\ o ............ , ............. . !Ute p r ~~ N7'0 10 lfc WANTao-.G hyer• le ""r-c""• 10 ""-•toe. fer I tO •••" .,.. • • ,0 .... .......... ..., 1 ..... _ ... ...... '''•Ill... ,.. ... ~. ""·· ...... . ...... -vw•u •• '""•• ... ~ aa.:u.NOTa MUIIC CO , fMI :..,... ... M., ...... ..... . ··~~ EM~LOYMKNT WANT~O ~IT10N WANTaO lrol-.4 a lrle t• •• 11 •• ..... .,.,.. " cllll•.-.,.. lleltt .,._._"· Gell Mo-te H-ea-.. No.. ,.." ... .. ..... ._, ...... ···-"'" a... ..... wewr, •1.,,,~.t~. ""' '"•II' Iliff· WAHTIID-YW"I Olr! ••M8 -~~ , ........ -c..p •• , ... , .... '-•'•"• ,., ...........• ,. ....... ·-·· ....... 'll!ll' ,._..,, ...... ~ ,.. -...~.AM.oo ·-·~••·,..~· w;.:;;. t• ,..,. '" ,.,.._ 11. II '"" ... ,., • .....,_lie, .... , ,._ ....... '"'• ••• , ... , -fll o c-. ~=ii;;;;;t=~;;;;:;w:-;:;:-~~-;::-.,. .. .at ~1CIILNew.-& ~~· ~ JNI P1P1Wtr UJ¥• 6dd ..... -.... "" ,,..... •' 11~"1"•11-0( Uw ~"'' ,pe-t who btpaUy ••• • ., .. ,,.,_,.t, ,..._,.. ~. u k,... hi• 1-utlful wlf• to ._. '"<1 tOll. U .tfc.. ..,...t.. "' two i'OUht m•1IIIIJI!'Ol'-e \WW ,B~·1l'1 tru!'lt wAa 1/f"l't'rl)' h•ll-1- ed and Ued .tu~'ll .,_, uJt.llna 'u MIC'ty 1 0\lr• Anol ,. • .,'lllt'ltl"r"' I FRANK .cuallAN LUMBER CO., 1M. FoR RENT ynun• MJn'a alt'Ktl-o¥-·~ wtlat 1-. t\o..-., fl'l'tiUW t'oa.bare ~. ~ ~ .JIIA'I about UU. eurto. .ttuatl~•. an Ttto •-ac-Wooll- I A lao r~tll4'11 ·ltl I hi' 11t.An.l wrrr MlM Br\ty Hrown. 1lau~thll"r n( the dK-d, whnw.• lllldrl"lllt WIUI IMOl Hotmr11 Avf. . U:Nt Antlt'ln ·-....... M. aad Officer krnMth norton Wh41 Tl' •• I I MJIWA ..... bi+l"'t!IS~ tM w:ddmt PROPORED BVDGI:I' Cesc-t.lft ef ,... __,,.. For the Nrwport Rram Schonl U••tn<'! ul • Jrancr C'uunty. CaUfnnWI tor tht-.w:hool )'l'AI' Mdlnc Jun. 30. UM1 L PNt• Nl l'!aPfliMIIha~ lMl .... t A. Cl.unnt F::trJ)f'fl!W' 1 Admln1J1ratlon 2. Jn,tructlon 3. 01x>rallnn o4 School Planl 4 Mamt•·nan<'4' ol Schorlf l'"lanl ~. Auxallury ~ aftd ('onrrtlnate Ac-th·llh'll 6 f'bl'd f "hlll"g""' $ 4,90000 :tM,70000 l;,:l¥)00 1.~00 TOT~ I. t 'I IRRF:~T F:'Xl'f:NSf: n. C'llpillll lint lll)'!l C . Non·Btwt•S.~I I>M1t Sl'r\'art• D. llruJJ~lnJnd.cd fu·~~ r.. Tnt11l l'rtlf....-•-.1 t-:xpMl!IIIIIN'<r fur 1!..,1-.:: n. ,.,._,"' tn Othfor IM•t..Wh t'nr TuiUt ... IMI U Ill. DM&rir-L T••-~..,,.... fw ......,.., ~ ..... .a.u- ftulldln• t\an4 IV. o-ral """"n" t 'or t:,sw·•~lltu"' rturl"• IH:! II V. Total ftuchrrt • Rrqul"'".,."' Vl. Nt'l Total Av.Uaht• K_,aftN' UH1 F.-lmaW c·ur,... .. t ~,,.,. lltbrr Than F'url"f'el IJI•frt.-t 'tu~ T7,74000 , ...... .. ... ,. .... ' I ~ ... ,. .. f'Ofll "&NT-,"•-.,. .. ~. "-· .. _ ........ , ....... "· .... ............ ,...__ aa.w. •·Til ... DIL 8ALPII D. BO&IID ~ . ..,...., .. WI WAft .._ .. ·---.---............... ..... DIL OONUD IIIOII'Ia ,., 0 ,, ..... . .,_,ft .... ...... "~ ..... ......., ......... 1·1 .... ~·-~ .... , .. , ·~.(}o~ •. 0~1 .,.,.......~ ........ N-..rt.....,.. flnpltal c·-traJ A ... a& ., .... • OfftMt .. "·' ,. " ..... , ... ..... Vll. Total C'url"f'nl lll•trl.-1 T•"'" Rr<rulf"'!d llll .•. M L---~'II~~~~.!."!