HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-11-27 - Newport Balboa News Times.. • . .... . --·. /. ~--· )IRS. .1. A. DEr.IL u,,, :.JI .· ftl& ..... A m1rror j)l Uw mo11t raplc11y dev~I0£1n&_ area· ot the CahfQnUa &luiil-- cout cliauict. t•••••••••sw••••ws VOLUME II ... - ORJ'-8&-BOA I .P8ESS AN IHDIPINDINT LOCAL NIWSPAPU SIRYDfO nllltmR! N!Wt'ORT HARBOR.DISTRICT ~==~==========~----~=a==~~-~====~~--. ~~~ NEWPORT BEACH. c ALi.FoR""NlA: THtJ'ItiDA v .-:'\O\'P.; ~ t.t·:H :!7. 1 n 11 ~. ~ --= ---==========-==· =;..:;==- .. ~-=---- ... • TMt; t•e&Dea ""• 1tt' ••t nn. fM•t .... '"t""' .a ... t thu-. '"''"n ''" ,. , • .,.. ~ .. 1'J"''' '-~~'""'''',.;!li···~~:·•· . ' 81Jid& ~UJJ Naval Schoo 8t'CC..'M8Ft'L TIUP AnELD l.Mut. C,l&rk l~raham, l"f'<'Nit· 1~ ottlre~ for th~ Naval a\'iation .~~ervlcf' at Lon~ Beach. returned Sunday to hla Balboa lltland hom• to)lowln& (our w~u· recrultlntt trip throur;h Arizona and Nt-w Mexico. Many younr: m~n were al~rnf'd up by l..lt-ut. ln~traham for wrvlc~ m thtli tm'j)9rtant branch of th~ ff'df'rRI fnr-'1'!'. an f'nllre aqu~dron nr 1!'1 N'<'nula bt'lng llf'· curf'd at Albuquo>rqut>, a lonf'. · Red . Cross Rollcall Rotarians Dine and ·N·ear Record QUota , Oa n c e at Joyous. U~tl \\'111 ~ntlth, pr••IIIIOo•nt 1"11· l••ll I~""'' "'"ltur, atf.J Wf11 i"nuth It•(\ M .. nctii:V 11\Cht fl'r w ........ ,, ,.11~· By T . N. "BRIC K" GAINES I'm getUn~ worr~<·u about" thf' Battle' of £1ut•mt V1lllll Blvd. Tht>rf' ha1n't ~n ll Mhnt ftr~ for mgh onto a month whiC'h 1~ bad. be· cauu our i:""''nlls .111d l'ummo· dorea Wtll run ulll of "nrk tf thfs •• ,... )<, ... ,..s ,;r' For tht' beneftt "' lhl' llntnt!tatt'd ttw U u I t I " uf Uuo·ntt V 1~llt bl\'4 '" lt!k•n~; piA•'~' d11wn )IIIII t'&St Of thr :>: "w p 11 r t Ha rhur V a t h t 111lpr<l\'t•nu·nt.c whtch the city cuntends IS t•n what •·uuld aoml"· da).' beLum.: 11 l!tre..-t .. ufld what the ~~~·,.·n gtriM Clllllt>nd Isn't 11r l'•ollllln !. Th~ I'll)' :«>f'mA lt> hAVI' lhf' UJ'· JWr tutncl n.:ht nl)w. havlnlf nrdt•r· • <>d •·•·rtRIII •1f the nrlal'lf'll. whu'll llf(tt'IIIIS ICI Ill ohatnldlctlli', ri'IOUV· I'll P"~'' haMt~ 4T hl' 1•11ly lnauhl~ 111 lh.,y lul\'<•n't ~en remo\:((1. Project Wins Martin's Aid !';upll<Jrl ur the . propoMd Nf'W· purl Harbor na\·al acadf'my haa bc>t•n gro,.,ng rapadly In many ea11tern quart~l'll but the moat hrartemng dev~lo])ment alon& sut·h ltnis ""-'All rC'cf'tVf'd thla morn· mg from G lf'nn L. Martin ef Bait· Ml'll. lnJ:rllhluil, whu 1\ci"OTII(\11· nlf'd ~r huiii>Jtnd on lht> f~<'ld tr1p: r~porta nf'ar-f,f'ro tPmpt'rsturea throuJthout thf' two lllflle& a nd f'X: preaaea h~r kHn apprKtatlon of aaaln ~~n~ hat·k: 10 thC' balmy breel4!a o r Rllby alTI'f'L ot fiJ[titiOll. ah1pfl and n&\'Y bomb· t 'SDU N&\\' IIA."'AGEMENT t'rB, wl:w mlormed tbe J.ocal cham· bt'r nf t·ummerce that U-.r plan hils hta unquRhfted backlf\1. Mary'a lkauty ahop at 2U,., ftfaai nf' a\·C'rilll', B.olbOII l~<land, th•• w~k wt'nt undf'r thr manR!ifmf''nt or Mlu CharloiiP Barkrr who will h~ll('f'forfh bf' rn f ull ctiarge. M 111a Rarkf'r Is an f'X(lo'ral'm·l'd · ~aull· clan. CIIOIIIIIf hf'F't'' flum 0rAnJ:I' wh~r~ sht' 1\aJt bHn 111 huiiiOf'., fl)t In ,.· l{'ttt>r. addreut'CI to Con· ar.,uman Wllliam P. Cole. lf., of M~~ryland: M~rtm u rged .hllt.~.YP' port <Jf the na\•al academy ban lin rt'<'ently mtrodocf'd by Con· ~rt•MIIrnsn Harry Shf'ppard. In re- f.'·rrang to> the propoet'CI Newpott M'Vf'ral yeare. Harbor tul.e in hla communication to CnngreMman Cole. Martin Mid. Shoreline ..Planners Dtscu&s Problems at Harbot Sfossion in Harbor Area 'Annu~l Froiic . P ub1(c n.aponM to t111t <'W'r~t:l Rf'd c rou roll call drf~ haa b.·•l pt~rtlcularly , encoura,UW tn thr :>;.•wport Harbor. dlatrlt't thte )•••n l'hturnu•n KlnafaUMr aMI ludA~ \\"1th dozt>M ot' -ctlft worlc••r• tfllll 10 ttw field. I'DO,_,_. $~111 tu11< already bHn tu~ In lll~o.~ taum·htnlt of (be drt¥e No\ II Ar~urdJI\It to ~ *'-· Ill' 11mctunt ahould np~l ~l..,ul It'd \;'I''' "llllllo·h l•kl H·•t1U11tl\f. 1~,_ ~'·•' \\1111 11wn \\;-\,.,__ "'HH,l ~ ~~' l••11 h t''·-'••l ltl '"'' H••tatr\· 'I I I 'IIHI:d '"'""''I ''""". \\hh·h '' • , I•I.H ,. ,~, ... ,.t '' u t.:ht n t Rat· ' .. Ill ollll• I'll· llli••I IIIH l .... "'"' h '"" l~·•u..: ' tuu ·•··ta•••~•-.t , 'tu In I ~·"' .uut tt ... st ~th • , • .,._ .. • \ • HI ''I 'i_.'"'''''-.1 h\ thto tl .luh Plwu•·•l '' th•• ''l .tttl.: '' •• •I h••nh u f l't• ... u11•n1 ttn•t 1t llucll prov• tc• ho· lhr , '""""~" I'&Jif', t~ f"U...-1 ,.., rM•·'l't•, \l l,•h "·" '"l'l'll•·•l h \' ltnf'T)' ...... , ..... "'·''"" .... , ""' r, .. , .. · rllot' W~tUI<\ f'X~ SINO'I I'WIIrd 111r1n •1'«\\olt .ohol·lll' "l•h•Mit.o lfllnl j: '"' l h•· '''"Iillo "I hf'"'lt1p by 110me 1300. KU1af,llh•·• \\ h•l• • t' .. l!•·• ~~·•1• lh•• lut.:hh.:ht \\'•lnlln.:h•ll 1'""1 "'"'"" Urr ,,.., 'l'rr"''" 111 II " r, \\'•••'., ,,.., ... 1 pomtt'd out. ·' Ill•• '''"'Ill.: fwl,lll! \\ho•u 1'•>11lln'' f'N'''"1111 r"'''""1'1'""111~ """ l;l h•• t .. l••l lhol II"" '' lhl' I' nd .. __. ,___ tt l 111••11lh~ 106:",. ltv Ia I \fOr Jt•h luo\ "'" I I I I t .. \\·ork.-M' • ~ '"""'~ n li iM" 1!"'1• th•\ ·"''" hu~ """ "'"'1, .... , f••r It I••• '"""'n JWrfur·turd h)' th .. R-••tth ""... •• ., I.., .:t...wttu "ur nwl f'ruSMy at WbJte'a •·&lo• "I"'" trao· .. uh '''"'' l'"''' ,., ... r ''"'' ""' I""'" f mav lw· '""•~•t •~••tnJ••ny (IIU\I tJI&na Were WOrked 0\ll fur I ,\tiiHtlj; lh11•o• ll"lo-.1 ,tf lhr toffAif ""' • '"'l'flltl\ • .Oitlo•.J thpn•llh Ill lhr •· .. mpll'tl" ·coverace~ la lilt' "''""' " •. , •• ,., .......... , '""' M ,,. J••hn f11l ,,, .. ~ • h11\\'t'\'C'r. that penGM Wlahlnji: In ,\llt•u l'"""''llrllllll llltcl Mill, lt11hl ('itiUnM (0 RfaJ.tlttt .. r T" lh•,.' ••toot. It M p,., .•• · "''A.. , IIIUhlll.'riiH> ahoUid .. onrtot•kl'<l '" i\llrfl, ...... ,.,,.~ .. r· ...... ,.., .... 1111111'• f \' I Out ............ 111'~11 '"'"' ... II .... 111 "' 1"'' .. I th•· cnnv.-re. C«ll'triblltl""' """ s.<oll~o·\' ,\\' IIIII< "'"'"''' i!tlrul•l r: or 0 UO(Hr )' '" •"''"''"'"" llw ~ •·ll!l•trY r•r .. bl' h•tt w1th Bank ot Arn,n,·,, • '""~''''r. Hu.:h H·•-lt•r, M~~rinn in t~mrr•rnek"M ~ "'"'' ·il.,f.~·· """"'" • "'~~ ... tamat .. \ S~wport; Ch~f . Frulk ('rl.)(k<•r ll•'\1•1. ltl·,.,lo·tt Fa111'h i•1y11u lh•ll. "' A..,.,~t rn~ I'""" ~111 t,.. lllui'"'Y Ralbo>R fl~ ataUon, llall'l Km"f1•·l \11l••11 llo·r:•h••\' W H lltto·hn•K". 4-;,..~.n~iin•tlun '" 1111 a.:rnc-1.,. ...... ..,tw~oo-.. ••..J ~~-a lht•r.fo-<1r Or Howa,S lkl~ti-r -I \\'tlhttrll '' • K•rk. lliihlmr•l (' 11,1 .. raanrutk•na ,,., ... n·~t·r .tur A Ito' •'"""""'"'''"' '''"' ••••'"" "' ----U n\\t• 4) '/. H.n ltt•lt \t'll l ,lf,•••ln \nt: thr f'OU:,.._.n.y l""'r .. •1 f••la.• .. ' t hr ttut .. n•huat ~ .. ,,th M••n etrf"'f'"t • Om· .. lh('~· IA'f're fti\'C'n SO dnytl 1•1 strtrt rt'nlo\'lne. but thf'Y dadn:.l. The•n 1t wns 11 M'IUple nf W<'eU. lind 111111 th~>y d idn't. And thl' IK:<t tim•• tb111 cl4>p11rt mf'nt lnvf'llll gntc'<i. nulhtOJt h11d ho·~'n dug UJ' nr bKIIt•red d<•wn "1 am periiOnttllY fa.mlllar with thi.lf ~11. lutVUIC llvl'd In u~ vl- t'lnaty R \'eral yt'ara aco. and I al110 made 110me of my early fhaht" "' that srf'a. i behevf' lhaJ thr :-;.,.,.:port H~trbor area would hi' of ad\'Antagt' to t~ navy. and tf you can roru11atenUy do ao, I ur..:e you t•• gl\'~ full aupport to SIXty. off1c~ra and mf'm~r• of (A)C I Motc»r Corww 11 :-; .... 11.... tt 1. l' .. tt.·• """ ll11r · '"It ""~· ...,_1.,... "'.,.,, ollliAatrr .. , ....... ,.: '' '' "" •lo·••fil',l ''' .•"'ff'r tht' 8horf'll':le !'lannmg AIUIOCla·l ~. . r •• ,.,.,. l';uk•·r 'Jr .I \\' t•r~·l un, .,, ll'"«"'•'"« """'' utlafa.-tnnh· lh~ .. t.lul•~l • .. '"'''"""" until tlon or Callfom la ml't laat n•~ht to Be Jnstructf'd J' l'r"•' t'o·yt .. ra ,;,.,,.,,, w IC •l•·h· ,.11,.,1 t-'l'l!nlt ,t,..,·""' ""'""1no ... t •fl··• llw '''"'"''""" "'''""'Y• In --.._ at Newport Harbar Yacht club .,. ~t11111o·v I' !""" \'o•r •\ ·,.nracl 1111,. "'"rntn& ll~ ·'"""·"""'• lltr tt-4·1alll•n will w~re report. W~rf' CIVf'n on prot~;· in Mecbanlc8 l'h···k .IJ•hn A Sv·'k··l. F.t\<\'ln """'"' "' ltv ··ano ....... ommlt ........... ,, l•l .. •r• , .. , ,. ............ . Let '11 htt\'(' lt4tme flrPWOrk~ 1 THI!oi'U. (TRI. ~·m·R HAIR Thlll. boy111 nnd KJrta. ,Ia r;mnji! to be " story Rh<>llt " hunC'h nf ntl't' ladr~a. And nhout thear troublf'll. Thi'SI' ml'e lndlf'll 1\o•IIIIIR'NI t'n A tllrnnl(t> d nn. T hP,\' 11 11 WN'f' mar· nf'd tn l'uml'thmg nam~ RcotAt· 18011 wha('h l!ln't "" hlld "" hf'lnr: m r•rr•t'd In th,. lAte~ man tn thP rlrcu11 or a tra'·~lin« medlelnf> mnn-> qurtP. • Thl'll•· nai'P lndll'll rnuld f tnd onlv nn~ thtn~ to br&ll: ahout In, ._,.,:. m~t 1<Urh hullhnndll. Onf' night eRrh. "'M.'k tht' hlll1b11ndl< gnt nut of thf' housf' to ItO to what thl'y clalml'd wAll a mHllng. b11l thPy prob- ably rnuldn'l prove lt. Thill. you can ~. wnuld JIVf' the tadlu Otlf' nlcht out of af'Vf'n that t~ papu weren't In thl'lr hair. and et'd ~ n1cr and qult't 11rt:>un•l th~ hoWl~. and thf cat wouldn't ~et kirkt'CI th\' sbon·f' mt'uure." In 1\ddihon tn Eutf'm ~ftort, 2~ <'ham~ra of comm~r<'r. repre· •wnunc all • .ecttona of Soulh~m '"'ah!orma, have hf'artiiY endortlf'd tho• brll fo r a West Co&.lt 'Annap- uha' At ~~wport Harbor. It waa announcf'd today by Harry W~kh, l'•••·rt•tary of thf' local chamber.' Onmg~ county. lhtoUih Ita bo•t\]'d of IUJ>f'rvatlra,.haa jolnt'CI In tht• plan by offfl11\~ ttle na..y the \'nunt}··a lnt~reat In Upper New· port Bay t1delanda. lAnd ownera ,,( that area havf' llkewlae offered t'<•mplf'~ co~~ration. ll La •ld. The bill for the academy, which t'~!lllll ao .. appropriation ol $10,· 000.000 for bulldinca ancl equ~lp­ ment. r..a now befora the Commit· tee ·on ~wavat Alfatn wtltclh In· cludee three m«nbua from the Southt>rn Callfomla area, namely, E. V. lz.aac;-s&ll 01~: JoiHt Z. Andl'rtl<ln. San Juan Bautillta. and ~Vf'n onc-f' \\'nrd JnhnMn. ·Ltm« IM&dl. . Well, It ~ thnt tM nther All f>"n<Oilll lntf'rf'llt.f'd In thf dny thr parn~ Jtot r••al c-nthwua~ \\t>lfnn• and dt'velopmf'nt of Sou· ttr ,dlmnlt' onr nf lht-lr mHtln~ts th~rn C11~1rM'ft18· """ bfolntJ ~eAt­ nn41 c!i'rTd•"«f In tfR\'1' 11 (llltty '" y r•·IIIII'Mhod tn addr•u thf'W rep- \\'hll"h lhr•r WI\'"" \\'mold"llP.In\'tt· ,,.,...1\J~aii\'Pl' 111 c.-nl{rf'811. atkll\l O'd. Thra wa." t.n prn\'o•. 1111 !luuht.l lh•·at, 1111ppnrt of tiM' Sheppard that thcy fllfl hH\'" '''"''''"It~' . nwn:<llro· Support f rom Cf'ntral and Th••\' t Hlk•••l ancl tnlk•••l. ami ftn· :>:corlh••rn Cahfo)rntA Ia IOCre&llnC all~· d<.,·,dP<I to ~\'1' n •ltnnPr ftltncl' 1• t•·Mhly. ,,,., ... rdang to lrifo~~.lon Tht>-n{lly trouhl,. "':l" thnt mOf't ,,,.,.,.hlniC th.· local chamber or coOl- of 'f'm fnrl(lll 1111111 thf' IR!It m in• 111('rt f' 'uf(wr. Mr. W~lch aald. • utP tn tP11 lho•lr nu·•• wwr~ nht•llt reu of Colultal planmng and de· Fun4arrwntala olautmnotl•·r "'"' SJ't• ,.1 .. :,.11 \\' ~, .... r.·v Anoln•w 1,.,.,. ,.,,. "''urllll\jl o)ft IIU"'""'"" ,.1 1 _.,..I " hluluhlo ""·'-l••r ltv nr• velopment . daanlcll 11n4 elmp&e car ,...,..11 ~ ,..111 \\'11,..•11 Art hm J \\'hi!... t ··rl ... ~111,111.,n4 and JN'"'""'"'' ""'"' h • 11t"lf P'oiiO'a'tnJt a &f'ncthY bueln~ bf' I'XJ'Ialnt'CI and denll•ructralo'tl 1 :l••'hrnnt"'' H;oll'h M1011k••\' T F. 1 "til ,...,11 tw , ump ... lf'd and fllfod ~ •: \\ ''"''" "·•~ nan•f'fi '" r.r- af'.,IOn wtth· Prealdent ~fn.y nt•'!t Monda)'~-who rt "'"rn 1\.•w·h•.., .lint tlr .. wn. '"'!'".., \'UJ· wtUI lh# t'o-ttrdlnat,.... wtnw f"l[ r-nl lhr ,._ .. '"""" at rtty ..~. Morcan '!re&ldi~. the ,-roup IM'rs uf Sf'wport Hutnr Wunwn "j ' •·nt • . l•lr~~hon uf \nluntf'ft' ,....rv,.. •·all ,.,.,,,,, •I ... .....,,...,.~ Mnl 4. \\' llan1· adjoumf'd for d lnnf'r a t the dub. Motor t'nrptl mHt at Thf'o• Jt,.h,na' 1\ 1"'' ''' 1 1\ t 'h.on•tlo·rlan. My· .,1.,.11 f\ooo• 1 ""n '"'"'II "l't~·•n•...t ""~•t• t n ~ha1rman W1IIIJI H . Wamt'r of the Ford li:&raal! fOf' the _. . .,11d ~ll ro•ll H11rntt ('h10rlooto u .. u. MUUI Ma\'"' Irvin r_.,.,. c~lf'dnn. lhl' SrwJ"'" tl~trho•r c· .. ......ttnet· Oran&e rount y board nf au~n·••· of thl'lf rt'qUin!d ~lnlnt; .. ..:11111110 Hua.:hr-. M""''" ~tl('r. Or "'"'' ·,_.da ttw nvtuan '""""""' •n.: , ..... ,., 11 Thr•.,llh ..... 'fiP1'1l·llf.n nra lntroducf'd Supt'rvu.or N . .E. 11w t·ourae ln !1WI'hant• "· \'um· ••nd Mr.< \\'rtllll''" nmt ulhl'n, t,;o.mnlltlf'f' and Ma)tor • OIMat•f "' ll'lf" , ..... ,.,..,,..,,., ,., •IWI M,... West vartoua mf'mbera of the Or· c• 1 t -..a-...o '-" t .... f(ryn .. lolol thr .. r .. ou•ralllon WHI ' . ('IO'llt)O of w hkh WI. fi'qllll"f' fOJUr •ol.ll\4 I . .,..y Uf1r"'' ...,.,.CJ IV'IlJI ., •AI• count)' platuun& commiMIOft Garden Grot-a Doetor t t , • "' nfdco """'"''""'" "' .... ' "' l''lh ..... tav p ~ tall f m the Harbor :-rJ-'ftm'rT " 1 .,. .. ~J c_\·r.· ~ ~ " '"""' f'f ·~ 111m"'" r f!m, 11 '"'"" •nnntln•"' re r n vra ru ninR"II. \o\111 ~ open to mfmhf'l'll ' that thP-"''Y wlll a. ~ tn ·-- commluaon and other county ttl · and non-m~mbere a llkt' a nd any on Trial for llt-ath IOf'l In any •""'"'""'' flclala. wnmnn wlahll\l to atiPnd 111'1-d r .... i . "In '"*' ,., ....... all P"' L A. Po\\·rr ~uadron PftiWient Moraan concratulated n•· nbh~tallon to t)w Molllf t'OrpA. ~ Ne-\\·port \\'oman llonfl OIUIII .,. r'Ndy , .... .....,., o.JWt Orance county On Ita recent adop· ~ • ..__ _ ..... --.... _ .. t _ __, t Jl 1 1 ft4-d ~ Snnnllflr Jane Calkln1 .,,d Wdoay, Aftt.'r a 'I', I'IU·Iun" IOI'rll'll uf do-· mut~, .,... -~.-v .,.. ,...,,_. 0 0 (. n -vo· Uon of the muter ahorellne plan •" " .-£.. f hi ,..._ " .. and told of U~ ~c:eM whk:h had It IS IIICJeeted t.l\al pi"'epectiVO' fl'n,.f. OIIHII'II\'O'rll "''d t'ofltp; .. llted Wtrn. '" W r h ""'' ~Ul· s(udl'nla --· ~or other (•~·rt C'alf'ndllrfl. nr RldUtr<l A Iff. "" that If ci4Mal•r atn .. ,. at Nt'wport llarhR; foUowed U.. ~l&tlon'a efforta -·~ -,.. 1 ~·""-_.._ .. _._ beacb 1_.. elothlnc ~lhich wW tie dam· Cartrr. Oafl1«on Grcwf neunolotp;la\, lh,.re will two nra•n•uh"n It) "'"'' , n ---• ---.---· Altf'd by ront.ct \\'1ttl Uw :•..,narda" Uri" .,..., .. _. _... tri.Al lOJ' man· th,. f'IYM'rr;•nrJ nnt un,....._~ ""''"''" y .,, hi'!"'' .,.,h pi•Y ~t laUon. of -n ·a11·--~ ·• ~ MM 'and cn.cwl•,...t-.'' .....,._ 6ft a a... ••¥ nest wwk ~:no· Many of the,..._'--tf'& ellp~ n ..,.....__ ,.lllujlhlrr In •·nnnf'<'tiOfl with ~ ~-c 1 who ...... ., r .. , .. O.•nlnft pnt..ud out. ~ uf 16• Aft«,...,. pmo•f't ~ · a dell.re to villll Nf'w~rt Harbc?r nrpll mrm ,..,. arO" ··" 1 · '•lrnlh ur '"'" \ tfl(tnu• """""tmaQ t; ... nn ('r.tft 1a rhal~n fll ttw , .. " •·nmrn• ,,,, thl'lf """""' ,.n. on a tour nf' lnlp~:Ctlon •ncrmt ed.J.iu:IQI)!lll' nll••alll ~2 hcuJI'll ,.;,,k \ l..:t111h "' 1\n:oh•·•n• II \'Pttr.'f\A\'I'Ito~ll njOI"f' fhlln m•·l'l · Mtll f.llmtr~~-'I'O"'Ir-+tkl-<1:o-""'b·l '"'!'''""""' 111\'11111•11 "'"' tWill M \P .... r .... ll~ """h will tnrh •• ~halt of thf' Nc-wpon H11rhor · j 1 · t .. _ t •. t. k I t I I r( S....,2 Cham"llei" n"T "Cnmrnf'f'('f" 8ac.reta.-u tnl<: lhf'tr qunl.l trw pa.at '"''" wo·,.k~ lo•r uf Mr nr11l Mn• C'l,llld .. H,.,.,.,. '""k•" h..-,..,.crtt.,., •ottt•• "' "" '"""' "'" '' ' 1 ' '"'' f ., H ~ "!< rh!luff,..ort~ Cur .Re<l l'r"""' r"ll """;· .. , :>:•'";.1~••1 H•·n• I• ~t.~tio.•rlt-.IIY '"' lhr JHIIIJ'-••II ,.., .,.,.,._,, ... """ ••~ t:•• ""''''a: '' t hr -l"ra arry \\'ell'h lft\'llf'fi thr lrf'HU(l to ••ltll Wnrk rno. \lr" \'alkln.~ r"p•r111 lw•otiJI:• :o JO:IIIo·nl Ill f'r ('urlo•r'a ''"' lOllY fllr ~UOD. pollu• drl•r1 w.l)) I• , . .,,,,.,.,,,f,r ~~~~~ Atlllll•rt re.Lum aom.e 8un4a) att.ernoon T~ ~ ,..,... '"""lMtr" u ... th't!: ,,...,,...lo<te••"'' • IIAA· ..r. ~l t!a.l naf'nl . r 1ty hall and thl' , h•rntw-•t • ••,. • .. ,..,,. •• l .. r•• ,,f u .. ttvw•""' a nd promlwd that o bo>~~t w ould +,., , """""r•._. ',,.Itt , 1 tl ",,.,.,. ,,.,.....,. u--. ...... bf' plll<'f'd at 1•• dill"''"'" r .. r 1\ J>ar!lf'IJ"Ant~< 1 1!•411 "" Jmrl .. r Ill• , ..... ,.,... "' 1 Com pl ata tour or th-H ... a ..... •r. Mrll t-:117 ........ "·~~ .... """' ,,,.,.,.,l t •·nllt~••lll l •t 1',111•:• ...... Hill, .. ' It ·~ hooJW'ft '" ........ n ... '"" , .. , ......... ,. '•llk l(l ............ , ....... . ' ~ ~ '"" 1 f1 t 1r1 · untr r • ooluftlrml'nt '"' ltv J•llln \• ''"'' '"' "" ,, ... , • IHI• will t .. ; Amon .. t .. ~.--•ltPndan• fr•Jm .tht• In a f"'"}•·•·l ' • iillPP )' "' II ha•··· a•llllnlllllo •lt·ol 1•n "'""'"' 11h•~ k • ..,. •~" "' h ~ hln "t""'' fW£• w....-k•. v.hru ittl ''•,u vn••t.t.,, ... tt IC•·~~•· Ythu Y.'H" Hartlor dllltrlct v.:'"' Mll)'nr l n ·m I ktL-c to ull 1 ' "11'" mf'm "" "11" 11 ro' .. "11 ' '1 111 M,.,. 1"'"'1'. l"'r"''"" r .. ~ttalr,....t ,..,II hr ,.,..,If,. ! • ;:; ......... ol. "' '"• 1 ..... Alltcf'lr • ~ Orrrdon:-e,n-Enttlnrf't:: ~ ·~ fmt n~ .!1~ ~·r!._hY t~~tlu _ :!..!.!.! th,. f••ll"" 1111: •I·~ L P lt H ... · L' H h nn•t "'''lltlll( ••· • fnmn1iif -sc'•itl'll · Tfi,. , hntfil:unt-~.:•·• ""' t•ns· ~-•u.utdJ.QL to ,_thrtr l!!ulh• "'"' 'I''''""" '" r•••• . a C'f'IIOn, ,. n.rnny. u · 1 """"'1: 111 I hr '''"" 1• l 'r• • • :,.,,r ,,.,:-(,.,,,:;;\ ''h~<~\1;111!- bard C. Howl', \\'altC'r "". Snt••r•r Jth~ortb.r .. :ul '" 11111 \ltlh "":•luni:H\' """'"lltu~h· ~ ,. , '• .... , ' ••, • -., ••• , ....... , ... J t., l.11n1r lind Harry W'lttt'71. llfll.-..... .-...-r \Rtr PARI' ,,., . Ill ... fiiiiii:<MI .. n .. , It 1 ..... , ... HI I ftlll t:•• l't:iClowtSAI Mtr.snu' I!. ... " ,. ,. ,,, • 1111• 111'11-'IIV ttklr· • n:oo• "lio11 ~-r1'1'111urr •J••nth. --! --!... -·-• " :-.; .... ,.. .• ,,..""' .. , s .... 1 ... rt ....... , , ·.,..j .. ~ ~'''" -~,.,,. Mr ,.,,.1 Mra Vut..·r•: •;.,., ..... , ,,1, ... , ,., .. t•~' ..... ' .,., 1&41t. ... Y I . w 'If , ... ,j., .. h ...... , .•. 1.-,....:0t ""' , •• , ,.~ '•' "''' ....... , ..... M· •'IIIII' ,. U e e are I ''''"" 1''"1"''1\' "' 21" :rznol 11trrol ··~· •' ''"' I·•• I• I• '• •·f "" t••l"'l"r the llfrllar. Whll h W:U< .. mt'!!ltrall~· c·.·, .• ~c U.'orke ..... Un~ite' ln~t. tJ,.rnll!'" \\'1\'<'l' ~mP rr· ..,.., •"" M"rlll ... r,. •·I lh• n••wry.nr~rtnlr.· tcJ'If'C'Ito nrP Rlm~u•t "" lltranjlr :s~ -~~ k " H G d u • t ··•I Altur .... , •. ,\ .. r Rt. J""'" Vlnn· Rr•lllrtl\111< Th<',Y lakt• , .. hl\\'1' nit'" I m . """ .. lOg omes u~ r n I s n••y thiS"'" k ... l"thl'tr rrncl puh· 1,1 '""' Mr,. 1 'hArlra ll<•\'<1 ""'' II lit•.. •I~·~ • ''·"'-1 ho\ 1. ""'" ltu-u '"''"' lt,.t; "n•t '":,'"'"r-1 ,,, "'''' ••t •••· '•· • • .. "''"*"f'" '"''' W k W.ll B ,,,.~ AnJ: ....... rn)f•VI'IITllltlllt"tll\tlj~· 1''"'· ·:··r·:· ... II •·Ill.!,'''''' u ... Or . I e I·•·•Y ...... ""' '""""IIIII: ....... k••cul HI t:Y•· 1 ' ••• l lht•lt Jl.f•ttton l lH V th•n'r :-; .. u, lf•trl•·• '"""l•·ftf., -;,. Mt 11ft t,lf"t\t \IIU.H' f J.li'l\ dr('t.l'('l' lu tl"'l'l\f WhO'll th('y "" tn for & rnt..\' Offic .. rs ·a II• •·:~rd II"'" ,,,,. nfflllr lllklntc dmnPr ~nrr~<. nnd thMr hnlr mul't r-. , 1 I'll"-" 111 II•·· H '·•1'11 <.:uno1n~h1•m tx> f1xrd jll!'l ra~:hl l I n ···l'<h'r I hilt romplrte lnforma-T k p rt • 1 h"m•·. IZI ")f ,r, AVf'nur, Hnlho•ll And I'll, a t II>J' In,., mlnUIP lh<'ff' 11"11 ... rw ••rnan,:: lui'~ facllltlfl and a e a In I '"''""' A Th.lt<~ 'I.:IYlllll Olllllf Will' WRII II rlll'h, ,., . .,, ml'lrl' "" lhar. I"''' nllllll!lll:t lll•ll!• OIIIY 1M> 8\'AnAblt.' ' '""''"''II I hi 'Ill~' ...... t•llmJ'klll r•·· t lh r h fr,. Th nm * , · k ff f th ''"'"'1: "' rv•·ol I• ''"' :1r1 KJII •IItll h\' 11 r 111 • ,. m n~. nn• \\·I'" h••mr·~<•••' ante u ace•rs rom f' mj! th•·rr haar u~u>~l h1<•k h••t!•'rn ·'" "' \\'••st C'oaJ<t R<>placement Cf'n·. M j M r~ runn•n~:h '''• '"'11 Mr~t """" thHI ctf :all 11lh<'r WI''"~'· rpar•kly i lo•r, ttl<· l'ham'lx-r of r•ummcrce. In ob•ll•tzat•lon llollk<', wh" 11 ' 1 '" '"' ru-hullt•·•• tcr;thbNI 11 r·up~· .. r llw l'rrl'!l, lnok · ,.,. ... p•·notaon With the Ncrwpnrt l••w•r prl?.•' ",', "'"11 hY Mr11 A I t'<1 up Atl<lrN•l<""' of llf'tlllt~· p11rln,.,.,, Hna h<>r Rc•nlly booard, haa prepar· ,. .... ,,., hl·r, "'"" 1 ' 1 I urn. Jlti'IIO'nlo·d n hit l'tnrtf'CI ""' In ~i>l lhf'tr r urlll o•d foorm!l and 111 -nnw aeeking a t1 1•1 '" Fath<·r 1 ''' 111 "Y A •·Kkf', d" curlo·d ..;.. . 1 1 ,.,,.,_ 1 1olf' prnpC"rty 1aat11•«"· E1~hl y-fmtt m•·11 111111 A full rnm-nul•·•l h\' Mr11 i\1llaur Gray. ""~ Rut .,,·rryunr' lhPIII:hl rtf 11 n1 I Furm~·art" cnmJ'II'te In .. ~ry re· plf'mrnt l'lf nffr• ••tll ti,.,m L'•' ·s F ,,~!;., w••n lly Mt• Tuu"'r ho•r l hl' ~nrnl' t.mr 1.-on~: lin .. " ll'•J;nn 11'1 •l'•·c·t. .... nd It 111 de~urshle thAt &J\ and c:,' HRriJ(Ir I JIM' ru't ~talr l'lan~ ~or•• '"'"' , ... ,"IC maol .. fnr furnt nn!1 pr••lly f'jlll• I; 1111 lhf' pa r· I""" h 111r,.1 11\:tllnn a" pos•lble ~ GuArd, p11rlw1pHt el1, 111 tho· r•'IO· " l'hn!C!tn: ... J•~rt~· '" t;o• h"l!1 Ito·• lnr!l \\'O'rr Jllntnwfl '" llw l11 11l1 !!"'''" loy Uw J>fn~rty nwnf'r. JOn-I..GIII'n m;~hth7.stlalln 'twlol M .. n•I"Y Ill nt lh•· h••nlf' "' Mr11 .f11rk 7,.•11••.1 Thal'. I un.d<'r~tnntl, "''"' on fill ,.1 \ ...rr .. rt wrll ll" 1'111\df' t o avord m ght 1\t !'\anti\ Ann\ Munrrlf'l'l day. hut II llllll't hlt\'l' Wt•rkrd nul uuplu >tl lun 1\lld wh~ri'V~r po!lllble. bowl I Harbor Ki\\'aniH Chth l<llf'f'l'i'li'l(llll,\'. twr:lll~ onf' of th,.. 'll'l'""''" Will bl' rt'fl'rrPd to local Arter par111110g fhrnu,::h th•· t•rn·1 Rntarannl' '"''' m,. !hilt th" mnmn;; br .. ko·r" ~onct :~J!:ents. rhamtwr Qffl· te r uf to wn th,. r•·~<:rrtl«>nt K"K"n•· Plans )nstallatioll. lQOk«>d lht> 1111 C'lll I hl'll na,::hl I hut l 1 ,.tho 111'111'\ I lilt thAt In lhlll manner bll'd al lhr ~•WI Y, h• ('' tho• farsl d o• Da th fnr n Inn~:. lnnJ: tam .. , '"" , .• ,.t .. r;; wrll bf' thf' hllttahnn f'XPf'fiiNI t~· .. ~lltrf'hPl'l an Jnne•r ner 11 p;oHd tlmr <··vrpt lhr hf111bnnd" ca•··· all :tll\'anrt> nnllcr pnAIIIbl~· nt wh<·n th•·~· 1:"' th•· hlll!l. l ,lfa•·'•lo,mun!ill that moy rf'C~tved 11a Thr nnlv mnn•.l 111 all .. r lh~:-•~ I tt\:d "'»4''" 11mt' w1ll ~ allowed fnr 111111' ~:rrl~ \\ hl'n :· .. 11 ~ro\\ II('. '" o·h,.{k li.lf!IOJtll . • dofl't •O.lara;~tat:lal' 1111jd~ \'11'1 1 Aqptti!Dk tu f!:pnrlfpfrom Jltolld· hn\'" r urlv h rt•r Tho· lllll•• hov:-; •piartf'rQ, only n (Pw ct(fal'trll 1hnuld k n11w h<'lll·r t hnn In '~'""' r~t'l'l''f'fi ail Y."t. the ~-"~er ~----_,....--H,.........., R'llllfMim'!l. -:mrt "" ~h1•y hi'T nnt IM'llll; f'llpt'f't~ tttnre .1;11\Har~· P rr 11t!1ront F.nrl W. ·--· .. -... th~ 411't'Qn!1 And thurl lmn .. t. .. n~ th~ manual nr Arm" Th<' '"~lln<'nl thf'n pAu•td 111 rr\'lo•w bf>f.,r•· r .. t \' ··1 tl-• loolo """ ·• d C'. f', Rmrlh. runanntnd anJ: .. rru~rr l11•·t r lol ~ =•• 1 ._,1 1111 '''"'" .,,.,, 11nd hll' l'nlrrt· 11l11ff \\'.,lrl• ~•I·•\' 1 11 1 h•·n )ht• .l•• "' ('nmmAn<lrn~ thr IWto•l•••·al ~·om· 1 •·ll::ont7.:.ta••• \ 11 nlt•rt u111 Ill• 'JWI"'".II were Cllftl l~>TMn "-'mdlc)' J>U!hldc~llt:. _;,• •J ••·r·rt·l 11 "'" ••f ro 11 rt'CI'ntly Af!VIIIH'P<l lr•om fir~! hrn:TI lt:Ofll!" • "'" !', ·.1110 \17lrai~ll'l Ki tenant. ttn~ 1-'lnlt L!l·H!rn;tnl ~·~a~· 1 ""·'!II:' . .,1111:"' · , F.. VI'. prnmntf•d ,,..,m KPIIII!tl l"•r•n..: ""' oi l• rn•••n pr••• '''""&: lil'lll<'nanl. Ottv•r rr•r:o•11t rr•1m11· \11•• ""'''' "'~-' 'I'• "''11\'IY·"I•·• lt•rl ,,( -. •~•fill U••M•~h "'h•• f'Ht \+-letttfftl fftr , .tt• •lt ,,, hl' ''''"'''1ft fol.ttiM f11t tt Coordl·nated ...... !\4r ..... -~"" ........ ,,,.., ...... , ,, .. ,,,~, ... J'f"J..-tt V "' ,,..,.,. lJ•tJt U t 'tu .,,, ., 1••••·. •·· h fw l•l r~•·•t l~h d ~f r M·•~··r•~h••· •• ••,.ru•••t•~·•l \\••1'• ,, •• ._ ,, ,., Mr I n :••'"''"'"'' w•tt.~·•·J•I•·a.·rJ.tu•i "" til tfu ,.,,.~, Fr .. rtt ,,,.,,,., .,,,,,_ (t ,••t J '""'' •t •tr•·•·l i.\ht•h h.t '*"' ""~"i" ... "'ft~ll\ 'ft uo•t ,.., .. \\'•~t•t•·lt f'!tUtu ' \rr 1 '''', ' .,..t -A•r" 1., 1 , • , 1 d , ,, 1,, 1 :-; •.• ., I"•'• 1 II" • -.; ,,,.\ ... ,.,nt ""''"''' 1•1.""' ·..:. "' 1•••1• •I .• a .• • •IIIII( h"'•l · tl.rlu t 1 .1.,, ,,, "' 1 ''"'"''" ••"' ·I '""'"'' ~·••"" !14 t ·'"' •' •I • fl ,•r· ~;,:, , •• ,, rh\,1'~'-Jt ll'-f,f \l •· • .t u \ft t '•f•t Vtll lf••ff*_.~,,,IJ t>•·l t'•t t h·•' ,,1 tt-.. ('f•f•, ,, \'•':11 , 1,.,1,,1 •· •• :"'U•''•\'t•u•l••·•••·•' U.d t-·H .... ,. ,,, ·t ,,... \ •••• , •• , ... 1 ... .:•······ ... ,.,.., •.• ,, ,, •• l . t 11.~ ·" • ,, ' t • It If ''"' •I ~ ,.,. .••• ,. ••••• I•'" II I:,\\ \\'•'1· \1 •1 r: 1: P.<~n•l.-1 a rvl ~, .... II '' •I ~· tf t·~~· / ,, .. , .j .... '"1• .. •t ~1t " "·hn .. 1, .. k• "' , ... I I ' ' ... :, If. l·l·fl~, .. ffii ;•T' I' I .... I !1· . .,f ... ;-.. • •• " k• Al ... k . t II Klltult:lt I Jl,o :• ·II... tt·,~ttl• It u •• I I· 0 ••• Ott .. , t f ll .... ,.. "' • I• . II •I• t ••• "' k:!'• \\' ~··tt I • ' I C t•o f ,t1 o• IJ .u 'I'· J ., ., t \., ,,, •• d ,. ., '• ...... il• "·'"'-'' , .. ""'"' , ... ,. f I , I· , ..... . ''·I ''" .-~ , ....... ,, .... ·'•l' ~~ t. •·I ..- . II • ., ·~·· '• ·' .......... . I '' "';,"I""'' • I l}lt' ._.,,, l,c ... I '' I ...... tt ' fot I '<f"1' . . ',.,., .,, --j,o.j .... .. 'T,. ··~, ., ~··'' ..... \. ~-· .. i~'l., ~· t. ', ·' '" -......_ • • I .I ''1 .... I ' ' l .. r ttw •J II I t 'I I H 'i V h • i ~·I • ,,, M• •t •'' • I' \ d•' .--\ '""II ,., t!&''••'•t•l If ·•··· l'•t ~•·• J( \'. ... ,,.,·,,. \\' '~ I · .. • ',\ I: • :, •I .. : t-~ • ..,, ·'·' I • \ ,,. t ' II• ,.,, ..... ,,. .. ., ,. I I' I •I'· • • 1: I' ·r ,II .. I/W •Il, It • ',, ... '. t ....... f \.'• t , .... ,. f Itt •. tf •n "1• ·~ •( ,.,, . .t,f M·t ·ul . ' ,/ noN' TAM~ NlJMBD .. J .. .Jte "</ • nd pier .. •)' nllbt and oct Ol"dlnaad tl; wa )' llJoinc McFIMI-1 to "~~. ....... _, .................. J e ttf u.. .. ,.; ~ to ....... , I , . ... ~~-.... .....• ' l prtnt41,.. .,.. .... .,... ._. ...... ... •l'"f1 ~ ... .... ,...n., ... . .. nrepnrta..,. '"'"" ... __ _.....,.. ,r•"-.. -u.. .. ,....._~ n.a.~ : ..... ........ ..., .. . boor ,•of appU- .a...."'~ v~ IIHn tael4 l, m un llu I In 1M eo~t­ l H. ClOUftC'lJ . !-Y fllfht or w lliMflWfta& )t kn•,wn. ,ltlf' .. Kirf'"' '"'"'• ar•tUnd • l""'""m u ·'"' I l>t al•t the tlriOIIRjC I',.._ I ''''""'""'• • ''"'""'"" of '"v •hhl( ,,, a" • fl • IIIUfl .. , IC '"" rtty. •. t : (··-· ,. $:1l .l.lfl0. • IOQ I! -. .. -~ . ,~ --· ........ , -....... ·-,. 7 .... ---·----.. . :--" _,.. .. ,-----~----·~· . ·- I ,1- : -· .,. ·. ' NE\VPORT-BAL80A P~ Thursday, No,·ember 27, 1941 " --IIBWPOB'f-IIALBGA PBEIS :~~tu~~::~~=~·,_,'T{ME AJ!D CHANGE <'• n JnU< h hl"out tt, th.-re &a .c:un.., • / B~ W. KEE MAX\\'ELL AN IHII/o.'I'ICNIII.'NT /.f)('A L 1'>'/o.'K''/'1/'#.'H Aid.:ralolt' j, .. lt\ \ thinku•~ •nd con· • ' -·-· Bold Sir ~ivere, last of the Round Table, stood guard SHEP'S r ... · ·~••• can: I ITAUAN DINNIRS ~n rrantiN'Q ~tyt. Publlahetl -;;e-;y Thuriday·-;\·tonln¥-~t !llewp.•rl 84!ach,. CaU,omla r,J,·nl •,id • • lo\ • r:~attun J::o•ne oq In - Office ~nd Pr1ntmtt P1ant at 2.:n1 Coaat lilvd. -Trl"phone Ull8 \\ ,,,.htll,_:t·" ,,t ... ". th.-(uture proe· aa the my:'tic barge drew near to convey hia dying king to J.hc iMistllffll Hlllblrprs . : AHD • U'9'1' or obnra ' .ad COCitTAf&.S, too , ... , t.., (•Jr ,_: .. ,,. "' ·• mttudary awd· ~-\·alky of Avilioo.. Out of hia heart came thia cry of Efttfl'9d u --~•od-<•)all!l ml'ltlrr clunt-18. lt40, at tht-JJO"! ot1t8s •• c:; at ·111111 .. r ,.,,.h ••·~:•·. •hw tn the ~to ,...._..._,. ·. Newport BeaCh. C&hfortu». · unU,.r the At.;l tJf Mu.rch J. • ..... 1,., k:o-htl d· 111 n·~·rvt• Ly P,w: Ubi~ ~ .. ·4" ornt:~AL NI:WMPAPF.R ·ot· TJUI ('rrY ot· sr.wJ>HaT BEACII .•·« stat •. q tro-sllury. "Ah, my lord Arthur, whither ahall .I go? _ • • . -~-i' " ----n.:n"""v h,. m .. dt! it c._,. IM· \\'here &hall I hide my fore~ and my eye.? , :Wm A ll(axwell and W. ·H Httr hman. Owne~ &nd Pub.iahen-\"0 '1 ro·a•""''l•l•· d .. ut.t that If It &a f\•r now I eee the oJd tnJe timea are dead, ) ' · WW A MA XWI!!:LL, lo;dttur _ \'l"t"''""s Ilk ·lrli<lt-\'alut> of lo&d ., · w. H. HITCHMAN. cu•t·umtaon •nd Adverta111nc . \nil IH· t••·m~'n•l"'"ly d•mrn~. ·When every mo rning brought a noble c hance. • NELL MURiiAR.Gh:R. l..outl !'I•·,••N 1-:dstor '"'' , ... w til·· ''""'II"''M nauon~~ or And e\•ery chance brought out a hoble knight- . • • • Ia . b Jo:w .. ;u· ;.t o\ I•; ('lln('t'rnec1 J;llt now .the whvle Round T.a'ble w' d'--'"'Jved e PreM hu been lldJu<llo:ed " n•w~va1..-r of tcen,o·ntl 'cl n:u lion Y ubo•ll t llw 1111111111,,1•1 dutnge11 In ........, ,14ec,... ot the Su~rwr Court of (JnUlj(t' Cuunty Mild .,, fully quallfsod \\ hich was an . f ..... _ 'ght w rld •· to pubhah all kmds nt tee at nutu·,." aud 8\i''o·rtuwment.a. ""'It I • • .,,,.,,,\ f~··t·" lit ur.-tha~ Image 0 u .ac tnl Y 0 ; 1 .. t \'•• .h\· ~ r· II• h .• ,,,, .. rltl.-11 are A tid I, the 'last. go forth ~Qmpanionleu',' ·StJ}1;SCRIPTION .HATES: . , Lw.llv ··1•·\•·Jl,l,"'i: p,,: th•·•l~. that \ d (h da d k • d · ...& •a.-' 0 Co • oo c . < c ,.1 "" ·, un •. ,, .• •. """'•1<1. ,,..-,.,,fl n•ly lAde. -• n . e ys ar en· roun me, anu; ~"'"" year&, ra,..e. unty, .1. .J>CC year. Jut~tde nl JranKe uu~t,)i, . .,., .. _ :=.~'\. ._ . _ po•llUo Ill u! lo:"ltl. ""'' ~hoould repre~ ,-\ lOoft~ new men, strange faces, Other mintfA." There may be other tuwnM that han· had ••n·atcr tt·ru· "'"~ t'll·· 1 .t •• r ""d 1''""1 wtum ot lt'U! ;• c·ry that has raS€'n from the soul of every man past , th·· ,, ttl••ll porary s purts of growth. t?ut none that Wt• know of hcu-t.'ll · • \\'h· ,,. tju 1 \\11tl , ....... na.:mat.-d the awridaa\} of lif('-tht· pr~t.t>st'of· human mortality aJJaim t joyed the st eady. consistent d evelopment that·hM come tn "' ""' .til t•· 1111 '" """"s• The the re&entl•·lil)ness o f Time and Change. Who on the farther N · Be h d · • t, · h h h h =":.z•.~ ·" •· "•·<li~l"u~ly "1!r .. ~d•ntt 11ide of Curt~·. visiting the S<·cn1..'ti of his ch ildtiood and youth, ewport ac urmg t c paHt ten yc.urs--ng t t roug . t t• th··•r , , . .,11,1.,,.. th•·,.11, .• 111 France . ·J~te lam~nW "dep\~>."'i n ." · -• and .• 11 '"'' "'""r , "'" tn•·,. w~re hasJatled. t". sympathiu• with tt}e bewilderment of poor Rip · • ... ---• . th··~ :.r.· "· l"'"''r ,,,, ···\•·n· the Van ~at the rava~t'S of the years ? Who, in .'iJuch cir- President Rt>oHt·velt WtHely v a,·e UJl hi" idt>a o f aultn:.: :--; .• w. "·"'! •·•·•·"tu .• llv r •. ,.,,~nrze f-cumat&nc·•1>. 'has not ft·lt the utte r impot~nce of will o r wish " r ·· th · Ldu· "' a.:"ld 8• "" •oterna· · buaineSH by settmg Thank11gh·mg D..ay car}(t'r , t u l~·an· .m~•r•· ·t••·"·" '"''"""" .. r ···~· "·'""''· for hefore th•· tea.seless m arch of t'\'.ents? Hallowed homesteads sb~ day• before CbrUitma.s. All o{ our splcnilid .hulida)'l! th··•·· ar. ~-~~~~·« !:~'"'' ""'w. for have diaatmeared. (rum tht· taC'e n r th .... """'"'h · ... tr<>~ ... ·-"~'I nave beCome so cornmcrcta iJted that many pt"'plt" whu try tu th·: ;-,1,.,.,l,_ •• , t~~r••; tnttlf'. '"" forth in th..-market phu·~: ·fri.-.ndly old tr~s hav~ crumpled o~rve them in a &enlline manner feel out-of.dat.e and"f"-'· '"•'d tvo" th.-""''l"" 1uh'ltnta.:t> UDder tht-v•ei~ht of Yf':t~ the tittle c htJr<'h has· df'gener ated ~~~~ 0oMt ~ 1 CD.DNA DIL MU p ........ g~ g~g~ • ImPorted . Wool .... Cashmere Sweaters .... Hl 1.-j. Marboe BALBOA ISLAJIID Ho•re'H !!Omt•thlng that &a nl'\'t'r ·thrown away ycltr af~··r yo•ar, th~y are kt>pt bt><'IIU;<t'. ea<'h having a numbt>r. 11omeone rnJtY urj;;.llnHy need a replace- ml'ut. On<• phurmat·y hall over 2 000.000 fslh·d prc»c,riptson• · . . . t·at·h uumbered and t'll<'h tt<·.:urnlJ•Iy (,lied. Such ,.,. you w11l ·rthd at AIJM..'4 P~. ~arlllll at Park A.- BALBOA IKLA.ND J•hurw• 111-\\' .. cu_liar. . ~ th.ot ~t •·toll "'' a• .... 1' ..... 1 "Y ""Y into a habitation of eummt~ct•: the old ~Sehoolhou8(' has falle11 _ nat1.,11 .11 ""Y t111w. Ulllllll"'dNI hy · to .... __ 0 1 1'1 h h b h ' f h f d . · • · ,.,,.,.,.,.rat ••·"~ wh .. h a~· to 1n ua:ay. n y a 1 :tl' us . rt•at 1n~ ort ragran<·e e-------------. .._._____.. ·--•----------• Edgar Bergen and C ha rley McCart y had t~t:th·r ~t 1-~ .. '""""'r t•r•d ll• ''· \'ill~ a··· fiant of th•· yt-ars. link.: tr!"J the glamorous ~1rsterdap> with th·.' __ _ • __ -tO -their laurels in the field of \'Cptriloquif\m. Hitlt.•r i~ sta In;; ··pt•-.1 ·~nly who'll n····.J···· t oo proaak prest'nt. An,J only-'in th<· mp<IN!t littlr cemeter y R . 'I ~show in Berlin this week, callloO an antt-l'Omlflt<•rn <:ll t•r· -d~ mem n.ry's ron-t·all rt•ad the na mes' of' thOR<' who s hare:i ·at·lw· ay·Express Agency, "~~ I 'IUUU.t:,.s Ut' TJU: l •t :AIK cnce, in which a dozen diJllomutt<·-JsUp)K'lli an• ,;ayirw '!\t.· o ur ho.-~d ft:arN m fht• b!"ic:rht morninu hours of life. n Stuarl t•h.t"•' .. , ~.,-.. ,uu:-;f, ~tU· r-r-"' too" every time Adolf dcno u'nces Ru~1a and Rrit.am 'aru: •l•·nt ""'t wnt .. r th•nk .. that th.. C'hangt>-remors.·I('S!; tv.·in of that tyrant. Time. The Amertca . · 1 '~'"''"' :-;,,,,,.,. "'II ,,.,,..h th•· , ..... k t:ame ~"·we eomt· to realiw : that has bt'f'n working upon . • • ·/ • • .,,. "~ 11~"''1"1''1"1 1t'"" '1't' an•t•lhrr :;ll the material sc·enes .,four childh(Jh<l, h as bt.--cn working witb· \'t•a ra \' '" lfHt' ,,.. rlM 1un ntay • . • · · Ruasia_ w~ EngJ.a¥ .t.o dcclaw wa-r on Hul~aPia~.u· luw•· lo·rt .t ""'"Y .. r lh•-prub· m OUJ'Rl\•~. •,!!!.e furrows o f the yean; are on our faces, the UJ&niu and a few other c.nemies of tht> tx>ar tbat walkM Ji t' ., r.·m>~ ,"' turh ,_ "'~" .. t\m .... tump...J frosts of irnpt•ndi~ "·mter upon our te mples. Vfe n ·flcct upor man : En~land warus Ja rmn t hat 11lw will sUJiflurt the l' tlt·•l l 1'1"'1 1'·rt lh,·· !w.ult ·,·' 11£1 1•:\''t'h"J:1 pat'h'"'r ·1 the swif't.nel'..; or'our days and th(' bre\'ity of t he span that '-'et • · u • .: uot'"' ran ,, ''"' a n ..-.1 State.;·,,, a ny war that bn·.1ks 1n tfu; Pacifit·: an• I our uwu pr•,hl•·,•~ wtll n .. t t'>tk•· th•·~r pJ,.·, .. I rcmaina. What aftt·r all. is life wprth-=-scar<'t>ly begun befor l' state dcj>artment "~:~ug~:·. . t 0 .... inland that ·dw quit. f/ght . Ill may ht• Jill< I "" P11111~~·1 lo "'.'"I it s done1. or what a\'ail the st rt\'ing and the stress. the fruit.:t I: . R . \Vh . . ({ .. \\ ll fft•lll th·· , ..... ~ ·'" It h •• ~ f t il d t 'b I . h th ( t ' . peed' I mg us.-;ta. at a me~ the wurld 1s m ~ 1 .... 't 1 hi 1 • .... t• P o o an rr u atsun, w en e c. urn.ont o nne ts s . m~ I • ,_,.•t•n u 1W' ROl P u "'',.... • . • . ' • ,.. ; , At an\' rul•·. Cha"'· l'r.,twtll that ' Ut: so sun.oly and irro·:'Js ta bly toward R<'nility a nd the grave? I ln. ,t.; editorial collllllt nt un H t·rbt•rt ll•·un·r·s r~t·~·r 1 l .. "'r' r"'"""~ "' Uw "'h.,.,,,. w•ll two 1 Change wh" ha:< not rt·SC'nt•·ot it. w••pt and rngt'd un- . ,./ . . . 1 ""''·'"' 1t1r:o11v PndN!. that ,.,.rta111 d 'ts hi ? A d h h f 'Wd ' J · ' w.arnlnu <•t;a m:.t cntenng th~·-\Vorld War. tl~t• l• .. os Angd ·', ndw•tru·•. ,.·ut-h ,.~ nulk produ•·· e r 1 ~t ~" gra~p . .n yet. w o as at . to earn. m I Tuneto 1:1a1J the former prcHidt•nt "stlt'mK tu han• fa ll<·n an " ''"" ·:on•l t n\' ""'""! .. \.'"~'"~· wilt . the sobenng yt'an< ,.f fulf1llmcnt. that Change 1s the alf'hf my an ert : , o~:-:uuun ti> many who sUSJ«'t that ~to~mcb·>cly 1st f:u·y-'.t.·: 1111111..: "'"rk•·t" wh•h· rn· that bringw forth an hundre<l-fnld frorv thl' com or wheat I / . _ . .. •I tno'l' , :tl•·nn~: tu th•· fiJ:~ Will h' h fa)•-· 1 d' ......_ · mg. t<. :.ir.\.·:.11: un mtd a war'Y.•h1le we ar(' not lo"•kmg. If t t 1 mmttlAt .. .t. . , w IC · .. mtn t h·· grounci ant ~· v nange IS the pc)wt-r- _ Spt"('la.l Rat..,. on •·ruit-., .Jami'l, .Jt•llif>l4 and Nub PRO~PT SIIJJ;>ItST • St\t't: 11.\SUI.IS<i .. ~ l..cH·al r\.:t'l\t, t·;&··ifit• t.:ltoctric• Ut'Jtot . ~ . . Offk~ Huu,..;~ .-\. '1. t u 1'!:1.) 1•. M. . I:U P. ~1. If> S P . ~1. • IIJN't'nsbf'r :!'!nd, '!:lrol IWitl :! II h.' OIH'R In 6 1'. ~f. l ' .. .ll. . Follow · .the lead of ...... , ... , .. -r ---il; not '-•· tly· what has bt.'t'n'going on for m••rt' th·m a ye: r. AIJ)"nJ: h•~ rp•·onnnPndhtiOnll ror It hat builda dt>mn<·r;u ·it•s upcm the ruinR of autncracit•s. Change i t "300~000 ---"·by doc n't the Prt•sident put t he quCJ'Ition up to c.mgre~>.-.. I hr .. a<l rro~rrtlll or RdJII!Itm .. nt is tf1e force that t'\'111\'t'S the locomoti\'C from the rude log t ·"'d ..... b h Co -. . ? 