HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-07-31 - Newport Balboa News TimesTJI.e Majors . ColUliUl ('uuuty Aid l ;<HHt n(•\\'' Ill 1.t,Jiol\t I'"' I"' .. ~.. ihtt-~~",......., ... .,... \\htdl w illt't':-.1111 Ill lho• o oolllll\ lnl'l••·a.-.m;: 11.-aid to lho· o ·ll~ m lhl' mmntt'IHIIll'•' 111d "i"''·. anon or tht• h a1lllu l•·•m .. ,, .. tl)inl lb tlllo"hlll! lnt•ldo •nl llh lhl' :1('111111 \1111 lll• h'""l li• \~­ to som•' ml'mh••r,.. tl f lho· I .11 • bor JX'f'SilOito'l \\ hoi~• •.olul h'' h3Vt""' b<'t.•n htkt•n U\ ••1 ,.,,ru· pll'ldy b~ llw c~ounl~ ant1 ,,, an lnl'ri'R"'' • ~II IWacly At the dO!'t' c•r th(• k1•hhn1: SC'ason ttli:. ~pru\..:. l•lumhll'lh Iru.-pector Louill, \\'nJ:ht . w a, unhappy. In fnrl 1 -NEWPOUT N ·-ews·-·.-J:Ih\E-S ~--... ~.) ISSUE.Ir-BALB.OA SEMI- WEEK.L~ • ~ ,.~~ ..... ' . __ , .... - "'EU END ... t:uanoN EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPO~T •. SEA SHORE COLON Y. l.I DO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND._ CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA MES~ \ --:r--;--,-• -----' \'O I.l '-'U; XXX Ill 't:\\ I'UKT tU:AC'H, ('.\1.11 IlK" \ I Itt It'll\\, ,JI'I,\ :U , tt+U . I lt.ll l I' \tot ' F. p . 1 8 . 5 d Del . Mar Track -IJF~ h L'" h • r IS t'rllU'Il S Pal 1rst atro oat · qua All set For 1 IS ermen n--r--c-· d -5~ Openinn· Fridav It B f. · d r araae ~.un ay to ee ~ .. ," : ... ~~ .... ·~ ..... :, .... , . ...!. 9 e r1en County to Pay Half Harbor Maintenance, o ·ue t_o west's Efforts Over 2s· YaChts 9o by ::~>:·':::::···.::.;·;;::.··;:.:.~:;::;;·i Bii~d Dog .... Verner E. Britton to l>irect l'irst n eview of Craf~ Division of Newport Harbor Unit of State Naval .Guard. to ·ne Held Sunday. August 3rd; Record '1\lobili- • ~ • •hi luttl ... ll.l\•· I • I I I,, fIll t11 -·•·' I r, t~ ••• tt ••, tt 11 '• t~ flt•IU I ...... I 'I'' t ,, ·I t ........ ol I•\ d ,J, I" lh I tllla.: \\ht' ...,, ... 1 • • '' , • 11 pl. t. 1\ t hu.t 1 h. pa~.,, thtt t \t tt ,tUd ht'~nUa .. ltt I ~l tHlp .. SuaJt>n ·il'inr"' .\a,a,ron· PropoMal ThiM Wffk to Pn~· $:!7tHt nf Payroll of llar:bor 'Uepart... mt•nt: ~l nin.tainM ~lr»flO •;ml'rtrenl"y Je'-ncl For Port For lh·&•airtoe or I k!velopment every plaC<' bill 14'h<•rt• ho• I no'il to put il.""•N'tM' thai lw ha~ b<'<>n pi'<'S<'nt<'d a h mn•l no•\\ bowling batl by Snm K•n,..- father. N al, h<' 1~ a "''"" man. has a smil<' from <>ar to 1•ar· Headlining events scheduiNt for this \\'('('kf'nd '"" bt• tht• mobillzntion ancf n"View SundAy of 2!)· or morr N('WJ~u­ H arbor yachts which will compr;s.' ttw fir-st r.,..vi('\\· of thi' ~~~~~t-tplalnlfl~n;qtllmrmrWlliTr'tllt!:' 'l'rl~tt·-nn:tr<'""'ti"W1Tn"'·rtr-m­ ..... 1111\\ Ill~ 1111' IIJII••IIlllllt'lll or "" th'll~t· County Ha~ hor j 'omtt ll""'"" ,,.,,•nil~. c lt•an~.:•• ( 'u u nty Sur••rvbeors lnDY'fd to (t ~t·t lwr ''""t~·•·u •·· "ilh tlw <''ity of N~·rwu1 a..ch Ia N••wport I lm·hor by .-... Bhnd pol oc~ dog thafla brlovr ct 111111•·1~· ~:!IIIII 111'1' ~· .. ar fo\\unl . ;. lnaWf' ,.,.. \Front The prObl<'m of whal lo do about pro t('('tmg t hr• n,:hl~ nf insjrle pmJl('rty ownr r, tn lh•· ust> or lhr buy fmnl renf1 111 thr• same tim•• • prot<'i'tm~: thl" rig hts oi lhO!'I' "IW h;l\o' J>.'lifl h iglwr Jll'l<'l''-for loa~ (l'<otll lots 1~ """ thAI "'Ill unl~ IH· llllllil<faclonl~ ..,,,1\,•fl h~ 1 11~<1· Jy NlOpt'nlluln hd" o••·tL thl'''' 1 wn 1:1 nup-. ·n,. · t'll' "•wwol v.;ll hl'nr a r• I>"' I ool 11, ,.,,m. m1th'\' c•n th•• fl\"'""'•un tt\ llh· m•'•'llllk II• '' .~lnt:ol ~ n1.;hl Challr n&:"f' So h• .. lp ntt rf th·· ,. pt•·· sc•ntaiJ\1'-or ..... ~ •.•••. l;u.ol ol and i~\:al Gu;u~d arc 111J.l .o.l1. U a~tain 11111 111 fu n• \\'••sl<~o.Jay. c h1t>f u.~·n mat•• u( tho• ~R\'~ ~n,·s hi,. 0111 111 '"" ,;:lrofll~ ro~prlr "'llh the· ;:unrcl any ni~;ht whc•n 11 t·nnw .. lu rh 1ll· ing. Sul'h rompl'lllinn nu~ht bl' a vrry g0011 hrruk in ro,J· tin<' for both units, 111 tha(, How Come! SpPaklng · of ~wordfiJ•hlng. it'a Interest~ to notr th.tt .......,,.,...-~,_ laDda a ).43 pound· tor In OVt'r two houMI ant!' an· othl'r lanrt!l A much h rll\'lrr fish in 20 m inult'll. It '~ nll in th<' tacklr . H prnJlf'rl~ hookrrt. n thouSIIncl pound f1"h c-oulrt be'" hautM rieht 1n. if a h:tw"rr w a" ""rrt. Rut lhr m:tn wllh mPdium or h"'ht t:~rklo• hn .. a the California State Naval Guarcf. Directing the parade of patrol yachts will lx> Vt•tncr 1:.:. Britton acting recruiting orn .. ~r· of thf' ~1uadron. who nn- nounced today that. the boats 'II bl 2 45 · •'rf' c ',d1(nrn"' waters WI Al'.<;em e at : p.m. m Nav.JI Unit \\ h• hit!o ·····" II IIIII•'" b)' flahtrllten Along co ... t H~h.l P lll'llllt'flt J1t'l"l441III'WI. arwo tho ... li•'!CJI II Il l•'·'' '""''' •••. WilY who piAn to wovoclr AI\ oprr I 'l11t' llt'llnn \1.'11!' lllkt'll I h i ... \\t~·k Itt ..... hnA ni fntlt"t.JrC, P<·l~ \\,,,II 11··11·· "'"' kollo•n• IIIII At ton to r('n)O\It' c.otrr.e( h t!OIII I • • •• J W"• ~" IIIIo•!• •l••ol ho• a,,.,..,,.,, h• 1 both of lht' fr4enOI) c1oQ'• r)r • :"111'1'1'\ I"Cll' N 1-. \\'t"'l IUiirl. lilt' tnU\'t' llW'IIIlJil thltl fhfa ~ ,,IJi o 111~11•..: lh•lllllloolllld 1011<1 ,.,.,.,.I \\Ill lito\\ '1:1111 1 hall nl tiU'I'IIJo,l - the• \\'est turning basin of thf' County C'hann<'l. Ownl'n• c,r ynchtll whu th·-•n· In !'Ill lh'IJIIllt• en lh<! !'I') IIIIth 1111 w II ~I''• • fool t t•l.ooo foo l l ho h it• 1 loo 1' {'I h 1' I I II I I II lllllt' lo~~•· tind IM• 1•• .. 1 f'fltlr.IJ ltiJ' rap U (, " "l ~'l':t 1111.: II • lilt' 1111' \\I I 1 Fnday'nf lhil! wo•f'k, act•ur,llng to ll\'1' ,\\lllolo lh••llloolhol "'' '~"''""' , · ,I u• •ntlllly •I tht' rUr nf at la T \\'""'"11 .Ia~·. C"hlf'( Hn•n an ,11111.,11n1,.,11.11t hy l'rrl'ldt'nt t o t:'·''''"lh 11,,q.t Jl ld J) • Ill••• II\ lll"lt•lu l o(J'It.\lll~ufll~· t-"'r m nnth ltor l ht' 11-,.._.,. .. M -'lstlt• oo( llw lo~;ol llflll "'lilt' Sial• 'I Ill•' '..... I '"" """'' .. , Ill· ...... , "' (, rat•ttl'l' .I llllrd 1.-. Ill tht• , .. ,)o,t , \\'t'11t I• "" <luty :"1:11\>11 i :woool "'"'"Ill llttll •n,lt,.. 11 ' loi..H p.tl•·ol tholl lht' ..... •I IIII • III II lll\\1\• loll 'l' Sh t s d fl"llllt.,l tllll ~19Mre-cy "Vfl4 1 mc>l'l at . th•· orfll''l' ••t llnr!Jul :llastt•r T h ,. m a !' F: lftlth h•·Y \\'.t.•ll10J:I"n ~I 1 •'••I Pil'r. Balho.'l r ... mut 1\ •• ~I ll"•'. :o:u o! l oHI:I\ lh ,, l • .....,. un 3 " w I ... I I , .. _, , .. _ ~ ... ''"" '-11 ht\• ,,,.,. ••I ''" fll•"' h •n .t 'I ' ,,f th• "\;.\\ .. l"uU•·"' "' '-•' l/ , r• ...• .,,.y , ......... ....._.... f nrl~· rtlt'll tutne•d uut fur \\"fdne•!'i .. •·•• ... :-.fu1 .... •~··U .. In ll:-"'hut t "h 1 tl• \•I t 1 ttu·l~ ''"' t u l \\t•tt t '"''' 1 lh•' '"'" "'h•·•lt"r ••lul'tNI '' ptMu• ''' •••"tlttUft tn.a.UitaJnl .. ol,t\' no~:l t •l11 ll at !Ill' ~''"I'"'' I I I th $:l!'14111 f.-.t ,_,. Hurlw•r l .01,111 th...,.., ~.·hu .. l Tl•· Au.cu>ol n H '"'•'!" i•n·l plufl' h tVt' to·u t p ' •lh• t 1 h·· hll~• • .. ~ A I'',.."" ,.h, ... 1 ",,,. ._ ,., •lui• •t •\ t " ""I" • \ ,,.,,, .. 1 h• tt•uut\ "1t~ 1 •· 1 • • ""',.'•""C')' · ~untlty mo•m nJ: .11 11 .. , t•-·k .,1 111111 1111\\ h •-a 1 "hlo h IIIII•• !lot' y;to hi I 1'\'11'\\0 Will ol:o rno II II 111 1\•,•"'•lh I••\• I I•\ II \\hoo ,.,, tt_,, :-:uthiU\ llhllt.tn.,• ''' •U tU.IT••a lu 11• ft~tUI••t •• .. thlttut ..... ut .. ,, .,...,. •ht•tl v.•e tf•atfld .... r.. .. tat '"111"nJ,:11t ••' J 11 ,,.,, •• ,,., •• tn t n rnt•t • ''Pttt ,,.,,,,,. ,,f ttu• ="•"I"'' H.tt •• '""I"'' tl.u t .. ,, \t•_;,,, ·r .. : '"''" bf· ptannt•ol BTittnn al1nnuy~o '.t 1 h. "'' 11.1>"1• ''oil "" II t' '1:111 '"'"''rl' ool all <r:1ft"'l~.1>··~·1.,11:.: -amo•lllll ,,( olrlllln~: II~ \\•II '" lak- ••r ttl'c 1 t~rt· l'l•&•lll,r anu art• wlo:.(:d ''!l:... lUI mu.ru..c _,tu.o..ll.! ... Ill• h.-lllllo' ~ 1tu 1-illlt•op:oto• '" tiU' 1':ottnl ~·1uaol-~t"HT'.:tll~h I'· T h•· m•·tnl~t·l~h•l' \\Iii .1""· 1J11ttnu_ I':WL _N•'{'f'tlllw \\llh llii'Oih•'lll .. r tho Yi.rot,d P vr"()Je.J PRI rnl SoJII,!!.i(•.oJl Jll ~UU: Jl: • Rr1ttnn pnlnltol (Hil that l ho' ri'Y ... \to S.U n•luy p111 P"~"~ rnr ..,.,.hirh 1 ho· prtl r .. l Jroy ro'f'"rl•'ol t ••lay lhtll lw '"' bnall' Will bt• ""''" ltrr \':trlr•l r~n·l ·lf·r~ln•lll oln :~nj!l'lllt'tlll' 'hll\'t• '"'''"I j tnstnllat:nn or NJUipmrnt !!u< h 8 !'1 marll' hv lt•lldm~ "''"""rt'"' ''"Ill· to rn<'l'l a varwly uf m•l'd!'l Thf' pnntl'll ,;, film I h<' n •vlrw rtnd lhlll Patr.\1 Bnal» may be usc..J !or if wr&thc r pl'rmotll. thl' 1'tluRdrOI1 rPtii'Uin~ pllme and 11hip survivors w ill pru~:~NI mot In "''" w hrrf' 11 In I"&J!t' of an emt"rgency , re po rtlng I will parade pru tl the Ncwport ano.t o1 t'nl'my 11uhmarinell and Cor va rl· Balboa f'liPr~ to ll.l'h lf'''" thr bellt oua oUter patrol. dullf's In South-l~r~r thr Cllm11._ , Civ~ Service and Piers Before--Ceuncil Men.· "' 1•·11 , ••·••I• ••·•l •h• .. ll•r '''"" "' '11••1111• '''' • ""'"' ''"'" SIMI'".,.,., 11.-• "'"" .. Y will.,..'"' h&ftd ,_ "h 11 ll• OJo 111 lw \\ t t 1nlltlrd110lt• -.mil whWh MitlfM ... tu ~.. • •·•rt••._,,..,. tttt,:hl '" tlh h•'"' ,,f '"''" th•· rtf\ I'"''"~ th ... rfk1n~au lttftu· '"''''""""'' '",...,..at a,..... ---:1·--"T""-...;.;... ------------;-:'-'~'~':..:"::;''-:..' \1•• ll:o lph lloolll •l olot l loiiiiiiJ~Iooto Mr 11 1t1 lllaAUUuk 11-~~::;.;p;,;~ Tho· ", ..... v.lll I :oil II ••• , rr-ro· n ........ \ -. ... .;r .. t OJII II lot hllf ·1~~. """, Jr h ,,....rn-tl• trtlt '" '!"' ...... ..!! t th B d II I -. ' .. , .,, , .. , .......... " .. )' f'f'pll .... ·-ou an ""'"" "''""1;'"""•1• olj,lh.j,.,t luutolh""'"l'"\ "'""""'•"t'fl~h , Tun.J may •I•• hto _, tt ......,. :-~tt•··· .""''' M t'MI 11•'11 p, .. , .... ,,,,, ,,.,. r., • ., •• , ..,..,.. hn .... t.--... 1 tu Ei t ta~ !....._.J ~ IJluJC IU.4.l 'YUIJ. o oo n 1 In n, <l•·•l I "~"MIU')' foOf' fN"-tl( ... tiM ~ n er ns ---. I ~ .~ ...... ~ Itt lwi.._.__ thr • ·1 llllooiiJ:hooul lhl' oltl\ 10~ '""I! 11• II 1 ( t.IIJc ~-·· •• Rotary Club ""·~•l••u olrlllr•• Ito lr\' lho•l• 11111 , "' "'1 111 ' " lt t~l ,.n mrnt olt tJ..,..r N~ ...,.,W. I• .ohunn•· foono,••tlv '"'"' by thr lnd14·a t.-d N ol -n&cu.., .,._. .... Tho looii••WIIlJo: 14ullolfl\ i\ 111.:1141 ' •-l oll\ ""• I<UIIIIII'•I loy thr ''"lilt.)' t-1 f'l .. 'f'ol un lt.. ... 1M ..... llllh. lh•· t'lll h will hoolol " ""'''"' 111111 lno ,,..,,. .. ,, too f l 2~ ohlr In ttwo T t.. lnn·~•a. llll ~--......,. A youn~o:!ll'rll' lollnol mnny ••f th•• • "IIIIM'lllhon ''" tlw lo~ nl ~""""'" 11, r,.,.,,..,1 ...,.r,.tari-J wurll ,., 01,. """" .. Hwtlor ..... , ...... II .. natmtwor• rhlldrf'n of ltntary t'luh I".Jif"'rl.a ltnol ltrjllllll<'l" .. ,,. w••l lt••l"'' 1 ... 1,.r1mrnt, W•-t •lot ~ to ltle Of ....... ... m.mt><•no. l'nlrrtAinl'll that orpnl· rnm,. to part~tf' 111 tho· jlrHol l• o· Thoof1IO. l jut•·htn•un , wa.. hu tMo.n th• dly ..,....,111 11M.._ I ... .. at lb m l'c•linlol' thl11 WM'k •hoclt and In m t.ta l 1:••,1111"'""""" w 11rklntr part u-aftd paid bJ uw __.. .,; .._ -...a-::: hltf''ll roffrf' Rhop. nalhtlll TIM -""• 1y.t•m u.,.•l llff11Hla •lly, will bP r.CaJnttd nn • -rt .,... W ...... .:.:;:=-..._ . au •n equal cbant'l' ,,, wlnn1t\& • ...-..-. -r-- band tncheded ti&l Wnpt.. c:lub otft(ialj poUiled out , ~nllbonr A.nd lf'B<lrr ; J11o k Yair , M • I • w • • D' · :~:;,~~ ~~~~~:~.J~~.:~IJO':::;:·r•hr~ ..... CMaarn off .. ~.atnol!ntarino j e. Sd n... ater 1St. lie,., hf'r, ilrum11. ..:u .. n .I " n •·". " ~ , ~tolo•st. anti J••••~ ~h•••k '"'""' w h H I f L l••nl>~t. --luhll ,, \\•~-r ..... ll lol "'''''I It e p 0 aguna ="• ''l'"ri ·Hal-Th,. rllth "'" ''"I"\' •• """I"'' "·''"' llh•ol Xnto ""nn>• ".,.,a,..! 1 :!•i "'ha•h H 1•ro..:ran• \\'Uta • uaufu~tl ''''""" 1 .. ,tu.• ttaut ht,. ,.,,,. , ... ,, '"'"~ ... rl'<tl t:t"k ;~nfl a lnl nf "f''rl In ,, Twn 'prnhlem!l l!t'ht'dult><1 to cnmo> • ba.:.cin g evl'n a m•••hum ,,_..I'd up at the-<'tty eounc.al m~ .. ·!mt.: \\ '"' h tr, '''"' r Ill I••·· t.-·<'n '''11•1''' t,~,. '"' l11>11 Dd ~ "" A llJo: lll<l •XJJ<•tl•ol too 8111111\ s po rl It,.,.,~ fr••m th• Il l• I huntlft••l:• uf 1•1 ••••• Tut·,..l,t\ I ta,:ttf 1\IIJ:HIIt f.'fft 1urt:tn tutti,.,. ...... ,. ~tul•n ft••H ""' ,, h:trhHf 'IlK "hrn th•• H••lun•u• .. "'" .,:altt•' nt at "·'" p:uk•t•f ,.11 I( til.-., l •lnnol .. .,,., "'' t• '""'"''' a•ruvf•llna.; (ttr "'' II• •tu lltlltttl uf M• ft u t .. •ltt,.,. \\ II• 1 .. n Ill• ~ooulh I '•Ofl~f In lltr • ·~·""' In ('flllf• ,._ •• NWpa...i '" tlw •1vrrwht'lnHna vc.Cr Ul ,.._, ,rat IAicuna ...... h , J.,.._e ~ I)IJIDi ctl .. uul lbal I.A&WUL. 111*1t & • un•l•tr rahlr .. ,, for •••~yff aM l~o llhtaln IW'f'U,..Ir dal• ,,._ h• 1,.,,, •. ,,. .. ,, .. ,._.""""' IUl•l ,,.., tw ''"t•·•" )" I hal artoa "'"'" bf'tt« lnf11rnor•l t:.nftl"l'raln• t ht' at.ot..t.• mt1rl1n. -rwltl M•on·~Y m,::bL AUJ:Ill!l ~. ;,r•· mu\t,.n:t ~h.t.ll ltot• ••:unt•tl Hn•f tt\ht•l ft•rt\Ht• .... tun •ltw•tc Ut•\ ptn\'ltl•' f••• tl"f" 1"'"-'"" 1•1-"n t h•• ~'' I tt .. f ·u iiiJ• t l.dh .. a ~, h• t.! , l1w , ur "'"" ••t~'"l'l"' .I "11 h f ••t f"r•t't., ~'~ p1,.flltlf•f1f nr lh•· u• .. u 'h•• be)~'" ttll••rt•h•..: tt-.• • ttf 1• '''ll l hJ!hl~ t uut.dtu•d 1 " ., ,.,,.1,.,., <l~lwll "\l.tul.c.. l'llL UJlJUUI Ul \'h:l'· •I 'Itt' lh· •IIJllo! llliol 1'·•'''"1'"'' ~ :l • ., .. ,, lfWI ' 1111•1 r .... , I , ••• ...... " ............ ,., .... .)' .... J:,..f lf!l_(f"'•l w.:.i~ Ft"h Y nMlt-:rno•n 1\ hn '-lll'<'o• .. ,lull~ hyHI a ~wnrtlft'h c•nul!l r::•"·l•l~ ard (11(':'11 .. rr.rml« and lho· I'OnlllliiOII\' tf tho•\ \\lltd•l ''"II :ll 1 ho• l l.:orhnr ~ta .. t•·•· .. fli<'l' and h:ll ,. 1 hf'tl' p1'17<' 1\'o·l"'hoorl nnrl n·l'onlt•d 1\ numhPr "' m nrlln c·au~hl thl• ~ rar h:tlo' ~:)<"'" rr<·ord.-1 anol 1\nuld hr•l~t thl' -:rr•~·on· .. t otal ;tppro·••i:lhly 1f it ·~ nnl ro\11\ ··nl··nl 1\'o'll!h thr fh•h nt r'llht•r nl lht> ~HI'hl duh-. \to hoi an• ,ln,,;~ll~ ,.,.,,,.,.. :lnn~: whir '"" tt:rrtnr Ot-· p.,rlnw nl 10 lh•• m:ollo•r Ahn\'o• ;t II. rN'III'fl :111 '" •" rl· ri~h ('hi I !Yn lf'f' ("nnfrnnnnc thr I'IIY !'1"'"'''1 nl'xt ~1nnrt:~r '"'" .,._ ,.,., mm- tl'r of <'I'd .. ,.,' w•·.' .,,, '·"" Ofrl<'t'l'~ a n•l f11 ;•rnt"n "1ll h oi\'" !'Om!' 1100 '-ll:na ''""' <rt"k1nt: ~ rl\·tl '1"1'\'i•·l' oorik nam·•• nr thr pl:u•1n..: ()( lho· mall••r h•·· f9C't' tn.> po~~ ..,~ the b..Uot- ~Un1: ""''" -;I"" thAt rir<'lllatln~ p1'1 111nnot o•no•ounlf'l tnt: m 01 II Y whn ro•"'i .. lo'r NI h r rr ~·t~ -<'l('('finn. ll\11 tt:w<' nn\\-T'l'~· tl'rrd acain :11 ml~tnrl "'""~ whPre lhl'r rr~llll'. llr nc<' 1100 -s1itflnlflf•':-. "Is ~:'111T"TTl rr<prr~MTI"" 300111 thr IIVI'r:th<' numhror Of nvol So:F\'h r foor nly f1ro• anol p .. l.cl' olt•l•llrlmo•nt:o Rfhl lh•· "'" tP~1 uf •n"'tttP pr•'r" rty ""'ner ... "" ll>tlhuo lnlanol o oomo•rnlll~ I II o• llllmt .. ·r ,.r p11·rr 11nd t nl"lr IIHtlullly 1 t" II>'<' I ho• ht•:11 h It I "l'uhn"• :II•>ITII'. poiH •· ,. .. (lo'l'r , wh•l \tollh A1'51~1:utt 1''1 ro• l 'hto•l .J:.n lll'll'o'oot' hllVI' h"<'n 111 r hnrur' nf pr~"r,rml! ttfl> rr"P"~''''' ftvtl ~-·rv ,~,. ttrdlnnJU't) :-~.fltf t odh\' tho to· \\'ooOIIol ho• •IJ•I'r"•<lmatrly 1111•1 liiJ,.'Tlntn~ nn r"ttttnn~ wtnrtr U"ltt 11<· pr,.~rnlf'ol tlu• • """''II Mo l olny 1'\'l"lltrlj:! -, Th,. r•·t 1t l'•rt!l "'hi• h ha vr h,l•'ll I 1ft ulut•·d th,... ra~' foi;fl\'t•r:t l Olttnlh,. hy 1u•IH ''m~'n and (rr•• nH'il v.·h•l• tlli'\' W~'rl' ~>ff <luty' anol tn rt•:tl a 'I llnlhl'!i, I I'QIII'I'l th!' 1'11UI11'11 too •ltho•o rnru t nn t•r•t1n1nr,.. f'llllfl~c lhr 1\\'oo ol• p11rlm,.nls 11nolr1· r t\11 :<<'I"'''·· nr t' o II ~n·l ,.,, rt '"" tn toht run 1 h•· puhlio '!< '''""' on I h• mntt~>r It \\11!< lo•a rtl<'•l t••lay ttui{ :• pt t·~1tlt nt ht~th I h•·"'• 'A·,~;, Mf O"' fl Jollln 1.!1 lwllll: \totorko•ol nut loy Ill• I mooYII' "l:OI S h 1\'lllj! l:olht•l•'ol Ill• • 11IJrlt 11'14 t '•mnuttt t• t·unqu '"")... tr:_tt k fr••m ''' trh •··1•11•tf1 .llarnl"l' ~ Hn•\',rl nnol J<.,l,.•t t A ll• •, --------·-·~'t!P;(:r"!',--.\ :on•l ('Ill ~:"~""'''' 1: L l'ollt'l""'' \\·hit It V.'lll ",.h··· t h•· Jlttllll••ttt •• , l•r .. t••, tu1;..:. th•' h• •f t1 tnt lh•· tU" n{ hnfll ln~lol•• 1111•1 ·~·\' rroont 1""1' o•tl\• "'"''II> ooh llllll••·• l~l.ond 'I'll• l"h,;l nllll"'' \HI I< "1'1'"'"'''" at I ho la;t r,,(frHtl rru•t•t•n~ \\Uh •Helt-r \oo t••j•"l l All~lll'l flh Till' r nmmltll'l' I\ .1 • 1• ~I rur lro l l•o ~1\Jol}' lho· 1111111111'1 oo J 1•1•·r11 uloooul ·,~~. ..1""'' ".,.,"" on~•· n··1-1 I••• lurud \\ullld liltjt_,•n t;ltt• k nf f U ti• lll'tt• 11f t', ltt•ht h f ttf !4i\4'UI.Ifl1fiJ,! '' tlu• nurnh•·r ui "''" h ~t1 1h t lu •·:- va~ I"'IOllfl•··l t•\ lfl4t••ruc.• Unt• rt'l'm ""' .. r I nr I nmnllll··· It t h•' I'' ll,.:rftrl l t v , ..... , UI IU~ ., I' tllttft •. ,.,. ... .,, l ilt• •• II k I tf\ I"' I ''''''"' ••f ""HfU tft ... hlft "ltl•h "lh•\1''' v.h l•h tultl ""''' •u.J ttu•• · .trn tn • .tniJ• ,, .. h h.l.t ..:n~·l lfl•' 1· .. 1, • ,.,,, ,.,., ,, ~··n•·rnl rutfl., ,,,.,,.,, u•1 "'' • k tHh. t!• Ut 1 •r1 I ( , ,, hu' • '• tit, d 1 tu u tftl• "''''k wtfh lltt• •·r.-Attutt uf llo. l 'oott IHI Mwolo 11•101 \\'nl••t ftl,. It 1• I Itt Itt•• t•l••• tl .. u h •·ltl lu11f I IJt ,.uhl \ \\ ""' h~f 1 11 fit fy.,. f 't...,f I ,,,_._ .. W'ff "'f ••~~I"'"" tl lltf' f,.•fffl,.tt•-tl ~f1 lUI I .\11 11 I. oiJ'h lloolol••n ••I I I" tro 11\lt'r lh•· 111111 11111• t11 tHI 11\'t• h11tt1• '••I 11tt 0 1Hitflt ~1f UUtl ~t r• f>'d\\tlf f lt•d.,l .,f ••f l ht IIIIH ii• fllltf dl-.lt Jt f f1V U., A .. ,.., .... , nntf :•·· .,.,,.,,.,,..: ltn,.. f 'nMI't Mr•JII!ft tmv-,,,.-y .. d ...... . ft...£41-•1 t \ '•I 'JU vuft•" Itt• J•tupttl.,.,1 .,,,.,, t II I '"' II y. h··•·· ,.,,,,,I .... ~ .• f ,,,. ""''k IO•ith Ou• I;, l.tlol 1:111 loll•• \\'11•\!'111\ l 'llloo 1'111111., i\11 • ~ •• "''" \ov n '"'"' "' I:Wl\1 '" :tall 150 Attend Orange (~o~nty Lltdlona CominQ I 'A•• ,, .. ,,. ••I•·• ftt•rH• n r•• II I h• I ••ffH•L: ~; •• , .. ,.. ttu~ •·ulrttrt,. 1tf lh" ·Mt•Sfl , .. , ... ,ut ,, .. ,., .... at"''"'',,.,.,,,,, 1110 '"' (:1\iropraclo~"'' Rally, i• t1u . .th d•f•t rulu•·tl ,. .... ,.nn~r: t •nwl.t M •·'4u \\ ntrHUI M ( 'ltth "'' t h• "' ,.,., ,,, a r •II\ f h HilL:,• t .,tHII \ t 'I l1 ••Jtf tt •••n•l~t•l•·tl " h n11 '•f Ott f ,,.,. AUJ,!"•·t··~ Tlw ,.,.,., ••u tin··· •t I\ If lu h. '"'""''' I I ''"'IK• ,.r•· lltlf\1 ft fl fUt\ 11( fltr• ~t!AfU ttf ~·t''"'!U l rtt t·1 '""' 1 •1t••'l l ·l•t t1 J•"'l"'' llt .. tn•' 1•tt•l n I• ••h •r ..,, ul ftu ''I " k I H it I q 1 It•••\'• lu ,,f,tnltt Mt•lr••i"'•fltuu til It H• ·I ' fl• f , t I , I lfo f ~1·1 l'"l'l\ th:ll ht .. ht·h•·v..-.1 U Ill'-. ~,,.,..from marH· '1t lt'" •n !<tutthr•ru ,.,.,,,.u, ''*11"'"11'"1• h•l•t '' \ '' \\tthut Uf•fi''IJ IIItMI•,Iv f tYf\ ,.,. l'"qo..eltft' tu ••f•.t•·r 0 h tU t•• th• (,tl f••rnau •HIM 1'11''" ,,f tfu •••U ttf r\ I•\ l •t .-t\ "•·k• •••••t tu~r rlt••f l•tn ftHINt t tfn .. 1t •J•1 1~tn ••I J•l•l' rt .. If 'A'nU1d t!u•-.1"" at fit• h:tflfllf•l "' Jt• f \~•fftMlt•f t f••r tn •u tl,,, ••I th• t,. t.t t '" fllttt•• :t tt~ttU•I u f •h tUf1flll Jlt"r"r t\' \H)U••" hut lh •t \ rt•trdlttJI' hf lti•• "•Unl \ ~ttttt•l Hf ~·•••·tv IU tft,. .. , '11'"'11'' \U••If)" 1141 •1 f••t It • Ut'\4 ttttlll•lftd •Ill' h•• th'l~t \Pd ttu ron ln\tlft••• h.ed 'l"''v'"''')'l ''''' lutl.:• I "•rmld .I '., tnr•· ,.,,,.,,,,. • ·••lf ••l•• •• f••t"" J h•· Itt• I t• .. til ,,,,..., hr Uft Itt t h,. f'\(tl\•f"•l a plnn \\hl•h V.'tlh lh• '""'').:'' :.n •• ~ rutl..:• ~1''"'"''" itf utf•·n·t···t thl .... ,,1\t•flll•ft \''" l•t •httt l•,r .. , •• tttll lll)•tfte·~·""•"1t•tta r•l{) •rll\ouo_ uJ !Wlh l.Uit.¥ .14 ,WIIIJ·}..___ .;..4U~~..A.lr~K ~ .Jtl!