HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-02-29 - Newport Balboa News Timesa th~ .h~y ood t'ttr ake ,"' ber- lll Ct the for tb~ JLde- •01t". thr '101! and lht• meJI .I'll· h lHE SAND CRAB SAM ARE l 'Otl \'OTING! - Surely you folks w h o Ji\·e at Newport lkach, Balboa. the Island. Corona de l M a r , Newport H(>ights and there- abouts. are int('rested in what goes on in your city government. One thing sure, if on f' or more of your coun- cil do soml•thing yo'!-.don 't like you make your'S('II n eard tn most dcfinlt<' term.<~. So if you really want to be h eltr ful ancl h aw your own per· 500al ideas of how thmgs should be run or who s h ould sit on ou•· 'coun dl. h<'t'C' is yow· chnnrc to do something atx1ut it-hut there is one thing Slll'\.'--you can't do <1 I hing uniC's." you n.-gistt•r and VOll'. \Vhy put it o ff? Re~i!f­ ter now! O tht'r\\'ise. after all the shoo lin' is over. fo r - (>Ver ho ld your I~Cll't'--if you ' Buy Bonds to End War Quieker -~-4:). '--~~ ... ___ ,_.,.. ~ ;a.. ~ _. .. . ... . . . .~ ....... , IEEP POSTU! 1 Year •••• ·$2.61 Nak• ,,_. ..., ...... N-··nn-N•...-r& ..... EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT. SEA SHORE ~· .. v•" I ' , LIDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIG_H_T_S_, _B_A_L_BOA I~LAND, CORONA DE~ MAR, COST A MESA VOLUME XXX\'1 NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA, TU.eDAY, I'~BRUARY 29. 1944 --=:::1 . ....,..,.1 S P k C · · Kav Finch Gives I M · th f ~lt.'sa Marinl' Gt'tM R d C D F tate ar ommiSSiOn El Paso Bust of 0 er • 0 fitation for . e rOSS rive Or RefusesN~wPort funds ~;::~~.;,.~;~~.;.~::.:I John Allen ~~·~7.::~:.~~~:~~~~::: $13,.000 Local Ouota d •t bl .t.. pi•· .w .. r th•· n•untr)' hU at.o""" is St • k ,,, 1···••• M ...... M"'"'" To•oh ~..:• 0 H W ' d esp1 e assem -y _aC I On ~-~:·;:dor';;:\~~~-r·~;~::r nld hoaDl' riC en :~·.:": .. ·~ .. ~~.:··::1~~.~.":,":~.::::~.!:::;:·· pens ere On ~ e ~ /':tot tun~: Ill: •. "h" pN'IM'nted t.o !loon '"'' r JIIHih-11' 1tlnJ: In two' • William Gallienne of Huntington Bea(·h, in ·Statement, Hits Action of Cali!.oulia Board in l>enying Funds" for Park tht Collf'jtl' nr Mlnl'll at F.l poaeo. ltMt ~··r.:·· \\' \1 . II lllool ... I . ""'""'''I~ Il l' 1111•1 I lor •• , ... Ill ..... IUl R onft_ s tr·rr" I'Otlll flnllhell Of J -"'D u '"'"" " 1•1 l'tol~ It~ " 11 rm ho·1 oof It ,... "" -All••n 1\lo·l •. ,. l•l:}11•l '"''~' f'f hl•r ("1hti"r l'ff\f Frank H. pt&.armartat AO'I IIU""B IM•r ('If th • • • ll~ff th lhtU t•n•v 1•111\t hrtt tu " N'un u•n \\ hu \\ t\..~ hrftd of ttw City Pl•nntn~ C~tU\14 \"""'' .. " PU~:4-I·tt ,,,,fllh til\ •• h •nth··· .... U!'\ttruu :. M1n~~· c~hc.'mtl'(r\" ~tf'parlrr•nt fM -"''"·•u•'t•!t·nh ttt '"···:,,1 , ""' ,.,.,,,,.,. ''' ~,, .. •l •t··• ,.utflll1 ntut .. ·r. y.•:u·8 ;\ ~h:l\\ tnj.! n( the art· OMnntuntl)' , .. ,. .. u ,,, ... , t•ll\ Fr•h Ill;' J" ,. ... I ,,, •• ,hlnr "' UUltf\ftt ...... ('hairm~m MrH. \'it'lc;r (;r8("t' Announ("('M eom- mitt<'t'~ All ~t·t for Ta~k Whid) llu ln- c·rt•nlt4t•d ( ;rt•atly Ovt•r LaHt Year's fc~ffort tllt'IO -~k w•• ,. ...... n.o!tl .. a IM· .... ,.,. ~ ~~· •k··n ",," ' lto•ttll tl ~~ •• , l 't_ '"' '"-~ llr•l """''' ~~~ \\'illiam G :tllil'nn(', S('('l't'tary-manngt•r of lilt' llunting ll)f' ...... I lift• f'rr~rnlllt htn nf u..,_.ta('ll "" ... r l•ltl\ Ill• !IIIII): ""' \\' '"I,, ..... ll!lh' It\ .... hi~""'"' 1'1.111 .. '"'"';til M'l r .... 1111• npt•llhl~ ut '"'' lt~t•nl ltc~l Crcwc &>ach C hamll('r of CommPr('(' l"t'lliiTll'(l I octay rn 1111 S;u't<l· bu•t I fUIIht"d bv lllllloool.tO• ,. '" "'' ..... ,. . 'I " I·· • \ , ... ,.. '" •. ..r "II .... ,.,. .. 11' d I' I\ l ' \\ ,., "" .... t:t ~ II• r.ll'-4' ~I 1.111 N I )h'"' Ill Ill' 11111111111 l'llnlfW1ia(n, (' Mo ~ Ftno ' .,. l""'·nt,., Mr atkl t.sl whrr·, "I"• ,fo,•ol llo• "'"' ,. '" I''' '11 111•'11~ "''"'" hftltlo• "' ,., m •"nlo ,,.h ........ 1·1"' lttl"'n-'nd tl, .... St:-t.c• l'nrk nmmissi•)n nll•l'linc • "''~'"""'' In ~''' \'t"l ,,. ( ·,.,, .. • ·111 1 '11 I I thl ' ...... ~ ' . "' . '>-" . )ifriJ ... II ~t•llnllln. now liVt' a, . ..,, V.'lt" 1\4 \O':tl•" ·~·· '•'" ,,,, '""' '" \\hlola tl4 1'111'111\ • • • I •• I ' • I 11111111 14' c rvc• II a nct satrl th<' park t·ommts."lon flntl~· t"t'fusN1 to llt"qtll .. f' lh£' :,~, ""'"''"''"Y l...ttn<'. l.a~na Th.-tlf'<,.,., ..... ,,,.1 ,,,., 11,,.1,1111,1 '"' 1 '" "''ro' ,,,.,..,,,,, 'l'l'lm· •~ 111•hl•· thai 11f Ill•· """'" 111\kt'll ln1-l )'Pill', hut Mnc, IX'<tch IX'twren lluntin~ton Beach and Nl'\\'pnrt for <I s ta ll' .1-~<a··:· ,.Vt' maoli• llooll 11 ..... Ill ~·. "'' '''"'""' '"""' '""" !IIIII t:r:tt't' '"'"1'\1'' llt:tl llta· 111'1'11 llllcl llh· 1'11111111\llllty'll undt•r· park bccaust-thl' "policy of lhi' ~tal(' Park Commis."inn to Qtn.n,l <"•""' lloollk•" •~'''""· tun .;,11 " 1' •r "'"""I' 11 ~ A .. turulln~ o l 1111• llt•c·c•"'-""~' for match funds still SliiX'rsrot•s • . -Ch h T ~!. ',lve~:l Ill tt .. ,'cc,.,. ·~···,·. r .. rktlh·· I I d W ' filtH b . "Ill put II "'"''~' "hlt l ,,, •. , ttll' lt.-d '""-•«'· t I f th . t I .. \\'II~ ""' ... ,.. H\'l'rt•ol unlll Ot'C•t>m brr urc 0 -t'n ~··Ill~ ootll Ill . I oUI In s an . ••man M 1\1 " I;, Ill •• ·"'""""'''"' 1'1011111111 I"""~ ... , .•• , .... "'". ''nn~lclf'r lhiJ t l<' (lWS 0 ISS :l <'. nr ln~t Y•'Hr wlwn ll.t llY••r T n Plmnaylvlllll:t ~'"' '.""" '" l 'illlf ' I"'"'"'"'' ool II• n..Ct\llh·~ har th4r I •• p k t p• k d $170 h ••• t'h 111tUII'II n~ fulltt\\' ~,.,,.. Mr CulloPI)O(• ('11flllnuPtl Tlllb<>rt. All8f'mhlymall \\'lllltl!rl. n .... yrttrl< flj;to :.; ,. """II llf••no-(•,. 0 IC 0 ' . ,, "' llootll Mllr.'h I. I!M:I. '" 1"-lr. can. ''TII4 Pnrk c·nmm•~· ..,, at tht•tr \\'Ill nrr. r.o rclhn. \\'olr h lUI'' ttw u Eb II -or Hf'lllnll .... !,:·· ... "~: ~ Ill '" '\..: '\. 11 "'" !'-IIIII>'""· M•'"'""'''' llul \\'Ill • • •· u s11111 1o ''"'"''I'""'" c:t111J\,c:111 'l1111·•· ttlllllull 1'l1tht hurwlr.'CS + + + O•·•·••mlwr lnst mt>o•lln•• '"LOll An· wrlt~r attrndl"d thl' Stat~ Pllrk o &.ftJ S.tu·h '"""'"'''' l 'nllo'<l l'(tfllt't> ~~t•rvlcf- cl d 0 "' se e & """'' \\' T \\'hll·· 1 •• .,,., llott.t"" ON' IIOU!ie5 -n(> m ore o>t•ll'!! rNJUI'!IlPd Oran•·t' Cuunl\· 01· c-ommlRI'IIIn mN•Itn~ that t -,.I . u"lvnn Ill'' llt•r hlttolollll•l :.; \ :"TA AN A Vll'thn .. r " I 111•'11 foil\ I'll , ........... ,I ,.,,, In c-...... ... .., . ., ,.. ,., l 1\1 ·'"'''"" I. I hl•ll ~ A ·-· .. - sin<.'E'I't', wc>ll me-ant appeal to tlrlal~ In bring mRI'" ..r10 nnla ''' m"lrhTn,:: hli"R •·u t"fti'IIHntl'rrlt bt<· 1 ~~ W • .Alkn. b''' .. m .. lultn a.t I'" 11,..... kA!l 8alun1Av allen .. AIIl. ''"'"'It ~·.._ .. .., ,1,..,..., U M M "'"' ''"'I"'"'~ ht'AI'h nrnpf'r1V alrrnrty ar•qulrro I'II IIIW' '" tnlnlflu.-ln .. thr bill <-tty f s ,-·n. bctlh Col ..... IMIIt"ll . """""" :-: .. ~"'""" lluHnn lh•lhiiOl l..tanol rt• It I I • I ""'' """'""· rl\r lumclr.od ·"'-· th<' many. many h ome own-•· --... -• 11',. "'"" c "v••r t:•~•l'll•' n .... , b_v :-:rwport nnd H1.o1' .ogt un H••ach Attomf'y Ray Ovtrackrr ~ade no W . Mno M"r.:•u••l M•·•ll•loao·l .. r I"" 1•••1 I hf' ln•·ht .. nt '" .-tty '"''"'" 11,11 '"'""" v1.,,,.,.,_ .1 • 11 c ;11111 anol 11'~•·t• .. l h) dllltllt•r llonw !llrp ers in these parts who close Offll'tlll maps wrrc> preparf'tl h)' '"''"""" n• anv rn:•t•·htng. henl'f'-or ervtces Ollnpton. ('nlof '"Ill ··~····· M ............... t lh"t hf'r hlllfdrt ,.,.., lh \\ 1\ h llk ·;.~··~·· \\·h··ul \lt'l' their homes for nin<' or ten too:rwport no•ach·· f'n~ntt>r. H \. forth It .... tht oplnton nf •'I ll'lt· ...... ard Whllllkt•r ftllo) Mr.. ~; It '""""K s 170 In ..... h ....... ~loolo•ll ('II.,. '. Mill···· Mtu IIIII I '•ott(>\ ,., I II' lllflllllfl I""'" '" ...... 1 ,..,, m onthsout ofaycar a ndthen Paltrr80n. anl1 F.n~tn~r tll<rry •slfll oors lhal th111 bill v.·oold JO llr'dct.both •>fl.o~ .. An,:ooi•·•.Mr" frumh1•r Ju.-1. t•111k ntwl lt•tl•t Mul)tll\ ~~~~~~ll••tlht'l>l••nut'lllhh'hla .. v· Ow•rmyf'r nf Hllntlng\•n 84'arh through witho ut monry malrhmg " Offlrlall! nf thr FtnJI ::burrb of C. E. O.rT1.,m ••f t'""""l:" C'flllf M•• llllll••• u ht ..,,. ., ... ,..111t .,,,," • '""'""'·~· nl<·ml~·•~ w1ll In IIlio( llc•rttlly lh<MtMhd• •ll """"' ol use them one or two months "&ach prnpPrty at Huntlngtton Cnvl'mnr F:t<r1 Warnn on lht' {"ttrt8l, St tentaata nt N-P'lrt J11rw Wu.l«'y <'hut nul ut Alham· lit I: l·•r twu _.,,,." tn o•ompt.·l•• " 1111 " '"" , . .:n•ut" t•f "'"l'lllnh ""'' Anwth'an Wllllll<tt-d In ao·llun. in the summer for thf'ir own Beal·h. ~.374 lineal ftrl vahlt\.1 Ill f'n"l <lfly "' lllr.!TIInjt. l'lr;nll'<l thr Hf'twh annC!Itnl r•l lndRy that lie"· : aDd Mra A J Wllaon and 'llll In " lf'lrphf'lft«' bt•tlh In a ~all all "til '·"" "'" ''''"' I""'"' lo• Fill\ thuU>UIIltl nu,.... """"'tfod pleaSUft' .•. Sure---th<' hou~ 5~37.400 anti Ntwpnr1'" ht'ar n bill but cut thr apprurrlatinn tn ,, . ..,, "'' uhl ,,.. hf''tl In the l':beU J. R ('lnrk bo•ttl •oJ ~·rnnkll" Ia "" '""~ al•>f'O' ctnr lit lit•· "'"'"'• '"' tho "'"'\ '""'till\)' is yours a nd you can do what pr OJ'f'r1Y 27.110\1 I nral ftl'l valuro $1~.000. whtch Willi 88ttl!fartory olub hnuAe on Ccrtlral avf'aue. Ea.t PIL Thrrt ~, .. '""r ~trttult'htltlrrtt ..,., 111,,11 """ Mid. lwH•'"'J .... 111,.1 ,...,w ... ,. Mtart ...,1 :-.'' 1> 1 "''' 11 "" 1 '""'' n u r •• · • ·th 't b t •-1 '" "'· W I I t -t" nuJ.· .. ttttlfu .. t l ut .... ,""k~· you want WI I • u set>mS at $1'34.(){)0 wh n It IOtlll &mQ6111Ung ,,, Orftngr County lr&dl'riJ but at Ill Ntvo•nnrt. •tarttn" nf'st Sunday, ~"('~I WlU ..... PI nn< ay a ''"' "'" ~~~ .. lrn thr ba•tth. ani! art .. r c If 11'1''1 , ..... 1" '\•'I \Olfh' , ...... '" h . · t b t --'-37 b • .-"' I • • I lh Uttl l 'lturrh I th · 1 1 11 I I 1 1 '\;Itt•· lllllttll" .. t IWt•nty·flv.• mil· to t IS ann()C('n VS a uucr tn St. 1.4()(1 •·a11 dr. lorrd Y l ,. WL'I a "''l'f'""" to many county nf-r01u,1wtn.: thl" 1111tr nf thrlr property r · · a " •· " ' , "''"'''''"II h«'f c-all. Mra ltuttun ''' "'" 1 "1' "'1 ""' ... ,_,. '"' 1 "' '"1 h t th I •• 'r )f t• k " t " 1 • fl I l ---Flirt 81 l.uv.n M••moorl:tl tlo •lto lo t• \• ,.,,. tlu• Itt~~ lot •••tool 111 II< ott •UI .:Inti •lf"•nlniC" ,.,......,...,.. f 8 E"f'(> are Ot.._ 0 UnSt' • ar vOffiOIIIJIIIo n <• ole nBU C' l'll flflBito hr• IIU>Il' tn " lrtt .. r r"rf'l\'rd too llnrthy !lot !~.t l!lt•r 11' ~ta ~na. ~.._, floolh •'•I !hal hrr hlllfuhl waa ml• ~ ish fo)kS WhO \VOU)d rt'<'On· In mall•h lhP prnp.,IINI $1~.000 ap· from ('arlyr ... l.yntnn. rxt'f;utlvl' )ifr .,.;_,,d llrll:~lt tolalf'd that ..._,., Balli Murluttl\ l 'l>l una IJ..t I nil ''""11 11""' ( "nqt fllll Alttartl wh<l ~Ill ... • •f ~ c;id<'r and pol'tpone th<'ir t·II•Pnnlton J>OII$• t1 by h th h<IUIW'" , rru rr rnr thr !"t11t, L.an<b ('11m Sundl\y mornln.:' ,...rvleftl and afar. cll~·tt•fl Silo· "'"" unablr 111 fu"'"'' • ,,,. "" ol ~" ""' th•· Hrtlh•wt Ill••., I••• fm ~'l\1' mlllt,.tt, lhrt'O' hundr.d summe r vacation till after .. r tltr 5tatt• u.:•!llaturl' at th .. lax\ ml-d on ,. letlt•r ws" rl.'t'eivtll by w.·.ln••tl<la\ n l~ht nlt·•·tmca would! •• ,1 ,11,11 or thl" ... .,....\.a. pulll'l'•'"' "1 '' '' ·""I I• '""' ~,.,,.,"."" '"'"''""" IWII'kltllo"' •tl fund, ,_a. !!l'g lrin 11urlng lht' l!l4:ll!lllll' rnc>rl · r.rollll'nnl' anol th.-(' lllrbrr nt l>t• llo·lol 111' 111,. 1-:lu•ll t•H>mll, th&IIU 'T'tlf ::00:•·\\:• rl M•·lttl Tn•l"" I . "'"' "llutt:olh"' ul $.10. ( itltl t.cl t'lllrll, t•l~ttll,'h. c•tt•. ~ for the war if th~y really k:r.e"' " ~"'" "'" "''"''\1· ... 1n ,,f .,hl•l•·, 1'.1·· 1 ~ -r ~ ,. t""'l r-J t'C.'d f In(. ("nmrnrrl'•· wltwh "lafP•l that hr 1,. thf' km•'""'" ,., lit•• YtJo·ll tadlel . Counl'il hultl• 11 ~ ll't,;lllllr W••••k ly , "•"'-~'1"" 11 -" "' 1 "~" An. ~he ~rgelt "r 0~rousi~f "Atthr,ugh AM<'mbly b•ll !"o hnd wrltlo·n r. •. vrrnur "'"rr«'n &n•l ·"'" thnt ,, '"'" t,lllhfln~: woold be' mHtln~: '"'• TII"'"""Y ntrht at ItA NEWPORT BEACH RAINFAlL .... ,.",. ''1·~· turw""14 " 1 SIO 1 1 " Nuv li. HM:\ A. 1'"t mAn)', ;~e ~ysOC~~~ln~ f~~-r )~~~ 19~4 lntroduo·r•J tJy holh Ornngl' h&oJ mad" I hi' lltalo·mrnt thnl t h•• , 1, , 1 11~ """' ,.,, matf'rlal• could Newy)(lot 11•'"1 h. 1,11,1 w•·l,.;mu all I .I ~It 1 '"' 111 ' 11 ltw•ttl "'"'l"11'' 1 " 1 ~~~·~·~t·,,:~~~~k~:-::."'::.,.tn"';""tW'(Ii~ l'Ounty A~fll·ml:llymrn llnn<•rnble majority nr lhll' flror .. ·rly Wo!UI•IIIO• "" tw-<-llrt'll. -.bf'n anol thrlr ft•!f•nolot '" ft'· ltllllllllll "'' to Muftllay .... ·~I •h· ...... ,, ( .... '"). 111111 ,,,.. ,.... • .. have-n o vacatio n . Is it ( ., I ... d n ... II .. _ '0'111 I·'"'"" IWttotnrlnt• !'urtllllllf'll Jill 'till t•llflll"'· wh"''" thfov .... "'""' )'It' n at110n an .. am • o rna ...,. tt"""' •onRhly hr tdr11l for bf'rll·h dt•· p A. p,.tmn. Udo 1• "J)N· new hK"t~llnn. 2304 OctiUI f"ton\ ln fHII .,..,. Atorm prnnd 40, _,."" ' worth <.'OI'lsidering" 1 p k r 1 1 th1• ,..,,,,,,., "''''"'n.--nt h••t~rit'fl, lllf'rRI lit•·•""""' 1 + + + · came " aw. lh•• ar tomm ""on vtolopmc>nt fur rcrrt•Rtlon"l pur· ,.,.11tall\·t· 11111t~ tfNiay that lM -..... l in ''"'"· U .C)I : a..t ,...., 10.'74. "\\'• 'II ,,., 11 t .,.,.,.. Twt•lv,. mlltlnn l&n'N'W'I ...... . f~tiiPd to "rctpt thl.!l &II " mandatr. pr et-e 1 ~burth bad purc:haaw a elte, wb.lctl •1 ----1 (' J M II \1 ReDdesvous -Bob Murph.'-• Th t o 1.1 1 11 ~ ·' "' 1 · '"' .. r. ""'"''" • •rt-n "'1 kll'l IIUntlvan ot ,_. ·' ~ ac provt ~ 11.11 appropr a on , Contlguoua to Oil wu one of an~ral dof'velopmenu 9obM h p ~ rrftdtor Mnf11rtlf'll•l. writ«'• '"'"' nn .. dl ... t..n tUcW. has lo ng been considered one 'from the Dlvu<ovn of Beach and .Mr l.ynton empha.tttud to Cov· .ptann••l r .. r t hr .. ntrance t.o Ud:~ North Atr1c'a "l 'll takl" 11 a• • '"''"' hundrftd ... f:1ftr .._.. of the "'-.I.a.--. business men Parka ot 1299.~ for tAla at>quiM· em or Warnm that thloa laod ll con-........ urp y urc atf.!ns f II U ...___ f --... In the;-;:;:; district . His uoa durtng Use~ •net Mth tta.'tll'lou• t.o the •ubm~rpd aad Ude ~ dlurtll own~ 3 aoa.~eeClL lf!W C'l'IJla ~ &~~~=-~II&_..._ - ,cal yeara lor Stat.-Par• purpo8H land" nf th" Cll'ean un1~r whlcb at 112 t-:8_..1 ('rntral and HVenl 8 II '" tho RA'f1 ( n-. ThAnkl r•n :'" 0tlf' million. ftw> ..,drwct l...., purchase or the Rendezvous I and could bt pur..·h~d Dy •r· m"v lie ,,,. l!lrurturu monthl aco enid lla ..-dl.DI I"'OOa R d . tlltW .. _,. •• ~· .. tltl I(IVf'n fll"ll·ald tntlniltt. rrorn the finanre company.~pnilall reaaonably prlCI'd, by n~· ll "·aa 0111 untU thl' Off~mber a.nd lot a lljollnlng 1"be new own· en ezvous a room lloov. o• tltt• ltt•tl ('10-f'lllllunHI Thl't'f' hundnod I~ It,.. w h ile considerably below the J!ot alton or by runllemnatlon pr<'-lui m~tlnll: tt-at Mr Ntll C\Jn· n lntendJt In hulld thn't' duplui!JI 'I""'" "' J:Jf•ltW•I CUI • '',. n I' ,.,'"", """'Ina tn~lnlntl cost Of th(> building, again • t e<llngto nlngham. 0Pp11ty Atl<lmt'\' Cenrr-on th~ lhrtr tnlL The reedlnl 1-:tt.thl \ ''"' t• I ••t•nt ttf it ICI I lou• hu.,.IM'ff and nlnrtH'ft ltloulr demonstrat~ his confiden ce Ju.t a Dream Ill r~~r th" .. tact· !'f'nl Ga.lllrnnr " rnom lA nrtw Ot·rupltd by Wt.. N·wa of lit• ..all' "' lh" H•·n•lr:t .,.,.tn•··l '""' he tnt..ftola t.o makr • ', . .,,, •••tl ,.• '\ ,., \ $1 tltnt I I• ""'I dl••,lc·r vlrtlm• aktrd. .,.. in th "" futu""" of n -alboa. Bob .. Chaarman • f the Bollrd <l' Su-r• mmunt• :ot "" whto·n ~tald In part. F1nrrn<"r !:Jinnoll. lla own«'r. u • ~ """ I• '"'·~• '" .,., \ ••~ '" tho o'lll 1~1;\ 1 , "" "' D< pt'I"VU!Or8 Willllt Y.'aml'r IUld Su· nn.l I lh1 ,..•f•·•l thnl lhr Stat~ "''"'" \'(>tiS Ha.llrooom llttll•"' lty tlw ,..,., n11mllf't "' lmP""'"mf'rllAI "'"' 1" """'I"'' "' 1111· 1111111~1 1.,.,.,., nn• /\II "' thl~ hauo tw...n ea.'tlfn• h as been cus."Cd and d is-P"I"VIl!klr lrvm Ccorjtf' r.urolun Ill'· I'A ik<"••mnllll~l"nl'OIIItlt'XJ'<'ntllhr l ~flU ~·.nnn<~• .... •·I !o:anltt Anll ••·1 1111~11 u: .. hUjtf' lltn..111rr .... m .. """ '"''"'··~ ('t\lltll tl "'"' ., •• ''"''""l wllh• .. lllht•aJdnladollar cussed by friend and foe , mpana,.d by C'ham i'K'• nf rnm-mronry "J'I•t•·rr•a••~t b~· rhart.-r ''La " R •t 1111,. 