HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-03-07 - Newport Balboa News Times,.. ; ... • D. at at et .. :n to ld n. I· "' d I DIE SAND CRAB ., SAM 811! Bonds to End War Quicker VOLUME XXXVI NEWPORT .EACH, CALif'ORNIA, TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1944 -=- --IEEP-POITEt!--\}1 ~'a:! •• ••••...... :.1' 1 Y~ar •••• $'2.50 RED cROSS mEA -A • sugHestion marlt> the> o t h-u~ S. Navy Seeks 'Ha~bor For War Uses · c>r day. as the ·~ult of a do- nation by a bu.c;iness fh"I.Jl , could produce ronsilit'rn hll' revenue for tht> Rt'd Cross. H elen Estus' &>aut~· Shop dona'ted a day's re<'t'ipts. amountin~ to ~5.75. to the W ar Fund, according to C h a i r m a n Ht'h'n CraC'E'. Could n ot otht>r firms lio likewise. o r if thf'ir n.>ceipts run Into lltfl!f' flg:ui"(-'S, at leetst the profit could tX' turned 0\'er . It's p.,s."Cd along for whn t it's worth. • + + {Tnloa ~pot-\\'1" worc1er if most prople livin$! amund • these parts kn ow whel"(' thf'y sh oulrl ~o to hoarrl a \.n•v- h nund, S.,nta Fe or Pacific Electric bus goin~ to Los An- gell'S or San Di<-go? W«> found, muc h to our surpri"'t>. • that this wns a confusing subject and that a fe llow had to drive to La~a Bearh in order to board a bus going south. S«>ms they Sf.'\rt a bus at Laguna and load from there w hile those going throug h Newport. load at Los Angeles and ,;o th.rouah Newport. most times with surh a bi~ lood that th<' lirivt>r does n ot st op here. Funny goin~ on. S('('ms to us. Also. getting back to the original subject. why not a Union Station where all bus.c;es ~top and wher'e folks know they can g et a bus ~t specified Umf"!'. K I ,,. a n i s PN>Sident Boh Hollinsh <."3d suggt"Stro a Union Ot-pot at the Mondav m('t'ting o r C. of C. dif"E.'('to~. Why cJioln't we think of this befol"('? S ur'(' is n eeded. don't you think" • • • .llm Dav&.-The district at- torney tw; decided t o run for Superior Ox.art judge. Jim has rwn bttfore, but It l'iftiM that the cards are now bcit1g dealt In such a way a<; to ~\'(" him the edg(" on tht> yfll in·~ and a chance to sec'~ In' t ic; heart's desire. Go\'. Warren was some,.,•hat on thc l>pol wh en h<' namf"rl J u d ~ e Thompson for thl' jqh. a l- though R.,Jph Mc F;1ri&•" w:>s more entitled to the plum. Thu.c; far Davis is the o uly one. lx>Si<ka Jud~e Thompson . who has ent('red t~ rn('(> for th<' rount:v jud~t"Ship. Wt> a II knO\\· .Jim And h is N'· 'Orrf as an attorney a nd as n A . will fit him for the higher honor. • • + Jlilttory-Here Is a bit of gossip from Bill H<'nfY's col- umn that cft>als with locally known fnlks: "More Mt. Ve1n0n tore was picked up at tht> Shoreham where a batch of Southern California cronies, Rt>p. and Mrs. Harry Sheppard. Mr. and Mrs. Doug McCormick and Chet Crank and spouae. were celebrating young Lt. Ph i 1 Crank 's graduation from meteorol~cal J~Chool. Chet said he'd heard that M a rt h a Washi~on had heckiE'd (".f>('lrge ahnut s"mf'- thing and George. In a fit o1 temper. had das hro off a· hof"SE'baC'k . insufficit>ntly dart and hnd th<'rt'h:V tak€'n a fatal ca~ o f pneumonia. R<'p, Sh<'PJI<t ret lnnkro a s thot.-::h hf'' thour:ht t~at was somc>thinJ.: fo r the 01C'S cnmmitft'l' to in\'C•stiJ,:a h·.'· • • • Onl" for thr 8 t•ok-Rrmf'm· h£-r &-nnv II ill . <'rstwhilf" r~ pnrtc•r anc1 :t t:rnd o f I l:tt hor lli~.:h . who marl I' ~()f1(1 nn nN\'spnfl(·r~ hf'for..-joining up? \\'1'11. n lf'fh'r from Hc'n snmE'wh<'t'C' nn n nl' of I hC' ~\'('1\ "<':IS. ~~~·--: ''Som<'thing that mi~ht in- terest vou-\\'hcn m y hroth- .-r Rnhtw. \'('1'\' n-c..-nth· nf I farhor High a nd now a Se,- man First C lns.c;; m 'f"r h··rf'. went t o \\'nikiki t (l n-nt :t surfboard h e saw one which had a Dolphin paintf"rl on it. This is the AAme kind • of markin~ which Mar<'O Amch U!ll!d to s how on his boorrl around Newport so my brother talked to th<' man. '1\rms out this was Man'fis board. the one he u~ some time ago when he w as stay- Ing over Mr"E'-8nd they are keeping it for him' until the war ls OYer a.nd peopk-have tii!K' to go mrfhoon1inc again. So my brottwr Ulf!d llifarcD'1 board. nm time It c.=-o{ C~to Oppose ··-!~!~~~~~i:_rwoi 7 ·Now lh n~mmi!~~~d\s ·11th District 'Requests Any Effort to ab~ndon 1 ~;~~r.~:~;~=!Race For . ~;~~~~~~~;:;,~~;~~;.:Washington Approve P E Line to Harbor ~.~.::..~'.;.:··; .. ~·:::: ;:~-...: the Counc1l ::;··;~::. ·;~;~\ ~ ~;'·.:.::::::·:; 200-foot c,·ty Channel a • ._ thf')' tntert'd tht> srmM I01Tf'8 bull !'41hnr•t "' Nf'W Yn-r .. tlnl\'f'niiiY ---........ --· _L__ rt w:osn't until juat N'C'ently U.t ·"' 1 , ,,1111111,.111111\Nt " _ • .,,.,, h<'u El tr. C AI Fi h'-Effort to Uivert llwy butb wf'r .. In the aamelp)t ~I ~tt·•·•·n n ,.,. 11• ,,.~,.,. 11• t ' •· 1 ~< •• 1•·u~wt ec IC ompany 80 g ut :::l:~t·~~ 111~~:~.:. ~~f)' t'::~~~elv: for l'lty I ullllf II '"'"'" 1\\t• '"' •• '·"'lllt'IU\IIt ('ran .. '''"''1''•'11'•1 .. Tracks at Navy Munitions Uump; Uire<>-hOUnl lugrlh•·r and II wu only too I til~·· lur '"' I' -1 M""'"" Th• ~· ,1::~.'.': :;k .~:~::~·:;,~ •• ~~~~·:: •• '~ .... :.:~. tors Hold Busy Session Monday "11' r! tu I llli'h up"" {l~l lhe pre<'ed· .,.. <'•pt. ~'ll..rl.·r llalh II ,. lt·noll :lulh Ill .. jtrlllllu linK 1'1""" ', ..... In~: twrnl\' four monl It, .,Ill W A l<ull 111,.,.,, 1.,,,,1 •\I 11,. " 11 tM• Mt,.llnn,.tl lUI "" AIIHV Suuth ( 'oattt ('o. AMk8 IA'ue or ('Jmp (;round• to llt'pair Largt' VNHt"IB a~t N~ Ad- junl't to Brt'chtinar Bft-p Waterway The broth"r" art' thr •ona of Mr. ll<•r• lll h (II• .I '""' WN•k "'''' In lui· \" ..-.. ,.I' "'"alhf'r uffll'flr, Ill ll I Di~rs or the N€'wport llarhor Chnmhf•r of Commt>r<."l' lln•l ~Irs llrrh ~nttlrr. 117 Sap~\-41'1•••11 Rrl•·rt All••ll 1111•1 1\ II \\. ~~ c· ... urt .,._ n411 far fmm lA .. Monday wmt on l't'C'Ord to oppose a ny <>Cfort on the part of hlno, llalboa Jalantl. Bob Ia Quar· *"ct. lnrumbf'nt•. t-:Art ~1~.,1,.,. All~t•·lt·11 ------- other interests to abandon th<' Pacifil' F:lt"('lriC' lin<' f(l N('\\'· •~·rmnlllt-r :i•r 1' S N R. and 0 . H. e 11 Al..,rr u ....... ,., h1111 l'r••\luu,.lv """"It f'nonk, bfllt•"' l'nll•lln.: "' Thul lhr•ll. S, Nnvy i" r•un,.lcl<'rln/ttu• <'lf'lv.•ndun of N.w~ 1 port Harbor. Report!'; had IJN>n c-urre nt that th<' line fr'Om ~~.;~~~~ut<'nant In lbe Me~t flied. ""' A A Jo' u •n •tr c·a.tf!t, wu JIOrt llnrhnr lntn wnr lllti'M, "'"" n •v••nlc"l Monfbty tlt'(ono tJw I co.,..,.,r n-a· ch to Lon ... &>at•h would ~ t'Ut out w hilt> a suhsti-. t'ltv t..:trrk Huwhnr 1 *'11 ""1"V 11 )111'1"' at '' ~ (" · an•l a trark dty c•nt rnMI wlwn Walton lltthhnnt. .ft· .. pn..UtS.·-nt u( f..hto South o::K." IX. ,.. 1 tllat lh••l11~1 '""' for fllln~ 111 ~nl · ••lhldt•' lila fathf'r Ia a lAlii An·, C I 1 , a.ika• •.. '·· •• ... ·-• ~~. H w.--a~• ~ .... "', · t I t t"· ·'r _ ... ....__ tute would be buill from S tan· ---~--.u---""'-,-..... -..... --D II ~ ~ ~ M•l'•·h 11, Oloth>la. u... 61w.-. ..a~ -uu..,.. • ~ "-o.. .Lu~.-a'44•• .... ~.-.•~ t'lt'"ft~ and •tat.flllt' 0 ton to Huntington Bt>aC'll. OHkmb nr lhl' l·omplln), 111 a 0 ouse C'CIIItnc·tl t.h•n•IIIV llilnplrll fl ro••nhl· !1\11' I 1'1114(' Will' n·~·ry 0 IN' wnr • ., urt ............ ~.-u. \\'. M. Longmoor ,.,"'id 1 hal ''"'r> roofl'rl'oc•· wct h Ltcn.: Uc·m·h c'II.Y Uon flatng April II a" thr '1"Y flH' h f t"tlllltnll ntl u( t ht• t-:I<'Vt•nlh Nnval ctlwt rkt hnct n't'tlfnmrndlod to effort should 1M> madt• to kc'C'p the• olflculls. potntl'd OUI tha t While· lt • fle(tlon Dea· t 0 WltNhin..:-tun the• t•nnstnwtlon of II duum ... :..r.lu , ..... wkiP from t'lf'Ctnc ltne Opt•n to hl'l"l', ,.,. woo COl' ...,.,.,, 0 0 l 1"' I .,., r I ·~ I t II I'· I I ..... ·-........ , __ 1"\•loc.•atc• thl' hnc•s tn lh(' Sc:>aJ Beach a.lecl at'rapfW'r With •lt>flnllr ltJ,.Il• ·' U "' l't' ( .. , ... llfl( t•X t'f\( n.c I l"tlfll 101)' II"'"' tu u-n.t-lo1 I ~·""'000 1 SJOOOOO I J Ch I Cal'l l''lu•ll1·1 hoK vll(•ruu~. tw••· pl'ciaJiy a" IQ fn!ight. lK'<'au~· ('(>fTI• ... ange s ~ b·-a I'IIV ohuuhl br run An(Jv .... II It 1'"'-o( tt•·· ...... • nl('rrial interests now en)C.I)'l'<l a an•o. th1~ "'·oulct be• It'"-" t'~lly hutn ..,. v -p h '"' tc• c· )'II,_. .... uuy. 'contint•n lal ratt'. whJch would be' to M'I'V(' lht• onlnnnc't' baM> fltlm Kirk. whcl ••u apputnted ll• fiJI the M t 1hNt th,. l'coUJII'll b!'llt>Vf'ol th 11 .,,.,. tht' rn•uacla It)' UW ftnt lfll t i<Mt If ltk> road was abandont'd. tht> ('8!<1. E I d -..piN'd ll'rm of Irwin G~orK.. rs a c lrOJIIfHIII)' 1 ..... ltl ntn. Y••r wu tho-nKIIIth &J\<I ,.__ ............. , that hundnods of t'ar.. .. r rr•·lghl. To ~·rvt' ttw ba.ftf• from thl' t'Ut • a a.rcton, hu ma~ a auud cc•un.ll • • ,.u ,.mrrtct'fJc•y ,. .•• INIIcatl'd It)' tud Ill• ma7•"' a.d ~ to .... P$pl'C'l8Jiy from lilt> cann('""· would nt•ct•f(l!ll81t' el<'<'lrlf1C811Qn . .,r X p al ne .-n. lnlll>f.lr fl• h•• t IUO '"'' ' .. ur•.:·· d Ita ,. ...... n .... lu •rent -· '-· lh• ... _ .. -.. tM ... .... I Wf'n" llhippt"d out annual!), inatf· 8 li('CII()fl of lhtc> Soul hem Paclflr I of bla 1'1 nYirlluna, wblrh hav• Mourne •llh .. u.:h .. •tumhllnl( biCW'II ......... f'"fll"' ... '"" hlwt •'-" lt. ......... . dltlon lo much fn"lght conung an hnt' from Sta.ntoo ~talllln Ill Jlunt· been blunUy "ll'r,.,....,, al llmrro ••t>r•l whl'n It "'a• diiM'OW•f'Pft I hat ltrtll 0." wn• f€W lht' shipyants and olht>r ftrm.~ cngton Rt>ach Thu.. (lrf>)fo('l , !1 'Mtl're IH'fttit to ._. -~ ... ..,._ ,....rdletl of poiiUta. but mof't' on v.hlll' fh, """ rJanntnr I'Uftlml•lon CUy AU-, ft••• • .. flltltl P ... •-,__ v.:u; "htlt'll. would l'f'"'' •'I'I"OXI· " . t dl l t" mlnda of Uu tile a&de ul •bit' bu•.n~ .. ltra•·· h•ll trl"'lnlr11 a l''ladtUoftat -rmtt .._......_. ........_ IM ...... _... --"'rr--' 'mA I••I•· ~ .• u-. I '""I I.,., • An n~r n e ...... _ ,.... ... ._____ 11 .._ ~ • y"- J ........ '"" I Ul baJ\I'e Ill ~ --111 ~h1 o h l t42 11 wa• dleruvrred ..,,..._ l'tiU' ..... •rap ,.._ -lnlonnalion "'':IJ' al<n rt'Cf'l\'t'd II ~ undt>ntood lht' fi'C:Wr:ll gnv·l dtnlntr pub lc ovf'r e e Mr. 