&:D&J JJ -~_vi~-At~IIU#.JIII.. I ',;.. H. ; '"~h t !" ,_ ft1atrtM "ttl~,. crty o~·IH'rl, woukt ~ettf~..thAI nuat.. ft1f.t. ·Qt"f(;l .f:\', r,,., ''~:r ~ ''" ft.,m C'1110l" 1-4 .. "" w-l'\'1' c:nn W l\n ll"/1 "n•l ,.. ,. "~''"' ··r f'lr• .,1 . .,, ,,,, ,1.,. •'!:Jt...,,f ··nl•·"n•· · ,, tr·r tn th•·r mutu.,J IU:tlt!'fat·tu~n l r•n~: Hull••r. v.h••'4•' r•~t·l·n'•\ I "'J.!f•. f tr F !•''"' """ "' l '••ll•r \f•tr ••f*'·llfu~ '{J.',.t•·r hl1111t r-•• t n""" ''"' ln•Hr•n• rulur• wal•r llllfJflly \\'II"" I h.-rl,., "''" w•• r allf'tt tor '"' t II•· ,,,. "'"'I"" ,,, "'" •mlfkocl llllllllt'IJIAI '""'rio', If Willi •rrantr"f' fh1ol th.-clrdNittOo w1111lot t,. ...... "'"'" tl•r '"'"' v,.t,. In l two pro-'"'"'''' .u .. t t l• I . Jutl~e tJt .. a,re Mid. If Itt ., ... ...._ry to hllfl! a dtlltnet w ith "'' ,.,,.. .• ,. ... , v•luatk.,., rrl l \'!.UIIU••IO 1" ,..,, ,., Ulf' Mr tr6. 1·0111 1"' IIJ"IlJ1'1 I t a n•~rallyr YCIU '""" In (t•r m•)'mty In any ,... I'''''''" I nr11l that •r•a wu th•r•- '"" lo•ll tnll 11f Ill~ dJ.aJIL.'-&l 1111lol ,,,. ... uy I"" llrtt,lt'C'l fur Uw ll'llllllll<lrt oof t hl' 14•11tlh ,.,_.. f »tt• l ll•l" .hul~tr 11••11(" r"v••IHI ... Thr p lnnt wtll Ill' rl'l'••rol,.ol Mnnol:t,·l,---------------, 1• 1''•"1•• ~1''"'' 1'"'1 ""'' l •r" II 1111 1' 1 I' It,.~ k 1•1111:,. I,J•tli'li" l~••nlt·ol '"'t niJrht 1 Sp•·nk••r ul lit•· I1111111U<'I ~,.r•· l11111k. J I~ _.1 ':."'"' ,...!)J:I ,o\~-,11 n dtlit<, ttw-f"""..,., --· -~·-------.... A~iary,~Pos hr CMT,_,. Titylr.r .. r 'l .. ,,. An ,~ ,,.:;:;r;;,.,~ ,, ~'"''·'-"'~' 11.., ............. ..._.,....,"' "'" b -• l'~'lf111 'llllltmll! 1'r~'"f,f,.,t nf t11rl Fl'olloo\to I tot! _,•f (, • ~"1'1'''! I,;)/' "01\' o•(f• • I 11 I lo.-oot..-noll•m .,f I I" l'tolll.;"m"n 11nt1 rtrrmrn rt••• I:H•· !hut m rntsllra l ''' rl\·tl l<••n·•• r rnr 'Thoac..~ d£pacLm•o a a · I m creue thl' dfl• tl'n• y whu h th•• rr!<pi'I'IIY•' •l,.p:utm•·nl!< rr;ty ~Wn'" tlw t ity Thl' prtlf"<lll'<l tW<ianance> pr<Wi<IM IQh--cout- J)efense Work p~ Har or J unfor Cha.m'ber' ~To To Welcome AJ.P cluh. t h ln.prw ''•rf• fi"Af~>nllt.l-tol.:l•t " l'f"'•I(•~m ••• .,.,, .. , l~rn .. nl . ~,.,.r.rn lt' lrn~rnflllll •n•t Wlllf•r rttll l'ru"r''"" ,,. """" .... ~. .. )' ~·"" • I J:OOI'Ih~llll••n oollol lor N ll lh• WRH tofro•r•••l lly I lo i 1 :1j'lllllllll> Ill• I• 111 1 'oot<l11 Mo'IOII Hll•l l.lfiCIIIIIf lllll•l•• lfl till' f<tMtlh f 'rlfUit ('nftt. A ward Mesa Pet Parade Prize~ Soi!Ji~s Here Jllnlrtt i ,.,....,,.m r•"•"llT""h w,rk••T. Tnt) N " n,. \' ·t<~f1 ... , I r •• v I I ,· ,. 0 'urw Ji ..... w. IJ.J:Lllllprl.at:. ttll' munlo I f"'"V'II ~t wtll1ta .. ablpbWidlltlt ••I I h,. 14uo·rl • II• • Ifill" I I•'• •ort•lll W111 1 Yll "" " L ,...;;-,. I' "'"L' u · o1 1,111 oil 1 1 /of lo•' a• to!•·· I , "'"'' "'" "'"'"' rudh)t'l rtf m l h f' .turn.. 0.'.!.!.~~..,.--.~.__ .... _.,!!!!J"'ralinJC ":lth . thr .. c: n!i't " poll~ hrrr•. I ~I'M Chsmtx·r of r .. mm<'rC'f• 1Tfh'...,:r.-·ftl'm1 t•·uf't n ,,., '•'rl " If• ,.,,}tiH T"' ,. ~lllnc ~"~'I"'" llitrhnr frrou ~lllro II ,..,..,., ronol l'rtrnp lh •n ''''" llr I• .lllrlll'll Ju"l r•·•·•·11tly w,.lghl llj.lrr.j• • II ""f''''n ttow Thry Vot"d 1 "W"''I'"'" f•or tlu• II H N•vy __..../ • 'I'Y 'I , ..... 1111 '" "' ,.,,., .. M .... ,. K•·•·lll r .. r lhtr .. "' u ... lll't-fOflt· Too ~an)' I'IPr'! T h r rounrll'll rommllt,.,. hn!' hrr n <lullyin~o: thro prohlrom on Ra lhna l~lnml. prattrul:trl~ fmnl :"ow pO!'!'ihlr In l"'tlro lhrtl 'nn piC'~ rnn .,._ ron<tntrtrd ",.th· out liamll~t: thr rommun1t~ Brin~ml: 1 ht" fl"""' 111n to thr fOn' i" l;~r;:rly I ht" 1'1'~1111 nf vnun~'"'"" from f:tmilirc nwn· in~ ln•irtr lnt • hrn~ r••hllk,...fl for u<inl: th,. hrnrh ~' 11 frw hav frnnl n"'~'~"'""· nrrorrl•nc to 'n-Jl(lrf<; r('('ri\'NI Thr hrnrh' arnunrt 1 hr 1<l:tnll '' puhlw A !ill lA frironllly rnnpl'i':lflnn in whll'h h;~y frnnt n"nrf"' wnuld h r lrm,...nl 1 n "' n r t1 voun~:<;trr<: rrnhrk1nr;r nn lhl' hrnrh nnd •nm•• nf I h,.. tn•lrlro rM'T1rr<: wnulri lllraH!hlr n II P roll"~ nnd c r a r wh1rh holrt thl'ir ~All hMt< on thr hr :l('h, woulrl rN<Hit in ;~mu1bll' ~()Ill" tion of thr ma ttl'r 'I 1 "ta~tlnJ!, thc-~pant !'rRr('rrr>w· ('ar· nlvl\1 iantl liorSI' ~how I :}Ot h woll hi' thl' ;>.;t•wporl H !lrbor .Juninr (" h a m h,. r n( ('•lm mt'rro• 'nounl't'ol at ll m,.,.t~r t hr rsr. , ni\'Rl r 11nim1tte(' Tur!«lay nl~hl , <.:hnurcn wm parade v•lth pets Kiwanis oof t·vrn· 1 ypr nnoi rl•"•rnptton ;mrl all vnunJ:IIIrrlt pa.rtlripatlnJ: "''11 K lv.·11nill m~mheno w,.r,. k'"Jl' In ,,.; rivr A (rrr lll"kE't tr• U'tl' l!hfiW ,, roortlnllfllll' •lAir 11( m irth dllr· rrnm th,. L illO Tht>aiTP 10£ lhl' ml'l'ltnjt thlll """" 'Miuno Thr f-<'t r arntiP I!' "I""" Ill all oil\\', at ( ;.,,.. !'PI! ~hl'll r"'" ll\' vour J:lllrr!l nf Grammar ~rht'l(r; ,,,,.. ('"""" Pnlrrlllonlo~r "Jl"•akl'r ~ ... 111 thr lfHrhnr 'P 111trut. and II• I· "h•1 norrr~.-.nt .. •l 1 h• II an k '' f 1111i! I hl' ('II )o' ro( ~t'llt'f"'rt llf'n.rh A f!lMirll lln•l C'OIIII\ Mf'AA C'unno rPIII(,.,I mnn\' "-••••n" 1 'hilllr" rniAII•I"' 11 a y n u I h· ... · .. I lh "'''""" :tnol • rono lHoll'ol hy prt'lll'nl · h11nt1 hiVI ,rl~>flnit,.lv ~rr~>pt~>• , " r amiYII.I ""mmltt,.,.'ll ln\:lt8lil'ln In 111~ th• f 11 m " 11 " "''""ll'lgl,... hy mort II tn lh• p8rllrt" r.rooor~;r B••hnn ton,.,. rnmnu,. In lh,. H<'IIFit•ntJo 11n11 ~>rli!',niT.atlnn~t l'lf. •1;,~·8 ••r \'rtll'l"''ill" , ro•U\ Ml'!ll\ liM' uniUng tn makt' .• J P WAI'ltn~ prr,s;rllm ••hnlr- ' thP 1~41 ~"rnh•Jil lhl' lllt'Ji!'PIJ\ tu1rl man prooll'm w ill hf· l n lharg,. "' I mn'!ct 1'11\horatr yrt IIIAI:*''' hy l hr 0"llt Thur~IRy'• "'"~lllton.' llN nrtl· o·nmm11n1ty t ~o.Jioat10n or thf' 1111p-In~ ICI Or fullph fl llflar<l "'til h•· mr•''" ttu~ "'''''1K"' d ,,, mrl'tl h<-r!l oor I h•• i\ m,.rw an 1 .•·~: '''" PtJ$f :-.n,f l..oi"C"tfln A tiX111ar\ hool h 1on it!'< woll ..,,. I''""''"' 'II I hi' Lrlol'l•on IIIII I 'ol h 111 rr•·l ll.o'lol B11 Y '" ""''""" h"IIJ'tlftlllvt' '" l hr ""l•h~'r \'l•1tnn• 1\"~'-"t\ mrnl!' 11n•l mAI!A"'/''"' -~1 , 11\':'l'i!Rh!P l.h"r " 111'1-e ~·L ..J.A-1.''-'A« • .. I.... H11rhnr I .... lrl• I ~ol;.,.,rmj! I•• '"''~"""''" "''" 1hr ptu1. m ·•\· 1~rt\',. '''''"'t•t t l, ,n-. nf t ""' ·k ,,.., ""'I ~tupr"•·• r •• , .. ;.,..(rrprhm,..nr-,,, ffiilJ!ll7tn•. \\"hof,. fn• 1hl ,,.:o hn''" r;. ··n pr,•vld' •I f•1r r,.,~r,.Rt '''n ~Jtftr ,. r .. r !'tfolfltrrjl lhl!'t , .. ,..,,. (or t m ••vf• hv ffr,rht,r r~•~'l• nt .. ''' J'f'f~''•nl\11 v li!T""' 1 h •· "'''" ··r t .... v,. m Anv oJ "'tJ;•m rer,.. .,,.,. •· .t,.k rtnrl m,.k,. th,.rr f-\ 1 h••v rT'P"Amnne fn,.nli~t Mr11 HA,..I .. I (! ,,,.,, H F K 1 II d "1'1'''''''•1 111,. l•ol llllcllull o,f · IIH• ,.,.,. httllf' ,,. ... n l"lol, II w •11 rwJC.rJ mfv t · 111111111 IJutl oll11lrlo I A ""''' ,.f 114 lo,.lny W 1"k I• llla11 P"'C""'MUJc e Y ns a e as I ,,, :II '""'''''•I 111.. •ufTIIrlu:t.,rlf)' •off t hP r"tWUttruct1GII • tJ , , • Ill• I l••n ,,f "' Ua,. 4:'1 ft•lt lf'll<'otf' •·rat\ fl)r -. • 11,11 •II tit 1 I• t whl• lo thr •· .. rhJ•tlloy lwloltt a f 210,- - "1 .. ,. ~"""' .,, "•·· '""''" •• ,. .. •or···· IN THE N E·.WS-"•V···· tl '0 r 10'1\',. t,y " Vtttr uf • htw t> n n••w I•'•"' ~nn .lttrtn ''"!''~'·"""I'~".!"'~'·' ''111 Tl •·v I •• ... , " TJM~"C! TODAY 'll'fllltol ... , lol11y \to II II I lr 1 I" 1 I F 11t11: l<o I h• lluo '•·• I • "'' ·• I "" l'rl:.~[.:l""'::t•l"~ll ~oo: j10 thr n~>w 1 r~ . l~"nny 1111' I I'M long II lp II " 11 .. 1 So pi• ,,,,.., 'olio I !I t• ,·1~ ,,, "' lito· l\1"*" Wh a rr• ••r•l · ll a~~tnn t•• t htt ,.,,~, lftt wn~t n•.r-run.•l• t1 111 ttr• ,,, 1 , cd • UJ ltJ ,.., 111, t N•1 ~ ft~·~f!t .,, 1411• A nj(#''"" •~•t~r Kf'nny v.th•• "'"" n '•mu ... ,t,-d tt~ rr :trv ,.,.,, '•If ''' l'•:t '•u nu "'"'' ~···'Ap,.ft IU\•I rtntf N'•rth ,,, ,,,,.. A r-t.M'n Thrtr Art 1• olltmRIItPr r N•rontl_v t.y l't•·IWI••nl '""t•·mloh '"'' "'"~ P•ll'•·•l •·••I 11 l·•c•llv·11-,,.nt,.r wh,.r .. th,. trtlly f'tun•h N .. ,..,. l!•o<IAI'vrlt, tr•1k uvrr Ill,. •1t11• • Ill,. f h.:ol ,.1,., """ I•V ·'"'"'' I'. r• v•·-1• •I H "V"" · ""'' 12" "nu", Th# Httn Hlftrr n u rlflllly lllfo(hl Anol lo(( 0 lltllv '"'I ''"· ........... ,,. lh• 100 111101•' I '1'••1111 yul•• (•or C'••ll111o M•·•• wa.. , ••• ,. • .,,I'd A<t .. ~1'111 hill dull"" ••n Au~u•lrl •l '"""'•' 1'':7 '"'' 1'•1• 1\•rorov loll ·v··~" 1•1 111ft .. ,,,.. 7 Mtonthellull•linl( ""mann h"loi,.r 11f lh• w•rt 1·1• .... ·•• • """''""' Yo llh llo• 1' ~ Laouna Brach Wnrlt T n Rlart "" rrr tlfol !10r1 awtortlf lllh wborh h ~ i\m \' ''"I'"'''''" "" lll'"l k I•·•• 11.111 \'••I• 111 "'" '"'K"IIIII H"'"" \\'II Rrhonf I ~Uif:hl " no1mtlf'r llf V('l\rll,lf"" ool( 0 '•lo I"' l11o 111111\' 1' •I• (o 1 Ill' ; ''11 lor fll•lllt t Wlolt'h l"ltiOJirl~a llu•1 " ~ Aqu"llt: Nr w• ,.._ •wp•lf't llrtrh••r. hiL' ~.., v•"l "" 111 rll' t '"" "' l'tt"l' • ftlool ' "" ' 1" , rn•• n w tr11ton •of I h,. t•own, Willi I 11,.,, t 'r<lfUI Awarll• rtlll1mu trr nl llttlhrotl I h•· I"'"' "'~ ""1:" I·,,, •I y lin noll 1 lti4 "V""" t o 211 "nn", wloll,. In Yulllh• )"'•rll . I S 11oo ,, 111'\1• I h•· ,,, . .,., !"'"''"""'' r Ill• ~·•ul II r"'~tuna W•trr ()llftr1cL W"'"''fl'll N-• -Thl' nPw pt'llltmlllltf'r haM h<'~n a l ttll.~ '•"'''' tU!Jlltool•·•l \\lllt t llf'lt itr llo• tully"""" 2:.!1i "y.,•" IUlcl ou • Clllf'f!tla'r tlf •:Yf'l'lll J"a«f' 2 l'a«f' 2 ''"«" 1 ''"«" 1 ....... 1 ·~· ....... r.,. a f'llA't' 3 1 Pll.:r 8 l , .. , •• .,...., ,...,.1&-nt nr Or"n g.. """'I y Ill•·-~ ap~:•• f''"'"h· I ••·pu1l11•• 111 II( ~" II• 1:111 1\''' v,;,,.,. I ••Jo'ilm Jo'lllk" ,,.,... J'')!tt fourtet'n Yf'llrll rtn•l "' ll\'1• In o lal v; .. !r .. rr all II prurll'rl y ""tl ( 'llllllllf'llllftl( upr•n th• •lll(h l b lunt! Ynr hl (1uh ;....;;,_ ______________ -' f· lr prnj""'" 111 f)(lhrny I'IHk nn•l ,,.,..,.:r, ''" ln\"'"'lfplllor 1111\)"rlfv ••JJpt,.lfi.J• tt•• IU'II~ ~·I C'<!fnprtlllon \ r 1 • · /' . .. --' ... Paee Two NEWPORT BALBO~ NEWS-'TUIES, N..:,__ Beach, Calitomia, ~ ~~RSDAY J''l -~.-· TiiU . u .Y :H . l~ll. -~S~~i.?j\:g·§:~:~-~~T=::~---=E==~:-·=I==J--I=-:-~,=l=.,=--o-==--R==--~I=-A-~.-~--=r=-J--S-.---~---.. ---F-.-,--E-?--~---A--_: ___ :...=.T=-::...:.:~U_:.:::._:__R_.~·.--.-E-_::__S _______ :r_:_:~-.;-u-fpe_J.e_fu_:.:.r_:.._.~_te_t:-r-~-.:..-rbo-.-~-,~-~-i.-tr_M_~-~-: ... -::."'$ ~..... mPnt; aacl l.o ala)' a.loctl from all ...u.au... ------------------:------~t"-::;;._ ___ 1+.__-~______ · _ ncept.that of n deUty 1.o tiN pubUe .. ...._ N ~ew'S"--T~·~E s Skl·nnv Skri·LLies ~·~~:,"::\·~~·o'· ~~~~~~~;:~r~~~:::..:·:;. • LOS ANGEW LE'ITE. . R • -N-YA~---G-;;1~.· Model • PBOSE8 u a 11 1 •u ,,,. ... th•·r frll•1w hu ao be •u u ~ .. ............ Eft'7 Torfoeday IUMI ,.. .. ,....,. ~ \'ohame XXXIII llubKTiptJon Paya~blc 1~ A4vanct' :-$2.~ ~r year In 0~'1~' eoJnt5'. ~ 'ni po1r year to 4th .cone; $3.00 per year to 8th ~one. ~Here There. A od 1.:1\o' u Ji:Vllll ar'w unt uf bamaeu By <'IIA&L£8 ... AaJ.A.'lD • '"'"' ttlk··-{1~ .. ,; ... '" y-o u• :u ..... ,., .. •tw... Defense· Uniforms "'"''rnmlllg . \'nu uu unt hav• 1, you liU<"!"t"l8 and t gain ,,f 7,86711 • ..... :::.c pt•r month by carrier. En~r'f'd u S(<"Hnd-<:'la..\11 matlt•r at thl' Pa~toftl~-ln Newpc.rt Dearh, CaWomla. undPr the Ac-t of MareK 3, 1((79. a. A. MEYI::R £DJTOR A_N_D_M_A_N_' A-c~::ii Printil\1 , l'lant, 2208 W Central Avl'nue, Newport Beach, Callfomta --------.------ EVC!FJ' '"' t'rtiRWet n"k"lal • ., hoa rd , ... , band lett public ftiOIM'J ..._... ,.Wia*" al recular tnwrva la an IIA'OWillq of It, W1owt111 ~"' aftd bo.. fJarit dollar I• '"{ornt. \\'e hold tlala to .,... • fWMla· -•&1 prtndpkl of ... IIIOC'ntlt• auao,n mwont. • "It Itt c .•.. ISkJnny) !'IIUR\'I S I' "'" t r•·CJUirf d and nl)thtnc y t , J••Y Tht: bag tigurt'IJ are tht!a~-: hume I n.. v. "llrl 0 Wt'8 yuu r ........ l t I Ull lin<~ lh ...... 1ft I IH· 1:111n•·•t a>y tl and .l'verythltti ,_, 1 < .. an. ,. • ,.,. h fo"edt'ral rutl\' 1.-1!110t. The bt'&ehl'a alfor·l '1' 1 1111 ~·uu ve gut tn t.lo my bt•v f:teMrvt" lJI!IIrtf"t llhllwl'd a June ""'It ,,..n,.fwa•l rt'lustlon and l.'r 1" lt ulllh• llnol cullel't." guln ovrr a year aa:o uf !14 rer " dtfi 111 the aurt ct\'l· _ .. ., nar '!I' ..I!.!,.Ur buKIJl.tU-Jaa. ('t"nt totaling $40,100,000. n o o - V.H11fh•l rut plt'lllturf' UVt' • lonl! \• ria~·· '" lht' lucal papt"r d llllt off "TW~IlM!11aJ ('f7Nitnactton a ~nr I IIIII' I•· •'IIJVY . It Uft· g\larda can , ••I olol mailing h•lll ano.t ,bring l~fo P••r <:l'nl vv.-r 11 year ugo n .. t lifo •'\ o·ry plai'e And It th• ,. ··,'It up tu rlatt"; "hu.tle and rol~ v.1th $ .. 2.~.000. anti tht' (ir,ft slx- ' ""''' I~+• 11 Isn't f!ltr for you 1" I· t 1,,w • month• ''f IIH I '• nun·rt'l!lt{ffillal " t • t rl•k th 1 lit ..._._ 1 1 o·unstruc.twrl •otalt"d •218.2• •.ooo M llyiPr tr.·on. ,;.,rdnn II tOvolll· .. ~ .. oll•tn " " e r • --.allft• '11 "'Y ur for rnttn, tht' ttbvvt' • • ,, 1 1.,1, 1.,1 ,.,, '"""' 1111111 Rh"J""'" hy yuu 1 .. k••d y.uor1 .. RwlmmlDr ,, • ,. ._ . ...,., th~mt' 11010" lndft)' Ju•t u compared wlltl . l~•!'i,773.000 t ho· • ""~t ' .. nomunlt l~• IH ht>lp In ho·hlthful f'Xf'rC"II" It wu n~v· r ' '"' ntu<h lt~n~tt.-r th~ t'urn•ot lrl'od for thl' tln~t alll munt hl! a year tho· 1,,,,.,,1 ,1 d··ll·n-. wt•~ l(o•nf'r-lnlt·nol• ol 113 an !-'nduruce tt"•l 1 • Ml #(rHt "r~~'n.llnlf hr-lhtln~ to •~o· Yt'll, th.-y'rt fiKUrt'l t h 11 t I In I r Pr1 ,,..rl •-· 1 1 ..., rlvRI tllllllt' t10 bl' 'seAn on the I'IJ"I\ ll''l"•floll•ol '" llllol lho• 1\<)y I'"' I• I '0' 1..--Y 1Upervuoo" opt I IIlio• Ill anybflf y"8 gllt-1111 ""hat ~ I I ( · t th t Pt'nln1ula S•••lll , ""''' 11t,l•• too ··toron~: In" a • "n• 1 '""II "' e rna. you Cto'l • lllitD 11 that all of 11~ ~nil hu..:•• ''"""""' .,1 olh• """'•I 1.,,,,,. ""~ "' '""r swlmmin~t. but &et t •.. •Ia •· h..• payln~t Uu• bill tor t o H-·· 8uaHtea7 ,.11,1 ,.1, .• ,~11• 1, 111, 1, hnol '''''"'I lvtng ">l_Lrt•h·r sar .. rt>atrktlpn1 Your R•·l .,, • .rno~<l tlrnt"a l'p I hill wa)'. thf' wrorlol'll larg. ""'' ,01,,onoJ 111,, 11111,,,. rur 11 loon!{ l"r""" lll~<ln11>tnr hall jual f lnlah•· I ~·f!ll ht>r along In the c•olumn you l"'lt , furnllur·f' lltnrt'. t<x•at~>o.t In 1111. Tlo• ~'"l't'l "'"''Ill .,. til put th,. lo·lhnl! )ItO "0 14 1r !'•.., somt' tllt\lru l howlr g L. A .. doublf'd Its nt't prof t tilt'· """'""' mal• ttro l Info• lllwlul "'" -• -" i="'"' tlllltni'SI!I ll. now Pay. llr .. ov"r tht' SlUil<' pt"r1nd a year 1, lltol ~lllvl .. , 11 l.~on 1 1,,1, l:oto• to _ t "••111!111\UI>UIItll~ tfl tht" N~· ,.,1, ,trt' hulfi(tnfi( Jlnd mnrr "bullfco'" llgro an1l t11tal ~lx.munths ti~ree ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C~~~~~R~~~~~~~o;~~1;u~~~•·l~t·~·~l~h~··~111~,0~1:··~~~~~·n~,l~t loan nm~ ''" t~· ·~~UJdnry ~ t~:r ,. ~. ,,~,. and aft~t th~ t~ •~ up H ~r ~nt ~ prlcea I t I \\ """""• c:tto'llll I'll "fl.lll dov.n I h··· ~boweyrr, Calllorn1a ll fir(' IIJl 10 pt"r Ct"fll which 1\u ,.,,. "' tlh·Mt' tlit\'M ron li)oilil t ovo r -~ --e~•-1 ---<ri~-.~~------~itt'W.I-H ARBOR H E I P~ ON (' \I)L,T S('HOOI """ ~l.tl'tn~ hoono .. at tltr ~llml' -7 ·~~o m"n ~h•trt foor tiM-manning • 4 n J I".J .. 4 tim,. "'" mak•• :• (Pv. crt-rvatlonl. I~ • • 1., 1 d•·frn,... lntlustr·ea; ro·lalo ar.wnl' tl)ouuni.!J! of famlllea. It is w'ith n:•rtltmahli• lll'tdt' that tht' Nl'W"·Tinw·s points -• -Jl••• 1"1'' 1" ";"k•• rorrecUooa ...,, .... ~»~•hogw bu1lt.llna: auto '"'''""'1 utri<'lal '"'"1 "'•tiKet ..au. ,~ ~·,,1 1,,1,,,., ,,.,,,. t'•· "'""'I""'' Th•· """1•1 ~h ~o>a.ton at N•v. 1 ,. lor,. ""llnn~ If you t.lon't gcot mato-1 show thMl S3'1 fl"r month I t------lllo,.~::.!.l~t:..:.he~hurhnr rtistnl'l g:t\'l' Sllntll Ana in St'C'UI"ing tuoll~... ;-,;. ~ • T 1111,. • hll!l \l'~'"''' l••rt-~:nll•·tt ht1r< J<lar'tf'd two w~lu , ,1 l'l tr tn nn0.'. vrry llktoly ynu'll 1~ tho' 11t ii.ii•!arot for 11 m '"· ~· 1ft;,j tN Cadet Tro lJlu0rl01.Jt'liM-ai'NT1U~1· nm th of Ncrr11r ,,,. """'',~ ......... ~4;.~+U ........ ..I:.II..t.W:C ll!WJ ueual Y~l think ' ,,__~ _ _. WRtll &nNbrr anol I hr.-.. rhlltlrt>n :\lt•ttt prii't>ll. Q.ta Mei!r': - 1• ,.111,1 lo•m•·r•t 1., ttw l•"'tllar v.rf'k-th•• wnr h ·~ Anything lfl oJo v.•ltlt 1 l 1 h t'l!Jlf""T"fnr-traT"P nltvallt.-d • .. "11••1 un1 ,. l "m~'• a •11'1Jr1 t 'll'l' ly I"""'' ,f thut "o••·k. "'"J a I'"""" It "" Y''''. llr oloo you ~ ,, " ••I lliO t h,. un~ Y•)u'vto lf"t no)W rl"ll a'nn,. llrr up 33 I 3 pl.'r Cl.'nt. Wh<-n thP County St·lth'I:S \\ t•n • SC IOli'" h11t 10 I ht• tlump.,. ,,1 1111 ,,, 1, 1"""~-' "hl•·n h11~ ' -RH!o•\\'11) 11 :1•11:\ 11torql' l!lllr'il arc> over Uw pOSitibk-remO\·uluf lht• hu:.(' tu tht• 1\:ort·uman C'lult "'' ·''"" t:n•v.n m ,.,,.,,.,. "" th" <11.,..-1"'''' tt ,,,-~,. }'tlr uf recor•l · PE OPLE up m11r.-lh~tn t .. n J~r 1·ent Md I I'' -I IIII lo' 101-. •'r"''ll In fll\'"• 111 frnltl 11( t lto• ••111rtly ro~·-h~·-1..-•r•l llahfax V.IIJI -lvl'n ... ,t tl hii~III••IU' IH'laVIt V an l.J•• An..,.alas Ilk> ln Riversick.> county, A. B. Hous.~"'llt•, llurry \\'f'lda. Dr. o· •· ·~ · ~ · ~" ~ .. '" ~ .. ~' 1 111 ttw1 """I"'• I thoo •••I twn w:o" l nv .. f'lll(ull<•n ro'Vt'Hit"oJ thl.'y boo-t! • ho'ot ~snit o•ul.t olurln, ht11 \'IIIII. 18 up 2~ r,..r ,...nt ovt'r a yt'ar ago ' SoUand. J: 'Fr<l.nk Burke and <•lht•r-s "\\t•nl Ill !tat" (llr lhc•nt 1111111• .. 1 •·lllllf'h 1: ........ ,.,, hv thr '""If'''''" II ltor~:·· llllf&nlr..aUon, a i d ,., ..... an in•ht••ti•;n of that! t•nun-a.n.J CalJfumta busUJrll8 Ill JWIOJr . and ~anizt!d an lntt>n'\iV<' cam),;ti~n 1)11 \\'a~hington th1tt :>o;o·-.., '"'"'''' ""'""·ol '"''" ftn•t It """" ro•tt'"''"'' m "'"" A1l tvlderl('• '" • ..:ruw1n~: Immunity t o tltlf'~ llhratl Ill ll rst•· aiJ .. ut half aa:sln l .__.. rod I "' II I ""'l•llnornl '" t ho•lr lfllllltv Thf'rt• "a .. 11•11 ,,., Pttlf'tl, hOWI.'¥1.'1 I ' Ill'''"" Tlmf' Willi Wht>n m"n\' I fL•lt r lh'lrt th.-B\'f'rajrf' 0( thf' ~ ... to p tJ("(' resu ts . 11nd llllo!l'llllll \ "' •I " I n••lll '" th,. tho• llltii00\01LIIi ,. """ ~ll~n-"" ,,( ,,,., • 1117.•'111' r•n·l ~llj'WI'I&IIy tho>' '"''' \!OI&n• pr•·•·l'llln.: 1~40 ~p6 Santa Ana anrl ( lntn~l' I"Citlnl~ I~ 111(11'(' II Will"' • nmnounol \ • I\' .. II '"'" """"' '" 11111•··1 I•" tllo· , .. ,,... oof n-corda In lh• .. ""'"' hnlf W<ml•l mt'lt In tho• l(jfi.Joy Law• now than evt"r tx>fon-that tht> llal'l~tll' l'llntm~pnt is unilt-cl 1•·1 "'" fr o·nol" )olio k In thr llltl rt"~ttl or 111oll'r "' nu~tn .. a of th• I•''"' "''' .,f " lltlt"d F..nghllhman F..l!• 01rt hurt•au~ whr• M'nt 111•111•' knoov. ""'"' a l••lll tit>' hllrt)l\r • ""'I"'"Y I • 1••• think th"'" would tn(•lt mrn or wnmt>n fur tho• c.>vening 1 ~ Ira gotng after entefl>riSl:'S, whk h nwan~ that Sunta Ann. and 111," ,., nol ''""' " ''"I'V "' th... • _ .,, 11 Ill•· "l .. •r•l" 1111 .. w .. r .. N'moov· h~t\'t· hl>•·n lflvo•n th~ "tjll>on" by "'" do not say it boustfully. L'l fo rtunah' in hfl\"in~ mt•n in l'nulh t··~o"l l'!ollll~tn •• , lhf' Nt'Wtl A hill , ... lllllrnl prh't'l •• Olo ' I "'"' I hi' mAn ·-·Amf' knuv.·n lht• lwolu· .. rummii<A "" Rovs nr Newport Beach who are always "'ill in~ In ht•lp in l"'Unly ,.,,.,, ~ ..... '"II "'Il l h•• tloo·n~ th•• Ill•· ... tmonu•t I"''"" l'('hf'tJUit' tAl -•1'1•1'" Kll ~··~t··r Halifax ~rorls ian•lt'r :!I ~til ho•n( f'fOrth hf' ---raUon. h111 1••1 o ''"'"r lilhl frlo•nolll " r .. at hoop•· llh' htll' "'"'"'n't Include pro• T'tl• 0'"1"'"""'" flli'IJ aro• tho~ prnhlhlto•d fr•om J>tthlir dtlnrt• halll!; ----· "'·rvto ,. '"" '" \IIIII\ h fiJI tl"l' r•at tf'n ···ontt \ ,,. ...... kong nfllhln£ froxn "lll'nro•forth" hf't"8UAI' thr ortll-I It is these Sllmt' band of m€'n who nn> ltw whM'Ihol~ -• -· v.