HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-01-13 - Newport Balboa News Times- r r -- BALBOA . KEEP POSTEl! ' 11 SAND CRAB Buy Bonds to End War A\ES~~ I Year .... suo Quicker ...---- VOLUME XXXVI • !liii:WPOaT BE,.\C'II.l',.\Uf'OaNU.. TIIIJaAII\\, ''''\a\ II. INI ........ , N'IM .. a f IIEW 11M.BER. Comes now R a new suggt>Stion for ca n - didate for pn.-sident of th..se United S tatt'S. It is nor\f- other than Westbrook P~­ ler and the suggt•stor is \\'. T. J e fferson, a publidst in his own rig ht, by n'ason of the fact t hat he was a form - er executive of Lord & 1bomas advertising agency. in the years "hen Albert Lasiter was its ht'ad and also chainnan of the U. S. Ship- ping Board in World War I. Mr. J efferson tx-lie\'t'S Pt•g- ler. t>Yen though a nl'wspa- ~nnan; has som p balanet'd and sound idf'as and would brin& a~ n'fN'shin~ anct de- odorized viewpoint to polit i- 1 Physician Appeals to Press for P er-1icillin To Save Boy's Life .. Orange County to get Second Harbor With Naval Depot at· Sunset .. Dr. A. G. Hughes Asks Help to Rush Wonder Drug from Boston as Available SQpply Exhausted in Lad's Case of lnfedion · Ordnant'(& Uevelopmt•nt t'uKiin.c $20,000,000 to R.-qu~rt' :c;oo At·rt'M in Anaht"im Bay artd llemn,·al of llnuMt•M und llrid,~ll • t•a l W<ts hinJ.,rtun. u:~ run- ning ma tE>? Wt'll. nonf' otht>r than the respected and able gove rnor o f California . tht' Jion. Earl \\'nr-ren. Mr. J efte rson broug ht in ·a guest o f his. Hl'nry K olker, fo r years a famous leactjng man on thr New York stage in. that dim a nd glorious past when such lumina ries as Margaret Ang lin, Ada Re- han. Mary Mannering, Nazi- mova and others. tripped acroM the footlig hts. To IIWIY of these .Mr. Kolker paid h~ in leada and IUppOrt. He wu on Broad· way for 18 years, then H ol- lywood threw him for a loop and he became a director . One of his ~rly pictures wu George Artiss. whO!'Ie first movie. "Dlsraell." wu dl· rected by him. Getting a long in years, Ko lker. still does a bit of movie e ffort. but for the m ost part he is rontent to browse with old f ricnds Hke W. T . Je ffe rson. a t who81> home he \'ill S[X'nct n few W(."('ks. Wute Effort. Kenneth Adams, who runs the Lom- poc Record. pl't'flents the fol- lowing he sent to the U. S. ()(Dee for ~Y Man· ..,nwnt. that's right ~ tween tbe eyes: "We recdved your l"t'- quest for an ex1en~ion of the subscription of t he Lompoc Record forth(' Defense Rent- al offire in t his area. In- duded were eight fonns which you as k u.c; to fiU out in order tha t w t> may f"t'C('ive paynx>nt fo r the ~ul>scrip­ tion. You ask that wr cut our suhscription rntc in th is in~tance. Sut>scqur ntly. wr haw ~ivl'cf furthe r in- structions ~arding addi· tiona ! procedul"t'!' t o be fol- lowed. and reiteration of the statement that W«' a n' to re- ceive payment when the sub- ~~eription ha s run ou t , ra ther than in advan ce as is custom - An lnC'n•n:o.,, "' nP&rly 1.000 ""IC· ll'lt',...tl \'nll'r,. fo r lh" l'nmln~~: April city f'l('('\lon IIJ prrdlrlt'<l hy (''lly Annual -c~ of C. Meet Changed to Feb. 2nd ary. ··As the tot al am ount in· volved ln this transaction is $2.16, a nd because consid- erable time will be taken in filling out thr m ultitudinous 1onns. we h ave concluded that we will save m oney by living you th(' ncwspapt>r free of charge. This. thcrt"- fore. is precisely what we mall do. The time saved wUl be spent in furthering the .,ar effort in the-present emergency s ituation and th~ fonns w ill be tum ro in to the Balboa F'er•• ~11\tlon W1111hln!:'f un 1 N r ... 'J>Ort-Ft re hall Ave. n('ar 30th street. Ralb<Ja b1Rnr1 Fire MArine Avrnu(' nrar hrtclgP The d tv hall. whit'h 11 situated on thr Nr'wport ocean front and In thl' rear of thP pollct' 11\atlno. Ia "Liways opton for rl'r;llltratlona. ' J.l r Rtnrhar1 1tated that f'f'r;i11--------- County Commerce Chiefs Come Here or Lunch Jan. 24 pa[X'r snlvage ctri\'f'." Pru ld!'nlll nf Chamb!'r~ nf f"nm- m• rr,. on Orang,. County will b!' '''hy Not! ~ wht~re !'"''''''" tn R Joonr h,.on m"!'lonl! hy 80fTle men <tt Arr;uiill a rf' he-\\' ~~ Lnnl!m~"'lr, pl"'l'ir1Pnl or thl' ll•oWf' 1111•1 J. II N ttrtnllll, t"OUtl Nf'WJ1ttt1 I~ W llrii(JC• comin~ quite ade pt at rolling ~rwptorl Harhnr ChAIT twr nf r .. m. bandagt'S for thf' Red C ro!';.c;, I mt'rC" Thr I!Pf'<'llll m,.rhnll will Not a hnct ir1ra for t h is !'{'C· t>,. h"'" Mnntla\·, .lanunry 24th. oot tion. Know ~\'C'r:tl fellows. •hr ~,wpnrt llnrt><•r Yn• h• r,ooh ToP Names f.' eature Kiwanis Town Hall •. 1111d I Jt '; ~1 • :nuuly II I h h t I nl l1;,~ 1\l:o• .1• d .l,.,n tiWt•llin"' tlnl t ~. tt• " .... ,,t' And •h 'HJitt '11ntuu t• t• srmi-rC't irt'd. \\ ho \\'I H I 1 H' 11n•l tn~:•·t ,., wtth 1 ,. rr"~ 1 o· . .. P"""tty ,.-.....a , ... 1 t hn1 !;Crt of tho• ~,.,.,..,lnrv n f P~tr·h ('nunty It" T'•"tl"' .. 1 10 ~:lnt11 An" nnll vi· yteld tbe ownrrr.; a llllllflhn•o:tl n ,.._ ,_1.1'"'" II h I ICOml' inoll'flnlll'ly. Jo:>11h AI"''''"'"' ;~ltlll''h!toof •·' •I • •I '" ~~._ thl'nno. ~II'~''"S,'t th·,tt l't•cl f'h;omhrr nl ('lommrr<'P wo ,. n-ronil v whl••h tm·lwlrll NI'WJll•rl ,.... ~ ,..."""\" \ t ,~ •" ,,,,, .... lt411 , \\'r' k tft h tlf1 unrJ .Juttn ,, 1 '' Cros~ Chnirm an ~II s a n vol• d 1" nll r·ntl nl!!n Oll'l 1:''"11 11' llurt••r thr"lll:h tho· 1'1ohloo f'nn halhriXlm. 11.,-r"' Itt• I"'"'',,, h f ret . t 0 t h C No "fll'!'lal rr ~rAm w•ll hr prr-vr r"lnn l'rtt"rAm I I Rut er 0 go In !li\Ti•(l hut lhl' ~l'wpnrt Hnr]yor ,. A I "1\nlt An/1 IOilN'Irio ""''"~ '"' and it• ""''""' 1 subjectandthusstcp uppro-f"hAmhl'r PrPAirlrnt .-.•111 makr 8 l 'ndr r thl~ l•htn or A 111''1•"''' "'' ll'•fll•!<•·ol ''''"'''T"'"" llrt· ••ul• fok'f1 th•· ""'''" .. " ....... A• .............. " -·~· ,,, '"" ,,, , ., ......... ""'' """ •h•otll< lof duction on !'III'J,!ic-a l rlr('SS· hriPf T"T'nr1 nn thl' pTt1J!Tf'.!IJI nf fJ\I'!lf'l I•R:o Ol IIITI(P huoo~r nr IJulltl jK t to lhf' 11ppr1•V~ 1tf lho• "" fl o•llllf i:IOI " • <I , • '•r' • .,fl•• lr lr,.rr•, h';,,, l•oloo , '''"' 1\ll.o ln~s. OrAnJ:tt r-nunty'"' l--fnrhor tn thr tnc "t\fr h t "" h, rt'"''''rt.-.rt (I'AIIIi · •• , T h,.,.,.. v. I fl tW\ J•rr r'stt'f'tt ''v r•·• l\4'f1 ,.,.., n r•t '""' .. J ''. ' .. ··-:.,.• 't ._.. I • Tlj_. .. , ''•·•·· J'.,,,,... . . • .. " tu k • ' .• ,. ''"" ,,,. "ttl•· · lh IR " frll hi~· lntn 11p11rtmPnl~. ltw ~:nv<'rn-,,,...,'l?••ol "'' hoCo•l'\11 Antl lhr w••r~ >"'" , 1,.1,,,., •t , • • " So-~hort~. \\'ha t promi· ,.rrnal'lllltmrnrro""v":!:.~"'n"t "p,.rnj:t ::a"· In· m••nl wiii'I"A"'' thr pr1""rlv f.,r woll ,,. •Inn•• unolrr th,.tr '"""'\ eu --1 ,.,,,,,,..,,,... ·.•' ,.._,,, l:..;trly 111 11"11 "''1 '"" 1 ~ .,,.,.,.oJ 11 ''111 ·'11 ""'111 aaft .-:-TIIr .., ~ l"' ,._ .... -. __ ,.. ..-. ,.....,...~ nr\llt ''""'ftl-•n' .. lflrt,' fJ p l tf ,, f t\tV.,tfll' I ftftt If \11\t•IJ Jp, nent rontr;~('t or \\'1\S ~n lat l'fl In HI:\:\. a tf'rm of I'O('vcn vrar" llncl rcmnd,.l pervl1ton. ' ~· ..,...,. tflMI "_,.. , -. ,. ......, '*'" ,, , v o• , . , 1 11,, ,, ..... 1 11, ... , ,.11 1, ,. FIIIJoiol tripping the light fa ntA.c;tlc Ill In hlll"lnvltatton tn l.hl' lunrhrnn II Into .mro•'Pm ,' llvrllhlt' •IWt'lllng Jn ordf'r In tak .. lltiVII OIMIC" ..• ''~"""" !low• .... " ... r , •••• -. ••• ••• • .... "" , .. I"'" '"' I• I 'I•.. 1 .. i•' '"'" -.: •• ,,,,I I loti hi!' Ml'f' fP<'t on 1\ hedroom I Mr. LonJ!71'1onr l!'lll t'JO thPrr -wt11 .,.. 11111t1t n urtn11 lh<' !If,. of lht I""~" thl" off,.r. prn~rty "'"'""rl' ~thtoul· IArl) h." ""' t-., ~· '"""._ ThtU b •I•\ 1.,, 11, .,,.1• 1 ,,1 1 . .,.,,.,.,,,. ,. ,,. ll.ol rug valued a t ~')()a ~U1\n:.' nn 1!~11\l hu"'nPII!'I bul lhl' A<'l~inn ,., """'""r V.lll Ill' pl!hl ll R'lllll'lln mnk .. 111'1'"'•""" '" 1,..,... ....... f'On18n<• ,.,,. ·~ •••• ll ..... ~ ,..., '''"''""'' "' I··· t; .. ,o k . ·'''"''''\ uno! Slllll•oll I yard. at a .('('r1nin ~ou.c;e will Affnrll "n "Pfl'•r1 dtllly tn 1111y lt·r ol rPnllll In llthllttnn tn thl11 prnper1y tu th,. Unlt,.d Sl11l"" ,;,,,, qulr..,. thHt ,. ''"If •1 ••••• I .. ,.~• "''') •-l --on • ,,.,, h• 11 ,.,, 1,,1, hlltl lc \\'It v1111,1) ,1,1,. wannin~? Old h<'. or cftct he r hamhfor nf r ommPff'(' prr!lldf'nl I rf'ntal. lhf' jtO\'rm m,.nt will f!IIV f'm mf!lll Ill lhf' nffirp.of lhr I'•.... ., .....,., ~~(! •• I '.'. • • ••• • • ., ·~ -...... f(,,. .. n .. Tm•" ·'' I ···•In M• "' ~""''" '" kt•IJ not, win ttw> admiration of I tn prrwnt Any tmhjN'I whk h hf' "" '"""" llflllf'fllm~nh lltlt1 ()~Till-ororl llarllror ( :haml)f'r ,, ( 'oom ... 11 1ft« lln<f c;~, ~-~ • ••• -,. • • --,, , ..... N.-por I 1\. ..... , ..... I ~·t 1(, uotlutlotol; '·" flo I .Ill ') •lrPm~ \1) b!' "' lnlt'rl'et tn thl' lnJ,! I'XJ'l"n ... ll merce. tual ''""'"''' '· I.... -••• '• ot ......... -tllurolm .... ,, '\0 nl• I theWhaMi."-ltSUJ~l bar lx'r tells h is I rounly p nu p 83 a ""hW Th,. proJ""'r1Y wtll rf"(',.l\'r main-A 110 1,(' r•'Jirf"('n\ath·,. will rJtll AM, , ,, ~,... ''"'--r.r onlima: •• ,., • 1, ·'")' 1,1 11,, .,, "'""''" tll'k,.1 '"'" ---ten&n!'f' and f'l1Jlf'r1 tn&nlljtf'Tnf'nl 1)01,. "arh W""lc t•o r,.r,.lvr appltr,. Ouren~ J.,h l'•t '• • ·t-~ ,._,_._ 11 fll~ f•rrv~o· ,,,1••• • ,,,. u',. 1••11 ''" 1-'l·lo,mry I, alnl(l•· custOfllers th<tt hr cannot rlo k beca b .. k anct 't hr1o111:h ounllro .. •l proJl"rt Y mill!· llflllll llnd will "ltamlne lhf' prr.prr· prtBtJnc ... llt'f'1" ,,, "" ... , .,• •• _. ... .._ ,.._ -'Y'' ,..,,,., •··~··•• r .. 1 Mo 11•1~-:h~ ... · l•'(·t•m•j Ill)' fa~ s h avin g on &tturd-I war use . c IS SIC • th llltl'nt At thl' md Qf I hi' ·~ """ .... tn~ and jrO tnto tnll ,.. July 2 .... dtlf>O .~ •••• ,.ut>· ,. '--~""' v-~ J•Aon n ,,oj thl ··•h··r '"'''""' ('100 bl.• rvr· IIYS• as that day is I"('S('rwd t o .make it s h ck . take!' e 'Pf'r1od or won,.r. If the «onrn· lall11 with thr ownt'r rrlatlv,. t .. thr u lflt: 1~ ,., 1 lnoi-1•·-1--T· •·~ "~ ,. .. .,........r aM ""'II 1 '·'""'HI 11"· 11to<or ''" tht· nh.ttol ttl 1 for hair ruttin~ only? At I la trh out .or the ~oor so you mf'nt .., rl~lol. lhllf proJ)f'r1V wtll l thr lf'Uinjf and rnnv,.rtln~t ,, th .. aUrtco·. wMlnc ...... . ....... ,. ., .. ,,..,... Mr fhtct-'"'","" rvf'nl ltl II w lnd udlnt( IU . I least that's one way to fl'W'('t I can't 5l~tlll even if YOU want bfoo tf'tum,.d to lh,. n'NTirr w1tb nn prnfM"r1Y Aucu--t """" tt,;,n ·, 1~· ···~ ,4 ....... ~ •#'0 ~ n. w. t;.,, f1•1f'n ·n ,.• k.1wnna T~n lfllll ... NI'"I the manpowt'r shortllJZl' hut 1 to. while ~ shoemaker: calm-llrlntt• 111tarhed, A portion Of • 1 Rny F. ~trlrkllnr. r,.pr~•ntl"" t~ 'Yl"""'"'"~ .,,,., -•• ;~ •• -~ J'· -~ • r ........, ~ •··-t~ro ... n I• ••n•l•·r ttw-ttiN'I'tkw\ ot "'" I'Jih .-.. h ' l tough on the shave-11v does hl~ repair work In prop..rt,-mAy alao bl' leued In lh,. Hnm~ Own,.,.. Z..O.n Corpora-Uw pnnt 1n..: alooc• • .,, .,._.:. ... •' .. Yt •• ,.,. I•• """',.... and Mu*· f'tft'lmlllt'f''l -guy. bonW shoemaker I \Vhy are IOt'ne people'• ,.-enlol and olhrr llf'NI on tbf' I H&rtlor ~~, at Coal 1M'~ ... ,......, ~) ~ ,. ·-16 ,._.... ,._ .... ___ ,I' mllrl "' rubllor Aftelra ftM I )r. ..... , .. LOOSE-LEAF BINDERS N•" "''" k ,101~1 1!1•• ••tv.-1 '"' II 11 M! ~ -It 11 fJ H ...... t.l A I '11 ( 'rolltl'll'fto lt'fiJ.."'r !'lf'l In ('nmpad sl:tA', mtlt- 11 bl1• fo r "'""II htt<~in•>ss or th(! honw A II k 10111• • ,f ••onntl ~h,..,t ~ 11ntl f 'ur1b NEWS-nMES 1011 w. C.tnl Nf'Wpoft llr.tw'h ~LE~..,.m y • the open wmdow! ~·bldl 1 vet ~n• pay tauii.Jti •n . ., ... a caller at the Htwpt~r1 l..aftc RNdl 1.,n, ···~'-~ ..," •Pf .... , 1 1rl th•· ""• .l.,.k ,Jta.h b r hllll · .. -~~"'"on h is door that hr voices !10 hard to :xtlngutsh I r roJM!T'fy. 