HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-03-16 - Newport Balboa News Times• ( ·1 I • • • ·' .. POBT· OAPBBSS TIU INTJRI NIWPORT KA.RBOR DISTRJCT --------- VOUJIIE v. ~TBJI:ACH, =--~;__ THURSDAY. MARCH 18, 19U 8 _ ~ _ L C'tL __ • -1 p yt -w· n Noted AnDy Sarceon Conv ... to Peace Fun~ Canteen JUda Rotarlana are Slaowa we. .DI4IU e ons I Speaker at Klwanla to Be~ at Coming to Balboa \'lvld·War Plctane -·-OoL Jobn L. '"-"·--r. oom· Public ~R Next Saturday The public ,..._ .. __ ---o1 •"'·•' WLK, .........,_ B I F ...... _..... L , -----·-a tt e 0 r lll&bdfto ot U.. bcwpltaJ at 8aata How U11e •wnc• bl.wl~an tll)li)'Wood'a ra.moue ··ea.n~n til• ~tiUI!Minl OU oomp&a)', ...,...... .. ~,:-"'.:.'::' = r-AM Anny Air Due. wu ru-t ·u•.J una&l ...Wac:tu.rer ~ llwlt K IJ.t'" will' be lhe aleUar attr•c· ••llh•.J by Mr. ~.,., ,.._w ..,.. -_.. &"DC llidl ......,., ..,..._ at today'• mfttln« of tbe w.J t.n ~ from war pro-lion •t th•· H•n.S .. avO\At tN.Uruum tbv llliNt of ~lr aJwaya Llltet· ~ , loeal lbwanla club. Cot o.llqber, ..tucUO.. tD .... tune prucr-. 1n twboa n .. ttl tiaturday n~l. •letiiiC "N•w• &wa&.a ol &NI," .. .. ... ... ... _., 'Open Shop' a former n~&ht auraeon aD4 aD ..... 111 .. tM -~\of &l1 lm.port· M•h'h 18. ll wu. annOIAIWed ~-th .. ;>~-port-~ R.ota.r7 ..... ....__ 0Uletandlfl6 pl-r ln 8\lJ'CtC!al .u1t talk .... F\'ell 8000 by 8l&n· .Jay by llob Murphy~ -own.r on Tu-.My eveA&A~ . ~ ....._ ~ • • .._ tedutlqu.. UU. year received U.. ley W. A. J111tam ot the lmaller The urcb"tra. wblab wu or-t-'&n•l •'enee ~ WWit ol tM -Ten Citizens Ask .Election To Council ~ Pl7 ... annual pd mNal award of tbe Wu ....... Clrporauon ~ ad· •trtnally -mbled to ftll ln be-Mllllllf!a landtq -'J'anwa, aM ~ ..__ -Aa.-at ol a...,_~ ._.nc.. A~y ol ~., ... .sa-wOl • ...._," C!Oftftl!dtoft ~·.-m btlr namr-bamSI brm~-.~~·otta._.., Wu&&a-r •dtnn « ... ~ _..._.Ill& •-1 .. ,_ .... ....._ I' .. u •---• 1 _ .. _ .-. "'hi • h _, _ _. ,..._ vatect to Uw .C.t•., • ""ftA ... ...._ -..._ f"d Uala Wft'll by taw NaUoaaJ War "' ~ or ....., new me._ "" .... --Wl ....... n m .... • llnllywooll C'antHn, hu euddeDly " f' •II una tn~YWU 1.11 -.... le Paa._ a.-. Labor Bo&rd. Ute ~yt-Com-at handline burna and wounde.' m;r t.o be llliiiW at BaJbola Yaebt bo·~:omt' "b•« Umf'" 11Mif. TIM llal•· M that 18l&n4. A.noU.. I'AII alt" • u.r--" •t•m TIM epealcer. ·wbo .. OONtlder-.d Club • ~.March :u. accord· yuunptl'rt arl' rut wlnnlna coun· lllai'•ll the onlookere 1.11 &a-~~~· Nnlplrt.d .... ..,.... ......... ...........,.. .._ (':111)' .nvrpd Ylctortou. at1.er a ........... t .,. __ ,..,. __... 1 to 1--_, b ,.___, .. _ t 1 u1 ..u .... _ ... A __ A ...... _. unlay n<lllfl. -'"1-. _. ea. •• ..,_, .-. -'-lon ... -r~·-t battw ln _..,..:.. .... _ an au-. '1 on ._ ... pwvuoe-. llfJ Y .. ._._.n trywt.SI' I'N'<lfltlllur~ and -fttiW 111 • .... ---_ -..-· " ..,.... ..-'"' YMI' told Ktwanlana ol the n-maul-~rl W. ....., ot the Newport playlnJ lt .. .Slly •t the C&llteen. 111~ h wa.S..r. and pve a .-will on Aft11 II ..... ..., ...... _,., _. • dupbuildiq ftrm 801J&'Lt CODUn· ode and t~lqUH bel~ develop-Hau11or C'ltl tn or Commerce. 111 .. ol.wat member o1 lhe t!"<'uap ··••·111n1 ... nMUon of Ute at&M", •r 011 ,....._ .. ._. ....._. .._ ., M'• alw~y• --~ = •-10 "..tltwd-.... ....--.._. • ._ uanc ... ot ate opf'n·abop poUc:y. eel to meet wart!mt' 1\eedi .• ..., ··-r. .. Wf'll Informed 11 17 Y••an "' ac" and lhe youna· u tho· l'l•"lurM were l&I&M ,_ _......- dli8. _.... a. a ~ t.o all$ dfec. t wu or-notH IIU,....on ~ at a...oa~ "" t1te fll llle t&.lk IUld we rat u . th.. atar drunamn tH-Ina " •·anwra t•laa.d In Ute Oodlptt U.. ttNlliiJ fill c-.. dh' ...._ .. •vf'nu., Balboa l8land. ue ..,. ..., local penon con· ••:1 K'-e n••u the Jlllot. nf'Xt f~ ,_.... .... -. acmaUJ ~ ...,a early la De-KtwanS.a ~ ol tiM •ll'ct.ed wlU. MJ tonn of con· l''vr lhf' f&ret time lhf' bunch Ia Thl' film• _,.. 8KW'ed ~ Al't't~ to OM• 0... .,._. .._,. .a-*' «mbn ws.ra tlilf' ~ sewpon H~ lka llcoat aldp ata-ucUoa fW ... utacturtna proJ· bc-111& brouaht to S.lboa IU'Id ac· th .. •'•"lP<''"'";n of Claytoa ,..,_ ltlft"Mn , ... « J'"" ..... ., Dla Pl7 .... 0..•._.., '-aid • ~ or• wu ~ at a I"K'eftt meal· "f:t wtU ....., lwan n1 thlll IUb-'"rd1na te> Mr Murphy. all prom .. ,,., "" al StAndard 00 Co . ..._ """'b._...,. ...., wl11 ...,._. ......_ cilia no '7 "" to taw .._ ......... lletal ~~ of tile board of dlrec:tora. lf'Ct ............... Wr. t>lanl~y l&ld. aboVf' lb~lr ulual ••r<'-~ ltlbUior, the PNltrT'UI' d\&Jrmaa lAi .... ~ ... -...... .. ....,_. *IL .. _. '--.. Tn.dn Counct7 ........... ~-· K-_ .. _,_ ·----...t.-..o~ .._ n--.-116 ftltonJnv prubk\ ... • Holl ,,,r th" lll<'4'tl"• ~I"• H .......... _. 11...._ ..... 1~ • t.O. a ..... a..._ """-..._ ... OOIItfliUon tlaat taw_,...,. WilD ~• TVIUP ~•• -• ~ "" ..,.._ ~~ • ._ ••-. lu )'WUI>d t'IUIIWn • ._ ·-_.. _ ,. _____ ..... ,. dll!a not.....,,__. to_._ a--~ vWt .tM ..... and aft)' -Mn 1dva.nce ....... r\.•UOI\II are 1.7 Howe. l'tlf ..... ~I . --, --.~-_.. ~ 1t1ao ean aid In UM wortl ....,., ma.ndalor'J. re for ei\Mr R-*'rt A.a..t, ........ 4111 .,. ...,. "'Y......, .._-1nlidl -.. t rad rontatnt,.. a daeed *'P ulled to contact 11r. KaDar, a. «ac*pe .. ..._+·11 may be P'ae· Boy Scout8 and CubA wnn1 "141:A u:at• ...._ ...,_., .......... .. ' a c~t~a ....., .. ..,. ...._ a. -i\~mntt. ...._.. uw -..... , ~a.--ot .... _ ,_, ..... -·· t .... ~ r eo PI 1 .,, .. , • ,__ ._ • .. ............ CIIW ..... u.w. ?t(u~ -matn~ ol member-~-.e ..,_ ............ p. .,.. a ,_r 0 mmeroe an Jo nt Meetlna ttuhoort .. lJicl&ey, Nun&a .-c· _,_ ... , _.........:--_. ·~ --.~ .._.. • nil;~.--llrtp"" ad • tlllllllltnet .,a., t5-~~~ _ ...... ----... -oUlct 11tr _uua.. . & -... ~ 1A ua... ..... .._ .... ,..,_.,..., .--· • ·-_ ._. ~ -·~• .,._r Pl•rw .,.., bf'ana m•tiiP ror a ..... Inc ... rvwe ..,._...,,.. m u.. fnr,.. ..,_ ~ • _. .... ,._-~ day -eacape e'-e"., that work· Jl. Dona.l4 Hall who u a pn-M=-1 J<llnt IIMW'IInl or N-port H ... bor I:J•Hith t• ... m.-. acconM-to ~ Alttl.n ........ C.... .. -., ... -a ...,.a ........ ,_. a ...... ,.. •t tJw 'plaDt could ciKide Lll war bailcllq con'tractot-wu ,._ • On&ry Hot)' Sroula IUld tl\• local CUb flllll•r. ll•lmer O.Cke'1 ~-1111 ~ letll...t 'at -" -- ...... £8111 • IIM7 ..__, _. Uuat tilrw ~ UN)' ._t.ed ..,_..... for ~ aome of Ad Mee.a-.,. 84.'0Ut paell whtcb Ia to tw beld lilt' avenu ... OaJboa 1a1an4. • ...__ lnvHl....,.. ~-.._ ........ .._ ._ .., ,.._ _ _. to )oal ta.r ......_ a.wl!'!t ._.. "("• .... c II. ,..._ -~-....., ..... ....,a. .. a... TIM •taa TrMII. o..dl liD-U..R-~ .... ~~~-~~ ~ ou.t -at Tueaciaw'a Aprtl 21 •t ttle JTU'IOIU lldlool whu alt""'"'d N_,ori ....,_. _.. , -_.,.... -...... ., -r--..._ .....-, audltortwn. acrordlna to J IAalle llnlnn ltl.,t\ K hool fOf' ..,_ ,_,. tnaau-. ....... ., _, ._ .... ..... ~t~Py 1\Jed a pt>tiU. wttla die .tan at Ute 1:art W lltanley ,..a mHttnc ol •• port S...ch W 8 .-&~ff .. .-n of lhf' troop committee Ntltet<'\J In the ~ a... ~to-y .. a,.. ._ et .._ ._..._. ~ ~ ... a. ...,.. ._ -!'l:atklnal Wu IAIIor Board Ia ..,._._ ----._.....:__ y.,. __ d __ ... C 8. wul]ake-Bro-·n who _,.. 11 ... ..M ,.. IIIII --......... _,....,.. --_. -Th4J ... .ur wl bto ft'•lul't'd vY • b<•1 Allhnu~eh barely II ,._,. uf • --. _. e. .,_ 1ft',.._ WuiUnl[toft for • reYtew ol &M will try Ida llland u a property wu two 8.10 trarwfnre4 court of honor with awarde to be el(l'. "" ~· alr.ady -ft ClQNI4.. AI thn-atJa. M 12 ,_a.., ~ -• -...r __. _. c:.. 8acll .....WW WM 111M wwk --•-•-t. •t -t _ ..... t.o U.. u.t &.. for the ctura-'-d t r th .. , tdrftt ot ••-t -..... C 7 --;•IIIWtllt'l .. .._ --· .. ..--· ....-·--prt"et"n.,.. o ltliUIY o tt .mv • rrl\blf' action an4 .... ,.at ... -r---.. ~-WJ--dron&N ..,. ta.r ......., die adJoft on a uare. rnoet.U probattc.&ry Uon of U.. altttr apt'ndlna U tla~Y boy• ndrallon '"' Ute men w1Ul ~ oo4 ..,. .._.. OIAI1 o..l Cla • ~ .-ll. ......._ ..._ .. ._ "IJ' ...... tile ....... fleetwe, 1M apeetl to 800ft be a '1e&IW U a rn1.Aionary ln Mn1 8ally Peyton or Balbotl II· lw •••rvra Dunne YM&U.. lMC llki!W ...,... ...... ~-.r ....... ,._ OS I n ~-1.11 faww of~. tult-n-.o--.o --•tor. BriUIIa =Africa. . 1 d ll 1 t t Wlaa.-A ..... ·-·-; ~""" .-.. lUI wu ,_n . y f' ec ec ~r•· )'"•r hf' wu ttmp&o'1ed •t oa-tb• --US I -.r ... a Thr War L&llor Boenl. wtdell 8&nct ~ ..U.W.. weN Ka. wbo Ia In the Kar· tary of u. CUb~\ troop e-ltat.#d·VUlt:W~Dt .... --... ......._ aiOOC! Jaa. l8U. art< 4111 Plio ~57 _ 7 7 Jl ..... • e. ._. • """-..at t1uw members,~ _,_,_.,_ ... -,.,._ War -..... ...... _ ..... .,_ u a -.. ... •eat of Mt.. ---.... ...__ • -_ ,.._.,... ~ ... ......,... .,3 ...-.-"""' ...... _. -.. -milt~ to ~~UCee.d Mn1. Boyd LltW· Lol'al frl•nde wta1a1ftC t.o wniAI ,..,. '""' ,_.; ,. •• ., _. -tt¥ '---Dnk. ,...,.......,.unc ~-t. ~ Board. llr. Hall tau beftl emplo)--m.te o-.._ tDld lnte""tln&1Y " -.•ho moved to Wubl~. D him "'•Y arnd iettere to &M fal• ., ......._ •• ,_... 071 -.. •r ~ ~ __. ._.,. lllltol anJoa labor. and ~ tlilf' publk:. Hat .... _ lloutll ""'--Co., ---of ber .,_.:..!A.tnca aad ol ~r ,.. to ""I h h··-.. --A Lt "--dr .....,... a • -..-oCH tw to I fa ot tile .... ~~ ._. ..__ -.. r-n er _......., "-""'"' luwln& ..sct.--~ 1t.U. .... Co. D. • --. o Ofte n ww IJ16 to \aile ua. -po.t. Be ,.. .xpenencee twad of a uuy.' l.AWI.I Mn~ Pf')'ton, wllo .. tbe PI e. lea HHa; P\Mt P ,...,., ~ ....., .---. 0 lh:z 4111 A8ll .. -_. ..._... ~ l•!rontal. tlilf' labor repraeat.aU .. elchlt -a ra.ndl at Coeta 11 .. echool -U.. Dark CoftUMnt. moth~r of two younr boya. 111.u Ran FriUIC'~. C&W'. .......,. ....... ..._. .. -W . .... a P ..,. ~:---... lelllll-lliolcltnc o.t to ""'"' the -· with Ilia wtfe aa4 two _.., aob-fte C.Yt'Md at 10:10 lonl bef'n lnt~,_~ In 0\lb ._,,I _ __ O..t,... .- --.... -• r .. -W WUllam H. cartn. ~ rt __ ... w ...... -o"cloc:k lviUI Qolwer wo_.. •Ad ... _, t-'--n --_ _.•ve _.. • 0 a .._. -., • -' . ,_ _.. •• -....... ! 8f'<'n't•ry of 1M DnployPn ..... ~ ...... -... -· ·--~ -· _.. .... • M T t ·-r-: - • • • b1al Rf'lalklatt Council. acted .. eu:~u!': ~vt~=~~~T:.cbe~:=.:~:: any ransac 1ons =,.. ~: .: ,:. .,-: =:!·=-~ rtpreatrttaUv~ ot tae CCIIIIp&ft)' Qu ll'f.led. Vote I b .,.... c..... ., • ...,.. clllrill«; Ow ~Ure ~ a rs n ~pedal '.m~ po:::r~y ~k::,,::-\ee ~ ee:. In Local Property· ...... E ..:. ...... ..... 1.-wy p , a.._.., a. Sh Dec the l,.,.. et man of pallltctty. f ~ 1 •r., a. .... ., -··-~ ......... !O:Wffi'OCS.N........ arp reaseas 1t1 ~..-. L d kR ed ··~· ....... ...... • I 8 e..._ llliiM Kewpon ...,.._ 'DIQit ... ... .,..... a•zm=&'I'IO IU.LLY .r an mar u OJ6t. I A. 1 Q 1rGI ..... ...... ... Po ~ ft G. ......... ,..,..., ...... c.... • -.. ... • ...... .-it-.......... 1 .. -..1 pu a pn alnS mtd II .. l ' "-lAIIBI ,.... ~ .,... -• o.n-uc ,.. eW .... ...___ -· ----lfAd w = -....... -........... _ ...._ ....::::;._ -_., Hft'll2 ~. ...,.,Sytac u.e nt.lly at B&nta Au JWllor co1a.e. - - -• • ~ _. • -::::"'" ..:;:-...!___...! brml~ "'t'drl o1 many local dU:una thNil~ad'a book, .. Wby Do Men lOth and Main. at 7:30 p m . next vn,. of Ole f'&l'la.t ..._._ • ,.,._ _. • ... .... _. ,...c.ry --_..._ To -ue and ~al expert., Rutrf'rT" and ...._ Coftldtn con-"'tu•d•Y ~,_ ... Ill It wu lUI· I I hal ~·tiOn of tQWll. wW -._ ~ R U I I ., -... . • .. ..t ~ ...,_... '-' ilnrf IIWf'lllnc tht' cotr~re of •-"-tlnuH her "'"~ of a. ltan.ley ..,. ' • _ .. ...,, ' N ~ , ... 1• '0 7 -• ~ • ~ • --• _ worthwb1l~ chanllt'tl wiUt tbe pro-capabn~ of olfertna allb ex plana· JnnN ' book. '"Cilrtatt __ ... 8 ,___ nnunC'Hl today by ft C J>•~k••r ot "111>' " nK'Inory u work met\ .,.. ,.,,::."1, _ _. It~-' ..... ..,.. _. n-p-_.,... -·~ r-~~ Uoaa for IU'IY IUid ~v~ry altuatJon -,..,_, lh •~ u C ou c lral a.uay lhla Wl!f'k d~&rtl\l aw•y OW •·· ,., -·.... • __ !lufff'n~:· e .. ,...~nocra c oun..., en Allfln ...,.... ..........._ .... --~~-_ At ~~ p~nt Urne. bownter, that IU'itlea, ther~ 1.1 doubUne II rummltt .. r M•ln f'Uflll-nf Uwo lui t•·rtmanla ''' bnrk and mortar · __ ,.. -..:lr.. .e.tlk. ..ute twtllll. tJvo •ttW'k 1.1 rtunc • llttlf' low I noWna aurprlaln« or alarmln« In F'n owin« aack lwteiMofl IUld rallv wtll tw lh~ prMt'ntaunn of fullowll'l& th" ruJna of UM tNUd· Fll In ootUwr , ... • IMI ... die ..... 1 aft. 1 ~I and an appt"t~l 1.1 bf'lna made for lhf' ract that miUly local clllunll l'llf(f'fl at ntll)n. deYottonaJa we~ Ito ,;.,wratil' • •ndldlat ... who h•v.. '"~ t Noll~ C'tt1 ~ ,...... ....,._ n. 8IIC ~ die ~ uaabw matenal wblcb ehould be I han apaprenUy kMtl Lllter'8t In h•d by MI .. ConkUn waw-tub-rtl•••l '"' nfflcl' I M' "n•l Mra. llury Wllllana-, hart "'" (,h .,.. h " I A ., • • ' 1 1 Jr•·t waa "Law and Lovt'... Our· (1 1 Will .. _._ -ta. • a.-atloobl .. ln n~arly ~nry bomtt.. prolecttnc UH-lr richt of friUlchlH. t:,· .. ryvne Ia JnvJied. rt"Jardle• ''""· whn ~all foWilf'd thao pF'Opf'rtY lln ... ,,. ~ ~ -...-.r ,..... I aft. now that eprln.r ~leanlnc Ia ~ To Utto av~race Harborit~. how· lng thf' bu~tln,.. eeaeton It wu .. r ruorly affllllllluna. Parker n lfl l (nl '"""Y )'rara. WUf' rnalillna halhl, • f-.M -'** ....... - I lml • .........._ I .-drr ..-tn ~r,... C...m~nta for men, evttr, It m•y •ppt'U rathu my.· '""lt'l.l lo p11 Y S100 on the IIOClety'e •"•••• In """"' the alt. •nd ttr.ct In mlllrat.o <"'•..,...... ..uifeora- la -. • ..._ ,.·omrn anti children an partleu-Ufylf~« that ~lectore of thla an!a rtpportlonmo·nt t.o World lkrvtce. IIIILO A.NNI\'EPAaY " "' "' hutldtnK wt)"n w•r hrnkf! '" Ita.-lh ant ... r '" .....,. ~ .: ...... ~I ... MY • ._.1'-rtv ....... ,.&A ... --... _._ ..... ---I no ,,_...,, have tJw aune lnt..r· lllld Ill to lhe Red c~ War hill ""'' Mr Wllllamaun wrnl '"'" ....... """" h••-r dt ................... .__ I -,... , ~ """ ~~ ne-. ----.. -Fund Mr• AI<'Jt Wrlcht ur !Ill\ Wl'll II ~ -----.. • • • I bonb. to ...... dl.lbfa. ,.._turell and Ht In quallfytna thttlr vote aa · I tlw N•' y Th•• matrrtal In Ill•• .,.,.,,.., llvr •lut&.1 ' ·-- oOIPr 1~.. ..-I Utey bad ~nn ao ahort a Ume a«< Mrtl .Jf'lllf'rh Bodman. ~ret.ary Hay avrnuf'. on Saturday c~lebrat-l>lnwtur .. wu r~enlly ••1•1 to J /lr-1 """''" llr1C1" Pille ,.,.. ..,._ ••--·-------•_... --... -p. -bleb •-o--t..,. un-,u two wean. or •uppllll'fl llnnouncf'd • nHd for •d ht·r 11:\rd birthday annlveraa.ry ·r h••ottiiJI wh" Ia fut n u lnl th,. u l'llv tr~ _. .., ~ •.,... ..., ft .. .-••'"' " 1 • 11 t th Fr a l a bll lunrbl'nn A•••y Jriven by r1 ... f ... .-... ,_ ............. AD ~ .! .. r llpofiM,..hap of the loc&l DeU That INCh 1.1 lh~ CaM' I• con-ltlr 11 •upp •'• a e ilMH ~-.__. IIUit .. vl•lo•m·"• "' lhil •Jid IIUld· ha "'" r...,.,. --• .._. l4Ail wwdl -w•u-d tJM 1 1 1 ah 1 rl Paw 8C'b•)(ll for Olrla and hoe· h•r nlf'CI'. In Ch·n•laltt Thr Oal· »>Ark -. ._. -z:..__.._. .J 1uh_ an<Lt.b.e PIU"Vlt·Te.achu .... 1 ~~"~!X • ~'! . n . a co"!pa 80" rutltl _._.11 ... ·•t· ~ Oood -.1 btwl lll1ty: wh" Ia ,. ~e..-t favorill • ...-..---a 1 M• ....,_ _. --r---.onatton. aa located on 22nd et.reet or vot~ rept,.llon IUld popula---···· ... Mhl• "' !'It <""•r«" ('Hurt at II.P: """ ...... ..11. --~ ,.,.. ~ ,__, aty of-tn S.-wport tlon flcuna. noRrllan bn~tptlal In J>Jtoentx. M ... wtth h,.r frtrnolll, rK .. Iv Nl many 2111 ~: ('r•nlr~<l """""'" WIUI an HN ,._DAY S.Jt.&\'lt ftdal.. .... rill d tMt ta.r Itt-. --In 1H2, whlc.h wu not rvttn • t-:lxl~ ~rf'wlnnd,rtc.h•lrman or eplr· :;:nd~~<~n~ JC iflllrr':~~lln;r"~fl~~~ t>•ou •I th,. , .. ••k by thf' form,.r I ,,..,. ltout .. llr ,.1M; ._. ....... . tk Clltltft"a ... -. f1y -" fart.lt-prnhlentlal el~ctlon year then• 11 "" "· r<'JlO H on the World r• 0 ~'I"JlY ., .. • 1 uwn '"· 1\.to ""'I Mn A M Rolh• ''"""'' nl tt... ~;.,aJ ........... IIIII er C.. a lllllile alld a PllaJf a.cP~t· TO JS-4TA.LL Ot,.,CD8 wer~ 32U r~gtlltf'r~d v~l"re In l >:~y of Prnvl'r. ala~ Utat two th•· ncc.u lon. t:•·ry Th•· l""l"·rlv wu purC'hU· ~un Vall") l lal•" f·~ ..,.,. ,..e ...,. • lrUft" ~-Tlw W'ritn. ''"""IC•" f"tounly (•OUtt Amocl&-the City or N~port Beach With I m•·eUn«• Wt•rl' held IUlci 1211 at'lll ... I I\' Mt ftfl<l Mrw P: 1\fonn,.tt of ••. ,. ,., .... .,.,tt, "'"'.. , .. .,...,. II I t 1'1 8da ... I I h dq rt t•RJ\"ATF. ON t1"RIAU"utt .-... .., ~ to JftDAUI t••tn ,.., mf'e n<'x It' Y. -ar. • popvlatlon which bu lncre&M"d " ~a UR t nt. · M""'' rl')' I'Mk whu piiUI Ln op-(rum ••v .. , .... • .-,,., _,._... ... , __ ~ .....,.: :!1 a t !'C:.m·s 84-a Food car~ ln by at leut 110 IX'r Cf'nl lllnl't• that TwQ mPIII~fl wer~ Wf'leo~d l'vl 11011 Mra l'hlla p: t-:.•••r ... "''' lh•· ··•J.nhllahm .. nl. Mr and I"'''• by ...... lklllfl' tn !fuudaJ -- .... _.. wllat ,..,,!IM'CI to Ow ~•·AI &·a••h for lhf' pvrpc»e of llmt'. It mllht logically l>e ex-' In thP group. Mre. Jl'rank Psr-"' lto·o•lln~lol<' IIJ!"n' lh" w••••k •·n•l Mr• lt••l hiC'''Y· whu lllao rrwn a 11 11 .,~1 ... ,,. 1 :!II •l>t \ ''""~ ,_.. .._. fill ..,....to ~ ~ ml!l:a.lhng n .. w ly.f'll'cted ofncera. peeled that lhe city vole regia· rn.''l"r an•.l Mra. ll:lla Denny. Twen-~ h• r,. with Mr 11n1l M•• W r: h· nttllfttl """' .. ,., 11141 Miramar; "'IC '"" hu l,.uah tu •• ,.., _..,.... to Mft-.._ ._ lA • c1-jar Ttus "'"Ill bf' an Important -1011. tratJon would now be In the 1l)·four ""ml'n w~': preaent. Orumrtflrld 1,ltt\•'. will , . .,,.ltnu,. tu mak", thPir 1 t••n•II"''"'"Y at ,,. .. .,_. wtlldl a. alld • ~lJ IliAD ~, ••r•hn« l#J f're.uJent C A. Kill· n~lghborhood of 5000. Jnat.ad I( 1 -h.,,.,., 111 ll~;ttva•. It wu lndiC'at..d 1 s,., .• l h••l"'"' ~ dtc:illnly ~ ,_ 10 .,, as thco appointment of ~ h .. dt'cr~&M"d to ~te. I 1•1111 hn!W ,,, th,. I)Jltlmn apart-M• f(.,,.,,, II• "'"'' nu ""'-• ..am,.._...-a.........,._ rr:'IJOr comm1tt..,.. will be an-At eo.ta M-a almUar eltu· P.~JI. 111•11aa "' 1111 2:tr<l •tr,.,.t by Mr tit .. S <o\V f••• .. ,.,, \••r• ........ ~ ID..,. ,._,.-.crap looll n•~Unr...t Kf'mbl'f11 of tJwae Ull'ft atlon prevaillt. ln the face of .I ·--8 ••• ,.llfl~~ "' t M•~ '"'" Rl•hllrtla n f til l"'''"':-; .. ...,,.,,. •I""'C ,..,... _,,, ~ _. tJw --·" a... a4itc1 .:•• Uf"! ,.,n bo' oll'l.-,;atH to the vully lncrt&M"d population •nd a ... G-..JI'IaU .. , :l:••h •lr•~ '• wu ,...nal~d thla •lilY• .. r lh• ".,, at.o ... ld t7tw nnot ..--.._ • •--•-and !'tu·lv of tht' pmpolf'd alate beaeb ~bool ~nrollment which durlnvl "' 'k Mr "'''' Mrl R•l•·h Mil· , .. , ... ..., .... , ... , '" , ... ,.,..,pt-1 ... .., -~ -z "3 ... rt d H t ~ " V"trtn« •n ~loquf'nl pl<'a tu dllzrna •tf lh,. S•·"'l"'" llhl r Mft Ck lllmC o1 • ~ calabn Jl3r k twt•A'<'*'n ••"WJIO lUI un • th~ .....,t two ye•rtl hu IIOar~d to • h• 11. '"""''' ""'n"rtl of the pr<tp· lhr P'oulb f ...... t '•• .,..._. ~-,_.._ _. .... b th pro..._.. lnd··-,.-hur rt rt•n lo aav" tb~lr nl•l n••w"l'"l'"r" rtnll ntnl(ll7.ttlt "'"' l ut ll -•• nr-. ~ ktad of .. _... lnL,.,n orll<: : f' · .~~ -· ataag,.rlng belghta, the IH2 reg · • tlv. "'" "''"'" "''Inc a t Onla.rto 1111: "" th• ~><••' h· a. .. d ,.., • ..,. •A t•t"l bar ... •r rnr th• SuA-\ a-al lhrm In 11.1 an aid tn t .. -wnr r tf•trl, ('ltttl"ltl"n l il t" 1111 1\ II illS" ._, ...._-· ' "" · ~ ·--~ la.,_tlon ot 2673 hu drop~d to ,,.. •· .. 1h• ro· ~ft llf•t•·hl'll Ia a clviiiiUI I!""'"'' rr••' •Ia-t.out .._ ..... ~...,..,..a-la-'-m.oa--R··,.,.h l'lr""· ""''harbor lawx u 2187. according to the lateal re· Rnu~1··11" aald todlty, ··ou, J"l> h••r•· Ill h"m•·" '" "'' ull '"'·"' "''"'" lll•ltu•l••r II Ia undf'r l,,.,,,y ••••h•••l ,.,,,.,~., .. ,.,.,. ,,._ ..,.._, ........., ... ! lh•·y rt'lat~ to Oranp county. port from tht' county clerk"• of-lhlnKil "''' can In ordl"r tn •h•n t•·n lh•· ""'"' Th•· "'''"""rt ''' ,., .. ,,1 ""'' lh•· II"W ,wn• ... will "''' Nt"'" that h• •• ,,, .... .-. • • • AltYillll't' rew~tklna may be flee. nur ··•·n trlbutlnn towttrd lnaurlng A(loofllllflo· "''1'1•11•" Ill '"" ·~. nry 1111•· "'"' .. r the proom~ , .. , ... , ..... •I ·-........... "I""' ... , ... . .. .,......... m~ by phoning the ..cret&ry, arruNI !torr~•• may w~ll ntf'IUIIl r" tbr """ 11t "''''•'Y """ l u Ht•vrrlll '"'l"•rlltnt realtS..nlt•l llltl• '" ~"" V•ll•y 1-uoc ·-.&.....,... H•rry Wf'kh. at 18t8. N A I Sh Rh nrt1·n the w•r on~ cay m•y m.-•n that th••IHaltnola ,, ,.111 ltnn""'''"ll~ w .. ,,. rompl"t"d dur· """' k wtt ll" ...... ,,11: ,., taw ...... I ..... ., I ..... trytiiC. r• . ew ppare op lloya n~'•·d not die. ,, I lilt th•• I'""' W<•<•k . by thf' ft (: ....... , ... , 1\.o """ u.r mlllfw1- _.. • 0 I I ...,.. TMI I ed Conditions Slated to Open '"\\'1' f'X~t that lhla city will not only ,,,, , •• rllll ah8tf' "' l'arkrr rrllll\ ''"1""· u.-lnelud· 1" "•"' 1""0 flnc.-n .......... flllf ~ 111e ~ llf't JCar ply· mprOV 1n1e ""'' •of Mra 8 J Howtkr· W11 J.to.ul• llr I• ..,,.,...,..... "1 , __. ftJiill!f1 .. "::kit Sldta ..rftnDC Soa•bf for Workmen Announc~ment that • women·• thl' ::.nnn'l ';k, but lmmf'alurably mor•· .. II .h .. ll • .,..,, ... "' ifl4 VIa P.ldo Nord. lhr l(nuth ..... ~ ...... ,.., _.. ,...._.~-to..._ t1UD ctDta'1l l!'t 11p0rt.wear abop 1.1 to Opt'n about " lln al to th~ paprr aaiY&Jf' ramplll.:ll Mr Jtuuu •· ' whtrh ,.,.,.,. I''"' h .,...tl hy r.aJll and '""''"• tn N• .. , .... t ...._ .., .....,.. ..an.c ~I AI HorTath. •klllf'd mai1JM April 1 1.11 thco CrHn bulldlna al iJUOuo·tl lhll followlnc lugcnllnllll \1na llnl Mmllh. rorm•rly of aMIIa -raanl,.r ,.mploy~d by the llouth J787 N~rt boulevard, wu K•·· I' poete<l on thr day your C'll Y lrlll\h •·••II•·• '''' r •unr• lluu•t"n. T"x Th,. lmllha will F..A.NTFA& \A« ATilt~ C ~ ~ 11111 ~ t>-c,. -fk ~ f"•>3Jit Cn . w&ll ~k elect!-t.o mad(-thla morning by William and t<roun•l Md put your newapaprr1 anti ma,;:IIZin•·~ r.ut th,. •In\ ,,.., ... ,w th .. rrrmiHI f:,..,.t, r ,.,,, ••••'" ·• el•t"tt f#l ......., ~tin rr.IIV lboa v• •• ,., '""'-' h RIVf'i'llh... \'flt.tiiiC t•oi .. A •.nd lt-.1 ~ tk oe~ lliCII' tMt lw tb .. ~"lty COUMII on a platfonn ol June• Kin«, brolbere, wllo bav~ ho r .. r .. hf' I• du,. T l,. lhrm In bunoJI•·• "'"'"' ,.,.. 1•1(•1 thl• k n K Blur "' N....,pnr1 Hf'lj(tlla -_.....,. -:a ~ . ...-.p~JI"'.! tw-{\"r ~tnv,.mmf'nt for the city ope,.ted a llmllar ut.bll•hment /\ny nd•Ullonal Information may boo obtaln•·d by phctnlnl( N••w hu• ""''' hla propoorty at tiUII wMdl ..,.,..,,. • 1'11 of Olirlp.l •nd tmrro\"C'd rondillona for flab· at J.AcUna Be•c.h for the put p••rl k"L • ~""'" A ntt aw•""" '" Mr. and & ..-caa ...r tJ'P". 1W e-'~ ... m .. n. clltlnl'ry labor and .aatp-three y~ara. ()1•1 newlpa~nt and m•gulnra wtll b<, IMk•·CI 111, b)' th•• Mr~ ·'""''"" I• ftavta who hiVe ..... .... .... : yard workf'rtl. hf' announced UU. The n~w ~op will be managcod It h~lt . ,,JIC'ctor on lh•· ,,ll.,wlnlf •l•v• Mr H~ouul'll" old h•'"" Uvlng t•mf11Jr•r1ly at the • • • mnm lnc by Jun~1 Kin«. who bu movf'd Rlai•·Y !'nurt nn Broadway. Kr. A WI &'I' )fr Hnn"llth alao reveaJN that her. with bl.l Wife &lid Will r.• t•••nl-· alld II&Phta I from 7lh Alr-~-<·ol Y llhrary I'll I< I I Ill VIa WU rnrml'rly I'OftMoet.<l MJW hf' h.u tJHn • reatdalt ot New· atde at &11 B&Jbola 1tr.et. Ac· '" J"ll \'I Moqday IUid ,Thur•day. wl~ho Th'"'J Rnhln"• P'ord pr..re In -Ollftl't. wtte ._ a little p<ort &ach far 22 '"'"-beta« cordtnc to Mr Kln« It l.a plann~d r.-t N...-pon ·alld ·s .. wpa>n 17th at rf'e.l WHI to :tiJlh 11 1 Nf'WJl<.l rt but Ia now In tiM em· _. __. die c:tty ,..,..._ ~ .. mployf'd ln u.e boat buJldlq 1.11· to op<"n 1n Um~ to .ccommod&t. Tu•·IW1AY IUld P'r1day. rlny CJI Dourtu Aircraft. OM o1 a ~ a. ....,. *'· •·• -tu.try for tltl.l et~Ure perto4. He U.. J:ut.er trade. A full Une of ",..t Newport ,30th 1trf'f't Weal to 81Ulla Ana nvnt W~· lb. t•arkf'r \ota on 1"\ower .u.el ...,_ 11111 '-'F. ~ a .... ,_. '>WNI lUll home at .. AJa.o ave-lMI•"a IIJIOrUweu. blouaee. et.c:~ "''"'1"Y IUld Saturday h..a ~ .. n purr hued by llr and ... ,.._ IMfY ~ • nUl'. S~ Hetpt.a. .. mar• w1ll be atoc:ke4. Mn1 J'k>nnl,. Mnore of llroa.d Ill., ....._ A _. pi A .._. riM. IUid ~ father ot a youq Ra.l..,_ l•la• •ad ..,..._. Clay. Monday IUltl 'nlurad•y "lt•Wflllrt Helpta. 1lta '-.... ~ tJw faTW. ~. Ardtle. CIIICL& IIIZ'IINO I!II:T fl•rt.or Ia..,.., Mondlly anrt Thunlllay Mr and Mn ltldtarit Ce.noft a.ny __.... .. 10 .._ ...,_ A cJaarter member and form-Balboa r.land circle w .s_c.s. A~ F.AIIt tAt t 'U)· y.,.llt ANello,...,., Dally •rr M~nUa have purcbuf'd tlte -......... • f"lllllt ~ IIIII ., f)ff'lc .. r of Newport RJ~rt)or wm mMt next Tu"lld~ty, Mur h ("nru• df'l Mar, Tul'aday and ,.riii•Y w R W<t<ldll property at stu ....... llal .-....r .., ..-t at Toni,_ C hambn of Commerce. 21, at UM Wiley hom•. 216 Apo· l..klat lale, TIJPttday IUld ,.rlday. "lrwpnrt boul~vard. Mr. Oareon • 1 7.. ~ ~~ .. M • which dlllbended lllortly alter lena avenue, It wu annnunrPd to 1 >Ill IV t PU f'Jll Surtdll y t ,.,ll .. ••ll,n In NI'Wpor •nu "tlh•r of Tom Caraon. ,.,...,. ; ~ ~--oMallWd a the outbreall or wart. Mr. Ror· day by Mn1 H•rold r ink-' MPrn· Jlulh"R Jaland bu.w1ne,.. tll~>lrtr't.ll ,.,,rt &11rh htJIIn-miUI. Ray W~y .adl _. ...,. Ma pap to -,.til .t•tH that he 1.1 aJao a ben .,. uked to come at 11 M \flnnl11 hu 110lt1 hi• '-"• prop-Mr R,.aa .. 'll•· r~commrnlk'<J that •·tty realdf'nla clip thl1 2 7 u .....__, _ _. 111art ..._ ~ "'"'mbl'~ of Coata K-.H--.rt L m., followlng which Mndwlrb· • ~tty at 1 5 n~rt ..,,......._ .. --,.., •• II• dulr IUld k t tn 11 nn.lPd ln thC!\r ••-•e or other C'Onvf'n· M d M J _.__ .. __ _ -....,.., '-dl Gllll. ~ 1kn "hrhnr UOM dub. Banta Ana Nand ta wtll be •rvf'd •t nonn r ""·---In r an re · • ._. .... ~. '-' ,_ ._, ~ tiD .........,.. lk11 "1 I"() E and JubOM 11a1on1c Red ere-....nne w1U occupy UM '' n\ location wM bav .. been llvtnc at n• A-. ._ ............ •a*'-7••f 1.e4p., ._.. ~ ~ C&do ~tnK , rrl•·t• hant, .,,. •• ,,. .. 'a"C •• .... . riiiJI nf Vtoll!hful • • I• t ... JI\e ...... . l:lnnlnft nr111 14UII'lloY lb __ .., Jun lflr t•••II.,.ICr """I th.l• .,..., ~ hr•l" ""Y.&flir f' .,...,.... ~ 10•1lh f(l t•atrl• If"• lleJ -f ... In• 'M•n,.h ,. NumM'QIM lftquln. llle.-. al r"ady IJHon ,...,....,,..., I~ ftt-- elttf' twtya ant'l ct..,_ f•tr ......., .,. '"""moda' "-...,, --·~ , ...... htNalnl fllbtw1Ar. · • ..._ UltrP ,.... that can 11r ,,,......., ta..-. .. c .... porary "C'..urt.,...... •...n.n ,. ••- 0\CH A~IC t~ .......S too"CIII lancllor* tiM ~ ,...... hriUlta -.n ..,It,. ~ ta _,.._ llf' trw a ..,....., w .,..... ,... "mot,_ It Local ----,_ • ICondiNinm..r--....... t-w-114!'DIIala .... .._,..... ...., .......... t ..... l -... .. ,... c. ar~ on lni 'rm . ·-I Ui- -~ ..... :: ' 'e -..... ~ ....... .-... -.~ ....... .... -~ --~ . .__ ,., ....... ~--_..., _. ..... ., .-a.. , .. _ ·--... ·-......... --,. ·---.,.. n.-.. ... ....... ..... L.,... ..,_,., .. ....... ... .-. -tar ..... ............ ....... _., .. r.,.,.... .., .. ~ ......... ~~ . _, .. _ps ..... ..... . .., __ ...,.., .. , .. _ ln. L • '"'"" • ,. t\ Ptl .. • "r r ft. . '""'"' ,., . ..... , a .... £ -. ,..,., .... Dowt .... ~ ..... , ....... .... _. .... .. ...... ,... ......... . ....., ....~ c .... ,... _ ... on. ........ ..._ .... ..... ... .. ._., . .-.... .. .._ ... a. ...... ....-r 011- ~...., .. ...... .. 'P; .. ,.,_ ... .. ...,: .... -.-..raur Ebell Book Sectio '"""'---~o,.._f ~gnant lelaJ •-I Mn. W. D. MC'nc-kc-1 wu to tlw book IW't"llon of tt dub at her harM, 18 &y at their monthl) mf'<'l 'ftlunday. "Strnpolt" by RDtM>n jt Sfwn by. Mr~. E D ~ ttw poii:JI&nt. forreful ''Th• Not Slt't?p'" by Ll'lanli Silo CDn'f' jJOndc-nt nnd nOvf'h sfvm by Mnt S.•Jtlf>n. In w author lltrt><tM's th1'rf' l"Hr ' .-p few thMe who ~;nw· II metUUn.> of lk-vot10n unl•·l- honw Uve up tn our rl"'pc,n IIOW ond m th•• Jlf'lfll ·w11 r " At ttl(> ciOIW tor the r~vlt wu lt"JVI'd ll)' lh~~ 8!1'-l'-l' Thrift Shop Wor~ At Silverado Cab Ml"$. f'n'<l .I C'~tllt'l "' I 81lt'r18lnl'd Thrtrt Sh"l' .. tw-r cabin in Slh .... ulu oa Mnnrl!ly A!thf'ul:h t .tonn follf*r'<l th1•m 1111 th lulh, CJ'('('n sprtng f,fl,•t.:t• wild n ow••rs ""''' •• 11 1 h yty~J' by CUD I rAAI \Uili U akk>s. 1llose c>n jn) 101: th~> t111 r.cn-E F. floutl•n• u · &.ct-. llcnT'Qn Jftlm•'r, .1 h Rftd. II. W g,."~Pr. \\'tJOo M.yer and 1~ ho!ltnJ<. UNDER NE LA BEAl MILDI MESAL lai~N ........ Bh PHO INCREASEr POS GOES INTO 1 A•ailable Now TIEY' TIEY'IE 'Tht-.'