HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-02-03 - Newport Balboa News Times11 ~ SAID CRAB ., SAM C. of C. IJiawr. L.ut night the Olamber ol t:.ommerce entertained at ttx> Newport Harbor Yaeht dub. Guests were Jocal and visiung· digni- taries fro ma.U OVt'r Orange county. W aJter Longmoor, as usual, did a grct.nd job o1 running the sh~·. and intro.' duced t.hoka at thP head ta- ble as weU a-. otlx>r i.rnpor1- ant guests. Among tbo&p were Col. T. P. Atkinson and Mrs. Atkinson of thl> Santa Ana Army rur Ba.."": Capt. Paul Albright. romma.nding officer of the havaJ ~tal at Long Beach and MrS. AJ. bright: Capt. Alber1 Soiland, U.S.N.. and Mrs.. Soiland: Capt. Cary Trick of Santa Ana Anny Air Bast-. and Mrs. Trick; Judge Raymond Th~Jl&OQ. n e .., Suprrior Couif-·judge of 0 range county, and Mn.. ~-.. : R. C. Hailes, a-~ and ... Usher ol the Santa Ana Reg- Ister; Col. Rufus W. Putman. u. s. Engineers. and many othen.. It was a fine party as usaal, and anodll!r CJIIIIDI"- bmity for a cornn..uty pt- ~ • ...tUcb is a to~* for a1f of us i nthew twdic days.. Bow t....c to Cll :t'taec! Speaker Geoffrey Morgan ol Douglas Aircraft Compuy. la1d 80mP W'l")' pertiDenl fa~ before his tistenen at the Chamber diJuwor among wbl~ that altft' the warwhen COIJUIW'rc:ial and passenger &enicr is resunwd. distances y.11J be COID(1'lra- tively short by aif trawl and that in thl> matter ol hours froro New York and OtUngking. Cltina •ill bto only 45 hOlll'S----SO •ill Capr of Good Hope--Paris.. 16 hours, London 15 houf's--....!10 you see that if a penon has a ~we8 vacation. hr or thr can hop on a plane, go to Paria , .. ~ ...-12 days ... reWm d tritllm the vacation Period -hr didn't say heM· long to Tur- key and the harems-( .... •"' BALBOA IEEP ' • .., ..... - teEDdWar Q.imer M-ES(~ I· Year • • • • $ZM ~~ ....... .. ,_._.."'--.,.es ..... .... EMBRACING BA.l.80A PENINSlfi.A. WEST NEWPORT, SE_A SHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHts, BALB~~ IS~AND, CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA MMA I C. of.(. _Annual Dinner Usual Huge Success Kiwanis Offers IL 1 hnt!~l t~~~.:;~.·~~l't"~~l:ht1 n~·~";!!Yctl~;::~·,'~:\. 111i'~:~~~!::; l'rophy to Newport oca out un ll bt•autiful world. 1'o th.· :0.\lllth. fit•hls . thr (t'lll'l'"' School (~hildrt'n I Et t nlilrkt'll hy thf' whitt>lhlf'll o(whnt \\:tlllt•ft uf a li~ht ~111\\\. ec s To ttw> Wl"St . tht-bam lot. ~ lxlilding mal'kt'<l hy tllllt A .lu•ablt' a•urilnn of thr ..... llt lh I AT NITE ~:twt'ning line 11bout it. ~pntdlt'S s hont• In t•at·h litlh' \\ •• t... .. n a•rtn .,,.. t '"' ,,,, 1 .· dep~"ion anct nlon~ thr ~~· un tht• Wt'l'lf'ITI sidt~ ,,f S.•ull,. . .,, C"'olltnmla h.,. ,...,..,fl,·.t ..... , Draft Board New Chairman ~·•r riro bomctr.r.t au~ 1 rt\# --- ----thf' ctf'iveway. To the north, ron1 fil'lcts nnd tlw wnln111 1"'"' Wror 1\•lfld anti ·~l"m'' 1•111 ... ~ x_....-1 Hat1lrY ~m"" WI til. ••f'Hf>nol•. yuur nn .. rd •lf Ill• ~ron• beyond. Wnstw>d "by Uwo alh·r··~ llll'ltlflll~ht it \\'a~ ......... ,. th· ... ·hototl ··hllttr•n A I"''" I I.,.,,., 'll'ri llllltllailf•l .. , tJ( ~ZW'ft'lr ~ and ct.Drr rfftM'II "Ill t ..... l I hat lhrlt lab·rao lo~·t•ly lx>yond won1s. Thll. our hum.~ ..• ''"'''~ \\'1\l'lh 1'111~ """ AIIIW>llll\'r ot Vo .. ll'rol"\' lho· ~"""' ,.,11 ... 1 N ....... oor ··~u·~ I Tht•t~doo"' 1<• .. -v.-tt ............. ... put:r at tlw-S.-.rooort Huh r W!Pft • rll ~~ If Yf'U • 111 umo f' fiJ::hfl~ for. lo1 \ "'"' .I C :,.). Pit,., I"' "' II•·•• h "'"" ••lo'<'fo·,l "• II •• ,...,.. """" al•• In t "" ~ .......... A-'taa t"aorttt Oub " ............. ....,...llta,:. In ~·tw't'ntr.\l tnjt II{) nnr plan and And I thought or my ~my s.,~ltlit•r ,;ons: l'lu ofl ,.,_,..II,.,. ln•lruolooon '""' • hl\11111"11 ......... 1 ""'"'',.,,with ,,.,. "'" .... 1.1 lhtcfl ... ...., F'f'tlnary _...., ~ mr._.... ~. 11 la Ll'••k 1" lho-.. -u 'J'hc•n. likt• a I~ stone on tht• mounhun !-itk•. "" ''·1:'1'" c"'e" lll\ot n''1111 v H.h·"'' lwR.r.,, .. .,,.,. "' N""'""' """"h •>f '"" ,. s N"'' -e•..-. ~IDWr "'-c·.-n-. r~ruwnt.a· tu,... ••I Plan "'"11 ''" lhr l'r h thuu~hts t 'llmt• t umbling. I am tt vktun of an lll<'lll'll hl;. :-:" '""" .t 1"'"" .A• ''1"11"11 ""'' 1'" "1 """''1 17 1 ',.,,.,. 11"' ''"''r" '" ttl.-~"""'"'""' 11011...,. ....,. 11Yt'11 '"-~n·:a """ Htall~·on ~m. Appn ... •hlnc .. c1is(.a:;('. It dO('~ no J:ood to 1\(Cht it. I ha\t' lt 'lll'llt•tl '" ll\'1• I '"""" 11rfh..-r "H.·h·~'"' "' Will " , .... ,. lo .. , .. to .t I \' n, .. ~1111111 Amt IIIIa Ia ,.,.,_.lj, '" '"" ........ ~ a.od (',.,..... w ..... Oran~· Seercury Harry w~lct. ,,.,,..._d with it. 1 tak«' m y in.~ulln, stay do.it• tn tlw 111,,._.'l'll\i.cf clwt I''"' 1111 '" "'"'"''" 11. N Tro·,.•u"· I ll"''' '"""' .. r "" , 11v •of 14a~~ta • .,11.,.,,11,.,.. '"'"' ,..,.,.. ·~ ~ l'.::u< ... •n Brent "" ~--c.--~ hw I'W'f'•rt. ~l .. ttt .... Th I h built I 1 ....... '''1: .. , .• ,., .. "'MI ... '"11''11•1 A liM ...... ,,, l\110111 ••••••• , , .. ,,,. .:. •• \\ !Clan ... ,., Ow ,_ priiieOh Of't Off-cab Off.,....... ~•>r •trodut•Nf ~N'tan 8011 /''St . ll.; /l\'(! 8 rampart. nnt :1 lfl\11 m~·o;l'!f ''""' 1111' 1141111 lotlhllr , 1'"-rl" hlltl It ulh rtllof 'o..C J,. l ho• ~an f'lrt~" ..... ,.1 ttlflllli"'.On .... ._Ill ... U •• £lid~.., S..-port ~ ~ W'•lcb ..,11,. .,.,.,.,. aptly aah.l ~It ahou.t m~· l'lll'I'Vy. Now J i8non' it unci so I :till alth• In "'" l""·''r a•ho•e~l" In tttr "'"''h 1111,f Ill\•''""''' 1 ·,~ontv llnra. att•l 1,, N"''' ''""''i: ""' tiC .~ ..,. ~ ., c~. ~ 1'NIY ia ...,.,. lhm~; thot ~'~ 11 "'-'· hvt> m y hfr and do tht> things J ._nt m ost to cl(l !\t~ t'lll'lll~ '""" '"'' ""'"' "''""' 1., •:1 .,, .. .,., ... an., 1, 11.,,...111~ th .......... .,.. ttw _ I curlltl ftpn...Cl.lltc u.r e,_, ~ ...... ar~y1bla,: T~am work 111 • l" ck'h~att~. ""1''•1 l'r"lt"'-"' lhr l"illlho' • ""'''"~ 1111 """" m••"" than tu•lf ... ,.,.,.,, , .. , . ., .... ,. • .._., '* I'• f~ aD4 ~ ttw .._... .... tt( .... ,r y au ...... rul 0<'· I thou~ht vr m y sons. my valiant sons' '""'" ...... ant ·~·r I:M.OOOOCIO .. , lh• • ''"'' .. , tlntttj!r Mr. lanol •"" ,., "-~ .... ...,,....... walkT ~ u....r.,.. My thou~hts rndn..: ahead, I saw that 111111' lll:lll, • · · """'" t ... ,. ,....., ..... , latl(f'l)' '"''"' t ''"'''"'"" """ I•·•·" "" lhr '"'"''' ''"-u. ••• 1,. a..w • ..,... AI 1......,. ~ ......... Uor ~ 'l1w ana.-1 .trc-U(ID ••f n..-• otfl. that sadistic mnnillC' WhO planftrd tO lllkt• lht• \\111'Jd r11 r '""""' .. "n otf lhOUMnola nf \\'111 !"'"'" ''""'"'' II\ 11140 M lht> _.. httahl '""" th .. t l Ill n .... O..C 1 !UN ..-. ltfttln1 K_,-....... ft'ft fnr , ... 11'111 ocC'ur '"' •·,.h him....-tr. At'Ollnd him and owr bl.m Ilk«.' snarlin~ w~tlvrs "'"' l'lt•mr Album.e lnlt• War r""'''" ""'"' ,. ""'"r"'"' ""''''"'"' .,:.,, •• • , .. , ,._ .... ,_~ ..... tu... ~d • -.a .... --'· t.ata and II • rumor•d Ut.at Sam tholw prt>Cious mottw-ni' ..,._ -'tlng hi~ rloom a nti that of '11• 1''1'"''• •hf•w I"' "'""'"V •h .. '""'II""'' '" ar ""'' "'• nr 1·•--w ... rtr. .......,. f!Od "1 --.a -•• • ot .._ Air ~hT wW ~ Uw -thotlr like him. 1 wonde-red: Could 8 hh;:h rampnrt bt• built A rww ln1"9"ta" for .cho<o&a was ,.,.,,, , .. ,. rhalmutn•hh> ••f lhr ,.,.,., I• • ,,.. """ •• _...__. ._ tlw u • ..._. Ordlnlra.. ,. • • •• about tt'K'm by all the holy pawn of this bt.'l\lltlful wurltl "1111' ""('ed by Onay whlC'h "' lhr 1> '''"' ••II •l•t>r•l l••tml '"' ""'"•" Anny ~ ... -illb a f'd "" ....,r.., ....... ._...... and Ahut ttw>m away front ... fCJI'f"Vt'r? OutJII&> Wt' Wottltl 'IIIIV" l'larw" <-.mpalp . lriYill•i (\umlv '"'llh ... """'klll"ltrr• In t , ...... , l"tr•k " .. "-~ Jlr ..... _ _.... C...,C A...., _!-~~laat ; tnl~etlvr and bt', We and aJI the Other decent JlfOPit"s or this l'llrth, not liS l'"lr1ntiC' 'nlrtft f"nart.te. '"""''rill· I ~""1" A nil II•Yt•.•n • ,.,.,,.,.,. nil_.. - ....... U.Jl.JI. _.lila ........ ._......,_,. taa. tiftJifr.y Mor. u.olationists would Wt' bt' but a h. group or rn>t> J'lf'Oplt• ll 'l •• lu all •udMtw u lhla nrw 141"'"'all T llunl"l' "' ttal11o"' 1 I' li' Ao n<v ""'' , ............ ~ "7' .:. n~ _, ~ ::;:::w~~u~'-S..ft-=.· Wotking t~hfor (Of'~--.J aU. So w• f'OU&d ~ tlf'vlr r will bolo an ,...,..II -Htrr l~tlllnol rlljlal(<'ol 111 th,. IIIJIUriUIC:'t', ar"'lalt•,. ,.. lttlll ,._ *'4¢1. ..._ ....... ,.; 1 ,. -...--.... ~.-. , the cnJel t lthi thow ..U.. A lgnon>d lJI 'uuvtrv wtllrta wm"" altdPd rm.-~t~~d """tt"' ~-_,. .....,....,..~ .. 14 ,..._..... ,., .... ,. ••-n : ~ T . p A......_ '""---AJUooo4 -*brr bu ., .. put llft.S W n man 8 mrtn 1'"''"• In lhf' ..... o6 W&l' Rtamra 1•• lhr '""'"'"• 11rw .,.,,...Jary l•un t11r t • ~ ,f Ill" ......_wa14..._ _. ., ..... ~ .,..,. ........ _. ,.,.. -Uloor ............ ., C.rmany dr!Nted •.. -and lOOn rorKUt-""II llnntl• In u-. .-honl. "'• '"fl ...... I tlaln•lly ....... , ..... '" ·~ , .. ~ .................... •notr.-.... ..... A ...... : Oefl. ...... ~ -....... It" WWft not for the My sons. my btoloved ... , ktn<11t "' pea-_, ... nniUk'f'il hnanl IWtltf'tllheot !1. , .. :r .... ,..,..~ ............. Lt.. .... 1urtpt. Osr-&., ()filar_,.._ _,.._. "'"'*' la Brrttn or -LUCRETIA MAY. bv Jlllptl•. Uw plaftN r'f11111 rnom 1 llr Willian,() Ual&ly •If llalbue I:W. U 11 t-.. ~--.... Kawai.._..... ......... ..._. ... ..,._ ,,....,..... o# tJw •aaa. fllpt -----liZ\ nun '•• MDO.OOI. hlrrhtlt1 ,.,. .. lelan•l. • l'?tlr.d tl•ntl.t frt-... at _.,. w~u he. •• ._ ._.... 11"' ...,...: a..-d It~ .. rf .. ,... ~· W'OUid DOC Dow s I s lila 1'·!'11 ............. flottltlu r . (,f'Vt'land Oht .. but whn has final ..,..... .................... ~ ..... u • .,..,. ~· .... ----"' '"',..._ unlnetlwy e ecti.Ve ervl·ce name .. ,. ""'~"""" n me. IJhPratnr 1\-lv olf'o idrol '" mallr C'alllurnla hie ..... na..th .... .-..... lh .... ll • ~ c.-..,. ~ _. 11.ra ~·n-y. ,...... ttf'lr .,....,...,..,.."'· IIDd Dn 7b liM "'"''•• R-t'fa. nNf'rina a , ... ,m .. nf'nl , ... hi•Mr anrr ..,..nd. Air t'urre lo.pt Cart TIYI:.. ~ ..... Aray ..-...ct ... llnotltp ba8 fired l'fft '"ldo· VIH1rt1 nf war plaftf'• whk·h 1111 thr J'UI It> wtntr r• hf'r. tur fit J u ~ ..,. ... .._ AJr Baar -.1 Jlnu. '~'rid:. R. C I Uor ....a.nd tJt -y terntnry 8 d f I "Ill •'IHry liMo _,. nf lhf' p\lr• lila \'llo1lllnh• waa ttl. 1\0'Wiy rl,... t· l '•r bo•••t • .-.--....r ....,. Ore. ...... __.. ..... p-2 I ....... ,.,. tt·· ... ~that hu oar· or emp oyment !'hHIIlll& •hnot "" e parwl In thr r•l ll)rfuhrf ... thr ....... 1 IW!oard ..... " , ..... -a 1 -'-~. ft. L. r.lt~~c~...t tlw bulk of' Uw .. r • olf'kpil 1-.nrl Jtr ll•"ly '"'"" -"'" ·,,. otfk-f'r oof , ... '' • .......... j ~ a.dl Oly ~.1 "-Jo Ansm ceo....._ 06rad-•1tfi<tlll annou-t of lho-~~~"""'' JMh IH4 wot1ol •nl lllr A H ..... Waltft' ~-~ 11ut1o1w ~....,.. fkrtwr1 Kftlily r-f thr ·nuv a l't•n•" Ounpalan IIPU ernt f'uuttnurnll '"'"h tlla lhtt"'• •• ,., a .. «'"'• 1~ ... • a.y •o : ~ l£8d Jlr. Ch· ri«t-~111"' aan unnld ttw I•• •II ~""'"' t~lttomla .:h.,,.l~ t"hl.t t, .. ,li. And,...., J"'li.,.. llay· -~ 111 , ... u a. ~ ... u 111111 _. Oly ~-.... 0 I foa-ift« lliddf•wn dtrPMore !' "·I •••Iii} t~ campatpa whkh ""'" •PI'"'"'"'' Of'lnhoot 18 , .... r•r 1(-. ... , •tl N••.-• -.._ 8 ft.oH,d A.ttcty left 1.ft1« ..... ., -. W II. l.llft-nc:w, ,.. •. How to Jt~\ jobe for rrtum1n11-----lllflll•lrol lh" ptJrt'h,.. of Jf't'pA t"r , 1A Ill • "'' \' un lhr •luhre •• h•r .. tco-~ .. ,..._, .,_ llw U a .a--~~· ... -· '-r. • , ,. , ., • th• ni'W nr·•ba-(r'CIBI acllon ln I luaolulo·lllllll 01 II A N d .. 1 "' t _ _, 1 ftl•brrt Allrs aM u.tr.,....... 1 ~. L w . Brtap., Ram ,. w rmy, &YJ an "r n•h'f' ,..., "'" ..,ret A,...asl c~ 11a. ,_ AlJOO unt.rn.tu.~ ~ Pi _..,.. IICisefal H F' K Loo 1 ~ I"'OIllrMta Sfolf'('tiVr S..rvk:~ Tara.,,.... ""''"""' reocnnle It '" llolr,..•tllllf lu nolr thr ltn .. ., hu '-........,., .... J. Hobo-rt ~"aJ _. ~"Y ~·\~ X p..,n:=_"~rt':: liOllrd :-.~ .. 