__ ___ J A llUhlk h•~11ln1: 'A lii 1 ... lid• I <on 1 II•• ah~ov•· loudl{o•l orn Au.-u,t r •. , elfJP••• 1!+41, Ill 7 ·:\1) Jl n1 . :.I till' ~·ll••olllfMN· lti\V AlrKI:-.o~r 1...; ~r-------------~_. ___ _, 1'1. the .......... ~ted ..... rwat ..... a LO 8 AN~ CXA.MlMIIII\. .... DIL B. a ftAWJ• -··· -.'ut ,..,... -•r·a ..._ ui:aoY P. ANDa80N A'I"'''mffll" Ia LAW Oooea ..._.._as· I . ...... OrNtna P.V.PAUW Wo't tw · ............... 21~ ac-a ,_ .. N..,.art .......................... GeM ...... ............. "' AU. WORK OU~ A ~able LoMI l•tUuUon For OYer SS ",.." l'uhllsh July :.."1. I'H 1 \•rtmty Su,,·, .,r S••lt••·l PAI JL ~OilMAN Oriental ~-- I DlG. ~You P~. Do..,-r C.0 ·'"" "04ERE ----- Cy • SKEE.T(~" :f\ISfSt S~~ Acl:-·"J)~'f LONG. WAt'T1N' lo (ill' 1N T~ krfC\4fN \'"'\i'HT ~1\'ft.-M/\ttr.a­ ".UI•, A~tllln••· r~o .. t , . .,"..,. ::• l ''I :1,1 S l • I"•·WSt(tr1 11-•a•·h 1""-'ZOl ... a ..... fl .. ........ .. ..,._ .............. fl,... • ---- Wuattn.cr~~n flooArll Auto Soppl'-. 210 t.w1n l!lr.-GJN. AlnrftUnllld& A'IT4•MfNtd.A ar.HIAII'lfft---V. 1 wr SrrYI.r• I~ Mct'ldMn Place -N..wport BHdL IIAkCkt' CICH1U"- N-r••r1 llr•k~"ry, 2112 ~an. Dakrry 'Jbat r. Bett.r For r.... FIIUU'I.AfT. ~NU kfNfti.J~fl WOOIJ-11 W WIIKhl, 17K4 Npt. nlvd., o.ta M-. UMd Lumber. Ph. B-l. f'HI:NIJAKIF.K-, 1-' ,1, F ltrnu F'"m•lry. Joblna·Castlna. 110 V\ritnla Pl., Coota ..... OA,.Or.J .. r.K V If ,T..- f;.Jnltln H Jo'ln•UIIy, l.llMR&a C'OMI'ANIEII-, C~ta Meu J.hr. C::o.· "lAt ue help you plan your homt'.'' l"'honl t& IJaJ I>IAtrkt l .um~r Co. PhaDt ll!IO. Cout llichWIIY at·~ IIAal:o.IF. "l'f',f'IAI~TIFA- •Ms t1n,. !"prdaJty Shop, 12015 Cout Hlwar. Supplid, IW.ta, Ek ,.,OT AA'r J"fJBLIIl- Nora Marparth. ~ W. Cen\ral Annue. l'bone ll or 13. N~ orncr. MliPPUF..A- Nf'WPOrt Jlarbor J>ubllahlna Co. Ptlorwe: l2 -13, N~ ..-, PIUI"f~'llfJ-N~ Harbor Publ11hlnc Co. Phon8: 12 -13, N~ ..-, llA rtiO "r.K VICE--' t:tJtllr'A 1\AII.I<',. RAdJo Shop, 800 E. Ba'/. Ph. 221. For o bett• ..,..... .aAL F..81'ATr., IMBULUt-a NOTAAI' PCBLI0- 1-If WaJI•ce. 22m W. Central AftftUe. PhcJM 3. atTftftlltiUITAMN-... '1 • Newport Harbor PubUahJnc Co. PhoMI: 1.2 • ~ Newport Bolt& UJ&ft II&TAL WOIUl-__ J • Coota Mfta Jllumblftc Company, Coota\lleM. ftdM 210. ~ N..,...-t il.ubcw PubUohtnc Co.~: 12 • lJ, H..,... .... YAJUZTY-no.._· lWboa lJland V~tJ Ston-lc. 10ie. ae ud wp. ...._. 21U·W, W'IILDDfG-W..._~ .... V.Oftt ........ U. .......... ft.,...,._,. .. ·r . . Paae Four NEWPORT BEACH COST A. II.ESA -. r . ., I ,.~ ' • ...... I NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Newport Beach, Calllomla, TUESt>AY, JULY 29r 1941. . . . j. WOMAN'S , PAGE . THE -CORONA DEL MAR BALBOA ISLAND LIDO ISLE BA.LBOA (Betty Adama. . Phones 12 ~nd .l3) --~--~------~----~~~.~----------~~---------------------------~--------~~~--~--~--~--~----------------~~--~-----------=r =-~----~---------- Miss Frances Mason Weds South. Dakota Man, july 20th _ -·OomiD;-., a i'l.u'pmr to IIIDUIY tnen~ In lh~ Harhur ar~a tbt. 'IIV~It wu lM marra~t-of MWI n-&ncn Car1me · M a • o n , daurhtt-r · "' Mno C)lrl .. fW' Ma84•n or eo.t. Mt'8L l(\ ~J«'ft«' Shan- FoOD 'FASHIONS junior Group Want Needlecraft l t Ebell Prepares Comblg.