•t . Rationed /.. LADIES', l MEN'S SlOES BIRROI IEPIITI 0 _.,. • -e> 'a still hope that CoogTMI bu an ear to the • ~:an recognize a rumble of righteous indigna· 1. r it ia reported that a quat body ia working diU· n:t:• on a aimplified incoiD! tu law. ----·---- ' ·. , 'l:ne uya "Ru. Reach Bug ruv~r" in th~ir pu.sb to dri\"t the Nu.ia out of Ru.ia. (Wooder why they didn't , :11 ; : · !C Bugovitcb or Bugo+ialri I. Anyhow. eo me body ~loCJul 1 ;>•:t a bug in Hitler'• ear and t~ll hinf" hiJI invincible llnniea are getting ticked every day by the Redl. ----·---- Time wu wben the &nticipatiou of an expectant mo· ther wf're wbiapered Ollly to mem~n of the family and Intimate womeo frtenda. Nowadaya if a movie star expects a caU from the Stork 8even or eight ,monthll hence the dally papen announce it under 36-point headlines. ----·---- The tlcht for rovemment control of th<• practice or mediCine, or ..-IIOdallt.ei! MedlclM,"" fOCI merrtty on-tn "COD· ·n-1\8. lt is nne of the apokeA in the wheel of nb110lute re~i­ mrnt.ation. to 't'hich federal bun>nllr rata would lii~t every l•'t rr .-very dtisea from the f • .. to the graw. The aver- ·~ Amf"rican who baa any apunk would rather hire hlfi 0 1"1"1 doctor--aDd fire him, too. if be want.ll to. ----·---- ''''"" ~ynolda (N.C.) and J ohneon-!Colo.) have 1 hill~ to appropriate 35 billi<ln dollars for' sol- -I ~ Without arguing about the value of a sol- ;~ to hi.a country-which cannot be m~uured In dnl',n and cen~we wonder if tb~ able I?) ~natora h11• • .. ,.,. 'rlea where the money ia to come from. How long ran ttw noodgate. bold ~ wUd inOatlon if congreu i-,..., '"'"'~rYPriate in aUJDa ranging from 10 to 100 billionl!l •• • • A "''Venue lft .uma of 2 billiona at a clattc>r? A tittle h ,,...r 'l'nM would help the •ttuatJon in Waahington. ----·---- Th" income tu, which wu long advocated by the p,,n11li«~ts and Bryan Democrats u a method of making ! ~,. n "h ~pie pay a bil proportion of the coet of gov- ernment. could not be put on the •t&tute booktl until the ... nn~ltntJon wu ameDded to permit. tbia form of ''unequal tl\utJ(1ft" But ·the IDe.reuinl demand• for revenue &nd m.ore revenue baYe made lt a "people'• tu." It is et~timated th:tl fifty mJUlon people will file income tax returns this vttar F.-..-ery per801l who recelvea 1\'\0re than bare 11ubeist · r n~ wilt haft to"contribute to the federal treuury. Though the rich Uld the well-to-do are paying more than e\·er bt'- fnre (in eome ea-. more than ~ per cent of their gTOM iricomel the bulk of the tu will come from the "small fry." ----·---- ----·---- - K. 1' • .....-.DI:IUCK CA'1 .. K P. Fredenc:k, for J0 ,_.. •uburba.ll editor ot 1k ..... a.•ach ~-T~ died -..t· •lrday at 8t. l&ar)r'a ~ Ia L..tlnlt Beach follow._. .. _..... ·d llh'IO'U. llr. Freclerick ..... - Nell luiOWtl ID taP ....,__ - wbere be bad freq.-nUy •" ' 1 ·tV1c funcuona, came 1.0 o.lllw• n1a from Uncoln. , ~ ~ .._. h•· wu llt&t~ ~~ ol * ...... coin Jollrtl&l. H.1t1 write. ~ and a 110n, Wayne. ~ ~&Cl'IUTY AW.&a8 4IIYD t'I"('M'ot.aUon ot ~ x..u..-1 S•·curtly AWah1 bu ...,._ .... W Thr Pacific T~ ... TeAr- graph Company aDd ltl ........ uu1H. the SoutMn Od:S Ma Tel .. pbone CompUIJ, aDd Door.,. Teh•pbone Comp&nJ" ot ~ • um-~ &eMJ. Th!' award~.._­ ure1 tbe companktt aaa-taaMa W protrd tb~l.r plant.a aDd ~ Thi'IM' m~ l.aChlde ,._.,.. tblng that could 1 My • don" t o .-aft U..t lac::Oit* ... f'<'r.oDIWl an ani~ al • ltm•·• to bandltP tllte ._.fill Door l'r.unlr)' unck-r war «<DddtiDIM,. • ~·u ll&te4. ~t!IIAIIT •·oau~ IP'OOLa .IAft Stanley r...u-. til IIIII l"Ow~M-t-.­ Coun~r. telllt ot a la4y Ia Will r ommunJty '11r1to ... ~ rrom u.e OrieDt -.... Qa 'e a h and c-a~ home willl a -~ 10lurv It -wllelt ~ --captur.-d by tlw 1... .... ..,. 1120 In Bank ot A~ ~ ,.,... chf!Cks--«<ld tittle f'a.e. ~ 1 n~t t.M I ape would canfttlocall - r hi'C"U . and not cltJIIriiC w --c-- lribut«-.. to tllte lap N-Olr*l'. •he ~ tlle ~ ..W numben tn her BUlle ltJ -._. provtiN'CI code. tMB ......_. * chf'Clul. Arter ....,.tnatJoa .., r allf'd on ~~~ ~ .,_... •)f the ba.nlr•a tlnDdl tB ~ mnnt. pplnW Gat certaln,...... I'll In h,.r Bible wtaktl ,_ ... a. r hl'<'k numbfon. and lfO( ._ - ,.y back tn t'UII. Jt"a • .._ ~ ,.j,.r o.-daya wbo c:8ftia tnY· ,.,,.,...~.~- Relriatntlon of voten ln Califomla haa drop~ off more than a mllllon aince the lut atate election. although the pooulatioa of the .tate hu increued more than a mil· lion tn the .ame period. While moet of the loee in voting !'tren~ h is attributed to the abittlng of workers and the , .. ,.. .. ..., r-f nno-dtlleo employees of defense planta. Wt' think ; ,.,.~ of it ia due to indiffenonee on the part of pt"'· .. ,,. who are e11cible to vote if they want to do ao. It is an · · ~ cu.tom to "rai8e hell" with the gon•mmf'nt u t.h.lng11 are not com« good, but ooee the citizen gt>ta food under h1a belt aDd folding money ln hie poc~et be becomes quite tnditfereot about the doinga of his public ~rvanta '111 the way from city ball to Wuhington. We forget which one of our earlJ ltat r aakl it, but he aaid a mouthful !MD be wazMd that tbl peatelt danger to t.hla ~pubUc :.....S .-,_ .-. ... borden &Ad DOt h'oaa out8k . - ,.or I ._ • ' z awL _. ~ Pft ale meat. I wu t.llinty# aDd ~~ .,...,. ~ .._.: I ... a .t.raapT. aad y~ tAJoc* .w ... ""Xabd.. aa.t ,. datMd -.r: 1 --lliek. aad ~ rillited tar: I tra_~ m rn--.1 ~ a.r ..to ~-" -... lmRT:Jdl • ~ taft claw it ..to oar ol • 1eut rl tJiew ~~~~~:aft .. it _,.., ~ .. All of tb-...... .... ..... .... • ... -.... boad- • of .._.,,lc3t • 80C phjsiuJ.. lleaJta aft buapy ....... •~ dlanty. In--s ~~ ad..,.....,.. for wut of lrW+z • aM ~ 1ittJr ads of WI Witte.. ....,. ~ dftDaiJy .,. .., ............. aJ.tnc.. ~ -'m tilt ~ for cw p-+ • • daily iD oar ean" TbW'Iday, Marab 11, 1~ 0 OD avaml -Off . aoain I The rain ud the aun are docLPuo each other all the time-but you don't b.•e to dodge around to find the popular Ocean Front Market and our fine MEATS • GEO. TAYLOR, Owner I 2110 Ocean Front *1J.p,...,. 6 3 3 RADIO IBBVICB HOWE • AUTO • MARINE RADIOS REPAIRED MARlin ELECTRICIAN BUB-rB.IIORifO. PlloDe 2417 1111 Cout Highway NEWPORT BEACH Elegant Gifts Diamonds e Jewelry Pearls • Watches e Clocks Silverware e Dresser Sets ~ At H. R. Trott's Sycamore at Fifth Street SANTA ANA Phone 5€18 BUY U.S. \VAR BONDS! MORTICIAN ~nrolb ~-{tjraurl "w, Oarsell'u tlu • Beitr·r Srrt:e bv Sen..· ina Otlter• But." fiHDN~ NI[WfiDitT Sit! • I 10 BROAIJWAY, COSTA MESA Caipets, Rugs and Upholstering CLEANED A COWPLITK UNE <;>F FLOOR COVERINGS fOR YOUR REQUIREMENTS LDDLUII CAJUIET WOBBI SANTA ANA 1622 S. MaiD St. ('AMfiAS C. ~~! Frnm call.fornia ~ ....._ •----------------------_.. n.. r-Ab ill Cic-of womm to the wiiiDiac of thia ;=:===::;,;:============:..:;:==; W'U' U. EQ W -..iy.,. W"OIIIm•s OWD great uc:rifiees of tlwir ...tolk. tlllir lfiluft aDd t'OQIIf.._ .-Jy feminine fWrioptiiEL ... .. CONRAD SHOOK CONTRACTpR AND BUILDER COMfiL.IETE 8UIL.OtNG SERVICE I"Ha,..~ Nh:WI"altT 10~4..1 818 MAaiHO Ave. I". a. 8a• :I at &At.&aA tat.ANO, CALl,.. -· llllllllrlcl llunllllr Ca. WALTD I. SP1CD. OwMt ••••o•'l' •••c• ................. ............ ---••••• ,. 1110 .. • r .. • Tbunday, March 16, 1944 LICSMSEO ~STATE 'BROKER AU Jonu of UfiUUMCI. .... ~>epoau Boa••· Melarr hbllc:. llall• L l•dltlr 302 MaiD, Balbo. "Let Jack Do It " ROSSI CAFE a.-.,..,._ Flae Food Cocldallz PASSPORT PHOTOS 1 Hour Service 0... t :IO A. ti: · 8:3 0 P. M.. I PIX ll .... MACK 'S PENNY ARCADE 100 MAIN STR.EE'T '-l Balboa Pier) BALROA --. . . NEW f(JitT ·RAU~A. PRESS Pap 3 ..... c •••••• "rlule ............ ....... IL••otc.. ~~~~·· ....... D . , .... , .• ~\\'ork \V. Cltatioa for I!" r~omou.y ~ _.. ---....... Ilk .... •I warttmoo •rvit'f' ..... T a ..... ._.arrn I 'ahf-la Ecb,eM X \\'~k-Loag Mluiun WW Be He'ld Ben- ·~nlng Swaday ft,.,. f'athn Jub.n Clu111M. 0.11.1 will l'<tndu~·t a mlMion at 0\lr IA4)' uf Mount Carmel Olurch. N-· port s.-a,·h. ~1\J\1"-rwoat Run·! ol")' Man:h u•. and· endlf\1 Sun· Jay. Mard1 2t. L«'turH ~a11na , "'ll h thr •k>l'tM..-and pra<'ti<'HI ··f th<' 1 'atholh' ~hurt'll 111•111 ~I lo.''l''"" l'ao·h event"-at 7·30 o't'lOC'k, I h<' t•lkl twin, oren to both Catholt,•a an.t non·t'llth<llt<'l ~ J'a· I lhf'r Culhna t. a ml•hmary ''' "'hlr I!XJ'f'rlent-e and hla l«'t'hlrH _ ....... .. "MRB'f YOUB II&VY" 1 to t~ polla at tM Mq ...... 1 man~. It wW w ........... ......., ... ,_ nf nornln.aUD& - elusion oft U. ....... ballot. Nov. 7. ... ... ....... The JecW&t.ft btn .. d the AI.W\IR rnanee ., Ulolre .....aJ7 --... Mq .... ..... .. ..... ror ove.._ .nice ballou IUid wou tD -.. ... IMW.. ' ''ll'CUon. ' Electora lD t.M ~ .......... ... orlal dialrict, '""=" Har bor IUid ODilia ..... fill • ..... .... ---rac.·d v.,t.b u. 4lllt)' only one OOUDlJ Cllft'klfr l!'r court jucfce. ......... ............. ,_ ft I _,_ Ilona will ~ open Su~nor Judc"e ~ will hav .. no oppcw 0. .... ·-~-..... ...,. ... ond offkoe, tlllat - p.·nor Ju.Jce Ra,_. -a woU be aoucllt by w.a.--- . J-L.O. lk•nt and Out.. Arty _____ _, \'Ia. J~ ft I nttom .. y of~ r~o~ntf'd to t.M p.c -.... ... ~-, .. ...,. ... t 0 fill t.be Y'IICUM7 do•a UI ol Juctp G I[. .... Sau-.1 ClletlnS .1 •• Two alah·a of ~ ... ..... Oloolk la_J .. I7J• -' otb. r ,.I~IMt'al utll· ,_ ,_ Ow ---G. ~ • 0 a.-K.D a t1y 10 r .,. Uu. '·otllt-ut ttl.-na - ttlla. ._ .._n b. •·· '"" In " 11'1'· na1 dtadOn (,.., < 'hl\rlH A C~>f· ... L•••• • nn r • '"';"-.:. •natttutt\11\ ••· :l~ 12 ,.,...,.. ,.,.., b)' Ulr G<'n· -~ ~. ...... ... :IIP'Tdl , -.-r.~pt 2 • ~ ............ ........... ...... •• Sst- rraJ a.ctrit' wn.p&n \· to "ncour· ap ... ~d IIIIUIIUal achl\'t'• _.. • UW "IKin•ul ln<.luatry ....... ~ .._ r -nt vf thr award wu "'" t='C~¥t4.fiil'e> _,. lnterHtln& • ,..... , O• -.a.-.-...._o --. ...... 111 .... .., Orutd Sll<'~· a prHI· !r :t Oil 04-r ... rrJ t-:t.·N rh:. IUid t e..ur-ol UW bu~~t I nf truah• ... ~, o.--,-. La I' a • a ft•*•tc• F .._,., ,._ • ..._ 1'4 UW r-<latton a nation-wick .u-J ...... t.-......... ~ aa.t 8U!idll\' .... • ~-a-.......... ..,_,.. Willi ul'lpr••• •odtonlf'<l olto• 0 X 114•6Jnnlnc 8\fnday, Man:h H ""'' rndlnJf 8unday, Apnl 2, hr will ··on•lur t ~>nr wrc-k'l ml .. le>n "' ~~ J••lm \'lllntwy l'11un ·h nn tt .. tho•a 111111rut wllh l•'<'turu t() be "''"''n «'llr h r\'l'nlnl( at 1 30 ,~·<'tcw-k 0 ~ ... J 11 1111 ,._ maJIIdll. ... "IKtrlt· ll&ht an.l _.. ~ ....... ~~ ~ry 1\..., mf'\ """r)' ntaiMTIAN MC'O:N('T. ..... ..... . •r ,.......,.U.MI '"'I"'"''"""' with· .,, ... , &nd woth.out Impair· 14F.a\'1C"T.'4 IN UDO TRI:ATil& .... ...... .. , u .... .... o-.. ..... ~ ~ II• .... u ron • ·- • .. -.-t ., ,.,.... .. ~~,~ ~ to tttf' I ... n .. t <'tlurrh of nu1•t. 8cll'n-............... pullbc. ~ tM n t.toun r,.ad "T1U• 1 oat !ll"WI'<H t O...,.h, announ~• ___ t~o~..,nn rznt m~n~ tl\f' •rprKia· th")' 111'111 h••l<l th•lr wm<"H. tK>· -,_ ... ..a1 of A no,.~ tnd\.11-1 . ..._. o. '--7. ~" ...,. _, (b.. "nttr" nation .. ~o:ln~tlnlf tlhrd1 12tld. '" the Uoo ·,., mC-c en tho.-award, Mr th .. atrf' ~ ~~ &, A t liliw._,.. .... : !'\unday ••·hoot •I II :10 a 111 .,..__ ......._ .....,.. ...-arllabl. war Job JM'r· ~unday ... n ·lc-f' at I I " m W•••l· OVD KIC A IVIftY rfti~AY AT 9 P. N I ThLa proqrea le put oa by Hall Brot , ••It••• ol the lamoua ALL .. Aiel ...._C.... •• ,.-Db)ilay YOUR DIALIR NEWPORT SOUVENIR AND GIFT SHOP 2102 Oc .. " Fre"t, Mew...,t a.ech TELEPHONE OPERATORS NEEDED Servicemen ond War Worker• are all depending upon our girl• at tbe •witchboarc:Js. Good pay while learning and regular inc reuse• ~ I 57 I ,......,. .., • ""'"'"'• ~lf'<'tnraJ nraday T ... tunontal nl4'f'llnr: 12 11111167. -..sa All& '_,....we """" n~o•rttJI lhla M• "!'lock ftO<\n SOUTHERN CAUFORNIA TELEPHONE CO ~ -.L taa.-. If ~s-tr" ..,.._,., ahf>uld '"'" r.adlnlf nlC>no kx'atttd a t 71 I • Dllln:iaa • ... l'boet"n to altftad a&NQV.rl!l ftnd DemocraUc -u-1 Ill--•• a n--.... : a., t atl • t1 at ... t••• """'or t.oo lair. t-:ut C"ntral a~nur, Halbc>a. Ia ._. • ~ ~ .. rr .... 1.11 would ••J't'ft dally from I p. m. tn & p A-' '=-* ...... Or-.tu:Ut aa • .,...,.,,,. VItal ma· rn .. c.ort l'lundaya and holiday. ..-Y ---.... .. r.ut ·-· .. ~ .. lwna In Cbka&'o tJUn Republlca.na ~ ro•n and M Dealoera a fourth term ' o-w-a ... , sr -= ,..._...ad""' mnttonl4'• Mil· naUon&lly obaerved. }QO E • B A Balboa ...._,, f-.......... W•>ultJ ~ f'O&d Ttlf' ptJblll.' t. COI'dlalJ)' lnv1lf'f1 • ay ve,, c::1J* ....... OW· and .. ..n. ~knut would ~ I n altf'ntl Ula ~rvft'H IUid UIM' 7 I ..... ,_ ...,_ ftlt. PI 117.,_: FrAnklin D. "-' I ..... -~ a. ~ tedual UML ~ ~ ......_._ en.za All& . •l:•tr• for lhla diatr1et .._ .. 1 I Z'k ... -.L '" • k nomlnaUoD at ~ ~ D •w: ._ L <=--. prlmtlMea are: pt• 'ks. ....,_L......._, Pta. ... 7'-._ L a.a.. ·,~ a.tn.L ...... ~ .... -....... ___ .., ________ _ Post-War~ Subject of A..._. . ~ ····-··'linn•. Ry Ferrill W•ke'q IA lll lJA ·CALIFORNIA Otnu:n ON IEO~DAYII PROFESSIONAL CARDS NEWPOaT BEAt'H - DR. C. J. CARTER .,. ..... ftoof1-t'1at.-.. 8peetaUJ ~~ Phone tr.2t l-Newport Bh·4., e-ta M""a Dr. M. D. Crawford OPTOts&T8111T -- .,_ SX&mlnod Ol&Mee Fitted -P'tlone 2430 1Tt'T Newport noulrvard OOSTA MESA Zone Therapy Clinic Meclkal MaaMJN &wecllah M-It"· Ryclro 'J'Mrapy \'apor ....... • •••• marlllhlm Zonc.-Th ,t :;l"'"tlllllll BalliUR lnD Rldr;. licensed Veterinarian ....... 0 llrtr\J F,..t ..... .... .ua.nl ........ 0.. • ,..,. -~ U\ U.tlal 1arp and ~ ANIIIAU .oAaDIJIIG-MftlllifO CB&PBL lly«M IBJl .. •oana•• 410eo-t ... CORONA DIL lfA8 rftit .tw ~ ta.n.t lhtt f'f'adlnl' room, -OR ra:. :a~·"r!:n: f~!:!\ova..or. ~~om Sl+i N. Main St.; Santa Ana ,.,...._. •• procrur .. t ,.. In lhf' yf'ar I But we ba'N pleety ol UMM at Mfor. t.M .., wtth • minimum the ..._ PMt Dolt Pn-.. A ~ilabil!tY Certilico~-R_-cru.!~ "-o1 alulWd • onri•>Y ... to the 1 ~~~~&n•l ·~~~~~~;:-~·:~:·~u:':'~~==·~-:~:.~~=====~~~:::::=~~~~~=~=~~~ arnvd ~ ,,,.,.,. has n4'Vf'r l ........ ld& ,., , .... '"'" .. Many J U.\JI'r rrf'flltj,nt ot ,.., .....,... eoot !'IOn) ~lalf'<1 upon .....Cone.t-. of th,. IOWard I "-"' a pa.rt of lhp rl .. lln t' ltpt an.l ,.,.-n tadwotn In thr l 'nltf'll Sa"" Wt' ol U... Edlar>n rom· peny ..,....a.tr 1 h: rumpllmt!nt NW\1""" ~ tllr \'li.Arl,.. A Cof. na F ikltcm n ... umP"":v hu W.O. aWr to do II• btl war Job oftly ~ tho '"''ally. hard WOt'lt ... ~ "'" tu Uw Ediaof\ .._. et .... ao-rvt,. nn the part qtf "'""Y ~ tlllln IUid WOfi'IIUI II .... --.: .. •w nt and lUI In· ..,.,...,._ 1e all 1n lh" romp&n)' to ,...."'""• U.. ""t>Knttton from t.be Cotna ...._...100 .. BOBEBT ALLEN lollclls Yolll' Volelol' ••·Bieclloa City ol ••wpol'l Beach An JndcJ>C'ncl e nt Candidate, as Befor e. ReRponsible to the People as a Whole, and NOT to Anv IndJ- vidual o r Cro up of Individuals ... A II hi~ r<'rnrd .Jn the past shows he has not been a "Xi·:R' MA~i'." nor. will h<' be· in. the future, if the peopl<' rc nf'W t h<•ir confidence by Rc,~~lect, ing him on April 11th ... VOTE FOR ROBERT ALLEN ---··'·-·-·---·· -·· -··-··-··---··-......... -···---··-··-··-··~··-··· .... -................. -...................................... ... E'ARL W .• STANLEY ... REALTOR • -..... FOR COUNCIL lft'IIIJ'POfO-CUPPING d I I__ •• W 121'4 _.,._ Dr. s. H. WALKEAOIM5 ,_,.,. __ ~ r-... ,_. _. -_. 1001 Ooul IIJfhway OAT AJID II1GSI1' M * ..,._ ..,._ llalcult •• t Political Advert ... ment 1 . . ~! $2.50 ~ "22 on I ·ang >rm :e E~- 11 IU- ......... '· .. ~ .... .,... ,_ ........ .._ .. ------~ ... ~------....... 1n,_., .,. .. ·----.. f"ftM ...... lbMs ..... .. •• l(l"''f' '" ,. ..,._ . •.• r.-- .. N_. A~l 11. sn!H. [,TON '"OOfl •t lay-· "•" ._ , ........... :Wk' u ft. ,. .. ,....., m ttw IIIII u" 1ftf UN> ,, ... ,. .... ar.cl .,.,., :Jtf' .. "'"· ....... --. It aMID ~-~ "'' , ... • ,., NI'M ,,,.., .. . f u.. .. ... an. I. .. l '•·tl y •jt• """ hi• 1·:·1·· ,, lt. ..... , .. '"''" abf,.,.l • ""'""' ..... n ""'' .... tl<lfl .... ,, "' r tto .. '"""' lllll1 r lllA I 1 Ill. M arlit • 0 .. , ,_., anl'l hUIIfi'Y 11n a JIU'- kJ 1 n« '1"hf' ,...., ..... ....... and ...... to 'tiM'-tt/1 .., ,_....,_ t ear..-. ........ n~r~~~~.... Oil- ft.~ 1M ''It t.n~atrw .. ..., .. , eoron.a Del Mar ~ _...,. ..Y ~ .....,_ ..._.. N r1 2452 1...----------.llta. ... --. JWl -.J. ---------------------------~-------·--------------~--·~----------~--! L-_::.:::...:.:=s;;.~-- ' .. Book Scctit ignant Lei~ · D. Merickel W E lJIIk aectlon ot 1 lllr tiGrM. 18 a. rrx.t I hI y mt"4 .,~ by Rohf'rt M ni. F.. D Goo ent, for~ful • ., ~ .. by u 'land Sl dnlr and nov•· Mn . S4-xt~' 1~ th<'r•• en t~ who ..:nw• o( dn>otion unlo• · up to our rM<JlQi in thf> po8t -w ar• c:J~ of the rt>v od by lh~ I S.'I' :Shop Wor lverado Cal 1'\'<f J C:.rhn ul P'«< Thritt Sh• •r LbJ.n. .in Sih.l'i->tl> lay, Altho•J~;h J~•t-d th•'m up I m spring ''•IIIII;•' ""'~'"' ·•Il l 'Ci'in,,.ru., '"'"' enjo)ln~t lh<' ri • f". AciUflln I L mll" Hilmt"r. J ~. Srager. Wt" ld ttw ho5tH !I. DER NJ LA ESA l ~CREASE I PO~ [)~INTO ilableNow TIEY : lEY' IE oned tiES', /· ::.L 1111 EPIIT , 0 \ Ptee' M.IE•A LIQUOR BHDP 11~ "..,.,tal¥4., C..u WeN. Phon• Newport.,_ Increased Liquor lax Scale.Posted by OPA IO£S ITO EFFECT APil 1, 1944 Available •ow Ia Case Lots 4/5th Qts. -RUM . 4/5th Qts . -v.oo~A 4/5th Qts. -GIN 4/5th Qts . -BR~IP¥... 4/St..h Qt~. TEQUILA 4/5th Qts . HABAfiER_.O. JAS. 0 . TALLMAN .. LX'l'\' .\It'~ I EA\:Jl'JG , "'" A&~D n uu:u Slxl y aelt<(:'t-and volunt.Mn ,. achedulcd to entraln trom \ ,.wport St ach depot next ~ , •Y und \\'edneaday momllfp, ' • '11rc:h 21 and 22. 11 wu announc- l lnl.llly by A. J Hayman, adju- tnl <Jf J'o:ewport Harbor Amen- • n L••~: wn M<·n all\ ted for aerv- ,. 'X•lh the Navy w ill laave on ,,. •·urli••r date ani.! men to aerve olh the Army, on Wedneed&y, 'l"'~nt n nyman aald. Th·· r•uhlic Ia cordially lnv1 "' •\•J;••tl lo attend the departun I • ttlullll'll, Which Will take pl&ee t 1 11 m. Office~ and memben • . : tht> Legton w ill conduct u.e 1 ~1111 1 brief farewell pro,n.m. u wy have done a t the departure ' each new contingent for three "'' on~,halt yean . Memben of ,,. llr-tl Crou canteen unit will .. ,.,.t> hot coffee and douC'MUta. I ~ 1 · DODfGI or THE • ~!!!!!. By MRB. 0 . L. ANDREWS • No lftater t.umony, for ~ • alue of all kiDdl or Red o--1 ·:ork, could C!CMDe to ua thaD tM I ·otnmenta of' U.. men ~ are hack from U.. war ~ ud tM '"tten from U.. wbo are .all! there. I Here le a p&rapapb trom a llllt- ler I rectvecl ~y. trom _. brother W1w» .. a awcllc:&1 oftklar In the tJalek fill tile 8outh PMMie fl(tlt~. ''I hope the J116Uc wfJl .-... ~n lnta,_t Ill tiM llfiWll Deed ,_ the thtnp tile ... era.,._..... T recenUy ._, 111ae uatta fill .... ma W1Uabl aa.o.t aa 111oar • _. rue, and anc.t ....... c1o DOt ,.._ lu bow mafiJ ,._. ..-..-• t!lket1 to .._ a -..y u a t t rue JWit oece." That I!Mdteal ~r 1 ~. ~­ '\'Oriel wtth hJa heart u well M _ •vlth hla handa and It would .,. ~ • 1'>0 bad It at lOme tlmf' the .... 2 rna and tbe &ponce~~ were not ~ •herp for h im to-· wouldn't It! i!! ·• : le al8o feet. tlaat we have a biC Ji! 1 oad ahead Ill ov w ar -caa.t ~­ the Jape &ftCI tlaat we wtU M9e t<> ll('Celerate our Red er-..tl • o keep It up. So, when U.. opportunity ~ I to donate blood uacS to ~ -.r· leal ~ let'a think fill tllr i -,edleal otncent and the ~ wtle !5 '\re depencStnc 011 ua. and on ......_ I £._ Tbunday, March 16, 1914 ~-'' '' lor COUNCILMAN OVER 2D YEARS of BANKING and FINANCIAl. EXPERIENCE PLEDGD)TOan UNBIASED REP- ~A"ftON OF EVERY SEC- "ftON OF NEWPORT HARBOR and ITS GREAT I'UTURE! '' 8o much at aD thll fine ....nee = ~·~~.t1t1tlr1Hii11ttl---l~------,ttit~·~.r~~~----·~~~~--~~~~--~~ 11ro1tnd to the annual Rl'd cr-j llrlve apln. I ~ Income c-I 'Ire hlp and eo on, but tllle -.,. 'lft dytnc and ~ crueDJ ~ THEY ·111P 'lM RDLLINii• TNE .A/UIIA/11 A•E THE BACKBONE Dl IJIIEMII Ullii!N .. , .. ..._.. .... ,..,. fAWOIIU II.I.C. lfAYIOII IYIU JAYIIIOU I P.M. PACifiC WM ... • FOR BEITER WORKING . and LIVING CONDITIONS FOR THE FISHERMEN and CANNERY and SHIPYARD WORKERS .... .e FOR /A BI~TT I:I1 k~~CRE­ ATIONAL HARBOR .... VOTE FOR F~R COUNCILM~IlN APRIL 11TH, 1944 "'""'"" Admu.,m~l\ I ·----------... --... UtllaiUCIIIU .. IIUUUCIUI;.&NNN~N~H:CI~HN:tN:.:NNIUUUUCh;.&ICICN "nd their famfU.. are In -.a fill help. and. weD pou know. aD Gte lhlnp we need to rt'member. We "~ wann and ate and ~­ 'lble and all of ua could A&' ..... tnr a fPW more dolhu '8 f• ..,._ <>enple who are lltandlnf: ~ ·1~ and di1..Wr. 'Mie month of Mar<'b Ia almolll J.alf over and a-thaft 1lalf fill our quota baa eome ln. Call "'* e:x&mlnc your bean ... ,... I'IOCketbootc ac-m! J(uy ~ men'a famtUee haw rfWII to _. local drive. u weD u at tiM* ~. and Uaat II .-ery ftne. 11-.y of OW: l*IS!k...JulVL ~ tlldr I'>~OUII rftbl llat ~ wfll ... to do IIIOI'e and jlallt all --. If no collector can. ~ ,.... won't you pa-amd J'IIUf' ..__ tlon, or :'fOUr atn bit . to ~ Keel Cmea omee la Balboa. Menuon lliiiiMIId ~ ~ made of one ,.._ <AMb& ' The Thrift Bhop. ... , maiiJM'Id "J \f r11 1'! E. BoadiDOt and Clldlen. srave $500 to the drift. u well • 1\nothcr 1100 to tlw R.ecl cr- r iUYip and holpltal ~itt.. Arr vnu rememberlq tllat t1w c--. ""d hMpit al ~ .un _. a 'lorernnm and =-ta-! P.-nr le Ill'~ alwa,.. dotnr; ..-.,. lhlng~ to hl'lp. tt W'IIUid be n~ to h:wr !11'1\C'" {I) tell ahout aD fill t.hPm M.n1 Suale lbldwffonl. ,.. rturtonn •·hllirman. tell& Ul a.t Mf'l! B•·s~ King donated _. - folding bnarda to tM r.bn .- work rnnm in BaJIIoL ,......,_ Mra. Kin!{, f w m aD fill •! 'Mie Nurws A.hle ~ II ft8l.. I v aetlllnlt down to --'t. e.- harder than enr. "'-1 MW _.. sr&nlud a rorpt for ftlC1IIar t.r.--ln~t m"ettngw and laaft ekdecl • <'aptaln. M". Sl~ Roar; .tee ""'plain. ){" Hf'ni"J Lan«; ~ tary. Mn Ro~rt ~ . ...S nroltf'&m rh11lrman. Mn. W.,_ '-f:\thPWII. Th")' wiD ..-.l DISi week w ith Mn . We411J • Jlay 4.. RA.'member, ''When dw A.-t- rlln Fla« and the Keel o-1'1llc Go. 'Miey Go Tocet~ter." 'lk BH cro.. follow• your 8llllcMer aD a.. •vay from homf' and 1ledl .,.a. Give w ith all your ltleart! !4F.OOND ~t-nDfAJft' J ohn C. Terni Dipr, 2105 Peui '\VPnUP. Balboa lrdancl. wu .... ~nnrt11y commlll!lonecl u a __. llrutenant In thP Anny Air ~ nnd 11 now entlllecl tD war tile !111\'~r wtn~a of a ftyhiC otneer. Hla oommt.iofttnc tAIGil place tal- lowtnc ht. ~tlorl ,._ a.. Anny Air Foree Pa.t ~ Ill Fort Sumner, N. 111., • a _. ber of C1UI ...c. ~ ...... Two YOW\&' motort.ta. wM ,.,_ auertedly bumloC .. a.. roe.d at 70 mile~~ ~r hour • a 15-tade zone, are alated to..,_...__ row before Ju~ 0 . A . .J-• chu gea of red d-c1r1.mc. nw,. •ne Cadet Robert D. llatkr. Vk'- ton·llle. and B&rtlara BeD 1IDM. 18, of Lon& Beadl. wM Weft ft'- portedly racine u..tr can 011 a.. hl«bway, Sunday. 1111 CBAJIOE FIUIIt Don E. o-a~• fill a. U. a. S aval ~ 8~ at ... DI- •«< ..... arn.tecl at l :JI L IL Sunday on a ~ fill drtwtiC a ·a r while In an tat.-sc.tecl e.- lltlon. Hla arre.t fiiiDowfoCI - •rrl~nt which oocwadl at goutheu t ramp fill tM owes ,.hPn hll car, aald to .. ._ ._ lrll\'l'llq at a hlp me fill ...... ,,·u unable to mall• dw ~ _. ·wertumecS. Tbe ..,...... ._ moltahed. ' • lor COUNCILMAN IIBIIJtOBr RABBOB H ............... , ............ locai ...... Binha, • '5 ML ......_, 5 • a..._ ...a.,._ would we do withouc m I I I ._..._ .... M..mufor putted. Bat oarsuoas. ._ ,..._ =a • ._ peoptR. ....w a. • "-dlias diaatort ...... I I if.., W ._ dt.cL Eft1Jbocly here, aad io citia _._. • A • ........__., _ W I ·-a a, -rem oa annpapen for i.ofor· _._t,;iT ... IIIIil•... · Yc'n .U proud of our preae ...... ,_... ... Gte,lta ..... ....t Newspapen W~Together c ;' ....... ,.. •• ,,J, ....... _ _..dal.mc.. l.ilar..._l · "-'C..,Iu 1 i-••if'&J4n co coatact ia CIIIJI_ ......................... Gftybouod u.e. edTer- ~ ia-._ ,_ •• I •t n lftJ-people Wormed about ..................... Caw,--.. il -imponaot fa.ctw io ... 5 1 · ., ... , .. _, ••+¥** ilao areu oot 8UftCI ~!F.._.__,,...... I ...._ . -~ . ..... __.,_, ....... -J• • ,_••; fl••---dlis--ep_..._ ••-' 51 '' ,_llf,_.W,Ii& Wi .. i;bJ'p: ...d-eb; _,.._ I I , ..... 75 1•• .~lerfMlecbatil J' ,-.......... •• .td!iedly.Gnylaouct..mc. ........ 6et ,. ... 7 .'J .... COJGII. GRIYH.OUND 7 Mr. &D4 lira. llocena ~t !llr.-:d~ ;_ Donal4""Hall o1 222 lith atreet, a re the pannt.l :!tat &nd Inine annue bave built of a aon, bom Friday at St. Joe-on an additional bedroom for tbe eph ho.pltal. u.e of their eldlor ~ Robert. Mra. William Hlrtler. Ull ~ W. liUa .U..t. wu hoeteaa yuler- day at a muuna of the Homt'· makera.club. lin. C. D. Kipp of lith and Wbituer wu to be ha.te.a lQd&y at a mMt.lna of Ctrele 1. Women·• SocletJ ot CIUiiiU&D Service. !\tr. and Mra. Fred Umlor, form· t•r rceldenu of 12t Albert place, havt' moved to Loe Gate. wben they &re located a'-.211 llftler pl&ce. ~ Mr. and lira. ut.ooio MartJ.D.-. 17th &nd Plac.nua #llve.nue, ar. the pan-nu ot a da\Cbter, 11om F rtday at ft!ult& .Aca ec.uDUDJtJ ho1plt&l. _ 1 1118& A'-'\"u Dana ._ 11 rtwd ,_ ~ tA-f« ........................... JeD ol MJ"1 Or'UIIW ........ --A.Ueft. ~ ...... u, ...,..... • brokea blp ... tan ........... ,.t~ .._. u -a • CXIIIY lie erpecte4. Haro&4 Arnold. ~ ~ Mra. H . L. Baird, liOS 8Uat& rlua, 18 aaJ4 to M ~ .at· Ana avenue. bu returaec1 ft'OID tafa.ctory NCOVft')' r.--u ID- 11\'l' wt'eka trtp tJlrouitl tbe lad-Jury eutt"'" Jut Dec a ._. lilt• Wt'lt where abe v181tecl ...a&· I man Arnold. wbo 61 a -ol - I ti\'CI and tnenca a.n4 lira. Ed Af11014. IU Benard A. F. McKenzie, lta Jlaftor et.reet. 61 at:!': U . 8 . Nav'al ._. I 18 maJdnc p~Uou pltal. <>c-· new home on Bartaor Capt. and lira. In Mc.UU&«. ~ Jkmard -etnet. who -u, Joc&1ed a .U.U....Oir= Th(• atructure 18 to cwt 121100. aJII't' a venue, are tbe pareld8 • a eon born Fnday at 8t. J-w* hoepltal. Ueut. and lin. L C. llmley. formft' occupu~t.l ol tW ~ avenur ~ IIIIa•~ moved to J>ouc1,u. .uta. I A d~tughter wu bom Friday 1 tn Mr. and Mra. Joe Rowlee of Costn Meaa, lbe t'vent pla.ce at St. Joeepb t.a.pttal. Mr. Rowlea 18 a eeaman aecaad clua .n lhl' NaVoJt. A vtntlon Cadet Charln Attrtdle I· fl Tuesday for tu. tra.lnlnc at&- twn ot Hondo. Tex., alter epend· '"~ thrce day11 with h18 parent&. Mr. and Mra. C. C. Attrtdp, 112 ~:. 18th lt~t. ~ N••at Sht>r mllll, 110n of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sh~rman 1171 N-· port boult'\·ard, Ia ~aervlftl u a :-l:wy runnery captain "~ where In the Pacltlc," ~ to word recelvt'd by hie parenta. "G~DABOUT" A pncil .. triped ... ~ncil- •lim hro-pi~ctr ... "•titchtd and etyl.d" by Lady Ali~ iD tL,. California manner. It'• cut &om a fine, cru•b· Ieee Bricbton fabric in mmy-~ft colore by J~re. PoUy Apparel COSTA MIESA ONLY ONE KEY? No nl't•d I•• hi." coouto nunlly ln<:1>nvcnleuced by \ba ~•­latt'nCt' of nnly nnr kl'y wllt'n you have n~ ft>r tWit or thrf'" It nrtlv takt•JI " Jorfy to m11ka a duptlcaa.. a ncf Wt' do It riJ;ht lwre wholr you walt. IIAJCOJ .U I . .IOII~SON, LockiMDltll llllt Lai&Jf'lt41 fi4t... ~t. ~~~ .... ft .... -~--JIL---l +-------------- Bay Her a DIAMOND rOB BJIB'Z'BB LOUCKS Jewelry and Stationery Store 1797 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA _____________________________ , ______________ _. Bvaagellst Goffars 6th Blgg ... •••• .... Community Bible AudHoriilm 1750 Newpol'l •••~ C.... ••• SUNDAY NIGHT. MA&CII 1~ COURT NIGHT ''Who Changed the Sabbath?" Rest rn111 t ~··~~~· with jud~r ancl attomt'y a. Jury of elev~n wtll be drawa from 8unctay nlght'l audll•n• "· No Seventh-day Sabbath lleepera will be allowecl on tJM JUIJ'. A...._,. alao c:ul.!l ballot. Sound mut1"n 1 t:turr. "THE CROWNlNO OF POPE PIUS XD." 8 ATUilDA\' SJCIII'I , ~Ail.('lf I~ Bible ~vldenc1• thol a "Law" \\'U nailed to the Croea. Oon·t bP fool'!d. Bound picture: "lrtland." WDNDDAV NIGHT, MARC'II ft- ''WU Ule Chureh founded on Saint Peter?" DoH It make any dlftt'rence what a man belle•• It he 11 elncere! Full t'\·enlng anawenng queattona lloUon (IICture "Radiant Rocklea ..... In color. 'I'IIUUDA \" NIGHT, MAB<,I 'li- Doetor A..rtbur N. Don&ldaon. phyatd an. aurr;~on and a•U.Or wtll .peneS a full .. .,.... nlng an.w•rtnc que.t~ eltMr wrtttem w oral. Motion PIC:u~~ R.ocllldel."-~ 2 P'UDAY HJORT, .... M- '-r'a.lklnl In T~." WMt 61 Uw ...._. of BaptJam of U.. llaiJ .,..._ Chalk dnwlJIC. 8ATt:aDAY SIOIII', .... - PoeltiYf Bible Pf'OOI that If-~IPI"'t'M am.uane are '*-1 to__, u. __. of t.be R4eurftCUoa ot J-. COKE. WlT!'IDII A ll&A.L BAP'IUII Jll! LOICII.R.AI.IW\A 1!1 -- rou ... .a '-'7 a • .,z_ii1,1111 • ._-.. ..---· -'·a r .... 137JIOQ.CJOO a a ... _.. 0 rat ............. -----M'' a_,_ ... _...,_..~-s-.e ........ __ ......... _ ... . ... •• .. • I ...... ~~--._I s a .. ~ ........ _,. ..... _.. ... a'._, ._ .... ._.._ .. e...w I a S I ...... ,.. ...... I ... ~ ... 'a ........ I -·-.... ... I I a ,-• a tf a I -. .. f a • r a -· I '= ..... a .. • a__.a a a c ·-s =· --.... ·"= t;.ltill-112 ·-..,,_,._. ...._.. .. ~· an ... D. fp .... , a ; . a ·a .. _a a as;" -.~ ............ .. .., -111GB r ;.c..,. o~~e !~ gj_~ I C E ~ E C1' R I C ~. -· 1-·.-~. ~ ·'1 .. ~--·."' .. ~eyton's Balboa Marine Hardware Co. ., announces the arriva l I V••H m•v •nil• lr>atr aft,.r lhr 'n· IHJ,.fh• r tiiii"MIY Rolat ('IIIII· !''"'"' "'"" th~ 1 ht~• fltn,.•ly• l ·IC~In p.-rtn~•• of a new shipment of---- . . . ,,.,~,.,. ruaT ,~.~~!~.!!.I! ··~.;·;;.;;~::::::~ .. ··'.Marine ----, __ _....._,_. __ For Y t·•• r SI~H PlfltNI! n Hardware Ill Caalt Hlghwau I~(~(~ ~l TJU: 'UUN MAI'f ~ ..,..,. .... ,! I ,, s 1 LIUAT u:'ITI!UJifO BUYTIIAT EXTIIA WAH UONIJ • I ----'---~~--------~----.----~.-.-1 iiiilililili .............. .. ,.-------------------------: l I Shell Marine Products ~TTHI SHELL DOCK MAIN CHANNEL :EI! -'$2.50 .... ~ r'~ on • :r1ng orm • &N &9&11-•• " .. Nltf'd •1111· tlldlftn tw .,., ., , .... , ... t ...... t.o ., ~ ... .. "' .,..,.,.. Ill ... ,. ... ·-,. .... ttlfl ~ a Cft• .,. ·~"' ,_ .. ..,_ "~ .. ... fM OUf' -.nta ' tlh ...... -t .,._.. omln••~ by c1, """'• tn ....,. ,..om. wn•a rom. a thft N-· :ft. A rrll II IOWJ~m, .... I.TON, E RW{)()II tot t 1day 1. llu ~ ~ , .. ,. """,._ •vtnc:-14 ft. Ttll• ,..,. •• rnm th• lut n.n N(f thft f>tf'r ater11n• 1 nar.ct rrery r l.llf' W'lnter. f)f.,. .. ~ ltttl an•l lUI t•t"" Jlf'lltloa AJ1r1l IIUI ,. .. ,.., ...,_ trnphy Will nf lh• wtn.- tfan, ill, til. I• l't'll v '~''''' wtt h hh• .,. ~:•II• tr II 1111, '·''"' ,,.,,. tv abtltlt•l " Crdl~rre.-n "''' ""'' .,. •• ltflo llf'fr ,.. t"r I hr· In vii· t nll rlltllh • 1M an11 fOUIId two lh,.tr tunlly t1 antt hUDI'Y tn~e In " r-r· •.dlrllnlf. Thft • IIMir win• .w ..... and u..-. "'' ·u..--~ a•a.l ..-... M r~ ... ~.Re..._ ........ 01111· ... Wbft't! b4 •u tratnlnc • .. atclltltr- , ........... EbeiiBookSec- Of Poigiaant Le lln.W.D.~ .. tlw book lf'C'tiall Cf a. at._......__ 18 .. thrir ~-• 'nlluwiay. "'Sica....,-..,. ...., liwn b)' )In_ E. D c .. ~l. fororfl&t . Not Sleep'' b)' 1llaDd CIIIITC'fSpondmt and DO ltV-en~ ...... Sr-.1"1\. j .. thar ~ th,~· liMp few-t~ •-tlo P' ·--.~ol~ .. bolnP liw up to our ~ --cqt '" ,.. DQA _., At thE-etc.> of ... I wu llerWd b)' ''-"' - Thrift Shop W• At Silverado C Mrs. Fn-d J (';,t.lJ, IJ •tMiliNd lbnf1 ~ at tw-r abm an Sih ··r. -Monday A.l~­ltm'm foiJ.-MC'd tht-m • lush. CJ"t'ftt sprinc f • .olio wUd no.·.-r-s • f"fe" ..JJ ~-------~~-· ~tf.bt • .-- .ad-. . ~ •1l~'\Qg thP 11-. E. f '. no..&nt. Mer. lif'nn"' H.llmrr. R«d. IL \(' ~-\· ~ and thr hol<t~ UNDER ~ Ll •. , ........ 1 .......... IESI INCREAS p GOES ll'."T 'f'M'' ·rc Rationed LADIES, liEN'S IllES I. IIIII IEPII .... Made with raisins and currants--- -mildly spiced gua•.•t'l BAKERY _ • ._ .. Ill-.& ..,._111 OuetaM....u ' lAYS ...... ..... o. ( ! ( - •I NEWP.ORT-JUI.&QA. P1Ut88 A aon w u bom :t. Jns,.ph • hnsp1tsl -.t ra Rnh<·rt Stoller, li<lll<J:l ThuNday at, Mra. 1:. 1:. ,.,.dDot. 1120' W. to Pvt. and l llay avenue, t.r&n-.cted buafnee. · 106 F atreet. 1n Loa An~J• ...... y. ~ ! A <lfiiiJ.lhlo•r WI\!< bnm lCarc:h 1 1\ St J oaeph hiJIIJUtal to Mr. ~d \lr11 1>111tr;n Brown. 310t W. Ocean •1, "' t. ;-.; 1-wport. ('npdla Ctrdt' of Corona c»l 'wfr1r will meet n .. xt Wednelday 1t th•· huml' of Mra. Jay Dutter, ,.. ..... mlviD JlrowD. 101 W. Celli t ra.l avenue, iiiiJieDdlac two weeki vacation with h1adl at Fr.-no .1nd VllaliL i Mr. and Ml'll. lf&Ditord F~ ~! :J22 11:. Central a.._ue, are the !i ;tarent. of a 110D bom Saturday ~ t St. Joeeph boepttal. '1~ Orchid w.vt'nue. Sgt. and Mrs. Jack O'Brien, l'all•·l and Mra. Willia m Rich· '.:23 1·2 Grand Calaal, are the par• •r.tllnn. 126 33rd •treet.. are the •nt. of a daupt.er, bam Karch • •r•<IHI rarrnta of a d.aurhter. '?0~ .IJ at lt. JOMpb baepital. !' tflt Thurauny .at St. J&eph notr· :. •• tal. ( Mrs K Fr1•nger and baby liOn, ; 111rhard. of. lnglPwood, ta"apendtnr ( ht• ,,.,., k w1t h hC'r uncle and Mr. and Kn. Clyde Alcer of fi!··· lAa Ancelee ~~pe~~t the week end '.VIth the latler'l motber, lll'l. JCt. 11 fie Hannon, J115 1'7tll ~tnet. • l ,11nt, Mr. anrt Mra. H. 0 . EMign, i .t•l• VIR Ravenna. { I · \\'dlirw1 Loumla, 2005 W. .,.,1 ml 111 ,.1111, •• wnH dlnnl'r hoat l'hllr:<dll~' tn · ~I ra. Sadit' Roehe. • 1•11 ;-.;rUtr"hYJ'U11 ftftd John Dod4. 11 of Newpo• t. Couwaill an4 Mrs. Ray wac- ner, 308 1:. Bay aveaue, Balboa. tllr]JUWDUI-lif'& baby cfi oom March 8 at St. Ju.wph ha.- rltal. · KIU Ruth..~dautfhW of Mr. and Mr&. Anton Henhey Ot i: Balboa bland. Ia recovering aat· l!J P \'1 Rn<l ~l ni RRymond Cbron· isfactorlly followtnc a recent ton· iii ! ol< :wz F. Surf avvnue, are re• 1ile-ctomy. m 1. • '.~·.nj( th<-con~ratulallona Thof MIS. .Charlotte ft..<-t. 326 Un· m IH'n ~~~ "'' th1• birth of a aon. e .. .....,_ I" 1 nllnl!st•·r made hla arrival Frl· to avenue, returned to ~ehool yee-~ :i i l,t\' (tl SRnta Ana Community '"rday after betq COnfined to her '>etl for aeveral daya u result of ( hullr1tuL u eevere colcl i Ctor1' Oon Enalgn left Tue8d&Y Pfc . .Edwin It-au. Ia home from f 1tot ht11 rost at Camp Polk, La.. 'lla ataUon at C&mp Kearna. Utah. j! ( :oft"r sr•·ndmg a 1!S-day tur· ·1nd will epend aeveral daya with iii Corona Del Mar District IIEBDI BBp8 .. BII'I'Aft0. Needs the 'l'tP• ol -.s1-111 ••• a ...... ...... Coaadlwan ....................... i ..................... . i :n .. ..:h With hi!! parents. Mr. and !!Ia mother, Kn. llmlly Stau.M m ------~~ ~-..,....,r-1' :.t r~ ll<tral'c 0 . Enalt:n. 109 Via uf.-WI-21Ul-.u..t. ~~ · 7 n n1,wnna Corp. Enal gn, w o u-hl ; 1 ht•··n nt C~ti11Jl Polk for Ule put Major and Mrs. Trempu Lone· roa 11•1• paltllc ofllce _. .._ -·-.. •' #-••-'•pardal ...._,_. •·• ., w4CI:I• e· · • Keep-on Buying U.S. War Bonds Yott do this WAR JOB right in your own home! ..._ ,.. p. paw boaR its 1pring clt"anlng, check over .a ~ dtcaial -wiiancrs ro m:1kc sure rhey arc d c.ln . .d in gnt ord«. ~ art so~ tips for the proper u'c ..tOR ol yow W'Ubing m<k.hine anJ iron: ~ Afrr-r iron h.n nX>I~. wirc-it <'H ~·uh JJmp elm h. Nc' cr tm .• cr...-' 111 "·••cr Kl'l.'l' ir•>ll· in .. ,..,l.t.t' •.k •u II.I'C 11 "nh ~uthn •h <HII'It\11ly A,njJ irorun~ over honks. hun•,ns, lip~n. ~ Citrt'flllllO( tO drop ywr tron Rrp~ir c•onN·uing cord It tint Sl~O vt WCU . ..... cc••••rwta~-aK'ftltln Will HILP W1N THI W Al .. .... LB.BSftJI J•w·--· e ..... _.:I'Oaa • WA811EU __ ... __ . ._...,. ....... ....... -' : t••ur , .... nthM 111 w1 th an Army man, who have been l't'tidlnc at 1 { H•·I'•H>nntssan.·c dl\'hllon. 1221 W. Bay a venue, have moved ; ! to Lu Vecu w.bere. they are. now I · Mi~ .smfth. daughter located at Lut FronUer hotel. l· • 11( Ur und Mra. Anaon Smith. ~ { ~.: L't·ntral nvcnue, hu entered Dick Torrence, former member, Fol' Banal' Go•en111111_, _. Low•-r••• 1 ,1u.llnt nurs•·'ll tratnlng and Ia of the Newport poetoffice atatf, v I f Albeit.. - j Lnn~-: J:$••a,·h MJs& Sn11th. who waa to se~eant &ecordlnc to word re· A _ : ,. 111,.,11b 1·r nr thP 1942 graduating cclved here. He Ia atatloned at I .S\IIl10111'U Ol Seasld•· hoapltal In hill been promoted from corporal 0 e o• . = ea l a ( ,.11111~ nt l(arbur H tgh I!Chool. took Camp Roberta. I ......_. .t.+rort' i a ~nr's trKinin~ at ~~a~= ~-~~~~~d~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~·~~~·~~-~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~:~~~~~~~~~ Jmu .. r l'oll• t-:~'. fnllnwmg wh home property at 717 W. Central ''"' "'"" ,,111ptnv•··l at the Army d _.. d . . th Naval Air avenue an pu • ._..ue a n-Air Brlll•' and at " • realdenoe at 11521 Klramar drive. ~tnt11111 He hu already taken poaae•lon MIt< .)~<nnnry St wkle Jackson. of Ule prernJM8. I "l\,. "'1ll tw rl'ml'mbercd by many Harry Welcll, eec:retary of the II 11 hill r•·:oltlo•nlll.. hM accepted a Cham\)er of Commen!e, and Ml'l. 1.,,~, n1< 11Laff member of the Eng· Welch, are apeetec1 home within il~h !l••t•nrtull'nt Ill the tlnlverai· the next r-c1a71 atter •pendlnc 'j , ... r H .. wnn In Honolulu. Since two week• vacaUon on " rancb 1, •• 1, 111..: ;-.;,•wport more than a near A&lee, .Aria. I , ) , "" ugo, eh<' had be~ employed 'n,. •llro•<'tor nf rubllclt y and dra- m~ti•'ll for Ule Honolulu City JcV·rr•·lltlnn romm\uion. She 1.!1 a •l:t~~~:ht.-r or Mrs. Zelia Bender. 110 2/!lh ~<tn•••t, No·wport. l'nnt:tol II Shonk, Balboa b · 1 111ol htlllthng contrnrtor. hu re· tllln•··l hnme from Sl. Jo~~eph hoa· pil 111 who•rl' he wa., confined for "' 1 o·rnl .Jays M rrsult of a mr-· I··• h•HR lllnt•lls which hoapltal phy· """1nns r<·portedly found tmpo&a· hlo• tu ohngnoae.. T11krn auddenty 111. he wns ruahetito the hoapltal wllh n trmjl("rnture of 106 de- 'fl'•'•'ll. 1 ho• mBlady jll.\."!!lng almoal .1~ <1111\'kly 118 il had rome IIJ)(ln l\llol. H<' ill tooay aald to be fully l•·•·•wE>rrd. I . I Beach Busmessman Weds Mesa Woman In Church Rites •\C'KF.R)f.\S c·o. Sf'f:D R\' \\"F.~TMUFT CORP. A<'kl'rmnn Boat company hu h••en nnmf'<1 drfl'ndsnt In a ault for ~:!SO-t 6!'i fllt'd by Wl'atcratt Jnr . llw lntl<'r. CO!ll'l'rn aiiPgtng thnt the Npo,qwrt firm failed to f'l\\' th11t nnw unt dur on a wrtt- tNl t'<>nstnwtlon contr11ct. li"''fJ.!r T Hl\!1. treuurc.r of the \\'··~t.·mft org11nlutlon. charged thnt hi~ compRny rnte~d Into an :lj:'ro· .. mrnt with the Ackt>nnan I'Oill!'Any Aug 18, 1943. under tem ll of whiCh !.h• former out- (\1 wu to coMtruct ~ aet. of rraml'a tor boat.., ~l234.t0 per !l't. plus an add1~ 124,75 for palntlnc Uleru. Ackennane. the Weetcratt eom· pany al\epe. paid SMS4.07 of a total of 11158 74 due for the work "'1111nl' ttult the balance of 121104.· 11!5 waa atttt unp&l4. Island Miss Weds Army Sere-eant at Chapel By Sea Rt>tPI\'lng the concntulaUODII nnd bt-at wlshel of trtendll are Sgt. and Mra. William ADen Car- nett. Jr., who were united tn mar- riage March 8 at Chapel by the Sea. The bride. who Ul tbe former B•tty Jean ThomllMOn. daup- ter of Mr. and Mrs W. )(. Thom· llnfQo of U2. .Ma.rtne a'ftnue, Bal· boa llland wu (1\'en tn man1 ... by her faqQT and W'U attended by Br \'erly \ Kaceler ot Balbo& X. land. Philip Wolvertoa ot SaDta Ana Army Alr Bue acted u belt man. the eeremony ....._ JMI" tormf'd by the Rev. a D. (Joodall of Chrllt Olurch by tM lleL 8rt. C&mttt Ia ataUOMd at tiM local Anny Air BuL TAKE HER TO • • ONCE A WEEK WHOEVER YOU VOTE FOB-BE 8U&E ud V~ ·~ .. ~ .• ~ .... ~,, ..... ~.~ ............ K...... llaaalal~a. ...... ~ .......... ~ .......... a. .... -. .. .. ........ \ ThW"'Iday, March 16, 1944 l•ooa&YI II' • SIIEP'S for'\ LUCIO VI nsau..a• OYI:IIaYu##ED •• ... aaOEIIS • , 1135 Hlgbway 101 Jut .... oJ n. Alcbea O.erp••• WORK BASKET BeleD N. GalJ.acber !te ped Gooch aad Yaras -. " W A aertl IM&nK!tl-Oralll wt• ~ of Hae.el1aAa ..._181 01 If ........ , Suta "- Boward W. Gerrish ~ 1111 W. O.tnl Aft. ....... ..._... Olrolll. ......... &1J'J'OIIOilii.Z AOOIDENT • ,_.----------------~---·~ LOUCKS nr:wa..&Y e KT.\nO:\T.Rl" Wat.c:.b A J t'Wt'lry Jl~p 11nng Orftt~ Carda For All Occa.sl••nll Wat.ctMie &nd Engn~··mt'nt Rlnra on nur J,: •• sy 8\Jdl"et Plan tm Newport Blvd. Ph. 1~9R COSTA MESA MachinP \lork BOAT BEJ•AIJUSO Virg's Gara~e ... O.tra.J Phoae llt4-W Pboae 73 FOR MEN and BOYS • BALBOA. ISLAND Pa.-511 LYLE POPE Official 0 . P. A. Tire Inspector • Tbe Oovernmt'nt now ••YI you may reca p your Urn wtth· out certificate from the Ration Board U• JOUr ration certificate for pre-war gnde u..-. AJ.o Uaed and Grade m Tlrea. • laaaciated ( - PapT M~M.JJJu., f'r t .. tt ..... from C••st .. M•·lla a. 1 to th1nlc U\a~ pt'O('Io• h\"lq 80 far away ahouJd t11ko• eueh an tn- tel'8t, movf'd m.-\'i'r~ <JH~~Iy • I ~--------------------------------·----~ ., NaLL MU .. aARe&R Do not -beckon to me, 1'0114. f'au by an4 ma,ke no alp. ThiA Ill no year ror wanderiq On tlrt>a u thin u mlne. I muat not follow wbere you IM4. ll<' 0 1: your fYPIY way And-out ther&-do not let them know My heart went ~~o1th JOU wtlere you (0. -Lucreua Penny. • • • • • • Purvr Myron Bunw. •·Bal· bo&n wbo lut week apent H Vf'r· a1 bu.y hou,. \"1111tln6 old eoen ... an4 older lrten<ta. reported that tM te now putttnc tn tun Ume wtth the MerchAnt Mufne and hu aJ. ru4v <',_ct Ole Putftc atx tim.;.. ''Ttle ftrfl.," h" •lc!. '"W11• In 1'32 . J \1atted Ttllnl'l. th.fn " A. nd with t hat tHt hutf'ned to • ' ' that "" had not ,.N'tltf'd lhf' Yllllt I alnet! Y,tnln~r th~ Ml'rrlMnt Mar• lne but that "" •111W'Mf'd to ctn 10 before l)f' left tile wmf'of • • • Henlev Jmta of flat and Jmnl'. ~ta • MHL ,C&mf' to 0Tanlrt' -nmlt:or &8 y..arw ·~ 11111! dur1nr •tt~t tim• h111 hlld manv out- <olandtnr ~"lt'Df'r11'n~ll. One of hla moet pll'uant m"mnr1"1. 'tl~"'· II l'lf an IIUII'I l'"ll<'l' In wflfc:o'tl 'tlf' • • • "'"""'',''"d. 'Mie time wu ltiU "'''oo't'nty-111x cara raced f'l'om lllan- ta Ana to Plloentx, Art&., bv wav of Yuma. Only •lfC'ht of the y,to- nl'f'r racf'rw w~ able to ftnlah the I'"Jenln~r tNt and one of theae wu Jl'rlend l!:'llta . . . • • • ,,., ....... ,,.,...... P...,_ulag bJBadlo,~ Durlnc tiM! pu t Ill'\ "raJ nwnlha the abor~ of buliJ!ng materlala hna bf'corrw 80 &fUI• 1n th,. tiar- lx•r art'& u to J'IIH'c ,.,.,lain dl· IIWnll!lnal lumbo·r nn.t ulh•·r ron- ~I n1<·tlo n nt'<'flllllt lt'l 111 tho• r ah·· '="ry of good.a vllluMol) unnbtllln· lllle. Will hulhl a o_.,...__ -..._ tlon at boor PN~W~~t ....._ au IArkapur " .. nu. nw .... lla- llllu Uma 111 uJW'ftdl• .... - hualttmg a If' by 2•·f004 ._ - lue ear~~~:•• at :.u •· ~ ~·ront Mn ~ I. H1n.:-J.aN ._. I ua. l l IH1dJf\l: I be~ ... Newport Harbor ""'"r1r an ~­ lfion. u you may know. thla wtn· tu donated the u.e of lu m.,.t. Inc hall u a cluaroom to takl' up aome of the atudfont overna~~~• from Newport ~al'h J[Tarnmar school. Tbla 4f'partm•nt. h~ever, hu ~n LUUred that AI 0vl'k· m11n did not real~rn from thf' • ~ .non almply bf.ca\J.If' he ~rot tired nf Lry1nc to coorcilnate bJa eome- what ntended form with lh• foltl'lh ,.,._....._ and ~ Oo•apltt' the dltftt'UIIto·• uf build· P••rrh tn h,.r tkom• a« a nMII ., mg undc•r auch <'o•O·hlo"n•. an in-S:WIO, ('h,.rl•-.. H C:trtt.n. 112 • SJWdlt>n tuur Of tho· • ounnaunlty IIA)' 1-'n•nt I• adtJtnr: a ........ . CSDIC'a l~l Balboa Balboa Island • • Wayne HarJl<'r 11 a good, loyal B&Jbua hl&nder. but a man can only endure Ju.t 10 much. Aa re- JuJt. ~ wu the other day qatnk·. lllfC' and &aylnjf IOITU' \"l'fY Un· complimt-ntary than,.,. about the moequlto.•a whh'h have recrnUy Invaded that beautroua f'nd of our metro('<'ll• ""Ynu ahould."' aatd a Co11ta Mr11an. "mm·e up "n tht hill We don't havr mnequltoea up thrre ·· '' vo•ala a rermn IUlMUnt "ll~ n ~· twn ........ w w.U .._ ....... ea... runatrucUon atUl ln p"'~:r••aa SQm .. lhr J W T~od ..._. .. l 1 ., _________________ ...,.. ____ ,_,,.. vr tht' atructUn-& llh' hl'ln.: rrf'4."\· ~>10 ~th •1'"·1 at • raat f'l ... t't! with e-ovetnm~utnl u m•t11.m •11111 H M 'n..llnU wUI -..... nnd tht' ble•ln~ "' 11 t•IIOrl\y ra t· J?fiO "" htallohnc an 11.., ....... I i"ll'~ ot.h4-nt ant bo•tnl( rontriv.-J Add.U.km at lua a.c-, US ~. f11•m IW'COnd-hand ltn~atk·r ~tnd rna· '"~ etn ..-t j lcr-inle All. upon r.•anplllllon. will ~,., r~ll r:·~-.,.,. ....,, loa .,. nd•l lh••lr ahare '" tho• u-·d rnnnoo• nf •~truolru• '"• ~ ---4 • • • "'"mhf.r lh,. unfMtunate -Mar· In•• Corps pilot who l011t hla life In an alrplnn,. cruh a t Coet.a 'I··• 1 h"l ''"' :II~ A W Gibbon. tlwn ,.,.,·r.-tarv nf the Chamber of r .. m lw rr". wrnlf' a Jetter of con- lh•hllnn to th•· nyer"a mother In C"h r ngn nnd rl'f'l'nUy recelnd I •'••r\" llf'Jlrrrlali>'l' rl'ply. "I nm mn~t lfT&lt'tul to you (t~r \\'tliln~ '"" And tPlllng me 11111t hi' 111•1 nnt llufft'r." ehe wrote ".\• :1 m"lh•'r . nntur11lly, that wu ""' fir~t th"u~hL J had three oth· +·-------- ! I i ' I "Oh, no!"' aald Waynt-. ··uaten, bmthu. Two of your Cneta Meu mOAqulton lit on the run,.·ay at t.he aJnlrome Tul'aday ntrhl an4 lhl' Jt"nlUnd <"l'f'w ~UMd them up and rt>palrr d two holea In the fUIW'I11ge before 01.-y diiWUV('rl'd lhl'lr mlatakf'!" SF.WPORT C'Ul<'Lf: MEr.:TS AT HlJN8Aaal IIOMJ~ Nt""·port Circl" W A C S nwt lut m1dwrek at lh•· h'lm•· <>f Mn1 W . 8. Hunaakf'r. I :!6 2!\lh lllre••l. whrrr MLM Elalt> NeWillnd IUIIIIIt· t d u ro-hoett'aa. Follnwln~ dt>l · ,...rt lunchl'fm. df'\'uUnnallo Wf'rf' runduct .. d by Mrw. F.nort•lt F'unk· hoUHr who ullf'd u ht r aubJ~'<"l. "Endurln~ for Other~~ ·· Mn1 E D Ooodf'll N'lall'd Lhr ator)• of Dr Wllfrt'd Or<'nfl'll an•t hla wl'rk amonfC' thl' fleherfolk nf Lllbrador, Attr r w hich Mlu Elate Conklin told or entPrtalntnr Dr nnd Mn1 O rcnfl'll when lhl' wu a mlallonary al Chlttorr. lndla. During the bualneaa aeulon It wu announced that N•wport Clr · cle Ia p'tq,•ldlng cookll'll ''"" day l'ach Wt-f'k during M11rr h fQr a h011pltal ward at lh<· IMal Army Air BJUII". anti nlan .•upp~l,.d IU!"~'!t· l'<m matl'riala fnr !I:Pwport USO un Ma rch 10, 11 nn<l 12 Mnt J A Bt1t1m11n. ~rr••tary • ,, •upplll'll. r•'portNI on lllP or· tlrll'l nt'f'lkd at rhllttrrn"ll hl'lml'll and hrnrpltale of thl' confl'rt-ncf' 1.nd pl&na Wf'rt• ma<lr fnr th ,. rlrcle to pro \"111,. a l'l•rtJIIn num- llt>r of lll)"l'ltt'l The IPI!~ Mrmnr· 1111 hnx Wl\11 opc'nr d 11nd found '" rnntaln Sl4 112 whil"h '" In 114' ar· phr d on th•• IIUJ'If""'rl uf two Blblt• wQm<·n In China lrelllng C1nl1 A lUI mniCin PllqUII Hind DICDrllld Iaiii II CD1111m1 ll11111lry lr\1 1ng the criUcal h"llalnK altua-" ,-.... t nf 1&00. ~ lt.c· \tolu~ttlon of the • •IY"• lmpru\·,.. Arthur :no ,..~,. ... ,._ ., •••••• lll••nta and many "Ill aut 1n ello·\"· htulrtm~~: a 20112•·fnnt .t.n.1-.. 11on. ··n r. 116 3711' ~t~wt ._ .......... AT T H E R E N D E Z V 0 U 81 Amonl{ the mort! uuport&nt proJ-•·•I ttl# Met o# IIW 11 ., ~ N'ta und«'r way " lniPI'"""mrnl l:"r"l:" •I JtoO and J p •• ,..,. .. r th•· Vo~rel &ntl tlndl(ktneon fi."JM rout ~ .. -...._ upartml'nta at t23 F. Bay 1\'t'n~. " II by 14-toot ~ ....._ At a I'OIIt of llDOO Cnr4on Slpl• "'hll'h 11.'111 .. nt.ad an .. ..,....._. 1,. l'rN·llnt a four-room dwf'lllnlf .. r UOO and 0 D an... 'MI nl 4<>e 40th etrel't "' 11 I'OIIt nf r.ulol•·nm.l aW'ft..-... ~ a I J~. C'barlt'a (' F'IJl('l of 701 10 hy 21Hont a&IIU011 to ..._ ,._. A<"llcla. Ia bull4tnj; " four -roc>m .. nt l:&rllC'" al8o at a n.-11 ., - clw('Jllng at 111 Lnrhpur at an In addllloft to -c ''*"" .. ~tlmatt.'d t'llpendllu,... M 11000. linn. ~~~ ,...='I' c _. R·,bo•rt Murphy 1~ bull4ln« a ,...,._.r wut11 .. U.O -*r wwy Sl:lOO cont•rete block at,orace M. 8 Ballry • tr' 11 s ~ lt•ulolli,K at 808 F. ~ntraJ an-lntfttnr VII ..._ rts .. ' " a1 .. nu,. 11nd H R. Gri'Piey II bullet-OtThld a """"• at a C!!lllll tllfl .-. in& a 11000 adcUUon to the front R. H. B~a~ ., CD ... L•~­••f hie dw<•lll~ af eao IC. Central. t,.r la rrrlal'h'«. 1U. t~ ..._, t'larPnct' 01r, 401 lt. Central.,.. t"undatl•m w.U. ~ _. L ntl<'. h rua b<•o•n IUUt'd a permit to W <'tan,. ,., 1M On,.. •-• , ... n,·••rt 11 1••rt1on of bla ~~ IAVInlf a 201124-foM ~ ,__ olwf'lllnlf Int .. an apartnleftt at a •latlon fnr a ('nfltrmrtat.-d ~ ,.,.It of ~~ Robert ADen. 111 P"Arh ot UlP Ia(,_ ,. .... wiD -· ftfarlnf' av,.rwf' hu IICbeduM4 an tall an .. ltf"'ndltw. ut ~ Mrw ''"pl'ntltturr 11( SIIOO to convert a 7 .. ·lla Ro·notrr • ..........t!Qit .,... "'nra•t' ro<JIIt Into a Uuw·room humr •• 210 28tb .tf'O'f't •"1Ul <"(:_. 11partmP1'1t anol Dorothy BNwer I poeltlf>n lltlt~ f'.-T . A. Mr:r:nNO 81:1' M l"ll Gf'nr~:" Whf'at of N-· S.•n·1•~·• ,.., .• ,. h--id S.'U,'da' at p ort l11Jan, 1\"lll bfo lfUelt llpf'&Jier 8&nta Ana fnr Ll'lLuil &a•· nt nt'Jt l M••n•llty'e m~tlflll Of mann. ,.. , ... n munU.. •44 ......._ !l:··wrw•rt . II<·"' h Parent-Teaehf'r l•·r "' Mr an<i ,.,.. •·an.. B AII!IOI'ifttlnn whll'h will be Lleld tn Ka,.fmann, 2t2 H•lio<4...,... • .,..... thl' achool · :tllliltonum · ~~~~~~,.. .n~ae_ Corona dr-1 Mat. l1lor ·~ nl 2·:10 p 111 who diP•I Man h If .. aJ..., -· l\11"1 \\'h••1tl" &nnouncl'd aub· , .... ,..J by h•·r KT•ndr..,..,.... Mr .t• .-t wtll I>•• ""Ooo4wtll on our An•l Mrw C.11d"n M u...,.a ....,. l : .. rd••r " l ltlrlnll: her two year·a Mr an•t M"' It c 11.....-n all ·~ ,., n ·j,.,. AIO !tt a;lr chaJrman of edu· R&nta A n• rummattal .... a• ''"\Inn for th .. Callfon~la P"ederat-F•lrllav•n ffmrtrry "'I Wnmcn"11 t lube. M,., Wbeat lif'· 1 nt<'d mur h 11ludy to the Mexl· • an rdur &llfln<tl l)'lllem and thla !lft"MK'AL !lf~4f~ ' 111 '""" th•· hul• for hn tallt S hr lro n"w • ounty cnrr.-.pondln« •··1·rr·l11ry ur I hi' rlran~t• County l·····l<'rlltrd W••mPn"a elul:l!l and Amrr1ran rl(t~l"llahlp dla!nnan fM lho· flltlrir( Molhf'rB nt •lxth and wv~nth ~:r11d" Will boo ~- I'R4U,A.TIIlS DENTED Prlann to•rm1 of h-om Oflf' to I 4 Y"" re .-a• h were lmpclef'd upon F:rnl'l!t M Rmwn. 311. of 8&nta 11. ""· and \o\"illlam H. Powell, u. r n11t11 Mf'lla. who were 1ut w~k • "n\"lf'll'fl (I( rur.tnr • 142 chtek, HlltnfC' th" n11n,,. or Tom C&n~nn, ="t<Wpnrt H•·,.r h bUalne.man. ~ • h N•k Willi • ll"hrd at a Banta Ana her A rJlf'ar1nJ( before Judjre K.l'n· n,.th MQrrl"''"· Powell uke4 p~ hatl•m. whi> h wu denl•c1. Ute 111dg,. rll 1n1: " ll'rtee of arrr.ta ••V"r thr f'""l few ,_,.. on other •·h,.r k ch•n.:~,. Brown wu not "ll~tll!lt fQr .parole. bavtnc pr.v· lnUJIIy br<>n ronvtc~ ot bu"'· lary RATIOS ftC)OJUI POt:J'XD R&Uon fVIf•k• Jfl and IV ~ In Aul'lr,. f. Whitehorn and [)oro. t hy Almll Whitehorn haft bMn I u rn•d In llt the, locaJ ratiOn board ~otf!r•• Th<'r,. hra ve been no &4- lr,.,.~, . ., nn lh,..,. booka. l.nf'lll R1111nn Roard ta located rn Baltx,,. Inn bullct~nc. Balboa. c;,.t oul ynur paper lhaaarodt. H• \o\ lor~~~ MJit h•• •H ._., Raft••111 ••• •h,.kuo..: Th~· ._. ti•J • • h•1 r lu~.:• •·tr•t u •n •"· Tho•r; •Wifll(a 1111" "- Nf'al u a t•-n•,. H• rutn~~ hi-fa...- Cnn' raJ to. .,"',.."" H.. tn~ '"'"er\· • oflO He"a hapt>y wtlb .JI Ru' miUit,.r "' '''"" ~ ttl# ...... .,. ,.ueu..- Mwot auff .. r a r.tS t .. a.r Sour -.untie h< ur,. '' H" JU8t ~t r~ 8n In h im •Inc ''" Tbta enn,r blr"'f'•• 1(1&4 Tblnu ,... .• ~1ruotra And drlv..,. ua •ll "'ad V .r R In -"'"'U. r •..c ~ S.fJ.g.llJio tMJ CJ.ct.ic e.. Radio Batteries DOW ta • ..... FROM THE AT THE BALLROOM ag _ I .1 BALBOA GIFT SHOP ~n..~p,....~~ .. ~on.l~,~.l~.oo~.~'~"~~l l Allhe Feny Laadlag ....... by mall anyw~re Ill Orup oaaat7. !IUIO a ,..ar •'-' ...._), Tnm'lrr'lw"ll be llt. Patnek•a DaJ. f:!n'EL()p .. AD 11()•-. 1 Harold L Hamm But we ba,.. p~ II .._ .. , •--'•--·Ill, 1144 the ,.,._ Prlllt .... ...._ -...aM~ So..d T-+attr.- -....o •••· au a.. ...._ , • • , • .. rEI! . $2.50 .... .... jJ 0 t .... 2'1 IE .. " on • !ring orm ·f lon t'IU't'w. ,.,,ndJdafC'tl dvk plat. nnd ablctto f'ltJlftnalon .. ,.. .... , . ..... tr ... wne...-t ••· .. ftdl .... ,. ,.ft. M t .... eMlhNet.D fJI tba.. .... mt"" ~· ........ ,.... ,. .,. ~ ...... ...,__ ..... fftle don. ·-nt b ..... -· ... """' '- ,.., ~-U· _..,_.... nl f'tty 0..· tatn• '" llw lrlh tnr our ....... ,.,. . "'"' ,.,... .. Wl'lllt brYw· od. "II"" fll .~...,.om .. thfln'a f'flm· to Uw N-· ell. AJtf"il II IOWJI'lN. lWf.'I'ON, nr.tt w 0011 oot !t nday h , hu ~ r~ '"" 1'\11m· r•a.rtf\r 14 rt. • Tbl• "'r•. lr•"" thfl l111t . "'" ,,, .,. 1-t .. r lf.,.tllllf • MU"f'd ... ,. 'If til" .,,.t•r. r nt Uw J'...t- lltl! antf eth ,. rnmrwt.Jtloe April lith •r1f"•· of ...,_ v ,,..,, .. , wtll II llf tb• WID- Man, fill. , ~ I til, lo I'd I v h• """ willo ltl11 It" lo:olv II It ·~•·•· r ,,.,., ~~~ .. •tv abr>e1<1 " MPdltrrra.._,. '""" ••n•t .,. ,, ,.,, ,.,,,,,. lfl••r lht• lnvu- Sed 1111•1 rii!Jo lo ......,, Lie anti at .. fouad two II1Pir fiUI'IIly ,,.,, 11nf! hunl")' ll•nl{ In " pAr· ltullollntr. 'nlfo ,..r lbelr wln~t •1. w ..... •nd "u._,u.. to ,,. the·-at r•avlll ,_.t, •lhr c~two Rubor. He bu -....an.tu oat- IDUri, when~ h• • Y.IJ tralnlnc ·-~·p- h 1 y l" n ..toynwonu " ttw-~ 1 nrwt trd. ... - ) Pia Four Ebell Bool ·or Poigna MI"B.W.D.M .., ~book .. dub at her har at their man 'ntunday. "S '"'poll I'' b • atwn by Mn.. the pol~:nant, ro Not Sle-ep" .by J CGrn>s ponc:kn 1 I lfvt"n by Mrs S. author Ftrcc:st>s ~ for thnst> ' meuure or c:k-111 horne livt up tn IIIOW' nnd In thf> At lhf' Cl()l!(' 1 was ~rwd by l - Thrift Sho At· Silvera MMI. Fh'<f J I atttr1111nNI 1llJ11 at hf'r t"tthtn In .. on Mondlly ~ 1torm folln"·Nf t lush, cn'C"n Jprb wild flowt•rs w vivid !Jy cunlra ald('S. Tho!K• t•n.io>·ll Minn. E. ••. 8 laet>, Jl<'rm:f" Ji ~Wed, fl. \\ s. and the UN DEl --- I I ... ILU.IIOI MES ~~~~~Net INCRJ GOESJ Available . ·~· ••• ••• •••• ••!1 t ;ltll. s.w, tri Tl TREY ~· 'Thn rc Rationed LADIES', MEN'S II lEI .1·111 ' · IEPI . ~ .,. -... Papa Tbul'lday, March 18. 1N4 r--~·····~-~ISoilandll ~t.ert&iD "'ILIP IAIIIIT eas•« ,. L L IIIIR Pnanjneat G.-. at Yacht Qab . IIDOELI.AlQova ~--·-u;-;w.i•·o~ • ilcia• •rr:. NaLed :;;--;_ _............. .. .......... ~ ... llaiDk. a.-at I &a ~ .... ..... ... -Kaltne Aft., flllftM. YW7 a H .. Ml ...... ......_ ttl n.t st... c-u .._ .. · Notary Public J For Your Convenience We M9e two JlotariM iD .. .... R. C. PARKER ·HOUSES FOR SALE 3 bedrooa ~ed bwlv•· low. $8500. C&ab. S·becboom fWDiabed, $9000. Tenu. 2·becUOOID tuafuaiaJaec:i. bay &oat, $10,500. Cula. LOUIS''W. BRIGGS Com· Fed Tenderizelt-Hams Sliced Bacon and Piece Bacon Plentiful Supply of ................ for your WMkeDd ahoppiDg Deeda. -· ALPHA BETA MARKET COSTA~ Your New Easter Dress Is In! Smartly atylect for fubion wiae aopbiaticatee f ~~---- .. You'll be a lovely picture in white embroid.-ed eyelet baJiate or white waffle pique. And you'll revel in our collection of amart coata aad auita. I) A'M"RACT'JVZ 50-toot Bay Front lot on Lido tale. Term.1 to IIUlt buyu. D. C. MacKenste, 1101 Newport Blvd., Coeta )(..._ ORKIN'S Department Store C08TA III!8A ...._. l:vmlnta at T:tl 6 •• t..ut Cumpwte ......._ .,. • Double Feature ~ MuU at I JO Adulta· ~-... ' • a Tu-~-* lr>ck.t .. 'ha .......... ~ .-oK.A" ....w r, •• ecna ot s..d. Joc:.ted oa l)O(EDIATE ~PGOH. H .. 2-~m ,_.., 8t1acco. oar-, .,.. 11120 tAM a~dOO r.t. 1 P'UI) prt~ J4IIOO.. 11000 cub. f40 . per monUl. R. C. Pub~'. 1101 Nttwport BJv4., o.ta ar-. Good Laell Mr. YAtee ... .--.. _,... mt~ N W ~ ot Saata Aaa A••· ---.. • • u ~~T·f" .... .._ .. Coooa .. _ ~ • -. • ~ OOCJPLa ..... ... Sll per eae per JMr. ~ lid)-• Ill , ., _. ,_.. _..,...,. . ..,.. R C PARKER A REAL HOQ Uld p •ualoa 1 ·" ~ Nta If ..._ • • lmmedlauly. ftrM bedroom LaMie Coale B.-e ~ ca Or•c' 'Ol1ft.. L.::.• IVI8 ="~ BIYd-CoM& lieu houw. 145 aera matt tna .._ .. -_. C'I<:'M In Full prtce .... 12000 My Klap.. FE m-=r II ,. . .-\..~ 10 aENT cuh.. balan~ .. per month. R. for a Cook W'Aln'Dt ~A.''T to RPT-~ ~t C. Parkrr. J-Newport BIYd., J. wttll 0... ~ .. ..urT 'ft) lll.'T lto.t ..... ~; ...aid .._ lltH boftM w.._ Coeta MNa ktt .!j ~ • .... tar _... ~ ...._. lW..J I aan.o. and '-'c Beach Want· MOVE IN TODAY ~ 11r I'd to llvy: W,troalltJic medi1JM. • w 1 , f ~ -----------~ r&.one 12ti-.J. Two-bedroom .....,,, painted ~ W' AJif'l'a) -Cllll6 .... ..,.. _. ------tnat~ and oul ,... fOWldaUOn. • H..... Ill _. ...... 80& ....... WANTED 1'0 RENT -,..,_ new eldlnJ. on 50-toot lot. 13200. j t Faille Colon a.tl1r ..._ DS ll.n-1 tr.droome, 2 balM. for 3 aduJLa. Sfoe at 277 E. J'kiiWeF IL, eo.ta Q! .... . ·--..... ...... uu Fum..tled or untumle~Mod.. WlU MH&. Owner 111 .. lltll lt. lc: I!! WN-...a tile .._,. Per et&'ll ~·tenn noa • ....... • w. r ..... a..-?...... w A N T E D ! ! ~"'.=:..Baa K. M~ Costa Mesa Bargains m 1 ¥1 3 fill .. ,_, .._. We now lilaft ..wnl i •• ,.. ~ _.. • _. Ollila ._ F-a-boa ............ &a ec•am GOOD BUD Df R OJO:I -r.e ... ""IDa -. .... n a ••~p,r-t;J -..-. ._.. ~.,-.. Would l.llte to ... ,.,.,_ u.t1Dp. • ... ~ u. ..._ .._ --..._. .. ,. E. auaa:u. ~,. ~.... -}.710 lf--.rt --... eo.ta )(-uvw .,;'· R. C. pARKER ~ *· Jill OIMl • ...__ ,_, ~ ;-.,._ JlwunDCe Poe4:11 .. t ("pn ,. -• pl ....... 0... --BUT nna INCOJO PROPERTI'! o 2 8 , .._a.1 • a PIJ WANTED MONTHLY RENTAL $115.00 u .. .i • a -· ... .... fill .... .._ ... .... , ... BntaJ. ... 2 .... lot. Oil comer. ao.. Ia Good ...... At .......... _. .. -,..,-.. ,...._ 4niUal clllrtrkt ... 11000. 'hnu. .. ., tr a · •••»-••• R C PARKER ktt I Wherever the fighting is; wherever the wound- ed are; wherever the boys-yours and· mine-- need merciful help in mortal bodily or mental wounds, the American Red Cross is there- helping, tending· and • canng .. . . The Red Cross needs money now. Won't you give? To-day? Now? . ·SOU'tB COAST CO. .... 