171 \O'hi•h ... ,.. ... lllf' AJ\otr u ... ••at .. h., ..... Alf' IO' Thf' Nrwpoort 1'-t.'b nrarn"'"' """'""" '" 11..-.,.,, •• d tot'f'H .. , (,.,, ..... "' .... II .. Na.-y .. ... ~lnift. ~ ttl u.r 1'aulla• P.yt-. end JWWiy .Wtrd cti~ono • ··t:al "'"" ~vertta1 \II • prart' 11mco ~run· 1\chnol t'hlklr<rft lilaft *-· a.nd a"' tho ,,.., .. ,, ... ,. ,., lhr •••tol a n<1 tht' ...... .., __ ...._. • llw .... Aaa ~ «rr ~] FTM . ....,_1 .. rnn.-a Ra:pb p Maakt'y ... "" a •t~p ln oa)'. U.. RH.mplnym .. nt ('ommll· ''"'"It " ._.,,.Dl11d jnb lAurt V"•~ I" ,..,,.,,,1 "loll h .,,. •• fttlloiWII' r.rtnr' I'~ lk;' a. Ph~ ... tl«'ft-,......,... tkwe. P. A ... lmrr. Dr 1 .. rlj!ht •lit·· reen do a ~··""' lu hl'lp \hll lh .. v ..... ,. ewardf'd th• Mlnul• (,lalttiiAII A ,. , ... ,.,, .. "' Wile In (,..,..,a, A ........... I • 1ta f7 .-..... r.11..,_ f11 u.r c. 11. ~. 8otJ Jlarpby. A.. B. Uca, a ltH.m· •UDJty abaorb lhr l11rar num· Wan #1ac ~ "--· lhr U Ill Nual ~rw clurifl« l~ ...._. ¢ nt-a_.. ........... ...,_. ~ "'I" I r••0 )'11Mnt Com tf reb.lmlq ..... lllUIIIuch A• an -*'d ~t. a nd • lh• lilf'Anlet•' Amencen War, &INI .-• • Uw u . a. Altlt- C -. ...._ a. ..a -._ ...,. ':,. ~ ~· ......_ altt.e bu .& U.. e1ll Ill£ DO 1141 ww pla.DUI ..-ard lor Ltwtr ~. U.. haa lwu ... pa.wa -.. -.nb. a.t Oeit ...... "'--.. ~ o.ap ......_ ,_ :; s -----· appnh•tl'l4 ft. ve ~ lw .......,.._ tM ,.......,, ....,._ IOWAII a. ... til .. ..,._til A ....... ..e ...... .._-........ -.. ~--~.,·c;...~· I Rebert ,.<0 wUI .. ..uc:ll--4WkulL •IU ,_.. epeodal ...... JI ..... t .. orw ........ "' • ...,.._ •• on ............. -..... ~111 _,. uwp;c .... ..,. Pics*wl ... , Srwport That I• tbe ,__ (nr £1'Uin1 up toy A .... ete nt ,,... C'JIIW Jan Do1a-ttmf' """'II r 01Mp ........._ ... f Q -• • ~~-.... , .. _~~I Arsona·st ('OUn<'tlman. • .. of Ul~ lr&ehlnf'ry lo.lay, l'rtn f'OI'. "' Uwo d:l'-'""' ., u... Clram-tcrr~t•rv II T llun'aJ>, a ''"II· tl\artl'l,... •• -· ..... u .• ...,-~-._. _. ...,..~ .... _ ••-tacllllf aJI o6 thr lrM·al m"nut••· """ Kt-hnol lf'nant In "'" A IC r . h&Yiltl rn Haory ,_,,. .-..,. .... U... • .-..~ ore uzr...,. .-.-.-..-.... tunl!re and ~tall""• '" ftn•l •.UI --~---. .CMY.r•l In lofttll~ rn1q•-nta ln ,,...,.,. •• mal• ..,. ...._ der, don't you. if world good neighbor spirit wiD ... elude this intel"t"Jrting and in- triguing point of COCJPet a tion'! 1180 Week EM -Diftd.or Clyde Ashen of this popular Balboa Service Man's spot. has a sweU week end plaJWW'd for the boys on Friday. Sat- urday and Sunday, F~· 4th. 5 th and 6th. 1bP bU1h- day cake for this third anni- v .. ~ry will be cut by Santa Ana Air Bur' popular chaplain. Father Bill c:1abY and Clyde tells us that a lot of pretty hostesaes .nn br present. Happy birthday to all! C"beJrinan Inion ~ eo.drJs f '"' what tbelr po,..·Wilr ""''''' ymMII N B s h Mrw"' A rl( .. flll•· "an Mlo·hlrl .,..,.._, A ........ ,__ ~ ...a y GoNoos ..-ullerd 8u • c h •rllola' '-'" fill-no~c» will tw and •·· rktnt: u a I t 'hrllll• 1111 l'lllrl\ 111 .. Mallo. a1..t mJOn ha~... -..,.....,. ._. ,;:_ Jln...::t;:a-L•'"-· ~ = = aug t, ~:· .. :;.~~&:·:~~=; .. Obt. 411'"· ;~~ho~ .. :··rfl'~1~~~111'1:'1111 J:~:~, c 00 ~··~:, ~~~'.;,.~'"..:·'.,::"•~·.,"~'~~~~: ~':!.': ~.;·:o.;..·4:.::-u-..:: r· , ; _ -• _ _ ._...,... ••f m~n In thr Chair-men ;nan)' of thr "'·rvh ,. 111o•n '"r 11 " ''"'"'" ""'" In th,. 1')11,.,1.,.,.11 ·--·ho-,.. 111 0.. ..... ~ _.,. L · ,._,. c f &rmf'•l '"r""" ,... t .. &mlnr; 'l"'''lllllu•l lr"•lr" 1••111\' c D llh'IIIN ""'I "'""'"~ "''"· 14t•wat1 IU\<I hi• ,...,,. ... ,_ c,.,._ ...._, ll Hobbles ... tt.e ..._ A h 0 b b y, particularty tbr stamp coUedinc .bobby eeu into the blool ol variom and sundry men ol aD ,...... at ute. King ~ ol n.- land is a stamp collector. as is President Roollrwlt. ~ ger Babeon spends many pleasant hours with his col- lections. Last night at the Chamber of Conunercr din- ner. George Wheat of the Edison Co. came o\'er to ,... and ru;ked if I hAd met the J.!l>ntl<'man n e x t t o me. Gro~<' infonned me that this ~ff~ble man "-as Har- old H<'J)bum. prt"!'iidmt of thr II u n f i n J: t o n ~eft Chnmll<'r of Com~ -s.1irl Q>o~P. who i1 him- St"'lf a n rnthusia!'tic !'tamp roiiN"tor -~tr. H~ i.<~; also a mrmtM'r of tHP Phila- tf'lk fraternity. From thm on . ~1r. l-h'phum and I t"f1· jovNf ('ach ottx>r im-mt'n."'l""y. r 0 'r yoo ~. I <'OIIect stamps too. Chain Sto~. Look.~ li~ t~ r hnln !'tOrE'S are ~Uy com- ing to our com!l"uruty. Safe- wav is already an Balboa and coi-ta ~esa and .a"" t.-o ,·ery popular s h o ppmg C."'mtft'S.. Well. tx>re co~ anothrr na- tionaUv famoiL" rompany to Costa ·Mesa. Wf'Stem Auto SUpply rompany CJIW'ft5 a a:nodem stnre ll<'Xt door. to Ortdn '5 i "' ~ 1 fa"' !.!1'0""11111 mmrnunity on ttw> ,.__ 111ey will !'l(' wt-IC"0111t". for for the Of':t1"t'!'f Wf'!ltft'TI Auto store i!' in ~nta Ana. A..nother thin~. ftrtun> Jlft'- diction.c; a:: 1 n t tw. C'J"f)'a"th of the Harbc:lr ,,n>a •n~ ~ fact thAt r~1a "~~ triO ~ a populAr ~t,opptrn: (.'l!ftter. i;:£;~,;:... "'7.1 on esses ~~~~~~7:t'!~;~h~l-:._~~;.,r~·,.~= :.~~ ~f'~e:::,.th:.~: ''' ltt•lr• lll•'llo osts rop ·::,,,.'" r~:l:~ r.~~:,~;·· ·~:.·,::;:,~:~· :~;~; ft A~~::,v 1~~·~;":' ... • :-:--:--., -f_...... 1,.(' ........... -·I ---will brcmn~ mono II"'' mnr .. lno· In order lrt makr lh·~ l't "f,:llllll p; ......... Ill "'' "'""'" , ••• .,.. I h.. A•IYI•· .. , 1"'-"1 n - po rtnlll .. rfKIIYe. tbr IL·o·mt•l"\'11" nl I .. ,, I p ., l •t IIAI•h '"'"" • "'""''"'' "'tho-"''~' II •t att -· .....,.._ <I# City ~"----=· t ~ .. r II • IIIRII .. n ,, '""' t)f' tbr lnllt~ le aaltlntt lh .. II• II•• ... ,. er Up I '"~· '''"" v .. tunt..... • ....... ,,. ...... I I r ~ .. '· a-.4 ..... ...... ~I 0 1 0.. to U. ~ eDd do-f..,.. •la tiQn nf ""'"'"'"''"" n~o·n IA tlltllo ,.,,,.. l''kllllthl ,..,.,,. lhr ,,..,......,_,j ,,.,.,,.,..,l •1111 .. ,,...,.. ......_ .... . onda ' .,.,.. abilth fJi JUYi"ftl~ Olfl~r a.llll of the ft.remploytnf'nt Co~lt· II •-r I I ._ I I Maa( M v , .A'alt.-• Tlf!C/>n <1( Uw Onulltf' ,.,. In ftnd war plant job11 for lbe '" c:oaa ... al"<'tt ttf•rv•·• •Y · • " •·• "' 111 lit.-1'•~•1•1""'" loo4rKiulr y f w•" a Naf.,onaJ C3or .... Iller ............ ~ 'IF • boYII who hew• ,.11mr hllt k "T., tlv~ ~rvlcr U.1&rtl N•• 171 Till• ..,.. --~.., ..... eM• C'n<mf y !tt .-nn·. orne... C!larlf'tl ~~ 01 a •ood rouJOitlllll wa•t I ·~""" In pertJI "' SltlliM A nil ~:1 l"urn-nt tniPf'Mitu.-Ji'f'r rtf'. F k J v II I D I --~ ... 'i'aah' a ynufh ol M ..... , ..... r·-r-: .. ,. mf'ntn~v ."' tl f .. r -L·-·• dl-rl I ('(-'8 will w ........ ---...,.. ~ yrtl(f'Tdtuv e nd .... n, .. ~ to n.: Ill 1\ lilt• I•• I Cui fur IIH' moral~ TtoM, end all uf tfl·• o·umrnunlllr• . I " -... ~ -rl , ran a e y ··es P'lrbi-.!1 'f . ., 4 p • ~ U.C"tl)'•uw ~ .... Nl Ow auf"•~••''""..._,.,......,..,~-.111-:· •tat. AUea. •~twHn Ne.,p,ort llf'lu'h lln•l ~1\11 ~, .• , .. g•·•l $~~1\11 JW'r pupil In avM j HaJl. I N ·--rt.rv ,.,,. .. , I kn•,. I hal th~ tolk• J uan C.pletrano lit: .. •llllly allrtu1anr·r rnr ... , ·~ e ................ ac:bool IIDd •• --. . .. I It 2., .. 2 - .... will ... ~ fw\W ,.... pnrt Krt~b ni.. :rr utbful pyro-,back homr havr ""l f•lrgutten 'nle m~mbt'r• "' Ill•· cummllln l:·~m:·~wtlh I • M '. ··~ 'l A Home In Balboa ~erillc CJf Lata~ ell'ft1 lor---'sr • ...._ ~ name Ia Ron· thcom T no. th<' '""''"'" who havr who hav.-br.ou •VI' •llllo•ol Ill• "" 111 l••mt r T••f"'VO"Mt A..., latl •n t '-,_. and _.., Ulllrftb aJde TaJ""' al•u Ctlao1t'tl Caatv Ml'n 11rljf'lft r,..!lzr hnw lmpCJf'l&Dl l•)llowe: Rub Hrt'•l. N••wJ~<ot1 1•tatftl today, ,..._.II& tu .rtttly 1 to I . A IW'pilrt W1b Wen-.,. • ~ ., ... f'1ooarlom Jurte.. u..cs at 204 tl 1a for ll-'~ '" tnt'l'l ""'' eur~ 1t'-dl; Or. p A ("hambrrltn, 1 '•>R "' ""'"I ,..P"'f'dlturH In 21 I nf lh.-I ....._ ~ ~ ....... 1*11 Cliff l>rt-no. ~ Beadl. alld l .oour rr'f)fl\11 ltnn ~ ••• Th~y kn<t11' '" Mun . rnnratl I'Ch••·k 111111><110 l•t~~r f'lrrftf'nl&l')' erhnof dl•trlrlll . ... f'Wd:t~ -... .. ........ .._... L-....___ -•-...a to ftflm pt'U/\n&l f'liJlt'rt<'nl"l" Whllt U'e llll&nd; Gf'rald W ftllf htr f '••1"1'11 In allftorllla ~ ' ......_ -,. ..... _, ~ _,,................. ' I . ..._u lllat.. ~~ r-,. ·-~ Ptatt-ktonol o1 Industry at P"l to tall~ to wtn thlll war. •lrl 11&1': BUIT Hrul'l•n ~ant .. Anll . 1-.t .. m .. ntarv •"'"'It• ·-)' et· .. r.nk J V•llrly ,11..,1 ,.1 IIMI _,.,_. 1·-n.Momla. and ... ru!!Meed ,.,.,. a•rt>Hr.t .. or rX •II .. rviC'~ men Ill Hal Meyena. r...a-un• ll<'at'h N~•l '""''""''" In trw-dllitrif-t tutau.... hUOTif' 11211 w ( · .. ntraJ a"""'""· "' •-•1/IW• ...... _. .... ..... ........... ...._ ....... .. -P'lr..:u.r,. 17. ·~ f'JI('f'll~nt r .. r the rrorale of the I H . Weatherholt. Kan J uan ,....... 7''" '"' , .. , Cl3. o•nmpan!CI with au llallt<·IO. TurediO)', J>"rlrruary ... . U '"' 0 ..,_,._ llaod lt..ed "' lAW ..... othu workrr• u·. rather hard t rano: aeo,.. .. o .t .. rman Jl:l T ••r". , .... 1114 I ·41, '"" _,.-tau"" '"""'' frnm " hPIO rl at tat k ............ m · • '"'-• ,.._ Gl,...dek. 'nlJUnca. Vu to loaf 011 the job when l.hl' man ltobert Al~n. NrWI'"rl II•·•· h l':•pendllu,.. f w tr .. ·lwont Ml Ill ltoollywuuol. lrPIIIntt. ""'' r arnr '" l'n.nll Vallrl7. rau...-' ..._., .... e _ .. kn<-,.._ .... .. ·-, ,..,. '" ..... ,_. ~ t.larrd ~ .., t'l'IOI :oc lAzC Borecb pri•lf to Me re-1 ~de you hr .. a ml'dll':ill dll!f·barre l'halnniUI. 11rtr• 1.,.r ,.uplf In lhf' .,,.,.,_tary 11,.111,.,. :\t. Y"llt• "II" tl• .._..,. ...._, .... 2 ..... ·~ • =~to O.:...Ce t'Oanty I ------""1'"'1• ••rna_, IM•I for 1 .. 2. Ill• ,.,,, fi:IPill\111 ... n.lluland.SA.:I IC.•Ien.:t Val ... y 111M •• • t -.,..,.._ tttw •• ,.., ....._-..,. 1:nt11 At ..... ,.., .. ot~tte apprttwneton. w B d 1v· t• R • 41 ,...,,r.,.,... .,,, tift eo,,, .. , '""'""'"r Mr• M••r '"d' .. , •~ ...... ~ ..... .,.,_ 1'!'0 Taylnr ... ftllployed a t a Rubber It am ecovenng I f2 I••M ,,., ................... •n•l fl'ranll ~ ..-...._. ....... lloPid ..... ,, o.paay om«"' Jl'ran&t'n I a[ on . Fro Sh II w d l':.tq ... n .. tut,.. ,,,. ntfwor C'llrTf'nl l "''" Mill ttl•v·o ..... l' .. trl• II IAV tnc ..:n...~. SarW'G.ey ..., s..d&J. IUid 'l'plr.n llft(1 l':lm•r o.t.-rmu · -"~. II m e oun s , .. , .. , ....... R In th .. tfletr11'1 &Yf'f'lllt'"'' "" 111 lrf'lllll•l , •11111'1 111 '""' Mr• .,..,_.... ........... ....... lla)' a\ Cl p iD al 1 ............ a.-. c llar,..l In o .... ~~- le cnntla.Dy .wtt~ tn ..,., ... •~ ,...,.,_t~tr fnr Uw app~Mn.etno · Raving" llvo' ,.h,.lf ··•1•'""~ wllh 1'•41 42 lt•olllntl 1<1<- M .. .t unal'f'Wo4 -,.,.... tky Wf".llo\ t,o. r1o h of , ... , ..... ---,.., "'""'"'· F'~ry 4. ~-' &. n.. putt!~ Nl tb.-Ste(lo F'orMtry ~n·ln we" s I N J:lll 77 '"• 1 .. 2-41 and 141\ Tfl '"' 1 11•·1•·11 Kl•oto• ""'' ttr .. th,.r·ln law llpKt bo--th llw (" .... cltal'mlt I~ 1 t Uw ynulh alter they bad rw.tv· a es 0 w In a foot of you hon 'l "o\ IIIII t.ok• Th• VIlli~' I)' "'"'' c•tollllo&n)' .. da) .. .,....._.. ~ hoourw lfl I~ • Ill f!Od ~aod.ll,......._r from 1 from 111 V""', lollt••l••' ,;,,.,.,,,, \\'oot•l '"""' llenttd Ah,.._rtt wh" ,---------------------------- ln 11 p •· ~--rr>rf n..artl f"'r? •nd roue-~ 0 H If who r erPnlly .,,.,, ""'"'"'' '""' ""h Mr•. Ah~lt. Is IIP"ndlnJ: ,,,. T1w ,_ .. f'l! ,.....,, ., thP ....... fltre-""'"'"'" "" "''I'll aa ("nata •tf'I"'Y~ IOIH'III•·rlnl[ ··•1··•••·11•• ~A lliiN"'' lifo...,.., u .. t Hprln~·· , •. will br' bdd al thr Balb--o flu" )(r--flr• l~par1mrnt anrt thr nf. ve r a ftobf'r1 . •till In I,.·• I ,,., ••twfllli lll/ I • Ill" tl11\l lh•lr lim" le ""''IIJII"I <'Uttmc • ·,. h rtbo.tay tak.. ••n r.r~ nf S!'Wft"rt Harh<>r Hl1th 1 tt.m t h•• "'·"of'"''' ,. ••1111ol~ lo r•• "''"' lumlahlnlf mu•1•· fur ••loll••• S>lturdaJ'. F'•~•.an-sth at U w ~ Sr-bnnl "'" WIU' W"t"'t aftrr 11 ~fl"nt ,..,,,.. ••! 1•1• lrl"'"'' l int•• I~•Y• Ill lhr war1•"'• ramtt• un "'" dfo' .An~r: f'Forma.l Doanorr by _,..,.h rhrllUII;ti'HI ~tthrm • ._,. 