HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-02-15 - Newport Balboa News Times11 SAID CRAB .. SA~ SANJr.WY &)istrict_ That election up at Coda Mesa to dedde the Sanitary Dlr t.rict Plan was a def'anite stt'p in the right direction to • make a.ta Mesa the mod- em, up tO date community fate ltas in ~ for her. Their Chamber of Com· meroe deserves a great vote of ~tion for the splen- did campaign they put on in ~ of this project. It ~frank and sincere.~·­ ing a definite desire to mod emile Costa Mesa: and im- prove Uvtng conditions for all. Such a progressive group of men are .an a."5("t, and their voicr-will no doubt be heard in other civic bf-tiPr- ment plans. .nil WMihli OF SAil. Good neigbbor Sam Meyft'S ol the Newport ~' has t.d ~ flu a)ong. with ID05t everybody die but ia~ ing into shape ~ and is -'cine ~ ink .. paprr talk down wtwno the bar-bor meets the --Not lo be out- done, Editor Art McBride ot the La habra Star has joined the .. lnfluentiaJ Influ- enza Epidemic" and Editor Neil Adams ot the Seal Beach Post and Waw i.-. con- valescing from a major ~ eration -Jim Farquhar in Huntington Beadi News. -· .. -~ Bay Bonds to End War Quicker -\ \ '· --· ··-·- .-IT -- IEEP PIIIEI I ~ t:........ n -... ... -, J Year ..... ca..l't; ... . .. _... ................. ~ EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COL~NY, LIDO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGKTS. B41.80A ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA 11~ VOLITME llXll\'1 NEWPORT aEACH, CALI~OIIINIA, TU£SDAY. FE.BRUARY I~ 19-H ============-=-----=- Harbor Post Sets Up Machinery for Relief to Soldiers.and F aniilies ' ... • Lonl Ameri£an Legion Officers Establish · Emergent"y Help of All Kinds for Home ________________ , Do You Know This Man? ~r ~ hrl"t' hi' ,...ad ..,.. l'f'114'hf'4 T 'I"'IMo Se"rport Hartlltf' ... c·r.-.... a -t "",.,....~ n-...... frum rnt•,..ttoQa,l KNI ( ·,.,..,. fur him . . . HJ• ni&IIM" t .. : .o\~.\~1-'l't ~T:\Rt:RO II VOII h-.&'f' •n•• Info.,._• lion, · ratll, 11h01N; or wri&.e S"11111nrl P..•••ll Rf'4 Croea. I• , .... ~tol"f'.'' rtulldlna. n..ra-. t•hnn" J 118.'1. S N I The "Attnes" Savt's 'E 1 5 1 p d ays ava 1:-:~ Pilot;.Ptan{\ · _ar tan ey, ~ resi ent, Depot H"t' ( ra~ht'S Into Sea 8 d F· h 1 t v· I s .............. 1! ·'" .. y .. wllnr -·11 ra en tnc I s • ICe Coun. ty p·lan ,.~~;::~:~ "··l~~~~ .. :·.·.:.::::,. .. '~-:t :~~h~.~; (~amber a· f Commer·c· e h, Il l lt'lfo·u••ol ltw 1'11••1 11f II I' :1' "ll11'h o fftllhrol htl•• \hi' ••••••n "" t•t11, ,.,,,~•'\ In N•'"l"''' t\t•~t hI~"' 1 ~~ 1\1. II'·.At'll 1 ~ '·"'' ul !<fl llll•l••l ,.h'""" 1\fl rr n '"' l•'olks Of Our f'ighting 14"orces t•huua.;•• ... Itt t•~'\Uul11 tl•·"' ·'' tlh .. 1h. Th11111t' ''hu nh,.•'rV.-•1 lht-••'t'h'f"nt CJI tho· $1~ (UI I IIIli ""' ,11 1111111,,,..,. •lrll r•l I hill tl1r hi I of I h,. alrl''""" I dfSoOI M'h"'htl•••l 111 fl,. 111•1,11f,·d "'"" w,..,n,•hr•l nff •lur!n• ''"' twr.• \\ ,.,,,.h '" ,. '"'Ill.,; ..... , ... ht "' l Ut\1 ~·1 ,,, ,. ,., t'f"l' , ... J'P'i' ... , ,,lVt' Ontn~:•· 111111 1,,. ,\n~o l••• , ""'''I :-<lo. ••h• "''"""''u 'fl". lh•• flll'r bl\11 .• Pleas' ure Craft : oltl ..... l .. hill •• ,~, ..... oh•t'ft"' <I '" •. ,, • "' "''""' 1\ III"Mi ...... '" ""' till ltdand l~ealtor •:~et-tftl to Head Thde Bodj-I• ( 'urrent \'ear; W ~kh R~named M...._u an'd ( ;h'en l.eoa'·~ of Ah.llft W Uh ... \\ .u u~ 1 't1 •II tu,,,, ,11 lh• HtH1 1111'11 pat l\1 hut,• wn• IN'rl\ ''' Nt'\\ port Harbor Post 291, Aml'rican ~dmT. announ<'\.'<i Cannot ~ave '~::::·· . "1111· \ •••.• ,., ... .. .. ,.I , .. " ........ ~. Hlln "'""'"'" ,. .... 1111111 •·,::•rl \\ Stalllt•). \\t•ll krtnwn Bnlhr'ft-hlanrt n.Jtor .... today that its organization has Sl't up the mal'hin£'t'Y· as out· S C • 1"''1 11'"'11v IC"1 ··•··•• "' 111'' ""'" 1'1't'f•~t ,.,,.,..ldc•nl u( lh•• Nt~'lWlM lltarhnr <"'hhuftbrr C1l ~ h Harbor ays ralg I \\ 11111•'1 .,,,1 "'·'' "''''''"' pi Ill• \ ... " II ........... ,, ,,, bu .... •t•llrt. I •• I I I lined by the national organization for emel'gE'ncy J-elief tot £' • ror , .... '""' ",,. •I· I~•• '"" 1 , ... 11 ""•.:• "'m .,,, "net """''na duwto '"''"''· 11 Hk'' " 11,.. ~<~111tfiKot•, "hilt• Umttfn Jt~, ............ fll •ivl'S and ramili€'S o( our soldiers Cighling around the "orld. nkt "'1" I•• ,., 1''"~h ·II •'" '' 1•1.11'' ••· •• .. rt h ""''"'"'"'v Th•rf' wu • Kn~· i''lm·h < ·,.,,unl•os. "u .. •·ho!irn fintt \~ IW't'ldd~N~t; Dr. GcJr. 1 ( ,, b' .-f t ' I eli . ( •np• 11ln ltn~· t're.l,:c, So•wr nrt 1 for 11 1 '"' '"•"I"" '·" "·" '"" •·· .,,. ,1 ,1,11111111 v ,.1 .,,.,._,. ,.,..,.,111.1: ,1tnn M G,trlfl,\', !Qt'f'tlflll ,.,, .. , c-hnlnnAn', ."" .... m .,,~8 .. .._, -~ • thus lifting one o ule tggcst wornt>s con ron m~ our so er!i 1'\fo,.rh ""'""r !'.t'l,.tl'r, """ rm·l <'au .... 1111· 11,, """ •• ,,.,,,,1, .,.. ~ . ._... ,.._ 1 f ....t~• ,,..,.,, thf' "n~t'"""• anti th# mut••r• un•t· "h 1 1 f \"' ,_..._ _..... __. on whether their folks at home were amp Y sa q;ua"·"'-"· rh .. t h·"llv,.,. lc•h•••l '"" nm1or that 1 11~o• hc•.ocl "' "•1•·•·•·•1 , ""'""I'·~· • · 1" nrry ... .-.. -.. WM n-n, ...... nt • .,, -·---, r ' • "'"'"""d tn rat'f' until lhf' fu ... latcC' h -~ ... ._., ____ ._. If your family alt••"IUK'~· ,,.. cw•·r· ' plra•.,n· c rnfl mlttht ~ allnwf'(l namt't tn "" k tho· '''' ··h.on~:•· tt f f •' Ol):nnintllc'" n'tl ... tina(hrld Mnrwllly AI thr ~ Ortll. dut-and )'OU 1'W'&1 m '""') In A '""-'n <"liUM'<I by mthtary aervice or nniAtdr tho· Hou h"r "'llhln t.h~ n~st l ~' "'"' '"'"> ""'.' lhr· "'"'' ''"'~ lnln th" "''f'an ~""" 300 to \\'"It'~ ~ "a•ll"~ ••halnruut nl hurry; if tiM-no an• h•j,:lll probiNn.~: \0 huw IN"t•n aggravah'<f by llUCh ff'W daya W ht~·n a~ko-.1 lro nll>\o' tho• ~en• ,1 CIMI )'llrct. lltff/lillcwp tit• llo'ltlllnlllihtt , ,..,tmt\1..-• .. at...t lh•l t• 1.__ ••• ........_ ... ,._ ...._ ___.-nd f'l'On v.•ho are d1< --11 tti 1 Tl•l!' JlllnC nnat .. J htltl '"" ••atrt· ..... ..,_ - - -if a sokfieor 's Wift' f'!<pt'C\5 a 1\ab), scrvtc.• a Jl<' • ., • • Accord'n~t tn lh~ capt&tn . ...u ~tllnr.• en And I (I " ~~~~~~~ nhnut HI() ~ ''"'n lan<l and thr ttu•f '"" u•u•l ,,, .......... .,.,. ••• t" h .. h-r• aflft tale .,., -·-if cht'~ t.~ 5K'knt.,..~ llnti nu rnunl") ehal'};tod or rch•8M'<I lor r•·aM.m~ acllu and oth•r pleuure -.o.t. .._.,t to l.A'III AlllmltUto All ''" ,. aft· •·h·•-lhr ,.,_ v~o • ~~~~~~ •• "-'' ....,.n .,..,._,.., t. ,__ in the hclome. or 1r )OU no"'od rash o r ott~·r 1h11n ph)'hlcal dhabthty Y b . It 1 pe,..•-at U... •'Mn' a lllrJi!t• lra•'l .,1 ltueol "AJI:n ... " lmmf'dtat~ly lltart ... l .. _ ...._... ........_.~ ....., ___ _. _... ... u .. 1._, .... f mav o latn .-nn • n o ... .._...._ 11,_ •-, ... _ --..~ _ • ,.__' P,.. ........ , tlllt lh•l ettrr • C'(lftf•~· c'\-lf ... ,.,.--- a loan ror fbod. r .. nr. or m«'ddctrw """"'JU ..,... """""'"'""' ~-.,.. -1 ht o tmd;· ot relllrlct.ed .,...., ll11JI'II", •r-....... _ ..__ _,. --~··~ ••Hh Vkr ,..,.. ... ..,,., "-"' elf\ ""' ,. ""';~• .::::; .:..,..,..._.. --dort'r w. uw Mldit•t· v.·orry. MJ.r financllll &lllliatanct> from Army ll~ 0 -lhoutd th.-~~~~ tw-mn\•'ft '" tht> N .. w,enrt Mf'r "' •-.._ ... -._.. pi) .• , ~ for Army Emergt•rwy ~l'ltt'I1CY Reli~f to ake UN! or w1tbln th~ Harbor ltaelf but Usere pa{nt lhl" Navy NJUhl n-taln II n... !ln .. ltf Lh• wlnlf• ..... f•ll Kttlafatt-.. r '"" •• u .. .-_.., ... ( ... ,,. ............... ., ..... .. fttolifof <'m<'r&('ftCY condltlons lnddfont 10 U. 110 lmm~<'lat" p~t of .,,.,. rorrldor l'nll"tlnrr In tho• ...,.11 lan.t..d Jultt at ttcl• '-1 a t lllf' Wl'ltlll ""1 lw •hlr In ""rv. Mr doww In ta. ,_.,, ...... .... PhofM> thr Amf'rican IA'ctcrn po:-.1 his or h«>r rt!lum to civil We, pro-1 e~anp In r"ei'Jlall•-to pernalt •f Anahl'lm Lllndlna Whle'tl wo11tlr1 1 fnuc ,_,, tMh "'""'' antt allrad ... t llph•l'r-lh,.n ,,,..,,...,, lttf' ,,.......,... wnukJ ... IWtlln ........ . lOM'VJcl' olflcer or •djuUmt at Nf'w· vldtod such aslristance is renderf'd. them to tb out to •a rl~r In aGt Jnterff'r'l" wtUI • J'f'Ofi(1N'f1 m· • JrPal r rnwtt et1 • .,....,,,. In pr .. • n•n•n "" '"" ~"""'• • <rf lttf' "'-· Mr ~ .-11,_w port &adl or phorw Fl~ Ctu.-r wtthln 30 da)a. from OW elate ol U!e daythn~ or at nlpt. trance to ltlf• $20,000.0UO lnfhi\IMotl tlr•lly no tim" . mru~ '""' 1"-' ... ,....,._ ~~ ... rlllet ..,._.......,.._.tiM...,. Frank Crorit.