HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-09-02 - Newport Balboa News Times~ l. • \ • ... ISSUED ' ....... .. , .. ... , SEMI- ,. NE-W.~l~~jlA WEEKLl MID-W~ ED I nON -· EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT, SE SHORE COLONY. LIDO ISLE. NEWPORT HEICHTS:.'BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEl MAR COSTA MESA --.. -\ . -.. ... . ' . . . . .' . - ,~~":hJ·\7(;:-·;;,.~:~: Th<?usands View Big tionals w ilt \)(' Phol c;r •• n A . . I cl . . M . youthful )'QUO•j:: S.liJinJ.:' t'XJWrt n n ua osta· . esa w ho can handl(• a tolh·r w oth ; · -the ben ot th<"m. ~houlct ~-------· · · San Mannn I ad who h a s s . ·c • J VIrtually adoptt>d t r.ls <'It~· 8:' I car ec r. 0 w a r n Iva ' hi~_!!..O!£~. tf!_w!l .wm tj1" event. _ _ -' · the trophy racc will bf· IH·I·! I · • ·~- • b('re ne~t y .. nr .' · l';o, Phil. ,. · huc·s l m k ·=· Unique 'Scarecro"'s Follow Military Theme: Parkt'o s:~er !r.cdc !111\tH•n Fine Horses Add Color to Par~de. while thm owners work trm-I>ivision Wins Praise: Many Events porarily for the city ar(' twn 1 cars that look like foginv~>~ Full Day Program old ha<'k8 h&\'1' t>.>en d('o('krd at t>.>tt f'r than. 100 m p h P('r. haps ont" of t h(' rl'asuns "hy their ownf'r.!l art' workin~ for the coty .. Cllrfflvlll Anothf'r Costa· ~If' sa l'rarf'· crow C'llmiVal Md H o r 11 f' Sbov.• i.s a matter of hLI!t ory . A n f'nthul!oal<tic crowd WIW thl' p a r" d f' . hor S(' . f'VPntl'. atr~t f'ntf'rtalnmt"nt and nt· tendE'd the danrf'. The mam · tnten"fftlng n hlbil s in 11tor~ windows. of Y.'hLch a lllr~tt' num~r Wf'rP Ln (;h~rhe )f'· W lnklf''s l!torf'. added to thf' fntlvitira Thl' f'X<'PIIent arl'n8 on thP c-om munity park 10itf' w a • re~~lly 11omcthong \\' c- hear that onf' of the prinriple w orkt'rll In prPparing t hI arena .wall J~k K e n n .-d y . w h011e Wf'll known atablu are located at C<>flta Mua. Coming Expe<"ted to be booked by Siler . Sr. and Siler. Jr.. at the Lido Theatre 10metlme In September Ia a film that aJI Harbor relllcknt.l will w ant to put on their "mullt". 'Tis none other than a m otion picture bUed upon a .tor y wrttteo by Jlm Rubel. well known author &Dd relrident of Lido Ille w ho eomeUme aco ba4 lbe title ot "Jud«e" cooferred upoo him by thla commentator u the ...Wt ot 111.. Wnc tnc:hlded •mona-the Jud~ree tn Yar1oua local beauty and queen con. taU.· W atch for an anoou:oc:e- ment to be made aoon con- cerning date of the movie. Back Again Ann Brerar Price. who for a number of yeara baa oc- cupied the aame desk tn tllt city hall waa back agaJn alter an absence ot 7 weeka due to an oper ation. A welcome lll![ht ·ahe wu . Practically no work w u accompll11hed by the cit y hsll gToup. the i'lrst half hour u th~>y Y.'t'll'oml'd bu bal'k on the job M ight say that thPrf' a re many othl'rll ot thf' gt'n- erlll public who "'111 bf' giRd to 11ee her bach at ttcr rc~n~lar pol! I. g nf'rA v nu,. nr;r you' k now whllt. A rlsing the ' next morning Aflf:r h11vinll' rr- trained from romplalnlng to polk~> about dl11turbancf' or n .h•ing nbjtc-t lnn~ of "-r'Y kind -r ntnrd orrtniflni'"'"partlf'~ 1 n at tire. ldayb4" tht'rf'·~ llllrnl' ju~li<'f' 11fttr all . . :· B ig Crow d Nn;port R ubor h11d & btg Labor Dav Crowd. SaJI3 dot- ted the ~v at all Umts \an~ Were p&rked f'Yf'rywhf'N' -thf':V ...;~~~!. ~l~~~!: ~~:.: Adjudged Best driven out of. Trl\fflr on COIL'It Look• Bo G• J High"··~· W311 hf'll\'lt'!lt ll('f'n 1 tng y tr ln .omet lmt And If somr of 1 · • -- thf' drivinll: tel'n ,...,.,. h-pirsl 1 C"CNOtA Mt'M hu t hf' honl')r nf . h•l') Y"llr" Pet On Ulere.,. no doubt 1116 1? h~w thr 1 hA\'In~ u ,...!.!t1t'n~,. th!' bl'1l1 ltX>k-Colll'lt" tfrrifffC dflftlh toll OVf'r th~ in~ bOy And r irl tv.~1nS a.mon~ two ;.--: ---- holidays \'.'11!! attRinl'd. I hundre" llf'tl! of tY.1ns f rom all In rson 1.'\ who r"J•r~"llf'ntl'd the Labor Day 1 p!!,rle of thl' natil'ln whl<'h att~nd~ Mua C'flrnmunlty In the colorful cltv ('olln<'il, rrlf'brAtt d ,.d tht Sixth Annual -r..•,r a ron· rr,nvtntltlfl an•l won thf' t.Jlle of Day by lAboring offi· 1 ,·entlnn v.·hlr h Huntington &ach beat IO'llur g br.y and flrl of thr f or lht city M onday lut •·eektnd t.undn da of pairs of t•'•M attend· T hey are K atherine aod Ja c k lo• ' . . ...,.. Death Boat Is ·Tolred .Into --. t'Ut'R I' \c:t:Jo4 ~neka ,. 'New City Tax Rate is 8 te .-12 Ce~rlts.less -For ·NeW . Fiscal Yeaf·~ . ·. Jlt'Ciudion In Valuation dt-mption Tax., llate I hw to .lnneaaed of ('ity'M t•roawrty and of lktndM; Savin~t 1"', .,, t • n' v 't•'w k•·t f•ll" !• \'lt ltlt*f'l '-' I Itt h fl,.j It JC••t;f 1 "'•'"' t rlnl(· \'J1lu• •1 ht $1~~ l 'uh,,. '• at t ,, t•illll 'A r •uut f•nan•l t hr k,.fl ' _,,.,,,, ll,LIIJIIt I( Y.oth t hr t .. ,JIII "'~·· I• h~·l ~n r "m'"'"'' lyonl( <Jn A Want-Ad Wili Ho It (·heaper • l..ines -4 Times ·$1.00 • ,,,,. nonnlnll( lli'•artl <tl hilL 1ar ''--------------..: +- . . . ,, -.. • .. -Christian Sc_·ience F..ati&W Chricti~• ~rifiW'": Tb~ l ' ndc>r~t.andiDJ of )Ia a·. 01H'Dh~ -itiJ 4;,.,d . :........ .. -~·------r··-"'.---· • -. -... ~ • t ·-.. " -cht In ma.n) a.r~""""' lo-r r.~;th prrbip!!. wt oo. tl. lht tradtUona l r,oU)I' ·It\ dtiOf\; s optn or t f' LO bf' qurtt dlsturbtd and reslac.aru · Urummond. lty and th~ ma)elity ol ca1mnesa. • Athlt"tlc Club: 3rd.-Donna St.m . 0.,.. pt I!!IIOUOB ~A a.od lhf1 ha\~ tnrcl c.-,,,. .... , w <f :rC'"';.t.a ot [)o-,·, and cn tatn:,· If t'athrn bu:.rn"'-' at alf hours Your And yt•t It ma_y bt ._,ked o f tho..-thought Mrs Eddy had grtat rt · \''hen you are txprl'sslng spir itual lf'y.' Newport Ha rbor Swim Tt•a m . ... 01 11.0.. m •., .._a~ ftDd ha~u-· IN' tnt':'-·~ ... u I>"· ('r(ltj L• ff'.:ard•<: a• a p..,.~nal. r... chrrlc .. 111 lll"d'l COI!III' back ruarkt·d I llld11 ldual~ Do you ~~o·ant to be told . ~pi'Ct, sa id 01\1' day to a aro(Jp of pdlse. It lndtcatcs that you ha••e Senior Men 100. Yard a ackatroke ~,.. ...... -..y .., ••. a II fan w Lo:ial ,.,,..,!, 100 •• 2.f' ·~·· r rr..,•t rntll> •· t. "~ nn drnrute !lot'sumclrnt l und"" Th rrr l.s al-that )'OU hn1e a real dtaease that studrnl6 In Yale Universit y· "We cast your net on Ul!_rtght side-that tst. Flop! H agan . Pa.,a t!Pna .-filii ....a 1 1 1 1, • • ~ of ~Ut'("''$.< II» at;r "lC...O r •• • .... ..ranorr : ;;: ...... llt protKtion or •">.,• rnough, lnr tht rf':l4)urCf'S rif )OU arr 'ullrrln~t and may ehortl' coni~ not to SBI'I.' your souls. but to )'OU are malntahlfng and clalmlnl Athl1.'!1c C'lub 2nd --John Alh•on . .,_. ., marutr ~ -rm :rr :r:-~~· .r-..t• .... :r·~ Ct.r .. ,., Sro('n<'" ~larrs thr bank of lntluttr Mind or l .o\t dlr? Why dor.• 'lilt go to a doctor' . sa a )Our lives. w. want you to be th~ one Mtnd a.• your Mind by rt• Lon 8 h y 'f C A . J r 1 1 .• a.od aJtocnbn er-.r~ ,. •'t-o "' ~~ God ..s lol.:.r~ but that does not "'" tnnmtr ~~~ rap1tal and fun!U To h:l\'t dl~•·a,,. n.nd e unrtal a no ChrL~tlans. not because you might n~uon PoiSe Is the Indication that g eac " · 1 1 " (!),_ /). ~-... llrq nv-an a d -•ta:.· \f nd ll dOt'S not tmm• a'urab:,. dtstto) a II dl'<l'IL~ a ctually ellt u dlt tonl~>ht. but becllust you are you a re r~('O((nlzsna one govrrnlnc 'llJ:' r.la!!bJnJ l'asao.Jt>na Athltt1c ~ ca. -..., It m~ ~ a;-pa..-n: :.o a· )'nt' llll"an ll.at th .o~~ or thot.Ch:a af Wha t ts a rarlurr• What ha.• hap-a.s a retlltt\. ~~o·hat could anyone do ~tolnl! to lt\•e, tomorrow " Speaking divine Principle and.law. and that ('luh A*,_~,_ ..t~o thoue'ttlu'~ ror.•1c' .. r• •! p •4 b-ttw ~ 1nt\:ut~ ltl,nd ('f)me ID man I" nt>d to th" thlnkrng of a man who about It? II dl~ ase tro't re rtal. nt 1· to thtst studl'nts. he changtd the you art ltttlng Principle assert lt.'>tlf I Junior Women 100 yard Free Style Ja '!'\. JKt that 1f u.. ~ r • ..a rl• "·' :.1 !rom -r,..,.,,, ·~ or faraway place tall'. s1od "In h,,, ht ratl('(l? wr tht'r Chn~tluu &II' nee nor any othrr tnt1re l'tnpha.~l$ from death to lift . u your consc1ou~ne:.s. I st. GN~q.:iana \'runk. L o !I • .u-a~ Ult nr--....gry 11:~,: .rr:lt'r V<'>4i and I .... ,. ... ~ C"'ffC'f'fW' of~-· fl'('•,gni7t that thl' -a·urld 1:1 t\lll'd method uf hl'nllnll W'OUid be of am II lA Pe•fet'tly OOVIOU.~. then. that As long M men beltt \'f that thtJ Angeles ;\ thll'li<' Club: 2r d . . D N ~ A a· A" _...,. .. -.. -·a·r • • · • ~ 1 "" llllt llmd <o'h•r 'hAJI as ommprn-h &\•a ll .... ••r ld ... h 1 11 • ha r1 1 1 d d r1 ~· --...... ~,, • • Om . •• . wu mf'n and -a um .. n carr)tnl · "'' ~'u ....-opeeu. t:wrt can be no leglllmate tXJ)t<'t· ,,., Jl ,·a e mn • an P vatt ln·,C'Ialrt CTalgt', Nt'wport H arbo r lone r.tncr attaJrw-d IU C • .•DO :bat :::a. a!::~;-~; ... ~~~~nlJ w:'htn tht lr ., .... ,t. the conscto ws-dl\~ be a I.1C't can medlclnt or ancy c:.l duth. but. on the contrary. ull~ts .. and Pt"rmlt thtmstlvts to S\llo1m Team. Jrd' -Kathlt'f'n l';at.l- wtlat 11 ~ a (.(), ·• ·) IDOrt' ~ th;. f ~ •t, 1 nrM ne:>& or fta.r Ulat they havo> DOl ,.~. sur&ery du.tru)' tt? the fQ)OU.S antl<'lpatlcm of unrnd-bt aoverntd b\' the uncontrol~ ltir . !llt'wport H a rbor Sw1m Tt>am ~~~~:ctt·rmrr.-.~ -r ~· P"':IC;~"M ---.... 1 an ' • ... ~ ~ ron-rrt'dtd P DMi bly thry havt llarttd Whto "r ~ 1y that <U.sea.v u1sU tng lite force of hu!Jlan lmpulst and •·Ill. It ct b.....a.rln Jiff1ll. ID ..,. ~ but --w .. JOU c-an ... m ...... at 'oo -·' · • • -, Ia nl>l ·surj>r1slng that tftls kind of -stnior Men 6e yard F~ S)yle It Ia mnatabA'. a.nd 11 ap; ... a r-ID' f'Slllf'n& that dl\lnt powrr to ~ out Wf'!l mou1h. but IOmewhl're on . only as brhr'!, •·t undtrstand that Ell't)'Ont lns!tnctl\tly \...llo'&n~ to thlnltln exttr 11 . • t Jol 11 du-.d ............. 