HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-02-17 - Newport Balboa News Times-- IIU. '· A. -. -.. ~~----------- VOLUME IV •---B R0BERT L. A1..LEN Prospective Voters Wamed of Deadline for Registration l••tl •·x•·l'Ull\'C, and JC&rJ W. ltan- lo•v, Onlboa bland ~al eetate hr••k• r Mr. R~d wu ekleted to Harbor c:IUaena who are not at-lhr fnunr1l In 1~. Councilman "ooe&dy ~pte~d to ''olr "r wh'l! l(lrl< ha\'lng been appointed lD b&Ya moved alnc:e l.h.elr lut reg-,JI\nuary, 1943, to nU tile ~­ lolt.ratlon, have only 14 daye In ry l!'!t by re•lgnaUon of lrvtn which to quaJU'y thf'lt riJthl o ! I o ..... trgr Gordon, when tile latter lrantbae It they wfah to vote In '''RI! ell'<-t••d county 11Upervt.or. tile Newport Buch city election 0Pildllne for flllnr nomtnaUon on Aprtl 11. 1 papt·rA 111 noon. March 11, accord- In t.II\Jing thl1 warning today, log to City Clerk F k Rlnebart.. City Clerk Frank Rinehart point-ran ed out that therf' are lt'\'en plac· M In the ,city whcort• one may reg- loiter. Tbe• Include the three ft~ ataUona at Balboa, Nrwport Beach and Balbo• Ill and: the Grade School Pupils Make Grand Showing bome of Mr1. ,Lorena Wl'll. ·1607 ~llld<'nb of Newpof'\ Beadl Padnc: drtvc. Coron& -drl Mar: Gr:.mrnar srhool have aold inof.e Nelle Wllllam110n'• offfrr. 708 E . thnn 180.000 worth ot War 'boncll Central avenue. BAlboa: HowArd anrl •tamp• durtnc thr Fourth ~rrt.t\'1 oftlce. 24111 W. Centr•l \\'nr Loan Dr!w•. It wu announc:- a¥enue, Newport. &nd the N ew-"'" lo•lay by SuJ)f'rtntendent H. 0 . port Beach city hall. En~l.:n Mr1. Butler'a alxth ~'fade Jn order to \'Ole In lhf' prf'al-·""Ill Ill l~'adlng wltb m~ tlaaD denUal prtmary on MAy 2 It 111 S 1° 000 In IIIli ea. with 'MI• Camp- n~ that T'f',Wtr•Uon ~ ~'••It's fifth. gr&de f'OPIV In lleCOnd m_. March 23. · !{lr~>. Mr . Dullp ald. l-lllu orr to the ~mar 8dlool CHID' O'N VACATION Poll~ Chief R. R .. Hod~kln.on lett Monday momlnr tor Artz.ona whe~ be plana to .pend two -"-ncatlon. OHk ~,...rant C. K. Pr1eat II a«aln , back In UM ~ attrr compl~lnr hi• two .... '"1'\ar\oqb" em ~. '''""· ""Y• the Pre.. \ln\UoG 'J'O !ftW RO- Mr. llnd Mr1. Donald Oordon. :? 12 401 h l ll"t'rt. are bua)' n4eoor- attnJt thf'lr newiJ-purchua4 P"'P- ~l v ~m a&t.b .treat and apect to mov1 lD...., Randel C. Jlat~ wt1o mad4> m&n'J 'ocal fi\mda wt111e J"Hidlnc ...... c1artJtc ow -.-r ot 1 N 1 and -.atn In 1M2. 11M bf'of>n ~,·ealed u oww ot U - who &o.t thrir ltw. JMt ,..... day when an AIDft'kaD A.,.._ ti"IU\IIOOIIUMnt.al plane U.....S Into the M...._.ppl rtww - Mr mpflM. Mr Mattlwww, wbo wu a M- ph-of Mr. and 111"8. RaJpll R Randel. offo llappltt~ aftmW. made h .. bome w1~ Utlftl\ clartiW h'-time 011 tbe lllancl. AD ...,_ piOJ M of tJie 8'perTy 071'0 Com· p ... Co.lwwuU. ........ to board the plane before ow erallll. haY1111' tU• ,._.. rr.. rwt Worth. 1'o. Ria IMMiy lilted INJf ~ JWOtete4. acooe a • to u.r lat.llt ... ,... .... "' ....... ...... ' LBOA PBBSS . ~----~ FF.BRUARY 17. JDff Named !Second Army Vessel p Head; Launched Feb. 12 __ .. ~ ,._. WA& _,.,D 80&.D Pres. By Ackermans Cllpt Albert eauaact. -.. o1 UW 1Ne Anae&-1'\&mor IMUt11&., to.iay noune4 U.. N•wport ~ b.lr L'bambw ol Oom,..... tM& h•· had ~ a NQOO wv hunJ Ill l..oe .Anl'oal• WIU. ~: twn• t.hat LIM aloe be cn4iled \o N.-.. ·,.IUrt ~aclll Oran1n~ ~- 41'TU Aa"'•" '~mAL ~r.T f"f .. TODAY Mu~tf·ring-Out Pa~' !il"'" k tllll h<·f•ltl' a joint rnret- .,,,. ••I 1•.-"' ~t<·rvlf'r dub nvmMtl ""'' '"' •••nlt'IIC h<•ard otnetall. ·r·•· Hlllo\' "'K"'· 11r ICimu H N,.,_ .... ,. .. , ,,, lh,. lup-ranktna au· '"' .. •··· ''""'· ..... Cha,.,,.. (,. Now Availahl.-r-~-•\· , ... , h•· --.rtr-d)., admit· otoo.rll 1•·~ ••n national affllltl, de- •llt t•·•l 11o111 on,. ,,, the ~avHt '''' "'t!Jr ~ ftrr to nine aut.omo- h•l· • tn lh• X• Wll"'f't R~pta .,,.a "" th~ n11: '• 'lf Jan. II and 21. .,. .. t" II'" • 1 rtaf toda J 011 U'IIOfl ,,. reo.-. f"• '"""""" lUa p~flml­... ,.,. hr :>n•v trl J~ D, J J ""'£''• "'"trt he wu tlound over '" "''r-' • r NlUI1 W'tU. lleJI .. t at ttn I)M ,..,,. ,._ ~ mt.errd " r•~A "' ""' natltJ by ~ of -·~"'"' Tb<' trtaJ wtn ~ tward .,..,or,. • 1''" 111 J._ ltaJ"""ond 'T'Ir•fT',_.n·a rourt. Otto A. Ja- ,....,. ha'1ntr: .... ....,..tad to Npi I l tM ' 7 b t J •tl>"hllr(•·•l ,...,..,1,.,.,,,.n wlahlnl( d '"~' • • ltll'll\1( lht~ Unlt.ed BtatM l'l llpplv '"' nt~f.l·rlng '"'' r•Y arl' I •Ill\' •• ,,,.. ,.,,,,l(,.r "' ''lfNIIn« thr lltlvlwtl !11 r·nnll\rl J-' W Crtl"krr, J•' '"'' ,..-rvlr•· qf(l••"t (of NrwJ>Ilrl IIAt· 'l'h•· w"r """nrdlnr lo Dr. Wel- htor A m•·rl~'llO l..,.(l"n Jl'l~l, wh" """ • "11 ••rtly br brnu«tlt to a INC:· hiUI 11 11upplv ''' lh,. n•·•·raa"rY • • ""'''' • •onl·lualton If tbfl Amertc:an fnrrn" nn wht•·h llJ'Ifll!rllllnn m1111t I'' ••f'l•• • ,,,,,,,,, tn the rerulatlona hi-marl,. Mr r,..,..k,.r may ht-"'"' hllv.. ~n tmpoaecl. 'n\eM rrm111rlt'I'J t>y p'll••nlhlr HI, nr rAil· f\ l'l''''"""at&ly 100 perwon• ,.,.. In« "' ""lhtl11 Ylt,. •'""''" 70.'1 r•r• •• "' ~• I~ mwtlnl' whJclt 1r. R11v """nil" T'h""" whll flnl1 11 '"~ h••l•l •I rllllt, M.ea Amert- m'lr,. ""nvrnl,.f\1 (•t !ln .,.,_ m11v • 1111 l,...l(ltm hall, where memben llpply at th .. Orantr:" County Vet-•of th•• K twllllll, Rotary and Lion. l'ranl' Wl'lfllr.. Burr au In the I' lull hroet rd 20 ration ~ --- oou..U.OU.. annex, lanta Ana. ""t" at • oompllm•t&rJ ....... Legion Marks TwentyYears Of Service - IAH'AI, Wt:N NOMINATr.D Jr r f'o'oti'IIIIII'IHillllunll qf thr nom- lllulliiiC ''""1111111•·,. "r" fullowrll . W M '"'•1\lfO••"•r will rrr,_nt N•·wl'••rl ll~<rtlflr lUI 111111 rlrt vir" r rr•t<lr•nl -rtf OrAntl" Cnunty I '<oro~l AllllfN'I"tl11n, It WU re"VI!al· ,,,, ''''IRV ""' l':lmt>r .f. Hw«tlM. rh111nnan nf th,. ,.I,.,.Unn I'Ommlt- lN', <llllf'ln•·•l ttt11l l)t>~ly'a IN'IH· lion" !nr 111'44 llff!••"tl Jlf'Jltf'IH'ttl · In« rlllltll Ml'aa Will ~ JUIIIr 0 J l'lnft«f' Nomlnat,.•l for IM'f'rtol llrY treu· ur,.r1for th,. 17th ronwrutlve yfar 111 Harry W,.lrh, IH'r,.,.tlry of NflWpnrt H•r'bnr Chllm"r of romm,.n:e. wht• hu aerv~ In that capacity A~ the or,anl.u· uon of tha Cout poup In tm. .. ..... -MESA ··" tl ' • lkll"t'ft tnm lh• r..·h!ttti- ' eur-,._ .,, ... "fawJ V- I. J . A. Dalbo& nl ow ••lnl a IWl8 ... Mr. and lUI...., .. ,.. ........ M:ulty. I rnd•J Ia Ule 'to Uw w:e UM ..... ltof ., u-, to ,,. tS • .... . ~ . I -=' . Eileen Maree Plight Their: . ··~· ... .....,. .... ..--·1 1!11 .... _.~ _ _.... ... , .......... ..-. .. Clillllll "Y .. I ar . ._., .... M I "• ... ~..-. .......... allll. ..... ~-~~~· .....__,..,. ...,.-.,.. --......-.-...... .............. PI• tru ... ' .... _ .... ..... OIIIOr h-..... "" _ ..... .... ........ ~, .... ._ .. , ... _...__ ~carr ............ ~~~ .. ..._ ..... ....,. .....,._......,. ................ ............ ...... 'F.'-'" ........... , .,__ ........ • .... .,'-r .... .......... -, ....... .... ;d--.... .....,. ..... au ._. .... .-............ ..... ..... oaiP ... ..-. __.- ---~··· __ .... __ 'llut ---7 ,, .. .,. - a -•·• .. ,., .... : ...... _._ . ..... ,,, .. ~--.... •,as a , -...-.. .. --~ ..... . ...... ana .... ........... • • • • • • • • • • * * • --.. _. .... to 1m JIIUWill .. • • J ua .. ... Do -... .. ft • -.. ••• New Draft Proeedure AS A TALE THAT IS TOLD ~--to Improve 8yatem ., w. Dill KAXWJ~~U. ~ 1~ &.DCA£. ,.,.,,.,... .-i eel from Na· "We epeDd our yean u a tale that ia told. Tbe daya ~ 8MdL c.wonaa wormauon v __ ... __ ... if by p a 0 5 .,.., -n.uMI>7 •woina at M.wport 1111 uona1 Keaaq~w• ot aw.cuve ou.r yeuw are three score yean ...u ten; .-. ~ Of'8le _. ••kVSC PIMt at 1211 <W Bl•d.-'hl•~• _ _-..,.,rvu.1• con~erruna U.. new pro-of atrength they be four·tK:ore years. yet ia their lltrealth · 5 d-u.-Juae 11 lMO at tAe poll office al ~cuure tor pbyau:aJ eJL&I11l.nat.IGD 18 labor a,ad.. f, . . ~ •; ...::Ia. ~ W\41tr uM Act of Much s. 1878 .~~a by au.t cterk A.. J. eoft'Ow; or 1t 18 aoon cut off, aDd we tJ,y away." ,_ . ...,. .,_ .taym..n o1 Local Board No. 111. Tramping through the mazea of the north wood. oae ~ ..,. «UT-h*lwo Ia N....,t ' u;r the wonnaUOA of ~-1.1 atope to look at a apnJce tree, slender in girth and rt.inc ..,...._ "Papn of ~ _"P~ • "~w:'"m::~~~~ :;:-P~ straicht u a plummet for a hundred feet. The fonlllter, w A -..,..u lllld W. H. Bl&dunan. Ownerw and Publlahf'rw .will worm all r1111aLnAI.I ol.bu• who lmowa tree. a.a the pilot knows h.ia ...... _ ·-va .... _ ...... ..._ a · WilL A. KAXWSU.. EdU.or slim ~.., --.,-..._.. ~ "· H. IIJ'I'('.1IIIAI, etrculat.IGD and Advertt.l"-""'" Uabte for mald.ary ...-nca • obeliak of the woods ia eighty to a hundred yean old. • N&L II\1U.AJWD. LocAl N-• ~ :~.;:~~~:'epo~t :'~:: = Ita roota are apread web-like upon a hue of rock, imbed- ,. ,.,_ .._ ..,._ ~ a wut..,aptl o1 l'•neral cU'Culation b! wftlu 1.11 advwe of U.. cS&ll ded Ollly In the accumulation of du.t aDd decayed ..._ ._.... 1111 u. ..,1,._ o.un II Orup OouDty and 18 twly qualln_., lbey may be called fOr ~~u~-C.Otu.riee pa-.ed while nature gathered the ..... ,_ -n _ _._ &o ........ all k1lll7a 11 ~~aM advert*mcnta loc:&1 _ .. _ UUD....,- ---eu.o~UPMON RAn.: ~~ru::' :r:;,:a_ o1 mladl ~ =for_ the spro uting of the 8eed. How IIWly Mcme ._ OrMcw Olual7, , .... ,... ,-~. Ou~ o1 Or~e Oowlty, suo oua work. While the I'OCk waa sliding down from the gladaJ , · Men ordereel to report for pre-regioDJ, bow IJ\any more while th& waten receded and tbe ;= -.... ._..._raJ Houain"' Authontv could wilely 'grant anduciUOII phyalcal uamlnaUon at atone took on ita flinty hardness geoJ 1 •---• • a0111:: •-• ' u Induction elation will be rtvea • ogu ..... can UU&y elti-penaita for the c:ooatnaction of additional hou.ainc faclU· t.be complel.l pbyalcal uam1n&· mate. The axman comes through the fo~ 1n ball an .._ ia the Newport Harbor .,.._ lion. 1nclu~ blood t•t, aA4 wW hour the towering product of nature and aJow time &oea ----• be ... tumed1 to 01• .. ~~~ ol cra.sb.lnc to earth. A few montha pua and ita pulverilied Tbe Duw ratioD tokena are .ebeduled to make their n~Fo':::21ai. wiU be com-body Ia tranafonned into new.spapen that are ,read today ..........,. Oil Feb. 27th. Here'a bopiDc t)ley don't re-pl~ted by thr 111ducuon ataUOn and toued away tomorrow. Agea of preparation, four acore -a. tbe white pnnia which are ao~ ..UY confuaed comman4er and will lndlcate u.at yeara of growth and development for a tra.naitory hour of wttb ...._ ~-';:~'i::~~ ':t=t. aceeptabl.o for .wice.'JWw little "tlifference. af~er all, in the ltiatory of ---• Army for ceneral mWtary •rv· tbia u..-.nd the history of men! Tbunday, February 11. 19M 'l1la Fourth War Loan w aboutOYei- BIIt niE WAR IS NOTI Go buy another War Boad --.ad remember it' • Geo . Taylor at the Ocean Froat Uubl-telephoae 6 3 3 bQOOd MEATS • 2UO Ocean f1oat -J.•'--&33 a.D Jdanu ia Ebltiah from. Tokio hint that the Japa-Ice. It ia thie consciousness of life'a brevity of the paucity • L.all-th 2. Pbyalcally fi t, accep~ for of .... _ . . . \----------------------"" -•97 a&J' .000 come out of biding and cuauaage e Army for llmiWd mtUtary Mrv-&CUJCWJDeDt a.a compared Wlth the vutne. of iDteet ~:_.;:::;::;::;;.;;;;::;;;;.::;::;::;::;=.;_-.;:;,;;;::;::;::;::;~ .., AJDeriea.D fleet ln the Oefttral Paclfic:. Knowing the tee. a.~d ho~, wruch provokes in the hearts of men an uplra-r Hiwz • muaia for "doub&e talk," tbia threat may be J . Pby•lc:a.lly fit. acceptable by tloo to live beyond their mortal years. Bernard Shaw baa Navy lincludtnr Marine Corpe . "d that b . . aceepled u .-anDee that the Jap abipe will remain where and cout oua.rdl. '>81 uman betnga cannot fulftU their proper destiny u., aN. •. R~J«led. pbyatcally unlit. unW they achieve a span of three centuriea. None of ·ua • 6. Pbr-lcally tit. but uaaecept· wW dea.y that lite ia e.ntirely too short for completioo of ...__ -..a W abl• for ot.bu rc..ona. -"-·-labo 1 aJ · · It a nporUd that Governor Warren ~ ueun:ou en-A• 1 I"MWt of lhill procedun. ou.r o._,. rs, et one leavmg time for the spirit- itn Wlutie ol a equare deal and proportionate repreeenta· 01,. rf'ptranl will ~lve a ·-cu-ual and intellectual expansion which we intuitively hope ., ;, tbe eelec:tkiD of Calitonaia'l ddeption to the .&-uOca~ QJ i'll.n.He"' wbida t.eu. etteip MG.& ot-v. ~ a-feetillr that we 81fp backward '--1 .,.,__ B , L.a.ttin t b"ta him df'flnltely whether or not be t , __ _. '"-•• •-f .' ab a.!J .. n natrm• convenuuu. ut we re ~ g wo · a 11 ph,-lca.Uy fit for aerviOt. u be a -~ a uau a...,p or every step forward that w~ take. t., tt th·~ deJecatioa adopU the unit rule and ca.ata no voU. hu been reJected. he wm be lm-~ maturity modulates into age we are inclined to beeome for '/Wkie at Cbcaip. mediately cluatfled Into IV-J', bJ victlml of a peuimiam whose buia ia the utter futility ---• hll local boud, Mr. Haymu Mid. of tbbap. • .A. tbe old-tt.e lndla08 would aay, "Plenty wampum!" MV8'1' nu: APPUCA'I'ION AD.atole France, in "The Opinions of J~rome Coigna.rd .. Rtnk ~ In t.be United Statee in UM3 reached a. total lY DEFEIIIUNT 80UOHI' lelia the .tory of the young prince Zemire, who 011 IIUCC.eed- f 120 bUJiolta, wlddl wu a ca.tn of 40 billiold in two yean. In a rKent dlr.ellve IMUed by inc to hia father's throne as ruler of Persia. called the Catifomia'a ~ t.a.k cba.in &bowed a gain of 912 mil· National Selt'cUve Service Head-acadeaUclau of his kingdom together and coa:una.nded liolw. which W'M more tba.n the· comi:Mned gail of New quartel"'l, all pr•·Pearl H..Wr f.. them to write for hia information and guidance a complete Uvrw and other re(1atranl.l wbG Ton'a tee larpR t.ab. heretofore have bftn clulllfted univeruJ bietory. At the end of twenty yean the wt.e mea ----• UI ·A.,.JWerc advt.ed that t.betr retumed with camels bearing 6.000 voltuneS. The king wu lact"=-tiona are that tbe praideotiaJ preference pri-'lD·A rlaulncauon would be caD-bu.sy with eare. of state; he placed the 6,000 volume. in -.&.... ... .u1 L.a. ,_ . "d h . crlled and Ulat lbelr em~ h ~ ID Os.lf_._ wau ~ an unwUretrting 1.1 e 11 ow m ahould tile Ulelr elal!Ni 11 lbey t e rreat arcllivee and commanded the wi.ae men to make U. at&~ elecUoo May 18, with only one group of are weklnr ckferment tor Nda a summary of the volumes for hie more rapid rea.din«. dellcat.ta to ~t eKh of the major ~the Dem-employ~. Twenty yean later the academicians returned with a di· l • e. It __ ..,~ tbe D-·bU f W Th Up to date only meJI betlfteft t f 1 .uw.. J 8 th I ~ •• nGD ne .