'Horvl\th •• A rr•hlt-nl "' ~ rr••tl1fon1 or Nrwl"•r1 llrtcrhta llu•l "'" h lrM~ wa,. under ()f'ttl. ol tile_,,_.,, bitt IMn ~- rrom loni Beat·h that lhl' P. J-: ••mn~·nt ,.,ouh1 ,,.,.,. th•• f'"(f'<'nl'f• O'A'nl·r•htp or lhr ()(>II Jlou.e cb&Ul Nt'wport Hrtl{ht. &nil "m'''"Y"'I by '"' 17 Vf'Ant, lhr 111'1\lh of Mn I. I I t. I f'd ""Y rtlla.n r<,.tht a411p Ute._. wouh1 OI>P0" 1 ' • ab.'lndnncnt: lh•• or r>•roolln~: the linf' in IM Seal "1 catu. 'he South r 1..,11t ,.,. ,,1,1 •• "'Kilr•l· I I'At r h at l'ommunllv h<~~tl•llal, 111.,.1 •' 440• no~:::" ':: ,'ha lq 11111..,1 ttwr cr1rlrtPr ••'-llftl -- ="''"·pon lint', lht-.... tatrm••nt S:l)'· &ach an'a and tha t th~> Jli UJI' hod I Uut ,..,,, k'ro Nt•·•·'nmu carrt.d ed u a man 1•l k••rn lr:wleht toto 1 Sl\nta An•. tr'rhlay. I• bc!lna llnvty . ~ .. ~''"1~~d:.:';. Ar ';"~' ... ult ~~: tnr urdlftant-... a..-It ~ w mr: reroutm~; v.uuhl p:ualld thl• ht~h· 1111 ,.,, ... ,.,,,.,.m,.nt by Janf' lllan· c:tt)' atfa.ll"ll n1nttrn"'l hv hfor tamllv and many , 1 ,.,kr wu lnalrvrt ... l to .. ,, 1841 that -..tn to MY<' tha plan 1 .,_. Ahandonml'nl or any hi'I':Jk In "a" 10 thai .11 .. ;1, •rheal~r. formn wife of Don MM; _ •• __ • frlf'nll• Laura Kathflr1nor l'atrh hi h \a Marcll 11 to nailllton cUDI!kler U.. .. tuer ... 1ts Lon~: lkarh·="r·"' purt B a !'It l:onrrrrtn~: "llh f'n·sldl'nl (I. A.' 1·h• irt r r. t•J I he t'ffl'<"t that \be Dol wu a tnM A merle' an ~~tothet> In 1:1"111'· w f 111•~.. • .. k a eclftdlu..l ~ llnM, which m1ght tx-ni'Cfi'sitalf'd Smith and I)\ her P"r 1fw El('('llll'IJr""'"" "t L3~tuna wu rloaed Mardi T • I he! hiU -ott ttw word. Hf!r ' ,,,_the pnvu.,. 1ft order to alv. a..t Mila. wtMt ,..... -.._ by contitruction oflht' $l5.0000CO offic1ats v.c·rr Cltv Mana~:rr sam· 1 Whllr th«> name "Doll HOUM" ,Xpert _O ,_" tr .. al-n bMft a welcome .tnrarir•at nnut.nU..ehlpbulld·\ .... ....-.,. ._ ~ tl .. navy munition <k>pot north of Ana· ut'l E. Vlclc('f'l, itnrbor EnjtlfiCI('r wu Rboll&ht'd. the piGCe .... not I plaee ,_ ... ...._ •• ,...... aacs \'"' n,. ........ ..., ....... _a • hc.>im Lllndinc. would be O(II)OM'd R. R. Shoemaker and Rich&n1 dOlled becau. Mr. '&anc.._•-• I h•r ,..~ ~ ,._ ~ ...,.. iM ...,. ••• ...., aft'•t ..,_ • I* ....... ... '1 by the Padtic f.':lftlerk ~ l..oynfot and D. E. Ponrr. · "''" "P"n'ltln~r lhl' fllrroo• cafe u p 0 1 far aact ~. ' M1 Uuhtt.rrt •Ad hla f'ufnJ!'aft)' p-rty, lu wllk! .. 11e ...... tW · Don :Wanrhrlll .. r'• 8nu~ll. • t t ... found 7 •• ,.... .. C W I 0 tn ·thr dt\'1.,.,,. l!f'ttlemmt Mrw. 01n U Mn Pat•:h ~. ,.., •• l"'"l,.,...f, 1" flAY • oo ~'""' " waa up to ... , .,.._ .. 101·tn1111 tn h•r t.d In tter hom .. lhr "'"nih ,,.,. l hr 1111111 of thr trn>UI'MIIt, ,..flr)'lhtnc po_.llle ,__,.. '"-wv t t t :WU!cheat.,r f't'lalnl'd oontrol ol the 1 0 Oas an S S Wn 1,,11 H"ll"'' "' Balboa and NUl "'""'"'• ,.... ... dlnlf h<'r d•• h An whlo h ••I""'' fl'flm l!'lth lltrt'Ott tn efftttl On a qu.tlt'-1 Mr • .._....,.. .. h t 0 F I I 1\mbul•nrf' .... rellfld and atw wu '~'" •II•·•·• '"""II llw '"" lu ,.,.,..., cr1ar ... l thalt II wu "''' 0.. dealte al Sprlnl{ll. whllf' .. ,,. ane ea er ,.. ur au ts IHIIhf'd lu fh• C"i.mmunlty hOIOrtt•J . 11\11(• .. , .. ,~ an•l 11ulr•hlfla, ... "'"' hi• l'flmJJUIY l.o ........... ......... J C II PI 11\IOf'•l I II•· I •nil l<luui!OI! at J..acuna .. ,.,.,,. ,.. • ••a .......,,MtnN'fl In a ..,. I h•• I''"~""' 'Ill' ltollrt •• a l ltar•l h ........... l If Ute Unl"o· r 0 ege ans v.hH h ht' r••rhrllll.t'ntliU tbe "Bra· ~' ,...... "'""'I "''a Y"ar, -,_ 1'""" ron<lltlnn Slid dW Uw fnl· """ '" '''I"" •1""'"11" ''' rem~n~• rmrra_.)' •al-~t ti!Mtt ffl-7.11 " Mr• Manchnter'a brotbn 1,.,.1ncr Ji"r1<1a)' 1.,,. ,.1,.r~ .... 1,,,. ""'"''II ,~,.1,.. a ,....,_al ..,,..,.,.1 two...;.,...,._ ' ~I Thump""" ill aldlnc hn wtth " you want In f tnd nul what A nllllv• nf K•,_• l'lty, Kan. \1• lllohloftl•l •lnl•••l '' lla that h.. Neerty 1.000 • .....,_ Rrpnrt11 Ulat Santa Ana lK'hool ~n are r' nlllderlng Ulr eatabllah· mmt of a lar~~:n Jum r college. t'mbnll"lnlt tht N~wpnrt Harbor d lltrlrt. and that a las of 21 cen\a '' D~ r .. nr,t!l'rPf! hrotll!hl dill USJIIIIIJ from dlrecton of lbt' Nl"ll<port Har. • r r .. ,., ...... r nf f't)" mt'rf't• ~tun­ day, whrn MaJia«er Harry Wel.tl ,.,11~1 tluct "urh a .mvye WJUI bt'ln.c {'i'f'lll df'I'C'rl. ll ll'U the grnl'rsl optnlnn of _,era! dtre<:ton that the eoallt lint> haa ~ in favor of lht' u t&blillbment of a Junior coll•c• lllonc th.-r• """ and whC'lher it be In the Yklntty of Newport Be.ach anti Laguna or brtwHn HuntiDr· ton Brach and the harbor, wu nut 110 lmport&Dt u wu Ule fact that •uch a lt'hool to take up marltlme matten wu eueullal. Dlrectonr were ulled to .tudy tbe matter. Braden Flncb brourbt up tbe aubject of a ~ Cia. A hoa· Red Cross Here Gets Phone Co. Share of $750 · RJ.r kinc:: t hP RNI \rfl"• \\'11r F\Jnrl campa!p. lh• Southrm Call- i fomiil Trlt'flhnm· ('omp.~nr mnl fl· l hulf'tf ~!'10 lhrouch r . I Mr r>r on· ilh1, lrl.-phon,. Mmp:cn\' 11•<1 rio-t m<tnAJ,!f'T In thr Soulh,.m Clrnnc•• \nunl\ R•"l Cm•< rhttpl••r rm· hr:w•n'c ="~'"'flOrl !Y>nr h Thf' mana,:tPr ~tntr•l thnt thr ~,.,,h,.rn \alllooml:l •·nmnan' '' rllnln h"''"'' a rnt:ol nf ~:-.r.tm 1" lhr fund< n( lht• Mmmunll II'' il "'."''' ( llhPr 111'11 '''-~''"' ,.,,,, nn thl' Pnriflf' roa<t Art' rnnln l•"' in'! ~~l.nntl :l!ltlililtOIII 11'1 rlrl\'1'4 In • r••nt••r' m "h1rh lhr•y ef"'ral•· ~p:~kcnc::" tnral"r ~)II()() ''""'•l••d h\ 1 h•• l'ar•fw 1'1'1• 1 hnn• and T ••l1•· cr:cph fflmp.1n~· nnrl ., .. <llh•rd•nr· if''. ttw RPII Tc>lc>phnnf' Comp:tn' ... r ="•'\'a..t.l :ond thl' St>Wh,.rn Cnll· fnmuo •·••mnan~ M~ald sai(! lhnl ih,. rnnln· h1111on ,.,,....,,.d~ h} 50 pr·r ...-•nl lhr AA'l noo c•,·r n IA~I ~ ~'nr h~ t h1· Wf'!I'IM11 Brll unll• "\\'" fu'ly apprrrlat,. th«> Yalue nf ttw-Rrd c~ aclivllt,.•.'· ~lrDrtn· aid l<l!ld "and 11rr pl,.a!"'d Ill ron· tnhull' to the fund to tinan<"'' lhl' nll:&nlzatlon's r;ociPn~l\·r PI"O$!T&m on lht> .,.·ar front and a1 home."' ----~--~--~----~--~---1 had ·been in the wat€'r sin ('{' Marr went back to the Coast. Bobby. Incidentally. is a kind of aquatic expert. as you ' may know, and holds a cou- ple of regional ~ Scout rowing and knot-tying ...,. cords.. ·1 " .u .. ~mnald Bay and Dr. hrl rafell. """ ,.,,,. and ~ family h~tvr ,... • "rtiJl""Y lntr1ul•'•l I" u• tile af'l'a ()ft motJull of C)MJncoU-AIIPft 'tnd "f " town Y<•ll llvr 111 11nd ~·ol~•l al 427 1':1 M•wlrn• AvriiiH' '"' '"l•lllr1116; .,. .. , v.--J• fur lh<'• thl' l'l~tnntna f'nmmiMitllt ...... lOW Y••U elk<ukl lhlllliC" ytJur YleW-·N··'"'Ih•rl lft>ljthl• tor manv v,..,.,. 'II,,, v """' •· tltr "''"'I lc•r th., I'"" Pd to ,_ a eo..Ulln-.1 ,..,.ll. Grundy •td M ha•t hf'nrd It waa a Prubytf'nl\1! hO!!pltAI plannt"<l for thf' 1 utur" l , C'u.\ II 000,000, but hrlorvf'•l t tw plana ""''"' not Announcement for Registrants for Sel~ctive Service point lO m•kr thl• 8 h•·ll,.r •urn· "h•· lruv,.1 llrr hu•'-n•l l.r•H• I. 1··-·•1 • hiiJIII<'I whk>h ranlf'd, u cttct tM .......... ftun lly ll(t••r th,. ..,.,.,, lhrn hy all Pllff'h ''"~ lk>n , Otul ""-man 2 '•· 1-'16:'""" ,., 1• ""'''"'""'' •lw~Wina lhal thr 14'..,. be maclct M-• n•·•nro """' F•·rr111 M '>\'"k"IV uf 111 llor N11vv. and ••n,. tlaul(hlrr. II••·, ''''"I "' I'"Vro•llfl •If lhfo "'"''" -" J"'""" wu ar,.._.., ,.. fully rumplf'tf<l Dr Ct'OrJ:f' N l'f'Mt'. ll nl'wrnm· "' "'''' r••l'lohnf( nl c•t•rnna d«>l Mar., A lrll••r frum the Offlrl' uf thf' wbo "''•• a vlllllor Ill thr mt'('ttn~t. 11,.,.,.1,,. .,, l"'llvnl Offlr•'r l'rocuN'· declared be bad a1leodtcL~evual mtt~t In~ Angi'1Pa l'rntalnlfl~t ,.1 m•·•·lln~:~ I• IIH huMptiAI J:rnup and rmpqrtnnt annnunl ,.m,.nl hruo lwl'n •IP<Ior•••l llrllt • hulld•ng of 40 lo ,.,.,.,,1vNI by Anl1rew J . Hayman. 60 twt111 wu r••nt••mpiAII'rl An1l lh~tt I •·lr·rk "' thr h ~ AI ~f'lrl'\lvl' ~~·rvt••• h•• c•aJifnm la O..f'llllmr nl uf Jo-:tJ. lt.·llv I ,mil.,.. whn Ia a IIMII••r al c· .. ,,.l c ·., '""""nii•K '" al•n1l ., 11111 II •l"'1 trnrw ... /1 f,. ._. .. ICtllii)O nrxt "'rtoiH•' ,.y,.,..,.K Ill IIIII I··· IIIKh Rrh!W>I AI ... •urY IY s· ... IIINI ,..-.. ktv. ''"'' ··•r•lrlnll ''"" II• city t .. t. "" ·~nlr~ A-_.. ... ~ nelboa Yacht Club. Ill.: ..... I hi"H' hro olhf'r•. Jll'r-m!IR I''" .. "'" h I h•• ""' r rnmrut .......... t •·v Ill~ '""'I'•"Y ,,., • IIU,. lfll fTO W~tkl'ly will • '""'' .... ,.. ~'11-irl\' \\'tlk•·nlnfl: of t~ ArrD,)' W.l'lllral ""'!"' IIWII.V ::ul !If Cll.IJ•Il•)'UII'oi per .llkCltA. ~~·rmntt ·and tJf' •••,.n rnr a ltlfl l' .. qo,. ln Au..frnlt". A1r,..t "'"' an1l th•t thl• war nnr mra1 .. ,.f rr In a 811MI"Y I• I"' aulllnlltt.focl bJ m•Und Ulr bay tn Wayur l,yiUI I"'"'" Wllllrnlnlt .,f Kan""• I 'ltV, lrolruro~ ""' lo 11 IN16;t' 1rayr"ll hrl"''. f'm~t~rtlman 1<-~t, 1M,......... I.Jiat 'IAII'a bo11ll 1111 h•• • '"' 1:"1 r< ''"~'-1111·,.,. •1•1""' Mra Y.1at .. llnlhr·~·k "'"'' h ''" Mnl•l fllll .. unlrll lu 1:1.4111, !\:14 14<1\lth ''·•a1 •mtllfi)'U H•Cid at u,• C1l Ull• •r tln11 anti ... ,.""'" .. n•l Mra t.tnlan Or,.cory .,, K"" 1!1~ ,.,.,,,,,.nv I''"" SJC2)1411 111 1111b It\# tff' .. ·h an•l '"" M-8811 -.ut what abnuld be done In lmvmvr """ ""'I Mra ,,._r., Cr-awfor11 r rrnlra•·lura "" hhf"'il lh·· • Uv 111•1 ""'' I~• rrrll'"' .., harthrr tnm an nr1 hllt'('l had ~n f'mploy«>d., IY•Itrtl Hco atatf'd RC'v Brown Wll" at th" All boftrtl& llrr ur~~:rd tn aid In ht"ad ot thf' prnj.-c·t whir'> wu In dlrN·ttn~: 1·11~tlh1r •1H H t•r matnhtl •n•l pep up the c·ommuntty . "' lh·r .. rlfl)', C&lltMnla • mrl•l .,... II• way l'lrar tu lum lh•· c•trtllllllll)' l•lturt t.fetnb!'MI <rf thf' l"lly C'ounl'll ' R<-rvl,..,.. wr"' h'!Jd at llarnl<l 1..-lf)('lllf'd nt'ar Emerald Bay. 11mon~~: thr rrjtlslrapt.J. nf thl' diM· M ... • .. aport ,,,., Th~>rP llr• var1t11111 offtrt•r A r"mmunlrlltl<m from W T. bllleta now opeD, the requirement. J~fff'nu•n on th•• rl .. velopment of fnr which are f"•lltl'd at I hr "" kl 'Ill' City f'htnnlnJ( c·omml•t .. n, th•· (;raurl (!tla.,.t tnclay at 2 '30 r m Prorot War Ovlc' < 'uun•·U. lllr••rtur" lnlt·rmrnl waa matt<' at WI'IICmln 111111 memben1 uf thr N..,.r.,•rl IIRr lfi••r Mrmnrlal l'ar1l C:#ml'lf'ry wllh hor Qlamber at Comm•rr• ...... ,,. n .. v .. ,...,.d (,.,.. Jnfl-nfttrlallntc the UJJpl'r bay, IIU~f~aled that 2lrd I Srll'<"tlvr noard ... ,.. Chamber of ('nmm~rr· ... 