HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-02-22 - Newport Balboa News TimesTHE SAND CRAB .. , Buy Bonds to End War Quicker IEEP POITD I I 1 Year • • • • $2.&1 EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSU~ WEST NEWPORT. S~ SHOll£ ~~ ... Y. LIDO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS. BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA ~~~~~~~~====~~~~~~~~~~~----------------------------~------------- VOLUME X..'(X\'1 NI.WP'Otrl KACM. CAUFOII .. IA. TWaDAY. FI.GRUA"~ 22, ,, .. Editor -Commentator ManChester Boddy Speaks Here Feb. 24th Famo•lditor Here ~Another Harbor Hi Grad Answers (,nil to C.olon l !,•rl\l•l ~IIIIth nl 1112 W ~lrt'&l'l • 1 ., .. ,.1 "•II '"""" ... ,n I•• ... rv,. \\ tl h I ht• 1\lnlr<l '"""""• llf' Ia f'n lrr•1•.: I hr """V ""'' h I"'" I•• I( >'I 1111•• thr rlljllnf'o•rlna bratM"h. 1'11t .. II 11r ~it tU,4t ~1t ill t••tt•,l ~""" tu· '" " ~"'"'""'''' ''' lll\fh"r II• '""I .n, .... ,,n.l """ \""''" ""'''"' •••.: ~n •oh A"" .I c • ltr will '"' ~.7 --... __ ------- Colossal Storm Hits Newport H~rbor; Worst In Thirty Years · Harbor \Vt•ll Pruh•,·h-d From Prt•vailiog South and Southeast \\finds. llou~s l10latfd in ~lnuKh tc:aMt of He&Mid(' Uriv~ from tide YOU MIST IEGISTEI lOW TO VOTE AT CITY ELECTIONS ON APRIL 11 March 2nd IR the Deadline (or These ltegiHtratiomJ ,..,,., .,... ~ at Whldl tn R4-&hlt4"r u Hupplleti hy City Clfork KhM!hart: NI"Wpp)rt IIMc-h Uty llaJI, with Mnlw>l Cumming , Manon 1'unlf'r and Frank Hi.114'tuu1 1tN ~lrn"'; ll&lboa 111"' Ht&Uoa, 7o.1 E1txt llay, with Jnn H~ nnd~ttrcy Pt'JJctt u rrgilltranl; Nrwport .._....,,_,Statton, 2R17 WrKt Qontml, wtth Robrrt Jadwin and Everett Daynant u n!Kiatral"': Belhoa Wud Fir.. Rea..,_, :l27 MllrtrK-, with Edward 7.ube and R. R Raact.U u ~rw; Howard Oerrtlt. Offlee. 2617 W. ~tral, Newport Bfiach; ,....,... w-. 16m Padl'lc Dr1~. Corona del liar; Nt>lle L Willa-. 700 E. Cftltnd, Battx.. SaD Diep Boat To JiWI Hrre Loal CoMem Expands Fatilities Buildinfl Permits NEWPO'i'T BEACH 1!134 CaWAio fAtnm1 Brilliant Event 'Stage Star In Santa Ana E.nd 8arrymt)N!, 111W.Ce Novem- Jow lilartJrl ' .. I • I • '• lh• ~aa­ C'Ot 1 SpoA'tl\m 1 ~ I .,: ., h1 h b:u t.H'II oprnto~ !r "ll. t\t• .. ~ l..&n•l .,.. ., ar . ,.,.-· ,, . .-~>p•·'' &~t. aA~ "'''t • • r 1\ 'I l._.itiOf'l d tlw .-..tl • ~ ... .,. rll i!oTl njt 19:1:, Tht' 1 'I rck-Taal and Balboa 11\311 T'nonllt~r IUid Stori\I(C' Company 1":17 19:1'1 :!3:'1.0i4 4\li .H II 7~.()tle !JUI\0~1 111 1 t;'l~ 1\ll 7 ;~. a, EAiwaf'IIJ GMI*tl ~~ I!HO. the galltmt Mlu Moffat The Frbruary ~ of ttw uf . .,..,. ( '<'rn 18 Green," wUI be Cultando CI:Jb o1 Santa Ana wu -u al t~tt' Santa Alta High a r..-tatioa that delleht.d t'\'· SC'h1JOI AU•tllo)rium. Frl:.iay eve-- •.nlt •r.e and pn-a f>l"'lt-time-r a nang. F('bl uary 2~. al'C'lrding to "'-'!;f.l~zat kcl that tiM> ~tatlno of nn a1.nounremc:1t ot the Santa 1 tN C'lub Is drwn·..t "n'e orpni· Ana Eb/'11 Ltram:l Sect :on which Ia 7atlon and Ita dJI'ft'lor Hnbo>rt c lpon.'lurl'lg t ~c preacnlatlon. bt'4U ·Star Ar.j..l• 1 I rrr .• 1 h n ,_. ., Ow m r n • ~ (., .. ,.,., "' .,_, nl "-" • • ~ .. • >A n•-rl ancl "~"'"'"'' by ()'NrlU and l '<:l!l IWnn•·lt haw• r~• •·nlly l"llp&Ddl'd !!HO th•'~r-f~t tilt.,.,. leU•! arr n••Y.· IU Pf,.. J'•4 1 "'-'"" ... tt.•• rnaltJtliKtt at tf,t h 1!t4:.! '1 '''" anol ''"nlrlll nvt "lf4' 10 New· 1 1: }lt<lllllTV 1943 1.0111 ~n 1.:.1.!!1 '"" :!no.:·~~ 1 Rickel, al'f' a JTt'1ll crf'dlt to· ·M ~IJ!a ftlnffat. the English ~ Oran.:e Count"' and So1,1them C'llll· cu1l \'.'1 rker whu g<l(>l to a amall 'fbt bt.t ,. .,.:, r ... t l••n.: \'.ott~ " 11-. I•« 1..-Aa~ n .. ~·II• y -al..f; 18 ..,.. W'\n r <41 n \ 01LfHr1&1JI)' 6h ~ f••• ~a··rlfl•hln~ ThO!' ""Sl&r An~lrr · hu J l'kJt IAAiu 8114 W'aD w Itt .,,... .. ~ f room K1111t'• ~ tiUJl•DI Ar n l 1at 1 "" tn ,,.J•IJ&tr,n I•• l ,. lo('•tlnn L' 1 r,. 1ru11ry ..... 1 fortna.. W f'll!h vtlln~:•·. ln the hope o! edu-... n.-.,, cr~.rn lh~ lttJr•ry n Balbua. • '"" h 7 t\77 !I 14.-'l"be-c~ featured Allan Wat-catlns U1r Ul't~l'!\l" pit boya from s n bar1t~ aotnat wttb ~ ~-th,• mlrlt'111. Mi111 Barrymore hu .. ra. Enra \\'atwta. accompan•at fuunJ a rolf' nul only Ideally ault· His flrlr ~·P ot IIO!t~ \IK'Iudln~ t'\1 to her t ut one which i11 partlc-··~Jude" from "C'yck-c1 Ufe" by ul~rly :;ympatbl'liC The play WU La.Ddoo Rooald. GeorJ:e H-bd'e wrtttm b;,· Emlyn Wllllama and .... ommc SonC and a fine DW11·1 prnduct'oJ by Ht'rtnan Shumlln. !lec:a•1 • •a:•t' ... ,b! .. ~ 11 ,..._,. C., v.t....:r ~InC and tiM' ~ Ill It ~~ • l.!>t' v• t)' f•>UII· ..._ flit fbal'allrr Jan: ... R~· .. '-.. f ·.t tz., n. .. r lhiA '••tnmun''Y uwr Ul .. ..., ffif'D I& 1lo l>t ''' l!:(illtiii.Jt: rur malun~ ov .. r th. 1~lh •tlrt't prop· erty. whk h >A IU foorm .. rlr "" u: tour w .. nt e-y~rf'a ll hu ~f!n romplelely renu•ata.l lrullde &11<1 CM,It by Mr. Roy Grfton!.al, a job r.-qwrinc mot"l" than two montt\1. to compkote ano1 finally mak•n.: It orw ol t.tw he'• II f' r locMunr "i rtl(' • lures In thu an-a. LEGAL FORMS FOI EVERY TillS ACTIO I We ._.... -* It eonwrdiDt for JOU to -.w , .................... f/16e ... br c:arr,lllila ~ atodl _ ................. ,. .... 0 t ,... of ~ ..._.'lC'tioiL t •'-' ...... ap 7 I 1i) ............. ._ ..... .,,... ...... p6 J' "-• I ;I 11 ~ ... ,. ,,,.....,....... .... sa 2 a _, s n u a .... ..._. I n...a .. ,... .. 2 2 a ... ••a r ) ..... ,, .. ,...,.._ .. ,. .. .-p ...... lEIS-TilES • nma.• ·-~~...,., • .,.,... --..... co.-..,· ...... ---...... ! HnY ie ..._.cr 5 -••w.,..._. ... ...... a • , .. ..., _. ...._ .., ....-...., .._.._, ____ ....., ............. ........ ........ -........ fl .. ......... • April !\IIIV June ,lulv A Uf!'