10:1 t~ 1., ....,.,,.~ and llnow IS th,. ~•ldi'OC"f' tha t Wind tht roatl thty hll\f' run Into dim-II)S prttnanly mf'ntal. Wl:.hout 10mt bt')laPt>Y. and )rt If you ••ere to ._,k and bgt ,na u s flt.stlf II) t vltl 1~ · 10 A lson. LIJng 134'ach ,.._,... ... · -.. -· · · t Ill Th h ,, 1 d · kl d tht a1 crage 1)4'r 0 11 "Ar 0 h 1 ~or t rary orm o go\'trnmtn. Y . ~~ C . A : 2nd. lr,\'in~ Glall· -ot of ~In •pmtua11tJ In ottwr ta "" prt'M'nt \\~ ·nn bn.r II n:-u ts ty a,jr rf'ac lt a point n . ql lhoul(hl. th('re would be no A \ ' e)' u appy Tht Psalmist tl'rote "The "'icktd, blind. P as.Hif'na Athlt'l c C"lub; 3rt! worc11r.. UW ~ o1 lhr 'f'8ft 1:1 pr-.1 tn thr ptlra.M, ~Ht fad whf'rt they jlnd thtm.SI'hi'S Sll\llll!. CllrL'I'IOtfltnf'"" O! dL'fL'Ie or peln. In rf' you ~ npi!'IA'Iy satlsft!'d and throuch the pnd• o1 hi& C6 t.f• 1-.lly ~'*"' on Ita IDCT~-.d prnPIKf' of nund -"I can'\. 1 d on 't know how 1 am othf'r word,,· ,t('lcness. aln, or du -ront.tnted? In a !.a rae majortty of na&~ct Will not ~ric aft.tt God _u~od George lJowell. \\'baUitr Swaru ........., -*ntandm& a~ tU We --1.bftt tba& 1r1 CbrW~n altaid. 1 am dbc:ouraaf'd. I'm a cord of an) naturt af)pear. and' ran ro5f'S thr an.~wer "'Ould not bt al· Ia not' tn all h1• thoughts .. A~d so Club• ~~ of tabor "11110US roo-8nrDcr tbP tnftruty and ~ failure · only appc'ar •• fal~ mtntal p1c-nrmauvt but ntgAthe Look at tht todav as .,.r. co~t,.mp~~ tht t 1 ,.. Senlo~ Womeft 100 var4 ClriJC&. ~ono Ill cant~ wton ~of Ooct-or Mtnd ts not acetllfed Now what Is Ol)f'rallt\1 hn~? 11>1' turt's Ill w;hat I' tt'rmtd human eon-racn of thO!'it 11'hom you met<t aild. world. In a st arr or lt>nr and dls~o~d J'CIU t..n!Pt 1~ttr Ow-..,.......... e1 u a lbeory. but a!llolwu fan. a fan btllff that man Ia Mpara!A'd from S<'lou.•nes.s Wt ('all sl«kness a claim. pass In the ere:.~~ atr~ts of tht we rt altzt that mtn ~em ·to ~ CbnaUall 6clf'nn' tt 1:1 ~ tbat _, liP IDttiiiCftltlJ and Pf"K· the source and onglu o his lr.lt•l· but It I~ • fal.-r cla im to reality II Cit)'. Do W'e see thtre tht t vldence leafntnc through aml<'tlon and auf- aDd muaunna 10 rec-a1J' t!w _. Uca1Jy appbrd tn awftlr:w Uw dttl-_ lletl'l<'t1 Throush Chr l.ill&n . .tkle.noe It had actual (tltJ lY.:.ll would bt.etu.-. 01 Joy and Rrenl!! 1 Not Vfi'Y otkn. tmna-~ the ttnr of Babrton, ~ • -· 'T1W'1If'lliPIP qjlr.,.... ~ _, l*utllltJa. 11f li-n-ure. -1ft ow fallurr or lack of aur-na l. tlnd all that we call acltntlnc ~ lon1 u man btlleves he II aepa-that ' human tl'lll and t\'ll·mtntal . • ~ be•~-a jhat ~: W. ~ t1w elllrofule fad of Ood'a a.a may ~ aclertlftcaliJ and aplrl~ thlnktng would ha ve no basil. All rattd from Ood It II alao cleu that manlpulatlcm cannoL seL aside !.be , ~ Cllal ..... tlw lliDit fill d. I lJ -.. tlw ~ Gr ... uall..J OYffWUlC. lL cioe. .DOl. UlJ a slcknts3 LS, of COI,U'K, Lh.r btU.f U\at _br Is Kpal~ from bapptnas. • dlvtne fact that the one Mind alone ---... ., .... ..-... -• .._ ....,..._ ... ...C • • ..., « -.n auiYmnc with the man aa aepa,.t.f'd trom Oocl. tht Everyone. la entitle-d to be aden-ruin ln tht kingdom of men and .. = .-....·. ~--...... • ,_ ...,. · llei:Wf « fear or faUure, ~Juat MJ, eouroe ot hll well·btlnl and bar-uncally haPPJ, aclentln~lly wtll. that. Wht thtt thty ackno'll'ltd~ tt a _ fill ,.,... ... ,_ ,_. ~ • _, '-....._: '"*-II 'I can, I can aucCNCS 1 am a auc-mony The reuon whJ Gllfue a nr and aclt ntltleaiiJ proaperoua. But If « not God alon~ 11 the rovernoc .... 2 7 a .......... --... .., gwe II ..... .t .... I _,. -~ethlnl ~r that klncl. ~ dllc:ord disappear under Chrllllan Wf atudy Ult txperlencea or buman I amonc' the'-natlona .• Throuah the ..... 2 _, .._, • H 4 ..,_ .... ...S _, Clu1IUul 'ftult ll aot tbe proceaa of CbriiUan I 8dence praytr or veatmtnt II bt· belnp. a lmo.t tvtrywhtre there ap-I dilelpltne ot human exptrlence UltJ llllill ....,, ........ • .._ ....... ....,_ 111M. -. ...... ~ at all; lnawad It n:platne ea111e they nevtt d id have actual I peara to 'If 1 aenw of lneocnplet.t· .,. btllll forctd v brine God Into ......_ _,.._,fill ......._ ._ -. -.. II .. -..,..,. t1 a.., Lbe trw nat UN' o: 0oc1 aDd Jill ullwnoe. The uurealltJ of •lcllnt31 n--..om~Wnc ~..!,Ill· aomtthtnc I Uwtr thlnklnc Evtn 1r human be· .-.. ... 1!11111 ....._ .. tnt........ 1'.., .... .. a.uoa.. U Oocl Ia the C)ot llnmeU-I' a nd -~ II butd on the ldtn-~ctMar. .at •.---• lP be laainc-tnp a tU!npt to outlaw God and a .-a _, g 2 " ...._ ............ -.. _,_., a.e ca.& aD llrMie MlDd and hence tht Wtnd of 1 Uft1.,c and loileaJ ltnowledce that a 1 .:::ta.~-pocomn~!.~'!t.. th~-~llhcf that what thtJ call ~ll1lon. thty cannot d a I .. a... ... .. ..... ..... .. 0 .... ... .. ...... ...... -. It fol~ that man ~ ae -n:llwot and wh ollJ lood eaUM . ' "' p...,..,, .... """' u not annul the lnescapab~ IOVtrnment llllt ---U • w. ... .... -. .._ haft a fautnc and lneapable Wlncl. ,could not polllbiJ be Ultlr Oftl1n. prov ded him Wilt' the Wllllt 0• com-1 of divine ~net pit ~ 11 ..._ ._ .-& g . .. ....., L .._ ... c-... fii''O , Pa1lure could. ntve. r orilloat. In nor 1 and tha .. t therefore theJ . have no t p~u aupply and substance? Tht j ~lui .lkttoc.e. ruea.la tba 'ad -t ... •I-IZ••Il•....__.., ...... a. tr I ... S ~ •••lllf fr«tt tbe dttlne Mtnd-<RIIf --4lldaknce -in-'Ood·ur-tn-man;-H~•-humantty luday aunss ~~ that IOftrnmtnt If It II to bt rtcbt, F _-_ .! .. PQU~ -, = ... a.., __ }•' ...., ~ ~ ~ .. ~a fallun could not make =~.~~.'~~ lfn.~r to demon-~.; 111:~~ 1....'!:~~ ~~~~tt me •wt ftnd Ita so~ce and tXJII"fUiiD - ------• --. ....... - -.. --•• DeYft kneW a failure, llle· -wo~ .w Uwo 0 .. ...,_. 1\at.fmen~. • ..--• Ill~ ln the COoadoUSntll! of the lndit\d• ~~=r:=~ .. pQ-....... ~ , hw fill 0...... .... -IDa antttr., loci~ man, )'OU &R ulle4 to tum aWaJ frOID .. :ual'p~~k)n; Jl~•llmlt comh ldpanJon-~ ual, and that as mao ~ ~ ...__.._ Ml ...._.. a .. Jllll ._..., • ._. <W-. • a a.pld.e wcce.. Dnllbecl, and mawnal picture a nd pbJIIeal aJ111p-ftn t tt t c I ~n.-hl.maeU u Ult renaeuoo·cwiDUlU a. ._ ....., • .. ...... .. Lll • _.. -llftur -.... ..., rood-toma. You art ulled Lo maln&atn. aomeumtt see Ulls manlftstatlon of tattoo ol Princl ~ he wtU be .. _ ........ -. ........ _. .. -:_.a......... ._ dftltonatnttnc Cbr11Uan I!Sd· both a udibly and mentaUJ, aha* tnc.mp~t.enea upre~~~tnc ltstU In'' .,1, aeU-IOvtn!s prop- --SS ....... -., -......... ; eftlr OIII'W lftCIP, lt II llftpor1&nt to u ndentand you Pft'Cl!ln muat ~ the aptr1tual frttl\aJnea a nd-dt~nt.enl. EV.-ry What IIIQtem~ent? Ia tt matw ... ...., fill' .a. ............ • IIIIa • that -are not two kinds of man fact about yourvl. af\(1 all btl~ ntdenoe 01 lust. lon1tnc. or fa!M • ~ ...... -... _.. Wlillllll ...._ ,_ •-.. rai.l 11 JOU bat e per~lvf'd 'your lru~ )'OW' lnaeparablllty from Love, troe a~ttte may be t,.ced Lo tht belief or mind? Wlthout,mlnd then wou.kl ~ ¢5 .... _.... a. .., 1 .... , ,.._ ...._ • .. l*ntllJ · u an tndlvtdual aplr1tual UY ft and all tbat mnna per1actl06. ~t man ts, reachlfll out for com-1 ~ .. oo1t~tthernmtnt. tlth~ l'ood •ot = fill a.. • -. ~ ,._.a.& IMI? IIIIIIL .._ ~-~. u..n atldl to ll. we ou a~ IIWltd 10 cut Jour ott oa p ... unea. or aomtthlliC of wh1('h -... .. . e -'Uffla~ ... lDkinl ...... a...._. D' u --. .._ ,_. eaaDOt -' -r11u1 from two the rllbt aide. OD the akSe of Tru&b be btlleta he hal tlftn deprfvflt : Lbe dUMna Which detftmtnel the .,..,, ..,._, ... .._...._ .--' 1lllall 11 -....._ ..,.._.. ltandpqlnta. There Ia no lnltead of etTor ~velop Ult habJt • and whiCh ht lfntlJ desires ln his j k1nd of IOYfmment -bate bu-= .._ a-... 0. -_, • ~.A 'Hr •--duall&J an dltlne tnetaphywic., a nd of thlnltln1 COIT~tlJ about )'Our· I \nl8 bellll. the natural sta~ of man manly, but -muat l'fiDember tba& .. 2 a 1 ..... ..... .. . -T? 1 A ' . ~ aD .--lui demonltratlon II from aeU. You say, "I am Ill " Now wha& u he eomplf'U upresston of I thll ll OnlJ a belief of IOYfminen&. ....... fill~ • .._.... • 11 --.., ..,., .._ _,. • Lbe IUDdpo!nt of abeo. lut.t truth II thll I. that talks for you and me I Pathtt-Wother Oocl II poMftSton 1 Ood'a 101'tnUnent 11 101111 on N· ... -• ..., .. tr a a ............... --.. -n. '" )'OU are a diYine. bel Ill. and you when It aays. "I hue a headache; I Ht pcl~UfUet, anct I e knowa ht PQ'I· pn1Jeaa of What th urlal • ....a a II -w.,t 5 1 ...., lll7lf tt.& -.._ el _. • lift· &hen J'OU a~ I'Ot C"fallJ a human I ban a pain to my aid~; I haft • Mila. aJJ IQPd He II rot a alAte of e ma aeu.. -. ...... _... 11111a fill a.._, 1 ..... 5 • .._ q.1 .. • .,_ ~ beeotnlftl di•IJW. or a lic k' man rtltumatllm"? Wor"' mind or fa.. ~"!. or desli-e. No one can be I :-lnk~~!c,~ tt.o t atlrm.. IUib& ....., .._. • w& ... • -~ ..__. ......, llliiNI • -lleft ftOilllnl ftll. tnn If tht usttmony penonaJ ~!\Sf And what Ia per--~·t or alont when ht pc'rcetves 1 ~.. a • o c:oune, mean~ t 31 1 fill Cbrtllaua ...,_, 111111; tt.