HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-02-16 - Newport Balboa News Times5 ,. .NEWPORT BALBOA Substription Rates TIE SAND CRAB Give a BOok to the Boys in Service :NE-W.S~{~ ~~AIMES ~) ';~1 : ·, .-·. llarfwtr A,.. · P"r )'f'U fi.M (~ ('CMa•ty .. " !.M t'allfnrala 1.'7!\ Out.klfo Stat,. .. .. S.ftl ., EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND. CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA M f.SA lAM \"OLU"ME XXX\" St:\\'I'OHT ftt~.\('H, C'ALU'ORNIA. T17D"" \. t't:llRt' \K\' Ill. iltl~ 'I'Mftt:t& II $AJ11-t----------'l ' littlrii:~!.}E~~:~r:~;Ha;r~y Welch Honored by His Associates you had matk> banrlagi.'S for + the Rt'<l cl'()SS from w till ·t. I or JX'rha JIS spent clays o n I, MAIY OUf.OF•TOWNERS end S<'\\"inJ;: on r't'fUgl'(' gar·- mcnts u n til you felt you jus t couJcin't look anothM' on<.• in t>Vl'n ha ve lx>en jus t a busy ~Chief of Air 'WHtc·hers to Be Kiwan1s Speaker the "fan.•"? O r , it might I PAY GLOWING TRIBUTES afternoon in the Thrift Shop . .. n u..r .,1 •h·· ,,11 \\'nmm.c &·rv· when the only joy was in Sl'l'· TO LEA liNG HARBORITE ... ,. "' 1 '•·m~·· t'"""'Y· Ho•n Ut-b· ing the faces of satisfiro •·•·m:m ool S11111a t\n11, will I~ lh<' customer~.; and (l('l'haps the ~~··ak.•r .11111 j.;U•·~• 11r 11"""' nt thl' m.ornent at tbe C'nd of olhe '"•~·kl~ j.;o•l·hlJ.:o•lh••l .,( mo•mi>Pn r---------------------~1 Ration Hoard Needs Addin~ Mat·hine! 'nh I( .. IUftlfl.... I • ., .. " ,, II h tll .," llht •fl''"~' ,,,,,. ttl •"t)rk. 111ft'' I\' IU U•' •l t UH add.O); llllll"hlllo ;\II\, Ito• ba.VJO$: l..al .o\ Ulluhll' ullo' \\ttl \\'orknu)n Optan itt'lief Urivt11 at ~outh ('oast fo. '•\, 1 -;,...-, '"'I''''' t,.. u( th• :.; •. n t .t •• .,,, ... t , ••• ht\l.u d ·• ,.tutua,: 'l'l'f'ttl \t· uti., ,., .... I•\ fC,uut IC Ht hiN•tt•· I •.•• I •I tlt•.f .. I,, I• 'H ph •• ,. .... tUht 'u dtP t'LH. ,.,, a f't••~t~uu ~:"•fl~ t••l :,\ ,,..,. 'tl ,,,: 11f th r l tttiU!'It tiMI t'tUun · W m; A. Bartholomae BuYs 7 500 Acies of Diamond Bar Ranch a fte rnoon when you ('OUnt • n( 'Ill' ~ ..... ,~.,, I.......... h.iWHAiJ> the fJC'nniPS-JI('nnit•s to ~6 Dinner at Balboa yacht Club ~elebrates Elet·-( 'luh 11' ,IJifloollno•o·d loy So•o"l'l'lllr) -,tO a wo nderful <"aUS(', the ' lloolo llnllolhho·hd Red Cross! tion of Popular Chamber of Commerce Sec-.,, flh''1 \ ol l n••o•do'(l N.'l-..'ll'\' '' oono • uf I h11 111u'l P• opul.or of I Ill WE'll, thCN' may haw l)('('n I retary to High Post of State Organization ° kiM In"'"'' o'fllllllllltllll<•" lhi'IJ\I!;h• grim rnemori~. but d id you '"" th•· ''''""''~ In b.-1. '~''JI('Jll&·· be '"''I '"I; ~···hll\ ""' 1110\ I tb· whh I f't' ,tt•r I I t ·''''''ll... ,,, tJw ho'llo I :Oil•: II ",. •I o f q Ur!ry \\Ill Ill Ill); It Ill oor , oo10 tact lh•• \'lohiiJh •r "' l'•11 oo ~ru Ill 114 ••t t.ln ttlh• ttlhl ='htpl•t•l•ltul: "'••t ~ l'tl-1 t P t\flt'U ta tlrtvt• P I '""''" f pt '' 11' nolitt. l .. tU ... •u • .. t t 'h t,,,., ulh• "' Plitt•'' ~st t••'•• \\,tt c· .... u. I '·· ,, ,., •I tt.u.t l'tt'IUtl•·ut , r ,., d lill t···l••• • '''"' ... "'1 th, tlu tholomat•, Jr .• lh.•al Uar- ~·er h ave to stay away from 1 .... lhal lh·· :'\.oltunul llmMirasl- th()S(' vt•ry plt-nsant activities Th<' ciinn<'r last nig ht a t thf' Balbon Y:H'ht Cluh not onl~ "'~ C'uml~·~~~ fllcwluo···-. :~n nut· and try to sooth a m<>r<' man '":l-" a <'t'IE>l.lration o f thl• f'l('('tio n of Hnn)· Wt'lt-h, s.••·tv l:1ry-'"'"ton~: m"J<'1 ""'~o:mm 'l<nnwn <AMtst Assn. Jlere who h_ad lh<' m<'_a sl<>s a n. d mantt"'f'r o f the• Nt-\\-nnrt llarbor CbamlJ~•r uf l'nrnn\!'rt'l', tn ·'"' "t-:~•"' Al .. fl .. hnnllrin~; lh••s.t· ld t f h I ( f I ... ·-· \\ hto l:l\1 "' ll'io'lr IIIII(' '" jtllllrd Satu d. t El t cou n or t (' I e 0 urn the offiN' o f pt'('Sident or the Califo rnia S ta t(' A~.;ndatiun tlf lhl' ,,,,-lurlo',. (rum o'lll'fll~ tllnn•''" r ay 0 ec see w h y he had to stay in-·' , . doors? If not. '"'Ou've SUI'(')'"' 1 Ch<tml:x>r of Comml:'rce SN"ri'liii'IPS anct MnnagP~. hut w;,.., In :'\•'" •~·• t ll.ol"ll<ll' mc•r;• volun·l __ _ " " 1 · b 1 · f I I lo'PI'< 111~· no'<'clo'(l HPnol 'l hurs· Ttw Orocro~·· n 1111u ,• t ·,.11~1 A-• f ···• II•• • • I I ' • '"'' "hu h""' f• • t 1•t 1\' Ill \\ UIIIUIA: t h~ "Mr •tat lltJ.! tl1.11 ··o w tu tftlt' fruut .... .-,. '\It I \' l tl1 .tl'll Vlf I\ I \et Vit·l"ry 1U AO) I t•l IIIIo: 11 • 111 uno I J~olnllnl( nul lftt t I• ftt• lh1t11~'11 Itt •~f •••r fUtt•f• l loo• 1111 o•lolll( Ill llllf' WflJt a nil I""'"' oo h 1 c·ll c•nt loo ral,.,. S:!l1,111111. '""' '"' '>\IH rc•llt-f. wall lilt •1•1ora l "l11t• """"" 11( l o~'\\ I, \\' Hnc:~ .• 11 I I I t-::a~t t 't'tllml i\\t'· lith•, 1\.tlh"'· .1111\t .. tnol"' rho• ~·.k· '') Fn .. l lA'\\ 1~. nf nullul, col j'~11~1 ·" "'" ·,,, liM• l:tllii<U'< I liltlllllfWI U11r l'llfw-h. nn.l th1• "IO:H'I"U' I .... "'' n""''"ll'' 111 :.'It Ill t<•t~<l t ···ntrn l A\'t~UI'. Bu.l- ho.,l, '" \\ 1lham 1\ Hm1hulotm.w , Jr ."' 11~ S.1t1th IJ11y fo'mnt, m ict.c;ed SOME'IlilNG! a m~t jus hfiahh.• tri . Ut(' to t w ~:;reat S(\1"\ ll't"S Pl'l" C'IITTH'f ty olay'< :"o·w,.·Tinii'S r .. r turlhf'r de>· d at.Aon ... Ill OW•·I ~lllrolll\' Ill And if staying i\1 a nd him during the years he ha~• • -----1:ub nn•l hnw tu .,'f·urco IIJitJolnl· 1 <:::llrt.t.la11' 11111 ''" th•• •·t.~·ti\on .. 1 play ing nursemaid t o your I '-O <>ffid<'nUy scr vro his com-I Former Resident Is 1111'111 1" •h•· -..·r"1~'•' ot!lc.•• lord a nd maste r ".·el't' not munity. As u.unl. tho• Kiwnna;, Oub Ttlrol'l' ... -111 t..· ,. rf't~·rt "" 11w h t h l)ecor t d b C nada Olf'l'l< Ill C1111quon's !hal Thllf'll" four bille llfft .. ·tlnl: ~hl•l•'llll•• l'lnro enoug , 0 ave tO gJ\"e away •'-•nr ~ .. ,·~nl, .r1,.1, If•~, ..tin•• l'lll"l 8 e Y a ... 1'' 1" p 1 .,._.I -•-.,..._ h fi k h d "'' -. J .... ... .... ~ IH)(ln Ill •.• I r .... u (•nt ..... ...... I .... (1(' bllfll uro• "''" IN·( to • t e l~t stea YOU a :~;ons nf No•wport llarhur. C'olSifl -Co<llldrll w1ll ho· 1h,. usunl skipper. t.be le(talatul"t'. bought 1n tWO months. a ll !\to•...a. ~nnta Anti, Allflht•lm, Ful·l For ~RIIant Ill lirlfl In n·,..·u•n~; • ------------------------------because he couldn 't C'at it lf'I10n. llunlln~ton !W-aC'h a nn S<oal thre .. Rtoyal Atr 1-'orC'I~ fil• ,.,. (room I and y.o u k ne'\\" very well you n.·aC'h rMOponded lo lhl' rnvllallnn ·~·· ··•>a"t ool Gr«-enlnnol. _Lt•·o~l('nlllll Is p couldn't eat it au. by your-tl" PFf">I(Wnt Lon'-'mCoor, whu hac! I uMm&mh•r 1-''TanC'I rt ( I ullar-d. ays N'lr and C\'en If you roulci unl~ tlm>c' doy>o 1o makv all )lr· foT'T"'~rly ul 110 S~&pphlre SLrect. , • • what ould lX' lh ( .• ntns:Pml'nt~. ·1 rll\lhooa 1~1nn•l. cnmmandl'r nf ll ., w e un an~ Pnosifi<onls. \"ll'l'·pn'!ooldrnl!'. !oo<'C" I t• s. c .,ast I :uanl ('Uitl.'r, hall lwl'll B I b way' ri'IQriMO ann rtJrN'ION or nf'l!;hhoJr· II Wilrtlt'il U rool\'o•r plllll' on bo half It OCt~ tO m e thnt the InS: Chambl.'n< n( ('omm.-rl'o' wo•n• llf Uw ltuyul <'anlloll'ln Au· ~·on• a oa whole lhmg had rather a 111 attrnd/lnC'(' and pakl ~:11," In~ I Tht> prrBl'IIIRt ion was m:11Je In fish y look. 111<' I <.'Ollld I 1 ribUIMO 10 tttf' nrw pn'!-•r1•·nt of thl' Wa.ahlnJ!1un. J) C . ht'llciquar- E. Cutting Off Spells Disaster t,, tfh v. •'~ k••ue c .. 1 ••ulrU .. II•• ••tl• ''"'*''" ."'" ......... ,..._.lh .......... . t ho• I 111111 I ~tr llnthl••tw• aavr ••tiAIIIn loo ~·tul•hl• ully".h-.•u•llt11111lra&.r w-aa..4.--6!a.IIL •• trtlutllllfl" will do 00 c-rntr~ Will lo·•~l 1141 hun,;ry r·holdnon. "' •til "'1'1''" """"I hrllo,. fur 30 1""'1'"' I S~ .. oil I'""'""' ntlllt fiJI' oorlf' ,., tlol ton • .,.. moonlit , lltl wtll f,...l 11 ,.tU.. -.:lli~ fiUUil)' IlL un an o'htu .. 111oont II '1:1:. will fo·c"l and t"l'htUI o·lu'•l loor 1011 rnllrt> )'t"ar, J:WI •II ...... , .... , .. olrnl C'llotMtt fnr • '"""'- lno: fanool)' oo( f1vr .,..,...,N, lon>l s:::o~t .... ;11 fll'l•vldoo .. ._,."'•')' , .. llo f f• r 2!'10 alf nUd vlr11nw call him. intt>nl('(>) insists he lh<'tr ~tat" nsSOI'tataun. 1 tPr:o of lhr l'•.ast l;uard by A1r h a d the measlc.'S. In ! these Paul Pahn~r b Toaahna .. lo•r \'In Marsnall ~In• :-.lo:c>ll<' Fnalt'r. Thr fo ollllWIIIj: lOifllmunicalluD AlkJ lll&ilt o Nlain IH•(Hro• Rny (kill\ I t.tr ........ rtrol IAmJ'"'rt. J'nuthrt II ft or·• F .J ,,...,",.. fll •'""""~ uf thw utloa h•• h•en •l••l•••·mtno'll upoon C'llhfootttlto lllrT<·tur ut lhr 1'111 many years agO, but w hen A(lrr An I'XC'dlt·nl mo•;·l ur· olt'pUl\' ht·8ol ••f lht• Ho>VUI Air Dr. Rirhter put his hand on rnn~;ro and prcp.ul'd hy th•· JJal-F•oo 1 •• •11'11'11·•tlloo 111 tho> l'rull~l h ilo l>houldcr and looked him hcl<1 Ynch1 Club, Poul l'a1nwr look ~'::: .. " "~~ ,:~h~~7:~~~~:?.· ~~~~: dea r! straight in the eye a nd ovt'r IL<~ touslm:•~t•'r unci ornr..-Pnlanl't crurt ~tidE-d thl' fliers to sakf, ''Measles -definitely liUC'('d the> guf'5lj; or tht> ,.y,.nln~. t· o•, ,.,,.at 1\lll'r tht'lr plan.-h&•l measles " vou didn't have a F"irst on lhe program W•'rt' lt't· cruhed, A •mall boat from "the :'\1'\ p••rl l:t1v ln\ .. ~lmc>nt Co., la by~ &taft· tL-.tlw11y l'.,lltniiii'!OIIIfl. '>'II• ''' • ",.'1:" oo( lhr IIWW"IInt:. Ill "" tn·r<•rtJlnt Ultol ll 111 prr•~~ented t.bAt ddin11o• provl111ooll ~~t~1111 bo: 1 I ••''' '"" !.lr \\ llllan1 J I'Wa}' un t hl11 1"'1:'" ~., lhAt ••'rvl•"" ll• u ... ~:&At· 'h11tmu•n uf lhr RouUM-m Chantt .. l ll'llf F:olitm Thmu~th you 1 t'mi'J\d of ll •l't'lllni'Uin ol !'llr.•.