HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-03-30 - Newport Balboa News Timesr. , -___.,. .. -.. - -I! Ul .. ~ KBWPOBT~ALB A RES .. AH llfDUIKNDaNT. LOCAL NEWSPAPIR SIRVING THI INTIRI NIWPORT HAUOR DIITIUCT A:SA VOLUME V. NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA. THt R."DA Y, MARCH 30. 1944 ,~-_________ ./. u s H •t I ·~ v--.o 1101m 1 Hal boa Court Bought State Committeemen !CO#II#IIe#U. •.• • • . OSPI a a!;'~':.~. ':Ulot ~:n~ By Out-of-Townent I to Di8cU88 Phuea a,.IDTCH F :~o.oC:.C::Ce!.0'0:!c!.: for $26,500 Cash of Fish lndustrv •JOU•Jt~ •• :J ... ~ . .:_~.tWftBrickll. ll&ala •• -_./_· or B4y Area ~ .. a member ot the 1M3 'JYU-1 l.ar,.cet real -.ate'trllll .. l'lhm I l'lllhJt'l'ta r.•tatlnlf to the tlehlnc •• '0 uat&~~a claa at Harbor ~ Htp l t~ take place UUe Wt't'k In lhC' tn.tua:,y u It affede the New· ecbool, bad for the !*at ~t llnt•bor art!&, IAYOlv,·u aal,. of I hi' 1 • ••t II arbor area will be tUlly tMt••e,..... • I R d moetba Mrved u M&man llretl rormt'r Hartmaa C:Oit..(t• at 423 •II•• Ufi&(•IJ at a mHUI\I echeduled • • • s u more claa abo&rd an alrc:raft carrier 1:, Bay a\·enue. Til~ prope-rty, ful \llltll>rNW nllfl\t at Coela M- ..,., ciW. JOU jamp lllt.o tM wiUcll wu active lll tbe lllanba11 \\lucb waa pllfth&M4 rrom the Aoll•tlc·M Lo•lflon ball, It wu an· car. tAiptlwr •1tb ~aDd_.., r.tan• ud Gilbert ~ eam· I lattmanN lalll Januu) b)' a """"c:f'<l tooay by 0l't'I'Ory Oort»y. of CltMnt. &eel bura 1lp )'uar CU ~t Uaal U.. w ..._... ~ and hae aeen .orne of lhf' ;.yndtcate compoaed ot Juhn Vl)(t!l •. h,.:t mM of thf' C'Ommltt~~t on ar- Lo -tile f'lliM of tM old Bam· y ar --·· ttltfMt tlcblll\l lo laJu plac. In 1~. R. Ho4lldn11011. Volnty Hay rRn~.-mconle ~ ~-C'otkE_da.J.! . .A.L llaaL~ =~ ..,-:u"'~.:; ~ PKUlc tlaM1r.a.. H!a. . u e.rt Mo• bn, W11r11'S0tlt to· 'nit• Mr~t•la\-e. whkh t1 ipOMOr· ~ ,_, ._.momlnc It • -u,.,,f :-.nrport Beadllll ~eM. ftmetJon 111 In ..-dar work. lilt. anll w .... .U.X M ~lorr~n ••I hv h~C'RI t1ah1n.: tntcon'tlle, will U... w at 8aDJoa. •llal .ble-d .oldlen to normaky, wu lA-~ A.rrtY\ac borne '1\Meday 011 a u ( lhe Mort111011 ~nt'('nng Co. ho• Rtl••ntJtotl bv m~mbt'ra of tJ\e tn· .,,:::: .;::·:: .::::-.,.:__. .il•"3 !•·d toJey tn a~ rn-,. 1 .day leave, ~ found that .1t Full<'rton. '"'-oon.~ot~rall•m l••ntn rommui.-. ot 0., State Jl'llh ..._.,. .... bk but -"ndel --. the Harbor.,... looked much bet· ~~,·,·o~in~ to Mr. VO&d. ~~ou oml (:an11• commiMion, lnC'IudlnJ: wauld •1 to ·-t1 tkJ ~ tM AttOrdanc to u.. :•r to IWil tMn wlMa 1M left here ~:!r..~ cub. 1 :"'ttl illlnor. ckalrm&ll of tJ\e C'Om· --! 8llnllQc up predaue tad I F: ri ....._ report. tile ut eun~~~Wr. Till' pro~rty lnclucSN 18 n•n\. mluton, ant.l ~mblyman Clyde ·--·-_.............. __ _.~ .ll~lrl('(' nc ~... at J'wt lilac· .,.. •·-.11' a __, ~ ... ,._.y ... \rthur ill t'Oftt.eaaplaU.. IIIII ...,. •• 11. all occuplt'd by HrVIC'C'norn anJ \\'Rillun. l'halmtan 'of thl' lntertm poor -.. ell!« ~ .. ,... :nrdlatt' HI!Ct.loll llwn of a ,_ YOOXO IIOY APPall:ll'f!!lf&D I h• .r famlllu, aM D\llll&j;t>d b)' •'••mmttt.... and t'halrman of thf' • • • j be J C'OftYu-.tt ~. ~ OM MAIL THEn <:IIAJIOJ: :.11 :< Thl'lma Thill whok hu11ba11J j l••~:telatlve committee on · rtMI ~ J.q *'lit. l"'!'pCCI1a -aD· rat.JtUUon. ~Y. w0.w 1M Po.l&J aulhoriUea bave been no-wa.a loet on Ule U .B.S. OklAhoma 1 ""'' lf"m.-. Ume low. Da ~ ~ ol tM lontf'CI ,._ out.llide tile WMt Ufled COACernlJl&' the aeUvtlie.. of •t Pearl Harbor. It II wadrrat'""' At thf' m .... una, wh,teh will COl\· U. a. aad *-d ~ u tatd· x~-port t'lty limite oa tile ....t 11 •tx·year-old Newport Beach boy thut llna. TbW w111 oontlnuf' to 1 •·n•· at ~ p, m,, •II p!ti"IIOI\8 lnUr•. UpM aad trw ,.._ ~ ....-1 nate '-lndPd 011 the -u..... ~ who lut Moeda)' &Mertedly alol~ 't&nagc the pr.m._. tor lh~ n<'w • ~'"''In th .. local ttlhlnc tnduatry U.. ........... o1 a.n.uw:ac pto-C"JXUrt bJpway aDd oa tM ..u.-•INS puti&Uy dutroyed a quanti-m,·nt'ra. will bf' «i""" an opportunlt)' to pAe "'I •"t'ec ewrect _..aDd .,.~ by u.e My ~. ~ ty of mail~ to Mra. Fran· A n cr buytn,;"tM ~OIIft thrf't nlnr .. bt'tor,. the tntf'rtm commit· ~ ,_. tM Pl¢lk wdlar. trart lift lmmedeat.dy .,.. of d e 04-orse. 1111 Court atrML ltlontJua &KO, ~hr eyndoc:at•· or own. ,, . ., tnr n•n~tderallon an)' prob· alld nl ,......., tM -'h" Beacon ~ ...u... Tbe mall, which conlaJ.ned a P8 "' rr mo•h-l••d It to prvnl.le all· 1 I""'" aruln.: out of utaUnc or of a w a fir 6a ~ aad C"nnt.anf'd today. U.. Fort Mae· war bond, wu eubefqueaUy found nnr ttl'<'omnwdallon•. tn•talltn~t prnJW'IM'd n.aunc leplallon. ~ ... t111ot ~-.flll17..,.A~Uwr a;mlalic_ ~ cllpUt. IIC&tlered ablut Ule premieM at hot· ahowru and oiMr l'nnvl'n· w.&r...,...... ~a--.... -~""'' rd.ed to ntlwr c.~~~,. or mo Otl:'lmr ll'rOirt wttere tlaor ll'nrn. un ON na MIMW DU. ,er ~ laal ~ ~o-n,. u.e l"t'pCCrt. boardll IUid been prted looM. &e· "Ruat,.r" Ohowf'll, former 1oeal nM•teecl .. of late ........... or ~ 1oea1 ~ aad ._... ccmtmc lo UN report of J . H. C'OCkTAIL B-'A PICOI'I'.I'ITI:U flaht'rman who hu travea.ct 104,· Melt alley ftriet}'. -a,........_ -nnne ~ ..wt to Mft "-WIWon, bi'OOMr of lln. ~ Th•• bo&J-ll of eup.-1'\·tJI<Jtl <)n olll() mllre eln~ jofldnl thP M..,.. ell I a • ... _..._ 'IJ'Idaaola I NWrlactH 111U. a riew ....,.. Maloof, OWMr of the property. Tu today voh•d unanllnoualy to fllr l.·tuol'lt Marlnf' U montlle &«'D. dur· AM --.a dtDnl. a taa· cul'f'lrift« ~ or ...a.rta~ Later, wbm PolJce Otncer Sum· t01 ,11al p1otr11t .. a!Jul lhe upt-n· to~e whlrh time he had off only payw, .anted ... a .... • t.hnuJrl liUt'll a con'l'~ cader mer ~ two younc boy• of "'K ot a ro.:kt.aU b.u ¥l t:oatal thr,.., d~t\'11, hu returnt'd to hla m&D Mnl at W'Oitt a. u. Jlk•-t ... _ ..-8 ... ,_ .. _ ... 011 .... ....... •tealtnc tbe mall. Uley admlnect .. 1 ft dl 1.. w ... r-·-..-. ~ ~ -, ~l··~a. t.h~ ll('\lon ~lng lak··•• at\· "" P • "r •rt"" "I "~ H• Ra.-. III'M _.. ...._ ~ I! itt a ~ fad u.t u. that Ute deed llad liN-n done by , r Atton1r-y Leroy An•l<·r•"n ap· furlou~th wllh hie fathn, W T M ~ • U.. .. ._. a laal .\nny ~ aoca& WI .... thrir 8bi·)'UI'-Oid brother. Mkf j f'Min-1.1 befor~ Ule bonrd v.IUI two ' Ohnwrll nt !Will 2tt.h lltf'fet -aew I I '" hfo iclraDy ..ned to tile nCU; why, the)' rwplled, "No mon!)'." r~'~•'"'"" nbJ• •·Un1 1.o •uch an ,.1.1 Ourln~ thf' r-e&tf'r po!11on of WI~ U. _,.lJ ol lk 'f1eta • nat Inn (1( .._tiled -U.. llaJ· Tbe boy wu re'-d to hie l3bh!1hntt'nl Unc J)f'llltun bt>t•· thl' hiR lltf' "' -. Bulltf'r wu llta· ._. 11p ~ ... U --011 ..._ U ' pa,.nle and the mall turned OYU 1 d ... d 11 l k ..__ I ~ -~... SO lila<rble aan..ty -. to o.~~tnllturn ur 260 n·11dfonlll and I """ a .... ar .an o an "r ... u · • 1111l_. ...._ IU' .-.r • -«I'd to ~e me rTNler por. Poetmut.r W. R. Actem. who lh•· othl'r eiJrt~Atu,... ot 81 bual· lnt on from th" tTnllf'd 8~tH Melt IIIlo t-. 4lartl .,al,-....... IJnn nr It• -mer --ort to ... _ hu laid tbe matter befor'f' the I . I'" lhl' n .... t In lhf' South PulftC' ,.__. cold aad ..W -,...,. ,_ poetal 1ft_.,... I Loe A I '"11" II. --.--• --.e. r""abiUbUon ot 'wv ~ ·-~-· n ngt' "• :o.t,1111 pr utcllt wu "'"' C• .. ta H" Rlao mad<' a rwpll' nt lr1pl • • • wbo Ia cOIYidertll~ lhc proper &4'· \1 ' hRll nn bar Whl'or hard lt·l thmttp lhf' ""•ama riUial, vt.lt· ll a. lreely Pftdldl'd by tM c-.~n ('()!'tftlUlD llan to talle. I""' 11 lold lt.he pto·~.-nl cat•·• ••d V,.new,.la a nd olhn South Am· a&d UnMn ...-.cl ._.. we wtD 'nH' Rartlor'e eddlrated ".tDut I .. II• tg only bcu and wlnr I &1\d ,~·rlran rortl and hu eef'n IIOmf' ..... tile Uctatat coundlmank .. , .... .-.-.In whkfl Ju.tua crtldl· Cong John Phl'lll'psl •h I t'lllabllllh lnc IIUCh • tav~m l "xtrtmf'ly lntert'ellnc placea ¥Ole next Apc11 II that X_,ot1 ' rll't.t n( An&brim a. -IIIIo« 100 , ''llltld C'Ompllcate the already -------=-::!:! ~:::-: ::;;."" w:-.:::.. ~~ WI. II Confer Here ~.·.:::~cdattr':~~c,~ =lo~ Harbor Track T earn Jofn tile IIWied ~ ~ .. <f._ dt>awr. wu ~ unW t'lrm~>nl which would mulllply Ole UtUe ,_ or jaetlfteaUae for l tWr.OITOOI' w111n1 llloOt u.e -· It ' roblenu Cl • T" t I f. ::.= )'ar tkft aaee aft to llw rm•nant and ..,. ..... t 4P•ured On Bay Affairs l'n~;~:,~.it~n p to ape\. t ile tanm almS I e or ... lf dLree -pt t. Fn-tay lldore J ..... D. J . ~· hall be<!n tiled by...._ operaton ol ,....... ... .-...... ~ -! Crltdlftdl ........... ------· ....... the a ,_., et ._. ........ So. Calt.fomi~.t a..-tortlt a 111ajority ... call ....... w1ridl .... ,... • • ct<rtJ ?14JUC • J!!'II'Z-• ...--.,.--IC.I Mft tilt __.t _. tllwir ,_ 011 ~ John PhJIII~' ... rn y art-. IMt ... on-dlollrpd ac.beduJed tJlrM..dav vtllt to Or· GIRI.M ('OLLEOI' PAP'D ..._ • _,. .,.,. ~ lila'N ._., &eel him moon tlila.n u. OPA cdJtnc ' Upfloldlnc tlw ~ndad ~ .W ~. CJ1lk'Wnw o1 owr dly n n .... nn two bottln ol "'atout" aJ\If'l COWity wW be an Informal T11 four tattle Balbnll laland Jirle l t ._ ... tt ... _ '" meettnc ll!t for tomorrow mom·,·~~~ q full crP<IIt fl•r C'Olledlnlf •N In the b..aetbal ..,._ b)' ..,..,._ ...,. ._. old-tinwn •I~ It ta undt'-rwtood Uaal ·--er· H h I I nett -· v • Inc at Newport Harbor Yacbt m111 · thnn 1000 pound.l of w&fte l Harbor IC ., tit e-wtnntnc 8al • are · t. and U.,. may well llr. rfuon:,. nf %8 ~La .. ~edly Club, ~ to Walter SpiC<lr .,a: ··r. th,. f<'at hl••lnK been IIC'· ora. clndrrpath fane on Saturday It'• time )'011 ~ W'Oile ap and tnw•l.-f'd Utoucflrt dtoat tile matter _. lft.. of Ule Republican County Central "' phl'lhNI lut f'rlday t-ventn1 roaw Harbor'a track te&m .-"'P atNd. of ktt.in« matt,.,.. .a• ~"--.-_---'-.·' • •---CommlltM. l '•n I Snt11rday mor-nlnc . I humr ttl vtctQry In thf' emallt'r and aaur bewaOt UUeca '-AJUUUIIC'~... ._..,..,_ Ortlflnally plannf'd for thla Thr•·•· llii'Hibl',.,. uf thf' quartrl, can't ~· "IE ,.,. momtnc , the mHtlng ..,. .. potJI· P ''"Y Katt"rlch, Mar~t War· "rhoul• dtvlelon at HunUftcton • • • ~ow Available at poned unUI the latf'r date due to ~hall and Patty Lon~r. are eaeh •• u ...... h Where thf' 2llrd annual A drealar r«"mUy a.