HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-04-02 - Newport Balboa News TimesTHE !AND CRAB II) SAM hasn't -a tion to detail pussy-footrng. The man from Orange re- mind" one a bit of Fritmd Richardson. former gover- nor and newspaperman. who bluntly said what he believ- ed and let the chips fall where they would. A na Hve of Iowa. like Former Gov- ernor Merriam . Cra(.'mer left the Hawkeye state years ago to SPttle in Orange coun- ty. Worse thing!' and won:;e governors h a v c happt'nro t h a n putting an Orange County man in the top seat. ~e Pf'&body. News that the JaJ)f' were rai<k>d on Mindanao ·and their w-4\1"('- hou~ df>Stroyro. ~ives riS£> in some local quarters that George Peabody. f,o r m <' r Newport pion~r. rna~· haw had An active part in that job. Peabody has ~n in that S('('tion of the Phili~ pines for many years and is a \'eon;atilf' chap full of ag- gres.c;i\'f' idca.c; and plan!'. Re- cent· rcportA from the!"(' AAY ~·~pt'd to the for"l'!'t and wa.c; with tht' natin"!' bt>fore the Japs ram<'. Th(.' I~" of a capital city to an enemy d<J«>S not n~­ sarily mt'an defeat. Rf'\'o- lutionary Amt'rica l~t Phil- adelphia. which was the cap- ital or the roloni<>s. but came out on top. Washington was captul"('d during t·he War of 1 ~ 1 2. Napoleon captured Moscow. yet eventuallv 1~. In O.e SPA nL<;h avu \('ar. it • ·,the 1085 of Barcelona Please Give To Yolft Red Cross \]; (.'; •• ' lj. ..... Buy, ,.,tr Defense Bonds EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHOitE COLONY. LIDO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA .J • ·--- VOLUME XXXIV ~ ptf'WnUd t;; It~\'. J. W . Hatlu ,,, lhie dty , ~. Hatlff .. t~ bullinN8 and l&l:rl- un bf' .••~~~p~ lht'l M~ ~. t \Lit'l .. XI.\, THI'IIMit.\\',. .\1 .. 11. !, INt. lliUHT PAOU ;. rGiant Shipbuilding --- Yard to be Added .to · Harbor War Program Fadlitit.•H ( 'nHtin.c ~t·n•ral llundred Thouaand I )ollnrH tu Bt• ( 'onHtrut"tt-Ci On Bay Front At·n•a.ct• By Standard Shi.JJhuildin~r Corp. Uf I AtnK Bt.•at•,, Annuun(•t.'<l Here. Jo,riday r .. ytnn. Jr . antt youn. KPnMUJ Mru llh I• I r "'"" of Mra .,.,,..,. n u11lt. ""'' lhr arMit~ of f'IMtl A l'lllrrirr "' l hla f'lty A•·•·•·rlllna '" wlln,...... ttl tJNo r••••·ur, Y''""IC l'f')'tuft Ill'~ • thaT fllll clldll't ,.,.~ bonw .. •10 J•••n"'"" :--11•• .. 1 • athiOiau al Newport lfarbr•r lh&. , , .. ; -lhrmJ(h ·little K .. nr..-tb Ia ~ lJI w jlb Jl'lf'Um"flla a t ~~ •·&Mln, IIW'Iudlnc the 1nvtt11lhlfl 1"r11' . .I \\ t ,!'111' 1 1 ::_.v1"11·1 1,~~·! _.., a lltmlrfo. -~·:...-·• 11·~·1.&1. 1•«114'1 lo ..U _,u;a -·~ 1" 1' 10"11 '' .ul... ..... ,..,,. • '"' • --._.. I ' ' • -~· nnatt tohlllt waa Jli•J1nr on -------------------• Pil tn llie •nruundlna .,,.. ,,. 11 1,,.v111 ,. 1,,,., l•o~atNI ,.,. the SCOIEIOIID OF COli. CILMIIIC CI.IITES-ELECT TWO 11 ~::: .. •;«f:';~::_"~'pau."' '" 'h"IChange Title to ~:::.'\!~y .. :·;~.~~ ~~:0~"(~:: Newport Harbor """""' lalluul y .. II n If f'f'ytnn, nlt:.St: ARE THE CANDIDATI:8 c•w alpllabetbly) AN~ 111t:IK BI'IIINDI8 l Rev' J w Hatter r••ll v '""""'''' •n•l ...... In . hf'AYJ' 1 • • • M1• • J M•J '""" ,., J••·lt..t wu .. andlna on ------------------------:----:--------:----~[:----Tells Rotarians rare I e ..... hAy frunl, nur hla pannt.a .1.-. Lloyd CIJ'M ~ IUdlard 1 J,,,,.,. 111 lhf' cum~r •rf Ab&IM« and llnwll ewr.. .... ...... ..... N..:...:.. .. For un.·ty ... ,.,..,. lloUJ'<I IIy •• , .. ,, ,,,..,,, .... , ltuulh llrty, Whf'n little I<Amn.tll •---... ••,......... ",._ ~ '"'' lr• ''""' ,., ,.11pt••lllrol( N••w ff'll •·f thr. 1•lrr lntn th .. water. I I I · 1~., 1 ll•ut .. r ln~lr~t•l .,1 N,.w1 .. ,rt "'II h•tul " mum,.nl'a 1\.e.tlt.atlcln, • \\ltlc-lt two would )'ou ... wIn rbf1[r of your_..,.,._., ~-! '""' rll)''• aanual quanrr or a mUll-doflu .,_._ h ,-..r .,_._ \\'ldrh two ._,.,. .....,_ rf'C'Onk •1alr• woaW Pf'V''" M -c Ia tlw ._.~ I"' r:.tey atfal"'! . . 1 \\'hl('h hm ha\'f' Clualll'"'· kno•W..•. or ~''P" ........ wtdc>h nl• lhNn for a ...-.uw IYPf' of c·l''k work, wrh aa .,.annlfl«, al,_t.., budpUnc. Pt.c'.! I 1 \\''hk'h t.•o. lhroqtt your o'-n·•tlon. af? """t ltk~y to bf' un.,.._. .... thnaptruJ In C'Oft"'*rtni ~I ~ nf a q-Uoft! ~ , W'hlr ll two a"' .-t rap&blr nf lonkln« ahrAd for a •umhr~ nr )~ . forward to IMMII ·w·ar I'OndiUon"! 0 \\'ltl«'ll him h.a\'f' pro\?11 lh~"~Mt~Eh th4-lr o•• Mn4uc-·l, to lutnw thfo \'ahlr of a dollar! Whlf'h lwo rould lllut hr pntf't~llall)' aii!NI •11h IDrumt.nt, "llto"W _.,. u al,lla,... alf,.,.t pr,_al judi(I'IW'nt or lniUat.ln! "111r h '"'" h.a\'f' lwof'n ac-th·,. In thr pa~~t fr" )',.."' In ronatntC't.l\f' ••nmmunlt~· f'ndf'&\'or • \\ hl«'h twn rould ...... 1 ~~r-nt """'"'all) rrom a tlf'ln .. atalldpotnt . .,,. hrlnl( a f'OUIM'IImy! W'hir h t•·o h.avr tile ._,, pPr-naJ "" •1th -~· ~jor ;lly f'mptoy..., or ofrk'lal ! \\"hk'h two C'OU .. w'ftnlll·"-rWI)' dl..,.lalnftfW aliJt'l"t lnl.fo""t In U... ISe 1 P"' month ..._,. l•,•ol\'ed! _ W'hk'h two ral~ h&a"""t ,,... u .,._tlellal •a.Mipotr.t! \\"hk'h two w·nc1ld hr ... I ntW t.o llf'n'fl, he....t .. ,.,_., ........_.. . } and llf'bvtor! I \\"hrk''l two ,.._ ........ tm ~ualtrw from tiW' •l ... pelllt of ,......,_. ... ofnrial f'0114111C't at all u-..:- 1 .... . ' I I ~ .. I -I I I ./ I U..v J W .tlatt.rr,pa.tur uf Ht 11, .. ,,1, ~111 ,1 w T 1,.,,.,,..,11 ltllly t•htii«MI tnlu .lh" water, J"""'" f:...Prns-1 C':!turrh ur N••w '1,,,._,,,. 111 1,1 111.. M uoul~> M 11 ,. 1(1111'1"''' "'" lllru~r~ellna yuun~, l"'rf ffArtJcw, ...... brfufp t h .. l ,._,.~ lllllllfl .. ,.,;, utlaPr , "lrlllllllollv ftllll ltftlllj(hl hint Mff'l)' tu ahore, ~'I I! •• In r y C',ub at Ita. m~llnf( 111 ,.11 H"""'"'" , . .,111.,, 11111 1,.. "'"'"IIICh h•n•lh•flJIJI""1 by hie 1 Thunwf«y nuon. f!u•· !Wto Hhrll 11...,.,., . ., 1,,11~ 11, •• ,.., ltll.t ~'"' 1',1,,1>:., ru·uvv """'" aro•l 11h•-whk:h h• 1 ..,.,,. N«JW nw•• thAn f!vr.r ,..,,,.,,._, 1111 ~ 11 1,,. '"" , :V"' 11,,.,,. ,.,.. ,..,1 lm•l. ""' ',"k''" lim" lu dllll'ard th" I_.OJJlr uf I hi• natlun n•·•·,fll,,11~ 1 I , ,11 1,,..,,.1 h ·K Ill Ill<' "'"'' I It Ill I Alnarr "lll<l '"''"Y lhAt 11111ty ur pura-and aplrll. ""I wh•• 1, ·~· 1,, "' 11,._, '""' 1,..,., h .,1 1111' llllllltltl"!lr•ullf "''""" by UIIIJ '""'111,_1 ,lr-'l~ll!tfUI llllr vrrtl "•rtl\-'• .. l l'".YitJI .~tluuhlr•ll)" MVf'tt hW ,,..,......, an thr prollrnlm w"" 1 "'""''" 1 ••f r·.,rrarurr• 1 , "" ••· •h· "'"'"""'" 11 llfr anal c•f'flalnly 1"'.,_ " "·lu .,,11: by J•• t~ucll••. •• 11.,.11,,,.,1 ,,;, 1, , ,.,1111,11,.. ll•h••rtlllllll! "'"'"" lfaf' V"IIIIICifl"r fnom •tlf- ''''"'' ,.,,,.., at thr p61""' by Mr11 ,,, 11,.,,." .. 11 ,.,,.11,,011 111 ""' 111' '"''"IC , .. ,. rrtr• '" ,,, ru·ar·•lr•rwn- t;~qolrn I lur•· "''d llu "''''' llnnh "'"" ltiiV•· 1111( ''"' .-•n ,,..1 Thuraoi"Y W>U! "''l'l•h• ,1 ""' "'""'" ,,, IIH• I'UI• r--------------, J\IHH•t~P• •·.J Ma WIll • • W"rru r It• l•ht ,,.n111,.., ''"' lt•·U• t1 'A'iU ,, ... ,,. •• ,. ut '-"" fWanac:..-(!uunty '''"'"•li• t•• nd•·•tuu1 •·1y ""t•l•lv u fl '"lftrtl fllf "'-~rt•rvt•,... d• ,.,,,,, ,.,. ,,. tttul ''"''"' (;rorge Peterkin .. To Address Motor Corps Unit ··'• 'tH ffht I,,, ,.,~,. ••·u•l,. N•'"-lt'''' .\11111<1<• ~, ...... ., ... ""' • t·ft"•t~ •.I '''-' /\Mit''' lllllt~O \Altl1 t•• ''"'''''I''" ttu•lt"" ,,,_,,, ttu• t,H~• "lilt,, • ,, .\IIIII< ,,. M ... ...... Hlf• ,..,, .. ,., l•h•• h·trtl• IV lru•l•• l ftul "Ill t.. tUft f •• ,.,,,.. lit t 1 •· uuuiu• ndV.Ui f,,1• fhllt l·nu ••rtiV tw qfftr t '"l''"'" '"""" Balcrr lrf I to •· "' l•\' ,1 ''"' •••I , II \! '"" h "" •~·UI M'•'''' f'<•r'l'll hll• IIIIIIUUIIf'NI U llll I IIII( •It• k fu• rlltlf•ll 11-ltlrol( II II •I •o•l•l• tf f,.•al11r•• ·'"' ltlf' ""lit r••K fl~h rrontko•h f ah•>t 101111 ll•fr•••la ., " ,,,., laral(. trorc1nwtl"n hy K<-rtc 1,.,,.,., '·•••titre , ''"""'" "'"'', ,. •·•I.:•· • ..... , ••. l',.lrrlun nf thf' .1fl~ehwt~y 1 .,,1,1,.,1 1,, ""''"""•Hilly~ ••t "''"' 1,.,,,1., ,.,.,,I""" r•·llttlrnt hf f •t-ltfta Mr..-" r••r 1 ._,, tttnt httv•• .Jtlt• rtdv 'h·••l• l 'oJt ,.Ill t .. tltf' _...(_1 fiUII lll l .. t••rll•·lt ,11 lhr natlt· ,.., ""''" '1 o II r• ''''"~ "'"' • Vf'ry lm t"'"' I lvr .,,, •• "" ~··'"•" IC.kf'r \ll'l(t'" thttl oil """"';lind lar1nl( 1~<'1111 Mr,.l ,,,,. "'oil tw· ltll ., .. ,.,, "' M"' l'-'lc • • ., , ''"'" '1.27 Huhy, 1'-11"'" h • ····: · • ''" 111••1(1111 N•·wt~·r• lln r '"' '"' I"''"IIUJ•·rtl tt~llllnt·IUI . I h•· , t1' • '"'"' t.... 111r rr• rr~tll111a CITY COUNCIL TO .,.. '''"'" '"' u.. -.w~tt« ~.. MEE I 1 "''"" at lhrlr I .~do 1•1• h••mM I ·n.,. n~Uo'T 11t#p toward l'lln '"~' ill In ,·our owa h11nw! Hrll' lhcllll! u- 'unl4"d thlnp wltll a \\'ani Ad. · ' • tal. which de!rtroyeod the 1"('- publtc. Am ChinA ha~ ron-. ''" u, .. v,.,.,.,,..., hav,.· '"'"" 111r ··;,,.,1t 1'-'ltlwllta. fhP flllr "l•l Thr N•·wrnr1 lka•·h ••ly ••-rn • • tin\.M!d to ~ta.nd off the Ja~ TOT.\L-Two raUac w.t-t af? ._, ~t-.IIIW ·~ though Its capital dty. I · ' Nan~,.~nrour~ago .. --------------------·------------------------------~----~------~------~----~-------_, Ph one IJ now ~.111 1,11 lhl' W,.,.., Nutl,.na '""' • II v.llf rn-t """' M11nol11y A'}or I .lot•-~ Huth l'lnllham. hf'r multf'r~tlt 7 ~~ 1• m In tllr tlly, ltllll atl'l wr atkl .,,., ,....._ (cw "* r•f!u .. r moelllly ~ 1'-------------• ~~- • •• ... NJ-:WJ'Uin bALBOA ~E\\'S·TI..\~. N~wpon Ct•;,H·h. Callto~. nruRSDAY, APRtL 2, 1942. ----~------------------------~------------------~ '11\h ,..,~,. ... ,-nty ha. MllformNI to tt.. State'• lfoaal r.qulf'f'ftlf'nt-. IMit aJ .. , huW .. -o,...,.. ( uunt)' 8tlpoori<or ('ourt .,...,_, mall· lJI1 It f'U,.tWP to &,~UioU..tl .\1.1, ~ -tw-. EDITORIALS + FEA'fURES I ~ ....,er atrb·• le aNua-..r •• ' ... -. ef &aMI GI'N&rr Harttor l*trtrt: te ... a ,...._, force Ia ,.., UN'a hii'IMr .. nh• ,_.: ... to ·~· aloof ,,_ aJI ........... ucrpe lila& of fWeUt)' to,.., puWk Ia~ Nrwport -Balboa NEWS-TIMES ruo.'\'1".8 1! a as -----Th===~-Ma=-=-:_Jo:-:-:-:_ -rs==, :.--W-"--AK-E UP iMERICA -- Column~ IT'S LATE! I Gold In Upper Bay-:-But Doesn't Pay "'ubUIIMd £vt'r)' Tund•y lind Thu~a.x,~ftcrnoont Volume XXXIV . .. . . ,. S uh>("lllllh.t. (',o).olJio• on ,\ h·;uwt• $~ .iO l"'o ,,.,., .n I)PIOO:f' f'rtllnl) S:! -:-. 1 ~·· )' r ·~ :·!: / ~~·h· ~-: ••t ,,. t .'' zu l•• A!h ~··n•· ' £ntr,...-..d ,,~ -.. .. ,., nfl <"Ill•' r• nll•.'l ;JI lh·• J• • .-•,.frto-.. Ito :"'o•lo\f uo' flo IHh, \ .loll•• 111:0 tllli!o•r tho• .\rl 11! :\l,o.l"h 1 IR79 !1\ ,, ME\' Fit l 'l dTt •H ASJ) !>fA!'\,\Ct:r, Pnntm.: l'hHol. :ll'•! l \\_. Co•nt .. d AVUIU•. : •• "'I••" O.·a<'h, I 'allltol nla -. .... A Urawnclabw I.•IC'al ln,;tilulion J'ur Hu•r S-1 \'..an-____ __.___ ;~~TiONAL ~DITORIAL ~· . tflM-HOCJATION __ Ia lL :vc~ ··~ EASTER ThE' S('aSOn of wter. ~Wf>('JiitlK ()\'(:'f th t> Janel in the full tidE' of SprinJ!, annuunl't·:-: the t•arth':-: n•- awakenin~ and the f4.•birth uf th<> faith and hopt• proclaimt'd on that fir:-ot Day of l~c·:-ourr<>ction . The sptrit uf£a~rtertirle l'WrC'l'~ eveJrhour:-: dark- ened by war to illumin£> tht> lin·:-; of .\'c,un)! ancl nlcl. You'JJ ~e a fo(lint of it in the :oopetrklihK cyt•:' uf youngsters, 'mt-rrily gcampering throuKh tht· gra~' in quest of the hidden Ea:-iter eg)!. You'll discover its J,rluw m tht-t-yes of youn~ coupiH, lingering on the church :ttt>p:O: Ea."wr ~unday after services are o\•er. You'll witne&4 i~ tea)' C(Jiur in the bonnet." and . dreMeS of women aruJ .~eirls "'·hich brinll an f.a..ter parade to t-very city and hamlt't un thi~ cla.v. You'll find its bt>auty alike in the ~rene ~ilenct> of chW'ch and catht-Ciral the moment before \'Oi~t>:o are lifted in song, and in tht> triumphant · "Ho~n-1 nu!" which procl•im in a~eftle:ss words, "Ht' if; riaen !" , There is no death for the Prince of Peact'. Nor for man's ide«l of peace. It has remained constant 1 throl.Jifh the centuries. through times that were dark and VIOlent. Sometime~' it ha.~ be-en nt-ct-~ry to de- fend by anM that, or any other. ideal which free I meD hold dear, in order to save it from destruction. In a godleM world of ·tyranny, Easter would clt-arJy become a mockery. What faith, what hope, could b(' at. tlrmed1 what triumphant hosannw-sung, where man ia aebued to the level of the animals in the field? -'a. ll'ia1L Gil E·rter U. been a living flame in tM _. of men for 20 eeatw'ielt.. Tbia year, u ,..t.day, the Day of RetuTec:tion celebrates that renewal of man'e .faith and hope, that reawakening which • Nabft henelf proclaims u she clothe~' the earth in the ~azzling raiment of ~pring. WE SHALL WIN -OR DIE! /' ~ IU.IO& KINo a An Ana-r l•urtnc lhf'tlf' ctaya •·f the Wur "" "'Kt'nt"Y Wht'n ,.,·,·rvutu '" "'olhntt to jump 1nl•• """·'' 1 q •· •of IJ·Uvlty, many oo ~:an•14•111.1l,. h1n.. aw.tJ crralt'.t At> II•·· I•· aull nt • t•rr1aln otllll•tonl .. 1 hU'kf'ranc ant.1 quartt•lon o.: '''"""~ ... m .. u( l.h~ lrf'OUJMI .. ,,, "''"'.\' (f''.,,., tile Ntw Vork World. Telegram) 'l1wra··~ gold in l'J>JX'I' !IIPWJtOrl l for th•• drt'dging opo•ratlon and thl> Jlny prupt•rt)' but not in pnymg 1 cost of stnkinl( at ~lies of IH t 1"11· """' n ,,. • ,,. •• •• wukl'f'l to 1••1111• of It'$.' wurk ftlr lfun·t• J)ampel"('(j unc1 1•111•01, al~t·Jh 111,\. , 'JI.lilnl ~~~, wa.<~ thl.' n •port of Cha r·l hoi!')(. ''Thf're I~ no merruey value iloo· Ioiii "':''''' •I •lu 1"'1'11 that '""'"'). frN•:y in rlt•ff'n~c· nrc·ll~. lr,. A. I.A•yh uf Lon~ lkat·h t•un· to l>o• found" ht:. rl.'port said. He • 1 ul toolll I• ' .. • "hilt• tht•ro• 1~ ~o:rt-•Jto•r con· ... h'l co•1·nanlil his rt'<'t'nl,t•xplorations in rtid find tho• IT!IC\·~ of gold. ·""' w r {' tho' ~:rlnt '''" uf floc•· 1 1 11 '" • ,J '" 1 1•1•'• •·tat1• h o ~ 1111 ,olonur O\'l'l'lllnf• I' .