-r, 703 E. Ba) &vt>nUf'. 1 dhlch&Il:t'. Army E~rc~ncy Re· 'Mil• will tiC' of tntere•t to th~ hllrtlor 111 Sun.....-1 Rt•twh \\'nt no·t At , ... r.tlnJI: to otl~ tal ,...,.,lUff' lh•m un•nl......_, Mr Maftt.y. U..l w-U. ._ .... _.. Balboa. or C'OC'IW to ~ Pmt ~ll~f fun& an· not avaJ .. ble for u · who claim they ban ~ad not~ .ad, tho• pll"t whe .,.,....._~...t 1., _,..,,. Ill eoc~pC.Ia• . .ad II C'-u a No. 291. loc.-atfd at 15th lltn'f'l on ~~~l .tno·t> 111 dl,..,harrfd penonnel In Lnll An~relu paper11 whlclt •C•t· 'nM' Navy'• J)f'l..,r nl pl~tn• tur w1111 2nr1 1.1 Jam ... tt .,,.rt.rJ,.r d...-*4 11161,...._ n .eoo «'lflhall ...... • Ge .,..,_ ~finland third ~tuy ni,:chll< for R lon)(<>r J:M'rtod o'llC\'PI., lndJ· @d·that tb~ ba.re we~ J "lntr to be ~1 11t<"1Jnn of brTalt•1,.,.,., ,1, llu• ~t nl hml'<1 •I n....,. .. ('\)t~nty air· Mr W•k'h ••• •'""" a ... t)'· .._, MaiM and tlllet .,._ tllle .-r o1 ~month. 1 rato..-1 en 1 <tbun ·. l~t ctown at thl• UJDfl. ~ l.andlna lluy o•nl ttorlt'•' •lmme . A""' ..u.orllt .. .uct ~ •Ia\' l.an of • ._... '" ,,_. ~ ..,_. w.-...w IW ---• OIIMir-_ .. _ -------·,... lnt -I Ill I "---~.... .,,_ .._ __ ..... nle •"-· 1Ur11wf tW tile--......,. ~~ Depe-•ta _. no4 ,.,. .. ,.. ~·11 ' Ito• "' ~ .. ,..., • ..,.k and • hlp lnJeuy • ---· ""'''"'f'r -__.,., All Jlf'"OI'IIW'I ot th•• arm). m· nr,:M'nf!<·ntl' lndudo· memJxon o1 Fi h At• .... .-k f141tri11t hamar IJ'~'II """ tlu• lfr wu tu•n to ~ Rante Au• .,._ o.,..._. nl all"ppJf1• ....... -., a. dudirlc ttw Wfiii'M'n·~ Army~ ltw lmowdtatr fanuly c>f a I'Oidier.J 8 ermen ~ board ch11trmun •Jtltl Ar-n 'Y Air ,.._ Ua.plt..l. f 1'"" n-cllt~1.nt11 *•rll ln at -)r• Pf' ... _ .. ..... on a~tlve dut) or on tho• n>11~ and any JX'I"M">O who ha. .. l)('('n dfo-Fed J J • ''"""•'"'" •I thr -• ~IIi ,._,........, .,........_ .,._ .,..... IUot on St'ptf'mh<-r lti IMO tc11lh' of flo•ntlrnl UJlPII II "oldll'r Co r :<Uppor1. era nvaslon L,orm.ar Port... I "''"I hy, "'" .. ,.. ................ ,. '"" ...... NJIIY_,._ Ifill .. ,...,.. lnduetion of tiM' fil"'ll un1t~> of thr "'l:anilf'!l.~ .. r P l•ehon~hlp Of Stat ' 1"'-. t J A k r ~ ~ n ...... m•n and ,...,.._ r.-r>tma _........, <If ""*Ill llle,... ,..._ :-.oattonal Guard of tho• lJntl<·d Ot-ijo;ndc·nL~ Ill 'f'I~ICI"S who an· e 8 UJn ro c erman Kan88AI lle8ident .,,,ron lnf'nt 1'11\roon ........... llll&n<l ri.tll ••• ··~ ...... ~ Stall'!< I . or whn havP t"'''fl m · llbl!l•nt wlth<llll ll'tJV1' 1•r v.•ho hnvo· F I Walt•on ltuhbard, Jr , _._ ~ ·-frf tttf' ...,.. All: _,. _.., doctl'tt, mhJIIC"d. rommts.~llmt'd. or hf.,•n otrtoJlf)o"l ;1' r1•'•o•rtl',..._ mny h<• ~AN l liF.r.n A«,.:.-.jv~ or · I UReral !tlervit"e& 1 .. ""l''"•tll ti-e .... ...._ u a ........ lap a..tct wlt)l IIY .. , I I• • ordered 10 aMIVI' tlul~ "in<"~· thnl g1vt'n a~"'"lanl·•· v.ethciUI W&lttm: 2 d A , 11ntt ""Ina Kalwr wu,. n•m-.. 1., •tl ........ ,.._ • -.. ftl 01111-h ft.. t I'' ~•·1 n '" tn•aiiiC'n uf ••• , .. r~~:h~ ~· --datt'. tho!<t> v.ho ha\'f' ho.,·n l)r rna) return or ap11rr rn,eon n ,.., ...,-, · n rmy • ~·""""' St <'-lr. 1'1"11.....t ht~lf'h«-t ·~t·rt-nt thr .• ~-..... 1_ .. _.._ t....._ terN&. di !':; 111 ct 1 t:ll' "n'' FNh•ra.l C'nntrolc•f c:omm .. r ,_, ... , ,.._ _ be:· honorably disc:haq~•..-1 ~inc"(' that t'r. · nt ''I" un •·q.:n nt.t -.4·n· 1111..-d .__y •t thr Onnt;f' hoi· • <tty tlntlftt .,_ .,_ .._ ..... dalf', thPir df'ppndt>ntt. and tht> ~ ~~ of NtnfanMT\f'nt not invoh•m.t ""'' ftahlnJI: In Cllllfornla wu vntr -pit"l Th~. •t thr llftr• •rf A!l _, ..-..A-t• ol -........ -l"fiiflnel who dl,;honnrnhlo· rti~h!U'\((', lind thch M at a h ... rln~t lly th~ Stat .. t..ec· I Ba )'t"A -H ......._ """''n• ............... II.. '-IJ· ..... to ... A ..... a , ... ...,-.~.. """"" ,.. I 1 t rl Flab d C •-,. Wall .. .,Tl al l'un,.., mo.ur Ill r..por\111• tl" l'-.... ef Onn•Sftle ..... ~ ...... 1 Mrn .mo tNt~ brftt lnducfed and anor. Oepcnclmtl ol '"wral prt.-1 ODmmllle.. )'8ft ......_. • 0..• lilfU MtdJ -• .._. ----...... I' LEA G U E CIIAIIPION8. wen. they dood it-t.boR up ana. at 'em boys of the N«_.wr port Harbor Hi Baskt'tbaD team. w~ were aD rootinJ.! for them in Friday night's gamt" with Anaheim. and they aare came t.hroqgh :- ~ 32. Anahrim ~-A.~ we said before, this is thr wtnninc l!pirit Pel -ry not Gilly in bultetld pmes. bul .... &dhM' • 'IIIII tplrtt cmrnted in OtU' boys at this ~ wiD. If canifd through Uf~ •iJJ ~ tJwm ot later IIUCC'eSS in bfe. n.e winning ot thJs game with Anaheim makes the Newport Harbor High School team the cham- pions ot the S\Jn!lal>t LeaguE'. ha\f' dWd or may die, art e!Jatbko. drpendl>nl'<, may be ltll••n IUIIIl$1· .. llhlror'• n e ttl an ami! a~ n y Knna.aA, and lwtd tor Uw JliUII :.0, lll.alwf' of Om•---. a-.. --....... -.. I furlouilhed to aJw ~ to await ~ ...,::£1 -.ter wn~ ol ....... • I!U ~>'•P. e&ll• CJt1Rt7. . l... u..t ......... ~ :..-... 4 I ·-~ 2 r ~-....-.. ,....,ol "'>kbL'C\glm s,...~~·-="--····~ ... -...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. ~~~:::::..;;;:-...:'1111!!1 ClvDian rill....,.... 0.. '"r ~n ,.._ ~lnl...,... t'x.,.r-_w DOt M•pped lUI Uti' ptrf'iflon an11 •r-et William II .. ~ 0.U M-: 11Mtry1 putm~t. and tM~ • deJ'I'ftdeiiU. 11tion o1 their prll10tl trrrn m~t)' ftaherltll pl<"IUff rb.-&C'trrt•llt• ()( IJI,. mann,.,. In N rtl fUy..,...,ldl'· and ""' 111 1 1 H b H d d . aror not ~·~· lllttn he> ,~.:1\·rn ll~lfl~t.anct'. had In Snn .. ~ .. ndaeo. Mlllltrrty ... ('. th .. Ar kemlall ·~· ('4'1m· ~ .... ~,. ~,mi ... ~~'"' ,..; S.n "r~. ar or ar WOO ,rs In ttw lntl"rt'11t ol unUo rmlty . lhl" ~ ot AMI!ltaiM'f' ""'' !':Mn Prolru wh~N.'. h~ •td. puv hu '-n t•arrvlnr nul II• .. .....,.. , ., ,.....,,..._ ~ ~ollowing stai.Mnvnl o! prlnrlph'll Fw:ennol A!>Jil~l anc·•· may h>• I lo\••ll'rlll "II"'"''"" haYf' bfofon allo I nrect~~eU.c•n _.h,.,J111,. '"' ,.,,. Allll\. PriYftlt• fuftrf111 'll'n'k'f"' .,.,.,, "' fuml..twd tn a'.~a..cnn,t;: J)('r:o:nn" l:ll'o•r. en th<· '"'m nf • loton nr ra~h "' n~: hf"'l" to v11rlou• rrO('_,,.. thf aeconrl nf,. ..-ril'• "' I~• 1'1•• ho•lff ·""'"~Y. F'~JI\fV I:.!, "1 1 s Ch dt.cc:han:.-d or n'W11N'f1 rrnm tho· grant. AI tho· !imr "~'.ISI/111('1' ,.. """'·mhlymlln nydt A Wat.on I Mflgf'f' llnol f'rrtJhl (-r.lt f or ftll' ,,.,.,.,..... "' lhr IIM"foltf .: ...... I t .. ann~.. rf'llll•..,fo·ol lh•• 11ppltcan1 ~ Jlri'Vnl 1\( ()ean~,. onmmlltef' t'h"lnnan, Army f!llol 1t.,wn llltt '''''"JIIInv·" ... llllt•M11 ltrlflll', r ... ta Mr''to lnt••t are unse amp1ons I S..n•K'rmo•n and ...,,,.., ef'<-11 n tl ,,,. .. .,.r ... ~·llw• <"lfl'llrn!lt;rnrl'• , lt ll••ol AI h·nll11o In H R 112 "'~• 8 1 1 1 1:, " 111 , 11 ._,.111,.1.,, "'"nl J)t•inc rnlldlo 111 "'Mt nun''' 1 "''twn<'n tli'Ot'han:t..-1 with n ····tllfi· '"""''I lw o·,.,..rul)~ lo'I II'V.t•tl II ""'~'~' 11 p~U~tt·tl by ron,::r .. ,.. h• Ttttlm"' w 11, ""', ,11 l••~;ul Mc•rnnrl11l ptril l ~atl' of dt'::h1ilith'· '"h•"•·1f1h':!''r"'"~ tl arJlt1•nho111tha11 lhr1 ndvhltn~1C'an be .. ,,, would Jlf'rmlt lbt' F'•~INAi o ,.,..,,.,..,.nlt~llw .. , rio.. .., I"''" CJ • H C h ,,,,,',·,•,,·_·',,,,,',', . .'.,", ,,',"~ tl"",,''.,.1 .. 1 ,.'::u•,"', .... ,.~ .. , ... _ tl•rt~ m•.£..0 ..................... - 111 pn-sum•·u o n\'C rt'<ll f'u rom ''''filii' w w u lint lh' <tht• llfl a• .,,, .. Am m•·nt In 1 _, __ --r control f · • ~ ft • ~ " · ,,.. -" """---•- ,.. T 't'" --~ ._,,11:. •' [r•J •• mtt..C• ,. ... .,, .... rrnlni11,.U nnfl atms e au a I , I ... __ ......... mthlar) "''"''"''' nro• ••h~:1hlo· lnr ,,. • ;,,...,.,. •ll<>•elll ho• tn thr fnrm of 1\ , 1 '.oil .. 1111 ltr~ an•t f'-"-rt•a. 1 .J "" '"' t •• • ''""''""'',.'"'' .,, .. Halloore •• ,..,,., " _.,_ ,ft-. -..-y f A L' 1 • .__ I ~ r -·~ ~ ....... ~ hn~flv ""1"1' ~11•• lt•'l! AI ~· ' II I II I I -, .. h ........_ .._ ___ lf il!<.•<l!<llln<'f' rnm rmy <:.ornf'l't:o•ncy Clan .. n ;m e• 1111'01' t'an '"' 111111 •• I (~, .... ' I' r. lllrt r lvf' '· ·-06 I h b . , ..... r··r Ill '"' II: I ...... , ..... _, .. , •• ••• ........... .. ___ 1 Rrltrf f'll•nrltnf: llu• a<fJUdlCfiUun n( lnr 11 f'HI rn••n t tn "moun I 'I :onr1 rl(t 't lC('('U\ .... I f )J,.,, 10"1'1 1 ''' I 1""' h• 1"'111'' 0 • ~ o a core f'"""' _,.,,. oo( I II•• M1111-l 1-'"llt'lf' lh"V h••l ltnt lotM In tfliCIItl..r\Gn. thrar ··hum .. h~ lhf• \'"t•tf\rnn"-ru1· 0\'t•t H. , ... ,.Inti nr t 1m .. c'nmmrn~lJr'" t •• ,",., ,., I, ... !"