2 • I--. I' ................ . . .... • ~~; ·"'?' ~ S .t ... a a::. pt .... --:!,!'*:= ~ ~~--!III.U--IIiil!hiii!III-IIZZ!IIIIJ&LB!ta.llllllliMIII-Iiiilllllllilllllillllliiiiiiii--IIIIM!EJ!IIIII!!!U.IIHIIIIIIIRIII-------.. - I ! i • • •• •• I ' , ' •• ~ IEEP PISTD! 1 Year • • • • $%.50 •• • ..... ,..... ....... .. Ill" SAND CRAB Bay Bondi to End War Quicker ~ .. \ ... ' ' '• ... ,,..,..-· ('_ -"'-·"'-"' Jll ...... -.. •••• '· ... ',I ., EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE. NEWPdRT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA MKiA ------- NEWPOfn BEACH. CALIFOIIINIA, THUIIIOAV, MA .. CH Ill, tt44 -------- Hor CAJIPAIGN -All FredShandWinslions Oi.JR Bovs signs point tO a \ivid -IN eE.VIC& campa!gn for tbr city D b w· . t' h I --council The platform of e ate on Inning e .~ c;..c pooctf'd nn thf' dn~· ~·our f'U~ Trull ('.ollfocior ('nl-• three candidates. •·ho have IN~. Tf'lt•phnnf' Sf'wport M'! for laformaUoa. , formed a coalition. •·ith 11 p F M ~ l'ut )'tmr nf'""'Jl'I'IM'rs and naa~,...._ oat u..· cia~· hr· points, will stir up all other eace or an-'power fon. thr• Trft.,h ('rltlc>rtur '" tiUf'. nf' lhfo111 I• about ltnt' groups who might disagree foot thkk hunollr•-c, with its tenets. Whether thc.-present councilmen Sl'ek:ing Pt;l'\lNSI'I.:\ 1uuHIAI.RO.-\: ·election will do so on ~ cu l .. f.'mm 7th St. l'ut tn .lrU}, Munday aad 111ui'IICia)·. slate, is somewhat in doubt. Hip ~hool Student A8ks What of 11,000,04"1 ~T Nt:\\I'OJCT anti N•:"'t•mn: but the combination of tht' Soldiers After the War and Says \\'omen .,.~·~:~~,·:.~~;,\~'"'t to ~Oth !'4t •• 'l'uNday ~ Frida~· platfonn trio may fOf'l"t" that ,__ -.· t--__ ..... Must ~tOut of Industry on The•_·r. Returrr_. Thlr1h•th .. tn-.·1 "''"' tn Santa Ana rtvrr. "'~IArMia.) ~ f~;·~~·to --~ ._.. anct S:thtntll\. sepa.rate .~ttle or ..Ute to In a f o rn>ful and illuminat in~ ta lk tha t ON-ply imp tl' .. C'(I •AI.I\O,\ I~I.A·~ ll-~rmtln~· 1'111' 1'hur"!!lday. fight the other two liMups.: his a~. l'red Shard. hiP h sc·h ool s tunt>n t. ""s dC'd:m 'cl IIAimnu ISI.A~H-\tontla) and Thunday. 0nJ t-o UINl ISI.t;....._Tu,.._.lll\. tuul t'rlthn . y thing about that is winner o( a <k>bate 1'\x>sday nig ht a gains t h is UJIJ)()nt~nt . ~tar:• at:A.('()N Ri\\'-Mnndat.• aad Tbunlday. whether that coWd be at'-AJicr Pollard. on thP subj(><-t . "\\'inin!.: the Pl':wc> for Anwrir:•n " complished as t~ 8eemS to Manpo\o\·er,'' befo l'1.' the Lions d u ll. lie is th u.-; m:~dt"' C'!igih!'-• ~)KONi\ nt:t. ~Ait-l'u,.!Wia~ and Salunla)•. be a widP diw..._. fll opin-to ftller thfo rounty contest to )it:WI'OUT n•:umTS--Tur-.cla)· and •·rida)•. ion OD tbr ~ .... they br hftd next montn. ht•nl'h lht' Anl('rl!'lln hnnw at'MJNt:.lo\.11\ lllSTIU('l'S-( Nt'WIJC•rt. BaJhoa, Balboa w. SPECIAL. SCHEDULE For Colledion Old Papt-r8 and Ma«Uin~M . ........._, """-" %l City Political Battle on ~s 3 (ombine, Offerillg Voters unique Platforin no"·~n, Kno"·lton and ~lwnHtnd t•wn ~ ... panMinn nf N"""·port llarbor in All Ui. r~·fim'M and for .\lllnt~·r~IM ( ""' u( lhr• 1114 .. 1 't:er1hn.: d UU lt:•" In " ll•;et rtrc"flon c:anw •••1:" "tilt lht• :uannur·•,..,n,'fll thn t thn .. • .. t ttw-10 C'llftdklatea for t'HtutMI ft:tw c•un!inli-l'llf'd tht;r fnrn .... rtn uftrd a dvk. ...,. f 111111 1ol II J•llnl". •11io-"h thry h :n1• na.:n,"'t ut ._, and ebklt h~· ''" to•ntt' :ottti•••:ehm: •uth the• ilr\Mo'flfl..,l llnd "l*nalon ,,( N'"\llllt1 ll.or1•~r in :til dl· " ..... ,....,.., •"'" .,.._ , ........... .,. ....... hat --•·Jt I• r:~r1 th:ll mOO\ Amc•11· &Dtl)-ltail). are ...,_, ......... ..,. on l"r'indp;;J s.dne)' II. 09,~f <·an wom •·n v.11l not m~1rry onfl ,,,. ~~~ ..... """ ba"" -.:-..t Ia. _... •~~ :-1~ 1 .. ,... what they seek. diiP hicfl ~. whcr halt C'hnrl:!' or hav~> n hllnw. Th•'rl' 11 ,.,, 0111 \oll•============================~ •I•• ""'""t ., ... At ... fi ...__ ,,. ....... A Jf'J ... til.--aid tht' c:oonll'!'ll' h:ul F ... Th _. ,, a.. N\VL D . • c t 'unona do-t M•• ,. A K ...... _ • .,._._.8 ,_ .~ ---t _....._ <>D! inteteatia& pba.lr o1 .-.....--·~ l'ftOUJ;:h m,.n llnw t hl'n w1ll ore.. eu ...... v .. ~. 8 --" ·--·~~ __. the • ill tha t.rlJft ......... ccnduc'tf'd for SU .)l'a!"' a ni! Yo'om<'n be' rm!liOVNP ThP m:11n , ecunon t t ,.f N-poti IUid .,,.. talr..-1 -t-• ..,.,_ ... eftll ..... R .. fW C':a .... IIJ'I t lw.no .. ,rndrd to prumoff' bl'llrr \'(l('IIIU'ln' whirh .r('(]uir,. -.nmnn·l \\ llh hu• f'll l11111•1' •"'" the •.rv· D f v· f oun y 0 "' N .... , .. trt Mr ........... Ia a l"t'4W• •" ·-... ,....._, rftlft.-.... canctidatw U2. ~ at ........ .......... u. ~~ powy't'" ltrf" ,.,.., ~ •Lcmi.runc ", ... r h1H l UUlllry. 1-'nrrf'.t E. ~v on lr ory ....... , t .......... ,... Ur K-"·"' "_,..'" .. .,...,. .. ...... .. the Saudi a..t Co.-,.., I Mm ltlllh ~lirl\., '" mar;:r of nN"Up;!IIOn~.' Mml'ly JXKHinn!' (\r n I T1 l'lll"o•l fj{ tTl.> tm trll\ ."r-ttw,.,.,. On u . Sh [ CJ ..... f'&'l-&1 ... &. Jl&cl&.. -~ ... are 0 . B. Had. Clyde Sber-I tbat ....... o( hilth school llud.) l'l~>nml nil I UN', lf'OI!'hlnl: lind nu• •• rl't fllmlly I•• ,...,_I l nell' Sa m In nJon op • • t muln.. .. , .......... ...,,....., Ia :-. ~ .,...,., ...... ...., ...... wood and AI. Horvath. Somr , ..... w fin& intl"flducrd Ml~ll Pol· In~ lind Olhf'n:':"!IU!'h il" tl'll'piH)n!'j ll"· Rl!llr d I .... , Thf' par .. nc. ot. I -I qUI a e rmpln\···· Ill , .... "' .... " ~ •'- statement should br fortb-lard. wt.o drspitf' a son' lhrool. Ofll'rnl inl!. milhnrr·y "'urk. nnd t h•··,lhll'l 1 111~'• 1'"'''"1"' fnm lly Are Mr. i"l ,,,.,.IM'IIIl t>\• ttw :'ol"t "'n•l .. an rlf"t"tnrl-, It.,... ••nort· T "....._.1,_ • .,......_ .,_. COining from either tbr ~ pw-• rno&t intl'rntlnc ,;,•v.-· atrk al flO"Iflon!'. , '"" :.•,. II Th••urf'l w ho ha,. lAbor &atd w1u nn lllr In-IJ s k II tv •t•t,..l t .. 111. .... ._..,..., .._ •-Yer"'-......_.. .. •• ...... lnees or the Boat Co ... to IIJIIOUit on thr bladl and whltP IJrnb-llvt'tJ •l 164 ..,,, .... ,.r • lt't'l. 0«& fYonm w ... htn~rlon J:l'''"·· '"" ....... lwtf' ,,.. .... n-. ........ ,, ·-... ,.,. In'--_,. ... their ~ft intrrelt In 1rm conln~~~tinc thl' C'OUnl f") Sh,. P«.-lwar Boom !\!• ,.., ro r Ill•· 11'"' l:l yenra, I n C'o tht rttchl tro f'mr•lny &n\• eeters •""""' "'"" .. ._ c•,..,-._ ......... ~ •ot -•n rtaft t.. ,._. "-•t..~ ma ..... r. Am _......_t lw~'f'd thr t.UI' """ld bl' !W!In'(! "Thl' immo-cl•:•tr JlO'Iwnr !lr · f'l•rut 111 In lh~ rnutur m;oehank e 1-._. •n•l rulln" tt"lllnlll thr 1 1 .._ '"'•t .... l '" ,...,_ ••uull ~ U.._,. o "-"" IL~UIUI:lll • ., .. " If' oee ,_,. a _ _., #If lJw ftep ,.,. tJw twa i'Wot"f"!, woricing sl<to' h~ manti.~ upon Amrril'an indu~t f") '' ,.,,., .. n " 1 ,. ~ lf'IJ Artillery, and Aeer!C'&n F"....,f'ra ll"n , r 1-" 1 .... I ..,..._.... •,. """ ._ ..,_ .-..t the cocnpany ~ aJ'e ... in industry. "rll b<' f'nnnlii>U< fiJI\I~Iwol UoUn· h<l~ h•"ll l In 1~ ud\IHW,.J lralnlfl .............. .au•ht tn unlnnl1,. Ill" 1'1 oul liM f'hllf'\ h fur ,.....,_. ,_,.. "P• ,......, .. llf UW ..-.... W · not ; .. vol·--" an· • ...._ odd ..... -~ .. Ttw 1•t•U· "" •"14..., "' ,... • -7 u• ..._....., u...,. u.-Olin 'Mc'KMtZK-. R fonJW'r \'••to·rnn 1ru., will l>t• rr)tnl: fnr l'Q111 1li1Wnl 111 ('llu p J<oot .. .-~~ "" rt't"f'lvf'·' b .. I _,..,. ,..,,,,1., .... ,, n--'"'t ..,. • ., thet ___.... --.. ,..,...._and had · " 1""" " .... ,,..,..,., moroqull•-th111 hulc 111 • llll•h•l•l"• •• """._.,' .,.,.._ -.. _.. """6""" DO pan Ill any Khool -. •fl.,r tho• two h:111 fon· wllh WhiC'h IQ l'l'llllluhlalf' 1lwm ectura tHul In ~~~'"'"uri and alter • --c .... _ .. ,-11 .,..r thl' !"hiJ•Iu1<1.h"': IM'C'-" t o( ... ~ trio ----'--r -........_. • ......._ ~-..... I _. ,.,.... ''"' hnyuu-. "~"" 11111t '""' l 'tlllllt•~ll~ for • ., ..... ~~--Ulr ..... _ 1or ... -uoao-...,..If'. IAou II Wll' 0.,.-. "'l\o~ hll!'ki~J.:<'<I markt'llo Wll rt•· t ho• hUlllly IJIU\"r.J lu Call:oml&. be ,..__IIUII'-lltliiiNI 11 "''"'' , , • .,, ... _ t .........., ·~· trlhl"'' nkonte ttw• .., .. ,., '""'flit ,,. ., .. , ,... •• t. _ t•of•·-• II T1v • ,,..,._ ,._ --• ftee·,aJsothat~isaladl IGf tJw ranest hfo nad f'\t'r hf'(HI fJUirl• luJI!nn" nr IJ.,IJ;o r• "''rl h of \\·•>-II·~ 1oal,olwlllo Mo•MahonP'Ur·l .o-to• th• '·'"" AO"•·I~• •trt~t I .L-.. .._ .,__.. ._. __. _. I h 1 1 ,,.... •· .. " • ••uunty ~trrllJI lln' t'>tn•·•'l "'"' ,. oil .....__,, -.... _ "' " _,., I -..... w .,._. ... ol ur.ity bet•"t'ef'l tbr ..-. ... that S t'Wpnrl lnrbo1r ' nu I .IUiom•oiHk'. rc•rrt~;•'r<tllll'-, Wl"h nnuro• \·l•lllf•llll\. 1n F 11llr rtnn. ,..~. ('ounrll uphnltllnlol ,.,. ,..,.,. 1,., 1\tw.trcf ... ,.'f·,..-~.tl•on,...:.: .. _., t~• •••• 1._. ,_.,. ....... fill~ aty 0.... necs :::; to f fl{-~:-::::~ c! ~::h .. ,..... nl ,,_ ·'"'11h .• nol 11" ,..,. 101•'1''" mmm..: ,,,,11"111''111 1111 .. '" uf hll' f11m ly wbo are lo u.uon cf thr Pf')'tnn mana~trm,.nl • • • ,_. ~ t • . -.....&.. slat •• i '"'' O"UI <"o<l 'OfiiJitrulu' Ol dt·r~ roo f J i\('('J>I cUntl: to SIIIOI'~I"'lr l t\ll ln lind ,,.. ~,.J 1:.-----e to 1ft rll .. ~~ ~etfne ~~ tit U. 0 wtn on -.-.. a f! -. • • . . ' UDI orm &n· 8 1111\f'r, Uanlt.a .... l lh~ ron r~nv ".,_ n .. l ............ ~__.._ I I ,._,.. .,.. ....... ~. .... .. llf u.. -~caado•toawalt ...... ·.. ......... .. A .. _ 1'1\'llmn tlt'rupiOiru•• '"·''Ill (',.,, .. oh•·lll•l 1' .. 11.1 \\.AI ' 1'111\lunr•d at tO .. II:TI IIUn lnn r nntrNi t Ntntalfllnr; l;.·.,tv.··< .. .:"'-;'·"1 •uti\1'"'''~,"111 ... ~ .... ,, ..... ~ ... , ..... _ •• ., --·. :..r Shan(f, talk. in f\811 r .... ··nl lo><lfl\ \\Ill r•~t'"'"' ;uloloiiiOI)III f-'tort ""' !\l .. lno•ll IHIIf '"'~" toroth· -" 1 ' ·~· -•"''"' ... ',,. •IIP 'I'V .... ,~ 1'. """''"'11ft~ N •tt ...... ,....,.._ ,_,.., • ~ ........ ""...,.""" ,_-A. ThP ·rr~.,, •rnnn nllr a or101Wct """f' ................. n-'""' "'" urotrdn~t thl' ''"""'" h•·nllh ,,, -t· ....... ._.. _ _. __ .... .,_..__._ "•h·~-~··r ' " ·-· " •·•~ \,lft••n 111 lhr· /\rmv lnf11ntry tt I ·· I t I' n _._,_... .,._ II f I he rnll'lfl'lnv ' t'rr• tnll n r•nnn ,. '' •I! llll'fll Ill p~ With tfw• • .., " ... liTIJ)I'r311\o' '" Amt'IWa raomm.: "' on(•r•'IIM' 11om n''" '"'" l'nlot.~ o;,,.,. """ •• Ill t h•· Air of membl>r"h fl" 1111<1 II ('tlf\\OOV'I ur l'llmln"''"" th•• ,...., .. Ill •••• 1 ••• ..:,, .. ".""' .... t ... _ ,.......... ,. ""'" "'"'",_e .. ., .. .._ & fl'a••b'•· af\11 pr:!C'II~:·hlo unlol lhl' l••m lln:!IIPn "' llw ••a• I 'Hrp~ wttb a l~·day ...... ,.,."'. ··'Ru•~ .. "" IH ollnfl r...... ""--. N .... ,, .... ,., .,..._ ... """' ln<t....Ury .. ,,_. .... , .... ._. •"" "'" .............. ..._,_ -....... rnnnuL,tro .. tur h "'" ,,,.. •. nnd "Ill ··onllnl!l' f•ll ~ "·"' II .. ~ ..... -I. ... -. d 1 11 1 tbet wnrkena at thf' pl11nl I' uJ.I I' .,,,.h ~net ~thrr ~-tnl a-·•r•l· olllllnct te ...,_,..,. ~~~~ ..... iQ tM ; "'* ~ ~(l('nt} :on•l );,,, .. ofl• r 1'" ... 1"'111.)" on u ••m t "' · " .. .. ,_. ,... • ato..Jdl to the Saalb C'oatlt ~ ...... ~.. Antt•r•ca mu~l rrwnl will h(o ''"'"'""'SI'nl lhr" l~:h· s· bl d daortdr In lhlll llmr Whf'lhrr lhr y IIIII• ...;,k lnr; ••llh ""' ,.,,,,., In f'lrtvm..nt ,,,.. ab wurta~~~~«. ~-II ................ _, ... Co. and as to how IIIIJc_tlle)' .._...,_,.the cnes o1 Ow (l('~r· out Amt:nC'a. -..nttd to Join l h• u nion lh,.1r f'ffort• • ,... that uur.,...., •·=• ..........._.. _., • ~·""".,..... ,_,. u ..,_., ..-.ld ,_...., thr ...._ ~ ..... wllo pnect»s a ~ni'M' ol "In II ff'W )"f'&~ tim<·~· \'C'r. I e an Th~ uolon 11\fon fllttl • tortlt\(>ll ,.,.~ w....-tl Nf"Wp0t'1 RHctl tlart· Ill• ,.._,. .... Ha,.,., A.-........ .....,_ .. Ole ..... _.... . ~~ ~ llant. lallllll)' ~ ...Jt'&L.J.U.b...ll thls po!'1war boom will •lgwly ~-~ ,.. -M•*1••1 Wu ~I flcl ¥•ttl• '* fWa ..,., ... lt•l..,. ........ ..,_ -• •~ ....,. .,. =A .... v...-c1 hrr CJW'D bftif'fl' that dlrw> 11nd l'\lf:'fttWlll)' st•>p, n ,_ 8 bl I I -.....s .. WUillnrtofl ~a I"WYt.w c·unrfnM "-I•W'I Jlltrtwlf" Rm11ry tt.at ,._.. 111ew ........... fw ....,. -t ""'" ....... I I ilbll w-••;.:--.....,.lill!i!iili aid toct.y that 1111 a.. .... ,._.... b pll'Q<ibil': lh:ll a thl' mam,.prln~: in 1.1 wntC'h. A• lh,. • rtl tb~ eeer. Th~ NLRJI hv '''" l'n· d uh h•lf •boo t•k,.n u~o thr m.tlllo•r .....,.._, to -• _.,.., ,.,. .._ ... ....., •-. -.4 ... ·-••• •t • greta the inawita.... to llllctiGa Ill ll .-ortd econam,) .~ nnlton.~ n( tht' "'m-Ilt li N' n'hllhlh· I e a one lnJ to "•1-the di,......Un nrct.r "'"' ,.,,.,~, .,, lht• mt'MI"''" wn..-. '""'"'141 ,., n....... . .......... , ........... ,_ , ... ....,. thoR who haft beeD .-la!d tlw 11ry 10 a •11r llt ,.( Jl"lll'l'; lh,ll llttf-d lho·y will nu lnn~•·r rc..,11111 ,. of th,. 8hlphulltlln.: c· .. nuul*'l n, niii,IHil'W' will ~otrr fnrwant •n "'" h ''''"'" rot '"'"'"'rtr•·.., re.. ,.., nf r u ry lltlrrwoal a...t ..,_,_,,...tty to ~ but tbf!. I ol WIP CIUI h.-.\·r 1'"-"'P"rll~ ,, "''. ",,1 k man.) nr !ht• prorl••• .. wh1r h "'" uflh•ltl th• Cflnll'nlluu ''' I h•· • ••m· """".,.' ft• lu 1:1vr n ... ht..•nl' n A ~~--thf!Navyfor~paeetD....-Jr ..... ,.at anti l'.'lonr.... wrll IN• llrOihWII'II: lur l hf'rn ;'II'"' H·IS Creed ~:yn::a:~·rylM'•I """" '""1'"''1'''''·'"'"1 ~umrnrr "" llll)' nr_~"'"' :t t 'lotlf"""'"C ••• ''"" .... ,..,,.,. "' .. , ... ""'""'rr-•1 .......... '" thf! IliaD)' O"aft that-W "'W'h.,l tho n I• lht ..0h111oon~ t•n•J 11f lho• \Hil R.olho•f. lho• fiiW I ttulltl•n~ ,_f•ltf'rot ..... f• I H ...._I~ ptl ..,,,. ..,. ... IIW ....... - kept Ia oandition. Clllld BOt l'llliur ••II tho· li'':J"· I· """ I•·• dut'l "h••·h llw~ pl11!illo'" will ptn· 111~ trt.pert,. NV.'IJI, '"'''" '"'" L I r .. nlltru• "'"'. f ,_ """~ -"''"' ...,....,_ Cllt tllw • .,....,. r.-. • ~ ae ef. • ~nran m:tnJIOW('r' \'!<It• o·urnJ••foloon lor n11r p11~l 1•·l• membrr reprt••l'nl llll! !111• \llll•lt• egi•On s In ,,..t,.r '" rrllr••r llw ,....._, ....... ., .. ,.,.. •'""' ........... tft tJw "--~h.__.,,. . ,\I It~<~' ••fill .. r l h l• ":1r ,,,.,,, .on11 11;11 .._.,,,.,"'II fall \\•' •n••·• .. n~ Qlf'rrbl'r rt•prt·M•nlln~ "'"""It' 1,.,1 •r1•,• .,, 1,.,..,.-....,.,... "'"' ..._." ,,,. f"'•aMII, ,._, 11 --~.::ur 1\ • :tj•l\• llv t ruwol lllll'ntl~tl Ill~ 1 "' ,.., wll only bf! U!W'fl mrlh·•n m •'n m tho· ;rmw•l lo •rf'•'' o·\'o•l1 '''JIIYI "''mJ'I•IIIHon II ••Ill I;,., 1,1111 111111111,. 11 111, Au•tllnr'lllm. 17~,., m"nt and onr m•·ml•·• "'111 ,.,..." ·•f hlnj~Mn&: lhr ... at.U..r • ., -liNt .. _ : _1.,_..,.. 300 n\Of'>' llti'n nn•··hall nl th•· n;o· many nnfl Japan. f"r. 1f "'. ''" nr11 •·•.: un• n '"''"r l'••l••d '" '" ''"'' 11 .. ,.,,. In 11,1• s...-alttv AI--=•"· -nr enk ,..~.... !'l:"wt•"r1 l'lvol ,.""'" Mt'll&, hull 11 1 p d ..._,,.., ......,..,..~ t..-__....... t L.:_; tifwt•c i'C'On<IITIK" SIN'nl..'1h "Ill llt• IH lho·m I• r·nn,IIIWI Ill• II •1'"11" "HII I II\' nll.!hl ~~~ F VIll'l•l'h"l for denial of th•• l"•lltlllfl If' II rai•Se on t ~ _'<..,.,.._.,, •4 ,,.,. c· a tcNOWI,'ftlH. • nr ,,..j.'U"~ 1"" •i•·tnnhohLo~l Th" (lf'l ,,,.,, tn •I··· ••ml lh••n "'' 11111 "'"' h• '' · 1 ' 1 ' .. bur ,.,,~l!f'ntnl ll" '"1•·•1 111 '""' Comr Ground ()("C'\Jp&Jlls h..,d -~.,,,ar.~ ··•II ha ve to ht> ltw , •• :;1111!! ''" 11\,,,,,,, .. "' 1hi' l:o•l c:l .. nn l;u(fllr unf"''1'" lhl' 11:"'"1 f•t lh., rwUUon '"'1""',.'"1 '''"-'" .. , ..... In ,,...,.... f,.rr..: fUfKRWOOO rt ·fi:~ ..... """ ...... ·t It I I f ~ .,,,,.,....,. rnt.t"''n'"' ,,,. '""' •ttl not ~n prof)(' Y nob R"'l to rtf'""'r1Un' of "''"'''" h '1m onriU'-11':1 t•••l • 11 !ho 1" ;,t•o· llt•OII)' pltu••• 1 lrlf'll'lll I'" '"'''" ""( IOI! P •ll, t •. ~-n ·-· ~:.trll 'r•·•llo••J 1 .. Fol.-•n Tf'lltO!Pol & w Eff ... , .. '""t····· "' ....... ,..,.~~ ....... varn c tc; lr .. vo ... ,, a.o: a .,... "-• .... -· .... "··m••n"' ur"'" •h•·" ,., ... nr•m) The Roy Wafkl"ns· .--roo.. lk ·• 1 ~ I n111 rRI I' I r rt • •••• 'l•rt., • fr•..n• ,,.,. •'tt•c • th .. Ceh red \\Iitten noti<'rs t O 00 1\hll'h \\Ill lc•·••ll II.• m In t~•\•·rl~ • "11 urR" OJ: .• no 11 " ar 0 b A .1 J .,_,.,) m•l·' 1<:';1\·,, mrlu•ll~ ..,.. 11 ('. n 1 h 11 I ul h• \' 1111 ~~ ro•••n I'" 1 111'1'~ 1llu"tmtr d tht> If'( Be t 'N H ' ''" !;(} y ~ • that Jf\rYn>•r l'f'I"\'IM" IT\f'n m il) ro•• \1'0 \\I' ,on II f' I I I I a 0 ,,use :1 'nl• '••ot• o.,ho<fl j_.for....-. •lly + • • ... ,. •>~t14•r ";"~ t•11•• Too 1 .... .1 £" .... ro:l~ o( the> tum ''' l hi• ,.t.,; th•·~ lo·ll Th•• "T••"" lhro •lll!ht~ll ;,tl lh• uf "I "tlll •ll'lj! In m l' Hthl,. •nd m v 1-•·h•nol r;.,vrmtrwfll •M ~~ ,.,.. --11:)1· I:A """"'' AJTW'nr:ln -··omt'n mn~ nOI lo!<l "'11 lu'{! nil I ,·1'"' lh•···· j, c•tompl<'lc IIIII I, llohll' "'""''· ~"""'' I hi' t•V&nlltf'IIAI 'rroubles via &at '"'' ,nltll .. r1' f'•rr ·~ ~ rt Laguna 8«-am \~ilia~ ~. ln::h·. hut IMK"a iiOO' "''' t hat ~h·· """ ... "''·rmunlolln~: In••• 1 rad•• /\lid Al' 1,.. prot """"" 111 uph••'rl th•• \\ 1111 llu• •·nil ""'",.."' "' ""''' • •<fllllr•" """ ""'' '"'"'"''""' .,. ,. "'ho l!'i as in-epressible a!li . •111 "h:ll ... lhro ro·•ult Ill II' ·n.:.t V.'nrtl .. , t:rwt Ill' •h•' ••nlv fonntiA It YOu ..,.. wontl•·rll111 ....... , .. \' Ill '" .,.,, .. ''"" und vuluntr .. •r, Ill ,, .. , .. ,,..,.,,.n·· \\'ll•rf '"' s..-...-, .. .,, told th·,.. .._.... • ...._ ... ....._ ··• ·k-, .. ~ 'U~IIIUh· m a ,,,..,,. -1 .,,, "''') nntf W•· .. n.-.tn• '"' '''' tt t 1 ., 1 • ~....-. L., ........ u...,. ..,.,...,.. ... ~ ,,.. ""'"''""'rna~ lw ;,"'""'''" "''" th•· toun oof ,,.,,. Prnti'IOianll•m • '" • '"""""' thf' R.nv \\"allo 11" 10nol 1"''' •· · .... • •• '"" " • r• r •• I•''"" • • ··~ day: A IT\an •-as ~~ ball o:;uno· •ho gOt" '" ft)r lh•• 11n .. "'urd pniSIII'rlly y,.,_ ,.,.,.11 ~ m\' unlv • ,,.,,, ·· 1•,. rnntlnu,.•l , hlklren. Roy ,·,. an•l l 'hvlll,. h"'''' "11111 nnvy. marino· r~..-1" ""'1 llrhl ••,...lu•l.r "''•"""'« ,.,.,,,..._ '"' o(f-t..-and hi.r caD for heln ab<Mit fl~l-<~tnngl'r. t h•• Anwn· lh-r"h 11 t~ 1n t1mn nr \\ar· ll\1' "/\11''1hlnr. m11r.· 111 I•" m ur h enol , . .,,, 1 I!IITi r•t untt.•t ttl'• tf11'"'11'"' "1 "" fl~loln~t: •ren .,..1 •' Uw -~•vn: .. , he•• rnn •·oman has n 'f'dJiahl)' rillf'd "'... " ' ma.ed from whrn· ""'" lonv~ '"'''" 11\fo lnr~~l ""''' bnllnt. (1.-ril /\n b-...dot a '""J"-• to t ~ .. -rrlion or a d~tnnr o( f rt'•· I lad•• nnv1l11n•• 1~'11!0 1,. '"" llttl,." llvln• 1-f'\ornl RJIII~." t~to,nd 'VUf>" '"" ~ L -_...___ -• lht' a~l ~o<•rv•r•• "'"' ·~ "' •· '"' o~, .. ,. .I lf•.,....n. nftf'l• .. t "" scene. H e asked the ~n-...... ........,. ... -hall prndUC'<'O Rn ('ra or fro ·o· flaol·· J-:uthuMII\~111 ··Amrn,.·· Wl'r•• \ftU11 find th .. m 1'17IIV """ '""Y •111'1 ·-1 ,-~.:·,·.-... ·-.. ,_,,,, .•• ,, .. ,, nd man. \\'hen Amf'nca's brl't rf'· h f h ···o· I ' t ., r· rr ' ·• f ' , .. "'--'""~ '" ing man his naJn(". aJ:(" a t lfo the ant(' nkin on 1 111 n I r• "' ~ ~ 1 "" ho·llr•l n ... ""r ,,, n• qun ,.u rom In m~an cotllv •f•ltlr d on lhl'lr ,,1 ,,.,. l•ornl p!Jilt and auldlt•f")· wherc.hP lh:t'd. then told him ~~~~:--~n-~nd J.'Tlll!ludto ri'Cff1ltlr thrn thnl 1f l'\Wh R pnlht I• un•l,.rll .. r thr J(rrAI l'rnleatanl 111 to< t yawl, ,.,.,.,0 ,.1 Ill ltll:hl II•• ,11111 ,,.. I••Y' l:'""''"llv 1,.11 he ("()Uidn't s.im. But lM of • thankful NUIOfl Ml'k to lh••, w l'rt'' ronlln\tNI, pru••prnt~ wou •I nr•:~<ni7.AIH•n• ln<lu<ilnJ: Ill,. Mf'th nnw lh• boll I '" m•-'•r•·•l "' Ito v , ,11, 111 llll' munun.: ,.,.014•11111,., nt watcher hastml'd 10 the ad-___ _ _ rnnflnur aJ~I'! ndllll. BRrll•t. l'r,.,.hyt•·rhut. 0'•n Marwhall'a pl,.r 11t Arr.o·l h\'orf "'''' ,, .. "'• k ,., 1,.1,..,. wtlld • ,, .• I I no,. I''"' 1<1 .. 11n tlftiO_. ... a""t plo •. ,,_ .. ,, ....... , ....... , .. ,. •·...rt.t• t'u• h ••••••w~ "-~ .~, .. ~ I•· ttu-d,, .. , .. ,., , ........ ,..,__. "'''"« .... t· .. 10• ,._._,.. .,_. .... ,_., .. , ....... ·• ,,. t¥rtaM ~---... P=ttifir 1'~-foot l)in•hy~t To Rare Sunday -· , ... lhr ..... ,..,. .. ,,.,. .... ~ ,..,... Tt· rot~• I" ,,_. ........,... •• n. ..... ~.,. .... ,., •rtr• .,. .. ,..,., ............... --·-· ,..._ ........ '" ""• .. ,.'"· will lw ,_ t'llf Uw ...,.,_ Ywill ,.,.., ~ "'""Me •• '~ r • ~ n-t w1ttrh "-,.,. ... ~ r .. ur<lt ,. ........ "''"• t.IIP .. ""'· • ........ ,~, '" fawow et u.. .,...__ dress criwn, knockt'd at the I ...... for T,..S. ,.::rr jt"ll"nnl BArtl<llt. l .. uth~rall )l:orUI Bay. ., ... ,.~, , .......... ,., ,, tho' Jll"l '" rllll door~ whm tM landlad~' Batt "r<o:n •·· L~ t hr ••mf)hatlc T'f'lll) .. r r.hrlt~t•an HntJ nlh,.rll "1 Jilan•l And U!at'a lhr ,.. . .,, .•• nr '"K,."' ·~•• "''"'h ""rlwr, lUI lhl'\' "'"'"'' a--'. said: .. M."''dam. I I e on thr prOI('tiC81 Amrricnn hu•tn•'" fnur·"'liJRrr •dlh l hf'll" mrn ,, C.n<l •1111 family II(;IVf'•l "''' pr<o hl••fll .,f "'"' II ~nllfl '" .......... thr• "")' .... t'V""CU""'-" mnn. ··ror wr woullt bl' unriP·,nlrl In th,.or r•IRin pnlll~lnn "" lhf' W t!rd h&Y1ftaa root.,,,,. '"'m .. vrr I' ron •h•" v.nv with " •hcln ""·rvt•f· fln•l don't want to fightm ~'OU. 00 «>V"ry mark<'l In lhr worlrt nur or ';•Kt. th,. t .a...-"' 1-; ... 1, &nd U11 1 with the·MW 0\11'""'" •lrturln•• •• ''"' ••·rv1nac rrt ,.,.,,,..,. ""'I '""'t.:l• Uso S .,, ••••"• ,., Apr11 •tt. and IUl l ·te ..... .-til ,._..,. .hr ...... ,.v~ ... ''" 11\r l•.r ,_. ,.. Aprtl I«A T1w .......... .., ... ..w. trt ,.,_ bUt the man •'ho is rentin1: F· h B cl andnnl or liVtnR dt•manrl• lhlll ::;"1-,hAlh of ,-; • .., .. lhr f'VIln~t•ll~· t l.lp&ne)'. TtMo ('•rrllnr•t hiUI ..... n ""'' vour room. dJ'(Mned. and I IS oat "''' l'f'('t'IVI' il hi~:h p n r •· lou our ('I)Ottnlll'ol "Prolf'At.Anlllm 'fVOUI•I, •l S.n Pedru anol. llflt'l "···1<1' "' 1111• ,_.,.,..·nl ~.tllltr •HI Lt-Ill would likt> to~ it." ·~·. ~:nnttc .. My rr'ply to thf' Am•·· ...... n l'H' unllt•ll \l)llay:· hi' af'tiNI. "lr I hOUR-bUfttio •. luukNI llkr n flllln·. 'i /1 Ill an•l lhr r•uhllr ,, '"""'"' , .. "'aS the f'l1lly "but the IT\an hu•lnl'!'c m an 1~ lhlll Wf' mu•l rr••· 1hr 10r· ~tr""t mrw,.mrn 11 hatJ f•llov. '•• F:mma, Roy 11-n•l lh,. • hllohrll •11•·11·1 ... ,,., u .,.,.,. will lrr"'" who pt~hf'd him in ha.o: al· • l·n Court !tun• nnn·compo·IIIIV•• Jll to(l lf'l' ,.,, "'" lh\IIRj!NIII~ pn~lll<on .... 1•1 ,,, I After llvlnR In II •Ia I •• , ....... , ..... , .,. ... ~,, """ "'" lllll~tnro '"' readv rentf"d it~·· IS Such J:IVo(t~ \4il hrln;: lhrlr ··~" th•lr toundrr• nn l'hrl'f'lhr•·r «"·"' l l .mm• ""Yalt'll guln~ ... '"k" II Ill '\•·•II•·"''·" ..... ,,.,,. ...... , •. h~ow • • • • • Pl"l"" F.n~::-~~n1: 10 ,.,.nnnm1r ".,,. ••I• r1111l principle& j ''" ''llhaklng •Jnw11 l•o ~:•·1 flll•·•l I • "' "'' •-:UIIf• Rfohabilltatinn _ •;:trinus n'· fare nnll fhru:ol ·l'lllltn~ 1nr1tf• •·an Th• lllrJ:•' ,,tJ,,.n, "' thHt h111 11110 t>o.t qua rt<'n• "''' "'', '""' nnl~ ...... r'"'"Ult '" :tnuthr•r m d,LIP ~ '''"'f att••n•hn ~ 'A•·t•· thrtl1t·~t t•\ I Vt"d on th~ f"••r''"''' t .. ,,,,, '''" ports h:t\·C' ("(lf\l(' tn IL" a<: tn ~A~T .\ ANA . An a llf'RI'rl bat· ":tr lind ",. "Ill hrl\·•· "''' q 1, nw , ... ,, '""" '"'" VIII rio lin 'I' r .. r. ,,.,.d U what th(' S.;"tnt:-~ Ana_~";Y u .. """"'n:l t~ ft•hln~t • raft Or1••1" 1,. . .,,.,., , ,.,.. 1 rrtu nt• •I 1··: .l "l111 lt.on•·•• 1 Thf' mrlln •l•flo• oolt v 1,,..,. ., · 1 ~ Air R.,!'<' \\ffilll'i he' II~"' nr arrl ,." all,gr•l ··t~holur'lur.·· l !lf'll 1 1 .,\, 111t1n11•· f:111h th'll a• l!w rA•II•• ""' "'''"'"'"'. "'"' ''"' lh• ••~: Ill) In ttm~ t'• ~· • 11 .. ,. oor• I • :lftf'r f h f'\\·a r . ~rrl('\\l'f'l"f(l l••lH'I' h:l~l' f"f 1\ ~~~··rH•r r•url on•! t,( 1111• '''"'''•'' lho i\11\oll•:• .,lo] l'••kh:oll \ll.rnh!llf'l~l lo flo • oll-(fl''f'nll!' )<th ''"" lfo~•o lo ldo ••l.!, fh(' pff~ tha t il "'"llrf IW' "''" foor $1\!'73 <lllm'l~'" fiiC'r! hy •••n•• "'I'" pl.11 \\IIIIo Iui ,, · 11 • !':11• rarn<'lll" ••hool At t hr t••onl ,,,, •I •··••• 1'(\fl\·f'rtl'rt t o h to,pi1:1l U"<"'. f·:orl If."",..., of :o-: .... ·port l'.r:.r h "Inti 0\0if""'' .... r .. ro··· ,,, .... flh•r "'""''ln•ltnr.: 1'\'•0IIIIll .,, •h.,y wer~ Bllll' •·· .... "'I •I• n tlif'r-th;•t ,, \1 lllllrf l 'f' f··r "\jl!'<llr..!lt f)hf r . Ollol'n. """"r "' • "''''"" """ Ill lito,. ,.,, •. I .,,,I r·nmmunllv Bltl•· /\oul.ln olllm II' ll'llrm ...... k ''"' , .... , '"I llo• ('ftn\·:tJc•<:.c,·nfo;;. l't (· 1111' Ja t · l h• •raft f11•o•d• II' ,,nf'l lll oo'•l 1\ '' ·11, <I ·,1 IIIII 0.1111"'" I.V "'' •'I"IIIIJ:rlt!'l 1· nr r•lllr rf.,,.~l t "ro ll \•I ••• f'"'t i:o-I hat i1 \\i ll ,,. m:vj(--· Hur!l1 ol31ffi"d that ht· m:~•l"_ ... ,, I· n.·· ,. ..... .onol ..... I' ., h I'll . 11•1• .. , .... , •.;, .. ,' ~""" 1\' n I ' I ~·· alann. f 'nlil•l .... , • ,, ,., ' • ,, l·•r t ·•tinn ,,,ntt•l III!Tf'O'm .. rl "lth Ol~tf'n un•l•r .... h .. h 101• " \n•l ,. ' olf l '•r ,,. '". ;\'·,.. I I .,,,, II• '··lo·rl lll 1.:1 'I •. an hll,. ..... k ""'"''' lot·r• ""'' I010 :1 n l fl · 1 · ·~ I Hunat wnuld oper•l,. thr hnat d•Jr· ·1 •llmn d 'In ·••II·• h• ·" '''" '''"' ,.,, •···fl"1·• A• ''I '"" l'hnl r ~l•' ogrr '" u.11ko• l"'•ll• ''i "' "" for l't'tttrnf'!l "011"' <:l'l • in~ th,. ,,....,.nt fu•h n~~: """'""n """'" 1 1"-·"'' :on•l •lo ••nl• h ''"I• <11\V nl11h' April 1 n' 7 111 I' rr , onmintc Snr>crvisurs Aid 'lt•sa 's Pcark in I mpruvflm«•nts : II •• I \ " .. " . I ',.,., •'l'l t\tl••l H ,1 ., ... f \' tJ' •• I ~tlt'l lllf A ,,, '"'IJII' '•' t•i• '"' 111 '''" 1•'''"'""' h, ·• • , • 1l v-,._ t1,,, l1•••••1 ''"h•'• 8a F ,... '"• U•r• ,...,. ,,.,,.., wtn on y or ~:~:~ .......... _ W d d IAdo Navy Man, 0 U n e FAI•ar K: Rill, \I ...... -Enfflrs V-12 l•tttiftiiH•• ,,, tt • t '-• t t . J t .., •I , d• •• ,,. • ,, ·•· ' .... I n I II IIIII ,, , .. "v , ,. ,, ~ .• ~··'1 ,, ., ,, .... ,,l "'" ' .. ,,., t •••• , ~''" ... ,h •• , tl II II Il l . \ , I J•l" ''"'"'· I .I• Itt lol" f ••• ,, .. f ·I ... • I .• I , '" t' ~ I •• . , , ..... , ... •, I ,.., flf" ••.•••• • ... ,.. " I,. • • tl ••r• t •' ,. ' • ,f ' I .~ I • • • , •• t .,, t ••••••• • ' .... i ~ •••• t' . .. . .............. 1...........,, I' tft•f " • '~ , • ,. t I tf t It , •••• f ,, .. , ... " 'I I .. '•f• I ,, •· f •A ... ' y ,..- • I. • • , ... ~ ,, ,,.,,, taf\41 ..,. , . • 4 1 l~nt~ of ,., linn lv·t•,.. ... ·~· l'iiC'n; a n rl that ·~ hn~s """'~·rr I:\J't Jul\• Z9 Whll,. Hur!OT \\Ill •• • ..... .j.,....... '"'' ,,,,,,,,, /\rlllllf !'1: I "•Olll•l~··n ,.. wnuld \'1(' taug~t. trn~ a rwt ··:o • ,..,.,,r OI!W'n h llrtlrtJ thr Jhq! d)lll•n~o:·· "'" ... lll•1. •11•1 ···nl l'l lf•'• "'" 1 hur~lltv nl~h' l 'ownsend Cltlh .• I • ., •••• r '"'"'" ........ ,.., Othe-r OflfJOr1Unttt~ _t O ".r.aiiW rran an~ r rf'-Jl3Tf'•l It for l!t'L 1h:11 lh:ot 11l1•:1 l \\Ill lo"'''ol1lo' II<'Ritlt )l'olurrl' ( 1 I ll~' '''llllrr!IIOII \ • 1• -v·• •' f I • ..,,1,..at. f~ two • ~ • o• lfY. <4rt,.r rh .. lnv" I•·• · • I"''' ....... enol r,.._,.,, f I f •ffof foi4rl',-.,. Y.ti'J 1 .. I unfU I f f I I •tftlt tf tt1, 1., 0 ,, 1 ~·• ., '~• ttu Tro""lttk l•• "' r•· "'''' t •f•' \1• ,,,If ·. J.,, , I .hood M SJ J , ndrtiltrl ••f til•• I''-'~ •••u uulfl•'· .,..,,,, ••fll••r ,.. q ,. \:.•.t fh('m tO_t'am a 1\.C I · Huno: 83 .. 1 th:tl . ,. ~'0 hP hlml'r tl lw.tnlj .. 1111•! I'VIlnr,.lt~llr l,.rturrR rt1ntlnow 1 eet ate I •' !• '"' lh~r twln0y tw'-1J tt, t •H-tftA ,..,.lUI ,,Ulmt,.r ••f f'l lttJ fhtt l f .. t• .... t• •• This lttt('!;t nJmn r ~me; I .... l\f>l•"' 11 , lbrn tnlol h•m • hat t hr ··vr r y n•Jthl , XI ""' M•onrtn \" "' I N-po·rf ·~ ... h T ... , ··~~"" • , •It• t • ....... , ... ,,, .... ,,..,..., ... llir u ...... , .... , .. •I • \. I • ,. ' •• , I ... • ; • • .. I , .. • • II or• t~ll .. •t """ hU.PJ' mO!'it n lalLc;ihlf' arrl :C.!' the r .,.,ct r.un r-1 h-.f'l rnmm:\n•lr"'"" B"'fOn Marshall Tu•·11•l11v~ F:v .. r;vronr 111 w,.hnm•· .. ,·111 mNt T11,.~dnv Mnnh ?I 7 ·11r ,,. .. 1.,,,,1 .,.1,,, 1,,. ,,, ,,. ,, 1 ••··• ··~ ·• •'\ ... 1"' n~t In " JlfU'· ,. ~•--" .T .. r .... ,,,,.. ... , ........ ~ .. r•Jmmunltv ,,. "·ord was cti"''fll)l."rl hy a arvo~·u thl> r nt't an<t follo-·f'd II •dlh a Assianed to J 4 ST r<'g'"'"''"" •of r r.·rd ••r ri'IIJ:I••n r m. a t ttl,. h<Jm•• ,,, ~~~ """ _,1,,. .,.,. •• ,.,, • 1.,.,tc I lilt .. , 1,. ,., .. .,.,. 111._, ,4 , ,., , ,1 .... ,,.. ,, , ...,... ' ·• · ..,. •·•""' t .. othllntc 'ftNo "~raJ on a \ic;it. IW'rr .. thf>rr' hi•,. . .,..h11 h hm kf' 1\111 jaw nn the ~·· 1\ 8. 'nlompll•ln ~I'' !;J•nl" Ann ,,11,1 "'~•l•l ,., .. ,.,,. '•·\• '••It 'h•m .,,., IMW Win• ,., • , ,.,. ~ '" '"' ma1tr I~"' lp•llv I l1• " 1• • • I m i t he !'iOfTM"thmg to at. r ,ht .,.,.. Rotary (',lub ~ .... es Ave . Nrwpurt llrll(hl~ 11 , ' ' II .