'hall<' .... ta. rt.mwtrom of I Jndl\'ld·l h I f' . I "' . I prov• l'u· y t ~ nstttutJOn . 11al w•·ltn rr . ,..nroura.:•·mPnt or w ee o pnmeva ,.rnJUs. •-++--· '""J:"r ra~h~ prnvillltoq f,, I Chan~ that bring,; ~rrov.· and loss and loneliness ·is T h t ime ha.'4 <'Omt-lit rcally hri~ 1on~o: agoj wh~l" l:• .. od "'"''' 1"11 '111d mf'd JMtt 'l"ll1?" f h<' same mv.-t iC' t·lo·nwnl t hat brings s tn·ngth and peact-and ! .. , '""~ (;•t t'\ •·r\ •, ;..·n. ut•l ltl•l(ltf u·H{Ion !' . · . . ..the Gon·rnment. of the Umt~d .. S tatcK ~~~~t a~rf its au-.. t ,.,; .. ,1,1,,.11'1 ,;t ··•!•Ph•ymrnt tur u.ndenrt.andm~ •·f ~h(' l~tws of.hf<': H~~h and '.nflex1ble t~ough ! thority ovet' any and all o rgant7.attons whtch harbt"l't-tht· •k-""'"''" ,.., lh 1 ""''" uu<\' bet: lt"d hange may bt·. tt softt·ns 1hs mfhct10ns w1th thr pn<'eless 1 luai& that they can dictate to labor and industry. Whilt• ~'"1t~o>'" •f t Y w,,.h tn. 1 p ft of memorv. What has tX:t•n 1-itill is-in m('mory. The love<.l . . . .., . . If >tny 1104: " andlllf'd tu f'A· • • • i · CongrMA ia defuung the author1ty o~ the (.on·mm<·nt Ill Jt•·, tum th•· ar1•11n y uf th( C'hallf' f'· 1 and loat live on-m JIK'mory . The drt-am s tha ·pen~hed an·l "lODM .&nduArietJ it abo~ also },lave ~h'e~s.v~ t<!._ rc (X'al' tlw 1 •h t'lu•ll of tlw t l•· of~~·· .Pf'•!' nd I t h t>.hOpe!'( tha~ f;,ded stiU pen;U>t--in memo~·. The ~real com ·· nefarious Wagner Act "'d out;tw Mfam Petk.inl'' coddlin;; I ita h"'"111• hf' ·~hl J!"··· 1" • J'('m~atin~ fad al Change is~th:lt it pushes men and women . . t thf' f:l('l \hAt *' JOI:.tsatwal X· , . . . . . of ail-down atnkera and other racke "'· · , f'Pr1!'1 t.-n yru11 J:" Jllf'dll'tf'd *' more and mnre t~·ard n.oha ~t·t' on th<' m m·r \'ISion and th<' # I puptll'o'.' '"" f~ "" ftt r 1940 •. !'pi ritual \a lues of tilt'. In a w .. rld o f transitory a(·hicvt'ment . . l"'h'l'll. "II\' 1tpply1 jr. thr liROlt' !Ill!· . . · • · LBka . Work I!! a iStl p •· 1 ,.,.,.~ful ..tfur1!'1... ,.,... ~ny11. "th antattglbl<' but ~ternal. ~ • . -thrt~ugh Mexico a 0 1 tntl1T1' f"'f'lllR tmn n1 thf' t'mt ut mo•mory"build it!' altan-. I.A't rt'COllt'ction drop it--. far·siihte~ men and women!. * All you do is arran~ at an)' branch to sne a regular 1W11 wmly . .. frotn )O; up. Then. ncxr Oe,c:mlxr I you~ in Bank of Ameria's great Christm.u U ub check distribution. loo an save any amow1t from $l~ u~ anJ B..mk of America will pey !eguW interest 00 your romrleteJ aCtounr. This is a Jllrt way to . ' ril'truction o f the co~;!l '' ........ t~· thnt th..y ~hlllllthf'd c -ana ephenw ral joy. WiM(Im SHill! points thf• w.av to thin l!'i ('J'rs ifwm l't-pclK.-.i <' · s1~1'"'.' "" ""pr<'d 4'41 ~W"<'un•t"1Y · !'~1 thin~ t•.•arli .upon the gral-1.-.\' g ra\'(':-4 o f yeMt<'rdav. But let . , . • .. II 111 "l'tlln><l•>d thai 111r pupul~ttlllf . -. J • • • • 1 to' drive a car from the Arc t o tll ta rctJC. c •• l(>ds roa 1:.: '\\ill rt'lt•'h :t r ... ak (l tw-twrf'n ·140.· U!! ot--for~··t that bft' It' c·umulat 1\'(': t~at t bl' nt'W tlm('s arl' . .will bring peace and understa ing < 4 ht• ()('opleM ·of a ll n -()illl 000 nn•l . -rrrnrsn• 1 fn n ·r lx>ttt'r than tht> l'•ld t inwR : that thn•UJ,:h t ht',a).!<'S one 1 have money for Christnus, nxt"S, ~if~ ~~------- an~ other purpose. . . _ _ _ tiona. c:>ne-tent.h of. h~ m~n<'Y s t w:u· woul•f gi~ft> t ·• i l!'j~h.,'~;:•• 1~':;~~,tw-~·.~ t~·h:.•;ll·:~ thr uw • "~n;: ptt~ run~: that f'ha1~g~ is thl' price _o! ~rowth ' globe an aU dtrt'Cttons wtth J.la\ ghway~. and a~thc j tk'f'"l"l"'.l' had J:rtt\\ll a~ r1111t cr .. m and ~·am whwli nwn mu:;t pay. w tlhnJ::IY nr un\\·rltingly. so I tenth W~Jd btty tens o f ~iiliullN 6f NJ forpt•()plt• t~ dn\t l;•::nt•• 1.!'~~~~.~ tll!ul fron~ I!IZO tn , long s tllll<'f~rsis~.. . .. . . ,. over them, But the men 'Whl) dream h. drt-am .. 8N" 11ho\'('o Al!Utl .u ... u , ... ,ul<i . lxl.t l.C.OOO.OOOt .. . (' t ;t-;r orot"r chan;,:ct·t h. s:wl t hi' d\'ln).! Ar:t hur tn.Jor-I • _. IHt n t '\":--tf1 l•• t'uun r\' •oun\'. ~ . • uide-for the h eroes (.?) who wag1 w nr with ~~biJ and 1 s .. 1~who·ro· tn th•· ........ ~ .. ht• ~y:t. •m ld Rt·dll'~"re. "and Gnol fulf1lls himS('If in m:.ny way~.' 1 ·~thy SUbmarines. . • \ r-th•• nah•HI J.,~t !O,O(l(I,IMI(l pult•nlflll er 1.'; no !"t•sisting thil< lnlmUtabJt• prn~rt•s.-.ittn Of yt•ant"nnU <lt lZt'll~ lllllf"'rhap .. th~<tluMwa.« • . f · b I · · I For a nation aa yet unprepar:cd 'o fight c\·~q a third : 11 J:llln . _ ; t hi gs\nf t r,,. ,;pirit. · . ·· •. .-I •· / llauk d{ lmtrh·u NATIONAL !:~~,',,;,_'. A "t I( .\t it)~ WtttMict fcGr<al 0tl>""t lo•w•au C.." I "''· 1 / • · , t·\~nU. Aud there as no rt'ln·at rom 1ts un t'ns R:-t\'t' m th<' I claM power, the United States is getting p retty cocky to iu Tilt: WURI.U nu '41U\'F. • ";-:\,1ft t o it.-do~· cb~s h fe's lit til' dny . 1 vile wars in t!e Atlantic anti the Pacific. We loud!~· rt•atfirrr RuJ:" that arr rnnthpn .. ,f. ~<'•>('k· E .•rth's joys Krnw dtm. its ~lcorit•s pass awny: ·~-----------...:. ___ ;;,.,'""'1:~---------. our alliance with Great Britain and Htl~ia a nd in tht-,;~m" "'~s that "'11 \''''"'~ f" Y""dr. d1""1 • ...l'hange and d t•<·a ,. in all :1round 1 t;t'f': - .. 1 f'I'O<•f nmt l'f'<ll·rroo . nn ~< mw · . . breath Ucmand J apan rt•noun<'t' ht'r, &JUI\nCe Wlth~(k>rmanj' h.1l:< thJt t "'1ll 11nt fnll •· !II tho' sun I () I h• •U that <"h:lll)::t'St not. abldt• With m<' :" ~ l t.aly. \Ve deno unce the Axi8 powei-M {o r ucc pying au · ttr wilt Ill ra m Th··--.'lr(' jll!'lt " I • · • 11 · · \... · ft•\\ t•f tho• dP\'t•lt•f'lllt'nt• tn ht' roc . lacen .. s ma nattons as protl'Cti\'C mcasur<'s. a yet 9.'t' t 1 th 11 1 1 th • 1 •t·c·tr , .... R .,., .•• ..,, .... ,liR • . . • , ..... t"i rttu,: , H•tn "" ry 1n •· " .... , • •, ... ., .. n .-M • ha\'e already takt'n n:~Jlttary control of Grccnlan~. lcel~·l ... .-oct-fM\' Y""l"ll. "'''"nhn~ tn • lly 1, q:J>HI:\T. RIPLE\' 111 C"hn><t•.•n sc .... nc ... :\l.,mtor anJ Uut<.-h Guiana. Our plt"llg('s lll Britain. Rust.la. Chirln l Lury L.nnr. rJ,fhtn~: :~nd tPlCjll<'! . ;', . . . ·. . I II II d. d .{s,. " .. th A-· bl' _~ .I b t' I o·xpo•rt nt ••r··~"ll Stnt•· C"nll•·~··.1 . ll 1" tll~· .. rtant to lauJ:h. Lau~htcr IS courage. It 1!'1 tho· 1 o an an . ''" 0\.IU nwncan r('JIIJ ICS---DIU'ft.' y fit' 1 1, . . · . . . . , "lnt ut,.; '" tm· rnr-•n•·r,·al'lllJ.: n1Jtw.trd t-\'ll lh••l o f mor;tl strt•llj.:1 h. the companiOn of !'lptrit· £Xe<:Ut1Ve branch o f the ~o\'l'rnment , Without tht' ~nowlt"llg't' l•l't .. r :.rll• ,,.,. •:• ,.,.,.r\'.1:~,· ul'o• nt 1 . · · . t ' · U'l Jll\' · · or consent of congrt•ss or ttw pt•oplt•-wouiJ , if uitfirula\' 1•r•·"··nt th"''lKh lhf' w•r..ardy .. r I · · · · · . · . dh red t d d f . . d 1 Itt f · l ··h··nu~l~ :\!•·."" l~'ln•· pro-...Jwt•'d nn Tht• Bnt r-h know 1ts \·ahtl'. It was n nt' Without purpoS(' • a e o, enu e UR o man power a n Wl n 1 or a . · 1 , L ' • • • • I '1'\'l'll lllt>rt• ~llltl lllj;; .... uturr r ltr that thl'\' ~l'!.t r.ra<'ll' Flt'lds. bt·IO\'('d F:n~hllih laughmaker. on I' century. 8 • ··~"'"""'· ~I••• Llln·· <I• ctnro•d tht·r·· . { f I t . • I 1 ,~ " "'"'Ill"'" lt'·~t •lt··'"""' h<••n!' .I our" I h · 1.1<' on~. , . ~t was very m~J{nammou:-4 of !\lr. Chun·hill to 1nnoum:t• m:~nufa.-tun <1 , .. ,IJ,•d .. .,..,rt·~·an. ·I Cr:-tt .... \:tee 11 qtill worker ht'n;('lf. r<'<'<'ntly cn\·<'rNI 1 50 ......._, .• that If!~~-l,l~~ ~tat~ gO\'S tv.~r With-.Mf>at!_l?~rJ~~~~1~tJ;kt:~~~·rld ~=~ • · • · · _ ·_ . · . . ~ . _ ·-~ ...... ·~~~.,tf1iilil ·~~~•l'rnmer1ng 1 :v. -' ~-· t ~~ t hr .. :at -, .f mort' than -tOH'.I~ lx>grimmed factory work· tltat Britain hiUi tw<'nty time!! more in h'rt•st in th~ Orit>ot (·nA!'iT .-\~S(H 'IATJOS ~r.t:T~ than ;Ne ha\·e, and \hat Wt' hnw already gone on rct-ord to T\t:fi:&.IS ltt:c:t:~ftt:B . 1 gh,• ,..,,!:~ .Juring Jun <'h pt•rit~l'. bet~·(.'('n shifts in faro voluntarily ·aban~un our only holdjng~ in that part of the ! Th·· Or:o n~:•· C"o..~unty Co~l'l "-"~'<'-1 t•'r"'" "'""'dl!•.: at a 24-hour. 7-ilay-week c1ip. ~he san~ in 1 world, the Philippines. Tht• American people apparently ap I' 1111"'" 'h' til om1 1 1 1 h1'"1 .. 1S oHmtl«-t• t·ant('('n~: !'!Jv sang out-of-d,)oN\. Sh~ ~an~ three and four • 'LI • 1' f 'I · ·. · . . _.,....l mt•t't tn,:. ut WI n.. wo mf'r . . . . . 1 prove tue po ICY o · t'ndmg :ud to Brit~un tn. k(.'('ptng \.rt'r· 1 w1~:11 111 11•'•'o•mtw-r. Th• f•r•t w•ll tJmt-l' a day. many out of t he English h!l<'~. but it is doubtful if they w'oui~ 'tw " j•>~nt !'ll'llllson wt.t.t' t~ .. A~8<'·1 · ~h.· ~.tl..:.,..lci fa,·orite!' sud1 as. "The Dig~t'st ·A!Ipidistr:. enth"-e 0\'er a war in th<' l'al'tftc to rotec Bri . , . ··uttl'd C'h:tmhf'r!l flf Col11mf'n't> nt . . . . ' It' lWn. an• I m~~s 'rh;"h•>ll!<t' 10 C• tn '-fo>l'n 1'1! Zt'alnusl\'·h• II lo>d onions. -th('i_r ~ • _ -----j 'Pt~ · · lT'It'<'Y""t fll'l ('_('~~j-;-;;-:,t·::..ill>Jl&:-a: .1ca.:t...u! the. fl<lpula-r Ia;.;-~ H-om r ~ 'lf't:"'"'-------~ 'r!lnnrr. nlll'tTI!(I l'ltfl'"rtatn'ftif'fit a flo \ I . . b ' f • . . ~ om1a Citizens WI Dl' calkd upon t o pay well m·t•r j :u;.!'J.l!:·r;,l~OO<J tuni!~~~L~rw sm, \\l .. • was~d•lt~.~-h('!._~~ ~!ngland. !"aktf!g _lt a billioa doUa.ra-in f~l. Mlttelttntl~-c't-1\ ffits. )'l'ar. •!•r tht:o nw••tmft'. l\111g h . · . . . Granting .tbat tht-rc is litth• W<' can dtl about the wild or~y . • ----J.,.,.lu n:: ·, .ck o n it. ~tis..; F~t•ltb a dmitted durin~ a rl'· of apendinJ that hu bt.'t'n J:oin~ on in Wa.shingtcm' for the : \ t~~ ~T ~~t:b. h h 1 I, ••nt inh•r" 1•'\; l'l ~tqn tha t toht• ,iJdn 't know how sht> 6toooi · "'""01:1\'t·u }' t c " 11tac •·•· .~ ' , · past nine years, we 11hould lx> a bit• to do sonl('thing about l' 11•frorn111·; ~.,.k ,;.,,11 c-,.1111ty "'1,1 'II Th,• pt. II' : !· 1t t~.~y t'an i(.. ... l w11 h t h<'m ·snnn ~nt go that .'t the geometrical increase o f expendit~trcs by our' nwn st.1ll' t 'r··~: .. n·~ <"urry C'•·~s~ty hnn ptngl'<i With !;-·~"at th,• puna,l~nwnt. It was a wonder. s h<' goveminent. Official n.opor~ ~<how t h at state tt'\'<'nUt's han• 1·"'11' 11'~1 ·' 01'\\'(' 1" ··r ·Rt•·" hr:l!l.t ,..,Jhl. tha: h r · •iN' didn't .. pan{' alnng \\tth it. _ • . • 1 11o \'.· st.o to' !••r tbt>nt$'1-'o ~ Stskt~· .. u , _ ... . . • • . JUmped from $113,627.4b tt-n ~'t"nn! a~o t o ~264 264.S33 tn "'""'" t .. ~"' nut ·''r Cnhf,•rm.1 • If I t 1 l.'t'n dotng-tt f~!r my:'~'!(. 1 t'<lttjoln t:ha,·s.• stood liKO, a raur of DMrly 130 per cent! The BAit'S tax. \\·hlch WI\!> l'urry \\ ~nlll to I'M In ,.,.,.. rrt'!'· I It . Rut w.h. n;\ ·(n.o appt'anng -b.·f .. rt' T~lplt• who adore \'011. I ::1 " . : .\t 'II ,, .,·:r:i . r·.n a : c ,•r Ft:l;: • .OCEAN F}lO ... MARKEr·-~- , • J ·. 0. M~ CAMPBELL put oa u a temporary "emergency" m('aSUN", now \'ields. 37 , J'('('tsttr •• r··l'tiH'h ·bn~t 1!Ki rl''"''r tho•ro· ~ and who •'"!'•, t \'OUr ·best . \·Mt'\'t' J.!•lt to gh·e th<'m ·th~t-• . n•' a •'rna U'f" u '-' t."'~rnt " nt·"·l • .. • ... per cent of the t otal revenue and seema to bt" a p('rmll;flent' N'mmnnwealth. We d••ubt 1f lh<'y·n 1 and mnrt· .\ n : we did:·· · . 2110 OCEAN FRONT o;• / .... fixture. Tbe old atate de'bt baa been paicJ orr and a blg surplus hll\'l' 511('N'!'I'. but th'~ 'II Nl\'~ fun t-t.l~ Fwh!~. with aJI -her quips and fun-~ruikin~r. \\'a.s rl~(.~'-A.AM.. 3 3 .. of fuDd8 loom for' oezt' year. Why not gi\'e the tax-ridder! tr),ng' Pl'\ljtn'llll Rmew l f'agt-r t o makt~ ·:clear that the Rntlf:h attitude ilf no\ ont-of', ~~ '--~-~ / public a break by ncluciq atate taxea _and •~te expenaea'! 1 C'lu1atm.u cardll at UM ~-l'allousnea; .... or bravado. They have their atrutglH. • • .• • [-., _____ .....,_r---...;,---~---... -4---' ' ! /\ L• .' ', .. \ I I'•• ,-. ,. I . • • • -- TbW"'Iday, November 27. l941 • NEWPORT·RJ\,f.l}OA f'HE:'~ Newport Builders Launch lwo More Craft for Navy W ith hun\lnodll uf lnlf'rHtf'd JH'f· 'lklru watl'tnnt: fn•m .. v,.ry v~&ntag,. pomt, b&>th tnstdt> 11nd <•utlluit• thl' I A~ .I.J w•r •a•BONT I N~ tM,II, ........ yard, two nwn• n..nl ,.r...,..IJI "''""' . launC'hNt 811turdlty R(tt•rnOI'II by By SUF: HITCH:'It A=" · at Stt lt Lake'' ht' addf'd, 'W e'll look tht' Suulh C~'lllll l'<>lllJIIIIIY "lt'a ttk> w nmHruihtp \'t'r lrarnm· .• funny feumg back "''ilh aunbuma." Jo'n'at h> ·htl th .. wato•r w~ta Not the bad~:u that ·v.•r t:'Bmm· Thtrt~n Scouts o( hta ah lp ar· !oufth in 1\ lk'ntiM uf um·r .. rt 1'\'11· That "''tll l'mftf<>rt ye 1;n· .... ,.,. ·~t·: rl\'~ 10 Lo_ll AnJ:'t>lt'a by b\1.1 Tbuf!.: t·~· boltta ~·1111: t·•mtnu·tt><f fur tlw \\'llt'n ol' ;l;e ptul'lt• llturta a · hulll· '111~ · ~nmmg, at .. th.t>tr Thah~lv· mwy at & cul't o f $~.11011 ra•·h. ln in'!" Du\'1'\ Shellbul·k Sf'tt InK dlont"r •n Loa Ang,l• a 111! Scout )hnual.' · • •·~t~tlifht a bua to J¥lbo& Thureday a,ddltton to twu p<m t•rful motura IIIJCh!.· Tht>y arv m ostly nt>w boya. whtr h w ill pno\'td,. 11 llfof't·d or nt•llr · 1 All H te·rans or ~ht" S .S .S. Bonne· ly ~ mllt>a un h .. ur. the· 4:\·fuol Captam Urudlt-y. I· !'; ;o.;a,·y. 1 'tile· han• h<><•n dRtmf'd b)' thf •·rnah boat a IU't• e•qlltJ'I"'tl wtth hft · San Pf'dro. l'hw>d tn lht> llllnd. fk· :--;,., ~·. Armv or Mt.>l"('h&nt Martnl' ptlntphrrnllhl\ Cnr h11ndhn~ wrf'<'k · rorf''htm wa!l a rntr r .. phon,•. t'f'llldt• .w.J ·.,,·eryu~ oi tht.>m .Ia an offt-~<Jt•· ttnd h011pLtul ra;•tltttt•JC fur In· him an llldt-Wtth t\ liUtl'k It( hhll'. l't'f. •' JUI"t'll fiYt'Mo whrt.-and nod aat m l""l'n:tntJC. an•J 1 "\\:hat t'\'rrttl' dtd you f'ntf'r !" lmnwdtlllt'ly Cullu\\'tlll: luurtdtm~ around h int 11 t-trdt· ••C .. unllur n.'\1 •· l'ut,t..r pulhn t:. nnt: buoy toea-o f thr llntallt·r ,., ........ th,· YMS ·kl• young fa1·n tu.pp•'d b\ ~·oh hat:< n•J.: and !<ktfC ran ng." • wa11, t'hrtlllf'nt><l unde•r th•· !<Jl''ll .. •r· Hf' WO!I prfi<t'nltn~t th,· fm••l nwar.lq "llo~w ahnuld ~·uu t011a .a . ril\f 11lffp u ( MUll! S11ndnt lwardl~. !or t'\'f'nlll. nf t ht• p;o~<t thtt•t• dto~ ~ 1 hu<~y 1 .. ah tp of _)flJW Slit)< In : '1'-•urdlolt'•'· • • • I VJEWS TJWatN·AT THE LAUN~HING OF MINESWEEPER AND CRASHBOAT HERE /Sea. ~t(ijficers ,feted with Dinner :and Pr~gram I \t Ju &11\l'""''••''•• t..u u.aurt ••"' l!lq jp.,&tr lb.• .l.t•\ f&\ltt I: "hh t• \\ ..4 Tt .. tnlll~ f••l S.•n h t' ht.:h l.tloh •·..: s.-.. :-&t·· .. ut ,.n .... ,,.. \\t ,,. ,,.,, ,t 1-"'"'' .nl,:hl ,lit :'101'"1-•rt tl "••·• \".,. ht .-tuh. th·· 1·-.. t • '"'"'1'"'1 ,,f Uw tr Ut It rtlt"9' ""''"'.-a:tr tt• tluu\ ""'" h•·r"" •.• , .... 111. th .. " .• fl,-t M r tt""•'" ft•l..l ,,, Utt· '' pt· .. • It a·\,'""'"" .~nthu-.u.,.n, ( •• , :-;,.,. .,:,-.. uJ~ uf \••un . .: ta.•\'~~ "rtf*" ~rtlln•-t )tat , .... f";.f\t t•utr """"t Ut a-\. ••Ut ll• f l\ \lh·"' llr Ml•• Ul a:•·•t " • llt••lt •· n\ ,. l •. ,.,,. . .,.h,r " ... 1 '""' •·t t h•· \ :.IUt• M:• ur u~ t hr \ntr rr•t "' l~f I~III~IJf~~; ' . t !H I ........ t t • ,, .. ... \ ....... n \t n .. \ ,,. ''" .~ • li.ttt• t 'ht l:o l lll.·~ t\lld Uutl,,l.,v ( ;rft~ HI, HI! l 11 \111, ... ""•UIII ul : .. " ...... "'"'' h •It It I C.. h " 11 ·' I ,, I \ lltJt It-END TION rA MESA f Jte 1cil and a .,,u H·nlr fur ,. ,. . ., • f'""'· ;·J u>'l V'f'll-knnwn l•w'lll Ylt• l1titm1111 A,. -naa;Tr·:-~~~~~~-=~~~~~~~~~~~~n~y~~~~~~~~~- clalmf'd a p<•nnant m t:-t.· namo· ••I I• '' •J ,...n" ,. In Et~achePtl th· ~- -~' llhtp: A lutrd :~nd rC't1r~. CllJl·l ""\nil y ou ~dl mt' abOu! tam Brndl.-y &:ud. _":Uuy t)w ll••od I ~ ... u t '" l1\'tt ... a on thf' Great MUtt>r of 1111 !llllluno k•••p yuu un· 1-•k•• • _ • Itt Wf' m•-;>1 IIJtfllll ' 'Th~ II'~ I (·un1k "Stilt' Thf' l.akt' ·. t.-110 mth•it \'I'Dtl<ln u ( Sea Sl-.oUI• Ill tofCt• oall\'~ •J,j: nnd 40 mtlt>s \\'lde.and hll• IIIX f'lo~" · · ' 1,.1 . 'HI~ ttu.t a r .. mh!\h:tf'd bv all T h·· , ,,, I·· hr!ok.,-.. ,, 1111· I••"-• k n•l" .. c wild "'" from antl'loP,. t o nh~\'tnl: ftfr t .. wrud ll':t'lr lo·nl' '" I" l .. ·atij; \\·.,· nftt'n Mil t o Oht' of r••ll llf' ttw11 b.-lon.t.:tnx~ and u t.•k• 1 thl'~· •~Iantis .a nd ~·11mp but c·•n rl'lldy fnr ····f':ttlllll' I r .. u rul Ull ;.: •• , unl~· t, ... ., (lr tbrt"t' ~"' bfo- o fftt'•·r Wtlh U l•ol "' lit 11111 hQ hilt I• til"' u(; !hf'' lbf(lflllty lA ·flndllljt ,. ..... ,.,. :ond rl nil'• fH4"' 11nd lll'kl'cl tl fn•4• "att•r •r•rln)ta'. · . J n'ht l«lk Ut A :¥·u(lt Crnm Ar•·l "Sat.lhuat~ nrl! n-ally ~t on lht' zorut ,.,. L'tuh. Hf· n ·ry klrully mal)· l .. ak·· Th,. watl'r 111 i ;_per cl'nt ult. eu\' .. rt.,J In tlw l~otHI .. p.·ak.·r liTlOJ r '"" kn••w. and \'t•ry hatd~n f'n· l!ljllllltnno-d two !IIUJ'J•·•~ """ rr .. m l .:ln~·'i an(t prnf"'llt•no. allhnujth a ~"''_. and .:&tl,.lh··• Crnm !'.tit Laic "'' .:r 1"'''1''" a t tht" Yt~cht. .dub Ctty ') h:" ~· ·r··" •·r • 1111~•·n< n••\\". Rut ~·1t h Sk•I'Jwt h:ratt,.·t .. r 11 ••. l':.; Hc.•t .... .'~olh .. \I , ..... J""' 'k,..·p ho.4un~ tt \\'"""· Y11m e. ,.r··~ , ,,: l'lf t•• 1·c• •·•·nt h~~o: '"'" •·n·strtl.~ ... ryffi f iiH"It••kllll! rJf.fM II' olt• .~·· '1 r••'H (.,, llll.llJ: hy \\ay uC up~t't·'JI. Untf nm1 llo• ~lid lh.t'-"1.,,.1 th •· II ~1 .... 11\·; ~"" M·•• t;re•:.t &It J.Akt• S..·etUt" 111 hro. 1-•nt.J .. h q• ... •'"'''"" .. 1,. I" whJ\;.' ar .. :111-f .... t brnt\d · Otl'd hy lhro·.-.uh oltlO h.ul rirt\t n '•'.lln•'\.1. t o"llfl•rbuard<-nt With Jlat 0\'f'r .,. .... t8. :t ,.,.,. 1111: r.: ,.,. 1-'t .... \' I~ ·11•.,10' ... , ... ~all\' th·l'ltJtnf"(% b v " aft .. rnuun :trtt.I,..Ch.•l· •I It,,_; ;,.., n 1 ' · jl l~.ethtuld•;r \\".-ru.,· .. ~~~;of Jrrf'at ""P'"""n' I' 1 .. m.'•u\' ••f lh• n• lh• 111. and al..-• a ;.,'\.(uut ko:t• h . \o\'h'' h tlt ·nt•\ •'1" :-.•-. u "I.• f'V""'-• '• I. · ' l t • .... uhn~ ·,.., uicuaJiv J:f•ld. t ·,.. furv a nd th·· .c fiO\•:t.lh• .. ,,~··1: I "· ,.: .... ,. nh•St' la-k~;..1 th ... r·· · • ._. '":'\ rrrvan-~ ~n , ... tt;.,tnh' •~tlh ttt• •t.l• lt~t 'L \\tl'•t. .r !"ll•·~tt:h· .. n·a ... tu•n .. hr,.,.,, ·, • thf'm 1tll T h •tr '"'" t o• • 111 \·lt!u o In •l ·l•l ok",·~ tl a, hllle• h ·,,.,j In pllo<h '-·-4*' WO'nt "II: lwd l.u'.:.ul\' <ul~u-ul!, l.ul lot,._ t" C'"ll+<' III .W!th ' . nf"'..,. .. rf .. rtnlf\): .. h r·.... • t r• ,.,~ .... ,.. ... 1, .. ,,.., , ... p Ilk•· th "":1~1? .. •. n nd d~ ltflll. Ill :-'•ltl~•nt.:._ •.u•'[ .. .,.~,, 'l•ll l .n"J.1 t\'t• T••• o•.J!IY tn r•lnlll rH<I tn~•· 1•-i•"• ,.( .\ •I r•J ·II or,t.:l•• •• · .xlt\o\' t ht•\' :lr4' ··r '·"'···• :.t~•llt ..... l ,.,., ht~•tt tf u ( S••u S.·t•Ut 'r;rll· ••.: n'ntt •n•r;lCI ,,:· '•' ,, · =""''\• '• ,;. ~ u p tt)•·r~· .. ·. :·. ~tan.<.-tt. • 1;~,..;. 14·f•••l :C'I.!'"'' ••; 1 • .._,:," ~,.,.,.r~tJ ·y,.,.,.,. a~:o ~-.. 1"1'11· "''he!l Uw\' ; •• ~ 111 t\ ••• f" ti .. I J~•n , .• u--1 •. i)~ • :!rip_,. pl~f\C \'ll:~t had Jnln.llllttt•n••l •h ll,;ll•\ Tllo ' "··" ~ • 1 a -h~f1.. m t.h•• Lak,. -;u~,tiecfntly salt. 11n l.l.ik•· I IIIJ" 11111, lho -f,, ·,J. ·~ 1rj •1\'v<l It int, ,.,[ puhllc-lty (n r wnlf'l'l' .ir t'hj' AM·A m•·n• :In CaJl;•l,. '!'"': ••tr.c. ~'"·" ~uplf' .orr a ',iow .. r dJHT\Iltt>d ufl,<thtult f, •·.r '+",.,' a~o,n I••! I. ·Ill ?f~rrn. T~ CTU!Mt had . and·l~"' :.!4 wfl~ll f•l11w_i·\'11n•4 .. -..,·1 1:t•-'t(;n !)f'TI~Uer ·11hart, ht'r ~·anot.-mlo: and ~\\-..,lllmtu.: lh•·)' 1 ....... h~or wnuldn'l hnld nnd •1'1. e \\'II!! 110mf'ltl1}1'11" ll!<l',. lhf' 'h11J:hly ('f>!,,., :•II •(l,fftiC ant.!. t3k~nlt. a hf'a(\nR frnm racio In hf'r Jttil*r' n_.,.,u,c, • hl.llt\' w;W~J. bel}FY with Mit. Some· · TM Yuma sla,seouta dtd ·w~U .. t·. ~~~ ht>IJ'ed ·\he shcn!L •et the In C'Omf't'ltltnn .,,.,.. •. ·• .• ,....,.,il In 'l lllo· p>tiO.~«"n~:••ts ab<>:.rd hl.ll boa t ln!'"imm__!P«. 'a lJ«' m c.•oue .. • .r.u~.n~ . ......:cd Ul.c r-d!L ui u.s. aJJtnaUcct !nm:~ ~ ftnlt tn h"'"''"l! " ..,,..,11, ~ ,.b·••,. :•nd h ruujrht tht'm 1n.~ i hlltr. T'hf'\' nl,.,• 1"1-f,.n u.-.1 thrtr I "\\'hn spnn,..,,... ynur 11hlp ?" mannl'r a l'rnbl .. m i "' • t•r:t~· "ht. It "Th•· -n urol l're:-byt . nan t'hun h ·~·a;o• ttt ll('lld and r•••t\~" m• 11111 h •:t nf UJl a r.-. Mt~r~ ·_,..'\RP ~tid n ·>-(11•' und 1!1\'/.,,«tt(lot.•l l "ll;eol a good ttmf'~ .. l"''!'r lralwn . In .t dr>•\< 111111: \f''lh r 'II~ IN t•n Ilk .. 1t \'RCIIIIIIn "\\'(''n • ~Cfllnj:' tu ""'"' the• AAIII•~•I o 1 .. <1 .. \'our uH t<'t·rs hav.-tl"t'atNJ ntrf'll Whl'n \\"o· ('1•111.-hart! :'11:'111' 'I ; .. ••I \'cour u!tu:t'r.l' haH! lrC'&ted ~ktJlfM'r Kpm••r ,,.,,11;,,,,-(J u~ ltk; ,.,s,t mg rnyalty. 'Frtday -rn.:ii ... ~l<•ti'fir:r:t-r~rnJ:~r nf lh-l h•·~ '-'k...us hallway t o Catalina .S.S.S. &nnc\lll•·. ~all l .. akt• C•IY • ., ll1•· \"a~bumiu. Saturday we 'apprart'll •·n· (ht• ·.,. .• ,. .ltotth.hJ: , •• hi t .. lhl' launrhtnj~; or lhf' JRIKlly tn wq rk 11111C"r"' .•t'l•l h.on•l· """''"\\t~·Jl'·r and w hat a thrill 110mr nnd hl'althy a~ .• pt•~<l•·r If, llt.o( wa~< and at tht' dtnnf'P at lM reft>rred to hts !'Unhu rt. "·'~on~~\\ l'"rl 11:-orlit•r' Yacht club WI' ~ ruuldn t rt'"'".t tlw '' •• tf<l.\,···rti l t~ .. 1 ·' ·'"'"'' t1nw, m,.t c:-vt>~·ybody.~ IIWfmmlll~ twor ttl' lllr• r ~a ""Thltnk~ nnd ~Ot'odb)"t.>." dny althotU:h "lh•·n · 1an'l m111 h ... .tl I ',(••••dhyl' and w £'11 be b&ck." In It \\'1' lrft I\\" !l'..t r'f l!n••w ! !\luc·h t'rf dtt for that promlat! ' Prior to the· laun~ h111~ C11pt H ' S. Je..m,. t.•f ~an Pffir• l•nt>CI\: nel· tlr.•l-.'lt'\t tho• ,;,.olo·mlll~·. Jlnttl'lll~ Uu · IC••td wnrk \h,_ lfl ht'lfllo: tl••n•• try lh•· Snuth C'ttullt ''"1111'~"· :•nd 1l:« l'lllflluyf'a. ' J'hl' IIIIOt'IIWf'f'Jlf'rl'., !Wu n( Whl< h hrl\•' ltlrt•ad\' h•·•·n lunn•·h ... t at t:tw IOt'nt 11tupy~'n1. 11r•• 1:1."1 Ce·.-1 Jt1 lt•n~Clh. we•tgh 1041 tun~ 11nd nro• h ••- ttl~ lntdt a t I( •• ..,., .. r s:l:16,tlll0 Jnunt'd1nl••ly a fh•r the• ·lltllfl•'htn,;, the• kf't•ll Willi lu1d"fur tlw r'lflh \'t'Jl· 141'1 Ill II 114•1 11'11 uf l'IX, tWII <llhl'rl' '"'"' ne·artn.: • ""'J•It'l '"" run;t r uc·t h •II \\ ny .... . t :\C l:t: ,._ \'\1 \\ .\ ST,_. \U:" J '1Ul MIM CotU:,\Tt:R ""' \ A...,. "'111 he· n .. t.·d ''' ••· •• c:an~ tht. 11\ilhttrt7.-.J IHh'!•rll~>• Ill• Ill un filii:•" II of tcld11 , .• ,. _ l'rt·":< th•• "l'n th-d StAt..,. """~'" hund r ••lll .. 1 v .. un.: uu•n fur iht• ~r··at '"" ....... ,n.S :t\·y and ttwo S ll\':tl ft•·~<t•n··· M,.n\ •1- • 1111 1ndu•·•·m•·nt,. tn ttamm~o: 111 · • rt:;t~t<'tl p:e~· and Jlf"t•ntntl"n n•• lf((Prt"'fl let yt~UnJ,! 11\t'ft ~ h•t ltft• Jthy "'ally f1t and flll"flla lly 11l•·r: Th••h• ltlt-OIHIIV Ill Ill<· ="•·WJlttrl H:ul••r dt .. tn• t ~ h" ••n• flllahftt>d tJy .~,..r;.·ru·ru •· t.; ........ u•: :e ..:• .. Nl .ratan.,: .,, ttw S.a\.•1 l"'•f\1•'•• alntnMt Crum' lht• •tH rt. M•·u who; kutt\\ th .. · tco11l 111111 MhiJIIC lU I' at 1\ ('rt'OI· tum .'\''"'· A 'lY"n" "h•· "' llll ••rt•lllo·ol 111 ut\'lt''(j tv «'ttll ut tilt· l'tt·sa riHtrl' • ' ' ~ . LAI"!\OC'tl Joll>c .. T C'RI'IMt:R S e wr••rt Ha rhur·~ fl•·••t t<t<tJ.~· MABI.Jo the• IHitltttolll to( a llt•W .26- (~t l'potl CuthHII( c riiVo«:l .. lht• niJ' Mlnn~:. Whlt'!l IJ;Ut Jll~l IM·••rt o·nm- plf'tl'd hy thl' w .. ·,.twnnl ht,:~t huild1n.: dttiC~> HI l';:wta An:• ,., ... mnt: htj!h ltt'huol. Owne•r (I( t ht• trun·luw u • r:Jt o. . I .\\'-PcyJnn. Jr . "'h· · ltf••nll<•rt·<l lh<' j111J anti ltllf'Jllu-d t l'•• m :lt•·nal• \\'tlhAm (' I'Tn\'1,. 1-.. ong th•· 111 JOtrurtnr tn rhllrJ!I' 1\ltttNIU\6.!'1•• f't•\'lt•n. th•· Jlap · ,tl••lll: "Ill he 11\ :tth.ltlt fnr .. '"' 1- ~t'ncy twrhttr pallul thtl\' "I'"" rl QU«"!Ot nf thl' j;"fl\'rrnml'nt jttJf'B to lf:u ry C:urtiPr. ~·a R~·l SkiJlJlt'r of :-.:•·wpnrt ll•· u'h. T .. m/r,y I;J(,uc hry. C""""'"'"''' ••f th•• SN t s.-,.ut C'tttttw1l, Jlnrr y \\'t•kh ur lht> ('han•l,.•r ur f'nntmr rr,. . . And Rll l>n\'Y. Sht·lllm• k uf tlw ~·' S(·flut M nnunl Mll)'ll "ftNI ><klt:ll aud a lltrat,::ht r<~ur~•· :11ul Wt• """''" hf'rl' 'till 11g111n WI' "hnll mrt"t." 800 Sea Scouts Conclude Three-Day Bend~vous Here~ ,, . .. U •): I h • \ I h•• Jq\\ • I 1 J\1 Ill• II II • .. ........ , .. t' ·'' =-'· ·'J"''' • ' rtu $I, .. , ... ,,. t I • I ... \ ··~"· I \\ I ... II • ~~ .. I lo '· I • •I 'I• 1 ··1 •.•• ,., ... •··· .. ,. .. , ,,. , d 'IH•I'Ij;l ·IJ•It '. •• • • • ' '/ 1:·. .. ' ,, ........ ., .................... .c. ..... --- ... , ... "':: "'"'""I ,., , .. ,. ..... , ''"'~ Bulto;-s;.; ice • ,.,.,__ ""'•"drn\"r m •tt h .Ut•fllrh••n h ·~·h, .•. ,.,.a.: , .. , ..... h ..... , ......... , u.uNDa· &: ·••1· .. 1 til , h··•r , ..... , ... , ,.,, ... ,. .. v.-" "' ..... r "~ r .... I ••n u ~ t h.-htu'-n• ...... .. ...... n l 'h .. u,-. 4!\ ,, •h\ •u.:a,:' .... .._.,,,. f•;J-HV ,,.,.,...,11(. I lJ ....... A\ttt~ .... t.t .... "" I•J I~o ,. . .,, .... , Atw ~ ""'-""'". " II I I'' M I, ;\ t ' "\o p • \" ··h ''" ...... , J. ...... k,.,..,. '"'''" .... ..... ---. f .. '""' t •f 't. ... ,,..... • •,,,,., "" .,., •. , Tt··p · .. a:lo• .. , t"' ~ ~ ~ llllllfto•. "' ....... CANYI(' s•· f l 'h'\" l'llth .,,., ... , ltt .. l lhf' .... I .....,. 11.1 1.,.,;, ......... ; , . .,1111rac S.•t~lh--rll ,.,.1 : ~'-.. 1. • """I ,.,.,,,, • \'"""~" •I•'""" .,.,.,.-.1o <f1rnnJt thr '111"1n1rT ~t 11 "" 1 ·1o~, .. r., .. , ''" . ........ -... "'"" •' ,,,,...,.., ..... h.chtful P"' 1 •t. •. 1'1, ~-..-;-~· .. t • J .;...e,.f -;t ·''!'I oue.:•-.1 l "'t Hrn•lr"""• .,,, '' ... \\ t•• •IC I IJY.'(' II • • 1.11"' ru~tk .. 11 , .. ,...,t.t, f,,, n .... ., • __ ------------_ •l.-l••a;a t.--.. tu af1rnef ""'" •h•tuul I ''"' •nlttu•l 1•uut11 'Ia\ ~·~& ......... "-• I :•Jft,.ttt. "'···~ tlt~~Lt-t~U ~ ,.,. ~~ Itt tt ~~ •r•IUit: 11 f\1"" of •f MIIti.Httl '-t I f•• et ~huh futa:ht t .. ~ u,.,...t h\ ,., ,~,' ~·• .. ·•1• •·f ~" S. ••ut,. ..... t thu I·•• eftt"t.... M 11tn« • ••nh-1~ ,._.,,...,.., t• 0:'"''1-It "'"" urc .... tt,,.f thr nn l · t. t I,,. rl\ t 1 h.~ altrnf" •fl "' " 'I"' 'I tl • ••llth tiU ..-.. tn f lhlP f h f Mh .... ,...,. ... t.. ............... ,-~ ..... , • ., .... .. "' 't lt;.O'Ir·t\'1 ···~ I l ".,rnHv•d .. rr Alhrrt ~·tl>tt"l r•·t• ·ttl t)lt[ :'l>o-•t•of1 llarl··· ........ ,,, ,,...,." ...... , hl' ... ~ ... , w ru r" .-tunn.: • ,..... rut \ ,,.., • u .. ~tlu. I ......... "'.Jt~, .. , 'Tho ........ ·~-·· .. ,..,I .. t:•"' tt ..... .,., .... ,-•••• '"'"' •• , ... , ... •. ,_,,. •.••. ,_,., ... " , .. '"'= "''"""''"'' .. "I a .:.t ,:.,,.,. .. "'"" ,.f t ho~ I•• "' No-a ""' 1 .. ,,... """' '"' "'hwh · h • • I •UI !tl'to\ldrd b)' tho< C'II V ul N"•·1 ort '"'"' h Ill' ••t«r,..t ... l thai ltl>ll f"f 111r• '"'-t ... ,,.,..,lrnor" ~------...-----------. I.'""· Ill ......... 11. ~ .. ·.:·· ...... ~..... v•• CUNA • IIINDRY p U t\ Jf.•tl ft.;.,.,.., (f ft ft • , .... ••• I oil , IIU,""I LIIU f'F\4 1 ••u ••'th •t 't:t•r•t••r t l ~ ,~ ..... , "''''" ,.1.... . J ..... ~~ )-~,.,.,, ,,, .,, .; ..... , ...... ; .. , .... ,_. ~·· 4~ u.... ......... ,.. .... Lo>t.all .. t l SHlf)"''-!. I d ,,,. . '" ,., ............. , ,,.,.~ ..... , , . · • .:) an lJ,.,., "'"''''~' .. "'"''' ~ .. r .~r-~t rrt..: I f~-»J fo;. \'/AS H ••f• ... hhlf 11f f h ... I t\Art•htr•t uf I ttfll "'' '' • 1 f 17.\ ''''' ••I 1'1Ct;'4NINU· ,,.,. ,,.,_. •'"J•·••~uf t:u•·vt~ ttft• , .. 1 I U IC I h.• t•.,.rllj Ut t '!Ar ft ~t~~fl••t\lt l l 'httttr 1!11 ................. ...... ..... .. IOII ... tl· I IJO,I ~ .... l••rt .., ..... ~-"'' t lt•ulo.ot ll •t 'IJiol K••lv .. t ,,. _1 1 ~II..,T \ 'lt .... K I' ••liot 1 \1&• • t ••fttftt•.tlttrf'r , ,.,,.., rr-t( :.._ _J,l:.· __ ------ H t \ll,t•t&d '' '"' .. ''"""'n , ....... ,. j· ~ ~ ,.. :-,-..._~-......---" d • ,. 1 •af l\.-J.,..,... A••J:•"""" Th1•'\ ~ ,· .. ,u t \ :OW :• ~··•ut t '••Un• •J •;..-:, r• 1 ftof I ~ tit Jlltf \t I ltfiU Jal,.•ltofjt•r '"'~lift .. , •• ,~.,... •. fhu-re"'•" •: \\1ut• ••r ••r1 tlt+Uif \' ~'•Uf ,.,_.,.uti\ .. \\'1f• .._ tf \V•uru·r • tt •• er u uu • vf U+r ldtfjt \ ...... ,1. ,., ..... , .. ,, ll'ftt,. l•t +-\It;;, s,,.,J:trtll I;·~ Ar,t:.-.1•"' ,,,,,1 It •II• .,. Jr \jfl f ; ..... , a.:•· t ; •• , l\oo•""' If,. i" II !"" ~ .. ~ \ • • .. , .... ,,. r •• ,,,, ,. ~'" k 1;1"'1 ,\ttJ'' I• • I • ,, \f• I .. ,,,t,!n l ,., l•t • .. ,., \'• r •I u." • • '•'if'' I ';1, 1 •I ,,,. -~·-v •.• ~,. •••• , .,, )! ,,,#.,,.,..., ...... \' ,, IIEEII'I · \t \IU,t: • unt ·h .. ,. "" • r.-..r • .-1 ... ·~ ............. ,,.. .. ...... 11 l•r•,...·ta t•\•lu•h• l,t -.---ununl f n'DINf. \ • It ritlzl!nll "' ,.rr ~ y nla~ht and rt ordinance r-wuy ftlonir 'tlm Mc-Fad- M'1, lo '"B ... ... ,.. may be '' ''' lh• 'r iU• to tbe IU 1& •pn..,._ef .,. ..... .. Pf1nte ,..r ....... ~ -.... , .... ...... ,. ........ .... .. pjw1., ... . .. • ,,..._.n....,. ,.. , Ulle --.......... ,. ... ~a .. ._ U. ,_the ... ~~c::: ~ Mrlant~.; ........ . ............ .......... e.tF ..... ... .,_.. . , ~ ... ,._.,. ~-...... ~ E.t.: =..u. ...... br ......... .. u.. t1llr& . _..-r ,..,~ -... u.r-N ..... .a.uc •. appaUI ...... ~~~--., hen U.. ap. ·n·e c:oaa.U,. l~m uut IUI4 WIJUad pt'Oo J a ll r .. ncem• ,.r nr appll· ·1'4u.,,... plerw "•t '--n bel4 J muntll• In lhf' ('011· h .. t. .. llrK"tl ay n laht nr r a•l•llt lofta& t luwwn. ••·~ ,., .. Jrt'"'•• .,.,1,. aruund prni.lrm u 'O ....._ Ill HI•• the f'IU hlj( t 'f.,._ tor•hn••w-e qtll•tlfiolfl 11f Sea Scout Conclave Here Great Success; 800 Attend ; . .. I, I '' II • I I I. • "''h F , .. • ' If • 1 f \ '; t r f l• r ,a, •Jiftrf ,,, t t11 J •• __..I I J ; !'-·,,.~.I ........ -.. . . . \'''' I At;H I caNvi woa~ '.V . ,.,,.! •• , ... u • 1117_..n_. r '"" •·lty, 1-: I "<tm• I ' t• \1 I t .. • I .. . ,,, . I•' " ". ~·, f ' . .. ·. ' ••• i t' '· I I .. " I, l.t I\\ 'I + ~" f 't • J f 11 t ~... .-.: ~· •'•'•l•ttf•l) 11 :•'' I'• I •' I '·I'' ,,, .•.. J T IQ'E TABL E . S tu•ll Mnr.r • I• • • '~ I.' l I . '"' t. \fill II lll1rh I "' I lid• ,. '. -·. ·, ·: ,.! ·:t; ' It • ..... , 't •:• •h \l'tU h I l....._tflfl' \ \ t Ill t I I R lU t.l .t .f '1 • \fll:., \'1 I ..,Ill< .'I oil . ' •• t • ' '. ,. • ·•·•:• ,.. • '"I' I' ~~ S:J:t.IIIN •. II .... ···I I • •'11•1 • I•• ,, 1 l:to \1 • t\t.lt-. ,111,J <11\1' l~•·u Jlf'r• .....,,,. ,,, an ,,.., ........... ,. ··~~ --"r 1 .· t'fl:" ... -,..~p••AII m .. .:.,.., .. H.,="""""""'B"'-=a=-~x::==~ .. k .. ---:=-.....,~-·~,.:.:! ...... ,~, • • • '1' "'1 -(}TCY . -yer ~ I •• ·• f. I t t I ... ·I· Tl •I"'' I ' I ' ,., •• '""' I, ., ... ,, ''''I II• I ,. I I , .... ,.,1 t:• . ,. , .. ·'' ' ... , . ,., .. , . 'I . 'r • • t • , ...... ,, •••• ~ -· Harry · s Dt.mp u·L • ,, n • f'>r•IIIJC lha ,,. r•rnJlf'rtY "' 1t• t fln•l """" what t")cc• Ill lhfl +-----------·-· ~F 0 R SALE ~~H\ t. \IIU II I.-.~· "''-" ' .. ,, • oltlteh 1 ~?.!1: ... ~!!.ff~ \II.IK.~!:~~ .. ·~~~h ' . £\'an Ed"'"'rcb. lfofl a'la u r•·• 1!]\'tr wtult Bob Tlaompeon qn&la dunn« comf'('tttlun for ~~~~~c••ut ~P'"'*· at lhf' •nnual th~-di\) rtnduvoua. for more than 100 ~outa which -conclu~ Sunday \ Ut.f t:\lflt tl ~,,,, T· v.-.. , T h•••· j LiahU~ ftrtu r•· I 'I 11 ~, ' ~. 6 1 • I ""· lit;: It I 7 , -11.. I II -•} • 'I 'I '·. I J II ; 1 ~ 4t ! I J•" 1'1 .u I 1'1 lt .'l 'I Ill ti I 'I ."tlr II I -: ft1 • " ; llr 1 n lflltl II· !li I'll '• hi ~II II :'17 3.!f IIJ•Ifl JJI ,ftiii.T I' 'IUlUIC "t.l.t. (I I "'ltlfh" I • TIIH'IA)I ""'''"''·" .......... , • I l'fiU~r; IM -tttC' :..e.t \ltc U \IIUtO\\ \1 ftbpabtdl'• Dept. Store- / ·' on t • IOe .. -~· I . i ' ' • I Pap 4 Realty Transaf"tior'is l·,i\·t· Local Huild_.rs I A COZY LITTLE HOME FOR A . ·sMALL FAMILY . an·d Rf-ntal!4 A.-tiw•, ' 'St·t·~ J>ir••ctorshiJlS P.ea1tors Rt•port on ( ·ouut~· Jo~x(•han,.;t• \\'h,..lhf'r oht<' lo I It• \\',.,.., r· .. •'~ Cadf't .,-..hrNtl na ~fU•'H I~Jiie.• uf Jt.!••n• 1 al pnifiJ~r11Y. ll~trb<tt o1u<lrio t ro•al to~ arr nufln.t 11 11\f•allo h 1 nrt ''""' loi af'mttnrl t .. r l"f'lllll••lll ol\1 pr .. jl ~rty In th111 "'''" . ~Ait'll A nil r•·nt~oh '" .::~liit•·•'ll h ' W4'~k hv lh•· H (' l'utkllr .,(It~· noach•..t'" en·at••t ,.,,l,.n,., than '"' eom,. tim•· r••t Mr f'~rilo·t r4'· rorUd A m•mc tranaM•·Iupuo nut,.;! WKf aalt' o f tht' •: ~;\utrt·lall tn'Nim,. prt,t~rty 1)0 Lll " M ll•\'1'11111', ~· Ill Mf'llll. ~o~o·hll'h 11 ht-<·n purcn ,...,1 by Mn• J lJaw..-m uf ~ l)(•a Th~ In< tn\•uh'f'IO t hn•r J.l r•' Paw.111m boa ,AtruL I ·II \\ I -I' 1,..,, t ••• lt ·' hfJilt~ 1\'t r J.; • ••ll.lflllllt •e• !4tl'1'••t lthUu\J' I •'•4• t t :~. \\ ••• 1< Ill t~l .. d t.. tfn itl •1tl d·••·''"' •·! Uh •u.,t,..:• l',,q, ., tsu.lt!t 1 . I-:\• h.e·•;.:,•· 1n•· ,,,., ~~'' t ;, I t 11 1t 11! \\ fl'h h J1\ .._, { f•tf j 'l'l ft t I. .• d h tltlth (~ t:.d "'"'' •• t•ol .. •'•II ••. •'·:d f•·f ... ,. I,,,, '·•I .. 1 I td.• ft tlp11 ~ ftn~d• , H t!t• 1.1 I·· t':tud 1: I toruthl ""'d' • '•ol•• ,,, d• I !'ohr J"""' """''"II'''' I! Ill•·• ~:.t ':;11 :tu•l lf:.u•,ltt \V .. Jd, I 1.• t J: S • .\ t"tr1 A bn• rtHihlh•tt,..,J ""'" ,,rr •• ' ,,.,.t,lu-"1 a t• \\·u. H•ftt h••h·l llo •on S o 111··111• I M.o t II I. ''" '· Jt (' \\*,,.'"'UHtl t1 \\111. Ut1 f'·.\ '' • •.;,,,,.11 \\ tl l"ul.l•·tl• •II Tt .. 3 ti•ul• \' '\, k• f '" n I~ d tw 1 .,,.,tlj~t\1• til\' .... ,,.,,~ ti t t·.~· •. , ...... , .. , n .. f,. r.t • lu ·••~1.1 • lo t•, 1 "'. .. ' 11"1•1• Mn N H1tlte nf 101 W Cf'nlrul av,.m..-. &lbua, haa pUt' ruuto-d lh•· Prlh:ht<rd plaef' at E IM'h ,lltrt•..t ,and Wttatmtnater "'•"~ ,. .. K .t,.,\, :.~ up u,t"''"' ••· 't ~dll ,~d Walton of UO Altwrt ph..-•·. hr•~ •• "t11•· " · .111>1. '''' .~ ·•"' •I• pun-haM<~ ,l 'lj,lt nn P)lrmut· •tn••·l ,,.,.,1;,.,'" o. ·' 1~ "•0: · lo, l•l•· )" .. I Trw M. L. HillmAn Jlr<oJ>Prty 111 ·''" ·'•I: ·I·~· I ~· "''' :·• •"' '" lt,r 1114 Smf'llM!r U•f'n~ hJoll tlf'f'n "'"'' 1. ,,.,,;,., • · •' >.,: II• 1 • ' ""·"" to J4r. and M rll. Pf'to·r Ltlwrf'nl'• '\ .It ··I·~ I '' ""' rt-• I\" ro "'"'"'' Galen M11M of ftl\'•·~ul<• · wlw r• •1. I• ·• I• • .. •I• •' I,,,. J''' '••I• 111 c.nlly purrha~ a •"l "" <'Ill! "··• d 1 " I·•: ··"'hi, .''"" It•· •' drlv• from M". IWI'llh• Mdnto,.h, uro·r Ali glannlnl tu burld Ml lffl '''" lv ' . ' "' .. li,ERE IS .AN EXTERIOR' Vlf:W AND THE FLOOR PLAN OF A NEAT. ~IT· TLE "RENT.SAVER'' COT· T AGE THAT CAN BE BUILT AT AN ECONOMY PRIC£ AND ON EASY TERMS. 'RI'IU) l!'li BA'I' Vlt:\\ TK.\(T d''"· Ml"ll'. Mrlnt011h . hli.{l rf'n\.ctl Q ~· If" 1 h"r;!ho nf 40 1 Chff rlrl\t< I•• M • ue-st•fon's • lnnd Nnrman St·hlank "f 1..1 ·~ \\11.1 •. \Trt:su ~U:t:T~St; . A . 1nd -I ~'"·•ltl r:..., .. 11 .,.,rh~ .. r Ltd() 181··1 Mr. and M". M•·'' 111 IO:.·.otly. ttthu/rf'n "'' r·l'purt.-<1 by lh·.----A.·nswers l·r··~lll•·nl ··! tho• l ',olofurnut St..a tP ,IIIml<'r tt>llt~nt. or ::"~ ..: ..... r .. h.l ~ ~ 8ttftll-~ ~ Uu.wu _.,._.,11<1 lilt' n nnu.ll ltlN'fl~g llf t~ ·rs.'lut'd A pnmlt lro ,,,,.,1., : (II'•·· Plu:kep/otCtce tnrlult<o Mr nnd ._.,.,. ~ J-\ 'llurhl••r!! o•'l'\ luan~··.' •• arrun.:lng to I ot\·.-nlto•.' Balbo& lalau .... •··•• • ,,.., .. , IV'h't arl' n.II•Vtnl{ tu 1112 ~IIIII lllr•·..t v·•· ,,,., \\'o• ""' ... ~, rl•t'llo•r llo k .. l"'fo.-ld Huoh1o·r!l l')(t'han.: .. to ,. ... m rt'!lldforn:e on C'l)'l•. lllrtt<'l Mr ,nd Mra o p I'Aihm tn nr•· d ' ''"''" ., ;, .. ~ ""''" .uul ·.h·"''' ''" h. 1•1 111 ""' la ll•·r •·•I~· tunu;m lw I'" lhf' Bay V1~w trll• · 'I 1,, • .. tnl<'· m"~"n• tr••m 418 Rh11rt •lrt:f'l '"'" '"'" "'"'' II • pi ·~''"·"..!!!!IJW ''''111111! Ito·"''" IH• t.o•ournJl~tnu..S _tun•, whlt'h wUI N»l •:l:o" ~o~o lll s·•o \' rJrtn .a ~~ ......t H '" ''"' '"'"'' .,...-nmorc \\'II' 1., 1: \\' lt..Awtl, ,..., rdary uf tht' 1..-•·n .. ·tt'd by Bncht l!t .. lh··t,. aru.J :c ·n ns:~ hn!l rl'nl•-d II l •••fll "' ......... '"·· I. ol· ... ..,,, "~ '''·'""''' c· .. r,nty H<lllolo•no l'l(t•han,;e/ ·~·\'(', 1'1t' ~Jrat>.Crolt hornt'. ~~~ nr 1'"'1'•'•1••"• ·l .. ulot l,..u4<'ol '• Mr. ~ally wu /orrt •!l~ "'''n ~n~ "'·~nuf'. Ai'"'''' -.;. ,, 1'1·•~1· r." 1 •· l't "' '" Ill 11-1!1'\0t, <>;ASTA .\SA HOMP: lh•• lht'lll har!Dorma,.l•t • "'""' 1;gt. Jf>hn H•lyrtk u f M·•ff••ll "• "' " .. .t 1.,,, 1\1• "' i•·""' ,,. ~''" L•Jr \' A )l.tr,.hall ,f 540 s . F'rltl lui~ ,...nlo-d lhf' Adah ,, • ., .... ,, tiHI I•·• ••• 11'"1"··· "'ll•lllr,ol I H"' ·~·r .. llt U.oll~··· lllland. Ill r-•oJlO':;-,~; ;ot 2438 ~fltnJ:" "'''~llto•l Uo·.: .Ill\' lr• •' l1111~ '\\hh h llllj.!hl lllolldttlj.! .t 11<'1\' $:11MIII humf' at 1"1 ·~d C•1lr pf SllntA Ans 18 "'"' '" ,1''' •.. ,,, . ., "" 1•l••l• r \ ,uol•t I'•:! I l' 1:11• h ...tr•·•·l •. Santa ~nil. ln.; to lhf' Troul .rNK!cnrf' •• :t'J<I I I'"" oof"t"~ f""IIHI•· nt 7'"' ~<•JIIat.