'Monday lut uws 1ert UM fOI"'IWW '"' !......t to ......._ • ,.....'""...,... ., r. ,...,.,,...... -.-..ne l!'lth 11rwt 'ltooHI f.uf''"' lit ttualrmen t'tf ,h,. =not ~ any m ore n.'Pftlr ovt>r tht> telephone . Apartment. will IW' """'rablf' Wlf' or lnter...t..d dthrf'lla ......... ftr<Nioat.nr~ ~~ .. _, __ ... 4 ..... ) Wllh M•l•l• u ommlt\rt'. l .. ___________ ,..jl .. .. 111• 1181 CLASSES BElli __ , IEII For Building lnf__...., .. Bay District Luaabel-Co. w-.-aa ...., -..--... ........ ~II ... ~c:·s·-· .-EPLIIES- Ne=; s:rt A Bs'11 MEN A WOllEN CAM HELP SPEED PIIOOIJCIION • fll IITIL &a.ftiiES 4=- at thr IOICLIS &ANT., A~., fu:JJtX _. or On a fWl limt> job at thP OOlGLAS ................. APPLI" 100.,1" 8llllta &. I'\ t ... 1'. t'. t· I, ~ _... !iirntnr !11 E. ,.. Stftoft ~ ... Sda ,..,..... ..... A-. CaBf. "--a ·'--£ .._ t:OO A. a to 5:01 r.· a 1:11 .L JL t. •• r . JL DIIIJ Eulept a-day ._..,_ . .-, .... ·~· ,.._,. Write or caD for.lf:AJ W•lllllitiml Boc*Se1 An•t•IJ aa• ' D 5 '•• ... ~ ... Howard W. G~nish -w. o-lnl ·-JIIcwpwl-....., C.. . ...... ·'~ • FIRE AcaDENT • LIJ"E .......... o-tnn ..... Wrtttel c I ?, • _..,, ,.,.,. •• ,., .......... ., ... .,.._t«tenw ................. GORDON 8. FINDLAY -aaldrr ot 11onws ol Distinction·· CO!\"TR..\CTOR and BUII"DER sa•c..e ..,..._ .,.,. l 'ou Think of lnsuranr€' JOH:S E. S.\llLIER • ..\Jr('nt ._nEE n..u·D .t:RS ~sn~.\sct: en. COSTA MESA lEIS· .. Battle Royal On Kt'en lnt .. rest hu ~ec arC-~ I wMy t.u a pd'f«t .-, ..;Jy ovf'r t be battle fur flnt pl&l'e bun· bovo·~t-r'a cln'am Frf .a. ._.. 11n m the AckermaJI ~·linr; the bowllac parack Ill Willl .n.. Lea(ut' and at the momut It Ia a bafiCillC up Uw tr-' GNP t11ht race between the StaTboardll. came tOC&I Oil 1111.. Galleya and TermltH for that dl. ~ standincw ...m to ~ tlnctlon. tbat the 'outdoor _. '-Ule ..._ Tb~ ~tarb!•arda art' enjOyinr a bowlu aa the yard '-.... •liiht one-&amt' advaotace over well up lD tblnC'a ... tM .aiM the C•lleya ln the won and l011t col-furce brtnp up lbe ,_,., .....,_ umn, but traJI the latter In tt>am won 10 and loet S8. average pe,r lloe. IU cloae u the In the women'a ....-. a....r. race 1•. It'• more tban likely that ahlp ot which ,. ~ ._.. .,. Tueaday evenlnc'• raulte wilt -the hlth-lltt ppblc Balle fill ftno th~ •lluatlon more hoUy contuted team, llltert'81 bu t.n •1 ' h• than It Ia now. ret\ently by the "*-'ac fwtal ., Nellaon leada thP lndh,tdual peT· the cuu t rk'ka Ia llnacl -~· former• wltb a neat 1M averace tuJ WlifOf'Ul•. ,._ ...._ .,.. .,... for etrbteen ramea-very nne ly flaaby in tbdr-clllde.., ~ bowllnr In all)" man'e league. ~ eND ill act._, uy ~ ._.. Fry ta!'ee ~onon for hJgh IA:'fle ¥ _the ~Yilt;-~ ...,. ~ by knocklni 'em over to the iuOf' BalllloL . ot 2~. That Ia well nirh on tbe ------=~======-:--:--- When llr;ht. place In cold oveo with re«Uiator at at ~ dec· Bake 28 mtnuta. cet dow1l -ot tho. choice rtaue. of jeUy to aerve with the mufttn. and tbetl .at back and bull Ill the rlow ot the c:n""'llmenta wblch .ure.ly wW be ronbcominr trom your family. THE .AL.OA IILAND ·A·~ M IN Cluck, the blalld babe: Shf'e not too fat, abe'a not too old- She' a Jullt the type men lon to bold.. --- Sbe'• p:ot the rurvea. 8be'a cot the IIDI1e That 'urea tht' men tor IIUUIY a , IDU.I Sbt' danc:ee like a fairy queen Wblch makea the (irla tum very CreeD! AU Ill all, lbe'e quite a kicl . . . And u tor me rd mab my ~ K i d n E: ' 5 l,1 ~ 5 t W 'J r ~'yAy .:_ II - BALBOA MOTOi CO •. "Lee" Houle --c:.M"' J..,. ,.. .... .., .......... General Automobile and ~ lte;IUrtlllll Marine Dec:trldanl Available P'endeJ' • • • Body Work • • • .... JW'I • 0 1 J '1'*••-New,ert ._... ID Get Your Olllee Supplies Today lt'alnventory Time! FAST ·sERVICE! REASOIABLE PRICES! We are maintaining as complete a line as possible of all the things you need to help you in your business-right here in town so as to save you time and travel. Be sure to ask us if we have what you need. Some of these are closeout items; no dealera; we reserve the right to limit quantities; sales tax not included. Add Machine Rolls, asstd. sizes 1S.20c AvallabUlty Certlftcates BWheada, R~ln or printed 8~ x 7 to 14 ~r. 3-rin& 8~ x 11 sheets $1.25 Cash Re~tster Rolla, aU makes Celudex %-Inch clear index tat. Olp and Arch Boards, all sizes 90c and up OJs-. BulJdo& and paper, aatd sizes Columnar and Accounting Pada, aU sizes Counter Checks Credit and ~bit Pada Dally Ana.lyala Sbeeta. 500 for SS.25 Dally Cuh Sheeta, 500 lor S2.9S Daters. 75c Oak FUes, letters or legal abe EnwlopN Colwnbla Clasp~ all aizft to 10 x 15 Manlla, white, aU sizes, plain or printed Eruen-Ar-t Gum. typewriter, K1mzo Pend):~ typewriter eruers Estimating Sh~ts rue Folders, manila, all cuts, letter and legal sizes, $3.00 to $4.00 per 100 FUe Guides, prestboard, Jetter size, $2.25 F\llers. notebook, punched, ruled or plain Glassine Bags G\.UT\Int!d La~s Indt>xes. all sizes Indt>x Cards. rulro. all sizes Index Signa Is Inks Writing. bottles or quarts Stt-nrll. inddiblt>, India. ~tamping. ln\'l'ntorv ShN'ts U>dger Hinders. ~'ctional pol't tyfl(> lA>}!:I~ Form~. notary. <'tC'. U.tterhr:Hi~. n~o:tc1. stocks nnd t'Oiors print Ni n:o: r<;r your instrudion." ~ Leaf Fill<'rs !\fc>rt•handi<:<' T:u:s Mlml'~r:tph ~::tf'ncil:o:. tnkr !\ 1: x H shf't"'t Mudln~<' Note Books, memo. etc., asst sizes, plain or ruled Paper. bonds, thin papen, colors or white. all sizes, typewriter, .mimeograph Paper dips Payroll Records Pute Pvndls, lead, colomi, china IJW'tdlw, lndeUble, automatic, atenocrapb1c Pendlleads ~n points, aU klnda Price Book F\lJers. 8'h X 11 Postage Stamp Molstmer, china Ready Muter carbon forms R«eption Cards printed to order' Receipts Ribbons, 1111 makes typewriters Roll Memo Pads Rulers Sales Books Sal~ Tax Exemption Cards, Form No. 103 Signs, For Rent, For Sale. etc . Stamp Pads Stationery of all kinds Statements. 8% x 51}.4 Superdex RoD Labels Thumb Tacks 'Typewriter Paper, white or canary II!COnda 1)'Jl('writer Ribbons. all makes • DESK CALENDAR 1944 -5 X 8 Complete with holder: room for <':trh day of the year. Get one today. Only $1.90 L Newport Balboa News-·Times SOil \\'. Cf'fttTal, Nf'wport ~~ PhOIM' 1% ... IS .. I -- • NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, N"rport..ae.ch, callfomla, 11RJRSDAY, JANUARY t:t, l~H ----- IEIE • TIE FilE cuas LET'S GO FISHII' ,...."''" It ..... Ill• I h •• h t'f\ft) ., • tutu•r-ann••r ''" th, hf'-rtwr"' ,,,,., rn•.:nun ""'' ... " ..... ' ,,,,, ,., ""'"'' "' tho• ,.ff,, t .. t)f th•"'o ••1"'111,.; I~ I Community Service Via Classified Ads --,).'\. ISiD TO liiiE War Stamp Sales lnft'eued Lut Week Tho' aalr of war bonda a.n d atampe at Ha· bor High for thr Wf'ek of January :'1 lncr~ued. but elx room• wt'nt down In the amount IIOid. Tht' all\'t'r "V" wu rlvt'n to thr f~ahmt'n In 108 who purchUI'd S88 00 Thow fruhmen wue al110 tl\f ••tnnrn or tllt Jrold ..,.. 'tor 12.18 ~r pupil 11 wu room 108'a WHit. Total Mlt'll thla Wf'ek wer1t J3:10.t:>. and It wu $228.7:'1 Jut week. ThQM rnoma which d id not purchaM t'nou«h for a "V'' were Uke a la rrr onJ.r. WMn the 20th of tbla month rolla around. Bob will have to be atartinr back north t n ~port for duty again. 1"0011'\a 106. 220. and atudr-ball. Latin atudrnta pul"('hued U7.SO whlcb la down 19.4:'1. Rel&t.d Kl· ence put'l'h&af'd $&.2:'1. up •. 51; f ooda 110.70, up 13.10; chemllrtry, $3.2:'1. •me u befol"f!; al,.bn., $49.1:5. up 142.10; bloloCY;ate.&O. (!l)wn •. 40.; cltlzenahlp. saa.oo. up $77.40: radio .• 12.8:'1 .. up f4.16; boya' JYID. $1.36. up I 40; b,tiM I. $&.50. down 18.70; office, .2.00. down 1.50; EnJIIIIh V. 113.45, up J&.~: Spanlllb. $9.50. down I.TO; Engllllh 111. $4:'1.20, up 111.10; or. cbelltra. Sill 2:'1. up I11Ut6: ..-oe· ~try. $6.80. down Sl.C)I~; D&,tl&h Vll. 14.3:'1 'nita " thr flrat MV" for room 206. llJ t 'IIAJU.F.8 H. \\' Al.I.A<'1t {'•\fnrn•'• •'~ttl~ St,•\\ .utd "· ntt~ h.ht t,. .~,, t•••n --------------, .. ,, ·······•h··· .... ''·" ·""'' ......... ... ''"' "u"" I"'" tt ,, "'h~·n ""' ••I th••·· \'1"' "'"''" th•'\ lk'h-"'11) t u •·• f• t ,_., •• til tt\ .nl•l the• t"'l.l'' h hi ,, .._.-..t • .•h •h ~,ut krh~ h.,."' '- '' l h I Ill' lot tho \11111•'1 tho•n II I• 11•11 1"11 lllllllob t k '" .1 l•olo I 'lo• ••• '"· II n .... ,.( .UOI) Anol "''t "' ""' .•• till• fWtrllo'ttlur llnto!. t t • t ,, I •• , ... , to. h'" "' ''"'·uta•• h •. '' ·nttt lt.:,ht up th• .-l.t ••••••• tf' \\.•11 "' •'•'"I'•' .Ill ''"' "'·"·1.,·~<·1 ·""' •··tt l.· ,,,,,." ,,,.,.,, .. m ""''' tl 11 •\\ I• , .... .,,.a"'"' olo·f··n .. • "'"'II , .... ,.. '' ,. Ill II I"''""' rto•w In ''' "'I \o l Ill Ioiii till' .:·~~~ "hi lllllloh'o'ol 1~•11111t• "' .,.,.,,,,,,, ,.,, 1 • lho• :oo. .... ,_.n 1\,'llt---.o ,.r,.,o whwh !Ill t)l"'' ••I lL"4'\I lo:IAilh an-·'' n I" t'ltllotnt 111111 l'oon~"lllt•ntly ;·"· .t it "''\'11'""' .... ,,. ~·'1 ,lltlltthl n-.\ tlf·,t h·•UI ~'"''"" t•) \t l\ "' u .. , , ...... ~, , .... , .... ,,, •• ~···""'"~ ,.,,, h tt\t• I••.:Oh'ltl """'' to~··· rid tO ! ""•1'H' 1\t'\\ 1'1"'' 11"' ltlth h·" ""'''' ,,,.., tt U •I ul t .. -. ..... t ... t.t .._ .•• \"' ""' J•t•..,.."''"' •'f ,Ul)ttunto: lhnl nlitlhl t.-4t d tUI '•\\ I )tdt \ ·,)~t•tn:tn """'"" t t \ ,,·t1th·he•, ll\•'tl \e•u l t'ttltt.• ~h.tt tf..._. 1f ,-,,,, ,fk tt ht.:•• ., fVll fh"U ''" f hf• fU.It kt•l UUt•r ltu• War l~tlfu I• .ttl\ I""'~ "' th·· • ,,. '-'' lha~ '-'" ""' ..:•'ttln.,_• ''""""'' ,,,,,, ··f '""' .. Ill<~ ·'" t.u ·'' huun,u·'~ If ,,._, hiH•· Ufl)lh,na: At aU to • '1• h·• l 111\ l!P plltH lu n ft'l 1\•tu , t.·.uun~· lt"'tl :tl le't I 1 h•MU' th \tl ,_,,,,, t:••~t .... ,.,,. ,-.u~·· ,n•··t nt '•II fh••t .,11~ht h•-•lp t•tt'M•f", "t,"ll II ' \lie n ,1111 th.il , .. \\h••t • t ~~·-ut..: ''••U ,,, ···lhul' ...... , ... " '''" ~ tli>41>'h II" f»• 1 ,ol tho• "'·'"' 1 " '" :-..,.,.,.,,, I.' "' 1:1 will l'n~thlfo II HI Jnd.thoul d1\\h11\\ l'U t.l~t' II~.· •• \\hil l ut •• ~.,_, ••.• '"•' "~ lh~tl ··""•"' oUt\tttln~ ... I , ••••. \tttl ••• '""''rll44• u "'t' UllCf' )'t>U ~ ~ tlh 1 \' tttl 11 tilt' t•l\tl ttf the• 'w'4'tt1h1 ht•llt \t 1U ,,, • ....,.. It~'" r.rwf tl It).-. ... tn\ot •ttH•' fu Ill"•' IU"Unl,.~f' t\f th'• • ..,.,. ...... 'lh ''"' !oooltf\0\ ''"' lttlt ' , ...... "''"'~' ,, .... ,. l'l't...,, tUitl ,,.,., "ttl· I · ' , ,,, .1.1. """'> .enol h•v•••t )'nul' ~tum11 n '' 1 l1td up llfhh 1 lh•• tuut..:,• ''''I ,let\\ II It• th• l••na.: t.:,I U\tl ,,,..,,, .. 1 l1 1 \ 1 1 11 1 1 1 ) Ah"•""'t , ,,_._,,, .. .,. h~•"" ... , .. ,,..thtua.; \\'Ar 1\nntt~ I t tt• .. ttt•t tt .. · """''•' th '' ..... ,,.it ""' '\ h' , I"' It'""' Ulll il tltl' •61 ll ""11e•nl h t•UI 1'·""'-'-. ~tnd !"\It•\\ f-. .:u \, ••••••••••••••• Ill•' \\,•t t• '~I'\ ,. •·,UHt\t' t\• f '~I' 1•• lt•••h t • llt\1\\t,t.'\a,.,,t•l•· "ICU~ t•f tf,• 'I I ' I ,tOll 1•'1 ''""' !\ f,u loon.:: l"'"'"t' "' ._, , ...... t 'H11'1'' tUh' ttl t \U'-4' t-u~• \4'1 I lllC• tl lth•nt.thh If\ hh ,.._.. 1n.•r I I I I I A •1, , . , """' "'"1> •• ~ 1 ''''-lsom,.. •'"'"'"' "' ' ... ,,., I tt~ll • n !f'lt• '' • ... lt '' t\e·nn' l'f''t.:lf'' ••• ttNmn ... "t - l:lll••fon.; ••t 1•1 111..••• 1111<1 lho• lu•o:•• \\h•"'l •: ,,,,.,. lh•· '""·~"'"t: ..... r'1"'1" "'"'1 ,...,.._ ""'1 lin\ .. ,.,.,,.,., '* "''"' ,.,,,,.,., h• •• "-... r .