•t I ooorll:f l 'hKfoCI'r oof Uu• Anorth'an lUll nuoll ln~ AN AJ'PF:AL TO tM -pr:...n\ lf'nnlnAJl ahAII r•m• llo .J LrWIIl. ana.1 ltr. l(lcrlf! Wtttu· HOtlSEHOLDF:R.S AND RU!· Unue unln\t'rTUptadly. 1111\JI .,,,...t.,r 01( UMl Ranta AAa DENTS OF NP.Wf'ORT BEA.CH.: ' Ia _, humble opinion, 11 Ia • \ \J ~ c 1 whoo ,..,... tllpOIIe ilrWl) •rt.alhnn l~<ll~nct. nn.t (ln.,.l•ll•nt ul t h•· 1\n r1 hulonuu• OU C'o .. :1,-1-'ult.•rtnn. l'oottt Wt ,...,.,.,. and Wr I '""'"'"'""'' 11 .. ••II "-n II\ )-....httna • ,, "'• )h l.lwlll ,.... • "''"\' w>lol hta ll t ·fnot tu-1 I'"' hi 11..-Yl\IH HlrAII(t!f tAl Ute J:oo\ • tnrnrnt. OOtkl Mr tt&ttAc!h~ I • "n• l•oo "'•I• lllr YUt't·&. a rac- uu a.ul l•l&l and th• "-la, a 61- f• .... """' )h ll~tJIIIIoloon•-,,..,.. a o·attla '"'" h 111 NI'Yaola. •nd It U1 lhr""'ll~l tlu•l lw lntl"ftda tn ._ ' 'I"'" , .. , """V ,,.,""h....,l TOOO IM'rw 1 ''" Mnt•r r-.hna tnr ldtl lltndl. .,.,... , ........ ..,.,. at 2100 ..... Ollll• tral •• .,,,,. ur Uw 111\uw ......... ot Ute llaltloo o l"'nlnaala , a larte low nut•bllna bfldt "'",.,,._._ wtttt tU. I''"" an•l twoautUully laadlc'~ 1 ~rn"'"''-wllh •14• l&tt a»d l*r• • I ttw '-Y trnnt, whfo,.., U. .,..,.... - ---.._.'Q~•n "~ • ._ t stand. • Sam 1 trr'S from V. D. Johnson. !K'CT'etary ....,. 0 on. sure y of tht> Orange Chamher of Com· "Utl~r loo>k the trio off the llbort' has the mea.sJes! me~ and of 1~ <>ranee count¥ Tht' culler then took them to a This Is really not a fairy M.'KX"Iatlon: .J. 0 . Smith. ~tary I C&Dadlan b .. e. Um1''e1llonably, readcn ol ca. • wbk::b 110 on• llhouht "ta.lle I ,,,...,.t'fun• the "atn add.-bJ lllr n~·JifW'per8 publ111 fod 1ft tfte ~ M~ 1W I'I'U\elf' Md ,.... I Kulh'--A* ....... ....., .._, bO• H"J:Itln. havt' kl"pl ID touch _,uf In lhf' .,.llt1 th.tlt by ''ll'tUntc 1~1111" a.cu,...nr., ,,.fotAht t'l( thfo Red .,ltb lhf' haatory o~ the future! Oetqe do IL" ~v•rv1hlntt "Ill 1 '""" Motur 1 •"l» nf lhfo ~tUlb· J rlli1S(I•Il1nllnn ~rvlu·• whlcb can work ltaelt 011t IIAtllff,., llorlly, 111111 ' " 1 h '"'~'' .1 ~·•.mtv ( "har•r'. ..,.1 .... r --1-. tuathar.....-c ..,... aot ... N I -..1 D--aa,. a-te .. lUll a ...... ,. e..,..... .... ncn: "" ....... ~ ...._ D''!::r ....... ... .... ~·· .. ., on FuriODKh ::.!.a..~n~!: ::.-:! ... ~ story but like all good fa1ry fko\'t>rly IIIIlS Olamtx-r or Com· Mra. Pollard """ thl'lr young stories it Will have a happy mo•JTf', and T. W . MC'C'nlly or oii\UJ,;hlt>r. E lalnt'. l(ft Ralbo& Is· t fMo IM'U fllf UrP en(:ting. R.rvcfllid<'. A t••lt>grnm was reart• !~n<J !lhllut ~ Y'Hr a~:o f••r thP F.tu•t "'"L..-cJoct "f ~-• (rom C'ummodor(' AJb<•rt Sn11 anc! <>llltt to J' 111 L-l ('om p,,llfortl al • 1M: or says 1 'lot: IS a . that tlmt' )'tooci pati£'Dt. he will he out /h !\lr l'alm•·r mtrnrluo'1·1l tho• · Ul' lwku .l f(;l.,.llld '" in nur lie('• niJ ronrttc~n 0( Nf'Wjl•trl ~~~·tlcll will 1M .. ~ Jolllr) lulnlll, •••• "' Uwl -• :\1•~ .. , 1 .,..,,,. T·~l•l\' l(tt ""I'•"• "' lho• Mr•• hanl l -----I lOll~ lhl'l't>fore r.ttff"r 11• n<•ull til w:a· 1· · D De k• ' '1:.-nk--. .......... ···c.nbuL.~ lu lbr ~ •• t r,.,. \Of..... :. \I"' .... , uan , ... v I ""',.. "" If h ,_ lh&t lar k c'fl lntl'l"f'111 ho Ill).; Mh·o \\n Ill •••• "' . 11'11 ,., .. ,. A __ ._ e a 108 In a few di'l\')i a nd if ht''s out '"nrou~ '"'~"1rl nnl ·~"' ... 1' ,,r lh•· • • ,., nm,.;. ,. \\a-. fllllto· ,.,.,,., nl th;ol itt a few days I s hall be able 1h1, par1,. "oulcl h•• u .. ,,., ~'"' r ... to go h;wk to th(' \\Orh that nu'm(,. ,. \\hl'n .. :'IH:~ir on ,,11 1 ·' · ' "' "..-lht· rtpl UmA!. wlolo lo '" :'\1 t\\" I ' 'f'"''' •" 1" f•il oolll f.,r lh"" '" 1 , • ,...,..T ..... Annlwull (1\llllllol'r. Htll 11>11"1 "'''"" lll lliJIIJIJ.: loo k····p ohn·llllt ol "'"'''"'' f'l .. t.:< .. wolh llot• ..... 1. l\11 """" ,, ~··-· '""\ .......... , ... ,, D -... ,rted lm eel rnu lh, •c'f'ro·l an l•l the ~\.tllerlon loU I '.l<Uiloo•a.. t~'l lloiU" II'UIIIIII(IJ't.a-All one who .......... " ........ llo···•l , ... I I I"~' ,.,,. '"'"'"''II:" ... "''''I ol I .... II • • • • • .. 1 '"'\' '"' nt.• r prov C'ham1)<'r o( CC>mnwret". Rnd John ''"' ~.'u.ol oo•ll IA'IIh t he futuro• ool :-•"•'l••l l II"'" il l h lllf''' '••I lo\ l'nw•t.•nl !(, .. ., lo•o~:lo '"' I• nt • ,,..,, rootol"lla l . lc; so very u~~t in the Red -::,, ... ,. f'anw lrtloull·" 10 no•' 11nh ,, JC~hn ... lnn ·•f lho• Anllhl•lm All "'' oluulh .. ,... ramlllur With I'IIIFP lll()(i, pt'mlll II •• I•· ,,. ... 1111• \rll. \\ •• tuto .. r , ..... l n .. '""'''' (o ... I • t.Olll ..... 1 Ill Af rt•" IJol .... l .... ,.1 '"~ MMI t • M ("ht1mho-~ 01( <'••llllll•'ll"" I IIII' t.11 1 lhal 11..-l"nnfH ~:lo'l'l n,. •••••~tna. tt\rouJCh ~.,,.., ''"'"''· ul l'"" 111111 111,11 ,.,,11 hoo tt... ..,, •• T•~lol\· tnll h'•>~l•l on•l '"'''~" '"·'"'"" '"" 11·11 •·1 lu Mr lltrak· Cross n)()rn,<;. I !.•rr·, \\",•kh h•n lol lh'"'' plunf' ·•' Carrl Jlilrlil'S :-~net W:tl' ".\ h•l•;. OJnltlllll: o•rrorh m:ulo· :-;. \\. bondc; rlon't ~·m to acid up. r~ rl ll:u hw' what 11 ,, ,,,.1,,~ l.att<J, &nd l'rHjM-f 0 .nh\lo~ 1110:0 ·fllo•ol lOll IIJifliii'UtUin l'lo ut1101' Wllb I•IJo•h lollol o•\o•r,' •'II' f" Ill (toJ ffl4 '1 foiiUf.lt hy IU>y ,;, ,:, .. /olio I • ooll•l•l• 1 ~hh • lhmntl lhhll Ill' lo(l\•' lllf• o'ootnfolf'1Jn6C ni'Wlt A. n l(uu--··11·· 'fll•kl' '" ~.;lu\\• \' lh llio :-:tal•· ft.11IWIIY l 'u:nml•-7<111 0( the ('loiUilollroll \' "''l:lllll I I'"" lfolllllll! •.:rr .. ·lt-• . '." lo o, fl loH• ,,., ••• .,. :,010 ,,,, llolll "'''" -.oi(O lltlllrlf' *'"' I~ but whe n the pi"()('('('(!!' from flo <' r. llu ... run. Jlr<''"'"'" of llw (',.,,,. i\11• .... , (11umlwr .. r ,. •Ill' brid~C' play gtW"' to huy bonds. it is \WII w o rth t hi' e ffo1·t l'~lw•ncll'fl. That i)i nn1• reason whv thf' f:l)('ll C luh buildin~ n :immilh>t:' is ~oing to ha\'C~ annfh('r o f thf'ir dcs- ~t1 hrid~P pa r1 il'!' Thurs- da v. Ft'hrua r v :!:11 h . a t 1 mo•n ·,• .on•1 ;o l<'atl111a.: I'll 1/o•n •lllf't' 1'1.:·1 .,.ail 1 h(• nnj.;ln:-11 ll'll;•r of ,Jt'I"I'Jllllnl"l' (rom I hlrl") \\'o•IC'h ;l:ll1'tf ,Juno• (;. 1!1:::1. ll:lrr) :lrri\';oO .• r.•w tl:o~-lollowonc hi' lo•ll••r 1\nol Wllh \hi' o•XI""f'IUtn "' 1"" , •• :,,, ha ... h•••·n ~·~ t• r:,,,_. ,,r lh•~ :'\o•wporl ll:~rho ... c "h:oll1ho•r nr IIllo: lo•rlll< Ill oho• PUI ,I.onolllll! ""'k ~>••II \\llloft t.IIIH 1<•1 It I• llllllf'll'tC' ~~-Of wtM>I ho•r h•· 11\olt ~ .. o•l •·I l h• l•lr•fa.:•·" •l"tt!J,;11nlr ;U ,.,., ~· oltlo "''"' l oJ't foo l'ollll\ffUI Ilio n -""""'Y Ill WIUl .. ftf'llnlllftl" AI nc·rnmr•liloo.l~ It)' llllr·•·~ \\"o•k h dw · • llltll lllot to•n ,,f oon~· nf >I~~,.,,.,,, .• wlorrf' lhl!' Santa Alo.o 1:'"'' •.111::••.,1 ,111 111 lh•· oooJtlr1lJ<It«oCI• lor ,,.,11 ,.., ··~ •"·I "'"""' m ,.,.._. ,_.,.,,, ;al AJoil"r"·· T""-· 11e d tl(hl· 1141. t h• hund t ••llpo!h'fl ,., r .tl!oo.t' t-:.,, of It~ ~'~'I'"'' ·~'ll4h f t•r · tht• Ocean) tu h•utttlv jt~~;q••'fH1·, .... Atttt•fhltU t{l•il ., • ..,_ 2•• ··~· I tt "'~ 'h• ••• , , .... r It 1An•f:tltrt\ I\ ttnt•t••\••1 lttuf ,.,.,.,.r••nlly ...... ~;~~11 ~iU 1, .11111 ,~1 j,, lho• ~.11,,.111 II>IOOlol 1\ Ill• II I "-"-"111111' lloUMI l<t• llo I hi' e.ffort ul Ill~ Ill• 11•1• 1111d l11oo , , 111 1,1 11, 1, ~ 11 • I :.I i••r ,.,111 ,, 1 lito! I••·•• 111 '"" ,., ... ,,. ,..,.. 1•1 llrliiJ.!I'r llou•tl:h •1111 V•'l')' 111 Ill• 111 11,,1111 ,. 111,, far.:•·• •lim 11r1 .1lo• 111 .!IIIII ;'lo ool r•IS:hbon~ whoo 11111•'1~ ,,., I " I , ••lo 1,. 111 ,111,11 ~-.. , ltl'lll'f lluJt •I II ,. ~· .,, ~··· '"' ,,,, r "' M•' l ~t .ololll• wu• nutlth'fl nt $1 ,:!00,1M~I '"'" ).;1\o•n fo ol lho dll•ol;: . II "''' "l'l·i h .oloooro Ill pC'rmiUNJ ... lhf'IMI. m••v '"' ,,, , ... , •.•••• Ill , ... '"\\no t:··ltrl, ""'' tlroll .. ,·,, .. n .•• 11\1111" • a .,. I f• 1•1\ ........ ··-1 Ill ollno-• ''"' ·n ...... lloy, ""'' t.ofl tnJ.: of th•· ('hHnnt~l whu•h rnutl.~ 11 -.:--thr•,uL,h t1 11.4 ...:~•H1J:' to pr~uv\.' tr·nn•J)f•rtaU .. u ~· \\ht~ h 1h•·\ ,,,, \\ u 1;, 1., 1 ,, • .,, 1,. 1-.rr •·•·n t 1,. t'•• f• •• • ,., .. , ¥> ·-,, ••• ,_,,,..,.,,., '"' •·;ttl.) ·r1,eu "•lu> t•y l•huw fur-•hr "'"PUll ,,,,,. ··I th•• .... q h;u t-.. ..... Jtl)ol ;l"f , ........ t J •tiJ'-i •lu tny JU•t.~-julllly f'ntiU····J I lU I \'.,,~ .. hil•t l ''!'I ····~··r••\ \\'tu th ·ltPf, y.h''" ...,., •• , .. \~.••'-'• t ..... ,.1, ,.,,, 4 ,.,.,,., f'IHftr•. th"'"'"h nt'I(UUnUun• u n 1ht• t":H"tlll' ••• :..... ){t ... , .... )l.• :u •·nt l ,,, , ••• 1 11'-'n···~ llllttt••tl1.11i ""' •till" f ltru tto~IJt\•1 IU ..... ,, 1\ ,,.. •llh··r •l•tnl•-.rth ur ..... -.1&!11 ft I,, ... , ... ,,."•' ., .. , .. , ·--ff .. rt "' fht• Anv•rk••n Rf-ft ";, ... ··h.•unt:tr1 ''' lht ... ('''"'rlllft•··· au•l ''· l•nt" •I t hut ,,,.ut ,,f lht"' t.rnc:•ly "lugnn "l 'ulf•••l "' -••ntl fh• '-'••rk·•" hr•v•• ttu ,.,.tvtl•··lr• Jh. •·'•u '' t• A , .. ,.,\ '''' ,·,,,., \4-tth ~1'" t ~r.nc.ttf Mrof':el- o 't~IO< 'k. . l't,f1H11.'1 ··~· I \'t I ~lfll'l' :tntl Jl.•r t ~ \\'t lt'h \\:I" <1Hunh•·l ''11v "·"'' h ,.., ... \\'••"tt ''' '"'' --r,·r tlhJ•Icd "''e f•tll ,.,,,! ,\hi• '' '"' ''"" '' '•·"·tt•~ t ht·•r ,.,,,,,.. ··~~ntt tt"' • •••• • ,. .... '•''' ..... '" ·• ... ,, • I•Hrt '' ., I ,,., '•••n•• •••t-vh"'' •·f•hlr- ur (unlnlt'l~··· nt.lr",,~t·l ;,rUJ pu!J· II~U1ul H~ lt Y.lll tu t huHt• IU &It jt1Jrft •• ffl\JCh fn Hll "' .... ,#1\\ f i•II J:t~tt•iUI)'IffM'-.:t•niV ••rh""' tfun t l• Y. 1hp r ltr• ,,.,,t flllln lttl ttu lfh rtNH hHtOr'h ttHtk • PleaS«' pl:m to illtr nrl. Your ~:; t'f'nt ~ is nt'('(IN I anrt wp'IJ promi!'