-Eventa !Miss Adelaide Barbre Becomes 'Entertains Fifty Pattern's?-Ask I For Big Annual In Harbor Area I Bride of Charles G. ,Porter Harbor-Guests The News-Times , Summer Party .... -I WEDNEIDAY, JULY 30--Blmplt rite. Tburtday eve-ning. F'ullerton l!t:hools. the bridt at.o Apj•l'nX mlll ~ly ftfl) gIll'' l.O ga\11• r,.,( In tlw 1111nr•wmt "' lh•· f • •"'tit ~1••1'Ul \\'t•OII', t IUt1t ••U"'W' .. With summPr actrvlty -Wedltaday r&« ~~eriu ot Bal-l July 24. at !i p m. In htr homt> taking poet ·graf.luatt' w o r It at I a new h llb r.bout the aborell:te. boa Yacht Club. 2 I>· m . at pier.! at 116 4llil Street. :S~wporl Beal·h. Nt>wpt.~rl H!V'bor U n Io n hIgh 1 memtobra .of t~e Newport Beacb Newport Harbor servll'e Club. united' in marriage Miss Ao.lt>laidt> sc·hool after her graclualloo rrom F:bo-11 Club are In the Qll~l ot DOOD. Whlt.e'a Balboa eott .. Shop. lliArtJ<·. UIIIIJ'llter 9f Mrs.• Wln~red 1 Fullerton DUilrtct JunJQr Collect • 1pr.,paratlona for their annual aum-Red Cro111 worl!rooma, 0 p en Barbre and V. C. Barbre. Sr .. of The new ~Jrs. Portt'r baa beeD 1 mer <k>sserl cud party t o be given 10:30 a. m. to :1 p. m .. Balboa. Oran~e an•l Charles G. Porter, 'tJ ol\nN'lf'd with •F'Itz.patrlrk'll Dry· t----.110ft, -of ..... "biAS • 4J1 Suulb • '" Cui<.-~ttttl •n tilt· .JuJ)I .. r \\'., ... nl"fl J} C 1oill .t•·~~·:rt lo ,.,.(11 lortdl!•' .... 11 .. 1\' 1'\'0 1110!; ~~~~~ .) ..... rt-r~o•• k• ••I•, .,, 1<•~11 ... .,. J,.l .n•l \All\~ und I n, .n,. , hll1rmnn ttrr~nj.'•'d I h •· F ••ll•tWillg r«&ueetl tor pat - t•·,·n~ uf crt>t'hl•t needll't:ra.tt "hH h rh~e !'1/Pws-Timea hu tea· t•trl'<l nn th·~ Woman•• Pact• 1111~ nwnth we are ple...S t" ttnnuwoc,. tflat WI' have a llmlt· •·tl ~.ly uf llin•t:tloQa.Jor Jllae I Wc-lneatlay, Auguat 6, In the :-ltw-Balboa Inn Building: Balboa Ia-Jr .. _JCtn ot G ... G. Porter of .A: j f~ Store In ~ewport. Bt>ach for purl Be&ch Gt-ammar School Au-land, au ~A~.------_ --Jut Dsllot& ', hnnntr I! .offtur l•ltltt•rn~ J•'nny Lind Hedlpr~ad, No t>I<J •IHnrlum. Non-comml-'oned Otneen ot Rev. E. D. Goodell, putor of «' make tht'tr TIMlr cer~IIIOfl)' wu a part. or a cloubl• -odiDI BUfM!ay. July 20 iD Lq Vf'I1UI. N•,·ada 1"'\• Ln .Jt W'Oft a a Jf"C'\&lor aport 11\U t r,~ bale .. llh nod ant1 blue lrtm 'Pb,. ~IT'OOIII'a lli~r )II.. )(Uinf 8ballnon &Ad CbariH Wa rd •· f Tall ·-aaa.rrW<I at ltJ. 8&Dll tDe. Mr SbannO.. t.a a IM'pbf'W nf Mn. Harold K Grtwtl ol C'Wta ~~-Followlac tlwlr mani•l" t b ,. coup&# Moft tor a lf'lau,.ly , .• , •· t.loft lbrou,h tJw nuddk' "'"-' av·~ plDc at Oldb&m.. f'oulb ~Jd.nl a to ..... wtUI tiM' ~. ,._ -\\ ho•ll 1(11•&1• ttrn\l'd tuhh-11 'lSJI 'rUing thf' llm,.Ugllt ln1ntr ht'fll' -,,..,.,, '"If• 1 -y,lth rh,...'k•~l "''-~-:tam • , .... ~·rf\,.. ltg., KJ!t 'h·-,,.,~ 'hq· t I I~· l ta ( ti h ... ~ tl .... n r a! t.' 1 ('OOtllf'll hiiV~ ""''' WIUI the AJ'J'I,. v.olh r' .t CJ J:krllllrll' j•l••·· •I In l'Jl"lt1f' f',,v. n ( 'akr Tn pi"~ 1\1\\' 1 "i'l,..r \'tt~•·• 1,. ~l'"' 1 11( h • r rt·a-• (jlmth' of f•••lr JHI't t ry !his lfi'IUI..t .'Lil•l I dcr y, ,.,,. "' rV• •I t.y lll•'f'l!l~·r8 ~IJW jpvf'n 11~ .,,. !I.Jno ~~ Ia ~,,., nf Olt' 1 lub ,.,.1 ,.111t 11.n~ wl'r• tn r1tt ot lb .. ('b&mbl'r uf <.'