!l H' I ... ,,.h Rn•l (;.,'If I ,., I hait•f''•t:'''' f•\.' , ,,. ' .. f ~\ '1, f It tU iftll1ft• ,, f ,,. vr .. tav tttl(ht I..,.. .. a•tnr .... ttwtr 111Ja ... .. , II th 1· · Cnrnn "~tun Jl.ll•\ lht• Ft-t1t~tn1 )!u\ •~I ·n, t Ut tt • hrt"'' '"'•t: fh, Tt' II 1 f ,. 1 t V "'--W Jill ........ ... 1 mrm•rrnflon • lift' ~ • l • pi'O'JI<'f' IVC' tn<'Onlr ~ •n,..whrr•• In '" '11••1 It •~ 11 ~·' •" 11 .. 1 •• 1 '""It 111 .. """'"•ftClll• 1., • IH • .,.,,.. a ft "' .... 'l I'I'Nln>' dt!'('hAnto·d ... ,,h ;-, n ... horr•·"•'l •hlllllcl .,,, imp•··~~ ... ~~ f'llllll••lll "'" "lll••kln,r.: 1" ,,,. "" Jl)~ '"""' "'""'' .. rm ... t "''''" llfrl•lu I " ... , ... ,. ~""'" '"' lllttlt H• ht••l hottltrl •• ' Ill .,. .. n ... ., ........ ····nlfll'alo• "' tli.~lthdlh v.h .. ••• 111'' with tho· flll'l that n·rs·~m··nt ,,.. II ""'1'' 1111•1 IIIIW lot"'" Itt l •lo ........ "'"" ll•omn••·l •••• ·~ .... ,,.,,.._, I'll ~''" "'''"~'""ll"lr "'" olllllfl "' •jllllifol l'h• ..... , .. ,,,,,lit 1111 ""' ..... lntr r•r•tt.. , ......... "' o. .. l abtht)• I~ prt'"llm•...t ;, .. , '" ba\'t• mm~el rohhl!iollll!l :enrl i~ • "fM'C'It..-1. ----let c•f 1<"1•••• I< f fl01• • 1 ,.,,,. • , •I• IIIII!; II•,. .,..,,,,,,.,. ,.,,11,.11, 11lho 'I"'''" 111,.1 ~. ,.,,1 1,tl t,.•tlln•l ,,.,..,. Mtllr r with • ....... ,. 8CIIOOL BOND &U..Ili. 1bere is~ bit or rom- petition go(ng on again in the JD-School. This one is be-- tween ~-port Harbor and La~. and is to dc.-cidc which school will 51'11 the largest amount of War Bonds. Sid Davidson tells w; that ~ ~b at tlK> ~ ot last •wk tl't'~ N'-"'·- port. Harbor $37.(179 and La- guna $21.402. We unclentand that Newport Harbor has topped ~ $40.000 figun- however, and that Laguna has added another $10 000 to their t.Gtfl. ~ f"lgUI"eS stiU give Newport Harbor the ~. so it looks as though thoae 1rldl 'IP •t the Union Hi·Sc:t'IIOI ha\~ the stuff it takes In more ways than onr. 1"11tP prr capita amounts are NPwpnr1 Har- bor 1'19.23 a n d L a g u n a BMdl $58.75. Such raulfJI wfiJ tning bnnd Aniles to ·war Bond districts·.ot boCh t;t~. p;.J1ic:ulaf1y to John Parke~J~~· · ' "Dt"stt"llerJ"es ·at , .... b .. lltllf "' "" • '"' '"' .. • ..... '" .,,. '""" '""'" "'"" • ..... .... •'""1 .. .,.,, .. .,......: t H' b s Cl b '"'I II•·• mule"" •·l ,, . .,,,,r '' ,. !o:l""""l" N•vftl l•l•r1i"l ''"' "''' -llf" .t ... r. ,,,,,.,. lo\ "'""" , W . l . PilL 0.. ar Or ervi.Ce U S War" Topl·.c .of Talk ,, .. I('IU'"""'"''' M•• :.:""'"' ,,.~. , ... m,.., h•tay th•' ""' •I• .~ .. , .. ,,.. "'''"''"I'"',, .. "-" .. 1··"' ... ,.., ....... ,., ... ,~~r ... • • ,.. '" limit by .. , l.t J.,ltn .J Wtlll~ttl " 1':-INH • f ''' 1 I•• f• '"' ICul .,,.,,,.,, ,.. • ..., rr li'a.nta AI\• a I Wf , .. Heard at Kl·wanJ"s ,, ..... , lhr ,.,.'""'' 11"" 'h '"r" !'l""'""r, w1 ... •••«"1'11 llfJ '""m•~~t ~""" ., "'''" ''"'"n·. ""'' ,,,,.. ""•""'"' • 1 111 ,,1 U'J1sT OF TOJIOiulow. . Looks like •-e ha\·e. a great' ·• artist ot the · future right here. irf our midst. She is . , Muriel Hatt'h: ~nior student of Ne9o'port H~r t:nion High~ool. who played .,;o- lin ~ last Saturday ~ ning over ra<Jio station KFI. This young arti.crt is a fa\or- ite student Of the fainotl<; . Concert Violinic;t Josef Pias- tro who predicts a grPat fu· ture for Muriel. Piastro has prollably a._~ed lnOI"e taJ. eated young violinists up the ladder of arti.~ic ~ than any ~ major artist. Muriel Hatdl Is the daugh- ter ot Mr. and Mrs.. D. .EJ Hatch . ot 209 Broadway, Calla ..._ ~ be wtth you, MUJWI. 'four com- II'Uidty .. proud ot you. R 8 d 111bl~. an lnn<,vlltlun '·• lA \\Ill• h 4 '""'""" Ttl,. jtlllnl 11t th• .,,...1 .. ,. ~~~HV tl ,. h·•·f •t11wtv ""' .,,,.,, J"Ul'-rtr<ft 1 1 •• 111 Meet atl.on' oar IUIVN C'oneld"l"tllr IIITH 't'l•l ~JI"',. Yo~~ :, frrl tnnl( •1111 h•d II jfirfh It ..... lhf' l~ilfl Wlh Ill lfl .. ar1a l!ll('ll ... Of' J • Ito Jll 1111d ••• tfl'llll(nt'of ,..,,,.,.II\ 'h " rt) "'~II lcorb•lll. f•11 "'" I•• 11 1 •ttllnl•f cth«no ""'' Hlllttlfttlt• .._," I 6 ITI IIU l';o·lf •lr•nllol whu h "Ill havt-to J ln .. n ot tb~ Ackrme11n ( '•tmp•tii'Y t',.ll11w.n ot \l\4o plllr'atutllll 1 u ~.,. ,., .,,, h•n•llt ot fU A•· Onula• t t 1M •• hr prf\o'th "'I by Am••r 11 11na fnr l.h" "'na ~. lll•• tumi11IM "n"hl,.f' 1,,..,,..,... nf l ,ll'ulf'n•nl Wlllt•m• Uu.nyl t.ot..u.,.· Tonlahl l~ayl J';: f' w porI rJoont B"b llttlhn~lll'nd fnr lh•· K1 dllr11tl•m will lnr lutll' I h" furrflnlnjt 1h1pa t.o boo <'o~mpl,.l,.il •on toni' llf clf\llhl'ft ltrr thl' ,_.,~tt hoolla, IIIII II cut "''' hltt• To om Mt'C) ...... I H . H . ,,.) • v.....-, JblrtJor'' lhrt'P !IC.'rvicr clul>~. Rn-want' dub ,,, thAI I' XI fll , .... klJIII nr hljlhbAII ... v~ -aiJ • nrtlllllfl tlun """>'" 'I!Vf'l In« that '"" lar~r...t alba•·· ..... II"'' u .... ,« .. ,., ...... I .. V ... , .... _, Attn .... , " r tary, 1Jon!. and Klwamll mM"t "'11h R;olph ~l;e•kl"~ 1>f tho' rat•on ~atrllf' atctoh•·l I" "" vii lilly no·NI· llntl tiMn t..-.l•rr~·l '" lh• l•uttr h t••vit.>ualy t aucht "'"~ 1Jf1 ,,. "" 1,,.., tl\tll• It pro4nCa •Mh Mrt'l>ftletl, 11 r mf'nl~l"'l of the ~lion Rollrtl 111 hoard ltol(f•lh••r y,·eth ttw rottowln~; "" for Wilt fl"'l"'""ll. P11ul Sc'lt .. ,.. tn~t way• tn "''" h lh•· ""m" man """"""· 4 011111.,.,., •ntt ••• m., .. ,1 1 ;ty..,, 11,,1.,. 1,,.,11 1., lh• air 1,. tt.. apH~IIl, a tlw Arrwrican I.Aogu>n hall nt C'~ta mrmb<-n. nt t h•• hfN\rtt Wf'r<• lt~l ~ lntr.-r. "''"" pr11mntlr.nlll mtlnllflf'r nrr U..t tocumutlv•·• "'" nenvrrl hv .-r,.nlt l<•lly at ~nt.a c·11taltn• ,,.,. ... n•l 1, • ., """ ,..1111 ~ '-"l&rta ,,.. n.... t Me!~a to ht-ar Dr. Elmrr S S•·l~n. ur tho• thrtv> l'lub~. All rrtl'mlwrh for th C'r~lverl l'llllllllrrl"' (',.r · .,...OUlad ta Ulf' ralln J , r ntrr11 • t ·, f tlon • 16 1 I of tht• htHtrd. tno•rthPr Wllh I hi' ~ lh ••• 1•1"'"1• l~f 1 """"' 1~ "''" ltl•l l'ttunt-tt ltw ~n.-.. • prt'W'fl n onna ~PI'<'" •~ .. ,.. JIOf'attnn, tnttl thr mrmhrrll '" ,. i ·,111hlnau.,11 <11 " ann J)f)lln•l •oet. N . "· 14,1 •a a ... ,. with ttw Ofli~ of Prll't' Arlmtnlll' hnnorrd 'P''IIkl'r, nr :'llt•JI'On Will lroral Klwanl• Cluh ... thPtt '~«<I• leli p 291 I , On 0 t '"•'toil he ntt llrw and • f•lhf'r 1ur.. • ... Will O••rwfl•t.......,, Mll .. r, 1 t...tlon In Loa AnFlf>S. Dr :'111'1-he mtrOtlurrrl by tht• C'hll nnRn o lar Thurt'day m~tlnl( 8 • 1 . ..__ w 1 _. . ' _..,'--1 ,....._ d I I' I , .. P nvrntn" Pr•-;"'••nt Rl•l~rl llol· 11''11Khl 1-1•·on• n en,..~r • llllrotld V.nl•W•rll.-t.d a tt-141 Ya11~WaJta•r till r ~a_,,...._ wu , ,pn s n r ,.,. " • ... ~" ". lllt111lrlltln" hl11 t11lk with • h11rt" H .... {o Co t Control and lt'w Pmhll'm~ or lnna· lin-.hNIII or lh{• N1°V.'fHir1 lllirbnr 1\nn Pllhlbllll~ Mr ""'ht ... IIII:J'I '""' Olu:s un y lo.Vt urfn '"" buat. llJiy l.lnd .. r ,,... t.•lt~t ..,,,_ .... , .. ,.,.,. ••• lion." Kiwanil' rlut) 1"'"• •lrfriiiiNt • h.,,., 1" ,.,,. .. ""'• ~r. 'l ... how th .. ttllltlllln~t tnd•Uilrv """ CoanM) Frl·day (, taM M "n"h .. lm ,,.."' •1 2fl '"'• wlft tt•-nnt~. Pr?\'tOU:< 10 IICcrplinR lull< Prt'!l· 'l'Onvert~d all It• prt~tJ11rllnn. fllrtll· '-1 ,(JR esa an , ... ,. n 0 .. , •.. ••• AnMrU •• O.ftl .. ONIIMf' ............ ....... f., Alt • ........ ....... ..Or .. 2, lteyletc OoMaJN "'' .. ,~lltftt;r\1'111 nr Nt>I!<On W~f! Harbor Names On' !" .. " to lhr •ll~ttllllng .. , lnilu•ttllll, K"ll d. pro(ft..cor o( f'COOOffiiC!I of lhr lint· I e m v.-~llv of Cahfnmla, ~.nmnic , A~•t• ) J aln ohnl f••r mllnufartur" "' ~tm<•k•-Thf lfo('a l J>f'"' N• 1!•1 ••I t h< 1 nm~uitant In Amrrtcnn And Latin I tona ury It-fOil I'"W<II'I', .... tr·t•rnp•'llllllt ,..,,, •.. ""'""c:•n 1...-.cl••ll w..... "'~"' ,,, A t A .d t A _,_ . J 1910 Dr ,. '''"" •vnfhPIIr• lllb""• m"lttlnr• II• Olunt~· ('hltnl\1 ron ~ ...... v 0 0 CCI en tnc:•..:an •ntl!rt'!ltl!. n .. . IS rawn J , :'IIPL'Iln "''a< appoinlt..-1 r«tnnmt<' 1 ~ j"ther anrl myriii•J nlhrr p•orJ•·••·· rtll(ht at th,. F.trrtrl• t:rlll. ll11ll•"" ·atln•or 10 lhc ''· s J:OVf'mmrnt. "F.v~ry tlml' a 18-lnC'h n .. , ... , )(lin , .. , •. ,.,u numlwlllll( h<•twrf'n ~,, N•" '"'' "•""•n•~·. 47 ·rf ..... 1 .. ltt,· Prt~i~nt \\'ntotfrn\4 \\'il<on Anti Ro•f'A II,!;t' llnolrr A nl'w l'llln tof I'll ,.,. .. ,, 17:1 jtlliiOnN ,,, fll• .,,,.,, lltod eo rrnm I'Rt ,, ,,, .,, .. 11\ I"'"'" ........ w •• ltiiiNI Jo'f'IJ\'1I IIf"V 1111' John Burnham Believes RecreatiQn is Objective I l<frved aith lh•• fnllo to4'lnj:t ;:nvrm· , , nwtn,R ll(r Jill "r" mnnl hly from wl'rr r"'lulrNI fnr m11kllll' "'" In I he county w•·r• rr~ .. ·lll '"' "'• II wtl~u • • •r In whwh "" ""'"" • 1•" 1 rnt'nt dfof"''lrlmrnll'' l' ~ \\'no;-tho v•ot<'r:. rr~ot111tr&llon lll!l. many !'!mnkrl""" J)<Jwder." Mr. !khr•ln· rv rneahl'rll nf 111,. IIW'AI h""' ,. .. ,., ~··n ~•rr ••• tnvnlv .. t h• " •·••II•••·•" "'tr:"ttli-br\.'lrrl, I ' ~ f"nnrl 1\rlrnlni•· ·~·h•·\'1 lo•nr ht•rfl. phvMI(IIIIIII Anti .1::"1' ~alii "fo-;v .. n IM•(• ro• I'• 111 llocr .\lr ('y fo'rntll• d v ••I flu· :'lllola II\ lh .. ,.,,,.,. .... u,,, nf V11llr\ \'o•' ,,,, 11 ''""''"~ I• II• r ''''"' l•oforo ty c'hamhrt .,f f ""tmm""'" Jwect. . trntaon. t'. ~ Shlppil\1:! bo;;rrl. \\'nr , ... ,~,,n, In k··v •lr :o•n!OP )oh~ w•r•• 'ht.~ .. hP llrl•l•••l. "IM·hnu IIU)a .. , "'" l"" ,.,. .. lllld r· .. , .. ,,v f ""''''' ""'' Art• ~'" rttrr••• '" "'"'"'" .• IIHIIIh .... ,, '111•111'1( "'" ,.,, .. ,, ""'' ........... ·-·"· "'"'" llle JHir ln•tulltn'l! bollrtt Ann lhr N11vy dl'· r,.l~ttvrd rrom jury t!utv, Pn·Borl inlt dlltlllln« tndulllry wo•nl I<• 11 '' t ·o,mman•l,.r. l'"'~l•l• 1 f••r th• hu•l 'I "k•·rt t,y Mrrtlftal•"'" ''' lito· Ac '• •· '''''I'""'''' .. r ~'~""I"''' ''"""'' 1~.,.. ,,, Nrwa••rt ""'htlr. 1 arn J*t.rrw-nt ::::ur,.•rlnr J11•l~r F't11nklen r. \o\'~>111 iuov• rnm•nl with plft n• I"' •••II n••l<lf 11\l'l'llll,r 111 wltwh \Inti' rtll "" ""~1'11"1, "" """" !''''""'"'''" · • '"'" •••,.,v••f I•V flo• '-l"wt•·•' •n•" tte•t '"" NrwfNW\ Uubrcr Pn-«itiMtt E.'lrl ~· Rnlr) P,....'l'''"' VNil~rtiiiY l•l!ll'rl'(l •lriiWinj.l f)( 211 vertln~e the ln•hlfll ry·~ '"' '"' I•'" I II tn.'t' ,.,.. 11( II . "III II \ ""I"''' w•· r• ....... , ~: ..... I ..... A nt:rlrtl I'"'"''"' " I ..... , ( ,,,,.,,,., •• , , ••. ,,,,, .. r ( ,,..,,., ... , .. r ( • .. rnmPrt'f' will .,. for Rllll'ry "~ rttrl Pr•~lrlrnt l.rc-· adt1111onal nlUTl~ll ' fill ""' Jury ":"r pr•whwt h.n Tlw r.-111111 """ br•··•rht up llll•l ., ........... , '"K"""V l'"t r•' , .. , ...... oliN• I .. ~· I '~''"' ...... , tfll /111'• I·· ""' ••••• ,., .,,.,, •n•l ••• '" rn.-.. llnf{ lhl• Ml· gof)' Gorby for Leon~ pmt.Pn·o;j-ltUOIItll thAI ••r Wl'rl' II mnnth Rh~R•I nf '""~'''' '"" ... ,In ..... , ... l'q ""' ,,, .. numt.rr ,,, t·r·~··lf'rlh .,,.,,., ••••• n••l """""II Ulat "'" Am••Oit lh~ n&ml'l "l'fW'Ilt tim., In flllln~ nur f1r111 nr•l• r · Sea) Q ta o """'•" waa • ~lt"r •tlh Juhn /111•1 .,., r••lllnN• ••f 1 1•1Unl .. ••• ,,, • "'' .. ml•luulll! .. hotltl c•lfrUrwi"CiaJ Paper Drive ·Continues . lhn~~r of Mtll. Albo>rtlna Wa<llt· F.xl'l•lnlnfl lh~ lll•tllhtl i•IO ,,, 8 uo ver 1:1ot•hl ,,, C't.ta ...... WIIJI Trtr~ ... , ........... ,.~ In ''r""lt' (•,.unly 111\ol , ................... ,__, ... ~1&1- woiHh·, Bnll •"· 811lbrla l~tlart•l v.·hlt~kty ''' lh,. Klwanlan,. Mr T • Th" Ar ~-"l"''lfll/.11, eS.O nr f'!M''" .,.,.. """" ll•r ,,,,..,., .. 1,"' ••t hatlo11r •lr It•'• w .. tl~tvr ~t••n• a kMIJf way ~,. \fel~n Katterlch. Boll 127., SrhleiJin~rr lllr· .. -·1 thf' IIT>JHif op In 18 ea I Jnlon .... oct of fhmtlnatuu ''"r"' v ..... ,.m .. nl In llr•lll(f' f'tlftnly ...... g ,,., l"llll•onal """· .nd -- Newport Beach : Robert Owen I t&nce nf m,•leratlun ,.mphu n nll "'"" •IHorlnlt thr flthl'r r ar lnv•olv••l "''"" In ,.,,. •II••••"'" .,.v,.nal '"'t'"•lnll'ly ""'"' hal1 fl4r011ntr ,. F'OT" th~ who ~ n-•In lhe I w .. 1 .. 1. 1\Ht E Bay 'F'N>nt, BaJ. twn btu of aavtr .. "It you •lrlnk f'hl'1llt.maA H<-lll r•·tum" '"' :-.~ .. ·~· 1 r~ .. ,., Ill ,crllf fi'.IJil"'t•n~.a w~rr lr""' ""lfl'~'lh lun• "'''" ••Ivan""'' 'Ill• "''"" ''"""'"" "'•~• u..ief war 1 ~munlty· anti WI! nldlllf'n who boa. and f:ddl,. J. Lim«. 221:\ Nl'w·l ctrlnk moder11tely." '11nd "whlll•·vrl' Jl ,.. Harbor •11"'11• 1. '" whlf'h T ... , f• r min,., lnj11f11'• •t "'" Atl.. !l•rnlttllnl IIII,.IV,hl w•• lh•t N'""" lfn···~ I•• ro,mhfl\ -thta pr • .,_. ~~-to~~t lh~ p&Jlf'r drive I PfW\ R d Ct lla Mu~ ynu drink, drink w~ly." (I lfattlntriY t• r h•ltmliln, t"tJ&I ''"' tl•oror>tlal. t••rl llllrl.,,r llh•••lol r •.nllnue u • Th• I""'' bull•lln • ..-LYiOd cu a. •m ckllntt~ly arth·~ fn the Thf' lun,·h"''" prnJT"IIIM''I l'nl•r· 12 416.&4. Th• «•.al wu ll'nt attv~ • .,....,.,.nlre t. •nlv~lt hy hi• I'"' r•·atl"n•l hJUI"'' bul tha' ... ,.,.,. ,,. .... riltually N''1'1tablt.ta.d tOft Harbor ane tt 111 e&ll4!r lo coo-•ured that 'tnur p&Jlf'n will find talnlllfltlY u usual. pilot I'd by ly Mt at 11 ~ Ral~ •Jf he nlfl" v.lllfi'N, tt:IIPA c>na~~l•·•. hi• f'IJr· '""'Y tn th .. l"uunly *"'"' flt•l ,.,. P' ou:eU-,.,...rucllonn,. alllo Ule trtllat.e u.~· aurp'UII pap4'ra to Ute! Uletr way qulrllty In ttlltnc a vttal I Pre•~~:y Rob HnlllNih••tl. flu• Har· pi lUI to .:ht\01 rhlldrl'n am••llnla tlo .. ntJe Mr and Mra lll"r-.ne·w n C :...r-K•'lhrr •nil tw!lp •lrvrklp an ln<l..-·1 rann~rlu wlllluut ~ t, our -r df«t thaD It would be t.o IC!t nt!IC!d to" --~~~ ln ttl!! wv C!ffort tine chalnnannt!d Ule ~!nl~rtldn· 1~11 01 Jocaily, an~l MMI 21 t<rr the v•nlr11, rtn ....,..,..., Vlrl•w. Tn· I rial h11rbnr at Mu,...l (.,..,II ,.,.,.~ I Cart.. lllt.e"IIIA I *-IIOt -.....rt ~of Nterpart ~ u... clutter up the ,.,..~e All Soulh'la.od clvtc o,...,.lr.allora • ment emnmtttee. Jrranll )tfobt~r. cnuntr . no ,..ranrlllrn Jr .. Juan anti Hr · llclr llumham'a ~ln rra.W "1 boollt'w tru. Ia true ot &nJ ou.r ._ t.t ~ to ..wral til~ you ._ .. lo ue them In buDdlu now coaduc\.IJIJ local wut.e paperJ lktpper Oil the a-llcout., "· 8. __ __ _ l n1to end one ..._, A .. f!llfta RAJ&. hav~ Jwel retu~ ,,._ • eon pt.rt In fllloul!Wm Ca.llf.-& Racre-a-. frtendL lin. Lrwia AyiN of and put til~ out bealde your llat¥ac• drtvn tnda, were uat~d 1 Ra.Dcer. told the KJwanlan• wh•t IH•t..L IUVI ta.OOO.OOO . R.ac:ltatlaa et U.. Hnty tw.ry hY•tn•• tr1p awa, trrwa •Y ~ au.'" lllu I>Uff~ PNr)'WMn .._ o.e.rto ... lin. ~ Halt-tnull CG~~..a.rr wtw.re Uley will be that t~ ..UU. wlll eontlllue to bu1 10plendld wot1t bw ._,. bave ~en A ~k 0ou1. aubrttpUon of wiU boo "* ..,_, at II p m •t Uo4 llfrl" yuur ~nt Bult.lln IUid rwr•aUon lA p-.e•a.. .. a eocl ... -of Upland. lin.. eoU«ted 011 tna~t~-ccUectton da y• lhetr «:oUectiou and pay OPA cell• dolnlf. Mohler uplaJrwd lh• ad· 111 oot.IOO tau bHft mack by Kltf'n the fMJlty ~,. In Ooel& "Your f&M• GIJ Nftl!part t~ vtc..r Pf'O......_ .. Alta' ... ltabfort. nr.""" fralll -two UIMtla Wet!llln u. f'ftlckn· Inc prlcee for Utem. , nnt.ace at 8f>!a ~t trablln• tor ou ~J. lAC . fOf' Uwt pur . .,,..._ .... _.._-.ad WC!d-aNJ alway• moet tnt......_ .,.. ----.-.---~ to 1ft ,. nl!llldwr .....,. tW .._lUaae and Ut'fY daJ but OPA ('tlllnrr ~re II 11~ pc!f' ton JWIII mea who are ean~ anto,UW dl .. tJ/1 bcltDdtt 1ft Ul• Jl'ourth War <:lay •t ' ...... Our Lady ot ttutr\Ktln .. ,.. l..ucr R,... ,., ..... Y.tl IIIW -lwn. '1111P c.t-d-= INnd&J a uw ......_ areu. f«-.,... paper. t.o.b. tK.car cw ...ntero and thanked Ute K.twana. Loan.,...., tt .,.. a.n.DOUI\c:ed a., r.uadafllpe dtwdl. f•t.en~~ftlt ta "I ban ,....,J wttll ~ .... Otr • wt.ftlnc h« ~ •..... 1. wtaHiars Wft'IP .._, ....,U ~ Ilia ,.._..._...are IIICftPI.ed at ddJnred at U. mill by lnatll a Oub fOf' tt. ~.,Yen to 1M L. 0 . llet.er., ytCP ~ to be In HGty .... hr. C'tlll!t«f'J', 11\t .. r•..t lM -..-prr ~~ fll A. G.Uia. 71t' ........... ,..._,_, ..... ...._. wtlllk, ta 1 u.. dCJ ~ and pou cu tw -. )ota ot & tON or 1DOn. lu llkout• Ia U.. put. ~. for ~ au nra V.ap ._.. -• diArp. t.,_ ~".u"-nt u.r ..,.._ C..· ......,..., 6tCrtd. . I .· • t • # • • • - NEwPOR'f-BALBOA NEWS-TIM~. Newpoit BeKh, California, Ttieiday, February 16, 1944 \ Will you be· showillg lids Badge of .aoao .. It's the sign· of a well-financed farm or ranch, tool r THE Poanh War Loan bon! !wry \ farmer, ncry rancher i4 America it cia1 raene nu o&red us. We Will hne buildings to ~epic, mKhioay CO Jepl8ce, aod imp()f(tDCDa to buy Iars oa. Wbae"s rhc mooer comio1 &om if aoc hal coda(• amiop? ADd ~ cbe IJJl1lllq awnm, rrom a m. Joog 'fiCitioo, a ~ cbil- c~~eo· • cdncatioo, b &be .,;. ail · ~ alJed co cbe ~ ~ Jet ••• cbe bayioa ot more War Boock than be hu na l»oupr bebe. 1baw are Joa « ocher plica we «JffiJ lie pmaa oar __,, IW'el ~ mae .. Joa -ol ocher placa cur boys tOIIIJ be dwl In mholcs and alit ueochcs. But oooe « lhote other things we'd rather be buying or cJoing amount ro anything right now. The boys are doing their job. We've got o1m to do to take every cent we can scrape together me • 1oo1c u cbe rypcs ~ w~ Boad investmentS that arc offered. Pick me type that 6ts your partiruW_ occds. And chm write out the biggest check you CID aod order~nds today from your postmastu, your ban.k or your Production Credit Associa- 8,0d buy War Bonds with it! tion. \'X 'h(·rl"filc money you are ~ving goes to An I wh:~t .I ,, • ,. :. nnkr~. :tfrer \\P'' • ·'II will It-·k back alL Wu !Sou~ ;,u~ uu. ~.