11,,.,....1.,r J ;uk I'Hfko· .,1 11 .. •u\lntlnll II•• •ltf•l•lll "•1• ''''"I "''""II 'Ttlry "'fl'"..-1 lhal u, .. ''"" ii"JOf ".tlllam J c~ f"'wot fnmia :-.;'"''fl'lrl llarh"' \\'ro r 1~'"" , .,111 ly IUTivtn~t "' 11 ~trl'l ll•l ,,,, ool "' 1:,1) • '• """"'""' ar,. buMirtJC &lift "'"'" ~r:arn ttl thr·~ta Ar.a Army Ta•·lor ..-at•tl t hM .,. h&JI n•• rr· mlll•'f• "'ftnrt~ ,1, 111 ,1111,. I h.•• .,1 , which " '"'"' " ,,,,. '"' "''"''' li'o lll ho· tn IIIOtlfn Air&-,.,... ,...-..Ul hP Pf9--Y"'nir; mrotov• a~:unsl thf' ht~th l'fftl'•hlllf 1,t lh•·tr qU<olll ul ~II W•"•' '" w 11 ~ fll!llr•·•l 11111 ••I loll tlo••••• ~tM~tl'<t no brhalf "' Uw IJieDina erhorol and that h,. C'OO~d,.rr•l ha• l•·~·n 'Uh~•·••h•·tl "111< '" ht•_.e""' u11lv .. ,.,. ''" I I••• ~~~~111 ~ ~ bJ' ..... llitD'lk~"'T f ... r. r,_.t. ~~ a fin~ man ant\ f'f'• "''f'<•k• 111 ~n Thl' ('l•nl~fll l'•• I kDee httll f ltll,.••l • •otlll•lo• ntl"'"' n ood bn1 Kenr>y w tyt ..W ab vt u IE"""'t ""l bumlnjt b~ r ar Hr •1hl IPI'Ivln~: no ''""~'!-u nt11 rn••d 1" t·••' 11•111 1~ ,. .. ,. '" "" t•ro • ,.,... "' ,,,.,,, il~ rA ~d 'l1w ,__ ~f'P• ,..~ntm .. nt a~r:&Jnat ulht't Srwport nvPr lh•• ttm lnr. Hw-. .-.11 h-Ill tu.rt aftnlfl· ..,. m r~ hie rhl•f dt'8lr" In Jwtr,. Donalr1 l>torli!C'. r h·ll"''. n ~·r•r.:m•·nl • ••f llo• •' •II '''"'"'" anr• Ul t llrtr !•lfWL&I ~ ai.d In •ttm~t th., (lr'Ptl _m,.•l too hoP In ror thr ("fl'ila :\f••sn rnmmllll"' I• IDg whR' IH 11 I'''''' •I '" II'• !111•11 C'bitre'P <1! !toft:>,... ..,__._. lll .... the Ulnn ••f ..-.trtunr: th•m b11m pnrl .. " totnl of Sl4.Hif) """" ~7•~.fl nne '"' 11nr.:~ rtt " ,.,.,. "' "'' ''"""" d.-.~ a nd.....,_,.__ »-'Wllr1 hy rhil<lrrn 111 th•• •'"'"'''"'"'' rtf &ntR An .. Annv A or H11~· 1111 I brn ol tbr Ralbo ~._ l."111t Gll!ll....., n_._!~-vh•.ol of whtctl J-.vrrf'll A ft•·u •• t hor1tl•·" wit• 11r•· ''"'"l"i liN( 1111 ~ra • 7 f t.tw A.a ~ wtD _. • ..::: J ,.....-"'.....r • princ.rpal. IIIY..Uiatloo l•• dtlrrtlllfl• If J""' ........, -few .._ •c-1\rlow U. an ll"miiNI '"' •·I \\ "' .. hi~ 111,. ••rot.:lll ,,, tlor ,..1,1.,,!\• .... .-t"al ~ ~ Fat~ of l..otal Rnnf1 IUIIf .. marl•· '" rl••· a_ .... ._... Uor .-r.ac .._.. Hln,.•r~t y an•1 1 r ul h ar• llw tor••l• 1 Il l-,:! r,., rlf f'Yt'ry vlrtuf' ( ·,,nf•t• lua Hi-Sdtool Team ; f1otldlnr and LMn P. 0 Coron• ,_, Mar P () RAiboR J!llllnd p () Ralholu T1w !'lt'wpnrt Hartww _ ...... ~ ......... u .. u ··-and '"" Siulla A.Da t~am .,... bn(h en far P () N~rt &a,.h Uft+.f,..t#<t UUe -on Tbey mHt fUt. of Amt'rk-8 Rfllholl •n a bW«}'·IIIUinlt game le> de· I Bk. ,,, Amf'r1t'll. N n · r k!P 'll"'lk:ll t.._ ..-111 flo("t'UJlY lh" OtiW'r llOtJrc- ~ apot al Uw Tuetln Hlr;1t !kbool Gy - -f'ndaJ altt'rnnot'l. j F•w-y tt11 Of Nlllrw. file art 1 ell raelJSC for tM local t ..... May ...... hall 10 wlt.b t2Rsl Tnt I'll ........ Bluktlnlt' and.Loan P 0 CnrnM drl Mar 7l:t 'f• 1'1 K'7>'~' I r.l.! 'II .. ~ :.111 7~ P. 0 . BaltJQH lalend P 0 1'\AIIlfra P. 0 . !'olf"Wport Jlt·u rh Bank 11f Am•'Mrll, lltlll,..to S..nk 1•f Arrll•rkl'l. I" J.l I .~~.0 lXI •r.t'1'-' I IWJfJ I 'nli111 7:1 ,. 77 "11'• r.~• Tot~<l 14 Itt:~ r"'! 41 .111f'l ()· -N"'J)Iorl Gr11nd Tot(tl $:£.14 <xr.t 7~> J220H'>9 Zl Coate ,..,..... P. () s 7.wom 0.U M-ftf!m. ac:h<Jol T#JOIJtl Collta M-TotaJ S14,10000 rnSTA Mn4A·NY.WPOKT RI"ACII QUOTA OOAI. -ffOO.OOO YOU MUST IECIMI lOW TO VOTE AT CITY ELEcnGNS ON APRIL 18 March 2nd IM tht-lttaadli~ for Thetee Re«iNtratjon,. u .. "' .,... P.._... •• Whirl~ a-. Kr&W.-r .. -. a a· .. by t 'lt)' f:lrrlc .....,.: Nf"WJJf.-1 Rr.tw-h Ut~· Hul, ~ tth M;tl•.f ( \Jn;nun.c., M11riun Tunwc urnl •·r.tllk f<i01 •hart "-' "...;.<~~,..,.. Relhfaa l"'f'f' Mtatlnll, 7f,:l ,.:,. ... , Jl.:tv. • ifh J•n IJrt.'fir nnct P••rry J>••llc•ft a"t n1.'1stnu~: · Nt~Wport a.....-11 ..,.... HtaU.., ~17 W•.,.. CrntraJ • .tt.h Rut .. rt .laf1wln 11rnl Ewn-tt f)Hynan1 u "~nn: Relbne llllud 1'1"' MtaUna, :~:n M11rirw·. ~dth .--...... Zu I,.. 11 rut H. H. I umdrtl ,.,, ""JdKt ran . Howard (Wri'Wt otnrr, ~17 W C'#"fttraJ. Nc wporf llc.••u-h . I Ar'f'tiA "'"' Hi' n l'mirk l>riv.·. Coron.. drl Mar: Nellr 1 ... WI ........ 7U:s Jo:. f'A"ntraJ. RaJ ..... r r -~ ., 41 ' • n l ._ ._. ,._ NEWPORT-BA LBQA NEWS-TIMES, Newport Beada, CaJif..ma. ThW'J!JdaJ. February 3. 1944 ------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------------------ .Kar Finch Ceramica Corona del Mar ' Boalevard Feed SJore ~Newport BlvjJ. eo.ta .._ Ph. Npt. Bch. 126: .... Cue Com~truction Co. a.n Pedro R. A. W attaon v .. Camv• Sea Food eo. Inc. ...... b.lllland Newi*t Beaeh Pt..rmaey, Jnc. nOB W. ()oean F1011t Mwport Bcb., Callf. Ph. Npt. Bct1. r 1 I ·~w-Cream«J 8aDta Ana Call!ornl: Stac Cafe Newport Beach A Friend J. 8. Barrett Conatrudion Co. Sam'• Sea Food Cafe 1101 CoMt Hllh-.r IIIII -.ctl California Wlalte'• Coffee Shop • tbe Main Comen ol Balboa .... Balboa 1llud CuiDo Cafe ~MAID St. &? sa. Ollif., Pbont Npt. Bdl. 779--M lieN aiiJ'• Boat Livery 'nlS& BayAw. Balboa Ph. Npt. BdL 406 Newport Ice and Cold Storace Co. GO 1blrtleth St.. Nt"WJ))rt Beach Phone, Npt. Bch. 157 Sunaet Cafe Costa Mesa Dr. M. D. Crawford Optometrist 1197 Newport Blvrl. Costa Mesa · Phone: Npt. Bch. 2430 Conrad Richter, M. D. PbYIIdan & Surneon otftce 107 2'2nd St. ~ 717 \\'.Central Ave. PIL Otf. 1.33-Rel. 74. Newport Bch '-'zoa··· --Joe WaniDa. ('oloado fatm bar. hil lloMu1ioD boged dowo uodcr widlcr- klt 6tc from Jap p.itioal oo Attu., a101e aJooc aod advanced ioro a ba.il ol buDea 10 cJea.o out aench after II'CDCh ID Lis bartalioo co tid adnncc:. He died wich his ri.fit at his sbouldcr, pampi.aa lad ioro me NCm)', whik IW maaa were ~ 10 tDOtC up be-- biDe! bi.m aod IUC.C'Ctl6ill'/ take the ,... Por cbia, Joe M.anioea baa be-en JIC*hWDGUIIJ awarded che Natioo'a wp. mi1ituy ~ Ia ~ man wbo wu oocc a fum bar himldC bur lA .-.War Bood io Joe'alaooar ... b Joe cook-...... alaecl• dae banal A-neal .. lt'a Tl~ to Take the Offenalve. Your Goftmment hu cbt mm it ..a. • d,) the job in the front liocs-greac men all! But it doesn't have the~ ...... br a loog way. That's 1ow job! ADd the i.m.mediuc task is the Fourth War to.-.._ chuc.e co take the oifensift DOC only in support of the mm wbo .-...... _. dyin, £or JOU aod ~ loved 0DC1, bw abo in support cl your OWD £ucu.! Wbac are you ao'nl co do about a ~ uaaor, about repairing '-a ..1 buildinp. abou;t repltclna depceciated machinery and cquipmeol? W&ll JGI lie -a, wUh mooey in the bank wbco these chinp are Deeded1 You will il you ~' 16. ofmnw MW! Put nay ema dolbr iaiD U. S. W. Bonds-the best Conn of financial reserve ever o&red you. ~ You • ..... • make a sound and prudenr investment-DOC a saai6czl When Your loy Comes Home Will your boy come back to a farm or ranch with no financial tt~rtes. no future ? Or will you greet him at the gate with a bundle of War SavinbtS Bonds-for working capital, new machinery. better build· ings? And if your children are going to college, why.not bt. st~rc thcJ get there by. buying today the hoods that will pay the cost. No need, really. to tell an up-to-date farmer or rancher what he Deeds~ rese~ for. You know mo~c r~ns than anyon~lse can enumerate for setting aside extra dollars to meet the future. Now is your chance to do it ... and help fight the war too! Go oo the offensive! Buy all the Bonds you can-today! ·-. ............ ._ ...... ._.,.._,.,. _ ... ,......_. ........... uti .... j I I r %. .... ,, ... ,.. ,.._.N6u-.ek ' c.6 ....... aw. u ,_ ... ,.. ..... _ .................. .. ................. ,.., , ........ ... ,.... ........... IJIIIIA .......... ,..... • ......... 'k ....... .,.... , .... 6ap+' ., ................. -; .................... I .. _................... .. ..... . .,. ... .... ................... .. ..... ............ ._....a .,., ...... II&JS --.... .. a. --Jn8 .... ,... -- ,. a , -. fllllll. flrlllr ,.._ 11r111rnr .,...__ .................... .......................... ,. •• pu, ,, ................... ,_.--....... .......... .,._ .... ,,.,. ... ~ ... .,it,._ ....... ,, ......... .. __ ............ ..... T..,;,-~ u. s. r~., ""'"'-""-~ -.u, , .-r.r .... , a· ·1 c..-. • r lH3 All BACK 'IBZ JlTif C:B I ------------ We.tem Carmen Co. Eucene Elliott Real EstatE.> 101 E. Central. Balboa .~. Npt. Bch. 38 Est. 1924 Reed's Super Service ~AcL-essorles--Ice 2920 W. Central Ave. Newport &h. • -Pbone: .r ;pt. Bch. 826 International Fishermen & A~ Workers of America Local No. 9 CannPrv Workers Local No. 36 Fishernll•n ~ Be-ach California Deal's Smoked Fish • ~ lfi~hway &: Balhoa Jsland Road Phone Npt. Bch. 2031 Louis W. Briggs ~al E.c;t.atr n4 E. Central Bathc:>a. eanr. PhonP: Npt. Bch. 80 Gus'a Sea Shell Cafe 01 E. Central Balboa Phone: Npt. Bch. 555 Dennie's Cafe 1107 Coast Blvd., --:orona del Mar Phone: Npt. Bch. 172 Boyd's Gilmore Service Station 1;'>411l \\'. O>nt ral Aw. Phone: Npt. Bch. 985 ~)portland Bowling Center Main Street Phone: Npt. Bch. 944 Bayside Fish Market 28th A La(~ Newport Beach Roeai's Cafe 1611 Coast Highway Corona del Mar, Ph. Npt. Bch. 1967 A. J.l'wiat Real Eltate Otnce 607 Coast Highway, Corena del Mar Phone Npt. Bch. 2422 Mesa Liquor Shop 18221h Newport Blvd . eo.ta Mesa Ph.: Npt. Bch. 44 "The Arches" "Just a UtUe Better" CocktaU Lounge and Cafe On Coast Highway at Newport mvd.. Newport Beach, Ph. Npt. Bch. 361 Port·of Seven Seu Boat Landing 817 Coast Highway Newport Beach Phone: Npt. Bch. 949 Robert V. Staats Co. Shipbuilders Phone Newport Beach 2541 625 Coast Highway Newport Beach Richard Seeley PHOTOGRAPHER 21R Marine A\'e. Balboa Island Frank Showalter Santa Ana California S. &. F. Sales Company Santa Ana California Vallely Boat Rentals · ~·ater at Palm Ave .. Balboa Phone Newport 71 ' Lowman Boat Builders 485 Newport Brvd., Carta 11eea Phone Newport 501 R T ue. nln lid bhlr 1. ltl A fl\' tta '" 2. till he pt I' I .,. ., '~ ~ I l'!t Uo tiel ~ NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS~ Newpcwt ....._ OIIIDniL Calif~. Thunday, li'ebruary 3, 194!__ ------------------------ Ration Token Questions and · Answers IN ew Laandry The followlnt: qul'"twne wo·re Ia-chanae, 1 bave Ju•t cOWited out I Servite Here ue4 by the Offlc .. ut Price Ad-the ~bt numbl'r of •lampe to elY" j -- olnl.trallon to help t·r,n.umf'r:'l my retailer wheo 1 bave bour;bt Balboa-Nftl•port aDd \'kout )' aft' Jldenland how they will buy wltbl rationed fuoda. 1 wry fol'tWYIIC' Ia baYIIIC a - bi11 nt'Wea ration L'urren!'y A. Y4Lil1lLI1Hd ch~• wtwon laundry ~ an op«&Uon ~ I Q. Wben wlll I be(JO uana tuketiJI t(o Into uae becauu eacb DOW, a ffi&Wft of wlakll W a 41'U"k Ulnn token•! I · ••-ot ..A.o .. C rt'd and each blue •tampe tn your nve-cSay wrvl~ r..-..._. ..-•· A onaumenr will t,..gtn to re-ration book wiU be worth ten up unt.U aOCJd8 .,... ~ tlw, token. 1n changl' I rom the1r porniAI 11 •ill nu lonr•r tJ., 80 ' M&rae 81"W'naam&a, _._.. ..... , ttallenr 011 February r. Th<'y ... ,. tu jttvf' your dnler &fl ~act operator o1 tlk-nnr .,.,_, an bt-uaed lmmedlatl'ly. f nu~bt-r or polnta u It wu when LAundry. la ua oW ~ IM'rir at 2· Q. WUI OPA r tw f't<l ll t·on-you bad 8. 5, 2. and 1-polnt ata mpa the bl'ach •nd <1&111111 lbe ~lac- emu • cert&tn number ot \l)kena 1 to ua. I tJon' ot brblc tlw ftntt laundry- hen thla new program bt>gtn•.l ..... 1,man 1n Dalbo. a.. , fit u everybody wu &1ven •I 4. Q What a bout the JCI"t't'n Conlac't ma a,. _. walb lbr I'PlY of ration •tampa '! and brown at81Dpa which a.re IIUII 1 ! .. ...._ ~ .... In u• llfln Ft>bruary 27 • 1 PaBIDOUDt -7 w, 1\. . No. The only tokerwr you · calhn« tfuatln«<•.,. BrKtt ~ « Dl cet are thou your retailer I A Dealer• will gtve rf'd tokf'n., by ltoavtnc a -.;e at UN' ~- rea yo. u In chance. 10 <'h&QJe for both brown and red I 011 It&t ion at 500 1!: Crotral in ,_ Q. Why .wUI 1 need ration rn•·at pampa from February Balboa. ! So far. e"~~:cept for re, 1 :l7 lhrou~rh March 20. • Blut' token. ~ --·. 