• llu~:h ~fut•hall '" th, <'ontrnct ur nnlC'lAL PDitJ1'!4 a,· ,. 1 ea• . 2M ;z~.oH ae~ . •03 •eT.••o 1938 523 7KOI9 .I ,/ I (' :1 :.It·~ • .'llrf't't. and Mr. •11ol '" ·• ,;: .. u .. n '•' "·''' 1 , .. •• • ""'"'' n I 11 , hotri!•· ,.,, I. r.•::-1 Trupfl 111'1' n ... ,.~ l rootll r··•l '"' """ ''"''""'. """''''•·r. ,, M7 W . Wlleon llr.f't to I~ C<'t'>l .,.,,, )•lan t .. ""' • ,.,,,.,.nl ,,.,,nl ... ~TASUAKUIZATJU!'II place. J . q. Rannry ut l'omnnro II•' ,,r l ho 11•'\\ .•·llllll"tfh'll ro·.•tll l'lnnd.tn1tT.Att1111 nf lhf' pllr l..ll nf .. now located In Uwo P ¥ull oparl· puQ.t" II•• 1"•·1111111HH\' ,.,,,,ltllj: 1.1'•11 111 hhll'lf• 1,;(,•rJI ,.. . .,11,11111~ In cnn· ment. on W , 14UI •''"'· I ... nt. .. ·a-ASJar~·-· "' r111 h<•n wttt ... ut ~o-Hl-O..Xiblllty lJ•u··~ '"" "'"'' • ·:" !1'"'11111: "r .. r l•ltlllllilli! Ua~ Ufl''" a c:ummun CIJR 'lMI O&NAMENTM T AIIOU flow•r '..,..,.,"'.a. l~o• 111""1 I•• ••)utrlJo:•' 111111 .,f tnf'IIIIUrrmPnt rarta can be .. lloda'n" ,...ldfonll•l rnn~~trn.-th•· .!!'r"r.·nt r'""l"' "' ~•ot•• ,f ": 111 •dl' m to r;·hanl(rrtblo• Thi.tl form Uon a. ebarac-l~rlud by thr 11h· 1'"'"' • , .,f ~tRn•lnl'lltmtt .. n rtla.o Almplltl"" . •nee ol Uft-118ary df't•nratllln: An•Wo•r 1 lo•• '1"'' ,( \\'t<lt• f•l.lllk 111/l rtllf,H'fllrtnl( t<nd product ron. flaln wall aurfacn. and I'Ar't'f11l 1l•••nn.:. •r•:oltlll: "''""!! ('.rallrl-1 1·,1111111<! .,f mllt .. nals ""the job attention to Uw Pf'lPflf'tlun• of th··,·h·· l•·n111 h .. r 11 .. '"'"'"' ~o~o rll m.ok"' 1., ""'"''MI nnd w1111.,. it. ,.hmlnated .,.,.,.. ~. h• "~ "' .. 't'i• snuru.:•' kiitlin~ ~ k and uf atJ&ndatdlUUfln batt 1937 MS eos..oeo 1938 • ~~ eu.l37 1e3e • 542 M1.7~ UNO • t'leO ... _ .• _.... .. .. 1,110,1J2 ....... l)al(' Jan. J• ···----.. -.. _ .. _. a.oeo .~eb., •9 .: .. .. ... 1 71,110 Mareh. 110 ... llCM.m April, &f ........ 1111.1110 )l.lly, S3 . .. .... 110,713 '.nin.e t 7 ....... 1112. 741 July 40 ......... 1 72,.al I \ • A UJCIIlCI, :\J;j •• 108.828 H~ ._,11\f'd In thll mAnn••• tho• l''""llo•l• lh• \\ulth "' l h•· r•••tt l····n ll'<<'fl folr llunw y .. a ra. Fur· • -lltart from a complfl" k nowlrd&t•·l \\,11 Ill ok•• II .,,., '!' \\ tolo•r 4 :o•no•r:ol 1 11,., t<l,.nd:antr:C\tlon ~f pAr\3 and ol Ow function nf the' hou._, All nn ""'""' """ • '··r. "' : .. run flt••r Ill• • h.onll"lll o•qulpmt'nt of ho118e<s tnatrument for darly h\'tn~t Th• I•• '' 1• I h•· 1: "':.! h "' I lu r•••lll , ,,11 ho• 1111117,.,1 t .. ohtaln <'Olll l'<'On· lln.lcture lta.lf Ia t'._UIIally ",!"no 11 l ol•·· .,,..,1 '"' '"•'" • r··:.o r. ,1111,,11, S.ptt'mbt r H SU3:S73 o<-t,bo-r. 46' Sl0t.t32 so,·. :w. .1 ae.eae II&Mp&e ehc:lc»&li4f of lt\':Jllt arra.l! 1 'It•· 11 'I''' ., •11 I h.ol I ~'" -•=--_. ___ _ OiSntrary lo moch popular np11•· l.o ta..• 1 111u 11 ,. l.r , • 1.••~:· 1•1·· ~•7• W A :\'TF.O Tl I Ul 'Y -Hol18e t 'l ~,o,·.-. l'h :V11 port ~cb 1138 ~on. moctern arr._.t~t""" nrrd"" ... ,.,.,, .... 1.,, .. , '"' n .... , "'u·""''.J)ri,·.-n·uj· neiUMr eev.f'P ·nnr llnJUI•r Tho orf•·· I 1111' .. ,,. "1'1·· "' "" , ... , Ill• . Construction Discusst-d Building t;xptsrts .,... or. ~m drlltj(ll ,. lllml•"'. 1•••111 It \\ •'I• 111111 11· .. ·~ ttro• h:ar . ·~)· llonu~ .... cl1....:1. 8kllna• fnr uul!ittdf-o "''"II ,, ".,, .. ,"" t •r-1 u( n tw••,t th.• r·•ttt• IIUrfaCI'e e!Wlu\d bfo C'h<•IW'n '" f'n· ""l"r 1 •' I•· tho• ''"'" "111 .s~•••m ' .\ n •tt•·<l·llfl lnwn Sl'rinualy dr ·Jih•• •·nr . tf 111.-drr-.y-t. et tM th.-... "'tr•·n1•• t.•:t L.••1ng out or MJm~­ llw '' h.tl 1, '" It II • not nl't'NUIIIr)' ll"l ~~ ehliJ'Ik 11,\. -m' tn ltml-~-------11 ,..t.i 11'••111 llio· ;,p,-...ur,,no·,. <11 a more •-clnua fffltn" t .. Ill• • ••r• <I'"' l•o f.,,l•h,.· ·• "''"' ,.,.,. ~ ,..._ ~ "C ,.... "' h"•• ... '\ 1 11 tf tt ,,, ... ~ ~o untt•·r atru<'ture by UIM' lif llllf1(ll1' ho•ll h. •• \1 h••r• .•'l"ltlol II I•• lo • "lo'<l • lo 1,1, , •I oil 11 1'1\ .oy .. • I·" k t ull' I' ·I'• I with t h4' I! :trill:<' " .... , ht•h•l • ~ . ~ ahradl c .. ra,;. .... ,11, ..... lol hll'(' a lf'\'t'l ~pill'•' .,nt.al flnea. \II•\\ •• , 'I h·· ~· ''·'1:• """"1•1 ,,.. Bllll.DINO NE\\' HOME Mr. and II("· W . B. Johnann .. r LA«un• Bf'ach, who rt't••nlly Jllll · ebaeed a 1mall at'rf'"•~' "'ld t w" raeldence pn>pertlf'8 Rt !'1:11! 1t11d rt411 flalbotl etN'f'l. Coeta M"""· nrf' '""' ~lldlnr a nf'w hom,. "" lh•• l..n · l\ln& etret'l fronlat:•· uf th .. rr'trnd , 'nM prOperty 1.11 .•uffletf'ntly lttr~ot .. to'attommodate twu nrnrr dw<'ll· 1 .. and uron con1Jli~IIOR thf' frrst atrueture t~ John"'''·* • "ntt>m· plate bulld1njt a IW't'und r•·•·•l••n• P Mr. JotlnltOn Ia <:"ntwrlo...t \\ rll UW Bt'an)n I:Jay auhdl\ ~'"" :ol Un l boll bland. litt l l•·tlltt l•t •l\ H it I • \ ••• t ··~.'4 fiPIU 'lr•'• 1 "' d lt ' , ..... \\•11 ..... frtuu 1 h• b •• ,... .t It l'h· • .t I .t .. h•··t •U hqtH •I\ J,:'~ t •i'• ul ft•1 ~ 111hl••d I vi· I ' r!h\ftt ,, ,, ·1 I'' I Ill '~' tlh !'tt\ uu: •( •. ., ... ·, ..... f•l ·tl~·-I''IIJ'P"'•'"' \\'ht•lth•f I tf II ftt d llt • !t11 '" htl4\ i l.t '..:a r.•L.:• ""h•<~dd h ... 't• t•'•'•l t ' i h• l '' • d ~ • d ••I tl<lll In ,,,, n• n ' , J••tt ... '' ..:r••••l•· 1111: "' I• II •I ~ !"hil l I 1 t • 1• tf IIJ tt t•,r • I "' Ou\\ t •, f ' \' I liJ '' i,!t l ,.,. 111.,: ~ 1 • • t' t 11 k u;• 1\ :... o1 \\t •l·t : ·. ,, •' t.lll I''" I f 1) \ .. \\ I. ttltl J•l.ol,llllllo: '''1"'11~ ,.ay l h:tl 111'1' r• • I U4 h cft ''ll u hl,. flriVf'"\\,t\ \\ d 'fl nlth•'111..:h l"r\)! c1nve•\\.1\"t .. ~., •II\' 1 .. •k t..·t t•·r af uaa-dt~ ·l~ ''"I ,., I' otltlt Itt t.walt:>j: 1!. · 1 .. , "'' olt , •. o~r turn rn~; w.11y · :: •· ·' • '' • ,. hi' parkl'd. Mur<' I' •· • !<ltoo ,·I t .. iiiiOWf'd If jolUI•fllll I l • '" t,,, ''' 11tl d u ldR\f'd, thC '\\'t'll '.l l · h·• .t. 1,, • t' 1 1 Thll! ~xtrn IIJ'IIIr • ·to • ••I.' '"' ,, I'''"' or cnn tw ti'IW\l t."' I \\ I!Ooh t.. ~p;\Ce. . n.,. • 1·, • · ,.,n t aurfRce!l "r" lu -lf•J··· I , .. tl.otii .. J.!t• fro•m hrl'.ok' -IJ...:•·-·· ol n.. leaat expeMII'(' "·I. " ol >Il-k' '111 \\',oto•t "" 1 h ' "•• old l'l••ll d 11 he.eif;hl lrll'h<'ll of ol .1 •·1\••"· ... n-tokr ,,,;...rully th.· d t 'l.t ... • .•n..:l~· t~·r· I( \\alt·r !'1 1 f• •,., Uhdt I th•· :--ut1;u 't', tht' rn :11! \Ill • '' 'It til\ loto ,lk Ill' :lrtd \\ o'l l'"' • ''' "f 1 1••H<I '' '"IIIII II~· dtlll~t'l ho o• ld··ot . , 1 • ,I hi~ rolJf.'d ur lAmp· ·••! d •• · ·.ar..: -:•d tun;(~ t IJ··d \\'ith ont• or un•l Tllo• Und"" lltip .or:d ''"''·h • ' · ht'l of IIIRI:, l'htJl"· I"' 1-="'"t .:t••· • Inca! bank JI:Ta \1'1. h h• "1 ""11 '1 '" 11!""~ht IHI· 1 h"'"''L' 1111 p..-tNf-to n ""'''"" I .. ol•l• '• lo\ lolo• <lrRH\11 :tlt•ll): ' ,.. I I hi ... , .... h • ... , ''T"f' " ,..ut n c-un ·1,, , •l~o•·• ••I tho• th l\t'\\:t.\', o•nfpl\'· I 1 1 ~ (' 1 '·"-,. -.. t h· .. f,,.,:: ~ttJt•; ••r ••th;., 11 ' I\• ' ' 11 j[fA -'1 ~tUn\ . ,, ,;,1111.•1=•' \\"''l ',;;~;;~d.t. • '1 n•l bu.dt·r 111>\Y b.• IMko·n '" rr ... .. .,. : 'Thursday; November 27,1Ml ~ I make a mU.t.akl' rt Ia a beau.t.-Jiayor &.Gua mtr.a. ................. --'*""" ... SYMPslt&EIR I . FourNea·~ Planned f«)r Harbor FtJUr n .. ~o~o· IO"'t'r-<'f•t •bofnes WPI't' 11tJorled thtil WM'k In the ~_.-port llurbor dtatnct. • EAJt,l. W. STANLEY N(7J'4J\T PUBLIC • Ptlone tTTt Qrpoet.M P.O. Blltloe laland B. W. Wright ~ WOOD, COAL AliiD CIIAJWO..U. ... ,_,.,. ....... r41 .......... , I Ill·_..,.. • . PAiifiNtf. \ . ------~-..---- roa IN8U&ANCZ a:a Howard· W. Gerrish A. B. Cll!Uit'N of ~Uvealdio will t'l"t'('t a Oflf'·ftury (~ and ltue- "'' dwf'lhn,; -.. c~ at to5 l'""rkllflll!' 11\'t'nUf', Co~ del Jlar. ~--------·-·-·- !111 . w. ()eatral .... N-·port a-cit. 01111. ......... ,, t • 8 l'<IJ't uf 12:100. A -tJlne. r••••lll 11tuct'o rottace and doubar .:an.g" 1a bt-mt; b uilt at }801 Mar· \'lib tt\'t'nUt', WH t Newport. b7 H. t M . Olaon -.,f Looe Ancdd. Tile >!INCtUrf' lolo'lll w.t apprcnumately 12000. • <1. G. SlkM. aleo vf Lo. AJite-. I• 11, IS bUI)dJ!lg a ou-,~.m ct-'dJ-1 '"1: .ttnd e•rar~ at t 70@ Plu'k a-. 1 nu~. Balboa l.t!land. at a b« ol $20C"IO, wh)l.-Or.' Ho..-ard Ballft'. ,,Jn-t<dy an laland ~t. ia add- hill Jllrlil'f' at a rn.t or 11800. Tnt-9talfd' home aa IIOt.a1ed At. '12~ ~Jlh•rr. FOB SALE CUFF'S 7*C'D• .. o• 110 McFadden Pl. •. Hau: IS A GOOD LIVING AT A REASO!IfABLE 8~'PRICI:! ..... art's T aclde Shop 1 A\fTOMOBILE • nBB ACCIDENT . .-~ Lk•-.... v.triet •ao.-Wdtt.. 4 <IIi.~· ·\ CAPTURE Sf4t.M BALBOA ! nuildin~ Pe~itS ~ 11j_·-...---I -4' '-----'------.:: :-:.,,. te. c.-n.rudr ~ t.o. .\u~;..t .. a. bUild .,,...r<,.•m rranw and "Ill<'~'" ~tddllum at 131M Be~'~ •tr.: .. t. rwr HW III"r , 12Q!J. I ~,,. 21. E. E . c.-~. 101 31Jrt t · :<lrt• .. t. add <'htmi'M'y, prr OWJWr, ' ur.. I . ~U\', 21. )o(. H. Artlw'llk. ~ H-·111 h. 211 by 20-f•oot c-nce at· ---•--·---·-·---------+ t.:!l .. :1 t.fodt'na a\'ftUJr. prr OWJWr,l ~~~L ,-------------------------------------------------. :-.; .. ,. 24. H•nNib J . w~. s:"''" "'""· fran~ ttanace •t 216, 'J:.Ird 11\rt't:L per F. F . ~I hr:lnd, 1200. 1 Sm· 24. H. M . 0~ a-AJt- '-=""'"· unt.",l\rlry ~-rvom ... efliaC. ftAm .. and 11UC('O. and 11 b)' l.a- f•~•t gara .... 3801 Jtla!"nna aYftllll',' ~l''-' port, .prr PactfiC S~ Hcomrll. f20100. !1/v\' . .:!4. Dr. tto.-a.rd llalu<r, 3!0 Kapph•~ ... 1"tu11d •·rown ap&rtJneft! 11\ ... , J:an<,.:•·. prr Rail* B. Dan· m•tt . .St~. ~ .. ,. 24. A B. ~ RJy-~r­ !11<11.'. bUild ••n .. -story lllureo fttlt. ~nr .. H nd J;antJtf' at 100, Lartu1puJ-1 CnrtiOH df'l )br: S2300. ~o,·. 2:0.. o. c . s.-. a-An· gf'lr'l!, ,n,..·l1ury 3·1"00m chrf'ftull Rnd I~ by t8-foot ~~:•race. •• 1708 Park (\' .. r)Uf, q.Jboa ·bl&ad. pu • nwnu. l200Cl No''· 25. Mn. E\·a El.l», 1tlt Court a\'t'nl.W. aJ ..... r:-.ud ,... ratrl. I"'' Hf'n " ~ ..... !IIOI'. :z: •. C&ty ol Xeowport Beedl. build 1ol11rajtr "arqt> and ~~. pPr C R. Enrlceon. fth50 . ,;u;c T11U' rt:a.....,. ~o · 19, 'C.: L A U .. a-.n. 813 £. nay ,., ... niW. Jl"r ..... :roe"T. ~.,,. 21. Chnt \' H.onham. 1~ (k·t·an Uh•d 4:'t oHJlWC... pn-Std Bla<:•kburd. PLI'MBIXG PD.~ x-. tl' eeo. L. A~-.. :.t~ J.-urw: JWr H. H. Holbrooa . -e-:-G.JAM.:IN...,. * A,__._ Jl"r Holbrook. Mrlo 0 . E.'lmMI, tot tJrand Ca· nol, ,.-r H ulbruok. 1 Rudenck Burnham. :w• Vr.a Lido " CONRAD SHOOK CONTRACT OR AND BUILDER COM PL[ Tt: BUI LDIN G S CRVtCC 2 t 2 ..... .., ••• A .,t P 0 B 'l• 2 0> C. R. Erickson __ .. _______ _,. . Go n tractor and :·B u i 1 d ·e r '. . 305 Palm Ave. Telephone 132 BALBOA · . r• Deal in . Newport Harllr IAUIAIAYSHORES LEASEHOLD ESTATES A """'' dea l rn prn(lf'rty ~~·elupment Ur.at U. bettet than proprrly In fee. -----¥~~ .... *""'-ee.-lt· EA ... W. STAHLEY, ~le Atent ., ..... C~t lll«a."-.y 'Phone S ewport 110 \ ) ~------------------------~. ~~~~.P<'r:_ ~nl~::hnoc. 113 Sap· 1 phtrt•. ,.-r JJnlhrnn'k. :----------~----------------~ l1111llf"l AtkmM•n. 31% I"Uilft1on :t\'1'11111', Jlt'r llolbruol... llubhstrd C Ht)wf', Mf A\·ocado. 1wr Sstm Krruofa ttwr. Alfrl'd Mrt c:h.-m. Z%1 San Rrmo. l"'r San KIMfA~r. A. ~. ~f'J~. J l% A.aade. P"t S:onr Klm•fat~r. Mr Mr~kf'ljohn. 3r. E. S.y Frt·nl . J>Pr J H . Ell<W!. , 1~. F.. F. Low-man. 31 ~ Bay. J)l'r F~tua. 11:\rry W riiUlmeon. f%1 Harcll~ -lr<'l'l. ~r E.•two . _tt,.ml<?_ C"aM, 9(H ~ IDY'cl. ('4'r Jo:.tWI . · ~R. ~tuudd ollr:JJ General Contractot ~ 307 Marigold CORONA Telephone ?22 DEL MAR lhn• ~r'k~ltton. 70. pe'r l::slWJ. ~~~~~~ --~~~~~--~~~~~ ypu live in the ItS. AJ How 1\luch of It~(), .... ", ...... ,._...____ anty of future security. many wil'\1.' PL'tlp], • f.re now · Real l!;sta t..•--the o n I · \ ........ , Of fme vacant an mpro\·- ed proper_ties at Corona del Mar. f -see- / ,., eout ~ nigi.\,·&y PlaOae H22 lSSURANCE ,It ,, •'"·" fotr 111 lt•:ol'l (o•ur ,,.,., "' l h• c orlljo!f' f'n lrnn•·•· Aro..~ununi ·' nunu.ll j;arn,.:<" OJX'nll~ ol S rHt. ·t 1:< 1"....,.'"1" '" ""'"-41 inl•• lhf' 1:'\t o,:o• lr••lll .• r•nflotlj'n llfitlltn!'t 'I '-'•III I 'IH III•I-'\IIh l tll' j;"A_ra~·•nr I '1 ntl :4 1•'•'1 '"'·'Y H••Wt'\l'r. :!6 It' ~~ (', • I t• HV••Il11T)"nd~: 2f\ f,..~t l!< 1 l'"""1l•t.• \l tth tw(l trya I '""•' :!ll*'f' N..-. \t•hh J, ... \lllh••t, I t'\t !'tt•lt' '·'Oif'o•1 ~utol . •ther ht'n·y dt>lt,·rry •.lfely nt'i[Oltlllf' tht'fll ' , "'~· On poorly drntn· ; • et.cht lnrht'l o r h8nd !t'rl or """lfr·lamp«l the conc-rl't~ ~. df' !i"lfht\'t. t .T)l,,, -•~pa mtty bot pt'l'<'llflt If' :!4·11\ · ·· , pi~ but difftrully {,.· ,;tf, t'OUntl'rf'd 10 ~~tllnJt t h• 111 1 . d" properly . R oo k m~ nut a rid hf'f>ulllfit tnw"r,J In • -,'1. f1"1ldlllf!l t1h1>1tld hr tho• 11lno.'l '"II ~urre a apacf' ·1:: t'l\l't'fl.oll • 1nclled and allowance Cf'f!t tunr~r t1\an t~ wh~lbaee of mad .. 11 : :1e •UJnate. .. ' I • C tL)' ol ~e~&·port. Bead~. ll t~hwa~·. pt'r ll!:atWI. !' M Tndd. ~ · Go\denrvd. prr I L H C"TIImPr. ~lno. W. A. J nhnatnrw, 71" • Jt•o·.an Fro•nt. 'prr Cra~r. I llo•rbl'rt L. smith. 336 POppy I '"· .. nut•. pt'r Cramf'r. I· \\'.oltt'r H . St-&bfortt'HO Vu Ude l :\"ton!. J't'r en mf'r. a\'f'nue•. pt'r Frank ('laudJM. ~· K' •·n\1<'. J't'r Shaf~r (" H. Rft.d. 29fl4 IAfe~k>. Shaff'r. s-.fll A COMPLETE LlNE OF FLOOR COVERINGS . F.OR YOUR REQUIREMENTS M r M ulholland. t2S Coral a"·· ONLY ONE KEY? J't'r F: J Allt'n. No ilHa lO ~-cnntlnually inron\'~niincec! &y tJ1i -.. Gl'n \~ .K)·en. 12G 62Dd k., Llt~N'e ot onl~· ,,.,. kf')' ~o~o·hrn you have nft<d for two J't'r Allt'n. . or lhl'l'e. It only lake. a Jltry to mak a dupUc:ate, and Frank Hf'ndnC'Iu. 102 A~. 1 •• do \l ntht ~T. \llt'hile you wLit. • l"'r Allt'n -I HA&OLD I. oiOHSSOS. Look!Vnltb Carl J. O.t.enerry .• do. Jt.tyn ,.,. LalaJftte at., Bet:. u ... It ·..._ • au .. ptr .A.UaiL 1---~-----------------------· .. rl · '· / -· . \ " . I ' lo .. .. .( -.-.. -.-- I • ' Tbu.reday,.N·o\'embcr ZT, 1941 N&WPClRI'-BA LBOA PRESS ) . - ·~~~I~ M[~~ ~IW~ ~~l[~ wore I'Uf.U. MC"D ·~, M.n. lld1UI H. )b,ndery, l~U Qnnce a\'fl\1». hu"""' awiU'dNI a ttnal det'rw ot ctl\'Qrt'e tTom An· c-' H . Mandl'ry, N.;.'JIOI1 S..tll poet.oltltoe empl.oye. nw ~ ..... J11Ulted Nov. 1• tn . Juclle 0 . K. 8cov.l'l ~ft. M~M~ -~ Nl'RBA.ROD I It ain't UN' Jra~ •" hi>~ hiior • That ..... .• 1!1 ""'· Nor t.bal t.,...a" ·•I ·la.t't' In bla •Y'8· I ',. bM>Il t u\d th .. •nn~· at &n Bt'\' ~~UttNMON ... .,~EMT\ tt ...... lltl~ tw a ru.l Mt a 11J' Muo )o't'1111k ttHII •·: IOII.,Ihot 1••1 lh•l lo•tll( "Ill ,.( lht' Hl\l'l"'ll<io• hall' l'llh htii'0'\1 ll.o ~.1.,:• l.llll'h. "•·1•· • o..Ldtr!4tllli0 111 A iw" .t .. hnto~•n "'"""'1\('t' l'tt•t•••rt I' •~~"" Hll•t ''\Jtt ,,, "•·~tuurnut fut 1\l :!~••• !"t'"l••rt ~"''""''itt\1 """ ,., ,IIUih'l \\'•l l,tld ••td••t'••t ....,t,•ftk t•lh1 ,.,.~, 1 ''' tukt• ... ,_,.,..,.H,..h~l, lh''f M••n tho• "·"llo'~ll I11111<'\J t'l\I"''Lu1tiV t • o111~· • hu" '''tup .. ,n .. tu ~h •• Mhl h .. ~·•Ukl t '4t~~t .h.,hn•u•. " ..... h~t .. ·, ... ~,." H t .. ''"'''" r\ll"'rt ~ s; .. "k" and ttw ·'' t~· tltt> uLK•\r " 111.-.J -.·nntrac-· ... ,~ h · '~'·u f,q *' ~tuu••nl u( tM • •Ill , ... 1 , • 1 11 11 :0.: •\•q•uro II rude· '"~ t II 1• +II\ It,,. tH~t \'tltttp£rted II'• l~ otl l~l•'li \.\ lh ~pntk,. "• ltJ I •thl• 1\f ' l'fh• I 1111\fMl'l.Jt "''th :'I···;,,., l·•i J\'11\. ,lli·~l .... IU\41 rlH'rtrr '>l •rl -,.-.1h 1~•n"T1l• I ~n· •tt'L,It·•ll · ••tHtt•llll )otl I"••O•INC· locai and Personal Cost~ Mesa Briefs OLD "'U'I' 1'JL'.DIXO P08'I' ~ Olh·•~ bu nt.blla!wd a muaeum In t.be form of • Tnlctln,c ~ ,. UN' J'1oonU.r W~t In one ot tbe old .ac;.,. lbuU!lmp In Seft Juan Capl.ftrano. nNr U. But w1loltft tJw fiT'"i m.k-,a C"OD• trat't Tlw body t•tt 1 '·" t •••• •'' ''''' .;''"'' "*'r.,. flltW,o...t l11koo lito "''"'" ·:t•rmlt•lll ,.j th,~ 7o~t(\lllllllll 1 I• 1 M. ·'·'•"'.. ..,rw' • ,,.,.,, "'""Y 'yr11no. l•lau.~ " l•rtrl 1 t:•ll ";\\\ lt!"l4""" · lho• ~'"lin.: r:!!!!.!h Nl ~tt llll4 l:l"rl011ra •tul Wltll bo•t Wool o,..._ from S5.9.\ up at Poll)' Apparri. {'uoo'-. )l...a.-Ad\', M;. and Mr.<. Wilham FraZier. 363 AlvKrndu strt>et, ,.,,. tht-par· enb of a dltughtt•r, txlrn Frtday at an Orang .. hQ!Ipllal. Mr. und Mrs.. Adtllph KniiZIIl'l'k, 386 Bay litr .... t. 11r11 ttw J>llrt•nts nf a dliughto·r, U\11 n Xu\·. 20 at 81. J oseph hosp1tn.l. . • Mr. and Mr:<. M. L .fo'r~t·n•l rwd fanuly ,,f Santa An,, liJit'nl SunO&y wllh Mr: and Mr:<. ~ Cuultnt-.y, 1937 Fullt·rtnn 1\\ t:nU<' M11111 Do.ra Haldwtn of Loa A goefto• WIUI It \\'o•t>ko•tu: jt1Jt'8t l&t the ht!mt-!If h•·r un~'J•'-''"d aunt. Mr. ~&nd Mr>'. Ruy Putdy. 548 V1ctorln str~. _ Mr. and Mr1. Otto M O.tdd. 2332 Eldt•n avenuo•. h;u.J as Thnllk>~t:IV· m& dlnnn J(1Jt•l:lts tho• lalh•r's par· enl.l, Mr. ttnd MM!. N . P Ht•nnanr; of San Ft'numdo. Victona 11treei. l~J<•k Th~tnksj(IVmg d.~Aner wllh...J:Icl ~ ....W c.l.i&US:bt.cr- -~-law. Mr, and Mr11. llutuld Lie- nll\1 (of Palm Sprlll).::<. ~It!-:< Sh1rh•y AttrodJ:•• al\41 M.<l'l' H.·tt~ ~nut!\.' t, .. th .. r ~o.r1 Uit'l(n, •po:nt llt••nt1ay ;\rtl1 "Ttlt':«l .. y Yotth t ho• rnrm••J'.s tntt·nL~· !\tr. anol Mn. ('-G. A.tirul.:,•. 1~:! 1-:. 16th i<tr ..... t. &. Mr. a t;ol !\1~.-:. ~~l .. ytl r.ot.,.. .. n nnd • ~tltln·11. 177 AIIK'rl J•l.ou·, Wl'rf' Th:..nk,..: \'tnl( d on11l't .:u•·SIJI ,q I~<' h"rn~' o(. Mrs <hhs.•11',; Jlll~<'htll. Mr. a nd lJrs. \\'. \\'. l:u.ownlec ul C;ll'dt>n Gtu\'t' Jtlr. and ~t nt. u .,n Pra tt. 2 1!1 22ml l!lr'\'1'1. ha(l as Thank ql.:t\'lnl( dtnner I'U\'til:< Mr ,-;"no! Mrs C. C. Attndj(t' o( Cusla :\lo llll l&rld Mr. and Mrs. Gtl<•q::•· \\',d lo·r• nnd duldren ot Xurualk. Holtd:oy dtnn<'r_ j::ll•·~t" tt l th<' Jt"•~ .J1•hu~1 ·•n h•iuh•. 2226 ~''"'· pt~rl bo•uiJ·•··•r·1 ", . ..,. MrH. John &ton'll IIA•II·ttr·la\1 ano1 •I,•Hj:ht.·r, Mr and Mrs. Fn-.J ~mllll anl1 lll1fl.' OeiJrJ!I', of fWMt'mo•t~d. Membt>nt uf lh•· Mo·I'I·OII(··An· otlwr dltb. tugrt ht'r '",th tht>1r hullbande 1111d 1'111hlr•·n, wtll par· takc of a o·hoh ho a n ilonnr·r to bt• hrld tnmJ!hl nt !hf' ~rtr,.n ~mtth ho!m r . 265 Flw~···r 1111 ,.,.t Mr. awl Mr" H .\ Troontpdt•r J!'\23 Oran~·· ;n ·•·:oll•·. I. •<I a!' h.,Jt. d~ty dmn .. r !:'"'""" 11).. '"rnl\·r·~ moth.-r. Ml'!'l 1::. A Tt""'l"'l•·r, ami Mr. and Mr!~ \\' .I ~··1'111<·, "''"· Bill. »n•l dtll*hh·t , Mary Lnu. all nf Cc»<la Me.,, ·mmb;!l'l! .,r t'ht: B•in•h·ni l'uf\daY achool da11.~ IJ( El M•11lt'11u lo rlt'ndll t'hurch wert! Pnt.ertallled r~'l.'t'ntl)' at an all-day mt'i.'ting ht'ld tn tho• eo..-M('S8 hom-., of Mrll. t...'ha.r· lot~ Lingo, 2881 Birch ,trHt. Cov- ered d'-h lunc•hMn WA!< ><en ·t'd at noon. HollCI&\' dtnn,•r !o!Ut•SU Jt . th ' hum(' or -Mr a n•l :\tr"' •: L ~·n· nf'tt. 21!l:l X··wr• .. rt h"111t·•·soroJ. w••re Mr. ahtl Mr·1< F:r ""~l ~n11tlt ~tnd daiiRhlt.>r. Etll't'll, ""d Hurry GrAnt •. au ()( C (I.Slll "!\h•sa. nnd Mr. and Mrs. K. c. Wrtj;hl. Clttlll)t(A Park. N,...;,. C'IIJ<In ~f ,.,.i tt•llult·nt.)l a n• Mr. and Mno. (' R. Orydc•n . wh .. hA\'e· just ~rrlwd from Twin ••a&. Sojoumlnc at Rlvenldot Sunday were Mr. and Mra. A. W . ~ 2230 Newport ........... Mr. and Mn. Howard 111\ll'l*)', formerly of S68 Bay .c:re.t, are now located at Jt-18 Oranc'e a ... nue. Mr. and Mn. 'nM>mu Stonaker, 1~ 20th •treet, were ~vlna dlnnf'r ~eata t.t tbe-Al KObert.80n home In ~nvtew. Mr. and Mn. ll'. ·~:.: Ru.ell ot 1917 Manzanita, "'"nt» bave re- turned 'from t"·o wwu' vacaUon ot Boulder Ctly. Nev. old MlaiJton. Many ~lk'a of plo- ,_, da)'8 In t.,. WHt are to be -n ln t.be mu.wum ttnd adiD'tlon- al artJd• u. belntc ~ull~tf'd. In front ot Ow adobe Mr. unvrr tw. IMt&lt.d a row 1\f httl·hl!l« p111U<. where t'O"'bo)'8 uf t~ !)an J~n 1\11,. ftnd lt t·on\'f'Jut-nt tu hlkh their .. ~e ponlee. P111Z1! POTATO 'YIELD \'ou're O\'t'r t h, I I br\ottwr. On~ UN' lull 'M.,mlwr a fr " 1 • • r·. '~" k wh!'t. \O't' htrard Ulat -u•lo Aft4[o•lf'~ f•IJo,l· M4 ..... ~1 lt1t· "kl Fhn" S.ll lbu...... ;oh\.1 \ n• It"'"' tn put In a lbellt'rl • , \\'• "'"-JU~, •ht••k ""r hf'ti.S.• and J"'ll~ 1\, •J fl•·•·ti\r muk .. a JO ul.tt.' \yt' I' ·,I I "lit that "'"' C'OOIU M~-.ct · • • >oloon•• "''"' al,...a.cty wlllna 1•1· ''' '"'l J'L'Ifry ~tnd at ~ • I ot· 1 .• 7, n o1ty hook· '''l~"'lul.•l•••t I I"'''''' .:r.•.,l lilt I ,lttuj;hl•·t ttl "''1'"' 1 .. •111 ou.: Ill• , , • , • aflo•t o'tl \'. till llht \I f I 1•·1111 11 tlUt•" I' J ~ I ~ In hr~ rhlldh-.,14.1 "'""' "' 141 l'lllol f:,,~, "•'Ill "' ,. 1\111o .. h l\\o•· th .. no '" "uum" tho· ,· .. rr ,,( "'' P.'""' '-lh ••r J'h•• •·.,. .l,•hn S\'nlp · "4t , ..... , ••ht -;;;·,,;ht•r . 114•11 t•f ~'"''1'"11 IJIIInu,t hH-t ''"•• .. r lht• hit It• lllllo·~ II loll h \\ ~~-lllllllt-.1 on 1101:17 A hoolll t ho• ,.,1, •.. r 11 •phi "1S1'4 llltiH IIONCiai'C J\i•a 1h••"•' '"•• l"''"" "'h·~·r• \\t•r•• lh•· ""·ott."' , "II'~ ''"'I 1111nlf'll hv llw t-:u~o:l1"h ""''''"'"' nl ""'' 1..-. •'UII .. t1 ••I t he~n· lhlf•l.lt"llt•dl1,. \\'t't\t ~·ut "r 'If• uiJ,,t •••n 111 Qu••;:,; \•1• 1•\f'" 111 " rt~J~f\ • lrh hlt•utotltv Ut•• "' 'l'lt(e,f ltJ il h•h ftlt•ltUIIf"~ttlhlrl ttf M 1 "" Mlllll•••·" M• 1 'It lit.• 1, . and ian. Satn Cordel.ro tw.ve mo\'t'd to the C. A. ~ n111dence •' 2M Bay 1t.rML 'nwJ formerly re.tded at 3M Bay. .Mn. c_ G. Huaton ana "Xot.ber .. t:lla )(, tl.uaton are leavlna UW1 Wt't·k for ·wveral day'1 ~t wlUI lh<" n,rmer'l aiater, Mra. Hairiet Wright of lllfle«OOCI. Dc.ublleu ow oourtr~'• rrtz..o ,.,... ~tntAtu • ! ! "" d. II• ··~~ ""'Ml pot. to )'lfld """• pnl<lu~ Kllltft on f'W'f} ·: •· • I 111 '"" n uu. wmmf'r · 1n tlw •msll hofttf' ·\\'ben T~y \\ •J< 1111.S Mno ~a...Wn of. R. A. Olboney: m 20th Tony arrh•t'd ,. • ' ""' fh .. y "'•'h' ft~. eo.ca M-. p~tty awtoll f, 'I.• 111 •I ,...,. hlu~l From a alllflf' Y1nf' wtuch• c.antt' Uwm • lot . \\'4-(,.,, ·' II : :~luff thl'\' "Ill<• 1"'1111\ 111 "t ill' "''Y. ohiiiJ(hlo•t ,,r 11 ... 1111ol Mt'JO H11~ M, l'ltlil•ll k t•l (',_,, Mt•lfn, '"'" \0 •·••IIIII' '" o·vnlo·•l tu~th """""' ul llw ,.,,,,,,,,.,,,. ,,, .. , .. uthc·tu c\'"''"'"·' "lh•n · "h~ ,,. a ,...hh•r fu u , ••n1••)111 lur "'11<1111'1 ',..,tUil\0' •l•·•o.:lllltlo! "1~''""'11•'<1 h)' I ;,.1111.1111 All'"" ,., .. IUt11tUIH I \\••IU,.tt'lt "tht f t\P'thJ: ... ,. l 'ltllrlto· '1',•\\'lloklo• lm~ .. •hJ nl "111 ~'. Mllll' M<'\'hlll•• k 11'"k (llt'l 1 · 1!''1''"'''' r"r ,., r'llllll.: ~o:••wn 11N'IIo!ll "'"' halt \\at.• Jotlttlf• U l ht 1r,. IU'\\ "" f\ "'tt'H•II•l 'f•tr •J~'It .. ''HII(UIIu+1'4 ,,h, •·rl' 1.tk•: •• ,,., ~t .. r,\tny IH••rtHht: uuadw.&.. ""'U ...._ .. , ~ t•t:.~ t'"lll ,.tilt' ("'oo:ll:t ~f, "·' l••ttt).: k it• I\\ II (Mr• "1111 ' up voluntHr and "''IU watf'rt'd bul bakf'd for. WI. I·• llut w•· :<l 1ll 1 T F II , I hi II llloolllllh'lll llltlltltllio 1111111.,: \\11 t' aM ~ fit IU'I\1 ~ t"•1y "t• l '''"'f\ltrt\• llhl llrnlh '"' jo!lj,jl too ~""'11"' ltwtc", MoM Mo•t"hnli"'k I~ 11 II''""'"''' •'1"11~'1 " 1111•1 ~•II ""''' ''111 all .. r St'"l"''' ltt~rho•r t 'lllootJ 11..-tJ unce dunn,c OW auntmf'r, Gtborwy •~ .ol•lt· '" mak•· Mn. Georae Va~hll and ber 11.u Ju.t ha.r;vHtf'd 41 JlC'IUndll or " IWH( potaloft. 0W t"'u .. 'ltf'•t J""1 "" """'h' "' "'"'l'ltll•l l-lto nlll A " .Ju111"' ~tumt'd to their hocpe at ~24 Ontn~ aW'ftue ~llowtnc -•- t t!nded VISit · at· Hutlne", Ndlr. · Mu. lCatlle L. Wberry, ~~ vine v.·u not hlllftd nor •·art'd '"' tn any •·ay· and v.·all "''lilt .. r..cs but ooce ~nn~ tiM' •ummt'r. tiM' U\OJI· er '"'port.. ..\naheml a\'enue, 1a reponed u IIE'I't"&N8 .TO PllA('TJ('IE "·rhlwaly 111 foiiOW111f • ltroke Alter an enlo~ a'-nct' of Ill t~uff .. rt'd t~everal daya aco. Her monUw. dunna "''h1rh hmco he h: .... m<~ny rnend.l are hoptnc for be.r corriplet..ly reeralned htA hulth, Dr. 1 •·<·u\'l'r)'. w. 1. Covault haJJ l"t'ttUmf'd pnu'hc,. Mr. and Mn~ Wtlll&m Carver are and I• apin located In hll' fetrmrr 1110\'IRg thiS we-ek to their new office at 1807 Ntowpol1 boulrvard h•mlt' un Placentia nenue. The Mn. Cleo Tlmmf'rmBn hall twrn l'an·t-r restd4!nce property at 117 ellf~ed u office nutllt'. r1tower atreet bu been rented lb)l A.. I an added COn\'l'nlf'nCt' to ch· J C. Gordon. enb; Or. CU\·ault hat. J.j;( c•1m · The mwuc .ecUon of Friday pk'Ud IMt&l,.hon of a cemrut • ~:rt.·rnucm dub will meet tomorrow •lde•·alk alunc h la f'ntln-propeny ·•t the home of Mn. D E. Hatdl, front&«e. Ulua pruvldlf1C :10\l Bruadway. Mn. Luelle Clark , .. ,._..,.a•• from t~ AI pia Be-ta ror. wtll lead ttw croup hl a atlady of ner to tile aouth unit of Uw rww O ultles Wak•tteld Cadman'a com-GrMn bulldlnc. J"ll<lt1UD8. __ -------- \'IJ'fCII ROt"tto, an employe of Ule tto•w Wt-st Colut Cadet center, and ~frll. R<M'tto, have 1eaaed t.be t:lauc:k-V. Gray hom& property at 111:1 Albet:l ~· Mr. and 'Kra. 1 ; ra v have moved to UWIJ' other ',.,.ld.·nt.~ at 2%7t ~· aveaw. Mr. and Mn. ~rd t~taMcY. 2:tl 20th atnet. apent ~­ '"~ w1th the1r dauclltwr, ....._ t..- Smtlh and -t&mlly, ot ._ Anc-- •··s l'pun OWtr l"t'tum ....,_ U.y wo·rt· at·oompaniecl by ....,. -a& dau,.;ru.cr. FaiUI, who . .na ......aa l••r a •ht!rt v~o~~lt. • Thankqwln,c dlnnef .,.... at hqm~ of M ... Alkle .........,, ~36 Santa Ana aftllue, ..,... Dr . ttnd Mn. c~ G. Huatoa. Kr. Ullll 8UVCZ88FVL IOINT ,_IEETISG MOf'lt Ulan 100· ptonc>M attende-d a jotnt mMUfll of o-·a •-and C t1ut1or DUitrtct !It&t. Guard, and eo.atllM Poclt and Auxiliary, V~t­ nana ol Fort"i«n Wan, the affair t&IWW placle at Coeta IIHa Amu- M'an 1.4~ hall lut Fn.S.y nlcht • FoUowanc poUuc-k dlnnft-, •• lnCJIUon ptcturea ctP&Itnc "'·1t.h na,.,. lit• Wf'ft PftWnlf'd .,Y 'Frank DaftftP(Irt. chk>f ptot~ y ufftcer ln ttw U. 8 . !llavy. aod at pe-nt _....._, olftc« wtlll t.be San 0..0 recnaltlllf ,at&Uon. M'ia. De\'· enpart .,... tntl'qducH lbJ ,... A . c..-~ ~rtauunent chair· ...... t : • ~~· na .14 ftthltJ.t{•·• Mle·u t .. , A t IUwo Ta'U. /ht a.k'IA·h ·; t'l""' lllldllt. .:~,J~ .Jib&, r"u'l\o•ol Ull't llooloi Th#)' .. ,. tlw ftn• ( "' tl\to JlUtl h;,~·t• 1" 1\o• ho ' '111"'' lltoo\\ II 11\\lllfl r11r hlfCho•l<l ~llltll II I' 11m~: IS tn thr """'' If thl•t·,. luno '''""'"'"' .,,. ••.o11t '" II• I ,., '"''"'"l"l' tnw. Quality bat.•" •lUff 11111,., "'''"•·lhtll.: ;l .. lto· 1 · ~tack up pretty ..:• ..... t I•, rw ... · '"" F .. r ""'' ,. t h 111 ::11 • ''·'~". "hf'n on~o: thcow four Y• .u~ '·' ,.. ~.11•111 , • .,.r llu·r·· "~~~ n )"It t .. '"' "''h•• ,t:,\1. Ut:.\t II 1',\K" t•IC(..,t:c '1 ho·r. 11137, Tony .oo .f .MndPr .. 111 llh'r• of,..,,. •l•·oo•rultiiJ.: l 'nr1~thllult Slo:At. lllo:t~•tt llo•hh'l""' I• ha\'t• bflkf"d And ..,.,1•t '7:! tMt() luu\•JII fft,.••' ••r~lt UIIu't.: a p.anult•, Jtt•O· dt•t•tf :t~H~U ft•t•1 'n( '""Itt h rn•lt1n~•• t• ••hatr bftad. ·,;'""' It••'··~ .. r fl.•t1111~ th,, h .. UI"d ••f Mlf1wrv1!1'•irll ••• tlw ,.,,.., .,, .~,..h,,llft•· t .. r It $:.!11 Wholf'· .. ·twllt .,... ... , .,; tiiWI loo.'l\'t'll .. IIJofoo otllllf' JW•III•: ""r111\ t'ttiiMI', lt'rt •IIIII llll•t< ull"ll l1~· tho· ~ltllt• l 'htl <UUI<)J1f'd ~ada .,. ' tw·ottt. """'" ~I\\11\"N '""'" "~, ... C'hurlh·. lu• ll ll" 1\""''f '" 111'1'1)' "" llw $11t'4 ;olot ..to· • 4l\:1.84CI t t ll ::" ""'''"' tftnll•·r tl · "'~"'"'"" ""~· l'"'""'lt• n 111111 ,.,, .. n oltA.%8.800 pie• I 1'•7.800 '1:!4.· ~ •. l'lutrlh· ttll•·r \'dlt'\1• hill) "'"''""' '''''t:rHIII, •tl)' '"llllollllwll o,jtt) GlUnt --·llool "••kto·>o. :! "\Hill ''"'1111~ lrtt• '""' ,,.,., ... I ''I' " Ill n 'll "'"' ...... 1'!.!!_ ~····· lo't\j4rol 4!4.0UU t ::!08.0()u •lu7•·n 1 c:uff •. ,. f•tt . • •••u•l ''" t\Jtt k h••tut• \\·r ''' •••uu~e .. ,,, hun artj " f'HlUlft•t aa...e.. .1 1.200 r.u,.···t •luu . .chnu1-.. "'"'' \••u '" h•\11• h" "'oh•• u tur '''"''1"'"11utu, t.-••ff,.r tht• 11tnt•• ,, .. ~ o·a kf' dooo~o.l rotH.•, 2~ :!till "'"''' l'~"ltlo•no~ lhll l JOitlt tf'niiiiO olllloollllf ,J lototlat:o• l'l"l"•tlh k ..... 8fU.2'00 1 '7 rio~l do!un, , ur llll,..•h "l '" I ho• ""'"'"'1"11 o·ak ... ; %81'0 f'('l.ur. 1 44•1 , n •aao If • ttr~ot'\1 thr•.tlll'h llllto t•l••l"•~l puff11, 12.000 botlot ••••kif'S . \\'t:U .\TI.A~t~\·t:ti .\S lion ,..,11ld rt•tcull 111 .s.,~ lu to N)' nothillf oof '1"'\.'Jal 8lu(( f'lllhlll~ "" II ljUI"Jti'IM' lu frl ... odJo lh':_l'l•lf' ah.ml . unf'·foflh 11f ll\•· hko• C"hn•tmu ~1 .. 11• 11 hut ,.,.""' "'"' tho· ""'' Till~<!•· "' r.t •• ,. lttothKrH ll.ll•t.l '""'l•·h '"''"'"•"· .. r 7fltt I•·• I' hun4. frutt c·akf'> ~I•I •''J:••rly. u ud 1•'1111 ''"""t'"""· '""'~"'''' ttf Mr .ouf' t41tlll' 'I'Nrk lio "'"~' '"''llll~t·t ~ ulh••r udd and .,,,t.J ""'' ""'" ·l' •: 1\tm~olrunlf, 16.'\ '"'"" """"''"' 1•"'"1 vtth 110111 11111..1 It t.ak..,_ a 1•·1 .. , 111111111 11j1 1 Vtr.:uim t•lt~•·•·. ""'' llut nt.l ~lf'\'l'llll, ~·ttl H••t~•·h 111 tully lfllahr)Mt '" "P"'4' 'n •tuff fl•l ,,11 ""tJ>ttt tole.. "''n ur Mr u11•l Mr-F Mlf'\'f.'N<, r.~·••l\1,. Slitli.Wl un th•· I'"•J•·••I 11 fhuo. Juat how """ ti• \\'o•ll. "'hat 1~1 :!:!nd •tr••••t Tho• lllfl•tilll• t•oc1k rutuiiO IM•o·un"' "''sul,.lolr Mill """ 1 \O'ctUld )'f)U lh.lnlt .. , 'J:II,O(WLP'tUIIol»l ftlt\t(' 'nuuoklll(l\'1111( l•uy •I La1 oltln f•tl tu qualify '"' ""'"" ••f f1nur ; :10,10() J••tlll•!> o ( ~otr,, \'"j.!luo I lull .. jt!rM!Itf'(l lh•lfl. Thf' 1'1"1"'"1 U .800 pound11 ftf ,.1\o•t"lt•runc . 7. 1-'ulur<' )'1i11110 .,f lh•· '"'"'II ''"IIJ•If' l tlllt "'Ill h!' flUhmlttr(l ln 1-'ro~k•t ~ t•akt'11 of >"'••~I :.!toO I"'"'"'-""''' "."' t.,...n h·t•rou .. t ,, k t• .. rt. "'''l'll"llt"n "~'""'· ltt\11 •of ~tter; 12.4,8011 • lit,tOII do•ltl'llt ' -Mttlll•rw (11"".,'"· r"rk """"' ·11:~·= 4000 pound.' .. , >oht-llt'\1 IIUlll ~" ...... TO "'T.D r hAtnnan. hootur .. r .. rm;l rl"'' .... nfn 12.t80 pou.ndl. "' ratAIIIll . 41111 Nut to" u( mt•nltun tu w..U """ ltun pounda ball Inc fll•~do<r. 721l 1-A r11t'(l hy MtttiO ·~l'tt Jo fo',.lt, Nr-.•pctrt ll,....!,cllll C '"nir•11y '"ftl l••un&l of ~; loOn J•run&l bJI· 1iJ.1111hh·r "' Mr 1\llll Mrt Looc•n do• tiM' , . .,n•ltur tlun Wltril "t An" tf'r chot'otlau . . :orwl o1 t'OUI"...,. fo'•lt, 271 ).: I ith lltn·..t. r .. .,.,. hf'lrn lt~ty, It w"" dlacl.-ct al ~"I"' "lmond and ll..nwt paat... l'ltr••n M ...... ancl W llluun n lf(o.ffman, nl ml"f'lln&, with adi•Jll,hm ut " and • t'~IIU,.ahd a lot of 9tht·r I t 17 01H'I 1\\'f'nllf', 8tcltloft lllla!'d; j rPIIUhl\100 A .. ianlna lbl! W~<lt4t<!.l thine• .lhat c o Jntu '""lllfl& .,....,,. ....... and c•~<ldlt'll ..• ·'1 lol t'.•ll•flllllto•ll \\Ill pl'\•~b· h ... , ,, t '' ,, lu• t•• ••·••" l'lt.t"t "t ,,,_., 11•'11 tt•ahleuta.. J,ahn H ·, •• ,,..\,,,,,,. -'"'' l~.n F (U 'On, lo •l h "' I ''"" II• t• io, !Iotti lhoo o tty • ••li11111 • tlf uU ••I•: 11ul\ h_t N"F4U\f' , •. ., 1'""" ''' lh•·. ltv l••r olll drllhllf, tllli·~• '• .1""' '"" p .. .-tu\·., acollnn 1 t. '"' , ,.,,,,..tt nh'tllh • 1" "''"' U I"Ur · • ·I II" ''"''V" I lou I "'" h" ~tiHt \\totdd ~~I I I f/1 I ·~lit' f ltiU\ ll ""'-"' """''"'' .. , 1 .. , tl •••>~ul•nl• 011 It d l'o• 1 lo • I••' • \ ••h •ol ""' In Hooal.. 1:. II •• It\ ' ...... ,,f, •. , ....... t'UUtt· • tl ''" til""• 1' l·•ld llw 't•Utur•. "nd . "''", I h •• I '''"'' ,., .. ,,. thnh 4tflO Q~~ ••· '''" ..._,, •'. • ... ,.,, hu lt ht•f't' t 'nuu· •f•l\• ,, t·•• "" •··• 11 :.'1' c .. nnt• dtJ. I t·,• I lt•l • til\ Uh~tt-"Uit• ,...,.ttttW't tH '1'4 1 h. , d' ,,. •h ll!•utt: M_anl•J 1 ,,., ttr~t••• Iloilo 1 fouJ l'l'll•·t ~t'llll '"'' """' '"I uiool• ""'ll r '" '"" hllllkt'l•l ill· "•~Ill•· ""'"!I ht• Ku•~tan mARI'I a·E AUT I SHIP ANNOUNCES no w In oharc~• ol our BEAUTY DEPT. 2 14 ~ Marine A•e: l Jt A l 8 0 . A I IS l A N D . Phone 261 ___ ...... ___ _ • Ml'll. fo'. E. R~U. NlaiJ 1moc-lO:W 11DA aEf!IIDE~ \\'118on. Mlu Franeea OardDrr, all ac-t to bt' new eo.b Mf'tlll rHI· of Coeta M-and lin. Harriet cknb •~ Mr. and lin. Max P.n· I'll tell Ulr "oorld tht·y·, . ., m•de a It" of 1t! WE AA'k CELEBRATINB.OUA Wn11ht . .Jnelt'wood. teco1rt wbo •·f're manMd Thank.a-You'w• pr"h~ohly hrard .,, rouncJ M•kt-Scitlueur rKelvect mlnor ctvthc everullf at Capll,. de San room tf'ltf'n< • • tnJUFIM Monday e\·enJnc 1ft -Antonio, the'llev. ~ Burn1 (.lftim~ In ··~~ ra,.llln, .. the 1111tnmobtle ·mluion at the tntcr-Mc.A.utey roredlnc· the marria«e ,-.notul nwmtwr .. marry and mm·r ,.....lion of Hunttncton Qeacb bou.l-\'OWl . -t,, dL<ttans, p:ort,.. It ~.,m .... h~ ••\·:or•l and Talbert roacl. Can ln· 11\t' bride l8 a da~.~«hter of Mr. m uch.,( a c·h"'' tu writ" Individual •·oln·d tn the accident ware oper-and Mn. Arth' Md)oural of Mod-lettera to• , .... h n,..,..fc•rr. 11n,. At••d bV Clarence R. Powera, Runt· jeaka. t.be briclesroom·• parent.. wnlt>l'l 111 1 .. 11•·1 and wridrl 1t '" · &ach, and Dorotlr)' M brine lC1". and Mn. Cl)'dt' P.,tf'· ""'•tho-r. "'h<• '" turn udda " f\O~o· fo;n.,rtrl. Analbeitn. COIIt ot Orance. Tbe new Mrs. ,., ,... .,( fllmth• "''':""'P and ft•rwllntlo l Fo.arl-Aaa-v•rsary IA~AY, KOV-ER 29 We wtll ••rv• cake •ncl coffee from 10 a at till ~ p m . and ~vet-y"une 1• tnvtterl lo help " u• c~lt>br~tte 'th11 11 o ne lime. of the yeer wbeo we 1111• to lalte "time off" to .. y '!HANK YOU to o ur h oat'ol frtertdl '"the Harbor Area lot the wo nriarlul JJAirunAQ• w.·,. •nloyed AN~IVEASARY SPECIALS ~ ll!4lrh:-~'" 1111« r~ "t 123'·• E . ll'lth l<tt•·•·l •tho•ro• lhi':V plan ·t,. n>mn•n fut· the. balnncoe of tht' wlnt<'r. ~fr.< l•ry•l•" ,,. n All<· C lart•nce Amwtronc. who baa Pentec:o.t r~erved u ,q~n of the IHtlh lo•tl'"r" ,,,. to a thll'ct mrmtH·r Jllst rumpleted a c:oune In metal· Orancf' Harvet~t fntlval .,_.t apnn~t • "h ·~'"''''""In~ t hua until 1 ht-full smllhulg. al a DUal ll'at6l aftd wu one of ltw q~n·,. atlrnd· , .r. t.· '" , .. ,.,1,,,,,fod. Whf'n tlw- ut Chtf ago leA• the ~ =~ho!llll""•-t~Orana __ e CoWll)' last nottttd ,..,..," , ... ,, ... bade t., thr 1\Jt•,.. and is .cheduled to arJ1Ye at -------'-"--i\\~ 7J'f1'tAr. nr~r~m.rt-1ltolttw,....~tw--..l S11n [lotogQ later pUa w~. ~re "h•·'" , . .,u.~ tlun 111 de#tn>y.-d "'"' •·-~·_. eoo-Cab . Ya n ilia Cn!am Ftlttng ~~=:::=-.c:-----o:;:..:.~~-=r:..=;ur.::=-:::=:::r..:..:..=----1t- tt>r of Dr. \\". I (.'m au II. ' Mr. and Mr,. 1 ;.: .. II!\' lt•llo!an. 1 I :t E . 18th 11tr•·•·t. t·llll'ftatrlt'il lht'll l!<>nft nnd famtllo•:< Rt u Thunkll).!ll'· lng dlnn .. r purl,\' ht•ld a t a Santa Ans t"Afo'. Pt•·~1·11t (,.r th<' ••yt•lll Wt>r<' Mr. nn•l Mn.1 R<'X Ha1;a11 sot.o chtldrt'n u "' ,\np •l••>' .oml :\fl. and Mn. PA 1 ul R:tl.!''" and """"· Sunl:• A nil. Mr. nnd !lfr.<" H R f'IIIIIIIJ~ .J'n•l l'htldrt'n ... l .. hnn\' ;"'" n .••••.• r.l, •·I 209rl' :;n nta ,\ n.o ., ,., " .•• tp.·nl t h•• wf'o'komd 1\ tl h :\1 r 1111:ol • I~'" p:o r rntA. Mr•fon•l :'ol r~ H I' ~;·~n ''' Rw"r,.rrt ... t 1>1 ='"iuL.y tlt•· l•tu ohtp·,. sttl•·rult·tl a (anuly •••11 111•111 .ol ('I•'''· ltnl'. :!7 gu··~1~ hl•tnJ:: tnf"hllkol ·If' lh!' party , • Mr. :'1 1111 ~tr :<. \\',orn·n I. C'•>t•l< tw w1ll two ANI~ecl to acUve duty ,,, ... :!lt·n··~ "tn f'Uod ... "lth ~~~~ .. branch of Uncle 8am'a ~rtaln to pruve popular u: th• :-.; .. " ""'"" fulk11 hAvr bf'fo t> fl).:hltng forcea. aoc:l&l hff' or COOita ...... 8 '•u•·l klloo\\11 '"l""'"t lf'ltf'J ~rif'a l'tltrl Mr. and Mn. Gua Nlrenbef'l MIM Fraocf'a C ·.rdnn and M•"" 1··•! ·• ,.,,,,,. 10 ttr I~• y .. an a~tn ant1 lm...,ene Wil.aon whn hll\'1' J11.•1 • 1 •·ry ~M• tlfto·n "'"' or t~ ho~a:ot I tb)oo!i Ornn~te avenue: have return-~. .. ,1. fr11m .n.x-weeb' motor trip arrlvt'd from &oilton, Ma"'~ Tto .. rut l..th·r wrlto•r• ~:•·flo hill JW tun· l hr"IIKh tile' Middle Weat..m and ladlea will make th4'1r futut•· ht•m~ .ond onh·n ·,.. .. · '" "" m .. tfi•J••htrotl :'\url h Ct>ntral alate• where they with Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Hu11t•m . ll• "~P&JM'rA, lh•·•• J•l' ~talntn~t mudo '"·'''" n•httl\'ea and v:u1oua point. who! for Uw pe11t ntrl"' yeRnr hilt\'<• JlHhlo ... oty ancl "''''"'"ty .,1 111t1•1.,..11t. Prlnr to •tart.inc borne ~lded In Mlu G"nJnpr·,. ,..,.,. tfuWP\',.r , th::.t • Hit f'ndt'•d n""' : h\.. Xtr,.nbt>rge took delivery ot a denoe pm,.,.rty at 117 E 18UI !Cl, hN """"• I'm ~''" •• 1t1 t,.n y1111 ,1 11,.\1 .<.ar at Detroit. • MiN Gardnf'r w "·daU«hler or r>•llntl rttbon rot ••l\ • • ,.nd all "'""'I · tbe Ia~ Chart.. Oanlnf'T', r·~ ,."' ..,...,..,. rol•+r-:o.ft· and Mrs. Andlew· Lupton. yeara a re~~ldent of C'ntolJI ·MC'fUI ('rnr!'ln!O J a u,, .. , ollm"n "nd lhr ·,..-: \'ll'l .. r la Rtrf'et, will enlertaln and 8 me.