11,,. 1, .• , ...s. tr .,.,_,hh· 111 "" oil• ,.,,' ••·It• 1 111 ... "•"•·• ,, '''"" '"' totnv••mrno•nl or fnJnl any a )l'k e for Y"' t th rry 0881 .o.r anol liM toUrt·hK .... ''"'" lllltl '''"' .---I' I c· k .:oars. llU e man tnt•rt'f' l'IC/• rt't.Arii'S Hnrry Wo•h:h 1074 l'lllllll"" ,,( lf14:) tnr ft<'qUL~l·l II: lloot••l I• ... ''""'' ... ,, • .. ""'''' """'.,. ............ llw' pnr 1'1 I . t f It I• ····••llf"t ..... '""'""""'' looolll\ l im .. r ... lhf' I'Atltrr fr•llvlllrot ' I I I I II I lc , I ,, .. _._ don s generous 0 a au • opens nnol mysd( "''"' '" S~t••r:tmt>nl o 11"11 oo( '""'' oor ht;oo h rr .. nt&J:I' Ill p t d . ~ -' 1\' I ''" ,, '' 111 ' \ •Ill' "' "'"'' •••• II ...... utt<' .. mr ... ·an • hiS pur.c;e t O ('V<'rV charit \', •lttttnt: It'" 1!113 ~··s~t'ln anol wt•rr• llt>oll;.:t• ('• lol'l\ \\llh•>lll l"<fUhllo,..! romo e to I•' llo•l•tl I\IIIIJ'h' "'"" """ l•o•ll Mr Mlltl'h)'. -.hu a lan "llf'll\l• • •I ·, t• 0 ''ttl loot• wn '"" oo· "'' Mulllf1lV II I1V lht• o•l~thl flflha donAit:'S his pmf)('l'ty SO civ.ic sur• l'to"ful "' hciVtn,~: thl~t mc>rtii'Ur• ~"' h • 'I ' !Ioiii Ill'" '" "'' nato h•·ol C { • ,. •·I" r"''"l! I h•• '"I= ''""' • hull ~'"'' '"' tc .... ,l .. •• rooom In 1\all•"'· •1•·1• ·,,., .' t• ' , '''' 1 .. "'''' '''"' """"" "loll II "''''' 11\lmllh•ly '"'"I" ttw< In· enterprises can make monev. ;•II~!' l••tlh """~···~ II llf'••ml•tl lhnl loy a Ill\ I '•IIIIIY '' r•rlvnlo-,. un···· ap aancy Ill• rlnant• ''''"'""" ..... k II •·\•I JM•I '"'" '"" brf'IVh "''""" .... '"'' .... 1' •• ""' ... '"'01 '" II ..... ' .... ' '" tltl• )'I'll!·, llt·•l ('ro!ui a nd aces mern'Jyon h'ts.·w.:>~'. HOC'I' ''"" '"' all (ttan.:·· {'()IIIIIY '"' t:o.ol ,;, I'""'' lo( th .. ~,,.... tr m II c; lhllllllj!otllll' ···v··thl 11111111•• '""'"any .......... t l..-11•11 111 \•ttlo·l··· '""'"''"1"11 ... '"" ...... , •• I H\o'l ""' lllhlllltiiiY',It )'UU .. "J • I h St•t r· k hI I k ~ ....... c IHI II •llnll\1 l'llr::··"n "' I I r II ''" "'"' ··IIHtll. , •• , ,., ... , IIVI·t· ,.,,, loOIW ....... " J:.!III),Uf')O,O(Ifl t'lln hr knowina in his hen rt that hn \1 1111 av•· a .• c nr ,. Wt'I'O '.or l 't•li fll·~~lllll HI r•crutrlng lOUI'h lhl· Armv Air ... rt•r l.st\11•·11•• \0011~ ''"" olo•7\'••ll• Ulltl ........ I "'"' lo•IIO ... '-H II t .,_ I ,. . t II I '"'·•" j ... ,,, • ,,, • ,. ,., •• 1\ •• IUtd ',,. .. , t ,.,. h···· ,,, f'UV•'f .... v ....... \' ..... is helpful rather than dt>-un ng on ..,.,ach am "t>Wpt1rt •·•qwnolttut ''" •" lw mall ht>•l wa8 "Lnrrv·· Hl~l'tiPr IHII< IN•f'n Jll .. m••l \\In I• M o :.11-'l'") •• · ''"' "' "' "''", tlotll II or hi lit "' ru• '""' • • structive. The Sand Crab lle&t'h which could be uaed by lhl' r·nlttl'ly" mnllrr wtthln the> prov-,.,1 rnom thr rMh or ll ru'••nnlll 1,. '" hi• tlt'll v.1llo " ''''" ol """~ n••t r .. maln tdlf' TlWI ftf'wa uf 1111 ""' 111~ ''1"'""' 1 1 1•' 1 '' 1 ' 1 '""' "' "'tvl•,. likeos Bob for his m a ny-sidt'd mlll•nniJ of ~oplc> 1•on.tn,:: ''' t h1~ lncr IUld 1.ll~~rn>Unn nf t hat com -•·art""1 1,ur•·h•.,. will bf' rt'l'rtYI~I will• ._,.,, Plan Board To Call Civic Center Hearings I A . d f h ' II'>RIIt yearly for n•r rrnltnn. but II mlRIIIun rapt H•• .... lll•r Ill the> ... n .,, lhr Brother of <.:has. ,.,,, "''""''U'IIIIft h V "'" "'"1 "• v ews. n m ex o IS popu-rrl•m•l• Jarity cam e recently when h e Iatr Dr \' A Ro-.IIPT ROll Mr" was e le<'ted.a director in the E h . . h h H"""'lr r Tht' lnttrr rr~lfh·ll "' th .. w Uies at 76 Newport Harbor Chamber or nt USiaStiC 0 '"e family hnmf', 317 Mnnta·rot, Hlllhna ay . Commerce. u~ ears Atlo•no!ln~ llll:h ~··"""' In llt· ... n~:·· i•tr.•l th••n l:r~<thlllllnl( froom l'1111l1t IOHJr~CI' W1·otlt•y \\'"Y 711. t.oruthr·o New Sanitary Uoard Headt.-d Uy TeWinkle + + • Con~tA -We doff our hat to the fine s h owing as pub- lished by our neig hbor a nd wish to compliment them on their record. The good work t hey are ctoing in the com- munity sh ould not be li~tro as braggin g. From time to time we have purc h ased - and buried -thrN' local newsparx-rs. but in the p~­ e nt lnslaJ!C<' W(' rfo not know of a n yhocly we would rnth<'r have as friend!~· rnmJl('titnrs tha n Bill and Hitc h . • • • J,ittlr 811U'k Rook -ll<'r!''s what lhP l'illshlll1! fC'nlif. I ChamhPr of Co m m r ,. c· t• w -g<'s rwnpl<' 1 o do on rlis- row 11'mts df'rk!o:: "T:tkl' nn hn11r n111 In ~a~· ;-.;n: • • · "I h:we a lillll' hl;l(·k hool~ In this honk I am c·ar't'fttllv lis t· in)! a II c1i"'c·ou rtf'"il's. instt 11 s. impolill'nt'Ss. nnct barf ~··vir£' J'('nci<'rt'<i m<' hv husin£'s.<; tn- dn v unrll'r IIi I' I'XC"\1~ nf 'Thl're's H war on.' Whl'n thl' "ar is m ·f'r I plan to t nk<' nut mv Jiltll' hlr~rk no t<' book to !><'C. whom to do bu si- nes.c; with-whnt tailor. laun- dry. h o t <'l. gl"'C<'Q' SIOrt', n'S· taurnnt and so fo rth. \\'her<' I was hi~h-hatted. nr oth<'r· MS(' maulro Around under the guise of wnrtim£' conrll· tions. then I plnn t o transfer m y bus in<>s.c; <' I s P w h e r e. There must IX' thous:mrl~ of people RUCh a~ myself kf"{'p tng little blac k no te books which w h e n 'judgmPnt day' comes after the war might IJI)e)l ruin for many people dOtng nourishing business wtth war workers." Ana Junior ('ollr,::r. thr n•·w •·•r-h lam re<"f'lvl'd hl!t lh•ntlll !lrto:r•·•· nf Cha11 Wa'y dlrd IIUOidtonly a t I• from thr Unlvrntty of c 'RIIf••miA tanc-h nr11r lktiumunt l >wlntc l•t at IW>tkt•l.-y I•• k ••f l(liJI """ '"'""'"'rl.ttll•tn '" C.rtatn alhl .Mra Hwuolll•t o tlt~ 11loll~•. t'haa V.HII un~hlc t•o Rllrnol Manchester Boddy I Thl' N""'liOrl Hamor l<t~ilnts I club p~nft'd Manc:-hc,to·r Oorld~ • th• funf'ral Thr '''" ''",...,1 f••rm• 1 llltnint;: :ond tn't ntrltvr mannrr If•· I fnnnrr Valrnf' I lf'mf'lrlou nt :<lUI· 1-' .. II••Winfl: th .. 1a11ouanr~ .. r • •·til flratu .., •lectldn b)' lhr ~''""''v "''''"""'. "'' "' "'"~ "'"''' l••l•v oli•1k mf'mbrn of th" -"''"'Y ""'' ""' ~"'"'I"''' l~·lltl• t'lly ''''"''" tu•·t •' thr f,ff••,. ''' • • \\' l'l••••tth•a.: '"'"'"'""'''" will "hurtlv T••\\'•nklr ,_,.,, natnt••t 1••\\'tukl• . "'' t·••t·l•• h• ~'''""" ''" IIH' pup •~ cha\rma n of lh .. .,_,.., a n• I ,..,.,,.,., ••f .,., , ,,, .,,~ .,,,,,, uu•ttnu ,,., I h•• ,,..," ,,.,,.,,, aa tulluwa . llr. Ke .. Pr, 11••1"'•1 A ll .. n. .. J Juhnann, l'et.. N,.l,..lft an•l I ' lla"tld lloplllD& Ia ttti•IUtuu ""'''""' c·unlmltt.. •• 1 Wt'llknown ni'W!' commrntatnr anrt t'ditor of t he Ln!> Angrlt•o; Dntly !'\lew!'. to a rt'pr<'"<'ntatl\.(' c-rnwtl of Orange county catiz('n' that al· moo;t fill•'fl r\'l'lj' !'1':11 in I hi' I" I'"· pnrt flloarh \.rammar o;r·hnnl autlo· wa' hanilii'HI•'IICI hy a ln~t mtnlll••l ta Ana 1 a.nd lhrtr ynunr.: ''"" Tim· h llvf'd at U •fll( llett• h ""'' ""'' ,..,111 .,. hwh !<"mrwhllt tftectl'd his my rr111,1r In ln~tlt•v:<MMI wt1..rr tht ll""n a tn-qu•t•l \'1811••1 hrrr wllh I I I tl hi• .-ToK •r lornthrt Rl Ualhna It f '" t•n . ...-.c-r_..... I••· ul '"'' ool oo • I\'' • t•ut. 1 •II•• ••n 'JlNiktnl: "'""''· hrlWrv .. r for a full • rnta "urJrr on 111 lll&llrono· ~ •· •· -~ ft ... , •• •• •·· • ,, , 1 " '''' urr • ttv tutll ::::.~~~~~~~~.~~~:f:!2~:~·~ ... ·.·\~ .. ·.h~·~~.~~:1SIX E11TER RACE FOR CITY COU•CIL l •r lft•V tt •l ~···•tKt•r "'''rt'"'Y ,,f •tt• ''''"" ,..,,,, .. ,., .. ,,.,, tlu•t ,,.,. a,.,.. • hl .. t ,,.,,. u•h•,.•·•l t,y lhf' trattlt t•lannlnll ,..,mpt'-Mr Jtohlot•oon I I M I 'altll'lllflll tUtd l.rwla l lltll7 N" •l•·ftnllo· .,,,. """ hrrn ap· pr uv•"l ""' lh•· l'lllnJtlnl( C:"mmt. "''''' nu•l .,,,n,. W••••l•l t)f" "l'r•r••vrd 11nlll I lor 1"'"11• h•·torltllf" l •rlf' h••l•l 'Ill .. r If y trY.'"' flY•· lit i ''" ttf IIlii• I 111 tl11• vt• !lolly ••f thr l.l•lu •th•~tl•t Aro•ollwo lllflll' ltlt•l I• ~ .. lloV.Irll: ht' m.un talk ~~· n n H•11l•l~ 1o·ph,.l '" "'\'1·ral qlu''"""' I tltl• tl I tnnum Th,. PYI'nt tr>Ok plal'o· In'' Thm·, rl11~ ntJ:hl. Frhruary 24th. nn<l \\·'' tho• '"'ond tn Jhl' Kawnnl" Tto\\•n 1 11;,11 .,., , .... from th•· lllllh••nt•,. J llil J' f ..... Th1· nl''(t •·v••nt "" '"'' Toov.n Indications Point to Sen~ra 1-. ore •l' ore I · llall "'rl''' lorn•v' IJr Tllf'H s ing Date ('ib ('lrrk Rinehart and Trea~- 1'•\I/Pitlt " lroru k•,.._ An~··lt·"' tift • 1 • T11· '"·'' ,.,,."'~·~.: /\""' ~:'llh "'' urer (;ant St.•t'k He-t• ect1on :'11 r Bnrttly WllC int rnnur,.!l tn Ktwunis Pr•;sirlt·nt n•1h••r1 llnlltn~· l11\\ ··d ''' 1 ~~· , itfH l11d•n....: Jtlf~t.!"'" lt•··t~l, ;onrl • \f'l•'"''rt ·'llt•rt~•o oll•oll I•• tho 1'·,· '"""'' ol11lo rll:tl•• I'IH•MI~ of tht• Jll'l\"llt•t;:•• nf pll·>t•!ll tllt.; Ill• .••f (~\ '"", ~1111 t:lto••l "'luo•l loo p r,lilil..., <;1,.'111" 111 I•· 1'\11"111'' 11p tlw la-.1 ft•\\ ol:t ~·, and I,. 1,., .. ,.., lollw ;\;""~·Tint•" 11~1. o, 1111lkah•lhat ..,, \\Ill •·11l•·• lho lbts ror .-it~· t•OIIIll'tl \\1111 P~"''"IJ<'I'ts of Sf'\'l'r;tllll!ll'l' \\1\lo '''·'" \\'••Jiknn\\n n~·\\"-dUthl)rll\ tn pt 1H· !11 pl•• "' 1\:•·''1"'' 1 H••;tr h · .-n )t• ""'Jh~'lk• I' Hd tlrt""''-f1rl hi• .111 ,Jt, n··· '''1111 th .... rr~.ctr, it .. h· "-l.t1 i•l l ho • \\l•hoollfol'l'l\11'11 tht• frtt•nrlh I ,,.,'lin " ,nHI a'r-,tn ... pth ,,. '" '' \\• ; J•irl lt.o rbnr h~· mak1n1.: ht> 11olk • tnl••t ll1 tl .tnt! fal•·rulh 1111 nu:h•·• I \lr Ho •ltl~ •I<• '' h· d \< ~tr :tllol 1•• ltHcla J r ••ndtt '"""' tn t•••n• 1 ·•I 1 '" •·r 1n1: t•;wh '"I,,. tn a rl••.1r c>nf••• · Donald E. Smith Home After Over Two Oversea Years The W S Smith h· m,. •·n Apn· lrn". Baihna J.r.l'lnd. '" md,.,.d " happ~· nn" 1110 lhrir ~on P n n11ld F. !'lmlth. Avl"llnn Machlnlllt M"t" 1 r. t'S!". lA thrrr on '""V" HftH l"·n yrnrw IUld lhrl'f' month11· A!'rv- lrt' I~ lbl' Pacific Oonl\1<1 walt jCradualf'od froom Harbor Hll!'h In . 41 And !'Oit..l«'d tn thr Navy befor!' Pearl Harbnr. 4 Ht! "'ill be. home untn March 1 wbtn bt wm report try lhf' Navy l acbool tn Chleaco for apeclaU .. d , machlnl.t tralnlnr. .. W. A. KIRK ' "ty ('ounrilman. •ho. llh friHMI" ... ,, •·Ill ns.-. Mr. KJit& .. ftllllll( , .... _.,. ................ '""'" fH-orp 00 ...... •m filin~ llf•fqrt• 1\1;11 • h 1:• \~ ,,.,, fltth I I I! H• I d lr!IJ ft,. I'' l I A II•· 11 1111 1111 ol" II' lo o 11 II f I I I I~"\ 11 ,,, II \ • d 1ft,,• \\ \ I; I I I V. ttl • I lo I I 1 (I flit I ttl I Jt lll I I ft • 'h f I I 1111 n J)o I • "f I lo • Jttt'"'' tt t r fttUI t•fl tfl '... I If I f••• '' ••J. r tllrn ...,,,1 Stroll It·\ prr .... t•l• "' nf 1h1• <nut•• 0 . ft. a-ct ltr•r uf C't~m· m•·n·•· h;,.. 11l<•tl "' 1111• 1\ n,. 11 Jlnv.•·~. (·,,,,,.,n ;,,.1 ~lar dtllt n 1\ rc>JI'>rt t~fll C:tplaln t'uo·ll•'r "' 0'11t~WI "'nuld nttl r un WH' llrY•mplh d••III<'CI h} th11 t '••n••rfl••l o• I :~rntlrm11n IIotta) ~to•hll said h• Wf>1Jit1 bf> tn thl' mntr~l wllh botlo f,...t "nd wnulrt haVI' 11 numtM!r rot lt.aUI'll two wtNid pn.-rocnt. Mr. , ~"' •Ito ~let~ hto wnuld deflrw I. A. OANT ~ , ........ _"'"" ""... ..... ,.. ........ ftt f•l t llflf ftt iUltl WrMIItl t, 1\ • 11 II • I •I ~····· \ r t 1•:\ HI .t ft \AI ,, ' I fl '· ·~., ....... l HI " •• I''" flltt t• • t• ·• • •k • t1 n M1u•t •·r l'lu U 1•11•1 v ,,, t1 ''' \\ 'I' f• r , .. , f•'-'1-uf M~rtt •I• M1lo• ""'' l-It Hottllh. tlllol II IJt •' ,,,, ... It •• •I luantl , , ,. r 11 I I• • H111tt• 111 I ll• , .. ,. l.lltfll It l11·1 ' • , y ... , •• , • fl I ' 1lti II' t •tiHI I ' I' I ' \\ II j I~ t I tlttftd.t I f'' ' lit• '"''" '•·4 ltul,..' I I •• 'I. Ft lttlk I I h rt 'II I I ' 1\ I • , •• \ II• '' I , '' It• If I ,, II • I ffl ,,. h ·J\t ,, I I 1 ... I '~''" ,, "" r• ~~ltu •·a n 'I .' •I " • I""'. ,, •• , I I Ill It f I• I ''"' ""''' rnorw)' lhnn tlo• •tl) I• • •• •I• I• , .... "''''' Mrs. 1 ... L. l,atch Found Unconscious ''' r. 1. I'"'' 1t "' 1:'1 "'' ,. 11·1 .. ,,, ••••• Nt•Wit1Hf ll•·t.·t •• ''" fiiU!Id 11n• <rnflt(•lfllJ,. lfl ho•f Ill It• I 1 h""''' ,,,,,,·rdJty ull •·l r1•••t• 1\ • :.rnhtJI:trt''' v,,t te •·stll•·d u rul ~~~oh• 't'ffii" , "'"'"' tu tbf> Cnmmu"lty ltuapll '" S~tntll An11 whrrt• 11 w'" ' ·• ••I 1 to:ot •Ill' wa• In • w rittCIII n•nl11tlon.l r...-(;, t: TobW ill lhr Jlltll••~tf• lthY•triAI'L l•1 ),, \1 •J t I ' V 'A Ill ;at h•t ~IIMHPl 1U 'h• •'> ,, .. th• ,,, •• , .. ,,u•d 'lvl•· 'l,.n I 't I I t ,, ''h i ,' 1 •ttth • l l ,ut ull ,,. . .,,.,n• ' ''''"''"' V\''" huv•• ~tufltrh•ttt 1 ,. ,, "''' ,,,, Ill··''''"'""''· ,,,.,...nt f I J . , It•• •'j"''" tu v. 1111uK t)r ''I* ~J I'"' t,,,,,,, lh• ,.,,,,It• h•·•uh•J.t• I 1, , !11• ,. ,. .. ,,, '""' h•·l1t 'J'wu • I • '·' "'"' I "oil lo•· lo••l•l II Willi 1 •· ,, •• ,, '''' ,,,,,.,,, wtll ttu•n I , ,, , " ·h ,,.,,,., ,.,.,, tr.tn~tmn ~""' '•• tt . '''' •••tnt•ll fur •P· I I ,, I •• ,. ' •••• ,. It 'Aitrt JUlltl I P'.AKI. \\", KTANI.r:V l'r""'tiMtt nf tlw> (llamiW'r ttf ( ·mn.-M, who laM .... ,.,f'fld U... ll.ta fur rll)' rGU.,..I. I Huh lloyd Is ·' Expected March :1 ~1r• H.,,,..,, ll•·v•l ""'vr1l frum I 'Ill'"' '!' ........ 1tt1 1 '" ,., HI•· h"rn•· t.f httr muU\•r. ·.t o' I , o1 ~-~;•.r••l, I I :tO No ll•·~od""Y ~""'" A1111 Jl:nMII(n lloh lluytl will arrtva M11odo :1 ftor l•·~t v•• tr""' hta dutlea u~ 111111 11wt,,. at 1 h,. TI'IIIUI Naval t ~'~""'"If ""'""'' II•· a.nd ltlrw. II"Y'I will <111111 Mt Hflytt·a ._,..nt.t, M' ""'' M r11 lt•Jbflrt J'-11 •1 Jr. ln c·'""n" •h·l Mar 11ur1nr hl11 11 .-, IUV('. '· ' '" I ~. ~-· ( e NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Newport Beach. CiJifornia, TU.day, February 29, 1944 Boat Builder on Mesa Dies in Orange Hospital Heifetz on Air for Telephone Hour Beach Woman Char"es Truck Hit Her House MilT Mlllll AMIIItl .. Let's G 0 fishing Df?nalil. B. St~ams· .. H.m:rY A. Ma~n -W1ns A1r Medal FiniShes Traintng William J t-llh Ko•_.l !)!j n ( Hi:i7 Nrwp<>rt U• llltova nl f·n.o·" )oh·•· (or 1'1 yrror01 A llltflt'nlo•r ano.l lo'lttt biJIII.If'r . In th 11 rura /liO'rl MunAA)' Itt an ()tan.,: .. hut~plt"l "''hHr• hi' underwc,nt Jturll••.v f~riJr,,.. ln.: a brlt'f 111Df'tla ('rlt·hrltlu who "'Ill appc-llt tn Mar. h u gur•t• ••n t h,. "Tf'I"J•' Nll' H .. ur' t•rogr~tm hr•.a•lr iUit Ill II I' m Mundaye •rvf'r K~'l W<'r<' an "'"In' r •I by C I a.tr iJonalol. 1'\nuth· ''" • 'llllf•>rnl~t Tf'll'lrhufh' < ·.,mprtnr '''""" 1 mana(t'r , ••• J aao ha lh·t· tetll, vlultntat, t.larc h 1\; C'llady• Swarthuut, voca ll•l. March 13 [)e(-paa.·o.l wa• a nllllllf' ••f nan Jamv11 Mrlton. poroutar ~m .. rtcan ._,11)', Iowa H• Ia aurvlvtod by hl• to nur MarC'h 20 and J•••d Hc,t widow, (;r&('f', M na, l".dJtll'r •~-mann. farrN! planlat, t.l11r~h lt7 Un ol P~ona and Merlin Jof at Hr'ro lfuDa c-h aen hy thf' jt:UI'~I ~e: daurbtera. Wra. Thrlma lllan tnl'lull• Hrltctz. tW•• m11v•· ~ ol ~ Wn a. Mra. Wilma mtnt.. 111 Wnurt'a "Cconcf'rtO No Howe of Walllonvlllf' and Wra Ber· • 'In n Major" a n1l Sr•hullt'rt'• alee Wet.t.Pr nf Panama Canal • "Avl' Marla '', Mta• Hwttrthnut. Zoile O.C:....,.d waa a .member nt "So hw,rta'a "Uano·tntc In thr llluk" !be rCNIW(uatr G1:apel L11urch. a nd t<,.luahlla'a Air from AffiLIIO'a P'\mera.f aervlce v.111 be ccmdul'll-' "K.rllurrc'('lhrn ·, t.t.-lt!ln, W• "" • ed W.--say at 1 p nr at the "Who'a G<lnooa l.t•rU IIl F'or ~1" Orauel Mortuary. "''llh R"'. a. w Lover' a "Thto v •W·IIIII krr1 t'ar,. 11tMtne omctaUIIJ: Interment WW H"warrl 11 "T1:•· lo'urm ... r 1 SI'ID" anrl be --.de In Pomooa cemetery a n a rt" from IJI'Iltw11' "Lakmr ' . __,...___ and li ofmann, lohnll<'l_,hn'll Maan ReceiveA • "R omw Ca.prlccJoau.:' aDd t.ht rrrat AJr J>ecoration 1 m"v••m~>n1 "' Huhf'nat .. ln'a "( 't•n· j certn N11 4 In D W1nur " A-c the five Mouth .. m Call· ,..... ...., rtJCeally p,_nted de<'· I Wilton k lcklnr about cu rillton ...UC.. was Bl&tf Bet-Donald 8 1 tlonln~r. remember ('olumhu.s cr._. ..,_ ot eo.ta M-. He La 1.-oJ th4; ouan on thrH lalleoll.l ..,.