· th:1n that lc•rrltor•· in ~t·ar-ch of d nnn·_ IIOW"VI"r. until !<Om<' IPw'<lOit J»Ulnl: t>llo' h II nl t• t'IIIJ'Iillln•t ia•,: J ~ lr•olh "'' '"'' t• •' .r .. ,,.fl ll'd fn , 'I"'" producuun. 11~1n~t 111,. r.ud~ und .,ahotllr'•· IS lm r. thp'or• of mN-cury. l mN hod of I.'XI rartrng gold froiQ , ,,, .. , "'' "'' ,.J "•I '''''-''hill.' farm~r puhtician~ art• ~:ummr'rl Ufl l\tAh u lor of ht •h· ~~~~·limt• ago U.yh obtaint.'<i a l o-and ill fii'Oduct'fl. thl' pr~ous It ,,.,·I~ · • """' r•IHntl that h I''" · mtt~rt'Sit>d m ht~lwr ttnr .. ,: falutol1, lto~ondu;.:~:lltJ.:. ~"''"II ,~,1 . r~t·rnllt from thl' t'ounly to e¥plor,• mr•tal will rrmain there. he sa.id. 1· I•• ,,,,,, "'' ••, I ,,.,.cl l"lllion' •t rll l'llt;IIJlt.: mort' o·l-~t·nt lab. \'ICt• IIC1 I\'It \' Cur lh(' cmnRbar who•n hr I•Spl'<'l-~·' Tlwn• h< not !IUfficicnt quantity of .,1d 't 1 I ,, • :-.• ,1 ,., Itt ~~-I hi' ,.,o whilt• govt•rnmo•nt hur••au• :-.; · ' •·d 1111• opinion tha t tht' AAnd~ of ;:old ro mnkP uw ol prt'Sftlt n · "" . rt 1 ,,'1•, •h· lot•• uf F'rln<.'l' t l• lilt d to mN't a d(•prr·~'IOo • ·crt Whtlo• tut·,.~ur·a· hiQC' dumor· thl' cnr,m\y-ow11NI lnnd.-m:'~tit JK'II!Iivt• mo•thods and. havp a pay- ''"' 11i.t1 ''"' 1~·--•'•lltt~ may bt-· ..rii•'IJ.:"nc·y that 111 t•ndl"fi rvn· for tu~:ht·r Llt•rwflt~. hooUnl•u• .mtl }il'l,._ ~ufridllnl am nunts to JlllY ins: propo!oat lon, ht' !'ald. ···•Ill• ·' t•H•I •.ol •.ltl' 1f tht• prt'IM!'nt • tnU•' In grab fo r tht•ms.'IV•·~ !Jt·n~!un~. ··, 1 ,.s . .,,. ,. , , '""~-'' ,. ""'') nN'df'd for 01mamt'nl!'. \~ {' "'til nut UN Ollt.'~tmum pro-mt• fo•o•s and duPs to work for • Al;<lln tht> gOVt'rnmcnt is warn· It )1, .. 1• '·• ''·""'' thai thtor•· '"t ~·htlf' an Rrmy u f FPcit-ral 11~'1 "'"·. 111 ~11""· unit·:<~; first., l'nt'l•• Sum. ~imml' Ham ·n· £~:.:;.. in~: against "11tocktng up" on bat- •· ,.,,1,. "''·"••'' •·I lht• Japanet~t• 1,:. ,, a.c••nl!. clamont to promoll•' "1' l ull.) ,rNIII.tt· uur a\\ful Jlt"tl. • .:•mmr shart>·thP·w('alth. J."lmmr· tf'rh·~. Tht>re has ~n sud! an :•u ·•w ,. "'"".:h 11111101 nnd tho· •r11 l pt>rpt'Cuat(' activitio•s that and.' Sf'COnd. l:t>t m•o•r tho• gim · S.10 r\·cry Thursday.. unpnc<'<kontcod run on n ashlicht, c ;, "' "'' to" m 11 1111;h tht> Ne111 h.•• ,, no prt'!lt>nl n~ or \'alut>. m es of l't't'f'nt >1'11~'' ' F NinC't' had thl' g1m mes. too rad lo. ignitton and l&nten1 dry ..: .•• 1 ,, 1,.t11 oJ,, ,, .or,,,.,. a nd n-· -.;111 whalt> COOJtreumen tf) to . Ghnme "hortt•r h(lun; ~;irnnw tlnd thfom tiU thl' Gcm1.1n" ~· .. no battrrif>fl. the Off~ ol Prfcop Ad· ,,,11,.~,., 10 .on "'""''' onMa tabaf' (liH 0\•rr IJII('la<~ canal!~ and rlvl'r h_iiht>r, WlgH, gtmrrn> bhts:~·r pru· do"• to Pari-<. ThC'n o·v,•r: bnd~ mini!<\ra\tOn hM ~n compt>lll'd , 11mt1111,111.,11 ~rh••mo'l< and take up th(' tlme of fits, :•~ mor~ O\'t'l'tlmo•, g1m· ~·"'''"' lrantlcall) 111 work too to plan prict> n:-gulation. Of CICIUr'le, I t n•. ,, ... '" t.:• r .ollu~ o~ ann tlo•fa•n-..• officials clamoring for IlK' "".work. S:lmm(' m on• Jlt·n~ law thl.' fOOiill}l pnrt about hoerdin.: 1111 •• 11. 1 '"'II tl11· , ... mlool ttng t .. J. fill'IIW1t'5 and contrac-ts a.s it war ~~ons, !Prnmt' &n•utt.'r crop h•..nt•·l Fr:.nc-o• has no gJmm••« loJtiay · hallf'ril'l' 11S that thtty won't be tn.; 1to.ot '''""' ~·· 01,1y IO!Ie at ·"'''r•· 3 gn>at eravy train. 81~· ilmmf' r:no'''' UJIIII'uprrattun" l'li(',•pt J.:lmmt· tood fu•· my hall~ any s:ood ~hC'n yoo ret read> 10 q 1, •1 ,1 1 ~, ,,1, , ... 111•1 to win ln :--,11 while w P .A. dto~<pite 11 1 . pac t~g~ • lr1tnmf' plonfs for I t;lntll•l' a pi act.' lo Ia) m) h··ud. U."'t' I hem . S tora g<' for any lenath Ill•· '"" ~orta~ ol labor, lli-••ks to earry I"'> onsrrMronal dr,tnrt, gtm· 1-:lmm,. 11£-ath. , at-rime mak'rs thAn fMffectJve. 1 •nh "h1 n loolh ·"' ""' of exlat · nn pro)f'ctl' whieh tt dof>sn't havp "'llh tht' con~e~ that valu· "'&: ,. , II· "111 1 h· t 'n111od Stat.,. the m.-n to Jlf'rform or the n('('(j by Raemaken ebfe tnateriala have bt-m wasted. "" 11• ''''""'' l'o .o~ t>od that f"r p~•rforming. • • • haa l»f'n ,...taralrol nu• "'"'"'' •tat~rnt ail~• nl.t JW.trllo ulur h h••l.l lnw f~ lho-hill 1••1 •I•• l r l•l. alttwu.:h. , ..... tll<lllt oo1 K.l\'t' ~n nopor1t"l It• '" •• an lln rtfurt In ho•lf' Ito • I• I . oil ,,..,,...~.t1na ay.J~ty r , .. u. o~qt •l11 n~", •• lu lfl"'ak I • \I o t ·•" oil,, •• '"111 ""' '''''"'' too latl', =--:nt whtlt• ·c.c.c. and N Y.A _...... u....J...i .... 1-'1-M~t~ ••rrTr·h s:l'1'e<ty hands for funds ~o l r liBfRTY liMERICkS Ia ,;oinl( to 11111o\rr " lj11• •l o"1 oukc•tl otl hom ,,.. ''"' '' 111 o 1,.:, ~·h·, •• rm!•fttyr11 it f Hn'IH•.~ 1nd "h" •• a r•·•t•lt•ur • .~ ~ .•.• \lrra The OUHifOn I '••I•"""'" l ••r·~·l"' Oonalrl f"tiiiJW'r Ybt.mg m••n who ou..:ht "'TO· '\, "I' •1•1• .ot· lt11 ,,,~11,1 mrrt>aa· '"' 111 rho• armt•d fprrf!l O! thf' war I '•I "'""''I '·•' • ll lt"tl "" u :l4·hour 11laut ... ·•' n ol.t, "''"'o' ltv4 haunt 11 !'\o t whilt' strlkMI ham()f'r war 1 '" • h \1·"""''01 prn•lurtion. In prol<luruon, do>llpitt> a ., o I t• m n I It·•'' c· .. ,. ~·· o.: 1 u • I•IOml,.t• thllt tht•y would stop, :-.;,,, "" tho· pl•·-.·nl ltu,.i• not ~"' wh1le lht• ltfe·and-death ~lll<t lh*a laity tO ltll' :\l,IJ'•T "I lurin& the tut l'!-'11 .It ., ... ttw r,. wrror ('tJnlriiHIII• ns m~tdo· Ito lhr fUDd by ('u•ta ~I ... IUIJO """''rvrr. wbnl l.hr Mr 31l 1~·0 l•lr WaDI,_! lu a !Art ..,,lilt' I~,,.. !If l"f'f'rraUun n~<•m l•or tho• "'•I .tw-n ln lbat arra , tl\1.') ,.,,.,, ttoi.J by local I'~ uflh i~tla llo111 thr lunda o·oth .. ·trtl 1n I " ~I )'f'ar'• .tr1ve w .. r.-l ur ,.,.,. • !I Srlo\port IW'Kb unl)' I• lhal rtt;bt, whrn C••• ...... ,. .. f,l\'o· t'oonlrtbutrd tn that fun•l. uk rot lhf' laoly 1111d • lh•· l'')dhll".:.> of recent llfiiN11or unintt'rruptl"d production ) o•:o1 • • o~ uM'ft &!< a Wl'llpon co JlUI ovo·r · ;-.,.,, u11111 "' qu1t thtnkrntt In lh•• do:<f:d shop. -£•~at-.. Arawtd with lhfo tnf,.rmalhoO that (-u.t& Ill~• hat! ol•onalo•tl Ito tilt' Ideal USO fUntl 1011 th .. rf'port lhal UtJO uffl<'lala INII•I thf' ~ wu oaly 1rar S t"tl'· ,_-t UW, lhfo lady h"'l II ti)Chl to ff'411 Ow 1ympturr:• "' rtt(ht. e-uua anc•r ,,. ,_-uhar Jl&l't <ll Uw thlll& Ia that b<lth uf Ilk-WI• of lnformatuon lhf' had fi'C'f'IYrd Wf',... truf' lllf'Mnl did 6Geall' to liM fUDd and the- fUM Ill Wile 111-'d fw -Ia 1 Hewpon lleecll o 11 I )' . HOW· EVF.R. THERE 18 OSt: THIN<: no: LADY DID NOT KNOW 11\•l thforeb)< hlqN the wlwlr Ill Dey . : .. The fact. Jlo-hrvonft thJ!ot wh•·n ,, ....... .," U. nu••••d , ,,,,....,..n11r.,. ••r.cno1utuon11 thr bo•r<t thtnat 1 .. •I•• uo t o JC•• to I' I' h ,.,l .. r~t Jll "'" 11'""1' m tlll"~l 11 •11 ltn•t t.:•·l till' tilt tr<. blldteol toy "tl:al\17 ol1oou tt't •·r•lr< th~ )111)'•r "'•·nt I • I ' 111! A l 'lllm•·r. •·hl\rmuu o ••I la ... t Yt'IU " I ·~c I olrf\·o· tt .. , .. "'' th•· f••'" ·•~ ~1\t•n to~ l'nul l'lllnlf"r \\'ho•n thr 1'!-'tl .trt\'r t-IArtt••l it \\fL.• '" .. 1'"''"-''d Nnt ~·hi .. doubll' timto i~ dt>· I '~~ 1 cJr tw, w h I •' h •um wu m11nd.'rl for Sundly work whic-h ill ... u .. h~l In l lll1t roty w~ U.. •nnl} part of a ~hour wt't'lt. •If 1\•• \A II• ln lrOllll\ ,.ly I'ODd\ld· !'I:Ot Whilt' 8 man ('&n't be Mn• • •I plo)o'd on an Army proje'('t or in .. ,, wnr, pla nt until h<' pays $20 lo ....: .. ~ th•·,... """" r•u·te place S50 or mo~ to a labor rackf't('('T Knuth"' lo,Kht "" thr urtnrm&Uoa !'l:nt whllt" mmlnal ganp con· "''Ill h tho• Ml\jur·a qu .. atloaer l rol l•m piO)'mt'nt and alloca\ion o ( haol wflmo·ol II Ia quill' l"l'a4117 mo•n tn work on tht> Nonnandito ""''" "'h\' tho· mullr-¥ oil fnr NfiW· liM lht' othl'r !<hl'J)II along N-· IM•r1 ltra. h , toln•·l' It ,., .•• con· Vork'• \'&lit watt'r front . lrthut ... l · tn s~wport He a c ~ . I Not ~'hile fifth columnist 11 an-!llr•n .. otf I h1a 1\ololllhln&l lllfor· I mllh••u lrn·h• t .. , •altf' It 1oo1a ltkt' :-; ..... , .. ,r1 l.lf'IU'ho )to dotft. & '"' llntl l't•~IA Mna nothlftC. Sw h 111 h<•t t hr lhjor'a tntft.. tu.n n"' "' 11 th,. lruUI, few I '"' I II ,\lo'I''O hlllf l:llfl o• rlfltt i&h•·~ul srut dttf)" U \lft1rlnderf\d Kmuuft't .,, "'~·•k \n t"l\(t*t"t&tabiC .,,l,tloor• "' 111•' ''"'"I art•a . pre· .... n \o·•l lh,.m ,.,,.,.lth• Wllh cau ani! P'""· IJlkf'n tho,-m Into l.htrlr 'hom•' tt~r ohnnt•l,. llntl hMpad many •llhrr ktll•tno•l1Ji4"1' u pon Ulrn1 One COfle:lutlon """' 1'\'''' 11 "' thr MajOr' a lll· lrnllon t .. 11huv. t h11t rrom l.hr fa<U mrnlJuno•d "'~''''· thfo re 1• I••• l•'""'un lor an\unr tu harbrlr 111 (o·••lur~ '"'a""'' 1'!'11 mc.-v • ull••• l•t•l h•·r• l.t:-t v•·.er hu n•;l hf-•·n ooflt'd (,.1 ·' ~lo•q pru1"' t "'"' "'"'' I• ~"""' hnw r u y 11 o.-fen '""' l1o• t10 '" IN' mlaln 1•''1•••·1•••1 !'10111 tn• hl•·nt Ahnul•t I• n• h u• that "' 1111a.hl to le-arn th•· "'"""' "''"' t" '"tf' lt>ttln~o: ueH Itt• t ufr •• In ft1• ff)rt• UVt,.•f llh\' j~\l lll11l:o1 1tlt11.1111111 If (ollk ~ ,,,., lh,tl 1111 ,,. ""•1111 bt• lea,o otl j.'lollltlil~ l•ol\\·•·n \\1•11·111--llll •n,.: "' J.!a.''''i'~ •"nfJ ··huuna• "'" ,,f tflAJ.tht ltfleUl--ul ~~t-.-•ft "'Tfrl m(11"{' I aOOK OF THE MONTH CLUa AOVENTU~EI IN IC£N£~V ay Oaftlel E. Willard. A. M .. Th~ atory ol Otllifomta grqloey II• the-hlatory t1f the-earth alnce Jurualc Umt". Unlqur amon.r aJI I ' the-atate-a. areal In aru and wtth markf'dly outat&Ddlnt; &"eolortcal featur-. no other rr(ion offKW a more tertllr fteld few ~ lltudy of u..-many &Dd vartf'd problrma ol 11•1o0· In luJUICC the J«'nl'f'al readf'r can undentand. Dr. WUIIrd pl"l'l· "'"' a fU<'Inatlnc pk ture ot tbl' State-: the marvt'lOUII JICf'nrry. t hf' '----1'--- mnnln& nf thl' varll'd llllld forma: I the l"t'markable-rf>a.~t ltnl'. t h,. m~mtaln11. \'Allf'yll. d.-~ru anot ferlole Jant111 llntl thr f'C{'f'nl ncall)' Yarird cllmatr 8aMd Uf"•O ""' ~naiV~ po·r,..•n&t o~rvatlons and lltudlf'll In thf' rle-ltl. &11<1 tUIJ!plt· ml'ftll'd by \'llh111blo• (ao•l a I(INinl"l f rom thf' \'IIIli lltrralllrt' .,( U'll- aubj4'ct. t hr bonk tiP8C'Mhl'11 lhr Important t PJ!u•n~t f1 om n n r "' 1 anrlo •• (rrr<h anti hllmf\11 tnlf'rt'll point of vlo•w I --:. ....... ....,., ., .... . ... Ita a"-........... .... Ad ........ ..... I . To .... ., .. .... hd-y~to ........ tile Natita ' ...,. .... _,_ ...... . ... ~ ....... .... ,.._ ......... ..... ...... ....... : Last week a blunt !'()ldier -that rt•markable eoldler General Douglas Mac Arthur. :otatt'cl in ~\'en I words 'the reason why t>Very Am£>rican untlt'f' hi!' c:ommand il'l ready to fight to the ,ciE•ath ancl wh~· every mechanic and farmt-r and ex<'cutino and huu:'(•- wife and office work<>r at homt' mn"'t maK(' t>\'t>TY eaerifict-of effort anct mnm·~· to tht· winninK of thf' war and to that entl mu~t ca:o~t off ('\'t•ry ~ha{·kl(.' of 1 ~---•pereonai -prejudief' nnrl fnrlinnal ~fl. ~ • ••w e · ahaH win.'-' dec land General MacArthur, •or we aball die." I" lno·luolt· t ' •• 1l I ll ~I •· "'11 :oud l'al_f'_ ~rtt Tni· o.<m-:-1 lo;IIJ;n I'"" t'f'tli••l f-:11 .. 11• lo• ,.,. n orl' tunrt• ,. ,•r,. 1111 £t•1\ loluda• <1 an !'\ ""''J" •rt I.H>a, h 10 h•· r •. n •• ·~t , •'1 I hi: Wt>rlf,t•rt f·I!IIJo:.1. ..i.IJI~1· ro·al "' rk II•, llfllt•ll~ll•·•l Tht' atmlll"ll ilrp '"' arrang(•ll that the read( f will he ubi•• ln rar,ry tn"'" beymft t hP 1rttrt1-1rlf tits tn ·- te-rNt may IIUWitt'r<l Wl'tn\ 1.11 truo• of Calllornla 111 ahu• tru-. o•t aU· Jacrnt rcgln1111. In .tht> jtN>l••.:~<•a.l ltory tlfoa lhf' l'xplanatron •of wtu•t may be llf'1>n . tlrt>-lcry w fll•· b<'tot • ckVf'lopn t<11l "' nur natural rf'--ml ia war of .elf·sweaervation for wltote peo· · pl-. It iaD't, anJ more. a question of ideolo1ia in coaflicL One.half of the wOI'ld haa let out implacably ID attaek aDd deatroi the olha half. One aide muat ~~ bJ datroJ~nl !he otha. , E1ther San fo'rancJS<'u and Lo!' :\nJ,!(•If>:o: anti ~.·w York wi11 bt> blitzed an'1 :'ma:-:h .. tl -tiT Tokio :uu1 Yokohama and Bt>rlin mu~ bt> bJitz••tl and ~ma~lwtl. Either the Jap and t;erman anti Ital ia n armt·d furrt>:-: must be annihilated anc l the fiJ,:htin)! :-pirit nf t heir peopl~ brukE'n by friJ[htful hlnw:> -ur t lw arnw1l forces of En~land anrl A m<'ril'a aml l:u·"i:1 mu:o:t lw annihilated a net thP fi)!ht in I!' :-:pit·it •1f t ht'ir pt>npl<•:-: broken by frightful hlc1w:o:. Tho:'(' at't' tht• nu ly :tltt:'l'· Dativt-s, a.~ 'Ma<"Arthur dt•arl y ~··;-;. . The. Japannechief of staff has publicly promt.ed •i• nation that he will dictate the ~ace to a pro•· tnte American people from the White Houae. Then America can only re1olve that an American general- and who more auitable than Gen~ral MAc Arthur? --ahall dictate Che peace to a proatrate .Japaneae people from their Emperor • palace. "Th('re can lit• tw t'lontpr·omi~t·." ... ti.l )1:H'· Arthur. "We :o~hl-411 win. 1•r wt· :-h all di, .... DOES \VASIIJ~(;To:'\ ni<: .. \I.I.Y t\ '\o"· THE TEMPER Ot' THE PEOPLE·: ---------~---, Ill lit• rrt.oll hll.t "''In 11 .. 1 t• '' • ·, '"ta Alt•JUl, It \\ I'Jil U~t ,., I t '' •ttnlq •· the· rt•tHU1nd"' ••I \h~· •lrl\•· •·· tt~· • ·u~ •. , ~''"'1··~ 11• I• h ·•11•1 t h.rt Vo'!'l.l ~\.~a r •• .,, n~t n1•~r•' t:, nuh" \\ lt 1 ,,, I'·" I I• ul.ol 1•1• "I• lh> l'l 1 1• o · • •·U.n.urut' ,, h.t.. t ,1),• .. II• •. , ••••• ,,,, 11 I .. • \ .