1-polnt meat atampe iu l will be gl,•en In change for both Th ··~--..1-1'11-..1. jtrt'en and blue-proctMtd f• od OIIIWIIIUB n Ul'll •tampa durln~t lht' aame period ~-Q. ,, tarh .tamp 1.a worth In Marine f.orps 10 polnltt. w11l I have moi"W' polnta D----· to •pend lhao I do now! Wotnen's ~~ A. No. Point vaJuu for the brown and g-reen •tamp. will not 1 ~ changed In the leut ••bile ~ A llttH OYt'r ..WW. _, ... -.o ieMu ~WJU!u gt~ and bliM' U. flat Amcrlcaa ...,.... .,_... .tampa tn be relea..d wUI -Ieav. '""' .tu.eu.. _.,__ ~ Ullr Ma· • you with almoat Lhe aame number rine Corpe Wo.ee'a ~ '!'b- ot pointe u bl'row . A •ll&ht ab.ift-clay . .....,_...., of.:!!:t • ...,.._ InK of ntlon polit vaJuu will ac-fornt.;:;::; ~ tnll ....=:: <'ount for tbl.a. ':'t:k tl"'&laen. :.nc ~ -- 8. Q With I"W'd a.nd blue •tampe bldea. rie:&1nc ,.._..._, ..,. worih 10 polniAI each. how wiU I perl0f'1Dtllc CJt.lwr biC'aiJ .,...... ~ N...,... OPA adjuat tbe raUontnr procnm 1 ed dut6eaf~y .._...~_.., IU'tae.ncee aach u a-.. tu make the total poiDu per month • Karilwa E¥ery -.._... ~ Cnall--. &acltaWUt,, come out approximately even! ' bM ~ a -,_~ --w N..,...BeUM... ·-aterten wl~ ,.ar work 01' epo11 A. Now, all the blue• total t81 troat , aJid tbu. ._. ~ • 1 ..., _.... u...._ taU polnta; wltb t~k~ ln nn blue at I (lor1oua ~ ~ _. • .. lG-poiDta ncb wtiJ lw worth !WI u Uw-.-.......... -rw- • 8 •• 1111 polnta. Now all the red8 total SJ I uct N-~ cu..w -u.,.. __ , T•lll•ta) pulnta: wltb t.okene In three recta I ln potnU.C '*' ...._ I »I ... at JG-poiniAI fi&Cb wUI be worth 30 .-pUab-IAI dllrtllc U.. ftntt · II_.._ Teaaioa caa ..U 7'CMI polniAI. Thla '-•eta a al~t dtf-1, w.toric ,_,-Uttal -•-=., ... J IU•f• lrri&allle. N.,.. terence of 2 polniAI on •t.a.mpe or wom ~ unll-of t111ta •• Tenaloa caa .... M..,,. l'&t'h color t.o be adju.t.ed. -·•.._,. ...___._ .-6 ~·· ,..__ ~ ... !(..,... Iaili... ·-----··-...... Ia tJ.. lib U.... ... ~. 7. Q. I. there uay dltferenee' tDc fOIUS. ~ D . ._ ........._ IMn libl:r t1laa -t to beeom• between meat a nd proeeMed foodallbe otncer ill dlu'p of tllttt Weat- "-•rvacht aad ~ &IIIII '• t.oker111! 1 em ~ Dh1l*la. U. II. I triA for • lood aedat.in.. fir. A. OoJy Ia color. fte culon ~ ~ ...... tMt -.__ . ~!n.l"~:J~ MdatM match tbe •tampa they will ulU-ponant ~t.-ua. to t11ttt -- mately be u.ed with. of the -....................... , It JCMI clo DOt ... Dr. 110. 8. Q. How will I wo.: iDy Pf'OC'1Uil baa._.. tM ....... _. Herriae lW ••*' kaow what 'll token.! -raUaa ol w 1 1 n ... ..,_ ..w d4 W' JOG. It COliMa Ia ....-U quid and Elren -.at Tablet A. Throucta March 20. you _,. ~ Ala _..,.. of tllla ce-' form, both equaU,. aoothlnc to pr,.eent any combloaUon of ~pa 1 opH&Uon aa -ill ~ .._ of ten.. and onr-wroa•ht nervea. or token. you wlltt. For example. the Neww--n-. ~ ~ WBT DON'T YOU 'FilY IT ! II buylnK proce.ed focxt. wqrtb mast of Padtk \liEf ' t Uwa O.t It at your dna• ·~. :.!2 J)llinu. you may offer three La devoted al.ad w11o11y to MuW EWerv~nt tabl.ta J5f a .. flf, bluea and Jt!t back 8 blllt' tokma, Oof'lle w~·a Rarrft ~­ lJqaJd !Sf ... liM. Read dlr.e-t-.·o blul'll and a. ().point ~n 1baa ~ to .--t. ,._.. iidoii .. iiiiiiiiiaadiiiiiiiii-iiiiii..aii~~ ... iiidlneW.iiiiil.i"iitaiimiipiiiiiiand-ii«ii•iitiiiiiibaiiciikiiiit biireeiiiiiiiiiilblaue In .,.,.. than soe w I I .. tbroupout Oallfonti&. ~ ,.._ NAGGING .BACKACHE • .a_ mu. Art..a.. ,._ M 4!!1ko and pan. of ,.._.. ~ ........ -·~w·~··. v• .,,v .. • • wwv• • vw v• • • --Freala Daily DeUel~ ... ~ Or. complete equlpmtnt wllen you want to catr!'l your own. HORMEN FISH MARKET BALBOA'S RENDEZVOUS BALLROOM Preaenta IISELL HILL AND. HIS ORCHEStRA .. Wltb BETTY JEAN ROSELLE SATURDAY liGHT FEBIUAIY STI ... ·- Taxpayers of Newport Beach . . HAVEYOU TAIEI ADVANTAGE OF OUR ,. ''LIQUIDATION SALE '' AT COR .ONA DEL . MAR? ... ... .... I • • s • '7 • u u a •• u .. n • • Hereillafter Bet out ia a lilt of the Iota in Blocka A-35 and A-36 lhowin• thole that HAVE BEEN SOLD IIIESTIICTEI EXCEPT AS TO ZOIE liD IICIIL Pte t ........ ... IIIIL. ....... A-ll ..._, New a,... A .. ...... ........ ..... .......... a.a.Prb Lot .......... ·~·· • --..... • UOOM . .-.. %1 I'JUI --.. 80LD II) --· %% --..... IOLD U) ·-----· a I'JUI •• 00 a IOLD II) --· u --•.• a IOLD II . ..,~.~~ ........ IS) un.• , .... 801.0 It ....... ·-·. IJOI..D !1) w.-a IOLD II ....... --.. 801.D 211) ..... , 11 J,UI..tl --.. 801.1) %1) 1.515.. 110.00 . ., --.. 801.1) 21) 1110.01 • %1) 1.1'71.11 --.. 801.1) A-· M) Per. ...,. .. 801.1) I .. , .... 1,000.00. II) 1,41UI __ .. BOLD z uao.oe 1.000.00. tl) __ .. IJOU) • I,IM.OI I,OOOM 8 .) .... • uao• --· II) ....... ......... I UM• ....... M) • 8 I II • . .. . ... .... -AUC'or -'~~-lle u.._.,. ~ r.~ .,,.,. .. .,....,, .. ,._ ND'rl ~~ ,#~,_ A r ~C.A '"'~~ ,..,_,.., ,_,$ No -- .......... .......... ·--. 80LD ..... IOLD ....... IOLD ...... IOU) ....... ,. ... ,. ... --· ) ) ,. .. a IOLD ) ) •••• ..... --· -·· ...... J Mr.-;t of t.heR ar? sand lot" havin~-: 1t beautiful, laro(t:' public hcat'h lying betwM'n thf'm and tM ocean. NotP Lot 7 in RIO(·k A-~SS I nnt ln thfo l.lquld11 tlnn Salt') ~ at.o IIOid. RJc:MEMBER: When These Lots Are All Sold, We Have No OtherM Similar in Location or Price! It ··ill requin' but a liffk· or your tinw to lllSJII'(1 lht~· lohl. lnvrr-;tll(al.t> prf<'f'fi flJ'kl'fl at other beach c1U<'S- and N'mftnbf-r how dON.P thf"Sl• lr1ls aN' to th•• Of'EAN BEACH nnd N~)\'PORT l3A Y. Bear In mimi, too, that :heft Is only one NEWPORT RAY I which thr nt hPr dtl~ rio not have) --l!lf'nl for bolttlng, RWimmlng and nthfto 8(jt.aalic: sr.orts I Rt:~EMBEil: U~TI L Ft:HRUA RY 15, 1944 , T ilE TAXPAYERS 0 1" NEW- PORT BEAt'lf IIA VE TilE ·~X(LUSI VE RIGHT TO BUY ANY UNSOLD LOTS IN BWCKS A-:l5 ANU A-36. · .., PROPERTIES, INC. 736 South HiD Stred, I~ Angele11, California SU )IlL. 't. Y. IUIOUK.S. ntAe J' 8AL.I'..~ MANAlJER TKAtt Ot"YIJ"A'-HN' nrt: BUln's AT CORONA DEL MAR , .. .. • *" -f .. • 41 l .. ·- NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIKES, Newport Beach, California, Thursday, Februar7 J. 1M4 .......... ...,... -~ "'tr ·-.r ...... ...,._ ............. a c.-e ......... . .... .._.... ................ ....... EDITORIALS FEA'fU-RES Newport a.Jboa NEWS-TIMES llittON~a t#• 1J p 5· p E~ .,._., _. Tllu...., Afte,_e Volume XXXIV p 5 ,.....,_ ....,.... k1 Altv&ner -.,.:10 per year ID Oranre Cuunty .j a.n ,._ ,_. to eua ._; 13.00 per yu.r w 8tb aJ~~t'. ....,... • ._..., "vr .. un at Uk P<•totflu tn Ne"''JlOn Buch, CWifonala. -orr tbe Act of .Warcb 3. 1879 & A. 17n.B . . . -a:DITOR AND MAN A tiEl< ................. W . Ccntn.l Ann&~r, s-port Oe&ch , Callfurnl;. NEWS of the CHURCHES ou" LADY of MOUNT CARMEL I CHU .. CH . 1423 w. CentrJ~I, Newport .. ach t!WIC11ly wliJU!Il'• at 8 ana 10 L If\. OUR DE ----t'"•rNnt • WIS altOW I~ WIT--WITH HONeST SW~T, H& WAltH. WHAI'ftlt H[ CNI, ANO HW t..OOK. 'TM& WHOI..Il ~ IN 'TH& trACe rca w~ ow•• HOT .,..v MAN." ·NINifrl Mtt.oii'~~(}W. Bailcliac Pa ib '--:,: .. ~:-.; 2. :! I 1 NEW~ ~ 1--:..= Sl • • = ~ :--~ ..,.... 2M . ~· -,., • 0 CD It 0.. .lt3~ .0.1 .... t .. -. liM -~ ,_:-ltnl I li37 -~ ~ .... Sl -.............. Jt-18 M8 •• tll.AI7 1--.. -rn a -193t :>42 t11L1U ........ a. i l!HO ~2 ,....,,n l!Hl .... ua. ... l E&..ECniiiCAL. ... .... I!H:l uo ..... ~ • q= 7 c. ........ A..D 5. • 1"•-=rl'a (C;.IIfhwldtiti"••JY OfficW r..-of dae CitJ of Newport Beach A D $ I lSI L_., IMtotut'-F ... Over 34 YU,... ST. JOHN VIANNEV CHURCH 314 MJ~rln~ Ave., 8J~Iboa laland Su.naay ma .. al H :.JO a m. I ,. ..... ~ ... ~ ..... ~ ......... ..... .....3 ~--~~-' I January ~ dM a-.. .-r a, •--.5e il ~,., ___________ _ Ft>bn.vy ...U1 ~-&I • S -.......- CHRIST CHURCH CIY '{HE lEA Community Mtthocllat ! ~ch 7/ITI ......-~ ,_. s. • ~-~------------. April W.lG --..._ »ay · • u.l'D ..... --..e-ar. .a. •-....... z. C),sfs 11.-.. \lll!trT" Rev. E. D. Goodell, PJ~alor •.:arly morn101 worebtp, t :30 L m., OIUITb echool clua. 10:1~ a. m : .Womanr woreblp, 1l a . m.. ' h ) Sunday eveutnr wrvlce, 7:30 ........ W oaJd LaUI p. )~d-~l'k prayer a e r v 1 c e, .._. ~ ~. u history and thl' Life of Abraham Lin-w ... tn ... u .. y. cove.red dlah dinner, CJD1n ...... * <:;rmt Emancipator. whose blrtltdn y wt• a'f.>lt·-~6:30 P· m. __ ................. was sawd in thf> ruck o( tim~ by fll-:f1.'ilt and THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH _,.__..of....... OF HUNTINGTON BEACH Wi ...,_ t.llnt Uncoln's beloved, homely (A('C woulfi I Cor. ll.th and OrJ~nge e . . . -.y the City Hall twizllzlloa pie W ~ OIJUid lad tbr Seabe-e CDmpoi\IIIOn ~ra-, Ttl~ mlnlatu, tuv ·Luther Ar· ... I a -........ oric eddftss at G.-butttysbtH'S:::b~ntttchn tbur. will lpe&k ast lhde mom lt.l:ng _., 8lflll' Jar lllf'trr with his words. descri Jng c bour, JO .JO a. m.. un ay, on co • · -···-"-in ... _ SouM. Pacific. Jtubjt'l l of "SancUflcatlun." Or .... fill a C • _... _ _.. · .._. u• . I how C&D God make boly. one who -r.o ~ end ~ days ago," c.arprntcr's m ate Arvtn l donn't eve n conaldl'r hlmaclf M ...._ -.... tan•Mm brought forth upon this island a boly ! . •-~~..:. and d!dk:ated to the pro-A.lJ peopll' ot 0111 eommur.uy _. P • I CIWildtld In a IUJU__, wbo have no church bom~ art' 10· ~.,_ ...... •·-Wei f'YiJ ,_. ...til ftb YGN&alY .... ~ ~ 'THitl" ME IWM&O 1 --.-aft Cl'ft . . . . Yl ....... t.o wo p w u• ~ v..nvii,-1riSPT1AL "' -nc ~ -n. ..W will Utile note nor long remember what we M -nc CIOUHT'IW-'T*T AMirltiCAHS .-.. ~ ... ...-e ..... Wlr ..... Jle'Yft' fQI'&ft thr hash and beam we FULL GOaPEL CHURCH 1D K ~ ..... "R))OW, .. OCT&aMIN~O '10 ~. I June • ._.. lilt•~ _.. __ .... ~ • -. .. : •· j July 7 ... .....,... ... Aueuf't &,,_ --------- 1 9«-ptember ~!> .,. ._. ~ ll:iilr _. -OctobfT ~ N bn' .... ...._...._._,_. ovem ...... ~ «-.-~ ...... ________ ..,.. -... -- Total ...... ,_., __ -· --..ICU27 ~ ~~· a..dk -· • • ltu A ...... ~---..__.._...._ ............. ..._ January ~ ........... ,........,. .. ._ _________ __ Ja.o. 27-.Mr& T. W. ~ P" ~------------------------. Rou and Ba.rrowa. to f'll!rGGf a -.... ../ ahop wltb C<MDpo roal'-c. Ja2 V• -I ... .._ Oporto. ltOO ...... _ Jan. Z7 T. "' .A.. F, _, L Xc:as ll::nd st~t. per .--. to .... addiltoll t.o ,_,. (]I ..__. ~ $200. .. IIOIJ .... ,. ..... Jan. r7-fW9. M_,,.._ a-. .-~ .... ~-a 5 .... ,,$ ... 5 1-..ZH ·~-..... -. '" ,., _, •u:.--~--• ...._ _.._,I not ha t i 22M aAd Elde", Coat& Meu ..o•&Aa .. WM'IIT .. CAN: TO aNHD ONLY 3705 Woodla•'D A--a-• & R per a...-11« per E. A.. --._ .. MHW aldJ PDP t.o ~ dwe~aadpll.._.ft.,.__. der ctweWDg. •u W ~ l"roat. sltr ...-e.-.· EAt • .raolw ..-t W...., ~~ u:; llwlday echool, 9:4~; Momlnr Na WHAT_,.-.,, TO ~ MOillt ANO MOIIt[ ..-; ................. sbaJI haw 30 days ot·f n wonblp. 11: Evang~lh•llc Mrvlce. WIUI ~. 1Qw ... tL.O 1.W outt U" IH~·ANCir PUitzjNIIG .._...... ••-·••••------------ LA.P• .... S«'y U & -~._.diet U. thoulht shall not Pftish from 7:30 p. ot.; MI<I-Wt'f'k ,.rayer meet-ANO .,.,. .... ACCOUNTS. AAO ,_, • • ••-••••••••••••••••··~ -- ..:!._. U\1 oo Wetlnuday, \.46 p. m.; • • Jan --~ _. W 7 J.: • ......... youna -•u · ev•n .. t'H.Uc R r'V· LOOK THE WlaE ~LD IN 7116 FltCE. ~~ oWDera. ... "'*7 ~ • .. ••r•s: • •c ..... ,_ • ,. ,...., .. ._. .... but the narrow and unthlnk-ICe OD ;;;;;;,, 7 .4$-p~ m. -------------Jan. %7-&. a FE .. • ~ -... ....... -,....,. Ia ........ anu need a 1m1e of bumor as But what iJI P'reedamT R.llfltly ---------......;..-...,. OWA~r. 3Jl G., mt. o.-.. -S..- the fRWI~TU:\ M 'lt:U't! C.'HriCfH[!oo unden!Cood, a unJver.I ~ to 25 Years Ago Mar • s 5 . a 'f•' .................. t.rava.Ua. We venture ·:o;porll " ••II .... th" ~uu•la~ 1..-~ be .:ood. llartlt'y CoS.~. Jan. r1 T ••. K..-a .... : ~ lliiflid.. •• ber Co ...., ....... .,_ _, ~--ho never could keep 8 oOII .ltiiiOD •ubJ•'\'1 In IIIJ br.tn,.hrp in the OW1Wr. J02..S::Jd '*'-'t, l• ~r ...... ~-· • 111 WI ....... ~ ClOinkaJ was aoing on. and wt\o "'Till' M'l•l••·r l'h ur<·''· Tl11• t'tr•• Wetlnellday Tl'811mo•llll ' :~o,.,•:.J: Jan 28--N. H. c-..