\1~1 !Vptrmll"r , ). '''"''' Nnvl'mber Oft'fom btor Total 1944 I I 1•4 10 0 1 16.160 1-t.: 3.! I ber tmm -~--by Ambroia Tkllell sn> now on t1ale at the '11\omu. pve-a ftaJ teat o1 t.be Santa An'l Book Ston!, 208 W. am~a y~~e~ and Jet ~ ki'MN' that Foorth atreei. :aota Ana. phone we W'ft't' beei"'DC -ot tboefo ran Santa All3 ':0 tboi(JUji;hl' I!DIIItt'red "*"'-that Lt I jg 1 B -Tv-an--Bf-l_m_&D_ new January 1-'•b. I() J W Tmf'hl••"l ~•1 " Sllth au-t. New.p.rt U•'lll h, Jl"' .,v.·n~r In build a.l•llllnn t n pn 'll\'11 .J•· .. Ihn,;. 'l f'O''rNI ami atlo l I k tt< hl'n. 5400 f '«'b 10 rt • If. l.•~•ntlll. l.lalbc> llll•n!l. ptor nwnl'r, to rnak" MIVrh t 1•11111 \o<h-lutf'rlor .,f dwt'lllllf!:. 30~ ::.. twa:;.:U~ u-. In a Ufe· down f rom Porii&Dd. Ore .. where · ~p. l·~hter he Is at prelM'nt l!tatloned to llpftld :: -:::..:' !;.:::U..':: :~ , It'D da~• with 61s wife, the !o;mrr l~t. · ~1 He-ard y-Go." by Daft· Uarjor e Adalll.l and family. • Huby Sl~. \De Wotd f'f'aCiwd ckar tnlo a rtnH'' the rnult wu good muak man·a.beart aad hUIIIwd Into quwt. aftd a nal treat to the hearer. 1'1lea follcM'ed Albert Hay Ma· One cn&t number wu Chari• lotte'a -~ lit EJ-,-wbkb Gounod'a "Unfold Ye Portala" ~~ bKil a U1t. Witb Horace Ritner, tenor aoloUIL ' Mr. Bkllft ~ JU. fine mu-\\'e eould wtab to bear aucb a .,~,.,, 2 p,.tc·r .. on, 1722 1-: O<'f'&ll I"'' ('unrl\<1 loihnrtk , '" hurl•t :. rt I · ;~;;;.·~·, ~~~ bt·-lromn ··f dw•·11·"~~ "Kansan'' Showing Newoort Harbor Ration Coupon -'c'--lltp both 1B -~ aDd aln,er In IIUCb a number oftener. eoedad ol tM procna, Wbet!wr . nw cloelnc number, when Allan tw .... balldliac a Grtec. a Met~· Wa'--,nc with the club "Tbe ~ a Necro Bpirit.-1 or to. Tornador Son(" from "Carmen'' day'• -ally ~ "-' l"'nd wa.a a 1\ill. fine flalah to a com· •I Wuwc. or t.M ....... o1 t.M Ma-1 paeu neninc. ,_----:--- .. h~:b'"'!~u·~·pt'~ ;:~::/·.~~in~:~ At Lido Sponsored 1 Has N·ew, (A)mplete Dates and Data lnterlllr or .tw~lllrtl(, 3~ Ort•hltJ By Grammar PTA I Boat-Repair Unit -I tOO. • _ • • --=--Rat I on calendar ror putod Feb, l4 H. H Sumnwra. 4'l:! • I .,. "' 1:3 lou' Th .,. A<' cordi"• to J . B. Keadall, .... .:rnn ng r t'u. • <:P9'0 • .,... -·at r P1·~ rw ·-n t • " Frt<la,v 111gbt. r eb. Zll, ...,.. .._ ... ,.. ..... r;•-" -~ . .-r ~ "' 0 r~-uwn .. r. Kendall'• Boat Service Ia War "•tl-a..t& 1 -'.ce wood touno.l&Uon with coa· '"It or I he ptC"turf' curreat at U.. .,._m No 1•1 1 -•· ............._, ... now cotnr run awtnr; at 34~2 Vta "'.. P · -_... - cnte bl«k. poo. U<ln Tltutrr, "Th<' K.&Aan,"...,.. Oporto, Nrwport Bfaeb. Tbla new ! n~· to •date not .tl. I f'~. I~J. P. Harriet .. cArdlr, rtnc IUcbard Dla. wiU be 'i 1 addition to the Harbor ari!a occu-t War "•U• ._. 111 I 1601 Cout BIYd.., per owner. to 1 the 1 I a,.,.,wo ataa:Jpe -l'br .-&. IIWid 24&30 ..,.._ only with two rd by thr Gr~Lmmar School P.T.A.. Pea I te or the former Tay11lr •·a1111,.,1 l lah. mo.t dtlle .-a, 1 alury ff'undation for rutun! apt. Auoclatlon u a beol!tlt projelt. Boat W orlta. • bel'lel and caDJWd milk· USED CARS NEEDED AT ONCE OYt'T 20t Walnut atreet. $~ SUla are offrred at the ....... KeDdall'a Bo.t Service c~a .. t.l V-January 23 to ~ a Feb 16 Rokrl Murphy, 809 price. I ot a -plete carpenter· e':op. ma-l w -January 30 to F._, a 1"-:-lr Cam ,_ Yoar c .. 01' Your EquJ•ty P'AJit ,.._t at C rloe •aye, macblne abop and or. X-F~b 1 to r-_ ~- ....,..., r a vf'nue-, per la udr ln order that thla or,_.U. feN asotor overba&Jllll&. at.eam l y F · ... ~ 13 to !.~-=-.:. -Sweetman. to build concrete bluet! .,., __ , ~ ..... I atnrar• bulldln« 11&00 will ref'elvl' tt.. ptorcrntap, ~ clfl&IWI(, W'eldiD(, boat painting. Z Ft>bruary 210 to ltlarch 3D. CUI BERTSON CHEVROLET CO t;eb, 18 1. v. ~ 110 c ar-l muat be purchll81'd In adY&Dce o1 yacht &Dchorace and lrulde ato r· S tamp Bonus _ ~ .,. • net, per OWMr to build hH arldJ·I th,. lhowtna at a11y of the follow• ::-do ~·;!~!~~&lao !'~"~It KiVt' d 2 1brown1 , ~ldta for ftlfl7 -0... .&w.. .._ 11& ......... a.e11 tJon to (ll r&lt' 1200 . inr; Jocattont'' P'AdJe MOON'F. g, an · n e poun ° sa '~'81t.,.. tdwft fata ,..-i~===================~=====~ • • • 1 near tutut"l", to do towing. l't>ived I IILE'T"ICAL P'E"MITS I Newport ~ach. Cham'<L6ber of 0...1 The aervlee Ia now dotnc reneral S~p Nn. 1 on .. atrplaJie"' lllllllllll P'eb. 1-John Trueblood, !lit) m"~".:1 •. ~•llx1> 8 1; "nle -arket ~ "'pair work on 81'Yt'ral mlall boata. 11 pair shOt>VI now to datf' noe IIPt on .-"''" • and or &Dy _,, "nle d 1 bl t 38th tltrHl, per 81arllbeard. m be f p T A yar a a e o handle aU War "•tMfl 11ee1t tY Feb. &-E. A. Harnett, 210 F. ~~e ~:~ure ~ln · otfend 11M lypea or cra1t up to ~:\ feet. Mr. Stamp No. JO... (5 Jba • ...,., Orean n-ont. P" 81acll~ard. I 1 KfDdall feela that he 1a extremely now to March 31 -.b .. N w unhtveraal 8 1'JM'1 al •• ~~ t.b-~ routunate t o have the aervkea of Stamp No ~(5 1'--nn'--r ... -. A. arner. 320ft w en we are l(b--a lor' OW.._ J .. 8ban . .... ..... ..,. Ol&nnel Plaee, per Blackbeard. 1 ac. non. ehiJ>-owner and !<UJt"arl now. to Ft.'bruary 21. l!MS P'tb. 14 8tm Mello. 2808 w. mocracy whot~e earlier •tac-ell llk!l)per. who hu 48 Y•·anl' expert-I Green nnmpe for c:a..nned 1~ ~ntral, per Home Electric ~~vrl• p~tnt ar.-pit•tured ln "Tb:t ! •nee In lhlp l"l"pair Mr. Shannuu anc1 cPrtain ~ydrah-d f~: ; ret.. 1~ Ore, 401 E. ,nro•" Ia -n known all along thr cout ; G, H and J-JanU&I')' 1 to Feb- Central, ~r Blarllbeard. ae a crattaman. Lee Palmu a I ruary 210. ~ .... b 1 Sam Kina!.c&Ua:r. :120 RedLuadl tr ~ ' ·-' · •··· ~; .·' jrJ : · ;, _;' K. I·· "nd ~~ Ff'tmuu·y 1 to ,... . M. M . eutwr, 128" M C'rylltal. per Blaell~ avt'flue, Nrwport H•lghllll. • C1 •t!h. Lt alao wr rklnr; at lbt' yard. j ardl 20. 