-. a-.,.. can.u or arren. ~ tM agea ot 11 to sa han tUecS ges o ,YUU vo umes. ut e king was old and bia time ,.... fllllt ill U. eleetloa will be for the United Statos 1uch etal m.a. Tt\t. dlr.etJw, bow· wu abort, and he commanded still more brevity. Ten yean -aanlalp. ner. rtf.el.l ALL men betwHD puaed aDd the volume. were reduced to :iOO. UJ am at tbe I the ·~· of 31 and .a. It wu CDd of lite," cried the king. "Abridge, abrid-, if you want point~ out t.oday~ ICmp~n o - 'I'MI ..til U. D&tioc ~ the birthday anniver-tet'klnr to retain aue11 mm .,. me to know the history of mankind ere I die!" The 1ut of ..,.. ol Uaeoln u4 Wuhillgton, two Americana who at· advl8ed to obt.aln form f2·A ,_ the wi8e meD came tottering to the palace Crwe JaN later I lillle.t _.,._ r ... r-Cii' the e.t.W......_t and preen&· lndultrtal oecus-Uooal defarmetlta with a -'• ....... ~~alee volume on a dookey'a b8ck. But tbe .. -. or Form 42 t«W ._nculharal fW ---tlsa el tale ..,._. -.a-. 8tudlatl ot 'lM Uwe ud worn ot.ber occupaUonal claillnDellu. king wu dying, with the hiatory of mankind atill unleant- fll -two p.iata apea that U.. prlaciplea they laid AU re,wtruu now clullfted ed. "Sire!" wbee.d the ancient ac.adernician, ••J wiQ mm It .._ ..... (If lnllll'ftq applied) solve aU of the prob-m -A(HI wm be rcdaMtnecS to up for you In three worda: "They were born, • .._ .uffer-1-A,H 1 unkll d alma .,. Ned bJ -~ a-tW iC8fNat t.be aatioc today. M"lt-employ.ct rqietranta, or t.be ed, they died." _____ , ___ _ l'mploy•r. tor occ:us-Uonal ckt.er· It lB aombre and true, but not the whole truth. ~ mf'nt.. then wch ... ptrant. wtll enjoyed and achieved as well. The law of com--tioa ill ••••o s«lfiWICB HOME • AUTO • NAR1NE RADIOS REPAIRED MABINE ELECTRICIAN aua..-.. •oasro• Plao8e 2417 1111 COMt HIQilway NEWPORT BEACH ! Elegant ,Gifts Diamonds • Jewelry Pearls • Watches • Clocks Silverware • Dresser Sets ..0. At H.-R. Trott's Sycamore at Fifth Street SANTA ANA Pboae 5618 BUY U. 8. WAR BONDS! ._.., paMtfnl maneuven are keeping stride with ._ fti8C ..altarJ aucceiiN. It la apparent that Stalin -ia ...........S to clomtnate Europe, even thotegb it brealu up 1M ap-dd ....... ..,. of power'' .,..t.em which enabled Bri· t.1a to.., oae pvup of oationa aplnat another. Juat now It ..,.... Improbable that Britain ami America will have ..,. ftiee ill tM ..uJement of boundary dJaputes lD north· ..... ..,.. be ei UIIfled ettller U-A(H) or r-- 11-Bm). eternally at work ... And even in the dust covered citlee of 1;::;;:::;::;::;::;:::...:..~......:::;::=._;:.:~..:..::;;::::.::;::;:::.;;;;;; long forgotten cyclee boys and girls played, youth lived a nd dreamed. men labored and learned as today. Life m&J MIII:LL Mtn:U..S OUT A 000Paclflc Chou~-wbee~!u~n be at best a poor show. but none would care to mia it. of 18. ,000 u u.:en ma..., y h h" h . . f •-. t.ha Sht'll Oil Ccmpan y. Incorporated The great lrut W IC pe881MI&m orgeuo 18 t J)n)C· tor Ule purchaK of bonda In the reBII is a relay race, with each generatloa takiDC up aDd Fourth War Loan Drive. It wu! carrying on where the lut generation left off. EftrJ a&e announced today by L. 0 . Me~-1 • l ----• t n. vtoe prcaldent In charri of is the legatee of th~ agee that precede ll. The f1ower 0 oar It a ahoddnc to d.*over the h~dway which com· marketl~. for the oil nmi. culture today is the refined product of endless epochs ol u I tie doetrtDea ban made in thia country. Though. · travail and striving and aspiration and experiment. tMre • DO commum.t party Of'IUis&tion worthy of the t•A.'II: 8PU'.AD8 FAa There is no jJ)Jitification for our presence here except --. there baa beea a rapid growth in the acceptance of Fame of Newport Harbor 11 not we Jaor faithruUy that they who come after abaD bavoe -al-a.lis....,.lt ..-.....&-'-:-n by tb g noonpl of confined to Ule United Statra. ac-I All th d f ~• MORTICIAN ~arolb ~ ~raucl ct:lplptl .. "'' Our~lr-a tM &ll1 r St'rt·C? b.., &n-ino Otllnw Bat.•• .. HON~ .. OAT S61 • I tO BADACWAV, COSTA ... EBA o ,._ .,. ....... ..--. eapec: . ..uy _e youn ~~-e rt)rding to a wllu rKelved by life and ha\·e it more abundant Y· e a vance o Qvu-l u. eouatry. We beard a bright uruwratty graduate eay re-Franlt Crocker. leCN't&ry of Bal·' lzalion is epitomized in the grim resolution of the &lieD c...tt.J that tbe United Stat. wW bav~ to provide "coUec· boa Anrllng club. The letter.1 ditch digger that his child shall win the education which ::::::::::::::::::-:::"':::::::::::::-:=::---------::::::::~ tm 81CUJ'lty" DOt oaly for all ita own citizens but for all ;,:~:~ ;::tw~~:n~~!th'·A~~;:~ waa denied the (ather. Today muat be better than~ .,_ ______________ _ ...... e•e~ywbere 'n the world, even if the coat reducet~ aought advtrt con<'emln« Ul~ ee· day; tomorrow better than today. That is divine evolution ._ ••edarcl of lh'lnl to tbe level of the humblest heathen. IN•Uon of tackle and llpt tack!~ 1 --the cumulative growth of the apirit of man. 8 flahlng, •tatlnr that M had -• · d Bu job ,..----' the name of Ule anrllnr club 1n I Our years indeed are as a tale that IS tol .. t our ll1lcb u we deplore heavier taxation. there lB no doubt t~ P•nn 1\Hl cataJor. is to make that tale a vo1ume of inapiration and good tM Prtll6deat aDd Secretary Korgenthau are right ln ask· NtediHI to aay, a valuable fund cheer to those who ahall read when we have gone our way. .......... Int. than Coocre-hu been willing to author· ~r'~=~~~~ ~~ s~u';~C:. -----------------------1111. II .. are to prevent diautrou.s lnflation a greater por· .._ ~ the eo.t of the war mu.st be pal~ in cash, elnce the suaV&Y AUTROSUZJm Jl'rom Callfomla Priler-RftMw NeW])Ort Blacll city council .,... THAT NATIONAL mGHWAY PLAN Caipets, Rugs and Upholstering CLBA.BD A OOIO'I..&TK UIQ Of FLOOR COVERINGS roa TOUR llE()UIRDiENTS LuDLIIII c••PB'I WORKS SAJITA AliA 1622 S. Wu St. ~·• debt ta'l'f'OW'lq to utronomical figures anyhow. .._ a ~ vot.ee for a big appropriation he tlllab of the YOtee It wiU make, but when he is asked to ...._ taxa to meet tbet a'pproprtatioo he la inclined to think fll U. Yot. It wiD 1oee for him. We can't eat our cake eenUy auUiorU.ed Ule expenditure The plan for a :M,()()().mile t.ra.nacontinental networlr of of J2ta~7:1 for t.be purpoee ot Ia&•· highways which Pretlident Rooeev~lt recently aent to CoD- Ing a wrvey made by U.. l:m· h Jd _, areful attention from the lawmaker&. ~------------------__. __ ,.. ployeft State 1\eUnmtnt 8,..c.m gTe88 S OU recave C ..... It too. "1th Ule Idea of Jneludl~ cttJ em· 1-The P~ident declared that aueh a .ystem of bicb- ployeea under ~ Retirement Aet.l ways "is ess~ntlal tc) the future economic welfare aDd cle-p,.uuon tor auch tnelualon wu ., ----• orlrtnally n1~ by memben ot Ule fense o( the nation. . ,._ ~ Ia belq .et for what promises to be a hotly pollee and nrt cSep&l'tJMnu and The proposed highway network plan 18 de8igDed not ..... prea6deatial election e&mpallft. The RepubUcan latu. dl8:eua.lon wu made of baY• ..,nly for the cofiStntction of new roada. but for tbe illl- _._., ~~Uoa wUI be held in Chicago the wt week ~~n:..u-ee~ ~:c~!':.~~.: pro\'ement of exm.lng heavily ~raveled thorolllh~ Ia ,_ aDd the Democrat& will meet in th~ ~~&me city on ,·ey wtll determine Ule co.t ot Today our army lB motoriud and mu.at ~ upoD ~ 11. The "burden of proof" being on the Republicans. ha,1n~t f'mplo~ ot all depart· our roads for the movement of ita hundred8 of ~ • • apeeted that their conwotlon will be exciting, both menu lnclucSecS uncSer t.ba reu..... of motor vehiclee Today enonnoua qU&Dti~ of our war Ia 6e uhctioD ol e&Ddidat.M and the adoption of a party ment plul. products mov~ o~r theee roads in commercial trueb. ID CONRAD SHOOK CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER CD ... PL£TE BUILDING SEAVICI: 21a ......... •••· -,. 8o far ~ outetudlnc tendera f th 0 0 P BILLFOLD ~NED fact, motor trucke form a nationwide &Membly liDe bJ ·. s•a. eon or e . . · ~--to th planta wbeft ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~ w b tiae an Goftmor Tboa. E . Dewey of New York. carolyn oorc~on· conalderw her-carrytnc parts from aub-eoa~ .. on e ..... L. Wllllde, wbo wu the nominee in 1940, and M"lt a lucky penon foUowtnc t.bt the final product Ia turned out. ..- - Oc:ew_. -. ..----o vmv. owver. there la caah which liMa loet ~nUy at Th~ lncreaaing .,...._. or ~.......-..-• ......_ W ........_...._ f ,..,,_ H "'tum of her billfold ud P7 ln .a-.... d f motor ._ .. __. .. t:loa u a -lillll& ·•· ..-:, ~ U.. ffW tbe laUDebblc of booms for dark horw corona d~l Mar. Finder of tl'le swift and flexible meana of movin« gooda aDd equipmeDt. z •t te to'-epi"UUJJC Oil tbe eoov.tlon if th~re are atgm mlulnc article wu Jim Mu.t.ard. together with th~ apected lncreue in private can after -:&:::a:..:k .._ U.. .._,1-H-_ '--'••. The Demoentlc 721 Heliotrope avenue, wtao plekeel victory, will call for more and .better hlcbwaya. --a -----•-It up on Carnation avenue and ___ ..... ~~~ ~ ....._.___ ..._ ......... d '-a routtDe attalr, ace it la conceded that turned It tn to Ule .IC91 poUj!e We have already eeen the gretat value 0! our ~ _..... ._....-.... PI Mf Mt ..._Nit wW· be Mlftlnated for a fourth term depart.ment. Tile biUfold bore no durtns-this war. Every oent of the approximately $40 ...._.. a OJ II• If ..S that be wtU lllleet bia own nm.nlng ld.-nuncatJon otllu Ulan a aaJ.-bUUon apent on higbwaya and atreeta duriDc the put faar WALTa S. II'ICIII. 0... 1llp trom 1ta7 ,nch'• lllop at -lA iD ..., __ , __ ,_,._ -'-- .... _. ~~~~ die platform: Tbere are threata .of a bolt ~ 411 Mar~ upcm dwkJJIC decadea bu more thaD re.-ua ua..--. --··~ -••••••~ •aac• .,. ~ 1*1 J)an ... er'UI. but It ia VflrY unlikely that th•n tor a JM*fbl• e1ue to tM Pearl Harbor. .. .......... ......._ I ~ .. Nadl tbe .tap of a • thJrd party owner• ldeftUty, omce,. touDd The propoeed plaD will help keep our ro.d .,.._ at .. a....._ -that JiiO& OoNcln .,.. Ul tmp&oJ· ltl .... -0 c¢ .. a.t u.. lllop. ---••••• 1 ... ........ .. , 0 Thunday, February 3, 19« .flmwuncill9 the Opening of KENDALL'S BOAT · SERVICE • AND YACHT BROKERAGE 3452 Via Oporto (at entrance to Lido lale) Formerly the Taylor Boat Worb ~ J. B. KENDALL -~ Stay away from power ll1esl You fellows and girls who like to Sy kira can have lou more fun if you fly them where: they cannot come in contact with electric power lines. You will be safer, you won't get your kites tangled in rhe wires, and you won'r endanger lines that provide this war area with vital dec· aicity. H1rt '"' four sim pit 111/tly rults 10 follw: 1. Fly kira in an open· field, away from power lines and cxher overhead obstructions. 2. Never use v.•irc, tinsel or metallic stting. 3. Be sure the string is pet'fccdy dry. 4. U the kite catches in a povm line, lee JO immcdiardy. Don't pull! Phone the company owning the line, and a lineman will come to get your kite for you. • llloov Kn.owAn Y-rJHtrUJ s__, Wi1 ICilHMN 1111: ~ Al'llly FunlliM Urpd I Tb1!'4 Aulvenarl· to C'Amtact Lepoa 1 of U80 l'ouading If Help Needed Celebrated Here Pereou ciepen~ lOr t11111r OM o1 0.. ~t 8\I('C'ftaful ~n.s eupport upon a man 1ft -.,_t att.enciad parllee Y!'t rtven ~Uy ftnll UletUel... ~ by Balboa U80 wu lh• 'nltrd trun'-d b)' perpl_.. Pf•"-Aaat......,.,. ~tebratton. at'C'OrdiJic Aliotment cheelut m&7 DOt UftN to Dlr.ctor 01.1* Aaben on Ume, \.beN may be Wl~ 'l'be cadet party and d&nt"e on eel ftll.&ndal dlftlculU... or .-d a.turday 9WI\1AI' wu a pla at-tecal &ltv1Ct> may ~ rwectad. fair wtt.b • ftn.to rt'pruentatlon ln an etrort \o •xPf'dll.e lbe •. .,. ut Junior ~ undt-r Ul.t IIUp- luUon ot a\ICA problr~. the y. .,. rvtaAon of lrrw Henry F.Jrrt ckputment hu authorUed N--and )Ire. lta.Y Om1t.ton H•r11fort port Harbor Amntcan IAJ'too to Kenny, wbo at>Ud u ru.utt-r ,;, lnv..U..t• any auch c-a,. c-e,.monlu. kept all 01.. ~Hila InC In Ulla community, It wu an-tM»y alncti\C aDCl d.uldn« thi"'\&&tt- nounced tocSay by F W. Crocker, out the eveniftC. A IJ'Il'<'lal IUf· poet eervlce officer. prtae welcome wu accordrd Mn ''Whatewr the problem, Army Aa!len "Mom" W til" boyw who J:merwency ft.elJef atancla ready to had JU8t "tu111ed from Balnbr1!1Je belp," Mr. Croc:-kt'r wd. "Jt 11 Oa.. wblre llbe vlaltrll h, .on, prepand \o at't, and act quickly. Wanant Otttoar HlllTY Aah .. n and to ~lp any 110ldln'a famliJ, b)' hla wife and Mwly-arnnd baby euh vanta. Joana, or ot!wr U· daupter. elata~ nf't<kod In u~ of crleea. A• a tltttnc c:ltmu to ~ f\"e· It 1.a UU. kJnd of &Miat.ance tAat nine, Major William J Cluby. will relieve Ule 80idler'• mJhd of ~t dlaplaln at Ul" Air . Buco. worry, Ulua enabllnc him to ftatlt cut the Inc• birthday ca.lr" and btttar." made a ~ but lmpN'Uiv" talk Loeal pereona Metrtna lrUCh Mtp <'<>neem~ UM ~d ~otll> Olat alilould contact Mr. Crock~ b)' Ia btlnc aceompllabed by 01 .. \o- plaon!na lt. or come to w11on m l U80 under Uw dlrec-tlon ot JWt •1. located at 18th .u.t Mr. AMen and hi• ~f'able atatf. and Bay I'Tont, on 0.. J•t and Gladya 'nlom~n. liic-r~>tary and lrd "'-day ntpta of any month. hnualn& offl~r. Lo"'tta Aatl,.n. Applle&tlon blanka will be p,.. l'lub mother. and Ann Mlrllalakl, pU"e4 and llelpf\IJ ...t.at.a.nce 11•· atatf .. at.ant. llefreabmenta were en. If the ea.. warrant. emer-r rovided by Balbi',. B~&~IM•· poey IMip, tbe aentce Otflcer n~n·a A.MOclaUarl wW ... Uaat Ule appiJcant 1a Councilman I*ll and Mn z-. talml can ot wtlboMt ~lay. t.er biMII. dlnet.or of NfWPOrt U80, we" bltroduced to Uwo TILAJifiD'1tl:l&aD '1'0 LOJifDOPf «-ta. Mr. 1*11 utencttnr a Lt. "BUl" Dw1let, former Bal· warm welcolne ~ ~ Mntc:.men boa 'blal\Ger, 1a now ~ wttll and 1f1IIMft and lnVlU~ \htlr tr. the AnwriCUl Cc:onomle Warfan qiM'nt retum to U.. HIU'tlor area. Dtvt.lon tn London a.ceo~to llunday IIMII"ninlf Mw tile word reeetftd by 11i. ~nta 1rr "Douctlnut Ow\ken" rlub tn - and )lrw. w. P . Durkee. J~.. oi alon wtUt aewral pllona of c:ot- 101 Oft)'K avemM. fN and 110 doem frNII ~- Lt. Durkee. Wbo jolMd t.JM nuta coneumed by the "0\anlwra." Kine'• Royal lUIIe eor,. tn July The douPJ!ula were pi'Od\lced 011 1fU. b&t euYed wtUt Uw BriM Ute dub'• arw madiJn,. by Dlrec· f~ UJf'OU&1I muell of Ule war tnr ~ and atatf. to date and u ..-It of wounclll Mr. and Mrw. John ,. Mu"""' .