•mm,.ror chargf' ,,, )tr" I ..Ill Q' 'I'U! kl'f nrtd otfiC" I ~~ ra Hrobfort IAonJ( Plnupple U~· 0-n (.~Itt' Mrs Jo:.lv.ln .. ·~111 k "r•·C ""'"I !hi' 1/1 cup llutt;t'f' '''"'r P"'" an•l hi)rlo .It.,,,. v.tnn,.n• 2 l cup tue~r I at ra1 h t.ahll· rt'ff'tVffl thP J'lnl(· 2 .... ham ..Jolh<'ll wht• h Wt'rl' ftniP~•·•I 2 l c~p "'~'"' 1 by th" J"r wr ,;rnup ·at tbl'tr la..~t p,>~natr, -eat4r blouae, No. 121),. lJ~-c~rallve Edgtnr•. N o a . 'M2. k~>3~. RMI2, 8610, sa&, '-:'>ti9'anfl 8~. UnmmetJ Sa ilor Hat. No. U l Muntrcello tlolllea, No. 7264 J u!<t senf.l a •If-~ atamped ennlope to the N .. a- Tlmt's in ran of Betty A.clama and the paltema will ba •nt Y••u lrt'l' of cha~. 1''w cu~ fleur mffllnJr ·l t~upoons baloi"v powdt'r s .. ;llt ,."""''nr Augwtt ~ c h ,. Aunust Activitu .a •·a~ ..aa.l1 ------:.ronmr-c"'hrn-wtll~-'~r:a.....;;. __ ll5L --'..A-1 __ _ M r1. S u • a n M . Rutherford, preMidenl of the Ebell. Ia In direct I rha~e-v ( ttu. pcett.)t affair. Decors 1 atlona of late 1\Jm.DI~r tllooma 3rt' jln the h&nd of Yra. C. M. bealuna, f'R p&blt' vice-prealdent and pro- gnun cb&lrman. Jofn. Rutherford &nDounced to- day that the club Ia pl&nDlng tor fifty t..blea ot contract. aucUoa and oth(J' card gamea. 'nlere will bl' prlua for each table and a gnnd door prtu. 1(ra. VI c tor Grace will manage a food llale in cr..nnectlon w It b the att.ernooo party. " t .. ..,oon·waftiiU f( .. t~ r1 t: llHKJO Ill h .. r r htumlng Scheduled By rt-nn. ootlt·r. a1lf.l •u~~:~or Allrt 1 I·" ,.,.u ...... llloulcv~tr•l tn -1 Party Reveals ·~ " f J:ltl" .... , ~· .~ " .. -·.... w s c s w bt'Atrn """ )"•llu ·~ ... va nrtllt . I t .' · .. ~ ... M•IU Tht• ~r"lll' wHI l'Hn· • • • • omen IN b Marr•'age h ..... lllf'r tt .. ur h.Uun~; , ....... ~o-r and t ~ ovem er . .,... · l ' • nl' a ~ p "' we A•I•J tn ftnrt mt.xtun· •I "' _ _ -t.fllkinJ!. pla na for aever&J bt" Of Mesan 1-----...&.-.-IIU.a:!'-.!::.,;...A!.::.:.:;.:;.;~~:..;:..~f..IIIWI:U..,.JII;jLWJ....J!.=.!.. Jo'u!!!.._!!1 ~ltftty l:: ·~lrclto oC Uac eo.sa port Harbor bt'atm l'gtr '"" ~SSISf3JICCeagtte !\1t•sa \\:oblen'a So<:lely <'I Cbr1Kt· l -· &Dd lftdualf'd fl">m 1111' () h • Whllt' m&.k.ln~ 1"-' l'"lr." mf'lt • 'w. II Convene In lan s .. l\'ll'f' mrt In the hom• of I RurpriJIIt IUlni)UDCt'ment w •• State Beaut'J Coli,..•· "' Tnlf'tln , t..blupoona of butll'r 11n1l I • up I ntl'ntbt·r~ Thurlk.la arternooo rnl\(1(' Friday t venln_g In Santa Ana ~ ... I!H'n ••lth h_!r mt•tht"r In ul llr~ ,upr on ftylll j; """ Boud i not Home . y . I uf lht mllrrlage of M,lll!l Marjorie Coat& M«'• ttriJ lui Y•'ar I Whrn !hi(' II anll "."IUJ'V. urn<nl:•' 1 f'lrPI•· fivi' rnmprlle$! 01..,. you~~ ~flllthPY.'" of that city and Jay .. lie"" rof pln~'aJ'rll" nn I hf' ~yrup j I marr lt>cl women ot tbe \y .8 .C • IAtrton whnae 'patent.a Mr and }lr!O F F Huoi'ltnflt Wlttl Mr11 •J 1 , . 