-11r" )'lflr< •~w«n rl'turntnc tbe pr1>· F:n,;l .. n•l t:n,.:hno.J. ho.M'"''"' • "1 nanf'f' hall lon~r IH't·n un tht> h"nks ~ CID t.be harbor job and who fought for it 1 hrou~h thiC'k unrl :\tr"''"' t h•· l"'n tto ml~htltr th"n ohwo·r~ ro•v u1k :"Juw tnat • proftt ..,., k r ~ fr•>m 1110 ant1 w .. err .:lv· but hun·t hf'rn l'nforn'd Thill ;;,r,_-~ ,_...,. ' -·· w r·--... h -·· L h a... h. I hi" lt'Wt>f'OI '"'' lfl "'"' uf my ,;en~ ... _ IIPJ'I'IIf' nn ~ .bud&on. • f•"' " !: Tho· liii•··J t--:n~tlhthmran ttnd hnn,. mlnnrs fNiffi liUt'h jlttt'rbul( I UIID, 1"" ~x ... ..,.,.lf\R ~ a uux. \luO!iol! Ci.l.l.UJ al!f m~!.'Y....,.. tm· """,. ffi'""'" mav T offf-t my ad· yrarw •,.r 11,,.,.) prtcf'll llboldd br-Unll•ll amt.Kuu•a•l•·• '" tht> hlt'll~-bn,••·n" a • t h.-Oiltmnrr B o v.•l . llaeken h1l p&ce. and tbt' d«-ar dPfl8r1ed \...OJ):(' Hogers anct I \'o•ranry 11\f' fW'n.. prr-n\ltl.t•d For lnlllA!'t'C! oraocu .. u,. l"ntl•••t Stlltf'JI 3'<>11r fOitnlrV n .. ""nllt ~r">l\'(' Plllla<11,um t"tc ~ r----~P-Greeley. -•-•"''t}IC'h rnt•IUl!l 1111 mucb to the N l•• •• ho·r1• .... •kantc ·whst }'<Hf\'1' lfOI F\Hiht'r lllluftinl! out or the WORK F.XPF.RJto:~n: f:..\IXEO hy ~irl~ Qf t h• Natlonil - \'outh .\dmir.i•t rat i••n·s rm' t'r :-!'11 in~ projt'rts in dHipln.r and mn!· in~:t Lh('"'!' natt~· \\f'rK t:toifoarms for J'lrl~ on shop prnj~.>ds is put tu rti:•l u ... ,. in Jrr:, all• indu.,.try makin'! uni· fol'ms fur LJte141 .:Slot:. AW\~m..;. oL.W~_:n·A iris wr tr tht uniforM.; modl•ll'<l ~tlw• .. II" thn do national def~nH .. ·rrt. · So Santa Anans sal te d (( th n'SOt. . Thrr,. ''"U ""'' • duh In lh,. of t'•llfumlw. and np«laJ1y tn """' t• ..aint( l'''" '•• lll&kAo I&.Cd... joy otJbu.nsc~lll~C1lx. C't>4JII'II will We U. YOU an O €'r l' . ln'l'Sf Mnrllf' outlt' 1'111'1111 "vktnry•·. anti lhf' ml\n Voho OVo"nlO onr f t ••• Whkh )'1111 art' c-nmmencl.ng ~ n•o lnn~f'r ptormlt'ynu ylliJ r r~rt· •-~~--:::--=-----------------------fll .~ harbor, &roc.IP at any t unc you wl~h to ovt>n:ome ob-, thrt'" IHomt•~ t.tnol 11 Hpluh .wcor '" m~k .. an•l In «'c>n~tlantly Jtr .. at· ,., of """"~' w ... y .. r t(l watch Artists' and ..... l.n tM development o f Orange coun ty. F\l'rlln Will hC'Ip llomt', too. n· II Sab. "r tnltiUIUfe In rutu~t' th .. trR 'n!l l'llfTlf' In, ll g~nerat.JOWI; e arre JD :-.;1'\"t"r lo your -t"olumnlatl' lnr:jt-. C\lol Amcorl('an I'UI!tOtn ~hnuld you t JUit after thll editorial ~u writi(M'i'Edlt6r Holt~ or t he Anol lln't l~a ~nd and cktri·l tim~ rffidftlcco h«r't'. b NI ht' knov.--n .,.. fo>Ond lootl'rin~ around t h f' Their Art By 0 . &. MAGNV88EN :A.aa 1Rtcllter. l.n • lengthy ~itorial on ~ Cadet Ot>rense ..... fl'f'llng that th .. ·land ot th• Is Called . For ()f .. ~rlod durin( whlcb mort" be&utltul. npanslvt' &rid t'llpt'nalvl.' JI'QJict. Ia pnWnc t.bo. aesponllib~ for ~ attJn ment, hu frH ran rnJoy lift". liberty and A J d tj r,.vnlllor: ..,. criml.'a h,. v • oc-t'nlon Stallcll'l, tht stronlt ann of Ooct> upon a Ume &D ol<l VI': I loa j culate. but b1a work mws.. be .. to•v about the aid of tM coutaJ aft'lllop ; the punult ot bapptn-. &Dd f\Dd ~y n ue on ~urted than now. Ap nt 'hr ~t · th,. lav.· hU ~n ordut"d to reach opher. "Ot~eou" wandered U p quick all hl1 ICI•nce and aJI h ll _, ,... -It a1 rt~ u NC!Wport Harbor. If tack" -•. to makr no dlf · out 1011 huatlr vou ofr to the and down the st~ts and allc.>ys ot ~·era of, lovenUoDI m u at at • you have a C'Op)' ttf a raceot '-le Darftll Bab&n . w.tl k a 0 ., 0 fl'tellet to \be atlacken. Lowut ··coolt"r" New 11 that ~ In t hla anclt"nt Athtna carrym1 " ll~bl· brou~;nt In to pr.cUce to capture o1 We marulne and -the J'OWll Newport Hattlor IDUl Ia ap ., tar 111 abl. town. city cOUDGIIIIW'I are aeriou.s-l'd laot.en:~ looklnl' ror anll ntvtr the vb.loo of u lllualve mom•n1 r.ulta ot tbe bloodt.hlnty dk-..__ fout wbo ban ~~-IUdlard Je.adlel wu • l t.trrler. ty c:onaidertDc prohlbiUnr moco..-flftdlnr .. n hoDettt man. A rnU()('rn It lit u t.boufb be were lA pu,..Wt tatont, you 11\ould n joy ouT tied by Onft Board n i to ...,.. -a laod oee, llut 111e bad ,._,.. t..ta fTocn ~a.Jrl!Jr a npt tum D'n«ma wltb Ule ma.t ..,.-e~ul ot -~r more real •hlc:b 1» cte~rwtlc prlviiC!fH more tban A~ •th fOf' lad~ l.llto u.. ehute-tua. Year and • balf qo. aplrult a r't'd IiCht. But S&cra,. SHtd\liaht would be huntlnl ln knowa but baa ~ yet tully rH.I- ever U'111J' uackr Selerttve .. rv~. ~ Jumped 11"0111 u,. tftltb mento hu In Ita way made up vain tor Art tn modern ~tine t.ed, •hlcb appeant, perm.lta a -e -SabAn &a now eacanected wttb tbe floor 91 a botel. landed mArat· for tb• ahaYin1 down at our .Sub-~r? ·~ lhrft methods. Th~ thrtllla~ appredaUon. &Ad Itt &ODe N;wport Harllor hu a calllor-South Coul Compuy and prior uloualy • Ita .....,_.k eatrance lie latUtudee by ctvtn&-u. .. Jepl nntt.la black. lind White IIIOdollln •. In the INtuit. n la state Guard o1 more than 100 to bemr employH by that f\ral, canopy wblcb proved to be no -utrw 10-mllu ptor hour ~ This w.largely practiced by tht' On apealdnc tht. •ay 1 do DOt mftllbere, Nk'• demonatratlon of wu tn u,. aarvlce a tloe bua-eftecttve Ut.aA a Oremen'• oet I a.-ttnr the limit to M-m.p.b I old mut•n wllo relieve.! tbf'lll· mea11 by my "modena man" UV patnotiltm. Wha t'a worrylnr me n-b•re ~lied. 7aeeket tried Maece.fully .. , .. ,, It Or Not aalna of • double difficulty b¥ oae wbo La tn Of' out o1 tbe !Ji tM bullest ln Europe tOda Is 0 p u1 lit •hat Ia the home ruard rome OUIC!f' m•n rrom ~~ lout draft acatn lut w • • k . -.el m< thr Largl.'et UMr or rum In t be hulldln« th~fr plctur...-up In ml)no-''modemiltt .:boot" uy one w!w 11 -e a.llllfd man · Y r. a to 11M tar wspon•-pf'OYict.d tky llo&nl area who •Ill !It lnductad tw•nty-flntt nonr for h la cflvtnrl world 11 • ramoua bar In Rolly-~ chrome and latrr apptylnr gllfLUI In or out of u y ecbool. I mMD .,...... GoebbeW, ~of Propaganda and Enlight· IM'f!d them. Which •rain . brtnp Aupt 4th. accordln~r to Ctllef llo&rd. ~ .. ~ •·ht're c~ll'britle• «•l rum-of traoaparent color. Form wu I tbe modern mao whoever o r 5 wnt. ' . --up our 1tatue of p,..paredriiM. l~ertl Ancl,_. Jack.len ll&)'m&ll. , dumn whll'h may KC'ount for Iota atmo11t wholly de~ndent on thr 1 wherever be may be. Nor a m l HaYing had tM-"-ld practically to hi~Mel! tM9e last accordln~ trl -'l~e ~ and 1 art William Paul O.mu ar Santa ......_ faoLOut....cJU.bl"" _ ol tblne• amu of .ome ot Ute I monochrome iumNrtur~ T b P" -.peaklrtr o( the ~hly of •ortr 'J'I'"' aom~ army m•n "wt' Ain't lot Ana. -<:'-.4'~r Henry or lA(l&D& Or. LouJa Gu.r~renht>lrn. apt'a.ldn.r drinu m.ay 'ifCouiil for both thr l l!f'rOntJ ro.-thnd Is colcw m~alotr ! u It appeara tn· our e•~lbiUooa. ......... t ~ tlnce.Hl~r ~bee-n In power , th e llttJe m~nlster any" worUI •praklng about How· BeAch. and Jtlf' '"or.-1 Sanrhe& o1 bf'to,.. • JrTOGP at ·t · R r . cla.lmed qut'lltlnnablr v.·orth of th.-"world'• til the n ,cluslon of black and I am IJ)I.'akln( or .amtthlnr of ·II for the tint tUM finding the tables turned. against h.im. tv~. the c-oonlry mullt ltrlrt ao"m• sa.n Juan C.pu.truo that CloO ~r ~t of l'hlldr't'n under targrst·· llllf' and thl' hradllnu ln-1 whitt monoc.'hromt Many tt a v t' which we have • rllm.mer. -.om .. -~..._ ..J.:. · U wbo ~ dNf may be f't'tle•ed hf'ritrll hy l'<>mt' nf tht' ftutnn-proff'8rl'd tllllt method. ltut few I tlmu very tllnt. here and there. I ..,u.-.-. too, can .,..y a .. war or nervt"'i." Ru.~ia and Britain place, aom~tlmt', anrt tht' homf' ot lhf' b•ndlcap tauwd by _, nlmffilf'lt ' "Mlnlnnarv·ll nown-1 havt> practlrt'd lt. Tbe t I} I r d There arr Artlata who dl··lare llaW iiOW opened Up a COUnter -attack . 11{\.tat\l ldta ill a~ KO<>d 1111 ~ny for ~tfl. Mary Gllaon nf 114 Ame· tluuf' formation dur ln bad ton11la filii'". "7,nmbi.-"', "('o;ft'C' r;r.-..", mPihoo i~ th,. unlnn of thr (Jnt ,·with a lmost a rl'lf«iOtll frrvor a hnmr j{Uatd hJI'A Jlul lf't'll ft1Vt' thyfrt haa jUal. ri.'IUrnf'4 from a " ...., ~ How gnoat lt.s effect has been on Europe's conql.M'red the bnye who an rl~r to thl.' WM'k• vt11tt to San Franchtco. or acknDid growth 2 000,000 child· and ":l.lyAtf'ry Oardrnln". mixt"d stnrt ~N·onll In lhb ml'th·l(l tt>rr" 1 that thc.>y onoy uae "pure c,.l.,r". -'-ll I I rert tn thco U ~ hav" impaJrt'd fnr thntor wh o wa n t a rum Ia a r.-co~rt1111on or Adv&ntaKf'" t•• Rut gC.'fle.raJiy In seeing. their pic· .-~ too Mr Y to' 88Y· It Is not too early to report, how· ----. - ---bearlnJ. c01Jid be brnr fltttd ur rom11n1·.. he o1Pr1vt•l trom both. requ·rlr>~r " turt"!! r find that tht"y hav.-r.1ore arwr. that London's "vlietz.krlt-g" ~ M<M~cow's mt'lodrnmutic I calling for rommon-l'l·n~--thrift in all ot h t'r fit"ld~omy. ('Uf'fld. h• Mid. ~nuthl'tn rallfllf'Tit&'ll ··worth· ... UI(' prnpnrtlunlnj! ano.J I<'IC'~tion or It'll degradl'd the~ color~ In ~"have bten keeping the Rclchsministe r 's offiC(' bu."y t"l'rtninlv. in th<' dil'trihutinn of thl' J!OOds it ~111ys : fUII'r n · Mountain On The Move lr1111" mtlkwcoed fif"ltls ~~or.-gnlng In ·nrdrr thnt tht" two methndl! 'TIIIV prarti•'«' '--~·'-· • El),.lan Park'!! Rl\'1'1'81dt' Or1vl' to• IJf' ullii7.Pol for th" manufacturl' Rmal~rAmalo' In !lUI'h way n!! 1;., In I'Xf"'rlmrntallon r hevt II.CM'n t,M: CDCnly's ~i013. 'COut'SJ:l!n'l('fll to Jll"lt'\'~AAvin~ I"'Utcs fro m proilu~r to ron· ""movlnr; ml'untaln'' whlrh In J!\37 ! c>f airpiAnt buntt·pr(\(\f Ji1'1t hlnk!! 11tren~o.•tlwn t>a<.!!...._fl)r '"" mntln .-:o an arran'i!ement C\f a brlgat c'llor From Engi Rnd ('()O'l(' n>ports that the \'li€'t:.t.krit>J.: tuts !'Umf.'r: an arrnistit"£' o n pot -sh oot inS:: against <>fiTcf<>nt r't'U.l11· •·~nt UIM111!1\ a nl1r·m1Uil"f!"' tOT!· 1 nno nno tnntt TYf m•tk"'~ avaii-•M llu~ .. w llUlliU!.ts Lhe.lr .:.haler o!, llM a Vt'ry mud lUte neutral fll~· nJUed a 8eCJ'l"t a rmy stl"t'tchin~ from ont' t'nd of Euntpt-to l'f1'. lnr~l' o r !'mall . il m oratorium o n t':xtra\'a~ant'Pl' in n on-1lldl' l11irl anothrr -tM ''"'3 nf 11blt• r8n produl'f' 50 ooo torut ,, t<;>dlnt<tu" wn:o undoubteul)· WE'll m!'nt tht ph•nolfnrna ot a lrtma· the other, an arm.v cornrv -·~· of thn. mt'llio ns of nlt'n. \\'ltln"n I' A t I I I ~ I t ' earth a('ft\111 lht' haghWl\\" and nabht•r fnr that pllrpol!tl' J ll l! l m:Hll' Tho'lr wnrk~ C'\"llll'nf·~ .: '''ft'OI'I' Qf l;lrllllll.nl'y I he nt't..:rr.l . ,...-." ' ' •lt.•fcnsc ~0\'t'fTHllt'nt l''i(ll'nC llllrt"'t', nl oea lUIIg f' tme brokl' a 41'·11'\l'h arom l'tmduit whl• h tlunk. nnl' olav "'" mav '"' bo•uno -For omr lim" nthrr rhl'l("!l rna~· prt'IW'nllng for n mnmenl a BIZ· and children Wh(l hope for llitll•r's downfall. TilC'ir symbol. gin'S dtizC'ns an o pportunity tn tak(• lhr stand on IX'ha lf o f ~lt'IIMd tbnw•anll,. "' ,&llllnl' nf lnl: u uunol n~ mllkV.'I'rol Who I'RJl two no'i'I'I'Silry, (llr WI' !H I' oltHl'fPnt 7.lin K l'lompll'mf'ntary tJrllllanr(' rer a "'fT' for vfctory, !IM'n"'JM on [~ters, ft~. f\Uiomohil~ lhnt t'f'ASOfmblt." l'('nnnmy whkh. is thf' m't'<f of the hour. •·atn Ounolang t h r lmmco.hato• l'llrprti'O' \"OU mnrr than " ~cacont· \\"1' may bf' hl'lto•r Cor ,... ... ,~~ u. lw~ ""l'rp<oWI'rlng Tht "pure rotor'' and .u..J'-. 1-a sian to thn Nl'"'' O"erlo-'-or thnlr sub"'-'ls' A ' f ,. \'lclnlty nnd f'N'8tln~" !!Tllllll lllkf' 1111 ~ An~wl'r A llPptlhli<•JIUl w"hrr In,!:' oltfff'r .. nt hul I ll ., .. 1' art'. a"hrt ' "'lit Whh h it wu ILI!lOCiall.'d ... a 13 ta .,... ' ..... • ~~ "' 'J<.'-Tiw fir"St thr('('l \\'N•ks in llJ.!II"t is :t 110)(' 01' l:t;l( :II' 10n. Th 11 b I Lir'a Prtvacy Thr-eAtened thr o·I'Htnl \"'~ ~on.-Prm•1rrut our m rlh<x!s mu~t ht' l!ultl'ol 1 .. <~11r 1 crt wl ... n .. w ll.leaa in paint· IIJent rebellion and their determination to obstruct, in ('\"C'ry 0nl' "' thl' wo rlrl"ll mn~\ r11m . You ought To Know ""~'"" \\'hallhe mt>tl£•m m1o~ !ln•l.o inK and t>aeh new idcu wil hwe a ~ polllllble, th«> contlnut'd \ot•rman ON.'llfllltion o f th~ir lttnct~. HIGHWAy JIO~IICI i>E pJttr mf'tf'OmlopCAJ Ob<P.n·atunr~ Hrp .. rtnrtul thttr 'dt•mlln•b• thllt ..,, tntf'rt'Sl In lit .. Ill nnl '""' •l'ely nf'w ti'C hnl<tUI' BeporU .Ill ~a.Dd ,iiibo~c ha ·c of t.'OUI . , t'Onl(' 111 un<lrr r orurtnao•taon 111 th•· f'aH· , . .,,, kno1w th<' ,,., .. nr 11\tlt' J ohn thl' !lAm<' Rll ·~r o,t•l ano hf' mnkf'" . _ .. or t""a ...... I d ) } • .. ~. __ , 18•hh:b~··lY homtddc t:htrs1f~ ""-zy-i1) kiU'-1\ pen!()fl . fomla lnl'tltutt n f T~rhn~~ l··~ dJ~\'U!II!I'!L h.J:...!:... rf'_\·lo)Uitly a ni'W appruo.MI. dr31tl In n,·,lhcr "Hellzapoppin" Comes I'U' 1ft." ronque,~ M S ~ before En.~and started fts . . -, . . . . ftteh .att.;.r 6a ,dr{..........,. -..,...i '-'-f't'kKWU ·our ~fl~r, way ~ tltf' eymbnl tn t>t-t._ . --. ~ • fiV for VIctory" war or 0('1"\'(.'S. But th e \lliCtzkrit"g .at last . Soml' !'('\'('("'..' C'fllll'S h an' mlttfllath('(\ sn. potnttng to the, acrur~~tr ..... thrr fort'("ILSllt lm-"' '" N'fl{l rt It Prr mst'urf'lr·ht•m mlltlf' ~~not the llllme lt 5<'1'1· ~ t.,,.R Les--Attgeles rebeJQ0K ~a ~Olf"Jfmb01 tlnU •-ft't"ftUt>nC'Y. wtlh whit•h dRo&nk.cll d~r~ OtW;Apl'.1M..slcm...I)L"'D·•~ Q.JniJ.lJ.J&f.l'.~l'(l.f.t~llot'lll Juhn Dot', thrcc--poun,l an•l 11\x-,_!!1~' thAt _lhr pn·~f'nt lla y mar __, , . . . . • . u jnJfit'S n\elM OUt fnr m4h:•~q-r C'rlm~ th:n'l" mtrmc1ng or Allotawr tap ~ • .._, ,._... -~ boy fvund ia,.. • aLoe ~ .. ·u.h aU JWi r,t\"l'ti'm'l' roz: Ht~ olct~. ~~~ i BUJ~ liOYM a.d 1:4· c r y. Anct to ('t('nn:m~ It ~I\ t'S " !:( \ ('t'f' ' . . . > • uae and ~ \1) Ole pwWH: •• G.nf· 1'\oK IUIIOOJ: lb. v.-eeda "' • \"&cant , ~~~!'trr ,,. lnterrlllo'ol In !It"' ... '" I: Ulo· Garr. ••tJr ll78p(oppan", th(' 0 1· ~che. A-. have! Radio l\t~'Ow's net tlc•som(• yarns, indufl.l llo st ro~ ing tn~m.m hfe. . flth Park '"'· dtl',t uf UIJ"''urr In thr Gt'n· llthl'r flllltllflr~ "fM mnrt' f1ttot•nJ> ~rn and Jnhn!llln srrtamiiUld must· lng.tM !rtory thnt Field ~;u-shal ("o(l('nng h ad sunk inlt) su1·h • ~ C'tthfOf'nia I<>~P.$0lature has tolcranti)'. foJiowro a 1 smud~ Potl fOf' City'• Oefente ,..ntl H"11plt11l Pr••''!o""'~: In ~ thl~ Ht· ,us\ b•• o•rool anti lw mu~t ~·nl· fRI r«'vllr whlrh hllll bf't'n doubling etmfavor that be'---&.....~.-h . .. . • • po lil'\" o f Sf>IU·ihg the r'ocl. hut lt•nil•nn• lia~n't \\OI"kt"'fl. Fl'om a u . ('nl Sntll, In ('har~rr n( hilt· • nlumn ..... ... r II t (" Tdl'ntlty -VJ\ Brnsdway v.ith laughter tor 111g ~• t rown tnto a concenhation camp.J · .. , ,. , · 1 • . • • , .· 1 bnr <lcofl'n!WI' 11t F••rt :l.lsr Arthur qttwn !Oaht'•·· Thl~< "'"~'k wt· can 0 . t .-"''" nl~:h ,1n thn•r full \'I'&~ Dr. Goebbels. \\'(' ~USpt"\.'1, l-. nm avnllahll• to \"t~llor.o; total or. t\7H eA~ m . ~-). the ) t'Or Q( I IOI:U~I~on ~ \\ lkk~ttDllt !lta~rpnltc-mlf'f'l at-Uwlr lUI· wntf', tdrnllty. b8hy or 0011.. \'rra It. e.rm_an~n I oiJWn• a flmltrrl t'Djt8jtt'ment ~i the8e days. He ~a harnL,'iing job <'OfllpiC't~l\' nrw to him ht'y-rtay. drunken dn\'lng ('ast'S In C'allfn rnl:t hnd IC':lpt tOt 11U~I ronftn-nno nt l ' ('LA. that ~1\hlf'r '. 9. unmarried Baby bon1 u s. 0 G oup ~ 'tlt .. lJllttn'Mll' ~:atre. 'Llll AD, ~· .. ~ u 811 • • t 7,!"\:1 T In 19--10.. ' I tbf' .-ntJrco mttn•pnht.an a rt":\ r l>tllol lin thf' bAthronm (I( Mill! Kahl~r·ll • • r jrl'lt'll. on Wl'llnf'!!d!ly ('Vt'nlng. Au· • u '6 P ~Of'S. . t . I d be rffM"tlnly ch!!JnJttwd within 30 hnmr tho)Uifhl hy tho' mC\lht'r to J..; N d I ~lit 6 Th~ prr11ent compMy w111 In M atlt'~pt It) Sh'n~ t liS t_i( (> an l'r:tl'k do\\n on r-e-, to 4:0, minutf'll hy lllllnlf llffill!ljrt' bf' ol~atl Ill birth ~hf" told pohr r . s arne I ("(lffip tn Lots Anjrcle~~ fllre!Clly trom l"'!tlt•rs, th e l~tslaturc this St>S~ton pa!'.--.'<t. a nrt Gm Pmorj pt'tl!: that " ll~tht"'l match In 11 whtt a no hoMing her on s uspicion Chicago wbtrr It will have com· (llson signcrl into law. :\ mcaSlll'\' whil•h will lll:1 kt• it m<tn-d&rktnf'•l r1ty ""ul<1 bt' IOI'I'n by nf muroiC'f" Carrying nut th-, !luggrelton nt ph•tf'<l a run of thrf't montha, and drin•r's liccnsc to anv ~ who after 4.000 ff'rt 1\i.amu In. The :>o;ntinnAI HrnrlqnBrtcrll. a permi!.D· It will rt'maln htre for two ud • -' DAy lnttmlltlonal <'nl f·ommtt l'r has b«en appointt>d halt w!'f'ks. with matinee~ ' t , .. "' H J\1 anli citao !IWII prl'! Co1. R t'f" du•· tho• Ro.C Fin M,... l Tl II tho • and ~··· viii ht'll Alit The a net bor I Ro( TOf ola Luc nu val' Car Ka bar J \'lr C'l" Gl( 1111 Mf' mo. &1 S# p F I pAl 01: Hn d:o: I '15t'o V'" be> mf (\f 0 ht• ffi l lrr~ hP () R v H C'f ru ~ m• m. IIC bu to In Cll Of In ~ lo It Ill= th 2~ N m -. .. . 'I 1 ... .. .. . . . I Telephone CG. lnstalting Huge Project --·------. Sail Ho Boys Enjoy fruise On Louis CasL Yacht Ent rit•s Puur In For ('h·it· l)h·ision nf Lit!hts \ ,t.l\ "" lh·· 1'1 •• "' 1•'1 ,h ,,,,,, ~ thn~ '''l'•••··tl•• \\U' , •• ,,,,,,,,, ,, ... ,, .. ,¥1\ ,,,. '"'''' ,,,,:-, •• , tht' ,ttl H tt t '•t,llll' \'. f 1 'l lht'\ t 'UI1\ l•••••·d •t~••••t J.ut .. 4't:'--\'u .,:il l til\ ft• Hfhi ',.,,,l~d '•II tfh• ''f/4'1\ 1'> ••• , -1 L'~·· • t. ... tu tl ,., h :-.; .. 1 "" ..... 1>4'11 • I I.::,' ., , .. .. u f ,,,~Ill dl I '• I I ' ~ IIIII It,, 1-t u\lt 'I ' fl ' \\ I\ I tt l lilt\ •. d I I t\ 1111'111 ••!•• t,, tlu I ' 'II•,. .I I• s. ... , ... ,. •lnlflt rnuC1• uf .,..,. mllllun· Tho ~·!' 4'<. ,1 dull•r trlo·J..K.-c•ablr t ... lnet t.&u .. · >' 1 1 ' II 1 \\ · I I• ••I I ho• Ml la to K"Min4 .,., •• ,..,..n S.f!1& :\n• ''·''" h).:""' :'~~nth , ... ,.,., c ·un\~ N•' • II I • '" ,,,, ..... , .•• , .. I J•_ilU)' tldl<it·d ••f l ,th•• ••~•:ct Ufl• lllt ••I •I\ t'IIIILt,.. alld llrl :"'a r . 1-rft. trac·t ur I ran I"" urd~ I 'II IHIIII,I l,.l:tHol •S k t•IH'r rr\' ·''' h '''" I"' I .,, ,., '"''" toulllniC ··ahlr ~Utd .. , ........ r.. :-:to•unl•· .. r lh·· ~1111 "" 1'11111' or :-.· I•··" I······ 1',,.,,,,, i\11 1 tllaf bu,..... o•a hlr thrf'f' fHt. UndO'F 1 t • ~ • Hll\lo•ol 111111 IIW IM •\~ J'l llolh'l'l n ho•!' It 11•1•11 . "U rf .. ·r; IIOV lrft, "'a rd ·~· 84-rr~ ~lllltt J.: IIIlo! 11111111\lnj.: 1111' \'lljCII· 0 I lq 1"" ~ ''".1' "plwr, and '"" hrltwr, t "rank t:. t•u11ol" hdoo•• ~t•lurnn•J.: '" •·amp. I B<·: ... 1 "' '' ''' '11' ""1"''"'1 411 T•ratokn. '"""ac ,.,,...,. In burtrtl .,...,•rk• lUI~· '"• " •' ,I Ill•· :.;. ''I'"'' lhu t>a~; rl~tlll. trlrpllo-nwn ,..,,. Th•· hnyl' "'" ht•rr ft•r II 1!1"1 hm t ' , ' ' I 11 I•' ••I t'.,llllll•'r•' : I •'f i ' f t 1Ut 1fht t I t t1 t••l\o. 1 .. •• r fl .,, ;;;J,., il. '" ~ .. r I'• 'I' tdtl h•lt .... , 1111 ...;, I r. •ut -..'"" "' "' 1 ~ ,,, .. ~;h h M lltrUt• IU \ ''"''' .. \\ •·'•' ' ti lt I\ '••t t "~~~ •I• ._,~ '' I u t n \ ,. it-.n I If• I I ' '"'' \ I ,, ll.lf ~ I • Itt '_,..,~.,,. , .... '•l'"" . I t I I • • ••ul ln,ht\ Robins, Ford Ut.'aler, ( 'lost•s Saturday N nuns Fullt•rtnn ~la n Land s 22nd ~I arlin .Fur '11 ' ·---.x.-- l It '''•ltl\ \\ t I If I• 1 t I I tl ~~~~ ' . t I '~ ''" \\ ' 1 • ol II o I • I 1 • 1• •I I 1 \1 I I II . ... , ... "I I "" ' l'lq t ,,,, th t \\ lh II \\I U h • , I I "· I I I. ' I \t • ,, • I ·lit•. ~'~'1 tp tt h· ••h • .t 1111 '" u t It H ,, It I• t1 "'~'• \\, ""' "'"·" 1 11,~ .. "' th• t .. •ul. I''"'" • \\ tt , t: t\ ~UI ldi• n .. t 1111 '"' t.