(' y,.u a plras:mt a ft<>moon. You m av call am· on(' o f ttw rom mil iN• for ~'n·a t ion"-~~~-P.uthrr- foni. Mr-.;. \\"('l,•h . l\tr"'. llil- n wr. :\h"". Cat lin. :\11"". Til- lot~,...~r.o. s.~agPr or' ~tr-; .. lllho·r· 0.:111'~1 , onC'IIIfiNI ;\l:J~ool • ·1, '" ll •II .. r :'\•·" t•••• l~<·.wh. \\'1111, (\';u no•r, •·h:urm:Jn ,,( t h•• he'll~ tfn t t'lc"· ·n11.._ la•t dtt\• l l• ',.. ~t.•-Ct'\' It le a,e 1t f"VM" dtd ., 1 1 t tt ~·•· ,, .. , 't•• t•c•tt. •••'h h t •nl .,,.,. •It nir tfll'••nu·nt,. fuf" th.t• trip "':tid Htn• ... ~•·ll~ m :ttli• th•· ;\:t·\••:11 • tt u•• th.•l lf1t• tl11•·u~ ••I l t t' "tJr-Aek" votunler-r• ;.'.:: .,::\,.~--·:; .. :,,~•• ~~~ .::,;~;::;• tt• w .,, t •·· ,,,, t .. t (\' • ,,. ,.,..., '''' t .. ·,.ktu ... "rut•• ttu•t IC•-tl 111 :or•:··· ''"""', h":o' d ,,, ""'"""' • , ,, .. n.,_ r.~\·.,n:.:•~ \\'h~':tt l'r•·,ttl• nt old ftr•·dm ... of '"''h nltl ttnh·~ :1, r uo:d :"-:·"·1""' H•.Hit \\Ill ho.v•· Won"L 8(tnlt' .,, ''·~)'!Jil l 1 f•11ll fllill'lll "''' ,,... , .. ,.,, •• "''•·d tn .... ''''*" .•. , .... n ·•· •• , .• ,,. ...... t •rtfAII.1I .... ,,.,,., •••• "''••t-t• HWIUIUtM I_;•\\' \\,eiJac~•·. \\ \\. \\'al ... •ut n .. fl ,1,, '' tll"(f•'~tt .e1tiln W••rrtP• f•tl r •Ut.Pn,. ftf til•· \\tu.,e,.,1 ,.,11,1 d u ,. "lltfit'r "'I" 1 \'••'• f'1'lt-U •~·•• t1.; pl.u•• lttt~l tu~~~th•·•l ht•r "'"'"' nf •h·· f f•Jnltn··l"n n, •tt•h (11: .,.., l••'l •I C'nnll'l•'lf'• \\'illllom 1~. I c ,,,,.f,~. l :~•·k\\P h 1 ~ 1 .. p,11111 , ....... •' J.!""'l: ••• 1.,-,R An~··lf'flt vu1unt~er a nti ~t\'• ''" 11 tuJ1,11,,. • •r· t 1 ,.. • t • t •• d t tt•h ••• ft•t '""'" ..... ,,,,:, ,,rul ... ,n . (;l'hiL:• J:nL,:tJ'-:tntl ltlfn,,lf. Hid '''''''"'"•··'· pollll!-. tHid llkr·-IHUitl by fUll\ '""'l"lllf •h• .• ~,. tj•· 11 1'-•UJ: ,,, •• ,,., .... ,, ...... f•ufht•( ... ,. ....... '" ... ,.)'ttll : nt ll••nP,• "•'f'l'i'f,u~. llnd l llttt'letr' Ill :11 llrphu.-n Ar1h11r \\'1i,o:1 ; ''''' C • lit• 11 "'n anol .l.m•.. F o1· ~ 'l'lh;1f n( lhr '"m•• nrc:anuntum, 1 1 r"\~·n C ;r-nr:.;P (~nnltHl, '"1"'*'''...._• •r ll•·•·oonll' II ro•altl) "'"' l•liiiiii!OI; Ill• I!JLIIOO' '>\ay, hut, until Ul~ (!ncl .. , lilt' i!'"' llo .... '·~ .. :nliHtcd Mt"n and .. •1•·1 ''""!'""'' lloo• lt••l l 'ooo' .,..,,,.,.fl "' lh•· :11a<lo'r nr ( ·,., ··mllntt'' l':tlllll'l Ill Ill \' '""~-''···Ill I""' Ill lollly purl thAI aathofn• 11•1 \' I' ....... , •. , I II'"'' \\'. M t Th ..... I ' • ' .oil• .,.,,·I ,,, "'' A,.... • '"'I• '"''" ... ,. II , .... ~11·1·· '1 •1 .... , .~ ..... ln-.,,,.t•u"·•l a nu mh•' uf ,.,, ... , "' til•· 1•1• tur•• f&CiliUre at•· tu•~•n• '' '"' t ~ IVt'!-4 Ol' UfMJ3Y t •· ' • ,. ''' • •'• I """' ·:. • '" t ... · "uh I •u ,, ... 'v••r)' , .. , .. ,,f,ft· Mt:'V£'1'. pr·,•!r···u.l.•nl." tJf f h• ~t '\\ pnl 1 1 Jilt . Tu •·•V rn111-l I h•._, •• lA hu ar•· 111 f "'olurntiun .. .,. rt 1 .. ,., • til• • '• • 1, I 1 •• ...... ••·• •• "'-'"•,.. .,, t•• ~.. .. .... , .... ,,,, hnrC11tiOl hf'rnf t 't•rtltl1t'l"f'l' lft•httl·l ":l:ottU(•1 ....... ltl l h • lltt..:tnal "4•'''"''' of lfHH . by atvln.: \i l' \\lf h lit\,,. "tJII•I Ht)' ............. 1'. II'"''' *'•t ., , ••• ,,.If··· ,, ,,.,,,, .. \\t• .. ,,,It,,. wtlh po•··· You kn11w thl'n' will lw· cif'S.<;('r1 a ncl nir·l' p ri.r.•'" a nd you may play ('ith<'r hrirl~ or nrmmy. Do come! or Ill•· F irth dl•llli"l Fro·d Roo\\· 1 l.oml Rll\\ 1: ncl :11• 1;1n1• 'h"•'·l'l ,,,_ ltl••nl f'lf !hi' ~:1n1 11 1\rr.t ( 'h"miiM' nr t"omm••n·•·: Huhf'l'l nnnn•·~ nr Inc TI11,1wlnr•· Ho•hm<. \\';dto•t "\ "s•••l II•·•" I Ill•· '""Ill• I I•• ~ur-l ,uvutuol lhunk>o 1 lllo\• llo•· ~ 'I• '"'''"'' tlw ••111"1•·•1 r111·to :m11 Ill' 11 I• r-"''' ,., • ·., ,, I • ..,._. """'''' •.ool\ •• f, . .,. <Ill\' ufll•r '"' !'plr'''· A fl rl•ill'-"'·11·· Jlu hh'H'rl l f•t uhtt"'' ···li lt, •.• , th."tt' #t( •• r)l)t t of thta )~sla:·•· ,., '1 ...... ·" "' \'t ,, lnuu· lfl ,, ............ , ,.,, ....... , I f •• tt ... '"' ..... lrtdtk.lftrrt Itt ... ,. I Jtlftft ruiJ•r\\ltn.: lfm,-r lor\,. \\-:tltltt't· .uut t 'oun••tl-l 'n Ott.·"''"'' ~ .. tu .n ••I thr ~lu 1nr•n w hhmtt} u"l l'''''' 1,,, .•••• , •ru t v.ill Itt h•ltt l.,u.,,c.L,, .,. , .. ,. -··• tu .·,,,, '"'' Ulffl lh•· '''rvl•• thf• m··n .\ It R•"f•d. ;\ndl'•'\\ 1\u·k ltH pnhly '(ltnHfP f nnu-.:,11 ,,, ',. ,., •• ,. , .. ,l.' t t•hnmrv-l h "' ........... k u ... :......... ,, ...... " ... 1 h ah la•t ,., .ruu •a•rv g,.h ,\lion 11 1111 1.• ._ J,), 11 H;avr Done Th•lr Sh.1re 1-:ll"'lrl(' f{Jootv.;" '""I'"'''''''" ol 11,. f ~,ll~·• I'Sit "•"II' • "' •• · •o · 1 r llo'ooo•t' II•• B AllY DA UG UT[A AAAtVi.S -· Shoreline Directors Seek County Land in $6,000,000 Bearh Pro~ram Ur. R lrhtf'r ~ ..... k... ~ .. ""' (f&n ~Jtlll':t' lh:tl Hat-tftl llittra. 8 1111 '"'""""' J•t•of'lot•'lll \ n •. l•lff J•••t ttl ttu·tlnf· "''II ... ltt~1•• I: .. ,,.,, ............ _.., ttl•l i\frt"r tlt·tnL: tOIInd~~t-r•d ,. ... th. '"''1 1-:t~t ~···~I'"''' l ::tlt ... ~. 1.-.luu't '"'"K""'rtltll ... l•, .,, , ·••• ,, tn f•l tft "''kuuht ht'll\ltu·" ~·••tl ... ,., ••· ,.,,. \'tlUnJ.:tu:t rn:•n pn·~r·nt .I•r Hwh1f•r ·•n•f ,., .. ,,na tlt-1 hlut httv• tl••t ll,•n• IUH ,J J,,, h•Jr• ,,,.. }''""J.: ....... , ••• , t•• J:•~t "' t•• ,.,. • .._ •" I ,,. r ., ,,., , . ..,., :1,,,kr•••l 'ht I'Uilllnt,:u( thliV~t::r••ttf t lh••tt' f' :trt• Ulltl tl'trllfliHitt•d Jil l l'rompt ftl tl•t0 t\4 J\~1 ' ... 1 r\l f\1 l f,,tl ,l '''!fUlttrtft,cf 1\., t t• 111• n In :'\• \\fl"IJI ll:nlo<ol "Ill :ol ''"'''~"·&.: "I' ~h·· '' nornuruly IUO " ':•·. lllr ""'" 1111 "' "I ''' I 'I II I I :•h•n•• rtw ... ;~m,. lilll•' Th,., "''""'"I"'"·"'·''''"' I•\ .,u, "'"'!: ,.,,..L ( 1rY. 10 1 .. 1 ""to ... ,,, . '' ,. lA SIDELIGHT 011 HOW "TOUGH" \"•r•• t"oorn•lln \\'illiJO II. \\'ar thnl rrlly ho• rnnvf'rll'ol mt•• 1111•· h\ r, .. ,.1·.:·· l'••:oho<h . llnrrv \\'t•lrh nnr! 1'~'" 1'' 11" 101 ''·• loul hk•'"1"' '·'"' 1 "I" nroe. nrr , ( 1 I' !"hiii'C'Iinr f'lr1nnm~: tho• ~!:ll•• l'nrk l"nnur.I,OI•n !'IIIII \11.,,,r ,;hn :1, ·Ill lt••·ht•·•· 1•"'n dt'1f'l\· IIIMioooooo•nlnl Ito '"lol·l ("(JME ON :-1:\\ •11 11:1' \I, All"""'"', "I ••f l"alofnrrotn 1no oorpt;. Gnllorrono• \\'IIJO n:tmrol olomrman Jllll 11 "1< ho•m•• "olh :o duld1• ,.· 1111: ,1 h1"'~"""" u( I" l'lllllll••nl 1''"1 I ~t-:\VPOHT ll~:,\1 'II ,\ ',I• 1 •1 \ 1 I SHEPPARD IS TO FAVORITISM r.'llo'ol ""'' <t:a riT'nn "' lht' Or.J.IIj!'l' t ( •• ooomrnJIIff' M lhr•o· , .. dril\\ "'""'l••· lh·· mt•:J•I,.,.. .,,,.,,. IUld l•ll•l•lloo'• '" lh·· nrJ,.; 'I ~ YOU!{ ~··:l•.ttl '•ol::: .,,, 1'111 C'ounl~· 1:0•ar•l •• r ~lll""rvl.q<oll' •op I '""' ....... n ro•)!olnhnt.: ''" II·· lhllllk"f '"'' f1•:-tml ... r nr llllol '""""''''· lh• ......... I Ink•· •• l :i\ST OP 'Ill 1\ ltl 1.1"1 •• , I Hnn·;' \\"o>lf'l. l'r'<'ro•l:\r\' .. r thr l!rt'lilll! '" ..... ''•11:<1• "' l"rtlofnr. C'·•lllll'• r••p r .. r ,,, llto•lll'hllll l r:tfl II loch••·····,. ''IIIII ltloll\'ldOHII. ,, • IIA:-.10. ANIJ 1'1.1 \.'-'1 ~I \hi !I:CWJ>'•rt ("har l•r •f (~•mml'r,·r. I"Hl C'o•rlrtm tl tro•rtnrJO 1w•rl' IIJOk· ,, •1 \\'''~' ,11 lil Y '~:!•1 hlrthO::I\· n·or•••allv ''' ""''"'''"'" lt>o\lltL' IH·,RI\ME Wlll<l .l.lll \1 '1 11•1 I I\' ""' k• r 1ft \·\"ttHhtnJ,-1• ... 1 ~' I' I• olfl -· • I ... ll ' •\• I II •t I " 1 f •tf \\! 11 fO' ,, I' !I l1 h r,tt 1 "'t't f1 \ 1'1 f•olh• f'rf.'Ohll• k HI• km;m to( Si'al one t • :tl "'' v.••fl• ho· ~··t looc~ ""'"' \\'l'lrh r .. l ntrudllt'rd I• ro·~llf Ill lloo· nufw··~ of lh• <'II\ '111ANJ<8, l!•"t"'"" , P.1'11l: L 1\. Olmllt"1ol nr Oann •n•·h:tlf m l<' rr·umlh" ~hoor••lln•• . .\f>•·l :ol! lh•·m.on\ """""anti ••f :'o0•·\'1·'•11 1:1:1/lo I•• ""•l•''llll• t-: I I• A ,,,f..,.. ,,.,. ftr-t euvtt:.t t••r• ·•t '' '''' , ... , •• ''' tt• tt,, Point ttnrl \\ llltt\m r:allirnnl', Rc•• h11t l hiJO "''I ·.nih "l'l'"!lllo"ll nnd I ;~•nlpir11wnt.ll"\' r·•·rn:ork~ 11111;.!,. of rl't:.n ·· \1:on1-:"r ,,, lh" ftuntllle-th~ n~'wh· apr< 1'<1•••1 <oomm 111 ... hom .. rH, h1• altihl i1 ... :onrl h1• m:m' ton 1!-noh f"hllmb-'r nf C'nmmrn•f' •''' "nd••n•••r to ~uh·o> lhl~ pr•lh---·n 1.-.·-In lh1•llror lo<or Aro•;J Jl:or· att• rul"d r1 •pl'f 1:11 mM'lJn!! t•f 1 hr l~>n "'' ,,,. n• .: ,,.,,,. •. r .. ,. Ill•' l•·aut \' n \\",.kh .,01,1: ~h .. n •hn•· l'lal'ninr All.~' II :~t1nn 'r "r '~'' '':ohf• rn1n o ""''\ hut y1·t Jorn-1 ' .. nn,. m11n's "'"' k '" toni\ rt .. C"n'i(r m l,, 1nN•rfWlrl,...f, :It th•• flur t> :1!1 01111 h 1111 1110 P"ll"it)lr l'llt· rlo•rl••tl In thl' \"i <inn nnil th•· L::J7· BlltmorP hn'o•l rn l./1<1 An~:r:." •••• u•:ul.\' I to won lhr war j lnc nl r:~r :'IWII\ <olnr'-II,\" hie ao;· ,r r n nr lpAI ,...n,..,t. \\liS lui The> Hlllll lnJrtun BI';Jfh rf'stolll· '-I •I:JI•·-. anti fhl' !"ll171'n<c II( :o nii'I'U~-· prnpn!'•·il II'Jrl~lation, thai tin·• "'1111"~t ln~t l hC' 1\C'I)IIIRIIIIIn llf ll't\mmupttv F•lrlunroll'l:-o wo• hr:v•• Dll\\' rr ,..,,,, 3 J li ooo f)OO :trpr..,priR· 1 hC' •c h frrnlJII:" llf•l w•'<'n ll unt•n~· in t hio: l''lmm•mir ~ mnn) "I nr ~a/­ tlon foor th•· 31"'Jillnn,; "' twa. '1 Inn Rl>lll h :llltf thP ~anln Ana ,.,... All ror IJ< hll\"1' nur ,h,rl' in park11 in t"allr(Jmla I rl\'l•r "'"-" Ill ...... rf'f,.rrNI In 1111~ lh~> <i~>w•lnrm~'nl ,,r lhl'•r· ,.,.,nn• • ••mmlltto<· I 1 !I t · II t ttun1m~t.un ~ach 111 ll..tc.l as an• nn m:1 •·r 1n~v •mn n rnr thr ~'r"· pn•tnty m Orang,. l 'h"Y nntl "''' ph1v II_ I• <till nn im· ""-·ntv llntf th" JlunUngton U.•arl.l SON FO"" 1 rwu1:~nt pari Th:.t •• whnt mnk"" ~ " PAUL BlAI~ES hi ChamNor of Pnrnmrn-t' 111 Jor•JJnl." ""'"'"""" fl"""' I' "all out" '" 3"1JIIirl' ,,,,.., '"'I" to :\lr~ And Mr!l f'Rul BilliOt' or "l r i• '~" lf'nm ""rk." hr .