HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-03-23 - Newport Balboa News Times• VOLUME V. I Oll -PBBSS AN 1108DaGft LOCAL-........ SZ1zg~:; THI DITIU NIWIOIT HARBOR DISTRICT NEWPORT BE•at ~ TIIll~"'l>AY. MARCH 23, 1W4 ·~----.- 8 ---, _ 1 ~ __ • .c U. S. P'nntons :-:..:. == E~.__..e11.-. c-.&aiuB Fint ·t·h·man Boat ~ ..lJU44 'V a.rw J--. .,........ ~ ~ ,....... Goes Do\\·n \\'ays·at t-.c~ ......._ . .-• fttlllr te' Xorth Am~rit'an I.UC'.\L BLOOD DOJifC.. 'fl:t:r IIAACR QUOTA 1\••e·nty local \'oluntHra •ell ... nlrobutt-cl bla rlnt ot blood u... "·'"""'Ill whrn th. moblll! blood II}' T . N. l"BRlCK") OAIND A . H -ca.o.d ..... ~ ...--• LoLl& people can't undenta.nd ·rrtve ere '-UAI7 -'--.,-bow ms.takea c~rHp tnto a 1n ~ .,... ..._ ....... ..,._. Laun.·ht1111 , .. 11 ""'""'• "',.r .. hank ntatk• it. munthly ap~ar· .atrra n-.paper -and If they only L Ia --aata #'M ...... e1 I&Mw, tt'a'-'U\e eaaleat thine F R • N-.ort .......,. "-'-..... ......._,.. .. ._ u.. r,,_ 1n In Ute world to do, either by mil· or . epatrs achoollut Jaa. d. at._....._....,_ .......... ~ W'OR· undent.anc11nc whUe taldnc an ftrw -aa.o ...,.. _.. -n. -.. _. • ~IIT.Zl'J .c I~ over the phone, or throUib adaool Ho=-trn. ... Ia • .,._ "....._ _.. ~' cwwa,. 110me allp In OM compoet.nc room. N~wport Haltlor'a ~~--war-ot .,.... J_. ......._ , pMe4 t.-:-. W I'l l c h I a um .. lnduatry Ia to be tiM repaU .u.rt1nC ftrw ...._ ....... ..._ . ~ -5 3 ~•.J wktl Seadinl' ~q~ to uf ponton brld&N for -b7 tM la two aGier .., rt I Ia ...,_ tar .....,. ..._ t'~· ~ .,...,.., an elepnt mil-\ led port H~ta. ~ .. _, ... ~ Mmr 6 take recorded ~::. oveneu , It wu r•• ~ O..JIAC .._ ,._ ... F 0 Mew "'........, _, ~ ,. CJw by Harry Lee The work, w'l'llc:h Ia to be per-Supenor ,..,. I' 0 &. ---~ .t. .... • •-...:. us.. .-aD W I I b u r who for·med by the South Cout COlD· n.on ent.IDaed 1M ....,.._ ._.. _... te ., ~ .ama ~ column rany at Ill n-ttth 11trwt yud. youUt to_,.-to •• ,_.-~ --~~-lk ln Fullerton. II llc:heduJed to cet under Wa}' tbe ftnt co.M ... -.. .... 1nJt - - • ~ -~ He reten 101• 1mmt>dlat.ely, a CONilclerab&e num· Y..,.. -1M __. ...._ .. A ,.._ ..a. .., ._ ~ emnly t.o • farm ber of the boUow et..el JICIIl'-tenu to. na .....-ullllltly . .._ "' ~ M .. _. .a ~ newa note tn havtnc already been deUnncl brouclat •to -' ~ ....... ... ~ _.. ,_, .. ~ ~ Ua• agrlcultur· here by Army t.rudl eoft"')'. 'nile cutltJ ~ ,._. -' .......,. ~ m• • I '-t.lotl .- &I ..cuon of • .. xtt•nt ·of the contract wu not aet.M u .._ ... ___. ell -t-.. ~ ._. Xc.,..t. lira. L o • Ancel~• .tlacloeed but It ill waclllntoocl Ulat ~· He .,. ._.. -., -tA. ._ ....,.. -ra t~ _, -newepaper. He a number of addiUonal employ.-jllr)'. ~ c-.iaiii __..., ,_,,.. wtliid quotH, and 1 quote l'llm: ~-a -.:t ''Tbe Red c~ concert ctven wi~~ ~:;c~e:,:d~: ~~~ c D M T vern Will A ....... ,, • at ...... lut Diellt by Ul of our beauUful granted the'Bouth Oout COIIIpul}' • • • a lilly ... I ... Jlllty .. AO"hva .. JOIUIC ladlN wu highly appre· " lt>Ut> on Ule carnPCfOUDCI tor --... Ia _.. ~ _. o.p. cJted. Tbey l&llf In a" charming lhl' duraUon of OM war, the cowa· be Converted loto lJ C _.. ... L ht._ manner, winning the plaudlta or n l'a action bet.nc aubjed to ap-1 u reecl ......-t a clltty ,.._ the _!.Uc1ienC(!L who jlrol'lounced pro•·aJ ol U.. CU.y... pla•n'•• _..... ~ .--._. ll •• U. them the ftnMt (rOUp Of 8llort• mlu lon. r.part-ments ~~·.!.-'!...-:_ ....... _., horn. In the county, A!"' wert' 1'\1 _--_ ... rteh and brown..Jn color, but the Camp u .. ~ ,... a ..., • fWL ...._ _. ~tJ were epotted red and At &n adjourned eeaelon of tM ........_ ......._ wllka 1-s ~ ..,. .. p 1 • ~ aa1o:4 ,_ wblte. Several or tht> h(•lfera •~ r tannmg commlalon 011 ~}'. eajoJM a a ; • .,.._ - --' flne·bo<lled tl«fft·llnabed anlmala wtlh aJI but two memben ot tile U.. ..-~ ..._ trW • .. tat_., __ .. ..-ell r3t • ,._. and wtll p rove Jood pro~rty." 1 ht bo, ..... In tt ..., ~ WM C111e __. ;c • 1 • • • ~:an;;:::. app;,:al w.: ;._:-:; by JcM v..a _. a.rp ...._ 59 8el!t I Ira La\'f" ova nJDOI: South Cout applleaUon for a aad wtll ... rr ••• I .... ~ for .&.; I F.rers 1\.-1.1 ) .. at .... t .. , "'' , ,,111.: ,.1 ="'••rth ,.,,..,. 11t Santa Ana. Dononl wera .\ntrrh an tlhll'''llllolllil( \.'u for Mtl•lro•,t Ujnkt'n, Art.hur White, th .. Syna R ........ !\1 '"•'' •. ..,r,,mtr Mltr)ull<' Smtll'l, Sally P•yton, W . n;&l ft:ohm~ , ,._,1 w hh'h 11 bo.•· II "l'tnky" Scott, Marjorie Hall, lt .. , •·\1 '" .,,. 1 IJ,• fln t r~o>n·.:1,,.. l.:nllntt (l.o\·r nl8ll antJ Oratha r• nttleftl r ratt t" ho• IAtuWh(•ol a t Tubhll, all or Balboa Jaland; Mra. :-.;....,.'POn llarbtJr 11n•••· , h.· bo'lf\n· 1 'lllf•'"'" \\'ar•l. lk>MI4t Kine. J:Uia ""'" .. r 1J1ioo war I'""'"'•· t'lydfo n.-nllnan and Sf'<>nao>r ,,f lh<' ,.,._., "u !'livna ll11..:h Unwrn, a ll or Balboa, Mra Ttutanh;b ot s an l'~o. who wu. l'l'arl Ann Wuo..ta, C'uata MP .. , C' u..rat•d 1n tf\r ,,1,.rollun by h•·r I• 1\'lo ll"ltr.. <"oruna dPI Mar. m•>tlwr K•·11ndh t)<Httln, Mra. McDonal<l. ""'Vf'll murr uf tlw v•·-·1• 11r,. \ 1o1lll N••hlt'm, M~wit' My•ra. of ., bot< hili'• (jLJ' "'~!li'.lilltLlu' Nu :"• "1Htl'l Hl'le'h,ean<l Mabel Boy· Am .. n <'an, "'" no•e· ........ y l'FIHM{tt•• ''"'· Ht•ae·nn n.y. t>.otnc Jl'&fllPd lhr .. u.:h th•• Wat T••n•l""'t•t•nn wu JlNlYicif.d by ~··•ott Adrnln1•t 1 lllh>n 11 111 , ,111 I ht• \\'tiiiH'II • Mntor ('urpa l)r1V· t"mptaWd lh&t thr """' 111 II••· I • '" t:llr.flbt•lh H-. Ada Jadwin ... "... Will r n lic•wn tho• way• tlhl ~.... Hlh'hntan e'Ontrtbutlnlf abnot Aplil 20 l tiiO'Ir ••·n'l•'"• C' vwta Dalla a.llo """ boRta ar•· e·n1111t 1twl••tl In •• I ···I "" a I'Hiunl.-.r drlw.r Mra 1"1lrT)' Dft tnnJ1 nf n~h Alrtl 1"1' JI"W• .>:ttll,\ ~ .. \\ \'"1', bk .. HJ li<IIWr cha.lr .. ,... .. tly •••l••rJ•III,.r ,, ... ..,,. 1""" w1u m ('har~r• c 11JI.U IN.IITUIEI) US 0 W'll A · t t;.,.,. M•L'•uhlll4lh, e. "' :1 1e I ss Is , ..... .~ .. 11\'l'llllt', w ... all.llhUy 11\JW'· 1 • tl !IUt Thunoday wtl"n h.-waa -• .... Recovery Of .. ri\'JI) aiiU~k by. ···r up.•tatrll H~ 1 ~:, .. ~;~~r~~::.~:= ~a:= Disabled Men "' •lint·~ ut ""Y and lalantl .. ., .. nu··-"h••ll lh•• buy re•poTte•UY ran ...__.,,_, -·1·•·,.-. 1 h f I"' '"'"' vf • ...-bool bua Aftl'l ~ _,.,.. ...... n •••••,. rc•n' h••p•lah&altun I I" ntuwnt by • Newport pbyal· lk war :to>n• • f111 and n-cupotr •twn, Will 'onalltult• 'l.tn h.• " ..... lllkt'll lwm•. a Larc" p,-vpurttun .. r lbl• aum· mn'a cJ~nlrk· at Ualboa Ultll, It conditional --•t _....... 1M ena h..-At ~ ~ • 18 SLIPPINO ,.... "~ -..... .....,_ -.... y.-wu nvealnl to.lay by Din<" tor rompany to conduct~ au.-wu ••• ..... _, _, ..... -I'Wt7.-'et1 JldK. ~,,.. ......._ M••• •• ""'u"""K U\t' <Ieath uC 8omelhlnc'• alway. happening utacturlng actiVIUM In an .,. '-tad _.. • --dllll ell tin' _.,.. _.. r.l ~ san ... , 11 11 Ok dHJre ot the war tua ntutht•r, t.tra, Na11n1a J , An· to Jucta"e Jonea. like mlltakenly normally •An~ for ....,....t= ...... • eon-a dll _. ...... • _._ .a -Lw .. t .._.. --.,... 1 2 h dl .• .. ,,, -""" ·----r-..... -.. -·nt tA&t thew "'"'" bt• • r•·~< 11, H , w o "" -un ... y morn· munc:hlnr on alum while awl ping pu~. Jn oonformltJ ,ttll 1e-~ W.W -5 rt • -c111s _. 1ti 7 Q e1 Ia. weda ..-~·~ popcorn from l:ddle Moore. "'al rt'qlllr't'ment., the cornm.UIIIIoft· IMlJ, -_. .a ,_,. ., _. llftlr ... ~ a n-~ Wllb whnh-anme ffe,..... ...., ti.l ZlL JUHpb ~&11~ 1uUuW· " llo.JO lA pk'-t.. be&llhlul aur·l '"lil an rxt cn<lr.S lllneaa. Mrs. Ala· And now w~'re going to place ,.."' aliO adopted a I"MMiution ree-the dtJ, tlw Tn.-. .._ ., .. __._ -_.,..,. of h of •··• -r·~-·-u.. u.o baa accor<l· •lr•·wa, w '' wu a nauve ..,... blm at tAe bead of the U.t In our ommendtn• to ..._ d--• put• ~ 1M .-u.c '-~ latP .... • 0 •-------.... _, ... "~ ..._,.... --.---tniCI'J ...__.. a ctl&raUon le ... un • utta. tHin•, hael bo-fon a ,__~ Tut·Tutl ~partrnanL that th~ ~rmlt be DI'Pf'O"d ~ 1e. ---,..._ .... ~ ~ 111ft ....__ t a ..... 0. ...... -..-ln Sallta Ana Ule oUier day thll lht' lattt-r body, acUon to U..t If· por1.Utt ,.uuc.F • tt .... ....._ ,_.: ~ Ole fOIWWr 8miU. twoUwra bull4·1"' l'llllila Ana for 3a ye..,._ Twu de IJlC at WMIIUictcla &lid Bay FtonL ltiUI(hlt•ra, twu auna, and Ill& partment ran Into two very tine r~t havinl' been taken b7 Ute eriJ _... ~ Pa I "'"" ..._ .. 'I' 2 , ... etlllllll .. • 'e.t o • ....._ ... -·rda• ata.rted rc· l>:llllltl• hllolren aurvlv" htlr. harbor c11atrlct Jtentlemt>n, A, B. rnuncll two wee .. , Won, Loe ......., It WM ___. ,_. ., -•---,__ 1 NUMBER 4 Largest Fire In 8 Years At Balboa ....... ''"''" Ft lliiiV '"""""' ••eun t•IPt•l)• oh·•r1 "Y•·rl ttnh Murrh>•'• Hantbno n .. u ...... -4th·· .r .. n ..... to thai ••ul ,.,lJ,_,., ... , l'"'l'f'rllr• boo· llljl M•lll(hl\ ••atlillllle"l a1 $:1\I.(Xk) A '"'""t '"''"I'•• the• ••h•,. had • ;..,1,••1. Mr . Mut 1•hy b11tJ alrt"ad)' 1"'111111 "'"""'•'•"u• 1 .. rr••e·t a nf'W Hll(hl • htiJ btnlolln..: t•• '"'t"UJ'Y tbe ••nil' Matn •trt•• 1 ••t•• a n•l whlcb "til ••·I"" t• .th , ..... r "'"' '"t" and tu h k 'cunat• 'u't tPh A •. ,.,,r.tln11 ••· 1 II•· t 'h~<·r t'rodt· thr hl•zr• ,. .•• t11 ,, """" at •·11 " "' l!ut ur '"' 1 • ~uttant rem · lll•tun thf\ al111111 "'"• 111ot ....c-lved hy lh" rt ,.... •lt"l'"rllflrnt until • .J •. A 11 "' t "" r·ll "'• tar• ~"'"no-nl "' tu• ru,h• •1 Itt tho.~ ~,..,..,. an•l a ftrr• I rur lc "'"• 11\tmmnnPd tro1n llutolifljlle•fl II•·•• h t" •1•nrt by at malltllt 7 01 •n-.. II ~O'ftcf fnw "''1'1111 rtl •· I••·"' he• I r Ill I bf' rll y The• fire• "'•• qutrk anti lnw-. h• hut "'"I lho· t•utl•lh•IC and lt. ''"n'"'''• w.r .... nttn•ty • r•lfU'Umed "'' th•• """" • wtlhlfl Ill mtnut• "' lh,. tl•'l••• t"'''"'· ('llt .. f ~ller """'· bv lhtt ""'al re .. at Guard IIIHII"n whh'h lahl " aalt wat• II nr llnd w;•t down IJit' hl't1 of the flrP r .......... l--.. namace to the Bamboo Room and ruml•hlna wu placfod by <'hiP( Crocll.er at rcmthly tn.ftOO. a fl.rur.. w1\lrh. b.e aald, "llll«ht vary a llttl• •IIJI"r way " 'nwt Ia. waa !'OVI'ro-cl by lnl\lr&II!Ce to U\P ---}' ----Uona wtth a YII!W aou-ue and Lew Wallace. We Walton Hubbard, Jr .• wt.o ~ ... MICM ~ Mr. _., -a-• _. ,... ....,. ell 1.-~~ -=:.;:.,_ U.. ltnlctur .. were at.andlnc on a at~et comer, rell('nled 1'111 eompaaJ at dM Mar-"'I ....,... ... ...._ ..... ....-....... ~-=~~~~::-:= ....._ -···-• "MAUlM" J•A~"U OVD ~>xt.rnt of tll\,000. tn MdtUon t.h4o NKka er..-1 uaward MonclaJ MurvhJ rMtckn« at tiM rear of talldnc. when aomeone c&llrd at· lng, gav~ a bn~f ,__ ot 1M aW It 1n • ..... ........_ .,_ a • 1 . ..._ • ..._. ti&Ullilouee ror •,nUon to ... a In ..... ,,., a tiS 1 .. ••~tt•"•rtt1--IL ... UK' manner WIUU> J)U,_. to WlaJda ... a-til 0oMt -..... .... .. .... ..... 0 ...,. the eK&tll&lhm.allt ..,.. __.der· aa 0 I e n n Martin '1 ID&jeeUe • "Mara " LA. worid'a lar.-t WI· •bly tSama,red if' - TEt! · . $2.50 ~A MESA ·tee ·ill ng ~ ( 'lydt' ~and t& '~ ht•lct in I fhr Cull· ...... \\ hkh IU){tmw•nt"' JDrt or ,n- 1 '•tf t' I IIIJJt 1111 r u,.,_t '"l:t .. allon a~ a,.... 1M' :iatlnc atat lnh•...,. In •• laduarJ theY~ Ml'l W .. nd ...... .,. • hacal \'an· r•• ot nw ... a. ... , tAa Martn• .... anr ot ...... ,_ ... l'ackJ ... 59 zre ear wu parked neattly. 1 t ded tUnc 1M....., ----• ~ .. teot ol a.. tt-l fill ~ ~ .. ~ ...... •• 1 -..:., 2 :.•4f..:r ...... .. :J:I~t!:~~~~~;:~~!:~:'d tile ......., ... WM Ia tale -" tu't th ~ ta tiM ........ fill ... ,wMa .t -r 0 W t ..tl -.,.. .._ _. ~ U.. I* Uld tJw. ..,.u"' builctina 11 alated --.oi-...~ ~ -ro.u., c-leJ ............... Ha..-r a,_ en ~ .. -Nt~ ~;.,...~-·~~-·~:-:--~. ,..., wlw> u .... o To many OWrYfll'l It lhr rtrt'o>l havlna • total ..... fill .. Y.,inua ot tiM ,.......,t, wiiOe tiM "-It rec:y .....r Mblitr Ill .. m&lnder tru "In the red," or the ary ~ · or.-... .. ....,.. U .._ -cw;c lo 1111do•nro • thorvu.:h palntlnA' Uler-J part, and th~re wun't a No ......... ,... lwl ' ,., • ; rtr zt _. ~-.,. "''""""tint( U.y r rul.,·• will .. ·rrur<l partJcuJarly •tr nltlcant ~tn•untl lltkltl 'niP at:'tuaJ y&Jue • w111 bf' 111111 th•· hoar Jllane ~I dl· wu •It•• 1"'"'' 1,, l~o• rmlrh hlper, UM ~ I ,_..t la.t ,,..,,_ wiUl ~ ... ~ Aa ......_ (,a' 5 • --t... P'"''l•l•·•l. lUI Wrll •a •t.-•·r 81!" cop n ..... . No prot.e•l wu ft...,.... .,.._. .._. ...,. .. _ Gte A InveatiA'allon dllld014'd that tht> wntlt'n or verbally, and tt wu IMlU. ... iilne ...... ._ 2 ......,... ~ ~ r-Utllln~ lrlf'lt ro~r th""'' phy•trally "'''II)' ,.,.,.,. Nt•wroort Harbur Ya•:l'll 1""'""'"'" "" 11111111, "' lnatrumentl ro.n lh" 111 1'tut. whwh w .... c"h .. ...-tn" cor Mar· 1 lhl l •····\· ftft•l car 11 Ule one which w~ u•ually hrnughl out that of tJie wveraJ ,_,-"* wttll ~ ......_ ~ a PL" • ··:arahlr ••t pnttoc lflntln..: ''"" llt'•t ""'1'1""'' "tutury" hack "' lh•· ol11~• nt 111lre·rafl JllunPrrlniC ""'' II•'W Mllloc .. l no1•>1111 f' U pi"'· t ~ •v• J ,.._ J drl 1 d ~~t.e liar All to -~ U..-. ... u.t 8 ~ ..cwa_ II IJI '"·''' 'l"'trol I hilt lh•· •'1111411· ~l' u_t' onea \' ng aroun frtmlh<'s nnw OC<'UJly1nr tJ1e camp -1 ~ T .-- n. '""' Rrt' r ngaged In war wor ..... • .._ fill --.. "' • .... , .. '" lltl2 1 I k __ ... and all dUdllc ,_ faoMIIUM r>P-,........ '· ...._., ,·~-"-o~nt ,, 1ll '--111 ''"''lltt '"" hy U r I f th l h 'd movecl. ~ .._ --_. _,... 6 ••n l I \,loon·•~. ,. llunu"h F"nolnv n ortunate Y or e 11 ory. e t hnt rrlalnlng them u reelclentl ~ ,.. "• u.. " Put one nf hl11 n.o'nniPs In th<' park II 1 1 th w ffort to ACClOI"diftc to Mr Vo,:.l tllr eelr -~ ~~ • -·•f •a• II '-' "' k th·· loothh .. u~· "'" II"Tt.~T \USSI:K ,.. • \\'nil r mpa r e a, e prl-of • ..._, --rt .. ·, plua u... ... · ,.., .,. A•• -.~ .. 4. .J. a.-n tnr mt'l~r Dum tt ' I ld bl t t .,..,. "~ ~ r"'-r-1 ,_ ht r••stru~t,.tl tu ~tu • ull• ·1 "'\o\'ttlk· ., • 1·nn~ ••ra t ex"" .... e campera tended 1 _ _,\'C'mntt& .-tl) '-" u. •r! ..,. -· _. ...., ~ h II Ac•i,·ed formal notl-•& ......--.n ... r·n,.uallirl' · bul 1•11 Ill·· '' ····k • • A' t' a r. •· ~ ... ex~ of •-.ooe. llr. -·-. wt. ..-n.,.. t • .....,..... _. ..._., "' ... · t by April l -o:ntbl lh•'!h' flu·n 1\ Ill h•· ~~pi nl Cnmmlllllonl'nt preeent •t Ute _, ___,~ ._,_--... _. t of ..,. .,......_ ... cr-. tho-bn!'<· "''"I"'"' "''I th• plou·e· I I• ·I ~lo,elld, 111\1 :JUt II ltrf'el, ht'\~ fff•t•t1 Hhff~tUfW•••I U -Jl&.rbc-.JI II •.: h "' '"" .t ~ 1\ 111111111( e·ttndhlatr '" lit•· 11•44 1.'""" o tuh l'tolllt••l fur Till: MJ'..ANF.ST I 1 "'" t' • • \ • reaontly fttllmed to aan.o. after a.::. "1 • .. _1P•' ~ MAN IN TOWN . mo•Ptln.. war• Ma-"• J-.. ---·-yean--.ar .. ---· lhrr7¥1'n "I"'" Ill "'' \lottllrlJ.: .PI\' ., ~ ~ ·~-......,_,..,will be lD ~ ·..,..~ ,.,. ~--1 '""''"" 1•11 till' ~tiiiiJ••o l, Wtnnl1111 J'm wtshlng all110rtll nf bad luck "'"" l'rtrd 8ll chalnnan pro-tem; Two Important_.... 011 ,_.._. "'' ._... .,.. ~ ._.., " .. m .. n. )lr -'"""" ""1ol Th•· '"'' •I· th· I'• "', t .. 1 """''" 1u1 M•r• -Including mrM I!'II. mumpll anrl tht>1nr Howsrd St'a~r . ..cretary; c. llal property W'ftlr "'PCJ'1H ~J h: "'-~ ..,. ....._"""'"' tnr; Ut '"''n·•l hv '''"' H•·rll'rllt 1.,.,.,1 11 1~ .,1,1~,11,111 111 th•• ftn· ~~~!loping jlttt nr f<>r a crrtaln m Rn L•·wut Baltz. 0 . M. Campbell. 1L r••.C...t .,. Jbov..r eo.'I1IIS a ....., .1· " "' M1,,. Motrv Aile,. f'~ollard who vlalted a local <'are the othl'r L Pl\tlt-rson and A. M. Neboll. ~J~E.IJI=:-·::7...:::::-: , •. ~ ,.,.. ... 1~ a...., a-.. Con\·r~ion fAl Peace• ''"" """ """ the• local, euun· night. I tlnde.r lerma of th~ ?ea.ee the ~ • ...._ irn _,. ~ ~ J .. ....,... 1v ,111.1 '"•'"'' ••oni •·•La fur I'll• He fta a atrang~>r H,. wa. qhlp rnmpany wtll pay the dty Toile ~ at WQ • ....,.. fo 11ft ~A8ed Ry I'll 1 ''"'"" "" 1in ,.e••incortolr aub- dreaaed Ufl In city 11ick r r flllhton ' S71\0 l"'r month of $8400 ~r year whlcb baa lleell ~ ~ Jlr . ...,.r., ...t .. A •-o.r-_ 1,, 1 , 1q """ ,,.. ,.111,ptolr to par· and hla face looked llkr " rro111 f11r ,,,.,. nf thA t9•" at-t p-m· and Kra. William '-H_.......,. -' Local lndutdry 11 •. uo ·~ ·-A a.!l ......... -• •-L-',_._... ,..... '" "'''' ill till" '"""'Y .. mill&· betw~n thoae of a gopht'r and R I•.,.M, th,. ltR.ll4' to bf' drawn on a re-a .. _. .........-• ~o ._. ~ He aat n~xt to a mariM enlist· her daucllter. OfooKdiJiow ~ """". --t!lll .... .. a ..... e r>ntrnriJt """ • tiii\'Pnllill 101 I"'"',. , ur•• 1-l .. ulh• 111 l 'nlltootlllll T,.lrJiht>nfl • •·lt•I•UU \ •u•lnuu •I " lt...,. u f abuut $1111111 1111•1 ll tlnllo•'l $1111111 lc-WIUI .... ,,. 1 •·ol hv :-!""' h•·ru ( 'a llfom ta ~""!·h""" • •iltlft'''l\ lhr••ut:h •huu&«P It• rw•lt•• ntHI .. ,, vl•·•• Uur_Jt. ~e·t• l"lu•l '"''''I"'''"'" 111 IU I IC t '••nt t ttl U\'t•IHft• W t t t1 tl "hlttl(,. •. , nn lht• t•,.t.•tlnt '" tht• r Ah·nt uf ""''"I 1'100 with l!lt,~tlol •l•n•llA'" In •h IOJI••• ""'' fl•••llllll n no I C lo•raro VI•·W •r•rlrurnl• "' htHI to: IIN'"n lo'Ntlll wr r•• •la.lll"l'''' I•• " lc-of S~ Nlnr ,. thr fir,. pl!tlf' l(laaa w.nelt.wlt In lh" M•.l'ulliH·h tlulltf· htji( at'I'Ofla M11111 ltlr•·• I twvr 11l8rl· ••rl l'fltl'klnl( •• r•••ull "' til" hr"l nrul llw llllllltlliC" lht•l r \\'Ill llkf'IV filii ele-,,, llf\41, l 'hl•, ,., ... ko•l "'"'I 'J'lwo l"tlr r ol nll't 11rco heJua•·~ aadly undemourl•hed alley n t. II l'f•Rrly b8llll. ~ Aprt1 I. Mra. TGIIP ea4 .-....,._ .,__ ....., ..., ..._., t:rt~• t.' "' 'nn<'•·lhll ''"' "' .,, '" ''''"" who b&Ye I"WWI6cced at a..-fer n •-::z:c f•• r.ty ~ ~ ..,..,_ l onlr pr ... Jurllon wtll bo· • 111'1'""' o1 "kill'" "t';l.l. RP:f'r.JVF.U ed man w ho juat came back from I I 'ROrOSED COC'IlTAIL aA.a many Jal'ft. p1aa to~ to...,. r-1 ,_. ft( ~ S...U. ens. C'a . 1 1n ,.,l:ul h}' on,. nf l:llotllh•·rn l',oil •to ,.,,.,, .. "'"'''''nla a rr 111111 l 1h" AJ"• art•a•J"1 1 1 0\'l'rlleU. tho ~· r: Th•· rttr Ill ,.. lrVr• While eratrd a t the rountrr . hi' orro~t:D BY MMAN8 ta Ana. .laalilf ' I ) _,. rnrma • t..·at 1nrorr""'·' ""'' 1~1" "' 1.. , lo· "''' • ""', o 11llli: lhr muail "''"t' ,1 111 th .. r"•r uf llteaJtl'llly r••n('ht'd out and took l'tnpnst•d t'lllabHahlnjt of a~~-'nte lleCOIId .ale reportr4.,. Jlr ., -, .,._ ~..,.... a..._~-·• lun•h""" IH tw h~lol '""'""''" "' ' I'' ·I 1 •~1 ~"'"'""Y rv,.nln« ar '"'"' Itt•• ""n•llllllnll on~ of those quar t jar~ u11ed to !, •wl<tnil bar at 1824 Newport Sadlelr wu tiM PauUnr D Ric· t-. ' Ralbo•a Yadtl ('lub ·t1 I'·,,,,"" .. """''""" by th•• coll~ct small change to be ull'd ll•.,Jin•ard 111 bclntt met wiUI con· bt'y home at lB E . Bay ~ ~ ..._. n.. C. ~. It Ctm•hwttnl( lh•· """ "'""''" wtll • ,, I• '"' Kt•llo "'''h•••t r• for aendlng clgaretll to ml'n ov~r· ••d••rablr oproaltlon by cert.all'l wl'l.lcll wu boucbt bJ tM.l. all4 •• ..,..,. tlult .-,.. ..._ -e.t.T· ~ ~lani"Y W A l n~1 "'1' 1'1' ,,, ll•oll1 '"'"I •·nnt1••·u Th,. f d .,, -MN Wa.llace A J-....., ...,, ·., •ta•·,.--• _, •.,........,., n ·•nttn" lh• "'llil&.JI••r \\'at l 't • I• , '''' , ,,,_, 111 ,,,.,, frum 14 JIPIUI. He hid ll on his lap, took !lf ('11~111 M••!ln r.-111 t nt. Wnv ·~..-··· • • -.. .., _ .. thl' lid. anrl grabbed thl' monry ··•II\' fl'el thai lhe town &I~)' lo mMre In Apn.l 1 ~ ,_ ,.. ~_,.~ !•te ~ _. u.t tllwy ,·.,rpo•mlloon ~<1lh h•·uot<pJ.•tl•t• ttl • , ,, • .u t 'IIUfl Itt t)t• •I r•• t Juat thPn thr marinP. !!a\\' wh!lt ha~ " ~tufflrlrnt number of liquor II et&Uoned at Santa ._ ~ ••• ,.,.. .... ·noe-..,. ,.., I lsi• AnJC•·t• "· '" h" "ill '"1•1•·"" ' ht' wu dolnJ:". HI' ll't OIJt a howl ~·lim~ t>stabllahmentl to &4equat.e-Air Ba.e. • .,.'11 ..... <># ... _.. % h o>M-flrlOUll u f h<lf•l h•ulol· '" ·••· I "'"'' 1 • that brought tht> proprietor ntrf. lv !lllpply the needa of the dU· Sal4! ot tJw two VGIDr)' Ray I" .-.-1 "' ~ ... u.t ..,_., Hl•luat r•:.h~tl~t "' II•· :-;,"I"''' 11, ntng. &torr the mnnn,. t'OU d J:O 1 :-• "' 1'. ..- II flit t .. IIJI ,.n,J .. , I flftiJII.: ~ ' ! •· ,, 1 t .. • "'"'"t{ ••n•• u t .~ ltl 'I I" ,,,.,.. r .. v •• r···t I a-rtrnent ~-0...._, · ...--t.,. 0. ..._.. o-l lttarbt.r llr""· "'"""'1: ~<h11l ~•·i•" ''" into action thl' propnPtor very! Fnur flCtlllon1 op~ tbe av~>nue near tbe ~ CHtijt .-. 4<-r"" ••-lillie -n · mar b .. luk••n '" 111 1tk•· 11djuo1 1,., I• approflrlatf'ly ltll\'e the Wl'll.l!el· tll1r arl' rurr~ntly In Ule p~ WU necoUat.ed tb» 1ll'ft'll bJ Oklt ~,..,...._. • ..f tlldr ~ ..... ""'nlll f'IUCI<'t 1'1•· • ''' • 1''"''1' hllll tl""n l11111lc · faced OM the bum'll rullh. tt ro( hPin~ rlrt'ulated, accorcSlnc to RO«erw. 1be p~. wt1k11 • • • n. ~ C._.. C. .. 1 All ••ttUI "" lll l•·t•·lll• ·I "' '"""" 1 t., 'I I" , "·. "'At Htllur.tuv BOundrd Ilk(' a thud whrn hi' hit \\' CRrl Sp<>nl'l'r, who dec~1COIWWtotaflill)'rwa !IJf..... r·~·· ~-.-Dot "-bit~ ta 'ollol ll•lt•llh" ,.,,. '''"'''' ''' nt 11.• ''"'" .''• ""'•••lltol( It• ""' u.ft ••dewolk •·o )111ot:w . "WP don't w-ant &nJ imenuand&xC'&J111«".-..,_.. , ••. • .... ,,.. 11111 ..,. ,.,..._ t"n'l hut "'"""'' r•·I\RI'""", ,,, ,, ,,,1,, lt .. I•MIIrJihY,''"'"" The marlnr u&ed 110me v,.rv ,lrunk~n milllArv brawl8 t.o re-c.ba8ed '-7 llr. aad lira R W ,. .. t ..,_._ • .,.<.--'CI fill.._., _ _. .• ruust l).~ '''""" '411h th• 4'h,u• '"' ' ••f 'h• '" ' •• ,,,, atronlf la.ng~:,r ronr .. rnlng fll'~ ~ult in Cn11ta M·eaa betnr declar· P'tlal. prominent randM-n ~ -1 - ple w ho do ~u· h lhlng!l, Jl(llntlng •·11 ·out·of·bounda' to., OM deearlt the Tanana dlftrict ot Uw ._ I •111111t••Hflflt( lUI th•' nt l'qrr'~'rl• t• ~,. 11 ttft•u''"'' th•· H,uth,•tn C.:a ll fott Hth 'f• I• l•h•••h • "fuptlttV 1,1 .. ,,,., ~t utiJt .. tf I ' r M··Pt•nal111 "•1'1 ···duv •hut lwu ,..."·'·~· wr t•• ,,,.,,.,41 ••ttl ,,., ,, t\ltltptttr rahl•• 1,11ot 1111• ••th•·• n lf,ll pnlr rablo• 'l'\.\ ,, huuilr••fl f, •·t ••r t ultl•· w''"' ,,,.,., ,,,., d '''"' .s2r. t•·h•t,hnrh• lin,. .. ,,.,, ·~''' ,,, ,. •• , \ ,. " t h• "'' '"•·lut'Un~ uti th•·,.•· f••••H "fulf• -.ttflt•t. llttl f.,.n ,,. tit" • '''' ,,r th•· Pl•nln~ntlll ,,,,., ull ,., , ... ,.,,.,, •1•·1 Mnr T• t• l•l•••"' • ,, v. 111 "'' t•• l•l,., .. ,, u n t ,., J••tl ••"'"' dH•'. ~v· u••'' ~m•r out that h~ kn,.w just hnw mu<'h nncl respectable IOidlen at tiM ~ Y&IWJ. ,., Ul4l 1ln ....... I ·'---IWFF.. -~ ....... a& PI thole lmOkl'l wnulrl h ave meant bue." r na &ft ~-, ooc...,=c -TO ~ ,..,.-s -T\\'0 ... ightA•r ane·s ~~~~'''·' ~1 ''*'' h.tJd'ftfHI" •tnr•• a..••ftiV 1'hotu~ \Nt•f• '"IKtiU•hfld rtf to the ll'UYII 11rn>s9 thl'rt', u ht''d Thl' propoeed n~w cafe woWd unit ot tlw ,. ..... 1)'. bt>en doing a bit of th~ fighting "'' 11miPr the ••me ownendllp u Mr. and lllra. ltaJpll ~ fill ' ••• • .,na .. • .._ ,_ Oalft. Sam_.d fly Sf-hool!'t htmaelf. thAt of the 11:1 Toro cafe on 11. An&IMt• uw purdli.Med ., ,.. r -1· P.. .. A... .._ ...,.._ ,,. Catch on whv tJ-'1 !iPI'L dOt'l"'t Fourth 11tr~t In Santa Ana. propertJ at 503 21et ~ ~-• Tt ~·c· iaJ =ICM ~ • -Tw .. ftl{hl• 1 Jl llln• • "" 111 '1' '1 like the guy ! port. frclm Jlr. llft4 lin ~adl. •·· rr • _., ..-t ~ . ..,....t t h,. Harh<•l "' •,. ..,,ot ('•·~h M• "" Ta)'\or wbo ._..,. _.... to ._ !...-..--\•r "'-..tD lilt..._ tr.. aa r"ault "' rh,. ,,., ... nt I• "''I .--IMIIDe -l:lnllt lMia ~ ., ...,.. ~at:~ ...e.y ~ .._. War Brm<l ... 1 ... h,.,.,, •11 ~•·1\ • • .. C. C. 8walford, local ac-t trw p.ta ....._ a . .......,. h ta dl<r c-~ r.-..--· ~ hooen """''''J l'oy lh" .11• h•.,·l~ ''' tht' Greyhound Unee, ree.ntl) employ ot Gte • d.,. C '* --,r-••• .......-A Afltm.'-a. .... "'h" h th•·y w~r .. uolgn• 11 H"l f•m nd hlmaelf In need of a tlek· Ou Oo .• at Baaea. -·• • f"" -..a ,.._. fill Ow lnttl"lt '" In r~••Kr"u 1'"1"V 1''' " W&rrtil 11a11rto1 .t ..._.........._, H • ..._.,~ •~lr "" c.. ...... doc· ""m~ f•or th" l)tlnoho•l trrolll•••l t•• ,.t l'lcrk and alated U..t faet In -h 1 Beacla 11u , .... ..., ... a,.,. ':•-•~Ill"· a.•• C' ~lift ... :Vewpnrt Bt>•rh Gr111n"''' 1r ,,., 1• I I ' ~t h••·~ .. , !\" ... ,.,., ... rJ{tHn• fttltHV ,,,, ·-tl••tt• ~~~'"'' llur•. r•r . ·tl ,,,,to H pu 1tdlr1~ "n(l rrtJ~t'tlr~ It• •tlr••lv t)a,,,., . ._.,,\IH~ ntllltliU V '• .~ ,., '~' ·,., t ,, J'fl"' P t•Vt 'Hl I'""'" v,~,.,.. n·•l-.t"l t•• _.,.,. ttfUIV • 1 .. • • • t ••f fit• l'i•VI'•fl ,-.fHIIpAOY tfl th•• f••r•'f1UfHt Mtlll nil ttf th,.. •t •I I n' tl ttlo h ttrtJWNrf' Jlt11·,. W• If' h;H-k lit fllt•r'Vh'f' ltV 11•1•1•·1• lo•·W •hiJirtll'nt llf t ol•lll ll(hl r"lloowltol( lit• rtr" 'J'wf'n• ••• h•r•l .\11 11 fu••h•• .. n r,..r,..ut· tv turn W•l•· t•H~"•'••I ln thf' ,,,. r' I" ,.,, t h· hUt ,.,' In« ...... I , ... 1, Y.'•ff ~ •• , •• 'c••ru " f'"hl.. ,,,, ~""· "''"'II Ill IIIIW In full IIWinlf lhr r· r,,..,. hll 'lfli: IM·•·n n Uth r•l ''""ll' '·"' ltl11•11 •·llthu~tuta '"'" .,,..,,. '·"'" Anl(l•l"" ,,.,,,. • "" •·lllnhll-hf'tl In 1924 and '" '""" 111 II • 2111h year, whlrh •II·· .... ,, •. ,. h••ll""" will tM! one of ll o tliiiOt ar tiV(' Wttrat t"'"' In II t'MN A SO-cent Help Wanted adYirtSM- m~nt carried In the cl&Mifted eol- umna or th~ Pr ... A few daJll alter tbe ad ap- r>rared, 1'1~ noUn.d ue to '1dll" tt. eel of lalld • tile .. ,. rw-t-.-v-;:" ,....~...,.;. ..._. Aft1ea. TIM fl(tlt~r rr,.tlll,.d to Cl)lllll the ~ to ll. ll. '1\-• 0 n:,.. 1 ~ .•• W~ .,.._ e~ :w .... KT"•mraiH ltl'h()(,l will carry ot a-4 I • . T ~ .a.,..... ... .. -" 1e Ulf' n"m" · ~ v .. nl{lrot E•«l"' · INFANT Mr. ... liN. ..... --1 ..... t.orc ~-_. 11 o o 1 AI· waul .. HarboJr Htah .. h•.nl cJ~""'' ''F.R\ U'F.M voa flo" 1\ tta Ill•· """""' I•• fii'"Ur 111 fh•· •·lt v •lnr•• lh•• nl•l Rf'nde&VIIIIt hallr•,..om huml'<l "l«hl y .. ara •«" ••n J•u 27, 1113:1 wbo .......uy ...... .. o.,._ , •-a-~·-~• • ~ e.r ..., ,.. 'In ''Tar Baby," w autr"atton "' F"un•·r•l ll!rvJrf'a w111 be held Fine ceremony Tuet~day at El Toro Marine bue. Coh William J . Fox. comm anding officer. Ia a rood epeaker and talk• and acta lllle a v~ry human ~raon . . When Bob Murphy or the Bam· boo Room Murphy• had h.ll bad luck 1ut week you'd ha\•~ thou«fft he'd hav~ Men downht arted. But he wu u happy-go-lucky u tVPr. Tbe cuy'a got ner\'e. or I!Omethln~t · Even In theae daye ot' manpower hort11,;~." he aald, "l wu ..amp. 11 with re11llta; In fact. It per· Plln!l applied for the job w1tldn a after .. '1 ....... paupitJ IrA""' t..:.-.. ~ Y• wGI Alan Andr-• ,, C'lrflna d"l J.hr '"lol••r,..w Jot Harold Orauel chap- at 21ll Old -.at& Ana ,..._ ,.._ .._ • .,_ ,... ......... ,.., .N n... ""m" flf roun r, r,.f,.ra l'l d ,,,, Rt"""" Llny/1 Hache&. baby I.FAUOS I"#."T f'T.TF.O ~ " 1 1 h•· H"r"'•or •••II ,,( Mr •nd Mra Jf'rry Hachf'Z, ,.,.,,, .r.,.,.,,h Llmrlt• ro f ""•' "" Tbe Mlaaourl Stat~ aoclet:r of Lone Beach will hold Ita annual plmtc "union next Sunday at atsb)' Parle, Lona &each. r .. w houn altar the paper appa&r'· ·rl nn the atreet, I b.a4 DO troull&a "•rurln~~r a !lfood clerk but In Uw ruture. If J ever ne.d anoUier -•· T'll certaln.ly 1'9mlmber 1B7 a · perlence With a .,._ wut M.• returned to OoJota !~fa aJM1 ,_.. • ........ • •...__.... ow;;c-rh,. n•• ,,.m,. • "" ''' • '" rh&.d tbe Dude~ et.acll piSC» •' •. 1 • ,. .,. ~ w ta )Jia ... Hl«h'• ,1,.tnr11)UII varwtty lf'am, · "" •ll•·el l••t111 y "' hi• hnme, 1M l!11v Wtt~t 1:"11"111 "P''IIk"r Mnn•luv 140 1:. , ... tltJoeet.. "'-T ~ t.o ,,_.. .. ., ~··~ DeW'l .._ fh,. R&tl••r• 1: Pi th ,,,.,.,., Thf" child II &l.a "V"IIInlf wh,..n Nt•WJIIIrt Harh••r ~ 1M ,. • ...,. ..._.....,.. •• -Cltatt,na of mf'rlt ar~ tn h4' "'""'"'''' hy • hrtoth .. r. Rollo., and Arn,.rl•·an lsi•ICI"n auxll111.ry .,.,,., moc1en1 ~ -.fill.,._. ~ ~ ·To .-tU a. ....,. .._ r>,._ntM arv>n to •II IJir Khooll "'" rrandranonta. llr and MN · '~'""" f"'"' "'~mh<'r• Ill • lttnn"' U.., w111 ~·Tile b :7'--c _.. · ·· ~ a .. 0. _... l.lnv•l Hllr hf'Z rot r,nt~ta M .... a.nd 111 th" P.l,.rtrlr flrlll rtom~ .... ~ 1IJ' U. r . &. -A~ :-4 .... l......... ..ve f,r Vtrtory' Tum In }"ll.rr Mr and Mra UI'J)'d Wlk:att, -.rt• at1n~ t h,. 16th annl~,.. ......: ~ ~ --. amp meu.~, ,..-. )leper, , .... ta Ana. ~on·a foundtna lfttrf\1 a Jelf'ferr .. t •·•·upattoo. ••IIIAI Will or Ullf N~ c llvr H••n· .. )' .. ,... line fur d .. 1 tlu• lu• 11l tP\ lf'W till' a t W•oriiPra nol 3 (' f•or lutro I A n'"'' , .. ,.,.,.,, I IM lllltl ;ttl tY tt•1m a I •lrlrrnoel 'Ill I W':4:U--· !lralt _, 11 ht~rlna · All(lt )''1\ll 0 "' lhf' "" h111l11ry In 1W un, Ulf' l'INOI" ,,, .. \\' ,, ,.,,,"''Itt 1~· l'fUIIJittlt Mttft lo :t I r'lfit•nt fm• h·tol Mt• l~ "•·· I llllf' lay. ...... ~·. ,..,.y • W- • ' , • • I ' Lt. G. H.~tt. Exchange ows ..... a pft .. Uw uw. ca.uda .. ---~~ 8lllllW )r .... ~ ~c.-fils­ ~ • 'tta tc~~~~· • * asAit at lila o"der& l •• aDd -all~ -.aa.n ........ Mr • R....acrot ...... ..... Nlal.._ ...., a s..-rn ... ~..a.oa.. ~~~ftft •• .... ...,..~-" &:_....,... ................. ...... 1117 .... ·-·~ • ~.~apoe-dw .... tr-.cl l.za pnltr ~.,.._.~ ...... lllw~a 4111'dC"f_....~ ...... a.wua!t--.- .... ~--...Sl ...-..... tlbk • ...... ~ ......... t..••. ,,_.... n.e...,..-.. U Ja ty.-a•-~ ......-. lilaY'IIIC ...._.. ~.......,. .... ............ «". .-.GDEa..~al .,_...,.,..,-.... tilllldl ... wtl&e ..... RO: soucr c c --- mer •• Here are real values in these . blr• la."U Dhramts St•IIWHIIII , Willaot warp! Easier to bandl1e than heavy cut iron ~ ·yet just as serviceable. -Bulin seta a3 29 1 Set of Three -~-· • • Slightly higher when sold a.e~eJ.y. •••wl•e "llea&ow" Special I · Cilll boa Datcli Ovens S3. 25 Bach _,. Jll•etlc Sf¥ Strainers, 59c HEWPOilT-BAJ.AOA PRESS JJ l ___ ~ A __ :J' MA.'l ( "LF.MJ:NTZ POUCE .e&& -y~t~ICfGrr "U<'O\"'Ea'' aTO&.EN CAll Kre. lAO Mco.vaen, llJ W. You can'lalte It from Dr. A. 0 . Bay a.__ II aca1n ab1e to be Huchea. Canada'• famed Nort.b· up and &I'OUDd attar a....,. al· weat M.owlteO police CAA't boW a tack of ftL candle to Ban Clement. pollee • Aft.er .......... the winter In .vhf'n ll co!lMI to "ptU.. UMU Newport. J~ K. Dodd lett man:· They are, bellevea the doc· Tueaday tor IIIII wh~at ,...... at .or. upectally vigilant when It Touchet. Wa. omca to recoverinr atolcn auw-I Mr. &ad lin. I.Joyd Holllbaup. 1nobllca . . . I JZ2 Alval"ado place. arc the par-Lut .~rlday the Coata Meu l •'file of & 80ft, bom F'Tiday at St ,hyaicaan parked btl 1~2 Butek Jowpb ~taL \<'dant'tte In front of bla otti~, Pvt. ANI lin. &bt>rt Lonpre. .vhlle he went trwtde. Returnlnl' 1802 Ocau J'ront. are the parenta to the atreet JO mtnut. law be of a ......._, bom Kueb 1a at !ound UMI car had beet~ .toe. St Joeepia lloiptal. lurtnc hla brlat abaence. Tbe mat· Kn. A .. J. Rutte-r of Balbo& I.-. ter waa reported to the aber1tf'a land Matfencl a recent rei&J»« 'lftf~ and a reneral broadcut after belaa caaf\ned to bed to1 lllued. the put .....a w11ka &a .....Wt The tollowlnc day Mi'a. Rannond of thl k K. Eutman, 1717 Newport boule--l'fewpan IIIMia TOWDMCI club vard, notified Newport Beach po- wlll meet ....& 1\tdday evenlnl lice that a cu bad been abandon· at 7 :30 o'atJOCII at the bome of ed a t 18th atrH"t and Newport Mr. aa4 ~ A. a. 'nlompeon, 112 boulevard. It proved Jo be tiM Santa AM &"--e. Hurhea' vehicle. ~ ear wu re- Aft.r ~ MVeral Wllka at stored to ita owner and the ren· bet' beadl ~. HlO W. Ocean ~ral broadeut cancl'llcd. P'r'o!:'t. Mn. •rc1111a Ball I..Ct lut By 191n\' qy_lrl! Qf fate the ~-1 week tOtr lil.aabattan Beach where rellatlun nutlet-wu apparenl!y 1 lhe wtU YWt nlaUvea. ht'ar!l by all Orange oounty po- Pfc. Hany Ooaover jr hu re. lace ortlclala with the exception I turned to bill alation in Florida 1f thoae at San Clemente. AI re- alter 111 *• eaven daya leave quJt. when Or. Hurhu bad oc:Ca-1 wath h18 ~. Mrs. Harry Con· ~uon tn 1'11&1 throu&"h that metrop., I' ?vu, 402 O.llbouae avenue. ulta late Saturday nlfbt he wu ~ ·~ 8 Manb&ll hu promptly arreated on a fTWid I 1 completed 11'-prehmln&f1 work theft auto charge and held unW at the ~lleoua TT~ SUe. he wu able to prove Ulat It wu I Norfoltt; YL, ud baa IMftl u-hil own machine be,., ... dmrtq . al(lMCI ttw acUw duty with the So far u known there Ia no of· I Lt. ...,_ Mmckd. wbo on I P~ • ..._ • 11r t)W)ae of hie eaptora. Na-,y. He &I & eon of Mr, and flcjal r<•port on rKord u to whoae Mra. a,.._ a. Kara~l of J Ul faN• wu lhl' reddeat. the doctor" a ll Man:la U ~t<'d from the PIIOPEaT'f D~OE I Army A...._ adlool at Marfa. 1 Onlr Pf'OPUt1' ~ ..-Jted • Ta., .., ... awarded t.1M atlv« lrr&m a tratflc collielon which oc-, ---~-------• w~D~aA a~ of.t.ll:u. baa bMil (:WQ4 1\MMa.y M-,..._. a .. o •• ING CA T l~ to Lu Vf'CU, Nn. He and Bay avenue In Balboa. Can Colorful, Long Lat~ting . Limited Stock la a ._ fll lin. W o. Ilene lui, ln\"olved were operatf'd by Lee I ... 0 real valve! Light weight, sturdily b uill carts that any. lady Jl Bay llllucL Hyatt Embree. 111 %2nd ~t. Mr .... II,., Roy Watklna and ~~·port. and Lennie E. Wydoff. I c:aa lMuKJJe ODd every lady should ha ve at this low price! ehll~ Roy, Jr . and Pbyllla. rtt·dondo The accident wu report· $1.7 •9 value for only 89c have mo\l'lld from tht'ir former • d by J t'U Bl&ckatock. clty em· home at liT Coni avl'nue and ploy~. Briog us your Purchase Certificate for your new ..... • .... ~ 01' ••glc_ c~-~ ~-···· , have taarea up f'l'&ldc-nrf' aboard SUilAAilA PICNIC i t:helr ~ )'aWl. Coronet, whi«'h Former realdenta of Nebraak.a Ia moond &t Ray Manhall"a pier. w111 hold their aprln~ plcrUc re- 1101 H. a.y J'ront. union Saturday. Karch 23. at By<:· PYt. a-,. B. Nick•raon, 17. amore Grove Park, Loe Anrea.. of 301 ~,avenue. reftntly Cly<k PlumlTltr, ·until ~Uy ~ted froni field telephone warden of Folaom penitentiary, ! KJtool at 8an Dlero Marine B&N w•ll bo' J:Ut'at l pt'aker. I and II now ellflble tor aaal~-· ----- mnt to a comMt unit u a com· ......_. a It .... • m~Uotw apeclaltlt. He Ia a ' (l'llduat. ot Harbor Rl~h achool. p 1: R K A N & N T II I W. L. Jordan waa down trom II&ADDrB , Catheclnl City tor ~\"eral daya ...... a...... ft.. lul week to ina~t hla local ~~ ..... bull~ tntet.ta LOd creet old 1 .. !If .. ,.... B1M. , frlendL He n porll that tt &I 1 Ooeta .._ ..._ .., ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ W~DC up~ OD tiM ~rt 1 ·-::::::::::::::::::::~~~ 1 and tMt tale c:oaoMn and air eol\· -I dlUontnc ~ bave &Jr"Mdy B 8 A a I ~ been placMI 1D operation. I • Geor("C Rl.ner. Jr .• who return· PHILIP BANCDnrY· j ed ~vtral monU. qo from the IIUr I South Pacltlc wtaere be had been ~rvtnr with tiM Navy, Ia now awalttn( the aa1Unc of btl rMW ahlp and pendl.lw that Ume Ia atatloned aboard the veaael at Terminal laland.. Ha baa been I tpend!n( each waell epd wtth ba ea.•••··· I. I. IlliTE MONDAY NITES ·~-·--....... ' • 0 0,.. ... .. JIIINia ·~--.......... Wit ...... .... ....... 4 • ...-........ ia., tMtiftt.co-en ..... ....,. ... ~ ..... ~ ........ ---. lest .... qvalitin.. A.ailaWe ill .... r-ve cl .. oelioo. ~ ..... P.....-4 p-.. a • w+-. col._ __ ol--cl ......... ......... ,Wiflctio. ... ._._ ...... .-... ,__ __ .., •.. ... $1 fdallls,IJL$1 • :\. -. I ~~ ....... -Ill Sold ill ..-wa wn• by .......... : ~( : : . : . : 'i . ; ! •• -: ....... --•. ..-...,. ....... ~ ........ > ' ·-----• ere.--.-.•• I a 4 ...... t: ............ ---..... ---· ; •• dxs ~ .............. .... ......... ~-...... .... will ~ ...,. •• _...., .,., ..-eled'"' .,.._._ __ ......... ..:...... • 1 ...... •• sa.,. T E WINKII IlARDI ARE --Buzzo Ccudoza LOUCKS ••• 0 a ... ,· 1 parenta. Mr. uadl lin. Oeorre ' Riner or "~-port. I Mra. E"e Jft'ndr1c:Jwon who lett Balboa b land aeve~ montha aco to take a tpt'clal courae tn Red C'ro .. tralntnr . Ia now aerviA&' u 9 :45 Jewelry .....t St..ti.oPesy Slant ~----1{--_Ji ___ J ____ ~.l~~~e._wr_on __ B_l_wd~----------COST----A-~-----. New Steel Beauties oa tile Saata Fe 1'llsn lle'C J'ft dlc CUCIDODJ ia taking de· ~ el • anr Joco.ou .. that there is in diia ... a llaip. .............. k'l a srat occasion -... .._ h wbea we receive those • 1 • ,.aued.IUp·tpeed locomotives so ..., ......... ,. ,_...,.., oee IMSIU "rollinK'' more _. ..,.._ fnishc tniu loaded with war a ,·riel. ud ._. ...U.. opuatN f«» the iaa. . I troop -··. IDCI • ,... ..,_ ..,C:O.odftl a~towC: abo•• are -a ... lni.U'Nftd ol ca.. bi1leet of ,.._...koca•ari ... ..,.. bJSanta fe. ~..,. ...... , SANTA FE SYSIEM LINES 11 Red Crou atatf &Ide at Tomey Gflleral Army ~tal at Palm Sprinp. Wll1le apeoct1nc a ~nt week end at-.her former boma. 216 m Amethy1t a\"enua. 11M r.ported ~' that ahe like• her new work very • • well. ' . I Oranc~ County Delta Gamma i 1 Alumni ~;'roup met lalt 11tunday •: altemoon at t.he ~e of Mra. C. ., W Dutton. 