-. Ia t.be A.lr Foru. Sabula l la .. l Gautte. LE_U_L E_ R MS . FOR EVERY TRAISACTIOI We haw made It convenient few you to lrlaal'e compliance wtth uU l"f'QUiremeont." al the law by carrylnc a c-omplete ltock at all torm. and papers nereded for the camplrtlan al ..,., tranMdiaa. ~ANTA ANA Olar~nl( lhlll a 1 nwk r ruMI•d Into her apartm•nt h"""'' "' I t2 23fd atffet In Nnw-r• r I flr•(U'h and lnfllrtNf ll!'riiiiUI tJnn "~"""· June Knapp f ll'1 l ~hit tnr •1 111\1'\ In Santa 'An# ju11tl•·~ , ""rl '.,I(Kirull the l~arh <'lllr• f"rvolu•·• r11. a\d Ita ownu a, J II und f! 1 • Railey. An emJ!IO)'e of tbe company llhr nllr•pr•tl clrnvto the trurk nrjtll~f'nl· lv -.. hrn It lltruclir her twn-•tr.ry huohllnJ: The lllde nf the aln lf't ur• '"'"" ltr•cken In, the fuun1latlnn11 "'''" hro krn, pta.Ur throul(l\Out 1 It•· hullr11n• waa crac•kell and lllttkr·n, 11nd a rain apout ""'"" dll m· "~''''l allowtnc rain tn aeorp mt" ll1r lllruct un'. abe -ld Tht: IICCident. IItie addt'd v<'· , mr ... l tut Oct. 6. Tbe U.llt-v" .t ... nv nrl(ll(4'r1Ce or careh•amru <on lh• part of tbe drtnr. ''· s .• ~ ...... to RuM; Pay" Cub for ~pwood Wlulr· thl' Unilf'd Stttlt .... a.-poor· Ill~ llllll!ln' Of OOihu~ Ul v.ar ma·: lr•tllll" lltlu Sollk>t RUM.IU Untkr lr rul lr·ll"'' lll:n'('f1'l4'nts. Amt•ric'on •hlfr• nr•· n•tumint: Lrnm lhllt •~•unt r') with l'ltrJ:~·~ "' pulpwnoJoll • f.,r whwh tht~ l.'OUntry ts puytng ('ll'h Tiu• 'htiJfTlf'nll< 8t't' urranl(t'(l 1 ho rntt.;h tho• DPft•ruw !';uprlh.,. rrrr· purllf t()n 11 subliutlary I'Hmpany uf I hr• lt••c:-tlfll'l n tct inn • F tmtnc-o• ror· trilrA!Iun wt\lctl wu "''' Up Tn 1 1~10 In BNJUln> llrtll r·~tc· mult•r· j tlll~. Tht· D5C mak..,; thl' pur· t•hnM·~ and sdls tht•m hc•n · to 1m· I portr•n< for distribution I Cln S«-ptl'mber 17. 1941 n '(Jeral l.c>~cn Ad minis trator Jt·,.~· Jont>S annuunro-d that at thr n-qut'SI or Pn.,.ulrnl ~rlt tht' DSC had ('Ofltrartc'(f with thr AmloflC Trad· c'Orpora t I on. • Ruaaian <'omml' rcla I l'nll'rpn.w-, for thfo J)llrt'hiL"f' or $100.000.000 worth of atrlltl'rlc mlllc•rialll from RUA1!1. Or thtl' amount, 150.000.000 was to be ali· I v•nN'd hrrore di"Uvl'ry or thl' t:QOC'i' 11nd lht-othrr s:i4J,UOI),Olltt u 1 ~ 1lw> puJpwood ahlpml'nt' wrn• s&ld to be p&l1 or th" df'itl JJ]®®~~~~R ~Jrn~oo[3~m~ ne 0..1,....,. ._ • .,..lie, Uh the ....... MIHie ·-rtca. ........... Ita ......... -·· ........ un. at, te tile URite• Natle.,.• •• , •"~~<t. It •• c.,., .... M tllat ''"'• '' I.-ere .. t"t 1t1 ~tl•" ., atr• ... lc·~···-...... ,., .... , ............. 111, ... .. ..... "'· ,_ ..... ,., ....... . ...,. the" •••r, ... ".'"'c .......... ,. .... ftC ........... . ....... -'" ._ .. , t". AMonca" ,.,...teL ----- I've had some compllmt•nt.s from my public about thi11 column :'\UT ~tppt•nnng In '· the la!<t rl'w 1•u"' · Tiwy said : Sf'<' ht•n·. Wall}. you'"-' !IOrt of laytn' down on tho· job"" Ojtch' Okc•h! G11 llhf'ad and pan ml'. I <if-,;erve it. I've gnt a lot of l'xt·u~l'~. but nortP of them Urt· any good . On!' or th(•m l~ th11t I no long('r h~Vl' a I)'Jlf'\~·rttr•r a mi no· hndy to run it for me• The grrl whn ,gets up tht' M('il'ly pa~:l• '"'' bt·c•n doing somf' lypin¥ for m r. and "''me of thf' days that th•· C'OI· untn dtdn't a pfM'ar she JU~t cuuldn't n·nd what I had written. 1 What un lntilctment of our California ><chgol sysh•m !\ She· m&df' " lot or .:ood suggt's· t1on,. though. She thinkl!-I should uflvt'rtlse fur 11 l)'pi'Writt•r with l}Jlt~l atuu·ht'<l or \'l'f' \'t'n.ll She had ,..o mueh 1 n.uhlc• rt•adtnl( une :<tory that 'Sht' lmpllt'd that it wuuld lx-f'aJ<if'r for ht'r In wntr thf' column. I agn!«J that would IJ•• u ~tood idPa and a.~krd hf•r v. hat "h•· WrJuld wrill•. "Oh,,'' she r r· pl0t'd "I su-ppoae I'd wrtte some· lhtng about Whl\1 lhl" W('JI d ecst•d flshl'rman will w c-a r nrxt "':ruon." Now, thinks I, lhat'!l an idea wtth vast (Xll'."ibilitles. For ex· amJIII': Thl' spring season Ibarra· cut1111 nf Newport will bt> high· light('(! by many startling lnno- VII trons. Ttlf' IN>nd. hOWt'VI'r. j,. away from the uniform motif to that of daring individuullty H tfle 11\ll'~t c reations worn b> lhf' lt•ad· lng IWaux Brumml'l~ or tht· Bt>ach can lx-takt>n a~ a cntc non, this r n•nd iowa nt tht• Ntpn·~<~ion of unr's own individuality will swN>p_ thl• South Coe.-t tkl' u no'wester. Onr or thf' outs tanding expon· •·nts of th .. u pression of person· ultty i~ Cuptain Paul 7.itor of thc- 1 m llc•r Amy Lou. Curr'n Zttar up· IK'anod ..Q!......! formal function la:<t ~tondu, r•wning ( Fl."herml'n's Un· tlln mPt-t rng 1. Wf'aring an original t'OStunw of bright N'd and black plair1 ~hirt ISears·Roebuck-1927, ur wu~ rl 1917!1 Oa.rk blue t row· , ...... 1 Ll'vr·S traus ) damtlly ~p.·u· lo't'l'\J with Pnginl' gn.oa~ and cop-I l".'r·holtum paint OVl'r o back·[ tmund of rhum &nd mackPn'l -.cnh•s If" hip boot~. I tr S. Rulr· •• 1 .................... t .... "I Tcr•&l drbt of ~ &QV~nk•nt •>f ; CEIEMOIY FEI TUIES LARGE tho• Unit~ Stat,.. has N>arhf'tf tht> • t .. •rr. rurnt:'d down to ,.;rvt• that tlll,..hln~t Ullf'&ran('(• !1h<l'4r'<l thl' f'f· fi'CI ,,r th•· war on Nl'v.pun fa.o;h· tnn l'ol only Wl'rt> th1•y dont' rn m•ll'kl'n-1 ..cales and eorJflt:'r bot· tum parnt to match th(• li'IIUS<'I'l' fiUt wo•r•• llherally ~poth>tl with r1t'ftly applrt-d V1Jicaniu·d putcht'". 1 In tht' morr t•ons.•rvati\•t• ;::roup . ............. .., ....... ,.. ,....... ..... , .... , ................ ....... .......... ,,........,........ .. .... 111&11•1 I ... (llltM ... I .. IN..._.) .,.... .. ,., MIUIP I e ........... .. ................ ,..,....... .... .. ..........._ .... ., kiiMI. IEWS-TIMES ~·~~·~,: aa ~ ;;;R '~_o.·, CIOIP OF DEPIITIIC SELECTEES Tilt' lowt>St pulnt In tlw 1x.rhltl' <lf'bt durtnr t~ peat 20 fH"' was .. _,_rtur---oay ..., . M 0 I H tan ' --rf'COf'dpd In OoPcftnbrr, 1830, when At a ...-...-~ ~w·~· -avy ante Avenc n, ........ If wa.c J Jti.02S.OOO.OOO. Ftom that Friday, Commander Stewart T. Ant r:e,., Cnllf.. Navy, Roger K. I llmf' nn it "*' rapidly, hittln11 DWJiap nf the Newport Harbor Wm mley 1 ... 11 An;:cl•'l . Calif . th ""' bllll b "'--'-r Ann>. R • nair! C" &rkf"s, Costa (lmfort"l"""' an '"' ona_ > '""' ...... """'' Pr et ""I of the American 1 -oa • .,..... ~" .._. U rsa. C&Jtf . Army. f"aul I. \Val· I Thf' 40 htlllon oollnr m nrk v.•n• wbo was In charre ol thr ceremo-IIPt. Gar~r Okl11hnma . :'\!ivy. . II rtl•r< htol farr"·rll to lhl' firat t"•>fl· N I ~ .,._, ,., ... -.-.! tn Apnl, 19:\9 nnrl 1111' 111 ~I 1 1 1 1. f Loc I Bn rd C'lyiiP A . • f' • un r •anl'l~" thr•t~•nflrr "'"" a.c fcrtln"''' 1 nJ(f'nt rr•j(-rl\n ~ 0, a a Cauf Nnvy Jamr•M T :'\a11h. U'" 60 1\tlhon .lnnwu \. 1 ~1:.! 171 who Wl'l'r reportmg thrf't tly to An:."'•'• ('ail(. :'\a\,., J:.mt'• ~: 11)0 Rtlhnn NM'r•miH'r 1!11:.! I lhr Arnw -.n.t Navy re<:r pllon ren-Sttopp~. J r . ~11111 1 Ana rallr 1:..'0 Rtlhcm Mnrch 13, Jl\.l'l 1"'" """ ~11111! f"um mRntler Dun· Na,v. U 11yrl T ~:1w1 Or~tng•· 1~1 Rrlhon Sc•J~ 1:1 1\l-1.1 lap "'''"' Arl)"tant An;trrw J•cll-f"'alt r., Nil''·' H .. r.,•r' !\I CArt•·• """ llnvnwn •II!Or r chic>( c'll'rk of Col!llt Ml'llll, t'ultl . 1\rm~·. F'rnnl't!t· lhl' 1""'"1 flu,.rd, who .:RIII'd tbe co H C.IIIH•rrr'7. f'l)rtlnn•l Ort'lo:•lll, n>ll ••r tho• N'j.:lltllranlll l!lelrcl~l for Anny. Hnbcrt 1, \\'tllr~rn~<. :-; •. ,.. lhl' dr•pr.rturo• Alau prn•nt wen pull BI"&C h, C"Ritf . Army !':hlru t'ol111 H .. arl'rl! Gull Tampa ll" Md Yamami. p , 11t11n Ar11;on;J, A m ay "t '" ll!li':HI 1\1111 hrf"nk mr ' !til hi lhr• fllll •tr'l(\•lr11Uhl~,l 1•rlvat1' !11 hho lr11tr ~''l't'fl"r """ r r "I;., otlu•llol mroltr ml' a rh·III:J.n' ..... Hanj;I P· ftn•ll'l J. t.t v oon11ri1 ~cting color guardl Stewart T Hu><~o·ll !\lanhattan ThP<Itl• , r tt"llllll and C&rl Daniel· I Beach Cahr . A rrrn H tbby J I aon. nr \\'tlltam Haldy, the Dt!W I Rh~. Santa Anll .. l '(Oitf . Armv. memtvor 11( lhr u >eal <8uartl, jola- 1 Jamt'l P. But lrr lit•rkc•l<•v -4. C'ahf '''I In thr fA r••,..rll to the men · , Army, KoyB Kurlhnra. """'-""· t.tr01 Mtl\lrl'rl !:\t11.nley and Ht-ln Arizona; Navy wnrr~n K. HAVE YOUR BOAT REPAIRED BY llamlrl. llUXtllary mem ber" of the Olarlu, Lo~ Angrlf'~. Ca lif . J.oOIIt, al8rl rc•pn•lll'nl1ng th~ Amrrl-Army, Grr~orv M Lf'cm, COlli& II' an Rl'tl Cru1111 1-~mrr~~;rncy Cant..-w-. Calif.: Navy. F.metll M MASTER CRAFTSMEN We are now in a position to do all types of general repair work for small boats up to 55 feet. Our workmen have flad from six to 48 years' experience. We use th~ high- est .quality materials available and guarantee our work- manship. WE OFFER-THE FOLLOWING SERVICES: ll'nlt. aerHd <'Offer anti dOUjthnuta Wmdt&. COl!la t.tl'"a Caltf : Army to thr mrn Atljutant Haymaa dt• Tbomaa A. Sanlllln. J r Newport I trtbuteJ tnr "fall tn" bwlllf'lll pub-Bea.cb. Calif .• Navy Richard o 1 llabed by th• American IAgton a.nd Sewell. O>ata M,....' (.'aJi( : Anny. llll' lllf'rRllrrl' 11( lnatructtnna to the Orval E . F Lloy,l, Hr•ualng Au· I new .,rvlctmfn and their fun til• tborlty of Wlrkrnburjt. A rtF-ana: publlailt'tl by the Amerlc&n . Red Navy. Jer(lmto w Parks. Balboa Cto. Arrr,tnted aa leader• . ar t .. and. Calif : Army. Trlntdad T. the grour Wl'rf' RJchard R Mo,.,,.. Vttra. Gardl'n Gnw" Calif : Army. t>t Rftlb.>a and l,ttford A. Poltll of RJchard R. 8 . Moorr. Bt-IIOower . ="'ewp<>r\ lll'ach Calif.: Army, Gerlad A Smith. March 6 . .lif(lnda y. 12:1 r~g1a-Newport Beuh C&lrf.: Navy. IA-<ln trant.. nr Local Boal'\l 171 and J . Jl'on'at, Laguna &IU'h, Calif , th~ lranahrTI'd from (llber Navy, Harold F' Timmerman, Long bnArda will rPport rnr thtrr pr•·ln-Beach. Calif : Navy, 1'1oyd F'. 1luctlon phyalc&l rxamlnattnns, eo-Burk, CoeiA Mea&. C'Aiif ; Navy, t rlllnlnJr from thr Newport BHcb Carmen M. Taylor. lAguna &ach. r f'arlflc F.lrl'trlc Railway depnt I Calif.: Navy, Robrrt C Smith. Loa Thr roltnwtn~r La a IIIII or namN Alemlt08. Calif . Navy. Clyde A of rrgiJOtr~tnl~t or l.o()Cal Boarot 171 Pack. Lon« &~tch. Calif : N~tvy, I who wPrt' ,.llhl'r tnllatl'd or rn•lw·t-' Clifford A r otte. Anlllll'lm . I'd In t h• :'\rwy or thr Army rrom Calif.; Navy, Charl?l We~tley l.,.t·~mbrr 211 I" F rtm111ry 2!'i Woal"t'S. Lon« Rr11rh, 2 C. !If ; Wo• rrnd Cap'n Cy Milll'r of the Mal")tH'. Cap'n !\iillt•r rl'lio•!l for &:lumour on lhr• trndltlonnl l't•W· purl adnurlll'-" cup. urUl>IICa ll) COII{'r'\'d ·with oqoveral M>a.o1on.~ ol barntf'uda. AJb.'lt'Or•· anfl m11ckl'n'l .. cHit·"· and th .. •·nnvt·nttrmol Okla· hnn1.1 dushl>olitr'cl uvo•rnlt,.., wit h blur• und \'l'l'ht'nl l'l rltll·~. Arn•rm: lh•· SmHr'l !';rt nt Kl'n· tlnlf', I ·tnlltnc.: '' 1111' lla<htn~t ~nun.: 'krpp••r of thr 1\ur••lfl•. I''"' .11ol \1.t.;r,lrlr•r • nulr' !'rntrh "·"'"'' C':rp'n :\1a,.;t,trlr•r c~rrrt('<; ""' lh· mlllr;,n ntolllf. • Ia \'nu .. rclrur . I ft , l;u;.,, o·n--•mlll·· •~ a d,II'IIIL: t·romlun.tiH•II of tr•rlamwct 1 1,)1, •Itt I 1 anrl IIWltr•n o•hHh 1 n1u~· r•r, I Gn1tlho•I'L: • rt•l'hllllli'IT At m y ~ Nil\} t;o~<wlo, F m pnnm n !ith :onc1 !\Iaiii, L A I To o r•umpll'lr• this dn11hr11: c.:••t ''I' Cap'n :'o1:ol' m:tko·~ Pha,mnc.: "'"' nl ''"' 1 ~ 1111'111 l':t•w· pw I Adnu ral ~ ~'1111 tl>o•f'n lhnro~,:h 1 ht'<'t' maekt•ro•l "'"'(lno,l "'orn at 11 rakr·h an~ I·· nla Cl:11 k C.:ohlc•. 11ntl ,runnon~ hlp h1MI1' turn off at thr kno••• 1'\o artirlo• on No·~'JlOrl fa~hions w,.ulrl I)(> <'umplr lo· wtthoul 11 wnnt on thr• t'Url'l'nt "lyle•!~ tn hc'lld!;f'8T. In nddit ion to thf' Nl'v.·port Ad· mrral, r:~p I hrrc> IS :tpJ)f'arin,:: thi!i •• ~a ... un a ~trr'at vnnety rn hradgear. uut wPek Halph Nobll' wu aeen Wo':ll'ln~>: a f••t!'htng cn•ntron mad<o of tht• latc·~t t hin~: in chi'('~ cloth Wllh ntnr-int•h visor and tht' nam•• nf tht:' d•·-~rgnt•r !'lampl'd in bold hla~·k ll'ttel'l' llt'l't)."ll the front, tW P F'ullrr & Co I n u'n theN> l' "Tht' Huntsman", "'urn by Nt•tl Dut h. a ch11rmrn~; \'11rtat1on on the Shf'rlock Holme" "Inn• and afH•r''. In lht• ftt•ld of rootWI'Ur. fir.o;t I hunor" should ~o tn the wc•llknown ~~\'If' lr•nder Ooc Prnr.<on -who w~nn~ nollf' at 1111. In inlf'I'Vtl'w1n~: 1 Cap'n Pl'ar.<on your ,reporte r in· ll\llrt'fi "''hPn th!' baN>fOOI l'f'8!'0n 1 oprno-d and whf•n It clol'('(t ''Wa ll", N>plio'fl Cnp'n Pt>ar.<on. "I n'<'kon thr l'CII!tnn Martl!l ahout r.a~t.·r and lasts up tn hog·killin ' Starr S"->t n onald ~ Steams at ("'wfa MtoAa uf th<' Fifth Air For(·e Tr•oop ('.arrier Commaml. today waa award .... l lh<' Air ~ttl&l by Ll Crn Gt>OtJtl' C. Kt'nn~· romman· tlrr of Alllt'd Air F'nrce~ tn the S; uthw""' Paclflr . Thr IJ'I'ilal wu awardl'•l. th~ cl· tatlon a&ltl. "for mer•torloull lll'hii'Vt'lnl'nt "•hlle pnrtir·rpat ln~e In slllrtlllnrd oprr&t lonal Ott:ht mt. !lit>na In the Rot huwrlll Parltlc art>a <lurlriji: which hustile l'fllltart waH tJrQbabk and .. xpect~<l " Tht' np- <'rallone ('nMiatlng uf lht' o.lr11ppiDg and transp rtatlng of trr>np~ to ad· vanretl JH)lllllnn!l, lnvoh·t-d Olji:htl al lvw altll ude ljver nHJuntalnuu" terrain undl'r tl.ilverlll' Wt'alhcr cnndlllona. , Sgt Slc•arnl! Ia lh<' snn nf Mr antl t.l rll \\' 0 Stea rn.11 of Santa AnA and Orchar.l, Coata .MI"ll& l'fc. Harry A. Martin, 80D at. Mr. a nd Mra. J. A . Sprankle or 6•6 Cliff Orlv~. Newport Beach, hall r!'cently com pleted an lnten. alvt' training courae aa Radio Ht- .peed operator at tbe technical arholol, Anny Air Foreu training ('ommand, Truax F\eld. Madlaon W1a.:onstn. In addition to attend. lng ~~ehool. he w•ot thro~o~~-a ~rtd t.lrallmg and pbyalcal training pr~ gram ln order to be tully prepanc~ lo take over an ... lcnment In a combat &rea. tf neceaaary. He Is now prepared to Join a Ba.e<" Operattng Gro~o~p or any ot.beT rJu tte·!t to which tbe AAF Tralntar Command may .. lgu' him. ' One rl'&ltOn a dog I• a (ood friend: hla tall Wf.4rl, not bla 55000 BONUS FOR CLEAN, USED CARS Phone Huntin,ton Beach 318 CULBERTSON CHEVROLET CO. RaatJ.actoa Be8da N&WPQR"J:-TACKLE ST.oRE.. "Pup" Glbbe, Manager !Formerly Chn. Arb) Bait ... Tackle ... Fishing Information Newport Beach RADIO SERVICE HOME ... At.rro ... MARINE RADIOS REPAffiED MARINE ELECTRICIAN BURT R. NORTON 1111 Cout m,hway Phoae 241 '7 NEWPORT BEACH Men and Women. •. Skilled or· Unskilled CALSHIP OFFERS YOU- A WIN-THE-WAR JOB ••• WITH fiNE WORKING CONDITIONS EXCELLENT PAY ••• EVEN WHILE LEARNING ON·llf.E-JOB REAL HELP ••• ON HOUSING AND TllANSPOR.TA· TJON PROBLEMS Cal ship urgently needs ••• • • • • • • Marlllf'l Wa}'tl 1 NA\'Y II nnhl Noel l~tl1m11n, Navy, HoWIIrll ll:l mt>r rtlckl'r. Sa.n- . Rllnll\ AnA. ("'l\llfom ll\; N&\')'. llr n-ta Ana. Calif ; Navy. Jark Henry ry 1-A>P I..AnJ:;' C'olflll ~fl'lla. C':lllf.: I Oagood. Balboa lt!land. ('all(,: ltntr•" I \\'hill' dtsruo;,.in~: fnotwrnr fAd:• , w1th C'np'n Pt•ar.<on n lady np· prnrtrht'l1 nnrt a!<krd him if it "ll•n't hnnt on hi• frrt. Welders . . . Boilermaker Helpen Welder-Student~ . . . Pipe Welder Helpers ... Pipefitters and Helpers. Laborers • . . . Marine Machinists and Helpers ... Sheet Metal Helpers. Shipwrights and Helpers. 1. • Batlf'f)' • Comple.., Motor Onrhaul • Ex~rt Wf'klln~ • Ai'Chor• • To\\iD~ Sfon i<'f' Srni<'f' W£ ALSO DO YACHT BROKERING AT niE PRESENT nMt: \\'E HA \'t~ t'tlR Si\I.E:- • • Onf' 2"1-foot rrul.wr • On.-.. o.root J•lf'a.o;urf' r ntl'l4'r On«' SS-foot Nny hull • On .. 2-&-foot S.Oa Hon · · • Onf' ~ foot tran11om stf'rD jig boat • K E I D A L L 'S B 0 A T s E R v I c E • NE"'PORT Bf'.AC'H. CAUf'. Army. Arthur F.\•f'rl Campho•ll. Navv. Allen J'hillp Cars n, Tu~tlln . Pnrtlnnll. nrrg11n: Army ~amuel Callr. A!!l1•t!r>n ~•y•l. La• \'tJ:U , l'\1'\'1\lla ; I . __ NII\'Y (~l'•>rJ:o· Wl'l'll'y !'-mlth ('na- tA Ml'llll \nit( Army l-'\'r•rrlle Newport woman 1 F..Arl ~~~l~hury ~nnll\ Ana. ( "1\llt.; I :-.'11\·y. ~:"-~" t""'''!l \\'ntk•n • L&·' Buys Mesa House j.rUO!I rl••ndl l 'n llf :'>Jnvy, WoiiiAID R. ~1\l llhllr\' ('1•!!111 M 1°!'/l, l 'lllif.; I Nnn·. l••r~n ;\l11r1"n ~"1'1' f-..n 1 Mr. and Mr11 .lohn C. ttl""''" lirll.f 1111'1!'' l'n l1f ,\ rnw r:r'!'fjl:l' '!1111. tht lt ht'ml' on EtJ:' ll'o'nl h 11t tf'l'l lilnl F · "'' r .l r Tlll'lln l'.oh(.; Col!tll l\lf'llll. '" ~l r:o Hr"-• H11~111'l1 :'\:'11'\' J•'"'l''' :'\.t~ r; ~~. :'\.11'\ I.IUI 1'1( NI'Wptlrl llr nd1 nnol h111!' rur· \'l'plll l"t'IR•h . :'\:II'Y l~·u•t~trd chturt>ol lhf' C.l'l>rr•· ~l11rkry pro•r•· La\\' I 11• •• r~·~o=~·! 111 Co·~· I ~···~1\, erty hl'n> ('Ailf I Mr. anll :O.Irll ~·r··ol 1'mll'r h•wr AJ:n ,. :11• rl• T' nr'l~' t'nl•••l•mht.,, 10ld thvlr """''' ill I'.'l ,\lb• 11 Phln. ·:'\.1\y .J,.,, 11 :ltr·nn• ~lln f'li'CI' Anc1 nrr "''" 1111: :llarrh 1 1,, l'o·on.lfrlllh' \',Il l! :'\.11 \' l'rl••! F:. Loll C~Aiolt \\llo'rt' thr~· hnvt' J'lll"· c~rlo'llr·r ltlllh·•·' 111l8ll•1 I'Rit' ; chaa<'l! pr<•!'l'rly --------------~------~1 "\\'1111. nn m'1>m." !