•.tn\ln._: "'''I' \\ tll"t'/ln &.: tnk•'' (t.•fenth• .... ,, n ....... m.t ., ••r .~..,., ·~ .... n ........ rt.,lol ,,,,., tho •I"'' ""''r•· IIIII· I""'' lo·lluiA ,., ... ,,.11th ''"""' t..• " 'n>o• ,,..," n...,... ""'-'' '" If, '""' "•'' 11·•1 ,,,. ''''"' ,,( F ,o<l " d~o••·•·h••• lllttn llotllll\ • 1'1•11 '"'"" •• Anol lh.•tf f nrn.~ In ,.,,,, 1 • I II Ill .... I ""'' ""''" thrtl I h.•\ ,..,. l'trl IIIII .•1 foo o'\\ o••lo'l II 'l,.;ht-"•r, II\ ' Jl111f11\ ' I 'lift II) ' ~'' II • ~14' IA I'Io' 111•1111111~ ukrl nu, >ttohl•·ll H oum .. S.·lllo'r "'"'"" ··11.-M• m. .. n •• ···-...... ~.a.• C•'"""' lh.tl IIU' ""'11 ""'""' II •tt:hl .. r t:•••nl Into••-I s ....... ···nn ... t ol\t•r ····-,,, ltclf"ft '"' P·••'h.tl'' n hr·nn7•' _-.lnh .•ntuk I Su'•' t•n•Mt.:_h lit• •. ,.~ .....,_ mftlun.,: h .. ,, •~ """'•hnc th .. ••rt ,.,, In>: till' "'""'' "ho•ro• Str t ""'''1' o1bllno'l ""T"" In a &oM na Ml "''1'"1"",..,1 ~ f••l•,.-arf' "'alo jl 11 nl..o• <t,,hho'(1 Sllttn.: Oull •lrnwl "··nn, ""' ''"t:'"l: lll.r 11,.. onr.: •'-'It• .. , .,., •4\ ltw-tlat .. t ,.,..,. I ··1 Jt•t......, Mt .. t t-:•"''1 '*"'1\•'-n. u•t ~ '"•' hn.tn\n·-.••lt ,.,~ t ra•n •'•..t ..,. ._....,._. 11 ,. ftr.C • ·~ :.~~','.' ,.t'" •ll~::;,~;,:r~,.:~~:~:::.n .~ \'II I ··r. , .. , .. , h.-"ttn'1>'' t h r ,. ,. •' '''~, =-~=~~~.:"' .. ";.:_ ,.. .. , Mr ,..,., 1l11• nthho•mf'('ko• .... l:ltlt'tl "'lth \\·I>'' OIIITIIMI!ilt • flllfT1W'1 .. ta• ...... '-'1 l o•laY -.twllwr lhiJI ~ :\Wt• "I'"" thr lilllo• trlltn~o"'llllr llttn·nrll\lit'" t•lllnll !';nl unl) wo•ro• tl\r)' I"'~' t· h·t:•·tl 111 ... ,. lh!'l-t' llil'tur••"<JIIt' , .. .,... plo• ""' tn lrllnt thnl lhl'y ,.·,•ro• ••·nil) rllllo·rt~lr. · Antt old 0111 w11~ not th•• mon to ~pn•l 1 h••lr •llu,.lon~ llr ral"'-.t Ill" '" hi• lull twll:hl 11nd lw•llr~'tl Ilk••" bull -- Addin~ MathinfiM May Now ~ Sold. Minus Priorities "Antt lr~rlll"l' nn•l J:l'ntlrnwn ,.., An an•uounc-f'mf'nl ., .. .IU .. ...._ your h•ft I~ 11 dumb M n of II • • -• n ••lr "'' lf'a•llna manuf• l urrta n( lh£11 I~ .:oln 'to J;:rl hill blurk l '"loltn11 mao·hi!W'a that han.t (.,..,. kn'IC'tcrd nff If two doron't ~ t'~l atl'·iJ marlun..-a llan """' ...,..._, lilt I" hrrt''" Thrr? wa~ a cra'lhlna: 1 ,,, ur11 ,..,, .. '"" -a.. '" ..,,., .... o f l:l'lH'JI • • • olh, \'l'ttll " minute•, "''' otlna Jlll<'h rqulpti'W'tll trwtf'l¥ a trmp,.ary ,...,._ to • '-'•n ,..,, m-u fa. hono~ .. ,,..lui ,., .. hrlhrt II .......... ~ •• ,. ,.,.._~.:Ownl Tltr , .... ,. .. atwlow thet a•lo11n« -Ill-• .. ,.. f,.,...n a. ...... h ·~ 1"7 .... lh~ ...... n •-......, lhat <S.I .. lhal ,...,.,. ... _. .. ._... ~-• (,,. ltf'rwral dla I"""'""' .. PAUl-* NORMAN . .......... ...._. ........ ... th111 ·~ whf'rt' l hf' ~tory nuahl to 1 Thai •• th ... ,..,.~1 • .,.... ~lop hv l klb Jo'rtn.....:'" "' thr Tlr,..... 114~ 21.1111 St. ,..opal ..... • • • i ) t"•wrllrr t ... . aba.-t1 atw>US.t tor ,._ ., ,.,.,.,. ll4't' If wr hHvo' l'noltl:h .:•M>ol nr wa to a &~t -)' aho• Bl.LB.OA ., TIIEATEa IE .......... , ..... , •• ~~·"'·~ ...... tur. Pmcnm Starb •• 1 ·30 ....... •: e.r.rtN -.. c ....... , Tttw. · ~ri. · .. ,. \'lrrrtnu. Wrlollf'r-r ... l Amn6d lro "T11eY_ .... ~,...._..,. A I•• l.au,...l A lt•nl)' In "JIH~ c ·ar-t•""' • N-• ........... T- "'"-1 ... ,,,. · J,.. IM!tte ta -Ttle ... ,.., .... L ........ Alen a Hal ftnet'h M,__IIMr MH•JtJ'H....._ .. ('Ut-. " ... ......... , O..lp -...-y ................. .................... oop ........ , ...... cart-. ..!f.- ~ ... nw~.,... • •T'-.... ._ ._., .... F\MIIty to hla tJ..ua'• precepU a.nd pr&(.tlce Ia the only ,.....,ort to hie pow•·r ; a.nd the p&tb--., ol ft'\Odn._ a.nd ~~ I'\IM throujth the modM and IDIItJaodl or God. ~piiC:I' folr lhal om• on K•·nn) Ill.:· -- I:Pn<4lll Oh. I think so. w~·rr Ill· lowo•ol up tn IIC'Vrn hunctrrd 1 mund~ nnd wr 'n • u~ only ahout lhn¥·~txty. Thl' 1:00'11 bac:k In thl' barra<"Udll e-Mf: "awwt .... .., O'Of'II4J" ""'"' ... ,,._.,.. -''aMI· ..... ""'-"' (.__..... .. l...., ,..... • "WWit. l"'*tlw " Newport Be~ch. Y•a&Yaa ......... _,.... ....... ........ , ...... -... RF' a lie fTU ...... t ..__ ...... , .. f'iiodl .... ,.,_ ·- No Restrictions Of Newport Beach Opportunity Is Knocking n.w .. ~''· .... .. Nexf Saturday • January 15th IS le•~•ber -On that date any taxpayer of Newport Beach is privileged to buv any of our UNSOLD LOTS at CORONA DEL MAR In Blocks A-35 and A-36 le•!•ber -Now's the time to take advanta~e of this- LIQUIDATION SALE POST WAR INVESTORS LOT BUYERS HOME SEEKERS BmLDERS ~-All lots in Blocks A-35 and A-36 are being offered UNRESTRICTED and at ABOUT HALF OF THEIR ORIGINAL SALES PRICES and on VERY EASY TERMS. YES -TERMS OF A TRIFLE DOWN AND A TRIF'LE PER MONTH. J le•!•lter -When these lots are sold·. where will vou be able to buy such beautiful buildim~ sites and sand Jots at such a price or in such a location -which even the dvs- peptic could not help savimz are real bargains from the standpoi n t~ of value, lo- cation and terms. ~ -4! ~ J:lllll ·Remember Real Estate Brokers---GET BUSY See Mr. T. F. Rhoden, Tract Sales Manager Tratl Office-~n the Bluffs at CORONA DEL MAR JOHN SHI<.:RROD HARRIS . ~ Yours for Fun •••• at Music Box Feat.~ret ... Hollv•u• .._..c ...... el 1MJ .......... ---. ..... aoy._ .. PW'* -.. -~· ......... ~ .............. -•. a'* ..... .... ........................ -....... -......... ...... ........... -. ............ -. .... -....... ... ................... .._.... ..................... . ........ ..,. --.... ·----...... -w-.. PW'*-............. __ _......... . ....... ~ .. ................. _ _....., ...... BALBOA'S f.-lit. ,..II Ua1T7 Ja• ... Ill .. .... , ... 'wwrw#"' I 'lartnuft Mu .. r&f • ,....,. ...., •-· · Tue-. A·lo•l,..,... lof,.n)ootl • Martha lknlt I" "HI OIIIWte OtMie• a h•l a ....... r,.nlm1 ,.atu..., "Ah-tYrH .. a .......... 1 'art .. •'lfl N-• w~., OA11 P:• .. ,,. .. t<cy... T·-N-1 In "T ... ,..·. a-thtote AMut a .......... ""'' • ,.,...,ofld ...... 1 .. ,.. •TIM Ut~lo-n Oue.e• l"flmmunll)' "'"•. ~~ ... NI llatt•"• Thur., Jaft. 10 "A .... -..t 1ft ~ .... c-Hte: "A Lady 'hll• • C:MMa" "a.hllld the R ..... ........ ·-~ .. c---.~· "Ad•ntur .. of Tutu" "Oirt ma-y .. auv WA" .of!IDI AND ITAMN AT THII THaAT"a RENDEZVOUS BALLROOM Praeata Ami I HILL AND HIS ORCHESTRA , Bif"Y JE,\~ ROSEI..I~~ SATURDAY liGHT .IIIIIIY 15 • • . . ' ,_,.our NF.WPORT-BALBOA NE'a'S-TIIIfll. New""' a.-m. c.ufonda. nruRSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1~ ......... -'7 ... _,__.. ..... ................................... "" ...... 0..., I IIIAr Olut ...._, .... . -. .. ~ ........ AU. .... ...... EDIT-ORIALS + FEA 'f.U-R.ES Newport Balboa li-IIEII II II NE!,!~,T_!~ES NEWS :::.:.-.. _ _..._ 25Y:•::/go •• 5 2 I ~ .....,.._, ............. ~ Ala.,__ \'OIDnM XXXVI ' of the t llJ' c-.. -... ....... I II "flpi!U the n:t~mely anterest-H bo • • ~ Parable lA Advanc»---$2~!W> ~; ;..-;-,-;; 0~; County; : '. H u R I' H E s Tbr toad •A' tlllt (.._ ...... lnt 11f-alpatloo at "Commander-In· ar r Dastntt J t• qvu~ Tw.-arw .-.I, uru.t&nrea wbeD thil tltll' may not ~.n per year to 'lh &e~ne; SJUO pt'r )ear to 1101 11une. \.J \.J r'~• • .-<.:n.l •'" nw~ .._ lMN Cllwr" to the Pruident, un<Ur clr~ 1 Datend u Seeond-Clua matlrr at the l~tofi~Jn Newport St-ach. I I t•t ,,.-. I .....,., In -~ .,.. ,.._ prvl)«rly tw applied under our Coo. Taketl from the January 10, CaJ.IIonU&, under Uw Act of M.u.:h 3, 1117!1. SEVENTH OAV ADVENTISTS • :,. ! <Oil Wl(.«~a ~ fer U. 111 tutloD. 1919. edition of tbe Newport Newa .. ~ MEYER • • • -:-J:IJJTOR AND MANAGEn Corner W.alnut lll'd C:hurc:.h s•--~~ !.• •• , -ttl tllat c•••.a.. .. I rh~ Pru ld•nl ur tbe United A lpe<:lal election wUI be h. I~ I ~t.la& Plant. 3011 W. C,ntraJ Avenut'. l\•·~port lll'ach, CahlomU&, coata Mtu ""' • •luota -I -.id .._ '"* !'-1 •l r a II Olmm&ntier-ln-cblef, In lu vote un Wet and Dry Queatlon. OFFICIAL PAPER OF TJIJ!: (;IT\' Ot' Nt:wi.OKT IJt.:ACII . s.,•un~..o~ mumtnl( :-; • L L.; t '· •..! ~ ... t.c~ rdn-to Uw ,.._. tm ,. ol war, of lhe Army and of A f!«tlllon al(lled by lt2 of tbe vut-1 So 1,,,.,1, 1 wU _. 110 f·•·'> Ita:! I• I.U U ""'UW -...... t ' <-Savy tw Ia not the Comman· <'ra of Newport lk&cb, and lluly A Depeada~ Loca.l wUtutlun fur fh't•r 3,') \'un-_I I '••tt• tun~: ...... ,\'II .. II ,. 1lJ t... .:w.. .... :. AI lblllt~a -..... ' • : ·ln·Ctud ( f t.be clvUtanl who certifl~ by Clerk J . ft9Yal Lemon _ __ __ f• ... t.•! IJtlk ~.,..... I -..._. ,;.,. not In the army or navy, nor u containing a aufllclent numbt.r, OIJR LADY o' ~lOUNT CA"IIEl. 1Lo Uu•.! ...-...-·' the bualne• men and women. &lkiDg that a "wet" propo~~ltlon NATIONAl EDITORIAL .; ,. CHURCH ,,~,!.~~ .. !:"'----=._~ n r lM farrura. nor o.f the elected be aubmllted waa p,._nle<l to tbe ' • so AT ON ·~2l w. c~ntr•l, Ne ... port &e-... ---'""'"lf'IU.alina of the free ~p·~ board of ln.&atee at t.belr meeuna .1944 s (I I ' . ~ uMuy ""'*""• at li IUld J(l ~ in. I •• , •• -~ r~ .... .._ r thl' t:mted Sla!~a To call blm Monda n1 d I I /llf 1 ---'; ' _ _,.. to. 'br "'~ do,._.=f ... under au<'b r lrcumlllancea. hai · y ell~ nc an 1 t~r ~q,ault· ...... ,~ ....-. cT. JOHN VIANNEY CHUR~ .... lt.r •H'• ~ llllt Wu F,...... ·~ Inc the city attorney, the day for • , .. - -· P'•lltical IIOWld. t.be !!peCial election to be called t.u 1 1 314 Mu1ne A..,.~ aat-.. lat~ aw.u~nlao..a IF.> CUT)' -~ • l'rrho.pa I ahould rlw to aubmlt vote on the queat.lon wu aet for :-w•·u•> m~u at 11 :;o a m .~~:.J -t.....,. lflla•• ~--• 'le final quotation. Htatory bu Tue.day. Jan. 28. The Marth of Dimes 1blo.U .,..,... ~ I-~"-.. lready recorded thla one, In the 1 CHRIST CHUACH GY THE UA Jcao L' \'-~ ~ -a -llt.ou.w f neprf'f!M'ntatlvea, un Jan· Commun•ty .,........... rrao~ "'~ « f.-1 ~ .,.._ Ullry 3. 1~7: ~es-miJlions of thf'll• 111'· 1111 lhc• lll.tf''h ltl!;lln A~" E. o . c..-u. ,..,.._ ···-U~ acw-..,.. .... .._ ......_ ·-naoup the f"rettident I.e Com· 1n the 11-ht agalnHt inrantilc para!)'~. I.M'J u.uruwr .,...,.,,,, ·~ ""· t ~ ~ • lllrilf -rr.'\Jkkor·m·Chlef, Coocn• 11 hla ..... , n. 1 •nu~b ac:bOIA ca-. lil U ua , U.... JAKkr .--14 ..,. w -'rommander. He aball .learn that Out of pockets. OUl Of purl'l'<;, OUI lll htt(t• h<tllk:-till tiH · :1 ·.,, lo.lvmiDI Wvnbip. II a m. U1J.r.d 1,., lwlp ln. tlllr U.... tlua .. not a r ovemment of kinga ahelf, they come, aJI jcJtnin~: IUJ:WIIIt'r in llll'it nu~sion ol ;)un.t.y <:arWl& ....-.-. 7 • ~.t ... 16 lilt ...,. -*a ...,_ • tt.od •trapa. but a (09ernment of I' m I u..-~ G6 ,.ctlillc. ~ • U. • "" people. anti that Coo gnu Ia anercy' . . . . . , Mld·Wek JJrayer a e r Y I c •. part • f llllt ~ I ... --tn.. people." From January 14 wht'n the man:h 1'11'1-:tn~. Ulltll .J,lflUJt l ) ,\···•tn .. &!Jay. <'oveu-d dliD c11D8n •. -~·~ 1t 1e UDport&nt that lbe peopj.- 31 when It d06CS .with Uu:~ Presid£-nt's bit1hday l~;,tll, Anu·n·l ., 30 p. m. I -• If= atran' ,_.. ...... YliJI... r .. awa.btor rtua It Ia more Lmpor· can1 will pour these slim pil"CCS of s ilve r int•J the' ru111l i!long ------_,, (. U... fW I _. t.W~t t.b&t the Cone-rna remembu •11 lJI THE FIA•T 8AI'TiaT CHURCH -o, •• ~A crl'ftaMJ ... ~ tl lor Coacn• by creatine u,e. with tlwir hopes of spt.'edy recove ry for thUS<> \\hn "'1 I OF HUNTINGTON ~ACH • ru-~-. ~ ...... ._,~atd•• wblcb have Laken power helped. Cor. afatlt AM 0..... ~ ~ t1w u • 'e fill &•vay from Cungreaa, and thua The money so gatheN'd each p•ar is distributed impar-By \he City Hall _ ... ..mn.la. .. ~ .,...._ .., 1away fma: Uw people, muat ... H.n ..... _......