-.... • • •J:t .I "J h:,1 • P'• \\ . ' I " lh• •II i' • L • u.t. I 'rt •o • • • f If, t • I t' t ~. t. I 't •• t' '• .. ft••\\ fl .. l flt I t t I ldJIC • t; ot( r., .• lh•·· ,._, ,• '•· ,, , ... I····· I I I '"L t \tt~l .tO If L ---.~ -- Thll 'n Th,!t (-.u&.:-rulul:.lh•n• , .. thf"' ~ Ai'f'-·ottni M,.,. lt:trrr rt .. hin~"" A " u pu•l nO•· • "Uid .. ,,. th••\ l·•·•l•.tll \ \\oil ....... ho• 'itt• lh t · • 'II 11\h ... t uf ''" tln., 1 "'1ltt II·\ u , 1111 f 1 111• J•ll .. lr~-• htH l• 1 t•l!"~ , ... , .... ' 1 .p d th,nk · IH• II tPL' \ ·•lf'L' l.t !\ \\I h I • I ·• • 1 111 I' 'tl• ''" lh t • f11 l \ I,,,, t-, .. ,,1, 't ·tl h n ~, •. , k .. ~~. ~ .1 ,,,,, H .t f f ... It I u I It\ til~·~~· .. I • lt ,,,,,, •• ,t :-;,, ,, ~·.,. ·~···" f • "41, n.,_ h• f '· '~h \11 \'•\• ' ._ r r.t.U HI,_: t "u·,t,••u ,,, f , ek• f .tB• I!--I,, ... I• 1 (t I '', It \\ . ..: t,, t t:• . n t r 1 h· ", , " ' .~ IIOUrl _. •. Ane" dt.cuulnlf the j:tt>ol"l!" :11 ftature• 11nd hutt "I')' uf t h" "'"· C'eNeA lnvolvi"J. lhr nu\hur lt(IV<'l' a \ 1v1tl dt'So n ptl•·n 11f "'hal may hf' rotrn b\' t h" l ru\'l'lo•o ,,, h • motor11 ~v~r t ht' lnnl! h1gh~ .I~"Jo I· f'Vf'ry lli'N'S!otblt' <Inti !lltnh' ,ollll• !lo lnl<'(f'!llllhlr r•·g" ns ~; '/ • A • -T t' y ' ... ~ . .. \ IJ, • , ' • · I t , • · r· 1 ••• CONTROLLED GAS COOKING helps .. .-. you serve· better meals at lower cost I YISI 1HI AVI.AGI fAMILY can gc:t rlcnt~· of \ iumins from food :~lnnt'. But it'~ 311 too c:uy t o drurny thne essential fouJ c:lcm&:nt\ in cooking. Ttur is .. ·h~· it's amrnru nr 10 kno• ahout conu:ollcd 1!3' cnol.cr~·­ coHtl'dllttl for \ i 1.1 min l'CIIn· omy. :tnd fuc:l ccont''lm~ J uu folio•· thc\c simrll' rull'~: '· IOAIUM. AMI IAatN•- mt'ats cutt' ht'nt'r ancJ throni<JIIC' ia r..d\iCW • uh, '"" ttf31r«n· ftltr coolunjl.~hat unc•rr,maii_J otm~r<oi't "'"art' morr tt~tdu and huhhful. R<'mC'm· ~r. roo-,ou IA"t morr •iht· •i~tt .,, brol,lona abaa br fryiaa. A.d hrr it whtrw , ... ,.,., it 1M icleehiaaaie·•na:with,... . ' . r r<-·h· Jlo n,l! rb: hrt~~ler 0~ not,.,. WIIIIJI.1 "" n111 nnl~· ••'f'' tinw. tour ulh n hrlr• mcJH tn reratn m11~<' 'll•'~llrY·fiH,·,I lu1n·•· The. ,nld ~r,f.\or~ n\•ttWN·Coo~ the unlfn,.iilt· 111 t h• mru cJuring the !•rt~~lonj: rtCJU'"· 2. COOKING YIGUAilU: r.-. mcmi'< c th<·l~~'.., ••n.llwm'hre , \tt.lmtr. .. \\ h .. n •Jrt•r '' '~'""' to•l . "'"')! it 111 • hrul ht lnrr u•on~ 1 ho n < m;or tht utdi"l to lo..<4j>...U ....... an.! '""' -m .. ~' ft•mt to "m"" r h··•t.l uol< ftu thC' •h•!rle•l r u"ohh tom~-dun't i llr .. n~ mt,tr thttn nt"c:t·,,~,., - anJ clnn 1 a<l<l l-~l.•n11 toJ~ f1· n•lh. ma~ .. ,.,,~-M~"r' "' cr .. •m U\iCH C'UI nf thl' ~on.fillt'd U CHS jUl(C't-don I e2ur lht'm IJo.ln iht' draon. ' -• ~ '· IMPOifANf, fOO -fonth •lH•U !ol lw H 'rl t•.l ~non 1ftrr ti'"~''1JI <.,., ... rl< na~ of l!ft't'n '··~· uhl•·• "-• 1 I' It""'' a• (r~•h a' r'"''"'''·"'"" ''ll""d~btc ;aur.~m tfh h. ln,.:t rJt1u n . •• ANO SUCH ICONOMYt Coif· '''·· , • .' J.:.l .. 'n ul.. •n,.: nuoan\ th't "'" I. noll onh u,t{, ht·ttrr and art nocorr ht ~tthlul -thty ,t•'' /c • I~ • oJ , Fur ~ t•U lllC /rtl pt -""''on !111 "" r ·~· lu•mt it ec· nn lh" Cl\\l<'t>rt1} a aturil a) mu(h Ill t•" 1.. t1 oth f •' -~·. ~ .,;'"' ro.rnoun liAS ) COOKING J.: -· . .. I' NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMEs. Nf'WIIOI1 a.dl. C'alltomia. ---------------·'" __ ...:.·----'MIt 'RSDA Y. APRIL !;'1~1:.!. NEWS 1 w~-:!.~:0 c:~':t. for ha.u-Atcent On U nderprivilegecl \'out h 10'1111& peopl•. of the CHURCHES r COITA MEIA COMMUNITY CHUftCH Car~, 8 . JohntOfl, Mlnllter 1111 Hubor Blvd., Ph. 311-J Ctlureb S·'tr•l()t t:4~ L , m. Morniog "'urahlp 11 00 L m. Yp;ulh Crotq•a 6 :30 p m HJ(b Sehoul Young Adult .. Eveneog S('n·tce 7:30 p m. M td·\\'ftk 1-ollowalup of Pray"r BED·DY, ABEL . . and WILLIE POTTED ·P L ~ITS -----8T. lAMES EPISCOPAL 8<-n·i<"l'S \\'til tw• h. ht at Ebell rlubhOIJS(', 5 15 w~·~· c~·ntral 8\'t'• OU<' Cun:h school at !.30 a. m Mumtng M•J"\'H'<' at 11 n'rh~e·k \\\-dn-wy o•n•mn~: i :\0 p. m . I <'I t•·n sen•tc(' a nd addn·~s. Rt:\·. \\'. I . H.\TTt:R. \'I('AR IMI ~ illuulf'Vanl Balboa, ('allforala IEVE: ... TH DAY ADVENTIITI tk\·eolb lJay Ad\•enttat Chur ct. of Chrut romn ot · W a lout IUid Church'· Sb. COIIla .Mt'~l\ ~"tl.rlllly ruor:;lng. Sabtoatb ~··hoot t :so L m. , . J>r..achlng Senrce. 11 a. m . CIUA LADY of .-.1uUNT ~AhMEI. CHURCH Newport Ce;ac;h Sund•y Milll 8 ;and 10 ;a. m . St. John V•ilnny Church 314 Mvinc Ave.. Billboa laland S4.Jnd;ay Milll 8:30 il. m. FlftST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 112 Eut Central Aveou~ Newport ~~·,:·h branc~ot 'De ~otber C!nm:b. are Gifts of Beauty and Cheer for t T I .J. CiUl'll't:L ('lll'R('II '!'!nd A r..ttrn. ( ""ta ~f"'A , I-;\ llL;••h•llf' !'c I\ lf'o• I \'r·r~ Oll;hl I i :lll I' :0.1 "'1'•'1'' Slttunla~.) ..J'""'Irtt'l•'<l ~~~ It• \ a111l ~lro.. I !o•n•c he • \\:II at .... , lw• hr•11• n•'" Sun I Sunrl:r~ 01111 nln.: H.-"" ,,.. C ( '.wuo·. PI"'"'· Will prr·arh Sr·~ mon ··r.nlt~l(·d tn lh<' Srrv1n•, -· · ~lNG G()IS\ I~IRlt--' . Se\l ()ut. aad , Or._. Are. Liquidat~• Get ()yt Q\llck \ " . srf"t.·<\ t.h<' · t re ha.c:. • \ 16 yea~ t.hts !'o ~~ • \~. de\wn< • For over . . \nity \\'tt.h ~V d • rt.i.~d \ { th~ VlC · \\\' a -.<' veop c o dille-nauona : \and· t'rchan utattOn-a able "' · \d-wide rep . .·u ti,.)(ln ~oods uf wo~ d vll\ue W~lch .~' '· of serv'ce an mar" . he past n tslor)'. . luY' lt's ttle gpa' to n;, due .. the f~· of r\sin~ !..-ny it.eiDA O~G~ m ,11~· ~ .~ .... 1 emerteDCY • ·ked at c\Qie· to n&wOa-~ be ' -• wi\\ n~t and :,;'y ~\ection advised· out pnces-. cllaia Star• rric•~ HopeleSsly ....... Gym 81UaTW • IHoaTI IIODDIU Jlq..~ DOW .. Jl.ec. tt.OO,"'now .. -A.LL Infanta' Wear ... .... ..__ CLOUt OUT HISS SHOES .... -.......... , ...... . _......_ 13.95 ...... ·-- SHOES 12.49 -.. HUARACHES SJ:SO CI.OIIIt OVT · lEACH SHOES SJ.OO acKJDOfll SLIPPERS ..... -.... ,., ., ............. ~, ::.;-.~ •. SJ.95 . . . ..,., •• A."fD GIIUJ6' LeaiLer SHOES ~~a~•sl.49 WOIUN'IJ ARCH SUPPORT · s a-o-E-s - ---------:------ Jiigh Studt'nt~ S.AJ.(~ f!rads ·STAT•; GUARD fHA'I*I'ER -'····•·hn.: •·· rlrrt-. ..•• r c·-.n, paJ\• ' 1-· ""'' t; t•:..; ,: ••uk• ,,, l hl' llt tl••t "'''"" lllllb hrw .. rr• • • II' h '"'t'l1 olo•ltll'! ... l I" tl'lr "' ...... ••t !hi' '"'''''~'~'".: .. 'hllll ( 'ctlll pJUl\ •: '" thf" ''r""'"'' f,,,... •. ,. ''''I' .f. It I H !\to \oi:HIIIl I\ A\ I II' II I" o• lt,t\'lf'o'lhl 1' l .. ·altlook. J'1a11l !; 111.11no• \\ '"'"' 1. l.llll1tf,.r.t l•un 111.1 \\' ~l .. rt .. ,.,l • ;, ••.:•· 1 "''''"'''""'''•· "'!•I 1-:u.:•"'"' F llr· l.h' ' • , .. " .. ,~.._. "''''''r .tutv •·Uh •' I 1\ "• 11.1\ \ fr.•ttl 4-'c•Jt\iCOUl\' to' <II • S~o t • ·•• ... \ t '•' k••• I •nl•· ... t+l('tfl•• f '\t'ft•ft .. ~ \\ t•i, h 1\,t f \ t it f' '"'•''"'•'II tel, hAt1t ~·•'1 :ul tllt.t :tlht \f tllf h •• ... ~1.UI'• \ \ t ,. I •' t•ttt UUU t:t,UU1\lMHtnf'4t •ff•••fl' IIU't'l tll~ f'h)'( t. t.t I • \ 1• t t \ t • •HII Hllttltn.: tt(fh .. , ut I '• llof••lll\ 1-' '>I rt·-•1 tho• 11•'1"1 "' , ,.•,\,tHh• ~4 ·, • "' e•flh...C rn , 1 t -. '" '1 1 :0 ' I 'ttl•l .,lhll")' ..... \\I It •:: ' ·'" \4 •••• ••••• lht• ,., I u. t \o\t' 'Aifl ...... .," ..... •·· ...... "''' •• r u tha ht '"'''' ••f thr I I •• ~ o tftt,... •••h f.. \\ fl ...... • , Itt f ,, • tt-. ft\41 l hnt " .. '"",.' . u •'""'""•••" r. r ar••"'"'"ru rroaa 1 h• I · " '""'''''''"" In JI&IM' ... , .... , '"' ,., •tt.*nu .,.. u."'"''··· \j,.•r .. " ,,,,,,; ., ~ttnlst Ara .• h.-1 ,, "' 1 ... 1., "'"" I l •rH'hl>-· 11 Jo,.n Ol<'lt•r-. \\ rllo.trto I''' kr·)' ..J.U b II llnw ... , ·'"' .. '"""~ .,., 11nt. \¥crll•. lrlywa ~IIIII•·• I,, .. ,.... t.l l)'a.dl, A II c. h••···· ,,, ...... ,., ''·'1'-tl ..... , .... . \\ tnl•·t l• ·u~ol , t 1.11,... ~lr,llny. " ....... ~ t:a .. t .. r ... ....,.;. rnr the ......... funll) ••-.Ita ~ ou Matunla) IUid Maday at .II~ ~ .... Jlo, •• lith .... tiFJoncr ,.,,. ... ,,. ~.~ t 'haug•• lu l 'rwe•s '. 90t I • •·h !.til '' -:- 1\ d 1d a.. np• lt_,n tt Sotl.ul. ntnltlo'll It 1111 '1 t ·'"' ,., ,,.ttl ···t· It"'"" t -.: r u •· •: s !.)(' ~).· ;~"· 'lilt· 7!\o• ...."' 1~·· (..'\(• 7tlo· fl"tc• ~ ..... frelr· :lOr· ~.~~. ALL 1MZ PAniRNS ·---9c ,_.....,..,...,.. ...... , ••. 11 95 .......................... I -.. aMi P/UAIIAJI -.. • a=rw ......... ROIINal .... ........ _.. ........ '" __ .. ............... ICA&n ---·.......111 .............. rt~- lEDin'S ...... " ........ DIISS PANTS 11.98 . o..... . •t• .•. c.~.., .......... ~. • = ~-:.-::--.... .... •• .. .... 13.95 .., .. SPOIT COATS -------;-......... ,, ................. ; ............................ 95 .. --.....n.ou 0(11' .., • Close o.t y ..... .. :' .. at r1.. ..... .... .ue ao.t ... ,.. ...._ n-. Jut' -~-... ....., ..... ....,..,., ,..... ~ ......... 011ftNO, , ... .... ,_ ..... ,.,.. ......... MONKI C."LLftt.,.. & AWNINO ....... ,_. ... Gl IITAJN ._.._ ,.,. 1111 _. ltA 1"r..: 'I. FU. 11c 11c Jlc 51c 29c 12c 11c AIIWt• .. •JAftUir ... "'GAJft'8a" lATHING SUITS ._ .. " .... SHORTS :.~~ .-:,~~11.29 • ILOUSES ·\--~··-11.49 ..... liM. NOW 51.95 $~.!J;"; J.a.'(lex Suits .... ·-·· ~1.9!; l ... WA?x Suit.ll sus ... . t2.9S 'Henclan' SHIRTS ".fant1.•·n'' ll 't!l "f ;,tnlh•·r" $3.95 $2.95 •• = f .. ll4r.a'e :-iwim Suitx • lOllY SOX . ' 19c L.j1~~~~-. I :(.ra~.tlae• ... .__....., 69f' ~ ... , ... \ ...• .... tl tt. 'lew XJ.I9 SUN SUITS ..... IZU, 'lOW ~-••K. :WflW ... ....... NOW SJ.,S SJ.4$ 12.95 · c.... sox ' ....... • • .... ,1 .• llalrh pent.; ..,..,.. .tltria. l"f'lr\.llar p • ... , ... ,.,. $2.49 ·- EASTE ·R • Sf-ad your. Kl'f'f'tinlt" rc.&ctrfull~ -r~t - 1~·-in a fimnrpof, h&-.kf'f, hfn ·or Nlr'UCf'· \\bf'fhf'r \'ou'n a llttlf' nr lot tn "P"ftd, "·~'11 nwo.-1' ~·our hud~tf'l "ilh ~tlnriou'l, liard~ hloorm "·hlf'h "·Ill kHp .,.~ ln~t "llappy ~ ....... IIXLEI•s FLOWER SHOP f £!_ -. ~-S~A:;N· *Coast Boulevard ..-A BEAC~CALtr.-------------'1 -wM Nttwport ~~vard e-ta..._ CallrONia Phow 4S.'-R ,. .. ·' . - p._, Four Thirty tires Approved. Largest In Any Week Yet By Rationing ~ani FreJa Daily Detidclla s. r_. Or. J'F'Ie II 's I .... ,.. ....... catdl ,.. .... HORMEN ·( FISH MARKET • N£Wf'ORT BAUiOA~1'Dtla, Ncapaat· Beech. Califon-. THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1942. De, AR1Ua 1"1--old N-110rt 'l'1aeatn Ald'4111c,, l\i;a~ ~liiiiB :-;t>wpcwt Is llillll Lee RDpn of tbe a...... For W 0111en cal w.artare 0o11.... ~. H haa bHn ~red to clellftr tk Sthedaled ere l~rturH She ..W ..-,11 a __, __ _ Jib-• of rlvilian clef-wtalell 'ntr W-Dl!f...,. ~or--IAf>!N'n llhouhf know. 'nle ...... r tliolt bu -~u~ ledurH ,.,II • ~tplam m•t.bod8 ol al..-rct- J'lllllD · ill th tamU durtq pa attadl Mayor Gordon's Civic Resume t t .. ~ ~ ~ .... f•-r Ow •••>nN'ft '"' thnoo Oranll''" fC .. Y d , ___ _: Tbla 1t'eek c:oo~rna atepe taken I hoapitallze wounded. (' lUI-s t bt" b""J at at r bo.mt>ln~~:• an --T 8 p (:..iulty r-..t " 0 a.. \ for ctvtllao ct.fen~~e tn thla c:tty.. . ro:vlde fOOd and ahl!'lter tor :o-; • .._.,..rt •tart.or ~Y and borr. I lh<tl.' made homele ... W~)· Apnl 7 a.a.J 9. m th.. Jt .._ Important t h at wamea '"TI:e civilian dt!feiUII! JTOUp, . __ _ kn .. .-• h •1W to art u'bder ~aeb under whlcb ,re Chler Frank "The latut •tl!'p which hill! been ' ... h. ta n •m,.r•ftldl"ll. 11inre th;.v are quite Crockrr Ia c!C>-O...,nator of the dtf· tak .. n for our prott>ction' Ia in. t .m tJMo Katay ,.. ,,_, n• ,.. 1 "' • • ·r--1 '' ~ Ann(J).. t!\ · i aJl( tfl ~ homl!' lllnnt', or w1th fH:t'nt div'--Jona and H . L. Shu-•tallatlon or four new ~~,. warning J._, 1 Dutr~ F~ r;:"ll:',.. thdr ctlildl"f'n for many hourw o1 man Ia Chief Al.r Raid Warden. I B!tcn&ill.r One is at thl" l''"'' ur f am.-''"'Ill\. two ...... ta. f t .. ".""' flay azul th.-r.-rr>rt' t.be adWl1 provi~a. throup prorwr organl.l The Arr~a Intersection; one Ia at •'tuc·b lila-mrt a .. mt r a " · · ... .,,t t h th S ·'th ..._ _ _. Co 1• -... 1~ Uw rr ha.w ,., "P''" wtom rfllp<>nlluut Y Ill u • 7.&tion and team-work. for ~e e o u .... v..... . : another at nt1fkaJ ~ thl ::.rk "" f r.l-btl In cur of -~ attack. It wu prot.ecUo~ of civilian population I HJghwu; 101, and Marguerite S.t .. ttrn •~ • ~tat,.t1 · and defeiUII! tnduatrll!'l, to: 10 C.'o.runa t.ll.'l Mar. and thE' fourth ,.,,..... "'rtf> !H"t urea «'n1 N pr •ted · 1 at the &ut N ewport Garage. r'Ky Ol"lf~:irn -m;,,,. 1,., • .MI•a P.s1gt>ra at 10·30 L m. Uld 1. Control the movementa of ".~bvut 300 citlzena thua far r ... Jlf • 4 lrutlll tuhN. • trul k tlrH; Ill 2 P m. un both daya ~ aeat thr population during air raJda. haw !'il{lled up for the vital work ("'ty of M-port Bnrh Phlu.. •·ftk. N-.w>rt lfarbor wu Meet-2. Direct tiM publlc: and inatruct of protecting thla city in cue of 1 1 ""11' 6 Pu& tut.o.· ,..1 bfoot'aUIO" ·~ ..... .-.·ntraJ locatlao tbem Ill laldog cover. eml'rgency. \\'e nt>et.l at ll!'aat 600 ("'Hy ol M_,.,.-t Bn.fb F 1 r e ant1 •·omrn or bflth LAcuna S.Ch 3. Promptly np&tr broke n who s t.ould voluntl.'er through our [»pt .• % t.rudl tulltee; 4 a.cd Huntincton Bt'acb u well u malna, power ud gu linea. local aervtce office at the policl' P..dward Hard. e-ta Urn • th• Harbt1r IU\"a han .,._ bt· t . Re-opea me.t.a and reatore atatioo. Thill ia " patriotic lluty ra-tlfta; ,.,,,d. 1t ...-u announred. communtcatioaa. nnll t'esponalbillty. M o re volun- 1 DO YOU II.OW·? That we Have become oareless rather than thought.lessJy ctiminaJ in the expenditure of public, funds'! For example:- Oct~r· 6. 