208 1t. Bay Front. fil where two new alumni wer. wei· ti[ eomed Into mtmbenbJp. 111ey ILN rn Mra. Hoxi~ Smith. Jr., 122 A.po-!H len& aVf'nUt , and lin. Vlra1) W. ii) I Samrna, 2:1 Beacon Bay. Tba cn>UP '" d. ectded •to adopt u tta future ~: proJect lhfo kntttlnc of wool at-: Cb&ll lqUal't'l tor the Red er-.1 ! Mr. and Mra. 'Robert L. Boyd. 'l! Jr., of Corona dll Mar, ware j hoMa at Balboa Yadat ctub Sat- urday e~nlllf to tbelr eon and daupter-tn-law, J:N&p and Mn. Bob Boyd, and Lt. Jam• Kaely and Mn. KNiy ot ~ Nno. mn.tp Boyd, wbo &I boala on a 1&-day turlou«ll, &I acbeduled to 1j return next 'l'bunday to Corpu ij Chrt.IU, Tex.. ..-.n be &I an ln· ij atructor in the Na'nl A.Jr Oorpe. : E::@~:§'~ ~i.;!:,· Harbor area and Ia tn&k1DC an ln· deftntte •t&y wtth bel" moUier, Velma Barber ot 010 W. 0c.-a~.l Front. JNhile In OracOD UN I.Ar· aona vialted Mn. BartMr's bros Rl tht'r. Mannlnr BartMr, at J:upn•. Hi Mrs. Mary Loft OooD returned !h Saturday to her boaM at Pua·l ill d~>na after aperwllJW .... raJ day. i at the ~r ...... ..,.ben. · E<Jaar K . HID. .,. of ._r. and Mra. J:dpr R. &m ot •a Vla Lido 8ou4. hu aspOI'ted to West· rr\tnatar collere at J'Qit.oG. Ko.. when be &I to talle lt-moatM v.u Na"y ~. teDowed "7 four • montlw ta ~·· aehool. A mem.._ ot tiM Maftl R.-n-e. til wu ..aled bite ...... Ice two yf'ara before ~U'I H.,.... and f'ftenUy I"Stuu'.cc trom nble monttw dut\' aboel'll a Ma-,y tallk· •r In tile Medlt,srTUIU U..tn. '' '' • for COUNCILMAN OVER 20 YEARS of BANKING and FINANCIAL EXPERIENCE PLEOOED TO an UNBIASED REP-. RESENTATION OF EVERY S~ TIONOFN~RTKMUORand ITS GREAT FUTURE! '' '' • for COUNCILMAN APRll.. 11TH, 1!M4 ·~ Atlwat ... 2) I I i I = lie Ia a petty ~ 8nt eiML .-nm!!U!lltl!l!miJllllil!i!E!!I!I!III'!l!l!!!l!l!!ll!ll!lhill'illll'!ll!l.ts--HL _____ IIii ___ EII_Iiii:::iiiiiiiiiECi!liiliiiiiiliiiiiiiillliiiii------· \ • , I Thunday, Mareh 23. 19H NJJWPORT·8AI.RQA PRF.SS Happy Beach Holiday 7000-Ton Jap Slalp .............. -...... -:J----hiiii1CICIU&a;-:na•x~::-:::.;x:-"1CU.MMJ:MbX!':"::~X::'"-S:(~Jr:Mit:lltl' 11181M-_,.4:11Mta_ .. __ I_IMWIUIItttPPPlUiai1PtnPtft'fPPPM ........ nnnt•lfP Elided By Tragedy Sent to BottGm. u Boy Drowned By Local Mall WUt bad ~n pi&Med u a F'tr .. r LJ.ut. RU...U 8. 'I'Ml. Ill bappJ week end at Ult' beach CIIH drive, N~rt Hell'ata. .. ...ted In l"Ce<l>' tor Kr. and ClYln« a lood ac:couat ot Ilia• Mn. Jo.pll D. 8troplr whOH aJx· ~~t•lf In the South-t Psetftc ~ ,_r-old 80ft, Paul lUcharl, drown-tr\' of war. ~ to tbe fW· ed 111 Newport Bay saturday eve-lowlnl" atory wb.lc:h wu wntt.n nJlJC. by Staff 8ct.Dan Bailey of At· Tbe Btroplu, who realdl.' at 1824 l~tnta. Oa .. a Marine Oorpe. Oom· W.-tmont drive, Alhambra, and halant <'OI"ftlpOndent. maifttaln a bnch home at tllO BOUOANVILI..&-tDelaJM) - lleeabon drive, Newport, had Two California MVf.ne torpedo l!pftlt tJ)e day aboard their Dol· bomber pllota teamed up toda7 to pbln ll&lJlna boat moored at Vlk· JOCOrt dlnct b.lta on UM ..,.. T,· ~a Port. WhJie Mr Stroplt-and 000-ton car-to &hlp tn RMI&w Ru· anot!ler 80n, Sll.'ve. 8. weN' work· bor tnc oo tbe boat. Paul wu tlahmc Thr two alrmt-n, both memt.n oo Uw oppoelte 11de or Ufe craft ••f the aam .. aquadron, art lleoond trom Ulem. Li•·utenant l:ctward B. t,.e~er. When the faUier mi .... d lhe boy 24. 984& Alexandria av..ue, 8o. ~t I o'clock. after havln& lu t CIHI', and Firat Lieutenant Ru. aec!ia b.lm at f :JO or 6 o"clock, be """ S Tet-1, 23. &18 Cliff drtve. bec&n making lnqulrlu. Another :"J~wrort &-ach. man workln& nearby aald bP heard Runnln~r a gaunUet of t .T·ladl Uae boy aboutlng lha"t-be bad antt.aiN'raft lhella, the Mutae tall&'ht a flab and .. "' bJm talk· nllnt• etrcoaked a ero. Rabaul Inc to a little lUI Ae reeult thl.' Tolwn and over the beach to b.lt ~nta beUeve<l that hl" ml&bt th .. J11p frelcbt.u ancboftcl CllllJ bave wandered off with Ule nUier ., Hhnrt dl1tance off abore. c:b.llct. a theory which wu borne F't•r Lt lAidecker. a veteran of out by addltloMI reporta that a 20 mlda nn land ln~~tallatson., It ~ ol laJa (eneral .Seecrlptlon W&a W811 hl8 flrat llblppln& -uJt. • -walkina" on thl' hl.rbway at ··r zlgzAffiCed throup tba aek· tbat time. ark." hi' I&Jd, "and ~acl over Atln a nigbt-lonlt aearch had Into my dJve ott the Mach. TIM faDed to produce any trace of the ~hlp "·•• a atran«e ~~ to me claD4, the flre department wu anrt I had to lhlnk about wbat I ftOt1fted at f a. m . Sunday and W1UI •lol ng all the way doWn. Immediately began dragg1nc tbt> "l llillhtrd In c:anfully on the llay. 'nM flrat loca tion dragKI'd tur dt>rk. There wu eome Ill&• pt'Odaaced no ruulta but upon 1tart-•'htn!' lt'lln lire from the llllp. AA4 Inc a t the •copd location. about lh" 4 7"• were harnmennc aftJ t :30 o'clock. F'lre Chlt·f Crocker ilkt• kcoltle druma. ctiaeQve.red the chlld'e body wher•~ ··1 yanked the bomb Iever-t It bad lodced benuUI a noat at alrnl,.t too low an alUtuda, and Vlkbta"a Port. !ltnrte:od pUlling out. Tile llllllp Tlw eh1ld wu unable to awim lwkhcod name, then p&J .moiN --URt-tt 18 brUev-Pd-t!nit-tlt' rmay lW'U~ out-:-t -dotna' una 100 lllan .rtpped while attt'mptlnr to mllf'e an hour and di4D't aJow dDwa ...,. ,._ U.. no.t to ltw falMr'e Wlt.4,1 I wu "Way .. t ~ ......... boet. P'urwral Hrvlcn were held rllnl[t'." at AllsambrL Lt Teel aald. "1 bep.n my bllll· .,. • • ,..,., ..,. ..... .....,, ..•• ...,. .............. ,, a~ed approach and etartacl ........ . LIDO ..._ lllt t"'" t•~&rkloa .. 0 p .. ,. ud 1:16 ... ..._ ~harday at l :U c-.t•·-~IIIL l "ruw 2:34t A41tdta: tOe: -Service Men 30c Cllilclftn llc, Tax Inc. ....... -t"rt.. -l:!laL MU)' Martin • lo'ranchot Tom· 1n True to Ufe ........... Twla. Cary Grant • JollA Garfield In Destination Tokio ........ 70.17 Ceo. Bandera . Brenda Marahsll In Paris After Dark t "ll''&a lined up dJreeUJ on UN \'l!lael'a 1uperatructure and cllvacl lUI lonr u waa aate. '!'ben I .... leucod my bomb and eued baett on my control 1Ucll. ''Ttl~ bomb unadled tM ,_, rl(flt ~tmldatllpe. T!Mft wu a tn- mcondowo 1U1b of name. ancl I ~nw dPbrt• nytnc up more tbM :lM ff'et In the alr." H,. topPf'd ott hJa attack 1i1J ""'ooplng low to ltrate on Ida "'ay out of the harbor. "A radio tower waa U.. ftJ'It th1ng I ahot at. I could -m7 trarl'ra rlpplnc the bua of lt. 'l'biD t rRN'd alone the &bore and,_... 1'11 holea In wv•ral ...,.._ ... Lt T Pf'l.who once retumacl bom n mlu lon wllh one boalb llaJ door mtaaJnc and a a.n .,.... ...,__ "like moUl-eaten Winter ~ -w•ar" from a .Jap .0-mUltmeter ~h,.ll. graduated from 1'att. caa .. Junlnr Coll~;ge In P'ebn&arJ, .lNl, 11n•l went to work u a ~ mAn fl)r lhe Do~lu AJrcralt r f>rJ"l'lratlon In Lone ae.dl. He J.-rt thl'rP tn mllat.:Ray 18, lMI. anol won hla wlnga June 21. lMS. -aao-Hl8 m(>ther. Mra. A. V. ,...,, The Good Fellows nnd hiA wife, Mn. Jean ....... oar.-... t'ltdler n.ahbllork bnth N>l ldr In N~wport Beach. ~nun.,~"'" .. Hostages c-.~~~c: "1tll the Man-.. 'l'uawa ... T..,_ Loott A•pl; Top .... ; ,_.. UMt Faaa-y; A Ouy N_. ~oe: 8o•c of lllllW'Ia: ('raty -; Ul.._.; , __ r.,.,... Harbor P~lioe Chief and Bride Retum From Old Mexloo l'olllr<' Chid and Mn. R. R. lf.,<J~,:kmAnn. 1 t.hr former .Marion X ·sPECIAII lUIS YJ.'t' 'UNSOLD IK ODB COBONA DEL MAB . LIQUIDAJIOII SAl.£ 1111111RI. liTE frantiDI ....... (.W.) I •• II, • ... • • . t8100 NOTE: This bluff sit£> has a frmtta;_:l' of approximate- ly 80 feet on ~he 1:-:a~tedy ~id~ df H£>1iotrope Ave. loo-anu while rest rictcd to prohibit a building ~ bovt\ Oc<>a~ Ul~d. :;t n.•et lt•n·l. the topography IS s uch that at wall adapt at:~df 't(, a queen'-a taste' for a beautiful home whkh will overlook tJle Bay and Ocean. -REALLY. THIS IS AN t •xt SUAL SITE---! AT AN UNU~llAI.. PIIJC.Jo; ON UNUSUALLY EASY -TERMS TOO ~OTHER llJi~AUTIFUL RJo.:gJIJJ :NCJ..; SITE .. IN BLOCK A-36 SE cm·n£>r Oc<'an I =ouJ~vard and Iris Avenue-with Ct"mcnt ramp on North and \Vest aides -IN AND PAID FOR. Lot~ a&; 32-antf rtf tt.SOO T£'rms '20 per <'<'nt down and StK.OO per month, includfng 5 "Per C<'nt interest. NOTF:: There arc :J lots; you can build a small rcsid<>ncc on £>ac h lot-or--use the 3 lots for one building site. A BEAUTIFUL SITE. \\'ITH OCEAN BLVD. FRONTAGE ALONG SIDE 2\NOTHER UNUSUAL RJt~ID~CF; SITE-OR SITF..S-IN BLOCK A-36 NJ-.:-corncr Iris and Break- ers Drive. Can be used as one or two building sites. Portions Lots 24 and 26 and All of 28 Sl~ T£'rms 20 per cent down and 813.00 per month, including 5 per cent interest. IDEAL FOR ONE LARGE BEACH HOME OR TWO SMALL ON~ .. _ .... c • ..., ..................... ..... 1 kkf•• -~~••• • .. r ... _.,_ ...... a.y eo,.-o.... ..... .... ,, • .... ...._ ••••••'' • ... .., N 0 TIC E Site No. 2-Advertise<.J on 1\far<-h 2. 90-rt. on Ocean Blvd. by 160 on Fe rnleaf Ave. Priced at $3,600 II A S II t: t: !\ S 0 L D Site. No. !-Advertised Mar<-h !?, 160-fcet on Ocean Blvd.-is a bluff residence site overlooking tbe Bay-the lot runs through to an allc~ay too. Cement ramp in front an•l alcmg lht.• sirlr in and paid for. Price (Sec This! • 1 $3,200 THE COYE PROPERTY IS lt .. SfRICT .. ;o • ll.t•l•lon , ''" now at horne to UMtr I Bay War Stamp• and Bonde frto·n•lt~ Itt 112 South Bay Front. at Thi• Theatre H,,lbon hiland, alter a montb'a~ i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hontynu.on In tbe rom&llUC aur· t nundmg1 or Old MexJco. .alb Murrl<'d tn Loa Anpl• on Feb. 0 a Ji;. tt\ry lrfl 1m mediately by tra1n 1111 t::l l'aao, conUnutnc from tho·r o> Itt 611 polnta of tnt.e.-t 111 Uaueporled Sales at Coi'Oaa DeiJiu. BLOCK 0-32-SWly comer Ocean Blvd. and Fernla·af ,\ \···~ frontage of 90-feet on Ocean Blvd. by 106.7-feet on Fernleaf Ave. Ramp on N. anti E. !'Hf(•s. Purc ha.cters (residents of West LoM Angeles) represented by Tract Salesman T. F. l!htul,·n as also wa.~ Seller. 7JIU"''U th•' Soulht•rn RepuDIJc. Ani~ .... ,.,. t t h"m•• laat Thuraday, Chid H~· tnntntl at 7:00 A: 9 :1& km110n r .. 1umed hla dut"-on ll'r1· I t dll\' Lout Comp e <' ~IJ.•wtt.~ "1 '' ~'We had a 14·on<krlul Uma and Doub~ F eatuJ<• l 'r••,.;r.lltl l'' '"" at 8 .30 Ad tits "I!••. 11,. 1 ,1!11.,.: MIIW many marveloua t.hlnp," de· M 30 • lllr•·<l the chief, "but you can Tax. Sen ·lc<' l'n c ~ 811 ,. fnr 111(' that no place lookacl lnclu.Stng Tax -----IJIIttr-u good t o ua aa Nt'WpOrt Tllan. • t 'r1. • Sat. Harbor:· Charlc~• Laufih tnn In I'•H 'F.R I"AL\"AGE DaJVJ: The Man From Down Under • ·rwh•nt.. or Newport Harbor l"ntnn High echool are aeUvely r·(w>)>('rallng In Ule cunent paper Footlight Glamour , ,)l·a~re drtve and anyone bavtnc canot~n • Ne"oa old magazine• or n_..,..,.r la -Also ___ ..;.... _______ ln,·lt~d to dllpoae of them thro\&Ctl s-· ~""· · "-thlll channel. lf 36 pcNDda or Red Skt'lton In nrnre are available at one ~ Whlstlin in Broddyn dnnors may phone the hlp ICbool -atao-tontl a truck will be aent to ptck up the contrlbutJon. All proceed& Destroyt"r wall go to the Junior "*' en- wiUI 31 the 1chool. Edward C Robm!OOn ""f'ld_.-.y Onl~· Song of. the Saddle -alao- Spo~t-~!~,dais ...,... n ..... lllarrh 10 Ollv1a de Havtland ln Government Girl A pproxlrnately 1800 1oM .-&It· ···I rrom a fire wbldl occ:urrect -\nt urday afternoon In tbe T . W . K11nball carage at 32nd and OoUt hnul<'\'&rd AccordJnr to nn Cb&ef F W Crocker the blaa wu .taft· •••I by a blow t.ordl wllkll WM IM· lnf u.aed to weJd a ptpe oo.MC· lion. 1n addiUon to beodiJ ...... mg Ule rar-... tbe ftre .S.UOJ· c ..... : ..,.__ O'llourlre; The •'d two tool ch•ta &Dd t.ooa., a ... o....a UMt T1M Son of Oncu· .. ~hlnJ machine, typewrttft" &Dd •: }If....,.. ..,....,; n.o__.. other m&tertal. 'naa lola wu f\IDJ ~~ .. tue of a-a.a , overed by lMUrance, ......,aldef 8aay War Booda aod Stamp• at th1a Theatre. uld BLOCK 236--Lot 22 and remaining JX?rtiomc of ~:,; """ :!f; ft-rq .:ular shaped parcel-SEly cor- ner Iris Ave. and Pacific Drive. Corona del Mar Jttarc·ha:-;(·rs n ·prescnted by Real Estate Broker E. Barrett, and Seller by Tract Salesman T. 1•. Rh•"lt·n. BLOCK A-36-Lots 18, 20 and 22 at SE corner I ras A v•·nu•· anti Breakers Driveway-approxi- mately 75-feet on Iris Ave. by a dept~ of H2. 7:~-f•·t't . Purchaser • \Valnut Park resident) rep- resented by Real Estate Broke r \\'. J. Huk u ruh and ~·lt. .. r by T . F. Rhoden. BLOCK A-35--Lot 25 and remaining portion of l.."t ~• S\\. curnel"lris Avenue and Ocean Blvd -approximately 60-feet on Iris Ave. by 124.:14 plu:; tm ()('(·an Blvd. San Bernardino purchaser was represented by Real Estate Broker Eu ~e-n(' I :Jh,t1. ami ~:llt·r by T. F . Rhoden. BLOCK 237-Lot 21 30-feet on West side Larkspur .\ \·•· .. bf·hn~·n l'a<.'ific Drive and Seaview Ave. between Pacific Drive and Seaview ftvP..-Ln1 s i;·,. ::Ox I Jk Pun·ha.qer, a Whittier, California, resident, and Seller represented by Tract Saf:,s man T. F. Rhoden. Odie .. Loll, Both BeddeaHal aad Baslnea, Available ........... Pd~Euy ........ ... See Mr. T. F. Rhoden, Tract Sales Manager I •" ~ 7mce OJflee-... • • .. coao•• Da. ... . . PBf;»PBB'HU, INC. a.................. -l ~-- 2s• •• m•--. .._ ••••••• •u .. u .. •1•11 ....... 1•••••••••• ..... ~ ........ v.MMMM»Y. ..... ~ .. •--~K ...... •••••••••r.xl1 ... aauwu•u·~••••••••~•~•••a•n•n•n•~ .... ~ .......... ,.l•l•l•n••,•••~l•n•••I-I•I•J•I•n•n•n•n .. u.-•i • £ iTEI! . $2.50 rA MESA NUMB£" 24 :tee ,ill ng )' ('lyd~ 'Hand to 3 t"• h••lrt In .r lht> ('nil- h-.•. whlt-h h 1)!11014•111 I' rrt ., prt· ,,,,., 8111( ltlc c·\lrnnt I lf'J'Ic,.allnn ln,c .,_. Ctf" Clallcltr atat lnte,... t" .,,. tllrfulltry lhe VIUtou. ................ '"r• to ·Mnd :a-u . • . '"''"' ..... ., ... of ttw ... ~ 1M Manne ...-nnt' nf 1., lAd J- ut l'tlc:kiQf 59 zre • m•'l w~ut .. VMri4~ -. will h.- lbe l ... .JC ... ~'"' l h• In :·,. \' n.nd "'""' I l•lf'ff'rtNJ O('C'UPI'tlon. <Jt•ut•t .,..,,·11 or til.. "'"· ftf lv• ''''"" .., 1M,... ••• f •.r ., .. I thf' lr" Ill rr~h·w llu· at W~>l krr• ••• 3 t' t•ot lntn 1·11 '""'I , ......... I '" lltll) :11\ •V fl•mo • I. •l••f••rn·•l 'Ill 'I"<"IIJII'· tlr&ft "''' I( l~•rt1111 · 1111(11 y ... .. .. , fh,. .. .. ltwl~try 111 w ''"· tu .. 1"1 Nil!" ,, ... \\ f i ,., • .,, .... 11 l •• f .. ,,,,.,,. M•11• 11 11 "frtt•hf I t .,.,, "'•• 10(')4 lay. ida,\'. wlay • W- • . . .. ,. , • .. I Lt. G. H. Sattlc Exchange Vov Detore a natural r: ID the UtUt Ctlurch en In Berkeley U•u llatUer Jr. waa mar Ol&dya Gr1mm ot St on. weddln![ t ook ...._UI at alx o'cloc Dlq and wu attendt BatUer'a p&n!nla. Mr. K BalU!r of Balboa ) relatlvee anct a t~w Bu Frane111cn. 11M double nng c• ...S durlnJ which ao •.:waapl&yecl. Tbe bride wbo was 1 ,.... by her fat • u. OrbDm, wo~ a powdo *-. trtmml'd In re• plemented by a amall bat and ahe carrit'd cauet cf wblu boll\'arc OI'Cbick She wu at t• ..u:r. Janet Gomm. pld crepe drua and ..,nne violet ahade. wer. a shoulder bouqt ture lavendu ore!llda. 111o beat man, U . ty, wu a former clu ..,oom. bavlnc -attend Martttme At ademy w Tbe br de'a mot .er -~ Orta:m. wore a ~ ![RCed by &II t tllack arid white aprl lllotber O! the (T'OOm CU.e ..Ut o1 navy bl I RO SOUCJ lndepe p As His uy Cc ' c p ... , NEWPOR'l'·BALBOA PRESS TbW'Iday, Much ~. lMt uta'l9 101.man- AUro.-.. INIUilA.IKS. leJe o.po.tt .__ Notary r...bbe. ••t Ll1ld BildHJr 0.-g••lralloa ...... ~~g'~-- Or&:. .,... .... c cL 1 ",..,. C"IIIP ,. .,. -•: ~ m.-rrt- -~-~-·~-f>t'oiC 1.. --....... ~··" l • •!.lY ~,_, ~ ,.._ •....n -~ c .. :~ ln.l ... ...-.a.. 'l..i.• ~-· c ~,..j ,. .._ ..-.6 -...nt.u? I ..,.. ,_,.... J "l!.-n mnut ·' ~---._... li'•MO ,. , I ot.tri&in aboWd boe ~­ ThJ" promotion uf t.hl' weltart' 1:&• w~e C()mrnunlty ahould • n• ~ lf\Jit.,ad of ~ •• • ...J 1.1\tereat.a ut tn.. favon!d ' • I lbAt 111&.'\:&&•·rn(•nt of lh., • ~ et~ould br for thr bent'flt of • r) &nt.orc-M and dominated by • .~i th"' ..cretary IWclared. )108qalto Abatement Ordered ·By County Oran,. couaty board of auper· 1110ra baa ordered thnt moequlto .batement Pf'OC*S!n~o:~ tw at.artl'd mlftedlately In all unincorporated t>rrltory alone tbt r•1stallne, with •twclal emphula t11 t>o· laad on thl' ·rrltory at Coatli !tfna. 000 II&UTOa&D TO 0\IVNE& Mra. Fr.cS Hoclfe, 100 lith a., Ia apln ln ~Oil ot ber pee Cairn terrier wb1eb receDtlJ tumtod up tn!M~. 'nM q wu f11und at Huntlfl&'tDn Beach and traced to her owner throqta tlM Xewport Beach UcenM tq. WHATI ONLY ONE KEY! No DMd to be coaUouallJ lneonvanlei'ICM by tM •- lllt.enca ot OlllJ 01111 keJ whan you have need fJ:w two « tJuoM. It oalJ t.ak• a jllfy to make a du~. and -do It "-"' her. while you walt. IIA.ROLD L .IOBN80N,. Loeballtla ... ....,.,................. ...__ '-------------·~--'~ -a -.A:!-r 1>!>L ~ !•>I ...:=============1• • .......,.. ... ~ """""'' Th•.' pr-nt CJty council 11M ... 1 C•JW y.,an to prONe that It .. .r .• • ••Jntnlr for t,b., benefit ol all · f"~•plt. lnatt·ad it bu ahown . ot~ rKOrd tbat at Ul tlM tnalru· The work,accordJng to Supervll · •r Irvin o.or,. C<>lllun, will be upen1Mcl by Dr. RUU('II and 1:. 1:. Frtable of tbt county health ••ftlce. · ''There ll&e ~>Hn r•onalderable ·ar upreMect by l"' ~tl ruldent.a 'lat a malarta hazar•! might re- ~ult from a combfM t lon ut the ••oequtto. and rt>111rn ed aervtce· at>n wbo are aUII surfPrtng rrom · malarial condiunr. · Mr GonJon Soliciting· your • R0881 CAFE. ~ ..... Flaer••• ew'·. PASSPORT PHOTOS 1 Hour Settice • o,n • ·• A.. a -e:~ • r. a ........ .,. ~ t ~ ~-pt.· u:•r ~ ~T' ··~ .. -.. .r.s •>I ~ .,...., '""~ ll;oar!." .&ftllr -=-...,.lo t ""r.INI ~ ... ··~ &::l lU ........ ~~~ rot;) ..n l b ~--. ~ -.~ • Pr'"' In tnr- ....C t. ~~..-,: ~ \"9'•0''\ tJY ~ -· ~~ &' r'""U''\ tl .ad:v .. ~a. rv. ~·• fl ......,.wusc ~.n.-u flo,of .. rw ~di ~ pw:t» ••( ~ pr- c:w--~ .,. -JIJH1 ..... -•..o.-. Eaf-n'tw ... ---~0 f)f .,_,... -.are:.cr-.r Itt ~ 8.• 't. M 'ACK'S PENNY --··· • ..,, of • amall ,roup of aummt'r ~, c...-n.-1'11 and ,...., t'at&te op- "''"', If nne ma y Judge our tv touncll by tht' nf"\4'&paper ~ru~rt.t nf lt.a -lona. their only ,, .. ,......, .,,.,.m...J to tM-In oil wt'll r I r~: :tn•l r.•&t t•alal<' d!'W.. Wt , . · ,...., t.Wd that at would be alii, "Wblle we .1.. Mt bellevt' hat any particulur •h"lngH Ia r··aented by thla •·uulblnatlon. the o<onrd felt that hn rut'tt)ate' atepa •hould be t.akan to abate thl' nuJ· .un• alnif"'n •.who art up f or re· • 1.n ce." ~tr .. n, an<J h ; stArt alreah wlt.b ~l'lt. uns('Oifi•·J ml'n who han f"RIUIJI!AJf ICII:~Cl': TftPIC •!! • r to retire all three of the "'' ~:tl••r··•t.a ''' the pt'Ople at Thl'ee wordll of 1 h•• P~ .• trnult ,,, Mrs Wyers uhl •rt> lhe Golden Tt'ltl ~n th•• ~unday IA"uon·8t'rmon on "ll• alltv" In d l branchee uf Th•• · itothu f",n.a.I.J Std•'NI uf Cornna drl ''hun·h. The First C'hurch of 'hriHt. Sclt'ntlat. In l!n11tnn ~ "The ..... , ... "·'"'' '""' tht .kalh "' hi I otn.-r U..uu St,·\'&lf'a'. "''ho J'IIIAIII'd Thund.lly ';t tua h<mt<' In ••·' • .\n .. Mr Sto·n •na, wh•l wn• • \• '" uf "~{e. wu a nat~ve or ,\ J:..C"'.n' uh· anJ had ltvt'd al San· 1 \ n.. tor 38 Y<'&n ••llniK'I of the Lor•l •t~<n•lelh for "'r, the Uloulrht.a ,,r hll hr•art to II ~tnerallona." "~fnater," uktd th·· dl~ctplu In I Btble cltat.lon fr<un John. "who hd all\, UU. man. f\r hla parent.a, 'hat he wu born hllnd? JuWI I ·~ered. Neltber h,oth thta man· -tnn~. nor Ilia par••nt.a: but that I h•• woru Of God 1hould bl! made 1 1·11~nlfut ln litm." Anti JUWI "8pat •·n the pound, and made clay of the apllUe, and ht' annolntt'd the support for _re-election , for • City Councilman. 0. B. Reed --~· .._, e.-. ""lT"'\~-.: .. ,.. ..,...,_ ,._, ~ c rr th .. "'"I C"o.,.ta )(t'll&-\l•>ni: .,.ttb th••ar ru~z•·nahlp pa· 1 •" ut tht' 11pplaranta w..re 0 ' I n ird OffU'tlll l'h llOJI!I'I! Of I 'hltrlo•t H•Jit WWI born · vl'a of £& &:lind ""'" wltJI-olr dRy, And aaid unto him. Go. wuh •n the pool of Siloam, .. He went ~1s WQ the~~~ a~ wuh~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ·1nd came ~lnlf." In "Bcll'noe and HP&Ilh With K•'Y to the Scnptur<'a" Muy Bak· . ; ... ' ---a. ____ ... __ ~ I ~ ~ .... ~ ... ·[t , ...... .. , Eddy uya: "Herl'lllty 111 a pro- ltfac wbject tor nrtal belief to <~1 rn J~a• .. t...·n M ol ~ ... An· pan theor1ea upon. h11t It we learn ".u roru)4!rly Ar&A'h Oomlt that nothlntr Ia real but lhe right. I \ t .. n we ab&lJ have no dRngeroua In· h<'ntancea. and fl l'•hly llla will 'r.11l l:"'f'O•E TAX PIIOIILL"' •l11appur." 1 llh 11 IS 0\1' , ... 1\.·ctur uf In· e~~~ e ._.._ _, 111> "~"'"r: ~...-... ~··f •••n illlbw!lrwi -~ ~ "' 1 F' •h -• ...., lor ~P""" R.tr .__ -~ ... JC"fll"" ~1!' ..... ... a -tJrtfl~ , .• , • ~ ~ wn.f :at . .. ... ~ _. ,._... --r ,-1 Ph! · • •I R"'' nut' wb" prnpnund.a the t:,~STE& VACATIHS tw owu au•~ r,.. • .,. ,.4 "'' 11• ,.r ,.,M but lht• Unoe John Nearly 21500 atud• nlll In attend-.... • c:-• .._ .,_., ,,,,. .... 1 tl • 11• y or Hdlboa h1011 a qul'allon nnee at Newport Harbor Union .. .,.. tfGol! n r..11n1c ~ • ·• rh .. •·nlh·t'tor Samt'IY How HIJ'h achool and at thr• ~trammar ~ 6.-~ 1""-C.. ,11,t h.IJI "' • m!.UI prov~ b•• ln•'Oml' tax arhoola of N~·rnrt 114'1lth. Bal- ....., ~· k ~ rnm· t• ''"hun • hu nUI whf'n all of hJ.s I boa laland and r n,.ln Mt>U , will --~ bl-d'J~ aT>" • • q•t• an.J recorda have bl!t'n ~gin thl'lr annual F.IUIII'r \'ae&· I ~ t. ~ R.t_,, I•' I·.,~ uon on Friday I'V~ntng, March 31. ,..----------~--. • •--r ,....c.-t 1 ._..,.,,r.. \ • nrdln( to Hr l!il•')l·• ~port Cl~ will be r••t-umcd Monday Or G E. Tallll ~~.,...~ _.. _.1r "uooflrr , ,, .. n "' ~ .nta Ana pollt-f', hn•. car wu m(lmtnc. AprtJ 10 · · ,.,.... .-.,.._..,... .. nan ... •"\ or • .,, • .. u~eldy riUliiDt k•·d thht wHk ~ _. M * ~ ........... -..a ~ ... • ... ,. ,., .. 11 '•• ptorll.rd on a Santa Ana '~------------, -011111 • 2 2 -.r ar ..,...ms d ~ a.-1"2· •lrutL AmODC t.be Item.& atGlen i W 2 a· ~--,.,,..,. rl~ltH &lid eandy and CW..: -..w !-'= --J " ·-• __,.,11111 <11 pt'tt m •II th•· ~"•Pt booka and oUit'r C B APE L II ---. ---a • --~ 1ft •'1 snrt>t ~"I"'" whu-h thf' nwMr ~ In I ., -_.... .. -=--... , .. ,_. :~r1·klftl!' .... , , ... •n•·om• to .... 1 IJ~v •Le -------------, ..... ., ..... ~ "' diP ....... -, ... Dr. Obecl 1..--,_..,.. -~ .. ~ .. ~ 'T!bll T?l,. hilt 'l"'''tt"n now In ltf'Ad· • 4?1C .-:a -< .,. .a-..,.,.,t • 1 • min• I ·~ Whf'l llhoulli do the I s B • WNIWI -........-r _. ~ ..,...., W1t!l Nf. · .. rn·1n1t ""''"' th,. mAIIf'r. him· ft • ~~ ...... ~ ..,.._ W'lrtl bo It "T th•• BurrtiU uf Jntt'mal ~11 W. Olillllllll ,.._ ._ ,_ -• ~ -. .. """"""'-''nut R••l'.-nu .. ~ _ I MEW& •• ...... ~ ._._ ~ -"""""'112\IIY DR. C. J. CAidD • •• Rn<.o-....... • ... ,_ .. a.,, ...... -... ,... ............. citi.a .... Dr. II.. D. Crawfanl OPW'eSaYalaY .,.. ...... , .... ___ .... ...__ ll'I'T • .. •• 7 1 c.-.- -DlniiJ eli* ....... I ....... : I ..... -OJ ~ .......... • .._.. .., ~ """"' .~ rt~oo ,. ,. !4'l'fli.V( I f-twwc .c ~ ,tT r .. W1,.,, Tll .. rt .. r n t!l:\4 Fo•r•l .wc1M wu • • ,......~ r-tw:anc tw> tJ1r r~J"1rt ... t to rnllrr Sumlrty by Mrtt I _._ .e diP ......,r.o o;tlho-rt r Kf'tlum. 81(1 10;.-.(kl'an 1 l!lr•-IC"' ~ntT &or -F"roont. whn ~~nll.l !hilt Lh•• n •htf'lf' '-:&! ~ .rot m~tll \0:\.'1 t1t!rn from a J>&rklnJ! 8p11C'P ('too, .. ,.,...,._ o..-.,,., .. mpii'>T• . on .. A.. ··rl'~l. BRiboll. betwt•('n -911BJ ,.. ~ .. nf ... n-ofill •11•ln1;::ht Satur•t:w ' 11nd 10 A. m .. 1 t-.-..:-.. t!lr C"'lft~.,.-C'i'm· !CO'ft'bY It wu ~rlbtd U CT&Y· ~ ..... -..r .....nonan.m IJI .:r ... ·ntsh In color. I ~OUB •&VY'' ORa KIC A EVIJIT FRIDAY AT 9 P M ....... ; ; -• pat otl b• tw1l Broe . maker& ol I be lamoua lr~::.~ z a c ..,..__....,.Y -roua ouua ==U&~.== .• ==uuw~l lflfPHOIEOPERATORS I IEEDED il ..... .... ,nl I Dr. S. M. WMJ's II .. --~·· ----~-- Sawic a ODd War Worhrs ore all d~pending ll ...-our gil& at tbe nritcbboords. l Good,_, wAiltP learm.ng and ~lor increases -TREPHONE CO. OR 51~ N_ Main St, Santa Ana An:ilabifitr Certilicat.:_ R~ired 4 1 0 Cout Blvd . CORO NA DEL MAR ~~~~-.2. DAY AND NIGHT ---.-- OR Rll PJlSsr IIBCOBD ROBERT ALLEN '· loUdts Yolll' Vole fol' Be-Bieclloa COUNCILIIAN Cllt of Rewporl Beach An Independent Candidate, as Before. Responsible to the People as a Whole, and NOT to Anv Indi- vidual or Group of Individuals . All his record in the past shows he has not been a "YES MAN ," nor will he be in the futu~e . ' .. if the people renew their confidence by .Re-Elect- ing him on April 11th . . . ·. VOTE FOB ROBERT ALLEN -............. ...--.....---~ E.ARL W. STANLEY. BBALTOB ' FOR COUNCILMAN (PolJUeaJ A~' oet) ---_......,_ ..... ........ ---- '-' .. ftw I '· -.a 2:1. Jtft Mia --.y 'Dnnt. WI ,__ • .-.-... u tc .ntnl ....._ • lk ....._. \:. &. wflwn .... .,.... trt..oa.. ....... -WD:aa .,..... Ill .. lbftC. U'lt Gilt ,.,.. ... 4 a -._. -...,. at Saata ..... c 't 5 ••• 4 _,..., .__ --t.uotd Ill ................ !'(onaaa o...-., o-aa .... -.1 JcaD a-..,..._ Y-•a. 'W'IL ...... ~ ....... Jr. 11'2 • p .......... b...rnftll ,._ .,... ..... Ollrp Wkft ..... .-r. ~ trauunc -Ill C 3 a ... .uru.t\. ..... -......... Edd7aDd .._ ..................... l!em .. Ill ~ ...._ ..._. .... wU1 .... -llr ~ 1"nM. ..._ ~ apld ... ._ ....... I f n tu.r. aDCS 11ra. wuc.r 11w.r. 221.2 llal1lor ~ .... tM I)UfllU of • ~. MI'D aut Tbunday at llaDta Aaa Oommua- ty ~tal. Warnat otfleer Ulll lin. 4. J . lCt'Kay of Palm Palm cafe baft l"f'tumed tram Redwood hla, Minn.. where uWy were eaUed• tll7 thle •noua ut-of tiN twm· t>r'• mot.be. Mn WlltNd f'roanke bu arrlv· .. d from Wa~YWe fOI' a ytat ..,th twr paftDta. Mr. uw1 tift. Uoy,t Braddy' of lat R&rtlor bnult>vard. It 18 ber p&aa to re- main at Co.ta M-willie her htiMband. · Lt. Frallke, Ia Oft man· ~u\·en ~ ~!': ... a:.!:~ 0:: Supervisors App~o\·e Small Boat Rt·gatta tor enteral , ...... r~lded al la.l Park Developmt'nt I St-t for Eattt .. r 8\.· OraJap av111u., u now .taUoJ.ad ,_ ~ waUL u.. .um~ IAiantry In North Inv,medlalAI lln·""'''""'ent or! \'aebt Clubbt'rs u~ I:HIII: HITCIIIL\H ft\1 ....._ ...., -....._a. AMA. He Ja a brotMI' ot Una. Co.ta M~•·• 10·/lrro pnrk alto• hu Wh•n •ltd )'OU ftNt ...,. ....., lat .. 1\)e 111 \a, ,.._..., r 1 I! a llaro&4 CaJdweU o1 U.. Qrance been ordt'red by th. '"UIIt~ bl>ard 1 Plana un• ln•t t"'"'..: '"''"l''"'"d r'"'" •t""'' How did Y'O'l ....,.,." •'"" ("•n •..t •'both lilalt _. a-· • ••-..acsr-. ' of auperv110rw. th.· '" lh>n b..•lnjt ,Il l HKibo•" "'"hi l'htb fo•r th" ''' .. ·ttlf' oown In Ulle waterfnlftt w .. ,,_, .. ......,.. MJ. ud J1rL J'raall VIele, SIT taJcen aflt'r J r ,l.l·•nbarfl~' . 11111111111 Etl•l• r lt•to!"ll• "hu•h 11 , ""'n•unlty and malre "-t. ~ Man"• a1:UJ> •• La .._,. -4 Halll&ltoll •treet. .... tM ,.ncl· c:ha.lnnan of th·· JIM I\( o".Oillnlltlt•t•,l Tn two ""''" A)•rt1 p In "''•'••folann• llahan.: Y'•Ur bual--your ttw t'Hift(t\ Luor ,......_ ...... pannta ot a bab7 boy, JI'N'dartck hlld pr...,.nlt'<.l '' 11~1 o•l 1ho• IN'f'• '""tth lh•• u~u111 ''""''"II lhr rr~rat-~rr.·,.•un-• ,...rtaapa ·llllrfo W..Con •k• •••~ A • _.....,. _.. ...._ Olanw VIU.. wbo wu born Mar. an•l •hrube nffol•••1 I II\ \VIII '"' 1n1 ll lllto•nt~l I·• "" •n1al1 ·''" lt••IArtd Vall•ly, Albtort Dtaon ••lat.. •-l 1,._ --_, 11 to their eon and dau,ftter-ln-Ac't'Ordln~ to Mr Ltl'nbllll:•·r·• ''"111.; "' lh•· ~·~tlh•'l"ll I'Khfomlt~ •'t l'hu··k Hlllll•ley you <bave a r .. ,. •. ,,. .. IIIC8 ....,.:,.. t1w e.An l,w, Mr. ancl Mrw. Fred Vlel~ nf 11· ~>rt to the bc,}tlt•l. •••lulllt'f'r lft. • y,.,·htlnto: A""'"'"'"'" 1'1111 .hae l1• 01tnl1n,• bl"'k.,-ound ancl your ln· ... f"--4 _..,.... C"'1l ..,_,... Santa Monica. The Jl'red V1rl • · ·r \\'Ill be utllfz,•d In th,. f\lllnl-w:ttlluu• ''''t:•·tt•·lo•• 11 t• no•l t•nn. ,,.,.,.,.,, a re natul"ally wate~ bUll)' were fonner ,.adenu here. '"~ whlrh II to lw ''''"'' un11~r • l•••t•f'lllt••d lhnl 1111\' c•ultt.-a will 11111 r••••bahly the m~rtt)' Cl(, lo· It ..... • "'~ ........ MY..- A ltucly CO\U'IM aponeore4 by r11ut"r plan J·r~I'•H•·•I B•'VI'ral lo,. I'"'"' lot···1 '""I ··~····pt ll•n ••f · ''' "••AlmAn adopt•d the water b)' IIIC •I'd Mar, ~ 1o> ..._ .._.. th•· Coela ~~-P&rtnt-Teacber ~ ..... ,..Ago bv •tll•lo-111~ olf ~·Wpllll th""'' fll•lll tlw ~··•n•.'llll,.; duh , ""'' ,. ""'' 1\>1\11' by ('han~ omn..,1\loh•h _ _, .,....,._.,. ....,.. A.uoc:lallon w .. 'acbedulecl to open Harl1or UniOn llll:h "''ho~l T'h;•l'""' :o-;,•wp .. ll ll~trl•••r ""'hi l'luh I 1',\I"TA 1N ALitii:RT 80lt.ANil lhn•~ov1 u..-.. ,-.,~ .,.._.._ today at the borne of lira. Joaeph lxts rd allo A&"'f'"d In p1t_1· $6(1 tot AI 1111 1111\tol lllhlll ftoiU IIIII"' -.r;." l"•rl'l J'IOn ... r )'ll<'llUmaJI wu 1-)"1111( Utaf n~O..C -~ H&znblrt, ll& cabrtllo atrHt. Mn. •llaclng and harrowtn~t lhl' park ':II'I'•'U hllo1 llt••lt ''''" mrn fr'"" 11lr•h1Ut'l'c1 to ow ~ ~ 1w>ld IIIUll f<~t ,.... -lllldr - Ramblett and Mrw. c . D. KJpp """" ' 1 "'•rtlh• lk~<• h ,.,.,.ht t'lub wl11 • h,..,... O n a r&ln)' BIU\day In "'" ftu'l ttlw .. ~ .. wtll be leaderw of the c:our• which takf' r art 111 lh" MH"\' but w'lll ••II 11011:1 ht~ and'a fne!td ~ a ~ and U.. ....,. •...&. At -- will cleal wtth all pb&Ma of P.-T .• IIOME ON n raLOt'OII lou H.l I'R<ofo. 14·1·"'' .lllt.:hlce 111 ho.,; r.-..1 ,.,, fnr N-p>n prtnct· .... \ th•....-. 11 .,. .. ~ -•• A. wo,k. A. \\'aync 8 nrllh I" tt , . .,rfiN<t II)•• I Ill•·•• lull l"hall•·n~·· '"~waJ' pull\ b.·o••u.,. tl\coy t1a.J ,.wor IMar'Cf aiiJ ,,,.,, A new cafe, to be operated by ~,·conoJ clau. Ia •p.·nolu•.: a 30-duv 11••ttl"' "' rlo'A "' tho· Ilia••,. Dunne u.e ~ s • .., .., ... ,u_ • -- Jo.epll P. Brophy, E . I... Roeh m ftlrlough wiUI h11 '"" .ulJ pu~· ''" """" "' ••null .111\illn~ b<lltl.o "' lllttl cltH' he-bo~l a lot, • .,.,. • u<toll< f~ N4 • ..., _... and w. a. Cunnin&bam, proprle· ,-11u -ln-law, Mr. 111111 M1" Furl'l••l "' 11h11'h llwto• lit o· lht•·•• ,,, tnur,• """' "' ""'' ttcle ntdl .._ to hto ··•t• ._., •'taal.,. .a,...,~­ torw of lhl' 1:1 Toro Cafl' at santa A. Paull, 387 Hn~ •ltn·l Mr · "''"'" 1". "I'"'"''' I•• puolh'lpalo• ..... ,.,,,.,, hla flnt hom.-te llwno "'"" '"''""' ... .,_ ~ -... Ana, le ecbad\Ued to open aoon In S111itb baa bet'n ~luta.•n•·J w1th p,,. •.. 11 htda ••··· "'"''""' "~'~w•lul· ~'"' l roun wh11rw t.hf' VlKINO 1 1-'lan••· ,._,.._, , .... ·~• ......,_ the G!'f'e1\ bllildlnc at 182 .. N<•W· lh" N a\'Y In tht· .::.uulh l'aclfll' ''•1 1•• 1 "'''' "''11\1: Fltlnu~. StW"' ,, n• luunclwd "' tho. M....a.t.-n••a.l..,.._ -, -· rort boul_,ard. n.e alructurc for the pul >'"'lr lllht upon hl1 hii·•IM, Rulbotl I t1n.,;hk • ""'I Vlk· .II It,: rtF.EK A• a ~ ~ ltt11•'1t ~·ff • ••-4<"...., h a-t ..... formerly boUoled lbe Olncham Din· n•turn to coat• M ··KII h•· httol Uw 111t="8 1\o• ·~nt ""'"k t'nda and bobdlr)'w lll'all an.-............. Ar .... • -ln6 Room. pwuurf.' of a«'lll,~o; lur lhc' tint fl,.,.,. In 11121l lotf#Uier 111101 DuAl• dn a,..., •••.., ....__._.. • .... Dr. A. o. Hupee hu been tulll! hla l iX·DIOIIllla-.. ~ot 10n, Lar· Pacific 1-t-Jo"oot.-J"!ii t:,.r.llnrr h., bullt the l"r\dae1' VA· , .. \OW ... , ... 41a.l.,. ~~ton ......_ ... awarde41 a tw~y..,. c:.rtiflcate ot ry. Mtl~ ~>"htrh baa lead a van.d '"~ • .,....~,- •rvtce for au. volunteer work u End Rnet> St•ri~ 11"11 """"f' ltte havtna ...._. .. ,..._..,. •-_.,. rnv.t~~ .... ...._ eaaml~Mr for the loca.l 8elecUvt> BaCO'I'IIf;JUIOOU llt"t"l('~ 1~t.rhor mut .. r'e .,.,_t w!Ma Jlr •II•""-' -•-•-~ .,._ Bentet board. nw eertlftca tl' \\'tllllilll Wriahl h;u l>.•t•n ··1C"Ct· on April I u "' ··k hi' hi I hilt uttlc., .. n.......,. I'd • llMl .-..u..... • .... __.. au-ne. the atc-turu of Preelck'nl o:J u pru1ut<nt ut Uw Jot.•n'• Bro·1 . . , ·•f th .. !ll""'r<•r1 HIU1Mlr Yacin ... ,.. t.o-uc .~ ........ ....-,._ ... , ~Yell. Gov. Earl warren. ~n-Uwrbuod of Coet .. )\o·au Co.lll· Sklp)WIM uf Ito. 1•"·'1 I III lCh l 'luh lt•fl•l n. •• , ln ... Tnumam-1 •<Jf'\-J.-•T"~ ,_.. ... ...... era1 Ltrw18 B. Herahey and Col. nounaty church, ••th..r ••fCI.:•·r• l f -l•'<•l oJ•uj;lll (I••• 1 ""111 ''11 ~1111 "' t.t.:llta ""<I Ul• tralnlnc •tr ot th..-.~ • f"•U...l· ~ ._ a. K. K. LeltdL nam"d to 8\Jrv\' tow til,· <"IIIUing-•Ia~·. Apt ol 16· •a•l 11""1' flunl 1'" '' 111111\}' K Jul•,.nlltll •kl~ I•..C ...... litw "•• ..,..._ a. Announcement hu ~n mact.. or y.•ar betni Harlo1n Wotrld vh:t-lur 111" ~·"""'1' 1 " Tll•(•hy 11 A IIAL£1' H,; r am.-""""' t...t ~ ,,., "II t.. -_. the recent marrtqe of MI .. Velma prl'tto\l{·nt. lliiU Rua~s,•u IJun1~. •o·•·· "''11' ""'r 111'' '''"' '"' •· ""'""1" .. ,,.. "''I"" "IC" when h .. bo.~t u.r uf thl114:. 1lilal'\ .,. •• ,. ... ....,. Woody, claupter of Mr. and Mra rdau-y-trcuurer. Th~ \\'ome n'• '"1:· '"~kip" l'ollkuuc •• "'"'1111.: ""' ll~tlh"a ""•'hi Huln u a rlla~K'o' 1n lh<-1"-~ aJ.Ht )"-" ~ ...,. A. 11:. Woody, 641 Hamilton atnol't. 1-'llldta d ii.U and tho· ~h-11'a Uru-fa••l•l 111 '111111'" Wll h 4·1 1"""1"· '''" h vo•fll lltt•nl Ito• 11 In thr t.o.t u · auloo ....... ....-. ,......,._. .... -· and LL ll. B. l:ble. 1t0rt of Mr. tlwrhooct are to at.a;:o• •• Julnt pol· "k'l'l'•'r bc••nK .:ll'•·n '""' 1'"'"1 1"r • ""I""'' nn•l broll•rac~ t.uat-,., ... Ja. "' • ...,.., ...._ -. and Mrw. 11:. R. J:hle of Cloven -luck dinner thl• o·l·tnon~; •t the •·ll•·h 11111'' h·· '"'1"11''" rtnl. 1-'1ll• 1••·• manrntly now and wtM-n tlUI • ''"'' .,.,,., '"'""" • • ~ ...,._ e, · · u-~ · · onee 0 IIO;C • • • All ekll•lll'la ftnl•htn" th•• ra''' -..., .. --J AD! . f'-il ........ ........ T,\ ~[.SA IIU .... It 1-t :x::= ttee till • 1ng ) (lJ• r-s....tfft • ,.. "" ,_..., In tl t~ C:.ft. ........ •hlrh ,) rt:llftW'nb ......... •. .u. f' ... < .. ~ ........ ' ,.l'"' .... u ... .... .._ .. ......., 1111..-t -vnty R-W B--storr YiU N y J ,._ 0 A J I laJ VJL_ '•ric• putnl '"' •·•~h bunt h•• bo·•l• "''" lftrtch whu Ia a <'hl•f <'•-· • I •rUI lllw , .. .,....... •>4 .._ • ~ottli:l~'f1\t b~....J!. " l••r In lh•.• 1'<' .. 1 Cluard at llaft Dt ,.,., ""''« o--.--U.. _. .,.., a craduate of Newport Harbor OWES ~1'E.(XHJfT.(I(fiiJUIJ W'&!-..:Jni.U.ol Willi' WlL' l"tlll.l. c.ldl ..... ,_..hN'fle aAu Ui1e --~ .... &ollie at\m~ t~ ·~~~~~~-----_;=~==~ U-•--H•...., -~•. Sl''''""' ph11·•· •• h••IJ hy 11•rbara Wtll nnooral• Ow 8 y 8 1..-.._ ltw•·•·-_._.. .-:.__ ... i I I I a I ...... BOOKS o-r..e b ~--Boo>!.• CanrunK BooU, Patnl Boob, ....... Dill a..ll» alld • n..w t:ncyclopedi& of Movte ucl Raclio ..... 5 ieee Pliaw ........ tOe to 29c' CIVE YOURSELF A .... ___ .._ _ ....... npt 1n your 0<111"11 bome • .... -dtdnaty. -macbl~ Of) dryera. For women ucl O'Osu Srt59r~b 1BE 1\~ .. ALL-FABRIC DYE _. ~ .... ..,.d ~ m&ltt>ra of a world·famou. dye, mak• • ~ .. t.-t .. bada a# fabrica, lndudinc oaleneae, nyloM ., e+ m -'1 ~ fallnca. ._ .... asc. ---- 8ITN G~ All ..,.._ _,. ....,._ poand and poUabed. Cl'ookea leMee ucl ............... ___ ~_._iaw_fr.. JOe ~$1.50 IN'I'DlLOCKING PUZZLES ~ ......... ......,. .. eoo.. Puzz.J .. a. C1rc\.LI Puulee, • ~: T•,_. C... ~. Tan~ TrueD. and other -~ca" Fr-JOe to S2.9R 1 ............ ,._, .. -...,._,.., ConJrr•tul!iUOIUI "''' 111 orJ,·r •f 1 If lh •1 1 '"' d ,.. ~ -'nw April s meettnr of the Well fur IJI(C. Owt'n JliiSh•IIIIUi, ~<on uf .. c ca \\I ~ !'<•In •. • .. tr • '""'n Man ........ 