_, .. t the nation to hospitals, rrw>d kul srhools a nd ' TIIf' n.lnll{er. Rrw &...t.ber Ar· .,... ........... -trl -r .,.,_ a creater r•llpOil&ibUity than ......., ..... ~,.,,.. . I thur. wlll 1.-& at t.llle --tnc ~ ...,. -. !be ~utln department, nen Do ,our~-Donatr your dlmt-s today! • I how c;an Cod mab WJ, -wta'l t o ,..,.... a.. 14 • a .w.ty G6 --.t McW.UO. Ccw f1l &ctonlnc oo January 1. conductore •lD the Pacific Electric cara brlnl'ln~ mall to N~wport Beach atarte<l CAIT)'tD&' tbe mall from tha car to tha poatolflce. and alao plcklnc up out-gotna mau. 1 Evldet~Uy the P. F. ... apelllnc-the: word "economy" wlt.b a blc E. Tbt: 1 nPw arran&ellleDI.e are bein& lr1ed out and may prove only temporary,. but If proven gllilfactory, the mall will h.-ncerortn be rarr1e-d by th<' rondu<'tore. Rev. G. L Mor rill and witt> and IK•n, IAwell, arrtv~d th~ fint of the •·.-ek trom Minneapolle for a COU· pie of weaka' vleil In Newp<Jrt Beach wiUI Kra. Morrill'• brother, I. ~ WUkiDaon. = :0..!,.,.. .:!':.~ :.;;.t:=::~u.~•-beuor j :,.<>;:;;..!' :: ~~::" ':; ·;::,.-;:" ":""=-;" ::\ =.,-:;:, .. :.:;;::.•• .. ..:'::.;::~ dMm t nftl ~ ~ dut fW ' -* ~ ~ .. , uf'ftoetlve lt-;~alaUonJ Ia the re-holy~ ...,_.. ~fill a ....... 1 .-.bWty •·f the eon,.,_ 11 Mr. and Mn. Hurh McW••Ian ,,.. ,_;... Open for Busme· 88 All ~ ol Ulla M!"'•· .,. _.. ac-T ~ .... ~ wuuld ... well for CODe-rae to t'Ofl• turned t"Kenu, from • n..t wttlt "'5..,1 wbo ll&v..-DO ciMar::b aac-an •· <:aJt ,...._ _.. .......... 11 tltw u.. N"' Year'a rf*>lutlooa tn bl'r parenta, Wr. and )fno n. I. "Open for Bullnell" ligna at"@ appe&J"lna l1lOC'e frequently I vlt..cl to wonlllp wttJa -.. u..-....... ~ .a • ._ .. 1 that u.r-Howard of Thermal tbrcJulhout Callfomla and "Quitting Business" notice~ 8~ cfi., FULL GOP£L CHURCH -'1 Mra Oollycubbon haa f•tlly re·. -•-&..~.a-22ll4 _. ~,.._, C.... -. covert«~ from the lnfu,nza hlld r• ---•· . I 8UDday 8Cbool. 9 ·U · ~ &lain attt>ndin~r tn her dullf'll a ' In tJw f'Uiy months ol 1943 the state WBS losing 8 net ol worabjp. 11: ~ ~... aecretary nt thl' NeWI•'•rt F!t'ru-h man tbt.n 2.000 hulin E II r eadl month. Now we 11ft mak-,7 30 p. a..: ~---r-ya ...... .. .._ ... HA---arr ~-tho.-f'N'' from • manpowrr Red Cro.. lal..aDttplnotwveralhundredever30days. Ofpart:lcular lin6 on~~!'·'~~ ..... --, •= 2 ••Co*• ..... • rtaiiCtpot.nt •kaptte a c•nuaf lm· AI a mi'C'IlhP nf th-"'lr• D A· ...._.-.. 1.-....._ ._,.. ....._ _.,,..II aU of •'"-L........l )'OUIIC .-.......-....,.,..,._ _,.. " ~ r ~ • Till• ,.. .. alr t.Ufonala motorists wm be requlrtc! to ro to I In-rice mtioo to leara what their 1944 alate automobile licet~M len will be. H1re Gil..ore dealer E. B. Coffman show• pretty Loi1 Oood~z -a of the 6nt to i.Dquire, &he paymeat ahe own oo tha olfici&J table~ of rate~ poated at hia atatioo. C11ifomia State Departmaat of Motor Vahicln ofliciala, pointinc out that ·etatutu ao loafer permit lut-rnioute e~~:tenaions, w:.rned motorist• that r .. lltratr- Uid liceaM fui malt be paid l;y\ F ebru ry 4th to avoid paaalties. Paymeata. a1 D-...1, cao be rt• ! by mail but muat be poA&Darked before mid.oi&bt oa the final dale, l~ebrury 4th. "Wines and Vines" For Rotary Club MouiU!If pH~ i:arl Stanley. announce. that M.r. Stoll, the au· thor of lhe book. "Wiol' Wlae," will b4' f'n the procnm for ne11:t Tue. day evening. Jllnuary 18th, when th.-club mula at Whit~·• Park A\'f'nU!!, at 6:30 p. m. Mr Stoll Ill Cora!dl'red an aU· thority on Clllfornla wlnu and WIDea and Vlnea. 'nle &peeJcer com.-a to the loclll group under the auaplcea of the Wine Jn.lllitute o.nd w111 tell aome. 'h~ about t.b. bLIIt.ory and lkvel· opment ot the $4~.000.000 (Tape and wlne lndu.triu of Calllomla. He wtU alao dtecuaa tbe effect ot lbe war on our wiDe IDduatry, and the part lbe crape gTOwera and wiDe mailer~ are playing In tha war pf'OIT&IIl. hoa '-"" ldenllf!ed with thl' grape As the 110il, howt>ver rich it mll)' and •·m .. lndulll rtes or lhl1 tllatl' be, cannot be productive withr ut "'"f" 1001:1. during twenty yean of culture. 10 the mind "ithout c:ul· tbaf llr. co hn\'lng <'ditt'd and pub·! tivation can nevrr prodUCt' rood lillht'tl t hE' ln•tustry'l! magiU.n•' trult. St'ntoca . ..,...,. .... -Ulllll ~"' ..-t pra~u,Y u~ new uua~· Ice 00 Fliday, T:U p. .. 1 ... 1 • • J I"''ft1RRnnt In the •tuaUon 1D re-partment hl'ld nt Balboa Wt'dnea- -·---n 1---.t....t ~ .-.., Jlaapaoa~ 0 • • • '""' w ..... k• Wt' koow that prep· day t>venln~t R -M OurkH wu -.:::I::ICIZr;:;:::---l ·--:n;;~ -~u;-ia ...J.... un1 f "Uttle l f"'au1 ,. Y r."lllt. &a ........ ~ .,.,'--lliUIIt 1M' made fur tht' rle<>tr o.J r h ld. A rt L H.-ant. Ulllat-~ M FF --~ tel t re ami""" opport ty or f.. I• ,. ' • • • I f ,:. Ll f1!' lw ado'~·-~-., hm.r wkn the Pll.cltlc war comu ant Chief, and F1oyll Gag.-. lff't'r'e·l , F h D ~ --. wh''-dt.fft-·k 11ft actually easier on smalJ 'I :· ..... I" I ' .. • '1 In "11 ..... fat...S 1:1 ~ .. a liw• Upnfl Loll A.qelea and the Pa.clllc feDorln'' to &'fit ltarted "on t.helr own." It also shOW!! tha t ex-"I '" ' Ill I . • • ... ··-lb l'fttw-.1 ........ * ,., P"b-In tlae tnlnt of the nac-e and pull tAry•trl'aaurer . res ai(y -. UUUUI'-• ~ '""ua~ 1 ·'" ' ' ' · • 1 1 '' ..,. u.-~ tk --- -,._ -·lbUIUa for produc-DIUdou. S. Fooda ~ tban on i.arge retaOenl. •11 1 1 1 , J'rt ·-;, -"7 _,_ ··...--Mr and Mr11 Q W J&Ck.lllJh f'D· ()r, eamplete .......... , I · .__ ..umed tha •-~a.. retallen had d I'' 1~ l·o 1 1 "" 1 1•l• • • ,1 tlla1 ~ -. I 1 *' a % ..,-f!/1 I lOft •tf<Wta not ~~ called tor lt'rtatn~rl With " jolly dlnnPr llntl wbrn )'OU -.nt to catdl t ... -· t .... .,;-......,:; an a • • h,, ;, II I I .. . 'I • • ~ .,_ .... ~ ~ ... # T1Wft .. .very rea.>n to believe t.rulgr pArty. N~· Yrar'a Evr The I ....tllp over llllal1 dealers tbroulh lldentlftc ~ernent 1110• ,. ('(II'(! ., I ,. I '~· ~ .. , •• ut ~-• thai '111''\('ll the "bl~ pueb'' comea lnvilo>d ICii•·•trt WC!r(' lbrlr Int imate ,.... .... llld ...... buyq ~ty. But war conditions have tu~ I, .• f't•·n~ I •• i.D•I I' I I " .. ... ~ ..........., f'llll.-r. Iii I be PaclflC' c.r . ..om• (othl'r rad. lll•ntbl. Th .. table lif"t'orallnn wu btl' ~lon r-c le • ---_.. •-leal dlall1e In mlllt.ary 1trat.e&')' to l>f' t f\l(lhl f 1 k __ .. h ' HORMEN FISH MARKET -at thiR IIICtvantaps Into bandicapa. Cba1n atorea haw I AC'OOidlr• I• • '· ..... u ~-. c::..L ~ ·-lk I -rora a lite,_ ..... "P of-·· p~ . ap I ns n p" ...... w tle ' • _ ._,_ ......... ~ --.. r llluafiOGll aod maiden bair t•m A 1 ......... ..__.t In Ja-quantities direct from producers, and I r"'"1.:•· "''" 1 '"1'" J .. , ... ' .. -.., ......._ Jlllll .,.. ~ ~ • dact.a. -tbe Wea Coaat that w.-• dtnn ...... ..,........... •a~ Oelhan) lllld f•o~n•l thai hi~ fl".....t It ("()IUra er wu aerved after I OPI OKNTaAL 4~ ~ 8&ACII pa-s ttdi8Yinc aJorw to the COQIUIIMlr. Wben ce1llnK pl"ictt 1 ... &>lfUJI "l:~d ll!.lll '"·''•" r• , .. 1..,, _,. c_.,._... aW ..,.,_ 0.1 wiD bP ~,...d to m.-et thr emer-wblcb br1dg~ waa pla)f.-tl until mid· ~ ~!izZ:!:\!~~!!:!:!!!:~!C!!!:Z:I:I!CI:Z:i!:\lr:IZI:II::Iz=a=z:I:I!CIZ~!J ..re ftxed. thetr price~ wert" 8Pt Jowfto than thOI'Ie o f !UJUlller d il). nll• ~·I) .,. I .. ) .. '" ' t'w I ................. Gl ....... j ldC>'-~ lb~ put three .~ t. .. A 4 i i A i i 4 ; A ; ; 3 8 8 A H 8 3 5 3 8 I 8 8 8 § -· ~ton••," h.-, tontntal 1 .. .., -\t><l J• •• ~ ,_.. fll -~ ..._ _..,.._ aaachlnery hu ~n aet UlJ --------------------_____ _ meadlanCL l"""d up "'• .. , ...... d •.akl .... It-Ilium-........... .,.. 1M ,.,......... _, ,_ .. twtnr pC'rft'('letl that u. Now due to food shortages, they are no l.onger able to ob-1 thank rh,... c h~• 'h"t' .,,.., '"'1u~ a.:w·-(JI U..-a" 1 •• ... p«ted to n:a..ke poMible the be11 taln , _ _:. ..a-.~r..__._ t the low oetlln rices b&8ed on large· ro ... And I lin .. • II• •C 11.-bo u-1..-d """ ~ ......_.. aa fiJI ..-lllk uWbaUI'n of our tabor ft'·, ... ,."" ~"'""' ~ ye .1{ P mr ai••J~ ~~ ••-c>~U•., vi IIIIo ~~ n •:dT-1 1 ..... e ; • -rca few Ole benrtll t•f tbe war ~ buytnc are unchangt'd. In effect, the ~ry etricien<'y Jl"'plf! whlrb "•nd a., I ..W tt. ~ •--.-..-a.c ...... eflor1. which hu aaved Am4"MCI\n housewives miUiona ot dollars an-that tbey m•!' ...,.11.._ ,..., ,.,_ our .,,_ ~iorta a ....._. 'Mila machinery 1s k•l•,wn aa the ba11t aenl "'"· And •.• M ~ ..... • .. ~~ ~ _ _. __ •• _ ,..__ ... M • nua11y on ~ry buts, has become 8 penalty t o th('S(' retail-wtlh a loud vnl~. I.a..,__ ~ .,.., • ...,. ....,.,. -._. ._......, ~··· ~ anpower Program. -A.n •djus'--nt ; .. this matter by the OPA ha" lon" ~'n forth. And to .. that ..... .,.. c:a-Ll6 r;,4 t..-.a .,.._t We _. Ita -tur!' talttll not fully un•Jn ~••} :-·. 0 UIIC uo "' fOrtb. boUDcl ha nd aDd ._ wtdt --•CJnd )!(oat Ot Ul knOW thlll It 1!1 expec:teO but 8S yet DOrl(' ha~ been made. ~"edolhMl . JHW• ~-_.. lbr ....... ~~-of l 'br~t ~-a pbo for twtter utlllutlnn or Ia· With retail trade in California t.':'!tlmated at close to ~.-tb .. m. Loo...-luua .... ..._ ... r:-. lJGfl ua U.1!f.-~ bnr and tb&t It baa aet up mt'th•><JA In "St'l•·nr,. 1\Dot 11•'111fll wit" "~ ~Y !'. bt.d at ~ t -:; for rhannellnlt manpowcor Into thr 000,00(),000 for 1943 and with the 1944 Pf'06Pl'd.S looming 1o tbto &rtto4m-·· Mary lllt~" ~, ~.. ~t "I .n. ;oo. IDOiit urgent to thco war f'f. brightly, the parade or "Open for Business" siwL" should con -t:ddJ .. ,.: "llur CT• .. , _...,.... \\'~.C..~ T·~IIZ.I.. •. , ·:.c fort. Mo.t c..l u. know that t h• JHua. roulot r .. ,..1.01 .. ~ ._.lndoal at .. I' p,.,.,~~. . · ·· t. n1 p1aa Ia far ahort a labor dralt and tinue. lwd IDADIIe•tatltnl fill _._,.._ ·~ (".-,•raJ A'' lall 1 r\1...& ... -s .. , the.>-•• ampl• .._ __ , __ for both larue and whl('h _rn .. cl co .... w. '" ..._ . ., · ' ' '1 tllat nur hlf;hf'tl( lt>ader• cling t• ""'"~ ... ... ,. uuau--=-•... P • lf ;. fi' • "-! :;u~ tlw belif'f that democratic mean• lmllU merdulnts, and all should have l'q\L'll o pportunity tn CCMTA •au eot~•U .. tTY ~Dd .........,,.. ~luG&l;\ OO.rftlll c.ao .otve our maopoweor problema. 1 ~bare In lt. CHU"CH Tbr f'<A' c • -th..!ly m'l'ltel But, wblle lbew thlnr• a~ pr.-tty • e.vt 11. .,.,.__ ........... t9 an~ tu ~ and u*' U. -.n undentood. ther.-rcmaln1 111t Ha,.,. 8hoil~ Pta. J11-J He'~ "-•ucb llll.aund.-rlltandlng about de· ..... Times Have Changed! · -1 ~-=:.Sc~~~~--.. ·. "'"ST ,ou-.tiOu'AR£ -c;.u .. CH :;·~;'··• •'~th th .. ~<rrrauon ' Y th CW COSTA •£SA Back In 1940 and '41. when the C'"Jt"m~M hol"des wen> thun-ID•,00rm---~. !!: ... H.'!" __ .~. F..lllployen •:ant to know jlllll .... ......._ ".......... -lca...rdt .. tlltc H ..... , I a.ow lky art alf~ctrol, WOit or cl!rinc throulh one European country atter another.-.. th.-F.vt'flln& wnb. 7 ... -... c.. ...... Me--. p..., tllrm are ~ .. " to comply ··lth ali i voice c:A Adolf Hitler thundel'f'd alOOR with them. .Mid.wMk frt,_..lp -.d ,...Tn •• Mr--. C.,._,~ Uw nece-.ry restUiatiMa but they He frequently '"took to the alr" to ~his l'!W'mit'S with WedAModa)·. 7 .lO P' ..: ..._ trra.J arcue. wttJJ j\atice. tbat tlky can-I .....__ _. 14.--..... ~.-•• ....1 l :..1.. Fn.l.ay ; >) r n •""""P ""'"" ..,. be esprcted to obRrve regula· ....-tl-u-.--~-uon Or tO ll!o'W m a " a~t Ul~ Fl .. aT CHU .. CM Of' CH"IST. .. ... t!IT ._... :<·~~ ,., rllu C' tioaa Uwy oo not fully UDderlltand . .. .., 21!