& 11. tlwJ 8ft .. _,.,... of u,e aenses dftl.a.rft that to bt tht eonal RNt? It II the me1111enc b ll proptr ~latloruhtp to. and unUy , thlnklnl that hu ll.a bal1l tn dlnne ..._., Mft 45 t .... t1tr '11117 • a .... .._ u......, • ftk:b caae 8ptrttu.l thlnklnc Is nN ba.'fd 1 IUfttatlon that JOU and 1 are cor-wlth. Ood No o.w can be homele;<sf 1 MiniS. constltut.ea todaJ the ac\ual _s_c HEALTH , . .,....,... '"--.._ -..,...... a..y ...._ nw, .,.. fCII'Wftr .,. on atOll tntlmony.' but on dlvthe po~al tntttt~s. ln.sU4td or divine. home~~tck or frltndlt~. If ht hu I OVtrnmtnrt of th,. worta. Tbere· .a, ......, to I'6CIItft o-_ ..,. • ... ._... ead ..,..-of"-cbu· 1 facta, spiritual ld«"all of Mlfi'~ Corporeal demonatrt ttd aptrltua lly his com-fore. In Ule measure thal our think-\'oa are cordially bl.tted to ,.._., ._ ... ....., lbl7 wUI ...,ar ... .._... 7 'aDa' o1 MlDIL 8o-" It a. tmportant. thf'ttforr to un-Rose Ia the bt-11~1 that you h•vt a plettneaa u a n n pruslon of Ood . toe approxlmat.es tht d lvlnt atalld-, '*-.._.... lloom. ,_ ..,. .. a. ,....uan .. e.w _......a. Clu1IOaa ~ tba& ~tand Ult ulut or aplrltual a.mt-mtt.trial txt&tr nrt separate frolli 8o, If anJ ol yo~nnct.YOW'liClf ln a an1. lt 1a all3'ntd 'll'lth the lew, rs· • .... -a.. Ia. '1M -. ..._ t11r 5 wid tdea • matlon. The Apcxo~tlc J ohn ttiiA ua Ood r'realtu thattt ta\e.• a cert&tn mental ataw of lonclnc. of dmre. powtr. a nd govrrnmmt of God. ae- .......... dwua.hc tiUa call ol-fll7l ~· of lllbld. • S.· that ont ntcht. ahortl:r follo'II'IOC amount of co•lrace. ptr!"f'ptlon. aDd or of l"l''tlts.-neu. cut )Our nl't on f'\rdl~ of what appc'ars aa IOVtrn- CIIrrll& a: 1M ... ol ••to -..., W1tb M!nd ttle l'fturrt'Cllon 0 1 JtaUA. Prttr and even ch~P:"acttr. to ttjt('t the •UI· tht riCh' aide. DKiart IJ'Ilt.tfuUJ ment or man-made law. true aplrlt· WI'CIW • ........._ I lllMIIII at UW .... It ... lUI ~ ..... of Ood lfSllon of corpott'llllt> a nd to rea what JOU &no• to be tht fact about ual k nowllliiS the only potent factor 81111 brllck · If .., -twar ay • e1w -zy IOnd the• ~ Cbrtat aenral of tht othtr d!Mtpl~ had fust to Itt prr\Onal Rn.&e •PHil few 1ounelf Man 11 not a ac.ate of In ar.J aitual.lon. We learn, thtre- ...... 811111.,... Uw doal'. I .ua-""-1o JJnJft hit rbolhlp WUII Ood. tallm a t\ahln1 boat out on tht Sta ua and aay, "1 am thiS or • am tha\. ~ lonclnc or of l~Ltneaa. but &a-fore, tq c;hrl.'ttan Scltnce to aplrlt· a • IIIIIL ..,. ~ _., wlda ...._ fir' Pf"CCri"" lhat ..,.,llllk . ...__ of ~rtas and. altho111h thf'y had 1 But as a mattn or :art. what 11 Lbe the natura ancl tWrn&l s-lon ually malnc.aln the facl6 of divine .-1 bl wtda-l8le r.rt. 11w ~ty of Ood ~ the t ntlre night. tht lr toU 1 that you or 1 am• ln Se~DQ aod I of all trood IOYtrnment. and tach on.. of Ul JO ....... Uf .. ...._., ,., ....... ,, .. \lk <t -~L·l t/L'r l'l1lllr .. t.er clilototn:!; ~ ~ aDd mao. Jlrtn at .;., u-did be had t~Hn frultlt sa Jofln rrlatt~ that tfialth 'P Ul• Mr~. Eddy l ives thll I It Life II Ood. 1\ e.rtalnlJ haa no n-.w t east out the lean an d doub&a Md trr twftlty ':-an-;,';;;:: c!1111.JaoctaW hlm.<tlf rrom hll canoe In the morm nc J e.us a pl)f'arf"d on drftnlllol. or tht f'«o . "The El!o·malt ~lr aid'& ~nly Joy and anlldpa-that would.ttmpt us to bt>lttve In eDdie~~ tilKU .,._ lk ~tanliJ dforlared hll lbe aho~ a nd Ql.\tsttontd thtm ~-11 tht r?n"Cilon of thf' E«o-God: I uon of l ood. Ask JOUrstlf 11 Oocl ~t pow;er .md rraltty or tvtl. "Fw 1 __. -~. ~ .... ·-ett, With Ood. his IID!ty wltb Uft 1ardlnc thru catch Thr)' rtplltd tht EllO·man IS thr lm&l!t and /1.._ 11 ont a nd lnn,ll# &ood 1 Chtr~ anJ what nation 1a thrre so c:r-.at1 who , '-4 .. a ..,..... ca-. ... -. and '-· ~ •td. -• and my Patbw that they had caur ht nothl:tg The n 1 1, ~ • l · hath God 10 nl~th unto them as the ....,._, aalrrlinaUn& m lwr ftCID't· 11ft OIW • To him o,,_ w1th ell· Blb lt l htn tells UA tht Ma~tn's re-I'M 0 ~r 1 ct ltnd. !Spirit d vtne l01lcal basil !0' the u~tancy of Lord our Ood Is In all things that I erJ "-a Rftft tnjary ead at a .me lkial ... noe a thfooMy It wu ply "Cast tht "ltt: ht ~>aiel "on thl' Prlnctplt Thl'n t ht 1 0 ' f:io that you etll? Wh at ean comt to ua from •·e ca ll upor him for, .. /isK Us AJoul u.t wbm 1tw -DDt ~ to a fKt 10 w u .. ftt afld ~tf'Cl. rurht atdt of thr •tltp. and ye ~hll ll ~rt and 111" 1 thnt 1 am 1 tilt mdl-Ood. IC)Od. but l ood? What must Today. If ~~o·e a<'~ptrd W'hal the ltft . .._ pe1ahei! ·U.. lf"'Sl and fk ~ q~tf' naturallJ t:hat 1\nd. ThrY rut thi'T'I'rort and now ~~~ual rrnr< 1 '111 •r mamrtMatlon of wt UptC1 todav? G-oOd What to· ~tlmony of tht ~tcn.ws present& we I ~ fKt Ulat Ood. « ~-Ood wu ac1uan, his Wind aDd he thl'y wn e nt t a b, to drRw It 1111 b~ 1 one-and onh E~to. and on that morrow? Good Nf'llt "'e'rlt. nt~~t mll!ht be ttll}pttd \o·btlttve thal.l'\'11 tkm. • MlDd-that ell~ Mtnd Ia acWd on that '<ptritual f~ w.-th~ mu1t11ut1r <•I fi,hr~" :">tr.o F.ddy an~ 1 ""t ~~n a•;~ mu•t dt'ehnt •J month nu • vear? G ood. more good; had both place ond po-a·r r In the 1 U.. 80al'et of aU ~ or wtna: f~ 10 tba. Un. Edd• a&JI In potnt.l out rn hl'f tl'~ll><'<•k a·1 1mpor-o>x :;:~~~~ >'""''" 0 bt<"atL'f'. 1 am ':llt IOOd m tnnmtt mt~U~urt ll should atTain or manlnnd: but •·e art no', eat God • atl.f~l ca-. 811111 ~and Hnlth 'P· Dll. "-tant It'~""" tn !>" dr1111.11 rr,1m thl• M~n•l. 1 am tl; mm:~crhe dlvtne be noud ht rf'. too that wr havr a tdolat~rs Sptn!ual undrrstandmg de- tbaL. ~CJr'f'. all f'f'Sl or Ktual •cta.lJrM'd no snt~!l~. Ktlbn. nor tnrldrnt HA\f' •<'1. t"\'tr ('<'n~II1Prr<l !('('t IIPlr,'ll nr ,;,"";~unrnt 01 Pfl'• lt~ttlmat.t f"llptctan('y of good, not mands that 'i!.·l' ~tnnd squar~ly on the I t.q .. ln and f'f Ood. and that aU Ide.,.,.... fnn. 0oc1• how·. from thf" tlm,. )ou "'Bkt lr thr · 1"1 btcaUSt w~ almply belltve. but .be-errat corpmand. "Thou ~halt have no ~ wtnc or tlllstf"DDr mil'\ bt aD' ICat undJJ. u -u .. e. tnO\-e.' and mornmg until mgh.t. )OU arr run-th Suppo••' "1m~.' 11" •·t'rt to L•k )'OU cauat wt )tnow lila' Ood 1~ r ood othrr gods bt>lort mt .. The~ are 1 ~ « ~'~ of -•taft-haw Gar....,., btinll tn Ood. aa Paul Unuo~ly c.,.t1n11 )our 111'1' t::'HY th:t qu:--!lon. lin~ do. you kno-. Now. whtrl' IS thl• Rood commg n<'t '"'" Goes · a llOOd Goo and an Dlw Mtnd or tnt•ll~ dPdaftd. tbt ~ and f'trrnal ont of ws L• tll"a>• ('1\.<llnK h:• nrl ,0 ~\u. ar.; •.1111' • \\hat would trom? As a matter ol f~<'t. It L<n't t\tl <'nt' Thtrt t• Ju.•t on•; and ~ 'lbt ~Ucm of t.hf' l!ktnltY of unity of God and man 11 t«abllllhtd · un tht tlllhl. or "'~un11 ~tell' ol !.n~ ~n:.w n 'I 1 u •·uuld pr·•6abiJ com ln. from any plart': It ts al-w·e stand umr.·a•·rnnlll:l' on tht dl· f ,.· •r 1 ftd w ......... ar Alii" .ba ..... p a n 1 , ... -..... -~~ ~~•'s:Jt!"•;ntMt -:' \\ln . I llno•• I a n all\ c be· read hU't. Jt tt ca me to us fr_om nnr lac~nt ~,-to •" "!:t!t!~ n C"'ltW _.. • bc>w ab11 a~,.,-a,.ra&ea ~lLr~lli&cw.h~-__.., ....... ten'~ .,...;,::~ifi\~~~~~~~M;;:a~#~,..~~~~~ti:~, •• ,."J!tlf:'lii'lP'fl~"-::::.=~=~~ ...., ___ IW~fi'wi'W•~r:-. "111iro~ m tt.naft-n;rinK"P 8upt)OIW for 1 or .... t ,art 1rB•ttnl( our nl't on tht 1 w r'lt •t thlnltlnl from tht standpoint. of a neM-and 'll'ork u..-11 ~ that Mdl ct I li»UDC't'. that t.h• .a-ni~ Ia;, of ~ldl' <'f mlllrrtl\lltv. lfl\1!11! n'rt~tl· ~~~·t~n~~· thn~ I Rrfl\f' at my Plf*" d istant Ood. t1nd thtrc might be prrmi~('. 1M 11Dfolcttnl ld-aa ..... dh1De , bfndl!J haa put IJllll'ft an tndh ldu&J nruon to a lal•f" ~tn~·· ol bf'1n11 To I 1 1~11 or bt'.ns: I, am COrL<I'IOIII eome unctrtaln~ a.• to whl'thrr good Sptntual unctrrstandtng shov.·s 111 power. I \ II l.'nportant a lso Lo DCJC.e tbt cruel brllrl .hat tw u CONUtu-be ~ure. humanh thrrt "' ,., rr')' or. u.,. I illtl P0 <1ti\TI) a•·ar~ of , ~kl reacl us ChrL•tlan Sclt'nce how v.-r may h\t' from thr Hand- tbat UW ~nn& Lo t;" a1 "Mat UonallJ ·~ tad.'fll In ttrt'nr,h Altl'l?'-'1'«' tndun•m• nt w a<('r•>t tt:l'· bl'.ns: I lh)nk t.hl'rrro.~rt· I Bm • shon 111 that. ~·n(',• good 1< omnl· po1nt of lnt\ntt\·, ho~~o• we mav 4hlnlr Pftt tplr1tual' facu ...,. ~ ~-and tlb!:ty. 'tt:at he h• .;,o I'~Ct:Jrt tha: thr nl\:f"tttll ,r 1,,;,: .~. T~>rn. d<'f'~ tt t;• t It'll""' that rour prettnt. thb It<~ .s appc'arlng a nd from sta· nt • or irinmty. bJ .~ and ~tlon.. n.t fGr"Cr or f1')(I'D Nl!l. b. All'S. f.&· 'l'n: ~...Jlls-. a.«< nnd Jn, a "'-rt nt'~ or ~ ~~~:;;;;;·;;;!~:'~:t.:,~::~;:~~===~~~~~~~~~!;~~~~~~·~~~~~l\\l~---~~e.,~;r~;~,..)j::tllfil~~~! -_ ~~h1cJ .U!at. ~~"•=' ~...-..;;.,...; ;.-;;;:;:&.ffii~s.<~~~ ~.:::;:';~ -rr~ >' ·. ~~ ftftl-IIW fi$.¥t1ta::ty and ~r? A~ thn );(.. · thaLA1df'-~hR'rl wt tl<'ftl': ~<nd -~:1: ~ .. -~lf\1! !h:l t t~ llt'T'f . hr:tl hl'l,lul Ide-as. Uonal. &ji4 loc1eal ~ mott L'n· • IA'r•~' Ok! an\'orw tvtr w-t them? m.r 1!.• rtRio!y llt 'hl\11 "'"' a!llrm wh11r' I<'SJn:r nnel tomo>rrtil\· ~mt-In and 83 your ,ron!'<'lous-~t ~a~ t~t u ..... ~b~ ~~t~an ~~~;~·~;:~;-~~~,~-~~"~rl~t~u~tl~'l~v~k~n~n~"'~·~'~"~be~it~ll~~~";';";·~~~~h~t~tl~K~r~r~o~n~l~~;~';~~~~R~n~ct,·;l ~r~n~n~~is~i~~~t~\'~~~t'~r~H~~~oijr~,~~~u~r~.il~~~~~~j~~ii~~~i~~~j~~ ·~~-•:rr: r.'r!'nd.,.!!'~.rr, b It 11ft 10 a c:rr'.aln llnll!t' " tna" bt nM r-"r 'f' a r.d •mmW:Jr. b't? A-d ,.. ..•. ,.r·.-· a r1d :">!.t:.l A· . .J 11 ' · '11•! aatd !.bet ...--w1MI b ' tt UT th~ . • '", • • a • . ·• -~ " I • < I od f 'Ch~'a; 6c1 f ll<'1rs ~ ~ a.l th-• po-trrr an<! &trrncth, r:r•'•! :o un.!rr->·: ;i_-. t1 •• that subjrt't II ml~;hl prrhnps be It '1 ° :'1 t'll('t' 0 I~ ·t r-tdr 1n ~,. plar-t And •ta nd thr n:::·m'lt: .. 