101'111 •tr•'f'l &lid lrvlnr avrnue wu a A10 an .. xamplr Utllrt Nn 7 ~rtvr11 '"'rM at lhr Rot111 y, Ktwant• and good vanlalfe point for O>.ta M"& nff1cer traJntnr opportunity to m••n l.tona Clu ... and ulh,.nt tntl'rl'llt,.•l ctvtng that community an nutl•t to I n•JI )'l't 3:1. w1t.1 2 y4'ara M collr~~:• will &tt.nd, to bear v.,.wa of a n lhf' bfty Thl' I«"Hrr at&ted that and at leut II yrar.-lllll'l~•ful nlnrmed autbnrlty .,,. h• w Nrw. srri)O'Itnll<latlon for ~vera! huldredl hu~trnr10ro f'XJM•rlrnrt no le<"hnlcal JW•rt Harbtlr ran ho·lll ,.,. "''"l•l•·ol craft cnuld be provided and Ulst tralntn~~: nrn .. ary, wltb at l•aat I• alter·thr-war rhan~eJI an.l • •on· the c ovemment and JameA Jrv.ne 1~·20 v\aton and perfect c•rlor pe-r· hii,.M . ml~thl hffome lnlerrated Tb~ rrpt1on Anolhrr bllh•l OJ,..n I",,,, Waner will br arn•f'<l "' f\ :\1/ letter. wu ref con-ed t•1 lh~ harbor! I mrn up tu 50. yellrll nf age In VIHI l l'rlte per plat•. Sl 50 , , mmttt~• 111111 f l,.l!lll of ~llperl,.nl'l' ll«a u• of raturniiiJC 11 ·~ n•• ... Artlclea In yacbUII~ macuoea Clerk Hayman urgu thi'MI' lnlt>r '"' v to mall,. r•'"''r'VIIIIunro In a•l llho •tll :\•·w po rt ltArhor wrre ort1er· ""''~ '" rail at tht• l'l•'l•·• I'"" l'l••n vance. "'' rc,.nntrd at thf' dl.creUon of IC'I' office wh«>re hr wtll glvf' fur· 1111 .. ,1, "rt'"'"" rm11mttt~ th,.r clari!tca tton. j District Attorney I J)avis to J(un for 1 ~uperior .J ud1r.r 1 111Tylnt: ''"' lo1 •· ,., '''" ,,,. rtrtll!lf'NI •nf••nfl'•ft ,f lu f ••fl utt · 'I I"IIIIAir .. l~mv • I. I 11" 1 I ltd.~~ ttlt d hill nwnlntol l•n• r•·'l" r '"' "'' I ff o'l' U( j!fd)•l' nf !ht• 'l'r I'"' f!•ltlf , llrtVl~. \o\ho :tl '''i trd '"''~1•11 •It ,,,,.,.. ... r ""''"'' .•• ,,,.,,. 1 .,, 'II• rl IJirf"l lh" llrtt••llmil 1' I """' after rrln•~rlr·r .•l•l•· ,.,,,.,,., • I I· lrf'III'VI•' ltlltl ,,. '''" 1 ... "' It"'. .,,,N' tn f ~rhnJ.:•• '"'"''~ ••n th· h·l • h than In"" I''''" 111 • "''"' ''' II• tM-IIfiV<'' I lt.lf lo• '' 'I"""''' tl I"''""Rh r x,,.., '"Ill'' .,,.., • .,,.. •• '" 1 1111 lhla llfflt,. with I"" t11gr111 y 1,,, rl Judapnrnl 11 r:IJI, r .. r ',Jr O.vU. hltl' m~r<l•· :.n • "'1lll•l• r•·•·•rd In thl' d1~1nrr II"''"'''''' ••I lu · and ha .. IN·f·n •u.:•·•l ,,, .,.,.k 1 h• nfflrC' of llllfl'·n•rr • •~111 Jll•lc.:• nn•l l&kf' Into lhAI .,,,,.. "'' '•'""' In I• tlri~)' and ("(JfTTm•m ~''"" 1 "''' hll• m.dP him onf' of lh•• ·~•'''""11· llnr.: diatrk-t attoml'y• m lhf' h1' I I•['\ of Qnnp ('()4101) \lr. O.via lA "''rllknr~n In <h•• hllrl« cllltrict and U(l to lhP llmr of "*'c .tnto t.,. dlr.lrirt att.o,.. n••) ·,. offktp, ll'U ll.tUoOf'IAII"fJ Wllh Rn111nd 'ntampadn, rlry attOf"'ll')' ~ Nf'WP"1 lleedL I Tax Man to the Rescue of South (A.Mt EmployeM lruhuot n al flnlnn f'llf Mann,. """ "hlt•lullltlf'f W • rllf'fll "' Arnf'n• 11 . ('I ,, ;-.: •• ~2 hiU 81'TIInl(l'tl '" hiiVf' " Ina • .llt"'r1 In h"IJl rmr•I••Y•" •rf !'lo~uth ''"""' t•o In t•rrparlnl lh,.lr "'' ,.,, ... '"~ ,....l•urf• Thl" will ,,. ,.111! 111 1\ v"lfl tuVIIII( "' l i11w lfl'•ut-t\ ~ltiiHttnr ""'1 '""" h';ur.• 1'11,. '"~ n 1111 will 1 ... Hvll lhol•l•· ,,., .... r"\''" "It" ""'' .. u ,tf•v ~h111 .t,,•,. , ,,,, •. ,. nf J.tt••tth c ·,.,.,., t •,, ''' "' Ill .. t 'llltlfl ''""''''"""1'''·' ~··"" \\ f '•nfr~tl Av"''"'' Nt'V.'f•'"' I !•~'" r\ City Dads want Junk Off Main Drag Lots ,.,,.,., •·nnr•1lnlnK Ill ...... l••nllul .......... .. .. , .... ,., "'"'''""'h) t'4•ntrn' ,,,,..._ l'lntl tuft lt•t UtJ f•tf 'tf tfl Ufr:t' t ltfrlt' tr• f••r t'• U •w• l,y • '"""'lhw•n Mmul11y 11flc•1 · nt••h WhNI U flful•••l wu• fiJt .. f l•y (t"tol••tll• HI lh•• \H IIUI~1 qf rt1d an•l ll41h .. ,....,, ••IJ,..rrnt '" I'•••"' 1 "''".:•· c·.,.,.lv Till•· ...,... and Willi ,.,.,,.,,...,.,., oo pnttnl "' land, : m,..r ly rn \VN I Nrwprrf brtftc lllt'<l un n~ lllcll11nlyno· lAM .,...,. urnlr~ "" ultl ~llf<nl•h rrrant In •rr- •l••r '" ,,,,,.,,,..1 lh•· d ty fnm ,__ tolhl•• fUI III•· I l11ilrr• h•••d••\ ''' tl ltt'••lfl I .. ,., l1 'lf'l•l ••" ~,,."''I'''''""' ,,f <1•""' t •t•l,..._ "'"''" lftflff dt fttf ~ ... ,,. ... , ..... '·"'' "'''' ,,.,,.,.,.,,,111ft, 1\f tl ll fl l'ttll"'t•n ~ ~ltffUfll I \ <tlttl ''"' ',. " f 0!11jflt ilftflfh f(t•t•.f '-d ltf \ltiJ I lft'f I tl.tl! '' • I It• Ill '-'• 1 \ I lilt' I! ·t' II 11 •II t'ft I' "''I :1 ltlf Ult' 1"' If •fl• I Otf .f 11 •l ilt , 1lr •• .,, I lu II It• h• \• d If.," v.i,. ~+111"1 Jul'-t \.fl'f'l ltrffy Ofl lfrt• flllltfl '" • I ft+lnlti'ft h1\\11 IIHtl •ttfllll•f I If I I· •lJt• •I .,, I II•· ' • '. ' , I •• f j,. I Ill' rlt '" ro I •II I .1 •1 I '• Ill 11.1 IIIII I I" Itt \.I .) lft• htt~~> itft tJu ltld llt ,u,•ft \t\ J. ',,,,qfd t •• k· ,., , ,, .111 ' t 1(1 lt't ••fiiUHflll idhnt ,,f "''I I lfJ1 t· .. ll· ,. f • .,,. r , ,.,, ,,.,, '"'' , """' .1 1•111 '''' \\'ltll•·r AJ•t•l•·l~·lc \ .,. t~• .,.,,,,,.,n "' ~1711 I" r "''"'th r.l,.,.tlun Hffl,,..,. A ,, . .,,Jutr••ll wl•lf•••·•l """I' .,.,,,, ''~~, Ar•rll 1 1 u-.: ,.,," • I•••'' ,.,,, ·•·•} ""'' '"'"'">'"~: ,.,. .. ,, .... , ,,,,I ,.,.,... 1n rh•• pr•.,·rn•·tll. wtul•· IIJ•· &II 1 1-11 .. "''" ln<·rt•l\llt•/1 IO $6 IJ'T P",.. 1 l()fl. In ••rch·r If• 1"'""11 SHh ,.,,,., M 1 t•r1•1~e·~ ''' ''"''lHf• " ,.,.,., l•of1ll lrurr1 11••• l(n\.•·mrrwnl. 1lt1· < rty .. ulrf.nlln 1111'<1 "" lu·n l\5tl\ln~t lht> r""'· rr• It~ llltMiun WIUI 'lf'l'' f"url h lift)' m• nt fur ""'' of •·lly l11n•l p A l'fllm,.r Will< ••k•'<l 111 hli"" an un·niUI'll'ft all<'Y alvton ttw> roc· n<tml'fl uf Zurlrh whlt·h r·JtuM'fl Couoc:llmaD lebell to IIUCINl 'J'n" ft,l ,,.,,., UUMt4U1h,..·f fU $'1.:.tf\11 •• , .... ~trurull "'''''''"''' ,, n ... ,, ..... ••I I HI•• 1••111111 IU't t~lfll!llllll 1<1 fill)' '.''·k I~• I•• tftnk•· ~~~··h tr-ttt \'t')'" "" "'1 U t ,,, "''' •·• '" 1 )' of ••ntpluyt• un d••t 1 th • f If•· • ttlltluyrut·ut t t•l l,.-• fill flf • ., ' t 11• • ..,,,., d ud)tttU lt•·d • tflf' ~h•· LOOSE-LEAF BINDERS II ,. M I(, -ff s fl H ........ .. * ~ • I ·,·( A I s h Culltftlc•tr• l•~r ,..., In l"flffiplt('t llln•, -uit- nlrl(' for ,.;m111l tMUilnf'MI or thf> hOrrH'. All kiM~ •.t Ru .... t t""-. Sh•'l"t• 11nl1 CA.""' NEWS·nMES ... w. o.tnl N.,..,.n ._. "why ftfot "" ~r namt•T" 1 .. ___________ .. .. , . . ~ ··~ ' \ . . Pace Two NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. Newport t~each. Califoanio.. Tuesday, March 7, 1944 ~M=-=A=-U---=L=-I N G the --=------=--===-=ri'TIIEE -ICIL CIIDIDITES . !Harbor High ;Judge_Tho~JI'!O" to M A p L E 8 • • 1 PIESEIT TIEII QIIUFICHIDII t School·News·~~· ~~t,">:·s~ • ..;.,, Ration CGupon Dates and Data 5, 2. and 1 valut'S. Blue tokens or r rf't'n 1-polnt l l&m .. will bt' flven In ('hungc through Mardi 20. Red lll&mpa 1 tO poiDla ea. I for meat. ra~~ned flah. mCMit edible o\la, ch~~• and cannt'd mUll: Capt . C. M. "ueiiH Th<' ff•~i.~ton of th«" War Labor I Local Ktwa~~lan. l'av• a tr"l In ltlltl••n .:lllt"ndar rur perhod bl'- 1 1 f'~<Jll. c · W. Y\fel~r. Wbll tllf'tl lwm rd th:ot 1t hll' no auth()f'Jt).' ovw Seniors Work ato~ tor them nut Thur«lay noon IJ:Innln~ Man.-h 5. l!W4. I tur th«" l'(>uncll toda y, prf'part"•l fur "~<t.:PS .,r munlc-ip~tl «"'mployea and -'when Judr;e Raymond "nnomp110n War Ration Book 1 lh•· • .. mtnr April battle by wiling thnt 1t hils no n~lll "' ~trl 1ft dl.· On Aaaembly ol the Ru~r1nr ~urt wlll talk Stamp No. 18-11 pair &bON I Ail. UH. CH NO"' to May 20. 08, E8 and F&-March 12 to May :lO. G8, H8. and JR. Man.-h 27 to J unl' 20. ·:""'"- The T••rrrul(;; .:,,,. llu• Sl.tr· IJJI•>'I Vulll•· J)I,J t•)n r .om•· tlll••u~h ~ thf' worils ln~t Thur,clhv 1\1 lfh '' ~~··;n l·c~. P,•;1Ut1ful J lj '" DIJ'bt tn ·Ute Ack~rman UQoA·IIn~ "'' up th·· lugll•'" wd1' ''luo~l _, . .,,, I~ wtiMI thr, rnm ko·•! 1111 nl tltl' c•vrrun..: In l:ol't II••· wh .. l•· &b,.....,.... ti' rwW linrf "''I' lh•• Pryh•n lc•~t ln w .. ~ hnt In th.JI o:;om• fourth eo11nt on tntftl l)in~ ·n1,_ ."'Ill llwv kn .. , 11••11 duwn l"n• for put.!! Uw Trrmlt~ wnv '"'' 111 '"' ru'l\J,ol ~\7 "h1• h i~ l•11r l,.twl· front. 'nl<'y'"' rt'lllly hot ·t,. th••m in:.: 111 th•···· 1'-•r•, wen' Ute hi·ti!Mm-11('0,..., ~tn Wtr. [ It ,.,L~ " :.:r•·••• mcht r .. , 1 h•• Po•\'· M......,lle th<' Foro'('IIAII•• rr••w '''" I"•\'• ""' n •h•• :..;., ~ .:nn~: wu ~lni~lt·rln.: '' '':"'~l to·t •n•· knul'l<· ,J "'" '' '"'"'''•·<on•· 'll'tnry dnJbbinr to thf' ftffi<'f' 1-nr<'f' and · ovn t h,. '''~ •hfll 1-"i,lun:.: 1-1·~·1 picklnr up an o•wtra C'OUOic•r ror tO)-·, flrt..,.. 11nlf f1111rUe ahnuld ),.. n~;ht tal pins for \hi' nlwhl l•~•ct •·f thPir la1\.. 'I HOI!>-f'Ytr. ,. 0.U,.,. lltlirtf'ld out tn a hiJt l thP f'i•t\t'I1TTH'II ~01 tho• bll j;!..,_l way., &1\lWWinc UW' liMit two ' lwam .-oon• In \M op·n•n:.: rn -,.._-.n Ulelr haute with the rounll'r, "hwh Wlttld make thl'm ~. but foutod thr ~ulnc a Itt-r.-,.J rnu·l~ ~~:o .. ct , U. ke .WI Ia the t htrd fnu:n.-n-o. llltc-tlcock Pholographl'r. _... dilry drvpprd. l lo""'""'~"'r are bf'Jinntnr tlJ .p.D trouble for l&e, WOII total plnl'o .,)' flw d~ I !ln)<•u•· ltw) m..~\ U tht> Al'kH · -.rain ol 2147 to 2135. man J.oo.\t~to·n. t .. llm~ 'to thfolr .,,._ ~ No. 1 cruhl'd . lhrou&tl row Krt~t'l rl!L~Ibf'MI won a _. • ._ .._,..lht OVt'r IN bot'•jl"'o-t.o-ww and lutal pial nlthcouch ._ ..,.,.. ~ 1D lb~ Monday I hr Ackt•nnanians wnn thl" high Nlattt LM~ut-. It wu a bit O( an •learn honof"!! for the> nl&ht ,!In ~17 NEWPORT TACKLE STORE Cl'e,_., CNe. Af'ta) Bait ... Tackle ... Fishinr Information Newport S..ch ,.&.kJAft .. llelboa Gea.al Automobile and Marine Repairinc. Marine Eledridana Available P•del' · Body Work Refinishin~ ~lfB H&Wru&T UACB 115 h1" h""vy dul y croiMr. Hu.on, oo put•·,. '"'1WN•n municlpnlltiN and • about hla hnhby "01•1 Automobllf'a now tu April 30. y.hlrh he bU Uved for l7 yeara. to ~>mpllt\•' •or..:unizatinn~ 1, ,. hMrt· ,.., .. ec-r1pt comm1ttre for the and the Men Who Ma de Them War Ration Book Ill flmlth ltrn.. of Newport IWftr h. ~'nlnf.; ''1dwallon that tho•n• may be """'"' ,._mbly. cumsx-d of ~IKhl Oo." Brown stamp• For meat, "''"' h""" c·unv.