@!g£ 01' eAR". In thoae days his words carrk-d great ICIE.NTiaT ~,. ... .....,. ~ l •l a m By u. -.-token. labor wanta to 1 f()I'Ce--~ force ol flll conquering a nny and all' M~. t 12 E. c-traJ Aw~ Na ""' !k.-,.._.. •• r.tup II a a W tully lnlormed. Women are I 1 ,\ .. ra.ncb nl t.hr Motht-r o-re• .....,.a ~ r "" r • • rm• ~ paaytnc a larc~ role 1D Loe An· .-The 8CI!!ne shifts to January 1, 1944. Times hav.-r h nngcd. ------pte. co ... ty'a war •lfort-ball I So have the German anny and air neet. So has Hitler. nut tions and lhl' Axis ha\~ ..-d this trdlruquto. a aUbon at them are tn war Jot.-- CUitom requires that cJE.r Fuehrer glw out R New Yrar m<'S· l{('re At homt-, •-ords are t'ff..-11'\? in~ t bt-pur. 1....-llut the~ are mor.-or them wlllln~t AI'! to* people and the anned fo~. OoPs he U.¥ thr OC· or more War Bonds. in .. f~...,, acun.<t 0\n-<UJ•idr-ln-and tG -If lhl'~ ·-an tully unrter· C&llaD as an exa. to once more tttke to the air and hurl dire waste. and a~ainst •-onk t~ .... 111 thr fonn of foo...e ~ :.;::1 b;::,~:· flO about getting 1"1" thftata at hia •~les! No. Not t-ven Hitl.-r has the fl<'rve 1s&ncc ~rl Harbor a~ U•l puNIC. mfonnatten <.tmp.1igna lD thr intnr.t of a fuller under·, to do that. have tx"«< NJOducted by the J:O\t-nvnt"nf tourtum: , 11 f ilaly alan• line of thr W('llt Cout Mcm-1 ha f • ;)' Jil PfN'I r f'fo,tr3m. lhl' Wrilr r hill' H is written mt's.c;a~(', rend over the a ir hy SDmf'C'lll" rl~. P\'£'~' P !'~(' O ~ Lan ~ afft.,1f'd t~ ltw-'A7tr pre1,11r-f'd n ~~~~" "' llrtlrlu wh•rh does not "absolutdy ~llnrnntec" victory tO G<!nnany in thr TilNl<' ~m[liUitJl.<; ~ rr..JJ~ ..,I'\('T1~ •·am1q ..:'1~ ttw s-·•·T IOlf'll hU uflo•rt'tl !01 comlng year 1\S he promi~ two or thn'f' yNtn; lmc k . (~>nt' n•t1lsin J:: that has j.!(lllf' to •-ar PoA1"001VJil',:; tht> q (11, , 1 .. udl publ'ab In th<' tnt.-rut nf th .. "''nr 1 from his w ords Is tht> rin~ or arrogance and t'OCk inf'!'.o;. Gone ad,·t:'rtising a~ a 111P3n.<> ol hP!J<Ul!;; tht-"'3~ ~tt,rt .\n ,.riran .nort Thla Lt1 th.-flr.t nf thl· lif'·1 , .... ta the "w~n·t -IO!'C'" attitud('. Rf'nlity has ('au~ht up "ith husirk'S."ll'lMl ha\·r ('()nlribut~"<l ... ,:..., •••• ru , tn r. ....... r •r•, and Herr Hltler-rt>nlity in the form of hom~ nnrt hullt'ls of Hw other fo rms of ach rrtL~ in •hor I~''' ,~ .. ~····~ • · •• •m11·s Oran•e County G United Nations' armi£'S nnd a ir fn rt'\"S. -<tatt'widc hrandll~ in .. ,,tub11 ''"'•"t"'i m nrr. ·~tt of 8 .oes He admitted that in 19-1~ hi~ "lnvlncihle'' wn rrttl~ hart t·w~· adn•rti ... in~ dollar 11 .... ~1 In 1 ": ,,., '1!• t l·l'rlt•flc Over on War Chest IUffered their· "heavi~t reve~". But he playNt the olrt pu~. t1.irW that the-''German Rt'kh h as not lost one S.Jllllre kllom-lll<> advt'r1i1'int.: "th~ h.'Ul'-.on> I ... tw-r l~U--tnl' .. M.v1.,. .... ,,ft" r atriotlr Oran~o:P •·nun tv rN•I· denCII flllf'd to thr brim thl'.lr "wnr eter of Its soil," duMn~ tl:lr four yMrs of war. He m ay have rtoin~ ha.o; dls.c;i(ll'ltlod the ft>a r 4",PJT" .. -rl ·•' Jtw 'tan ,[ •t,,~ "ar c:twat" whlrh ~ 1:1 brtn~ M~,.tan"" to 1'ell'lO\"e even this number from his repertoire !;OOn, ~-tha t adv e rti!'ing •·ould ~-ani.<h ln-.1f":kt. n ~ mon~ II'TTJW'rta~ tD 17 ~lea taktn~t pttrt in thJ ewr, unJeas he can stop the Rus..:;lans and blO<"k the romin~ than e\'M" bt'tore. and it 1riD hau• ..-. '1r.a0 ~'rf '" fh· ,,, hif'\~ ..., errort. Orlyn N. RD~rtllt'ln. <'1,_1111\' War R .. u~r r-hAirmtln •n-~ Invasion. -mmt of \'lcto ry. ·r nr unr••l tod11~· In tii!K lo•lnt: tha It wW be Interesting to hear what der Fucllrer wtll have r------------------------~l tb• C'OUIIty baa r•Arhf'd lh qunt11 to .-y next Nt-W Year's Day-that\!';, If w.-rnn find him! ot S206.~ Hr llddf'i1 that 1urc-rul ('(lm· SEIIICE. pa.tkrn of Santa Ana'e drtve.l Advertising at War It bM been laid that it takes more than .,ords to win a war. But Ia JDOCient ~lll'l' words baw proved to be potent a tJPO"'L 'l1le Axil a-_... first to f'KOII\lJP thelr Ylllue u4 they .-1 them _. diEld1y effect In tht> early days ot ttl. caaftld to \Dienlllnl ..-.ny rslstanoe. SHELL lOCI BALBOA ISLAND Now U. war~ WGI'dlloel on constantly over tht> ether 1ans beta a• wwslltc nationL Prin~ word." on 1~ fl't'- .. .., a.t .... -fJI tbe doudl. Both the United Na-..;.-----------------• I' wbk h atar1e Jan 31 11n.t rn,Unurr>l lllrourh F .. b. 12. virt ually I• All· auftd. Santa An&'ll qu••ta 1• SSf,. I 2CIO 8UTCHII.R'a LONG SONG J _.... --ee ~J'U u thiDe. I AM t1 you11 ltutdler handrt ln m1r .. •. W•11 -~~ 110mf' flam-let f11r sw:n , ... -' nt~·· frown Ydth w.. "I ~. Alld ~,. n-~~d t o happlnrlll I Bormwt'd I HAND OPERA TED MODEL ADD INC t~ACHINES RELEASED! ly Order of the War Production Dept. OU. YOU AND YOU CAN NOW BUY ONE! We advise that you place your order at once-today ..• as we do not know how long this re- lease ~rder will be in eHect. We have none in stoclc, as we cannot bu'f them without a signed order, from you for the purchaM of one. If you need an adding machine we urge you to contact ua immediately. All orders will be placed on file in the order they ar-.,.ceivecl . •. first come, first served . . . but please do not wait, and don"t buy one if you clo not ;eally need one! TELEPHONE 14J Rl Bu lts4 lt.'l~ 19M 1Q37 19.'\S 1939 liHO liHl J!M:l Januh Febn.ua Vardl A.prd May JU!\1' July .Aucu-t Srpten: Octo~ Nov em. Dorcetnl Tot.: Januar Ff'brua ~art'h .~I May Juo~ July AuguP't 3eptelll Octo bet Sove111 DtocemJ ToL&J Jan. owner, ol 5 If Central Jan. rona c Huff an bedJ"oot ~ Jan. Central apt. avo Jan. 125 Oa ~.to I A.w., S: Jan. 1916 c F'lndla) tlon at I:US dal £l. Jan. Canal, beard. Jan. San Be ,. ~ Jan . .•r, 209 Jan. Co .. pe Stf'H't. Ja n. II Est I Jan. uwnt>r, port H Red ()pel nw . Red Cr Tbul"'ld ty otfl• Wor1 and a went .. project pema .:rapbt boob. er'a Dti Refr bomea: dw1Jic LoW ' Manl7 57 - NEWPORT-BALBOA N£WB.T'DIES, Newport -· OIUforma. THURSDAY. JANUARY U. 19-\.a REAl THESE LITTL£ liS··-YOU· WILL FIID SOMETHING YOU IEED OR CAl ·sELL lts4 ... ,!~ 19341 tQ37 t 9.'\S 193t 1t40 tttl 1M2 Jan~ February V&rcl\ Aprtl May JUIW' July .AU~Wt Septembfto October November Otocanber ~ .. 1M2 %1 a l2 ~ n .. 14 23 ,. J1 30 • No ...... ~¥.·~ ................ ~ .. au~ 61rc a.-.r ''cl 1-.-"--.... OIJ .. ._ 0 0 I ..... ~ ........ , ....... •aAI7 c m , PuiiLIC NoTICU Btedl, oaHfomia. on or bf'for• J~ 1701, liNt, at •:oo o'<'lorll ' m &lkl wUI be u"'IM'd and pu~ lki.Y n-ed aloud at or about 4 00 I o'C'Io~ll p. aa 011 tbat day ln t.be C'\:UIIC'U C'huabf'r In th~ CSty Hall. N""'J'Jrt Besch, calltorD'-. _,, 1u r. JL ~ • ..._. 1 , ..... l.et4t.l%2 a-a., Cllria Srnilrr. l"'liiltifl Tlw abo-.. mentlonf'd ch.-ck or 1.2l!J.th -. ~ llb&ll 1M-ctv•D u a ruarantee .. ~ ~ L w----. .._ ._. .. UW.t Uw Wclckr wlll entn Into the c i5i5Wii>W1 t1 aW&J"ded to btm and J Wftlalet. ...._..., ._.. wtll bf' dftolarf'd forfelt.f'd If Ole .. a.-... ~ -...... Dr-n,n f~ _. .. ...ru~ tMdd.r retu.ea to enter ft7.%7t l'~ _.., ,....._.,-1M-11sto aatd C'OIItract attn belJll' re-~ ~-_,.-fill u.. " · it&l .-ntftl • to do by Us. CSty Qoun, a~ a..t fill ..,. Clll7 ., i.. ~ d ., ~ a-ell. ~ c-,. ...... ~ sea~ .. Sa)d CSty C~UICU, purwuant to •.tw t>'ilu-...._ F. II. ca.rt.,-Ole hatutea of the 8t.at.e ot Call· '*.trw& 1..... I • o.a.,. Claim fonaia. ._ unrt.alned .and deter, .... Sftwb • " , 111 _. ~ J . .._. UW.t ~ ~raJ prwvaUiq ~ ......... .w_ • Drtz a .... ,.... of p.r ... waca tft the lor 1 ~ a ~ • ..... 114 ..,. ... .., alky bl wb~h tile aJd work he~, .::: .. Apr«. IMZ. ..... -.. 0.. .. de«rilwd .. to be pufonDecS. a 0 .. __,~ ... ....... fw _. uaft -type ol worluau at.IIDI CIJC.JAt .,..__ l.-ftll --.,. w _... .-dec~ to eueute Ute l!NJ fill ._ ~ .....,_ .....,... _.. e.-nc1 -..d &leo Us. •-raJ pre- January . ~ ... ......._~-fill 0.. "-" YalHIIc rate few lea&J holiday and Ff'tlruary ~·*M ~) * _, l2 I -~ -~ lew ~b craft or . 'll&Kh 7 m .... J2l .,......_ --lilrllla'llll .,.,.. ol worluaan or meebanic to .\prtl .,IGI r,_ ....... .., «if Afril. ac_ Ia tie aa follow•· ¥ay l%.7%J -1• ....,. ..... ., llria writ) w-Heurfy ~r D'-.., JUM ..... ~ ... -.... p fs .... C'n l'ftut.... Wa.. W ... July T.... I ......... -... 11 .. -fill~. ~n. floucb tl.lO I 8.10 Avrul"t a.-. ~· Bll......,. ..,_ •..,. ...... c..-t nnlaef'r 1.2~ 10 00 :kptember Zl.l7l lidr.. ~ _. ......._ fill ...W *'I c-n-t~ lltur ()ctobf"r LI..MI ,_._. .. _. le ... ' W ... *' ()pH&tor 1.00 Sovemt.r ..... .....,. I'INI ~ ..._: ~ Barpman 1.00 OecembH' .... -· .. .... .......... ..... c..e,. .. (Jros ...... ,. 0.. lt.C•O 11.00 VIOLDKEN'8 CARE wANTED Will take four to u t'hlldreD for day rare nine to twelve w~k-day mornlnp. Ex- ceUeot aupervlaian and roocay p&a)• yard In vicinity Qorooa del Mar For further lntormaUoD call Mra Jobn.t1011 1101 Poinsettia 0 • AV<t., Nf'wport. 181N,W. 3:2tp - MI8CELI.ANEOU8 Ji'oR SALE Galvanl•d Iron ... , ollne tank. Adaptable tor fuel tank on boat. 41& w lttb st. In C011t.a Me• or phone 21P. J-2tp FOR SALE You can tee otr c. ttl .. oDe! One. aet llcGreror rotf clubt and .,.. to matcla; JD&D'a cleated rolf abou, lillie t\,; al8o man'a •eoulDe leat.ber traveltn,r hac an.J a pract ically ·ne'tll)lteamer truAil. Phone N-- port 1466, J-Jtp INCOM& TAX 0. YM HeM Met,t ... 0 . L . CULLY & AMOC:IA.U • ~ .... ... ........ ..... • Weal r_. ..,_ tANTA ~ CALIF . ... WANTED TO aENT WANTED TO RENT OR J...EAat:l '~ hou.e, permaomt,..., Tol&l ... IC2...JZJ .._., .._, fill 0 X ... _. r.;apw ' 1.16 Jan. 6-D. E. Woot. ....... 1ft ._. ~ **'•• • ,..., o,.n.tar, l:qtaftr uwnrr, to a.lle nw-ft .. ...,_ ....._ ._., 1A1 ._ f'Jt, .,. l>rtY•r klent. no chJicii'Yn. Phone .N-, uo I _pon_ee_ac~-·~w. ___ s-_2t.c_ ot 5 apU.... • ~ ' an: c, .. E. ............... , ...... 'l'hrl. -o,.ntar era-uo 1.50 12.00 12.00 IIC H 'SI':IIOI.U .. 'l't:!':IITE Hll: I'<A I.t-: I'll" l'nr pill,\ I''"' II KEAI. FA'\TATtr. HOIIMI':W.uull .. , IH ~'~·' t.Jo: Till.•·•' 1•1 . 1,,.; ra. "''II ruu f'At..t: ,..,,... • ·-.;-u;;;;; ('••H 1 :1 It' "'' ,, P I li~~~Jd .:litd .\a( 1111•1.' •l11•1•lo 111 • \lo·ll~ll•ll 11\llh.,. <Mol • lou I• I hi> I "'l>t 11111.,•110 China 'I ~· •~ • ••l th't , uhu'" t• 8•11,1 I 1i ... , .. ,.~ It I ... .,. M, ~'~'" '" •"•o 11 IUi t• ~·. :.."1111 1\0d '''''"" • '~ ~ •ntu t\t)n t •r, cxn ···•·1. 'I'Aitt.~·~ ··n11 11•111·•• dtiiiH fnlt!, H IUU~U/11\It t•Hd ltt ble·N 1rtll\l' tft hlrx ~~ o tUUttUKl t.• bl• • t11 • k • .. ~ •• ,., '"'"k• ,.,.~ tna-t cahln.,~..... \ "1 •C' t~~rtl.-•, t l••H ,,, • , lo" """ ""'"""" M• ~hhtuo "'''"''lrt , .. , '..!lhl ltfhl llf•tf\•1 way s"n'" An.. , "· FOft SA I .Jo~ llarol to "''I lev•· hul lrllt•' 1"11 ,.,. <h•~l11n will huy Y"" Uu,. ~ hhh•y Jthapt'd vanity tablr 'a'•lh tJn•I•<'M 11 nk~ ••l'llrt.f' for .Om"""" A tel;opbun• c:all I•• Nr¥~'Jl<ort 1431 -J will hni.J It (ou )'1111 3:2tp Ito;· tlu••r lilcc-111'¥1 Ill!\ F: ,.,,HI IH.' AV•' t U;h-..tt\ f'hucw Nl"¥1'1'-'1 t ::7:::: y •1111 Al•t :.!1\ :t !tp I •·.til\ ._,. f,,, I hi~' A t•r,-Wllr loll~;!(' flh1 ,. wravt• lhu•,l wll h "''""'''' l 'IAII 1!\C) Iori'!''•"" tllicl ""'' ; ''~' I' .m :\-~'II' :-IA I.Io' \\'II• t•h h~tll lrruo '"'"' !lttt•t• "'""lh~ ·•1·1 lllhl ., .. ,, lulrh Ilk~ """'' thr"u~h·•ut l'n• ,.,, .. t J!\:o •WI !(.., •I :n o r: let h :'I In \ '•"'l" t.h·• t•r sohnn• N,.,.. 1 ..... , 4:13. 3-2tp ~·~ •tt ~A 1.