-tved In Ute ll&tUe ot TUnWa nf Udo .. ~ were IJ)ONOn of a wu t.o.pt~ at Alqanclrta. •llbt-wetnc crv&ae of Newport J:rypt, ror nlM lftOfttU. He .. ftCIIII' Hanor which enabl.l'd the ea4fta t\a!Jy ac:overiid ~ .a. IJl,.,._ to -maAJ local po4nta of tnlM· wtUI t.be ncepUon of oae kMe e.t. On ~ altt'rnoon Ule wb&ch 18 llbowtnc padual am: I'UMta _,.. lavtllbly entertained provemtnt. He b&t not b1eft ~ at a t-hcNr procr&m of mu- &11\ee ~•vtnc tor ove,..... •"· terful p&a.no pi&Jlnc and all\l1nc Ice nearly tJlrM ,_,.. &CO but by Pfe. Jl'nnk Barbf'r wbo wu hopea to win • f\lrloup u 80CII\ formerly CCiftJMCted w1Ul Artie u he ta weU MtablUibed In late l!lhaw'• and AI Dona!lue'a ~ ,_ job. tru. P&O-AJUIUcA kn'I'IMo Harbor High Cagen Ill WJ:U. A'ITEJif'DirD ... •Ut'*-Uc &ad wti) atund-Win Cbamplouhip ect -unc ot ~~rtea --of Snn-t Lea-..,. wu ~ 1ut 'l'hu1'16ay at _.,., •- 0.. bome of Mrw. Jun• OUtlu1e, In tbe ftnal ...;,.. of lbe eeriM, eha.lrman ot tile Newport H~ Newwrt R~• c:rac:k c:acerw unit. 1'he orcanlMUon, wfllcfl wtU on Friday clncbed U.. bukl!lball thla ynr aupport Use Rt'publlcan c-hamplonahlp of Ute ....,._t Lea· ~rty, laid plana for Immediately K'Jt', ddeat1n1 the AnaJMJm ~ -lnJ1nr Into an uUve campaip :10-28 to wm-t.be UUe. ot precinct work . The Harbor teatD, ~ the Mra. Oeo. Taubman. Jr . ou'l'-. IIIIJWr\'Uion nf Coac:b tt.lpb R-d. inC' atate c:llaJrman who addre•-wun HI out nf If (&mN play!'d ed lht' mf!f'tln~. broutthl out the thla wlnt..r and In the (1nal 1 ~xtreme lmportanc.o nt ~t'ttln~ rnAir·h lfod at th~ lftd of ,...,.,,.,.I the votera rf'giatl'rNt, quntlng fig· quArter. 9·:1 11·13 and 24·21. urN to ahow that only te per c:"nt llnly nnrf' did Anaheim take a of the populaUon of t~ at.Ae Ia r•ll•tnf'ntary ll'lld. but tht' Tan r•&1•tered to volt' IUld that un-cpll•·kly r•·•·.Ovt'rf'd llu·lr balance leu J.hl• unfortunate evil 111 cor-:.nd ngRin ""'"Jil &Mad ret'ted. Ow! •lf'Ctlon will ~ .,.r-Alln~c. li.:Corlu·ll and Spink Uc:lpated In by about 3 pt'r cent r no·h •rnr•·•J ••IJlhl polnta, thl• be- of the population. March 23 Ia "'It Atlrlll~o:•·'• low tor thf year, the ~adllnl tor t t>&1alerlntt If the whll•• Bor• r·hlll~d up atx potnta. voter Ia to takl' part In thP atate Lt•rrv LRn~otn\ftd" Ia tht' rlflh mem· end f~ral prlmariea on May 2, lll'r of lh<· h·am and n.o l\lblrll· It wu aald. l•ttl'a J!lll yo·d Followlnr Ule mcl'tlntt. Mre Guthrie "ntertalnt'd at Nl'wport Harbor Yacht c:lub for Mn Taub- man, Mra. Albert ltutman. vln~> chairman of the Oran~tP county unit of Pro-Arn~rlca : Mn Fred F oi"JO', Mc:rf'tary, and Mra l:d· ward F~eman, treuurt'r. FI:II&UA.aY MEJ':I'INO IRLD N~wport Clrd,. W.S.C 1!1 ht'ld Ita Febn1ary meetrn~t at thl' hnmt' of Mra 0 W. Holtby, 1518 W~ Or,.a n Front. wh~re Mn William Ellh• anti Mra. A. 8. Thompaon Wt'tl' co·hoetuau. . Pollowln~t onl' o'ciO<'k draMrt lunrhf'on, Mra. R H. H ill rPVI-· t'd ''The 8.ol~ra' Rernln~... llfr 11tory of F1orrnrl' Nl~tlnttal,. Ml•• Elall' Conklin. a retum"d mtulonary from Jndla who Ia va· catlonlnl at Balboa. toltt Jnt .. reat· lnfly of her J)t'raonal l'llprrlen~• In that country. Devotlona ...,.,.. conduete4 by Mra leverett P'\lnk· houeer. Upon OJM!nln.r the "P'aiUI Jar" It wu found to conta.ln UJ whJdl placed lhl! etrc:le "over lllll top" In Ita annual ptectce to the churdl. Our1n' the aftemoon the women .....-ed on knet robae tor the Red Croel. U:OAL llfOftCII Boat EDITR LOU. cu.tom re~- ('H~PLAJS HE&BI:IIT MIO'nl nN 0\'EAMF.Ait DVT'I' A ftl'r ,...,.t!lln« for the put y,.ar r•t 1717 P: l'r·ntral aven~. Balboa r 'h~tf'IRin lt>-rl'lrrt RboON Smith or thr U S :"avy Upur-Uian·alr twill', h11.11 IW•·n ordered Into aerv· '' " nv..,'IM'IUI A• rewlt, Mrw. l"mlth ""'' lh,.lr n.-o diJicJI'l'n, l~nwtnn Rn•l Fin. havf' retu""'d l•• tht•rr f<)rm,.r tlome at Olar- l·•lt". !'J c l>urlnlt 1 hi'tr l'l'•ldence hnl!, MrR !'lmlth wu ac:Uve In the !'lunrlay IW'hnol rrt Chrl.t Chun-.b 1 ,. lh•· S•·n ""'I fnr M'Y,.raJ month~! , • rv••tl ""' M 1••11• her tn tJI4o btlf1n· n•·r'll do·p&r1rui·nl, a poelllon In .• hlr•h ""'' will be IIUCceeded by ).lrll Chari~• I' IIMr of Balbo&, ",,,. "' Ma j•'r Bau of Santa Ana Ar rny Air Ra .... •COMI8aYAT10M OP IUCTaiCITY WJLL Jllt.P 9JM 'l'ld •.at• ;.:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:,,;;:;;:;;:;;;,:;;,:;;;;;:;;;;:;:;;;;;=:;;. latn No. 21 A &I. wu purc:ls&wd on February I, 1N4, by Jnn L . f'tiiJr ''' th•· SmiUw' departure, Mr1 0 \\' Uoltby of liUI W. no--an Pr .. nt, wu ~ at a hllnllkrrr hll'f llbower ud tar.weiJ pa.rty honnr1111' Mn. IIIIIJt.h. ~ KUHta bf'rnll' teadMn ln tiM pt1· 111a ry anrl bf'Jrtmwr• fN4ee of lh,. Sunday 8('hool. 'fte7 lltel~ Mn. ltarl StUrM, ea.ta M.-; Mre. M C Mulllu, a.n.o& Ia· IMd, Mra Mary ......... Corona tlf'l Mar. and Mrw. Harold Conclry, Newport rhildren of the 8unday 11chonl al110 .,.,.. a hancDrerclllef ahower ,,,. tilt Bmi&Js JOUftPt.tra. n;~CRE& IOIPfa aavws J. B. Bft.UI ..... u. 8alnMvaln. Jr.. of Ul LAVeme avenue, Lone ~·· tree and clear of all ln~bt~ u of t.Ut .... AD ~ ._.m.t UU. boat prior to February I, 1M4. IMWd be p...-ented to aM eobected from Robert X. ~ of 411 Map~ atrMt. lin&. Calli., aftd "On1n Voott.Me of .. ......,. atnet.. ...... Calli. lllped: Orvll~ Brown. for the put lib yl!an t,.arher of m&t.bematlea aftd rhyeieal l'docalloa at N~ Bead! rrammar edlooe. 1\u ..... "". ed that )'>Mttlon to nter tJM arm- "" torN•tr wh~rr he wu to .. ~ u dM-11 oftl•~r tft U.. Army Truw- J'lOrt 154'n·tr~. It WM NYe&Jed to- •l•y Hr will bt lt&Uoned at ~ut t .. mporar11y at tiM Loll Afl4re'- Port ot Embark&Uon . . -• YES NOW---ANYO.NE ···.ANYWHERE ·Call BUY AayoiChuU•IOidLotala Bloc .. A-SS•ad&-38 • Coroaa Del Mar-· Residence, Residential Income • Business LOri The Special Prices of Approximately One-Half of the original sale prices remain in force, on· terms of 20% CASH All A "TRIRI" PO .n1 ................... •% .. -- . .-t I .-4 I 4 -4 u......a.~c~ .. Bxceptu 1o .... ··• aac:l•' Our sales have been brisk and those witli for• sight hd.ve taken adv~tage of our special Li11aiclalioa Sale ••to We arc offering OTHER beautiful building sitea between OCEAN BOULEVARD and the OCEAN and BAY. which are not in Blocks A-35 and A-36 . For instance: We iau vc ~K~me beautiful building aitea in the BAY COVJ4~ which ARE RESTRICTED-and 01 'K PKI('t~~ ARt; .. RIGHT" AND Tt:KMS VOU'LL LIKE WE SUGGEST To Invest or~ -t hmw who arc interested in buying a lot for the purpose of building a home or income property aflcr the war Jr the "FELLOW" who would be intercRtcd in a good business lot fronting ~ . the large and beautiful sand beach at Corona del Mar IIIWITI.IE 011 ca•• 11111111 DIRIII. Mr. T. F ~ Rhode~, Tract Sales Manager aa ... otll.--.... w.• .. coao•a Da. ... PBOPEBTIIII, IIIC. 73. Ia& .. IIIII a ... Aa .. l• ... _. ••· •• t'au JliiAPf L. 8All'f'8WADf,JJl. '---------------------1' ........ ,. ... 1'7, 16, lt66 p Oooc1 pnnUna cloee at the ..,.._ '-•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • -· !II J2.6l .. ..... -MESA ' .... tl • t ~ ... ...... ..... .• Au :.~ ... eM .., Ull• . --..... .. rotllfl, ~8 n .... ,_ rnm Ur• hc-~1· l •••r· PfO&"UUI "'· W1lll ,. .. , y . l J A. DUboa ot the lhlll. a nee wu Mr. and .u. _, .. ... ~ ~tJ. j n141lY •• u.. ---- ' t.o u. ICf! the ... ho4 eo U..., to ,,.. . tS • .. ., Eileen Marec Plight Their 11tanct1a« before wtUt ut.ly cala lftltl Urt'l--. I'll Hama a11d Vlra'll _.. ID&J'11ed In a 8unda• arttmoon u.. Cbapel by tat. Mar, tbe ~rm ofnelattnc. lk.rt undtt!l~ wt\lt.e t&perw cut UW. chapel u tt lecUoa• •ere play ary, .. "Bee&UM" a Trulv" 'l"ttb I ....... at tlM ore Preoe4&ac tlM allh •u IMr IIIII Cottle Jr. and·a " .... wtUt IMr bn JOWIMd In delft w1UI a I~ fit I fd ~ latt 8ht car laeed bouquf't of p Tilt bride. all'> aette, .... la.tl)' .ttlte broc"ade atl ed wtUt tlM tonr llaftold by a llnltl' Jllace With a Un ,.arte. Ahe Inti' of IMr tattler, Ar wt1o ~a mUI ear•••J ta llle 1 .. ~cfU.~ ,.. ...... ~ , 9 ° 'I of wtllte --and cent.e" ....... Diu OltUe. I .,._, .ned u BarN Cottle Jr. • Mr, MtJ1 CGUaN ... .......,.. ,. ........ ~f'fMr. a WIII ..... IIOIW. ~ a..tll. .... "'..,.... ... ....,. _..,. ....,...,u.~ '1'1' ,, • o-,., ,. ,_ .. o.. .lira Yl._u Frulll ....... ~-.... ..... ,._ Oladl * • • •• • • • ... , • c • • • .I • I t.J D • D • - ·~,. roll ik~iJ.,JJ. &oeJ. fti~~WH ~-~····· 138 Tbunday, l'ebnaary 17, lMt 37 DAYI LBIV }II]~· .. I]~ v AI ~~l.J. Anny Punult Plane l, '1(JM, tUUI '1tul4 I rei~ In Offehore Vnah; ; I J1•hn voc"l ot BaJboa wu a Mra. Jolaa J . Shaw of ~cuter, Pilot Rescued : •• , •·k rnlt v~altor at Palm Spnnc-. Ohio, bu arrived to mld<e her a.:ach rn.ldenu on 8at\&I'Cia¥ ( Do lh Wloo of the home with IMr <laughter, Mra. aaw a P-38 pW'Iult plane up&ode 1 . )'o!llll' ro .. a n WN!ey P'o.ler uf Balboa while : ~'ltY hbrary atart hu returned Mr. J'ow&.r a. acrvin"' overaeu. In midair and ro down ta nam., ! 1,1 h"r dui.H-1 fnllewln&' a week'• • the accident t.akillc ptac. wtUWa i I'"' 'tt ton. Mr. and Mrw. VlrJil Phebua, 109 a tew bundftd )'a.NI of t.be apot 1 28th atreet, wtre dinner b011te where only 26 day. before an· I Sgt. and Mra. Wilham En&"el of Monday evenln to Mr. &n'd lira. ulher P·3i and a Coraa1r ftcbter 1 B~>lboa hlan..t art! lhe p.,..ot.l of Harril CotUe 'jr of NewporL plane had crublld 1.n mldalr wtth ..... laco•• Tax Belana8 See Jl. C. BOII'I'•W ~ a •laught4lr. born Friday at St. alld 11._ ..; Pd~ter of Garden one fatality. 1 i Jc.1eph h011pttal. oro.,, an employee of tb.e Ora~~re The pi&Jle which cruhed at I ~:::::::;::=::::::::::===~~::===::::=:::::::::::;::=~ ' • ~r and )Ira. Paul Krenwlnkel, COWity aberttt'a otflc" 12:49 Saturday afternoon, wul • l :,2171-2 •Apolcna aven.a, are the MoUon picture• of (he South Jarnea R . Hert.zln of Santa Ana l { 'pnr•'nl• vr a liOn, born Th!Jrada)' Seu wtll be ac:reened at tonlpt'a Army Airdrome, reporU41y a · -being piloted by Second LleuL l { ~<I St JOIM'ph holpltal. meeUnc of the 8WIIneu a11d Pro-tst pilot. Aceordfn&' to eye wit· ( Mr~J Effie llarmon. 11& 27UI ftMional Women·• club by Peree neuea thf' nJer had pu't U. ma, str.-.t. hu aJwnt the put HV· MarpJ,ee, B&Jboa yachuman. The chine into a power dive wball t.be I l ( ' ~ ~ . t r i ; ~ ~ , ral .,.., ... ka nt Tustin where the mMUnr wtU Gpf'n· with 6:45 o'clock ·nglne cau(ht fire. ~~iii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii~' u1 lanng for a au k friend. · diMer at White'• par~ avenue Lt. Hertzler reportedly maneu-i.i'W!!ffii!!!!!Hffi!±i!iii 1 1 , " 1 cafe on Ule llland. Vir(tnla Sblr-\'ered the plane hfflclenUy to en- ley 1e Procram chalrma11. able hJm to bail out. Strtkln&' the A marriage hc•·nae wu lelued 1n SIUlta Ana to Riccardo B. ~ n.-xz.oll. Curnnll dt'l Mar. a11d Kathrrln., Mariani Sokol. Tucaoo, An~ ltr 11.nd )'otra Edgar R. Hill, 61!1 \'1a L1•lu SOud, have been en· ter'talnm.: a" houl!e JrUUt.l Mr. an<! Mr11 \\'1tllam Rlce of Boeton, Mua Mr and Mra. D T. Hebert, r.33 Westmln,.tt•r avt'nue, havt left t••r l'h•"·mx. Anz.. whf're U\ey pl1111 lo •pend Lhf' next two rt1•.1ntha. Dr. Conrad Rlcbltr lut Friday celebrated hll 13.r4 birthday ano.l· verwary. TIM vtteran pby.ldan. who bu bleft p~tlctnr medlcJM for more thaD a halt ~ntury, ln- ch&dtnc 26 yeara lA Newport Beach, le atJII going atrong and durtnc t.h.e put year hu put In tome of tlM biUIIUI day. of hie career. water a abort dlat&nce ott N-· port he wu picked up by a tl.lll· tnr boat and delivered to t.be Cout Guard aubpatrol bue at Colltna lal&nd. Acc:ordtnc to Army offlclala. he autfered a fra.c:turecl .ill hlp aM lhock. 1 !il RAY -and BETTY BARNES - ore now operating th~ The plane. which eyewttne.ea 1:· uld cut otr 1>ne wine In lu tlery H downward plunge, etruck the •a-1 · ter about 50 yardll from lbore In the vicinity of 15th atreet. BROADW-AY CLEAIIERS ; ~E~8~W~ Rj ~ Buy U. S. 4th War Loan Bonds 'DiaWien at War' Tottlc qf Address at Klwaols Meet Parent-Teacher AuoclaUon ot in Costa Meso ~- Newport Beach Grammar IICbool will on F eb. 26 •poNOr·a benetlt and would ap•nreciate your patronage. -showing of "The Kanaan," whJch "" i ~----------~----------------------------------,------- R••cf'nt out of townert at Bal- hua Yacht club were Mr. a11d Mn. l' to:. McPef.'k of Colwnbul, Ohio, llnd Mra Leatf'r John110n, Gary, lnol. Th<' trio were I{Ueat.l of Jlr. 8elt denial which will have to be praeUc:ed bJ Aml'ricana for the thlBUon. w111 Include the forep IJ\1' of that extra cocktail or bleb· ball ~UN alcohol 1e 10 vitally needed f<W war purpoeea, Paul Sdllealncer, ealea prom.ouonal ma~~•r for Calvf'rt Dt.tiUera Corp, tbld lnltfnbera of the local KJwanU! club at lhtlr re(Ular Thuraday rneeUng wUI be acreened at Lido t.beatn, :: ii it wu ,.nnounce<l today. Tile u-~ii !I! ...... ,., • •• • • • • I'LMB DIAMOIIDS . . .. LOUCKS )ew.lry aDd Statioaery Store 17e7 Newpod ...... COSTA taS.A WHAT1 ONLY DNE«EY? Ne .... .. .. '17 __ ,_~ bJ OW U • ..._Ill~ -111117 ..._ ,.u .. we 8ftJd tnr twn • ...._ ll _. ...... a IJI/IJ to _... • cb&pllt'at.l . ...................... ,_ .... L ••-... L .... !Jet • .._.mn"' _.,·a ..... -...... ...._ .. TELEPHOIEOPERATORS IEED~-:__ Servicemen cmd War Worlen ore o// d~pending upon our girh at IM switchboards. Good pay while /.eo.mi.Dg ODd regular incr«Jses ... .,. 100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa oa 514~ N, Main St, Santa Ana Availability CArblicot~ R~ired * * * * * • • • ·4~'! WAR LOAN SHIELD THIS IS llf that will protect oar lighting IMil aad hriDg t1.... b.dt home tD aa-will paul&d oar hom• ..t the Way .. A·.-ic-na lib tD JiYe-UMI will .-otect and piOrid. b oar latwe ..auity. .... ,.. lbgbltD "WpJay ra. •e~c~ rodayt -.rDRA W.lr•• * • • I a.n.1. 14D P. C. K}llllmaul. Mr and M,. 0 K. Blue, toe F:l Mn<l<·na avenuf'. bad u t.belr 1 J:'U"'It Jut wCC'k, M,.. Allee C&mp- h--11 nr Hayward The Campbell~ An•l Blul'S were frltndl tn North nakc•ta mort than 2!1 yelll'll 111'0· C•Jrp Gllylord Blue, ton of llr. IAn<l Mrs 0 K Bluf', 408 El llo- lio>na a\·~nul'. hu arrived "tome- \\ hl'rl" 1n F.n~lan•l" accordlnr to wont J"t("l'&\'l'd htrf' lut week . rurp BJu,.·• wih' rt>l ldea on no.· ... atro•t>t, ('net& Meaa. Mrs Vrlma Uarber. lHO W. < )Nonn Front. hal rt"tumed from two Wtt'kl vacation 1pent at Alta- d .. ns. Puad••na and San Marino, wh.-n• 111.