1 ···'l·''a plcnJc t r ' · M th' V t · II' 1 I"'"' u,,.r tt'" ttonl', ppt,. t h" · · · 1 111 ' 11 ~'~!'•• ta .., u .. y met-1 Mrs Geor~e Lortoo r ealde in On S aca JOn l.lll~l"r &rlol hAIIf• tn nu.do•rat•• ,,,,.n (' f-' Watt. of Ha.lhtJil l~lftntl WIt HI~ Ill SAntiago Park In Ban• a'· (• lila Mua 1,1l' w~ding ne-ws I E d B l ·-·•n In h~r ·•·• Hnvu hum•· A ... ..... ·-·• 1 , 11 • $ nJ'oye y l't 37:'1 1-fnr ,h.,ut ,)!\ ntlnlllf'• t'D ,,...., . • .·.nn .. •IDC mt'm.,...ra _,.. t VO'IW8S tOld tO 8 trou p 0( th~ new I<• m,,,,. at ''"',. lu oltllh tuntln~. "'"'"'''"'. A111:1t..t -!'! fur m<"ml"'~, ~ru··l't!· "'t•re prt~nt. Plana wtr.:; Mrs. Norton'a club frienda. Mrs B Aubry .,.,.1 .• ,. ,jr~n ,.., tha f th,. frutt y,•oll .,f t h•• :-;,."'.l"'rt tl~trbo)f Alll!t.dnth ~ mlldf' f•,r an iCC' cream aoeJa1 "' •.,., t t h • • ~,-u ·-" , _ 1 d iD _.. .. rc 1'1\rd!l carrymg ou e 1 br on tor• ""'"''' hr.C wlth har•l ...... acu~ . lh•• p.onu.nage awn ur ~ t ••.e . 1 b b Ann1·'-late l&at WHll to ...... nd """r" (~ ~ h;rf"'d. C',.IUn Thr,. "'til mark thi>lr ftr~t m•···l ~1•·•14 :--. ar• '''""'' Camlvat. T h ,. r!'dd. --~·h lt' aMi ~~~"I t .. ~~e lbn-na -,~ 1 oc th•tr IIU<'• t u ful ll••u• ~~~ ._, • <'hi ru a llpet· al .... Y ...._...,..n Y u. IDOOth of Au~Uit 'CII'Ilh btr )hjthl \1\'f' ... ~. ••• p.u'vt' 'l nAr•· nr: ~~ f' • :·r.•up \1 Ill I unvc>nt', • ueway, Au· F I k s h k T h State Guard meet at High School. C'ommunity Metho<tisl Ch4rch or '{:30 p~ m. N.wport Bu.,ch. performed the THUAIDAY, JUj.Y 31_ amgh? rtng ce.rem011y whlc~ wu Kl 1 C'l b 0 • 88 wltl\e~d by Mrs. Barb~e-and car wan • u · ua Miaa Edna w.rker ot :>:ewport e. noon: S.·ach. ~ CrON wo.rkroom.e, o pen on.. 'tlrlde choee an~ attem oon 10.30 a. m. ~ 6 P·. m.. Balboa. dreaa of turqouu"e blue and wblte, Balboa Inn Bulldh~c . Balboa Ia-and wore a coraage of fragrant land. Sll Marine Avenue. . cardenlaa and yell9w roeebuda. Red Croae tlr1t aid clua, 7:30 The n oral \fealgn and picture wu p. m .• Sll Marille Avenue: Bal-made complete with white and boa Ialand. yellow al&dio&aa and fern. placed FRIDAY, AUGUST 1-about the room .. The huge tlre- N e w p o r • Be&C'b, Boy Scout place mantle waa resplendent with 1 Troop. 1 p.. ar. glowtnr tapera in antique brua · Coutal V F . W. bolder. . Arthur Hopkins of San Dleco haa IX'~ !!pending-thl_. w .. ek wltb hla gTaJldparenla. '' r. and Mra. G. A. Magnussen of Balboa. Ht wu a vlaltor Jofooday in lbe Newa. nmea office. Jofra. Barbara Drumm ot Broad, way Street. Coeta Me.a hu moved to Oct'anl!lde to bt' wlt.h htr daUI'h' t er, Mils Jofa rgartt Price. HAROLD IL GRAUEL CHAPEL IDOC~ &.Dd tat~ Mr and Mr• tur ll'!fnl'fhlnJI! nf'W tn fon<l I hat C.rt•l~" sot lh•· 1-"''" •~•·· 'tuhh1ur.so·. gust 21i with Mra. Joe Jonea nn ~I rill r~Pr ,. c ,/~ · N e E. E. Boudtnot ~ar Mra ~r1 IDJitn•l of tbf' ptn,.aiJJ"IP . alu "" Mr• Hul,..rt f-: H"''"· .,r•'t!tolrnt. l'•lh St ... ,., tu m;tkl' final p~ra· \1\'IJr(~ .. 19:0rJ~;r•t an th ~?'· t. I O· ' · h ll ~-.