•ut lt1 tit I It tnn.t , •\ I 1ht fl." I'''' ~1 -.1 • t PI 11ffl111 l lh kl• 'hlne • 1' .. H '''" ''"' nf ,, • "''"'' tl1 d ~,·,.,. u"d thll l \ ~"'""'''~ .Jttda't' (~ardner Ad M a.'or Harwood i I, 1'111 ,ltflli,;t ll••ltl I ;,lllft\1'1' ll' IUtlll' t1 t~;o 10'1 II\" • ti!IIIJI In A1hlltll1ft I " Ill ''" Ill~ ollll ••. ,. .... lllC'&I t 1..._, h • "' ,.,1»-1 11 u • 111~ (t•.f ._httll(.e "''" 11111 '"'•~I f :-l~olttn A n'l wh1le "' 1 t11' 1••1 '"''''······k•. .. of r ahlf' to • "'"Y I h8\o ,..,: ... r. ! ol<'llllll•·l\ lht•lr Ill '"''11''""'1: '1 '11'1''11' f;;;.rlf----:=::n:::-.:-.:.::..:.3~~ ...... =,.., .......... ;';1MII _____________ ...__ ... ......... • Ill 'Itt... I+\ .. , "''' .. t II .. -"' • ,, I ... .UH I Jack ·Benny Riot In -~,fl .. .,l:----' •hl•l tllfl: ..,..._..._ jtloOI\o'• 1'1111! lho• ..... ,,.-;;;-,1:--,.~ . ..,-.,.;r'-'---,.6·1!-'~-JI dt,tlh'l• l •ll aut•• •ul•·' .u~tl ... , f \f•'• Ch• I ' A t At Ft ll\ IIIIIH• "·"' , ...... , .. 1 '!. ar ey 8 un ' """''' I' l',o·itolo ' 11 1-'IIIWII••tl n u···IPit' Hool•llh 111 lh•· "· •I , ...... ·, Hai-bor Boys ~Jbt Girls Given Red r:; RiMfs -to' --:1 Cross Swim, Lifesaving Award s lJ!:e.!!."~ . .'~~J~ Man~ :-.;'"1""' llarh"' ~··uth• .. n (",..,, ~~·-·• RwMr·tl llrm•n and thn-..· \l•t'lllt.; (t 1111\ ml,ond \lo'hh· llool\ .llh lilt• Hu-hnoll citll.,. hr \.o· ''"'''"''' l•"·••ol-H.1• '•'\\1••11 ll •tl .. •: and ~l•k··ll•.ll~ SV.'Immlnt.: and lt l•••,lllllj; • llwlo'n•·~ ( ·.,,~,, ~~·-·• prN'•'ntt•d h~· th.-!'·••J.Ih• .,, '''·'"··-'' .ltllthlf ilf··'·•'"'l.! ;,\,:u tf .... "' n• ''* Cuunt~ f"hapl••i· ttl 1tu· ,\n1•'tlt·,tn l"'•'ut• ... t-:.d.: l'•l••t t 'n1ult .. lfn R1'<1 <"1 "" 1\ tw tl h,,. loo ··n l'oon· ,.,. l; t•ltnoll J 111: 'l11110: •· ·•••tl duC'I••d th•· pa•l ·'''" \\•••k• und.·r l.ool• lloollm.:•""nh .Ill to! ''"1"•'1 lhf• lhlt't'l ... n ol T:tlm•lol lo\t:onlo I 1111 ..... Rl•d ""'" ln•l l111'1<>1 for lho ;,r. a :o;, "'"' lifo •:11 ln l. .,., u ti-"''"' Fin· l'"lu.ol ~·, mk c-,, •. ~.,,., a ni '" n .. 111 l.•n·) ,., •· • ~~. ··• Jt . .t :\1 ,.., 1.11111 1 \\',u ~·If. ,u(ol~ <'•till• ll•••h:t L•~l•• f!J, K J o•lm If,!~·• · 11• T! i ft, Til , .... r'ITN1 t h• ' •• \C, I t ' ~ t • , t I • trtr-Trr--ttrtrn-Ann--1-Tnmrh J\.•i,!tnnan..: ... \\lr •nl•'l' \\h .. p , ..... t '''"l••·t J l ed.,.•• 1: tl (~ftjntl~. lh•• I'UIII''< otf• J .I1Uo.::, ~!r;\!111.111 ;\.o "I••; I f f.orh tl and .\llllllhl \\llhfiJnJ.;.;l • ...t'i.ll!L .. !.'L. ,\1 'l.o \\fWtM J1 11l.,r 1"''11"'1 ~t!\\f'Oi f I f ttt'll•t. ,l.un .... F Fun· , ...... ,, .......... , ... ~, t•\ ~~ ..... '\', ., .. ("·•·II• \'Ill••. ('.-•1.1 \J,.,,, .lnhn \\' ll11•h .\1 ' II"' 111 a nd ft:'"' I 1'.•1 • It n1•ll. Lin< rl .Jnr~t·• 111111 :-.=.on•·' ftnl It 1 Allt•11, :;II ,,f :-,;,." poolt llad •ur N s • •t J Thnro•l Slwttmh;n~o•r Co•l:l ~f, •:t. ew pJrJ n ~~~ J :>ck Alh11~o:llt. :-.:.·"r••rt ""r· State Guard Jnt,.rmo-fh:•••· · '"'tmr.wr< "r rl' Rod~··r M•-< 'l••naha'n. All ad.'na : Toromy nr:ullr~. Los Ant;f'IPS; Vi· ol11 Jl\llf' C':.rl••r !'\cwport Harbor, Luck .Pinklc.r. CO'lta M~; Omm!l Tumrr, SAal/1 AM: Barbara Sto- \'all, C011ta Mt"M : "odn>y Cptrm, C&mlyn Frl'nrh. p,~;:y Sm1lh :tntl Karl Oquu.t. rrom·'Nr:'\&·port Har- bor: J f•:t n F (';,mptw-11 ~ An~:<'l~: Vlr~ll Pinkl··~ :tnll \larlha Lou C'lnrk. (·o~ln :\1•·..,'1. O:m il'l RN'd. Glrni'L'II••. l(athl• ••n St•~·l ="''"1ll111 llnrbor . Murr:" f) llruW'A. Cn~la Ml"n, ( :rnrw ( ·, nr-ko·r Hntl St>\ · Retorded Here R•'I'UII IOC: from I hf• ptwnorrunal tumuut of :S-1JOf1 Harbor mM1 for thl-k-.cal unit fM tM Cahru m m Stat,. ew.rd. a -· spirit ol loy- :Jit~ and unll) ha..~ bet'n cxprc::«''i h~ ttw rT\IIJurit~ of pnto.Jlt'Ci i\0· ln<"mhl'r< .~~>ntnn F"-'lm"h:~•·. ,. he) h:t• t.;UIIIf~ l h•• fll'\:l'lnti:OI IIIn uf lh• ~rnup. •I• •·f:o ro'<l !o wl:!.' ,\ r•"'"ffl Rllrntf:tnrr· ,..:1., ro·pnrt- ·'" at thl' ;"ron-11 :um .....-q,~•l "hl<'h mt·•·t-,;, ~ WNinf"'/1a~ ,.,.,.,;lOst". ~::•rn-h;," addl'd SUMMi:R SUN r.: bo th :t bl('-.1n, a nd a nu1sancf'. It's ll"'"' 'll hl'n YI •U can l(l't out to S'll lm •· t'nJOY lhl! l;wauly 1•f •L h -. t roulll•'~"mc w ho•n 11 Ill Ill' ~ ,.,, •tuU''' tnt•• :t ,..,,.:.m b''' Th•· t r.HIIIIoon:ol nil\' t• ('llltrl't', <1\1 nll11(~ \\I lid! lol• ,, • " (•UI 'll llh It'\•• f110\\ 1 l:o P( o hi Jun~" Th~>~t· ar,· •··t• • ,,,r ,· 111 • • "",tl \ ••I• t h ... ltjt t f ) I ,I ,---,ro•<~-«"'T1,..--.r "'1 " h. ,,, I '., It\ t 'I l't I ··~· !' 1 .... : ' .. , ,,. I tt l\ ' • "I .• I'• ~··· 'I ,., ... u \ .. I, , •.. II~ I HI• ,. d· t cr.,,·' , '" • I • 1 t~ •• , c..t ;, .<1 I ' 11 r t· 1 " I! ' a"·ntn:::~ t hdt art. ~ur.r ..... t ··• dur .. t..l~ thnvl!h. «no " .. trh ~ ,, culor:-A " rau1,::-... ;,. ··~ t·-. 1 .. thc'y c:la'h "tlh t lw .... 1 .. 1 • I ' rum ;,nd ~.o 1\,oll· hll I '' ,. lb.~:,\· harm<!tliLt A m c>tlt·rn ~·iul t••ll lo t h~> """ mt•r ~un pro·hl, m .• ·.d •·I)•· 1 • ,, WOI kah)l' I hi' \0 ,If I lind I 1' an:-tfl ll;t:u•n of .Pt.ln•·l' 411 \\ ,, •"' • no .. J,tl;tr• .:Itt~"-.' hltwk ... un ttu· ~ J)(l!\1 d }ld• • fo( th•· l11 •ll"' 'I 1,, h••ld bitt'k-a ~"'"I tl• II .,f 1l11• l11 ,, r.ws Wllhnul d;trkrnm~: t hr tnlf'l mour l.·n n r :-.:, ... pnM ll:trhn'r 84'-tl y ~IC'("Itlohln~ anti \.lnn11 ~I at ·. , .. ,.n,~. ""'"..: •h·· 1•...,1h1· n1 nn" u;i-vf ;~ hnu~l' t11• \\,,,. ·'"''til la•·m c: lh· ,, •. I l"li:Or<l 11!"111 ... II• nr (olrltn:u ,. W t1'1du\\ :h,od l it Salvation Army Plans Annual ''" 11 1" ''" "''h •h•· ·llq oh:-n11m · 1\!'c;.u}t' lh~y c>..~tcn lh•' 111'111 '·'' I • • .. r "'' n ''" h.tl1•f ~: .• m~h:1" and rl'l1act th• m . d .llu me ·•.11 1 ••··•I ttl. ,,1,..,, n1 pl •• n "·1, r .. !>htnc • "nft-'th r••uch .. ul th•• 111 ,., .. ,,,,:-!l:; mo·n :.1vt '"'' ro·mainm~: h •rtnf'. ,.,..,. ·ar1oallv a llt.u.· ''•U I• ,.1, mit•,.. "'"ll<l I• t•l·t••••l ,.11 a f'nJ"Y IIIC' 'wuntl•·•.fill I'I.C't'l fUitt• F d C • " ,11111..: II-• -·of ~unlt.:hl Wllh .. ul ltw d 1 ... ""' un ampalgn fnrt nr c lar<' .. , I'X<' • 1\ ,. II• .II lf~ Jn th•• ru••.•nliOl•' lhu ... • nn 1~·· Th~~ a rt:-. PI flf•llr~,, t,.....nHtt ..... )1 T'rl'pllrRiinn nr lhf' 3f•nuM ram. ,, ·"' m:: II•• "111 Tl :un n t.:ht w 11h in~t:.JI:olttons and rt1,11•1 111.1.rl 10 1 .. pR i,m fnr fund:o~ In lht> H ar bor •h· f•llffl·~lt.:·'!l m•·ml~t·r-:tnll 111 ~lon•o 11way a t l h•· Pnd ,,f Ito•· Dlst rid hv lht> !'lat\'ntlon .Ann\' n~ ttm·· ,., \:w:mr·~ ••-<'llf' in fh•• ~umrrH·r ~ .. m.n11. \\hir h ,. ;111 <•11.!1· Ho m l' ~l'r~'ll'l' Willi U11d~>rwav t..;. 111111 11 \\Ill l01· h ll••l (rnm th·· Ctnn:tl ('nn,·rnicon(',. day hy !II ll t;nlla:;:hl'r Tl.u~l"<lll\' 1\.ollmt.: h•l ;wroorrlm t.: In t h•· ,.nlf't Ew·r~· w m <loow "r \\:t\1 ~p.ofl Mayor lrvlll c;~r.:•· Gor.Jon. ~ m "hll'h tho· .. • on ttl!· 11 .. 1 :tf.:ttlwrl doc~t not n.o•"fl pro•l.-eit••n :~rri 1n 'bl't<n nAm•·tl rll:oilnnn an.t a·l· ~ .\ll m•·n m••·• 1. ,;;;r-0,." \t .. n· fi1,'1no;rnl-.,.,u~ ("l!H f"<'r titA'I'T"f'l v 1mr fn r th•• ,,.,,.,··no! fun•!~ "'" l o\ 011.,,. ,. .. ,,,,,,,,,h lh•"'' "h" l rl'alm•·nt< V.'htl•· lh<• ~>a•t l'ldl' hr olqu>•lll'ol Wtlh I ' F' \\'!ttl!< ho•l rtoolhllll•ll\•lt"olo.,lnlWllfllln• I• tl.!l ~o ll lo\' lt \\t l!llt.; h ulo mana~o:•·r oo( tho> ="''"l"•rt nranr h -m··· .,,.,., .. ,_ "'" ... oon h:ond ,, lrN'C:, foor tn<l.lntf' lh· •• "'' tlu· \l.(uk •n lhl'm~• h ···· Bu t nn mal· of u ... Bank to( Am .. n •ll • '11111n• lit. r•· 11 ll·r hll\1. \'1'1111 h•·u ·.(' I<; <llll:ttl'tl Ill C.aiiRr:ho•r 1'"11 l~'•l "lit 1•~111\' ~' \ .. v,n •• alt m• n ;u• • ':t mln•·rl 11. hl'll II" ·~I\' II' 1h1• I' th(' l im• I<• hco n1111l•• n p'••u f •• r I h ,. (,,m . •ntl It ;~•r•" .-.mpl•·•· d 11•·· 1111tl chN k up ~.nrl •• ~ lh<~t :ttd' '" m un!l\' ~ ~lll'l'"rl that lhf' rom -\\;II •It·., I·· 11'11·'"''"'' ••fl1• 1olh sum m• r rro m f .. tl ;.reo tn<l,lllt•d tn.z 1h l\'<' 1~ th• nnly npf"'al rr.adf' n'" •h·· ~•:••·· 1;,.,,,-rl E:orn•h11•• whrto· '""' an· t,l• t.fl """' hrrr I'll< h y••ar • "I r'• I lit.:•· n•tml• r •·I .q•plt· Al1 nf11101'1'mt•111 n( ftnal plan!< fnr ··m•-:on•t ..... • n'hll•lfl•lll Ill"~ West Plan For l:c_a;-'JJli/W~A.. "\II! l;c 'I'~ b)' •l J'f·•~ !J ' ·~ I•~•~~ It• th• f.,llo,;l\1111 Osll:~J.,*h,.r """' "·""rlt • · •fllf ••·o ~"-._... ~~· So.t., FJ.:..;;...l · -....: r-': .. 111 :ou:ttoofll ,. ~ It '"'' l•·•n•·" tJtKJ, a er Santa Ana West Coast •u" "~~·~ .. ~···""" "Lach rs and (;t'lllll'llll'n, I hi A I~ r.-• , \ ,,,1 Jack llt'llny talk111J! Tho•rt• will lw ·t 11, , '""'fill """ 1,..111111r,tltv tl•• R llhl(h1 !'"111!1' whlh• you u y. lllj:11ool rt •••• ~. ....... '''~I"'' lo•ol ,,. 1\P· '\\.ho l't\rt•s ... ~.. P'""' 1n 111 '""''•·n ..:r~'nC••t v nrH•t\' Thllllf' "'t•rl' J ,tl'lf H••l1n\''l! IIJX'D· 1111: wurll 11n hi!' r r'~tt nuho brnl\ol· I ,.,.,., '"n yrar!l llJ.:" '~''"'" •n•ll•·'t .. .t 4Art Gronsky 'JioJ l!f'nnv'll tw'l!l'f I hnl llw , ... mf'd••n 1 ., "hn is A "lllraiJ!ht · man lor hun-3rd J F""J {t• ,.,." "''" ~: .. rurth•'"' '""' "" J~t•·k n 3 It' ~~ ra•H···~ numht·r nn•• ,·nntf'•h"ln {' • E { ht!< plitiiiSPJ'h\' 1~ "''II ~llhooCRIII,Ikl· ro\\ n ~vt.'n I'd , l111• Uhl\•' \\Ill n••t o11h II''" If 111 ih l' l•••nl Foonl '·"''' 111HI ·"'I'Vh'o· •·unfuntun~ '' 11 h ttw ''"''"fH nf .,,, ... , .. 1-'nrrl pl11nl•, 1•111 \\til .......... . lll•·•·l•a hio" "'"' llh n•l"''' .. ( llw ~1.111 It! h,l\ •' II 11.1~ .111:1 .1 h.olf ••f l •~'f•'itllnn ,,,., h ,,,.,.k \\ltlt h '' l~o '"''"''"' 111 ..... 1 ... 1• I""'' ul.ul\ thn't' ~fh• lilt' 11•ttiHh"l Itt I 1':11 , .•.•• ,.. ··fflt-.· ··•·h "'''"'"''ti t\ ft ,.t."'' l"'•tni··d ''"' l1tt ""'" ""•'fu.,.tul·· "Ill "' fht"" IIIII'''' ttu· ,.,. ... ""' un•l ,,, •· ~t•nl ,,.,' •· , ••• r tit• I• "'I';• I Fnttl ,,,,,., .end ,, I\ t• • l( .. t. \\'h••n 20th ('t•lllllt\.·Fil~ Wl\11 A•' o;, .. n•k\ ••I llull•·• f1111~hool !'lt'nr• htn,.: for !'C••rt~t•••n•· ''' pi~\' lh1• t h 111 \\ ••· tu ... ~1•• ~t,, u"" It·"'''~ "''" ••UtJtll;'''''·~l ltlk ro•h' 111 "l'hurt.-y·~ Alllll t hf•y ~ldlf"l• t..olll··ol '••• lh•· llh~o• 1•1ut fl'll nnd lUI ll101ly\\•••l IIJ.:rt'f'ol llo I 'tH\\11 Ill :-,•11 l 'o••h 10 1111"1 "''' :, C RAFT S£CT ION thuC u~'HO\' \\:t.H lht• r rnuu f'ttti t~··tr.·· I ~·., \th• ... \'1\'lt • '""" Mt"'ntl"'·r" "h ............... , \1 .. 1t 1-\1\\' fo~T~nc·•~ a ntt .JlHfll":-t:lltMUl "'"""H .. tt1t•• \\ltlftt-1 Jtltd lru H••h •h•y 111 u tt~ utili t tnti-. ._, •• th•H ,,, h•""'H•I . lh•• f• Jt1ur• fl -1"+1 \\ h' • h l•tu.• '.•tn.t .. ·'·; • \\ tt"" ....... ••tt·l !\'''", .. ,,I I~·,,, h .,., ... tl "" '••·'· .t ... 1n •·"' t .. ~:•n1.t 1\H • .... \\t•hl t:yAA1 \\ ''• ·-.: ~,,.,, I"·•· • \\ u .. Ua tl 1-tr,. \'•·n , .. n t ht ~''" Su '" M •hlrt~ ~l urlil\.t "' " " L, ''' 111. U. ~l~ _Yttl!H'r1tlf"t.l. Mr11 I kill-'l-l U.1'4t-l~ ~'"'t"•l f tl.n t"''' .ut•l l 'lru•' .:.trut.. lun1 M r,. :..C. A \1• ,,., "'"' I It f•t I "' tit•~ I"•' I I•H~t~;hl J-1,.111 LAI't'rll' Mr11 ,I II M•l•" ""'' Ill~: I'""' r 1nl •• lith pi'' • t.lrJI "' I. M•••l · 11\r,... niAICIII7In,... nnd thr ~ .... ,.. Tl,.,.... for ~:'!~! A..k "" '"'"'· Wc1tch Your . Kidneys/ ..... ......._.~ .... ..... . ., .. _, ......... , .... . ,_ ~ ... _ .. ,., ~~e-. .......... ,, •• u •• lla-4 .. ,... ··l !~~":!: ::-.:!~:t: 1:1~~ ;:.~~.-:; .. ,. •••• , .............. tf ............. , t::i~~·.-:-.~:!;• ..... -... , ...... ... .. ~:.=:~~=:':rt!:-.~.·#t.-:. ':.~:~ , ..... ,, "'' "'•"••· ••• ult-.. .,_."' .... Wf\th•r •'-• .,.,. a '-''•• tf ••••o.-•n••••r •n" ''* ftf .,., ••• eH.-nt•"· Itt .... , ••• n. ... \hlft•J ......... , .. .... ..... , ., ....... ,.u ..... b ............ "'' .. ,..,.., .., • .., .... , •''"•••oe. T..., ........ ..-, be • ., dMt.t .... IH""'" ~·=~~-~.~ ,=:,!, ~~~ ::::.-.· ••• ~: •• ....., hl•tttte fnf "'''" tlt•• f.nr , .. ,..,. 1 h•1 he•• • ••••.,. ., .. t•ttv••U ... Ar• ,..,. ..... ,...,.d"-1 ~' ··tat•f•~ ~ttl• tW ~·••....-....., A.. ...,......., GOTHRU the NEWS-TIMES A I Y 0·1 ALL IEWS .. PICTURES-~ IJVERTISI18 CIRCULATIOfl- '\..,·""''"',.,...,.\\ill~~~~~ find N I·.\\'Spap•·r o'l \II I' I IIIIIJI.Il :r ltl1• !11 lhrtl llfrt•J'I'fJ IJy th1 1'"1"'1 It ···'"'"' '11 1d artd JII'IIVt•d I•\ · ,, !'l.tll••· llt:ll !hi' NJ<WS . TIMI·~I..\ III II tolll\ lt•.td-. l111l tJutth)t'fO l ftt• ).I'I'Vil'l' 11f m~7.t-h:;-N"'mpo.,i.1 r~--;;:nlft•.J:'"f '"-till'( , .. fi'umml t).---.- - Citif. Businei!t--,\"'I • Depts: NiJt Voted: R• t ~T Fire men Find Lots ~"'"'" ·"''1 x, .: w ut ~~~~ tu·j ISe S 0 1~ew of:o\' .1 .. · ..... ,, .. , .. it .. n "h" h h•· ··volume In Ju -4n. Of Smok~ But :So pr••J"·~·" '" • ooml.tnf' lho> r···unly ~JuH.t. '* "ill'), :\tW th 114'\\'), Mom.;. ''"' •·11 t"tnt: ••lllll't ,.,.,, ... ,, wd "" dt..,Jtlu y lit F a·r .... In Island c·all fl···l "'"''"1 II' of "111~., •l~>pnrt· '-" n •• n·~ "n!'> 1•••t pu~.!h t1 hy th• Loct~l o!C .. en o f Har k oof Amf'r· lcll ,.,.,,,.,., 1 h>tl oturlnJl ·'""" \\·.,,.,_ em And l 'al!fnrnll4 h!l~lnPI<.C \'fOIUt'nP rn~·· In unprN·••dr•nlr•l hr··c! II< IJ•I!' ··~ JCm••kt.Jtut nu f 11 • 'll a• di>hl\&:rt·d m 'itt... .ru..m. · u~nl"d hy !llr• l!uh\· Lwn~ 111 llll ltn''' 't• 1nt •, t.t'thl tf I} IS "•~"••k ., Ttl~ .plan. !laid W CIJL WOUld hll\'1' r .. -.. 11· •I In n llfl\'lnjl .. r alii !Ill Sl~·.· 01"' " y•·:or T h.. ..-.n h ntwc nrt QuutiiiJ.: ln•m th•• hank !I Ru.cj. n«-:o:o Rr\'11'\' f•·r I h" m<~nth th,,· N'\'1'81 1 n n 1 ar ,z;·.,. r• ·! an ,,1 .rnl at ";! .... , '••h\' Tl111r1111 .• y it I l h•· frr•7"n ~.":' •• II flll•·fl I h • ,"1" f\'I~UI •l ol r••l. I hill llf'lll"l\' II hu.f ,"',r f'1,,, m .. ,,., ''"Jt••nd•···l ltl th• fl '""t • "1·""1 wn,_ fqr _,vt•r - hoaol >tOol l hlll t.y r•omhtnlll)! tho> Tho> rl'\'l<'\\ nnCI'ol th:\1 m !lf:t\' •·lh~>r Chan '" lh" r ,.frU!•ratoor 44.!14:1 Aulnmnllll"~ "'"r" "''ld 'n f 1 upnnh ,.f l h,. h~o•ll"' · "' r. \\'rpt nl~·• ·,,.,lnl•··l ''"' thAI thr' n ,,,., h.-r·"'""~~"d ha~ .... ,.n rflf nm- 11•"'\"' of lov l>rllwC" ('llunt y gran•l l"''' • th• p•~<l l h r,. .. y••>trll ·-· Callfnmlll nnol thnl "1'\'<'n 111 wf'll I Att.n f 'hll-11n.t fsmtlv rubbl'r·tlrNI ~ulh"rn rattrn rn111 ~.ll !l w~>rl' 11olol tn l hP f1n•t (1\'1 ~!!!t~!l!!ll~lltt!!!~~"""'!-!!>o-'!~!!!111!!'!:'..,._~~~~'!!!!-~ ... oJ!IIto~~~!!!!l!!~lt!lll!!'!l'l~ll, ml'>nth,. flf ftll' YI'Ar ""'hirh t,r l! 110!< I m9rl' lhBn "'"f" 1wlol tn a ll 1!'1'< t·nmmt'rl'llll h 'I n k ln~n~ olt•· ~~erl~o! n11 "A \'lllht r rllrr'i"n nf bu!<lr f'lll' rnthll!'llll'm ." ":cr" 11 nwn I to hll\'f' ml'rr-a'lled b\' s 1" non non' In l!l'vf'n mA)••r l'a;tfu r "n,. 1 I clllf'l! In lhf' m r•nlh ~>nrl~'•l .li1l~· !' 1 Of t hlll !14 J"K'f .... nt rt>unt1 ,,,. "'"'' I Into bu111nu1 r hAnnl'll' Th" al· 1 rtad.y hl,;:h lf'\'1'1 11(. rf'sl tl'lat" • lo~n11 rt>m~lnNI unr h:tnR:f'd · J un.-drmnn r1 f~;>r nrw hnm" rr•r· .trur Uon ronllmll'•l. unah11t • •I 10 ~llf' of rll•ln.: h;tnlrlln~r rfl!'t.!l An•! th~t r"" llf'ntlttl hutlrlmiZ mt1"'11: n ••" ' 23 polnu Aho\'1' .fun.-of _!ut Y""r I Non-r.-,.tdrnlllll butt.lin~ "'&I! ,..,.11 malr.t.&lnl'd al80 '· - The World's N~ Sem •Through THE CHiuSTI.AN SciENCE MON1TOR A" l rtlrnrntJMJaJ noJy N~J~~ ,...__ .. THE CTIRr~n-\:<1 ~nr."n: PUIU\III:<IG SOCtrn Ow .. s ..... , ~.,.,...,. f'kftl,., ,. • .., ...... ll i8 Trwthf..a...-c-~-uahi -t-f ,.. f,_ S....a..U. --~ An .Ti...t, .-4 f..,_.;._ met I• o.ily ~ r.....--~ ....... w_.., ,.. ........ s.u... ...._ .. ~ -1.., N • ...,..,.. for d.e H-. P"" 112 00 Y •rly, or •• 00 • Mont.IL 5aNrclay r-. iftchtdonl Mac86•M Stctioa. 1%.60 a Y-. ,,..,...,~.~ .• '-, c-. a..••., C'"Hili"~AS IK'II:SCT. ar.ADISO ~00:"1 111 F..ut 'ce,tnl AVMue ......... C.ll~!t'P'-'··· • • r-- COMP AJ(E! ' PROV)4:! LEADERSHIP Of The IIEWS .-TIMES In This Field In EVERY Classification N ~WS PltiURES ADVERTISISG CIRCULATION ·. ~11 110·. 111 o '\IL·t·~·llaut~. 1111 ltulm~.: 1'1111· •••flfl .tf••d ,.jl•'lll;lllflll, \\hl•h 1-:0o..., illlo I ll·· ttt:.klrt~ llrtd Ill!' I'.I 'II .IH ;'I.:f; qf II ~l:tltl•·. lLOMI·~ pla<'l' rn n l11d 1 to live. \\•· rt t:•kr· Ni l ('1./\l:'.lS ••I l .f'lldl·r,hlp \\ Itt• It •·:utlllll It• J•l'l•\~"d :.I 11 ~~r:lllllc-:r! T•11'11 llu• p:.~:•·" l•w ~'""~'"'If :.1111 look-! T it. tl " Mil ,V(III Ill'''" ""1 . .ti.<1 r·Ja.:-,jfi,.,j r·~rupi1•Cc• '"'" r ~tlr •t: t~llltf>lu::llr'll j11h 1•1 Jlf'lltli n~· Yl tl ' < '/\~ /\FH HU I IT IIJo:HJo:. t11o, :mel tJtt·r•· \\'til I•• "" d1an.~•· for n •sull-1.(1'1- llrw !'\I<WS-T IMJ-:s w n w•· .II 'ST t•honc• .t:l.lfur 1·:\'Ll<'{ NEWS. JI·IJ•'I' ''" l 'rinl ill~ fll'l 'd . I lr. if you wish. tit"" "''" IIIII' nt•w plltnl nuw ltll·:tlc'fl nt :1111 \\',.,, C ·~·nt m l 1\v •·tlllf •. THE NEWS·-·y I ME S · ~'hun-: I! liJOtl Nrwport ~ :..:...:.::_~:au~ A" ... ..,. .. ., 'I ~EWPOH'f BAJ.fiCU :":EV;S-TIMES •• N.ewport ~1ch.-Califo':nia. Tlll1R$DA Y. Jt:L Y -~~f. .1 ~).1 1. ''' •• -------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------------~--------------~ ·~Four Competition Keen As Island Y aeht Club Near . Season Climax ....... C. 0. D •. -One Bride · ·The Balboa Islanders--- Union Pacific Gives Off1£ials New Posts ., Beardslee's Sea Bee Leads .Rhodes 33's In Regatta !\la rking lhf' wcund Jay of n•m· --------•• -------- p.-ltttun at t h .. ~nutht't"O \.'ahf,.r. 1\l H nra rr~;atl, at S untrt llarloara r• esanS Orne ·~H•Kik'' n.-ants iH-tm>uJ:ht h r:~ 'From 6000-Mile , __ . I' Mfans Low Rid On First Unit--, - Naval Base • l'ea tiN' hom!' flr111 Jn tbt' Ktlr~th•!l d»u t.u bf'st_ Bob u amr•tor. ~ Ar · Auto Taca 10n g•·•Y wmn~r of lht• npt'mD~ <lay'll -_,...:.;.. ___ _ I.A.It l olc•ntl11y f'YI'nln..: thr l~l~ncl C'tub ~111 h••rttl fur •t w wno·r I>Kkl' aDd m .. l'tlntJ at hra diJUIHtl'n• on Ua~ Soulh f\8\' l''rnnt AI thc.-,.,,., thr club w ill h<)ld lbt Mesan· Is Found- GUilly Of .... Hitting Wife ln fin(• 11f th•• fil'llt jur·y tnltl" to to ~ h('ld ot Costrt M•·-:.'\ In """''' tirnr 8Ww1u1 R Mc-::-.;14•11 uf \\'11~11 -Slrfttt, ~"lUi fnund .:url t~ uf '""' turl>inJt ttw pPru·~ Ht-had be"('n Chltr~<•~l with In · todcation "n d clr,turhtna.: I h ' ~-but Uw jury found hrm no t ',..nty ol th«' drunk rhKf'l:•'. 'nw complaint irftli rot~en.od hy th•• ~endant's w lfr w hd tolrl ltw ju~ -~jt-11 1\ttMn_pH>d to rhokt' lwr Mid to omanhandlo• he10. Sht· 1.h•· played bh•dl and hiUI• mRrk~ "II both al'm!l to ~UI'f"tM ho•r rlKim . lud8r ~Donald J.' l)o(f~f' IW'OII•n('· ed lieN !ell t 0 :1D !Ill )'II In I hi' '«))n • r.---._.-11•-*• 'nw dl ft"tidllnt pwo ~~~• ot appNLI follo wln.: th«' CL'• .... at pn!'tlf'ftt Is I n t h ,. roun ty -tJwo count laid. B.z Wt.'-1~ -T ~ y • j :~ d . '..; t • ; t , t . ' ·~~~' .• , •• ttt .. tJ,:.kantot o( t "h ·n· t NnJlC"tllmn ~I··•" rn F'u knl! of the R.C.A. T'h t" l"t•ai lk'e 'a t'1111'S•·•I t tnw wa" H a tlt n t "ummunlr atlonl! 11tatlon 'J h r !19 h . :!28 Tr:u hn,:: t,y tw .. n1·;.&r :'\•·wl'•·•·t Hurbt~r and Mra. m•nut .. 8 ~·as the ~llstr.-.ll · y;t'kas Arrt\'f'tl bat•k 11t lht>lr eo.t.a « illiam 1'tortn~ '"'-~ rsa-Mml' ""t!\1S l'l'~ foflo..·tnr-~ wtnnrr on thr 1M'( nntJ oJ10y 1n I h.. an t>f\Joysblt> 6000 m llc.-auto trip six: mo•ter cla.ll \O IIh \'\' \\' Slat ... , " fuut W t't'k S , ••• atlon er·a I..Rnal a riOIIt' .llt'<'unJ · TIH• 1-kk&l!U lltOPV<'d at Oak· lAnai. how~vc.-r 11trll h•·t.l t hi' lumt. wh1.,... • ttwy vhut~d )I r 1 . lt'ad a t the end nr t r .. fln~t '"" ,. k 1 .... hh • ...... f tJa of ' r I' 11;1 f'llfl'll S , Ut~ll ~au.-u or ys raca~ wtlh the )U~h•'llt ·the Stt·rra!!, PO to Death Val,~)' n.umbf'r of total pu.n l.l! ----r:;u \'e..:aa. Boulder ~ aD 4 n .. nald o·~elvony'l! Phtladl'l· \'II'Wt'tl l ht• bt'&llllt'll nt lb; Orand phrp •Hon•d 1111 !IN 'I•n.l 10\ratf:ht w lr. < •ahvoh Brkt> n.<u Zion Natlooal tn th•· rt'rtt"nlaKf' handJ<·lip •·"·nt ·Parks !-:att' L.aj(t' City wall fin An•oth~r M'COJl<.l winrwr was l:t•ne th .. tr 1to·rnmry as they proceeded Tr«-ptt-• rtght mt'tcr Angt'ltt z In Ydto-..l<tone !1/atlonal Pa rk, Th~· t"tal ''"'"'" "' tho· •I"~·· Bm!M', hlatw, tnur•·d 'thc.