·~ of <Aor~~> r. .. ntn"r ••l•l r.rau .. t t111,. · · • k "ddt•rt th•·ll ., ... ,, :;unday at a belated Thanka· both of whorn own<·(! , ,,11,.1(1o-r.oltlo ••. , ... ,.,,, luu·11 ,,f • oly n"'"" lit •I J.:l\'1111<! dmner Guelll.l will ln<:lude E. 18th lllrHt prto('t'rly fo'.,r th•· ••ttl "" tlll w .• , ,, tll,d fiohtn l..t ~~ Mnd "'"'· C. V. Leavitt and p!Ul 15 yean Mu111 r.ronln•·r and t•·r "hi\ h h:o,. '" • on rrrnt .. ,u .. tl.• • '" l'anta Monica: Mr. and Mn Mw Wtlllon ha\'to t..,,.11 111 ••hat~" , ,1, ••l at 11•n '''' '·" ... •r11 ''J~·dl' Hlggtnl and aon, Gordon. of a Boeton muaeum. Ttw 1 .. 11,., •• • · · •v11a ~<lstll•·•l !\It' find Mrs. G. F . Ludlow, and h·,..k 111 Jl<loll 1 ·. \to Tnur11111, • . Fndt 8toUea-lllt.-20c each Espec1ally rich coffee cake ... fiJled with raisins, c1tron, nuts .,n·d cherrle1 EU. VEN ~'RF:E PRIZES Luclry cuelo~era will rec e1ve thn lu ll•,wm•t I'""'• " two-pound f'rTl1't c .. lt.,, IW<,J $1 0eCO J4Ifld Calrel, lwo ••ha larq .. froul S toll ..... rl ne .;.tr .. lat(Je lO·ID MuH'«• f'o,., I wo 8 -tn P~e•, two puzea of I dozen Cuvlr •~7•. ~tntl one '"'II" l.u al ul Bread .I'H()Nf 117 QUALITY ·B---=RY I ll HI fl•"'l'"'' 8••t • ("f J!HA .,USA \Its Murtha Ludlow, all of 8anl.a "'"' h•·r th•· "rll' • • • tr<·lr 1111 LJ•l - • ... -~ 2.60 20111 ~lJJ.: ·w..w.. I I'''~!Jll~ td'll}l'"l b~OIC=.., --~"It ~l!l'ff ti ... IIP.wi hI 'W.t A n.t. (2iiiJIIJP"o•IIIIHo~~~~~~~~ ~ ... "..., ........ 8lflwip JJitM _,,.,.,..,~_ ............ ..__ .\ ~ m~ml•·r ~ .. r • 1:1•';..\ ··l{lo·l)',' •I • There y,·u ,..al caUM fnr Ttulnb 1th•·•r •lultlt•t. ~ivln~t In tttt-hum .. ,. or Mr ;,ntl 1tnl•• lht~, tr• I• •:omlly ~ •· 1· " . V1118lt:t wh••r•· ""''' h•• •I '"'.man~· Vt"nr'8 h.,.fnrt• t uffl111C t u C .. u,tH ~h·:--,, Thi'Y ttl:<ot o•n)'•l'•••l :-ul..tt .flll,. I•• Thrl.'f' Rt\'f'l'>< anti So 1 "''·' !\:,oll••ll·tl Park. :'lnd upo on t h• 11 1•1111 11 11o·r•· gurl<t.II•W• : •mil)',~· 111 uro ho·l·l .11 th<" L..ong ,,._ t• h It"'"' ••f !\tr Cn~•k'll hroth•·r" \\' ,\. <'••ok ).\111 1>1111• d l aftLACII. Jeweler . liM s_.pnrt. Bh·tt..- OO!ilTJ\ )IIE:o~A ·- :\Irs Anl(:eltne Allen, 2427 Orallf~ "'''nlll!. had all holiday dtnner l!itt•sts ~rs. Franke Goode aP' /laiiJ:hiPr.<, JOMphlne nnd K&Uwr· """ uf Santa Ana. and Mn. Ella W N<t ptulll, C001ta Men. !Iunday ~:u··~ts at the Clark home were Mr. r'tark's I'OUIIInR. Charlea Rlt'bard 11nd t.wt~ ~ughlen~. of WhJtUer. Mr. ~~·ntl Mnt. GforJ't ~remer ·uHI :\f rs. Calla Vlf'lt• drove to 8an 1 ·•, ,,.,...._, ft A 1\ Mrs. Jerw HaniM'n. 16th Knd Or:tnf.!'" '"mJII•--:ot•· and Mr. and Mu Ru hllnl \\"11111 nt• "''"''" r•·•wl •, 2467 Santa Ana ttY'l'hUf', 1111 wnn:t l or ;1•'<1 .,.,,;, • wu J;'f'<:.elvecl that thetF lnng ·mu••· ~ J.:.cn I••'•'" t o" · Inc dauc~tera had ~'' """""'(' "' It t:•k•" r. '· ., Reno, Nev. &h• .,..,,,., I•· •• d • Th~ Jlrl.ltt aaAd.. :'Don't "'''MT)' I am "'"" a n I ''• ,.,,,, tho-~tr· fiM Am worktn~ "nd m"ktnl' $2.! "111/tr•·•' • .. ,... 1• ., :ly ,, • 'l"f r, ..... ,' •:-....... , .. ,, h r:., ,. ,. rut ~''' !t& • ., th. !•, tttdfl'''-IH t • w~" lt wu a~nt'd "Jerry·a.n•t 1 ~.,.. \\'tl~tt 1• ..... •1 t '" ''"' lar~r ·! AttPmpt. t11 <'hntArt tbf' l{'lrla at I h•~ .,, • 1 '"'' 1, '" ''"'"';I Kine Ctty pro~ un~l(rruful A II\· 1,...,,,, f··t•• •1, "• .r~.lt1 .,,,, reward wu ,,,,.f'f'd and P"•• .. hl·l ·tf Mr .,,,., Mr' I. ~ enla.tf'd 1n • atat~ ... -~ 2 ... , :-,: .. ...,T··•' '••' . ._relt. · · : ,.,.. llo'l o• t~• r.• .w .,..,. r- On '111anJucl\'lflll Oro ) tt.. Han ••~ 'JotJ r••·ll 11• , .• IIPf\ll.,.. Wtl\NI ~v...cl • ._.,'"' Ut•f , .. ,.J.., J•.t.z.-t .. to II u..tr ••"'-'"-e-t t-n..lnC"Bt..-1 r.,nhn-l•t"~ Tb40 poor \, • ~;r~~ ,,. -.tn Reno.~ paJn nf per.nb looft 1 • • t 1eTt..l7 to WUtc U. .._. 1 Willard Ka,..,, nt ())n C... ....._ . ~ ILftd Mn II II ._~, ~ ___ \ --..-.-,-:.. -· • JHI JANfA * .,...~ •• ,.,. -=====·c..:~-'.1 ~· n •AilWAY II A CAl,ODIA llllfltUtjpiil) ru•" •• A ·u .. t. •••r .avr.arro11 CANf-DU • " .... --. , .. ~~·~ ~--~--~~--~-------------------- .. ·-. .. OITJON )STA MESA ........ . -- NtJKBU M g 'ute . •neil by. dtbenl' land ..... day n&iht and Mll'd ontlnancle :.-or -way aJonc rrom McFact. ..,.-t. to •.'8'' • " ........ , ... .. Of tb• t .. • t.O tbe ~ ••• - ltwp~ .. &lboa •••••• .. privaa. ... •ld• tut ..,.,.. 1 ...t-.tv.ct ..,. r•pun 1a .a. ..... port , .... -.a~. wn~ ... IIWNotU..-. .....~ r• ,...._ .. --u.. ... llowdla. .... ""'· .. ..._.. ft.&. Nal. flllertud. ........ .c ........ _. ....... ~ ..... ........ ... ,.., •C ......... ~ • •PI*• ...... ··IIC'·--• .-u. ......... r-. •n·a .,.,.u,. ... m nut u4 •• WOUld ,;.... r an· concern- -:n::==-",.-,=t-----=: ........ re ~,. '"'• taeen lwl• -.o moallla In th# toll• t b • (:41Uft(' II *1 nltht or lbr adtllttoftal ••t kntiWn. •111,. .,,urc-, ...... , .. ""'" a l!ruhlem u ""' a leo "'•• the """rlnrt ron- 11 ••rtllnaOt"e ll 'ltnllllhtlt <If 1/lly r•tii•J: In an y ll '"'"'" .. It( f hi' <"lty, I' I•: Coca. • le .... .-.. • t, ••• ,. per• l1 1' '" .•• , .,; '''''It w II I • "'~t. llll•l C U{!f~. c "II•IIIJC Uf11 . "" pmptony ll•lrl• t anti rrrolltr what .akr lfl lhfl De I Jon ~! ... .. .>4 \-. ... '· r . . Bowlin • 1 lurlH:lh,\!"-l••'t.:-• t '''•I'' '•".f' t tuJI "ht!u y .. hl .,J ~•1• 1' Jot••r\'U'f", to be t.a.ke-n ~ .. t.M·hl 11"11 .I o1\ • \• I H 111< uttwr, I" f .. llo,Wll g '"'I'' 111 1111 ( 111l11••••" pr.,\'1o,krl 'I h•· tarat t"' l\t1•JII I4fhor appoint• I Jtlool Ill• d lf,;,J ,1 ht-11•'\• 1 odl.\' rw I • Ill• ld loo Mil h " J1¥o141l11111 may be ! :(l 'l\ h~tldl' ll ol ,. ; ·' jt ll ttl•· f'trtnJ. ltk-t ,, ,tft••r l~t h J···rtt••n •hall have at,....ur-n ''''' ,,, "'""t' ,,. tw r•·ll\ Jtx•·...l ,,,.,t. •u L}w sYr\)•• t.,, 1t penod of \\ F.p~t'~-..pA l' ..... ,. ' \\'. Me:Min£ 4\IIS K,.alln(l 46.1 Lamb 4l:t Skmnn •vel Tbomp..on J~:l a»-737-¥:1-:til~~ .....,..,.,. Hutch1ru1un :'1.1,:1 <' Calah.&n 4·t4 Patt.nl'.n :1~ E. l:lurdanll 4:l~l M lokrks :'1:'1:1 lt,4·825-tt:l9 .247~ l'lu1aU..'a Wlnl"hell 4!>.1 OV&atl 3lf• f:\ .. IW 32:1 81\and 444 591-41lt~M2 17:14 l.f:AUt't: l ui ,. a . .t. '''' ·~~~~' ~~~~~. "' "f''"'" ,1•• 1•.''1 ~""' •l•~rll•l:. ~llwh ht> 11hall · f:IUIIII '• In .,, •I ' otl ""rh "" 1\ .. H .... v,. ,,, !):·"'' '" lu~tll\ ...,,.~ked nt~l leu th11n 44u H M"'"'' ~,, ••l '""' 1 , 1 h ' • r , tt.;J~1 ,hulll ... -''" ''"",.. • ,, . .,,,., lt J!f .,lht·r~·al't' pro-•~tl r ~t .. rntt l•fl .. ,,, .,.,. •H•' ;pj~l '" Ut•• ttJtlrUWU + t •dt"41 II. tlu~ IUtJuwnt...c, wu.J au.1 ·:'1~ 'l'h.llllJII<HI> , 1 tlr• I•• ••I • !It• d• 1••1r\11 •JI1 "' ,, ,.,,.,, >~hull II•· tlll<l·fl follu...,·mg .S"1 )',af h+•• \\ f11• lr 1 I I''~ I 1 f 1Hpll)\t•d 1tl+ t '•lllfJ~•(U,Ifl 'If tht• t'.!!,!ll!OI.lOUI 41 :! .1 t:JIIo ,:t ~'"" \,.," •. ,, · •·d). u•H.l u ., ....... ,111'''"'t·"hhhll'\"'11n&hlto 6!'M•1':'7ftrit•'Jt~n u" f"•tt-t n 1 •• .\tii•H''""' l•JH»Ht .-.;••h \o\a~ut HHl l't"rl•)i(t til heretn . •lt\lft q,l•• l• llu 1' jt l\' :uu,fl JWt J'l 'l\lttt•d \\hu,!l Vrl (' .. \lf10 ffi&)' OOt lr: ( · ~ · _,,., "" 1,,, ,. . ,1 .,1, t. ""'"" ,,, '"' • .. u.ul"t"'' f ro111 Y<'ltr to yt!ar !•41 M. :-;.,.,,,,, •\•tt11tt· • :1, ;•(d·,,,,.,., •••IIJI••·n ~aul \•u ·ntluh J~thull t,.. \\'lth full ,,;;: ..: ~·l··fldltC ~.d ud·,., I", .... ,t, 1.£~ IJ\t diiii•HIIt p.t\ ~. •. ,..., •• ,,, i\bt't•fl('t' rvr lll'k • 47!J I. Vr•11 11 .\. 1 1 1 , 1,t •11 ., ~· ",1 , "'' '•' :,,. ~~ .. ttwrwl~,. f!hull nol b<o 4!f6 ~ \\',I It , 1 , , , 1.. , t. • t ••1, "· 11x1 ''""I 1 ~&1(,•111.'<1 1111t\l l'lti'Ktton ur !'oM ,.,,,r1'•"''1' .,1 1., . ,,,. d rt <I , , , .• , 1o •••l•l• I<•• tJ-lotolo·d frfl lll the-days of T~-~2!1·~~~2 :.!47: 1 ,1,,,. , , , 1 .. , 1 •"' "·•II 1.. ~•·p ·•' 1 \II ro ·•tllfl'l·d hl t'lllrlle une to kla~of~U~tf'r ,1 ,,, "f "' 1,;•. d ,.1, IJ.• I'·')'"" ,, l'rHIIIr••n on the bu111 ot one 4fll :0: S111t .. 1a t•1.,,,,1,.ol 1 ... 11.1• ,•,lwn•·"ll \'r•111 ~o. .'~·loflrt•tnUJI l!t'n ·lce : Satur· 4f\!J• \VI~·•.Uuav P •\ 1~~, .,. J tol•• ~ ... p~1""'tfto11 1n ~ rt•\' •1ttri:'Hf•·r~·d t•rH•·tutlC \l.·..,rktq 41'<11 L \\n.:h1 "" ·''I 1,, .. , lh• 1'••11111\ 1hj·1 d tiV, , 411\1 , c·_-111'_!•11 11 11,1 .. 1,,,,,, 1, t• 1 ""''to ,~·,,~··'}"" . ''' o\)1\' fl••l'"'•lll•mpluyed by thf' 811611:.!'-··tl?-1,.'11 "111 .. .,11\1~ r11 1 .t .. dl "' "'"d•·l!o 1 •11•1lh """ 1• 11h<•ul lu .leave tht' ·+ rq H 11;h 1 .,, , , ,._ , ••1 :-:~~r~~L•, •t •-t \ ~ tl t.l U11• (""u11nty volunt.anly, "' .f.d,, , 1 , 1 tol ""'". " , 'II• • t1l1 oil '"'"'' •l111t•·lr prtur t(>'hls • ._, •• u\r,_ .•.. I,, ''" t f .o( f .t , ht tit lioll f If' t: ,, 'I,;'" h:• \ •• bPt-·n In 'l.he aerv-l.AOI£fll LUCH'f: :112 J Jlr .. Wh r11,•., 1 11 ,1 1 1, 1 • 1,.1 )" j .,.1 1, , 111 • • .,( 111•· l '• .01111)' rnnloOUVWJiy for :u~.'\ t •>tlrtw•·ll· i'''·l· .1 ., ,. d ,, ,d 1 •. , .... ,, ' •w ,., .. ,, .. r rnnre ns herf!ln de· :'"" ll F1 nk 1 .. 1,, •1 '''""" "'11 i"' 1 1 1 tu •<l '"'J "h" shull· aopply for :.:26 ,L .L•u •• ~ 1 •• : .,d •H t • • ". , •t , '" 1 , ttt' L 1.,. "t• h I• '\"• l·•·fnn• !'4u•·h rtiugnaUon 41:1 J lf•111rtl ,, Ill• II 11,1 I", ,, , il·' J,,, II 1 .,11, 1 l, til l ol•l ''"''' ••rft·l'liVf', shall bf' Mrrr.._&ll -· NEWPORT-IIAI.BOA PlUIIJ8 abOu• t.o le&ft u..' ,...n·w• ot the The Ooullly eow..J ud ld8 *P- County VGJ~, aNI wbo IM1l uU. abaU Kt u attomrt7 tor tbl be enlftlecl t.o a 'fteatton u ben-adml.nWtrat.or ~ U. Oowa· Ln provided, ---.au Hl.IOtMUIUet)'-f-t)' of OraJ!Ce tn all matten ot au pr1or t.o tua ,...._tl•lll h~&v• been Hlat.M whkb by law MICil, oltk:er In the eervtce ot U\t' • ·nunt)' for 111 required t.o act u exeaator, ad· ronll year or IIIOre, ,,.,,. who ah&JI mmilltrator wiUI wW anneaec1. or ~t-l>PIY for IUdl Jeav« u~ 8\lCb l'd!Dln&llnlt.ar.. &Dd_Uieftupoll, realjCflAUon abaU -beco.mc ,.ffi!CtJW, Coun'-Y Couneel and au. •ll'lu.e ah.IUJ be aJ.krilr,e4 a · ,.,f..lWn wWl 111All Ul eada 8Uda matter collect Cull pay t.o OCMI&IIt. .. : une fuU attomey·e ,_ ..ucn...s lbe...U. worklnc day lktunltn 'u!Wtkred law ·jtnd pay tbe ~ mt.o ollt! t'llU workinf cia~ · f(,r ~b 20 COunty Trea.ury. · daya actuall)' won.<J •·xo.:lualft of · SECTION 7. ~ 1-1 ot vvertlme, In tbl y..... precedln&' Ordinance No. ~ of t.be Cowlty 11uch contlnuoue •rn ,. and pro-ot Orance .a. aDd U!lt ame Ia be,.. v1d..ci eatd ·• employ .. •· ~hall twve by repealed . workf!d 200 clap or u.vrt! 111 U1r ' SE<..."TJON 8. Section 64 of aid y.,ar preced.lq t.be ~h.d reelana· Oralnance !'llo . .eo or 't.be Ooullty t&on. ut Oranae Is ~y amended t.o SECTION •. Bect1111. IU of aaiJ read U followa: Ort11nance No . .aQ of lilt County lt.n H<>. "' T.U. ..t t;,....p G-. c.-. of 0~• Ia bereby .. me~ to s.. ~-,._'-' A B · c re~&d u foUowa: . · -' (al WhepeYer In th•· Ordinance t·umperiJIIlUon ·Ia flaed tor any po· •Ilion. euc:b eomperuatron Ill the Monthly compenaUur: to· be paid liJ the l)ertl91l boldina ~IICh poattlul\ unleas Qthenrlae 11tnh-d. Such monthly oompeuatl•.n ahall be paud on-or ~ lh•· let day of t!Bl'h· tollo'wlfll"' eal•mJIIr month. "" • ' • :r C....e!;J ........ .,.. 'C,"h,wf!Jep_ .......... ~- llr. Coni ""--llr~- -~~ ~-Atd,t;.-1 &n.._ Ald. t;.-z .. ... .. -:u a$ .... -I ~1:'1. .. .. Uu IIi Ulan loc:aJ or ordinary publlc nt &Ad tbe akl Ctty CounoU _.. U. eqe~ of the ll&ld work cba'l•ble upon a diatrict. For tbe par'Uc:ular dpcrlpUon or Uw akl ......-rnent dinrlct refer- ence Ia bereby made t.o• the ea1d ftewalut lon of lntelllion No. .2U7 . Be~Ctty CounoU h-' detenninf'd u4 decJared tbal ~erial bondS ~ac tnterat at the rate of ehr ~cent 11~) per annum, and ex· t~ over a period or·nlne t9• y..,. f1'9!D the Moond day of Jan· uary. next lucceedlnC the next Oe· toller ntteeDUI foiJowtnc ~Jr date·, wt.U be '-*1 bereunder tn the IJl&llMr provWed by tbe "Improve· ment Act ot 1911," bf'lnc Part 15 of Division 7. of tbe Stnoeta and Wchway. Code of t.be State of Calltomla, t.o rep.-ol .._ch aeament of Twenty-five doDars (125.001~ or more, rematntnc un- pajd to~ thlrty (30)··y. after t~ date of the warrant. • ·Dr.· ·abed Lucas Dt:~IIST . ·-~0'!' 1 \\'. ('t"llfnal l'hune 1- St:\\'PtiR'f 8F.A('II V BeL l'boat': 1t18 1r ., Dr. Ralph D. Hoard l'h~·'"•·lan IUltl Sure-a l,.t.-upatb .. . Tlll! 8.1111<.. lan ~ BALBO,\. ~AUt'. ·Au of tbe work.~ orderedl'l---------------' ehaU be done and C&l'l"'ed throuch tn pursuance of an Act ot' the Lelf • lalatllft"l)f the State of Calltorot.a, dealcnat.ed t.be "ln\provement Act of 1,11,". bf'lnc ran. 1, 2 and 3 of Dlvwton 1 ot the aid Streeta and.HJrbway. C9de nf the State of California. . Dr. G. E. To hill PHYSJCIA~ 11110 SURGEON ·w-'WD '._, Bou~·ana , Tt'l••trhon.-..: OJCk't': 286-W a.-,; 286-K If 1141 a .. · .. r. t•all s-·port ll ~. Olt«e :tZ4 B. Crorkn--II'. .. M. Hrlll\JI :1~ l ., Coomes lli "' Mark• :t&.ll t40·M.7·!\64·17411 .,.. ....... :lJI!-626·670•1;\:t l •if•·l I• 1,, ,, 1 ,,.,1 '·""'.,I'\,.,. !II••" ttl l':o••:o!H tll .~'ol.h full pay for \\t1lli·~~ ·r II• ~,,. •·I , 1 . , ··I '"" 1 ,, • ,1 1 l '• I Ill ""''kong di•Y• tor one year M littr,.~.-~1 • 11 , 1 ... ,1, ""'" ,, , ,.1,, , .r "I "'"'"'""VII ,.,.n·H·• rw-rtormf'd by I b 1 Whenever In t1ii~ Ordm~&nee compena&tJon Ia fixed f(tr any po· rul1on at .,. rate per year, ll&kt t·ompenaa~ron ehall bo: pa.id to the ~raon hol4ln& auch poe1ttvn 111 Encrt-... o..tt-. ......... , ~- TIM! ll&ld Ctty Council did by the aald JteeoluUon ol AY;ard of Con ___.-f""~•• No. 2•85 award the contract _· ___ '·-------------, the .. ld work to the ' reeponalbl~ bidder . Ttlompenn· :\611 41'17 ,(,t.u ..'-I 1 ''" '" 1 ~ ,,,Jl , 1 ,.ft , ... ~''" 1n tht· year nr·~'<'•~'<~lln•• . lnet.al}JIIent,. u ne~Arly f ..... Cltlll. ""·*'&or-or ;:o' ~f \\'tnt r·t l 1' I:• 11d •I .. 'I"'• ,,, ''''· "•1'1111·•' •••n~a<tt•rt"d 1 that I\"' I 1 .. ,_,.. L· u " 'I ll I I ~t \~1 1klf11'~JtV_ :'·"' r.. tU'1 fl ,,, •• , .~ •• • htt !,r.., • ~ •·• ..:: ~~-·•·• ,,r 1 ,.. .r pual.&.iLan 111 "11411-'"M!:I·~·~·6·176~• If•·'•,. r • • • '' ,, •• -:, •• ·•· .11 ,,, ,., l·:, •. ,_x JH•r!~ton ~!ilding a J>O· the whoet' dutlell "''· , ·-• , ., ··1 .' 1 "' 1 oil• 1" • ,,, ,;-;, I ''1' l''""t1••d r .. r by thla Oa;-dl· cw'l~at work •nall recel\'e " ........ R. I.Aal,.. M Vo,el M Fry J . Voce! M. Duwln :1:1~. !'\ H••l "<t h ." j·l'•l '''· tlo• •· .t.• • r:• '"~t ·'" '"''' lh•· •·ompt<n~tlrm f1•r which the-compenaUin fuu-d fttr liUCh :lilt t; ~1,.1,.,·n 1 1 .. ·~ ··, rl · • 1 ,, Itt ' •1 •I • '''" I''"· 11''\0'11 hy llw dit)\ llhall be al· (ll'tllttlon In two ln.ataJ)mf'nUI, the :t:l~• F. T1JJI~<L•II ... I• ol I •tl 1"1 I• ', "' "''"''"',. ·""' d "~'~'"""''"I ""l'a.laon conalet· flrlll llftltallnvnt bt!lnc tur the .II)' J ft.,~l'fll h oil ll.d II '"' I" I tl;• t, '" lui, Ill! (of 01111' Wllfkllll{ day I Saturday pt:-Mod from t.be lat tu tht' 15th, :1117 F. t-'lorlt '"II. \\'llh II ' i" ,,,;,1 "I ""' ~·· ·•I I' '·ll~r•h•rl·d une full wnrklnar day ' 1111'1111<1\'e, of the mont b. ll.lld raY· ... _, 4.,16 ...... ...... P<Aitl SECTION II. lf any ''"'" 11 •I tjll'l 1'1" •;;1'1'1'11,: nf """' 1"1 ('oll'h 2t)_t1ay,. actually workf'd llhle un or about thf' ltth day of IIOIJTII roAAT LEAGI'J: I •\. r1 litf I·· II .. , tf, .. ,,, .. II\ tllo· yt•ilr prl'n-dlntt. dating from t'ltr'h (•alf'ndar month. und the llee· ........ l\ lhtk"" r'l•:r 'Ttrt."\ '! :"-••( ''"" II "' 1"•1111 th•· ~<rl~llllt l dltl,. of rmploymf'nl. uad ll\lllallmeat being tor ttl.,~- eentenc:l!', cla~me t r ph~ Unlinance tor an) ~ ..il hdd w bf' unconetJtutJonal or invalid. auch ehaU not alfecl the rem&lruJii porUoru of th .. Ordinance, and lbe tioard ol SWJM.'rYUIOn bereb~ drr- clar.-1t ~ould have pa-.d eac:b paraaraph. aentenu, cla~»e -and ph.ra.w thereol trr...,.ctJve ~ the fact that any one or more thaD one-aentence, clauae or pbraee bf' c~dared unoonatatubonal or In· valid. ' ~:1:1 A ln~w .. rlh 1 •••li•• "'', ;-.: .. 1:.11 .. 1 lh•· t''"lll\,\' 1'' lw tnk••n RM followa.: 1ud from the lttb to the end ot :1!.. l'loo:cn I ,,j t '' 1!1.:,. 1._ ho·t, It\ ,1nwr11h•l.l t o T h•• ftrlll vac·allon llfl~r appoint· tht!' m11nlh, ADd payable on or Did nol howl M0-4f~o-4170·1114~t .......... OorH •CII\ Allkrn• •M 8pruard 410 Sntith 4:.7 Rableth 2t4 e&4 ·73t ..... ·~2 IT....cl-n.nt Mc<'•..-4 HcntrtJ"an Mllh<r • Dchnm :lM to'i-&16·706-1948 :l~ Htrw hloff• ,. .... 1 r> 1 .. 11 .. 1,, 111r·nl In l'lll'h (ll'lllltlon may he tltk· llboul Jhe let day qf the fulluwtnc 31!1 J11 nmrr. , ,, '"'h•·•'•·\• r lllo\' p(•r:< .. 11 "tt .. 1_. r•n ""'" IIU!'h ptfl'On ah~t11 M\'1' <'1Jlt•11dar month. 421\ lo~.rl' h•·ld1r..:, , I""'' 1••11 f't "'''"'"I t11r It\' h•·••ll 111 lhl' 14f•rvll'f' fotr " JM'rlod <tf tc· r Whenev•r ln t.hill On1manc:e 1172·811-7114·211:\7 1111,. • •11l11o "", 1• , ""lj,.•!lowl t•• IH-... nf' y•·ar rturlnK WJIIJ"h, ho· Mhall <'<lmperaatlon ill 1\xed for any po. 410H-~AIJ ·r-.M6 17~•6 tl•>••ut ''"'" olul v <•II uto•iJunt 11f hnl't• •u•tually wnri<NI nul lc·llll than 111t1un at a rate per day: suM\ com- ,-1\ !Urikl"'' '11"'} "'t~tllj; ""' ,,( 111111 1n tho· 200 dny'll, t•X!'I'pl &Mulllo•nl'l!ll.' PN.l· Jl'.'II!Uillon'shall be pa1d to the per- 4111\ ~l•·•·k '"'"~'' .,r 111~ '''"''"'YIII••ut, llttt•h l'uh'<l In lhtll Ordmnn••r·, nnd Mid sun holdln& rrueh poeltlun ror eerv- :1112 r 14rt• .. n I"''""' wh.oll I"' .. ,,., fuU ''"lllfl"n· 1 tH·atr..n ><hllll "''"~'~' nt thf' num-ll't•a rt'ndered pr.or to the l'ilt and :11411t • t't.rfO'tn •A''"'J rl>ll 1111' till• frr,;-f 7 l.ln y• .. c twr ur .i11y!1 l'llc·atuu1 prr)'ill'kf! a<'· 16th daya of ea.cb Ollf'ndar month :t.'\11 • nyt-r Ill II .. ~.~ .. 1111' IIIII I h!'ro·aft••r rh ru-f'llrnlllllll'd In tho• pr<•l"o•dln« year and payment for llllld &ervlce. :14:1 Hnlmb.-r« 1 ... 11~!111"11 ~h.oll h·· p>ttil m lll't·urd· 111111 "''ld ftr!lt ,.,.,.,.linn 1hllll bf' shall~-~ on or rLbeuC the Ut tiO-Mi·MII-1lt4:t '"'' '"lh llu I''""~"'"~ of thl' t>tl<t•n d1arrng th<' ••n~<utnJ;: year aJt-and 16lh daye ol ea<h calendar 1.._ 1....,..." \\'mktnr•u" (' .. II<J~'IIl<atr .. n A•·t of •·r tutlrt ''ao·atrnn f>t1\'th•J;:e tu·<'ruell, m••nth, pro'Vkled furtht•r that t.hlA ~111 RnWttJo<ln IIi•· Slt<l•• .,( <'nllfornooo tllltr t>C , ... ,.,.,,111 h"'"R nnt' yettr prtkr111111 ahall only apply to the :IP1 J."lannlcar. • h • \\'h••11••1 • 1 '""' 1'1'1':«111 who 111 frnm datt• o( tornplt~ymc:nt. In no HIJ;:hwaye Department, uilllJ known Cl'li lllhnflntttkf'r h•·lolul• a l'~'"ll""' jorr0'\·rd1~ (lor loy f'\'l•nl lhl.tll rtuc·h Jtt•r••nn 1M' f'nlltlt'd 11" lhl' Road Departmf'nl 342 flr-ulduo,: tit.• tll'll<li·'"' ·• lh·· o·omJ>t•nsnt lllll '"II \'llC&tltJn •lnlt'u he 11hall ha\'r 1d 1 CompenaaUon for toarh olfl· 4ol Hurwtlz ,.,,. "huh ~~ "" " '""nlhly h~&atlt. ~\'1l.rlto'tt 200 rtl\yll, or m11s;co. dur1nc • o·r, bcua"!!. commlMIOr., auilltanl. tti-tCJ-~l -11~~ ,,,.,1 wh" h.,,. Jlt'l'f.,nnN.I com• o1 lhf• fln•t 1\nd enalrtllt( yt·1ar• nf ll•·tluty. clerk..-Jt.ftache. nnd other rn••r" 11111111h~ •·f a<'lu:•t !'tlllllflll"lll! l·mplt~ym<~nt. • l'll\pluyHe an tM ·Mr\'ICc. of UW SECTION 10. Thte Ordinance el\all ~e .df~t and bf rn foror :;o daye from and after ill .,._..e. and prior !" the npraUOn of 1~ day. attt'Hh~......-&e thereof, tbul Ordtnarice ...._'D bf' publJAhed for one "'e.k 1n .lhe, NPw,ort·Balboe PreM ia newepaper prtnt.ed in the C-ounty ot Orant;e. HtaLe of Call· toml&, qether With tbe ~ of t.be membf'n of ~ Board of Sup- f'rvleon \'oUnc lor and qa1nat lbe ll&nH!. ·••I''''' ,. rl•rn11r ttt ..... urr•nt ft81"al 111 1 Any JW'ntOn wh11~ !'t\mrw-n· Cnunty for wbom eoMJit'n._tlon ill \\'lu.IS H. WAR."'lER. \'.,.ttr ,,. tlw pr·rt•NIIItlo: f~l .,..,.r, .u.t1uri uc flxl.'d by the day, who 1s 10 the Ordlllancoe provided., &hAll 1 SEAL I ,,. • '''"I" 11. r1 '" hf' ~thMo•nl frt•lll :ttw•ut tu lf'll\1e ttle ~~ervl!'f'• of lhe ht· pard out of ~ Sa)afY. Fund Chaannan of the Board of Super· Lea~e Totalfl WI!DlWF.MOAl' l.EAot'J! Thnmpn<'n Ollf'tr Balb< •u rt& ' mull')' 11liotl'e Service Junkw Ctlamber Kl . .,.,aUwr Plumbtnc Cbriat.larl' • H "' . 1,AD1D L&AOt'E bland mr111 White,. Ca«~ Shop lhlfon'• BNu._ty 811up BaJixw Mer'C'hant• Rftd' • lcerett~a 8outh Cout Glrla w l. 11 . 9 11 9 10 10 f! 11 If 1ll j HI du.Lv 111~ IU'' ... ml <II tlliii'INI or In· <.:.ounly voluntar;Jy, and whn whiiH o( th4' CnuntY' ... Ga'Pt w~-vtllun of Oren«~ County, Cell· Jllr)·, .. u,.•r !11.111 lr&JIIr\' "rr~1n~t <lui lw •·nt1tlt•d In a va!'atllon tu hf'rf'ln \n~W provided In tala Ordinance or fomla. .. ( '""' tn Ill•·, .o11r<o· .. r ht~ l'lllfii"Y· proi'Uio•d, whu ahall lmml'<lll\lf'ly by law, upon certlllcaUon by the A TrEST: n11·nC ""' h f"'r"''" ~tlulll rt·•'•'l\'1' J'flllr til hi.!' rf'algrwtlon h!l\'f' hl'c•n dt•pnrtm•nt head. t.o the auditor B. J . SMlTH. , dl. ""11••·11~ '''"" ,~qrin.: Ill!' "'"rk-'" th .. "''r\'lt'<' of lhl' Cuunh· fur thl\.l rouch· employw ha. perform· County Ckork and ex-ofrado Clerk 'IIl ii: tlr\'~ ••l ,..,, t1 /lhll•·llt ,. 1 SnLur-.,,.,.. "''Rr nr mor~. llnd whu · •hflll •·d Uw numbf'r of daya ot work u of t.be Boiard of Superv~eora of <lit•: 1 ••ni'HI••r•·•l ••n•• httlf vm rkfn" npply fur lllltlh ll'll\'4' bffuro-lll•t'h Ht (o,rth rn aakl certificate. Pro· Ora Cou t Cal·• .. ~ nr;e n y ,' uonua. "' 21 !1ny•. nn ftlf'" rnll"'~ln.,; trl\111!'' r .. a,anahon .aball bPcome dr~cth-i. ndl'd. twwrveT, Wbrtne\'er an em· 8TA1'& OF CALIFORNIA. 1 ~ t 1~:_'; 11r.':"',':~/,:\'·~~.~~~·:::~··~:~~/l<~,.~~~~ ~~:;l~a':t,':~::~~t ~f ~!:a~~~w:~~~ ~~~,~~-~~ :::~l ~hv.:~nc::~~ COUNTY OF ·oRASGE. ~-· rull , ,.1111.,,11,.111,.,11 111r , ,,..11 111.,11111 1111: olll)' ti'!AIIIrdny I'OMidl'r'f'd one or otherv.·t"" 'l.frmlnat.d'hte llef'l· 1 8 J Smith County Cler1l and 19 14 12 10 8 :a qf 111111111 1 ,,111 11111,.11~ "' ,.,.11,1, o·umtr· full worklnll dsoyr tor •ac!l 20 daya tCf'. c,.rtarltutrun of .uch cbacha~e f'X~rtic-~ CJtork• of the Board-or :: tnll\'t• "I' 1,, t,111 11.,1 1,. ••xt, ,.,1 l 2 ·" tludly wnrkf•t1, ~·xrtu111ve ot ovf'r· or tetnunatlt.in by tbe head of •urh Supt'~·.-. w Onuc• Couaty. 18 wvrku4o: WLV.I!. . '"'"' In th .. Yf'Hr p~f'dinar IIUch depclrtmt'nt ahall lmlnedUately bf' Cahforna, do hereby certil)' t.bat " 1 \\'111•1j,.1,.r '''"' p•·r.,•n whu ,_4 ~'"IIIIHII"II~ 111'1'\'!fi', trnd provtd@d fil@d with th• COUIIty Auditor of at a rtogular m~tlnc of u.. Bo&rcl ~l h·•hllllli: 11 l••lllll••U Jll't•VIIh•tl c .. r ~11111 l'ntJil"Y'"' •hl\11 havf' wprkf'd the County ut o,...., whereupon o( SUJM.'n·~eon held on the %5th ~ oo\"''M.,. +Y U"-' ur~ ...... ,. .. mp.-n.~allun 2lll) dllY!I nr m•ll"f' in thr yf'ar pre-nld Audllnr Ahall d.nlt tua wa.r-<Jar ot Xov~mbf'r, 19U. the rore- &AIWT1aUf p • -fo•f 1\)lll'h I• ,.11 II JWr d ll'lll tr(l:iJ,:, /-t•tlinJ;: fli~ MriJ rf'sttnll(jO't'[" rant for tlfr periOd (W'l)~ lrnd • gun~ ()rdjnance. containlnc 10 Rec-ent ,....ta at ttr~ hom• nf 111111 ,, "" 11,,,. P••rt .. 1 nw<l ,,11,. 11r ,,. • ~n ,·nc·ntrun !'hall bf' or pay due Mid rmplojee up to• the llt'Cllona. "''U cone!Jiered ~~eellan by Mn. Zella S.nder and dAu«htrr troort• no~<11lh~ ,.f "' l•l:tl , ••llllllllnl1,. t•1 nny-pt·r~tr'l h(•ldm~ a po11ltlun hm• M dip<"harge. 8f'Cllnn. and t.bal the .. ad OJ'Cb· M* N&JM'y Stlckt.-: 110 2111h .at . '"'"""''' oiiiMll.:-Ilk , lll'lo·111 rt ... •nl Jlr<Nidt·d fnr by thut Ordinance. SECTIO!I: 5. SectJon 1' of ~ld nancf' "''U then ~and adopt· prices ~eel In it. bid, on filf' In U.. office of the City Clerk of thr II&Jd Clty~--.- Dated thte 11th day-o"f No\'., 1941 FRASK L. RINEHART. City Clerk of, tbe.Ctty or Newport Beach, Calltorn~a. Publt.h l'ibv. 20 -27. DJ TilE 8UPEIUO& OOU&T OF 'IRE 8TATE OF CAUFO&NIA DJ AND FOS THE 60U)iTl' OF OI&A!-rGE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, .i Municipal corporation ot the etxth ca.., Plaintiff. va, FRED W. JENNINGS. et ux. Defendant~. Ne. 11'751 ALIA8 8l'MMON!l. Action brotJcht tn the Supcriur 0ourt of the County of Orant:e. and Complaint fUed tn the Ot!icc ot the CJHk of the Supt>rwr Court of uJd County. nu: PEOPLE OF THE STATF. fJF C,.A L I F 0 R N I A SE.:O: 0 GREETINGS TO: • FRED W. JENNINGS and GEOR· GIA JEl\'NINGS, hill wlft', Uc· fenclanta. .- You are directed t.o appea r in 1\a ac:tlon brourht a&ain•t rou by lht' Above named plalnllrt lD the Su· perior Court ot the State of C.tl. fomla, In and for the County IJI Orant;e. and to a11.1wer the <:(1111· plaint therem Within tf'n ~ya aft· er the aer\'l<'e on you of th1s Allae INmmun•. If ~r\'f'd w ilhm Uw County of Orange, or with111 ~hln; cia)'» II .ned •I.Nw~rc, and you are notit1f'Cf that unleH'< you .. aps-r and anawt>r ~&s above required. the plaintiff Will take Juctcment tor any money or damqN derhanded lri tJi6 Com· p&alnt. u aneln& upon eontract. or will apply to the' Court ror any other rellef\l!emandf'd an tM cun1• plaint. Ginn un&Y: my 'hand ind 11cal of the Superior Court of tht! County of Ora.ngf', State of Cah· tomia, thill 4th day of October. 1HI. • DR. C. 'J. CARTER Ry"fl~~:i 1.',1.• lt'.lLJ< Slli:t;ialt.}' _ Ph•rlle T~1::!!1 ·~ SrWJNtrt Kh<l., c· .... a.a !'i ..... Dr. P. A. ('IIA"IIER· C'UIH< JP!1ACTOR 1MlU ~t-\\j•orl Blvd, COSTA lf£SA f'h•tiN' liSA Dt. M. D. Crawford H J•'T ~~ \I t: T K I S T · 1::\'••s 1-:x.llli!IJ...,I l'l.rsst•ll F1tll'd . l'lll•lll' ~~::11 lllt ,,,._.; "I I'. \' Parkt•!l . , 17!1j ~''" ""' t nlnl . rn!<lll M!I'KJJ HAROLD K. GRAUEL lfuurr;tl (( I!;IJirl l'hllnt' Newport 561 c .• ,.. ••. :u .... 1•. \'. P:\HKES \\'atc-hrn ''PI • JJ-~\ov .f:fr • EnQtaver t;'l'''rt '" '"' \\ ,.., ... Kl·p•lrlnJr t ttr! Ckl'llll l~o•unl 1111? ~"'ttl. So"''" f f: II t •• •*' t~ ~···'"' • .AI.I. \\'t 11<1< 10\'i\I{A~TEt-:D "' II r n I q s It n t sa A n a • )lakf-RICII B.o\:o-S£TT'Il SHELL St:ATION· 7U. aat1 Maia l'IH R llt:AOQI'ARTE88 • _,_ the R•\' and Mn. Chllrh•r-,.,.,.,. "' ol11iu.'f.: llw t.>• •I \'o•ar 11\'lCI 1!1<·, c•ompc•nsath•n11 ft•r whlc.h Ia Ordinance Ku. 438·of tbe County f'd ae a •·bole &y the fotlo~t~-lnc ..,._...,...,.... ___ ..., ... _ wM plan to m11kr-ttlrtr t•r.·rr<tms; 111 "''"11 .. ·11··•1 In 1 ... 111>-fixe-d li()Jel>· by lhr huur; nor ahall ut Ora.nge 111 hereb)'-~ t.o \'ole;· tutul'1' homrln Cllllfornlll. 'Mw Rf''' ••·11! ff.,lll •Ill !\' ''" ''' """t, oif oil· oil)' ':ncllll•1n bf' nl1nwrd to 1\ Jlt'r· read &II fnllnwa • AYES: SUPERVJSORS :S. E. Mr. 'E'rana wu f,;r mllny V(•nr~< "''"" "' ooqun ""'''' th,"'· "')"~'~'I ''.'" ho•hlln.,; 11 J'l•llllwn provld4'<1 for In :~ddtltull tu the number or aa-\\'EST, JAl(£8 A. BAKER, FRED !SEAL SUPERIOR COURT ORAXGE COUNTY I . lssaclatad , · Ht lll'ltl.: ''"' ,,f .otnl 111 tlli' o•ollr,.o· hv lhu• UNtlnnnt'P, whleh po~~lt)on •latRn..,., d1•pulof'll, clerkl. attachee, C . RO\\'LJ\ND AND WJLLIS H . .,..tor of • Phl.ladfolplllll '. rl'~h:: .,f "'" ''"'f'l•"·m,.tH lltll'h pN'''"" t a:. rl•••..-nn-k-d for on,.·ftalf tlmf' or •and nlh•r pt'n!Oill emp~fd In the \\'ARMER. l!"-n rhun-h wll.-n-h4' "''"' 11 .1 .. .11 1·o·~··11 o• 1•111 , ""'l'''""'(tfo •n h-~~. · , uffl{'t'!<, dt•partmen'-and XOES: SUPI:RVI80RS NOll."£ c.antMr of a rellc1oua drHmllltt' dlll'lll llh' 1\lllk.ll~ll<\'~ r .. r ,.u, 11 I 1f• Ah11r·ll!'!' hi'<'I\UIIe of I Cll.mi.J,~~~~~~·~~~f~~~~~td~~~~~;)!~=j~!! ~Up wfiiJl'Jj provedl liJtitlllntlln.,;J;; ·o ''•<'ll<'t~fTt:· (.,ll•ol\711&; Tla>'IM • I or ~~~ knl'!l.~, With o r Jli"Y, a or _.<'f'Mf~l. RP Nmt~mpllllf>ll n-• ~~~~·h f'tnl'l«\'•••· "'!"II 1111lY ho• ,..,._ 1\clt cll.•·r·cdan~t 12 filii WWIDJ[ day• Qf' C'Oinm!Mion. •wnlnc u ... work her<: trl! ... l '"'""·\, .. .:.orr~: olio\' '"lh full ·~rotnn1Ry , . .,n,.irterl'd onf'·Mlf til ht•rrhy alluwrd, aubject tint to _ _ _ "11"1"'"""''"" '"' '·"'" oHonth "' \ll •rkln~: 1tny o In 11ny yl'ar of 11en·-lh!' npprll\':tl or t.be Board of Sup· ,.'D.FAIUI: NNEfn MI:T .wltt.d • ••11 1 <1111"11~ "'''" ,.,. l'l!'tnuiH ,., .. llh"ll nnl lw 11 hAr 111 or a llmll ~f\'lllOr!l l•y Rf'MIUtlon, a numbf'r II\ •. 11p t·• hltt 11n! t .. ,.,, •·•·•I 1:.! upon llw gnlnltnjt llf nnnual veca-.,f •• :t.~llllru~!~. d~puU~•. clerkl, at- ""lkrn.: '''"(• I 11m 1111 ho•rt>ln provldf'd. " 1110'1\1'11, and o•lhvr pe..orw up to but .. 1, \\'h•·,;, , •·: ""' ]"' .. ~''" """ •~ o.:. 1 ~ .. pt·ntr•n llhllt'nt on lf'aVf' noot tu •'X<'t•rd rtve tJmH the num- llnl•lllltJ: ,, I odl lun;• ""''""'I pr"· of ah,.l't1r.l' \nth J'ftY nn ~I'!'OUnt bl'r prov1dr d In tach Item and at I"'"'' ,,., I·• fill, !In ........ "· ~ .. Ill. n( \'Ill'"''"" !'hull b(> IK'mllltl'd tn llw' 'oomp.•IIS..tt<Jil herein bf'low In Planned u e mrana of ri\11111\J moflt'Y tor Chnatmllll Wf'lf.re J'llr· JIO'IM (e a deaecort bnct,te tn '"' Mid n•xt W.rdnndlty under ap11n· eotWIIp of Nf'Wpt")rt Harbor Am!'rl· ran Leeton Au.xrhary Thf' 11ffnar. whkh 'will takf' pllll"f' 11t Ul• ~A't,1M hut. wlll bf. -In r hltr«r of Mrro Jlrl· pn:~~<l holl r,,_ "l'll'h Ill nn 11 JWr 1\'Hrk fnr l"llntpf>nanhon for lhf' tht' l'<'hrdlllf-JO fiXed, ~XCept in ..tk '"'"' .. : .. 111•1 ,,,,;. "'"k 1,,,.,. t'uunl~· 111 n.ny dt>J'HU'lmf'nt or In Hotrod lh·parlmmt, Flood Control ·""' \I '"' 11...... , ... ,, .... ,,..oJ .. ,... •·r I lilY •• ,, par·tl ~· rllr I ht' Cuunt'y, dUr· r,.,..r1JJ1t'Ji.l ..a.n4-SberU:t. QI'Pitf't-+PF~I«< ..,,.., ,.,..,.,,. .... , rn-t11~l rnn1an11••11• '"): ttw llmf<' .. r ll!ll'h \'R!'allon. nl•·11t "h .. ,.. I he DUMbf'r be ett Ra'*l. .-hatrman '''"""' lhlt iiiJ.: l h• • uop•nl (rs,•,tl oh t \\'h••r•• n hPitrtRy nr hnllday~< rofly t11n•·~ lbi1t hereanbf'IO"-' fixed ''t•:or or rlllr•q: "" ,, ...... yr:or 111'"11 1 ,,, , ..... rlunnj: thl' \'1\rl\Uon period I rnr ~ ... h l',•m. provided. however. ttl t n'l')udt, I'"'''''"""··,~ • "" I'• lh••l t • .-"'' llh·~·,,f an.\' l<tll'h pPr!llln, 1111ld fit'""'" tlwt "" I'' l'l'<lll ehall bf' appolntf'd ~ch. t u I~<" wnt ''"'" •lu4-•:ll I• • •••1111 ••I 111-~ o..: aU.u•cd.&ud holiday w1lh to an) "! lh!' pollltlo1111 autbortz.ed II• '" ••I 11 '"' •·ll11 •1 111~11 1111111·y p.t~ 1111ol II~<• '""'~~' !lhall nnt h~· th1.• ""'"" UCf'pt where the ----------------tt ~!'i•11 L. "''' ·' '' I '' th·· ~ ""r~,. •• n,nt,id 1,,.., •'flt' (1{ thtt ,·ar.llh~' H•·••rd of ~up•·n~t.eon 'n opttn ae-e ... Servin&' wlll brJnn tlck•ll, at ~ Cl"nll o"n Ale at th• d;t(>r. NOTK.'E OF A,_. AJU) OF CO,.· .TI&ACT FOa THE COl'f8TIU;e- TION ...!)W A I&DNf'OIICED t'b.E~'T coxcarn; MHEET PILE Bt:LK.HEAD -LEGAL NOTICE • •t "'" • ''II': .. ,"" 1··' ''" h l>~'r>'"" I ,J,,~·~ -' l!l••n I•) Ho·~~<·luUon duly f'ntef!'d •1h111 I•'• • ''' I• <1 <ll>l ••n•· hill( 11 • ~=~··r~ pt•r~<t•n huldmg R full <II 1U! Ulii•U.lPll .clet~rmlnea the ne· ,Pursuant to 11tatute and ftco8olu- l~<>ll"'< dll!lllr.: II••' ""rkrnt~ ''"~"t ill ~<· 1~"11 1 .. 11 pr.•\nlc>d f·•r Wy !hill t't'-"-"ttythorer .. r.-.autbc.Jrtuathe ttonofAwllrdofContrat"tN0:2486 B. J. SMITH. s t~ R Y I c E. County Clf'rk and Cieri< ()( tlw Sulff'nor Court or the Slat,. (>f California. In 1tnd for thf' Cnun· L¥LE POPE l¥ ..oLOQin&e _. -'----t+-.:nr-.....,_,...,. • ._,,, -By L. B. Wallace, OPputy. ROLAND THOMPSO~. 210 Spu,l'piOn Building. Santa Ana, Calltornia, Attorney .lor Pl:11nltff Publilb Oct. 30 t 10 THE 8liPf:aJOR t:onn Ot' THE 8TATE OF CAUFOL"l~ L~ AND POa THE OOt.~Uf!. ' OF OILANOE CITY OF NEWPORT BE.~CH. n MUffil"ipal corporation .. r tht• atxth claall, Plaintiff. -\'8. L. A. LeCLAIR. f't Ill. OPfrnd:~nls· So. J91~ AUA!4 ~(-MM(.SS Action brfolrll:hl 111 thf· .Supt:'rlor Ccmrt nf tit~> C•ounly nr Oran~:o·. and Cm 1 ~h11nt ftl•··l m thl' Oftw,. of thf' L'tl•rk t•· tht• S11Jlf'r•nl' Court 11f "!4td <"•••lnty. :'lit:\\'I'IIRT Ut:M 11, C'.o\Ut" WORK BASKET Ht·lo·n ~-C:oll-.~hr·r Stamped Goods & l'&I'B • . :'liN'tlll'\llurk In"'"" tloon~ Ciratl" \lllth l'nrdl'!\"'' ul )Jut••rtalll Ill :\'. Un•ntlw.t,. :o-anta ,\na t'ht•nt• 2fi'!'! OROISAS('F. SH. ISA r•f. ~~~~II ••t•'•l'''' .,.:ol rohl1~\:-,·on 111<11111111"'· tho" «•>IIIJ"'nsntmn f<>l "IIIII•'. \1h1.i1 hncl~J)« of necf'•tt)' of the Cit)· Counc-11 of the Ctly or AS OIU)~A.'IiCf; ot· TIIJ: ~<l•lo•r••d ,,,, l•1ll ll•·tkll•l: d11y • "II 11 l11•h 1,c Jl'(•·•l o•n 11 pt•r fulto> t>r ~h:tll tw t•·•a.l and con•IUIII\'r. :'IJt'wport St>aC'h. Cnhfmnia. adopt-THE PEOPLE OF,THE STATE Awful Frt.~J llacFarJane's WI"NT\' ....OF UAA~E AND lh• (llllt•ll tl'!:. I··~~~ . 1 ulh•·l' li"''.t' ~_\'•Irk ba.l<1a, lllm)l .SfiA;ThJ;>; 6. :;ttkm cd un 17th OF CALiF 0 :"I A SE~Il ,..._....,. ___ .,· !.;, -7 ._ · --...,.._~....._HWft(y be ""'"'~""'"ft"lflnnmnlfl n...,1fMrl•··. ••. 0...-~·-• r. "'Rl':-.ur, .-:o.-T" I ll t t I • I II " 1 ; J-..ooo C'Ul\"TTI.ol. PI!'4TRJ«T t ,., " '"'' \< 1 ' \lllj; 1111~· n I• J•·~Y 111 l«l<l•lh•n to• till' o·nm(lt'niiA· ,.f 1 •r:ll•l:•' 1~ hereby amen<JC'd :SOTICE L. A. UCLAlR. IP:\ C. Lf'CL,\ IR, GetaDER~· , AM~SniNCI ORDISAS('F. sn. 'lid\ .. I Ill•· , .. , ' '!I l\lufll h ••f /lo I'"" h••l'!'ltl JII'H\'IIh>rt. whrt'h \'11(~'\-'n·.lll Ill' r .. l),,q ; ' that the' e:ud City Council ID OJM.'II • 0 R A ·~ G E CDt;:STY TITLE .. .._. ..0 Ill ROI !•1111 '""'"."''"•" .. , 1'1'1• ,. •·un.,m1tllll •· II•"' ~<11:<11 I•(• l.lo•t••rtnlnl'ol a~ f••l· Tbo· .. rf, o•re, "-•rdll, commia· &eNiun on the 17th' dn\· ur !llo\•em· COMPANY. a. Calif• rma cur•pnr· ~· A~ A ... r. . ..;o... • . U • I I I I t I k .,._ ~Dl"E~.JJ%. C~fls;~~~~ up ~ ~·· n••l ·' "'<!'•'•·• • w11r · l .. w s · -,.,,.,.~ '"" •1 •All, deputiea, df'J<ks. b<or. lfltl. oMned. ~x-ammf'd and allon. Tru•tf't', J . C. LEWIS. ---~~""·u. c~ll 01t . , , . lllli • ".'" --------f ~nlrt \'Mntlnn JOhnll <'on!tll!t or attn• h•·• :>M <•thPr empioyeft nam· ~ty df<dafi!Pd.111t~ ~T OOE. llnd SEcoNP ~u. CS4. nt• mr. ('UJ'ST\' nt· ,"'' ;o.: .. '"'1''11111''11 ht·:r•lrlllt~ ''111• ,,,,., \\••tk l~ cill\' t ~:lturdav 1'('111· •·rl1n lh,· nr.tlnance hhall bf' f'lf't't· a!J! or bull! offf'rl'd tnr dom~t th'! ~1)0E. Odf'ndAn!JI. ()ll~SUE ASI) !'4AIU nRASUf:t ~.1"1 : ,1'''1 '"''. 11,"11• "111~111' 11"' .. ,.,,.,:.,,t .. n,.·l1111f 'w.-.rktnjt rt.iy •. fN •·•I !!r Rl'i· •ll'led, hold their noepec-work u f.ollo~-•. tn-w1t , . Ynu art' dtrt'<'tl'd tn appt>ar 111 Rll cc•t ·!\'Tl' t'LOHP c-.tSTROL I I I ' I I I ht ( '" II\ "' fll'lll "111 ' "h 211 .... ~." a!'tUatlY wo•rl<l'<l Il l tlh· '1'· .... "''!11 a.nd ~ rromotf'd. The ('()Rat ruction (>( h Tf'info N'f'd act&nn br(>UKht njtain!lt you by th,· DIMTIUC"I': , 17"''' lu.~ "'"; 111 11 • 1 : ·'' 11 ~ul•:~t ot 111'' t h•• rr•••'"'""IZ "•·ar d~tllnJ;: from\ 11w t raH><I•"'t ,, 1 1~1d oft. reduc~ or crment {'01\Cn>te ahftt p1ko bulk Abtwe namt>d pi,Rmt&ff In tht> Su- I' 1 ·' ro·~'\ '1 • '"I' • .1• '' "t'' 1,. "II .,nr:or1111 o,~,,,. ,;f "mpl11ni1rnt. t•• ho• Ill><• lr.llt.• ol by the departmf'nt ht•nd and appartf'nanct-e and ap· pt>nor Court <>f thl' State (>( CAll· Thf' ~)nard .,f !'>nn.·n'iiiPr~ o\f thr ' , .. ,, •· ''1 ' '·•'' '' 11 "11 !'·' • "11 !'lr· l ~ook •·l) tu• (PIIoow!< . · _ _.. h1 1<~t• , 1'•·1 olf'd. that ll&ld depart· purtf'r&ant work ad)8C<'nt find con-fQrnla. in and for the County (IJ ,.. • ' ' • "1 '' ! I '111'' .•• I I". 1\1'1' s ( I I .... 1 l f'f'd tW. tl ' t th • t I I { Lot Ont d t U'l C~unty nt Ontnl(~. st .. to• ·•f 1"!'1!1-·'.I,., d·'•ll11 o'.l III,HI .• ~,. ,. ·""'' ...... , ... pystJOurntht'tpl<'c'r .... !\nar no exc J:UIIIJJI (I et'IUif'r)' Ulf'O ngf'. an 0 a~er (' fomla ai!O<> arh Ill' lh,. "''""'' ,.,, .1 , 1 1 ""l'k ''" ~hRII , ,J ·lumber of .,,.,nlln~•-·• M of Bltll('k P nf Tnu·t :So. 518, all plamt thf'reln within tf'n da • t '_ f _ •• _. '~ '' \ 11' ,_.,., 1• \'..llll.ll.l .11l~--+w-.om-t+1...4-+n-....,,....~,...:,.mT'Ift1rtl·r·trT'f-hrM"rh'Tf"-l'-..ttr"""l!d '";~-~~~:=~-~ :::. !.j'.olll ,, '11 .•.•.• l'llh!<llfllh• .. ., CANDIES 3-te lh. 3 lbs .. for 81.00 (llrXDERSOX'S 1\.\f.UCI:\ I .. ~· . . ''I '4 __ Th __ u_~~-~y~,N __ o,_•e_m_~_r __ 27~·-l_M_I __________________ -r------~--~-------·-~ ______ R_T_·BA ___ L_n_o_A_P~R-~~s_'~---------------·-·------------------------------------------~P~·~~ DIJd)OT()BY OF HARBOR DISTRICT OROA.NrMYJ9N8 lf....-rt llutlor Clllamber of Coaa.nce: Hubbant Howe; p....S- ctent; Harry Welt>h, aec~elnry. ?tft>elUllll tw1ce monthly. ----~-.. ,,..,...,,. .,. t·-n .. rc" ~f !If~ Harbor. k . I. Morrta. pl'tlltdenlj Tony Plum~er, e«ret.ary-treuurer. lat ThUI'IIday of moa\b. Newport~ a.