1941 ttie City Council passed the following motion granting "leave of absence while attending the conventions I pluraJI re- specting their partk ular departments and there be oppropriaU>d for each person at- tending said conn•ntions the sum of $10.00 . pet· !Ia~ (or f<tt'\' and l!\"ing expenses." The League of Municipalities convened at Sacramento Cktober 13th to 16th inclusive ·and nine men attended the· convention with this result: •L----....,..1-JI-_:-.,.e•a•n~M ••--. "-Aua: riiM • .,. {"'Hy ol N~ Rr-ach f>•,llu ~-Extlncul8b tncendlartea be· ~ra are needed tirgeolly. JOli'J l,.,.t · t Pu& u,_: . . ton the7 Mart conftaCratJona TODAY! I ~~=Un-~·h ~,.. Don't 0~~y ~ fJ. ~~ trar;ped _ln ••Mr. Sherman, our cbll!'f alr1 ~ -.. ....-t 1 U)"ll at Sit ... Ndt. --.fl ..... 8 ,_ ~~prnt I day• at f~t . .., Nt'h llt.tl ·, . l Dr. ftallp·O. HaJl 2 J>a.a Tlr... dfomo---. raid warden, hu laaul!'d the fol- 2 1..._ April 14th. 7. Render prompt tint aJd Uld lowtJlg lnatru.cUon•: 1 .. .. lF IOU '~CILtEJ THERE-. GO TO CHURCH .IEIT SUI DAY.! .. . '"Mle Office of Civilian rilfl!'nae requires that alJ membera of the CI\·IJ•an Df-fenae · Cnrpa who wear t the otncl&l arm ba.nda l}lust t:\ke l <'el'tnln training. T h I,; tralnlng j \:&riea' aomewllat with the dtffe.r- ent lll'rvlc .. tfut ALL muat take·t tiv" houra.t-o t general ~ aubjecta., Pn-at>ntatfon of general aubjecta starts Wedneaday evenjn~. April 8, at 7 p. m . Jn the Newport ~ Theater. j '·The fl'I!'Df'ral aubjt'<'lll courw bear11 no rel!ltron to any of the I i other aubjec ... In thl!' training N'-,1 quirell ~f evf'ry member or the l Civilian Deten~~e Corpe or any proepectlvt> m e m be r • . and all I should att.nd'. rl!'gartlleaa of what t1tralning be hu had to date. Gen-1 l!'raJ aubjec... may be taken • firat I and other c:our~~ea later. "1'be aubjecta for April 8 are 'Ortranlzallon of Civilian Deftonlll•.': ·Aerial Attack', and 'Exploi!Ji:E" Bomba'. "Pollee Officer Jack SummE"n. head of t t:e local mu aengl!'r aer· I maa ~~P"tt ~ daye at tlt.tl Jt ... TOTAL. ..... Tht> n>rords show that the 850.00 man start- ed his vac«tion period October 15th and one of the S60 men was back in Newport Beach October 16th. Had each individUftl StJbmitted an itemized account of his expenditur'l'S as l't'QUirt"d by law the discrepencies would not have oc- curred. Many like instances have OCCUlTEd. Charged against the advertising fund iQ the amount of S550 is Demand and Warrant No: 1224. issued to one member who PA!'- sumably distributed the money as shown. WAS THIS 8081 · BUSINESS? LEW H. WALLACE \This is the St'<'ond in a wries or adn•rllst-mt'nl!', Prest'nting Facts for Your Jnronnation. 1 viet'. hu aakl!'d a large number Q( L--------------------------..1 youthful \'Oiunteer rr.embera for 1 UMt orpnlzatlon. Mr. Summers ,. __ ' , yo our Eukr ,.,_ ..... A,..J. I wW be added a lWY apede' prayf'r for Amf'ltal-a ...... ot ..r. Ia uaJiorm. F• a..e at U:lelr puraiA'. ~ Ia tile ~ of thf'ir faith-for .._ fU' from hnmr, in Rylnf; ....... • ammu- nition-spoutlnf; ~ ... • a.t: U..rwlclo. around tile world! May \"it·tury quic-kly be ...... ud may thf'y 'i4lOD ~tum .. -.Joy to the full that dfomocratle way ol lfe for whic-h. thr~· fi~ht! rw tllelr a.kM --and fur our "".. I' llaal teca.r· ity, .... ll.'l all J:d .. a..rdl tlall t;u~r· E\'crr Leader in ·~n Amen~·a ur~cs'that. if you possibly can.~­ you {!o to Church this Easter Sunday! The News-Times joins in that pl~a . · It makes no d1 ffercncl· where or to what Church you ~o jus~ GO and add your pr.1ycr to that 0f millions of athers '"That peace nn earth. ~oodwill toward __ mer{" _rna~·_ r:etum \\:ith Monor to ..this. Earth. NEWS-~ BUILDING haa a11keU that at lt>ast 20 boys I I over thl!' a g l' of 14 who are 1 1 patrtl"tl<' Americans anti who an· wlllinf to St'rve th•·lr cnu.ntry re-! ,art ~ ~ht' ~ tnl!'nran U~on "ffilf any Thursday evtning tnr train-~ IDjr. "\-\'p u rjl:t' that l'a•·h rt"siJt>nt of 1 our city Immediately take s tock of 1 1 wh.&t lw 111 ol<•ing fnr the welfare of hill Nountrv. anti to volomteer • fur whatt>ver ·duty he bt'at ft'l!'lll 1 ran aJd t.ur ddenlll!' actlvltll!'a." luseReelaimed ~ubber For Tires Says Executive "\\'It h ju~l I~' II flt'JnC'I'S" Of nf'W •·na<J:· nthlwr J'f't' I i n•, plu~ lht• t'PI'I:11nwd rtthh"' nnw 11h11ila hl•· \\'p l'lltJld ro'•trrafl lhl' tirt'!l or ,.,.,., ~· pa~,.r·ncr•r ~.:a r in tlw l'nit•od ~l:tff•\0'11 TI11• 'fl''l'fill'tll:tr ~~,..~,·rt iPn wa:< • n ·' I•• ltv .J. \\'. Whllo'h••rtrl. flt'rlli- do nt .,( t h•• Nmw:aik T in' Com- flilll.\'. whn rroo·,•nt I~ :lJlJk•an'l"! IH•· forr a U. S. SC'nate rommiti<'C to Cl\"•• IP•IIm••n~ 1111 I hI' ruhlw r '-i luatir>n. Wh111•hf'lld 1~ in SnUih· • I'm California to f'~tnf••r with E url B. 1 ;limon•. whm>f' nil finn dis· trihttrro .. ;o.;mw;alk lir•·". ariel IQ a r· t'lln!!" for turn_iru:_m•.cr pan~·, "'"''k of 1 in·,. tn ttw Gov· o•rnmr·nt. O.•l'lnring 1 h a t 1 hr so-callro '"nth! .. ••· t'OnJ<o·n·:~ t rnn pnogrnm" :~ctu;a)J,· lht't'tll•·n>< to hoom<'ran.: rrnrl c:t;b•' :lf'Jihllint.: '"'~"'· \\'hit••· ht>ad 1 11ltl nt•w,.mo•n. II·· ••xplninC'd 1 hnt "lwn nn.• I r n · 1 ... rlnvo•n un· til it '" h••)ond r•..-i:tlmrng< ttnti mu .t IJ•• thr·r•·.,n ,1\\:~). •·nnu~h r·uhh•·t '' wa~lt•d to r..t rpacl 50 tirf''~ II•• tl••rlltn'ii th;al ~llh :.o.oon ton" of "''"" .crudt· nal1lw r a l'f'· I at ivl'l•. rn,:i):!nlfk:m I amount from th<' nialilan· point of \"lc'W t.Yu" thr "' atia lllf' r••f'l;unh·rl mhl>f'•·. 1 hil' HtTn N•uhl rl'l n·lul :l.'i$10.000 I irt>~. I "\\"t>'ll lt>an• mor'l' C'Mttalt if'~< I on tho• hij!hWOI)~ tfl:t.[l t10 ~h(' bat· tl<'fil'lrt~ unlr~~ w,-till<•' 11!\II'J?.~,...\.9 rt•ln•:ul lhl• t in·~ of AmtnC'nn m oJ.oril'l"" _ .... \\'hat · l111• nn incliviclual ~nin· t•cl hy lu~inl! his own '-f'IJ·n•l';J1f'('t? ( lr "ha t ha!< ht• ft,,., whron. n•tain- ln):! hr~ t•wn. IIC' los ..... lilt' hnm:·tl:•' nf '''"''· nr th.• prl'l<'ntinu!' prai~c nf h~ J'fl{'f'it• -.. fnl~·· I•~ thpm~ci\'~'S liS tO olht>r<~ -.Mnry Bak('r Efldy. When Your Back Hurts- And Your Stnoqth and _ .Enul~J-.h Below .Par. It·.,., r:,.. .. u...t b1 dl..,rd•r ol kW- ftf'Y tun'"th1n that p.r'\'nltl po\aoeo\11 wut"' t<t lf'rumulat ... •·"' truly manr J)P\•J~l• (HI h rf'd. •• ak •nd m'-,..hlt Whf'n t h4" kkth"YI falJ to ,_lftOYI ··~ ar1d_, and oUter •aat• aatt., trona tiNt "bl<'<'<l. \' ou .,_, ""ll•r urrtar bll<katl!., rbftufftat fe patnt, h•adartt ... d1u 1n ... r tttnl up niahu. t., r••n•. ···''!"~'"· ~fiM'ttm ... rrt-~ru,.nt an I'C"a"tT anna· 'lntt •h h t mart tnc and ~ornlnr t1 aft· «"tbrr 111n •hat tf'mftthanr ae wrcnr W1tb abT~!~;~~u~d ~:~~J~ubt thai wr .than P·rotect eyes at home with -. go~-~ lighting Good lighting is an important aid in doi~g any job well Without it, eyestrain and fatigue are lilCe- ly to. result. Your family's eyes should be protected ·with light that makes seeing ''--- easy and protects precious sight. Have lors of pro~rly shaded light, at .rvcr.y pb.ce in your home where night activities involve close see· ing. Si-ghr-saving light costs $0 lirtlc 1m.l mcjns so much. . SOUUEU CAllfORII)A UISIII CIMPUY Ul. HARDWARE J. H. ESTUS PLt Phones: 12 and .l3 ~11 West ~ntral Aveaue RASOU . e REFIUGE&.\T0118 e WUIIEJIS DISB\\'UIII:U e RADIOS '. ---· .. -~-~---,·-' -·~-.:..;...---~-,--------~---------,--'(~- "' . I Santa Ana nn.ma Harrison's To Group In Play.. .'Sene SJ)e(ial By Harbor Woman ~Suter Dinner \--- Sa.ota AD& ~Wllty ptaytra F.aslt•r Sundav •• unr of thus.• preemt a oo~~t play. "A Plague -daya wht'!l thr ·lady or t hr hou~r On SU&re.tlon by F.tbt-1 Burke llhoul•l nc\t havE-t o 11lave uvrr a Wbeat. at Tbr S.rn on llaybt'rry ...Jt•,ll'ht'n """'~" Jo'rf'd Httrro~>n. 01"'r. Stref't. SaDta Ana. tomorrow t'\'t'• nh>r -of Harru«•n'l'l n .nnt·r· HIIW!I'. ning. April 2. 1942 nt ti.OO p m 17th 11n•l Orant:t> Avt>. ~~;,11ta· !.JtWt. Ethel BurkE-Wht>at ill l ilt' J>t'n rt>mmda husbllnJs name ol M ra. George Wheat of lk•·aus,• Harro~<nn'!t "''' ~··rvtnf! Se111.-port ~act1 and Ulla play won a waflt' \'an..t~· uf 1tt•la. 11,,111 J an· recognition Jut fall by rt'c~lvmg nl'rs li:al!t••r Sun!lay ut t ht•ir rPIClJ· 11tate comedy awar<t; at tbc> Jo l'<lt·r· lar o·runumkal prll•Pll, thl' wholr atloo of W omen's; Cluba. fanHiy ··an t-nJuy an J.o:ttsto·r n•. Thr caat wilt oe t..lkt n by tht-1•al'll without stn•tdun~: thl' family Drama Sec:tlon of lht Ebell Club huJgo t Har nsurl's an• nolt•d fur of Santa Ana, tllrected by !olr11. the ncelltnt quaJrty or tht•lr Jm· L. L. &ema.o. of Santa Ana. nt'rll, whh'h ur.. plunnt><l '" pro- . Mnt. W ht>at Ia taking u ,her \'iJe tht' nt'l't'll!<llry balan•· .. of vital gunle for thla preeentatlon o( her vitarums play Mnt. Reuben Day of Co•ta -,.. -~~-. Mnt. ~uaan Ruthtrforti ot 8&100.. and M n . C. M. DealdD.I of Newport Beach. w . L. JordAn -Of ~th~raJ Cit y 1 wu a Yiat.or bere th1a week. Your Frieads an~ Mine l Ball·of )ire" Returns Youthful VacatiOners · Are Well Behaved M• 1'1 Ill t IIU C' & • hut llft I h .. oof FA•h'l. \\'o•t'k I,.: \ , ... , ll!O' f ho• ...a.o1, \ ••lJ hr!IM\'t•ti til\ U!ii tlw ,t,••· ertpt .... f 111 .. •• ""''"'' .. , ""uth. lUI I o.•lo•r \\ •·•·It --.llw•l•lfll . fr.IIQ .an} , ......... 11 •.. ( thr s.nalhi.Uiol ftU Hart top. '· .... •·n.t~ •I u I',, s. X•·" P••rt • h• _.,,:-1 \\ .~. k tt•, ··• ,t na: • I' hI H H ll••lt:kllh"ll A l1 •• r, )~·u ·n~ ,.., •• ,.It h.lt\t' bieU lll i\\1\J-: •IIU UI~ the• '-'••••k tiM! ' I •• I ... ~llll' "'·I .... '"'1:•' IL• tM 11• .. ,,, .. ,,.•tr•r t h r,•n.: """ th•• ~··· l; • ,, I ~.ill~... ..,...... " .... " .. 111ooll ''"'''' ·T ru·ah ht: t•r bo•IHII•I I hr 1 ,,, "'·I~ CHRIST CHURCH TO HOLD SPECIAL EASTER SERVICE t uu tt'llt·t ••f :u r ..... •· .,. , ,,, ,tan~ t.- 1" h· •• ••:fu •I' ,"'• h•r ,.,. ,,f Th~U*Jay Ull'ri1111J I lu•t f' '"'' r ·~···II Itt \'•'"'"~ "' '""'" ltM't'lllt'ol '''' "''''"~'lt•pu '""' ''"'''' .. rrr·ri.C.•~t •If l•·,.~tl•-,.:u·•• •:n.\Mtt'"' nurnt••• ••f \'''"''"'"'"" 1tf1 \olft'f fl\ tlt"'' t llfUIIIItlt•tt ft\ '''U •~ r 1thl ~ •• u u.: f"4'Pith• ''' t h ,, \•t\t•t b ••f lU II••III•-l••lt•l' ttt q l d lt ~, ... , •• , ••• , .. h.t-1 •••. ,.,..."'''" flit\ I rnlflt • 11Jat "'"• 111• t.. Tholl•.t•" tth •tfUHa-, ?ltl...,, fht• ''} .. '1111\.:_ ttt flu• ,._.,It,._ \ ,,, Ht tun t.:.·t 1, ... 1 1'"11• r /'111•1 t h II t l"t'llh 11\'0' \uu n .: l"'••t•l•• h~ol t .. •••U t•r• .. •-.:l•t t•• ttlt 1'-•lh •• ,.tuf•••U . fu r \'nrtutu• t•l)tU~~ fl ''' ttw f ••t ""'"'' t~~tttt•r• "'"'1 I h. 't 1'-f t·•Ut 1t II• •I tflt•tt '" t t .. lh' IUI•l ~"'I Uwnl 1\lapzine (~over By !"reston llunran P ( ~,.,.,.,.t 111t,., ""' tn tlw It " h-•1 1 \tll\11\Uillt \" , .. f lh , ••\-1 •I•• I "'J:" ul th,, A pt h I'I",.IU' :.r .. Th~ • Jttllr• ltnnu' ,I. •1,t '' d n \' •· 1 \ '"'·'Mul ltul '"'''' ••1 •••'••• ltt•t\ , t ;, hut •" "' • ,.,,,, plh•l·• I•\ l'r.·•t •'tt t t,uh ,.,, '••f llulh •• ,. I ,..la u.l ~~ t I IUJh .-n hn" ' •t•t•h" u t 1411• Au .:··•··,. ""' "''"''' .t ............ '"' hi .. .... h . l lllt' tit•\\ u lh '... '"k' \t •• Uthlt I K(t-.~.l lh \I t tu'HI l" .. ll• t•C .. ,., ... ~"'"'''''·" ~ \•'111111: •• .. ~· .-IJt•• 'IU t ~ toflt' ••I lu,_ I • 1'' ~~It&t' ........ BALBOA .Theatr.e ~-.. ~· Mra. Dolly HaDMn of 323 Sap- { phlrt, Bid boa bland hu u h .. r I Ill""'"' "'"rv1• "" II A• •· ,.,..,,, 1'1-'11 hoUM gut'llta for tht w~k. Mr. ..t 1'11 .. -;.,.,,., "' 1 "h•••1 '.,.,.., '• II·~~ • \ .-r "''"" ,.,., ... ,,. 1u t ... the- 'h~t•• · utll'l ''" 1 hr lllllt•h .. a tr•m , "' • um•.lt•t•··l b)· "''".,.nb ''"''"• th.. l"'"l t o·rm with llli<IIU<'Illltlll Jtc . t tc -J u nlo,.. a nd Meft ~" U n lfOf'm 2k TIE' and Mnr. Charles R. Stfowa.rt of • ~ Ole !W,. n w rr .,.,II 1..-a ,...,. t .. on" , '"''"'"''' tu a ""' v •··• ,,..r . ...,......... -4;... i :. "'-lay an .. rnuo•n l.,...aldl'nt Mre. to1"~'·• 1\fl.rtl \' aflt·r Rn a'-b<'e 01 ,...,., r•l l lu•trlll.ll I·• .11"" "' tUn ... ",.. In ,., at l(o· "'"' "''''"ll·•n• we,. • uruluotfi\J hv .. ,,.. 1-:IAif' N"wi.,.S •·• .; IU ho I lool h' l 'l .i&ht l'la · JM'II• ll&rkn•• .. · t.tra VltoiM Nrl *'" anti tot o ... Alh,. Han."" r ... 1~1 oo tho· • uunty Olr4'11D& uf t hr t•NWI•h•nt an. I t'o>rr.-•1~ of'I•IIIIJ "''' lt•Cur.y t•••l•t 14 t 1'1Ar .. ut••• ,.,.. • • t1hl1) Ffl ZOIE - North Gltodale. M r 11 • Hf.ll:lt'n,..!. ~ "' tllrliiiAiann rrulu.tan~o: n•n•r•· 'apeclaJ glleat.a fn~ 1\loch~n \ut 1 .,..__ ~ ...S h otl~o•rt mr"""l-='" .. ., ~ot:l\· ,., ,._ 'Saturday wue th .. -F..d Hanaena ~~ <-..,..r .. _.. &aktllc ....._for W. A!a-r,· et........ .... 1:.~-1 .. "rlday at i 30. p m. I · ·Ia -,,.... ._.no.-C'OftWIICiy nJM. 11&11 uf tlrP.w ('o-.&antllc..... -. . • r ill Mit< ,>f Ita.. ll11lhl• ~ "'"""I lt.t&lr ua liM"" '~t ... .. _...... ... IS 9o•bo •pend the w~)lf'nd on thtlr '"' ,,. "rll '"' I" • ,..., ""'' "'u" Cruilt'r "The :Sea 'GVJ>8Y IJ'.' I ('~r Ia Jo\'4'l)' ~ 8 laa.-•ycil la IIM'r -· clllfeft'tlt .......... da)' 81 I 'h ro•t I •h•ar• h 10 M•l•lll ••II Mrs H. B. Smit·h .. r11 n(. L 1 d o of a daacoor ll.all q-.-IIIIo ~ I"Pfuet' la a llilomP ,of .._... ........ to tl)e unlron """' ,..,. _,.., h •·• '" I l1le and her two <'hiltlrl'n, Sv•l· prof"" .. '"· ,... 