>rth1 11o<'. I hrfl\\fnJ! ht~ t'II:IIN'I hUll on I hP t.:n•ttllll anti ~'llll'hint-t II Wtth hi' hn.: hw• I -tO<Ifl hv thr Sncirrv F.rl1· ''" ' tlr••k fr•o•ll,"l;: dP('jl)~· i:;llll'l111 f•" '"'' hr•lp 111 "Tiline up tlw ~~~·lo• tnnrl• f••r l••hr·rmt'n 111 :'l:t'WP"II 'Ph t h.mk \'Oil <n mrwh \1 '"' ~: '''''" foil 1111 . ~·c'\tr wnnriPrful a;-''''''"r"" I <aid ~;Jnnrmc o1rr :11 ho 1 ~h.· " I• lonkrnc.: nw up nnol rio'" n ·''"' rl•m n nnrl up :t' :\fat· \\ o••l \\1•11ld '"" UJI 1111 m lr•nolr•ll \ lf'\1111 ' '\\ 1111 ., 111rnnl•' .. I ~:1111 llll•·n<• • 11\ •. ,, h '' '"" .:nt ••n \1"111' 11lln•t ~ I lo-t o \ •'' ll.~cl 11 do•\'lll'h I \\ 111klr Ill II ,,, II "''"''"' II"''"''' ''""' ,,, ""' hltto -ht· o:nnc · Your. "Bric k work, Pl,uter•no and Cr"1ent Jobt Mn J11rk ltol'nur. •· tlw l'rn· 'I lh "' ""' """ t •" I -nl•l •n.u•h· t,_n tn th .. "''""" 1¥ l':oot(lrrll)' done apia bJ CLAUDE SWEETMAN 122 Twenty-Fourth St. Newport hac:h, Phone 411-W Insula M d '"o ~~o•n~. ~klppy nnJ u·.: oh" )\11•·r fmm hr r. ·I'll "T'II• Mk hiiPI hiW•· n'lnrn" I fro•m n .. ,. n•y (1\\ n •tnr: •. erly Hill" wht'rt' t hr•y WPro• lftiC~t" , of · hl'r ml"thtr :'.It" C'hnrlr·~ D J( hi~ wlfl' rllc!n't n-mtnd him (lf warner '"'" vll'll ""'"·• ~•lml'whnt 11 t'\'r'ry ·~ny n m11n "'•'Ulrl nf'\'rr I m,trT't'd by th,. llln!'ll.~ or both· know thnt he had C'I'Mt:'tl lovlnr ,Gun&atera. h• 1 C'mdnnau Enqu iN'r Important ..• bringing Social Sec:urity Card, Proof of Cit• izenship and Availability_ Ceni6cate to ••• CALIFORNIA SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION 510 W•~ Anaheim laulevarl(at Lagoon) WILMINGTON ... ttr "'nstllllin II _, II tllne ..... lb1n (....,... s.Me lilt• •.• 11!'0 SOUTH H OWER U. lOS AliGElt$ >CI6 Pt'<r ,AI/[PjU(, LONG BE~C"i - 6"~S PA(:II IC BLVD .. MUNTI"GTON r ARI( l ll E. MAGNOLIA, IIURB&"'I( lS~S F:r~M ST. SA"'TA llfO'olCA )lf U~T HILLCRUT, IIIOLEWOOO IFYOU(AN'TGETI(IIT .CA' LS'Ht HELP WIN ,11').:,~-~T ~ NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Newport Beach, l)li!ornia. Tu('~any, Ft'bnaary 29. 1944 Pale,.,_ __________ ..:.....______________ -------------------------------------- =~JIEnS II ~m~~rEa 'Ration COu~D District Attorn~y Dates and Data Davis Kiwanis MAULING MAPL.ES • the • 1 ov"r. WEEIEII Hath>n ('ah•ndar ror ~r1od .:mnm• Ft•b. 17. 1944 War "atl&ft 8ook ... ~alurday nl~thl wall thl' tlml' nr !'lamp N(\ 18 11 pair ahoeel t••·o •lh•mptC'd rob~rh••. thC' •l..tdo """' tn •d~ttC' not aetl. ..... ......I 1 r th War Ration aook Ill r-:nw t~at thC' weathtr bu clear· The Loftt'rw got 2 "&mea to tbC' • ut'alt'r ""'n« a~ra n ••nr 1' ,. " 1 1 f th thl • 11 1 Rl"<'wn •tampa Fur meat. ed up a litUe, the maplea are tak· ; Stnrboar,b ' 1. but loet on the total '' ct ma or t ru "''' n u Gul'st Speakl'r ''t"rlno .. d•.,.•n'l t••v•·• In flal'l It C"nilht f'\'1\flt,. ttf C"'lriHH.!•' '•,,unt\• tboui~n•lll ur c1"1'•rr ,.,.,," vr1or. IIIY'Or•'•n.: to f'1~1 rl• l ,\I lo•l ll<'\' (\" Yla. •·he '''"" tt,,. ,., ...... , r h.\th\f Kt thl' I ,.nl h'l"'""'" •. ,,.,, l••t Tlto1r• f I bto ti aJ rnanv montha The o thn un thf' o·ann£>ol 1\ah. moet f'dlble oda. on!( "" aw u ll ng ag n out nurnbc-r ur maptn scored by 2160 """'; night ()('('Ufl"f'(l at lhP Rf'n· t'llf••••c-• 11 nr1 ,.11nnl'd n.llk · .doav "' 11o11"'"'• F '•" • "'' 1 :1•tl 1 to 216~':-. --,-----:-:------:-;--w•pno~troom-and thl' third-f..,. JI..Od_Z-.llJ::Qwn ~~·Ill be' "Pfoto\'1'~!2!' nt t'l1n••· """1" ,,,,, • .,, Monday night fQ.und Kl'nt Hitch· "Lt>n". who prl'eldc>a ov~r tht' tbe Wl'f'k.end '1\'U ahor1ly~t'r J;:oiOd until Msrch 2() 111 Jht•tr M. ~-"'a.n '''""'"n ""'' rhtl•l st"'(l JWr rock'll PhotoJO"apht>rs In top f Jrm maple maulhJg cnntuta. aaya that tdni1Jhl Thur~IIV mnm ln'( at thC' :.! Rnd 1 valui'S. Rf'd lokena or v•r A10u1,. '"''"' t"•· '''•r , ,. .. ,. aa tht>y ·handl'cl t>ut a 3 to 0 lacln« \hlnga art' really l<'llang hot nut ~lboa Howling Alll'y. br-own l·polnt stamjl!l ~ill 1:M' tclv&n pft"rnllnn I• thr l•h'l!•·~t 11n1t nw•t 11• thl' South Coasters. Ftnk car. t at way now. A• thl' luguu Thla >time, a nf'w IIChf'n'<' '1\'U !~chanllt' ~or. thl'm from Fe'bn.IU)IJ I'~r.~l\'r hu~tltu'"" .~h10t ,, ,. h,.,.,. In rlt'd away the honora for the match draw to a cloee, .thf' competltloa u.M-11 ~ht" U do to "'810 C'ntrancr •• 7 lo Marth :.!0. 0\e I nltrtl ~lll!r•' """""""'' \\It 'th an •van 200 Hl•h t··-It ahffer t.ban ever, wlt.b all the ,. S••rnn Bonw Butchers will ...... ,.,,. .... • .· ...... ::_ __ ~--..,...r tM-aft ~ -~,....,... .... tM •••rs..cas _.I.,.._-;,;.,., _ __,_.., - -.... _ -· ------.... Classified .Ads nlK 8.\l.t~AlTTt.lS ICII '\'1 'l.t':-; :-;,.a.t 1rntrct ur f"P· J'IUif•ol \". J:••l . :114 ""'" l"t. lltt lh·•·• ''"•' .'<1., \lhrlltr A\'""UI'. llnll~· • l11l:uo.1 1 ~·tf• ... 't\ :.:\I.-.~ t•• •t t-\•r•l rutut•'•)r , ,.,,rll,•n t tt•••• '""' ,.,rth•ult•,l l 'lh "'' ~ •. ,, f'4•r't :!tt\!t \\' 16 :!h• 1-'111\ SA I.E lll:lil lo'••rol IIC'f'IIU1 t ;,,,,. , ••n.tlllt•H t .. •n hrrt-t•• l'f' IIF.I.P "' A,NTitD I CHli.URF.N'H CAP lltCU ' WAlht~:P \\'uman -,;-do ;,-n;NTHl:'ll t.tOTtitr.lt;.-3-e_adet __ lr··ttlna In hMit' """ ot11y a w-k. w h ,.,. ''"" ,. ""•'•t•rf'd nurw, Will I'"Y 1\11 o'rlll ~ I" r hr :.!I I will , ... ,.,. f••r rhtlcll"''ft lr( nur :!l'lh HI , Nt'WJ'•'II lk'a,·h ('all tt .. u1r ''"Y" .. r rvr,.ln«-, 4& r- ,.,.,., 1\ J\ m 1T-411' hr 1:.0::4 t.: H11rr Avto . llalboa. II f:t.l' \\'A NTio't' I ··~·II an<l :;:r,. ltr•'"'''"'""''~'l loy ltalht"' ll R.O. f'fJ\I ht•IIIOI' •••I II l'rh••lr f"(k\111 lll·tll' anti I>MI h l.lcl·• l.olr. fuur 111 '"mth· ·T .. r "'"it~• ,..,.u N• .. ·-FJ 'ItNl'n'8E I'• It II•'!" h tlll4 11 f\1 1' FOR MAl.£.-. ,.,II !lull'"' 1;1.,,..:•· 7CW\ "' \\',\N1'1o:tl l 'nullo·"l nur_. f<Jr H.<\ A l t' IIJtll•"" 17 71o' •'ltll'rt~· J'IIMII\•111' 11\tly t'h•tlll' lo'Oit HA LY. I 'rib a n.t hll(h r hate ''""' ,.,,,.,llllnn ltarcata . 1046 W~•t c-..ntltol Avr . Nl'wt>OI't FOR SAt.r- "WIIrl• ~-y,." 'T11lnlt "' H•·lll l·:Atntr Think .. r Jllll!'l: :o;At•t.t-:llt ,-.. ~ .. 1 llt.lj; I IAI,IIPA A"k All 111 1>11r :-;nrr•y ·~, .... ,, .... , .... "'Ol !'IAIF. Ill n ltTfl t:!ll 71th IIIM'h to • .,,.., tr•llrr !'It N I'WI'I>rt "ANTI:D TO RF.NT IAHTF:P Ttl ltt•:!'I:T t)n 111111•• lllud .,,. llf•a•·"" n..y. •ln~tll' t•r tloubl,. ""rill:" 1 .. """ lmmr.llatr· lJ' •ttl rwat fall ("all Nf'WJ' rt ma.w f'\'C'nln.:• 11·211' t.l.,ta . A a ked to 1.-t Eaminaa Ttw trru ury ''""'"lml'ut hu Ill a IIOtlt•r In lhr twat·11n aakln& r tWr hf'1t• rn a nrlll' trr•aury .. ....,. '"'" .. hJ"I n/ thP ram &lp Ia t .. ur.: .. all ""'"rklnl( 11111 •n.ta at hiiCh .,.h .. ut lu aavr !'!0~: twr •·arnlniCrt an.t lnvnt that otM)' ill •.• , ll<•o•lll Thf' arcu· eel_.:! l.Jo th111 Allh• Ul(h 10": · 16"' rnay -f'nl Ilk" • ~renrnlltrt IIOila to l:la•l. hC' haa many thlnp oat 6e "'""' '"'>' rnr •. ut ot hill "-'7. whllf' J11nlnr. whn h.aa nu oecW ,.,..,,...,•lblllllf'•. ahould two lie to M Vf' at ll'aJit 1\0"-at the OfW1 llw f'&l n• uullllllf' .,r •huul At a "'''~""' mf'f'l 1n1 of the I .... Twrnty t ,ub, nlnr 11lutlrnt10 et'e e11o-n "" n<•mlnPN for thr IIW8 llooarot uf IIUJ)PfVIInn, flvf' . wMeb .... ,.,... f'll'("lf'd by ..... ,..1 .a.t twn d:.ye latf'r ThP l•oant · .... rv111nro nuw rtonllllltll ot ,... ~lof'a and two ~Inn 'nle ..... are t••cu Mldaetwalt , ._ RM.. an.d Dkll ,..,_maa: • ..., -ion, a-_. 8plnk and .. au~ .JIED ~ARS lT ONCE Car or Your Bquity HEVROLET CO. -Balboa TIMES Nr"' 1•••rt lk'"• :o Ul\:1 1:'\·tft t~I~I .Ol'IIEtn' lt.J::l.l' \\' ANTI':tt C 'hll'l"'r·W•Itl- "" • hrltlf'tll &II\ I t!U"Itl trd art' '"''lth·r.. AYIIIIIIhlllty t'rrtlfh•al• n••tlllrr.l Api'IV AtnPrt.·an t'ltlf' ton•l l '••lllttl'"'"''" , • .,, NC'Wpt)rf ' '"'"'"' h ···~''' REAl. 1'2JTATE FOR SALE- \\'ho•n Y 1111 'T11I11k ur llral F.11t.tr Thl11k nr .IIIIIN l'!Aili.F.l lt \'OI(f'l llhiiC HA 1.111\A A'* At .. Ill . Our Aaf,.ty '"'r"~<~" ....... . JI'OR RENT lolllt ltt:NT Clfft<·r at :litO W . 1..,.nlt11l Av•. NC'Yo'rorl Rrub Apply at aoltii'PH <Jr ('all IMO ll·tfC' mR IIIAa;:::.. REAL Dn' Aft HOUilt ~Ofll tMMilDtATil ~OIIIliiiON ,0 .. IALil :1-twoctn .. .m ''"' 'MOO 00 ~·l»dn>CWD unfumlllbed bunp· ('allh fumll~Md. •eooo 00 Tt>tm• 2·hrtlrtHifl'l unfurnlatu.l. bay ftunt. 'tn.r.oo 00 ('u ". I.AIIIIR W llRIOOR. lr.•t ill•lvl' A1rnt 714 II: t'f'ntral Avenu• T'•I•J•h .. llr Newport 80 16·lfc P'()Jl MAll. ~-beftmom b•-wtt.ll bath •n•l cl.,utrl• 111arac• Half acno ''""' aardenlnc rround, with 1anl•n In 14M)(). Tak• '1820 rash anct •.so a mu l'bone NrWJ>flf1 tone ll, uwner Harold Toone. 2M·23rd IJt . o.ta M-. • lT·JtC WANTED TO BUY W AltfTitD-6 ecrw fill ta.c1 Ia f'oiiCa M-Wr1t. Dua A . ~ New•·'nmn . Newport Rfotlr h IT·2tp I l lt•fl('h Aj>t 3 Mre JMA MyPr• IT·Ile KltCI!-:ItJ.F.It I'I.ATFol\M R~ 11:1\1111, <,ub rhall11. barn! cb&&n, win• r halre, O.'('Uional chalra. lhiCP ... trrtlon o r nw.,., ~ and etyiH Rolli t>n ICalry ,-.nae. WcMA!wl l"umliUJ't' Co., lnd ... Brua•l•·ay , "anta Ana ll·llo BP:O llA VICNPOHT RICTR Olnale dlvana, ICI"'Whlar HYinl rOMa •t. -rr.mt~n.<1ou •l.rtlclft of mlnre. ,..,.,.,.. aftd lit yiN. ~d • r.aay ,._.:'11\11 MrMatuu\ 11'\lnU• turf' C'n . !tid aad RrtMWtwa)', Ranta Ana 12-lle trutt "AUt 8ewlna mac-hiM • ••lfl(J t'•WI•III tvn, 123 T:IOII "-- .,..,,,.. llr . Nawpetrl RH!dl . ..._. NTOI J -3. lT·lte JI'OR RAUC Alln\lnet•r BeauYU., h 12 n &C. In I'OQd eondltloe, J1..t r lpal\f'd Alan lltftJI• Wltlte l.- bf>ct, epr1np anti matt,...., n ... t'IAM t•hone N•wJH•rt ItT. IT·~ JI'OH RAil. U-.ct. pre-war Ill.,.._ roucl\, ttnt cla8 C'Oftdttloa. llult- ahl• double f'tl•-liii·W alter 6 •30 p. Ill. 01 call 101 .... rt ..... hna , .. and Aarpln at 116. lT·Itc WANTED 'ro RENT WAJtfTitD TO RICNT I ·IMd,_ '*-· PwmaiHitll. t'hone N-· pof1 Dlleeb 1116-R.. ., ... BOATII. StJI'PUD FOR IALIC Walfonlrtleb OUt..,.. m ntnr, lfttl tiOfW, ,.._. IMO f\, Nrwport DMcll\. ----BOA Ttl Btot.. 8oW aad 1'notld Marine r.atrto• an.d Part. WAftlN~ RALVAUC A.PfD MI'O. CO. 1010 W Central Ave. Pta ........ Newport a.ca., caul . au. rot\ 8AJ...&-4 CJ\. 8W ...... HlrfrMI, Parepn .....,.. ,..,.. O.pJ.t•. ..... 410 Chi.._.. AYII!. Nrwport e.er b. t&-4tp --;;;;:.,. -;:,rt•·ll•ot• ~ .... ::;;-;;: MIHCEUANIDOIJI!I t.r11rltt11.o •I~ w ill 1,. tort,...l••l ANY ltAfiR TOOAT 1' "'" ... •111111 """'' 11 '""I•• 1'hry w A Nn;n Nlr,., r ,ran. c.octton "111 lw· 1 • .:11c•l• •I ~~~ lu•urlrll. •• r1111• mlnu• hutlnn• a nd rutfiM. • ""'I'"' •I I• 1 '""''"" r W•lll I"' 1 N11 """· rtcw klr•11•nr .mall piiC' ... II• • "·''" "' rln•mrro Nrw Yurk \\'Ill J'li Y T c·•nl• lb. at ttalt.o. :''"' N"w• Tt"'"" uftka II·U Profes~donal Hirectory Gordon M.Grundy, M.D. Conrad Richter, M.D. Ph'l'tlc:len and turteefl Phytk.l•n and ,.,,....,. Ninth •nd Central Ava. _ ...... Offlc.• H • •· 1 0. U • ·m.: l:t p.m. Offloe IOl' 22nd l ti'Mt Newport •eJeh _ Hours; 10 12 a . m .• l & I'< m. ~hona-Otfloe tU1 filM. 74-J (' Toda y the act1Y 1t1ea o f y o u r Ameucan Red Crou q•!dl,. the globe To the oble bocllf"rl m('n and women of our a rmed for• ''" 11 prov1dea club loctl1t1eS nnrl •Jiher comforts. To the 111c k onrl w<Junded m our hoap1tala 11 pro v 1drs ~ hoor mq aerv1cea It d taprls wo rry •md helps m the aolut1on o f J~llll)nal and home p roblem,; ,.,, c;,.rv1r'e men and theu lamtl1es It r-rn~tr•a foods and other necesslltell to pusonera of wa'r. It collrr ts blood lor life saving plasmo 1,.u u1111 nurses and provides aurg1cal d reumqs fo r ou1 Army o nd Navy. The Red Crou stands ready as always to mret ri111oa ter resulting from flood. h re o r storm l'u r1herrnm•· 11 pl,..drJe• aympathehc and e llechve a1d to d1soblf?d ser v 1• ••m£·n ond their lam1hea for as lo ng a11 required In directing your attentton 10 th1a q raph1c pr,.~ni•''''J" o f some of the Mrvtcea rendered. I can a fltrm lrorn l""''~'illol o~rvation on recent mapectton tr1ps that your Hed Crost~ 11 faithfully fulfilling 111 obhqatton• at home and abrood NOJIIMAN H !'>AVIS rn•w m '" TIM A-1can NOioOftOI R.d Ct<IM W•nhon<r•nu 0 C Telephone 37 • .,..,._.. v .. .-'""'"' 12--..,-prr y"r 1,.-0nn-p ~nty; I 01.00 prr Y~'•r to flth rnN" :---------------. ttw ,_,nf, .... In Nrwport a..d\, 1 ... ., Ilardi 3, U'7l -------ED11Y>R AND MANAC:I:R --------------ft"f OP' NF.\\'PORT BP'ACII .._ For 0.. It Yean 1 :. 4 ¥f • t •• LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTOfiiN£Y AT l.A.W Coete Mt~a ••nk aullcllnt ~hone 42t COllie Meea Callf•r"l• HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL "Wr t turerlv"" thr fwttu fW,-ya lly R~rvlntr Othl're Rrllt" Phone Newport Ml COda M••• Caltferftl• BUY NOW City Tax Sale lota A. J . TWIST 607 cout Highway Phone 2422 CORONA DEl. MAfll DR. G. E. TOHILL ~HYIICIAN a"• IUfiiOCON ...,. c •••• 81w~ • -'"'~ --~h•ne- Offlee 2M-W lllea. Jll-111 If ~o Ane-• Cell -~ t Dr. M. D. Crawford O~TOMilTfiiiiT P:yl'• P:u.mlned 01.-,tted ITIIT N-port fktulnard ~hone 24JO COITA MiliA BALTZ MORTUARY CHA~El. aY THm t•A 410 Coaat alvei. Coo <Ina dol M ar • N-••" ...... ~hO"e New ,.,-t 41 .... ,..,,.,..,, 1 I~ ""''<I taut Ave co,,,.. d•• -..., "'•• Ph•"• N•wport 14U N.D. CASH 0 V M 000 •ntl CAT HO~PITAL WHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT ,.IR£PI .AC.£ AND I<INOLINfl WOOO - II \\' \Vr 1•11 17•t ~I'' lllo.ol I '''"'" ~1· ~~~ tr,., I Lllttolwr I'll 11:\5-J ~FN E RAl rnNTRACTOR '·' 1 ' ''I' l 'lo •1111\' ·~11 11 t '••hlll IIIY•I t•lo 111~ l'lolltll nn•l f'••nlllrll('tlr,n. IJI\i!Rf n ( f1'-4PANI£\- ' I ';. ,., • I I I , , • r,t tl• hfll (l V'•ll J tr," Vftllr .,,.", .. u J'hf)nf' ·~­ f'"'"l 'l"'tl•l l ·ll"'"'rt'oo l •hoolll' 11~•11 l'•oJult lll ~hwt,ynl Arr hr.l. '1f'f I( f' '\I)I"PI If''\ } ; •• "J•• '' llflll·••t I'III•IINI!Injr ('" PRINT INC :.: ·• I• ol llntl•"• l 'lll,ll•hlnv '~• l'l•••r ~. 11 11 N"WJl'•rt ~. tt£AL £STATE INSURANC E. NOTARY PUBLIC- l'l•··n··· I') 1 ; .. ..,. II v.•" '111• •· ~ .!112 W. r· .. .,lral A Vflllll'l I'"""~' :! RURil£R 8T.A M~~- :-; • ...,,,.,,., ""'''''' l 'lll•llllhlnJ C•• f'lu.nra 12 · II, N!!wpo.rt ......._ SH£ET METAl. WOflll<- \'1•·1" l'lur11hlnl( .. HhP<tt Wetal Worll11, Q~eta We• l'hoDII! 110. VARIETY ITOfll£-• Hallo<IA lllland Var'WtJ ~ lc, lie, IOe Md ap ~ llU·W, '· I .. .:· .. Paar f'wo Boat Builder on Mesa Dies in Orange Hospital Nf'v.•,w>rt H••llll'var•l, <"•liOla Mea, tor 1'1 yt-ar" 11 ••orJ'l'nl .. r ar~oJ IYi&t bmhJer In th 11 IHI"a •111'(1 MnnrtAv 11t ipl Ol llnjo!o• h"•l•t't a I 'lll'hrn· h· .. udrwt!llt •urger v rt.llu-. ~ 11. brl.-t llln4'118. ~f'__.d wu a natlvf' ••f [):.u bury, Iowa. HI" Ia aurvtvfii by hllo widow, Ur&e4', 11un.. P'..dg11r .~rank· Un o1 Pomona and Merlin M at bome; dau«hl4're. Mn. Th.-lma ......_Cit~ u e .... l.tra. Wilma Howe or WaUorlvtll«' an•l Unt Ber· alee We~r of PI'D&m• Can~&l Zane Dfoceii.M'd wu a member of Ole FOWIIquat 4' G<lapel <.:tlun:h. ~ aerv1ce will be «•ndurl· ed Wecta.day at 1 p. m. a.l lhe Grauel Mortuary. vdlh R.-v G. W. 8ta&rne ottlclaUnc . Interment wiU be _..,. In Pomona rem•tery Mean Receives Heifetz on Air for Telephone Hour f · .. to·brllit• whn "'''II apJ*ar "' 3olar• h lUI g\of'•ta ••n I hr "TrlrJ• ••n•• H••tH prottnom hi .......... llt v r· m M11ndaya "''r r Kt1 w .. r.. an n .. u n• r•l by (' I Ml'l><onahl Suulh· •·rn I':.J<f11r n1a Tl"h·ph•.nt-l "••mpotnv II"' ofol ffiAnA,ff'r. lUI J lUI< blil 1101• ff't:r. vonltnaat, Mal"t'h • C:t.ul)·• R-.·arthulll, vocallat. Mar( h 13 Jilnlt'JII 3.!4"1ttm, poJlular Am .. n• a n ''""' Jo!art h 20. and J•-f H•·l m a•tn. faiT'f'd plaol•t .• w ar• h '17 1-'f'!.., tiona r h• .. n by th•-li:U""' Man 1nr1uc1.-Hrlft'l1 twu ntuVf'· mmta <>f Mt)ll&n:• ·.•Cu•~nt.o ~"\u. • tn n U aJOr" and S••hut ... r i 'IO .. Av.-t.tarta". Mt.. ~ .... arlh<oul "& hwllrl&'a "D&Dctnll: 1n IlK-l•:u k a n.t K~atuabka'a Air fnom Afl•..no'a "tt ... rrurr<l't lur. . ' w .. uton, "' "" • ~wno·• C'.nnna Mnuru F'"\ M' Lov .. r:a "Th~ u•" -II:.