1 l"eb. 8-Stuart Diehl, per owner, By ~. tlmf' t~at tt.,. aur .• nl"r Gl'('('f't stamps K. L' and W llrill P'LUMBINQ PII"MITI 608 Goldenrod avtnut. Corona del aeaa r r rriv,.r;, 3.!r K~mlrlll hnpNI ~"' ,7ooc1 until Mart"h 20 at tfwtr &. Jo'eb. Capt. E. Borden per s. Mar. to he,,. t: ~ F.~11 Janr :n allah!.-r.1r :>. •. nnd I vnhh.,.. Bh.w tobons E Eaton, 128-43rd atre-rt. Feb. 10 Ja<"k Llrf'll. per OWMF, charter par t I'B The ~ktpp..,. "1ul'""11l 1"' l!i''"n I~ ci\ang(•. for ~, Jo't'b. 4 Hubert Thompeon :>00 E Bay avenue. be Georae Check who ran lhf' 0" ,10011 Afro•r f'• ltruary !7 ---j bo:lt otr Bto~cher's Lanolin • {uo l.•·tl 10' ""'f" '10 po•lnta ea I f« 1 " n•••at • :onn•·•l t l!lb m..,.. f'<llblr o{la I ..,Yf'•a Yl:lrll_ 0 'hooo ~··!I ""'' r;onn.-.<f m ilk -0 J D Ken,l:lll 1!1 a """'' ••ml'r I• AI< lUI ~ L' 1 '"' r1 h I I I r ' 1 r " )fll."lr')' '!7 \1, ,~e>A po , av ng "'"' ur st>ven • .\I.•\ :_~1 1 yenr~ In Long Bt'Bl'h. H f' has two ·~~ F'_,. nnd F8 !'lard\ 12 to 1 flahinr; Cl llf\ of htl! nwn the Ellt>r• !\fa~ :.'0 M, and Lhl' Mnruvllln. both 3X I-: I llht~· "'aonp• •HI l"'inl• ra 1 ror l l f~l Vt-1" 1c-annf'•l fro7.o'n 1\Jhl rrrtaln dmy- l olrllll'•l f•><'~ilo WHAT'S COOKIN' .\1-l. RX <'M 1)$1 •~ F··l•rual')' 27 OLD·FAIHIONED TliRIF'T' Your ~r:randmolher'l thrifty htart would be pleued_ It you chooee lard tor your all-purpo11e llhort.eninr;. She w ould approve Ita lowC'r price I and Ita low point valu-only two pointe per pound. And lard gOM tar becauae of Ita 100 per cent fat cootent. So when u.alng lard. yoo I need only about lbree.foortlwl of 1 t.be amoont called for by many to Mill' 20. Ffl. GR I 18. JR. and KR April 1 to June 20 . Gnollne Coupon No. 10 I A·Dookl. good now to March 21. Cour)()n No. 10 1 A-book. .:ood for 3 gniiOM of ga."()tint') Jan. 22 to March 21. All coupona mu.at be endoned on face with car llceft81P number and atate of re(ttltrallon. MO"E ~LAVO" Tire t,..ect .... OM of the ftneat navor-adchnc C·book holdt.>~~ry 3 moDths. reel pee. IDI'f'edlenta available to coolu I.e 5th Inspection btofOI"l" Ff'brual)• 29. &ard. the "natural" llhorteDlD&'. B·book holde~~ry 4 montM. tJaed ID ple cruat. blarulla. cooklu 4th Inspection btofOI"l" Ft.'bruaty 21. and ot.Mr tooele, lard' a own ct.U-A-book holders--n-~ry I monU.. cate llavor enhaneu every food 3rd lrwpec:tlon befOft lol.arc:t. IL W'llk:b It abortena and makn It T-couporr holdnl -"ft'7 • really tender and Oaky. Tbat'a one months or 5000 mlks of drivtnc. I of Ule aecnta ot thOR melt-In· ,aur-moolh de-rta our rrand- NEWPORT TACKLE STORE ·Pup" c.._, llanacer (F.-ty C... ArU) Bait ... Tackle ... Fishing Information New pcwt &e.eh ••• Skilled or Unskilled CALSHIP OFFERS YOU- A WIN-THE-WAR JOB ••• WITH~ WO&JUNG CONDITIONS EXCIU.IJIT PAY ••• 8YI:N WIII1.Z I.EA&NlNG ON·THE·JOB aEALHILP ••• ON HOUSING AND TaANSPOI.TA· TIONPI.OBUMS I IDothtn: turned out. _ Rent. Buy, Sell or Trade w1U. I Want Ad! -THI MAGIC FLAME c ....... -.-ffy ....., •... . · ltlla ___ _.llil ...... ,_. •• ,,.,,......_ ... .._. Your Irick Work, Pll8te,.."' and Cement Jobe Can In the future be apertly done apln by CLAUD~ IW~ETMAN tl2 Twentr-F'our1h St. W eldet & • • • Boilermaker Helpers Welder-Stants • • • Pipe Welder Helpen ••• Pipefitten and Helpers. LaiNwen • • • • Marine Machinists and Helpers ••• Sheet Metal Helpers. Shipwrichta and Helpers. _ .. a ..... al ... •a a _.., ..... , ......... ~-• 0 ' ....... wlaida.., IIM\II'al ps •ill ... ..., .... ·.-ttl .. --.- ...... ,_.._, .. • ,.. •• -. n.r .-..~ queJirr tleBI I; ,._.ttl...._,_-w llfrptdcd abeolutd,. -6t ~ -· ·• ill• JlrMWr or dtr 'inr-a.a spell ,..._ _. • 4110-ttl......._ or 700 NaYJ JUG ~a, .. ,. ........... --fill' ... , .. ol all kiadl. .. il iodiSpallll* _.._...,r_.., ,.... .. I . I ... ...,. Mw+aia ..... iadcataia 1ft _.... 1a,., ._ .L * ..,c .. IMir. ADd thor day is comina ....... ~ ... a-r •illldp--JOUI pamimt homt ~ I , _.-..... titM na ltdaat. Mh THAT IHI MAeiC PLAMI WILL •aleHYIN YOUR PUTURI • • • - .... , .. _ ..... CONSIIVI .AI fwtllewerehf<t Wlwft you anr PI for htar· ini·JOU conau•t futl Mt<lt\1 ro sl'ft'CI YietOtY> 5o doo't •am hnr; nun elf 1M pa ~rr tr .. ons (Of 1M day AvooJ D"rr -h~~~~ na. Shut lhr doou of un.uN roocnr. Ooet ou111de Joon Newpor1 aeach, Phone 4H·W I I 'lfOM JHIUJ -"~ Vitamins A and 0 I I YM ••• .._,. V it~"" A • .. eJcl ua protection a,·ai:l!-1 nfecHoaa wbich are m o ,. akeiJ to occur to the '""' ~t. .,..., ean and airm:~~ •hea there la • deftg ency 0 1 b ia ft-.mift. - You need Vlumln 0 \o he-1; ·M MdT make prorer u!oe <:' 1M caJctum and pboaphorua an ,._ ••a If , ••• , ...... cettinr .... ,~ of theM two 1mporun ori---'M. .. ke a ONK-A-u A \ __. Vi1ena.la A and U -:· .• 1. 1 •• , ...., .. , end lftiUie )uUI ...-..1 nquir.,oton~ ONES DAY e -~ (LiquMI er Eli'rn--a Tahleta) Nervous Tension can -b fGe Wakdol, JittuJ, lnit&We. !lin- You. Trruinn tan cause ~­ Headache and StTY-IMlc- tloa. In t im ... like tbe.ae. •• af\0. more likrl)' than u'n.al to ~~ owrwTOurht and Mr\'OUI and •• wi•h for a rood et'dath·e. llr. Illite NerYiM i1 a .rood Md&tm -mild but ell't'CtJYL . U yCMI do not aN Dr. Kilft Ne"ine you an't know wu.t it wiU do for \'oiL It ~ A. UquMt aod t«~ Tablt!l form, both equally ~inc t.e trnte and o,..r·W'T'OIIIfllt Ml'9ft. 'WHT DOk"T TO~ .TilT IT t C'ret It at yo., .,_ ......_ Ea"rYft('~nt tablm ,.. _. 111. Ltqal.l •• a .. t1 .... Read 4iree- ..._ ... -... , -.... C'WI. ............ briesiiiJ SocW Maarity Cud, Proof of Cit· iwmhip ..d An.ilabilicy Ccni6cate co .•• CALIFORNIA SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION • --................... r-.