11,, 1 ,!~\II:(' tic:-1' ~"1! 1' ". , 1·:.: h :"t,;.:. :":HU· juat as yt·cll to;,a) a "·oro abor:: ~~o'T1a~ \&be aaw cow;:· ~7 tbcrr b .. ~. dDII!S ~:; ta>f' t.> co "''"'""'~re 10 rn('t , R::<l, cl1·nw1: =~.n·~, ir'ol!l r:t .. ~. u r.ts. ·'' • r. . .,, !''lEht tnl:l:L.I :~ !_no•1n~•.nr.rrJ1mCnl 1 I..l'LJlih ~~.... :.Jit..JX!f0161oD czt --'f:'4 ...., l +l ~ !'f"-tlt r.--J.r:nrr.i\n' tmilt l'l"''l'\Tl1lT!lliti'\'"Tiil<! -~ \\-,. ~rr 111 ....,.,1:"1'lfr., •r~r. ,T ·T.:r t· of :1:r but . der U tUI)' or lu.J h:11c a IPtnJ>f'ra-rea.~b~~ ao~ari. nd t.hrn a-d i.. : "·" ·• :-t 1-.-,. r"'"d from ,.Cl•n-r:ll:t ~ ....... ,.r th It I'll' \\lro•'r ' r:• ... t . ,• :· .·, : •r u• " Itt:)> mtnt.rn· \'Otlr lnnr·~ n pt'rh:~r>• you tnrTatablT 1ft ~ .. 4.('T \rt and d~rn· ~: ... -r· ,.-.-... .._ .... l'~f"'r Th"" .. :::-.· ,,: 1., ··.u hu ..: :~ ,;:1 ... ,,:\',\t i '' :·· ., i ~~· .~n , ... nal your.tclf art' up!··~c1:n~ tl'" ht':a\r or straW' !:I orar-~,.··~ .. A t"T'f"if' tJ ~-,. .-'f•• t .: .... lo.W .. ~ H,. ·;u,· 1" Af' ,,, ... !'. ~· .• ' •. ,h ,,, •••••• ':·.: ... • • '1.A trl l,tu '""f tht ft\l:ll:\ tO ''\t t rr-~'t~~: ThP kDOW1I bT 1t.a !n;J: a-.d ttw !·ru·~ ... · "·' "' !'\lr. f' ~ " .... of Un FAd, • c a ~t rf ~'"'. lnt 1:!1 t -• .... ~ ,,.-, r '\! :•,.....tal!"-.-. .. t ~ l' tr .·· :." v. ••. \. l'1' '' '· · · · " r .. 11.n our phra'-t ··nrttqH· :rn t'-' rar· ,..r.t ha(, llC'<mt(' turl\11'11° II "" 1.!1 (lUt !hPlk· Ins: II' t ht' htll< <'I ·:•rr1:Unl r(l<'la'lon whrnc.c tru:y cumt~J our hel~ w ha~ roo wt' ..SCL ar,a u:01:.1ll.:c.l. J w:f one . 1n~rwte C'on~t•'tt•n• ••. dt'l'lft~!:111 11nd uprr.:n~ !t~ d,\ :ne.. t-:: n tr harrnnny n:td f'n!• r In:·:· ·. t (~\ r rx;trr''':·s:: :.'1''1 in n1J•1:1 'r'f' -of 1100<1. and l~<':l('t for :t:l t.o th~ raff ,; • • ..,. y..J !r t~~ ~·#-~~ ~.: .. • -:. ~ ·: s:! :-.,. 'tr('r.Jilth • \r ... ' L"'t ~~ • tl( .. ' ~' (' \\t' • '· .&;--.• \::!~c1 'tl wt a ftnt SOU:1l1 lJ.:· 1t r., f"!' n ,t W"ol:K _,._. ·~, \r ., r.l.J,!,l·. , •• It ,,..,;.: I.: • ·~~. ~ .: 1..1 ~ l.\l . I;,. ,, .·• Ill , .. , i'f~l· ou& ~.., ··rll 1!1 J}t .h tW·c· \\(' h:t\•' ll.: ~I f.: 1: '·i h T .li.C11nn· fultt!t!mor .. cf t!'lr t!': .•a:>"• .-ho If'~·"-, c: c; .• 1 \Ia, t• ,., .... _11. \\'r 11~, 1 ...... ,. 1, .1 . ..· , r·, ·' .,. · '' ·, " .. 1 .· •.1·~,, ,,: 11•• d l.,co1rro el ttl:\' r'· '·• ~ 11 • r·.t< n· cl f 1, b btt-h "' ""' t -d ,,,'".,.. ' ,,:!.•11::\fllJ•\•I t L•'"''k··nd t· .s"" n "' ... a: . r•1'•' P:'ll • Of".• '!:1' f"' 4:-.d n:..!<':Jct thl t 1':t ··~·:::lt.lr :.•, o·n t~~·· '· !•• r l -' " l : I' ., <•I I :rr U lea:lln~t.-lrlc!!t'.> :.:·o· n.: thr tm:~ ··~w~ ' c t.hro\.llh the •• •dy ar-J. a;>:-;,ra·:C'11 God ~ f'r.rt'l 1: •• , ~·I '! f ' ~. ~ It 1• o: I .:.• I• !"'"'"I " ., ·' h tu r >OU upon •·hom m · . ,: ll'!l'\1 h'l• t'C'll· ' r "-• ", .... , Hy 1')1f'' ·. t: •J.:•' of Chrl.«tianSc~r~ ··· \ · • (-1'· .. !\'f\':~·i:. tl r \ '-·'''':'\d n a. 'far a•' \ .• ~~ I ··-(" :,.,__.. su-.c-~:r,. ;)< .t '('l':'ll to bt . • .. . • • \ •. ' r r. . , .. I • • ,II :-t .JJOn I" ···t t ... ltrl'<"(' I• ll'l" n.r:: 'fl lt . ,.... --.-..._.... ..-------~ afra•d tc d-'(' ""lt • • • ht;> r.th ···p · • r·e .. ·t• \r .~ .. ~!.•. · a:... ·\·' • •"' .. I '!f"' "U8t ts a !-~l.\Ut:t th .: t~" t,." ;,...,: .f · i ~y ! ·I ·~.r'"' t•· ··· ! any 50-CllllltC '"l":>Ct n~a::~ .a ,. _ _. A-. d . ·, ' . ''·' t • t·.•• ·,o l'''t"r ' ·. ,· r'l II .• 'tl h .>.' II t• ,. -'lo"!' '"• f 1 t• I t"~ a .. c " '• \'r ~, ,J :\'•• I 1 t cloifd boolr,l! 'II'(' d~ nfJt _;~.,u.>f~'4•.;j ..._ " \ • •,:'\ If' C',\Jf:'l ... ~:;r ' 1 ' " '\I : :. ~F WO~ ff'(jUf'f,l,\ !! ,,~ '• ,.l\ '' 1., ; !,.,1:1 '' "" • ' '''• 1 St. aDd • ..o l'Cin'..,. n !'l o-qtd to be s:-~na rsb:':l~ :· -n •<>:..r P•''lrr-~· ·'' · oo <:1 r 1: ~.·. ,r c; •,l l\1< ~:·-l ~:r tn 1'\'1· trm;>t>ramrnt 1.• a bnd~r of 1:1 \l::c- ft'IIIIJ und .. ~ l(lf'd ur.:,.. 1• u .,.~. "OChtt Ood' \\::at tA Pa7J ' mf'an •!'•H l 1:• •:th <ltll''r l" ~rr r ' rr :. , ~~ .: , ... , .• , ua-tron led. a ppllflt a -<' In n -rt lT.(~u.-.· W'ht'n M l!':d r ... : lhu,Q'I.~ In 1"<'1 t!::.: .. h:rll ~~ llt'lr :!'~'l:o n·~:m 't''l' tn111· 1\lortal mind. l ilt~ l'fl'll't\~ I() !:-1' Frettyl;n~k o.re~.: ~orUtralftt -:1 t <.(' f'OCV Of r'l~'ll· f •J W'h:tb' •a • alec J! ~olft 'hAl wtn('h 1• !111' fnr• Rtwll: <'liT• , ~:1~:\b:c r \ .. :' ~ !'( I ::r ()'II <'Of• a crrs',>l Rppl'.•r< to CO!lltl l!i' l\ 1st"" .-ould rt"mtl.:t f":~:~'f a b<tP&C'\ JhUS 1 U lntl.n:tco Jo.llnd n.;~ \OUr ~.H~ tlnd !II 1>1"111/ "Wf' mu•t t<',l l· ' ! : . ., rrt wnl. 11 II ronw humau bfll•ll~ a •·r:· 1~n n .. r e ar .. a ft•\\' samnl.,l'l of our low . ,. pn~; 1 :!.; S:alr" RMk~. in durJiratr, 3 • .. h~ ;, • ... n urnhrrNI \) it h r!lriHm, ~r st>ts to a hcHok ZJO' Salc•lo Book s, a.~ Rho\"e .. Sll.JO .... U~U .-.. Tf' noc mru',o 10 uw ~:r.d upon •hat a:< )•: rl'lYI:lC ror t:r ... a.s 1\Jrs F.nelv AAI' 111 ~<'ten t p r.l,·: ..... 1•1 • t• .•:.? r·,rn~llt\ « an~>>unt ol an:~;.r abl'lt~. ar .. ~ nwn ._::::::, .·_~ ..... •-" -.t. •o.~ -A -. f<r~r U'tWflJtnx't' and think:~ t'a· a nd•Hf'RII h 'I' 4:'~ 'tl.t lib::.'\ Of co:.t::-: .. t~ <': t :~I' II' bf al'ct'pt.fd at 1.1-..,IIlli' Ulllf' !Jacl• them do "0 ~·-~ -..: .... ~~ .. " ..... ._ .,,.... •-t • R....,t It ~ -'--T"f"':•at m·r-""· to ,,. 1\t ... 0::!~ a. ... a 1 '~· u:-·. F·rrn!t\ !• -.ot d 1 • _A, ....... ......._. __ _. anuall<. dt'm· pac1 J• ,.. .. now "'OUP pnn.r,... ·• ,.,. • •· .n:"la m.s-tt:1N11.,a lot ol a ::lii'U\'f' an un • ,,.:, _..., W>'l' ...... ~~7 ..... to ...__ --• ... ,_.. -.. _..,...,..,-0". ano •A ~•p a-tn• ..-.ni'Lh.n-1<~l trlll t'lt: ~r1tn-1 mt of d Clllltriu uw know~ of ctwtn. _.._ ....... -.. ........ ers ., ... v ·-· ..... ·~ ""·~ 1 , .. ~m .... n ., q ua •. t.~ WlUf't t!lt name l<r<~· __ , ~ caDfd pr'M'tk'al ctwm~ . ~-o1 Cbri1tJ1aD ean-~bows • tht lifr whl•h Ia spiritual. not ma-. yr:u s lrom n." ll "" al"e r vtr to attlon or trmpt~llmtnt •It trlf'!. to I ,. Newport Harbor Publishing Co., _, ~ .that -lltDd Ia lD.ftnttf and 1ftatl wrlal ~ That "mcnt'll ml1ht" 11. of ~l!)('rrt"ncr t:t'rnrt~·. •e are UPf'rt· ID&).t 111 a~pt the ~lid that. be· _1bll ~~ ~~ .... -~ a. lbe n ll n ••Dl ar a..-aoa of croune. JOUr mtnta.l mll ht, u you t lh'lllll 11 •I(;"C now EttrnltJ • · -~ a man or woman ll lnspva.• ,_ ----, ~ .._.. -.., .._ 11 ,... .. ~\be cll.tDe MIDd. Wblch 11 Ule not aomt:h1111 that b(oalna and encll. I -Ida I .._. .. , •·bdplltl.. uii I . • -~ . • I 1\ b" ooth11lj ID a . wltb U.. we ~ ar ,utec,1 f11.11Ucall1, br m~ I - 2208 WMt Ceatnl Avf'llue Pb~ 12-13 _, .. . . . \ .... ' . NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. Newport Beedl; Calllom ia. 'n't:SPAY. SI-JJ'f}::MBI-3t 'l. 1!'41. Pap Thi"N CLASSI-FI -ED A·ov ·'ERTISI ·N.-G PHONE 13 FOR REITIIG Labor Day Series Marks Close 4 • Five Classes of Sailing_.Craft -- Compete In N.H. Y. C. Series H mJSEWARE~ R t:Al-·E sTATE Of -Racing Season For B. Y. C. .-oR s"l £-l •NI s.·-.• a ...... _ ':=::•• SAt F •tt;r r .. ,,. t\•. r r f(~ 8••bM Sail• whltt'nfd tht' local waten u lklppere ailed tbl'lr r llCIOf: c.-raft In comp4'tltlon for the la~t tUDe ln the 19-11 aummer I!('A.IIOn under the aUl!plcH of the HJlboa . . . I I W l lti ..... ~ .. &Wfllt""~ .. !';mil h. Jr .. 2n_,.: 4 Hal Talrnadgr. Climax~ ttw 1114 1 l'lllllntt•r ra.-.1 ~tar11 wtlh 1\ 1<>1111 or ~'0 .. po nta. ~'u•" tu•• !'tcr•. ~ ..-.," It . 28: :r.-Dirk Dav1!1. :?9. lng Mrlu at the NPJFpl)rt ll11r-Hrlll'll Cnnnthlan Wl\a a<·erond an4 O..•boa w ttc "'J r "'<'•"''"' The Philips Spt>clal B a I ll o a bor Yauht Club wen• Uw to. a i> '' r 1 lh\11',. \\1tirlwin•l thlr•l , lrl total ""'"~• •·.a •·•~·"·• Din~ hie SPrles 1 t-1 811\rtt•r·,. 1: I Ony Rt•riel! tht' pallt wet·k••nd In ' p oI nt 11 . Kru,-r:" ('hunl't, Dab-I'OR SAl £ J •"" •• I "'" cJ~u"'• Pt•O"'I: :•t -BUYIIG -SELLING M ustC AL 1NsTRUi,4ENTS~ H ELP WANTED 111 ~~ f tt 1•1 ll"ll:'f o tt-. .. 0 Coet l WAI'H it ~ -t:~'i>t;FC"ed ... eN". ......_ ~ ,..,_. 0.-.e-. tt~· ., .. d bWt ~ w'•nte •o'e.. by th• "our. ._,.., '""' ,.,. '"' ttuu.t•••'~" 'le•rne •r f 'IU w.. .. .... · -·~' ,_...,, V tftN . n et. o,. .. e . 0 4N1 ..CUVIOl P IA"'O CO , ~ Nl> .... .. ... . ~"··. ..... ., ...... •. I Hl.l ft WANTRO-HouMkH;.r fer c ouple e mptoyH .. ,.., I ctllldryto .......... , ••• d~ .. 0 ......... rltM~ Cl3rk Kin~:. IO'o4 :· 2 Pwl~:ht whu·h ft\'t' rhll!l't'H t·nntJ"'It'<l . t'tl('k'a \',.gti, lliu ,·h'll ~llrlter aad t-..d '""'1""1• "' '" •· ..,.,., .. "II "-""" .......... ·,. ... o ...... -4 1---~feo~H:lhi ... _.-I.M-11161--t!Hry·i-f'~Hit"':'· 14-%-: 3--:-· Df"f"W tt&JiijUOII s AIJI!UW.t Wth1 th'f•··ttt-rt"'~Etft~7'"!1Mm:ttlt-~l-,....,roe-..t_.'"'"_.+-.l:ooi~IN-IWL~-'to'---.liW.-----.C..I'o,..~W-'.A:ll""-.... _..;.. __ ,_ __ ..,~rr....,,_ilfr'"'riWI'"WIIIJIIIItr"'-+--""',.----..,..-....-,.,.r-'1r811w--------19~ , \ day11 of racir;tjo! • Ill thf' I'"I'UIAr to•nolt'r-8 "''' • ""' < '"'1 "''t '" "" t ·--,. __ ••••"« ''" T;;;,.. I .. ,.,., Wrll• •o• K, ,.._. Netion&le. Sn-pes. Sriow blrlls. ... •• BaJboa Dlnlu. Flattln a nd oth<'rs .-w~d for ·the hOl iday irophi~s .t atake oYer Labor D'ly ~ """""-·-... _ ....... ~~~ ~~· .d !10 """"'" ·~· -~~., -ttt ................ ;1---. . r-·~ --A-·.