&H.~L .wJ ix::>l1m.w-uu t.u~ u .. , ~ u.~. .. ~;~;• u..&) )VU ~~~' li~cdl Your choice of investmen. .. ,;- ·Pick the one that fits your needs Set'-I Wer s..lftlt loftclt. Pot indo•idualt Purchaw limor. S\ (l(l() (mM\Iricy .ai~W) in any OM Jftl. for I Sn Bond, fOU r•Y S II! "\,ll<"f bade S '\on .. ~ J.ibwi.Jor, dw 1~0 Bond com S\UO, ~~S inO &nd S"\. and S'oHI Joocl 1}7), .... die IJ,.()()() Bond SJ)O, Jn1rrf'W fi~rn OUI I I 2 •1r; ""'m~oon In! ..a.....aty, if lwld ra .-wory. 1Mw Boodt arc ooc rransfcublr, r:htrctorc .. .--~ j ...... 0, U.S. s..J,.. letMh. For -i•tiont. 1rumn and corrotllfinnt • ..U • ielli..tct.IL l'larct.e u.,,, 1~0.000 in any OM'""' You r-r full rr•cc fw I .... lie ~ft Z\.19J uo.1 illllrrnl, pa>d 10 you tf'mo·annuall\ hv Trn._ 11rJ dlacL .._.will lie redltmld la 12 ynn but can~ rt\l~tm\1 "'"'' 1 • ma- rllllirr II ,_ -.1 dlot CIOIIL Nat lnlllftteblt, ~ not ~ (or coiU!ual. 0... 'wior flOO, f)OO, fl,OOO, t~.ooo IUid 110,000. "'" ,.;..fY ...... 'noew londa 11ft ptlcrd II 100"f rKr ... alut rha _,... ......_ Ia~ papble oe 1 anni•nnual bead Jvnr I~ and J)hmber I U . 1\ley _,be --...t • dw ..,UO. ol t1w Uruard Sarrt at par anJ accrued ..._ .,_ Decmlblr I), 1964 and uril 1969. 'flwT may bt obr&JMJ tn 1-nrn L ... wtda lnrft'IC roupoM anac:htd, ot ,.,,.;~ • ra ptonoctr-1 anc! onltlftl. ~..,be ~,N 11 collartnl fof loant, iedudloa '-by commtroaJ baAb. ' ioN f)OO, fl.OOO ud up. \* You can buy Series E War Savings Bonds from your bank, postoffice, mail carrier or Production Credit Asso- ciation. * You can name a co-owner or a bene- ficiary. · * You never get less than you lend. For America's futun, for ,_ fvtvn, for yow childnn's futun, i..Vest in extrw W• ioncls now I • te:r All . BACK .THE _ARACII • I I I SOUTH COAST COMPANY .. '; 'I'WIII • o6:W u. & "'--7 .. ,.,, va ,., ..t ..s. .._ a 'm fJII .. 1\ .. ,_,.. , ..... .w .. l'' .~ • • • . . . ' ,..,. ~ ~ NEWPORT-BALBOA NBWS-TIJID, N·.,dt· &ath, California. Tuesda)t , February 16. 1944 -------------------------------- CITY or N'EWJ'IOaT ..ac:. llECI'.IPI'8 AND~ .ha. IN, I.W. .. ...._ 1111. IMt 1Wo.ea'a Relene I Of Marine Corps tn'UIU• ·One Year Old MAULING MAPLES Classified Ads ,..w ...... ,... (.'INti -J-. ......... a&C&D"TS: O..NI ru-.1: . ,. South Coast Co .. Rf'nt on City Propt'rt~ • S AJbt'rt S. McMillan, Rent on Dock No. 3 . D. B. Boyden, Rent on Moorm& lr Garac~ Roy S . Nel110n. Gar&l:f' Contract ..Jan. A: Feb. Frank Vllelle, Rent on Lot 6, Blk. 218, S«. A Fred Mt'tzer, Rent on Dot·k No. 1 lr Garace Santa Ana Air Base, Rt•nt on Bay Frontage" J. Goblin, Scrap Mttal & Paper . So. Calif. Tel. Co .. Pa~ Station on Pier Hamp W. Campbell. I it>r Pt•nnit on Lot 2. Blk. 240, Canal Scctum J. A. Seek, 2'11. GrOI>S: Yacht &sm &. Btoacon Bay Npt. Har. Yacht Club, S ale of ~ Ek>c Unit J. A. St>t'k, :l'i: Gross: Ft'rr)' t"'rahfhls.· ~ltor'K City Map .. . ... 25.00 u.oo 110.00 5.00 5UO 1.25.00 36.00 7..56 25.00 ~ 5..00 915.89 1.00 30.00 R. L. Patterson. &>wer Supt., &>wer C0f\1'14."Ct. F. L. Rinehart, Quit Claim [)(ot'd Lot 7. Blk. 10, TTact 234 ...... . .. . 133..87 R. R. Hodgkinson, Ut't'nst> Coli. Rusjnt'U Lie. HS.OO R. R. Hodgkinaon. Uccn~ Qlll .. ~>ott ~ 100..00 A. M. ~n. Bldg. 1nllp .. BuOding Pt'nnita &U10 A. M. Nelaon, Bldg. Insp .. Plumbing Pennitl 3U)O A. M. Nelson. Bid&. Insp .. Drctncal Pt'nnits lUIO A. M. Nelson. Bldg. ln:op •• P~ten~ Pt-f!'Uls , • 21AJO.OO A. M. Nelson, Bldg ln~p .. 0\imnt'r Pt>m\!ts A. M. Nelson, Bldg. ln~p., Ae~al Ptnrut 2110 0 . A. J onl'!l. Pollee Jud(:l', t"\nes ('ollt>Ct~ 3&5.00 ~- • R. R. Hodgkinson. Tax Collt>Ctor 1"ues and ~~~ OJiftnt .. ... · . . .... S R. R. Hod~kinson, Tax Coll«tor Taxft and ~~~ Redemptions .. . . . .. . • . . . R. R. Hodgkinson. Tax Collt>Ctor 1915 Ad Full Paid As- st"Umt>ntl ..... F. L. Rint>hart. City A.W'!I!!Or-Unattacht'd ~non&l Prop. Chri.stine Douglas, Ubrarian -Rmt.s 6 Fines ..... - Salt> of City Loll in Ja nuary ... ... ... _ ... 0 . A. Jones, PoiiCt' Jud~t> Traffic Fines .. ~ . . . .. R. L. Pattel'l!On. Wai"(Supt .. IU'Vmue Watn [)epu1nWftt. TOTAL Pl88UUEMENT8: OJrrt-nt ExxpNI-~ f~und Park ~nd . Watt'r ~nd Ubrary Fund AdvPrtislng ~nd Camp ~nd Property ~nd Unapportlonro Fund 1915 Act Bond Rt'<k·mptton -- A lr 1 No. 1 Bond R4'dtomption M I D No. 1 Rond IWdt't'npllon Gent>ral Oty Bond At-di•mplion Fund Special ~nd Total ......_ per Clertl .• Outa~ WUTU .. SH.&10.31 261.10 2.221.94 1,012.23 619JM nsm 1.177.92 'II .liB 562-U z:n.n 90.00 7.9&0.00 fj6(.62 'h-............ .,._., Grftt~: F~ D thr ANKIIII FlrP RrpJrt for ti'W yNr 1943. ,....._INS a._~::.:;zilwt ~ s 9.471 00 4,265.00 A lhrt'<• to rwlhlnl: d o•llnUI• Wit" ....-d by tho· ttallry11 11.:111n.~l tht• Total S13,7J6.00 LGftl'n, with 2'M ll'"' lio;nm'l lOn. Ttw l.,;~tllt')lt an· nj.thl In 29JM1.74 --... a•--.._. CAII&a l2 there po~hln, l hf' Tt•mult... l•lr .--_.....,. 11 ~If'!! or unokrrs .... .._. 1a ........., ~till A.a.nft!l 64 Sbor1 c-ircultsC groundin& J .... , P «>! IM ._,....... 1"\rft 'T SoontlliW'OUI combwltkln . 5 I.HPP ............ ----T .... ._ • HNtlnlt equipment 1 w .. IAet o-. T. rt .. Total ..... JM'I' T,_,.,.. ......... a. I n• _ El«tridt,J -equlplnent .. . . ... 11 Termltn 53 23 57 41,347 ·,. Renpectlully Sallalitt~ Ot.;....·_· P --·-~·.. 3'2 Trvh ·refute .. -.............. -·-· 13 Gai.J,ry, 52 :.!I r,7 -I I O'.t.' ,.a.---~ 561 o.tca~~.-matctws · .... 1~1 Start»oerdl 45 31 54 37.~ J. A.. UAna-n-.r.r AUl--•na..., 1 f: ~~ • a....trn 37K!l 40 57 :17,)().1 r-------------------------~ =IIIP 1~ n:c-kri~ ot rna:l"". ,IFOft'Cuti~ 'J7 4!t 57 :17,5:.n NEWPORT TACKLE STORE ~ 1 Stallc l'lloci. or ardnl! ... . .... I Oftlce · 16 60 M :W.H70 '~Uir 4 ... Estis& 0 t « ... I ''Pop" a..,., ~ (Formerly Chas. Arb) ~ _. _ • . 13 Fin• ot.>portrrwnt . . ... 11 Tbe Friday Artt'rn•.on C'lub will -rr-11 Mid ft:fwr .. -----· 1• Othe-rs . 27 bold a 1uoc!M-on February l2tb. lllirE. 21 Out on arrival .. 13 at 12:30 o'rluclc. TIM' ll11ltMJ 8t ate• Ration Coupon Dates and Data Bait ... Tackle ... Fishing Information Newpon &e.ch Resp«lfu!l~-~~tted. Arsy Air Cnrpa wtll be parttcu· F. L. CROCKJ;R. OUef Enr;lnftr, l&rly hunor~ a1111 entertainment Nf'WP0'1 8Ndl nre Departnwt\l. I wiD II. fum .. .'led by a..U.t. trom ---------------------------=--------:-------__;:,__ ______ __;,____ t.b' Santa .A.na Air BaM. u-.. hats-· o-ff.l . -~ £::\_A~ I =.J-:nt:.t;.~,7~/ .. ~'~= It's to our. ~ ~ ~ lit"' I Early a!W Mr1. J. M 8hf'arer. CAl YOU USE A TYPEWRITER? 111ariti111e shipyard ·workerS CAS \'Oll du l'l•••h-•1 '""" ur ....-..unllna: ~ """' '"" , . .,., 10orkrod In • .. l .. r•• ~ ( '"' 3 "" ilrhr a,.,.,~ 11lle Arftl) nH'd" all klndoo nl okllloo In thfo \\ i\( . Thrr••'" a o•IIIIIN'f' fur \ 111'-tu hntor•"" • toldll )'OU al,..ady h•'"· "' IParft ,.,.. rou'll lind u .... rul all your llfr. T.,._y-flnd ""' "'"'"I thfo .,,,. l""luniU.O. that aiOa lt ~"" In lllf' I \\ A c--thfl lmt">rlallt Jub. thO' llltl'l'tllltlnlf Ill•·. thr o•h•n•·" lo eerft )'OUr rountry In a \'ltal IOay. HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH! Whee 1e-• vu .... l• A -.!1 0. £/IIOUOH '--• .,._ _,., I ...... __ II, 1• ...... _.. , ... , -~ ,...... ,._., ... __ , ........ , .. ....,_ ..-y •• ..._ .. ~ DNE~DAY ME'** FEE ....._ -o-.A-0.~ ..,_. Vlte"'l" A ~ D Tebl• • ..,-.e~-'" VHe 1 I ..... A..-0~~-----1 ,... ..... ...... ~ Cell ~.~ • ., Otl I I .. eetl•l ••••••• U•h•d l&at .. ,....._ ~.._...,. c:---v-.... _,,-.......... ,. ,1,. • .,.,_,. c.. --ll.edl ._.,._ -tal• 10110 Unlta iJ Vl..,.ut A ~ 100 U-• el VK. _,. 0 •-• •••-He fW.r • ..., .... --., ___ , ~~ IIJ:UL WANTKD --I ro& lA'' Atmle IIF.l.l' \\'ANTJo:11 .-·un ur part BlC"'YC'LI'" 8o14 • .-W -... IIIJll' ma l•l lll111•" w.u·k. laun· a-l....c!. VOI'OI'a, lOt .... a. ctry . .,mu• ···••k11111 Small ape. Dalboe aad 2011 llartlao A.