-wu gueat of honor at n ~ny n•unol of lum·hf'ona, dlnnen, ,tanru and theatre partlra. IIIIU!tratlnc b11 talk -A1th cb&rtl and ahlbft.l, Mr. Schleatnrer told how the clWUUing tnduatry bu con•ert.d all ttl producUon racll- IUu to tlM cli.atJillnr of lnduatrtal :alcohol for manufacture of IDloke- 1-powder, eelt-propeiUI\I' torpe- ctoe., 1ynU..Uc: rubber, medlclnf't, ether alld myrtad other purpoaee. ''ll:very Ume a lf.tnch Naval run .. tlNCI, 173 gallol\8 of al~ hoi •ere requfftd for makln&' the •mokele~~ po.der." Mr. Schlealng· rr aa.td. "ll:ven before Pearl Har- bor," be added. "teehnlc:t~ of the diatllllJ\1' lnduatry went to the ro•e.,._t with plana for converttnr the lnd~U~try'a facW- Uee to war production. The re- IIUJt wu tllat w" were a ·month sodaUon will receive 110 per cent ·li • We pled,.e-tite iineet --sible n~ualit-wodt .t lii of the proceeda of all adv&Dee ., r--.,-·~ ~k~ad~e;t ~ut~~~ = ~';':,! reuonable. prices, with six days aei'Yice the theatre box office 1t tbe ICiwlol • gTOUp Ia to (et CAdit, }t 'llrU polnt•d out. Tlcket.l .,. procur-m· B d Cl able at thf' Chamber of Commeree . .-o• ••• • ... n I office In B&Jboa; The Market Spot, :,U, I Balboa laland. a11d Moore'• Con-il 121 • .. tectJonery. Newport; alto froiD ~! ftNMiway COSTAR &l __ •_m_e_m_be_rw_o_r_the __ co_mmJ __ t_tee_. __ !tL_,_'_IliiE_-_''_'=_"'_=_· -_-_'-_·_•:_:::_!13E_-__ ::_._::_:....,.._.:::-_:_;;:,_::_·'"'_'=:rd:::::J:::;;m::::::s::-;:;:: .. :========~~ TAKE HER TO • • ONCE A WEEK Mr• George Wheat of Newport Island wu rueat lpt>llker at • r .. f·c•nt ml't'Unr of the Seeond tfnUStthold. Economlca tf'ctlon of S11.nta Ana !:bell club. Hn au~ !••ct ronrPrntiJ Mexico, ltl cua- Loma and polota ol lntereet. ahead of ttme tn fiUln&' our flrwt _______________________ ...;;... __________ ..J .,rcllr," ~ lundMoa p~ enter-~ ........ ~~ ........ ~ .................................................... .. tatntncty. p ll o te d by P r e x y Bob HoliiNibaed, With RUM Bar- .1ne chAinnalllJ\&' tht ent.ert&IJ. ment committee. Fnnk Mohler, •kipper of the 8.8 . Ra~~rer. told t.be KJ'A•anlana wtlat aplendld work hl• lea lk:oull have bf'en JolnK. He alao explatnf'd the ad· \'1\ntRge of lea Bc:out tralnlnr fo r younr men who are called Into 11\A! wnice a11d thanked the Klwanl• club for ust.t&nce rtv· 4'n to the Scoute In thf' puL lira. )l(lrrle Boucbey, •bo re- .-.. ntty moved to Santa Ana from Ball><•~ whtn~ abe had for -r- at y••ara ~•lda!d at 1711 Plua <le-I Sur, hu acctpted a po1t u ~1rl1' roullHior at Santa Ana H1~h ,.. huol Shl' \4 Ill al110 IMtruct a • IM., In English ~t..rr Sgt. John R. Skahen, 11:/:!!J W Bay avenl)f'. hu been 1\\o\ ~r.!l'o.l uu~ GuuJ Cun~u~:t rib· b .. u. ac.·nrll.ng to word recelvtd rrum U.x1nglnn. Ky . wh••rt' he II slalu•rv•d Sgt SkRho•n at.o re- ····ntly •·ompll'tell ht11 acrond w- l "'''~l··r work With honnr lfl'ldtt I 1 En•1~ 'Myletl R. Sinnott hu bo.•c·n furl<mghing with hi a moth· n . Mn1 B•'lle Sinnnt t nf It 1 E. C'•·ntral avenut', Ralbo&. Enalrn .S.nn .. tt. whn 11 bdU>r known lo- f''""'' Ill! "Bu..t:· allt'nded Har· 1 bM H•gh an..t Smnt11 AnA Junior o'ull••gr and 11 now an ln1lructor 111 lh•• ="n\'nl Air Corps &l Cor· pull Chr&llll. Tex. M1~~ J~anne c .. rnah. J 18 29th sln'l't. has retumrd to her cla.u· ell Rflf'r an llhl<'IOII nt lll'\'eral daya. P.nought hnn~e trnm at·hool on Frl· ol/l)' Wllh ll tPffipt'f'&IUI'(.' Of 104 de· tzr!"'s. 11h1> w:u pla<"<'d undtr the •'an> of " ph~n and by Sat· ur•la~· ho>r tf'm raturt had drop· prd to 101 de Cau.ee of tiM f•n'r \4'11.1 not dt'II'Mnll\rd. C'apt and Mr11. Rufua L. Me· l'r:t··k••n. who havr be.-n llvln( at :'>20 J\c'lti'IR &\'enOl'. Corona del Mar. hnw movt'd to El PAlO. Tex., wh-'r•' the-y al'1! IO<'&ted at 1809 n"""'" 11treC't. Capt. McCracken, who wu mnni'Ctl'd with the local Army Air BaM during their rell· l<t.•nC'f' bert'. hu bf-ton tran11ferred to a bue In the Lone Star at&te. Enjoying the familiar alchte of Ralboa Iela.nd. I• Jack W MAlOn who hu rPtumed attn 14 monthl In lht' South Padflc an..t Ia •pend· '"~ a 30-day f\Jrlough with bit I w1fl' and rhlldren at 119 C~t&l Rn•nu .. _Mr Mu<>n. wbo 11 • rhh'f hNI=il• matt In lbt' U 8 ;o.l a\' at_ ft.Eown·<'. Ia at.atJonl'd I :.boArd one of lhr I'On\'l'rtt-d tuna •'llJlJ't'Tll. now nfflcti\Jiy known u "YP" boatJI. Ju~t Rarmond H 111<>mpaon of Fullerton, ~nUy appolntl'd bv Go'·"mor WarT'f'n to the Or· qt COUJlty 8uper1or court benc:l\ to rill out t.he urieJ~plrt'd tenn o( th" lat" Ju~e Scowll. wu In =--~·J'I('rt R<'11rh lu i Monday In th" lnll'!?lll nf hl1 randldllcy for hl<'<'lll'ln to th11t Important ~fnr" 'It th" Mil)' 1& pnmary• Jud«l' Thomraon found wwral o 1 d r r 1 r n d • here and made mall)' ftJLJ.FOLD FOtnfD A billfold rnntatntnr S3 In cur· rrnry and tl'lrnUftcaUon eardlt t.- nul!d to Cout Ouardlman lllarl J. Franl'lll wu found thla week by Shlrl,.y Md.tanlpl wtto turned tt tri to thl' pollr.e alation where a11 Attempt Ia ~11\1' made to k>eate lhP 'Owner. W AA RF.Dt'('EIJ DIUVINO A bullf'tin from the State Board nt ll:quaHZAt Inn AY. (UOllnf' tax rnl~rtlnn11 In tt4S dropped to S488!13.7~8. \\'hleh Ia nearly 115.· 000.000 I•·AA than thoee for 11Hl. twfnre lhl' war cut drtvln&'. I.F.GION INITIATII:S R~~rbor &rf'a mm Wllo were lnJ· Uat"d Into membertbip In the Am- ,.m·an Lt-Jr~on at a county coun- cil mPf'tlnK Jut 'nlurwday nlittt were Willie Jl'lelct.. Don Gunder· aon. DJwld Hovey, Keith Oerrtlh and Gue Clark. KJTF. n .nso atJLZ8 IAAtTF.D R\' C'Oitiii'ANT A rnmh111allon of kite linea and rowrr ltn•'ll ra11 cauae t&ngiea that tolnw •Jnwn vital war work, acrnrdin~: t" the Bonthem Call- fnrniR f:dt1wn Compa11y which to- l'lay llllllll'll 1\ lilt of ll&fety 1111 .. tor kllf" n.wr1. "EI'Il!lc•n llnu tumllh the elec- tricity that powerw many war plant•." eald 0.0. J. Wheat. lldi· ~on dt1trtrt manqer. ''Kite. nown neu th... power ttn .. ean l'&atly cl'lme In contact wtth them nnd rnullt' tnterrupUONI ln .-eft· nil! .!'ll'l'lrt('&l aemce. "In thr lntl'reaU of Uw war ef- fnrt llnd rnr thf' obvtoua rea.aon of JWriiOnnl IIArl'ty for bo,. and (trll fi'Ur mlc10 ~hould be followed d\11'- tn~ th<' llprln~ lrtte IJHMift: "t Fly ynur kite tn all open flf'ld. ~~~:ay from power Un~e. "2 l'~" l'otton eorc1 Ne-nr ... wlrf'. tlnlll'l "' metaWe cord.. "3 8!' 1urr the oorcl le 'perteet- lv drv FOB BABY For Play Play l"eM Play he..._ Baby lampen 14'or Feedinl! M-.orlna Spoo• IIotta. 8tertUwr Rac-k• Bottle BruaPIIea 8aUilt o,..,. lldoer Doable Boller Ouatard c.,. lleoby Dlllllee t 'or Trouble WaterprMf 8Meta CMnlllen lleoby Toilet 8lalil Fnemekil r.&al fer .................... : ~: :::::::::::: ::::::::.:: ::·::.·:: ,,., J'DME LINE 'BLONDEs ()rntRS'BIUNETTr$ i"SoALu(. FOlKs PllmJI ARE D£111! c.""--··-"-~~------~ __, ... ,... •' P&E ... ERI:Scr;s DIYFI:R WIDELV, y..t llw -..._ talt&"ht JH'Ople the utra ,·alue of buyl•r muc' 'I wher.e thfoy rt a llqlllln' dfoal rney u...,.. \\4' ._., e.M out on our I'UAtomn--we dnn't n-torn40 ..,..rr.o It-,_ our penoll&l frteeda-our atock11 .,.,. open te "'~ II we'n ~rot tt.. you ~ ha\'t' It at tllr t'f'tllrc ~ OR LOWER! 26-PlECE NATIONAL SILVEB C:ade17 Sets $8.95 Tuckeway Felt Ltoed Rol;• for aame, 59c 12-Piece Netional Sil•~r KaUe aad Fen .... iD CoHee .... 1' Br•-deliei.,.. ~. IVORY • M.30 n--· · "4 · tl ·your ldta eat~ tn a f'O\'o'l'r llnl'. ll't co! Do not pull lt. TfoM>phon,. lht company owntnc tht lin,. Md " IJneman wtU come to ~Pt lht ktte doWn ll&fely and wtda the leut ~ble InJury to I lt." .. _________ ~~!!~~ _____________ .... .. -J • -. a . ... .... OrvWe ~Ue:t.ey. D1l ~ aftllue. art' the p&r· _.. fill a -. born Monday at a ,_,. IIIDupitaJ .. llr. _. ..._ Juper War-r. -_. ltJWt. an enjo)'tnJ a wfltlt froM an old Michl«-" f.rlt<nd, W. W. ltl*)'. -of O,landale. .... I . D . &nny, 2238 Old ._... Ana roed. left lut week ,_ ...... KA-a. wbl're abe wu _... " ... deaUI ot ber -...r. llr . ...aft.ru. Orria Funk, fonn-. •-......... at Newport, havP _.., to tWr -ly-putchll'lled F 5 ty at * Vktorta atreet . .... Alke .-.aa ntumed Bat- --.. -.... &a ..... .Aaa ..._ 1J t a a week wtUI boer ........ W, A. Ahrord, -Pas dllc--- -.. be ~ -resident of o.la ..._ t. K. C. Myerw of .. _. ltJWt. N.wport. wbo &a ~ • ttlll land at 'naw1ll ... 'tkt.1a -.-... Mn1. Me. Bweu1.J\I'eft. 1 Tt'f Or- ang" avenue. w• boat-Tuuday 111 a mceU~ of the Home l:coo nomlr1 eecUon ol oa.ta M .. Gr~. Mr. and Mrw. Jack ~ ud ramlly of North r:..oq ~ ..,ant Sunday with Jude"• aad Mrw. D. J. Dodg~ and were IWlday nJPt ~u.•1ta at Ulte bollia of Kra. lad&e Irwin In Newport. Mr. and Mrw. Ben Walker, 291 Avocado atreet.. and their bouM- gut'at, Qrlbtort Graper of Cblc-.o. w .. r .. Lone ;Bell'ch vlldtDra Jl'rtday. Mr. GraJl('r Ia apendi~ the win- ll·r m Southern Cal1fomJa. t.fr. and Mrw. Ok:k Rocera. 100 Clubtwuae a.-enua, Nav.'JIOI'l, bave •tart cd Precllon of a new home on Harbor boulevard near Bernard ah,~t. 1bey plan to occupy Ule pr.m1-l&pon compMUoll. l Mr. and Mrw. R. E. Blll'nM of Onnl" hav,. pur<' h a a e d the ~dway Cln"""' ahor at 121 Broadwey end aN> 11l1't'ady In poll· .... lon Mr and Mra Ot'Orge Dav· tdeon. 111.'\ C'net11 MNII .. trert. il•rNt the prevlnua ownlf'rw. " . . . • NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS Rf'alty Traotaetlona ln,·oln~ Important ~lt'11Ul Pro~rtles Trn lniJ'"rtant tranaa.·u .,na,...... ron•ummated lhle ,._k by the ft. C Park-er l"t'alty om~. a maJor1· I)' nf lhP llllt•l lnvnh•lnl hlply- lmpr..-••·•••1 I'"'I"'''Y IIJ 11\11'! HnatJI.UI .-. _._ .,. a he--..._.. • ISFOANA~X PI..&AfiK -_,. ............ e.t. Snm. ""Pt ., .......... 0. _.._ ... _. ..... ...... Boyd I thlt1k. ot taw ~~ ._. ........ --... _., • ~ Mar tAb&e ~ ..._. ... ,.. :::= ._. ope..,. .. ~ •• .. nt (."tt&n\lwr of l~,..._ ..._ • ""~ at OM N--pu11 Huik~ Yadllt ~ ~.'tub U..t ~ tare., 4~ fta11 "'h l<-'h ~Wn•.ct .. a,_...... '-dl· U ,_ ....._.Ow wwrl-.,..,-_, ,..,.. l'lll•'ha .... t b\' Mr """ Mrw Jn•r for tb4' ...,......,..e '-* ._. .. ....,. _, ..._ .._ fJf/1 • Ttl.· F If ~'~'"'"lrr <'••untry t"''' "I 21~~ H•rtk•r t-.'lUI,. l~•·nr~r•· A """"'"· jr . of A-t hut U atarw '" Ita ,_,.. fll .... ._~ .. ~. = ,_ ....... __ , t Rt•al'h. whn piltn tu tak(' J'(-· , '··ur•t-·• ..... 1 •.• 1,1 111 ........ , __ ....... .._ ............ _...... .... •--=-Finat ~ llma ''" lht• lntantll.. 1 '~ .,. ..... y .._ __ --.. _,. • ''" "' •n ,.arty ctat• For U\a 81,.,.. atlll ............. .. -._ e.. .,.. ...... -._ Paralyala caJn))al,:n ft'\"tl\lt•d throt t t .. ,._ .---ra• "n y ... ,.. a11u.., the F'~JWlt'rw Th· f l .. Ia , • .,,.. , .•.•• ..._ • ......_ ~ -.. h "e ~ -. -...... C'ltlaeNI of Ooata ;\f,•u hAd oon-11 M .t ~ .• , .... ._. ._ ..--- -•2•• 11111\'e to ontf'rt';v Park. OM t .•th =•d .....,., .. a•-•-to ....... -.., ,,._ b ,_ --. • ..._ trlbuted .. -''' 1h11 tmrortant t h " -· _... ...... ,_ --... ._ l'"~fWr ~· IU bt•rn lriUM'd to Mr l 'tllo•ll. \I•-L .... , ..... ,_._ __ __._ -•-a1 c.-.. --.:sUM. Of ._ '"llf•unt lhr •lr · 1 M ,_ ,_ ·---__... ---r ......... 1 II Ill nl Rfort rand \\"lt'nf'nJ:a. n•lrultte.l In .... a =·• 1 __ W.. • ~ -~ aft. nll'ntll'ry ac...., • 1 "'"''<I ll'lt 38; l'rflm:nrnt h,,,... '""'"« l'nthu.· lh ,.1)1 and U.. _bl;.":. ,:"',.:_~ ~-. & A,_,. • ' II .. C:W Hubor HtJh ach•~•l 511 18: ur· IIUita . -~-'" ._ ·-T_. • .:anlaallone aad nu.•<'••llnneo•u• d<>· "''"' -rfly faft1 ..... ~ .. • ..-.. .,. C _. · _. C"•rt an\J Mn1 L E Malmatf'n 1,..,...n o.-dlat..--7 ,...._.. x-. ~ p au nallona amount~,, h• S78 80. an.l h11,.,. 101,,,1 thf'lr ""'"'''"'"' J'N'I"'r-.... 1 c r .. , .. Mr. lind M,.. r. ..... rjtf' ~ndre, rontl'ibullon janr In bualnl'.. t '' at ~2:0. F.l~n a'''""'·' t•• H K l'••rtlaJW thf' l • 8 Ha.-y, ._ Cillr = -... -ho.-ytelded $78 24, 1r•·ord1n~e ~ ttl•• t1n1t tt' nv 11 u alii"~ ..--....... ftuul. ~ 331 1·2 18th plAt~. 11r. rf'~lvtne 1 • tartorrt of Santa Ana Mr and 111111 In ,~,. :......__ ._.~ ....... -ta..-.,...r_a _.. .... - thl' ron•ratullttlnnll t1f frl,..nde on 10 Mrw. Lud • W•athr rwa,. rhalr-Mnr It R W lllrut ha\•lf' nu_ ... __ ~· ··~~ ·-· -._ ---... --. ·-,. ,.,._ •••ada ··l!nltf'd Stat•-Jla. ~-• •< ~ -the birth ot a baby daupt.u, man. ~ U.. Louta Wlfod<o J'l"''f">r~Y at ·--' -_.. -_. ....... ~,.... ... .._ .. ----..... VlrtArta at-t ... ,, a~ -·. 4. S a v)' \"ar4. N-Y.tl. •---·-•-• .. on.ne ----··· Wnu ma .... ner H· ____ ., AT ()C) ~ .. ·~ -· ..... ~. Julv .. • a •• .., ... ""'-' ~ •. rtnl lut Sunday at 8aata Ana .... ,~ _ t'C.U.A8 lnr In thl• week ll\· lhf' hnw U.. Jtf_,_c ._.. FA •> '0 ._ ._.. JIIC 11a. Community hneptt.al Uouctu Al~ratt Corp of Lone Soon tn bto .,_ M ... a noetd<I'J\ta bo•r Yarllt M_. --... Ph O ... _..,. i11r ........... _. .... ca.cb UUa Wetk r dc&kd a pk:tw'a are lb. Ul4-M,... ~ Ct't1n'fM'kt J Mr: and Mrw. C. H. M cAlll'ry, nf nine of ·IW for••n1en alll'ndl"• r 0c-e Br h h rn Ull~. Ow ftq llloa4 a.,. .._ -'l.. -.. ....,. B dw t -·tni bt de tJae 300001 (' ... n an ar w n have pur-···a,·tna A'-r .... _ I_ .. ~ ....... -... ---S... d M John N --= ..,., rna ay, are t>n e.... "K I •r I h d .. _ " ··~ ,_ "-._ .. ._ .. ,_ ,... an ra. o .... _. 'I ... Pan. to ,. IUif' t,.,. R~ Pt.-kconn~r hnm,. """' , .. _ ,. ....... 1 ........ ~-• _ ... WIRLC ttwii-SAal Cro.no.! who arrived lut ,...k the latter'• brolhl'r and •l•ter·ln· 1-• producf'd by lh~ Lo~ Beach •I 800 \"lrtorla at.n-1·1 John &tout ._. ...... ,_ ·-.-- from Texarkll'nll', "tea .• wiU make law, lb. and Mn1. JaC'k Sander-1..-rlncb ldnce It llllrte.l Op«'ratlona nf Santa Ana hu ...,IJ tua holeS-.,,MIMI •-.f It 1 .... ,.. ..._ -"-...,._. • ...._ 1 lhelr home at the A. W. Gibbon aon. who arrived Sun\Jay from lhn'e ~·,. -.a. Onr nt the men In ln~ora al 1Ml lrvlnr """"~ tC' l'MIIItul 1" rtn•nc out ._. ..._ • .._ f'W1Iftr ,....,. ,......, ... resid<l'nce, 339 1:. lltllt atrteet, Orillla. Ontulo. ,.,. C'aaadtana I hi' ~ur ta Jnrk lw~t..:r, aon nf '•'hn H".rrl• AI lh•· pn·wnt time 1 ukf'd a,... ut t..hr opU\W. • -!::..._ ....,.....,. _,_ ~ ...... -0. X. W«Da. who la vtllit-whlll' gat Croan-la ataUoned at plan to be hl're for two weeka. Ju·'"'e and M ra I! J 1'-··• ... ,. ''' •h t lrtt th,.,. .. ~ •-..._ --~...,. r n4 •• .. -Jl&r ~ at Mik-e City, ~>--"" ovu., •· l"'"l"'t v I• '"'<"liJlh•tl by Mr I t •tor ,..._... IIIJCw ~-IJita. y ,_ repwt.a abe la jtl•tllng the I<X'al Anny Air BaM. William E . Lambt'rt hu btot>n r 011ta ~feM. ••hu 1a •wlnJ~ ahln 1n11 Mr• r-:111.1 F:lllull ~~~: • • .,,..,.,..,. ~ ,_ .,.. t.-• rw:... -· L,·--.;...,. • -• .__.. _ _. •-th th luued a county bulldln• ,._nnit rurt'OIII'Il of the ntl•l·wlng torrt htn A J llur t•m. t :tf NI'WJW'rt • • • ..--•-..o~ ...__. .. -.,_ -..-"' ..... ~r. · ~ er-Tr1but' will ...., ~•d to the .,. ..