• t ••tit 11onelu< 1 th" bouun•••• 84'!ll8t"n 1 n,. Vl'm ..... r, . (&Vi.' «' tr'!! n-_Aullry ol <."'IC'O, CalJforrua. WbO 1 that you m&kf' a r,K f'r ,...arv H t 1" •llraltnn or thl' romallc news The "LI ... ~ Th ,:-,.n• .,,.. tn•• th,. ht•y11 "I !I P~"'JeC , n ,. d t "'--.., wttb ~r )'OUIIC -... , lla.y at >11 pn• .. ta an•J Ct)(_..,, J>nJnMI " " ~In· \\'tlolam uovy 0 ..., • ...,llt ntw Mr11. Lorton. daug-hter ot Mr llJO Weat Bay AnDIH'. S"'purt rHUlt ta a parwt '*'n.l loppar.l( follnwlnjt a I o'l'loc:k lunr hl'on Av•·llll" <•p••nt•\1 her home l'bOrN ~,an_'.' lofrs. Earl Matlht•ws is a grad- :a.dl.. to your cake F W 'J) o.lay attcm()()n to Circle ~o. U>· unte Qf gttnla Ana ll<'h~l8 and Ill Mr. A..W,. ~ ctn.m w1tlt . -----..Four Harbor olk I (lUlltii•K ~r·JUP lolra. R.oae ~llf';-LOfllle.t:ted w l t.h l.h.L Mn.. Aulwy &Ad retunMCI lwMI&y Mr. and Mn_ M.-rwln Fir ka• E h V S ~l,..mlM'n, of C"ircle tllrH we r r CompMy Jt.-r husband who l.s 'to LIM north. Wurday ._.....tiM-ot AvOMido strHt. Coata ....... re-XC ange ows oon j.'lJI st.. ..r lllnl A L. H<*anl employf'd 'A'ith an Aoabelm 1'ruck-t--......__...,..,,.._ Mr. ~.cfllra.. p Sl•tC lurpe4 ~ n'~ from • In Orange County 'l'wf'lYf'-m~b4>ra .w .. ,. ~nt ~;.t "'' ~JMUtY att~ T u-ell n .ad a JT'OUP ot Loll Mlpk-a tour .._ka va.ralkm trip 1o the Clrcl«' 4'a aeulee with Wn. J . L Union High S<'hool ... frtnda enjo,... dl,_.. Mel danr· Grand f'lulyon, BryN> an;l ZINI I 1-ut'lvlllf' Th"Y tlnlllhfll Red <::r1>M ... at LIM 8ll7'-111 Utte HlHGa Nat.loDal Parka, Yenuwlltotlf' and Jolntnr: thf' tl.al of ""'"''~~·"''' nf 1,,1hy quilts. ....... a.a.c llead. ua envtable muna tr1p tbrouc~ thla <'otnmunlty whn hav" ~1~1· ltep(irtl! of the Jeaaie ~· Ml:l· Mrs. Robert E. Ross Att~nds Special Tea For Lady Halifax _., ____________ .t.,;,;tb;;•;;.,;;'.;.";.tw;;ood;;;u;.. _______ , OP•t lht'lr lbtl'ntlonlt to "'"·1 an: l tun tn Alaska glv~n by Mra. 1:, L.. Ill Ml• Mary F.tl&abf'th G r u p "' IJ.-nrwtt · ut Nrwporl ROIId wtlerl -TliRNER'S ·IIIPLIS OITLET STOlE ......................... _. ..... .. .................... _.-b_ .. . .. -.. ........ ,.._.Aft]~ ..... . .............. ; ... .._ ............. - ................ NOW .. .._ , ........ , .... ----~----------------------._.,., pscc'l• ~ _. ..._.....,. .._ llaOYIM&ftla .................... -•_. .... IIELVDIA'rQa; ..... .... .... a « Clle ..... ,.........__ -.::IAL roll '1mB ~ . ONLI' -U... CONUN W•_. ...,..,. _... .... ......_ .. ---'·st ....... -.-...... -v~..-.-~ c .... _.., 0.. o.l)-c-.e. J"'IILCC llADIO, II ....,_ ......... __.. ..... fMr ....... . o... ....... ..... '19" 1JU:D T UI..E u:T8 . . . • . 1 _,,. PRILCO 'MDICMI; pt ... -..... ..._.. .. 1"! '3tt ~ ~ ........... Mi. (llr ......... ----1-Qib CWvz' I.....,__. OAIIL\OE CAXIJ ~ft..­A._ ...-.: ..,.._ .. ..._ 'WMit ..... V.... ICE~=~ •AKD ( ::..: ) 95c ...... -U R ff E I ' S a.-~:=. • uu~7• 1219 South Main ..... -'-~Roam dautrhlf'r ol Mr anll Mrrt f:t'f'lrtC~' lht' l/ntfrl&ined Circle 6. Mn. hh Gru-p. f7l N~ Boult!varll. Mrll p,lrnftno•~ l.bc devottonal ~. Cladya E . Brown of 1714 ()('ean .,1 d for a ..... ___. P'mnt N l'Ort BNI'h ntu~lh • ILIIII Wt're ma e ...--- Mary' Pe~na nf Whlftl.