~: u,., k 11 I v • lt11h "II" Ilo ilO llilflhlly ~~~···I """"'"". I \\ 1111 ... "'"" r .. t.llnll •l•u.t lilt•• t\11'<•11 l'lllt r lu 1'o111l11 M,,..,. ••I' I'll nr Nr¥1 I'"' I 1!\:\t\ ... !I ~IJI \\' A!'ITI-:11 \\'hat 1 I'Cot•lltll • n11wh. unlf'flll I'm ablr to• buy a rort ')o../1 Llo: ~llh•l I'Nlk l'lllt'NIIIIII la tf' """1"1 Ia hiii' I fiJI ... rlllllt" tabh• .,,. '""l r••und. N'aaonlbly l'l"f'll)' .,.,,., l'h"n" Mu ll~<••k• prll••••l ( '' quit« 81\lr l'lhlnt' • HI No•Wtllor l IIM\~·J 3 :lll' "N•w1111fl ~31~-\\' J :.!lt•l WANTI':Il I llrf'<l a Jt&lr uf IIC'al•• 1 to I Wt'llfh ••ttl Jll f'<'h>u• beb~ Will WAli:T~-:1' Small flat '"I' d1 • ...,.,., rent 11r buy l'holnr Nf'WI""' t)'Jlf' tlnk Am "worklna 11111 :l:ti2·\\' 'h• l't•kf' 3·:ZtJ• ao1tlru•• C'AII artrr 2 30 1• m PtlM o• Nrwpo«1 :t621i·W 3-:!lt• •nH ~AIJo~ '\, alr.f' wa 11lr"t.... tnanlt In hoo~tl "' aha~· T11 t.... 110lol a t " fn&~•tlun ••( "" llfljCinal ,., .. , :1:11~ •: Hlth 141 lo ( 't>allt Mo•llcll ur l'h""" Mr <ilbbo •n• al Nf'•'fKII't U37·W 3·211' tl"•"l h ·lr•• lr 111 Nt·•·p.•rt hat.l t" 11•"1 .. ,......._ tr•'""' _. I I• II' I!IJI It,., I :;,,,, h"' l'llt , oll'fl,.r 11 ,. rYf'ric~L..-In ~.-.1:...t .-.. 111,1 ,·,.wol l • ...... 1 and 11 .. 1 .. , A\f' .tit~ l'bocv H __ , ,..., " , .. ,.,, ••I · '17:><• •r""' .t.~n. ~a. hnll\lh•·•••u•\ ''.'"'" ctwtul 1!\7~· \\ t!\1 h ~~ I ••• A llll•'h•o l'h•OO# AX :11111:1 3·7tr -.,Itt SAUlt lVt <otl .......... ..,.,._ •·•tUld ... ~ .. fot --... .. .. -~ .. ~ .... ~\lit KAI.I•: 'l''llollthlrl)'ft AIIJ•,.n'l Nt••t"trl ...,.JI' ... 11111 l"t• In f""' t:l""'lntc I'"'"'• WANT'Itll """ •1tlal • .. 1 .... •h•l lot,.. •:a,f'llrnl III<AIIun '"' an "'""u ~ _...._ ,..._ hi•• k ""' tlo o•f t ,,.,., IIIWII\ Ill I orrshly a lllu..-Be cwa -.. ,., .... ~, Ill ''""' J3!\\t •10 I .. h N ... •11 ::-cM7·W .... ~ No'" I'• 11 1\171 J :1 :tn _,.. · .... F"Oit !(AI.•: llull,t yo•ur f\atuN"II WANT1Ctl u ,_-... • .... lh'IIIP ••11 IIIIa t ht1lo • .'"'" a••f'f' k'Jt .-.J .e.rtric' I............ ..., In l'11rot11 M('ll~ ICIM'trt<"lty, lfiUI, Y•lll w....W l&b• .. ._. .... WHif'r lllrnti:V I•IJ'flll l7()() OO· f\111 ..ac·ll C'Uitl ,._ oart ....., 1'"•'1' ~l .. ,..at"'l 111 201t7 Thurln •·:. N_,..w1 aata:W •• Nl , (.'oOAI" w-~'" olfotallal l'h•ont• Nr "''l'"'l 12117 3·21r WANTW:D ft'a >1 te .. I laundry .... _,_e .. r• ... tttlltltY If V"ll want tht. '-"'' t" t>uy • _......... •t r n•J'f'rtv lt•••n1 Ualll, llltrllen I • Nut pankwlar -0. .... - 11•11 h4olhrn"m ah••w•r. n .. wty I ... ,.S... ,_. -... ,_ ~ ,,,...,,rral•"l ln•h.lr ant! oul. mo•l 1 N_.,_. •• _. ..ci 1w - ·.,rll,--tfrt 3Uallll. tlrwo view. bO (~. .... 11-umrnb l"rrrf' $2100 Willi 1 _ _ -- '""''· 411 l,.hlla "t .. eoro.. eMi l WA.HTII:D y.._ _._~ 5 ..... Mar S:21p ,_. ........ _.. W ,_ ~·ott NAt.~: Mt'ollurn Jr&nd JIU · "'' 11 ~ ,,,. • .,,. lff'f'fl '""lllnc tor a JIIIUh •. tl•lll't 1-thla ._ up I '•II lolrw l.!llljt•l&ko. IMI f'IWt.r ~1 .1,,.1• t.t ... a . '" phctaoo N•w ,, .. ., llll:l J ·Jtp ... .......... ...... ... ...... ,._ ... _ ..... _ K...-. en -. a.. Olalla ~~-,.._ ._.... 11M. .... ..,.~ n.Mt 8AUC a.a.w -..y ._ ... H lH ~AI.•~ ''""I ol~venpoor1 enol ~'ntt !4AI .. ~ l'l•n••. ,,_, condt- o•halr. •rrtn•• n,...,l '" tw ,..., llun l'h•ont' N~wport ltlt l·lt~J -· ............. _. P\IIJ ... -· 1 --......... . "'oHJncl hut oth~f"'lriM In v.,ry __ _ «. •••••w-...., ......_ o..e....,,......~, .... Central Aw.. POIIl. ,_.,. ill .... t. ~ 11· ~ 011 .a .. : .w Pile Jan. &.-O..W H. ........ a,. ~ fill a......r Ciiiiiei. ~, llltftr ronll del ...,., per -..r. ..,r .._ '1\;p .. l --.. ""!! ......, o,.r.tar Ptw -1.00 8.00 W A.NT'I:D-.A roof cwn my bead, one ,with two bedroo~ and ua- fworl••• -'ct tw MIMI. lfn. ll"eb.r, M7,J. s-2tp roR :'AU ; Slmmvn• t'l'd anol IDaltrfa», a•• atove, .Jinf'!lf' Rl oona111t IIIJ.: of !our chalra and ta, 1 ble, rodllnC C'halr, allk draJ•u. plrlur,••. lllpo-1111 ry ••all plec"e, fir• boa lnr W• o.l or coal, an.J a '""'' othn kllrt'e art1du Su at I'JO:'I .Acae .. Ave, CU«vma d•l Mar t•r pllonf' Ht:M. S'2tl' &VOd t QII\)Itl9fl Slrai&Jil, 13t .. ,Ht 14Al.l!: Cllbeun t.Rp a reel Vlr~tlnla P1 r'l18ta Mt'aa l'hun• huy for 14ft 00. 2'7 arland it petdl J"'ft SALF. Hlp buk, ltHI 124!\.ft 4,21 1' Wf'e.tlf'a bot&! pn.,.lw ••·•· ,._...... -.-___ __:,; Hllffard to buUd at l2'r'Jd,2"5-tar .._ .,, -.. , Drtftr. 1.&0 12.00 bedroom to' ..-t ... m.. em =-:a k • ...,, 111r-"..,Oft..,. atHt f3eolonla. MOO. -.. -..,. .... -...n-Workr 1.2:11 10.0& Jan. 7-J. l . ~ 1811 E. -,...._Ill DrtftT IOftr 1 ~t:!:r per -;.,. ...... -... =:-.: ~.=-~ ... , . . 1.00 ~;.._, 7.~ L n B11.. .._ ._ lfct.dl A..__, aid Tnwll Drinr lUDdPr ~ o..yx, a......._ 1'8" ~ ..,., I_.,._... 1e-1ir11 ,._. I "-1 .tO to build llll12 111 lrta ..... _. ._. .......... "-~. en-tnlctlon r;. 1200 p.r'aCI!'. ..-.. .....-ar,. ... ..... ..... ... ~ .876 J~. 7,_:_..,.., WaJUr a-Ir«. ~ ................ .._..,I ••• t • 75 1916 Court av-per C... & IWMfr ._--* irll l.-t.l .._.,., UJ oOwr eluiUI, Flndla t ~ .... ,_.. ...... ..,.... ............... riKftt, • c:atklft -ltt.d 1.00 7.20 7. too tlon .JU. ~ a.d ,..,... r.r bdr, ~ ... ....,.._ ., .... ...,I ......., not ae.., 1:\D damac~. t&QO. ,_._._ .,, ill ......... ....,..,., .... 87f) 7 00 ___ 6as•• fi:PI1J. • • _,. ~Wed t.b.at one and ooe-b.al: f:LECTttiCAL P£••en ......., • _, .. aa_, to tl;t tt.a tJHo p~a1Unc ,.-,t~ J ~II. 11 Odwr 2:J5 en.. • ~ ~ te _,..,. ......... 1M paid nc~pt watclan:~n • a.n. · • • ~ _... ~ _. ~"' nee-aDd otkf' non-manu.al ~~ Balboa ~ Pft' IIIMtl· · ~ _.... ~ .._. IIIia IJdt -an. for any workmc tin ... Jan 11--DaDald StalfGI'd. 4e2 1&, ., 1 ), I'M ~ U.. eicht 481 boun dmm~t San 8.manMDo ' JESSE L ~-Slllrrift. uy -f J I calelad&r day r.a.n ·per-, 8J' s-,........,_ ~--• wor1r Ia required In c.,.n of l ~LUM .. NG ~ITS c-Jl W11rko ... C C Clr.p-wllw' ary -~-cau,..... -&.ric.'-~ c.wl .• At-'7 ftft, OGod. or daqer to lite or Jan. 7.-1. ~· ~. P"'-•...-, '-.....,.,., ~Y. aNI for time on 3unday• ··r. 209 Ganwt. BaJboa 1-'-1. I .._~ 11». 'n. IMt. ..,. Uw .,_ 17) le•al bollday'l. Jan. 7.-v-c..ps-F... --It N T • ..._ ,.. • c..:o per J H. &tua 2%Z7 Jltll t o;w : ~,.. ~•r • u.y, .zotmo- W ANTICO TO RENT -Small, ful"- nl.abed apartment by ~­ woman. Permanent. WUl 11" refen-ncee. To 1&0 a month. Write Boll "E" C/O N-a·Tti:Dee. neUe wA.JII'fEo TO RENT -Oarqw near eth St.. In Balboa. PhODe Newport 633, ull tor Mr. Peter, eon. 4·2tc PERSONAL PERM ANENT w A VF.. Mk I Do your own Permanent wlt.ll Ctlarm-Kurl Kit. Complete equip- ment, IDC:ludln( 40 curlen ~ llhampoo. Euy to do, abeolules ly hannle•. Pra'-d by lbou· aanda lncludln« Fay McKenllle, 1lamoroua movie atar. llllftey ~ tf not •Uafhtd. J. H. litordf'n Coast HJway Pharmacy and Newport Variety, 2104 Ocean l"tont. Newpor". Beach. H·'niiOtp ---------I --.ct~t. · · 1Puauc Nonce:s 1 nat Day. Fuurtb of July. Labor Jan. 7-A.Um ~t prr J . --Day. Armlatlc~ O.y. Tha.oka~vlnl( NOTICE OF A.NNllAL II. Estus. 2106 W . <kNn ......._._ IIOnCE ''"'~"1G .. .,. Day, ud Ctui.tm.... MEI:I'ING OF MF..MBER8 Jan. 11-Donald Stalfonl, prr It aball b. mandatory upon lh" ·~r 4-t2 San BM-nantuw. ~ ~ '" tm:llEBT CfVEl'C C'nalractor to whom the contract port HrichU. • 1 ~ ..,. Oily ~ ., Uw C.y • awankd, a.rul.,poo any aub-con· Tlw Annual mroetln~t o( memt.fl of~ ..._ ~l'n::ia. wt11 trat't nr undo-r ham, to pay not 1-"' th.-N~>WJ'<•rl Ralbo4l Federal , ~ .....,. .,.. •-1w I 2 · • tlt.aa the a id IIJ!Kifleod ratu to a ll ~IIYinJ:JO ~tnd 1..111111 AMO!'Iatlon wUI d ..._ -.' a ..a. ,,.........._, llaborn-a. workmen ,and m~hanka be held at the A-.uclallon'l office ,_. .........., for Uw ~r.Uile ~p&oJ7f'd by them In th~ ell~utlon 3333 VI" U tili. Nrowr>ort Broach, ect a ,.._,~ ~,. ._..__, o( uw contract. C'llllfnmla. on January 19. IIH4. at Th.-«"f&Dd ct~Wntnc ttl UW J ..... .s ,...,. .... .............,. w1nc ..a of j 'nw Ctty Council of aid CSty 2:00 o'dock In the afternoon. tor Red Cro. ··~ wu Mid ... thr U.. I.a. .._.. Ia..,. C.yiJfl ~e. Ow rl«bt to rej«:t any or the purpnw of rolecllng two Olrec· 1buT'IIday, Jaaaary 1. Ia UIIP ,_., ~ ...,._ Ia •cc• D rY I all 1*1. and or waive any lnror-torR, rallfyln~t acl.l ot Otflcera and ty office. _... tlar ,n-_,. ~ matlt,. In a bid OlrKtur~. approvlnlf r"PPrte. re· Wort! c. projlda pi'1P 1-..,. • -. ..ran .. llllr Oty Dat.f'd th .. 3rd day ot J&Duary, vlewln« protrre• made for thf' and a fedtnc at acn al' a IDfc:iwJt• fill ...,. dl7. 1H4. put Yl'&r, hearing • full r..,ort of went wit.b aD w11o .,. t 4. l'llllr* ..., .... ar _...a -a FRANK 1.,. RJNEHART. , the A.ac:latlon'• financial condl· projeete worlled c. ._.., t-. -r..wla .. ...,. eH b S all tt. elfWt Dty Cln1ll at tbe Ctty of tlon, hcoartng an outline of a p~ pent.loa o1 IIJaa PWer ~= jlllle fll ta. Oty IQc _. .... k 1 N-port BMc:h, C'&ltromla ~ for the year lt4t, and tht' ~c•-ord ,_.wodl-•• 5 '• ~ • -aftw4 « Pub.· Jan. e. and 13. liNt. 1 tranMCtlon ot auch other bu.CDe• booka, lllppera. atata-. aacl..._ ~. dardl ., aM ....,. fnr . ----_ --u may pm~rly Cllme befort' t.h• er'a D1cftt ~ ._ ,...._.. 1 w; • .. air -' A for.ir r•alcknt c111 -n... dl• meetlnr. • ' ~ con.~ fill fll .._ 1M. -* fiiJ'il2le te Uw trictl lira. Rite laaa.c: of Santa NEWPO.n' aALaOA f'f:Df: ... bomal!~dt' r">Otl'"-. ..-n'f' ~ -*'r « U.. CRy fill Jltu,_t ._ .. apencltnJ' Uw week u the AL IAVINQI AND LOAN AI· duJillc Uw -uac "Y ... C ...._ "m ililfL ... .... tie .._. ._. olll._ Cora Zu.mwalt IOCIATION. LoM 11tt0R aod Vir<fo-f'l 1' P ..... _. ..... .... Da City aad ,_..,, fl'kndablpe of e&J'IIer P. A. PALM£ .. , P....U.nt. frame <lavenport. NHda recov· Ala• <"aat Iron f•tl heoat•r ... two WUll but plherwl• .. In tin• HELP WANTED aqu.,hiiiUI, on• ten and -fll· oondltloo. Make offer 340 VIC· __ , t .... 11 lfalk10 C'ai'I&C'lty ""-llr. t.orta, Olat.a 11-or phone New· tt.-:1.1' W A Nn:n """ alrl• whn 'I Rfowall •t N,....rnrt t10S·W l ,ltp port 47:\,M. 3,Jtp •ltw,... a n-tlp(onalhl• ro-Jtlttn. • -f'lt~r rll),.rl~nrf'd or lnnperl· Jo'Ott 14ALIC Hawaii&~~ lt•l .-uttar J"'Ot 8ALE 3:plece bfoO.rocMD aet 1 ,.n,.~.l In ,..Nntlal lnduatry thai ffally I• a 111M! al ta• ud ,.,.rlclnr rhalr. aood condl. "".he,..: a •luy will l'ompeuat..l C'all u .... ,.. t 'tl.o:ll al N.....,. Uoo Alll(l Iron ~Mod and lillflnl(l. with th,.lr ahlllty, th.-who dP-1T711,JK J.ltp Phonr N.-wport 7gJ.W. 4:'10 Ohl llrt' 1., wo•l lt •• waltr~-• ~v, - County lt~>atl, Ct a la lolf'a&, 1·4tc 11111 t hr Yf'ry fln~a\ dlenhM In FOR RAJ£-. BOATS, 8l1PPUE8 the tlart~•r ., . .,.. Jl:llher ~ull m I ;;lOIIWl~I;KINU MAl"1UNII:RY ___ pMrl ·tlmf'wurk ttarrt•onal>ln· ••ott MAUr. t21a Jo•lnt..., .... , l?ANT TO BUT-W lll pay """ n."' Hnurw. 17th and Oranlfr "'!-t•· 1.,.,1 .. , ... 11 In all metal lat .... • for 24 tn 211 ft a. I bo31 l'rcff'r l oat& M•• 4' • I' lu o't'nter•. holklw ('blael _...-u. boat ¥11'h """'" , . .,,k too tX" dune:. WANTEit WJ&Itr~u at fiLn•l ••·r and '"11111\f'r , ht'lt ~. 2 '-ut (ood hull Sen.J •leacrlptJon I ~ff', 2!\ftO N•Willlrt HI\'• I . north aptndle M Ia a 411 1ft "--"'7 and picture to R. M. ~.1nrt, 401)(1 1 r:11.ta Mf'•a. a•·r••~e~ fr11rn Army oluly ahat"'r. llr111<1rr IIPa.ol and Srd St .. ~an Lll~go. 3·2\C Air IIIUI"' <1•-11 ~Ill · after· l"'''"•t11l, 2fl lu "fllllv~r" b&Dd lolarl,.. Entl,.a .. nd Pao II MA .. INII IALVAGII: ANO '""0 co. n01me and nil d•:' fllunday• . .,,. aaw; lwavy oluty lilt laW" varl· C'hun-hlll. J>hnnr N"wpurt 1122-W ety •• wtlb bor1D1 alii UMII I 1 ,2t,. • """'"' ahan. ah .