-SliM lftal lJOO IOU1l4 n.owDt IT~ LCII A IIJO[lU .. • Cl6 ,.I'll[ AY£11U£, LOIII8 a£ACH eJ6 ,.ACif'>C kYD~ H\IIITIIIIGTC* PAll" 1n L &tiGIIOUA. .,._.Ill( 1S5a nJ'T'M IT~ lAilTA ~ICA -UST Hau.c:MD • ...UWOOO ·r rJ'.J CAN T GE. ~ r·CALSH 1 .. 1 HELPWIN IT ... AT t" ~­ at -;b e- to Ia .. ()o all u- rn .. It· .c. u ~d he w. ne ,., ,.. ad er II<! lee Ill" lit. • r. an be n•" ID- I ( I ' NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Niffport Beach, California, Tuesday, -. --~ February 2?. 1944 --------------------~------------------SOCIETY .IEWS Highlights of Two J)e(ades of Legion A~tivity Prelude te Invasion I ~ Classified ACls _, · Elmore-Hayd~n Is Honored at Shower COMING EVENTS WEDNESDAY, FEll. 23-f'r1mk W . ('rucker. hre elllt>f oi l 1 R .. u Cross wvrkroom, 111 l'ulm tht> city of N£>WJXlrt lwnrh und hl'·' MiiM F.lmorr H11vd•·ll "h.,,.,. o•:t·, CallHa. open 111 a. m. to • p m.,! tonan or thf' Anwn,·nn Lfo~iom g•geml'nt to Htlgh :-.t,•!>IIIIRn. T/5 , 81Jrg1c:"l tll rs!dng I P~t No. :.'91, has Jll'l'l~tn'll n his· ot the Unhed Stntl'll Army. WI'S ll Htu CI'CIM Wclrkrou.n, 201 Grand tOI')' or thl~> Lc'j;lon ~lm'•• It was re<renl announ<'t'ment , Wll!l the re-CRn:•l. Balboa 1111!\nd . ., wn 10 a , fomwd . Whlt'h ht• ~:a\'<' lol nn np· cipienl of mally tovt•ly an•l ""'''"' u:. tu 4 I'· rrt.. s~wlnJ:. , Jll'o'CiativP audio•nt·t~ n:.'t'f'nlly fit tht• 11hower gifta c·n SunJuv whc·u .\Irs. Willm.: Workers wo1•kro..•m. Pal· :.!Oth unniXt'rsa_ry l)ltrty M tht• ~·­ W. W, Hadi"Y and MI'S, P. :c. Jor-ISI'tl<'~ T:wt>J':J, rorona tiel Mar. ~lon on~ AUXIliary Chiii'RI'It•n:~­ UIIn we re hnatelll!t'S to a grutiJ> M o· en 1 '" 4 p r1 .. aur•Yical drl'811· Ill' ur f rank It Will' suhtl~ hum· • . 1 a llftlUS bUI 1\l)rll' th(' lc.•SS ll<'CUnl)t• . lht> bODI)r ee !1\ti'Jl"rlll!< 111 tho: home 1!1f'8. 1 • • 11( Mra. Hadley's nwlher, ~1r,c 1\1· f'ul:lv 1\ft••rno<m L1.ill Urillgt' Tha,; rcsunw was a kult•ld()S('Op~c hert Sparkell. 71~ Ot ean '"Div•l. I :or· I Sl'O'litm 'will h<.: :n :•tav In lhl! Sun-, plctUI'f' or lht• past :.1() )'l'al'!> or thl> o>na del Mar. '1'(>;11.1 tor lhl' C.,ubh.~uac. onenlng rornmu~lty. this ,.t,nto• nnd ltn~ I w:tt1 do•saer'l Ill 12 30. Holllt·ssea count!'), fur tht•Lt•;:u>n hn• ai'IIII'II)'S . Luncheon wus Sll rv.-d nt Rmnll II' :\1 . ·L· L . d M , tnkt•n lis pii)CI.' 1n thl' rM~pon!~lbili-LJtbles, rt-nteri'tl w•tll pink l'llntt'l · 11 · 5 " · Haucl: •:.n ra. til'S or thl' time, And the•n 11 wn" leas and each ph.!.l'l' m1\rked w1th 'J I n Ulll'~. a Jot mort' Cor it brought forth IJiul' and yellow nul t:ljp fa::l!llf•ll~>iJ THURSDAY, FEB. 24--many a laugh ns WPII U" nn OCCIUI·I .,f papt>r In the !lhllpe u{ a t1n:1 ur,,_ Heights Circle 11f _W .S.C.S. will ional dewy cyl' a~ Frunk told of brella. The cenlPr ,dining l'lblt' meet at the home Oo Mrs. W. H. thE' Jittll' intimal<• things. humor-j ~'"' centered with a Ia~~ blu~ ann T1·1Ja4t. 330 .santa Ana avenue. 1 ous ll!l wt-11 liS poignllnt thltt hud yellow crepe paper umbrt!lh& whh•h , Nl",;port Hei::;hu. ~rom 10 a. m. to I occ:ufTE'd In those past y.eaN, I held the many 11hower ~1th 4 p m~-Each reemlxor bring a In t!'lling nf the rounding of thP Streamera of th~ two colnrs camt' packt'd lunch, post, Frank say11: trom the cetttng ann ·taBtenrd to Ebell Glub df'81;erl lUll() !\eon a11d • '"On 1h1' night' of :Jam1nry 15.1 the points or the umbrella. l'ard party Will be held at the 1924, R ffi('('ting or local PX·servl('(' Gue~~ta who were bidden to hon· Clubhouse. 1 p. m . with Mra. mt•n wa" hl'ld in tht• \\'OI'Il('ns ur loflaa Hayden were Mesdnr.1es Bn1cc McOrl:ie aa chairman. League building. Blllbon for tho• Oav1d Wllllam11. Adelaldp Po•·te&. Harbor Klwarua Club meeting pui'J)O!!£' ot O~'iani:r.mg un Amf'rican Blrdella Ball. Albert Sparkes : and luncheon at Balboe'a Electric Lt>gion Post in thl' Nl'wport llar- :111-• Pat Wilson and Elaie NPw· •Grill. 12:15 noon. 1 bor area. Thl' rn('('tlng was called land; Mra. Davlu P1lklntmt ur Red C roas workroom. 111 Palm by Raymond H. Rrun.IW~ who Gl.endale, alater 1)/ the bon••n~·. and Balboa. upen 10 a. m to 4 p. m.. wa-" to bt>comE' thE' post !I first her mother-in-law, Mrs. C'l•urte• Sl'wlng. commander . Afli.•r el~tln& Com· PIIJUnton of Santa Ana; .\tra. Oa· I Red Croaa workroom. 201 Grand rades Brunswick HS ch.alnnan pro· car Moe, mother or tht' honor•e: canal, Balboa taland, open 11:30 a. tt'm and Com~de Loulll W. Bnus Mra. f)-ank L>ouglftll of Sanh Ana m . to 4 p. m .. •urglcal dre..tnga. tt'fTlporary scnbe, thl'. group dad • tht'n a4opt tht' prt"!ICrl~ COf'l!lla· an<.! Mra. Ftank Quigley, mother tutlon and l'~tt"d the tlrst otfl~rs Lf :u ... Hayden'• fiance. Your frienda and mine for the post. which WfS named by • --• · w~. ~arlJor PolrtM. er. My Dream Came True I Judce and :Ura. Harry We.tover flet>MI t'~f'Cted Wert': Com_~8 Ray and young 100 Harry Jr .. formerly Brunswick , commander, P t' r c y --1 Wilson, vice commander: Ernetlt U>ng yean ~o I hau a uream rPaldfDt. ot Corona .. del Mar .. wbere Grill, adjutant: Thro. Robins, IM.'r- 1 ba.d thla home, all waa 8Upreme, they own a home, Hilltop. were ge&nt·at·anna: 0\arley Clark, hit· guea. or Mr. and Mra. IC. D. ri J J 1 ha lain· Dtck lt wu beade the upphlre -Gcodell at their Ocean f)-ont home to an: oe 011 ' c. P ' "-· •~ th ......... Wl\Mson, ftnancf" otfaCt'r. A """er .. .,e waa ere .. tY> me. 1 on Sunday for dinner. They bad By tbe llt'a waa a cottare amall attended aervlcftll at Chrtat Cbu~h '.'All men prevnt !llgnf'd the ap- HaDd Jl4linted ptrturftll upon tht: b th Se 1 th m mlng Tbe plication for t~ chartl'r and the wall 1 Y e . a 0 e 0 • adjutant forthwith did proclaim · J!:'dgt: waa head of the Ptlot. CI&M the first call for d~ which had befort' movinr their relridt:nce t.o bet>n set at $4 with an In itiation I wu ao happy tb&t night In JUDe ' Lo• Anreles. The Weatovera were r oi S3 1'hose d ho Ill d~ ., U.. .. iiBI tMre! Ia It all l'f'('r•at.l•,nal'" With the one I loved 'neath the overnlrht rueata Saturday of the 1~ t~ applicat:,: :W.