~o:llll pla'"ll~n un•l• In I hill area. :1110 Orenn f'ront ~ w .nrt fl h nf f'VI'ry hvinr:t ~rntl I hill rn!lnl< in Othl'r.lo>l(ll!'atlfln l'llll!l f r•r a I hA\'f' ann"unt .. tl , ,·h~ [,lrlh ::a thl.ro rl"""'~m~>nl :lnol hv wnrkln~: State ~ln .. ll r B<"Rt'h Plan Ill" hlr·1 1 r•lw ~ •n, raool \\'illi!lnl 1 Rlltlrl 1'~':<•lh••r :""""JlOrt ll;•rt,..r Nln bro· lnj.r of Rn fnftinl't'r by thr !';tAtr rtn Jnnunry :11. At Rt. JO!'!I'f'h"~· '""'"" " cr,.nt r<•nl~>r 11r "'lr t:rNll Pllrk rv:tl"i and a.n•,thcr g-.von~;' II• •r If• I ~ln'l Hlllir. ... · ,,. tho• C'llll' .,, lllli(nrni:l. poOKent to th1• !'!tat~ Hlllh\1\ A.\' I r .. rmrr l.illtllll :"'i~l~n. a nd ~fr -'-- Commillllltln to purrhll!!f! Cl'r1.3m l!IRIIII' 111 C"lli•·r \\"Oir,.hnul!c>man at Cfv111an Dtf~ nHtlll ~'''''\ f' Hh•·t•t-.•••1 r•••lv .... •l ,.,.,., ''1 '•1-1 •' '•'' • ''''' , , '• H lu v. t~ rHtfn••,l 'h fl lttrtn fl ••f Hu ere's a Laugh: Power Boaters to , :~. ··,· .,;;.a.-.'.~~:,.~::~~~·"",7,':}1.',;"':·~::~. Sail Dt"nf)"hys on Wa' shJ.ngt· on'~. l'l.rthd,·a)· " ·· • · "'k 11 '"'"' •• ...... , .. , ""' n ) .. IIP •'"''''•Itt fft••llff•f"•'tn,.y ',.llfWttnky ,., v dt11111..: t#lf+tll y.·he·r·r 1Jw f 'att \\'h•if nutv ,,,,.,,, l t• ht• A •"•t:n..-~., •, ',. R 4"5;u11,. •tulan,.· \h• t1' f • • •' ,,,,,,.,., .. ,,,_,,v, ''"1J1•t fp u, li•tJf''l hrtl'l ht ,., rHlth•rt ... y th,.. s,..,\.··· -.kq+c~ra ar•· Jut!\' U\\,lf• ,,~ lt I •• ,, It'',,.,,,, ...• t,y "'' mut .. at.,,,, J•••rl -,,.,, •• , Yal hi <iuh ''• lit" t• ••lhllltlrll I• ''' ,.,. ft•oro llo ' loo •1·1 ll.tof lol'" • YC'A llllrolc,..l n• ',I •v .. nt H9"Jd ~o 111 R '···-'· .. ,.. f •\'f1'•' '•·•v•• I ~,,,,,. •·· •I•·•·#• •• """' .,.~ or enf,.rrtthl ~ftillnK tJ\J •·" Willi h ,. hn!i ... hl'•(ul••l r .. r Fo•h 1n "1 11nd 2:: :cl :-''"'!" rt "'"'"'r 1·n /tu" lht• tt'A'O t '"' to( f" .l• I •'n>ll'• r~ 110 rnr1h IJO••I•• lro lh•· \\"11•1.1:'1;.;-loon I' rfiHI·o•: "''""' lh• t ur 1••111. 1P.Uh H,,,,, th ,,. ·•• , ,,1:t 'I •• hr.ru.r "" 'l'''·r••·•t I tarry v.ct l, o'HIHtUOt of h1t,•rt•"f .. , • ltHI&: fl/tiV~tf' A!'4 the rnrnn flt,;!v ,,f ~~~~~~ pr~+., "t ;t,• · ''''IUn Nf t••· ,.,.,,...••U• J"Mm the Nrwp•·r1 11:111111 ''~·'·' 1 ,, '"""'' l'"l.l .. loo·r' "V.'•· )u~t 1'1111• W1ll hflld •• ,.,, ~ o ,, • • f·' .,. '"''of •·· ,.,., ""''""'"''~' ·n ,.,r • \'t •re of !oln•rAI,II •I I:Jo'i o , ... ,, oil Molfl•·r ('•onj•r•·ll!lr'tro n Jull1 "P' ""''r ,n.: '•rJ:IIMii'id arm tHLH pt '• lr{Utn hlflt•n' 1 Alfmtr•,,._, :tt1 • """"''''' ,,, ,:,•t "''f'tllhJfNI " f•Ur•·d II (lt:t I 11( '•llt'··I•••J"rl I I I I .. ~" : •• •·• on"·•l-llf'l •IJU<~~ • rarl , \\'•II . ~.,,,.,.._,I lor vrl.-n•n l••ft rn~ •lln~:hy~ \IJ 1 ... ~:ctl•••! l.y J1 ..,,., c •ff Cal)rtll" Hd o• 1o ,, r ... ~ All l~lhl• r "TIIlol·., nl•,. "' Y'"' ,.,. ~111 "'"n ~·I• Harll<or llo• 1"111•• II•• II•· HI t~· 111 v ~'''"'I hKY., l• .. •n ,. '""m :'\ul '"''" lh:w t "''' r:t< f'il will ,,.. Yhi ''' Club w ill nrn M•·r •''" 1 ,. ,, '" r ••I ~·· rFJrnmlfl,.,. t•~ 11Im•*' !!:iill'd o•fl• h 11[ lho• lllr'f't' tfO\'~ h\ •on ~'rob, 21 llll•l ;!~ foor "'I' h l•'•f • I •1~ \''Ill' y,·,. ffliiY p Wlft t .. lh•· "~how ,.,,.,. .. 11111lurn nn•f l'rllh l.cr ·~••a-n 11r""f'" :.11 r•.1 11o l t roor k "'"' atart. r1thl · I' • o I .... \t , lit ..... I• f '•IIP I tu ••f tt' l:o;l •1 , •• h ' • , ' \'o• · 1\ II.J' I , I • ~ •• I.,, I,., " \\. i' ... , . ... 'I •• A I• ' I ' . ... lf•;f fl• VII • t • ,.. ,, ··~·t '•' ,Itt I Atlrr 1 • If• • I I t • .,. t I•J• ' t r• t f f I I 'tt)JI fit •·I• H•: • .~•h '··· ~· "' tf,. Ar•,.\ 1 ~.U,\ ···~·· ., ,.,.,. ···l.cfl'lo l• h• ••1111k• •I J ... •t ' 1 ,, u ..... _,. ltn..-'"' • ttt • r-"''• t.l, • J J r t"', J •• i ...... ' I ,. • • • ~ t II • • .... •• .., .,., .. , u.,,.,., .• , • \\'' • \•. fnet ,,t ... ' t '••tr1 "" •'•'"'""l• InK u ... Hrr-hul '•' " t-.hv •I • .,.., t • t II••'\ '"'"'I"'' w•·h:hlrtl( ••• ., ... , •• ,,. 1\fid ,,. "1111 ,., .,,. ... "''' "v 4 .\11 1·.111••"" •• '""nof> v '""" ... ·~r d tt.:. 1\• k• f ft ,.,, ·.a&. .... t t •f, ,., ... h· ,., .. , ,,, ....... ,...,,. ,.,,,. ••• H ••\-• f it I ,jl ,ot 1-.11 ~~hV I ~ fnt l•'f , ,,. , t ,,,.,.,. ,.,,. If You Want to SELL HENT BUY or EXCIIANC.F. You Will Jlc Surpn,cd With NEWS-T IME S WANT AD RESULTS .Ju c;t Pick Up th e Phone! We Will Help You! 'llrtpa of lrtrod nt'llr !!lair hlJthwap• lh•· A•·k,.r-nu.n B<>at Co i\ IHII F'if'llt,.111•nl,.rllf'r \lo"lfl 1,><• at tt ... ho•lm r.f lnlrr Oub. C'llltf•omla 1 'hll~lllo' 1 I •I•••• I ~ro In fnr l hl' llf.ri&J 1 n. <Joff,.ro>nt trart I' IV h ra1·,. c.r the j Rnlr.,., Mercury. f'tr ''"" •. , nruA! tn (;tlfl«r,_ W1lh a "1.\•J ''P '"''"' ,.,.,~,. th•l "h''"' 11~>•1 hi"' m r•.r tunr h u ... '•t• ••r •1a\ A•.-! rlf•t•' trtv.nv t1· ,,..~'"" fo , • If' I 111 "'""I ltuol i ttt• v~ .•• ,., "''"• "'II ~·• .. ,. tuJ•, I (jo .. , ..... l .. , '"' , ... , ......... 11 L..--------------J • . I .I .. Flight Surgeon 1\et-c .. ..,.,....... ..... • ... Oare fll OMie .._._ A&.-. TIIS IS EVEIYIODY'S WII! WHAT VOl! CAN DO TO HELP ud WHERE \·011 CA.N 00 TO DO IT 000 •• It m.•J .... ud~ t'.aoa~ •' o,.erha•l • "'''~"~" ali•" tluol rl~;bl Wl n&• Uh Jl.ooY•III 11 .. 10..1• a:., dam.oc..J l rum ,,., • .,. ro '""' ....... moo f' lt>~ID"UUJ I ~~~ a l .. f l e'iuc<." D plu•nvm••uoro • bl• h • J"•·n • ., .. u aht ...... aula in n~ J·u·u·P' at~,, ... •h~J·)o mr.U ancl Wumt>11 •M 'k;:-t pullln!t tbot hal•hloo ( IWfb ro all co•h • .,,,, In a f'an .. dlu lb,.llo4 pl.onf' .. ..,mt.IJ plan t. •b•d• •'1>'"%• atrt and .. •· th .. d uOO<ItUJI •A tb.r lJJoo. patlmt-ul ol )h nlhOfta Uld S•JrPIJ C.nada Mllo<• prud11~ M'lr a •.tb~ l)pn uf ... ,.,.u. pl.ae" all4 r.o--I} liP of t••••puot aircraft It will k oK alk-4 tlo•t U.a,..udo ....... ,., ... f'd •• , .................... ,_ "'CaplaiDa of th .. Cll.ud•-•luc-ta wu fllftN4 In c·an•""' Announ~ a Be\;lsed Edition of the Becelll BOok THE CILIFORJIIA LEGISLATURE ' Bl' .108UH AL£AN BEEK · ' . ·DO YOU KNOW How you may mflu<•nct' lc•gisla110n 7 What is the only aJiernativl' to legislative ~:ov~·mmc•nl! . What n.>sulu-d when a P resident attempted lo mflul•ncc our Lcgtslalure! Why le~:islativt-bodlcs stop thl•ir clocks! That your Lt>gisluture (.'OS IS you only ten cents a year! How we may safl'~:Uard our· hl'rilage or frt.'Cdom? 8eeare a copy of W. book wllaldl aaawen U.... aad otlller pl'ru-t qw.Uoae Ia a r&Mr tUid .. tensUq .._yle. Price, .-tt-ad. fl.%4. GEORGE H. MOORE. State Priat.er Sacramea&o, Calilont.la ------------- 1 o n~ll'l w1n the crucial blltUe ol the Production '·"'" tto1~ rrar~roortaUon syatftll II d olnc lt.l uttnMt to ma•ntnm rmbll<' transonrtatton at Ita mulmum . . .. '''''""-' l'lr,.. Vf'hiCits an<l malnt.ena,_ paru lor our.ean am.t mutnt roa!'hf'a ar~ (II vlt.aJ mat•rtala and hard to ~· our m~oloym an, U\e-lve. '101dlr1'1 In the PrMIK'I'-AmiJ'' and l een.IJ aware or thrtr no- IIIONiblllua. In' OOlnl! lMtr bnl to~~ the 911.al tran.qJot1aUoll prob'ema nw ~ c:ooper~Uoo ot PactAc fl«tne PI"-dlutDc th~ recmt IDOilthl. parUculartJ unee I u y w A I I 0 N D s ~ruou.ne rauooma · au matenaJ1J aldeciiD ....-. ·em roulna YOU. fOO. CAN NIU ..... NO!IUC1'0M 1. AdJuat JOW Cldlll& b&blta 10 !.bat tbt eutJ ....._ tne and lit. altemooa boun are left to Wllllt .. a l'SSO'nlull tndiL'<Ir IU 1. Keep m~ anc:t mta c:w.r ID ear. ADd oo.ca... 10 that puwnaera maJ eater ADd laft QUieklr. a. When ~ble. na"• ~ ~ r..ctJ Wbla DOatdJ.na a car 01 ea.m. tbua at'06dblc delaJ ADd \r:-dlnc up 1en1ca M 0 MAilll. ,_,.... , ............. lOI ANOilll PACIFIC ELECTRIC .-,o";"d! ~~,~c H LINES Shoo and Olllee FOrltlS All KJ.nds of Office Supplies CEILING PRICES Every efforlis being made to supply and anticipate the needs of an in- aeasin, demand for the tools required to operate the offices of ship- yards, tanneries, stores, and aU industry in the Harbor District. If we do not have it, we'll do our utmost to get it for you. PHONE 12 or 13 WE STOCK SUCH EQUIPMENT AS Columnv Pads, from 4 to 18 ~lumna Ledger Sheets in various sizes • Loo8e Leaf Binders, leather, canvas or ·F~bricoid Loose Leaf Sheets, all sizes and grades Daily Cash Sheets and Tabular Forms • Index Cards, plain, ruled and accounting-all sizes • Rent Receipt and other Receipt Books with stubs or in duplicate Manila Envelopes up to 14x18 inches in all weights Ma~ila Folders, letter or legai size Filing Guides (Prt:-~s Board) for 81 ~xll Filing Cabinets Pencils, "soft.," "hard," or for marking china, glass, etc. Inks-India, stamp pad, mimeo, white, colors, etc. All Our Printing_js Done at Home! Metal Clips and Boards, Stencils, Price Tags. Salesbooks, Second Sheets, Pastes, Carbon Papers. Scotch Tape and Hundreds of Other.Items. . PRIITED FORMS FOR EVERY USE Lfot l 's U Aid t. BulldJa~ GrM~r N,...,.,t IlNdt ..,_triM! Our Facilities Enable Prompt, 24-Hour Delivery When N eC'e-ssary! IEWPORT HARBOR PUBLISHING CO. NEWS-TIM~ BUILDING Cetatnl Avenue Near 30th PHONES 12 and 13 NewpOrt Beach, Califom~ • ~ in&' butt..r aDd add ~or, alirrtng untll ~ a Ul ln gravy. tin~ t'UOiled cl&m and the c ream; ·olt>. pourang car~­ Jt distur b pota t.ou . he minced p&ral.