664 ... om I <»-.. y ·"-'c "'·-...... n ••ftc,•ll•·' l horhy M•••·•lf. 21' l"'lnta, fourth, ltnLANO VALLJtLY· A• • ... ., 11"-<1111 -• ....,..., ..,.... .....,.. ,._ -..-..__., ~ ~u Mr. and Mt·e. 0 . J .Sit•fun~ o! f;lll El B 7 -· ..... to .... Inability of '"'• •oun--il!r "8 '"· 2 romth• llunt.·r lind h·· "'""'''1 on ll'w ba• --"" •-·-a. -.,. --~ -......, ....., u•~ • ll1111111lon lllret-l, \1 hu "" Man·h I~ Jl ~ It ,. ' ' -........-.--_,. ty aa..-u"' ..oa..._.H..,eftt to •uppl" r•'"''''· ;!,, IWIIIIliO 1\nb ~nh·y. ,11 ,.,. .. ,.,.,.,.,1 trn.la for ~ l"al'tl· f'r'l""' ,.,. nw .._ _, • 1 •• p _..,.. -..--·· J \\ <UI UIUII•u tn llllll ll•lt;•· "oth Mt .. 1· I R 11 11 HI a dodor. ll wu annou.nced today. H ··bl'l'l'lt J une c,..1111 .,( •11 .. "'1111• '· 1111' ~~~ rl\rtc '"" In 11•2fl h,. had hla own..,... "'-• .. _.. ..._,.....,..., .- " v Twu l'lll'lflr 14 r•~ol lllt'l'll w••n • 1 r _, ..,. _.._._ · •-It Ia hoped that lhe clinic may \"ilh·, Tl'X., t.hll' ~··•••tolutl)" lMkln'-' "'"I' '" rrnl .. and a ,_ ,..,.. -,., , .. _.,._ ..,. .,. -• ht•l,l Sunthl)' 111 ll•llhnl Y••·ht 1 1 I'· 1 11 ... ..o -----1 ba r..-wned wtth the norular April nta~-at Brown•vlllr• 'ft'l'a•··'J•t I ··r "' IH'I •• an .. I"'WttlcMlu to .......... ~. ...,...,. --,. ~~ " I vU ('lub In tlit• tint I!Arh\' Mf'll'tolf 1 t1 L • -11 meeunr. Dr. Poyet, who bu crmn:tr. The briuo>, who sth ·n<l<'<l ~~~ """"« •to<'.. At .,-t .... • eM' ' ··• a •- 1 h 11lllrrd tlntt •n R~tmbl. '"Sklr'" ,..al· \' 11 1 k ... ,_. t _ .... ..,. fonnerly •rvad the c lnlca, u Raymon .. •1·UJ• H l<>h •"h•ool *"J '"' " •· 1 "''" • "" • ma!' ... n-· • • •-·-.... ~ .. • ~· luna ••·1·ond In .1111111•. Uarbara Mt't· h R ho I V F r --(Oftl lnto prtnte pr.ctlce at BrownaviU•· Junior I''"''"''"· Ia ~ft I ,. t) •r Btaau eom.,.... .. ,._ .. a -.. -.. ~· 'olf, thlt .J 111 rtutto•,.·up c llh,.ra 1 1 "'-t-""-~ ~ .... aJ1 ------__. Clanmont. l"111ployee or Pan·Antl'rii'IUI Air· '11' •fH•nt . I .... t"f'ma ...... r U'f .... --...,. ---,. --· f M d fllloehln.: In urdrr nanwd w••re 10 kl .. h ·-.... •---" f•-_ ........... ---.• -.. -----on-e« ..... ret, lOft 0 r. an Wtl)'l. Pvt. s~ It aliUlunl'd a t ,. .... '"'"' man-·nc .. -~ -·------· -..__... 111ft. HarTy 'nteuret of 1&4 Flow· the Army Air !#JI•• no·ar Browna-:::,,.H::I~ftl~';. f'hllni'O' llll•l F-lleo ln.:• .,.,,.. ._, • -~ ....,. --u elreet, Ia now eervina-wtth the n ile. ..-:VF'RF.1-r ._ORRIS· Yatt.tlnc fn•,-... ,._ ..,..._. ......_--._ motor mec:hanlce cllviatOft Of the Till' ,.:'Coond rllCt' IIBW Chant'r ntt•l fllrCnft hll\'1' bH-n hW ..,...,. and --.......... _. ---pl:u·lnl: 'rrn~l llnt1 rttllowrd by Jan--.-Field AruDuy and Ia taJclnlt a d· IS.Il'RI:D IN CllASH '"' Vf'an f1r11t at L A Hantnr .._ ... -~ ....... • --Yanetd tralnlftl at Camp Robert.. tr, llnmbt, Jlll•·r• ancl nuu .. ,...up, ""'' th<'n h"t<" u .. hu .--d t..•l.tl , .. ....,, ,...,..,., •• -.,. .,.... Hl8 broUu~r. Clltton. Ia wltb tbe Brlaon H. Klnc. ur Cu1ta Mua, In onll'r nllllltd 1,.,,..,.r rtntl .. 11 and until Ow ,..._ 1.._, ,,.,.....,.,..,. 141 .,. -• a.n Army Infantry; anotbtr brother, autr..red minor cuU on ht1 h ead PrN1 t' JlN>w"r hsa bl'c·n art-.•rnt Allr nf hi• Alba~ wu • ..-.,..,_. • I!Jc*by, wtth the Air Corpl. and a BJ)d fac:e u reeult of a traffic tn,t.: u lr mpnrary Mil'" chalmolln vrrY ,.,.11\" .. m"mt..r of U..t _,. 1ft , ... .,....,. .......... ..,_ .- elater, Juanita, wllh tbe WAC at arcldl'nt which O<'c·urred Thun· until lh•· fulun' p111ne of Crala rtrllvl' n .. ,.t ""-"'~,...... .-... ... -..-rort DedololDeL tilly e\'enlnc al lh!' ln~reet"tlun [)(1)11•· W('rr null'(" ddlntlo•ly known. N I. U )W .. AN' "" ........ ··IU ...... -....... ~ Rome on a lO-day turloup Ia or Broadway and Nrwpott boule· With Mr Ooyl" al~ttc•d to eo 1ntn h1Jildln1t bnau ll!W!<' 1M! ... II. a. .,..,. _,...... t.. ... ..._. • WUUam Jl. aaHatlury, &eo VIctor· \"ard. Drtvt'r ot uj,. oUit'r car In· lhr ec-rvtf'f• at an f'arly datr. Com· lit~ "" mond "-" ,.._ wv-.-.~ Ia .a-t, Wbo recenUy completed w>lved wu Ra.ymoncl Dnmett modon• Mark Ht11aly \a ex~ted mlnKton anti ~ a ,_.. till ---- bla boot camp ~ at the u. Tyndall, 19, of knls Ana Army to appoint a nl'w ....... chairman ,.., •• 1 N-Jt0r1 Six ,....... ... 1111 I . Na.....S 1'ra!n1Da ltAUon. rarra-Air Baee h·••pclal Mr. KJna wu In tho· nnr flllur... ,...1 up 1,.,. LAwman Boef ........ cut. Iclalllo. ''Bill," wbo arrtved gul"g Wl'lll .. n Broadway and the l'nonr•nv "" '"" lltn wWft ... bo Jut Saturday reported that oU.t'r car 1"''''11"« IDUOI on New-New Rules Govemina l'flniCnll,.,. In , ..... lr'l and ~ ........ o..o-. a 0 lln= leevtnr eo.ta' ......... veraJ pnrl bouie\ 1\td when tbe coli laton ... ,,.,,,..... l...,wnaan tlulla --r,e a • .. wee)ut aco be bad traveled on look plscl' ll11lh machlnee were Pleasure Boat Use l!ltli'K O AIHU· A• ,_ _, ....._ ., .. ~ .. - eome of tbe moat unlqut' traina In hadlv dama~t···· and Mr. Klni l'l'• on Newport Bav htt\'o• ~Hrtlll,.···· •pnrln.tllnc '• 11M tbe country, the moat moJ••m IJ'olr;d "'~"""'" treatment. ,,,..,,., .• w u ht• ravnt1t.. ~- coach encountered by him nlong Nt•w ( ··•n•t t;u11rJ ,...t:ulalhmll 11"11 Wh,.,, h,. mnvf'd '" ~ Har· the way being of the vlnlagt' nf IJIT-R,'N \('( IPI:NT I(IJ\'\'1111111: lht• 111.,,.,.,,,,,nl "' ltii'IUI• 1''" nhout "'Khl y.an ..,.. 1111 11103. Some coachea In ·whit'h hl' -'•w Cnr• • • s rottagoaa. 19, nr 17th 111.1. 1 ,,•~··1" an :"<·W("''l II"Y "'" h"ul{hl n l"•wrr l»n.t ud lar..-- rode, he aald. were of tbe p~-:o11d Monrm't" svenue. wu ar-,,1111t.ln•·•l In 11 "'"mf•·•ln '""""" '""'"''' whtt·h ,.v,.ntually - elec:trtc era ancl eUll boaated gu ro·Btr•) <tn tt .arunk drivtntt c:hsrge. IK&l Th"'"'llly hy c: 11 1;,·11)'. ~> ,.,., k"•l llurlntc • flutana BoUt Upta. A hrt-run rh•IS.:•· nnt1 for carryinlt •llplillll u( t)w purl,...,.,. Anl(f'lr• •:"'"''• r r•t• halt lntontlal an4 ... _ ,._ Ripoo I ~(~(~ltl n rnn<'i'AI•·•I •lo r11l1y Wt'apon, fol· Th·· 111,.,11r,111 ., 1,,1,.111 h1Kh1v nr1t:1nal nam,.. u ~ allln '""'ln.: nn "' • o IPnt w hich auf'rl· •:rt•, 111 •·ly 1111111, ,1,,1, ty. l'afl· " t~;hl '"'m•l.., •'•IIY 111\'Dh• I htn ""r and nnl' nr-lain .. r lh•· l' .. rt 1 ... ,. Ant:•·l""· nu"· f"llllllf ~ t·IR!t'd h.v l!o•lt• rt W. Dunton. 17, h•·r··hy .:rllulll 11 .:•·ll•·nl "' .. ""'' tu "' :16:1 Avo. ll•l" 11treet, Coat& )C\•M nil ,.,.,.,...,,. "fH l ~<l•••l ault•IV for :-i1l t/ICII8A IJi ••II•( tO hllVe nl'd from fl)"!Uitil'(• \II nl"\' 111, ltlll r\11! II••· th•· .. .:.·1·1""'· ~>•hlch occurred on pl\r1 rrnnt All ll"ltlrr11 "' s .. w- !ll•·wpott 1Joouh-va rd 200 fftt 110ulh l"•rl llhl •1uy "r 111.:ht, ,.11,-,.rt In .. r tht• Al•k•·r 11treet lnleraf'ctlun lht· '''"""'"'.!: JIMin Milt\' thai'• nnt h~r l"f'al n-. l•· .. rnr••l tl<ow frum 1t .. m thf' ...,.,. '111 .. II '" \\'alh nn pn.v'-"'--• 1111: ,., 1"'1 ;,.,., •• othf'r l,han • a I'""H•·II~•·r nf " ,..,.,.,. In a pond, • FOR BETTER WORKING L I V I N G CONDITIONS FOR FISHERMEN an d CANNERY -sHIPYARD WORKERS ... and THE and rot 10 r m . Sunday. He waa tlf· 111 1 wa,t•·rll w••ll ,,, thr· ····M··d a ,,.,,. minute. later on So. nnrk AI lh•· • xlo·nMiun .. r f"lly ~h·· t)nnr•l"'l "" '"'"'an II~ ~ I lith M nln 111 rN·t. by Banta Ana city 8tr1•d , No·wporl r"'"''' (o(flr ,.r•. • h I Wll\t•U """ I h•· hAriYor ··n ---... --_.., .... ________ _ P na!lrnj;;<•rl In the Durwton rar 1 nm r" ,.,1111 h "' :o-;rwp .. rr C'hanrlt·1 11 h" llllfr•·r••ll major lnjurtel w .. rf' l.l.:ht I, " 11111.:'• ptl• "'"' :-l•·W· l•o1n no Mn<• Mr Cctrd. 1&, of Corona pnrt lillY ('hnmw1 l .•~:hr• <1 llttu)' Shell Marine Products d.-1 MAr. And Jf'well W ell•. 1&. nf 2 • FOR TJONAL BETTE If A HARBOR R~REA- FOB roa COUWCI'·KAK APRIL 11TH, 1944 f"o"lBIR Mf'llll Cnllll M,.11a P'rtday Att~mtX>n , hJb liUit week approved Ole pur- <'hRl'IP nr sn additional 1300 In \\'sr B!lnd", brin .. nl to 11000 the nmnunt tlf bnnct. now owned by the orgsnlutlon. It wu at.o vot - "'' to dnnstt 140 to Coate Meu ~'ttspter or Red cro.. Mr11 Rl'ubt'n M. O.y wu ap. p<tlntl'd ('hslrmllt\ of a nominat- Ing mmnollt~ to maJce a--eelec- Plt•:uutrf\ \ • -.)u 1ft u r•· "''' JW r· mtltrol In th~' wnlo•r.o olriH'rlb<••l In "' 1 •nil tho 1\((oll"lllll•l Wllh~out II I JWI IIII II• l'nlt•• frolll tho• c•IIJ!IIIIn •1f 1 h,. f'nrt. l.<oll A 'lj;;o•l•·• AT THE SHELL DOCK MAIN CHANNEL 2 T'hr ''!'"'"'''' nf Pvery pl~'lll "'" \'1'1111'1 wtlh rru•l'hankRI pnw ,., muvlng In !':""'II"'' ll11v '" ,, .. 1 rpalr~>~l tn rllrrv nn ltl••ntlfii'Rtlnn ll-----------------------------J f'f\fll lllllllf'll hv lh.-f"nu l f:uarrl, A rmv. Na••v or "' h,.r F'f'drral llR:"""v. ~1"11011.0 nt h,.r th11n 1 hr: np,.r•rn, nn .our h 1 ... ,.,.,. ttr,. nnl "''llllr,.ol tn , .. rrv "" t•l••nt tit• II tlnn ""''' A rout t:u11r•l 1•1• 1111 (lrl\111111 1"1\tll ntiiV h~' ••hlflirW<l Ill lhr ()tflf•r "' lh•• ,o\lllllllltlfll 1"~1·· tnln nf lh,. l'nrt. No•Wf">tl Ill l'nl· lln11 J11l11ntl II t.o nnt A pii.Oil 1 J'rr.onnl rm ,,,,.,. .. ,,... 11"111)/•11111 wlthnul IIIIXIII11rV t•nR:In"ll IfF pll'llltllt f' mwbo11l1 whlrh h11v.." nn mf'l'hl\nlrsl fl'lW~'r '"~ n•ot '"'1U1r· Nl In r·arry l•l•·nllflt•flllnn •·•uri• Just received foi yom inspection: A new ship- ment of Marine Harcl- ware for summer outfitting. •••c.·· ....... 4 • . .._ .. ,_ ....., ""nw .... , ---.......... ......... .. ,....,.... 59 zre ........ .. -"--........ ... ..__ _ ..... .. ,..,.1 _ ... .............. ~ ............ ... lt(al W llf "" &-.. "-'-.., .. _ _ ..... ~ .. ,.. ... "' r~-u.. ., tn'Wtl•rw .. ~·· , .... -. .-D ... ,,.,. .. • '" ...... 't\ ., ,..,_ . , ... ,.~,-· ............. ..... _, ........ ._,. Y'"" •'-( f~ rfl luntary "' ..... tit .. M :'\ft; .. · f tlr 'A • r, . ., ..... .... " .,.,. .... ,,II 11 'W .. f'lt It •n• \.,, • 'nf'M ~ , .... ,, ... ...... .. ,. "WaJ . ....,. • 1 I "" r .. , ·~ " I ._.,.our Lt. G. H. Sattlc Exchange V O\\ Be(oN a natural ga Ia the UtUe Cbun:h , en tn Berkel~y. U «"ul l!latuer Jr. waa marr Oladya Grimm nt Sa 'nile weddln( took 1 elewDU\ at alx o'cloct Dlftl and wu att«'nde l!latUer't parent.. Kr. H. BalUfr of Balboa I n lau ... and a t«'w • 8an Franclalco. Tbe double ring c«' u.ed durin( whlt'b 80f 8l..: ... play.cl. The bride who wu 1 rtace by her fat'e!', Ortmm. wore a powd• *-. trlmm«'d In pea .,a.Dented by a •mall bat and •he carried 41Mt cf Wblle bouvard orclUda. She wu a ll• ~~&iter. Janel Gdmm. pld cNpe dreaa and eprtnc violet &hade.· were a llhoulder bouq• ~urit lavendtr on:ble!a. The but man, Lt ty, wu a former <'lall I(I'OOID. bavtnc attend~ Martttme Academy w Tbe br de'• mot f'r eece Grimm, wore a ..,.._ ~ed by an 1 11laek and while 11prt motbar Ol the (1'00Gl tuiDe .ult of navy bl RO souc t ' In dept J As Hi ' Pap I I DOINGS or TID I .1!!!!1~ By MRS. 0 . L.. AN~8 It• rr are the eo\4 facti and " t a tact them. • Whll•· •>lher clUe. an unowac· 1n~ that they have pne OYtr lh•· t.!>P In their Red ere-drive lor tunda 0\e Newport H~ arn hu only lfVeD alMNt b&U Of llll quolL We mUIIt ret In $1:!.000 u oUr eb&re. Tv dati, 1111\'11 Mr11 VIctor Or.ce, cbalrmu. w~ ha\'e only aboUt tt300 cSoU.an. And 01111 it Mardl Jl witll ODl)' a fi•W daya t.o p . Local Boys Honored at Farewell Dinner Robert Jobnlton and Lykt 0,._ 1a.m were lhe honored ru•LI •u .. aday evemnr al • dmnt-r 1•v· ·n by Ole fom•~:r'a moUI€'r, ·litrll. r:diUI B. JohJIJitUn, of :!30:.! MILl'· W. itreet Tilt-. .lfa1r took piau .t Ole bome or Mr-•.sui Mn. Glenn .uhnllton, :Wl :llJil atrcl'l, New· port. Robert ~d Lyle. each of wbom •• 17 yean o! a&e. have: c:nl18ktl • n Uae U. s. Naval RHerve and tSXp«t to' luve tomorrow for u·amtn& camp. Tboee who rathtred to bid UMm rarew•U wer11 Mn. Edith ..Jobn· ~ton, Mr. and Wr11. Olenn Jobn· ;ton and diu;titer, Olenda'; .M:r. ..nd Mn. VIctor Joluulton and three cl!Udren. Jacklyn, Richard ..nd Ronnie, and Robert'• ta.t.ber, Harry B. Johlulton. • ~· ·-----WANTICD -C:C,_. .. , 1111 .u.--. ... Jfl _.--._.. ~CIIIZI5M.. • :_~a· a,.....__ . \'ANTED -Ollila .... Jlr-..,__ ~ ....... & ~ laed ,...., a.o•. ..... .. ~ ElectriC .... 8S --i«'T ·---~ ~. Ave . ...._...._ .... a--. pace. ..--..--&.c ...... ~JJJ,;R w Alft"D)-~ --. ,... a , l!f'wd.. CM~a at 7 1.5 L a. ,_ IIIMl • S ' ._, Jlllf 11\'f!., Lone a-da ._ ... - tum at t ·tlp. •· J . • ......_ 502 E. Bay A-._ ......_ • WANTED!! u.t1Qp , • ... ..... • and o.ta ._ p a R we,. .. l a ..... a a I' !II~ eeeaa. R. C. PARJ(Eil 1101 ~ ....... OIIIta -- WANTED • .:GIK ~ a..> <ill • t ----J*a~­.... --... ~?lC ......... --pt8rt ..... - '!_~-~ W:A!'IT &o lmlft'-.J'Iga. .... ltl.l ......................... ...._ lllld a.._ a-elL W&Dt· eel to '-J: w.-.... mlldalne ...... ~. U$ llEW AJU> for due leadlDc to tM ~ ol 2 w S..lltdlwm tw t • -... ww trade l'ftltal o~ ._,_ f\lmiabed apt. I Ill l!laJIMie. J"lrepUft. Boa 1111. ~...... tp :ii"S))tT n»fDtMAN, zt-toot dJe ~ bu.llt. mallopny ,..a.. ~ rtvett.ecl. all ac- et~~_p" .......... ll.p. Cllrta Craft, All Jllll ~ ... your ....._ or 2011 Martlle Ave., Bal· ._......_ IU Thursday, March 23, 19f4 Spring Clean-Up Sale c:LOYIIU DaYEill ............ type, 10 11. ............... , tll.95 Uaed-6, 8 and 10 feet, $2.75 to $5.00. CLOniiC8 UCU. 32 feel drflag •pace. .............. u •• IIID-JID IBONIRG BOARDS. WUI a o I wlwle, woltltle, Jiggle, Joggle, •Up • ..... , t2 ••• CLOftD8 LDR. 100 t .. l, 35c WICKD CLOTHES BASKETS, tl.39 •oPS, 45c. l.al'ge u801'tqaeal of BI'Uh" What bappeNI l.hen T Ju.t UWI. .:; .. mt•wbe,. the NaUonal and l.ll· tf'rnaUonal Red c..-wtU bave t.o cut the buaret. Some W\ltll ot blood plaama for d)1n& boya at Use fi'Oilt won't arrive. Some turlfcal dnee· tnp to keep wound8 clean and comfortabl«' won't be teDt. 8ome pn110ncor will not M .~ t.o eaD4 11 nll'lllla(~ to hill family bere. Snm«' packace• and m.....- may fall to arrive In a p!Uoo ramp flr h<M~pllal ove..-a. Some boY• In hoap1talll ~overln& from W•'unda hf!re, may Ue Idly, bope- I('II•IY. waltlnr for IOIDeofte lo belp them find their way baek to nor- mal h••althful ouUook aAcl acUvi· ty again. ENTEIITAIN8 t"'a \181T0a Loti ol .... eta. ...... Mra Qrpha Olut>, 1111 Macnolla avenu.-, enlertaln«'d Swuiay u a cQmpllment to hCjr: JUUl. Kn. .vm pay .,. ,.tra. 1.. E. Curl vf North Dakota.-22Dd Gueltll lncludcod Mr. and Mra. T . H. Dlnamore and 110n, of Lone ~ac.h, ~Cr. and Kre. Walter Shell· 'J'IIDlllOIE ••• ............... • c:IIMnl • pat .... ...... ~-_U~h.~!#ARE t-I7.H.Jiurpol'l Blvd. Co•ta Jlna qul•t of Cedar Rapldll and Wn. Charlu Steam• of Wblhler. While You may uy, "that't ju.t .Wy . Th., money will come from ~ whr•ro•" :1ut If each c:ornmunlty tloun't mHt llll quota lbe mODeY wnn't rom<! from anywMre. There are many people ben wbo hfl\'f' not lfven at all. Tbere are many who have not l'lven u 1.1"dl u PQ•Jblt. 'I'M pice ·of & ff'W 1/lltra macaatnN, a f.- m0\'11!11. a nt'W J:uter bat, or .J..apel pin. a ,_ extra clrtnkl, ad~d tottether w~ld lfve a Ud:r little 11um wklcll Jtven now to thl" Red era-wtll I&Ye men'• Uvea. will pttve comfort&"'-belp "" tM>yond your momentary per- IKlnlll pleuure In the IIP'f'diiiC of that mon«'Y any othu way. Com@ on. lf't'll .,49 Ulll Ultr\c. 01111 WMk , and 110 well that we r.an live wtth ouJ"'IelVM w1UI pride. Your utra Sli tW 110 or mont, or ~r dollar, tent lo tiM local Red CroN office. w11J do the trtl'lr. Ttl ill Ill the momeftt 1.o uy thank yo11 to the nMft and boy-B wbo are llvlft41' In ln4tller'l~ ably horrible ell~rten~ · Utat )'f)U m11Y live In comfort and Nfety N~xt WMk can't we U · nounCf' lbf ..-..ILl wtlb I&UI· faction tnalead of ,..ret T Meanwhile, Ole loeal eau. to h•lp with the metl Wbo an ,._ tum lnt: wounded aacl ~ and an lytq !II ~ lllll'e, are lncftulq clady. aDd tiMn .. a bl~ «'Xpenalon tn Use WOf'll ol the camp and Ha.pttal Oommtlt- t~. hudNt by )ln. IM!don Coop· er. That committee rt!ally needa a work room and atore room. fte· membf'r! W«' m.nUoned ll bf'foN. About 100 llqual'l fHt, to IF' Bemblf' 8Uppi1N for tJlll lftllcl work for the boys. Ttllnll hard. .. v~l')'bod.v. and let't .eare tJMm up a room. Call Ole otnee. Her"f! Ill (OOcl new11 for Use ~ r l«' who want to be blood donora and can't «•t Ume to 1'0 to Banta An&-Mr. LorenUen. our bU8y fted Crou chalrman. 11 makllll ar• ranttementll to llan a .mobe.le blood tl<!nor unit come down to Newport, 1t w111 take a little Utnf. but wh"n our ex-n yu, world war vet- eran, ehafnnan, .etll out to ret Ultnc• done for Ule Red en-lle dofoa them and we wtll let you know u eoon u plana AN all eel. Local atalf people are tra!llln& at Co.ta Meaa Mr•. Curl a.l.lo Vill- •t.ecl at the D. K. BIIH' home and wtlh litn. CUIIIe S lut' and Mn. DoroUiy JohNion. Mr11 Jack Muon and c.hllc!Nn. Joan, Barry and Denny, 118 c,.,.-w avenuco, left Jut week for Dr"f!m.rton, Wn . where lh«'Y wW jol.n their hUBband and fat.twr. Cblef Boat.waln'• Mate M-. who rKently returnrd rrom U month& duty In Ole South Paclnc. H"; will be' alaUonl"d at the Noi'Oi· "m bue for ah Indefinite J>"iOd. ·-.... ~~...,....~ ........ CLASSIFIED I..OST AN() t'OVND LOST -Lady'• amllll Lonrtnu wrlatwatch In Ncowport bullln<'M aecUon or on way borne to 31~ El Modena avenue. N~rl Hetcht•. Subetanlial reward. Phone 203, Mr11. 81ll Oovert. ~"'R SALit .,.._ ..-c _, _... t~a-M _ .. pat Blvd., Oallla ...._ • LARGE ~ JID'Ial. ._. ~andj.._.._ml.- lit . eo.t.a --....._ -..... -------------·-p f'(IR SAL&-.......... * ,_. Hno\'t'l' ca-r _, nw] 1 , u~ce --aeao.-..-.. a.or-.... HD.P W A.NTt:D BAJtCAil'C AT 1150. '31 Buick tedlaa. Dutr ~n. Pnfect me- ~ically. A·l pre-war ~ply tin-a. radio, t~~eetcr, roc tiptL J R. ~ e-ta IleaL eo. ta --Ill. wt.. 8aDta Ana ADd ............ ILDoll for die upt p-. .._) lU PICK YOUR BARGAIN FOR TH1S WEEK! ............. WANTED SEAMSTRESS f or • ...... ..,_ ..._. ~ ':D FOilD ._DOOR DELUXII powl'r machlno•, ... w1ng llalla. BILT·IUGBT BA8Y c•PW.,-................. -....a SEDAK. aalcat. PI&. Phone Nt'wport 1';'84. tU roll ~ A·l 'tr .111 a. C ...._, - F .-a 'D CHIN. 2-DOOR, SPECIA.L, HELl' WANTED G1rl or woman E Bay A.~ ..... a. _,I ..... Dllllia ~ .. fl5a F.xperl«"nce not nt"C<'aaary Work ~me. -'1'W10 .,..._ ..... -a eRn. llm>AN. Runa IOCJd. In malt &hop 8H J. L Stamp, ~ S 7 -.. ... Dodd'• M·'t s"··p ........... , .,, __ ~ FOil s•• • •-.... -.. __. . ' as n • ... ... -.. DOOR. a ' .. ..... ..... ............ u __.: • ,..., ._. • ~ JIIIL -.. • .. .._ a. .... ~·· -urry. rra. WA~Illlddle aced w--. _. ml" 11r _. ..._, ~-.a--...._ .r • to mab talad8 and ualllt wtlh Allin ..,........ '-,_....... --*-...... -._ L Y L E P 0 P E ~...-.Inc rooma. Good wac-. tM& «=--~ ._. -• .... ...._ Glllla..... • ·-Jiurlf'y Bell. Corona dd Mar. I n adllp • , .... A -... Newport Autc Sales Pbone 2426-M. tU Sll a ~-~ W een•-1 Wit HAVE ~ n.---.... .oiOUUV • l.flU ...... a.-....-~ WANTED ' RADIO_.;...... ..a,......a_....... Phone 1406 • ,.. ....... c ~ --~=-=-=-;;;.., _______ _ Auto mi'Chanlc•. Top wac-. _. ~ ...._ Clllla ~ I Jll!iK .. :LIA~WllS but of worktn~r condition:.. an Ft...UIIILIGIIT BAil .... -ntlal War lnduatry_ Emr'oy-SO.S lta4kt ... llll'll:tlrk ... CcJata ..... a----BIC"f('IJPS 8ol4. Ud ment eiUif'r 1\er" or at Huntlnc-21:; Marine A,-._ ...... .._. •· -.,... ~~· patn!d. .Vocera. ;: Ma:: :.. 1 ton ~Kh •lol"f'. 81.._ and 201' Marl A TH ~. .-.& _._ OOCIO ....... -M**W M n .. EODORE ROBINS -.-...e ~ .. ,._ ,_........ ...,_ ..,.._ 2tl Ford Sllle. It ~rvt~ I But we ,.,.. flllllllr ., .._ r E. , 22nd It Qontral Nt"wport Beach at 0.,. .._ ..,._. .... .._.._ r.w ~ -.e. 0111111 ,._\ PAJI'lr'1T.'fG and peperbaJirtDC. Phone U 1 "~"" rea_•.._ 2%11 CliiMI ....._ ... 1DI..aG. • ..._ F,_ ~tea. ~raaoe car· I . 1 ne.l. A. J Burton. 434 Newport siTtlA.noNM WA.NTED Follllli'::N1' 1 PI t ....._ o.ta .. -.Phone •NOW i -DODiupeiJ' WANTED HOUSEWORK by bour f"t'fl flENT -;;~---___ o_ ._._ M Loan "r day , Will ra.r11 for children • r-. .....: .. ODey to · •-• borne 111"1Ut xzc 414>11 a , I -• • ,.,_ -__ .... !lay or night 2818 \\'-Cenu ... , - -~ ---N<•wport. tp man or ~ 111M C.. .. ,_,l ...._ 11...-p HI _._ Balboa ..._. -· • COUPLE ~·ould hkl' m•nagement I IPllaz-=::. ._ of 1mall yacht anrhor&gP. R~ · ~ ~" -~ ~ ..._. llpt>Mible. C1\Ar&C'!U l't'fll. If de· I ;am A !"'I~~ ..... SJ.,.... &L •Ired. 476 Grar('land Pr1v«'. La· ,;• ttat. ""'J'Nr. J c ~ :~ --... D yo. ba•• IMPROVED REAL DTAR aad Deed money, ••• R. c. pARKER I 11M :'Cewport BJv<L, e-ta Mea now, to bf' rt!ad:r to lwlp. run a. tp Nt"'ll-port ..,.~ o.ea ..__ I WE•• «•• Y ......, AT ~~~~~~~--~-~---------~ k ~ I d v Rent ~ ..._w -.....,.. I ·.an rOJ" ~~-.-!11 .._,.._.,... Notary Public Few Your Convenience We U.e two Notari" ia oa.r ollice. Fi•• -=-e .. ...._..._._j *--<S ~---. N. W. a... .. s.aa. ... ·-i R.. C. PARKER R. C. PARKER W ·A NT ED IMMEDIATELY -100 .MEtt- ro• REPAIR WORK DEFENSE PLANT ELECTRICIANS MECHANICS SHIPFITTERS WELDERS PAINTERS DOCKMEN HELPERS-(all crafts) SOUTH COAST CO. Shipbuilding Ap ,.)l:; 2108 W. Central, Newport Beach RETAIN YOUR SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE aad l&tla "-· • c-Ia .._I-~~ ....._ Clllea ._ Sl2 ~--~ ~ I FOR SAI.E I a..& &.l.te aad laeuraace 1 . -.............. c:-..-- RAYMOND THOMPSON -aad- PLAYTIME in one of our alick·fittin1 SUN SUITS --or-- SWIM SUITS We have juat received a new ahipmeat of CATALINA BATHING SUITS • • r Jns DEPARTMENT STORe· COST A MF'...!A • R. C. PARKEB. :soe ~-~ .... 0e11a .._ ... ~ Bay rraat Rf:-'IA fln'Aft f"-' .. 1 1~•-:: !,_ ..::---------,_. ... F'tVE ACIID -,..._ _. ;;::. ~...._. .....,_ 5 .... I w. ..._ ..--..-... .-.-.r e.~ .. :-': -:':': :: .:_. ll<TOP. R. c. ~--.... ~ rort ....... Ollila --.. -~ -5.15-Bt~S~'ESS OM*D ta F .-a \\-L. ....... 84-.cll. ~ ..-.. ... ..... -... njllbf'd_ ~.............. ~ £ ~ ..... mf'diate F , ., IIIIHlr "- Full ......... n.w. ... c. Parker • ..-. .......... ...._ eo.ta---.. IIONTHLY.ItE.',-AL $115. .............. .~ ........ ---..a..• ........ deDalll a.trtd . ·--...._. ---, Mack's Photo 104 Kaaa st., &.lboe Po.tCMd aDd P .. aport for idetdificatioo. 1-hour Bervice .. b .... at --able pric ... &.by Photce, ErllarQemeot• ..d Plaot011tatic: Copaea • R IJIYJTI YOU TO VISIT MACk .ILACK c.t If Fri•n•s- SIFf SHOP ou-tly Aero. tlae s~ TAKE HER TO • QUALIFICA nONS ••• • A resident of Orange county for 33 years. ' In gtnerol legal practice in Oror.ge covnly 17 years. : City Alto. ney of Fullerton for seven years. Approved by Boord of Govf'rnors o f Coi'':Jrnio Stole Bar • Graduate of Uni•1e rsity of 5ou:'·:>·n C~l:forn io low School in 1927 • IE SURE TO VOTE ON MAY 161 J udge Thcmo5on Con· .. ,, ... ·e. D. lodge, Secretory, 3C• Chc-'Jmon B ~C:';J., Fulle rton • lt&AL DTAft ~-~ ..... B.. c. PAJU[nr ~--~----~--~-------O~N_C~E~A~~~E=K~ I t I ' 1 ' t I ' I II ' I ' t r 1 I I BT-BALBOA PRESS ======--- JG!WHllrT BEACH. CALJFORNIA. THl'RSLlAY. MARC'H 23. HIH VOLUME V. --=- NUMBER 4 ---~============~========~-= -----=~'- :----------------~~ ........... TawiL TeiUII c,dman SeheduiPd as IHI!i!II!U!':i!lll!!::·: ": :t!t:::r,ul :·:·:ttllli!iillllllllllll!tlllllllw.tllllllllliiiiii11JUII!IIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIUIIIIUIUU!II!!IIIIllllllllnnlllllllttllHIHIII I 11{\T +DiltS Mad th ... ,. I'WIIat oaest Eatertainpr ~~ ~1 e wi raisins-Ea4 ' 'rr 11eet at Klwaala M~t •~ . and CIIITi'Dhl-,.. .... _._ _. _..,.,... C'llarl• WU.t•··ld e •dman !1 ~ tl..tll --., ............ ,. ~ <'171In<"nt A..nc:an , . ..,,.,,;-r, •• miJdly __,.:_..I .. ...._a Gr ........... o1 P.. t•• bot JUHt en~rtaano•r "' th•· Kl· Dt'~ ....... t J' a's ~ """18 ~~· ntc'ht •u····ttnj: ... t QUALI'rY •••c•w liiiN ........ BI.-.. .__ -ftWey ~ tJW ~ for April t at tM «"rllllllhr•r ~~<'hl"'' -.r ....,._ .....,C 11p "1·2_paUIU au.tlturlum. Pnc'edlrt~ tho· <'Onl·<'rt lletea ....,. -m 8H'Ciftd "til bfo cfjnner w1UI ll••ln2 K•l ... r --•1-2. p p 114 ., J:llcpt. "( Bay Shono caltt '"tan.: lUI ('ttl· -.r. •1-1.. r P .... IT 1·2. alld eru. ~~=~~:==::::::====::===::::::====~l'·:;:•:a: 121·2. Ktwanlane were t .. tay •l~tlt•d to '~ ....... ---.... ,.. .. ~ ......._ ....... ,.....,,,.. .. Nthtp 0ww .... ne.,. ,_ -~ .,_Ju•tball equad of X•'"l'"rt tbr· f,i g -·~·-·~.-~, -and- Vacua• SERVICED AND REPAJCWD 2119 Coast Blvd., Newport Beaeh ..,. w1Dt - -a tl'dlnkallty bur l'nton ~ '" "'"'1 11nd to :a - -., a. -.a ~ • .,. Ralpla R.ftocl. ~ •·ouch SJlf'llk-~!·: .._ ....., 1 -.1 A.l Billbop. "r of Uw altnftoon \O'l\JI to btt a.e a .... • ..,_ .-. M'f'rt. C Watfttlll. tftn-f'lf'f' of'Uw ~ ...._. .. a..or fllcla Santa Ana TJICA r .. ntn of Ulf' ... , s 1 ... Ia Gr ..,., __ ,... t:SO. a man wtlo .,.. bad Ioiii' n · H! DIJ'; 1t1a1 .. .._ a-. c ,_..man ll"'rit"ll("l' In boy'e '' urk IUtd who iJI .-: ......... ~ B toar· N'&lUH lbt" tmportl\n··~ .,, •J"'rU I m --= ..... Ia U1r awdlry ,... on butldtn~t boO. -ntHI lllltl phyel· m ter. .......... f-·tnan uo. ··•I I'DCWille. PH ... a a. ..,___ .. : nm St"llt 'nnuwlay, M11ro·h 30. wlll 1 m a ar a-. a..__ .,[,.. ho· country 8t~ dll \ f<•r Ktwanl•• HI ...., % • .......,.. ftft ..... S.tl· , lubbfont. t'lll'lt mrntlk·r of U\f' I j! -.._ -o..-te an.l Me· • lub btolrllf pr1rilfos:•·d M that ~1, -------------~ ..._. -.1 f-ut In tbr 1unr to advertille h~J hllllnf'a& ~~ .... ------------------------... lc:laae a ..... ..-...: ..JG1uwon. h••n•l out eampa.,. nr dlalrtbUtf' H MESA-LIQUOR ..,.B .. H:a.rD---=::..._-- 18U)s Newport lfv.L. C......._ ..._ • e 4 .. Increased Uq•Tu Sail PIIIIIIIJ B GOES ITO EmCT lfll 1. 8M 4/Sth Qts . -RUM 4/S~h ·Qts . -GIN 4/Sth Qts. TEQUILA 4/5 th Qta. -Ycx.& 4/Slh Qts. -BRAIIJI 4/Sth Qta. IWWERO JAS. 0. TALI.MAN .._. a,a. ......... ~ • l tf ula,., aJJ wtU.OUt fnr of lht ...,. ._ 8nl _. .an tlt"d f« , • .-tomary fine lmpneo>J for "<-lub r•~~~~·~~~ ------ .... ,..... ....... tile ... .-.-....... .._ ...... ..., a-. c lllloC; 1'-a .................... r-utin ._a.-c....,,_.. a •••• " • .._ •~ a.-._.,. n , 11.antt 23 ....... Ow •• -., tJW JHd.. .. a I U .. U ... ._....,.. .. .., J1e7 ~-~lanod on ........ .._ .... ,,_ ... raJ ..,. ~ ---~ U.t T?S ....... a.~ fill IU .......... -.......,... ~--......... ,m.4-............... __ ....._ -.,_., ................ wkre -.......... ~ wtD .. ftJl. .... -.... a-.-........... • _. lllr le7 fWh.IIR. -a -· .. ., .. .,..... ..._ -.-u. Major Gu Plptolinf' !n "I \ViU Be ._tailed l l~ Cnn.Cnll'tton of a ""'J"r plfW"· lift lln r from tJw La Ool~ta llry 1{1181 !I frdd abon Banta Barbara to Lo8 IIi A n2"r l,.. hu bNft appnw~d by ili th.-\\"PB a~J\1: to word ~· 1 !. ... IVO'd ..,.,. yeaUrday I . Thr pmjo~t which will I'll' undf'r· t.&Jwn by 8lllutkm .Counuu Qu C•• . aouu.n. eautornla au eo .. and tJw ~nc UCJ~Unr; Corpora- l tl)fl Ia f'..,edecl to coet about •• 000.000. ~ -ptpellnH. ac- 1 <'>•rdln« to prebmtnary plaNt eub- n t, t tO'd to WPB. wUI pro¥t4tt a n· t '""'""..,. o1 1-..ooo.ooo cubic f••"t nf ~tu for P"k dilly -by i .._nllaJ n.tom.,. 111 U.. Lae AJI. ~ .. 1 ... .,..., \. Corona Del Mar District NEEDS BBPBJ:Iiiii'I'A'I'IOR NEWPORT BEACH Needs the Type of Balla ... •aa Now AveDaWeiD ALBERT BOWEN. FOa ,. .... ..... Ia a retlntl ........ --wllo haa newer lteton Ia ... paJ.Uc olflce aad he lau ••-le pladeJ&Ceptaabaputlal_d,_. laaadlla9 of Clwlc Ualn. Vote for Albeit Bowea ........ -....... ~ .................. ~....,., ............ ~.,-aft .. ,._ ...... -......,.w _,. t1 --.. acturv .. our <Jo.--. tlrlly -• f:"NNI acnratturaJ IU\11 1'1w ~ tt. .. ~ by I P-'1\nl 4<1•_ ....... , ~red~ ~~t~l ' -_211111il!ll!!iiiiii!\lf'oil!l!ll!l!lllfliii1JI!It~~·lllll~~~~-~-~-~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C'••mrany, wtll enable U.. ... J -dNMNN ... NNKNIUmNK~NNUHNNNNUICNNICIUIIfWM •• IC.N .... NNttnlllla••••••••••·-11 Ill _....._ ... _ _ ............ ..... 0 ·---. ,.,, .. __ _ .. ·-------. . --------..-- 1'1''8 BALBOA , ... .,r:.n~<•• In ~"'tbr"' California I ' 2 .......... - a-. ~ roonry pub- ..,... ... a ~ nt tk Statr • 7... ---.. ht .. raJly ~ a. ...,..-flor Ulr c:omtnjl '" 1111•r .. lllrJP;f' •·nlumH of eurph~<~ N K 1~ tn tho-naturMJ l.lftdfrJP;T'OUnd a .... •~"~f' ,, ••·FWltr et La (';ttlt'la durin« lhl' te .D.a..D-.. <41tUUnH r monthJ; \4 h .. n .Urplua (U :4 •. .,....,..,.....,.,, ..... ..,.~..,_.,.., • ..,,_..,, " ,.,·:ulabl... '"''' utlllu U.le lfU i! '" m·~·t JW'al& l·.,.•bo In tJw w1ntrr· :.; X =c X tllll .. .t OIMi ·• -tndaet naJ fll{e -,_.. .. .. • dtrpufJ dJ . ---., ... Slak ~JJWftt 01 .....ar .... ~ I •toe U..t oy 111ir1f .... a JlliCiiwaY .,-.t"'m ClJII8IIr -( hn •• .Uhtary and ur,, nnt~\nu"' CWAIIOED ~ lu11huo c"r:!• Ma,.ld. former Ntw·. 11 Jl'•rl H .. ,.,.., ,, ~lilt•nt who now It 1"..;' at ''"""''' hu nlf'd a civil ~ "' ltoon In·~:.· •·• Ana C'lty court ~ William A. Kirk l ""''"l:" s:.o d ••· •..:•·• frmn &. M ~ \\" .. rkm .• n 1: •II'"" liquor etore r: I· •I• r. "h'"" hf' rhar!fH wiU\ i \lo '·''"'" •• r ""·' l'f'lllnjt pricf'a. n 11.: _ atul ,,. 11l,•t• •I. to COfl'le beforf' ;c t h , •• ..,,., '""'"' ,,,."'· AC"COrtftn~ tn = )I " l ltlr•ot h \' ~utherlancl. "'""" a 1., .n.•~o:··r .. r ·lh· IOC'al War Prlre 3i ·"·I R:tla~onaq: 1\<oard. ~ 11 as unol• r~t··..J unotnc1ally that ~ 1 h .oil• !>:'''* ,., •• l.•t ailn conateted nf .; , :!<o • "' :UIW'r1• '' ov•rchartrf' ''" :~ I",, lwotrl··~ I)( "•lout" a)t". Undrr jt 1 •I 'A ,, ~ulattnn11 lJMo vlcUm of an ~ "', r• harjolP le t•rttiUttd to ~ov~r a lhr•" I IITit'll th,. 0Vf'rdllaf'le. (II :~ ,.,o whu h .. ,.,.,. •• lJMo cre•t•r :: I '""~TJ:Ktnl '" • .;:;;;-WINO ~ '-"' I ., "'oil -•" "'"f't''l tn m)'lltny 111 l,1, I'''" ftn•h nj;; ttf " fllur-foot llf'r lllln :~ •• : "f'l.oh.-w•n.: which wu plt•k-?!.· •• I' l up at ll•'tt I~U<t ThunNJay mnm- h\ '' r.~h .. rmlln and broul(ht '" th• Sh• II M•rine •tatlon 111 ~ ' a Willi tratf1c Dunnli; I "Ill rtll•l (,.a(ll\'f'tlf' etrHt ThP r...a -a., ~ lllu a«11ln bo••n '" •,. ••f wro·• kac.. wu turned .. .._ .. eft ... m a fll:ht a,:ttlruot • r '" lh<' ln•·aJ pollee dt"part· 6it:i ! a J F~ra.l tall"" •on ' r I ""'' lUI It bor• an Army ............... all4 C~Jmmun&ratlfoNI tor lh• r rro\'<r•t marahaJ'e nftlr" ~ ,_ -~ a«nr ullur• · •· r••t rfl'•t1 ~ wtn« llf'Cllon ..... a .. , at a dludvant•ll" ' Ill ,,, plywn••l 1'0\'f'~ with ff'il w1Dt .._ ~ ~torw f •hnr ttntl •tur to lt.e type ot ron- 'TI r .... lit ~ ,..t." ~.11 atnJ<'II'•n •• bf'h•·v~ to have bo>~n ~ o-. today. •tlip"lt un-fr•'m nn" ,,t a n~ rad!o-controll· ..,. ---_._ -lnctu. ,.iJ l"'>h<ot pl11nf'11 wbidl U'f being 11t111e _. -.uJen. Now w~ t· .<l•'" In lhll ,.,c:tnlty. ,._ .nil. ...._., lwre aJmot~t _....,. ~ -~try'• ctH- ,.,.... .... 8llt wtlat ol 1"(). .... ! --..... c:~d ~ ..,_ aild ~tn,..• I cae't ~ w. w1D rtllk Usat -....r..aer UICUIIIIUT FOR COUNCILMAN :\ i ~~~~in•·~~ Mun who is able to give t tw rapidly expanding Harbor I >iHt riel a competent, executive adminiRtration of its affairs. • • ,\ l'roauorty Owne•r ~inc· .. I H:~o ~ a § v. !: M r: E ~ v. :: =~ .. :.: •: II v. ~ =~ n .. :-: u M :-. ?: ~ II ~ :-: y, I ! ... -... JIP'IIP'ftlll ..... ~. ._ J 0?? ' ,._ u.rotWn~r ._ ' S ra. wtllnl PNft com .... --.... -~Jnam. ~AM-cae~-'tand •• ...., .. ... -people. ... -_, .. It.,_ aft bam· ...... ~~-.~~,....... • ~=:.:·:.;-~ ..., I capttal P'IIOWOT'I:D '1'0 ~ eot' . City Election April ll, 1944! -r aw • )Ill tJ wa~t~~~e. tt ---Ps .. te~twtt--..._ ... -...... ,.. ~ _..,._._.~r. 2JT a... c..&. ... -,.,....u ,., • ~ ....... xar. Jl at Keep on Buying U.S. War Bonds ~--------------------------........ t or I W11~r sn .. r fOP'IDer Jn&AACer of Lido th,.~tlrt liM been promoted ~~~ th,. r-.nk ,., tadulleal .,...at, , ... ,,r•h r tr to word ~•ed by hie : u~rt~ :'\fr and Mra.. R J.l!lller r,t ~I I Cll rt .,r!Ye. He S. 1taUon· ,.,, al A bf'rdl!tn Pl'oYtnc Oround Ln Maryl&n4. \\'HOE\' Ell l 'Ot: VOTt; FOR-BE SURE and VOTE ' - STEI! .. $2.51 t ...... '"'" .... TA MESA ""UMQa H ttee I ill 1ng ·) ('lydt- nc anclt. t n I"• ht .... t In tf t two c,.u ., .... , "flN+I 11 n~ anw-nt,. .... -5Ift-,, ""'' ... ( J ............ ·~ , ... ..__ lllltJuac .... • ............ ... • ., Ulr 11. c.c 1 .. ,__ .,.._., ..... ~ ... ~ 59 zre J ....... ..__ ... ......... • .......... .. ......_ .._ •HJ .,_ llle .._.. ,_ u... .. ••• \ IIWt -· ....... ~...- ··~ ... ..u. Will to#~ .... ctlv• ~ ~-... -for• ', ......... .-.. ~-Uw 11.1 .,,.....,... ~,_..trw toot• I·A t-t f·~­........... •r ,,._ • .............. ., <lf'("-.a *"' _, '.,...._. alp l''"'' .. ,, .... "' l~tnf.ary Ia 'W <11.1, Ufr MNf;•" tltf' \f. I f••t:tn•,••• .... 4 an•s•.;• M"''" ,, , •• '•' t t t• nt ,.,, • ne·"' , .:.. .. 1) ·-...... .,. .... , .. ...., j ... • • •• I • L ._raur Lt. G. H. Sattlc Exchange Vo" Blfon * natural p Ill UM Utlle Ctlu~b • .. Ill •rllelry Ueut -.aJalr Jr. '!AI marr ~ Grt-ol Sa 'IJie ....scStDc took. 1 .-..riiil!ll at 1bl o'cl<X't wu aUende 8ettler'1 t.a. Wr. a .. rr or Balboa 1 Nltt.tlf.• and a lew ... ~ ...._ doubt. rtn1 e« .... du.r1aC whlcll 8114 IlL: ... ,...,_ ...._ Iinde wbo wu t ,..... "J bH fat• er, on.-. wore a powdf .._, tn-.d In JW• ~by a 11111all .._ aad ahe rarrled .... c r wbtte bouvard ~ Sbewuatt• r----c~~~~~a-:, J-* Ga•• plcl CftPe ~aM ... Yiolet aha.de. -a ._Icier bouqt t-. la.....SU orclllda. ,.. bat ID&D. Lt t;)'. wu a f-r claa .-. b&nnc attend MartUIDe .A.rademy w ,.. br •.• IIMJ( el ..c:e Ortlrlm, wore a *-pw:ed by Ill t Matk aad wblte eprl ...._ot tbe~ .... .-t ol .. ., bl RO souc • l lndep J As Hi I • 1 I NEWPQ&r.BAI.A()A, PJUCSS P ... 2 CARBY ON •Us& sugge•ted Locatioru For ., New City Hall Studied 8J w. as MAll1nLL All z • ., LOCAL ,.,..ut~>~ ----By Official Group lb the ex~rimeatal ~,. of the airplaDe. a J'OUIIC W. ..,. 0 a ,.._..., ~ at N.wpcll1 Bu.ch. California --low maa. two attempt. 'lo 0y ae.ro. the Cdlt' zt t. r. om. ~--~t at Bll 01Ml..-v4.-Telephone _1618 V&rloua ·~c•ted loeaUau for the contemplated new cttJ b&11 tween daWD and duak. He f&i.la. But be ia .-dy to b7 ...... liD~ .. • d·= -•t.r JUM ll. lMO, at Ule pc»t offtct' at .. •·re d.lacuued at 80nla leqt.b at Next time be may make it-or M .... ., be kiiW! ~--- • N--c.utonala. UllMr tM .A.c:t ot March_ s. 18711 -...... ..._... •-r-• -a~~'IAI meetln~ of the mut.r · ~oean't !Dean a tremendoua Jot to the youDC fellow per:- •--JIM .. betoe la N....,.n ~..,.. lnnnlng committee wtucb COD· :·onaJiy. u. may gather 80IIIe n-o..__ fame, or ewB I utf· -•-.. 1~ . Nwd Thursday ev•ntnc Prior to nc ·~ 'P..,Lar 'P~ of ~~ 'Pto.,-w regular aeulon of the d~ I ;ng bit of fortune; but neither f~ aor fortune 1ft worth A. llalnNil ... w. H . Hltcbman. OWnrn and J'>ubllahe,.. Jlannlng C'Ommlulon. the haard unle. there ia aornethbl« IDOI'e bedl of the ad- WID. · W1l. A. IIAXWICLL. lldltor At lh•· public meetln&' wb.leb ·:enture. He Ia determined to· win becau.e be '"--'"''"-.....~.;.. W H. Jai'OIIM,AN e&rcuJaUoa and .A.dvtTlUitt~ l·•llowed, Dr. Howard &eacer, -~ ..-•• · H.u.. ~-. Looel New• Edltur , llAJnnan of tbe muur pi&D COlD• r,f "cal'l'ylq on." Hia 1111~ .._.. IDOI'e thaD a pa-.1 , 1Htec, l&.ld that tbe vartou8 14-i to It ....ll:---· -~-•---__ .__ • ..._ ~ .anla&ca of each locaUon ba4 baeD \' c ry. IJ\ Oa......-..7 -.....,~LAD~~::' c:aa -~ ._ • ..,.. u1ru~ldered but that DO dedaioD from 'coa.t to cout betJreea 8Uillile aDd ~ thea the J•illl beM ru.c.bed by t.ba P'OUP natloo .... ured that an air fleet eaD be llhlfted flaB the \.'hlcb 1.a furUMr compoMCi of ... U tl 51 r•• John .A.Uen. aub-dt.alnn.an ot u.. '' an e to the Pacific or vlee ~ iD aay f!IDel'l..,. f1l 1.oat-war planJ\lnc committee; (~efeaee; It mea.JUI that maila aDd .,.., ... ~ and 1uamu Critics of the national admi.niatraUon claim to be alarmed by the evidMlt IDt.eDtioD of .our Government to ~ tabUab a.oc:1 maiDtMD alOft of IDt.ematlOD&l WPA. The huge donation. of AmerieaD money aad commodlllea to nations in all parts of the world would eeem to jWitify this fear. Thew critics cfo not i1!Ter Co tk liend·leurarrangn~ent under _,rhicb we have upended ten• oT billions to further tbe war effort of our alliea, but to the outright gifts made ~tarcua Jotuaon. aub-eb&lr'D\&Il of t-.elnp may be tra.napo~ ..nttly aDd aatety__. pill ower \he traffic plannlnc committee. '.ail aDd water that ia a1moat '--•-·•-.... -. -._ anppla...a .10d A.. M. Net.on and C. Harold ~ & IIIII' ___ __. . !opklna. The tr~flc plan com· mg ci'OIW6t may not .top to think f1l the. pota1t1a1 coe- . otttf'e Ia further compoMd of 0 . : equeoce. of the pilot's flighta. Bat tbey do ldaaift tbe ·.unpbell and c . LC'wta BallL ! !)irit W'IUeh spUI"a him on to hia ~-erTW iD the~ ~ JLU.t:lltiun to • ~t-war f ~.