-F.aMtem ·~ l h!' lWI'UOe.l •.lay of mnnK rn t ht' part <>f 0t'f'~un ::-;orthern C&ll· silt m ete-r dnu wall LanaJ, 111•. rornlll tht•v tlrtJ\'<' I hi' famell Re<l· 1;-Wu If•-:. Rt'bel. t:m.·rs.•n l"fl'•nr wuuol HIKt:way and continued to and t'un John t~,. rgt•rt. 8 potniB thr "l'oulhlantl ant! home. I JIICI,TI \' 'f u;,n ; t'III'IU Jlt'" t-----,.,..,. r ... , . rr:ttnt-:. ...,. ....... --~------'Wil .... --....,H"ll". , -t;'onnthieft. )o' •l•li a J en ee 'I I II• \ • r ,, ft ••fl1 Z· pha lll1lh. "'Tho Lonltft\ ••n•li,IJIIw fldtiJ"f ut tht•f' til! ruu·ht.): L••" IJ .. ,,,. lu• 'tit Ill t••Juh• ... t'h••t ll , •• \\llh }te\ h ll "'" f""' '" r~h,'tlil '' I• d \,. t :htd• u T ••l t fll I h•• , .I~• ..... ,.u "' '"'"" 1111 •• ,,,.,, '' on Suu •1•~ lfl all t'llur•l •· 11f t 'h rL·.t, ~f ••••• , ·~l .• f •• \\,"•··•·~ J!, .. ,· ~It •• nd ~1•~ , 1 ., k \"ttll I J• ''" ;,: •1 )! r :.nd ·-1 .,s \:••Ill "• :1 Jus \:I .I I : .... I~ ... t•l • • I • ,.,,_,,lay T h ,. ..t..AJk• I I • Jf t. •H•• Ul t "ul\ •·r .. .... u. t J •• , An;.:-h·:-,u, -;~~;,-v.:,.~" .... .,;., __ ...... ' ... tit •• , ... ,,d t ~f"ll '"il'''· , t 1• I•• t \•t.d1n 1 ,., t ••• tl, t:• h•• d .\I I t•f f t I !:"<• •I' I lrt•'ll<l~ \\t olft•'<· I. • tf ,, \ r';)..:ll--1 •• llthl" n tallnn" In tit• '"'"""-'11• • ~• .. rruon pr ''"'' ut 1 h··~ .. \t·r .. • !_htWHtt J•· .. us frotu l.ul.•· • ",\rut "" l':>ld unto hi" •Ill" II•'""· Tl11•r• fur•• I f~J' unto ynu, T•~" nu thu111:hl fur }t"tr lit•'. "lint~" >lmll:•ll t O• ttll••r f•Jr ll•e tm•ty. "hilt '1*' ~hnll 1•11• ••n • . 4'1HtM•t• r t h•• r:\\t ru•· fnr tit•·> nl'ltlt,.r '"" n••t r••:•1• "hi• I• u•·1tt1. '"'''" •t•H•h••u .. •· '"'r e,,,rn . nnd CiOtt f•·• •I• th tl••·tn huw h iU••h 1111•1•· ur•• )'' lu It• t '''·'" th•· ru\\,,.. .... \lltl ''""' ll l'"fllflhlall, ",\rul t:t;ol t~ r,t;l•· tu tu •"'' all &'r '' •• HIHutn•t tu~urft , .... th.t' , •. ah'1t)~ hnVlh~ 1111 •trflt~lo•llo') In a ll thlllt.::l. 1\HU' I t ·Trit-k ( 'ut ~ House Cost •I.OUIU) tu tt\ • I) ,_:nutt "•If l. '' • Tlu• 1,. • ·uu :'•·rutura IIH·Iu•J•·~ til'" ·,.a..,~!U!•• h u ·u '':0:''1f'IV' ... Jtllll Jf••~tflh "lth J.\•·• Ill fltt• :"l'r1ptlll"f'•" b)' M:ory~l•l.• r t:otoly ·In tll\ lw• ~··• ·~' •·. runn h• ·II •.,111•'•1 tu ( :od. t h•• tlf•·tn•• t'.-tu••P"' M lt•·lnl! ·n ... ''"''II. at C:r<Jif romm,riol, brtn~:a futtlr '"'"' for -man"• u .. , •. Knmrtmr t lm<. Jt-,ou~ on.-e 11ald. "'·'"" no 1 lt"ut:ht fu r your llf<', Whllt T" •lmll f'lll. or "hnt '1" ~>hall drlul. · pr•··•nltln.: not on thfl JH"f'fOI:nl l• •· nf hi" l'r\'31or, bU1 r'f'C'flt~:nlalnlt c ;o•l. th~> •·al)tt>r and Nothu of all._ It~ ahl;, In ft'tod and dotbe m&A •• lie tlotb thP llllea." c.n-ta c.artw• ... "\b la tlarl" lh ttw jJk·tu,.. uf tha t Iliff'. ~ to Jht-:\o·.-l•urt Tht-11trr '"""'' ";·M·lf. 1'1a~lnc a h•mvt,....... ut tlw ~ret St-n k-t'. tlw .. t n r' t.:h''' tftco '"'"""'I•~Arahlt' (ouriK> a rule• .. urct .. •1th po:••t-r~ drama. R~kless Driving Net& Taxi Man Court Sentence Girl Mariners ~Prove Adapted to 1 Roller Skates, Too Birthday Is 'Incentive For L'!ncheon Party lin. ~ SW.CJ;" of ltll Oourt John V 'h ntltn~tf'l'. toral taxi It w u a mt'rry l'f'OUP of youn;. Avenue wut ent~rtaln tomorrow dn vrr. wu twt~teiM'"<l to pay a .Un wbo "mlled" t be ll~ht fan. &a.__. ot her awter. Mra. AJicl' 1280 fin• or 100 <lilY• Ill th• coun·l taatlc at thr VaJeecia Skatln~ an,...,..,at ot R1~. hledttft ty J• by Jladp twbert Gardner Rink Monday I'Yc.-nln« '"' ~11la for tbe occuioa Ia lira. lllpraoll'a when round iuHty u r N'<'lrf-• of tlw N-port Harbor Gtr Mar· bhthday dnvtnr cbat"l". <7 o u r t reconb lnH'II ~ ~air wtn -~ wttb. •1 •hoY.·. ' nw affa ir ~.:an at -; 30 p. m. IUDtCbtOn wblcb Ill to ~ attended 1 S 1 ~.0 nf I h~> tint> wu lllltt~ 1"1nt Milt I' L~a llerrlll ~trd by Mrs Abby l'JIIfr of San Oll'1fO. fur two uy., 11 r 11 upon pmvlMon ln arr&Ojtf'mt>ntll for tnt-11ftalr Ill* Adell Sllrt. l(n. Dan P otrt..r. 'nUIUlntrr r dOH not retum to thla ••htch inl'lu·l~l th«' ..,lllnc of tk- Jrln EJmr r f'alteraon. )ln. Bert l rlty llllll hf' " uo jrl\'f'n hl11 d 10 k'e ' keta. 1"tw Man~ "'rll f•unYI'nr Oqui.t. M rs Alma Rath ancl Mt. or pnytn..: lhl' rt"marntnllt S!IO ~ ~aln nnt Munday ,.v•nmg ID , _ •. \t. JU I.""'· fH'r·id•·•t ur tit• • I • t 11 .... •, t jl ' ftt4•• I'. f'i ltf" ICAilruad ........ ..._.~ __;_, ~-,..... •. ..,.c.. ..... ~ .. u.w . ..t'Jitlrtnh .t •. II. &;u itd. ,.., ...... ,;,.· t, 1, u :.• 't th• h••n.• , ......... ta nt ift r h Q!r .... ••f ·J.~ ~•111· t' • ,1 ' 1 •h· , ,.. •:u l .~ •• "''· t... J,. C..u .. n nr·• • ill •urrt•rtl • : ·' : • • 'ttr• •' I• ' '·•·•t•t _. ... ,;r.-··t•re.•wfr•l i• r .. ~rar uf •••• r.Jttua •. ""rhr "'4l''" ••• lft.:t•6r t• ' f • I I h ' I • rr. • •• r ...... ~ ... im, .... , •.• nl Atft...-rn .. , ...,._ ,, .• ,, l 1 l u '1 t: n •\ I· ,., .... , ul• t.ruaah• •'-••t b:t eltr •p•r .. t rt"t•' "1 1'1"" ..._...,l~hr•·l-11'1 k-~•---.fl,. ~f-..-r-. _J.,.,.,.. oaW. .... I I •• t t h· \ lr• ,. '·· t ' ,, 0•1• ! •. •, rt II , t' 1• !I•···~ ,.... ,..-----------Ot>~~n .tloons 1 , •• Thu~ • • nutu" \\ •'1 ' d !· t ,. • t • _ , ·:·,t.c 1 ··,ht• ,, • tt. ~ .ut•l nJ: "' • ht~u,..•· "'at , ""' ' •P•·•"I\' l••l tl!•lr.ool "'·'''II ,, • I h ",, olll\lr j( J .. n~ Santa l loolca I••UI••\':u ol ai,.IW pull """'" to th•· ,, .... \\tt•·r·tt~hl (uun•t\.t l,,., •''··· u l tt•l ).:1\•' a u uns.•IH'·t•"'•l 1ift lo·.•~ plu mblnJ: :ul•·lflllll• t•• •IlLII: '"a , ..... tmn~ ,.,.,.,htftl •l•""'ll """ phml, an<J fin" l't'IUIUUlt 'r•~ ( ,. , II"""~· 1'-'' k t:n. nflragJnJt lo l1Jl4oo lo lh'n·a~c.-bo)'l lookln-~ uvrr t~ SaZI K C'I'fllf'f'll('bm ltt at GtlmOR> Stadium. f;vc.-ry ~<quta'f' loeb at the plane fell u OO.r t~lr 1 ~kin aDd Ow techllical t~I"'M and Ia~~ uNd by Uwm aouod· ~ fd llkf' f''lf'h of t~m -.·u a eea-> ~f'd a rroMutlul rnttt-f· I t~rr...-t;, nf C't\urchltl'll "V' cam. J'll'RI' •·an hf' -n oo thr aldf'~·atk ' mallbosn of Or-vrrly H lllll V's are cba1ked .U ~r tbem. . • . l lit.J alkJit>Mr r .. at·Uons t o .. I· l -r< u•t rattnn Jlf'fl-l nllu rn ,nrWI!· l'ftlro of t..c» Angt>ll'll ffintl'rs. M ono and nwfrl' unlformf'd OO\'~ m nMtna: -.1th ctvthan ~striuul on Broedw&)' and Hill l!t l'f't'tJI t ,.,. ••r a n.t r,.,..f'r float er-s oo Kaln ct r••••l t•n•pltoymj: tht' "lfolll'h ,y,.! 1 f'nl ... P"",...rr•.by Ja•· k •· 11a11e 8t.ark. I tw'rvln~: 2!> Jup• l"lnt'C b\> bad the Scoot Hut At thf' ric-of the lunc ht'on lllt"t'acly brfon h••l•l Ill ~l•h>dy 1:\ ---~--I hnur ftUPIIt" w l'll ~ho-•t>r mAn\! olll\'1' ~"'"'""j: ...... rt II J'f"''ltl'llnrr . ttw SuLJ)a·va·da"ng I 1Jlrthrlay ~tin~ upon thf' honol't'e.' 't lml' ~·1111 IIJ•t•lw.l JUO 1• ut uf lbL u-'l~• ''"~' '""'" "''"'" ........... ,t'<, 18 The Home 1 ...... ,. tn llt'U t~f l hl' $~>() Mrs. Ed Zube Is Sewing Club Hostess Firemen and Wives Observe Dutch Lunch Party. H onor Couples Thf' t'liJ>I"fll"" of 8thhnt.: " Wlnl to art·Hmmt•l&tt' a mul'll·ll<'l'tlt'd I !Ot'lli''lng nw•m <1t"n "' lrlorllt' fr•.-, qu .. nUy \.aD ~ avo1df'J by rnstall- •nc lb_c n'~"'· '''uni 1n an unu 1\1111' or bo.ac.-mcnl ,\n .. th•t •ff·~- C 't><'f..,r IO('nfl!11Jf'r31t'ly lt'a\'lnj: hllO ,.,., In th,. ~rl\-·av of a f*rllull· lui hlooe-k tn~ thl' ··ntran• ~ ror lhf' ' olh<'rl' hf'}trn<l h tm an<l nrnnrn~: totf. rn a wak.-llf t ho• puhltc'r~ rr"· fllnft \ ,,, t'aol .. '<J'ft'JO~Itofl_~ 1 h· · ,,., ""r •!="'' hut "'flfl",."' nwu• than u · c hun - ~,. U't llW UI)C'5-puwW bd:- ftt• n•lll '" ~ , .•. t h •· ru .\ 11\•' "'"'' o( ""''" nJ! ~P"'' '"to •n l'\11 n \\rtlltl ·hu.:h ~ lltrll••n ar i'Ufl" nnl' f'Ot l of tilt• II VIII io! l •• •Ill I~·• toll!'< lh"y I rnn~nul I r.:ll " l!s .. f j:huo" hi•• klO I!"''' -:.n rttrr t n! tf'1•f• ~~~t ... J•tt\"tOII~l t',. \" 't,f" •eans to .me --/ \1•., \\. t• t:r•·•·t .. f t:t l'tl~•• -r .. ,.,._ .. hn• t •• k.:n , to .. m .. •on I ~·ri"Y ""' nur• l'••r•>na old :lt.or l. ' • ~' 1... .\ c.. [ •u• k••t t ut 110 ~llina &\'Cnue art! ••nh•rtalll· 1.~ ~llt•!(lli lhlll Wt'f'k . ,-----------------------------~ ll,.vllll·ry, J ,.,..,ph H•ortun 2. ~ -------m..tal <·ont.tlrwr f~ ruhbil'h ,,l.t t"mpty b11tth•11 111 an tn· "' lh• but \•IIIII 1\.<S<>t t .. any tOJ'>I uf( lht• t hlmnl'y. of n\lfl • t h•·t •!••'e'tl••ralu1,: agt·nts _ SystemB • Milan Underwood 2%2 Ruby Annu• Balboa blaDd --. l'lutnf': ~~·W110rt' ·Ui2 • Aceountin_g --~us:wn·isic)n Proc~ure .:..-· .lffiCIINI DIPIIIDARI CONWNIIN'r ) ...UV ft .. ESCROW" •• ~ ............... . .......... • • ~1-:\H'OUT Bt:t\CH , . .. -.. Jlank ·of Amtrica NAUONAI. U~Ut~ ASSOCIAtiON -......a.~ r.H:Si:"-...Nd co..oiUIOIJ IIIIIIINa FJCII&AJ. UUIVJ JY\nlll ·f9~8ronches united for ttrength and service Refrigerator . ~Prices · Tlaot Stock and CoMModity Quota~on• and Reduced &.ate N~ws _; Avallaltle at. Our Local omce? • SANTA ANA • SOnto Ano 600 Hur. rou woll fiad • comrl~u and ~· .. ---c-llf'nr u •• i'c"" 1.,. ~.,;~ rnaiou inc--1 lOt your cvn-rl\o~n(r \"ow orJrr 110 bur or ~It loftr'\1 IIOd..t. hoAo.h"' commoJir•n wolt lw tst'C\11~·' .. '"" ·~· •n.l '"". r&C)' o~r th~ nar um lo. oJr ,........, pri'ral~ wirt H-~rn. Ollll"-111111 our J ~ t r,, tf'h. (" ,,,, ,,,rk"n" and ou.r N~ '• r, ' ',(' •nh praou· t-' t.ucero "~''II ~QIUI. ~--... -tbl. ·CAVALIER a Co. ......_. ... , ....... ........ ............. .,,.... .. , ..................... . ...... Ia ... ,...,_ ......... -· ••l•el,..e , .. , ... CHot CIHH • .,, rhr HIIII'M)II l"lan.t \'lhht l"luh ~r·• hol•llnl! a hu~lnl'-.. 111M"I t:lJ: 'FYt<la y o'\'C'OinJ: at ht>nolqwtrlt•rs ·11 ; :w r m ~1Thc.-printer"• bill rrp~sc.-nh thr~r thong•: t1 • T hco ca.l~f m.atc.-n.al1, •• j,.aper •~d irf'k': ,z.1Thr coat of lllbOr: .and ,J, Profot. Ttle f t,..t two It r m a a r e rqutv~lcont to cnh: for un lraa a pr•nttr paya for hla suppllc.-a pr-omptly, hr •• aued. and un. Ina he p a y ' hla t mptoyera rt'Quluy. he' I• proMCutrd .and f1ntd. Aa for profit . it la-n~rily amllll, o!tc.-n small lllmoat to t he v.af\l•~>lng point, becllua< of lntrna< competition. Thef'l'fore • ttrint•r Ia liC· t u•lly rrnding ~Y to tho~ cuatomt,...' to ..,..... he eatMCI• c~lt. and t.._. wt'le are al- II\ aettto.ne their ""*'"ta uM hla monry without paying In- ter-rat. • 0 To-. a tal -.ca.tioo mtMS ...., wbo&t 1ll'rt'b f rte' from woay .&Nt lwds IJid mtah -t IIINKwork. M1 hwb.,d ....,. take \&1 ID botdJ 0C1 0111 ~ 8«-\UK h~ .. , I .. taft a tastr of IM lHtd o( _,.. a I Jiw the familr tt ~ ... ... ol the Jftl. ....... IIOft\S .. ,.... A MOTU IS TBI PLACI tO 10 . ....... .., ....... ,.. ,.,.. .@) ...... It takes . .REBU ILTI i"wm:on -l:.•l•oul t t~ I"" r iiN'S &J"f' buOt by ~ '' ft(l •1111 h,l\• 1h;•1 ,.J,f.fu~ttwno ol ('<oav.,.~ ••• "to.-. ""' •'nl) h.o\ • th,. .. 1&1(1 thnt ;::1\'<'S thf'm the 11 • .;1> ·~t ·,.,.,,,,.: tn th.·rr tradr, but a~ th~ IYJ)C' "' "l''ll ""'' '"'r •·r. ly hrllt'\'(' that lln)'thin~:-"''Orth • U• Ill~~,_ ,,11 I• \\o'fl h ol"'nj; will. J w;t on~ of many I • IM•Il,~ \\ l1) \\ t' C';tl\ ,"hI' J>UCh S I"''C'Cpln!; ........ .,,,...,. '' rl h • • • ry 1u•m .1n-Rcoll\Ult tnlle7hinfo. ..,-· . • R. ,4. TIF.R\'·4~ Tl"P~ff-IUTER CO. I W •·ourlh ~•aa. _,_ Pt.n.w 743 i One thin!! tha t mad(' this phl'c 1't'duc: tinn pn.;.;ihlr \\:t:-that millions of JX'Oplc hought t"IN·trk rt'frigt"rator~. \"olum€' bn~1-:hl prkt•s dn\\ n • I And onl' thin1.: 'thnt mart.' \'ohimc ~ :-ihh• ''a:-adu•rti .. inJ,t, which tilught f)('()plr to \\·ant t•lt•C'Iric a'(•faig<'a·atOI'!' . 11lat's h<•w a<h l'J'I ising lwlPs bring prkt'.s rltJ\\'n. :S ew.,Ort Balboa NEWS-TIMES ••SapPI>i•~ ~tOIIM'~ to Ov•r 80~ of Sew-port Jlarl)8t.~Ach:ertiwrs .. ·t A bl aaturur O~ton • from 11 )Ira. f Mr. an l..ol A. Luo:ke~ )If l'l!, • Wrs. \I U'I:I!Sr Tw< Coa At -TON " • . ·' wall" ~1\'l'n .,,· .. n ng rm ~ rs 1 'hilt<' •· ~\U"Yflu\\ "' ' C~!r•t,.· out of t•1wn \\'!'rt' '!<lr anll H• -6. lru~.-y· uf \\'111\tll'l' An~:•·h·l!. anti !\I rs. An n,· !II of I'II$Utlcu •• _ rrwt hl'r ul Gro·e n. Ollwr gUt·sts ...,.,., •' \\'. A, Allt>n anJ !\Irs G.,,. THEA TIE SEWPOKT BEACH l'tlloli&lMe Two sa.o .... ·sa.a.uy-1 aDd t Mat!Me .U.T. at l :t4 eoau.-SuaclaJ from l ;tll At Pepu1ar Mml-.lo• Prtce. • WIOE Ov:.:H PL,.. ..... , Joif_. tt.f, ,...,, thront in Mirth, "'edn•u ancl•on9! -WED. :an: - ,...,.._·Fri. ·s.t.. Aq. 1·H . . . Sf:('OSD f"f:.\Tt'Rf: ! ·' - .NEWPORT BALBOA NE\\'S-'I"IMEs. Neoa'JXl!" Beedl. Califof"~'· rtll"HSI)A\·. Jlli.Y ~H . l!l-1 1. Pnge FIVe by t:\'EIXN Two Midshipm~n and B.Girl "Sh101 ty " Hht•• ,.,., i.utnly bo·ltco\'•'!'1 tn ~llll><'l'\'llii<•U ••f rua\C'rtllls hunw tlo•h•n~<t' Tltt• turn r~r ,.t"'--·-·'"-.....J• ht:. whtlt• \\ or't<ong 1 .-ot ht• hluRh· tn.:ly Jt'OI\'11 S thfl• \n Hh rt'llS .. •I Wt'IJ.:hl, hut IS 1!111\t• I t'rtttlll It t~(lmt•K frum ''1ft t a ln' · s\n,·c rUu· h·n a h! th.:~•· dayl' llt•' It•~<" tlur- tthlf'. ,..,_~I' r-ta be. llkluulJ ~··t ~htod .ally "<'ffnrt" l u 1irumotc _ n:lttOtutl ,., vru\m y !\1 a vi.> e w c• !'h .. uld tllkl' up all ~tlurn;num , ul· h•c;tton f•n· I he prum11t 111n 11( rn••l't J ura lilt> C'l••lhtog ~ 1-OWNERSHIP PREFERRED .. : IIJN'l'l' Muwt•ry 18 <'Utl\'IIH't~ "tl'llll ~ht·r•• Is a "ltttlt• ""'n wh11 ;..,....n•r tlh·n •" nr rat h•·r a t.tt!P boat that I w a:<n't tlw~t·' H<'• l'olh· Cn;;nds offt•r · • !Film Folk ·Seen lrl' port · ,Re·creatio.na~ .Zones ' • ~ I ., ' ' "\I \\ I•• 'I I II 0 ~ I I• \I I , .. J•t n \ H IJ.: u .. t Pill\ t'-'I'HJnt \\ 1lh hi lt I .,. d I I ' " till . " I ''"'"' l•UI lll.th \ ltH Udu I·· ••I I h, 1 t.!ll) \\•·~••1 l tln ,,,,,,,., '""'""'' h••l ~<~• .. , t n .lt t-r--tt't t"twtn _.,. ..... ~,,. .,.,, I ht• AJttlO. A to ~t•l•• ""'••lt ~l, f\dlw wl 1\\ol \\l't kt ttol t\ H • ttnlt ... .-t '"' ;.,, .. "" 1 ••lh• 1 u ll\U"•'Ih • Ill lll ht tt't H ull••tt,11 , ,., to·r:. \\ tt.~ I ho· ·t:••llilll II• '"' l•'t llll; ~::AIP'"'"";....I~....:~~Y.~~~ti:,--.~\!.'1•,.!1~~;.:,·:;••:_• ~\\ t U \ ••lhrt \, 1••1 -. ltUt\ ""; "'"'' ,,,!';7",,·-""'!,lfuTft'.t ttht •UI '"' I tl \ I h t .. "1111tlllt I .... ,,.a,~, lh.o . \\ h·• "1'1"• ... , .. h 11 ,. I tl• • ,ttn• t t.., a t t u. •I tilt• nuh fllttl r~~tk \\''-'' ,.,, t u.ltua.: 1111· ti i i i U• t v••~" ,,f ~'''"I"''' t t~rt .. •r ftlltttlllj.! ·I ,,, .. ;...... "'""' "' 111111·· I Ill·· p a,.t ''' • "" It• I utul "'' d ,. .. , ui••\ ''4' l t\1•1 '·"""' a,;u.,.,t !\It,. F I. Ht lllhlt ull•nl.l t h· l '""' l fh "\1u •·I t••tu"' ••I •HI•t i•Hil '"' 111 nff,•td•··l ''' tht< ....,,." /'.dtu• """"" ,.,. ... n ~ h i• ... ,n.._,, \\ t ,,.,.,.tutu I ,., ... I A .. t•ltf"\ 1'111\t .... ··1~1' .......... .. ,., .•• ~,.n,. "' n il ""' a1 lth·at•'11'1 \1 ...... f11 ,,, ,,,,\, tit.• ,,.,,.k.-nct WRa '"'' lnllh•u~ !'t,t { tt•fuutuau, "tuNIC! I" thluo tt .. n~ 1111\'•' rtulllr him frun· ""' "' t h•· ·""I"'' ,,, '"'' Ctlm hhhuolry . lkttiu:&.. Ub.l..au:uattc...l ,. I l l t " r '' "" ,fl,, k \\ "' no•t .. r tlw 11Im 0( \\ 1tn1t•r l h' .. lhrn L• ,..,,.,.. •••L I Ill ... A ~a. ... .. ,.,. ..... -..... ...... .... ---.-'"'""·~t'rt,·Kttt~ •. .IMI)' II · " ... l ·t '"' h J(, .. l'l • ht· • un """"' ,., "")"." 1 n''" T. rol:.:r t hat '"' t \\t•nty rnullrl••:o h• ~~ '"'l"'r' \l r • ·r.._,ll,tld .I .,, ,,,.._, t "••llfll\ t•',t tllt l\t' lftt •l l h• l1tlt•rt.I11111"Uf l 'l t11ti S I"''' o-...£.;.:.::.:~1-• __ l_..!).f___:,....;,,t Ill l.t\ !••1 ' ' • 1 1 , \\ ~ 4 • to' lut .,.4tH\ Jt• ,d 111 th,· c·.-,, f 't:"" '"':11'"h1Jnr t ', 11t• t i ...... ' ......................... ".·.' .. ·••·••· ... '."··· ..... -~· .......... _-,----:~~~~:~~~~~~~=~--~rl~~~ .. ~~~ • \\·,.:c th•• ru nud 0\\ nt·t , •• a ~"'"' hlrol .,,. , ... , ..... !.-h tm,.l'lf "llh Uus J'hllu~••Jih If "Y' I~ lilt" \\ ,.,,. rtl\' "'"' ho r ~mt ~h .. ·"Lrtt~· -m'IM ~ "'&l'u't I''''''~'" thai ''' tun ,h an.,:•· 1~ht~• 1!1 ""'"""" ,...,....,ff:oi ''" j.,,.. ·r · r I I IT c::::-,.__ \ • .. •• ·~'~.t~~J . ··~~-.a-., The . . Gang's Here .\ All 11tl' rlrrvin~ crowd ml)kN< It a habil to drop 'in at our pla<'e for a coohng liOda or 14PfW.dzjng snack. bc<:au.~ Wt> havt' a custom ol ie~· ·inc only the b8t . PALM PALM • CAFE hn\•'t stn.t I• d~t-t*tuna '·'" ••:aK•• alp un t• .. ttu tann" :tr.d ,,, .... , h•·r ••tl ''"" .. th•·r t htn~<: tr J.'l''" ._: ...... tn :O:tht flh ",. t nul.t ' ••• m,, •t••" u un h• r \\ • n1u~• •t ~t•n~tll ... 'l ••~·ut t•u • • t)r:n f" •h • ' a t .. •ut '' hh'h \\ •. :o-'"••tld :111 I •· ''""' .t an•t tltttltt .tu l"•''t ,. \\lt•l t l h •t• J,. t'"\tttY t f•it""'"" to .tu•f•f tfl\'t f .,.t fol \It\\.,.· IIU f••II IL..fl JUIIH \ \\ h• ,.,tt f \\• ,~-,..~~ \\ ll•''"n t·).,. • • .II \\ h• n lw """''! th -•1 un l h•· \ f'l L•' nt \\ .u · An •\• •· ,, ":u- \\*• :tr1• "'"" In "t tl'' 11• Yt • .u•• ~ltt\A. tn uh- latntiiC l'n l \' l111t ''' rtu· \o•n n •11 • -~. :n .. r Uti-l!lnwn,.,.,..-t"ho-"""'"'" h ._,. : mc•r•· t•'t rtl•l•· \\l l'n II hrraln• an-I c-.r., e-.....,........_ an._,_... • 1! l<ot•k~ a' rf tt•\\ Ill hrf'ak !VWlO on .... Ia)' ,..._P t• ttlr ....._,. e1 :• II lro ho·t "m •n1: ,., . .,_l••nt t o f'\'f'r')'· Co~r ~" I• , .. ..-Ur : onf' that c~ .. r-m,.ny \II st ,-.·nrk In .--..1) •. -T-. IMrk ... ~~any.• • Snuth Atnf'rtn . an..J It hf'horw,.~~ ...... l ~· 1~ UM 'l1llfe. •' U1J tn 11tnp lnok and h lltf'n In lhf' lrP. ta .U... -~ M DliiiL : al,_,ll th f'f'f' \\"t abould rf'mf'"m~ tile rtrltl ... M f n•r ...;. wMrla •jlbat thf'rt' 111 a.n·a~Ot'd wrlb South !_..,_ IIMI-~ -r..., ~~ ! Amf'rlca . and ourwlvn .rHJM!d twe ... ..,. _,, M t r, ... • ~ bond. 1 not p t.a.. way -... ...._ (a-.p _,..,. _. ~ t be "Limd-1-.r-bIll ~ ( ........ .}/lid - wttboul coo.u.lttnr t.Mm bow caa --------..~ l:~::.nto :-.. :Utt! It~ ~~~ ~ ::::-: 11w De<Wa from Ru.la IJI .UU c-o.ta Mu.. · unrdlablf'. but thf' battlf' ltl now I lJl Ita ahllb .-.... k and Wf' have 1 AI8£1TOI R£MARKI • • . 1 'M' ~ NewPtrt 81"- COSTA .MESA bf'ard nnthlng nl an y Ruiiliah 01 courw ~ .,.., .U ~ ot «f'Duall! bfolnr; raptul"t'd. If tMy cain-aod -ot thetD pt b ad bHtl. ..-ould tlw 0 e r • a D 1 •bot but Wf' .UU are C'Urioua ~~AW.JJI.Y:.YAYAYII't propaganda ov~riOQk tf!i• Juicy. about tk .r~Yn Of ta.. bt nnn~~ w .. ·can only b~ rl\ald t14t!pt. ot Newport Beedt u , * Among Those Here Last SUnday \\'ere Frank Morgan Jack W~rner n Schlessinger Sid Grauman • * that tht campal~rn •·m rnnttwnw ~ a1llcJa "cahrm" tbty lfl'eA tool!· for a lon~r ••hilf'. · flw what c~ld '"« at uv..t• cata.ttna "'Y! Or wu I bf' hf'ttcor than tn h3'\'f' th .. "Rf'lts · It a J!;llmp!'e of "J arnb'a I.Addf'r• df'lltrn'\' th# !'0&"111'11" INFLAMATION _N IE WI . , . BRI.OGEING·IT . . thf' othf'r W twlhf'r you haft U ndbf'rtt·lll.ll n ll(ht w ith rljthl dube and (1\'f' nr \\'h«'«'lf'r·lha. do try to form a dlarr.Qn<b. m !lUJ'JlOI't of hl11 part· I rnn11trurt1ve idf'a ahout Nati<JO&I 11,.,.,. t,.·., f"rc·tn~ v.·u "8.-f'Z)' .. affarn1. aorl thi-n you r an rn lh•• Mr Kinllf')'. who U! ,..,n tohaklntJ b ta 1 £•""od old Amf'rlrao way "f;., In hNt<l o,.,., th,. ro·t~ult!l hl11 partnf'r An/1 pltrh~" VdlO b('!d 1~ lll'<'~ hut thrf'f' nn r .......................... .. I rump.' anol t l'lw• t l"!ll';l ""'' t h,. unht>Rtablr J!r&nol ~l~tm In rhrh~t: Thal '!t onf' fo r th" ,.,~rtrng 1'/lUth· M'l' ............. _ t.alJL 0 \'J!C - ' NO :TAK£RS : .. W'!rn~·t h ":"••\\ ,._ Ttmu!" mr"-...:1 rn·o>r \\t•rko·n•l Itt l h•·•r rw.-t "rll". :r "'II pn<lo!P•I f•·n· nh• rofl•·rcol ''' ltt:t .l'' Hu t Wllll l!••ntlv r•· lV'I'IIr"'l t hAt a l! """ ho·•nfo! tak t'n \'aft' nf. Your T•w,..lll\' t~l'u" 1''"'''··1 thnt 11tnt•·· m f'nl ·l,ut l h•• ol• m "' )!l',.at•·!lt 1nlo rt·st to In" \\all thAt Pnr~outr fr .. m lhr .. 