\ I ...... 1 •• , ...... '·· •• I I ~ •• II.• \ ''"''"· -~ and • • • Th,. plalnt.Jff ••d tbat hP ..... •:MI~n nvrt.n ~ MAr"hAll ,.,." ~ ,.,,ntlftf" ,,,.. IJP..#n• f , .. f",. .... , •Jr-. ... , • ., ........ , ,,, •• ,,. 't't•f'• . .,,., •UEJUI!i .. to ....... -Nat-Srcl'ng t-~ tn ..__ lh• al .... b .. nlr ,...?\,., th,. • f lfr anti )1fll II I. Manh&ll. MoVJ·~ of Battle •lor·lllo~ In '"" n-, ... rtr ,,. IUIII " ,.,, ..... • .... ,,,. , .... ._at 1"' .,... ~ ,.. ,. • apture of th•t 111111nd l to , 1 .. _ t " 1"'1~ ... ·1 .,,,. 1... 1 ... ,, , ... .,,, r all t I b t 11& rParl. R•lbne t•IIUI 'I." nnw ••I '"' •roun 'Y ror r r ,,...m ,,, ,...~., ....... , ,., 1"-·• ,.,,,..., •I \ • I '·· ,,.,. ,.,.,,,.,,. 1'-of ta.vn<~~~rs •-aat.....,._ to boa~. and pay trr ma ""' 11. u AJ\oth,.r ~I "'"' ~·• lh,. • '"'"'" __ .. th ... ... .. ~ "" .. • , u.:a -~or·..l'-;::!' ..__ n•ld $1 ,•.A owr .. -,1r 1-bill lUI lntr......,l rr.•mbrr of lh• Am· In llo• Johonton,: ,.,..., r ,.,..,., .,, ·~ 11~· on w hr-n ,. na-• -ot..~· ·-~'M'S ,_ ·-,., .~ nu "' ..... ..... the Cll('kplt ,,fIt •• , .... """ '• ., •. , •. ,. !om :tn<t fhr n.y rr ..... 1\.. •••• " ._ ·-...... pay u..:-tr ..... ""..:::..__ ..... -· ,...,II "' M id ,.~ ,.,.paired lh,. phlhii)IIIO Fr • ...-~ .. rot lh,. l: s. N•vy Ttl .. l'uhllr lt .. llltlon~ otrtr~ t.l nr &lid ltrrlnnl( ln\'llll"l "'"' 1:11 '" ......... ,, ..... n ... ""'·•"· •I ,. '"' ........ '•II(JOr "'"" 'ft'""' tH trw rat.~!~ ... caU!IeS one to '"JIIIlllt"l ... y ....._. ... .. --fl•hln• --tf -•ct "" ., .. tulfl I ompl,.lf'ft hill pre· th .. ~lAnflllrd rtl.l r·~mneny. r .. p-· I Linn ha-P'!' Mid that "y .. llmt ..... , , ''rare , ....... ,._,, ............ __ hf!i ~ u ,.r -~·~ ., -,.._. ~· ,~ .. II -""r lllnlf ""'""'""n ••f • ,~ .,. "" .. ,., ., ill I,. ,,., ,.,.,., m.: •I•• . -thf!y do not rnaiJ in t r I'P-OIM'n con~·lblrd of ~~ c•trh. but llmlnary 1-crt' l ralolnr; •t t h,. Am ,.,.nt•••1 hv Mr Hnr;~rw. prf'~tNI ~ttack . aa lhr Jlldur~~ ""''''" '"11,.0 htl,,... wm be 1...cl In thr planlln« ltV)I• '"tmf•IM.,Iot. n••• t•poti,..l 141 W ......... er 011- (1011s. Everybody had until that Ol...n r-•d tllm only 1112 ot phlbloull Tralnlott 0...., camp ,~ .. 1111 ~ '"their lnter,.flllnllt N ..... !ri)DI • r•m•na pl•r rf! In ,.,, • ,... ... "'" ,,_. •ltd llnl .... """"' " In ,,.. a~ ..... r... •.1 C1 ...... ,.I .. ~ .... J'Wtot~, sa &. WIM'rle ... midnight of thP 15th t o flo~ a 111 t3 bUI for-d ry dnclr and me. Rrsd orfl , N 0 H . !llnrfolk. VIr· f:v• nt11 ,,, 1~3 lro lhl' Nf'WJW>r1 pit .., lh• 1111,1 ""'"'"' Jll•n ttl .-n. ~l•orm,.,.t p 11r11,..1 •nrJ s .. r• t.otf") w. ~ot ;1 •'-'.' ,.._ M ...t:'e Y.a lratnlnc ~tnd why they like to !iitand m chanrC'al work ~:lnlll a.nd ha• hHn au•«ned to lhf' ll11lhr•11 Holaf")' r'luh on Tu....Uy tt ... thP otlfCh lh,. , ,.,.,1,..,.11,"' fllr•l wtth H•~ t;... • .,.~,. •· K• ,.,., .., • ..,.,;.., •n• 1 •ho f•.t ·-..,. • ....._ .. • ~ line for houf5 ic; a~ that Hu,-.t aald h~ ~•mf'd UO dally r,..."'. nf an L !'!T for 11ctln duty ·•vrnlng. ,,, O&ytun Tt.umperon. 1,.,.,.1 !'ll •~r•lf· r:•.rltlm. rtf N~ .....,." mo .. ·tm.: _.,lh ,._. f~lr ..... nc •n ar ll'flllft • ..,.,.,. ~ hard t o !1101\'t". 'Jlwty ("'U)d u a f~twnnan, a nd be ~maadf"' Y.NUJI(tl Mar"'ltlall"• fathrr hu Th,. tln•l r,.nH •hnwn ,...,. 'lf ttrd Ot! 01. r~r. ... nl lltlv~ Utftf Tbe .._,.. ..,.... ~~ ln hav .. l•·ndAnt;· Mre 1. I .......... ,,_.,. ~ in che<-k." o r ~· or-J35llO fnr loa." nf •arnlntcl atll'r ju!"' ,...,.,.nUy Jl'lnr 11 \h(' Army lh• Martn"• l&lldlnr on T•nw&. l htet~ l*'tur,.• W"I"P _..,,...., th,. thr rM~r1r '"'*ed IIDd harT..,..,rd t•.r Wnll11,..·. A n Jt#.,.._..,.,J<. ,-,~,._~ 11w ....,_-1 _,..hi)' rnjoymrnta &!ft5 and the small coS.J.c; not ln.m:-.r tllat tbe Cout Guard Trarurpnrt ~ervi~ &lid I• awaltlor 11 n11 hr"'•t:hl a vivid plrtur~ nr th,. 1,,.,._ ehalnnan r"'" th,. m..-tla« J'lllnlln«. Uw fllllll HU-.IH "' be Aaftron 1tnd Mr fl&ooa a...•J:>tant r•~ 1 ., .. ..,, a ......_.fit thP ;,. 1 IMd worth thf! waitq. ..... .. lalla • cntt. of'Ckn fM d ut y turtbll' n/bttor lnYoiYed lJI ~ blllftC 11\ab Howe. ; ...... t 161. l[ioonal ~at thl' I "Sf, In,...,... Gllre ..... .. --L. -- > • • E o ·l T 0 .R I A L S Newport Balboa Nen-" ,. I FEATURES Thursday, March 16, 1944 N E \V s • LIWIIIIEIIII c.IESS Letters To The News-Times 25 ~~~-~me~~~ PHOSE8: Nlr.WPORT n a l:l _ of tho -' -Tet.~~ONE Dti.ECTOfU5a f.~;h u.uiJ ~ ae.t.ureu at thi• po nl NEWP'ORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES --------__ --"'-e,. c-e,_ _,... ..,_,_ --. lbe "Fe.ten.t Reclater!'' PuWleftM Ewery Tuuday an4 Thur-May Afternoona Voluma XXXIV run~ruiCII:.t!ll cr. .......;:. ~J .,._ant..._ appeartcl Man:b &:l. AND THE SCRAP DRIVE tluon a~any l•ther lo-.,~·~n bt!twee~ Taken from the Ma 8ut.cnpUoa Payable In Allvanl·t': $2.M ~~·r ycotu In (lriUIJ:C' l'uunt,v, C H U R C H E S •I 'h .. o" 'ttbtMQC ~7,. Ulk II c aWN all tbc adaunl.e-Newport Beach, March 6. 1944. Lonr ach and San ° ego. AD rdltlr-n-ot the Newport J2.7~ per yur t•1 4th aone; 13 00 per yMr t u IIIII z.on.-"I n .. l ur .. ·d U>C' ~ ... all;; tr.lnc order a. ral'CuU•·e orc.t'rl. u .. ·•r F:d t. r u,,. would be ~n·•wn to tht' pu· Mr and Mrs. Albert ~rmea -" 11.1 I I\• 10' ti!Dt' l&a ,_.... We U7U .KI&UA -rm•UJ, licensee. "ln. What •-thla ciLII to av• pa""'r •rngn traffu: a the propceed Un· have !'ad aa their boua .,,eat Cntered u lkc:llnd-ci ... malltr at the Pn•l••ftwt' m :>It" rv•rt II>·•" h. .., t "" .. .-I! ~pot Of-~rae tome may-"~ ,~ t-'lk-'4T t 'Oi tRSCl UAILE ('Ill'.-t , .. r." " I n ~ ldt.cra. 'h ow. l~r__.IT.,. .. UlleDdlnent.l, raUun for wh-n the Telephone "'-. come• y t'"··t u Ia . Qod n" -wly d• lin. A. Kuner. sister of the ha.t. Calif, rota . under thr Art or 11.11\Hh 3. 1117!1 ....... ....... .. r--· ~ '-" I Ii '"' o r rg~ q ~ ~· • Ot' ('0<>•,. ,..,.....,. ,, ,, \ •If u ... lettenr -* • ..._,. ~ prec ~!luna, a.uoca-along and aaya "l'lru~ o.,8 troy 1 .... 1 cJ 1 tda 11 lh I fill. who llvu In Sa.n FrancJ.aco S A ME"ER f'IJ ll .. J> .... t L ' (('hurc·ll of Uw 111&11••' I , .• ,.,,,, • Mo.nc-.t:.r •--... •-•-....__ 1 ve 0 "''a 10 ue ry ne a t' Mrs. R. M Ourk-•-back '00 . . • • · -· • '', A •• J~ :1 h :Sll>t;:-. r • .. -.--.._ or_.-.... ~"' noUcea, per· Olu Copy." Th1a was pranletl on a 1 hi 1 lh u ·~ .. Prtntlq J•ta.nt .lOll W Central Av_.nu•· !\"\lo l•t•rl l•·a 1 1'1T f """ IU-v Cl. "lllard 8Lr-. l'a~t .. r. '' ~ · T lua .a U. .... -* nT ~ 1 Ink lit .. t n'o()m av 18 e n em e. the job attht> Nl!wport po.-t tt l ------· · • • • •-• " M.,. Ma-r-. ('o ·...,....r . ·• r;natra re . vu IDC thr wrapper when they gave ua Ct'nt:rmen I'm telling you, the o ce Off• • 1 p f h C ..... _~ 1'7'78 .1 • '"~··s u •· ~ -'-:r ,.__ _....,_ ee.c .. ftc.. etc. Here 11 the our new Telephone Dtrector~e.S. It tl-'-1 d · , after a wrek'll vacation. ICI& aper o t e it• of Newport Beach • ... ,_ d I TaJl •---t omlng n uary the men who M d IU H J 1 Fl l''"'. 7 :tO 0 m . w,,1-.;t.111 ., \ 1 r • • u,-... 1 • -.-. .._ t"<orG or 11• years. tum~mDl'r 3.000 cop lei were thrown away and t h tb fl h d th .. _al 1 r. an ... rer. arry umper en-A o.,.ndable Loeal lnat•tutlon For Over 34 Years J ~. 4..\ -uw 1 --... _. r--~ 18 c e • an e ""' ere 0 lt>rtain•cJ a ft .. m ..... r or th·· ..... --;:iiiiiiii;~----------------~:C --_ llr·• Jt."' M1u· S tl'llm" ul 1'11:•• t:•· t11"1'",.._J • ~ --...-... --~ a. au......--un~r tbey weicl}tll @!;pout a pound a pleel'. f ab. wall bt ht>re In NeWJ!Orl Jon~: ~ '.:" """ d.r n•enda '"ntlll) ~dutal. 9 :10 11. m 11 • t ''"" .. ll.l1'1'\A •Z1 t I * p ~ •<u I rw ot covcmn .. ot. lu oaa-.:e that would be 3.000 pounlla of bo 10 their l'~t Newport home \1 I wn-'"ip I I a rn ,1.,., 11 1 , ..,., .......... _ w _. Ia ... _ 11 rtrr the at hulldr rs have made Pr"g •• ,1 .... """ th · '"aDJTOR AL . llrTl n.: '"'' • I • l • i.l -i ..... ,_ ... lAf ... """"" l!'ltKUIIYe branch WI waale paper lhal could go I tr.e h . 1111 and T ld d and ' r~-ve oiVV waa e-came of ~~~ I 1.tl "'"'"'· ,.,..:tm ·~ N '"11"" ~t•·ana Ct.ma:uu er, tl1 ... ~ ...,.,_.. to a.tm~ lh«m. Ev· srrap dr ive. t l'lr m 'n ° e up the t'Yenlnf. SSOCIAT 0~ tudt'd away Th.. big oceaa '-I I ga I .,.. I c 'UI'IT • MF.HA C'OMIUlSIT\' •' I'' r!Jt'nWIC Uw ~ ~-•• y -of lbde admina.traUve O. L BATES. mal!e to flab In and bathe In It Captain Haneen .. here for a ~ 1 , · C'HUIU:H 1 • 111 lllld lbe ~.,.. ... --ad ~-«~~livr or\kr1 r aa lOOay the Union Hull L>t> ,·11• rl ht where. lh•j several weeks' 1tay and '-to be ""'~ I ( arl ft.,...._. ....... an-t .. rundtt« u-a t.&Are~ a. ._. -.-rr • a law pAaed by UNION BUI STATION BENE· l~h are bruu:ht lng would work found at hla r-omeo~ Bay avenue. I!!• t:. ~.u. St. PL zn~-a • 1 U•....-C'&lc~M6od ~ • .,... try ·~ T1loc nrwt column below I F ITS ENTIRE COMMUNITY like l towlnc pretty batblnr ca. I Arthur Burza, Clyde Coody. ___ .;;;;..._______________________ ('hun·h &hoof. 9 .s a. m • l'"J.arc-a t&a .._. wMdl wi8 ,._.. uw auaMr ot lawe -.c"-1 tume . d ood to lnd koonu. Marian Pierce and ML. ~lumi11~: Won.h11•. II o'd•,.·k anN-1 1Jl4o ciAlllK-t .. ...._ -' LJ C..~ for Uw yn.ra llldkat-1 F.dltor Newa·Ttm .. : ._0 • flln-~ ry 1 1d .._ 1 ret w fNI~ Gentry, chaperoned by Kra. Burne Gas Coupon Check-Up Ill b S _..__, 1 • .__ tl f 0 •-t 0o ,.. re ... wuu ""' t>a en mere • Youth .:n•u1ts. 11 ''"""· n ~ fi'UJilftlb. ''' a ,.,.. ____ _._ u. --.a ~.abalra llw ~ 1 ""' SUJ&'U o~ o rugr.. r-ba w • drove to Santa Monica to attend tt•l mt:ntalt', Adult, 6:30 P.. m. lLILII>' ,c .. t. t.o u.. ..._. • u. oualilft Of or..-. ~ "1 the llnn. my nel ghoor, that a 'UnJOlfj Ute uul.d be. t.a.lten..._ --tht fWd -nee. -----· ID 10me parts or CaJtromlll OPA invl"Stigator~~ are ('hi'Ck· inc the gas coupons h t.>ld by m otortstc; when th~y drive into le'I'Vtce lltatlons. Driver~~ who f)()8S("SS unencto r'!W'd o r cif'tnr hl'ci gu ~ are given a citation to a ppt'a r tx-ro"' a Pri<'(> nnc1 Rationing Board. ~.wnlnl( 1\ri"Vt(..-. 7:JO o riOf'k ., Houa .• ~, ....,. t • ., ..,. 1'1 , ·, -s tile third coiWDD Bus Station be eatabllat:ed In tbe I do n~t critlclae In any way the Ed Bennett Ia expected to reach Mulw• .. ·k ft'lloWl<htp and pra)t r. \\ , ,_ 0 Mete dJI aD 1M 1ar ficWa bow 1 Miracle Mile at the corner of San dulera who buy our f~b. Th~y c1Q N y k ht. W•·•lm>sda,y..,.:Z;JQJI. m . I rlf';;:::: , .... ..,.. • = ~ ~ cL::.Xr. l..fal :bove;'j Bernardino Ave •. Ia timely, and the beat thry ca.n-to ,help the fllh· "u~v:r ;';er~ oa return fnlm t 'lltHT L'HAIL'H OP' C.'HIU8T. l "'bca It .. -Ullt a... el Dr W1UI't. .......... Ia t.k Federal abou.ld & Of (TI!&t tntermt to atl e.rmCD~ ..lb.ey otkiL)mx ~ ~~ P'rtmda of lone ataacli.,. f:om ....,_NT1.8T II .r _....__ ........ ... .,____ • r f our cllluna. While auch a Ia-'cannot uae. and wblcll .,.. a dead Sh-rbrook-Canada ---v•-'t ........ Wlf. "'•' --.._, ,._. ...-..--. . tl · ood lh toea. And remember that wben ~ ~. · -~·· .., ora 11: r;. ('-tral Aw .. N..,... ._,. · hr Houw It ,_ .. U.C --..a. l>o:D _., tel ~T" ~ :b~: ~oc:~~oa' In ~;eM Ira:'.: l l hllrk, Jt>w flab and mackerel were l in Cthhe 1oavld Armatronc bome. A branc·h rrl 'Jlwo Mottwr Olul"<"h. 1 ttw Senat.: o-••aer -~-1~ t46 • 6 thrown away or aold for almCIIfl area Prinalow and wtte wltb All OPA olftdal states that thl5 check-up drtve-"Is no t a polldJJC aurtpaliJ1 but one to stimulate-education and under· ~ ot the-vital need for dftv('rs to comply with ttw -.-.W. and thus brMk up U~ blar k market O{JPmtlon." an th•• l-1n.t <_'hul"<"h o1 Qvut Sctm-to Ow nn..r <tl ~ ~ _. lta.S t82 a.o Wile. that should r.cjNn cona1cJer-their d&urbter and Kr 8Dd 11 II" In flue .. tun Mau. • .-v~nluaJh· 1-ay wD ~ :~ :leo %7~ 3 tel atloo -nothing-th~ public would not bUy 1 ~ H · ra Sun1ta) S4'hool at 9 .30 a . m Sun· • ' Th~ new Udo bualneu •ctloo, tho• fish. But now lbat tile price e untlll(t.oo. drove to Lonr tiny s.·rv lrl' al 11 a m. Wrotn~y rhaac.,., s-N UW ......_ fT• Iter. ... :D7 S,llt wht>r·e lh" Maracle .t.Uie atartJt, and 11 hlch-theae flah •ell readily. Tbe Be&cb to attend the South Dakota Tl•,llnt()nlal mHiinc at R P m llrw"~ lbr "-_. .....,. -1138 •~ = S,t3l flab mark~ ling '-a hard problem 1 plmlc. ll•··ldtnl: Rf.om. 711 Ea."t Ct•ntral proba!lly...,. u.aJ '-.. , 0 w He» ~ .. f,UC ~=~~~~:oar;:p~~lyNef~rt( ~pelel~ to aolve. But eel a Union Mu• 8la· Mr. Bumt bu t raded bta ODt'· Aw . open dally I p. m. to 5 p. m. o•.,nl oo -......._ a -.. a I~ ~I ~.137 tlon right acrou tb lit t 1 a cre home on the ooruer of Oraace ('I ·"' Sunc'··y~ and hohdll"~ na· (' .. n!u--~-~-----......... IMI --.......... rmanent ·relident.l are bound to e ree roaa , d 16th . .__ .. _ ... _ OPA h ak Ia k k '"t•:. • .. ~ ' --"~-~ .._.__ -.. -· --.... · · where the flabermen brine ttt&r flab an areet 10 l(r. Bolanrrr cucoupona." ,_ I'1IIIJ'IIIIr uJII:' can ~ to bre up b t' mar ('t <11'· 1111n:tlly nhl'4•rvt-d. f'\'mtually e.nap tllllfl a .,. ...,. IMZ ~T 2M 14.124 creatly 1nneaae r~pulat1on and . for hla Santa Ana cotlace tivttiea tO any appn!dable ~Tft" thi"'())Ugh thi.~ proc'l'dun• i!' nw pubiK' ~ oo,rcli&llY anvttrd to _ ___. -,... ..... IHl 2,. 1211 20 625 proprrty viLiuea In the near ruture .. ln. and you certainly will have ~ . ~ att••nd llw M'IVK"t' and U."C' ttw _, be -·-CAt _, • I · Tb ·•-.. _ N port o---'-·ad for lbe Newport Be&cb u.. DDt~r 1be.VUL""""'...Ivnfmotortsts&J'l'nlavinu cnu!ln> 181U c-a.~•~--' p..,,. taUw ~~~ of e .... ya w .... a .,.. ~~ · "'--UMINIA.r..Y----. --_. • .,. "'•~t . Ht•hdln& ll.oom. • ........... _,... .. -._.~ ~ Wblp. re-eould be ~onlliiJered merely U a 1 that will be lutlDr and effectual. Opinions alter. manners Ch&n&t' It Ia U. ~ tMft of coupons rrom ration boards lhat-' -llr .. b.ull·,.,. ot uw u..... --. ctrt:1tly _.. .. u ~._:fore dlr'*lbtfat -t.Hne'" M~Mia •NUy. Slncerelyll.. IC-.,..,......-creeds rise and fall but the morai iW! llntl a ~ <iangfor. But that must bl' chKkf'd ut its 'I I, I .I I\\ I l.,\l t. 1 l!t ,;t IH:,. _ .... , • ._a .. _.-----.. 1 , ~ P111itical Science M-fur aummer rea!denUJ and not for . ouv.,.R law S tten on e ta ets Of I I U•fl )• uu uulu l•lu t· nu l ... .u~... 1' • ...,. ~ ....... ~ AJarch 1U 194"' mi --11 __ .. _. _ __._. --... , __,...._ ............. __ , 1M". '""rm··n-nt ~aad-nts a--·-· -.. ete ty. _.,..,__, .... __ --1 111111 •• \ft )'''•t,t l\!f' ••of • I •'''''" I •.....--...._. ...,---~ •• ...-.:..--.., .. .-.-. ~ _,_ .. ,... ... v " •~ " • •~ v •"-•• &"'""""'''t' ~~t1 ..... is another tool of black marke t('lf'rs but ''" ""' ~,,,,, 1 .. u1 .... , .. T , "'" rncourace ,_.. an-...._ Dr " • ~ 1e •J tlflat -.,. The boat buUdlnr boom In th~ 1 ....... • • 1 •11•1 rro~• a .. ·•lllru• ••II t>o• II•• ·~·c. • _...,_,..--._ .... ..,. ..... • U.·Fttekral field by a rt!a which broucht 10 many win· ftndllc 8 few counterfeit COUpons in the (Xl6.'1eSSiOn o r a me>-I '••'•l••u T••al II thr ~"n'l"' 1.-• H• and ,.._Fhfi&Pd f---. - -.,._ .....,_.._ 0.C of t.k fallun>e <t1 ter realdent.-baa (IVen our mer- torilll heJ .. Htt.le In getting at the swn-e sinet> experience has I ··•." "" ,., .. ,, ": '"1" k1~.1''""' , ••• IDC ~ ..-..,.-.... _. ..... ••1 ...-. f..-·Uae deatn chants a taste of pru.pt'rity t11ey r 1110• •• "' , ... , ( I 'II' '· I 'I'' Yl ... l will not forget In a hurrv. So ...,.. tbat ~ holdfor Invariably ha!'> dlrtlrulty "rcm £'mllt.'r-l "'' ,, Ill t'h 1·'. ,..,., •• 1111•1 ... liM ..... __ o --.. "' _.-a 5 ot -~~-to atret.cb the 'J '--" 11 _..... .._. ,_..a ~ o.cre-. to make •uch project• u a Union Bu1 Sta. 1 .. ._.. ~ tw fOl them. 111• u_n.... ___ ._._ • ..._ '---. a. ...........__ . ..._ ----. ........... .__ ,...,_....,__ n-v-UOD whlcb Ul tor the bPn~U uf l 'nmff!rl ) ... rmufiW1 )•• 111 1'"1 --.. -._. ---,._ -•-.__.... ~-·--~ ~· Ne bonest American can jwlttfy the blac k mark('t . Daily '''· •n•rl. 1m.t t:n~t -• ,, •• '""" ~~:r .... a. uw ..__. ..,.. ,_ -c c t-. to do .. the entire ,community. ahould be It lldrwwbw olt mUll o( ga)lons r . I' •r"l•llf'l I ~fa h. T: ......... ~ ... 1 .: •. , 11108 encouraged. What have tbe can-ons 0 Pl't'('JOUS gaso lne--gaso-. •:•·:•· '""" roollnu••fl. "t-:•Hl •lldatt'l for rlet'tlon to thr city h tMt forms thto life blood of t~ nation. Without ga~in«" I ,u,., 11hall .,.. ~~•~-....... w~n . a11• atE a •·ouncU to aay on thla aubJec:t ! our..,.~ would be p&ralyzed ldnce m otor C'tlrM('f'S '"11111"1" end hill """" .... "'..,... (lh S...l c,.,,..,au• ~ lku.. .... p c . ~ Bs hi M \AJ:O..t AMt'll. Speak up. brotherw! . .. _ .. ..._~_..._ "" lind lh•• rNl<lllt•d -hull 1w 1na,.._ R.lnc.-rely, 1-..& ~otparts from SlnltJirn:tnllfilt'tUf'l'rs tO ttW fin.1l rulo;hl. 8DII lht' rDUl<h t•li\~ ~ ~ f .) --.. lbl,..ly plants. Without ~lne m ost of our rood woulci' al.•ln: Abd thr ~elury or rh .. l..ord You'w -rdwd _. .... ---. CJI llllills yuu rwvn-Wtt'd. EARL R.. TIBBITS. ....._ '••II b•• ,.,.,.,,J,.It. ancl all fl"~h y{_,·,~ ..aJW .-1 ...... ....-...._ d wilrll rou'v" -rr ~'n: Tll Coaal Highway -JJIII!IIr from tM marke-ts llnoe trucks are the-means of ··all -··" 11 ro~;~thf'r fur'"" DM.~UO. Yuu·,.., trwd , • .a,..,p-,_. ._. Marcil 10. 1944 k.eep6ng them IUppllt>d, Without ga100Hne mlllie>ns o r \\'Uf' I'"" IN ti hulll fltnk"" II Til+-Or tn ·~ ~ ....... ~ ---__ , .. not ch ... _1 ~ ""'" wiiiH'II•Ih. '"" n ... ~ ....... u. YOU\'C' C"ale'll ,_.,....--......... ....... ~ l»UUU rea UK' r I'I'R'-•at tit~ •nr<1 or uur •:!Wf .... JI Gc-thnl&ltdt Cilt". < • I "•• SAYS UNION DEPOT IS So thP black market does m ore than merely dl'pri\'C mo-,,nd lor """'·"· \'ou'Vf' fCJUCtitt 1,_ )_.*-"t ~ 10 ~·8 bkx>d) k M ih; AID TO SELLING FISH torilta ol ...t--•re drivina-jt thJ"':'atl'fl~ tht> whol~ war l'r-Mary ll:tk~r t-:•l•ly • .-u._ Ia .. ~ Youa c;pnt h. tlrlr ~-....... ill llall ... -101 Jl"'l!f .---. . .,.. I nt·•• and II•·AIIh -with h o•) •n 111.. Tv ·~ -,., )'IU.. ,_._ .... 1,_ ._tilltw-.._,_1 Newport Ht•at'h. Mar 10 ·u fort. And tha t Is why we must gE-t to the he-art of tht> p~ • llt•lun-tt .... ~.,,.., I• n .. lrh•·r r•.. Ynur tw-u1 .._ ~ wauec4.-... ,,. hr.._. 11 l•>~on-d Editor New•Timo!l . lem--eot me-rely skirt the rringt> by checking the l'OU(IOna; o r I •f'd ,, Mfttd ..... , .... II .. lllaelt..... I am only IJ f.lih,•rn.t<O. "n.:agecJ linn an•l -""'"'~ ".' M t~•l • ; Ia ,_. ..,_. '-' ~ e-M lt. 81111 "'"'" ~ 1ft 8 k•Ut>l 1 in providing fish for which J may lld9~ motort.t.l. ,'"1 "1"1,1111" "_.•1 11t" 11 1 1" 11•·f '" ~'~1" :u~ Ff'tt 3 ~ .. ._. .!:.awr Vll!tlla 8' · "'~ lbo;..a Cahf" rrom 11 "~r, ... l r· l't''v,• t c.1 u n·. u 1 o•m•J. :wJ I •nl 11 an.. D •• otf'n..., af'f' a • \ · • • · . · · • · 1 1t mattf•r ttMt tm _... frf'U fllf JfiiMle Flll1tterlf ill tawS I B h wl-.,_ a Uw UWMIGn "' Bou· whiCh may genera lly d <><'ll retail D-.-td..-Prot ts ,..lnl! ,,... ·,...~n. and thf'lr eul) ~ caillviZir ~f..-.._....--r__.-"'~ llr-~~htl) .,nundl~ • fOf' onr fltty cents a pound. But IRIIUUUI5 e8 •r hrta•lll~t·n,.... 111 In Ood." 8Dd N'M to • _... .,..a.rtr wtorno hr._~....., ~" ., Camp Jmrrnovt don't olamt' me rwr a r .. the deal· ,._, Sc1 -l'rli .,11 I•• hlu m•• •' i'l u c mpltt tot· An American clC!'I"'Vft'\An has an....__-..~ t hn prot-t of ·~I MEVENTH DA'r AD\'I!NTI8T8 Set BaD ~ "-~ 6d ,,...-al San O..·~u. wa,.. "'"' .,.... .. _. """..-""' .. '"" "'-" rn~r " ..... , ... (,_rrlt "'*' 111 lta-"&&1 '""-na l hr C.-.al r.o c.111a. rhftt Ylill Guam and alw Phili p· .. ,1 m••t• fllHlofl~ltll; l'••tHltt>Hn thai Brttllh clc!rics again~t the Allk>d oblltl"ration bomhin~s o f ,._.. .._ Pint'S.. up ew a-..~ , .. fl\1plllc wtlr'f' w '"''"''it htlnorahh· •II~· hto~ Jt'l ''' boo 8"1vrd 10 that the German dUes. !'n~h!th .I'C"hon 1 k I, Satuntn~ mc•m · 11"'fulr,:.· • 1!1110 "lllir • ~ -f..at_... wnrn. c:a~•IOfll'hl .uttl 'lllh,.rmon ma)1· J:••l n\urr anol th•• 1n.: .I . .,) It t''"' ;o<k'I'T1t~ rnatQ('t'ref 0.. ~ ~ .....,.,.._ n'hf'n I' rr-<"Dnlllmcr I>"Y •·:<II Uut ll11· t ':11". 8lllhop Ox:nam. who Is &eer'(>ta.r)' of th(' Counctl or Blsh op:o; t•r,•:whtnt.: IW'rYIN•. I Ira "' r••f'..-.1 tuc dt~rv .. liP~ "' • ..,"' ... and Wa:" rt'<'allM! four ;tnd I llus SllltlOn J)I'"J''''t If located In o( the Me-thodist church and chainnan or the Advisory Com· ·-·haJJ mt'«tlh-b... l b. ._. ... ·to~ Pltralroop'"· hut ~~ nn\4 I th .. ~lll'llll•: ;\llh· 1\1 11189 trum llw mltt.ee or the Federal Council of Church~ of Chl'ist in Arn· ()~ ll LAD\' ~ MOtiNT ('Ait'IF.I. ,.An tbr )hill .of} .......... c. II .. s ... 1:-ltooa.. , ... )lanl\t' Amptuht0\1' ll• l'kll .. "''''' nuw muny hRhl'rnleO 1 au \\'. c·~e~-..n .....,.. t"••rp<. t'T'V. s..n Fnoa.,_ ·bring m Tll··ir cal<''fi ..... ulol b<-. ur.• erinl, declarerlln a rad!o t a lk. "The> ~t military jUc11-..'Tn4'nt i~ Sunday ma~ al ~ anc1 10 11 m ( M ..... __ , 8o , ont-!pol '"' \tl" Pnl•re highway. thnt fD ~the war as ~pl"l'dily R.~ ~lhlf' thJ~ homhin~ is rK'· . ()ur L.adv 0 ~ l Jl~~ S a y Whf'rt' fri'Mhly ,·aut.: hi flllh 'uul&l li t• oessa.ry." 1'4T. IOHS VIANNtr:\• ('lf1'&c.'H Carmel MiMion• • • bo11g ht a'm""' .... .,... I rum .t-e Sl4 Ma ...... A..-~ ...... 7..._. -...._, h 1 • "at Referring t o our m('n fi..,htin" on the> Anz'o ht.•ac•hhNad in A •" "T' • • -:r n ••ur omr •«11 n · · n · r-.. .. Suntllly miUil! Ill ·:10 a. m s•-...... C!--...1-• • • pltwTw ti'W ~It·· flj:htln~t a Who•th••r ,.,lllll11.: l lllll.'l'l ~~~ WIIUII.I Italy he pointed out. 'The she-ll.<i that sought th{'m nul wt•rr ('HJtiMT t'HUIICII B\' ntr. ~A l.oiill ut LftiiiiUil) fa_,.. rlllWirr to grt tht-m. and oh' rrelt a IJI.: ''"'" n.11rkrt I .to not YOU DESERVE MUCH CREDIT '-••ld,.. it poeslhk b • to Nlflll our wu- tble olaliption to the 137.000,000 .... ,. ... who UNci Pacifio Eleabio ..&1 aD4I ..-. ooech 1iaee h\'1943 . Maki.n9 rooa fo. that atn .--b,. am,. bAck ia the cu o. ooeala clicla't IMUl auoh at the tUu-wt the t~aotuaaU o1 .u... 1t ... clone cluriav tke y.u --.at that IMD7 thoa- IU\cla of people, lib 70WM1f. .... .W. to dele to their d..tinatiON. Ancl-the way you haYe clen1opecl the halait of haftllg the ~ change -yaw w. !au h.lpecl .. terially ift JUJ.nt.aini"9 achecluJ.e. With • ahorlage of equ.ipment and JUI\pcnnl', we are doing the biggut job ia our hi..t017- but you, too, d .. erTe much erecllt beoau..-oi your •plendid cooperation and IIJ1Ilpathetic un· clu.tanding o; our tranaportation p10blelll8. r ~$!' "tOOD lANK made hy dv111ans ln the cttJes bring bomt:.-d. Thf> planes that ('"Nnt-'IJ ... ...,... • 1• ~ -.kn tw r:rta hta buckt't l know \\ lt••tho•r pr1< ,.,. Y.<llthl bt! rrrl. F:arl~· nulmtnt.: wor-:hl~ 9 <10. . .-wanta In lnlm to •trip the I du kn•lw thai lwlt• r und CI'C',.)Wr ers ana out now by day and b y nig ht. Would tht-se cl<'""'·'· I .-.n (~ • -· • o.r _ ------------ stral~ th<>m wt!re mnnura ctul'\"d in tht~ ('('ntrt-s our bomb-""· E. D. ~ ....,,_ H""· Fa~ J, u c~ o .. 1... Hr...,. ,_. .u.. "al.¥8 and mucll-~;, .. ,., r .llu out ko~w. Uut •--·., 11Vf't·h 5t'hno1l ria~. 10 I "· m . lAd~-at lilt ~ ...._ ·tt ~--~u~~th~~~~Md~ll~!'' M•~•n~~~i~1l u~rl t• ~-b ~-~ ~t~~a~yln ~rh~~ ----------------------------------------• 'Jbei.e be ti ~unrlll)' t'Vmln..: lll'rYtr•· 1 :\o J'(lr ,_-~ ,._ -'-"· • can no ques on 1\8 to tht• s lna-rity or moti\'1' o'cluck Wart'tl 19th and f'Ddlar ~.-. .... 4 whlda prompted the British group to m."lkt' tht>ir prott.>Slc;, but Mlll·w• .. •k pra)'f'r arrviN·.\\'f>dnt .... lllu-. h 35th ~ ~ .,.. All • ..,.. ttw hollllf' are hbl IUCh proCftts rau to tllf"the f'e!'I)')OfiSiblllty wht>rc It beton~ ria). t'0\'1'1'\-d diM dlnrwr. 6·~1 ''"' ..... l~-.,.., ~ .f lW =: = ;:.;:.w::n;e ~:-::!1 lqUU'ely on Nazi Gl"nnany. t'111.1. 0 08PF.L ('Sil'lll'H C'athobc ""'"""...a-'"-_. ... &end lien and there. On hiR I '''NUnC at 1 311 ~ \r<.__ 1be ,._..,t w orhJ conflict rnnnot bt• railed a "dvili.z{•cr nn11 ..,. .:w-. o.eu .._ , I8Mr • .... ICIOdrl tarm. with bUild-... ~.. Sunl'lll~ ~tM•ul 9 4~. ll'lllrnl~ .,... CliJ"'C to all C'8lhntJr -J ----""-and chlrkt'ftl On war--U ...... could --r tx-called ''--t. B ut \'V"' kn'"''' thul un: C..albcllw-f'alhn <"oOllbJ» ~ •-_.. , _ _, ..-.-· --""" UWI "' v.-. Y.lll'hip. 11; f:\'&nJ.!t•hstlc tli'n.l('j• ... ef llilflloc*c-.... 1\u f&Jhlntl• leM we absolutely c n.u.h 1M enemy's capacity to WI\J.!(' war i :10 l'l m.: Mid·wn•k pray••r IN'f•t · IIWQJifT '",..... .....,.._ .. uwt Ilia .. a ctt,.. -suvrr Sprinp' he . en~ nn Wl"dnf'!ldll~'. 7 f !'i p m , lw1u~ .,. ttl ..,. ,.-. ~~ ~ 11' ~t tM po8Sibllly of Axla; victo ry . Anci a VICto ry ro r l t'llnl! JM'()fllf''l' ("Yan.:..ta<IW' '<'n.'K"O ~~ ~, tl.a:Tta ~ c.-. It ~ nm~pld~ It ••. from Would mean defeat t O US in th4:' Ordinnrv St"'n~it I lin f'nday. 7 :45p.m ... ~ Jtrain ~Yen In a funer· • J ..... -and rDdlr.t: !'un.ta~ Ap J :::..1 ,.... el ...,_,_ AD tb~. tno. Ia made of • result In nothing sh ort of c;lav('ry. w(' havt' o nly to I Ch . t• Ct-. tho-r c .. u-.. .,. • "&tlact -,....... AlwaJ• h# Ia building weillld« ~ pllght o( the O<"CU[Iif'd l'OUntriet to bring hntn(' riS Jan ~•ence •H k't m...-at F-· .J t:a \'-.--wnc. I Se . . L.d -" t"1tln'•" Blat""" ..._1 L« • lwft' this ~tlon. rvtces m I 0 lur .... In .... ~ '~ ":l:r ~.... :.::.. follla arr bualf'r DOW. tool DWOUp Oxnam summro it up wht>n ht• s.aid. "I hatt• war. Th t Start 22 d nt'fiiDJt a· -:.. ...,. '"" worrton about thlnjta thai But I want a world fn:>e rrom rnscists. I bc.'lirve s ubj('<'tion to ea re 0 .._.t ,..t llaJIPftlrd. ton btaay to' talCUm b more degrading and mon' <k-strur1iw in Ul(' Jon~ Fu·11t l'hun-h ot Otr11'1. St'trnu.c. National ~rit\· cnr-U<lut ... t ll\8y be brcau• nUl than war.'' • ., ..._ war Postwar Jobs AOCOI'dlng to a r«"t'nt Gallup poll, on" or thl' bi~ qllt'!'l inn:< whJch most prople are a.c;king lc;: W ill Uu.'l'<' !)(' ~ for a ll of us after the war! Tbe man who could an...,, ... r tha t llliN<tion with nhsnlutt' uurance dOf'S not exla;t. But th('rt' an' many indic:at ion~ th:ll postwar industry will h nve jobs for a g reat numllC'r of pc'oplt• who ll.re now t.>ltht.>r in the amu.'fl fon'('~ or t•ngngt'Ct in wa a ,-ork. One exam pit.> is· tha t o f th" ren--nt survey of t ht' C'a li· fornla ~ail field-a surwy \~:hkh n•sult('d in a n t•stimatr- that 200.00 people could l'l' nbsort:>Pfl into this lndustr·~· \\ ht•r• the wru· lB over if SAles v olum" is m nintnincd n t l"a."t (In 1~11 with the 1940 k-vcl. Although Cnllfomla's population hns incn'n~t (lfll' m illiot• ln the past four yt.>ars, we ha \'c ha mly m o..,. tha n 1 i :l.IIOO 1,~ taU .rtores as a,galnst 203 000 in 1940. Thus on the basis o i the ratio of stores to population in 1940. th('re nppears to be room for 60,000 more. retail outle ts of all kinds, which is I'S· Umated would require 200,000 people to opcrntt.>. The lncreue in populntion ln California has thna>~t upor. b-1•"' ••JeO a PNtt.>r task in serving th~ nreds or the public. 1be tultUiment ot this task wiU continu<> to require largt.>-sc·alt·, opendanl Jn practJcaUy aU lines or business. just as the war ailda ~bowed the nec:esllty for large-scale operations to m('('t tlie ..--t demand~ ol our m.Wtary machlne. I Tbe dropplna of war restrictions on business as soon as they can br dllpemed with. t.opther wtth the speed)' recon- venlon to peeceUme pr'Oducb ..W aid the-expansion of pri- !\:Pwpurl DrAch. ll.lln<~unrea tbry Aaranl c· ..... n to ca. 1¢ be th .. ~ t.he answer to \\'Ill hold tht'lr IPnk'n. brl{tnnl• " w..-; MArrh :!Znd. In thr Udn Tbfoat.er Phon. -,...~to frff uur W!lr-weary Compan._. ...._.. :-Jl'llk-rd ean It br :' Cod Sunday Schoctl at 9 SO a m ~ • .. H•• Mawm and aurrly anon ~uncJay arrykr at 11 a m Wrd· a7 wW .. l1«tK wlUI tbr wMid. ni'!<IIAy Tutlmonlal MHtln~~: 12 f'Trtlf'OUII•., -f t~ , :"C•t: Gal .A llo7 ._.. ln our home ajtalo~ ••'rl1>ck noon ~,. A~d -cac1oo> t<Hmt· .,._.-of our..,. Thl' HrAdln~t ROMD located at h· In Uw l'arfflt' T~~ !:7 ar.dt LUCRJ:TJA MAY. iII l-~1111 Crntral Annur. lllllbna Tf-I~Jil C'<<:I'J'IIln' a:>J a::• ._".:,. t~ •\PI'n flll lly lrom t I'· m to~ p "'lllanf"!! '"' 5.-u1~ .. ~<~onua n•.--''"u'rt Sunllay11 a nd luollday1 T~t .. pt..-r.~ l"«rJ"Ul' &.-.: •• , p...{J ~for t.k trlt'phonco romp&nirs nul h•ttallv tlt.l•rvr<t To wp'-NTV r._,~ ~~ ..... :W:a. _ "r Pft11tt!~nt N R Po..-lrt The p~hllc Ia ronllally lnvltrd t~· f••rmal "~~"~' ~· t, : .., .,.. 'lk ::Catloaal ~·urity A11\·ard lllll'nd th•• rtt rvirl'll "n•l Ull' t .... audit...., om .-.( .,..,.. -...,.. :.c A t .._ lwftl l"'abliahf'() In reCOJtllltlnn lll'nrlmJt ltoom tr~ 1r ::.an F'r&-"><.., fll ~ effrrtiYt' mann<'r In whlrh Th• •" ard ........ , • •• ll•·~ tJW tnrtu.trtal and oth~r facllllle11 G"nl't'lll 1·1\ -; F , .-.~ Iii • ~ ·f U., natum are ",.'"Pt'rllttn~ -a·lth t..-·hal( .. ! tho' t·~ ·-s ~u .. ,, (-e. Otr-M'r I, Ch·lllan J'lf'!t'nlle sml •of t'J\-IlUI ~1.-eow "".: 11 .. , • oekr grw~mmental agrnl'in to Tilt• l)!'t• tlf fl1~fUtl I"" 1H .._I\ I \'1111"' '" lh" ,,,...,.,.nt l11~1 r r~nr1 II• :luty f:m,, "'" __ ,._wr for thrir own protection 1 alt• l'llll'fllli~ to lll('t'l Ill<' J'l'ni ·UJl ri\·than OI¥W'f.. 01r! ,• {}·. .-1 _..unty. It ''"""~of 11 err-' -nnw t illll' gi\'(• t'mplnnn('nf to )"'('fum anc '4'nl!l , ·lftcate motr;nl:r:lng the malnten- • 'PfTlo 'I ~r· 1 .-. of th~ MIJM'r·.,r •landllrd ot tho~ nm\ t•m::t~l'tl m \\ :ar "1'1 k Jf"II«U.D and II'Cunty r------------------~1 Period of P~Ofl'~• MODERi MilliE SEniCE SHELL DOCK BALBOA ISLAND I -A l~rr.•nmo:, !:t•l. ~ It :o'Ar \uo or I a DrW' llb,.dr o f nrl!!l~t l..a..t.ll onlY rill lr n1= 11~ t hl> 111 ht'r 1"11 taru In •IIIII at NO tt '' •·· I 8. H. ~11\·hur~~t I Ll..r. D.A)I I .A ~· ..,p ta a pc'ni\Jft who talk11 .. JVU about othrra. a bore .. a ! ,__ wbo tallla to yMJ about _., A brtlllru!t ronvcor•tton·l .. --------------------------~ 8la Ill a ~ •·ho tallu to you .... ,_. I. TALK LOOSELY -TO STRANGERS 2..SPREAD RUMORS A ( •• ,,u,.,;(J. ,. 1lu P''.,. r Jltwl ., tht brt w"l tJ/ •ai'I'IID• •••w A care~ess word, though innocently spoken, may reach enemy ears ... may cost precious lives. Watch your con versa- . . Think before tion . y~talk. • - NEWFCRT-BALBOA NE\\'S-TJ'MF.S. "'"'flO" & .. <"h. O.ltfomla f'lllifornia. Thur~ciay, Mar~h 16, 1944 --------~~----------------------------------------------------.--------------~--~~~ ----------------------HARBoR HJGH SPOIJS ::":.-;:.::::.-=:.:::: I.___Mecle_ls W_on-=--"".,_M_ari_n••_______.) CIIIIST CIIICI BY TilE SEA . J f.:~~~~~~~-::~u~l --·-::c:..... .... ~~AL ·COMMinEE SELECTS OFFICERS HOW MUCH IS 0111111! ...... _ .................. • ·~-~----..... ..., 41 ., .. llllutD. Cor1le TARS ENTER EXCELSIOR ..r. •ys AI ..... .._....-.. k nan o(f l a--cNa.,) II ..... llemaw;:..nMd ft~ _,... ''-%211.._. Ia at. A.!Mr1ea'l -b-Ia ,_n, Jtara. 1\ b ~ Bet diY'Wo>n Uw Sainta -' awa."'Cl for .... trtatnau.Y award-F't•ll•"•'ln~t Ia thfo n-1•onrt 11f 1 ht· n••mln~tlln.: '-nmmltto..-tn ""' (nwlh (JIIIIrtf'rlv """'""'"'"" nf 1 '.u11nnm•t y Mrthodl,l rhun·h •'' Nt•Wik•rl l.,.._rh n ... .,,l uf M1"'''"' rw•l C1 tlt1t"h •• , .....,._..., ........ _~ ....... ,_ ..... , .... _.... ..... , .. ..__ ·-........ Spikeeten to Enter aa Defendin1 Champa v•LII tw prf'ft"ntl'd h• '""" t .. .am Uuol l'lllf'f'l:f't! 1 n t op y,hftl thor tmr- \\'••rlu ar• cw~~ ·~~ ~f •rth aD but • ot Uw ' btoroiam.t.n tar.cl. .. ~atu loft!· tan:: Ff.M• JK..C..,.. lllut th.-Ta,.. 1ra or td"\he alr. c:ft or men I who , •• t\,hlll ,.. 1' '~'""'''" ' .. ,,, I IU\1* H:nlllllll•'k M I' F II ( : ..... 1.•11. ONEmOA.Y It tht lran•,w•r1 at "n rr--.blr-!l u 1 1\ lJ awucled for ,... fOt"CI'd by C'lr-k~ • tt11r rw• b,-.abbmc tll.-,.3.1or an• lntre-~nt'ea of batt:s .........t .,.._ ~ Of I be I ul pldttf alXI" and to a.d IAndtng pa~-T1 '"''""s •··•r '"" :l·\'Nir f•·rm l\11' " \\" """~' "'" 1"1•h' No•\\ l:uul, :\11-. 1.••1 1111 ~l t lh :\!1• H.'~"'"'"l 11111 I• \\" rl .. llh\ Mo llh l ~, ....... -., ... t'l l!ll'•'" ~1 " (;,.,, ••• lllllttti:O, Harbor"a buay track ~~quad taku " l \"r • <"•"~• h R.....d wnll lake • to the rood again today when they team u\·t•r that w, .• c'Uk b ••· ~ travers(' ovr r to Exr e'aior ll1gh hnmr 11 tot o1 ··srr11p mrt.al Tlw High Sl'hool to take part in the C.·•" and (' ....... l"••:n rartt.'Ular"J annual •::xefls•ur R t'IA)"!' Th~ Tars at runt! •·11 h t~ c, •• &!l W'1'nC • b&ve lbt> neCUN.rr IDilDI'OWC'r lO ho•Hf lit'\ llUt't 0 hH k uf t..,;::t fri!U. ... cop the traclcJeet providing trana-l rum the.-Clra.n,; .. c. ount)· Edl •<b portatoon can be J'TU\'Ided Haz'lll· aTh" ll.-t-1 a ·ao IOQIII Ill,;. -Uwy aome meda hr will be awardt't.l t J ha,,•ro·rhel•lllrtl:l.f'j'<">"-L~ the Wlh.ftt•ra or the rtral four poll· r..J I)" h•an • Uul! lh A &. l><•4 ft&S tiona In t>ach rllt'l'. a ntJ t ·~ ar~ , ,., r •~n Th.-\'a t,. t)· .. .n ab • only 111x teams enl<'rl'tl A trophy 1 .. 10 lh.-'"l"t,bm,: :.JC a:..a' •·- P~ ~~ mp In ,., u tbc tim,.. ~yo:~d \he call U. • 11t'lilrhml'nta .......-... cr dlllJ'. Ena._ aner t hrlr rom - t'l\llllln~; In 1!W7 A ~ Th1fliJ'>""" fto•" (h•••n nntt Mf"'ll Gt·flt'l' 1'1111 "'", I•• ftll 11 VIIMinry In lh•· 1'111~' ...... -o.-4-0.tr ~ ~ Quality Lumber and Buildine Materials • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. R. £. tiOSTETLEA Phon~ 48 ·Watch Your Kidn s/ u~•lt' n-u~•-u. ~~a..~ ., .. _,.,, .... y ... .. T-kW .. ,_.,. _u, &I ...... , --u.r•~·~lilll.M-· u •• ~, ... ,._,_, .. \a~ • ..----.~ ~. DM .., • Na&eN lnt..,.4M -ran '• •. =1~"!-=-~~-~. ~, ...... 1awy ~.:!!~i:.::.f..':-.~~~· •••ll•c •• olclt••· •••11•nc. ,.n~~-we4H lt.. •7---f.._hOC of ..... ... ao 1I.C, OM lee •f p.p ond ....... , .. . no ~~ow ..._ ol lttd-1 ., ~lod<i« d ... vrd•r eN Net't•.,... h•ra•ec, .._.,,.., tH"' f,.4t_.C. ur1na l1Ae. Th•r• •~4 tM eo doubt t .. u pr-pt lr~at,...t ... ,.., thaa • .,.l•rl. , • ., l•oe•·• Pilla.. o...·, b •. ~'""" ••••1•1 ;•:r;rl::: ~-a':t~~~~~~ ~j I,:';~,::· Are r.ee•....S,... "> 1,.,. '~ , .. .,1• ,.,. cov.alJ'y o"•· Al l. ,,., •• ,, • out "" t••p "-"~ uUI!O' vs tho-a ' ... nuruiA•t ••f runn.-r-. llAJ ..,.-ustrt~a Vanity; Cea Outpoilll Saint Cincla maa and t h. lk••,J ~q. ttl H.•' ~ u... ,,. t ' .... "'•' • ".t.t lAlli T v.·& u~· artt'T"%:H .. a • bt-. lh~)· l uk llh Nlrl..a .-\:u lh~b !'••htMll ~mho m ln • ~f' t,..,..~,.-4• l h•· fa•. t!>..t 1.! • .-•r boost ·, p ~f·<nn· t"l> "'"'I Hf~w n~ \ ~-.,·,. ~ f u r h r I"•'• ,_ J.::l\f"' t .,. ~ln1 au.J .,... a .. .. .. .,., .... . . . ... ,. ~· .... : .............. , .... ,,. 14 tl '' • ·,.. '" ID''~ f:A • _ .... ,,;, •:;::~:P,·~;i,'"'W ~~\ u ,n :::!' '""' l•t(f• ·!>• ,.<4',_,..,.,.a ''"' 4'...-..~ :· ,.... .. "'. .... ..J 7 ·• ..,._4,Y',. ''"' ~u ....,,., ,. ...,,.., ... -, • It "' • ~•l · , .. ' --, .. ~,,_, .:.:... .... .... , H • ·-·t•v-n •.,. • :-Ul W! • ., ·~ ., .... ..,., ••• ,.:;, "' ...,... '"'•H • ,:;:.:,.,.,..,,.'\..,.. •'Jt• \ m n It Jl U "'! • ,. ~vii • "C'IIt ll""nr • • 1"' 14' t ..... t!••--,,, R••·n • • • ·.... -.o\ ... l 1""\•11 I""" I .. ~" ... ~ • f"c--••-r 'H• Wi\~t..-r , • .. -I*• ~•tul.tmr,.•r ••'• ' f.• -~~ .... , •:......-...... , ... , .. ~·'lli ..!h.. .. •" Y c.._ .. ., • Xtl• fl.onn • ',. H l•t p '"' '1 .. ,. I • -"~· !'-t JL.,•• ,,.,, ... ,._ , ... '-'!So. ... f't ,._._,..,., ., .... h~,t t ,. tur lht·lr m •• ,.' .__.,.'!'tJ: '"""': ~. , .... ,r • ..._.,...r....•t ,..1\....nn f •••' 1 a t tho• • nd 6'1 to 4r. "'f"boo 4'r • , ~ ... •( trt .-lt h Ill r1\' htt\'" pr,,,., I I hr tt-..-A,...lll~tst t 1 .-~-,.. t I ~ r~ r~ ~ f".a ~h I' lllfl lht· (lo:-ld h\" runnl.o( U>totr ........ t ;,oc. ' n tor ... n h a..! .. ,,., n " Dt'n'• 1n:o IM 1,'TOUD.J 'l 'z II-"'-: ~..-1 •'' -1t,-DJ ..-bkb prnmh•'"~ Hal Yuun( .-lund t>Ut f•-r tv c ..... 1 , ~ thor ""!'"'' a .. ,.... .. •ooful ,... • I hv IJ<•IDI: a cklu~ ...--r Hr ~ ~-~ fnr -m.ldual p< .. tum;·d 1n a 11 nat p<rl~ a ~ ~ ...... ,_-nf .-atr •.-n•. R"lf'h UW' 100 and to k Uw ~ pm<p f'nr'"lllt al'ot J .. -,., Sha'N . pllrt-.. r• h~· • shrau'Uf'IC 1;,-, .. ~ Jl• :lis ~a Y~¥, Gtylrn &ow.: f;,-,t spa..-.-Ttw C""'8 l"af'lun-d all ftn ~ r..r ~~ Spnk no-n \':au~hn 1'1;.·.-s .,-;:;-;.Jll 1----.-n lb.-~ ~ .... J R <'~. ~noll ........ TU · Lhr )· tod aU bul t.brfto pa.r-.... ~ ~ l""ba"' Harni.J Van!~ appf ar .. -rum to • aplllft" tiM .-. ~ F.la A•Saea. (..,.II Ottn . an•l ~Aoa~~:u. .._. Olbrr ,..,...,.ac .1-.-.Jc. •nc~~L Lblrct ~ n.n ~,..rfurmal\4 .-. • ....,... 1.-.1 • ..,. H.v.t-7 A-."n>d H~. ·n.,, · llsn~ 1n .,.,.. :... a rt!l ~2 1-.,a ~ .~ T•-lfrl"ork~ll Han.-n a.IM• a::adfo 11 a ckouWr 4aJ ~,.. ~ rrurtar. ~ M .. l. t>y takm~e t .. llbot p.c W1Ua • .... C'" .,_,r. BID Van ttor:~ 1H'8'f' Qf ~ R.ocfT Hlma-~wt F~~ _. C'arl Obfrtn: l!'ar>M ~··· tn ... -tJw ~ .._,...._ Bdl PoQard. Allw-rt ~lmr-· 1111 I' T "'"l••to· Uw fa.ct .... U>ry -. T-IEJbr Onr 1~. v rry .• a.s "" • mJW(Jllon 111ooP ~ rdaf '""'C ...__ Dwk ~ [)()II 1.-ru-. nn lhr ... 1ft .-, W: ~ N#tJt 11 n Sam Fac.kmaD aDd Pl'C <J tllt.aD<f ~ Horw~ 8oha. Rlld .1111(" )I II· \ (!4. ~ ~ietMte IEIPOIT BEACH ? - Ustwd lu Deeetn• manclln~ omc:rr. had te~. tiel. It II ~ e&.sua.Jlln. al\·ard~d In Uw 11amt of ,~. Cnn,.1 <or ltl!' United 1 ·.he a ll'dal 1a "a"uru aboUt uw ucc&. JIU VT ('ItO~~ • •. el J CT'Mill r. n:d ll l<.r r :: •.. o. • dina:')' l:~r.•.,:n tn t 11 llnr • r c!u:~·. ll ran:~ t.n t htrd Jl:l lllr'\ tol- l r. •-: 1 1 • Ur;\·et P'rt.l. • A • tlr'l &-~d r :tr (,.;' t ·~n ' :-:J~s- 1 U"l : 'll I '"\"I l' TIU• lncu.·:.···s a r :· r "d ""'" •m (1( Ul• 1 • r •' j <' • t •nn. r • l llltd:ll •ua e.· tabll'hf'<l in t:.!tl. DISTISGt'l~nrn ~•mvn·z ~·· ..... ,. ' 1 r.caoltf or Mr•rr 'ftw U :ull of lhco Le;ioD ot M:.co ·~ 1& made to oul.~t!llhltng odloen ancl t'u l.•t d 1D1Q ror rx.r n lll· rat7 ftd~llty t.nd r • c~~l ..-. 1 lr•.. It ron::u.utr, 1\ •• ''" (! for re:"\ •re In n I' ,, • liOD Of r ·I• 'II" IJI'II ,., "' II•• B~cl ·f' hoi:.Orlllllv '""' ''. •t P"~OTnll ,1 ll , · ,. , ""'lU.U.aay 1\:~ ·• • , ,, de. J u , JliSTIW~n~ttf:O n \"ISO t Hfl~ ~ ~l tl"'" l h •l ~ f':yirr. I ";, ;, t t;t · U n1~ nl tlnr ut•hrd rcorr~•l 1111 " 1111v f" • I • • ( ll :l I' ml'm 11 r I I I I ,. "or • . . oi l · \\.l•·c !to~CI'' or I to<• \'I I+ • ( r (' . .;t r·j ::::t~t::'.S \' "' \ 11ht • ' ,I f' ,I Juel-·' : . •tn~ 1'1 •.• r ' • • 7 li"l" In ·' lll ll 0:1 o "ll!)', '·'' Ill Ill Ill A r:' ' r • 1 , ,., •'Jilll)' htrtVclt hv h· t ,,, 111 • i n::! I !• r uo• nt'· l'r ~lo ii .J••r•lllltl)' 1 •• I' r ..... nn•l' ot ! r chle-r11, 1.1 "It 1 '" llut• r: .r-t ,r •·Itt on p u .!· ., ''"": lu • •' •I nt~hl n to ,. 11,,. r 1 r !l'l : r., :t 1 medal Lli Jt.lcuucal In llli eoervlcea. urm~ It , .. o~ e.IAb- Ulti\l'd ln 1811. IIL\'Ea ST.\a T:lf' E:"•l· ~ ~ ar.ln· alltu\l'ti 111 1~. ls lfrtlntNt tO p~ r:~rvm~ In rny f':>i)tc- ifJ' wl\h the annfd forcn of t he naUon r tlfd for 11~11-nlry In act tun "" htch do=s r ot •!lrT!Inll'•r .... Ardor t '11' r ~r1l l ,,f Honer 1>t I I • 01~1 1"11ll'i~hf'<l £" nlc• cr It r:· r·'' ,, ~ .~ .. , bllver CltaUOo blar ur lOll · t:lla. Ala )IF.D 'L 'rllr lltr M~ I I I' aWtHlll'd 10 I lo) aon tr<hO. \'" ltl!t• • n·· lnr ln IITIY C"l:lt.IY with lhr p-u•rd ·.t tnrrr' or the llrltt'd ~! ~ 6 lalr•. dl.! llnr,UI· ht:s v.-htm..,.lf by mt".t~>r· ~· , lou • aehl,.\rml!'nt 'J,;.; · whlll' P."~llrl"':.:. tt;ln 1. a"riJII nte ht H ll -lfan-~lm -~~~ All.lJ \L '!be Qfw Na\)' and Marine Cof\IA Mf'd11l b awtrdl'd P"T'!!''TIS In tbet Nav)' and t> • ••lnl!' Corp~ tor &~·t.< of htrolml olhrr than U-.ore p.orformrd tn ~ctual «'Ombat wtth the --.nrom) Tl 11u bttn ~rn ntrd for tli"!'U'lt"tlt"\ r tuluC't alltb u rucura at KL Pt'RPl.F. Rt:AitT The Purp:r IIeut. orlcln11lly ... talllllllu•d by C!'nrrMI Ot o!'Re WUhlnaton In 171l. wu not Lsurd for many y:ura It wu reeatabiW\f'd In 1m. and m ade re\rotlcllo;e to OO\•rr awiU'da to all otllefra a nd mrn who WfT't wounded ln r LillO lA ear war I A-OT ....... _ ......... . -,,, I'TJI\ •lw· to "''h:nr~llnn ••f t:.l 1-'1 111 h "' I. T ··nl"""'. I hi' hn111'1 t ·.um"'"'"" t•n I•' tt11;1·h"" II•' I -A.,_, o .,..._. •-~- 1'1h ttl•·• 111111•1 • hah111.111 11•••1•11 twlf .._ ..... e1 CW &.;..-Ool ,,, ''"''''''' fht•n wtlll~o• ''''"''''"'''" '" full••"~ t r1111 "'l•h·ln.: 1!'4~ ·''' otlhl h••tn.·o, \11• n.~ltt•nll ....... ,., ••••••• UeUM a .... •'"·'•''"'"'· ~''" 1·u ... ,, ''' ,;, ... , _......,.. •• ... •·••• • J h. t-:111••11. I. T Fnl""" 1!~1• l A•• II M•~;w•~·n ll:ury l 'lulhp HH7. A s ,,,,,..,,,.,,"· It"'' 1 '!\,, . ., ~I ·' I;,,,,.,, l'htlhl"' .-If l'11•l11tlll llo•llllh"" /IIlii l 'llljtll c---., ...... ~ - l'ttl'l'h M1-. '''" latul :'>lt·"t.J..tt••' '-..... • .. ., ,,_. • _..._ C.. llt•11 t.' J!\kl ;,,,,, .... 11111 Hull/,' ~v ~1·--" . ._~~-........... ~ _. . ~--... .. I A11•hf 1111" .1 A llo•l"'·'" II S _... u ·-• • -· _ Noe ...... • llo•,tl• ,\ s 111•'"'1""" N••llllllfll ·l ..a1 ---_,_-~f•'\\•ll ll• l A"'I' 1\,1(1/ Foltlh """"'"· ""'""" N ltHI ~~~, u•..: t._t1UitU1f••• \tt ' \;l ,h 't* t\tll ~ - IIII I 1110:' ....... , n• ••• 1'117 ' .... o"lll!llllll I -.... , .. • .. tho\l"'"'''' 1\-1~ .•1tu•n 1\t•f\tt\, :'. It•'•' It"'" \\tl1 It•· •·•h .. 'lflllt•d ,..., ft•l , ..... ':::=~ •·"•- t\ 1\.-lttt:ln II J-t"1-•lh•t !'-I 1,,1,, I'll'• :\It• .\ .I lt;tlf••t , l'llli l . Pttnl.qo \\'tlhlllll J-:111•, 1 •~111 "'' Jl,..-1 '"• 11 I'll~ "" I;IHl't' llttl n.. .... , __ .,....._. ._, .... II 111"1 ,,, •• [I T llt•l~o•tl . H~tlh·ll ....... Jl, .... "'"'l: o,l,•\\ut\1 M•• .1 .. ·-· b' .... -··· -4 ~ s..- ) lo•111n· II· to I P \V 11·•111" lilt .. ·pit ,\ 11,.1111.,11 ll :' I. ~'11"1l 111:, I lt I 'l"~t I th ' • • I r----~::;:-.;~~~;;.;:iQ~~~~~~;;.;:iQ~~,.l:~~~===t 'I•• I •'•' II M.~;,f,.r,•n. ""'" .. :1,.,. ~+++++11aa1111+a1111ii.l0tt+i~ ~~·:: '·..:;,\ ... ~'·:~ ... -~~~~~ ~~~~;·::.·.·:::.~: r; wwi;;~·ilo;ii_;-~· \·IIHtl l 'l h"•' t ~.·uq:•· Jlu,~~~r.••lt J ,,ft,. ~ 1 If, 11 !\I" lll.tr) ~~ nnlo•\ M • • [ l,..l.,·lt•l,. t4"" .,..,,.,..., '...; ·rh~''"P"'~''' ""-.c. t; t-: 'l'o l11ll '" ••••np'••lu '''l'''l'"'''"' It I •··· \\ ...... 1..-nllh I ""'" , ... ""'""' '" '"''" I . lfltflltiUh•n 'ft'"Uith P.ff' Jt..Mt \UUf ''"'-U .. ..... \I .... •·:"~""''" ,.,,, 11''1'1" HORMEN .FISH MARKET \I 1 • \\'o•,ttlll•t"ftt~•l I-'111/UII"Iul ,,., r,,,,.,, 1\lt llntl M r' llnr~•lol l I ,.,h "l'••·n -.11•'' 11f ,,,. •. ,, t•ltu•• It • • f" ,.,,., II S I. Fr..tla,:: Tt•t•u• "'' ' .-t '''f"h•n• .. t IM·nt'\ ot.,ru·•·" \lt • t; t-: T ulull '1'1•''"""'' u l lltltltlm~ '"'"'· Jnhn K t-:1111•11 An nu,•t •·•"'''•·•••fl("tt• ntf•tul-.•r. M '' .fo>llll (' lhlllriJ!lO, llll .. mMI', Ml•' I I•••· :'l;o•l'lnn<l 14 )'''""') -C"hwd• ~ aupcru•h•nlkttL C 'pi I.OIIlf' llamrruu·k ltl'('uNI' ''""'""' ''"' M f"'ll II t l J-:n,l.:n M I ' ...... , •• ,.'l(WI(ln. MMlll .. ·n.hllt '""""II,...,. MrL ltoM llwc•n. ,•r.,,.,, .. ,,,_ Mr. llf-rtlll. M ,... • ~o·,,., 1.11: l\11 nnd M" 14'0ft ••1'1'1.'\1''"" "'' I. T to'n l-.nn1 M"' II A SI.IWh , M,... J •:lllolt 1'111111'14'' nwnmltlfOI' t-:• nfflr ln •·•· •ul•·nl w~. """"u"'"' "' ,., ..... I t ·,.,.,, •• WSC'S rhalmar~n nf l•~t•nl ""' k . lonJIA1111I lln'f"'lltr1o'll Ami I lutt.·h 111'1\aun-na. n r ot. • ..-1 ...... ,., I I> S. Bo•nla.. Ll'wl~ I\AII1. II F 1 Clu l'-llc·r 1. T t-'t~hotNII, M IIUI 1-:1'1" :-.~lnrwl I Cltun·h ... 1944 TIDE TABLES IK Hu 18 4 ·oo • .a 7:t0 u 7: .. U :H I u l ON <.ENTRAL AVENUE, NEW~O"T •EACH H-E-. SHORTEN THE WAR All )""' •It•"''' ,,..,~., fht• ~ltl<·lln•·• will nut ht-l[• tlfifta ......._. h'"'"" ''"""'I llul )UUI" Wtlt k un lh•• JN,.IUt'IWan ..... ::i' l ltuull .-<1, or nu·n '"I'' wurrwn like· )•"-1,.,...'11 ,.,. w,:.~ '" luuh1 tlw 1"11.11111111• Alf'J•Iionl'" ,.., '"'"l••rlltf'l)' • lt~:hflna fmnt• Draft Yourself Today N• ,;,..,..,... .. ,. N~. w-"111 .. ~ _. r.w ._..., w..-"._.... ,_...... ,I•HII l ht• th•"l""'"' tof rw•ll htlll" ~Mtlho•r-n t'111ifut"'-......._, rlulrlfl ••lfn••llur•.: ttJo:AI. '" ltllnl( thdr kwf'd ,.,. .. t.rtl -· ·n ... ""' ...... ~·· """"· N .. uhrr •.ruld ,.,,. DOUGLAS LONG BEACH PLANT aranl•d In c.u•• ""'"-the r ~L of mft"l~lou.e .. ,.. W! ' ,_.,,rnn~ t.he D .SUD· 1:11~1 .. _ •• ,ulll f • (''-•. urn paleD tdlda'r Wu· ......... ...Utltnc Uwft. • owa.l cblvron. --· •• .... MA .. CH 12;Ge O.t q~ .. ~ ... , u ~I -1:!7 &..S 8:t7 1:•& .... ~· ... 20 Santa Ana Feeder Shop tiAn ... u .. n Jnhn~· "· Bob Netu .. Fishermen Draft 1 Tu 21 \,.; 1 :! 1U1d Pul111r k . Wltft all lhl• Wol Z:! 14 1-i 2 n a:., t :n 4.1 t t 9 ;11 1M <:.·r "''II lnfllf'lluttll"' •• mAt .. r1aJ fht' llqUAd ahould be ol Protest on Fees !\. .,. !t.O -12 th .. hiiCh••lll t•Riibr,. ,.., .. .,. &brhaltl •"'"• 11m,.1 0nf' nf thf llqLIAt.l'a pnulble .. I 4VJ.ed By Moxl·co r, ••••• ,. ,,,..,. ....... .,,.., ..... , ............. .. Jtf'l• 1'1tr ,.r li II fo1AnAI:IIn. hall .I~ ~ 1 ••'" ,. .. .,,.. IL .,, , <larlt ,..,.,...." 111 r .. n 1" h .... r 1'' tr:•''' wlfh 111" J..r)jl AAN PEDRO F'l~llrrrn~tn " , ... Anll:f'h·~ A n~:.,li .AithnttJ:h lh,. aoua•t c nn nlv.':t)'" U~f' " Jood 'prrllltiVf' Aa~~nr •nttnn • "nq•r ''""1 t ~zu•t• ~·-n.-rnUnn K"th••na tc-..:•·1 h pltr h .. r ... ,. 1101"' lh 11• n 111 makf'll tl( nWnf'nt of lnrs~" ptl r~•· llf'IIH'!.O •'I lltt• llnl"'rli<hflhlf' f"tuldtrn ot 1111' ~· I'Wt In bllf tim" haiOf'beJI l o "'"" In I hilt hArhttr nnol A m,.r1 pn•l nntt IIWTr'L-lt\t'm hy Ill''"" ,.r1v1u ,, !tl llrt•·•l w1111 ln .. ,...ntn~~: ' '" Tlti'UI ·hollt A""'" tnlt••n 111 ~an,"""'; 1•f ltl:hl. ellkr rrtdlflnl with tlrf' Thr nulflf'ld tJrllltd 1 n Judlf· •··n•l th .. m with '""1',."""''1"1 •v"" '" UOI 'fii.A~ SANTA ANA t"Y.IO:UY.K MIIUI" til r. ant"'. ,..,.,a Atta. c·.uf l lnlh .. :~1~'1'' Sumlny '• ,., A M I n ~~ IMI I' M I INITF.P ln'A'Ia Y.MI·un·•r.NT ,..VICE :wtw.ae•IM~ ..... A-.~. WNt!IMtdey end ~ II Ill A M In :\flO t• II AVA II.AIIII.ITY C ,.:lrtUlC 'A"n: RfolQttltu-::11 up~,.rr~•"nrt~m,.lnfi,.ld p~· n~,o~~P"~~·1•"~1""'''r~,~~;"~'M~~~~~~·~':•I~y~~~~~~~~:n:·~·n;·~f~l -~::::::::;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i th,. Rt•te O.pattm•-nt 111 "'I'P'"'u I on ' 1n2 rl•f'• a nd fut ~trouotl ptclluptt. 1., tnrr-d ,,.,.~ r llllfl:•'•l nllrrt ""'" on thr trlurn throw 1be Hadliee ..... .., ........ • -... , ........... .....,. wedcli.ap.--pa'irict. 6e , ·m ......... we .. a ·' I ••apapertl .llloll,.._ .... .__.._._. I ---. free~ ........ r.-~ .................... __ _ woald tuppft11 ildlq 11M-'-cta.aL RCUJI IJ .... _.is-.. aacltoWDS~.A.aica.·l '-•• I 11, •'-......_ aadoa.iaspincioe_. we-•• ,.....,_,.... aDd ia Yial I*' ia A.e~O. li6t.. GNyhouncl and New.-., 1n WodtTog1ther Gftyhoa.ad. jalc lib ,.,... •• I I 1• .-a -..-._ Uke odaer .,....._ "-'-Ctcy.. 1_. •• I 111• -~ • oa~coeen.la dle'Waa ~ rcasl-..a6c:Gsql I U......_.. ciliasia.wedaM,..•• 1 ;rn~~:' al.._ bus c:nftl .....,._ ....... Gacyl a I • -'--• ... ~c:a•t4-r••l 1 • ._ __ ..... by oclaa-... ol ,.._a 1 • Gtey • ..-,d .... ,.,... ••• jl is...... S !Iff I It il u iadiapa: He,_. ol ,.-4Wyl& Wll!6 .. ..,.._..._ o(odMr••9JL r an. .... t '5 •• I I I ! ........... playiaJiDP-ftia ..... I I ..... ciiJ.Cisc;l 1 .... will................ ,..... .. .. ,... GREYH·ou•D ........ ...-..... .. whbl,. 10qua<t wtnl thm bllttln< """'• tlahlnlf ltCt'lllr11n Wlltrr.o prw\kf' wiUI Ga,:t l'hu,.kln~ a.n<l '!be Qo.operajjvr helcJ ~ m""tl"lt. I Shafrr r«t'lvln~t "' Il l ~adquartrr11 "' ~nutht'rn Many of the h"ya llhowrd prom. Pactfle .Up and lh,. mf'mlwr•l•ll• 18la~e .. po u f utuno ahljefera by Indicated lndiYtdual bnatlt w ill ' r loutlnr; the old hnrwhldf' all over ntotke tnltJ&J trial I rip• In tf'At t h" I the field Gt'orlfe Spink . orlctll&Dy f""unotnlte feulblllty of c:ontlnu,._tt an outlleld.-r. hu --·•lched to hnt f lllhlD• ln tiM .-nnthrrn r,.ruhll• • t.... and w 111 probably hold down "'alera. I the flnt alrlnlt I linn on lh<' · Botlt. ID prevlnu• yrar11 l'av" eec:ll Lorry ~ade. a paat mnrle aht or mo r,. trip• cJurtna • thr ouU1~1d~r. will probably be ~ .,1mmer ....,D but rannnt nr urtl mahwtey of th~ tJUltleld Btll Pol· '" taka • ehance on th .. hlll:h ,,...,. lard.. netrcomer to the aquad, bu raiMCt two moaUw .. 0 from an 00.,. rh&DrN at ~lnlf the tf'am"a bellt l•• Ill 03 per nf'l rr~t:t•ll•rt••l tun, 1 ~-BUI •owed up weU In a~ to A-.mblyman Vln• ""' practice with bll ron1 hard dr1vea. A Tboau ot San Prdro. 11t1VIIN'r wh~h are a valuable UH! to uy tn tho Co-operative He polnh~•l , ~~attn out Uaal UM t.otaJ cbar~e~'• Altllln•• I I · an 80-toa ~t bave ~~~ ral.,.1 f fflm SN4 to 11622.40 I Volleyball-• .,..._,_ would I V hr•·k~ !Wmt nf the ]flrl1 have a (lr1"1 n~tytnc thoea f~ 111 addtt1nn tt• •"'"« arm u thaw ball• really th,.lr o.Uay for aupplh•11 rul>l tra•tl Ttw ruin han bHn adopt· )fear," 'n»oeu Mid .. .,,..,, "" ,.d by the 1 lrl1 to .. .,.t.up·· alway" 11hrimp 00111• tn btrt' fr,.,. of '""" to the froat row. Therefore, oely clll•r.-e Qd ~ pey only ,..,,. the «lrla In lbe froat row art th,. cr nt a pound on wltltr ,.,.,. ''""" ''n"• to kill the bell or put It aYtr, •t•lf)l)ed ovlftaa4 by truck." ················································~ • BOR BUILDING INFORMATION -See - Bay District lumber Co. WAL Til" I . SP ICII .. , o-.r !t11 lt.t« Hlgllwey At Tile At"Chea Newport s-c• Phone 1150 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• GORDOII. FI.IDLAY 001'01UCTOa .., ...._ MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR ova sPUULft Cabinet Shop 8eniCe om. C.Miet ..., .... c..t ...... ., IOCia 8t. ... ~~~18-.1 ON HIS . PAST RECORD ROBERT ALLEN SOLIC~ YOUR VOTE t'l)R RE-ELtrftON C 0 U I CIL ·MAI (~ty of Newport Beach Independent Candidate. a!\ Before, Responsible to the People as a-W hole, and Not to Any Individual. or Group of Individuals As H i! Record in the Past Shows, J lc has Not Rccu a "YES MAN", Nor Will He. Be in th e Future, 1f the People Renew Their Confidence in . R e-~lcct in~ Him. Vote For IOIEIT ILLEI •• ~ • .._.Four • NF.WPORT-RA f ROA NF:W~-TTME8. Newport Beach, f'"lifomia, Thunday, llarch 16, 1944 Building Permits NEWPORT BEACH ~!Hi .!"\'t 117 I , .... ••J1 4'1"; lilt '~:·:\ • , •• i hh '\t ., ,U\o t''• ,., "' 'If~ I :~• to. fl\1 •• ·~: l'tlft 1'•11 1 If: J I' ltft, V I • tt It I ''"' ., 1\1•1 I "·' \ ''"" lulo. ~···It· t ,..I tt j, I '• ,.,. t • r r ... , , n•h-~r fut:o' I ',,.,, •• I ,.,., .• .., unr'\· 1943 ""' t.; f 1 . "• .,, 1 .... ' .. , ' I 7 • 11 ,.,,.,,, . .'.: .17 t ••••• -)tl Ill' lfi llifl 1•1:: :1:.'7 $11! !\M .,.. 740 ~lurch 6 II !'l Thuma• Jlf'' FIJI Jua ... Flahter • POUCE NEWS George Nickerson Completes Course Ullda tM c:al~WJ of t.bdb . Betty ~~ ol 1M Balboa ApUI , ~ to tk loc-al ,.,._ that -ftltenod MT ..-..rt-t du.riDc Ow oipt JlondlaJ ..., took ~ Pb.Uco labiC' IDOdri nw1io. A c:ar rc-por:N golt a fnMB LoDe ADI(t'.,._ Uaf'C'II Jlt11. w-u rec~ ed ~ Ow coopwaUoe of tM tl#'al p '""" a nd lolrJL E la..ortb Shaw.~ .. Orin. wbo report. f'd -"'-by that a Ford with lhf' l lt-•nw 9 lY'-23 had bHe ab&n- dn~H!od .,.. Uw .Cf'ft't arace Sunday Djpt. AJ1 arridnt .....WI l~ In C'OMid· enble c~amac .. to bolb can oc•-ur. rt'<! a l 31.t and ~lral An .• 011 Tund:ay nlpt. One l'ar drffn t>v Jobn t; \\'btu aact haria~ b1ll · 'Wtfe u . ~-.rer «'ollidfod wltb one driTftl bv On P t:ut~n w1tb pa~ atnc-aa lllller. Jlrw.. \\lLitr -............... ,. f u.rd ciortor'• aid.. Prtvat• ~r&e B. Nlc:-ktnoa,l San Dleco Marine ua.. He l8 , ho 1a 17 y<'ara of age. and re .. dra now r«-ady for aaalrnment to a at 300 Diamond alrert. Balboa t com bot unit u a communleaUona ·~t'l&ll•t l.aliDd. t u recently rra.c.Juatrd Pvt. !':k kt•reon Ia a g-raduau of trom fteld telepbone IC.buol at the Harbor H lch School. Calship Needs MEN · AND ·WOMEN r ••• .llllled and unsldRed' WE PAY HIGH WAGES Help ua •ulld the slllps that will You do this WAR JOB righT in your own home. '''"" r til hulltl 1~11 111 lld<litl'>n IO ,, a r , r~r!llnr: and mak•· r .. palra · .. lnt•.finr. •1!1 llardlnK. S200 ~'"" h 10 Howard L. ~rry IU:!I( 1 'ltft Ortvr. prr ownrr to boll hi ll:llr"K" hnU8f', IU4 !'!an 84omardlno, IN THE IOLOWONI, PiP., ..... -~ ., N.. 7 I I ..... dloe J..,. leM l6lr.e _._. • ,.,.._ lclni-.. n--.... ..._. 6a ~ru.., wid! 1M .. cnq ., liaw ........... ~ ..... • ..... a-. ... .. ,,., wit.ll ,.,.._ lw -'Y ta. .,.... -----------· --- 17~,1) ,. Marrh to .hy ~ttrr. c.o M. • Balboa Island 008TA MI'.IIA 1,..r uwnrr per Coleman. ln build I :! ~tnry r:anp houae. fnm«' antl ~rhool News William R. 8all*uy. n, fill al6 ~turro, 308 Ocean Blvd. $2,000. Vrrloria Ave .. ~tty.,.. -..ct Mart'h 1 W . R. Hilrpt'r. 116 &econd G~ade "nnM -all C'~ ildrn .-ftd tiM ..,.. call to .......... -- llw4r pa--. aad tM polke • tnatk ~ ,,. ....._ • w..s-_..,. c-~ .. ...... yed ,._ u. ~ .... lltclp _., t~u. aac-. JJ• u....o. Ballloa. I a!tn l:w bad dr'-rlled froa eehool. , He ... ,__, .., ... fa&Mor DtU' 8tlt ... Omtnl. lin. W . IL I St.__ fill .r Oln&. Balllaa l.lilaDd • ..,...ned Mr uw. '-7. Bill. ... loll .... , ....... _._., Worrr U. ,.._bed U... to_. 1l ..... GET · IT OVERI MOIIt urgently needed are .•. SbMt llelal ,.,.... .. .,. a Jlelpen ...... bu ld ad hnnur man of bl8 t'OIIlpaDy ...... Abalone, ptr oWfter, to I • 1~ .. ,..,,.,..,1 hv l ;IUIW H .. ry ('OmpletJon of lra.lateac at tbe u . I rill I• n tn prHtnt bulldln~t an<l ,. 111 .. MC'I•nd ~radr boya and 11r1e ! :-laval TtalnlDir StaUc. at nr- ,.,,_, 21a...A~ ll -11rr mtf'n'trtt'd-tn Jrtvtft~ bolltr fto --~ MarC'h 1J Wllllam R Rlal'k· Huk•ll Hinnant __. -.. riii(Ut. tdabo. nla proud wtfe elld · P1'rt~ ~ -r..-thre«-~ ~ bft'e, RAe aelec- man'. 27411 Motor Ave., L. A. !\4. tv H oortman each pve a nport lri\11 u honor man ... ba8l!d - Ptr owner. to bWid • 2411211 + lhll• wuk. rear ManaUeld • to )IT~ recot'd lD tbe nrtoua ..,._. rnum dwelllnr. 224 Opal, $2,000 1rtv .. """ MondAY HamD'._ l8 ~ , recndt traJaba&' He ~ ,. ~LUMatNG ~EflMITI March 1J WWiam R. Black· man. Jlf'' owner, ft4 Opal AVt'. Marth 11 E. B. Hlllman, per ownl'r, 313 OoktnuGIS, COM. March 11 Peter Joam-t prr J H F.atua. 311 1:1 llodeaa. I March H -Dr. a-. Eutn!IUI. . ~r ownrr. IJt ~ COM. Inc to te~. u• about '"'nM "" Ut-~mner'• mate o1 tiw _,..,.. ttr Bt-ar8 llrw. Jobll Wee.ter. cMt..-. of Tht' 1 h llttr,.n "'110 I(IYe tt-e eu-the Reel er-H-~ thor'• n~<mr an<l the pu"''"rr'T ,.._ b ·---.................... RAe '.,,., .. -~ ...._ ~ namf' 11\f'v hiiYf' a new bo)'. th s:z 000 bu bMn ztv--' tee naDif' I• William Vrlter. 10::., to' wrYiee-and tllorir fleet-• . . Flm Grad. lllu few em4'rweacta.. ta llddfUala. R"IJOrl('d by Dick .. .,.,..., U layett.N and Oar. put1aJ lay. Mn ~Yif'r·a fnlt ltTaCte bu a ett. -_ .. '"-~ to tlllr n•·W t~·v Jllmf'ro Srhat.rMr. 'ftle "'lve• of wnr~. ,,,.. ,-rade hu b.ad almo.t perfed NottDc ~ -tal datft ot 1t11n. I ELECTfliCAL ~EflMITS Karch 8-Dr. A. A. Ehrke, Apnl.-na, prr Blacllbeerd. 123 """"''"nee all wt•f't'k 'naurwday. Mary WllUam.a Pad lite. w.r.,a At n<l di'V I• the ml!•t popular day Quany, llr and lin ~~~ I March 8 John Vopl, 310 ey. p,.... Ave., ~r Black~. March 1S-Henry H-. 207 Abalone. prr Blat II beard. Marrb 13 Verne Kooll, 110 Gar· n•t. ~r Btacllbearcl. In tbt' rlrat cradr. Quarry •terttJned at a ~~ • • • dlnDer et their Ranta A na A- Third Grade home. IUJ"•r1ed "J T Clmmv Burpr I ~P"ndlnlt tbe Wrt'k<'nl.l wttb Ilia AI lhr rnd of our clli•DIIIIIp family em Newport Boulevard. Prt· ("Ofltf'llt In tbl' third rndt. tile ty otncer nNt a •• c P' !"ltr"· Wfnfll'nt lhr 17 bf'llt cl~l l,. l 1..: fNln. hir .Utioa in Dd wl'rl' a••a rded el~eht parr bonk1eta' M .. r. I RiliM. • .....,....._ .. llllld l DO fCJDd lfiN ,_ Jlrw.. Jl. flaD fill Ge W. Cin11tn1 _.. ~ to .... u. ... fill llil'r ,.._ will~ ~ --..._ 111....-port aad ..... -........ ,. '"- ,...,. ,...,.,..,. .. ... CiiiiMI C uard .... -wdl M kta.... 8M later ~ ...... f-.1 .. flllf --~bee...,.._.._~ ... .-. I 'niM -' I Cn.raiay) a p!«!e of • ftoll ,.,........ fallricat.fod ..,..._ ..we --~ to u. ..,._,. .. .,._ ......... kit _, u. aea 111e..rt1w .--.. at lOtb aad LafaJWUL. Aa yd. DO d.w u to rt. .... , bad ._... round Y oar Friends And Mine Welden a Welder-8tadeata .,..,...... Steaopapben Typlsta Tabfllatbal~ Calship offers you •. -. EXCELLENT PAY~ea wlaDe .,_..., __ --u.e-job. tnN-TIIE-WAR WORK-GIIdew CIOIIditloM. ... -· ltriaPtl ~ Sec-~rity Cant, .... of CW..- IIhtp ua Availability Certt8&1J tD ••• \Walker Drafted ..--------------.For Contrress, But J.l. ESTIS PLVMBINo Joins Military r 111'1'1'1 "Vlrtorv Workbo"'k" K'-1 o.nr,e R . Writs 011 the P'anD H endrnbot ~nt to llle · U. 8. ~r o(ftef< In Santa ADa P"'- Ttt'lll'!llf\' P~p11rtment In WuhlllJ'· -Ud :u ~rtllkaiN fJf ~ to Inn 'fnr lhf'~l' lntl'l"t'lftlnr bonk!! i boya and ~rl• In 7tb and lltlt S O'Ir Uw prou..J p--.. •r of ! ... wiap. 81'-. llend.,d ~ frc.a AnDy AY1PttOa tn••n~ at ll.ufa.. Tnaa. -s..day. 11w _,,. ............ IW'CI lllfnc8 ... W. wtfe ..._ ,_.. Co '-Vqwt _.._... "1.. will rYpOrt after a 10- day furtau.cta Tltey are "'Jlf' tf'd 10 lh• Bay .arn m~toaWfttariiJ' wbe.-. '"~" ••II t' 111or ~tllf"'lt• •rf )Ira W . D lolf'riC'IIId. 1.& Bay a.·and. WFIIIIIA SIIPIUILDIIICiiiiiTIII 1 t "n' nnnmtnrffi !~II) h) II ( • ll••nd t•f thr nrnn~:r C'nunt) 1 GENERAL ELECTRIC R "loP:~ • llEnliGERATOM • \\'ASREU DIKIIW AllllJEM e RADIOIII llt•m<'<'l:ltlr ('«-nlrrrl C'1•mm1!!