-;, bride. potluck .luncheon lo bono r ·II bt' of Rnll ., n 11 J of 'vr~yon,. s btrUutay, hblea an t o· 0 t' ,. an, r · art to bt' arranged a.cc:oc\llq U Cc.rMa Meaa IUid Alvera Lorena h f d h-""·a·-a• h Ill ........ \ ,. our ~n11 an -·~ -· ~ M\M'Ikr of Orahttcl' w n w I""· ,.ach tabl,. wll' be aelected •or by l'ome ltlt' hr1•14' ot Bert Thomu ri l birthday~ Mn. Stark o1 C'Clllta Mt.s thf'tr npprop a e • MIN r.ruJW' •·til Ill' mllrrif'tl thls l l.. 0 1-:. m.,nt '" gf'nt'r&l e~rmall. (all to Ralph l.. Taylnr •of ClntAr•·• An hour or f'Dtt'rlAin~nt tlitll fol· whll" Jotly Ia t h ,. mvnth •-: t lnw th~ lunch~. . by Mra Rro'lii'Tl for hf'r y,•,..ltltng AJ?Iltr on Augual 28. lh«' group to J,._f'h J ohn Hf'UIJ:h&n (t( COI!ta Will Until for liD all day pi•''IIC at ltf..a.. Hunliq;t(•n Bt'ech. Member• an lu mef'l at. the church at 10 L' ID. Epworth Leaguers Plan Merry Nautical Church Entertainment Mrs E . L. Bennett la lodl)' at- l•·n..ttnJ• 1 hr Orange County Of· (ll't'r" mN"tlnJ: of the W.SCS at lh~> ~parjl't>On Mt'morlal Cll•1rch Ia ~11nla Ana Mr~'. lo'urrut \\'OOt.l· •tt.k dt lluntlngton Oeach I~ prN l-\ Plartl W<'rf' annnu..-1"<1 ln. lay ror •l,.nl. • thf' Alll'\lll\ rt "''""'"" p1nty nf thr F:rrwnr111 LeAguC' of the-Chr111t Rn G. Willard l;tt>am~ or <.:oet& Chlll"''h by thf' s .. a whlrh "111 hi\VC' MC'I'a prrformNI lht' wr•hllng tor a nautll'al tht'mt . hi'< nif'('t• M1~!' Pnulinc Stl'nm~ ol -J\on>thy ~mlth an•1 Ylrlllnls A-t· Ora.n~l' a nd Wtn11ton Nt~hol~. klniiOn ot l.hla cit y ar.-In chJUltr MtM J amc•• J••Mon wno h a• nl arriUlJI!""fntll rnr . l.ht> t'VI'nlng 1 b<'en a houlll' ~est of l,h,. Uar• ~nd &JilliAtlng t h t m llrf' C'llrot · ol..J K, C:raucl~ lt•fl by train l&it Woldenbu~t wbo rtC(bllY · 11111\lf'<l t mgbt tar .her bume In Omaha. lnvllatl••na for thl' affa ir. n 0 h !'1/t'hrlll!kl\. ""'~'Y· publh'lly o•halrmn.n Carnt Wlllc•r. rt'fr,.lthm.-ntll. Harrr f'nn . over. dt'f(lratlonA, an •I Harbar-. .. .Amon~ tll~ wbo had t.be boaor tb 1ttend the ch&rmln( t,a for lAdy Hallfu «f.v«'n by lllt'veral W'OIIIt"n's clublr In ttl.-Womet~'a Athletic Club In Loll Angelea lut week 'IIVt're Mn. Robert E. RO!!II or Ooeta Mea& and Mrs. R. G. Miller or HuntiDgton Bt-ach . M.ra. ru-wIth ~~evtral ot.her county w omen arllvt In ~e Call- fonda Federatloo of Women's C1ube were gueata of M ra. J ohn Tb&yer, prealdent. Sister of Mrs. Von Kennell Here Wn. L.ula F: C'olllnl! who hall bt'en t'njoylng the Padfic Coast Climate tht paltl two m oothl! after tht heat whlrh prevati!O at bl'r home In Death Valll'y hu been a vtaltor iD the horn~ ot ht'r .alstc.-r. )Ira. Cllttord Von Kennel at Costa Me•. Since ~elvlng word from her bWiband that he hu dlacovcr- ed a mlntnc claim. Mra. Collins hal arranged to leave tor 'homt' T!nlr8day to belp blm ~ the pro- ject. F.hl,.,., rlt'an-up Ac rnrdlntt t o an announ(P.nt>nt mad<' by lrag-uf'n. thl11 will b<'$:111 a '"'""" of pu tle-a durin~~: th.-trum Do You I m.-r and tarly fall. :• ... A. Boys and Believe In 1 Girls 'Aid Has ---.t"M---·--~.n"*--11'..=~ AAl\ ly? ,a nip llere ,_ v .t'" ~=-11~~11:11;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~1---t!,n~~~~~,"~~: ... ~,r~rh~t=~~n;,,!