~-· • I 0 • &ca I I -.,,-than he Wklenrtood his I hllr<''' "' t•hrH ~N··n••~L In llo:< Ill )\ p m. Ht-a<tlt \' t .... 'lJ. 711 Harbor Dt.Stri""t 304 Lartlaf'UI'. Qrn;&a .. -• • • --• • ..---... '"'' 1111• '·' "''111''111 ot 1'11ul In '"" r.a .. t Cl'ntral A,e. ···"b dall~· 1 '-Jan 28 Earl G o-. pl!f : .... "W .. &'Ill to gi~ a loud guffaw 81 the ''~1·''' 11• 1• II"' '~ulolt·n ..-... , "W• p m to ~ p m '-•<»eee Sunday! T. own~r. t U Halllrl Or. o.-.. •. _..__ ..._.A.__. ''''""l!h Ill•· ~I•" II •1111 f.., lh,. Takt•n from thco February ,. ..,_ ....... fill .. ..__._ ,aunc A.mforlcam wnv, UDAh.•••~• 1,,,,,,. 111 11 ,lo••·•• 1 11, •• 1,., 11,111,.. nnll hfllhtaya H.ttJonally ot.erved N .War M --..... 2......._ 1 --, ' ' n bll •· d '·'l ln t • 1919, t'dltlun of th~ Newport -& ._. _ .. • a ... a& • U...,.,.. ol their idol. Ill n ••·I• ollun '"'"' II l 'hruull'l"~ '" f'U c ,. eor ... Y VI "' Jan ZB A 1t1 JPICit .. s•lll • + ..... 1150 • _, 1 1 1 II "'II tn att~nd lhto lt'rvl~ and tae thf A n-unlon and ceh•braUon eom. -.. ·-_ .. .. __. ... .,_. I~ -~ ...,_..__,.. vnotno """ntry WhO . ••ltO~h.qo I •I " '"' tl'fo• f'OIII"Ih U J,p ---~ e ---· --.... .., ..-.--.,-.... 1'01; ·' 1:1"·'' lllt:lllltl•l•• ,.,. Ill I ....... front Hl'atling Ruo·m fT!('morllllnjt tbr r?tum 0( DC Jan 2:9 T~ ca..c.. .... ~ a -------:-·································· ......... ~.~would hope that 1boee Seabee " lio')OD•l ""' ..... ''" ...... ~""'~)·ria, Sam'• .oldlu boy• wu bdd at Elltua. llS Me:~~ l ' U .... I'J Qft"a .... Sell bu6&.:!!:.: their bridges and M•rl .IPit" lt-•1'''"' f•·r•l•'d. and FIAST FOU .. SQUARa CHURCH t.be home or ltlr and lira. 8. R J e.n 31 <l)'aD H.all. ,_ .._ ' -., •*'' hllll•"lf '" r••••k th• l.f•r•l. . OF COSTA MaaA 'ur rwr. Eul N~wport . A biC din· Jll6 Ill: Ba ~ .-end 8IIMary aystftna In the South Pacific Anrl llftld. o I "r•l 1:n~1 "' out 1.11h aer wu eervt'd by t.be tto.tHa ~· c-. R~ H.!t ..... ._ .... -.... ""30 daJs ol freedonlin 0.. U. S. by Easter.'' I ,., •. art not alluu Uod In hravrn! (Church of the HI ...... J ) r:u wblch muac and riried other K•n.taUwr. %21 ~--ec-••d rulf'~l 11111 ahuu ovo-r all the Rev. G. Wltlartt .......... Paet01 <>tbtr amueemmt. -~ eejo)'ed .... lc1n~doma of the hPalht·o~ aod In MH 1tea"'1. C..,._.. del Mar lltla\e buct 11 there oat pow.-r and Pt.-1na..1 llf aD~ .laa. II~ C. ...,._ ... .. -en l8p atrocftkts wtlkh haw beft1 re'Yftllfod tw -.t .. "') , ... mm wbo e~a~ped from the Phili~ ...,_ ..._ • *d ..t ft'VOited the whole nation. W• ..._ ~ ol C'OUIW, that the Jap~ wert' treach<>r- -...,.,. ...t YiriouL We had known that they, ~h<>ocktd p;he a ol war; tbat tJwoy ra~ wanen 800 c hildren in f41usecl dliN 8lld tbst they had bPen _guilty nf almost ~ c::riJelp lfPiMt buman61y which ~v~ minds could ccwaziut. Bal awaelww tre ~not prepared for the horror s tory ol A ilw IIGoJs bPirtK starved. 1or1Ured and w antonly mul' .._. • .Jsppdaan caJnill'. Tbat r'E"Wals a cj(tpth or d.>pravity ..ta • ~ wartd ... DOt knooA'll td.nce the dark agt'S. .....____ We.,.. DOt lltchtltc mm In the Pacific: w~ art' O~htlnl{ -...... -.-.n ~ that mu&t tw wlpcd from t he ,_.. ol *earth. it dvUization ~ to endUI't'. Every f'('t(l) A:llftit:MI boiled with righteous angM" as two rt'Bd of tht-hrutnl ,...odlles UWIO;jtwel against our rnt>n rnptuf'l"(t on Bataan a nd Cuiit:Piuz. Jlw. Wft'e DOt fighting mad bl'fort', WC C€'11ftinJy ...... ~tlwftwiD be a day ol fcaffulretribution fo r the ...... ol ......._ We only hopr that day •~ not too Jon~ dt>-...,_ •htlll, N that none Ia allle tn with· Friday, 7·30 p. m. WOI'Iblp •Mr· Kn. l!la41e lrwbJ &D4 baby boJ Sam ao..taa*Mr. 7M .._._ atan4 tbH!'· And the t.ord aald tee, Rt'v. lolae Steam• 1ft eb.U'I'e-of ll'remo are .pend.lac a ,_ day. ~ U-&11 a 5 ,_ lhrouab Jalt nll'l, the 1-eYite. "lifo Sunday JKb ool. 9_30 L m. In Newport ~b ...WIUnl IMr Kinatathrr. •1 ._ .,_ ...._.r DOt afraid nor dllnt&J'~d bJ ,...._ Mom ln( wo~p 11 L m parent.. Mr. and Mrw JoiiD lie-Jaa. Sl lt. A.. ......_ ,_-of lhla Jtr<>nt mulllfud~; for th11 '. Millan. belli" ~~·not rnur'.-. but ood·a " In j .pe•·lal nJU•Ir. paaotl)r • •rmoa. Ktnllfat.btor. 21• llMl ~ ~ Roy Shafer wbo wu In tbe eerv· Jan. 31 ~ ~-.... 1 h.. ball J,. 1 ltnl fnllniiii'C'II Pln~:er" 1,.~ of Unci~ Ram In the radio ...,.,.0 t nut lt•·fllr" I hi' army" anll COSTA MESA COMMUNITY Sam K.uulf&UioN' • ._ .-a.,-&-. lhPir """"''''" .... ,,ro, Pmlll•·n .. CHU,.CW hnwch. rcotum•d hnmf' Jut Wed· Ja.o. 11_..._ B. -. .... In "Rrl"''"" nnlf lira II h •·at h K,.,. Carl e. Johnson, Ml"leter nuda y. to lhl' J'rrlpl tll•' :• Metry ll:.k•'' 1811 HJ~ror Blvd .• Ph. S1tzol ThnmBI!I P Longmoor hu p11r- t.d•l\' ~1\) ~. "I o h~v .. on•· C.ud and C'hllrrh !4·hl'l4'll, t 45 L Ill. ctuuwd thr r~.t11uranl fixturea of '""" )uur • 't of "''' l•ll""r nl Mrtrnong W•onhlp, 11 a. m. Frank f:hatp11 and will OP"n a .s,.111t, )IIU nttt•l '""' c:.,.l ~"'"'''"" n~taurant In thr comf'r rf'lom r .. r-1> ·· .. ,.,.,. ,.,.111 ml f,.,.1 nl lit•• lllblco Youtb groupe, High Scbool tnt .. , t A 1 It 6 "" l"corly orrup1rol h.v Mr ~harpl!l I• lilt' Pllf"f•r·lurll)' uf •l•lrlltml nver f'rmo>u" ,. 1 U • "" P· •· '"'' 1 .., 30 Mr 11n1l Mr11. Gus Wurdln~ter I Loh) PIC'ltl IHll\ o•r " r.VI'ntnjl; ~l rv Ct'. 1 p. W. ' _ ___ Mttl .... t•l'k f\'llowahtp ant.! prayer nnt.l dau~tht•' Vlr~onu~. accoml'•· FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, I Wf'olnr~~<IIIV 1 30 J1 rr nlr•l by Mr. and Mrll. F. H. Flu-~ SCIENTIST ------patrick. motorl'd to San Diego to 112£. Central Av., Newport Buehl SEVENTH DAY ADVENTiaTa wltMU 01~ flying clrcua . .\ oil anch of t~t' •JoUwr Church. Corner Walnut and Chur1:h ata. Tbrre hnw lwrn lljthll ln DlanY 1 tbco Firat Cburcb of Christ ~len I Costa Mna Oil t.be COU ilgl'" on Ba.lbt-a t•and U.t In Bo«on, M u•. ~lll ur•IIIV momlnji:. s • b b • t b durtn~t th • month of January, a11d Sun<S&y Sc:honl Ill 9 :l" " ., 18(-hl>(ll, 11 ::o L m. Alftly peopl~ could not h~lp ~n- Sunday Service at 1 1 " 111 l'rPOI'htnl' :'rrvlc!•. 11 a. m. joytn~t the warmth and 8UDahiM of tbl11 )O<'allty nation : a fight to invadt> tht• mo~t hf.>avily fortified coast In the wo rld-a fight in which AmPrican boys will Cllrry tbe brunt or the balUt-and undoubtedly s uffer such cn!lualties that h alf a million American homN; m a y tx-in mourning be- A.-plication for Pier Made fo rt> it is d one. AppllcaUon hu ~en m&M- Bataan and Guadalcan8l, AMu a nd Salerno, Tarawa and Harry W . Campbell. 212 cvpn that clay or infa m y and tra~.:edy at Pead Harbor w1U Lucerne 0 ulrvarol. Loe AoceW.. Oa.llfomla. fl•r Wu Dt'pa.rtment rank ns only minor E'ngagrmcnts. compared to thp furious and pei'W'It to construct a pier. moor- ... .Aia:IEa betiaaltt' our 49th state! deadly ('nrou ntc r that confron t.; us w he n C.t'ncr.tl EiSI'nhower In« noat, 11nol appurtenanc:ee. • ....,. .....W nprd lL~ de-vtolopment and ~rowth to IX' gives the si~nal and the Invasion of 1'1 ntm'(' 11<'¢n s. c:ated on lh~ 111'1utberty tilde of the • .· , . . ' Rl't'o Alto. a wea(erly ann of N--• _,.... aftrr the war that It w ill be grantM tha t st ntus. No \\ordc; ca_n f!O!'.~Ibl}_ por1':'y wha t our f1~htmg men will port Day. and extf'nding 30 feet ~.~war '"madr" Alaska. Prior to the Jap attack on go throug h riunng th1s cilmartll' stru~glc to m nqupr Hitler's I Into •ld watcorway from LoC I. . Dlildt llartJor and tl'itt'ir invasion or Attu and Kiska. thc (Or11"('S.<;-{IOd thr (ailurP or lh(' im·n~ion all•~pt, apmt from Block 240. C'llnal St'ctlon. N-,_-t th t · 1 fl'f h. t · 1 t · -Bfoach Oran~l' Countv. CallfomiL • nr... Jlf'CJPir w.ore only vaguE"Iy awal"l' o( tht> Janet "up P rnglc oss o 1 e ": It' lll \\OU ( Pnl:ul. mu~hl wt:'ll cost us nr"~·lnlf 11• 0,..1n~r ·location and ..tiL\:._ , thl' w ar. Thnt our m1htary h•adt•l-s !<nnw, :1 nd cvt-n though pllln 01 lh~ prPpnM-d -.·ork ts CJil "'''wft .uddrftiy -~ bPcame AJuka COfW'iOU.~nsciOUS Of thcy An' <.'Onfidcnt Of \·k tor y, 1h<')' knnw . 1110. lh(' r isks in 1 ftlt' at lhl1 offlc~ lnter~lltt'd per-... crmt .U.tf'gk:a.l vahw of our northern possPSSion. Army volvl'C'I-a nct the• hcartht'l•akin~ r1rir <' wc mu~t p:w . But we .ana are tnvllefl bmtn 1 1n1111'f'C!_.ttbl lfl · • . ' · drawln~t and to 11u t n "'" n~ . ........... perfonntPd a modem mirack> in huilding thc Alns ka wondct·, c1o thl' Anw~1ran J"li'O('Ir know ? . jm trtpllcllle. on 0 , bt'fore 11 L m . Mllt=q. Had thPrt hPe1t no f>ITlergPncy it mig ht hnv<' lx><'n Our war pnxJur t1 on , to be• ~lin'. hns h 11 ,, p!•ak: we havej '1\Jeeday. Febn.aary tl. 1944. ~Y ob- ,_.. bffcJre it was constructf'd. tht' tanks and thc planrs and ll1f' s hips now. And if''<.' don't jN·ttl'nll ba!lrd on navigation mter.-. r I . k -. f'llllr thAt thC'\' mav h:n·co to aald Slslre tlll!n ~ ... vt' also bec"'O''l. P aW8rt' o f tht' PXtl'nsh·<' I n tl"r m N'pmg up tha t product lt>n. a nd 111 k•'f.•ping it ro lling k · · f h . f wor . 1 ' w aDd tUIBiitt'tci&l pollllbiliUt•!t Ala!llka offers. And it Is I to our 1g t tng mnts. our men will h avr tht• ht'st equipment ObJKtl<mll t>a11rol c•n oth~r than .... I ?tHities that are exP,ected to attract lhou.o;cmds of t that a grt>at inc!ustrial na t ion ean gi\'1' tlwm. n11t "'''have' navigation lntrM'IIlll n\nnut ~ cQo. Jlllllllp to Alnlb when 0.. war is 0\~r. j only lx.,.tun to fight: we still haw thl' war to win-and when •dered. C B BEBOUT. U thr llftat 1D Al:uka had oc«Jrn'd during t.he last war.,'!'(' S(.'C .a con~tant ly mounting oul hl't:.'ak of stril<t'l' in uur key Chid. ctvU Engln~n1ng Dlvt .. on. wr wauld build tbP Alaska hlghway .thm as quickly 1\!11 we diet mdustnes. w1 th S<fU nhbiNO ovPr hou rs nnd wa,::<'s and other a~ cr two -co. trucks in those days could no t carry a~l squnbblrs owr who will gl't how much duri ng l~H . \\'('won-For •ucc:eM. Keep your eyal ~ • • ..__can now. nor were the.v a~ fast and dt>....,nc1nblc.l dt>r If thE' Amt>rit•an J'l('OJlll' an:• l'onsciou s of th(' fNtrful __._. open and your mouth ehut; wbell j ...,.~ .~ vn-.. eatlnl gnpefrult. ~era U.l Nar ... wr .. ft a ....ay awaiJablfo. . ahead of thcm. · proe-. .. 1917 w. b8d-300.000 lJU:ks. ln --1941 w• had nearly .. -flll!lll----------------~ -~----~--........, ftR n z ..... thia is OIJt' ~ the biggeost reasons why our b ; 1111ius1 system hu tunctionl'd so ~II in this war d€-- _._.. I tddaalltd '-d thrust upon ll ~ lll!ft ~ many thousands ol Allltt'rica'• yeung men 4 ?' S • •h h After vtctoey, they are d)leCted to lead ._ , 5 .... mtb" and to htlp buDd a bfelt'el' and better tp ' f ~It .... 49dl ...... fte W•lhlt StiD Be Won MODEll MAlliE SERVICE SHELL DOCK P'OR lfi(IURANC£ a~E Howard W. Geniah 2tll w. c.tttral Aw. Newport .. ~. Calif. Automobile • Fire Accident • Life D ... a. _. bundrfd days, ~ face tht? qlOSt del-uc~nee and Contnct Bonda Written BALBOA ISLAND _JIIII* _.pi ..,. ttw most costly ftght in our hiltory as a ._ __________________ _. :..,_ _________ . ' -. 7 I I ., llR ..... ., llief rtion .. a.aMM:na_. .. _ Telr1' e~-11! UJeC~BhtL PWw port Beaeh ! I AI 1.01 I to or riYa.ll daJ t.bdr Let ~ ~· ....., . ~-1M I tf'f' . Ad Cout ..... Ill-ella .,...n. .. f· tat. I ball. f'lo) berw UM1al prori: troun «llM. ldP ~ tbr.e ~o·• I ol Pl bytt euit I Oute• 8 1k k DO cl Pill f lflC ' Qui ~Yftli Mar) U..JI ut a : (« l • - s e e NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. N ....... Beerh, Califonaia. 11alftjdaJ. Ff'hnaary 3. 19.&.& ------------~------------lEAD THESE L·IT'tLE ADS -YOU WILL Fill SOIETHIIG Y·OI IE ED OR · CAl SELL MAULING . ft1 A P L E S the L. F ·t Harbor Casabas John B. u.~ IOnS e e Meet Santa Ana '11triiW •ith Ba,· Kiln Srt For Mnan IIID..P WAPtl'lm ,.'011 8AJ..F--AV'I'08 tt•·u• \\ A!IIT.:Il Tw" ""'o>ftlf'n IIII"\"1'LF.14 R11h\, l'f'ntl'd or N • """'''• "' nl , .... , ""'' •l•uiChl•'r. J swdn"l \'o eel'•. 