--7 t J.. ___ ,. --·-r--.,._ •-M ~ ..., ..-to mnve a dwellln• to~ north 1 Th ... C-4 a an nm..:rttw4J uf lhr lll•ul•·,·,.r.J. hu purt•h•-d lh• JCI. ,..\'IU .... r.,.,_._._ nne ...,... ••til •-........ -rinc bet-'n at 40 btolow Army Air Corn.o at tomorrow'a .. f 1 u • • ,.~ • • ,.,.._ • ·--..... ,..._ ,,~ ·,..... elde or Del Mll'r atreet. eut of o)rmt'r eommer~lll rmrw. DC-S. mort· rn•Jl"rty nn c,•l•rilln 1 c,_t .... , __. __, •-7-._ wrute. mt•ctlnr of the Frtdav Afternoon -. Prudur tlton ut , ...... ~ ...... • ,....,.. -~ ""'--_. " ' Eld,.n avenUP, and to mak~ ~x------'"'' F'rr•lo \Vhrl'lt·r pi,.,.,. "" VIC'· 'A• ell u· ...... -·av at ~_..... .. .. 4 ·.a-• '-· U..~l. ... _.._ A -r.oaw .. b-'111" built Ill ('I lib Lunt heon will M eerved at t I I ·-It· I :\IF.8A ai.:81DF.ST C'.A il m tnrll\ •tro•rt tllf'Mr Plat•f'ntla ..... • ...... -' -----.. ..__... --.. ............... .. ch l'na "" mprovemrn .... upon . · • ·· • • ·~ , ... , •• ,. ,. ...... _ ............ ..__--.-... _ ·-1.,_ n aft.-Ia .. ~ atreet by Mr and 12 :10 o"clock, followlne whl ,.._ Prt t ~rvl 'l ll h I·' a I 111u• ht1.11 hf'f'n aultl I• fttt N •--'' '" ---..-----, • , .,..\I mated coel of the work will va 1' -' • "''"''' •· u a · 1 'I .,_.., , ...... r~an .. ~,, _,.....__ _ -... ~ .., .......,. _, ....... -- -J.• ..,.,., 1 • -ta. ~ ~ ~ -~ .. ul.....W .Ul()C.....,..)i " ·L-' ~ """' ,...,...1.,_. ..-_ •-..&.-....__ ....... .,_ .................. _.. .._ __ _ ..... _.., plan to m o\·e hl're l Ba~~~: wm pruvtife mualca1 enter· f"r lo'orut 8t. l"J~&tr, e2. uf :li.KJ:! t 'nllllf\N\'(•ol Iota and arr.....-.. , ......... ~ -........,. .... r.-. a•~ .. 0, ·Kuntln•tQJl moHo artlaU f':_Om lbe local ...,r , ...... ,~ •• u ,-1,, , ....... 1 •··--.,, .. ~, .... ,,...rt .., ·• ............ --- ..-.. c.np~UOU'I Mr. Stock 11 talllmc>nt. Bruce A. W lnn, who formPrly SM>la Ana avnlut· Mr tH Clair, .... 1.1 hy lhr Parkf'r oftll'f' durtntr Sa•·v t n ,."1llan ~ . ided h Nurth Am,.tlrUI &a .......... at h ... _..., -.... 4 as ,., ~ Ul oO compu~y In Comforta bly located In their rr a at 24117 Santa Ana a vr· "hu died 'nlunulro) a l Rn Urana<' t " "'""k lnt'luolrd an ... r.ac• · 011 ,.1111 tl foul ~ ~ ......,... ..... ~ ....._ ~ ... ....,,I ~ dt)'. nt•w honll' at 3M Bay atreet. which nuf', Ia now ataUnne<l aomewhrl"t' h .. apltal, wu " ,...llt••o meat r ut· 21•1 atro·•·t whk h v.·aa run-h...-d bo•at.Jt whlrh wall ...,. , __ Ia--. .._,. _,. ......._ ....._ ._ R In the South Pac\tlc whel"t' he le l••r •nd bad bt•••n 11 rt'tlldfont nf ,,..."' Mlarll'• Yount by Arthur -"" ... u1J1ff .,.__ ..... ...a "-RacPrct 1933 A nah,.lm ~h• ~ re-cently ptJrch~ fro~ C. a aeaman ~nd clAM with the 1 "<'IIIII Meaa for ;111 yo· an ~wt'l I 11f Lo .. A llJrt'lre 'Mr 8wrtt •• n ... llnn '"'-"'' _., ,_.. ....... ......_. .. ~ ..,. -_. 11ft. -. Mil opened • .,.<"'lnll-hnnd • urd. are Mr. an ,., · U. 8 . Nevy BruC'f', who Hllt'r.d Sun·lvonl ln<"~u•lt• two brnth,.,.. "'hn Ia a hmthrr nf M,.. l"avtd n hl'f' wllh ,......,.. ~ -· .._.at zue v-..rt bo\JI.-,·ard I S··wton,former realdenta of San-r•l••l••l)' "">doom aJWI....., c. • ~ ~ ... ._.. • ._ ..-..r ·~a-· N t d ~ aervlc.e July 18, 11H:t. attrnd· 1 ·1<1 a alat.-r. W tlllam 11 St ('la.lr, 11\••·r. 211 Rn•alt'A•a y ,.x,....-ta to -... _.. ......... -., ... aro1Yalu from 0nf'lda. N. 1" Ana. Mr. • ewton Ia connec e ad C ta ~ h I bt1tl•l at an 'art•• datt• Wtl .... ·m ""'"1"11 f\lltlln• r"rw1tMu-._ ....... h D-t ~ oe _ .. e. Krammar tiC 00. ("o>ai.A ~ .. : H••rtrv N St Clair. ~ ' HU .. T ,. _.. Jlr . ...t J11n. ft. H HIIW· \\It A<-k••m lan ...,.t company a II R l•lnNI tn bulltf th,_ fll ... ......_ . and Harbor Hlch. R1n•raldc!, anti t.(,.. Emmett ohf'rta nf Lona Bf'"rh pur-117 ... ..ft purctuu.r-d the .'\;c•wport. I r. o hu.·1t a M&«'llolla atn..,.t aot rr •nd .,.""" at tlw fan« ~ •--t 3.,. 21 t Roy Davia, IK'<'I'f"lary of Falr· I' ·nn-•·. Ban .ahn•'l lntNmrnt -.. •s f .. -• ._ .... ~. ·1 • .... 1 M r. and Mra. Georee Shipman ",.. at WHitniiUIIPr Memorial fn'ITI lhr OaKr r•t•J.!< and J,_)'ll ',,.. " · .-.. .. n-... , ~ • -.. ......_ j antl Mn1. Bobble Youne. all of 427 vlrw F'arma Watrr Co .. t<nt.ut>d 11,11 k K••llv nf Balboa lx•tl,lfhl four arrH ••••·tt y l<>ad ot 10 '-fJf/1 ~ • li .U t.n.<et. left Jul week St Jc.eph hoarltal Monday t'\'1'· at thf' corner of Banta Ana ._.... hrr ""ld ltrr ~ ._ ._. .......... A ... teiL ..... AJt- & 0.. I'WUfto wu ~ted pn!'111· ruu on • nine whel"t' he will undergo a mil'-•rar,. tot" al• ,_ _, llow ... _. .._ fJf/1 tile 1..o7a1 Work~>rw d au rur a , 111il v.·lth relative• an Te1u jo, operaUon Mra. H.-tom Brown TWO F.AJOLU:"' Mc""E llllf' and Orl Mar •tnoet fnlm Mrw ,.-, ••<>mnlodat1'11 Cwo -..._ p a 1 __. .. -.. • _, -unc of ~ l"fOUp. and :-;,.w Mexico. Upon their reo or AalQrt&, 0rf'& .• a daughter ot Mr II'Od Mno II f' l""n•~r. J A Youn« Both of lbf' laUrr attrr rar1 ttl U.. ...,.. Ia ~ ""'-'.. A.llr ....... 01* Be .. lira. H . B. McMurtry. tum t~y WJil be aceomparued by Mr and Mnr Davla, an1ved Jl'rt· rurml'rly of F ullo·rtun anti mor., Jllll"''h&U4'rw plan In bullr1 aoon ..qulprrd u •..., n1CI w ..._ ~ ~ ...,_ .._ _. .. -· 5 a ~ OlMr Offlct>rw ;\It~ Juh~ Shipman who will 2re3· day from thl' North and wtll ••·r c•ntly of U du b lr. an• prrpar· Mn Oora J'arkl. wtln tor the aiiVtllol Mow, -... ....._ U ...,._ A,..., .._ ... _., .. -... __ .. D-nn-tt, ·hit• With Mra Olen Evll'l\8, 1 I to to lh .• put 14 Yf'Anl hu OJWMltf'd r .. ....--..-..... ,.,.. o.--...., -••s -~ rAl """ ~ a-nd aom' time at the Davia' ng move •• I•'JOiul'nt'l' rrop· b-'1 Atur thf' l"ll"t ew--Ia a .... ..C _.._ 9111u p ?' t ; IIIW. p _ R. Car· "l>llh •trHt, Newport. r · • I n l•1 auto mur1 at ItO C'abrtllo ,..._ u. A,._. 0 -fJf/1 llr .... hQme. .., t y 1,t 242 Vlrt'T" ltrr•f'l, whlrh •trrcot, thla Wf'f'k announrf'd th• "' aiH>t1n« N>nl..,.,.. wttll • ~ ll1l1lla.eP,. ~ .. 'i:relary: thry reocenlly J'Ut•'hK-.·ol trnm b,...ak In llhrltn taw ~, liN ._.. A,_ .._ _... .. --........_ ... _ .. __ N<'w Collta Mesa realde.nta are ... d .., C w R •"If' ••f lhl' prnrwrtv '" Mr and .~ ....,.. ... --. ----· lft...urer ; ... r. an ,..,.. oc.-rw.l l"npt. an\J Mn . 1;.-,,,1',. l'drrkln Main HICI"" ........... ......,. fJf/1 --• ,_ ..... -. _,. a...tt. rK onttnr l\!r. and Ml"'l. WIUIII'm Webb, form· fnnner rnld~nta of Brei\, are Tht.! Petarltlna. whu built the Mn~ Roy C'nlco. 1711 1·2 E ITU\ .,...,. • tt. • • a • .._ _.,...,, ....... Co. IUid Mrw. ,., rult¥nU or Compton. wbo reo bulldtntt • new houa .. on • nve·l pl'acr aad bad mad .. It their hom.e JllrMl. Tht' Col··· I'IIJ>"f"t tn tak• rulltahiJW Ia a 11 ..... OIIMUU. .. ... .... • ---• •-J . .....,.,, c .. ''nn'n. I .... ntty purchaaed tbe Hubert J'lf-lnn Man-h 11. fnllmrt• .. ., '1 1 11 1:-"' anwu~12m·~~~ ~ _!W-0 - - - --._ ... _, ---~ .... ~ acre tract at Orllller and E. 18~ tor the pM t 14 yl'ara. lett Wed· ... ,. ... , _ .... ..........-_ ,._ __ , - ,•r;omba property at 31~~ atr«t which they recently pitt-ncaday for Plan ·r county wh~n which Mrw Park• plana tn lr avf' knnh Tneal ,_.. ~y 1a-~ ~ Jillu ......,.., LL :---~=--~-:,_ _____ ',;trt>l't and are now In ...---.. chaaed from 0 . B. Pleraon. Until ('•apt. l'etcorltln will h••ad the Cal· on • wcU~aml'd vacaUon ~talluna A ~ .,._ ~ Ar-__!! dll'fi? I .. --._ ........,..w ;\l r \\'••bb 11 employoed by Cant-eomp&etlon of the dwellln& the lfornta Stalt! H tghwa\· l'alrol. Mr. A.-y elr --... .,_ .. p a a • .. --NT 8 l to·y and Tanzola Truekln~ com· .,. ..... th ~ Nt,JUIIINn'.(!I.AM ('CtllfPLI:TD atu.n takN ..,_ ., ..,. ..,. •-_. • Ia • " • h ft f 1 _ .... _,_ ~,. ..,.. ata.1.ne ""' ... ,.. a .. ndu la oonn•'(·t.,d with U.. f'I\IC'tn. to.,._.... e1aa ,_. _... --.. .....,.... j i>~·Y 0 .....,.. _.,.__, Wllbur auck, 100 VIa 8arcelon&. StandaJ d 0t.1 Co. a t tiunttnr NEW JlfiOIIT C1..AAM IIT.un'D and .,_. ~ ,_. .... .,... ..., ~ _. ....... _. ft'v .. -~ Slllii , Mrs Lt>onard Walk; 11110 Tua-Lido Iale. ton Beach. Cf'rtltlral.t•a w,.,..., mall•d today n,...._. to .._._a• ..._ ._ ._ -h ,_, -u~ -to 1111 l•ll'al wonu·n w hn •att.far· thr dfo<"k [ -tin avt'nue. v.•u oa~ ... ·~ Mr. and Mrw. Jamea Harrta liSt: ABI'ot:NTIIII: "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ o.ea ..:• pwl :::IL Ill\ j I dlly at the f ebruary meeUnc of ha\·~ purchUf'd thP Grn«' Wa«•r I IIAUhl' to rtly MlliJllrl•·•l " ,.....,."' rou,_ n..atttr ,..,. ...,..., wtndll. ..,_ : ;==~=~~===~~-~=="=. C'nsta Mraa Fll"t'mc>n'a auxiliary. pro)>t'rty at 1748 Orangf' avenue. Only nr~o• llbetontf'e ta.llot waa In hnmr nurelnl( un•h·r th,f In· ••f11.riJ>mrnt ,.,....... __. _.., KARL W. ST ANl.F:Y R.e:.ltor Pbonr I '/. 6 Following an evenlnc dc!voted to th,. pr!'vlnu. ocrupanlll, Mr. and ,.,,,.,, lr• Cht· Mt<aa Military ttla-utrcal'tlnn nr Mr• .lu••·ph I' Paynr ht••m. halt J'U"'P .,.. ...,. ._.. rl .• yin,:: Tr1poll, cake and coffee Mn1 Char~• \\'right. lttl\oing mov-l rtrt ,.l,.rll•·r• acclOrdlnc to Cnun-T'tlr ~tr••lulll•·• ,.,..,. .,.,. Marv J I,.,... or•llonal C'411Wtrw1i«<oo II' WlUI s~n·ed to M.eedamea Jam•ll'd to Santa Anll Mr Hllrrt•. wh•' :·. t'J,.rk 1: J Smith Ur,.•n bt· Oallwa• 2084 ~""'" An• "'"rnur. '"1v hr.t~\"V Ul~ wtt• Culltllll, Ed \\'altenr. Gordon AI· II a Navlll arl'hlt .. rl 18 nnw In· -' r uunl• f 11 wu fo un<l tu frw-Mno F'mnr••• M•or nil. 220 F: I.IICh .. c ...... ho-nt 11all ,.,..,_....,. 2 J-4 muml. Em1l Grtoent'r. AI Orden lltnlrlor of trnlnf't'l with Loe An-•·• th•· ,, .. ,. ·•ltlon, lhua bnn•llnl( "'"' MnUt l•• llnr.Jtr"""· Ill VIa 11111 h n1ul•t.d 2 1·2 ltwtl. ,. I laC 1 an·1 Bert Smith. Mnr Smith la jtPlA!e Shlrbull<lin"' a nd Drydnrlc lh• o•frt• 1 II t •tal to t.7 1 '""' ... In l 'ntllnr. '·'''" l•l•· Mr• ..... .,,,,.,. t :'>·II l"•u~:lu nr. ~ 1 J-4 ' r th l•nU •nd .. ! I I·· I .._ fllr•rk .. r 2:111 "''""''" Mn• F:lllf' llt•ll ..... IP ... n r-------. r l'l Sluf'lll n e orran,_ on -Co. San Pedro. , I "' .. I ltl,;.l • ..., oppo. njt ,_ ~ I_...... _.,..... B.tlh-•1 l!iltnol I Mrs. Culllna. aeent&ry. ~~~~111 !'\l ,.w~trt. 2111i llr .. ,.•lwuv ""'' Mr11 ,,,.hf hullth•••ttll aM tn tillr ..,.,.., ======::-------::: In rrll'brlltlon of National Rny s. "' ,.,. 1• 11 Ia undconlnod, ::;,·tlfl N••rn11111 :o11 rl<•llla .,,,..., fur tur Scout Wf't'k, mrmh#'n of C""ta ,. dl I• 1 ·r lh,. nrwly·l'lrl'tf'd Mn• M":"'l l\o•rt•"'ll I• nnw In· I '"'" fll fttnl ...,., ......,... a.. Peyt11's llllllllllill" EVERYTHING TO MAKE YOUR SEWING EASIER .. ......, ... eelen ....... .--• .,.,.. __ .. , .. ,....,.. ................ ,_,.. Ia~ .. ,.. 0..,. ' ... _., ...... ORKIN'·S • Depa~tment Store COtiT.\ IIDA . \ • 1 Mr lln Trnor e nn ~atur<1ny lllntt••d I•" •rol ••! ' ~~~~~• tn nrganlr.f' •tnl• lin~ • ru~ht rlltJOO tn hnm,.l ,.,.,l~lru•·tl•.n •of t.._. •• ,,..,... .,.. 1 an intcrf'llllng dc-monfllralinn nf I"' .t ,.,.,, ... , , hatnnan llnd _.f'f'-nur11lll~, lh•· 1:1"111' m•·•·llnK f"''"' ~ rtt.l<ll a ,...rrt«rraUnn .....,. .... kl4' Sf'nutr mrt an•l ramping '""tlr ll 1 "\' Th• '"'"'I muat thrn ftx 7 In tn ,.·, It•( k o·R• h Tuo·Ji<l•v •n•l h .. l•l Th" luc•t boet II 1"*'"4 I h I 182• Thlllfltlft\' f'\t"flllt'' Ill 181fi J.:z l,,.,jf .... ~~& Lp "'-~--_ .. n I ~ varant 11 nrProom at .. lh·· r.11 '•· "'"'' tllkr IV'('l'Ml!f")' .. -" -·-~-..... • N~wport bnuh•varoJ. thP pn•mlll"!> 1'1• I'~ '" ~ • rf' 1\ flnmplng p nornd N<'wp<•r1 lllolll••\'llrtl l •·llh•·• :1 I nr 2·1 Pfturtt-ttt .._. hllvlng bN•n plnr•·•l nt lhrlr <Jill-"'''I ''''!•' ,., trruh dlll(l'Oial llf'rY· An 11fll'""' f••r 1•·~ttlllo•r•·•l norr•· ftr•·l • 111•11~'">' I• 2.1WM pl.,_ .... Jl')IIRI thrl)ugh I hi' t•nurVsy nf 1• ,. f'/1 lu ""' lUI vultr nlt•f'r lniOinwln,..l h•·r . I II I ~"•I• •rety . ,,_ ..... Mr 11nt1 Mr11 J A r.rr<'n <JWnl'rll .. r A•l•llltunlll ,.,,.,.,., .• "'"" luur<1 h<•h'• ., til bll'"*' a ~ r...., 1 \IF:"\ Kt .. 1ur.NT KII.I.F.f) l~o·lny loy M,.. Lirrll•· W•·11th•·r· lhRt "'til .,11a1tv callAo ,...._ .... MMI vna p n t• hi. Wlolnw ttf I '\" ,\1 'To \("('J()f:ST Wn)(. l'hnlrlliRn .. r lh" ltw•nl fl.,.! M•·>l.-11n watf'ral\1 tho• 1111•• Judg" (' n n1 •hi. C'<lllln !"rr.flll htotrlr nuntllll: t·nmrrutC•••• A•, ,.,,11111:' tn Ar1 ft.CI,... -· MPI'R attnrn•·~. hn,. fU••cl ~uit fnr : ... hr• •~;. 1 '•v,.nt•·" 47• (;f Co,... t"1urv-•r•·rtJ~ur-..-r •• 7'ftW1h A,....... 121,072 It diUTlllK,.II All ro•MIIIt nr 1 ' ~~"~" " klllt·•l 111"1 F'rldnv ""P:"' MF.I>I,\ RP:I>IIUF. ... TIC • "" II•· thr"" ~I fN'If .,.. •• w1ll lnjurlf'JI lllllllalnP\1 18111 (ll't 7 whrn 111 11 th• .,, In wh lr·h h•· ""1111 n ... ,.,.lol rorrh•"l" frlflu r.tllrtt ... t... ftrH'h•·•1 wllhln lw.., ~- l llhf' waa lllnaf'lc by R f'Rr Rl Third 1 11"1: "'111' I',,.,,.,. E"fl"'""""· "1"0 """" ,.,,, Mr ""'' Mr~ J IC 1.,,.1 '""-'"''""" r,., tt.re1 ,,_~ nntl M"ln ~ttrr~t.A. ~An i A An"' l n ; r f·fl,l ' '1 'n. "'tUIII lnvul\'rtl tn P.1~tltf,,r "'hh hn'''' J•nr·t·h~tl th,. "' 1~ J~n•t• rw•v •• 1h•t ••~ A., lhf' llrl'ldlf'nt M ,.. Dlrhl IUIIIC'rtedl~· ' 11 ''"1"" 'I '"'"1 h,.r m af'hlnr• nt fnr m••r l:••rl na•lt· F.• II• k rr•tolll••n•,. ''"' ~; .. 1 •II• '"' '''""*'~Y Nt f'aJI IIUtff'rl'd II d011bl.!' frnrturr rrf tht• '' 1 I, . .,' I I • ( ;"rf'IR nf ("•••I A t•rllfH'ri V Itt !\711 ( It• hrH<I '" • II UP I'• h '• ,,,.j 1.-1111' flrl•il ~ Jl('lvla. f'On<'Willion of lhco b nln M · ~~~ " '!, ' pu.rn.:<'r In lh" Mr Mul•l~'r v.·h•l wM f••r :til ""ar~ .,f 1 to. r,..,,,.J: ........ I• ....... ,.. llntl nthc>r lnju~· I .... , II I. wu lr .. a tNI rnr IUIIIIH IAif'tl with lh•· ~h··rltr'• ,,,,..,.. t I •• I •k ill .,f ""'""',..,.,.""'' ft.- 11111\0r tr .,.,. • ru wu lhr 11rl\·~>r al f'llllf'IV'. htu• lfl k• n ,. l~<•ll l•lrt I ,, '' h ~"''""" r annrrr rlf ftall Mra F" L Hourk 11nd Mn• Irs \!1 r·.~ .o tf'• Ia aurvh•l'd hv v•llh lhf' M"r K•n71,. Rr,.llv .. rn.,. r·· lr• "'""' ,..,,,,..,.,..,. '"'r _.. Lonjt will be t'O·h<llllr•!Of'l! at II It • \<II• I 7.1\ C,.r vanh••. hi• II 1~ ht·ltl'w•tl lhnl lr• will P'""" , , ,1 , 1 tit• ,,,.,.,., hnata a.n4 w111 m.-tlnlf of ltv-brld~tr llt'l'tlon .,r 1 ., • t" \It and Mr11 F"rlln"l""' nn ,.,1,.1,.111 '""' ,..1,.1,. •""'"""'" ••v, lh• ,., J••lntly W1 ... ,...,. ,-.. F'rldA)' Attcmnon dub whlrh il' ,. r·M•t· ,., •. brnlhO'fl. Vif'lur • .,, •• h•· 1,. ""'''""' Ch••'""Khly ,11 ,.11 ,., .... ,.,.,.,. ,......., r lttnnt'd for nrllt WPdnrl!dRY In "1 •• .. I I •" .-r-o, jr . Julln and ....... 