-r1••1 tht' ... ""n' h nn" ,, \::•·~''''"'" and ~rh"Jl'• a ,.._1 ..-"'"~" l.a Vt"m«" Ku~ky, Boo-t Rem•mb«"r whl'n you wer t a c•11nn"\1 t\ah, U106l edible oU., , m rt llao·k to a flahlng boat. lie \ ,.,.,.d of tlw t ,...,,, whll'h lnevit-n••' F.g~rrt. J t'anelte Shook, J on-, bo\' an<.l 11 steam automobile whlak-chrt•au and c·anm·d mUk: ~tiM '"'~ purrhu lt'<1 a •mall home ,,hl) "'" l•·Mitnl( tu tho· practJcal nit' Jnhnstun . Vlrrlnla Mowey, BtU td by. and all the boys •ld uwre Y a nd Z Brown stamps will be> at 3:.>4 JaiiiJ\d Av«" .. from F: t-: d•·M nll't uon of II')(• It I ~,.If covem · tl'11• kbean.l. Jim Wr1«ht. a.n.d Bob wu a 11,000 prize. of a 110.000 good until March 20 at tht•tr 8, 5, )1.1111hnn\, and dPcltrH th~ hr '" ml'nl H•lry repur1 l ' at th~ .:rtpt for <•n•. f•)r lllly dr iver wt. could hold 'l and I values. RC'd tokt>ns or rr'pt•· .... ntln~~: thf' F:ut Newpurt Vlll•·n: kn~· that ltl"rtl affatMI tb• ~··nlor mlnatrel &bow to be pre-'·'"" ,.n th.e ruad w1lb the throttle hrown l ·polnt stamps will be given 11rea, whic-h be t'l&lm• bu n .. vn a• ,, th•· h•·art of our ~h .. I•• .,~tern. "'"t~t1 on lotay 24 le '!'a kiD~ alow wid .. operi'-! R~rro•mber how the ~~-chan&e for them through March I ••• a cundll!ate In r«ent yt"arlt Th1• •·•~lOll)' •~ ml\t1o• "'' .,r thOWI· hut ''t'ry Rure progTHit. alt"ftml'f'll c• uld whl.ak up gnadu Thl1 vetr ran. on whom 75 wtn· anrl' nf lol('nl unite of l(<l\'l'mmf'ftta. S••\'t'nlHn ...-nloMI 1lp~ up for whilt' the chur ·chuJ rtDJ ,;u bu,. Sturn!) Donus ·-Butchers will \ 11 1 kl ho Th ~o;tvl-1 mt·at fat 1101ntl' lor f'Vt>ry terlt have abODe a••btlv, ca me l\ere \'h.tt h~<Jlfll'"' 1n tlwm ~ll•r-,f ' •r ~ c ros ey an u , rte" or thUIM' daya were trylDI to .. 1 r 11 Tt'd .. Ah It ,__, w 1 pound of salvael'd kitchen fats re- tu rf'ttre alter or~:anbdnlf a nd "''"''' whllt hat'l"'n~ HlliO at fhe '1 ,....-s · """ u z:. '--"" 0 -ahl't graMI.. ~m•mber how lbr CCIVLod. bulldlnJ Ule Wblttler Jkl~~e\ f'ar k-' -tate And nntKlMI h'V('b lind In the ·'"1 llo'r~. Wartlyn H IU. Vlvi&A at.,am~r ownf'MI uad to atop a t 9 \' h 8bl 1 H J • t4mp No. 1 on "airplane" aheet 1n1.: H CIUN ror the •ml-troplc dl•l-"'":ltl 111! "· • r ey ana. oanle Ute waterln, trouch to elpbon •nt-11 pair shOl'fl) now to date not l't't . a1un ... r lbr CaUfGrUI& Fruit D-If "'"not ht-lp wm th•' ~·ar far J••hn'lton. Lorraine Myere. cart er Into tb~lr pla~~o-wlre-bound A.notht"r &hot' stamp (number rhan•e. He wu -•-n f'cutlvt lc.-·al 1"1' w lracifon snd loc-al .... vk 1 lbt"rlo. Boonlt" Eal•rt. lA Verne 'bollen~ .. __. '"" k ~ announced laterl May 1 to date director ol U.. --dJvlalon a nd •·rc.ono711tlnn" to c-urtail thef.r .t· "' P"r y. tty LH. Cay R~lng,' ,.,..;... were the JrO!ld old ci¥•! not llt't. ak1r<.l, In eetabllehlnl the by-prnd· frort• "' thi~ limo• C"ontln\H'd IIUp-Pl.)'llla Petere. Bob Upeoo. Ma r. Jud-Ra d 'nl m f w ar •atiAn Boo'-IV .ur«-t Stark N&DCJ CUrrm. Gloria "' ymoa 0 peon ° " ., .. IJ('la plaJrt at ,..,..,_, t'rrdlt.ed IJOort ol <'lVII' 11m~rtM lfl II proUe-Wltht>lm. M)... .. H k kell, aod K&r-Thnerton. ••ho wu appofDt~ to Stamp No. 30-(5 fbi.. SU!i:Eir) wtth ~I' I&'Mo at tM t'ltrue tli"orl fnr thl' pr~>~nt and a -..d II 8 _......_ tb• 9___...._ Court U\ Janwary ot · .. f yn ,..,..7 u,...•-• ~r to da~ not R t. add of U.. ...,Y. lft\lt>:<fmr'nl tn lrol' utUJ'f'. I ___ · __ _ 1 tbi• year. owne. and unlil t.be "ar, Stamp No. 40-t5 lbs. cannina Capl. 11\1~1\u bu takm an "s:-llrove • Stanley Steamer. He hu sugar) now. to Febi'\UU'Y 2B. 1945 1rf'u tn part In thf' polltln of lht F.ARL 8T ANUY P~t Spread • made old-tim" cara bla hobby Uld Grf'f'n ~t.l\mps for cllJlntd. tro~n Blu1 at&rnpl ~ 10 polnta ea. I tor canned. froun and cert.aiD dehy- drated fooda: .\!1, 88. CR. ()8, E8 Now to May 20. FR. G8, H8, J8, and K8-AprU 1 to June 20. L8 M8, N8, P8 and QB--.May 1 to July 20. Gaaollne · Coupon No. 10-(A-Book), eood now to Msrch 21. .All coupon• m uat be endoreed on face with ca r llt'e~ Dumber aad .Ute of rectaratlon. T ire lnapectiM C·book holde,...._..ery 3 months, 5th inspection before February 29. B-book holde~ery 4 montt., 4th lns~tlon ~ore February 29. A·book holde,..__•ry I monthl, 3rd lrurpectlon before :W&rdl 31. T-coupon holders -every I months M 5000 mllt'S or drlv\r\1. l'l'mmunlly for ma11y ytaMI and A~••l·· fmm hrin~: ~uccnsluJ 1ft ()f Genna M 1 wiU tf'll Klwanl&n.l all about them. and ,certain dtoh}drated foods : hu --A.. fr1eacil and enemle• ht< huslnf'"~ or Rral Estate Ultd In-~ 11 eat a K L "·f .. d 1 -.,. 1 s •-.. 1 w b 1 Pl't'Mdetll "Bob'' Hotli.NIIMttd w\11 . . and M . now to March 20. ..... on you u .. • v ce, explore alikf' tor hla lnclalve manner of de· 'II J'iOOf'o·. r.ar llln""y owns prop-"'u eeraln •. -= 00 nUTW. baa Greeft atam ... K, L and M will your own head; tbere mav be ,.,.,\ 1n W•·•t Npwnnrt. lh«" Nrw-ui(Ml that t.be ~ -a~ donau the door prt.. Uld ftay .-~ ••lllrlnK hill poeltlun. ..-r-~ Wanhall t atat-.o •-perform tb hi' ••<vw1 ""til M~>~c-tt ?0 "' th.-ir R MIT't"thln« In lt. ALe£"T aOWE.N ArP Wf' oo1n11: )U!It~Cf' to 011r ll,h· ~J'mj'n and our l'lruun-harh.-.r b\ not h~tvln~t a Fbht"nnan'M Wharf In nt'WJIOr1 Harbor • 11\ouo(Hnlls nf visitors and loUrllotl' "'oulrl h«· drawn h,.n to .,joy dl•lldoo' "'a fnod dlnn..,., anolhfor ll&rl\lor at· traction to bt' wldcoly puhlidt•'" Lrt'1 &how our apprN"iotion In 1 lh•·m by havin~~t • f't~ht•tm:on·, Wh11rf m our plan for JW"'IWIIr r.•· C'Of'l• t nJC1 ion. I AltRI"f''ll'ivco c~tllon to in''"· sian of stat«' ri&ht• by any frorrlll c-ontrol ot ('Oft'I1Mrt'lal fi,.hln~t In Callfom~a lhould br voiord by l.wryOM. I Should c-onl:"'"f'f'l pu11 Jl. R. lt2 which would Pf'rmll thfo fro•·l'lll JOYt'I"'UUWnt to take CJV«"r contrnl of All wlkD\1• and ~ T f)()"' l nrfu•trlnl S..ctlon, N..-port \lcf' concemlnc lbe lau.l tad -" .,.. ...., • tfll=-=-==-=--====================== "".!sht~ Rll lholl hlllnd and 8Mclall r.f'rman W~ulee! "atunt." KlwaniiUita bope tbey are W11v )1., I• l'hRinnan of ~'-rtlvt', If you tblnk that you an com-both rood. 1 Sf'I'\Wt· Appt>lll Bollrd No. 18 ln~r -town with .amf't hln•, DO NOT I t-:1'(1\llf 3 C(lVI'ri nl( ruvenlide, ..... holh graduate!! of Newport Un ion .. Hf'l'nardlnn and Orana• CounU., Jlit.:'h school. Donna Stanley, now appe-&1' at a:llool! \ havln~ bo?P"''chlltnnan of Joea1 S.. 11 Sophomo~ at U.C.L.A., and · YOY CAN HF.LP PREVENT I lo•rll\t' ~•'1"\'1<'" Ronrd No, 111 fOf' r.11rlyn n. marrifod toRn; AJbriJ.,-ht . THF: !':PRF:AD OF GERMAN , ""'r lhrt'(' )fBI"'\. n(IW tn thto U. S. Coast Guard. J[r ! MEA~LF.S. Sympl<lma: headache. ll<· •~ th" n-1)' •lectf'd Prnl· 1~ 111110 proud of hl11 Cf1ll\ddaught('r. amartlnc or the eyu . ellfht aon citont of NPwport JoW.rbor ~r Onnna Scott AJbricht. · •hrn;tl. t•m~ratun, or &l'pei~Ce nf Commf'rt'('. Pre5i&nt OK 'N"ew-stanley ..... bOm Ia Puaclena. I or a r~-colol'f'd "IJ)C!Ckl~·lllle" port-Balhoe Rotary Club. ou-.rtor July ll. 1100 8MI has Uved mt Bat-nuh • D the fac~. t runk and anna, nt R~tlboa Val:'ht dub, PMtoODm· Mil b land ror thto pa.~t niJMO yf'a~ l latf'r .-p~adlDJ to the IOWI'r a . msndt•r of Nt•Wpor1 Harbor Aawrl· Ill' btolifows that N-'POf"' Harbor tremltln. SometlmN t he rutl t. c-an Lt•.:IOn Ptlllt 291, Put VklP-ic tht" riftMII 11p0t on thto "'-cirl<' the flrwt alp oolk'ed. Income Tax Service FRANCIS J. HORVATH .329 Ali10 Sb'eet P-hone 1712 Newport Beach Prt"'•dfonl of thl' California Real Coa!lt llftCS wilt CTOW Into tht" tarJ:-1 lncubaUon period: Fourteen to Estatf' ASilOCiation, PMt Pr..sident f'St tOWJI 1n Orangf' Coontr. H~1 twenty-one daya. r----------------------------. .. r Nrwport Harbor RH.It)' a-nt ai!IO bt-l~~ thAt although N-·-l1 •ymptom• ap~ar, •nd word mrmlll'r of Santa Ana Loctef No. port Harbor is primaril~ a pwas-1 to your IICbool or nport to the 794. B P.O E. and a ~r ol the ur.. har1)or It wtll a tw.ys hav«" it~ I Hulth Depertmenl. C"oasl Guard AuxiUary. bills~ amount of induatry to Th'll«a an toufh all over, ltlda. lie rpSJdNJ w1th hls family at 9 C'O\'I'r boet nopair. yac-ht bulldin;:.1 ao lf't'a not adl.l tn tM conlualoo.l tvacon Way, hu two deuPten.. sport and t'Oft'UTW'T'CiaJ ft.Shing. 1 Tallf' a lip from thl" nolle«". and 1 ••• -•• -.-1----t•'-1 ll"'l'a)' from your pel• here at achc...,l cf you ft"l'l elck. A ttf'r all I our main ptoblem 11 n .. l •.nly vk - 1 tory. but al-a our health • RADIO SERVICE HOME ... A~ ... MARINE RADIOS REPAIRED MARINE ELECTRICIAN BURT It NORTON BAI.BOA FRIENDS Your friends and mine ~tr ~<nd MrR E. C . .TII~Jt'~r of L·rlo 1111«", ha\'P ~otnnf' to Palm 1 Sprlnp (or a deaert v11cat1on whf'n they will remain for t.be month of Mar('h 1111 Coast Highway Phoae U 1'7 NEWPORT BEACII • of Capt. C. M. Foeller SOLICIT YOUR VOTE for This ..... VETERAI BALBOA BO.OSlER * * ** * * We, amonr the legion of friends of this old· time resident are proud of this opportunity to lend a helping hand to Captain Fueller in his race for COUNCILMAN City Of Newport Beach • • * * ''Captain Fuell er Is as Much Balboa as Balboa Is ltsel f." VOTE FOR CAPT. FUE·L~ER Balboa ns feel that the Balboa district __ is enti tled to representation o'n th ~ council, and . such represe nt~tion can be given in no hetter way than in the election of CAPT. C. M. F U ELLER ; M no Jobo Wf'l,.. I nee J QtJce O rr 1 rt"c-t'lvt'd a phon~ call from :ltlr hullltNinfl. John W•f• F.'lt'Ctrl· ll'olln'!l .Matt' 3 r nf the U S.N , VfhO bu juet complrted tralniDK at the RI'<'IT)' r.yr~C"flmJ>:IIlR Sl'hnnl In ~an fltt•<;n thnf hut hlll:h h••r ••R u! t;.