-y. ·iUter biiiCUit erw~t ~&atry crust to fit e. Fit . trim, anti r holes. lda.lle a >w 11trlps or paste or ~He B&k~ a t l ::> manutes. RE e! lolls la • ------- • ----~ ~· :J') : "~~-~ l oar. &ad oa.ca. &ad leaft~. -.. r-..2J tibia '~delaJud ns • an •n- f ship- If we • • es bs or in hta ~a hi nets .ass, etc. • -~books, ch Tape Llifomfa .. Your lnmJDe Tax Payments ----lr---------------------------------~ . EXPENSES OF FARMERS Send in Your Boy's Pitture, If in Servite Quite a ftumber ef local Mya have -.,Uatect cw ha.,. jofMd Unc.. Sam'a armed forces a"d t he Ne..,•· Tlmea. '" order to provode a llat of th- who have marched a wa y, Ia eeekl!'g the phot09rapha of our h--~ So, pareftta, plene Mnd In your boy'e picture. with a etiort Bketcft of hla life aftd ·what branctt of Mrvlce, r11nk. etc:., he Ia woU. ana -shall be giN to ttn"t lt. The Cflaft\ber of Commerce BRING YOUR. FATS' ~EASE HERE Wl.'LL SLIP IT TO TN[ AXIS -R~ND£RlD ... A fa1•mer f;bo Upt'r&tea a fll1'111 f or lijVflt Ia t'nt IUed lu t.JedU('t from groea mcome u o<'<'euary expenllt'!l all amow1ta t'llpt'~ ( otbt'r than thtlltt' cnrutUt utmg cap-I ltal exp•mtllt urt'tll Ill lbe l'&IT)ing un ol t ht' bUIIInt>as of fttrmlng . Tbc coat ot fcL-dlng and ra~ lh·e. at«•k m11y ~ trealf'd u an t>ll· I pt'llH d~u .. tlon lolll>lor as aucb j c:o.t. · reprHeDt a.ctUIU outlay, but • n~ lnd .ud lng the value of farm I prudun~ grt•wn upun Uw (arm or lhe la bor Of the IJUpayer. A»o t diduct1ble I.e tbt" eosl or· ... ~. 1 minor r .. pa1r11 to farm bWidulg• c ot.ber than the •lw..-lllng of t.M farmer ). and ml&ll loola uad up Ill the eourae of & anort pt'n o.i. Tbe co.t of fllel aod oil u.ed for farm work, aa well u f'q\&iN &lid ia .IN -ltlng Information 1 •'-• the aame liMB to pro· vide a rca.ter ef M ya who have a-away, 80 the IL.t ~" be ~- mamt.enanct' of fa.nn macb.ID .. ry, Ia Tht" t'oel of hl.-..1 laborers and dediK'Uble u a buamna t'llpt'llM, b1n-d mactwws oa a farm ilDd Ul«' bUt lbe ca.t or farm m.aclu.oery. put of tbe board wbk:b '-pur· equl~t. and farm 'bWlclinc-~ cha.8t>d for hon·d lab.-.r·f'ra art' •lt'- r-nta a capital mveetment and dueuble nw value of pro.lucl• t. noe. an &lloa•ablt" daiiK'ltoo Tb., furniahed by tht' farm &.Dd ~ coat. howevrr. may be l"f'Covered m tbt' buant nt bared laburt'ra IJO by Mpre<-latlnn allcw.·anct's Jn tJ\C' noC ~uclible .,..,..,_. Rations caae uf a farmer. lht' fllrr:l d,.· .. ll· J.Urcha!lf'd an<J funuahfd to llooor- ing t. not deprt'Ciable. f'X<'t>pt MU< h ,.,. or ahart't'roppo-rw ano df"duct· part of It a. may tK> uB«d dln·<'l'y ible u ' a part of the labor t'liJ!t'n~ ' '( I ''S.y, ttr( !10" ~~Yi,l.i,.v ~~""' IA~tlft6 ....:.l lkJ.t ,....,., ~hlltng ,.,, •• m farming OJ!t!rtt.t.rons nw t·oat AruuunlJI f'<'t•<.l to pei"IIOt'la en., .. g•••l .=:--::-::---------------------:::===~ ot psohn~. rer>:Urs anti upkt't'p In hoUM>hold work to the .-xh •nt D School News vf an automc.bill" 1f Ufl<•t.l wbully that th.-ir &ervi<'t•a art' UBNI In In eormet·tion With the Lwlpll)'f'r'l h<>:lr<.long ami uth•·~·..,.. •·&r•ng tor rurm upo·ratwns . ru1 well as depre . farm labon-111 &rt' t!OOU<'I 1blt·. but ~·iatlor1 ti . .-N-On, mav be ..tt'<luct c1.l. tunounta pao<l for ~~~erv•, n uf IIUI'h but 1! an uutomoblle la uaeu part· • mr>lu\'t't'JI rngaJ:t'\l 10 rarin~: for ly for buaiDl'l!ll an<.l partly for th•; fa n tlt'r·s uwn hourwhul<.l .,,. A h ' E R led plea.aur .. ur lhf' l'UO\'<'nlenc.-••f tbt" nut a c~uc·lible exp.'IUK' Jack Boyd to Enter ut or. rror evea taxpayr r or his famlly, the cc:wt Aml•unta n p. ndt>d an Ulr devC'I· Naval Air Corn• By Harborite ot oper11tlon may be apportioaed "fJmt"nt or fantu~. on-hartt.. ant.! •- a ccnnJont: t.o tht• .-xlt·nt ul t~ ... us-• I rao<'bH prior to Ule time ••hen j Auth .. r O.•nn Uym•·. w ho pve for purp..>Aell u! bu8tnt'lilt an ..t rnr , Ow productive at.at.e Ia f'l'K hed Ja<'k Bo•y.J taliu Proxy• waa llh•~eal birth to 01111 llt Ue brain pk-uun: or t•om•eo lencr. an.! t.br may tJ nop rdf'J lU ln\'f'ltlmf'nta bm n on Luot Anc.-lr•. c "ahfum la. 1,.htld ")h-S~M•r Mlln:o Pnlu." ap.,.r- portion att n butable to buain-1 of f'&Pllal. The co.t of plantao.: Auu"' 14!. l!l2!'t He IJtarU-<.1 lua ··ntly h ... t1 ~ro ... t •l••lll of love for •111 be tleduct<ble aa nt'(..euary trff._ u llr't-11 u lht-am .. unta ex • ....tu<'a tlon In Los Ang•lu &ntJ he 1 hill hLIII••I')'. hut 11 Ia a worllbtp buslMae expenae. J"'ndf'o.l by • farm•r ln lhf' noeU!ra· ~:mlluah•ol f n•m Nf'"'JX'rl Gram-rrom ,.tar tlo• 111 hlilnlly on.taU- tao n ot IKHl f,.~lty pn-paratory lo m11r ,.. ht.ol H• h&a f•ollowed a matr tt"rma wiUI the aub~t. artu.al pr~Ud.Joo ol crope and lbe I"". llrp pn·pnnlt.nry courllt' m h••l \' mu rt'\'1,-..wl'r c:411lma w be an 1 OCit ol ltnur.g llnll to lnCTea.>, prn-tbr ... • &.Dd a ha.Jf yeere ot bleb ~tuthotity no hl.t!lor)', .a he wu Clurtlvi'IW'U 0 \'t'r a pen o.t of )e&n M"h'<ll at Hnrbor. Ml'tal 11\n r and r<•a.UOJ; thro~b t.bJ.a aUm VolUJDjt ltl"t' n r •tal expeGilltwa. bul t.boe ~mKhanlral drawtng~are hl.a bHt I w olh <.lrhght In the aut hor'a powera ~ o1 ""~rcW frrtlllurs. Uk 1 hkf'd rrub)t'C'ts w h•le ch .. nwotry of narrstovl' · and d4".::r1 pUon. lwrwht of ""'hK'h ta ot abo)rt <.lura-.e•··nll!l to be vf'ry "njnyablt· tn hom I AhnJptly. In t hr lu t Ullrd ot Ow Uon and whkh hav• to be u.ed Ann hi• riJ,:'hlHnth birthday bt:IO>k. l'u ln qu•ttN a trood..u.ed 1 f'\'rry )•rar "' I!O.s vrn alter a fa.nn untl g-m.luat lun fn1111 high echoul phrJu••· rr .• 111 1 h~nlt'. w hleh Ill &Jl j zacht<a Ulto J>rudiK'lJn atatf•, w tlfo. he plana to go tnlo thr Naval Air very mi'IOIIr.oml\llt• and •ult.able at f uctlble u lUl n~nae rnrpa. t nai p.unt In thf' lltory, but bardly I Am·•uRLll '""Pf'. rnk't1 ln pun-1\u-Jnl'k hu an uiOer bro(h.Pr. wh•• plnw•IIJIP . \VIwn J'nlo blJtlll!lJ In~ work. bl"t'edlng . or d.a1ry an· 1.0 a Harb<•r &lumnue. alff&dy a mfikr10 hla approprl&tAI quotation, 1mala an' N'g'llrdo>d ,;a lnvelllmrntl" ~a\'ul Air Qldet In tr&IDlng tn h h "" .u. fl '"~ In Cb A HEARTY 4iaMt, -.w. ni&h• lunch, a little too much lllnOkinc. per-bas-a cocktail or two-p•t fuo t.o- .d ea .... aJ 1Uid ....-be lk._,...ned P $II ....-co eo~ur ....... .,.. ,.... -~ .-·--JowL ,.,,. "''"''' nlneh ·l'n yean. He I unlt'JIII rruc-h ani.mala arr lndullt'tl J a rk '" h11bby and flwotile Pfl'll 8tnrt f'<J for C':tlhay In 1270, IIDd 1 D •onnt.ory time Ia lnafm~. aJUiough. lal11 "l"f'"' dl•ln'l r.:omP 1>1\r k until be b..s nJcht; • mt.nble letdowa. d ~=mr ~::: DNE#JDAY .... a part,-... ~ ... ,.. -...._...and aooot food.. ottea.., ._. •o.e.A-Dey" brant~ ...t ._,. lir lhe ,_ 7-hac1. 1 .._. A ...S D Tablet ia 'W117 ._.,you lrJ Alb -S..Itz. ctui•IIH•I.Vitamia A Mtd D I« lhet "Mor-nln1 A.ft~r'" f"''·raff 1 --, ,. ow Mfl on~b•ll All••·•tt"" .. -I .......... ----ful Ia 11M relief o1 __ , "''-r rpooalflb of Cod Li•u Oi l a llnwntl -.... AU..,-S.l~ l•••tl•c •iaiauam UnitecS ~a rwU.W. _.,.,. ....._ n llnw Wll.. bulknd albJidec I 8tatea Pb.umacopeial St an- alta. ...... -~ :.W-'i:::::l: t':;..!T4" A •fficieat Apply of these ...., ._...._ ,...,._ ~ ,.._. iaponMt ,Jitamirs 1s as .._._ ......_ Me J for JOU as it la for Alb·SelUw Ia --laaauw _. 1 .. dli.lclna. =~·::..~ .. = .:0:. ~ FOU CAN INSURE ade- hla eo4a founla!n and In ~-• ~ ...... iatake for JOG end your ~-~ ~· t.DiiJ by ..n., to it that each '*· w n)' not 1ft a • -L .. 0 A D " the ""' Unw you • v .•r -• a n~--aJ .,.. ln • .true -l-: t"...a.t ..,.., cia-,. ttore. • · I DUT A MY IS AU YOU TAlE 812 W~IJ -Try . \I k~'l · ·'PIt 1 P r c ;, ._._olea,, ,., __ -...... .......... ~ ... _.__,A .. 'Cew . OOROTHY DARNIT ()OROTMy. I NE£0 AN All[ -SNOODLES lim •· '" lpo•nt In ICilanlllnjl Wll lr h a t Orit•ntPd hlmRif w llh t.be oneot the ~rona <lei Mar obeervatlon fo r twenty yeara. O&nl~ IIYlnl poet &nd aa.Jllntt ln the bay. He et t hf' u me tlnM', didn't publl&b baa uo r .. ortte dl8b and he clataua t\1.1 tt111t verse until qwt.e a ,_ tw ll.llea anything &II long u It Ia yeare after Pnlo'a departure. In food.-J ack I~• to dance and fact. he tlltJn't IIKome widely fa. jam aeu6oiUI wdb Bob BM<:bel'-rni)UII unUJ a ft'w 9e&1'11 l»fon UJIIf'oJ In be qultco fr~>quent. Jac~ Poln palllleo.l on flln'i llw bau anti hls ambition A ml•takr hk•• thla m&Jlee) """ I.e t o 1111me llay play In & gctOd wolldf'r 11t lhf' a r•-uracy o1 any of \!an• t' band lht-"""k ll'tt be-tter. I lbmk, not lu l·~•k nn ""' lalf' 100 m uda u a The .tudf'nta rof Annhcolm unlron I lt·xtbouk 1111 a le~cond. for It .. eo ho~tn hrw)l, Anahf'lm, Callf•~rnla, t nl<l hy Mr Ryrne havP a n et.ory Corps and W ar -------- lllamp dr1YI'. Hl'utl Bll\1 III'K' tbC! Want Ada. Newport -Balboa NEWS-TIMES PBOJifU aa • •• ~~llftect Every T ...... )' aftd Tlturlday A,..,_1 V .. ume XXXIV !lubltTiption Payable In A~:-$2.!50 per yeer 111 o....,... OJunty; S2.1'5 pn-yar to 4th wne; 13.00 per year to 8th zone. -- n.~DAY. FI-:BRliARY 16. 19<l3 Some Square Pegs in Washington CLASSJFJED ADS M~~.:n:~~~m.l 111rll ~~ ~~~~:~~~~~~· ~~~ In v"""llll , """I l,.l,.tlil 111 tlilnl' I ,,, tl\'1 .... LosT a F O UND 1M tsc£LLA~•pu=•---EMI'tl.OYM&NT 11w~ .LII IIH' l••r111o•tl I•:.Opo•l\11 \\hill LO!o l ..... 11 bu clo St~'"•• t ht•y du "''' k.th '" I •"W t)IAill C'Jtl,.l l6 ••• ,..,.,. ,. I \\ ••ul,t ftll U\u U\ u \'tJ httl\1\ l l'" n, ,~. N.,...-.,u,t fl•tn h ..,.,v"fl ffl~tl l t• nunk Ji.\\t ~fll~t•'•ft 'tJ • Ytl "PWtttd 1J ''' t :u1 kn"" '•·•~· 1~ "II•· tllhlj;. lhnl -~ ' L OCKII I'll I'AUU: 0 Qr,. wo a I tng Phone ... lO WUI Uti ror ofiUtt ctftllv•• l OV( ~t•e J..-.,, )' & WA ... 1 £0 .,,., IOIU-!Iale -IIIOlf· nt••'• 1n 0••••' .. t'l•"'· •H trP•·• nf •••ct r te •••u 'v out chole. uf C't•~ ot ew lny ehfft. Oood w.or lu 1111 ••'d llv•"\1 '-o"d•t•o•'• A.