• k .. tt• ( ·,.r, · tt<•Wilrtl'a '1'1:<• l''ur rn .. r a !'on · llll<l an arra from O.,hb .... "LI&krn,." and lfotJniUln. Mrn•l,.l.obn'" 1 "R.ondo C&prlcc·IOII!t," and ltw faral Air I>ecoration movo•ml'nl Of Hubf'nalf'l.n • '(' •II· I c:.t'tll Nv 4 In D Muwu ~ lbe tlve ~lhrrn Call· ,...... ..,., receotly p,._ntf'd dec'-I Wht'n lrlckUl( about saa. r<olutn ...UC.. wu Btalf 811-Doll&ld B !llonln,r. t?«nem~rColumbwl ,.,._ ...,_ ot o.ta M-. He ta l fll lhe cx·ean on Uitn «al~•na ......... Uile A.lr Foree. Sabula I Ia I G&Ktlf' Beath Woman fhar«es Trutk Hit Her House ~ASTA ANA Cbarl(1nK that 11 tnwk ••rullh ... lnln h•r a partml"nt ~"""" "' 112 23fA llll"f'i't In ~··w· 1w r· II• ,., ., and tnnlrtf'd .,.,.,. '"' ''"'1 "I.' 11 Jun• Knapp t 1~><1 ~ult fnr f t ••If• '" Santa Ana ju,.ll•·,. • "'lr1 ,.,lniiC the twa.-n ('ltl"" J•r•••u•·r ,.,, and Ita owners. J II an•l t : t ' flallt y . An l"mvtoyt ot th• c<•mra.nv ahP nll ... ~····l <trn-vf' thf' tnl('k ""tchJ:••nt- 1\ "ht-n II llln.ll('lr hl"r twn·&lnry h111IJ1n~: Tho• -~ of t hr 11'n1• t11rr ~,.."*•.• tA the feu&nt1at.S,u r)L_ 14 <'If' hr lcrn. J'l&lrler lhri>UI(hllt.rl th• l•rlll<l onc waa cra;·k•ll and 1 r••k•·n a NI a rain apout wa• dlfm· "P .1 alluwanc ra.ln to eeorp 1nt•• II•" IICrur tul"f', atw aid '"'" arMdf'nl, 1t1e a •1owol •>e· • 1111 r•l lut Ort. 6 lbf' lct.tlry~ ll" "' "".:hK4'DC'f' or rar•l .. •aoraa "" :h. 'r-u "' the dnvrr. l '. s. Lred-Leue to RuM; Pa,~ C .... for PWpwood \\'1•11•· tlw l!nitf'd Stu~ IS p<>ur· 1111; "'"""'' uf dollu" .. r .... ar ma· l•'llal-. lnt•l ~vif•l Rusllta un(lo'r J,.,..t , .... ....,. a.:~nt~. A.rrwnrnn •htJ,.. ,,,.,. n-tumm.: fn>m that <"Hntn Wllh c·an:no.,; of pulJIWCI4~t1 ,,.,. '14hll h this count f) h J)ll)tnK t·, .... ,. -.~1;-[Q A-1.--F-OIMS ·n,.. 'h•pnwnl~< an-urrt\nl(r~l I hcuu.:h I ho• O.f .. J\110• Suppllt"S l'llf"" l••ml ""' a JCUbl<idiary t'rlfTlpan)' of I -ttw-~ntrt-· ·~ n.c: I J,Orall .. n whkil wu M'l up tn • FOR EVERY TRIISACTiiJI We haw made It conwnlent for you to iMul'e oompllance wtth aU l'f'Quiftment.~ ol the law by carT)'Inc a tunplete dodc ol all fonnt and papen needed for the eanplftlan ol rlef'J ~ ..... *"• -...................... ~ ....., ........ .., .... "",..., .......... ~·"·-............. ...... .............. ,,........,....... .. .. , ......... ' .................. ) n.. -,_, ••• 2 2 I ... IM .. MIA .................. ,... ....... .. .............. ef.-yk~ IEWS-TIMES t!•tc• to IK'QUino atntl'.:w mnl••r· 'uti.. 'Ow DSC makf'tl lh~> pur· cha.Yll and M'lls thtom ho·n· to 1m· pon.-,..,. for daatribuuon. On Sc-pt~r 17. 1941. f\'<14-rul l Loan Admlnistntor Jt"!i''"t' Juno'll> ltnnounc-t'Ci that at thP n"-JUf'!'l c•f f>'rf"l<.idrnl Roowv•Jt lht' I ISC had rontraMf'd with tht' Amtorx Tr~t(f­ I"'f'J))ntMWI, a R~n commrrt'tal •-ntt'flKUC', for ttw purcha."4' of 1100.000.000 wonb of htratt'&ir m.tf'rillb frem RUMia, Of th&A a..-mt. 150.000.000 wu to bfo ad·! \'&nnod hfof~ dt'ltvf'n ' or lhf' teoods and u~ otht'r s:;o:ooo.ox• ... ftft'drd. 11w pulpwood !ihiJli"WIIt• l Wt'n' ll&td to ~ part of thr-de-al Total dt'bt Cit tht' &OVt<mnwn t o1r: Cl thl' Unit~ Stall'S has l"f'arhl'd lhf' 11IHIJT'It' pKk of JnOn' t han $170.· I 000 000.000 and ia at ill ~tnin~: up llw• lowest point In ttw l;uhlrt dt'bt durtnc thP put 20 )'f'llnl ... .,., ~ in ~. 1130. wtwft • ,If wu S16.026.000.000. From that .._, l'inw on it ,_ rapidly. hitting 0. morr than :.0 biiJ~ b) ~bfor I Por oi l~. I 1lw 40 ~tllkm ftollar mark ""'~' ,.. ,~, ...... .., 1n A1'ril. 19.'l9. lonrf lh•• rail~ 1 nit th•·ri'Rflc•r """' a.c fullt•w~· 1111a. 60 Hollrf'f! J An•.,,,.>. 1~:: 1fl 1()0 Otlhoo Nr"•·mtwr, I!H:: I tlllt 1:.00 llrlhnn Man-h l:l. 1<\.J:\ •• I~ Rollron S.•p4 1:1 1!}11 1 .. ·t;,. nh•·a·l 111111 hrrnk ml" .. """I lilt· rw•l·too-t r .. ulJII'•I rr" at~ l•l hill 1rat«-~u:-c-nnr ••ffh f"r ··c:u Ah••ll.t m.-k·• mr a rtvtha..n' ttanJ:I'· ltea , ... ral , .. ·~ lm•k·r J . ---------------------------------------------------------------------·~ -------- HAVE YOUR BOAT REPAIRED BY MASTER CRAFTSMEN We are now in a position to do all types of genera) repair work for small boats up to 55 feet. Our workmen have We use the hig h· had from six to 48 years' experience. est quality materials available and g uarantee our work- manship. WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING SERVICES: • • • • • On·r 3ft l ·t"f't. $G.UU WE ALSO DO YACHT BROKERING ~T TilE PRESENT 'ftME l\'E IIA \'t : t'OR SA I.E :- • One 27-foot crulwr • 0.... .. fl-foot (tlf-JL'iiUrt" r n1iYr • 0Dt" 33-foot Nny bull • Oat> U -foot ~ lhlr,· • 0... ~ foot tran.~m ctt"ra jic boat ' IEIDALL~ BoaT SERliCE ... VIA 01'0&'1'0 • .. ... <lCI I Ra I= l ua tG trtJ ·''~ 'tb• 1;: eft the olf ~ .. J tra IE I tt. •Pa ,., l wtl ~ Dr I se I")' AI , A.• M. ta ,ID ~ 10 R ~ D II :'1 v I. Milt M/111.1 IMllltl Let's Go fishi ... ~nald.B. Steams· Harry A. Martin -··a W 1ns A1r Medal F. ish Trainin I 've had somf' compllm•'nls from In es « m) puhlk about thl~ c.-olumn SOT Staff 8gt Donald B. Strama of --- nppcanng m the la~t ft>W a~lll'l-('oata Jrfua. ut thr Fifth A ir Fon·.-l'fc. Harry A. Martin, -Cit Tiwy 11aid: SN• hen'. w1111y. Troop Carner Command, today Mr antl Mra. J. A. 8pranltl• ol you·~ 110rt of la)i n' down on th•· wu awarded t hf' Air Wf'dal by U . 646 (.,ttf Drlvr, Newport Beacb, JOb... C•n. Gf!Ot(e C Kenne,', romman· hu rf'C'rotly compl•tf'd ao Loten· Okrh • Ok<'h • Goa a hc>ad and pon d•r of AU It'd Air Forcu In the aJve tral.nlng coura u R.adJo Hl· mt•. I d('S(>rvf' 11 . I've got a lot of Sr utl\wut Pacific .-pet'<l operator at tbe technical <''CCUS('~. but none or thcm arc any Thr m•dal waa awar~d. the cl· acbool. Army Air Forcu tra.lnlnl .:ood. Onf' of th£•m ~~ thRt I no tatfon aald. "for merltorioua command, Truu: Fl•ld. Madlaoii longer havc 8 lypr•wrtt<'r ancl no· arhlt'Yf'ment whllr partklp..alng In Wiacooaln. In addlt.loo to attea4- hody to nJn II for flit'. Tilt' J:ltl liUIItalned ~p~Pratlonal n tgbt ma. lng achool. hf' Wf'nl tbrough a rirtd who gPt~ up th" ~o'll'll'l y sm~l· ha~ s•one In the Sotbuwellt Pacttlc ·aru drilling and pby1lcal t~lninc ~ Oi•f'n doing !IOOlt> l)•ping for me>. durlnjil' which hoatlle cuntact ••a• gram ln order to biP tully prepued 1tnd ~nme or the days that tht• col· probablr and •xpected." Thr op-to take over an uetcnment In a umn duln't appear she just couldn't l'tRtlone. co!UIIallng of the dropping combat arf'a. If oeceeury. r••11d v. hal l had writ tf'n. t What and tranap rtatlng of troope to ad· He ta now prepared to )oln a un tndic:tmt•nl of our Cahfomta \'&need poalttona. lnvolvrdt n l«hta aa .. Operating Croup or aoy Qtbft "l'hool ~ysh•m!l : · at low altitude over mounta lnoua putlea to wh ich tbi AAF Tra1DtJic Sh•· madt> a lot IJf good~~-tf'rra1n undf'T-adv.rw weather • Command may U&lp blm... !Inns though. Shr thinks J should r11ndltlona. ~ nclvcrJiS4' (ur a t )'peWI'ih·r with Sgt. Slearrut le lhf' IIOD of M r. One rf'UOD a doc Ita a a:ood t)Ju«l 1.11 taC'hNI or \'t~t· '"""'a and Mrs W 0 Steam• or Santa r~ hla tall waca. not lll8 Sh£· ha<! ,.., much t n>Uhh• rNtdmg Ana and On: hard c ta M • t · IIIli' l'IUry lhlll mt• implied that it I;--------· _.a.liiiiiiiiiiiiiieiill&ii.iiiiiiiiioniii;\Jiiiiif'ii. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii "uuld tx• «'ll,il•r for ht•r to wrltP , l: J • .• 1 -.. . "'' • • I • . c-- Your B rick WOrk. PIJretrrlnQ 1nd Cernent Joba • ('an In lhr (IIIII M' No r'IJ'('rlly Jone .,.ID b)' CLAUDE SWEETMAN 122 Twenty-Fourth St. NAVY MmiCAl. OfftCBI ...d led Crou ltoapitol worker disc•11 ......... -·· ClOftdition -.... ,.. ..... .. .me. the~ .. .. oflker'a ......... INJUIEO SOLOIU cor.d for by ,_,., ftWM. led c.....,. crvitt Ar•y-No•y ~ --Mllllft. . ~ ........ .. -..... ,....._ ........ From left to right: A re<r.ation cettter i" the ty, hut in New Guinea; the once eac!wM beoch , '"••ce ,..... swim, soil: her,. ~ food, d 2.400 ~eot movie hou~e in A19fer•. In citiet, rerr Crou clubs with sleept"g occoMRit adatiofti ~. mosphere ond relief from the AIOIIOfony ond T'her• CHe 'f)e<iol clubs for the ...._ of our o • homes. too, stott.d by ·~ c,_. r~y---... ' recuperate. llr!l Jllrk !lll'ma r • tit<· l~t•n· 't lh ,,, ,,,,1 .J"n I' 1 ,:11•1 •n 1rh· JlJ LalT 141LLCRUT, IIIOUWOOO lnsul& An•l l\\o !11'0~ ~k oppy rtn•l If'.: •h•• P•'~J• r lr,•m ho•r. ·I'll ",.,,, Jllch!ll'l hl\\'1' ro•l 111 nc 1 fr''"' 11~,.. "'Y "" n •t•'r~ .~ f'rly lhllll Whl'n' thl'y \\l'f\' j.!IIP!II" "• 0 pri ... W. •• , Jbi",...._.~ "Ce ond rftt; -.1 o '•led hotels .. led .,... fift4 0 ._._. ... 'IOFS of ' ..tlitary 1ft . ~ fotus. ,.,.,., ,... ''· .... .Wed fightwn N-port Buch, Ph-•tt-W of h('t ml'lhtr ~~~~ I 'hnrlo ~ tl Jt hi~ Wit(' oltdn't rt'mln,l him u( \\'a,nrr ThC' vl~<lt w 11• !'Pml'whnt II l'vrrv •'!IV '' m11n "'''""' nl'\'f'r ~fTt'<1 by thl' IJin<'l'• of bnth kni'W tha t h(' hAd l'j>t\.•t'tJ loving I ;ounasterL h, r <'in• tnnato F:nquiM'r IF YO U CAN 'T G£T lfiiT CA. LS._H 'i HELP WIN~~;.:,~~ ~ ------ .. I •• -..· ( I v • r I NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Newport Beach, Cilifornia, TUeaday, February 29, 1944 ~----------~------~------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pace rwo Boat Builder on Mesa Dies in Orange Hospi_!.al Heifetz on Air for Telephone Hour ( 'toldlrllli'A whu wtll BPIWIII In Mat, h IUt .:tH·•t" ,,u t h•• "TP1.,p' o•u• H"ur progrnm lu•.adr·ut at II I' m M .. ntlay" .. vo•r 10·., Wl'rt· Hn "''""' r ol lJv (' I M•·L; .. n,.ttJ. R1111th· William J ••"''l'h K•·,..·l :IK ,,, t~<r11 SewpN1 II• u lt•l'tlt d f 'oJO'Il M~lll\. fl•l I~ yetol ~ 11 • ntJWI•l"l II I'd t•"lil huald,.r tn lh,. »It'll ,,,,.,, MmutJH' 1\l an ( )l'tt.O).:l' 11•'1'11''' tl Wht•l't• h•· •. , tl f ~anft•rntlt Tvlt·phun.~ ( •ornpuO\' un!lt'rwt·nt ,.,., ~··• I 1"11"" or•~ " I •t tt• t mnnagl"'r, .... J rutl'lt ... 11•·•-rrt:r., Vlotltntllt, Mart·h II, C:latly~ Swat1ltrillt, voraiiHI. M11ro•h l:J ~f'IUif•tl 'WKI< II IIHIIvt· "' 1'\an .ll<nt~,. 'Mrltun, JlllpUIRr An~t·rlt·An bury, IOWA. H,. I• aurvlvo·ll h y hi" t• nor March :lO nnl1 J wtd Hut w lrlow, Grarf'. ~ .. na. P'..dgar F'rank·\m""" farrf'll plllnl~tl Mllto.:h 27 lin ol Pnmonll and Mr rlln !If Ill s,.,;., loon,. •·h• "*'" 'hy th• ~-:u11111 bome : daught.rra, M "11• Tilt' I mil Htttra ant lud~ Hl'ttcl7. t 'o4 " m <ovf'· pt-at ~ollla Mr aa, Mr11 Wllmll mc>nl. or Mn•.art'• •·t:•mt.•·rto :--;,, H~e of WatMrnl•lllr an• I Mr• lkr· 4 an 1> Mil jot'' a nti !-it'hulwrl 'a nice Wetll'tl"r uf PIU'IAffill \Ail lll -1\vr Marla". Mhtll ~'o4 1U1h .. ut Zone DPcf'aaNI waR a memhf'r llf "fi• hwortz'a "Uanclnl( In lht> I lark' the FOUIWJUftlf' r.n~tpei·Ctlurch ar111 f\alu•hkiO'a Aar fr11m Alft•no·~ FUneral ~rvlcl' wall he· cunl"lUC'l· ed Wednlltlday At I p m at t l\r Grauel •rnnuuy, w tth Rr\' r:. W Bteanla otrlclallnl(. lntt'mlcnt wlll bC" matle In Pomona c·emt!l1JY Mesan Receives Air Dec,oration Amon« thl" five Snutlwm ('all· I "H•·~turrt r ti(,n . Mt•Jt f,n, Y.', lh·, "Whu'a (;onrta Moou u f"t•r .\II' l .. uv .. r " •··rtw L••\' ·lltt• ko•rl c "~<r, · II11Wartl'11 ''TI:t· Fa o rno·r a Hton" ltll<l an ar111 from !.frloh<•M' "Lakm•• anti ltufmann. Mt.•lld••IMOhn'" .J:Ttvntlu t.:aprlrr 1011.,, .. an<l thf' rlr•l muv•·mrnt ut Hubt'n•t.,on • "I' •n· cerlt• Nu 4 In [> Man•H " fOI'Dia men recently preMnlcd de-c'· I Wncn kit'kong ll hl)rll !{MI rnta .. n~ ~ waa Staff Sa-t Donald B 1 !lonlnl(, nunrmht•r C'lalumhu• l'f•niL'!· ..,._ of Coet& )feu. tie Ia I ••d U\t• v<'ean on Lillo'" l(llllf'l•n• 8erTUI& tD the Air P'on:e. !1abula t Ia. I Ca&..tle. Beach Woman fhar"es Truck Hit Her House -~ SANTA AN A1.~arKJn~t ttor•l ,. WIH'k t'ralltlt·d lntt1' hf'r a partmrnl tl'*ll'"" ,., I 12 23rd •·trHt ln St1V.'· I'' r t II•·><' h and lnfllrtf'd lll'n • '"' o111n Iii:• ~ June Kruapp t 11"<1 ~1111 (oor Sl IIIII I rn Rant a Ana )""'"''' o oHorl ,j<Hinlft the S.&l'h C'tllt'IO Prou)UI't• I'll and lt.e OWnl"ra. J If ron•t I( t ' Halll")' An r'TII•'""" of the c"m panv ahf' Hll•·)!•·d <tr••v•· thf' tnwk n<·Jei,!,!!:nl· lv "'h•·u II 10tnu:k hr r two .,.tr,ry loll ololon~ Th<• "'de of thl' •' n•··t ur,. 'o4 "·• 11r• •k"n ln. the foun•llll '""" ",., •· br· kf'n, plaatf"t throu.:huut 1 h• ' lloul•lon« waa ('r&l'ked and Ill "k•·ri Hlld ll rain 1po11t """'" dam· "rt·J . •illowon,: rain lo aooep Ult " 1111• ll!ruf'lu,..., •he aald 'l'lw RCC"Ident . she addl'd, t><:- ' tH n••l 1&111 Oc:t, 6. Thr Hatlt•y.• d '" nr.: ll~trnr·.. ur rar ... tt'&Ef'&ll 1 th• J!!.'' t uf t h ... driver. t '. s. l.of'Dd·Leue to RuM; l"ap1 Cull for Pull""ood \\ tool•' otw I truh'tl ~IIIIo·' '" 1"'"11 ln.: lollltfll)' .. r rlullar.; ul ~ar 1111 ••·1 uti' ontu S1rvu·1 HUS»Ia untlf lo rtd I• ·•~•· ll~f\'t'flll'ntl>, Amo•nt·a ·ll'l" ,,,,. rt•llJrnlng ftnm tl~ o otrtll!l'\ With l'llrio;Ot~ 11) f1UIJ1"'110 ' '"' whot h thos t•mm!J) l~)Jtlt) tn ...... t, -I ·n,.. ''"I•~ ...r,. Drrnnl."f' rht~)itf!h tho• l.lt•fo·n"'· Suprlh-s , • .,. IH•o111111n a subsodiary o·•lfnp.any 1 I ho· lt•'f"nn~<t nJl•lion • F tna nt••• f'Ol 1"""''"11 whwh was _,,., up I LEGAL FORMS FOR EVERY TRAISACTIOI • ,,_..,. tn a~tn> -wtn~trgtr rmrrr w~ ~v~ made It convenient for you to ~ compllana! with alll"l"Quirements of the law by carrying a t'OITIPI~t~ stock Of all forms and papers needed fcw the com.,WtJon of ewry transaction. ,.., ... ,...,, -. tMt We .,.....taatleA le ~ ......, te ......_ .. , eM all ef ,ew ............ ,... ...... ,,_ • _.,.... feur-..._.....,. ...... ~ ... ,...... .. .... ....... .. ,_......._ "' .... ..... ) TIIMe ef ,.. ................ ........ will M a~ te ,_.,. ..... ..U fw .,.,.,..,_.tlett ., .. , k ..... NEWS-TIMES -------------...:;: 1111, Th£• DSC mak•~ llw pu t•ha ... ·~ and t~ell11 ttwm ht•r1· to tn · portrrs for distributiOn. On ~ptPmbfor 17, 1941, Fo~ Lcwon Aclmtni~tralor J•~~·· Jew anm,;unt·t-d th11t 111 tho• n~tllt.,.l • Pn>sldf'nl R.ootot-v .. lt tilt> l 1S(' hoi nont r11rlo'fl with tilt> Am l•1r1o: Trac I'Ofl)l)l'tltoon, 11 ftuqian rommt•t"dl o·nll•rprt~·. for ttw ~rThiLo<r < SJOO,OOO,<J90 wonh of ~!rat~ ma1t•rial1< from Run1a Of 111• a mount. ~.000,000 wa.~ to l:w ac valll'l!'d hefo"' drllw•rv nf lh 1o;001l~ ancl ttw other ""iii.(AJO.tlUO a nf"l!'dro 'J"h.-pulpwood !>.htpf"llftll Wt•J'i: N&id to be p.ilrt of lhll> d>·al. HilA All-'lbDe Peak O.bt of thf, lJaiW Sta~ I TntAI rif-ht of ttw-10\f<'mmt•nt o thl' Unitt'd StatH hu n>llrtl.>d tht nll·llml!' pcooak or mono th11n $170, 0001100.000 and ill JJtlll ~toin~t up . The• lowt'llt po.,;nt In ttw 1111hU. dt•ht durtnl( the> P"•t 20 )'f'IU'll ~ I recurded in l)eaomber. 1830. wt.t II WRJ< SlfUY-!6,000,000. Fmm that I time on it n~~~e rapidly , hlttlna mon• than :tO billlom b) 0.'(>f'mt~• of 1935. 1 'Tllr 40 hoi lion tlo l1111' m nrk "11• I•·"""' on 1\prol, 19.19. 111ul tlw t ;tll~ I ht•lf•ltflo•r Will' 1\l' fuliiiWl' f.,(l n arllo"'lfl .lanll/11 '' 1!'-1:.' l()(l llallann Nll\'•·mtwr 1!1 1:.' 1:.'0 lltllrnro Man'h 13, 1 ~1"1 l!'lll llrlllon s..,.. t;l a~n 'I;., nlh·:otl' nnol hrt·nk m.-" _.,1 I h•· 1\rol·liiO•t r .. .,lilo·d prii'Bit' t" hu• 'rnt(\ ~H~l<"rinr pffu t•r •·t ;., tt.nt•ft,t tr\fl k·· nw " •·•vthan · R.anJ:•·· ftn•l•"• HAVE YOUR BOAT REPAIRED BY MAST E R C R A F·J S M E I We are now in a position to do all types of general repair work for sma11 boats up to 55 feet. Our workmen have had from six to 48 years' experience. We use the high- est quality materials available manship. and guarantee our work- WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING SERVICES : • I 1 i I • Complete Carpeater Shop • Marinf' W&\'!1 Comph'tf-Motor Onrhaul l • SteuaC~ • • Complete M Shop • ElliM'rt \\'f'ldlnr; ~ • Boat PalnUn1 • An<'ho~ • lnAide Stor&««" • Towinr; n-if'4" • Batt.-r~· S4•niN' Haul-Out on BoatA l 'ncJrr 3X ~-o¥1, $-HHt. 0Hr 3X t· • ..-t. ~i.UU 'r- WE ALSO DO YACHT BROKERING t\T TilE PUt:SENT 11ME WE IIA\'t: Hm ~AI..t~:- • On.-27 -foot <'rUI!W'r • Onr -10-fnot lllt't'-"'Urt• c·n~iwr • Onr 33-foot Na\')' bull • Onr 24-foot ~. lkln· • Onf' 2R ftMlf tnm-.nm o;tf'rn ji.