••nl-' Wtth h "' lilt I• 111mtly for a ', .. " .... ,." "'fort• his nrtl«>rll came thrnut.:h. I ncl l,..f'n tln .,hrtl 11!1 hi' "AI' lr rovtnl( lmmf'tlillt ·ly upun !!rRJUalltln J-IIA Wl ft• J O)'C'C, •lau~:htrr fllanna an• I \ l'r)' v HnJ( ll(•n :orf' malc1ng lhf'lr h11mt' lMnpo· ranly with hPr pllrrnlll. Mr and I 1ttrs. V Orr nf :Sf'W\IOrt Helghll I r r t Hu~:h M1 ~litii\D 'Vo'r!IU from f':imp Wll,te, Ore,;on. lhll\ he b ad JUilt rf'c~"·•d a lr: ltr t mm Oennv H1tl. H• wu in Hawaii havlni , I rt tum •d from an Island In the -Sooth ·s.u . Frlrnda of Paul Swan Jr. who llvu 11t 308 Coral, llalboa leland. I ••Ill bt' lntu~llted to know that he I• In S·uth Amerlt'a on btllineu. In <>ranee county. 4t dioath1 I from tuber<'ulnlia O<'rurrt'd In 1942 A m inimum rtqlllrrml'nt nr 21, to 3 hf'<!lt ~r dnth a re required. I Thill D~ hal ~n mf't IO<'Illly u I lhen •~ 125 beda ava ilable at ' the Oranc e County Tuberc11J011I1 suutariwD on tbe 1en~ral bo.pll.al I rrounc~a I ~~~~~~~~~--~--- I l I I W REN Pllarll-1 N~ I lneturbanc:• aueh u SM.,. leila--. Crealll.,_, EnllaltlliiJ, j a..tltM-or Nen••• Heaclaeho lnurff'l"e willa Jour "ork or apoil rour cood t imu, take Dr. IDa lenl11 ~""'""'" Trn•ion can mn'k e rou "'' at.c-fal. J itterJ •• Jrua.able. ~er­voua Trn!idn t'lln «>ause :'1/tr.-oua ltudarbe and Ser .. oua lnJ ijtu• tio11. In tina•t like thf'St', ,.e aN more hk"l"' th3n u~ual to bo•roml O\'tr•'T,mfifhl and nervuut nne! 'n wi~'h for a r:ood troi:Ui\'f', 1/r. MiiMt ~ .. r, in• i1 a ~~:ood l t'd&IJ\-1 -m1ltl l>ul elfl'<'ll\'1' . It r oo J o not un Dr. 'lfilt'l !\1'1"\'ine you can't know •hat it ••II do fnr you. ll comf's In l.iquid a r I I::lfcl"\·u ce'}l_ Tablet form. but h f'f!UIIIIy-at'dtl't•nr: to l•n,e and 0\'t'r-wnought n. n·e~<. WRY DO~'T YOU TRY IT 1 ' C'.el it at :rout dror ~. Elfern •c·c·nt t:.!•!l'ta U t and 1fSt, Liquic: 2St and ll.ot. Rntl o1i rt'C'• UoM and ... onlJ u dirtet.d. ,,,.ee • .,. .. the•tob on• Our most urgent needs now are in the following crafts: Welden • Welder·Students e, Lab oren • lollertnaker Helpers • Pipe Welder Helpers • Shipwrights and Helpers a Plpeft"er Helpera • Marine Machinists and Helpers a Marlnellec- trlclans anti Helpers e Sheet Metal Helpert Important: Bring your Social Security Card, Proof of Citizenship and Availability Certificate when applying to .,. CALIFORNIA 5HIPIUILDI.NG CORAORATION 110 WISt .ANAHIIM aOULI~AID WILMINGTON • Or ... w r ,.,fu entei••• et th ... U..ltell ~-.... ~.,,...,, Sonl«• 0111«•11 '100 Swill ,._ ·-· Lat ,.,.,.1 .. \ .16,.._A-.l .......... ' • NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. Newport Bea~h. Califr'l'nia. Tut-~dny, Mar<'h 7, 194-1 p_.. ,.._ --------------------------------------------------~-----.:Crime Club Author : Pus~•c NoTicE• PuBLic Nonc~s A box itOCial held at th~ h· me P'arm ~ Hanley• have U8t I Lived on Island ·;.C'ft,:a, ~-.~::-~ • .;-~ ;;;oTICE OF' ~!J8ll ~ HEAIItiNQ vf Mlaa Florence Da nh•ls 137 Eut movf'd from roeta M~'-to ~It-llrwo ~ :lbt Stl"rf't fmm tt'M! l'lf'• "''''' f' I• l'rrrln It" •'II tlu•l lhr COSTA MESA NEWS Classified Ads 17th ~ wu one of th .. rf'cent lu. ArtL. wbere C.pt&ill Hanley I• ll.a~· ai"C'a trwn<b <'f No rtb t Pr hM nl C\lontral A,-...,IW to lhf' Nf',.l" rt llf':td t • ·o~, t 'IMnnm~: lt'ap y...-felltlvltlee. t.11uee Late l latlcned. 1 llak.-r wb(>. I ID<'e boybood baa R.'l) Front I Cl>m·• '""'''" .o il I I I I " puhll.· • .,)R ~AI.F....-A11T08 Strunk and Jeanne P:cllck 1ha1"C'd Ml• t.lurlf'l n.tvtU.On~ dau~thtf'r IJ"•nt hla •umrN•n at thf' beacll ~ ~ •. J : 11""'"'1' ••t>nn lhr 11 """r ur lhr Ill' 1\h'Yt'l.£~ ~··1·1 rrntf'ol '" ..,. huete• honon with Wlu Daniela. of Mr. and Mn. Sidney Davkh•un h(lmo• of h~a part-nla on ~out.h !Jay ' Pol lin~ P1at't' C'lt) 111111. Nf'W· pll. '· ., '" f1f th .. "••••'II l'o•lll't r.'"' ""'"'"' ,., llrl'• ~04 "'"'" Mt Danclnf and ,.am ... OC'<'Uplt'd the WUjtraduated from tbt' UniYf'rwlty F't-11111. Bal~ lltancl, wW be Inter· Jl(>rl 1\4-arll I pan: I r • 1""11"'111' \ r .. rmll ,,, llalll.• .. ""'' .'011 Mathl .. A•··n- o-Vf'Dinlf houre. 1 u ( C'nllforu1a a t !kork•ley at tile f'lltf'cl t o know that he ha.a roKently All that Jlflrllnn c•f tile> C"l)' of I ron. , '1 111 11"".1 Hrr•tPr ""II "'""'" lit~ II"'" tnlll thl I !I tr1 Rev. a.nd Mnt G WillanJ rrl'ent cnemonlt'l. recelvlnl' a had a m)'llt'f'J book publllllwd ft'I 1 ~.~·J10rl twarll l~rn~t f'ltlterly olj"l"" 11"11•'11 '"'""I"'" thnt 111\t t :;tMMIB. co-putore of thr !"our· Baebllor or Arta degT-ee. l"oUow· thr Crime Club by Doubleday I» thco ('('ntrr ltno• of :.>ht St...-.·t. bf>-rtf 111"'1 '''""'"'''" ••· • •'II lhr nl'rlll. ~·, •H ~ \1.1' IP411 \ 'hrnlfr ,01m•l 1 t'(jU&re Church. entertamed the l tng a ah.Jrt vacath)n. lht' wtu re .. n6n c-ompany · I'"' • ..,.., ttwo c-rntf't lirM' of C'rntral wty prnlnnji!llll••ll •'' I'"' "''"' 1"1 the paraonage. Mf'mbue atttmd· SMnnuary Trachlnlf CNidmU&l. by thf' Amf'rk an R.c-4 C'roae In tht' ttwo l'Pftlrr llrwo of 22nd Stf"f'f't ..... aa.t tho• wnh•t '" lin•· ••I '"'' '' ""'' ''ut' •~~••llf', ""'''"'"t,,• l••l' rth1hl. :•• <It hi lll•h•• I '!In I I•· "''''" "' ,..,., 7. 1 ;,,.,.lmllln I '•urtJ. 1M2 1\:f'WI'"'' flh ·I (···~til "'""" II I ' FOR ~AI.F­ RUI. J:STATF. """"" y,,u 'nltnlt nf n ral t~At•t• 'nllnlc .,f .JIIHN ~Aili.I':Ut \'C'Jf'l nl..tj; 1\AI.HOA AM Ah ut Our ~1\ff!l\• 1"tusader cabinet with a dinner al ,turn to tht' north to work on a Young North 1J1 now •mployf'<l A\'f'rnW and thP 811)' Fmnt. aftd iiiM rlt l..ot 11. l tlooo k I I ~ Trlll<'l :!:14 mg wt re Earl Thnmpeon. t•aptatn: !ofajur !.!yen~ ralcott o1 UM l"ubllc tnformatloo Departm•nt.. ot '"''"'"' t~ Pllriftco 0rP•11 and t~ nnrll• "' lhr "''"' · 11\ '""' "' lh1• J ohn Martin. flr.t and et't'OOd vice Navy haa retu rnt-..S I rom active th•· r"'.-tflr Art-a In San •"'ranclat·c• lc-rnff'P. tlftf' ol C..ntral A•mue llfttd alln ""l'lh • t <'••tHtJII "' •'1111" ""'' pretldent; Verla Martin, third vice ..Suty II• 11pc;nc1 a num~r of <lay• _ t'"tf'ndiftc to tfw' C'f'ntf'f liM ol Utf' 1\ "'"r ~-''""' th,. ~""" ho•lntr ..r II I' Ill 1\Jiol on tlllll•l"v I~ 1tp HOUI£1 FOIIt IMMEOIAT~ pruldf'nl ; Bonnie Thomp110n and j with ~ t8 wlff' and children A man n .. v .. r It I'll 110 roof~ an 1 13th Stl"f'f't. colt\' ""'~"'' prt•t••·r ',. '""'" 11 1111 .tllr F:stbl'r Cole, fourth vice pre1ldeote; r _ hi• thlnkln( th:lt llf' <'&n't -tbe I p,........ Me. t: Cltv I'IIIHJI r:rou11d• luo·"'"'' In t'•r Lo\'onne U onbarcn. program dl· 8 Jbo y ht othf'r ft•llow'"' .tuty Pollmt~: P1aef': F1rtti1Ation, 103 Cltv ot Nf'VI'J"1~t llr11• t• t'llllfurnla re<'tor ; Warpret Stark, ercret.ary a a ac _ _ ---~~ Bay A~. dltboa. Till~ hrarht~ "'oil 1 ... ""'•t In ow I .. 'Ill\ s • &.to: •3 .. 'll•l• -l•n· tt POSit: IliON F'O" IAlll " '' ' p ~ • e ~. l ... etr•~• 1,.1111y nvo•r hflllll'il, ""'"' 1 11 • .,.. ~ m unfurnlallt•ol hunjta $4~:. f'lll•t)O' Ntl.ll'"' I 74:l6 t.l how. lfl."'()t\110 ( 'a.alt 1 11, 11,.: II lor.lr•""" hu·nt•'"'-'· $110110 00 Trr11111 I n TRNlTtlllE FOR SAl.~. PiN 11'rMT. ~~-Marle.C'U.W&I· ""' malt .. pny 111M ftlltab•. <111r11 n ntahf'a all Ita,. &lid "'"'"~ l'e~ltt nn lta.ey T.rma t.tr"nh11n P'\1m1tu,... C'o. t.MI a nti n rn11ttway 8ant.a AD&. ll·tle ,.,,,.. ...... K TAI't.RI', ..w1 ta..,.e. 1lrum t•blf'a. matcaaln• ent'l aa. l•lr" '"'''I' 11\hl,.., Olfii'A.allonal,ta· "'"• h<••ll .. ..,.._ """''; eewtna c•ahln~ta .\ wlrlf! "lf'C'tltwt ot lltylr• a n,1 flnlahM M<'Mahu F\u nltu,.... ('II , lnd and Itt~. wa y. ·l"anta Ana •uo tmd Lee Llonbarfer, treuurer. CJ b A t8 p N All tt6t portklft rrt thf' Oty 'ol Cltv (' unrll '''"""'"'I• <'ltv tll\11 BOA~ 811PPUF.8 ,,,oyd Cole wu a apeclal gueel 0 Ccep UBLIC . OTICES N~ 8Ndl lytn.: H.•t•rly o1 Ne.o·l•"t ",..,.h l'llli f..rna.& na ,.,, '• Mr. aod .Wn. Albert. Willlalnll N M be N()ft(T. OF EL.ECTION t~ tft'tf'r' ltrwo of bland Awonue adjtoll llwtl m""''''ll l.t11 ro•h 271h. 110A'NI A·•t. ~"'''ant'! Tra1t••l were ctven a boUMwarmlna and ew em rs from tM Pac!lfk-OrHift to, ... ee& I UN•. ; :1() p m Marlnf' r:natnrl anlt l'arta lbower 1D their new bocne on -. trr U... ol Bll)' AW'n\M' and the B) •••JI'r of lh~ ,,,aun·o~on ltARINP: li!AI.VA1II': ANti ._.. ,,..,., ""fll unfurntah ... t, ftonl. 11111\lliiO() ('1\ct'•. 1 IA IPIH \\' rlftiOOM, to:al'luaiVI' AKf'lll 714 ~o; ''•ntral Avrnu• T•l"l'h""" Nf' .. 'l'<~l·t tiO ,,.~ I'AI.I~AfltC,. TAVICUN, Cot-on& ''"' t.t11r. 111 lt~ul•lllllln• 1urph.111 I''" wpr turniAhlntce ftf ..... Broadway. The 1urprt1e affair al· At thr regular monthly meettnc M~ao~ 1 11 :::!> ~ ~~ b: C't'ntrr tlrw ot Montero A...,_ t' HAitlll,ll tiO I'KINS r.tP'O m 4 «»marked the G&W d&tee of Mrs. nt tbe Bottrd of Dtrecton of tHe j thfo ~ :, N"''JIOM Bf>actl 00 fral'ft thP CPI'It« 11M ot BeY Aw-liP \\' A liP \\' ~F.·Ma:R 30\lO ~V <"fontral An f"ll UM·W j ~lll&me, Wre. R&yD'nnd Wttrnt-Balboll YaC'ht ~ub on Saturday 'f'UfoMta thf' Ut1'1 day ol April nw to t~ Bay Front and t"Wt.-1-P l;b t.t·p~h ~. I"•• B«,...tarv :'ll"wrnrt u ..... ._ ('altf ud Mr. aftll Kra Huu W004. I n.lght. thf' n.amn rtf five new mem· bM4. ,:;. the pu~ of f'lllinc ~ InC to thP CPI'I~ ti1W ol Main -· ,.on H lfc ~·nn ~At .. : 'nlN'f' b\6 IMI In A deaaort courae followed by bere """re brou(bt beforf' the board {""''__. __ otrkft Ia tJw Ol)' ol Stl"f'f't. Belboa. ...,.,LOYII-""NT Nr•rort llf'lftll• fat tnc U1"" rd Ia made 1 t and acceplf'd I .........-~.., v 1 -• .., ~ ... , lit MAl.,.; • •·YI .. ,., ftlari,.. r .. ,....,.ta l'o Wnt mm•r Old c:a P 1 a p euan en-· ~n 8Ndl to-11rlt th,_ Pu 1 I .... : nlolf for frten~ entertained by ,oee added to lbe I"'Oter .,. 1 Counc:Unwon for · full tf'fm Cty NJmc ~· Wa1tn-c-.a.._... HF.l.l' w AN"M':O Wonu•n 11, ,;.. "n~tonr. t'anaa•n r•\•er .. arar 1 I''"'"'Y 111 ... 1 anol (1(\IM' AYf'. Wrt. W. Jobn Oolcl~ of Banta ADa Conrad Shook of Balboa flland. R . ~rtt and Oty 'J'noulln'r · ' l5lO <>r-n BoWf'¥anl. Balbo&. tr• ntnJ In llnmf' '"'• day" •-II (•.,mpltte, ll:lft 4!0 \.,ubhm-J c·. ••• t.IHa, 111100 ~~ cj4)W11, Avenue. PrUee weut to Kn. G Wllaoo of Santa Ana. "MMeod9re I N.U.. .. PwUww ~: lltat I All that portkln o1 thfo City ol wm J'IIY 80 , ""'• 1.,.,. 1 r 111 _A_\_'" ~N""'IW•tt nur h \!'I 4tp; nel ~: 7. Clwnf'r t!