1t6t·turt "'''""'" ~a)' &M ~oM&)' at 'l"'iM' ..... be be-Itt ••n thr ._,. '"'"'' At 11 :141 n .. y and Sandy have bl'en apl"nd. Ttw.ll"f''. L m H•' 1,'tuu 1-., ltllta•l ·"~'"'· ing the Wf't'k E-nttrtalnlnl{ F..dward 1 1ut f'J••''" "til "l"·a.k ... , · • :t•t tNtdt Ward and hla Rilltf'r Har-"B J So d " F c d T I ~ 1 ~' 11 ~:11'11 "'11 •~· ,., ... rlet fr11m Philadelphia. Mut er U ge un 8 or ome. y e8111 vtd.PO '" I h• C "'" ' 1 "' "~ I "roo Larry Mo11her o( Loa AngeiN . I ~"nil I lot I h•· • l• ,.. "' UJr ,..., · Jimmie Stl'mll rot Arcadia and 111011 "''" b•· l•v I h•· I''"'••• y ,,.. ..... Cha rlotte cBIIJiel Ellers· partno/'111 ... tho• I 'II • ' .... I ! Wr. &ad ~MI. R. H. Hill were ID U. II "• lrM II _,., . ., •' It•• I t: It Loa Aogelea Jut Frl.,_y for a 1 Ooocl• II 1 tll "I •k •• . 'ltrr·~:~ luy Del.ense Stamp• If,., . ~OUTHIIN PACIFIC· 11(111 8ff1CI NOW OPEN EVERY DAY and EVERY NIG.HT gaard. of Paaadena. f dah-.1• •I ,,,. \'• • .looh11 :0.: •·p·l • AI birthday day dinner honor~Att, thl'l~ • ~ Rf'rnalll" ~~~ .... ,. "Ill .... ,,,. aon. Howard. wbo IIYea In L. A . I U.. • h•rr h '"'"'*' u11artrt 1--------------' Alao down for tn~a wH~ ~ '•r•-•••••••••••••lllliil••••llliil•li••• .. '1M E. L. Brumley& of Loa An~f'lt'a J Jl • • MEET -YOUR FRIENDS HERE • THE FUI z·ortE Balboa, Calif. I at their B&lboa Jlland bome at 901 North Bay Froet. 1 I M r . aad Mnt. Roderi<'k Burn· 1 ham. ot U do late art expected back about April 16th aner •v·j , tnl w~tb apent In Palm Sprtnca. Mra J. R McClur~. a mf'mber Of tht W .S.C.S. of Balboa laland Ia at St. J~pb'l Ha.pltal f'f'. covE-ring f rom an emef1rtocy ap- 1 pl"ndectomy. Mnt. Mc-Clure la aUIII I \ltry Ill but Ia noport~ u In:· 1 prond and ma y a o on have vlaltora I J1ldt Boyd,-~ -of_ .Jolr • I anJ Mra. R. L. Boyd, or Corona l ll .. l Mar. who recently unrt..rw~nt a major opentlon 1.11 now well f'f'· <'Upl"rattd and ·will «'l ume hla I atudin at the hlgb achool after the Jo:uttr holldaya. • Word haa been received from Mr. and Mnt. Mark, . .tlealy from Ooi'J'U CbrlaU. Tuu. wbere they have been vtaftkt« with their eon I Vllacmt that 0\ey ~pect to atov "'ajJ-...,ry ! o'·er In Phoenix and Tunon bl'fof't' ~... c-urrPnUy rf'tumlng to thf'ir Balboa Jaland I Saturday ... Marjerifo Maj11 111 a ~ '""" -on.. ...... , ..tto•1•1' a t Tile Udo t'lwet,., T1wo n1 .. r......,.. 1 home thr latter part 'of t h i s · wt'tk. Vmcent 1.11 in tramlng rn -- • ('nrpus Christi. N rt H 00 U S 0 G flr' and MNI. Howard D. Baker1 ewpo ar r • • • roup will hav~ u their hoorw 1(111'11lA thll! Wt'Ck f'nd DT. and M r" WI!· I To Plan ·Future Proaram Here J!am Wagner of Naplea. For lhe h . h11lhlaya th .. y have been ent~r-i tarnlng Ua.rbera Tyr~ll and Joan Flrlurt' prn~m ••f th•• :Srwpurt Hrnth n "'"'' h .1 1 r 'lr\'aJ io11110 I Mnnlf'lbooll and their Sfoa Scout Haroor US 0 . prr>~n"am .-.111 .,.. WNilr•n J :l\' J.,hn ~: Sa~tt .. rr J ,,.111 Rkha rol Jont'R on their <'ruaaer. pl:rrlll•·J at A n.1·•·trn.: <'ll llr••l '"' A ~"''-'''' 1-:nrl !"t.rnl,.>• t.t 1 ,. ~============~:.·:·Th:<':..D~ream:::: .. ~· ~-~------• I' A l'ahn<-r .. d111 1rrn1U1 uf t·uct l':tu! ~tanlo \ JIJtrt, A .. :,.rrattl , , j y.•nr ·~ !oral drh·f' hr•n-. fnr Tu•·.~· \\'all•·t !'\ !o:J"a• "I '•ol111 A llen Jol ra day. April 7 I:! lf1 p m 11t Gull' R 1: Hanoi• I ~ltll Jflit,. '"""""" AT THE GRILL-Of Course! 1'\t•a !'lh••ll ("all' A II ltrou,..•ll•· Tiu '"l<>r•• HuhaM 1. I In a•ldltlon to cnrryrn~ "lit a F. I M .... ,.. II F Krnnv )lr• ! liUl't:t:IWful t'8Dif'811{n fror f u n d 11 R11hrrt Hrrnlrl and Jlnrt" · W•l• 11 f huol :''''~1 . t he t:.S.O. lhauu&llet• With Jt ~'t'I.IW UJtpn.tU ... • , " 1 l!pnnaort'rl t h I' t•rtlahlillhml'nt Q f • ha r·.:•• ,.( lh•· H•·• "'"''"" , ,.,,,., t he ~mr~ Mt'n·lf-rTITh n"f ~""'· Tllllf "j:Tmrr llf !Tf'nrt,.., tw Y. l t~•rt whll'la hrtr• attr·Rt'lf'tl wtole M rwoH• WII h \\ • ,.,.,,. .l:o~· Mr~ ~: .. r • FASTER SUNDAY BREAKFAST ORANGE or TOMATO Jl'ICE ' HAM AND EGG8 BA("O:'IJ AND EGGS lfOM fo:·MAOt: SAl'SAGE Al'O EGGS TOAST Jt:LI~Y anrl COFFEE &5c • • ., I anti 111vnmbl<• altrntjon The rom-Rtsu •lr·y J ••hn A Sa• .:H M 1 ~ miltl'l' 1\ I II II l'tondur'·h~ll f or Ont' I fi It RJtnd .. l M ,-~ .l:ono• ( ':t lkll•~ 1 rnooth 11 hc•ll llrflll.ltto•tll '"' ~t~rlrlh·r~<1 nnd l\!t11 Ht•lw·rl 11•••.,1•1 ru•~" ·. 1 a t f '''' t 1it h~iiad••fll 'l'u \'1·rn ('IU.t••1' \\'' llr· tilt' I'• •I• oro a do· I ~lar r """' 1 On lhl' fil'nl'ral ,.l•mmllt•·r ar1• I P A . J"nlml'r. lr.·tn Gi'o. Gordon. BOWLIIG v..·n~ tn "·"•' hn••ttt• r Nf" • .ul t 1. mrrt..,• " h r r h 1111 hrd••d IIPHI•" fo'ln• Ia .I I • \\'atklllll :on•t J ooiiP • All••n 1'111"'' "'"' o1 rt11 ''l"'rltt;,,,. l'r•~Wnt uffl•·•rll ••f thr r;, • .,,.r.tl ('nmnult•·•· Rrr· I' A I'Rirrrr•r Chuarmltll. Jr.·•u ~~··• t;ordun r.l.l FOI COl'II,LETELY New MKhinn RENEWED -:-New Fun OPI'.N E\'Eil\' DA\' IN nu; \'EA& AJAX. ARCAD.E BAI.IIOA ...... lconOinizef Save -----...... ... 111M ....... 0 •tYIIIIIIJII IIJI~ I o.. • r.. ,_,. -s-. .... HOTEL ..__..._._~~., .... 'lANKERSHflt1 •·• a • nrz ~ to .~ "" ' IIOMW&Y.. t• ..a 12 .... , .... call to ~ '-ne ir. 1 NIIW~"T or .AL.OA to M)' .. , -·t be "-tOflltht." B 0 B "1 U I P I J·' S ..... ,.,, ...... l .. ,..,v......_, ... II .. -·---..• ----McCREA·'· -~ifJA 7Awws-_ .... , .......... ~ ....... ................. .................. .................... 4 LL'~ !~ ... f!8···-~· ,... ('an-... ........ -.. ~~ UIY'S AU A·IWI1f0. 1¥0 A ITlfl-lllDf •*--........... , .... .............. ..-~-­......... , (,'IAJf41r.l) ~y " ........... ,. ud 'nluf"'lday Mt arla t'riclay April 81•1 ( 'rn.b)• -Mary Marthe .... no.Je\')' aad .. .,.......,..,., .. -la - ••JUilTH OF TH Je: HI..U Je:s~• .... "'........._, ..... A.,tl CHDn'r.&IIO&IIM -·-.. ConfeMiona -of Boeton BIKkie" ---~IMO --:--- RJ(;HARP AllLEN IUN PA&KD -,. - •'Torpedo Boat" Anmm ---('A$11 NU;HT f tJ\,fJft nr tl5.00 (;.,.,...aa-Award SAL AI> DRESS ING .'OR P I NNER R(IAST Tt;RKF:Y Complctt' With RELISH DESSERT $1 .. 10 . -------·· SOUP DRINK VIr!' 4 "harrrnlln; J uhn 1-: ~1\rll• at l'ro·llllllff't , /1 H ""'"'""Ill' 1"1· nan • f'hRlrrnsm lh.rrv A Jo:am· llhRw, l"uhlwity llort·rtur, tf11rrv Wr•h h Srr tf'lRry · I Mn• lf&rJron·t r,.-.1,. ttf 21:, 1'\&f•l'hl,.,. Htr,.<'l l!ulty " llliRn<l j,. nnw rr~ufW'rullnJ: Ill hom,. aftf'r a , ) BAM ·BOO ROOM WHERE EVERYONE FEASTS NOW . -----. • ~. THE ELECTRIC GRILL SPORTLAND Bowling Alleys . .. 208 PaJm Sfftet BALBOA Pa\illon BaJhoa ,SAM'S SEA ... FOOD CAFE- On Coast Highway Seal Beach • Floor Show, 3 Shows Nightly--Fridaf, Saturday & Sunday -)Dancing- ...... 1. s.tuday, Free ParidJll Ahraf!' For Our eu~toiiM'I"'I . I ATIAN'tfC COA8T UJB.tiJTr.R DIS~'I!II ~ sn AK Drssr.R DEUCACIES OF THE DF.F.P 8F.A F-Loallllaaa Po.tpaao 1-bo Aon AW1 Cnhll Gaar-Gftftl Tlartle 8t"k 1-bct f'retf ~Alp -IItie Ball llltell LoMW" ~"•.!' Llnlco~ Dtnw n 8'I'E.UIF.D CJ.AMS UZ YOtJa 8EA FOOD IJ""dl . ..... B. loM:11 • ... lw ·-rnU•• .0,. ... I A.M. -------• • 71" I . . 1 llf'rlnu!l ""'RP "' pnf'ltrnt•nla In a I I hMt•H at In LtonJ,: Bo•1u h OPEN The Year 'Round Mr. anct· M". "'·· f '. Rlanrhard ..,.~- "Y.OU WILL LIK E THE FOOD HE RE" ·a • • ' COMF. I S A S D TR\' n • • .BAY FIOIT Cl I 703 ., ,.,.,.t BALBOA • 0 .... .. ._.. NOW OPEN DAY AND N,IGHT BIGGER AND BETTER Tl~l EVE I Floor Show and Dancing ~ ---T 11-E B A-M B-OO Balboa,' California · ' ,. .. •• l ,,. , ... • .:.PII.::•:::....::Six=..:_ __ :..:!:.......,;:.;__ _________ __...: _ _....._-=--NF;WPO---:-RT--BALBO--A-NEW __ s._TIIID._. Ncw&JCWt 8Mdl. Call6ala. ~AY, APRIL 2, 1942. •'' Sailors Sink_l Garden Grove · Baseball Sq'fad 12 to 4, Here IEWS-TIMES Chauneey Druck Arrives Home From . ABC's With· '259" Pin 'Building · Totals $11,900 As Two New Homes Are Started t 8prin~t \'Rt·atlroa wa" " JOt we ''"'· tul affatr I r t • ,. :"\o·WJ• rt llllrl•·• Union hlt; .. ••huo•l bo••-. (olavJ~r.: oa t.tw bot~···~· II l<•oono rho-.:< •. : aank lbe C.Ordo•n !;, • ,. ·•tn~ w,.,,. nr~K1ay a lto"., ... n ''" . ••. looo•lll Neld to tt..-1111..-.. r 1.! 1 on 81"\'o•fl lnnln.:•. 111•· \''''"I 1 • t ~~~-•·· - ond con"•·, ._,",. \l\lt•l\ 11'-'·r th,· Arttnnaut. 1 hl.ll ~<••ou!w' · !\k( 'to I kill otl ._.., unol ltrlol I' b II I ~,,,., n " ,-,,_,.. tP·~"~ ttn t h•· '· ' : .ot· ,_.,. ,, (ltofl1 I•··n ''i• ~tt•, tll•t••l•l "'h•·fhn trl 1• •• fo:d Jh • \1111• f tU I tlfll • f •'' J~•'-,. t .n r a .. L t I· I pr•,.•'•l th, Jo.tultlt J.: ,.tal ..-ld .. Tllu" (.of I h ili ~· 1 • U II I "•o · ~hnt•'"i tl1•· !--o:ealoa "'~~ •• •"' ,.,., , •. Oo.maoqft" IIOIIumcy DnK-k_ o! tentl.n~ U)l" annual rutlonal kq,. Con.tructi()n at Nn.110n If a !. · u: • -.tt Puadena Ia bavlDc 'Wrtl~l Bowt*-« ~-Balhoa. hn~t rvrnt. bor tlunng ttit> put w~k 1 • 1 mild,. tu hl ... ~aidence •· · \'~I home tll1s v. ..... Y. •• , , 0 '1'' -;: o:' .. -~· • . of S:?:.O The Smltb bome o ···lumbu.. OIUo. wbere no. p.rh~o-U! at 1:.!1 Apolena Ave. , '•d an thi\UN2 Amencaaa Bowl· r-••-'"' •·:·•c -~c t f !1:!1 1:'11 • n:. "..; !:::·;>rc tnr A Y . !l:el110n. Tbe A :"\ C•·--·~··· .• nuth"r P&&otlena .t.~ eoac-r-~tiooa. American Bowllnl Cqn(TC'IIII pm , ... rn.tlll tiiSUt'd by !llelaoon tnchtll-re11hJt-nt who OWI\ll property ln I rrurll made ~ trip to Cc)Jun::· Druck rec"flvt'd the P,nl for a ":.!59" ··o! I\' u ,,,,. <·Ortlllrtlt linn or new ' thiS t•tty Ill huvtng a 2 mom add1- ' .-a11 a me~n~r or a fivr-ma.n game which be ~·letl during tht' l<'~ltlo·rw .. ~. Uon <'Ofl•trut·teol to the rnr oC f~um •kd.eci at Banta Ana frum .. rlt'Jt llwte Tbe latt>st homt• 111 be starh•ll ron hl.l Rali:M5a honw. 312 Anlldt' Ave. •'II""" the Jt~ a'l(erace kec-Oru• k a nd hi• rumpanlon11 left 1 BaJboa t.land la for F. D. Kyle. F:lltim~tteli t'lllll tM $600 ('c)lll'h \\o·r .l"ll l 'lt kln8~ort•·l1 Wend••ll Co '11\'f"lol ;;1 , thl" ~ ... un•l ..-JnJI Ctu n ·11 c;,,,,, ··• !II l~•rt Y Lanpllolt' ltt'llllhl llh Jl ol• ('oaw· ford burl•··! l 'lo: ft"t t u,r tnntng~t lbr-11 hill IIIU •old ~lwfr111 • ,tn,~ In tmm lf'(l tll'ld '" ~11.1· ••\'•·1 l ttl' Jol~hln~ llult•" ,,.,. th• "'""''"'")I lbr~... RC'ri•o<l~ to T ust '" 11 ud '' ,,,. t\' · • t 11t11 • , d dt.•n t _.,,,, "' •lft"t k ·• \' r, ("'hu.•·h t ·u k •·J.M -.a, J' ', .. t• • F~tball Basketball-Volleybaii-Bowlina' I'' • m Orange County. tbe IDJLitlle IJf laat month tur t'tl•· ft'l>toJt-rtt·.-. uf une llt••rv .1.. l 'trllollnj: p~~muts th111 week T"f' ABC compeUUoo ill bt>ld Col~bull tu •· o m Pet t In th<' lllgn bl ut•matl'd to co•t $0000. buoel<'tl ttw toolal rnr Newport ·.o·r rt period Oil IIPVeral weeka l Alk 11• m u" t famou11 natoonotl The building aile Is 123 Opal Ave 1 Harl·t,r tv $Hi U411 for the firat ""J U1-.ad8 of ke!Jiarw c:ompetf' bo~'hn~ t'omJWUtioo In thr wor'tJ An11ther amatl hut attr·a•·ti\'C' thrre munlh11 t•t 1942 IUid raiat'd 1 d •Jrt' lbat pt'nod ill oVt'r, hen(f' j aDd wbkb b~ been -.n annual ht:•~-111 bEmg atartt'd at <.:orona th .. total \'llhollliiiO of building tor ·t ,.rl' I• no way of &Ddkatml •'tutt 1 fNturt-In Ult' •po•·t world for .t .. ~lar fl>r •Mr and !>1r,. Hur tht· 11 oonth nt !>larrh tu $~7.700, C'arl Obrrto !•la\'c·;l ,,, roo·~t Tr•111 t h:.~t vt·llr 'A'a.J• ""' .r,.~ .. ..: ,,,,, hhd ·, .. ttuln ,h•f1n~t•• n.tv,,l\h\).''" In 1· o ltrsl pluoo• tlo••l•· .or•· • • Jo•IJio·flt r.:l ttw IKJIUt.ol, rtll lol l'1• ko II·• Tit .... nlv tiHnl-: h••hltnK lhrm I•" 1< tc (,h k r,t .~'I( ,,.•rutnt t• Th··n a tu ' , "'' • ''"· r 111 th,. ftr 11l 1 I tn••l, A Vote For I f \' f I '' \ • IJ II ' •• I I '. ,., "I ·'I I lhll •• ; 11 .,,. I ., r 1.· oJ! ,;. ;<I II I"·' • l ' \l\• ..-..-.... • : t,.. • '1 t :0:1.U :, 0 "llh ClYan H. Hall FOR CITY COUNCIL Is A Vote For .. Americanism "1be NATIONA( CRISIS ck-mando;; thAt the.' propll• of Ni>,, .. pan Bead~ be gtwn LOWER TAXES. an I-.;FFICI};NT ADMI.N1S'f.R:A TION of city govemmt>nt , a JolJLL n-por1 of ALL Cl1"\"' EXPENSES. and rom(llete FRU:.1X)M fntm petty MACHINE POLITICS. I pledge myself to this t•nd." . . -CL YAN II. IIAI.L. TIME ·TO ELECT I IT'S IISIIESSMII TO CITY CODICIL C'"''-actwn:IMmnlt paid for by frit"ftd.11 And ~upport<'l'll of Clyan II. 1111111 S.C. Y .A. Easter Regatta On At Balboa Yacht Club lh,. fln&JIItandiDp •;u ~. \many yeara. V<'y !l:,.l.,on. F!l'tlmalt•tl <·ust u< n'"1u 11 show. Orudl. bowev•r. infoi'IDed IOC"al S H)llt.J. Plans art' for a I alury. two '11\'nda t:.e ~lit'wd ·~ 10 t' a I I Pi~kens to Form ... 1•111 Cl.t\l\J:t'. w hI,. h ,,. U..:n~: ~<unty lll'am atuo.J about 90th '-t'rt't'lt>d At 409 Iris AvPnu<'. 1\lr · ut ot taoo tbouaand '-ma 'lll'aik-b J • Baseb II uno! !\lr:<. Nl'llJnn are trom San h&~l "lftady ...... "·t-tf'd T b 1 -urn or a 1'.-.lru. 'I' · ~ .. tothc·m rahfom!Ja YACht ,_.. ~ ,.... r • nut auffklt'nUy h1-to nJIU'•IV •t At H bo Other Nt-wport Harbor'rt'llidenta Homes Planned For Miracle Mile Boat Builders 11 c .\'-"'" IIli i• n f:llltlf'f 1\ept•.o ..... ,. ars1 y ar -1-L'"~ h\' t ' •. Clalbna Yacht , .... t..am "in t~ IDCIIW)'" .yet It r <~rt• rita king Improvement. to their 1•·famll'ty pt.cr. the! _,_,. amoa•j ___ "''(·ll'll. H. S. Pa~-n·· ·" , oom.t 1 Ut t. l'lrj, Coo "" a~• to ' JOod ata:' -.-• • .1 11 .,·, I•• k ~un.Jiay f'I)Orftln,.: 'hf' b.-tt.rr da• of botl·t~n at· C'oact! W t>nck-11 Pick rns r<•vt>alrd lng a carage at tila bome. 221 :---"" 1 11 a 1 t;u J.:" ~:nwmm('nt ~l-•1 1 ~· "oth fuur t'la.ea ••' today plan..~ for a junior \'an.• I~ 32"'1 strt'l't, custm~ MO!t. J \\' , l'tJI'tl·;.ch Cor th•• •malll-r t~"J)(' of '''· ,,, ..... , t• .. ol" f'Unlpt'Un.