-: boat • \\'f' Aka lla\'f' St-nral IWhullt ~'"'""': 1\uirk. ('hn·,.l••r , SiaN unci Ulhr ro. I E I D I L L 'S B 0 A T s E R v I c E ... VIA OPOIITO • :SEWPORT 1\t:A('H. ('AUt· . --------------------------~ I' I' MilT Mlllll IMllltl Let's Go fishing Donald B. Stearns· Harry A. Martin I've had MmH· ~omphmc·nt1< ri'Om Wins Air Medal Finishes Training my publiC' to bout thos Ctolumn :--;cIT ~taff Sgt. 0<)n~ld B Rteam8 of ---appo•aron~; in the Ialit lt•w a,our" f'nsta Mf'sa, ••f tlit> ~lfth Air F(lrt't' J>t ... Hafry A. Martin, 110n of .\,.. .. . '. BOY AV I WI Oil lof\8LI 1 IT ':o /lo IHO IH ~~ MAO! 8Y SOM£ 81 D t iiOSS l rD':o Ou• o•mf'd fo•ce~o.. hovf' received I], 000.000 cOiftfon ortides ond 90m•s mode by AMerican Junior led Crou bay1 and girk. Alt YOO ' S I( It, CASH'? --v- When houble oc.cu•s at home. se"i'vice· men may call ~ the fteld director, or the family moy as~ the local chapter .J:J hefp. Ttwy said· ' St•f' ht'l'\', Wally. Trnop Carrier C"ommand, today Mr. and MrK. J A. Sprankle of voo're l<Ort of lay.n' ch1wn 011 tht• wu awarded the Air Mrdal by Lt. '6·US Clift Dr'lvf', Newport &uh, Joh•" Ct"n. Ct'Ot~e C Kt>nn~. <·o mman· ITas recently completrd an lnten· Clk o•h' Oko•h' G11 ah(•ad and pan dE'r of Allil'd Air F'urCl'll In the save training cour.e aa Radio HI· mo•, 1 rlt~l'rvo• ot I Vl' gm a lnt of ~. uthw~~t Pacific ~rpeed operator at the tPChnlcal o'>.:I'U'''"· hur nQnt• or thf'rn ltrt• any ThP medal wu awarded, the cl-arhnnl. Army Air Fur<'ea tralnln1 ~o;tl!ld. Onl:' of tht•m as thftt 1 no tation aaid. ·•ror merttorlous t'ummand, Trua:o~ Flt>hl, Madl110n l•1na.;r•r h:t\'t• a t)'Jif'Wntl'r and nl•· R<'hl .. vrment whiiP pHrlic>lpating In Wlaconsln. In addition to atten,d- l.ncly to run 11 lor m~· nw J:lrl ~ustalned operational n oght m ill-ing school, ht• w.-nt through a rigid who J.:l:'ts up thco StN'il•ty pagl• hro;-s•ona In the l'\othuwt>lft Par lflc art'a drilling and physical training pnr ~"'''" rlo1111o: ~onw t yping for m~. durlnK whil'tl hostlh.• clltlta rt wa!l g-ram In order to be Cully prepared tan<l '"nw of thC' days that tho• c•ol· probable and exp~>ct .. d ·• The op· to ta.kP ovt'r an uaignment ln a umn llidn't liJll>f•ar shf' ju~t rouldn't l'rAtlonH, cnmtlsting uf tht· Jrupplng combat area, If necnsary. rr•url what I had writ tl'n. 'What anti tranHp rtatlng or tr•~•l'll to ad-HI.' Itt nnw prepared to join a nn onrlktrno•nt or our California \'llnl't'd positions, lnvolvt'd nighta Basi.' Operating Cro up or any other '1'htMII ~y~to·m~i Itt lnw. altitude flyt'r m(Juntainuua dulit>ll to which .the AAF Training . Sh" madt• !1 lnt of .:oud SUJ:gl's· terrain under advers.. w..alhPr Command may IUIIIIgn him. t oon~ 1 hd\Jgh. ShP I hanks I should condlt-lona. advo•l't l"<' fur a ty J)('writPr with Sgt. Stearns i& t ht' ~un .. r Mr. One reaJion a dog Ia a good l)lll'l liiiiH'ho~ or vis•• Vt•f'a -and Mrs. W 0 . Stearn~ nf Santa frltnd; bill tail Wa&l, not hla S ht· hild 'o rnuc:h tri>Uhlo• rt•nriln,.; Ana ~"" nrt•hror.l , .... tu u •• ft I •--.. ;\ .... ~ "''•t ~ ... ·S1 ~v ~ , A '~l VI , ~"' -,.., .1(( 11o11"ll ~--('0 freeang sick and wounded men from worry about themselves ond lo_ved ones ot home is o Red Crou hospital wor~e•'s job. Red Ctou 'treens I 0 ,000 moY•es monthly in words and 2,500 more in Red Crou recreation houses, smooth- ing the rood to recovery. Red C•on volunteers ploy games with hospital convolttcents, tead to them, do errands and help with diverting hobbies. AIIO TiltS HUOW TOll MY MOTMll If SHl DIDN'T MY IY fMl 1~ ... WE'D LO!>f ' fMf HOUU Millions of service!"en ond their fomi· lies ore a ided by Red Crou field or Home Service workers in 3.7 56 chapters. Home 5f'tYtce may g•ve ofTimedoolt! financial a id o r secure rhe coope•o•ion of mdtvid uo ls ond othet serv•c ,., os required. Hom e Servic • cnl , "'" o I loco l resources to me•• n•oh•l'm\ oongirrg tt>rough the reola• I'\ loom borth oo death PRISO~BR OF •.• \0-llow· his lnfta~fN .\.-.. t•arrel ler bv thr Rrd t'rm~N . An t!lf'ct•d rep•esentat .. re ·~ports to the nf'utool delegate of the International IIC"d C•ou Co"'miH-on camp cond i ••on~ Trf'oi•I"S guo•anlee "Healthful ond•t•o ns •helter. food. clothing, hu one ttl'olml'nt · On rec;erpt of advonce slorm warnings, the Red Cron gal's anlo ocloon. In local d•soste". tro•n•d chapt•• voluntel'rs do J.!'e job. Heodquo1teH I'I!.Pf'th ore Ofl UUIC~ Call. To Europe from U.S. poe ~oge' go hy neutral ship to Marseille. by train •o G.neva and thenc• to the cofTips To Far Eost: by e•chonge ships to o neutral holf.way port or by Runion ships to Vlodivollo~. In .di•oste• Red Cron medical ollention follows rescue. Th,.n comf's d •y clothing, shelter and food Usuolly the Red C•on buys n•cenities locally r. . I WHO SHEas rw1 STUFF FOl TllfSf F()()D PACJ.AGES AND IIOW 00 fllfV GET IT ALL TOG£TNU ? (fOOl UPUTS SELECT TllfM TO I sumEMHH THE PilSON DIET M¥ WOTMU IS IIHJIM6 TO PACl fii(M FOl TilE UD SS Governmf'nl supploed foods o•f' poc~ed b y Red Crou volunteers in prisone• :>f "'0' podtng plants in Nf'w Yor~ Philodelphro Sa lou•s ond (hicogo The numbeo o f wor~ing volunlee•s OVf'IOQI'~ 60Q pet day I Rehoboh lohon " on imporlonl port of Red C•cH cod to disO\te o '"clams This means I .-lp"'(l occord•ng to thl' need No loon, hu• only Oulngt>t qronls ore modf' WOW' CMICMfll ANO Ff:llltT· CAI\f ANO CANOY• '":~• l(H~~~r'~AS ALL RIGHT• ~Ll AIC.NT I ~--' The U. S. Army ond Navy supploed special Chnstmos poclroges for men •n enemy hands. The Am,.ricon llf'd Crou poc~ed ond shappl'li ttlt!m, WIUU-010 YOU) l EAlN HOW 10 DO THAT. VOUN6 FELLOW 7 Where olt>et finer the Red Crou os< ning for sct>ooliM who lose the•• P<•'; IN THE VO(ATI()IjAL SCIIOOL WMI(II THE Pi 0 ClOSS NlLPfD Mf ATTE NO n l o•d os lod•ng, n •Ong letm pion •·d rorf' of children 11 • o disoste• --. ··-·· ---·-................. ,.,. ,.1\n" , .. , "t\ \ h'•ll ,)l.~ ~l\lh.: "Vou,. Brie" WOI"Ic, Pl~ste,.tng l!olrJ> .In, k :1.1 ;t ,. · 111•· l'o•n· · 1111 11, 1 ,.,1 """ t • · 1 ~ 11.j ,11 rrh· and Cement Jobt ln~uln nn•t '"" !4>\n~. :'kll'l''' nn•l ar.: •h•• l"'l" r from tlt·l·, "I'll ",.,,, ('nn In lh<' rullt'"'' t>f' lol irhnc>l 1\nVt' rl'l • n··' ; r"m llo'\ · 01_\' t•\1 n ,,,,,.~' r 'tJ'I'r;l)· ,!<>ne &«'AID bJ ~rl~· !Ioiii! whrr•' till'~ 11 .-ro• por~l,. CLAUDE SWEETMAN of IH.,. m•'lht'r ~~~~ t 'h:trlo·" 0 If hi,; wlfl' dldn l r.-mlnd him or 122 T""cnty-F'ourth St. \1\'ag-n.-r Th<' Vl&'t Wnq ~•1m<'whnt 11 t•vrrv •'!>Y 11 ml'n wnuhl n""~r Ne .. port lk.adl. P"-4f1·W tnarrl'fl by th" altn•·~ t1r both kn<'W lh11t h!' h&ol Ct':t.!'t'J IC'Ivlnjt L--------------J, yVunli;8~rs, h· I' \m• ann,;to F:nqulrrr Ul [, .AGIIOliA, IURIANK lS~tl f orT.-ST., SA'iTA MO••ICA Jl.J U ST HILLCRt&T, lflfGL.E"WOOO f IFVOUCAN'TG£Tifi1T _CA· LS~H-i HHPWtN~~.t~ ~ , !t of ~ of acb, 'ten- HI- 1ical nlnc 18on en.d- ·lgld p~ a red l.n a n a ther Ding rood b.la I .. NEWPORT-BALBOA 'NEWS-TIMES, Ne_wport Beach, California. Tu.-:~<lay, ~'('brunry 2fl, 1H44 Pqe ,;._ -------------------------.. . -. ____ -------------------------"------ MAULING MAPLES _/ the 1 TIIEE liEnS , AnEMPTED OVEI WEEIEID Ration Coupo~ District Attornt:'v Cl •r.• cl Ad ·Dates and Data Davis Kiwanis QSSlTle . S • • Tbe Lofter. g••t 2 ~:amea t • th .. St:rrbolir<ls I but I·~~~ un thr tntal numi:K"r uf maple;• ~<.'O""•' by :1160 In 216:> • Gu{\st Speakt•r Hllth•n <'al~nl1•r t'Hr rh>d be f'OK S :\I.F,......AllTOS ~ IIF.I.P \\'ANTF.Il ..:•nntni: Fo•b :!i, 1~4 •• 1-.. 'n '"''' Hlt 'Yt'tY~ ~ •• 1,1 ,,.11t,.11 11r . llt-:1.1' WANTII:JI -\\',.~ dn War "atlctct Book .tn,, "'"'~n·t l'l\\'' , , , 11 l'llll•·•l \'1 1:•·1 ~ :11)4 'l11ln ~~ 11 ·•11 11111 ltl lh>illl' ••Ill' •lilY a Wf'f'l&. !'>alurday nil' hi Willi I h~ limo• r\f ~~""'I' Nl> 11' I 1 J•lr alloeel 1 ~~~~~ !'•'•'"'•· ,.f 1 11 ""1' '' 1 '"11"1" IIH II••·• 1111,1 :•r1" \'In r111,. A ''rllll-\\ ill II"·'' 1111 , o•111 ~ I'" t•• :I ll 't 11 t t't) tl\c:'JII11""''" ,,, d•\Pt~t " •''''' v•~ur • ,., . ., RtlrmptctJ r••hbo>rh•" lllf"J..IdO 1'1~\ 0 'olt t' no a . llnll••·1 lt~l:thol '\:!If• "loth I'll :'1/r•\\t•••lt lh•AI'II ('All Th•ater twin• •••aln ••Ill' r•f thr War "•tlon Book Ill ,.,.,.,.r,.,.~ lo• Tl·~t t'l•l ""''"''''' 1111 " .. .... ~ nrtr•t 1'1 r 111 IT ·411l \'I<' lima for the thlr.l limo' tn · 1111 Hn •wn "tamr~ F"r meal. ·-· 111'" 1' ··~ II••· ,.,.,.,.. "1 ''·'"'" 111 ~ • 11; :' \ Ll·' li•, 1 t-'.•t ol """'I"' •·r. many monthll Thr nlh<'r. ''" the' 'nnno·tl tlllh. 011"1111 f't.llblr oUa. 1114' 1 ,.,., '' 1\\ n il • 1'1•·•· I"' '1'11111 • ,.,, •·11•·111 lit•·~ I"~' .. v.-rhnlllo•ol """'" n•~:ht .-.rrurr,..t "' th.-. Ht'n-'hf•'••·• ancl r•annt'd n.llk .,_,, •I '''"'""'" I•"•• •• <, 1 :•'II J:•:-. 1'1\, 11,, "'''" 1,,,.., ::te\~ \\' 11~:1.1• \\ ANTFI• l '•••k 1\1\tt grn ,l'flll """"'' "'''II l 'rh•lllr Mlo''" CHII.IlRt:N"M CARE • 1\ 'rrto'N'I'IO~ MOTIIt•~lll4 3 radlt "''' "" ,..,,. " tl'al•tf'rt'd nu.-. will , A,... to•l r·hlltl,..,.n tn <tUr ho\1111' ''""" •·~ rvrnlnlfW. 40r r- hr tn t 1o: ~utf Avr. ltalbtJL II•·· ""'""'".!r,l hy """·"'" \I R.n . Nnw t'al the W<!ather hu clear- ed up a little, the maplu are tak- 10g un lll4'ful bo-~~otm!:' again out Sp••t'lland way ~onday night fr )U_!ld Kent Hltch- fo<"k's Photo~raph .. r!l In lop f ·nn •s they handed ""' a 3 tn 0 lal'inl' tu the South Coast.,rs F'mk rar- ril'.t away tht> hono rs for the matcb with an even 200. High teau~ sc\lre made by the phofomen wu 803 "Lo>n". who r>rt't!llh-11 (1\'t'r lh,e m111ll<' maulin:; ···mtf'sts. aayt that thmgs are really Jtt'\Hng hot out t at way no10· As tht' lf'a!l'ua draw to a cloee. 'he r<>mpetttlon ts stiffe r lb~ t'\'er. with all tbe ml'n pitrhinc for alJ they are Worth. dt•Z,'"UII BallrcMm and \1"' lhir.t f••r Y nncl Z "'''"''n stllmpl'l will bt' '"f'no,·•·nllhn .. r ,.,.,,,.,. · ..... •'•'•'1' 'ttl ~·tc ttw w .... \l ... nd wall llhf1rtly aftt•r j.!IICWI until M:.n-h, ~'(} 111 tlwtr R. !'1. "'"'' "'""'~" '"'" rhtl•l st·_~, t•rr nn.t l•nlh 1.1•1•• l"lo• f••Hr ill F1 'flNTI'ITftJI: f tlntilv '1'••1' ""IC''" •· I 'loll Nl',. I '" m 'dntl(hl Thur•I"Y mr•rnln~ at th•• ~ unci 1 VRhh"tt Rt"d tOktns or vear "~'•'•• ''"'t\ ,,,, .. \\''' ,,1H·~ Rnlboa Ll<•wlmg Alley IH·••wn t-pu1nt ... t arn~'!' 111'111 lw> ~ln•n p,...·~nll .. n '" th<' t•h•ll•••t nn•l "''""' Fo II( :-; ,, 1.10: Ill :Itt ~'o·r·l "''"1\11 ... It "''"' h llllC II 1\1' roR MA l.lt--. Thla lime a nf'w.' •·ho•n ,. Wtlll •n dlhnl(t> for thl'm from Ft'bru&l')' 1.,•"'""•·,-r •·•·~"" , ... It•!• I I• ,. hill'•· In u. .... d at th•· Udu tel 1(11111 •'lllrtUll'l'. '.!i to Ma n·h ;.'(} • th• l'nttr• I !':tn• •••. '·•nttnu,.,l Mr t ~t\H,I '-•thht,HU l .t•ft IU'rt' tH lw ,.,.,, llnll•r•:t 1;11111.:•· 7011 F. \\'AI"'I'"~p l'l'll•lil'lll '"""'' f••r fo"ll l':IAL.I-: l"rllJ lltwfhl~~th c-hair. II 1 1 II 1 1 1'1 ~~••I • llttohll••ll Haraa1n. ICMO Stamp O.mu~< Rutcht•rtl will Da,.,. by fnn-lnjot "l"'n tho· rnh•r~t••nry t'lllt ,.;iv~· 2 brown p<ll nts for t·Y~I')' Ollll•n•n.: thl' ''"~''""•. 1•1•'11• ~o-~ f'flll ~AI If; l t.r\ ""' llallh•H I i :11.-1 '<'I ~· I'IH" \' C' II• V hllll' I"•>~<JI••rl llt•11• :1 U~:J Ill u, 1'111 t"'llltMI A\'1', N-port l lt•f\l'h Al•t :1 Wra J.,.. Meanwhtle. Peyton No. :! wu busily adminlat~rtn.: a 2 to 1 tH-at - log to the Ackennan mob. Staf- ford hung up t he pretttnl 11eore of tnt· night. a beautiful 236 In hU. ftr't game. High actual te&m •core .y..W_e'llto'to Peyton No 2 with a·791. Jo"ry's J11.1hlng Fleet gave Peyton ~o. 1 a good .. •orkinl( nver. taktn« away all thff'e game• in the other Monday night ae1111lon. 'T'n the 1"\sht•rm('fl went the hl~:hnt team ecore or the evening, ll gn&t big 1!27. Fry'11 201 was the but lndi- vrilual effort. barl'ly nudging out Tfll'ttt'r'• 200. nn lhe bakony Thf' nrt 11 f' ftl n.: lu•tlnll olf SIIIVJI"I'cl ktl(_'h.!""' fill :I rt'· ' ' ~ bln k I ..._ hi ~ .. . ., •Jhl•·ll •'•1nt r• •I • '""'' I'"' ~····ll't"l , ca f't was· ran sat' "' mil not ntt l'o•lvl'd • ''Mickey" Neilson Comes Home from The South Paci fie r .. nr rt-.. m, ... ,.n .. Tile' l'lt'AII ur h !'t•l·· l'•llfll\' ""•I, , .. ,, l••·t•"" \\'hf'll '"" Thlllk ,,, l(••rtl ,. ru .. • ~lamlt !':•<, \ n!l "Hlrnt&nf'" I HI th lh t d " tl · ,. IIMflh \lr ·"'"'''" "'1''11\IV.,.I lh·· 1'htnk ••I ""'"''at «' «'8 er IKf'f'\'f'rr.. w 11 11nir shc,.•sl nnw 111 dah• not IIC't. attempted rObbery and rf'porte.l tn W"r Rati"'n Book IV fliDt'lt••r>• r , • .,, ,, ""' '' •·rtl "'I • .It !liN !"Aill.t-:llt th .. l"'llce at 2.0. Of•il'rnt Sum-Stamp No. :\0 15 ·lhf. !ill&arl 110111«' •1••\nil ln '"11 tu~~hoow l'•r· \'1•1t•·l Hhll' "'~""' and Young lnveallgalt'd but n nw 10 Man-h :n . Ot.tr·kt At tr•r no•v, 1 lfrt .. • ,.,.,.,,.,,.. llA!.IIIIA Boatswain's Matt• Fir..t Cla..s ft•ttnd no fln~rrprtnb av11llabiC' Stamp No. 40 l!'i lb~. c&nnln& wh•t h ·• ... nf r ,. ... '1 r 1 "~~rutr• Victor "Mu:kt•)" Nt•ti!IOfl, U.S.N .. Tb-two oCflcf'r. dl•cnvl'ri'J su~:nrl nolO', to Fl'hnJIII')' :.1~. 194~. aDd whM llw pr .. •·~·1"''; 1" !'(>0 of !ulius :-.;t>illiOn of Newport that rntranct' had bf'tn m&dl' at Gr,.f'n •t•lmt•ll fn1 , '" nr•,t, tro::en Nt· tl>wuo "' '"''~··ol lh•• f11• I til l\ I Oeach. arrh·l'<l la..<:t "''t't'k from the thr Rrm.lnvou• b)' fHN'In~: tltf thf' ant1 ce•rtain df'lt)drntrd roodll: hi• .. rru·~ t)I\IMI 1"' •• ,,., .•. \)JII.,:II' South Pacific 3F<'B. IUHn fr"m the ald'e dO(lr facing K. L. and M, Ft'bl'\181')' 1 to caftful n"' 1" rnnk" nut ll rnm ~ The homP of Ml"!<. Orlando Bns· the. alley. 'lbere. the cull re(lller Murt'h 20 plaint "J!"In~t IIIII' '"'''"''" """'"" A h ut 'tur ~a ft•' v l•t·p~.~,.tt H,t"tt'rl't FOil ~A I.E \~ rt. s··~~ 1211 nu\ o ...... , h .. u... I r•tl<·r ~· N"Wfl<lrt 1'7 -~q· rn was the• SCI'nt' o)f a happy fam· had twrn t.tJWnt'<J but nHthtng hatl r.n•••n >llltnfl.~ K. L anti M will lber .. I• "' •1"111•1 111 lit•· mrn.t• ,,, tly n'Unton Thul"!<day •-v••nmg.· and bel'n obtai.Ded A&alo there were hf' ~nod until March 20 at thl'ir 8. btl llh (f ""'' I h • 1'•'•·~ .. , •• !:IIlii\ \\' ANTt:U TO KF.NT many frtr•nds wl'lcorrM'd him holne no ftnl):f'rprmta 5, :.?, and 1 vahti'S. lllut• tok~ns or• !Dm L• I •• pr••\'•'•lt I hr• ~mhrrt~'"' 1-'riday I'Yt'ning at the horne of Mr. Jack Barter a t thl' bowling alley Kl'l"''n 1-polnl stnmps will 1)1' l!iYI'n ment 11n•l n"l"rh•t v II•, """''""'In~; \\ 1\ l'\TI':I1 Tc' I< 1·::'1: I' 1111 HAll• .. •• lind 1\tn.. ftol>t'rt \V11liams. rt'p<trtt•d t il local potlt'e fi'rlt.lay a. 111 chnnl:l' (rom Fr•pruury Z7 to a IIUII w 11nv km.t It"'" ".,, III'IK •• I IIIII IIt I ''' llo·n•·"" llnv lllnjCir "r t.·ttckt·)' l)l \\'ith 1ht· amphibiou.•..;: m that about m•dnl«tlt anmPon4" Mun'h :..>o. an lnJ""'"'" .. n ,.," ''"'' \\h .. 1,. ""' •t .. ut''•· tr{ufua.;•· In •• ,..-huntr~ttat.· On the Thurllday night shin. tran.~por1 S(·~·iC't.' and ha..c; thl' <'amf' u p the ba<"k Ita irs of lht' Ht!d 8lamp.a ( 10 polntt n .l for I(Ullt~· llnw.•v•·r r tIt" p A , .. ,.,~ I)' until n .... t f•ll t',.li Nrw1• • t' gn•ntt'sl prai!<4' for lh<' organr.ta· mr'llt, <·ann•·· I filth moll edlbl• ol11. that 11 1111111 1~ .. 11111 1 .. r ~··n..-, 1 1,,.. ::1~:1 \\' ,.,.,·nlu1011 IT -2tr o\<'kn miUI'a league.leadlng Ter-· ol k btuldlltll: •nd tn .. J to o>ntn. Bartrr .. 111m the l ti forcl's. ··hHl<f'll and runno•d milk: bf'Vt'l"l 1\IIV 11'11~•111111•1• .t.•ultt tw mltea swept the ForecasUf' cr•w Anoth('r brottwr. Rilly !'oll'll:<On. cal~ and the ~r110n ned to the AS R8 CR F b 27 to mto the IICUpptrs with " clean ll who is in the same !'4'r.·u:v . '"'a.~ at,-.et, jumping lnt.o a car with a . I' ruary pr_.rutu thllt I"'"""" '" ttw lirll Student. Ask~d to t o triumph Th T It h d J 1 i g way .\1ny :.'0. t"at f'~tlrnt .. r t' •· '"" lro·• """'' 111 0 • e erm f'll ave gr<'atly surpriSl'd "''hl'n hf> and V<·t >' n•••~'Y I"IM' &n 'r v n · 08. E8 and F8 March 12 to do othf'N'IIIIl' ho· ,,.,..,,. w .. 111,1 1,.. lnvHt Earnin11 I 11<: 1.1' \\'A NT I<: II t'h ll'l"'t •Wrlol· ~r·~ llr•lt~<•t" 111111 •JIIIohlll'ol an• \\ ..a,lt;l'to Avt~tii\IHIIh• t'<'tllfh'at., r.••tlllr•••l A l'l'h' A lllr~lt'Atl I 'lpt• "'"t '"''"''''tu lh•u , ..... N.,.WJH•rt flo•11• It \11 -:ltc REA I. F.ST ATJ: FOR 8At..f',_ Who·ll """ Thlllk .. r H•••t 1\:.ua .. Thlllk Ill \'nj:rl Hltt.,: IIA I.IItiA A ,.k A I• ut t tur H~tff'\.)' l.,., .... u ~~ ...... t'OH KI':NT ""II ltt-'N'f Ortlo <' AI Zlltl W I ';•111 r11l A"" • N••Wpr>rt twar ll Al'l'ly AI a•ltlreu ur rail IMO -ll·lf•· nnw won 60. gamf'll to 23 they havr Mit'kf')' mt't in flawau ju~t bt•fon•! -r.