-d by uu--numtnc for otnClf' .. a ~-• a"~rt Of.S.-a ehance In Mr. Phllllpa' lllner· \',.,. .. 8 ,.f n.~tr . tho• rourth member. Southrm CaJltornl.a c.bamplonahlp '"' r-1 ft% ary. Wr. Spicer aald. , lm n Lnn~:. nnh I aye l'lalm to nu•••l wa1 ht'ld. warn. and endoned by tM ...... Lnu J rommndal n.knrll'n prtnte ~ bard Ualnp ebout .. ,.. J:'l\'1~ l.Jw-jr t'nth•uue ap- tlle pt'Mftlt admlnletnflnn llrt~ rrm-;.1 t" an a•u-mcement that an-eooperaU•e sith t.1w 0qnons. h"n-c3fter rommerdal n.lltnc 11· DWftt 011 war l.uee and hnuat"« ~~n.•1 may 1M' obtaJMd at tile A . We ~lleft tiiUt .. cutuna-too <" H"ffman (J(fl~. 3102 Lafayette deep and .. un,_. ciNpite t.1w .,, ... ~ ...... thua l't'liUIUnr In tJie ••· fact tiLat man)' an not In .,-mp.· ·u: ,, murh tlmf' and cuollne. ~y wtu. Uw prtl'8t'llt admlnllltra· Thro,:frtl arnan~f'ment Wltb fed· Uon. A.phl -•• lt'a vn to :r")U • 1 1 :m!hnr1tles. bolita may ~ to c:arefuDy think t.1w m.au..,-O"t'r t... r< Jri•l,.rrd at the Roffman of· -d put rftiPONII~. ~ul In-fi,... •·br n'U it wu formerly ne· earn,.nt. bNJthy """' wbo ll\'t' rMc"-''""' to t o to San Pf'dro fot and '""' IMft llllD otnce. ·uch ...-rn« F'lncerprtnUnr equtp- • • • m"nt iJo .... n.~ and no char!fe -n.e day .. comtnc wlw-n .. ,..,.. •~ ...,1!1•11-for th<> a~ommodallon. iloCnc to Uft a P'eny numlnt· Sport fiabln,t lie~ an ~ liP and down and around u.e-nb!;~.nabl". the otnc:e lldnl' open ~: ma,-twv at ·em: tJat daJtr fmm t L m. to !l p. m. l~land~r to Operate x~w Sportswear Shop Wblle no lnterated pei"'IIill wlll 111x yrurs All "''' llll'mbera of the l>t•l<•r\•lne moet nf tbe cl'1"d..t for be exeluded from the mHtlng, B .. , .. ,.oo• ~ llltol :\ll ha•l hrllrd of th!' tht• •r~·t•rular win wu the which Ia to open at 8.30 " m .. 11 nrJ,:tonl rw•·ll r .. r wutf' papcor eo etrun~t rri•Y rnuriiOmf', C'Omp<*'d will be attendt'd prtmartly by 111 t c·arl<•l1• "'"Y bl' ml\nutactur· M Fr!'d Shan.t, Sllrn P'Oitlman, memben of the Orang• county • I '"' rnr 'Ylllf.! ~uppllu to our All;on Blahop &ncr Bryan HanNI board of •upPrviiiOrw, the city Ill• •, o\·tot'!lo·.a~ Thl' Jtltlll accord· whu pla•·•••l flrwt In the 180 rela)', council. and Ule Orange county IIH 1\' l•!"k '1 hr•1r ••xpre• wapn1 •'<~vt>rln& the dlatance In 1 min harbor commiMion. Chlt>C purpoee ,,n 1 ~·I nut "'"'" lhr qur1t :1~ 4 aN·. CovinA place~ lleCOnd. ot the conclllYe will be to give 1'h" pnp•·r wn.11 df'IIVf'tt d to ThP rrcord, w hich wu Nt In 1941 Mr. Phllllp1 a chance to famaJiar· :'111''• I. lin ,, ""' o1 whn hu prom!•· by San Dteco, 11 1 mjn 30 1 IM'C lu hlrneelt with the latr drvelop· • d to ••·•· tlt•at It 11 delivered to M<'t'llrk•·ll of Harbor pla<'l'(l nu nta In harbor problema, bolh I ho po "I'"' IIUihnrltll'l. (lrll In lhl' 120 hiJth hurdlt'8 With hi'~ and at Loa Alamltoe. whn" -----• n lim,. of 111.2. Hlehnp and ,.., .• the looaUon propoeed for thr new E Th t M j C'urk••ll pll\l'NI 1.-c:nnd ancl fnurlh ammunition depot hu drawn tht! JX-('a f(' anager 1 Ill thr• 220 low hurdlet,; FOJI'Iman, l'Mtlclem of many county ottlctall ~r\'ina: \lith Army I'"'''""'' In lh•• brnad Jump. Hanz,.l, and le(1elatore. thlrrl 111 thr t OO yard. 'and F't>Jt"l· 8T A&&J:Y HOLDINGS 80LD Atter reeldlnc· In Orance coun· ty for nearly a halC·c~nlury. Mr and Mn. R. L. Starkey lhle week announced that they had dttpol{·tl ot aJI their local buelneu and rei · T••o·h ~1!1 MIUIOn Sllrr, co· 11111n lhltd In th,. 1h<1t put ., ... ,, o o•f l.ool .. llnol Balboa lhealr\'1 ('unr·h Rrrd'll t,.am cnnc:lud,.d ·•n I ••·tilt• r h '" u((lt',.r M Sr"'· lltr• mer\ with 21 pntn\11, a thrl'" 1 ,,, 1 Ita r ""' .lunlur Chamber of r ••lnt mllrltln ovrr Covina, lh,. ,., 11 "1 •, h:\" tnr 13 month• n•·llr"ll rival ; t-.. '1 ~ .. 111: ••1'1•'" In the Army·a C1n Tll,.ltlny th•· trl t'k rnton ""' ,IJ '""'* pro\ lnlf and experl· plurNI flr11t In th,. 1tn111lrr IC'h<Yllll It woe't llr tomorrollr' ~ • .u,tlt look at tJko pk1 u"' pute eolcl wat« on lt. Hlrlnc c:onml'f" tent men. keepi"tE wu-tl~ boob. taaee. ~= u.e ~ nt thf' proper ldnd of huD. and thr ft· aandaJ ,....,_.n.otty at the 11\&11 or mf'ft 1'/Wn« tJwo tranrlt•. wtln. .,. tbe Jrft8lelt lit"" rtl , Ute tmacinaUon could not .-k '" ,..,. tatn any ~·_.,... profit for p .. rh,uft>ntng the premiNa with ldent.Jal properUea and hi\'!' oll\'lt lnn 1\l Br,.a·OIIn•l• Rf'lay1 •·hnlklng up 311 pnlnlR lllfAinat 17 1'"111111 l>v 011rd,.n r:rrwr ftll(h, ""'''•n•l-plnr" tlnlther 80me time "'"" If thf' tram.. would yteld th'\t ~~ And 111 th-~ hn~fl~'! And wnrll· tna-out Ole ectl<-du1f' •• "" llpt etl<lft. eltJNor No, ... ,..l"f' .-otn~r to have a round-tht-·Hartlor P'~. Jh• "'"'""l•<" nam~ of "Va,;abond boucht a home at Hemet Wht>rt' Hcrl.llt":· )Irs. Jnna Jlarp&H on tht•y plan to make their ruturr 'fn•vt.n· :t.ccn m.-d ~tp ollhe hom!'. tr•rm"r l.l'tla Wllllama' epon. '"'" Starkey blackamllh ahop "'.,..,r lobrtp at 219 Manne a•mue. 111 M&J"nolla and Fulll'rton a1·enue. P.alt>na bland. u w~n u two dwelling•. on" on 'nl,. l•orAI •••htO(•I tonk rtr•l ""'"''I 111 lh,. "llrht·tnAn mtl,. fl~~• In lh•• r .. ur-ml\n IWif·mll•· r•·lnv, fl r~l In 1 1111· tour n>Rn llll. flrat In lhr ••t~;ht ·mlln IUIO. tlrlll In th,. f•JUr· n,.,, kkll. ~"''""'' In th .. 0111~ med· h•v ttntl IN'und In thl' four-mlln 440 BAt'll AT NEWI'O&T NUltiRER ~ $13,000 Goal Exceeded By Red Cross "Ovn IJMo top wtth 0)1~W ClOt· ....... 1e bet.'Omll\l a famiUer ..,... frat" at Nf'V.<pi)ft' fnrtiOr ....,.. •IUr11\1 llw put ,_,, 41\aU~ aft« quota hu IINM!JI tnt't and ...aa.l· "'" eome by .. m...cta u • ,_. l'f'nt &a• ----- p Aner a rear'l abeene., which hi' •rwnt In Ark&M(Y and at caa. .m l"tly, C'alo., H\&ltt Dtnalt ,... tum••tl to Ne~wport yHl•rda)' and 18 ... In bf'lnc l"r.et.cl by IUe I•· illlfiA e r h)('lll frtenda. OM ot 0.. plunc-.·r rnl<ienle <>t the town, Mr. .Ohntt l'&m • h.-~ In ltoe and wu rm-1:l >._.,. t'VftAKt.cl with Wa.YI ~e•w••ry at Balboa., later •t•l'lnl lht' t1'1taurant buelnt'M 011 tJile NI'Wf"'rt Ooean P'ront A~ to rt't>ort he found Colorado Wet .:ulll arul &DPW)' ,an.d Mlil "~ Y••U a rt NeWport aand In JOUr lh•\1'1 11'1 hard to Ita)' a-y." He • eta)'lnlf tamporar11y wtUI hAll 'u<lt hrr·ln·law and aleter-ta·'-w, Mr an•l M• Steven ~· I On f-r'"""IOua OC't~ a..w. 'Wd•t_. Fir~ De8troys Home; Damage About MOOG P\'rr. hu thl' •tat .. m .. nt ,..,.... ....... •u1·h vital hnportaa..,.-.. ..._, ....., A' whl'n Mra Vl<'lnr l)ra('t' _. n In ronnN•tlnn wiUI UN kx-al ... • eall 1-'lt'Cl on Tueeda)' alter-. llla<'lil'lliiY t.lf'atroyed the home o1 Mu ltllub..th Worw, 17& Meaa ll11""· •nd nnly ~y utmcwt .atrort .111.1 flr.-mcm aucc..d In aavtnc ~ ,.,.ltlt•n<"• of Wr and N.-. Peter J Uurton at 271 ahea drive 'nl~ lllllllf' 1tartf'd n•ar the cellllll" .4n t h" ,.,.. ... and Ia bt'llevflt \o have ro••ulll'd frtJm ~r ... ·ttve wlrtl\l. -c-~a ,..,. .. nr. Clf'partmmt..,.. •ummonf'd and madf' th# n111 .. rl'f'Ord lime but clue to UN faet that th.-n-a" no ""' .. )'CinAU In that ~~HUon of town. nremee w~l"f' t'ompellf'd to n1t1t thf' b&a» from ttl. ch•mlcaJ tanla 0111)' A.a ro•1ult. 1l wu n~)' to MUM lhl' aid ot another Slate forMtry truC'k from tlw Arm)' Air a.- l 'roa.t War P'lu~l 01 lve, I" ,..... o.hr eerved a• daainnaa. ......: "OUt· I U ,OOtl quot&... ..... • ..., r lart'tl. "hu br.-n m.-t aNt ,.... &. .. f'd ant.l lh•• 111onry t• 1tlll ....... ... 4 Ill. a.lt~h ttl•• drl.,.. Will Mt .. .. <~ftl('lttiiY f'll•'"'•' until t-=•-..... nooll ·· At that UJne lbo! ~ .. &.. m•n Mhl, a rlall rt'JI'>rl nt t-. 1 .._ hl&hl)' •ui'CMIIfUI C'&Mp&lp .. '-.,.1•-•I M-• R..t..O••--HI'•6---------t:,: rnn mHi Ina to hfo heW at tiN a. r •l a-11 C'l~ ' ....., -~ Kn ara.c. pajd pal\ktllu .... • .... llle to hf'r harct.wortd-.. ~., -a workf'n, ~alJ)' cttt~C till. a.e-...... ron•pltahm•nt ~ RotrH .,_. flf ..,_, lh. &ouu-cout Oo. pM I • - l•&rtlnf'nt who wu l..,....,y ,...... • ..._. •lbl" tnr IIW fac1 tllat .... ...,,_ ......_ Uamaa• to th,. ctw•lllllJ", M!C"'rd· tna to ll'lr• C't\ld a.rt llmltJt., wu "JIJif'Oillmately MOOG. J • <>f th# l'nn'IJI&ft1 donatf'd tnta.8 te.. £ lo th• drive, liUe •-t ..,.... o.-- .,.ntlna 100 r-r l'f'nt Cllftt.rtMIIIMa .._... On Saturday ev.ntftC, ftn .. lltmJ"'d th• p,..e at the C. D. Klpp '-nco, 11tb and Whittier awn """· wiUI a I~ trf about tiOOO. In addition to UN bullcllftC, U.. •I'Wn•r loet a tnwll. a valua* llhllrk net and COMidenMe ftlll· lfllt t'QUIJimf'llt 'nv bla8a Ill ... ll.v~ to have atarted "-a 0.. truck, Chief Smith .a4. nr ,,.. ,.._ ..... Huge lntermt Sltowa In "Court NIPt" at Auclltorl ... A capacll y audl•~ alt ..... thoo "().Uri,.. .... , •• ~~· dU<'t.d al CtwnmUftlt)' ,......, A.._ LU&IMO ...-.. ClA~ 1\onem, 1110 ~ ........ o- A. r . ............., ae a 11't1l -.. ta .._ • 8niDdQ Di1M. .._. CoMa ...... -......, ........ lt . laa..._...._ .......... A,...,OOW't---~ ......, -.. '-fl .......... , .. T' ,.,._. ':.a-,. ....,. -:....,. .. ,..,.. ....,. JtUt. ,._ aa • , a f'f'Ce~tt Y•n 1'aar.. ott o.ee w .. '"'ltrtl r.-........ I'Oint and towed to H...,ert Uovem,..nt or HMvt'fl Wile .._, whe,... 11 wu moored at tM Van f"'"'d with I~"'~'~ law •·· ' (.'ttmp Dock. the llbarll maa.alred Th,. JConnrabl.. ("h.,..._ a.u 111 '""' and 7 lftehH In le~ """" lh,. r,_tdlnJt Jut1c,. wtt.h W. [lo'lplt~ lle lmmf!haa atM UN .. ~ I ' Rtai"Y u !'ftUrt c: ... rlil A J-rY • ·u1ua lnoklna rreatu.re didn't prove ••f 12 wrr-.. olrawn '"'"' UN ..._ t~> be a ~rtlcularly lucrative IP nr e •nd lrnpllnf'l"d ~lr dlwotit natrh, havlna eold y..t.rday to a llfrtllallona ,.. .. r.. """ rtturdl el L A rr•lu uon rnncem for to l"ll.rlit, on.. l-'u111 Kquan·. t- Mr WliJt.-h,.ad .. a N~mmerclaJ llllptlllla. uu• w .. tbncltllt. - trahrrman with Uae Van Camp l'hr1attan and lh•· 1rmaln,..,. 111&4 !lf'aft>ud Cn . 