-. Islanders and ;ba."t•ball lram at ~t'Wpor1 lf41rbor --l '. s :O.:aval boat:< ha\'{' beE-n Tuo• (o• at -"''Ill'_., Will be bet4i o II UNOn h1~h l>('hoql. 148guna SaVJ• ,JW:lfiiNf too I\\ 11 C'C'ltlt't'I'TI,.: in or E , ...... :--ton•llt\' :o f thf' IllUDe Un -....tilL~-... UT:_ ·-I Appro~imatt'l)· t>II'V('tl OO)S will . ngs, lfiOOIItf'Y '"· thr ~tlrar1t• Mill', ""'" pi ,.. an•l "til Include u .. ·: nm~ta -u.m Ul ttMo rt'tatfW'd ._, ?tit' n~t s (nnsC J.A.an Records I •(IOh' •olrl oof pro"·i,tun may have · H:clt••·o I 0tnk" \\ hwh have beo n BeJ t-~ M *-h 1 '·arsaty a~o ttw S1Jil1or; go into lt11• to ')I' ma rl•· 10 hnu,.., tht• hundreds saol.uc Ill tho· March lkn. a nJ 8K es ,sunst'l ~a~· lluscball circuit ISubstantJ•al Ga.·ns or ~klllt'ti worko•l'' who will ~ :'\ II r o· :o-;o nollll wtll be ~~ ---laftrr 'Prtnl>( \'at'allon. l oomplt•y•·•l ht·ro•. TI11· cnming seal'On 1 o1 •·• "orono•r ~ an p!al'l" nf the t"U' Th.• ••~n and Wblte'a Oof-Ga~ ~·ill ~ ll<'ht-dulc'<l for thf' I . 1 ;11 :---o'\\ p(1r t Jla1 hur i~ I'Xpi'Ch'd 10 tr.n ary ~·•1•1 lln•l stlver \.rotlb•:, :~ ~h~~ -.·oo ~latt'd ma~bea in 1 n>matnmi: OO)'S out for . basrball Dellplte ptiorttiea nn certam b•' ., ro·cmd hrt nkt•t·. (nr tht' rn- ;,"" tlt•· nw nuy thua •ved wtU •-· th~> Friday NJcht \\'omeaa' Lea-to bt> known as _l~ ./'Jnior ''arsily. hetme building matert11la due tu lilt' J-:u,tc•m Coa~t will probably •1••11.11•··! t oo tht• Rt-•1 C'roea. Th > ):'"' at Rportland .. bich wen-roll· :Thls ~ht·mc> ~·•II f'nabh· all boys tt-.e war. home Joana of the La· Ill' moro· or )(oso; under a blackout ·Jtlun "111 apply 'o all BYC rare • •·I luat TU~y n•~-Dine, 1 to haw " <'hnn<"t' to ~njoy tht>, JrUD& ~r&l .Soavtnp ·and Loan ' this summrr. Aln•ady from At· Lhllorll(hQW the duration f16 U:" The matc:tae._ nocutarty ac-hed-lg~mf'. rathf'r than rf'f~Ultmg in thl' Aae•o<"IAtion In thr p11•t thnoe lanti<' Ctty ~th. all the coast 1\':tr llh·d for laM Friday DJ&11t. wen I mr:;. or ~rn bt'1Ct play~rs holdin~ monlha baNe been altnnllt double lint• i:< hladtcocl out t'VPry nigJtt. tt<-sull" nt lui Sunday'a NCr-' n11t t.~ld b«auw -IIWny of the do . n tht-JlO!'IUon_s With thr r('-ln ~olume lhe Joana of tht-~I Many vi,.itors in Pasadrna. Santa Smythe. 11-. potnlll: ~t. It-am memben -l"t' bWty .. the ~lndt-r on th<' llldtolint'll a s RUb·~ CIR~10" during the con-eapondln&, Barbara und nlhPr point in Cali· Jlo·n llaotolo•·k. ~ pulnlll: Hurric:ane rNult of ~ -Juood C:nM'd. tatutt'!l. l peraOt.i ODe year a~. forru a. hil\'o• !'oomr hf're direct Alutlio Peoplr., :\ polnu. 1 Tan.«llnc •-itb tfekn·a Beauty -Thill wu revealed today In • from Florida. thou~h they may !"ahtonala 7A'phyr Too. cart T AA<Jp. the I~ came ott bnl COACH PICKENS TO ttuJy o ( tbe ~laUon·a· loan haw wmlc>r homf's h('rt>. ,;.nJ Jr . 1•,. p .. mu: Aquila. Wall.· "olh thrft' potnb, droppt•~-ORDER record by Andrew R . Hall. IIP<'rr. Titl' nt'W !ltrect plani'W'd tor t'r ~rr.ith. ~r . ~ polnta: VAliant tu ltwir oppoaeata. WJIJU•a woo SP.RJNG GRID I Wy·mte•a'ot'r of the UIOCI&Uon lit't't·~ ... 10 I hi' building ~>itrs on tM Hal'r)l IJnlt\y. 7 pou1ta, llli fow-poiau Ill u.tr maida wiUJ PRACTICE SOON It llliiO rena.led that home Joana mll~ldt> 11nc1 thl' ll'Vrl por1ion of ' SrotJ..,,. Dlpprr JIJ. PbU ()nenp ttn<l'a lcerett.e& of the UIOClatiOfl ln the put ala lhl' E. M. Smith ~ract may not bt' 11 '-, pulniJI: Lark II. Haaat Lav.·. J"IUUie Hoerd aDd Nlckert led mOfltha w~re 81 per~nt ~ater rt>mplt•tl'd m timr for !<pring bum. 4 pu•nu: Veloe. Ray HDp-lhr \lllaDcSotn to Yktory, roDUac Ca.ch Wendell Pkkena will in volumot thaD during the corrn· building operations. But undoubt- ktna. 6 polnta. 11 421J IUid f21 llif1"in rnpectjftfy. aooa l8eut' l~ call. for aplinK &'l'ld pontlln« period one year aco. l'dly mut'h nf thl' vi""· frontage Falrnna Runny. C. H. WllnSt'· 1 l "phnldlnc Uw BPauty .,_, _,..I pract~ which wMIJ brtn,-forth During Oet't'ID~r ot 1941 and I lot!' in Nl'wport 1 lri~hl!l adjoin· man. t•~ polnta: No N .... Bill H Lt-ttlko wtlb a S1t. J . OJoeN candldatn for nut fall'a vanity t.be two montha a! 1942 thr La· in~ thf• Sml!ti trllct. ~-ill bP built Lr«!. 4 p<•ant•; Flytnc Cloud 11. v.•1lb J&e and JuDe Vocel with a to &cqualnt IMm •1tb playa and cuna Frderal made loan. totallntt Oft n1 onre. No rt-Sidc>ntial !Utes DK'k Dava•. 6 polnlll. 364 _llf'riea tM fundamftltala of klclllng and 1200.336. Dunng the correapoad. w11J Ill' offrrt'd in thf> J ertf'rton Don't Forget: City Election ..... April 14th. T llf' \'on Eclp111 of 107 Not'UI Hay Front. Ualbola ... havt- • ~tf l!Pf'tiiJing thl• •·eek vKatlon· lng or. thr taland with tMir c:hlfd. rrn . llrllifo DnK-11 led Uw bip acor-puliln« In( period one yt'ar al(o. humP tra<'l tn the> Morncll' Mill' until t~ ID~ tw ttw While's Coffee Shop, 1be c:a.ll wnt ~ IIPnt out for Joana totaled $104 .~ Ukt'Wlae Jthtntwd bu~int"'-~ buikiinp are mlhng a anappy 5o:s lleriN.. not'· Mooday. May 2~tb. aJd Pickena. In the •bt month~ pnor to )laro·h complo trd. ;mil parktnl: fnt'il''ii'S I cont.~ a~~oa·. 11. Fan-ar h.lt for f%7. Jt •·Ill follow tmmf'diat~ly aner 1 lh·~ aqoc:I~IJOfl a loan tootal wa11 for 1 ht•M' ~tun·~ a n-nngt'd. The 1 Thf'rt-._ a poMibUity tbat matc-bea Uw t'lc»C" of the b&aeball llt'a.IIOil 00 139t... 31' whtle fn the rorrupood-~tr:>dr ~ttlc• As:<OCUJiion will co· (ur thla Friday rupl will a1ao Friday. llay 22. Uut fall. t.he v~~r. lng 11lx month period a year a«o Dp('rntr ~Jalfly in s:i•·ing inform&· bP J.O.Iponed unW lbe nr.t ot ldty pronod 1M v&Jue of aprln~ lhr lo:u~ total ~·.il! $.:!44.&~•-tton 10 pro\'tdt' homrs Cor lht> ex- nQt. •'H'k atur ~ ~r nowd pt"actk!e by pltlnc t.\cbt Into thr , ''Tb._ ill ~v~~~~e that Ulr bum· Pf'("tf'd 1nfltnr of W'orkf'n In Boat hu COfle home "nwftaltn tbe awmc ot "COCil&ct" play at the ne .. of Clnanclng homt' ov•nt>r· Building plnnts. rt'gular Friday .;1.-ilt actwduk will lltart of IIChool. thr boya al~ady 1 ablp in Newport 8f'ach and \'t· -------_ br rnuawd. bav1ng memoriud playa duriog 1 c-inlty ill continuing llratlaly.'' &-<-. lave Time I TN ad ra probably .. --------------------------------------------------------~~~~~--------•I the aprinc practice IIPuon. '!_lary Hall drf'lart'd. in the New.~mee. Farewell For I , 3.'· • (~~c>n(l . ' -. For City Council- / LLOYD CLAIRE IS Years Service JAMES S. BROWN Six Years Service • • l •. ,. • Maune Stanley ! , To Be Staged 1 A -an f•rr4t'ell party 1.1 bt'lnc I plaiuwd ror rwxt ·Sunday nlcht fnr_ Maurie ~ of Balbola by I Chauncy 11nd )11'11 Druck wttn ~,II entertain In their Balboa laland hQole. Stanley Ia c~manatr:f'r of thr Baltic a SportlaDd Rowllnc All~y and Is to nport for lnd).Jr tton lolq_ ttw aMTty next Thunch1y. lnvilatao~ to a ~~mall ~rmup nf ( 101'"' friNltlll of StAnley .llol\·e bt'en a .. UC'\1 by U!e J)nl('ka. nDE TABLE AP .. IL F 3 10:31 t :22 10:21 4:10 t .t 0.~ S.l 0.1 Sa f 11:27 :>:13 H:Ot '4:41 3.9 0.4 &.4 1.3 Su ~ 8: Ia 12:37 S:lt I 0.3 3.4 u I I M e .... O:«t T:32 2!CI 1:44 1 I ' . :u 0.1 3.2 2.3 I I 'nJ 7 1 :H t :Ot 3:S4 1:41 ·~ ~0 13 &5 T•"" ,.,. ,,, .. I'd In orctt'r or o«uf'ftace. I l.o!fht torru,.,. • m.~ dark ft.Urw p. •· I c .. m~~· ... will ... u .. ~ low. I "For a l1si1111 l~•i•idr1tio1 • • • • Tht> Friends and Business Associates of Lester L . Isbell believe· that a successful business man is best fitted to conduct t~ affairs or our city. ,. We suc'Ct'eded in ~etlin~ LESTER L ISBELL Own4."r nf N<>wport Builders Supply, and a citizen of N£>wport B<'ach for twenty yeac-s to anx•pt the nom- ination for ... -&.# CITY· COUICILMAI at thC' Ekction to be held Tuesday, April 1 tth. 1942o and we ask you to vote ror him on that date. t'l'tla Advertiwmrnt pa.ld for by the Frtenda and AMoct&t.r• of Luter L. Iabell t Anothf'r ~·ord on !Iugar. If you ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ haV•• l\n Pll.t'~!' .;cock ur ~UJ:Br on _ }•our ~twlw~. M-Il it back to your grocrr : Sa~ ,you will ha\'t' to drclarr ttw amount that vou han• on h;and •·hfon you· apply. for ra· ltnnm~ lick••t,, thf' govl'mmrnl i." UrJO:t'nll)• r('QUf'l'IIOnm;: hou.'lf'· •"in·~ 10 put all t'll.trn 'u;:nr bat'k on lh•· markc•t no~. Your Sfr~r , •i ll hu) at hat'k 111 prc•\.•ailin~; I pn•·•··· providrlf 1t •~ in unbrokt'n 1 pat'kal:"~-Th!' .:m·rmmf'nt has :mrl'"'!lf'<'ll 1110. that ,.,.,.n o•frort o i!' t'N'm~ m:u1;• to '"I'PIY · h om" c-anm·n. w ith all' tluo l>Ul:ill' thl'Y will n• .. 'fl .m·xt -'Ummo•r IIJW lli:H IS BlOUGH? W"-11-•V.......A_. D. UOUOII .. -diM .-y ...... __.., ................... ,_ ... ,_ ,..., .. • __, I ........ _._,Ill , ........ ........ oNEaD.AY --.~ ..... VIeiiNa A 1J1ii1"D ~ ia ..,...,.._., 1ft Vita-_..A.,_,D,.,_., .. _ .. _ lwtll p ' 'k _, o.l u-t Oil · ...... , •••••••.U•U•4 Stat .. .... &fiJIIIII ' & c , .. ,_y_ .... ..., -~ ...... ..,.. .,. ........... c-...,_._. ............. sooou ..... II ViiMiie A _.100 UliMa .. Vitae ... D. ........ _ ... , .... ,. --~.- blo IIJ i .... 1JJ ... .--._._, ........ .,~. I ~I ~ ieu... H-.di!Ch.. You will ftDd them effedt9e .-, lD the ftllef of the odatrr naatnc paiDa JMDUoeecl ..... A J*:bge of. these )'I'Cllllpt ectius paiD re--- limn may san you boars Of auffertn,. ............... .......... / l .. 6 NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS.'ll:MES, Newport s-et\. C•hf<\mlt\. Tlll'HSDAY. Al'Hll. :.!. \~~\:.! --------------------------- !\')';WPOaT -B~.\Ca i Jan. F '"1 .. 150 J~tn ~ :_• '17:, ...... Ia TntaJ f'b. .. .... ..... ·· "· F h ~'Q 1>7 :'7~ •1(\f. '''* ._..,., .... ••• ~,...,.,. ,.,... v· •. • t •N .. w,•• r••••••••• at t l•. t••n11 tl IW.._• ,... CM.._,, t t•. 348 · • S'r.l6!)4(1 Mar. . • 49 . ·· ·· ···· ...... 10t.'729 •' -· r , Ill• ·•·Ill 1•rt•l• m th.< ()ran~ bor \ Ill I 'lult ,.•,•,"dm.; ,,, .1 391 ····-·--·-··· • · . April :>I 1111~ ~\ar :~·• ::: -;,,., (l•url~ htuhhn.: tn<ht"lf) wIll ~· 1' I "h.,,.,., 1•1111• 1111 I•\ 1; \\ If,... ;tf~\1 \J U V4ft~1-.,t ,.,.. , '".. .... a,-.. , ····"·· .... ., ·······•· ·····. ~344 Mav :tt: 1~7:11~11 "· ., •lmo• lho• •IL'('U;.l(l(lf\ •lat('d ror BLot ....... I,' II\ ........ .;.·1 ~ ··:::·:::::~:~::::··· ~~ JJunut.vf' ~70 1M7.·_MII2 ..... T t>lal !<"; f 147 !4 !< lh•· 1\vn1 mt'\'11ne of tht Oran1e · ('t·' "'"' on,1i "' tho• houl•llnt.: 41 I M 1•"' '' f.t ~•· -.-.1r t"h,,~ ,, '"'' •• ·"·· t ltr c ... , -...... ... .... ........... , ....... ~. ..... ... ....... ,K,..,b .. u. WwrtttH,. II•"' "'"-'' Oo•od ....... _,, ... , .... D~· Ft)l~ RENT 298 '" "' ... ,·,,. "'·' llu1111o·r-t:ll:rtutn..r•• •·hich lndlt 1 '• "' ,. ,,;:-.J •·· ,.,..,., """ .................... 235·074: Aui 36 ~OT~ lolan•h ~-f;.h,.·1·1~•· •1f'~oth•'"' ~•II ho· h.-Jrt R\ rtw Nt"'''J)I)rt H '!f' the• I\· h '"L•' 1111ol I lot "'lo!-•111/ot· Ill II 4()3 ... _ ............ _ .... 497.4401 Sf'pt 44 146.44!> buld Orlf' atun•, h"1Unf' A" •'-'"' tJon \•1' d .tl II• l.o•l Ill•'• lith: ,;, FOR AENI I •·•~•• ,..,. t ""' •" 523 ---· ............. -... '766.081 Oct . 46 101 6:!:! hualdin~ 1734 Pl:o.;o,o ol.·l !'>.•t1•· )lar. h ;!II 1: c · Kl'tM'nkf', N)l COfll • ••· 111 .\pt ol a t 1 loo• \.II' hi ,..,,, .,.,,, ""'" ""'"• tu• "••"•·• I MISCELLANEOUS k"ml~. PI-• Ce , • l D N Malt1. aat1\a A"• Yl<tor AK- 56J ·--··········· .. ---908.090! _: ____ . -------('f'r 0 tot UNM'll 1:!~1 llo•Jt•:>rll& "''", J>t"r Sam KinataUMr. dub I• ''' '' 1111'1•· iuh·•l""''' lwtto•' A•••l t "(l t•r• "''"''" "" r lr olt" 548 .......... -........... 9U.I37f ll i.s ~~n· tu ttw happtrw"'>< Man·h 26 )lr anol lolrll ltllt lf'\' l>t•r•·h 2-. G t• KrOPnkf', 613 tW. •· "'"llotl•lo • 'I ,.,,, .. .,, , ........ ,..,....,,,, .. , ·~ '•" •••• " ... 18 542 .... --....... -.. ., ... tl81,745 , of man .that ht> .bt> mt•ntall) fallh· N f'l a<> n ~11n Pf'\lru. tnul•l ••n,. w ~ Kl at t}loor ,,, • • .'")·" Ill•'• 'IIIIo! <It\ It• 1'11t ~r• 2fo "" UNO -·MJ ........ _ .......... 1,040,122• fuJ t(' himl'f'lf. ~ll' J>alnr.' 11tun ·. 2 n~·m framl' •1~ .. 1111111 1 :.·;~h "';; ,";',: KrOP~e~ 610 tlw • .11 "''" 1:'""1' 1·· t\1•111 lt;r h 0 j.• w , ••• ,, IIIII If( Yev'll •• ... .._, at M.U·NOT8 MUeiC CO., .. W-....... Eighteen Years Experience Is Our Recommendation . . BlJILDEIIS ..a: 00Nft.\CT0118 . 2807 VUia Way Phone 458-W Newport ·Beach 4" 'tri8 A<\·~. flO'' '""'""'' l!tOO IW«••nt~t Avf'. poor ~am Ktna-Sine'· fl 1• ,I ,1, "''' ,111 ,.,,,1\ b··••ll f'OA .-~NTL AN""" •"d Arll Ae ...... ·-.. ~. MaiTh 26 s-·l'urt Ha~bo·r fata,.r ,__.,,, .II , .... '·''hi l'lul> •• dur•d IOIU ·~ ""•'• AI . O•l C"OAONA 011 MAn "'A" "'""'• Ta.rht Club. a-.akf' altf'r&ll~'·n~ an.! lohtrr·n :!IO \_; (' K[~Jce. &iT IU&~· •I• 1 11.11 ,. '''' ,,,.. ""~''"!).: l>o• '"'•"" ""''"• ll' w ''"• ,., ~•••n•n•• , ... .,,.,"•· ••• BoAT ... JNIITII to ~'&C'ht club bullltlnr: Brr;uma AVf'. po'r s am K1.D..-w ····' ·~ \t•lll 1':111 ........... ~a .. " I "He "'"' ...... Phon• ,,,., 1' ,.. w ... NT., D 720 West Bay Ave . per l"bo,-..1, (attwr-• fo 1h. !ulll· 1111 " • I --~ K Shook. Q:;00 I tohurh :!8 G. (.' Krwnkt. 021 Mo•II!J" •· \!Ill Lh' .. th hnl ·•· ''' TRACTORS F OR SALE SITU A TON WANTED I .i .,.,..._ !1 H ~ Pllynf' butld l" IJf1ct~nUI Av ... po'r ~amKtD.-atber. elate• ''"'' "''"'I p.p'lwuhll • :o-I - - --WA .... TaD-tl I• ,. " '"'" ...... ..... '•· ........... ---... ,_. e•"''"-Wilt .. , ....._ Pill w c.M••• Aw .-... .._, j ll ~ pr81tf ... Uffn Z71 3ZDtl Kar.cb 28. )jp. AIUUI S..DU.., plan' l.tl lli.l t'"-'• l lt""''" •IIIII ' U•rll C•l•>l""•• t••<t"'• Mo~ lltP&AtaNt 1,0 d".-•''<h•uffeu• ltl"f<ft. ptr •..rntr 1-400 JjjlA&Jll.t Ave-pcr.J. u Cra!DI!r ..M·•I!.). Pll.lL'l' lW.J,JW.LAU.L ~. r »< J ''"' t. .. ~ F•ft•..-: w."n JM'•tt~-rtl" •TI>i•'l tTmi , ltarTtr "2'f: J. -"W SIIIIUJ .,,.. Man:b 28 E tl. No ..... 