~-rtall!)in~ mffUn& to ~ held bare r• n!pel.ted dlecoungement. \prll 7, at whi<'h Ferrta M. Walle· Every generation ia debtor to aD the ~Uoaa that t.:y will be the apealur, Dr. Sea· have pl"eeeded it. The wi&dom we have iD tb.ill hraltidb ~er auc1eet~ that It miJbl be w~ll to uk tor . auuuuona and r entury Ia not our own: it ia the aecuauala'tioa of aD the Thunday, Warch 23, 1~ Well-IUJbe the IUD 11 out for kMPJ thi1 1ummer aDd JOU can lay that raiD coat away. Remember- you can play the Ocean Front Market 'fo~keep1, te»-you know, tho, fine, choice MEATS • GEO. TAYLOR, Ownet 2110 Ocean Front ~,.,.. 633 ~to noo-combat&ot OOUDtriell iD Ceatral and South America and ciJicwbere. Our "rehabilitation" prol"am appean to include the rebuilding of nearly all of Europ&-tbe repair· i.ng of damage done, not by our. oWD armtee or thoee of <1ur alllea. but by the enemy. Alide from the matter of bankrupting our own people, the p~ carriee the dang- E'r of doin~ the unfortuaate peoplell of other lands a great tli&'l('r ... i· c Northille could be wone for tbeir morale and s pirit of aelf-rellaDce thaD for them to pl the notion that th(' i..fnited Stalel wU1 .apport them from now on. The "gimmF' tbeory of the WPA ctid enough evil In thie coun- lry-t& pt"O¥e-u.Hl we..W ... e"•'eal to spread. it. ovu...t.be whole world. tJru on th«-lngical location for wisdom that baa gone before. ~ refined. ~ted a local ch1c center. fnr our ooov~nient utilization. The advualap!a w bawe .. ~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~§~~ &e-10alac P1'o.....S · bout \Ill-material, political. illteiJed.ual. llpiritaal-ere a ;-- . Th•· ~n·at.er JX>rUon of tM plan· l·,.ri~a~e from all .tbe untold miltine8 who haw .triftn aDd •••10 IRJiwiw~ Jolllg CUUUIUIIIIOR mee~ WU ''lCrJftCed and tnumphecf &Jld failed, (-.oL--.. ! -•• -----···~-,.IVt:n over to cona~de,....._..1-ttftl ....... u~ -·~ - .o1ulter o f ruonln&' Lota 13 !aDd ''" down. We a~. where we are today, DOt ......,,_ of ..,.. ,,, Hlock 1, Secuon •. Balboa 11· 1hing we have done ounelvea ao mueh u becauae of what .... nJ. John A . and Edith Harvey, •then have done for. us. We are beaerlciaris of uaa--.. wnera or t.hUI property, have re· ....... ,1uc»lcJ that 1t bt' rezoned aa C-1, "ered hoet.a, mostly nameleae and UDkDown to bidory wbo ,,~rnmun,. local b\lllne.a. Mr. 'lave "carried on." ' 1t~ wbo wu prcMnl at tM .A.. oui&iD . ....-.. HOME • AUTO • MARINE RADIOS REPAIRED MAllJNB ELBCTRICIAN aua.s-a. •oa-ro• 11lcdlltg, Uld lh&t he had ror 20 eyibe, --~ tliJ (\! auida pcMb:itty '1lrtJae (#:' r•·•ml been one ot the larreet lcring of his life and fortune, is aid to ba.-e replied: "'1Uaat ~ 2417 1111 Cout HiQbwaJ t..xpaye"' on Balboa laland and 1a.s poaterity ~er done for me?" The retort may...-ftx NEWPORT BEACH ----·---- Many people who ant worried about the 110ldien not having tM privtlep ol votiq have not l&leguarded the ir OWD richt to vote by complylDr with the laws for registra- tion. ~ state law reqW,. every cltisen to register not lea tba.o forty..,_ before any recular or special election, and 110 far there baa .,._ Uttle intereat taken ~ compU· ance with thia requlremeDL Don't "holler" about the gov- ernment 3M day. Ia tbe ,_..aDd ne,led to vote on elec- tion day, but-that you ant reri-tered and do your duty ua clU... Lhat be and .. ,.. Harvey b&d .•;it, but impliee a era. ignoraDcle aDd iDdiffen!Dee towarda ~~=====~===~-=--:~---::~~~~~~ uw ned lheM particular Iota MDCC .:: there w«-re only three bo~ oo 'he obligationa placed upon real mea &ad W'CIIDell ill tbia lhe eu t end ot Balboa Ial&nc1 \vorld. Tbe man who ill willing to atlClept the fruita of the The «-ncroachment of bualn_. world'a accumulated toiling and 88Crificiac for ,..,.._ propert1«-a have made bil lou worthleaa tor re-al<knUal purpoa· ~eneratlona, without in tum acknowleclcine u duty 'to- ··•. he .aid, and be th•retore ward thoee who come after him, ill an iapate aDd a poor »u~ht a v&rl~ to permit Lota !.""" .. Ev• the animal and the ..-_...._ --.a · .- 17 and 18 to llkewt• be uaed for · t>--·~--..,. -• ~ b~ simple working out of nature'a pnl'(c 1 2a. CGltribute more Arter llr. Harvey bad pr-nl-lo Procre-thaD he. ed 1\11 CUl', Secretary lk&CV 'nle pilot and hia airplane typify t.be thiDc that baa rral1 a letter trom (ko. c. w~ ct ted all t"'· rtb • 11c 311 .A.mrthyat avenue, who pro-a Ul •oc WO Y 11011.8 and daughter. of mea from Credit llhould be itven the OPA and other govern· tealcd the rr-z.onlnl and al8o reed the becinDing of time. It ia at 1eut a atraDce coi~. ment .,...cilll for ,........... a aky-rocbt advance In the " pt•U Uon tiled by Hal WIU Smith If not eonvincing eridence, of the beaicD OVftT1lliDc of 1 Tho h ri hi h th th whit'h wu l&.ld to bear ~2 ali'M· ..... den th L--aL-Cc:Mit of llvinr. ur p ~ are g er now an ey turea, and which Ukewl.w proteat-:~upreme Pf'Ov• ce, at WIMWYft' u..:-,.,..,,;, rt.ea for were in peace time, they ant much lower than thoee whicb cd the r.ontna. Tbe petition wu -.ome b1Jh adventure iD behalf of bumanlrinct t.ime alwaJII prevaBecl dur'IDI World War I. Tbe Labor Department's bued on the cla1m that Balboa !fuppUea tbe adventurer. One eannot l"Md au.tory without h bet' 1 1111and'a buatn-aecUon Ia al· k' b ueertion that the advance of ~u .. ltema .. n on y ready .uttlclrntly Jar,. and that remar me ow invariably uu. boldi u. ill an the atru... I nve per ceat IIIDee s.,t.mber, lfN2 may be ultra-conl!erv&• of the two loU lD ~ weft ~.~r meD. 'l'be pentiatalt n!OII"''f!Dee of tJlia fad. ID!&M oaly, Uve, tNt tM fact a ·• Uaat price ceUinp have been a .,.r.oned for .,...._, tM _.._. that the IIUI'f~ of mankind from the heci""ine baa beee I of lot. adjoUUnC UMM would major factor iD .,.....uar prom-in(. then uk for the aame COCic.-oa. ~t toward the beigbt.a and that the proc p 1! 1 oL diriDe ----• The matter wu contlnued to a evolution mu.t CO on throughout the ceaturtea. Somebody A croup of impatient refonnerw Ia advocating repeal ~~Ccond and rtnal be&rinC-AprU in eacb generation muat ••carry on;" the dyiac baDd IDUit of the clau.e of the Conatitution which requires ratification 20. pasa ~ ~rdl to the band of the liYiDc iD order lbat the Elegant Gifts Diamonds e Jewelry Pearls • Watches e Clocks Silverware e Dresser Sets At H. R. Trott's Sycamore at Fifth Street. SANTA ANA Phone 5618 BUY U.S. WAR BONDs! by twOsthirda vote of the Senate before any trea{y with a -'"lleettee .,.... light may not falter or fail, forei""' government call become effective. Abandonment of H J . )h·ybew. wb~~qulrel1 a The a~ man cannot be a lmight-e.rTaDt iD the c:auae __ __ eo-ood "'tnley avenue borne on [)ec:. 1, -;:;:_ __ .....:;;:__..,.:.....:;_;:::::::::::::....::.:=::::::=::::::=~ thia aatecuard would make it euier for the do-g_ en to 1943, at which Ume. be Mid. a.. of progreaa. He cannot undentand the hich mbsioaa aet 1 r - cive away the remalDder of the U.S.A. The Foundmg Falh-~ohJn t undcf'llt.and l.be bulkhead for the choeea few. He caftDot acllieft the triumpba vouch- en lmew wbat tlleJ .... dome. aDd the folks or today are -l·back reqwrementa, ...q!H.ItA4 safed ln special c-emua or inspired leadenbip. But u job il ••---• -·• t a1 lhe ngbt to build a 1arace 26 Dot ro1ac to aer-ap thia coDSt.ituuuuao ~e Y V ve. r~.-et from tbe bulkhead Lilla I.D· none the leaa to ••carry 00 .. -to bold op the baDda of thoR ----• 11tead of 36 fHt u requlred un<kr who b<>ar lhe brunt and to see that hill OWD life lea~ the AmerieaD flcbt!Dr forcea are giving a good account U1.: city &anln~ ordinance. By W•1rld a littk! better for the fellow who CIOIIDe8 after. ODe h .:omplyl ng 14'1th the latter recula-of tbem8elve11 in all theaten of war, but t ere an; reaao~e llt•n. he declared, It would be lm· may rt>ad sc::orea of booka and bear b~ of 8ei11W on to beU.V. that we are DOt boldinr ow: own on the ~bpl9maltc puaaibie to have acceu t~ tM. fhe great riddle of "~hence, ~.and Why" lbat pns- front-tbat the 1&c:k of a definite and positive foreign poli-propoaed bwldinJ. cnt.s it.self to every man. but one call Deft!' rmd aay IIIOft l f ltal Fr Mn. o . o. Smllh. 3•01 Finley I cy ja endanprine our pomtion. The peop e o y, ance, uvenue. owner of Ole property c•onvincin~ definition of man's purpo.e on thia earth thaD nntand. Poland and other countriea would like to know adJOi ning lht Meyhew boldine• on I I hat embodied iD this simple declarat.ioft: "I ... come that . where America at&nda with reference to their hopes and Uu! eut, dellnlt«-IY prot«-ated tlM they might have life and have it more abomd•ntly." 1 I grantang of auch a variance, de-Wh uplrationa. <'larlng that it would Impair t.be at honorable penon can be cooteat to reap aD his MORTICIAN ~nro lb ~· <§r uu r l <lllptpel I ·· Wt Ou rttlvu the Betttr Sert'e b)l Stnri?l!l Othi'TI Be1t." ~HDNI: Nlt:W~O .. T 561 • 110 8ROACWAY, COSTA 1141t8A ----• \'lew trom her re~aldrnce. da)'ft where ot.ben have aown and leaft DO aowiDc f« the 1 Who said public opinion doea not count~ Congress has The wmnolaalon vot .. d to deny harvestmg of tboee who follotr him'! What per.-with a l ~;=====~;:;;:;:=;:=;:=;:=;::;:::::::====~==: • .-.~ -•= lif'_.. •-tax law that will lh .. appllcauon. f I ----~•-h '__.lf ~-_._ __ _._ f juat comple'-C!U a new .uup ~ev uacome · A lt•tter wu read from w . T. tc<'nse o < et'eDCY call n"·~•~ to u.: ~ o aave some 30 m.illlon people from making a formal tax re· JdfPI"'Km who •llf~«-at«-d that the "sponger" on the heritage o( u predec: MW without coo- port-prMumably becau.e their taxes have lx>en withheld rww <'h·lc center be located at !.be t r ibuting a little to the advantace of .,..terity! A ...,._.. at .... _ ........ -. Tb• form to be u.ed by other low-incomt' norlhweat comrr of San Bemar· bl t h bu f . to .. ..._ ,_ .. UK: ..,'"~"' ... Jlno avenue and Oout ~UPway, a e t>St. per a.pa. t a atr one, U ~ .UCCeM! or....,. groupe will be abort and llimple (110 the news reports say). which locauon be cJ~ u "al· ure or your lite ia aimply thia: Wu your OWD ...... -..tty It's about time! moet Ole vc.a<'t crnwr of the city." any better o(f becau.e you liftd! ----• n r. Sea~r moved that t.be com· It tl~n·t take btoroics and __ ___._ aDd ----munlcatlon be referred to t.be ..._.,.J'.__. -.-..-Tb<ltle tender-hearted people who are pleading for the ,•ommlttt"e on muter planntnc. lar achtr\·cment to ••carry on." Only a few bluoa their Britlab-American air force~~ to ceU(-bombing Germany had City Ef111nrer R. L. P'atterwon n'lmt's arws.'! the finnlllW'Dt of fame. But it does take UD· L...tte r u-_.. ., ..... ""'"'nathv for the innocent victims of the mo,·td that BuUdln&' IMpeetor A.' lr· h ... _li ... . "'-t __ _. a.;_.. _.__ ''-"'• ~A' a.:u uocu -J-r-J M. Net.on be ll'llltructed to erect );C IS nt•ss. fitK 'ty to w .... t Ul ~ anu ....,_ .. , gaua .... ""'"&• Carpets, Rugs and Upholstering CLEA.BD A COWPL&TI UNE OF FLOOR COVERINGS FOR YOUR REQUIREMENTS LUDLUII C ... BT WORKS SANTA ANA 1622 S. Maio St. German war machine two or three yean ago. No punish-R blaC'kboard In the cit)' hall 110 straight thinldDg, bard work aDd • cauiDe CIODClel"ll f« ment ia too severe. for the Nul beute. and if Allied states· that It would be available for the childrt'n of tomorrow. men let·tbem ott lt Ia a cinch they will begin planning World ,uagrammtlll' certa.ln problenut 1 rr you aren't .. carryine on." .amebody e1ae 1a pa)'iac ;=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::....-;:;::::;;:; that come before the plannJn&' 1 War m !'Ommt.ton rrom Ume to Ume. your rent on thia plaaet. ----• Mr. Net.on acTHCS to do 110, pro-------------------------Henry J . aKUer said r:ecently that the cost or housing \'ldlnc Enctn...-Pattenoo cou1cl ed b th provide the neo.ury prtortty in the post-war period aboWd be greatly reduc Y e uae raUn&' for pureb.ue of the mater- of pre-cast unita for kitcheDa, bathrooma, sleeping porches. 1a1a. · l.!undriee and pracea. Under eucb a plan it would be poa· ----- llblt to uaemble a bou. ill a few daya. ~=0t!' == ,.._ ----•----qu .. u to ellmtnate noo..-nU&l Here 1a bow the demOD War affected one family: Lt. ron\'entlon.~ wtll uee tr&Mporta· f tb tton <-ondltlona, COT otfklall b&Ye ~ Dawy o( Oranp, N. J ., who never aaw hla a er. a d.c-lart"d. word comN that U.. cuualty of World War 1 iD France, wu killed in Italy last Plat~ pret~ldent of Ole california week without eft!' lleelDc bla OWD baby 1100. How long will Federation of Wom«-n'e C1ube 9 urgl"a that the atat~ c:onvent.loll .. dytlfsedaa" ltaDd for thla madDeM · <>f the orT&Dizatlon be ~lied. ----•~----"lt auch a convenUon dela,.cl ~ Old Cbaucer Ia eredited witb t.bla wt.dom: "Uee the w ar one hour or delayed IM'n1(i' th t th m~n In rt"achln~ their dNllnaUon ricbla that tbou but obtaiDed in aucb ~D&DDer a e men tt 14•ould be a t.....-.ctY." abe eoa- haft. 110 eau. to_Qil thee Deither wretch DOr mieer. for it !'ludect. • a pat lbuDe to a IIWl to have a poor Mart and a rich ..-." .. .. nOR"''Dfo :ocew NaTa Col. Ru.tU 0. .A.yen of at Clltf dr1w. N_..,ort Helpta, wu report~)' ln ch&rp ot t.be A'l'ft'IY' rtl1mtnt that actoliipeJttH th Kartn.. tn the nc~t\al la- ,.uton of l:ntwetoll atoll ln tM M&riMll l8lUCh. SITPPL \' LIN'I:8 .&a VD'AL Report!! from all the battle front.--iD Italy. iD au-la and in tht South~ the import.anee of .apply linrs. H the Nui eupply ._ to ~ ill DOrthena Italy can be cut off, Hitler'• anDiea iD that aed.or wiD be doom· ed to annihllaUoll or wrreader. 111e IDOit .ace 'ul lltnt· cgy the Red U"1D7 bu employed aplnlt theN .... iDa-- ' CON.RAD SHOOK CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER CDM~L£TI: .UILOINCJ BI:RVICE "'HDNC NKW,.DitT 103•.1 sia has been tbe ~ of .upply liDa wbidl ..led the _ doom or the i.nnden. ADd the widely 8Catund illaDd ..... ~::::=:::::::::::::=::::::::==::::=::::::::::::===-:=. 's which the wily Japuaeee art op iD t.be South Padfic 1ft -.-------------------------------- lx>ing isolated oee by ODe by the eourageoa attacb ot · ~ .. ......_ ...a R • • lnfo"""'•n tJnittd Nations air and naval forcn -.ny a Jap army r• ~ IIRI epa1nng IIIIGliU . f OC<'Upation is beiDc left to witbrr on the vine~ it. supply or food and mUDitiou fn:a the bnmel•nd bu bee !'hUt off. This vttaJ item of trullpOrt and nppiy bu beee tht bigge:trt ~ ID preparaU.. for ..,_ ... , a Na1 AeCOnd front G. z.rope. Our INden ant wiae Ia It' ' ""r upon eaftt)' In thll matUr before ctviDc t.be order for ill- ·uton. On -the J1;mD11 ~ toa, t:tau&pcN taUuu II a "fftaJ weapon. lf you OWD a car or tnaclt it ia JOUr' patrlotle 4ut)' to k~p it in the t.t ,.,..ble eoDdttioD. -· Ill .__ llu11b1r Da. 1 WALTD S. SPIC5A, O.....r _ .. -~ ••• .. oaY •••c• 11 ...... ......., .. ,... ..... , ..... 1110 •' -I, • TbW'8day, March 23, 1944 lor • ' 1135 HtqbwaJ 101 Jut lut of 11ae Arcb•• Overpau ..... WORK BASKET Belen N. Oallaper ._peel Qoocb aad YarnM • !f......_rll i•tructio• OraU. wttla Parebue of Ma~ ~MIS Ul Jlf, .,_._, S..ta AM ·roll IN8~CK 8D Howard W: Gerrish 1111 W . O..tnl Aft. " ....... lleMIII, Ollll. ........ & tJ'I'OIIOBILI'! AOOIDENT • • FIRE l..IFK •taJUd. .carp. Amrtda &Del a-· ber ot other pn-wn •••p1 to ~lucie UMir capton anct bid aut 1n ~ ~ kllowtna lt woal.J [ ~ ='"=·=·=·=•=na=•=n='=e•:::;;:::=·=· =·~1. \Yho haa kn~'n M!Pt. tkpt.M 1hall not at'aJn l~nnw peac~not ,. .the heart know• aD4 meu --~ lt tMy ,.,.... ,......_ Atar-__ .._ Kan)' of the f\aa1U~ _... ._ calm coverecl and kiDed on U. ...._ T'be former .Army ea.tl and u.r- othen eacaped capture . . . Low IYit'd waiiJI; a prclan c1oea; And thtlugh he tread the humble wav• of men, 1 rst Ia --......... a-· _ .......... ..... •• 5 ,.., .. .................. ......... ~.~ ........ (.. .... c-... ....... Spirit of Northwest lie shall not 1peak the cornmon longue, aratn. N IWJIP&p.r re- porten bave at tl me • bee a known to 8tDop pretty low to ret a etory. However, then IJI one rule ln the IUcc.MfW reporter'• cocie of ethlca that 1.1 u lntleJlJble u •teet: He doea uol 111\-ulge anylhlnc told him "ofC the n•cord." (ln m011t 1tatea, "''WI!Jlaper reporten, Uke 11l!nW- tcl11 and docton. are pvan lm· munlty from teeUfyiftcr ln cowt ~:oncerninc matten told UMai .. confi<lence). Beceuae -of UU. tact, J ~t that lhe country'• new1paper ,.. porlen are today carrytnc In tJaelr t1ult'book1 far better 1t0rle11 than uny relt'ued by the ~d, of ,,.naotihJp. When the Ume com• that the facti embodied ln Uaeee I)Situ are no loncer corwtdued military lnformaUon, the .torte. will be written . . . UnW that tune, the reporter• ara dolnc a liUpr!'r·duper job of keeptnc mum. After the 1J01T7 canna ol prt.onen and capt.on luwl ckpU't· Pd. Corp. A.mrlda · aD4 bU eom- p&niON w.nt to a place ......., they "-a ,_ ,._ _.,. cachec1. One of the o~n ~·r•' a rane 1n Amrlcll'• hantt.. "H..... I he aald, "you're on your own _!. 1 He bad been ln tile Ann)' tor more than a1ll ~ara. but that wu the tlnt Ume be had ever bad a fUll ... Traveltnc by napt and bldSaa out by clay, tht' four but thdr way aeroM the laland and pro- rurlnc a naUve boat lllarted on a 200-mlle voyace to another ..,_ land. (CeNIOnhlp doN not Pft'"\lt revealtnc the hJentl~ ot tJwee lalanda 1. They were neSt lone on 'r ... ••1 ~ from ctl•· _. lanlfe liv• u PHI't ...-. 1ft Amtrk a mallinc k a l»ltrr plue 10 lin. Read for JOUrwU what Nariiem hu mtant for Norwa~. Ornmarll. Hoi· land, Or-t«t. W'&J unUI Corp. Anu1dl took I deathly nt 'l'tley baci -mec~~ea~ p--....__._ Nft'dNI ,\nny and Navy SHk •uppllN nor any way ot ....._.. ~~ 1nr h18 trouble. ~. w. for Seniu eva j Registered Nunes j' wu crtm bualneM aD4 a lk:k .... IJI only a blnn-._... -l ::;o ~ •ucnp,_,.. An urg•nt and lmmt'dlatco eSC'· are n'eetnc hom -. . . ... o . ..J •tuna. ~i .wr...-.. '"'l'''l'n'l for ,...g~atC'I i'd nurHI to C'ft· Accordlncly, the Ut~ native ""''"'-caJWUG8 ...S vt.h.rr c.Dt .. r · lu•l h•r Army or =""''Y IH'r\'1()' hu boat put In to ~ and Amridl •-u·•l14' rc,ali&IJ&, .,. on ~oU~LII .Jr. l~<·•·n .,,, ..... ,.,.,1 b y No·wp.ll't !(arbor 1 wu left behind on a l~ly t.IAIId , _ _,,.._ !Jaat a ~ .. r•p.o:al .. bo:· 1 hnpl .. r ur RC'\1 en-. ••·•·••rdlna ~acb to lllllt for hhnwlt. ..,; ~ bl ~"'ta vt t.1k loo M,.., G L. AnJr,·wa. publll'lty Tille •tuauon doubt~ kloltf'd .• ,·~port ti.luDUr .... l u malf.r • h.llfiiiiU\ "'b.-call. wluch l'amco pretty black at the u..,.., INt a.t. Lt.• 111 ~ to lUa. Wa.hu llum Sallla Ana Rtd C,... wu a~t on U. a.faA4 ..,.. ~ ... ~ o1 ~. naUuGa1 til· IIJWOrl.-all)' for 471 nu.--. Mn I P~J the luc:ldeit Wft« that 1, , 1ur o1 Ullt U80 ICI'apbooil A ndn!we Ald. ever bappeDed to him ... It wu ,1,-. Appllcanta muet be rt(lat('l'l'd, not lone before tile bo4'ee ot lab ,\.J<Jau.-1 wCJI'Iwn art ...,...s;· tUl\'f' "'' rh lldrt'n undt'r t.ht AlfC' of ( SINCi 1 ~l;l l Balboa Balboa Island The fbrt'golng two pa.racrapbe .orl' not mtt!nded u a euJOI')' of n•·w•paper reporten. 'nley are s1naply a preface for the material 111 l hl a t•olumn whlcllhu-,;een former eom~ wulw-d up on ;..,,. ~~ -.MI. '""''"'"'<~ U..· 11 yo·tu"'l, a nd may boo r1lhrr mar· ---------------------------... the beacll. 'nley bad appai'I'OUy ~ '-'·"""" I<H UW .......... .,r.-al .. r rl• •I ur ••n..:h• Th•• Navy arl'epta LOUCKS ,.-wa.&Y • 8TAnOJ~j'"£&Y Watch 6 Je-A•elr)• Repairing Oree~ Carda For All Oc:culona h•t k<'d 1n my de•k u nolee 1lnce 10 a m. Jan. 14. l wu Informed thl& mornlnc that the 1tor7 can nnw ~told ... been oftrtaken and murde~ by 11 .w Uk p.-:~a1 .-ppl) Tbry ar-mly wum .. n bcotiO't'en lht' age.~ of +--·----------------~------_--~ the Jap. . . . ·"' "' war .._.0 ._ pwu~t. •~ an· :u an<l 40 vr•r• an<l who havf'~ -mroN lone Oii aRlt Maa ....-.... ·,Jwllii •>W .-to "'""" rit,...,. ef t~ llt~tt.f'tl ~ found by friendly native~~ wbo too11 l...v•c, &Poi h..r dla. dllo4lda, -.buul lui at lt-u\ 10 y•·•"' Army rt'· them to their billa aad nurwed lalm .ukl IIURH'lly ~·· 'llllrtnl"nta krf• lllt•l•· o•lutl•• alld back tD tte.ltiL Ll&b' aDd 1~. U. .-rap-provl.te for lJk' o•nltetn~e·nt of "'I' HJa one .,.,.,mane deetre wu ~>•"''~ ba\e • ~tJ ll:k> C'U\cr l!'l!t•r·••d nur-bo·t,.,·,.n t.hr &a"t • • • • to pt out of the Plllll.,.,._ and ........ ,. ......... erly.,.tll b) nuiJlal')' .. , n an<l 4:1 )'o•ara who arC' cltl· __________ ..._ ____________ _ Wat.c:t.. and Engagrment R.l.np on our Ealy Budcet Plan 1m N.wport Blvd. Ph. 153iR( COSTA MESA 1 Machine \\'ork .OAT II&PAmiNO Virg's Garage 1M O..tnl ,...... 1166-W I ~-makes Better Ice Cream ftlYITI ._.,s Confectionery · 2100 OCIAN FRONT Pbooe 73 ·-~---~-----------------~----- FOR MEN and BOYS • llALBOA ISLAND PhoDf' 1171 ~---------------------· LYLE POPE Official 0 . P. A. Tire Inspector • Tbe Government now •Y'I 10\1 m&J recap your tlrr• wtth· eut certificate from tlM Ration Board U• your ration certtncate for p,._war rrade UrN. .AI80 UMd and Grade m TtrN. • laaaclated badl to clriltaaUoD .•• but It tooll .n.1 na\·aJ IDOir'&llr olf~«n tor lAM u ne of any one "' Ul" Allltd na· At 11 p. m ., 'nlunlday lllPt. him alrnoft two yean to do tt ul u\dl 1a ca..-and ~tala. t1nna. lnl••rf'll•••l ar<' ukt•tl tn Santa Ana JW.t CroM by pht>nlntt Santa Ana JBn. 13, Corp. Michael Amrlcll Llvtnc ln the ,Juncte, a fU«tUre. ,11 uan.apofU aad ovcrku 'l'kr" Th,_. alllghted from a bUI at the A.rehea hiJI dotbell were toni to ribbon&. .a ,. apeaa1 Jld'd today tor acrap-• nnt-.c:t !tlld phoned hi• wife at 801 Mar· hi• aboell lonc·ei.nee .-. .UU br ouulul fow IIM'fl -&k CaW~ • Mpltr 1.,'"\JPnle avenue. Corona del Kar. workec1 to.r&l'd Uilat one ~ ol u.-rt. Ulan& ~·•· m.ay bt :u':' 1 nl'\·er learned juet what be &fid 10rneday rnalc.lnC lUll ~-ubll1Jnc:4 CruDl OJ'* .utwn, dlrrt"· '"Th•' Rl'd en:-hu bcorn liven to h•·r. but whatever It wu, I'm Hta trave .. took lalm from ..,_ •vr uf tJw U80 ~ •t ll~.l-2 thr r""P"'uftblllty for ~curlnjtr >'llr<' It wa• the happlut moment land to laland. In eome pa.rta the lbm •ln'd. Baa.. Kra. K.obaa th•·..,. nu,...• and """ t'amuUy uf her lifE' .. , natlvee were u «T'C'aUy to be ~cl. h"l"' lhat "''vrnd rn•y boo aec:UNd L'nrp. Am rich , • member of the ~nared u Jape themaelv ... end NUIII Ner, -of, u.r uacbcn an th" Hubnr ar'('a," Mr1. All· l!lth Bombar dmt'nt Squadron. had would tum In AI'Dftiean .olcllenl "' ;~:--port ~ l:ru.un tbp ·It•''"'" .. ld' lnl'l b~'<'n hc·ard from two yeara for the etandlncr rew&l'd Ott food "''*'vul. baa a ~ wluda .. IJit<'r· bo•fnrr an January. 1942, at whlcll and money tbat bad baa ......... dlt.-d • .,_. 'h•fll f« tbe IIOIIE OC<'tJPIED time he wu 1taUonf'd In tile by the ~)'. One __. tr-rom o1 tM ...a aA&l -111M Phlllpplnu. for MIN wtlo .... a rn.d aad untk-r ~ M o1 U... W r all know what happened Wbo a foe . • . poputa.r U80 ......,.... IMl to tbe Phlllpplnee IOOfl after Ft.nally kmrtcll and ~ otJl. w ill ...Uy ._ ~ ovc:r &o tM Mra. A. JC. Rapt• of 1:108 Way s..a-1e appare-ntly Ulln& u nlahlly boet-to aume unldenU· flffl and WIW&IIled (Ut'•t. ahe N · portt'd to pollee. M.n Rapp. wbo IIWJIII on the ~d noor of bet .... lfM'. toW orncen that tor .a.' put ""'vrnal nl«hl• eomeonr had unltH•IIilld a down•talrw lloor, let h"""''" In th<' huu~W. at ayt tl uvo•r· n1.:ht lln•l lf'rt In th1• mornlnlf On thr lrul ,..-.u lnn, _.. .. IIAiol, c:lcat· •·tt,. atubao "' •. r.. left bfohlnd. u ,y,.IJ u .-<•Ide• no,. lh11t lhC' unwC'I· that ... At ~ut we know tbat en were take oft bJ .A..w.a cl11b ,_ .........._ not many of thMe gallant defend-roroe... tJw ~ ot tile r-=-W•UIIla the lui tw" y-.n. \180 t•rJJ have alnce had the .oppor· •UU beln&' clotlaed 111 mWtary--wurkrn uw ~ _.. tunlty or phonlncr their wtv• .. crecy. lban 120.000 an~ UN~ tM'1 11nd that I• what makee Corp. They were taken to AU8tralilo I"""'"' bftoD duitn buted tD .,.._ Amrlr h'e •tory a remarkable one. but not ~ven then wu bt! per· 111.,n m 1Jua cuuntry aad to .Ant- Corp. Amrich wu not the mJtted to contact ILll wife u tile ,.,,. .. n f~btu'C nwn on ev..ry bat- "blood aM lt'U'-'" type of 110ldSer. War Departlnetlt wu detef'IIUDI'CJ :~tru111 [n t1w t~•odcl. Jlr. AJIIIm Ill' wa• R clrrk H e enlleted tn that the Jape ebouJd not ._,I', p•rle4 the A rmy at thC' age of 18, Mnecl that A.merkaa IIO&dWn wue ..... --- out nn" hlteh and re-enlletec1. In lntr ...cued f1'om tbe a.laDda. nil': l3lnZ lilA(.'& ...,_ , ,,1114' ,.1 ,.tor ha.l IJo•rn "''' umpa· ?~"'')~r. 11141. he wu eent to ~ were 1011 too many fuel· I l"-•m«"'lkn vW' myopk ~)'~ "'''' '"' " •ln.: < lnl'k ~ F'H•Id ·'" the Phlllpplnu, tlvee htdlnc out In the ju Ia! ..•..• n ... u on th•· yam a!M>Ut w >tllll In th•· l'Rpaclty of a clerk . . nc P' .. t en" Th" foll..,wln~ month. Nov 1Ml, At lu t he eaueflt a ride bon~ 1 ... ~tll 10bt~ r•t.ua ~~ ce e• -4TUI.F.S c·Aa ar:c'H\T.IlF.D In • ...__.._r t_.. a .__ •-.. 1·1 " ... _ -~· .. u\rr. ~ver ~,,. "'II l·lh '"'llaw ••I g .... ht!< wlf•· mt)Vf'll to Corona del Mar -·-. . . ...... -.., u..-~ kind f ~ r. I'Wtl .. , -' In II\'!' with her parrnte Mr and the A reba and telepborwd IWi t h ' 1:'" • lo ll·"' kol r~ aay . ..:. •ll"r•• •In\ ,. """" t••oo·utly r"•f"IO• l\fr!l F'rl\nk Pnwtn , . ' . · wife ... Wlllcll brtn,. 1111 be&ck l.a II II' "' Ul• '·1 ·~· • ..,. taka , ,,hi• l•>t 11 ~'""'" • li t t ... tn.: to the bectftn .... ol tbe etory. l ••ltl ""''' bo••l< ' '"t; \-'leru '111M t•·•l"'"'' 1" II~ ""'"''I \\'h•11 ahl' A nrl tht•n 'a me ON'. 7 and the I! It h Rl'lmhllrdmt•nt Squadron, with wh1ch Corp. Amrich wu ~"' ,·tn,::, bf>~&n making hletory for , All tlml' to come . ~ . hletDry wb.lcll 1 1\"M htt<'r chronicled In W. L. \\'h tt r 'll Immortal aaga. "Queeftl ''"' T'mudl:v" \\"1th C'lnrk·,. Field captured. th•· •··mmanta nf hl1 outfit moved '" lb iMn 11nd thrn to Corregtdor . And th••n came May 3 and "'•0'1W'ring Japane~e hord... and th" hf>J;"•nnln~ of the lnfamOWI "~lrlrf'h uf Orath ... " I hi l ••t ,·n·l"'"'-r -t huo I II I What w .. Corp. Amrit'h'• b1.:· "·"'• "· •-iboo "'r..:•rt•••l I•• th•· ''"" Jl'' <'" '~'· Celll thriU of tbe wboW expt"ri·,..:"~<l lm<l Ul•ro...,.hee and In i'"'''"'nt lh~<l "F"r•l hrvl bo•rn rnce! WeJI, beUevr It or not. be •I HI• In wtu• 11 ln• )" work, u.tecl .hnnol .. nt•d roln• ,. l'lun<I"Y on " told me that It wu when bro th• '"an • no•l .. t;·•k .,_. driven. •lr•" I nc-R r h••r hun.,., JI'Jito·•· 'hrck• !tamed from h1e wife that he ..-.. · .,.,.,,._._ ...:.;t• .. ly &114 eT_rr)'· ··ti I h .. .,, ... ,_ ~tunaber a nd found tht father of a baby boy, Mk h-1. • ... , .... •lh "1· '' 1 h• ·~ Ia con· 1 "" ,.,.hit I•• h11•l bo • n •tul<•ll In 1- • ,, • 111 1 I• '·t•ll• I In h18 book. T ,t I U"'hl jr .. who will boo two )'f'an o1tt • 1 1 Tbe.ft who-n ,\n~:• I·~< h•• • n, ""'" "" .. next month . . . ,p , r 1.;'""1 ••r "'' t•• lh•• slaolaun 111111 illllhl•rl lt(•a In "lma-'ne" he eaJd. "havl n• a '11• "''·" •• "''' h.-mtl'ndll t•l 1 ..... Anwl··" n•llll"'" Ill>' • . .. I II ho "'""' not nk'e (II half·lfn>Wn 10n v.·hQITI yuu dlttn't *'" kl ... t • " ' evrn lulow wu born!" .... and tu bta..kltet tk __.. C'U!WXIAAIO~r.n I.IF.t'T. ,,, 1•18(''"• uf ~,.._ 18 ~ \Jtl'y I ,,. It "" l'lar • to ... aU h u• 1 Th~tmaa (" \\'• b~tl• r "1:.!4 Llntl•• 'Mte '""-l• only SI.OO JW!r ~r· 'II ,.J~ I•• 't.l~· kiiJot t~m too. Na~r ~ :.• .• "''"· ll.olh<•ll h~>8 t .... 11 '""'' llllywhere In Oran«e county 11.50 •·t-·'''"" tr• n\1• man. Wll't be • ''''""''•n•·ol oUt " It•''''' 111\111 t J.: I Death" et.ew!MN). ,\1 ulh"r man w b" can't kft111Mip 1n 1111• t' S Na\'111 H•'"''"" 11• I d .. _ ... _ ..... •-hln rurdm• If• lnfttlllllll tttn •··~··lvlfl Wh~'n tM "March ot \ .• '\ ··"« ... .,.... ~ .... ... t . no-w rr~ and nre UWID ...,ery from lh•· I)IVIIII"" "' ~"•"'"' (/1(1 +-----------------------------"1 .,.., . k """I H~ • n~ too, cllla't you • • r Pr•" ur,.n ... nl 1.1 \\'••tHit• r I ! lho• k. 'li~ probabiJ ~·t real· ... ,. II Ill• •nh<'r .. , thl' tll:lll va•l I ! 17~ 11 t>ul b" ,. -uff..nng "''" 11nla n~ """" Ill th•• l'nl<'• r•IIY ''' I 1 I till• ,,. tr,-,. nr h .. wouJdn"t be eo Sn11lh• rn r·alllttrflll\ wll~r•• h,. t'ttlll j oi"C ~""" ••fnl'ry hlm ... lf -Vf'rn<•f rlr1t•r1 h··· W~trk Wtlh lhP tl••jC"r•••·• I I, .. IS.•k. In Soulb Cc.M N~ .. , " R nn<l J,L n I I ! --1 Ta \~MA~A ~ J•anrr.aTl' UA)MAfit:: lnllllll:ldl ... I · ••ht"d llnnual ,,.port ot Tr-ani-M•" J.,hn F: Whll• ,.,,,.,..,.<! 1 ' • I t ;l r r,fl""ratl<lft re~d b)' hn&lllo 8 Wh••ft II (f\r ltf>''tlll<•fl hy • I, h« 1 ' ,,.n o1f lh" bt,.rcl A. p 0 1· h• r hll8bltnli 1'1<111•1•"1 With A Yl'hll'll' 1 •I • "1 ~ ~t pront trw Ute h< 1111.: tlrh·••n h:V I rra f' E11•1'·'" '"';"'"''"'n and all ctome.Uc: eub-!h<• "!!S~"Itlrnl tAklfiiC pill'''.' "' :'11•1 •ldllln~ f()r thr Yftr 1M3, attrr ron•f" "' r .. r,tr"' lv•lh ,.,.,~ y,,.,,. pnn iaion fM IJUt,.. and miJiorily "'""'''"rahly damll~t••d lnWro!llt. 0/( II$, U2_ 711.21, eqWY· al4'nt to Sl-50 per ....,.. • t ,M2.· 1 • II -llllO 11ha,... oul.1tan41Ac. lUll r.lllll. Th1• compuu wttla net proftt .,.. nf SP,Iti.C$12 In lltl. or 10 .... c.nt. per ....... -10.010.100 lllflllll··· = ~.:-.~:-u::: S. fl. S. RaJID 1 tUMl CIM:tt!c eo. I ...... =:~ ==~ =-:: 'JUIN'd and retlrtd .. awponUon lr•'llll\lry , ... rttal •t'~<'k and ..,...hla, It 'h' H 110taJI• •I P7.11~.011 at De- • 1 1 tw r '\l I~J Cllllnpand with Jill li21i 1\ffo th• Y"ar before ""\'I~ to ",,!'Cft PArll'.ll :·-•luoCIIlJ: for tk Paptr New Guarante ed Stoclr of \ Radio Batteries n o w 1n CLOSED ON MONDAYS II BALBOA' GI,FT SHOP ==~~~~~ 1 Aldie Feny Le••••• ,.. ....... , ,1.00 ... ye&r:j r Wnred bJ maD anywhere In , 1•• ,,. t'nl<l n~ flat rUM , • •. th.. n--.-taad .U. Uwm 1 ,.,, 1 l:" th•m 1n ......... ~t 12 In-,..... t)udr F1at&e1t _,..aYeS a r 1 c artfbO:ard boll.-and cartone &n1 tic th•m ln ......._ .-at tJw .. m~ 01~ .._. .,...,..,. Harold L. Hamm Radio Sooad TitodtJ?Iei•• ! 215 Mariae. BALBOA ISLAND 0ru1p --~· (SUO a,_,..._ i---------------------....... .... ,. and -~ 1a • '-• '-C dllat caa'-~ AT THE A E N D E Z V 0 U •1 FROM THE i AT THE BALLROOM Sat.urday ighl Bll, I'" STED!· .. $2.~ ~ ...... ,.,, ....... ;TA MESA ttee viii • 1ng ly flydt• rM and to M tn hr hrtr1 In or 1 hf' Cntl· lh"'', whlrh , IH'):lllllt•nl ~ .,ri ... ,.. . lei ,.,,., 111111( Una rurnnt cl lrf:1 .. atlon llt~t~ a.-a or JlJitiOJ alai ~ lnlf' ........ Ill' 1 nttu8b)' the vartoue -............ ..... pare to •nil t ._a/· • • louu "•" .,... ot thee II. a..-, IAa Mann• ...-oor ot "· aad ,_ Mt ·~~~~ 59 ere 1t1 Met) Wbo '" Yllt1ou• •a. w ill ""' lba a.-a~ '"'" lboo In· :· .. \ nrul tttoent tl I olf'tPrr"'l OC't'llptl\hJII. clo•ule1 will of tbe Na C"t I v• tt••r"" .. , ....... lin• '"' d .. I Ill" luo nl rrvlt•w th•· aJ Wttrllrr• 8 tl 3 I ' f tlf llllu 1·4 ft1r•l f•tn r• I Ill 1111(1 .Ill I IY rn,n, 11 (J olf'lrnr•l r•l .. .-,'uva· draft meT • l•.riiiJ(' •llfll Y''•" ••I lllr ''" •luut,llry 111 -""· lllr TINII!" l ilt• WI , ... , ... ,. .. ..... ' ........ .. "''"'":II f'ftwnt hn 111•111 Mr" " • • • lnf'H •r (:ul lay. rida) . ....... y --· ., l r . . , • .. Lt. G. H. Sattlt Exchange Vo' a.fOft • nalunl • Ia u. UWt Olurda .... ~u. ._._Jr ...... mar ~cn.aota "ftc ......... t ,CIIl , .......,_at lib o'ctor .U.. uad -att~ ...a.-............. Jllr a.. .. wr:r o1 11a1t1ua ........_and.,_ -... ftudiiDO-. "nM..,..... ..,.,. • ........ wtudl. IlL: ... ....,... ,. ~!ride wbo --...... bJ Mr fat'« OrtlaP. ...-.r a ,._ ._, t.-.ed lA .. .. xt..t bJ a_. .. ... Jibe C&fTM'!I 4IIJel cfwtdki!GUYW ...... , ...... J-'Go-a .... c:n.---.. ..... rialort ..... .... ~ .... twela~~ ,. .... -. u t)',-. forwwt" 0 ..-. lllaYIIIC' &lt.l llar1Usw Anldltai 'l1le ~w•·· ...... .see Grtll:•. __. ..... pw:ed..,- Mad~ ......... .-..os ~Mer­ ._. .. ol -=97 R( sou ..... I As ..... I : ..•.. •: .. ·. :·: .... __..-,,,.. J1111WM71' ()IW.uiUA'nON8 r Olll!t 'a. 2 • .... ......., • p•"'elted few the benefit ot · . ...._., ... ._. ...._. .. • c:IIIUp ,_ ....._. lA w. ctepanmeet. • --...... -1 , ..... .....S. ...... pbDDt 'N~rt 11111. . --JWapwl _._ a , at o.-aree: Earl W Stanlry, pru-1 ~ . ... ) . ~ ...... •:: .. ~~----------·===·········' ~; a-ny w--. ~-....u.p t.nc. monthly. Q • ,.._. '• ~: Jlul Rall,,p,...~nt; W . Ill. ~ ,..,. ~ ~-...... • c:a11 at .,ec:.1fted Umt and place. g Cella ... a a .. 0 m s U1 &. 1ltA .areet R. w. w _..., st t· r a. a.-. ..uetarJ. fJ ~~ .. . a &past _._ ~ ...,., a-Waltac., pruldent; L. w. ..... __..,. ........ -Wy . • 111 _._ z p p N n ' ~: Hubb&l11 C. Howe, preetdent Jet& c,., I.....,. ,_• aM Jnl '1'1wnda)'e. • II&• ~ .... : 8uf lltaaiey, pn.s!MIIt , C. Ltwla .._ .=:-..., . ...,._7, ~~ p. m. at Whlte'e Park Av«llill .:ak O&lla ...... ..,... _._ ...... a-: orecory ~orby, p rf•· ..... : ......., Qerrt11a. .ecnCarJ. Tudday. Hew Kautn • cate. ... I a. ... ... ...... Bob HoUINibe&d. pnaldent; Dr. a.-a-~ . .....cary . o--..,-a.te .... : 1t.arT7 W..tover. pr•ldent , )Ira. D a. ~ ~-~~ada • eall at ..Wed plac~. CuiiiE ,._ ~ ~ .....-: H w Wnrlll. chm , Cbarlutt~ .....-. RCftt&I'J: lit Wedneecl&y, T :30 p m. ---· --...,. ..,. C RJ ~ Jadl Well prullknt: R L P10t· --. MCftUI'J. 11..u at Udo clu~·on call; • ,ed _._ ...._ 0..: Dr. 0 II. OruAdy, preeiCSr nt; Er· _.. .,._, _....,.,; ....._ W...._..J nOo. at Whltt'l ate, Balboa. A••••T. ...... ._. ••. Jfewpen ...,._: 8. T Dunlap, Fr ;A. . Ha,..._ ..,Jut&nL J•t and 3rd Tuea., lA'IPOn Hut. -----• • • ....... ......., ef N_,.rt Harbtlr: Mary Cham- Mrl.-. pr..s : ..... a a. Jtaaclel. Met)' 2nd amJ 4th M1111duy. lA'· p. MIL ----• I I ...... ,... ., o-ta .._l Otw Do<ld. Commander; ~L. a-.u . ...,.._L --"' , ....... 1. z ., ., o.liA .._.: Emma Hall, prNl· ..... ; ~ ~. ....... lit It Jnt llonda)'8, lA'r•on hall. y.._ e1 ....... Wllnt KPI'4 llrowft. COIDmandet, Myrl In, -...,...._lit_...."'*" 0011ta 11-Am LAC1on hall. g a g w ~ _g ~ ~ ~ ·.n! ~ ~ ~,J. ~ ~ ~ n :C!. M ~u~ ~ ~ w w n Q_ w. ~ • ....._., r..,.._ ._~:lin. ~~Brown. prwlld«ftt ; ~ ~ 11ra ~..-"~Dr ~ .-ctJ. lit a8d lrd Fridaye, COIIta MtM Amrncan (i ~.p.Mil !ri r1 .. a., JC ,ed ._.. .,. Qc;s.. &: Capt. Ed Zubc', " F · r a; w.a.r llcwJwtt ~-lad Monday. 1 "- "' •• ~. JCeaP"'I ._..:: lin. Z.nobta Froel. pru ; " lin. ..,._ ~W. .....a.r,. 2M,.,._,, I:*-W, 11111-.,. (llsla liMa f1n .,....,...,.., : E. O. 1..'- , t t; Ed ~ .-cntary. Friday en nlnp at flrehall. ~ w •• ., ... _... w ..... a.: 110 w.-BaJ avm~K~, Balboa. c ~ r. -... ll • .. -..,·a. Orudaa. -tary.. ~ ..... Y_.. Cllll6: .... a-lJ, ~; Henry C. WI~· ~;, --~-~~ : : ........... 1'_.. 0.: "lJaa S.... commodorr. JuJy Adama, ~ --"' ___ -._rT_.:.... _..._ ___ ......_______________ .•U• -: ~ ....._ ..... 0.: ... cro.ltJ, ~re; Clay C•~m,)twll, k<e· :~·U;, ~· ..... ant ..... , Ill YUliltc'• ron elubhouM. I ~ • pwl ....._-~: ._ YCIU!Wio"' Jr. Hr\Jor IIeut.; Don I ~ ~ Y-. ~, Jk.,..,t 11..-r YacM cl'*. l" ..... ......_ Cllll6: a. H. Au.. prelllcknt; Fnnlc Crocker, Me· " IIOJUW7. ---... ..-: W pwl ..._ 016: Oeo. II. HoleWtn. prulcSent Mary Davldgr 'H _.....ary. --Ill Jka .. t IIU'bor Tadlt Club on call. lolf•: ~ liCea' • _... '-...... 0.: Hury W Ham mond .. prt'e ; ~ ~ WaY. J--. 8ft'l7. ar-at 16Ul uciS.J P'ronL " .............. ; ........ , ~, ..... Hlp lk<ltoul: I ~ -.-..c...