1 •• n("ti•IH M••n Otn•l •""•' ....... ···olh All•••l•lln ,...., ""'"' .. f'!l' lltlllrnnm nf I hi' wnm••n"!l ~luh-I ... t.. •• c .... • •• , .. r, A """'IIIII I hu• .... , hlllj.! • ••IIIII t>nl ll ,. him I ,, .... , ""' I ..... ""'"" toui" as h111111•• Or"lo~rl rnurJIP w ill bt> llo>n·· , • .,, til 'r'u11111 M"•n Rr<'llll· "••k 1,, \\'''"ltlln~ !••••' 1 ••• ~.1 ,.,.,,.,. •n4 .a.fN'If- rd Rrllrn·nllnn" 11hnultl "" mlHir• I .,. .. r II• II •IY R•IIIAry WIUI h"ld . ,0,. t...nto '""''' h ln« a nd .........-. by phnnln~t rllhPr Mn1 H11urk 111 I' I'"""' 1 h' "' th,. f•mllv rt•,.l· 1 t 1 r 11 hneta r u.. 2:1:1:1-W or MMI. c H . MrAlary. •I 110 ,. ,, ''' · .u a aal!l yr•trrllnv I PIAkHI.D I . .IUIIN~IS I I ~~·'"; '•" " •• r hRirmBn. at 842-W • ... , "" 1· · '' r lAity nf r.uadllhiJl" I ~ • • • rhur,.h '"'' rmrnt wu at Holy I'IIOI'T.I.I.P:WI ,. Kt'.Slt-'U·""' """T ._.,..,~ Mr An•! Mr11 A llrn F: Ncl••m s 1,1111 hr , , •. 11.,t,..ry. rrTt'WIINfl hl\\'1' ri'IUmNI tn thl'lr hhmP nt 1 i II I< oPI•II v.h<, ,_....ur 204!'1 H n r b u r boul~v"rd artrr ,J \II.Y.II ·\I'TF.a ACCIDENT '"''.w•·rr1 :z~ 11nd 211 .,,. th• II• ''""!!", what ,_.,. '" II!. Uw ,..,. ; announces the arrival of a new shipment of---- Marine Hardware !1prnt11ng thr put twn ycara at \\"nll•·r 11,1,.Khunrl, fl:l, La«una :;~, "'pur• 1'1•'"'' 1;211 · •r 1.,..,,, \\'••tk• hu .... "-7 Br11wiPy w h••r•• Mr N I"IIIOn W&ll t h" itt•l f,.w "''' • kit flalftll .. •• •• I ~..,nn•·r·trdwlth lhf' \\'lllkl-.o MllC'hlr,. p,...llt'h 111 1 '"1 · wu jall,.d on a 1 • • 1 1 ~ • • "'' ""' ur1n1r rran.-1 Ill 'thnr M I M E r G 'hn•.:• .. r <II link olrl\1n~r aflf'r a LBQA CANVAS SHOP I "'"'' • .,,, ... ,,,,., ~ ....., --. --I r nnr ra ~ a ynor, ' or ••t•r-r•••··d hy him hslt ua,.rl· BA •-wh'l hi\ VI' Ml'n IJ\·Injt In t h•• 1\Jpl I ,,,,.,. "'' • h•nl• • ..,., ~•-w aJWI ~ .. "" r<'l!lt1Pn<'l'. hi\ VI" mnvl'd to Ot,.l; ···II" r l n•h .. •t Into a park"'1 """ ~•1l• • I \I on t (·,.,·~•" • A.,., l~<rt1:• ' · • .. ,, 1 • •II •r•.un4 IIH'~ l8ft4ll h , 1. "",,,·I hv William A Houri· , nrwly-rurf'hl\111'<1 rrnJ"'rtV Ill 71lt . ?It "ll\lh •trcort Nf' rt Mllrlu•· l "plt.,l•l• r 1,1, !'"'"' t. 1 Ml'" fftf ...,_te llr ._ P S nrf)lld atrrl't. Nf'wport HPijthtll I \(\ ,_ . WJl'l 1 2' '". 1,1 •I• ···~ ... ,, ... ~Inc aiolc IUYTltAT t:X-· ••• -~o Th•• nri"lll• nt rw:curred at Vlclorla 1'1'1"'" 211 ... 1"t 21~t1 .~: 1.,~ 21,1 l·••l "''"''""'""'t.c• ... .. tll'llft .ouo....,.. C,1...., to:m'at HBniiOn. ~'n n( I,., 1\"•' uno! f'nl\lll bouloevard In La· Nrwnr,rt Rra• h . ,. r. ~ -· ,.. nd•ltnl' ~~~ n,.,.. all .. to U.. It aJ .• Mr antt Mf"'l. Martin 0 . Han11nn. 1:'111" .. :1!11 E 18th atreet. hu WTittf>n I Aft• r •trl)ong U\,. Hourl~ran car -----------.. -··- hi• parenla that h,. Ia """" with thr rtlh••r mnrhlne plunrrlf ov,.r th,. cnmmuntr11tlrma dlvlalrm of 11n rmt~nr.I<H.••nt, broke off a I,.J,.. tt\r Cnut A rtll~ry In Italy and phnn,. fl"l" and came to ,...t "ll'f'11dy hu two e~my plane~~ to 1\Bin•t " l"llllntnr w•ll 111 ft!<l'l hla credit .Jn hie n me eompan.Y tw-low Hnurlj!'IUI btl~ Brtnr· are ettrht boya -who were w ith hunt fr••M th,. machln,. ancf o~ him In tratntnr at san Dleeo and tlllnr<t "'" 1°~""1 ettetlllon tor htm atrttloned a tnv mil,.. away 11 Ja<-k Mitchell, eon. or Mr. and Rlf"Vn.r. '4TOtzltf F.l•l••n Wn~tht. lOt N. Bay F'ront '•" R,.t•Jrd•v r~'port.ed th,. thdt of ,. ,,.., ~~ hwln bleycle whlrh wu Mrw. Ralph J MltcheU or 119 23rd alr~t. Newport. 4 r('Ordlnlf to Olrp Raneon'a r.port. ~ and Jar k 1( .. 1 tn~:,.Uwr at leut oncr a week to dtacu. Har11or diftrld alfaln. . ' . "'"'"" fr""' In f ront of a Ralbocl •lrutt •lnr• The blllf' wu a N>nl- al machine. poise. ..ad. For Vour SiKns PIIONE 11 TH?t MIGN MAN ~,: SlOAT L?tTrr.JUNO , ---·--,------------ Shell Marine Products AT DIE SHELL DOCK MAIN CHANNEL Ell $2&1 ... ..... 5 ~ars ..... ....... .. .... ---....... r--. .......... ...... ...... .. .... ..... ,._ • ftaM ..... ..... ...... ... -. ..... .ft ..... ...... ILacvM. __ .. ... ,, .,. ...._, ...... ..... ...... ... , --........ ....... .t .. ,..,, -··-f ...... ... . .,.... .... . e.t nar- • ,...na '""'· ·-, Na.y V· lnL J. A. ... ...,.,.. • fll u.. .......... ,.......,._ .t .,r. 11M .,... .., ... --........... -..ty. ........ , ....... .. _ ...... .. ~ .. tM • --hot ,_ ..... Ill , • .,,. tNS ... ar: ~ ' . • ·Eileen Mare• Plight Their 8tandlac befo" ~ ltatal'l rala .,....t DarTIIIIIWI, P! llama &lid Vl,-,f were ID&I"ried In a llund•Y an~moon tbe Olapel by th ...... tb• fteftrul olft('t&t~. Soft c&lldltlllfl white taperw cu t Uttle chapel u t1 Jacttoaa were pia) ary," "BeeaWie" • Tro•lv " ..-It b ...,._atthe ort Precect&nr the &We wu lwr ela Oottlf' ·'"· 'and • p ... wtUa lwr br JOWMd ln delft w1Ua • lOft« fltt f'd -lacf'. 8be car killed bouqu~t at 1 Tbe bride. al•!) nette, ·.... lo.ely white bl"()('&de A l eel ~ the lnnr ~~anced bf a fin~· place wtlh a Ur peeria. She ente ol ber father. At wbo .&led a mll eer.-y la IIIIa .. ~oltl*l ,.. llri4e'• ~ 111 an 111 ot wlltte .-and ~nt., ...... Dau Olttlf', pelOID, ....-ved ., llaiYW ODttle Jr. 1 _., llaUI coualm .............. ..... ..., .. " .. ......_ f'f Mr. • WDI ..... IIOJW. ~ 8-.cll. _.. fill &anor I .... ...,. -pao,. ~ o(,t.be && 'h' .. t• O.pa ..... ...-Ia t.b lira Vl,.u ...._. ......_ ~omla. ..... ,... 011114 • • • ... ' ' .. ... --~ • tou adtl • to u. • I -tw= D • 0 4 ., h&WmJ~•t.AOA PRESS Thursday, February 17, l&U KJibD --~..._ will -1'16. a ~ a wnent ' soc·nthm wiU J?C~Iv~ DO per cent the Uleatre box ornce if the ecb6ol l oftlce In Balboa; Ttla M&rtlet apot, \ I . ... .. -n. ~ .. ..tlicla of u.e p~ of all adYU~Ce II lrGioiJ' Ia to aet c:n.dll. l1. ... I Balboa lalanc1. ADd M...... ODD· DODIGI Of 111& ,......_~ ' Z el' _. • • • at 1..14o u.at.re. '1 ttek~t aal ... bUt p1o1rc:buee mUit point~ out. Tldleta are procur-roecuonery, Newp<ll't; .a. 0.. -.. ,_. __. ~ ...... , k ._ today. -r.. u-be made at a point ot.ber t.baD able a t t.be ~r ot ~ all m~mberw ot t.ba eoauaiU.. UCSMIID IW.EsTAT£ .... All ,_of IMSUUNCI. JNTHIH.AUORAUA ~------.---, ~ _,_., 17&0 IIIUparlllud., Ga111 Sale O.poe.lt ~. )fot.uy hbl.lo. ••II• Llall1lr 302 .... ,...,.. " Let Jack Do It " RD •• I CAFE a..-..... r••• r•••· PASSPORT PHOTOS 1 Hour Service .,....,o.L~ .. Do you know that laaJI ot tk local Red er-budcrl lit .,-at by the Home ServiCe ...,_.! 111at 18 t.b.e lllal'ftU wtak':ll ..... It ~bie fflf' the J>MdO. _. aacu trom t.be boya ID ,.._ campa to reada UM-ir ,._. Tbey aJ*I make It ~ lor that lonely boJ to kMW tMl ... wtfe aACI ._.,y, or ~ IDG&.Mr, .,.. be!nf c:and lor ....... WUI J'OU ,...._...,_ ~ -- clerfW ~ IMilld&nc _. ol t.be ltell ero.i and • be • putU... away eome -y tn the ~ now, eo t.bat you wtU k r..dy •1Mn t.be aa~~ll&l *tft ~ nat IIMIDUl r Of courwe 'JOUr IDCtM7 ..... b&ood pauma, ~ • t'lp packac.. to p~n.. fflf' u.r boya cw~ own. u •·eU .. new • wonerw to klp ~ out tk _, 0,.. t :• A. II.-· H t P. IL probl~me wbkll war lrilllp to I 1'1K ILII boya and 'their faauu.. )I A C K ' S Locally, your DWMWJ .-,.... ENNY • acADE vtct.. f'mef'Jftle:Y ~ p A.Po rou don't re.u., Wnk ~ ~ 1• IIADI .,....r tor Olrl.l Jut ride out ta tWr , .......... , wdtorm~~ aACI rt: u.dr pK:t.- ~::::::::·:A:·:":::·::::::::::~ l&ken do you! rou --.w llawe : been around )'8Unlay ..._ a ~ )'OW1C eold&er'a wtl~ _... le • ... N8bed to tk llltc-aMt.al .. IIMIIa Alia. 8aUy .. ~... -ot - IMwy drivnw, clrow Uae .... a-1 etatlort ...,._ and poMce -' ruaiM4 u.-tJaroucll t:nmr. &114 GJ 11 w.a wrtll ~ ,.... Wiff' and lwr bMy. 'Rat • JIU( ot U.e d&1'• wwt1 tar liM ...._ co.,. Md often ID tlile ..... fill the ntpt too. lA the aUciR ot tiM ...._.. oonnee\ed Willi UUa 11tuny • ma y.-tt'rday, Kr. '-t-. -.a Red en-dt.a1nBaa. eaDM .... aak that. a IIIM'Clal a.o s. ao ..t to you aall1q for-lroCAir OW,. cfr1Vf'IW. lf J'OU CUI dfiYf' ... - Wintn1 to be on ca1J or at ~ fill- ~ OM day Or IWI-da.J .... I We really ~ J'OUI' lildp. -•an, Ill. Bll, IT I I'DIIDDI -......... n..,....._lll WWit~~laappea? Wllea? ....... ., ...... toM ..... awayt C.•• aad ... Ia oaiL ---~ •-.. • ••doa Plc:bue, ~'BaHia Fol' llclly'' at 7:30 p • ... -WEEK'$_ PROGRAM THlJUDAY NJOIIT, Fa l'- "'I Q ·1 ! ! Yet • kee I ! ~ ...__.~·--~*-- Arlhur N. Donaldaon, noted lecturtr anti auUior , apeak• on : "Heart Dlaeuea ... Hlcb Blood Preuure, etc." •w:r..-..•,ww ~ ..... ..,_ ·-..... wwn••••.a••~ .... ~ -..-~_.,-! .......... ! AAI n ,...,._ ~ jlil."ba&& ..,_ __. ....,_ f6rbn. 1::» P. M. H~ wUI anawer quutlona &4raln. Come early for a aeat. Free motion picture, 7:30 P. M. F'IIIDAY NIGHT, FEB.~ -"Did Cave Mt>n Roam Thl.l World, 1,000,000 B. C.!" See cor1lla plcturu . Chalk drawtng. Brlnl your ll'&fldmu and (T&IIdpu SATUIIDAY NIOHT, n ;a, !._ "600 Slgta Walking Ule Strt'cta of Coata Mcao."' I nl'ed the old people to belp me preach tonlcht. Beautiful Bible given to oldeat perwon preeent. ••z•eal C•lll' I IIID Plclants Bveiy RlghL Coaae Eal'ly aad Slag wm 'IOU can Uae ott~ ~ --~-~ ~ w ano~SOJl ~a.~-------------------------------------------------------------------:::~::::::----------------------------~--~-----------H ome ~rvlce Bureau, wtdda ._1 --------------------on.-ot uaoa. precloua m ... 1 from tile lnt~maUoaal Rolld a-. In Geneva. llwtt.ttaad. ,_ Aa- nantu l!ltorebo. J&JW ~ a ,. • .,.. • .,.,_..,.. ______ ,._ ....... w..,.,._.,. hard •"'rk_lna member ol OW .... P1l0n8S10NAL CAllOS r• "u. A JW tw ca.n't bf' ~ Tr ruu know of tbitl man Of' ._ he can bf' N"ae:hM1 wiU yoa ..u-ry Ul~ ottlce. • 1 Dr. G. E. Tohill I """. will ~II J'OU IN1d .... PRTII1C!IAl'f aa1 tiUitOmM about · tJM a ... ., La4la ... .._ -OIM8 a • •• mOft are Moedrd uwt ._ Gollr " I e I I ~onatrucUvf' procram nt.e ....... om.:... a.: -.a j the Army n-t.abilltaOon ...._ It U -__., ... ••~ I )'OU U'f' Oflf' of Ulf' J'f"'OIIe w11o '=:=:=========:::; think Ora'' Law. • .. t around u.r ;. hoapiW warda am4oOUilftC f"'f'f- !'d bi"'Ol'11 """ Will try to ~ )'Our m ind. I lntf'n1 ...... d 1(1"11 Ed C'bapman th~ ...... 11. one ot 1117 nf'l~bc>ra who hu ~n a faJUlhll Cny L&a)•. and I ••WI 1 IU4 nw&- umne to t~ll you all ~ told - about Ulelr Wnt"k ~,.. lit to br a nf'W Gray Lady ('OUJ'We ~ _,. of Ull1 monUI. and trainlnc lit ._ IOiul#ly -nllal, 110 II JOG ~ to f'nroll Mnd your ~ to ~ Dr. DR. C. J. CARTER ....... ftoofl-........ 8pecllllltJ Phcma 1621 1 ... Nf'wpoft ....... 0aeea .... local Rl'd c-ro. offlee. You Will al1t0 bear a11oat ... \'lllllnr; nurwlnc ~ten'iee. IJt .._. t'Onn«tlon UH-r.-I• to br a --1 IN of Ulr'N' cJ.-for a;ped.mll l moth#rw bf'lrlnnt.nc Ill taM ._ th~ nrwt TbuJWday In liarS. Y-• Dr. M.D. Crawford may t>nrotl ror ~eta..-~ at tile local orne.. bf kUar • t.-l .. phatW. Mort' •bola c.-a. ~ten1ce next w .. k. E.,_ !ba,.IMCI aaa-,.... In th~ ~anum .. haw ,_ - llu'gantL....._ ,,.""*'r ..... ~ A.- ., 'h"hrllla) TEAaDa OP PUJifO ,.,.,..... -At er*1 '"'"'''" ,., 0 'I -.. A.-,,.,_ ... _ I'l l •'I:; NI:W'POin' lMI ~ Ot,.. at lliDala lit PupUU~ NEW LOOA1'10Jif ............... • • .... ,.......,. .......... -.. ........ ... IIJ*e ........ , Bpedal 'h'eatment.e lor Onrwetpt ud UDCkrwetpt ............. ---~~~ dMzt hour or two, you ~an l(iw C. ,... 1 I!U~kal •lrt'uln«a • £ad .._. you apf'nd mf'&l\8 a bunciNd - I.IN"•Inga and Ult'y are _.,.! Expand~ Scllechde Adds l~te Buses on Local Uae I ~rtaln to ~t wttla w- Ily WI&-apprn\'aJ Ia the-~ oj bua ... ·hrllulf' wh1~b baa .... i'lact>d In rfff't"t on U.C &lata ~ l..aKUna lin... • I ~· !'HUll of ttl .. f'll'J'an41'd ~- l<'t . bu. r1df'rw from eo.ta lima :\J\1 Ule a1r b~ •111 -~ fmd thtmaeh.... compeiW t. hltchhtkf' hnmr from ua. ~ attu • dam•,. or a •how .... U.W ha\in« addfott a Ia~ baa ~ea..-. Balboa at 11 p. m . n.l«fatlJ . ..,..._ toualy, tile lut bu.l lf'n BaJboe at ' 1;40. On Sundav tllf'N' trill a1ao bf' • lau bua at 10 15 p. m. 'I'M wn1ce hu ltkt'Wt8t' ...._ lncreued from Banta Ana. - elll1y bua a t I 20 a 'm ha.-tac ~ added. U Wf'll U a laW 8atunlay baa at I ·30 p m imd a ~===========;I da1J'1 baa at 10 ·15 p m a.fGft ; ...... ot.-~~-- d&lly bua from Santa Au -at 1:10 p. m. and SatW"ddl,. at 1:11 •· .. lii.IOIIft.Y INit-..:D Krw J R~. 121 Utll ......._ wu .upu, IIIJw"M .-. ., wu knoellfd 4ow'1l bf a car ~ ... ~ bacllled ,._ Orr'a- loa ltaUon by Mn.,.,...-w. ac.an P"nlftt. After riiCII•IIC ._.,.,.ncy tftetmst .. ... L_..!!!!IL!!!!!!I!!!..!!!!. .. ..JI:.,..· otftCia .. .. .- Bailnallers with tlleir THINKING CAPS on ............... _..., _. ........ I' L •. ......_u_......._ • .._.,._ ........ c-., ...... .. ~: • 5 _. 0 I t ! .... ........ wM ......... ....... ~ .... ~., .. ; I k"SP-1 .... I I ................ --~~ ....................... ..... ,.. ..... _,... ............. "' ... ,..,.._,_......_.,.Wp~PaeiM~ila AM ........... ,_.. d.a S.P. "'-11.,• ... ......, ,, ...... _..-..... m ~ ulewceecla ._, ............... ....,.s-~.w...~direcd:r mwiu.W, pieM .... Mrrioa m ~ .. can; ........ ._,.._,_...U..,fwJ..duat'U'IeM~ Ye .,.... _..~-can dua IUIJ railnad,.... al ... MiaMmippi. En.a .... ,. m ...u.e, -~ 11i ......u-. an ltiJI 1M ulioa'a .-t beeatihJ tra1M. -~ ....... tl.enllnMiatlaewu~aUedler -·I ... ..,_._, ..,. .............. neeind '-_.. ......... t I ..... .bl -ef 1M clnicea .a.-. .. J.e T-eaabe-tllats.P.-...tw-mdM-.,.. ,.... oAcea, It-... •• lJM trai• wiD CODUaae .... ....... , aeuch fw u.,._..t -aoclt of rail.roaHliJIIo .., 45 , , I ..l:r., ............ Bat...._. W..la.ne a - ' ' 'fr ...,....., wiD .......... , AI ,. r ._...,.. .. ,.. • ,..,._., ..... 6.1 ...... niiNM ....... ..., Wee. '1\e ... S at ern P.aAc lnCU,.. Wh larp}J l.lr&e .,u.p.. ................................... ...,. Ia tJW epirit ef .....,._ -bd ltiaaalau.. ... eaeouniemeat few dM fatare. Tlaea, •• Dow, pod,........,. tnuportJttioo wiU be Deeded •• , aad we lutow tlaat r.U. roackn willa their tlaiaklat e .. p• on will do their part a. pn.W.l&. S.P. II ........ few pc-aceliiDe prov-NOWI ----....w ......... .-1 ellrjaek ...... -~ .. .. _ _., I _._......,_, .. -.... riPI .Uta·-....... ............... 5.P.~CarS..... ... ..,..-J. &. ......., ., E..- ..... ._Wl) I Jv .. tMW... c:-r-w. B.~ (lehl ........................... , .... -....., w..,n... ,_ ..doer .. .................. c. • .,.u.er ......... (n.ltt) ,...._...a-............. .,........,_ _ _.,.,..... ... jda ... .. _,...,... ............. to the "nhlir i• _... lloJ .... -'""'m ''"'"•• r ., ..._.__._...Wdlorll 1 • ,,; ' 11 ........ Orrlr. Tit\. • l . n · ' · ~-~·l oru -1"' ,. ....~deoat~u ........... 5 ........ h .. uplllecl by .pedally-.ped alf'Do ._ pipe .. ~ ~ ~:ol C.r Fo-C. ll. D. &-el S.P.'e M'-'-ltNd c..dt TaN. lf•tlHMI • u .... 