-.,ty Suu'h Co44at Co • Htr.n• Hall~ I lOll W. C•.,t•ol Aw•, N-port 111 nut I'•'•Jiilr•••l. p N \\ ho·11 1111\' Itt'\\ 1-:\1~ 11 11 J••l> hiuo \JBLIC OTIC E "' tjllll<'d If,• ""'~' '"' r•·h•l·••l l•• "'''"'' tl••ll Udou1. I N OTICE OF' IN T ENOED SAL£ In "ll.l••r tv io!"l •oCI nny rnnunh•l 'I'll \\'IH IM 1'1' t.I A \' t '\1~ ><ll>n ··~:~~~ Atl,\ ·"'" All ', .. 111110 llj;lllll~t tr ht~ hnd ••. ,-.11 H ru1 Ult•l th 'll .:••t ~~~'' Nu 'JT • • •1t\ tuueu• ''l l1tol,.,, ' u ll•h•l ., • .,.1 ., '."•1•·• 11 ,. lhor.:..:h•,. ,.r ''"""" Aa 1':1.1"'11 "II 11\illl( fur ,.hh•i .• 1,1 Mnt l~lltiHrtltlt, 11111101 ho• lllo•d 11. 1• III<IHI 1 \\II IIIII l lvo• ""'" IH'I(IIIIifllj( Fc•h 1'1181111•••1 II ~on•uuo l••r h•• ,,,,..,. Ill 1114;1 ouo I"'' '"" n .. t ltn .. ..-I 11<'111& t<Jtll..-r Aboout anytluu.: \\hhh !rum thr '"'>" ~h .. ~o• I'IUitJ• ''·•rlh .,,_.,. 111>1 """'"' I AICI'III lJ 1\ r.·" liiiUI lA \\IUIIC'd t.• .... \ .. ,. 1'111 ....... Ill llll<l t lo, 1114:\ &ftl'r Uu~ mlllln, 1:\·!ltf' Th. ~·II rut '" II ' h•rk Iron. "'"'" • nulwav •tRI II•II w I h' Talents Now \\1w nev .. ~ h ua lllll•ll• ,j 11 I h1n.: I () (' 8 "l"'"' r.~ .. t. ll to Poetr YC't ht• I. f''XJIO~'l..... to qukkly un . y llu<k.. JrOOo.l \\'h"n II f'<~llll'8 t<l ('untnollltll( <'<ID· Alll·r 111~ ••lo .. •llull 111 tho• aon·~l · "'U11 J'IIClfl "' ••II l '"'lh'\' ,,( Ill•' ( 'uhh•rnut Stnt•· Ju.· Tht•)''ll put lu tl ••ll••r 111 n&Ak••• ,,.,.111t lnn ul 1 ,UIIIII.,•r ul ( 'ilfll ono•'• IJI• .... I hull I l lllt'll'•· S•······lrll II'' urul Mttnl,\1.!1'~. T u U1lnlr lltnt ""Ill•' nuul, . .., h" 1~ l lllrt'} \\'.-11'11 '"'" ttll lllntll) ,.,. JUill AIIRIVt.DI-V ftiAt ll l lotlll >.t'\• .. '••'• tn"· ••• .. t.tAll\' de· I IQtltl'd hlr> ~f lt1n41 \1...... .. U ~ 'tf'IVI (fl n\•n ... tlJ,.t(f ••• C .. 1n.. " "'"('• to p,.otoe r•9h on ,.tun C(1•h ttn mnt • U\••• •••· ''•~• a,,ttltt t& ce nh NelrtiiW•· 11n,.o IIUIInnor • O.pt • JOII W C."h a t NeW~tpot1 N U oUter ..... .. rt. '"" ....... ..... tttant.a alwa~• eft No•o Tl-o"lce, New· ..... I N C OM I TA X a t ,.T H ACCOUNTING c •"T I P IC A T al Otlwr 8tateo , 0 . L , CULL.Y 411 .......... ••••· 101 ... , 4(11 "· .. .... "'"·· Calif. ••ch Phoot• N•w11urt haclt ,..., 11·4to F o R Re:NT MODI"N •oo!'•o oncr .............. ,.,. A111e l lectrolws • ._.,lp~d a,. d O)'. -•" or m-th. Lam.,.rt'o Mftl•l. ........ ••. 1010 Co ... HIWAlf l'l·tf ,0 ,. ,.INT-....... aM M ilt. 11'1 ... alt.l... • .... _ of IM.at 1 ... e .. elrlf. Tol IM4 an..-••• II· "" ..... F o R SALE a tCVCL&8--Id, reniN 1H ro- .. lfMI .. , ... '"'"ltwro .. _, -Main I t , e'.tboa AM -Morine Avo., .. 1... telaM. t•· ... • llto<'\.1 t•• tlw Wlllo·r. ..,111-.·to•l 1<1 11111k•• 11 'l" .. ,.·h . \\'••1 1. ~ ..... ""~· "'''\ """" j;lllh•llrh· .... II'"')-""" i' ........ ,,.,, ..... I,,I!I~·!FoR SALa • Util(hll't' Wll\ ,11\, 1\t• I' IIH! lllllt'h Ill 'fM"'·t'h U~~t· I'Vt'l')'•lny \\'111•11 lit' llluon't .I illll.klllj(. '0" !.ALl en ..... rnc ." ••U•oa F u"NI8HINGa · Ft ,l ~ S ALE TH.-&a r-"'"'"' fw"'lt-. ,,..,., ... " au--.... m,. ,._ n..t 11•11 """I'\ 1,r 1 """' "hu llll••lul•o(l t••n«noula T >a<t, ~ a . •I· A bloul llll til<' I hln..:• .. hh h 1'161111" 1111• (llnno·r In hi' httnur ln .. t nll:ht 11011• 101 • C."1'01 Aw.. 8 •1• ••• '"'l"t ,_..., •r"1"1 r-•M --· All fo• t1W.IO. ..,. ••wn Tlw" o"IJ' tt4.10 11H •w h o·,.mnwthm, 111 ""' 1111 11"''1 Y~tt•hl ( 'luh tllt"-1 ll••· 11· ... .'VI ho•w "'" '1111 1'1'1 t .. ""I ill(fr r l tl••fuul o•l) "" nul llj(l'"" I l•llr')'' HOU'& 1'01'1 r.ALI Now 11 rnom ""t ""'"rk, 'l•••·h '""' t llu .. l~o;l• II ""~-1"~'''•·•1 '"""'''•' ,.ft.,.,., '"• ''"•· lite. If .l~k,•of 11:1\' >llln<II PIIIf 1111' ILl\ ol 11\ll•lt'l jllt·o~· olf 'lnr<•rlty 111111 haod"'""tl flnno a, 4~ublo •• , ... , "'""'" Otlwr •••lfllo WI, ... tMI. McMellla• llwti'IIIIIN C.. .... ON ........ ,., .. 1'1\a AN. ~"'t'ra 111''11 8hllk 1111th 8-tOOO 404 Dto•n.,d ". Coota Tht·n 8 " ~th••t lut.~Y ut rl1•"" '' \l\1lwt \\'••II "'''''Uti ••I ttue~ina.: It ••·.: ,.,., ••• C•••t u .4q "·TP'C ""' t•r un,-ll'"''-u1u11u11 '""''t•p11U h -t• ,, ........ h I tun"' Dr< 111111o• duwn In \\'rUIIItln.:t••ll "" tum•~ I l•to·l nn•l ro•w l t11' hrtttn · b -.J) k lltO\\" o·hlhl lll'l••rul l l••rr• II I' nu l hiUI If I hr !Jt••t 1\.·o I i' Ill•'~ II""' I '• 0\\ l11r 11 ( ,liUliiN•r uf Cilfllnlo'n"• JIN'• ur f'n>n1 S l•·•·r l••t,on .-11 ""hill ' \\'hr n lhf' I "lilniiA ... •m I" IIIOko•<.l ll••')' &1111,. f'r "I f•'llr ~ may t... " •hHc-N'nrl'. rt'&.lly <'lUI t lt·ll f Uf'IUI nwa t I rum •·II h.., ,. 111 taat.• jii>JI lUI " ••II A .• I 'l'wlJtt C'<lruna tJt'l Mar 1-'rum ro.unh 1u ut So 1111h nntl •:J• .. t Mild \4', ... 1 Th••> t'utlll' nil r1ll«'ll w11h t ip 11nd , .... , I lt·ll·n mno.l lh•·) •h11ll tl.o tlu·1r llo•t Wurk n~:ht t~lunl( '-'lih lillie-ro••t . .... r th••) tttt· s,,..,..,.lllrh·'l nn•l M11n· B o ATs & S uPPLIES F o R SALE CANVA a f'O" aOAT D~CKINQ All W•«ahto and Wt<IU•• '" llecll w.,.,,.,..., eo ... ,.. t ANTA ANO T&~T &' AWNING CO. ~~ lo. Mal" lt. T .. ADE 0000 ...... "" ....... & ..... Marine Salvage Co. ._ w. c:-tral, ~ ~----· .... ,.OIIt TlltADa-' > IIC,. C ..... ) ·--"· ...... ...._ ..._1 r•••11 • .,. d llcll.., .,._,,_...., .._ ....... 1, ....... 1 ''"" .... wal""' t r-1 •·"'II• ,,_ ..... Ex-News-Times Man Reports New Baby at Oxnard "..:··~ WANTED To B uv· '(111' j01lt~ llu•y ltoi>J fll'l' no I'IUI)' ----- w1" "•"" -Hle-•11' •· Tr ... fer -·II .... _ I" ~ .. el' .. 1 .... C.J.~IM ... .......... •••ctwlft ...... ,. ..... ~t\11,.., 1,14')''11 tuk" lull num y 11 twuty WANTi o-,.auo boat fer altoW. t lOO. -Qeo• .. Wletolrna.,, liM ru". Mlr~ 0•. ..,...,. """-WANTED IJ11tlnp ot AU Klnda flu! lo lllf• lf"k •·onw ttlllrkly hnr k JJM-J 11·4tll 'I Ancl .. tnrt u.:nln ~on 11n•otlw r tac·k , n... follnwlna fn)m fi: 1-1 Lm~a. ~-'111' th••y rn•• S•~-r••lutit'' und Mltn· 01111•~· Wflllf.NR. rllri"NNI"tndlftl ffortnn adnrt Wllna manlltrf'r cot lhe lll(i'I'M. to AmertCUt WA VU. do l'lOt 1'0 A. '· 'I'Wift .,.,.... .... ., ........ Newa-l,mn Ia aelf upla.natory So nt.IIW 1 ~elvc-a IOilllt to yCJu. to -.. bUt Ule)' ,.P~ac. M¥&1 liMa PI-tell t he follte that It Ia ~ ~~ of Hf'4l lth and P\enty, Ia Uaut .0 • .......,.... ot ~ OOIIONA -. IIU 1 ~ Jir1. Janet f'.an11 by name loo; lt\lly. and t hat both motht'r end tlau~rh. S.•m•• "'"' rrl•'lldla both old and ------------------------------ ler.,... ~ng ~· .. ll !'lt!l'.,.,... bt>m new . Profelllrional at 1: JO p . m .. Momday. Jl'r b II. In I Anlf noiW 1 riiM~<· with (',.111 ISlt'L~ SL Jobn'a h011pltaJ Oxnal"l •1111'· YntJ. 1n1 whJI'h th,. l~ttlt•·t nlm .. ~t ,,,._,." All 1 :.wwl !'••·rt•l:orl••• •tn•l M11nn· OUL I I.:''" ~ bunpy# h•·altlty ot.nol OIWO•fl W«l«bl. 7 lbft • "' • urlv h~<lr, 21 lnche• '""I: L•••kll hko· . hf'r I \\,11 k•·r-.. 111 ,,..,.,,l•lo•tl J folllwol mother. 'T'han)c Ci••l ' fl•on't :m•,.•·r noiVI'r1 1"•'DII'n b fNI· ~: II I, n..c lurln~ nil rrwtlvr-)lblc In ltw Rwo· ""'-('Y)un,.r ClXnllrll ('ullr 1,111n t 'k rlllll<' wtllt "n wtnl. lw>nr<l c.t lhf• from God. work and Brook.. fllllll'fll Ill ~·t>tlf llfo•l tht•n ..:u nlt~>ul V~>llr 1 urotl d othlttl( IN'<''' l>f' yuur-...•lr l'l~tlht"'l • '1' ll ln11 I o,.r,.n.... u,....lll Vhlun· 1 l •·~r J' .. ll<'f' a-u.. c... aac11 a o r-a y..wy , u .. _. o.n. ~ INVITE YOU TO BROW8K AROUND'' C. E. WUCKS HWELAY ... ft.,10!0:11Y ~--. " ....... l't-.... ,.... ..._ ......... .... ., ..... Jf_,.,n ........ o.&a ..... 011111. ~ ~ McMarnu Uy Cy Hunaerford OONRAD RICJI'TEI&, II. D. ~,...,._ ... ..,.._ otnc.anu .. ..._. N_..,.. a-rtt I ...... 1 .............. .. ~ 111: .... ,._, IOIIN MARTF.I.I, A'l"JY'>RNJ-:V AT I.AW ._ t1rwt N.UO.al ftaak ...... Tri•'Jll~~>nl' 4:-M fltANTA ANA D11AN C. BROWN, II.D. na.ILlA..-AntW8eA9 ouua '****' ....... ,_ ....... ,.,. ., ..... ---..... .._ ... -•.r_..._ IZ&OY P. ANDER80N A'nOIU'rn AT lAW o..&a ·-BAall ....... ..... u. ('_..,._ IIAKOIJl K. OKAIIF.I. tnAI"EI, "We._ Ourvlvf'l lhf. ~ttrr Sforv• Ry SforY1n1 Olhrn Ut'lll " ...._.. N"('Ort Mt ('-ta ,._ j Oalllon&a PAUL NORMAN Y Af:IIT filA IF. MAKF.Il ...aa., Awmtnr .. Rnttt ,Cnven 224.,. 2h t St.. Nl'wport Jlfotu:tl l no.. ten aor.so. •• o..dJ, .. D. .......... N ....... V..tral .... Ofn.IIN.al•aa .... ,H.-. -.. .. " Dr. M. D. C..wford OP70118 .. 81 ... Dr. G. E. TohJU I'IIY•ICIAJf _. •ma.a.olf -..................... ---om. .......... ., __ .. .._.. BALTZ IIORT11ARY Chapel ., tire 8ea 41t o...t ........ Ge,one d•t M•r • N•W1Htr1 ...... ....;_ HewpHt U -·-BIB JII-·-.... _ ...... N.D.O.UD D T. II. -· _, CJAT --...u. ............. lltt .._ .... L ..... ..._.._.,, IUR.rUI II. CURREY, II.D. l:p. ..,., H-... ,.,_, Tt~~ liM &-.. A-. 31 I So. Main Street WHO'S ·WIIO .IJI IIIRBOR DISTRICT nllZPt •. U:r. Alnl Rl!'rDI.JllnJ WOOD- H. W. Wr11f!t. 17114 Npt. BMl. Ooeta M..._ u.d Llunt.r, Ptl. e-1 OI'!HI'!IlAJ. ('ONftAfri'OII-' Gordt)(l n P1n«llay, 3410 Cout Bmt. Ph. 40:Z. Plana 8nd ~ l.rMRF.Il f'OM PANJU-"-..-.... r..o~~ta MPltll UJT. Co. ''tAt ue help you plan your home. .-..... 1\Ay ntat r1rt Lumber Co. PMN 11!0. Cnut ~ lit .ve. NOTARY Pt'RJ.I(}.... Nf)MI Mllt'parth, 3011 W . C....tral A¥ftlu.. Phone 1.2 ar U. H.wpllt OP'1'1(:1! "tW PI.rP'A- Newport H lll'bor I"Ubll.ttlnr Co. Ptlona: 1.2 • 13, NI'WII0'1 ~ P1USnSf'-..._........ Newport Harbor PubUahlnc Co. J'ttoMct: 12 • U , N.-pn -. UAI .. FATATE, fNIU~Jif(JK a NOTUY PmiLIIO-• 1-H. Wal~. ~ W. OlntnJ A..._., Alane I. '111JIIltal liT~ N4!WJIOI1 HaJ1)or PubiiiNnt Oo. ~: 12 -IJ, Ntwpart ..._ 11111Z"1 METAL Woa&--Vl .. e'Piurnb~ A~ MII&M Wf.Wtla, 0:.