&De..me.'a "'-: l:.rt S.0. ~t; W. M. Loaploor, aecretary. Meet.a ~~~~t a~ed Ume and place. O.la ..._ a....Mr vf Coauaaerai: 131_1: 18th atneL Wm. ~W'f,, ~nt; J. 0 . TallmiU\, aecrelai'Y. 2nd orue.day. g~·-N~ Noitu .locai ..1 fJe~~~(JNjJ ~dwdull) nf Churrh Mr. and Mra. J.,, T 11no• •nd ~L·n·i~·~·~ iu.tllt'· <Sa~ht.r.. Pea>'· .: •• .: uu.m,uw • H n rbor :\'r<':t ' Virginia Cunningham \Veds Nor man Miller in Island €eremony · A\'enue, 11p..r1l 8atn• •I t\' r \·r nll\1( nl , • IN BAL'BOA and BALBOA ISLAN D ENTERTAINMENT &.. P.a. · 8,.. ~0«/ . 8 ... P-,.J. N.,.·port Harbor H.._lty Bol6rd: l::lir l Shonley, pre~~,-: Harry Wt'lch M 11111 \'1rglnlil Cunning~. Lt•n~o: &ach.· ut It I. \It\' u•· MHt'NT ~~'--.......-.. ,--~-............................... _ .............. __ .,._ .. ._, ........ , ........ ~ aecnt.arY:treaaurer. Meeta monthly. . Balboa Toumamt'lll of UJht• A•-.: J , A. Bt•ek, prt>111dent : M~tr· pret Dou\'ille. llt>~··ty: Mt>ets un 1'1111. ,. · Newport-Balboa Ro&al')'-t:lub: J~•hn Allen, preaident; Mart~ Dodd, Mcretary. Tu~llday, 8 r'JO p. m.; at White;JI Park Avenue cafe. Coe&a M .. ·New~rt l!art»ur Llonto chib: J . Lealie Steffenaen, pnaJ- dent ; H?WIIrd ,Gl•r riNh, !WI! I Nary. Tll<'lldKy mxm, Heinz Knlll4.'r'a cafe. IIJwula (llub of Newport~BeM-b: D r. ~ph D. Hoard, preal~ 8aln Klns!~~oUu:r, llt.'cr~uu·~· Thuros. 12:16 p.m ., GIU TampUa' eate. ('orooa dt'l ~lllr C'h·lc· A""41.: H a r rr \\'<'atud.•r, pr..Sid(•nt: Mra. 1>. 8. Lloyd, llh'rt-tury. M .. t·t !l un l .flr Ill llpN'illed piR('I?. . :Newport <.:tvkl ~: c :·F . Denniaon, pneident; Mra. H.i.akeU Olbeon, aecretary; Th1rd J:oTld11y at Ca{y H all. Coe&a MNa ('ltlu•n" t 'h II' •-«iw: ~s. Cr-andall, •·hm ; Ctwrlutt• Palmer, IICc'ty. ~wh \\'•·tln..-s.Jny, -: :10 p. m., Towl)llend hall. · dauji!htrr u( Mr nnd Mnl. Rlehard I" C'unmn.:ham u ( 121 MArlnt• ll~e­ nllt'. Dalbo "' Jsllln<l. 1111d Mr. NoT· mnn Malh·r. snn u(, )ldr. and Mrs. C'hRrlt'l! Malh·r. HI':' :.!6th 11tr••••l. ="'•·wp<~rt. \\'o•n• auHt"d 111 marriK~•· Sunday llflt-rtw u11 nt "'" lmt~ai- 1\'1' 3 u'chll'k ,.,.1','1111111\' wh1d1 tO.•k 1~,.,.,, tw (m·•• a ft."' t•r: l)a nkt'<.l u 1\n r an ~t. John \'1uniwy C"ntholtr d 111n ·h .. (Jrfh·aullllj.: lffth<· ntnrrill~«' llh'" wn:o Fnlho·r· l'dt•r J . Cunro•y. Tht' bruJo•. whu wns gk·t>n In 11111rrakl(•' IJy l lt'r f{tlher1and wnre "hlfl' mu1r•• tnfft't.& with rmg<'r· t1p \'t'll hauJ IM't't.l 'twarl hnlo, l'ar· fll'd 11 llt'nii·CIIIunhtl bouquet tl( "thltt' hynl·mtha 11nd boU\'IIrdla and ct>nt..-N'd With 11 wh11t• on·had. Sht' attt'nd•'\.1 by ho•r !!utlo•r. MI:<JO eraon, aecretilry. Mt>~ts a t Ladu clubhuuae on cali. tMf•·tJ< Rn<l .-.unt'd Taht'· ------~·..:'-;;;:;::::;;;;::--;;,;:::-~:=::=-;:::;:l!tllin r\lib:ll .and biU•' df'~huinim. M1iwporr111li'IMir~-aUIJ: H: 0 . E~. JfrMI&n"t: Allan 1-:l~tur\ ,.( Sttn!K Ann ass1at: Twiat, aecrtt.ary. Meet. \\'ednt'Sdliy noon at White'a cite, J3albo&. .. \.1 th•· hnd•·~o:mum 11,. bt·~<t man. "-tc:aa IJf'Ctoa .. 011t !Ill , ~~rt.,....r> Glenn Croft, eom· Jo'ulluwanl( Uw •·•·n mnny 200 fr ... ndM wo;rt: •·lllf'riiAint;d at a ma.nder; ~ Dyckman, adjutant. lat ~ 3rd TueM&ya, ~tOn hut, •·••ptl11n 111 th•· ("u ollllllj.:hrtrn hmrw. A.mf'rta.a Ua"toa Auxllh&r) uf ~t'WJMirt IUrtM»r: M ildred Stanley. memtH·nc tlf tht' ,bndlt! (Jilrty ~tnd pru1dent; Juhu Egce~t. ~crctary; 2rld ~&nd •th.Mondaya, Le~on hut mutho;l"lf uf th" bndc and bnde .:ruuna jCrt•t•llltJ: lhl· ..:uellt.". AIMrkaa IA'Jion l'•"'t -IM, t 'ottt.ll M.,...: H omer Bomboy, com-ACtvr IO dioy:<' 8t)Journ at nil ~er ; Oou Grable, lldJultlllt. l>·l and 3rd Mondays, Le41on hall. un1111111111n,.,.,1 dN<llnatuon. t h .. -----Am~rtan J.Aor;lon t\u:.:lll.llr~ "' ('tlfllta Me.a: Cora Bomboy, preat- dent; Edith Uulnn.·y. !i•·•·r...tary :.!11d •Vld 4th Mondaya at Leg1on hal!. \'t·tf'rtln" ut fo'ul"f'lttn \'.tn·v. .1. F. Thuulplllon.' t•unaril&ndl'r , Fluyd HoUoHI, ah.IJIItHI.i. l~t-:1rd' Fra\lay>~. M .. sa Lc~;wn hall. ----------------------, .• ,,.,.. .. of ••uman \\'~tn< AuxiiiAtr); Lu111 Thompson, pru ., Ell.l Conrad, aec'ty. 2nd-4th J:ori'IUuy~. M<'llll Le(lo'h hall. ,__ •• A.tleoc:.l&t6oa, ~·-·port.-....,__.._ ...... Depla.: BW Smith, prealdeJlt; Hu~rt Tbomp~~Pn, eecret.ary. 81econd *ndiay. F~Joea~N-;;--A~Wu)', ~e"·port Beecll: Mra. $ertlert 'nlompeon, preald .. nt, Ml'!l. R:llph R unudl. S••• '"'"'Y· :lnd Tuesday. 1'1_.. .• A_.laUoa: c:-ta MNA tlre ckp&I1IDetrt, Jamea Col· liM, pre•uSent; ~arry And .. nton, llt'Crctary. Fnday evenlnc• at fl!ehall yuun..: l'iriiJih· Will b.· nt huml' to thc1r fr11·ndr~ "" Uaii>Yii llltand Wb•'r•• the.y plu.n tu l't.'Atablt.'b reJII· ,ivtll·t·. Tho· n .. w Mr!l. MIIIN•r ill a J,:rad· IIIII•• of No•Wr-.•rt' tfiitoor l,;a1lflll H.lgh l'l'hool a.nd 'tOOk a prt>-nura· lng c•c.Mtrllt· At Santa Ana Junlor rolll'gt· wht'rt' !'he was affahat~ with LA11 Mt'ntnaa.· tlllal. ~ter took 11 nurs.· trnlnlnR Ill 'st. Luthf'tan'a hoitp1111l 1n Ltaro Angeli!J'. Mr . .Maller 11 ttrnQ,.od ~1111ta Ana 8<'houls aml F'reatlto Sllttc l'tJllel(t'. He u. 11uw runnrrtl'd w\th the J .' A . BHk nrru.·e • • • Mt·m~ra of 81.:• 'I 1111 l'so i<o•r· I \ll\11':1. 11r1t v nlt't Tuo·lldlo~ ·. •:!].111.,: ,, t 1111' • \1 ttuu.-1 'IU :iu ·n lit'~ home ,,r Mr~ I Ill'" \'nrn•ll Ho 1 I ' lit :.\ It\', l'n eat 129'~ Abalone &\'•• "· H.tll••a b :'o,11o~•,1 \1 ,~.~ 111 '• IU l\lhl 11 land . j I A. 111 Mr. and Mra. lltol•·:.t ~ u .. ur.. 306 Apolena a\'em ••• hn,f ... ~ 11 .. 11 C 'IU 'I« It u•· <lay dl~rfer cueab ~I I :01111 ,.,..,, ltl'l', 11111:-i \'1.\:-iSt:,·. lt'aC.bt>lk-1 I John Griul~ and "" ln tl •·r ·r~ ,.,,. h•r, El\·a: 311 ~lllrlht• .\H•., 1&.1hua ~ I 1<••1 I' .I il•·u 1 '. l'ru ... t Jt'rry U. Adana~ 11111 1'-•rHihy :-:'""'·"' ~~ ,.,, 11 1< ,,, " 01 Adamtl nr 223 On~' .I\ ··I HI•·. Bul I bo•a l~land, r11~ ""'I"' ••I '"'''" 1 lltc"r riuttt·n K\' nat: MEA tu>n .tn Wt~ a t s,..,ll• .\1111 •·all\ thiS Wt't'k. A nlilrrallgr II<'•·• •• ",,,. '""'" ol ul Sllnla Anll thia "' • h t .. r R nlph 1). Cardwell or t6tt ····lll lltl "''' John w.~H""''';;; I (r,· I I utmuunll) !\lt•t lllod.ltol) I: 'I t I :111 H ~~:l..i.. Johnllltttr ;-.;u,,t ,,· .~. .... tut!~:Hl M an. J"\\. :O:a. ad •' "" itflll\jtt •••n 'l CH , •• !• ,tt ...... 11 .. 'J,k k. ~<lrt>et, Is 11tlll In 11 '11111 ·•I o·ttmll IIIC:-..1 I Ill tlt'll u•· C'IIIUKT, tr~•n "' an uranc,. ''" p1tut "h•·•~·~ • lw W ltll taken son~o 1, m•· Ill(" "" r .. Kult of " June all It• )I" I'! I I ! ~~'"' C•·ut n al 11\'ruu...- \ l,l.tlh II ul Tlh· Jdulber t:hurcb. J . H. PI .. '\Iera, J.lfiiJII "''"r. uf Ill• l h·• F•1 ,., , 'htll• h ••f cnruat, unpurtant P1U18d••11 • I ur11a~111 • :'· l•'llll.,f. 111 tl.~t.m, ~~~~~- "'""'',and M nl. Bat(,.:•''" ""'''I"" 1 :-•• , .. t i\' ,., h•••l nt II :10 a m. •·h>~:<o•d tht' J1m Lupl•·ll '''"""''" • :-''" L•\ •• 1' 1• ,. ut II A m. ut :102 Apolt>na av•·• "'' Unll""' I>< .. ,. 1 II'"'"·'' 111•1'11111: 4'1\l'h \\'eel· I lalld, "' ~~~ 1\ ,,, " I' Ill I Mr. Ul\d M111. Ro• t' I''"'" "! 21-6 (IIRnltlnd 8\'1'1111•• otll ~uaula~ ~ .. 1\dtod a btrlhdM~ <111111<'1 •laa11 • 11:1\'t'n an Loa Ana .. I•" 1n hlmur ol Mr.o. ·Owt'n'li father T'"' huuolro•11 ~uesta "'ere 111 atlt'rtd~oawt•. f«:ar Commodore :u,d Mr11 Frrol Huni~. 223 Colllna "\'1''""'· v. ,., •• fha nkaglvlng dinn«'r 1-="''1'1" "' th•· Rulhe Rawsun hon~o 111 I"'K""" U«'at'h. MIN Mary \\'11111i uf Huntn AnM wu a w~ jl'u..St ul th HllniH. Itt·.;,,.,,'" ''"'"'· 111'1 ('t'ntn'l a\·~ .• "I"'" d:td~· I Itt • I'· 111. 4'llt'ept Sun- ''·' ,I IIIII I Ill olhlll~ lt flu JouhJ:, "' • o~rJmlly ln\'lted '" ""'''".! "!'d us.• tht• it'adlfll ( 'O!i4ta ~~~ Churches ('otota MMa t 'onunu•lt)' C'IMirda II•·• l'nrl .luhiiN •II, llluuster l 'hune :11 t J Sunday, II 46 a. 111, "' houl. N-'JIOrt Harbor \' ... lit Club: 720 Weal Bay a~enue, Balbo&. Com- modore Jamu Guthne. St>~ r..t .. l y, Luuu1 W . Ung~s. PU.oTS c'L,"SS F.STF.RTAJSF.il MJ\ and Mn< Wallt•r !'llulhtr hll11 r •h•uttht~r. Pall!y Ellen. '"" •· "Ill' ,.,J HI 4~ " 111 N o'Jrnltl&t wuratup. 6 :10 p. na \'ullnK l't'4opl~a ICp· BaiiMa \'llC'bt Uub: K H . R"·:~en, co1nmocSore; T. E. Johl\Min vlce-commodure:FrC'd H. Humo>1 rear-commodore. ------------------------~ 8alboa ...._.. \'~ ('lub.;. .Alli.n llccl!.. cvmmo>\lure; Jod! Adrl lll" secr..t.ary Uulbo111 J:•h~nu. \'Udna S.Uina ('tub: Uob L'rusby, cnmn1udore ; Cla'y Campbell~ aecretary. Met-ts Carl!t Sunduy a t Vak mg ':s l'"rt dubhoul!t'. ------ Tharty nwnlht'l'lt nna..l g all'si .R uf 1 r41111 their Put~aclena '~''"'' tu th· tht> l'alutt-.-Itt~<~<. C'"hnsl Chun·h b~· Y11ratun ~ltla..lt•nc~ un :t"'th t~lr•·••l the S••u. \1 t•rt' a•ntt-rt~tlnt'd ''"'t.>nt·l ;-.:ewpurl, wha•ro• they (ola11 In 1"¥1!1th· ly in !fa .. hn.me ut_Mr. and Mn•: W ,....:.-.. .. rw-Atly. Mra. ~· ..,. 1-1. Tnu~l y, .120 Sltnlll Ana H\'f'hUr. •Jau~;htf'r or .tuhn T Sympbtlll, Thf' t'\'t•nang Willi dt'\'t•ftod Itt muJ<a<' :>;1·wpurt paint contrru .. t••t 'tnd ~:t lllt'l<, f1rl7.+'11 twan~ AWIIrdt•d ' '" ih•· waruu·rtl. A~tMt<tm~ the ~r!!. JeMSe Cruul(hun, 606 \\' ""rlla I A'III'IIt'!l ; :m 1• m Oo"'l ... r=~r\'a« \\'•"-'". 7:30 p rn Mldw .. k J<••n "'' of JIMl)'t'r "ud pl"'llae. Th1m•. T-l op. m (.~•lr. ,... lu•.•n<al •. ,,., •·uunceua,.. ('hurd! ot' .,. c·-tll. M.- S I'"'""t llarllu r :O.un C';llltl.,; (;, n \' .. lllibll•\1', Jf . ll<'lltur l ... ut: I.Jt111 frufl lys 11~ t·n·h•vcl.lt wer\' Mr-. nnd t'rntml jW~n·ue, haa noturllf'd fr""' Mrs. R. C. OWt>h. Mr. and Mn!. Frt·llnn wh~rc abe NJ• ~H.'I'II Vtllll W . R . f'nwll'r 11t1d Mn< Gt'ne\:le\'1' ang hl'r IOYI·In-law llnd dlllljrh11'r. }{arnt:•~<. Mr. nnd M111. El\'111 Utm\ 11 0 \\'all~trd lite~&rl\ll, l'•ator 1 Younl(. s...t•rcwry. :'l:cwvort H11rbur \'11cht dub. ~..,;. Aaruaa t1ub: 1-:. H . All .. n, presldent ;FrankC~ker.-~­ ret.ary. MeetJI on ~all. N"""'port 1'uoa ('lub: EtJ t;n .. ·nl'ndykt>, jr., president : llary Dav- ~e. secretar:y. Mt>t>b ut ~"•"''i"'l t l{,,rbur \'a1·ht club on call. aa, manag..-r. kewport lla rbur 'fra&ll :O.h•H,IIDI( ('lub: J . Har-Jid Caaldwell, prtll• ~':t. Mrs . Jt>111111t' llu.1111, ,,., r•·l"l ~ 1-i" h :O:tll•~·-~ ~~ llup Kruuuds. .. artnt-Te ... IM.or Aa...uc•l.lltloa of S ewport II arbor UMia H1&1' Sdlool: J.fl'l!. F: . ..S. D axom, p1 ~·s•tlt>nl; Mrs 1--rt-d ~Jihman, !Oe('ret.ary 'Thttllo• '!h.urau~ tluo t•njuymt'nt t•f Th11rtk~av1nc wa• madto lh·· ,.,.," thl' f'\'l'nlnl( w .. ro· Mt>11~rs nnd Ml'll· 1tlcm nf ·>4t fAmily Mlnlun Rf • llh· •lnnw~ flurry <'. 'w\\·~tlll\'t•r, Ray-Hr .. wn lurmt>. Mr and Mr11. ("Jail• 1111101.1 K: l':ll~<l llttua, (\rthur Prlc4;' .. C"r~tughnn "' Sunln C"ruz 11l11u l""' F'.dwunl 1-'ru.·hlul, Jo'r.111k Phillips, IIIIo: lht' J>Rrty fur tht• day. ~f.to•Jnn :O.full llll'l.' r ... •nn FergllliOn, F: c Ta kon-g Hth '""'"l:'' .,( wra"t w1 11 l'huoe 17711-J Frld11)', i :10 J:-:1 nn.,:..taall(' ~~erv· " ... ~lllh.I"Y· II :w It an SundAy "' lu••l l'lu:<.'l<':< fur ull Ill( .... I I Oil • 111 M·•r n•n.: WunthiJl 6 llu I' 111 1 •;.,,,.,,,.,,.,, 7 ~Mt 1• ·... t->."l"'fnn~,wrvl~. Tn•·,..Juy. -; ::11 1• .at. Mad-week t,;U(>dcU: Mesdames .Elmor t lfn\'d<'ll, M11r\' S lanh•v, F..dlth M1ll1· tl1•;y, Murtttll:('ulltt\'o·~. l 'yrll!l Mall· ... r. Grao l' H1lhn,.::o. r\ \\'. llull hy tt nd h•"'llt. d .. 11hl "'"" ,,.. tl1•· Ins I •l(l(l<ort 111111,. 14' n 11 • · t" l'o•lr brat«' 1_.,, Thullk!l.:l\ m~ Thttr"'·"· t•l 11 "' ~l'rM)'f'r P ny1< 111 tht· sum•· y M r, Mr . '""I 111'111111.: • • • l!•lrtrltl wen· 111"1 Tlllrr..,ltty ttl.-d1n-• --t;Mrw ..... ~'liNI Mt,.,.... · J(u. Albert S l'aam· ur Unlh"" ~ a uU, ...... ,.,., A_..., 1 lh·r ~·II·Mb "' ~,, ·•1111 Mno. w .. r••·u .. I~·\ \1 (' ,., .. 1111', ,.,totnr ----a;;n-nl-TriM·h.-r A..,...._·latlun uf ~""port ~~~ G;.mp.., !klllool~ ~AST.\ AS\ t:IJP:I.I. rRF.St;ST-0 I' H r 1, 1 T >Ita II Mra. LeT Trme. nrc•:<tdrilt: M HI. 1-"11)' lkn~.ct. lk"C'ty. 3rd Munday. ~t:\\ ll'fiRT "\\(1\f."S':-' I'I.A ,. 1111 1 " III-Io•' 1111 r y h' :<tmrt:w "''"""'· II 4f• "· an. 1. J'ltllh'~ Hrt• t·Uit lh11tUOg' ..,.t M 1ul ~1 .. tnu1a... \\ot"'4IIIJ•. 11 nn u tl•~k ,\1 at~ 11111111111 lm7 .. a 11 ••II \~'•·•I k 1 1 • ~..o l'arf'nt-lnw·ht•r "'"'"·liillun "' c·u.,ta Metoa: Mrs. Gunmlll' Butler, -P"'IIItkn•~ lot~. H .. -1 ~lhtl " ·~• " t oluf!'• r.·arl!l • ~.' Co'·ordl-tlar; ( uurwll ul ~''"I'"'' Harbor: GoSJ~ G1·able, pre.tl· dent; Gl11dyo~ 1-:du k, s••l'ld·H y :!ru l Thursday at R 1gh s.:huol. . · --8;. l!lcout11: Hurty L::ullt•r, sk1ppt:'r; ConstanUn F1ink, firat•mat.; Each Weds: e\·e, i ·II u ci\J\. k, .\ ar wr .. an Legion hall, 16th and Bay . Otrt Mart,..,..: t:lure ::!tam:son. sk1pper: Lila Merritt, flrat mat,e; l sl un<l :Jrd 'ljlll!' p. '" •. :.:1~1 :111~~tla M•·•ulu~· ··~·~----- Bo)' !!kouht, N~\\ purl llnrl>lor : H arry Rae, ScouL'lla.ster ; Fr1day, ,•· 7-p:-m', Scout Hut, J:iU1 11111..1 Uay. Olrt akout11, Se"l"'rt IS4•M·h Troup: Mr!!. 0 , M. Brlacor, leader; · Miaa .Marlhll .fo'ldhl!r. co-~~<t.t.·r. ~mm11un lk'houl kanderaarten room CO!lla M.-.a tir&\l(f'. 61 '4: llol,.:o K u .. tuu, lllll.'ltM; Mrs. Roberta Rapier, aecrct11ry. :lnd und 4th ThurMI;ty, :.!:.!114 !'llewport Blvd., C. M. •'Y ftnn .. r . t •·· , ... nur~. I{U•,,.,,. ..:,,,,.,...,,,~e\1, '"''t \a•··~.-; :u, 1, m "'"'~:uv, hwllil" r:J "' the· S uatu Ana t ... I' .,_ j .,nnrmrrt ·"''"lo: ... 1'!1. 1111·•·" mutn.-r 1111• 1'1 !.l''''•'"''' ''" ·. :Tw•...-!foy IW.'fV· -rtntr pr'""'Ttt'rrt"'ttrr-)!r..rulmnth,.r. !\11 · Bfth -u..tr •. r 1, .. •7 .1.,-1-, -, .. ---- .. ; ... -: .. I 1'1··~·. A l 'h:.;no "" ~11.,:· \\'o•>'l\\•••1 \'illr..:•·. a nd Mnt 1.:• t •1,.,_,. ~· r\'i' 1•, ThunHIII)', 1 30 :.:•·l<ll•orl," II lr • h II ''" \\ l•lt1'" h\' nna \\'alliiHfl!l .'•f ~.lfltll Ana. ~Ina. (;,.,,, )," \\'li•·»l .. 1 ';\;,.,, fl',;, . '''\t'lllh IJII.~ Aoh,.tkt l~"tl h T ho; J'lll~ \\It~ ohr••t•lo•d hy t-:.""t•·IIP ( • .•• d I ~····ttillll Tt,•~ f d.t)' \\:.t•ll • • t1n' y ~·,utth·t t. ~~~~t n..t t.lll1 "'""' Jll17.•,. In " , ""' t •·~ol a·uni1111 lo•ol w:ol•·r llw "'"'l"''l'.t uf tho· l'11ltfnn11:t Jo', d1'lhl l•o11 ul \\'nrllo•n's t'IUbl<. • • • ~ll:J! Ma ry ~: 1111 rWttX ,, 11ol ' "thrrt•h ttf f hrl11t Klftl( .. \\'aiDUt Mt,. •la 11g llt•·1·, Mts" ·'I·•. H11 n1'""· u( S:tloh.lltt • h•••l S·•••.,llrty; II :to ~!•t h ~t ,..,.,, a,. . 1 )".\'',"" "n •·x J •,.. •• t11 ''~ ~··r \ w••. II A. na l•·htiJ•tl I'J HII rr nlll '' '• ti\J flH'Illht•l ... 1 \\'o•tlit•' •tl I}' 1111(111 ~•'t\'l<'e, 7 :\(), ,.f tlwrr amm•'<h:t l· :.uwly. ,lu 1t11 • Jlulu ••X uf Af)unt•• lu~Jt. H "'''' J.Ah\ .td 1 , H .t~. t •· r• • • l\ til): und t.ruthPruf tt" ,.~,. \\'(tOH•n.l••tt ttw ,,,, • ._, ,t , •' ,,. •d ''''''",. l•ol fu r h 11n1tt Mt~ud.i\ d l•·r "rwodutt,: I t• .,. ,,11 h 1 .. ~I t 1. '' 1 •.••• \ ·"'''"···• So>\'1'1111 Wt•PkM h•" t llht•r~t "'til ~~~ 1\ \ Ill• It ,,, , • I• 1•1 ,, .. 1 S•1u•l,.\ ~fr:' Jo:r·n··~t Burt'iM hus lt\O\'t•u soJournlng'n \tt1•·11u''"x huru,.nr••, tf t~~'.t ••' t t•.:'r t ,, •• , :"',,., · .. c:ar(h-11 t;r .. , •. urt•·• 1111111)' yean.· Mr und Mn•. \\'•II•'· o llltnr·t,x .. , I" •I lo , 11 • t • \1o \\ ""'' ,-l'l'lllll•·llf •· 111 :.!Ill; \\' <'•·nlral &\'1'· nuo· ~tkanfl,\\PH"'h .,...,,t,Kfll'lcJHtt~ll t lt'tl"'t' f''' • t .,,, l it• •\•ht 1ft le·t ·ln·lav: f•( 1 h• • l•t·' Mr,. ft ,,. ··lu,t.-·d hr"' ....... ,, I'" ••••t eluH~h I . . ~-. u .. w Mli1Pf' IIUMIC .•. II•-Mrt .• lftl A 1'4a.~·llllt)' SIPith Coraet Shop. AaTIM~ Mc•Ur:l.-' r:st·~MIMM l 'ni»A,. FOUNDATIONS AND GIRDLES IU!t.IAHIU !til 'KIIII 'AI.~ .. ...,_ nn · ... NurUa M)t'.,....,.. l MANTA ANA.. C'AI,.It'. I _I\11\IA Ill ~,111 ·\ S ,\·l .,: + . . ... EVERYTHING IN SMART SPORTSWEAR IS TO BE FOUND AT 701 E. Central Ave. BALBOA . H. R. _T R·.o T T Master Jeweler . WA-TCHES .. JEW;ELS LPrecisi~n Repairing Sycamore at· tifth Sheet SANTA ANA Phone 5618 -" ' Th~ World'• Nf'wll ~~ Throuah THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR A• 1•1,,../,_JINI o.J1 /'tl,..,~,., ,..,.... ., Till CIIIIJnAN tCIIHC'I PVIILI,HI~O IO('JIITY 0.., ...... , .. _ . ..._, ... -~-·· .. T.-f.l-e-.tn.d-tlaWo.-4-PIIW f~ I• rdr•ll a--M.W. Are n-.1,. lftd •-• wd~e .... I• .,., .......... T....., •Htl dla _.._.,, M .. tdM lecdea. ..... .. Me.kw • 14MI N-.as-f• dw "--. Price •u.oo v .. n,, ., •I ooaM-Ih. a-.4.i1-. lftcludtni M.,_.,,.. S.C..n, II 60 a Y-. fntre4..aorr Olor, 6 r-U C... oe.· ...... CH.RISTIAN ·sc·IENtE READING ROOM ........ .,......... .. ~ . ·• Home IA'untl4111n Dept. nf (.'.,,.,. M""" Grraaa«', 612: Mra. Fr~ Brae~. eha1,rman; Mr.1. Harold F.ddy, kretary. 2nd and 4th Tuuda)llt .. Afttlt' :O<H'II•Iy lit'\\'lt <•II jlllj(l' k ' ~A. m=•=no~MU::.....::.;..._..,_, ____ ~ rule, 11 n<l Mrl\. Jo:ll1• llanultnu ... ,,, \It ••I \l r• \\'•11 •• Jt.,,,,\ cht u~ht ... r, fr•Hlt T •• ·I \\'1uth , • l it I •d !"--,, '1 \r n ·''""'''' SPW'ItOrl Hllrbur H..,l ( ru .... : lrr Hu\\llld S•·u,.:••r, pn•11 .. A. J . ~·L~t IW!Crf'tllr y. Mr ets m1 call. -' ~ -..L~rr~ta ..._ ..,.. "'--IIJ2»'· ~,. G\f.!Palt cha+r-a;;-Mia. ~ VIele, aecret.ary. 4th T urmlay t•\'<'n!IIK a t <.:vst.a Mesa F lrth&ll. Ebf'll (.1ub of s~"P'Ift K4'ur h: ~lr.<. S usan D R'<itperfurd. RTI'BI· dent. Mr11. Ruy And<'lll'•ll, "''l'll'lll) lltt :.n•l :;r~ Th"~"d .. ys JS~w·port H•rbttr \\ mnft1'11 A.-.claUoo": M"'. Geurgette Maxwell, president : ~l r~. ~"Y Lmn. f't•t Jt•trary ht Ttlt'sdll.y a flrr Jrot Mu~da).,_ BaiiMIM and Proft'Mional · \\'fltnAil'a (.,)ub of N.-."rt .......,r: Mra. Vena Maller, pres ident; .M1ldred Lockhart,.aecret.ary. lrt a nd Srd Thundaya. ---------------------~--y.....U...._. Club-of ~·x....:. Mra.-R.alpb V~ PB!D!l&nlH -BurUn LankCord1 and 3rd Jant' Ca ma, Ad julnnt lilt r~nd :lrd M11nd11y~ " a, S. L HUNTLEY Br ED'WHEEI.AN -" . ..,.. •• ~,. •• (. . ..-,..,,._ ~Yn·k-fl. s~wport .._•:·Mre: ilary 'BIC TOP S~~~.pr~""'· M~ r; •• , H ·•~•.~~r•t~:y M~"md ~,.~~ ~------------------~·---------~-------~~----~~------------~---~----~~----~~ '-----= ,r..,-•.• ~y of fll ..... A14i11Ni aaaea --.r MN. WaN AAt> iN .. r::R PReSSttH~ Pal pr .. ~ooa..l••"t ~I•· ~'·"' H•·111 • 't "" •·_:·'~·':.:'~>"_:2:_:':_'':_';,T:.;h;_1_:":..:10dM:=::,::)~··...,..,_;_.~l.,~~~~~~.!.l...JiC-'it.a&l~f-~~'1"e..---l~~~ :~fo~c;.Mt\lf!;, "·-·a nut..u-Trm.,..,..;._ ... , ...... •f s-port ...... : Mre soee>1!:D ALOUD- Flora Bo•Alt)'. p r•·•t•l• 111 ~~~~ I. I •I· H•ll t •·• t•l:t Q' l ·t \\'4><~: "·-·a ('tlii-Uaa T.,..pP,... .. 't' I ...._ rtf ,._ .. ,._: Mre M1nn1• V. Rncl.. prMu<knt J4,..,. l4•11tll l'••n '"'· ~'>"'rttary ~ Fnclay. ....... ,. ~ ( nrpoo nf f -•• ,.,_;•M o . Rla n• h• K ujalA ... Jl"'CII clmt. (.'lara J(rMu"ry ,_.~,,..,-Jo'•t•t 11·mt thm t Wf'Ctn•aday ,utu !'Wir ... l), "'· l utafl \ •-..-~ f .. ,._. ..... C._,...: Mn J •ohn Haach p,...·, Mna ... F: 7 .. ·11• r. ~·.' ,, s;,., T u•·.,•t.oy ·-..._, ....... ,. oar ._..,, ef ,.._, , • .,.... c..... n..ft.: Mn Artllur OOMIW~vn. pr"~ Mr. JC .I t'•••n" • -. r-•·• .. ry f'rt•t Tul't>da. -' -._ --.--IWI ,. ... ~.oar.....,.,~ c..r.e ,......_ QM!asl & 1 . ......_ -.p\aAa. llorpll Leonard. aittnWJ ..._. ._., • 0 -· ., ~ HAL.tf A~IH(f SWOULt> tvtR ~tl TO '!OJ OA_.Lit4<i, I'D { JUsT t>t~ • ~r·s /\LL •· - _:::J.;. __ _ .. -~ , .. , 9!' • I I lEEK-END EDITION ;osT~_MESA NVIIBUII . ng .. pute unci I oct by • dtlzenl' 1-'and ........ • Nl(.lay nl8ht and ~~ Ut' from Mchd- k•WJJOrt, to "B'' .. .. """-.. , -lfMnklft of Ita• :dt&- t .. to 1M -··· lnl \he P"*-ol t· llatttoa •••••• u-..,r. •• a. ,.. - INM<Ir lot ow..r Uon ,._.el¥ed ..... ·'1 "••pnrt ...... 1 lbe report vi U. ..... • two ~.,.. r .. r.nv~u..-.. ... a-.--~ 11ac• pralrl• a. ,.,.. -~ ... ..................... -.....: .. ..-; a..H.&I......._ lutberteed. , ......... .. ._ ....... ... .. ,..... ... Z:$ .... vi ,~.,. ..... I ... ... ._ ,.. ... . • pter,,.., .c ........... ..... -..e.. I the appatat·p· fll !'ftllldl ... :., ., u-. .. tM.,.. •u-· ...... ~t­,......._outUWI ftalrh WOUJcl pro. • 4tf •II ~•m· aumblir or .,.-•• Wl plf'UUN ptera I ha~• hHn bel• twu m on llae litl tn In lh4! COD• .. t he council lll~onctay ntaht nr wa tui •d•IIUonal le lint luauwn. t••llahlf' .,,un:ee, ftttll h•otcl• •""'"4 )tiC • jorubl"rn u .... ,. .... aalun I• •I•• the loll• "~"'I lilt con- '"""''' ••llltnall('e 11•· ti•tjlllfl llhoh of ,, WHy ,. •1•''""1: tra an 11 loy '' r ltlaeM I 11111111 lit,. I'll)', 1111 I', t-: ('llfll• ---... ~;i'l88. ~~-. uth l t u n • ',,.,,·,., "'"IC the ·~·· "'" "'"Pfirt)l' 11 •11111 rlrt anti d4'1r rrlillir what •Ill '"k" Ira t!!4! 'i· . . .. .. Pag~ 8 • I American Legion A ux Initiates Memhet·s at Impressiv~ Rites .. L • \\ t .U \I I. \ol.) t .C• \S l(,,,.,~t.,... ••·hf,:I\Jtl,),,tH•f\M tif tr.•oat. "' ~,,_.,,,., Mnc Ji,.nry IJ.u h I, "•' 1\lloo•o• m nr n lq(t• '••h l•!t lt1tf.k10f,!l\lf\.: dRy :ti At. " l'llflrtul "1"1 '''•1•1 •·•~•'' f., \ •. • ·; 1 T h•· ltllo..lo· u• tltl' r_.r tAn HHtV ,.,..,ntlu•·l•·tS t,,. t h• ~I ' ... , , • · \!.. I• •I • ''"'llti•'' ••' :"'•·"'· Dl.lttrl• \ 'nt\tah"'"' n·""' r .. 11r I"" • 1• • • • !.· ' ' I t • • •·Ill I\' "t.,. ••m· "-''>mf'(l Wt'r& Itt II! M •1111lh )' h ~·Il l "' I''' \ • ol ol h • I Hll•1hllll: Rh•• II h <'la!lv lnducl41d Kll ""''"'" r• .. r 11,. ''""'· I•'• 1 "' ~l r -. ,\111'•1 Ahol:r. Nf'WJ~•rt H~trbur Artll'lh hf IA'I:';,, .r l'.oo11tlo· I' old ·•11<1 lht• ..:r~<ntl· a uxJiutr:y. -thr "rf'rnul;." ll'l•'luohn~ "" 1d•:• 1 •·I !>41 '""' Mr~t F..d Mar\' r;_,h...,., Mary \\'O'tflt'r, Mnrt•· \\' oh<• I Ill! :!7th ,.,,,.,,, S"wl~•.,rt K.:~·prr and Jubf'~. l'mtlh 1' T it" '''""~-• "ultl•· t>ttv•· •·»lith· Dtatlnl(lll.hf'd ~Ut'l!la prMWIII r •• r I "~'".. ,, " •I• !1• ,. "I ,.... Slltlllnl the r~tn indudf'd 1-:1,.,,. H,.,.,.,.:l 'I• 'I tuu 11h .. n \\' • 't·nh"•\1 '"'''"U" pN"ald~nt nr {)ran): e. c; .. unt \ (''••hfl~ + • • • • <"II. "Molht'r" 1-'ann)' ft.,,.,.,., 21 .. 1 tlt.I~·IIT'• « IK4 l.t: \lt:tirs DiJirlrt l'hallJ•In. ~t n•l 'T111111 Rtan I 's . .-1•·11 1~ ~,.,,,.,,ol.•\\'~1'!\ dan. df'pt P"IIPY lllll>·'-l"'''uuor 111,., T •o• ,,, ,, ,1t t ,,..·,,,,,,, ,,f ~n A a hurt b uatn""' nu·o·l "''"' w.•.•l f.:Oiotl1 \I , u•lo t • r 'ol • 1 tilt lit.:• ""'' devotf'd t o Jllana tor I '-'"""'ht·r ,.,.. '"'' ,, ,,, 1,. 1 I·• ~ ,, , " ~!"tt41.._s,, Uvtltt'a thto I!'Millton hfooul( ."'"''hill· l h•· t 'flr.1<tu ,, 1•·11'1\ '"·I"· h .. lol f'd w1th a .. ~tal ~""'' ''' whw/1 p,., ,, ,, ''·' ""'"' .. r "'" '"''" the hoet.... JtroiUJl '"'''" '"ml-"""' \o'ir:i '" 1 I,,·, Mr a nd Mra Ralph A. Wblte· ~1de or t..o. A nl•lea, and their .an. I.R\\ r*'lltt'. 1a 1tudfon t atl t'omoM hlflt<•r t•ullel(e. ap.-nl ~v­'"1: Ht -thetr l:iett<'<Jto HHy nom .. M r ,j ntl M n Ro b<·rt L Boyd .. r l'oorona dtl Mttr wen-Tuellday dllltlt'l I(Ut'BLII .tl the i\lltn CrtiC ""'""' 611:1 (:J~rnatllln .. v .. nuf' The ·•!tllJr hunur-ed th<• &yd'a "'eddll\l' ••nnav••r"'ar)' Mr Hlltl Mra Ju1W'pn.oo8(>dman, l•i7 l 'llt\ Mtn..-1, h:l\'t' rt't Urned (r~oru S an I ;abrtt'l Wht'ro• they 8~111 ~,.,.,.ral da yM l'nt·louJIIIk Th&nks- 1.:1\'1111: .,.,lh lho·lr ~un·ln·law llnd •htlll(hlt'r. ·Mr IHHI Mr1. Ray ll.ondr.mqn .Mr 1u to.J Mr11 W~tlt• r Homeyc-utt tnt.! d\tldrl'll "' rt'l7 S11nta Ana a ve- flU•· hr.p·•· r.-turrwd rnom a week 'l ''UI'Iltt"ll Itt Paradt .. •, In Built' • ••llll ty, who•r,. lh.-y Wt<rf I{UI'lll11 11( Mr "H11m•y••utt's "•trr, Jok'll. A Ito o• AIJII Z Tho•y rrJW•f't\delll{ht· f11l Wt'1tlh"r ..14'11h ''""' am.watorm J•·nt11111: II ro•RI Ill no'IIJ'h4'rf' Of Th~tnkMj!l\'lnl( 11111«' f llo•lfiiC II( dl\·u.Jt'iJ lJJ.IIOIOn 1WL, l~ "'"'""'' ··.'fh""k"il'' 1111: Mhonld 'be • • II'I.,HI.-.1 "'' th.-211Ut <•r 2Hh hf fl"'""n hy gnthrrfnl: CLASSIFIED roa~· -FOR BAL&-DouiM-barnl abot- ,-un, In lood .... ndltton Sell cheap. 201 m.t l'lTt~t. 3tp )\'ANTED--' I\ . . HO\J81:8 WA,NTEU_:P .. ue 'illt your llooue. Wwa ua"for Rnt t.o Anny otnoen,.no.J defenae work· .. ,.. R. C. Parker. 1808 Newport Blvd., Coeta llellll. 37lf WUVLD UK2 llOOMER tn quiet ramtly horne. J\f,'ft·n u,.,.,. rt•quir- •·d. Call 30e Mar1gold, Corona d;,l Mar, ~ e p m, Or phonr 1()23-J_. 3k FOR RENT -~---Jo'OR RENT -:Attrtctlvr alncte apartment. Oce.n view. Electro- lux eqlllpped. 2112'-, <>ce.n Front. ·' A TTRAC'!'In HO'J'I:L ,BOO,.._ Reuo~ble rat. by da;r, ....., month or yeer. lnnenpnq mat.- t.....-. ,101 lleJI'addeD Pla.ce, • N~rt. aboft Moen'• Oonlecr UoMr;. .., Bh UTIFUL 3·room lower nat. completely f\lmaabecl. cance ln· eluded, on Oceen Front In 8&1· boll; 136 per month, yearly 1-. R. C. Parker, 1808 Newpo.rt . ---FOR IALI:-HOUM trttlt'r. t:~t.o- d&W aDd In food COAdlUorr.. $1-:'5 C&1l 16UI and WestmiMter I U . C'Geta ... _. 39p FOR I~Niee little cottare on EriUier atreet li\ C'Geta M- UOOO. Terml. R. C. Parker, 1801 Newport llml.. o.ta x-. ntt FOR SALE -:t-bedroom frtme hoi.Uie. Pric• 122a0. IZ:W down. Bee £41th H. Manderr, 1613 Ortl\l'f' Avt'., Coata Meaa. 39c Blvd., Coeta Me,e. · 39tt fi'6R SAL£-MCIO eah buy. orw FOR 1UCN'1' -Funl1aMd double CO\tqM, S ro0nw ud batll; newly renovated, new · equip- ment; U5 a month, utWUM p&iCl. Pluromer Place, Bay and Cypi'MI .,.abclll; ~ne Slf'~ .oe HOUSES FOR RENT-We have eevertl hou.a for rent in the eo.ta 'lieu-Newport Helfht.l dlltrict and will be clad t.o llhow them to tnt.er.ted paJ'ties. R. C. Parker, 180& Newport boule- vard,· COli~ Mesa. 3ttf lot 'and unttntaWct • h6u.le, partlJ tiUDiahed, on 11:. 16th lt. Weh located. R. C. Parker, tiiOt Newport Blvd., Coeta Mesa: COSTA MESA BARGAINS 3· roOm hoi.Uie and acR, $1100 MODERN 6-room hom• and 3 lot., 13000. Ho~.~~~e a nd lot O\'f'r- looklrC NeWJ~Qrt Bay on bluff. $2200. _ ~ E. RuaseU, brok..r. 17110 NeWport Blvd., Coet. Mesa. · · 39c ~lure'. Want an Santa ADa or Inland •mal) home and ...,.. ground . .Wt~bt ()4&)' " ditf~. John D -Burnham, 2001 <>c... Bh·d . Balboa, Phone Newport 315, 3to HOME FURNI8BIN08 •~R sALi-F'irat ·claM-~· llonf'd eteetnc waal»ra. 2101 r· Newport Blvd.~ Coeta K-. de: 8 CUBIC-FOOT SERVJ:L Od ,... rrtrerttor. 9'-2 yean CU&ftll~­ HO dilcount. E Z trrma. 8aJboa Furniture St.oR. pl.one ltl. TRADE what you don't want f« ~·hat you '"·arit. Rho~r l"Ur'Di· 'ture Mark~t. larleat at.o,;ck ol use<r rurnr.ture '" Sanaa ADa. 1211 South :t.lam 1treet pbone •188-W. ' LQNELY Lt>t me ~lp you find the fiebt On.. Many, many hu~ ol.., ar.,.cel"f' :nembus tn my dub, all a~~·· Conll<kntlal. I ba\'C brli*S _ hundrl'ds, lf'l me hf'lp you. Write ror appiK'at10n or .,. .,. ln pet. ,.,, O.Orr;f'tle Gord<m . F.~th••r l'un•l l "'' , .. 1 , t•r•··· ~l oll• r ·M .. tl(llt 8Mawl 1~ and Malrr Kool.lJr'" i ';...~~ u..~•-u ....... 1;.,-<J~ U.4!- .. _______ JULI.Ill.e£e.IIUJ~~rv.L-"11.~··~·· ,. ... "·~ ~tJhltt"'tt 1t '1tl0 \j:; f!ii ~¥"11· e~f'd bythf'W<~ntf'n flrtot't~'"'"rd l _,1, 1-:..111 ; ll otl 1·,.~·· J:or11:ird coin• 'to Hf'lf'n RAn n.-1. )U'I'IoJIII .. , .... llhllo~ .. :.ro ll! ·'' ''"'''"' 1-:J. Mabel Cummmta. and IIIlA', M Hn 111,, ~~ •14 1 11,u XIII , ~.,,.;,,,..,..: th•· t;tKhlono h••m" \\h~<rfl a twlu· y .d1u.nu_...,..._ ..U.... ';.rcJH lho• tbt~ l'roouolly l''!htl .. t tnl( 11 nt'IA' Ill• \'o'll" Wit'\ \''111111: Pt•lt'r Gnlhanl "II•• l•••k luh·~tnllll(f' u ( lht> !Clln14' Say It with Oun." "OW'• Flow· •r Shop, 1710 N~rt Blvd., Coeta Mesa. Phorw M7-J. .3c ~hr'f'a. ~t •• t ... u t ',,._ ... "., ,; •• , \\\• ~,,,.,t_ ... AUXIliary mf'mhtortt ha\'t· tho~ ~~~, Mot.'" 1t .11 .. 1 ~I 1 • ;1111••11"- eum~ .,..n r-rt..-ultorlv b<o"v . • • tupplytnc "hou14'wlte' k1t11" '!'.._"'•l·t t. 'Tt:Hl' \1~ hKIU \1. I' \IK dlert. Ttw kNik1·ba!'kf'd rulho Mr ,.,,( Mo \\'oi l, ,111 l'l•·ph•·n :r:::c~~~~-~:::~:· :~"::~~~~;,'1~ ~IIlii II fl ·;I I ,\ 1• I• 11 o "' t'lllll' ·and .. fl,.t a•d tn c--loth•n,r" are;•rr•,.. ''' 1 \' 11""t"' Ft ••l • ' ·' *••H~ It I • """'" ,, ,.,,. r J•., t ,. t.~ ,,, .. ra11~ ltll'l r vlchd JOintly by ~~ Rf'd Cfolllll anol "'"' ""'I n•·\\ d' tJ.'Io l•' Ill ltiw Mr. the Auxiliary. the formf'r nrr:•niZA· • 1o 111h~ 1 • \\'tlloltl•r ~I••J•h•·u _Snlllh. = ::::~Y~"' t~ k":~l ~OVf'n~ Ill V.looo \It • I• uo~llo•·•l lh•· !•ro•Y .... _ A u~ "', nnf', ltn"';/-nl(. ", • .m Stol.thl\ I olio• I 1:11• ,,;. llll'llllf • .... u.x -ry tnanl' n• ,,.. n f'r· lor t ....__ kit ,_ •••I Ito•• \oollllle ~I I• ~1111 111,. Jill I f'tlUIPffif'l' I rlO' a I 01111..- 1 . \' and .-mblf'd bv Auxtharv mr m· ''1'1"· ~1 1 '"'' )l r· ·1' l•u 1-\ o·b· .,.,.. dur1fttr thfotr.•Jif'('UII wt;rk d.M\'Io ,,., "' 1'·"1•• )f•' "•I Ito•· •·ldrr at Red c~ hf'adquartf'1'11 ~fL~ =-'•":tl• l·•l ' l,lc •• ~" .rnd T t) datf', Ollf' kit Mli bfof'n '"t'' ~~~~ I. I II oil. old ,f I, oiiJoo;t Ill ~M:,d t.o M C'h Grit~:..-f'nlntln111~ l.llul from lhf' !llf'IA'port Harbur duotru 1 1"''" =-'•oo.\h l h• '''" " · ~"lllll:•'r In addition. 117 ktll "'rrf' ••tpflh"'l ~·oo "1'" 'nt.~l· •1 " 11•• '"''' .\•II: to a llkt' numbt'r uf Marrh ..... 111 1 J~ 11 ·~ ''''"1'1''1' '1 It·· 111111111 tr.un·l eoid.,., ~rhtJ •'rrr fr..que,nt J:Ut•~f t ,,,. J•f \J-f···•ft I t ... ,•lto•tl 1"''·'"• at ~QX llry di\IWf'll fO Od f'n1Pr11\tn "''!I '11 p ., '·'"' 1"''·11'1 l•·oth .tiiiJ: t. d ri lhft t M1 Iii,. t f•••:4f'lt UUit •ll tttJI t• lwt ••ltlt' ,,n nwn u n.r J)IU IIUntnlf'r "' "'"' ,,1 "'·" 11111,~1 ·•·•' loo 1 "'' hrttlo· htM 8oxtn birth· •I·•>' unrll\'•·t•tu~-,:.;,.,.,.n young llll'luU. ....-,.,.. Ill\ tlco.J f<Jr an tm- l""'"JIIII J111rly ~lurt1 ~~_. 1t1ty nt•\\':t, un .. DESERT RI:N'J'ALS Hnw about a vac.at.lop ln the~""'" IIUMhlrt" of Palm ll)lrtnc1 ar.-11 ~ P'or ,.... 10nable f!~Dt&W '" W L . Jordan, r XMAS CARD IMPRINTS--60 for 1.00 aftd up. Get your ~ 111 early. Brookford'e Gift Shop, 120 E. 18th at., Coetu Meea. ~ FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE - Balboa J>e)Unlull Point l!.bed· room home. Exch&~e pnc• 111000; clear and mtcht eell rum- a.Fryen -lastlrs-. KR."". ADELE Gf)oi'BAL • ....._liM 01.;_1..1\'J;JUI;S .._.x ... port-\\'~ Ftt. Balboa b.·LWo-\\'ed.. FJt.. 1111&.. . an now mlf&«'f'd m ao•t'lve dtth· "' , ~ , •-· tJw. Ptllllppt-• Chllrlf'lll K lll•'l' · • formrr t'mJllnyr nf lhf' N,..,. rnrl:-1 ~·t;;t.t.••" •lilt' t'I.A,.,. 'fr.~ ' &.ncb BAnk of Am<'rl<'a, """" , • .,, M· ,.,, ... ,,. .. : Ill• 1-'•ll"""hiJ• •I '""' lttblltnr·h'• kit tc> buddle• Jlt Fort ow·t T••• ,..j ,, ··••1"'•1: "' (•h)tJOI Knux . "''hf'rf' "" II nuw !OI&llllllo'U t 'hill• h lo~ ,,,,. s. •• "lh'ro· \'I< ... wtth ~ Anny Thf' r;act,r .. ta Jlrlt\. J•t•·~uh•tt.l ~·'"'"" M•••• r pr••ttldc-d ed 110 popular that J-vt. KtiiC'r wnot.. on tt ... ,,,,.,, . .,, ,. "' l'r.· .. oli<·nt U«<n. lloonM for an addltll'nal . rt•naltrn~ ftll~"'·ll ,.,.t tt# mm• nthlll trfl'ndJo n.. s....,...k·-r .. t 111.-''"~'"'"1-: -..lUI lbi AW&IJ..,. compllt'd Wtln 'nil! ,... II•·\ }': II I ; •• wlo•ll \\hot ,,•la lo-..1 ltn AIHJflt. IL' """' "' :-;1 ""'' • ,.,..,~ .. toltoon to Juet wtao will nf'Xt tw bf>ne(tl•'\1 \In• ;I 1'-> t .. l•l I•• 111111 " numtM'r by t.belr ~r•rwroer.ty nallu't ,,..,.,, "' ~·· .11 ~ ••!=" "' " '"'''"'"'r "' deddf'd. but ln the mNntlm<', kol lh•· ',:.;t'ollf• \ I'·"'' maaulact.unnc" ront1nun ''full llt.-ml .... t~ ,.,, ... , 111 til• llnltod tht' ....,.ctabeed." It•·' olltol )It• t;•••l•'l. Mr 1111d • ~'" Jl \\' IJ .. Ith\ ~It nnfl Mr10 accident tale laat aumm•r. hall • • • •' l:rljoytna eevf'rtl day• la111t w .... k ll••t rol oll l'h>l•l' Mt '"'' ~r" \\'m at ttwtr l'lll!aoOn Bey hnmt' .. .-err 11':11'"· ~T ,nrt Mro f;..nrtrr (;n..ld· Dr. and 'Mrt.' Hortrf' R ~\' nt ·•··r r: ~ 11.111•1 ~''"''"" M·-·r .. , ~na. and thf'lr IliOn. U1i1. R1 ll••o l lt1111~ol\•1 ~11 ,. ,\llro·oJSnuth, jwUor aL Brown'a M 11tl.11ry ·A•~· Mnc t'-1\·m .. ll•l lit II ' Mr--. ~I••J>h•·n my, San DWco. Mno Clay. '"ho• \\',·.illu ""''I ~lt .. l'·•lo•h 1~,,\·m~t n wu cr1Uc:&ll)! tnJunod an an aut .. _~n..s !\t,_.:;. 1-:t.. .. ~. l'l •• n•i ~ f'X~ptlona.lly t :tpld r!'r•>\'·l ~ lhr ltt'l'CI' \.,lrt~ uf lnt-t .. • ery· and hal t"f'at'hf'd lhf' "'''"' clu.. at l'ull) \t•pam, C'o ... t•l wbe .,_can dt.acard twor <'ntt•·h,.,. \4.-a..-.\•h. ~ HARBOR AUXILIARY WINS VICTORY BANNER1 --. ' ... • I ... REAli H~ Wlfl TN tf4# IINMIE ~N m»:RTIN AWATIIIN, /lAIII() fiR EN#INEBINII AN/J /JIIAW NIIP MY WHIIZ )tl(l aNINI ..... LOOK WHAT TH~ ·U. ·s •. NAVY . -. . AND . NAVAL RESERVE OFFER YOU --Fit££ TRAINING worth U600. FINRT SPORTS ;nd e~t.ert.ai~rOO"nt any man co~d ask for. I F Y.OO W .\NT to 1M a~ fast. to aerve your CIOUDUy, to ~_2YlBI( a i9Q!J:P-~Yinl future ..,._. _.._.,.....,,~-----1 portunity you'w been waiting for: . 1118 U.S. Navy may tr&in yeN to become an ttperl ia any one of nearly 50 skilled fields. E ach month, over 5000 new men will be eent to n Navy Service School, where you can learn to be a Die8C'I engine operator, machinist, avia- tion mechanic, nerinl photographer, radio operator, cw whatever apeciali7,ed work. you're best fitted for. This fint year'• training wh.ich you get itt worth at least $15QO. 'I1le Navy foots the entire hilL You earn wh.ile you ieam... 1n fact, it ia poeeiblefor an enlisted man to eana up t.o $126 pet' month-with k~p. · · • .... You'll bave.p&tnty of opportunity for advai\OIIJVOOt in JX*tion and pay -and you'll hmv> fun u·hiM you kana! You'll come out of the Navy fully prt.'pared to take on a . good jub in private industry. And if.yuu wa'nt t9 stay in the &,:,·ice. ynu c~m gu ri~rht tot h<' t np ... and retire a• the end of 20 years or 30 years with a liberal monthly income. ~can c~ !!?w bet~·~n ,the rp lars or.~,.. "' eervM. BOth ol!"er equiif opportuniliesJPr a<lvat\cemen""t ··:----. . Nr~trly 50 trad('8 nnd vocatiON 'to r hooee from. TRAV€l,; AD,IAJW~riiii~A~~s--:41--UIR--Y ... GOOD PAY with rc.1ruhr increuea. You may earn \.IP tn Sl26 a month. You Art' entitll'tlt" .1 J:< nerous v'aca· tion period, with f,:IIJ~.ty, each year. You can't beat the Navy for them! BECOME AN OFFIC£pt. Many can work for .nn appoin(riient to the NR\'Al Acndt>my or 1 ht> Anrlapolis or ----~--~--~Hf-~~~~~~ FREE ME:OICAL CARE, inc:Judinl I'E'gul~tr dt'ntal at tr'n l ion. -LIB£1AL itfttREME:NT-PAY for regular Ntivy men. ·-. ~ -------------------------------ENROLLtN THE NAMAL ·RESERVE ••• B£ RELEASED Aflll. THE EMERGENCY • 'fltor ~f t!-r' "'~: ~~ a1t> ClaD ... .,.,...., l'fiiiiArdJ.o. of lb. Jen,rth noou~:-"AII m.ln n .... •ru--. Ia oltillptwma~nll\l 10 thf'tr t>nlllltmrnt." dw Naval ~"" .... 1 "" n-taillllcl-~her -thoo nocular Nny AM rmn-w Hny d\lfy thm~:.:~t ........ Na..a ~ offn ~ lhct umr,trt\'· .. r the .national 4'1l'W'r.;:o no, IN& t11t17 el, tniltint. Pf'DIDOCicx.. JII'Y i~. w\U tw ............. t" r.n••'t"" ..tug • .,.._ PbJijcal mq~ in t~ N~l fW. .n-,.,. ~·awt:'~ •• fh;if _.no. -.. arr mol"f' ltl-·l'lll. S..nd coupoD! 111¥1 YOUR COU.IIY * aiiLit YOUI FUTUII • I . ~ . ,. .. , .. Mt ............. tllh c ..... ..... .., E-.., tills ....... ,... I I Wi~t I!D)' obllr atron on my plln •hat.rooc>\f'r, ,..._. ..od I -lrw booklet,"lift' In thf' l'll't''· "~, lflt: full df't.aila about &he oppo~W&utiea fur-lD the l'a\'Y vr ~avaJ ~-I -· -~· ~ I I ~ II l . . Tawa__ . ta~ I ~------~-----------~ , ·. 1 ·' . . .. r ) . l -. \ .:t : • Tfi~ MaJ~ri r .. Column I ISSUED • ,.-- I'' UIO wb c'adeta IIQPn to· an ow up. at the ·new rcoplacemrnt center 'lll'hl<'b Ia bul a atooe·a throw from Coat. Meaa, the Harbor llN'a baa a real tuk &bNd, that of pruvldtor re- peaUonaJ· taciiiUf'a tor aol- &ra. Major Good who con-· ducta' u.~.o. work at La~ Filii Bfvb aay. that whne eoldle." ~y play ramea. etc. in camp. their creatut de- lift le ~ot lfquor -and other f~ of entel't&Joment~ .but Co meet ud btcome elate w ith back 111. t l:e old bc.De to•·n. Tlwre·a a om e- t.bldt the comn: unity abould ~ all& to make poaaible. Human llde CoiDmodore J oa. A.. Seek ill ba. talk before the Klwanll dlir~ (ro!J1 hia uaual topic CGDCeminc the runclio1111 o( tbe le&lalaturt' of thla State and t.o the' dellcht of bla au- dience, revea.led t be human a6de ot lt-glatauve ut~. In· clud11lc dramallc and &IJlU. 111c lnclde1!ta tn Ote Carftf11 of -u kno~-D llctaJatora. -·-' c.. "'''lla .• 'hue! ~ lack of available rentals for army olflttrs. 'Tis said that many prople do not <'arc to leU(' their .home:ol to army and navy mi-n I:M-cau~ tht>y art' ~NWM With (~ prop- m y, do not k""P thm1 clean and art' rather destructive; their cldt•f lnt<'rel!ll berne nurlnly on UN' t'ntc:-Mainmcnt aick-. This, <X'rtrunly, would not apply 1o all t~ mm ln- d\altt' ol our armed rorcc:-s. and it '111'2'M ~ lD Qllkr tor -~ in authority 10 COI'1'W' to Ute drft'ftSt' ol lMir pt'r- eanntl. -:· T .. O..Oil.,_. A. telldwr in Uw Grarnf\81'_ 8Cbool wu lldrillnc Uw YOWIC -.. • ~t, manaen ...S buw-to treat I\IBU In tWr baenla. Slw aabd tbe ,..... ......,_.. ot • weD bown bueiat'a .,_,, what lhou.Jd tJ. aaJcf on tM subject and tw came ridtt'beck, c,trus : '"I know. My pop ._ys: 'What · will )'OU have to drink:!" And the class' In ~por.tmcnl was OVer.