-. .. p,_,... -----and boller t.anll 10 t\. a '" 6a I W ANTY.U Oard•ner. Phone en. •haltlnl and ~t ~ -.. w. C.rotrel Aw "'" I*·W Mra Hubbard. t211 U&l N •Nt. 111 H ... -..1 ... .__ .......,~ .. .oe,., Calli. Ill N Rf' h 2,1fr I" rva ~" "'' •• rna-. ·-· --~-·"_' 1 H:::?.-~-,-:-N;:.~·:.w:• w ~-. -~ ct.n&, I, C"a..lt l'h<>M AT 1·::. nlft flAL& .. r,..~ .... ,..., """"'..... -. CWn.l A-.llca,_e ....._ .... -----""' aA.La ... ... • ., • ............... -~ ..... raJ·--....... .... 8K"Y~ .._ ...... ., -...... ·~----­................. ._. ~ ............ I"'ft fllAUE I.U. P a a -... ( ...... , __ , ..... • ...... "-..-. .,..,.a. -·~-.................. ... DA:IWWJ~ ---WAJf111:0 ........... ...., .. N ..... f.-~~ ... _..... ~ ...... .-rl·ll, a r a , HOIJSEHOLD '"' olulol :1•,. "'" ""'· tlurlnjt =---------------" o•o•k ;lia r • Wrllr I' 1 l !lux WAN"r?.l) .... &---... ......,.."" ......., ,._ ... -l!lrto4pt-, pwl &Sia. .._ ~'till !'<t'WIH•rt llo•lio'lt 4 '.l ANY flAl;~ TW•A Y • \\' ANTF.n ~It ,. drun. o·ntlo•ll ra~11. mlnua hlotlooruo ""'' rutflra J FOit NAI.Y,.-I"'I'I,TR\' No IIOil I'IO<'III:ll!" "' ""'"" Jlir •·•·" Will ~y 7 t·enl.l Ill. at U.Ubua . :o;IH tl'l•:'!-1 ltAitiiiTHY Hlrl'trh N•w•,Tim!'ll nfflo-• 1\l·tf lhto.., "''""I rail'"' poolnlll hy h11v __ I 1111( 11 wr• lily mlolrll ollnno·r llul t'OR SALF.r-I frum Kluoll • In ('oolllll ,., .. ,... REAL ESTATE "''h•·•· ··l·· .. ulln•·..ar•rrvt~ll" t'l"'"'' _ _ _ -I yuur 11rolrr l•1 I'Qo•WJ••rt 4:1:1 '" ~'1. lR SALt-; llnfutnl~tu .. l <tluplr•., •lrlv .. tu '.liU .. ; 111111 ~~ :1 tr• :14 n a 411 fl on I••· 110 It a 127 ft. fo'ramr Wt~rk 1111 111111 I MY.OIIIM8 nocor In, anti 1:•101.1 IIUJIJIIY ut "" l:U~I'; HF.V IIA IU II<: fl. '""'hum, fur • ttu1al lnc•ludlnlf llldlnjt, r"nflnl( prlvalo· '""'""•" toll W 4th IUMS linin&. 1'\111 rrk~ Ul:IO HI M•ula Ana t~h"n" 4408 '" 2$2 P'.alht'r St en Coate Mua ur nJIOitr a 1,1,,1ntrn,.nl 3·llt• pbolle N.-wport 1~142·J 4·2tp ~·nR 8ALF. l''ur action nn l'f'lll ""' tate and ln.uralli'<' ... J o•l111 Jl: Sadlelr. llct'nOIP<I Jf'AI ..... t,. broker at 302 Main ltff'f'l, H11l hoa. "Lf't Jarlc IM Tl .. 4·:1tr y..,.,._w..._,...,,_, ... o...t,... C.n 4n the tutul"f' bfo "•J1Prtlyly done •rain b1 CIAVDK aWUTIIAN '" ";;!J:r""" M . N_,...-t ,.._ tll,W ~nm.. Want Ada will .:J,I what.wr )'OU doa't want I !.------------- Ill. II ...... : : &s6r·.,-fi..,f~/: • WITH WAI lOIII · . . . . . . . . . . . . . IIOIIIIWA..,._ -ClrtNI. ......... ' o., Stiw.nll 7 ~ en... <'II1W. ...... .,.,. 6...., e . .&.-• .a&....._. PVC &Jill .._ _ ProfessienaJ Diftdoly __ _ ------------------~·r----------------------. o.doll II. O,_.J, •. D. .. ,~ ..... ...... ,...... ... o.rtnl ·- Ofllae ............ , .. ..- ,. a 52 I ft Lr..ROY P. ANDatiON AftGall.l' AY LI.W Galla.._ ..... • •• a ...... OOHUD .... I-aa lis" ........ . --a.-..· w ... -... ............ _."·- " -......... ,.l]!;..fi;,!; T ... -.................. _...__ M&rtiJa ...__ ~ .a ... 017 ..._ ... ,. • ..,.._ ___ ,,._,_u_ --SNOOJ:)'LBS c1•., 11,..,.. r..s N ..... 'l1mes...--Ciusllled---A&-)-~~~~~,-.,....-B":'v~Cl::-H-:u-nf;_e_d_o_rd __ ttYSONtr twSON «>m * HAROLD&. OIIAVI:L CHAPa. -:-.. ~-~.,. Dr ... D.C.. .... ••••••••••• DORm'IIY DAR'-Tr "We Ounetw. dlte a.tw ..,_ a, ..... OtMn ...... ,.._ 0.0.-- BUY NOW Oty Tax Sale Lob A. I . IWMI tnO&Mt ..... , ......... OGaON" Da. 11Aa ' -.= 2 ............ . ... ~.a-· ' ,__._ ~A- ... c.. .... c..-· ... -........ .._ ..... ...... ,. I ---... .._._ ·---.. ._, ..___ Jf.D.C~ • • • --r•~-...~ ---lei ... _.__.._, __ WHO'S WHO lfl HAIIOI DISTRICT VJ"J:f'I •. MT. A..,., Kf""UI.f""tl "·nnn- fl W. Wrl~;hl 17)1;1 ~H lllv•l . Coa1a ..,,.... .. lJv-1 I~ f'tl e&-1 riP:"t':KAI. f 'f"TftM'TCtR- C<••"l"n Jl Flwtl~tv I till I ••11•1 Hlvd f'tl tO'J f'IJim an-i ronol nartiaa l.ff\fllP:R t'fl\fi'A 'fP:K--r·,,..,, ,.,, .. ,, ).l.r r" .,,, ,, • .,,.," )""' ()looo ""'r ....... -........ _. lt11y 01\to lt•t l.tomloer (',. ,..,..,,.. II!)() r•,,..., llrr:fllll•' at Ar~ on ff r: ,...,,.,., tr:l'l- ~ ....... ,.,,rt lltul.or J•ut.li'\lelna C"o, ,,.,,_ U ll. N--p;ofl ~ I'II"T"Ci-~''"'l"'r1 llruionr ..... lt>ll•hhor (",, r-.,._. 1:t 1:\ N~ .... HP:\1. P:"'TATit, l"'lill'ftA"fT & "'"""' ... "IM:-1 "'"' If Wrtllrtr,. no:l W (.''1'111"111 AV-Iill' J't,._ ] "''"nr.H "'"",..,._ ' f'l•'"'fl'or1 ll11rtlur PuWI.tdftc Co . ..._.,. 1:1 U . N~ .._. ttUrr.T MJ:TAI. "''O•M- Vu•l• Pl•lfl'lt'l"r A .,..,., M.tal Wert., Ooor.ta .._,,..._ 2M, v A 111 r;n "Tuar.- Balboe lllawt Variatr • ......_..,..., • ...a.._,.._ ~ll·W. • • ....... NEWPORT-BALBOA NE\VS.'I'DID, Newport ae.dl. caJifomla. 111URSDAY, JANUARY 13, •1944 Florence Sinnot and john L. Keefer II b F • • • • • M.:~:.~~:,.::~:~~r~,~:~ ~.0~ D~o ..... -· ar or . emtnine ActiVItieS Enthusiasm High for "Under 20 Club" ·300 Applications on File; Success Assured ,........ tM BaY. a.-. com• the now I• tur btnc In th• ~cund 1 •....,.._ment 01 tblt auna1e of «net• at t.he Llndberl'h :-;, hr10l, I .._ ftorwftc• At111• 81nnot. datt«h· (."--a M t .. t.r ot lira. Belle R Slnnot , for. S..rJCt-ant K~fer I~ the ,.,n nr -..rtJ of nG-3etb .tf'ftt, Newp<Jrt Mr llnd .Mrs .Jnbn Kf'f'ff'r llf P illa· IIMdl. but n.-realdln l( at 118 E burgh. l"t nnaylvama. Att f:r10n"ry O.tnl, BatbM, to S«t J~n 1... !\~ hf' hu traJn,.d 100.()1W) m•n ....,_. ot the llattn. COfll• now In tlle )hrtnf' ('nrJ>II Ha vlnK bfof'n ...UOned at ftk11mond, VlJytrlta In thr ,...rvir· .. nf tha t llrllttt'h ••f 'nw nu. S'l.kh culmlnat4'd a thf' ~Wrvlr,. fnr ,.,~nt )'f'ltr~ h,. """"· ~If> u/ •i«ht y,.al"', ~rt' JX'r· rtl twn nf th••m In ll#rmu•lll IJI-fur•· fanred the dav before Cbrllllmu U1111 ruuntry·~ ~'nl rllll<'f' lntu lht t8 Pttt,burjJI, i•f'nnaylvanta, In lhf' war Lutbrnan churvh whPrt' 1 he Jrr<)(lm M,... K .. ••f•r r·•·t urnl'•l In hl'r du· b&d al":a ya att<'l'l4ed anrl hllt1 ltl'tt 1111 lfArhl'r In M ••~tn Mt·~,. ul -c Ill tht <'holr "~a.•hen " lad. with lht• dnw "' the hnlldlly vl't'llllnn only tbe tamUiee • f th•· brtd,. ltJ\ I ~present .,._ the wedding ,.,.,...muny, lhf' .nde WM't' a three plf'f<' WOo•l 111111 til Uw wootlland brown ebad,. v.1th ~n.-. In lur;g3gf' tan ,.. bride attool'lf'd the-N,.v.-pt1t1 BNirh Grammar ~rhnnl •ntl H11r bnr filp ~hrol. J..:1t1•r ~h1• fill tatwd at Santa Ana Junlnr rnlh'p:t• and II'Ok h~r tcru h<"r·l ,.alnlnl( Everett Nunans Hosts To Bridge· Club . Jacqueline H ill is Enroll ed at Pom"Ona F.nrt•llPol f• r tht &priOR l•'rm Ml ~Onlt ('llllt•j;f' !111"" J lttjlldllh• IIIII tllllli:ltlt•t • I !llr• .I•'""'" Htl\1<· >,Uftt ltalt I ( .'-4h ltt-Utt\tltltfl c•urt t0J\ ''"I M"1. til a• lt''I•IIIIJ:, hPt ftr11t , ltu1,.A H,. ,, 'fi•~th run,, M 11111 Hill w:o~ t.:rl\oltlltlo•l1 fr.,lll ~t·Wf"•rl llnrltnr 1111-'h f;1 ltn••l If! 1 It•· spring nt '4:\ 111111 "I"'"' h•·r oe11mm,.. •I tnl• .,rt "''"' k , •' Knv trtr \t ~···r .. n tl• ~ :-;h•• ,,,.,4 pr• "'' tJrnt of c:.A A wtnlr " 11t u•1•·nt Ill Mt't'ttn~r h••k e • mnnth the· lltrt~ f'tub "tf w.hh h ),h anti Mn~ hl~h " t'u••' "' •t \!... '' ,~ • , .... , '1 Everett Nunan au m•·ml"''"· nll't "r ",.Rill for ""tflnn•lln.: "'!Irk In at the Nunan h mf' ""30th otrrrt all IIC'Itvttlr" Mf'Wport ~h l hUt 'A'l•Pk I \YUh "rt ll I'' lfiHtf \ '"" ,. "'' Ttae ~ •,'rre bltlt.lt•n for dt11· M1111t IIIII •~ I''" •r11nr;: lhnt lwl•l at rt tl'.. · 1 k h 'h h-... I Pnm"n" wl.,.r,. •hi' r• ••ror.,lf•••l '"' .. • ('0 or~ ... f'n • t uon· • -•nf'd ~llcl<>ull homt·madc (raphlc art 1\nol ttrl llnof dl'"'l:" Catherine Easton. Society R('p<H1('1' • Phones 12 and 13 • Raldence Phone 690-W --------------:=~~=-~==================~~----~-----­Assistance League Wltb the /ll"'t dUlce ~f the new· ly""rt:an l~ "Under 20 C!ub" which 1.11 hf'lnB .11ponaurt>d by tbt> Harbor H••lary Club, alalt'tl for thia 1-til lay t'VI'III nj( Ill the CoatM MeR Woman's (.'lubhouae from 8:30 to 11 30, t:>ardully la1tl plana lll'f' bl'· 111g C'tlmpl .. tt"tl tJy tht' nun:rrt uA> , ummittre1. Home-Nursing Offered Women It 11 nnl too lilt .. tu •·nr.,ll tn thr Hl'tl ('r•tlltl h• me·nurtoiiiR ( h.tA3 Whit h 110 IIO'tnj( Hf(I'J,.,I t n flay lt~ea woo t•n a1 th•• ltrrml'· ' ru uwlnf,! r•,nml'l 11\16 •~· N'~"'Jturt lllvol c ·, l<llt !II,.An, ~r· urollnj: t .. !lin• Oi l~ \\'o•hlht•I'V.IlX tn • burgr . '11w 1 ln.s!l whu·h l111t1 tt 11 fln•t lnf'l••tniC ~on Tu~"rlay, w1ll havl' t\o\t, .f4.t'-'-"H•rlM fa \o\'rt·k u n T'Ut'~ttfay "'"' ~·, """' !1·12 u m fur •on•· rtl"llt h 1t 1t1,. r nrl "f "hit II llll' 111• ll tw't,. "Ill hhVf" t ••mJ•I•·t•·t1 ~4 l11' ~t U•l} f1Jhl Will I•• l'lll(lblr r .. , " ,..,llflltll•· !Ill' J c· 1'.1\'fw ••( t'n~rt tttr !'il "' lh•' 1n· jll1 f ~ t I t II f C lcanin~s o f a Girl Scou t Reporter TROOP 3 r nu m•·mht-,.,. "' t ,...,.,. r !t h,.,.,. 1 "t•·d t111· S •. .,.. Y I'll 1 "II h '''"""' • ' t•nthu!l ''""' tn th• fr t,fl•l~c· ._,n,.k ••n·h·t 1h•· tllf••f \l~tu ,,, thtt lett•t• t ".-.. ll•lhhltlll """'" r\n•l h•·r "" ~ 1<l11n• ll'nolt•rl4 Mril Jsu k !ll1111"11 ~"'"' P •r •ll"''' V.'1l11••n. !ltr .. \\'11l· t 1'1 f: I • •It• All• I M '" ltulu•tl J-:11.•- )fake a Suit for Duration Smartness To Inaugurate New Service Program Tn d oMr aynC'r nlzt' th.-ar· rana-emf'nls with the 'la.'lllhu of tbf' of the e:ruup who will be' the guula, tht> 18, th( Rotorv Club t'ntrrtaln~od a deltga · Wltb the ttrat m~tlnB I :rear on Tueaday, January , A.MUtance Lrarue of th.-tlun ~f \be genl'r'al l'Omrnltttf' nf Harbor the "Undf'r 20 Cl"'b" ul the !'o:ew· 1 area will ln&Ujt'Urat .. I hi' new aerv-port Htgh fk ho••l. ThniM' rtJH'l' l ice Procnm when they hnld their &t'ntlng thal ljrnuJ.1 werl' u rry monthlv ('Ondave at the. Rfll Croaal l.nngmade, prt•Mident uf tht> stu· workroom.a at 201 Grand Canal, dent body. Carl Obc'rlo, F'red 1 Ba~~ lmand. between 11 a. m. Shall<l anol Tum Ml'('or·kt'll. an p. m . 1 lnvlllltllln• are extt-ndt>d tu all WIUt a m inimum number. nf ul(e8 bt'twt't•n 14 and 19 lndUAiil'l' W&r·Krvle~ houre a requirement &nll It 18 nvt n<'<'l'l!l!lltY to bt> a 'w ith thf' membl!nr. It waa dtemed htl(h at•htHtl lllu}lenl tu attrnd Ar·' WIK to <!evote thf' rt>gular rn~tin«· phr&tl~ n . tor rnl'itlltlon may~' time w the rnltl•ng or surgu·al II placf'd 1\l N!'Wp rl a .. ach High I balldaru and tran&act the bulri· ~btiOI, N .. wfl'•rt-Balbnll Prus. 1 I nl'aa at tb.-aam,. tlml' Allen'!! Or UJ.! eture un Dalbo•& Th<' rnembers will bring their lahl.ntl M ut Mr Wayno> Hutp..•t''" own lunch to the mt'eting with r<>aidenrl.'. llttlbt»; Jrtla.nd. · eoffee aad deuert .erved by 1 ht- hr l!lf'llllt'll. Ml"'. Rod Burnham. I .Vr11. Wt'At on Jay and Mrw. J ack I HUlman. 1 Tht' fil"'t and thtrd 1\.teadaya In e&t'h month have been du ignated &II A•i•IAn<·r v ague wor k t.1ay11 at lhf' Balboa lt!lantl Rf'J Cr08S workroom. ------ Ht1lal'Y t nmmltll't'M Sl'r\'lnJC uri' I A tr1p t u th•· l!OI)W was enjoyt>d by at'veral members uf Lbe you.n&er ~:rouJ.I. Th"y hod the fun of t'81· 1ng thetr lunrh arurtl the sn ow " lu · Hou .... t ·anyun bey.m,l C'nrrJ' (\a lily ·~ pte and cofft'f!. I · · , F n... ev,.ntna wu IIJ)C'nt 111ay1n11 Speaker s orum 1 luu earc~e for wbkh Mr. ~lid,.,.... Har· Meets in Fullerton ol4 Pee captured high aeon• Mr11 M1uun 111 J.'Uitlln~: hr·r 1='"1' lt~wArd lh1• c .. mplf'll••n uf tho• ( 'l~•k , Door And Jdt>mbtrahtp. tfarold ca.. and Bob C&llta: Publle!ltf, Barnf'y Nannf'y an d Hub Howa; Jl"lnor C'halrm«'n Jln Dourlu and Skip Calktnt: Decoration, C:altr <.."'nl~ and Harold CbrlaUer ; ~­ treahmente. UUDeron Thom aDd Marton Dodd and Gf'neral Commlt- ttf'. Lorry L&ngmade and Wayrw Harp.'r. P<'yton Comp~tnv bu donate~! a larjt'<' whrle ··akt> wb.lcb wUJ be une ,,, the r·c-rr .. llhment bl&hli&'bt. thi1 l<''l't>k along with Coca Cola •lunated hy T .. tJ Wright. Yo ung»ter" nol at school, but whu ha v(• ,malll' application, m ay pll'k up th.... invttallon card at lhl' d110r th•· night oC the dance Eddie'tt BARBECUED SA~DWlCHES Are Delicious! MOORE'S CONFY.CTIONER\' %100 Ocean Frool l'h""" 1S -~,.wporl Bea.rat SELL a-t. pre-t bHidu thoae al .....,. •eDUoMd were, tM Wu· dull• &ftd 11-Vk:. Peltzer. llei'IMn lAaa. Bud WbltfllliUJ and _...,.. OVCUJ. &J1 of Aalahelm. Hllrh<Jr rn""'""'" ••f ttl" ~ni'Ak· ll~t•ll(l' In Flr!ll (1:l~~ ~~· .. ut r•·· I ,.,., F'nn1m mf'l with lhl' ~rrnup at ,1utr.