114: lftn ... '" tt11• 1ndu ... Jt ~ .n •· ·""' 1 T~•"h two •"'' '\0' ~'•(\ ua•d o .. ., or "'•"' "•'•'•"~•• C•lf ; Paaad«uu. ~· altrratlon and l'otnM'Itla Av~ PtJ' 1.... H. f'IIIII•·•L In l.:llll~ Lt ._ t u ' ,. ~"·--'-.,.,_, 1~,. .. ,,.,.. """ ,,....1'1'-...."'-Do" Wondo. ... ... .,, .. , &•••" build &dditioo lD ,--nl atruc---t.lat('h ·~ Olin •: SmiUa. 320 lf'OIII• ·'' 11• ,\Itt !I "'"•IPII 'I'~'' TRACTOR '-At.yAa~ CO .. PANv ''" '"'·"'· f4 4tc. '~.r--.....--------------"1 tu,.. 121 Atpo._. A, . .,. ptr lrvtn Aflt•lf'fla Av~ .. ptr 1.. H. eramw. Nf'\41,•11 ll.11l••1 111••11 h··.tol tho• 111'1 ~ ''' ..,, ~•"'• An• eea-.:~ ... Gcoo ~n. ~-Man·h 30 T "G Kenoard, 202 OI'KIIIIt/·111"" S ·''!.r tfm•fath••t It ftc llc'at·h, <"unly ,.r tlriliiiCf' .. tat• ,_ ... - Mardi 28 A N r~ .. ''' G&ro#t A 'Vi .. per owner . P"'!"l•'• 111 I• II• I ll.olph 11·•111·" ''' t 'RIIfurnla ~ ... w ""· Paaadrna. l;lwld • 2 room ad.llt.OII ,.anh ~ wn ~ lrwla, ~·1·•''•1 1.·111 ~PuBLIC NoTICEa Al"~•~wJo:NT ~n •':z ::=======~=~~~~==~==~==~~=~~~~~to r,..r of"""-· ,._.&1 •I( ptr-20hl C.our1 St . poor J . H .. EMua. F u1u ••I II~> 11111 •lllo•o•lttt• "' 1 tNulf' t•lra,... n u•lor •·h..-u J'f'Y i I8U No, t912. &1 312 A.-.lf' Av• · t.Jar•·h 30 Nf'l.,lft W. V&IW)', thf' lhultl, 1., I ''It on~·· ''"' . .t... NOTICE Of AII~SIMENT 1 •hi• tn th .. ••n&..r tt( lt.y l•lano1 N.D.C.U. ..... ...... t!A.~&I. _..__ For Building Information Bay District Lumber Co. WAL T&R .. aPIC&tl, OwMr lUI lute Highway At The Arches pc'l' o••ntr. $600 IZ.. 44th Str..-t. pe-r J . H. li:attla-C'Ofllh .to•tl \IIIJt tho l·•·,o l lllolu•· IIA \' II'J,ASfl r l .l 'll t~" 1tlht0 t,uh 1 M~·h 30 F 0 K)·t.. build '"'" )laN'h 3() Gfoc)rlt ~I. 101 tl')'. llh' .ot ,. 1 ;.,, •1••11 II, Fn11l· ,.1 1.,111,.11,..1 ttffll,. Nn !\. ttay l'uh AJ•r '1 ltt41 .tory, .5 room h~ "'1tt1 ~·"g.. w... (.'Hit raJ +··. per-J . H. ar. bl \;Ill. It nmwlol l lltll !IIIII 1•11111•1 bf'IIIJ,! l ito• 'O'lll•fo·n· .. "' " connecUnjf. 123 Opal A\' ... p.-r FAlla Donoltl nt•fl d1 ''""·' ~ IIMt'ltlnf', '" thf' l'tly nf NeW· Bufiliness Direc=tttry C'un rad Sbook. MOOO tolar-('h JO W ll8oa A. Fawcett. " t "••rt "•&eh. Cuu.ut\' ut u'-""• p ,. ,. .. r; J Allf'n . ~"'--ordt·natt'nn-~~~~··· ~ ''111'''"1"" .. J a•ROI.,. a. 11.a .. a~ jr----------..... PhaaiKq p...-W~h ·IO J. H. RaUth. 2~ '-AJ _-:;-.' I :'\ .. T I•,.: ·~ m:.tu·:l~\· t:tVKN " .. , u-.IUI ... ~ For 1!118\TaA.NCK ?."'~~~·. ~··· per M ..... Group to Study. I ·n.,,t ,,, ....... ,.,.,, ..... ,. th .. '" ..... -~r--CILVI:L -.. -Maffll 25 0 H. F.nJI4'har1. --.~.,.......... _ , .. r I 'II••• lttt" loo·lol "" I h., 31111 ol")' 404 .. !::.U'28Ba~~-::,.~";. M~on-h 30 twt;.,n !:'r·~ 3~o ReJt' O"J.OUS Pha~o 1 .. , !\lur·•·h IIU :t "" OSIH'Mml'nt .,, I "W• Oui"'Plv .. thf' Bett..-a-M A. 1. 1 WMI Orl'l.ltl A\t. , • ......,.,.,,, .--.... l't o~ I • 11w t:un•lro ... l 1-'Uty o$1!'111011 • lito!· Ry •mna ~Beet" l!:llwraSd A~.. per 8 a Dl K111._ Mc():)ralkk 1111 • ('f'r 11h1tr•· ""II a lt'VIPtl Ull"n ..... ,....,.,. .. tl1 "--' ~ " .. ........... ~ ~ ._ .e.II!L fatber. Warrh 3() R F' Rlchard.Gn. 'ntf' S'''" Jl••rl ll11rlv•r 1 '(I,,.,., If. ll1r •han•• .,, f111' al••vro 1111m"'l l o.ta ..... oaEif .. ,._ ..... M&n'h 28-Dbnt ,.~11. 1718 llCN CO&aC Blvd. l'l' .. pool, pt'f' naU.t ('nuno•tf y, til ' l:tkf' ufl thr • "'"'"''"'""'· Plt\ahlro 111 A W ;:::::::::;:;::::;;;~=~~=========:; Oc:eua BIYd .. per 8&111 Klasi&Uwr t.J L McCormldl. ...U,I"u" ~eultll&llt'" f'hll*' uf II• ~ • .,..,,.., Au1•11111t ~.r .. t•ry 11 f r---------------, Marcb 28 G~~r Hyer-: 2t17 Ma~Th 30 John B. WllltT. 4%1 youth ~urk al 11 "'""""If tu ho· •Ill• I ,.,,.,,.,,al uon al """' ,1ffh r un GORDON B. FINDLAY "BuDder of Homes ol DistlDction" CONTRACTOR and BUILDER ~&I An .. per Sam Kli'UIIattwr Hthotropt An , cr .. poo4. per M. bQS Tl}ur .. l&y AJHII 11. ,., 7 l it ""''' l\,oy J,.j,.n;l In lhr t'Uy of M&rcb 28 Bl&IDf' Me~. L llrt..'oruuck. p. m In Uti' Nl'wpnrl 1-1111 tt .. 1 Nr"''l~·rt u ... ,., h. C"'n.mly "' Or-I'A1111'1' 8AIL •Aa&a Mil SUI 8«-rnardlDo An· pe-r un1oa hlch ... h'"'' hulhllnl( I <UlJ.t•' ~llalf' <• f C'ahfurnla. Any s.:i.!~~Uw;. M. Rambo and £lecboical P..tla 111• C'u-unJinllltllj! I •.,u,u·tl htu ..tl•r••11 IIJ>iltl ""hldo lht• Ul'f'U·1 ............... lle;lll 0.... Earl 'R. TtbWta, 711 o-at H•--March ~ Waltnn Hubbard. a.IM'tl a •p.oc'l&l IIIYitltlflln '" lhr (mt"lt f'PIIIalllll .,1 rt r a I ol llf1 u... 231" 21at 81., N..,...-t a..da ,... ,._or• uf 1111 t-1 arb" r arrn l'l•vrnth tilt)' "' •••Y. 11142. will ...... WI PAUL NORMAN Harbor 8& tlw La..-, a a •• ,. au.._ ..... ..... way. boat "'Orka. poor Sam KIM-I Jr .. 928 Via Udo Nont. lruttall 187 dnanhl .. tu panktpatc In t h .. 1 hr 4lrttn~llrlll anti oml ... a Jl&ymrnt• ....... ____________ __, I fat.bf'r. • loutlf'lll In IM'W R'!lldt'nct', P~ r ...tiD& &n•l ""'"'Y h•·al niiKiolllll '"' ma•lf' 111 thr rnl'tllltlm•. th .... ,,, _____ ..._ __ .;_ ______ ...., ______ ~ March 28 J . H. Rmltb. 22tt HonlP t:WtrM-Cn orpnlutt .. 11 I• '""'"'I '" haYf' at aluarr•. ur •• many "' ...U.I aha!... Pro•~...tA.-c......,l Dii ....... ftaoo.i - 1 Orl.'bld A\~ .. per Sam Kti'UIIalhrr. Marctl 23 J II Smllh, 229 Or· 1M& OD.e ,..,...._t .. thT f'~P~f'llf ja. may hr nr•r•Mt)'. will .,... 111,.,. leBIJIUital .. ~...,.3 I Ilardi 28--R. A.. 11..-\te. a\1 cind ATt'., <"m'utt11 dM Mar. IJUtan --. . 111 ulol utfh,. ,of llllhl A•t•l 11nt Corooado An . per-Sam KIIUI· j60 outltot!o 1n I'W'W rt"'\tdi'I'IC'f', Pf'r eot <Aut Hl•h~·•y tnato\11 ll<hlt-.~' ,,.,,.,.y .,11 w ..... ~ .... tay. thf' trhth OONRAP IIICII'I'a. •.' D • ...... ....., ... D. I tat.ber. ! S.ct "" Bla('khfolud Uon&l outh•la In IIUih.lt'll•.. • ••• r day .. , Jlln.. ltt47 at Itt. huur ,., a a a ...... ____________________________ .. M&n'h 28 ~wan. 2~ ('u r a I March 24 lJ S C'Mlit Guard, ~tome •:lr.-\rh ,., Ill fl(t 11 ..tuo to A tot ot' •urh r------------------------------. AYt. peor Sam J«autaltwr IC'hanrwl Rnad. in~lall wirin& In llart'h :\() •tr~ A ltconnlniC. •lay to I"'Y .. .,, •lt'hnqu .. nt ._.. ~1ft .... ..,_. PI;I'E ..... $ F ........... a$¥ n OIMNI A-. ........ ~ .... , ... u .. ,H.-, T I sA I it For BE'ITER ROOFS Of AD KiDc18 .::> OWEI ROORIG · CO. 509 E. 4th Street Phone Santa Ana 4338 SANTA ANA CALIFORNIA AUDITs·-TAX ADVICE -SYSTDIS MOan Underwood ZOM IIARBOI& BLVD. LIDO CLVBJIOL'SE ?OrVii Lido Soud Phone 577 CO!'ta Mt'!<a Phone-2233 -Accountlu Supa:yiaioo SNOODLES BALBOA ISlAND 220 Ruby Aw. "'-w ~ Office P~GCedme March 28' IW)'nOkla. 203 35tb C'fWY\In(•ITial !<lnK'IUrt', 1Pf'r E . J. 111 Apt• Av• 111.C•If lh .. ut1.-t11 mrut. t"K"thrt ~1th flvr ~r-·· .. nt .,_,.... ._.. J Stref't. p..r Sam KJnsfattwr. AIIMt. ta DeW r~lfon1·r. I"'' U •~ 1-:1-f"'n•lly t~r t ... furfrtlrol ''' Ill• ...... , 1•11 a. a a 1-1 .... March 28-Harold Hopaua.. 501 \ lotarctl .... AI\'R C . .,.,..,, In· d~t ''""I"""""" ~ ..... 'JW "J " Slrfft. poor Sam Kinai&Uwr 1 ~taU 11 addJiuJnBI outlfttll In 11r-Apr11 1 Haruld. llnllkiM. t-:11111 IIATJo:t' Mar1 h ~ 1, lflt2 '· I Eut Bay An., per 8Am Kjaa. March %7 J . H. '-'d, 107 2TUI pairln& bomt. 11er Hnmt' 11!1 .. .-trlr. AMU!tallt M"'retary frl •lit ltaJ j , Xarcb 28-J ~-"'-'-· 30t I all:" houSf', poor llome Ewtrk' Co. Ot'otral, lnllt&lt t 1Hatlt'la In r~-'I . A w . f\1-EN<..."E fatlwr. Mr-f'd. IJIM&II 7 ~IUoo&l outleta llllllllol 1 ,II h. "' hi• 11fflo·r. flay D1L ILUIII D. BOAD Marcil 28-G. K. Kf'OI'nkf'. Mil ln rta..,.IM'f', poor l\k1 Btackward Ctualtled Ad_. Ge-t R·F.·S·U·L·T-S lttlarnJ <,ub. c 'I 1 y "' !'lrrwpw1 A.cacia Atot'.: per 8aJn Kituafalhrr 1 Ma~Tb 27 M.arpi'Pt r.. Olbaon, Jf&rcb 28 G C Krnftlk• :lU 1100 Orf'tUI lliY•I .. C'A rnna df'l Mar. Acacia Avf' .. 1,..r Slm K.irultaltwr tMtall II t>Utlda In .,_ ~ ... March 28 C' G K,..~rnkr 51G t.Jan-h 'r1 Mn Mallard. 713 AC'Ann A~. Jlii'T 1'lam Knwt&Utf'r l&Jitllin ... Install addltl•.nal wtrln.r Marcb 2t; G. (.' K,wnkf' ~.;ro on "-om" ,,.., HHmt'' F.IKirlr Auua A\'t . P.,r ~am Ktnlltaltt->r-"arch 2t W illiAm ••. ~tf'Jihf'nfl. Quality Lumber ... ·Building Materials • -' COSTA MESA LUl\IBER CO. ,/ Howard W. Genish Ml'7 W . v-tNI A"' ~ N_,.rt ~ Calif. ........ AI'TOJIOBILE • nRE ACCIDENT • Lin wow-wow · oo- R -a._,.•"L 1-i-· . '• . DESERT HOT SPRINGS SPt;('IAI. ANNOI'S('Uit:ST .,,_ A•nual r.-t .. r Munrt.... !¥(''..,_ "Ill hr ho4<t April :\lh, atep Ml,.,.lfo IIIII, "hk-h 1,. a Jo&rt uf l.....,.rt tlut Mt"lnl• h<okt IJIIL ~., .. ,.,..,_ .. roordlall) l_n•·ltrd. " ......... ., ..................... . .. a 1,... ,.., ...... ,. -••• 1 r•M• ,., •••h, ..... ....,. •• ;"WI .,,., ... ~-..... &~ ..... I , t llt:..:\.'\.1"''"• '&Ill \ ••I a h-. ~··-• ._, &..ate L. W . COfFEE, Subdovlder U1 ~~· llprl .. lllr-·-o\•c•...._ o _,.,., ... . --., . ·- By Cy J-1 unarerf nrd .___ ____ ------·4 By ('harh·M :\1(·.\lanuH ~ HEnl!' \ ON£ r• MAM4 .. I'IQ(liAN • .IJUIDON CMTI'AlP.\TH ,.._ .. u .. -. .u-...,.._ ... ",.... ...... DR. H. r .. BT.UO..I:a nr.NTIIIT .,.., • .,...,.. e2tOI hcurtty •ldg. trtrat & ~IM LONG •llACH f)P:AN C. BROWN, II.D. at'&, ~L Ill-A!lf'8 TW-AT m.A.o.r"" •n IUJ A'I'IOmfln' A'l' LAW o.ea .._ ..... a a· ........ (loltlta .... Dr. G. B. TohiO 0 PIII'RK!IAN ... .,..,..., ~c--ol ................ ..... _...,..._ om..ue-w ...... ., __ _....._.. BAI.n a BDri'VIfl'.ll IIOKTtJOY c ... ,., ., .... .. . r--. MU -._ ..._ ~,._-++ ..... _ .... ----•.r_......_ 1111 ....... ... c"'""" .t.o ,.., ,... .. ...,., ••"' ,..._ Nrwpwt U Ur. P. A. Chamberlin (;tiiRCU'RACToa JIIH S • WJIIort Ill vi! C"'rSTA M&"A l"h<lfNI JAM DR. M.D. CRAWFORD () 1• t (} ,_. 1: T A I ' T ""'-•• r •· rAa•• .,., ,. .. ,...... ..... .,.... .. _ .... ,, ........ __ ,.,.,, "''-~ l'h11n•· tt:to i 111\lA~ M. CliRKF.V, II.U. ·r:,,., t ... r, N•-... nr-t 'Ill Sr1 M11ln St~t ...... ,_ ............... ....... IIMith HerYb .. ... .............. "'--f'IIIMrUf~ .... _ ... ... -.. "' ,..,.. ·-..... Ur. W. W. Slat~r O&'!EOPATHtC PHVIICI.AN •nd SURGEON l"hnn•· 1U7 ... ....... ..... ,_, ..... Ur. l ... twrll Jlutdi:Low•n H t; S T I ~T 1:1 .......... h .t ...... l# .............. . 11\ O•.,.•n AvP. Lagun .. beat." ........• .,. .. :t .,_,. ..... , ...... , . . . WHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT AI'I'I.IAS('I';~ t .. , 1(, J-:l•·•·lrir Mnytl'l~. nr A V1r1•1r ."<••rvl• •• M••r'rlll Whllo•, Ph. !MM. t'tlt¥.1'1,M r; A ~It KIS.UU.SU WUWt.-- Tt W Wdi-111 f'THit NJ1t. 1\llf•l,. <'•"'tr' ~f· •··• t ..... ~1 L•n,.l•<~. l'h 6.'\&-J nr;,·r:lt \I. t·u~ncAnmc.- r;.,ld••n II 1-'ln•ll:tv, :q .,, f'•IA.•I fllvol l'h 41YJ f'l"'" 111111 C.tn•tnM:Uon. l,t '\tlli':K f ft\II'A~U:"t- (',,..lrt M•·• 1 I ,,,,. ( ·,, 'I r l '" l1f'll• )t1tt j ilin \ '''" h'W!u " I~ 41. H:ov lll'ltlll T.umt.•r c·, l'h••n•· 11~.0 ('"•'' llt~hW/\)1 111 ~ M t\ ICI ~ P: Ml'l"..f 'I ,\1 .'tlt~"t • Mnrln•• ~~ .. ~·1111• v ~h••f'. l:l•f.'• ('1111." fllw11y ~•11•1'11•~ lf~tiAI-. l':te. I SOT .\ltV I'I'IU,If -. Nurn ~Till I~'" llo. :IIIII v.· r.·niJ;tl AVM1111' l 'h• n•· 12 ••r t:! No·wport. Ot'.,f 'F. "'' I11'J.IP:M- No•wl"111 llllrl:::r_!~~~~~" 11t~m~"· 12 -_J :l, Nrwport lk>~.-- 1 N•·WJI••r-• I hr ,,,,. l'ulolt•hlnJl roll. l'hnnr·~ 12 • 1:\ No•WJ.ort llf'edL RF.t\1. P:NT\Tl" ... I~"'I'IU~cr: a NOTARY 1'1 ftr.lf'-j 1 1"'"'' 11 W :olh ,.•·. '.!.l!U W O •nltlll Avo-n11•. J'h•ltlr 3. · f' I ~r:nnr:H "'T '"''~ ~ N r"'l••rl IIIHiotor l>,th~r C'o. f'tlrnN: 12 ·-I~. N~ BNdt.. I llltrr.:P:T MP:T "'· WURM-·'·-Vll'l,. Mllfllt.lt,&.' -' At1,...1 M~>tA.I W"r11•. r..•111 M .. -. ~ 2SO. l hrr.WJUTF.R~ , N~port ll•rt.nr Publahtq CD. Phana: 12 • U. ~ewpan ~ v=:a:.•~·~ 1'011'1--&. He, Zc! ~--. ...._ tw•w.~--, ... ,..n BMcll Balboa • ....... 1alalfd . Udo 11M W .... N--port o..r-del Mar N...,...t~ o.ea )&.a OIIF •' • r I NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-'J'DI&II. ~ Badt. Calf~ TlfURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1942. -~--- IIIINITEREIT TO WOMEN EbeU Flower Show, Victory Garden& Exhibit May 9th and 1Oth Mrs. S. W. Blackbe~rd Is Hostess At Two Attractive Parties IMis_ s Mary Cornwall, !Your' Friends .F Wn hu be~n apending the vaca· tlon with bLI pal"fttt., Mr. aD4 Bra de Elect Honored A d • Alra. LAo J.tcGaHen. David, wttb By H-ostess\ Tra'o • n Mme hLI parent. and bLI brother, Bruce Pret'imln;uy · ttlftUIIIt:t... w " r k by wumen of th.-Newptort lio·~h Ebr.ll Ctut. 111 unllt•rway t.•r ll"· .or .. nul rlowt<r ah••w Jtnol ·''" tc•r)' JaNt'll .. xhlhlt to bt: helu h•••• May ttl, and l Oth 111 l ht< "I'll.' '' II~ audtLonum of llw ="•'WI·••.' ·~-... It Ornmn1o~1 Sc·hriOI A 1\ t't•nt lllln••un• Fuu·ut 1 .t t It•· &nn•u.l flhlll • r shu\\, V.tt\ •• tl,.. .r.,: • u Jo1A) 9th anti lHlh 1'114-lh lt••t •. ht•· '-'•Ut ,, ty&J(•t:•U t•iu• ;Li t1rrur lUll.! ~h•uld lun ·· t~<c .. •ll the• l•tt!1 l 'lun" t .. r ttw I•P"~'t (1~<1.41 ''" tlval, "'' :~uc·•,.•llfllll\ ·t·•l:• I "~ , .... • .... .... ,,:". OJ" t.y 0•• .. IM tl I·: ilJ \'lf 'l p,., ••.• ,-.... r a tJoU Ht t h• ~·\'­ ;~r t ff+,j•pf C 1 h0dN I '~f ('Hlll , • • • I I I II '-' '•' ' \\lilt n I CIKJli!IIJil, Ul •' 1," Ill); j•l•'• J•8rt .. l undo 1 tti .. ol11 · I.• c II Hudd, , hlliFn·tll• .. , • t1 • 1 .. II •:.,, ••• n ,.;,., '*' r• :-;Jf\('~1 h• U•J.: Urtf,:11f.dl •• I j t•lt\.•1 t 1 '•r biliO\\ 1.,,,.. •••I''•' ~~~I l,.•~tutatul flnllo'~·rll 1-(r""'' ,,, •. I !'olt ~ !.: W Hlac ktt~·ar•J ••f :!It) ••r~l!ltl .-'\'••1111• t· .. , .. na •! .. 1 )lf:)r •t1t •t ht lli•·d \'.lUI t~· t•n•!C• t .~ ••r.n~e 1 f11,.., "c~··k hr-•n .. ru "-' r: o;t.!l\ ht•f !1 II 1:''' ttf 1 J,t ff,11 t• ~ ·f t ~~ r ln J,: fi••Y..• , ... u • ,, 't;:t.•t• ~ \\ .tJ1 l!t\t t.