· iEMI-'1. • WE'EKLl .•. -Harbor Dtatrlet T~ Ex ..... As Climate ldMJ FOI'--.f. 8. WEEK-END 'EDITION NtJIIIIAM -=--:~ ll-w....r.·. '-"-.io-:u...~;,;,_J_ ---...,-~~:_~~ ~'!;:~~~~~·. ~~~~R~ il'0fht-1-oiftef Wn1a~--~o~nAdrqa atft raclfjC __ ~ Byron w: Smith of Smith port Harbor chambe-r o r com. I ...__ · ...... G . -----r .. ~-v... • " '" Y and Lyon •• owners or the .La merce rea.da: Newport narbor men ... d Ebell Bazaar· I ------• Jolla Hardware Co. which last of··~ -::t~~e~~~e~a!: ~:~!0.:.,~,~~~ partlclp;J~e in tM first_~~ u a r s . n--6 to a·• -1llc-Jon~ '\"'aile-d nf"n bt>in~ t"llnAkkomt by a dtiztml' week completed purchase of to Conpeuman wuuam P Colt'. :_!he e_frtc.ency of tM ~ · · ~ ~ ( ! mmmltfl"t' for thl> aolut&on ut thf-Halboa bland. pier c-. the T e Winkle H a rd w a r e. urging (UIJ .aupport or the Hill, I wa mmg systt>m whktr ... A . -. unusual Arr aar vu:L! \d!J lJC &UlwJULod to lbc d l)' t.'UUncll Monday n'a&ht and Costa Mesa. today predicted ~~H.~~~~ .. :;.,~~~·tlee n in the 0~~ re giVen I .. nl ... l ~·tw .. tuk .. tl" n a•ublk twnrln..: for thP lwOslitWd ord1nan<le an even greater era Of <Je.. provide for an additional Unltt'd I stages fo r thfo past ~ -M r~ Vrc·tor Gr~. \'tl:tiiTtoan ol u ( inh'f'lfiun tu IU'f)Uh'" the> t•a<i(i(-t:k-rfrit• rtaht-of-Way aJoiW velopment fo r the h a rbor. dis-Statu Naval Academy In t h t' 1 months wtw>n the Fourth JD. p I th•• Nt"WIMirt Rt••m •1,..11 , w,.,.. A I R ~--·1C.-ntral Avmur from Mt'Fatt. . . ,Newport Harbor a~a in Callfor·l tem>ptor. Command b1)ld ro'm"ti.On j llnd ITll'llOII ntmmuljqo. ~·ho· .,. jj\ • drn Plaet", N..wport. to ''B'' tnct. ·-I nla. • tndu-u j o'hr\rlr ol I two fo•r.llwumtn~ U"lllllr I en u e One Of lhe reaa:JDa that we pur-, ' a.m dellihte'd to <'OOJWriLlt' maneuvers Dl>c. 12-16,. I .. 'C' •• lUI)'" l hoo """",_,II'"',.,.. ~ ......... Balboa. e~ued the TeWtnkle alore, nu.l with ..YOU, and I aln<'t'r~ly hofM' sive, It was learrwd todilll 1 ,,f 1tw-hru•·•l llncl.t .. ~~ >"' ho·lol -lnoll«'aUII• that 1tw,.. .. , be Smrth, wu our coofr\k'oce that that New1XJrt Harbor ~·Ill· M auc· from Leroy p, A.r)dft'lan. 111 -~ . h) thr' dub l M ff " •Jllll In Ute op&nlflft of ttl• 'dUo' ~ eo.t& lfa& wtU g row beth lo· cuatul lo ~~«urinr; tht. ma.t lm-C'l<-"JICJft 111,. hrrlro "' a larJ:o·j ·nw~ 1U tiro 11 • 1 '+ tf 1 t -·· ~•u-u to ~ lte •• warda the beach ant.l roland. por'lllnl additloo to Ita prt'IRDI challte of tht> Harbor~ AUmho·r vf prum .. trun .. fur "'"'"' lr:l<'ll\r .:oc•th .... ~ ."' '::t~m~r ",~ ay e ec m•lhold lol lloottlln• IN proll'-.. Not only Wal the 'J't'W'"kle t•~lhtlcoa." Tbrre •·Il l tw Uu-k1o1nJut "'"'" thf' l..(.o C"'otllf.,rnra ~I at• lhr 111 '---" .. ·lin• U.. Ra.l~ lelaa• .,. -G d c• ' n~.,. ~ ..-1:1\'c-n ~~~·•>. Aln(WI~' r"' -at ore well known for Ita eKcelleot i poata 1or "arottera'· wbo • II l u "r urnpanru 11 N,•·w11n11 them ~Ina " harwlllnnwo h antt F h .....,.'! f 11r bf)ltl ttw pnqt.-... atandiDI Ill the · community and 1 ' •·atch ami n-porl anY ,..... •·hlch Wtr\' ruhlla' ... 1 ldr wc"-'•"L.,Af,~:hnn ""d-" tw-ft)' lurkl'y • . (1Wnf1~ an•f....!!'• INI .. ,. tot ~ the aplendJd bualn~ .. and rt"puta-2 5 c c , . aljfhtt'd Tl:t' poilU are lOcated ·-~Hdad·OY,., (' o,m ,..kann·,1:•m··~~ .. n,t· p•lllf)'-fnr lht-n\•rn . IS ermen .. tHe laf(ormaUcHI rw.tw.d tton which It enjoyed, but the lu-s Wrat Vk toria ~lrtoet, 'Collta M-. "' 1 ul una ran • a ••ln .... try lhat a mlndt'lt,..-wpt111 1e .... cation of the Wut Cn.ut Air I a • Coro.na del Mar bd at tile Bait local litatt' (;;uar•l lr aol<-re S JJ 8 .-' to ltf' nt.ct with U.. ...,., fill .. Cadet Re-placement Ccnlt't wOI workll ln l'pJII"r Nnv]'Ort Say. Gordon n'. Findlay, rommand.. Ria U8tne88 ~·-"'" ........ mark a lremt'ndou• gruwth of t.bla 0 K N I '\ Thr t lrt wm bco eonchiotH "7 "'« otffl..,•r t•f C"'umpeny F ud ' ( te (8 J • Nrw rvllnc ""'""'t'mlaa a.J-. C'lfltnt ,•tl IM two-·_ ri S . h the ....... ~ t • --wbo .tut_a held Utt' rank "' ,.. I r. t n raa Oln Wlllorb two«'-.. ,......... ~~·--•• ,.... ___ , Ur lOll)', mrt decl&rt4. ~ va .-~me cr wa ,rom L -.., ~D bfor l.t --, .. _w• ~ .......... ,_..._ INI( dter'-'d, M-Wnlttlla .... ~ a to ~ p m on Friday and Ueutenant.. haa bHn o'•)mmlaaloo· Def M --· ..... _.... .,_ .With hia -pai"Uier. t:. B. Lyon. · · · eel alfH I on ,....,_.n _,0 are IMlC mtu .. wtlh'lt bu ...._ ..... , ... Smrth aaid they be-lieve tbt Cad ,day. De<'. l2th. and l3tb. a c-aptain ense e .... ef .. _,......_ .. ~ttl··--. -It w--1-·n·l l"-lalucl 'ft'ont .. e ......_ 1M at 9 8 d.a Dee' J•ua wm ... ,.Ida,_ fonrtt'rly • lief', ·& "'" ... -· • -·---.. -:~~~~::~nl~;nu:'~ ~~~ '!O::C,r~~ s h , I P1 . dayt l~e m.rre~n .,.>;i, ... L ~· ope;.. :::!d ~,:::~, ,.~~~~~7~'"~~lr~ Mt'lal wnrlrtnc f'lllniJt 1a tbe ~~=~ -== .. :~·~ ~ ~. l~ .:_ree .... u.. ... realhte..-.r pruent: .'urthermort. c 00 an Untll ~ p. m • then we ,~...... -. harbOr d&atrtf't. m"'tln~r Tbur~~. UcuJ.a.r a"-'h"' , .. lM ,,...,_ ... III&IL II. L. .lobneun, a..~ ""-lth ..,..,nte.. out , the cllmat~ will take over until the ~ promotion fur C'olfTIJiany •· •• lh~tt .. _ -, u.otae C W......._ It I. 1'1·-• ' ::rm ~"" u .. , I ....__ ..taw ot •••e.t >Anthon• A lfnrvath -Y _,. wtth fllant. Ana ' rw· ..,otiC'• I•• aU •IW.. • ....._ • coodltlona a nd emu~ terr)lln DC morntnc= 6 -_, J t ore. d«ldt!d to attlllat• wllh ttw .. __. -e--......_t .. --elt ~ Wllllun N. llu~ O,_.te 11 da·\ Moodav """--J.-to nulk ot ~ond hf'Utf'nant ·--·• -~ ,y_.. ,_., prnvlCJu nee rrnt faclllUn o r ~-·-,...-a T ..,. ~ -c-ounty lfr'nUo In an rtto111 to W.. laJil New. 14111 , .1_. -_._ •••414._. ...... _.. ·.r 1 all4 lM ntcht <'rewe wUI ..... Promolkloa In OKnpany G In· "' tae --.,.. ..... pou ble 8/Jdlllonal Army a I r de. AU or Southen:a C&llforn.la Ia be g1 t Ia ---elude lkcoDd Ut'Ut ("harl,.. p; C"UN r~ '<'Oftlnct.a fi"'OIt • ._. ~ tbat pkn. &rou.d Halt.. .......... velbpmeot proc,ram•. • appannUy cc-tac to the-a.ld of unUI ~ ~~:~ crewa ~ LN. t'OaliiLalldlnc otfku ot thai 0 . P. M. -No ALIF.H ahaU dapart ,_ t.n the fore .._ a ,...,... ._ Smllb and Lyoo look over the Newp<>1l Harbor b,Y eDdoratnc to atand 1 u a r d unUI 'l'\laa6r eGeiJ)aay. to ttM rank nt nrw~ Judp llan'y W~r. 1!: a r I or aU-pt to c11oJ1ut 1"-tile ........ -, ......_ Ji44tw -- La J olla Hard~·&re Co. a~DI.ne ;QlncrcMmAR H&IT)'R:&Aeppud'e noon .. Df-c. lith. Ufttt'Oant, s.rceant Robert PttUIJpa ud M. W nu-... n -Uatt~ct ....-_.._ 1w .. 111,.. U.t It t.lw ua•,.,._ ., ...... mont.ha q o after baVIDI been bUI, H. R. W8, to eetabliah a c.._ h& l~y bad "'8ob-Raid to &erond l..Jeutmul plat.... lM wnrklap of a .,.... _... of a ...ud ,.,_It le ciao: ftlj ~ -.... .. ..... ~ether In the eecuriUu buelneu Weat Oout Naval AcadeiiiJ u patud• lo •:b: ~ u1 Berc.at Robert WIIIW..bu pc...t ~Uen, wbtelll oai911· part. or ...._ ,. .. fro. ~ ·••" Jt. t•••• fDr ntt.Ha ,......_ lmlt.b a. aettve tide batbor. aUD!U. e.4 await.._ ftntt ..._ oo-•'mr.4 a--._.. 111Dee aU tM fadllt._ et tM .at\· ..._..,a,.......; ..... .., w-.. llle .. .._..lift tw ..._ w =-=~ ::~~~ Wide .apport of a. ....... ,_.,., 1 ,.._.. ,_ ...... =·=-etftr~.:: .-::::,= ~ .. ~,_ .~.!!_..*.._.€. -.. SW1i !!"'-".,.-a::Diftt~~ · MeCied .....,.,... ,__Uy told coatpl'iee the -.jonty oe 8Guth-Jl'rt...U Roltert B r-.11 baa --· ·-,... "---..,..._. "' ..., t tbeN aad UMtr Mt• aUTpriea. Mayor I""' Oeo. Cordon In a ena caJIIomtri: tt wu undentooc1 .,._ Cc.lll\!_.onf'd th .. ·~• u to ..eurw ,..._ ('Getrvte, .. ,. .,..,... OUwr tMft • port of ON f1l ~ ,....... ,.. • All formn TeWinkle employeea tetep(looe eoover•Uon and the lnformalloa concemtnc t b e a ftnt Ueut.nant and ki"Jr'eanC J . II ftkhardaun, whc-nrw ~rtu,.. dHt,...t .... bJ ,,. At· ..,_ ot Uwtr loU:t:.S .til be retained and Cliff U on-Newport Harbor C~amber o t tNt waa receiv~ b >' ~noo ll:ddla Ham baa bHn rommiMilCl-.. ctoln« anm• ••>Vrmm•nl wu~ll t·~y t~Mnal. '" hue • ptiv... . ......, ... • bargn Will be the .tore manacer. Commerce ha• been ouU11linr auc:b from William Ord Ryan, Brtcadler H a M!CODd lleutt-nant. matt. the atat,.mm t t hat ennv ol ... ,_.,,.,_n and -wtto aucl -•ll boat. ~ Ulle s .mlth nrd. One new empiPye.o a . .,ro ... am. _ • . G 1 U 8 profit; lh&L IL.W.. a-a Cuff&c...U ., .. •"--· -weU -·al~ ~I taoAu. u to .. • ,., .... N: Ill be dd d t tb! .WI be •· ,.. -enrra • · · A.. "~· t.o tt.JI th .. "h h tlf 1 ,_ 1 e 0 t · re-C()()r:>eratlnr with the plao. Or-. Acronllnc ttl p,..aeot plana. the ~ .anyonr • -ttl "'• ' ~11''"" a rr rnf •·rmPO' lhltt .,., trl' Ttw n>t~Uit wu tfw • .,..._ ....... vealed. k ang" County Supt'rvl~r• h a , t' Army ud ~avy will have pt&Ma c . y I .man· In thr ll I' M ,.,,., . .,,. a u•l 81E.YO,._D THE aHO..E ltNK OP'~fl • l'fMhmUtM of -..ctl-" lt. 0 . Bundle . Nlfll mansrr of!t>r~l.l th~ N&\'Y the ct~unty·• in· flying over th,.· 8oulhlalld dur. t th&.t .,""., J•l.nla. w•eul•l h•v .. '" HE ONtTED aT A TEe te • •.-Mayttr f'ot(rrdlrft; ~ then U.. .,_ for a larJ:e jobbing houee In St l•r..t to ~luuJa tn u,. U~r lnJr Utf' ttay. and nijft!Q or tll~ oas u e r lran bt~~Jar If ttJry "'IJ\lld «rl panw. un.tar U.ua 1~'-tklfl.! ~~--ef 8 e........ ...- 25 yea"! . • Loula and 2G yun lD the haro· N ewport Bay. lAnd av~·nrra In Int. 't)Mo. apottln• <Tt'We wUI ~-• ""'IT'II'U an•t 1 .. avy JWnall-.,... pnrvkt••l tHr In Wf)f'k the l"".t~Mta out ... .,. Hur;b Dimft and . hla good-'~~~'are bunncu. ""111 aMUme tht' that area ha\•e now O(fert'd to Jl"rl al~lailtll llllfhtrtt. tht'IT po~~l· p s Amnnlt · th•-•t 1 h" ar•rolton fur vl••lai••••MI • I rrrwnC • pl.n whkb ·Would pro. W1f• an if>lnr to take a day dutlu Of 8!1.'1llltant .tort manager. ('I)()J'f'ratt'. &litO l tun .• rltrrrtr.nn llf n tlt'ht . .n:ttwlf'. a· rty et Whlrh .... r•n•atolr<l "Y' r ··~ Irvin I ..... 1tAiolill•"l lfJ ' b. a~rmll• tlet tn. lnlnfete vf all CCinllerll• ott on ~!Pbt'r 22nd. They -!Smith aald today. Tht' bill fllr lh~ A<'od~my rA r-ltf'fli'O•Xrmat" •rot"rd and type or f'pt•·rr, wrrr tlubhar•l If ,,""',. mrnll•onrol. lho-,., Prall •«" "" refuw to Mrvt' u alnglr plate-, --• -rl~11 with It an aprroprh1tlnn nf "lrrrdt a11 wrll u number ',''"111'1fl Jay, S I. l A,.. man "'"'"11 1"11"' 1"" 11' ,,._ .. ,.. rtl • ,,..,. A• a ,....,It, a number of •ppll· tul In their rafe. In . Nev.-rort ' I "Fishing" Job Stn.ooo.ooo for the builtllnjtl C'IC' IV 0 "I"" ial 1'0\lf' al&nal: f'lldl F M' !'nil I h, ... l(mllh .. , 111" v ' .. I .. I "'" I , .. m I hrlr olr.n bo•ar<l tfl ... l rat kina .. , ruutruct pl•aat"' ptera an_jJ ~~ to lmYUb~_@U-_L . • and~~~"-~n-hlt~~nttt-polrt-"'"l bt--nnlllKieol -·esa . .Mcl&l ... uau, M,... l.luvd l.~l .h-,,....._U...._. ........... aruunol fhe l•liotfbave 6iiin tae!4 tlon fthl b I tltl strrru d I or t;tJ-·n "' lhf' .............. m(Jry ft40IIfOJin& too .. -ranklln LIIYII ilf·l u I lh l t t .. a 0 e r Ull null. r c y Ill n erway lt('('Ordrd t)y many of the South· olirN·tly With ~fnro·h Field and • ""'' tterry w .. k h . '" .. , 111 'har•r ' Jl ,or, • f!•l I wol mt .. o_a •• up to ~mployH .. What would • • u11 Calllum la l>foll'lfAllon rn t'oJil-• n•n•~<gra Ott~' •·cJ tltrrntJfh In ahufl 1 " . •wa1 na a .,.,.. a un n ,_ COla• makt Hugh leave bla c~fe ror At Mesa Well ~"'""·.'Ph .. bill '" now be-fore t " r•nh>r Amty an•l :'llavy nlftrl>tle , p ·-· ; . -ttuv•r•y Whf'llc•r the c:ouactl • whole day! Wtll, they're Commltlt't' tln Naval Aff.alrll O,!:'_,k"'"'ln~ thr f"IOitllnn of tbc>l r l ---I rogress On Coast Planning Is ,••II , ..... ar·llllfl Moontky nl.ht. or r oint to <'elebrat~ thtlr 25th whlrh comm ltiPf' !lre .. ~1. V J7a• plllnf'.ll at 1111 trmr~ by meiha o1 PrwparaUon.• ar•• 11n•lo•n.1•.v lo\ T ld A Sh • • • ow •lrlay t h,. piiUI ttW a.d•IIUonal WMtftJIJ: annht>rRary. Hu gh "f'il-hing" and annrd ~o-ms; nf ~lin fllt>jtH; John .Z.-Andf'ffl(on lllolln. "Ill I"' at)lr to chec!' lbl' • eomnuttee ·ul W£'11 knu\o\n l•>a-,1-0 t ore line AMsotiBtlon Meet .tuoly ,., ... tlWII I• MJ kn•twn . .. an old Umer. t•omlng trere contrnu1• to tH' I hi' thrng :ol thl' of ~nn Julln nautiAla; l\no1 Wur1l nl'r·ura•·y "11o1 "I~"•'• I of the •ur-1llne dvlr !('Odl'l• rw 1\ h11t ,_., t·ll· A•• "''""If In r .. llahlfl •1urcee. flrat In 1908 lind Mrll. HnJ:h Thi)Olp!'On writ nl C~tu Mr!-11. Juhnllt)n nf Lon lr Bf-al'h An c-raft wamrnJ: •Yilt• rn u the rnllll pt!Cted ttl be• th" lo!ll}l·•t uml nto"'l Rl11ly ufll•·rtll an.t u••·ml"'r" ''' .... ,.,,..,,,.11 lhr hualn•M .,. .. lr•n !11•· n"~"'"" "' am~all l10o11la ..... .und haa ~n bert llnre 1924. Whilf' ottcmptins.: In rl'trii'Vt' ur~tPnt RPP'"I 111 made fnr all ln. com(' In , , 1 c.:olorful C11n~rl,u~ l•"rl> e•v"r th .. ~lwrrltn,. l'l•umlntc A-• 1,. th.-~rrn11r1 ,,.,., ,., ,1111,.,., ""'"'"' fhf' l11l11tul 111 "" trra i rrnblem u ... 1 the tttil ptpe 1~1 in lht' .hhlc. n tere8ted in lh" wrllarr 11nd futur•• ata~el'd loy tlw CJrmw •· f'tounl)' 11,., iit.w i'a,llfurnlll m•·t ,., tho· Will·• War11 .. , t 1latrr111111 ,,, 111,. llutl •rf th•• l•lrr• atrlkea ronm•rl ion hrnk•' anti now rrrort!t ••t Snuthf'rn C'alifomla (I) sddr!'lll! Coaal ~mr ... n . .. '" ,f,l• o1 '"' ''"'"~" 1 .''"'"' v '""'''' ,., )(111,.., "· E. He•rlng Every <lay l'ln kes Jll'em to an• hc>rn.: marl!' to "fi~h" thr lh81' r!'prC'll<'nlallvt>ll in r oonlltrroll s 'TUI:-ad8y f'Vt•nm..:. l>ol ' lfilh ut-thr· Nrw,..lrt IIIII l~•r Vadll 1 1ulr '\.\'rol \'1-,,.. 1111,.1,1, ,.,1 '·"••1,.._, 1_.,1 N ')'I •t 1 I t ~ '' ' ~ . ,,. "''"' a y -•••••n Ia •••• the <'lplure tho• hraolllnr!! lately 1 <>quipmrnt 0111 of lhl' wr ll In pt'I"·1Urjtlnlf thf'lr aupport of C'on~trPI'IO· ~ .. vers ge Coata )1t•"ll \\'"llh'n·~ ('1111/lluu•o• n.ra'l"y -:v.•·nlnr. '""" t •r,.~r•l•·nl t-: \\'clll. nu•ntl-r• ,,1 lllr fl•-n~er 1U " " '" ''"'" ,..., '"' II IIIII oii+' hf'"rlnlf t'Oft-·~OW atrikr11 can be for 110me-tnJt r rtort,., ttl hrin~ th1• wrll 1n '" rrAn l"heppllrd 'rnra•ure. l oc-a l Plana ~·,.rc. 1,\,•a!J••I ,.1 11 ""''I· l,r.,ffrry • M "'KIU I '" '"" •h •.lr . 1 ·.,1111rv 1.1.,,,1,,. 1,,111,1,,,,.,., •• n _ h I h .__ ffl I I .o " • ,. • '''"'"IC I h<' 1''"'"\oor•l urtllnaMe t mg worthwl llt' and wnrk-rontrnul' , r &mU<·r tl r R" II 111 u . All\'an Inc 0( tht• cornmrll• 1• l}•·lti lhL' f'r'""''l"'"'''" 1''"1:"'"" 111 111,. ,.,. 1,,.·-nl•''""" ,,.._ lh• 11,,1.,,1 1 1 b ld • _.. d t J t .. t h .... .. "' """"" , .. , ....... , '1"1"111"n of t'ra a . QU hn\'!' that right. .-nn'"' .:uar 1: !'fill p:llrol thf' ngp,. n ~ n II ,. r n f'llllltlrrrlll $12 w~k ~·lth l'rr•,t•l•·nt s " :'lt•·l•·r vrl .. pm""' uf ''""""".: 1''''1:"""' 1 -,,1111111•"'''" 1111,1 '""', ,,111, 1,,1• ,,1 b . h 50 0 " llw ,. 1-: ltr~:lol "' w .. y ut ln tllJme of the labor con· Wf'll tiny nnd nrs.:hr wrth llnt'Pil•tn~: whlo-h wnuld hP lt"'""rl y J'RIIIIIII:•· 'p-ldln ... ,•t ~ 1. • I'••!• I• .,, In R•111lh,.m l'~tllf••n•lll , ... "' lh• ,.,,,1111 u I t rovrr111n. working conllltiOJll! vi~:rlnnr,. a .... thl' rt-s ult of rrowlf'r~ IJI the Navnl ArRflrmy Brll 1\tC --/ • I s~;;.,., jj,,11;~h·. ~,1,._1~1,.;~ "' ··~lr , c • • nuntt•·11 "''"" "'V•·Illt·•J A ti .''' 'lh•·. , ,.,111 1,,,. .. _ .. r r ,, 'I IH P' 1' '' 11' '''1 '111'11 t•o all I h f " h II d I II t f tl • -n "If:' •. , 1"""1 r .. ,., "'"'I hv " t'lflliCin .. -m lo pay 1\ 11rnall pa rt. I'IDI: oun .. OI'Hr I I' WI' ~t'Vf'rirl FIJ1J't!'l'inlr n & prtr n If' C. J1'111111on of ('n,ltl :0.1"<11 1111!1 !'off' ,_.," Anl(••lo•• l 'o111niv \1\llfl lf10 '"I''' """'•·•I lou ,,11, ,,, 1,,,,,,, ,f, I•· II • It \._ .. _ t ditl k 1. "' t t f ~ h ., ' ...... , ... ,.,. ,.,.,.,. •. ,,,,,." ..... c.· y, , .. 1 0 .. ~ 1111•1 ''" I• IIIIH "' Ill" I' t-: c 'llfll· ''""'r prewn ron nn11, the WC't' ~ l'f!O. »13 t' llntt IOUJ'prlr rom l • rouJ!' · F X 'C. A. Mill• r (){ S•·al 1\•·,wh h• a•l' "'"' tlo aoi"J•I 11 Ma ~•··r 1·1t1n ,,, •• ,.,,.,. 1. A ,.,.,,to. 1'••·-t•l• 111 ,,, Uf ng II to jtl'l the wurk l)nn(' nul all I r ( 'RIIfnmtl\ I !I im·rra!ltng ... _ <'flnlmll I flo' 10 •·Ioii i ,.,. "' .... ,._ Shtorf'llflf' ''"~"'''I'm···· .. ,, ,, ',, Ill A I I t ., I I -• . or m u~ ... ...., .... '" , ..... ~ .. '"'' .;.,,,,.,., .. lt.,,. .... ,, ..... ,,,.,.,,,,,.ttl(" he S!l:t.•.nn. anu .trlkcos hioltl un lhf' dl'-Mr An•! Mr11 H L. R!hilllnfl: of f!tl'ltthly, i!CNJrrltnl{ to lnfnrmlttlun as r••"'ln"' 11 '"~ly ~·orlr·lrof,. m,.•·n11 •· 1 J ,....., ,. J .,.,,.. 111r1 t• J r AIIJ.:~'"' • 1Ut0 V • ' n~tr IU' '•fl•f ~Jin •f•a• ,.,I ,,ffl,., ,, ,,..,..,. llflff iVf'"' f t•lfft f 'lt liltlfh•tt y 't'-••r M hn" tH•.-n ,...r f~na" r~:~•(lr&m. Some of th, r•ta MPA& llrr cntt•rtAintnJr Mr tPachtrlR tht' nfftrf!' of lhr !'\rw· &tnln C1au~·111rll rn,1k·· t11, 100• ,,,,., . .,·,. nl"'' "lr•·•••ly ,1,1,,.,,,.,, I••• /', • 1 1 • •-1 ... t • JfHJl ... f·' •. 'lfUI \ 'ft•!111hlrfl1 ,.\1q f ,tofU I I ,,,, ., .. f ffllfl llfrl fff ~' ao.calle~-4~~~ who ~II 11u~tL S hillln~t's 11l10t er. ~r11. Gracr ('olf' f>!l'it: Harbor r hambc-r of Cllm·, ...., nual vl~ll '" fh•• c ·.,11,r 1\-'•r<'rttii•ID 111111 tt1,. ,.,.,. lo\lll 1 .. · 0 vfftpl•h••l Jtllll ''"'ll>rwt 11tal...., 111,.-1·,1111t v .,11 """"-''l' ut. 111M'"'•\" ........ w .., llf.rtkM ~aw• ""' abtlut u)ed · ~r~~----"m," +-.-··-v--·· ... ,-. .4~11 n""".'r~·'lrf "t ....... •~'n:!•ntt"~'t'r"rr."'-'y -·n--•r 'lt•T -. Mr'l" r. .~ ,..-... ..., ~u •• -lUlU I ·-n .. I;' .. fiiJ1..;1 "' I ll n ,... " • .. ""p it. '" "l''l•on ., " fih·····ll·.·· ~'"" ••• , ,., •. II··· ,. , I I',. l'••nlnauta ' up lJ1e prn\'Prblal tOIIt' 1 Thill \lol'f'krn•l. R~t-nk nf AnH II>.\ ht-v.ohi'k"ll~l St !'\u•k ''. "I'll ~~ L ll11rlo1o1" I''""'' w 11 1,.. ,., , ,,,1, l~h foor f'llln II•• r11Jot ,,1 tiJ•· ~"',, ~~~ -:· '· JS THE TRAFFIC· SAFI:i'TV. CAMP~JGN ,wl lllthrut mnr,"lh~to300,1)rii.Lt'~I:A A. Petm •""' F.. WI H1rkmnn llf"Wr r'lll'TJ"'Wmill\'ffir fi,.xf nrr;;'th_"',fi'Tr 1 '"'' r..n .. ,. .. 1tl•• ,,~,..•.•,,•,,a-~ .. u•,!j.:-" ..... -, ..... j';.,,,,,, I''"" ,. .. ,, r·un-•' Lend A "and D 1 .flo n " mnl · timed to r• RCh ·•• Sf.~tl Jl<·•wh j., ~h•·•htlt,nl! -.~· ••r .'" n """ ~'Vl 1 .. 111,. 1 ''""'"" 1~ ,,;.,.., I·,U· "" i•• "' ""'"'' ,,, ,, " lollY•· 1.,, 11 1, ,.,.j rornrllrnln.,. th.t Thr f I re Ill Huntington {' . * many Chrll!tmllll f'hah ml'rul• 'A IIJJI'II kl'r f11r tlw l"''l:rlllll n-t..w•·rk ''" lh I''"I!IIUn H•om1• uf to·•·••lt•'•"'' ltu•l .,ftl• lnll\' ttuuole• .. l " n -h ·:·· ·:· A.tt pllftl.~ • ~ -:-' ·:· thrt~ujt~ uut ('allf•~rni11 t h u M f•l '•r•••~·•• 1'• 1'"11 """" '"" 11ff'P"rlxl ...,al'h last Wt'<'k W .l\ nnc•of 1 "" • t "'ts. rlr••r. who ~·• .,~,.,.,.,,foallv lhr t)••r'h~'rn '''""1"1' loll\• "''" llo•• '''"'"k-eo· , .... 1111v •l•·•·~·nr 1.,11 loy 1111 1111,,.11J'IW''IIl lllaiTh't anlfl tt.e mn!Ot "J'f'•·tncular that .t.g THE PlJBJI.C JS. ·ENTJTI ED TO GET., mom ng "' Ore "mhPr 1 arrana~l ttw> fti~nl•"'""' •·f .. ,,,,....; .. ,., ... 1 "" l·n• .. ,.....t In t r .,. .... , .. ,,r l'lr n11t ••r T fj,,11,,, 11 K 11 , ,, , 1 11,, 1,. 11111it ... 111 ,1.,,.,·,.11,,,. what. c-Ity has ""en In .!<Om I' tlmr ·'-'• ~ "" . I T.Jtal tiiiOIJUrll<·mrnt rr!Jrr~· n!•··l f'nlll" Ill• I ')••nr. ""'" ho• 111 , ",,,.,. n.;. A~~·-'"'''•II "'1•1 , ...... l•o 1•111\ All"''"''''',, .Oil , '· I• \\' ol-,, lOll I by th h k ill -"''" ~· lifo 'II)' "Ill lltkf' Ill tlrfl Fire Chlt'f l'l:lDk ('rncker and '"e' ,.. "w ~'""'•·d l l• ·of thnt t1'.:f!!1 rl_m~'!!. ~'L"!!.:.LAn...D.LlJ\S! '!Jilt( Ito"'"'"'"'" ""'" t'••ll•n• IIJm.-of hta !'\.t.wwrt... Ikacb -----OCIOpOO. ~ ---.L ~ -tt.'Uii .. jlrlJ:h••r _wUJ J11· ~tu~ K. C.~· ----..•--1"''1'''l __ urc -laudiu.&nd a...c:•ty Lruok .Tiit~t. ~><'rcbanrr~ lc:l'.a .«ll7'e '" thtll -. Bf'a<'h \'oluntetrll .,..c~ com- baltnJ: tht rla.-nPs THr Har- bor fr<'W ma.J" nne call 1\nd pt"rhdps prtn•ntt>d llnnl her , .conOaF,rat!lln lr,,m llt flrtln~. a flnck llf auto vinlatotr'l $2 1111 ra. h. T\\'n traffir <'r>p~ hit . ~ tuly. rt-~nlc.d tlrc m-nll fme nn th<' l:rt~tl t ·at II, h·~r•l work t n rnlrh offrn•lrrll ""~II" ~ -wt\4'"" ~ Muntr.-m~ liP""'' df'mr1n11. more rut·ln/1. I J l£.: ---. \'l'r'f ·rrw 1\ntMslll nhJr··t Ill JlllYIOIC II m~'IU!Iy $:! 01) fin,. :--&lt'lt lrur.lc d n v t' r . w-hiJ h,d m•ntlll l&rerJI. h11tf t wn-bftt1 acrlrlrnt"' Tht attl'nlltn« f>h\'lll<'lln w"11 lll!lurrd hy the 8tate rl~'Jlllrl ­ m .. nt t hllt hi~ lirtfllll' would bf' rf'Wlkrd. Two "'l"f'kll 'llll'r ~ v.oa11 I~ R Jl!Jfd ~ilkJ:at ~ ffi',. lil~th"'•ay, \\' y .. Wt~men !ln•l nlhrr J>"''••· trt1n11 cro"" the att~Pt. ln. k· lntp: nf'it hf'r right or It ft . and t''<~t t~ motor1Jl to al.te- I'Uard them. A ~r.on ~ettln,; a t'rkf't plt·roaa, that he wtil Ieee hll jolt, lf be a. put lll jail; tbat !If' II A rr rP\'rokf'll In tnt~ Jin'~'lll nurn ~"' I hrn :1111 'I Mlr11mrn "n 11 rar tlralrJa Rlltrt yr•wllng thnl lhr ln!f r rnrtrb '"" I rylng In v•rr••k --tlw•r tMHiffif'lllf'--• -, ) A r e C',. n't rnnte,.nrP In J1'.!.C.~~C1l!t.~-Can&dlan and lJ. S. tr11trlr t~ffh Ia'" ,.nrl· t'd in 11 •lutl whrn oa.. rtf t hr •• E. L. · C"tnwfurol ,.f I -'11'111la H• ,, It and Mr11 \V. N llnlm•' •tf S.lltl·• "• -. -I • .J>' I' . ~-- In Port Area ..... .. ,.: ... ~or A Quick Action .Want Adt . ., ,.i;.;.. ~ 1 ·"'... • ,, .. . - NEWPORT BALBOA NEWs-TIMES. Newpai:t Beach. Ca1t!omla. TiruRSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1961. ... 'l1llla ,..., fUH nnl)' ha• ,..,ninrmrd tn t fMo ......,. _... f"f'CCI&I~nwftt-.' ltut aloon ttc.kl ... •" 0...... C.U.ty &ul"'rhll' t:~l .an-"r,.., nank·. lllir It . .._... ,to ~ ALl. &ecal ... u. ..... ' EDIT.ORIAL:S F .EA'f.URES 1'1alJI paprr •trtve. to MC•rae.tJ .._....... '"'"'• nf lfM' to~ter Harbor OlelriC'f: to ... • &141dlnc forco. I• tjle .,...., hlrUier. ...., .... nwnt; and to. atay 8Mof from all obllcaU... l'Ul'pt tlllllt of nclftbtJ to lM pubh~ Ia .. ~ I . Newport -Balboa NEWS-TIMES PIIO!!'F.Ji )' ~ 1S Skinny Skribbles SURPRISE! • • • • • • • • • by R1em1eken N'EWS I. Edison Wins WAR, WASTE _.ND TAXES-AS USllAI.. America Is finandng the bi~~(. ~tlicst war of nil t~nw: ~rtcan sacrlrlce mtlSt k~p million~ of nus.-.inn 8Didlen eqwppt"d and ft'rl-M-that millions of Am1•dntn 80icBen won't hftv~ to take ttw.>ir plaet'S. An'W'rinln sn<'rifire mwt keaitp the bridg~ of ships tn EnglaM la(lt•n with supplh•s. to olbet tho~ production of a l:Au'OJX' en.slow<'d b>· JD~. ~~ muSt be sacrifit'C Of the lu:uarlPl'. mmf;WIS-~lnd ewn ol some of the thlnwi our ~tandard of Ji\·ing das."':"l' as ~ties or life. For f!nclc Sam ll{'('d.<; th<' mat~rial:;: and j Jaboko for the war mat·hill<'. Thf'l"(' must he ~·wdfit'(' of mnrwv. · which~ for tht> a \'('rDJ:l' man sacriflre or tht~ thin).!" a~rl the aecurity hf' "·o~kl' <lnrl. S.'l\'N'i to huy. A mnn will (':ll'fl tht• ' ..... \\ ;'~ , ' 1111 !'-' ••• ,. :-::,, l ·• r~··n •t . ' ,... a' , "'11h .. n•' ,,r .. ;r • :-~·'-"'ut.a1 , ''"''~· ''ut t,~ '" tt . h• ·nr.l~· t• ~''' 1 , !'> l'"ll • 1 .. t>ll tllli tlll,lllll\:a'lfl~; ,. t. r lit• !11ld lht• 1'ttt Pth'r . "l ly "indshi,•ltl "'l"'r wa:-n't inc: "I'll. and I t'PIIIdn't St't' ... " , 11.1i11,.. Th.ll tltlt't l l\r' \\illdshit•lcl \\if"'l' \\a:-lilt' mn't impnrt- ..:....m J!,,,h .1111 h•nthl~ itlll"'' !.tnt-thin~ in tlw li\t'S t•l' ll1.1f f.ltht•r 11 ·, ,j), .1n1l sttn. 11w 1 .1111~ ..;c.•nso i[ 'lffi• ~':Bcln c\1 )o!I\J.IJ~o•l'rJ\:iv•~i1;.11J.., ,. l••t.: mal h•n!-.7 ol.11 t,llt'''· i..: unrlt•r w.1y. ll' ~·our" md ... ht<'l.l "I J~o•r IIi :.:u••l nnlt•r n :O:.ll'l' n f ~·our hrakt•:;,. hdll ~ I IIi' ,·:t:-i ll :..: illlol tul"~'.ll l tl•n. lh .. ht~. ll(lnt?-Ht'lwr anakt• :-ut·,•-:'\1 1\\'. It \ I I , ·r , , "'''~ l~o• t111· nn •st import(lnt ai't c\f1•our'llft'. •· •• : ' :,· IIJ .. ~-.--"'!!"-------------~~-------.;__._ r l 1111• ·n ....... '· .,DEATH IN THE RAIN ..._ Only 'thll year Mario RigRT.li .. 1R.' h· .I f•t• ,. I ~ 1 ·I · 8dJOOI at Sonoma .. H~ was a bri~otht bo' n • h " 1 '1 , · ~~· wu prOUd of hlm. and tO(...,tl1~r tl:c.': :.,.,. "1 ... ;.,, ... .r 1D Muio'' futureo--a futUn! or. at.'hic\~1 ' n.i ltl'f .. 1111llnt IJ;~-41-,1111-a· .LUt .-a ranchef fritond lnveted tl·r . '''··•·~·tll fn/ ... laiD tile rain-frah bWa alter DWIIhroom.'-Ou ! l.t' ":\!> ;] . -,. . " . . ' \ .. ... . . . . ~~c""'c~--~ , ~ M~D~R~j MARINE . SERVICE SHELL ·oo·c·k -· B .A L 8 ·0 A I-SLAND of fhe' CHURCIIES .F~LL OO,PEL CHURCH Col'ner flf 2:?nd ancJ £1dtn 'tt.., Cotta Meu. C•ltfornla I 1 :•·~. i!. C'. Cron~o s•liator I ~unday S!•'·ool ll!HJ 11• m. 1 ~lornwg \\'orahlp Suvic., '11 a. IU. 1 fo:va!'gt'liatk Servjce 7 :SO p. m. ·, l'urAtJay JmJ Thur~y prayer ; 1 aervacca 7 :311 p. m. COST;--MES;-C.OM:UNIT~ t CHUftCH Carl B. John10n, Ml.nlater 1811 H•rbor 81vct., P.h. ~tt-J L_llur~b Stboot SI:CJ a. m. ~'''' 'lln.c Worat lp 11:00 a. m. Ssnic• Pin . . ..... . . te.tllled thut u light, blue-l'lt"dlln .!'''"'''' dl'p~rlml'nt T1tc-Y" 11 n 1: M Jrf.\\'q •k l'rn~···r Sl'f\"ttt•. WI'.J·I bad colll•led w1lh an.t"fc•n·('d tht•m ''<'111'1~. h11pp~· at bo.·m~ cli•Rn•.t nf , nc•l'l,lllr. '11\'Nt'd t.ltl'lh d~nn'l>r .. 6 .~0 1 &Cli'OIIA ' UJE' l'('l\tt•r lint• .("1\lismg tiW ,l'IIRrflt' W<'rr !!bOf¥1'11 t\1 hR\'t' fl 1\1 I First. In U tilit~ ' Advertising to t't1llltlc-ht'aal-l•n wltb an· ll !'1.111 hr•lllfith l n~nrn~t thrrn l or ------. niaht lunch, • tie toe much amok-Ina. prr~ a cockt.U or tw~rtat fun to- nlaht; • miserable letdowa. to a The World!s N~ ~ ThfOUih · TttE CHRISTIAN SciENCE Mo~ITOR • _!'tit lr'llt''niJir••n<JI lJiJJ:~ ,\'cu•spap~ ,......_ hfill: t'll l•t"\o.l"~t lf W"f' tl'ltl ••III"O 50Ctrn f .... ~,......-y-4;1,.,....-t • .._.,.,.., ,, , ..... ( .......... " Tnnh.fu~cntcth•-Unt.i ...J-t,.... Croin s-ua-aJ. i--Edato.-lalt ,..,. T im.., and lnonvni" 11nd ha O.ily FuN"'-T,..th .. r with tlw •. .,.,,. Ma,.,; ... Serti-. Malia dM M-itor •n l .... al N .. ••P•P" few th-H'- P!'1..-Ill ('l(t ~rlv. nr 1.1 0\l • M .. n;h. · S..rda' luu•. tn~ludrntt Ma&•••n• SKnon, 1l 60 a Y-. I lntroduaory Ollw, • x-n· c.. .. a..i•eble .. , t HKI~TIAS M'O:SCI: RF.API"SO aOOM Ill F.a•t Cirttral· A\-en• l'l.alboa. Callfomla I • .. • '• ... NEWPORT BALOOA_ NEWS-TIMES. Nt"A-port ..... <'attfnm•. 'THURSDAY •. NOVEMBER 2'r, -1941. .l .... ~ -------~;~-·----------~------~~------------~------~ --Mea Women's Club House Beautified I Conaw~y Buys ~Th~·~venue Fountain MOVIE. STAR JOINS U.S. MArt • 1 Gt'Orz.: . c.ma" a). "'· .. u knot."' A MW atmo•~ff of attra.·-roun~ llu-<m\',, man -..ho has lk't'n U•~~ p~valla at th~ CU~~llt opcratina;: th<> .-\,\'t>nUt' .~ountmn. Meaa Friday Afteroooa C I u b 0"'ned by John At. Allm, vromtn· H~ u thf ~Nit ot ext~natve ent Balboa Island bUJinHa man • repa~r1 and rt'mOCS.Ilng at an ' am1 rt•,.ldo·nt, 1:1 purchaa.lng ttw ..tlmated total ca.t of $600 to !'InN' at F.n~t 1'\t>IA'tlttrl . eAhanca . tbf 19-year-Qld~llructun 1 ;\lot IN> ol intt'ftltOI'I h\ M-Il 111)d w~lcb bu play~d web an Import· trunsf,•r llw proP"rt} 1,. twm.: pub- ant rot~ Ill th~ civic and 80<'ial lishl'd 1h1..: "'"'k, lnC'Iudm.: dn.a.:., -ur~ ot the commu'nlty. ~undnt•ll, hquor. toh1wco and f1x· · Ttle large fra me club houiK' • tu~. MANDERVI O)VO .. CED fo'mal .Jf'('rt'<' uf dl\'urC. ~·u grantl'd in the su'~rlor Court. h'lll•t • (\IIU ~lh 1\. Wl't'k to fo;dtt:l ).f "·I• '•: •"•I' .\n1ln•w H. Matti- wu t'ompht~ly "mad~ m·er·• with an outll!df' •·on•rlng or rN1w•""l llblp lath whil:h 'v.·lll alain .. tl. W1th window and door aa.ah trim the club h9u1C' prut•nta a nt•at 1111t1 well k e Jl t apf.M.•arant•t•. l\1 r a W~beter revealt•d that t-arly • ~~ dery. Tbe Ma.Dderya rtlidf' on Or the aprlng thi-W'lterior waa rf'· • . • w •rt l'.4'a('h. an•: mOCS.If'd and •J'W'•·•al r<•OinM rf'. Weff married In 1933. painted. I ·-"''"' l't'l!p4111" Lt.· r .. r tht' lmpro\'•'· llembt-ra of the eucutlv~ bo:1~d hu·nts. anti ,-.. ntrart~tl with \\'. B. ot lbf' Friday Aftt m oOn C I u b ~!t-l'utl A. ;:..,, t .. r llh' "'urk _SAN IOAQUIN· DAYLIG'HT! AIIIM" •ibf wnml1nrr through SJn JoequleVal- &c, 10 ~-funosco s.,-~--­ atca. l'l:o chacp ol can: 5pftd .I~IM ti.'•J bf screamliMd O.JI•ght from Lot Angdu to._a.keufidJ. Fresao, Merced, Modcuo, · Oak.lan~ 'IlK finesc in ml cnnl. Snwt rncm car .. ' . econom•caJ coffee shop ... big, convrn1tnt rc'r rooms. from Lot Angdn ro : . ... -. -lA• faA.CIICO .. ONI WAY $1G.IO IOUNDfiiP hJn._J T•• , ... ., le<IIHIJ ... in luJNrious ctl.ir cars-n:tra soft snrs and h11: "in· dows for scm~-gazing. Low fares ro S-In )<Y"!u•o VaU~ poinrs, roo. Leave Los Angcltt 9 a. m ., aruve S.n Francitco 8:~0 p.m. WayM uom.. ftot't'll~ IW oi •.• Wan wet Winp." be-came a m•mbrr nf Unde ·S.m'a N:avy i11 M:ay. 19~1. wbtn he wu appuinud t.o the rank ol F.nairn. • When uked what be th(>!Jght ot \he C.nited Stata Navy, Morria!l4id. •·1 t!1lnk n~ry man whn ill C"Onsitirr· b.c jninini a military llf'n·,i..., ah<'luld look Into the 'chanl"ff of a lifr·timr' whi<"h thf' ~avyaiui S :aval ~rvrnf­ '"' to pt into the big-pay fir !II of th~ futu,.-a\'iati('ln. In thf' ~n''Y you. n~n alt~nd the 'nf'lllt fti~:ht 11'11ininr achoola In the world, and l'e'Cll'ive In· lltn~o·: :u11 from !1.:&\'Y pilota wbo latro- durt'Ci dive bum bing, airrraft c:arrWft and"rir:apult u k.....,fl'• t6 the rat ol the 11•urld. AI"'• the-,. are opJI9fWnl- til'll in Naul Avi:uiun f<•r m4'fl who don't want to'1ly. T hP)' """be tnh'l!d u a 1·i:at i•Jn m~rhlni..t.,4n~tal•milb, phot••cnr•h• :"!!,ot.~norn,orthf7aa" rrr"i,·e in1t rue· I i"" in tnany other trn.!l'tl.l t'• a JTPilll of4' in the Navy." 1-:n•i~n \\ ayn1• J\J.,rri• i1 plcturtd ; hrre in hi~ lin~ of ch1ty u a membtr nf lhr ~:wal Avi11fi"n C';tlff't ~ t:un n narti at t11c Lone lk·acb Nnal lt1'1W'fVl' Air DL~. Navy Enlistm~nts Credited Against Local Selective Service Quota "~ I"'Pl~trv fo\nnx "( thf' :-.a,. ,. Jn a•lohll"n tn .. xrlalnln~ t h.a t l ~pcrt1 -;,nt. ha'< an~:••un,••d t h ,.·t :-J.~ ~· rnh11tmrnt. •~ t'redJted lnr11l N•mmun•l u·a 11,... ~:., .. n 'rf'tll t "I:Ainat I he-l<~t.al Rc<Wt-Uv• Bar· • .. r t''" h :-.a,·.ll rr•·Clul an,l that Vll't' 4lll'la, tt11~ :r..m a lao lltated l•oral Mrt'tl\'t' ~··rvu'f" qunlas Arf' I hAt a h11;h ·., h· ,., f"luratloo 11 •··•lut •·•I ur-• ·-•-a.n~l~... Jt:u •l An-nut f1rc· .. aqr~: 'ur ac-e .-ptanre by olrrw .•:u·k,..m llayr an. r hI,. f the-:-.avy. "Any ambltloua ud c lrrl. of t: ,. l•'I'UI olrafl b..);! rd. • '':'~""' I•· Y•J<~OK man nf averqf "fo:\ ••ry youn.; rr.an "'h , !"IJl:O 111••111 a hi)' nntl gn•wl c han.cter wbo l hf' 1":1\'y ••r :-.twal H•·!l<·rH· th•u• lllt-C'IA ph>·•,.·al an•l othf'r requl~· ht'lps lu fill .. ur l••al ~l'!t•oi l\'t' ll.t.'llt.lt 11HI~ !Jo· littl'J'lubl.-to tte\p !'crlu t• •tunl.t \' .. tm.: m•·n "'th 11111'1 t 'n •l•· S11m'" n-"Twc.. In l'\o h·• ,,,.,, l't•l \'II,. a~r llmlLI t ll'l'llll Navy . 11hu I 11\t' n••t IJ<·••n d<f••n •·tl 1\'ullhl ---- do v. t•ll t o .;omucJer tlot' uppo r-MATERIALS LIST fAll tun1 1 o·11 til" I' ~ l':uvy Mfr rtt f•tr r• .. IIIX'I'IIoh7•·•1 traltllllK anll adv.tnce-~ NAVY •ON fiLE mcnt Whllf' ll(•n InK thrtr .... >untry l in Ill' "mt rK•n•·y. • -- "The &gt' limit tor the r~gular I On f ile at t\te N•wport HarbM Navv art' 17 to 3t: ILlltl fol' th~ Cha.mber ~ ("nmJr~,..... la a ~. D. "'· BOLT8Y. -'«-1 NIIDS •••• CheoM Chevrolet• al')d you'n own the trvcki_ ~are .. .-red to "ttand the· ...," of th•M -liirCr-worldng, latt• ~vtng~sl "' • Nav~l JlMC'f'\1' the limit• are 17 IIIII nf m11t~r111111. Inc h~tlln~t pumptt • to :110. AJI appl1canta unutr 21 r·r friJ:t'tlll"'"· nf ,, t o r a. tllUn«" must hll\'l' th<' wrillo·n ,.,,._..nt 1 C't('. to llC' •nr.J t>y tht' Nav y ot t:wlr part'nta nr $flll<r•l11111s " D.-pllrtmmt a t ~lin Dif'IO Thill IIIII m11v llf' t'll&mlned In •lrlll•l '""' rnrtkulara rf'prdln~: '"''"' 1\f'oJ c!lfldll!wa of b&4a c:an I• :-••• '''' •I l1\' • ·ollm..: at t h /o ·-c'tuur brr of f'omm<'r<•• Uy 114)' 1. '"·''' n P rtn•l :"l Webster Bremer Buildings Sold At Costa Mesa l!••.d • I II• ooll ' Ill lh•• ('O..Iil ~l•••:o ··1•'11 h oi•· II•· n '(tnr11rulnll\'l It I I, It!• I~ ·IIIII l\110 fl••:ol,, hu th f'\ h Ll\0' HI 111of11 ollllln II( llh• h'"" 111 111111 ••••.lf lrl,l 1 1 'rn~: vrtl'"' ll'1 tJ11• ~.y, · • • 'l'h•• lu lddlllt.: "'"1'1111: Ill" f'11• I 1 ,. I l•i•fHif ll'•• IIIIo! lh•· J'Hiil ''"" "' 1 "'""" 1111111 "11111• lllllnll ' " " ''' ~~~ ·•11•1 :\!1, .I I· \\. I• . • I 1 ... '"'II "·ld '" Ill s • I t'h mlw·l • ul ll•'l'o•llv 11 111, un I L11ln hi•· lui $1:\,1'1011 ' r\ "·•·•·ntl tl• ·a 1 111:111•· ""' I •• (,l ;n tiH'I • "''' lhr· Jllll• h'l"' ;,, Ill• 1' ;, • .,,1.:'' ll1••nwr hwl•hn..: <JU :"•" 1••• f Buui•'Vllrtl n•·:or flw I II \\ .1. I;;, l'•t.:•~ fnr S-"1 lll'ltl l\111 h 1 r:or1• .u•ttnn .... r•v•·:el•·d .• p rof l f ... ,,, o\\O•'r~· l•ttt ,, •• ,. l••s.::utl•·d ,, ,, ,.,, . .,.,rahl·· In\ ..... , rn••ut t.,.. ,. ,,,,. ,,• f It•· r.o111d '''l"tn'l'lll nn•l .,,,, ••I• ro' IU•·nt n( tht· :\1••"-lt I•U""II'l''""' '•'f '•''" TO AIO DUI!!M. rY''!.i!~-1-----rf-,h..-...+HIH~· MTUM YotHI IIOTCMI TtluctC IIM:IfTOftY CNtOi D. K •. BLU~ ...... ,: ... ~"· · .. !'.!!r· C:t. \'/.~:.}. ~. Mldlll . anJ 1:a• I . . .. n I I ·ur (.fl<WUI 3001 \\'. C~atraJ A\"ft~W ,. ..... - Kll.l or K\'OE Ever)' SaadaJ 1:00 ....... '.' t__~~4P~==~--------~~--------------~~--~--~~--------------------------~~ • 'Listing Forms ·Unique Name · Ready At C. C. Laguna Bearh· Offire For Re~tals Store fentt'r lu t.gttJ.clt t..• ,..,~ ur•• •"•tn•pl.-t•· :t-.nh·'thtua.,: "''" •n·l ••• •..: n nl "' ,lttlo•rnutl ,.,, rc-~:t•r•hn.,; fa•'lliUila tht• "ay .. r a ""U'~' l"r a llhoii'IIIIIJ: & tl ,l tU t t11Uf1\t hlillh•Ut~t ll\'MI1 .. blt• t t 11\t•t hAA b1•1•n t t t•alt-.1 1'\t l ,t~'lol fur llh•~· • •IC'HIIlj; I•• lhr \\ r a I 1: •• ,., h II'• "Th•· l!ll:.! \'•'l.t•'• (',"~l f •'J•l.u.•·n~t•ut • •'lltt•t , .. , ~,.,, Tl~t• , tllttK•' , ••ntpt •~··,. :t , harau•u.,; J"·ll ~11\\\•~ "'•' duu uho•l uf ~:1•11j/ •If ""'·'" "'"I ''" ·,.,,It ,, r t 0 II t 1"\...t' Ut ~ ,.,'1'-I ;at til\ ¥I ltlt tht• \ t•n tthh• ~j,:t'IJ\ U\ It,_ tt\\ H IUh• t ••lh J.,,u,J I a ... 1'1•'ft·U•'I •·••n•#C • ·r:••· uauu· ¥-n• '''u""' ,,.,,. .. ,..,. f,., l.,..•ut,: l""l'•·rtu•,. ... \t 'Y '""'l tt•t~ ,,. Uh· ,., ... , r uuaul\, I 4••vl ' • !1 J , It hi• t•• U.\••h t •hq•h• ath•u ••h·t ''"' ••·\1 r 11""'"1' n.H lU•ttihh·,. \\IU t"• l •'h t t, ,t 1,1 tlh' lot~;') lltPl,'" t t~ ol ltd tl-.!t Hl:4 IH ht*\ltl): 1U tttl .. \\ 4\ ltu \ l> ... ~l••t !'\ \\,,I Mt't Ull \th1 lh ... ~~ t \ 'I •~·.,."" .tit '''!nt•'••t•• .,; r\t't\ ft''"l.,., t dl\,t It l!'ii-.h1~ IUith .. lh •1 """ n11•• ~~ uet"ttlul t h•tt ·•~ P""~'h'•• 1~ .:1\ •'II l ., h l.tla Ill IIIII r llllllllll<: I'•'"'' I "'Ill II·· itsl.···l ... j;l\ ,. 0 1111 ~&d\,tln t• loilh•1 pu ...... llth• tlf Ull \ tlt'l, ·ll1·1~ lhe•y IUH\ It'' i\1' ,_,, 1h 11 tlll jlh l&lllfl ' ftot• ,tlltt\\ t•-f ''' I h t•t " IJ11:u ~..f\ I'· tu ..... nt• '"''' it\Uitttl•l•· 1 bl I Itt 'lllllltlh. i ' ..• I t ~~·'• •·• t ·ttl \\ :'1.tnlt' ••I the N•wrort lt.u ••·1 1 .. • •• 1 , j "ll l\f 1:. k_t I ptllj.. In I '''"''" lttlh 1\ "'"' ,,,.. >olll"ll.•lll ..... , ~, •• tt .. tl\ H 'I ICtti'•Uhl• U.lth .... '"'•"''•'""' l.l l t Ill f\0••'1 It ettt h l'tt I\ t)ll 1!.~;·\llJaJ.,!•' l'h l•d ··"' tlh \'".,.' ft~rtt Lc~•t. IO:t~lt~, 1••1 •,,· ~h·•t• I tt l l ,u~h·thla t u t1 ••••·t :-:11··1a. ••f ".. 'ljH'i l ,, '""'''' \\:lit II . ,,. u p.l f up, (tl ,.,,q t'l\ iU~ • 1.111-.:11\ II IHtol • lool I Ill •1~.1111 Ill< .. 1 ••I I 1., • tl ,,._ "'""· th<'\ •:-"'•~·· t•ll ,• I I H~ .. ,l t • olid \ "hl l!tll ... ,,, , • .,,., IUH•' , .... " It' ........ . t h•• ~ ... I •t tltt ll"''' ••·at l 1 •• .... u '"'"'''h i~ .. tJu~ •\Kh 1~1\•ru .FARM-FRESH PRODUCE full-flavort'd fruit• and cri,P, tf'ftd~r !~ahtN' from r~ farnu md orchard& of ~~ \VHt. f or l•uranc~ ef full valu~. thnc fini loc)(h ur 110ld bJ ~i&ht It Safnray. · · \ aq; 1 Laguna Beach fnntestants Are Edison Winnfrs :o;,.ntr~ •>I I•"'AI ~mnrr• In thr S·•ut l t tll ,.,.hi••'~'"• l.,h'''" t \un r:o111 • lo•ll••1 '•""'' l't "" \\1 Kl I •""' ll··lllhl ~h 1'1,., It l• IlL I ,,,,:._. tht••ut~o ••,t hl't;. ,, .. , .. , It\ t:•·•••l:• ,1 \\ho•l<l 11111111111:1•~ I t. .. t. h .t.~~ol d d h • '"••• • t ""' llf'-f111o\ l ht• 'AtiH\t'fll •'ll(h ,._.. 