__ n F •" .t; lira. a,-Otto, .ecntery. ~ IW ....... 2 ' 2 2 .............. 0..-r Sdtool: g ..._ ...... 0... F 5' t; lin. J . 8 . Raub, .ec'\y. Srd Monday j i :«;, ....... 'I' ' I 2 2 _, ~ ..._, Kra. Harry Burdtelc, W • es '; ..... • .. --.rt. Refttary. P'\rat Tunday. i i . ~«· ~ ._ ~ ~1: ~~o 1:. Betau, mut~r: Mra Roberta ~~ ....... _...,._ ........ tt.b 'l"flunclaJ, ~lOft hall. i i . "'mt. -. 7 ..... el 0.. .... 0..-p. Ill: Mra. (Hr, ~~ .._.. ........ dsa.; lira. Hilda BeiUMtt, .ecty. 2nd and Uh Tut'a. 1 . M t '; • =r==• _._ ... a..: c. a-w Balta. pree.: A. J T\\1•t. :OJio. -lltaJy. LMl ...,...,. Ia -UI, Qant.een '-d ,,. , &lb''" llll&ntl t ~JC~ . : I ~--... a-: w a, M~Uott. eba.rman: Mra )( J . 11011· I ~"~ t.lllllr. --'-7 ...... Oil caJ1. ~JC~ c • Dill~ el ..... , ..... : Mra. C. Ill. Dft.kiNI, pno•ldrnt; Mra. ·~ ..._,. Y ...... ~-111t Mill tnt 'l'burllda,a. ~ .f.J. • pwl .... I 7 ...... : lira. llary AddU! Abbott. '"" J& '1 1: lira C~ J'. W.U.. -=nt.ary. W, . . D I ... Pall 7 ~· ......., ......,.. ,_.; Al&a ~:.:C~.t',."s~u=: W ....... ...... a. .. Osiis .... : Jlln, P . v. ParkM prM.; H .... ..._ ~. ~-lit ... Snt Friday.. . a Olalla--. n • 0..: .... Wm. Hlrtltr dim ; Mra. Luella I c ~ _....,.,.; 'ftlr4l Wit 2 JW a.l WOIDUI'• dubboue. C • _.. ~LJI 7 0 lJIIIeel ef Newport .._ .. , Mra. n.a 'BIIalt)'. F lt1 t ; lira. UlUu Hlll. Neretatry. let Wedneaday. Y. ~-:-.~::•...: .J.. :;_~ :::~ ~~:nnle B -W ~ ...., CJIIIrlla fiJI Osiis .._: lin. Bluche KuJawa, p,_. ..-; -I'Wid ..... --.,.. I ~ ............. -a......~~: Kra. •• L ...... P 2 2 ?; -. • J c.-.. ISCtSJ 1"\rat T\INdaJ I ~ ......,, 8L ........ <k•IZI ~~ Mre, R.N . CWI· t A ...-; -. ~ II. Wtlla. JSr)'.; lin. Jobn &. 8w'ke. -..... ,...., . . _.... a·•••d Ada ) .. llhl r the Fighting - llher•er the II Wli.erever Hie Boys lYouis ana mine} need merciful help in mortal bodily or -mental wounds---the R.ERICRD . REI Cia. is there, helping, leading ··• caring • The Bed Ci'oss needs •oaey aow. Won't yoa give? To-day? Row? / VJ SOUTH DDIST CD • .. • ~ t I • VUICK RBSUL!'SI : . . .•..•. ··: :.: :.: :•: :-: :-: :..: :.: :..: :-: :.: . . . ~-• .•. • •• :.: :•: :•: :.: :.: . . : . : . ··: :•: :•: :•: :e: :•: :•: :·· • .•. •. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .• • .• • \ J THE SAND CRAB . , ·- for . 36 years the best advertising medium in .. ~ ~ crJStrid 'tl 'tl 'tl the n~wspaper __ that · goes home Buy Bonds to End War Quicker ··~-) ' ' ··'· " . ...... , ~ \ '· ..... .,...,.-_. . .NeWPoR-r I BALBOA . E-W.S~JTJA\ES • ... KEEP POSTEl! I Y t•ar .... $2.50 ,, ..... ,.....,.. ... ,. .... te !',.w. Tlr.-. ~~"fMir't .._.. SAM EMBRACING BALBOA PENI~SULA. WEST NEWPORT. SEA SHORE COLONY. UOO I~I.E NEWPORT HEIGHTS. BALBOA ISI.AND. CORONA Oft MAlt COSTA MES~ \.OLVMr.: XXX\'1 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, THURaDAV, IIARCH n, tMt EL TOKO-lt's to be the ·:::':~~~~~~~~~ Coast Group H.onOrs 1 Red Cross Is ~Round Bay Nt'ws-Times Ad SelhJ Ta,·ern should know. With Mayor l $4.000 Short F N Hall and Earl.Stanley, we at-H· w I h f · 15 tended the ground breaking arry e c or ,..,~local Rrd'Croas ch'lv~... erry ow Nr~;~..;. C:::'~d ~ ... "'P~o · t d th of today. Ia at1ll $4.000 short of ceremorues o ex pan e ..-. T n~"' '"' •••~ base . y I s ita goal of 113.000. D N d penset~t~v!~ms~.~~~~; ears FOUnty ervice d.:t~:~~~~:~;:o~~·.a~:.d~:;.: ire ee ""'J:::; .. v::::.;:·· .. ~c::;.~ comprises 2300 acl't'S. but ifs I \... who p ld that ltlt drlvr e,J. '""' ~ ... A., -..no..... .... tM not l,_·at-"' nt El Toro but M .. -..... t_ ... with ~ '-~1 "r•t Frldav, Marclo 3-'. and ttut It-• -....... ,.,.. _.. '"* ... , about five miles ~nlanJ and Scroll to Be Given Secretary for His Effort& rvcrv rffort must ~ put forth Tbal u .. fl•. I , •••••••• I I•. T ... T•-~ .... -t-c>rt•.J toward the I rvine ranch to attain our quota. '",.. 1 .. ·•. , ., , 1 , ,.., • ., 1~ 91...,.. .,_.,.,.P' .. q headquarters. One or thE' Supervi801' Warner Says Munitions Uepot !tl'rmrnts tlave ~en n~ade .._.. ............ ~ .. --..... nice things saiJ was by Col. oo som~ quartr,.. that th! re mure •• ·"' •I I " ,. ,~ r.t .,, •-• .. W leu. , .. _f'rlv Wm. T . Fox. l'Ommanctant. May Be Moved Further Inland cent War Chen ~•o•palg .. waa I he .., .. ,v-t. ' ·' ...... .,. S.u t ~ af04 ·-•• , ... .,.,,. mrant to Include tht Rrd Croaa _ ... NUMBU' 2-4 Legislative (ommittee Here March 31 will Get Data on Fishing lntt•rim AM!Ot•mhly ( ;ruua' llt-nclt•d By l'lyd.- \\' :t~m &n Study Nt't\f~M of -AnKwrH and tfl llt•ar :\rJtUmt"ntH on Curn·nt LawM .• who in introducing the may. .-..uenL Tl. ,.,,, , ···1\ ..... u-.. s.--~ 1•1.000 wtll.,.. 1 Thl1 '' ln~orrect, .. s It w.as ~ ors. said or Balboa and Nl'w· At on 4' o r the largest meetlnm:: tn many months. JtE'Id a t •rn-n ' .. 1· " .. _..-, 1 ~·"'f· ,, ....., .. , ............. u ''"'-I~~· •rf th•• m,,.., lmf'"r1:mt "1"'-'inno.: r f 1t<: 1\lnrt tn .._ .. l'l ... ln .,~ -pt;a•nly stated at th•t lime t.,at .,_ ,,.. " " port-''they never disnppoint Sam's Sea Food Cafe. Seal Beach . the Orange County Co~tst t~ War Chest was for local rt · with ''"I" I. I I , • ~. n. '"1l•. ,, --..... 1111, ·""·!. \\Ill , .... tha t ,.f lilt• llllt•l'l tll l~llllllllllt"' .. r thf' <'1111· us,"-m E'aning that our Cham· tssocialion through its PI't'Sident-Elrct . ''Dan " Pntch, author-••·•. ~it .. th• E"CEPTION ~t .• .. uld t• ~ ...... 1 ,, ,., v.,.... u t a ' "'" 1 • ~ " • "' -"" .... ,_ _..., 111 ., 1 1•11111a lo•o:t,:ohtn• llllol tho• l i'h 11111 ~'IIIII' '"llllllllfl"''. \\hldl ber or CommerC(' always ized the preparation of a scroll honoring Harry Welch a.nct his the Red CrC!U-~·u.·h .. 1 I I h " • • ~ """'. u .. ~ -. Cli hE'I d I I If f h d I tO I f .. ., .. ~ ,.,,.. -uw••••"• w '"'" ''llll~t• Ill 1'1"'" ._..,,'"" Mardt .II I" h, .. ,, I""'" to.: "'l:llmt•nt~ . 1 psta an a wnys 1 Wt' rom es 15 years service on beh a . o t e C'OUn ty an ts • m1 es o Folks. t e rued Ia great : you •••t by 1... ' I'•. o. .. • , .. ,. ...11 ~ ••-·•· ...,. '"'•' c,.,,1 lttd ,,, ..•. ,.,111111~ for l'll:ttt•·•·~ 111 mt 1 ry personne . I Jhoreline cities. • -----muat hrlp aa, e cur boys : plras~ .. r .. t~· tho I '' \ •• , .... ·. H ... ,.. • , ...... n ... ~ A real two-fist('(i guy is · ht'l mn,~ 1'ru:tleni (', A. Millrr, hv tht' wull•r" uf lhr """"',Pad It• pllone an" workrr or .any f'ed Lala.n4 &II•' r •ll••a 1 , ~ J.·, t•. ..,,. ••" ~ .nc.-. If lhey I ht• 11:-h iiiJ.! I. I\\' nl tltt• •.I ;rio-"-hi h ''&llfomla bOr ' ., 1 ........... _.ht.r.,. , .. ~L T"'<' Col. F ox. H e used to be o n In a abort talk. extolled lbe ac-..,..eon upon w c " • Cro .. agency and aomeOrte w ill project hu '"'" •lt•t:o."'c =-~ .. on T .. -~,... ._ ~1'4 .. .., • .,._.,. A ..... mtJIVII•r"' ,,\"' "''",.."' ,.r o•nn•n. l'ntum .. rclaJ, mpurt ar prt• \ •tr·. tllll~' npp••nr ""'' urt.•r """ the regional pla nning com· compiiRhments of thf' vett'ran aec· olurs. <"hlmi wolh ~~~ :'110·000·000 pick up your ctteclt. ace • I Nbt..., ••"I .:au • •-•orum.r: ,.,.. C..rw•t.... •'ran.: ... ""h•• 11"• IH ··n In ,.1\,.,.,.,, misaion in Los Angeles, en· rrtary. who not only aided In thr J>e0 1*'· Manchuria and Korea with r...ur '"'"" ttw not " I•••'" • .. , ,,.,II n1: to·r.:l..t"ll"" foor wanv t.:rlf lttl\.. ,,,,. f 4trf1•"t'(lnl t'\J,..,.t I 0'\ ,, I I'' ........ II l"t:l .. atl~n listed at the beginn1·ng or the or•anir.at1on d Ule IUI80Ciat 'on, lhrlr fiChull, t: e arctic lan<ltl nnrl )Hr ac<~ ..UPS:• .,.,, It• I• rn ..Jno ., d 1 ,,_ -•t ,, .. 1 '""'" ""'' I,.. Nhlrol I hi• ""dlc>n In but h•• piloted It through many the ml o<'I'Wl Ill an .... .,.. "r" un-w PI wiUI ..,..,rl)· tnt·• 81 d Ba war w& sent to the ~uth ~ k • .,,,.,_ """ '""' "'' ur111rot In"• ''" '1 I I tu ''tt (IMhUijt .,_. nr tt,,,. .... u,., """111111 ,.,l•tlnr •tat \llect ll!v,.,.,.!hlnlf ut . tnti'I"NNt In • . 1 •"'"1-'""I ,·,.nnlntt lnrt\JJ!try will lw olteo·u-.1 .,.,1 the Vllllc>wr ' . ":/I 8UI'CU"ful achlevtmenta. Willis limited tkld• fur dtvetnpmrnt ar ant Suc-h Ill '"'•fl'1t• I . ·-•• 00 . ,, .. l'f••l•••'lh•ll ... flail ..... 1 IM· Padflc where he built air· Wamdr, ~'-trman llf the '--·rd of That nntcntlal dtveloprr.ent II a • t n "-~Ids i j red d ~ "'" ..,.,.. r -vt' "'*' ,...,,~~, .. ,. ,.,,..,,. ·, •ll•,... .t1alr11 an uf th .. rruup. Mr. W&t· &...:' , Wa5 n U 811 S<'nt IIUP1tviiO~!I.,:t.ol!!_!"~ ~II !!.!let. Cl\aiiPnge to W('lllernrra t J find ltle 1..1<1<1 ILr iOlc't' , 11 , .,., .. 1 lw ,..,n l!!....!l!.!!J.rl " 11 I bedt-~, mtJdJ<2lg8iiiSt h tt-m-'--ra that rem~•al Of lhl' ITll• 1K1tfl'l' WllY /5r meetllf5r--ntl! Jl"I"'•t.tJ>o:---,c =------------ 1 •. ~_ 001 I .... •'•'• •. -=--r---s-:::o;:::-----.....,....----.W::::.:.:.:....' --'tl H . k. t .., ..... U'I: V'l' -h 'f"UI111Ut~ .... , th .. fh•h ••t.t l(tt.U"' 110'W. e lS ma tng a . g rea nltlon11 dennt near Seal Buc-h fur-It ms whk h ~Ill cnnfront them In t t II··• • 111•11hl l'~"l••re w aand field t r E l T d ,._ I I I on rae s s 0 g t •llll' ••I II tllhotrt whu Will al· ....._. __ 11~ ln -t .___ -•. OU 0 oro an ex· ther Inland, t..hua saving the b••bor lhe postwar era. he rnn•· uo"' 0 Bo U ' -... -~-..-·----... --I '""'' "J0 • ummlttffmrn .,... ~-.... t.n. I rlr "11"'""- ceUent pile;>!$ out or as fine lrontllgP tr r that purpoae, ....... Patch, In talking over lf'&der-~· YS I I~VIIIolll Tll•oa ""'" .. , .. :1 ....... ,.. II • •• II lh I -· ·~--~~~~~~------~ a group of young men you meeting with ravorable reaull8. llbl1' ot th~ IIM'l<'tallon. 11r"w at· u T d F H b 1 N 11 •t 1 ' '' ' "' ,,. r.... 01 '"' car• ever S<\W. It makes yOU but that ll WU no..· wa tlng for troUon ll"' lhe facl lhlll thrre II l llno ' II 11\11 • I lll'r ool I ••N An ',., • ' ''Ill •~ Ill 'hat'1101 rrt fh. b k f l.o '· d p 0 ay ...... .,tCC or ar 0 ~trl ... ohalmiAII oil ltwo_ (IAI\ All•l lllof'!ln" Alii! Ill•)' are ... ,__ Choke When You thl'nk of th"' W••hm""on_ muc at l!tll " ur rtf! ul'n..,. 11n -r " ___ , ,~ -.,. t:10111" 1 '"'11111.,.1"11 1• tl f II (' If M danger they go into a n J that trdunrhol Ha~ buelnrllllmPn 1n thr futurP ami •• '' .. '" .. 1 umla arln• the flower of our manhood _7. that tl e 88111-<"llltl n afforda a 01"ft .._.... l'aclllna ('o. Wall•r ........ oor nt llfr War nrr latrr t xplilnt'd to m;oan!> llf nrrmnpll!!hmt•nt Hr • ·;>o,. "''""'••II "'"' '' "'111 I·· h•·•·l Wf'al•rn 1 'lannera. lnC', &Ad .l-is being cut down in this t('r· I lhl' l':I'WII-Timra that If thc> n11vy 1 1 1 f':((,.,·ts (>f r llnrf'llatlon ut war \\ol ttwo t..r ,..,. ~-'"'"' Hu• ••' "I' '" will boo upro t n the -..b. t , .... .:lo "' .. r \V•••l ('oNUit ............ ... n.ble confls·C'·t I I Ill·~··· :• ,. Ptl' ~:•·n··ro rrprl'llf'n IJ-Cnlltra_Ct'! a nti tho' I llan~·· t•• , .... ,,.. • .. ~. ,.,._ ~ ............ ~ ..... n lh II I r-.... -... ... · p ant rooultl be carr1t!d rurthf'r n-u t t..h 1 0 c 1 -~ .., ~. ··-.., ""' . " '" • r. • IJIII "•II ,,.._h .. l.t t-,. , · t 'oo + + + !. -! :I \\' ;.' ! ~.I\., lh<' ht·a•·h llrl'a on (l r <'nt r;o rangr hUn y '""'' ,.,.,., oh l loon will IJf' .. a r la!aed " •lth ,......., mi..., .... ! rh.•t I,,"' Padclla« 'O.utH.-They took us on a tour of the hal'e and one o r thf' most intere<t in~ operations. wa$1 that -of roll· ing th(' sill<f'n parac hutC$ into small pac kt•ts for thf" thoys. This was rlom' hy w om en a nd the m ost minute care is giv('n the pro<'C'·s. The cOrds are carefully stretched and kept In place by metal bars as thE' fm>ric l.s foldt>d. The n the cord Is carded back a nd forth Into slots until the doth is reaC'hed. when this Is foldf'd into the canvas c·ontnin<'f. 11\(>s(> bags are fastcnM to a canvas S<'a t wi 1 h straps. which ~o arounJ thf' should· ers o f tht-lads. In leaving a plane th<' l>oys dive hf'a d· first. which puts the firsl sh ork o f thP drop o n thf'1r sh ouldN-s. Thf' J~rge iron ring. whiC'h pulls the C'orrl to open the ·chutt'. is in t~<'ir right hand nnA the .)('rk opens· th<' hag_ F<'W C'asc« art• known whf'rc they failt>rl to open, it wns n•tnarkf'tl. t(llltft IIDl' at lh<-111 ''"hi) mo dings In tlf'llill IJ~· unc "' s~•UlbJ!J'JI LAII· fn.lln I., 1tiTr91 j 1 .. _ ""~ t •. f• r •l~ rr"~ 1nn..,.. rtlll ""'rt and t -v • ,,. ,,.. no • '-' "'' • N G ,~ .. --.. ·~• ,. · " I tl' """'" o:'''"" f """'"'' o.-st m Jurnl<'d ortk•-•• at -wo• ..,. •• • ..... _ -'~ I , A aJ.o the C'()8sl rr ad, that thl' lts;h Mourn K . P. Fredtrlck ... ,. a• • ··-"" ,_,... •ot ,. 59 a tunr'h"o n tp tw> hrt.J Friday. ""-'•lo t•'-•o!t IlAna. ""1' loo •t•tl lho rmy avy " . ets "ttY \"'"'" I'Xtend inland, ll'ru1inl: A IJOIIt~111·t ,r rrtl r 1'<•11, 1\1\" a Al~>~•·h ;.o4 al Ill•· Ju1u.,,,. Yac t UM •·• ..,,,,..~ fllo• tt. ........ In,,.. / oo ar Ulc brl.tl:c over thr !lluur.:h ho·· vuo nnt , .,,.,1 "·'"'"b"ln ... l tht' oil'· 1 1,111 ' .:.. .....__ • • • ,._ .. l~lt .. n ................ f'""'V'ft h) Ml.lfl~ • • yonll Snm'~ Rra Fnn•l C'af•·-whh h l•urtut•· of .,; I' 1o ,.,.,,,.111 k . l'hnr ._ 1 ~ ·--•~• I d F H .lo· \\\ ,, lntotraml •·l•lo•JOonl-..... _.,,.,...,..,. lu .:V"IIortlo•"•nl, '""uld '"' Jll~l .. ·f lh,. l'""~l b "h· • ll t II l l A ' t -_ ., ,a 1110 II. M '' 11• 11/IIIIH'\:1 IHO an• lllfo: smallo•r WIH fllllllla &ntJ C'll~· fiLl tutd n uc ees 0 Wll,V hut lli'C't'ASiblt' to lraftk _ l iiii~INl•'lll f•llllllo:<· ("IOUIII)' Uo)()r<l ('l attOIUI Wllh ho'llllqutLrt~r· on Lt• lllr ........ rtlrJII'o. t-'o•t .''" do r m ere l'h1hp Norton \\ hr Ill l•u lltlln~.: 111 hH• fllll•t•r 1 ht• • ~,11., lh 11·h n -~ ~ M ._., " "' Allj!l'.•'l< V, I! nolollt'll' II J(TOUfl O( • •IOofl "' r~o .Sianlo•) S.o\C \• 1 ITITJn~ froeral houslnJ: units at l)('nl Prn'II·Telrgr&m. H.-had be-en un h· 1 1 11w,.,.,. and ,111,..r lru.Jualrlal-l~~mr~ tra-.•or1atllon "llllll"l.') Bt•at h. Willi tht! r r·anclpal l!(l('aker honorary vt~· prc81<l•nt ••no I hi• •~-t I • "'__,• A f , .. _ f 1'-1 1 •• ~ m ~ ..... rom tbr Newpo.rt Harbot • ..,...... "" t• ............ ,n.: ~ 111•11 ':1 WIUI Navy tltly~anct . l"nrlon, In illustrating his con· plac6 wo· till-.. by v o. ~·tcGu.ftln •h• _.___,_. ~ ...__. ~ -"-" .. are&. and advl• atepa wbkh 111ay -~ , ......... -•••• lolll••ll ":'I ,.,.. Arto' ''"v ''' ""' 1 hrtr· "'''"r•• '"' • 11""1 -.lu-. bf lh" ltf'WI)' 1n1IU•lrc' -.notc.at .. and lh•· ''''"''nah• Vo4araM fill Wor\t War I tenUon that enlimlted opportunl· o1 the aan:e pa....-, who -~ctp•-.. .._ •-k lin ......,... B..._..-.. _1 ... t r --._ ""' uo en to t:rallf' ~ TPIJ ,.-._..., ._'"""'I f'>'Clalranla "' •~• al t:•w•••l 171 loti fer thte--.,..-~· and a p&ld a trtbu,te t o hla d.ePf\'11· rnrt•,.,. ........ K.t-•• r.-u.. Nto•PM'i "'"'"'"' ,...,.,.h wtln WPh' lltt111f'f· drt'w upon hill experleDCH whllr f'rl chlf'f. .. , .._.., Anflur """'' f'-....,. · 1 1 -... ctUuna partJcularly Inte r· · · """' ' "'' mt .. '"" "'"'"•I .,.,.,,., • A 11111 uf thr truh,..tl'•l m•l) wb<' lt'tvlng In the Orlt>nl for gQ..tern· ll••r ..... •r L···riiiY tll'll\·t'r·d t' a --I d I -· \In ...... rt ·-................ I ' "" "" ~ ~ ·~ etl t' n lno u•lrlal Att •vfUea 8ft · ""'""" "'· • • •' ' t 1ctk All•lt'f'W JlloiiiNon II•· ""'l•l• .t 111 'h•• Yll"'tWI mf"nl agtn<'oet~ durtn~: the 1ttrlfr nf .l!""llll<' t oo Ilk 1\ihJrf's~ of wo•lcr•m• 1 ~ "'"' Mar...,.,.. ~''" ILol Ill 7 ,... ~ 11\'lll'fl 111 al 1'1111 bul muat ma.kt' • · Ill\ VIII"'' l'l••rt .. .t I hot I ·.1 ... 1 .. • • ~ ,.,,.,..,,,." ••I ,. ,. _., vii·~•. will bo' I -II< and tn lltr ~·.,ars tmrll'.tl· ltv. ~ .. 1y111 ,.._ Jr~·l• 1 •. ~d of .~·at ~»• f,L,,_I Mf"' Mrflrwt.ol•l ~ ... _ o:o,... ,... , ~' ""''--r··~wrvat1• ns -at til_. N~•l'Ort Har· ··· • "'' .. " • .t It• "' II•· f' • ·f•'l"'•' ··•• t•l• .. ,. .... , n• •• ,,. u the t....c.aJ lll~!y fi iiOWing. H<·l\t'h An flflL: lhiiS•· wh .. lltlfn•l· h I (1oamho·o .. f t •t.mmo·r.• .. ld 0001' p orr IV-M f"' \ ....... :\•·I..... fll·· ... ln\ ......... 1.11 ••II '""" ""V ,,, Jt, ............ ,, ••.• ltto'ttl rr .... , thoo Ill· Reaou~ U"llmitcd <'ol frmn tnr :-.:t'"l><•l t llarl)(•r an·a l" ln>oorP llroHntffiutlatluo" !\o-•t•~t lt•&.t.:hh. Mf"' ~olh I '• \ , ... ~" " '"'" •h· --:"" • I', '''" '"I• 1, .. ,. "'II• • • f lh•· ~·,. I """ He print<•tl out thnl tmmcns.-",.,.,. ~lr llno.l ~lr" Ktnnv .\lr C~ Edw• ... T . C .. ..,._ Itt .•• _... IC..II~g 1-1..-onol. Mr~ \f,,l An.r~j,-,. :-.: .. , ,, ,., "''''" ...... , ,1, Army natun•l rt>liOUII f'S wh1c-h n<'VPr nn•l M n• \\.t>h h. ~~ r uo<l Mr11 D • D ,..... lhiJ 1"-11"'' l•lrtrNI 11"1 h haVI' llf'<'n •.ourhl!o.l nrr 8\'tlllablt' \ llllt·r L"''"m '" anrl )lr .ln<l ant In amage Athlf1 .......... ::.,·-··1 T •1ur '"-·" H .•• t .... Mf' M, ....... \h In prar t.c-olly rvery l:tnd bathw ~I rio ~ A ~lt'y('r Suit. Over Boat n •• ,. Ill .. tv• •• "' -4" .4 ~· • • , .... ,..-.,, 11.· ... h Mr• I "' I t\t f fUJ.: fU I It t•l••f fttt I •• •• tttf, .,.-nl f) .. rl It IIJHI•, "' , .. nt•t· d .... 1 til • hht..:• II t,."' f 'ut It uta I ,,_.f.trNI ~It· f': T C.,>rfimlln J' • frh)r 1~.1'' 1 • .... .._. f1o I \4at Mr" M olo I I II ... f\ .,,. . .. ,.,, .. , , ...• •11 t:l#Wi o,,,.11 Hh d , • .~ ...., <tori I:."'"•' 11. ...,.,.., ILt) C1)•~ 1 ~ o ,,... """'' "' 111111• ullural •ll'f'UJ*llun, ••lll~lltllll~ "'1111 •h-l~·n•l,.lllel will F d B lb D. Ownrd n,· Ro,·dnn '··· , ... '''" ,., ......... ,_ ...... "'' ··mnl.l llo \•1 l•l '1''''1" ''1'"''··'-' I u·r ltol arne a Oa lmout 1 \ • • ~I ! \ro , An ... , , .• 1 -• -"'' •' l ·•••u l•lnntt Mr' .,.,, 1 ''1 ·•1 ''" "~'"I""' t• F '•'I'"' I• •1•11••·11•·•1 lov ,.,,.,., uf tbe """' t •• t ...J .t ~ ... \2•"-• •• 1• ,,,. t~ • ., ... , )ft , 1(,. .. , ... ,. f.,,,. '''' ftl•lr "'''' '" lh• Ann ' lh'-•1• , ... ,,., 1•11••1 , •• ~·l••l lv• th·r '' 'A.I•r .. hft "''" t • .. h .. '• ., ••• t ... '-''' •,r,..tt\,, fi•t••• l',d ""' t '•n•·• ••• .. 11,, M.,.,,,,,.,,,, t1r :-'tu h t•·~eh•rant. .. ,aa.,.... Fen-ce Comes Down ,, .. ~:~.:-~~;;,.1~;.;~ ,."'·::~ :.·:::c ~.:: .,, "\<'I •·· I.,: ....... I •• ~~ r .'·,·::;;~~:·"'' "'' ......... ~·:·~·:· •• ~~·:· ~ •• ·.·: .. ~.:·::· .. ~"';11 ' I I ·.:~:~'.·,:·I .::1 • :~,:1:.:· ~·~:~'"~,.:"',,:~. ffl• 11' tud .• , Hl ,·1 "fill 111, .. 1 1,, f 11 • • l..:t • .: n .n • •• I t..a"-\t \ 1, t-t.-a.t ,, uia , , ·t· ... 1 , ,,,.._ • 'l"u ul '" II '"'' "' tl • t''' 'I httf\t d All '"''"''• fl •u•t rr\'lrw lhe• \Ill•• \\' ll,olol ool ,'~·",l"oll Ked I I '"" ' c t ' " •"''''"" uw "''"' '•I• • '" ••" H•'Ht u lluttt.l wvolt,.r• · , It 1 1 • '',. · fall..-r .;. r •••• t-o ·., • " -..za 0 ~ + + + ~~ITiTi• 17•·•1 1•\'t•r Mufhrm ·c·•li !\1 \" I 1 t 1 • 1 Bomb Ca\·~-The base has • -· ' "1.:1 ' '""' ''1 11 Y • n ""' a ~rif'S or homh C'HVCS in f•ll'lll:l ~~~ no> <of l ho• nH·~· lllllft\11' II :\:0~' \'f'ltr~ I llfl\ I' l"'o'n I....... 1 hll\~k t 1 1 I ' I ottiHll•l ,,.1 all Wh•·n th•· lftrro•l~t In whic h various siws of tn r-• nu •ttrr•rrll a on~: ~' ••nat> , .... ~'"mt• f"flr\ 1•f llnlh11:1 \<('ft• IIIII tom ...v-~nn ... , Lar" stor£'<1. Thl'S(' lilt• BahJI"'a o1 1m<•11t fl'nl c-. l·r••••t,..•l tA"-'""" "' up :-.: .. w "lth lh•·.nppn.nch nf var-y from 50 pounds to 2000 nurly two Y"llrs a~:o, 111 ''"'"'"" l':ll!Cl o, tlo• ~··w••r w .. rk hill' 111,, poUndS a nd ar(' kept in ('001 cfiiWII, All lht' Of'f'fl (• r ol nn lfl lll:f•f n :1•ldlo oo( '"" ll l.lkl' lh•• ~WRI'IIW8' temperaturt's. It \\·a:• tlaie:nro ~'XI~;o •1•mlrtl! '''" k ,,, ~··,11u~l rotr1,. ~~~'",. that one o f thP medeum Sl7f"rl At rh•· ''" •• rtu· olin.,.ut· ,., !!"Ill ,.,. ''"n .• ,,, ''"" ,.,,..,.,,. 11rr •llllmll n- projc<'tilcs . If Jrop~d on the tlnns went lntn Pffo!rt. t>f!• rt~ "''"• ll•·•l 111 t on ,, (l•r thr-En~t •·r IN• lvt- ~<;('. coulcl demolish c•yc1·y-n nol•· t .. hht• k n111 Balbna 1zy t1ou11-1 ,.,,. thing o n it. Another intf'r· '"~~til th•· h,:lit" 100· _,.,.,., r:ol 1'""'' cstin~ \'h;it--a l lt•ast tn ~1('-11•'1\ll mo•n, IIII IUihn~: F:tl Al'en flnh was th<' nli'S" h tt lls anri ketch· !\turphv a nd Jnhn \"llJ:rl, cnnrrlvNI t>ns . whel'(' lo ng rows of h ot th• "1' '' o• R fpn•" Thf' hllrrlt'r, k ' h .olio r murll •h101 lll'!'l"n, wal' flnRIIy pla tt>S W<'rl' t•oo ·m~ <' o p .. •·r•·• tf'rl nt a c-• "' uf $~00 It was Two lnds wf'rP m:1king p!f"S. e:.n f ... ,., Inn~: and slx, ft'"t high Same Heads fontrol North Ameriran Ship at least thl' dou gh part. T~nl In •II~• u~lllng thr frnr•·. 1-;n11t"r uthf'I"S were filling lhf'm With \\Pr•k nn I I her t'vrnts hrrat.hng 11w '·"llh ,\mrl .,.,.,, Shqoh11 hi pineapple whil<' anoth<'r.t <?<>k !Itt "P•I 1111{ ljf till' nalhoa l!,.a. .. nn. "11" '"'''" I"'"' h•" lh•· ftr ,, .. r II off a crram~·. yum~· fl_lhn~ n•" ,,., .... "' ••11• r r1 h11W 1 ... ,, ... from a htl~t· k<'lll<', \'lfl a B Jbo H ""oln..-ol" 1\l.lf•h .:~· '"'" "" spi~ot. nnd polll'('(l il nvrr ~ a a omes '"''-'••!or·uld ol ouo h•lr' .. , '''"''''" t ht' J1ineat1PI<'. l·:lsr'\\'lll'rf" Hav N 0 ........... h ""' rof I"' It II I •• ""II II I e ew Wners . 1 .. r 1111• ,,. •• I•••·'' 1,,,, · , 1)()\S\\('rCfl'\ii'J.!ITII (' ..... CI11C r n • • , n·o • • 1 • ·~t • H"" .. do1n ,• Ill·· I'"" lun · ""'" ,. ~ut:arin~ 1111'111 tn :I liJ.! ~~ ('r. .., ....... ·~···t· ., .. '""" ,,, o·urr. :--.n "l' t'fl. ,,.,.,!'0 "" !'n ont' anlf tjl(' Lt anll ~lr~ W:ol!il•" A .Jnn•·~ 1 "' I i t lto1 \'" poor•·h:o:<o••l thr• hnrur nwnt'd '''"'· :onol "ill I" ""'" 1•1111• q.:dl~ t·£'"1 of thl' pnrt~· J.! a t'('( ~ hy Prn 111n" fl Jli,et11•v 111 1:.!2 ~:11~1 f•lr ,...,m,,,..l'''•" 111"' k•·r· I """ 'or Ill(' \\ hilf' 1 happily air I . lllo\· "h11 h !' ,. 'R.l'lllr·ol ahJ•IIl two oil!''' fl•hltll' D:tt11good.1oo. n•·n u:1 n,:1• Lt Jf"•n•·~t~ 11tatt n-·n , .. 1 1 .. 1~ .. 1 '\:,u1h Anurw.,. Tht• tll\\l'r room o r the ''" Ill "'" ~anln Ann ,\rnl\' Air "htr·l ·••lldlll.-,.,,,1, dll' r;, ... t l'O II haSt' is t hC' :\11·-c~l'in~ f'Yf' Of nn~,, ~'I 11'1-• I I •I 1•• 1d• 111 \\' r· 1'1"1-o11 ('\·f'rvthin~ nnrl lwrt' art' lhr M1 an.1 )lr!l \\'1ll111m 1. ltum· "'''' 1'1'''"'''" 1 ""11 '' '' H .• rt11on . I th t '-''f'lt•I;IJ \ ·""' I,. ,l'"ltl •• , instnmwnls ancl gac J.!<'f S a rltr•'Y nr An tt•ha • ., •. lh•· nrw uwn· Oil'('ct thl' arri\·al a net dcpar· l't!l or the hnrr.•· ''" no·d and '" Ul. I • tUJ'(' of all plam•s. The. ru~· I"' ol fur rran~· y .. ttr!l hy Amflnlla One Mtssin" I I n ~ T. llr at 307 J-:dgt'watl'r J'l:~re ' ~' wavs an:' nf':tr y n mt I' I 0 W d d · h hil th n W ores Jlnlh of I hi' llb<WI' tran11acUona ne ' oun e lengt \\" <" f' " · "' r" mad<· thrnugh the , ff1r t> t•f will be lon~<'r. Thf' F.l T oro .John 1': RRdlelr. ba.~ is a~ int<'rf':;tin~ as our Mr anti Mr,. Rnh(ort H<•ll1nshr>aol nenrby 3nTIY a ir h:lSf' nnfi hnvo· purrhaliP<I A homr lurattd at well worth a visit. ti43 F: C('ntral A\'rnu,.. fonnerty + + + o"'n"tl by Mr. and M111 c;eorgr South c~t Co. -A s tale-Fowlt•r I f R('C11antl!' Tht' ....... WB.~ ment b y Public Relatio ns ma.Jt> by Nrll Wllhnmson Chie f Everett Morri~. says that the South Coast Co. has no interest In any of thr three candfdates running for the city counc il anrl who are employed there. The com· y wishes it known tha t they ~h1 not ask any of them to n.m, that it does not en· .,.,.,.._ them ~t wi ... ht>S them aU Juc k . as it docs th P otht-r ~·en. Rnd rl(')('!:; not take part in politt~ of a ny kind. La•t week the Sand Crab wantPd to know whPther the three E"mployro tht>re had an y- thlf'l~ to say. Mr. Sherwood made a statement. denyin g any colhllrion. ""' lhrnltl \\-n""' "' r· ... rn !\l•·~a 1~ hn•pll:ollnNI on tho• !\'r rh- ll'rTAn~'An hro·:o r .. r A IH!hl hot tn· J••ry 'llfrl'rl'fl 1n hAIIII" M'r•orolon~;" to :o wnr tl•'llfl rtmr•nl n ·l,.n«t' ~:~kmc tll••1r t-om,. :11 :l144 Or· nne" Av,.nll,.. ('o~lll M<'<:ll, nrc· hi• wH .... l\1n11!nrt'l ~f Hm tl anrf •ron n av,l1 ....... f\lwr1 I~ WII h I h•· ln- f ~nlr' Bnrl hn• h<'rn In 1 hi' •"''"'"'' (llr nn(' VI'Ar R,.,...,,,.;,.rt ~~~ m i'"'"l: In act111n. 1' M:~jor C'l\Arlc><: R Sfl"n<'<>r whll'l' mntht'r, l\11" A~:nr•-. SIJ"nN'r f'f'· !olrl•·~ Ill 3:.!1! Mnnlt'rn. R tll.rq 1lw , l'l'l'fJrl "II• '"''""'"(! . ,.1 .• '· ; ,.... 1 , p~~rtm,.nt r,.J,..uro riL: ltrl' t tft\lft'fl tt\l fto I t I • ....,..,..., 1\ fat,,• 'I d '' I fit ,_,,~, '' • flto\o\ •l••fttft•tf lfl ~ t ' .. ntl 3~C* fnr tho· ""'II 'Titlttlt (Jw•••a\ •I • ,.,tl . c•! I '·• ,. I ,. u .. r R«e·lve ~ees "'·" ,.,. ............ , t. ..... ., •h···., •··t.~···• , ........... ~ •. ~ ............ ", .... , ·•ntll ,." l •nnt h:,d "••-.1 1~U\ft, '' 1••1 'Y.J "l I' ,,,1.,.,. 1•• , .. •I.· ,.,.... •••• ~· .,.-,. "'''" •t r• • I I •I 1 11 '• u rld llltl ltl t t••ll Ill I IH nrruf'l£1 t r1rt ~• f••r "'''k r••ttr.'nh •! '"' tit• '"''1 1~on •twnn~ ,.," .. ' ,, 1"-A •1·1 U L"mm ~tta ,,., ~ .. '" .~ 11,,,h., ,.""' '-J( ••••• , "~"'"' ,,.11, '"·IH·· , ... , .......... " '" ,.,._, ~·n rtnd ••tf••r ''f"n"t '" Ufltlt l ,t, ltlf• t•••l\r •l IH•I"' 'f&:hl *t t tlr ..,• r trru·t . \\'htl• ft. ''t•·n t'niHH~ ,. ,. "•lh '\At. ,., t h• ·'"' ••· ''' l~ ~~···•' "'' "'"', •, \• '''" "' 'U'•' II t·latn1 ftH ~~P•h ""hUt f 1•1111 •Ht ,. h•t •·hul l ... ,_ \ •r .,,,, ,,, ,,,, '''''""''""'a.' .. ''' ,,,.,,,., •··~·tvrd 1••••••'1 fturn • ., ,.,1,-.,.,,,,.nt t.••n• t•r. fh••'""'' ..... , .... \ .~.~ ,....,.. \ • _. ....... '' ,,.,. 1" th,. Hutt;a • '' ''· • .. '"' 1 f''*"'' tu o.t ;,f f •·~··· • '''' fli v•ur,. l•f, tl••lr rrrtl • ,,,.. ._....,,r lu,~tt '''""·" I tl I I h I J•.•nl ':"rt h1• ,.,,,.1J .,1,,1 "''t •u'1u•••l f t•·t ••f• •• •'••'•' ,.,. 'A "11 "•' 1'' ,. 11 urp • 1t'''' •· '' t •h ·••n .,, fti{rlt tt llur~tl ,,.,cupa ""'"''" Ht •no.t;eJI t'fiiJIIIIIIOIII ,,,, ~.,,._..., ., u.-•. . .• .# tJ •• , an ... nt,...n ... ,,. ,,,, ' llrllUIItl•r tilt•Wit ff T """ ..... , '\\h,\' ....... , yuu tlratt m•' ...... ·'••t•fr••m.,.h~'''"''l 1 1 ( tl f 1 1 ftl'' ~fthl t l t/•1•••• otruf I•• 'II'"' ' ·d•n• .,, ,,. '.hf••~• '4 '• • ,,. ,,, ••~.-l••·•l ft.,.,,, • ,,, .. "I ,,,.., "''''''"'V ,, r•· n•ll 'h t ""' ltri '" M•t tlnl( h~tr"tua • :.'~10~1 ;,~' ,:~-n'1•:;,:':;·•,;;,,!,:::11;:~1 ,;·. :·:,'. ::,.~~ ·~~~:,. ::• .. •:: •·• • t , 1 t.~11 •""'""'"" I •\ :··.::',,', ',;,':1 ":,::. ":;::. "~.11,~:·,,.',.'~"·,. :~',',,..':.::'~1,,.'·:.:.~;;:'.:'\~.~:. ~~IC:Ih;:~,111 •• .. t• .1'· • ' • • t '1ut• r •• '"' • '' f I •·qu•r•rn,·nt :rn d utlt nlJ•t•·tl 1,, fl h u1 ,, .acn4·u l1 11, 1'' • f 1••1~ , ... , "'"'II •··• ln'A tnl( ''''"' t1 hl!l•ll• •tit•••• l••t v~tlurt'"'Y ht ,.,,mm,rtltlr\ ,,,,, ····~' ,, .. t \\rt•t f••Htn~e tu .. I • A...... • •• .~ .. , • u ·· ......... ,,, ... fJ, , I •• tt' "•'tttiHfll " •lll•flfiU Att•l ft trl n uw un, ur .. ''''''" n'••·d •••·•II•,\\ •t1. ,, ,t• ,,, ,,, .. ,hac a", .... \1.-., .. • J , r-''b.~· II • "'''" tl.• ''" ''"' '''''' r•;nt 'A tlt '" ••t1 tft 1!\l'l:ttt:H'I'IN(U" 11:1\• "'-=•\_\,.,tt f htdw , •ttd II tl t•~u h ''' t• •h •' t• ltn »r •' -..r .. ·ur..t.: •ttultalat fA II II•• ,,.,...r ... r,r •t hot ,.. .... ff••,. ""~"1 \4hi n lht t••.tl \\ t• til •.t t,,. •I• ti lt lhff'OH1 I •' ,., • I f f•• I I Hn,·ta\ ',\Itt •;: •I IIIII fl I,\ tft• f 'ttt• II(• If' \ f 1 l o It t ,t •I "'' Atu•ti•••H f'••l ,.,,,.... Ca III JH I'> Clu h o f I ,llllltllla to Meet Ol.tnd•d '-•\•rnl f ttl rf'"" fltft t ,h, ,, ,,. '""' l h..,. 1 ... 1 ,, !.-r . ,,.• 1_ .,... •· A t ••t•l•nte ' fltfn ltt (,..,. ftt(Oif ,If\\ ft'-h Utfo •tmUJ8t••J ft l t4f ,.,.,•• f • ._ •• ~ r •'*rt,f f h ... M•••Mf t,. , •. tlt'•ht . • t" l••lttt t.-._ I\• t I• I OIIJCII! I ho " .. • • ' ' I • r:...,.~. ,, , . , •.. ,, ·• '''·'' , •. ,,' h ··• ''"I ' s.,,-.,.s.., • ~··•(111t;s:•. • ,.,,. .... • ..,, ·• , ·'• r•'•, rtH• ,.",:~ tl tutu,.. lr ...,. tln ra "t t •''" •• • • ri ,..n • .• • • • ,. .. h t • .t '" f'''t 't\ f•n '' ft •~·•ll··•n ,,,.~ • ,,., ~.,,., •· ••• '• •h.lf h• t fld n 'l ''f•l·•'• lftr ra.fl r 1 tn ,,. .... I •,.ftl '• 1• f •o•ftf J• tt r ;q;:r,\ttl ,,, ht"" dtn•····· ,,f ~. 1'•, '•, ~•a.h,. I"·''" •ft''"' •• • .. 'h ,........ • •• ' ...... 10 I .. 4tf,.. I IAI'\ . . .Joe Martin Has Larger fraft I I '"f0 Jflf '"' . .• •S•• • . .~ . 1 o~ '1 U 'In \\ ,,,, .,.,, '"'' rl •tfl bf' ••r !1 •1r ·t·nltrHt II• t • t1•1 ,, p 1 bit rh<'"IV lht·~·· olrt \~ '"'IIIII-1, h , ... '" ' I IJJ't h 'P•t d + d o, p I I n It tnL,; l•n:t• ··~,:.r Art ·I· r nt ,!-..,u 1 I H••t't• \\ "'"' , •. , ''II' ',, .. ' f,.•nd n L· u ul 1 111 ... , ' ,,, ... t:u t 1•1 •1 IUm ~t MtiU"'' I t · •I m•111 "''" ,. ,. ' \ lrJl! li t1f I "· 1 ' • r '" f ...... . f l ~ • '•mmt,. .. , · · t • - t • •r ~ f I•, , • • f • .. 1 - I , 1\> I Aprrl 1 , ,1• OW''(t·· ••• J ••••• 1 •.-.um )1 ,., ·' J It\" Mtf1t• f.i •'-'• t t 1 .rt.•m thr'••. ,,,.,. ·n 1• t.~~'' " ttJt• r•, r·1·n• '"' , 1 " PAPER SALVAGE Ill IIGII CEll .. Th~ ntmpajlJl •·ttl br a rom~ ..,,.~ o11h If r\rn s~wporf llftarh ~t parfiril•',.. ..,. ·""·~ .. -..... ~~r• .:._ a-IN'" and rnac:ut--. ~rdi•l to ,._ Kill4at1Nor. rllair man of th~ War Sal\'~ drh·•. · 0\·~J"'Of'M ndttt•~ fnrn"'t ,.....-.. -.. ..... -:• .... "f'p&raf• ltf'~n~t In ••hkh .......te ..,... Ia ..... ilde ......._. that an-u.wd to llhlp blood ~ , ... _. • 11'-·- -Phollf' K2 or UUK for hlffWWIIliMa. ...... ~·-... ~~ to tifl paPf'r baacllr.. ill parkA«-..... _. ,_. lllirt&. ht ( ·ahrillu Snitws To Uat·t• l,at·ifit· II-t .. t. Uin~hit•s 1 ' .. \ r•• I ,,, • ,,,, •• 4 ... •' , .. 11t} fI t • ,~ 'f • ti1 I ... f , ... , ,., , ... ' ' t It ~ 1t 1 fl I ,, lf,rt.,r r ' , , .~ .. ,. "'"'' ........ , .. ' ,,,.., l 'At' h • I *'''··•, .. ,. ,. , ., ~ ' ... .. .. r•s• '• '• r ,,, ... f " t•j· fft•' t . ,,, • t111•., ••• -.tnlll•r In n • r "'---' r •h• ·ll•l ..... ,""~!f ane #r t •• , .. ..,. t,. r••... an •t•• t ... ·-· f"•Jt.e''• ., .. f"'.alr ,.,. ~n·~ r ,. •t• »• Jt. • ,,..._.....,. and \' 1 .... c. C.l: T'\ NI:W ~ P ~ST '. r•..nln •!llf •• f ""'"-r. ....... . ••fl •-" tral'w ""f""' -•.tA'..J ... •tf .!loalt .,.,_ 1.,.,., I" I h" ",.. ly ,..,,...., ,..... .. ,.. tA ---'arot , I u I• '> • llitltu ueu , ,, I • \l• II• It r. It ,,.,If t ,,,, h •·f t ~ult .. h fi'IUII•I ' • I '0 II. "I" f d ····{f· • t1 ••f ft t ti t I 1 I f 1t 1 t ft1r f ~~ If • I f ... • • I ' I • II 1\ I •• . .. ' I''' ··• r f ltt I o )ttl It v u • tht ' " I '" •I \\ r,. •:. i,,,, t I .. \1 \1 I~ •• ,, \' t ttf I (II ttl I" '•'l ·r,,.. •t·•I"IC oo~r•ollne,: ••llloo· \\ 1 ,,,.,. H t ·""'II''" f 'lttt• ,,, l 'ttUI••un ' II• 1 • v. t t,. hrl'l •tfl t hr ''""'"'" t ,., '''"' I,,., rlnv Mnr~h :II •ll I I 1 roo Ill• Hllrl••llfl• I lllf1H1 fttt t .. ' t II ;t•f• It\ I I I•' l•ft Nlflt1111 W I • ""'IIi'' ,., l 'tutul't•ru' SPEC1AL SCHEDULE Fur ('ullt•c·tinJ{ Old l'apc·r~ atHI :\lagazinf'H f or-f l"tc;fNI ,.,. flu-till.' .\ 1111 r ('If·' 'l'rac,h ( · ullt•t•l ur (All· I•· de,. Trll'llhllflf' ,,."purl X"! lur ltrlurruatlun. l'ttt ,\ "'" "''" 'IIIII"''' :uul mn~alhll'" •1111 llw till\' 111·- f••r•· flu· Tr:l'>h ,c 'ullt·t·fur l~o •hw. 'l'lt· fll•·tu he nhuut unc· ''"'' thlt-14 huncll-. l't:~I~SI J.t\ 1utd Hi\I.HO.\: t'rum 7th St.""-"' lu ·••·th. M<1111l1t ' ""'' Thunoclay. t:t\ST St:\\ I'UitT and :'\t,":I'OICT: . Sr\'Mth "tr-t "'"'t It• :Jfllh st .,tt·.,,..,.a.~ •nd ll'ricla,·. \\ t:."tT ~ t:\U'OICT: . Thlrflrth ... t,_t "''"' ftt S11n ftt ''"" rln•r, Wf'dnf'Miay IUifl Katurcla\. R.\I.HOA ISI.A.NU-Mrmclln 1trt1l Tlumwla\. IIARIIUR IKI.ANO-M•m•aAy and 'thur"Mbl.v. UUO IHI.J',_.Ttlftllda\' and t ·rhht). IIJ'.A('ON BAY-Mnnda' and TIIUrotelav. AIU'Ht:M, F.Nn' to f 'IT\' \' t\f'tiT ('l,f 1.11 A~f'IIORAOF. --lhdly 1 f:ftRONA Pf'.l. IIAK-Ttlf'OWiav and Matur.la). NF.Wf'URT lft:JOIITM-Tuf'tltla\ and ll'rktay.' annNr..HH UIHTKif-r'K-( N~"·P.•rt. Halt.,., Ralhoa w. MCI)-IWiy. ........ 11..,. 11lh ,..,...,... .. .,. fur .,,,.,._ pBPf'"' out tfwo day WfN"f'• lot' 1 • < •• (S... , .. .,..._ ~hodulf' In ~ .... boa) ..-d fM ...... 1e wt. tiJh •• by Kfvbt~ yoar faU t"GOpenU.... '"' •·-rei pn RIP' IICP'lt ,,,, tv • I. """' ,..,.""' •• .... A ....... a ·I ~" an•·--~·~ -.r. ~, '===========================================~=z=-.c:::. .. .» ,_ r , • , l I EDITORIALS Newport Balboa News-Times FEATURES Thursday, March 23, 1944 . NKWPOIIT IIAI BOA N EY{S -TI M ES I'IIOND: ,;£11'-..-T II a d NEWS I of the CHURCHtS Letters To The News-Times l2·5 YEARS AGO There'aaPoin_ttoThia! . --I · Practical jokes an> good fun If they are hannle-. but PROCEDURE ON CEILINQI 1 rae-tic~ In tbe future, tb• we fr om N c14•s·'Ttmts Faits "'hen tht'y n-ach a l'ertain barbrd and cruel point., tJwry Aft V._ JlJlJUV c N u~E O MDSE. EX~LAINED •a.ggnl to the buyer that be &c-1 h H bo H " h n - a' rt th~ r~tund at tr.e ame Ume Ta.k~n from the )farch 28, 1919, 10t umorous, says ar r .lg lX_•al'Oll. 1 ·,r,.nll '"I ~t..r. 1 'td • Mar. 20. II aJvtslng h1m c th~ buyer) of h1.e ed't'on of thP Newp<l rt N-• RE-Cently, the thumb-tack "rage" has OJeer1 the fa¥Ori&r I •··•~r ho It• r m ;hts oi'Mkr the law. • Tt>" fl~t •n~t boat "Prllcan," ;;port of many thoughtless students of our school. 11UI*iac Sntend u l!l«lond-ci&M matln at 1~ P..-tlllnc• ~.a s-~ Dr-• !!1. I h,,, • '''' ,,,.,,,.. \u lm~ upo.n If ltb t d I ttl ' _ _._. e er par Y ec 1nu ee e-owntd by Frank Suttnra. waa the only of tht>ir immedia te glee in surprising an unwary........,.._, \ • •tr \.O'Ot•r<·~ I\ Ill Civinl I UI'II mrnl 1 n thJa ~IJI lbU~ IJI•ooly fir .. t boat 1.f &ny IJU to pau h • J' h bee ' • ' ' sport that ' 'I I''"'" put.tu u;; to our cor rr 'n~ thine left Jor u.a w do tdl thmu~th the nf'w channel being t ey ID n>a lty a \'t' n partlctpatmg 1ll a • DOt Callto"l&· U~Wkr tM Act at Manob l J '!7• ..... , .. a ........ .,, t"!l r; ........ tt'U-k •1• rod··""" 1'11 th~ llubjeet .,, OI'A th•·m tu go to court, It the dam-drrd<!ed rrom Newport to Balboa. )nJy dangerou.c;, but injurious. P e rhaps they do not kilo.· 1'1 '" 11'n\r"l. but belt.vtq u J u:,:u provided fer In the particular 14r. and 14ra. E . A. Spaulding, that there ha,\'e been Ca'ieS where Victims 'Of this joke ba\~ (,._... 5diGDI 9 45 a. m .W.•--c wws••P 11 n'rl•-l·k \o.uUa JUO..pl tlod 1 S h<w1! In 11• that Ule mot" lilt: pubUc: kn"-..s ·• ot __ .. •"" th .. 1 aat> ... nea n exc'""' ..-ey may -r and Mrw: Dr. Wherry &Dd Mr JCen crippled for lift> be<.-au.se o f blood-poisoning re&uJH-iB . .1 I''''" 1 •ontr .. l :ue fewer ..... lilt.> tn the amall ctaima court for anrl Mrs Jamu Smith were lnvlt· , -c-.11".....,, ~. I JO p. m L~~ ...,,.,..u... 7 10 u'o·lr· k X.,......tl f~p and p n•)•·t, --~,. 1 :.> p ~ 1 wo.: '" ll<' huot by enfonlemc-nt n tee of one dollar which net• the f'<l guuta ~tt a banqul't ~ven In .etanus. I "· J •• l.rn..: th~ lll.,.rty of &ddr .. ss on<la\'hlual $49 If be c~ta Judlment. Tu.ttln by the Lemon Aaaoclatloo Do thi{lk twice before you indulge in a prad:icaJ Jc*,e. •:•~: """ t~;:illn I ·~ hu been done l.o aome cuea ot that city. Think-will this be worth the laugh ? How would you feel it ''""r • uot r ,1m l•u y pa~apll tn\'ulvtng only a few cent.. ln &Dy Rex Deach and "Doc" Wllaon . • -...:-~• ., · FlaT ettUKN OF CHIU6T, 1,11flll!!h('lt with my ll!l..,-In "1' ~· l UI!t' where we nave evidence that r~turned fmm a mon\h'a crut• tn you should unantentJOnaJly hurt someone &er~UU~MY • loCIIUf'TiaT :-net ( 'rab" .M3r• h •• mllbt tJ" l'ume "racketeer" Ia la.klng advaa\. Mrxlcan water11, fullnc floe, after':---------------------------....... .._... ~. c-tra' A...-ue '"'"'' u•l n~ t.n HOme-people amJ 1 :u :•' ut lhe law tor peraonal laiD a crulae of nearly 3,000 mllu. _. v .. L... rt,rnk l' )'houlcJ I~ t tan fled. Th• )' w•• art equally u enera:eUc l.o our 1 Hugh McMUian and tamUy han I A ..__. of ,.,_ llllotrwr f ·t.ur~h " n .. • "rt'port" t u u• &ad colh · t •'I tn1l1 to penalize the offender. movtd trnm the Ocean Front to -:._. P\.nll c11an:• tJt Chrillt S<-1-'thr ontnrmer'11 lo·t of tlWY' It 11 Afl<'r all. we !eel that a kl.odly tbe Nell McMillan hunw on 20th rUalll.. • ....._, ~llWIC'lt. nut a• almple u lttlil. there U. n•• '"''tl can be aald for tbe OPA lD atrut. 