227 20th atrHt lloo ••huro·h •rfltiRIInn• BaUnte w•·rr Jll"''"" In thr ha111t11 trf tlw Smallf'r War Plant.. Sub~t of Meeting ro111llrnrr aa ll •. ,.n .. lal J"'l' Aft· "' ,,n•llualnart•••, lhr r..., w .. lltm"'' rovf'r In Jevanaf'llllt fkrtfal Kll altum•)' In· ttt-f.-.-at Uw -;rw r.t)' flv•· l.,l'al bueln,.umen 1 Wtor•l nf (}tid llt<·t 11\ Httlbloa Yal'hl Club lut l11 hiR "l"'nlro~ "'"'""'""t. Mr ~ tloltty 11•• •II Whl'rf' ftlani"Y W A I ljnffar atal,.rl I hilt I he JlUrpoe. llljtrMIIo Holllll'lf'd the work and ut lhll trllll WAll Ill '"'t""oiiW' wtltrl '''"I"' "' lhr Tl'chnlcal Advlllory wa11 rt'IIJXIIIIIIbl<' ftor th,. att,.mplf'4 ~ •. ,.,.1, ,, "' th,. l'lmaller War o•hnll lf•• ••f """'Ill\' .,f lh,. fta.,._.th l'lnnta l'llfP'Jratton. I nf lh" IJflr•l ''"'" th,. .,.\' .. nth tq 'l'h·· ~or.:1111111atlon, exp1atn"d Mt lltr flr•t •l"v ••I thr w~~k E vt tr~.:'""'· WRII r r,.al,.d by Cnn•r-,l,.n••• fr<om lh•· lltltl•. •ult\#nlk' '" ··~~11'1 111 IH•IVInJt •um .. of the 11lat""'""'' frum lh,. lr·lldl"-'"""· fllt•hi•·IIIJI ••f thl' wmallcor lnduatr1H • ro!11111 • hlltt hr• th" t•atht\111' """ '" htolp In utlltalna eom• ,,l l'hlltt'h, and al••·ptf'd l hUI"I'h Ill ... lh,. "ll•'n r11t•·nla hf'ld In thl1 lull•·• wu l•l rllf•n\,.,1 • "'"'trY 1111•! "''hi• h hiiVI' bo-<'n tak·l It waa ""'"'•lt•hrd that O.od " "'', hv lhr• f,.d,.ral _.,w ,.m· "' '' r • h~nj;trtl lh•· 1111nMity nf U.. '"' "' with th• ""~'"' lhat ma nu· H1<hl>11lh ''""' lh•• ao·Vf.Ol'llh to U.. lou''"''"""'""'' nru1 """"I'IP thorm float •lro\•. lhttl ,lrl<n,. f'hr~ ~ f,,, lh•· j,..,.f'(l\ "' lh,. nallrJn •luwecr•l 11 "'"I Ill• "''"'"',.. did l't•·,l•ltu.: 111 lh•• m~'~'tlnt WU lltol • hr<njlr II lhr<t II WI<• II ..... d ~:-•I Hlllnl,.y lll•••l•l,.nl llf N-· IIJtl r'h•!>IC•' IA·hl• h ''"'" l•lllf'f' dllf ""'' ll•ntl'll t'h11n1~r nt t·,m· 1111: tho· 1111ro1. l••11tth ""'I firth ,,,.,, • th" llf,..hk•·t tlr·IIIIC lnlrn· l•t• "'I h\• lluhh"' •I I' tiiiWf' Navy t~nMi~n Klllrd In Plant• Crash Off Balboa ,, nltUI•·,. f,. ,.. r•lt~~ult ur .. ,,.,,.. prt.rutM•' .,f t•hr l"'""'"tv ""tt ,,. .. t•• ''' t fl '" ''' P"~ rtr• Unrur fr• r·ttft • ln~l .. ot II "'"~ • -lahlt•h• •I lh•t lht- .. I I• •H•"~"' ., ,,.,,,II \A. ... ,... •• 'tflf•Wit•,h••t~~ Iff• tttt•U•P'""·I r h•rlCf" tl"lno~ I hrtl "'I "' 11 '"'" k "' ht-r r•·ll~:t••u• 11111 h••r II v Tllr I til y rrllf "'I ! " I h•·ll '"""' Arto·r flyln~ (rtom rorpu11 C-:t\r11· tr, nrrlv" 11t " rnor nro•l '"'l'•r11ol -t: ,. ·-.... ..... ll.~ I ._.. ,....._, • F 0. .... = ----i.·.ir: ·' . e c. ... r r. ....,_ ........ ....... ..... ..,_ "" ... ._L cw.-t ........ ..... ... ge -o#t\ at.,.. ... ,_ _.-.. ... ...... ··-• -.y ...... ........ ....... ,...,.,. AU•.f "' T ....... ..... •4 .... v ... I 1•-.,..--. ..,t not t.olr.of ra.: WOMEM EN i£M I AIX'ED '"'" "~· •«Mdlng to Ute new Macnolla and lhe olht'r on Fuller· ,,,....,, r . 'A'111 f,.atun' Imported ltf'ma ton. have been purchUt"d by Mr. !~··m Tah•l• and Hawaii and wtU and Mn. J. V. Baxter, forml'rly •'-1 In ....mnen·a apon.wear, batt.-of Corpua Chrtetl, Tn., who arc- '"~ suit.. ehorb. elacu and bioi»-already located In one of the re•· ..-~ f'nl!ltume Jewelry, pu,._, -.., ldf'ncea. Mr. Baxter llu had 30 "tr. o..c:orattve watf'rt'olor paint· yeara u:J)f'rtence u a black1mlth · tn~tt of Tahitian aeenee wtll lend and plane to operate lhe ahop. " ~nulh S~a touch to the dtaplay. There are ~ two Baxter dau~th· .. J ..... .... ..... ---I Fir,. DMitroys lfomf' ~.·.,,:;··:, ~··r~.~~:~~~ 1!~,:,',1": ~.~; :·;.;,~:~:·.:./ ~~;;~, ",'"~~~';;;;;;::~~~~ ::;:1v on Balboa bland r ln lll· ,., ......... "" .. •l rt~<·l. Hill· "'"" lhl<l .... lo , .... ,,, \\ Ao f'llhh Kn Mavnard ~~~ 27ft Jla«. noll.a llt,_t. ..... ttotot"• '1111Jr~~­ c1ay at a m(!lefln« ()( N_,..,rt Hti~Ef\la drc:~ W !It<" S <"'-.,.._ t,.. at the affair hfolnt lo(no F11!T-t Roffard JIWlml'fnt; a mn..,ln« ,._ .-otH to-Red CrttM wnrtl . ...:-11 lu~ wu .,.1"\'f'd at rwwwt anrt lhco anemonn ""'·nt~ tn "'..t- Mra R . 0 . ENIJll c.n,._..f'CI tJMo ~lonalll. tJMo da'l' «"''n« dt-.t wtlh tea and deMf'rt. f~ rlldt a CIII'Nr otff'rln« 1I'U M0f'C't<Nl ~ ~ MHdamf'9 Georr K~land. Ita• BarTIPtt.. 0 0 &..,-- nard. R 0 ~~ Cu. ~­ ~. P'.Award Hart ('TnJIJ ~. J . c. BI111DD. w R Trl.-fT ._ -H. ~-· Pft;t w~ and th .. hoet_, ~~"1 ~· were Kra. Jactt ft.oof'CI ("1wt,. w- aad Jill. ~~~ .,., We. Mrs II•Tf'IH and her huaband. ten: Francea. & beautician, Ia em- P.-n-., WaJ"f'IH. an too weD known ployt'd at Newport. and Shlrl('y Ill· '"' '""' Hartin-'. art'& tq need any ,.nrolled at Llndbt'rf:h IC'hool. ••ar1h"r •ntrt>tfurtlnn ~ln~r be,. Mr. and Mra. Cheater M. H11r· •r. tff"A trw a "acatl~ thf'y fell na and two daupterw of Seattlf' .. ,,..,. 111101 1M Jlland and ,._ have bouf:ht lhe Stark"Y homr I ,.,,, l11,.t T'hur"'t"v ,.v,.nlnl'. rar-""h' •t ""'' ,,.,.. ,., , ,,.,,, h ''" (tUlft •,+ l'""'"lt'' nppNtxlmRIInJ;( l12r,t) 1 vlll.: ••nr "'"" lu hi• df'ath na•• ht<ll"l th•,. ,.,.., '•v th .. IC"II ,. 1111ll• t1 ft••m fir~ u( un<lt>lr·rmln· 111•· 'I• 11•11 uf lh,. •·ruh wu En· , r~<l J•trv , ""'''""'"I "' tl'l• """'' n ~:n"<l '" mall• lt ~r penna. propt'rty on MalfTlolta and arr PX· """It """'"· """"« only ton« • pec:ted lo take poetN'Uion rarlv • r,roup t o ~nd a year In Tahiti noort month The Harrt• fRmllv 111 """"'rd tlilf'lr yadlt and to tall* f"''l¥~d t• l!!._f' 8Wf'f'n~y·Crnft·NP­ ~rt tn Ole Tnu'lllpadne Tadlt ~ clan and hu lmpllrlt c-on fl· rt~.-~ to HawatL deri8r In·~ fut11,. of Coeta Mt'llll lo(r MllrlJII!tl, wM WrTed wtU! 1 ''at ol•·r '' ''"""t at Aberdf'f'n, ~~ Br1tllla !'fary ~ tile ftrwt POPCLATIOM OSOWDIO ·,· 1 ~vt .• I• r who !;&me to the Wc>rW ....,., ~ ~ an liloft. Mr and Mra Rarry CorniiWeet. 11 ..... , ftl• I tn 191\3 and encact'd "Tllbl~ ~~e after putlln.: In 344 B~na Vteta. al't' th" Jlllrf'ntll' • '•·t~l' • •• h••ro· until f'Tller1nc lh,. r--• y...,. ..tO' tJM. U. 8. Oout of a *In bom Monday at 8t. Joa.l ·n· II r ,..,.,~ rm Aliff 1, 1t42. II ~ ,,,..., tn Uw prNf'flt conntct. & '"Ph ha.pll&J. l "" •·f M• nnd Mre H J. l'lllet r1al\.l to operal• Ct:ran Ran•e NC·: Corp. and Mn. Norton .J:. Ab-, • ~ f '!l rl """" ani! In acktttlon t~ • ~ ·~ nn thf' leland W!dd\ 1au, rrtyn nf Coala 1-f~'•a ar~ tb~ I i'.), • h• r nf Commtrce atfll· r:--,1owrly been bl ~ of ,.,., ""rente ot • dauJ:hter born Mon· •• • ~· fm·m•rly active In Ult Marp&ea. day at a a&nla Ana boepll&J. lo~el Rotary club. ••ol nrt~:ln whlt•h lui R•turti•V •trro llnl•· Yullrr Ahtl<1ll. 11 Ill """' "'''"' "" 1.,,,1 .. 1 ,,, h·· unan nll(hl pnrtt•lly !V•troyt>d a Jtanat~ !':~<I'RI H,.,...rv,. whn wu a pu· '""'''" ''*"" ...... ,,. .. n,.llrol( th• h"IIIW' R.l :1()1) Am .. t hy.t •"""""· II ~· ll£t>r "'"'"'tl thl' rla.nf' Th• pt. IIN'Iolllll ,,, lh~ , tollr1 , ... )' "'"• reptlrtrd h)' Flrf> Chid Frank '''' wh··~·' nam,. wu wlthh•ld by ~o;,.,\111(• ""' t ;,,,, .. , ro pttrh t hat C'rnl'ker • --: .. ,.,.1 Alllhrorttl"• pararhulf'lt lll thr nl to ll·fl•"" '"'' lnt .. r,.at I• ,.,. at; urtur". whiC'h wu own· ~,.r~t v ""'' wu ln)ur,.d, offtrlal• ~tr••wlr~ "''"'lilY 1,., 1 ••r"" ..nntln ,.,, by ~Rrl"ll Haynf'e and O('f'U· • '''' ''" """' .. " fll.l!'hl , •• "T'' Wr,..ttav Dl"ff hv Mr• Loll 'torr,.y, wu l,tW"Ill ,...ltl'IIP tlr•ale ·~ lmm,.d· nr.tl T•t"t"IIIY• ttntl lh,. ruhl~r tr rromplf'tf'ly auttf'd. lhl' fir,. havlnlf llll•·tv ,,, u, .. •"""" , '"" r ruh. 'tonllally tnvlt .. d lt"lnrll a hf'Ad 1lart before belna , hl,.h nrrurr,.d a t "'17 p m., but 1t•rnv'Tf0d at 10·11 p m Dam· til,. Ytrtlm'• bod)' wu not ,_.,. 111•t to thf' bulldln~ .,, .. placf!d -r,.t1 until flunday P!l\.ltp Abbott'e IMP08TA~. IIIJ:I:Til'IIO rrmply at 1100. In addlllotl l.o ".,.., ... , ,,, kin I• tile mnthf>r, Mr1 A.n lmptlr1ant m~llnl( nf ,._ whlrh fumlahln~• valurd •t 1200 M M A hbtltt, Jo:t Parlnny drtn, pnr1 Afl..,.h F'l•h,.rm,.n'• Unkllt I• w"rf dfoltroyed and clothln« and .F:I Monlf' fllllnn,.d tnr n,.xt Mnnd•J Ia tJMo "'n ona I ~tfM:tll to a value ot 12&0 Th,. plan,. wu llf'ln« dNIYf'l't'd •tnl•m hall, t..-&~nnl"-at I P m The latter, wtatc.h were the prop· rr,,., ("of11U• r.hr11\l to lh• Nava1 A mrmJ m11t1..,.. t-n ..,. ' .. ,. .. .,.' ' erty of Mra Torrey, wtre not In· •••lion at TflmalllaJ lalan4. auU.Or.· will bf' th" "''"t"m f'lat,.d OP A lUred. Itt. ..._ «1111\fl on· unproc••ett ~ ,._ ., _, ~-.... P- liT~ .... ,.... ...... ,,,.... ·-.... ~ .. --. .......... .._- u ..... .. .. .... t., .. ... .. ~ rf' '- .. it . •• -, ·- ........ ·Ensign john : His Bride in I Bef~ an al tar o dfalon• and pA tms tt.a tely white la~n; EpiSCOMI \::hurrh In mna. En~li" Jot-n 11 t Air Corp~~, ~Hn of I'll , ' I on c JoyOP Bclwl'n, of chan~ tlwlr ""'(I< FridA)', Ma rfh 17 11 the! rvenln~t ~~lth R C. Trimble rw-rftorml ~~y. The !)ride. •·ho It ot Mr. 11ncl Mr' I Prfolcott. ""'8 . i:IVI'l b)' her fnthl!r Shl' wedd.ln& 1own. ~hi• Zolle Therapy 11~,Swe. ·~· yd.ro S pt>clal "T'rn I n Ovrrv.'<'i~tht & l '1 Gene Morl Zon<' Thf'r11p1tlt Bal.._ lftn Bldlf Telfoplao- Grtetlng Ca "W t: JN Dian 17'17·1 ' R.~ ~ HGnw. Auto, . 1111 CaM&..., Doa Say•! I PIAN I! Now·Pb D ·-. BEliE)~ F( (Cal Read I Caot. Pap2 JIKW·~~-_!~!! .. PB£11 "&a ~ .....UQC at N.wport ~a<.h, Calltorr.uo Pllt ~ ~ PIAD! at 2211 OIIMt Bh•d.--Tt'l•·rhanf' una ant.and u 11 r • da= matter J~ 11, te.o. at ll\ .. pnal ,r~c·· a N..wport ...._ Callfomla. under the Act of Mu l'h 3, 1'.! • 9 ...,._. ... _._...... la N .... rt Hart.nr .,_ 'PopwlM 'P~~:.of ~ 'Prflt•l.:. Wm. A. JIJlUwall and W . H. Hitchman, ()v.onc,.. and Publish .. ,.. WM. A.. ,. A..'CWJ:l.L. Ed I wr w. IL HJTCHlllAN, C1rc:u.laUon lUllS All\•rrll•an K NELL II\11UIA.ROitR. Local N ~w• EdJ lot ,.. p,_ ~ ..... ~eel a ,..,..,...,. of ,.ner_al_ carculatlon b ...,... o1 u.a ..,.,_ c-rt e1 0n11p County IUld II tully qualofle· ee pubu.ll all _.. ot .._. nota~ and &<ivertls~uwnla •• .-..u. •''&: uL'UO" GEl" A HABJ7" I ,,,. "'·""a~o..~o.HL •J ~t....v•aLet.l. ~ : .. , ............................ llc'CJl-· By ... ~~ • ............. , .. , ........... ..-L -n.. ~ bet11Nl111 ,._... .... old apia DOt a 1 .w.