·-.. -- Hart> tone race :!I •Urterlll : 1 pmnt11. Mllhkan·ll H.t>bt•l was ll<'t'· P.C'. at. although tht> fll'ld wu , •• '* M "' -·· .,.. -••••• ~·-• _ _ J:o'athera', lAboi. Day-S~v•blr.J 1 .Hbode.s Claas .\lo:.lU\ ~ l..tal •of hl..-1 -. IIUon waa. .. _ .-. -0 , ..... ~ ••• ...,,,.,.. .; •• • .._, _.,., -... ., •• • • , ..... ,.,. -••"• ...__ .., ........ ___ • .. .. ., •• <. ~ ., t'tc L a... F ~ following were the result• ot the WHkend lll!riu t.n · four c:~: Ralpb Pbillps; 2 Joo. Be~k: 3 ond IUld Gritftth'll Ht•nny l't•nny ll'j'em.tt: R v b(• r t SbJIW-• STYLE. GUIDE -· t-t ..,.,. ..,. ... ,._ I O«;T cr 0\JND · \\'11lkl'r Sm th. Sr.: 4 Htll .)'LJr-t ook Uurd Rt>matl df'r of !ttl' fl.-1<1 !';quaw anti navta' Gavllan tied f« l£T us L£,.0 VOl• ·~ •o• .,., ~" 1 " ... ., .. at ... _ • ..... " .......... .-OANZKHMIOT 1 041,-... ''•'""• .. •••"'" oft411 phy: ~ Dave Heyl~r. !tncludf'd II on k Ht'ar.tsh'<''ll Sr•ft I' thf' l'l"rll'll Tht> ~uaw did not an •••gut "'Otl bo•wtoful 101 ....... ~.. 0 ••"0• a..... , ........ ~ ~........ .. ..... 0 cov r-v. wO ....... .-.. ~ FlatUH: I Joh11 \\'ntts. 1:> Trophlea Will be. prl'SI'Dtt>d Sat·j Bt•e, Cummn.t .. rf' Gufhnt•'ll Sun-I'll lht> final llay, OUI"t>r boata Ia 'of ........... ., '00"' ...... , ... '" ..... "'.... ""•' ............ -.. •• ,_ •• .... .... A"• .. If< .,.,·:;; =~:: .• ~~::::· .::::~ .. :·::; un.lay e\'enlng, Sl'ptl'm~r 13 at bow; Hoffman 11 lllut> l't>l(~lt' and 1 thP .dau Wf'rt' ~-~~ TemJW V and coro: ..,"""""• of ,.,~.. fo• w •• , .,,.., ... ,.. ..,, .. ...... ,.,.,. of "J-" Pteaw •••••" •• p 0 I n t 8 I fi'\'UIII! II<'Oring I ; 2 Geort~ Holat.-tn Ill. 16 point!!; 3 -A rthur Gronaky, 160,. points. Balboa Yacht ClUb Trophy ·DID-I \\'alton Hubbard'!! HI Jlnk~. Erlt'kiiOn'A Al:'l\1'8 8 . polntong ... ., do<or otong )~U· w .. t. n•• 0 ... I. 'II•·-L"f0 ........ a. ....... ~""" .... 1103 No ··~ • ront, •••boo ••• ner. . I . Hobert All'tn qf l'al\l\th'lll\ llklp-I.A'C''II Falron. No. 19. waa tiM llnu.. "'" (f't t "'. Obtogatoon ,,.,,..,. ,., (' ........ , ..... ... .. ....... -.... "·'-•••. lo"d or ,. .. 0 ... ltll ..... c. _ _ _ _ l'l'r t>d h tll Orl.'arn ~lrl tn ,vit'tory wlnnl'r In tha( !>!'Pillar C'I&M wiU. Juot phone ,..,.ro•t 101 O•• tat• "It""' ., ... t .......... --.. ~ ...... .. 11 o 1 d (' n will ('rttertaln 1 In the thn•e Juy l!t'r.~<·s fur trh· l r••,. polnt11. -\Vurd.-man'a BUill\)' bot P••"t 51,.,. •00 t: 0., r., .. , .... •• !10 te,.te .,., Tbe lAbor Day Healy SnowblrtJ 1-ltalan Pbtl .... 14•., pomts . ~ R~ph Hpld~n home on Corona del s df• h st•ll indutl.-d Whltnt'y'• LI'Wiat. -Fr~d Duckett. 26; .J-Walker' Mar . wor IS I 'Crttflth':< Kf'tttret, Rmlth'a No .. S2 p 'N --------------I and Mullaly'a ltf'bl' UBLIC OTICES Newport -. Balboa :Attract Sport .., I Lar, .. trt flt>lll In thf' wrt.-..... .. .... ....... , ., .. ,,.. ~ ... -t;. • •• 0 •"4'• ... 0 ..... ... <....-.. .. .... N £ W S -T J M £ S 1 A J H mul!terl'd by thf' Albatro. cli-1 NOTICE OF SALE ng ers ere '\'11\lun ln~<h•i>'ll Jd\'lltlr wu nrwt I • F ()R R FNT _______ P_H_OSES ·~ a ~· --I "'llh 33t., polntll ,\·uuam A. Kirk'• I NO'l:lt-.: \It-' !"AU·: of !'=\noll fOR ..... , 0 .. <t.tiar ~ w rutr t • E~ T_.., aiiCI Thunda)' Aft4!rDOODa Volume mm -'{he swordf ish an.-t"OO!Inllllljo!' k s holt' WIUI ~Ond and ~·· e&tf' ~han·" ro·pr ..... ·nt ·n~ hulohnc• '"' "' .... -•• ,., .. , ... ". ---~---' tion p bl • Ad . "'>50 . r I 0 Co t .(t o run off :'\t'wport tlarhor und , Hha~y wall thlnl. In thf' Tru~<l knu"'n all th .. ,.,...,,,. U..ta .. _. Call 1"'\.a M "":>tc ...... uap!! aya e m \'8nc-t'. "'· pt>r )1:'8 n range un y, ~· 11. · lh •t•lo ~ T T , 12.75 per year to 4th zone: $300 Jl('r yt>ar to 8th zone. '''-''a r·tllult. IUlJ.:IPrs w1th l!Jl<•rtlng l .a !n~ •n ~' re>mJW'•.' n were--. .-rnor.-"'"' Nro Zt nr th .. 25c pt>r month by carrier . hlttOtl In th<-ir \'<'inlt. •·ont1nue to Joyrr " Crispin, )ofnrrla PI' d a · P'lrllt Nattnnitl l\1\nk <>f !'=11nt!\ An" __________ _.;___ ko out to lje<' 111 (IlK'S! 11f the ftght ·! llf>mard MrNally'" Roll\'l'nlr. Hill-a id T11u•t lo 1\'lll~ """"'''I""""" Entn'fd as S«ond-cta~ Jnattrr at the Po~tofflct> In Newport Beach.1 l llah· I man's Folly Tltua· lta Ha II bfo(on chanJ:«'•I tlll tn t••r tilt .. ,.f ' California. under the Act of Ma~ 3, 1879. ' I 0~ter ... ,;tly H A 1-:rt,·ki<O.n.' fillh· F nrweu·11 no'n Juan. F~-·orth'~ tbt> propt>rty """"•t 1 n 10 Lb.- •-A. METER EDITOR ·AND MANAG lng aboarrl t ht> Ya.n~Ptth, pilntt'd t Oh Oh. Allt'n'11 <:11An11. l'~ell'e D&mf's nt (; II \\'tl"''" EuK""" ..... be. •• z .. 1 ~HVIOT ~IANO CO ...... ..... ,. ~· ...... ,. ..... .. , .. ~ .. , ........ ....................................... ·~• .. ...,...~te .. rM w •4 •r1t:" "'•••• ........ ~ANI K H .. IOT ....... o co .-....... " "· ~·· .... .. tfc ,_.,. N -..... et •Lu NOT. wu••c co . 4tl •-........ -.-....... ~ .. ~-- "f' AD' THI[ AD :- TAXI SJ4~RVICE AU. T\'rF.It of MIM'W.,. Wertl, .._. ..... ,. ... Mn&or ...._. ... •••· l:whte a AcoetJ'-e WeN· ..... VIRG"R OARAOF. -·-a"' ·-....... ,. •• _. ..... r.lll. O · bv \\'. B. Ballit>r801l. IIUldo•J 8 1~>5 !'.futfl'tt, 'IUld Ht'jtz' )ota Jlanl. Fe!l4'16n anti 11 w t1 \\'aU•r .. ,.. '0 " AP•T "-• .,. .,.... -- CIAL PAPER. NEWPORT BEAC_H, CAUFORNIA-· .,;-uoct m arlin attf'r a 11trug.:t.' oq -------· 1'tu111""" ' :.::·,:.~:::...::. ~7:, 54~ T-:~ HAKOI.It 1'. UllAI't:J. A Depu~~ Local lruUtuUoH For Over SS Vean 2 hours a.nol 20 mrnult>~ L I : Ttl~ namf'Jt of th .. .,tlar .. hold""" C'HAn:t. A. W. AaNOLD • The same rlay F. H. t.tachl\ndt'r. ~ · • the numb#r uf ahAr,.. n•'Tlf"d an. I .... "'lloL' ._,,..., •• •~-to aboard the Bel!e·T. l!kttr'J"f'rl'd h\• ~ oca SWim tilt> amount""" fur llnl'll •I----l•n• e. ......... ~ ... ... ,,,. f)olfV'lVI"' ttw> Hrtf.-r S..rv. 11-·SEIVICE C ' ~ I II Ralph Noblt'. raught " 116 and "I menta a,... h,..r,.hv .-num .. rnt~l "" .,,'< .. .....,.,, a ... -,._,,. ll.t.r II> Srt-vln& 'Wtw-n lkst" .A.~· .... 1-•~ .A. 1111 A I~;)! poupd marlln It took hiM provldf'd f"r 10 th .. Tno~<t At.r...--... -"Wo •'•••• ..._ ...._ PC-..rt M1 ttn PC.,....n iU... -~ "~I{IHf.". -~ . II' I hour and· 5 mlnute11 to IMd lhl' l t llll'nl dat ... t a..-. .. miOf'r 1:1 1~23. at • B••u••"" '"-" -.... c. ~;·;· ... ~·~·~;-~;;--~c;·•~•;en~e~~~====;~:'!=l•;•;•;•;•;~;;•;•iiiiiiiiiiii~ I llj!'htH-fi.IIA-a~ 22 -aWwtca tu land -ham-ou·r Jll.re t.-n • Ill I. lht•rf'trf p-77 w -- tht' huvy nrlt'. ~' Amouftt--. "T" I ............. ., c-e. .._, f .bcte-.... lt.&wtactoal u.----.pc~ ~~. ..... ,..... ...... I&.IWkl 3. Shout 4. Toyiltg 6. T o roow. •· Dortnne 1.ln bed I.F~ I"NdHr f . Boy'IJUCk • name 11. W U::IC not. 11. J>ubijc: %1. A ftower 21. One who to tee SO.Bom H . Part of a play H . One who uunu 37. 'Frytnc pan 40. Alot\ 42. GrMk letter -lot.. Ctuneae _,.. tf.CUtaoll ........ ....... J&Git'• ..... II. T• ctw.t . IIOtJce 21.Sunpd 22. ParalJ8&a a . 8iaUiar 2f.Zinblaa a-. AnJuncl . to. R.ctOG . oo. J&ender-"' ..... ,. tJdD - ••-waa.. ... .-w-.. _.. ..... •J.A~~a~T •. Oirw'eN ILftltiU .. ....., M. Olpbt dMardl . --....... .,trap-....... ........ ...... a A loncinl' •. Dt*CIIlrcl a,._ ..... a.Putot~ ... .Aadftlt -....,.,.. .,, J)ef&mat«WJ lltatemmt 11. Jktallk: roc:ll U. Jkta1 CJIIIbab k Awlne •. EIKJoAN M. rana~e BhHp 17. Kind ol roU II. DtprHNd Of. Soak IWI •. WapiU oo•'M 1. Prdenbly 1 Phi on ..-h!cb wtlt't'1 tume I 2 10 ~~ J6 ~ ~ i<l2 73 2'9 n . ~ 38 ~ ~ ., .. .lfD Dl • ,!:>:> ~· 41. latant 13. lk*ma . ft. J~WUIIIftOflth wonder ~ ~If ID 6o ~ .... a "' ~~~ ~ 12 ~ ... ~ ~~ n ~ lD " ~ ').() ~~· ~ ~ ~ I~ ~ ~0 ~ 2. ISH 12• ~ ~ I•• 152 ~ ~ t0 ,., f-r--~ ~ ~, ~ 1&4 1#0 ~ .,, ~ llf:Z lf5 ~~ ~ ~ I"• ~ 147 If& .,, ~ ~ 02 ID5 ~ &I ~ fM ~ Ol ~ ~"T ~ .. 0 .... DOROTHY DAR~ IT Y L 0"(;C A~ I H•"'l DAN Glh' l. Il l I J I M ','tU' lilf<l I Dr. Sam lll'rzl'kntt caught a \37 Na-. Sft.ares 0 1 .-o.. ,.,.,.., ,..,, .. ,_ • ·- p,ou.od marlin In I hour and 34Th'-w-Z'"f't(f $14~';0~ .._. ~-o •• l --.....--f-11---mlnutea abo&J'tJ J . B. McNally'• t W. W. Wllw•n Z M 9!'1 13 ·w-.,.,. ,. .. ,._ ._ ~-......... ._ 11.-.,.. '•••r-. fer I~ .. Dandy II th.-follo"i ng day. e · . e s 8. S Wold z GO 11173 '1· ,.., ~" a tt w c-e~. ... CW) .... I tl cw II • .... M-rfHil. ..__ ~ ......._. • --............ _ 1111 ... ... Lut Friday Roy N . Alezander Jerry JIUIJ I.-.nn Z '80 •1.10 -- 16.-75 . Owl=-... bagged a 131 poundl!f' from Ed Harry H. frllll~ 2/80 128..21 "' w. --.. "-· ~-l1lEJ) M. BARNEY Offerle'a Dolphin In 39 mlautH. Trav.-llJlK'to NatJOO&I City lut lAw H. Walla«-e. ,.,..... •• ....... a ..... AM C. L. DeWolfe wdghed in a 124 k d lb N___. H b Harry H WIUiam-f'OR --T -----.. J,==============~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~-pounder a t the N...,..,..rt Harbor wee en · e ~-,..... • r 0 r eon an d E. A. ---II -,.... Swim TNm. d lrecW by Rauel 8 _, · • • ._.__ • • • 1 r Yacbt Club. He waa Clahlna oo the Papkb, noCed dtwr &Dd ..tm-peuJdinc %/10 2t2.Jl ep1 -· _ • 1 • •. ..,.. Jimmie M UJ. pUoted by CUlt mer-. F'Mumed from the Nat6onal ---........ .,...,. Meade. and/or fractl-or ...,~t or a.... ,._ ,...__ U ld.DI medium t.ac.!"e wllb a 1~ Ctty Olymplca ltdeft wtth IMdU8 lltraDd llne, ~ 0. 1Aoll ot • !...-and wttb a beautiful trophy lll'OII UtleMiiADla wb k:h ,.._.,. •pekl l . .._.. ._ Cbar1-P 1 u m m • r Jr p • on tiM Ut.b day !epteaMr. IN I. M-·· • .. N•ous Beach brought. ln a 103 pound u~ • ~-• ··l),e aDd uniMe peymftlt hi made 11e-,.,.._,~~ ~ marlin tn 30 mlnuua wfiJie fltlhlna dlvldlo&l blp point man In ..