304 MaiD at.. . 8 S in Duel Tonight · l.l• ..... ~~~ ...... ~. s •he·-., . • ...... :w ,-;-)""'t•• ...... , ., ''"' "'""-milt h•·ll-'"""'" r-rt l l.olh.•·• 111111 201t Marin~ Av•au., Oy Couts f'llo'<l Urtt 111~1 • 1( I • ~~ .. ,,., '-rt -&~ t'lth ,.,_..,. 1'\ ... a Umr n•or-llla l•l l'l .. 1 .. ratr tooma llalll\1" ltolttnd Jl·tft Thr rbamplunllhlfl of t lw S..-l Hall• · T\tf ...sA• ••• '_. .. " ~ ._ 1'\,,...,., A ""'"" f an.t hath• l'tl"n" N""" ,..-or~ 1 l'-••ot• M T • 4t. •"lilt 1 ~A 1.•: lluh• 11' '41 4-duor l"•&j:lh' '" un tho• blotelll , ........ wan~e ITo~t ll4 tl ...,.......,. ~·I 11 e...,_.. tlw oif-·•.,...1 tuo.t & 0 ff • ' wht>n l'IUllll Ana a11J N f'•·f'CJ"t ~!~NT.-• n II..\ \ .... • •t l •· • ...,_ ~ I • r •' ..C.a y,._ f•~ ~ ,.,.,... Ice. rs tiArtM•r battllo• it 1•ut at TUJIUil. a l -~r•,_-""'•• 1• ... -..oldo:!' "'--•ll't~ t\C llltr h .. , h u• tn·a,:· \\' '~ r.·a· r.. ·• ""'"" ,.. ..... lull ,,. 1••t 111nr I._Y Mht>r. l '•f,. N•••\ I'"'' lt.•o•·h l'bo•nl! '"ntou y I••,. n\llf'll•"·•ll.,... u•al. v•ty •·I,.ILII Vho-N•wl»>rt n ..... h tat &0-4\o AI FUr(it 'a league lt>ad1n~o~ Ftah-4:.!8 ~llpe('tevc>l , neutral court NetlhN" t-"--~ )I•• II~ I; r• t~~ov~• J ..... ,...,.._. '" ,.,__.. v .. - G c: ) II tll•tt'J deft<at In ~ ~· ... ,, -•" • •·•~ ~ ,.-uu.... • ..,. l'u t .. , t~ t ' ~ S InS J'led tf'&m rollt'o.J to II lhrt~e to ODe trtumpb nvn lhl'lr cloeeat rtYaJe. Hlt.cbcock Pholoe lut Morr- dlay lllebt and thereby 1tretcbed Ulrir ~ eubetantlal !~ad · '''"'ll'e •·u r .. a Y a Ball of --tton Sanlla Ana mo•·tnc dow1ll fOU' denon • --,....., n ... r • ,..., l••~ to ~nn. .. ~r aa.l 11211 f ·lfc ••ntt NAI.tr: hi f•~•l twu .. hatlttr. lAtty Bob J'ry wu In hl1 uaual rood form. qrdlnc a thrt't' game sn tadadtnc a blgh came of 192 """' -topped In the Jut catt>- C<W'J. bowner, Kent Hitchcock's 1M Pac blm jwt I Wet> bit bf't . tf'f'. Au.fi'IIIU Area rave Soutll eua.terw Ute bu8!Dt>N 1.n lht> -• --r. tllrH to onto. behlo d the lltt'llar play ot "Ha.ok" Blank. "'Hanll: .. threw a thf'ft p.me werlea u foltow.: 2J0.171-209, glvtnc tat. a •rtH of *>. by ra r thl' be.t turned ln durlnr the e'/tolllng. 1"\>ytoa'a two •~egrtll(&tlnn•. num- berw OIW and two, battll'd a mong theaatYH with I~ numbt!r onea prorin« they ar• j~&~t 1 hat by tround nc thtlr rnhorb tt:rer to -· Fire a11 8ht>, rolled out a 170 gamt> j Trnnv :1. Unv Scout a ot· A.J'Aerk 6 .j ~~ whUt the loe&la '"'.. .... ~ f-.d ,...._ ..,. ...,_ c:'111ft.....a _, o -.t.l )lar • ana U 9 et>rlea to lead her top-ot N.wport-Coat&_ ¥e.. Wllb tin tll~t> vlct.orte. wad« U.W .... t~....aaa. •• ...._ ·--..... ~!Un 1111,... 1-.n I'"' t~ nt ra.nkrr• u they defeated the T•l~ l lbumu 1. Atl•n u Scoutrn...wr., bd~• .,.... l·• .. ~., lW .l.-... ldl .,...._. _ _,.a ..,.h«. """Wll· phont> BeUu . • will be honored by their 11p00eon. 'w ...._ r~ ,.....,.. ..,...~ .. ., <'-Ia ..._ hr.. .U.r.-a 11,;u• \\' 4ST.:II Wan,._., at lt81110• v .. ht \"hall l nt•n'-'w ~ •·r1 VI' Set Mr Koy ..._..!*-•-Jtc . ~tano..llnp: Won Loat lbl' Cr .a. Me .. ·Newport Harborj New ~·· .. _.. ,..~ taw ~ .....,. ~o~,.. '''' • .._ .;, A.Jwa ,._ .. : I a Is nt Fire '!' 14 Lion• CJ_ub. at their re,WU TUt>•· •7 Hportun 011 o --·b ~ -: ill ,._...... .,._. ft ·--.._ _, 11,. ..,. ._. ••• .,. ,,. c.a.D8N'a CAD l'ln Snatcher• 26 17 day evtonlnc m«tlnc. Feb. 8Ut. at • l1nlt -• . ..._a ....-: •• ...._ ....,. I ..,.Jit'fl'T Andlovlea :. 22 to , H~lm: K&lHr'l Bay Sbon cafe. = Ellc:ea.Aor .. ar-..t ...._.,._... ..., .,.:. • ~., __.._ _. .,.. ~~ww WILL t ·Au n~&A•J:II a., ,...,. Inner Outn• 21 Ill • Thl• m«tln( will celebnte 'tiM Rant~ 0:., R-... • ~ ,_,.,., • II • • "-tt.r..W ::;'.:..: ~ ~~.:. Telephone DeUel 19 23 14ta &JW•erary ot tiM founcttq 2• ANIIeta It 0.. 4 ._ ...._....... _, _, t:r-.4 ~ ... .., out ,.._ N_,... trto-W. T..U. Slick ChJJl 16 17 of Ule BoJ &out movem .. \. n.e •• e>ranc~ • _, Mia. ......... \&.,. .._ • ~ «< tW ~-Qlla---- ----- ape&ker ol tN •v•~ Wbo wUI 2t f\llkrtoa _ tr ,._.~ ....,_ ._ • .....-..._ -..y n-.-. .._..... IMft-IlEAL _,&I'll Laguna Gm·ns l·n be Introduced by u oiUI Pn&J n Hunt~qt.GD U.Cb ,. ~-.. ~ .... ~ c.... .... _. .. • •----·~ ...... ..,. u• s a~.ory Gorby. will be Edward tie Kubor'• ~ ot ~ ........ _. ........................ _.. ..... ' --------Bond ~-ntest Groot. A.8illlt&nt NaUonat Director btp alt.houp l.he Ba.ID'-_ ...... • •., .. ._.. ._...., rott ,_Aut 1.6,. "" rutr Orlv•. \.AI ot Public RelatUlne of Boy lkou'-be ~t eftfY u-Uw II&IJen..., ......._ Mr .....-... 9 a',.. •· .._ .a-..,.._., ...., ... • _..,.1'\M'..._. -..a ""'· POO---l of Amnlca . Olbt>r bonor (UetU them. Bud Atlrl~e. bfeb ....... ..._ _,.._. a ..:,. ~ 9 CD tftdln • U. ..... -. .. ~. . ,...._ N_,.wt M ~ftc 'nllnl Wf'l'k ot t ht> hotly con· WUI be CapL W. 1. HWyant, Pre•· forward and Geof'le 8pblll ---...._, _. aa. ~0 ~ .._. .......... .,.... ... _ • ._. -- _ __.__ --- te.atNI War Bond el'lltnr campalrn ld•nt Oran(e County Boy Scoull tltatlnc «nter, will be ~ -~ ,_. ~ • ..,. ..,. • •• "-.,....,.., ~ ........ , ·• LOBI' AND ftMTND between Newport Harbor Hl(b or America and Hu(h W. Wilcox. to pull t h" locale throgp wtUI u. -aa.. 0 -.s .,. ..,. ~ .,. .,_. ,._...., ...,... 1~ ------ and Laguna Hlgb School ••w Har. Dt~·ty lt'lecttd Scout E1u•rut1n of •aid of T•lmmy .. ~ ... •. ---111 --t.br •--........... 1~_. tc .. t aftd wblt• ~ bo l I d flddl I th 0 Co t 0 II '""""•""'" --r-• ---.--· ---tt...t l "h-\'o.lunlf'f'r r taalrman r p ay ng eecon e n e range u n y nunc . •peclalty la _.. 8bot& .....,. ~ .. ~ "-"'to~ .,. ..._ --__.... t o> ~ ••• .. ,. Wf'tk'll reaulll a lthoup th•y atnl Thto U on• acout commlttt>t> con·~J....anpa~ and OIY11J1 ..,._ wta -.~ 1 ._. .. .._ ..........., (ff ..,.. _., ,._..._. ::.: ,!.':'~~" M ":!;; leao.J In totalll&ln. •lat• of Thi'O Robin•. chairman; J plav lht> all Important ,_n ,.._ .... 1 caa ~ ....,_ ,._. ..,. .._..,. ..:-. W <'-"ral Mr ----- Laguna turned on the hlr;h pre• Lu llt Sleffenaon and Howard u01111. ... ~ ..c 1..., .__ -_,1m,. F ......._ ... , Mn --._._ I th k j t I Gf'rrt.h --..-• ''-•~'•• • ..,,.~ lllln .J,,..-. ru•a -..A • ldtntlcal Wtnntnr s<:orn uf lWII liUI"t' n t Wet' uat pu and co. . Coacb am Cole Santa .._ --.... ... I ...... --..n -• ~ to one wert> poettod by thto lt'Clt'd a flne tol&l of S8t01 f or Merit ?~do.. A.w~I'Gtd tor. will lllart ~ IWb• and J_. _,.. • ... ,...... •A • .a .,. _, ~ .. ~ -;:_."" ...:;'~ ·::.111 '::.C";! •"' 1M tu;:"'T f'\tn~w.N ~ .-., tbreoe leadlDa' tt>ama Ia tbe Wom• Un~lt> Sam u compared to Har-The follov.·lng ••·oull will re-Plt'kerlnc at the font..,.. ..-... ._..,... • ._ •• .. .,._ -.. t ...,. .,.,h. •• Halb.MI ~~ f'D'e Lear;ue Friclay nlcbt a• Balb i bur • $i64e.45, and tht>reby gain-celve mrrlt badgea: Pickering 111 kn~~wo f« au. ._. a.. to .. Dr __... .,._. ._ ..., .. :"~ -..r• -.._1 N~ JM6.W •-Jtc of 1'\re wblpped the Pbont> Bellu lng a pprecoabJy 011 the lee.dera. Bob Henrley . a&ff'ty, rlral ald. ahota. and ODC~ bt> lfta bot a.,....,.. -,__. .=':'"'~ ..._ ._ -~------------- by u.t ecoR. AnrliCIWa fotlotnd That preaaure bad beUer not be public hnlth. athlt>lica, .tamp col-to atop. o-M.atca. lib fOOC ,_ ~ tar ._. ~ •• -J ..,._ .... .._., W. ....;~ ... 11.41 s ftMFLTaY auit 011 PiD Snatcbera. and Inner ~~';~1.f'~.~~~::r~ ~~ .. ~~ !~!~f~/~.-:~·nd~· pubtk: center, will be a threat to a..-.;.j -. W~ ..... r... ~ _....._.... Outen ll:oodttd ott the l .. t place I 1, __ , ....... ~tl • .... Bob R obl 1 1 cala who bavr coofl~ u.at t.be ~.t ........_ ~ .. 'ft.r ll!llc.,..,.. .-.. .... ._,.I J(NOf'Jr'8 RA.BBlTftT lltret.t• Hlk k CbbL A• a ruull thnr wu •th" 1...., .. .,....It 0 1 Dl Jan concemonoot, ~ry .... nl, t.., mbmUlnog. ma-Spink can bold bl19 dnwD Dca 0 n • a1 -.... ..._. ..._~ ..-, ..., • .._ .. .._.. ..... ,.._ -• ,..._ ~ IIIIJ 1M•· .._ .. _ ln th d ~ r per cap a • u aven,-e -. mu.,c:, au omo c. M and CUI ~ wtll ftll • • . r-. _..1 .._ ..._., 1M DO c_. " titan engs ami $~.34 amoununc w f21,4N.U . LA> Hoy Brown. -llomln.l. · agnnon t • :lall# • ....,_ ,. ,_ Aool9 ~ 0 n.. '~-~ ..... .. • Y ,. r Pta Bnatcben 1tlll traU the lt•ad-d t •. , 1 .. wOOllwork •arJ~entry . In at l!ll&rda • ......,_., •• .... Jib• ........ •'-• JI01 .. ~-J ...,...,.... ,._ ...._... • n.ta M~ 1,., 1'\reballe b t~ ruu •·umpare ., ..-auna • per cap... . • . .____. • .._ _........_ • ..._,.,. .._., __ II& t>tiGne . .,. . y camea.l of $3fl.8e nettln( Uaem U•.MT.I6. Slt'wart Gillette, ro>Win(. cook· Lookln« at lhfo ,.._ tro. tJM .. --. _, -_--.. lMr ..._.._ · ... .,._ a Ill& 4 _ _.C. ~ ,.... .. a Outetandi.Dc petformerw of the Tnhl aeUlng competition fw a l in' -1mm.1nr atandflolot of t ht> lftdlridual rwr-._ ~ • ...,... _. '-· h_,., .. ..,. liiM • ._._. ,.,.r •onlar to N-port 4:11 • n~ were Viola Bldderman. ! wnrthy cau• hu attalntd • ft>ver Uarry Nann~y. C'OOktng. row inc . orda. Harbor la lin-D • .... -* wMt .,.. ~-.,.. ... ~ -.._ II --, .. l *"'• t .. 210 & ••• ~ l ·tfe lllarjorir-ft~lm.8 a.od MCC:oliater of pitch In the la8t w~k ano.J the ewtmmlq, woodwork. (Wf'f the 8aln.. Bud At~ ... ~ In -;..,. Uor tnp --' •-.. .. •· I.a. • ._ .,, Rnl~'IION WA~ lM Ancbovlu. the latter by vlrt~ Laguna !!Chool 11 determla.ld not ttalpb Noble. ct.oklnc . carpeD· T"m M<'O'Irtlell raak -tile .._ ......-. ._. 11 .., ....... , "-._ ..._. .. _,.,. ... , -- - --• ut • 15ft,_ f'lil the formt>r two to bo' nutdont> by o ur younc patrl-try, Yo'oodwork. l"aint fl'rwarda. R~ aact PtcJila'. ......_ .. ......., ~ -• .... ~ ...... _.. ........ ....,. tlm•Ant)N WA.H"n:ll lAtty fllf' tlwtr bl&b wrlee of 421 and ou. Jamea Corbin, c:arpt"ntry, wond-1 In« Bud hu an a~ ot d me _,. ~ ,_. .. lila ......, ' ..., • ..-.-.. .,..,. •• ~ ... M 1 work. J poiDltl per ~t> and or-y ••-t-F.ap.~ "'r1C• ..... l''rank Walt.&, woodwork. I'!"'«H lS. '8oOI ar. ,..,... M ... BURT R. NORTON • ·~ ..__,_, N-pt>~l MUn Welleaael, txmbln~. ha•·ka. e•pt'C"Ially Attridtror Pte*-•~~~~ ~%\p Jamu Aahen, a thletlc:8. •riDII' baa an av•,..._ ol I.,._. 1111 "--1 Eat j ...... •11 Wflf\k WANTr.t• Wo ... n wartll l:ll :lTth Ill , N•wpon """" ..... , n JRNTnU m••~ 811'-'lAOO N F\JII.NIT\JU -Olaa· .,..._...,._.,..,~...nu of!'f'-rll, l'fiNU, 'beat, ..,., alaruM, .,.MIIee. ........ cMin. •prtllp. matt......_ 11ua1r WA. •tc Larp ~tlert'-fll ~ 8114 rtn~M.. a.ao~awoed, ...... ..a!Wl. f'llaHWoc.l, tMMpaJ, O.Utornlan Jtuy ,_,... .,c. Mat\&!) "•rnllur. <'o , 1n4 and IJI\Jed ... y. ...... Ana. , .. tic lfiRAOM lit all lliDdl tw J'UU1' ,....,.., '"" Mnd.,n ..,n wtt11 -u ..,...._ and wit h mltel'lld hnrdar•. ~ .._ u -11 u ,,....,..,. mlr~ Many ........ A ...._.... aat.l -"'I 11ft. a--t ,.,,_, MeMUaa hfW. hm ()) .. 1lld and ""'-dw&J, llanta Ana 10.Uo BOATI .Bot. lold aDd Tn4IM M•rl1141 tlln«laM ucl Part. MARJN. PALVAUm AND v.m. co. - lOtiO W c.t\1,.1 Aw Ptl. IIII·W N•wpcMi ........ o.lat . N-tAI W AN'I'D 10 llDT \ --------f--WA~ TO ftleHT OR LilAH ON RAUIOA IIU •• UfD OR C"'JtON 1\ lJkL MAl\ a or I mom, ,.,. nr ~IIJ hlmWMd a.o-. by r.llaW. cwple In tau.l- n ... berw No elll'*-Of pete; reft'rwiX' .. 1\Am~. J¥rtta P 0 . U.,. 