~·• ..... _. .... \ .. u.o.. .. UA&L •• ..u.r o1 ~but of eatll...__ U •a-... _..Gilt I ... ~,•w•'"" ..... ., .. , '"'".tH IIWI'• ""' t.be --.1 ...,.__. v! hle. esha..,... ita ~. _. ap lla ..... .,v·" .... ..c.l.u ,._. ~.~.a«: w~ ~VV~W ~ • I ..... ww•» .:ww • .n :.•• ~ -.. iDa...t. ._ ia ukkr :.tt t...-ty-Crwe dlaa llill ,._-at 1 -· w.-<'n ....... \ l.H .. ..,,.. DUO.IC. D) ae•ealJ ..., Still t.astd thr • ol lmllc .... ,...., ·"•'' ..-.~ ........... ''"'~ ..... -"' ~ . ., zttrier . ~ ... • _,...,to....._ ~,-.. u iLa ........ '"'''""' ~ -wt.icb) F _ ..l · · ~rap!)' diil""'l'liii'..,.. ol ...... aft -"" v• ... v'""''"Y'' WHI.I .;.lUll .1&1 0Q •J ....... but apnDg blc-.-~ iD .ay beut." ··• ""'" .. "''ca. w.p••v aa a Gl..,._, JUt fuur-scor-e .f.a..d life • fnllltfd ad .. 6u'-•tJ"'-W W Ulc ~ _,_,,.., two~ vloUa L. pMa full ol W L U m.-l .aell f'JDd it al ~-Eft~')' llllch· ........ aw..l IU. .... , ll QAUVC ~ borbood .. ~'VlJDC old ... or aid P ft .w-111014 .~l IC\Iai~LL• ""'OtMt, a··tfttll• ~ ...... crf ...,... • ..... vu ... r u.alo:ruu uow uae U&'· Upoll -·-... aa t~ .. ... tfaui'OW .J'VY~ I I~Olf RATES· ta.• ar..,_ OIUDt.J, 11M ,_ ,_,., OuUltcle of Orange C<1unty, .v wll IWMII, *'-~· Wbo--to.ld hfe 0...-iNA aDd .... ..._ lllfGI'e tJae bioam ~··l ~. J•6' anu-auuan ADd....-y eommuruty bu its old ,a.IC-...S WwDeul 11 ~1 -.- .un u.u au:a.u TUI)Al' of ••' 11:, lau bt.ftt bttailbed '"-.._., ct •••• ,.. -of thew ... .__ • diet •• liqd iDiide.. A receat nation-Wide poll indicate& that a federal sales • uM )I.Ma. "' u MUi --.-.-. tax ia pretenoed by muy people u tbe best me&ru:l of rata· 1-wlcl iU ,.,,\, .. .,.. wc~c bela UU. A.-ia Dill~-but ID thr .....-... die beut. ADd the tn revenue. There would atill be need for hea .. -y incomE: ..UlLIIIVVIl •l Har~ld K. Oraud ~ _, ol cHd ~ • a dee~ _ .... ~ iD ~ g . u .. v-:1 lt.r Mu. U.,I'UUQc Well-th'--1iNitll ... ;~ ....._.,.._ to wWdt die JBiDd CUI tunl tax• on rich clU.O. and corporauona. . •. a.t,, s:.. wtw ..ucu !i&U&rdaJ at .__ ~ ----• ,acl nt.wc, 1111 l·t Tt.pu avea.-, ill 810 fe of ~ aJid apaa wllida die .,W CaD P"lnland, Poland and other am.all and wl!ak European •· lt.ua l&lio.n<l. call for ~ m boun ol .....,__ Sir Jot. ••hhodt. .a.t111 li•v.,.n, Wbv war a ...U'N wtao.e 1: ..)..l.---a. 11M c:..tart.-l -.-ry na&D.I dou~ look upoa t be Atlantic Charter a.a an· ;t KIIJUIIUI, c.u\e here a year IICO I Jate-,...._..-.y _, a other ecrap of paper. RUMia and Britain have thf>tr own "'""' t..A Alot;d cr 6bc lcav•-ODe. pia •• tJw li&IDf' tJaoacbt: imperial axe. to ~find and it Ll a que.tion of h!JW fa r Uncle .wut;bld, J~101mc tuown. • ..., .. Ufe eo duubt Iii .. ~willa •jr»J :-. bat we IIUIIIl J•Jhn M . Wcll.JlUUl anll a -.&D-aJ1 --~ tJJDt.S of ._.__, of _,,......_ aad of _.. Thul"'lday, llarcb 30, lkf 1r1 a Dice, pleaunt walk alonq the ocean front-, grand eprinq day1. Why don't you try it, and. come to th' Ocean Front Mar- ket for tome of our fine, choice • GEO, TAYLOR, Owner 2110 Ocean Front- Sam will IO lDto tbe ~-jj all "' Balboa -----·~ -- ......... J~~~o~a..-• '"':" 0 ' row,· ... ~ thdie <~ Jl • u · s • eNe a.fon to'------------------------- } ----• ~ltOiaJ, Ia !Kill, uU)' WellmaA. Ta-• Wm.ton Cburcblll, th~ BriW.h P rime Minister. '" not ,uruo, Wn. and a t.o&aer, Guy bave -4erp JDtft'eli..5 w1udl will. at .., rate to .ame ;;.:;;;;:;:::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;:=.;;;;::;;;;;;:::;;::;;:;;;;;;:;:_:;:..::::::;;:;;;;::;;;;:::;;:;;;;::;;;;:=; only a at.at,.,., of demooatrat.M.ability but he is a smooth ~~~ ... ll ... ..t.Jcr, vk'a..._.. l.D&.e..-t eatad.; seNe ua tD eaape r...-owMivw.. .. h E I d II Alt.b )JflVIltt:. -..... ---•• -w~•• .,_,_,.._ ;;. -PW to L--poUUcian u weU. T&JdDg the helm w en ng an wu11 a ·-.-~-~ ---._ • _ -~ .... ~ but •unk and the Brtt1ab Empi~ wu moving towards UJS· .,mral ILDt:U l 'NIOJIII ' &D «1 1 'jew OaJy thr llllfott w fftr-tlle ca"ewlJ integration, Cburchtu hu led hie people ..to the hcight.N ••f •-~ ... ,~~.~ tYU:&WOOD ridl. tile..._ &Dd thr plt,.-..y ..tit-a~~ lift witlMlut ' ex--t victory and firm confidence in the future, H{· ma v ·' .:ununumc.atJOn rec.dved froe wotk. AM wiDR 1ft are a1 ...... Wli 1 · I 1ritla the taM .,........,.. lll\' 0'1<'1-UUVo: board uf lAc:al U. tJael · -• not be the "lndiapenable man" but the Engliah app•ar to 111 JuatnaJ l:ruon of Man.~~e aDd ~ • thr ~BeaM ol 'meere ~ Aft. ..t ~e have no ~ to replace him. :ihapbwlwne Work~B ol -'-is f~ t I tetinn W'OrTJ' aDd 5 Hw(wtjoe 1ritla tllle COD- ----· , ... l«hlka that r~tn~ra ot 1M ditM.e olllle. W&DIO IEBVICE HOME • AUTO • MARINE RADIOS REPAIRED . MARINE ELECTRICIAN BUBTB.KOB~O· ............... __ , .__11ot for aervice men has prart1rall~· 1"'1d ha\ .. rdc<~A-d Clyde .._. 'nw + zrr t.-e to ....t of • ia _. ~ au.., r~ u.u " ,.vv<J u lbt"lr ~preMt~tatift c:aD· ..-ftoae 2417 1111 Cout lfi9bway fiuled. and the que.Uon ill back right where t he ronstitu· Ja<la~ for (·Jty l'OUDd1. 'l"'left II a aaliiral -.,..._. to ~ de V from the NEWPORT BEACH tion put it a klDJ ttme af6. l('oet oT the 11tates have Amend-'rb .. lndu.alrial UnJon of llilarUw day'e ...__ The llliDd aDd tllle .,irit. -well u tile body, •-----__;------------------' a.l their election law. to preiM'rve the rights or BCI'\'1('•• mt:n '111'1 ShlpbWIWn& WorkrB .. .. buapr for ~ ~ are ews==-II ie tM --~ lfflhlate o( lht' c 1.0 and t. Uw -·-· and othera wiU do 10 during the early summer. Thl'rc haA 0 1.,,1 .. n1n1 ac~nt tor ow aouu. ular «~~~tis of ~J wiUda • ed ftM. ie -..e other been a lot of poUtical bunk given out by bOth aides during ~..·vut Slupbutl~ Co mn . Tile rital"i6iec. to die dlild ... tile potraap aliR the long contro\eray over thla question and we aurmi..ae th~ ~~I: -aol·a• ia to filld a lqi4 · t• alld pro&•W.. o.11et for U.. t!Da'· a verace eoldier can eee throqh it. Apnl .,..111 bnnc Hd~n TrauW. gia irdst fll ~ t..111eN to lie .......Sire U.O.thial» ----• \\',,~:nrniUl 80pr1Ulo, Ltly ~ tW --W ftiL f El~~tGili~--- 1 ·Diamonds e Jewelry Tbe rruteet ..... per OD the Pacific CoMt print.N f'llluratura .opnno, and N.--Ia .... ..... .. ........... ... -+ -• foil aD a~ a full COl,_ ....... ,to ... -• to ... -er the query, "Will TaxCfi ~:.wy. -bariloiW. 011 -~,. c:atic& ..__ ~ ~ WOI'Il ~ L:..... aDd ,...._ wu.a .naa _.. Munday ~v~nuww over KFl at I ._ _, • or -DO Ever Be Low ~!" The anawe r could eu ily have been Jl 01 on u.e ·'T~I .. p~aoae How," maa ._.. .-lertalr.e to~_......, ..... lww for him. liven in one two-letter word. With national, atate. county. *"''ordin1 to c. 1 Mc.Ooftal4. -. But tt.ere dilb f« ift&JCW' a CBtaile a8d pecaliar av~a­ clty, ~~ehool and •peciaJ indebtedneas amounting tu mUI·h lrll't m--.u of ow Sou&Mna tioe ........ to Ilia~· ....,a.J ta1m1e ..a -tL IDstiDct mo~ than the Mtimated actual value or a ll property in tht: c&J~~:,m~r:":.!:t'w":o c::-~ poillte it owt. if pw. De ,• we._. ..aan1 law impels country Cto MY DOt.bma' of private debta) it i.8 easy to see on Apnl 3 ... 8Cbedult-c1 to lliiiC u.a to pawlleloe t......t iL that t.alle. muat be high for at l~ut 100 yean~ unleM pub--·'tuuw, Blow. 1bou Wmtu w1a4.• Yow aa, DOt ~ aWe to ·_.,.._. tile peealiar aaJ IIJCt-nfr1 U, "Nobody Knowa De lie debt. are repuctiat.d. Tmublf' r v .. ~n." tndiUoeal of u.e. I ...... ..., ..... ,an ol ...... ad paiDa • .rplntuaJ; '"nae Rcwary." Nnta; aca• ' 'iec a (' • c-ol alt caiea. Yow _,. DOt .ee I A Loe Anp)M lDduatraiU.t expreuee fear t hat Rales-"V,..JM'ra," YrUitr-Sims-: "Ooo4 tbe • ..m.-of a_....._ wfllidl....,. -.,.a__,.~ 01" abo-Fr1day Spe-ll," from ~Panltfal. .. _, ..---:" r-ro-. m&D.Ihip .. t.comJDc a 1oet art ln t.bia country. Since we Wagner, and "Alk h&la." o·c---Del ol '-c7 dap wtlfda .,.ear. to..,.. • pnltic:alaur-~ 1ot into the war there hu been Uttle to aeU , except to the Mnnta. poee. Yo.~ _, ~ repn1 tile • ct• o1 ~ _. Govemment.. and buyera ban bem waJt.lq for all the prods A~ toW:: .,:::W111~:. muae:l ..... • a ••Jed r. Jit7. _. ... .,..tile wri&- ud.l ava.ilabiL ~ wiU oome a time, however. when .ell-DtollbN; ''VocaU•," Radunanbt-~r of baltilec wne or 1'1 ! [ C ,.,_e wilJI a pat_ Pearls e Watches e Clocks SilverWare • Dresser Sets · -.<:..- At H. R. Trott's Sycamore at Fifth Street SANTA ANA Phone 5€W , -BUY U.S. WAR BONDS. inl WiU be a bil part of our economic problem. 1t th~ im-off, and "VIUanelk." ~li'Anru&-But. llieety4ier tilllla ia a ' >et_ ,.,. will fiDd tJw menae productive power of Southern Ca.Hfom ia ia to be I"Ady, on Aprtl 17. wtll ltftl "'Ltrt'e ~ o1 t-.r kl ... •..., ire~ willlllife. .....,._ maintained after the war planta arc converted to pea~ Make Tomonow Today," Hey-ra.ed by----~ .-led ._ ~ folliee mann . '"11\y lkamln« E J'"," M.a.e-r-, c:ar'S -·-• ""'' -:_-...--------------..-..-..-.--.-.... --time pwwuita their output wiU have to be distributed far Oowf'll: "Tally-Ho," Lront: "Wa-that dlssi..,. De E&Sgies ol tJ.ir (...._ -...t olllhaoaaf1-;:::-...;=.:-=';.====-:.:;;...:-:.;:...::;::~-..::;::::::::::::::.....::;;;:.::;;;;::;;;;::::; and wide-in fierce competitioo-and that calla for A· 1 tt-r Boy," ~. and "Do Not of the yea.r___., o1 .-e_ - N&e-manabip. ~: ::~~ from ·one De-A man ... Md IQ Med a~ ..S ...,_hi& • beaJth Ln n). 'iac tile ...a8ai .... I al" ollfe. fOUJid Mr. WUlkie complai.Jul, with eome justification, that DAMAGE llltrn' num himself uiYJer tile f! 1 ' • • o1 )ew&c a ratrided life Govemor Dewey bu never made a public decla ration of 'nlrt't' &<'tiona. lnvr>h-tnc ~ or d.vinc. Fnr tile fint few weea ...;....,. pr'CJ"ftd .ada a b-<f11ma«,.. of 178.900, ha,,. _....,., hia viewll on important tntem ational and domestic pNro rilrd ablllnrt Mary McS,.UJy u bore that M --L 1 ted to ,..... -Cllftl8' iD a wtld lema. The UHO G.O.P . nominee evidently fear~~ the ew ,....ult of an auto crub •·tucb oc-.urge and haft ct.e wtdl it. ,._ ":r w • • 4 • llblalbi- Yorker may win the 1944 nomination by "playing both rurn'd lut Jan 3t at Oranp •-ed upon an old -...., lied a pat ,..