~t'r '!! the Newport Harbor Cb&IDber o..r.J Klnfl"&!!. 'nwre Bh 1-' lit I' AU' IIIII• .. 1\tl ... h'l t\, dill· l>'llH s" 1.~· ~· It e·ah1n ··n1wr. 111'1' hilt t.tltlt tr .. el··· """'''" f•llll :H J!\' IIJ.I\' l .~ttl•' ~·"I tc~ ,,.h l'thH11' 1...-·n~ I 3:\.1 tl7 , t'\)K ~.\I.F,.....Alrrot:J HOUI£1 FOR IMM£01ATE ~IIEIIION P:OR IALE _,....I ........ C..h IIEJ.P WA~D 111--:1.1' < 'omtwtrnt ta•uhlt't'•• ,,1 '"~ "''rk an huttlft (,., t'•IIIJllt' \\'rltt• lit• .. 'I.. ·~ ;.~,." • Tin,.•• N••11 t•••rt liMo·h A lila A buut Our ll&fety ~~"""" 1!\·llt' rumlalwd, .. 111000 00 P'OM BAl.& Ter1118 2-ho-til"ttnm Ufttuntl-.ci, bay front. IH1,60000 ~. LA.lUlS w ontooa. IJI!JitluatH AJf111t 714 r. ("eatraJ Avel\u .. ,......,.._. N-port 10 16-Ut' I""()R I!IAL& 2-bedn-....,._ ~ ... Rt • ,...,...n ......... ..... _ 11&6-..J 1&-Itt o..uan.. Double ..,.... wttb rumpue room t.ara• lot. a-- le Ter111111 ~-b•droum ""-· modem. lOO-n lut.a. • ..., ~. I a.:re, I ...,._, m•.-.. c loood &D•..tm.••l. 2 hc~a. N•wport &.ch 1n· v8Cml.'nl. ~~ UAN c: MAC KICNSla 11011 N..-wpcw1 lllvd., ("'-&a ~~- 16-fte .at very moon. Jame11 Irvine. ln TuaUn. ~ twre namt'd. 81 bt>low: . of f'ommerce Munday un wbelber Mlq lndwllfift tMre. too. '11w l wiJibed my dream waa a reality "R. H. Brun.~wick. (Dl: P. J. Wll· I New)ovrt Harbor llhould be recrM· lMO CIOIIUII•n-•. ot 12.17!'1 tnftll, WAN'IZD TO IIDT A cottaca anall-ciowu by tM ..._ pray, son, Ernest Gril.l, Jr.; 'TbeodcJrt> Uoaal nr r ommerdal. Secntary ~eel •Dtlrety ut fl"fttb tillla It A lover wbo wqulct ~ ever tnae I have all thta and worlda more too Robins. Elmer B. Whitson, c F.j Barry Wek:h prHentf'd an lnler· a. a larp 1\ablnJ barbnr In ..SCSI· And cbange my gny akle• t o t;ay In thla cottage amall by the ocean Clark. Joeeph Jc»t, 1.. w. Bri&IP'· nlln~t rt:port of conl(ftu6onal U. to pleaaul"t\' boaUna bue. blue. Stuart A. Cundiff, U oyd Cla.lrt'. bautDp oa U.. •bJeet Wan De Mr. C.rtf'r Wluot wu Ulat t~ My home ~aide the ueep blue -1 0); Claude Corbin, Harry Coon. Rivera and Harbora ~nmmltt.M. tal! The moon In the Heave111 aotUy Ja a little paradlae to. me, Ralph L. Davis, Frank E. Finl•ter, 1 Chttlrrr.an Walter ~plcrr of the General Kh•l(man 12,11!\ t•iiUI WANT TO Rr.NT ltmpluJ.S eou- pl.e wanta .WI turnW!ed taou. ur a.,.rtm~nt ftloferftlt'ft, lin. J Rlcbarda. lOTS Orta.aba 81 , I.Anr Reach PbcMw U2-15. 1t-2tc nm RJ:NT C)tf\t·• at 2110 W. ~ntral Av•, N.,rport a..h. Apply at add..-f>r .-.. 1 IMO. 11-Uc beamed I Thla little home. a dream came H.· R. Grt'tlley, Albert P. Jumpel'. county harbor comml~ dart· T'bat t. a tar« .. t•nna&f' •tf filii\. ----- To rutde me In my lando' dreama, true FrankL. Matth~w11, (0); Carl M. n.ct .u. po.tUOG on tbe 11Ubjee1 JC1U know. Of'ftctalll fill tbe Uty ot N~ ANT 1\AOIJ TOOATf A UtUe boUM, blue aklea above A paradia my dear with you. May. Eugene fu>bcr, Hfonry L. when h~ lllated that the harblw Mr. carter H<:M· ma~~y piMa~,... U.a.:-h Mtl~l• that l ,TOO prtvatA" WANTICI> • Nke, 4"...,., catt.oft Within wu truth, peace and love. I Sht'rrnan, ID); Howard L. Smith.• comm......, favored the rec..-. craft ua ll! 4"ralt vuytq lll lefiiUa froe 10 rap. mlll~ buu.. UMI ..ale& ,\IJ over, a dream hOUM by Ule -~ I used tn ho~ I'd aome time meet Eu&ene Fe-n~lon, Rl!1tinald S. t.loDaJ' ., .... wbkll pn1D1. ttArcl ca--a.-raJ KIIIIJil&n. ~re are fft't to 211 fMt wttll 4taft ,._ No eoa, t'tocktllp., _.a ,.__ AlU they clrttted away from me. Somebody true, klnd .and IIWtet, 1 White, Lester S . Wilken, Clayton ; taln typoea of cQmmerce. lbl:trw:ta IIIUDC~rede of tb.m. I •w ow. I fee\ to 11 f..t wen -.ct lll U.. W1l1 ,., ' Nlt&f. a.. • ....._ I "woke, llt'e'• poetry wu proee I'm happy deareat, my hope~~ came ThomJ*Of'. brael ;!"~ner, Nor: 1 of the concrPuiMal ('om.mlttft ~· hul •mmer. Tlw number of harbol". and tbat ,. 'ltllt.cl a. ,........,... oiRN. tl·tt ~y dream ~..sed llllt\' a wltllend true Wll!IOn. Olarlet! . eavPr, n I pon rnu .. -.u · . IIII!UUre cna.n hu bHn ~lly .... ~"' dunn• INI --------------- !'OR. An,t thoU !IOmebotly my •lt•llf, wa11 S \Vt'bh. Donal!! K. Kelly · ('l'f!ued diH' to t.ht-c-mwt:Wd c:nndt-I 'nlat ta a .,.ry larp •-a.r. I'Oa IIAI.I'-·n H• ~:r1111P ol nwn thl'n cle•nrl;•tl l1o·nf'r •' l<•n~eman Th• nut la You.' f • t10n of r...n. Anlf'lt>• Ha.rbo•r A18o, m .. ,... thAn I ~v•r IMW In lUI)' lltlaf'f' thl' lltl~t rnu~t h;t\'t' ll m"nnl-u tt nrw il•·m. '"' N•••·port Bay, Hut Ume chancu evf'rythln~ they My Hullband. r•uttmg nw•r its pm~;:rum 10 pa'l·-('!Ill' -r:-.,11 . ,.,. yuu probably lhr ,_a, ... nf oil In ...... An~tt\1"• plat'" r.ay Mfll. Ethel Umland. JK'<-'IIVt• tlll'n1h(>r.o an<.! lht' puhllo·. ;.c. l(ho>W ·~ th,. lllrlr""' n-c·reattunal Harbor m11k,. 11 '"' ""'''""'rahlr Mr l'lllrlll(f't Tb .. War 1,.. ~·or t bollt' wbo wall. truat aad Nt>wn"rt Beach, California. I 1 1 I' t [ ITIIlOrln• rl~t• •• foot t·lo ••"'ll•' , not· l"'r1"'"';1 ha" ,.,....,mm~n•""l II f• ,. "·nllu e•r ull•t I It' fllllll'il 11'1 ~· :C i h•llt II•H'•"• tn lht· ...... utry It w•uc ·-. I k 11 '\ \\ l•bny ot t e • ru 11111 • h• •·n muv•·•l ',.,.,,hlv. luta11't It • fUII)I'I' lu "' f)(l\\11 :p~ ,,. '' 'l 'tUpf ll\"•'·' l,ft),!II:H!l\' h\' 'hr l~t ttl port Jl:c rhol l..o'L;Iottlii:Cift• ''"I \ •r 1, ,1 ~ """ ,. 1111.111 11 .,.,.,. tllkl'n ''""''" to f'•'"l'"rl ll1ttll'•t •hide •·• '" '"' t<cr•.:•t"'" V•·•. air 1u1J:: rum•.