1o1 In t h" nrw hlltltltlljtl'. thf' Jlt"• ~,_,., \Vf'rt ~tPam ( h'itn .. ,d 1!10 If WI' ftnol J' f'•hllf'-nr pn..-of rf''lolln~ t•rr••r" \\'t' <All a ll f,...l I aura itJ .ot l~ ~ntr)' thllt'll 111 f ... 1IL • ~lllfll• \M ··~~· Wffe won- 1 olrrful Ill · thrtr M'fortll rnJ'l'h an • Pnnrm<~"'~ tLDdo•rtnk tnli! 11h11uhl <.nly hi' Rltrmp\,.,1 """"" 10 a hf~· Almf'" ~~~ llf' • harltnhlr M ol ••Y "F:llr UM 1'11'11,..... tf .'oomP <•f lhr thtnJ!!I yn w an to-ol v. "'" a~nl heatlhnu. Sandwichn;-Too EAT MORE mGB GRADE .FOOD FOR L&"i.C\ MOSEY • MAIN CAFEtERIA • ... ,. s ......... ..... Pa&....., ............ ... I, • .......... k ...... . , ...... ,.,,. ..... . .So ......... . F.PrUr. MOURt:'l'4 l('t: ('Ill:.,\" na .. ,.. •• --lilt (~ .~,_., S_...rt ..._..._ • ..1 .. {leer, Wina and Liquor for Sale at -SAM'S FISH ·MARKET IEPEATIIG OUR ·sPECTICUtiR OFFER! Uuuhw \·~·ur ~una·~ llud. II \'uu •·inti :\n~"h•·r•· .\ 1\t•tt•·r SJM't·ial X;)t· I Hnrwr Than Our~ ( S4-rwd •·rum fi:UU tu t4 :!iU 1'. M.l • • .\flt·r x::iu -· Spt't·ial Cuh~· ,-.r St<·ak I Hnrwr~ $1.00 $1.25 $1.!)0 • • f'ri\'rilit~-~~· ..:... i\1~STIN -Mc-.('(J1at tlw t•hcno ,. •a;" A .\ltd ..... Brac-t.-' .lnra ... ,...· 4firt • • ·-M-HA 'S ITI'II 8TiliZT AND THE HIGHWAY (Owak , .. Newpwt ......_, ORANGE COUNTY'S -rB& PlACE TO 00" "T.AT C'OAR'I' ~ BaoADW A Y a.ua.w IIAn,r.-_....._ 2Sc· ,. ..... - 1 T ... ""• M --••• ------"'-' U _ · " .. Tet l'lltiW.-10'' .... , .. . WeM Cout a...u Araa ~Me !II-.... ,..._, •-'•n '' ...,, ....... , •••• -...... '" ........ ht .... , .... , .... \1 ,, .. ........... ""4 ............ , ......... FOX FULLIERTON J»hcifte -aT - ......... .....-.... ........ . ,.,. '! ... ,., ,., ... , ... .. ...... "THt \ It\ Itt "'' J,lf\ f " ......_ •• ··4 , .. .J . ~'l -:::nnt -JUt ~.L'ft. t ft t• .. ....... · t ueu t t• t \ ,,,,, •••• n .. -~. r~' ··• '•• -: • tt -~... ·····. \ , .... '".' .. ....... , .. ,, .. , ,, ,,. ... ''. 'ANAHEIM ... -····· ...... 4., ,... :t ,,,_, .......... -" .. ,.... . ..... ..,. ... ... ~·:.,!!';.!t~";;,:; ~~~·-T .. ---..t••·• ..... ,_, \'Tf~~'! ••..!!.~·· FO.X ............. ,..,.,. ..... , ..... IUlt 1•1•• '''' U \l&k\ .. ··-......... ,,,,,,,,,.. -... ........... 4 . '"' ., t ·' ., '""" "' r11 ,.., \lilt" .... '"'"''•·• \I Ull • "toft flu••• t'rl --·• \•u n l • tt "lltl'llfltll Ill lilt 1111 11'" ., ... k\llttk ... , .......... ., .• ANAHIEIM PHONE 4212 r ntl•it<lt m'" ... nnl '"''" , ... ,,.,.., .. .... ......... " ..... ... ...... .,,., , ..... , ..... t .......... ,.. I,... t A •• t.nt 1 ... "'''•'"'" ••-· tttYt\\lt .. u t T ttt t'\'tt\,ht ... ·• ......... , ........ .. ,.,,,, ...... , .... •I••• ••u "t •T • t \_ttl t I '' ...... n_..,-.... ''•• tl A 1 1 fIt HY ¥••~ ... ' PC4 fWMW • tWI .. 1 •• """IIP:I~ TIIY.ATRF. . ,.,.,,, ..... , ··:..·. ''"'' .. , : ,I h lltloo•n I lk' lot . •·n ·clcllc· l~rt hulunwM .JimrnN• l.~dun In :· N aYal .Acadt•m..x Tlollr• Clnh \ua. 1\\C t\ \lo\1'! S(·ath•rgood Pulis t ht.• Strihgs Hhf t It "''" I'H IIIIt "''" fil ,. Kllmt:t: ""'"' \\Ill'"" 1'411_,, ,., .... ,... ...... .,." c .. ,. ... , ., .............. , • UJnk Trout · "II"'" "'"'" A len "•"lying Wild" .... "T f \ '"" .e \a.,.H \1.-• ~~~~~~~~~~~~ __ rl.l --- CA$1L..NJGJl!f 1:\'t:K\" ~OSJt;\\' I. TIII'K."tltA\' AT X:!JH 1•. M. • .~M .W CASH CLUB \Ill II "1'4 f tU:" lttt.f~TIIATIUI'I IN \OlD -III:GISI i.B !'tOW AT ON'Y. M' TIIF. !'; TIW.ATRfi'.R ATIA.'IrriC COA"T I.ORMTr.R PISSF.Il 11.50 Tt111TII. "TF.AK UISSF.R tr.M DF.UCA('II'~ Ot" TifF. UF.F.f' KF.A ··-Led ' M r-pMEtO .lumho ~tl "'hrll C r ... ,_,__ o,_ Ta111e lllt.MII Jumbo l"roc • ...,.. 0,..... • ... Half 81w-ll l.nhetf!"' Khrtmpe ... All ~r lllnad• of ,..... f'ood• 1 n !Ill a Me Dt•'"""' ~ -1k -ll.ot STEAMED CLAMS . -YOlJa KA FOOD IIWDC .._ .......... ,. • -· ,_ ..__..__ 0,.. tU.f I A. II.. $2fMUJO or s,,;.oo or t6.00 ,., -n••-•• .., ~·•'-IJ) ~UI FOR PEiiiES EVEnY OA Y ANU NIGHT StJMMJ<;n ANU WINTER • • Sign ·Our Wilen (;uest Book You Come In • • Main Street Balboa ., .• .. . .... . , FOR FINE PAINTING CALL BALBO A ISL.-.NO Muine -HARDWARE .. Bay D11trict HardWare JJRASS IIARQWA ~-Ql'J\LIT\:-TnUI-" W . P. f'\!LLER PA I ~-rs -·y A<. 'liT Fl'l·n;--.;cs %1 .. %1% JlariiMo A\·r•ue Balboa l!daad ....._ N~·port 2'.!'.!-1 • ,• . ' ,l !':P:WPOHT BALBOA NE\VS-TIMES, Newport 13each, California, TIIDRSDAY. JULY :n. 194\. -~--,------______ ~o..._ ____ ·-------- Value of City Construction Is ~ow $63,941 In ... Exce~s Oflhat for seven ~1ont"'~·-nf~-+--- 1940, Ue<-ords Show -During lht• fl<l:-1 !"('.\('n months or thi~ ~··a r. ("lt'Uf.llt' (l ( :"-:Pwpcwt llal'lw11· and thn.;c.• \\ hn han• l'l,mW to thi,; l·umnlltn· • it y to huild nt>\\ homt-s have inn·~tcd a total of S75X 17-1 in impmwnwnts as tht• cvidt'Ol't.' of tht'ir faith in. tn~. futUJ'«' a d vanc·p of thi' dty which b now t·hc hub uf sOuth Coa:-t clt•vc topmen t. · lndi<'atin~· that Nl'wport Ha t•bor is C'ontinui~g to gr.cm -; and not standin~ still aft<'r the N'('()rd construl'fiOI'} y<'a·r· of 1 !)40 wht>n ov<'r a million dollars in building wru-recorded., is th<' fa ct that (X'rmitc; for - .10°/o DIS·COUNT On All PACIFIC GAS HEATING APPLIANCES U Ord~IWI Now! Sam Kinsfather ·c~ R. ERI '$(~~.9-1 1 mort' ·tha'n for tht> ~ -....oal <limluiabiAIJ lA trf'mf'ndou:s building and dt>v.tlup- mt-nl activit ·, whk h ha11 bto~n un·, drnr.·ay hC'ri :or tht pa3t 114"\'t>ral yt'a". --P~~·~,~~---~---+- 305 Palm Avenue BALBOA Phone 132 Finest Deal In Newport Harbor BaJhoa Bay Shores Leasehold EatateiJ A New DNl In Propt>rtY. Development 'That Is Better 1ban Proprrty In F«>. 8illlo?t.nAftO!II 11011E NOW UNDA ('0S8Tat1CTION . . EARL W. STANLEY, Sole Agent 17th~ Cout Hlghway PhorK>: N~rt 160 •n4 tbel.r a pi'H'n•lf'4 kltch~"' a nJ Tbla 111 a mn<lf'm lltlart•tlon of ~.-rvanta' q oarll"ra CIYt ~· or1ctnal ,..,rm anti a lh· .. aN"'aranrc> . ..,b,.rt'- r.,.or,r· \\':o~ltii!J:Ifln·,. honw on lbl' Tbt> kll cbf'D Is joined to the bou'P .u 11ome 'A'bllu art' bar~ aml cold. 1 l,:olumAc. It rt'tutnw bolh lbP charm by a p:l~&all:f'Way pantrr. and tb~ I C'ompiC'Ie bulltlln~t pi.na an_!! , .nntl Ill~ mlljl"~l v or lhr <.rlt;lnal. bill 111nrar;f' by a 1111118a~r;e that aiiO ba~ •r ... <'lfiMitiOnA •n• a vallat.lf' for lhh• ~~~ l'l•n b•~ bo·Pn aola'lllf·tl to pro>a·rsome •loi'al:f' Yal\14!. Tbe llbtqtl!'d-Jimuae for I I.VV. lncluW.'il wilb t.b~ t'nl II• 11111: rontllllon• root'la torrNI by a r;racetul eupola ll.tn~ Ia a c:orolbonrrt rut ou( model In rt•tnlo·rl'r'o•llllll !<f,lllnl \'f•rnon. lor lhl" houu•. archill"clurally rtrawn rh" htrllf' IIUII!IItwnt of room11 Aa ••• (bf' CA~f' wllb tlle lln~t '" ••·t~lc Tb•• moo!<'l ran lw f'OI Orl!'d. •In"' n•IAir~ has b•·•·n t•-l•l.t~·•·•l t.y a t bomea ot Colonial tlmea. arcblt~IA ""'' '' ••Ill ''lf•mhzP ror you l'llarlly """'I ••u •ol h• 1111: n .. 1m "'"I ollnlnl( n ·cnmnH·n•l lh<' UJII' of wblte lf'aol "tHo I lh•' romol•·l..,l hnuM• will look ""''"· 1,.111.: .,. h:ot In II•" orh!lnnl pain I fur lhlw mO<I.-rn ''"ralon. both It I.•• Aoliln·•"' )'OUr rc>qu•·~l for l'l:tnll •n• fllll('ly th~ IJ.t~•k 1'1111 of Ill•· l•1r II~ J(l••flntlnr.: bo·:llll)' and ItA lone owl Dlflllt•l to the f'ftltor of lbla """" o1 hall ;e8 " IJIJr.or) j lif,. flp•l•l"" II• OIIIIIIAndlna dura ll•ll'"'· or tbP l.zttlif'l< !lome Journal, • l 'l'••·• 1· llor•·" b•·•l r"""'" rw•l :wn 1>1111)'. "''hill' lr~•l point a i¥H a .:o-ktntt for Jfousf' l':oll•·rn !'\o. 39~. ... --..,me Jl('riod in 1940. Itt E. Bay An. BALBOA· Plio .. t !O · Thli rPm a rkablf' rt'C!twtl hu ~n madf tbua far t bia yu.r dtapitt> llrflmtr 11lark In c·onlltrucl iOD .,· ... ~_:-f============--==~=========-====J I tiVIly llunng tilt' p&3t two WHU Two OCEAN FROl'-lT· LOTS "ith old nn-aprart.- Tht !otat valuf' of bulldantt J>f'r . meat hoalle. Buy tM lot. -HOU8e FREE. UW- 1 mila wauet.l . durlns: J uly. N'COrd· Illes la aad paid for. Full pri~ on)-'' $%000. ..:.! Uf) ~ \\'edneadliy -1W00.. v.· a a $72.409 ThP •urn .ror U'l~ a.nmf" -. month 1u: yrar wa~ $76.34:1 CHAS F DENNISON I WhaiP lhf' drop tn "build.ln~~; bto· • • hlnol lhat oof la11t }'t•ar for thf' momth or July ts 8Ught, at 111 m. tt'II'IHIDJ: tu IIUit' thai tht l'&mf' "lllao k-11ff" wu f'llJ)f'rlrnctd a 1 thl,. tmu· •lunn,:: I !1~0 and I hill It uo not 11 <1t•(onto> m•hrat111n that REAL ESTATE 2117 Cout Btvd. N ~wport Beaeh Tf'lfophoM: Nr"·port 24 • '$:~,222,889 Cadet School Is Only -.Start Of County 06fen~ Work Building Perm.its Offer Tests For BOAT and TRUCK LETTERING .,. .._ '\01:\U"O&.T BEACII.. Jeb Seekers l I '""'''~ .,ftjn.tl' tntht•:tlo •l ~,.,. ''""'> lotuldul,.:' llwall'r, '"" r.-rmtta r;:---.... -------------=-~------------....l~t<ttl..o thai lh•• l••'ltiH!_n .. r lh•· '" ••··••uon;tl lu~tltllllJ.!'. chafM•I. dl•' 1910 34fl •---------------------------.... ~1.~·:::.1\>\!1 l'atl•·• •nun~rt~; "'""'I rm•rn.-1".. •tfh•..-... ,"tt"t~ -. I9.H 391 $~~~0 Thr J nhn.ooton Hll!llnf'ss Jn .. t ltulo· 505~ •oo( Santa An:-~, hAll tw••·n Sllkt•ol '" 247·690 I; I\ I· l••J~l" In l'1ll0rt hantl. I\ J'IDI: 236·5=19 'IM•IIon..: :o nol t•lln• l uallnn IOI•klnJ: l\\01 ••IIH'"I 'o qll,ll'lo·r-.... fer•• :;tnllllll 1'1:1:! :l(Y7 ' 1 ~'""" o ='-•'"1""., ll:ul••• an•l 1 1 h l't~~ • ...,., t ••II• 1:11·111 """ ··'·' _ .. "'' ~1111t.o 1\11.1 \\h:-ltlll) tho• 1!<•1;111111111: Tit•• I will \\Ill ;w•·ommoda!(• 2500 1'1:'\4 29R 2 ·· t••t'\A :u .t f•• •·nlplovm.~nt an P"·~~~ GORDON. B. FINDLAY (\lir·n 11 c·.unt• '" thofo·"''' Jti"J'' '' • .ul••l, X:l •lflwo•t• anti HOfi ••nh,l· 1<11.') 40.1 ' ""BuUdet' ol Homes of Dlstlnctlon .. r----·•r-----------~~ -1 for < '""'~:·· ,.0111111 ~ ··" '"''" ·n···n· "111 1"· no rty~n~: 1~1a -s:!:t 1 . \\'n1k \\Ill ''~11 "" lho• 'I'IIO"tjtl lto•ltl hut "Ill ll'l'o·l\'<' 111r cad4'1' 11117 5(.:1 · 4~·~~ lion.oo nnw 11\'lltl'lhlr rn th .. """tloofllll : ·7fi6:0fl9 olt'f!'nSf' ln<IU!<tllf'lt "f ~•ll~<ln ( 'al,furn .1 a< • ~>nllnJ! tu T Q 90fi.O!IO Jt~hn1<to11 man:t)!•'r otf l hc> lWhrw•l -911 .6.17 TbJS n·4UJ.:.!'t "a.. mltdt· to•; t h«' · ~1 .745 ( 'ahfurnta !lr·par1 nwnt n I • 1-:m· Phone Newport 398 I~ CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Tt*··-·- ... ~ lal~tion ----........-.... nisfiict-Lumber Co. NEWPORT BEACH ............. ............ • ..... liSO IRVIN GEORGE GORDON BU1UllN,G CONTRAC-TOR 1111 W. Central Newport Beach Phone Newport 721 LOANS • 1 1111 ntr ('<1111' o·mt..t r•'fil.u·t';ffio•nt ~rmn,-,~·tltltft ~t.--•nrl ~ tbcm. l!ll8. .:-.5-IH tralniDI: •·•·ntrr tnr ~;rotlntl "C'h<M>I ha-.~e· I r:.lf'IIIIJC fM'Ior h) ttwar 111l· lll.'\!1 S42 lll'tnh'llun uf ot\liilrun ,tUtlt•nl' \llllt~·nwnl Ill It pnmaf} 8VI8 tiun 1!140 -542 "II hiD alx•lll '" w••t•k'. 11 wa~ an· "''""'' lnr fllt.:h t tnunan~t a~ pill t IIOIIIII't'tl •>f lht• 111'1ll) ·, :10,000 p1IOIS•a·yc~tr l.O.O,l 22 pluyn.o·nl Th,. lf'lllll nrl' frl.'<' ntol lr----------------------------1 11w c·om j;IJ1ll'IIUII pro]'~:t "111 1n· II sumn~o: Jlrfi\.'TJ\Jll. J C'ludfo · 145 huilclint.:ll, Inc-luding 79 The CORI 10 t ht' iO\'t'm~nl fnr I-'ll;· barnt<'k~ nnd uthl'r n~ry lhl' tnuniiia fit•ld v.•all bc Sl po-r Mt' · l'ln~eturt'!ll whlrh will I'M' locntf'd yPnr. th•• C'lty of SAnta An11 ha~· A ·~I ~Itt< flw SAnta Ana Country m~e a.:n"{od to 14-aSP tht> 41:!·&~.·~ ,,~ nub nlon~: NI'Wflllrl Olwl . it WAlt t rur t for $1 5 .... r 8('~ 01 ahout J. y r·t ll nC' f ll'an!Nf ~X> fl"r yt•llr nvl'r 11 J~·r~<•l of J ulv Col. FAiwen C. 'KI'Itun. ll. S :!.\ Yf'lll"'. I 1941. r•r.ly to I hi' •lull•·nta nf lht> 8t huol ~bill to anynne-e-1,.. whtbliiiC I hl8 26 .......... .... ... 64.6-10 l YI"' ur ••mplnyll'lt>nt 41 ._ ........ _.L·-·-T7,1SO l '"w«rtinc:'at.e of ~ble\·emnat ..Ja 49 -····-.. -··-·• .. ••· 10.,729 IMIJI'd by • thf' tthooJ to lhoJie 1!1'bo ~t lll.l~!quallfy 26 1~7.188 1 ThuM "lllhln~ to lllke any o~ 67 1&6,881' lhf' ''-"""' may obtain anrnrm1l leA 3!1 72 400 rron•·••mln~ llt<'m by C'lllllng !'<anta A nrt 30:.>9 on•l allk fur a n &('flO nt • $7:o'< li4 mr nl Thl' atlolrrJOl' flf lht' lldluool Ill tl:. !'\Hrlh ~,.,a moor•• Sltnlll Am1y t-:n~:uwt'r with lwmltlll:trtt•r~t An ;ulc1ilrrmal (IV•• arr,·, lt .... nlso T nt I 141 Lo., An~l·lt'l<. ~oolnlt..-1 ) •"lo•nl&)' llo~·n IIC'QUtro..-t !o provut•· ,, road·l '1 thlll !ht• pllln' Wo•ro• lllft•:ul) prt•· \\,1) 111111 lilt• ,t•hc)()J llrtfl ;t nnlht:'r ll;IF<'<l fur tho• pn>jt'f'l fl\•' ..,.,...,. tw;, bl~n ,,,,IL:Il•"l hy Juh' 1:1 1; II I ••·nnl•••ns. t•ro••·t A · .t, t'nll( In lull Ill '""• I n lh•• lurrrnrk'. 1 Ito• ,., ~II II) '"l"'rv'"'', ·'' 1hl'1 m rt111t rr.-nn '111t:n IIII-o ( ·,,..,., Alvd lho•t•o· "Ill I•· rhro••• \\Ill'• h••ll•f·'· """n'' ;,,.,.,.., rot th• r:olo• ,,( Jl p4<r l.o·n<·t HI :-;, "" ~~~n ('omn~r·\· !\k>C 'nnnirk 'llll11'1••nn:"'''' '"~'~''~ nff•c·,• ft'lur 1•·•· )· •• ,,, 101 t~o· u"~t 1" ••tru·f'rs .12:.0 · .lttly '}' :\11 -II z :\1• Kmn•·y 'l'hnol lolltlrltn~;~ ••·n ltohntnlo<ltll· •'•oJlllllllllnLt '" tlw "·h•••l h~ ;ti~.l .July 2~ J r"l'" F: J'nrto•r .. e o;tr; (',.11'1 lll!:h""" ··~~r·•••l r-•·• 1111n holll<lllll:'· lhllll'o·n tl;t~ IO.tm~. S.ull:, ,\n.o ·"'" ha-. .tn """""on' C'nnm.t •kl Mnr lttulol 5 r ttom !\1 I. M••t'nrmto·k tluriPo'n ~"IIIII) r'"'"'' '"''r .-ado•! lh•• 11.! ;wro;~ to loti\ 11 ol s:.oo h"lll'•· .Hiol ~o=nrn~:o• \\lilt 1-:110'!'( nH•m .lui\ ~ .. :\I ll'!' t)p·•l ''""'" :101 ", ......... " h\tt uffh·•·r,· 'I'Jitl '''"· a I"' r· ......... h•ttllrl th•' t:HV' tnn)e•nt ('f'lnfH'C't•\d tu h~·nl•' :-ur. ~1\r('i~u~ l'op'rv ;\\"t' 't•A1'J ..... fl''r ~.t I. mutor r••p:ur '"''" ,, 1:1t ·loo d h,.,. "·'"' ''' ,•·•k•• .. ,,., lh·• I"'"J••r1y I Avr . pt'r nv.'TIC'r s:.oou j M• c·, nlHt k rwt.U. IWII I"'" , • .., •. h.1n~··' J""'' ·n,,• ''"''"II '" hll)' \\Htrld tllt·n '"' July ;t:o !\lr nn·l Mr!l Frank .Julv ~ .. ';\In• l.··t~.n ,. AIIE'n orr •• -•.. ~:a~ol.n·· "''" ,... -laltun .... n .. fo•JI• ol lfl thl' J:(O\'I'mm<'nt· .... Bat•·• ... f Curunu ol{'l l1 • hill ill 3fW1 p .. ,nF••Itt,t A\'i' l'f'll.~fl""' p~r -on .. !'lhl) 4 rl'lllm h11use anll IBJl::O • :\1 lA. :\I< l'1•nnu k, Canadl·an 1 ~·w (,ost B •td• PI . Je.ll n•J;•· :1~u c '" 1uo1 Av1• , ... , .July ~!• A !\1 Th""'"" • ~ o '"' Ul Jng an r R:tlph II •••mmell f.~O(l(l '""'"""""' ···~!CI""'' , ... r:\1 I. M l "d (J Ct Sol H • N d .luly :.'' ·""'" 1-: :\fl"•'ln"" .,( :\1< c· .. nn•• k ay .. "\. ,• I:'. ve OUSJng .. {'e I CttrHn:\ do I ~:af hulltl l:.!xli ~''"' .lulv :.''• !\lr~ l~· .. nlln<' K9 11· ~~·· huel•hn,.;. 7:!1 (lr, hul A,.,. p('r narol :lt~l ·~lllol••nro>ol ,,,., H '5!'· I ownt<r. 4:!•)0) J>t•OI l•t r ,\1 I~ :\It ('nrmll'k. Til• h''"f''"l: pr•••tl•tll tn lh,.•T\'" 'l ln•k u ( Ad•·'f'*"'' ,,~ t.-n· J rrlv l'• Flltt J't:t\\cottn h:u t":.!'>h 1'1111•·•1 ~\lll f'~ nlll\'1"• ... ,, .... 1 "'''· ''"' hlllloltnj;( tllll'ln~: lito• I'""' ~ ...... ,. ''"""""' l•tlllol ".! n'""· aol Elec._, ...... Perma't• ,,.,.,. •1 fta.·ultv lh.•n • 'f'H. t• I ·•• ,f ... •d·· ,. "-'- ,.,., ohlltl 1" hl'hJillll: '''-1"'11" Jt•>J 1' Bu•ldonq And Mod•• llll;ol,on d!ll"n 1 ' J'rt·••·lll ol\\ ··lltna: :? I';' J ul\· :!:1 lttt" IH•I fo' :\1,1>1111 :Vt7 I ':tllll•l' hit~ .. l'lllllllf ""'''" ,. 34th lllr•·t'l. rwr l ' " Th .. rm •• n . ht•Jtolllt II·· h 0!' .... ··n ""I k 'II .. I• ,. "·'"" ,.,.,.11 "'"'' ., ,. In $1\fWI """''';.a A\• . 111~11111 r; ntlolllt .. ~:-~1 ~ t h t'r~ t •I ~t 1t,..~ t 1 1 -.uti. t~ •n rt'" •IPn• ,-. p.•1 '""·",.' full"ll~lv tu • 1"111' tl "I' ·'"" '' 11,,:. ,:,;1 ',;,.,.~ ~urr .. ,:·~;·· ;,';,;,nrg I .l ulv .!ti I'll)· .. r !'\PWf'llrl ll••aLh I''"'"'J.: "' '" "" "" '"" ,, .... , .. t h ,.,,.11111111111,,1 "''' "'"t: .r :ht' Plumbin1 Permits .,1 1•11•1 !'\•• ~. ,.,.,,~1 111~h"ay on •II•• 1• l•'fHIIIIII:' ;111 " .. , , •• lill't 1., 11 ,., 1 , ,. "'r· .l ui\· :.'' ~11 ,. \h•J"'" '·,.,,k, •I •II 7 .. t,IJ•I" on,''"'"'' ro IAI l'lruo l 't•r h,tf'~ lht• f1lt•CI Utlp·••t,tld fHd ~t'IU I\ ht•U1'lUl.: •toJIJ .. ,•,,•;t8, 3 10 ~t:'U t:."••fd 1\\• t t ~""t"t.oJ p•r' fun• p••t Jliltlfirtf\tlo \\t•ll pnrt ,,, I hi' rrr.hll"m "''"' h t'•IU,tolll lifo~·~ ... \\' !'\ll'h•>l~ I •II ' It. f)t. M L l\lol 'nrnll• k Julv -:.!'-Mrl' l_..th I (' Alll!'n •• "••tkiU)! ·•n \\ht•h R1~if IJ•II :•,1•1 .,, tlnu~ln..:_ tn ' t', '"'''RI Jtll\' ::"' ~tr,.. Jnv l•utt•·r :!1 ·· :tou f"n!nf't•t 1Ht A\'{' ln!"ot~\11 r.p ••lit ,.,ILUJLII lh\' t • ~ .J.!..Iho• ·h·H·I·•p ol\1~ .. , f••r 1<<'111 ' ,,... II ,.,.,. 0 11 hill Avo• ... ,..,1'.~·.1 l"'f ~I I. t" ·-•n n<'w , ....... ,,.n.' l"'r ll F For BETTER ROOFS Of All Kinds ·oWENS ROOFIIG CO. 509 E. 4th Street Phone Santa SANTA ANA Ana 4338 CALIFORNIA Six llonws S ow Bulldln~ On Balboa Pt>nlnsula Point THERMOI MEAlS General Confractor .and Builder . 200 I ~an Bh·d. J•honr Sl5 ·Balboa. Calif. • 111 Ea."t 6th St-. Phon .. 1;';81 Santa Ana. Calif. s E .E mrm 1'1( 1.--c' ... , hmu•in~;: wlmlt """''".""~ n·~lletl .. ~C&t-•·-···~~.I W•L'•JI'n.lk,._ -1-:l.lro•tl ••• -:sAN· TA~ ..,.,T' ~0-ILY'IIIN,_. ... ~ \\ UL J.!:•l 111" \"f'lr~ "" wo•)l """' nrr!Jnn '"1111•1•.• ' w ith July 2' -lh; Currot1 mn~:. :1~1\ • .hi,. 1r ·t:nm. 17~ I A~~ D tU U --·~-.1~~~=~~~~~~~~~A~¥~~~:~~~~~~~,~~L~~~.~~~~t~~~·;p';·~·~·~ 1~·r ~~ I. ~~~ ~l. in~~r ~ ~rt"•' • ... Cl P!f~t_~~ \·. ~· and WAN ASSOCIATION -.. July :.'' I' l,t'\\IS l'-117 :ll' hurd . • ' • I h I Pl'ltl~<·l ll.l ' .•• '··~!'II'""' , .. r :0.1 I .I Ill\' !~· \\' L • 'rrln•· ·:0-1 o-.v, ,· .• nn.lrt lllri'R• y A• 1meo ,. r••p L"d (''II t I' 'ld 601 North Main Stlftt about 8 monthly paynlent 'lll•·r d•l· ho•>td\\1\Y lrl l><•t.:tnnl<j.: ... •I 0 )UI 1.. l\ltl 'oornllk An• rn~tall 17 l'lltiPt..'on n .... , .___ .:r::._ for '"'"'-( -liolne where ....... tnt~ w !nln· tha8 rr~'blc>m •• u-,·cot.•pw~: ~ew· Pain• Sh(»p· I .l11ly :'" R " :o.turrrhy till -trmr.o .. J'f'r !"rrt w ttta• kt..·nr•l IUaiJ ..._.. U1ll ,,.....,. '-':! , · ·' ll-I.A... hid A v.· .............. 1. J'4>r U l.., Jolv-. 30 1-~. ' • Uc'""'"• •-• ~ AntJ "urtrttnJ:" 11 nttmhrr ,., (In" '-'" · · , . u.., --.. aDd prinds-J red\Jce each month. lilt 1 :u·t l\'l' ho•lll4<'ll "' 11 l>rH ,. run~o :\l rt'nrmtr k J.fanunar "Dri\'e.. ln..~ltllJ 34 !'lltlrfl' i'>I'IWI'I'Il J:.!.:,nll llfltl J.:l.7:oll TIIC>'" Eo! 1;111 < j'l ll'l.t' L '• • '''IIC'l I .luly 'J' A I' \\'dl~ 'T);I .ta.oo· 1D nt•w rr_.,,l,>ntf', po•r t' :\1 Tr11~t ~ r1 I''''"' •lt•'l' '' l .•r·,,, 'I· .1nd n11no• A•• • "~~1'""1. 1~·r :0.1 l. 1 Rnol ~ .. nl' · tl~\n •·~ hn,·,. ha~··nlt•nt \\ul l~ pf l~l- '"' 11 too•hol I'""' rl'lt' ."'lt'n l'r w:tll!t :ll~tl lltr••,.l '"'·" tl-o I.''" lit • lgf'.1----------------: ,,f P·Ult•h t•rH k. tnf•'r·c\1~ f!n1!'h It ''n:~ h""ar u.•,f '!''"" "-• ~ I :.m~, Art· '"'IIIC . PLIMIIII 11~ IEP ·AIRS nu• ht :tt tnt.: "Y~t.·n: Ill f1\t1Ji't , ~I'JII '~ \\'Hffl' n1r nnet tht• r,.,.;f•n.,: tt~t ltr•··r••.ott..trt..tnt k ll,.\\11 Ill !ho• "'"J"II lit l,7ul.ttn~ .·n.tn~tr\ t., ,.,,r, t t1tlt\l!il •• nd J11'P\'t•~•' q11 11 '•'f.lil. frnm \\ hldi ·~V' rtt.l\ • •; • r 1' • rr.l'tr rffl. '11'1111y r 1 • Phone 353 ... - OUT DOOR FURNil'URE See ~ latest In Nautical Stencil on Our 'New Swine and U mbrella. CIIAID __, BACilRilrr-t TJIBREJ.i.As AWllfDfoe-!1IEW oa atr.OO\"&a&D ·-I I PERCY H. BEYER . .......... N~~ ..... .. .. ' tlPI h 111 I hr 1' !=: ilnl1 (~I\ nllol:t lf•t• llh k 01( houJ!In)! hll~ ,l>c•o•u <Ill•' lo! I" o' C'RII~C'W tlnr gfl'lltl\' "' I' ond••ol •n•lu!Otnltl a•llnty . II n ll , ="••II• I' mt.IIIH \ ••~hl'nlrllllorJO on J'IU · f.ilo.l h\· \\'11•\' l<u rt•n Yo•~r~ran. th uhtr I"''Ahll•;~<, dur tn lhr wa.r. 6:•. <'( l'•ISia :\It·~,, h • \\ 1lll" J!ark · t'Oit ~S~t'R~~n: ~F.l: Howard W. Gerrish '.!It 7 W . <'f'nt n l A,..,. ~ ~""'1'"" R4-ac'h. ('llflf. l"hniM' 4,'\.., Al"TOMOBII.E • nRE ACCIOE.''T • ~ UFE l..tC'1'1110f' aftCI ( 'MI f ,...., . CATERfflG PARTICTI •. -\RI.