-ia llleediac nu~ and Flown .t~t. ea-ta enda qaiut the middle." It should be rememlx-red, how-M,..a C'omptal nanu In tW .att faoey pnu.Jtry. ~ _.jed aact' ._ ta.y; -.e beeuDe ever. that the votrea are mote inclined to judge 8 candidate Rrf' all not~lct.nu of Cneta ..... t 1 ~ ~ ... I c·• ielo .. --... ad P"K"' ,_,_ acu ~ y m ~" • by hill act. than by hia mere pbruee dealgned to win their 11n•l lnrllJdf' F1oyd Fik• wbo -tieaJ phues at __.._ ...-..c wilJI -..art a8d .,w_ Ua-h d ~ fnr lnjurl~ to lit. badt. .--.-~ approval. Party platforma mean leu l an they O?_lC't' id. "P'te and kneH, puniUn clam-ronkiously a _. jay olliftalc t-* a.alll at lliel; -.e forwot MORTICIAN ~ n r o 1 () it. ([ lp1 pel .. u·,, ()ur~lr·es tlte IJI'ti~T Sr-n·e b11 Ser,.inu Oth~r11 Bu t." .. H QN£ N~ .. OAT 561 • I 10 BROAC..W \V, COST.A M E SA amce It b.u become the custom to ignore t hem after efec-"K«11 of 1&000 ~·uw U'lf' 11~ th~ old bort~ ..t ,...., zm ...S ~ to poeet the Uon. To pt a cood laugb, read the Democratic platform ilf ht. w1ff' and chlldnon Weft momin~ 'a'lth ..._._., iillllleed of ftledaere. Life becu aD -· Pl-"'f'd In JfilPardy. and P00 f« ,... .---';:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=========~ of 1....,. damqc-t~ to h .. ear Mr F'lb uU 0\·er. on a rw-w _. MA'-f .. ~ Be Md f~ aa ill-i ----- - • $10.000 damqu for lnUmal lfts tt"f'etlt in th~ ~ ... •_.-''rilec to lrftp bile pla,.mc aL In apt't. of the need for war legislation, new tax laws june• piUII J.'\000 pun1ttve clam--~~ Do ....u it iD 1\RU Mary l!lal"' Flk~. 3. wt.o Wha.t bc'tc.-s ._ ,..... .....,. · J'OU aDd ID&DY other naUonal prob&em. crying for attent ion, !111/fn.-d a fractur.-ct akuD and t~ pursurt of ..... wllidt profit .at! lliDis ~ IDeall Congreu finda time to worry about the pay of ita own .. ·hn,.. u r wu nPArly ~ hce-nse tn \'our ~! Je ife wariftc oat IJI'I!tDatllftiY1 membera. A bill ia peodin« which would incrciUI(' the sala r-tlrmanflll $2!\,000 and Irma 1CrWne for W'&nt ~r ljii_,, · 2 to taR 0e ........_,. olf tile ctaa, f SeDa d Re taU f $10 000 t $1" Flk~. 2, u u ~ for her tnJur'-• lea o ton an preeen ve. rom . o .,,. ,,.1 routinE-~ r-et a ....,.! lt-. ,.a ,._ owr tile ftNCb placel ()()() per year. Got. of propaganda are being aent out of C'..-or~f' stamp hu ntf'd ru.lt for 41ld make hfe wartla .we_ Wuhingt.on picturing th~ atruggl~ o f poo.J. congressmen to sr.ooo for hll lnJurlf'll and 11000 =.=-:.=:.:..::....:.:.:.~~;:.,;;;;;;_ ______________ _ -t along on a meuly ten thou.aand a year. Nothing is runlllvr dam~•• ..... wlf~ ub Ct..EA.~ Bl ... JIOa ~ ftJ111 •-5\0(\(1 f11r h,.r Injuria and 1100 Mid about the IICoree of member~~ whose wi\'ee, children. r unltJ\'.-darna,rH: RuU'I ~ ... -~,,.._ __ ........ Publac ('1ltede' ?TF aft p.tec • giliu......, ol t.heb- Carpets, Rugs and Upholstering CLEANED A COMPUTE LINE OF FLOOR COVERINGS FOR 'YOUR REQUIREMENTS LUDLUJI CARJIET WORKS Pboae 2806 SANTA ANA 1622 S. MaiD St. Diecee. nephewa and motben~-in-law are on the payroll; nor St11mp 8. "''ho t.bf' par~nt. Mid about th~ traveling expcn.ee and other perquisite& drawn "11tt•·l"f'd ~rmiUlf'nt K&ra, ua Tbe 111\.MO. and Dort. J•an Stamp. I. t.imr and ~fforta to .,.._ .. e to De -ad women __ _ in ~ wn ,ce ~ tMt ~ ' "et-to p 90iee to;:::;:;::::::::::=:.::::::::...::::.:::=:..:======::;;::::=:::::; from the federal treuury by the lawmakera. re are " IMO na. Fllle. Uve at u7 Ham- few men in congreu w}loee stni cee are worth $1:5,000 a 1lton at~t and t.lw at.ampe at year to the country and there are a lot of othera who 2316 Elden ........ couldn't earn a Uvtnc in a workaday world. \Vaste Paper Needed to Aid War Effort criticism. Hnaeoa • ...., Jllftllelb......,.. tlaiit _. ...,-belp to coaviaoe .. -' IMt ~ .ay lie ...,jaJcMc tM type ·of fa tblir -• .._.., _..,s AD Anny 11ajar writs: "'D1rieC * pellt ,_r I ban ~ at leut a.,..._. eaiP ......_ BNry ~ ._ .,_ CONRAD SHOOK CONTRACT OR A ND B UILDE R COMPLETE B UILOINO S ERVICE There ill much apeculat ion on how long the war will lut, but the fact. upon which to hue an intelligent gueas are hard to get. While there ia alway. a poe.aibiUty that our 'nit pa~r eal~~ campaJp • ciali.r.ed in dirt'! --..a ""''&* IAiw ........._ 'fte7 aft liD--In hiJh K"ar. but the clrtn wdJ ,..--.... .-IMftl'ialrilf----- b@ a compl~t~ we<'-only ll suitable to re J :1 MIL _ _... •• • K f -~ .. , .... ~,. -=~~----------~----~--.. .., 'lcmi<':. rt"alWng they cannot win, will collapse s uddenly 11nd s ue for peace, It ia more senai~Je to look a t the picture u it actually exiall. Aside from the Ruuian theater. thf! AJ..U. are making little headway. Though our gallant forceA are winnlDI ~pealed victories in the Pacific, they are only peaetrat.lng the outer rim of Japa.neee Mfenae. and are atW thoueaDda of milee from Ja pan. The Jape are •trongty intreacbed bt the richest parte of China, the Dutch Eut 1ncUel aDd .-.here. In Italy tbe German. ap~ar to be bc+'lnl t.Mir JiDN f&irly weU apinat aU elforta of Britillb- A J'"ba fGI'CII to take Rome and mov~ northward toward 0e sv. Aa t.D tile "second front" in wetrtem. Europe, for w111e1a we Mft ..._ preparing for two yean, that wilJ be the ..a t-ct .. G( any American offensive aga.ill8t the -• ·• 8o It • • • re-iQI to predict wheo the war ...... ~,·try N~110rt Harbor rftldalt our AmericaD ......._ .. rartJrlpatu by U \'ln& a1J olcl ADd iD the,.,.. ecaiJZiiKI• 2.2 ._.4.,.,..Av~ P.O l!!to ,. :101 .AI.~A I'II.ANO . C:ALI,., M'"'llp&pt,.. IUld macutnea, .c-o1 a. rorolnc to Sam KlnfaOWr. eM&-puNication. u ' a Wfi 4 I & .,,... a pnplv• ~~~~~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::= man. program. but qee'"-a .._: ...._,. fll ,.,_ PP traM-- "0\'~f'WU ft«bUn& fort'f'll," M omcl tM bouncfla fill ~· "-... 3 0 IM aad -------------;;_-------------..~---..-..-- uld, "l"f'qUire mor. Ulan 100.-to •L.---~s. -... _.at-'-'-0. ,.._.. Ia tide ID-,..~rat~ ltenw that .,.. abi1'P'4 UK" ~ -s --.-- In cartOM m.-from wutr pas nitutioo a tteste te tML Boweuu. we ~ a .._ ol per. ,_. tnd ucie 8\K'tl Import-monla .•. \"a. ~ tile fitilbl't _...,. .._ • redia, Mt mat.r1aJ u blood pluma. food • "nd ammunition. ~r.for. It ta but it doe. DtH a .ale ' ' C • pu t.lcutarly Important' Uaat f'Y· A little d~ .............. for lir .,...-c baa oft- rn'Onf' tlf' hta old ~~,.. and mac· ~m~demoast.ra~~~!!'~~~~~.,~~II:~Q~I~&~' ~·~-~~~~~~~~,.~-----uinH In buDdle. about a foot ~ l.hlrll and put U..•m out f"f ~ Mty truh tru<'ll on tht clay .,..._ fo re lhf roi1Ktlon l.r ll(l1'lrlalty 'll&df By dotftl' 10. you wUI be bel,_ .. -wta tile .,., ~ ..,.... ,_.. 1\AD •• , ........ n.t ~ c ., -• ..tlet today .. ~ tric curftllt. A _.., ..,._ • ~.of • .,. • iD ,.......,. cia,. aDII hricr -... ---De finl .... ..r-. ud the qu.lltJ rw b .. -. • - F• Bllilding and Repairing Information ... Ill ~lllrlctllu11bar ca. WALTEA S. S'ICCA, Owt.er . -••••oaT aEACB ........ ........, .. ,.. ....... ---- /. J Tburaday, March 30. 19-H LIC&MSED lEAL ESTATE BROKER All w--114 INIUUNC&. SU.Depoeltao.... N~JIUUo. J1~1 E. l1dl1lr 302 Kala, B.lbo. 11 Let Jaclc Do It " ROSSI CAFE o..-DII- Fiae Food Cocldallt PASSPORT PHOTOS 1 Hour Service • • Open t :SO A. M. • 11:3 0 P . M. I PIX II ... MACK'S PENNY ARCADE 100 MAlN STREET lat Ba.l~ Pter) BALBOA PRORSSIONAL CARDS -----" --- Dr. G . E . 'l'ohill PHTtiiCIAN and BUROJX>N ... ()eM& ............. Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIII'I' • ~~~~~ "· O.tl"&J .,._ .... NEWPOKT BEACH DR. C. J. CARTER ........ ftooC1eal J>lat.H a Specialty . 'Phone 162t 1-!lfewport IIU,·d., C'_.nt~la M""" Dr. M. D. Crawford OPTOM&TKII,. ~ ICulniiMd OIUIN Fitted Pbona 1430 1m Newport Boulrt'ard ootn' A IIFAA Zone Therapy. Cli~c \ Democrats Present Three Progressive Candicftites .. For Legislative Offices~ DEMOC'&ATIC C~Aft coaruct. -ot ...._ ._ Ju-t STATE ..,...."MBIY, 1~ Dlft. r«W1Md t-two ,_,. owr-_..~aM ... WIUl ~taM Cal"-'• ................... tile ~ .. &ll tM u ... AnA¥· an~••nOCL 'l'ld8 =n*kWn ,_. ,_ _.. 'olnl f'I\M\', wheno ~ wu fnl'f!man 11 the Paint departm~nl ovn NY• •rill workr ra. At sw-nt be .. •·orktng for Ole SnuUJ Cout Co. •t N,.wport Harbor In Orantre nnunl;\' Rt> II bulldtn( bll own 'lnml' At C011ta Meaa. wbere be • ~lt1r• n""r Ulf' lt'f'M of llil *" '•'nile' aetlvtUN. H. Ill a member ,, or~anlud labor. knowe UM ""WN>rt Harbor Dtlt11c:t and eaa nl~>lllgf'ntly ~~nt Oranp ""llnty In tbe Stat. "--mbly ovtlh nor,.,...nC'f' to , .. tutuN nee4l 'lnrt d4>\'t•lopmPnt. Viae ...... oo.ab7 ............ --,;u:NK D-LO\\"R.ET --.., and ~ltcToUnd and pR<-Uc-al ••· ~rlt>nOC'. makt lllm tho< l~c-al man to nop..-nt Oran«f' ("(lUUl I,. In Ult> Stati Sf'n.alf'. a nd ht> I• "o- Utlt>d to your ''ott' at lhf' r11mary ~II'Ctlon on May 1•01. I Political AdvertJwnwnl t <'O!IfOIUI:M 81l#HMriM ftR IIOOeii:VD.,. A.D11J111181'1LA 1'10N JA.JOI:8 Z . WALKJ:Il.. ODiy Ofta rratl~ t'andtdat• for c~ lii Ole !2nd~ di.trirt opftH'd tbf' primary c-amraJp w1UJ an ~ at Santa Ana M•rda 11, tn which lw .-~fld· '""'e ~•It Admln'-tratlorl hu tbf' owrwlw-lmln« .ui"P'f't nl tJw Anwrican ~ In tbf' Mn· duct ol tile WU'. Prftotdf'tlt R- pftlt le tile Arnft1t'an bNt fled to lNd u. Ill tJw tull flit-tJt- P1JIUJD 8'I'OLEJif ' -wu~t~ p.·n~•·· ""'·<l l"'t•"' '!'f11 DIU\"JllfO ••1'1"'"' Jo'•l,lay '"'a Jrw1)1 •'hai-J" '· .. m •t 1\0t ~n 1 '!l&11 Uw • .,,. Av f ~ &ecb th•ttl nl thfo ~~o'\llll4'n ha<J .-rt..S- ' .'UC'UJ ~Oo• •·I tl\~ • ... oJI .,..,,.J Sun.S.y on ly ~·n J1 '"~'111111 their aor..,. 0...• .-.w.--.t 1>1 J"'llllllno nl Man n .. a\ DU. t.tw Balboe J• 111 1.-qulla. p. ... , b)' tolrt'lU\1 1 ('<ln~o:r.· ... m,.n IArlol and Coroe& lial ar, paid a lAO Robiii8UII, Jr, Ill at Ubarty .-tao ~~~ ... !I .all Jlrh •I•• II' flfu• "' 11&0 wlwon appeared ''" 12& b11ll and .dl~l.cl to ap· c....-. anJ wlllu 1~ ,.,tl "r . .-.1 'l••n.t .. y t><•forT Ju.Jce D. J Doo.~ l'•'nr t.