•t•·r ,. ,,,,.,, •• rnH~r.t•rJ,..' ·! •· .~ , • • 1 .. ""''''~ aud ff• rt1fil ..... r h•' p·-.. t. t '4\ t; t ' ·J:.\ n~t•·r·tu"'" h Uh t1• ,,,. ;,r ,I t n.r ... ~···· tt: .• ;kf .. tt ! 1'\lt• ... J ~,, ... •1110 • .-,.: I ~t· t ·l• H• ·n;, h: ..... t f iiC~f· ..... ,. •• , •. , H .tf f\ ... l:C•It • · .... \\-.tf1· J .;,,nt ·''i"·•n l.t.tt .. , a' rd rr ~~ •'·•lhJtl •. t ' B 1 1 n·:l J•rf.t l·k lt.U >II;!.s'• 1..:,:£',, I '' "'II II a 11 \ \\'• •I "'., 11.•1 1 • \\ j . • ,,,..uH f.,, at• d f••l .• f#&ttff• i•• I.\ '~""11) l~u: .. u a·. \\• ~t' ~!· ~Ltn!•'• i\•1<1:: lfa••.:hn II ~-:-··,,lllt-t .:ttw l "'"'"' ""'II '."' ~b~· I ~ll •' t·•l'-•' ft t t.-••·•~·· " ... u t f t• l tr"' \.\lett., w•lh lh• ,..., "'' l t • )Ira \\'• ,., .. , •·r :•n't '''"~ ldtl•;n ,,, ~tr ... .. ,.,; ... luu 'Th~· 1•r tJ4' !••r r-umna~ \<1'111 I<• Mljl lfllUj!lifl 14 olh llofl ~·•hl•••n ~··1111: t•• ~1 •• ~tiiJllo t •n·! "t ntu•liRj( · 1•• •1• I••• l.h.· •Ill \ IIWilrdf'<t In l'U,...:t P.ulltrl f,.f •J lin T'llrMitlay arr .. m'"'" )I •~" Ulllc-kbfoltf11'11 . 101•.,.• for tunc·h .... <n we,.,. M rr• tla rry \'au~·hn. )Irs l h•r~olo.J Wahh-nbo•rg, :!.Irs ttah-)· B Z r.trKmrwy. )lrlf .,._tr r ltllt.- - are leaviDC to apend Euler with .Mra. E.UIJe Brown Uilla en-a m.tn In J.tartinez and wW JO ·or· One of thel-many atfalra honor-joyed a few daya of her vacation to Stockton to •:Hume bLI atudlea lng J.tiu Mary Cornwall, who wlll l at b•r home on the bland. next week, &Jld hla famUy wtiJ be, •>me the bride of Mr. Samuel llrli. Helen Harriot bail ha.J btr 1 retum to their beach home. T. Martoer on Aru·il ~th. wu • 1 8011, ~roo bome tot -Prine va-.tdr. and Mra. W. D. Glenn ol ••l!_rfet IIUJlper aru.l kltct:eo abow-cation. Camnoo hu returned to l'e!la(hapl v.-ere tn town one day t-r glvt-.n b)' l>lra. Don D.ouglaa. hia lltudiea at Midland, at Loa tbia week rene~,og old &l'qualnt- ~lr·li .. Rorthea Wtlaon and Mra. OliVul!. north of Santa J!arbara. ancuhipe. We~Kjell H. Calkloa In the latter·• · lotr and Mn. R1chanl owyer Jobn E. Sadlelr, ~IDanqer of hom~ at 213 Sapphire Ave .. Bal· have been apendlng the pe.t w~k ilank of America. Balboa, Ia "*· boa Jalanll laat "Frlllay evening. on their boat "Uttle Lady Ill". < ahonina; at O...ath VaUey. Fnllowlng a deliciou• bultet Alan-In Moore and family of fl'l------------•1 aupprr th4."' gueata pn.>eented Y fu Newport Height. apent the w~k- Curnwall with many lovely anq end with h1a parent. J.tr. and J.tra.' u.etuJ gilt.a for the kitchen. Spring William Moore at VaUey Center ' fh>W<'r• IUld white tapera dec· 1 Mr11. Manuel Conhero. of 21at orated the hou.e and a wedding Street Ia lU. , OPP'S BULB FARM THE HA ... O.. FLO,.i,"IT cak,• waa aervell lUI the lkawrt Jud-ge Harry Weatover wu m ~ cour~~e. Salt Lake City over the ·nek•·ud Floral "'ork of AU K1adll Gueat.a buoorlng .a.tlu CorJiwall on a bwlioeu trip. .. ; ~"' . Mra. 'E: A. a>ffiWill:"The l . Kiu Patrie'-Milia, wbo hold11 a brldt•·tv-be'a mother, Mra. Tbomaa r W•Ulon in the L. A. OffiCe of t he E. Cornwall. aunt, Mra. BamCaet, So. Calif. Auto Club Ia Ill at the 'C. llartoer, Qlother ut· the groc,m.'l home 0( her parenta. the Bert . ..;. -. Pbolle '747-R F~ Delivery .. ---'• I to-b.!. .t.tiu Ruth Yartnt-r, Wra.l U.IILI In Nev.'J)Ort Beach. C. E. Dit'ke¥--Mra. Joat"pb lolc· David McGavren. af.udent at The •21M 'Newport •htcl., c-. .... Chsney, lolra. MUdred Lockhart. I \Cot:l:e:,:•.:of~TJw-=~Pac=~lf:l:c-~a~t~S:toc:k:-~==:::;;:::::::::::; lolrs. Jamea ·Merritt, Mra. L'avld I ~:o"c!~-~~~~~b H~~~~~: 1 II.$ I R E D -and --~~er. _ ·Comiq Event. In "arbor Area ~ ; I I i·=~~~~=;~~~·-:"~'t'Wl. )lr", JIOO•hl K-H.alt l.lr" Ha1 WtH ~mr. 1fll"lr. 0 z-F-IUDAV, .. AIL~ •• ..... .._..A ()q e Qr,•hanl Cry•lal. Jam or Jtlly Diah FREE Euttr 1 ROOf-~. Mra Coand Sb~. Amftican Rf'd c r o 5 ~ work· E Mr•. tl.&Jph H~den. Mra. Lrww . C S A y W C A rooma, ~ rrom 10 a. m. to 4 gg B&ltx, Mra. J Otleph o.nlr;f'r. ,., Heights ircle Of anta na . . . . p. m., 111 Palm St .. Balboa; and V Sanll.l Ana. Mra ~nt<fi Jtit('bioo S I H . T H Jd A 1 201 Grand Canal, Balboa bland. yes Mn J nhn Slf'jtt'l ltlu .... r a n k w. S. C. . s oldtng 0 0 .nnua eo.ta M~ Boy Smut Troop, 71 OO.f ·~~-·tan ~-ltlrll. Wilham Ft-anw Membership Contest Garden Tour, Tea p. m.. acout huL and ._... .u-. Costa Mrsa Flnt Aid ClaM, 7 f'tlonli.n~ w. pi&)' rummy Wt"re 1 ~ S_,.or1 ~ Clntlt tJt to ' a.. m .• MI'SII Legion Hall. I liY ~n instrumen1aUty of the United ·states Government and under ~e supenision of The Federal l£0ine Loan Bank •• Ea8t.r I )(n RJt.ch l#, Join ~.~ .. ·-Mn Uw w !'C!l·-at Uw .... tJt "nle a.ata ADa -T .W.C .A. Ia aATU .. DAV, AP .. tL 4- Drooa-n. and Mnr •"ra.aM-. Wltb flrat Mn F.Ya Outtn ill c.-di'A .-killc pIa a a for tta Annual CantH'n Cc>l'p5, high .school, JO Candy prize bein~t •••"' by Wra. ~ Mar. Tburaday. liard ...._ Pre-GaNrn TOur ...t Tee to tJe beld 2 Wra, .t.lrKinne)' ""'"' t~ rant f'"U «ddn,: 1 be ~-a ....._.. Saturday. Apil lltla. "-1 to ·0 ° , PA:'RIL ~ Novelties for hl,;h brkllte IW'nn-Wra H 1 ""u,_. wu ~ · · • P· -.. lllld BundaJ· April 1 eloD F.aater sunrille &>n ·icd . 1~==~===!~!=:;,:=!!::!~=:!!!==~1 W . S~tth •-ua ttw .. "'ODd rnz.e I Wf'lllbrno att.rndinc .._. ann-"-2 to $ P· .._ BeeuWul Oow· 6:4~ a.~ 111 .. Legion Park. t5th IUid • and Mra. Hllrol.t Wa.ldenbrf'Jt thr1801lnp, Aln Ntn.'-'s. ala a ft' ,......_ lilllft been 8ekded Ba:v Front. Newport BeadL 1 t'flii*Jiatlvn priw. 1b# ''trawllna M<lf't'laftd. ~ ~-.... llo'. ~~ WI U• illtnntlnc Vlc·tory MONDAY, AP .. IL 6- We operate under a Fedt>ral Charter and are, at an times. under the strict supervision of Govemlll(>nt Agmcies. WHAT wt> do andJfOW we do it is cr.n- troUed by this chartt>r. Each account is also insured up to $5,000 by a Gov- ernment .Agmcy .. 100 CLEANSING TISSUES a.&'l'e .. .,.., 17c ~-AN1TARY ~APKINS - 0. Do.ett Now O.ly tic Y oa w-.u Alwlys Save At IEWPORT PHARMACY 2108 tkean Front · Newport BeKh FLOWERS-CARRY . . Phone 5 prbe" to~ the aftlmonia •·f'nt ''' fard. FAith .MIUidrr)'. ...._ En-;;antftaa. AdY&D<'ed Ftrllt Aid C1aM, New-1 • M~• Vauchn Mrs Blal•llbf'&rd -~-DIM-I St......_ ~ DI&IH. Mra. E. D. n-blor.la Ge8era1 port n-u. 7 :00 to 9 :00 p. m~. : 1 'a~ln provf'CJ &r unu.ud '1n· ·A liN' ~-Oori8 ""I" a.aa Clialnua. -.,.._ If: B. W'eJJillc· R.obe:rt Jadwin lnatructor. 1 &~ulty Wlth ber devn cht~ of Trv .. y. !olathe Ha.un. £.-. Brut. 1011 lllld .a-E. T. McFadden California Statf' Guarrl. 7 :30 'ctna tor prt2lH. •·hkb ·~ plalalf)ddh n.:.wllm,t. a. • .-. ...._ plan • ._ bour Saturdauy an~ p. m .. Balboa hc-adquartl'rtl. j l ,.,1tb French reproduction& ol liCbt Ly<ba ~-1.oau* m 2 • ..._ .. tJw ..,.....,. ot r. Arrwrican R<'d C r o 5 s work· I I operu. flt)~ Hilma. J.-.. ~ llln;. C. F . a-lUI. 1116 Heliotrope rooms. Op('n rrom 10 a. Dl. to 4 -------------1 -~_. IDt'lllbn'w taMe a al DW Dl'tft. -7 ~ wtJit ~ p.m . Ill Palm AV{'fllM'. Ralboa. port Hartlor .net eo.ta M-car· lllfttin,c wn't' IIPnU«e ..... -..1 ~ ~J 0 • WornE'fl's Emergency Organi· dena u-well u attr&ctjft no.rer J ~ Ci~-~ ~.-lin. H.~-........_ Cbairmaa zation of Anw-rk;_a, 7:30 p. m ., ~-aa . ._. crnup -..,.,... --_, ~ ............ aDd lwr-· ~ta Mesa. With the UD.it.ct uLH ia uw l-._,.. natn~ ~-~~ _..._ •-drwfuU• aaiKted Ratlonmr Board. 2 p.m., Own· 1- orld flkt and .,_ --H Into h rn «<''OIf& ---,_ I her or ~ orr~. • CCIII --1 by Jl BUUitp aDd a. olt.-~ ~ ~ "-« aDd ~ Newport Harbor · Chamber ol o&tloeaUJ pla.cH UpOII t.be plut. MB ra"·u-'J1w 1a11kr ,.... ........ In .,._ .. ia oelpborifte Commen.-e Dln•ctora -mee tIng r ~ "!.::;~ ~;"'-~ :.:;~1 bold.a lbe a-d ata..r ,_,....,.. c .. ..._ 80 ~~ alU1 nd-12:15 p. m. White'a Coffee Shop . ....... "" r ....... -~· ......._. • ....... --7 .... ,,_ ,.--e to pace. .,._, ........ _ )-'--" feeture a Vlrtory C:ardftl f"1lbibtt .........-u"r; _..._. •• ....-- -1 .,..,.,._ ....,..,, •' to ...t.t ln f'IK'out11&1"C uu. mowe--·n wH.-Mra ~ aJid lira. Motor eorp. at home or Capt mf'nt. • I \\'lbone First Aid Classes Jl"f'ne Bailer. 227 Ruby. Ba.lboa I Mr~nv ...-.~t. of t""' Sf'W1'0'1 • --. • IIJI&IId 7:30 p. m. Serif. George 1 Harbo; a.ru, ·.~.-.. Jlate t~ rart t bat ·County Group At Are Announced ~t.erktn ot Highway Patrol to 1 thry ttv.e at thr hf.ac·h. ha\'e pre-1 __ give claaa In traffic problema. I Jlllfl'•l \'lf tury !'111'\Wrut ~·ale havc-IKappa Delta Event Adwa!leed J'lrat Aad daaa mH'la i TUESO~Y. AP .. tL 'l-rk I · _. ~~ t __ -.._ 1n-t .Afn('ncan Rro C r o !I :or-wo · pJal'fd """'' of impnr1"" ..... 0 Sc.Uthf.rn {"JlhfunUa ~ ..... ~ J ... wuo, .. -rue or, I ( 10 4 ma.ble pla.oUD~ uf ''~•ol Ka O.lta p,... a IWtll!ftl a. ta. N~ nteatre. Monday room!'. Op('n rom a. m. to I Olhf'rs 00 noc hav«-,.a..,a.nt pmr-ppa .,_... April e. 1 .. 2• at 7 :oo • p. m .. 111 Palm St .. Balboa; 201 erty available but have thr1ed ~ and FluthJc:on 8laow at llllrt 0a-. lor the tnllowing Grand Canal, Balbo.'\ l~land. · I areu ab(lut · thC'Ir botnft ..-tth C'arr•,. " a...-.. Ani!.,.__ laat ~ L ._ _.__ will meet on Monday 11 C~ta Mt'S<'l • l':-·port Harbor .Sa\· ,.., •. h z, 19-t:Z. ,._ -~ u '"'l h ._.. · r '"'af<' ahrubtl an• I n .. ~ r r •. ha,·e plantf'\1 · · aDd W~y eYealnga. 1 nns '-u . noon. nat !If' ' • \'f'f;•Ublea hfot•· ..... n the oo.·• of 'J'a·,. ta~·,.re ~t~-A~-~· F\rat Aid d&llll. ar-1 l':l'~'JIOrt Harbor Rotary Club 1 • bf'r. "f tho-...... •n.:r ...,.,.... J ·-· 1 he Motor 6 :30 p. m ., Balboa Island CoH~·I ~ dcrc•Jrath·e ~r<Wo'lh 1_. _.1tb .,,.. (~ _\\'brat elJ< ~ ~dally w t IR*ttn 1 Shop. r--------------,: •tf'fl<hn~t rn -11'..-.,.ort Brach-lira CDn-W opm,! ~rd wt~ Balboa Jala.od w .s .c .s. "pot - llarpret L 8dlarfe ,., Wheat '" rrf'MIImt tJt U.. • 8taadard " Thea.~e on luck .. hlncheon 12:30, Mra. Chap-~ ~ all that, we are naturally conservativt>, inte-lligent and honest. Se-- curity of your investment ls FIRST with us. We are friendly, too. It is easy to do buslnea here. O:lme in or phone La- guna Beach 390, revendng the chargt!s. or mail the coupon below and see for yoonelt HOW easy it is to save this safe and AJre way. Highest rates of in· terest· are paid semi-annually. · (We have funds available for the building of more homes in Newport Beach and vicinitv.) 'I • II'AJL THIS COIIPON \ NOW! • ~···································· • • • • • • • • • • (Mr ' • Millie T--.. A.-~It" f"Ottnt~ Alunmee '" Map -' at tM Nn~~ . rwL)IIra, Polrcll h~ I ---tttt------C:!IIIIfwwal ---pr~"·,.....,. -::;(KH.J--:;. ·~M A,..U 1. 1N2. wtUt Robert Jad~l 1 abl# Maater ot· t~remo·n-_. wta u ilultructor. aa-a for the Scllool •• A ~AGE OF EASTER --.-. I • • .• f't..e h&Y$ )'OW' upreMnlaUve-WI without obligation on my part. Name it • • • • • _ .. April l-10 ~ ttw ~h1.-a .,_.. w-u put 011 ".r fCIIkJIWmC twq ""~"" will m~t I ~"" t 'lltti 'A\niiH' • n..day and Tbur-.day ev•- rrnc...-.1.. fn·m thf' atfa.r .., ....... 11ha""t ""''"'Hn t be t"tl~ ~. A«• I rit4 • • • • • : Clty • • PROSE: X~l"OIIT 1 ... "(JII''''aa ...... ,c-h '" •pon""~ ~ Los Costuras HQnor the Alumna~ oe Kappa t~lta. _. M L .11 M liens Ueoua being prepand by Mrs Rt*' Lugo f(lr the roming w~k at the cafeteria of tht-Nev.'J)Ort • • •....•..............•............... ~ School are &1!1 followl!l : · l(ODday: Ctea.m of tomato IIOUp ttw l. :: o rs. UCI e U PINAFORES for th(' wry-1 :-oun,;: ~11~· of Oflf' ) .-ar In lht•. l>11: S1~t••r of U \ o•an-. 1n \ ar· iou~ mat~·r·wi, an.t J>nr.~ frnm "' $1.95 to S3.98 (;irJ's ~tw 8\\'E.-\ TERS '·. $1.95 to $3.95 . -. LIITLE BOY'S Sl"ITS for pla) ••r clr.-ur Shurt I r l, n; I''"'' :"17• • I 1•' ~ )••a•~ at 51.95 to J3.9S •· .. •' I • ~ 1M .o.turu Oub met ~ ....,.y ...-en~DC at Mra. Arthur ~-Pl'tee. at ~ 1 Emerald. Balboa ......_ Aa aa added feature to u.ar _., n'f'fttng ot -inr; the ...... ~ tbe birthday aD· ........., o1 I..DellJ. Mullena. b y pork and noodle10. combination 1 alad. and melba balvell . Tudday: P?a aoup. rout lf'5t 1 o1 lamb • and buttered carro\41 1 mllt'r arnnl aalad and Ice boll cake Laguna Federal Savings and Loan Association pa tiiUII& twr with a ·~ loYely Mrtllday Sift and enjoying the tn•l Q IIOtbday calle during tile *-It bour. .._...,.. lD iuldltlon to !.be boat. BE-tLACH .............. ......_ ........ -~·Rn'DIO ~~ .............. . DG&a·~ ....... 8otla .. -- auteniiC a..ocaa .... AIIII':D Wd neaday: Alphabrt • o uP --~ b&ked be&na. tomato-lett~e aalad 198 Cout Blvd. Soatb, Lapaa liNch, Calif. Phoae Lapaa Beada • pineapple tapioca. • Thureday: Barley aoufl, ham-1 _ ~ burgt'rl!l. left\lre aad av&Ado 1 • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ aalad. and fruit jello. Friday: Uma bran 11oup. bllke~l 1 m\...... ---..... bllrrACIIChl. !iPJlle. l'elery and date ' \lllll ·~~-~-··-· ...aacJ. and cottatte ~'"~dlntt with I orr..._ ... ..--.. w.a ..a.n • lemon aauce. !--------------~-- ' e• were Lucille Mull<'nll, lona Truaty. Lout~ Grubbll. Dorta Fer-I I ~11un An<! U llian Clw<'M. }lrt.. Ca~'li<• Rlt;,, ll·ft thill :-mrn-1 lng with fr•en•lll from L'-'11 An· ,f'll'll fur S1oux Fa I I 8 , South H ............... t*la .... , Oakota. to visit with relath'f'!l for 111''\'t•ral montha. Before You .. Build Or Remodel- villi' .......... llili ....... ... ...,..,. ...-. Oelor ...... plasntr .a... .... pc' rtn .... ., ...... ................ _ ....... ...... ~ IAN FRANCISCO'S finest famiiJ hotel. Quiet, refined, and friendlJ atmosph .. , in the ~ heart of the theatrical, r.ataurant. and ~-..... .. ..... ...... ~ ....... ___ ,._...., 1&2!1211 .•