-. l'll"nr N1WI"1r1 '1H :l W .K ttalbna lalf.Dd. ...... ll·trc lllti.J' WANTI•:t• Twn o;~•all"'•"•· full "' ,.,.rt tlmr nay Rhore t •ar.. Nr" I'"'' Hl'l\rh J>tw>ne 11211 11-trc -----\\' ANTY.II l'tAI'tkal nur• for o'ltlf'rly piU'alyl h' laoly l'hfln• Nf''fl1><•rt H4'at·h 14M 13 lfc I"'H 8AU: 8u1c~ 'U ..... C.'ltntury. &..ow~ • .U .... lnal, very c:IMn. ~ N~ Ut•acb lN. .._.. l'llN"I!!T'I'E ,..,.. ....... ~ .. nut ... hOCMJ I~ •• dark nn~ .. .. ~-tlokt -..., ..... ~ Mc-.MaMII J\traltw. 0... ~ and BroadWar ...... A8L .,.. IUKKOHII ...U..-... ii*l 5 .... , -·~ .... .. ~n--~ ~,~.-~.y~ .. bed piJloWa. ~ .... • llluy Twma. Mdlallu ,_... tur-. a,, 2nd aad .. ......,. llllftta A.M. ... IIOA'I'I. 8t1WUI8 ti'IIH Hto:NT ~ fumlahed ~. 1----;.._--------- tu •mpluy•d adul\a. Me 11 .... 1 UC~ ~Akl MAL_ ..1.1:11 ANT RAOII TODATT WANTICD Nlf'e. r,ean, cottAin ra1a, "'loua buttona IUid natftea. N o IKIK, 1-tuckl~ •r .mall ptecae Will pay T • •"-lb. at ~ N-•-Tlln•• ont~ tt·U lA 1ST <llr k4'YI and USNltP' tq. vk Nwpt or C'nata M...a. Re- "''ttN l'h 12 or IJ. ANI for l'arkln..on, I.OI'T • Marooe, .... -4t1.et~ tr1: ry• lr frollll 102 Onya Ava.. Hal· boa lalanct. IW.&f'd Pltonfl Nf'Wprtrt u .. t·h lfl'ft.t•. lll-ltr M·esa Seeks More Policing Facilities ,_ aubJte't of a4dit._., polloe ~ for Ule COID•YI'I\J fonn.-d nne fll liM ..... .,..._ fllf OOAT8 Bot. BciWud,_... ... ~ ......... KAIUJOJ 8ALVAUII AJfD 10'0. 00. 1010 W Ollltral Aw. ~ -.w H...,.-t a-d, OIMf. ..... III8CD..I...\X' --------------Df00118 TAX Do Tau N_, ..... , .. o. L. CUU.Y. ,..,.,A,_ At • os.a • .._ .... ................ 84H'I'A AMA. GAUr. .. w AJfftl1) 1'0 I\Df'l"-"'-e ... rooea....., ,.., ~ _. •tab& ..tal .. -..,. .., .. to ••• a-· 01111 J . c. u. toe. ... ta .ua m...,.a. .... 1t1 ... u•l"n at a •Pf'!.:lal mw.llna nt .. ,.. tl. o. II!Mip ft/1 ...,... .. "'" ('"""''"'" M ''•mmf'n·• J•m••j h"a tw.P lhfo f'WIII nt twr ,......_. Kilpatrick wu nam .. a chairman ,..,.. M,., [lloroth)l aem..u. '- "' • 1•ornmltlf'f' tn try tn obtalll An~t••lr" u ttu•• l'""' •· It! til•" th•n fur lht •r• ,I 1 • l.loo11111i 1 ~~·r o·halm1an uf II ,. II II II IIHIIIItlllo•f• lf'potl h'41 I hat •• ,, t1 ''''" hu•1 l"t'tl •h••l•h••l ''" '"' t I•• ,,.. "' ,,,. 1 ,,.., \' I ur 'ht• t ... rclrr uf 1 r. .. I• ~ al i ••rll No•" • '1'11111·' \\'nnl ,\tl' will Al'll whnlo·V•·r >••u c.lun't wunt 1 Professional Gordon M_.Grundy, M.D, P hyaklan •nd turoeen Nint h •n.,d Centr•l Av•. Office H•a.· IO.i2 a .m.; l ·S p.m. Telephon• :17 LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Coata Me .. B•nll aultdlng Phone 421 coat• Meu Callfornl• Your arlclll Work, ~ • ...,..... and Ce....,.. .1• ('an In tho fUIUNO fwo r, r•rlly 1 .. )1 •• ••alft by CL AUD~ IWIETMAN 112 Tw•nty.,.our1" lt . Newport ••ac", "'-• 4t1·W Directory Conrad Richt•, M.D • ftllyalclat~ •"II turee- Oflkle Ur7 22ftlll ..,_. New,ett ...... Hour•: 10· 12 a. m. & 1·1 p . m. Pllona-olflce 1U; ,. ... 14·1 DR. G. £. TOHILL ftHYIICIAN aNI IUI'eO~ON SIOI Coo .. e 1v<11 ............. ~ -ftiiOM - Offleo 2M w ..... 2111·" II Ne Ant-• Cell ,_.,...., t APPLY at till" nra r,.•t e·. 1'4. """, R.N-rullllllf 1'41allun {yuur w.aJ potot o ftll'r Will &h'f' )'OU tiN! add rPM 1. Or "ttl": Th" AdJat-t Clrnrral, R•tt•m ICII\, .......... Rulldla1. \\ .. IIJnlll"n, D.C. o-.............................. .-I t...t loJ 1he -~-f11 Alii•· ... •-:.....-----------~ Yes, It's HATS Off ... •I .n .. .t.e fedanl. ..,__ bur~. snAp·brim rnodell. derbie-; ofl with .. b.u dul stood for "businnt at usual" ia Jft-Parl Harbor-,... And It's ON ... " with the hard-hats. the ~ln. the ,~f~ry •itOn and weldins helme11 thtlt .-.. ~,:u 6'•' thl Axil lOOft" whea worD br prodacdoo tolclien .. i.witime shipyards. 801: Ill 8011 8lltt .. III1Pflll WOIIIII Ill llflll It CltSIIP -mm and womet1 -altilled .ad wnnkilled -., --' ... dM1and for trill ~cer thip prodanioL 11w _. ~·c aaduiJ bard-ma bdp It a&n4 • aawpcwllllioe ... le-.-_.ias conditioaa art 6ne -and tiw pay it exal ln11. eftll whik lnrnins oa-the·;ob. 11w H.,.,/-H61 Bnr!Mk it oa ,tbc ~n~~rch to Victory-they eerd,.. .c Cahhip today. There arP Jnnd payins jobt ..,. opn • ~ldrr tnJMntl. weldrr. ttaiMn, 'IVCIMn, ....... ...a! _.,..un and hrl~r'l. marine tlectriciam and lwiDrn. •ari• m•ftifli'l'l and heiJJ"", then metal work- ~ and helfW"', pi~ fi~n and twl~n. rlumlw-n, reinten, ~r~len. laboftn.. .. ip 6~ shipwriRhta. maintenance .,..._ hoilrnnakn-s.. ~artft. warehouwnwn, en~in«n-io f.n all cnfn arP ~ .,.,, Aprly today -brinR avail- abiliry ornificnt. proof of citi•nship and Social Securiry Card. W~ will lwlp ,_ with your housiftJ probknL UNITID STATII MARITIMI COMMIS.SION. SHIPYARDS CALIFOINIA SHIPIUILDING COIPOIATION ... -----·---.. ,_ AVItM, aGile IIMII tte -am zin aw .. --~••nt~o•• at &aeOCMe ·--............................. , ... s...-.-- -fiiCIRC • .._ w a •-..... -.. ..,.. ·---·--.... IMI IIIU~ • .....,wooe . - TELEPHONE OPERATORS NEEDED . ·' Servb rnf'n and "'ar wurlu•f'i> aN' all dr(M'ntUn.c upon our ~rl" at thr "wltc-hboarcbc. (iood pa) "hlw !ram- In,; and rf'Jtttlur ln,.rriLMf•" * ·{:( * SOUTHHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE CO. Apply: 100 t:. Ba)' An• .• lia.lhua ur !il41 ~ St~. )i~&in St ., Sttnll& Ana A\'\lf.,\fllf.fT\' ('t:ICTWU'\Tr: Kt.(ll fttt.tl RADIO SERVICE Ill )~TJ·: . J\l 'Tfl .. 1\1/\1{~1·: HJ\1 l!f.t~ t:EI'J\IHJ-:1 > MAHINE J-:l.f,("11UC'I J\ N BURT R. NORTON lll f Cout HiKhwa,v . Phnnrt ~I.J '7 HAROLD K . GRAUEL CHAPEL "Wr Outeo·IYH lh• IJf'ttrr Herv• tty R,.rYing f•th,.r• Jll'llt" Phone Hewpor1 !»61 Ca.h M .. • California BUY NOW City Tax Sale Lota A. J. TWIST 607 co .. t Highway Phone 2422 COfWNA DEL MAR ----- Dr. M. D. Crawfcwd OftTOMITRtiT fCyra J:umln~ r.1 .... 1 P'ltted ITtT Newpflrt U.ttdf'•ard ftheft• 2430 COtTA MEIA BALTZ MORTUARY CHAftiL aY THE t•A 410 co .. t alvd. Coren• del Mor ......,.,. .. .._ .. ........ ..._,."' 42 N.D. CASH 0 \/, M 000 '"d C ... T HO'IPITAL WHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT ,-II"EPLACE AND KINDLING WOOD- II W Wr J;hl 17114 Np' It" <I . 1'••-'11 "'"~" t•~,.,t f,uml~t•r. f•h 1\!\$-J GENERAl CONTRACTOR- I;.,,rt••ll II l--,ll•llnv. :14 tfl r •>ttal riiVfl J•h 31)2 l'laua 11n11 (~.n~tru..tlun. LUMOE R COMPANIES- ,·,,,.," M'"~" I. lor r··· "f ..,t 11• h"lr v,.,., rl"n wnor llmnr " l'hfln~ 4-.. l!uy l lltf!rlt I f.ounl,..r f'u. l 'hnnr II!Yl. C\,11-.( llllfl""'">' 111 Arrll~.a OH>ICE IUPPLIEI-N•.,_..,,,,, ""'""r l'uhll•hlnlf O• J'h•m,.• 12 • 13, N"wp>•rt lteatb. PAINTJ NC-~·-wp••rl ll11rh"r l'uhll•hln.r 0• f 'h'lll"l ; 12 • 13, Newpt.rt n..e11 AIEA l ESTATE, INIU .. ANC£ & NOTA .. Y PUaLJC- I.rw II -Willlar". 2:10'.1 W . <Antral Annue l'hnnr 3 1 RuaatR'fTAMPa.-~ .4"' N-rw•rt ~farhor f'ubla.tllnc Cb. l'honee: 12 . IS. Hewpoft ....._ IHIEIET METAL WO .. K- VIele 1'1!-imbiDI A llb..t ll.tal Wortu, eo.t& M-. ~ llt . VA"I~T.V ITO .. ~­"'-----------------------J I BIJ ... &aDd VutltJ ......__ JOe, Jla ... ... ._..,. IUl··· NEWPORT BEACH .. ... • \ NEWPORT·BALBOA NEWS.TJMES, Newport Beach, Calitomia. ~FebrlJUY ~5, 1944 Eileen Maree Williams and Frank Virgil Cottle H ... b F • • A t•· •t• \Newport Firemen's 1'11ghtTheirTrofh in PrettyCeremony I ar or eminine " c l"Vl Ies Auxiliary Meet ~ before .,. altar banked and <>f the Junlnr P.flllrJJ:•• lh~r~ • I EbeJl Book Section Entertained at Home Of Mrs. P. A. Palmer wttt. lllaC.l:r csJa IIIIH &lid fra-He •• managf'r nf the fo:Ut :-;rw· Cath rinc Ea"ton Societv R<'nnrtt•r • Pho~ 12 and 13 • n-u-.. ,.,.. KC'nnrth Johnston ..... .,...t aaJTIMUII. Ellef'n> Warw Wll· 1 port Wark~t. e · ' r Y" ~ fl'honr 690-W h •1«'lla for th~ Newport Bea.ch ~harln.r h010h•• hf'nf\MI with n..... ud VII'J,'II Prank Oottlt The recepllon followtnr tba ~ - -1 nremrn'• Aulllllary at hu bome, Wra. C'. L. ,,,<m a.nd Mra. J . D . ..... married In a pretty certmony mony ,. .... hrlcl "' thr h""'" ,,, 11•• Girl Scout Court of johnson-Liston N 'V/ s c s 430 Santa Ana Avenue, Newport Dour:las. Mra. P. A Palmer opeD· Bundav anemoon at 2 n'riO"k In I(TO<Jm'• parf'nta, 1211:! Su. Hl)yt, El v I p ewport w . . . . Helcbt.a. -.ct htr bnml' to mf'MMMI nf tba tiM Cllapel by UM .... CoroM del llonlr, wher~ th~ fl<'r iUilfln hrltl II Awards and Brow nie a entine arty I Meets for Study ' Aa thl' flrt'ml'n do, tht' llUltlllary E~ll Book Sectlun on Thursday 11ar. tbe Re-.-d Carl Jobll80D aJ>f'claJ .t~tl tranr .. 