•<i•'' d l(t :ttt\'~l''t'''' tJ,, u ov••r ;.,, ruutul• uunrr• hv th•· .,. ••. ._1• '"' H Afllf>ndtd pl ... • f t t~l•·!l-"ut•· I ffli.C'•' ,., ... , ,.'Y th•t lh,.. t'" al , bu .. 1n•''"""'~· .... th•·•···tn ,,, (Hlf' hu•1, l~ • ··•at .; •• \'''"""'''' ··raft . It '"" v•~,, .:• .. 'fl lulthut .,,,,,,,.,. '"'" .. , •• ,.,.nttrd f :J,t7e.uoo. Whf'fl YfiU Thlnll olf HraJ fAtAtf' Think ut JOliN ~Af)J .Y.ltt \'•·.:··· llltl« IIAI.flOA AI• ul • flit l"(•f•'' v '"''""'" 1111!1 .. ,. l ul8T AND fQlTND IA)~T T1111k Tttlc>ll Oaur• lltklk Nu J -~21\ Fl(lll'f'8 on S alct., I :Ill, :.t)l). HlP LuM In the viet. 11 y ,,, Ktn~·· t.andlna or ll.t t4t ...... ,, ltrward, 1\A!tum to "'"'"'""t llll l'11,, 18th a (;.._.ntrel Avr N"""I••Wt !leach 16-2\e n1ft IIA&.& Roll-away bH. • ..... CCICI apr1Ap. Pl1el .. ..,_ .. ODIUM lit., ... .._ r-et. , .... IIOA 'n-llot, liON ... 'lftded Manne ..,_ uw1 ..,.. MAIU'Na BALVAOS AMI> MJ'CI. 00. 1010 w. O.lral ~.... ... ... w Newport a..111. o.aat. ....... II'Oft aAL& • cyl. at.ar ...,... enrtne. f'a"'-u ,....,.. ...,.. Oaep&et., 1111. 410 Cha~ An .. tr....,._{ ...-... l&-4t' • P'Oft BALil 18\t,·ft. ...,. ...._ boat. lnquln Hubl!u'd'l Ta&ela Landt... ODut lttpw"' 101. N....-t lllaclil. U.~ W ANTI:D ..._ lllrd _. ... bnal wtth trailer ,..._ '"'te R, B. lkaclk, lilT llo. o.- Ave.,U.U.•'-.11. ..., .. "* aAJ.&.-"'411< .,,... '-l. - .......... .,..... ........ ... ............. a&...._,._ ............ ,...._ fN("OMlC TAX On You Nted Hel'f .... 0 . 1.. CUU .Y 6 A"80C'IATSB Arenunttnr 422·2:1 HjlUr«f!flfl rtltiiC 208 Wl'el Ynurth HtrHt IUHTA ANA, <!AI.J,., tfc atl ,,, d.-ft.l,l ""'' .. r jtt l('l'll: I l'llo• t'hollflulfle t 1 s ,, .. Ctlrtltftllrt> ,, ... l••ul •nl•t altt•Utly "" ""'' '""'"'' ,_ V."lw tho·l 11r nnl ""' p. e"'' "·''' ,.,. l •l··~·•• " 1 ,,..,., .·un ··~t~ will muk• a I''''" I' ••I '"" ~tr l'tul"t \\'hltl lit the m•lt.rr ···~ful , ... ""' kflu\\ ,. nnf \\ h•··· I I I :••flt•rttl t\ul 'ft1jln Jl '" I Wulll•l tnbuUoo. .,, lht UHJftU\'f'ffirnt . ' <IJ«JM'II<il'<'l 11111 lho• 111''1 f•·w •••til··~·, 1• t.;.·nerat h lupt1 Ht 1'ho•\ I'"Y •:""""'' Kltttrrruuc lu ••l•lltlton BALBOA MOTOR CO. l,rofessional Uirt•ctory '-''•·n~ f1'(f\t:l1.·nt~· n •t't'l\t'tf I ""Y at .. Uf -'~ nult•s ~·Utll ur Lu!'l hotlf lhf" • ""'' ,, ttuet l ht"V hll\'1 • ''""'' .. ··~· .. Tht· t•onu·udt·~ '' ,.,,. ,•nt • I :"11··•1 .\ "l-:''1'"' uu.J '·' 111U··~ "'" th ''' :-;~11 t-lere t 1 th l .... ,. .. ,, c: .. ,,u.••N• 1 .. th,. w.:.t .. un•1rr • t I I 1"'1:" 8 "" '"'"'" ,., " 10 'I"''" " General Automobile and Marine Repairing. Gordon M.Grundy, M.D . Itt! yale I-lftd lu~' Conrad Richtw, M.D. ,.hyalol•" .,.., lu~ Oftloe 107 12114 lt...t Ne~hletl Marine Electricians Available Fender Body Work Refinishing h) C'hul'lo•y \\a} ' IllY' l•' 11 ' ''11 I . t1u1L 1 ••k•·ll lty 111.-1'1111"'1 l'l•l,.,. 1 101: thf' e•w•nm~.: ( 11n rl•·~ \\ "' and I ll" 1 •·• "lllllto'l"l"' eon e" '"' ""' A. J. (indu•hl, nnlm~. Jo:nul ( ,, •'I' Ill• d ofhltlltotc nr 1 l11• ''"'"I '"1: prttJ• tll'r nnil .Jule-s (in•'l't~·r, h:.-.• \1111. '"' ''" N•·wl""'' lt~ty. ,.,.llf '" TELEPHONE Nlllth .,._, Celllral Ave, Offtc.Hra.: 10-tta.m.; J·IP·"'· Telephclfte 37 HOure: 10·12 a. m. A 3 I ,. "'' ,.hene.....:O.floe US: "'"' 7~ nne I n >rn••l, l'f'~pt-1'11Vf'h1 , )eel) t ·,.. pnwu1r t nr wart .. mn~: tht' mrlln · TELEPHONE NEWPORT BEACH 225 chk•· 1uha ;md Mar~;twr'll l' V/,1)', f'l'llnn,.IJ• l•• It K'''"'rlol Wllltll "' :1~~~ pl:Jn~ n; .. ) wo•rc' l''('fll ,1 ... 1 d I r., .. , and a Wldt h "' 7011 ,,.,., )Uitt hl'arly vttl•' lnr lhl'il' !'ld'c •!l••nl 1·,·n·l lllltld!' 1111' o·nt r~tnr•·, rnr tlt'f'Jll•nlnK OPE I ATORS lEE 1 E 1 tlllann• ;o.;,.wpnrt f'ha nn••l to 1!'1 r~t over "Ttw '""'oncl lllt'"t 101! "a• lwlol , a wltlth varylr.g up In 330 fftt. 'nn JRnuno 9, anli thf' rt•o;ults nf ll anJ fur dr,.dg-~n~: '"" llllt'hurK Kr I dani'C' and '<how nl'lttod lh<' Jl0!11 aretu l•1 a depth "I :!II l•·•·t. uti In LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTORNEY AT LAW DR. G. E. TOHILL "HYIICIAN an4 IUII'OION -e. .. , ••we .. .....,_,. ..,... _...,.,.._ ovrr $11)0: rinnnciul n>por1 show~ geru-ral ac:t'llrdllm'•· wllh JIIIOUI uf $4!14 o:l in thr !lock. Allf•lll 1.• the ola,.trlrl <'n~lno~·r 8ervkP IDea aad •·ar workt'n ar. all dfopndllltt Upoll oar Kirk at U... ""·ltehboa,., Hood .-y _...., IMrll· ••~~: ... ~ .. ,.....,. C_.a M... Balik 8u114111t ~42t Coeta ..... C&llferflll Offl01 IM·W · ....... .. If Na An-r Call ...... ,.. I FOR CLEAN, USED CARS rnttn• rww nwmlte•r!> wr•rt;> J'H:nNl 'thlll woulu e oro! $~,1 •. 11110. vt anti lh•• propn•N'I Bonus Dill "'11' whit'h lhe locad llll<•rt•H\x wc11llol ,.ndoN~•'fi !Inti lt•ltt:'l'l' sent to Jn~J · provide $2~6,000. would a.l111• Iff• I ,on Shr1rt radc•· nnd Swing. a5km.: I Jif i ht•l r full "liPJl')l'\ Gnnd of 1hl' or· vldo; JNIIable apo.ul ""'11, fc.r lht• • rlr•r nf'\10'11 ~~.:.:!'1 1ond tho'n ;ul· ''"'IJlt•d rn&lt'rl!il. """ wuul .. ltll vt•1 HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL Dr. M. D. Crawford O .. TOMRTRIIT jtmrnl'fl and )lroter t thl' t'nlled Slat .... On !\htn•h IM, the• 1 rl.'a.~lll') fr••m ~tny dam" II"" rlw• l•• the Phone Huntington Beach 318 CULBERTSON CHEVROLET CO. ,hn•·•·•l $fil:lX7 anrl th•· mn~tcr 1 "'~~k. mlnd!l tllt'n -.•1 ub•.>UI finding hkf'ly ' I he• \ 'hall'fuan I~ lh••t•t ""Y 302 0ceaD Ave. Runtlnpa BMch tookln~t ~IMII on wh1ch to build n objecUno to that ? :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Le~~~~~n~h~a~I~I·~~G~u~~~t~a~m~p~I~~~~~~~N~I Mr ~rt .. r . ~hal rumm••n r 111 A ·NY MAKE Painted, Overhauled, Wheels Aligned, Frame Straightened 100-PERCENT CREDIT ---12 MONTHS TO PAY We Still Have Home and Car Radios HARRISON PONTIAC CO. Tt:I.EPJIOSE 6036 2ND and ~VCAMORE SA.VfA ANA I ht• fiOh t and pri'S4'0 1 t~l a V ICI rola ror UM' during lull~ ID HrgUmr·nta I and mutann~ on momo·ntuu• -uh· )P.Ch. Anlf -"'' a Lc•J:i<lll Jl""' "'"' lwwn. d<>Stincd to take leading pe.ru ln commumty hfl' anr1 plunnlnl! ,j 1 <'ivk h(>1tc•m1f•nt . to ~pt.no;or H••) ,. rluhs, fi<•Y S•·out•. S.