111\1 " "'' "·'·' ,, ...... ,, '" ,, t 1 ' t '" '•"· ~ ''U• 'un~-."1 • t"'t tH\ H I' 1tl t I • ft._ .t "': t tl•lil• t l h. lo ~~to,tl \ ....... ,, ,.,. "0 .,. .Mul~.·~ I' 1 i'"'' 1''~"' t •• : lt••t,t ~q • J H).!Ut a I :,•.tt '' aud \ 11•tt •'\\ h•••p · fliHU t~l!tfl ~ t ttUII1 I C~,·~~ l .. tt,!UitH t ··~•uh Itt H•tdth11u ,,, th•• ,;.,.11 ttw.t lol \\ tqllo'l ~ . .4li'.J ••IJu•t J'f'l "'"I" '"'• "'"' a.t ra ·A 11'. ~ fll ,. lt"t~~. ON' l"f'('f'W .. ,..jf 8tl uo~ "·· ac.-·~·· tl \. Jt,.u~r •n'•l family ot 0.. 1 •·I • .. ,,,,.,,,, "'" ataytn1 at Ill_ \\ • •·nlt:ol In l hl~ I• I : .. 1\ •'llo'h rfff'l,.. 11 I••• """ ITIJlll' "" a r~111·ard t• • Ill r iiiiiC '' ,. r•10tr11t ' ,,,. • ""tl""' '" ··•.: "' m • rt.r th"u"''"''' .. r llllrl.-aiiDII lntf'ip,.._ tllllo~" "' I h•: IIlii II\' llf'rl I• f'A ,.._ • rl\•'•' ''"""lth th .. '•mall IUDOUIII& I'""' I' •• h ·nu•nlh '"' "'""'trk'lt)'100 M t \\ lll'al aao.l "\'a.1'4&W. 'aMI- ,.,.,,., II• •·a. ,,, .• u .. hlr t'ttmfnrt• tla4 ' .. 1 •' lllt~k on.: Jlt••flhl)"'f'l"f' r l"f'dlt.- ••ol ' • ~~~··~ .. r •It·• ttl,•u y to:lec· I 111 111 • 1 ,1,, .,,. '"'''•'11111 drfen.e 11nd t h• t •h••n t ''"'J .. n~,·· c"'ft• II 1•111 l"lllt Ill • "111111111111)' buii•Jtn• "',., .. ""'"'I l"•l'ular ,..,...,." AUDITS --TAX ADVICE · -SYSTEMS Milan Underwood ~OM 11.\KIIUR 81.\'P . l'•"''" f\t••o.a l"hun r :.::::\.' Hr~'• bes nnri for folk. who raU1 · ~njoy fir:w mau: l1w famoue w~w., GuannttN Strak• ~~~ ~"I fntured thit w~k at 1praallow pricft. dJmr in tocb1 or ,fint thin1 tomorrow and wl«c JOUr fnoric~ cuu. Tr~at your family with thne 't~ndrr:. juicy, firw flnortd .calLa. . . ..,., Grapefrujt SWft'f, juicy, thin 'kinncd. E..- ttllrnt for break# ut. ~2~ ~~ ~~~~.!.,!!~!~ •l!r3Sc '!r.33• ·!_~!_L!~ .. ~~=-35• = 33• !.::!!»~~~~ .. ~~!'.!L!~Ks f: 42• Oranqes Swm, jui<-y fruir. or for tlntrla-. For aalacla \, Carrots Cnsp, frftlt c1rrott, wftla topl nmovcd. PORTERHOU.SE STEAKS • y..,·u ~;., a Safn•11 p..,,~,...,_ ICr•L f,,,.,lf.f ot ... rt.en..4. ~a~ Onions YrJiow v1rirry. ncfirim .. ('l)nk,.f with au·ak. . _ ··-3· liEF IIUT =:·;;: IlLLO Ill , ..... , ... ,. ... , ...... SALT SI.E -PORI ..... .,JI" , .. t9 .IAMB LEG~ l'hanUtM 1~1 of C:uaunrf'f'd 1 ..... Tr1ow.rd. aaak lue.-1~&4, for _,_ tlOFFEE VALUE$ . Airwey Coffee •• ,., •• hf't 1t ~;· 11' \••Itt .,. •• , Eclwerds Coffee 'lh Sl t Ill 17' , ... , .... M. J. B. CoHee 'lit 31" .... Foager's CoHee I \p ,,, 1 lh 31 '' I ._. I , .... SPREADS. DRESSING~_. ETC . ------ Pebst Cheezham Deiryland Chee~e \ ........ ,. ... f •• flq Kreft Chee~e Colonial Jams IP · • ! ..... , ,- A , • ., ••• ,J I,,,,, (Aaeor t 4!d Bt-''i'. J .. ,.,,. ~ 111 •• v " .. 15' ,. .. ~0~·; 6t ~~o:•; 65 Goad Medel Bi~quid ...,. Grape-Nuts Wheat ~eel ,!~":. 14' "At" Spe9hetti !~:· tt" ·:.:~ 9- SUCU PORI UVEJI .. 10' IACOM : v ....... I ... ' .... t6' 1 •• -~•. lie ••• PURE LAU. Pac.••• •• t6' Carto"• ... Borden's Evaporated Milk l•uc•ll'l ,.,•ct••••" f or 3 251 1.-ltf• w•• or-tell . ~-··-· ........ c••• , ....... ft;t 7'•(. .. 33' C~NNEO FOODS Hosteu Delight ,.,,,,, , ... 'IJ' .. ,. ...... c .... libby Fruit Cochail · ..,;, I tJr c•" Sundown lreeUest Flcp ·:~~·· tcr Gc*len City P~eches ... ,. · ts·· u .. Hi9hwey Sliced B"h ... ,,.. COft Hi9hwey H6mtny ~~~·.~t~~:· .. :.~ '9" Zacate New Potatoe' I~:": tS" V •I Vife T om• toe' N• 1 tcr Ut1 C•mpenie T om• to Peste • "' J< .... Beef Gr•vy 1 • "''" No 1 I" A u t• tt• .. ,. t•f't Chili con Carne c~:.:'. '00c~~·· 'tO' Hein1 B•by Food• )11lia f .rr \Vr~.:h1 lo.1 prrparr•l an .nl r"''"';: o\•1-l Sraroi•lt flo~mr l., rwr mf'at .• .,d r•i[• • •l·l• dith" •loh I !rl M•.nlt Sur~. ~ tr.nkrtm' -flinch liLI::' VAN ---eAMP't BEANS • .-,,.~b. 'J iarrr arr 11101•y ,11&inlr •l n .mbiiii iiOil•, "A I" Egg NoeS_ dies 11 1 11'b.19 "1«r pi·•• ••'"•hie ml'"'" -----------~ . -·~~~·~·Q~·-~-J~~~~~~~~~~--~--~--~~~~==~~--~~~=-----~=-------~-=~--~----~~=:1 Sunbrite C ieenser ::; so l.arar .. hitr lwane. .r.. .. tnrol~of ,.Jih porll arut ,._ .... (22..,, taM Z '"' "'; ~o. 7,11, can I Jc) Dash Soap ':o".' SOC S.,..,Ufb Soep Y;.:: 4fc l'ltgl t• fHII AOWftfltfllllfT All ,'fCflfl niOAr ' IAJIIIOAf, 0 ItO ...... ; II H4 If. ,,., .... .... .,_- . .,. NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIIlES, SEASON .. :~ Crippled Harbor Football Machi~e To Play Last Scheduled ·Game At Anaheim · Friday,'7:30 p.m. -· 'Tan Definitely Outside Chan~e l lnderdogs Hut -J~ated of Ut>~tting fhamps hristma~ ' . . . ' . • .~-Ju.sT::t'WENTY;nvE SHOPP.ING DAYS leli 'till • Chriatlnul ·Once· more The NewS:. Time~ will prove its we will publish the. big !•lue ~ you! S!>on now Chriatmu Shopping Editio~,t of The News· Times. • ' FOR its pJllte after page of values and bargains designed espedallr -for you! It will complete• .. . ly ~ver the entire shopping. field and area with practically all the leadinit storrs and shops prcsrntinll' gift ideas and suggestions to soh·e your shopping problems. .. -·· ' '· • Com-munity Best! NewporUWb:.<la...-.: ---'t .... NEWS-TIMES · rhoan: 12 8nd 13 I • • • •• .. . .......... ~ ............................ ~~ ............ . "' .. ""·'' . -... _. ' .. ... ' ANAHEIM l IN THE HUDDLE ' . "-Jth IIORACE PARKER o too LRAI hilt no~t lr:ol'lt lis "X A1lo nal l l<>f{'n~··. l'••wl·r arhl mRt•·ri:ol~ twwg unnN:-j ,.,.,.~ilrltv w~o!;l •••l S~onl~ Ana ti, fo'UI!o•rton' 0, (;i\'t'll lh" /'=anta Ana 1\ol'lll! th(' L'IHl!11 l'·' ;.,n~hi t• a.• a r<·11ull u! !herr :rur k•">· t •:t)' j:amr, I Q u ic k ilt Uon .-N1Wt·Timu W a nt 'i!dl. ,- -- Fourth at S'yC'amore ., . ----------·----... --.. -~ ........... -........ • ·-..... : • .. ·--. OF SEASON . . ftEWS· TIMES fJis Christmas in Jmerit11 ..• JI/NUfBS COUJ1' Whare"Wa" roo do. r<XU' nery mUu.- tbtJ• J.,,, is prtcious. Sitfeguud. your time by r~lyingoa an .accurat• watch .•• A Ho~•ilw,., Sec 91U' adectioa, lod"'J• HJR/lfON .AM.ll11t:A"M IINM ... Ar·e• •.· . c7a · .. • • STERUNG SU.\'t:R By To.·Je ~ Gorham • New..t Sl)'leo Ia Moaa ud lMiel .lewelry VAn,Jn1 ,_ .-508 N. Main sAN1'A AXo\.· THE 1492 .VfLLAGE • Coast Blvd:-at-eali o'"p~e-·Laguna Beach· THE VAGABOND LOOT OFFERS MANY SUGGESTIONS . FOR . XMAS GIFTS . ~ Dainty New York Import-ati ons. Sachet' and Perfumed Handkerchief Ca ses, J~c to $3 .00 Hand Painted Ti ss ue and Bath Powder Box es. $!.00 [l!c ~nglisl! .. [offt'c~I!op Annouacln~ \~·et'kly ~"(il't Arqualnted" ASSORTED 'CHEWIES Urlklnu•!' f't·r Lb. SOt Our \\'Iadow b Our \\'ork!llhop Phone 911-1 Ann~ua,·~ a S t>"' Dlnnf'r SP:f'l'ial! Soup. Chill ~lk"nn, T1u·o '" t:nrhllada, Bran•. ~alad, Turtllla!l and Rttll,..r, Dt'-rt, and Drl~k Beans.. ... AOc . ________ _.----.. ,.~·--..... .. • • .. '• • ling -1 • l I •. et· • .-~ . NF.\\'PORT RAUVlA NF.\\'S-TIMF.S. N.-wport # Patriotic Theme Marks Pageant I T..;nabout Th~tre Excitinsr Drama In New Film Presented Qy Pupils At Mesa P .-T: A. Tbe SAN I) ·.,.--unity Symphony Orchestra ·To : ~ Organiztd By Marie Hiebsrh l l~nta Unusual In Entertainment .... l 11no t•c :o lhC"' • 1•' \a .. t'\• I'• .·;.1tattlun ul Jn,t. l.._lh lt·lh, 1;.-1, TY P E 1'1: 1.1111 o•ll:lllll.''l\11 n 1111'•'\tn,; !'Oiot• '"'I"" I•• I''"' lolo• 1\ ft h lh•· J-'o•f 1 h .. m• .. r llnhJIIt' 11nit ell~ l llltu ow '""' r ~ .,.,, t:,ndan~ pu·•• '11\,! "I~' 1:-t. •·· \\'.d;,••r a 11 d Hh hutol )l:<t'Ul~n .. do•Do Hlng" l'l\'llt'nhoJ Tl.t ~t:.y in \l t• (;.-u yt~huq; A .I !t o'Ri · Pun· '~,·,•n•n,.: al tlw Cuatu )h·sa 1-:1•·· ahl \\'••roh•n a nd 4h•· 1 :1, .... <lu h II' 111,.,,1111 \' So·h ools l'aro·nt • T~ .. h· 'l :t:::•t '" \Y .. r:<lotJ'. l~.lo p :u.:hty. t tY' A ;8Vl'llollu11 lll<'t lltlf5. l~ lht• l"olkh lol.il.lk l~h lt:trd l •udtl . ••t n-I'' '1"""'•1 o..'•"ll'lllln•l \ ~\'f\1 ,,1, ho •I 1 ,, 'a 1,., ·""' ,,( ~''""''"'"'" '''" ol • nlt•J'IIIIIIIll<'lll ,.,·,•r olf ~"'" '11 J"' ' 1 I' • 1''•"1'' • t d .-'" t .. , 1 h· fl,,,.,.; II• "" Jlllhlh·, lho• T llmuhuul '"-• tOl.k.l'Will t r .. '-' I • .; •. ,. 1 1 1 ,, ...... , t ~ lh \\',I U)te a,· 1 au t L•• 1'-• -..'"" .. n.J with 1 ,, , 1., '" , 11 '". ''' • '''II 1 .. II 11 •·• '' ,.,,.. .. ,,, ,,,. ''" 1-t l 'lt'll•'l:ll l llv•l . ,,..,. An· 1,,,,.,, ....... :.• tu tn.,_h ,. 11,,,,1 ''"'''" ''Ll" hit\•' ru•t h 1h l •'t'l'-·lt utut\ h • ,;.~" tfu,tlt,tuutino. 'ull1era.btlll'.••l "·· ''''' !. ·'' ~:·,. !\o• <1'\tl tl WI'• "'.'n""'"f•l 1111" t .. ;a,,, lh•ll lllltJih,tJ t.tlo•llh """'' l'll •t lo•l 1111 111\tr .. un l t~ttnn, Lula 0 l•t• ' ''' lh• ttl&' l.tol• \\trk ! •.:'• "'"'"' ''"'' ... u • ._ •. '''')" At Ill•' l'lnn •l"•ut '11\••ttll'''">lll>t-4 ttA"O "UJ5()-C • tt ..... , •.• t t.tu l •••••t••• ,, tluo •t•h•"'''" ,,,11 1 ... ttw t.ttth \tlt. 1 h•~ ·~·'''"''•• thu"" ,.p.u .tt•• ,,,._.,,,_ (tnt• ,.tat:•' ltr~ N• .• }111111 S t h lto•l :suoh'• flllll' 0' .. r 1: I ·.·-C tyr.~>r ,":,u~o= n llrmlims<n ft'll \' l!lttdentl! purlh lt•at.,J '111 ,,,..... untl !'\orllolll Jollllt•r· 111 Ft11:ht '" Dl;,tu >ll:t'Rt•s and IWH •' ,aR 1111111)' Ftt•t• ~pt•t•t·h, loTt'C l'l'taa; lJilly u ng liT ltlt' IIChuhJ's !;lt•o• t•lulo.< 'I h<'.ll< t LN•IIhld :.lvo•t•• ll.ta.ol', '1 K·· I 'UJ:t ant Wlhl \\of II('""''" I y • \\'lut .• •ht ad \\ ~ 110111.\h H uh lOll• II S~•<' I'OI'la l\lo·t:ll'lll Faoull\ llh'l'•· .md J o·anrut· l~•u t;nm.J In \'uUng bO:t :1 usl1ling an tht-prOl.lurUon ·~~;I nr; IUlol J:,... · l~•·rulki. 1 •1malol .-..r•· ~11·1. !oluuol Kt~ttm•,Jy, :\It~ ..r\\•>vo ,h<~ll!ot·. Jtmmy Sha,;•r . ('lur:l lfl'l'.;.ally. ·:lofrs. !'l•ll.t t 'turl<j .11\1 l-'nllh:lm. Jo Anrw t:•llttl _)Jill !'olal'l•· l'euro·o:. Mrlf~ Ll•lla l Sins:• y V•v&.an Bt'tlacb In Van Ambur~;,h. ~In• Mauo.k lluv•s.1 tu ('h"vl!l' !my La\\ tul Rh ta.r..t ·r l.n~·,.,•n•·l·. 1111ol Ju!•n '" n l Our .,utJ•.•l '···~ .1·• '"'' lltt oh :\11-. Mnth ''"'"'"" UIII!Oh lt :to11 ro•ltll•ol "'" , ..... ""'111"11 :·· "'''" '"''·"" "''"t.."'lt'l' 111101 llrnu•.red 1•"•l<'ll wh•• 11 "-.,. 1f '' '·••·h•··t ''11 ,, ••t llu· x,,,,t~•tl llzttl••• ll t.:h t ••n ''' lh·· t tt1tu t.tl li •• ''' th•• '''' llh·tnt•'•ult• t-n.-c•httnW'-' h4'<'ft• thfo t.d "1 11 "1' 1'11 •' l.lltt•• ~·~~·~·! T ho• n11ult ••l •h•·•lln \\olt 1"11111"'"11' •.II) J,.t ltllllhlllo'll••• l•n •IU('o>tl by back. · l./t:• •It· ''" ·'~'" ol "''' 1• •I'""'"''' o1 I•\ t .. • Aolull l·'•lu "" I''")',, ,,,.: ''"t n . l•·t~,low.: ll11• \tllltnn,.11r fnmolUil YALE tbea .. ·t·r··~ l loo lit'\\ h····~·· '" o:l\11'1n I'I•'J>III'rll ,,, 11.11' lllj:l1 1'"')011 IIIII\ '"··~~ , ... f~ "• "h" l'l 'l 'l't;n •t •tts. llnrrr "'"""'"· illlr eret'f•··· ,.,, I •. I'• '"' ••t l.o.lo• ~·h·•·l • "" ,, ....... ~ t ol:t\ ..... '""""'"'''"' t 'ulllklll "'""" ""'' IU·~ ...... ri~ lale ll' lh\· 1'1"1'•1 1\~ 1 lh• \\.o!lot • !lltto~ t1J1 1.,.,•1o """ 111\'11••~ 1.111 >otol tlohlllly \\t'll ':1 '""'' ''"'" "' 11••11 J)OuJ'JUI• otf l.oo• \Ill:• ·,., rt lt'IIIJ:. II'• "'"ll• ,f;ol t.~f lot~ II Ill Jlpool "I ~two!! o•ll lh'Jilllt:• Ill IIW JMIII 1•1 t\llo•r tfoJ~ IJI<I C'OfliJOf'nfll at• (,,fl, '" 1'"''"1;• • '•""' u.:•· t .. ulto•n'ol I hi" uu•o·t\11.:, nt l''"~··ut • •Ill ,;, "'"''' Ill""'"'~'"' nf •m , .lntt•rv~tl durlna L:111o11ti Tbto u·11 ron l'luolt o.J •, . l. • • , "'lolc:h ''""",.. 1\IW IM I~ ll(•rv.~. Cl!ft M P'" u••n•l 11,,. n•l•\11 _\' ttl • · , ld N d L, A • 11 ho•anltful tr.~·. c'ttvc•no;l, 1•tlo. ~e N-l'••tt II " 1'• •I \':i.to\ • "•II• Lions 1 0 ee r or.:.. cbon . to I'""'" ............ "", h"lf-uf thfo ...... l'l.tsl lill nn Alltt•n t·an fami:y 111. l,y f•f\h gra.k tho·prudul'l um "'''' :\lr. Alllo•ttnn. ~;i•·ls.~a talk by l't'lt'r Ul\nnofl l t:u~··m· U~: )Ira. Atht•rton, J oyce at.tl th .. _sm,;an" uf Atnt'rit'll by Ann J unee; !\!uri\' Alho:rt .on, ~ary ,.lht• a..buul Gl<'t' dub. ll• ''"'": and Tommy Atbt>rtvn. U1ll · . )Jol'tolkt'll. Rota • OtL~·re.m lhf' <'811 lnrlu~l~tl ~·I rJans \ h01d8 lol' h"""'' "" fn u· ,,, alh o•t • • · Co>tlllll"'"' '' tlo•vntood tn 11 "llvl''',... la'ltllq l uj:.< )"";, •I ''"' ~· ;.1,,, .r, 1 D •d R · t• · L, t, d. t ,\'11<' "Nn Strinll!'" ho·atll'c1 by the aDd willol h!O·.i'\1 ... , Ill lllhl • Ill "' ..-rovl e ecrea IOn .. or ~ e 8 ·rumi\IW•ttt. t:llf'lll lll"r· •:lia IAJt- 1 the 'llrin~· hilt•· " •I• ,.,. t ;, .. ~·· rh•·-tt•r ncolrct IA""Iun 111"r ll{nd In and Anlt" ••• ,., •• ,~ •.•• , .. ,,. 1~ • , ' ·,,1,,.t.· Jtr,:. "'"' <'hark .. l.aUih-_.., _ 111 · · ·-• \\'tlhm r .. ur too <h-.... .. ~ .. ,\nil) l 'n•t•·r .... _...All' '" ur vllal'lmt-.>n ,.... ....... •·tr I••~:•• , 1\IIJI••r ·'""" lo~et !1.11•" l.nrwt-tc•r b ably aup- aiel .:-.• ro:nbt'rg. Jat•k R('IJI, J 0 r I H ld Gala IA"nsk•. Ui('k\e Crabko and lJ o b 0 LJnu~My In lhf' ~tgnlttg of th•· · LU~~JiES 25c to 35c Dinners Salads Cocktails • • FISHERMAN'S WHARF CAFE' At KISCi'8 LASOISG Foot nf IJ4n hi,. ftridp Newport aae. Thl' J"l'WJlOtt Balboa Rot&l}' nub hd~l ·a r.~tiv~· latJit•l> nt~hl mt'<'lln~ ~ h ll'h """ fc•11 t un'\.1 by 11 chnnt·r·dann· 1\Jo•::.dtt) m~hl 10 1 ht• altrul'll\'l' llalboa b land YaC'ht Cluh. ..-• .,.,"."'"" and im r•romplu ~;uod humiir b) · Rotanan~ anti ·Uwlr ~:u•··~"'' n .. d t lw t'\'l'nint: whiC'h w,a:< •tlt•\'oolt'fl t•ntlrr·ly tu 11 1(1111.1 ltrlll'. 01011 that ·~ "1"11 o•n·r)un.- flo•t·l .. n-d It 111 lw. l'ro·:-iolm:.: u\'o•t· I h•• a Hair "'ll" '.lo~hn :'II Allt·n . 1lh·-1olo nl. In Uti· dlllilll I•> l'n•<itl nt and :'-lr< Alfj>n. tho·ro· "••t•t• 1\lr • and :'-lr" C'lyun )!all and ('uunl'ilm.•n ;m ot :\In•. R"h•·rt All•·n :~nd .:'-l r. and :\Irs. :\l:tl'h•n l>t ~l1l a l tho• ho·j~ll lahll'. Blolh ll;tll ~ntl ,\llo•n Ill<' Jk'll-1 f'D':<tllcol ~ O( t ht• oq,::tn1111t ion . f)(>l\r pl"iZl"' wo•r•• uw~tN!'t.l with Jlarhur .:'-l a-to•r ·rn .. m :" t:. llou· !'h \' Ol)t' Uf tho• f.,l loJII,ttt• fl'4'111' I• ni-. 1\lltJI'J;,., Inti '" \\o•alh••r n •· 1:m•i1~ nl · f1wnlll~ ·:r.1111nt..:'' fl'o•:n tlw ~:ui!J'I \\ IIO'n ht• llllllo'il l !:-fl\\ n numiW'r 1•111 11C thl' hat t "'"'' to n'4.'\'l\'t' l lk • t t I 1111'11 "111 l~t• 1111 f\ uta,: ul I ht• lit'" .m•·•• I 'tllll'll~ l'ttlllkli'JI nllK'h .:no~tl t t I I I( 1.- . u '\ " ,. ' "" '"" k 1'' ·1''111 .\u ( 'rult-1 S d ot>otl ul'ul , . .,,Ill :\!o-•11 I·~ I''"' tolm~; Clu: nl'<'1'"'"''r) ,,,·n·· I""''" . 'Y " ''"' ' r Vf'f' .,-. •--.., .. JMII -*".'¥ ~r-. -.1 \k• MaJuro• by lAird t ,....., oth_o~r a~rml•• r,. IU .. n.1 ·"'''" 1 .. k 1 ., •. ,,1111 1 •. ,,,1,. '''"''"'"•I' hl'·h~eJinc llirrntlhy Neu-~ ~ " .tl t•otml tndltll.••' '"'''tdo• of ('lUll" t ' 1._ ... _ I• c...-lr IN'W plrtul'l', w11o1 Sput ," whk-Jll I• ItO" •t tlllfo I.Jdu Tlwalre. ~ mollt allr:tollu • ltt:ht ,. 1/Ult'o'' ...... om ... ""'k lho•lo', 1•'•'1•1111 •'otttlol t,.· l~o·;um.,; a h llc• .ttw Jl()l•a.lr.· N • H bo Sc ' I check 8 hh k11 IIIII ""'' .lu h -. Si r 1 1 •'I •'o;·l,·lto~l t ta t '"r ,.,.111111111111, ''·"' nt ''"' •' " , ewPQr ar r ' enes n wart ,htl th :·tr ht•tolqu:lll •l/1 1•• Jll11\lllo• ,.,,.,,,,ftt•nill Cnnhlll ' , . .,., .. , Mo·.o .. n.•-.• n<'ltr tht• ~· Co-,-. I .d A . abcNU'd th .. or rhttlll\' l 'loool"~··· I ... ,,,.. IIU' ,., .. t.·t.. • o':tiiiJt. "'" ""'"' " c:'Onlltdo•rtlbJco It m1n~ Jf 0 ttract10n '"dln~·. a nd '""''••r:c.·.l 1' '7'"' h · :_ot II•· ,;,~l:''''"t ,., ··~ "' ~:tlliiRIII•n l'n•l•l•-m 1\ \m:-11, lmltM'ttfllO'lll~ l'lfwl•f l"to"'f'f'lll and ••lh••nt .l ... rfottma,......_ Ill ' thfo Thmabout An' 11\'l't'l n 111htly ""'"'JII Mt<ne\11,.._ ••lh mniiM• ""&tunlay, a~ •~I lur ~itlkln·u ' 1 UM dub .tdr. and M u . A II I I~.,. 111 tlh· h .oi iMtl' a lt·ll "l't••llll n ·ptl'• ,1r,•it 11 ~tit tm,\)' ICitlt•t..-ncl UJI()f'l of. Rtvf'n•ulc• ",., :. tit•· to· t.... •• 1 1 th•• , . .,11111\ f·•r '"''"''"'' A,,... .... ,,. w .. r,. Bill anti t-:.Jo "' F \ ·'"~ r ·•' "llt.oll\ ,., "II I I•'" ,., In lu't ""' -• --llr and Uta t• U Uullton ~ ar ,1 nh•o•lln~ t•f tho·••· lo flit'"'"'''' •·~·lo•ntlotll.tl l:wthltt'!t Ill lhr aNo· 117 •• .t ll'lh .. t t ...... u~ . Baron Lott••a ~ro· IW\\ , ""' "' , .t " ., ,..... • ' l••• -• " '"'' t altul,tto• tho• '''"'"'"'" ''' tl11• 1\•·•. lw '"''''"I -t rt ln ..... at tlnft--nt) Mr that thiM l110 1 j,.,, Ill I· • 11•<111• )• I I n• "• a '"' 1 •~r •~ • )' · I ···•lllfl!llllll\ ""'' •tlll lllh· II ,,.. ... . an.t lolr-a ••• •: uc-11, Mra ,,._ 1 for ttw1r '"'""'" .. ~~ '"'''' :-.""''' '''"""' .. 1.,11 11, ... 11 •• , •• ~1 ""' ,,.". L,vonts Jn ~h~k" '""""'"· .. ,. " Q wnu .... r a I 'nl~ llf fiVo• A lluot o .. •~ ~<kiJ;J"""' '"'' ,;f,tiJ••I .t~lllllllloaolt 0011;••11 ..... ~ .;:, "'-lol11t11•r•t I'O'r('f lllld M'-Altce an•t rrt'\1.• t .... k ""I '"' "'' I••'" I,,,,""' 1 r,,,. It "''' •:"'"' lum••ol f)1Aath T•)ld Au I '"'""'"r I riU't'' f1•1 tho· t lolr .t ~· "''" .. r ~II·· 111""'' I I lUI 'l'illu~ -.ololl••!"> " ' n l lnl!e 'tr .. phv c'"'" 111~ \1 Ill .1 ,,, k 'llu· 't••.tk•·• 1"""''''1 vul llucl ' T • • J p d and Mary Jlly """ Utlllll••ol ..... l .. r tho \\'I'A \\Ill prn'\otlt-11 ,,.. ... ria rocee 8 I · proor IUtlln~: llhu k ,. 1111d JU\'k• I oll••lllol tfllt't'lnl ltol II fll"~·o·t '"a . atop hf'r "' r····t "''" k~ It ,., ,, ';HI I . ,., •tnltlllllll' "'" ..... 11\0'Il ' ,, ••• ,.. • F\ ''"'' lo•lulllll( Ill• '" lh•• ··~ret \\'tfh E\o•r..tl !It"'''" .,...,,. I ' a I ·'"''"·" l•llllolm.: t .. r t\IIIIY "";" .. ..,,,.. k tn·IIIIIM'tlt " 't.torrta 1111<1 1\uk l 'o~\\dl wh•,' I'St l f1111•f'-1:11 lur ••nto·llnlnllwnl.,l,•uth c•f M"' \'ll,:ln~Jt l~mh, whlallf'd llf' 11 1•1• ,.,.. lll~l•·;o•l "' at lito• IIIII'•• o',111.fl•' It'_.. 1111 tu lit•· ololllio:hlt·r 11f r.fr 1tntl M n• (1alKII• r r ooniAr. I lh k lttoln' t 1r111n1n In ,,.'""'''"'"'""" "'''" ~u.JI Auu,\ :"'"'o·rtn 11111 •'II V•" 1·1t)'. "'''''' n ·· Nrw Yotk, It" II~•·• 11 li•t•· l lllttto·-1'•'"'1" tu I'~'~'''~'' 'lit h Canhth'"• ,,•:olo-•1 '" tl~t• ttl.ll otf IH' IU.-tuud Huttlt)' .lnllln Kullo• lak,... a 1 .... ~c "".1' l.)nn Karl'" ltuhhy-tall. "c-Nall)' &nol w,.,l .. tl .II\' ""'••I ·' h•· '·'"' .. ·A c·nt l•·r. ho•lul otf • Clrutlo'ft c;r.w .. •••· -·ttfilntt clan .. •ur cu~· P :ua Italic-) . .fr. 11 at~rl•·•l "llh .luhn'•t.•luo u d u t Anoly. "'"" .s u.· "".I! Y"""O: "" n ••nl••11n.,; th.· llt •n "'''""'••..:u•u l 1'11111•· '"' •·httrx• .. nf ad\·h..-tA• hi" "l(f' tn w~oon Ctn•r H.-r Kh<ouldfor," alaW 1., "I"'" y._.1 ant! Byron an,<J ll lnrly l-111 \\ •·It fo.•l ''"" '" •· t~ ''"''t'''• hi~ "•lt••r lloltll '"''"l!llli.H) numllnu~:hl rr t'Of'll In· da)' af thr l.ido. 'llc·Jll nf t hr ....a··turr • ._, ntnlf'd at :\ .. " "' ,......... UtddiDIII "' li:oh •• ,, l~<'uuol """ u, .. .,. ~·~· )'''"~ "1:" 'n ut lit•• M.o~•l 11,.,, 111 Silntn 1\nn t-Il' 1-fnob tU.od •-I rt -1 honored by "ruhn~ wIt h t ll ,. nlotl tl11• II IH"I"trnul '"" I r" nt !'l••pt hi. t'~tll • ~amp lml•••• u uol l'lltnl l 't•, 1 1• ll••••lul o·1111• "' ••• to.:htnt.: nw n :0.!"' t .hlltl .. ·llt Munn•• . ..Otlf'f'" Enrollment Or Dl·sastor· Workers and RlliUI ''"'"·· "'" ... 111 a •l .. v. "''" ,.,,. ll'f'hllt'llloll ··~I'""''"'"' 'L'"I .. , IIIII ... '' at thl• d tnN'. IMlll·, ~ j llllot .. ·t .. rtt'<l lnllt , .. l.·l olfolt• IIU'IIt.:tl r•··••IJII'-IIIlt•lll I "' ··-.... . '"" tl"'l "" ..... ....,. ... """' DinlnJ: at tn•• otuJ. lt.l\•· 1••11 L~•l!•F~ -'"'~th, !tr l'a_rt,.r _IWI·, For Ci_ty Is Se.t For December 1st Vt>rnTD and j-_'\lltlt'llll w,, ... u. •LADIES· NIGHT FOR 1111111''''''~ "'"'ltn icM .:hM'UIW' and Edna F tabl'r, Al ltll•l lhllw HI< k -rrMlNINE KEGLARS lltnl , .... lnJIIlllliC IMif'llt .. """"' ......... Cn or•hnatwn ••f 11 II a~:!:rwio·" rln\' oh::on17.atwn~ tor l!(•t"\'ll:c ,.tut· In,:: thr c·m,.r~o.'n• y rl(•rtn•J tollnw- f!r, f'ranrla and l.aur!l !llol loo\\'1'1~ 1 ~ 1,.,11 )' rur ttw pllllt•nt. ··lour~· John Ta,lntor t-'"''" nn•l lho• :-; c·: AT SPORTLAND '''"''" In llw-vldnll)'· n( lhr rllnk' O ub. · tu•nl hn•l 1111•'1Ylptl'd lo ..-a.,.. SPINNING WHEELS Rrnjamlnl ol lh•• ( 'ahf .. nll:o , ... ,Itt I ',,.,lffit .. l tuM• lw•·vh•t~l)' tht' pa· FEATURED AT • • • It'' "lu.•li•·• nl.,;hl'' "" Th. Uf'MIIl)'" ,,,. , .. .,.,.,.,.. .. r,. f lllhrr, (,_. Int.: 101~· maj•·r i.ltllastt·r 11 prf>-t 11 s 11 1 I" 1 All ' FUN ANO FHOI.U' r•n'v~tllo-d 1 a w • t••r 110 ' '" IIIJ.: ••y, StA•o.,•trnun. lf•lk t hfo 1tand to till J.:H•il,.mg llllUafacturutlly 1.t "'"" r••-, SAM'S SEA FOOD at the Balboa llllani.l h nnw ~or \'I•. 1\atlwwt. frum ""w "'': '"''"'rfhnw ul htA flllltJthtrr'll C"'ffCCIUclft pnGr I u • ,. k . -. ' niiUn o·v nlf' Itt-.& h ...:_ hi lf WM ... purtt>d today for Coordinator F I '• ' tor &it d t.fkk~y Chrl"ll•ln•Nr I c''.:. Muntt..:,•·,"' Mk "".'''" SIIUI.Ic·y lind '" hf'r do•a th Alvin 1.-mb, t ... u. , n · "rO<' t'r I VtattinJ with· th~m f•lf' "''""ral · · 1 h 1 di ...,, t at -. • ..,.. •· w .. l<el(tatrattor\. ot . voluntt't'rl t 0 Barr~tt al)tl Drll'kman, t b f! daya lave bfl.'n 1-kx: antJ c:r&·r• c In 1lluM1dlly nIt 111 11 ''11 mAy nulltod to lhr din lc on Sept. ~h. · ·.-... F 0 X · ' •• • ·· Suw-t:nu• ., . ....._ (Oet· •. 'l) ••\'ou·ll .~c·\·rr «l<'t IU«'h'' Sforond llit, "TPXa."" '1-t< F 0 X '"" .. " ... "' · Sou-t.Aida 'l'llft. (Uec.. %) ''SIIadnw ef tiM ni• M .. " AI~ .. Mil'!' Polly" ~ . .,,_, and T d U huwl "I " t NIUN'41 ratt'. ht~t rach lw Cart .. r had told him hM .v~ .ptu\'hle a ruerve 0( ptoraonnel u l Spinning W I t't•la. Tbf'y·re f ea . u...op IIUn ommy an l~ lruty mutlt ht' errctiTIJIIInlt 1'1 by ()f'IC' •• ....tis. tn IIUilltlary to thf' P ollee and l lu~d at Slllll'a .&oa Jo'uod Cafe, Jobn Bolrera All of Loll Angf'lu 0\JIIC. uHne Mtllef': 'ntunday 1'\-t•n ...,._--""' tn .,..... . Uopd ,.,,"" Department. a.nd other S..l Beach and afford lha. -aAd · Mr,t~. Donald• UouJIO. lnp a~ O(lt'ft ~tth no lcoa~ llfopJt)' Dlltrin AU~ tw DIUDif'l(llll "tpartmenta wUI .tart pcH lunlty of e njoyiOJ topflll'bt ~~ .. · b~~~pe~2 hAJ~t for lbtDI on ll("hfodu)ed, t~ provldU!c aU ~~·~ ~~ ..;-,. Ill' 011 O.Cemt.r Ia eotert.al.nme.nt u well .. the fl.,. .... r ~. ~ •.mar. llllf'YJI fo r UIW' by tht' ltf'nft'al -•-'-t to ......... lilt-'•-1 1 • • • !f"Adlnc ftf'U • ....._ .. 1 •. -Mayor Irvin Cf'or1e . l>ordon. m c u • ne .,~, .. Jlllhllc. _ ... ~·luhUII" rll _.... .. ,,,.. lit-h h d h Cl I I Th lc '*lr h o I d DU· I'F:....unG-throu~th tht-win· ... , r w o eJ& 11 t ~ ,., aa n Dduu1t> e I at!ng , dow at Oeaa and Jd.ony· Ft-n"'t.lfl• '·M C ( d . •ulln to pallrnh &n Mra. ......... Commlttre and LMajor Di~t"r m t•I'OUII tC• I relll. llurrrtt holt.la thr .. otor orp~ a tes II ""' C<Junt'll hltlay ur~t<'d all r ttiz('ns non.t;lop rNortl Of 80:• haura 8f't the• otber DIJ ht. we "blwn;rd " ., _. n>ne I '- ....,,)' ~ .. ·attod •r"'""' ,.,",J T~Probe Mystcras ·.~VJY .... v-v.tYA·~ to _5• j:il'tt"r tnr a<•rvl<'f' unoJt>r th.. at Ot t•an J ark In 1U:l9 at Ule ~'~' LLL J"C F:mrr~• ney ·rnuno'il l;tl 'lj 11 r Ois· 'l":ta.n•• ( ;ardl'nll Th(• ~~amt.' to•am Utb'H · ~ "fi7•U!••··· 1 : OPf:N AI .I. TIIJI!· YbJ1 • bOf!vJtaUtty n~·'"" '"'"'1:" "'·~t 'Of Auto Mechanics • aRh ·r l'lan In nrtl"r Vat In any l~tvk t ht• G"n:rrour uf <.h to lvr ~ r • • t'ml•r~;rnf r thr ( 'tly Wilt bt• l'f••-1!)1111 oh llklllt•ll WIH!f' Ill l ht' 11<-eh-• all, .Wra. F . Coonr.;r:o~ul.!1"'" . I h·· I : • -----, • p tr •.J t ... ot'l In urolu tu d oo Uu.o<. h•r \\'alln•k Jlut<'l tn l'ulumbua Pfl7"' WIIIMra Julia 1-.r.:t.:.-tll Kotty j 11u· lnlrlo111r '"Y"I'''' _,,,. "'" • > n it tWr!llon!l must bt' rrady tn do Oh1u anti llJ'IIur Oll'tl Ute II&ID~ W l •»lcrotl anti c · 11 J:·'"1" '111 nul••m•ol.l'•· "Ill lw 'J•·"' 11lly .... : $ T £A K.S lllf>o r 1rt. m bl' n rh'tiK'd IUld tnr k lnr Mont• Uluf' Jl ltir-.llll . .wiOJUJif order• "''<' .1-. 1 11 '' "1 ~ r•llltn .. ot '" "'''"',... "' tto.. l.c ... t • rnr "''h-dl ,, .. , ...... ~ ...... An!;tlt'a lt'a .,· "'"'lo(crun; H•:n!')· LKK•Jt l ,ulilll.c·r ...... ,., ..... , C'•·rt·" 'T"ntl lfurlllii\' ~;,.._ __ --,HAT t .. n ,.,., tlw •·mr r-grno·y n~ot un- JHt:p.u t·dn•·SM an 41 clls .. ur,:;anu:.a - tl .. n l;lt 1111 l 't••ft I~ l'h:OIIIII:tll n( tho• I • J. .. ru .• •: 1/•• ,~··••t •• n.t \A .. , h8\'t • llou t.:• "' t h•• ro g st rat iull F11rm11 toor llw 1''"1"•~•· w rll II• av.oll:ot.lo· •I ,., ·' 1-'ll o• Sta tum. )'nitre Pt')Jt , t'll)' IlK II rt nol ""' I 'h:uatiH I ' r t ·~··ll~fn• f• i' It 1..., hnt••·•l tn .. ttt ruo ,, I ill \ ot!llttlo•l I I ulllfllo·uu nt lor\ t'' 1, .. .,, '' ·~ Ut ul,vut t,, .. v.• •·k~ \\Jh P I a ll Jfi11 ~tJI,Iil lf,...1:Clt t•d \\ill ', ~ ... t"'·' I ;, , 11 .!,nc '" t h • i • ~~r'f·· .on.t lrUJnm,:: ln lit•' J•lan -· tn·a l yuu tlun't wu11t t•• ou.... J(atthl Carol an.) •;.." \\all,. AI ,,, n1n1: ""' n ""'" ..: '""'' 111 lit•· • . lhbr llDd Ulllnn I ::o:ot '" \\ .. ,, • ., ·n ......... r .. It•·""'~ .. "' •I I; .. , •I:~ r .. r : 1 ho•to l0ll \\'alia"'· I ol aot.•l l·.u • ""' 1 11 ~1 "' 11 M 11. ~ "' , ""''"'" .,11 • s 1 z z L E '• Cagney. Yac~t, Martba, Is Burglarized }1•••1•·. Ralpli ru11J I···"• .\la~k•' ""'" ,.,,., tonnto " ' I:. A11n .uavla an..t U•lllou l../11111 "' Mt Jl .. t•tro~ "oil IH· I too '"~''"'. 1t•,JIY"'CJ()(J,4 t .. , Itt ,, .. I •• ,.. ..... It• , •• ld ,., •• , • • • • \'• rttu.:,. •fttt tUa,.: t f,f• r;• 'f t w ,, A!\11 THJo: lfl tl'l'~. "' 1 '11~11•· ",;,,lt,M :0.1 r ~ \\'•:11•1'·11 ('ulku"' lthu~h on Hu\ A'' ~lllttfl• •11• d ""1"'•11"'1'' ,,, t • .:•'•til• •• v~·hlt·•J Atoo rl n-f:llen ~ '"'" 1 I •Ito • I "'" J•(tiU••· :•r•• •n'''''-IIJ.:iltUlC u hur..:-.,,. \ • rnuu ,.,,,. LJI'.tt• H ~• \'\ ..... l:11y "'l"lllo•d .tlll•ll ltl Ill•• )'ltl'lll.,lt•· II •I llnp 1111ol '1•!1•11 l'l ot,,,, ~l:11th:t it\\llo•ol h\ ,J:m to • ('111:111'\ I•· •loillll'l" .,.hilt• :\lu 11111 ''''"''''' 111111 1~•11 f"' !lil t' ,j,or 1111!1 \\ltll'ft ·,~, ,.j I ~·tn Hyr<ttL .II l\•1~ ~I" t~ lliol" rnnot' d U• ,,, ( ··•rn··~ I ,J.uul. f fllfft• 1 1 h• v • .ck rn-1 U\ 1 i •tt ~r \-\'it ... ut1 o•tl~· """" 11 ;, .. ( ·.,1111" l•lt ,' a loil!lllllg Into I •II•• 1 J.:'l"'lto loo\ • \\lool• :t I'HtllJtJI'Io· dol'o'k V.• ~ t'.,ll ~lr Ollol ~Il l' ;>\• lllo:lll \\'•1: :tWilllllt.; lll'-1-" I'II•Jil of tho 11"•'1 lo) 1;• 111 I Of llurlll.l:·•ll..-'.\lo•o llo.odo C'.!&.:ll•·~ "I"''"'""""' loll,ll} 111 "'"' heutlqvatl•l., lo l Ito• 'I "' 11 l';•a.:•·d '" J It•· fll'~~lw·tr•m "' 1"' •• II• ~~~· In ,..,," A IIN•·I..-.o "h•·r·· lit••\ I IIIII' l~·lll't· ,,..,,. tnf.,t pt•••l hy lh•• r .. ·: \':rl(lftlll l 'aJ>tl• :o• lfw •t l "' •I , .. ,,,l:ok•r '''·•t · a • ):whllltL: ,.,,. I•• "tlay or ,.,, !llr un•l :\I ra lrlw.ol•. 11111<••·111:11 '. f1 Iolii""" ll'r, 1\l• ~o.ntl~r Aolru~ r.t J ~,,.· Ahl!•·l• • .and :t f 'lln tp: .... , \\I .... fOI''·"~ rJt r ,. tJ In t tlu· (!.&ltJflll :add I. I'!' 1-:nt~ lu tlu' •·r:ft IA ;o!< frort·l"l't'1, •n'ly . t'11l unol ·"'" 1 '11<~1•·~ I ISLANDER IS IN CAR ACCIDENT •. ,., .. ,,., •• , d• tl •• , ·''"'"" ,. ", l+• •1 I I ' r ~ 1 •• t f(, \' 't( "\. It d r,..,, ,._,,.,,,, "'•d !\1, .. ,.,,,., t\· ,, 1• , . • ~ .. ,1t:, A n • "•l .,l•ol Jd trt. lt fl l l'ltr'• II ~II• 0 h tlol" "" k .\1 I" t\•"·1'' ,.,•Jt•l••l a '''''''"''' fu' 1h I H••l" 11 f ~tl l I .' 11( l.nt'tlltU •·· ,,; h n.. ", \ .... ,, ,,,, • ARF. .A I'ART ot• Ul'R ICYAii'I.Ail· • -. THE ELECTRIC GRILL : ~ur. t••lm St. BAUIUA ··~··················· lo~ ltro•;ok ona.::. r•arJiuo·k on IIi•· ''fllll" ;\III'"'Y of San I OJ•·&:•• '"" • lit•·• t IIJtl::::::...._.:ld~IJ*II'-"f:t~WIIF~~~e~•ia::::!!l!2$:1111lii~ I~'"'"""''~ •lu11r "ilh n har and .,, ".! . ..AJ.e rJ"''" ·c~ Jf,-,av -I~_,_ .... ..I....;Z.,A:S.._,j!t.o,.I...JIIli .... -L-,.,~.~~~~ ,-~ ... ~~~~ e ~~ th·,.,.. I"'~ .,.--< · -~ • 'K• .ornry was t• IJ" •1.,,.,1 N o lit: lAIII ~lldlf)g a home Ia euy-call of. the N'ewt· Tlmea Advert••· Home Made hu\ ..ome lnlc l """"it lulcll. . . . '!'111-) HOUSI-: lifo" ... ll"lll-:ll ltn~ b•·~rft-aglo,w ••t lnl•· Hll•J l,ul~ Ill... \\ ltb hotUKI.' ~llt·li!" F r '' llo 1\• H tly Hilla W•·rr .Mr rtnd ~lr ~ '' 1 .• ty t.forc> J•radkJe ~ions-2:M~ Jlr. hullclap'·i • • 'nlert. .. no .fitMi 1M G .. ~-----..5:~~~--.:+~~~~mc:il~=.s::=t=t==.;:::~!:!:~!;;:!!:;;;;;;;;;;!!;;==~=~ t==*'---=;..;....;===:::::::·-.:--yourfOweCJCi~el"-tlo-9'Kit tMM ~ ...... -, ........ trip,....~~ ... ·d and them ond yourself fM years. Sont.o Fe streomlinen ond ilmtt.ds ore on sdWdu4es1o ,_ wit your convenience ond fares will fit your ~udget. If you c_on't get owoy; bring' ftlem Hors-d -oeuvres to visit you. Sonto Fe will make oil o rrongerMnt,.locolly to fumiJi co_.. ond ticlceh, at"' ~oriy ony ~r· ~ United '5tot.,. * le wre to include one « more of America's acenic w~en in the journey-Grand Canyon, Corhbod Caverns. ftte Indian Country and many olt\en. _ _ _ ----. _ -~ t.::-- --H)i' NiU.IiCiliiis, ..,eMMA noN, •llftVAnotd, CAU IANYA " n,prn Ofna. ' * SHW Vl,t,.SAHTAFE~h ouvr.d of loaf, mode"',,..,.,.. tcltedvlea, .;;,. "'-llfelteat ,.. . . e~ondord• of efficiency in'e,.ry altipp!ng detoii-Atlr your So~to fe Joilwoy Agent. *· J!fl I'ANIA PI aAUW~Y 11 A CAU.,OaNIA INJflfUfiOff-* A'"' NOW 101 tUIMN. A. AU, .. AaMr AVIAFHNf CANf-911' ~ IU .... nal" ~-.... ,.· ·' . \ ' . . ·.-.. ,, ,-- j, . -• For Bridge PartieA . ·r-• II arbor Catering Ser,·ice 414 E. 8urf rhnnf' !119-W ' AIIM!rks 'A Fnorlt.e l~r Sport . ---. Than. N1tf' l . .adiM Ro"l f )lf' 15c \\'bfon Arrom- -~B)· n;ntlr-rrtaD _. .:.·----. SPORTLASD Bowling Alleys , •• ,...... Ba~boa ~·. .. . e ,._ e I FLOOR SHOW Featuring Ra~rtft and ·Rrirkman \ Sat. Nite 9, 11 ·and I : Sun. 7::so, 9:30, 1 I ::10 • -nanring- t•rtrt:n. S11fnrdav. -~n•luy an•l llnllrlay · , f:, rnln~~ . Tc• Mtt'llr o} Arthur filboil.n rt•l\d ._, .., "'r • A'ri.\,Tif t 'U\MT I.Uft'4Tf':ll ltl~•u:a Tl'HTf.P: MTP:~K Uf~~r:R -;:-;i -"J)T.t-.lf-'1\~ -ftt" ~ttr: -tw.r.r n"" ·-~ -tl--""------1 l'am·~" 1...-ml•l•n" ''"'"'"""' • ""~ Knft l'hrll (' -c.uatm•" c,r_.n "furtl• Kt;aJI . J......_ • ,, .. l.11aa Oy•lrr• un lhP fftoU Mhf-11 '"'""'"r• Mhrlmpa •nil All Ulhrr Kl .... of Mra t ''"od• . a..u ......... fJb • btniMlta HTT.UED (;J.A~M sr:r. \'()f'R Mf.A t'ftOP M\\'ot '"'""'" •~ ll. ltO·T• ... 8n·M fnr "'-".at~. 0,... tm t .A,. 111. • . .. -...... The telephone that traveJ~ a milt 011 hour-to see how its base . . will wear on your office desk . 'na'c'a. • tfttiac apparatw It 1M lkll Ttkpbone ubora· eo.iel that clnp a telephone bxk and forth o n a wnoocJa '-oanL I• an boar, 1M te~ trawb about a mil~. BJ oberni(ll 1M wnr ol 1M makrial on the b~· e>! thie ltk,..._., reward~ 8t'D kain • lot about t.bc-wduJ life ol dw material oa the hMr ot 10'" trltpboaoe. • ' NuJ&JpiJ !.hac IDCicknt bJ bundffill. ud yoa Jfl aa icka el • ~ il1llfy that~ on 1a the lkll'ubontorics -llw _..., ...-dt lor ••pro•elllt'at:·W MWr~,. ~ .., .. ,. to .., cion ..., Qll& ol edepboac ecnQ •. .... _. I ' ' . IOUT~I&N CALJPOaNJA TILIPHONI COMPA~T .............. ... .......... -. may set a mark Nov. 19-Mra. Ellen "'h ich would have ~n far bt>yond 1930 -348 ····-·-··-·-······.$726.540 Nov. 24--A. N. Gf'OrJ:r. 312 14~ Wut Bay Ave., 1ht' dream of local civic le~ders 1931 L-391 ···-··-··-··-··-··· ~.344 Anadt Ave .• per Sam Klnlllather. • outlet. In new realdence, pew Sid had thC.y tx>t>n asked la.o;t Janu· 19..'\2 -307 -·-······-··-·--· 247.690 Nov-24 Micklejohn. S27 Eaat 1 W .. Bl~kbeard. ary to apeoculate as to t~ total 1933.-293 ---·-··-·--236.549 88y Front. ~r J . H. E8ttu1. Nov.-Jg_.c . l... Atkluon,. 811 buildt,lg for thf' comine year. 19:M -·298 ·---.. -.......... _ •• 235'.074 Nov. 24 Dr. F.. F. Lowman, Ea1t Bay Ave., make repalft. !efta N-a,.-. . 1935 "-403 ............... _ .. _,_ 497,440 Nu 31 Deacon Bay, per J. H. I pt>r owner.t St>ven new bQmes • bave been 1938 523 -----···-··------· 'l'M.089 EstWI. ' Nov. 21 ~hnt V. Bonham, lMI placl'd ~r construction in the 1937 -563 ··---·-·····---· 908.090 Nov. 24 -Harry_ Wllllameon.'; Oc'tan Blvd .. lnaiaJI 45 ouUeta lA ("\ty of rt "ne.ch within the 1938 -548 ........... _ .. _ ....... tl1.637 421 Harding ~treet. per J. H. l"t'lll..tenct>, ~·r Sid W Blackbeard. pnst llt"Ve I day11. Dr. and Mn. G. 1939 -s.2 ------·--..... ------· 881,745 F.lltu1. L. Lowml are £'reeling an aurae-ttHO -M2 .................... 1.0.0,122 No\·. 24 -Harold caa.. 904 Quality Lumber tLve hOWlt' nd gal'll&e at 31 Bl>a· 1941 Ocean Blvd .. per J . H. F.11IUII . \ G rot:iu rtooa 11u• • , t •..... "''nr nm Bay whlch;Js t'Sitmated to COlli ~. · No,·. 24 Han Tberkelwn. 70. aDd $4500 .-Jan. ...... 28 ·-.... -............... ID'I.I40 Broad Strqt, pt>r J. H. E&tus. , • lin "rt. lla. •~ 11 n.-~ IJII ... ft. Alt~ -Mitctw>m Is constructing F~ ....... 41 -............... _... 17,150 _No,·. 211 ·--City of Newport BuiUiing Materlala Mil• U.la ..... Ia lin& Mlik4 &e ... ..,__. ma; &I II ; a hou~~e and garago .at 221 San 1 Mar ... _ .. 49 ....... -.......... -.... 10..~ Such, S~e Highway. pt>r J . H. • ••llullou •U• ll w..W •• n.., ••U • a__. W •..., .,.._ R .. mo on Udo bk>. Estimated CO!it I April ...... 54 .......... __ ....... : .. 111,195 Eatu1. utr wiU. •·We rte.U,. • ._. ..... t.b ... .,.. .... ,~ e1.. of the rw-W l:lellidc>nce is $5300. llfay .. 28 · .................. 1~7-~88 • Nov. 25 S. M. Todd, 236 Gol-._..,U.. II .......... ,_ -......... el ... ..... ne Work has started on a lhret>-1 June -" 417 .............. ·-·-· 161,118 den rod Ave., per l... H. Cr&mt'r. raawa., dland~ ., u. niefW .,....... ... ......,. ., .. _, mom home for H. M . Olson of 1 July .. ~ · .... · ... .. 741-2118 Nov. 211 Mr11. W A. J ohrllltone, \ _........_ wlak• ._ 1_. -w. ,... .... ,_ .. 1,._.,. .., .._ Lm An~les. The structun! and Aur. ... M · ·' :............ 86.078 710 0 c e an F ro o t . pt>r L. H. •----~ lt&rage ar(' ~timated to CO!!I Sept. : 4A 148,445_ Cramer. ... ~ ... ..a. ...-., ae ...._ · $2000 and tJu• building site ol 3801 Oct, 48 W1.63:! Nov. 2~Herbert L.. Smltb, 336 Tile ......._ Ia ,..._.. ~ • ftllltel .......... ...., .._ Marcus Avt'nU(', Wt'St Nt"A-port. 1 Nov. 37' 511,331 Poppy Ave., pu L. H. Cramer. • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. ....... ardl .......... ,_ ........... r-. a. -A fM>W homt-Is lM-Ing ~truct· Nov.}~ L Walt'r H. Seibert, r.-... ..__an "" .... ~ tMf .......... ~ .. ._ t'ft by A. R. Ca!W'ns of Rivt:'rsidr Total 158 11.174.3:17 440 • V~ Udo Nord, per L. 1\. !""--""""'--------...,...-• u.a .............. ,..... ,_ .. ,_ a._,.._ ....,.... ar sm Larkspur Avetn~. and cost· I a. E. HOSTETI..I!& Pboae 48 A ............ 'n ,I ....... ~ . .., --dwt'llinll has bet'n Jlarted ... t 1708range. build earace. 21• 38tb • Eighteen' Years .. '"••••• .,.... 11 _.. ._ ..a. ..... el .. ...._, a.l... Park Avt'n~. Balboa bland. for llrfft. ~r Henry Break&. 13110. • • ..._ 11 lng 12300. A one-storf: th~room NO¥. 1! Emma Myt'r . of Or· • • --....... !-....., 0 . G. Suess of Los An&t:'lt'5. Esti· Nov. 17 -Roy E. Coran, Tfmove . '<. Experience Is Oarr ------:--::--:::---=:~~;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;-......,;;._ __________ ..:.... _________ __:::..,_____________ 1 bulldi_nr from 106 22Dd 1tr~et. per -" • __ _ • • • • • -· - 1 s. E. Talbert. •100· · --· · Recommendation . Mesa BuiJ.I:-..-Half Of That ·lit Nov. n -or. IUld wra. G. L. , U&lll5 . ~lAwman of r.:.o. ~dea. build 0 T E y ... M C U L LOCI U nhieorporated Area For Month, : :;;~~ H -:1 dg:~a~~o!~~c~;~ ~: II• C Harbor Permits 1i ear ·Santa Ana ! $4~~-18 AI Anderaon. re-BUILD~;-~.::~CI'OR8 1 model prueut buiklln~. 600 Bay Av~. for radi(l and jwelry ahop. ~r l"wp~r. $100. Phone 458-W . .... Newport Beach County Bui~ Exchange Records Show CoutaJ Area In Rapid Development Nov.' 18 Alfn-d .Mitchem,~-----~-------------------.. build boUR and garage. attached, Indicating that Costa Mesa and Newport Harbor are 221 Via Ban Remo, Udo lale, per developing at a rapid pee eo.ta Mesa particularly s1nce Ralph P. Camp, f6300. ' Nov. It -Gertrude I.AJncbeq the start ol the Welt o.at Air Cadet Center, are the sta-I or Loll AJ\a'el•. build one room tJstks n!leued by the Orane~ County BulJders Exchange in I addition. 1304 ,Balbo. Ave .. ~ ' their recent bulletin for the-j)Ut thirty days. ~~: 12~ l!l. E. Cook~. build Durine I~ put month ptrmlta . patrol chlmDry ·addition to home havr been_ issu.d for thfo ronstnac-1 ~~~ $2000 ,and 8 cafe at 2558 106 3lat Strt'et, per owner. 125: tJon ot eight nt'W 11ructurn at l i"~ BIAvd. for the Mm<' J :ioy. ¥l ~ H. Arbuckle ol , O.U Weu. l"eJJI-41h f'IC • total owtWI'. • . · Lorig &acb. bull~ 20 x 20 earagl.' lnvcstmmt ol $21.450. Thll »I WUilam B. Johnson 1ll ~nstruct· at 439 J:l .Uodt'na Avr . per own. noarly half ol the rntiN' bulldlnc In!