•m••rrow befON Judct' by p~h· ~J'I;OUIS .,,~,, .. t ,,, • ft :1 ,·harl «' of .Jrw~k drlvtJ\1. Her l'-••llt«' "" a eharJe o.f dnanken · pbl contr->1 of, &J •1 '" •.-pl,•ll th,. "'"'1'"111""· Janlc.'Cottteld, 111 at 1ttl'llll II•• ~~o·u arf'Mt.cl 8aharda7 ~~ In u..o.•~r•••l "! Ill•' :a•.~n\' ,tn $60 ball and elated to nl~thl at Collta Meaa t IT•:o TU Al'l't:,\ll •.:..rl t 'lltl••rd 141Anflll, 16. ''' ~·uu""""· "n• ··•tto.t to •I•P<·•• nut N n nllay befur• Judl"e 0 . A. Jnn•• "" a <'harae to r.ekl,... ·h 1\11111 II•• w,.. a rn•eled at 2111h 1111•1 1'••1111 111 AI •'1111~ NUIIol• Y '"'" p,..... ,.l .... lflf'\1 a<Je brill,; ....... lt. ,.uc -uare." . - --- Kr. "'al~er •u ~I·• trJ KnJ ! r--------------------------------------draftlt<i t•' ,nan lv1 lAin~o:rtM b• 1 !r'mocR UG IHde • fl' H11 , .• ,.,,,; I 1.·1~1'1&J ... O•ant.. \'tiUntl•·•: _ ... 1 be' la ow ··~.:. .... ,.,. ..... h. C&Adldate. ~ For t•n yean Mr Wall.~r h:u 1-11 a pracUcin.: llt.•t'l ' nl santa ADa. and d llllnjt I·•UI \o'IIH ' ••C that lim<' be • u l~o ; ut 1 1 '•• I tnct AltonwY ol \.iranJ:• , ,.1111t, H<' .. a ~" ot S&nt ... """I Jumor ~. etm.rortt nu,•J<N~I· t~· and tbf' St&nl••tJ :-: h•--1 of LAw. H• t.a m.an1o' l IUIJ bu fi)UJ rhildrftt.. ~ 1 F'OitU<-&J Ad\'t r!;"' rn .. nt , Sr.II\'ICES J'tlll 'IOTIIJ:& Prwalf' full<'ral "'a' .• •" wert' tlo hl Mvnd.ly an .. r!~·~• ,.• ··vr...t l.o14'll fur Mra.. Jt .. , 1\• I Ann•· ·~. *"' d motllo·r oof Mu Irma P. Rult.-r. :1.2$ G,...r. I rMal 0.1· Soliciting your support -... for r9-election for City Councilman. 0. B. Reed t Politic-al All\'f'rllll<!ment I 011 Bll PAST RECORD BOBEBT AU.D Dou~tlQ H. Hlnf'lly Ill a Demo- n' Ill: h~ lllt!'ndrc1 Santa Ana Rllfl "rhnol Anif Cilltornla fffil'ilJrU· \'t>Uity. bt> Ia edurated and a f11f'l'hanlc who worka wttb hill '111nlta llnd ht>ad In df'fen.. work. Hr will rPpnount Ole ?CUI Dta- 1 rlrt of Orange onunty In 0.. State A-mbly In the tnt.I'Mta •of good gov~rnment and Ill en- lftl,.ti to your \'Ole at the pri- mary May 1101. fur dl· ~ {'<( t-...... --....... ~-==:..::..:=­ ta)nl~ $a In cull and tiM-ott..r Q In e&llb anc1 lllJl food RUOII ,.,~ from Blwrm.an \\'•'11l. ··b~rlt· booka, wu ~ to -...rirtr.,. mg ~lly and uJur~: •·u.~~tndy of otrleera and Newport Bead! po-lhrir four r bJidrnl •u••l te40 a Wl"f'k lice by Dr. o. z. Tolllll •'bo lltat. rnr tllel r IIUpPOrt. pi u.o t 200 at· ' f'd that the artkloa Weft remer\'· tnmry'a ff'f"W. Tlwy wrroo man1ed f'd from bill ear wtMn tt w.a broil· S. pt a . I.:U at S.nla Ana and fl1 l.n\0 wblle pan.ct lkmclay 111 .,.para&H JMt Jan. 1 lh" aal4.. llallta Ana Cloalltry ella. (Political A~tl IDWAJifta WIIN4 TodaY• llllfttlne ot Ktwam. wu to be elf'\~ to tile annua1 1 FOR ~TATE !IENATOa "Country 8~.~ wttll Mda --~ FRA!\'K D. LOWREY, 111 the ber allow..S Ut"" mlnutra In ad· , on!" D<>mocrattc candidate ror v.r·Uee au. w..,_ or ~ lh" ~tRIP S t'nate, 36th Datrict, Cardl. d reulan and aamplf'tl Wf'P ' which ~pN"eenta Orance COWily ecM-ctul.d ffK dr..trlbulkln and I In thP State v~rtalature. for t.tw nn.e wt>re to be lm~ fOI' un- prtmary t'lecUon to be bt'ld oa 11\M modHty. A epedal 1tant wu !.fny 16th. 1944. to be otf•red by Bam JOnttat"" 1 rr11nk D Lowrey 111 a rancher-and Ole door priR ctonatf'd b1 fr~rntl'r 11nd a ltf'fenee wo .... r. Re Jud&'e 0 . A. Jonee.. I ,.,.,f•li'B Ill 144 Hlllcre.t drive. rUIIPrlon. unduatandl and know• th•• ni'Pds of the cltrua In~. I!' " dairymAn, workt>d upon the I Tust.ln "Lighter Than Air" BaM. 11:-" cRrpenur and truc:k ctrtnT, nnrt Is R mtomber of orpnllled Ia· ttnr H r hu eervf'd on a aehool ltnnrd nnd knnwa the nf'ed.l and 1 "'tlll r••mt'nlll of nur public echool .,,.~•··rn and 11 a worker rar clvte ~::oort In the community w'here he l t'~tdl'S. rrRnk D. Lowrey wrvf'd In Ole 11. 8 . Navy In World war I. be ha.e two ION In the p..-nt WOIIAJif DIIR'Dl Aaa~ Nan AY1na or ~ Rf'ar h op· eratJ~ a lft31 ~I Fnrrt MUf"'., wu ~ Bunda~· nn a ~"h•fll:" or drunk dr1Y11'1: •-tt.n lor:<~! ro- Uce otnoera foand lwr ._rtrdly drl\1ftc "all o~r tile roatf" bf'-: ~een Marine a''ertUf' and Coro- na df'l Mar. 8114! wu tallf'ft to tht county JaJIJ by Depltla N~ur­ ftr and Tort.. Gertruclf' Onm~ld. a p.-~ In tile A \1n& <1lr. wu allo t.alcen to Jall on • drunk cllarre and tile ear wu 1m lm· poundl'd at tile Hhny ~ Made with ratSms and currants- mildly spiced CBAPBL bylbe SBA .t e . .Pe4~JJ4 B~ 4 1 0 Cout Bh,d. CORONA DIL MAR D.aY AND MIGHT IoUeiia Yo1U Vote.lol' Be-Eieclloa ~ COUKCILIIAN a~ of •••poat ... ell • ./ An lnde(X'ntlent Candidate, as Before. Responsible to the People as a Whole, and NOT to Anv Indi- vidual or Group of IndividuaJs All hi~ record m the past shows he baR not been a "YES MAN," nor will he .. be in the future, if the pcople rcrw~thci r confirlence by Re-Elect- ing him on April 11th VOTE FOB ROBERT ALLEN Medlcsi 1!11~ • Swt'dltoll M.,.~o&ltt, Ry4ro Thf'RPJ Vepor BalM All oar Wlt.ite Br..da -ricbed lo Go••na•-• Spec:ificatiou ---·-----------------··----·--.... ---··--._. .......... -.................... .._ ........................ _._ .... _ ............ -..................................................................... .... • llnl marleghlm Zone The • r., l•t 8p4"elaltat Balboa ••• Biela. ........ L. lldlule ,..__... llll»>c TNcllcr• A..- ef Callfof"llla I TUan:a or I"IAXO_ 0rpnA1t -AClNiftl ...... ..... : 111 o..-.roc~ A...- Oo,._ del Mnr PRONE: NEWPHil r IM. '"-1111 Qtven 1 t home of P)Jpll If I>H•r•·d .!.-...::o...--- ~ Veterinarian ~ c ····~ ~ •• ,. ................... 0.. 10 ,.n .-penenoa ln tratille ..... &Dd IID&IJ ~ 8C)AmJII'O-U'I'IIDfO WiWEDfO -CUPPDIO Dr. 1. H. WALKEADIN5 1001 OCIU\ tlllf1WS7 eor-a Del Mar ..... !If rt 1401 QU.ALITY BAKERY. 1838 Newport 81.._ TELEPHONE OPERATORS NEEDED - Servicemen and War Wor.hn are all depending upon our girl• at tbe •witcbboarrh .. Good pay wiUle learning Olld regular increases SOUTHERN CALl~ ~ CO. &1917 100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa oa 514i_N. Main St, Santa Ana A vallabilltz C.rtlhcate RftUh!cl .. , EARL W. STANLEY • REALTOR FOR COUKCILIIAK rr olltloal Actnrt'-Mftt) ------_ _.....,....,......,.._ .... --....... -:a• • • $%.50 .. ...... --MESA . .... " tp •'rlday !hed- Gr~~ IIT&'<J ft> ' ut tuln~:ct tnnn, n-- to wnll l Jedwtn; • Ororp )L ll. •. &.\It ol ...... ......... LUIIu ~, .... Raith 0 . •. w~ ~ . ....._ ..... 1ft. .......... ...... .... ~ lleoqRw, tw-. It',' ciwUr· De liNin, KUI-.. F. • (~·f' ICwnt\ t~t t-: lrlf'J. Jlal Will .,_ RCl-.......... ..,, K. D. lph Dllll· I. o.t•. t.r,F.,D. =-: .. ....... t~K...-. ~ I. Mw.r. llrr.J.W. •. w. c . DUJIHJ\ •· Y. Y.. .. .. a.-.1)', I I'UI ...,,.. "' .. KAtf' .,rful )olt, I "lf'fll lun. odo· .)r 1 two harmllft I. 11 ( 'uflkwl tnY l1ou I • l\tlll.w111 1,. wmk. rge ''I""' "'" """· lut.l h" Ptajur ••m,.nt u thai lh• taa,whll'll 111\ay, wu m••le any I that th11 hly ltlfll¥· ... "' """ v rl'll''r1" It• II ""''' '" w 'I' I• ,, Iii •JI• ltl ,,., ,, •• , ' "'"' "'" llll llrlto' .. 'f' .,, tht• rolrrol, hut llllllutj•ll'l lilt· "' ,., I '' uwnrrw 11,.t mAr ~f ........ · 1':1 T· ,.., .... ,h,l!:<'t who had HWit rep1 ... n tu IDOV· -'d Mr hf'ld be- l meeU~ m•~rll In I t.alll." I££T fYihernll'n -·liD &t v•a., at rnt Me· tant mat- ~ • tf' ~ \. t -, • ·I ' Enslgn john L His Bride in P BefCift an altar ot dracana and palms h stetely wtUtt> taprn. Epl.scona I c:ttu rrll '" I -. Emicn John 1\. . Air CaqJ&. .-..G( .. of l09 Wa~lnrton St Joyce T Rtta"' ol chaliCf"d t hri r • o>ddt f)ide)', ~tan h 17 at tlw rwnt~ •·ttl\ Rt> C. Trimble f'l'rlt~mur ~y 'lbe bnde. "bo II ol Mr. allff r.to R• Pfttlcott. ,.... ~·\'"' by hH fathrf' s~ • wedd.inc ao-'ft, Whlll 7.-e Therapy. ··~·~ av~ Hydro ' Sped&l l'r't-etm. Ovt'rwt'iQtt It l'n- Gene Mork Zorw 'Jlll:rapa•t ! ............. Greet ... C.r ·'Wt: IN\ RA ~. AIII1A.. Ullo-a& ... PIAN IS Now Pia I)( • I BE'IIER FO (Cat Read E Caot. lLt1f Slices • g Cheese H:IIDDDIID -CUDAHY'S PUBfi'D aLICD b•-Pol'k Ia. ''•"•• .,, ... .._ low yoW' wHk -• daoppla .. 61plla_Beta Markel . · COI'IA MESA (U•ceaaored Adn rh oemenll WAN WITH BOW LEGS wants ro mrt t WOMAN WITII A WOODEN MAl-LET. Ob;Kt: CROQUET. Call In rcrson HranK l··nh Ct:rtaticatt: . ·COSTA MESA RECREATION CENTER ttra6QIIt •~aota~ ao ........... ..... tape ~· Lite Greene Fronte) - POOL & BOWLING (W81Y& A GRIDLEY, nally) Our ..Motto: ... t. for the IDDOCeDt byttaeder • " Play an innocent game a.nd keep out of mischief o.e·•-. .......... . .................. u ..... .. Watcla lew ... oaace•••• ........ ~ 8a uTI • Nduce. the figure ............ incr .... • the score P I 1.1 •........ . . ··-- ro.ula~ Wr'U di.acuu tht w~:athrr w11h ·'"~··m·, hut rh,) ntat->lishmrnt u strictly non-sectarian :anJ non·Jw hucal- . . .r NEWPO&'l',.aAt MA PRE88 . .. ~..Jp.,. .. ..J \ Mra. Mu7 ~ '01 Jet!~ ~. 11M..._~-w dauP~ at ~ I A mantac-U«nM wu t.ued 1 In Suata ADa to Elmtor Otto Kral ! of Newport J1eacb and JWie KU·' lne,BaliMIL I HAM DnMt of 21 Bay SMre I 411... Ua IIIOftd to Hollywood I •IHI w now --. at Milt, llara. 'j thon a ...... '"l. aDd lin. Ro~rt Oannon,l 23& Opal a._ue, al"f' tho. parent.l of a 8011 bona Mar<:b 16 at St. 1 Joeep~t ._,.tal. I Kn. a,. Mccomb. 2710 Ocean . rraat, '-tl7 "t\lmed trom On· I t.u1o .,..... ... had .pent eenral c~a,. .... 2. • Tbui"Mday, Waroh 30, 1~ R. H. J-., wbo formerly ft· aided at UU w. central avenue. Kualc: lo,.n wtU ...,...ea.t:_ tiM ~ ..cau.--. <:apP"ltacliOtr c:onc~rt at the Commun. tau moved to t.ona Beach whe{e u y BlbM-Auclttottwn, UDO JfiWP:>rt Blvd., o.ta II-. next llata ... tay nJ~:ht. April 1. from 7:1& to he '' ;, lad &T'Sll Flint t ine\. l!:OO o'clock. The choir of forty volcet Ia undft' tbe dlftctJon ot P •<lf. Harlyn Aber. noted vocaUat l(r. &D4 Mra. J. W. Peu~. •1:1 and choir director. At etpt o'doc::C En~ellat Gaeaa Ooltu will pl"t'aent tht-prophetic lecture, "eo. ~ KNit, .,.. the prollll ,.,._'-o1 a eaa born lut Tbun-ta Kf'aa'a HJfb Prtett ~ Your Att.orney." 