__ ewtm meet s.tu,.y. • ... ~. w ill be 11014 at putalk: aucuo. LAW.. ..,_.._ ...... , ... Saturday aboard J oe 8trtttmat-Plummer. eon of Cbertle Phml-~!..r~ deltaque~~t a tat. ....,. eMo9 ._-,_, ._ ter'e ~ptt&. mer. well ~ local _._ .... -~~ wtt.._ the ~. or twt.er-• ........... -......._ ...,___ IS YOUR BOAT LEIIERED? PHONE 81 for many yeare. -• ftnt Ia tYing and tiM n~ or ..... e-. ...... • ....... the 105 -yard ,,_ lltyle ewat. a l "ftw akt ale thall taJie piece AvAe• A-c ftnt In U1e 10 yard lndtY1dual1at tiM otrk:e of lAw H WaJa.e. et ..__, Tra 4 -te medley. a eecond In tbe 105 yard I No. 2202 w.-C'entraJ A-., ::: T~ 1 c: ~" ... 0 bile. llroke and a ~ lft tbe Newport Beach. Orange Ceuaty.l. · • •YU'd .breut lltldle race. Ht> I ca.utomla. at 10 30 o'clodl. A. ! A - actdecs &Dother Ul po&nta to bltl M .• 8eptember'12. lNI. ~ltTOUflAU ~< total bj ewt-anc a 1e1 ot the By order of tt • .-holder• of the ro.. aAf...a.-..., v a •, ... t our-man relay on the Harbor I m.jorlty of t.be ab&ra tn the ..W ~ ·-· ......, ~ team. , S)'DCtlc:ate a t a mf!dlnl ot ..w o.tr .... .._ -.. 811_ Hartlor took thlrd In the beya' 1 abuebolc1en b e J d oa April U , -......._ ... & c-..a. Ally Coler or Style I' CHI De1be ~lay w1tb a t ea m . comprtetna I IN I. ~ ...,_ ..._.. --,.._... bel .... &' 0oW LMI Robert Mllee, John Morpa, Keith I LEW H W ALI.ACI'!. Hou~ nap. deo!!lgns. bu~~. St.ripl~. AtTOWa. Pictorial and Scroll Work. Sadtelr and Ctlarlee Plummer. Jr • ~ry. The IQC~ four-alrl rday t.eam . ~b;, Aq .• 12. It, ~. ~pt ~. JHl. 1 wu BKond In thetr dlvialon. 'nil' 1 --- T"UC~I -T"ACT'ORS All M-•-.-.. .. I lf'am lncludt'd Lolli Hollln~nvorth i nDUABLE ldentific.atioo.Num~rs for all Clalr'a.crata Kathleen SadleJL .... awru"''..~-J__ _ miscellaneou.~ sailing cralt. M f:lTtt.Tf: & CO . II'OC.. I-.,p I[ 4th. .... 1J1111 ~....... A,.. Ught scr('('fl.~. U fe RJn~. or de· tachable pant>ls PaintPd. Vamisllro and Lcttt>T'M. l Junl' Maa~.-.1 Nnt WHkl'nd thf' Nt>"'P(Wt Har-1 IEPTEMBER bor lt>Am w ill <'om~tf' In thl' I W 3 7·:lol; I· 4:1 7 ·3S 1·1 \ • - 1'0 .... 1s .PAA.U . C hampl o nah lr at , 411 Q!\ 8 2 1.4 ,BOATS 8r 5tJPPitFc: 8&1& Water Retll•tan& Pale& 1 Phnenl.x. Arizona Ttlf' y o u nIt 1 1b 4 8'27 2 1-. 1 :14 /'2:1G 1 -,.0#4· ..,_1 -=--.. .._..~ L •- UMIII !:selUAively ~npl.-. tht>lr co,r h And part>ntll 1 6 (). o 4 t; 1 1 1 _ .. ••-~ -- I :~la.lt>aYI' nl'xt Thurttday for Arl-, F 5 8 ~ 2'!'10 1:" ~:•• 1 ..,....,.,. ,......,., •e,o 11.,. -. I ~t.1 1)11 !\JI 1 0 1 t:MI01 .. o lla,f •c.,. .. ,.._"" 1 Sa t 9 24 3 ~'() t :27 J :24 , ~ ,.,.,.. 67 "' I Mr11. Lsrr~rt whn rl'8ldl'll on !\ 2 11 1 ~. ~. 0 t BE I EDICT thf' Coa8t Hl..,.way, N~wp o r t Su7 9 ~1 3 41\ 10:0) 4:00 WAO,HO <' .. •..t r•~of •·~ ;,,....,, BI'AI'h . h• r.-turnln~ from Dallu.l · !\ 1 () !\ ~. 1 o 9 Tf'XAA. t hhJ ._,,.~k "''hf"r"" ,.h .. 1~nt 1 T\dee are pia-.,.., tn ,,,.,.,., ,,, ·-.~ urr--"'• a varat on with hl'r children. I ~~:,.~!,~;.:· ... • "·.t.:':'~, ~r."'::;:'o~ ~ .. : THE SIGN MAN COROII'A D!:L MAR ro•~•t .,,., l .. ..,. ....... .... .-.. ,,. J u. £ o~; ''f ..... •41 .By Chark-s Mc-~lanuM L J. IIITOI PADI'IDIO-JJeOO&\'IUIO-P~ FREE D'I1MATES ............. -............. lai••• 1M Pnflssiolll .......... 8I7IIOIIOif ...... A'III ....... ·--.---.... ... ~ ...... Dll CONUD liiCII'ra .... , .................. ..... • .,n.. ..... .... ..,. ..... I "-'e: 1•n .. -a •·• ~-­"' ntn-en: ..._ , •. ., Pr. f ...... 11-Onnldy .... ~ ..... .._ra- N-.-rt ~--......... c·-•ra~ ..... •• N .. u, I om.. • ......, •• n .___; •·• ..-. ~..,....._ ll ·I'Al.L NOU:\IA N ' \f tn "~II. MAKr.a ~·--..... , ........ , ..... ,. :". 4 •.; :th t ~~ . ro;,.,. ,,...rt flf'11rh • .... _ l lll ' ...... ''If'?.'- D& ....... . ..... LI!IIOY P. ANDEII80N AftOil!lrD AT lAW c..e. ........... . ....... , ... ·- P.V.PAR&a · w ........... , . ,__.... -_.. ... :llCY.l Orean •"runt. Newport ltaper& ...... w • .-......... 0. .. Platt•• &7•0'-.......... Al.l. WORK GUA,RANTEI:D • ,...,. 6 ~-••• ,,.,. Mayh .r. RC A Vl,.t nr llt>rvlce )brrltt White. l'h. ...._ U 'JU "'a·rra rr .. a "PUR~' OUOU"- If .• • • ""''''" 1\r..rh A"'" .S.tttpllf'!l, '.110 ""'In St.-<:un11, Ammunition. \l,ft'tftfllll. ar.r . .Utlf~n -' ·;, '"' S4>rvw" -&.:U Mr··~ Pa-.-N.w!MW ... Ileech. .. ~~" tJi -, .... ;. '· ... -__ ............ ,,., ............ , • .• AI•"'Jl.ol-"' 'll l:l tlr,.nn 'llukrry Thnt b O..•ttr•r fo'or LA-M. • •u.l'r:\c r. ,,,. "'"n•.•~·• wcw•u-n w \\ ""''' 17M :;"' lllv•l . Ct.-t" M f'lltl. l ltu'tl LumtJf'r. J>h. M-.... .1 • . · . -·f' l ...... ._. .... , ... "'""'If .. _ . j : 1• • ~--U..U....-V 1 1rr S<>rvlr••. 1:l4 Mf'fr.'a•W..t~Witl, ~- ---~---·-""'---(.; 'r"~' ',,, r" '' "1••"-. _By · ('y ~IIU!ll{t:rfurd -~- •,. I r H I f" '''' 11, o 1 ''·''' lllvrl 1'!1 olfY.l l'lnn.-nrul C'rm•tnwtltln. I I '\ffU fC f It'll'\'"' 1 • • • 'I• I I • ' • t .r' ·' lwlp > •· 1 J·lun y ••ur h•Jrnc." l'hone tli. I , • I• • · • I ·-I~ l t ••• l'l••utt• I I: It ( '"'"' ll•~;hwuy ut AI d - '1 \IU ' t ,,.,I I \1 I U "" •,. I• I.'•(, C., ... , lltwuy Suppllt·~. Jl,.f~l~. J-:tc. ,,,-. \IC \ f 'l IU II ' ·-·-~ ·.:~ ,.. •• u , It~~~ v. 1·,..,,,,1 Av•·u11•• l'lt•IOf' 1:! nr l:i Nc:wpof't. ... 'If .... ,.,.,If ' ~ • · tf ·'· • I' ,1,,, I. r 1: (', l'lt""''~ 1:.! Ill ,,,., .... '" 11 • I '1. Nt•WJI"•rt l ~nch. 1:1. :-l•·WJ•;rt 1~1\Ch. I • • • f '-' • "'''I. I! o\ l'h :•:•1 Vor 11 bf•tter ~rvloa. tlt.\1 , .. -.\It '''' ft \'1 t A 'of""' I 'IIII.IC '- .1 • II _. • ·.•. r , "''"l A\t'tllll' l 'lrro11e 3. tl' ftft. " .. ' ' ,, ·~ • ... "of"•" II '• I' .l.lo•l .niC ('o l'h;.n,.~ 12 • 13. Ne!wpurt Dettch. 'Nff't l Wf""f U "••Jet. .. . i ' , ... \1·-.. t 'l•.mluF•I( r .',mpAny, C'O!Ita Mt"'ll. Phone 210. IT't'rt:"' "" r.~ • I ~....., lt.-rhttt' P\JbiWuna Co. Phonft: 12 • 13, Newport ae..:t., • A .. r.f' II'J ,,.,_ , .. ..._ '''-" Van.i7 !Jtort>-k. JOe, :l5c 'Ud up. Phone 2111·W. WE'I.M~O-. ....... ....,U, ....._ Y. On a.m.. U. ltld'addae Pl. N._ .. .. .... k ,..,. ... ... .. NEWPO~T BALBOA l\'EWS.TIMES, Newport Beach, ~omia. ~AY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1941. ~-----------------------------~------------------------------. -------------------------------~---------------------- .,_,.out ··· NEWPORT BEACH COSTA M6SA BALBOA Harbor Folb Otwn Their Homes To Friends Over Labor I )ay \\' ~k('nd I ,. 'nK-mllr<' :-.-l'"'IJO" H url ... r .on ·tt ~ .• n .1-r.o.Jll't"'" All Jl,,. ,. 1.:1~ ,, ~ "hll" lhh "'"''k••nd "'IU• ••m•n.t"'" •·I Tn-1•11 "•l•·tl' THE Seventeen l:.cagucrs Return From ~'c:eks' Camp I nc..,t 1tu tc WOMA-N'S PAGE CORONA DEL MAR . . BALBOA iSLAND (Betty A dams ••. Phones 12 and 13) LIDO ISLE Practical's the Word For Fall The /Costa Mesa Friday Afternoon Club SAND SIFrER . To O~n Fall Season September 19th - Th W('lllh('r m'nn ""V~'-Il llrv I \\'tlh Jh,· appruarn ur fall Wf .. hnu•r anrl ~:rounds and lfrs. U oy4 .. •torrn ot 1'\•lt..~t l\ t'3 .end 11 J• r~th ••n •n·· !"t.anf•,ad t •• rh:ui', \'• ... ,, r t , 1. , ''· , r , J•l•• 1 ... qr, 1• t• k ckM*n lot lh•• hula.in.)~. 1u "''"'"' d ·) f '.trhll 1'-lnlt•f tl ut.t_ft'•• ;t r • ... ,\••rl II\• tft •t,•· ..;,\.1'1 f!,~rrHtl · ~ IU\d IV l'II W lh•· l'~oll)h ,.l 'lt ·•Ill ~It~ i • A l'oiJr .. ,, • 1,11,, M· 11,1 .,. ,of r·,.,,, l·•••fl••l l -=af'\"'("ruv.:-. •n tht· L,:_,.,t.a ·\t,,, •'Jnt•,f ht,..,.,~ d .,r1• "'!.!' h• t1 \''' \•\•t t••'', •:· .... 1 .• ~,,1. tt 'fl · rtl('n ''til ltll~llrn•~ l'il111· •lultt·"~ 111 11 Annln j""itor !';('JllPmh~r whil'h m••unR tht• h1 ~-' -' ~· · borltes will t•nntmll .. lltl'l r twtlvi-ftrat tn Ol'<'n 'illJ t.'lub yt-Ar will be llut• Itt lit'\'o·ral m•ro•'l!!!:ti'Y n•sig· liNt Inn.:-Bfto•r thl' qunurt•r fiFO· lhe (',tsta M••sa Friday Afte rnoon natlnt'll tttt· <'X•••Jlltv•• hoard of the pi(' li'avo• Ollr ''"'""V 1111t rtKIII l'litl• '' hi'n .!'.1t .s lwlph ,.,...,,. i•r··~t· Fnday ( 'luu hnx liOn!!! nt~· udill· nnw It ~ m · · 1 dent. brtnJ!S down ht·r ~avo• I :-;, p· tinn11 \\'tt h tho· nrw J'l>t'SIJI'nl on , ,. ..,..•r II 1111rnrn r " j1111t h.•· t be "' ln. .... , . , • 1 1 .scmn pJ: ut ~ .. !':r"',lnrt llnrhnr'lcm r.._, ..... ~ l'"'-mcn 11 '-"" thr r :ott'<'UII\'(' J:'rnup ore !\trs C I Y•1ch1 l"lub ·n wr·t' wt·rf' lwt>l\·" uou.-•'. .I l~nltJ t.au~lt fll ~I ,.,..,. pt·cshlt•nt: Scan-cnM' t '"nm.\ ,at ... n,l P·" td•. •, t.-u~· d h•' tu~L·· L'U• • \ 1 ~·. ~ , ••• , t ;. 1, • ;e:-," t t '•··t:t i:arl} t-nt!.ty .oml Hl!fltn '''' :-. .. 1· r "'" h u k lo•tt •Jiol ,\It• II ·•· "' 1 ,1 ··Po t, •. ,,'''" ,'l'l·· urdtt) i:'J•"'" l1 urn I.A .... Au~-. l· • •' t~rh h• .... •ll ,t tt • '\• "'I"•• 1 If .r .,., ..... , , J tt11 t..:,,,1th•·r -.nd Ha\t'r>uit.· ,.,,unt•• '"l•rfll• .. J t., .. Yruht t iJt ,.,,, ,1 , ••• ,,f,, .,, l,•:q:q• It, into ~~'•'""IW'oll ll.tll•oa anti n .u.... }\ tl!o .: •. J ,.,.,," .1; .. r I •.. •'.I_.S~ '.'.!..:...!,.:...1 \ . '. !.' r ·IJ~r. .,.------~IUIIIIo.MI __ ,_,.._,..,__...,._~_ ......... ,...~-~ ,.,. tp *" • s .r , J ,. n ,,, ,, , ... 1. 1t t • \• rtlf!J.! tnbiPI! nf b,ur~l' 11n thl' tlr••·k thi> C'QaJrrn._n uf •l,ll'prtrtml'~tl! n n d Mr:< H L :-'h•an. ~t'<ullol v It' e nth••r ~· ."-·tlh lot,., QmJotp!J ;;t~nllt~ c·un.!_miltcca "''hr. h II\' ,. prclud.•nt. :\I I'll llurlln L .. nkfurd, Kj'iii'la M hrl!Oli'II!O Sullins-lnJn nN·n -~ppnintP<I t.Sy .!'.f_rs \'(~le lhia . r•·(~•t•ftn~ ~··· I• t.lly . .!