1 'lbe World's Netn SeeD 'l1lrcMicll THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An lnrtnlllflllnal Da.ly Ntws('aJ•tT Publ.~hed by l1diJt ~~ wbsl the llUII-lUI~),Pt'" day ta ~ dty, eounty dwmaldrW. and the man wbo IGOII~IP~ ~ k:W... Jll '.:3fl a m ,1., .. , ull'r a t ee. , "nncctloo with thl• price control • • • 'THE C HRIS'Tit\l'\ SCI EN,CE PURUSHING SOCIE'TT __._, Tiii&m'd""WIHtll1~ lit" ~ ~ fl 1nt hrw;a mtftd, _,..,..,~.~&tAt~ Lb&L miiJoAa bave bto~-A aua:btcr P1~nce~ w bo have been -.TR&W~Vn ... a'""' •• ,_ 1,_ ··===~= elM~-· "hu buya lUI Item at a pric,e 1reav l tlt•cl for every one that bu been vllitiDJ at the home of Lew Wal-l:.dllertab Are 11_1,. and IAatrud.lve &1111 lb-DIIII)' fte4 4 ,._ ~......, llil!l"lrl«• .. u a. •-w...t-rt:Lt t m~ explain our procedurt. pro~orum. who wUI cb&Uenae th~ Mr and Mrw. H. H. Healy and One. Norway Street, Boaton. Me~ ~ ~ lorakol at 1 I 1 ,.,. than the' ceiling price elt&biiJib· II!JUri'J, they may be mad about lare. havt rtturned to their bomll ..u.e, .... tlae Wedlty Mapdoe 8eeU.. Malle ... ....._ ---«pay his taRS In ~faD IEalil ~ A-. Balbo-. la •·•I by \hi' OPA Ia enUUecl to da.m-lh•' ,::u but they cert.&lJlly •bould In Grand Forka. Nor'th Daltou. (de&! Ne-.paper for Uw Homr. · '!'billa the time of year for c:::aftfu1.......,.. 41P"CWy-Aad ..,_ 8l&y ,._ t ~a. •o !\ p m ,1~r•ln the amount of ''thre• tlmrt llu •w lhelr arm• anxmd u.a &Dd Mrt. Jo'rank Vallely baa return.-d Price tl!.to l'eart), or ..... a.._ ... tbll II &be ~ of all ~ for ........ off ~-n.c.,C ~,. ... Wktlay• na·' tff•• amnonr of cnoercharae or ~ k1.u ua about the prieu . fl'Qm a w~k'Jl. vl.tJit wltll her motb., ~ .a-. llteludlq M~ne 8eeUea. na a "-· . . --"Y .... sw4. I \\holh enr t• greater." When • I hoJ>4! that we can mak~ tblll ~r. Mre. Ktt et~l. In LcHI Anc~ea. latl'lllduea.,. Offer, • 86111r1iJ ._ • 0111111 • raDted IOWJI'IUDelllal expeadit:ur. .nd ~ lllrirl few ~,... t. C1l~ial.ly •vltnl to , o~mplsiut comra tu WI, no matter lit\\' serve the purpoM for which It Ma. Mary Plckfon1. lbe uniY.er-1 Obtalaable at: ext:la~. ...,_,.. t:.~ dtllfta ~ and UH -..llrth•·r It lnvolv•• an cwen:llarce wns written with Injury to u few lla1 favorite ot tbe •llent rtr1ur.a,l ChriJUa,a ScleiKlfl Read.IJtc Roo. D.-. Uua . . owdedo ,;_ lk ._...a-. ' 1 ttrty cent. or 1100. we wcgeat "" r<•~~tble, that Ia our tuk. bu r~nted a coUage at th~ Pall· 111 J:u& V.ti'U A_.. ._ .. ,tax rates ten llllliJY ~ · t .. th~ ulln that h~ retuDd the \ •• ur• very truly, ~ll&tlu for the .ummer --..on. I 11&1~ CaUl~ U., ..U.W undtr the cioul* ~of~ ut .!..f,'Jit'\ 1 , r tllo l.t llr" u•.rrrharae and refrain from aucb EUGENE KJTCHE William Burnham hu eolcJ tbe 1:---------------------------.: rolltdla to ftd!oraJ acquWUon oi .. CJ~Jft1J, aad ol -·--..... ,, , ,. I ' , r• peed Jemon. "Jdt•leadlng." to . ~-------=2~~::l=~~====:t.---~--· diiDaDda an K!bools lraDipOrtatioll ftrp aad Clldltrr....,. b-, '..t•'-• r. , • •' ,. n•t •• LIIIIUIIEIS II COJiftiESS c; .. or~e lnche II ~ ........_ ~tion· . '._~-•-. ~ I' I 11 oa 1011 • llftl • : Wt'aton Jay 800 nf Mr. anll Mrs. 1.:1111~ 11c ........-to ex.unlllr ~ -......,._... r• ,., 1 • · " • • • •,., • h B COHOIIICMIIIAl~ JOH.'If PJIILLIPa • Tom 0 . Jay. had a very na.rrow ,_,..... rst11 beavUy on the~ MW!1red ~of -t ''" • • ·' • 1 ~· '0 Y ' 1rl l ll!Jt' from a aerltlua acct.:l'!'nt. ·'- • • t " o r ·• of ""' ( home ownen and other ctCIIIIUJ .. "'*"'' taJ&pajeiS.. IIIII .. , I • ,. ...... r .. f .. ' .. I f ". II wu. the rear wbu l of hlll OIC:Y· • ~..LL 1\ little' of thl• Anol a tittle-.. r 1rnl with aU medica! attendallce rlf' wu detttroyed. f too --H to --•---=--* -al "; • ool lit "' ·rt l u til , .. n~ra Ill I f , ... _ ....._ ~ ·......--__ th11t '"1d all ut t n urn .. ocd. 1 "~ Uatbua haa quite a comp&ny o! ~ ~ ~. nor too rtda~ GIM!r 'Js I&Jl ,_._ • !hoc••-.,...., IL .. ' , ''"~' ... n.. '•rrnu• ltC IDl' d!_lltrtrt. '· .. mrnlttn on Agriculture baa In· farml'rt'llta, who c roa• lhe t>ay OBhaject of~..Sits...-iJica.l..tarea.-, ~ ella•-,,_ Jultn. -.ton whu have ben~ working tbemaehrlf It ilul~ a-mtt""Y~01'fmltztlrr1:!1P every morning to tht Vlmo ranc , ~~-"""'--~ ~tiaa .-.__ tllia ...... , ;:Ad ..._. 4 • ._ ,~._ ..... "' tH" J•M"n" Into nf'rvou. br~&Jtotowna lrylnjt ttl F S A compl~tely. wherr thty are hand·.,r11ng sud ......,..,........,._.. ~ • ---· ~· •• •Mt ._Ill .. ,,.,,. J,..,,. •n '"t 110m«'• ne tn milk a wbol• cow ••• "~any" Baldwin. who u bean•. I '-rbe poawar world la goinc to ba\~ to ... ~ .-itlt I:IOOd.. •• ,...,_ s... lin taolt lhl• n•an jtt't •~•tJ for lwr untJ,.r very dlffl· hl'thl nt the Jo~arm s~curlty Admin-• • • _... -••• pu ... ob '"" 1h:.1 ... tl 1 tl 11 bll I ..... flliDIDOn lftl8e lf dlr deptba ol a~ aft&-o. ,._ •-a. ., l:;.,jl ...._.. .., noad" cult concllt1011a. anc1 then to tr)' 1 .... r11 ''0 · 11P"0 prac ca Y a · 1 Injury and ponlble cJ"at11 \\cor• to be voided Anythlac but tllr ,.,..._ lllliala for ....,. • .._-.... ~"" ... .,., and IM'II lhf' ruulton~.: milk and alltl loon Joll&1'11 of lb~ l&Jtpayerw money narrowly av~rl~>tl to little Hugh are a • «.-a rk _.... .... _,.,<'lay nf u. lltay In bwlmna "''h<'n the pm·.. rur auch pro.)ecta &a buying 2 m il· Me M olllln by the' prnmpt acttun or &ood Jo;awwut lhould ~ ~ 0111.. ,......_ u<f ._. -'ol..,.. •"* .. , ... ef wt by tbt' OPA •• lne lb&D lhe lion acru of l&nd. &Dd lnllt.&Hing hla .:randmothtr. Mra J unn !otc· sa.. It Ia petf~y lair to a--.r ..... • I*CCJI._ ol ·-..,.. -•Ill• ... ela,, ADd 1 roet of production, wiU M .Umu· ' .. u.-c liv~ farm•. rnljCned during ltl cll11n Thl! little fellow batl tw· dntlltlc economy wtJ1 ~either ledfnal « .._... ~ n l _.. .._ C"A. •-• .. the pool l l&ted to learn that the o.partment thf' lnvutlgattoo by tht aubcom-~ <lied nnln thc> t rackA just ar t re ID • ......_ .,. .... _ .,__, ::uwl ~ -.. k 1 I ----., · -· ..... ,.... hi• •aJ ot A«ricultur~ ha• l.aJe4 a book·J m11l'"' of lht Houllf' Committee Oil Pad f1c Jo::lt'C'I rk rrellthl wan rt'· IDimt -wry ...-r --...,..---rid---sa ~-_. •:u ..... •114f c-a-le1 f'nt ltli-d "Willi YlckY &.ad Milk. Ag-ru ulture. rderrt'd to abov~ turnlnJC fr"m Balboa 1-l''t dllr.,~tn be Butpand and ~bloodand ofb a:=~ tutitw4: dJ.;:._ . i_..~ _, fin"~ with Jt., ·1 lni Rat te8'h olD tbel ClndovU~ ~-;:!1"K•~c:~~uuth::e:e D7.:t~~~~ 1 wu nolll't••J by M rto M 1 Milia~ UIUI'eUuiiiC' ftliiPIM:alllUW .. ~~-~•our •,.. .,.,._.,... ..•. ,.., flallf'r t"1'11 0 t e ary nw ....... r. whu ran tn tbe•.-tt•U•· r•<l~t•r l'C'•·· ...._ dill tion .. _ .... will !illld (J/ff ~ -.,;·n l vAIJ ..,.: ..,...,......., .. e pmltr~c ... Tbe OPA tau determirM-d ot-E.·onomlc OperaUoiUI for Italy. I'd m rt'lllhlnK ham ahea•l , t lht• ~-. M t'\lftl,~ . • ~ -..,.... w -UI ttPtlrl •• pte 1 rwu•lly hO\o\· many 8tllcba~ -may \\'~11. you uon't I!Xp«t me to have I trBin by n rra•·tor•n or a IIIN'ond. ph~ acquired In n!Cel'll protiM:at.r ~-' .... -=-, --..-.... ., •• ..._,.. , .. , have In our vnderwear. OoaliDeet llDY particular aympathy for Italy, C· n11h11JI,. J"s.w 1. F'JII,.It .. n,l to tbe doctJinr of~ ~ -.d l!llll6c • tntl~ .,..,.., • rr.ll ..., 1"',. ros;lll, WI' on lhlll Item Ia rc>aen •t'd UllUI I ate ·I·• you, allrr thl! way abe art..!. Sh••ntr (' 1-: Jal'kllnn Wl'r ·l•1wn ......_._ • .__.,.. Hamel • ..:---.,_ ..a__._.-. ' .. ~· -_._.."""' lnh..-t If thla bonk let I• to be followed b)' 111 thla war! frniJ\ lht• c nunty .... , •on .,(ftclal U .,. .... -YU"Y'-Y •u'-~--;, -;, ~~ ~ _. ....a.e, 11 .. •Ill dt•"• a mono t•onatruct .ve one, telliDI ••• One ur th" g1Wtrnmenl ~en-bu~tlnt'A!t math•11• rnema.ed. but they ~the l8lfa.ilinc.......,.. fill ..... _. ')'I"M. • how lo dam 'he bol~•· l'ii'JJ pubhl!hu what my nl'wap&J>4!r aod aatlona In t:bnes ol stre.L -- -••• Tb~ aubcommltt.t-e of tile ftit'ntia ··all a "clip ahe~t" and ('annla& .Jar lllntt• *iWWIW .... AM"ENTIIn'lt Hnuae Committee on Acriculturt. "''h!ch I eu~~p«t make~~ a typlcai Tht• ;~uppl) of jar rtn~~ roo • I «=--......... ~ Ma. uf wblcb I am IL member. ID•ettl-n• , •.• n~ ...... r nfflr~ triple play· from ho~n1o ranno•r· lh" ,,.,1r "'II 1 ... I .-.6. Stick. ~ tile Jelt! T .. n .=. =.., mom-! s•una ~ J'ann Security A41tln·t' !<:' o'II VI'IOJ.>t' tn the hand t o the maclt• t•nllrt'h cJI ,...~·l:llml•d Tl'lh· ~ . ~ .-dldL llltratlon. found familial m.-1• wu••.-huko·l I !five thUICI dally twr· nnrt ~}-.ithrTio-mt'lt'fl. Th~tt -~ ~ oll'fiC.U'I'tnc ltrtlra lri*tl IYw ~ ....... ,~-0' C..,....~ I Ia. m. . ~: ~!2~0:.:7n!!:dll:',';:e r;:~~=:l :~g~• ~~f:r~rt~~~~ ~~,:ll~i:a t~~ ~::::~.~~ ',\~';;,.~~~{'1} \:~,~~~~h:~;·,~.l•,•l:~ ~ ~war Industry In aD puts fill tJwo 0 'Y • ,_e ..a ...... ., WM ('AJLWI:I. mak lnlf u bl«h u $400 a rannth the I '' lftr A~a and I hope Gm-In prrvaoll• }l'l'lr<. :tnrl •h•· mnnu- niiUitbi.-dll1111 the~ desl.re of tllr v..t -jority fill W3C --"· CWJ«<i payin« only 11.7:1 ,1 n Uti a arek eral F.lel'nh11wer will g~t bl.• ropy raccurrr<' dtrt'C.'I 1no• nn th•· paC'k· eft to ttJdt to their ""--haa ..___ ,;t-•t.. maiabiDrd tn· ..... M!S W. ~ .. u~tla.-• tw>f>~n· ·Uat• European lnv ... on. Rl:t' ,;hoJulcl Ill' l111li'IW"I Sllmt• p••w ,_,._ ~ · --.oy ~ s-.llry _.. •• 1_., 0 " m I h I Il l f I ~ ,_._t and~ In their feGow , An E••tern'""r'a \Vhnt '"' Y"" sup~'"''"' wou d avt P •. w, ... '~~''""" .. ' ··ru•u.:, to .:•·1 ... _.... ....._ 1 ,..._ ~ nA."l''"EY rtn'IU'H -,.;; hftJI{len •'·l tf C•·nrrRI Mar Artbur nno• 111 th•· !l<Ml,l)ll) '"'" ••ll:tlllt I Recently a few wOI'Vrs tbemtteth'IS lift• • -.1... 1M..._...._...._..,.. First Plunge ha.l n••l 1""'"""d thst "Oiu mat.· wntf'r hath C':onn••r' \\hu·h ~on· '" l'OUJ'8Ie to speak out In protest o1 ~· J&uiAiatYC.. ..sl ~ -8t 1..10 a m ""' of1• .,..,lruiii'B wf'igh from 2.000 bo• manuf:H'tun'<l I hi') ""I thry are finding ~ champions to ~ ........ AI s-\\'hrn you gn II ..... II t n lht• '" rl\ll to J,OOll IKIUnda." or that ''Tho> .\1 ,.... Atnt'lll'<l ' .• ,.. lk •I IW •I' nl • · •-• CMIMCII.., Tllr. 14F.A Tho· hlg wnv .. ,. ~"\' "l'nmo• 111 tungul' 11( ,1 wo• dJWker Ia longer fnc·1u1 Ill hl'iplnl! to lt••;11 lh• hl;wk Diego tbla week. Jl~SQ C'raelnt't. a f<Jit..._. c..-llila~ few , ~ } ::: 't You hMitata> " l.tllr whlh· than tho· IJ11.t·8 ho•lld." Even morr murk••ll''"'' """" h:l\•' I"' II •II• tM United States Sena~. ~kod llis W.. that •Uiflns ill ,...~·I'!. a -~9 :lO Thrn you tRkr A IIWim .OJo•riOIIItly, ~UJli•OIM', that GC'nl'raf ~:oily .. ypllttlllnl! 1:•1"'''"; 11"111 ''111 -• are •-as d'---•ith ..... ~ ......., ill ........_ ,;;;t:' ~t":t.-":"'iot~·" m : "lk,. .. hll•l r.c•·n t·nmJ)4'11r\l tn gu llrrut•·n t'I\'Jilan •upplll'· 1-'u•l -lw li"""""'.. ,.._~ ~~ ---\'uu Ito lnln I ll~ hath bttu•·· Into bllttlr "lth th~ 11Vt'8 of ll mil-ran b<· '"rl' th:ol lwo tt\\ II • toll I• on• ~ medt~ ~and planr factories as lhPir ._ ... 1~-~l :::,c~~ 7 :10 Auy 11 Uck~t fur II llult linn Ameru "" boy11 tn h111 hamla, uro• '11!"'"' '"'" 111• 11'1 lotlllll" 1 ll~:~~l'lvu...DH'IIIII• CWI ~ ..... Ung fronla. od~Kta. \\'hl!n yuu <'<tntl' • ul all tlrt'""'ol up anJ nnl hav• known that "Euro· and "'·'1'' JU'1 ,a, '"1'11 :t• "' '• 1 . ur have talked with <XJUntlele sound .......... -.... .-ar ·-:::r•J¥• ~.W~· Vttur frltnii!O M\' ~·nu lno\( ··ut• pcan bUtt('rliMh lay their eggll In lht•rll. Shl· 1'1111 I til th•·r lwlp It~ RETAIN YOUR SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE RA YMCND THOMPSOt~ · QUALIFICATIONS ..• e A resld~t of Orange county for 33 yeo". e In general lega l practice in Ort'n~e courty 17 ~ e City Attorney of Fullerton for 'even yeors. e App roved by Boa rd of G:)vernors of Cal:f:Jmio Sfete lor • Gradua te of Unive"ity 'of Southern Calofomia low School in 1977 . Cov,.rnor Enrl W<~rrrn <rkrtrd R..-,mnnd 'nKimP"m a~ n attorn<')' \\rll su11rd to !!{' nnC' of ~our S11n• ronr Court J1·<1-"'- In mnkmg this appc1inlmt•nt Co\1 rnnr \\';1rrr 1 n-~ c'N' d n?l nnly JucfgC' Thomrr,<nn'• rxrrllcont lt•~;al auaonments but &1M his quiet. calm judorlal h•mpt'ramcnt. BE SURE TO VOTE ON MAY 16! Judge Thomp!on Committee, D. todgt, Secretary, 30 .. Chapman lldg., ~ llaJ. ... cAI&wT. 6 :ll p m f'rrpty oylttr l!hriiA." or \hat "The nol H<'l'l'llllnl( '" :1 ~;if I ·'"~ 1'""'1 pag.•• Cr'aeQler said, "'tnr!n sot.o.P .. t:Jellll pc+iliae il ...._ But )'OU f~l "'' .. mbai'TIIJUII'd pon~ nc•t 1'-U•••J h~ h• • "" 11 o • ~~~ofaQI.ln~~~~~.~~~~-~--~-~ Ynu~ll<~,.,h~~~. ~~:~~=~=:~~~o~n~I~K;~~~~·~n~r ~b~u~J;In~~~nn~\~r~·'~'''~~~m~-=~~~;;~~;;;;~;;;;~;;;;~~==~ !2ltlrt ... ...._ -........ ._ F'~r " ~ull wilhoul llli'I'Vf'lt or 1klrt ... tween the earned ~ of ..-vier _.. if --dD strillrr -~ -=::::""". ~. ~tn• " ~ one bound." I drud to think what \ ~ ·-7 -"",.,. ........... ~ti'INI t o) you"'' Vf'ry nr,.· and tbe lUre retribution of oert.aiD labor dlirfs if.....,. dae'1. ~· 11~ ~Ur !W'I'Vicl', m~ht bave happentd to onr their .. bation la-~ortal!lr-,• •,. •: ~ ~r lnO'f•t· You vl'nlun· "111111' fartht•t chanc:n of vwtory If nur aoldlera ......... y · aac -.,._ ... ,, 7 45 p. m , l't<'p out up<on lh•· walk. were to hav•· remalr.ed Ignorant ~-strong public-'~ ._,ic ,_ ••11oft's J....C ,....... riWICJ! .. Iir 440"'1c" You u y to fn•·not~ around y11u ot the f'ct that "T be calttlh of who lmuw their job Is to keep in llfp wridl 1Jwir CM1I - -~-l:G .._ • "I know that tnlkll will talk · the African poampe Ia th• only 1 A..6..__ abe Jan *...,. -.t-l ~ ---d. ~ .-1\ ..-r ,._..,.,Alii! f'WI'lU"H fl•b which 111 deftnltt'ly known to 1 ... _.. --·~ .ll. ., ~A iiDA Thf')' "">'· "Why Y"" n• ""' onb,•ed rrwlm llplldf' <lnwn." ' tra8t .., .. lllfl'lt&. and~ .. tllltf'r~ I*''' UU.. <31111 •~., ........ ayl Thl'y think you'\'t' bt.,.n h•·r~ IM>IOf~ ... "Amtrtcan farmtr• have 1 be WGdlfld CJUt by honol'ablr aad ~ --..... ~ .... 5.. ............. ,._._, F'"r do•'n 1'" th~ llnnol ~~ the dont the beM jnb of any war In- _._ method~ tha in ...--. ----. ~~ beachn d\dtry In roplte of ail bandlcape.l --.to t ~ 0111111-.. ltd IRa.. ..._ IT18-~ Yoo •• balhtn~tt au11.Jo I(Aiolr•• they have ratlled tht blgcnt crop!! the ......... and In tbP ,..,. f'&l kf). f>"wuia Fnllttltp. l:'llt P. DL wonhtp l•c•rv-tn hlttory." Albert s. Gnu. mu·' \..,.. a.. -su.n. in rhnr~f' V•ntUrf' a 11111~ farther. 1 bu ~ a.bor leeden whoR wiiP ftll I r.-tW • .__ ............_. --.-a. m t.r of the Naflonal Cr&DJ't, uid It --r--.,,.., ~tC'p out npnn lht a&nd to tunJ In & major war production jab .;a. a • fill~~ llowaiawc ..... 11 a. m •p<•c· Whrn you !01'~ thnt!t ~ .... · bll' Ileal Patrtotaam • let. But the~ WtP flctd for • * llillllt6CIIIIls fill dlr _,-"'-,_._.a wrmon. "''&\'U world'todat NqUI.ra bodt warlt ...t falllll to 7 pie-Famous Missionary Ynu IK're&m •'Ill "Oh. my land "' It wm tM' \'f.'BI"ll bfof(ll't' Wf' l'f'l\11} "II'" cUd not beUeYe that wr ....... ..,. ..... ill "-rr-To a.· a Is Ill Ynn watch " 111111' whtlr know juat h ow much M1'11. America I In ha!l rontributed to our war rlm4.' '--....--.a a.. ' -Tht ft~lkA out tn lht waw~ "-'L .. ._ ._, • .or IDOI'e lneD liiiP ......_er-r • ..._ ~ ....._ .,._, ll&a bHn a ' You "''"''" <>ul 10 llm"nl! thfm C"CCnomy Thf'l'f' are 30.000.000 the public a.. tuiJ oonf'ldltcnap to po1n1 thr I*''' • darify dtr 1 • &U'J Ia ~ fM 40 year a., Thlnklnll tt·r .,.A v.·tlt 1M> yllur famillf'S 1n th(' nation whOM' ~-...,_ .nto-'7 ID at th~ hom budgl't for fnod.o; rangt'd from I~" pl.c.1UN B help to l"«'tify it. bf'fono a f..-._., -, "c ...... e ~travt than 87 rf'nl~ ""r day to about S2. l..h-·.......A In.---..-.. ~ .. a..--. t1111 II• .-cn ... law. Ruth l'tnkham ,... --=IS~ wou•~, .. ·--.-. UUUJ......,.. ·-alld dlr "'f ~ .... He .,.. talu!o to•ti\Jr Uut. alu. lbo• ,,.,or all l••a\'U yl'lu Thl' plannin~ and savin~ wtuch waJ' elfort In one bold IWOOp. Hant111Sf-....,.tal at Paaa.lt'n& Whf'n Vl'll ji!l'l nut In th~ 8Ur1' havt• i><'f'n Acrompll!~ht-d by lh~· Xnt a.at. 1e w1th IWn ).lr Btala Anol \'~II fi'IJ.;t'l '""ur hnthlnt ault homrmakN"!' is bryond ('!llim:ttf' Between the Devil and ••• ·r~ a"'-« and 1JJar1nrulllht!\J Wlthftltt ~lf'i'\'rll ~r l'l'klrt r And it ha:< IJ(o('n for lht'!lf.' bU}'l'r!' rar-rr iD OW O.Wnl a year ago MRS F.TiiF.l. \ ·~ILASO, thai thf' S<1\'ings Whtr~ OPA h;t~ I -.t ._ ..._ mind In c.'ahrurnla !l~•l :! o.·~ron 1-'ronl Sr"'IIOrt bf'<'n abll' to o•flc-ct WPI'f' 1•f lht• cKlU'P ttw-G Hrnrh. Callf grcatt'st lm)Xlrlancf'. Finland faces a ~ that would IJUl 111r wildlw of Solomon to the acid test. Caught~~ tbr two ontm M that~ !'h arply '~hPn the' So,·~~:-""'"'' all:trkro .-----------...., military na~ on the European oont~ thr f""~ an-..,. b)· Gfonnan)• and finlanct .)oin t•rl in tlw fi ,::hl a~a in"t hl'r tli ldl- trying to e~cate themseh'l'S from a""!*¢ fry.ng pan.. n.r rinnal rnrmy. 110\\'M'f>r. thP Finns •. C'n~n lll"tl~h fit:;htin~ on question is. 'Wlll t.h(-y wap into tJwo 6ft' -llitlrrs l'idr. han• fl('\'Pr ht~mm(' 11;1 1'1 ~~r llw A \is. ThC'y .;ay F1nland \\-ants to g~t out ol t.hP •<~r: l'lul • qwtr f"\-.lmt thrir qu;uno~ is only with Rt.l"-"ia. But the mea':' by which~ Ntn do 11 art"~-proudin: ot P.lN'ian a rmistil't' t('ml." ap('l(';-~r <·nmp;-~1-;1t iwl~· m •ld :\los- real d1p1omntic hcndacht> for fl«'r ~ It~ ~~t.-.1 11ut ...,_ C'311 do much to cti:-.ip:tfl' sti"p tdnns rl'g:ll'llin~ ~0, i<'t cle- there 8l'l' roughly 100.000 German !fOOl" an DOI1.btl-rn Fm-·~on thr m1all l'OuntriJos lot11'111 11g hl'r 1'1\)l'dt•rs. "' g1n ng Jand. Tile R\J...,<tian a rmistiN' tt>tm!' c:lrmar.d tba.t ,....,_ trn"'p' F"anl;l.nd a ~t prol~. · be intei"Tl<'d. But the F inn.; arc hardly ~~ f'IJICU:h to do .-----------------------this by thc;>JllS(>)\'(-.; and thE'~' :ln' \~' mum ~~ fn ..-~- mJttlng Ute Russinn!' to rome in and ht-1p lhtm •...th thr -"rb It is still unpn'<ikt:,bl<' "hat I lit IN' "111 do t! ~ 5maii .:tUy deddes to get out of I he \\'at.. JJe midlt remou." h.£ lJ"'Ops to Norwt\y or he m ight k"'fl thml in F""mland .a.M c-~ il ~ baUeground. Right now t.h<> F'lnn.c: arE' just about a1 thr -~ ~.,"'" omt history. Britain is tA.>chnicaJh· at .-v •"illl t1wm and America's friendship has gro.n ~ \"a r...-~ aro Wbln tbe RUMians fim attacked Finland. Brilaia o(Jft'ftt to -' an anny to aJd the Jlel.tlintlti got\ft &WilL ~ • a ·~ for the .,._ was lllilaaen! aad dmp. IIODERI MARINE SERVICE SHELL DOCK BAtBOA ISLAND FATS ON UP-BEAT hl Bah·alfe bu no• bttn «l•morla•d bJ ••rl'd Warlnr and hla orc:hntra. In a utchy tune written by Jol' Randen. IIOU8t WI\'PI hfl \ e been Urjfl'd to uv~ fat by rl<'tur~•. «raphe. r:trlr>on", comlr ~trlr~. Bh!ltllna :qui ll'lf'l'l•lnn, but now. u·a be- . ~: ntd wltb mu•tr • ·.""II ~ thf' Grr i\PI'." dedlrat•d : .. · tht f'l'nn'l lnnlan~ to the A rnr II CAn borurwlfe, .bad IU (lrr vlt•w on •·rrd \\'arln«'<~ "Piru ure ;rtme" bl'oadc:ut. and urp I In pari. ".KN·P tbat fat rrom t.bci akU· let for a l'llt Don't you a pill It Uncle Bam will tltett dlatlll II tor Ule Gun•. Tanka, Shipe .. die &lute or your tell, 4oa't aue wute ol t.be otl. 1At It Male. let It Mil trK U.. , .. 111 .... Aaeriea-Jet'e p t• Gil Acquainted with TIERNAN'S ••• wartime Office Service I VWt n....·, T.Hy, .. the IMRY W.., ......_ ... ir.ieucy ....... -•••W. ,., aWifttl J"f efflce ..,.Mel ._ ..... • ...._ ...._ .,..._ ~ C.W..... Office llfHI'-••• H-..y .._.,. .,. ...... _.. ., ta.-. FIREPROOF CHESTS! s.. them today - Jutt leceHec:ll ...... ._Yu..._ ....... ................. .., .. -... ................. ....,. Traruftr fil11; f I I I n t •quip. mont enlf aya. ttmt •• .... ,. .. llol for yell' effie• ef to<hy. With typewrlten .. frozen" ancl probably N mort available until after the war-a good th:ng for you to do It to let Tiernan put your machine In fint clan condition. Expert repair- men and precision por~ to give you a perfed jeb. R-aular care ~" type- writer weart 902 NOITH MAIN ~. DUPLICATING MACHINES Now Availablel "~ ,.. -· ........ tiiH te llel .. , ... _. ... .. ,, ... Tl.,lleR ... . .,., HAVE YOU SECUIED YOUI ADDING MACHINE See n~·· toda, r o r infonnaUoa ~ abling rou to now buy a nrw add1n1: ma('hlflf' -but 'l'e urhe )'our •arhm attention. ------:--Here'• Jeal Good News for Stenot ra phen WE HAVE METAL COPY HOLDERS! NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, lll..,ort SMell. Callfomla. __ CaE_fon lia. Thu~day. March 23, 1944 ............ HigbSeho-o.fNeWS !- Tri-Y A 1 'IJ 5oM Dance Given Today; Box Social Planned ,...:.__ M _._ ,..._. -Eic:a Zl ~ by Red Croat By Sophomore ClaN ~ -_..y Ill lne .... ._ ......... be~ tk JOb .... Tri-T ._ -'"ta.k#a T1ll• .. ....,.,. llllan'll 3ttt.. tlw n-... Y-s,.__ ... ~­Mr ~ H• ,.HIIImt lllld rlub ~ -"tr tk ~t.on nf Mra. .......... Mrt JIIIM At:trun.. .. ,~ IlK•.• .... t ocutaally an.t ..,. • ,...... to .. ~tst • a 10 o.l __,..,..._ :J"r ••..,n pe~r· tir1~ • tliiiP _..,. WID bt Jlantyw tid. .. 41. "~"' ... "· John. * J ' q,. a.a.y HaaA. C\atn ~ ..._en.~. IJ>na~~W loly· eft ,~-,.~ ~ Get'· rilL ~ "~ ... • Xanklu Xar· ......_ _., ~ llwlll<tlw a.t Thr n.-. lb .. rn~t Wed· Weday l~Rs ~lr to do Wl'h a Tlw n.hn, -W'\ll .., fl'ayPd .,. ll .... lit· Clr ~ _.... •-wbat. ...... __ ..._.__ca-.- .. ,.,._.. ... ~t actmr: rmm • __.,,.,... JWClClw» taactt. ~-:OC_. b'tn •Otli<t ~ f, und W ,_ ~ ....-U.. •lvllr ram· .... ~ ~.aa.t ll{'r.pt I<OG:· ..,..._ ......-• .,~,..!.t f• r JWodtK· fllct~wiliiM) Thu• att .. rn•"'n In thl" IK'hnol t'p In thl' prt•lft'nt the enphomnrl' • :t f,.t•r•a Harbor's ch·•ptl'r nt tht>, .-laM! hltll bo'I'D alhnt. Out n1lW J uns r JUd C'rnu will lfJIOI'\IIOr a· thtM und..rt·laaarn<'n hR\'l' J,•,·utl'll "a.•·lr." Ua.nce.. ~ 'tr~t of tlll kln1! to O(sunt thl''r talf',nl 11t A llt1x ::;u """r tn tlt• IC"'"n at Harbor 1'1111 I•• bt' ht•'d l\.larr h 30 l"ot 11nly wall thl' at a ir bt' a l'hx l'•Willl Allmsp111n tn thP datw o• m,ay h.· III'IJU rrd onlv h~· t t' tlonatar)n ,,f a number of artwll'!> In thf' Rrtl CroN lilA coat hanj:ns. elx Llle mai[IUtnl' a ' ~der'a Dlgeeta, twn lll!h ''"''II, n ir r f al'iall0r8. 11r nnr walking an~ Thf' n""<'llllity~' tnr 1111rh ll c1ancl' Will! f~lt by ~e lack of rooper&llon on lh~ part of Harbor 11t urtl'nlll In bnn.On!f rnntnbu!IOIUI to the w&rk· room. but It wl'l b.-a "K •lth•• Uarw··- t u t:\•l'ry OIH' I• tr• l'um•• 111 t•t•s tumr I l''tt••hnwn '"'' "'k•'•l I•• rom~ u thl'y are I ('on rrun Thorn nntl ::;uslt! W rt' kPr. who 11n• In r h11rgt' of ff'11: I vi tit'fl. havt! plannrd f•1r an att1•mn n tho atuJl'nt bolly_y.·sll nr,·•·r rw t;d Thrr,. wsll bt' r..trt>ehnwntl and I'D· lt!rtalnmt!nt. bt'111df'1 t co ho'< lu1who•~ the glrla luf I'UUrtl('l Ort• •Uf•poa.•tJ to brll'lot )tr Hamb'\'1 IJ>•• Strunk. Jll'f'l!idl'nt of u .. r. onli Mr Alirn "~I art a!! 11\H'tl n· b• r ';o J munr Rr.J c·r.~911. f'Xf'I'\'8St'S • f'rl<. Th ~ lt'Aru ·~111111 ' Rlllkt' 'lw her d eJJII't' ln ba\'1' a IIUI"I't'SIIful turn-nut for lh<' •lanrt! bt-raual' tlw att,·n •• ,.,,·~ r·\r,~n t'\••nl r'•"~ly u htl Tht! dati' fur the d8no·l' was nrl):· ,. "l'v ~. t lw :llon ·h :11 hu1 ht•- r auee or a trark mtt't thl' affarr : drr uuo:nn art•• h ~ &rP tle3pl'r8tt>ly Dt'<'Cf'd for """ lrrmo•n rnnftno·d In h• :oplt'lll! a ll nvt'r thr natlnn. £ntU1AUlll:.tnt. .,nll be t.urn.i.Cled "'"~' n ""'''' up ''' thr Thurl!\!oy ,, by &tty Bryant. who w11i pr<'sen1 that wuk a 11k•t an• I Huberta Tnylur, "''hO F ""1 '"n' •·unw tl prllmii!C'.!I Ill w-11 atn~ ll<· ,, lor ,,, fun' ~f .. mtwu nf lht> tlo•'r t'nmmlttN• arr· V1vian VtHt~. Jnnnlr Jnhn11tnn. Lorry Langmadt'. Curl Otf'rtn and Tummy MrCorkt'IL I 14Mv Native Land" 1 l'unr'l anti do-nut:. wtll tw arr'\·· I'd by Kathlf'ell Sadlier ami fo,lur·· rnr .. Daniel•. Given ,to School _ I 1\ no•w b nk h1111 he~n ~:tvrn to tht• " hrll'll 1111 n gl't \l will bo.• Rt ~·our di~puslll In 1 h~hool library 1100n. . I W ORK ROOM ~ ~ 1.-c-._ ~ Turnout for tht-Ht'd Cru1111 w • r·•c a -~ C... for • U.. room baa been a complete failure P"-_. ~ ...,..... U.UO. alany more etudenta a re ore 1+-d l•l .... ~.._. ~..,.. tliiiP dtlll_.nte to Ua r bor eervi<'emen in th" --.., • .-tJ' ,_. .. fll U.. tr.ited State• aad oveneu. .............. ~ .. UIIIl ..-IL . l ..... p T hle book rom f'• from lht' American Committee for' Free 1 Yug oelavla In St'Atllt'. It lit writ-~ trn for t~f' lw-ntflt rf tht' ~·pie t o make tht'm rullze whet t hl" Yur:oeiRva Wt'Dt throt.rlh In &rbla l before and atl er Gertr any lnvadt'd Thla rommllll'l' ron11l1lll ot main. 1 ly Yugo11lav-Amer1rana. but In· SPE .CIAL BUYS! YET UNSOLD II 011 • CORONA DEL MAR LIQUIDATION SALE BLOCK A-35 .. BEAUTIFUL RESIDENTIAL SITE -FRONnNG OCEAN BLVD. . $2,1. (Side of Lot). l .ots .:!o . .:!8 & .:!9 Note: This bluff sttl' has a fn•n ta ~~ ,,f appn,>.imatcts· ~l feet on. the Easterly side of Hello- trope Ave. too anJ wh tk rt'~t ri ch:J to p rnluhtt a hlllldm~ 'above ~n Blvd. street level, the topo{.!raph y '" "uch th :lt 1t wtll adapt itself .. TO A QllEEN'S-TA.'C't~-for a beautiful hom~ whh.:h wi ll ov ~rl nok the Bay and Ocean. llt:i\1.1.\', TillS IS AN I 'NilHI IAI. MITI'.- AT t\~ t 'St'St'i\1. t•KJ(:JI',_ ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL -RESIDENCE SITE -IN BLOCK A-38 S. E . corner Ocean Boulevard aa d lrjs Avenue North and West sides-IN AND PAID FOR. ' , tlu<ln .lat.T Anno~ramr ot ot:tmr+---------- 'nlct MIIWc Departmt'nt wrll pre· than Yugoelav bar kgToun da. -4----=-0a DIP II w .. ay fll U. ,_,. £... ... ; mi ...._,-. tr~ waAtta with cement ramp on $1,111 Lots 30. J2 & 34 ~--~~----~-------------~QIW.-.-~----aMrt' a ... .,.. ............ . •·•t aa ._mbly, )fay 3rd. Cl'le . t rali..D& thl' National Muate Wl'l'k Sewin• Clast T1w bantl •·•II future mollie Give faahion Show froc lM operrtta. ''The Student .......... ........ • alllr. .... ,.. .. _,_lin. ........... .., pc ... ., lwY ................. GtP.e.qliiiPII. .......... _.._....,pt ..... ~ ......... .,, .. ... ..... ...., .. .-.....,. .... " u.. ,_.,_ if '• t.P • • L! tr tb r~ Ia a ....... ~ ... ......,. ... ... ~.,.....,., ............. ... ...... ___.._......,..._, 1'lle ,_.,_.., -ea. •-<'lu h ur .. ~ ''-~ t•.;rrlhn wbn ....,. a-= by • l!le -aacatb Prince." by Romberg Tben will a'an tvo a wl~tlon nt Victor Her · tt'rt favnrit~•-~vera! w ell. llnnwn marrhf'll. ll"'"nJ: rhrm l'w-· 1 , : • ..., ":'\c•.o. l'mrml4! Ma rrh.'' unrr tamru~ly knr>wn 38 tht> "f11:~t rn~" of t e Stanf<>rd t'nt· •enrt:r. wtn be played. B<>b RobiDII. r .. aturt'd 110((1'141. •·•II r!Bv llt!V~'ral eele<:tlt•nll 11n hill .c:cordtoa. Wednuday momlnlf. Marrh 1 "i "' r gsrl11 from )11M Alkt Benll'>ll , hr111 pHIIlll !M!Wing cliiN . travo?l"d I to t he ('r 11111 Mna and Nt'Wf"l'l l Bt-ach Grammar echoola. Th•• f', they pmc-t't'<1r~l t11 ,::h·t! t he e·r:h: h I JZradrrll a f&Jthinn Ahow. l'onalst s·,g I of rloth~l! ma!lf' by thtm In thMr 1 homemaking c laaa. Mr Hambl(t JZRVe lhl' eig~r h graders intormtttlon 1 nnrerning 1 their choler ol high IIC'hrnl lft.lbjt>• b fur thelr frt'llhman year at HP r· 1 bor. Mlu Ben110n gave a talk to the g irl• about lht homemak .n~Z I ... wh ...... •I llitan1' kfttiWII .m ....... Dory ....... -.t_ -------.... ~ ... ....,.....,_ In •·'o.rn~: t hl' hand will play that famous march. ··s tan and "trl~ Fort'Ver," by John Phillip ~ • cour.e offered to them. .............. .-t ....... -sa ..,_.. u .._. ..__,_ ... _ ..... _ ...... ~t i11 that narion w h()(l;(' 11ilt'n1 Amon& the lltylu modeled "''ere I rourw ol happint'SS funliahft noth· ault•. d~aae•. and a ll&c:k •ult . nw; for hi.!ltory to aay. • atyled from a man'a .Wt. ( ,.,.._~ ilt dw .,..,, "Workint 1~ Victory on the Santa Ft") ,, , Ne_tv Steel Beauties oa tbe Santa Fe n~ i~a·r yet ch~ cut mooy io taking d~­ liury e~t a .,., Jocomotin that ther~ is in d ri,unin;t a ship. 8aa.. jMt ~ sam~. it's a great occasion -dw Sa~~ta fe wbeo we receil·e those _,u-powued. •igb-sp«d locomotives so ...., .Ned today. Jc.nay tMW ooc IMJD' .. roUiog .. more _. a...pr frriPc tnia loeded with war · ........ 80f'C tnias operated for tbe I aooop ..,.CIDCGO. 'l1lr ..._ Joco.ocins sbowa aboYc are --.•w.~ottbebis8Htof ps: a W loc.i..cins cwd.ed bJ S.ota Fe. Aal ... .,......,, * L oromr.trr" tllu rtratrd ll/)1):, -mv. .. 4 S _, .. Jt•am lo- t~/11<-l•w ··~V<XJ rJ.~, .'. ~.fOO· },qn r pntL. • l•n;.l, f)tr ul; ''~.10 ., •• ·'''am I(Jtnmolrt t, "~oor ria•," l'ou t illf Itt ,ou' d'H In X fJJir n ll •lrtil/ f!ull•lot of t~nxJ,r rrs f••tl ~ ~ Santa Fe ~ II' SANTA FE SYSTEM LINES --~ ........ __ ,.VIC'IOit -{-· Terms: 2or; down a••d $18.00 per month including~(; interest. 'Not«-: Thf'ff' a...-3 lut111; )'OU c-.. t..IH a -J IS •• IWtP -.... W -or-uw fhf' s IotA fM-wa· K wMfl.. A Bt:AI Tlt11. SITt~ \\1TII OCEAN BI~VD. f'IIONTAGE AWNCi Klf)t' .. ANOTHER UNUSUAL RESIDENCE SITE-OR SI'IES-IN 8LOCil A-3& N. E. corner Iris Ave. & Breake rs Ortvc. Can he~ asoneortwohtuld- ing sites .. P ortions Lots 24 & 26 & all of 28 ( Terms: 20', down and $13.00 per month including~·,; mlercsl . lllEAJ. Jo'OR ONt: lARGE B~CH HOllE OK TWO SMALL ONill. $1. NOTE: CHECK THESE WJ'ni SIMILAR OFJo"E RJNC"cS ANYWJIF.ItY. AI.A)NC ntt: ("lA.~. CYJIIPAIII: f'tiiOS AIID ,..._ WJTJI on"DUNGS EI.St:Wift.:RE AIIOVE onT.JUSOM Aar. l '!'llal':ll'l'aicn:D r..JUYI'r M 1'0 ILUY.' ....._ ~ II THE BAY COVE Gl TIE lllm FRONTIN(; OCEAN BLVU. OVEKIAM)KINf~ Tilt: ICA Y NOTICE Site No.2 AJvcrtl'l'U on Marth ~ by 11)0 feet on h .:rnlcaf Av~. ~}(J f cct on Qcc an Blvd I >need at Site No. I Adve rtised M'arch 2. fl)(l feet Oil Ocea n Bfvd ... a hluff 'ltC fJVeri••Jldn~ the Bay the lot ru11 s throu~h to an a lle yway too . Ccmcul ramp '-.in frnnt and alolll! the s1dc in and pa id for. SEE ·I IllS Pnn· Thl' ( 'uvt• Property IM Kt"Htric1t'd UNREPORTED SALES AT CORONA DEL ••• $3,211 BI~'K 0-:i'!-~\\'lv I'Om l•r On•:1n l ~hd N h•nrll·.s1 /\\''' frt•nl :tl''' 11f 'WI' •lfl 4 ., .. -:on Hh •l '" 11•· o ''" t '•-rnJ,-;t f ,,,.., R<tmp on ~ .• nr t' F.. !'ddt·~ I 'strt·h;s..;o·r r P ''-td•·rr h . .,f \\'N J.no.. 1\lll!''t."'t ,,,~"4fll•~ •~ Tr..-f S.-.J,....n."'n T t• l~.tron ..-a-; \\:S'-:rl'1' ~llt•r. BI.()('K z:«.__t ... , :.!::! n nd N'Ol:lfmng 111•1 ''""' ,,, :I I ...... ~!f; l m.,:uf:tr ... h .• , .... , .. " ... I :~ .. ]\ ttoO'IOT '"" A~tr •••• .,.,,~ Orhr Coron:r drl :\J.rr pur<'h a ..... ·r~ n ·pn·"·nl•.,l l,, l:••.sl l· .... l:.tr Hrt1ke•r E l t snf'lt ·''"'' S.l~·r '" T,..,..t s..&. ... rn.;tn T t• I~ BI.()('K t\-:ir-1 .••IS l R. 20 ,~ :?:.! ~ t·: • • or II" I lr r' 1\' ,.,"'" 1-Hn•a k••f"' l lt I\,.,\ ·• \ •11"''•'-'"' •" h ;-,· • .,. Jn , A ,,. II'\ .. df•plh ,,f ~1:.' i :·. Purd1a~·r (\\'alnul l 'o~r ~ 11'' 111t'11t r . 11'1'·'""'"''"' lr~ H•··•' f.,t.,to· Bf'4-• r \\. J lft~•.nst. ·'"" ~ hy T . F. Hhod<'n BI.OC:'K 1\-:i:--1 "' 2:l a nd r·t•nt:lfnim: pnrl 11111 of I • ,, '•' S W , . .,, '"'' I,.., A\ .... ,,.,. ''"' f • •· ,,. l:.tv t ·•J'Jof"•"""''' lv tJ r ''" I ris /\\f. ~~~ 1;'1.:\tl-ulu.-1111 I !•~·:rrl Hl\rl S;trs f :,.,,.o~roltn•• I""' h,,..,•r ~.. ,,.,,,,..,.-.,,,., ,,.. 1~··-•1 ....... ,,. IJ>••·r fo ·~··no· Elli111. :rnd !--•·ll•·r hy T . F . lthlld f'u. RI.A)('K 2:i1-l ·"' .'1-:30' ''" \\'1"1 .;1do · l.:t 1'11• I" lr .\\ • · 1··1 v. '"'" t •·,, rrlr I lrt\t ,,,,,1 So· •'•'' ' ;\\• hi .. vo· 11\ I IX I,,,. ':ha~r. 11 \\'llllli<'r . Calif11rnia. 11-:-.rdr•fl l. :st1d S.•IIPr n'fJf'f'<;.f•f11r.,II•Y Tra• t ~·1-·..zr ... ll T t-I:J .. ,.s.-.. Ht-:1\SI 1"\;\111.1•. 1'1~1 1 '1•:.'-' • 1:'11 ... ASY HA :O.K Til~\1.'\ Kt;t; Mit T . t·. ICIIUUF.N, TKAfT SAI.I'1' •• ,SAf•t:a TKAfT f,.-nc:Y--UN nil~ BIA't'l"!4 CORONA DEL MAR· PROPERTIES, IIC. nu..-N ... ._ ... ._. 1M 8. Hll Street ..... I a -· ~ ' ' . t.. r ' • l ( ~Four .. Water a.ftalo" .:::!:lblo1111 taab. now rarry ll7 mm c-an· NEWPORT-RALROA !\EW~ TfVP.8. :\t>wport liNch. California, ThUI'IKJay,. March 23!._ 1944 ' T,----------------------------$78,9~ Damages ~fesa Infant Ia 1 Your Gas Coupons Mother of Local In Me~a Suits failed Br Death Good' for 3 Gallons Woman Passes 1,.. t h•· f'f'IIUit uf a&.n •• • ul••ut "'hwta , ... r un •·d Ja.n :q At r •• ·. ·· Avt· >tn<l )-1 u..-·cor S t In I' ~· • ~ • "'• • t•t t r • n•••.tfl an;ur•··l ttt\• namNJ the drav~r ••f on~ l'lf th• • ur:. IUV'•h•'d d• ftlndnul u t ''"" '"'l'"''•tc· h<t•un,.'f<•r u t1t.d ,• .\1 r Rn•l M r• Fluy<l F •k• ' ... o!h 1);1·1"1~ and \lr .ln.J i. , • t Ji• ,. ttl•. ~I · • t ..... , d ,.,. • t r., \\ • I• t ttr s, h.uaa••l ri~'> lA )lifO" Tli"' • l.ur~;o• thnt ~~r~ ~lilt\ ~to~· tlly olr vo h .. r c 11r nt'j!ll).!•·nt· l·; nr.•J • hU:SftJ 'h•· t "II ...,..tis A .. · nuO.•·d "'hM ~1 r11 ~1t ~· 1., . .,. t ,, .. I U l f'OSTA MESA "'J1u• 1r• ~"' \ .,r tt1•• J r••!i•" ;\fl t f'l looi of1 ( 1Uit ~ h~ t'flrll hhl t•\ lUI r•• t h:1n c J JU f••U "'lni-: · f , !'tat • .,. ~.1 rlfiPII·IJ.:P "ulr ,.t"\.:t'•l t•v U,. \' .,.., H!1d nH·nn" • ,,,; n••tt•,. ~, •. ,. ~.~ • .., 8ll!lll'lln~: In thr 111111' lnrhrd,.ol ''•\•U L lft\r1 Jf , .... ~. ~, • ol •' "I \!• r •l \l" ~) t • I 1f1, •1 t •• t f.tf"' 1\.-......... 1•, I •' '"'' ····• ''•~ ~ ,. I ... ,,,.. ~-.a-. "' I• h• • I•• •·. I I ot,.J<l l ;~...t dJoaJ• • I I . '1 .... _, ... 2 p .. I· " I I ~. f"l'ltiaa\ .. I' t. • j : ....... ,,, t •• , .... ,_. .. ,~ • I' ''""'••! I ll bntath-! • •! t •· c-,,., . ..,""" }t· 1 ,. ""''' II ••. , .... ... I y~:r ;;::·~~d Jain~ 1 •• I ' ., •t t"'' )''P 1 • rt ......... 1 ·~t~ 10 lt,..ll P.aJ~ IU~I I· \lr linwl Mr~ L Y . 11ub t T !w Th ..... 1-!,•bin"' "A•,. ....-..~ • ~ ''' 1:• I r !I m•,tt: .. t lh• c.-.~ ... t • 1 ""Mfllf"' • ... \ 4'"a 8u: da\' f · .. naaoi,1 ff"•IID twr ,_._ ~ ~ ' I'• :t 1 Mno A • .. , ..... Clai.- Mil"'" I' 1: lllllolun A J 1.••1''"" 11,. 1.~ n lh c•w~t , ~ .... r • <' II H1dlt•y. tluwartl II~Lrpt•r. Ira \'· I. ~ . ..,,,.. -r .,. o-_, 1, .. -. ,. \\' I: \Vnl\•o·r .I ~~ :-'hollr • •'r i"outl ~t 11411 .. 'rAnt'f'Jt <.;.n rctn•·r A ll••n 1: l lltJ,:th s p&l\ tor' 1 ,,. ,.., ! •ur.:•·,.n ~a:-~ t/f'«"" uwn rtt•·'t n \ ·" • \~·nr t t'lli ll'ltft' of A••r\'h •· "'" u I ••••• , .. , .. D" ....... : '" uw liar· Nlf .-r•>a 'A ht'•· bt .. , , :~ ~· In 'r ~·na 1111 taulln•, ~t J•t••ra ~mn" •4' ..!.".t ......,.. \\) ,. ' • ., .... .,..., ... I' lhr SanilaJ•, '"'" (•.,•, ni'l II f( ,,..,, .......... ~ J'P' "' ..... ,I I turn hy Antln•w J.o kM .. n I "" !hi!'""~ aHrr~'tae to .... 11;1\'Tflan •·htd • lo•rk nf l h" Pr oft n•,.;o l!oar•l Nn 171 l>r llul{ht•,. hitM \·u-u tnl: ~r· d.a~~-Jtlr,. lr\'ln ~plr~r nf thl' 1(88 pan~l of tht' ration board saatl tm.lay that uutn IIHl r8 ahould wal~h their gu roup ns. u t-ach on.. Is good for three gallona. While t "to order l•·utt Hal( gaa IIIII' tu two gallon11 mrans t hat, lht' wav It ill ef't>~tlvl' I hr:s t,..t>n to a1m ply ·t>l!Ed the IICt> of the total couJX a llflother month, In otht>r wo <L'I. the cou· : p 1111 you have art> good Cor three gullona. but t hf'}' t.aust Ju t lor an· I uther ~~nth. _ __ _ ; 'Skeeter' Drive To Start Soon Eup4'rvlanr lrvtn G~rge Gor· don'a propuiM"d county program for , mo!KJUI!o c· ntrd Is being acted I upon and will br ing consequent re- lit'! Cor the county's rlllzeNI. ae Mr:-.. Nunc)' Ann K{>(•ne, motht'r of Mrs. Mat)' Goodykoontu ~ :'1/c~"POrt Beach, dJ•'<f at htr hom 148 \\'p~t 18th strt.'<'t. Costa Ml•sa, this aftl'muon, IThursday), Born in Hcnldsburgh, California >-hl' hnd lx><>n 11 rcsidcnt of tht' Harbor llrE'a for th<• past 15 yean~. In udtJitlon tv h••r dau{:hters, sh<• ll'avc•~ nne son, John C. Lownl's of lll'aht~burg; 114'0 brothf'rs and six l>ISIE'I'S. fUm•ral servi<'cs with Rcv. C. Willnrc1 Stcarn!< offll'iating. will be• hE'Id from I lnrold Crauo•l ChnJX>I. Saturday at 'J p. m .. with inter· mcnr in Wl'stminstf'r Memorh1l Ct'metery. 1944 TIDE TABLES l·t ne ruult or tl mHtlng of the MARCH board at w~lch Dr. Edward Lee I Ruucll. couney" health officer, wu F. 24 9 :57 3:54 10:31' present 58 0.1 &.5 ' Dr. HUIISt>ll told the board th~ S. 2~ 10 :4:l 4:40 11 :0& 1 program will not ct st more than ~ 3 -0.3 ' 5.1 1 $:>100. A picked crew will be Su. 26 11 :35 ~ ::.!9 10:43 tralnt>d upeclnlly for work or 4.8 0.4 5.5 dra nlng alougha and atagnant M . 