•nw nt:., Mr" II IIV.'o•'s .:triM wtl' t~,. h""'f' nt Mnl J At'klllm ~"''" 1w awartfl'() thr U•_,.h~a" 1:5arJ~:., nt Jl'ulltrton for lh• f'f'lrUIIIr Jlln· wbm th1·y ar.-f1n•11h~l with 1 h,. uar;r ronci&Yf';_ with M"' Rf'uhf'n 1 l'rf'81'nl projt-('1, loll,.. W UIIUn u• Dav of tl11• d l10trkt r,...eldln~t l(lvln« h .. r glrl.11 valuablt> prllcl Irs I! l Those -~~ · ODDS ... a Dt C&ltnO&D <»'lOWE I lUST ·-......... .: .... ~--..... u. O'f!dlt ~ ~ 'J'tM projrr•m Willi gfvf'n nvf'r In ''"J)f'rtf•n('t' ICI"'Rrd lht•lr J'loukbintJ· 1 rlf'll~rttttul t&lk11 nn varlnu" t~"l '"~ !'lltd~;1• anti Mr' 1-JI'I Iln·~ anct nf art with Mr• Gf'Orl:f' PAl«• nf !lfr< ('nt .. ·,. t.:roup lln:O C'Ont'l'nt rut · 1 AAaheJm~ Mr• r A '"I! on lht' 10 fi•·lrl rt'(tUtn·ment~ to N,.t•ht>"r" tllllf'••-J~' rt In Aml'r· lw'C'omr St•ronrl (1ns_c Sn )Utl' lea" and Mrw F"rf'l1 "'ttl n1 Anll·l l'lana wl're bej;'un at thf' mtf'lln~t tlelm l_allllf'tl nn "A "''""n l'llll.tt,.. lhl• w••k fnr lhl' f'ourt I)( Awar<lll Wllrf'" nnot hi·IIIIIIUIII F1V·Utl of Brownil'll ~~~ r f th,. rluh w .. ,.,. M r11 H to he-ht-ld nn r ~t. V&l!'nllnf''tt IIH\ r.. Hnw,. nf F'llllf't"lnn, Mn f:f'llrf<:" 1 "ntJ tn whk h •II tht' mnth~r• will Wh""' .,, N .... ,.,rt Rcarh 11n1t Mr11 ~ tnvltt'd. , Parents o f Grammar School Children Jr. H. ~mllh nr Orllnll'f' w hn Ill lht• T .. OOP 2 I nn'JOidf'nl ot th .. OTan~:r ('nunty I Arlf'r thf' pn!OitlOOf'mrnt of mf'N . Attent ion ! Startling Pro~ ram to Be Discussed Jl'ptff'nt'on nt Wnml'n'a <1uhlo lnjtll fur _.,.,.rill Wt'r ka <lUI' t n 1ll· Bav are" mf'mbf'n v.·hn ll(l"nll""l '"""" nf th .. 1,.&J••r• lbf' l:flll• 11 Ar•· ,.,.,t h• n , 1\hrn your t•hrl•l l't•ml' I·• thr l"art'ot·Tf'W'her T wf'rl' Mnr Rf'ttt'trn f)lt\' M,., r:un-1 'f'r1:wr 2 .,..,.r,. hoppv 10 bt• t ue:•ltl<'l nmt•ll ''""' 1' hnol ~ If no!. """''''' •· N·t in~:, !\f(lndtt)', Ju.nuary 11th, a t I .. , ... fl"'' .. r t~nd Mra J.-ona ('\tll(f'r I &K&In thla week. . ... I l·k·· I tr. 'r hl'r tn b&\'f' ft :.' 30 r m in tht' .:ramrnar tk'boot' R ...__ "Jl''<'l!lr pl&fl' In j:"n Whf'rt' ht wou'd I Unabl,. to atlf'ful 111'f'rf' l.fn .,..,., The glrla lnokl'<l hu• k •lVPr the I ~ . t ,. ,.1 1 11 . • .1111lilnr'um a nd brtn~ your ldf'a.s 1 1':. ft,_ aJHI Mnt. C' M. Ot>aklnll paat Y""r'a work In nrdrr to formu· or~ tn: 1 "" 1 v In " 1'"1111: • v.•ilb ou• Due 10 the r•• thortar;e. thl'rl' )8te plane tor the cominl one an•' tl<'rupt,.,t · t • Y · will tM' n P' tJ &rv 01,..\l.na but l tn 1 h d __ 1 ! Js ynur l'hll•l lntPruted In 11p rU 1 The followtnc IIJ-W!akera will havr , ! ... _ 1 b 0 111 ~-rut ... 1 • amprt•VI' w ••r•c-11 lii'Pmr ""' lf•nn l• IIWintmln~: 11r boating• I mtrrt,..lnK R.nd 111'1'rthwhilf' f'llpt!ri· ._ c u w .... o~e .... •r ag11 n on VIMble. · 1 M b ,4 -T h,. P11 r~>nl Tf't~t·hf'r A~latlon eneea and IUfriHtiorul: Mr. Cart ' I arc ,. ' . 8AOWNI£S of N~port Beach Grammar 1 W8mer County Juv .. nlle Proba· ---• We b.ave juat learned nf the very I P.,.to nnl w"uld 11\ce w IIJlOUOr a pro-t.1oo Offleer; Jud~e 0 . A. J-. of I Wra. R~uhf'n Da y wu " KU"IIt llplendld piece of community •rv-1 fT'&Dl tor after .ehool boun. 'Nf' tbe CUy of Newport. a no:pr~t.­ ot 111"1. ~uru Wbeat Tu,.aday ~~ Ice whtrb the two Brownlt lroopll I r11nnnt dn It without your fnlf'NM Uft or tbe local pollee force aad ' the HunUnlf(on Rf'adl Wonwn 11 undn thf' ni~tlon of Mr• Lonol .. ""'' r n-OJWraltun. Krw. JUUllt. Etuott. 1 Ctub wtrPrP • trtrttrdftv C"Ptf'brlltltm ' Vlnl'f'nt antl J.fra Everelt Nunan . -___ .:;;::__:; _________ _ 'of thp tlub wu !•beo'rvMi an•l All nld for th•ir Cllriatmu work 1 rut -pno:ll6denll Wf'r'e hrnnrl'd. Mra. 1ThoK youngatenwbo ranre In.,,. Frances Shaw and Albert I.Aunf'r of F\Jllerton wu , hf'lwf'f'n 7 anrl 10 vtAI"'I l'lll'h u 8 1 W Bl t your friend& and mine the epeun. '"'mbl ... t a t hnm,., ,.· hnx trr br wn~ Ur . an on -.....:..----------------------:, tu . l'hllt.l In th .. T. u. ward at lhe ., Nuptials Announced Gn .... ~ .... a o,_t Vut.t.J ef (ln•aal OUt• Onln~te C'•mnty HIWJllllll In thu•· '"WE INVJTF. YOU TO BROWSE AROUND" ""'"'" wu a (fflll nnt one that wu The lmp.-nrtlng nupt•11l' 1•f lfl.u John A .Biakb •·ho U. an En· ! 11i::n In thf' Navy, 111 now on the Cnthwr Baltimore 111 •rnf'whf're in , the Pacific. Johnny ba• """"' all of hill 11\lrnll'lerl In Olllhoa and bu I many friend• In thf' Bay ar ea. 1 C. E. WU(J(S Wt•ar wnrn but 'ifl" th11t lh•' Franc"" !'lhnw, clllllllhtl'r ,,( !\tr 11ntt IK1fELIIY .... nA'I10NDY l'r .. v.-n~•· hf'l ~rlf wnultl hav•• w•nt. Po' tl" \\' ll !'lhnw ••f 1~7 23rd Die ... -"'aadlel • P1lle ........... r • <I At•t•ttm JtllnylnR tit•• llttll wo•r!' lllrct•l , C'n&IR MI'M. lot l'fr Hurl ,..._ N_,.... 1411 mM'rrllll" thAI ,h,. l)f'(ff•~• t•hthl W lllnnt"n uf lht• ~AA A " have am.-,..,. .......... C.ta ..... CaiU I I tt'tl ....... for ('frtlhi•JO llnol all I hi' I>Hn llf't ftlr F·~hn~ary II p .. ., .. ,.. .. ..... ,..bow ..... ........ ,.. ., a._ INtI ............. ................ , .... a111 eli•• willa 1M pollia ,.. ........... ~wheazooarewe~ • all Oftl' • llile thd .a.. U... ia avwcled.! die operator wiD eay= ':P,.... Umil your eell .. s ..W.1118." 'War traflle will set tlar••lla better willa .,.., ..... --·--- ........ .....;. --------------• lt unnllnJ:ll t .. put on lilt' <lt•s~··"· Thl' rll••11 w ill I~<• <'"lrbr;alf'd In 4 ' A party fnr tho• mnthl'rro nt , tt\1· rommumtv c~hurr·h f f'IWta - •I ,...,..._ ... , hr "-nit•,. i8 In the-nlflltR. lh•· t•ml' Meu !.fit~ !\hllw Rllt•nolr•l :-leW· II• bf' 11umrUntl' ncar \'llh'nltnt•'a tHort H:ubur H l~h ~h•'OI ••htl .. !be llay p oom ·t'lf'C'I rtrf'h•f'•l hl1 l'duratlon BffiTHS Su S~:t. and Mn. Arthur 1\llkt•t. M(Y.! Sl'aM1on:-Drl\'1.', Nrwp.n·t fl<l•rh, at St. Jowph~ hosplt11l. Jpn II, I !\44. a daus:htt-r . Tn Mr. and Mrs. B. Dingwall. 1100 1:. Cl'nlral. Balbon. at St. J o· sw•phs hospital, J an. II, a I'On 'ro Mr and Mn;. ll••n l) F'rt•· 1lt•t1f', 122 36th lt rt't'l, NI'Wport f\1'11C'h . at St JOIIt'~ h011plt al, 11 rt11u(httr. . In Mc:Ge..-. Art<an~~a.s HI! Ia the . .,..., .. r ~I r11 0 111 r· Alanlnn of t.b&t dty. Visitor to East Returns Home Mrll Rc·l'r R ~tnnllt hll~ rl'tuna- f'd from t hr F.nl't whrrt ~hr l lop- r,.•l rnrnulr t ,.,,.11 hrr •nn Jtfylee !Bud I R.. !!lnnnl, .. ·hn l10 lUI ID- atructor In the StwiLI Air Forte at C11hllniM F'if'll1 C'nrrus C'"brilrU. P'rom bl!f' Tnu ltop-<lftr, ..... Before You Build or Remodel . \1aU our la~'"U111 '•'""'' an4 dlt'Jila) r•mm•. C'<~l~n pldea ttlaanl"« 1l1h. rnna· pn'hrn .. •e •tori! ot new.. r arreta. llnnlf'ft"' aud '"'"' tlan hllnda ~ ~.~/ Ll 'BLt''1 ( 'n rprt \\'clrk ~ l'nuM 1!1&1\la :\.na '!BOt !4A~T\ .\~A The Worlcl'e N~ SeeD Through !'Ill OIRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR .,t. 1•1-llofNI o.l7 N,.,,,_,_. 1ft/JAW .. TD 2:'"AJf IC1tr:lla PWL!S" 1!110 IOCD'n a.. _....._._,.._. __ • .......,..-<' aatllw-u.w...-r,.. ,_ .._,;.,0 .__ UMW. AN n...ly 8114 ...._. .. 8114 I• Doily '--' T....,_ _... .. ,...., ,.. .. ..._ S.0... N• ................ "' ... , ...... ..._ .,_ ••a.oe v-t,. " •u• a ,.._._ -.... --. ltwl...tl._. ....... .,. s.n;.,.., u 60 • v-.__....., ot.._ • Sa-..., I-. n C.a • ,, *"-............... ,Room Ill .... o.tnl A~ ........ .,... .. Robby Theuret ""ho le ont' ol four In thf' Tht'Uret family n .. w IM'rvlnjt In tht armed t orcH . i• In 1 England and luu betn promot4'd to thr r1111k ur llt'rlrf'Rnt. He Ia thl' .on of Mr. and Ml"'. 1-1 Theum M 164 F1owu at,...f't, eo.ta Mea. I WyiM 1 Burl a ~lnnot Ia an m· atructott In the Naval Air Force llalloned at Corpu• Ctuutl, ~ at Caban ... Fteld Han-y Conovn. Jr .. w ho U. a cor· poral In u,,. amphibian dlvlmoa of tbe Navy. haa hft1l .pendlnc a 10 1 daya furlou~:h from bt• atatlon at lll&ml, F1orida, wtth bla JMU'ftlbl, Mr. ~ lin. Harry Cbno¥n, Sr. Slmlot went oa to Ptttaburp, Pa.. wbere ahe a tteockd the wf'ddln« o1. Iller ct.upter. P1ol'ace A.Dne. to let-J-. t. Ketler ot Uw Marine W HEN Fanrtlorwl Nft"·ooa IJisturl•:u~ llll:'h M Slerp- IHn--. Cranl&i.,__ Enl&ahtll"tJo RutlnJ;nu." or Nu•oa11 lluduhe lnierfl'rt' with your wurk or apoil J Oflf' !fOOd tim~s, t•t.e Dr. lil!s lanfte (LiquMi .,. ijF<'tt..,...rnl T ehlrtl) Nervoua Tf'naion an mak~ yoa Walldel. J iiiUJ, lnilahlf'. :o\er- YOU Tenaion an uUM N~uo• a~ .. •cllle •nd NnYOUI llldirn- UDL Ia tim,.. liu thea«', we an- more likely thtn vnal to b«om 1 o+ei w a ~bt IUid Mt"Voae alld 'IIJ wiala far a roo4 NdatiYt . fir. llllea ltf~ntne U. a cood MdaUYe -mUd bat efl'tdiYe • If ,..,. clo not DM Dr. Mn. Nerrine roo can't knew •l1at it wiD llo far ,_. It ~ In U.ld .-d Uea ,..,ent Tablft fora. lloth .quaU7 eoothln• to u.e ancl " ..... wroucttt ......... W11Y DON-r YOU TRY ITt , Get"'it •t yovr ... Efferveaevnt t.»lete ll• ... J.JcraW ~ .......... R.-.1 dinr-I u.-.... -... , -di.rft'W. ------------------' lwo or ducoe whok ciO¥cs ~in •e~ IOUP .; ... ,., an inrelfttina t.Yor. Ddcatd clows •hen se,ins rhr ,cup. A duh ol curry alto adds .... r 0 111¥t fud and Urn.., <ook a double amount of rice. Put the I drover in CUI· wd or jell it'd doserrs. or hc.t it with a li«W milk for brcalcfur cunl. Un. coobd rict k~ps wdl 1tu 1ed in COY· eNd ju in dw cupbou.t. If ,0. l.w 1ft'W berries ocfl'f'Sh fruit leflnwn ..W • I~ NP" a.nd corn 1irap .ad boil if ~·•n foe jam 01 pte· teaW. 'l1ilae .-11 "dab.'' will wock up..,a.-r~ UW II MilTS-aiD II 111111111£11 • • • latter .. ...... Carrtlleals Sd«t lartr carrOlL Wath and krape thorou.lh- ly. Cook in boilina salr.-d ••r~r until rtnd~r . Drain. Cllf each carrot l~nJihWIW. Hollo.,. out ccnc~r and 611 •irh bunered pea. Warch dw c'hildrm .,bbi«' dlae up ••Y FOR .O.RI.KMK•T a•D FLAYOR Womn~ "now that Weber's Enriched White Bread con· cain• fooJI values natural to whole Rrtin cereals, and thac thisevery-meahime-loaf is as delicious u it is nutritious ... Get Weber'• Brad in the a iogb•m Wrlp ., your arocer'a. ~~~ iAStN411wu. &lijohitJ and ENDS for CASH ' Through a NEWS-TI~fES Classified Ad Many a rticles no lonaer US<'d by their Owrtel"' can be turned into cash. quickly and at a trifline cost . Look around you and make a note ot thlnp you no longer use. Well. someone else can u.p those very things and NOW Is the time to MD them. Readers of the N~ Times provide a ready market for every type ol used article in good con- dition. You may ha~ a wub- ing machine, ironer, Ice box. ca.Jl)et sweeper,~ nJt\lre, baby buggy, M., boat. tools or any one~ a dozen other lteml whJch can be sold profit- ably and quickly NOW. • The cost of a Classltled Ad In the News-Times is BS low as 40c Telephone NEWPORT 12 OR 13 And Let a NEWS-TIMES Classified Ad Start Selling for YOU Our Ad-Visors will help you to prepare your ad! ..