-a Sl'uul,, Drum corp!, pat rio lie m<'mnnu 1> !11nci r•x.-n>l:wl', V1•1••run~ Wt·lfnr•• anti fV·hahihlalion nnlrnnal •1••-hm~ Jll'l'flllratltm: Am"nr:•11••m and naturalization o.f aliens and rr.any nth<·r t.hlnl(" t<11• nllm•·r••U~ to mr•ntum. st.irrwr· '" "ll) '"·" the• 1~·1.;11111 AU!Ohal') pl:t~•·tl 11 ;:rr•at part 1n th•• 1•11•1-:''"rrl' "' •·onw lind llddN'I -rnnnv t'and touche!~ to rumillhing!l "' 'lh•· hall a oil joint tn••t•tm~:~. ,...,..,., ... t'nllnl. Jp.,~ twinqut>ts lwith tht> 1\!hllolllll'''' of Gu~. who by the way l'oulrl no·\··· ~"'" ltw l:orll•·' t'llhr•r •. , Ilk ttl •or Af~urr ""' In t h,. ~taJif·y • · Ftvlm lhnt rir.:t Y~"BI un (1)l•·f ( 'rll(•kt•r took 11 fc;.w h1~h pnir1i • ,,f ,.II Ch 'u•·•·••('fllnt.: y<·ar In IH111p11C' tho· lll•lu:~· Ill• In thh ·'''"f 1'11-1 h·• '<:tlr! "In <'ln!'ilng this ramt.lonl{ summary, I am mindful 1'1( th••'" r•umnu:l•·• whn h:tvl" JIIU'I<f'f1 ''' Hwtr r••'llll'llrd... in thr• f;rf'ltl fkY•Iflll, :•nil nf th••lr un ... ·ll e);h ... rvlt't• '''"''''' ·d to the nation, the community an•J ''"' I""'' ·nii)UI(h not m••ntlflflllll! th1om by nltm••. W•• all know llu·m and th1•ir RI'N<mJIIIIIhmr•nb. rtnrl nnd 11hall n>rrwmber ai'JIJ c~ri"'h ·---~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••-~th~r~M~~·~m~~7 '' ·. * * * SOUTHHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE CO. Apply: 100 r .. Bay """·• n.ahna or 514'~ No. •aJ• ~l., Raata Au RADIO SERVICE AL-rG . __ MAIUNI-: HAI>H ,s-f{f-:J'AIHED 'fAHI:'\:E El.l·;ei1Hf1A!'II BURT R. NORTON II II ('.;OUt lll~hway l'hunf\ %417 --w .. u • ., ... lvM tha a.tter ~ lly R~rvtna lllhrrw llflrll" Pho~~« New~ HI Coeta Meaa Callternla BUY NOW City Tax Sale lots A. J. TWIST 101 Ceaat Hfghway ,.hone 24a2 CORONA OIL MA" lr.yu l:xamtned niUIW'II PUted 17tr7 NIWpGI't ftrNI,.verd .. hene 14JO COtTA MEIA BALTZ MORTUARY CHAII'Il .y THI IIA 410 caaet Blvd. C.reno tltl Mar • -••rt .. eMil .. hena N-per1 42 "'" Altll,. .. Ita Norclaouo Ava, Cerofto llal Mer "'•• p ...... N-port f4.11 N.D. CASH 0 V. M 000 ond CAT HOII,.ITAL llonlo Ano IS41 1~14 ~" Moln Ill . lltnl• ""•· Collt, WHO'S WHO II HARBOR DISTRICT F'IAEPLACE AND MtNOLINO WOOD- NF.WPORT Rt:ACII I II W Wrlj.'ltl, 17M4 Npt, lllv<l , ColltJt Mf'U. 11.,.•1 l.um,t>rr. f'h. IIM·J 'GENE~AL CONTAACTOA- '----------------------.,..----.,-----'1 t;.,,,,,,n H ~'ln•11av. 141f)('<Hlllf Rivet . .,.. :tO%. P1a111 an1l f~•>nlllru,.tlon. N Balb LUMBER COMPANtE8-ewport -oa ,.,.,,,. '-t•~" Ll•r r··· "l"'t 1111 hrlf1 Yt'tll plan yf)ttr hom!'." l'hnn" 48. NEWS -T I M E S l!nv I Htfln•l l.•crnl,,.r ("o. l'hon .. ll!"!ll. f'nut lllrhway at Arrhea. PRO"tt"' I! 6 II OF'f"t (.E &UPPLIEt- Pv ....... r;,.p ... -..........a., __ .. -ur.day Aftrm,_• V I ""' "'XX\'1' N"'"'f"•r• ""''"'r l'uhllllhlnf ,..,. l'hnnM: 12 J3. Newport Bea.c:b. ., •-' ...,.. oa tt a _ _ PAINTING-··-flldon hyable 1ft ArfvllnC'f' S2 :'lfl rwor >'""r I" ''"'"'"' rounly, I • N"""'l••tl ll~trhnr Publl11hlnl( Ot l'hnnn : 12 U , Newport a..b. t2.'75 pPr Vf'Rr to t lh ,,_. S:\ ()'l orr V"llr tf) IUh 7,.,,,. , R£ AL E &TATE, INIU .. ANCI: & NOTARY PUilte- ---I 1-If WIIIIR"'·· 2202 W. Central Avenue. f'bone :\. Ent..-M AI ~-c1Jt'l m"""r "' th,. p,.tnlfl"" In N~ ~ RUII8£A ITAMP~ --.-;;;:_;O.IIfoml•. ~ thr A~ ,., ~~~Nil ! Ul'7'9 _ 1 Nrwpol"l Jfart~ f'Utlllllldq a, "'on,.l: 12 . IS, Nf'wpnft I!IIIMil. !!J 4. IO!tt!'R • · · r.mTf)Jt AHD MAl'fAr.r.Jt l IH££T METAL WOAK-Orncb.L PA-01' ...;-.-CITY 01' N41--·ca Vlf!lf! Mumbtnr • llhllt M.tal won.. Ooeta Mea PhoM llt. -......... • Hll'i ~ r.wn n• Dr4ft VA .. IlTY aTO .. E- A B i ..... Lot.~ kllltullw For 0.W It y_,.. Batt.oa IMad Van.tJ ._. k , 10e. Ilk ._, ... ..._. llli--W'. J ' : .-Aft !lOW: UN'I'A ANA ... Bfta&. t ..... H 'Je ..................... &.. ........, ...................... , p p ~ .................... PI~ ...... .._ ......... MANCHESTER BODDY DISCUSSES CIIIEIT EIEITS Hear Manchester Boddy, famous Editor . and Publisher or the Los Angeles Daily News. and Radio Commentator on World Affair~, Tell of the Trends of Today. 11 ........... ,., KI\V ANIS TOWN HAI,I~ &:JIP.r.t..n ... ,,Fela.%4 • 7 7 1 IL .. 'II 0 ..... .,._ Chapel By the Sea Settin~ for Marine And Bride to Wed ~untlay rrom lng at 10 o'rlnck, .,_ M•rwa"" [)ooiaMy bet'..,.. ~~~ bn~ of Captain John Hull, USMC. In ttw prl'tly Chapt'l by lh. ~a In C11rona 111"1 Mar wllb , Ulle RenAnd J . W Halter of llal-QUILTING. an nlol ru hiOflell art, Ia ralnlnc new popularity. Now 11 bo& • "'adlnlf tlw c~remony. Ute time to aet buay u4 aah tile quilt tbal •Ill 1101111 dQ Mente .,._ Dela.IM7. weannc • tallnr-a ramllp belrloom. You .... •laM make a pillow top f..-a -'• ... f'd brown 111.1lt accented wllb 110ft "-c• ot thla araceful P,..,_t'1 Wreath applique s-ttenr. Dlreetlonl whtt~ oraan.JI~. and carryln~t a •ay be ebtalntd by H nlllll a et.amped, M lf·addreiiMd enwelepe to U.. ~·· ~~ nt yeUow ~quUe. ~M~~~~e~·~o~rk~l~~pa~r-tm __ en_t_~~~~--~,.~pe_r~·-·~~_c_lt~y-ln~c_d_e.J~ra~~•-U __ l_T. __ __ ~ t.b~ oba~l on 1 h~ arm of tter ratlln . Mr. Martin c Drluey. Ba lboa Yachtsman tuw "'U a ttnded by M1• Eliza-1 bfotb Mane or LA«una Beacb. at-Weds San Gabriel llffi! &1m In a dart( t.&llortd IIUit. Girl · Home on Island an.J wt-annc a coraace bouqi.H!t of • prdnlu. 