27 12:29 6 :21 12:22 poola and applying chemlcala lllld 1 4.1 0.2 IS 2 •.ther control meaeurea t~ large Tu. 28 7 ·20 1 :31 4:11 ~.7 4 :54 --4.2 5:31 ().4 1:07 1.1 1:&0 , .. 7:41 2.3 lawarrpy areas where pula brl'ed Wd. 2P 1:07 8~3~ 3~1~ llbtur) uw1·~ 1ls c.,cdlcnc•·) 4 II 0.:! 3.6 I mor<· Jo the writer's mnnnE'r thun I cNew 4ayllaht aulna ttme) to t he material of which It i!l ~~ -Q>I --. ... ..wnl lw ~-u r~tra "hont!l" to JltOrf' thr 'l'ltelle taaks. a.ed by Uw MariiH!S aDd Army, ran •------lii'IM~-11-I•M -.••~'Y ..-.U aa lppcJ or we Abo\C..luabtht f1r111c, the ca1111011 .brO. (hf'any llnr In ~nt.•~r), ... -+te. KUu. (tiPt.rr llaM) .• 'fop L01 "Buffalo" at ~~e&. rx~omtnr•l fill() 'lnolurlf't>ll )I lin Andrrww~ w m ...... ...., 111>1 h f'ullv Appar.,l and ("raw· tha• •-II -1-t:a Wndto& ~Nut!~• ua. ~ .... _ l~ma .Jifl.De ~~ tw a p • 1 In).! t ,. l'tfM't t•f •print~: belnrt JUIII In "'"' Ancl'lrs W'ltb hft' • -..r LITTU cm. '-" a •a, e1 are••~~a • rut Ulat uae, ofte11 ban 41•1-. .._. ,are .,.,., ..-.. ud Vt'rJ pnct,-but too ••aU. Ia t _. I••• ,.,._, ~ d,.._ .._.. -1M cllaa.rdecl. WbJ liCK op.ee --__ __.... la•n "•de., ~UL.ULUlea ~f ~ ~ _, 1M cui clo•a ..... ucl tiM reault will be u attractho tont1w• .ryw Du..ct-f• cn~C~IDa tbHO ballda of lpMrtlon. aacl ~,,..tiM •-...... _,1M oM&Uieil bJ aendlq a a\a•pod .... ,. ~ .... ..._.. to tM N...,.._. O.partaeat or llala ~. ~ ..........• %Q~. CUTTINO OUT cu-.aa nn thr .. 1 •. I' F: llj;l.t uf way have bt't'n flu~: out frum WuhlnKton More curtllt 1\Tr brtnrr r"""<'""" •tr,...t wrat f•1r !lf'Vf'nll blo.-lul altd • Balltoa u UN Walt.an Co. ~ thC' hO(If' Ul t'llJ>re-d that they ..... wtUt ... ...,. IJYta.llatlon. wall rep~aln out lllltl a wldrr atn t't 0att. Ill tale e. tar ol the •• rHt •~ .:tvM thf' public. RADIO SERVICE J IOMI:: ... Al 'TO ... MARINF: RADIOS REPAIRED MARINE F.L.ECTRICI.AN BURT R. _,NORTON 1111 c-.t tupway PhOIM' %411 NEWPORT BEACII BALBOA MOTOR CO. 70G F.. Ray .\\'t' .. I~JiN)a (;~ncral Automobile and Marine Repairing. Marine ElcctririanM Available Fend~r Body \Vork Refini~hing TEI.EPIIONt: Nt:WPOICT Ot:,u ·n 22a arvund thr rom.-r The fnrrr~r f'3t • h i• ~loCI -• t'l~ nu r ralarjtrot Ita front ... and~· and ,. .. , ..... ~Club oL SouUM:nl ()II A<l<h•d art 18th· n• tf'A tn thr tram tfnmta whll~ thf' lAttf'r wh•n lhf' "'"''• t-•no r.u •l.nr •·rt .. ri( ~1 11 nol •·rhnl!ll havt> rKt'lvf'd a tre~~b H"IJ:hU h.a• murnrd "-twn r oet nr parnl """''"-" ,.,~, wtt.b ~ ~Mr -s J w ntatton~;. J52t.t, Eaat 18th oll· .. r ,......,"._ rn "'-'- !!lrr~•t hill! n•rf'lv~tl a medical dla· t.trw 0 I' f;m Ul f F'i-. ._. Harbor Residents BIRTHS ....__._ ~--ns char~:r from lht> army and hu re· n\1# •·ho au'fft'f'd ..nou. Ill~ • ~~ ~~~~ To Mr. and Mrs. Rober: F.. A•· t um~cl home. f\l'ffm~ w1wft-. _., .,.._.. M ookl. 1871 l..ARuna atrf.pt, Cos ta Mr and Mra H. R. Ham•nn ,. , .• , ID Po7n•L ... a p e. '• • r-tt of nltturl'll.zataon n · Mr•. at Santa Ana Ct>mrnunlty '""Arl r.11r~tnnl a"' be'nc felk'l· t .-r Snrpot't ...._... b mr ... 1111 ~ ...... .-.u,. w1UI SuJWrior tloapltal. March 21. UH4, n da•tgh· tated by tbelr frift!IU altn thrir ~.,... '" hr up &D4 ........_ .' « .. l"...a.--.d H 'n.omi*JII P"-ter. ,. rrvrnt marrllj:l' .....,,,. .. w'" ,..,,, ... , Jobn kaiJ"' .,..,..,,. O!"imor 3 r •Ui ,,... HarlJor ~01• Weft To Ll. anti M rs. Robert GMnon. nt•cod In Lt>nC Bearb.' 'nwy aft at '" '"' r ,,,..., r.uan1 ..,.._,...... a::n...s to ~l._.....p ADtonlo 23!) Opal, Balboa b land, at St. J o- home at 2&U Newport Bt>ulrvard rell6cSe at 50S Jetti •,.......~ ..._ ~ lbncMIL A~..._ who ~~~ wnh ho.pltal. March 15. 1944. a ExPKtln~t tn be cnnr .,.\'t>ral tnn.-f~rr..., f,..wa thP -~ ' n.atrr Rt-Anton. both ol eoa. weelu. Mra HalT)' Thf"Unt ot ba.aro I • AlaftMo.J& ~,, Oftirtn (",4(, ,.._ Amelia cto. Aa)oe To Lt and a.tr~ Lyle Brown. Ji1owl',. Alrt'f''t hu conf' • n a trip f<"l"rr ,. .,. _._.-' • ~ a.& r • • '" an-t Ju'r.us O..trllo, both 408" Dahlia atrt>t>l. C'urona Ci'l F.AI't Rh~ will vlatt !'4'1atlvea I hnll baa.,_..-...& a,_. fll ~ BINda; Jl~ Clui• Mar. at St. JIIRph huepatal. Man·h Mr. ILDd Mnt N. 0 Wf'llott nf Mnt HaZPI l ,.._., -. J~t: t&:aa J...,._. .no CbaaJH b1ll 11. liNt, a .on. lofootnuma Valley baft bHn ..t.. W...t Or .-an ~ 'C--..t ~ 1~ ~ Holt. ol Balboa. -r,. .,..., Rr>t1 MrJO :-.fllrtln Rntl.-rt· ltln~t Mr. and Mra Jar k Hamdon ~ . .._ .. Mr ..._ ...... -. 201 E. Central, Balboa, at St. of 260 Flow.~r lltrf'et and Mr ~d Mno 1. !'mlth fill o.q.c.a. 11.-~~arsJ!aJJ Tate .roerpb hoap1tat. !.•arch Li. tii·U , u 1 Kra. Homu KellotL 268 Fl.Wt't . a. •• dauc'bUr .. ,··~owtD.: u month.t' duty In tlwt Chenille Helps lll~!e ,,... Hawao South Paclltr, Paul Salfranll. Old Han~ers f-_ . To tdr and )ofra U oyd Holll· bauJ:h. 322 Al\'nra tl . l:a boB. nt St. Joerph t.o~~~patal. 1\ltm·h li I I~ ll 1 11 Navy Corpaman flntl cla.u, bu ---I t)N'u t<penoltn.: a 30 olaya fur lbuJ:h 1 , • hno _....,. t.aa.p W-"'" •I' Tat~ fo"""'r a.tv.•rt t - Il n nrar' ~ 1 J -=:~~the s~wa.Tlmt'. w To ~HonJ Lt and ~In• lliPr•• t'r•• •• An a•rumu'at~tt> nt t .-_.. rit1ar1:11f: f•r a ff'W •la\'l' a t hiJI • l•l Kate. U16 •~. Ct'ntral. Balboa. BIRTHS T o U . al\01 Mra. f"hArl• ' '''"' acm, 30 2 1111\rnrln.t. Jtnlh'l 1•1• l Ill Rl J~ph hu'"f'IIAI. \;, 1 I, ·~1 J!IH n •Jau~: • ll'r T .. ~lr IT"'' Mf' \\' II• 1 \ttll,.t c .. rn•t-nl t-•nc .. ,.. -"' oa !u<b ttlr .. oil •. I h1;n '· , .. like March 19. lfl44. a ll•on '"''""',...." '"1 • ........, .. , ... ,,., • t"'-a-.. •: r"t-o:lf h•::~·n•s-" )Jr ""'""' tn f'"'W'ar d,a,.... A• "" b ,.. Tatr "" 1r1 ...,,. ,ot at.... fo>r 3 ~hurt ~trr n"t n• murh nol-h:r u,,.. .._ ... "= , .., halu "'h<'rt' h.-1,. ~ ttn .-.:.••1'· hr mJJ,I• t•-4h -.::~ 1 ·# ,..,-... l• ·.-. 1 h·· ~tar Uul,t't 1n :u .t r nu tarat ,,,.. -~ \• • 1 r I rar!'t ( .. , lh•· Hu~· at a Ira .... , ~·-~ Q~ labr..b ,,, , """' 11.. an ,., •!· q..._! r \rtr l•lhZku\\~kl. ,.,~ 1-: Bl\' ,,, ••• r:al '"'"· ut St J"l\''1'11 htollf•llal ~tnral!o :! • l!ll l. a sun T(f l la.st•\1 l'l:l anol ~I I"" 1:.:. ..-nrd II 7.-1'111 ;t:.u;, ~anlo• ~ •• ,. WANTED IMMEDIATELY! FOR 100 MEN REPAIR WORK Defense Plant e Electricians e Mechanics e Shipfitters e Welders · e Painters e Dockmen e All Crafts e Helpers SOUTH COAST CO., SHIPBUILDING Apply 2108 \\'.Central :::1 '.:. I If' rhor Jtt\'d <-• •!It 1\ ~1 , ,., 1\t ~n<! "•n·l anH• 8 , , f•"f ~ '"..,.~ ,...,.. , -. ... ,,,. pc'rt B•'n.t h. at ~ani a Ana c 'utur ! ... !=====================~~~~~~!~~:·rl:•~•t:u~A~n~n~:c ·~<'~n~irr~u~n~tt~"::h~nllp:l:t&l:, hAIV!l tn.. .,,, fln•"h woth a ;;•U'~.~~h~ll~p~t~tl~ll~. ~l~l~a~n~h~:..~•1~,~~:9~H~~a~,!~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~===~~~~==~ ~IAI't'h 16. IP44, a dau,hter. .. Arctr-r r: at t• .. 1 1' t:l hc•II'Dt>C l.t !'It' c f'ntlle \\'1th JM;D. I hi' bn1 1l. W1nd •• .. r borou JJ.r ' -. "' , .. ,...,. • • r :«.lk t u:atrhan:;: aba<k-. ---- 0\'C'r and o<r..-r t• • .,,,. "'~ ~ -Ulor ftl>1 rot , ht>mllf', 1 .. t "''ht'ro .ELECT-·-· Whoever - WilliarD A. KIRK Incumbent FOR COUICILMAI • give Harbor A Business l\lan who is able to the rapidly expanding Di strict a competent, executive administration of its affairs. A Hesident Here Since 1924. A Property Owner Since 1930. ELECTION APRIL 11, 1944 • You Vote for -be Sure and VOTE ""ol ••f ab<•ut ' ""'b W'~ J"'CC '"You .-art ... !. r and throu,:h thf' lltar1 c .... ....-r t ho-~ #' tZ:-fiort•h ... « Uw b.Klio. 1 t.tu. .111 uaually or t-.-tnr: • a"ful I •1.-.d U.. • t-~ ........, w ,.., If ~ n at chf'll arf' YeT)' tlpt ao n.A! DO .... ,... ..w.~ .._ tJclltlf thry w1ll IM'&rr ely C'ontlnw tit tbt. mAnDrr -t 1 •e, ....., fflhr,. haD!r• r • • • '"'""1. AJ .-'TYo> -..ma ,f cb~. wblch prcl('ft'4. pl.tl t.br .._. ~-c-. m man' drhttbUul r<li•'"'· I bat:'ll ...wry fro. UK'~ to ~ --...rfiCif'DI to t'O'II'ft' flw romrtn,. < "'''anr: _. t~ wwr It .......... and t~e work Ia vt>ry •·iJI -._..,_." tA> .,._ u.. taan ,...._.,. dllaw :>:o tnnpr a Dul. "' <~ru.l" ..,,,.~ ~! ~ ·• .. •-~ thr b:tn~· n ..,.,g •tay qukt· .,. ~·,.u .-n•k h .t b\" "-pc-~ :~ a,. • ,._.. an. I h~lp to aaakt' the ball WNJld l~Mh·. a1Jona C( ~ c'-t atbWto\'• ftlOilP play t .. wOOf'tl W"d.b <- fcor1ahl~· th.J "' -1 hr t o !'-~~-~ a -'J cup of bot ... ter. ~. lb lll•>p lu«ou,:ta.. and b1 ld 1t tn W1wn Y<JU haH ~ t•..,. •::· t"-' _.ul.ll untat at ia It'll tbat tbe tar•· ~Ur1ll .. u. ~ u .. ._,ll a: ~ 111111•*4._ • ap~oaclnn.c. then JUII< lkm o1 br"'k ar.d ~ :.... _ ...... cp~K'k;\ _,j I a. & UL~It~l:alUMT 3M t:. ....,. Strwt. Sant:~ .\na . ON HIS PAST RECORD ROBERT ALLEN SOUCITS YOUR VOTE FOR RE-ELECTION C 0 U t. C -1 L M A N City of Newport Beach Independent Candidate, as Before, Respons ible to the People as a Whole, and Not to Any Individual, or Group of I ridividuals As H is Record in the Past Shows. H e has Not Been a ~ "YES MAN ... Nor ~'ill He Be in the Future. if the People Renew Their Confidence in R e-Electin g H im . Vote For ROBERT ALLEN 1Pohtwnl Ad\'l'rtii'C'mentl ,. .... NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIM~. Nt>wpnrt Bt•1~ ......... KEEP IT CLEII IOYS. An Open Letter to City Employees qaBOR HIGH SPORTS Tan Enter Southern Counties 180ND SALES AGAIN LOW H tu b., I ll.:h h"" " ~''"'' ••f ""' lDJ • I' :.1 !\1u•l·•".: I •.:1111•t I''""'' A !_)proval of N 8\'Y Hast' W .ork Won EL T-MilliE Ill liSE TO IE LAIIEST II WOIU Meet Tomorrow r.teet to Tab Pface at Huat. Beach at 12:00 ao ho"''" rtlvldf'd lnlt> two d..-. o n" lor th~ l11r~rr arh<><"'• and ao 11thrr rnr tht' ~tnallt'r .,·hn"~ll .,,,, ltt•H1t1 ,,, '"1 ... 11\ '''''' h t~~> 1'08111111 $7 '''''' lind "'"' ""• II lot " 1.."1 \\ lilt• \\'unwt '" ,·,•ntltltto' tal '' '' ''} u:. I \,,,.,,that t:••.&l '' l1 tl""•'" HHII\ ~"''' • rut•••, .. 1 fl \•' ''•H ''' ""'" .. " •••• J l 1 In • hl r 1 ,.,,,. 11 ,,.1 1.1,.11,. I•~· tho• • '""t•l.·l• h tlh• '"'''k olo•ll•· '" .\~tWill l'"''~"·t \\ltto h .,111 n ••tth ~nd uf .-.,1 1, "1" t •• k•· ''Htfll l•'•' t'h qro1•t' \\'.ttth't 111 •'•HUt, ... ,, tit '''•·utuu1h 1n t1 T,,, . ., "'"''"'•' Air bon.:. h· ,, \\1')1 rt. ... '''UfH\', --~····· th.tf , .. ,. ""'·''h•U hett't•UHt1~ tit.• Ia·~·'' nh Thr '"11'8 M lle\'t>rlll ol.ffl'rent n •ndhiBif'• mu•t ba\·~ -otJMT t'·t v t''l•f'I••YI't'l! hll\'t' ht·en .svllt•ttt'd I r.-"" •o tnr nn·utatmr; ...-b ta'- hy thf' unt1Prrtl~"d c-Rn<IJ<Ifllee In , rum"'" Thr o!J, 1 •WI n-•-'" t'at ll t·:•~r t l~t• (•tty emfiiOY• ('I! ('lln· that lh<'l' nn-~ "r<'! ~r\' .. r I ... !Off \"tt>'Nt',l rf'purted that ht' had bf'l'n l •n th•• r ;.turv nf It'< Ill • th · I' IU•Iot • to•l.l lly the <'Otmctlnt~n "'"' ar~ hat·•· t hr "nJ nary "·u .. a.a u1 tb • nbout Itt go out <l( t•'fk l' that he I' •mlmuntty 1 h•olM'll t~tr oont can- "" ulcJ be d!sduu :;t•tl liS soon u !"'" a tl'll. \O'rtlt••n Uu1r .,..o rbt T~<lrrl,... •' ni\Oh Ulf' Tllr trao•k ~IHnd·(lltl.• for llarht>r JIM!m tu \ nu.·.t Sr _.,., 't \ \ ,.,, '" ••· .._.r.,·tt t f~t•ht ht '"•' C"''""'', "·'' '""'"• t I• '"'''' u-tl1'1\•t~ h th,• b••UU•I Ph''-t•f Uu t•lt• l•\ ol '-llttpft• ,•t!•ut1.t t•tt•ot"lt\,! "e \\'t'r(' elet·ted l<•rm and • q::an:z-.tod Uktr OW'lt ~·•·I .rll It" ,.u .. r th t •urth 1 ht· AI II"""" In I hi' :>:..'0 Iowa. Torr-~,..,r:h• mt'fl wbf'n 11 ~nltlllna 111 nw l\I ..C'nrkrll In thf' 1:10 hilt'"•· i 1W'IInf'l"'l 8<-n• h I ' tnlct• rart in I ~om F'nj:lt'ntllll In till' llht t put. lhr annu:aJ !"outbl'rn Couotlea t>r'"'d J"ml' nnol t hr 2~Cl. Jl'fftl l~ \\• I h ''"' $'\:,: '\U •-"·'' ,,n ,tt I ,,,,,.,,,('t' t .. fh•t rl· tl ~· IC'Ithtll\ r •• JI.•\\··· '" th.· n.:u ,,, K1, d l,t••' "1 1 h 'J'Ih "l ...:,, d U 1 h fl nHt Jtt \ hu lhht/1 1"' ,\ t.u1~1 t'hHif\ ~r '''I Y''' hh!h•'!it t••tal w u11 t• ,t\oh;·,l \\',""'' '" ''"''' tu , .•1 tl u t"'' .,,., , •. ,-.f,·ut\o h • .,,, • .~ awantt·,t ' t•"-•lu .''"• ''' h " "''"' th, '""r"'''''•'" ,,f ''' ''''httth• tl·· It\ ''•'''' f 'h '" II •U utt.11.f,d We woultt llkt> tu <"all to th• llt·j ' Kntptll~ Ttw oout,:atnc ('()tUDnl· ::::_rt&_;~1HI TlM-1_::-'1~'~r ha~t:rhl'l:"1 • h ' .• ~ ... co •I'• .... 8\11' 8 1' ,..., If lt:'ntlon of all C'll v l'rnplr \'N'S and 11·' 11 8\\' !;" u 1"4'-•n lu bf' •~ed..--, ll . . • • • hrttne'ln n l '""''h Orllll#:'~ !A· th!' t;l'nl'ral public, l lat we lavf' I Tho• m<•r'(" -r·~lnc <4.., uti «UD&. -ru.t·o. r.ardl'n ,,.,,.,., rl.rt. stgntll 1\ writt .. fl• and flubh8he.J I f.11~ 10\nrK-a I• an ·~ and frank tnnc> Rn-a. \'alrnrlr :tnti !K>mt l'il'riJ:t' tartu·lp 10, or our publlahf'<l a<..IIY'lU '"" that ttwy ~Ulf' atn-.dy "-tw>r , f tbf' ~mallrr ltl houls liar platform\ that w (' will Install tt•at 'hi'\' haw• ~ clrff'Aif'd and h r wnll tlf' thr favortll' bl'••au!lfl ut .. ,.,vii 8ervil'l' tot Ctty employoef'a., \O'e ha\'f' 'a'(lll. Ia any po11t.c.l Ow ..... t nt,Urbrr ~ tralnn • tt r JIIr· wtt 'I full ""tlrl'mtont bt'nefi~ ... We c .. rrpa.a~. <"&Ddldatfa nn-w 1'-*1 rw-s. attJii"Jtrcb Jhmtln,l'lon Bfoac'l will twgln work on th111 project u 1 to the uw of til'a un"'-tltwy ~-....U bf' ncht In thto <"(ntrr 11f lhr 11uon 811 we takl' r.fflct'. The p~•· IU' l ~'Y bavto kwL J"''d...~ Tlw m fft Ia a Varalty af· ~_nr Ctty employees n~etl have no But ttwn.. thta linr1 rt1 ~ .-.. tau all tlk ••Y around w llb lhl' fl'ar of h sin~ ~hf'lr JObs bt'cau.,. t .. tw t'&JW'< t~ In ~)' aD c-u.-• of examination's for It Is JX•Btliblr pa1,na. ~40 tria tt atart a Tar CaDdevwp Enter In cal«'ll when~ clvn !l('rvlce La In· 'whispl"ring t'!'lmf\&Jtn • and _... &rea Relay..- st-llled In a city. to blanktt in the wnull1 Ilk~ \<> •·am OW pullbc If It Does 't Ra • enlirt' exlallng staff lhua giving aRauat t~ l;t'J'f' <1f <"and da,&, wbo D lD 3hnntl tn thr H O 11no1 ~!1111 Taylnr In llw 11110 ~t f11~ot.n ""' '"•It _., •. , t.· ••I ,, 111 1 t tl I t tt I ' ,., .. + '" , •• ,,,,.,, IU l.h't" ,,, ,, ''" ~,. ,.,,.,, ·'' lht '0 •• rt1t•U\ "-···· .,,.,. ••1111 Ht lilt •··ld \' '•'t th,• \lttt tt·• 'i\,d \tl ~~ tl ''" Itt f'••l \\dJuuu J ~.,,, •••ttlltltthf1111• Baaebatlera and Tenni• ~~""'"' ~·••··· ''' t••l •·•n •$':Git '• "1 "' '""'" ''1 111" •lo·•~·t '"·'' "111''•·• ''1 rho· '':''"'11 t: .... u .• lplt , l< HO '"'' '', 1 • 1 '•" .,1, hi, t•h "'~·· \\ 11Uhl I" I nut uh lfH,It•• ttt•, I' ( '•ttl'"'"" t't~UltU.uul•rtt' 1:,·ru 1,.t ,,, Team Open With Tustin -t-·n~h•h $1:1 i·· "'' :41.,,.,, .. 11 • '··•··pn•o•n• ··I " ·'·''" "·'''' h ... i~·•l tho· \\ ,.,,,., ,, 1•h "''J ,., """"' .c ''"' Tht' haiiC'hall """ad'" flnt ~tamr S17 ll'. '"'· ~1'.• I•'' )I ~'"' "''1 ""1" 1"·" 1'''"''' '"' •'•""''' I "'""' '""'''"I'',;,.,.,_.;,·!\!""''"'"' '" t~ hfo p'ttY'''1 "'\lh Tutfttn on tht• ~h1 1' '~~~ ~:. t ·• , "l. "''n;: ""''''1 'pL'n 1"''1 t.~.·t• '' PJ "'' '" lt~t• ,•tuft t' :-\'I ,.,,.,, ,,,, •'-'rlutt •n homr ftrl.t Monol&y Thla p:amr l•l$2.::11 I ' ·"I='' ,.,,,., n .. '"' • 11111'''""''""111 "1 11' ''111 ·''"'I "I tlw lith 1\;r"'"l l •r•ttlt·l a prar t •c• ~~:aoir to t .. rrt lhf' boy• ,~"'. •It\ .f:l . :••. l.ot111 """'' •1•1••t ~'1 ''1''1 •"•J•I.ttn lltf\·t•tt••·•••ft twrt•~l tht• unoJI'r prC'IIIItlrf' nnd tn 1(1\'1' \1\t•m 1 s:u. -'4 .'"t ~:n~·l '" ~.'7 •11, .'llo\ Itt •I '""' o•llttl nl ''"' lh "'"ml-nluahl• n fwrltn• r T o 'lnd -l:nchah \'111 S 11 '" :'"" "'"'" I ~UM St•r\· it•t• to In 'l"'"k 1111: '" rltt• c'"""' ,,, owv· thr bl'lt poaalhll' r~tmbtnatlon for .l'•h \'1 $HI :111 ::~ llt"l"l:'' ,.,.,, "'"""'"' ''""'"'I' lto•U• twt~:h· ll't' ''"llllnp: J:Arnt' C:ta <'h Jotllln b&l SlO~. 2~3 ltl\th" $.'.' ••• 1 ••• Bt~ Exh•nflt'd ltt•rt• I ~···~~~ <'If to•\ IHhl I Itt• 1~'11111)'. L'nl ,u,·ldt•ll th• llfllllld lnt • tl"aiT'II and I Cht'n11a:" $:1 ~·· 1 ,,,,,.. $:'Ill , . .,, to~l\1 "' tit•• r~t•o••l .. r "" ''"""'· lit hovlnt.: f'•tt•h "'"m prac-\kf' In I Boya' C:\'tt\ S!llll •••• "'"'rn ' •. ,. tl r ...... :4110'1 1\IIH'Ill•• '" .... t c~·"""' 'I""''' ttl lht~ ,. .... ,. •••. tboe lnfll'ld and ou tftrld Sl4 •~1 ·''" 111nl• • tlw ' ""''"'' , """'"w~"" 1-••llt.·ol t •• th•· , ... ,., ...... ,,. .. r I'O' them pl'rmanent protl'<"ttnn tn lht"lr ... ,u ~to_.. ~~:-. On T\anday. Marc-h zoe. proyld · empt•)yrnnt. Sm<'<'N>ly ""e ~ ia-rlll". tht ~r?s Rf'· G.A.A. HIGHLIGHTS Seniora Prepare Evcrv clth:en }\nnwe that v u c A.SIIl.F.Y IC\;0\\'l.."IO S ta,... arf' t o bfo bto"1 at Rl"''a. llar· 1'11··•0".\' Marrh :'1 lhr junior for Graduation t ·• , ~"'' ,, ,,, .,,,, .. ,.111u '•' Hrn ••"hiiHtlu..: '' ptu•!'"'" · t .. ·•"•"•n Tlon"tttll "l"'r"~tn.: the 11\trot ln..: """'"' 1"'""'"'.., nf 1111' ~··n•k•· 111 , t••n ltf\~\• h \'t, '""' l'tUI h11•• •tn 4''C. can't fire a clvtl •• tvk • Ptrplo~.-f' 1 ALRERT 00\\"'ES N>r baa~ IMw rt'"lay• f(lr ttl" ""'' PPOI"r G A.A \'hllf'\'llllll lo•ama1 T T h"o It follows that thl' tnt·umbl'nt 1 CLYDE Sl n:R\\'000 .,.... t wo yrara In a row and Ia travl'lf'cl to Oranrr In l'llr11r •pall' Ito •· ol ''''"'" I •' ~'"''"'"'' 11 al_... n-rtaiD to tall~ ttwm aJ,!nh In lhto annual volleyball 1port8day . Wll~ '''"""~ •''"""I t .. Po·nlt~ra r amt Ul,. ,....r Harbur will comp h• 'n\1' Ill' IliOn Wf'ff' h • I IIJl to lhrlr Whl"ll lito \ \\ l'tt• Ill• .ol<oll•••l l"r 'll)lll 1 ,._.,fWt • ._ .. Of thf' aamr '"0' " I~ uaual fnrm. •nd all feelln~: rf t l'a m and 1:"" ••• Political Adverti!'(>fllmt- t,.U•I h11111 ~t••t \ h,• ftt • •u• " ~tt•IIIJt ~." 1•••11 I'• .u1' l•••u.:1,.,. l,..•t\$: llo•no It pitt Ill To·t 111111111 h ill lid I\ II• I •·th~·• 1"'"~'.., :ot• t'-. ,. ,.,,,.n,1,. ''\'••t ll :·1 tnt\. t•nltt• '"''' 1,. f 1 "'" '''""' \\ ,., kt ',. ••tth' Capl C. M. FueJJer's Balboa N--s·Thnrs that It dlofe&tfll tn ttw •-:.· •• ·,., .• , p'av "nct ronJlC'rnllun '"'"" llll'kln~ •·,,. ' "o· II"""' • ...... t .. r atl· A • Ht> st atH that ant..&l~t .....,.._ P.riaya ,.._ ~a. ~np.. •rd ' Anshtlm dl"ff'lllf'd thl'm by the wleor. will lake """"""'"" ""'" fnr ggressave Campaign oltC'Il diffn ia bult p ltoclpk-s. but many oltw1' _,, .. Mob Thl'ff' outrajt\'0\18 IICQr'l' of 22 to 42. cap• anti It'"'""" If 1\11)' lll'nlt•~ I'IT\' :-<1 .11 '1~1-'11 Captain F\JI'IIer'!'l ag~:"-~·il·l' that ~adl votn ,., f'fttltWd to"-~~ c-t.aac. ~rbnrdmay toni ·r 'Tbf' Junlon pl&yf'd their u•ual ~~ f b.···n lllPI\A4tro· t ""' Thl' 11 ,.,.,.n ~ ""'' 11 10t111 ,. Ia '""'"t: LIDO TIIF.ATF.R ,.,..,..~ tltf -............ ~ .. . " ............ ~ ~ ........ '"""" ... . ntlltroot~ 1 J f' 11'rl11 )ftl'lt~l .......... ,.., .. ' ... r....n .. _ """ ,.._ ',. -= .. 11•1111. lhr 1111' ~t\lu'<• llnd ,_........ t ;, . .,,., .tl l'••ot•m•· ,-.'lftlm"nd far ... o'"'l"'' 111 1(•11 Wllh 1•1lwr unl'l'l. I :,.1\ l•t'II'IM 't•oko• hlch\)' <JI ttw ""''""' 1•11 .... do-\'o•l ... tn\1-.th ........ t h·· '"''"''"•'•· h•' "''' "anuud 1o .. "'"' l>~lo••l ~ tth "~~"h .:•ltant ,.._ pie, \\h•• u~•u.,\t\Utt• 11\"ttn.• UA\~· '""' ' l ",.l ... wl ..-,., lnln~hi< .. ~J ma)-.. ,,, • ••1'"..:•· t'••unt \ t'tt h~ "'"' J•._ .I ~t.·l ,.,,.., 1'''''1•lt'1\t uf ttw• .,._. ,, t th t h•U • "'"P'"'' '"ttnt: fnUr'tt .. tho• '"" 1.. "II tlw '-'·''"' Marria~~ l.k-eftiH '"'"u""' '"t" , .• ,, .. f),.., n . l"o"\11""' 114-Jt• h Alllll' JAJII' ......... hrtol .• 'It l '•otllll Mr• WlMl Ill')'" for 1\dwon....._, H. b\11t)'. It pays for I twit• BALBOA THEA TEa r. ............ ,-; ...... : •• lo~~•l Shn"'·lnlt ol 11 l )o•ti•S.· .-.,.. htrr l'n>~:rllm ~tart,. at fllO • Mill ...... : ......... --. , ......... . ..................... n..4lttl I p --nat •• ,. -.-DOWllf ,,.. camtlaign for I'II'Ction to lht' Cll) for •'hat ~if aft).~ ~ an t·omp.•h• J:'&mr.nnt vrr y faat but Vf'ry lll.eady Nil "" Ia S1 :~l v.llltlo Ia t .. br !ooi.J llr .. ttnol !'trl llltt Attuv 11\1111•• council is PI"'O;I'\'lllltVt'ly unfo lrlinJ:' C.'lndidalf' I« thfo ('OUII('t) " ~ apinatl llw lar,:tor arhooa. a>arh "•I hut lhl.'y wtrl' ahlo defl'stl'd. paid In n ... ,,, "o• ~I,.~ 111'\ltwr nl•u•t " • ''"''~' "'"" "o•lll f•>t. " /'rbY stoll'mt'nts of his plalfonn an milled. &lata AD&. F.af'd8ior, Cor ·pt.)ft, 1\i..tln nutll('nrf'd tlem bv flvf' will r•·o<'l\•o• lho· n• "''" fotr IU\ wttlk ""' '" lltt• r .. to·tol ""'' ""''"'"K -~ 'suctf'IISivl' iuui"S' or-tt\1' ~""'lX' -,fl'11161tftl ...,,~Wt••••"li·iM-LJ .. IlJ)L ~ ~ Soutb Pu. and point.. t hr fln•l arnrl' bfolni SS t u I noutiCf nH nt t·ard" They ano \\ "'"" 'o' • "'"'' 1•11• k ho• """ Ill' I r t.tl '""'"· ............ . ........... , ............ ....._ ... ,._ la -nt1Tr. TO l .ftlT." lltfatr'f'h •f .,_ · tl-1 ~-CfiM • ('a ...... ,..-.... .... -.utrn.ICJII'I' oLU~Gt~~r ,, ...... ,._ ' -;==========================;;;;;;~-ll'ttJCi... I sa_ r t .... f'hf lrlllll t'ar h, ""''tilt')' llhOultl '"'"•AII/Ikl• I N\ 'Ira In ltla """'' (j F.ntf'rtatnml'nt by thf' ynllnjtrl!l be "rJ .. ., •I lll'hH r Mun'lt ~I , lt H til,; 11tttl•h· ,. .,T11.: 1)1,.111 AAkr.l ,.11• M E SA L I ~u 0 I S H 0 P E.tldie'a mc-mbt'r of ONinj!'~>'a wolf park wa• C•·nt I "Y'''' •• "'" ll\1\ttll( "' • ltr•l''' ,. ""'" 1\o· t:ttl th"m ..... -. ....... .. .... .._.......,...,. • 'urnlahrtl •·htn ~tn BJ:I!'N!IIItYf' lit-den• fott 'u11tn.: I'" •llt Thrl'f' are "Ofln' a '"'"im ·• ,. ... thr """ BARBECUED llf' alx Vt'Ar old WI'Dt abnul lhl' I Sl.3\l :,,, ""0' htttttlro··l ""'I •1111 fnr , lu;ll\111 rt•t•l)' "' lllr lall frum S •...,.WJCHES 1 \'oll•yb"ll court pttlltng thr ll'lfll of fin > Tho•to· ttrt· l ltt •·r typo·• tco 1tln ... ktyn Jlt%11 NewJM~ri IIUM. • nL. -.wt M • a.la .._, ~ ,........, 1 the ~Iris' l')'m llttort11 and lf'ttlnc l l'hlw.,... I'"'"· 11nol llh ... •h .. uld be INCREASED LIQllOR TAX SCALE POSIW 11Y 0 P A Ale Delicioaa! thtom anap back &l(alnat thf'lr lep ordrr"l tn tht rw11r tuturf' 1 Lat•r. w hl'n th" J:(IIT'"~ hlltl all ~··ntur '"h'o•nt" 1111" worktnll "" 1 bfoftl played otf, mu11k wa8 fur. I tbelr '!"'"~'""" tu IM• prrllf'lltr.l "" GOES IN'IU EFFf.lCI' A.raL I."" A.VAU..ABLE NOW IN C..UE ~ 4/5 Quart. llt'M 4 s ca--ta vc.&A 4/5 Quart. GIS 4 S q..rta .aA..."''tY nlab~d In the om for all thMI' crallt!atlllll nl~tht At • rr•·rnl IIDare•a Coafectiooel-y !~t•rla whn wantt'd tn danr•: ho•·l ml'I'Unl( lhr • '""" '"tl'o l 11nanh ntor, mo.\ ot the-m jull\ Jilood mou•ly tu h1wr 1-'"t ho r l'laalty of ~ Or.eMt F..-t I around and watrhf'd t hl' tlttlf' wolt the !'A 1\ A n t o Ill' JCUr•t .q>oeakrr 4/S Quart. TEQt'IIA 4 S q..rta II.Ul"-'"'l!:aO SAVF: flY PURCHASING IN A.SE UY1'S BEF'OR£ A.PRJL J ~ n -...... ~ .-.ctt IIT'II 8t~ Ml• n.r. .. .. waa rt"ally I (fA<IU~I· n ol&ht No th•ftnltr rr· In thr ~tr'"'"'' with h JJ Vf'l"l!ioon 11f •pon"" lh t hla v.•&nl hu ht•rn madr 'tilt' New Yorkn, OuuiHton. and u >' .. 1 -------------'-------·, thto dip 8tt>p •II combloed Into 00 40 I A h•t uf atu<lo·nt.a ~traduaUnc , ·due. When tlmf' came to co hu llt'o•n '"""''• ''"'' If any flo•ntt~r ~nmt• Pit thf' l(lrl• Wl"rc-In atllC'hea j t hink• hi• ur h• r nkmr •"•·ul<.l lrr 'hi~ Jltllf' fc-llow had nnt an uprea-rOll tt IUlol It tan t . .,.,. Mr llamblel 11100 on hla farl' whatevt>,. but the TAKE HER TO • • ONCE A WEEK rnutlnt" h~ had cone th l'fl\llh w u CQ. .. ~UNITY 818L£ FOLKI a rtol. . 1 A I hrlll Ia Ia •tore for CocDIDII• n:e eenlon cam• out Y\ct.ortou. Dlty Wble Audltonum &oera out Ovl'r the IIOphomorM . Moad11v In llaturday llllbl. lttt&Kh 2r,, at 7 :16. thto t lrat G.A.A. tntei"Cl._ ,._. fill A. -4(J..mtnull' aoun,s rnut1o11 ph llhl' vnlll'\'ball •~"•"''"· Th" acore t uN>. lllrar,::ht front A:rlu •"111 br at lbto tond of t hf' JCIIme wart ~ tn ,. ,.,..,, fr•·r "\\ ''' hl••llllol '"' o·" ·· 2'1, l hl' lll'nlor11 lhl' vlctMrt by 29 .. a f&Kinatfng Jllrturt" ttf tho Itt• I p In I" •nJ "'' rk f (,lrtllttnn ''"' tut ~, "Ill· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ba-~1 w•l•hr r•n "'~I AI•·••' "''' i-~v,..r\ l'f h,,,,l 1 u" 1tJ11 pmht••nu•. '' 111 lu I • • k' ~~ \111 •• ' •t 1,. t , hut A nnht•lrn Nt't u,. • ., ~ h:n·•n ~ '' .. u,. ~fu ·•fl•ulh I.• 1·• r , '"f·~uv ,,.. m rr lhnn 'll"' ·""·11•' l\.11 l rn~tl•l,.ll "''""" T il. ullol ot•ot 11111 '" l•~lll ttl ' - Orange County's Most Complrte Auto Body, Fender and Paint ~hop Operated By the Finest Craftsmen in the Business and Loolted in Our New Annex i M M M I M M a a e e e + + • • e A • if FFFMMMMMM EMMFMF EM e AUTO REFINISHING e Frame & Front End Alignment e Duco and Synthetir-Enamele o,dy and Fftlder Strai«h~in« C:F + 1 e ' a+ e e y 1 e • + 1 + a++ • + ; ; *' • • • s • 1 e + + * 1 1 *; + e 1 + e sa a* • Let Us Put Your Car (Re~ardless of Make Model) in First Class Shape . Dril'e in at OXfE for a FREE ESTJ)IATE or .CULBERTSON CHEVROLET CO. CHEVROI..ET1 -OJ..[)S~IOIUI.~E R.\IL" 'A~U SER\.I('E Huntinlfon Bnth llr'• ,,,ntu·• t • .t •• 1 '~1 • p•·n ·tf ,, n• At 1 7!i(J Ncowput t IU\ tl ht 1 tt.f"l • t••ar .... t .... Jl •·• n oc fh~ h•·r .. 1'4 u ,\r., .• lllf1•' h.·~hf JJ J "''' rl••t -4htt\\ 111; • • • J( • ... f I •• , II , ~II' t ., I ••• I I 1n1• I l/11 ''I •f'l ,,,. ll.rnph· 11111~1 TAl< T,.k 1:111'.'11 lh<!)''re not nll ""h'o·~ MEEZ MIIIJlE AME/1/CA , .... ,. ...... ,. ... ,..., ... ..,~, •I -~~~, A•~u• MlifTl llj() ., 10J"M( .,, '# "* _.hi ... .... a-oi)J)O .0 ... 04 • .,,. ....... 1 • ., ... "'....,· ~ 1 ¥!\.LI(IIt ~··'»t ,,,, t'l• I I It• I 1 j1' • • I'' ,I t • """''''' ht•tury \\'llhvut It llu·t •· 1\o 1 • 11111 t I• 11 1 1 .• , ,,. l'lttl v ,, '" I:"·· I I "' -~ "'"« ... ,. .. •. ,. .. f'Wt ONit ,.,,.,,. 1J 1•• ··~ &;f P-;-1( • , .... Wt6 Tl lh Mtlifr~"' O•tt•••"'"' ·~ ....... J•u• ....... ., .... ,. •• , tl) .. ,,.,., ...... ( ... , .. , Ci t C.OOP~''.t"l), """'~' IJ ,, , ,,~ terdtpt" l•,t ~"'"'' ,.,.. ,,., '" hce ..... ,, •r~··~ • '••,. '"' '' • •ther IJ,d,.t• .. ,. .. ,,,, • .., '''"'"' l rtte I n"" Ut ft••t I P ''u ev•••· th• u ... ,.,d &h'-• t .,2 ...... eu.. ... ..,.... ·~· •• ,. Howard W. Gerriih Automobile . Accident • • Fire Life l.u • n•~' r,n.t ''uu\rt•• t It. ttol~ \\ rtlto•n t ·.' ( -{.( ..... ~ . '"-· -. ,...._ C'arv o ... at · J,.. .. Oarflloll • •pr;,.'I1NA'I10N TOKIO" ('an-a N-. w .......... n.lw ·~.,.. ................... ........ h; ur•••• A..,-,:tt h-'RK• ...... "TTfr. noon rr.r.t.n.,_.. l'<ari-............. .., ..... ,.. •tartt .. tr '""'"" ... ,... • "1t0tft'Anr.Au f._..~, ..... ,." ........ .._ •• T•rawa" .., ...,.... 1..--t A•....,.., ......... ,,,...... ....,_. ... .. .... lu• ... .,A 0•• Na-. ,_.., ......... et .......... "'('•••7 "-... -u, ......... , ••• r.,,.,. .. . ' . IIIIOOaLnr ................. ....,.G. A', ~ . ,._;;;,::. __ WI .. .... "''IINO CW .... •• llr .... ~~ ................ ....................... ......... u. "'OWDN~ -.- C"elliMCI ........ _ cy ... . ............ .....,... ........ .. ., ........... ..,..._ ..... ........ ..,.. ..... ~ ...... u. ........ . SOLICITIIIS YOII SIPPIIT FOR RE-ELECTIDI Fll CITY COIICILMII O .. I.IED ...._ J'ulltknl Alh>t·ttt"'''"''"' BALBOA'S PHI:SEN 'I ~ Ocean A venue at Third St. Phon~ 318 ...... el dt"'<l'' oc , A •"'•" tNt '""O~I"fl"t ,...,..b•r of fhl U fillttd ~•t•&"'· He••• ,..,.,. '"'' ••r •"•rt br proc:tw'""t l'ubb•'· ... ,h,, ••• ,.,., l tlll, l Ull", ba· ,. ...... ''""''"· •"• caetor ell .. '""''""' ,., ....,..., ... ...... ,. ANU IllS ()fU'II•:~TitA -t7 SATURDAY NIGHT-MARCH 25 ~ . ! • • ' ' I • ....... NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. Newpan !Inch. CaJlfomla, Califomia, 1'Lwillllr7. Jbn1a Zl, JM.1 ·----~--------------------- liS. AMERICA MEETS DEFENSE that tiM' l'ONIUmt'rs are facmg llll} cut In •upplil'" 1inc~ lllam p "!'\ o 31 bt>comt•s valHJ on -'prll 1 I 1 ltk •• No. 30, wUI bl l ood I.Ddetlnlldy 1ht•t ,. 1\ .II bo.· a limaJI •·ut in tho: allotment to hw<int'lllll firm,., who Wlf' sugar, in l hl• qullr1t•r of t\fll1l to Junr, except bltkt>rs and nm kl".-,., &alar stamp No. 31, the Jtlllnp or . <lru~& and vtta.mtn pr .. lluc" Mra. Amt-rica Is using now for ThiS amoun_tr; to 10 pt'r r••nt Sl' llauMhoki IUppl!H, Will not ell )in-, fi'W h OUSI'WIVI'S dn I ho•ar· 1'" 11 h11k · an March 31 as had t~< .. ·n ~ .... -In~; today that (JPA lo•lt it c'nuld .toudy ~-llowev(.'r, thr ll?1 C\11 liM' bakerr;' suppl). It I" bldeftftit• .xtf'nslOn o1 the lam(' fur dlrfc•f""('nl With lhl" C'llnnt•t-.., Whll'h UIAnc thAI stamp doet not muD mf'Ans that Mnc. Arnl'nt"tl 'houlrl ~lt'J> up ht>r canning th1 ' )''"llr since the stock on J!ror<·n.· ~lwlv••, QualitJ Lumber and 8uildia1 Material• • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. R. ~. HOSTETLER ~ ... It hill fall Will bl' ll~ht l'r I A ftd ottwr t'tiOd" ... I IIPr.• tn· l'oulh•·na Calctua·~tuo. c-nbba~·· Is tlropptnt.: an prtl'•• un· 1 dcr lht> bll>it\'~t rrop tn Y•'a'"' T h t• ~upply j,.. li41 h••avy thiJI thP \\'11r • Food Admma,..tra taon ha" ;,t<'pflt'll io~h(.'lp movl' ~uml' of ttw Mil· ~0 thl' Mlllo'lkl lllll f81'lllrtl'' 1-'T'ont now unt d 1 h•· Ill'"' l'rofl '' an OPA has rul•-<1 thai tho• tl"llctlt•r n<"<-d not ..art "'" putnlflf"' 111111 A and ll ,.tzr~o, hut c•un ~II th••m GORDON B. F'INDLAY OONTIIACTO&UIII avu.ou MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OUR SPECIALTY Cabinet Shop Service Offtcle Cabblet Shop If II C..t BMI. . 40'7 30th Sl .... 40! Ph. 2S8lhl NEWI'OIIT BUal, CAI.D'. IUmJ•-<1 l~t·lllt"t An 11nl••r It'" 11url"< the am uunl n f !)'f' Whll'h t'iln ,,., u•t'<l m makan~; tnrlu•t nal nlrrt- hol.' and ullota tho• d tfl f·n·m·•· tt> 1 h'" ro•ro·al m.mul.oct uro•f"'o • E1Htr1f• lrnn• II :'\1'"' Antt•t ~t"H !:•'" ••n•· uf th•· n••V.• t~lt"(;l rH: UY~ 'A h••,•• rl\1-iOUf,a•· tuto• \\'I'll ft)IJIIII\1'11 'h•· "Ill II• "'·"'Y IJ<' , "'' an '"" mtlllnn Th•· uut l'"' h.L, bo·•·n ltmtl•·tl '" th • , lt.(llft•, IW't'IIIIM' I oll'ltorlt'> llllll'k l;. Nlrll ··rt1hl•• ''' ''~~"" ""' k "••r<• not .11 u duhfo• L1k•• o•\ o•t~ o·f•·••ta tr•d hr•m•• UflJIIIanc••· II ' •mtcll Ito k••t·f• lltur rold aron Jll !;fool! "m k1111: or ' ol1•1 \\'f'JI tli.'O 11111111\IIH'o"(1 lhfll lij•· t'iiiJ"-•' uf t hi• ''"1'114'1 \.\11'1' 'hurtiiJ.:•• lho· prco~luclloll tof ml\r•r-und nth•·t hllml' f'iflliJllllt'M. "Ill not b.· ut· lo•II\J)I•-tl fiHW - A Honlf' Orin Wlulo• 1locon~; ho·r 11<1rl an lhr "'"''' fi.IIH'I Ulllf IIWt) (,tl 11•1\'t'• 1111' hootl•t•llol ft• hll" .• rhlcnl'(' too >Iliff II hooml' "tlt11"t•" \\ltH'h "Ill Range of ~ Corpt Fipkr Plalle Increased f v DrOppable "IWiy .. T ..... MARINE CORPS fictlw ..... art ~dine die w ......_-* J1111 in the Soot.h-•t Pacik. ~" Clune~ VOIIIIII c..ir ..,_. --... ;., •. h•'r mun•') C:lzt'"-f'Un,:alrU 1,' beftl • • h adclitioa ef. .. • ...... ur•· t.:lllnt.: tu I•· ht~;ho·r lht• )''·" ='This i.e ~"::~p"t.:;!~'"' dloe ...... a.:.. ....... P.-ec Now..,.. --· In~ lin. Sl6r ....... ~ 1Ift. .... • lrllpn Ord ,.., "'-' c o,.- <::Sos1l ...._ ~-L .Jb!lo)f "' till' 1\unl;cn \1 "" pl:orc· '" d• Conair with the ntw tank t10 ie tt'.aord foe pc+s in .,. *--. .en) hurw· t•.onnlnt.: t·an "••II lclf••r•t ..... -•• ''' ''"" ,1 •••un•l·up••f 1'1•1) t.:l•'' ---~ Jln. ... tt.t £ ~-•·•·nl.un• r •h•• run tl'l' lnlt•r Tho • ~larrh 14 Vto-tror l.'·rpa. t"bl ...... ~ ,.. 1-Att~h ~.. Me J..,._ ~ F ~ 11111'1' "" n···· JUI• "'fl , •. ·''"'"' u a; ••. I ..... , f( .. n. lllltl Barrow ...... I •t• • r r.nnlton R ~· ... CJeZl ~ ....... X Etldk. 1••r ,.,.,., ht~;hc·r tht" ~··,or In flll'l 1 r•l""' :opur1<. t•n t 10:! 104·10& E r~·-q•r "'.od llbown-Wilda ...-.-. <1d* lin.. .. -~ 1'101111111'11 '·" ('linn. I' hoi VI' ·"·····'" I Ray $4011 s::Ott ht•m t"l\'t•n thr rtl:hl tn t'hart.:r t\\ -rl • 11 t1 ,-, f)11naltl Nle!acJr, --n-I-" ~ .. I" ........ •·-•·~··~·-:. S....:... l't•n t• rtl<•fl• .at rl'latl lur •••·~· 11 11,·:· :--; .. l'tt\' 1-'rullt . Bllboo • ,.,., P F'lnlfl&v to ~ JlllW1 .__ , ,..._. f.CI'k••d VI t.:l··~' than tho ,.,lftf• 11!'1. , ... t ' '" l•l .:ara:;•· l>nd work-.. fnonl rorcb and &"-..... ... = • I "c·tt.:ht lin l"""'·•tn•·r c•"t:-.. ,.1, 1, 1 •. 11 , 111~ ny 27 rt. 8 lne. 1 • · ' ·" /'vf' 5:!00. •. baa .. _ :.n, Om, ";. ..,__ • • • 711 !.tun,.:old. $[,()(). ~~ ol• h .'fl F: R,_ -~ ~ lin.. ln'llr ......_ Budding PermitS ! Man·h t:. ,..t;hn•ntl r.orda. Jr t.17:.: Flruact-,.a,·. Santa .__ ~ lin..-.... F_.__ 711 < ·a•a'~omaa. Hunt ngt n Partl. I• r "" n•·r '" build ...,__ -c::lnil: ._ ~ S 'eultiMr-ww NEWPO"T BEACH t•••r t;nr•i"n V. Fintllay, to buDd tl'tmtlv rt"f'lliD!!: !".U ~ UU&&. , , _ I n+ll, tum lu hathroom and aaall~ Al'r $:!()(If) I *.,....... Jre. 1 1 1934 lll;lj :··· •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : 11931; • • • t~37 ~ FOR BUILDING INFORMATION :1•9:\8 23~.(), 4 r•·t··"'" tu in~rlor of tlweUlq, 312 Marrh 20-ft.o7 IUiry. ,_ _.. ~ "'-r F1lnr ~ ... , 411,,440 Sa pbl nAn , r ~~·r Jpr k \'l.'riebt-to llu'ld ~ E Bitt Altloe......... I 711'(»19 p r .. , ..,..., . . ~·ouu 1 ..... ,...h t (J South eo..t eo.. 2111 ~:nrn~:r wath found8tka. U. ~ . = g 1 9u '637 w. Central. per Gon1vo B. Find· b. ,..,.~ $500. I a OCMr-..... X... L --~· ~·2 ~t-H:'J lay to mat&ll toll~t room. and March 20 T . W . ~-~ -. llttlllrnH- PuBLIC Nonc.:s It's just G QUICK TRIP TO YOUR--JOB AT Willi fllQ WoaKING CONDITIONS EXaWNTPAY DDI WHD..a ~NG ON·THE·JOI IlEAL AID : ., 1939 ._....;;,___ _ __ _... ~ ltiO • 1941 : 1942 ~z_ ____ _ 41\(1 320 .l.Jlj_u~2 1 m~th•· rl'p&lr~, S2.500. 3:! !'t ~r .,.._.. to •,.,.. .-..r ~ 1.22\1.•~·. ~r&rt'b JS:..;..'R. P!:""'nU«, ut:Tlt. _,.. ~ -• • • ~ ,_. 260.~ 1 """' r:ll. I"'' Gffl~ RHd, to lltuGd ftrr :lfWo-32 8t. Clstt -M , a illt.6-.-,l~ lin. :....-.. s. s-m. Ta:AJaPOirTATION paosu~n­ AND IIOlJSING INJIOUIATION Bay District Lumber Co. WAL ftR I. IPICE .. , Owfter Newport Beach ON C~NTRAL AV~NUE, N~WPORT a~ACH • • • • • 1943 1944 1:'1.23!'> V i33 7,677 8 l4!'> 1:!.7:.!7 14.060 7,398 1\.760 22.3o1' 13,940 10,014 16.160 i•:l.:tn 2z.:n r:arar:e to rorar of d• .,._. ~hm h 21 Mr. _,. --. li8t and mak~ N'patrw to ~ _. l'hnr1 11;/l~ v .. ~ Virw. Dr ca-. I • RNT St& a 1"111:•' $1.000 "•'" 1.... •-nw. to~ ... ... ~ ...,... • ..., ~ Uan"h 1:. Dr RnyaJ Raadolt 6 tt Ill rr-t c--1 ...._ ... I.Sia o.-...._ ...._ ·: Han.wn, 63:» & flot.art. Loa AD· 1 :! '"""" d-atac. 22$ &8d ~ " ._-I .:••lt>• t.4'r nl4-nrr prr ~ ~-Ah'"'''"' RAiboa a.s..d. Ieee ._pea._ ...... C :V..... " lt• buti•J "2b30 t•·n rtt,_y ~ "~' " ·~ f"'.-.d<11 Ho• 0,.... ...... Jln ftrnt aS. W*z_ huu!lf' 3 r t>ml and batb. 213 ~-JIS Bronwood Aw .. Wee L A. ~ 1ln ~f 0 ..-..__ llll. 12.000 fW1" II• ~· and ~ ., -.4 ~ ~ ~ c._ I ltlarr h 1:• \'l.'lllarol ~hf'llon. •n • \\t"ltlnl:" wttla t a m ..,.,.... --- ,.. (' ... •I ""\' Jl"roaal.. 11ft. •--.-• ,.._. t • l"n 1:&1 ro·r C'harlf'• f'bi~ to )t•rrh ".I '"-• r> r.-..,.._ I~~-rx,. ~M-.X!:J n·rt..,,• ""'"' fuuntJ&Ucon wttb-. """"""'"' --•·ro•lf' $3:1(1 2~1> F".allt C'.-tral. per -. .. ~ ~ ~ '"' nr I• a~t'""""' ,.., ._,..1lJ8C ... ... .. -•• Maorrh t f, r;,..,'ll:,. W~bf'r. S&n-., . ,. ,., houw . .,__ ~ 5 T l•.n.bto ta Ana Av•·. JWr Otto M f'i'dd. to ~·11".11 2:!-0ial IL ......... ~ ~ ~ Dr-Ait bull.! t::x 1• "''''""1>:" bullllln~. 143 F"....., ('nmptnn BtYd... ~ _. <1rwtl .,_ S., """'T-. Sa.nlll . Ana Av~ .. $2:10. Clowtl 11n ._ L ~ U6.5M Manh 17 .1. Vngt•l ao.l V. Hay. =~·~of s:;--.. -_ 18,740 J*r uwoPr, lll:'J E. ~ntral. to • · .._.~ ...._l hull<1 11 3-car ~d 2-<:ar pnce ~ "-tt 1:1~ • Rr.aJ Roland. 322 S•:flu • ', PLUM8tNC PEIHifTS ·~ Cll&lr ~ C-r licft- Mareh II! 11. Jo~ Waytww 3406 Jolan-h . 16 RaJptt R DJ -.-.c.-a Do-t X. dwelUnr. F\nley Ave., pu oWlMr, to ~Ud •1 prr n<l\'1\f'r. Z2 ~ A-. I a ._ - - -------------------------:l-rtto rv ......... b •t...,..,. Mareb 16-J. 8. 8Dntllt.. plr ' ._ ..,___ L -...... -------------·---·:_"".:_-___.:...,:::_e_ouae _ _:__:·_•:.._::.-:...:...:..·__ owner. 1135 BtMe ~-.....&-. · -.-- iiiiiiiiiiiiiliii • ............ -~ ........... -PoUtkaJ Actwrtiwnwnt- Vote for·-_ _____._ ______ _ -EVERYBODY'S I arell ..____. a..11t .-r L a <:lmk.. ...._ ,.,_._. ......._ P,fi(\J,., :'114 W . Orntnle. ~: ..... ~ C-« a Warrh 18 H r . ..,..__ ,_. __ _ 'WIM'f'.3403~. ~~· Mardi :M E "-W t ~ n.tr £.a,.f ~ ~ ·-"'"' '•3..'