'nW pullllc w ID\'ltt-d to come early. Every aeat cla7 at ... ta Alii eommwuty wu filled at 7:30 laat aaturday ntpt. be .u4. aao.,ttal. . --- -----------~ :-:.,~ .. ~~0 •:;, ~ll!lillm!:m:!i::E!!E"'':::=:rr!!!!:· ?+?+*' •··:-·=::m:::::m::::::::::::=:::.::m~"ia at U.. Aray A.k Sue alter bei.IIJ' j !!t ~ ~J;:Jr..;.:;r.1 READY FOR BUSINESS i Mr. &D4 Mra. 0 . A. Ooddner hive "turMd to Newport 8aac:h u4 .,.. ._.a. locat.ed at Uletl' fOI"'DU tac.M, 11 T llrd tlrML A.Rer lipandlq a pleuant tur· louP wttla lUI wife and b&by daupw, J~yn. 31& Alvua- cSo piece. ~ Smith left TuM· d&y for ... Clemente wbe" be 1a l'tattooec~ Wltll U.. Cout O~d u a ...._ ftnt c:l&u. . .U. IIUI'Iel t.ou.lle DowD.ay ,.._ c:.aUy ~ her lllllUl b&rth· 1 d&y uuu...-.ry at a party _l!vu b)"-ber IIIUtllilr, llrw. 1un .. Dow-1a ney of 121 _,. IJU'ftt. Ice cream '~ and caJw ...,.. .,rved to 11 neip· borbood ~· wbo eajoJed a il pleuut artanooo ot pme~. i! W1Wam llauD, former Newport 1 Beada maO cuner, bat bMD pro- mot.ecl to ~ rank of corporal, li &CICOr'CIUI&' to word reatwd by Ilia ,.,._q, Ill'. &114 lilrl. Jolua Haun. au 8uta Ana avu11e. Wltll ~ proiDotlon he wu trau- fer'Nd ltoaa Cunp 8lebert, Ala., to P'ort JKUon, .. c. Balboa arc~e w .a.c .. a. WID tnMt · nat 'nlaeday at Ku Cua ~ at wbJcla U.. Uley wtU celebrate eel to pi'O'ftdl 1110 coolllea Mdl • '1'Uelda)' ....... Aprtl for a bc»-- DIRT mRRIDE HilliS Ill I. I II. REPAIRS t.be tltrt.bclay arurlvel"'&&1 .. of all ·• their mem11en born In J'ebn&&r')', • K&l'dl and April. T'be artunoon . wtU M cSnot.d to Red en-...,. 1 iji tnc. ,.. I1'0UP hu been delerat· pltal ward at Use Army AJr Bue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~;;~ an4wru ~-h~ uH~· .r-"" port U80 .. Uaree 6l7a ...,..... Aprtl. MOTORS • WELDING M~rine Ways As a gesture to old friends . . . . and a sincere effort to acquire new ones ... we announce A SALE Dbcoaals 10 to 33% Aprillst to April 6th (Formerly Leila Williams) 219 Marine Avenue, Balb9a Island \ . IIOJIOWNED AND OPERATED BY IRMA MARPLES ...., Corp. and .... J"rueM Acluu. 1221·1 0 ...... o..l, .... tM ,.... el)t., of a 11011, bon Jl'r1d&1 at at. Joeepb ~tal Lt. and Kn. Cllaz1ee ~w-. 302 Diamond a..._ .,.. u.. ,.... enu of a ctauctat.ar. born llarcb Jl at BL Joeepb ...,.tal. Second Lieut. and lilrl. Ounl Kite. Hlt E. Catral aveJUM, are \he pal"t'n la of a *"'• bom ll&rdl ~-------------------------~---~------------.---------------------- ACNM ... O••nel ...._a ... .e C..kal Aveaae REAR ... BE OVE-BPASS BBIDGB 1: ' 11 at 8t. Joeepll tac.pital. .__Bil?l!I!Hmlltt'll!!ill!!!!EE-""ilH-::r.:;r::e:==:: Mr. and Mra. H. L. Dem!DC ot ~ . :::=:.::::::...-:::::::::::;::.. · __ ... ,,_:::..::;;::::::;:;:::;::::::::::::::::mm::;::::;i::Eiillruilll Loa Anrelea apeat Swut•y wttb UWiallllllllll!lliEH!IE!II!!I!I!I!ll!!l!llll!:!mU!•iE1• -:l!!E!5::5532.d .. :EE55!:EE:EE:EE::=~::=::=::;=..::;:··'!!;:;:::::,;::;;;:~::;;::,;;;;;;;;:E;:;;:;:;ffi!$il!i!l?ii \heir daurhter, lilrl. Ji1ar1ant Palm...,.en, 10. &. Bay aYeDue. Stalf B(t. and Mrs. IDdwwd Ouea.kowakl, 101 a Bay aftDue, are \he parente of a boy bom Karch 20 at St. JeMpb aw.pttal. April Fool pi"Ulb WID be ID or- der at Friday'• dance of tiM Un- der Twf'nty club WIUda i8 to be held at Coeta 11-Women'• c:lubhollN. Muter B(t. and lin. J:dward H. Zellner, 305 nnJey avenue, are U\e pannu or a ba!)y boy bom Karcb 21 at Banta Au Commun- Ity hoept tal. "Blll" Carlaon, fonner owner of Balboa Bportalwlp, arrtftd he" Bwaday on a 30-d&y leave from oveneu duty and 1a mJoYlDc a vtalt wltll old trleD4a. Be 11M been In the Navy tor 11 montM. Mra. Vnne F\u!Jr,.,...r, wtloM hu.band .. HI'Vtq In u-. Navy "aomewb.,~ on u., Putftc," ~top­ ped hf'ff' thJI WMJr elll'OUte from San Franc:l~ to ...at her ...,....ta In Texu. She .. the ,....rt of 'ber mother-In-law. Mrl. Cora J'Wak- hollNr. AMoWicement 11M bMa made of the eqacement ol Ill-. J-- lc:a Donaldaon, d&ulllter of llr. and Kra. Arthur DonaSd8on of Balboa laland, and .A.Yi&Uon ca- det Jobn N. Skela. Jr., 8011 of Jobn N. lkelaa ot H ... York. ~ Dona.a.on 1a a 11'&41u&te ot llanor Hlp ICbool. Mr. and lira. A. a. ,...,...,.... Ill l&nta Ana a ..... wwe ~ at tbe Karch meet~~~~' ot N~­ port Buc:h Towt,.,.ad d.. fte t.u.tn-MMlon wu diYota4 to dtiC'Uallon of the OCIIIllaC e1eeUon and ~ le~W&Uc& ~ tbe .aclal hour the .,aup wu •- tert&lned wttll m\llle ~ the ~ ta 11-HUlbllUQ Cll'dwMI'a com- polled of P'r&nk F'tdlllpa and Ky. ron and Macn111 'l'eJt. ftefrollll. meata ._.,. eerwd ~ IIJ', and Kra. W. J. Hokclaw aa4 KJ-. 1:1· ale N-lancl otllen ,.._t Waa tlle hoet.l and m\llldt" ud IIJ', and Kn. L. X. A ....... JIN. Orpha Blue. Mrs. OUiiiM .... '' • for COUNCILMAN OVER 20 YEARS of BANKING and FINANCIAL EXPERIENCE PLEDGED TO an UNBIASED REP- RESENTATION OF EVERY SEC- TION OF NEWPORT HARBOR and ITS GREAT FUTURE! '' • '' for COUNCIT.MAN APRIL·llTH, 1944 lira Sadie Roelle, 11ft,. llu7 All· · l .............. ~~ ................................................ ~~denon, Kn. VtnMa ~ uct ~~ .................. ~ ...................... =s-..~.~-~-•u~c:•~wmA•dv•emrtmWe .. m•en .. t )..l W11l1Uft laJUa. r .-· , ... Tbur.:lay, March ~. 1 !l14 ' I "\ -:gt • • ovw U.. Kn.-II'OCM'J at 611 •a a•• ~ W. l7tll .tnet. 8anta A.na, uM will operate It for Mr. and )ln. ttr ~l'J: HITCHMAN to•hl will b•• avatl11blr fur th• boat Krau.e, parente of Mn. Hoetl'tlur ,_ -'-'"'' Y•·•r af\er the war llolllh ""''' tho• "'" eurh u e ... ta. 17~,.1:-~u-~~~:"::: OOOIGS OJ' THE -~ Ill·--tJu, WAiUIFBON'I. . Mr. an4 lira. Charlee Batton. IN THE HARBOR ARIA ···" .Utt~tY and ~rha t•ntht11ll• •1111 ·ht.••. ~~-~~~;;~~~;;~~~~l!~~~~~::~::~~~:::~~~~:-·:-~~~,t~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~:;:;~~;-:;~::;-:-~::~~:::r·~~~~u~~;k~·~~-~r;n~a~y~~~con~J•~t~~~~~~~~~u7~~~~~~~;:~~----------~~~~~--------~~--~~ U• IOtb .U.t. are tile pa:tent.., Jfn. lloUy Holder, 201 1:. l&Ua Emil •u.et. bu-been ViiTtffi& -rei&·-~Tn -ru.csay. Santa .Ana Ooaunwut y hoepit&l. to "'nrd ~•··I'd t: • ....s n )'ou ~btfllly know _ __ ~· uv .. at 8a.u Dtei'O. A R Gingru of the lleaa cl.--The oew arrtva1 U. two elder hv hi• mother, MN! Forr.t R • llt<.III\C ,.,n u.r tnp u ·a.....,... ln 1~7 Hukellte and • • ''. lin. G. N. Walla, 132 Broadway, IS"' llpendlnl a week'a vacation brotllen, Oaar'-and David. Owo•n. 2()91 NewJ'<)rt lw>ut.-,·aro ul ,,...,.. an.t •. , ..,.. IN pnMW ~allo'hlhl wn• tho! tint tu ' fub· MTAa ANlll.EJl d.lt It •\ ' bu Nturned from fll extended ·tt R~no. Muter Bet· and lira. Btrt Bar-Mno LorraiM lttfflf'r ""• t'IN~-f , • .,,.,~..!\ •bo tu.. trl~-aoo ·•n .,...,,puun.S plywood In a mold We h••·· wtlh u. 11 dlalll\lula, Vlalt wttll ber mo\h:er at Mlle. Mr and Mn R. B. Hammond-tlnl and dal&l'llter, Jwly, of 181 ·' hrr Mt"n bfoauty ehor "' 11_,3 _ "' ,.,u... :o; .. ll.l \\Hio. ..C., '"'" '11 I ''""'Y mol.s..t plywood alr· ,.,, eVVtlllahlfll ""at n .. m 1S11n Clty, KoaL Ire.-of Knox lli'Mt are U.. par-11:. 18tll ltNet, have retumed fro '<··wf'Ort booleYard ftn(1 f'XJ'f'<', .. "or h·"' "'"'h """' y,.. \'h·t .. r la:~oa an • bontbln1 lkrUn, U.. •'"''"· 11&111" ur ti1'Aft ANUW..I. lira. Bena.loe 8ou.Uer of Amar-lila of 11 bt.by &irl born TUeltday Batrame.ntD where U..y ~pent two tn •1,'\'(\tf' .,.,,.ral ,..,..,k1 to • :t "''i' I "r , hstm\&11 I•' ly 1\o• H a.-alland IHililqU.Iln ,, ho.:h wu b1\11~hl ""•• a .-uup lUo, Tex., Ia Villi Una her mother, .It ho•n•. weeu wtth rel&Uv••· 8&1. &arllnl ''"cation. She and Mr Raftwo.-Th11 .:~ "" •"' .~ ... rtaml ''"""'''" ror J•amrw. \\'a)' ~k •II -~ ..._.,_ bi aoor -'"'" d- llre. ll&ry Grlttin, •ae We.ttm.ln· Mr11. H. C. DonneUy of Knox· Ia 1taUoned at th• Anny Air-Sue IIS\If' ~l~d at Sill). Ja&y ('re,..._ ~ ..... w.; MW' ~ --"' &~r· .....pn1nnonta '"'"' ~11\jf ..Cntlln, Mr Miullll Who baa ttWll· ater avuue. 1 •II~>, X. .. hu !_Pei1Ltba w.ak w.iu. Jwn. -trann for IIOITII' tlmeo ai4W' at. .. hu "'''"' ''••11• nt<•mN>r. ~nw ,,, · 1 •·i>· Wllh l'lr-·uu.J by aa rplant• .:tJ &nd.vpt~!tl&h.-..1 Ul" MA.It~T 11 Mr. ~ Km. JGiln a~rty, 282e tofts~ 'Florence· 8bt!arer, 311 11:. lin. MartJaa Lowe, JOe1 'ntur· .,M'n rommu.tln&' to Co.ta w-'I\• "' ""' M• • l.an-"•lh-<ruv '' ...-.. ,. h but a t that Um• \l.,~nd· •rvnl Kl~ • 1Aiuh1~ Cor lhe put Ac:acla .U.t, are the puente or 16th atreet. tn awn~. baa eold an acrl! ad· lilly. 1:"1" t:'•'"" \\'lut .. Anaon SnuUl. •"1 ••lb<o•" •e wi'rr hot df'vel,•p· ''" o yean now ~&rtnouth"'• ttw a ao.ra. born lut 'niUJ'IIday Ill St. Mr and Mn. Ed KUla' llave Jolntnc her home place to l(r. Gn'<'tln« eo-ta ,.,... (ri,.nda l .~rm K.;o, ... r. tl.-t ... r •• ,,..,.,, an.l 1 an•l thr lnoluatry tunled to d'rAR ANOLIIR u th•• n,..ehap ur J<»eph lloeplt&l. olo)\ v.! from 1816 Fullerton avenue and lin. R. G. Krull of Wuhtnc-'hla Wl'<'k Wt!N ..... R J Wllll't \t .. R ll'l .. !lJ ,..., .• ,. all _... ohlliiiiiUIJI lnatf'Ad. Plywood ill "'-two-boet n..-t - lin. Allee Smith and da~hter, to thv Lulie Davia property at ton. The Krulla UpKt to comf' ·nn. Bob. and dsua:ht••r Ertna ''.: '"""' ''""' 1 1•• bt• lll tltnt'e u llNftl Uu.1tt b)' the IS1ui 1•h·~u Marnt•' Oeora'lana. of Ban Dleco, are via· .. lb 1·2 HIUT\llton atreet. here to Uve u eoon u It Ia poa· \liN•. who fomvr1.-N'•lt1o·,t "n ,..;. n 1 '"" Su,_ AI<.... rrom .. a luminum. ._•ollalru..•llnn l:OIItll•ll)' 111 IIIJO, eh.• 1~ at the Oeorce LortOn bOll\~!, c os·p. Lee Attrid&'e of C&mp albia to buUd. F:. 18th ltl't'et. 1110\'ln~r to s.-•h .. tlartk•r an"a ""'"" ,.,._,1 the ~h·•••t J•lywoo.J, M \'OUrM, baa •·a>r•·khl•··l the o•llo•u ul ~1111 ~· Ora.Qce aven~. l'lltl'lllllt', ni.!&J' Freano, apent t.be llr, and lin. o . B. Lone. 1888 \nj:"lre !lh<>Ut two w~r• llj;•J Bob 1,.,.. bt-.:•nllifl.t; thll ..... k a t lit 1h "" .-J elltenalvely by the boet· 1 oak!)· 111411 to• tt••"" h"r Ul~ Mr. a.nd lin. Robert Arnold, "" k enli with b1a parenta, Mr. Tu.Un avenue. are enjoyt~ a Vii · "hn Ia 11 marhlno11 matr llf'C'Ond '""' r h h<WJ'Ital ln Santa Ane ''" tn.h..try ln Uw fabrtcatiOfl of llh'o'l\ ul atan llto•ICO 1 •I"" tllahllte 1171 1A6una avenue, are the par· .tn<l Mre C. C. Attridce, 112 11:. It from their aon, Corp. Bernard ·h,.. In lhf' Na•·" 11 hnm• on l'hrv .,. 