\fe W 4llttl Rl<'hard Dittmar. hlfb ; Wre. E r· Kuchel of Anabelm. Dr. J . P. thfo dHc-rtptlon o1 t~ votlnc pn-r.;,....,.m o.ach b'lna "allh'tly o1 lllth fit 1\:•·~<~·p·-rl JW•1·h l"'l.ll f'\IH ~Ali: :.!" n , nu ... r hull. !'t t .... An1rlu I'll Aa. 211ts neat McClellan, aecoDd; Mre. Har· William• and Bill "Pinky" Scott. clncts and location o1 tJw ....n;..-1 1~ COPntrr linf' o1 Jl!aln st.--t. an.r ~ r nt l1 ••r It 7tr ro .-~ th .. _ _...... UHhle ft•r plf'uur~ or ftetllnl _ ry C. Burdick. travellnr. and Mre. r our "' ~ new mem...,re are boAt 1 p~ a~ u followJ;: Balboa. and f'Xtrndl~ to thP t r r- F'..dward s. M<Wrlll. contOlaU~ ownt>ra. mm\15 nl t~ IJ"'Inlula WAN'Mi:O l'ra,•lh-al nu,_ ,,,, Lonat Apltuntr fram .. and kHI. 1 A •&n•" HOM• CompUmeaUna Capt.aln and .Wre.l Commodore HN.Iy ancl P'. C . .........,.. Ne. I : eltlrrly paralylll' latty P'•·•n• m~&htoKIIIIIV plllnklna No mutnr ~ W "-1 Ann~» B ed th I ... Ptl"--Plarfo· Jtorhf''s Gara-r ............ 1: ~A ...... _ • ,... ~·utter t.hta .. , .. 11 lakf'~ At ..... -ry ........ ,t --•-t I lAwrence Hanley. Mr. and Mre. rewer report on e r a t ten .. -,_ .. , ........ • ,_ · _, 1.,.., ...;:.·h Potltnc ~: "'"' Station. m __ ,.._~"''11(·-· ._....-a• ·1 ~···• \3-~f.:l • ···•· • • ,_. Ut\,_, •·001p ... ·• 1 Del Stein of Oranr• Avenue ar-a nce at the annual meettq an4 ouo.:a ~ '" N!'ar ''" ~· ,...,., --:: n4 ~;at ..:alvanta ... t IJIIUI taniAa, furnt•h..,, P:IHtrtr tellf•. refrta· el U tt St.--t N~ fWwtl Marirwo Avf'ftw. Balboa blend. HELP WANTr.ll Wnmau '"' a 7~ lb a nrho1r and 1•••1 """· 2 •nlnr f'lto•trlr """mu .. tnr• !Mat ranaed a diDMr at KDott•1 Ra...., ec on of o Ieete of the Southern · • All ..... 1 port•-,_~ .. _1.__ 1_, _ __. •f'n•ral hn .. ·~ k -..11 tt 1 1 L tth 1 1w 1 h __,. . ., CalifClnlla Yachting Aaaoc-latlon AJI that portion ol. ~ City of .... ..,.. "' ..,. .,._ ~--.. " ' ~.-1 ru me. • ""~ "!" 111011'NI ""• " n•' unit.. fltf'plaC'f' Arrhllf't'tllrally a AF of L Newport Metat~des Meet held Jut Friday at thf' Loa All· Nf!WllC>rl fk•am lytnr: rutrrl)' o1 in thf' CU)• ol N~ Bf>11ch ly· Un In ur nut c:oo.t •lary .,,.,.rtn~ ,. II•·•· I '~'""" 4 311 1laily ll!f'M nullt unlter I"HA nn.a.nce gdea Athletic Club. At that time : thC' WMtt('rly C'ity hmlt• and f'X· lnl( "UtC'rly ol thf' Cll'fttrr li.nf' ol ~·n l'hlhlrrn 111 f11mlly 1104 Vlll I -at llooll ~lle'lp, 341th and l"lnley aM lnape<'tluo Tutal r•tftatdtra· '"-~~aft-WH etee-led OMit-,lL'odina LO the...Cftl~r i* qllQih C'oral AVC'ftllf' and lnctudln{_ ttlat Li1to Nord IJel" lalf'1 Sl'w~rl ! "" Canal. Nl'wpurt llf'a<'h lt·2tc:_ tic"' 1l1.300-lllliMLII.&lt pc--. modore •nd Rob~ Roblneon rot-Stn't't and wMCtPrty o( Central pnrtlcJn nl tfW 'my ill'f Brarh _ 19-llc I MI8CEUANfX)IJS I''"" Al-ted --•·-··-·-···r. .. 1 Avt>niH'. Rf'edl l)in« northf'rly of Balboa ~ ~ ~·~-~ "'""-·~ I •-net ...__, 1.__ Nonh ... __ ... IDIJ'J..(l)'Mto:NT W ANT!o~ll Wlal\ A. F. of L. Nt'lol'"'lrt Metal "'-_. Wf'eft ,..... .-y .,_ r' --------I Preet~M:t Ne. !: 8a)"Side Drtft Oltker job fur 4 hr• a day t:11• 1 JI'OR 14AII. IA1JI,..-while a....,.. I NAL~H ~-MAIKIT Afent Tradea Council •«•In announce• Son of Islander Pollinc PlaC't': f"tn!> Station. 2817 . pt'rl•nrf'<l In IYI''"" and •·•m• avlatkon jar k.t lml&ll ..... I 34111 (\_, the rerular, Thurlday night meet· R d M. . I West CftttraJ AvPnur. Nt.-.....-. Ptl\4• 1 Ne. 1: -. rth .• •1 • h 1•11 .. N rt 1• t"' w 1 .. It IUYd . N-port &.~b l'tklb., 401 111-Uc t -.---· D..IJl p•--R' ...... ._. .._. -o anu • '" I Ill """~ t•oa-1 ...... I'Wpt• ·'' ... ... r anc. 8 p. m. at 2304 w. Ocean epor e JSStng &>ac:h. .-... n.: -•· '"'"""' ...-.. ......_ ..a 1 1 ..... t t Off'-1315 .nnaJit u&-. IJ'OVI' 2i>1 Wntmlnlrlfr N•w----1 r root. aDu n.v tu all memben to 'nle War Department .._ re·j All that portion o1 tJw C ly of a::-c a f' ""-.-· '-...... port llf'lf'lla A l S · Jt·2tr I I NC'OMJ!: TAX Rli:RVICT. &lteDd. ported tbat Sta!f Sf'l. Jack D. P'er-Nf'WJ!Or1 BNdl lyinc .ut.-rly o1 way. COf'Ona ct.l Ma r. __ Jl _ I ~:vrry <1ay an1l ennln« Wall r.-: Rf'frelbmente .. •Ill be errved and rueon. Ia mlaelnr In actloa . He a. 30th Stteot1 and e'Xtt'ndinc to tht• All that portWJD o1 1M Cuy o1 J08 aENT qtu'llll• pnllllf'llv han•llrl1 l'he'"'l membere may extead tbe ln'ftt&. t.be eon of Rupert E. ,.nrueon ot cent('r lirw> o1 22nd St""'t from ttw S.wport Rfoec'h k-. u eo.... Nl'wport 2311-W Arcountant lion to their ftlendll. I Baltx. Jll&Dcl. Pacific: ~an to 1M Cftller liM o1 dl'l Mar and tnt'hJttin• thnt purtq roR RI':NT OUh r at 2110 W 13:.!0 li: t_',.nl• a1 An 1Jalbo4a · Wtl"n Yuu Think "' ltf!al tt.lalt' Tlllnll uf J( IIIN MAIII..Itltt v.,,,., Jttda IJAI..lkiA ·-------------------------------------~~~~~~--... ~of IM City of N..-port o.edit Cl!ntrat A \'f' St.o•purt 114o"e·h ••·7tl' alnn"' b-·Adf' Dnve from tM an-Ap""y at &tloh r u 11r •·all 1:•40 • A• Alf'•\Jt 011r .. _f•t v " ~ '" fo'(llt AALJIC 811•er plat ... rt~f'arl,.te ... • ' JL'fV'Ciion ol lhf' CUy bouftdu7 I J -lie· llf'r\ lrfl of l'l•h\. no•v~r "-n Urpu.ll I loa-liM With thP t'hannrJ -t~ .. " flaJhna bland Mid n1f'lllllllllc .. POl\ RF.NT I"Urnt•ht'd mnm for i ,,_., l!\0 f'tl N-f"•rl 11141' I lfOt '"1': I''Ort ftAIJI! ~ ~,_ {'CKQW c1P1 Mar. C.0 -.a Brukfalt It ~lrl!d I 1 .. 4tr I I IUrC'O boyee~ 110111~ ft. lot ' .............. Ne. 8 : I Pbonf' Nf'WJ"trt 2!t71-W 1124 1 FOR RAt.~: J1<,v.-I'>IUf' twf'f'(t l l,..autlful JIAtiO 224 W-.noila. f! 8urf Ralhn11 )J\•7tf' J I ' ta .. r.. -· .. i Pulllntt PIA('f": fAlll Ne-wport __ . _I .llptort jill krt. all' 12·14. f&.l _'_1~ -. "'""' ,., 1.-,tc C.ara~:1·. 501 \\'o"!>t Ra) AWftUf', FOR RJ;NT .. ~um1>1hr.t ruum AI-Phone NI'Wpnrt 2!17 1-M 11'-llr "' IH lilA 1.1-: 1·11f'•lruvm atUC'ru C'onwr bland and lla) AVC'ft\W&. 1a •-h f -rp "'' nn ~ _,.... • .. a•r-huuw, n••. mudem. l&llndrv •11 h ...~ ...__ a .-~ ANY HAG" Ton A v 1 I ., ,. I a t portiiJn "' t..... I)' -denln1 Al r1'1111) pluw r•l .. ,..., tut ... 3Mil~u&d•ay. c..ta M-. ! ~~·port I) '"It 1'11-lltrrly "' ttwo tftl-IE. A !4ptouh.llutc MO W 1111 h Rt. ' W AN'T'Y.fl Nlre, i',.an, cotton I'll•" t :•IIMI Own,.r. Mr•. 111M· le•r larw of l:lth ~~~t and f'll'trnd-Ccleta Mt'f'a l'hmle 643 111-:lll' rae•. mlnu• butlnN ancl rutnM '"" ll•a•r. 11• Jede A•e . a.J. InS: to thf' CNIIC'r hM ol !Aland N AYrniN' from tht-PlldfiC On-an to P'OR IU:NT $:1~ Atlrac·uve fur· I II ...... teH'klnl{l or .mall P*•• bna Jalalu1 l'hon• N-port I Will pay 1 cent• lb. at Halbo& 2012•W ,....._ thl' e»nto•r lirM• o1 Rlty Avt'nut' and fllahed IIJll nf'ar 1:'>111 St. I room. New•Ttmee nftlr e. II·U frnm t~ n-ntrr liM o1 Moot•m betJt. llltdtm and P"'"· 'Nn f ------ • Aw nu.· from tht:o C'f'ntrr -u,. dl r'htlrtrl'n ur Jl"lll MIOflf' 'New· I f)(HU4, ('A TR ~ PETM I OIULDREN1!1 ·OAU I Huy AH•nu•' lei 1111' Day F'ront port %021l W 19 Ill' ---. -l t•L'Illl 'f("' .. l• 1•. -ll .. ATTI-:N'rlnN MOTIIP:IlA 3 1· .. 1f't I _ _ r. • r.r. •• mlAII na ... ra ..........._. ~•-I : WA.ST TO HF.NT On!' lwdruom t f ilii\' tl\rrr '"" f<'rntal"• t)<•rn l Wh t~ ''"" • '"lflalflrad nur--, P.llltn~ l'l;u-•• Ructd'1 Gara&f', A 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 111'111 e ,.,.. '''' , l11l1lrrn In ,.,., :t:.,l S·•nla An;a o\\'l•nu.•. N"",_ I'.. urn" II'• ')' •·•nro .. y,., 'nu Jf\11. II prlrr •l "' J7:1 (Ill ""' h I ...,.... fJif' In vu lnllv ttf :'lie·" por1 U1'fl1'lt l'ltootl~ :tU~<:I-J 111 411 1"111,. ''"'~ '1 ''"''"1"1:~ 41k• I"'' ll•••s:ht'< tol nt Hnl,.toul I'"""" :'ll•·wr"•rl • '" 12:'1 ~: H111f Avr llalh<ML \II ttl;,, !••r1~t•n Ill llw Clly nf 2~tlill 111-ltp It•·• """'" """' l•v 11•11•"' II tl n mattr-•. ~rrtnp, tat.IM, ,·hah·•. elf AIINl lara• tlre- pn•nt •t•. pn,..a talllr &ad OOCII· pletf' «'UC'ktall ber wiUI I ...W •tnke C'ttlf'r 111t.le &ad enct. at prlc'u to move quick. nrw. ctvwn 1n1d lnnat t lite o.•r CIIDrMr 84tavlew and C&maUU&. MMMe N•wpnrt 146A 11-Mc t•tNINO ROOM ,'1\NmJJUC C'nmpt,.t• IN'ta. or odd pt•l• t11blf'l, ttrnp1"'' ntHI•Cift te._; odd that1'11. rhalr ..U. bu"eta. l'tltfla t'ln•u. corner l'lblewta. l't•lll on ..., 'hftna Mdlabu P\imlc-. On, llld ~ .,_.. ~y. Banta A~ t·Ue IIMWON8 IMtl,._.. Mit~ MHI•f Mitt,.._ ... .._ •rrtftp. WPitN. ' ., ....., bed pmowa. -.r~ llell• l:u1 T.nna. Me....._ """"'" turoo o,. lnd and an..tway, l'lanta Ana l ·t:fe ~It IAI..IC •-r.tn ... t...-t;. nf't llprtnf, IOod ~ e ..... r•hnne N•wJM>rt 1 .. 0-J. or - ~~~-AI Dll t.11ff ~ .• Jlf..-pot't lt•taht• , .. ,., F\TftNIT\JfUD ~'Ofl 8Al.a-".,.._ llc•ld fumllllln•; ~ ""'-· rrator. 10 twodrl, ..... lnd .. t- trw-a. d.--ra, dill ... ....._ f\lnalt~~n aAd ,.... v., .... MftCSIUoa 1000 E. Oc .... RaJ. ..... . ..... autrn IIIIOP WANIIA'M HICAUTY RltOP 11" .. .,._ hel-IA&ncl Uacllr N-M.,.._..t Tonl Blaacloa PMDa Ml , .... PAL.flOA INN IIII:AUTT IIHOP anc1 MA811AOii: BALON 11•11••11 11111 Au·a•lr """"l••r1 Bt·;,.h ,.,omprhln~t j'll..w- t•>rl llo•la:h l·. L11lt1 1 .. 1,. rand thlll , ... r, ron '"•1\l'o~·n lht' 1"1·nll•r hnl· or ''"' f 11•1 ('r-.Jnl) Rua1f nnrl C'XII'nrl· n.... Ad it• ~·· 11') N••c.11•u• IA.ve Co•on.t d•t ~ar A•• Phont "'••flu•l 1HJ 1n 4te • FOR COUICILMII CITY OF IEWPORT BEICI -Pnlitrcal Ad11·:ti<.('m<'nl OAR.NlT • 1111: 11• thr ,., nlt•r hn•• nf h vm., U\'F.81'()('K t'OIC SAI.t: All "'""" t~r•• ow·t f,, r11 a•mw· ut l'r""r""" lllvtoiV"' t lak Yuu ~:lvr· 111111 Ink•· with JIIJIIIU .:lv• • 1111 1 llf,.al 2•1 ""'' k••q• ynur ff'~t ·,.111 "•• •• ·•. llrttf t 11k,. "~t111,.n" "" l..t I'""' I, 4 N Ma~t l tuf•n' ~~ IH RA l.F. 1-'flmlly • "" \\II h h,.lff'r Clllf AIJ•u l'•·krn •hi• kfl N.D. CASH 0 V M \\'••nuo· 1:.4p Tu•lln A.V•· ,.,.,.,,. Ml'toll OOr. •nd Cii'T HO'II'IlA~ Pro fessiona I tUAfo\AH KI«>OI= ASKI.O ~PUR HER "1'\NO "ta.SnRD-"Y "' ltl' ('7 out of 10 prople .....S New~t-Tim,.,. ('la.e"lrlf'd Acbq Colli \ --·.I Gordon M.Grundy, M.D. Phyalcllft a11ct lurgttOfl Ntnth anct Ctnlrll Avl. Ofllu H•L tO.t2 1m.; l ·S p m Telephone l7 lEROY P. ANDERSON ATTO .. N£V AT LAW C"'• Meu ••Ilk •ulldlne Phone 421 Coeta Mt .. Callfomle HAROLD ~-GRAUEl CHAPEL ·w .. '""•.tvral h" IJoottrr~"• fly ~ .. rvlnlt c lth•,.. ll#llt" Phone N1wport ~ t I CMio M"' Cototo .. to BUY NOW City T a • Sale Lota A. J. lWIST 107 co .. t Hlghw•y Phone 2422 COIItONA O€L MAN ,~---------------------~ ' ! Uirt'rtory Conrad Richter. M.D. ~hyalcllft lllcf au, •• .,. Offloe 107 22n~ llnlll N-,..