1addft ......... c·liu ., • ..,.,..., .. AllwaiH w.lr. ......... () 5 .;..... ..... , •• rar wale ~ HadMie. ....... o . .... ,·,me waltiaa.U.-IIM. ~I[ .\(. llN\-•""'" -·--•Ia """' lo..lll'f'alr."'" • S.P. o.,u,._ , .. c-........ ., .. _.._. .... ..J- , .......... ..ay N NYed llr title dnice tknlo~d t.r s.r. ~·dualel Dow Nichola of Bu~n6eld. Hu idee boYolYee • ee:ateriaa att .. luneat for tlriYiaa llos boriac ... m. ~.rhioie~a -tlau .. • ... luable cocatriJ11.n.ioo .. .... workmaaetup ................. of wu.'f'ltel dne Ina -.1 batteriee, now S.P.'e onlr oource of title. k111Me poMible br idu of Wayae Ra•eey. lt~cl•••tioe aad W~ldin1 Fo~••n at S:~cr•· -••• Ceeeral Stota. Br Rameer'• method. Mep~·--rmm. 400 ,-.cr. of a~ ... an p doily apinet 100 ,.,... ... br •--'-1. Bunae ... ID ripe.,.. d.o aboe -m-1 ud br .. oke up urboa. Zlae plftft ... enoeMd urt.o.. are ,_ do,_p t.abler wlaere <'lrboe folio thro .. ll pnfwa• t'-wlalle 111M re.-1ao llelala4 .• rile friendly .Southern Pacific a., flfWI ftehl WAI IOHOI I -··'- ''" r Tb\&nday. P'ebn.&ary 17. l~H-4 I80MaWJ II'• •••rs lor LUCIOU8 nsaa ... OIWYUII&D .......... • 1135 Hlvllwa, 101 Jut lut of Tlae Aroll .. O..rpue WORK BAS~ BaleD N. o.Jwp. 'tere• 0... ... Y .... • .,, .......... .._ ~ wttll PM\ a JT .. M,O n.la ....... Wlf • ........, ..._._ .. , •. o.o.a .... ............ c... ·-....... lVTOIIOIIILE • l'aE AoomENT • U.. ~ ... ~ ............ --......,_,... ------LOUCKS IEWI:I.&Y • ft'A110!'"1!'.11Y Watch It J~lry ~ OnetiJIC ea.ns. FOI' AD ~ w.w-and ~emem IUbp Oft OW' EuJ Bl.ldcet Plea l TtT N_,art Bl•cL P1L ~ COST A IIEliA -ww -- Machine \\'ork BOAT IIEPAIIIDIG Vlrg's Garap ... o.u.a ..... u ..... ------a.-.- Better Ice era. ftiY I'll .... s CIIRcti IIIIJ . 2100 OCI.AIC noJrT no-7 3 ---.......... FOR MEN and BOYS • LYI.8POn Official 0. P, A Tire Inspector • Tile OovemrMnt now .,. ,_ may recap your Ure. wt~ out oeruncate frc.a ... Rat.loft Board u .. :rour raUon certltk:ate fw ,......, ... ..,.. u-. A* u~ anc1 a,... m ,__ • ...... ........ ~~-tJHo ~-.. 't'ould ... nc.r ,.,.. ........ twt. ...t _..y._.~. Uaw tlll7 ~ tk~ ..... t'llited ......__ ~ hrT ~ ... '-'r- d:a~.Jir ....... Ra-t-. ....... _ faD.. ....,.. ... ~ -... , 5 ..... -c:.wrW -"" ......... ~...., ..,,. llimrllllty .. 1\amMi <11 ~ ... ~ ... , a· c (;(_~ ... & ... I pi -r .... ~~ap .... •nc--wry • • • EaB ..,..,.,_ ..... nn a..-..._.~~p \nne--urn. rod a •• f'nllll. .. -.. 2 .-..dll ~ -K _, Tlllalt ...-r. ,._._ ..-rUt._.,..... lw .--.. .... nr..-:l'CaTy ....... ...-tlilt' -.. , -L..llc for _. . ....,... -."' ...... •'-·$ .... bmW ...... --• 5.-..diillt A.-y • )(r ~ ... tn (>I I • ) •ssd 1a.. ··-· 1&111·1~ 111111& lll•z •1••z •1•1111 BALBOA Gin SHOP - NIIWPORT·BALBOA PRESS Hlgla School to Gh·tt QuallfytaK Tests for Anny-N&\':\' ..,.,. w ..... When Jepan al\arked at Ptarl Har· bot we had 17 baltfuhlpt In aervlca aDd I& bu>ld•lll Wa -rt malllnl preparalilmt bul the war did nut waiL Thtae 32 ~Ja\llt waaon• c•Jt\ Amtrlcan tiXI•A) •n lhra• billion dolla~ for a '"" ocran navJ, The war -mtd tar away Ulan . • • "o• ahy ml heva 11 ..,--al atah In IW• _,_ ll bae bHft brou(ht hom~ to tMrn.. Tb.lt'a •Ill avery•,,,,. tJ lncraaalnt put· chaNt of War Bonde . ' \ I •,.~D-,,_. ... •f..obtst• st~mo' F.\·11 8<-o~ By Chlt-f of Rationing Board Th,· '!'"'8llvn .. r wh,•th<'r farm· ••ra, l' U.ouk hui.S..·~ a nt.S ulh~l' .-...-nuat uae~ w111 conUn\ae to pt •-Jim,• '-''llhout dlffll'ulty, II 111 II la1.:•• ..St'lr~'<'\' "UI> to lh~.Dl· ••II' ca.' 11 "'•• WIITIIc•d hhlay by Rtilph t• Mukr}'. •·hall'llliUl uf ~•·wt'-ll't TuWIUthll• war JliW• and •nlh)uln,.: huur,l "Th, ,.,.,.,," '·.,.,., h.. ~·•·n Ulllll.. IJ'""' "'"" ,,. quula or I(IUI\>11111', Mt, Muk.l•y 111thJ ''The '"'11\llt h1111 btot·n ~>el'lodl<' "u tam· lnea. "Thla <'<llhliUun will runtlnut' llll<l "'oil 14.-\ llll'rt• .. ln&ly wllfk ', unh·•" lh'""' '" "h•••n ,.,. t •• t•rtl'· ''~'t:•·• h nlf' bt•••n arantt·d , • ..._.. Ill:' llllto'IIH' u( &ll lllje IIWA)', <II ,...IHnj~. <'11\lj)t.>llll nul nrt•d••<l by ttnoln. "A motura,.t who ~'~"" a frtmd "" ''"•~·•• lhrt••··~llllun ,·uupon '""Y f•·•·l lhat hr Ia l'l!llloullllna nu •••rfuu. l'rlhlt" But thr fr.ct "''"'"'''-' thai Ulc»t" Ulrt•t• fallon., UAI'd fur IIOil·«'-nll&l llrlvtna will onr <lay be dnllrd tu a ntan who rt•qUII'C'.S lht' u... ot h~ Vt'• hh'lt• In vatal war work "1'ht' l'aiH'nUal dtlvn who II· '•'RIIII)' Wl'o•rta t'X<'t'U ruupona ~ "'"'"II " ..,,,.,.,.,., .... ,.. ""' <•nly to IIW Wnr l'rf.,rt, but In lht• (JUIIII)' •'llr "lllf'rllto•ra and II<H '.UIN1 non· I" d••r'N'•.I lllo•uwu ""'" w hol an' iiiii'IIIIIJiilllnlnl(ly t(O'Itllll( by 011 ll b1ut• Httu•nnaht " M r M1t.11k1•~· •al<.l lhat IIIIPII<'a· """" r .. r ~UJIJth•ml'niAl alhiWillll'<'a 1111110t lwro•~tflt·r boo aubjt•d to .:n•~tt.•r "''rullny but that th" "~ coupuu:: pracUcc 1.1 a pw.tt, lo•ou II• IJt• nwt by I h.co "rnn8C'II'Ill't' >tnd ~to·n••··uf-lluly" ()( lhoet" IIUIO- hn,. U••·ro1 who hlll'c• bt<t'n lfh't'n ••l(l til f'tl\·11··.:··· on tJw. c rounda uf •·•••·nUt~loty * * '11/i..J'IjOM 8Nf '11/dJ. Wl\R BONDS 1 Mo~~t•"• .. , I Amoo1 U.. cu uaiUal r~turnln1 lo I the Unll.*d Statu !rom ~ S••lnmon• are man ••h•J hav• lot \ lhctlr h,..,. Ina. no\ !rom ln)ur)', nut tr .. m •h••fll but from attark by lrn~l'l• UIJtm mtn .,ho have I.Jrl•to wllhCJul m•••· QUito bU prnlt'CIIun .... .,£ ., ........ . U never lul(.w how man)' h~n Uall moaqwt.o bu hu uv~d and you probaiJly MYtr will 1\nhw )uti how much l ood your "ur<'hu~• of W•r Bond• havt dfln~ but you ahould know that rtlulat and lncrtallnl purchaaea art ntct'~ t \ I ,. • •, , l.J• t .,,,.,_, Tile ........ .ay as•. ,_.,II 1om• IU7 In con,... OM otJMr Wua .. '-1 ..a .. ,.._. .. ctay c:har«e4 Ulat WlJlJIM .. aoo. Ooed prta~ at U.. 0rup .-t7. (11M • ,_. ...._ .t.., ______________________ .,.. 1 ... u·e ..ertt .,..,_, ahop. PrtC~e~t ........w. . ..... ,. . • '(SlNCI 1832) Balboa Balboa Is~ • Buy 4th War loan Bonds Now AT THE R E N D E Z -V 0 U 81 ...... v •• ._, ....... r o lr AND HIS AT THE BALLROOM IN BALBOA Saturday ight · • BUY U. 8. WAR BONDS! -.-oa • ., ... :rDI • $1&1 ...... .. _. its , ears _. hnurat • NN1JIOI1 • from tho ., ........ ...... ~ ----....... .. ......... . ..,~ r ~ ... ....... . ....... ....... ~ ....... ....... .. o.tlltl .......... .....ae... ...... ~ ... .. .... ~ ...... .. _._ ~ ftwll6 ....... ........ ...... ..... _ ......... ,..n..._ ..... ...... ........ . -··-.. ~ ,.,.,... .,_ ..... ........ ...._, __ ··--~w ...... ............. . ., ..,._ )II,,... u.. «1~. ----· ......... lk-u... .,.. ., ,. • ., y . ....... J • .............. .... ., u.. ........... .,......._ o1 Mr._. ...... ._ I. ... -... _.. -~­..... ~, ........ rto-...... ~ ... 1M_...., ......... r. ....... h [)NS ... ........ Eileen Marc PlightTheh ..,..,..«befon ... ..... , cs1 put a&ft'IMUA. I ..._and v 1ra _.. ID&f'l1ed In 1 llund•• attem001 .. Ol&ptl "' Ut -· t.be.....,. eftldal~ 11oft candlf'lll wtlrt. tape,. CUI lltGe cbapel u · ~wen ple U)':'~" Trt•l•" wilb .....,._at t.be or Prec.t~ the a.&llc wu her el OllttH .h·. and • .... wttJt .... b ....,...t In delll wttJt a 1oac llttt11 ~IKe. She u t.ed bouquet t1l ne bride. al•' ..u. . .,.,.. Joorel: ~~adeM ....... u.. lon, 1lllaneed "' a n"' wtth a L ____ ..._ • ...,..._,~ StM ent fit twr fatber, J ...., .,...., a 1111 -... , ...... ~olt.M 'nile llil'tdl'a _, 0''' ,., .... .-aBd cenu ...-M. DMII CbCUf', ,...,.., _,.,I _...,.,.. ODCtle Jr. ~~ ............. oa. ... y ...... _..Mr-.-............ ........ 8-.cla. ' ... "'....,_,. ....... -Plat ----"' u.. !It ...... o-, ............ .... ._... ...... ....... D.Utoral _... 11'18 Olea * • • • • • • •• * ..... _ -.&r •• ad' to 11· pcm • -~ ..._ -~,~~--------~--~~--~~----~~~~~~~~::~~::;.::-r;";,*~W~POai::::•~BA~';804~== .. =~P~IIr.;;;~;·;;~~;;;;;--,r.;;;;;~~;;~------~Thi~~~Y;·;~;-;~~i·;;·~l~f~,~~~ P ... 8 _ Local YouneCouple Long Beach Service Yra. li)nma ~ ~•...._ w••._.. UAJ.fil'l''"~~ .. LIDO TDAU. ----- t'h•-IIU -F,_ ~ E.......,. .. , ..... _.,,u Nall11•.. I!NtlurdaJ .a lttl • ·,,..u.•w•• Mila. r-1111 Allulu: 40c -aerv1c:. Mea JOe Children llc, Taa Inc. --nura.-:-rn.--:-a;L __ _ Humphrey Borart In Sahara .,.._.,,. ('aft-. ~J • N_.. M-.-M ... Merle Oberon • Brian AJMme lD First Comes Courage a.zvl a Se<'o!ld Veature N obodyts Darling "'t•h .. a.ry 1.-. ( artcMIII , -~ T\we,sW ... The Man From Down Under wllh Olarlea L&upton ( ..:...-• OWI=dl ---;;;.;;;-'nl-. ..... Rll'hllnl Dtlll , Jane ,Wyatt ln The Kansan 1111d " Companion Feature ':ood l~uck Mr. Yatee (..,._ ...... ('nml•c: ",. ...... • a.-ld:J'U: "" Kl•cltnM r~ a OMI&; N.nzt. .. ,. '"""' .... '•a-led Sunday at Unites John Ko~ Weda ~'rank Veith noes .... ~ n ._.. J~a~mr ~ IAUf • >a .... VJ:EW LOT .. ~ JD "'-' N'k In a..-. ,_. ..... -...a ......._ .-t~rt~Mr ....a. -unobetNctad v chapel By the Sea and Vera 1 0 Y uuuclay Ritel .... ---.. -.. ........-_ -a. c. ...._, ~ -..JOI1 ocean and b&rbor. •-·---a.-.-...._ a.~a --. •nt PboDe N.wport ot Co J\ l bum.: lu l.belr frioeadll al 101 YuJ a..:.1 ....... _~ w111 ...... a __.... dlw -8£ _ a · C!rapel by Ule Sea a l rona ~ _ __ _ • ~Joel Mar formed a charnunr eels .uUI all·e<!!t. NeKW6'UI L. U~-.... w ..... b lJI • to .,, .. ..... au ..... ., .... a:wa= 7 L .-. -.. l sBJ:DftOOI( BOUa&, ~,-~ unc for the Weddu\1 ot ~ 111-.du. JuiUI w. olyt!r w ~ Kr&. ..... ~-Vert~! .. -, ,__JaY. '• .. ...... ~ 1M .... ... laardwood ftoon, OM ... IMn M. WWl&ma, dau~hler of Mr. 1~11! w..a an e~~"enl ot 11'.-.. I at -' 0' 111M) ._..... a .._ ........... -...... .a.-. tow1Ja acna, ,...... ..... and Mill. A. J . Wllllama. 2802 ,\II Saw~ l!:putOOplfJ CAUJ'da, ~ '--at Wf aMia 11tN11t •• DiC WILL CAa. llr ......,_ Ia _..... ..... ....... at Tvma. R. C. PU'Iur1 1101 N•· w. Central av.nue. N-port, and iJd.Cb. liMir .....,_... ,..,.... .,. -~ • .. ~ • ._. -. port Blvd., Coet.a lbaL fo5U Vlrfil Jo'rank CotUt!, Jr., aon of Mr I"" bmJ.,, who L1 Ule focmer 'Yalt fit ... .._., lin. Y.. ,_..... P • -.,. ~ PAIIi'IIMI ••• .., rt .... ..nd Mra. CotUe uf 1283 Uoyt ,..,~~. NJkulaky, W.U&bler ol Ml'. Ia t11a ,__Emma ·._......... ~ ....... • a. a e ..._ __.._ h -..,.. atrett, 1:1 Moote. ~ '"'' Jot••-VI.Wnur NlkoJ.aky Cllf -:. lollc.U.. ......-ut fill lka~ W...-r cws-'-_. _. .-. ~A.~. ~::::ewput fo'ur the ceNmony, whiCh ·:s ot\J\J WlfJuul avcni.W, LoDe...... ..... V .... ---W C 'a.. '7 4 ;-.-....... -Oilllaa lJIIW . u1 ,. bl u-:~4.1 wn.lo: eaua w&Ul .. _.-place at 2 o'clock, Sun•I•Y a · ... _ ....._. at~ .t 1M ._ --a. ..... ...._, a. IIONft ~ U).AJ( b ,u•· lrwn IU\4.1 fllla.,rUp ve&l fut, local ---.~ ••rnoon, lhe brld.: wo•c 11o roca • .... -DaJ --. ~ • aput -.a. U ,_ -.. trz uoud a.1 Jat. •od aaUn folld carr~d wtute IJW<'t'l nell Ill coronet etyle wl ... OC1UIC'8 laurt* ... .,._ tlae 0 'b c• ,._ .... ,. .. tale _, .... __,. --.. a. C. .,.... centered with • while ore ,IUUUIILI. ~ w~ altM\ded bJ 'llble ...... ,... ~ ... ~ ran.. ~ K..,.t ..... 0.. dud. She wu ath·ntlcl.l by he• wr atlller. · Mra. Ralph N,.w.&. ....., at Ollila ...._ llr. Y_.. ~ .AR8..... ta lira. a. "'at.er, Mra. Harrta Vuttle. Jr .. or .. ulrun of honor. and Uuw a.n-.. na t.M 8at...., to .. kL; ,... Nrwport. who wore hlu.· m!lrqul· ,, .. u., M•ae Ulorla Manai. lliaa nto ~ ......_.. hdla e1 .. 1.081'_..,.. ....._ ~ II& s•·tte and earned unt•·O~ .wert -•LIUJ& .l411o8lkOV anc1 Mra. C.CU -ww ~ 011 t.111e fao..tlle.., pw ......_ ._,._ • ft.: aUL DI'Aft (I'• .... ) , ..... Dean CotUe or t,:t Montr, • 'vlll Harn.Dn Bailey of &uta 'M aad lin. ~d --~--U. f..JQ • ROOM BOU ... rr.11a1J ... ulhrr of Ule bittlegruom, at-.1 un11.1a wu ~et Rn:~·riu.benk .,..,..~ :1ed el ~ ~ at Doane 9 2 u.r----~ .:..........._-....... ._.. Ud aat. or.o- tendc·d hJm •u beet nHtn, uahn• n~c: Cecil 1-'oal, """" c ~-.'}1-. Ooftal-Ia NtWpCIIft ~ --·-.. .... car ..,...... ...... ...,.... .,.ce. t>t-lnr Harria Cot~. Jr., and S,te.n-"'" Ja.mea Mu.,ller. Tbe t11111t -y -._.._ qdr I.J!" lSI ~ A--. ~ caD at 1M Aa.t Plaoe, ea.t.a 'I'Y Tanner. The oouble ru11 cerem01l7 wu ld lliJ ~ ...._ . ., ..._, .._ .._ ........._ ......._ ft. .....,_ lira. IOc Mau Marra.ret Sl·harle playtd •'"' fvm1e..t by lhr Rev. JU~Me II:*W Aillllet. aad 111n. Olelr. _ U. two ravorl!.. or~ran numtwr•. "I .• tarl)'r. epectaJ vocal aDCl lMtnl-~ a .. .._ • ._ eud S s COitOifA Da. MAll hr .a.. hN '•*o-~. Niee lo- BUT A HOKE ON BROADWAY . 2 bedroom bouae, naartJ IMIW, OD comar lot. Full pnce teQOO. Tenne. R. C. Parker, 1101 IUw· part Blvd., eo.ta Meea. •nt DOO:.DIA TE po.MIIIIIOD. J......._ room bouae, b.anlwood Ooon. Prac:Ucally new. O&rap. Nl price 1626(). Terma. R. C. Park· er, liOe Newport Blvd., CData M-. . 6IU FOR S~Tbree-room llouM and ca....-e, on Cout Blvd., a.. tween 37th and 38lh et..; prtce $2000. AppiJ at 8215 E.. Central, BuncaJow Court. Bal-., Love You Tndy" and "Becalaf'.. .. .. ntlil rn~c I ~i~Be~:~ ,__! tllne t e , ....... a ............. 8Eitl'l' The marria&oe .vow• wer" n·au by "''1:1t>.:n uf a ........ -~ •ot t.M .....,._,_ Ftii-ss.:wr ~ -- the Rev. Carl B. 3ohn.on of C011ta :uu•..t wut. ApprOJUm&telJ 1IO llr. V ..... wbo 11M ,...,.....1 ..._ ... -~. ~ *::: cauc.. p a r t I a II J 1'\&nliabed, l...ARGE CORNER LOT oo 1Uba Meaa. ~uo·•LI were entert&UMd at a n-here lor _. J'ftft -• 1M -0 F'ollowlnC Ule f'el'!'mony 40 rpltOn In Ole cal&fdt ,.,.... fe&. f'Cll•• ·a ~ ~ In' =-~-CJ. ... '= ~:ueeu wrr,. enttrtaln.-d at a re-·""''"!: whlc.b Ule )'OWIC ,.aple nanJ ,.... ..i -,_ g ,_ _ c·epllon at Ule Cottll' l"f'JIII.I(·nre In ·nJuY~ e. ••~·t.la)' lnp to tba ~-.uperiD-.....& ot lao......,.ac a 1':1 Monte 'Mwl young ~·oplr plan t•rl. UN ... ....._ dtJ --... 01 ~ "AXI:D to be away for a Wt'<'k Anll will \Vh1l.: Mr. Kol)'er .. -~ •-·•--•-.. • ... _ ~~ ....... ---=--==---------... ,, ...... ..., ---~ .__ .._. -......... ,.,...., '1\1.,. _........, .... then be at home to thl'lr fr11'nda ·' 1lh the Cout Oua.nl. ---1ae ..._.. fill ldM ~ _. ....... ...._-. ft. -.f. ot tllf' MatlAJon court In Balboa. .-·•II n•~~ok.: her home wtUl laY a-r-~e ....... a UM .,.... ...._, CJU Mr. Colt~. wt}o t. mana&er or nu Mr. and Mill. CUnt.oD B. -fill ..._ -1111~ M .,_.. lhl' Eut Nt:wport m~trkl'l, attt>nd-,.;,,l; •. r. or Newport BeadL ~- •·d Glf'ndaJe Hl,tl •ch<HJI 11niJ Jun· lor collrgl'. 1be new Mn. Colt!« Ia a rnaduate of Harbor High AChool and le now ··•npluycd by thf' Southl'm Callrornhl Tl'lephone \\ATE& COMJ:8 TO LAGUNA Culnrolio river water, ~ Six ......... ()fC ..... .w\'O'ral hwuln d maJa to Orallp A....