-lliiiL ...._.no. ~ •.lr,ort Hirt1or P\ltfl+tc OD. ,..._~ II· Jl. ~ Biat& y---III'OU-......... y ..................... _ .. . . ... ... J'aur NEWPOI~T-:~_\:.30A ~1111DJ. ••i&l Beida. Callfanlia, '1\JD;DAY, FmiWARY 16, 1943 Olf ~)I 10 WO/MIIEINI ' Societ¥ Uta~' MA1.11W'm CllAJG Phonee 11 ..t • Wives of Service Men of Harbor District Organize Cadet Wives' Lea g ue COMING EVENTS_ W EDN ESDA Y, FEBRUARY 1/ jBYC Bids Farewe ll to Staff Com. Rieser. at Gay Valentine Supper Dance I Pilot Cl ass to Hold I W hite Elephant Sale A tl.l l"h .... t :, ' I I \\ Hl ,., I·' The Hari•W J•a~trul n•o\\' IPu•••111rl. 111 tllo 1<'1-ot ('t il~~ w .. rk, llurol l<•••lll~ ,.1,,.n 111 1. 111 loo ~ 1, 111 . a ddt'd JQ 11~ tall! 1:,1•"''101: 11>'1 • r t·• v tf••r V• luut•···r IYJIIII-: :.~nol 'I• r-Lil t 1;1111111 1 '<~.tital u .• Jt.-.o IJtlowol I ·- 'lb# muoUuy Btllf .. t !'\11flf'4't ' Howard 0 UUki'r now Ll IJak. ,\nl"flllnl o'n,,·nt has bt>t>n mad .. Oan. .. o(. lht-K.'\lbua \'at ht Club 1, !'; • t ·t . _ _. C 'r ''I th•' nc•"t n.•·••t tllj;; of lh~ Pilot's I!C.'r\'IC'P duh" the l'wtol \\'11'"1'' to lll llo'rvll•'~ tol. h••·d tali .. llln.: 11 1 111 1•11! t\ •• 1 ,, t .. .t• 1 ~" '111-tlletl Is <lllnpr"''"' tof ~lw~lrd~>, und f u rth 1•1 1111•u•t 1111111 ,;11,,.1,,u un·Mings. t.ut Satu rda . . · ,.rmv, I! a 1011"" at 'amp I • . • ' o-verung ~a. a 1-."'l)' l Alla.lr At~y Or~gon· Rnll Til o-('tn..~s ut llll' C'!ut:<l l.'huro h by lhc.: \ a.irn~~nf' -f.:l")' V.'llh "lull f l)ll.. do 1 ,, j nhn11em ntow Lt ' Jnhna:Jn roC Sea. 'l'hur!lt.ll•.Y <'H'Illng, Ftl'lnl&ry tuc:I!'JI •..lob.ng a srectn l Ol•le ''' th , U S Na~ on lh~ Ealll Cou t 18. wolh Mrs. C o•nc•\ u•vt> Bamt'l! g .. yf.'ty. and u:alclng lhe it'n or.ra l .._ , y, · AA t'hBim Ut.n, 1\SBt<~ll"ll by Me•· thUdn'n a,~ain for tbc 1'\'I'Dlng . · lm•• .he o p.-n1ng of t he duung olr•r.r 3 11,11•1"\. l'oonvv, r . J . C. BUI· " .. orn,.,n \\ht•at• h•L~lJUhL"'~ un· ''" t·:-:,, fun'fl•tU~ hll•l Ui i J\tl h " 1 ~J ·t \ad 1 .,,. .... •, ,.\,. H Jo.1 duty tn U\1' olr•·n. and wh~· hav~ ~:nrh i';unolfl\' c•vo•nln~: til<' J.:'ruup ol1.,.,., .. c ·.,,.,11a •11•1 M11r 7 :lU I• m lorlf ft'lt tho• Ill'<'•' t)f lUI ur~IUA-I'I~UIII too lo,.l•l H O..:o•l •Ill •t•tllllllo·.l '""I' :-.,·, \\ l••l 1 t l oo 1o.,1 S •, \I· I " olo tl(on tn help tht•m Wilh lht>lr many ,, •• It t lh·· IIIIIUcln tt S I I, a mi UH· , .. 'II \\lotio ~ l<otl!·• I I •II•• ~,,I routwol prolllrruo. I flral ,,f lh•'"'' """ h("i•l lfL.':Il !'u11 THUFISDA Y. FEBRUA RY t3 - ("· .mm ... ltl~ and Mrs F"T,..I r•,.•.n the ~rt•\'Hous . Wl't'k-N\'J. t ht• m;:::< 11 1111 r)-rull !lli1ll.'r tlunw prftliod.-cl dn>ssul as two clull 111 agam tll'n.mm g ttl\' re ntJez. "''"' c ntldre:~. v.·ttb lbC' C"tHlUTI~I(.Iore ,., us ft•r rnt'noho·ra Bnol'lllt'lr guelll!'l v....,rtn~e Jlh,.rt' pant.w wrth umatl' Yl'tlh I' •lh the Saturday n lgbt and -u.wr.-odoors and a stn~1t pullo\'t~r. Sun,ll.ly n•gll l dtnrwrs w .. ll ul· anol 1l -lr.a•· hnt "'llh 11treamllra, to'n•.;-ol, Cn . Surula~· eV1.'01ng, al;:,.e .::~~~.·,~~~t1r~~~~n;:~~7,./l<\t~;~::~ 1 ~',',','; ';"''" 1 1 1 1 1t • • ::•:•· I ~~~r:,"· ~~~n:::·,;~~-. ,'':"1:~ 1 1·:0":,•, ' (, •• = ;. ·; , 1 .' ./ :; :,",' U a«tlt' n't·rntly fom,,l In ~!lOti\ I lll'l':ltlt'll .11 I I'" ('Hto·ol t •• 111•'·•' Ana. wllh )fnt Trtm~rLnnKJniUI,I tlwll'VI"Ivo·s. nr ol hll.ol tUI•t•·t1 tun 11·tl Av·n••· : I• 111 ••111'' 1• -·u~ f)t )!J8Jf•r LuURUl tln ur the duntt( It f'V•'Jl t o ttw w:.xhlnJ: ''I' \\ .dt· t H•·t·• I i' J'·· I f , ..... fl •••• Santa Ana Annv Air Jlaac. lUI atl· nltJ·~·nrd~ t 111 ol• 'f Ill•• 1'1 h J•III• ~ · --I L,, .. ., • """ •• d I '" r•·t • '"I \\ ,,.,, vi~K>r and aprona'lr. Tht· lll>lt rf'j:l.llotr m o·o•l ln;: •·f 11 .. Ttw rno•t't1n~ Will !!Wrt at 7 :30 r rtr . ,..,, pl,tn/0 t>..·•ug made by tht• h"''' ,.,.,.,. f or It \':•lentme fllll'.y , lit'!'hllghto•or !Jy n "white •·lt·rlhRttt" s.ot•· l•·bal•' ilim m ullv., "AI !"A. Conuno ~ ~!11 vur lind :0.1 rs rl)•an llnll ent Pr • ,.,.,. ..•• ,,. .. a ""'ruf! '''' ahort .-....t la1n"ol with ('liVer" Ju1tl fnr Lt. yo.ngbam tlrMtJ. und httle straw ('••lllm:llltil'r :uld :\Irs. f'l'rr y Wood, ('iVIhll."o l)O'fo·nltl.· Dl't·dM Firat Ml"8 l ..nn~&n. & mo'mhPr of tho•l l(oooup '" 111 h1·olull'ol fur \\'•~lnl'lloln\' •" • 1 lui• "'11'1' 1 ''''' 111111 1:., 1" 0 TIW!OIIny f'lub Ill thr I !Ilk , loo-I'Vo•uluj.( at I ht• llalhun I !~ I 1 , ,. I• 111 I 'lod• 0' I ' I' lio \',tl< Ill 1' hat. at ... 'IIIIth lltrt•arucrs, nnol b<olh anoJ Mr :l n<t :\lr>! r·:urt Sta nlo•y I Alc:krH .... t.lt'.r ~~~~th 114'\'o'rnl lllh••r <•ffiu·rii',With Uh o•lll I'"" .. , .. rr .... ,. /U< I Ill\ ...... I ,, 11 ,, '""'111• 'IVIVf'il, lndlllUng Mra Fr~IU'd 'It·• nnn IJwtino·IOII l•· ho• hl\loo tlo·ol I',... I 1.". "'' ,., ·•·.: I 'Ill ,, Phtlhps, v.1ft I)( !oiA.)olr PhiiiiJll'l I Ttd<ln~; lll\rt In I ho ''' ~::uu.· • .t '"II ''I 1 '1 1.'' Ill• :-'· 1 7 ::11 I' Ill ),11"8 W U. Offutt. 9olfl' II( (\II nflhl'gy"IIUI'"''rh Mt·IOoltUnl'l'llllll'•• 1, .. 1 tt"'' \\oo k 1.•'"11·" "I ''' Offutt, a~ Mra •:m••Kl l'lplllll~., :-.; \'nra~;tntlt•\'1')'. ·'"'' Tll.•lll,.kt ft••lll Ill '1 "' l" 1 I' '1 :oo l wtl,. ot Opt Oplltilt~t. \\·l'rl' prea ('Ill J lturt Hllho•rl •: r; .. t. hr·:v I':, " I r ,,, II n·r'l· I '"" ,. " Ifill'· nt for lht' t1rwt Utw'IT\bty of ra-t Art N ovntny' Hntph t.l l;q,l'lt•r I ~·II t1 1ho·:<.~lllt.:>', 1 V l'alrn o\\'rnuc, dtt wiVt'll llltlt Vlo'et!nradav f•Vo'fltna J••ltn \\'utwh· J alll•" l<ouunt; , .. oil• H. "' '' 111:0: • ',. 1 '• 1'11' 1 at tht' Balbua U.R.O . 8nfl &AI!I"tr d Chnrlr•• Ll'""""' n111tnn. ,l .. hn t·: I :l•o I' 111 "'111'•• ol •11 • "''1:1):~ •1tb thP (Wfanl7&t lun. Mra. 1-:rk kll<>n. ~ V \\'a.lk••r . Jr Hu "'" ·"''" 1 'luh 1 'll r••111111 " llut <le<li'J(I' HO\i\ard. aleo• or t'>t> Tlt•'ll· ho•rt t•wroo• I 1-: lludktn '""' I.' I • I' ,., day Club llnd wlfr 11( Ll Huw11nl, I 'htlrt•·~ l •avn•· I ... "'f"tl u c hatnnan fnr lh,. m•·ct-llnotrh tal fiJ.."''trl ... sho ,_w '""'"' S . Rrl·dal Partv inC fifty IA'l\t'4! nf IUo lo-l!t In till' llllr·l ~ urpnsc 1 Tht pu~ nf lhl' gm up are ho•r IJII!tnf't , .. ,. uw .,,. .. ~IH'I'II\•t• f etes France Orrega ... or.• m.okc:..p loll'lth fro•rklo s Uu.tt '",...,,. I ho-"''"Y n ( all. CAot'T sr.xty mf'mbf.rA and th"tr .:urtrt .. allentlt'ol t • e atfa lr. with a nwnbo-r uf nffll l'rlli lmm th,. U ~ l.h111n" f'.;y.. at><l lho-or la.ht-,. ht!te.t MlJ•n~ thto ~srs A f'"'I:IUllo\ OO(IP "aa lltnl('k , I v.·b• n f'•l!'·modunl lhrnic on ho'half • ol. t..b.t' d ub, ~ntt'd a 11u.rpnsc fiion1'9o(>ll r:u t t .. fitaff t ' .. mqt<l(i(\f .. I f: It f'..J<'k n •·n.· waa f'l'~t!nUy uw:tu<:t.rd mto U1e UnoiNJ Slato·a I ~ary as a b.rutt'nant. a nd 18 re-I ~n~t Cor .July \\'t'UDuo!ay morn- aile l..l RM-wn ....... a.l thf' hrlm 1 <lurir,: lh"" ......<n or 1\Uf)-1941 . four-fllld : flrlll, to aul'lt t'ad"t mt•mhc·rwtnr ruul t h" m t-<'linl( u: 'III'IVH to becOUlt' bett~r lt.l'quolntrtl tlw <~cJ..t WIVo-~ '"''"lo."'~'"· ht•ld tRJ<t with t'.ch othcr and aC'cltmatr Sa-turday rvenlng In Ranta A nu tbftD to Ow n"" ClJf1\m unlty ; IM"i'-ga\'1' th•·•r rrll'mlwralup wo 11:o 1'1•'1 .-r Val••ntu1o• •h•• oor:olt•·ll~ HI I tb4' )'Nor wbm BYC' built Ita llpll- lho :-.;,.k Suttoora hum,. prt•Vt•h'-1 ..._ """' <"hiJIIbouR nn Sea.sbono 1111' multi foor n ,. lll'rt8•' IJrut.d On~. IUid Ia tnt' lbird of the Staff 1'\1\IIWo·r (ur ~t;;~ l-'111.'\''•'1 Ortt>~a ,..------------------------------, C'cJmm;)dort"'l tJ) .)tlan the rankl'l ol D. D. F. Club Meets with Mrs. R. Barrow aon llrld Alm a R.Ath. l tiUlt wo•!•k-o·n•l. ''A hug.• r .... hi'IH'* B A L B o I II L Ill IE II s I1Wft In tk lll'n'i«-. 0Uit'l"8 ar,. Tuty an<.J d••llcloua refrl'llh-tupp •ot with a whit•· Afllln bo•w L A 81*. who Ia Ill Stluth Amer- mtonUI wl'ro. 81'nof"d at tbc ell«, hl'l\l th(• lrt!O('rlpt1,.n. "Tu My Val· 1 M:a 011 •·OIDMrurt.loo worll.: Or. of t h.-"''ffllllg. ltPfN'ahm rn\Jf and 1•nltnr " c .. ntN•·•I tho• tall~~' an•t hlol By DOLLY FOWLEK 1 ------ de<'OrRllnna rarrl<'ol a.ut the V&len ·J"''' llh· .. w~r ,,, .:tfl~t '!...._----------------------------..J. E · H t t Tht' D.D.F Oub mPt at lhe 'tint l hl'mt' I Hdn• .. hnll'lllll \\l'ro• l\o·rvrd ''" 10· I nsagns OS s a ~ «Jrra. R-tr Barrow In Tb t tt Ill ...... h ld p t N pt'al Shower l 'f"L.A )J"'n&1l ......... ,._,. o· p ~.. e n~·x mer n~t ... ""' (' •tl\•hiiiRI ''"Y"· !'at h oh•( Olfl\h•ol wiUo OS -u I J:Tllthlallo uf ~-~ .~arbor t 'n-1 anner arty Nf'W)IOrt Htlpta ta.t Friday at tht' homt' or Mn1. AI Horvath R uunmturo• hrlot~ and grnctm, F M H ff ~ S<"ho< 1 S!k-tnt<'t:\ds 1., • · D .... t. In N•wport U.,lght.. l ll/1t•r lh.-C'VI'nin~ W~IJI IIJ"'nl 'piny-1 eteS rs. 0 nnllJ UwP'et~ COl~ Hall lolr aDd ,,.., II 0. En.p wen· Member. p n llt!nl were Mel ---------In!( ,.:toml'll IUtol vu·wfn~; ltiP many 'l'ho· hom•' "' t he F.d Rocere ot The E. ,. Han ' .. \~ ot 3fi'> F~ bcMl.a rft'f'tltly at au informal dlJI-..._ 8beldnD 8mllh. Roy Pqe, The William Crows bPnu llful gilt-. rw pArt a1 lbt'r hoaw ' N ~ Patt~. Alma R.ath, Bert t:ur~l:l lnvltl'd bv Mrll Soaltor:l <:•nnnl't llll.lnd W..ls lht' -aut Pay. Ctla!lD•ol 1•1:.-..1 'an _. a dd • r 1 I;; m ""· ~ Harry BaJler. Al Horveth Host Bridge Group tu h nnur MIM o rt,.ga wl'rt• .Mn., ~uo .. tu~· a,fl••m •onn. tLt a •""'"'r for an t htr star '" th<·•~ .-rvx. nac port HPigbta .• ,tn coven laid fn r IDd the a.o.-lin. Rocer Bar-Mtko· Ortt-ga. mnlht'r ''' tht' hrlolt--, :'olr-~ I<" w•rt ltv fman, ~-~ Th•lr \"011D<'!it s .