•~·. t h:tl lo•Mion~; !"l.•morr:lt ~ nf llr ,lfiL'•' Rl\'1'1 ,,,,. nnt1 lmJY'rtRI Nlu;;llo·• tlraltr•d Janv~ E. W aikl'r . .n ptuUll' rwn! mrmhc·r "' lht· p:trty. ltl tw th•• l':tnthdntt• fnr nomtnnttnn It• C'nn~:n·•~ from !he• :flnll Ctll'll:r'f'"'' ~r,nnl Ot><tnn .,._ ... ELECT-- "MIIn) thln£l'C Wt'n' tnkr•n intn William A. KIRK Incumbent FOR COUICILMAI • A BusinesVIan who is able to give the rapidly expanding Harbor District a competent, executive administration or its affairs. A Resident Here Since 1924. A ~roperty Owner Since 1930. ELECTION APRIL 11, • 1944 • , Whoever You Vote for -be Sure and VOTE All nf lhf' rhlltlr,.n are mAkln~ 1 ~· tlltlo wnrkrd on farms a :'Iii \\'otr ll••n•l JX'f'll'r~t 'l iD ,acklq bo~ duriDc lk- • • • mer of t943 Fourth Grade l 'rp .. l'tt•tl hv P:tll<\' K&tll!rk k l Se • M c II The• fnurth grndf' cblldr,.n a rt' ._ J"VlCe tn a 111 1'1 ~l tt•h one atvout Cal1f rnlft F C'-books f:l\t h rbiJ\1 l~ 1\ltiklnl hi• OWD I or .::x:rap h•~·k "'huh !t•lll< 11hnut urly <"all· A fnt'nd of f t)nl:Wr ynra. Kra Ha.Dn.ah Cw1 ~ C ft"a. S or h [Jca- lwta.. .... a.-a twua JtUHt ,. lllra_ Orfa HtUt' .atbtT of ·o K. -- 510 WEST ANAHEIIII ~ WILMINO~ ---- Or s-O.r &rprewntath·.-at Ae)' of 11leae VniW 8tatf'!l l:mplo,--nt ~nice ornce. ... f"rn•11 111• t•• th~ rrcoat'nt tltnr The rhlltlro·n 1\ro· IIIIIArnllnlt lhf' books "'l!h llf'I'""P'u'l" p ct urn r The~ h• " nrv. girl, ~1ft '"Inn Srharllftrum In ""' rnom l'hr r am,. f rnm F'11rt tJ80 a<'Tapbooka. CCXD~ ~ A dtuactlter W'lU bum lo l"'n. 1100 S. f'LOWLR STREET, LOS ANGELES 416 PT!'<E A\.ENUE. LONG BEACH rial ato"". aboet ~ ~,..lin.~ UIIIIJift. 1!102-, eartoona ud other ~ ~ ..._._ JC_,...t 1!lrwtl. at y.·, rth. Tl'"'"" F'nur Rlr lA l"lllay K111terll'k, ~ftC, ~ ID ~h ~ QMd ~~~·::: .. ~:-~·~::~~~.~~==~~l~~~~iiiiiiiiiiii~iiii:::::::::i~::iiiiiiiiiiii~~iij a R~K'al appH] ta btte~r t--s to --- .......,.. of tbe Newport Rut.r f')t,nnll t'Tn'~ l\tllfll'IU'tt And T'atty l.<)Oj(, rnll•···trd ovf'r 1,000 round• nf papl'r ln1111 wrrkend ~o alii lhf' w11r r ffurt s r rnn•r Albrlcht Ia Ia l'hlltl'" ,,, c:-nllt'r tlnlt tooth pu le and ahavlnc cr.am tubu. Wr have o•ollrrtw n\rr 100 In uur achoool In --•~ml'rfil'rn 1 wn hy 1 h(• pn rt )' In M"- ll'("tin~; Mr. \\'nlkt•r," • tll'l Mr IINifi ''Ahovr all ,WI' know that Mr. WRikE'r r< worthy nf thr ~up· pnr1 or rAch nnd ••w•ry \ rllt•r 111 rhl' t1i~l rirr "\VI' draftrtl htm '"th rh,• lull knowlrdl!l' thnt hr would .lotn thl' IIITnf't:l fnl"rl'!< thr~;; m hn l h nr-1 lh;tt hP W IIUitl Of\1 11'1 lln~lhlnl! IJ\It•r r.-rc v.rth hl' ••nh•nn~; rh,. nul·· •r' "''l''irt•, nntl that ho• rnulrt nn! ur· t l\·1'1~ c:-nnrlut·l n rnmp1•1cn 1n h•" nwn bo'hRir \\'r ·11'111••·1 11•· •I • •ririr m wh1rh l\1 r \\ :1lkrr •uh· mit$ nnt nnl '" m lht.11"\ "r·:1,.. hut al•o to thr rlrmantl< ~~ ho• ,10· lltical party and it!< wrlfarr." .U.-to Mall• litem.~-·" Mn. Walter Kolaa ot Bntl~. •tteal dlr«tor o( U.. U80 Banpbooll ~. "Addllt-.1 wortlen aN _,._ ell." lin. Kolaa l&ld. ~tile deeaad for the boob Ia rrn'- ta.u u.. IIUPPJ at ~t. 'fteJ an tcs..l war !lrnrk'e pro~ fi'Y' lnd1Yktual8 who wt11a to -'t .t boaM and for club. clnareb. edloal PDd _..,, rrotJlle." upt Pad flnlble. the ~ boob have a ai&J)dard U90 eowr PDd an ~rty •ouPt by aU1Ituy aDd ••al morale otrlan for -of mea In eam.-Uld ......,..,,_ • tl"ftMPC)rU and~ ""-"e .. a IIPftClal nftd today ,,. aaoap- boob few me tn Uw CIIUfa..&a dMart. accorclinC to Jln. K claiiCL Blaak ar..apbooka may be ~ taiMd from Clyde A..des. cllndAir ot Ule U80 club et 115~ Jh1a atnet. Balboa ... ,... ICAIIMa alL liMa Ptler,-ot the tac:IMn at tile N~ Ran. u.-Compllmrntln~ MMI. Albfrt Of_) Hllll SdlltDI, tsa. ad-_.., .,.. llr n. Ml"ft. Harnld S!l'<'k r~:cl'nlly bl._.... .. clotnc ~ for o\frlln~trd a J'rt'ltv 11\yrtlo• Fhn,.·er P e mm Of the llf'l"rice ftlld ... In brr borne on F1owtr St Qulin· bea UDder eorwtTuct~on 50 ot t"""" I 1'1'~ (lf eprm~ rlttWt'l ~ !ln<l ltH nrw popular USO Scrapbook&. tbet .. at~ulnJ !he baby m ntl! ('l\rrlt'd aborti.J be tumed over to lk U80 n11t th~ t! .. ,·,;ratl""" Qull for dlatribuUoD. Circle No. L of thf C •mmw1lly \-,tt.hJn the lut two yean. U80 t'hun·h W.~I'.R j;lll l .. n o! 1\ith ~-ba~cOCDpietHmorethall l\lr111. Ktpp, l l<lh '"'" \\ lt~•t.rl Rt , 120.000 tk'rr pho<>kJJ and thf'~· ha\'~ •'l"'"'"ll thr n u.•l'llnl! '"'h t\ d•ss~rl .._... d'atribut.ed to aervke _. 1D 1 ""'"'" t.laJ8 c:ouotry a nd to A mt'ricJJn l\1 r nn I Mr!t ll:tn11 '!'of. I! sue fllhtlnj[ ml'n oa every bet.Uefi'QIIt ht\ ''~' rl'• I' I\' 'II '" rd <•f I h;· ~:If. '" 1a tJM world. ''""I In ~·llclf\11•1 .. r tho•;r .. 'I Lt r~n y Hauc. Seve )·our scrap to slap a Jftl'' RADIO SERVICE I II ):\tF. ..• AUI'O --. MARL'"E RADIOS REPAffiED ~IATUNE ELECTRIC1AX BURT R. NORTON 1111 Coa't lll~thwav !"how %-417 NE\\l'ORT BEACH ... I Eleet an Aggressive Citizen as COl IC·I LM AN (Capt.) Ch~. M. Foeller Balboa's Viproua Exponent of the Truth Rnd Hie Platform for a Bigger and Better Civic Growth Capt. Faller Say•: I am a candidate for the City Council because I beli~ve : I. 2. J . 4 . Orange County wiJI become a great manufacturing cen- ter and Newport Harbor will be its hub. l"he commercial (Newport) Harbor will be dredged to the west. Title to the beach sands will be settled with jt!sti ce to the adjoining landowners and to the citizens at large . The council. by the exercise of its powers of appoint- ment, will hasten or delay the inevitable. ELErnON, APRIL fl, 1944 • Poll! teal Adwrttst'm<'nl -Elrctlon April 11. 1944) ,• - • • l • ' .... NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. NttW'pOI"t 8ftdl. f';\'if,,mia. Thur~t:.~·. Mnrth 16. 1944 --------------~--------------------------------------------------------~----------------- C t Kid t Or iginally lht rroup wu orcan-Se • f an een · S 8 /' . 1 b.fd for Ulr pufP<* of appe&rlnJ rvtCeS Of Rendezvous Wl.th .. at thr Hollywood CanlrrD brtv•eeo~~ M san llf'~ar&ncea ur j(reat nama banda e Funds to Soldiers Tho'IIC' aJ>J>fllfllDI'U wrrt U CIU.IYC'· -- I ly fllr "''rYkt' mt•n. Afler thrtr 1lr Funrrel lll'r,·trn 'IVII'I R.v. I!! o. ' ~ ,. f••ur Wt•rk" ur llJJJ>t'&riUl<'l'a at th•• C:olf'W1l'll n'fl•'l&lln" Wl'rt' held tod.av nH· ( Ulltl'l'n KulA Orrho••tr" will l'illlto•t•n tht•\' attra<'lt'ol 1()('111'\.t('· .. · . . ' tThursda\'1 111 2 p m. In Haf'(lld apJ)t't\r ut lho> lt(·lldo•lwuw• Ball· o:;nllicn ~tod wer.-10 great dt•manJ, Grl'uf'l ~IIJ'I'I fl'r f'.-~~· Wuh· ~~;:.,.7.:~~~~~~~: •;h~~~~l\•~~~-.~ l••r l~tult<•n picture. ua w•ll u per· lnJ!'Ion !':wnrln~•n M . •'bn dM-4 C'unlt't'n . ~ nit aJ•I>t'Brant·t's M"ndll\' "•·n M urray·a "IIIIH kouts" waa A n~t h·• of f'Airmont. )flnM'- Thll! tllnll•h· o·l~· untlllutll oq;ao1-l ho· C.rst bh.hlo•r fur Ulf' urchntra ~ull\. thr d•·• ,.11.,.d had dlv'dfod b .. Zll tlnn :!lno ,. tis tno:t·pt•un ha11 11ky-tn 11 t'OIIlnto·r·o·Htl wuy and th,• or· tlll't' fo r lhl' ptUtl 20 y•,-bfot••H'ft r l'lw tf'J '" prununt'nrt• hy v.rtue l'ttnlra has bern lliJJWIInn.: 1111 a hlro Santa Ana hnmf' J113'+ ~anta of tltrtr tint' must<' onll l'nlt:rt&tn· 8lllt f••oturc "' thl1 str•llar a ow nnrn 110,1 hla rt'IAitVf'a In en.ta meat f·•r 1\\•·nty·el~:ttt wet'ka. Tbla Mru ~-------------... 'l<'llks fnr ttst'lf ~urvh·o ra al"t' hla •1ft C"ora Eddie' a BARBECUED SANDWICHES Are Delicioua! Moore's Confectionery Phone 13 -Nt"'port Beach Thr band JU&t rr('f'Otly algnt'\J a '-'nr. anol 11 1lau£hltr Mra F .. ttw-r <PIIIt :ll't wtth 1\ mujl•r pldurt' atu· O.Olau. both of Coata Mea: a ,ft,, ltlld ttnfllll'lttinnably In ttw no•ar gr11ndae>n. Wallare Rdau. 'IVho Ia u· 111., thry v.111 btl ht•arJ on rec. a m .. mtx-r uf thr tin lied b'ta l lf' "'''~ Navy. The ullle.t mell'ber or the band I nterment wu ln WHtmi.Mtff •• 17 yrara old aotl l~ youngut ' Mrm<>rtal Pull. 111_ Hurry Maltht>wt, who •• H . 1 -----· A ntong lht II lara or lhl' band Ia PI f p l'all IWf<•(•. tht• dn1mmer. Carl ea ()r 3Qef I~ Ill )'l'ar~ old but In apllt of hl•""From North Arn· ""3 youth haa amazlna abllltlaa u a 1 "-, drummrr. A garl. Betty Churchill. I --- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s~a~l~ .. ~~~f~ea~t~u~red~:._· __ :_ ____ , In a V·mall IPttf'r to h i" !d!lt"'. -Ml"'&. Violpt C'ald-•f'll or ttw> llciP.hts. C1Jrrord V1u~r has -.rnt a plea from North Afrira fM ftw. nt>Ws of hla homf' t~-n via thf' NPW!I·n mM whim .... prompt!) on Its way 1 r-hour.o aft.-r O itr Ny's he's hunrry for ttw> dolnr nl thl' Harbor 1noa lind kllO'II~ hP'II ~~:et lots. ot It In this peprr. """ I If hr I~ 1 few w('l'k~ hC'hind. O lff 15 Wf'll known in this duo· t riel wtlert• hP was a plal'tl'rins: l contractor. I till ma~ to E:\-c-· lyn Flint or f're1mo 'IVU 81'1 ,.,_t"nl or last sumnwr. and he Is -111ta· tloof'd 'IVith tlw-lnr_..,. iR 1'\:unh A Wiater Sc ~r• Sborteake No ...... ...-...... . .... faaSIF .......... .... n-.. ... '""-... ~ ... ---~~ ........ ... ""~-...... .. cndtan1H. -~ ........ .. ._..,.., .... ~-••a&" AMI .............. "'" ...... ... -.U.I~W ..... UM .... ..... _.a Mit' etl r lau-~ -~ ... .., ...... , ... -...... ~ ....... 1altof ,... _ .. ,....,... .......... .. .. •• , ., ,_ ... --:a..::~-:-:.._-. .. _ ........... ·--.... ~ ........ .,._ .... __._ I --• -.It ~-..... -.......... ,..,._ I -...__,. No---, .. u.-............... -....., .................. ., .... --~·..__ ...... .,«Will .. __... ..... -~--............ .....__... ... or __ ..,......,......, .......... ...._,..._ ... Part of Old fflntral Avt. at Bav Front~ ~old HARBOR HIGH NEWS . Junior Auembly Will Be March 22 olurln. lhc• ···nurth War lAaa l•ttYr 1'11111'1' I ht• a m1ftlnt WO\IId 1•11 \ t hrtr fl.:htl'r pllll'""• thla rom• lt;f,trf" tt'tr • \ f'lrtu·"'' "'" h,-..,. "••r•• t..utt ,~, n t tal 1\\ "'Ill•' wh\. h r n.to·.t at ,,_.. • ,,.,., h\~h" "'" tn N"'''1'"r' fA •• Jlf"ftnn~t tl\ " ,., '·1-.:t• ~l\'41f tth• .. , ThMI \\'nrn·n llrt~t .. t "' lltll•t '""'' n IW.fl•'h • 1utlr "'••n.: ""'' t ... '1•.:hl t'"' ,-tr'l' Jtn.t "'''"'' ttH•tt• I •n•l I·• f'IIIAI•I'•h II lti;Joroo lol "''~''' ''II"' •t•ftt\f't ft' lftt• f't)!ttt0H ' t ~• 1.''' 1111f' I.A•t "r"k \\'A rrl'n "''''' tht· "., " l'"r1 t h'" Inn· I "'hh h '"'"'',. I two ~\' .... , th .. ••••• •• ,...,., lhf\)ltj:lt th • 1 ... \0o \\'ai1Ao'f' r•tfhr 1\:r,l \\'.-hi•'"''"' Mnro•h 2':, 1~ 11'111111\ IIIII\' IIIUllo· lhr t hrt'f' ptanH 1111• ,,,,,. f , 1 ""' l•llll••r ~~~~f'fl'hl\' u,. "• li<'V '"'1111111 !llr l'11rk hi'~ l l••r AII..,. ,,f tho• ,.., 111\!o:t' ••f tlmr ••f lhr l''o•lltlh \\'llr Lnall f'rlve, •,,, , • h· '" ... ul.. u•,JI prr,, ,, •. ,. '"" ,,,.,.,~'"''''~• ""' h ell thf' t hree ""'I"'" "ttl lo11 ,. '" tnnk,. t h•' t•tlll l h "'" In l h t• ''''"t r h t. Nl'wpnr\ ., 11 -~~··rill• 1o •:rnnw."• ,.""'" "'""• A I'Hn!f'lo'l,. rrht· ,, •AI Willi h<' •I 'i fr..mtttt\1 101111 N"Wt><•rl I ~•rbor 111 1111' 1"1•111111 111101 111~1 \\'o•o!IIMflll\' lll~h 111 t'htlllfOI' II 11111nf' f11r IJO(I of •tii•Ht ,. .. , • , vt l\h1t.:. '• t:••lt\.: Hh "''v , t •· p'nn.-.. •1 Ith t lw 11hl•· lto·lt• ,,( Ill •~• l·'rt•~'h· •••••••••••• I·• h tttt•t 1 .... , .. , •• n t •hrr t ~·r .tun .. !I TI•r t•llr,o·h"ll"r 'I' a~ II It Trnwn· ..,,.,., ,.f lA"' Ana"'•• •. ,,, h"• ,., .• qulr<'d .,,rr,. ~!\ll frtt "tl h i1 ,,..., l"f\ lhf' t>A\' fr,.nl ••hto·•o Ia tlt"IWf'f'll th• vlailut"t an.t ••lot c.,.,,, ral a vr "' .. \\ IIUf"tt'~••t tttt· "'h••\\ '# IUh' C'IA,. A • 11 ltt!ot 1 .. ""' • rlt:ln ••f lh•• ,..,...ud•h~ " '' tU , """."' ,,, ,r ,.nv t 1r\lt't Ullll t ttfllll ''' Ut t• 'l,tt• """', "' tho 11'l11lt \\ II 1,.. H IOIIfl''l.,. It> t hr '"h tlt•tt• fi' 1t """ tlf"\'t•t ht'ft•N' hrrn a:,h •" ''' ,.,h h " ruannl'r at ...... "' h····•" Thr atudo•nl• ,,r IIHih•r • •n l•••k '"r" to n i It• Ill liMit KIN l'ft'lll'lllrol It\ Capilla Circle /\1eets .trou\n •. O:•·ort•h ••~ol tl•nnv Allotrr ' With Mrs. Dutter "''" " nutlll'<·r '" th .. twtn• .l•an 1 ton.t ·'""" Ah·,anttrr anol numllf'r•' •ln \\'~IIOia\• r~Urrn•••on. ,.111r~h bv ••lhrr Jllllh•l ~till• I Z': at z ' m . th,. t'at•lllll l'tn·tp • t:l\'1111 'lt.ol,._ P olfl Mllltr l'll•n •all hoM II• bl nu•nthh mrtttna at \Au.:hn .l.nnlr ~tt .. rrl anol l•avlol t"• hom• or )Ira J•v t>uttn ''"I 111•11»•• '""' """"" l f'f'lll •uts•rl.,. 1 lrt'llhl. c-,,.,1,., ,,..1 W~r 1 Ill atou-.. f•~r thf' au•llf'lll'f' Assistance Lea~ue Meets Wednesday I Studenla to Vole On Plane Name 1 ~~ llth•nt• o•r ~'~"" l'"rt ,•tat t~w t tn101n lltrh Hclh•••l hav• aubmltt.od Mr11 C...r~rr Yar&.y ••ill I» numtr~>u• P'••lbl,. nam,.. tnt" tile "',..,... to ttw-m•mtJ.ra ••f th• liar· rtahtrr '''""" l'lln'htt-1 •1urtn• ttwo b-r A•'-C&IW'r va~ .. UO W..tDtL "Mirth War t ... n llrln Tht ... •'•v Man-b 22 In tw-r homf'. 12t lf'f'llflfl .~ th,. bNt pc.etble na•• (~ulllna Ann~W. Ralbna lalarwt fnr th• pla n• will be by Uw ltu. ~UUII TO To\La lt lh clay llt Wlln'h, In t~• ratetw· L I D·O TIIF.ATF.R """"" tiU -,..... ... ..,,.. ~ ... , ...... : .... ret.. ~~e-... n.tw""' "" I'T'a' ln.-1~\ Mall-"-1. at I rU C'eltHn--"-· ,._ t r• ---=~m.a=--=-mm ..... """"· · Fri. · "-t. ............. "" .. I• "«'UilV~ ll·"8" "MaNI Uru" Sa TN-....._ r ar"-aN.- "'-"· . M-.. TW.. n.-..·•· .... ,... •. ,,..._ ,.. ........ l11 "THE llF-"J:IlT "UNO" Ma"'ll nf T1-· Tna ....... c•art-• N•w• CHRIST-IAN'S HUT Balboa. CallfonaJa I Arrlca. ' Mre. Blrcklla Ball wbo 11u ...... ........ all&. ......... --......... ...,_ ... .., .. -. -!II; tllr ,.._ _..._. .... . .....-....... ......, ............. ~a.-......, ..... -n.-~rti\""aAt 1ft~ rta at n~ All ltutlf'ftt• ..,. Mll·l+.ii~--==::...!1-.::..:=::....:=:::!.-.~~+---~ ~•nt t.. .. ty '"' MoWitlay, liMo twf'n· ___...~•L 1 •I ttl r ut their Vt'lt .,. 011 lila m1111 .. DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTATL BAR DINNERS ... BANQUF;I'S 1 aeverel WMlu at brr Oc.a n-t 1 : b0111e, Nnrport Bnda. 11M ret-• C'd to ber bome lD Mee8r•"•l I Beacll wbare abe w1ll ,_111 •· detlo luly. ......., ., ........... -,. .. -...... lleortt ....... c.. ... _., .............. _..... .... ............ ., ..... 'a. ____ .......... _. ... _.... ....... ....., Sa. ........ PO II!!..._ ... ~__. ................ .... Lt'Onard Marshall, Manager AIIOUICIIIG MY CAIIDIDACY FOR IE-ELECTIOI Durin ~ the past four years I have considered it a distinct opportunity to serve our city, each community fairly and impartiaJJy. This I have honestly and sincerely tried to do. • • • Should the voters so elect, I will continue to serve t o the best of my ability. ... ~.-... .. -...... -·--· ., .. . ...... _... ........ ~ ............ .,_. ~ .......... ._.. ea.. ... ........................... ~-,..... _. c. a ,, • e • ..._ • • t • _, a.. • ,.~ .. ~-0 _...., ....... -,_ .. ~ .............................. ......... 1------------------------- 1 Ration C...• .... ....._ .... IV • ..... S. 30 •S .,. wprt _ ......... .., I Dates aad Data .... N.o :n IS .. -c-) .............. W'i ' I tta'""' • ......,., ,_ ........., • 1:11UUft&: Man-ti s. lM-1 ...... So • IS ... rltnf\UIC -..rt _. uo F.twui.F') :-,. I~&.\ Ct-.......... r,. ,_.. n..t. tr•-• ... ~ ...., ... ,~ fnowt.-WM~ ..... p K: L .... II.-II> Nan-h :.,1 I Stamp Sn If' 1 S ,ur --· nc• to Apnl lO I WM ~ .... ?II c.-........ K. L ll8d Ill wif? e,-,.,.11 -..mt-._ -. • 11:11011 ..u~ ~ 20 at tho-tr H. l••nao-.s ,....._ _.... .,.... .._ S. :I. _. I ,....,_ .... .._.,._ 0' c._._ ._, ..._,. --· , &ft'l'll I~ ....... waD ..,. ctwft I Y aftd 7. ""'-.. ....;. ... .,\~ ..... .........._ lbfttt 20, ' Eood UJ'ItaJ M.antt 20 at drtrv a. ~ "-' .._.. ••• .-.c-. "·I for 2 and I ,,.t._ a..d ,._ 0' ::.. ~ ~ "':-llll ~~"~ <Mb brown• l 'fiDinl Jtampa tnlllloP....... • an ~ lor tJwm ~ ~ AA M . "" ;s,,. '" "' ) _,, 'lfl Oil D -.d Fh Narrl't 12 to -Kqa ~lamp ""'"~~' Butrlwn wilt Gil. f& -s JJI "'"" h .'7 1,. I:IW' :.! mr;JI hoi J•UII' f•C' ~ J.-. 3t jlCMUlff tJi "'"'"''"~ lutrlw-n fats ~ N 'I\<'Cf KJl l.JI. MMj ;\1" i\t•rtl Jlt l01 ~t.!trlr S n I "" -~~~-~ J.., a t l p:ur ~I I'>IM In mtr nut -IIPiw ltatnJW 'ltl l,.oin • ',. ' ''" ~ t~ "'"I ·~r1•tn •l,.hv ••r ..... ~,..., to ~t nwo pn•· 1 1 """ wUI hr ttw-IIUb._. pi an lm· IITIIPhrd hal •Ita whlrh wll "-C ,.., ' • vat .. .,... Itt thf> t-af.t~ia .,.. ttt. pnnant talk tn hr llth'"tt hv Shon· 1 11 th 1 11 lry W A lncram nf I hi' Smallfor I' ay ' • ,. « on . War rlant• l'olf'110'101 ltln, at thf' Th• n .. m .. whlt'h w•r• •••lf'll'ted Rattw. Yart.t dull at "" lnfumlnl hv Mr llanttll.t, tcam ld l 'a•. and lunrlwonn t"'riitA)' Marl'll :.!4. ,.1 llht ••llltll'lal ho'lanl nf lhe at.M•t•n 11 1~ o'rP'tl """ u fulluwe '"nlr-Tar" 1'011· trtbul•tl by Jo. Munla, ''Tar Uaby" CU .. al .. ~MOV~D "'' Alan And ... wa. '""'• "Pirtt ot llarllo r" by ftlttl Mao Wllll&D, "tlar. -n.. rurb tn th• hl•~rll lwtw-n I tMJI 11 Hu1,..,.,.1,...1al" a&al . n R.od t"al• and Waafl..,trton atrHta, B&l· M11•·Mtlltan, an•t "tlarbor ('ham· boa. Ma IIHft n'mM .. I Thla wu 1•111n" by Oeur1• lplnll . ttw-r urtl lha\ .,_..11 oft lila "14 1 A t1111tl l /\!'14l clna tn butula and I' r. l,_lla and narTOWed ''"' lll•ntl .. •·a• "''"' In Ulla dlatrlrt attcllw&J to that n tf'flt It Ia hup .-d I~.,.... will I» rav.-d aft,.r th• IN Hll IIQHTI _,., lln..la lnllfalt••J 1 Whrn thf' bnmbardlu l•lt tlla blf Nal.l war pt11nl aquanoly In hla lf.--ymnnntaa In Ran,.,. lhla 1 ••tChl •. It •·a• a trtuntpb fur •aet• .-.... 11 ar• lr ...-uy otnc••r Ratrh 1'"1'"'' :vuu h•lJWd to •n! Many t"'or1 1M 1~>..-man Mnll hl• brWS.. lhf' "'""" J>tlrl• art m..t. of waaa pa. foor""r ltarha~ Warol 1\uth a~ ~r. •nd rnty apare par1 Ia wnp· r...._._ of Bulla Aaa. Ow ~ ,..,, Mntt protHtact b7 lt. To4&y a.te1 a -•"" • f -ot ~ .. ; wut• ,_.,., "' d..,.rualy -.n (~t)"a ,.__ famll-.. Ka ball De ,.., ,.,. ., ..... • ...... ,_. rer-tly NCumM frnra 23 ly, turntnr It In ra1ularly. mnnlh• w•th lht 2nlf Navlll f'nn .tn o• t~oon h•lt•llnn tn Itt" South l 'a l'tflo :'I tJo,..nt f '11111 t "•• h••l•l la•l ~f•ofldiiV \Oo tth II !lltll<'l I1Hjl~ , .. ,,,1.,., "' .,,,.t .. ntJt "WIIIIIInlt Ulrtr f.tt,. •u U\r httl~ ru••m ( • .. n,_. ,, ... n• ,. • .,,.,,. '''"ry •fru t !-W•mr ''' Howard W. Gerriah Nrwport Beuh. C•llt. P!lone 4~) • BALBOA TREAT& a Et ' .... , ..... ,, .. lA•t Shnwlntr f1l a ~ ......... . tuno ~ lltart1 •t 1 :10 Aftltalht .._...._ .. , ........ , T1Mira ........ -.&. ............... •o\DVItNTtlaD or TAaTU" .... "'OOD U IMl If&. Y4Ta" ,,.,._. ,.._ ...... "'•· . or... .... , ... .,..... .. '"IAMI& ('OW& floME", .... -..y aJNODOM fer a oooa• .... a...~ Celteee. ,., ... ......... , C'Wt ..._ ..... (leo&Ny .. .... ~UAJ: C'Cll.llltll", •IM •nNU THr. BI.~C 'I&M-\11.£11" ('art-e Ntt...th "?Aiartlttr n.,...y, Maft'• II "'THP: M~N l"'lOM "DOWN etNilJ:A" ... "FOUTI.IUKT fUAAMO"Il'' 0. B. REED. AnothN-~ ~1amp t~ .~~ ..... ~ ilnnno..tnl'f'd Ia·.-, • )1 .. ~ I to dat,.. not <M Ala. M C'8.. 1.18 D ~- • th •tt .. t..-n l• ,.,.... n• .. ,,. t..-•II••W• •I ~,.. fu '·'"' .. "'h"'" ru•Ar t hr Ytt iuttv ,.f th .. • ,,,,. • .,..,,. •htlr uthrr• .,_ ... nut &I• Automobile Accident • Fire Life c ·ema .. , "Wlt6aUfllc a. ,.,..... lyll", ... "llMtnt)'91,.. - "CHo••,._t Utrt", .... ri...,.._ U' ... rtuo", "Ne.U..ra r.,..et•, "TtNJ .... CUIMII" .............. . -Political AdvertlsemPnt CORONA DEL MAR DISTRICT NEEDS REPRESENTATION IEWPORT BEACI ALBERT BOWEN for COUNCILMAN l\lr. J:lo"·en ls a Re-tired Bmdnes.'l Man Who Nenr B«'fore Hc<ld Public Offlao 1UM1 Jla.'l ·so Axe to Grind t:xc.-pt an Impartial and Ju.'lt JlandUnJt of Cl\'~<' .Ufain. For Better Government And Lower Taxes Vote For Albert Bowen -Political Advert~ment - -- .._ __ Aldi-P ... ---"· ,...._ ..& ~ ~ _k_ .......... ,._ ........... nlu ......... r-u...~ ,_..,, ...... o.,__._ ..... ,.. .... !'alh~ a.r -.ot _.i ... ! Y..- C"'t lJr. ll ~ Aarti-ru. ..... }•W' ""'c , .• ~ -u.. ...... r:.· :.:p fur -"1 a ,._., .....,. .. ....t ... ,., ~-~­ ril--AJ*"r • t.J ""~ r~ a ,.,u.. ••. ._,: ) .... ~ ~o:lt t.-tb.-. :~ ••• t '-•i ~ ~ _. e11PJ7- • t \' <r ., ·-. "-d; il ,_ , .... • .. ·' ! , T • --A. -Ga. .. M& __. KM-10,_.210 . u -Nt&. r'JI .. ntt (JM 10 ..... c.-t·- )l,o} o...-N8. _.. •A·It.••• .e-••1 _ .. ...,.....21 a..-"'-11 t A·Atw*.t Mar WUIIDIC'Tf)N ft•pr,....n!a ,._ lkW........ ftf'publ~an t>f r llloeM told ~ fl•••l,.. h# "" I -lrtt-,.,_, • ..:, ... , .," ... , ..... (! a' s a • ~· ...... " ,,...,,~r . ......_. wtdt ~·Pit • amJ-atltn •,.u..._- -.... ""--I e<~th•ra n,..t Ul .. ra ~ ""'-of u. .. •h••rU£• ••• •\.fely .. .._-)f~\\'ttl r • 'l"'•t•, "'-a. lltl8 .,. • ou..-Ui'rn • r ~ .. ra-..... • 0 •• I t 1t -,. )114 ... .-at lt.- ~tot,._...,, •.•.. ,.,. ~~ .. .,,,hi!• ~n • ~ Ynrtr, .., ... I ~ .. -· •""' ...... '·' • · ~ W.U.U. bo.t'r-<-~ ........... !VA',.... ftw'*l(t. T.HE (.HRI~71AS :o\f lEN( E ~10:\ITOil ·"" l .. u -"'-1! • • !., 'inn,.,., c· ,. d~ Tflf f 'PIPI'-TIA ·: ~'II PVI'tll"HI':r; • • :1 f-:1 (,.., ;:-.; . ....,...,. su-· : .... ~ • tu~tu tw ~~nurth..._.-....-.~ ,,_, _,.....,,.,.,..rr .. m f'Mf..W. \PP W....., ....... , .. ,, ..... lh ...... f Plthtr .... , 'J<t crrli~Pr ·"· ....... " ...,__,._. ....__ ........ "''"""' -....... S t• $I I._ .... ._ rn-te! •. ,..,. ........ -.._ ....... , .__ ..... c.~ ......... ~-·,.., ......... ...., ............ ...., .._.. u f .. .. ...... Osriltiaa "' ...... , !' •c ..._ sea r.-. ........ ,,.., ..._ ..__{'uS ... I• ~A ... .., 1u t h .. huu n Un• uut tl .,.; .. ,.yt ... r lllf' hiU r•uro ......... , hi• lun• h Snfn; fun' . -TAKE HER TO • .l'~ " Ll\'~n•r 111!.1 ( 'unt rat'l '''""I• "'lltlt•n "' .,,.,.. .... . 'k/luteJ. • ONCE A WEEK HALAOA'S J>HE SEN TS " SATURDAY NIGHT-MARCH 18 * \ * • ' NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS.l1MES, NewPCII't Beech. Callfomla, Californ'ia, Thursday, March 16, 1944 ---. -------·--------------.---------- 0. J• bow AU that the RED CROSS does, for America's loved ones in every phase and brandl of tile war? For one thing-it provides life-giving blood plasm~ o~ the very spot where a IOU lies •• uded. Field directors help to settle family problems. Red Cross directs its efforts to rehabilitat-illl the wounded; getting food and mail to the prisoners of war. Through its offices are rea aitH Ar8y ... NaYJ niii'RS. It operates clubmobiles for men at isolated posts; supplies emergency forei"' war re- lief; teadlm rust aiel; trains nurses' aides-and performs many more services that make wartime saffet iac B ••ni:lr-...-e bearable. When you give to the Red Cross War Fund you make certain that Yoar Rfd ea. is at .. sid'! r Today the activities of your American Red Cross girdle the globe. To the able- bodied men and women of our armed forces it provides club facilities and other com- forts. To the sick and wounded in our hospitals it provides cheering services. It dispels worry and helps in the solution of personal and home problems of servicemen and their families. It carries foods and other necessities to prisoners of war. It col- lects blood for 1i fe-saving plasma. recruits nurses and provides surgical dressings for our Army and Navy. The Red Cross stands ready as always to meet disaster re- sulting from flood, fire or storm. Furthermore, it pledges sympathetic and effective aid to disabled servicemen and their families for as long as required. In directing your attention to this graph ic presentation of some f the services ren- der-rd. we can affirm from observation that your Red Cross is faithfully fulfilling its obligations at home and abroad. Support Your Loeal Red Cross Workers With Your Personal Co-Operation ( ' ' SO~UTH COASl_COMPANY - • • LET'S 10 nllll' ay CHARLEt H. WALL~~E N~ II tbe time t or all rood men, ft.ltftmn or otherwlle, to come to tbe aid of their city. or word• to that effect. Do you ret tbe Idea! 0 . K., ao you don't &et It, ao we11 draw you a picture. Have you bea.rd that there II ro-m. to be a c:lty election April the NEWPORT-BALB(JA NEWS-TIMER. Newoort Beach. C'alif••n1ia. Thunrda,-. Jlarda 1&. 1'-11 eleventh! True. "So wbat !" you "Oovrrnment of the ~P'"· by ---1 'I E A 1 c L . s s If IE I .· I S F 0 , 1 B A_R· ~·a II S ! •Y· "Wbat'l a ~lty ti«Uoa rot tbe people. and for the people. .. ! RED CROSS Remember'!' Ab.-.ham Uncotn to do with Ul fiiMrmu!'' 'uld that N.•vember 19, 1863. and 1 • Activities Tbat'l It nacUy, matla. Tbe city we believe In that. bul how much • I • -- b-. been run lD IUCh a way .. to ur It h&Vt' Wt' re·'ly got! I ----DIPI.()\'JIDT ... -~ ~ -nraNm}RK make fllbermen and worllen 'and .. lit' t , .... otherordlllarypeoplefeellbatthe "But what hu thllt lol"t to dQ ,(I,.~.: ~!":~7rk:~,,11 m~;n~~"~ WANTF'Il J'n,•!ua l aurw f..-tOC'"\4,.1'$ ~a.t,..,..... .~,.. •:.ll:!l'T'J~ ~t"NOAY•AMtn.ttl\. mJl ~~ c ity hu nothln• to do with them. With lUI fllhermm !" 1 wnrk. ('null! ro"!'f' tn 111 ttoa., t'-" "1'1"' ' ""' "·' 1" 1"•" I' ,... tuo.,.-4 ~~~~· :104 Vao.a !II. Onty 1•-4'-'"'" •horfllll• dll)'11 ltiiRitOR8 nf all kind-. drs,erte.. or they 1V1th lt. Now that'e a de· Plenty. You knnw vt'ry w.-11 ,.,, .. 11.,.n,1 of u1,. m .. n wtoo •re 11:•""'1'~'1 ll<•~t 'I 1•"·' ', 'f nan-•• ..,. !* ._._ ,..,...... '"" A C'<llllrt""' tin• ctf ladtu' lllp-oover. drapery and upbol· plorable 1iluallon. There 111 an that ev .. ry 11to:-m wind that blnw11 t•· .. ·l< '""""' thr "''ar r.nnl'll and t'te HELP \\ A:'IO·r•·•, \\ ""'"" '"' '"•tl•·• ._._,. U u. "'"' Ill"'"' .tr ......... and ~•• wilt al,rlna materlala. Prtc:ee .,.. actual Hpar&Uon betweeD the vu1 pula a donn or 110 Cl11hlng bollb un '"ttl'r~ fn•m tho•~ who .,.., ettU •""' 1111 "••lu>o'"' ok f"utJ ,_ ···~~ ~ ~ '"""'' "' 4'14-lltn·•. lTtS New-rlrbt at ~na o.&c:b na~ majority of Newport clllun• and lhf' bt•ach. and 110me rf tht-m ,Jnr th,.no Llw 111 ,,, .. ul 1;,.,.1 -.tan-,. n IU-.ct . 4 ·u.ca Mf'aa. tu,... Company. :MO Foreet A.,._ city rovemmenL kt'epa. Flahlnr: boat• that pl"Qduc" Hrr• Ia a f'l\riiJn'"T''" rro"• a l•t-. T\w., 11,1,,,,11 111 l>nllh ~ .. '1'-t~' rc: 11 • ~·llf ,._. l'nl.""t ~ lliT-'1'1! nuco. IA~n& U..Ch. 11·(\o • :---------------------------.. hundrc>ds or t oni of t he be81 Coull , .• ,' rf'<"~t··f'll Vf'llll'rd~v from our LHl•• !'Zot.J , ... ,, .. lelf' s_,.,... v ......... .,....._ _, .._,..,. -. available "Food Ia ammunition." hrnlhl'r who 111 a IT't'dlrat rfn,..r 0.·•· h l.ut' ~ •1-I'T $ •L~-...;E &.."l'r> ,.. A..\~ KflOlr.t-fLir.R PLAT'P'ORII ROCK·"' TELEPHONE OPERATORS IEEDEQ ~ .._ ud wu worken are aD depeaclbt1 apoa ou pta at tile awlteh....,._ Good pay while ..,._ ... ud recuJar a.er ..... * * * SOUTHHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE CO. Apply: 100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa or llf~ No. Mala St.. Suta Au Rt"ml'mber! Now If we had a City •~ ,.,,.. lhtrk of thf' 8fluth J>acltk! 1D'C ·~ ICI\R, Oub chaiN. ~I C......_ ~twA ,._Think ••I Ural tc.tala wtn .. _t_ _._ I ...,_. 1count'lllhat would go t (l tht-bat fl~ht•n,::· RICLP WA!\...,.1 • "'"'"" t .. •• ,....,"A~ Au Pit n •'W • r ..... oren-• .,._,,.- f<'r u1 we t·ould get FedPrAI tu.nd1 "l hnf\l' lh,. ruhltr wtll nola In an llet In h, u .. , ""rk t;..,_,• a "'-.,_., ...,... ·~ Thmk •of Hu .... lactlnft of e~re. ~-- 'to hullcl " Flaht-r!J'Ill)'e Wllarf, tntPrMt •n tt,p url!t'nl nf'M'I for tbe P.rmlln+'nt ,..,.,, tn f'aaUJ• 71& 11\t JoUS ~AnLF.llt and ltylfl•. 8ol4 on 11:MJ ,..,.., lv.•here our boa Ill would be-aafl' anrl tto•n,.,. thl' R,.,, rrt>• rrnvldf'l. J Ph""'' !'\"" l•"r1 :•110• ll·:-tr ,~...... 1 .,...._ .... --~-f·-\'•'C•I lll•l& MeM..&n 11\ai'Ntua .. Co.. IDcl ... I ~ .. --u-_.._... ~ llAt.JI()A Hr:o..d-y, l&llta Alta-II·U'w convenlrnt. It Ia poalblt" to have rM"rnt•v 11111'11 nlnr 11nl'11 of " .. ...,a BAt.t:SliiF!'\ w A:'IOTYP •·u'"T .-,.,..~.. r.. -..., "'ttWw INC'h a ('OUn('ll. 'nlrel' of the ran-1 within abo11t ttn hour on fine~.-. Pt.F.A:<AST nt"fl"oott ~'(1!1~ A*-_, ....,,..., .... r-.a "'* Abo 111 nur S.h•ty DI!J) 1'\AVENJ'ORT 8ln'B--O&Itlle dldatee have 1lgned a pledgr that and rrol!t J"C'OJ'I• tin n•·t rnllrt> how 1 ----·••., -----• .-.....-.......~, Boa• diva"•. K-"''-r ..... ,_ -n a 11uMh..-u "' pour ,_'II. eo.. ._,.,._ •• "-...._. ._..,r--·-·----.... ·--they will fight for a F11hrrman'e m11nv lrlll~f' apon~tre It takee to pf'OIIlll wllln~~t ""'" ~ ......., :2-«c •ta. Tremendoue MleeUoe · .. 1 Wharf. TheH three men delf'rve drea.• " badly wnundl'd cue jUIIt HOUMa FOtt , .... llDIATI colon, cove~ ancla()-1-. llalcl• 1 our votee. They are Albert ~owt'n. onre ," • ~ :::.:..'7! Ra~';:" .!~ :: • -~-8I"Y PO$UU~OIIt f'OJl aALil Eaay T'e.'m.l. MrMabu ~ Clyde Shel"4'()0d and A•hley Thllt ml'~kal offlr.r, I know. ----;1. .......,,. 