-. Pn•1tl1• , uunty VIa the Metropollt.aD w .. "''&Jf'1111) '10 8UT-If..-.. .... -7 lie _, -,._ U7 .. ....... _........ .. ~ Gua.-J .... , ...... WANTED!! 131100. On-aid W. IUtda&e, Ull boulevard. FIUlnf et.aUoo, two c-t HiwaJ, COraea diE Mar. pumpe. 7,room ho~a.~e. Double ..._. 'U. llc • raraee. Full prioe _.300. TenM. nv. aw:DI700II aoua. ~~ Blvd. eo.t.a Meaa. 11c I R. C. Parker, liOt Newport llla&M, IUQ)' fta .1$-IL ...__. ::-::-::-::-:'-:-::-::-:-:-:-::-------...,... 1w·1eatal7. Jatuin 1101 fsftOOM HOUSJl and lll1f1ntabed Plua lal ._, ...... •· 0.0. duplex t Rooftnc. al41n&' uct UD· J . ....W, X.. I. NUl IlL. a.d-lnr furnlabed t, 2 Iota, tox121 ......_ Oellt. llp feet each . Full price U260. Tma. Dllla>JA ft J'Oil8EM!'Oif. Nftr 2 ~drooea ...... 8tueco. ~ .-JlldO. 1.-4 a~aJOO r.et. h7l ,.nc. ...... POGO c:ula. t40 pe -tiL IL C. Parker, liOt Newport BIYd., p-ta M-. R . C. Parker, 11101 Newpon Blvd.. Coeta · M-. lle FOR SALE-1 &CI'I' In Coet.a Meaa w1lh two hou.ea. I.azwe 2 bedroom houae fully tumJab. ed, open tor Immediate poMees company at Balboa. tt·r d1atrlct aqueduct, on Moed&J Aa r--a& fit .-t pa .,_ Bal bl -----tMtM U.rou«b P'..-la&.o U.. C... -3t ..... Alia Afti!J .or~ 1lllf Oa ,,na do.-1 Mar r-rvolr and lroa-~ dl5tltd caa .... 7 .._' World Day of Prayer tl\~r.. .:onunued on to lApDa one-~ a-~_. ---·--to Be Ob8erved Here LkACh 11\ert' aooru ot llltenllt· four -'7,.... tinll Mnrt a • ·-....... _. ... Ula?a ._ F..-11111& w • ..__r-ws..~ ............ , .l!on. 12000 down.. Su --. FUJtlfJ.GU:D _ _.••Uoa ~ 2814 W. Central, Newport. PIL ... u.rYtce ... u.-alee COfs 192. ~tl ... ~ ~ eqWpmeaL -- •---•--,.oJ Laguna Beach oftlclala wtt· ........,... .,.._ capCaAa .. -~ ~ 11 Arranrementa arc tx-mg madt' nc•ae.-d the tu~ of tM ¥&1,. Jor -JG11a 11. ~ .-,. R. C. PARJCF:R E\•eniJI4r8 at 7:00 6 t .lll ' fnr the ob.t••rvance of thl' "World nnd with Impromptu oer-e~ a-. wttll 111n. lla!Diu Dl .. ._ •••rat ........ Olola lira Lut 7111J.%1. a--,_111 • QUICK f>OSSI:;SSION. Home - fDr pa per IDOilUL ruu price Clift Dr~l'e, OVI'J'IOOklr~C Oceu ---... eMil. .. per mo. an(J Bay. 2 bedroom .bouae. Sews a. C. Putlft', 1101 Newpart er. Doublt: garage. Full price • t..ut t.;omplete 8bowtar of a Day or Pray.rr" whl<'h Will be Cf'l· thl' flrat 11ue of river bewnce a--Vlut& ~ ~~-----,.,;==---------------,.,;=:::. lluuble •'.,alur~ J>ror-am Start.a rbraled lhrourhout the ChrieUan 1 wo.UI con1umtd by Tbomu CWa, Ka,J. ll 1 • _.., • ..._ .,.....1 ... &ALa ------------· 8 a?•..-4 o.ta JbaL uc $7:JOO. $2000 cuh. MO per mo . ,l s :10 Adult.: ate. lnclud•na world on l''f'b. ~. lint F'rlday In mlnp. prNildent of lhe IAc-t.ant.. Ia a ~,. ot • p • ___ A ll&AL MONTI IIAla:ll -R. C. Parkrr, 1801 Newport Blvd.. Coeta Maa. f7tl T&L Sen1ce Mea 2k. LA-nt. Amon~r local gruup11 who Bl'llCh County we.ter dlatrlet. unt--a~ .._.. k _,_. a l &:....1t riwiiiww -pa-.; ....._t at BahMia 1ft 1aea.rt lncludlng Tu will participate will bfo Chnat Jo'ormal c~remoniH eelebrau-. ee m'ee ,...._ to .. ,.._ 1M· a.-_ -c.. ........ u. at '-"'. I'IDe equt~t. S.ta BEA UTl F"UL Coeta Meu Ranch. -----Church by lhe tka. l'u11ta Ml'u t•omplrtlon of the n-water 11M AnDJ 21e ,... w~ce jA 1 c. a ., a 1 •• peopk. Four apa.rtmata up-m·trlooklng bay. 11 acre.. 2 bed- ---------------------- ,..,._ • f"'t. • e.&. ~·ommun1ty rhurc.b, an.J Balboa will ta~ piau nelrt 'fUMda)'. ... ........... .......,.... _. .., PUWD.L ~ 8COOJA.. ft 11ta1ra. 1•-z...te PI 1 mha hD room bouee. all tum.labed. All II~ ht.n , PMrn Awnont ln lAI.e.nd £aU,nalon Sunday ectlool at Ha rry Wrtcht and 1Cm1J ~~~ porttac 5 J . I ....... UU pric» 111.000. -r.r-. Jl. c. kinde of chlcken equlpm.ent. AMignmeat in 128 Agete Ctt•ta Mtaa dlrectolll on U.. .,.. n. -~ .. .-. w. ("'p!W 4 ,.. ~ .... • ~. 1101 lfcwport 81yd,., eo. Trt'l'e and llhrubbery. Full prioe Tbr Idea orlll'lnated In 1887 and tn board, have been lnvtt.ed to Lt..-.... 1 ?•PC ..._ $ s ' .._. .lur -JdiiL lllf .._.. ta lira. ·• 11c 1 $4~. Tuma. R. c. Parker, BrlttaDY hu jtTOwn 1teadlly In \'Oiun\e un-nttend lhe function, u • ball Judi-ot~ r*' w r.-a.j 1808 Newport Blvd.. eo.ta ud a ConledJ ~ Ill lut ytar .. rvicet~ wrre eon· D J. Dodi'f U .. ••lllt)' .t ~ ...... ~ rat ........ o.la ..__ .., 'J'W0..8'1'UaT aodenl laome -~ Meea. llc 'l'be Daaeln'i Muter& tuctrli In mor-e lhan 10,000 placea ~-_,_...a.-..-... 18 ct.-.. 8JL SA-.s _,bE$ .... ~ n-t, 1~ mo. .-tot ------------------------ 10 !Wl t11tfuent nallone Every f'Ol'NDEil'K DAY KZrr'INO he --.. ue1115 a .._, .. -.C..-.. ... lfe•,_t. ~ ,.,..... larp OWS?!:R OCCUPIJ:O-Nice cbL wf~ Laurel HaniJ -I ·-___,_. ..__ ' . ~rroup followa J..bc aame prorram. Mn L. E. Sutherland, llt&t.e aDd ,..., ne a. _. -. ta .a---.. ... r----·-,_, llltdMQ, country homl'; 4,room bouaa. J OUteea • Newt ' the r~tual lhla year hevtnr ~n ··hRlrman of che.racter tducaUOil Luo:teclle -1101111* .t Jh.....,t.. l =;i;j;;:::c;i;;;;;--.;;;;;)~a: ....,. ,_ Ud lliatla Oil ftnt acre on Elden. family trwt. .__ • ·-. • ...._. , pl'l'pared by a commlttf'e of 30 ,1r till' Pe.rt'nt-Teachrr auod&Uoft. Pn -1111 r.-_... ...._ P ns Ow .__ ..., n..r; t ....,, a • • -.ond. winter rarden. chick-en ~ Wallace lleerJ lD men ~prf'eenllnr u many na-will be guett !~J~Hker at tiM ant to tll'lll W;J• 1-r . --: ....... ..._ _. ?:-' ..._ -..a ..._.WW wtUl ~· ment. wuhho.»e and tAios.lut, tlnna.U!t,.. The 1944 theme '-: Founder'• Day meeunr of New, ~ 'Nl __ ..... --... ~ lL 'N.. •nJWl .....,, ..... Pit. ...... Wrtte r . Ham-$4750 Terrna. Call lin. IUaodal, s.late to tbe Marines "And Ow Lord Won..t,.red That port Beach orwnma.r 8dtool p ,. c-... -.. ~ a... I ZIIP -· P.o . a-10M. a...rty l daytlm•. &ant& Ana 1111;....., o.nu... 'I* Ia A ,_,If .... 'nl~r• Wu No lnl,.rt-r." T. A. The ~~eMion. wblc:la wUI be 2 .. .,_.. ~ atloBI. On?ac --.-.-.-.-010---------lti2la. o.Tf. •Tp 8. A. 11136-W. ... 8uP,VV ... lng Ule ~k'braUon at h,.ltl at Uw IIChool audll-011-JW..; ~-I -Ill CliP-ea-JDI ~·= ~ I -----------------------------------------W 's 0'1' 0x1J • t.hf' beac.h are Mudanv e E. D n•·xt Mon1tay, beJ1nnlnc at 2:10, a1. 1lllao& ..__.~I. I ...._ ...... • JWl ._._ Goodell ElaJe Newland, Stnen , "111 have u epeclal rue-ta at J1oon. D1 7 , ..__ .... They Came to Wt'alherlor.t. 11!:\'f'rt'!t F'Unkhoua,, hrmor mervbera or the eo.ta M-boa .lllaM ... 81 U America f'r, John Elliott. H 0 . Enelp and p . T A and put pr.tldenta ol -----1 :-,_.--: .. '"':,.=::--GAa----.-A-... -----:..,--a--... --HELPERS MACHINISTS ... PIPEFITTERS CARPENTERS and • Comp&Non r-ture ---j:fRdl' motllera will be '-t.Neee. DeVal ............. ~ --Cll& -Ill ..... Help us build the most modern H I G H OW D Ll'o.nard Harwravre. . I thl' loral group. Third and Fourtla PA&A'I'\&OGiWIIIIIII"iA... --~ z 0 a .... _._ Pe~!_,I=ny T~!o~P~~~n:x;:~s~,h tf'd-II b -Attractions ;:.,. "'...,u.. _:...!. .i..t .::= ..:~ fti6Dl -. wa & c.ac: S P E E D B 0 A T S ... while learning a ,.ral -and IIIRlf' ~re Khrduled to ar Or lmdft9!UW -------------kill b d ...J 8~ Tllllft.. r-. U br Ill Nrwport Hnrbor M!Amtwr l \\'id~Jy Publicized ~~at~·:::....~ JIAKS TOI"'OAT ... -.; .... S t at jg nee e~..J in peace a8 Well aS in War Above g··-p'-lon nr \ommrrf'•· Jlrlor to tlw df'ad-I\ , Y bt Magazln tnc ee¥6f.. ..... ..._ -a • ~~~a~~~~.-NO STErL YARD NOISE·' DUB ft:; llnr for tlllnJC r••turn11 A rrrn·-· ) &C e daJ ~ l8 ,_,_......... ~ -- -£:. ud ..,ntllllVI' of tll" Stall' lnrom., tax 1 On,. of the-beat publldt)' line tu. maaJ ..._.. ..... ~ ....,.-a ..._ ._ -=t.. ,_ _.. Victory Through dl'partmPnt w 1ll tl<> at the orrtn• "hrt'llka" that hu come to New-alao bu a ea _., , _...., '-·alia M: ..._, • ...,. ,.,..._ WILMINGTON BOAT WORKS INC . on Fl'b 28 and two I[O\'rmmrnt ptlrl Hubor In reoent ypare Ia a l Ia Uvea ill tM ..._ a.tltd., ~rGd? -=t.. .._ 1 .. Alaa · t Air Power lllX mrn Will b<• lhl•ff' tor a thrl'f': ll•n..:lhy artlclt by Morley Cooper.'!: .......... __,. •=rut Box 756, (End of Yacht St.) ---·· TettiDa .,_. dAy elAn•l nn l'thN'h 9. 10 lllld 11. "Th•' Weet Cout'e Newport Har· 8 d udlnc a IMt«, ._ ftw 7 'l'lliler ...._ 2I.U Oral ~ Ph 1390 Wil · t C lif flomlar: I Dood It; .I'M\e mrn will not !Ill out rorma l bor ." whkh le contained In Ute Mr1dpe: a'" 's .... --ILl ... one -mmg on, a . Mw1q Mtallt lbWe hut w111 anawt-r queatlona con-l'·rbruuy laau«' <1f Yachllnf, pub-,.· Bridla; *' _... _. -...C. I NO ~1l~TAL IS~ 'II.'NO TRAFFIC ' b T k Cit I r. and •n 0..& OW._. a 1..,.. ___ •••., .I.~.U, ~..t l. Buy War Sooda aod Stampe at ····rt paymf'nt ror tuea. Thr arllrll', which 111 18\·iahly tJ, port =iniOiriii;;;jj;;;Jii;;&;-ijt"jli ----''"mtng tu pro lrm• and will ac-lu•hrd In New or y. couan. Ronald 0., fill ~ .__t --.-r-- tbit Th•atr•. 1uatr11trd with lit'\~ IUpt'rb pho-l boWeYard. -..oar -5 ._. _. » ~~~~~~~~~~~ If ___ 1 tn" hv Krnt HltchNM'k ll.nd W. c. .. ..... ..., ....._ a.a. .... Y...a ........... •etwol'll : .L:GOCU GMJ p.,~tJif41 , !-!Awv~r. cfwf'llll at ronelder.ble, ~IP I1'1IIM ... UJ2 W. OWtlull. AfiL ~ ft. -_ ... , rnt~UJW • j .. _. lllls• .. LEGAL Nm'IC'E Boat ADELE C\Wtom No. A .... l wu purd\ue-4 on January IIUa. 1144 by Fred Pomer1eau, tree and clear of all lndebtedn88 u ol that date. All bllle aptnat thle boat prtor tAl Jan. 28th, 1H• may be coUect, ed urnn pl'l'aentaUon to C. B. Kip. R fl. No. 1, 17110 WhltUer, Coeta M··~a. Calif. Sl&'if'd. F'RW POMERL&AU, CHAPEL by file SEA e . .e~ 8~ 410 Cout 81Yd. CORdNA DIL MAR ~.t.,.--~ DAY AND IIIGHT .. lt•n,.th nn t~ bC'aullea of Ute h&r, I r A mArrltogr ll<'f'n.,. wa1 ta.ued .. 11c-. at U. r.-..... Ill R"nla Ana '" John F' PuiTI'II htir anti particularly ,.laboratea ·-~ .. ftAD ... -··••e• •oua NAVY" •n•l <Aorlru•l<' Ann F'rant•k, both nn thr lrl'm,.ndoua number of -. IJir1we ,.a.a-,._ llltaa ----w • ••f R"lbna. J•lt's•url' t>nate me.klnK thll their g fJ s. A " Kallaa'a _.,_ ...... 111f-W. ' ~ Onr alat.emrnt In the article *' • • • ....._. -="'<'W"'trl ll•·l~hU! \\' R C S w ill hnmr J>Ol't. I '~.I.: - mHt n~xt Thur~-I"Y nt thl' homf' of M no \\' II Tnll!ly, :t:IO Santa ··lnrt'!O ''In lhl• ha.rbor are moors -. ~ , ! ;;+;,. A_ .n:. ••• ,. ~ ... .._ Ana a\'tnur ••rl mnr,. yachlll of rvery d..a<"rips Ci#ftZ, ~,_,....., ~ ......_., ._ J14 _. Ocnl' ~frf' Mrtrth" ~11f'r nf nn1boR )a· I HH\ than &r~ tn bf" found In an t .............. , .-. - - lAnd I• IJlf'IHfin~t " Wf'f'k In Loa nthl'r PRI'Iflc Cout anchora«ea I --,_ ...... At au ..... An~l'lee II! !h,. hnmt or h,.r ann. f'nm blnt'il .. Jn anothrr rtac•. Mr ._ ••rwL ..., L G Stll'r Mnrlry wrote· "Nowher. In Am· , nca Rr4" lh,.re con.-entrat.ed to New Gu•• 1 f ..... • R. P. BUJCil --. -. Mr•. R S f)(>wmng nf Balboa II alowly f!'<'Q\'trtnJ: from a pro· lhr "q'""" lnr h u many yachta I lonjtl'd tiii'V'M <"ompllclltf'd by a 1111ol y11chl111T\f'n." .. Radio Batteries ............... --. .. -~ ....... __ ,.,..... -... ,__ a-. hr art allmrnt Mr Mnrlrv 111 a resident of Te-- f. MI'IJ F1ora Rnl!y. 30i LJndo mr f'lllll but ·hu lon~t held a hlp avf'n~. t• 11,;111n able to be up artml!'11llon for lhe Harbor and and around 11rtrr a prolonged lht ,·s rlnua advanlal:n otfer-.11 ................ -.... ~ .. JWt.. .. --Wllfe of nu 11nd ultima. Mill. Joe Mulholland of Suttle MO\'JSO TO W ASRINOTO'N I• vlaltlnr htr brolhn·ln·law and ailter. Mr and Mra H L. Slhlll- tnr . lt20 Manunlta tlrMt. Mr. and Mra. T B. Tf'rry, 1780 Anaheim avrnu,., were calltd to Alta Lnma S•lurday hy lhl' death of Mr Ttrry'e f•thtr. Mill. Bll"dl'llll BsH tlu rf'hlrnf'd to her r'Hidencf' at 2810 W 0<'1'1111 F'Pont after trpt'ndln~t thl' p111t II<'V· eral WHka 11t h••r r1111r h home near Downey Mr. and Mn J 8 Ifill. li!IO A.n&llelm avenul'. C'Mta M~ea. have befon tnjoylr11f a \'llllt from u..tr aon T. C Llnduy Hill. "·flo le 8l&tlonf'd at lndlan Town O•p Military R.fwrvatlon In Penneyl-. ..,. .... Mr. IUid Mra Chet \rank of Lido lelt ltrt lhl1 wHk for Snr York wher. thry wm attend ~r· emontee markln• tht' rnaduaUon nf their aon. F\llmo~. at Nnr Vnrk Unh"t'ralty and hla com, 'Til~~elonlnJ u a IM'eOIId lleulenant 'n thr AMTIV Air F'OM'f'll. Young \rank will '1"'1' ulijp~ed to the -•, lher ~t u a met.orolo- Mrs. Boyd R • Lewl11 and liOn, I Al"n. 21i Sepphtr. avf'n~. are H ld L Ha ln\'lng thla week to, Wuhlnl'· aro mm ton, D C. whrre CkJ will join! PICK YOUR BARGAIN FOR TIDS WEEK! thrlr hulband and falJvor. Lt. I RadJo SoU8111 Tt n I gle <"nmdr vwt•. rf'<'entl>· back trom 1215 Marin•. IAL80A IILAIZD ·u ----··--thl' &-outhWftt Paclne Duri~ her 1 ... ~ -....--.---..- "1'\'f'ral ~.,..· re.tdence tt.l'f Mn.j .. ,. .. • ,, • 8latiaa w..---W!!e -a IA'wls hae ~n af'llve In Red 1 c 7J ft.o Y • 'IVDOa. 0.. · · \1'01'8 hnml' tf'r\'ICf', Cub ,8{'0\Jt 1 LASIFI I .... ar.. wnrk and P"l'!'nt·Tuch,.r l l'tivt· "SI ft.o ft.A.JID.AIID COUPS. """ lllld hl'r derartun' will bf' -~ ~~nr.ly re~tted by hf'r ro.·work· RATES for CJ gPe4 .... Ia tMa ~ CIIKY. •'ftU),.."JC.,•• aDAK . · ,,,.. 8 J'IOIHt type -. JIDr ... .. .... ~ • -----each ·~-qz .. ..., -u a.Y~ 'IV..... O....p -...& cr.-stu~" T.\llEM NAM'I!D 1c per wont; twr ., ~ -tat. Mra. W. K. Kende.ll of Corona Mnle copy t• ,._ fill ...._ "II PLI'aiU'IB 0. ~ ... ,,,.,Mar and Mra. HaY'M tp. 4S3 Oou~e re~ O'r t ''hoe~: DAJ1.. ,... ..... _. JII03I. \·lrtor1a ·~t. Coeta ...... U\'t' t1ouble f iltH .. s• Jllllilll .,._ ... --- ht'-f'n named to canv .. Ule Har-Mrntmum • ~ 11r Dlllt' .. lie. • har ar.a and C~t.a M.ea In tM All Clu.~lf\ed .._ _. .. ,.,. .,_. Jilllt'r7 ~ rnrUieomln~r manpower Cf'~ In ad,·aore ~ .... _..auw ~ aarw-, ... -- The ceneue. which le to be cons ~cutar ---' ..., • rtur tt"d only In IUch aecllon.1 of • L Y L E p 0 P E thl' United ~talf'a u have bHtl dul~rT~•ted "crtttcal ho\Litn« ar.u .. IIF.I..P 1rAN"'D Newport Aatc S.Jee .,. fCtr thf' purpollf' of dl'teMT~Inln« ··---------2800 W. ~-traJ hl'W jfr'f'at a pe~nt&ll'f of local \\' A:'\"T£.::\ -~ -.., '-A:&& OVER ~IC A EVERY FRIDAY AT 9 P. M. na. .-ocpam ia put oa bJ Hall Broa., maker• of the famoue IAU.MUIC ....... eu.la •ow •• Display TOUI DU.UI IIIPIIT .vENIR AND Gin SHOP 2102 Oc... Freet. N_,_t S.ach MORRELL'S PRIDE IOW&nODVCD IIIOBED MEATS \\'ROLE 81AB BACON HALF 81AB MOON 8LJ('E0 BAOON Plenty of Choice Cute of ••wa. •••r-• PO .. for your w .. ltend neede. ALPHA BETA MARKET COSTA MESA L-----~--~--_.1~ rHicknta are anpc.ct ta wen eldt!rly P..,..,.. .... ~ ....__ 1-n.-..., to tiM war .tfart, 1611. .. c ..... .- ..