• 20 • totlt A. beautiful 85A cinched bl"'b ,.... · t 1 . h 1 f' 1 ·•"Y · · 1 to m11kr• " 11 ,.,,. 1111\'<'~h· .. t •>~lr 1 ho· t "'""""' '"'""' t "'""' ""• · · ., ..._ nns mas. I was t (' r trs L"osta u__ G r.s '1~ noj Jf! Mnn-h Z7 to --··-· · a:.n.l ... .. ... ..... ..... &akin tesm hone"' for ttfe 1'1-rmttetr."m!'Ptln~ In r.·o fNu-.: Ml~ki')" 1!. '-' lTI~ l"'()tef-' .,_,_ ' • ~ --...---... ., · LI.W.....:... .... ........,...uo!.wll "I - Nrllaon'a 219 won tht Individual at pl'l"8('nt stationt-d In San Dieco ' June 20 011 lhf' 1"A" "''11"11• ""'' "' 11"' 1"' 11"'1r 11''11' "' 11 ,.,.,.. 1''"""''rv Jl'flR MAI.F-' I f t 'I v· t• f R bbe Blue at Amps t ill p<>inll t'L I for P-•m "llto r \\' I kllll\ll r ... I '"'"llllllollt .,,, .... hjf'• t "' lhf I'A111 I R· I - -top pace or he league -~----IC ID1 0 0 ry . ( d . tal d h ...... • I • r.A .... "'".A • .,. The GaUeya provl"<.. that th~y are Sadie Hawkina Dance :~~~;"'~\l..:':"" lUI u~r n e )'·1 the Ullf'mhlnl tHo·llll •·•• " hit .. r I'" !ill ·~ '" '"~"'' Mil "'"'kill~ "'" still In there rolling when lhf'y t , poetry whlrh 1'111111•·>1 k otr·tk tn.: •l••~>l• ut hi~th '" lt~••l '" llt;Vt' :\hr, HOUI£1 ro .. IMMEDIATE took a 4 to 0 win over the Office To Be Held March 10 Alb••rt li\Jdr•k c .,ta Mt''a ~nl" 10 ~~~~20 ~ ~-F.R F t•bruary Z7 1 pl_c:turr anti .-.Ill~•·• I , ''"~'•'••milt~ .. , ttu•~t "''r""'"" "'"' in''""' that ~OIIEIIION FO!It I!>LE Force . 776 was th~ top team T1w Glrb' Leacue. tLDnual •'Sadlt" •·••r. ""'O!!ot' ~tun• locutl'd at l79'.! F8. GR. HS JR. and K8 _April 11 ~errt~··nt Ttw l'lult lr''"'' 1111t Iff""'''' 111 ""' '~"'''" Th,. 111'~11 l'l hrdruum unfumt.h.,l bunp· score In tbla encount~r. and. of, HRwktns" dan<.'e will 1w held N~wpon Boul••vam. was rubbt-d nf to Jun•• 20. Jeff' u a """.: lt·n•l••• II• l·•rl:"' ""'"' u,...,, 111 I"'" A It h• u..:t• tOr; lt)\4 fiii'IOO till f 'aah t:oU nK', hll('h pin hnnor• also went March 10 ant'r _.h••ol In the rare-a typr•wnh•r. a rlw<·k wrllt'r nnct LA Mil. NH. PI! and Q8 May 1 to beat tim•· '" "''' ''"'"'' I"'' lll" ••r t;,•. rn"y ""''Ill Ilk" " ~""""J"• 1\-twdnlltm luml•h•d, tiClOO 00 I My"r.." 11·\t~ f(ltt 1!-:lii.F.H I;I_,ATJI'OHW RocK- Ir.ll8, t1uh o·haha. t•""l "~ wlnl{ r halrll, ()t'l' .. iunal rbaln. lhtltf' IH'Iro'tlnn uf r•w•n. ro ... and atyt .. a. H11l•l '"' ,....., Te.-. NrW11b11.11 "'\1rnll urr 'Cci. lnd ... RmaotW11Y, Manta Ana 11-lfe Hlr.O PAVJ:N.'OilT 1'11!!"1"1' O&hele d t¥!1ns. k,..,..hh>l' tt.ln• 1'0MI •t• Tl"f'mf•lt~bd aelflotlnlt el N\lnn, I'(WI'rll •nd .ityiH 8ntd • r.aay ,... ·m• WrMabAn "'rnl· hlr• ho . 2nd a~, n.-.te.ttway, Man! • A 11a IJ.tft I ~lit l'4At.tr. ~wtna mtll'htDa • •'""' '''""llllun. 123 T201l "-..,,.,.. ltr . N•WJMII1 llfledl 1""- NTOt J .ft IT·lt~ l"rllt I'IAIS. A11n\IMtn IJ-.u\'.a.. h t 2 Mlf:. In JftJtwl C'flftdltkle, ,.. l'li'AJII'd A l.,.,..._ln•l• wt.lt• ,,.. ..,..,_ arrtnp an11 mattr._, n.. rt.. t"tlonP-Hwwpnrt--111"-------+ IT·Ik ~lit I'IAII. ''-'· Jtn"••ar ltudle c-~MKil, flrat rota. C'aftdft kle. lllllt- atoll' dnubl• l"h•-tNI-W an... &·30 II· m or .-all 101 .._r1, llial· bot. leland nar.-1n at ea lT-Jte to the GaiJeymen. h•ria, The danct' wu on~tln&lly AIIPf'QXImah•ly :.'II cun•m~ nf 1•1• to July 20. bunc:h .. 11 flnt11hf'd 11t "l'l""''m•J ... 'I""'" ln 1•1111 lor h"" m•ny thlna• Tf'rnue ' . Tbe Loftent ant.! Starboard•,lll·ht"dull'd f r l''rbruary 7_ but It Jl:art'b Tho• theft IS unt!t•r lho• 10~ G.noltne 1 ly Uw 11\mt• tlmf' In •ptl•• uf him. :::~:n~"' .. •;::;~' J::~.:~:."r111.;:::' ~~: ~~.~ 1 tr.:~~•lro"wn unfttmtah.,l. IIAY W ANTICO TO KICNT fPUKhl It out. pin for pin all the •·u IJOI'(polfled twcaWII' o1 the ~I Vo"f>tl.:uwm uf tht• shl'nlf s nffll'l' Cnupon l'u. 10 , A · ~1k ', !;O<II.I '111 ~Ml I)() t"a•ll WAN-ntD ro RltNT 1-btd,._ way to come up with even honor• kt'tbail gam<!' •·lth Santa ~ Entranc'' tn th,. "I""' hnd ho.,·n now tu 1\ta n:h 21 · I DON LETTER •t·•·• 1111 r<'"t"'""11111111"•· 1111011"' .,... t.oiiJR W lllt10I1R, h-Permantont l'tlone N-· ~talnt:-d by tho· us.-· of 110 IHJI:t·r lu All cHupoma rnuiOI. b;• enduraed --"1'1'' too ••v•• "' '"•"' 110"; uf I he I V.•r•h•••v,. AJrnt pc:.r1 IJeecll IIIO•It, 11·ltf WAR WORKERS WANTED DOUGLAS I'UI a hoi.-10 tht• n •11r duor. thr till fllt l' with 1·ar ljcena number~ Earh mnnlh llw ~~~n•A ''"" .lrlu-"'""''" h• •·a1n• ••UlA•!It' .,f •h•W>I 7 14 •~ t'entral A.\'enue. bufl!W(Jiton n-achmg t'hrou~:h And and atalt• ot regtlftrllllon. lor Cnllf·t~·· puhlt•ll•·• ""' p.,,. ,,., 'J'"'""h""" III•WIIl•rt 80 MATII. Ill~ hftin~: off lhl• lock. Tl"" tn1pectlon lt'r of lhr M•·nlh wltlo h 111 '"'ltl '" At " l•'•'"nt mf'rlln~ uf the l l'>·ltc A llllfl' In lht' offtN' of ltlt' hUtltl-C-hiiOk holdt•f!'l ('Vf'ry 3 munthK, .I formrr IIIU<lo·ll lll ,,, thnl .,.,,,.,,, l'nllo•r 1'Wf'ntv • ,lltt. 111111' 111\lllf'nt• .. "nit ,.AI¥. ~-1-l"'om huuae wiU. ron AA&.IC w.a-at.aa~ out= tn.: ha<t I)C>t•n l'llll.."<<<'k<'d and Ill•· !lrh in'l"'"ti"n b.·furr Fr•hrunry 29. All Harhcor """"'I''" "'"" klu•w I w..ro• 'h•-n lUI nurnlnrH fnr lhf' tlftlh ami •l•ttlhl• lf&raa• llalf ffi(>tnr, 2-. h-. parrntly nnthtnlt of \'nht•' wn.. O·honk holdrr< t'VI'ry 4 month!i,l f(tMJlfr 11111 h •rll•·• "'1111 ""'''""''' l'lutt·• h••ar•l "' 11\ll,..rvl .. ~r• flvf' l81'>6 H. N«>WJ!Ort U.llfiL -· h h ho _,, .,.,... •'""I ••,..l•nloa aruund. mt-<.<&ng olht·r I an I I' II Yt' nwn· 4th in~jlc'i·l inn hf•fort• Fc•bruary 29.1 S .A.J (' arr· ru•k••d '" "'''""tl 1 h••tr oo( whll'h Wt•lf' t•l•·• lru h)' IH'I'N-1 liOA.... •···•t .• _,.. a-... _...._. ---' • 1 n.. 1 I'"· with ~~:ar•l•11 In 14110Cl Talll• •., o< ...,_ nu • .--""'"''' arttc ""· '"-'IIUHf•s "'"' -..· A -book holdf"rs o•vt•ry 6 montha, name• lln•l pr••,.•ul '"'""'" .. " '" 111\llut twu <111y11 tat,.,· . .,,.. ht •&rol Martn" P:nat-an4 hN tiPk plan-et lhr· In"" at Sl 1-1 HO 3rd IM~t·tif'n ~lnrf' March 31. Mlaa flaco·nhrurh uf llllllf'f\'1.,.!.! ~ n"w t u1111111ta nf tllllO ••ash an(J t30 • m<• 1"'""" MARINit JIIALVAtJII ,.,.0 I T -coupon hold4'r5 ('Y~ry 8 111 ll< 1 11 1 r lhro· .. jun1•1r11 1111<'1 twfl .,.nllll'll The Nrwl'"" 10011-lt. nwner llaruld Doa't be tuo hllrah on thr mar· lh 5000 'I • f lr'vln& , ~ '" _,. ••r' "" "'"~ 11•''f '" lllnlun lit'• I'I'ICICY Mit k~>lwalt. Tonn•. 2M·23ttl Kl (..,_a .,_ ._.. W ,....._ .. lralroA. ~ •.. -.-- n -·· ~uman .. ·hn nirt• ~lth lbl'l mon ~or . ml I !I ... ( I . all current hts)II)I'MiniC" "' lhr ,.... • n -2tc -"'..... • ..-.. _.., .u --I' 1 ~:vodyn u .. a . and J)ll'k fl'rN'man , N _ a-b ............. butche r She's ooly playtng for Rent. Duy, ~U or Trade with «>ge, whit h t '"uhl 1111''f''"1 all '"' Ule two -lora, llMrre Hptnll and •-.....-• · · ....... larger •teaks! Capper'e Wf"f'kly. a Want Ad! • mer Don "udrnt•. liud Attrtdr• WANTED TO ~tiY -----au. ""' 8A.l.&-4 cyl. IIW ...,._ SANTA ANA FEEDER SHOP . w A.NTII:D-a ae,. f/6 '-ad 1ft t'rlllta M.,,. Writ• lk•x A. 'r. N,.w•·Tim .... N"WJ'Ort ttcoarll .., ... ,., ... ,.. .. 11 ,...... ...... and DOUGLAS Long Beach Plant Hundreds of Men and Women Are Needed Now to Fill Part Time and Full Time Jobs to Help Keep W'ar Planes Rolling from Our Production Lines to the Fighting Fronts All Over the World. Apply Today, To_Lea~n ~o':V You _~a!l Help Douglas U. S. Employment Feeder Shop Service Third a 8puraMft, Santa Aaa ~I W. M .. 8L. "-ta Aaa '' I L m., • 5 p. m. liiOL, "'et-a ....... lbUy, Except Sunday t :• a. •--l:te ~ •· AVAILABILITY CF.RTIF1CATE NECESSARY SNOOD I .F.~ Ot41 I LEF'T W~L T£rt TIED VP IN Ttil. ~TOrtf: AN ESSENTIAL INDUSTRY WITH MANY ADVANTAGES TO OFFER plu, 11 .1JJ p,,_, \\'ar Futut•· •~ vtlall) in "'''"I pi l'l'N{'If PRt;."~ OPF.UATORS SIIEAR (JI"t:RATOR~ UKIU. t•Kt;."'" «Wt:Ut\ TO ItS STt:t:l. \\'OUKt:U." ASSt:~IRU:RS k ~n:CII t\~I('S I'NSKIU:Il tn:t.t•t :KS llr•l!l tn ttll' w:u l'ffnr1 hy Jlllll(l i'JI~ Jllltlll1.hi.l.ld Y ILL Townl"r Manufacturing Company I - 1. USEU (1AitS NEEDED AT ONCE Qukk Ca!iih for Your t'ar or Your l~quit.y CULBERTSON CHEVROLET CO. SO% ~an A\t'., l•hmlf' :\I K, lluntlngton llf'Ut'h N~wport -Balboa NEWS -TIMES PHO,'Of'A· tl 6 -II Volultlft llllllVI 17 211• Oualplet•. 1111 flO (...,.....__ Av,.. Nl'wrnrt near h . ta-.tp 111 1111\ tlllli•l tooll I• II• hf'ta, II· I'IIMCI':I,I.ANIIOU8 hl lll lllltt' •·I~ wtn It,. llrfN•tr•l l ANY I!Atl14 TOPATT '""''' """' .,.,,,., .:••·"1'" Tlt"Y WANTF:I• Nl'"· ··,ran «'fitton Will lw t••,'ftl •l• rl AN 111~1111"11. •• rttl(ll rnlhllll ltlltfllllll Allrf rutn.& f Htltfl ttt ol " I lunt.nu r "'tl h ,.... Nfl ""'·I,, .. kU•t:• or .nail , ...... 111 . "''" ''' '"'''"''" Nr" Yurk \\'111 fill Y 7 t'r11t1 lh. at ltalboa :."" N""'" Tit""" .. , ... "" •t-U Prof es~ittna I Gordon M.Grundy, M.D. Phy•ldan and lurgaon Ninth 11nd Central Ave. Offlt·,··~·•· IO.t2a.m .: l-~p.m. Telephone 37 Hi rectory ' Conrad Richter, M.D. Plly1k.tan and au......- Oflloe 107 22ncl ltrHt .... ..,......._.. Hour1. ' tO 12 a . m . A 'J ~ ~· m. Phon•-offl~ ·u1; ""· 14·.1 2111 W. S.•wntN"nlh St Sant:J Ana, Caltlurni11 or Sotblcrtptj. on Plylble In Advs nrr $2 !'iO JW•r YI'Af In Orana .. C.ounty; I 12.'7'5 Pf"l' Vf'Af In 41h 7t)nf• S.1 00 flt'r Yf'llf to Rlh 7Cinf' :---------------. --------------r.nt~ a~ s...-.. nt1-rlll<~ mnllt•r 111 th,. J'no•offll'l' In N.wpon IWactl, ___ ~om!&, ~ tN Art ot Man-h 3, 1679. __ United States Employment Service 501 W 5th St .. &tnllt An:. S. A.. ta:Tl:R --mrmR AND MAN.M:t:n ~------------ Stah•pwnt uf avnilalullt) fl'<lllir<'<l OFnCIAL PAI'Y.R OF TJIF. CJTV OF NY.\\'PORT RF.ACII (7 out of 10 people read Ne .. nm. ClaMlnfld AdA.) A Depeadable lAN'.aJ IMUtutlon ~ Oftr S4 Y _,.. 'f sa:.--r ... · S\:.0~ wvz. iieo ~· t WUZ. ON -rHI~D BAS'fC! -AA' JIMMV HlT lt41 '9"'-'·-,_,..,. \.-5 YE~£0 • SLID€ ., INTO HOME. 'VA joo8 • 1 S" '-'PIC> t ·• ~·allt'l' ftrtt\1"' tiiP t .. a•wr .... up 111 ,,. ..• , . ,,. ... '.\] LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTO .. NE:Y AT LAW Co1ta 114ela Banlo 8ulldlng Phone 421 Coeh Meaa Callfornl• HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL "\\'~ fll&r•rlvr•lllf' J"'ttu Rfr"f• lly ~·rvlnl{ ou, .. r. '"'Ill" Phone Newport Ml Coeh Jt4eu Callfornt• BUY NOW City Tax Sale Lob A. J . TWIST 607 C..Pnt Highway Phone 2422 COf'ONA OEL MA .. DR. G. E. TOHILL PHYIICIAN anel IU.-010 ... lfot c ••••••••. -~·· --~heM Offloe 2M-W ... L nl·fl If No An e-• C•ll .... ~ I Dr. M. D. Crawford O,.TOMIT .. IIT fi:Y"" P:xamtn .. t nt.-"tted ITVT N-port Uuulnar4 Phone 24l0 COST A MilA BALTZ MpRTUARY CHAPEL 8V THE: lEA 410 Co81t 81vll. ~Q.,r'l. d•l ... , . ,.... ... "' ...... Phone N-pef't a .. •. ~tf~t~··· 11!. N•H lttUt ,.,..,. Cot nn• d'l Me, ..... ""•"• Ne-po•·t .HII N.D. CASH 0 II M 0 00 •n il f'.A T HO\P t TAL. WHO'S ,WHO _IN HARBOR DISTRICT ,.,Ar rt Ar r A Nn ~tiiiOLtNr. w onn - II\\'\',, l'" 17'"1 ·.;,.1 1!1 ol '""''' ~'''"" l '••·ll.•llnl••r l'h li:'t!'i -J ~fNfRAI rO~TilA ~TOR '·· • ,, I' 1 ".tl11*. ·~11~t l ',,n,., fUvd J'h '\tt:! J'lttu~ ttrld , .. ~.n~'nu•\lr,n. · II,_, Ill II f f I M I',_ N I r 'I , , • 1: .. • ... • • ..._, J.l t 1 ;,r~\t tut II• ''' v,,,, 11un v~,ur hntnt•."' l'h''"" 41\. ,., f • ~rid 1 •1• ,,,,. t•,, l 'h,,.,. JJ .. ,q ,.,.,."' HHcl.whv "' Arr flt-.:t Jrr t(r .,,11'1•1 t£'1 • ~ • I•' t' I fft,.!#n f 'llh1ltth111~ f',, t'htlttn" l? r>n tN TING :: · 1•' 1 llnrt. .. , l'toi,IIAhlrlf' r•,, I'""' • • l:l 1:1. Nrw1"1rt n-ell. 11£-"1 £'1T ioTE IN'IURAIIICE .& NOTARY PUBLIC- I '"' ..,. If Willi"", ~'~tU W l '•'totr"l Av"""" I''"'"'' :1 11UilR£R STAMP'I -N·~"l'"rl lfKrt ... ,. t•ul·ll•hlnr; (), f'b•lll"• l:l -U . Ne~...-t ~ '1H£ ET METAL WOAIC-\'1~1" l ')uurl•!ng .. Hh,..tt Nl'lal Worlul, Cl111tA Mf'• Phoae :110. VARIETY aTOAE- HaltJ(• lllland Vari•ty awr. •. 1tc, l&c anct •P· ~ nu-w. .. ·. l Nlf-Fclur NEWPOR~BALBOANEW~Tm~.Ne~~h,C~~~.~~~~~.~~~~~4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A • • • I COMING EVENTS Heights Circle Makes .. Washington's Birthday Card Party at --tibeU Clubneuse EnJeyed.-Sy MaRy t 't·f-¥tlee!-·Gnod Showingm Lar--C l .v .1 0 w!~~!:~~.·m~·;~ ;;.luck of Robe Sewing at Meet thf' W C.T U will be ·I' rid at lhto 11w nl"'lt ~n.nt cal'(!) party of l'taN't Nt~mt>yer and Mn L L W .-d »-d...a»u. .. -+J.ebe!L --liM ~ 11 i Ea.c.b labl~ ca.nll'd a llny Amfr . -Ph ones 12 and -x3 • ~~690-W ,.,,,..,. of .\fn. VIola Nc>l!lllm. 500 Wmmln•trr. Nrwport Hrlghts. Tbr all-<lay mcoetlnr ot the Hclflhl.ri C1rdc of the Women'• Sodt>IV nf ChrlJtlan S•rvll't which ml't at t he hum~ of Mr.s. W H. T1 ustv 1011 the Ht.>IJ:h!.ll. t um l!d out t~~naz;n~e t1'8UltA In U1c1r aewlng on lap robea for tht' h< 11pital ptt!lt'l\l• at 1111• A rr (l&ft(> on 111ur8C.1By. ---Wider ·~ """ elll•lrlll•. "'l lr an nag and hatt·hrl wtth therol· Mary E. llcBrllie. v.•u a ~al a uc. I ora In all deroratlun• t..-lng CIH· -· H.ad 111 Ole a1llaeloua rOOIIll rlrrl uut In rrd y,·hlt•· and hlu~ nt•· of uw ClubbouiM', the-re were ap-llc1nuM t..ake madfl hy th" ITI"m lwr• lllmatA'Iy I I tablu 10 play ,nntl rt.trf'e ..-~r~ •~rvl'd. Mr~. Arthur Kemper Hos tess to Fullerton Friend on Natal Day -L--pro " lll f.,r lhc-party wa• Sevt>ral t )'J>t!' n ( ('art I l(llffi"~ Ev rytb I .,..,.,,. p layed ,.nt! \her .: Wllrr 1111\l· donatf'd by mf'mllf'n u( lh~ rom· vhluaJ prl~<e,. wrapf" .t In ICDY r,..l •lttee and lba tlub. The <'OIIIDII~-1 11 . antl blur "'""'' and rlhh•·" tH working ••lth lolr•. Mr Brldf' ~,11 t<h,. ..,..11111.,.. nt ''"' h tlt hl<' were .W r• Vlct.or O NCe. y,._ War· 111 t d•l•flll l•ll to( ht•r lotrlhfllly, Mr11 t-:ilrl lll•tln: .. n "' F ullt·rl••n "'"" t hf' 1(11•·~1 t1( hnntor ot Uw hum •· 1 .. · !Urll AI\IHII K•·mrwr lu lll'r 1 ,,.,,,.. 1.,)1, 1" ('"" ltlvtl t •,,,,,,,. dt'l Mar Cadet Wives' League Reor'~ani zes Under MT'S. Ralph Asmus 1 Mrs. Trusty and 1 Thr w1w~t~ wt·r·· '"''"''(' '" Cous. in Reunited '""t ""l " "hl•h f•·hlun··t n '"'a"'' (ul blriiHIRv n1k•· u m""'' rt"''' t• Afte r 16 Yea rs . !an lht·/11' !ll~\'1'1 rat ru!lunlll~ Tht• ' ·--1 llfl••r '""'" "'~"~ afw-nt an l•lnvtnL: a.Jboa'• 11 8 0 ('at1rl W lv.-M' (Mguc-M, an .. " lhu• &all<' nt w adYiaor, Mra ttaJph ,\alliuM "'"" at an ofrk'rr at ltw Ai r 1\allf'. I" ..-Mf'b Wf'd~y el rl p m Ttlla War ftlUf lwo ll \1\~ fiii"Cf' \hllf 0 0 ! llfl!o ( JIIIV.,t'!l by \ht' )lrt•IOt•nt~t\l••n '"'" lor .. u~;hl l•·t:•·llwr many r~IA· 1,( J11vf'ly ~:tltM '" ~l r~ I •a lrra.oll tlv•,. ~ h h:-•v•• b• ~'n "''fHtrtttt·d •IU• I .,,,. ,... hlol•l• u t•• thr~ p ''I' , .. , tn f11t4lnnrf"s .\tr" \\' 11 ·rn• .. '_' t h • h··••••••·•l ~,:ut ... t ''' r•• '''""' t "pow ,,f S •'"'IW•rl II• a..:htst an•1 h<·r fllrn I, •antmnn m• tn<'r· n-taw "' rh,. lly \l.• ,..,. hn~,. t•~ ~~n. u.~ .. U uu•1t f• '•·tl·\!•u~,.t ttn•t •h•· ~lt·-.d:un·""' I. Md..t~rrt•n. l'tr :1 t·. " 'IIU!IIn •of So•IOIII I " 1:117 S tii'M l-'1~' ~~~ .f.,hn llfr.10 TI"11HIV anti rtlmo~fll II t nllll Kra•lt l~thn Kollo-nho·t):•·r t• All .. trun~oor liB lilt!)' hk<l nul ,. ..... I'IU h r"V~'r lilt or Alllll\l'tm 1111 \tnt 11(hl•r ftor J'htl•·· n Yl'3111 ..... ,I, I 0 Ito,, .• , .. k r I lit I 1111 I '"'" l~a~tur '"'"""':y ,., lot a Itt· orJ:anlullon m<'f'llrtg at r ,. I' 1-1 o • b~uartua In llftll~•a -v.·llh tho• · nf'w, act-•r pruioltnl: A ltrll'f lll•t'-'ry ,,f 1 ht' a ... ll.: ., ..... a.,, .1 •· ...... f'd IUid p lan• for ltlr .l.l•rt·h mt•f't· Uta we rf" laid. Thla will anclutlr neal• tal vanr d lntr rl'8t " hlk by an Army offlcrr: a bo<lk rrva~w. a ~er, IUIHUnc trw~trllt'ttnn .. and a oae·at't p·ay. Program• tor thf' 810nlb a~ being rr adr up •n<l w ill ._ dlnrtbulf'd at Ulf' nnt rnrv•t lnlo! "f, S4•a He•·" h"n1~· '·" an llt~u,. \'n11t1\•· "• a'''"'' "' t•· \\t tl ~ t••n Ti x1.ue. I ut h•· 'til n "' l'tat•une·tl rttun 1 '~'"\ • r :u1•t \t r.. Jq'"' \\ ' 1" 111 1'"1'1 tlut•nt·mr· f'ahft•fTllll AD attwer'a wtte will be at th .. Balboe U .8.0 t>Wry IW)I of lbr WHII n n pt 1\tHdMy tn hcolp ~­ "'-cadd Wlvu on Ulelr prob-._._ ),., Buffet Supper Served Guests of Segelhorsts Mr and Wr11 A V. Rrlt• lhur~t Wf"r"' hntf'" In thflr t '•rrllnli dl-1 M11r homr ''" Salurdll)' nl.:ht t•> H. .:ruup uf fourteen trtencta. Th\-\n\'lh•d ftAthr r at c•nf' to( thcolr h(omu furtntj(htly A tJ,.If. 4 clou• aupr ... r ~I f)uffrl •tylc- J-.:11 Denonlatl. 