1.,, It v.IUI tht>lr ., ,. 1 And Bust'ness takt' rhmncu within the gT(lup nn 1\/tPrnno:>n. alfk'latln•. I twenty·flht wrddlnK aranlvrr•IHII Fly Up Held Onr of tht' nlcut St. Va't'nlilw a •·ar bond a.nd when It IJI paid De~rt wu llt'rved at 1 o'rtnck 8oft candlt-lll('ht from many I Amnn.r t.hl' lovely gtftJI f•or th~ part'ea to be ~~riven thla ,...,,..., --up. then Ia a draw1nc. Mn. tn thC' 2:1 guuta. The mt't'Unr .. wtllt.e tapera cut a flOW o.er the nl'wlywl'da. thrrt-wu an allr~H I I\ •• 'riH" rn1<1 p •a r ('ourt · ••I A wnrll~ wu that wflkb wu pm 8at I At tbt' .,_.. Ill II MI. E. D. uwi• !loft'rrill wall lhf' wmntr of with Mra f'rN1 F. Rf'lnhf'ld u little chapel u three favorite •~"· 1 •11 biP and lamp fqr the ntloi>r t•r lr 1 tor' •rr"' 1• :l '""I "fly-up' "' thw ennl.ng at the '--u:; Goockll. the Newport W S,(' ~ I thf' tz!'> b nd at tht. me .. ting. chairman of till' llf'('lll"n, opt•ned ~~ ••re played. '"T'he Rra·l LnanlA 1 11rov.n1r~ wh•• hnvr rt·O• h•·d th•· ,.,·8-..~ '"'"rbert.& J~ &Dd Car· lwld ~ m-Udy m~tlaJr ~th thl' T"t' evl'nlng wu ilp('nt In thl' 1 with an lntere~ttlnl(' c urrent t11ent IU')' .. ''l!leeau." and "1. Love Tou f Refrcllhmt'nlA ~1f turkev aartd , u~f· of ll'"uttng, ..,.. ... ,. h~lll 111 1 I>•· ollDe u..t.c.. · ~nt. Mn. Stt~n \\ eat":n -pia)• of :100 11'itb VMI. Cbarlu rt>ll\f'w glvrn by lira. VIetor Grace. Trto'fv " wltb Ml• Warglll"t'l •·lchd, aal&d. cof1ee ami tbl' tradl I klnd~racartt'n rnnm .,f til< 1 ;nun-Thr jtur!r'll were IJivited to t "e ford ~I· I l"nnnrll rapturing flnt prize>. a u.t I Mra. Don Douglu revirwed 8clllu1e at UM Of1ran. , tlonal thrf'e layt'r brlllt-'~ r 11k•· m·or ~•·h1.nl Wtlh a n uti• rUlf"! Johoaon home. 1111 Nortb -Bay """"-llfftllben of ~ !'tuctv lUra. u•·ta Mrrrlll. aec<md. Mr8 "WeeponJJ: Wr od" bv VIcki F11•1m. ~ the brt~t' down lh~ with tw<o tiny flgurn jrullro!lng l h•• group nf m<Jthen attrndlnl' Fr<lnt, Balbo& lalaad. Group IDMk-r thr ~lp ol Mr•1 rtotwort. Jadwin ,. . ., winner <If the a Callt'lnating h.lltory at rubber. ~ u IMr alater, Yn. Hhrr o:. top, wert' aerv«'d the K"JUll Thl' fly·"fl rltulll 80,1 f,orf'WI'il , • The beat-. bad ow J~ IY'Ilfl eo.-r. met In OW m rmlng ''""''"' priu and Wn . W. H. Me· TI-t• a uthor hn• bel'n hl~thl\' rnm· • ~~ Tbr voun• cnuple Wilt be at 1 d b 8 1 1 hn"!• v--_, _ __,'1 ...__._. ,_ lo al.att tbf'ir -pbaae of .rudy Donald with Mra. Ken J1•hnston l mt'ntlrt1 bv hPr r rll.it'l for thr au· Ool~l'. and a prettY plt'tU,... Ptlt J -.. -. llllnjt hf'lll e v ~h·· rrn.o.·ntr I'll(. -£ r,. ~"""'"'.-. '-'u••<4V ... I ... wttla IMr bruaett• lo¥ei1D~• homr t o the•r frlr 1 nda afll'r Man:h f'ra. Mr• 1_, nnlt' \'tnr r nt 81111 ~IrA I ~t Vall'ntlne motif. V&leatine -~d aad the ~ of HumaJI wen rerlpit'1tta ot birthday ~-lhenllcllll nt-thf' data. ~ In deltt blue ful1lnn.-t !"t In , lhr Jofllt ... n Apartment•. F.verl'lt Nun11.n v.Rll pRrt•r•pAt•·· , l(amra. danctn.r and a tre&llufto Su-t'rift«,-...,.~ted bv Jb, rrrrrbranc"-Mr•. Harry Wtlllh rt'llleWI'II tht' wttlll a,_ .. titled bodlt'l' nf mllt<''l· 208 F. C'rntral. Balboa in by all ml'mtlt'r• nf 111,. tro~·P hunt were enjo~ durtac the n'f'-~. ancJ.• bonb Ill II'!. ~tanJ .. y Tbe nut mrftlog or t he grout' rharminl! bnuk "("'lt>mt'ntln in the • I nln,;. J-. and Lnhr We.Uwrtwad "''" br Yanh 9 ""'llb Mra Ralph K1tr"rn." hy Phlnru &<-k. Thla -la.ce. JIJh• carried an ol•l·fuh· G ' I' L H &II lhry 11"nl lht· ll'n >'''111 "1'1 J:lt l~ At -OW..._ apreatt t hr1r RJ.odall aa hnatua. b .. ok del'~ehtll the 11'\'C'r ,, f nll(1 u lolled bouq~t of putriiiWt'l'l pru. tr s eague ears t ' 'T'fiMIJ' :1 ht•ll!lt'tl hv Mrll lluh . At an appointed bour u.e cumt-ltmdwe and "JO)'f!d a~ ht:>UT. Fnllowlng·the exr hanJJ:t' (I( Val·, Wt'll as the o&e 11'b0 •Jo,. ~· Tbe bride. aJI'I a r harnun .. bn•· T 1 k 'T A Mnt tl""'" "-""'lfl"•l.hy )lr• Jal'k l'njnuml'<1 to the L'.ton ~ ,.._, hro ,. a On een ~e Mulh•n Mr• Wult•·r r 1111 !\Its• II ~lllh Bay Front, Balboe lllland 'T· mnatwn rl thr ~'"tin ... the hOIIteu aervl'd r errellh· partrf!f ll. 1t contaiN many ln- -ue, wu lonty '" an f'lt'lulalte Wardrobes l"lnl"r•t"l'a \\'ll,..n anti Mrll ftub<•rt wh~r" the ~tUeat• -re WI'Ted elf'-w 8 C-'l. «:oolvf'tMd '" the alter· ftlt-nta •n the rtd·bt'art-and-frlll• f tr1J~:Uinr: rf'cipt·H an..t <'11'\'er IIIUll· wtalte brorade AUn r;awn fallht'ln tl~lnull ------hm-•• __,1.. • ....... -for the.,._,_ and_......,. lratinnll v.•nw·n IU"'f'lht'r b\', tht- 1 ~·""'"" Th" clrl• .. nt··ran~.: llw • ,., .. ..,. ~ .. --. ., " ......, , .. ..,..._ ,. fd wtUI UM ton1 bnd ,.,. "" 1 , • .,. -I h• ..... ~-... In ..... ...-._ ....:.. Jt:twu bVVrw Vlf'lt:lnla Callie. h'ad E . . I lltory of thP F'rl'nr h r~>nk nf an _ ___. 1 • . ,,...,, w .. ,,. l"~tn•l f>rnllh, !\lli.lll \'. -... ~ .. -•• ~,.,-...., t.1w t rt d -by a flnl[ertlp vrl ht•lli in '"'" Glrta vague of lht• Nt-" (',.I• ,., lllhlfl llr.nnl •c J toullllfl ~ ~~ V~lrnt •n.-motlf. ~Ute RH ~ ... , ... !!larrta Ana I n e aane an I Am•rlrAII family ll\•lng in ¥*' ~-11'1: a tiny dhaln ·;· Ill'• d rnrt Brarh r.mmmllr .. h<w•l llt'lol l~·•tto• I• I ~:to .tll••r "'"ri'IIHOIII !\tflr\' I Tbc.e tllvtted to tbla clt'Ugbtlu' A:rwy Alr Baar htley>ltaJ. wbf) tnlt! I Honor of Sons I Aftl'r tht' nutbrt-ak or the war the _. -· e m ttre on t '" anr the fnurth ml'l'linK t•f th" v••" ''Hrrll" ltu h>tHIIOo•ll lln rh ":\ !'IIIII 11 aortal a:falr _,. "'-J l~lf'nlltincly Ill tbt' l•ff' aad attlvt· farmly rt'turno'd h> tt-r ~l"tl'a at IMr father, Andy J . William 11n11,.r thr ,..,.,0101:>r•hln ,,, M •~.· h •dama. ~. ••••n WaJk••. J--~~-UN Ill U.t Of'f>&nlzaUnn a! thr --brin""n• tbe cook wltlll t.beaL Wbo ecJdad u .~ •. I '"" ""' ~'"'''' .1·• ""'"" .. ~ ~~ ~ ._... "' .. a m ltary nntt tn the 1 Grrenl~al an(l J~nt Hub••l I"''"'" · Rl'""' ., rrorul. Jakie Parke, w--. ftoll. ~aJ. . • r.tr. and Mrs. J . 0 WI'>Oda. 207• Highly humr rnu1 arf' h\'r reart1one -~••J til 1111 .. .nlform of O..ck ln~t. F••ll"l'lll'! till' ''(I\' 111' aid R1m&. Ber•n H-""-.r1 Kll'-& •ortbwtUifo &.. that •ork 2flt'1 street. entertained Sl\tunlay to the A"?ulcan melhf'CIII of foo4 -~ ... ~ ~ A''"""" .. "' ' I f~r. Ro~er Und.' ~ ea.. aad ...-_-_..,...,.... o ·'"" f'\'f'n•n.r with a buffet 11Upper. ln ... eamanll P an mar et ng .• e _ _._ of title llereba'l War11\f'. --•lcbth -"'· uirla •all• ·•f TN>~•to ;I rt•f •'IV• ol tlwlr nwur<l~ ,. .._ .,_ ~ _.... .. tbat tlw ......__ f , .. _ -• "I d k I Sb on. lll'tclll'l bouquet w dalnty thrf'e 3-parl 110nga. "Tht' l'l't\r! .. :-.-.·v.·tv wo•!•·nm• rl 1'-" .... roon•l ' ltK• John Fowler. " !' C.S.. Ynfed to tall• Oft an addl· honor of their _,11, lat S..rg .. ant thought It ao ama.dng that t hlnl'• 01 $' II at11'111ta ~t P"'••· nar· "Tbe Sennadto" anti "T hr Lilli•· '"' ""' .. ..,..,.,,. Kallwrln•· 11111'"111 ttc.al wrYk't to ~~:aile C'00111n tori Roben Hall o1 Ft•rt Sill. Okla · were givt>n away frl'e and tbat thr .-and c:entAred with a 11'blte Folk &lnlt.. IIArhllrll s-;11.-rllrl~·k , I All" ""llt ~ ~ a 11'ft'IL. IIMI LPttt.o boma. and Corp. Arihur Hall r f tratlr namu of ao many of our ......_ Tbe prosrram wu turnlahed hy ''"" M"r~~trrt [)t••hl Firemen's Wives ,,...,.... --appo.linted r•JO•kle-I S&n Pranrleco, who arr enjoylt~g prnduct11 f.'ndrd In "0". n.... ObtU•. brotbn nt the ""'· Y.mma Hu1 bu wbo t.&Jketl to 1111<11:" 11"""""~ v.•·r•· "" f.,IIO" ~ Meet in Costa Mesa rt.irman. . j furlr>UJ~:h• at the home of tht'lr par : Tbe next meeting nf the croup ~ • .n-ed u bHt Dlllll a.nd the members about rtotht " 11noJ Hl••klun.ttnJ: l '•·~~v Ahh<olt ---Friday. f"rb. %$ baa bffn pro-, f.'ftla, tbia marking the flrat tu:-~e will be at tht hnme nf Wn, W. D. Rant. Cottle Jr. aad 8taa&ey Tan· ~rave .ugce.tloruo for a tf'.-O·&IC«' velyn fo:vt•r .. tt , M•ry Rnblnll, Mar· H tdll rlaia..r4 World Dey of Pny..,.., 1,.,. bows havf' been together f••r Mrrickel on BAy laland on Marrh .... W)l eOWilna of the rroom. wardrobe. llvn f'r••k " floorfothy ~-win and Brownie Scouts onor "'th ""'· Lton&rd Wallr.t'r .. 'I1Mft 11'10 ... ~lnp at lhl' Ulretr _... -9. )frll. Margarrt Niemeyer and ._.. ......,.._ I J, .. ,, ZubL COOk baLIU Etl&a· M h T ~>Ill-. the eo.ta I(~ ~·· 1Ccwpcrt Bac.b daiii'Cb aad a1ao ,---· Mn. Hr rbert Baetz will be eo-~ __. lira. Cottle Ia u.ei -- --brlh tll)pklnl, Grlll't Crock.,r, Jean Ot erS 3f ea ~ Ina met tn the ~ RaD 011 U.. ...... Ellt~ In ~ann 'nii>M' tnvltt'lt we~ ?.tr . an4' !'dn . hoaleaau . ......._ "' Mr. aDd Mra ADit'1 J. Pilot Class Will lf-Hd 1 Hunny LH u ucravr, Mar1· Thureday evatlec. 