-. I m. ._ "'""' a thrar -·Ul·law and daU«htl'r . Wr row. fit'cPnt huatll at a r lpvrr ly ar-tn-lw. and :\!I'JOolam('lf ltcti•Y Ma•. l'•·tl•· l<o~<-rs anti [?"'It" f"'mrter. membrr ot tht' Wllnnr ~\~ H .. a: :,... o."""~ O .Mtgl"•ve.d ~~ Beautil\al I ~ were pre-rantte<l bridi'P party wc~ Mr and nnnu111. Acrl', rt.•ac Lugro, ln•np 1 IT•·~<rr.t "' .. rt' Mno F.fl Roen , Mn lef'l laat Fn.tu-: .... t>l,J.on.· If f•·~ " ,.. '" d n.Jr_.ll, an 1 -ted t.o the folaow\nllf oftlee1"8: Mr•. W illiam f'ro.• nr C'nflt& Mrl'l8. \\'ow•h!. Dl'n Orti'J;R. f"hylllll f!urhnm {'too•, :'otr .. lio ~ Yow\«, Ida eu1~ tn.I'IUDC aJ l'tao L"'"11:" blwt allol bn8t"a lllra. Elmer Paturwon, prealdent : wh<•n tlwy t'OII'rtllln<'<l lhelr •·IU'd. Rmlth. Ann T<>ol•l. Mor~:nn-t T••tll. \~IAAt•K ~tarrun r:rtrth·r. ....,.. ~ w ry bnt • f tu II 10 J"tU R d---G-F d Jllra. llbelclollll. Sllllth. -.crttary; club. :-;miiU f".arl C'rahiUll. F.t"if' Pat-l\tu np f,m/munu lo!Ut-ly , J., JUDJIIJ'! ri ge rOUp ete ...... Alma RaUl, ~porter. Mn. CliC'AUI lnclwt..d W•••rl!l. lllkl-'t\'nOn, ~" OqUII!t , and AI Hor I &artJ. P 'i.l '1llnllJ,{IIn, I<ILtJ_Kdl.J, Mr. ead ................. ~ ~,. ol b,~ Mr. and Mrs. Rudd Rill nt Wtttta.IM; -e-pr.,.{dent, Mt'41damu (.1audc Andn110n. Clyd•· vath J B('I<II' lit !I :u\tl 1~""" Tsylor. 120 Pearl, Ba.lbna b ••Ho•l """'"' L'l• ~ and ,. C B. R udd 1 _ ..,_..,_ IDd flower rtr'l waa un-Otto, Roy King, Uam ld Lung &nd MIN Ortl•ga IUld Mrs. A<'rC' rc-s ·,n ol.,.il'tt•'ll 11 1 •I "11kt-w.n Wftlloftad wtth f~oot. m Fn-tmo ,. n · C'1l t'r ~ to llteDcl. 11M loYely c:or-Dou(J..u Want v.·llh Mr. and Mn. celvfld prU.ea cor: .hlp acure11 In _.n f'Y n n•t Mrl' y..,.·tr r pGUNod Kr ..... J1r1 'l:arf...W aad Jolr , t:.unN tt~•r ~t unla) nt;:ht brtolgl' Douglas Will Give You a Job Quickly! You will nt'ither be delay('(! nor rushed wheo you apply f or n job at any one o r the Douglas offi('('s. Interviewing time and employmPnt routine have been speed('(! up so you can be quickly plu<.'Cd on the pro- duction line or trained-with-pay at Long Beach Vocational School Santa Ana Junior College for work a t the Douglao; ~...png Beach Plant. COME IN FOR AN INTERVIEW TODAY Select the offi~ nearest your home and apply at once as your help is urgently l'l(>(>(jcd for the vital job of buHdirlg fighting and cargo airplanes . Convenient Employment Offices Loea&ao. D~ly Hount 8UIMI&.J Roan SAN'T A A.~ A-M-.• Wed., t'rt., Sat. Ml "'eat 5UI St. 8:M A.M. to' ;01 P. 1111. (See Doa«iM ~&aUYe) LONO BEACH- 1%11 A,_rtc.. Anoa11e (N.,.&Mhd") 'J :MA.. IlL toi:IOP. M. 8A.M. toiJP, M. .... ._.. ct.wrt,. __. by Mra. KIDI' wlonl~ b._.. .teorea and Mr. pme.e. IN T M table wu 8ft ...... a aad Jolra. ~ ~·ollt' ,,._ ~ croup lut. wt'ril~. •·ttb t.leuril Reo7 .... ,.._ ..._ &om .._. IDd lofra • .LaftC, low. Tb,. announl'ftnent ot the ~-lnvt'ty Ill<<' rtnth with r ryul ... dtto-ud6do ~R:,;.~ad ......._ ot .u j:_z-sL "!.~ .. _ Eucw~~-6F. ~~r· -al._ o:.. -v ··~ ......,.. --.~ .....--BrU.. rour OIOCial NC:Urlly card. M•rrl"'l wurr.en bnn~o: )'uur ... ...... ~bc:loul ~ were ~em«~t c>f IIC.._ Orte~:a and Mr. trtlver. ,. .. niC'rt'!l wllh • •~> ..,. m&rrla!N rertiOcate . ... _. .,.. Wd ~ lin.. •rwocttD cooclude t.bo eov..U... R.ob!Prt E lliott ot Santa Ana. 'III'U rrylll&l bowl nt cala 1111'-nan ~-_ _. .. ,., --._.. 111o'~ 1 ~ ~~--lfuboJJ. A •.. C.Canf'. t..W~~ Yen<m• nvw employed1 ta .-qr wort< do .-&pply ~ ~ ...... ~ dl ...-. ...... .. r•--.....--... 3 ~..-.... .,.-u l.f ynu h~tv,. heP•a f'mp ,,r.~ 1n Sottthfrn Cahrt4nua alnn~ Jan· .., ..... --,n-maa.lt u7 ~e brtfle'a part-nUl rc-by tall whltr can " Mfll .:lid UJftr ~ Clll Olar~ll lira. 1.._. Ka.l8er. partktpatlnC ~~~ !!.ar'!~·tf.lt~~;..:;_~·,.(;JJ:;,:;,te ur "'"llablllly rrma ~~~~~~~~~~~&·~~S ~nl~~tM w~l~~t'~ ~~ ~~ p~n~ ~~~-~~dn t ,o/~~~-~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~ .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r!UL--i~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i;;~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ now lX'I'n_!_et for February 21 ~ nn !I \\111tl' rOfrl'l' ta61e l!i'<'-....._..w;:_ ........ Ortrlnr 1\" 'I :_ 1•r nt•••l lliJ a lar~tv Va11'11UM. J11a. Mar)· C•t.nn r" 1110 An f'· c.._ Before You Build or Remodel ••• ......... ~St. VWt oor l• ..... Uac tl&l1lple _. dlaplaJ ,_, Color .................. -. ,.....,_."' a&oc* of rap. aarpet... u-1-... .,.. --u... ........ * LUDLUM Carpet Works SANTA ANA LEGAL FORMS. . FOR EVERY TRANSACTION We have made it convenient for you to tr111ure compliance with aU requirements 01 tM law by carrying a romplete stock d all fonns and papers needed for the c.unpletion ·or every• transaction. ,._,...,., t.o, tNt tltla cwoenla.tleft le ! ,...., to ha.,dlt any and ell of your ,.tntlnt problemt from e ..,~ fwr- _..... o.mptluted prtmtng pnJbfem to the ptenn1111 end publllhl"l In the New. nme. ef your ed~l11el"l· No obllgetion ) wfll lie ettadled .. your pheM oell for tnformetton ef •"Y kind. .. IEWS-TIMES Ebell Dessert Bridg e Party February 25th :"a nt\' tf.,Jo·noun anti J nan H.mk-t11y11t 11 ""-tift« brr daul:tttf'T 1n 6 BIG PUBLICATIONS lry. """ ""f•' un11hlt" In atto•ntl ~ VIP'rdt'tl F...lltatl1o bl\',','~·· ,",r,;::~:~~" ~lt,.;h:""~!;~ .:::.. ~~;,.;.:::: ;::;~u~,!._ . In f"t'!IJ">DI!<' t u 11\lUly lnllllllllnt I Njllt'lltM, 111110lhf'r Dt llllf'rt RrtoiJII' J"lrl y Will ht• lrl• ('0 Ill t he F.hPII f1\oh nf NI'WJlolrt !W&('h oon Tilur>l- tlAy BrtPmo .. on. Ftobnmry '.!~•. nt fir•·••rl\· .lan•· I<• h••rti11 ''"'ls:'hl,.r wu a w·ftfl~ ~:'..,..... :;,t tho• boer ut Mr """' :'olr!< ll,.,wnrd L. l!o· ~ lofn.. Clair? G•...-o. litO ~,.,. ... h1'10t~ .. r Hall"'" l~lnnd. whnlle ~ dl'l Joa•r )fr. II• II u tJI lllllfl .1 .. • l11 1',1111 t llflbc'rt liof1-t._.. at thr ~ta AM Arm•· \H nu•n \,.,L, a ~u1pn~· t•v.•nr uf Jan· a.... nn,. o'I'IOI'k . "~'"""""''" l•y t h• om• V :II U . G. S S "fT\JJ lUI<> famol~ '"'' hutl•tillj:' run.t l'ummlll 1'1', ·nw la!Ol I'll ltv \1'1\-'1 :an 11\ll ~ll·n·l· Til•' v .. •t• I ,.,. .oil lit oo( 1~11 In~: IIlii 1:1'!18, with a.n ntlo·n•lan··•• .. r I ... ••t II t:h '\01\ lt:ul " \'t8tl watb tl\'•'r lll,!tly, \\'lth t•vo•ryuno• 't:<klllj: th• It olaou:hto•r. Po•I:)!V thU. pvt I (ut 11 put ho·r tn ll•f' \'l'TY 111'1lr fu-I 1\ k l'q.:c \ I~ II (I o•11bmmn at hw•• !"o r··~~•'rYHIIt•nl'!; lilhnul•l h• 'ht' t •n'.,.,,~lt v ••: c·:\h!'" r·n,.t ,,t ll\lloll' .,,. .-tody lUI l"'"'"lhlo• l!oolh II• P<·''"\' tl'•l lt:a.t JIIO.l •·omplt'l4'ol hnol~:•· Rn•l rumnl\' writ h•· playt•ol lw r (mal • m••,.t•·r ''"rlmmniHon.• Tho•flt• paolto'll nrr• "I"'" tu ll1t• ~1 1!1.'< !ll.u tooll r;.u11f'r. lh<' olnu~:,h- leaaoed Ulot' J •"lll"'fl!: t.o rn• at 1:; :: Bay Cor tbt' "'lllh " ..mn'll! s. Mr and Mf"'l , .. ""' t-~h ar ::;ow perma.r1t'fll ,..._s,.,,'-" nl It'•• _ Jadand. at 301 t.:r:;~l A wnu... )tr ~""h 1s •llh u·... <-aJ•f•OC'Tloa 1'\k Oo. Lt. Paul II (~~-n\oC"lltt ~ ,,. ~ t~ C'ronk o: •tU~r a l I :9 ICMtBaJ'. Olapt &Ad ,,.. {" Kf'11fty U "' UYWtc a1 110 C ryl'taJ f•lf' u· ... •Ill· t..--ua plll!llr nnol nnt rr~trlrlt'<l '" m<-m -to•r •II :0.11' ·nd !llr11 ltarry Gnrt. ho·l!thiJI lUl l n••w lo~lolo•nl!l, I'I'JII•· 1' I "f 'li I' •ll~<l llh:hv.·a~· 111111 , mlly Wl\'1'1' nt thf' mltlta n · J><'r-l lotl\ · '1 -.,, " k ( .. r I~'" Anj:.-11'• '"""''' 11,.. pndto·ul:ul~ '"''lll'd '" 1··~111 h• • ln·l<hntlln yE-a r a t Ho·~o·n·.ttlron>t mil\' tw• matlo· lw ------------------------ phnnln!:' fill\' ut lh~ ,., mmtllN· ,;t "hwh :'ohs ~ t\ ~t•'V"T 11•h••n•• l!h t "' o·hntrman lllh t'r ml'mb<•rJ~' aro• M r" II \\' Sl'llt.:••r. 1~(1() :'olr,. , 11111 ry \~1'1• h . ·"""· ~Ill• n···l.l <.',,1- to n I ti \1 r!l lh•m \ltn H•lm l'r. It).!~ :'olr~ 1: P Ttllo•l~<••n. oH'<.~I tlnol !llr,. Is land "Serv ice \Xiomen Name New Cha irmen T l•·· =-'• 1"\'t •· \\'nnwn':o rtun , ( l~ntl•·a 1~'.1' .t tlo•• r.nclnal nn•l J uniqur l'"J ""I •·f lll·•f'\'h , rn•·n·" 1 "'h'' $ ' 'L'. rn7~ d .. ,., • r"l 1 " •. , k~ J aJZ•' I•• tt~l"'t \\11h f{,...,t ("r•l!li:" \\'urk nntl In ltq tn ,, rl••u r1n-.; f)nnJif" nn•l h•••pll•t Itt\' 1'111 ,.., 1 "' ~··n·ao \'1111'11 :< \\'h'• .. f'Prt In,. I ~~ ... -.d.t\· 1 (ft•n• .. • ' ftt thrtr oo•nto'l • II; ll:lll•"l llll.onol fo01 tl·t•tr flo'l't ,., ~-i••n wllh thC'Ir ll•'" 1\· •'I•·• t • d pr•' .. lll•'tlt ~I r:- HI'III~' ~· :\1"11•11··11 \\If•' ,( 1.1 I :\tnno 1 h'fl A J:'f'IWral """'""""' lllf'd 1111! r•• \'o':lll'tl 11<'\\' !'hllil'll o•n fln<l ('o llll·' mllh '<' twnd:o who \\Ill wwk "'t I :'olr~ :\1•'11• n o·ff IL'I, Mr11. F..dua.n 1 .. 1\rll('ll C'hfl•rnol\n 1'f tho• ,t, ,.k \lrr Hnwllr•l 01.1\'1".!11. fOt>ronJ r h;ur- mnn ''' W('lrt•m<-!II'Wo'i•m.-r ... :'ol rll \\' \\' \\'•·~Lmr•n'IAnd. r luunnM •>f bof•ll!•' Jill/Ill'>' 'ltr .r' J' I'"'" Vl\n. fh11lrmnn 11f <'hlld o•nrf' \Jr" ltlly L. ~11111\·an. Ht•d Cro.'l.•: ~tr11 \\' Morrl~< L l\ <'rl'tt. lnf••rmnttnn. fll<'~ ""'' hulll'lm bt~'lro. Mno A. L..tHIItow C'ltarl~. h011l'<' r•nmmlt,.. .. Mnt F:tlwnnl LJlltton. motor or~ fl'llh11p<>rta11•'". an,l M nt l<t'ho rt F: llrnry. publicity 7 7'S APU-:_ .CUlt F'ICUCTI ........ ~lr11. C:rurj:C' R MIIIIJ:an 111 \'it'f'· prrlrit11'nl 111111 t l"t'l\l!l.lrPr, Divine Let,.,. I$ our hopt' .. stl"t'n~th. 11nd l'hl~ld. \\'t' ha\'t' nothing to fi'Ar whna Low la at : tht' hrlm or thoucht, hul f'\'f'ry-thln~:t to l'njoy on t'llr1h and in tw-a\·rn. Mnry lla k r r FMy. j I TS •o t>Y -THE EN£1tGY'Aie Mfal ...-:n=:..: OfF (VEitV AM(ItiCAH: ~~,OOC.~, . auSINlSS MAN, Mf:C*NC .~-AU.tJI'US. . ~s 6 .... se-ou. 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