601, or l,..lrl at .. Ruhy Ave., Wa... Waad. l •ltt Here Are Our kou'-anll Rehm 4 ~e 8p6BII. ... liEWiWI ~ • Tt<ndtotfoot, Boy Wb)'U, QPAald Don Malin arr rated """'-larp- O'Connell Lor.n We'-, Prua,k ly ~ •>f Matra' hriltat _. Eaitlll. Jamu Stetf•MDil. Robe~ Ap1ak'a ftDI' backbn&rd ... ,.._ Hawtmg•. Oav1d I.Ae, Bob .Walt•. and al80 for hill drfen.t-wortl. Utonnl• Bean, Dick wfii:kler, 'nit> (Uarda •~ n • all .,.,... Hrnry Boy•. Franlll Watll, Stepb-•·lib Bo4• and lAnrmade ~ IUl Hup4". BllJy Kuhlmyer. hok1iD( a alt.pt edlrt> '*=-flit RADIO SERVICE """"" a·ltf11,. w ill tin IJPinl at WANT TO RIIH'r-,.._ ladlae, Ill•-lotiO W c·ratral ton ·I hu.baact. cwersu. tiMireul f1l l'C_..,..., ....,... I0-1tp r.ntln( rumt.heod llnu8e or MINWNIU 1 • /f"'u-- at tM • DOUGLAS SANTA ANA FEEDER SHOP "Right ht>re at home local men and women can doN\· 8l'fltial war work builrting vital warplane parts. You f'an1 regula r aircraft wages while learning this inter- esting work." A ND ."Four hours a day is all th<' time it is net:es.'iary for you to be away from your hnme or business when you work one or the convl'nient 4-hour victory shirt.c;!" Apply Today: Doqlu Feeder Shop ....... .. ...... Banta .ua Ia. a... I._ m. .,..,, ~ hMa.t' U. 8. Employment Service AV AJJ...ABIUTY CSRTU'lCA TE NECESSARY" rl Set•ona cl .... William R.abbltl, their be.c:•bo&rd pla)'tna. ,_ Bill Browol•. Fraak Watu and Beee wW fla7 the preMmtaary .a M.Jiea w.u-1. T :00, Fiat c.l.u8. Keith 'Sadller, 1.ot Uae~pe: Roy Brown. Frank Walta., .u.. H. H. Melfc>81el. Armanau M uiUice, Blel Atlrhl«t H•own1e IUld U1ck Htontolry. MN'orkl'll <;pink . J.Angm&lll' 1\ulr~ PAUL NORMAN YACHT SAIL MAKERS N.H. F c. G G Wa~ ~11111•• I S~lls, Awnlnga, Bo~t Covera :!:!4•, :l l81 !'it N•·wpnrl li••IU'h \'un!)~>\\'nlkrt ··~ F .. r Onk LA. wa.. N~ Taytol Phonto 207 ! MORTIMER SCHOOL 302 Cor~l. B~lboa ~~~nd Day l'cb•><•l · Tutoring ~ .,.a-fto.IU. Cnll. f1rt>p., t: .. ynuon•l ~l'vlPr r. c: Wc All18tn Ma.rt.tnl Fruehan Earns Master's Li~ense Army It Navy Wh,.n F..ddle Ynlt'ban. U 8 II«· G. A. Mortimer, M. A .. Odord chant Marine, .... Ill ln aa -'-1- Prlnclpal Pbone U2 can .hoeptt.al .Ia lndia la.lt ~ u ~--------------.: ~lo';:11;:~:; ~~:-!I Your Prick Work, ftlaetarlnt I apt'edy recoftry ,._ u..y .,.. and e-n• Jot.. I rwJolc~q wtu. ... .. w. .._.,. Can ln tbe f'Utun be earned and aequtrad .. ..._... u- rxpertly done qaln by I ~en.. viiiJd • .. 7_ ~ _,. CLAUDE SWEETMAN lot'\llqt> wtakA1 ...... ,.....,. ... 1~ Tweftty-frourtb M. enoozaPuetnc. • Newport .. ad!, ftlteM 4tt·W t llldclM bu ._ "-,_ au. l jiiiiliiiiliiiiliiiiliiiiliiiiliiiiliiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiliiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiL India ~ far two _...._ UMI lhae eajoyed """'Y P"'C'ioult 8n- ment ot U..t time wiUI 11ae wtf« • FORWARD WlrH C 0 S T A ME S.A The f...-lloa of tbe S..ltary District Ill a tum1D1 polat .. the prop-of- COlla ..... h d attnd aew batlseM ucllndU!Ib'y, aDd a111o Dew uad better homes. h .m make oa.r eom.maalty more llreMfe aDd attracUve bMauM of the ab- ~Mt'.ir of trash. . h wiD redaee tbe • .,.._.. of clltleue aad the ... ace of fUeA. Here Ill the way It look.• to Dr. F..dw. Lee RUMell, M. D., Health Offlcer of Oranre Coaaty u pen Ia a letter wrtUes to tiM COflta Meu Chamber of Com· .rift': "ln increasing number . in recent yeano. complaints of improper disposal of gar- b:tJ:W ano trash . etc .. In the Costa Mesa. nn'a h~ve ~mt-to the nttf'ntion or thl" orril'e. You may be sure that thi'N' Is lrtle sahsrnchon to U.'\ to Issue an ordl>r. of abatC'mt>nt to a householder or property owner wht•n no acceptable altematlvl' is :l\'ailable. • • • "Extensive epidemiologic lnvcstlgation~have shown that the communities which have grown up without adriC'rl sanitary pro\'isions a re thf' lrx-::Hitii"S whirh are most vulnerable to spread. of the virus or poliomyll'tls. ThC' CO!'i~. or a ~ew. ca~ of poliomyl<'tis coulrt <'<'lStly cover the ~nuaf bttlif!r t or an~. samtary dJs- trict In Orange County, not to mention t 1f' gams In human vaJu~. VOTE YES FEB. 8th Sanitary District Committee Ill ROCIIE~TSER tt'I'III:ET I aact lwo ~all c:laUctNa • tht'tr home. • Opal • ._, ll&lbua t.Jand. n wu ctur~nc u. "'"""• from -duty that .. pa8all t t>e eaamlnattoe belon tM ~ l!lteul:lboat laoeped.on. rotc:*Ytnc bill ..... , .• Uc-. ... t. - waiUnc f« a c:a1J ,,_ 111&8 atup Mr. an4 Mn. 1!:--.u f'\11111- bou~~er ol ltlO W Oca.n f'mrlt ha•e lett fw N.......,.. wbere U>• v will rearw acqual"'•ftCM •'flfl formu hwOCS. and traa.ct bu•• n-. .._._la"'"z I A- .. &/fOfiOII ~ -..... -· 1 ...... ....., ......... __ 1.-· ... ,_ ·~ ... --· ...... , ....... -., •"---,..,...._ I DNE~DAY ' •wpaai:liiii-• a-. -o...A-0.,.. ..._.. v,t-.•· .e_..,... D Ta..._ • ...,.,-., '" ".;,. -..A~D~M _ _._ .... ..... •.,j. .I Gel lJ.,-() ,,..,1,.• ••••••• U•11•41 :>tet .. ~aprbal ti·r 11 & c-,.._.._y_ .... _.,- • ...._ • ot.r H.~ • .,,,.,.,.,. ' ·--t' ...-h t•hl .. f'Oiftt-tiJOII 0 ., Vltamon A •nd ~OQ u-.t \ ,.,.. o r ...... ·~· -""• ""' , ... , --., ... , ..... ((-,~~ ~~~:---": ~ •• :··;:;) J -.... ,.,.,.,,.,_, 4 .... ~...._.. .. .J , .... I . l ,_ nat New ADDING MACHINE H1re 11 -Ha • Y•C..._.O. ..... ,.. ......... ___ _ ._ ___ .... _ -........... ,, ... . ...... ~.,.. .... _ ..... _ ....... ...., .. . a... ........... ..., ~--auf ••• .._. ... ....... --...... _ .. _ .. ..,. _____ _ ._ .... .,.. .......... _ .. ____ ___ -...·sa a ......... .._ .. _ I i e.rt 1 lll. rt'~ ......... lu ,_ l ,. ••• l•\' , . ,. ' . ": , . .... .., lr;arol~ ti. f6raurl (haprl ANT RAGS 'YOO+T? I 11\' ANTI:t> Jlfw, ,._., ""*- rap. ••u. llutt-and ,.,... .... -... rtorllll!lp Of' _. ,..,... w.,.,, ........ ...... ...... ,.... •offtra. ·J-tl "-"'•-1 U II.• ll ('\wJIIDI( wu '""'nofl ..... lftf,. lltr -"'""" He .. 1 apartment No t•hlkt,.. _.. ,.ta. <'•II llAAAIJ k11t, 416. ~.1\e ----IJifCOM& TAX On Yoa Need .... ,, ... o. L. CUU.T 6 A~,_ Ac:ecMmU.. U2·21 llpurw-Blctr. 308 WNt P'ourUI Btr.t llANTA ANA. CAUP' tfa 1 ,...,,. f.,r lltr flrat lim• lllnt'• ,.. .. 11-• .., ••f Mrtt t. tr: Murrf11 f'fl IIII:MIJTIT('IfiNil fin• wnrttmaa- lw.l"' • l•lan•l .. .,, ll .. booom ab· ttlllp. To· ar111 lilt· " Ylll'tl 114 ,,.,._.. '"' lhr ... , lh .... _.... ltuby Av .. , llalbue la&aad. .,..._ •• R.-n N .. w M•aii"h N""'l"'" Til:! IO.ItJ Professional Directory Gonlott M.Cruncl,, M.D. "''*'-11M au,.... "'lrtt" -.1 c:.-trol Aile. Offllc.e Hr ... · tO-t1a.m.; )-I'·"'· "...,._ J7 LEROY P.AND!R.SON ATTOR".-T AT LAW c.ta ............... . ...._ .. c........ cal.,.... HAROLD K. GRAUI.L CHAPEL ..,.. a. .......... -.tt.-.... .,..,.. ..... ..... ............ ,.,. .. , c.... .... callfentta BUY NOW City T as s.Je Lob A. J. TWIST ftlnca.eeH...-aJ "'-Mil CORONA Hl. MAR Conrad Richter, M.D. Phy•lol•n •nd lllrteOft Oft'" 107 22nct lti'Hl H•-~ .. och Houra: tO. II a."'· & J·l p. '"· PMRM Offl• 1111 ..... 74-J DR. G. L TOHIU. ~tHYitCtAN -" eu"o•ON -c.-................... _.,....._ Offtee ... W ....... .. IfNI ....... C.. ........ ~ Dr. M. D. Crawf.4 o•TOM.TIU IT .,_ ll:aaaiiMd aaa-.......... ''" Newfort .......... CGeTA ~·lA BALTZ MORTUARY CHA,KL ev THE t•A 410 C..lt ...... c--. ... .... . New~ ~ .. ,.._..N-~41 .. .......... _ .,. ,..,,..,.._A ... C•••"• till Mar N.D. CASH 0 v .•. 000 '"' CAT HOIII"ITAL •••• \o M•l" ........ ,. "'"•· Calif WIG'S WIO II 111101 DISTRICT l"lft.PLAC£ AND MINDLINO WOOO - H "' Wr 111>1 17114 Nt•' llh tl , 1'1)"'" 1'-'•'alo p,...,l 1.""''" r, l'h II~·~·J .. G(Nt:ftAL CONTftACTOft-· '_.,,,,,." II lnndl~ty l\41 1) f.,,.., lllvrl l 'h :1112 !'lana """ I '•Of••l ru•·llun. · I UM8E.ft C.OMPANIE.S , ........ .-•• I I,,, (' "l.r t ,. h•lp Y••ll , •• ,.,, "'''"' nr.mto .. l'trrmr .,.. 1:.\ l•l,..r)d ·""'' l"r ,.,, l 'h"''" 11r.•1 , • .,,.,.. llll(hWIIV tot Arolorll. ">rf'IC.t: SUPPLIES - . •: ... f••rt '"''"•t I'IOI.II .. t.llll( , •• , PAI ... TINC.- 'l•-• f"•rt ""'''"" t•oohll"lilnl' t •., l'h••ll'"' 1:• -1:1 Nf'WJI••rt l h•llr·h, Al A l (~TATE IIII SU"AIIICE & NOTARY PU I'ILIC- I'C"' II \\' o I"'' <!.'''~ \V l'"nlrlll ,,., '"'' l'h"ll" :1 RUilBE" STAIIi!P&.-.. !'\••A ,,.,,., lll•t ll'•r l•ulollahlnl{ '"• l 'hOIIIPII lit I I =""""lv•rt I ... !Vh SH££T MI:TAL WO"l<-, Vl•l .. 11urnl•tnl:' It Nh-t ~laJ Wo,rka, f '.,~t n M•·~.. l'h"ll' :.110. VAftiETY aTOftE 0.1111.-leland Vart .. ty Rtnre ftc. lOr :Ilk IU)tl Ull l'hoJn•• 2'l l·W , . . •• -· • •• J ' .. NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TUfE.<;. Newport }!each, Cali.fomia, Thursday, February 3, 1944 -- *trt.r wet. ot eor-o-*'liar I Mrs Arline jasper ... ~ a1 wtlfttt« OllWp I • ,I-Iarbor Feminine . A ·t• .•t• I COMING EVENTS Four Generations Her ...-t.a. Mr. and Mra A~t.~MW Hangs Second We.lllt', ~paa.Wd twr .. ~- Uer ~ut ww.k. Service Star c I VI I es l "",;!t6o::::·o~room. 111 Palm Hold Reunion avenue Balboa opell 10 L m. to For ~ nne U.W In J4 ,.,...... ._ ..0 ud -" ...... by barinl )'OW ~ adrntJikal· ly nanUned. ~ ,_ and ntt..S. You'U -)'OW' Jab In a brirht« Ucht attn 1 Ylllt to our ~tty located~-- GIL a D. C8A ""ffOli orroMETRIST 111'f N ....... D rf .... Ollila .... ,._ U8l Owdlt,..... LIDO ........... ........ _ .... .....,.. ............. -... aae = 11e fha twtut It . ..._ ....... .. c 22 ......... .. ~ ...... ...., .......... ~.-..­Daft. ........ __...,._ -------n.r. .... ~ .. ~~ --.. ftlre -ructtW OJ (:(··-... o.tr.e . ,.._ ............ ~ .. .• ......_ I Wll h all b.Jt ra.aaac 1\&11 "•"' baad thet ~ bd ,. ~ -· IWl<! ., n .. a pa.r1 l'ff t · nd~ Saal' a f~t n111 ton--. Mn .Vlla<f J...,.r , •4 1~-::tt ll a1r~. S-.w>rt ~.,.b • ._ tnda y proud "" U.. ..-olld lllar iD -..,., •nr~e n.c. Hn 80fl, lrw&n I 1; Jut""' a.... wf'Pil .,._.ct bla ..... ~ ..... ~ fnr f'1ll~ IIIlO tbf' Sary -.Dd W'l1l tw ""'UC'~ 8"011 ftu hiet" Ia Ill lAe A~&n wttb 1 tUa .,.~ and ~ ,--r old diiU~fht.t'r Ano,'h,r -Wtlliua Harru bU ~ t n-tr.c Wltb t~e !k-a f 1 a-.. ••~,.. .. a...r MaN'b and .... .._.. r" ..n t: )' •n l ,., t two SouUI ,._u lc H .. ••f~ aDd tw" <h&idrftt hwf' "' U.. ADC,.._ ....._ Isabelle Durgan. of Health Department, To Speak to Hi PTA H.a\ln& bro n ..... ,_,..,J ••'h ttv Onul~t.. r • .untv "'•".., r>-rart D!'Wl ,.nt'r I• .-u f.-lrd .. ,.. l•t:...-'1• .,.,r,.,.n ,, • .. n qo...Sifl«'fl to ..... a -..,..... ~ v-ot ~tr ...,_,lb J•JAUtmt>nt-wb#n Ul4> Hiatl Sct.nol f'a.rtml·~twra· ~laUe.~ iD Uw ~ ... ------n.:.lay. ~ ...... , .... - • 'nM -unc ...Ul cnaullf'tn ratr ~-Day ftw , .... ..ua.aJ ~ ............ ntwtl~ll. ICra. Harry ...... 11. ,......,., ~ tk Ollila .._ en..ar ~.., PT.A ... poe al~. ... ,_ ....... -will w ..._ .., Ow ......... -'er u. ~--.... --~h ... u... ._ to,,.,. ..... ~ .. d lk ........... Y~.IIn a-. ........ o6 ea.... ~ Catht-rine Easton. Scx·wt y P.t'portl'r • !'hOOf'S 12 and 13 High Sch~p PTA Meets Tuesday j ohn B. Hughes Gives Appreciative Audience Rare Treat with Lecture • Residence Phone 690-W I• p m.'. arvdn~t: J L. E . Morrtll of Z2t Rtl..,. -· __ __ -~ Balboa laland, aad bia brotlwT, R MC'NO.I'v, FEB. 7-8. Moi'Till ot Rowley Maa Wft'P Harbor I 'nit of ' Cltv Council will hold a monthly ~nltf'd at a famUy rati-u.c-~ meeUn.r In lbe City Hall at 4 p. m .J whue rour lft'eralk!Da • ._ ...,.. Pro-America Group Harbrr C'omml .... nn m~t,. at tbe ,_nw at the Morrill .._ 011 : Newport Harbor Tacbt Club at 4 Sunday. To Hold Meet' p m. I The IE&ate.m broUtn-....... - ., ... llruaf\ .. "' 2 ~'' r m th,. ·rran ng uw """nt11 of the w11 r ··• ultimately brine about their 1 tng Jl<'d Cr"llft w orkroom. 111 Palm ~IUIOr lind one of tbe ~ llrgh :-;. h •• 1 I ' T A w1ll mt>t>t "'' ''' ,.,,.,.. tn a rl•·ror ami •·ompn-, ullapM, Mr. Hurhee ~el"''d the l avenul', f\alhoa flpt>n 10 a. m to 1 In bia coaamUILily. 10 thf' Jl(h•••' t nlf'!rrtll h~nah•r mlilln"r Mr ffughea lal•l llllt'~llon In many mtnda u to Mr1. Jamu V Guthrie. locaJ1 t p m .. aurctcal dreulnga. ThoH wt'o Wf'JY ~--~Of uw th•· bark~~:r• und fnr hi• lll&b~l ~ hy we can't blallt the h~r1 ot chairman or PTo-Amerlca, will, Jlt>ll C'rn~• workroom. 210 Grand I dinnu we.-. mot. lwr of u.. '-". Three Years Old "tluw Fnr Arf' Wf' G<•inJI:" 1',far11n at th'-time. . open her home at 813 W. Bay Canal. Balboa laland. open 10 a Mra. J . s. Moi'Till at a.o. Ana-en. 1;tvtn11 hill aud1rnl'f', which hall avenue;. Newport Beach, to the m 1<1 4 P m . llt'WinJt. a llimr and ._ __ b··.....__ ... Mr --" 1 Th. <' apeaker cave an tnterutlrig ....... d Willi "'" -.... ""me from Ill I ''""r thl' COUilt.'