\' TO HOME 6WSER" - II ,_ -a ,..,.... ••"' tl•t.l ,_._ ,.. .,,...... '"'"''·"· ... .._, ... t.. ..... Pf'.,....,.. -tall u• ,., ,....,,..,.,. .. ••U tilt••• '" ... l•n• M ,_..,,.. .... '"""''· ,, . ._ .. , , .. , --~ ..... .,, ....... .......... ...... ra,t'ftf'ft ....... ..... , .. """' .. " .. ~ l..aWl'f"nN-l .umhf'r Co. ·-... ...,. ll""" AliA • I ftond• Wrillf'ft c•.u, r.ca..o ~ t.'\M COSTA MESA ·LUMBER CO. a. ~-BOS'R:TI . .ER Pboae 48 Phonf' ~29 FRANK CURRAI\ LUMBER CO., Inc. lMI Lit t" 8L Tr ... pt ae I aA~A ANA IEWPORT BUILDERS SUPPLY Cement ~. U:S ISBI:LL RM. Ph8Df' 1145 • Brick -Steel 3104 W. Cfttral A\'MOf' ,, ~ BMt-1£.· Calif. ., Here'• the ea•ielf a.tcay to lteep your u!call• ---ari£~11 •,,"tla.ly d~an/ .. -l SHOWIN·WIWAMI · •• i/J;~ WASHABLE SEMI-LUSTRE ls.T &.:." s n ;c;r:sT A RF.U.UU.t: rAI~TI~C. ('O~TRA('TOR BALBOA PAINT STORE C. E. FERRELL.. £«,p . 700 E. Bay 'Aveae -Phone tot I. I, 11 J. bra: '!be Sci 8wk ··s~S~H~a. DMd&) p. IlL Ave .. cept 8 Tbe to &U! ftMdU FIR11 (C "'"· • rrtc 8emc eU.rJ• Bun lrlor ~Ia Cru Eve bypa Tue eta a• Tbu KeeUr Newp s 314 : CH"I Rc [ ....... -· l: .. \ 'I • . - NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS.~. ~ewport &Nch. Ollitomi~1. 11l.t:nSnA Y. Jt L Y :\1. 1 ~11. -. . • I' News Of THe Churches The " ~~~tmplo• ,1f al~•ut f'Vt'r)' .a.l ~t th,. S1•ollh \ ''"'~t haa lo· o~<rr Thanks. Pav-LeSs, For l,raist' ·On SAND SI L'W'J'ER •'t'l\llk Mur~ean ll ol ".t n11l11r> o11)' .-aT CHU.-CH OF CH .. IIT t.btom and etrmoo I' 11•1k 1114' 'umm••nt& '0 hill IMI>.' IC1£NTl,IT Hich ScboOI u.J lllt«med.latt' I ht<lr' IUltl (alii ~erO"'In,.: lllllalo64'hl' New Ruildinu CLASS In E 0 AD VERTISjNG U2' Eut Central AveDue Leacuu , 6:30 p. m . l'h11nrJ arf' b\1&1!111)' d•~<~r tl<-11• bml.lln~o: 111' '''!" a llt'lll pl. tu~,1 ,., Newport· &ach EVt-DIDC 'W unhlp, 7:30 p. 1D l it,... rlll"\nu ~ 111\'ll fl\1110~· I' I'•' ,,... I l<•h<mn lr Gt'41,fltt' Orton\ "'PI''::"" ... .. .. 11 ~~ · 1 r t•,sn f',,vJ.·""' t ~"'-\' •' -. • =-'nntt1 1\nt\' branch of The Mother Cburch . .Quart~t muaic and .ermoo. 1 1n~ pl&...._'tl aruunot f••r ''"' ""' '-\~tJI ~" """11fl~' Y" 1"-_., .. r · --Firat Chun:b of C!n1.t, )olld-WHk Prayer lkn·lce. Wed· , "1 @Ut,....r part11•a whh h h1&l'1' •···~ lota4'1~·u•h antl c:tndyJII Uan~•tna l ad '1 "' •I. ' 111'' :-.,•\\3 l'lm•·• ~.... thllml'lo•..J 8 rloll' ••n \'h•f' \'olh'l-,.l", 'I'•"' 1 I hi '"'" 111111•11111¢ Sclentl.lt, an Bc»ton, Maa. neday; covt'r-diah dinner. 6:20. 1 ho·l•t th•· a put h6:ht tlw l11~t 11 •·t'k mau..Jcr t"o-.rt•h•n'e bolo'\ I 1 I:«" la\' ..-..J t1o o''l' "·'·"" ,.1 1111~ 11,.11 ,. ColT• 1:oul,l:! l'lu•th..t un t h•• ..<olll o!N"kl l r-•" 1 ""I "• t tl.o· "''" •11•1••1 1ervice ~ U L m, Wtc!· " M£1A COMMUNITY fr t•nolll too lhrtr bu1· fr1>nl ht'~ .. t•' t nor IS RENT -r BUY 1.... - 8uaday Scbool at t :30 L m. ,.J .. hn JU ..J II ,. I f' n \':rlfUI h "I d .,..,. 1 •• c . wtt'-f"at !lhorrUI anol \\'•·•ton llnd Uoll'1• 1" I'"''''' h II1KHI. tho• l 'a1 A UTO"'"OBIL•• TeaUIIloatal Meetlnr •t 8 CHU.-CK' t·.T.-bratt' tll«"lr 'UllTl"nttl ~rdollnr ., far. ~ .... o::.:s I "l•r\' J ill' Tht' ,..1li"'oii JOTtn~· .,.,,-,,;:.,tno•!!f I"' lloo'lr '""'' -----Aeadl.Jl& Room. 118 C eo\ral "•"· A. C. At»M, Mlnlltw a nnl\•trll3ry Arr'tl'ln6: at •un•·•'Wn " n •t: lor Fl,.,t;,.,. Auljt' w•••••• flllJ••I wt•'l up• II "'""~ R E A L E sTATE J!',,u S'AI F o~n trom 1 to • p. zq .. u-Sunday Bible School, t:~ L Ill an•l gnlng t•• tht' N~"P''" \'ou•ht a eond hf'f'f'u ~~~·hll<' 1,1n1: Fo"t'• I n '''''"'• 11.,11 "' , 111111,1111,.,111 0 .,10., .. ,,. and bolldaya. Worship Bervtce, U a .m. Ootr Ctub tor dmnf'r l&l"r an.J fm J-t j "-''''"~ 1 ,. It Public Ia cordially lnvltt'd ut.bem a.nd ape<:lal muaAc.I"M'or' dan. t'lnj: Wt'rt• Monotantl 1111J r.t~•.rl" 11')1\ tnot kt"tl'h Ar"r" 111 ""' "t r_jf'• •--· o:r '1 1 '1' 1 111111>111 1 11 1 ~ . .'!11'11 . . nn a:& m t"'r1n£ ..._ " • "' .... , ...... " • •· h M• ..-.. lbe .enolee and \.1M tae j aarmoo. l.klthoi.J. C'tark ar.ol Ut!lln lltltll · · 1 MM"h ,. r, ,1 11 1 ( RooiD - -. lltall ·~ ... d •n·' N•• 11:1• .t • • •. ,. • \ w ,.,., 'h'" rutn f OA '~l f ""•" Two , ~•C• ,...,. tl•"''•' '"'• t.•••• 8•1bo• P.,,,.. "''•• ~ '''' "n t tt l.uy•••• l I !loU tc)t ( \ ••H • .tl nalhoa , SELL · .... .,,.. .... M usiCAL I NSTRUM~NTa 0000 .... d ~~ ....... pe, ..... ... To1me. 0 AN Z. ICHMIDT PtA.NO CO . NO Na-'11 Mol11 M., . ..... """ ...... · • A 8 V Q .. AHO ""'••'ll'•n•. A . lAacuw. S:30 p. m . th~ Hola:. l..t'n )ltr~'f:ll j.,:,.;-~'RT.C1tr.T loatnJr tM CO\ 111'1111 \l.o•u Juw: l iyuJJI.-I "IT FOURIQUARE CHU.RCH I E)leuln& WortlbJp. Sof\C Se"lce, Thompwn a nti J.Prry Hc.:.,.:o•sun 11'8 W&Jtnl'n . Juanita •:thot: anJ ~r111 " '11'1 1 "' ' ",."' l'lll,.nh..t OF COlT~ M~IA Pu tor'a N rmon. Kip ~ fel-Th«" J:tm~• Stm und8 . .f'I Yo'<l \'l!''k t h ~ Mol"f'lnnd lAithollb T h" v ;•~""'''""'. , .. ~~~ \\ htlo• ""'" JIUI .. ~~-lnUw Nt'Wport I htrhor Rnl'n w ht•n: you ,•n n ~et tlto4>d Cn~ roVt...-..d hy ttu• t.lf~Tlm«' ll!ol('(t ....... .. ... ,., -__.-.cw~ --__ ..,.. ______ _..,_,... (Church of the .tilghway) l~lp fol\owtnr .ervke. tailll 111 tMir )o!Ut'8le • Lo111ro1 ·""'-h&\•r rt'nlf'\.1 thf"lr tlou ... • 00 thf' Y "1 M' '11 11'11 I• ""' "" Kl11111<1 G. Willard l teaMa, • Paator I Uld-Weflr. Prayu lkrvlce, Wed-boat lht' Argull with .J'rlnn snl1 ba)' front f•lr Auruat but >Ai ll '"I u t . "~ 1" "111 11'' 1 \1~• •"-" k a Mae ·lteama, .Co-ltaetor ne.s&y, 7 :30 p. m. dancing at the club. tndu·• ·.J 111 return ~t'mbf'r 1!\. ll.;t b.lfnft' clalh ·''"'''" 1 ··• "'"111111 ~· "-111111~ Phone 1n1-.1 I S1.111day momtnc. 9 L m.. ~ tht' party wt'rt' lt.Ay au1•t ltuth •lf'J)I\rt'nr. Juanita had .s bt'a,t'~ ~1 1''"~'· 1 111 :" IUt•IJI Jl'rtday, 7 :30 p. m., Worahlp paratory Uemberablp aa.a. K~nieon. Hyron ano1 Alarolln 1"!1-I'T1rty an.J luorhf'<W'I non•vlntt hf' PUBLIC a.v. Mae St.a&nw lD borro· Or llO..l ltrll n)lulll'l )titlt•r I !!i•rt Charlf'll' birthday YO(ttfl'a NoTICES IEVENTH DAY AOV~NTIIT8 and IM '"'l•x•m<lt'r Ad&l:'.l and 1'hlh1rflfl ln\•ilN •·•rr Vlr- 1 r I , .. _ ht .. • c r«llt J1 4Tf o r liU<.IN(!>!'t School. •:30 L ·m . Seventh Day AdY-u.t Cllurda Thl' bt'nlgn hotl• Huw .. tl ancl l'lnla Cut t' anc u.UIJ ,.,.. .. orm I • r 11 101.•<. F IRM NAM~ Worahtp, 11 o'clock ; of C'tln.t St t'lla y ,;unl'luYI' llUur.t.l , 'lo·t.t:\11 and P aula. 1Jar1an O.bornt-anl1d Tl R J T II Stabler an 1" 1 " 'It 1•;'~1· ''" ~~ ..... , mualc, putor'a .ermon com~r ot Walnut and Cburch Sta.' and rllno'l't thc•tr guc•q,; in tho'tr "yr .. n. . r.. •rr«' d ._,,.. tt "' '"' • or~ • ••nrtur""" • Cruaader Servlct-, e o'clock. eo.t& u-. 'OCt'&n front hom«' t'owr.• ""'""' ~hil11'y Rut'. l llan«" 1-CIIIman an 1 ~~~· \':: · •• ~ 1,,".'7;,; . •;, .. ,.~·~~ •:~.~;.~~. EveDIDC Evucellcal Service lt'd ~turday morDIDJ. S&bbaUa llclaool apr«"l4.1 for Cornmo.lvrt' 1 1.() au 1 t.tll'hat•l. ~llr NaUon and Caro tho-' ... r '"' """p .. 1 I'A<"t•·t•' Pa.tor . t :30_ L m. u1111r Guthrta. thr. T \\' t't···~~o~t'r:. and Patay Valf"rlt' and Landa Her-rAo'1 1,'1 " 1 11 ........ 1 '" 111 lo ... .,. "1 ... -"' . J a•""""1 r , •.•. , , .... ,..: , .......... •"•· ... Car Gttarnnt~'. Comt• In nnd l!lt"f' oor hi~ ~lt.'t'tion &_J«'ntn rln;t hnnd Rhout this wondt•rful plan THEODORE JOR M l•-••11-'lo C'ol• fvlly •qul,)t-.d n~w ••~·~• . ..-••w (('01 •• boo Lnc::...S.d v•h 60 - pi• 0t~"«f 1•4fH •ltUI1If J v•••• '" "'" •·~ hh.l•• 11-.•nu gva• ,.,., rttf•~t • fVh' for • ••" Athh ••• " o .... ,... •••b"• r .... ,,.., nl• I t Jtc: "" r•v.d I I AI!> \1 L•• 11• o •uundl 10(h ''00 •h ad e ,,...,~ f' Utf ....... ••• ••• •nd "'"'-" • .,, bw•td•ng a p, •c• ~ "'-l..v .... 'Y" ' o•-" ,,. ,.. """ '". Oee~r Trach.mc I PT'e&chin1 Be"lce. 11 a. a &rt • \'t\un1dnve and r•v., lin--vry au1.J Juhn G riUilh. r r.::"~·1; ,.11 1 ... 1 11,_,.... .,,. ,.. ,,,11,. •• ~-... MII_,N4......,-------_ 1 l'()('k They IOtf"r jull\l'ol .nt' •an· • • • "t1 1 1 \\I t h 4, ~ ~, 10 a, m.. P rayer FULL G081tEL CHU,.CH 1 c..ra at tht' d ub ;r.:-m;.:u;-,, l ii . .-, ~~-.tt~d+l'~t-...,t>+-,. .... ,111~ -"-' ~--...-~ ...,..,..__ Stearn• :n cb&r&e., Corner of 22nd an• Elden Ita., O.oan.-ha,l liUn•lnv.'nf'rll \\ul.t· In-Ht'KKtta In Ranta Barbara fN'm (" 11 \ , •• '·"H ~A' _.~~UULL~2-------~·~--c~ .. ·~·:·~"'~•::u ~~•'" Wll.'LIAMIIO,r:; Wll I IA ... 'O()N Ten ~ '•""jill' 1 Coeta ...... Callfot'ftla rlu.JNt Allo>n and ~1tlly I Jtr I~"•' J h«"t «" ar" U oll•k anol "("arol Brar\111· ('af.i.:,,t. -··· ·l• \\ ,1~ !••uc 11··1'• h .. .. , Rev. M. C. Cronic, .-.ator M.lhf t;uthr " 1lfUtl ~~~· u1 1n..t r•so 1 ..... ('ummudpn• Bud anJ Mllllt' ~ 111 1 1 v r-Juh '; :;, tH ''"h• • •••• qt~• •14\ u f P'ord · Mf'Pf'tlry ·~· &.op~~a,, Sunday Sell~ t :(S a. m. .ngl. flotty T'latt n.n.J l.'f't ,h• ~n· <;ulhnt> \' I c" CnmmoJ"rr Tn !! .. a l-.,.-;i"-'ii:'-,Mirlr'l!r-11'1t"r-..,.,--~-aUIWF ~ " • ~~ I •~ 11 \ \'t '"11"'"" (.. ' 1 W«ablp Serytca 11 L m 1 "'n ~lli!!!:s:. _!n•·,!ll• l'(. l rllll..l!l!"1U· ( 'uru.k111 IHitl till' Ml"' ntllf')' '-on· \\ lt1 1 ,, A •.v t , •tra1 N-l""rt .._.. Evanc•llatlc lkrvlee 7:30 p. m . ttnn "1u lwr t,lo·y1)1' • -mm thf' <~•(itt' J'lttqJhtonw. W•l ' ..t...:U-uJ .....U.U:OU-\.J..L_ 1 ---•----f"c•\trtt' t '''"h~•· ~ ~t• 1\Jeeday and Tburaday prayer Tht• HPDT)' Gr~odlns· I' 1 t• o 11 tl .. tfm~tn, U11b H~<mf'lon IIIII Halt· 111. 11 1• .,.., 1,. •( 1111, " 1, 1.,,1 •rvlcea 7:10 p , m . twnd•·r ~ .,..,.r,."thf' Ha rrnt.J Jo:r.ll"h · lt•r an1l nth .. u Mary l '~tf'l•lno will l#f·•• 1" ' 'M11''" '··'•" ,.,.,, lh In ,,, I ttl ~ t ltt I Hll\1\ l'llnt ~I hi .. antl I I a . m. S•. J ohn Vl&.nny Church . Matln«" Av.,., Balboa. lala.n.J 7 a. m. and 9 a. m ,.,., ·Jamt'll 'Ftt ""'· Carll•: un , ·"' h'•J '"' •qulrt·•l arOI.I)hl up I ht•r f' by ,,.,_..,.. o 1l , 1 1 'I 1 11 1 Stttlll~:· -411•1 •• ,.~ .... , .._,~:~.:II kll·•::: L D. F • CHf\tSTIAN ~~~~C.i _ .Jl~~Jit!• h" ~ _t~l11'1" . \\'altt'r-lt1•ttman 1 OST ex OU .... O PttONf' t/1 ..... ' • o tuu httw•• ,1\0 ft "'" •• n•dw.Ay •nd ,~ u on 0• •nve lpac;o fo• l!,ulld'"ll· "I I .,.. v .......... -UIIL DANI .CHMIOT ~IANO CO .. W N•-'la Mel" I I , .... t. An• ...... ai'IN .. TTC "•-•.-4 11• ,. .. jVtl po f -lo•l•ttt• an _,. latme DANI ICHMIOT ~IANC) CO , MO N>-'11 Meln 81., .. ,.,.. """ ...... a CIO pt. mnntll •Ill ~r a -.,.1. • f\11 ..... d ...... , ..... ,. ~··-... ., M wllllout a ... OANZ. ~-1'0~ PIANO CO. 1110 No..U. Mol• tM~ ••nfll A"• •·• ~IANO ACCO"OIANt. ...lftMN ,, ........ , ..... a ., ,, .. ..__ lho~ ,..,._"'" C:lorl-e, T-· .,.... T..-.-. a • • • ,._. Wt or>tl "" Vlallne, Me..-. ..... Oultaro t it and ""· ••al' .._ ...... ·-· "' ... I c . 0 A N I ICHMIOT ~I ANO CO.,-Nwt• Moll' at ..... a. .. ta An•. • .... li T CHURCH BY THE 1 £A LECTUHE RADIOCAST ,.rfnr1l lloWitrtl a o,l ~'"lla \' .. un~ ~rl'\.l'lOTl~~~ lit tt1• t\artlor .:;.."''··~~ ··'1',1:;l{T' ~·~r'o; -:iif.l~'"'i'i;ii·~--·---"'1 -------- Rev. E. D. Goodell, paator. Lo~l rllt.lto IIBt~ncrs nt.ty 1lt'Ar hw,. und Buol and )filliP r.ut·•ru' dolltrir\ bo-<'otmiiiK tht> tooca l point ~:"·;1;~, ,.';!.~ ... ~:.1~•:;.~'~.:!~.7;' •·· 110• 1-0.,T-Aor•• "" •o•c• r·"' cl\ 'Y'ertt ..-_.,. ... ...,w.-ma-...._--.....!~ ,- Cburcb 9:30a.m a.nd •n ~!fio~IZt'-' l..'hnetaan Sc.'lt-nu· • • • lh""" ''"YI'' \'nu will .. ,.,. .. liM' boat I' \I ll'~"" Wtlt.l lf'"t' t ,,.,., 1"'1'" "''"';!' '" d,.,...,,.,,., ~-~•• Sunday Mornlnr \\'orablp, 11 lt·t tur.-t>n tl'ueStla,\'. August :-), "' "' Pt-:Orl.F. Jn tf'rmuuno ,....,th t h•· J•tC'IUrt"ff ••lum•·•t by faJr ..... ,,.. twr• .. ' ... ' '''' t,,o,t .. ,. .• Afh'"''' uH I 'V ,.. ••ffh 1111 ""'' ''"" ,,,., an• I , "'"' '" tlu• Special mualc. Cbolr u -p m . ";ht'n Pt'l«'r \'. ROIJB, (..'.S .U u~<ual 1wr~aahl1t'A at u,,. \ ~t•·ht In thr 1.<'11 Anf;•·lt'll ''"'"'"'· pll'· •..rnf•·•" nr•• "'•·•~ "'"""" t,uh ha\'o• bo•en mll1ly f>~nauar lun·ll 11( t•r~vato• JlartiO'II hf'rf' and 1N"T \It Y :tt:At,o I Ne. It o' A M 11.1.1:11 f8c'o'3 bol 11 Ill t.IC"flnltt'ly In' I""" 1&11'0 nf h<tmf"!l h .. rt' and Ahout S ton 1'111 1,. 111 art•l '"' "'''' t',••o•• 111hl.-t o .. -.unt ru~~s at lhP ~.-.t ur-Tht· C:affttr\J l,.,,utg.-hnme-on l~dc• .,. .. ~,.~'· .• ~'~~-.,, .• ,, • ,, ...... ,.,, z l«a.tt <11\y lltl:ht IIIIIIC't:ll A tw.. lllo k~ 1 b l<' h11• l'~<..,n thto IIJWII !'' lntf'r<'lll 1"\cl Juh too 17 24 ~I I !HI Burr wu H't'n un tht' .. ltlc II ... ,. I•• all ot.nd thl' ~<:r•rs;t'<l4u• lntf'rtur 11nlbAbly taklns; nnt••11 1,11 ll'lr•l , Ill ttl "''"" llfll'f'&r In l"'lnt •• wilt Arl .. n un•l \'1rj1;tntu Gray wr••· 1 t:w C'arlt'lon Uurl{f'fOII bay front sunmng tht>mllt'h't's on ~-·•· 1 lull mo•nagt'. h(>a('h :u• wo•rf' Pt'Jt ~tung .. rfiJr'\1 1 • • • • Dim&lll.. c~. )!, ij r y . c-nr..Jun I 00\\'N T':f!-~'M{F.F.'T "" tiM' NO A 12!13 NOTICE TO C REDITQRS (atllte of Agnn Nenet~en S\JtlterlliNI, Dece.-.d .St'fnc'Jo; I!" tiF~ttF~HY <fiVJo~N Wuu1(.0~t•. .... .,..,. l 0' l (",r fl>•n ''''' ""' Q,_, .. , '" n .ttbtu K ltHtty nut~fy M r t W l i•nn,..,· 1~ .,..,",." l ''"IJ ....... ''"'•• n ff•Cfl ICj\ Pueuc NoTICEs ! WANTI.O -410 ...... e to IIVr'CN• • llo!UIIC CO .. -WMC .... a.. ' 10 ......... 11-. fo• 1 10 dor0" • .._ .......... •¥- I TO per rnontft. t•. lnt•r•et eft d •f•n N (laym.rttt GoM ..... EMP"LOYMKNT w•t•.-, elect • IC.It r Vott "'AY • .,,. WANT~D chaM ftalf Af're t•r ~ er aft ec•• fo• _., t flll-.te reetrtc:tt..-e• ----~-~O&ITION WANT.O -.-.n.-.. tf yvv ••"' • ttom••t•. t:.ur Mw tral ...... ,, ••••• 17 .......... ""' ......... .,.. ...... Q c ....... ...... ,_ all4 ...... .. ........... N ro II f iCIO ~ ...... ,, ~,C.... Gall M-lc H-C:..0.. ..... ...... 1ft t.h•••• o f H~vltlletl.,.. ... "' . .,. ~'·• ,. .. a.ppolnt,.,.nt. ........ ~. -...... -11-ttc. WANTaD-V-e Olrl _,..._. U ri ... ,., ciiii4Nfl ., ...... Acaos8 l. Kind of ftah G,llrtnfed tnatnuntnl ,, t. Tillie u . Plant JUice 1~ ECYPti&n foci lZ. Eei-Uke creature 1ltary Na .... "'krl, Or-tty ~.,. .. o l: I or .. an front & a l and othf'l'll. Y. '' Morris h"f'f'C"I fiUliiiV w1th thf'-Jo~ Alll&i~ u · · It -• •. admlnl•t•Ktnr "' lhr •·•l•t• "'! rl'oorol~ "'. 11ran.:_. (',.llnty t'otl aboar.J Un•k 1'0\A't>II'A '"w Alba.· lh«"ir g-uf"sta Thr J urJrl'n Lo""'t· API"" Srr~rl7••n fo:ulh«"llaruJ <lr . tnmta too wh11 h ""'"'""',. 1~ h.,... f'Fo Tr -RENT ---... .J..Uw We.,to U IIW Ill ......... ta, IO.Cermaa """ n . Ras.e U . To cloc:k. uaracer u . Mapitude U .Grave 11. rt.anlall city l T.HaU- 10. OoftteDd ttW tl.Ooop Jt.Tocut~ II.IAtWI u . ...-.o~ ~ .......... a ~a..._ •. a.,... 11, N.t werldni' ........ ··~ IIT.IIIAaw . ~ ...... 161. It ta (coetr.l 1'7" Cft y 1ft lndl&n& 18. NecaU\'e INWet' lt Weak .... ua joUit 25. Hat 77.QuMr 2t Protecun, waU JO.Iporull 33. Eradl.ca I 34. ffetweril M.llotb sa. Soterrut .... ~··""--........ l lro~. Jt I«<WW Ol<"k fla.!l bou.Kht i Ufl_l •.rt h«'~now ~ler !J!,rndla ~.JJ.lu th,. •r•-dilnn ••r al1fl all hy mll•h· fur fllr1h"r !'•"'""·'""' -------At>mt' Umt' In tbC" C"&at Tht' Jotln ~r••na ha vln..: ..talm• ajtiUnat' th-f. l in w"lllf'h 'lrllt <IA1'11Ht••1 IIIIU t llrno nf SlUI Fraot"aco. a mer:tllt'r of H fllmpeon• are ~aunc Marla .-Ad <IK«"IUM'\1 1., ftl«" th<rm wtth ... .,. lh•• 11um M u .. u 1:1 .. ~"....-'' tht' a .. artl I)( ~turt'ehlp of Tht' ~ltboldll bay frnnt . homt'. ,.,.. Uw 04'i'1'11~"r)' VollK'hf'no In t b. by .... , ........ , .. , tnulll oj.,.. • ... , Mother C'hurrh, 'nit F'ln1t C:nurch Udo hom .. 11f Or Leroy Sherry cltlttr ot thf' l,~rk uf th" Ru~r1ur 11•yahtr t •oc«"lh•r 111'1\h tnt ~r,.• u of L'brl•t. SclenUat. l.n SO.too, ~OC With acllvltlea Bev.r11 Court ot th• C'ounty 0( Oran~re. JIM'•VIIII'ol ' In thl' prumLaaury rutfl r I I a.c.as.., lecturea o ver ~ i1' A C and Joanne Krarm..r have return· Mate 0( c attfomla, o r to .,.a.blblt IW'C'Ur..,l hy H id 11No<l uf tru., art1 t 1330kc t for !It I " t h Church 0( ed with their father from a trip to ow aame .., 1 t b the Dfl"t"-"Y u pmvld•d In ll&ld d .... l olt truatl CtuUt. Scientt.t. Loa A.nrelea. M.ellko CUy. The Geor(e Rober-.. YOUtbel"' to liM _... adml.nt.lr&• WTU.-f'r.t..l •. at publlt' 'uctlon aona wtUa tbeolr JU!I'ft France..~ tor'1. at hta pleN ot buairwM. t~>r c:aah: l.n lawful m~y o( th" E urtbisco-1olda !tt.t~~.-~unM!d 'r 0 m a crut.e to Room ut, Court H-Anan. U.lted Stat• (If AID# ric'&, c. lbfo .._..._ aty ol S&Dt.a Ana In tbe County 2Mb day ot Aucuat. 1141, at liM ot ()raqw. 8t.ata o1 CaUionta; hour ot '-o'dock A U . ot ~d .._.. awiiR .. Wtua Yeu! wWda * .-u. an... tM nnt day. at tbe aala 8huu. eet.ranN In Lido It llboaAd ... pod. Pf~· ,...., ..... ot tiM notice. to t .. • Oraqe Onu.ty Oowt Balboa bu----y wlalb to Dat.d thta aoth day ot July. Howe. In tM Dty ot ........ AM ec.spare tlaetr owa "-",... wttb JM1. County ol Orallp, l!ltat• at ( -'' A~ at 0.. ~ awrch \erricea held ftCb 8uaclay morn&Dr In t.be Udo '~beater baa been aucb t.bta year ~ LQ war- rant t.be conUDu&DCe ot churdl aecon~~D& to DnD Bode; pMlel' . Deu Bode announl'f!d that po alternate Sunday• USe concnp· Uon · oe-rvea comm1111ton and then pqyer Georre Mortimer of 8&1' boa leland ~ the orpntat t.beee ,_ '-AAietae for June. p; R. ABBJ:'I'. rona~. all of tlwt IDtttHt •·onvned UKl. u ~ · wttA June. AdmlaL6trator of t.be .:.Utf of to Lbe lru._ un~r a&kS .JHd IMO: lood -~. up 10 per Hot: AlMa N-t.a 8utheri&Dd. de· ot t r u • t ud •ubj«t to all •n- a.ppe.rel ~!torN, up 18 per «:eat , c--s.. r umbranr e• prtnr the,..,to, ID an• motor vehicle dealen: up S& per v. A. KORGA..l\1, to •aid propNty attua~ In ttl# .... ; 1\ii"DIWre ..__, .ap W 11M 8utt. ttf•ttt Alhambra ,.._ty of ~-... ~Male ~ C.ll cent ; departmeat etoreta, up lS ProiNIItoeal 'i!dr . fomla. and 1tt'tlt'rlbed .u foiiJWI per ceDt. U you &reD't SeltlDJ AJ¥mbr&, CaJitomla, Lot Thlrtf'ftl I 131 nf ' rr .. r t youn. remember lbal "you'•e r ot I Atto~ tcw Admlnl.wtrator Nu 1 ,._, fWulh .Rania Ana to teU ·~ if you want to Nil [ Pub: July 31 ;_AuJr 7 , 14, 21. 1941 ~ui'II11V1•1on Nn 1" Ul •l1""'n 'em. •m • Map '=,.,.,.,,,..,1 1n IWI It NOTICE OF SALE UNOC.. 11 • fl"lr" 14 uf Wlllf'C"IIan•"•u• I -------------- --'0" "INT-.. _o •"• Al'te "•· I ...... .AIIOUJI ......... 18 ~ ... .__ .. J. -. -hoa h iA"d ~~~a ... aa w Hou&I!WARK• tt.n.-. ... NTALa- BoATs~& .S u PPLIES ............... .a ...... '0" aAL.-14 f .. l ... 44 ..... _. v-oea...a l tet c:-.. t rr Cl.,. a.ovlee. -, ""--.. ........ " ··~ .. c... ........ . .... I IIi-.. Pnlt11il1ll ll"*'r -= k. . _c_ DIL &U.PII D. _,AU _ ..... ··~ l'lft'8IC&Uf • ..,. -D1f Wi ... AN ..._ ............. ...... ·---.---lllle. ......... ..... .......... ..... II I ' I ... ........ . -oa. OONU.aiUOmD ...., JL.a ., .... ...,..... ..... ,_ om-an...,..._. D&IWI ,.,....,_. ..... 0 I . .., I CL A llt.Oinadl f.t.Howt )_ ... OaUrdlput ... Bucket tT.KoNter ........ ta U .Br.kwaW' DEED OF T"UIT M " rl . I f't'l'tortla ••t llrau.cr l -ftoltmty "i .. llfmnllr ----....... 1 1.,_11TIL a •·I ).. a~ -· I I •• • & -, .. L'*-ter fll a bu1Jet t. A State 3. R.ptete 4.1\nMly S.Torrtd t • .M1nt entrance 7. Tranate,. •. P-.ot realaatate DOROTHY DARNIT MY ~~~R. "fol.O Mt. ~0 61-Je 'tou 'Tlu<; • W lf .,EQ_ I C.Ofot'\P'MfNTS • n.ttdclw .. Foodl Or, a ;'Pile ,. 'J t wiMa you wut to catdl your """' . HOlMEN FISH MARKET L~?vl~ ~ uJ~ ')ME' ('«) "r I..WE:lME t..vVe~MENO-r' L.\II(E' ~ 1\-1 E. -• 1 NCYnC'F. 1~ IU·:HF:RY •:tVF.l" nr ,.., mur h th .. rrt•f u ~h••· '"' I that R. M C Hf)('lt<!:\..tA S t< an•l llf'f i'MitrV t•1 po.y t)lfl 1111111 ""' •unl Z. 8. W F.I'T, Tru141••r..o un.lcr Lht.ol elf prlnt'I&NLI. .