\ ~ ·-(""--* .... _ &.:, .~>c.-£LECTRICAL P£ ... fTS (",._-....... -.1 &., • .- Jo:~rc-h , .. , ..... ~,. .. 'W'ard. ~ F"...t Ray A \• Maffb Ui ~ct S\"CD&D _. Jla- rtnf'. J"r lllar k.,..ard. Man:il Hi I .• ,,.. rtr. R r.uttwno 132 8f' Bay F r• "'II P"" Rl~ M Arrh '" c:. • r::,. \\' A~. u ..: . llarrltnl: A,.,. 1 • r r.t:u"'kbo-ard T"AIIfSAME RIC A c.At .. ............ '-. ~ ··~ .. !!L.!II'. ,~.nt.. ... 11C' s-.. ..\all ,...,......., '-""" r_.. • • ••••• •··~·~ '' w.t As ,..... . ...llefpen ....... -.allldpas .............. Hapas l'ipWcWen_.Hdpca r · ,...,..Hdpns ... llaalllec:taMia ... Hd,as Wdclc:n ... Ydder-TniMit Warclto.c•• Dni....- Scn~Gp&plwfl Typita TaiMtlalies Traieea APPLY TODAY Ill PORT ANT ....... Social S«wiry Cud, .... el C • Hp _. AftlilaiMiicJ Ceni6cate. CALIFORNIA SHIP8UILDING CORPORATION ---·a f II lluu4 -··-·--............................... . U...,.,. ~ IT~ L.a --.u& ..... ...._~IUCM . . . .., ...... CALSHIP -: ~ : .. ~ ~. ~ ~ T -HARB-OR • • • '-~-- AIII1Hrtl a nr·tr• ''1"'r1 ~~ ~ Hrn«-rlc-a (' ,....,Itt ··on rf'~ ~(;>. • oy hv rttlllfl"lln ·If t tl«' loo.arcl A 1' Gtannmt, 111lt>\t'"lr "tM't T'"JC'tt f"T thr !'orpmat um and a!l d~ • .~•dd ·arir11 tnr u .. ~·~ar INll od'! Drd a Al~ive Citizen as ELECT A PROGRESSIVE COUNCIL BOWEl KfiOWLTOfl SHE RWODD . WE PLEDGE A SQUARE DEAL ·yo THE PEOPLE City Eledion April ll, 1944 PLEASE VOTE FOR ALL THREE • • ~ Jli'OYtl!lon (or ,,,,,.. and ~­ '' v lntrro•ll'. ••I lla.e~ 7tG :-; · alit\ alf'nt to fl :.:, I"'" ~~han-Ull I' ~2.000 alal'f'tl nutlltandmt;. Thai • •ITp:trf'" 111 ith n• · pr f ot "' 1'!1 . \oil ,62!1 l :! ID 1!<4:! "" ~ ('n'11t' J-r • •llrt' on IO.O!Oit iMMo f!bar,.. t'ut- •· andin~t 111 1 hf' tm ... SH£.ADACH£ •• sucM A BIG ~TII-·'1111 .. A Lt ~f:T for :;1 ~,.,.f full tl•f"w w .. rk ,.. ht•n a n:..:.:: nc h· Hi- a ~ an1-ak1 up on r••U \'.,. .dcr " .1 ao dOl'S )'vur ••~ric.. Rf'adJ for a11 «"·n~inc 4 ...,..__ • ·ton and .-nJ<')"fM"'t -a ~ ~~adac-he intnft'ft'e ••tit )"OW'._. ·rut. -.jo,--..t • r.t .. .,_ ---- COIICILMAI (Capt.) Cbas. M. Foeller •• •••• ,-IPIOIIS E'ponent Gf the T111th Krall His Pblf .. f• a B~r and ~tter Cil·ic Growth Capt. F ueller Savs: ....,. C"lty f'....-il ~ \'oar Blaillf'!Vl A~tt'nt for Muni- ripal ""•~: 1.-Ta' l)r\llars ~i\"r_n _rn tht> Chamhrr of Comm~rr't' . houltl pay <IJ\·Ici('ncl-. by a It 1'01('1 in~ flt'l1l l;t· nc•nt a nd o-omm<•rcia l t•nrt•rpri:-••.; If) 1h<> dis· fnl'1. .... 2.-A comp~i\'t' plan I l'"cwport II arbor 1 de· \·~t to the west shouJd bc> the No 1 llunicipaJ policy. . :1..-Ta...V!S an tJ:-e pri~ ol city government. All ~rty. indud;i.ng t.bt> beach sands. should bear tts p-oportionate port or h<' cost. -&.-'1'hr aty Council should direct the hlred help r.ot taU didation from onP man on the dty PQ' roiL ~N. APRIL 11, l!N4 • Nt\VPORT-BALBOA ~~ Nf"W.-t 1~0A~=!s lF::?.!f~~·~:§g§f.~~r;u~ ..... jiEAD CLASSI_F~ED ADS FOR B~R _GAIIS! them find their way back to nor-and hoapltal corumlttee.' beadlod by ~ ~,;11 -.a~ ,_ ... 'ft. M'l'ft.ID F.JirLOVIO'.NT I REAL rsfATE TftNmTftl!: •y Mrs. G. L. Andrsws mal h allhl I "~k -,. FOR u •1 • ~-====-~~======:di leM!y, lo\'IUlla.·for aumeooe to belp elli)UI.IIOII In lhe ··ork of tht' ("amp ,... _____ n· _... T...... ~ • e u ou._., aDd acllv-Wrt1 Sheldon Cooper. . ---llir'AT!t R 1 ~ C.t and ~ ~am.tr.• ln r>pon~t• .," .-:-_FOR_8_AI.IC-. ____ --- H eno are the cold fact~ and let'a ' Uy aptn 'nlal ~•It-really Deedla .. _.:a-:-FW' ' -' ~ ~ .. Dt~t:w• .... t r.rta face til em. Y<lU may aay, "lhat·e jUIJl ailly. 'tlll'ork rooru and M -ft' ro..om. fUo-• ~~--":'::::::--:=~~~ltlli'!J'~;~~~M~tr:........-~;_;~M~;;~f~··~r~m~a;ll;lt;n::«~•M'I&;._:'~'·:_h~"":_:'~··"~'~Th~ln~k~u~r ~lt~f':a~l ~F.:;.t~:ta:t:•-+~fo'(~l~lt~~~A~l~~~~hl~r~c•;n~c;(l~\l~<'h~,_:"'~ak:•:. ____ ~--J While other citlea ari announc-T te nwnry wtll oome trom .ome-Dlrmber! We menllonrd tl be!ore. colkp dlatnd.e Lo cM.rp ._....., VY'r. ro .ltiiiN RAIII.,It!llt lDI that they have cone over the wherl'.'' Uut If tar h communit y Abuul 100 8qu&l"t' feel, to-m-nr l~rblna Arlll/l ,.....-L -,-• ,•....,·rat "'' I'!\ :S."'·"' IIJ:l.l' WANT•:ll W••tnan r .. r l ,.,,11,.1 111,1._ IOil 1'1th "t . N11wport 21·1\t' top In their Red ern .. dnve for dOHn't meet Ita quota the money Ilk •uppU~ j or lh~ Craod •·or'tt to Uw Fl'dft'al s~t ..,.. S...~ rw..,, ~al.t crnrral h .. u.w.,rk 1'\111 lime IIAl:lh '" tundl, the Newport Harbor Ana won't come from anywbeft. fur lbe boya. Think bard. n:ery-nne. to ttw ataJ# f1ll c.bl..._ • ,. If< U v• .,. "' out l~>t"l •I""" .. hU only given about half or Ita There are m.&ny peo11te here body. and lrt·• ... an th<'m up a .-ha~ a.... T Ba.tt re #II c·--'T'a·· .-bll<11'9n tn famil\' ~ Vt" quota. We muat get 1n 113.000 u who havl' not given at all. 'lbere roc.D. Call lhe o4nce. .Jon&-c-~atrm-"' U... ..........,_fl. ~ ' V•YT'I •R MIJlabW fnr I kl•• :-.>.•rd. u.Ju t.le. Newplf1 our abare. To ~le, aaye Mrs. are many who han not liven IU Here Ia 1 000 nnr• for Uw ~ t l'f' 0:0 •huool t"'OIb"' Uw ,._.. .... «~nmq 1'' mar... rnct.w llo·a•-h 11f·lf•' VIctor Grace, chairman. we haVI' much u poalble. The prtc~ of a pie wbo •'1Uit lo be blood donon la'ai WI' CCIIIlft"mt*,.. tlw lila!' lu. A'-> ~, ~ln.. Hot ,._,..,, _ 011ly about $6300. ft'w ntra maga.zlnee,atewmo•·lea. and un't eet time to 1'0 to Sallta .,nJ<Wft'.· d-a---.c bAa -""" n:>p t-... u.6At-., l"'t~>l1# ~V SAl.i:."VF-"' \\'ANTED Wan fW And t.hUI 11 March 23 with only 11. new Euter hat, or lapel pin, a Ana. Mr. Lorentzen. uur buay Red /'Of IIC"hn"'' ,. ... nrt fl..-al ~ ' Z: t t.· ,., ,-,.n ""'' • an •1uahh· f,.r a few daye to go. 1 few elltra drtnlul, added to,rUwr Croee chalru a.n, Ia m&auAc ar-a..a. ~ tllia cMrp. Ba-t .,_._ '"'n"t.:rmf'nt ,.; l'rufltahl~ hu•I- What happena then! Juet t hta., would give a tidy little -wblc:h r&Dit'menla now tu ba•·l' a a:ot:MJ<o tttlor? .W: · '~ IALF loo ,. '"""'~" toooon 1 •-..... rbv Wt"ilcr lt"wll'tllh •. 8omewbere the Natloll&l and In· given oow to the Red ere.-wW blcod donor unit come down l:e~ .. A nua-bPr of ,..lr reera-~ ...... "Happy·. 4<)'1 ~pt C"M ' ~'\8·1!\,.. lla.kl•n.l lematlo nol Red Cro• wtll have to nve men'e II WI, will 11ve com-to Newport. It will lake a I ttl .. haw tea--.1 lhrir ... ~.., In ''""'* r---·• ~r-1 ' ' ~ • •r U. • • •attr Z4·ltp cut the budret. Some unita of fort and help !1-" beyood your mO. timr. but •·hen our ex·nyer. world 1 {' S Arm,. for UW ,..... (Iff~' ~ a • ..., .... , ,,. It at ' 11 ltf'l.l' \\' ANTT.I 1 blood pleama. for dylnc boy• at I Jllentary pe~a.l pleuure Jn tbe war veteran ch&lnnan. atta out '" IIUUC1tnc AIW)' ,.. l 'n. ~-r.Oat ~~ Orftt.r• M . •l'llt~ llr ••nlur.-.t :~·~::.~e .. ~~~~ the front. won't arrive. Some aur.1 aprndlnl' of ~at money IUl)' other 1et t.bblp daDe ffW ui.e a. o-Anny II&"" fur .n C'OaU rf .... .._. _ P.....-ll c '11-r '""-''-' I b cSoe8 lb and Ill kt .,....... ._Ole ·~ ~ 23-41t ,,.., •'""•l•r•l ••J~• Nu heavy J1cal c!rualnc• to keep wound• wa)'. e em. -w JOU lion. plua •• .--1 ..-· laundry Un .,. No• ·:z llartw>r clean lllld cocnlortablt, won't be Come on. let'e do Ull.a tbblc. t.bla know u eoon u plana..,.. aU..&.. buildm,e . .,., .. 4 prr C'rlll ol 'Nr - Aak Ab ttl tlur l'tat .. tv 1,..)'0111 llooa•• .. 11111\n: J.'Ptt ~AI .Jo! 1 t>lk fn>n """"'' In C •I• ll.f,..a t , .... t.J """"· ~ll't·p•n~t I" n •h lart(" II\ t.llltltc tit X nr a ll kind•, dr•~r1ee. •tllJ·rnnr. •lrapery and uJlbO'- •tntna malntal.a Pt'lcu ..,.. rlf1ht at LA.runa O.arb 1"\anal- tu r.• (\)!Qpany. 2110 f'w'Nt Ave- m~o• lA~tiiDA U ... C'h :Z1 ·4te Ina room, doubl~ rar .. lll, J llrllfn C'OJP'11"E11! TAAUC.I. end tabl••· •l"ol llllm.-.11•1•• I"'••"""'"'' clrtlllt ••blt'a, ma.aatn,• end t.a- J ;I:WNI t\•mlaht"<l. 1~100 untur·, hi••. lamr tabl-. oc:caalonal ta- nt•h,.•l Wnlt' 1~'" aiOO. ':'o bl,.. hno1k c-... a. de*•: ••lnr N~w•Tin•l'• l l 41.1' rahln•la.. A wid~ 811.lWtlon ot _.vir• an•t nntntuw "\crMahan "' .. nltura Oo , tnd and Broad Wa). &nla Ana .. tte~ ant. SoDa pdaonu ...w DOL be week, aDd 110 wdl tbat we C:&D Un , Local alatf people are tnwl&AC ·~'..cl , .. ._ ,_ •pwdaa... ~ &All. 2 • •r..._ '"'-' T\J'Wn ~-and __ l'ho>~W 1117 :Z~·:zt•·• t"{lll RAI.Jo-: Attrao'llv• 2" yr vl•l 2 tl4'41room, turniaht'd home 1 ;,~ ol o·un•tltlo•n ltt~<t..C'nral~d tw~< n""'' <, • In bay Owner 110 Orana• C1n•Vf' Ave~., 11act'n· ,.,.-'"'...._ Pt.l"elltle IN. u.-4'& able to .end a meaage to hia ram-wtlh our.elvee wtlh pride. Your +nl ow -to ~ TadT to twlp. -J' IIIII ww U 's ... • 1 « I ~· -"..· h ttal • l:l:. u A .. :\::D:U-W14k11e.aar<l W1lJD&I'I to_ Uy be.re. l'lltra $6 or $10 or mo~ or your ' 1 pl..-all ,............._ nor ···-I -.tf'CY """ r" rt Ita) lu ..,.. .atadl an.! ua11t "'lth Some packqea and m~ea dollar, aent to lbe local Rect CroM Douglas ~J.Ile81.., ac'bool .,..net......,...._........, ,.... ~flt:&l-t "l Z3-ltc-·•·•nma "" m• "o."l waaea LOT nA""OAINI' Onan ""'"' rnA lRI't Of' AU. KIN~, da- porll. "'II"· nc'l·aatonal taW., bedroom~f_!lmlture. halJ ud 111111114-matfrliiia anir - aprlnp. A ~· lll«ll to c~ ft'om. IAI'UM O.Wh J'\anlhtN ('n . 2tiO Jr~ Annue, Laauaa IIMcll. ll-4tu office wUI do tbe trick. Thla Ia • V' of C'OIIII t~ dw l"ailrcc ...... ,.~ Tl'l 81., ~ .,1 ,, " v. tturt,.v lldl t'••nontt .1~1 ll.hr lot, •oa•. ll&lboa P•nln.irtla PAUL NORM ...... the moment to aay t.haDk you toj·MAG.tan Seekin• -',..,.._ ~ .,.._. ... ~ ..,_ #-..a ,_.,.. ,. 1""-24:Z..W. 24·11•· ,., ..... , SlOI\0. ('ufl Of' t.,__ ~..,. Ule men ADd boya wbo an UvtDc lD "'._..., & aD Ani)' .... , ....... en-,..,......,. -11 " _,.......,... A'-o t'*u bualne• !lr reeldftltlal YACHT IAIL MAK~Ra tnd.eacr1bably horrible experie.nce. Assembly Post pun•l• .... .--..-diiU'Y ;:c.----, S: ~ _•«·;::::·' e .. .., .~.-......... WAN'IT.D kX• on t!\lh "'. 11000 ("uh .... ., Awnlnga, Boat COYWe 224 'It 2lat St. Newport Beach ~hone 207 lbat you may Uve lD comfort ADd aM ~ ,_.. ~' c -... 1111' ..yo!: KDirlt '"'" ~.::u \\" F.s...,,.,.,,..~,.,1 autnmo~hllf' mf'<'hank' fo'u"•'nl' ,.lllolt, Mil E r.nln~l ~ ,. •wne..ttlll ~l .. •U S' ~.n .. aatet¥. Nut week can't ... &D-Oou~tlu Hlnt'!lly. 521 Bolsa Avw-~ ~-d ~~ -~A.. 2t ·ttr tiL.t.a. C.ncw! pay Al_., n .. .-.t AYe., Balbo&. 24-trr KNOX HARDWARE fM new .... uald tumltura. Aleo • 1'-tt.d ltna trf palnta, 11111&11 ll&ne or Ia 8 pl. Iota. Very NIUCiftallle. 1'711 Newport Bl~. N. a. 80111. nounee the~~ .. wllb eau.tac-.... -~. ,...,... -...----....-ho•tv and fenttet' •••· Apply UOA lnaltad o1 rq"Ntf ~~IX'~~=-;~,:~~~'= lll'nftl-lltP ._11:10.-,_-........ ('Aft Art.."''& f'aJhole Wot .. rll 71111 •: Hay Avf' FOR RENT t.be )oc:.l te eembly fnlln o.Aa diltrict ... k y~ar·a IIOWWnhoe._ ltattoo,. l'h•>l1r N-pt11t 12!\ ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliii ~~...._'d...,. .. ,....,PIJit llAJ.I. ~"'"~ a•oldftl 24.41" ron RI':NT om .-,. at 2110 w f"Pnlral Avf', N•w1onrt 1\toarh lt~•l'l)' at atl•lrr• ur c·all I !\40 11-lfl' ft-4\c ----1&H lit (J AH~ SAIL-£ II For C 0 U I C I L ·1 A I • • • Over· Twenty Years of Bank- ing and Financial Experience. • • • Pledged to an U nbiued Rep- resentation of Every Section of Newport Harbor ..• and its Great Future! • • • J·OHN E. (JACK) SAD-LEIR For COUNCILMAN APRIL 1 1, 1944 OOROTJ.IV 04 RNlT lo ,...,...» t.bat ....,.... _....... .._ ,... t.n ...-n~rl 1 •. 11 " ~ lrk'la C'fWIIn~-1· wit~t • ...__.., 1~ w rra raJ ·~· ,;.-.po~ VJ1l.ATION "'ANTr~ nm MALl: t~H. epnap _. mat._,._, I 'hoM N-JI( rt 241 .. .. ~-Uor lllat.P .-y .-7...,-~ ..,.,._. ~~ W 2t·::t.c f'llt'LilYIIJ:NT WAN'n:l1 l'f'n. dtfff'ft'IIN' .,..._.. Uw total c-.. • ot Uw oprratioD aad ,...,. ._,. ftJa Su.&-AirnM 1o .. man·• wlf,. .!•.alr.e ptettkM\- f.uU ~ par1 IIlLI' aa ft'o'tlltk)fl .. ... 11 ~•JM'rlf•nr ... t In meetlnlt ~ J•uN..-l 'tlonr N•wt"'rt 2111 W HA l,IIOA IRl.ANit ttOOIIlNO 1101 '"'p: 2 varanrlt'e, •kouhle lliNINcl RoOW fi'UI\HIT\JR&__: ~('nmrl~le ..... M od•• 1ate ... tabl ... dropM&teatenaton tAW.; paid "' u... ~ cow•·--- -.-n-ee -.... o..-rn. .... ·~ ~ i<t a ...,.f'r' at ttw s..dl a..e Cotnp.ny I Pricw tn ,..,. ...,. hP ._ - datt'd witll Ilia ···~-~ HlnniY . .-bo op«alrd Uw .-.., Boat C'n for ,..., y..u. .. l%U C4>11at H ..... .,...,. s_.......-..... * j bratlwr • ...,._ ........ ~­ H~ c:a.r twno frga t..p-1.-0"d . and .1....... SMila .... Hl«f:>. br DC C1W1 U..l ......,CJI'a ~ l pkonllblp football tra.:! m 1trSI -~a o.rto T~ ObwT Aftrr t• ~-·-be ~ ..... c. lk baa a 11nf~ and -.. ...,.... ·'l(DM ;,(,.J .il.u.j Vitamins A and 0 v-..,., .. ~ Vot-.on A .. -.. 4 ............ .,. -«··'"' nftc ••o•• •ll•c II ••• -r(:t • •trtlp to _,.,, •• tiM "'·" • ,_._ ~-•••• and .... ..,. "-t'wwe .. a *IK~' r "· h :e .,._.,., Yooo ,._.. v._.. D , .. .,., • •·• r.odp ......... pro:~• u-, tM ceJce-...CI'IIga .. bol..s " ,ov• ..... If F•• ••• ••• c~"-· ,_,,.., •"-._ ,.,.n .. r •n.wne-. ..... e ON£-A-DA ·, ... -... Yt~-A ...S D T~· Ia ' ..-y .. , ...S ...._. Jv-· __,,......._~IL '!~E@DAY ltMIIIIfftllltte ., tile ..,.......,, hl';l• C"'t•l•t wlv.. pre"'~ Ph•·nf' 2:'1~ W 22-4lr D"Tn-'"" """t ....,,""' • ,.... ~...._~ ~ a..:.. •..S llll' V•rm, A_,. ..... ....... 1:1-tfw t:oo-t•.-.n II a m fO 17 •MNrTU.IF. MIXP!n~ -.--'""' ··halrtl, chair wt.a, bul'etA. Mltna Mrwtlt, uw awr ••W.•t~t. l'told on J:uy Term• Wr M&IIU I'Umlture ('u , 2nd and nro.d· way. "-nta Ana t-Ile 22·4t~ I N•w Jr--h tt WI••' by cla y or IIP I '!-If :w n rtK WANTr.l> by Uw wf'f'll Sl'l JW'r •lay r"ann•l an.t POR !IALF. I~ H'"'r..-'" " ••th A·l •otor -~ f~ tt..a bo.)' ~ ~ l "o.tt II ~ . r-1 h P..w~P A1111n ... ..._ !We Jl.,_.. .._. • wMil c.,... uf r htld,...n Co . \21& C'uall1 IIIJhway. Nf'W• .. • ,.. '" lt•r .. n plac·• :ZIUI W l"'r1 ll#ar h Phot\• IU&. :Z:'I•tlc• fo"< Ill 14 A l¥. Ollltt'• bed. roc: liM, tabl•. rHd doll huro ; •I•' .21 .,.,_.,.,,. nno wUtl ,.,,.....,. o.e..,: 14 ttp C.tral A••·· Newpurt o-tll UtST AND POUND 2··1\p . y Wile lkull l ... ou . P'rfhapt§ nrwr again tn your lirc>tim«' wUI JOU ha'? thr opp.wtWJity of lramirll( a tnrdc- _. ~·-.: paid for it~ Tortay that ~ Jlt"' what l)nud-Airnaft iK cloinK bt its ~'"""'" Shop; and l..nnli! Rto:Mil Plant for 1 hous.,n<k of MF:N and \l'OMEN. l.C lST l..ady'a •mall l.<JIUIIRM .,.., IIIC •·atr h In N"'*IIV'' l'lualn•• dt.trlol. nr tlfl ··•v "''"'. to au P:l Woo•na. N•'*l"''' 11~1111la . x .. t .. tftniiAI r~w•r•l l'tlnnf' N•w- purt 20~. 11,. run f'ov•rt 21-•tc MI8CI!LIANIXn '8 Wh•n Vuu Think "' ""al ll'~t•t• Thtnll nf JOliN ~Ai li.ICIIt v .. " .. 1 11111• IIAI.IIO A :-: nd peep lll'tlt hlqulre Lo!lttkla. ""' ( ... It.,... I' I . n-•t '" ltktclle Auto C.btu, ._ !~'t"Wofty. M ·Up roa u•• W•aa l .. antv lllhop wfllnt flqUIP- "'""' 4 fi:u.~nf! ctrye,., a ,.... old; .._poo t.nowt ud chair, ahnwuM l•lalform I"'f'II.H. l'hon. N•wpon lUI. al-4 .. fo'f IH K Aut Larp rabtMt hute-. nntt btu k, nn,. dtw. live bunn..._ Oompl,.te for llrt 00. a• W I A. Ab• 111 Our llalety lMh Caata M-. t'hone 10011' ~poalt Doue • ..- I WANT l t ll>l":ltl~ In '""' Mhlp,/ SaVI' 'nmll 'I'M ad ta ......._ - "'"''1"\'llt•l •hlft c 'utllna, 41:1 Jo: In 1,.., N-•·'nfYMIII .,..._btp 1'br lradr y(IU lr>:lm at llntt~las rnn Of'\'t•r hP ta.Juott a•ay fnom ~,,.,• II io; a typ• nf work •tlh m"''n~ J• ... '"·•r •tf,.•••lllllllll"' ifl ulr•o·r-:tfl o.fltt nfho•r fao•loofo; <'f'nlr.t An. Ualhua :z a 4tp ~~-------------. .... ""'"'... .. ....... ... I IEEP a.. . . . . . . ~~~ ............ ... ...... ... ., .. .. c.,, u"• de• ..-.,. (',.,.. '" toda \ :m•t talk tl ""'r tr \'tnt h:t\'P a q,;,n ..,, nn10·h ,·..,_ lot'l lc'r, '"'' •·xt••ru•iu .. • l'o ~~~· .,. n11-:tn-. ,...._.,.·nla;•l WII.LI:'\(;!'Ia·:..-.;,-.; 1.; yt1ttr , ... ., "~I"J ;L..;"""f ~ GM tull lnfttnnatttOn at DOtiGIA8 M.U."'IA A~A I 'Nrrf:D STAT&'4 nzDDl 8IIOP t:.•run·att:NT Mt:KVICF. ftl &. .. --.... .-....c .... Ml W. Mt.IJI ......... A-. Calif. DaJI) E."n-pe ~ Wr<ln•'11tl.ay Anol t-'lllflrv 9 GO A )I to S 00 P \4 R 30 A M to !I OU I' M .&VAQ.ABII rn CERTJnL'ATI: R~UlftF.D • • N.D. CASH 0 V M ·&?"~~~/ . • • 0 000 """ CAT HOtiiiTAI. : !I~'~ ,W,~ .·~~~~ :I lt 14 '• ~::.:•~, ~~.::'A"•· Collf . Professional Directory Gordon M.Grundy, M.D. Phyek l•n end lur..- N inth end Crntr1: Ave. Office Hr•.· 10.12 l .m.; J-l111.m • T•l•phene J7 LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTOftNEY AT LAW Coat• Mna lenll lul"'"l Pher~e 4H Coet1 M ... Callferllla Conrad Richte'l, M.D, Phy•lclall end lurt- OffiM t07 12114 lt'Mt Newpert •••~h Heura1 10.tl a. m. & l ·l Ill· m. "'henw-Oifloe tlJ; ,..._ 14-J DR. G. E. TOHILL PHYIICIAN en4 IUitGaON -c. ........ ' -"" ...... -PtteM - Offloe-w ......... II N• ""•-• Cell New"" I r----------------------------, W £'Ri. (;oN ... ~ TRII\¥LL 0~ 6.A'T~ AND TR"tN~ ................. -- • I • HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL ·w. t),,rtl'lv• the Better llerft II)' B•nlnJ Olh.rw f14-at" P hone Newpert Ht Co.ta M•u ' Callf-le BUY NOW City Tax Sale Lota A. J. TWIST 607 Coati Hlohwey ~her~a ~ COftONA DlL MAlt Dr. M, D. Crawford OPTOMaTittiT P:y .. P:umlned m .... P"'u.d ITtT Newport Aoulnard Phet~e MJO COtTA MalA BALTZ MORTUARY CHAPaL •v TH• taA 410 Cealt llvd. Phone Newpert 41 ·cor""" ctol Mer · Ntw1or1 ••~" 1 I>U. OllF.I> I..UCAS l>entist • :t~cn "' W. ,.,.ntral. MI. 14110 NF.WI'OKT IJF.~f'll ------------ 'wHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT r-tnfPI ~('f .ANO ~INrll I NI", W t)()O II \\ \\'r l'hl li~·t '·t•' Ill •1, t 'UJ~Uo.-\'•totl ,.,.,.,t l.uml,.•r l 'lt.II~:I·J ~r Nr n At ~ONfR .A ~T ()A • ,, •·' "1• I 11 •ll~ov 111fJ I '••"III Hl v•l f•l, :1112 l'llon" "n'' r· .. n~lrqc•tl•m. I Ulln r R GOMP~N I [ 'I (,_Of ,,,,, ... , 1 •1 t • 'f,rt u111 h•11• y,.,. ,,~•ttl v••ur t ttJUf•" '''"'""' 4". I ,, I . .-,, ' 1.•' •· r ,.,, I'll••"" ll",tl ,.,,,..., lll.:ltwhv 111 Ar•·lu•'t, fl n 1 ( r ., tJ Pro I 1 r " - t~n•r•'•'' llftrt.•,r l'•lhlh•lllnjt (•., l'htonNI' 12 . 1:1. N~Wf•"ol l1,.~h. PRINTI•~r; ;; •. , 1 '' 11•111'"' l·qlollllhlnl( f'•• l'h"'''" 1:1 · 11. NrWJ>~~rt lleaall. ll£Al (STA TE, IN'W RANCE & NflTARY PU8LIC- t .. ·v. 11 Wu lr•• •· 'L~IJ't W l '~ut ral A v~11ue l'hnn• 3. RUOA£R STAMP&- :0.:•-v.J••rl ll11rl••'' r·ut•ll•loln& (.,, l"hon•l' J2 · II. N•wport ....._ SH£ET METAL WOftK- VI,..,., l'l1111 btnK t. RhMl Wtt&l Werka, O l&a M-.. PbeM ... I VAftiETV ITOA~- JJ&lboa leland vute•r lt.,._lc, t ..... ud ..,, ~. •u-w . • ..., , \ ., • l AUJ Olsen and Her bert Harbnon Wed in Pretty Church of the Angels ... ...,. llllllr' Pa'llroL ~ ...... ~la.-ru•h" • •attwor. -,._... ... ~ ...... ~~ ~ . ---·-rt --'d'W ........ ~-' ,....,. IIP9-r _.. ... " ~·t'? ww~ -- .._.. .. ,-or -t--"""" ..,~ Mfr .... ~., .... ~ m. .-nW-~ .....,_ ... k. ...... ~~ .... .... Md ..,_ .. .. M:ftT -~ ., ,_ ., .. ....._ ., .. v-or:·· b.l!' f"r n. 0.. ~'I'· cr lloall .,.. a ~ ~ ~ w•• e d .,. -..., r~ ..m.y r• ... DIP CUI J. aN- ~C·-.... -..... a-a .. ... z.ca 'l1llda z.ca --'ty ._ ........ u. ......... ........... ..... ...... , ...... , ... _ ~r!Jll l·,,~ .. whorrr hf' v.·as "tr11 .:&'••I •l!" Kappa Sl~a ,,. . ., Y"""' b-t•~"\ ...... u•rn~ •rvu·• tlf' 11 :1'1 AeriAl c.a-r ba"''tDJ nahred bt. • '"" 1'.1:1.'-a at K•n1 •nan, Auxuna Hr wt.ll ftp rt t ht' leal of lh•• -~ rcw l.llatrortora' ..-hrvJIIDJ: In Fk>ndiL. Townsend Club Hears 31d-Time-Melodies Mesa Church Groups To Hold Meetin~ ~ ·-·· ndorlla a-. aad tt. ..... a er.~ w111 bold a ,.._~ ~l l'nlundayt at a • • &a. Soc utJ ball of lM C.: eta --c-.-tty Ourc:b. !ll«w ott\<:•,.. fa.r thor Uroltwrhood w t... w..rr rlerlrd no-<t'Dlly at a 11:~ at ltv b<•rrw ot llal"lan J .. ....., an Will am Wrl«bt. pn'tll· .,.. . H. J W••..t. "'~" prra<Uont .ad Ra.RU Punn ... , ~ary·tl"t'u --,.... ..... ,.....,. G..aaYe Li~~~enbard c.r..llatr VIJl"'l(' """"''niUivf'Y Pupot. ,, ..... ·''''"' BfciNwr. • Sprc'1alty ...._ Nc:•,.n I!MS-W ..... _ .. ___ .... ..., .•. , .... _ __. ..... ,, ......... , ........ _ _.sen •' • -t¥ tz * SOU11IIIEIIN CALIFORNIA 'lf'IEFIIOtE CO. Aw1f: • B. -.yAw .. ...... -Sit~ Jl& ........... A. At"•• ·-ftY C IE&IWK ATE D.QlTIIIED IILIII CLEIIEIS New u-.. New ll~nt Pressing-Oeaning-Mcnding ROBERT SCOTI'. Manacn' r._.., '< ~c-r ...... GrNot ,_....,.Au"_,.' Cifta -.-.= IX'-rtt TOC•TO BRO._'!"£ AROUND" C. E. LOUCKS .I£WELIIY _. STATION~IIY Dws o * · a .rc"CS · F ·-"e..-.•r.,_g P-..r-.... :Mllt • tl97 ..................... c.... ..... Calif. BEFORE YOU BUILD OR REMODEL •.. V.t -itotcrntlfte umpte __,If,_.., ,_ C'l« ~ ,,_.... •141e. com· .,.,.. • ....,. .ted! ef rug., ~ liMI•-•All YeM• ............ ~ ~,( LUDLUM ·Carpet Worb .._ ......... - .. NEWPORT-BALBOA NEW~-TIMES. Newport Reach, California, Thursday, March 23, 1944 I-Iarbor -Feminine Activities April IJ at NHYC Set for Boss. Night By. Business and ~fasional Women T~1,.. =-'•·..-. f•,,r, H•· ,, t1 ':rurnu1111 ~~ 'or 1 I' 'f i\ l.nt1 l'·•• p • H l d '' I heartnr Mre. (;e11r~t' Who'l•l a: t , 1 ,, ''' '"'' u.•·•·t .n~ v. twn: td h' !"'J'IIkt• .. ,, '' t PI t .\ I til t I II J 1 ,PI \\ h I•• " \'hilt"' 1n lJu· " uth , , n r•·1· ; l•lu !'41 • '" • ·~· • ' ~ ,. ,, uti\ ~!•·JC• un tHJmt•• tn addl· thou t•) m 11k1n1: an .. xtt>nalvll rt~ of tr.e rdur 1111onal ~~ nl•·. .• ,. • 1~.-• J.d 1 I,, kLr ~t;f,lll tur t\081)'7H1~ tlw r• L .. • ' ,, ' II '• t hi ~0 llrt>f",~ uiUI 11Uf llt''~ll'•••'.. H. a-, • l'honr•), 12 and n . • Residence Phone 690-W AI the tli•IDCIDtbly ~ _... ........ ~ ~ ... ~ ~dodd. lM ~r1y ~-ICW ~ .ol~rw In t.be ~ fll tu "'" a-Th..rf' 1a -= ~r .. ~t poup of ~n wM r:. -:.~ thf' bU1'» ~o:uts tor :!1.1 rn ~ : ~ tw.C Ctrl OC' IIOir t' &mall ~ tllat w&l.l ••"" their •·on- Sot . !lr ncrt <;. H .ofl '' OM ..e~nt m:~rrngr to M~ Mary 6erte ['rook ~ ol r entvcky lCOk place ,., Dallas. Ttxi'la. Arltona Publis her And Wife Guests of Balhoa Islanders Capt. Bernard Bell Speaker at Ebell In~ O! lbe Hut.ftr liP -lilodlt at He1n:a K.a*r• 811~ Oaft Thur•.ill\' n~ t. fma.l p~ •• lbr gala Ulllaal .,_ Xipl J'U'J' , •.• r.,. laid ~ .u-.-...J w ern=: • • r .rntl ~.! rl'l C"harlu Stauffer. F.u was lhl' l3tb s'1lh ~ 8 ~ quurt u dlaJT'IDUI Icc Uw ~ I'll•" ntlt Rntl t rn er owner n( 1 Rtmard Belt In hla ., u ll d t ta:t. df L.r ~ ~ ''"' ,,, tnna Htpubllc. have bt'en when hr STJ'lkr bt'ore ~ cK Gray l...adaon work watb l!l.r ... ,.., •ttll t -e v~ aru &Ad ~ 'not briDe ...-led --•• to-lO rt• t•nl gut elll of their daughtPr gToup on Thuraday,. He Ia ~ •mbt'·s ..... rt v.· .. ll'nm· I C I d •••..tll•lt'tt· aurpr.-tu ~ r....s:. '"'' " n·tn· nw, apla n an Mra, f•unll~ll'd to glvr hie ,.xl)f'r('nrf'l be•-•· \\'ord chd leall ~ ~a c, ... 1 !:' ,, tv rlu b and pn'8enlt'oJ wltb l'uthlrrrt F'ahlr n, 307 Sa pphire aa be wu one or the flnt to drop a JIRHJ cc~. n..y wn .. Yat•e ,,,.nolf· ll.tlboa leland M r. Staut . l"lmh" 011 "oot fntntal L',u-•~ 1:'"1"'"''1Dr that pal1 ot .._.-a-t u .. ld " ~ • .. "'" lln nm .. nt ,,,.~J.Ud .._ fn.a-e{ t •I ~ ... A..!:a .....,.ITUU! on . .,.,r•.nt' '• 1 •' "'lol htl' pa pt'r and II en· whl<'h bt'~lln the tum In tbr lldr llh' fan , Ul urut.. ll'<il!:l tkSA.AAJl ~·-.,:..~ )l.u1(' t:ht .. n. a.larlb•• l>:gr ; ' • • 1 loll mor1• leiJNI't' lime. I t our battle agatnat the Nazi. Sanee liwn> v..U .,.. w ~. a.::.1 t 'b.n r l!r•l...-t~ :Wf'mbt'n Wt'l· 1.111 I• "C'huckll'l" Fall len. four 1 Pu' lnrnt now uptclltlly wu f'cm.:; ;t ·tv -......,...:,. .. :Wtna u, r :'"Y· \···•r "'" Ann nf lht Fahlenll. rl'· l't'gulllr ~ w <ft lbr ._ C':lpl Bt>ll's lntf't·utlng talk, wttb 1\:l,-;ht ~~ .. .-to ,._ .. r..&l r.c. ... •"r~!a..ll I v:u hy Hub- t ill' •·d t" l'lwt'ntX with hie grand-our Rl'd ('rr1111 drlvl' ~tuln~t lnt.o •La I(O. rnua.t ~ t.b«-u ~ -.c.t la!orr ::.-Lo~ ~•mm•lr"". lllun 1. \\'a· 1 1 o '' rnr a ff'w wedu' vl•lt. Ialit quarter He drove bt. paea t.ba.a Apnl 6t.b 1,_ L'n'.., ~ 1 • ,..,. :y4.-_ "-to o,r .\.ar · l! . ..t.-..h for IIUprort with •·•:""' y m in u t,. o• 1 '0\'in~ mHr~re £-3:., ~.. ~ •rt \\'a~ Ar.Ja C'otOrton Carilla Circle M n l.:c~ Easter Plans ,.,·eorv tla y anti Dljthl .omt' Allied ll:t"fi'J)Ort Beada. ~ ~ 1~ L.c _.Ow memb<·r,o r•· .,.nt AAid1t'r Is It vonor h·s lift' for WI It< n •t t.ht-(~ Set..,._ Lf,.a f ..:~ L.CJ.blolloo••J :Yoldrt'\1 Sl~:l!<'y. \\'hat are we do:ng !" SJ:TUr.ona at t.bf' ~ C•c:.J-<&&~ ,-~ Shu k y •:,·a ~, ure. ---'l'he Aml'rto an lleOIK' of humor ~t ldrf'd ~·. Bal~ ~ ~ CntJ1a 'N!Itla. Doroth<ta Wo :-;coo r· · I() .,.~, '""" fn r ·thr· C'nrro ~rips l'l C'arry our bnya ihrough A;:: . .-ll l!Ju:~Atwst. Lido. tAr-A~ ~t an.t Sue tlur":Hb. •· " · C't11orrh J:roup nr C'omnn n'lln\' a ll'n·ll~ anti llf:ht e.tuatl• n The r-pt-U• r u! u.r ~~ KU. ~ mcllJolc<l t::.-rn a " c .~:,.Jail ri-1 ~~... \Lill b4 .h.Uld.:.u.lhc. ~~ · l'lt.L-t~ -Uuo-8f'O'&k4-r. -lltnull;+t. m,...Ung -.·illi AJda c;..,_ _ Zl:l'f d:lr ~"'· str:a Jane t:ndl'r - . • 11.. ··" nrc•orrilnf! to rPports llc>ep duwn lhr t>rrot lun11 and nt"r"\·ea charge. a·a. Jobu J&o.o l 'odonll:!l. ... 1 , .. , ot• nwo 11m: of lhl' ~rnup on nrl' h•·inl! r ut to thl' tf:'llt. a.ut.ant f~ld d..l~ar Cl ._ ~ I', of.,, d '\ 111 th•• hnrnP nf l\tl"' Prt>I'C'dloJ! thf' prol'rllm. Mr. R. Cr Uw ~e win~ Is a Pastime Tl iat P ays Di vidends I '' I,,.,., ~ "n ()· r hlll Mro; ll:.rrv S . Holden aod brr committee IN'rY· 1.~:\:! ~: ::;' ~ ...,::; ., ' I \\111 ht• In l'h lll'1:f' or thl' "" 1\ •leolt,.htful lunchron I ,.. . · u:.. r.-,.._ •• oual &:ad ~ L:r* t• I ol .,., ~'ll'l'~ Ot•rlnl!' lhe a'lor: bualnt'IUI mN't· - flo·· "'"''tint:: wn~ nprnr (.l Wllh In~ 1'1( wh trh Mrs. ('. ~t n<>llkin• ~,.. <lrla f!M apent a .t.J.Y thUJ -* ..-1er Wottwr ant1 f;tmlly ~h /1 I tho· t IIIlO< t•f I hf' prttJ(rstm, 8 &llchtt'\11 lea hour •·nlfll"'' "ltlo molhrra tt( fllh 1111d 7th ~rn•l" <'lui· tll"f'n prl'~lol inl: Legion Auxi liary Ho~t~ to Post Nn. 291 In r,.l,.hr ·II• II o I r f' 2"ol h R.nnl ' .. r.,~rv "' ltlf' ftoiiO•tlnl! I ( t hP Ar"f'rlran I "K nn In I'Knl' In '',..r•·h ttf 1fltf' I •n•1un .4U'ICI1tRrv 'f',.rnhf-rll f\1:\\'l••t hu.,.t It fh•-. ltW"P\1 ''•••I ~n :!!I I "' 11 htrthtlnv •llnnf'r ""'' r>llrl •· "' l h" ~~,,. 'rtt· •:rill '" "''h it h All I PCI .. nn 111"'!0 ""'' "" lr fllf""~• ".,.,.. lnv J•·•' ,\uall arv •tfftt t·r~ • ''"'k full rhRrt:t' ( fhr ,..,l'flno• l\'1111 ~~ .. r A (" nmt...rltn, pr<'~ltlrnl prr· lllttln~: Plh,.r .,,.,..,.,.. 1 •;r'h If'"'' tnc ,. t•r•,' ''r, v. \.•~ ·a '''•'"t••t'~~ , ... rlurrr ln~: th•· rh11pl11ln thtll••ll and !\I n• Jlt'l•·or lllln•lr l ,..., . .,rd lnt:: lh•· n lilltlr• of t hl' mt•rlln~ "l ,u•·kv f\al,.w ln," lhr ('ountv Vrlf'rnruo' W r lfArf' Orttrrr. woro In· tr••duct'd an•l ~tave. lnter,.RtlnK t'll· ,... .. ,,."""" "" '" nlrl'l•tv havtn~: In 1 belplnlt World War II Vf'tnan• whn hAv,. rt"tumrol A hl~thll,::ht n• "'" tllnnrr wn~ 11 hf'Autttul t Ilk". k r•l In whit(' anrl tlffnrntM1 with 1 lvf'r lraV•'" In •lf'-l!'nl'ltlton •If tht' 2~•th Y""r C'llptaln J ,;..,.ph L.omr1r from t "t• ~A All l'lnd "h 111 11 r r11ltl• nl nf flrar .. n lla v. ··a~ thf' "f'!'llkl'r or thr rvrnln~ anol I:AYt mllnv int~>r· Nllntr: An ol Amouoln~t rllJ'I'r'""' "" Island Circle Meets With Mrs .. Wilev AI "''' h •m•' :!111 ,\IMIIo•n,t. H.ol· l'wVl l'hlnll, !\11'1-ltJodwl \\'ol••\' \\'ol' h""''''~ Itt lh•• I<IHotl l 'in·lt• ttf th•• \\'r .,.. •. ,. ~;,., .. ,.,~ nf (1l r1'-tl:•n St·r'\u t.' _ Tht• l:niiiJl "111 furnr-h '"nkr•'' fur .r f'llr1~· rn nn•• tof lht• t•ln-.•d wartl' nl fhP S AAAil ""'I""'' on April II>-1\ o·ll "' tl1111,o1 trl~ I uno to r-n:•klrt#o:' ftll th·· t ·~, • 1\llt• "··••k .... ••ntl ' \11 h"rr"· "'" •·r~ ""' a debt or , .. "'"'"'' rn 1.·11~. rhrll Unl'~> I Stall's g ovPrnmt>nt ru'1ng that or do· r·tl .oil rl!f·~·••• Itt '"' ~I'm and <ir>lfll" 10 nrtit•r rn !<loV•· fobrlc ond f:olor·w·no.okt n~:: lnhtor Slim, 8lmpl• 11 •'~"'' ,,, ... aslo·r til mn kr. Yo11 "'"'II I•·-~ lnhrk fn1 th•"'' dl't'~84" .orHI r ho•\ ,.,.,, ~n mtwh morc bo" t•ttUlln:.:. l u your 01'\\•, ration- 'll o•,unlrr~t•tl ri~:ur•· Sp~~rkll'd up \lllb .;rt}, h r!.l;ht hllmf'·'r wn or hant!-l•r tM'IH•t••d lll't'o'"''OnNI, the·~ ar•· f.tr mort· nttr llf'ttv•· than th•• t•l.ol••ra to• ,<'•lmp llf'.ot•·d <tylcs )O•• 1 ' ' "" "' INI lw ~1r~. F II. pr~" dtd. the grnup ~~outhorir""'d lM II •II ,., •• fnllnwf't1 "' 8 rt•port nr olo , 1.,,111111 i('l' Who hAY(' liUCCNo!O-prt'JIIdl'nt to apnnlnt d l'lf'J:"IIIMI I fu'h ,1, '" n up 11 f'on-.t rtutinn nnt1 the County f'r•ltratf'fl Wot:rl'n '" ,,, I'". nnth \\'r•rr IIC'I'I'flfl'li. <"luhe ('OIIVI'nt •on In Duena Park. H•·i•••·t, "'<•n• rl'llfl nn thr future April 14, B!t Wl.'ll aa tht dlatrlrt plnn, for lh•• Community Chur'fh mef'llng In Santa Ana laU>r I.D thf' •·I r .. "'''' dt•l Mnr. Thc matlcr mont h. wrll "" 1 •k•·" h(>fore 1 hr F('(lrrntro Mr8 Dern~trtl Rrll. wtrf' ••f th,. 1 'lo•ort•h hllard. 1 notrfl fllc>r , """" an honorM ~ l'ntll 111•• f'hurr h hc•·omcs a real· of the club. capt. !kU Ill aow ..... mnnn th<' Sunclny "l'hnol and v•·~-1 t •onrtl at t ht ~nnta Ana An:ry A ir '" ..... "JII •·nntlnuc 10 be held at the r Due. .. ,,,, •I ,,.. I lousl'" on Ja~minr .,, ... ,on ('nronn tiel Mar. I Firemen's Auxili~ry Plans Pot-Luck Event "''" · .. pur f ot:rltwr • Olvera Street Is s. "1n~; ~~ ·• I'"'' •m•· r hnt p.'l~·-· \ . 1 "'""' n•l' ,Jt,•rl•·nrl ... \\l t h Ju<~t ttw R1rthday Treat The Marrh rr>M"IIn~t or 1hf' Nf'W'· n~hl ,.,.l .. r .onrl laloll!' rm;d;• UJ port ~arh F'lrtomton 'a Auxr'larv rraln tlw m·~• Jo,.cnrntn~ ''~lr. v,... 1·uuon 11r h• r n1nt"' btrlh· waa htld a r thr homr r f M,... \\"a r. oun . "' ,, ~pnng \\rt n'lrobt> art• .o• · o •h<•lh F.ll!<l n had lht ren Jtr,,. N nattw•ll lt'lllnd. pr .. t..olol.\ ~.mnm: tit '"'t.:h }Oitl ""'' "' 1 •k ing h1 r '''•llr" fro I, IH·:ul "' rn:o k•• ""lr ••htnN· e f a ll P • o'ln• lhrlwt h I•· '"'"' An.!:•'"'" t h• ~ 1••'"11..; •pront.: ,., ''""' hlll•h 1 llh' r· 10r1nnt ,..,f , r nl· prrok' "'' •:11••·n• \11111'1 a nd 1n 1.,, •!It'"' \\•·r•· f""fllolrl'<l ·r:wy ,,.,,..,. l'"".t.-ltt\\n~ ~told un•l t:m , ~ nr:1r nmrol try F:tisnh<-th'" • ···ruu II ~"" f.r\'or lh•• nt•utr·oh 1 ... 1 ~:r llllln~t•ll••r anti ~·rnm,::•·r h;ul··-'"" '"II lk• rl••l1~hl ttl '"'I • ,1 1 hntwwantl·whtt•• nn•l t.:rn)l·nrrtl ,\lrh• "'-' 1 t h•·l\l r·lltt'r•n ll'rrt•t w ns \\hoi •• J!l tlll• r• .111 ;oru l .':mol-' 1, ,,. 1.,.,.n 1 .,, f'l''''~' tlr ,.. 11 !ft l'l "' ,.,. '''"11111~ ;onll 11111k IWI I!• anr••. It had r lnsr compelltl;)ll In 1"'"'' fht 'w·all I' 01 llullnt'ltl!. S··lr·c'llllt: :o ptollt 111 " '' mu. 11 fun ae rhtou8lnJ~ a rabrir 1'hl' new main lit'~"""""' .. r the •·v••nin~t wa• th .. nlnnn1nc nr n p l ·hll k aupprf' (11 hP 1 o•lo1 f t HlH\' !\III N'h 31. ft'~ I' m . at llw ~l'wpnrt f'IN' ~t.tlt'Wl 'l:hc "'" aJ rmrt o' th4' 0'\14'0in~ wu ~rr•·' ptayon~; "\\'hoor ,.. .. wllh nt- "fl .... l'f' 71'M !\' n• r.•t'nn Johna· l•n ""'1 th .. "'"''1"1 ,,nil«'. I •''11 I M r:r,: \\Ill he hf''d Ill thf' ''"IT"' , :It r11. \Vm. Mr Oonald. }> r r!l 1:1 ThMI' prnr nt Mtllllllml'a Pert Arb m . F.d Zubfo Glenn John!lt on. Kf'nrwt" , ..• ,~_., ~1im tm•'-, th•· ,,mrt•· ruttt•·d and Geo rge (;oldeners rtmp('ll dt·l<lll" of n"fkl•n··' nn•'i Return to Beach •ktrb, anti ttw smC)t)th .llylln~ or thr n•·v.• ~111111 llnd C'loai.Jt,all th-a.b--- ,..,..h t'rLildfl. Wm. McDonald. A»- ,at Clark, Robert Jadwin and lJMo , ho11:el!ll. in-.un• lhl' humr ~~·wl'r 11 ,11,.r1 • .._ru1 Att•·r an aencc of o\·er a year, wa rdmt>.• Wlthnut nny ... \\101: dtf· Mr anti M18 Ct'urse Gnl<lenc>r fwulrH'" Yl}u m ny L:•'l 'Oil'll' llA\•r• r•••nrn~>d t •'k"<'III'Y their home m ilk" ll\'l'r lfl<'ll" ·"'"'· "hrll' lc•1km~: "n 3:lrtl •lrN•t In r-;, wport lw a !'h thrnu~:h tho• ~oth•rn C';!l'IIOL:IIt'' An Dllrln~: Iii " llmf'. fh<'~· ha''" lh··••l olcl drt·~!-uftt•n furr\1 •11•·• , rlllH~h In Ori'Jt""l nnd ('lar•·uv nl. r aur r.:•wvt m a tr n nl l tor .1 rl•" onr S.•nl-·ltmtt,. t~n nuf~«•l •l.tt• •Jrt-<..((' .. 1\ Ill f-omhonf• lot m.ok• "'" "''" · hl<'>klnt: rlrt':--. -t~ lt-tl .ol .. nr.: mnd.•rn h no•, ( lr n hHII ) .ll'd ••I '" ool nf"" t.lhf'l4' W ill II<'P lit• ,, lrlt•t. • toUffrl All\lhtnL: ~1111 r·.on lo•;lfn llhrrh \\oil n111k" II\ 101; "'"' •' t•lo· ''·'"' und a~c ..... \nunuc•:-1. .• ntl ~oUf'•lt mnr•· otl lt'lh'li\'c' .... ""l lh\\h ll·· ~ .. "htlr· '"'' ;ort· d i!W•I\•'11111: rlw II 1111 nl huntt• <.c•wmr.: )"II n ut:llt 1·••1. '"'" t h.~ nlt1f'r "'"'''"' ;ur... f., ,lffi htt\\ In (TIM'hl'l IJitoll't" .hat• olllll fMilt· R i\·er. .... le Y o un~ P eople Vacation ~11·• '·"'' t;•Hin••l ~.oo \\' f'urf ,,. htt)(l t ... 1 , up u ~·uunK f'W~f•J·~·· from ltl\'t·r ~ .t .l unuor c·,.,lt•t.:•· tllll· ln.· I ,. 11111 " ~,: \'a r a t lclfl fur th a• tn11tltu t lnn n l lo•:o rntnl'( Rob Holl insheads To Have New Home H H\U ·• llr·· •• · t d • n ,., \;. ... '"' ... ._.,,:1 '" •I ~~~~ 1:••1" tl II l'lnAhi':J•I u•' t1 •••~ •u•·• ·.,.-.. \-\\ 1t1 ,, f'UJ•\' t hi' h• lilt' lJ ' \ h \ • r• t o•• I h· t'UI • ... l .... ~•tl ;•l 1:-•:t F t ·1 ''""n"r:•1 A \•·· 11111' Ralh :1 "" Aprol 1101 T o • • I• hr ol•· Ito•· lmr .. ·n•!inc movf'. NI\JlC\'. w '' rs a "•rhnm"r,.. •' l in II "~' 111,::11 • h••••l, 119 at home th1s w<•f'k wrlh an nil a• k m•·a~1• s Ill ._ .. y_.-•tt.~s • .an. ... .,.. wash ,.ar ·~ ..... 1 ...... pd -• p...c.eett .. c-••• of~o...-orseU­ pollsbtac 114a1d was. m.. yw~a see .._ quickly _. aaslly-- t.bey dry-41ast. ... / ~Y~~"==L woa•t. bla.e yw~a tar teali.JI& s.c- ·n ... llf'"tl rno•t•l 1111: \\ rll '"' hf'ld ,,, Mnr I ' o.•n. 1\ prll 4 1-'~>bnmry. Mllrt ~~ tlfld /\prll hlrthdll \',. will "" n• tf't1 ,,,. r·r,.,.~ I'I'Win~: w ill c .. n. flOUt' ntlrl~' fur '"''"''" !\l.on\ .1 olull tlr•·-!' hn-. l.H•t•fl r•''·lmt•••t "llh n loll ,,f fl'l"·h hand·•'ltM'ho•ft·t! n1~·k· wt•:or I..: nit 1o m: nrr.,,. .. ~ "" .1 • lt,onc·r· In '"f1T'It'll1t'fll ,I 0111' •lllh •kll'l• 11r.d \\ o•-.k ll" \\at h ho'lllll ot Ill h:ontl knl1 .. " ..... ,,.1, I f 1;. mnr;olo· houltl111~ I lmk ~'·ur twn,;t., l''" '"'"' .... n I ltlllo '''Itt ,.,,,~ava..:art ·"''''1f 11 \\ tt. n ~Hu .o•k ~ "'""1'11 ' """ • on I l1•t k no~ I 1~·"'1 .UHI ,,t\ ft •11• \ I tw•' It nl•'rnh··r lh•· ~.t\ •PL'"" ut ,, " ,, !1filh• "''"''' ,,, ho•fll•• .\nrl tl••n I ''''1:<'1 lu JHII 1h''''' .. 1\ I'' • .., 11' ' \\ tf l ~••nd~ :tn•l ~t .IIHJt"" the . George McKeetrans Hosts to Friends Jn\ttan..: t ... ,, .... ,.,,. I. 1 n· • ,. nmt: nr '""''' \lr ,1, 1 ,,,, r;,...r~.:r ~,..,,,., "·•n "' •· ,.,,,,, rn •h··u First Arri\'al for ho•mr ••n 1\.olhn.o l 'o•non,ul.t 11w T • hO'ol , .. '"" m •• n.11:•, .. r ,.,,. ,~,,,~, .. ,, he Burt Proctors t\n~o•rh"l 1n Jtnll••·l Rr,•(n.....,hnh nf '-'''" "'•1\•d "tlh' -'1• :ln•t ~1p~· t 1 • l 'tllft•r ~n:' rlt"'-<' nf ttu· ,·v•·nanJ.,: Th ...... :tc<~ pt-c:, lil•""nr•ul ~ ·"'""·• d•l \1" "' r• In;: tht• "lt'l-i:rt'ltnn-.' h"'lll l.rlrl~ I' •'1\'1111: l ho• (o I • ,. •' •• ,,. , t llh 11 -.·r•rr !\lr nnll ~fr, s r .. w;ur llu nhtll ~rlf'thl!' •·n lh•· 11•1\al ••l \' rt;lrrM nnd Mr ;1nl.l Mr.-Roh• r t lll•llln~·l n :"••al l 'r""" "• , .., 1 ,1 hl"nd. ~h•lll•' !'=l\n h• 'I''' 11 tn 1 "' i\n IN DEFENSE OF TilE E\'E FRONT Oprn up your f'Y~ to tM fact thnt clf'llr v1~ion ~ one or Amerkn'll fOI't'I'TlM I Wf'8p· oru' llavf' your t')'H r ht'ckE'd lmml'dlalt>ly for po!L~ible ... and harmful ... ~ft't'tl! DB. II. D. CRAWFORD OPTOMETRIST lTW! N....,t.........,.. o.ta ..... .......! ... cr.dlt Tf'nNl Broktm lAnwt Dupllc8Wd r • ).:•)." ~lh I~ Ill• II• !'lf • I· I Ill lht fa mily Mr. J'rodc r 111" '"''l·k llu\• n 11r1 hrt and Ia rrnplt o\'t tl ,It 'I. . 1',• p&nJu. ,: ll.u,,., "~" 1•l111 l,hrt..: •om It mHna a lot for a boy in the aervice to ta.Ut to hi• &ienda and family back home. UIIU&lly tho beat timo he hu to do that h in the e.-.'ning • How about gi~ IWa a bNak by not aalng Long Di .. t&noe &om 7 to 10 p .II. .w... it i.a ab- .a...ly l'ielH runry? at .... ,". ··----· aOUfMIIN CALIPQLNLA.._TJUPK_OIU ccua•a•• 111 raJm ~t.. !!&Jbea • t..a...p~~to.,.. 1-.1 ' I