'County Delta Gamma Alumnae Meet on ·Balboa Island n~ briM Ia the dauchter of Mr. nr kN•n lnlt·rrl!t In yacbU.,. elr· ~:ra. Hal Will Smith opened h~r and Mra .Mar1ln C. Orlaney nf LA-1 It'll 1 ••m• ~ th<' wnrd r.t tM mar-hnmt' at 108 0n)'1l. Balboa lala.od, rune Beach wh lie her hueband Ia 1 rio .. ,. of M 11• Barbara Jeu 0arry lo Oran;;r CountY mt>mben of the w .. Aluinnae A-ICI&tlon of Orlt.& ~~~;;;: 0~a:::rn~~lnhpL Hu,';u~~ 1 and WlnJu•hJ Rlt·e M t tcAlf, wbleh Qumr.1a 11ororlty. Mn . Hele.n Car- who ba• IIM'n aC'tlve wrvlce, Ia aa-tllnk plat'~ F'tbrullry lOth at Ult' ter ~xton 11 preeh!ent of lbc t~d at OW' .EI Toro Mar1of' Baae; I F.l !olont1• C'a lbollc Churela. Only chapter ahd Mra. Sm ith, .ecretary- 1 u &a b&a beat man, Ueutena.ot t.be famlllu and a few lnUmate treu urer . I GeorJe K. Knerr. , friend• of lbl! rouple wrre ,.._t. Further plan• were m_ade for Mn. 1"1ora1c.e .t.nAknoll wu at U\1.8 rroup to ueume t.betr llbare U.. _..... fM ai«Uou before aDd The bride Ia the dau(bter ol Mr. I ot ,...,_.blltty lD wpportinc the ~Ole ~1-&Dd Mn. 8&rt.on J obn Cl.lrrJ o1 ~llc:bool tor Vlau&Uy H&Adicap- 'ne fteepUoD and wedd!D« San Gabriel. The c room. kaowa 1 peel CbUdrn wbleh Ia 8JIOII.*)red p ·J CJ T St w.Jdut wu .;.rwd to t.be a& 88 Darby to all bl• BaJ .,._ by lhe naUooaJ ~Ita Gamma 1 Ot aSS 0 age ,_.. at t.be Hurl~y &U ahortly fn~nda, II the eon of )(n. LIIM I A.IIIIDDM ~laUon. Postponed Party attn ttw eerftDOrly. Mn Johll Manhall Gerating of r Capt&iD a.od Mn Hull •·til mu e Tnii'T'an Mrtl'alt &nd th~ late L. O. I BaJ~ lJtland wu wtlcomed ae a tlwtr llo-. Ill t..q-un.a &ach ~r ':.ttr;ll of ~lhan;bra. D~y WUI n\'W mt>mbrr. I a brief aw-ymooo. ~lit: .'::~"' :o:m1~ ':.~1-; qurt-:': fofext meeting or the groop w 111 I . l!hnwtng io hill Paclttc 14-ft. br held Marcb 11. at I he laland Y 0Gr frJenU and mine dtnjthy t.ome of Mra. ('. \\ Outtun. f'T vat~ K~oncolh Crawford. lbt I Weartng a twn.p1t<'e d~• of M A ~ --1ft-law, an1ved at bla """"•·r hiUI' With dullly pink ae-Island atrons re "Fishermen's Cove" Opened at Cocktail Hour and Dance-· I Ebell Club to l-Jave Card Partv Fbell {1u~ will be UW .-o1 cxw of ttw card parta. on Thu~. t·~~~%4. Pee-,.,.rt lunc•t>,. n • ll br ~ at I o'clock followed ~ lfndCe _. ried Mr. aGd lira. W. R.. fO.U.,1 Metc:all and CW1f1b. llr. _. lira E . T . rtc... boU1 ol ..._ -.. t.be •·eddiJI« piUty, llr. _. lin. ~ Ptlii.Upa ... llr. _. llnL ~ Ool1ba l r I'OVD :U.. .. -.. _. .._.,_.,.... sM I .. .. _ ............ .. ... ..-TAa& .. IS ... _ .... AC ..... ,_! ~ ... Ate ...... ..... .,........._,_ ... " .. t,... .. _.,__ .. ..... ~ ... """"" ...... ,.. .. .. _.,u. .... ,._._. ... _. ..... _... .. ,.. .... -'~orr late-.. -! (I( ,_...__ ........ .. """"" --....... , .c....,.. ........ ,__ ....,. •·· "-.tr.w .._ sse a -.. U..(,_,.....,... .... .. I bonle In Santa Ana lalt week from I cetw r1rl!. the hrlllr I llr·rled 8 bou· Hostesses to Former ~anUIC' Flfold. Ill:. where br II quet of nn'hldl!. Hl.'r only alttnd-MarJ·on Haddon 1--------------------------' ftala.lnJ u an lnatrurt1 r In llhret .. nt wn,. ~lr!' 1-:•lw~.:d T Roee, llletaJ wM k. wrarlng navy blut' with white a.c:-I l[h-., ............... Or ..... : n.-............. ~ ._ uaa. • 1'1 r s· c-.... ......... c. *•tllla ..... uta-.1..._. .. -......... ,.l.p\ •• ,. • ... etcNW leftic& 1M .. .,. .. ltra~telt ... I 11 ... 11111 .., ...... ,_. ......... c.Na ... Ql'tllll "~ .. .,__.. GN'Ia "'WI INVIft YOU TO .O"A'At AROUNtr C.£. LOUCKS ISWEUIY _. 8YATIOJIIE .. Y .,.. ••• • ...... • n. n , ,.,... ............... •m.-•• psc a ....._ c:.... --. c.-. vt.l-I ...... _,.. .. ...., .-. c.- ..... II IJ ...... __. pi PI ..... ef ...... ................ _...._ • -..v .... ...... car,etl a.-.. •.. ..... LUDLUM c.,etW ... .............. ....., " """ Word from Hugh R. Md ,flllan. C'f'"-~Orlt 8 !.lr H""«' IW'rVI'd 1\.11 hf>.t T I!'J In Ule Army B(aUont•l at man Cunp Wltlte. o~con. hu wrllteo • t!:at ae ~~eon u he Cllll get a fur· fouJ!I. R llflli• to rome SoiiUi-u, take C'&~ Of a llttlco "bWIIne•." If our lnhaiUoac are nrbt. Elmore Hayden W1ll play an lmpurtant I'OW Ia b&a "bu81De_.. deal. DIDner for thf' wt'ddlng party wae Mrvl'd Cnii<IWII_IJC thr C'eremon7 Rt Old Orchard. Darby fa now empl1 yru at Ar k!'rmon Bvat c ,m. pany and lbe cnuplt hav·• made lbelr nrw hllm~ a t :l09 Pt>arl. R-.1- boa Ialand. JWit prior to hr r marnage to Mr. R. R. Hodgkln110n la.at week In Loe Angelt'll. 0 11.' fr rmer Marion Haddon IJl Balboa Jalam:t w!UI the hvnOI"ed ~at tJtto -twm~-n. M. A. Abbott, 201 Abalone. BalbnR laland. with Mra. Dl~t:on Smith ll8 r o-ho•tt••. Fifteen fr1t>nde of the gue.t of JALUU AMif7().f! • For many yea rs I have devoted my energies and time to all three Doll Houses , Palm Springs , Balboa and Laguna Beach, but as or .. now I have severed connect i ons with Palm Springs and Balboa, and hencefor th, I will give La guna Beach all or my eff orts . In accordance with t his, I a.m changing the name from the Doll House, w~i ch i s not char acteristic of the pres ent esta bli sh- ment, to a more a ppropria te name, Don Manchester's •BRAZIL•. I am revising the menus, thua improving your selection and choice , and wi ll featur e many South American dishes, combini ng the del icacy, t aste a nd cha rm or the old world with the rugged indi- vidualism of the new. My chef , Juan, will concoct in his inimitable way, ei ther your choice from the menu, or any special dish you may desire, and the bar as usual , will offe'r the best. Watch tor, and don't forget roura tor better living, DON MANCHESTER • I I She'd lib to eall J.e.e toaipa n,, ~ DUit.. .. - • -.. --.u ""fJlt . Will,. At,"'-,.,.....,,.._,-... L.rv Ditl-ft-, .. 10 .... , n., ., •. ._-..,., ... --+.., ...., tf'l"fflia -~-..... ..... 1eon1111N cau•o•••• ••u••o•• co•Mn -------·------------------------'I ... ..... ... ..... ... ....__ .... • • --'