-•Jv•n~ ,.,. • h~•IC"" ol'rlala dl'rd ur trW!t rf'<'"l lt••l r••'" o·IIJit'"'"'" uf IIIII•• anti •·••Ill Marrh 2:1 t(l:t7 In ll·~~k ~7~ ~t I"'""Httun .. r """'''''" ,...,~ 32:1 trf OffH uol H"''"r1t~ "I Ll~tlr1l J11ly :11 .11141 Oran~re c 'uunt v I 'ltltf•lrlll&. t " H M l 'ltOOt<Xt. A ">; h: 14'hlrh '"'""'""" 110 hrr"hy ~rua1il' i ~. It w•;~T r11r furt.hrr part11 "'"'~ anol f"JI It •t t 'r••11c~lo".nk ~IJanl tu l hKI, I o•r\ttlh no.«f1 I of t ~12 l"'rlrt N'llt tt ... nlt Ht.lif t11'flult an•l •'II•• I"" In ,...11. r•• SAul I\ Allot c '~tllt~onu• "lfdl't.l Apttl 24 1~•1 1:'1 lluok Att .. rn•'.l' f••r Tru111"" IIIH.I\, at I' 1\ I{ •• 4•o".! •of (lrflt 11•1 1 11:111• J•Jiy :11 AU)( ~lU: ..... ~ ......; .... ..... I I t UIIOY P. Alma8o!f I Dr. Oordoa M; OI'IUidj ..................... Nn'OIUfa A'r 1-'W . N_.,.n.__a •• ..., o.a.--.... *•• C.t.ral ""' ., Pflltlll ...__ - I Offke Hn.: I •· II L•.; 1·1 ,_.. ,,.... .... ~ Tllhlpll •• ., -0-- PAlJ L NOilMAN P.V.PAQM I hw ·,...._ • ...,.,.. W.t t -t'Af'fiT MAll. MAll F.& 2102 0.... n.:t. N..,.art Malta, AwiiiRr. ftoat CC.""" ..................... _ :..".l1 '~ ~ht St . Nf'WJlt'lrl n.•af'11 ......... ,.,.._ !e'r _. ............... A.1L WOIUC ou~ -1 WIG'S WIO II 111101 IISTIICT V Orr BAa&aW 000011-. ,..~ u.n,., :m2 0eeen. Babr7 ..,., r. a.ttw r.. ~.~a naart.AC:Z AND lliNDUHo WOOD-- Jf. W Wr1(ht, 17M Npt. Blvd., eo.t& Ill-.. UNCI l.ulnbw. At. ...... P'CUJNDARIF.II-L ,.. 6 ... nr ... fo'oundry. Jublnl-cuun,. 110 vt,.snJa Pl.. Oaeta 11-.L OA80LIJif F. fll:& VIC.'Z- Gu, Otl, 'nrH. Rett.rt•. V. Orr s.rvtee, U. Mc:radden Pl. tf""'-.a. ~ J,ITW'IIKW CQ..NPAJifiU-, -_ • Coata N ... l..br. CO.-''tAt w r.tlp-,ou pia ,aar..._ ......... a J¥r 1>111 rtct Lumber Co. Phone 1 ~-Cout J:Ocb.., at An:t.. ·'"fHA-r 11' HAN lHA M\1~ I (O~i_ ~y · • MA&INa .Pil(,'IALn-.-. M~ s,.,..Ilr Shop, lD Cout HIWQ. aujp~W., Jw.ta, J:tc.. •11101'.\ar rvauv.-· . · ~ora MarparUI, 2D W. <:.ntnil Avenue. PhoM 12 • U . Newpaft. O I'TICF. IIUPPI.IU-' ' Newport Harbor ~bltahlna Co. Phonee1 12 • U, N.......,n ..,.. PUNnJifG-' 1'4twport llubor Publlahin• Co. Pbanee: 12 U , N~ .._. llAOIO lll:aVIC&- fo)tdle'a OltiiXJ& Jtadfo Shop, 800 E. Ba7, Ptl. 221. For a betta<r _..... MAL f'.IITAT&. INBUilAJifO& a PfOTOW P'1711Uo- l-II. Wall•~"~. 220'.l W . C4ntral Avenue. PhoM a. &UIIBD lrl' .U.n- N~ Harbor PubJ.I8hlq Co . .Ptlclnee: J.2 • 1J. Newport .._. UIEICT MICTAJ. WOII&- C.C.ta lllaa Plumblna ec.npu.,, CoRa 11-. PboM 210. n~ ". N....pan ltarbor ~l.Wllna . Co. Pho!-: 1J • 11, N.wpan ~ Y AJIII:TY ftOII&- Balbae l.tland Van.ty ~~.tOe, a5c ud .._ ...... 2111·W. ....., .. o-w..._....---. v. ~~~moe.,_,.~ PL..,.._..., . ~ ~E\\'PUH.T I3_ALBOA :"'leWs-TIMES, N"rpo rt Beach,. Calitdmia. niURSbAY, JULY :n, 1941. NEWPORT BEACH COSTA MESA BALBOA N~wport Beach. Ebt-11 In Final \ ArrangementR For Summer Party F'\nal l'rtJH'"'''ttf"lll!!o; ,1''' til• , Ill It ttl !. Iff I ··k· .... n t • I nk•· ... "'Ill formal '"'"""" b r I• I~:•· \\ ·-IU• "'''') '" !• 1 'ol• \11 '> ,.,,,,,.~ • ot ·• .. _ A~t fi, tn Lh.c ~:.:"'""'t\ J'• .~-.e\ t\HV• ·•H! '' •• ,.,.-.. ~ ~ .... ,, .,, Oramm~~or ~C"t•t"'t u tJdat .. tlltt1 \.\, t . · Ttiu·c. . .. r Hl ,.. ,, ... .:! ~t,. m &•h· 111 11 llo• "'' '"'. 111 ~ ·I 1 ,,.. SurpriK Sno"'t' Nf'V.I><•II I14 U•II 1'1•'1 ······'" ·•' I I II I I , .. I \ trmrw111 10 t hr· h .. ,,. 11t ~''" •• '•'" I ...,, •' .,\1' (• \\ f• h II I ~-+akan• \ ~~· 1 '• t·A•, ~ t l n t .• .. ' •• • • • • • ... , ,, '1 •' )Jrs ~, .... a n . , ',., ~ ,, •. , t ... t •• .. t ol ' pn-a~,s,.ni •n~•-:1: .. flf t h· .,, ,,, •t ~rw.· ... , .... .,x.-..utt\•· t..-1 u• I '" n u.: '" 1.. 1 •'•··•• I' 1nf••mu,l n tt""u ~~. t • lh n tl't) '·' \: n · •, •;. ' '• • • • 1 ,., •• t'Ablt .. hR\'• • t t' fl ·•' I "-· I t . \\. ,. •·. t ' I I "ll I ''"" •• 8 (('1fl0rTit 11JLllt ~ ...... , "'. ,,. •• ,,.,, .... ·•Tit• J \tl• , ... Ht•l ... , ,ri,,...l ,,, • .,, .. ,. ,,~I',... ,, ,,li lt t I ,'\;t \ , .. t ,,. I I t t" I Tt<'lc .. t. "'•" tw' I'"'' h.a~.l .,.,,, A m··ll~ tlru,.. ••It• n.llnjo( ""rio any nf t hr-., ... .,., uttn;l ... ,,. t·•·at ,,, ftUI•"t ~""., I ·~utlw~t··,·• tJw d(••r pq1~, rf 1, '" llf· ~· "''" II \\ Hr• h;orol 11•·111\ \'1\•ll:hn. ,.; I at 1 p m I'"'' .. llnl( hll•l~:•· 11 '' f ~l•••r•• It ltth11o·t S \\' lllurlc Prtz_,•JI (oor hll/h .,.~orr~ 1\l ,.,,, h ·l•·uroJ ,.; ,.; ll.ooll•hl••! II nr r \' tabl~ vd!l ho• 8\o.'llroh•ol v. h••n Ill•· \\ ol••h \'td .tor f;r h •• ,rnol liOIOo'l\l'o.J TH 'E WOMAN'S (Betty .Adams ---------- Want Needlecraft Patterns?-Ask The News-Iime.s_, 1·"1 '''" ~: r•·•tllf'~ls f rir I"' t• '11 vt ''''' h1 t ttl.'l:llle~·· , 11 ~'~<o.~·Timl•!l hltJI' I • I •• ! ~II. th•· \\••0111U'a r'.t '-H 1 I t h \.\ • t'l ,, JIIPUih_·~t • th •t "'' h,.",. a Ill' ,,,,,r .. ·• ,,,,.,,,.,,. .. r~>rtl · . ' I h l•or, .. :c ~\\Ptlt 1 tJlctU""~' ~ · , fl• f u f ,l' \I E •IJ.:UlJtfil1 N tl ..... :t.! '~."~ l\:t 10 Jr.:.- l~l lllllll• .t Sutl"r llat. S o I ll .lol/.utu ,.,,, • uutltcs. S o. 1%:, I .111•1 '''llo l " ii.>lf-addrt"a~···t ~~·"'·1'''•1 o·t.\o·lc•p~ to Ute Ne.,., f un··' tn • 111 •· 'nf B•·tty Adan , Phone:-; 12 and 13) PAGE Doris W"entwo rt'h s-Bride-of Pasademm- e5lll'f fm ~C'r\11111 \fry lr11h1 rt'1QSIS. !Jut with coll1 ff11•b >UCio lit \a.Jads, I""" aud I w tm <lf''t'riS, •t's nice to luaH one h<ot d1•h. IJy far the no•1nt :uo•l 'lUll l..ol ••Y to lH(IIOlrf tloat do~h is ~ IU<l>l Ol~" !.or~ sa!l.JWorhfl on tM loll<ll~f of }(IUr m iJllrm g~S ~1\g( Which Will lJI'Oil and brown fV(nly A full olt•ll11 at a tunc, rn rrn mo nurr• or lfss accurclon~ 10 1hr IVIoC' (II .... ndwtch. FOOD FASHIONS . I I • Arrlvln~t a rmo•oJ w r l h pncto•ol 1 J f 1 R ' Jotnanr wllh ""'"'' ··lhf'r nr-1'11111llt !11\m#' in hii'IOm and uthf'rl! D•ughter of Mr•. Wlnlf~d a.,.., Tl n orma ites Bridal Shower Given J.....----~~·lona in 'IO.Atll•tln~ In na-!;r ;rRrl'n~~~· '."!' f_rl~n•l~< .!!'.....!.b.·· oL N&.wi)Ol:l-Bucb. ane be· I ' --'S·anta Anan By MJ'ss Uon&J &ld ,-l.hf' s"'-'port He1(ttta "' n . Uuo ... lOUI'J'rl8f'd lhf'm With Colflll' In" brode of Ch•rlea Porter ~~!I~ T"'Mtl' ,,ary W r'ntwnrttl"' ~I - --· - Qrdr ol tk ChOit Cburc.h by ,. htlUIOf'warmlnjt Tlu•MIR~ 1'\'l'llln..: I of thla city. Thv••doay. J uly 2~ •• olau~:htt'f ul Mr anc.J )tn v E Myrna Brooks tk Sea vot~ lut ., .... tc a t a 01r..t-ln 1hl'ir n<>w twrn,. 1tl :\20 ~~nl lt the bride'• home They w oll make \\'••nt w .. rth ••f Uay, VI~ Tr11• 1 1 · ill& Ia thr E. f' ~~~~-tanmf' tn A nt~ Av,.nu ... Nrwpm1 Ur ljthlll their home rn N~wport Beach. "''"' ~o.•·ol lh F:nrl 'H. Jo~l!!, ~'"11 ~Its" ~l•·rn11 Rrook.• rJC Ba.l'·--~ ctc-u tbr flm a nd lhlrol Tur~<· fo ••llnwlnac thf' prriW'nll\llun ••f .. , ~I t ""'' ~In• lfl'rml\n •"rill' ,., J ~ """' .... _ lD A....... --· .,_ I ...... t all th~ trjft ,.,tht ...... nol \\11.1' lht• holltt•M who r•lan. _,. -.-· llnu ,....,, l'fnuorr " ~ .. • ll ..ng Allflfl''r t•f (' • l'.olla d•·na Ill l h ,. hrtd#'jtrOI•O , thr Rf'd C"r••• ...... 1111( Ul\lt .... r.lwtth•'• j'ooftkl .. ~ I II II .... , •• , omang Ever1t8 h .. nt•· tn l'to'/IOOolt, Arl:tona S ahli , .... II !harmrn.: hrllll\1 l'hower Cur '11m#' whiC'h .. uaually ·~·""' nn W I' I f' ~f'rvo•ol h Y lh<' ~lrwll•"' In Harbor ."r ... a •I \ .lui\ ::•i "' 1 :w 1' in .\1 1 .. , :-.:nn.y llt•rnn~:ton n( Sa.ntfl aaiUIII &J1kw• for tbr IIC'tl;ht'"I J:lll'•tll llrt•ll:r I'I"Y f,ll,wr<t .,.,,., ~ '-Th•• ,;,..~,. whu IS Wl'll kn••"' '' ' """ lo•av•·,. thrll W<•t•k fur Qrcw a.Dnual bauar "'Ill bf' UM'd J Utll:,. 111\rry \\'f'stn\'f'r ,.,...., .... n a: thr .. u~;hoollt 111,. h.orl,.•r a rt>a ehn"'' ""''"lulu too h··• """' t he:. bnolt> of llllftMd 111 R~1 ~ •n rtc 'J'lMo hll:h. :\fr~< If 11 ~milh"r~ ••·• .,1,,1 FRIDAY, AUGUST t lllt 1111.,1111,.1 \\f'ol•t•nac Shf' ",, ,.;11,11:11 (l t'orl••r "'rvo·n Th,. uf -, ~. on ... ma<l#' follnwln... ·l •n·l H u ~mothf'nt l ow ~.,,,. :" • " , •• I I r:. "" I!"\ :'· .. ,,, I Ill fooook "'"'' Tlh·~·lay C'\'t'll nac ,.. ,_ • L t•\\ fh••f IU 4 t .1\ \' hhU.-. 8ftPm c •tl ~ o1 Rf'd ('n .. nH'dll IU'Itl lnclwlf'tl In t h ,. r ••rtv .. , ·,,. Tr'"'l' 7 1• ,, • flt.ollt"n•l ''"'nlll• "' •h• J'!'l •• nd "·or •• , prt•tl ycnru~t ,,f ... ,..llDdmf'tlnalo r t hf'<ff<•lf' ,., .. ,.~rll,llntl Mmo•tl llurn \\',,,, , ..... "t " ,. \\ I'''"' ";'\H ... , lll•l lo •ll r ..... ·:<[tnolga rdo•nao• 111· ,,.,,,.,. .. \\'tl'laS.~I,.l•·olhvh•·r ~~ , ... ,, h\o k···u ooomr•tlron A ~ .,._.,,. 0 ot th.r ail~r-hYl'r, R. Z lof<'l(lnn~>.V (" \\' fla r '" \I• , l.•l:"•ll lloll '""'h'••r :\lr~ o;ruq• 1-: B;,,.,k!< fr<•n Y"'" ·n•ol!hl••l• ••n•t rr1onolq ,......~ a llo s EoJ,.ar•l Vun• ... rl'lt'rc atl~11•1 -=--=----_,.""' ....... _ .. ,.,. .... n.u.. ..J ...... M urphy &nil II u ~t onr.:ar•ll• ,.,, .. j :u t I' m ool !too• 1111•11' lUI 1111ttron ot hOO'I ~ .. 11 .. \\I'L: •• l•lnk and v.hriC' t·olnr Ill ll\o' "'"kill).! lin• \\0' ~Ill-!).!'"'' ~ 111 a whltfo fllf'pbant .aT .. 'l'{mnh•r• f"n•li SINtH rttlrm c-rf'!l ('1tth 1'·r~ nn•l\:\.,r~bf'ii~> •lro'!l• with "-1'1\r.-IIH n •• ~Ill'!~ Br•••k ll UI'Prt ~:1no11rtlr "'"' try .''"'' .,( Ill• ,,. ,,., tl". fur lin. Sta.nl~)' .:Ill Wf'IC'nm,. I' '" fu ' ' ' I :u ' ,.,.,.,,,.,,.s II• r •·OrMgr waa "' ,, "''' "11111"11" ct-l'tl'l( .J"TIA) ;,.~ .,....~;.;, ~~hl. h "",,.., r-----·lt"1ft'll .. ....., ....... Nfwf>Ort Bucll R . r ..J ~~ W ''l J(Uii.~Ya l•l.aJh . .l \'a.dal L'lull .\ll'"l I .. ,,, \\Ill,.., Vo':l." tlw tlr\'f>r~l·m olona ll·ol '"' ~II• ~:lo7ah•·lh "'h nk ~. Aucu-t J8 Mra (j~e BUl-l 6SS ~Qft;t1i;itS 1-t rn~ H.-.rl'l'""'~ ..... ; I' 101 _ pm-1.-~·-bu•l" !.,.-lhr ,,,.,.nm~; Wllh M1,.1< Annr~>l •nf•· u( c··opl:tlll t· .. u,t outon Flu.t- t.p W ft() .. AUifWI\ ('ha.irman wut Be Settino ·For SUNDAY. AUGUST 3-')fr ,-,,ni'fl't'll<'T'J:' nf" An~tm·tt-'f'nrllrr 1111•1 Mlllf< J•.,..•pllUu> ..Kc.cl.N ... :rtu:. l\'ifl h ll\'1.' :.a.J~o.J .U .. HIIib :....~...ns ...,-CbarJe. CJ b S ~ S" • 111 ·'''""''' llull••11 l.tillln•l ~w·'t m1•n wn~1 11"' lolhf•r llttf'ndl\.0! " nnlnl( hli:h Mrllrt' pn7,t·~ ,\I .onol 11\'o•d "" lh•• "·''' 1 ._ben ~ tbe w..tor. U eSSJ00 otu•t~>n• ,. "l'l'r""llnrol•·h• :r•. u uh·ll t•·\' 'uuro·f' '' u( l'rt'~t(ott p.·r 'h•• • li•.O•· ••I 1ho• t"nto•rtu lnm o•nl ~~r~ Fltnk wlut o·.ornr trou1 ltu!o ... ~ ot refrealuDmt• "' It Alolr lo·h :-lho·ll 1\-lll•'~tllu fo•rtHC'•I 1 h f' '•·r••mony Mu11l• ' """' 1hC' hi'""'"'' wa11 ln \"tll•ol to !II'\ tnl•l nf lh'" l'HIIl' \\ hto h """'" ~ bJ ....._ O«wJ l' and MrL )(= ,..~,t~~r1no~~l ~"h~~-,r~::.:: llav l~lu rroi. ••p•·n lnoru :: p 111 '" ~··1"' rr""" wl'r•· J:IY"n by onto ••I "I'''" mltll\' I"" ku~''" ~tmlnmtnJ: hi' cii.I!Y for t hl' '"'"Y I uu~··wll t• .... W~laad. Wl'r? Mr«la1nea ~. I' 111 tho• l>n<lo•'.o tw>Mt !rtf'no.IM, 3.11~11 J \11111 luh·n~ 1111d I'' r~<un•ol ~;tft~. AniHOI: ~ ..,.._ "--a-MU'-r. Kn• Garoh•nll nn 11/I'Wf'Orl Rnul., MO~D .. "', .,UGUST... ~l<'l'lro ry nf Sanl o Anll, and by h"' a:uo•Mtll \\<'I'P ~.In<. \\' W HrrT in"·l VEGETAB -'""-""""'' ·--vard. 1uut IIUIUNI an lnvllatln n to "T " ,.__ t 1 l\.1'-• \\' 1 · "' I 1.-E SOUP ... JileniUCI, .,,...,__. Burk . NI'W"'•rt llllrh"r c;&rl !llro t lnrl~ ll l!lo•r' "'10 "'11)'<'1' f'ntworth "''1" l"n llllol ~In• Hnlph \-\'atsnn, m n-Southern Run,an St ~le _.._ membeno nt lh~ Junior. Wr~mrrfl' ,~ "I Lo \' T 1 · 1 .. ' .... N~. a~ BIUiqa, \'lllh, 7 :\11 r Ill lknu1 hut 8""" \'f' "II ru y ' an• tho•r a nol fOilOII.'r cot thl' lln•le-l"l<'t'l. hea d c;abboaoe ~ ......,, Mary Ortlftn. J'Aitth ~y c;::l,:~~~~~:,oo:nth~~~ Nf'Wj)(trl IWII4'h ('tly C'tHIIII'II. ''Murta F:lr na" ., I c•rrob ..,..,.._....,..-: ......... ...,... 0ooc1e11. KatUe co unc il ('ha.m~r•. city ha.ll. 7 :\0 Purm.: thc" rt'('t'JIIton ho ur t\4-ld Palo' Alto Man twn1pa _ _,..,:..._..,.....;::a., .... ~ rkw& --...rna. ~-.;;:;--.,.. lo ...... l ~ at 1• m . • In t~ hom" 1l wetWang ~ke wu pobtoea •• 1w ..... &If· Ill 1 .. a Md wiD .._.. Mra. N•wport &-ach F.tM-11 aun Arta cut by th(' roupte. Ttlt l'akc-wu Is Hanored On 1 celery ~ .....,, ~ "-· "--taUl vt UM many ran plallt.l llDd C:.."raft.a SecHoo 10:30. m. maM by J ohn Bonbrrc. unrle o( I a· h Date aeuonl"'' ' .-a··-•--...___.., TUEaDAY, AUGUaT !>--_ thP brldt'poom and wu ~allll-lft 6 ft';ankfurtera ----•· aow lll bloom there. M,._ Myrtlf' 1n11tt1t. .Je1116e au.ard ~. ~· wtU pn:etdr ovf'r Newport Harbor U ona c 1 u b , tully dKoraled with purk "'" • Cook lhl' \'t'l(~nblt>• tog~ther ....... 01• :•. t.lle ~ noon. Ka1~1>r ~ 'a(,• buda IUld a mlnl~ttuure hn<l,. &nd ~ \\'hl'n F.drlh· Tom al'() arri\·NI w1th /lf'\'C'ntl quart~ nf w at,. r . <••-;;~:;:;:;:;;:;;:::;:~;;=:r~;:;;:-.:.....--:::;--·-~;:--;;y;-----~""''fl'trl. llarbor Knlary Club. groom. S.ltun:lay :tlll'm<'Min rrl'fllll'lllion' \\'ht•n \'f'J,;I'tllhlf'JI arf' to'nol('r add I .. - I CORONA DEL• MAR BALBOA ISLAND _liDO ISLE IT'S A Bad Hclbit TO THINK .ALL HABITS ARE BAD TO GE'V "YOUR WEEKLY MEATS and VEGETABLES --AT·---¥-AY -L'ESS AND USE OUR DOWNTOWN PARKING LOT WHILE DOING YOUR OTHER SHOPPING lUI'S. A GefO·d· Habit IT'S A HABIT OF PAY -LESS TO . ' STOCK UNUSUAt ITEMS AT UNUSI!ALLY WW cosr, GET· THE HABIT l I W hltf''t llalboA l~<llllld l'nrf•·" :-lhorp Tl}t ntw ~I rs F'rilJO '" " ~~:r&d-h.rd :'llrNtrl~ IW't'D unckrw:ty f'lr :t lhr fn•nkfurtf'r" whlo•h hll\'1" bf>l'n 1\ :In I' Ill uat~ of ~l'V. rort Hl\rl><•r l 'nloo hrr I holny ro•l··ht at lflh In hi' hnnor ('Ill flnf'. Tho> I ··~ull I!O fl frnt• ~ N~""l"'rl Uarb<ll llr~n··h of th•· H igh g..,,.,.,, Wh('1"4! ah .. WltJI IOf Uve In tho· hnm·· .. r h•· .runt ;onct ram -(IR\'flft'ol .. nup' "hrr h ill C'f'rll\lnlv AJII!II!tAnr,. LA&It\11'. 1 1' m ""''".in ..mU. .. It; IUl•l girl' !I l•··•).!llf'. a C"-tly, • h•• Prt'''"" l>um•an'-nri~rnal. · 1------------------------------1 Mnr F. F. nouollnot II\ ot ,.,. .onol at leO<!~ ~a rita An&., T t1" ~mnk>Nt un<W~r:lfh~•l•· AIH•lhr..t ... r ho r 1"'1 rC'C''J"'ll I• -.1-1JDI.1.aml.u. Sl'R~~ 3 And up 6 rurlnntl' Auc. 2-LONG REA\JI JIA~tllCAP 3 and up 1 mllr ~.6--CASA OF. 2 )T. okill Aq.8-MOTI Jrrnooor "'""'"",. 1 'h1h "f t'u..tn .lunr~or t 'ooll"li:" (Of' '""" ,.~mN•t ~no wn:< httnn!'f'f" "' n h:'lrhfo<-11,. '-IIJlprr P.ul':ornn pot ,)ll'•':t•· ~~C'~ll. " I• 111 v. 1th ~l r,. ftnho 11 ll<•r llll'h onol jtl'8thrl\ll•ol (ro m I Arlo•r otn o'n )"' ·llolo• :tfto•m~tun 11f l'uN'h,'l'C' II ;"i J'tollllcl p••t c hC'<'I'<' .F: ttn"~ I'll :-o:r\\purL JJo.ml•·v-1 l~u•·ru.. Junt•>r ''nll••t •· Arttl the i ~'~~'""L: m H:1r llnrl~krn'< hn:tl. :r n.t \\ftrk rt ll.roollf.:h n 11 flrr nr • -.-..-r · lt('ol 1 ·r•'<"~ ''"rkr•"""" "I''' n :" .u .. nnl l(aolw ~rh•oo•l "' 1,,~ An-llanlt1<'k , Tun '"'" thr ~rnup ~rill " it fill•· Aolol 2 !Ill'~ n( flttt:Ar ll~:lu " Ill In ~. I' Ill I !Jill~ til '"" Rf'I••JI Ho•turrunjt (rum .. ~hort I.)(''"''" Ill :0 1'1111.. 111 n tll Rnn ·•k '« '. 'up hull•·l' .; ,1<• .. "1:1!11 ""'' I 11ou lol1111o: I IIIII••·• "'''' ,; 11 ~lltr111" hlllh y rnoo• tnp l hr 1'•111'1•• will •h rp \\ 1111ta . • up "' "'111 1 t ••rtm , nnol plno" un A"'''""' ll.olluoll 1•1 •nd m1tk•· lh• 11 h•orno• >•I :.!17• \\,lllh-,\mo mt.; 1111•"' o.::oiiH'IIn,.: rn thr l'lll\'o• 1u nwlt. Tilt' m txturP l.~ l'hrhot l 'hunh lo~ th·· So•/t y .... n.: ln~o:t .. n !"l!O't'l, l'r<'!'!l>ll ,\117Uf)a.J II\1nt: t'••lnl nr rho• Jtun ran hnml' ftnr~ho d \\h•ll II huhhh•l' li (1'1\ 1 1'""1'1•··,. p oll\' 7 ~~~ 1, n r , '"'rt' :\h">. Mnn.on T'ltnil'-1'"· .Jn -l trnl'~ • WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 6-c. a fc E mployces l'<'Jihln·· 1~····11'1', \\' olko·r "uho. J<'lr l 'llllf 111111 •• mulr1 n nd aold 1\Ul :'\:o'WI'Hft 1-:ht'll 1'l u It lnfo•I 111UI P<IWI'II. IIIII ltllt ll'k ;\lr' \\' . \\' 111•'111:-·~ t:ll''ll" '.\'lwn o•uld ll<'rvo· ,.,,~,.··•t '"'""'' 1 1. 111 ="•'"'l'"r' Guc~ts At Steak Hnol~:km~. Hdt ~ l "",.."'•··r. Rowld) w 1111 '"'~lj,•tt B<'lll'll I :r llllllllHr ~ • l " .. I uu.h 1 llu no•nn. ( ·,,, k~ I •uno·:on .J•·:tp E91r Pla nt Relish • to•r tum. Bake. Hayride • llnda:km'. llntlo:11 .• tr .. •h:k tn" .\lr· If th.-1a rn!ly Irk ··~ th•'lr (ol(lol \\'l'c.ln••Molay ruo •' ~•·•••·" tt( llod · , nn!l ;\It"-:0.1:u·,h.oll '''''''•'!' :'\lr$ 1 'Ill• 111111!• d lhJ~ s:olo· ol :<h will h •Wl ""' lo1 l 'lolh, :! I' 111 .111 1' •·r ·Th.· ,,1111u,ol ,1,.,,k It\ ·I· II 1-:lfl.olu•th l"alo• .ltlll ''1' ('nprmt:r 'no•···! w rth lh1•ir "1'1'11"111. 111 11 c onll "'" J ·ll'k ..... ~"""f''"T1 Hn rtwor ~,.".,"'" 1 'lulo a:~.-hn'"l'rt ~·nrt,. 1n 1 •r.~ I 'nun·· ·---___ I .!!.tf!i.•' •·gg plun1. tJak•· an !llliw 11""" \\hoi···· 11 •• 11 .... ,·,.tf···· :0:)1•'1' ·~ l '•lk "·'' t;f\•'11 \\o'•lt1o•tiU) I uvrn fl'r 4~· mtnllll'l' Rf'nlll\'f' Md lt••ol ,.,.,.,. \\ootkroon lll .......... o\•11111.' , .. , lho• •tllt•J .. ,,.,. rtnd W es tovers Are Hosts ·•,\ojll••l•' .... , )IIIII' ll<•l\\'•'•'11 :: Ill Ill .a Ill Ill :. ,, Ill II.JII~·-~ 1·-tho II Ill• ,,., :llld ... ''"' 'I •hdl To Brido. e Play ina f'l[lfo ~ L..t ot ~land 20 ffilllllt••.O hu1ol :1 11 ~lllrtfh' .\ ,., 11uo· I•·• ,.,,., ,.n1pi"P'•'~ ~~~ \I• ""I ;\In;. ~ -., f' P <'I anol put I hrnuach m('~t - Non-('omml"-"l"n"'l Otftoor:o "' \\o~t11111 .\ H.'""'11 ,.1 1:'"'''"'!' H arhor Folk '""I'P•·r '"'h 2 r•··•··oi tnm:~ln•·~< :-=tn lt .. t ;Ui\n l rn••••l al lta~l• :--:•h•-•1 t ".a, 1••1-· (·.-,, ... 1 111.1\', 'c"·· and I tttll 110 F1~ tn:: t:tttt .... , ..... u .... 730p m. P•••t f\•t•h ,.f .. '1'• •·•I l!··f••tt''''''"s.! a•J•t J _, .... M is~ Elsie Newland ··Joins Fat:nily In Middle \X'est Harbor Service LaundrY & Cleaning Ill Palm Sti"Mt ....... \1'••1 tho '""'''I ;ond T\"' lorrdt.:•' I'" II•. '""" ph··· I '"'""P""I1 o( \1111 c:cr ln•l "''' k rn '"' IIIII\ \\o•<lo>\o I d tn•·•ns.: "•••· •Uf-·~·d ,,, l\.t\ lh• II \\,II\ \Jt • I , ' ""' ,.ark J ~lr-hnm•' 1n t 'll"'":t ''' l :\wr \\ llh :'\1t• \\ t•'-1••\• I •••f\nt: , .... 1\•• ... 1• ........ tt • u h :\II 111ol :\11 :0 ll:11·nlol Jll'rllh\' M I ATTEND WEDDING l ,.,n t;u ..... l ... \\•f • l 'u,tl 1." ~tr. 111<1 ;\Jt, Fr-onk \\. ·. \' nnrl Rcla t.ives /\lake Their Summer I lome ' On 11.\ROI.O K. CiR.\I'f:l. ('11.\PF.I. .. ,,.,, On"-• h ,....., 1 h·· Rt1l tt'r ~'\"" fl) !'o•I'VIOO: 111111'1"!' !1t\.,t" Mll>l'l# ~"":port ~~ f'oata Mf!M C"allfn,.. nlfm r 11.., ,\ pnh•nn 1\ vo·nrr•' '' 111 IC'I\\'(' 11~o• llt•l " o< 11rnnr n rn.; lollolt.:•' thl' lntl(lr pAri n( ,\u~ll't (nr tho I F.LF£TRIC f'Ul<'K~ R EPAIRED •1111 N...pon Bl\'11" e-ta •-r • EXCELSIOR CREAMERY I co. PhOM Santa Ana 237 I"OR f'F.R\"ICF. (\\'flf'k or l.onv r ) ~ Drtwr or Call f'ollfc'l • B UYr."iC A JIO~fF. no lnng~"T ""'Jut'" • laTge accumulation of •avin~-M~t down paymenta are &he order of the day. , "'Own-A-Home" Savings OuM are gTOwing in- treuingly popular. By this plan the necl"!'..qry Clown payment i. built up month by month. When the medeat, clowa P-y:Mftl .... .,.... •ftd. '-b. iMaruce eompeniel. eni"!' ud Joe .. ~~tion1 ad N'fin!" banks stand ready to t!upply cn.ii& 'Dses ...Jt.ss ..W.... Ia •• • lime ill ew----....., ~ory .~;n; was able ~ get crco3it • "'""--·-'!•·-··' ~ -eadl81ti.ai~ terms. -1'11ete Mftl' -bem a time iD oar history ~·hen ·eo little mont'y eoaJd ,purchue eo much nine in a home. The men who ht'lp you buy your h ome ti.- Eloothed ~e way.' The men who J>uild yout h!! .. ere building more comfort and more value in .jt. Theee things h1'fe come about 'becauae .n or ua Consult The Ad,·ertisers In The BUILDERS' PAGES OF ' THE NEWS~ TIMES "The :\lost 'Comlll('fl~ Listin~ of nuilders In the Jfarbor Area'' • • • ~ . - • • r T