11011 of Waj. and wu enjoyed by lbe JUf'lll upun lira OtiJra• Oevt'nwh at Balboa their arrtvaJ ~d. left lu\ week lo enruU at ______ ---- ~ UIU'Nnlty o1 OMorado at' }ofayar and U ra Hobf'rt F. Hul- ~ar. J-.dl baa a medkal di8-Inc• who baYe oc:cupletJ lbe Faber • ~ trc.1 lbe Araly. He wUl hrm r on S#VIIII'. havco movl'd Itt liar\ oe tu. p re-medtra.l work. ltoo So. Bay Front. Balboa laland TELEPHONE OPERATORS IEEDED ...... _. ud war worken are all depeadla~~t upoa -prllat tile mtdsboarda. Good .. y while lean·_ ............... ...,,.,,. * * * SOUTHHERN CALIFORNIA 1ELEPHONE CO. Aff~J: IM &. •1 Awe.,.....,_ • 5lt~ No.llala 8t., Suta .ba r:hell to Hear Careful Stud\' of Racia l Di ~cn in i u:-~t i(ll l UCLANs Here on Sp rin ~ Vacation \\'fth I "" lllt•pJW •I "I' I""' ·•II• t " 1,ru..:rnm 11 d f•·· t "' I"~'~' II• rail' nil ~'·uttwm t 'Ulif t iUft H1,..tdu1tt•n"' ... : hu:h••r l'•"rnln~ :-l•lli1C ..:rll,Jun1•·rt fnuno l Jm1r na~t11111: I h•• •• ll-""" nnol llf'l'<'llrlnJ: '" Fo•ha "'"'" who·n lh•·Y fl'l f'IVI'tl tl,l'lt "~1\f't'JIMklll~· rm1 r m"nlh• aho•fld u( normal 1\rrl'll Ourtna th,. bt•twt"t•n·8f•mtolltl'r rf'llpllf', nay ltUJlf'C'r1, ttdan Alpha c:'ll. Ia f'nlt•rtalnlnfl abo...-d ber tamlly'a 21-n r ru\IM'r "1\.evf'ler" In I N.-•pOrt Harbor 1bn.e enjnytng lhl• \f'IMurC'Iy hf• ai"C' Corlllllf' conkttn LHrratn,. Hllun and rat O'f'onn•·ll Stahler Home Scene Of Pretty Buffet A• " " h ,, "' ,. h·· fr,•n } .. t !"' htKI>OI I •11111 I olu· Ill!: thr anolo•rtwnl • • •• ..... , tt th r an It,,. '"·• k " iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~! J:'ruup ,., f th•u·'• .. r ~~~ nn•l 'r ... H F !'In th'l \\t'l• t·n'•"ti·'•O••tl 1n I lh~ ~lltlllt•a '"'"''' :~~til !'ll'\' p, IIIII-'L "'"'" ''"' ~1\, ~ttt\ , ... "',.., ' 1 1\ I'' •I I\ hllof d •lo• I n hi• hullo I '"'1'P..,, ,. H .... t \'(·tl • h•· ,.,,~ ''" toll H\• ' I • ,.,.,,,. \')''' '' 1'•, 11• 1--~.AIJ BIUTHS 'f,, Lt :anti ~~ r~ Cllntun Han·) •:1:l \\' l'on·aal 1\vo .llalhuot.llt :'1 J •• 1 h h· spalal, l''t•h :.!7, l!•H t'tlf\ 1'· 1 an•l ;.•r" ("Jinl Alii~· Ulll•..,·2!lth alrtor t, N~wpurt Bf':u h ·at :-:.,.,, a Ana Community hoepi\JII, .... ,.,, 23 11144. a 800. Tn cadet and lira. IAiand Oll•'nth .. r. :t04 Adam-. B&IIMa, at St JO .... Jth hot!p.lal. F'Pb. '23, 11M4. a d&UJthlrr Tt• .\lr a'lt1 Mn Ronald WcOon· aid, 113 2::rd ~ . N"''l"'rl ~ch. at Santa Ana Commualty b~tal. 1-'t•h :!:'o 11144. a !k'.n. T•u Lt anti ~1 1 11. t-:mt llt c.rv 401\ f'habhnllllt' Ave Newpol't &111 h 111 st Jtt~eph h .. ,..pitaJ ~b :! I l!<H R d811jtlotf'r Too !"~t .tn•l ~lr11 P •onaltl Nlc bo- 1" .••• ,, ... 1. "·' llall•·a ·~l&r\IJ, at Sl J••,.t,.;•h JI(>!Opatnl. ~···b 2ft liHt , a <Jau~rhtt•r 1 '·' ... •I ;II t ~ !"l.onlt>y Hl~&er· 11 ,.,, ~I~ A foltlllnt·. llalbcoa b land, ·11 !"I .J ">''t•h ha .I!JIIlal, f'tob. 2&, l!l44. a 191on t' :--1·1 .u l•l ~1 111 ~l<'ph•·n Rail· tit-I ! J:j A ltl\'1 lto•"l, ll11lboa I Aland, ut ~~ • J,._, .. ~L hu!.<f'.IW, Ji·.,b· a&. -~~!!!!!~ co. \\ 01.:1 aJ::.JlUJ~ .11a. • ~ ~~ Ull- 1ht•JJ<' I'll) \'llll: Ill" hP;J'IIHltt~· 1\>H II >'loll General Automobile and Marine RepairinJ. Marine Electricians Available Fender Body Work Refinishing n:LEPHONE NEWPORT ~8 %%5 Income Tax FRANCIS J. 329 Aliso Str~t Se~ce HORVATH Phone 1712 Newport Beach Greeting CAI'(ll and • CI'Ut Vnidy of Unuaual G lfh "WF. IN\'ITI'~ YO\' TO liH('I\\'~1': Alllll'Nll" C. E. LOUCKS JEWELRY anct ITATIONEAV Dlamonda · W•lchn .· F ine Repairing Phone Newport 2430 1797-H Ne .... port Blvd., Costa Mna, Calif. BEFORE YOU BUILD OR REMODEL ..• ,_._.. ....... ~.. VIall our lnterntlng umplt and d •aplay room1. Color gu_ldn planning aida, c:Om· pre'lflnalvr •toc:k of ruoe. u rpeta. linoleum anct Vene· tlan blind&. ~ ~ Au .. and Carpet• Cleane4 Repaired LUDLUM Carpet Wodm IANTA ANA nf tlh• h11~~tt and hfl!itl•J~~ \,,,,. 1\\t ~"'" 1111•1 :0.\a • Ttol! \\'<'\.'''' 1 .l llt'k 111111111111 \\' •I r• Jn·: l..nnr ... \'lru.m. Hny A Iff 1 d H\'r.•n 1 ,,.. .~larriage Licenset> hn!!W I '"n M• ( ':JIItnn. llo•w1u I ,la••1• ~ Tlo 11111• ~)( Nillh. 6~, Lu· Kt'"l:''· \\'II lit•, F111111 !'lo·lfl• ~ ·I " 1:111• lll.trll"" k ~17, Ca.ta l'ln•·•·r~ 1111ol \t:•J nnol ~l o. l( .. h ~~~~1\ rrl ttn"l lrlj.:~ ,,,~,. h~t!tlt•n Wt'H' 1. .. 11'" T 11.n,. :!r> NAthlllto· Wan· Mra A•h\1,. ll.•ttl!h an• I :0.\1 ~ \·,,. ''" l 'lt'~\,, :::1 Ht~lh .. r. JC•IIIA c·a,.l '.-111 1 ~1•·• '"*' Ht;ot\•·• 11r ~hukr-···· Jn~wf'h A,f••••· 22, lh<' ho.tt"""· 1111,1 ~t nw" J uan•lll El· !'AAAII 1-:tlal'a M I.IS(tol', 2!>. ="l-· Unit and Urlty L"r k c-1'"''1 lkn• h UT TIIINAN"' lfiP IT IN TID NAN'S ftRST CLASS CONDITION IEGULAit CAll SAVES TYPE WEAII Do<>'t t~OQiect !hi flret ,._,. f!f ,,. .. -,,, let Tlerne"•' lrll•tp yowr ty,..wrtt~ "' tlret <1111 co"clltlofl l wrl"t lilt •vrJ tta" •"''• fttw typewrlttrw •"• ftoa" I! IHYt to 111¥1 ,...,,, '" _ ..... PIOMP'r, IIASOHAIU SaY1CII PHONE 743 ADDING MACHINES NOW AVAILABLE C..... Itt .-411et• ... •YM hew Y" _,. ltwy .............. '-" ..... , .. " ..... ................ ..., ............ t~. .., .... , o...,..... . 902 NO. MAIN IT. PH0•7a r i Needlework Is Fun With a Future "'ilh tl,....• and 1:1!1 almn~t n · Und, Uw family w111 tllf"'nrl mor" ,.,, ttl! f lrn~ at homf' on thf'~&e win- '"' "'"'In~ ,.,,.,. w nn'l fan<t t'"'" on "'"'' '"'"''~ bt'rllllltf' lhf'lr handtt Wllft 't br hfl~ fr r Inn~, Hc>d Cr1•M workroom. 111 Palm UYf'nUC', !Jplboa. Ofl"fl 10 8 .1 Tr.. 1'1 4 p m .. 11urgtonl drt>ssin~ll. Rl'•l ('ro~l< woorkrrt~om. 210 <:NirHI canal. Balboa \~tland. OJ <'I k .1 :r~ ''' 4 p m . sewln~. Will In&' Worker•. Palludea Tav- t·m , ('urona. dt'l ~Jar. orO('n 1 tn ·I I'm ~urgaral Jreas1ngs THURSDAY, MARC~ 2- t-:i!t•ll !!••nt>ral mt>ct•ng will npen 1\l 2 p m . at the> l'lubhoust>. pru- ff"'o,.. r;,.,.,.,,.1other wbn WI\JI \'f'rV ooran• too be n dlt~rus!rinrt of "ltB· rw'~ •1tlwlvt a rJ'Y'('tlf>t hntok ,., t ll•rt:al O•~~e·nrrmation" by H olm es Jmlftln~ n~l... In ~C'r·IIA\' r•rll<"· Ht~hup or Santa Ana. ' Tea hour • ,,..,fh· •11 rlofh·nv tn:._ tt-r (a.,rlv will foil~·. ,- ~,..art .,.....,.,., .,.. !Akanl! ~ tin wa• .,,_,._,,.. .. ,UI'I'd from malll'nll Bwllnt'!l!!l anu Profl'!'!tional M ull """ .... ,.ltlnr• ,,., ,,,... .... an• I rN\111 oof lh~ llarh· t t11strlt I "'" ntPPl 1\1 \\'I'MT_, ,.. tntt~v ,1, ,r.t h"' ,. 1,, ll<'an7. Krul'•·r·s £\ayllhoort· f'a f<' at -..... alf , ...... ~r I .-n t"Jil'f hln £ l-111' •• 1:1 JIJurtn \\'!H Pk 9 pr'•t.!l Slm , r.: .. r mnn f"r th" , •·•·n1n~ anol will ""'"""""'11_... nf ,..,,. <er-r· '"·· t•( rr An--..._,.r lin-t mar '11.,,.,... t hr\' """117,. t•t• ""' Hrolntr'" Rh;l11•o u ( ~ A llurhtor Kr\\'llll'S f1uh \\'til hol•l , ....... ~..,..., nf wmllkln~ It tht>m· .., h'~'• •• )''In,• n( th,. :tr\(o II'• ~,. tl" n111rtllal\' l.lltho•"' nll!ht lllt'l'llnl! :ot Balh""·~ F:l•·•·trtr f:nll. 6 3ll ~u''" n1'lk•·· rr tn• ••fu\•: At 1-:!'l!i l~alhuu ,. 1-:lr!'l rlr t:nll Thf' tonly timr ~ken out fmm >'i'Y.'In~ w tl3 for tl shor\ buslneaa ml'l'ting Ill Whll'h l.UII li. 0 . fo';n. ~11-'Tl INI the dt•,·otionalll, and the lun<'hl'"n h"UI' which rcon&iatt d of a packeJ lum:h ,lt~rou~;ht by l'll<'h and r •., hl'\'l'nt);~-" sPrvell by the bl lltCI!B ThnM' 1(1\'11111 \ht'ar limP lil lhls wortl;ty Retl <..'rttt>b work w••r.- ~1 nw:< ~.)'ff:\rJ L11bcll. U 0 En· ~IJ,'Tl, "("~')· HnrrtK. Ccor~f' Morr· IIUld. t-: I 0 r:oodrll. L. H. r <'fj!U· -.ton J r Hall n)IK. l''yru11 :\llllrr :tnol 1 hr n<''' m~:mtxorlf. Ill mea ll•'r· l .. •rt K1ng ~<nJ ~ r.xl W<XIdwurlb ~tr~C ll•·bt·r: <:rac.·~cr. a nt-\\1 rtlSJ .. olt'lll o I I ht• llo'IJ::hll!, \\'&8 ll ~lll'l!l """rt ,.,.,. .., arrr ,.,,.,n.-iv,. nr ,.r """r ,..u,•ltv enlt th f' WflmAn who "",.. 7lo-M """flf• nr rr~orhl'l h~><lk •• ,, rllllllllf' '·~·'"~·· .,~,, ,,.,,,,...n.,.,. .. ., ,.,.. nrP .... ,,. .... o f\.t,. r tun1 ,.f ..-ur1J"e ttfl ln 'r-f nf ,. ,. r<r .... tv•· .nth ~I'WT!f' •,......, :!' ",.....'""'~>rk tn .,,.,." t hf'lr F" .. -,..,. N"""'"••rlM' ,, "'"'''''' n rr,... H••d t ·r, !t!" \\'l'rk rnf•tn 11 i Ralhtoa npl'n 10 tt rr '" 4 ~··wlnJ: T be ,t.lanh nwetm~: tlf thr ):ruup will be al the b.wnc uf .\Jrs. lla)'· na rlf L.uh..\1. Magnllhll A \'t.>. l'nsta Mt•~<.t. nn tlh' :!Jrtl 'Thl!' \\ 111 lit' a I'Aint '''"'"""'t"" .• u.tJ.ay a;,•~osi\Jn alld fl m · sth· .. r I• 11. with ~l ri' J-1.,ytJ Uof· (:ar.l 1"' tu·hll!flt·!i.~ Ho·,l f"f'l•~~ w .. t kr• ur". :.'HI ~rnn•t l 'ar\111, Jlalt)(IA l'lhlll<l ll(ot'il 10 'I m · lfl I f1 m , l'llf~ I Rl dri'S!<ir1~!1 ,. .. ,.,,,,.. ""'' trnlftlnl:' nr~ fun t~ hr a thrill In wstlrhlnl' a ---• .. r ~,.,. "" lhf'\' knl!-two. f"t,.·two ,,.,.. ,.,~ ,., inc o'" f~tlttllonHi "IP'Il'n .,... n·ith st rr,.,...rn fWtllt ~art'~k.a Y.,L man ar• !lot-,., -------.. *"roty· •"f'l ""'"tv nf lmstrl· ,.,... '"" "'an•f_,..,.,.. arrf'JUW'rlf'll ano .-,.:N>'lf'nt lil~r-1n11 frtr '""' :n"'r'a ~unw and ttl• · c:nmmte ,..,...~ r'nw-~C'tf ~"""'""· bst!11 • .,.t ...,,_ ""'" a b'l' p~rt In thh• Y'<'lllr'• fallfllron ,..,..M 'T11U. Ia a tV1W' nf f18ft,OW'nri! that P f'IUIV to '-rn an" aulrk ,,. d4t It !. ~- ..,., ... -b a .. ._f"r ta•t "" l•IM"f ~,. ... b • ,_ ......... B. and P . Women to Hea r Holm es Bis hop Tho~·· wHmf'n w hu ttrt• t"ntpl~t:Vt'tl 111 1 h•• oltl\"tlm<' lin l 11\ltlbll' to ,., • trnrl thr · mr~ttnt:" nr Y.1>fll nn Thurll<lav altt>rna•un and hear H lm,.s Ral<ht•p of l'anta A na. v.•ill han,, tho' np(><artun at~ tu hf'ar him. an hoJO vcory hnP talk ''" "Rar1al fii,.Pramonalinn" Rl the dannl'r mf'ftlnJ: nr thr Bwoin~sll anal J>ru- f,..a,.nal \\'omrn Whf'n t ll<":V mPe\ at f) 4:\ ,.n Thtrrllllay t>Yt'nang at HcoanJ: Kllhw•r'll Bay8hii"C' Calf'. lllnran W"r"k wall bt' Vfogt.t.fu ri\Airman for tbe even1ng. If M r,. .\mt•flt'U 111 t•lunnlng t .. h\ll!ol a 111'\\ I Hill\' I hill )II'IU . sh•• "'111 ,•., "1 II tu ~~~·· lun:llt•r suhsll· 11at"' whll<'lt'r p•Kitlbl<' 111 the pl11n11. Ttw W l'rl ,caytt the h1mtw r ~illlatinll 111 !lltll ~~~ r rltlr11l th,•rt• ,,. nu l'lllLn•··· .,f o·IIM n.: pn·~•·nt ,,. 11trlt l ll'll!< un ,. nHliiH !ion fnr cl\'tl- •an purpo.•II4'P. ----------- WAIT TO LEAII I SKILL? WOl'LD )OU like lo be • ra· dJo operator, • llk.lllf'CI •lor· Dojtraphtor, an alrpl.-_.._ ... k-, an r\J)f'rt drhf'r! Society Editor Con fined to Bed Knltfln c ~,..,., han•l in hstn" •·lth I'TY""h .. ·lnc " ,.,,,. h .... n·r t..nrn-Your friends and mine In thf' Wotnf'n'• Anny CofPI' ynu ha\f' a d•_. to C"t •·atu· ~ Arrny t ra.lnlac -tralniDtt that ITI.I!'Y p&\'f' the way to blc· «"' IN')', hf'ttf'r joblt •ftf'r the . .,. N! .. .-t o It"" "'"' ··m want to n·-,..r,. !h11n "''"' A hllnd· ~tu rlhst ~:llo·n antl Alii F'l!!ht•r "'""" pc.an..-.v .. r "r rart11rstn •111 ~ w,.,... down fmm Rrvrrlv IIlli" ~ lo!I'.--Pr In rhrlh' •lraftv f'lAl'~JI OVC'r thf WPC:k .rnd ('~tmplt'tlng lht• ~1 rJO ''"''coranf' F'.&J~tno, --wty th1,. v.-tnt,.r ,tiJ&n ~<11tllnl( , f Mur1h:a Ellr n'11 ' ' t t' ~~'" • Tim,.• •• ccon-An•·!h...-f"'rT'' •·f n,.f'(flf•9:ork homo• 111 4111 ~<'\'Ill•· llalbna 11w I tnrtl '" ho·r hllmf' Wllb alln~ ,.,... wh·.-h •• ,,..,...on•t'n£ n' "'"'' All .,,.... a,r .. th•·t· nn11 """"' lift' the t'hlltlrl'n yflun,:: "'"" a n hna tM>-t>n ftJ:blllllt •I 'ul. '" ~lnl' r•\"tv ... l Qrnl!lnc. Inn~ of Mr11. F;dna F'illhl'r nf Beverly cold anti ftvl'r for wveraJ day• '"'"'"rt3'iz..,l '" fnlk·lnrt' ""'' At H•lllr Ball, his wifl' and y ttung aon and finally had to gt\'4' In and ~0 l'fatf' r8ira tLu ,......,.r ,_n rl'al'v are In Ca1Horn11l from thrtr hom e to bed. tar froe tlw pablk r yf' Quilt. and In .Milnhallti,wn. t .. wa 1f thf' afl('let)· (•a~• 1:11 t1011W'1"h.at ~da ar• P"7.M an•l han•"'d """"K Watlt· Ftanclel, 1100 of Mr. llletcby plt'Uf' f~v•. but hie'~ ......,. """' l'f'tlft'atkJn tn Ji:f'Mr&. and )fra. R., R. Rllllde!l of Balboll bopetl are eatftta!Ded foe lwr u.. -n.n. .._ who faYOI' lll:>n•l. htlJI ~t'n homt> from klnder - llpHd)' rteeewftY and lwr -' ~ttt ... 1•11" t o ""'f1t nut Utf'lr prtea at the Newport Be-.:b .... PI')'.,... ol new&. '>W7I ~lr!U· .,... qufttrrs, how-Grammar acbool for thco plUrl week ""FH pre!f'r tn r now lbrwtar"lud due to lllne ... TUU \ \' nnd out about all the \\A«" """" \'0\l...Ltbto lnl4'ff'lt· Inc joboo, thf> •·.hant•f' to n-t Df'W IJe"tllr and "'"' nc·" tli&NOII, and to hfoiJ• )'nur ruuntry. API'L\' •t any t'. 8 . Armr Ret-rulllnlt t:taUon. Or w rtte: The Adjutant CiC'Pf"raJ, Ut5 Munition• Bldr;., Wa. .. hJncton Z5, D. C. (W...._ 111 -UaJ -r '*'•· try nnat have retea.e from u.etr _,ployu or the U. 8. l:.mploy· ..-utma. wb~r: on1:1na.1 rlfl'('l•~-~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiii;iiil;iiil;iiil;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;' ., .. ,.... t~~tr c••mhlnatlnn~ 'lf mAtt'· riaJ8 MRS. AMERICA , rrwnt &on·t~.) MEETS DEFENSE War ""d Women·~ M~tcn.als Jf thco ll'rtn nf :t,, hou,..-~l .. ul·l 'Utf'[Wh t u dt "'' t It rrark ··•• t.• y,·unwn ~tall l=•'lflrt!: ,.., tnta• 11 '11· ·rnt lon , ht ,,. lH•• • lo 1.\ 1 hang~ tn muura<'turln~r m .. thl•lfl h" m,.,. not haVf' ('tonllal•·r• tl Th(' j:ar>U• • .\'hlch u81'ol I • I oolol milady In """" ~~ ifllo ~ olh&J•IIt'l'-' lift' bQat.-J.(• IClltl a .... J.... ur• ,. ... ,. ..... lanlul 1lakr il't>P ttr .. a s ntl ,.url!l<"al lul>- .rr A lol nf lht• ••~•~:·· v.·tw h •·.uo 111('(.1 to r prt•·t!a l•• .. ,. ar pa.nt u- •ut 111 1 ht• J! 1 an.lrriJ.: rTUI• h m• w that \' kt• lt·n~''5 ll•l ra~<" f1nlio •rs. b.- 'l(l('Ular" a nti t h,. ~~--f')'H Nf llub• Thf' amf' mactabws wlncb UM'd to lOl.runp tout b bby plna r ... m~miM'r lhl'm • """' mall• lltf'f't ",,... whu·h •• IMtol "" ·f'QUI:b ,,,..,..4 In rnakl' t'mf'rfrf'ni'Y lanchnl' fielda f\ the !':oouth f'ttt tfl<' )U~ 'n"~ alii& formf'rl)· u.I!Pd an llt.ucktnj!:ll {ttt'll mto parar nus .. ,. Th• l..athf>r or ohl t~·T'4" handbaca mall• I I ~ "'•k tn th~> olnthanr •!q~&n -1 ,._torf• l'of l'llfr# ... an\· "'' r'l lln•t ,-.... , .. 1 -,, . ..,._ , ... .,., ,rrl n uP i~ !l'tl'...,J'tn • thr ">Unrn· Trrn :11:~ C'rli a,... fan•!lnr "l'f h•tU"~ 'll•t th~ rtunr tn ~rf f>\'•r w r" """"'~ nn " (3\",.,.,, ... ,.,,.,.. ,., r. """P ur il • trf"d .. ·•nrt Ar"'l•rra• 1. II"' ,.. rwt<omar nl f.,nr .. f •I • nr1on "''f'"ll:>f' rt rnn t4 rr "'"' h-:n "'!(Ill An <\ f'ntl' n! ..-alton'\! r.eh·oa£• ol (rf)ln t h,. rn~-: ._r "'nl•.,.,.. • f ~·nu ~ ,., .. ar .. n•.'' l•w ky_ "''~'ttth f,. tL,,.,.. a' l!r:tnflnH'lht>r t u r"-"" '"' t· f'•ll thr fan~r ~ n!ll nf IH'f'Cllnl"•>rk ..-111 flntf a varif'<l All· ••nn-mtont r.t JNitnlf'hnn book11 In 'hi' rt ,....,. S n.-: ,,. l hr tim!' t11 Irani bolr to put your banda to wurtl and In t:.IIP •dviUitA~f' t of t bf'W &oac Wintf'r noPntnr:• ll'n !""'l'f'f"rf' fh ·•nK 11111110 C11r All'rnran af'Mt Th~> m:tllf'na ' f IIWtJll ~hy )r..-f'lr,• hanr r(ln· .-.rted thrir -binn to mall• OS\'~f'tl m...eu. llll<l ••lf"'ln r m otoor pu1a. 11w "-"can ••om f'n h rn ·o ~nrf'G • lot tn lbf' war -· ' .. r -· ........ ~ ... ·--f!A,_ ........................ ..... .................................. ,_ ........... .. ... --. ............... ....., ..... ,., ....... ,,.,.,_ .. Or ........... _......,,, ••• ._ ............ ~ ... ...................... .., .......... .,. ........ , .. ... ""' u•• eanh•• ..... ll11auu• DJUC? 1 fJII ... ,.._, ................ leo .. " and that includes Electrical Appliances!" ~~ You r fairhful electrical appltanccs, coo, Jcscrve a careful clcanms anJ checkup-not just once or twice a yc:1r, hue rcgu l.1rl)'~ T hey will work hccrcr ancii.Ht lnnscr if you talC' rrnr<·r care of them. Ha e are snmc "'.~.<;c lfions: ~frost your rdrig~ruor rT~Iarly. During ddrosring. dnn itS iot~rior with baking IOda JOiutioo. Wi~ up spilled food immediatdy. Don't lt-av~ warn, ~ or din on thr door pakct. Kerp your tn.J.Sr~r spodt'SS!y dean .. Wipe 1t with a damp cloth aftrr it has cooled, re- moving stubborn discolora- tioru with sib~r polish. Do not pl.acr any part of tbt to.ut~r in wa~r. • - ''· '