· mem .... ,.. an lrlJUla of that group 1 n~~: Wnr kera. Pallaadt'a Tav· \frw Frank .... """--r·. -· "'"·'-ard ~··I lil!ht on tbe varioua ml'lboda Tb rada I " r"""' ,.,... • • 1 h .. h•,.llnr.t ·~· " "m"ll ~~:ruup dho-and meana of . propacanda wblrh on u Y momlnr. February ern. rnrona. del War. open 1 to • L. Morrtll and bla wtle ... ,_1 •·u•Jon when hf' 1111kf'fl that th~ J JO, at lO:SO a. m. P m .. aur~~:kal dreaainga. ,, ...... lt'r, )Ia ... ·•~-. -~• ... _ M~-11 •' llfl&l\f'IMl have ·employed wilb TU ..._u ·-"" ..... -·-~ o1.rtaln11 tt.. pullf'd behind b1CD on 111,. P~lllpplnea In Ute hope that Mn1. <Aorge Taubman Jr who F.IDAY. FEB. ~ · riU'a ll<!n, U . H. c Codllac. &ad II •· plul f~onn ""'I th" 1111dltortum to ll11'\lrt' the white man will never '-kDown u a atlmulatlng I!Pf'&ker, Hl«b School P.T.A. ~111 meet in bia wire and -· Ji.auiUe. 1111r ""pt• ru,m. e•t nn John B Hupe11 1 1 will addrt'lllt the gro up. lht' 11rhool audltonum at 2 '30 Ueutt'fl&Dt wu ~ -•-, ... '"'''' llny part n helplnc lbollt' -~ fBm,.•t r11•h•• nn•l n .. ...-,. ~?el com '"' I''" ,...1111jullt themarlvea after All meii!,bt,ra ar., urgtd to.ro~ Jl m from b'-dulAelt wilb the Aray Ah rr ntJOI• r w•1n n,,. artmrrllt.loa nf t.be coniUct. by urJ1nr tbem 10 Non-mem~ra wlahtng to atte~~d. W.S r S. of C'l\rlat Church by the F orce tn Rolrwt'U, N. M h•• l""r'llntUll ap~arance f~ u k•·•·p thf' Allllltlca for tbe Alt&UcL may call Mr1 Guthrie at No. B Sl'a will convene at Ute home of 'r ..... mv OJ! h,. hR~ alwav• don" 3~. I !'olr~ ~: D r,nodt"ll. 3000 w ~an D.-. --·-u _ .. _ ... :llr lfughn hu juat come from Fro ........ ., ~~. ~ or •• ..,... Wl.- ll '"11£h h" u\tl•·r mrlln~ l'ff ~-II I n p to Wubtnrtoa and '-leav. The day prevloua t.:> the Harbor nt, at 1 ·30 Jl m. Stud\' J?roup a Wut A4. •~• I "" "'"'k" "' thf' N.wport '"~ hy plane for Europt' In the m~et tng. thf' Santa Ana Unit will Pl'fff'du.lt. meeUng at lhl' Mme ~--------------.. Oooar" r:rammar ~boot l.n the ftr.tlt 1 Vl-TV 11Mtr future , bear Murray Cbotlner wbo will phtr•· at 10 30 a . m "P'•"""..-t hv lhf' Harbor'IOwanl.l monc oae -n In the lliHII· Banta Ana E~ll Club at 10:30 w.. Balb4?•· urwn JO a m to 4 I' m (N I N-.le ~ ~ .,1 'lt ,,r ,.,. "' Tov.·n H llll Jl!vent.oo A tb · l pt>llk 011 "Part v Structurl'" at tbel Rt>d Crua, w•rkrroom I l l Pslm. ,,ub -f'nce were Jamea Irvine, Mr. and m. followed by a tea at lhe homl' aurr;tcal dre .. tnp. _. 0r·e lllat Mra Harry Welch, Mr. and Mra R<'l <"r''"" wo k o ""I G d With a frf'fthn•·lll' and vlvtd P"' 1 1 1 11 llf'efl Mr and M 1 . · n' Mr11 Jack Zlnn In Fullf'rlon at ' r r m, .,..., ra.n ... n11111, 0 !lfr H h~> b _..t 01 · · · ra. rvtn 2:SO. Canal. Balbna laland, open 10 a. ug • rw,.-" Splrf'r, Mr. and Mra. Jack Puke m '" 4 p. m .. wwlng. 'ftAOIIII:a or ftAJifO o.p.w · • a rtnt ''"M''11~ .. till!"" "' th,. war to th,. Mr. alld M,... Robert H olllnAhead. Wi>~kly Harbor Uona c luh I ""Mr 111 f th~-wbo II • J J h at 1 ...._,-Ot'• .. ·-''"rv .. .. t'pll II ,_ 11'j.IAI'k Raub, Mr. and Mra Stuart ames 0 nston Hf'lnz KaiiH'rll. 6 :30 dinner. -· ••• - lt'ndf'd ""lt"rly to hla analyJIU of Dunlap, Judre and Mra · o A WP••kly R•lt11ry meetin~t at -c.-... - tt'r jl.'rROtl plltn II( lltraii'II'Y .. II JonP~. Mr. and Mra. Hal . wui Returns from Leave Whltl.''ll Park AVf'nUI'. 6 !30 p m , I'IIOJQ:: M&Wi'CJMW ... h-•in2 follnwrrl hv !ht t tnlted Na· Fmlth, l4r. and Mrtt. Harry 1 dlnnf'r. tlr'lns Thf' 11P"Ikf'r lhf'fl ouUinf'd 11om and Mr. and Wra. Willi~ Aftt'r IIP"nding 10 tlays with hla :.:_::,:.:.._ ________ -==~~~~=========:: lhr reat•tlf"" anti a~me nt th,. Wallnr r t Anaheim , Mr. and Wra parent~~, Mr and Mr.. T J. Jobn... Nmrwa wr msy f'Xped our ene· navl' r.armichael of Santa Ana. ton In their ho~re. 4211 carnation mre• to t nllow m nrder to wtn thr !ofr 11nd Mr11 Sam Klna'.ath•r. ••r. .. I ... __._ , ... avmue, Olrona d.-1 Mar. Jamu .. I ---p~·au. uen 1L lua of the war lJ ""'1 Mra. R-11 Berti", Mr. aDd J ........ -..etft .... Ill ...... I lmn:anf'nt ltf J B-'-otmllton. 8ftman 1 'C In fhe Ufttt· =• a el6i 1a it 1 e1 .,_ • ra an • -.oe. Mr. alld Mrw. f'd Statu Coaat Guard, hu return· .... 'UWW7-"*-' :O.Ir Huj!'h<'tt stro·-d the po8t· t1v~ Denlinft~r. Mr and lira. lr-ed to hl1 atatron at Pad flc City, _., &. ....... ......_ .......... mrlllsrv rha-u( the war when, \'In Gl'orgl' C••rdon. Mra. Geor«e Ort'gnn. whl'rt bl' la "" ahnre duty. ,........ U:a..£.., ..... fiiJF ... even thou«b the arma of arJTf'•· !'ltrll'kf'r Mr and Mr1. Arthur Jaml'a Wall graduated frllm Har- .. .... ..,...., .... ....... • "n haw· hl'en laid d0W11, with Hambo. Mr nnrt Mr" Clifford .. -~ II ... Ill --t<~r Hi¥h In the aprin .. of '42. He -••* __.. r ·u h r· unl ry and ct.-a wit" In Lour k• nf C..:oata Mua. Dr. and " ...... c:IIJ ........ ....ea .... 'I ,. '• untrr,.• alrrvrn~t tor a •<Mre !'.Ira. Obf'd Luru, Mr. and lira. ~nhllted In the fa ll of that year and ..., Ill_, ..... el • ...e.y Ito ttwo ~·orld plan The peace-la· CA:orte McKHhan. ltlra. Olartea v.·u called In Ja~~uary of '4S. -,..,_, t. ........ --. ---------.... f , .. Ill 1180 • 1 h ... hlllt lnn~t ~n proved ~t·•· Prlr8t, Mr llll•l Mra Sed Htll, Mr 1'o ht'lp cheer hta mother. Mre diiiil _. 1 ::=• ~ ... rartory, -a·ht're tradlnr one acatn.t and Mn1 Tbomu Hellde..-:JO., R. ~ tW ~ ~,_ fill r l 1 U ·~::!-• • llltothrr to rr11rh an agrftabk art· L. Patteraon, Mra. Cbarl• TeWin· Victor Gorenno. In her period of W A.C' S _. ,._..,. al Ow ~ - -• -Uf'm•'fll Whethn It wm be a kif', Mr~~ Earl Stanley, Bert Wll-convalucencr foll,wlnK a fall. Heights Elects to Sew for Red Cross ..... --• H -..... -----I l ~t&nley w .... n ... 1th hill wife and --.--.a. ~···-·•.-._... W"rld Ff'df'rallnn or P'amUJ ot ' n, Mr. IU'Id W.ra. :ohll•t-~. Mr. ADa a.--. llllr _....,. ... .,.. "" Telfphone Hour Hu :S•ttom•. •talNI tile-•Jlf'aker. there a.nd Mra Lu O•~M-11 and ma~~y young d&u«bt••r, Jun. l'lme down · -f• Ow fttM or-.a --.... mu8f ht> 11 l'ntltdlnatf'd plan In nthera, from Fullf'rton to ~ guut• In t he ..-,.......... F ....... Guest Stan whio h f'IIC'b polltk al problem mull Gorftl.no home. ..... a 0. ........... dllarr --• 'bf' th'ridf'd aeparatl!ly aDd the * fill *"'•1"-la low w1lk'• 111M (h,_ ,..IVI'relgn rlJthl t " make war nf e:a~ '"-~ UP~~" HI-.-·· G.....,.. Jltafll nn lhr Tf'lrpht>ll<' l iiKI:FUA•nn mu11t bo· 1\bror;ated Two Hnur br"''" u1• olunn~t F11bruary ...,...... ....... ~. Mre •UI t.rm~: J • .,.. 11.,,1,1 l llm~d p·an l lrl\'lnj.' lnltl tlw minute llnd IWrbrt1 8 KJIIrc -.1 lira J!arl R Ull. J•m• 11 ~"""" Am.,n <'lln lt•n· r·n•IIMIII pro·parallor. which hae g t.>nt! 81...,__ 11__.. a--t ..,.,. "'. u .. t .. n Traut~! W&Jtftf'rlan ao-1nto thr r .. n•trur tton and cor,t ric· ~ ~ ;;..... •~-:../..:; r•ran" a not 1t11rar J1 vant. p polar Ooa ot Uw rtap around tbe ellemy 111. ..,_ ........ err-lhlln. pta.n•t. ar('Or•lln.J-to C I MeDon· OeGrp -I 0 ... a ....... ,. ....... Dwtrtct tt~anarr. eouu.ra E.. D-~_,Girt......_ c.MfonYa T•~ o-peay, 'ftlr Md _....,. ...._ .. ~ ... ..W Uaat t.k ,.,...,.._. are ~a. _.-.a..,........ ~ t.. owr ·K:rf at t p. a loi.-Jaya lturtM wiU appear on A a-_... ..,._. Ia ,.._. , P'ttlnary 7 and lbf' CII.Jwn 011 aut· : BALBOA . TBBA'I'E& • Try making cinnamon roast wirhour burrt'r. Spread hon~y ovt'r hoc roasr. rht'n sprinkle wirh ci nnamon. Warch the pia~ of roue disappear. ............ ..,..,... .,.. ___ , ,........ .. ~ -;~::;:::::~~~~~~~a~~;n~~·: .. ::·~--~~-:.~:::--~~~::• 1 ... BIRTHS ., I JA .. , .... t :ll Lat. 8bowtQC at. a Doublot ....._ ture PIOCfMI kuta at I:JO ~•:....,.__ .. ,.__ ... , '1111uL·Frt.·8at. 'ired ol dUnk.in& ol ..,.. nCw aaJad 110 tene? Try cfUa..s1iad miJd oaions aad ...... slica ol avocado~. Scned widt ftalda dressinJ. a paad cliaaa' lifla. upper. ly adding o~ bntm ~gg wh~ to s-ckasecf puddings, you will hav~ from on~ to two more ~01/b' ........ Bn•Je PORTRAITS c ......... ••12 ••. , ,_,.,.--,_ .. ,..,. 0 s5 iiiSI'IN S'I'IIDIOS Brinl 'l1liB Ad ~...... ..... .• IIAlftA All.& ............. : ........... .. • , a ., •sa I , c 1..1 Col.. and Mn. Frrocorick ! ~-3 17 Alnfoth)"'· OaJboo ba-d at St J~ tto.pital. 1 Jan 25. 1944. a ~ I S S;:t antf MD. Ctvstrr llots·l «iaw. ~ F. Cf'fttr-al, BaJI,oa, at ' St J~ twl!optal. Jan :!f>. 19U. ' adaucfttrr. Mr. and ltn. PauJ E. Po.Jc.in .! 11131 :J7th !ltf'I'IPt, N~ ~. 1 et Santa AN Cornrnwaity hot<pltal. • JAIL 77. IM4. a -· I !let. and Mn. William MP)'PN . , 405 40th trtf'ft't. Nrwport Re-am. At St.~ ..... tal. laD. 2R. 1944 .. •-. . I Corp. and Mn. ~ ~rr. 1 IS. .. ~ Rlvd., BaJbcMa, at St. I ~ .._..tal. Jan. n . 19M. • --I Mr. and Mn. F'lovd M. Moon-. I I 341 Drt Jtbr, Coeta M~. at Santa J A-. Communaty t..pital. Jan 2S,, l ltM,..... I llarriqe~ l I A ..ma,. lic'ftl• .... a-n .... I -.1 tn IUf'hanJ Smttb. 22. at caz, .. '-· oe.1n. aad ~yl¥'t& K Hf'IUibaw. a:a. fll Balboa. J&JW: ,.,.. • ., a .... -..rttfta 1-.·, w. uuw .,~ , 1 J ... · How aMut IIHitnc 1'<1{ a ,_.,.. ..... 1 Laa~ fO"lpt1nta "" the &.'\nth• of lltro· ·•~• n .. t m .. 11n liflf'nl11n~ --at """'' da,.. Oft t two tw.cll ._ Arta..r·hMI w.,._ .. •A a.a.ty T .. ,.. at..._" ... a "'"-41 J"eataN '"NZGHT PLASE t'&OM t.'H VSOKL'W" wUll ....._ 1":'8to. · Elln DI"''W a..-1 cart-aiMI New~~ ~-·11-.·n.e.. ta.Ja llf'ale · .lark OUde .. .."lSTE&TIIIE" ... a llllartMe (.:oa...iY •PLUJU,J: CHICUN81' ~ ... New• .......... , Oaly 'l'lea Man a,.._, ....,........,v, ....... o.., .. "BBG 8TOU: _. a "'..terw Tla.riJifot' -ne ..._ Praarte" .-, c.rteea ... N_.. ~ lew~ 'I1Min.. F~. It -..:BIND THE IU81NG IVN" ... "aZDBEAD noM KANHATrA.'Ii" Gf"'H'tlft9 Cards anti a G,.at Variety of Uflu1u.11 Cllh ·wF; r:s\·1n Yen-TO RHOW!'J-: ,\l:••t ':'\1 • · C. E, LOUCKS JEWELINY and STATIONERY Phofle Newport 2430 11't7·" N-port 8hrd .. Coat.l Meu, C~lol. I Ooamonda • Watchea · F ine Rep;111rono ~----------------~ I llf.FORE YOU BUILD OR REMODEL ... 1112 ............. . Vlart our onte~at i"Q aample and draPIAy rooma. ColO' tuidea ~anl_l&.AQ a ida, eotn· prette~ trtock Of "'11'- ul'pt'ta. linoleum and Vel!~· tlan bllnda. • .. u .. and Car-peta CleaMII "•pal"d LUDLUM Carpet W orka IANTA ANA Keep 'em flylng ••• with safef'tl Good kite Byers hctd the four safety rules below. They know that h ilurc to observe rhesc rules can resuh in injury to themsclvc5 and ro power Jines which carry clecrriciry ntcdtd for war production. It's more fun ro play sdc when you fty your kites! l..urlf nJ follow thtst ruin; 1. Fly kites in ~n open fidd, awar from power lines :and cxher overhead obstructions. 2. N~·er usc wire, ~inscl or metallic string. 3. Be sure the win~ is perfectly dry. 4e If the kite CliChes in :J rower Jine, Jcr go irnmc,Ji.ucJy. Don'r pull! Phone: the (Oillplny owning the line, :and a l.incmJn will come w t:tt vnur kite for you. R EDDY KILOWATT ;.,-_,_, .J. , __ ,.,..,u uu: * "\:oNN!&VATION <HI l oU< Ill' lllll HU.f' WIN TMI eAal" J.I.ESTUS PLll'MBINO GENERAL ELECTRIC aASOitl'C e unuGDATOSU!t e "'A81U'.U PI8R\\'.UIIItU e RADIOt!l .... 11. .. * servings. • rOR HV.CIRY APPETITBS AIID .. 8Wiiiii' TOOTir ra• :a+ • ...... .. .... , M•.._. 2 c. ,f' n• ,._.. 2c. ................. ......... 2 ......... 2---c. ................. ..., ..... ... ,__.....__•~AM ......................... --· ............... .-...r .. .......................... * • • l c. '-41Y ......... cntieAa lc.~--lc......, 2 ... '1........ . ........ eo.lliar ~ ..... Ills .. -.... ~ ~ 10 clry ;..,........, ........... Veailla 10 be ......... Drop .., 5 I I 011 pftllfd baki~ ....... ia -----fot ~flftftllllliiiUIDCW .-iJ ......., ......... ~ ir-.di.t, f.-bakltrw ..._ ...._ 2 ~ cloln c:uokin. ADD '1'0 rLA YOB a•D •ouaa••••IIT You'll 6ad Webu't EDricbed Whiw Brad • cklicioalfooll "balaacer" ar nery mal. Makes orhrr foods r..-a.-r. while addiq ia own nourishiniJ nluea ol .......... ceraJa. 5efw pleary-Dd oiWCL lr't M your ....-'&. ~~·JJ.. ill 8o,U...V. &li/Httill. • I I • I • I f t t • c J t h a II g r p It n ~ tl 0 b E n ti b h c l' a b tl 0 c ,, ir fl tz a H b .. b c • lu ni N m sl u a! \\ m SJ 011 "' st tt Ri F1 g] sa tl! be: fo til II( ql tK pr .. • be: a. Pa .-t gr •• at nt ,,r en oC su ta go lh cic m is a : Fi N1 WI be Cl it': Cc hi ell .. • Sl: -be ,., til .. dt