11ntum~ '*"•• lure ()) 2nd and -.-.. work• with h ill heart •• well aa .,o« on ·uratt•lftll H....,. • • ~~ n• • .,. :Ill -~ ....,. 1-JII600M ~-...... . f'anta A;._ -li.i:h Knowlton. • • • with hiB handB. and It would be tluetn-~ ... ~,...,..OJ'...... ..... ............... e ~ .... tnM-fllm•-o.~•. a-oo Pr\'dur1 s f'lJ Ul l'm''"' ,,.. """"*' J:: 11or -· -....,., CICAI1UI or AU. KJNDa. .. .... So mueb for local pollttc.a. t"' bAd, If. It ~~nrre t•IJ'e. IM Nt> ••IM'f'N'nrr ~1 .... ~ • p'aiiiT'a and thf' 1pon~• were ftCit Now, about that coni l'&('t. Aln thf'no t·r hlm tr> Ull'. wouldft't lt T ... ~·h )'flu b·•· WrtLP ~!I' Paladlnl blmHif 111ld. "Sure thttt for full r-artlndan ~'& contnct 11 O. K ., we'll lip lt." Ho~ al11<1 fl'f'lll tha~ WI' have a loaJ, 0.1'! \"A('-!~· U !•. 4 ~ S'IUIT ,., _., ,....,_ - ' . ... _.,..~ ...... "-""'"' -n-• And tbm the loo• arm ot the Fwd· mali ah<'IICI In our war aaralnet tbe 1 calif :: 11., r nat Government ruched out and J•r• lind that ~e wtU have ~ ~' -----I .&Ndil'5 ld •·J t I t boye before r l''erate nur n ...... C'roa wor. -lll'tlATION W4~ a . u1amnue . kHpllup ~.,..._..,.~~ you 1ign up that fancy contract. ~o. whe~ the opportunity ('OIDN JI:MPLO\'i,.;NT "AKTf:'l-. ~· ... cwny-• ........... .,. _.a. I you had better corUiult my nephew, to donate blood and to make .,.... ~ma11·8 ..,.,f,. .~ooou,_ 1"•1'-..,.. ._ ..,_. -• p 4 ..... Mr. O.P.A. If lhn'e 11 any prtcal l{1r11l l1re1eln.:w let'e think of tbe fUll or I'"" '""" u ,.,.......,.......,.. ... 7" ..,_. .,._. P I -" flxlnr doae he'll do tt.'' ADd u me~lral otflrt•r~ and Utt boy. wbo -Wf'll f'!rJW'~..t • _....., _...._.. ~ • ... -fill you know. Uncle Bam ADd h1ll are dt~ndln~ on ua and on them. thr J•ublll' l'tlun• :--; .. ..,., .. .,., "'!I 11 • ....,..,... ...,. = __.. nephew t&ke their ~:eih. OPA ~o muC'h or all thll fine Mniee " ~M-tw ... n II a m I•) I '!' n·-,.,,._--. o.lll._ _.. ,.~ ... : twdrot-unfwel1tad. MY '""'' 110,!180 00. CUh. l.iiUlS W BR.IOOB. t.-.cluat""' A1•n1 1h r. c· .. trat A-. .. nu•. Tf't. ..... IJW N-JI""t 8C) t&-Uc PMt•. """'~ .... 0 ... ...... -..oaaa 1\&mKIII'II, a.l'/ .... 81maOM -tt ...... aN-- ..... A aa,.. llocll to ..._ ....... 1AI"'IM .....,11 ruraat. .... 00 .. 110 FONil Awenuoe. ~ PMciL ~~ ..... m.t ... , ;:.""'....,. bc-. .. l •..llliT A~roviD ..._ ....,...... ... .._... IlL UlaT-ot-.,_....._ A,.._ -. • ' _,. ., ...., ..,.. and BwaiN YMitt ~ ,.,_.., ... -. • ••• -.m. -... OaU ~ ........ l .. oaUiret. .. "" •• Alao ,.,...,.. Ia Mewanl.. IJ ... 11M eonfereoce • · · · r r•l• monrv and that br'np -~ 22-41c liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill already ecbeduJecl &DCI t.be around tn 'tl'e ennuat Rfd era. ..., ....,_All • ~ve a~al1\ T -.now Income ~tak. ,_.. 1 111,110 11,... llt.aad-· ~--t--.-_.. ._-. ,...._. hi h d but ....___·-,.._,.... -._.,...a-.......... 1$11 ~ K · an 110 ~~"'· "'"'• -· ~ WI ead diMirt"' • 1 ' ..._ ...... ..... -11M •.• ---:--------OoiiA --. ..._.. Newpwt LOtT-hner aprtq tW1ft ... _..... ft•HIIt ........... llllt•••R Nen:I•M •• :r Owoea d•l Mar ucl ....-. ·. JOHI E. _(JACK) SADLEIR For C 0 u.· I C I L M A I Over Twenty Years of Banking and Financial Experience. Pledged to an Unbiased Representation of Every Section of Newport Harbor ... and its Great Future ! JOHI E. (JACK) SADLEIR For C 0 U N C I L M A' N APRIL 11, 1944 -Political Advertisement <1vtn« and belnK crueny hurt. 884 n... mooth "' "'""" 111 .._.4 •--~ I" .._ Utalr famUie• are Ill n,..d of Wp,I M!f ovu'and lf'U th-....., 4 ~"=.·• ~,..._a:~..:, I and. wf'll, you know all the t.blqw a.r quota .._ .._. Ia a-,_ we need to rt>member. 1.-utltoe your h.....t and yuur ...,.... ~ ("AW a I'EIIJ We ar. warm and ...re ud ~· dboflk ap'n ~. MUiy wn'k'~ -·• -------------- fortable and all of ua could -l'alllU.IH baH &iHa 10 .._. ....,.. riiXJei.........V er.-•~ dnwn fnr a few more dollars fW ctrtve. u •·ell 111 at dwlr p..._ _. ~...,. ..._ .,.. ft ' a ._. ----·----Uaat II nry firM' ,...,,. ~-._ II ........... ~-.._ .. Union'• commlttt>e II all IH't 'Wttll people t aw •lou"""' thrw ,.__ ~-~ .._. I four WTIIten brief• to llbow why ,uta. but .., ... will ~ tn .. -- wt 1hnuld haW a price ,..,116011 Oil aad l"ffal.l;v all -c.a If -c:oo.l- 1 vnrl ue fl•h. f'llfll'<'lally rock n.ll, led• c..U. up• 1,,.. _, ,_ barracudl and albacorl. p:ee• Jll'nd vnur cSnnaUton nr ,_ I 'Miue br1efe are dcx·umt>nt. ell atJ'& bft to the Rof'd <"r<'-'""'"' ![Teat lmportanre. and tbe -tn Btlftlca. who prepllre<l them ran not be too Mlfltl(llt !IIIMII"d N't"1 ... ~ ~ hll!'h':V rnmpllrrf'ntf'd. Tbe two -..de trl nn,. n-rnntr1bu1Jr'lft. ,.._. papera on barracuda were wnU. 'nlr1n IU!np, ... , lllaftftfd toov •.-. by J im r.hrllt and C"y Miller Tlte ll 1'!. Bouftdi.IKIC uwt ot.twn. c-- ~tatt"mt•nt" on albA('otf' Wf't'e pre-IIIOCt to t:hr dri-. u -a .. -· p1rar,.d by F:arl Bowen and Art RID. otJier 1100 tn tJw RH ~-~ One thin« more. I ro• word and HM~Jital er-.. m-A ... )- from one of my ~~plea that Utere'e l"ftt''emtlntnc U..t Uw....,. ._.,.. even bt"ttlng golnr on u to wl'.tb-tal group allt ~wed a ...,_ ,_ er Capt. Joe Bmltb or I will llDWl1 uad WGI'tl .-! our boat flnt. Now tbat'l 1.11 out.' People are .,...,.. ~ ..... rlr;llt ln.eutt. and I don't meu ttl t.htep to brip It ,...w .,.. ..,.. Capt. J rf'. Pltht"r. becaUIIl' I boultflt to haw llf\at'f' tu '"" at.n.lt all 'lfl my hull already built about Ule them. Mn 1"_.. R•tthrrlord .,._ t lmr C11pl Jut' laid hl1 k~l. · At duct.loa Owlrmen. t r ll1 ua Ullll h·ll~t I nu~thl tn 1:<-t odd1. Mrs. a-Kine &onllt•-d -~------------ Pusuc NoTICES Puauc NonC£S NnTIC"F: I~ IIF:nEnY (';f\f'P.'ol· That thf' fnllfflnn..: ,~ .... "'' ''l''' hl•••n nnrn1n1tt• d '"' th•• nlflc'!'• h•"•·•nnftf'r fnf"f11iont'<l '" I•· l 1ll•'<~ <~1 '"' a;rn••ral muniririal ••lt'C'IInn to tit' h••l<1 In t.M C1ty of :o-:'""<1•••., 1<:.·.,,~ '"'' Tlll"trt!ly , tho> 11th 1'111y .. r April. 1944': NAMF$ He IIWHT AI.I.EN WM A KIRK n n nF:ED· ~. ALHEnT .1 I\I IWEN "C"APT" CHARLES M. FUD.LER ANTifONY AL HORVATH • f" ASHLI:.l' KN(IWLTON JOHN E. SAOLF:IR C'LYDE E SIIF:RWOOD EARL W. STANI.F:Y F'RA!IIK 1.. RINF.JIAR'l' J. A. CANT • C'1TY f'l ·:·!'l>c,l.'1 ' -CITY \OHNOU1A~ CTTY l"f'll -ro.;nuu~ -C'1'J'Y("'ot ·'\:ni.~A'\ CJTY ("(lt":'llnLMA!'IO CITY f'III":'IOf.li .MA~ <:TTY ('I ot '!"'f "IL" A'\: • CTTY ('flt'NI,LMAN • C'1TY f'lti~C1L)'A"' • CITY ('()t 'X<,UIA~ • CJTY CLF.RK CITY T1lF:ASt 'Rt:Jl Outl'd and r-i~:ru..-1 this 16th <1ay .. r March. 19t4 ffiA N Jo; I. RINEHART. Cit y C1••t k nl thto C'Jt)' "' !'IO•""I'"n ll.o ,,, '' Puh. Mnr. 16 :.n. 1944 ...... ._. ..... ._._._! ____ ..... ~ .... ... -._.._ .... _. n.-.-.......... ....., ...,. ................. -~ ...__ ~ ........... . ~·--...,._~ ..... -.c. ......... *"-t .... -•-.c-. ......... ._ ___ ..,.... tl.n "'-"' a-.: -...-.y ... ~._. ._._..,. _. ••csm ......... _ ........ .. ....... -'-.... ... ..... _.., .... ....... --.: ............. ...._ .... --......... ..__ ,_. ... tarJr....,. .... -...,....,~ f•Go .... -................ ., : .. _to •r .. ~ ._ • .,._. ,.._ -~._,._a.-.· ·~···· =· , . ., ...... tf(: • 111111 Wll ~e: rfl • ···-----·· ... PAUL IIODIAJI • """ ~11.1:. ~.-1:'" ~-............. '-.... ... ,:·,.,.~ ~ .... ._~ ....... SCHOOL ..:OJ-A ---~ • .;y ._.. ... -n.-· ....... .-o-••. .,. ...... 0'- A.t"ft• A S.., c;, a..,., ___ ._o.--. .............. ..._MOl ('7 oat of 10 people read News-Time~~ Clut&lfied A.6s., ~--~--~--~~~~~~7===~~--~~ -----~----------------~ OOROTHV OARNIT '],\ "]., I .,._ y.,. '"'"'It crt RMJ c.tate IIIUid, lower reed. 1\lledaJ p. 'Nnta vl lb. Reward l"boee N...,.,..t JOtm 8ADl.I:Jft a-.... ll•ltll Vnerel ..... ltAl.BOA tent,_ rYlR IIAL& 3 bed,.._ ........ ...,_: 1*111'10 ft. tot .... IN ,.,... ne •apcr~ta. ,. ..... ·-,..,.._ 2111 tt-tlt ,...... AALIIl 2· bedroo. 1tU0C10 ..,_, -· .....,.., ... ..,. I .... lee --...aJ, 0J11ta. ltl-.. h to·• a.~ OwMr. Mrs. H_., ........... ,. .... Jede A••· .... ..._ ..._.. I""-' N...,ort zea::-w , .. tc t.Ylft ltF.l'fT Off1c• at 2110 W. . OrMnl Aw.. "~ Blltlelt . . ...., .. ......_ ....... , .... 11-tlt' KNOX HAft.DW Alllm .... -_.;; u.d twftlt..,.., A ..... ....... llaa CJI palDta, ...U C! .... Of Ia a pl. lot& Y•r, ........... . 1711 NewptH"t 81Yd. N. a .. II. »4&11 IRllUCAL U.&fikliiiiNI8 ...,. MI.&-" 11'01\ I'ALIB-IM .... ,.... .... (•nNIOII, 10011 U ""'· tlfl --~ 1941 RCA VIeW redlo ..... rreph ... ond u ...... ftfl e.-. 3U3 W. t.tral Ave., Newpott RaMit. 11wte loot·R ft•UAI WAN'I'IIP W Allmi:D-PlaDo ,;_ pnct.lee, .... lwMn It and tor at noon. 1ft,_, tto.e. Will paf ...._. .... r.. Pbone NewpottiT4 '-l. I .... I Ut)ft. to 1"11. • wrHe .. '0', ,. N•w•·'Mm••· D·UAI h .U.HI IA IMLANU R001f11if0 S.v• 'Mnwl 1'1w lid Ia ~ HOlt"-2 vra.nr._, double In the N-•·'""-1 - ..... • ...... t Wl¥f'll pret..rrlld :l:l·4lt· ,.,_MLF_ .., , .. :l:t:t w { •")f( ~At¥. "'"• trail"' bolty, e J;, ••• lwu l•rllfr bllby f'rltw, 11'1 ..,.,. •111 •: ••·•an P'rnnt. Ra.tt..• l:l·ltp Professional c..••• M.Gnandy, M.D. ...,--'-....... - llltiftttt ..-Cefttr11: Ave. Offk• Hra.: 10.12 a.m.; 3·5 jt.m. T ... ,..... 17 UltOY P. ANDERSON AT'YOitN~Y AT LAW c..la .... ...... autJdine "'-at c ....... Cellfert~la HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL W• '"•r• .. lvN lll<f ltetter Hf'ne Ry S..rvlnl' ()ttl.,. Rut" Pt.-Newpori Mt c... .... C.•llferftll BUY NOW City Tax Sale Lota A. J. TW.IST ""'C .... Highway f'h-"1 2422 C.OitONA DEL MA .. "'•• ........... 11& .-..,"••u• Ave c ............. , .. ... ,.,.. ... ,.... .. " ... N.D. CASH D.V.M. 000 •ntl CAT HO.P'ITAL a.nu Ane Del 1114 flo Mol" at., letota """•· Cellf . Uirectory Conrad Richter, M.D. ah¥._ • ....._ .... ..,....._ Offloa 107 lind ltt'Mt N1wpe~ .. aoll Heur-e: t0-12 •· m. & 1·1 p. m . Phen-Oiflca Ul; ""· 74·J DR. C. E. TOHILL PHYIICIAN end IURQION ..,. Cooet .,..,., • -.-r1 ... ch -........ -omee ZM·W ,. ... IM·R II Ne AftiWet CAll ,...~ • Dr. M. D. Crawford OltTOMIT .. IIT P:y•• lr.xamlnl'd 01.-,tted 1Tit7 N-port IJoultyard Phane 2430 COITA MiliA BALTZ MORTUARY CHAP~L av THI IIA 410 C.oJIIt llvd. UR. OHI•:n J .. tJ CA~ Dentist • ZZO'!''i W. f',.ntnal, Mt. lUG Sr:\\'1'1tKT ltf:Af'll WHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT "'"(Pl !"r f: /A NO KINnt IN~ WOf')O - H W \'. r ~·••• li~4 l"tr' l •lv<l , f'ntol n M•·ton 1111~'•1 l.•tml,..r. Ph. 11~!'\·J ~[~(RAl f'0~fA/A ~TOR I ;, r'' fl J• I> I• •!l,o•t ~i llt ('••OIIt IIIV•I l'h 11);.! 1'111!11 111111 ('llf)NlflldJcm. LU-..1111£1'1 C:OMPAN![S- f .;,; ... "' ... I ' r ,., • ''l,rt ~~~ h•·lr· Y'"' pllln V'lllf .... ., ..... rto'<nfl 48. 1 v l•••"rl• 1 l.urr!ho-r ('•• l'hr'"" I trtiJ. <:.•11.111 lll~:ttwl\v Itt Art hea. t)f'J'IC£ SUPPL!Er.- ~:...,.1"•'' ll•r·l·•·r l'lol•ll"lolnllf f'ro rhon.,a: 12 · 1:1, Newp••rt lleach. P'tlllltTING-;o.;_,.,..,,, llarhoor l"'•hltahln.l[ 0• l 'll•lnl'll; 12 · 1:\, Newpon tBMcb. "E.AL ESTATE tN\U"ANCE & NOTA"Y PUBLIC-a.-Jl \\'"II"',. 2:.!02 W . c.tllrsl AVIllllf! f'htllle 3. "U •• E." ITAMP&.- N-pr!r1 H•rhf>r 1"\Jhlllloln• f)l Ptlunee: l2 -U , NIJW90"\ a...a. \HEI:T MI.TAL WO .. K- 1 Vh•le l"'luaa.l.. A &beet Meta.& W.,U, en.ta ...... "'-e Ill. VARti:TY IT~I-, ......_ .... ,....., ........_.., 1 ... 11o aftd .._ ...._. llll~W . • I 1 • I Newport WSCS Hears British Missionary Nurse From South Africa At tlM bcMDe 11f Un E. 0 Goodell. aooo w Ocean Front. tbe N.,\port Woml'n'a Society ol ~tan !krvlce met oa TuMday .nth Mrs. Slrpbrn Weatbertord JI"'IJidlnr;. '1111' Study Grnup wttb U prea· eat undtr the l,.aderalblp of Ura lY&II Conwr, ronvenf'd at JO.SO ln the morniD( and contlniH'd tbr purau.anr e· ct thf'lr ~Prond rourae of atudy, "Ood and th• Pn>bl~m of Ht.&man 8utferioc." aupplemented by the B1ble. Tb• llDry of Saul. O.vld. J~~eob. Jo.eph and Mo.ee were J:lYI'D lll llluetratl' t e dltfu· ent typea ot autferin.J:, lt. ca~.&a and the rea.ctlon upoo the 111811. ~trthl'r ca rrylnc on the atudy. Mn. Htrbert K1D(, for many YMI'I a mlutonary tn Bullfarla, br urht tiM 2nd lnatallment nt lAIIIe \A'I"Hlln~ ~r. that-,..... leW to t.be _., • .ct lr"'"'l" • ,.. PMIIe-BrowTI w1fl w •1ttl brr- ter a. ~ Bredt far tbr """" Uon. She .-u ftln.Ut~ tl• l>rr 1INriD' In DIJ:laDd from A.tnca rbftl 1P Ul'mben r,._..,.t • .-v.-_ Jvan Goruoer. n W H ~~" D-1 Rt~a. R Wulhrrlcof'd L ...... rrra\'""' Lnv ~mit· •:ua ~ J~-l·h R•dQ'I"" r~ .. ~lor•tm~ll. Jff'nrl Harr1Jf R. H H tl f".AJUI Qt•ll\'lf' Frank ,....,..._, • .., J a Elliott ao~ thf' Mt_. E '••" ("',mJl. li n .. :hnl' :-.:"'·land Ill~ ~ "'"'ak~r J>1 UIJO f'ea.Jr~ RrO'II"'D an4 Hf'w•rf'D d a.nd w... Guod~U ~Lll"PPRT-B..'LRO.~ NEl'·s.. TIMES. New"DOrt RPach. C':tlifornia, Thursday, March 16, 1944 Harbor Feminine Activities Mrs. J. A. Gant Chooses First Spring Days for Two Luncheon Parties _.__ -- ~~~ R S. H«>!dm ~ess to F nenJs • Ph Or)PS 12 and 13 Residence PhDM 690-W e CO~G EVENTS FRIDAY. MAitCH 17- ----------- 47 1 Registered Nurses Needed Spring Luncheon Bridge on Mesa I Inafllred by tb~ feel o! aprtnr In the air, ...... J. A. Oe.ot cb~ Tu~llday and Wedneed&y of tbla week to entertain two groupe of lrienda In ber home, 1111 W . Bay, Newport Beacb, tor luncheon and 1 brldJe. l"••l •"t•M workr om, llt Palm f. ,...., -~·"!AI'!:~ 1 :!."i P.....-f ·' .~o.... ba1hl•&. opoon 10 a. m. H The Army and Navy mutt t.<r11. Ch11rl~a H. McAiary bon-1 Tbe St. Patrick'a Day th~m~ wu r .. -&·..,. -Z..:y Xn ,._ S I ' m ~~w·n~ have 471 l"t!glatered nui"Ma who ored ber aa.tt!r·l.o·law, Mra. Jal"k· !'A,..~d out In the bowla of n~WI'rll H .,-..~ "•' •· ..r~ .... • ' -~ •·r "' 't:ndr:r 20<1ub" will ban a 8t w•ll enllat ilt once. ThJa plea Ia 11 n Sanderaon of ODt&rlo, C&Dada, ~ centered tbe II!Jall t.ablea at 1'• ~·<» ,,.. r .. ~ .,,. runl'b .. no I ' 'r.< k • nay dance at U.. eo.ta u• gent. and her frl~nda on Wtdnuday wltb w cb tbe gueat.a were .eated, Anl1 ·.c~ !lt'J -z-3.1• ~ 1 ' W"mrn'a a ubbou.a at • The entia tee muat not haye a pretty lunch~on lollowed by an In the tally carda. 'I"~ tqgr IP ,,ltll ft p,..; • t o\" p 111. • cttt ldren under 14 yura of age llllt'rnoon of brldJ'e. 1 On TlleiiOay afternoon, thoec &.\ .... ~ :-~ ' ..... ,.., ,._ •oNOAV. MAIICH ._. •r\ti muat corne from thoN • The 1ue•t• were aeated tor t t'e capturinc the prt~·tl Wf're Mr•. J:n! •· •~N><•t :mr a. ra .. ~~ ,t<Pf ~ x ..... ·rnrt s--h Crur mer Sch .. ol r.tnka of reglatel"t!d nur1ea who lun~heon at amall tablea centered Hl'nrv Egg~rt. first: ,.,~. Frll.'llc I'' .\ 'AIM hnld the II!ODtbJ7 -\-·re either not wcrklng at all or by bowla of fragrant aweet pt'U Hardiman, aeconct, &114 Kra. JAw l--J'·~·,. 0D Wtdouday altl'mOOII. Mra. Coaboom wu &"nner of the nnt prize. Mra. Roland Wrtpt. tM .econ.d. and J.Jra. K V OOt.. third. Btdt!l'n to th.-WednHday .,.n,. v.·er~ MmN. Wiolfr'f'd Wolden~ Fred Reinbold, May Stt.mp. sad Blackbeard, Harry Welab, K. Y. Otlta. John Sndllr r, eo-boom. Ed· ward Ebll'n, G. W . Rltdlie, ~ \\idgbt. r.mrad Shu k, L. L. tabell. T~eo R(•bln,., A S. Rlchardaon a8d C. B. Rudd. Bridge Section of FACto Meet " • -. ... r-t'K'\.r : .... t &nc tat th~ «ho-tl auc:Utortua, 1:30 :r e In "On·urgent clv·uan joba. I and anow drop1. Wallac.~. third. p. IlL 1 Tt-e Nilvy apec;lflea that atw ' Scores f()r the attern~>on reveal-Thoee bidden on Tuellday were: Wedn~aday attemoon. Marr'l 22. • ~~ i ~~ x~-·•11 'In: 'Ul-1 In~ ... .l ~,... • ~ "" .. 1 ... : • T•· c ~,.. -lll'... ot.lld rr ... Aml'm :an I.Aglon PQIIt No ,..111t be 20 to 40 year. of age ed Mra. C. L. A.ildrewa u w inner Mmea. Eugen~ Fenelon. Ratnh at 2:30 p. m. the bridge ..-<"1101). J1l _ I "'1 I llf' ~euuu Lf the f.Ac1on. :>nd have been .,. citizen of the ot the fire: prize, .Mra. P. V. ~·rakev. Lew Wallace. Henry Eg-the Friday Aftl'mnon C'ub ol .\ '''"I foU)' a1 the Electrte OriJI. Unt ed Stiltea for 10 years. Cha.mberl n. ll'Cond. Mra, John gert. E. I. lfoor~, Heinz KaLSer, COata Mna wUI a:f'C!t In t.be --; •• .,. .. ar::s:: ..-.,. !tiwt4f'• ~the!h~d·• "Wby !lo Wen Su.f· fer". MIM Ellie ConkliD, for many yeara a mt•lnnary In India and a ~raonal t rlf'nd of Y.. Stan· ley Jonea. rrvt~wed bte "Cbnat aiid ttUa:an Sul!erlnr". Cadet Wives Med With Betty Asmus ,_.,, .-..-1• "•-~TP1 .... ,: &~ 1.1: • ....,_.~ • c. n.·• ,...;_, f" T Mf'<'tlnt at t.n,. Rlltb' .. l'CI() ... ,. ,.. rio -, a. ~ r r~·r·., W' b "\ 'ry \\'Nlno ..... ll\' """f'tt.inJ: at jl r -, .~ '"\ ,-., ::---.a. £.1.-u' ,.,..,.,. un..l"r 0.. ~<-•~ rtf t.!n 8o'!'h 1 'I I' ''""· 6 30 p. m Ia ~n -· e l'rMv a1:1e Ia 22 to 4S Murphy. lt w, and the traveling J . E. Wheatrroft, 0 . M. Campbell, room ot the Ctubh Ulll' . .,....,.,., that -t. the. .z:..tJ:L..a.D.Diw~ ~of ~ a.n4 a··e mAJ&.. k • pr'--'-to..v-Warpftt Nte•l e: P'. w.tt.. Jl"ranlc l'Jarofman. -«prtn~r 11 Tfa'tv ~r. evei")''ne W"'1.r--- r n•IIJ!K • I th .. nat1onal lAJton. c1lH n ot any one of the illlled meyer. renrR'~ Stricker, Herbert Baetz.. want to be there. • ·I ,·,,.~. wttrkruurn. 111 Paln n•t "•· Dldden to the aflotr were Mrrea. Marraret Nl~meyer, Frank NAV· Mre. J ohn Wehatt r and Mno , . ru ... e.thooa. 1 ~D 10 a. -. lt' Tho&e who will ilnawer t.,l, I Fronk Hortllman. Margaret Nil'· lur, San K ina ather. c. w. HarM· Sa.m Crawford wi'l be tlw bolt- 1 , m. S.Ur;.:JilLI l1llu ~ _ ul', ~ICJibOne U cnce S.. AJ 347, .~ Darrell..X1q, ~~-~-~ t101a a.ad Gtll McKinney: "~ tnr the a tttlr ---- WI.lw~ W••rkf'ta. Pall...,_,._.,. ~nd an ilppliciltlon bh1nk will be I cion. C. F'. Hand. P. V. Parku, P. r-----------'-----------------; ,. Jm"''''II -.1-T rf -.n ~ ~ t!to- SA"AR '~"" rado-1 "''h...,. .-d.aJ'h At 1:30, th~ W .!'.<.:.S wevenl'd, )( ... Elele Conklin ll'adiDf tbf' ~ woe lonala, toUowed t;y lht bulln~ mHllnl!: at which the rroup vct.d w pay $100 CJD tbalr appo•rUon· aaent to, World Servk'e, aDd ~ to the Red CroM. lnn lf' all • •·I< I ,. ,.,,.., t•• ,..., ,.,..,. • m• ml .. ·r \\"h.-a t~ p~ • •om • n ,.,.... 'tn nur t""IDm.,-"rt.' tf!Sl) a abc n llmr. u Ia ""' h nr 1 •• kD' o& t hf'rl' Ia a J!f"'ll• • ~ "'' 11 h t!A-T DOaJ llf'COC\M' a part ··~ ~rt•T"'ttlP ~ •mllar. Ans z:!J Cr:~ft~ ,.f Gr.a,· I...2J~ I'> ~1cd • ~"'~ C•>r()f!a .tel ld.r. • Pftl I to 4 ~nt. . A . Chamberlin. F. L. Knauer, C. I Cl"t!etlng Coart'a a.nd a Cl"t!at Vuletv of Unuauat C•fb r m ~ur~al d"'aln(ta. fl I Plae. Henry Egcnt, John Murphv, "'WE INVlTE YOU TO OrtOWSJo: AKUl'~O · TUESDAY. MA.,CH 21-Twelve Years c. L. Andrewa.lra Lowe, Kenneth C E LOUCKS '~ s· •• r. uague will IIDe.t at F th Stahle Stewart, N . 0 . lfellot of Monte-~ JEWELRY.and STATIONERY '1".,. : ,. • • ..,~ .. • .,~ "' th,. • • b••rt ,., r Yra Geo~e H. Yard· or e rS ::1ur a r nd the guut of honor, "Mra •-· -, --. _... •"'11 , t ~ 1 Dlamonda · Wiltchea • F•ne lhpalr lng --•-1 .. ,. 121'1 CoUuur A venue. 8ll1boa I Sanderaoo. II Phone Newport 2430 ,....,.zoo r n~"'s ,.,.,.,., ~· • IJ l;ot.Uid. ~l r a nd ~frl! Don McCallum -• 1717-H Newport Blvd .. Co1b Meaa, Calif. too t .. 'le ~« "" !,.,.... f )(~ ~·n clur tw.r U.•ns Club _. at ,, ,.,,. hrsl~< In thl'lr NtWT>Ort S k ' F ,...o new mem~ra were ••ekom· At t.tw ~ "n •·~~ fill ~ ...... Ella B. DenDy and lba. t 'Ia wed. t.M ynuJ<C a'CJ!Qftl - J'n.n.k Panm•t.er. ' 1.'1\'rn ••aluab&.-lmrtt.lac -.r.r-- ,,.,...' rr-·:~ $m P.,.n~-II••UIZ Ka!Mr'a Bay.._. Cafe a t ,.,., .. hi• hnme tn a jETOUp of fril'nda pea ers orum -.......... '-7!,.. ""Jt.'tZ., W\t!s •• :.Ot p. IlL t-nnnrln~ Or. nnd Mra. H. E. Stab-Elects Mrs. Wheat I -•"-!lt>W-. H.·ubt1r KIJtary Club aaeet at l•·r ''" their J:lt]l Wl'ddlng annlver-• 1 ---Tbe r-t !lpe&kn, W18a ......_. uon and adVIC'# b.w Wn kim 0... Beowtl, a I OliN p..t ot Ua. u&. ftal ...... !Dft!!• wen ........... CollkiJD, hu ~pent •• yean u a ltw C'tn. 111 :tw n ·-IIIIC Th• ~ '9 t ~..-.s-oon •~~> ~ \'. hlte ~ Plirk Avmu., Balboel ~str\' Mu. Georce Wheat ..of Newport -,...,-.lll'i>' :. .. :-.. a •IMI't' ~ ~-'"la nd. at 6:30 p. DL Aa a prelude to the dellr;~tful Beach wu votl'd a new member of 1• ·-•' ~ •lnl lk pa-aa.a...~ ._..11~ an~ d.innc.r IJld cyrnlnlkQ! carda the. .Bpeeken' .i'.orum.-OCMaa~ • ~ J1J n..-.,_ 'T'd&-' ~ -• _,,._tiC' 13albna. "PI'D io a. •· to St11hlera wnl' "llhowered" wilb wtd~ 11tudy-g-roup. when It met at Alrtca and .. ,., bead of a boya' House Guests In ecboc I In 8wuyland I.D Brltt.h t.-~ &r.::., .-,;:r ~ biJ<tVtbt a p m ~UIICII'al •ll'ftii&Dp munv tunny jtlftll l"arryln!f out the t he hom~ of Mra. Fred Welael of tun• JVfC -oour1\r ~..a •lfh· trft ll'tlon o' the 12th anniversary Anabelm on T uell<lay. Mra. Gun-BouUl Alr1ca.. Many were tbe In· The Barber Home "" a.. .... llll"'' .a .. ,.~. t. ,..."-* .. G Sch 1 PTA wh1l'h Ia "ailk and linen" And nlng BuUt>r and Mra Reutx-n Day llflo(! ~ .... •o----•. ratt.. rammar ()() ·tl~r .. wu a Wf'ddlnc-cake R'U&rc'led , of Collla Me• were In attendance ....... ~ Gllltave Linaenbard Gl"'lduate LC'Ipslc Ct~nM-rva1ory Pupl Is AC('f'J)t cod a.ctnncrs a SpKialty \'f'lma Ba"'"" .. ~ .,..,. .;, rp .&ac:w.-, ~ .. ADa T 0 Hear Mrs. Wheat I OD tlM top by a Uny bride and ' al.ao • hou.w ~ t. liMY...__ :S.M.-• c-tiYIIIY ,.....,_, .t, tiW ~ rroom. J Ruuia w .. tbe country atudled '<'keu~ Front. BaJt-. Mno •.rT AI ttw ncuJar mr nthly -ung Thoee attf"ndln~t thf' celebration on Tuelday. Mra. Bertha Delano ...,_ C•-on. Ollilllt« ol --~ Island F~ily joins ol tlw s-port Bo-acb ara-r ~,.rt Meuna. and J.fmn. J ack Hill-McCraclleo .. wutmlatreu , read baa ('('me r·rom Ps ' ~ __. a--N2YY. fadlcr in North !'Z<, ,,.. r• T A wb1.1 h wtll be beld rrrm, RAy A Jrnrd. Lonnlf' VIncent. I rr ucb of Cul~rt.a-o'a "Total rt1oM Nf'W)MWt 190S-W mary BaD ~ drc"r 4 ua t.br actw. 1 aUt! toriuaa 011 Moo· )1rll .Juan•h• F:lllott. tb~ honored Peare" and Mra. Butler covered I Mr• Barbf'r. antl..-d tn.. ~ ,13 .. ltan:h :..'0. at 2.30 p. DL, ---lt'WIIta and t.hf' hollt and'hoateaa. ~durnt1on In Ru•la lira. Edith L-------------W~. to IW ....,. ~ ....._ ..,. ,., • .._ •""-...,_,. • twonoo wtll b"ar OOf' ot our 001r11 Bay Cloyf's read the Carl Bandber& .. -----------~«-• ~ ~ ....._ ....._ ~ n'ft.lrnts Mr• r_,,,e w .. eat. wh., New Meeting Place "Sh811takov.tch," dt'dh.:at>d to the Zoee .......,., lledl:-al : Ura. .... .._ .. ~n .. -IU'blll ... ...... ...... ~ ee ~ ... u J!:l\"0' ..... _II Wtll 00 Our Bor· F 1 I d c · I Ruuian compo~~er ··-~e, 8WftMIII 11M-fonrn ~ ft1r !W p '-,_ --· -rn aat --r •&o-r f\l h ,.n!.l ith l!:rade motMn Or San lrC e The Aprtl <!nd meeting Wlll bt' ---8-'-~-• Rtar !l:t"'l'• llDd South <W ~ f•r hi -~ --~ ·~ .. ull 11r hoe'~tN ,,,r tbe ~ l~a a lum· ••con a l lJ11nlgen . _..., ~--•~•-pi llwfld In ~ ae-1a -.1 .._ 1D ...... W1A 1 ,.. !boy ~ ' htt•.ll' llf"ing un11ble tn ml'et at Mar SPfdal 'fre.atnwnts for t.be dn'tiq .,..,._.. ., ar ~ B A •• • ~ ._,.., i h• .. 1..-.tkrr l!u t!Hn active In c·,,.,. -thllc timt . u t'IUI been their Owrwd&bt. Unck-rweacht Dt uclu Ourpnral-prl(lr .. ,... --1>-c--~r l'!n _,. tm· ~., .. a""'"' emit's. bavlnr bfton • •• m. t•w URib06 I IIane! Ctn-le r . Marxaret L. S .harle tnc bu tw.tlend to t.M DMUL ~ J 1"W¥ .a •-~ .._ ..rkr ,;;ut~ ('t:.olrmaD of •.:.1ucaUOD for Will mf'f'l wtlh !of rl!. Rarhf'l Woley. (Member Mulll<' Teaclwn' .o\-Gene Morlerhem Zone Thene6a' S,ptocialitlt ........... L. .....,_, 1 BID ta ttw ,._,.-11 -tlt"bt • ., .. ., rlloP ~ P:l.-rb .. Fr.l,.rateol \\'uml'l'l'l Glube for ~IIi Apolt'nll, Balboa b land, on of CaWoriUal Ill N-~ ,,.. U ....a. ,., . .,. ...e ~-Jl'llC ~~ ._.. .. twu yu,.,. It wu duriDIIt lhll pt'· l'ul'l!day. Ma rch 21at. and m.unMld aut fall. lk ta _. ._. ,_.,.,.. atr• • a.. lll.thrns "'"' Olat ..,... ma•'" hn lrip lll "err: be n Are aaked to come at Tl:.o\CHF.a OF Pl.o\SO k-.t Ill tlw Bay ana ,.,_ w ::=:.r "'-.__., ..._ ~ a .,_~0 hum wb .... rich atore of 1 II 30 a. m .. tortlfled with and· Orraa!d • .o\ocompanlat ... rtad _._. ...._. a... _,...a. ca:Jq ~ ~ r\nK .. liN draw• for ber t11lk wiebea t~ be aupplemmted by bot Sa.dlo: 107 Ool4enrod .o\VHue 0.. ... • .._ ~8dll • , • 46 ....-, f"llPC t..e by the ha.teaa. 0..... •• Mar t' ' I' .a I ... ~ wit.l a. ..... ...._---The day will be devoted to -· -~ :==========:.~te:r~~~c::.~-=•:'kl:-.~-----s: ... wa· first Daughter for lD£ 011 the lap robea for convele•1 PHONE: NEWfORT INI Bdllr Aflrr m, w The H . E. Christlers cent ao1c11era. , ~...-.-_______ • A wrry pre.•• u.a "gtft" hu bHn BEFORE YOU BUILD OR RD100EL 1112 lelltll Malft lt. V .. ot -r -~ -..r aN ~ ..... , -. Cdlw eui4H .-a •• .-_ ~ ~-~-....... c.rpeta. ......... ... v-- t l ........ .. ~'. ~/ LUDLUM CarpetW.U TYPICAL CAUFORNIAII WOOD IOVELTIES Waste Baskets Beta! bl wllltfl aacl aaUq• n.· Wl. dllrabl.-aac1 bf.auUft.&l •itlt ~appeal- '1 OO tn '1 29 BABY BOOKS ot l ·p:J wood: n .. ,..,....,. a. wW&e •11111 blw or pin trtm: ..... ,......,. sa~ ttortl ~ ..... ,... ..... MINIATURES ~ ................. .......... .-. ....... ..................... p s -..... ~.. ...... let .... _ ......... .. TRAYS , ......... """*,. ..... ; ~-, ............... ...._.. .. ,_IH:t-..rtniiL .. ._•.._. .o\tt~ Leave-a Nal11 ............ Eallleua .. a..-...-.. ~-.. ............ , 'a.......,. ..... A; ............ _.. .... 3ft ~-~-.. -:::~·=:·:.............. .... .. Q' a a .. ---· .... I' •a. Ne ... ,..__,., .... ~_, ..... = =:-:.--:... ---·--·· . IS« .... • ... :S..r _...._ et ~ :l•!t.,.d tn tt. .. fin .. coll«t111n of t ·I' 1 ..,. • ~ ....._..,. ......, fiM.. ~nry f"bn•tlt'r'• thfoy arf' the I '-We • ~ ot'lar'll ~ P""ud p.r .. ntJo c•f a <!autb1n, the I tllllr ._._ ..... ..r llliK!IK ..... ~ (Nt r hoJ.I lD thl' fam1ly. •'h O .... 1 .-tar • .._, -t , ,_., ..,1 _,....born on V uoday at St J• ~~eph boe- ..._ ~ ...,_ ...u _,.. pttal an I ~ ho 1 (L~ bfo.·n nan1f'<l AI· -~ ..... --· '-11M ~ ~ .., ~ ·-~ ~ llrl!ltw>l for Xr aDd Ura. C'hrlllllf'r ,,...., the 1 .,...,.. .. it!ol ,.. e. Wldl-et ._-. blan•lt'r.<, an "" 11!111\'t• an•l lovely I -"' W'AI\'-. t.wm-,_11• v;lft llfl Jl "" B:u bn::t IRlaM •.am ..,. ,_ sA • ~ ~ Y no t'hruotl .. r ant.l Ahaon ano ~ ~ ... q • 6~_. .. ., y..o:u-s rllpft'l"'l l" N'turn lt\ thr1r tl<JDlt' • .: 17 l;nnd ('anal. llalbl!a lllla.n.d. 1 AuiihanF 10 Jionor ,..,m .. ttm~ rw•t weeiL Lc_;. :a P~ llanben r ·. ~ ,.. !bw .._ Clt•tr "-MIS fr,r __...~-~..,~---­ ..... ~.........._ .... c--. ·'~ a ·d l • '11 *-..,.. ...... ,. of ~ ~~ "'-,. -f ~ .. t.ma--._.,,-,..: 4», a • .,.._ •• ~Doooow Gr'a. ft.---. ....... ~ ... 3111&~~~,~ me .-l!hP ...c •--' ._. • •-tAo-ex• lsb.ndci-s to Ser 11itbr Spirit- 1b' mac ~ lbr r.a FmJa , r ="fC r •-cr.c r....,a,-,. &e-... will ,,. toeJ:teoo ~ r~ ......,~ *lnl· ~ -n•tt!Qf ~ ._.,ad r I,. ,_~..o."" .... Mt•! .~~~:r.'"•' nc u. .. ,..S•~ • ·t '--r ~-;>W:a,.. rs ~ I% .. -_. • ->E ._. -., Rl!tz:cnn "nlo-r .-.. ~ .... Lr'r.J:.It p;~ .-.-: I rr-r,. S.tom ~ =-.~ •• ~ £., ..... "'. I A l..lla. J'en.ipt Will P'tridll .... l:yf'tllcbt Waar litt~ ~rl will ~ her -y <'lr-ar through aU ,tudy BMf ,.oluntt't'r •·ar ~t~tnrk 1f lwr '"'"on 11 clfollr w.-art fuDJ ~nod to 5Cient tfial· ly eJUmuw. prt'!'cnbe lind (JI ctuldri'Tl s ,;:1.:~~ n<'<'Ordine to thP1r "~·· r('<Juirl'm,nt! D&. a D. CR.-\WFORD I •I'Tt t\JI.Il~IST 1-:97 ,_ pnn ""u~n,.. C-.&& ,..._ ..,..,_. ~~- fTt·•lil To "":• Rn'k• n I • ""~ O•m )IC'1Itd )I .\·~ .\ C; E .\I E ~ T LA VERNE'S S.-\tO~ BJERKEN ......... llt!; 1:-~ B~· .\pp.•intrn.•t ESI LIQIOR SHOP ....... .. • ··-ra ,. ..... (' .... --ys~~-........ YA., !ll".u.t: f'081f.U 8\' 0 p A _. B"IO D f U"' .U"IUL I, 19.» &Y• ...... ,.. '-' c~q LOIS- •...... ~ t S ~ \ UOk4 IS..,.._ 8-' I .S ......... ftll\SD\' 1 S..... .......... t S.......... 11.\ll\SQo SA~~ L"...,C...s£ WTs BEH\RE .APtiit } -. WILl-TREASURE A GOOD AND RECENT PORTRAIT d, r/et4tile . ON MOTHER'S DA¥ ~ptti11/ O((t,. $ Braullful Ur~nze 12 5, PORTRAITS IACH •• lett ef Complete In 9x12 mou~ •"-- EIGHT PI\IIQFS SHOWN! AUSTIN STUDIOS • BriRg This Ad ~~ N.llala SL Pho._~ 1463 SANTA ANA DAILY HOU118: I a. m. to I p. m. .....,. lltJ .o\ppot ...... t :-o;-T -16-44 • ... WASHOAY HRr ~IIU lUI the •blues •. It you ~~ake a mistake and get too much blulnc ln y our wash , don't fret. Rinse clothes io clear water to which has been added a S1D8ll quanfity of vinegar • r bo••· follOW '"111 W&Ul 1o you r1oo1ples: s1•Pl• P these tour l Cooserv• everY- t~1o& you us•· 2. Buy onlY what is oeces- ... Salvas• what S8r"#• J• don't oeed. '· yo~ ba•• Share what yo~ • A80UT Pc:OPU wu wouus W~ber~s r-Prefer 1 t """" 1 ched 10n.. • into lunch b .. nite Southern ~ oxes in than any ot~alitornia Why• 8 erbrand. tas tes t'cause it rresh P~ood • stays er • ovides en. BY, comblnes 1 every 5 " th lfeber•sPrBead, G~t ., read our arocer, at s. _J. -~---I . . .-. . ..