'I1Mft _..... -of tllat •Y-~neth Gorton, Wr. and Wra. L.. WDI ..... -w. O..lra.l Awaue, M w· E lyn C'ookl' Rh~lla llt'WI' Holltt'U Learning ·.,.,m .. nf their fim ur~nt ~ the I1'0Gp .... \\. Cnv•rt. Mr. and 141"11. J A. Jee..,_t a..dl. 111M ta a f!M• eet tth astmanS bat1jtt Jan"t Hill, Rhella Howe. KT"'UP 1,_10003 In he'nJt the ,_.ra. • the ntt'nlnJt play1n~ t11et """ ,.._ GtJha. )fr and Wrw. AI Hnrvath. _... fill ....._. Hl&'b lkllool a.nd lL•ntta Vlnrrnt. Joan M-.n. Dl•le 1'101•11 hn11tt1111 wu lh~> ~,.,. ular game of Tripoll Sewin~ Club .Wr. and Mrs. Em~ret .. uan. To Mr nnt1 Mra. Paul Krm· BIRTHS ... ....,. -piGJed at the Oalbba ~Wr. a.nd ""' R K fo:utmao Rmlth N11nt'y Wlml Weavtnc o1 the Brownlr Girl Scout. •hrn At the cloae at Uw c--. re-At Zube Home Wr a.nd Wra. Harry e. Mr and wlnko·l. 217'., Apolma, Balboa .....,_ at UM So..JUMm Callforll• wtll be hrata to the Pilot ClUB ttf bAd!:l' T'f'~lt'Y Abhott and llarilyn they pve a deli~~:httul tu for tb~lr freabmmt.a .-eft llf'n'ed. ~ t.fnt Iofiin Conley, ra. Ptlyllia J I d S J--a. ~o.~itaJ ft'r't • Oa.puaJ'. j Cbrl.t Chureb by tbe Sea whrn ("('IOk~ tofl'tal badre-Marilyn """aa."' In tbe klnde,..art.a rcom t'njoytnr the nenlnl wen .._. ~ 8P1I'tllc au. _. at tbf' ~mlth. Mra. Libby Bolton and i".!n 1·0. 8 t's.4.1.a ~ .... s • .....,. ' 'w.. .._ .. tbe -Ill llr. aDd t.beJ l'nrf\'l'Df' for the f'rbnary Cook!' OC'AIKn badce PeJ(Y Ab· n1 thl' Grammar School. 'MI.-e damN Ed WaJtft'W. J._ Orlll-. ._ f11 lira. l'!d Zilbe. Balboa ::· ~y Ryan of New York Ctty To Sstt. and Mrs. William Eftpl. lira Yl._u ,.,._~~~, CotU. tlr. ol D me«Jn• at the ICutman homr. bott HorMwoman b&dJe Sheila tlttl" Jrirl• r""li!" bf'tw~n the ...,,. Cordon Almond. EmU Ol"ft:llol'r AI ... ..._ w1111 11,.. J-. f"maa. ~ -~nr her liater. MMI. J . Ct•n('rnl OPIIvf'ry, Balboa J~land, ....... Callfomla. He 1I'M ~ Jm Nt'W)IOI"t Blvd.., OData Wea, Howl' ~rvlcr plnll awardf'd for of 7 and lO year• and are UJitiN O~rden Bflrtf'f'tl Balltb aDd 'u.. -..-. A. Clllla. 2lat ltrMt, N--port At S1. Jo-.f'ohll hOIIpltal. F.b. 11, _.. a-Glf."Ddaae fa.ta 8cbool on Jl'rtday, tbr 18th, at I p. 111. ttrti'I'TI hnur11 of aet\'ll'e Warllyn thr lndtofllhlp nf Mra. Lmmle Vin· ha.k•. •-...._ ._.. appomt.menta Baeda. 19t4, a dau!thtt'T. • • • • • • • • • • l"o11kt 3. !'\hella H ' ""'~ 3. D1•1e cent a nct Mno F:vtrrtt N\111&11. Th« nrxt IIM'd.laC wm be lllalda ._ aorll l'ftlff'Y'J'._f'll aad tt'nlll ~---:------------------------'* I :-lmlth t Nant-y Ward 1 &ftd Orau 'nle lttUe pff . .:outa paaytd I wltb Wn. Ed W&llftw u ~ .ad ..,_ ~ ""'" IIIUitm hUr Greeting Ca,_ and a Great Variety of Unuaual Glttt C"rQCktr 1. aom.r <•f th~lr t~vurlte ,;am• a.nd rena. "WF. JNVITF.: \'OU TO BROW~E AROUND" At thl' dullf' of the Oourt of ..,.,. lnfttnnlllly bl'fnre UM tu B. and P. Women's ru ...... lt thir lunrh .... n M ... I c. E. LOUCKS I Awardll, tl'a wu IW'rved bJ the hn11r "' Cl b M R...., llac[lnrald w;u .-ntf'd JEWELAY and ITATIONERV • '1 ~'f>Uill with Mra. l.nnnle Vlnct<nl T!le tf'a tabl4' •'U colorful In U eetina wit.. a-. Ol.amonda • W.atahu . F'tne Rep.alr ln" d h ~ · .. -y .. _..~ly aCorlll ,nn. 1 • f'O\Irln~ ('t>Okl,.s. It a an punr thl' V11.h-ntln,. m• lit. P'rom """'· 'Mot-""•'nf'tlll a.nd Pro'-aJ l.atrr In lhr 111.,,_ Valt'n-Phone Newport 2430 ha\1 htot·n pret>Afl'll hy WMI. Ma· tht-IIIII•• ~:irl~ .,. n•,.,J tea An•l WCXDea'a Oub wtll _. 'nlunday tiDn _....,... "''h"nr~ j 1797·H Newport Blvd., Cottol Meu, Calif . • I llt'ln'" ~:roup w ho hB\'1' completed rMk lrll Cr11m ~y JlllJI4't pl11to·s 1 t'vrnlnf[, P'rhruary tbt' 17th. at CtM"''1JI pr• ,..nt wrrY ifr• --------------------------.......1 fthe Ct,ok ~gr . th" eerviDI WIU v.•hlr h thrv hll•l """orated with 6.4~. llt Whltea Pan Aftllue Caf• 1'1tnmu Jakn. )Ira w c. IIC'Don· ~-------------------------... •ionf' by Mr11. Howr'a girl• who lsre paptr dnlllt's ami tiDy red Dalbo& laland. ' •ld.. lllno.. F .. s )l~rlrlrovit.ch. ""' • • • • • * • • ' ·4~'! THIS IS Jlf BEFORE'" YOU BUILD OR REMODEL ... WAR LOAN SHIELD Jto I havr received Hoateu Bader• ·and htart". Tht rookltll !lad beea milt·~ Ml• Vlra1nla 8btr1e7 wiD lllr Jalle llr iiOlan. w,... .......U Wn·! U1e dec-oration• and tbe t~a tabtt ed and bAked by lhf' 1!rll u a chairman Ill OW pmcna. llbe .... r.n. lira. La~ :Celeon. wra.1 1 which wert' In the Valentine theme ~roup. .cured f"'orce and Irma WarJ>18 R.ollald llcDanalcl and tilt' '"-'-1 Vlelt our lnt~rqtlng urnpla and dlaplay rooina. Cclor guldu planning •lela. eom· prwttensln -'eGk ef "'.., c:arpda, linoleum an4 VeM· tian Wlnda. • were done by WIN Wllaon'l and Tbe Brownlrw-not ''"the aanln• W'h wtll ,..-t a tra~ aad &Dd cc>-~t•. ~ Mra. Euton'a rroupa. comm llte« tonntd In a d rela on t.aelln~o&or pk'l-Ill Talltt.i. Mra. "'· C lko-ald will bet Dessert Luncheon For the Circle At Mrs. Holtby's the n oor whtre they «~~Jo,..S 11'taere tbt'y U....S f• m -U!& U.. ......_ a1 1M ........ -.etil'l'·, pufl('h and t'ooklt'a T!le lltU. ~· j mltteea fanned workl'd ecrtelrnu:r .. The Land Is· Brighf. Receives Degree and qut .. tly •n" .. "''" tl'f't the par· To Be Reva·ewed for ty, ll w•llln.-; .,-oup of cleaDt'r·up- tl4'F'll •ua lak•n~~: over r bftrfuu,. Pleasure of Ebe11 Tht-Nrwrnrt Clrr lr m•'l w1th ---• ,..,.,. n. w Hollhy at her Qrf'I.U" Twin Brother of A!0 w Auea anrll Caf'IMta Cleaned AepalMid .. will paoteat OS. tlgktlng --.. J.lag tJww laM:k home to u-will prot.ct our hom• aDd the way we Amerioan~ lib to U•e-and will protect and pmyid. b our futuze MCU.rity. 6om 1M RJgAt to D;.play Yow Slueld Today/ •'Mnt hnmr Mr11 Willeam F.llho Costa Mesan Here lll\11 Mr• A ~ Thump!M'n llhnr<'ol hratr•~ hnnnu From Canada • I A r,.vlc-w nt '""'" ~hlltr•' U»r••· 1 tnt-," .,..hkh 111 th~ hCt nf Fl••rl'nl'•' 1 Stghtln~tlll". .,..,.,. ~t•vrn hy Mt,. ~I 1' t 'hn rl••' Mt A 1111 \' nf 250 l1rt\ll•lwR\' l"l'l!la 1\!rsn. Ia w rkOIIIl· In!! hn '" •n hr th••r J~to•kJOfln ~­ '•·r"'"' nf Orhlll\, Ontnrlo r~tnada In l • r hnml' tht~ wr•'k "" 111 ac- ' o~rrpanlf'lt lw hl.tl wltl' -Wra. ArUiur Wa)'a of Santa Ana who Ia -11-lrnown m the H.art.nr dllllrlct.. will Jtve a .--diQ~: r.n t br pla.,, '"nw Land Ia Rrtttht ... b\' ~'!dna 1'\>rber and ~e Kaufman at the ~II IDHUnJ on Thur .. ta~ M • . In t~e Clubbouae. arrJaC~ ~ LUDLUM Carpet Works lq I.XJaA W. Ia ... It .. IIIII M '" fo~l11ir ("nnklin. a nrv.· mo•m~ 1 1 lw'r whn h~ <'t~mr rr .. m f'lrn•·m••ol tu thl' ""Y 11rf'll, gnvr lntrrr:olln~ C'Xp4"ril'nl'l'll frnm hrr IICP lUI a n H M· IIh•narv in lntila Thl' 8f1rrnnnn WAll KJ'f'nl 10 Rrol t•rn,.,. wnrk nn kno•r·cobr" I r th" , h•lllpllaJ patll'nla, It ltn.o l'lM'~ "lnr P 1!1:1!1 I hilt the IIIVIn brnth••r anoi llillto•r h11v1• !llefl ""~'~' "' 11rr Tbt Rantif'ntOfll wtJI h•· tn ! he Jo!~lln city about t..o 'll.'t'l'k!> JALU() AMI(3()J! For many years I have devoted my energies and t i me to all three Doll Houses, Palm Springs, Balboa and La guna Beach, but as or now I have severed connections with Palm Springs and Balboa, and henceforth, I will give Laguna Beach all or my e fforts. In accordance with this, I am changing t he name from the Doll House, whi ch is ~ot' characteristic of the present establish- ment, to a more ,appropria:e name, Don Manchest e r's ~BRAZI L~. I am revising the menus, thus improving ·your se lec~ion ~nd choice, and will feature many South American di5hes, combining the del:Loacy, taste and charm ot the old world with the r ugged indi- vidualism ot the new. My chef, Juan, will concoct in his inimitable w:.ly, oitt.er your c}loice from the menu. or any special. dish you may des ire, and the bar as usual, will otter the beat~ Watch tor, and don't to rae\ ·roura tor better living. DON MANCHESTER. 'Mila 11'111 be a JK''It:T1lm '" u'l \'ir;t~l Coott"~ ,r :lo Jl.albncl J:.· uaual lnll'rellt &Del aJI m•·mbf'ro, :.r• I ,,,. n ~I \\'Lih;un.. 19. :o-;...,;1~, ••r~ to atUDcl. BNdL IANTA ANA 1622' leutlt Main SL Phone Santa An.a 2106 II .. HAS CAUSED OUR GARAGE To Be Dfsignated ESSENTIAL for .DEFENSE. NOW. WE HAVE )IECHANI~, PAINTERS, FENDER, BODY and FRAME MACHINE MEN TO REPAIR ANY MAKE .CAR . PROMPTLY. .• NOTHING OOW~-12 Month~ to Pay N PONTIAC CO. SANTA ANA ".