( a $~ r1'5ldl'ncc In. CO!'fa 4"r. ~~ . For BETrER ROOFS Of All Kinda OWEIS ROOFING CO. 5o9 E. 4th Streei J Phone Santa Ana 4338 SANTA ANA CALIFORNIA ., .. . Ow hearty thonlu to the thovtoncla ol ,..,..,._ ol Souther" Gftd Central California who et~~ed thla contett. Yow '-'ten wMt mott lntefftting. Eodt lettef woe given cotefu"nomidfration ~d judged MfKYAt•1J lnMcLan..d».,apinion....J tkbWJf $1-tludge,, five dol- Jar ccnh .P'iHI ore b"ill9 ·moiled to fh.te one hundred winnena n'("ON!fod for the ttllrty·day period M ..-.a. W tlllnm Suthl'rland ts hav· j No\'. 24 Hannah J Winslow of from <kfobrr 17th. for Ill<' unln· in& a $2500 hom" . Pl'('('lffi nl.'ar I ~nta Ana . btlllll one II tory gar-1._ _________________________ , C'OI'JlOf'all'd ura of Onms:(' county. W ll-on nad Harbor · Blvd. P. S. Al{t>, 216 33,.1 lllrf't'l, ~r F. Jo'. 1 .-tll~h total S46.fl97. Ooolltflf' I !I ~~ ractor. G.· G., ~h kf bland. ~-- . Fiffi'Mt.JX'nnft!t w~rmr~ .,_ Cocfman li'lilaiiClt~J.: a duple:ot s truc· :-if·~· 24 11 M Olaon of Lns an~ th~ Mmt' lr•m:th of lln\4! at tu~ nl'ar thr Hr•.:h t!l Tract at an Angel9 . bulleJ .ont-lllnry. 3 room I Nl'wpnrt ll:~rbor. lulahn.: $68.250. l'l'llmatrd C'n~t of SJOOO. . htiUI!4' anrl gttra~r. 3!101 Mlln-u11 . . l ~~"'"'i~ r~j'('f'rdM, • In hSnnl3 A,~ • .! I ln ('Oimplln~hnn In th,~ dcv,"lohp· Avt>.. Pat•lli4" Svlltem H 0 m p II . ·~~~r~:J.-~ tr. ""t••" & 'IIVI'!tsicl# Dr. trt.r K 1P hr': IJ~ N. Cln•dall4 St., Ora"or c-Y n \'•' I m••• t " flOJIII A..-. mrnt n on~o: 1 " ro:tsl In(' o t (' s·•I)()O · ~ , ltotiU I, ItO% 11·A, Jtorur1,tu~ • Mllctn'<l vmmon11. ISOO Fowrth St., Sa"ta ,.,onCcCI nr thr IOC'al pnrt J"'mmunlt)',: county orr thr build in..: Jlf'rmits ·No~· .,4 Dr 1. Ultkt>r ' Kn.lld"-rci A4Jer, • l frl. R n. V 'ti'IA, llowtt 1. Boz fiJ. Y11ralpa nmountN'! to ~~ iiOO. 11 ·lflfrt'l't'ftC'f' for oth"r. _mlanrl C'itil't; . ~-n 0r11.ngl'. bmM ~;,.tmrn.t m, ~:;n~tr. 4 -111 N. Ce_.. DHN,llftiHft#Nilll ' Mn.J..O. Lowl'ry. UI,..M,tJ~,.,.... .-M .. ~ ; nf tf"!'!'" ttmn ftr.mo. Troonfy, w1th thf' I'AC'rpHon of l h<• roorr.l!. :\:!O Snpphl , vr .. l•l' r ..... J. 0 . AaderlqD, ,.S Wul 'IIi St.. IAftg Btnc-h John 0 Lucu. IOf S {'hr•tnllt .<::t . f'ullrrtrm I .~f'M lin"'" • • <'Ounty ~Nil. ltulph B Ulmnutt , Sill , 11ft. PawS. ._..t.t, fZ W'. llloffl St . .'Hil111lall4 Jlc-nry 0 . Murk . .lS~ Fuolltlll Olt•d . La Canada 1· Rf'('flf\1" for Ce•,tn M•''-'l rt'Vdl Omn~o:r rre·nrtird . hut 1\~·o ~·r· :'lluv. 2 1 A. II t:asl!t'ns of Hi\'. lln.ll. w. II&D.llfl. z:u Sl.. Soflla ~onica Mn •~VII C Mllgnus.<on. n lro•mf'ndnu:< 1:11111 1n th•· rnnqt.ruc. mitt~, hoth r•-,lr!!'nllnl. dunn~: 1~1· l'rMitll'. lJ•Iiltl 1,111.' lltory. ,.1un·u · Mn.a-.e.J.Be.rber.IIIOKlfi,St.,SanBc-r'do JOtSQanll rJI.''it ,Smtln Ana 1ajuo o' R 'W h~>Htt .• fl1111111; lht'jM!ctlhht:S:d•IY~.andFullt'l'tont~· hull~t' And ,::aru~t••, fill~, Lnrkl<(lllt GORDON B. FINDLAY "Buildt!r or Homes or Distinction'' Telephon~. !02 S-UO Coas~ Bl,·d. Newport Bea'eh Mn. 0an1e T ... tt)'. Zl Wul CVPr-eu. lkdlan4U IIA 4. e MAIIgt •, "" Ofbnl7!' A r r l.CI'lq fl ·arli J'o'l'_t four "t'<'k~ a numhrr of new sued ~rrn1ts to;· onr dwf'lhn~o: and ·A,.,, . rn '"' nr r .• S:!:lOO. 1 lin. Jeanbette P. c. Bovft.ltt.1. Bo~ lSI. ·vlztdla Polly May Martin. R F .D. I , IJor H . Trrr(l /1 ola n-~u1e·n····~ haw "'" r~ ~t.1rl l'd in 1 nnr churct\. :'\,,,.. :!S O. r.. ~Ut'll!l .. r L.us .-..-------------------------- MR. A-Z. 8Ncller .lt0tll' I. Boz U. Porten'fJU Chas L. MMOn. JHO Orand Ar•r . //unlr'lg'rr. Pt. th:11 nn·n. £,.nrc•• \\. llloktle Is Ant.;••lr~<. lJualtl ont• l<ltlrv. :l ronm Mn.ll .. L. Bru11, IJS7 Poll St, Vt'fltwra N. J Moon>. 4068 S. Catalina. Rr dunrln ncarlr h•!ildin::: ,. ~:!:lM hnmt• 111 :.14:'0 Eat HARBOR MEN ON lu•ullf' anti I.!RrDj.!t' founcl~ll•m." liO'-~---:-_....--------------------~ Mn.W 8 Brown.Rowttl,Bozl40,6arlfmart .. 0 Ot;bonlr 4.J:O Ro•rmorttAI'f'.,,/vntr.~~·· l loth Strt•t•l jln•l Hnh••lt Rlt'on b , . l'alj< Avt>., pe·r~ .. worr, S:!ll(l() •• H 0 ME L 0 AN s Ja)' J . Bryan. JZJ N Lai'Nr DriW!, Bernlr 111111 . A. J.¥arltl'r, ~I:! w \'tclorta Sl Snnta nartl(lra t'l•'l'llnt: ;, hnm ........... ,11\1! ~1000. I EXCHANGEs :-;,.,. :.?r. :\Irs I-:\':\ 1-:lhll. llltl'r .. Jldt)' Jean BUlftU 1327 AU.IQ!t St .. 6-.l.ol An11rlt1 Mllfltl\rt'l M P11rk.A.fltJ l/lldrrth Ar·r Snuth nate \\' H llllto•htn"'" 1• ...,,n•tnact· NOMJNAT'NG GDOUP '•mol rt•palr htt m•·. 1 ~1 1 ('" u r 1 M.n. H. T. Bylel, ISZ7 Vtrd•go Roed,IA Callod4 .Un Mart;rart'l Pttt'tkln.ltovtc I. Boz JIO. \'o ;llol.tA · m~ " n•"" n"'hlr nr .-• ~uro:ateod to H ~ ~lro•cl. 1-.•r 11 ur,•aky. S!lO J .W .Oampbell.Rowtt Z,Boz.l51.l..oiiCWUttr Mn.C H Pfoflii.J:!O "' Oran(1rOnr'f' "''•tr•c-r ' C'fhl ~:.'CII 1 .1. ;\1 :\l1ll"r ~l aJ11"d :-foiv "tr• t'll,\' ••f :'llt·wrort &tud;a, .,t:l~. lEimer C.rlolon.ZfH c~ AN'. Lortg Brae,. . ).Irs Lou Lie P1lf'1!rr. 465 E \'lr(1lnla Cllt"'ldora j l\\e\ nt'W !)n1)f'rl~ .indurhnc "I 'rv•o Nl'wpnrt JIRrh••r m4"n • nn-llrne·h. bUilt I ••I ~~~·· J:llrll):l' With Krw. 'N. Carutherll. ltJ .D Sfh • Ct'fltrcl. 011tmio Mr11. Annet~ Ph lUI~ ~Jf C'nmu:o Bra/. Arrn 114 • !'I n1r tun• fo•r E n C'11nr 11! eo~t~ nH tr 11 wll h 1 h" !ot'RI hmlrlin~ In-.. h .. wrn. :-forth l'hanm·l for IK\81 Jti.tUI Canathera.IJS'W. Commont«alth, Flllltrto" Flon>n<'co L Pope, ~8~ N Oalr 11111 Arr · Llllrl>or ----------..---,1 duet h&\'1.' lll'l'n IHIIrf'•l ••n thl' alwhcora~-:('~. p<•r (' It t:rlc-kann • Krw ~-J. Clark. 2ZIZ S Dau At't';, Alhairfbra U'lrn'n<'r Purtrr. Jr.. • ,,~nrtflnm<'l.' f1•r thE' Or-~.!I.~ ....-...u_. • ' .= •• :.. ..... ..:· ~..,.;:~· ~~c;;;~·;;Noi;,;UI~T~e~ft~tii~S~t-~, -~-~0!'1~=~~~-~J~S-~~Z~lA~~).:U~ta~drl~~~::~:;;~-:!"":• ~O~ar~w~:,a~--:..:;;;;:~-·.:!~~~~~~~~~li ~,. f'nfl"""' ~ .. ;;:; f Nil\'-~ '1:':" rr· A·l:i .. ':. ()0 ( ('n. "' H d W G • -L. Thtv lll"t' Or>rolnn n. Jo~lntlt:\y. rvn-rl'ln'l. nlt••r nnol rl'p:ur hon:l'. 1900 Mn.C. Leon Culbl'rtlon. J:outr Z. lJoz 100 La Callr~ta Dr at t'T17a St., Rout,. l . Rlr'".U. 0\\"af • effl~s,n I traC'for. nnol J"l"n!'411 l1<'11l'h Kirby. l"t•ll'1 :'lrl't-1 r .,r Hnht'rt G Allt n ~-~ ....... ._ .. _Ra"ch, SaJII4 Palllal, MMI J p PrllUlCr •. CJ .V l 'artl)n St ' Santa An4 • I not•d lln·h!trrt • . • •t("l . ,. no ""'"• II Lo B • I ten W: C'f'nl1'1t1 An.' • • " Ma~wun 11. Denalnon'. IOJZ Orl'f'll ea, lllglniiOOI Mn. Carrie Pl"t'fodc. l.lOI llr maft St.. ng rae,. T hl'y w ill ~·'n·r w11 h R.'\y ~~ :'\u\' . .:!6 J 11 \\'nlfretm. make.' MacWleiM Dufau. ltovft I. Boz 'JZ, O.numf lint Franri/I.QuG. IUS T/n~d St ·Santa .Vo"ICCI S•"·pc>rt Bcoada,.('allf. Taylor Rn•l Alll.•••n If n n I' r nf all•'r.litl;,,,. nnd rrp:ur11 to hom«'.,;_......;;== Mn.l. W. Eberhard. Bl'aWmOtlf lrl'll.. Wm. L,Rrtd. ItO S E"rmo. l'lsOlla Phone 46S Santa . Ann The• ,·,m"lill!'4" w1ll 17(13 H11.v ~hit> Pn,·t·. r• r (."rmrn•J ,. · lln~AIIIfU!tA Ritter. R.R : tja n o.,qurt C' .. Saugu --===========:::::;F============='lll J1m1Det lmmonl. H1 W. ROI~IU. •~ontpt01t • nomlnlll<' rtl lt•n:-1 fou rii'Pn mrn Shuuk. U 200. :r N,n. lfmr)' P'alrman, Mrs J . N. RUJ1rka. Jr ' :oos. 6th St . ora" Parle At'TOMOBIJ.E • FIJI& noprrllenllllj: 1'1/.:hl 'hal'it' ln<hl~trll'" :'\o•\', :Zti n yan llall. bu~t.l two [ UJS W. 1VGihlllf1fOtl At'e., Sa" to All& Wr11. Otrtrude Sebltlmrr, R F. D ~-FU "'ore ACCID.,. ...... 'T • LIF' .., ln the b11lltllng fi~C'itl tOr nffii.'E'rll rc!ltronnill anti 1111\kl' rt'patrll tu _ ... _ J St v t Mlas.Fion'nef' ~hllll. Route~. Bor ltl Lrnthar L•• ~ ... For Building Information H . H. Pl-..-r. 5Z6 OllU ., ~ wra to ~~E-n'r In 1 .. 4:!. t1iy fn etory. 101;, t'OIIIll lllghw11y.f Ills. J. A. Puller, 40(14 South~" Alit~ Sovlh Oat. Jean SC'hYt'IE'n. 1460 Sl. AI bon~ R~t~LlNII!a.&.cny;llO..,_~r'._..""'_ ......... •lt6.r-ill ..... ltJII..,...,..,Ift~ftlilfijl~ijfiiiijiiPifrf"~rtrn'rr.-fl1~~~~-~ttook.,:. f.lt~,.-.--1!;~~~"::::~:-~:'::::::::::::;-:":'~~-----~::~~~=~~~t:!;!~ -· TAza Wagner or San · · ---N. Olcupe Au., ••"""' --. "1"lfll!tll004 Bond.,-Wr1ttta man rtllll tn 11tay At 19tO <'etui1 Ole.f!o, build on~ atory. t h r e" I .. -- Mn. OUJ P. Goodwin. 1'l1lLGitftl St. S . PGIG44wo D&hlSht'a~r. Clardt"fl OrCHv Nrrt''· Oarlft-rt Orooe I ' A vrnur. rNim hMUM>. 621 On·hlel Avr , ·r«'r I Anhur Hallam, 54S~'IIV.IIIO!Ittrel/. Po'I"Otl4 llnl C. 8. Sht'ldon. J-zt W Foothi11.Lo \'nne .I ~:::::~:::::::::::::::::=-------------i t:cm'rutt Shook. $2100, Mn. Loll 0 . Harrta. Rotdt 1. Doz 116. Tlllorw lfn Lola E. 8ht'pherd 1150 Lt~go AN' .. Safl Ber'~ :" ltrl. Jl:11lal)etb r. Harter, J40 Jlar A"·• Jlo~ Willard Smith. Jr .. R. D I, Bor Orange 1 ., Bay, District Lumber Co. \\'ALTER 8. SPICER, Owner :'\o)\' 24 Gl'orgr L a.l6 Jumioe Ave .. per .H:-=It.. brnnlt. ' # Mn. w. Rlldbrand. ReiE'n C. Thomu. 15111 lHnA·~r A l't'. Gardt"JIG W N. ~~~~ Com,.lterfoalq.J!.rot'\ ~----Ruth M ~,141 ~t.J..otrph .Ar~~, f!nld& . I -;::ft:-ed~W~.Ho8'1DaD. P. 0 Boz 131. LnlOfl Cooc .Mabel P. Thoen"""". tr! ]),,. t !it . t a17111te1 B,_, Mra. Robert L. Bolt. UtJ4 Thlnt ST _ S411 Ttnen44 John A. 'l'tm.3on. P. 0 . 8oz I 1~. Oolr to ~ "'0 . 0 . H&&ll. 17f "0" 8trHI, Sell Bentordtrto • PranctS Tlptoh. lHZ N . Ocw.SO.. Sl., Po_,..• _e311 Naw 0. C. ft·ptnea. .a-u J, -.w 4tt. If~ F":'!!fc Tnit\Jiood, ', NntraaU Stgll41, l'<o'~w·hall 'YIIU -"' t•tere~~una. ~ ... dJ.plaJ toOma. Color ,.adee plaanlna aJda, to~D·· pniM!ulft ttock of ...-. _,..... IIIIo .... ud ~ .... bllltda. :-fo\' Z4 C: ·-(;. ROIIo'berry , 70t. r============:;=======~~~;:;; __ A\'th'allo "''f. rer H H. Hoi· br'!lf>lt. • :-f·w Z~ M1let fl Jo:Smtil, 1 GrjUld Canal: rrr H. H' Hoi 1150 o. o.a.an BUD\. 1., 1t01e'1 Roa4.Sart Gabriel R~ T)·ndaJe. 1o:s Plrtt Ar~~ Lparood ...,.. S. A.IDCSf, W '"'lilA St~ Z.O., Beoch e Wn .. C"t'<'U White. :400 Ghapalo St. Sartta B~ Mra. CbaeMr Jo11DeaD. • Nri. it.. WUIL,, Z:O S llrll>nta, RtdmN&o B~ FSI 6 . Oek""" J)r .. ••t~o Wn. H~rbt'rt 'f. Wlbon. Thrrr RIN'TI t11N,Iau4aaiQ ..... o. ...... K'a,, .... ~ VA WJmbey~~lll>flnt AN~~IIItlbe ApdNw &eopeM I-.S. C'o•UN!ld., l.epu J:fcJL Mn. JNI'Je R. Win trow. ZOIS • U tl'a S1. !fa. "'I OfliCa Madre II. loA BDoD. ,_ r..w.oa Aw~ l.cMf.. >JPdiard 0 . Tarne,d, 71f • Jrd A01. ,._nafe Mrs.~ F. !a,.._,. J.,._ Uf,lf_,.. filra. Rarokl Zel. JU ""~ ~ am eo. •• n , I • . ....... Ca~ta ~ .,......, LUDLUM . ~t \Vor.k~ br!lolk . Nov 24 Rndenr k. Burnham :)H \'I& ~dQ ;>o;onJ. )M'f II. H liol'lrook. New 24 Mr11 D G. Arbuth-nCit 113 ~apphltr A\'«'. per H H Hoi· brook. · NM· 2-4 Tnbtl Atklnaon. '51'.! Fullerton 4w., f'l'-.M\' H. Hoi· brook. I !\10\'. 24 Hubbard C Howe. 804 IEWPO,T. -1UILDERI SUPPLY Cement· -· ··~tria ·-Steel lAs ISBELL SUN W. C4>ntraJ Anaae N~wport Beach, CaJU. 1.-. ................................................ j Avocado Ave . per &uD ~ ~.-.............. ~ .............................. ..J ,,-----· ·I ·-·-------------------------· ... • • A~etttlon lallo,. ud Nil· orette1!! All of you lc:ld1 that ,,.n't hep had better get your· boob laced! v.. In- deed, the,. 11 golnyto be 1 clem bakf et Aneftolm efter the game Frldl)' night; 10 let'l get ·cooking • n d go jiving w I t h tho Colonl1ta 1fter tho game. To you eco· nomlcal chlld,.n, It ~t~lll be goolf newa that thl1 auper , do luxe Jig only com 17 centa. Of' by aim".. arlth· metlc, 34 contl a couple. DOWN , 1. Aat~rl1k • 2 M~mbrr of JapaneH raet I A9p;er 4 Wrnth I Gnold<'st of ntghl • I A~~ ron~:~nt rnln~raJ Ne. 11 \ 'L . . N"EWJ5bRT BALBO~ NEWS-TIMES. Newport Bead~. ~la. nruRSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1941. :~:~.i~~J:~~:.~.~ .. I 8~~~~! Unl~~~i· C~L A s ~s i F I E D A o. v E·T ·I·-s ~·& hnp<'s for 11. IU it\lt' nown t h I "I -::.-:::"::~:-:~==---=-=.....:.-:=-=-=:---:::--:::::-.-::-:-"::'':"'"-.;_ ________________________ .:_.;;.. ___ _ &~~Ez:~?~}~::~2~;~~~ CHRISTMAS sEAL DRIVE QN E 1a FOR REITI - -sEtUIG- ... C. 1. F. Playoff• , . I t '1\n~tlllll!l S.'nls wc•n• JlUI Into · With Tu.tln· out of th~ ra<'e, D c •bell s k the• n\llil Monchi)'. Nuw mbn 4th. ~::~ E t.tttUna uptur~d the t lret vanity r. am.. .,ea S ·,tht-Ornngt• Cllunty Tubt•rculoal• .. ,EAL STATE teague champlonthlp IInce 1936. At . Se-=or Meeting and llt>alth A~1C'Iatlon """nunt"f'd. I=' OA S A t E' md ·the te~m 11 lookl'll for· IIJ · 'Tlw Mit• of !lt>a lll 11nd pin,s tn "'·ard. to a c. 1. F. playoff with Dr. Wl~lam Giles Camplx-ll. tht> Nc:wport llt'~~'t: dl111rict 11 ln the. Sunnt Lraru~ "Winntr, wblch J>roCt>ssor of t:ducat1on 'at tlw Uni·, rt~argt' or M.,. \\ lllnnt U. Ml'llott may. ~ ~IUler Anaheim or Full· vt'rsity of l;>outht>m C'uhromia. or C'osta 1\ti'AA. ne-wly lnductf'd erton. spoke to the: 'IK'niors or H arbor at rrwmbN' ~r ~hi' bonrd of dlrt"Cton &heflin va. lhlpkoy a mOl'tinl: in the auditorium. Nu-uf thl' a!II'Onl\tion. vcmbt'r 25. . I 1'tM> ns!ln<'lat•on I~ ~110naorlna Harold Sh~nln, Harbor'• candl· lUll !'Ubj..'<'t wus Posl'iblt' C'art'<'l"li r~~r broadca1hl per W«'fk CNJ!f dat~ for all-league fullback ~~-otter ntch School. Ht> l'poke of the K\ OF.: twn WC'I't•. held Novf'mtM'r tlon. h a • aoot her coinpelltlor, nt'Ct>ssity for a boy or girl .::mdu· 1~ And Novc•mht'r .'5; tht' laat will Jerry Shlpke;v. the pork·carrytnc at in~: in 't'ht> near fut urr to chOOSt' ~ ~ .''" tht> a ir ~b«>r 2 and i . • ace from Anaheim. Harold may a cart't'.r In a t)'p• ur ~ork in 1 ()tscussi~ on. Tubc-rrulolia and be t be favorite In Anabelm'1 which it ~~ fairh· l"\'rtain tha t Ono> IX>frn!lt' and Tht> Chrl~trnu ~ game, but Shlpkl'y will ,be loaded will bt' nerot'd 8rter thl' wa r lie al Work" and tn n!ICrtptiONI ol with dynamite. W ith Sblpkey In gave aa' t>xamplt•s nurs<'S, doc.tor.<. tht• "Quiz Kids" and Ht-lrn 'll.ayte the competition. It wUI be' bot lawyt>rs. ti.'&Cht'rs a nd mt'<'hank s. arr ft>et'\JI"C.'d. becau.e · Sblpkey, . Tully aod Ht> said tha t t•\·ery woman shuuld ..0 urI n.c Thank•.:lvln~r . . .. . • • • WIN trocSo LIdo h to wot•r ft ont ... •wollltd ot ~for K~•pt .... Ocool\ ,.,,,., .,._ 0 1 ............ II' ./4., PALMI:~ -Vlo l lcSo "t.tllo toto • 4tc. • • • • • • ,._ H-No.I• k .... ,. u .. ~ ... ,.-.. u. WILLIA~ AND Wlll.IAM.OH 1'111 .: Cofttral I Mi'~ Slfl<•\'l'r 11nnn11ni'M ·that '~'\'rrn! nrw hoCtk~ nrro nnw avnil· a hlo•, tnl'lttrhnf.! w:o,yy l.tfr in a ~tr n-_ mnrll' Junj:;lt•" h~ Bdtl'hr l. "Fr'nm :\Inn~· l .:onrl-."' lo,\' f.,.ui~ Atl"m ita, a nil n "'rio ·~ nl hunk~ ••nl1ll• cl "Th<' \\'r•y·nr· t.if~> ~··ric• ..... I, HORMEN nsH ·M~RKET ON c·.:sTilAL AVENUE. NEWI'O&T BJ:A('II ~· • . . ,; F=' OR RENT '· eQA~D AND ~OOM-1 po i"Wato .. ....,. NowJ•o•t Ho•ellto. walhlnO llttlonoo Pllf'nt ltta W . """· Notoon. .. tfc ,.0~ ~I:NT-~oo-;,..o ond A-;lr-~;:­ duc:ocS roto,. Ill At••• at., ..,. lloo h toncS. P ho;.. bJ.w . 11·\fC. 'nl "r•,-tnlent l •t cH o•"•· e•••••· ocu n "Witw. ~uoo,.obto, I I tr 1 _ Ouatt "''\"'· .. tfc -· ... OOM ,.0~ ~I:NT-P'wrn . ........ , 0 •11 co .... ,., ~-·· ........ lop of IIIII. aoot of ... 11 ., ..... Cooto MoM colol. ctowlly cS•I'• c.. ,,. ••"" ..... at~t ... ;f ........ 11 ,. .; ....... r •· ''" acc;..,,.....u..,. -" et .,,. Oate~T VILlA, C.t-r!U "City 11 mil.. from ~.,,. .. a.rtne•l· ~-"11110 "'lito. W . L . Jorlle,, -..... p .......... , ........... ,. ••. 11 Uc. _.LliOA PaNtNIULA ~OINT P'O" aAl. 0" exCHANGe-I ""''""' ........ • ICha.... llrlc• ~. c ... , ..... "''e"' .... ,,., .... hlto. w ... , '" ... ,.,. ""• •• '"· .... ct -·" -•oM! ' ........ . 1'-11411. llllallt ,. • ., ........ -.. ......... 11... ~·'"' Offtc. JOHN D .U .. NHAM .,11r:,0c.1 " .,.,.., ~~ Ill ....... ,.0~ ~~NT-::-WI"t;;-,..,.tale. 1 ... .......... ....... ......... ~··· 'WOtt ollo-ra. c .... ptotolr 'fll'"· ··-· ... .,," """"'" ...... Corner~ ••• ·~· • c.,,.._. Pitt~ P l-. II'-1'4. ..... ,. ,.0" ~I:NT-6Irlt,of offlcoo, '"'" ....... u... ,...;.... ...... ... .... .......... ......... Now"" ,.. "' tt.tfc. -------------- ---.-~.Now ....... .. ............ . ...... Of ........ ... ot ._ VItello Plllte, tie« II. ........... , N-lk. ,.0111 "aNT-I ,_ ,_._ 011 ........ ~ .... ,11' .. frwlt. --~·­ .... fOf' CIIIC...,.;.. CIMe .. Hiett ........ . .... 1111' ..._ 1411Vot '" tM ,_ fw ,...... ... -· ...... ...., .. Qrtfn"' -w...e.-.w ... . eo.c. ...... .. ..... , .. . W A N TFn TO 811v W~N T tO W•"t to llv y IIOIIM to "I'>V• Ptw •,• N•wp•ut D•uh t~\A 111 , •• ''TINt MIWtt ( '()mplete fJeti"W frl nulrd"" l11 1..; Jlarbor A,..." 1 M u siC AL I NSTR~M~NTt! l'r----·------"9 A f'IANO f"O~ CH~I!ITMAI, •• UIBAII ... ctJB&EY. II.D. ~,. ... , .. d now etyt• lpinotto. 11:,.. t:.l'~ N ...... n.-t .O"IV tll7 Yf'U IYI' PIV •llei•r.t:o "!"•• •• ltM • .! ..... AM T•tntl -V\ttetr .-.eotd A ple,,o • .. for Cllrtotmae ... wilful ••II¥ Sll So. ltla1n ltrwt a..... &ttod ••• ~,,., __ • T•rm-UNcS "''""•• f•om tit w 1011d fnr prac:tlr• ltelnw•v Oro" , uNd. N•utttw•,' rMap -D•n• ~ ._.,,~)eSt t Fo lloodqueoton for ••· m.,.l ell etendard """" l'f bond ff'thu,..,ntt B•t u •• now •n for Ch(totm.. DANl ~H!IoiiOT PIANO CO . YO Pile Met" It , a. .. u Ano. n ~~- pET 5 T<)t': t< . -----P'O~ IALI.-c-.a.r ..... lol """· r •• t tO oM tit l~wlre 411 ,.,,,. ... ,. c ................ . 'Itt••• P'te,.ll H. Cha,...._n, ,.._.,.. tau.w •.a.c. MISCELLANEOUS .IIIlTH Ca"Tif ICATea __ _ P'or Out ef ...... ~?-••roll Afflllo...,te ~"II Cor11ftc .... ' O, L CUllY IIM1 , W lrll II • IAHTA AN4 lftC-T.. A«.-. ... 1 ... ....... -. • I_ II .. > .l ,,. ~ -:-: 1·,, ' t 1 I 0 :II ' The ani)' ~ ln u.e Nf'Wl)ort Ha.rtM;P .._ -wMrP you ean lilt U.ct .Carl cownd by Car Guaran •. Come ln lriiM our btl .. t.ctloit lr lam . ftrst hand about W.. wcnt.rtul plu. TlfEODORE ROBINS .... . _ _, ......... ...,. .. ... . o.er.a ~ I ...... ' --- ct .. un.d Ada ~t R·E·S·~L·T.a1 ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ Busineu· Directory ' r-----~~------r-----~------~ PA-UL ~ORMAN Har~ .SerriN) YACIIT. UU.. IIAIIal taunA-&. M--1-- Wa.. A--a-a..... I -:"..: '"' ............. :I'M~ 2lat St., Newpor1 a.dt I . ...... .., ....... ~-------------~·------------~ HAJIOLD &. 0&.\VEL aLU'I:L ''W• Ourwhw the Better ......, . By~'Othena..t" l'w INaVaANCa A. I. 'I'Wift 1ft OIMI ... •illf ft. .. ~ ... - R. W. McCLELLAN A SON c• '" .. a. a • ._, ftOOIDifO-~qA ... ftlfO-MJfD-.,.. ,..,~ TOP SOIL --=•• "....,....... ...Jif ......... -~rof e88ional Directo..Y · "Dll ILU.PII D. ROAJIP l'lll'UCIAN -~ aUIIO&ON . Oll'laD,P A Til ........ ·~-~ ...... ltr. nordnn M. Grundy l ... )'illlf'lall IUid .. UFINtll Ntw1.nrt 1\f'Mh """'"'•' f 'rntral Avrl. at ·Ninfh'\ fUfiNt lfr<t.: 11)-1% a.m.; 1·6 p.m. Tf'lf'J .... Iftfl ., ,., ... o•" --,._ tOll -"-..... rt .. "'"" I ... :tl4 .. ,.,.,_ "'·· ......... _ ' I.EROY P. AJ'(DEIUION . Aft'ORNI:Y AT LAW o..ta M!t!LIIPII lltiiiHIIII&--J ..... u. Coela ~-C~llonla Ur. P. A. Chamberlin f:tiiROPRA(,'TUR lAM N f"WJJf''"f 11 tvd,. C:o~TA MI-:S A ,....,_ IIWI Ur. Cr. E. Tohill PII\'MI('IAN •n• 8 UIUIF.ON---:J<Ifl.l f"o>lt"l lt<,ul•·vnnJ "''"''"''' ''''"''" I · ' -· --. WHO'S WHt II · HARBOR DISTRICT • API'I.I-'"•WP:IIl-C h• ~ Elfl'trll' M~tyllllf. JlC"A,VI1"111r !il'rvlrf' ~tt Whltr, Ph. 5M. AI'TU -ct •t•r•t.IF" a "f'()RT flOUUfll-~ rr•\ Hnt.lr·rlr~ V, O rT Sr•rvl~t'. 12-t Md"n~!llrn Pl., Nwpl. B. UP:.,.P:KAI. ('H)1;1'Rt\t"J1)f~ . -Uy Cy llunJt('rford-11'lrrlnr• 0 T in•llny. '\-1 II) rr~lvii·T'h. 402 Plana end Ct)nlltruttJon. l.f''\UIP:R (.()'\ti'A "iiP:M:_ r·,,,,,. ~,,,.., l.lor r·., "l.rt tt~ hrlp yr111 plnn ynttr hrtmf'.'' Phnnf 48. S "''" f •t ,,.,., I .•lrrtlr<•r c •,, l'h•ml' 1 I; ;II Cr'"'' l ll~thwny at Arch-. J)lY WCAR t4QR:r MAHf"'r: OCI'I':('IAI.Tir:~ , ~~~0\T• •uT l>O"T M:"'"''' ~fl,.Mal•v !'\hup. 1205 ('OII~t Hlw•y. FiuPf!llf'll, llnNita, Et~. ~ •··~ ~ . , ... -... ·. •• ·1 ~" _. g AR\' l'f'ftl.lf'-HORfiC ''" ,,,,,, ..... ;,rth :11111 W Crntr11l Avc:nu,.. l'hnn~ 12 or 1:\. Newport. --r--~t---~~~.~~··~·r~•:,·•~r:~~~.·~m-~ '\A.'f•hf rHI""TI""f ;_ I Nt•Wjr<tr1 ·!l .. rhtlr r~uhll•hlrnt f'n· ~-I :.I -1~ p.f-,m<t .......... RP:\1. P:M'f..-\'Tr,. IS .. f'RA"if'P: a SUTAR\' rntr.IC'- 1.• ..... II w .. n,,,.,,. ~2fY.l w .. t,.ntra~7.vtrnUI'. l'htm~ 3. IIU'ftftF.M MTAM .... ~rWpr'orl llrtrht1r l>rthll•hinl C"..o. Phones: ll··13, N.-pnrt a..& fiiJIP:P:T MP:TAI, \\'ORK- 1 r,,,f:~• M•·•n P lttmh1ri.c Comfl3ny, C011ta Mt'M. 'Ph~ 2to. n·rr:wR•TF.~ · ~"wfYlrt Jll•r"''r. P.ubll~lnc Co. ~-·: 12 • U, N.wpert a..c., \'ARtr:T\' fiiTORr.-.. ""'"''" h l11nd Variety St0f'9--5e, 10e, 2l5e and up. PhGne 2111-W; \\T.t.or.n~. • Weldm~e •eJqlet'tly ...... V. OIT IWW», U. ~Pt.. Jf~ .. r • ' .... • t . , ·~ I c • ... ' t ' • : . '. ----- .... lli't - NEWPORT BEACH 'r I COSTA MESA BALBOA Parents Announce Federation Movie Miss Consuela M14niz I : · Cof!1ing Wedding Of ,Chairman .Tells jWeds Sanra~Anan ln .. A .Co..-f~i-tahle .Gi(t You Can.Croch~t Miss Grace -E . Fawcett Power of Films . St. joseph Ch~Jr.ch · • Mr. ud a.tra. Wlla.oq ltill Faw. ~ MN. Rlchnr~.-Whit•· uf L.o1-l Or . Lnt.:rcHt-to mfluy . uf th~:l c.t\ ol :ns UraruJ (;anal, l~lt.oa rAngvh.•s, 8lfth• t•hntmum 11f rnotton yuunjwr "~'' "' ~o·\\ t~ort H~triJO •r u1 J.UaDd announc" Ul~ N&Jtat:emeait IJICturt"tt for the Caltlornia Ft-der• I hr n• \4 • ur tlw ""'•~IJIII~ "' .Mill!'' aDd approk •hlDjO IJiarrlage of tht'lr 'atkm or Womt'n'J ctubs, revealed Cloi)IUI'IIIo 'M unn~ ... ~ C•olila )'o'IIU dau&'btrr .. Ura~;c Ehoure. tn ~u· 1 thl.' impurtanc(' u( tht• Jl<'";'r tn ·to l~my R< hro.rd1·r ot 01'\llntra Anrt. • juDtn Vall Yatra. Jr . ~n of Mr. MIClal living whim films hllVt' over which t•111k phu t· ro~ ··nlly In the &Dd .Kra. U. V. \'~~ole8' ot lAII¥ lrl.OOO.OOO ~pie In tht' Unat-4'c,l St. Jt•llt'Jih'll t'nthullc t'llurN1 ru ( Beacb, tbr ~·f'dlhoc ,to take phtt t' State-a and told of P<lfL'lbititll's or, tbt' rounty lf'at. · ID the home ot tbe brule:' a parrnll. t h c lnlluen£C of p ropat:anda The brttl" 111 I hi.' •11\ughtt>r "'I Dec:e~brr Ill at II 11. m. · ·. thi'OUJ(h th('m nt the• ro~('nt mN'I· Mr. ~~ontl Mr~ .\lltnuo'l Muniz uC w_1 Ooly relaU\1-IUld vety~ f'loiM! j ing o f tilt COfllta Mesa Friday IHtl1 l\,lrett, .C~ta :\l eAa and ~r' • fl1eGda o1 Ule couplt' !.ave re-A(~ernoon Club. , S4'1,rr..-olt•r kt th,. 11011 tof 3.1 r 1 ·1 .· CORONA DEL MAR BALBOA ISLAND -- LIDO ISLE Christian Service Group To lnstati-Office~s Next M~nth ., , VIIITORI .t.fiu )~Wtty Ball anl' Harry':------------- f>aln_e. Jr .. wen down from Paaa· ' .iena Sunday vtaatmg wath ber 1 mother QD Channel leland ancJ ~·lth Roaematy Ball Laraon In Forr.1ul lltMt.allatttln . vr~mortft>ll Uguna Beach. liw Ball 11 now \..Ill ~ plo DONI for 0eCI!IT lu;r 11 employt'c:j at ·,Lockh~d Alrcrafta , b~· thr I'Mta .\lt•Hu W11rnen·~ )o>·1, <.."'rporaUon tn 'Burbank and baa : •·iet •: ur <'hrlstfnn St•rvke to fn-charGe or lhe n:aater public ad- 1 luc·t .\t ra Arden I .on.:, prt'll oil' fit. ct_reaa ay,tem. SI\E' ~ reaotllng .with ~tntl t·i~:ht· ttf~n-ofrir •·rll int•• t'X<'· • a former ~boolmate. Ml• Betty •·ut l\'1.' J'lllttlnna It r the •'<-rrtng ~ear& of Paasdena. year~ __,__: __ • __ I Mra. Long, ·eJecW prulolt'nt at ; Jau·k Rt'ed or 21l6 F1ower Strt'et NO F.INER DINNERS Served Anywhere • • • • • celvcd tnvltaUona for lb~ tnfor-Althoui;h the-box offtcc:-111 \hi' t.lartha .St·brO<".•II'r of Santi\ Ana. mal eveniAI nupt!&e.. Saturday meouurina stick of populanty of Mlu Muniz chuat· a fnrmal wb1tr I :hla month'• mcoetlng or thci' 110-wae 'the 1urpriaed honoree at a c1ety In the Idea Commun birthday party goven recenUy by ~Jclhodla~ Cbutc>t, 11 aucct>edin~ bla Yl'l te in Oulr bome. Mre. w ·a r d or • Newport ~==~;;;;:=:::::=::;::;;::::::~::==t-l-..:...---------~~--'-1-j EXCLUSIVf; DINNER HOUSE Meone and M.re. W. 8 . SaaJth, ID, PHr&DCie ( .. PriKUla Webfter) o1 COIIla Mrs. Ralph Vie~ opeont"d the .Muniz )()u Victoria Marqurz M..a .u..ded U.. alfaJ.r. I m..Una with llw salutr to the u bridNID&Wa. Tbey won.o blur "nM lllride-elotct attendacf N-· ·n.. ltd by Mna. Alfox Olwn, and Wfeta 1owna and carrtf'd bou· HARBOR AREA •' . . . ... 8 • port Harbor Ullkln Hlp School ~~ llncinl ot God Rkou America. que\~ or <'hryiAJlthemuma. Fran- Wtalle ber naoe. reu lved b 1 1 A~mftltJ J.ndudt-d · tM Mu· 1=11 Layton attcond~ tht' brtdt'· edlooUna a~ ~ Beach Wllaoa Ide: ~ion rnHtlntt thl• p .. 1-1"\' ~troom •• bo-at man anol Kc-nni'UI Hlp lcbool. Tt e couple wiU Uve 1 allt'TftOOii when Mn. £lmlr 0u11 lAyton and Hrnry I.XIranty, Wt'rr Ia 1AQ1 8eacb ~ their wiU lfw a n-vlrw of thl.' llh• o1 Wlher•. -....... r mar-John Wakt-fk-ld Calfman · ·1 ..:rh .. 11rlde Ia a graduate of Nr"·· TPa wu ll.'rvf'd In lh<' IIUnroom port Harhor f:Jnion lU)ttr by tlw holltt'tUit"' for lht-!fay Mnc. where •hf' wu active an Clark, C!lrrupondtn\ IE'C.'rC'tary or m1ulooary t'ducatlon and a..-vlce; •s r •. Huco &>lau. at"Cretary ot Chrlatlan aoclal rf'latlon• an d local church actlvltlu; )Jra. Ward Pilley. IM!Cretary of atudent work; ¥n. 'Donald Otbeon, IM!Cretary of gtrt. work; a.tra. R. A. Jam e 1 llteoraturt' and publlcatiorut a o d .t.fra. \r. Tower, or COURSE· lNNERS---~H 0...1 St•ln and Mna. w. G. Walk('r. pro&Tazn. and 1.1 at prt'llent a • nur~~e lA St. JOIIepb H011p1ta1. Annou.ncement waa made tbat a hot blacult IUld~lcken dinner ..... _ _. L. 8ehaN goMETHINO ... .....,,,few ... a.o .. ..._..a ~tfJ lilt at Cllriat· will be 11pon1ure n lttt' IO<.'Ial 1 ---~· Coming. Eventa rau. Cha111., tWi cottqa 1ft for lhHr co"'on ~., practicaJity, hall, Ot>cember f y Ute IOC'It'ty I (II_._ lllltlle T-.ellen. ~ It tiH on to tiM .. , _, die lladl of the chalt, and mall" it aman andl. who an aelllng tlckt•ll. Afra. N ., Caluo.-.) In Harbor Area comf,. P~ul cottoa le ..... le a finft cameo nitch, ld~au, auited for E. Be"u had charge or ~votlona ftACHEa OF PI~~O hard -•rinr -'aca .,.._... for ~1'0Chtdq thia chair aet mar lie and Rev. Cart J ubnaoa gave a Ofpll6at • Aft-a "''at obtained b1 MMlq• ....,_ •lf~dreued "'"lope to tiM Needlework al:ort Thankar(vlng talk. ~ 11'7 O.W..,.,. AYM• ,.RIOAV, NOVIEMaiE" 28--Deoartment of thia ....,,apec:il;inl dHiln #7l7S. '{be next cl~1e mettnc• will • 0...... ... ......_ 1 <.:n~~ta M•n fo'rlday Afternoon . . . be lr. the rollowtn~ hom,•: Circle 1 u.on. Givm at Home ~ Coe.ortllnr V F W. Auxiliary. 7:30 IJ . . F ' Clark, 2 p. m.; Circle 'f\4·o, Dtoc. Pupil If DHirt'd r m Coat& .. ,... IA&Iort tlalt I nltlate ave Plan to Deliver u f . with Kra. LoutM Jdyreoho; Cir- PHONE: N~'I"O·T 1.... r·Jub. Mu•lc tWtton. 2 p m ·• LegiOn Auxthary jMesa Girj Scouts . ,On~ Dec.. • wllb a.tra. Elmer ----------~ N•wrort ~arh Ony 8<-nut•. 7 New Members Cookt'es Saturday ,tie T~ree,. Ot>c .... all day lf'ulon. • ' p m .. arrM.tt hall · I aoctll ball; C'lrclt' Four, Nov. 27. .. -' -~ji'Jl.r-'r------------...., IATU .. DAY, NOVEMa£" 2t-· ,..-. --l-w1th Jlra. J. E: JotcCieli&Dd, 2 • \.!J Wnmf'n.'l Rrllrr Cnrpa •r"'n Chmax.tng ~ar anaual rnf1nllk•r-; Mon-rhan ft\'1' hundrl.'d hom<'!' p. m.; C1rcle F'tve, Nov. Z1, pot • ( g • " •. , ' and food aale. old TrWtnklco hullrl· !Jlap cJn\'l' ~htch •tarted Novea~bt'r In C'b!cta M<'sa will ff'CI.'I\'<' A total luck at the church: Circle Six.. It• elc• •• w .... r ••. ••• _, ... ..., ...... ~ .................... ,... CN ... ...,-,.., ...,.... ............ .. ........ G.;tl , .... .,.. _,. ..._,...,..,-I _._,...,..._, LOW PAIII 0.....~ ............... ... ~ .. ..,. ... 0 ........ Rl a • • • ... Moll , ... .. ... ·--~~·--­..................... ~ l.i:; ~ HOL \0 . , I'IAlft' llt1L88 NO~ .. ..,.,. r.., ··-Jifat ..... • • BIXLER'S . FLOWER I SHOP. Mil N..,.,t Ill~ 0..--........... m·pottant:· Have Your Cllrlstmas . , ........ I T~wrlfw ·LAID AWAY . NOW! In«. all day, . • 1• mc·mU.. ,.,. of t~ !"'ewport Har-I of Ov<'r 6.000 cookil's this Satur-j Dec. 1 With .t.fr•. l'eter J ob IliOn. ('nata Mcaa Girl lkovt C.:oo ~~r Amc·racun Lt>~ton Auxiliary ~)' •·hf'n Gitl Scouts and 'Brown· 2 P· m.; Cll't'le ~1:nn, J)K. 10, ~le de(lyVy:' milaAt• d ~r"" ll('W ~rnbt-n Mon· f ii'S lA that commumty lif'liv<'r or-1-:ath Kra. H. B. McMurtry. M~. · 8Mo.flblr 1-:; · ~a~· f'\'r•nm~: nt tht'tr IOdal I'M(' I· ~l'l in rdp(insc to a drivt' ~ld -_ . ' ..: -. CoA Me. Clrl Scout Do4rd or nf,{ ll'r thl' J.e~l~ nut. . ·i~ ll'IU'Iy thill month. . • . i Hostess-duo Spo"sors ~ 7~-p..--a MtithiiC~I.-~ l!"tla~ ~ ~ ' NHw-adl>ii'Or• •net ftf'fttiy lOO t A • S .· ~~port ~h ' City Couocll, ~~p ~~ ~tlon fo,lairl• jolrwd in llpon~rlng lb(' ma.~ ltar ocaety' .Ca-rd 7:30 p .. ID.. roun. ell rt)ambrn Gr nv ~~ nah~ I k> r ~11,._ 0 driv~. fori funds for . lh£ girl"' ac-1 Party' a~ t ~lty ball , ~ K' Pll n 1.' V~ ya ...... p-tlvllles thj11 no•xl Y<'ar. Advi~on; SSer N-port Harbor Girl Martnera, taan Gladys Youna ol Santa Ana Wt!~ Miu Murit"l lf('n~r<hot.j · • 7;,;o p m., acoot but. ~ ~rs or ~r 2llt District Millll Rolle M('m·w~alher Mi"-~ Mn~. John kt> and Mna. R. Red Crc* Motor Corpa Uott, RHuaUauc Drill T'Nm Initiated M&J"'*rlt.e Atwatt"r. Mi;!' J~n , N. CIJnnln&ham of U.lbota Island 7 :ao p. m. n4!0dor. Robina pr-.~~~ :~:r. ~~ K~~ Hathcodc, Mlu ·Anne POW(' II, 1\!iu, cnt('rtalncd 1\at>Sday In 1M lattt>r'a ap. m an ry ..,.._ .,. Katttlftft Malt"y, MIIUI Marl11n Par-' home at 121 Marint" Avm!Jt" with Newport Beaeb Ebelt C I u b ~~~~:~~Mod ~~~~ aona, Mra. W. J. Ne\tillt" and Mn1. a Oft(' o•ctock deuert bride•. Nlrw A.rt.l &Dd O'alla 8ecUoD. 10:30 Fannie Reorv ~~ Aah Wla. 'nit" aa.Je was startt'd tables for contract, ·~· and a. a , ctua.ou.. Wn. Mn ~ H.uat"";:"'n!..~!:. Noyftftt»r 1 and t"ndtd tlw l7tb. Chlrwse checkera w~ ~ in Amot1c&D ft.-cl en-w o r k · • ...... -...... Nm K~y eovenin« In ~~ the llv~c room. ro.a., IO:JO L a t.o • p. 18, 111 ~ty~ ~~and lint Kiln School offlcft tht" Costa The two holkk)"'. Thanksctvfnc Palm Avenue, Balboa. . • -.-. ......... t poppy,.._. Girl Scout Board of Dlrcc-and Chrlstmu, Wf're t"mp&o)'td ln Caltrnmla B tat~ Guard, 7:30 su~::,~ S w .1 tors wtll mf't"t at 7:15 p. rn. to t he' dccoratlonll for t~ bt'nrflt., p. m hla'h achool rrounda. "'· . . tan Y ., pns • make Dfnmber plans. Mrs. Al Toul'l<.'h<'r won a Cli~ TUESOAY, OIEC£Mau 2-~~ lf'd ~· ~ o!_~ ., th<' door prize of live gaJions. AMtat&n<'t' Lt'ai'Ut' ~·fth Kra o commun ty .....,, tmas ~~. Mrs B Z McK' ~ta.w)int' . ' Harry . Wtatover In CQro~ ~i F\Ands for the ~~ervice will be rala· • ' .~ tnne~ ~tx-r 16 Mr<~. Jat'k Zf>l~r I Afar. Junrh~n ~~~~ ~=~ dn~~~': Hostess At Card , ·lwtll open h!!r ~tlrnc to mcmbt'rs or 1 Newport Harbor·Cnat:a M •• a . y, ., L h p lhf' Altar Socll'ly or th(' Sl. Jt>hn Uona Club. nooa. Katat>f Cafe thf' Ll-gion hall at 1 p. m. Mrs. UnC eO,Jl arty I Vl:tnn<'y C'1lurt'h of !l-'!lboa .l!tlllmt,j Newport II arbor Hntary C1ub ~lphh Randfl.'llofl fllllboll Island-ll -·-I whirh sponliOn·d this Yl'l.'l'k's part) • • .,. .. · an <' afltl.' o a nrrsn~~ fnr th<'it ann'\Jal altar !'OCI t v:..., p. m.. Baltx_:la llllanoJ Colf<r:P Past . prt'!lidfont~ WPreo ~ spit'<' ol....in·bctWPI'n holiday · 1.' Y Sbop.-• · eawn~ w~·Pf'f'Y'fth-nt at tmo~ 0\ri.st_mu party. ~o-o::oau.cU&ls...~~~'-+< Alner1can Re-d ,...__ w k 110e1at,.rrf-ar tft 1 ..a. __ ,_ 1 h d 11 rt' mPmb<-n; of· the · C'X<'CUt lVI' · . "¥-" 0 r <'ntcrtninin~: with t h t" ca 111 e ""~"",. .unc f'Otl an card p.uty honnt areo Mnt J ohn D 11111 h rooma, 10.30 a. m tc> •· r m. Ill "bunkf" lind !Y'rvlng 8 rdl"fflh·llfvl.'n Yt'lll<'n:llly by Mn;. D. Z. Me· I , . . '. ' · ,It · Palm A"enue, Ualbc•a nnd 201 tl I luded Klnnry• of Corona dt•l Mar in thl' rln •lltl'nt • !\It<~. Rlll:t R•lh. Vlt'f'· Crane! Canat. Ralhf>A IJOiand. ~~~~=r~lmn ~~:~ll'rnco.or-' Santa Ana Country Cluh. Covt>n; I pruldt'nt: Mrll. ZPIIt'r. lt'C'reh_ry- <'nela ll<ll'~t~t Fru.llly A ftt>rnoon J.!<'l.l(' r.o'n:ton RM~I•: Pull~ Ea·l Wen' laid for twl.'nty·four glJI':<I!t I rra~uff'r and 1\1111~ Elsl<' PC'rptt'h, Club Arta :and Crafta ScwUdo. 11 thrr Sund, Rnlph RAndf'l ' lind 1 at the q':'arf!'t tnbll'~. . l'acra~tan. _ __ I la .. m .. chabbnult'. MntiC' Rolling. Thirty wen:-~~ Ct•nlcnn.: ••nrh tnhlc wprl.' P'""' M M ,1 Wit · <'coat a J.II'Aa Junior .Women'• l'nt · I bou~th!l ~tnd ~ wif-h-·ft-Hn~hi~, . rfl. an n roll. pc>lltmu- ' Club. II p. m. with Mra, Shlnt') I · _ _ __ touch of ff'cl ~ntin how,c ri<'V<'rJy' tt'r nf l'ht' CNb ~ft11a of!lrt' ·~ ·1 111. lla\'ldaon. · A , L T arrangf'd by thl.' hosll.'s.~. Piner • ttndt-d a Tn-cnnnty Pnlltmastt•r 11 1 I --------SSIStance eague o . Cllrd.'l ,.,,.,. or rf'rl :mel whlll' nncl IW!n banqurl In FontiU\A. . .• Afr and Mrll. II ugh nark of Hold Luncheon Meet I' olht-r ~olor. :'lhout. t.hl' room Wl'rf'. In thr famll~nmt'· - -- Cilllta loft>•" arco "-nJ•win~ a t wo I In Chnstmn~ hf>rrrl'!' nnd cnndl('~.' · • "'l't'kll trip In lmpcorll\01 Vntlry. l\ff'mii<·N nf lht' :o;rwprlr'lt HI,..' Pri.Zl'fl "''hll'h Wt'r•· rnnry t'rt ncllf'<: Wed In County bol'l nr:ondl uf th•' A~w~'~aivt-n for ~Clrl.'!' in contrnrt nncl ' •tr and Mr:o llrC'If'llnn w~r" l.<•:t£111· w11J llr J.!ll•·~t~< ot Mn. auction hrlrll:•' 11nd n1mmy wrn• mnrrtP<I thirty Y•'&rll ftJto m Ana-B E T L A C H ll:trn w.·~•owr nnrt :'-Irs. c. F. won by MN. Frnnk llnmim11n.l hc>tm and hA\'C 11\'ed P\'Pr aml"f 1 \\'all·" in· thr• Cnnrwr'~ home tn 1 MMI. \'actor C.rnr<'. !\lr.<. 11117PI 10 thhl ruunty .\fr11 Mr{:lr llan 111 ,..•r.•~ ~ ~,~'::,:;'-!~·;;".~0 Comn:t ell'! Mar nrxt 'Thc.sd.a)' tori Wri~;hl . Mr.<. S A. :\ll'yl'r nne! !\f~ a nalivr dauJ:~It• r M ( ~tllft>rnl:t lunl'llo nn nn<l tho• m·.,nlltl•· -t· Eva l\1. KO<'nt7. ~I'Wr:ll 'San lA cln~ bc..rn. In San Dlrgo T h ~) 1 ,._.,,, W.C••-4 .... a I-llottoeltiool ' "~ I'IUilC' to C'O!It \f I ll'o.a.u I!'<O tnt:: nr th<' ~rnup. Ananll ~·<'rt' inclullf'rl in tht' J::li<'SI a · """" lwr ''" YN'r" "• •• , ow o.w .... 1111-F'ltrlho·r pbn-. fo•r 111,, !lalf ot lilt. ,ago a~..J llr. McCil•llan txoC"a m4' •• ......... . ~t·t~lntn.< wn•nth< I"'U~;h~ · .-)"1 Rl'tl\f' 10 lhf' l'pnrk~ll 6 .\frCielhut --..... .fofr~IU d r • t I . . ...... -dredJ;'Ing CQO('I'm ~ _, an :tOC\ •:IJ ..... ~ ·~ -~~-·'* """,.,.rn... Dlllf·W.~~'iV8M ISH Newpo~ .... ~ h(•r~. Will hi' lim<'. heir 30th . pany In , ;:\;C',W~t t Uc>nr h wl.tt'h hr I Wedding Anniversary and his~"· ·k olin . .1r . 11r .. orer- . . ·--'• aUqg. I MarriC'd 3<r· yl'nr:o ago T'rr Pm· Whldl Ia ~r. BalldcMI 8Udl or Fork U•..tle! 1'1IL-ball on st k'k 1.s longer. "although your eyes tell .you just the oppositP. Your e)'t'!l don't tt-11 you about propt'r sight, e-Jtht'r. 'J'ht'o wa,· to be SUI"f' )'OU'rl' t>njoying maxi· mUI'I\·'VWon Is to vi~lt a compl.'tmt optom· f'tmt for a thorough ('XAJninA t ion. . + D~ M.D. CRA~FORD O~TOMI[TftiiT om.-•t r. v. ruiu:s lltn ...._. ••L C'-·- FURS Th~ Gift for HER! • Lup s.leetloe BUY NOW and SAVE A Ot-PG!IIt Will Hold t'oar Fur ~oat VatU X....: R.,LANC'E ON CON\'F.SIEN~ .. Bt'DG£T TERMS %1M North Broedway 50c 85c • • • YOO MUST BE PLEASED • • •• HARRISON'S Dinner · House ITLII. _, Oraftp 1Jt. COSTA MESA I blk. East or Nrwrlort Blvd. i • • WE CATER TO PARTIES Rt:~Oilf:I.ISH REPAIJCING .._/" CU:A.~ING Phon,. 373 ~A bt'r 3. Mr. 11n1l ~In•• n \\'. C'r· 11 , • CIC'IIar1 'lll'lil ' hi' lwnl>rro'JI 111 An , ·. \ I I ~ and evrnlng In .t!C'Ir t>nmf' 111 167 \ . · n'..ll}"l" 0 f:l -£' I Opt'ft h0\1111' \\'eodn:oday nftrrhoon • 6-0 Q_Q_ • .. I k .1~ Vl~l" Plert-. ~OIItn )f('IQ, ·--,-+-•"f . ' . • -:t"""' W .-a, . • :.:..:l 1---:;=:~= Msny peo~ know th~tt It ls ~ a r t•e!'tlon of time 'when ..... 1.00 . to 1.50 ~~;.....---~1-~NI-R'-.-. ..l{'t\W .of typewritf"rs AD ltlakee JliftlutflllC: IT'S Tll\IE TO IliSCUSS ·youR ~ARllEN wlJI . bl rtailed ftnd th,.v're• ~ nachtnes now . ·. • espedally tor Olri~tmas Girts.. W• haw thfo 1~ now. thp~·11 not be an.y low« in priet>, so It !W1n1 wille to LAY tT ;; ~ . I • Cor&ta '-·· Royal (;nderwood Retnla~ a. ~. ~IaMMI n'NWIUJ'aa· co. . . ItO Wflll P...... . ....._AM ...._ T41 foocl vahK" of 'ki"Ea·s Mllk. But Oat onl) "'a) ,_ C'-..aw, ,_n.lf a. .. T A81T. .tL '\'oa'll llkf'·lt ~ It lute. brtwr. PhO.. Newpon liU for df'fl\'t'f)' ..-~..;., or 11Mt1 It at 1ou lli'VOI'"" . *K~SER'S MILK Of Course! I. ' .· NEEDS NO\\'! , . -~---. Norman Nu~ry &. Flower S!:op \\'t" Trl<'J:Taph F1M\'f'l"' lal1 C'-t ll',·d . Phnnr MM)·\\' C'orona ,.., ~'· Calif.• • Fm E\·f'ry Pf'r!'Onal s H'(l ! • Brin& \"our Gift IJ41t!