-t .. Ml! Hourtt: 10-12 •· m. 6 i I p.m. PhOfi-Offlce tU; ""· 74·J D . G. E. TOHILL ~HVIICIAN e11d IU"Q.ON IIIJI CooM •lv•. N-rt ...._ -~he~~e - Offloe JM.w "e•. ,...,. II Ne An•-• Call N-••rt t Dr. M. D. Crawfcwd O~TOM.TIItiiT P:y ... l':llantln"" ra ..... l"'tted 17117 N•wl"'rt lk>Uif'vard BALTZ MORTUARY CHAPEL IY THE IIA 410 ca .. t 81vd. Cotttn• ff•• M•r N....,,6r1 ....._.. PhOfle Newpert U Ult OBEU Lt TCAS UrntiAt • 'Z'!O'! 1'1 W. f "ntral. MI. ttllt St.\\'l'fiHT nr.AA·R WHO'S WHO IN. HARBOR DISTRICT r1nrr•1 ,.,r A~n MINOt t~r. w0nn • I I \\' \' t J•l I 1 7~i :-;I•' 1:1 .•I . I '•·"'" M• ~" I '101"1 l.llllol••'r I'll 1\fti'o J r,1 Nrfll'l ((}NTRAf'".TOR.- 1, .. ,1 I l ' l t•lln•: ':t fltl'•onfll l!l.rl l'lo :\112 f 'l"ll~ nn t l'•ll•lrllf llfon . • y f •• , f I t , . .., ""'' "" h· ,,, y,,,. •·'"" V'•~lr hftff I •• ''h''""' ·~ 1':.• t -' r '' l .uu ti>#", t ''• f'h''"'' I t•,,, f ·,,n,..·t I lll(t "~•v "' 1\ rt ltf".J o rrH.t 'IUP PtiES '.," 1 •' II ,,,,, l ~1t.11"1 rtl' ('•• 1'1••·1 • ~ I'J 11 :->•·wl''''t lle&t'll R[ .. l t 'ifAl[ INSURANCE & NO rARV PUBLIC-I'" II \\to Ill •• 'J.'IIJJ \>\' f'Holrlll A¥"""" 1'111•11• 'I RUBOER ITAMPI\--r:l "'f"''' llullr••l l'llhiiAI.InC (;,, f't11m~a· 12 13, Nrwpnrt n..a.ob. 81t[tT METAL WOAI<- Vt~lr l'lulf,lo>nJt • Hllr,.t MO!tal Wotkl , (.),eta ~...._ l'hnne 21t. VARIETY ITOR£ - fJaiiMwl llll&ncl Varletr 8t0ft. k . lOr., 1Ae aad ., t-tl-IIU·W . , ' • r NEWI>ORT-BALBOA NEW~-TTMF.~. NeWDOrt Rtllch. r~Hfomia. Tuesdav. Mareh 7, 1944 ... - Vows of Elmore Hayden and Hugh·McM illan In OrQlan Culminate Harbor Romance Harbor · Feminine A~ • •t~ l "Bosses' Night" Plan~ Laid at Meeting ~~ tJWl Ies OfHar6o·r Business and Professionals 'nw nalmtnaUon of a "'mance of 'Ill'< rr a atr•n~: nC pea~ II btlun«1n1 .-r-t IDt..roNC In local lll"('laJ C'll"t'l1'8 tto hrr D'othu. .,...... lbe ~~ride aDd ITOOUl are Tht' llf!W Mu Mc)HIIAn ll the ..U "-'a, wu tM wtddtn.r of daul('htu of Mnr 01rar lo1ne of Ma. Etmore Hayden ud Cpl. Hallxwl Shl! wu Kradllllt<'<l front ""'-" R. lft MIIIan. U.-8~ A.nny, Harbor High Sc' OHI and haa •bt'en wtaklt took p&..:t> February 28 at ronnrl'lf'd wllh thr 1'1outhl't'n Call· a o'cJOCk ln Ole t'Vf'llln.r In one ur fomln Auluml'lblle <'lllh In lhrlr U.. prelty cbapell at Camp Whitt>. ~ant~t Ana offkt'. 0...01\ Hu~!\'1 army duliH madt' C'pl McMillan I• the ltf'per.n of tl •,a.tWe for him to tome {'II") !-'rank Qulgley'a <JC Nrwp•ort lloUth to Elaso" 110 llbe went North M r h aooJ lht' ~trani!IOil nf John to llll111. ~h·MIIl&o Sr w ho Ctrat r a.me to lhl• 'nw .,_.W..rlnt; cel'ftllony W1Ut Uullfor a ru Ill 11180 perftw-.d by Cbapl&iD John 0 Aflu " l'lrler hnno•ym oon Ill a...-11. 1:. 8. Army, w llh Sgt Ml'l.lfur<l O~KOO, M,r:1. MrWlllan ...,. K. Vaa Rycldt' ,f New Jer· JIIIU\a tu return to Balbo&. .,., _...tnl u .,.._ man. Captain • .,._,. r; Wltb .. rwpooo. rompany ~ackr. .-ll.MAal'd' 0\e, quiet .,_, lkft orran mu1tc-hllt'd the eMpll u 0\aplaiD 1,-.rb raiii'J tile )'DUll« l'uUpl~ btrorf' him to f'JI· dlaap Uw \OWL "Tbll II Wy ...._ Hour' ~1.a1 p&.y.d dur- IIIC u.. C"PfftDDDJ. Home CeremonY, j oins Costa Me sa Pair Man tul vc""" w•·rt· •·•r hllnJCto•l by M w Mu Ma rgl\rrt Wlntu· bt>Umf' and W:allO'r W . Ml<'dlt'tlln at the home or Ule brldl''l pan·nta, 3>1r an•l !loin E&rt t •. Wlnterburnl', Cl~o:ht t'i'nl h and V.'ttlttlcr 11tr"''"· r ~<tn Mr a . Otfktatln.r at the rrl"f'm ony ~~~ .. Cathe-rine Easton. Society Rt>port<'r • Ph ones 12 and 13 • Residence Phone 690-W -----~ ----- Balboa Yacht Club Attracts Many Over Sunny Week End Perl••t·t "'"1'"~ "-'t''\tl"·r atlmrt . ,.,, un rnt~IIUIItllflh' ~r11ur "' V~t• ht11 nu•n lind lhr r I om lllr:o tn th•• 1111 1 Jlo,a Y11•·ht ('lull HYI'r t ',. Wt'l'k~>nr1 ~~tinning nl'xl Sllturr1n v, In· f• rfo'll) <lllnC'I'II Will l:lf' ~nJnVt••) hV mrm~ra a nd lhl'lr gllt'llt• •1n that n'~ht •'81 h wt't•k Mr11 M~trk 111'111\• "'H" •Jf thl' c·,.mmntltono '" lh<"c ln~tJIIr:l tlnn Cnr lhrar nff~<ora llntl llhf• nntl hf"r rummtltflf' h ni •• thf• y<ollllj! (W'I•Jll•• uf lhl' • luh "111 rn:~kr I h<· cluhhnlJIM' \hf'lr ~otturtlav niV.hl h••n•lff'''" I• rll St'Vt•rAI nt'\\ lrT rrttV,.rn~nllt M ,.. un l b., o J'l•n.L•u •·f lh" • lulo T ,. ~nlar~wnwnl "~'tRh••rm• n·~ ('ov•--•• lh• ul"uVN pu;.olar t c,. kf'tll ''•Unr•· t1 ul 11~ tnfttrrral nt~fllu~ t'l'\'trul "'··•·"-u~u Th<' ru:xl lhlnlo( tn """"' U'lllr•r llw 11ktlllul h:onol n• l •w d~t u ,af111 1~ fht• ''f''•'Ad• r tt• um' ,.,,. 1flf" lf·r-n tn•n· C:1h "''"' Ehell Club Hear Lucid Di scussion o f 1-~acia l P roblems By Holmes Bishop Holm"• lltllhop, S11nla r:11•• h••r 1111•1 ~lud••nt · 1 mrlal prob- 1•·1' • flr•·w lrom hill vut knowl- •••1:;" and IJri'H'tkal r•r"·rlence In h11•1ollln..: fnH·t~o:n Jal)(•r to rtw 1-:t.dl mo·mllf'rK Rn•l lo(ltr•~tll an ln· 1 • 1 ~-r tnJ( 11n•J Pnll~thtrnlnt: talk at th• "'"•·t m~ ••I thr rl•th on 'naun· ola• ,,ft,·rn""" In thr • lubhi)UM . 'Tho· ~>p<·•oi!PI" "howrrt (l•e muy enol .1. ,.,,,.~~ "rl"ll thai 1111bven'v*' "' 111 ot .,.,. "f''•IIIIO ff'CI hv the Nul• "" •·••rrt ... t nn tn lhla eount7y II 1 ul!h .. ,.1',<1117••d ~tr••Uilll ol for Tlw n •·•·'on.: "'!U nprned with .. ·''·· '" ,,,, • \1 hll'h ,.... O.Ortt" w .• ~hlnl!'t .. ll .. 'l Pruy"r for the Na· t hm 11011 I ho• Ort( 8:111111', both riV· .. ~, t " !ttt ct r.••r•r'1!•' ~~at I : Eugene La Perle 'Celebrates First :Birthday With Party I - Mre. Eu,tme La Pule Jr mad«' 11. fPI!IIn OC('Uion of her aon'• flnt blrtbday annlveraary y«"ltf'rc1ay when abe Invited a ~p nf ,,..,..,d11 10nd th;olr vounrllt1'1'111 tn her bomr on Miramar Orin. Balbna to hl'ln f:UJtt'nf' f J1 C'elebl'1lll' hll natal dav. An,.thrr lnrenth•t f or the party waa the return o1 the' ho'i!tt>M'.rl t~>r Mn1. Nlel• ~trnea and Mr 11rrall daur:l-ter. Shlr'ev Jt'11n. from Sarramento whl're the father baa ~n et111loned. Arron~C lh~ manv ~'ta nrent'd hy lhl' ODt'·VI'&r·llld. Wh a tffty lmbv rin~ 1klllfullv l'lrvC'd from ivnry bv hill fatht>r who I• with lhco ArTI"v in the A.ll'utlaruo Tlw bri~f' r lwlw tnr hf'r •·t'ddonc a l'oaiUipt' IUit In ahadf'• nf bhlf' W bu cweqe '-' ckUcate pink camt'll ... and lillra of thr va'loy p ort a toucb ol aprtn~ rolurmK to tile abft ctrab of the Army unt- l cwwa. CarTYinl oD lbe tradition ot -UtiDe borTowtd. Klmorr 1.1 1< t···~• t·:• •· n .. r lh•· 1\11: ,. hi l<l«'. IUial-to·tl liS rnahl ••f hnnnr Air Trenltflorl !'1rrvu• .. drllll~lolo·ol and Wlllillm MlcldJt.H,n hrothoer uC t hf' gronm, 81"rlf·d ru tH!:tt man. l h~oi.W' -JI#'rHJin~: lo•lrun · "''""' 1n th•• RA•Y J nbn Wlnlf'rhnurnr ur ("IIIJ.ln "'"""· un• If' ur th,. hr •••· Mia" Alii ,. Wlntrrh••urnr·, lll11trr uf th•· ThrPI' "rmwn wrrr e'l'<'ted 1" , .• ,, I•·• ~~~ I' '" 1 ht• 'luh, Mr& Max II• '""' .\Ill' ll"nrv F:~~:~tr•t an•! .\11 ~ I' I< S!ii1W, a apeclal -.za. h•' ' "'While tht' JtUf'all l'n}ovrd I« r M'am and a largO' c·ak r, little Eu· j(rn..-wn• lrrt 1•1 hi• own df'VIt"U I with 11 llny rake adorned with 011141 o·andlf' . lnvitt'd to tht' partv v.·trr Wn Net" Ol11nn ~od-moUJf'r ol t ile Ut· ll•• lad: Ml1111 Bt t!y C'1"0t'ker who nMti!ltt'd in Mrvlng the ~"IIU; •lao Mrt~. William Kl'lth and -Wll· llam Jr : Mr11. F:dward ~mllh and 111•n11 Bobby and Jimmy and Luther and Danny Crocker Be lh he IHom Whn II 1 hr """ ~I "''1"11" l•non~t· W•l h h i~ lll"t"dlf· 1 I ~ ' jiiiiOII •••I••• '1<•1110 Il l~ \'o•r•~<lohl \' In n ... T l1r1rt s11 .. r Ktrt or 1300 t• "1"'11 1111 ll"ol l'r''"" drive. wa• no· I'' , • ••d "''II 11 g rrllt acclaim. ,.,. T hrift Sholp 1.11 11pon10~ jotntly 11v llw ~:t.ot l ('tub lind the P.T.A. nf Jolu. C:lara Mlddll'lun, 11nd hi" 111,. rl•u·~11 ,. u~ ,, ,.11 ,111 1 ,. 1'"1';1,,.1 brhh• Were gra<llla\fd frum S_,w. 1 1,nJIU<ill IOIItlllflf d ~\'l't\' IIIUIIII ul J'(lrt Harbor Hlg'l Sl'hubl, lat"r at-l.oAI•· · tt>nollo1 Santa Ana Juplor C11llegt' N .. w 10,.1111,.,r., !ltr lind Mr~ .\1 lh•· ,·II•"" of the Procnun. I and Ule UolveM ly or California at I r..•ralcl Jo"'Jo'llrhn. wh" ar•· In the Loll Anl"lea. Tbry will tempurar- 1 , o•rurn1• nr t t1u~•n••. ~ 111 ~;1 MroOit>. -------------! lly ~de In Wnlwood. prr.,nt•·d lh\• duiJ IUIII var1""" Molt. !'1• ~~~··r and her commlttl'~ ltf'r """ t ''" tn thr gue1tJI. 'flw no -.I m .. •ttnl wW be a &.ui4Jw<on tilt WaN h ~«it. D 0 U G L .AS N1ZD8 YOU TO IIlLI Wll -PLIIES Our f!IJitD'II8 will ~ more quicklY ronquered by com-~ air aupranacy on every tl&httna front. DOUG- lAS wants many more wilting hands to ht>lp tum out thtt vitally needed cargo and fighting planes that are needed to protect our boys and shortm thr war. r . ; Daa't IPf IIWxpMma-.top you. 'J'beore Is a job you caa learn -and you pt paid while trainlna. an.m .... DOt1GIAa h•edae Ar-1 .. LONG 8&.\CH PI.ANT -a&NTA ANA P'EEDJ:Il SHOP Get Full Jnlormation Today at DoaPa Feeder Shop U. S. Employment Service ftlltl • ' a ..... ..... •• tr. • a. a.. .. Aaa . ~ ... . . .. .. . .... "''.... . .... .. ...,, ...... ....., •=• ....... p. .. AV AJ1..4BILJTY CERTinCATE NECESSARY •• 'n rmiJI'I/0 Ill M WM"!H•lll "-llh ~k til· 1 tully tle•l,;nc•d anti ,.,u•t·ut~·l uh 1 rli) a. In n ·ph•" of t hr hurttt'f' <•f lh,. 'tub Ehell Book Section Meeting Slated e COMING EVENTS THJI ~u. )'OW beat bib'e Ndrer !\Or" ('"rt I 'lrrll' of Wom•'• So. ahoold M wana aa w.U u <'II' I,. ''' r'hr i•Uan Se~ will drtMy. Coa,. 1"1101' and wool file. m• <'I At llw h11me of at 1 p. 10 ntl il tiM fabric .-d lor t.hia paltd '"''' t"rol<!l wnrk rnom, 111 Pa1f11 datt drtM, f .. hlriec a bib front .,.. Tht bo~ lf'l.l~<•n .. r F:bf'll Cluh "'' '""' 11.11h"J\. l'pefl tO L m. ~ 11fh1y draped lkirt. Read llbtla- will ro-t al the h '""" of Wra w 1 4 1 on !'urs:lr!ll dn..tnp. raJOft and wool dotbea few Uiforma· rioll lbottt f1bric COftlt11t and the n. Mrridt~l. 111 IJ•y Jaland. no 1 P.,.,, C'roJO" workroom. flO Orand awo..ct -thod of uriac few the Gu~liiV .. u r. .. nbarol a graduatt' nf the '"''Pill(' C'onwrvat1 ry. wtll leach plano In Ne"'JKir1 Bt-arb rv· Pry F'ri•~ay anol Ratuntay He wiU acrf'pt a llmltC'd numbtr or ltu· • 'roll! on thoer day a. fko(tDnen an hi• apl'<'lalty On TUuday, Wrdnl'lda)' and ThU rl<day. Mr LIMnbard "oftl !