\frs .f. E. in Ill•' ,.un .,,, K \' '''"' "''"•~· .. n J, '·' L' U...1~6.·'• l--l.JW ... lb '.!I. Ull'IL.... -Mr--~tnrl ~ ·~ Mtlmn'!l-t~1nl'!,;,~flt:l! ·"'••am:, . .r-'"' ..-.t l'r111 Jntod Mf' AUt,'\J'I Sr·h·" r -,•ont~ ,,., l ho--'" .tolt 111 Ill•~" --l.-1-h~ 1111~ nnrt ·r,.l'c-1\·lll:f 8 Miul"' ~umftit>r for at ltv.-p31 It• tputl .. •l Hu•~<t>ll. • llrrt'l'ftllndm,::-S('Cretilry: I from ttw , lub "llnrrnn Wt>r(' thl' ,6ftclude Mrs. C J . Rohrbn~gb 1ih1-!\IrA -f'-f!-.s •It""· t rt•Hurer; Ptlr~ (r•rmc-r ('nmmoolur.-Ct>orgo• Con· f!r!ln.s, .lot rs J{ I. Sluan. mu::w·. Ci'tor):l' IUignn. uulhtnr; M r • . •, I\" and dnu,;:ht··,.... ltohf·na. r ... 'flo'\ ,.., ' • lltl ... \ " I \l' • ••. Jo~hn ..... n ,,r 1 ·" rr m 'I n 1 t y ... , ' and LitUI,,. .uut V>n ... C1li1rl•~ Jt.,.t• 1 ..._•ar•. • r.r" ,.,1.-.• t h .. ,,.,,,.~ fu-.- ft1 anti l'htll•r• :UI "' llloVI"llJnj!l •n Reli ef Corps I. l.·p•--11' .... •J•·· :-; ... , ... rl nlin"'' ( ,, h• I ~ ''"" HI lh• I'•· ,. '· • I • I I 1.111 •• "' , .... s .. .. ~··IJ horn··"''"', ... , llntf lt.•} Officers Atf~n ~ 1t., •• ...... , .. ttH ~~..n.an "n" llu~y nf Rl11 tn C~:thfnmiOI o· . M . \ .... '". A''-.... \\'hll•· f r .. m. Y•-1•·n1.t) rn·HI..·•I lh·· •• ,. .. ,,."' IStnct eet J n ~ ,., .. ,. "' .... "'' ,,. :O.I tm•·l ""'' h I~ lh,. N'lo-tlr:Jtun •.1 F ran:t lotlt.o f,,,.,.l 1 •• 11 Anno· F:r rN' I ""':"" ann AnitA who wc-re.«reetcd ~lr!l F . l.. Kn~u('r. Curator ot If a 1 1 ,. c·r,·h;o pdthamPntarrnn; royally Wh('n tht•\' Cllmf' llllhorl' ~ •• , tion!'. !\Irs. \\ 8 .lolt>lloll. urts ~rs J F \\'t•l•st r r. house and e!K'nrted bv V11 ., l"umrn,urlm:e T"x lllltl rrafts: Mrs C'harles .lof• A lii I")' trrnur <111 • .lolrs J P C'UfJpt'r, way• Con•lhn Thl' c ~ Rrnkawto ar(' brlt..lge : Mrs C~>orge A R(l~nn and mrans. ~ anJ .lolrs n eo r ~ e usual.v l!urrnuntlf'11 'b,· lntrrt>lllf'tl budg et ; Mrs. Emory Randall. c·all-lh·al .. y. nl('mbPr~hlp st>eretary fricncl11 anti t hP nr F R. C!'r ry11 ing~ .\I "fTI t.,.r~ .,,, t h•' prugri\JTl com· 1 nf P&Mdf'n'\ • arl' ~lr.g lnJNtll'l1 .lolrs Rt>uhf>n..!\1 D1y. Ft-olt'lalJton mitlt>t' llrf' me<'tln~: toolry witb by F:v Md t'at Murr111 F:njoymg News; Mrs. W. fl. !\fellott. fl"" !\I rs H11hrhou~h In make final the julry st <'aks 11n•l gn<>d music era; Mn . l.. C. B1xler, hl11tnrlan . plana tor t hl'lr yl'llr book. r!'\A'(', ('!{~ C:l'raltf C'olf'nrt..l. Ok k a nd Joan VIC'{', Mrs. 1-Ja rl")' ('rt'bll. l~llittu· Guests of Mrs <'hlllto•non's b1rthrln) an th,. h· m" fl. 1,., 1 J• 1 •~· •• f p .. ,. .. u" ol ~'"' ~,.~~~~~J~n~-~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7·~·---~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~ ,...,,... ,. ,. I• ' \1 , 'ol\ '' (Junrry l"-0 fhut;;hlt'T' "" m••,.t l<rn•l l\' l tllttn 1\•·•~">•n. L ~t lll J,_. Sumnwi"S AN1 Mrs p ;.uJ Antt ,.,,,.,. """"' ~1'01•• utftr~r• •n•' 'rl"lm •n .\lvrtl(' ="'I• 11<'11 lin h Powell. thr T R RuttPrll, Mr and tlnnal RC'llltit;os, .!\lr~>. A'lc-x Ol11!'n • Mrs. J c. TIIUII. Hnok and Carol lntematJOMI ·tntPr<•st~ and Amt'r-Poirier Honor H.e r 1 ~ard11lt>e. thr J , L. AXI'l!OOnll. thl' ic'nnl!<m; Mrs Kl'nnPih ~lt·wa.rt s· f s o· ~r _Oiho•,.... t;;:~thl-nn~; arountl Mr• \\'t•rkman .•ol \'all .. J•• -···1• 1;.,,..,,,1 l'hlllll• ~~~~~bo·t 1111,1 \\'a~•nt• .. dlnn.·r table' \A'f'rr Mr .uwl rr•·••.J;ont k:t .. ntl,..1 . hi' 1111"'1 tn~ Ht . \II lin. Fn:anlt Mufllh} 1..) m1m llu..•lt'· ""'' '11 ",.., .,..,,, 1 rm.anh '" '" l'h,. -:,11 "'''' ""'"'"I: a 1 1 h,. land. Paul f'llmll.'r , J tlt• S<Jrnnw,.... lltru<t orf,r .. ,... "'''" ... 11 to,. ll.l ,,, .. I G('tlrge Hnllllf'ln. ... Mr. lllld Mrll Wt•ll baby l'itmr_ l\lrs Alvm P111k· ISter 0 an •ego Louis ra.~11• J r T nd , an•l Jan,. i•·y. Wt'll baby !'hm,·. :\fr~< J I ' - 1 _.... .. r 1\nd ~~-\\r.;J, 1-t~r· .\fill'·r .\I• '" J.r.oa.."1w ~··f"'l''" "'" ynungl'-~ .. IUI-.,_111'" ";..:_.~Brt. " •· ' I tn \\ l~c· "'"t k lht-\.,.,., 1 1 ltl•·t \0111 1•·11 .. ( lholr lnsltl ul~ !"X· Jnrh. Dr. M tl Mrs Rav S w<u n I Co<lpC'r, wa~·B ami mPIUl!l ; ~lr1< 1 A ,.harrntrr~t rompllml'nt paid W the F:. S nulingl!. Vr;nOfl and C:n)r{;t> llt'aley. rnN11bf.'rshlp ~t't'· hrr 11111lt>r '*!n re IH'r dt>parture for LlluriPtta Wrnohr. Thelma ~hndlf'. rt>tary: .Mn. Cf'orge Bu•1wtt. rf'-hnme 1n ~an O lf'J.:O wu given Mre. lAura UE' Whlttll'r, Jnen Hns .l llt'rvt>lp•nll, Mrs Mr.no.·m J F'lt'JtaJ<. Abb~· Rliff by Mrs flan Poirier In king and others 1 h<>Apit.ahty: :\lrto A . r Almo)nd ht•r hum P 1n C'm1ta .lofesa Fri!W -"" 1 "" ~. Ill••·• h.. Ku; '"" "' " !"'"''"' ,.,. nl an "t~IVt'll o( In· Mr anq Mr< """''" ~mllh r•f prrau!rnt l.fra C1tur,. \\'rtiO(hl ..,,.J ,.,11 ,,1,. l'f•rvlr" &.lhoe l'nlf'T'tiUIM'd I:Uf"SI~ fmfl'l \lr" c·IA r , lto•lhn-•rl'''"' hi• of lh•• Jacl~·rcwt )~,.rdny ''""' 1 )!,,.~ ('••II"' T!ltrl•·"n ··lh. r Mr.. Alma Rath oa•u Jll,.;u.:tntl) , ., •• an Ill• ... ,ml\ 1u t1 "·rr~ '" IIUrpfiJw-d V.llh ;a \'1~1 lht< •.,.,~k-l ,l\·,,-..1,1~-;o"J.I.l 1 '1"~" a.n..1 ~An • I'Nf rnwn ~fr and ¥"' ~11nfnnf t'•l• 5 , •-w,l:••• ..:..... had r"l''"~" nt Qua rtet Flies to Cata lina 'Island The f'rrrrti!IIO F'ulmnrs """"t 10 pubht•Jiy. :\frs. John F \\'t•b!<l('r 1 l'\'t>ntn~ Gilt>!'<! II gat hl'rl'd during Wilbur nf Oa.kl11nd ~ M,... \\'tl· ,.1 ... ,.,. lllur'• bmthrr. Gal~ Mlr-·ard (,f )I .. m t, .. r • "'til ,.,,n, • "" th • F<•ur ,.r.un~ mt•S"'-frnm :-.lf'w-• Idaho. Cursu Sunda)' n( M"-tl!lth T 11 u r,. o1 a}' tn "'" c ·.,mmuntt) J"•rl l.,_a, h ,.nj~>\'~ol a •lily a t Ca t.a. I Wifn' Mr and M,... Hamid F...u-1 • f r huro h ,.. .. lal h"ll '" mak,. phillll hn11. '1'\J~..,Iay Thl' f<>tJ raomt' <"Om-,' C"ootOI\. ft•r •w tal ,,.._. o;n th,. lhir.t Thurs I"<V<' r,t thl' Jot 1 11 11 e 11 Deverly Mn William lAn,:jlthr i'lnd hoor •lAY• at N<'h mCirtlh • c •h""'"" Jl'lln f''Ulghum, J ean CatAlina nn the-1r l>nat !';f'~undrt u l I thP lllnnf'r . hour In I hi.' OO.ciCyard dltl the Jaml'l fiJmOfldll on the-Ir D ld M C II cor thr. Potrl .. r hr.mt' tor a plculr ArJ:UI! Thl' f;('Orf.:l' Jnnc-K <kf'lln On a C a UrnS l"llJIJ'I'r Wa •f t'llfflP Into the bay umlt r I Home From Trip ~Ur.Jlrl't' r,( lht' C'\'('ning w .. the sal! 'l''lth human rar:;n at)<lard Mrl k ltr h('n 11hn" rr gln•n f(lr the bon- Bill alHI J ull" !';t~>"·art a rr l'x-nrer Am nng guerrtll with Mrs. r>f'('trd ba<"k !lOOn fmm t h "I r Mr aJ.d :\frs llt>nalol )tc ("'RJium Sltff "'ht> has l)f'rn stayln~ with r ruiSf' nn thl' l"h ubllNo to th~ lllth 1\Tltl lOOn Onnald. rt'lurnNJ FrHia~· he-r l!ll!tPr fnr M>vu a l monthe, w .. mus Commodore Bud and !\Iilii; I' from a t hrc-". Wt'Pkll trtr Hp•·nt In h':r -.Jaughtt-r Mtllll Atlelie Sllff, Cuthne C'&mf' bAck from Arrn ... ·-the ~IJddl(' \\rllt tra •·elhn,::-nrarly :O.f I Ill! rw,rothy P nunrry. M r I . hea<l to takl' ov .. r thP \A'PPkl' •1 6..000 mtlrs : F:lmf'r Patt<'nlon l'ttn~ Bert Oqulst ..,, Bill, Just ~lunwod from • f:tta W11M•n and Rr tty HalloriUI I t 'or ~fll·nakll DeY.c-: ..,. _.Uple w aNFOIN-jolJis eldrt to r::nA~ •ith hl'r pcll'ftlts 1~ v r. and Mra Marvao Wt'bb' 'AM OO.r•if"•l l hP Catalrnll . plane &n<l blou.!Of' and ou•rtll-•1Ut a Taloe f~r at t.ltlr w alat . l:adl pr· Fhlrwft U. , Sranrnnt MN ! wtti"P -~ f'nday til Sent a Ana ~rrivl'(i tu l'njoy thor day at thr _.., ,.._-I!Nh.Yual I• Ita -rtcllt. f'aalalott Pft'dk-t• tlleee amu1 fll BaJIIo. ~ · 11. · ADd wbo aft now booeymOUillr.f . l.lltbmu..' rPtumln~t by bo.NIL All 1 uu--~ wtll -a lltt oa tile _.,.... 14,_ fall. f II Ill t I I '"· n I T h «' ,. rrportt>d Ntm paralJ\'elv and 110n O&k1e Mr aru1 Mra t'l! v 1.'11. 0 lUll n u~o.e ra('ea and . . . . - .-ff'nauwd ~+--tbt ~e.,-1ltlH --"'~ ~~ etr'e er~ --. .. et o-Jet.a~ -= =-0..:.: f"randrrco ~ ~ • ...._ lllland thia • trirptlont' company -ltcbbo&rd • l join HC11W11rd and ~tPIIIl Youn~rtvl', t'QOI W~tb.er~~ ·~ ln Ute-GI'OrJtl' 'Roml'r. Jr and daughter, a d Ra d R lh K f 'GraruJ Cllllyno. Petrlfl~•l fnrellt Ht len F'8trw-ta. lllld Mra. Alma n y an u f'DIIIOO ut 1 Painted ~ &Ad-ht-lowlrwtr t -.. _ -.;;;: R--a few Uwa.bae. 'l'ht t rophy diP· · .-~ h 11nd uaughter. Do... oee. •'Ill be he-ld t Sat ... _, lhf'v vl1it~ w ith-relativu Later nr-r . nex ur-.-;r they motored to Cblcqo befOI't ~--.,--_.._...._~a-.. ...... .,..... ---rurr. ---Comina' EYenta Edna Walker To .. ~o.w ....... _.,...,_, _ ... ,....,...." .. "-.riaa ~~~~~~'7~ •-•• ,.,.. IJIAN e&aldq ri.Uma. cnb· ...... _, ................... ,. .. .._triluo It rtrll." MOST OF US HAVE TO WORK HARD FOR OUR INCOM~ IN THE DAlLY ADVENTURE OF. DOING OUR JOBS WELL! ~~~:=;:::::=1J2:::!;~:~~~~~~~~~~;; 'llwy •oulcl ha,·e bfta r .._. to ._Y_e st:ArN at home. 00. ttwlr jobs wen, aad 80 ... f!Utid..W .. MlkMial ~· Today u al"'8)1'. ·u.r little.._._.. .... la A.alforka hu ~ of'POrtualty to In Harbor Area 1Appear In Melrose nlpt at the club. however, a few st&Ttin,t; tbeir return trip whl<'h will be unable to attend due to took thrm thrOIJ«b the R oc k y WEDNEIDAY, 1£..-rEM•£" s.-1A bbey Concert the lltar rarea at ArrM•IIead. MountaJo Naliona.J Park a nd Zion N rt fl .....