~~m=.~~~~~~1-----~~=;:;;;:;:;,:: nf tM-1~ ctnt~n c-ar.-1 DR. WILES MERVINE a cbMICe to mab pod far YOU. Dca't rit until DftV8 haft bpi Jdu awab two or thrft. Ditb ... Ullti1 J'OU are ~ jumpy aod c::NDkJ. Get • bottle • Dr. M1lee NerriM tbe Dnt time you .-a dnc ltclft. Ke-ep it baDdy. You DftW JEDow wbc JOU Oft .... ----~Jour famUJ will ....tit. • I • • AI TRIP DniJ St.r..: ..... Boale u, z.,.·,... 11M . ................ ~ 1 '""" An~r"'"ll . l~kPn " larjl'r hnm(' AI . Hlfl'h,...a~·. · H•'"' ;:ruup11 nt younJt:<lf'r!< Rr•• 1 I fnUJ=hl tf\ f'nJO:V !IWimmtnj;:. UO~I · '"*· fif'hln~r And !Hill hnthln~ 1\t ; rn·Jt,·nt a ~"T•mp .. r 31 l'trllo. A!rl'll '7 t u 14 yrAr!O 1\rt' \'1\l'lll tr>nln~ .lt ~ny. mnn ,,·ith the courage to start a n<'w btlsinl'ss -or &ell a better product at a lx'1tt'l' p,rin• -is free Jo do so. 'fDf "'•'li Aft,l NfHlhlifif tH <tJfMlt ... -1·---llh~~.-,...,... illll'ndf'nt JI Pnrv C'l\rlllnn. t h r v \Hrr ,., I hul'l'd · twc.-r lht' fil!hlns; 1 l"rlln1. ('rcxiiM' lift' A'~'tn~ t'hl,.f J hiUJ bl'<'n tnltt rurHn~ tbt' ~·••un~stf'no In IL1fdy tn lht' watf'r. whilr llft>--j Jrltllrd~ IUiol ""''~"' Instruc-tor 1'111·· mu•l Krllmt"r "' th.-Rt'\1 C'ro1111 baa htl'n tt'IIC'htn~ t h 4' chJidrfn In Mff'h' riJUl!t'fl 1 In 'rharr.~ M lhl' 11\Jmm<'r :llmr ""'" t.l r' l.y•ll" Wagar. Mra Ltl· !tan Afle-n. ~~,.... F:\'1\ Nlaway. ar t! )lrl' Gt'rtnu1c.-~t n80fl I Mt an,l Mr11 C. 8 Rudd ba~·<' m<wt••l 11 t1' thf'lr ntw homt' c•n I Nt'~'J"'rt 'il'tght.a .Mn. l.. F.. Louoabt'rry ·Qf boa f'nlertalned frienda at 1i fl'l aupp(r rt'C'ftlU)' \ ... ' Arlvt'rt isin~ is on1• of the simplest sa!~ pmnt~ :t~:tin~t monopoly. lt INs each man tell his story -and thr publiC' piek~ the winner. New~rt Balboa NEWS-TIMES "Supplyi~ Cu.'lto__.. to Ovet 80% of St-\\·port 11..,.._ ~ctvertilen" / \. - ---- ..... ... Ac.tual U V aloe ;<nccholc D«"llk: t -6~95 mt .. o~~~l.ly •a n d t d • ••I) In ""'"' •• 1 .,.,.,, •·f •?""'•n-•a .... , ,. t ., r •I u•l,.nt r 1Jutin"P.!I m n D! }n p1e de~­ .. r 1\ r ~ f~,r lotH1k.P r11r~ •This c-,·rnt 4.19 !._ A IOU'I •~ltlnor nutn· hf'r at tU r,..:ular h'" p r \ r ~ . no• l'riC'"'"d ,.,.,., l .. w_.r rt~r A\lll'U,t Furnl· turc ~•I• hoorhll~:hl! !m oothl1 _,ctfod and ~•ely to p.alJit IM c:olot or )'OUf chooeiDC · C.t 0\et adciiUou l cupboard ~·· )'OU aHCI! O..OI'U..t. tool 505 North Main St. ' a 0 • ... ALLV 6 PIECES at-a S2Q. 00 Savini! ·5g.ss~.- u.u •• Con)'· I D 11 ~·har~:~ Yes. count them ! 6 bt:auliful pieces-ex- pertly match(><.), luxurious! Richly cov- ered, massive da,•enport and chair \\·ith kiln rlricd selected hnrd wood frames: Cocl spring cushions! Mo<.lifictl mo<IL·rn end tahle, cocktail table nnd lamp tnhl<' wit h glass tops. I!it·hlr uphnlstcr l'd oc- cnsinnl'llc hiiTr ~-Special for. this c·vcllt : • ,_ AXMi.NSTERS .. ~.. ' A luxunoua baekpound for any attune) \'our eholee ol tive outatandinr patterns ln eelora t o cto- rlf1 an1 d eeoratl•e-edle!Deo Pftfeet-qt~aut,. 1 GenUine 100,. wool taee! Phone 4670 uo. .. l' 1\l&l C&ITY· LD• Cbatre Santa Ana •' -._; • 'I I •