('Ill h In Holly"''r o.,l anJ J.!onday In Santa. Ana. I ThiiJMI!.)' Tht' rc .. h...tt-• will ' c~llnul ltall••n l.o!land, open 10 a flbric. A htlpful kaftet, "Simple bt· M1'111 Narpn t Nitmeyer and rn. In • Jl m. Aewlnr. Rlllfl Por TIM Care of Span lta10ft For teo yearw. Guatnv Lr ... nbard )fr• Ht r tX'rt ~u. Wtlllna Workt'1'111, P aJI ..... TaY· ailf Wool alftldtd l'lbricl, .. It \\:\If I [Otl<'l'rt planlllt nf rt>pute tm, Corona tlf'l )far. opea l to 4 naill"lc. ''" of cNrl•. by Mftdinl and atudled uoch.•r Or ( ·arl 1(,., r m ~urt;lcal drl'•tDre. a M8JnPtd, ulf-addrnatd tr~nlope k f • How MUCH Is ENOUGH! .. the Wemtn'l DtparUIMnt of liMe nf e. a amnu11 .,J,)ZArt ""P'lllflll. Tl-iU RSOAV. MARCH I-.....,_ptr, BioOk Rl'l Ill n nf EbeU Club will ---Arizona ~sident W"-II -.. V..._._ A aAd D. aiiOOOH a. -u-_,, ...... __ .. , ......... -...... ,_ .... ,_ , ..... , ... a __, ......, ....... -...: ., ...... ........ O!'EWDAY rr•···• "' ttt•· h(\rrr <'lf wn . w. o. f" ..J W. H GetJ Pleasur ... 1\l f'rl•·kf·l, lk lluy laland, B&lboa. \ .auet Jves ea r l'l ~ The rn·h·'~'"111M'11 lire .. ,... Mar· Talk Bv Captain on · 1 From News-Times I:'Brt t !'l1"m"yer ant! Mn. Hertlert A E Bao l1 1 rmy tfq Uette I -( . .,.·ta Mna 11'\reman'l wave., _ I' A l~ltt'r fTom t} 0 He~rt wbo mH't 11 the home of lin. BeftnD • 'nle rrv11tl'rlr11 and nPI'eultlell of :,";. ~ ~h! t>nl~ ~ ~ona~tht. ~ml\h at II p. m. Army t tlquette werr claritled for ~h e Ne • ~ a ·11 of Harbor Klv.•anill ~ub will bo&d lhe Cadtt W 1vf'" whn ml't't wel'kly , e ••• l1lH are comllle !ht• ,...,•kly me~Un~~: al Balltloa'• at the Balbna U s·o ('11ptalo Jo-~~rnu~:h r"I:'Uia~ly and be t'tljnye a.. 000...4 Da,.. ....,. Y118MI.. Ell'ctrlr GrtU at 12 ·1:1 noon t M ph Llrnrlr frnm lhP Sllnta Ana "'" Yf'r)' muc A~ 0 T ..... • ..-;..-,"' y,,. Red Crnsa workroom, 111 Palm Army Air Due gav.-th .. talk Mr HrtX'rl "'All In the Harbor _.. A .,_ 0 ,.._. •-.,_-A \'rnut', nalbc>a. n""n 10 1 m. to 1 Plan• Wf'rf' r .. rrn uhn~d f(lr a a:"" rf'hrenllyh ""11 put rchll~ prop-,.. ..., -~ ,_,.., 0•• .,._ ,.. .,, •Y w f'r~ r f'ven ua v plana to ••••••• ••••••• Ualle4 l tll.. 4 p m .;x-wtng r1'nno r mo•r•llnJ: \\'•·<lnNt.lny 111 thl' make hll bnme. · "-111111 ta.l "• t a RfiJ Croat! wul'krt<Clm, 210 Grand boau l1f t111•n of t' t• m t•m bf>r!'l 1224 CMr • •"-Y• .ara ...,, -Canal. Ba lboa l11laniol. CtJ'f'n HI L m. P:n llt Rut f "olh M.•<l••lrtnf' 0<>11ke ..._. I Mp. ,,.,. • .,,_,. c-lu ~ I'· m. Surgical cJrualn~a. and 0 1'tl\' Lo•n\'• r ,110 h~oslt'll!lt'l! Marriage Licenses --a.c.eaW.-'-IOOO U,.,u _ _ R .. frl'shn•tnl~ wPrl' IICr\'rd by -' Yl......_ A. ~ 100 u ... ., v-' Vlr&lnla !IO~c•lllon noc1 JPan \\'Prka. l•;u-lol l ~ma• r;""'"'"· 11. ~AA.AO. ... 0 • ._, • ,..._ ... ,,.., • • Week End Guests \'oulrt Lou••' T n pp•t. '"'· COIIla ..,_ ,._,_ :111113 ~ '® or the Mark Hea lys ~~ihvioOV~s~oes ~ ~,, nnfl Mr~t M~trk Hl'llly 0( Daughter, l'rma n.,,...,_., ,..oto'ftlut..t and .-.... 1304 Snuth llav F't'orit. 011Tboe Theuflorr H 111 pktns. 22. Bat· 1-ua : ShlriC'y Ann S ll-by. HI, Glen· olalr. W olllnm A C'11mt>tt Jr. 21. The annual pia a!falr w1letl mnnben ot tbe Harbor ~ ana l'r f~nil \\'oml'n'l Club l!tl'p ff'IIIU lbdr n>JH U ''woBiD~ gut." and play bOIIb to Ulf'ir hotalf'l hill bHn wt for April etb. Oa lh1ll occu lon, l~l' women play tht> part o( the perlect urort. nta tranMportllll(' lhe•r boa tn tbe.o.hn· nu and party. A,ne. BJomqullt haJI ~Jo.en appt:intt!'d thalrman for thf' f'ven~. A1 \hto bl·monU\ly meeUq bckl Jut Thuraday at HeJna K.alar'a Bayahore Cafl'. Holmea Bl.tlop ot Santa Ana 1ave the memben &Del ttlt'lr guut• a aplt'ndld talk oo "Racial Olecrhnlnatlon" tn wblcb hr •'"n•·r d I hi' many waya In whlcb aubVenlve acl.\vltlea are carn.d out In tb\a country. IUorln w tcell. public affair• chairman for liM group. •·aa In t'h~~rge of the pro- cram. A nominating commutu waa appolntl'\.1 t'Om priiN'd of Alta Gor· ton and Marie Hlrb.ch. Donaldson-Scelsa Betrothal Announced li.tf'm bt!r• prt'llt'lll Included Eva 1 M•IOrt', !!o111drt'd Stanley, Alta Gor. ~~ r and )Jrw Arthur Dooald.on 1 ton, Lydl.a Strain,. Grelha Tubt.. nf R:llhoa Island are announciDg I Warle Hlrbe<•b, Muy Ltoa Murphy. lht· en~f'ml'flt ot tktr daughtrr. I F:hubtth Baralad, Marie Kataer, Jusu a ''' Army A or C'adrt J ohn I F:dythr Hom er, !dina Herwhey. Ag· N &-elaa J r . aon of John :II 'nu Blomqutat. Sue Horvath and S••rlaa of !IOe•· York City. I Jllorin Wacek The gueatJI were JeMica reve~ tbt' nev.·a to tu 3.1arw £bien. Walle Roll1n1 &ad h '1f'nol' lly Kl''tng a _.all dinner I the a~aktr. H lme1 Htlhop. rarty ,.~r1da\' n'f'nlng at b~r hom~ ..,. ................................ . Thc:.1• brddc-n In thf! affair Wf'~·~•••v•v ...... v.,.~ .. "'"" .. ,....., tall. Mr.s.. DarTeD S.biJ:I UIE TO fEEl and th" !!ol~a Barbara lola~. RILM Tr .. mpo•t..-r Phyllll l't'lers Donna Slanlry. )fuy M\'f'f'll. Ruth IMPOITIIIT? EJJ;on Plummu and • &verlt>y • Qairt . So df'ftnlll' date hu bfton wt fn r 1 hr w~lnc. Harbor Hi Senior's Betrothal Revealed S«' r<l ll.a bo-a n n~~: the ll&lllt'll of Uetty Luc• &yd and Ro)btrt &Hn- boy an•l ri« ('f)ntained in tm · . lopbane fa von . -;;T'~ the be- l r"thal ·•I the t·ouple at an aflt-r· D<'Ofl ff'll' ICa~t'd tn t be paUo of tht" bridl'.,.lt'-c't'e parattJI, Wr. aDd t.lr-a W J. Boyd, 2070 <>nD1e A'ft· nut', 0.ta Ilea&. f'Ttvau t r Bomboy w tb• eon of llr. aAd lira. H<MD« Bomboy •·bo reside at 21071 Newport~ var.J and 11 in lbe A nay A!r I rnrcet~ Aftef' hia ~WIUoa from Harllor Kip, be •UIIMid at P'Uikr-1 tun Junior ~- I\Oo date bu *n wt fOI' tM ......... y ovu. BE IMPOilTAST - to , . .,., «''Untry, and to your l\ctiUIIJr _ __., you takfl ovN" * •1tal JDit I• tiM-Army . I• tile w-·• Army Co,Ji ., ..... pt r•pert Army tn:lnlnr ~t -.y paW; tllle way to f plt!OCwar """'r. Vou'11 llavr ~ rlllalwe to tmprovP y-r tlklll M ..... ~--=-....... w-r peeplf',--,._., ._,~ n · pertrllr-,._... • .. -~, all ,.._lite. .. Get full ..... ..... • .. "'AC at .. ., U. 8. llecniiU .. ......._, Or wytte C. btkn.t· lilc lltoMillfoL AM.-: ,-.. M · .... ae-...a. "'5 .......... awe~ w ........... u. o. c. ···-.. -·Ual _, ...... U, -a ... ve ~ r.-Uldr ....... yer •r tllfo U. 8. Em~y· -· 8H'ric!e.) TELEPHOIE OPERATORS IEEDED -~- 8et •lee -... ww wartlen are al cle~ apo11 -pta a&............... Good pay willie ......... .. ... rep~Ri8creeoac:s * * * SOUTHHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE CO. Apt~~)·: 101 E. Bay A,-e., lleJboe or 514 ~ No. llalll St., S..ta Alia .._, "' &a. _._.. ., 4lb-Selt-hlan<1. hn\'e hnd n~ thl'lr ~:utrrt.a. C'aptnln H. r. Kn,.h, U ~.N . ud Lt Rtlbt'rt 1-~:.·tnn n! l_hco A~)' A It TrnniiJII<rl ~~ I'Vh I' Mr Heal)' 11 1944 C'ommo<lurP of lltt Bal· boa Yacht Oub and an 1\rdent ya<"ht•m~~n a11 wrll 111 l'nptaJn K~l('h who hnld~< membt'r1hlp ~ tht Cnlun hiA. nh•f'r8t'y and Bel· mont Yar ht Club! of Ctllrlljln S AAAB, RPtty Jt'an TomlliUI(lft, ~m~nln~ r l••h ~·m·np~ wltri a ~~g~·~U~a~l~~a~t;~~-~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ verv rlt''lghlo\JI plNlsurP. that of vlettln~t h#r olttu~hk-1', M"' Y. Orr 1 CHRISTENED! and launched Upon a Still More Notable Career 3ha J)oll Jfousa " of Laguna Has Changed it's Name to 'I DON MANCHESTER'S BRAZIL And the Same Doh that Greeted You for Years at Balboa Will Welcome You to LAGUNA BEACH \\i th BEllER FOOD BE'TTI::R DRINKS ENTERTAINMENT .. _.._been open .-. is open, and ~11 contlnue ro btt open -• · "'f.tant~ of printed gossip and rumors~ -p.& 3•• ... .AI 8ft atlU doine ~ at th~ AJnt' old stanch- BALBOA • • • • PALM SPRINGS I .-BIRTHS To Pvt. ll.n<l Mno Kf'nntlb All· dl'non. 203 Adams. Balbo&, at St. Jowph huapltal. March 3 IIH•, a dau1hter. T o Wr and .Mra F:. V. PopeJOJ, 430 Wt'1tmln1ter st . Cnl!la )!..._ rf Nt'wrc•rt Hl.'l,l!htl', lpft l•){!11y for Berk eley and tht' R"an F'ranciiiCo Bavm-u Irma Orr llf chrml!l fnr tht' t trnderd 0 11 Company located Ill &rkC'Ity Mr11 Orr w ill attend the mf'l'tln~ nf tht' St11te Board of Fedrratcod Women'11 Cluba In San Jl'tanriii'O. S"l' I• I mcrnber of the Harbor F.bell Club. Costa Mesa Girl And Motorist in Minor CoiJision at Sarrte.ant M11tu nlty hoapltal. Aprart'nlly w:~lklng with two Man:h 3. 1944. a daughtrr other worrt'n nn lhf' 11d4-(>( the T" MnJnr 11not :\Ira <'hart• ro&d to onC"nmlng t'&re. Vlolt't f'Titr hard. 170 Magnotta St .. eo.ta Ayru. 111. 1~6!> Santa Ana Ave . Mru . at Sl JO!Orrh ho.pltnJ MIU"dll C0f1ta MI'MA. i01tsta1nf'd minor In· I :'1. 1944. a daughlt'r. jurlu and r"v"mt'nt bum11 wht'n To Lt. and .M ra raul Jo(lrl, na, lhe reportl'dly M!rll('k II car driVI'n I ('ry~llll A\'('. RR1110il l!ll~n{l at 8t. by }drl! F.h·•·a Hm•l'tl'r ~10, ru 4 .loroo•ph hi'IIJ'ltul ~101< h •. I PH , a Co•tl\ Ml'll!l, 111 :'lll'wpnrt lllllt r'all- flaughtu. I aadca road ·: !.---~---------------------------------. Greet,no CMcs and a Qrellt \larltt y of Unu,ual Gifts '\\'Jo 1:-;\ ITF Y11 t/ TO UIIO\\'S~~ AHOI'!I:I I'' C. E. LOUCKS JEWELRY 8ntl ITATIONE RV 01~"'onns . Watchel . F in~ Repa•rino Phonr N•wport 24l0 I ;97 99 N~"' port 81vtl., Co1h Muo11, Calif. BEFORE YOU BUILD 0~ REMODEL ... 1&22 a..tll Main at. \lla1t our tntert ltlng •.:~mple and d1sPI.:ay rooma. Cclor ou1du pt.11nnong a id•. com - prellenslve stock ot rugt. carpet., linoleum and \/tnt· tt•" bllnda. ~ Rug1 a"d Carpets Clean~d Repaired LUDLUl\1 Carpet Works IANTA ANA • COROIA DEL MAR DISTRICf NEEDS REPRESENTATION IEWPOIT IEACI Needs the Type of Business Man Now Available in ALBERT BOWEN for COUNCILMAN Mr, Bo"'f'D is a IWtlftd lkdiiWM Mall \\lito Ne\"'H'BdOft Held hblk Office aDd Has So Axr to Griacl t.:xt"rpt aa lm .. rtial ud lust llalldlla' of Ci\'k Alfaif'5. ~----For Bettrr Government And l...o•·er Taxes Vole For Albert .Bowen . ,