__ a-1 ,.... b • • • and Bryce C&nyooe. ewpo 1 • vur -rv ce .._,u ·1 ----SIX ROUNDS ab oun<"e Rich. noon. Balbo& Cotte-e Shop. • Rh s Blu and Bye Club with Mra. 8 Wlaa Edna W alker. charming a r d ocJt•• t.ahler a r r 1 v f' d • L. H oke or Cbrona del Mar Sewpor Beach planlat who bu de· promptly at wvrn-thlrty SaturdaJ FOOD FASHIONS R ed CroM Wor kroom Baiboft lighted local audleneea fOI' Ol&ny evening. Augullt 30th. at tne Call· lalu d. open from l 0:30 .: m . to :'1 yeare, oa111 play ln a mueicale with fomla Hoepltal In Loll Ancel~ p m. Jack U,u,art. celll.et, from lA· Hap and Terrell and t.he n-eon ·state Guard noo-eommlalooed CUil4l S.Cb at Melroee Ab~y a re dotog nicely. That aame af- otlcet'11 tnlnloc claaa hl«h tcbonl. Chapel. Jl'r1d.a.y r nninc a t A p. 01.. lem oon. befOI'f Terrell ueparted 7 :30 p. m . nte f'llll86e&le wtll fMtun daaat-for the big city. lltUe Sh lmy 8u. Stahler celebriated ber •t.th birth· THU,.IDAY, IE~TEM•£" 4-a-cal •lecWGN by Mr. U gthart a.c. 4ay with a party of f ri.nda w hich Balboa faland Red Cr<~e~~ WOt'k· CODlpalliH by Mt.. Walker u d Included Valerie and UDda ,Her- room open 10 ·ao a. m to 5 P m eneral aolo DUm bent bY M I • • Loll VI · · · · ·• Walker. Amonc ber eele<"tlooa will vey. ta n<"ent. M4fhael and SU Mar1oe Avenur. be C ldd Girl by J uu l bert. Tony Hammond, ~18 and Norma KJwanle Club. noon. Cue' Sea CollaolaJ'oa No 3 byac:ranz Un:t ~le. Joc:elyn Mit<"h&el and Lynn Shell Cafe. Balboa and Etude VIi Erotea b Fnuul Stahler AU(UIIt 11 the b6rt.hday F"IDAY, 1 £..-rEM•£" ~ u.t.. Y month for t~ Stahler rhlldren .. ea.ta Meaa Firem en·• Cub, 7 46 Lynn's .natal day Ia the 21Jrt. 1 s:-=:;c r. m .. fll"fbalt Mr. u,uuart wm phy two move-• • • II C'G~Ul \'etenuu of FMelgn Wara mente from a Mozart Conrerto. P<Mrt. 7 30 p 'm .. f...#g\Pn ball. Prelude by KaUer. Hungart&ll SO MUCH diii<'UIIIIion lately Po Le among tttf' ynun~t loc&l mat{onll Nt'•-port ~•rh Boy S c out R.hapeody by ppt'r. nto from "'ho f~;tl •orry fQr tb~ eoldltr boya TrflOP. 1 P m · &nut hut a Rtdtard Stnu. ~0 llDd w~l'l rnmr down h~re-for exc-lte-• .,eral ot.bera. New C rochet Designs Available Now , A n•·w ~IIJ'f'l~· of • r•• ho•t p&t- t .. m~ hill' Jll~l twt'n re1 ('1\'tll bJ ; lh•· ".:w:-;.n~n::-; th•~< "'""k, rtf. , l<'r••ol I•> 011r r •· 11 d r r ~ frrf! ol rhrtrt:r I· A mon~! thr • h:ormlnJ: plltflm l 1 Rrc' two "'1tl n1g~ ~ .. ft Ch·ai Rur • Ni' !Wl:! 1111d l 'n• h•·l••ol Fronged I Hu~o: ~ .. 1 Tlw '"1-=• 111•• :l:!x44, lln•t ~'''"n t•••p~·· t ,, .•. 1\· A rfi'W l'rn:ut • "" h••l • .f •· 11 ,j,.,., .. ..,., r11me V.Jt h I h•• nr•\\ sl.l pm•'nl 1'1111 .. ru \4'111 ht• ~··nt 11l'''" r(l•I •Jt'"l Alm "rill' tho• ="''" f'"rt flail>"" :-;F:\\'8.. n :\IFS In• llo" p.ttlo•r·t l'llitable f•tt f·hn~·n1:.~ a:•f•!f mPnC but lnl't i'B•I 111! hu•lillrd t~ Mlq Walkrr Ia .' ~adwue of gl'lhl'r nn hc-nrhl'll l,.,rl'ol tn •11'1\lh Neoa'JI(Irt Harbor t: n 1 n n H t R h n" n""' CAP•'" tn tlllk t n Rut School a nd SIUila Ana J unlnr C'nl·)11nn I' nf thtl" !ltii!Atl"" 1~ w,.lf In ter e w heno llhc-miiJOrt'd m mu~lr ' hRn•l mv •I e 11 r". n..~ thnu~ehful The celll~t w hn Will npPn t II(' J l...anc-v !'iht>rmnn hnl' pla\'r.l co- <&-ptt'mhf'r !) r~nc-('rt a t . It Jl, _m, h<'fllt · ,..,, h H~trol•l :mrt 1: o 11 Ill ,. I &leo atten~t'd :-.ll'wport H 8 r h n r Ahr,.nolt. nt tlw Ahrrnolt hnuM--' Unlnn H igh Srhnul. L:'oj:(una l!t"a rh H ll'h Sehoul Mel Sllllla Ana Junlnr ColleJtP Local Clu bwom en Witness Ope ning of New State Building h"ld tn thffl'rl'nl ~o:rnup~ llnd havl' al!•n ln\'IIPd • hnrmol'lj:!' IRI'~It'll' wllh Evtn in~:~ u~ualt~· stay warm whnm HI•'\' (':In ••nJfiV ""''kllllll< . ~RmP:o I hr. mu~tlr pll\~:.,,1 "' hf'llll:' f.'nough tu l'nt nu~-of-tl.,nr~ fnr. 1nt<1 j l lfull~· loy llnr~oi.J Ahr•n•lt •·n hiP the fAll monlhs. F~>r n rr:tlly dtf!'r r- ' tl'hn and dnnc,. ~t>IN't 1 .. n10 I n enl t>utdt>t•r nw::tl thrtl wtll l'Utflll''' 'rnl''llrrll' h~· J"'tll Trtpp At tho• and •i••li~ht Y"Ur fnm t!~· or J:U<'.'<!~. Ia~! •l'tr•·r 1n tlw Ahr,.ndl mnn••• l'l'r\'l'bnrhrru"d ~par('rth•nnolbnkrcl ,..,.,,. 1-~rPl Lt .ltw k H (~nthak•·r. com nn th(' c-nh. nn.·• thi~ ntl'nU l"•·•·nr ol Lt Emo•1 ,. I' I 'lark :-;,.,-~ound rnmrlical••tl ~ It i~n't. Ewry. r•nol J.t A lh<'rl T ~' ~>11 And Ll thm~: i~ pr~'paro'rl ru~11y in ynur Pll'r- Attent.llng thP nrorn lltlltl'f' iln•l l:o•llo rt ra,. k \\II h lnnP "'"'\'••n tric ron•tc-r, ant! thP kitrhrn ~l:l~ !> anemt'IOn trR \\'hi• h 1\ ·~ hl'irl In r• ••• \\'tlfl.tlll• .. n .\1 1111111 Htt hnrtl I L-h . I the new l:ahf••mln stAI•' fo·ol· r 1 11 11 1 ..._ .. 1 roc> ..... r au•t-t (' r"aHrr ~ tn•u alt"n liOn , :t nl" I , <'1 'l I r o'Jlfl n ~ n Jc f • h · I a Uon IW'AdqHAf'to•r!l I'. 1.-•!1 AnJ:tln• ll<>nnPr Hl•lt:tr ·l~ .. n ~~r~ 1,.,,. ll••r· • l'f'P~ m"st o 11~ rat m~u.('. Wednel!day aft••rn•-..•n "'' rr 1\ num-.. !.t ''"'' th•· 11 .. ,.1 •. 11 o1 hn~1 ,.,,. Ti t~ BarM>cutd ~p.are Rib• ber of prOrrllnPnl 'lubw,.mc-n rr.om II' an "'' . Jnll\'l•' n '"" .. r I h·· 4 IM. ~par(' rrbs N.-'Jl(lrt Harbor "' h• r I•• al ,, ~•tl••nl~ , ""'" piA,. 2 tb~p. butter IDc:ludfd In lhP ~:ruup nf C",dJft~r ~An t:~ C'IAII!O 1 onion, finC'Iy rhor j>('ol 0 llia J'MI'rlltnn u ( \\',.mf'n II C'I\Jio • • • 2 tbsp. vinc~ar mrmbf'f'11 wrrr .l.Jrs H.Puhi'JI Pny o:o.;, ·..: :-.;, 'f"\'1-:H ~ow s ...... ~ &.b6p. ~jttl<-e- 2 tbclp, .,._,.~ 1 evp catnp. l1o up. ray_.t'.One pt>pper 3 tbsp. Worrest~nhire ItaliC~ I;J t~. dr_y mu~tard 1 rup cold water --·· ..... --A& ......... , .•.•• -....... ...... e&.Jll-au.,.-====-1t-... "'!~~'-!~!~~~~~~t..:iJ~1!~ ·--... • tie .,.. .W. to wn·r hila_ to au. aad ~ bUMDetia' ~t 1 tb~p. cl'lery Pit .......... eitW ill .lob PriiiU~; Of~ Sappllri: Offke 1 i'AIDIF CW Ia a CIOIII_.:tfty plaallftd and qlllfull)' haad· I . THE IEWS-TlMES News-Times 8U)1din.- Phoaea: 12 and 13 3011 West Central Avenue .. 811 Wu JJ -Tr y G ka · .~~It 1 P r· IE CORDS • • . RIX.'ORD OF THE l\~EK GIPa• Millfor'A "Sun Valley· Seranade" • ------...z · WHITE'S APPLIANCE SERVICE ()enH Mart.. .-1 Park A...-. 11 ............ -........ .... ~ ....... -........... __. r.•t&.-.,.. ..,...h"ll""' ~~~"~' -t'f r.oa!ur. 1111wurt1 ilntl A11n' K rf'~J:I' ~nol it 850 di'J!'rt'f.'ll. ""'111 lH> Rbnut l>rr .. ml"'r flrl'l for Balr~ C'om 011 the C'ob thr PXJ""'Ir,l Kr""l!~ hPir J nn,. 0pt'n huiles but do not remo .. e . Tnpp1n1= frltnol n! \'Jrginlll Cutle I Rtmove 1ilk. J( necuu rr . t 1e a <".lpJ..-r!'ol rr .. nt tfnnnlulu wath -hN atrincarnundeaeheartoholdhuu a . '"'" m••nlhl' (h~>ruh &nd llfll'~ "i.;n place. Let stand In rold wat.r1 tor bnPf rr'l'lle htr~ Alrhr r •l 1n :-;til< •···· ~ • D . On h L., \'"rk • An.,thrr ~Hut fl( t hf' -...-mmatu. ram. e our ...,,ore c~tk-llau11h "'"flR J!r hi\.• bP rn I ~par• riba a~ !"fmn~ fnJm thr !\lrl' 1'11111 • :m1 b"r 0 r ~ =' n t 11 'I'Uter, put 1n the com on • rack Rns&lrl\ :\lr'ttlt"n w hrr" llhl' hM I a nd bake WJtb the 1pare nbs. • rAn• h , "'UIII'IlnJ: nf l ht>IIJOI\nd• r>l --- •··rre Thl' rrt> a t,. A I Nit roc, Wlnda leEQporori&ly . . T h e l'l'fl'l'tiii\J .'t'r•'Ph~ 111 nnw In thf'j l'qu~Alr&ln Cf'<'Jir ;o.;atlnn hall , hl\nd!' /'f I hi' A n.l~ K ll kll II•• thr h~·lh· llklflnPd (ac-e <hie In 8 faii- F:''"rrtl Mr rn""" ""'' Jat k 11111-j tn~: ~nrJtr ~!ltr d,.,, It up 1'(',11,. m&n• J"''d Uwrr dmncor •ll'bt to) bPfnre JOining Ll'fty In flnnnlulll I hi' wl~ nr:r• A nolv An..S ~~~,. 1 ~>r hi' w II th:nk '''~" ahul'f' vnu \~·~ "'''r" 11\lrprr~rd '" lll'f' t hl' Hr.,., I JRne Qumn "''til ny ~~·t t\'lth her . I PAI"t.ka 1n 11''11\n hark from thl' nrw, dllughter Cltrol Ann w t1hl'1 fn•7t'n nnrth "'h,.,,. lh"Y bll\',.l lhl' lli'Xt ten day• · . Jt-rry a nd hf>l'n ·fnr mll11\' 11 nl"">fl Th('y ar• I \'ir~lnla fl&rnard holtday"d Wtlh tnr &mPf"l on thrtr h<>at F o ur BH-<"htr a n..t T'eg H un.:e~ord P opula r Mesa Couple Feted By Friends At Housewarming Ch0011lng the fifth weddlnl u - n lversarv of Mr. and lira. Bert- r&m Sm-Ith of COCitlf" Meaa tq 11•• them a wrpriae hOUif'WarmiDc tD , Ulflr new homr at 265 Jl'lower Stf'f'et -Auru.t 1T Wt're mON Ulan two IICOF'e Of Me.. frienda. eu..te arrived .. OM lkiiiU.. -re quietly vlaiUnc wftb tr1encla. Dur1n« the evenln« a la.rp wed· dlnr C"&ke. which had bMa -.u- tlfully decorated by Anton Wacell tor t he ~ .. too . ., ... cut by Mra. Smith. A 1hower of (1fta wu theD beetowect on the honor-ea. _ Amonc cueete were M-re. and Mmea. Ray W l lf&ce, MarvtD Wll· rox. Ed Edick, Tony Wacek, A. c. Almond. L. C . Alm ond, Em I I CrHMr'. Jamu Colllna, R o m e r w .. nott. Jac:ll Herndon. AI Orden. Mickey: &rtooe. l...#roy Anderaon . H : l.. Baird. MrediUDes Amelia Drummond. Lettie ~II. R a I p b Viele. Ncttle R lrharda. Mls. Le· nnra p,.terll')l'l. Mr a nd Mrs. Leo l"lark and ~{r. and Mrs. Willard Vl~t'' nf !'!8nl& An1 ArfcJ 1\fr an(} Mrl!. f'r('d \'ll'lr of Santa Monica. Your Friends and Mine l\fr11 H R .!\fr~furtry and (181111:htl'r. Dorl~ wall rf'tum thlll W('Pk rr.,rn n \'II• ntoon tnp to Mon· tan11. ~~r~ S I, Jlnkt> nr C'nrnna del !\far Will rnt,.rt:.in lhl' Oul a nd H,.,. ('hth \\ • tlrr··~tl::t\' · \'aral J .. ntnt: hil<l .. · ,;.,k •n Glen- tin II' \\'Jib ho r ~••t!•r :\Irs J11rk l'tlkmtttll ,, I' r .. rmrr l{uth llay- d('n "1111 !\ltl<ll Elm .. ,.,. llny·dl'n of llalhoa F"r.tnk l'hall•·rt"n \A/IN honored wllh a h1~llir.ta~oa~y by Srr~. £1..9~ IQQ:uce.. Mar JMl ht•ttl"n ollllf fiJI k 'J nn o•; t p {)k k 1~1UI' ~umm<'r rt'!lid('nt of Bnllllla lllllt ml lma, ftrHI!hf'd trim- mtn~ hi• ~tar h<IRI "QIII'IIt•on" . Ill' nrrd 11111 nl~>lhl'r :\t r~ ltuth Dlue INtSI'd ll hou~f' 1111 thl' l!!lnnd. F L OWE R S I Clr T'iants I For Every Occasion. . -· BIXLER 'S FLO\\'f;R SHOP f'1!n .... :-.;""'pnrt CSS·Il. %4~ S ""pnr( Rh·d. C O~T A ~f:!iiA