1\n~thv Mow FOIIWWf' \' ho•th•m lll~tuee, t"Al)ILI cablna .• lc•·L ILIW ~ w,... ~ Ia a ,_, enta of a daucbter, born Mar. 21 1dlh l lrfet. F. LoDe. who ret\li'Md home by ~0-tlll'v furl<•llllfh aft ~.-~·n llnr; 'Z~ ml .lam• Holm... hulkh,.a.ta, tran.oma JcS variowl ... n~e with 11 ltl.Cuul hf'am an.S 11 at I&Dta A.na CommtinJty ho1pl· Mt'l. Orpha Blue, Ut lllqDoUa nlane from h.la alation at Hunt-''"thfl with thf' n~rl In thl' Sn W•· 1~1 thr rt•na ,,.,. ~ m • .._ •lh• r 111"11'bo'ra of war, ~ , "'"''lt'•l by I Wi ll 1!'10 h p L'Um· tal. <lro· .. •t. •pent eevenll da~ lut 'r Fl•lcS, Savannah, Oa. He • bu ·~C'Ittr F.ttna All• ~ nnw n r rh·· '>~I• Rl ..... s "'"'''r ~rvl<• unit w1ll .nJ 1'\lmm•rclal craft, but It ill ·""• •li••ed e '"·~ ;1 I rl' lueu un J"or.-t Paul, Jr., 10n of Mr. .,.,.,.k vaa1linc ~ber brother an4 ~n tn the Anny 11 montha. •I•' In thl' WAC. 11 ,,..,,. on ., .. ,, """"'~". fnt' alrr-a ty "'""" th~ '••• l"ll(l•l to cup Into " multl·plan· ., .. ,.,. A ,..111111~--l'fl>atN th• and lin. F . 8 . Paull or 387 Bay Jtst,•t··m·law, Mr. and lira. J'raAk LoY lolae Jlarah. da~ter of "!\·IIRY tra,·e from F'm t Rl'nnl~. ~ f'<"•rw hJII\<" 8IJ'ftlf._... t~ar I hull . Mnlltf'd plywood. on U.. ,, .. u .. y h••m • "'"'"')' l'tllltfurtabl" 1U..t, ill tn tralntnc at a Na.-y IJt-namwe of Lone Beach. Mr. a.nd llN. n oyd llareh. 170. r." nt.,.ntt .. n of .joonatln~ toa. .... t u th• r h.an.t. w&ll tak• fonna u .,IUIIIII! .. II•••· '''"''"'' Ullhuleterto.J macblallt'a acbool at Norman, Mre A mel Boldman, 22M Or· '>ranp awnue, hu •nrolled at C"h11rl,..• AttrldK<' ll'ln "' Mr an•l ~ .... n •• th~,... 1a a uno~ ~ ... T•> 11" '~'""'"• aa • ••alnut llh~ll. ..., .. ,Ia anol ••ala will ~'C:Nl\lltu· Okl&. .lf1~;41 avenue, retumad Monday Occidental coll•n wh•re abe t• "''"· C C. Attrt<la:r of 182 11: r l\ .. '"" .,.'"',.,..,.. ,., tllw ~· T'hr Vaol.a.l RMetUTh Corpora· ,,,.,,. lit 1""*1" and 111 the to ual• lin. R. A. Jame., 218 IC. 18th trum Santa Ana Comml&ftity ~ ma.Jortnc tn .:n.ua~s preparatory 16th etr•..-t. baa bet'n •'"'ardrd tua 1 '""" ~u1rr.l tt'l rut -,.., 1"'11 Ia '"'"' of w ver.l nrma cle· lht·N Ia "'""" fvr l:\ habem1en place, ill recu.peraU~ nJcely fol· pllal w h•r• eht! reeenUy under-to teacJUnc In hJ&'l ac::hool. 8hf' ·wtn~r•" and a comrm•••••n u ~-'h•.,.. untta mt" ~rat won • ..,.,.,. Ia '' lo•p•ntr mol .ita plywood Th•lr 111' I"' vul vi the ~ll&lher. In· lowlft& a major operation pt'l'form· Wl'nt a major operation. She ill ia a IJ'&(Iu&te of Harbor Hl&h and '>nd ltt"Uf,.nant In th~ Arnl\• Air ·h .. .,.I-IIJ' R,.aJ M 0 do..-t••"' . ., .. u, .. t t.t•.nna with • mandrel or t•·rhu-"''" '"lUIJ'P.... wllh over· ad recenUy at Santa Ana .COm· said to bt' recu.pera~ uu.tae-Santa Ana Jwuor coUep. F'nrcP. h ie final lratntn~: u ~ na\'-h1" .. ''' • ''""" •ttll !h.. unot. an.1 11 ._,,., '''"" around which atrlpe h.,.,, eJ•rlnkllnl •y•ten111 ml&ftity lloepttal. torily. lira. Mary RaniaDn baa amv-'l:'lltor ha\'lnl[ ~n ~tl•·<'n at thf' •··l.:tlllf'IO"d nu,...... all tral-.t h•· '1 ,,.......,, ar• wrapJif'd. c .... tn \\'ho•n I a14w th" RTAft ANU· BW Moon. wbo re&ided at Coeta Mr. and Mn. D. c . MacKen· ed from hn1clay, LL, to v111t '\rmv Air Flf'ld, lfMd<•. Tn Lt ~·'1hrr u a '"'"' n.r ... '"" a..c-aJ '1"" •• ,.,· .. nty •rrll•,t ovt>r thl' u r.n l~t~~t .,..,.,•h ahf' lo<~lltrd very Ilea willie attendlnc Grammar T.ll', 309 16th place, bad u weell her eoa, a-man 1rtrat Cl .. Ju >\II ride, who Ia 11 l:raiiU;olf of Rr•t ("rv-,......,..._ tl .. tp lrvlu.Jin« 1 ··n.• .. r th,.n mun> niiHr, more ft1••tl a n•l rlran ...... line only fin· aehool, S. now cunner'• mate 3rd o•nd JCU••etll Mr and Mot. Henry G. Harrtaon, who Ia 1taUonf'd at Hllrbor Hl«"h ach•'OI an1l Santa •t :otf uaotiCant•. to k....,. ,_.,,...,. ~11·"' \\'1\,.n , .... lamlnatlnr; PnK'.,.. tah1111r IIIUt'h•·• 111111 lhr el.OWiftl ot clall on a Uberty t retrhter. He Lutt••rall and Mr. and lin. Tom San l>Wco-BoUI mother and eon ,\nn Junior CO~t'. 1lartrct hla •n"'"' ('(~ drh~ra. t" ~Ill: nw • • ""'rl•l.-, a-.. venr•r wrappe•l •ui•IJIIM to "'' r .. a,ly fur Ma duly. ill a 'h.pb.w of lire. D. C. Prid-Rnst•l·erl' of Loa Ancelee. Mra. aft apendlnc eeveral day1 w~th tntlnln,~: 11• an avh•to"n r1t1rt t.m.-.N "n<t takr lhPn1 lllnn1.. '"•"•ltc.l 1• •hruutlf'tl In a watf't· Klio• 111 ,. htl•· with ouaht••any ll1m bam, 1M3 <>ranee avenue. Rnsl•\'l'rt· il a alatl!r of Mn. Mac-Mn. V1vtan ..COOper, 132 Broad· Jo~,.b 1943 Since b.la jl:'ra.Jualt<on "" 'IJ~ 11otr11, to ...ut '"" , .. ~, l'"~•t mtnobrane or blank•t anll jUl.J..I IUU.U.I.ol uu b•" ala•·• w , ... · N-eo.ta Ilea reeidenll are l<•·nz.le. -_ :tfU. • ~ .,.__ ,....,. • .,..~ t.. Et ..-..o. T'i'ir"nlirlh. r-ar li5a. to -.. .-.m ,...._,"""'Wttll pq\iil pt,.. •tar aml o·rt•~<'•·nt u•a11111a of UM ,..,.. . &JllrlO'I. JOlin Kfna ina ~fr and Mnt. Peter Maclntyn Mn. Ouray 0 . Bland. lteO Har· T,..x •lat .,,·,·n~lv and ,...,.,....,. nl'm ~""' nv .. r thr "ntlt'lll IUrfae•. Ttl,. •'*'"'!'any that hUIII h.,r J,,., Mar• da\&l'hter, 8anclra. fonnerly of La-hll\'~ rl'tunwd t o their home at bor boulevard, 11 reeovrrtnc trom Pat H l'aley. ''""'""'n of Mr hl'na, to ~ hnC clnnka to UW rn .. l•t •• """11 ... 1 raptdly and Ula ,.. tin npo-cta to have her In 0011\• cuna Beach, who have-moved to C'algar ~·. C11nada. after IJ*IdiAC lnJuri• aufterecl March 18 when ond Mn. Elmer Wru:ht, 128 E. tnn.•r11 ..,.,,.,.... ...,., ..._...., It la -ult Ia a emnoth etc-)' waml-mlulon Apnl lat when dall)' tripa tile Fred nncll property at 611 the put R veraJ weeka a t tJM .a.. wu 8t.nlek by a car .-ert-tilth et~t. Ia ~ tekonc V-12 tn•t-d a ,..,....t11Dy ~ ,..,_ •ul f~ """""-Uw minimum ttt ""'' llt'hr•lulf'd lravlnl Klftl'• Balboa atreet. Mr. Kine wtll man-Flor{'nC'e Slwart'r hom•. Ill m. edly operated by 11:. A. llpltter of tr lllning at the Unlwnlty ot Cal· .-.lu,.,, .-. tlluot .-.._.rytJIIn« nwwrt~ ..... t.tancor to aJr M wat.r. IJttlllln& at 7 rar h momlnl, ace t.lla Kine 1port.wear &hop 16th atrt>et, and with Mr. and Anallelm. Tbe accident took place tf,.mla In preparatjM to b;ot'Ofn· uf.-h· a.nd f•• Utlr romtcwt of Utlr An arth"J.o In lt~r wld~h .up-Th ttTAil ANUL.l:ft bad a ,.... \ l ll.,__ rh....t ,..,. atoov• lnfonnatleft &lao e whJcb ill alated "' open aoon at Mn1 D . C MacKf'n&le. 11th when lin. Bland wu ~ II ..... tng a Na\'lll omc .. r A KTJ~ftuatr okon .. r "'" W1D ...,. ~ ~~~-tlw .. r.t m 111hl•n ""Y&«I!, her II pu· 1113 Newport .boulevard. place. trom bel' car-IMr bcltiM. c>f Cotta Mna Grammar tdlnol, mlnutr rtan. a"' ......-dy ~ 1rt ro•tnfa ""1 ttl• advantac• ttt • •rnl""' baeratn1 MJO )"'llowt.all U.. l·lftrbor Hlttf\ and Snnt11 Ana Jun· ,.....d,. and tf J"'U ,.aan to )otn thf' ""'ldrol plywood dtna)ly no oo.y flntt tla)' nut l..ut yl'ar at1e wu lor coiiP~r. P at f'nllltwol In Uw rn............, to IJlr Bk>Od Banll J''* 't~ulllllftlr, no pplna aeama. no 1&aea by th" Pac:lnc Tnw ._t Navy In May. 1943, and wu rna\' c-all ,.,.. WY'It" U... ltrd rr-n-hAIIIn« out and-DO bann clone -,. ,.nd 8alvar ComP4f\)' tD CUT')' .._. .. -• •••• ... •-~~ ot ., •• ....., •-· G•lf•l"• IUIUb .... PNpllellc......_al ... COMMUNITY BIBLE AUDITORIUM 1750 Newport •••tL, eo.ta ••• --------~--~----~'.----------8ATUJU)Ai" AniL 1- 7:15 to 8 ·00 P . M La Sl~rra 'Coll•ce A Cappella Choir concart. 8 :00 P . M.-"Cotlta Mua'• High PrtCJit bec:oml'• your attorney '' -------------------------8UNDAY NJGHT, APIUL ~ Mystic Number "666" and "Mark of Beast" vs. "The Seal of God" ·-·· Plctan, ''CB .. P'I ADRII'I'U1Ia," lei' dae Clllldl'ea WJCDN'ICSD4Y NlGRT, APalL 5-- 'nle evanaellet'a "POISON SERMON" Bound Picture: "Whrela ..M/Iwr India''-I I t'IUD4 Y NIGHT, APIIIL ,_ "'nit! Spirtte of 8ptriUml" The Power Behlncl tile ae&nc• ~aduat.ed from lhr Quart~ urtk", and hf' f'U1y Of1 tlw .... liMo tl.fl«<.nl about a dtni11Y ~-•·unatt·uAinn workrnt and Mcttt li'r achool llt Ban 01.-«o Hll mo. w .. IW'f"lJ -""""" ~ lO "11¥ pta ••r1u tt• a ~rtaln military '-"" h th f .. "'--No ,...-wl\y • tO·foot cnle· I rr. I! OITI\n .,.,.. ....-vw,.~ ho tp In ...,. orne-. It ,.,. C'all ~r f 1 t be ltM·at.-.1 a ''"Y'• nan from lhfl lfral,.y. now Mn. \\'arr .. n Rrtatnl, 1\1"'. all tts. ~u .. r. but .-om,. any· ~ l'xamp ... C'annn non. ••u•atlln•· 111 tht• ..-rvi~Je aha mad<' rl'altlu a t Huntlftl1o• O..arll wa )'. C.~l M,.. J-.H .... •lnll'tN! by W -· -'hod INt two or lhN'e fnpa a week In &11 Mnt W . J. Hlneal~·. %80 ~ lltla "ur rff1 .. ....,, ctaaJrman fof .. .,, '"" mandnol and the moldll\f: J»")-kln1la ..r "'"attlrr unloadlnl per· Jtt r"«t. wu hoe~ at ~ Warda .-111ta11b. ,.,..,., at UNo ,.,n,.., .w r .... "'" ••JWnlllve and Uw bu,..r 1 1 II t an In , ·•nn•lt rllanp h'-mind In thlo ... rHlo· ant •!!('I' M on o • ml'l'llnK of th• Idle Hour C'lub. "' ltl3-W Or ... ,..,. .-ord tf• ..,., vulun lVI'"' .,,., ... whlf-h tn turn Fnllowlng covered·dllih lunclll'on. at '"" nffkop a.-.-au trtl )"'U "'"ltJI•• "' • jflb and dfomand that ht•••·hrol th,.m l'h" work~ .,_., .. _ ..... ~ •-h•• .,,., ~ a..~-~ or h,.r thl' attem~ wu "''"'v~ -all .......,, a _.. lat .. ...ean,; and ..... htuol a t tnl• Jt~h an!l ea m••l a 6&· I .... .._ t ...,,.nl w11tr~ • .. nupa. of fHI ~··W ng .... em ...... J'rf'll"ft ...,.. u-ful way to Jwlr O..alt~:nrr and bull•"'r Will flay,. l o l"'"'tahlllly rrrutatlon tor h•raeff. Mrldarnea Jobn Boyd. Jarll J.._, ,.,...,.... .,... lmpot1aJit -f'l'l(ll· bP aurr ot u .. tr ma rk•t bPfM'f' J•,.. Martin, ronner offbM!ln H('rbert Balrcl P'ftd Lnr\c. Hany tatk>fW t~ftl: pn.-r'a 1na1l tr ••lt•r, r·ame to N..wport n•• I k d ,_ _._ n....... .......-_ -tlw mandr-.1 Ia ... t up and Mr C" ar an .._...a • ._ "" .. ""'"' .--\\'r .,u alii )'oUr rdlltne !o put.. )'"ara ••" At hll Ooct.4)r'a ....... at tht! mrettne lnC'Iuded Jlrw. Uab u.r C'nftl ... ,. ,_ and tf J'911 lluy.r will ll&vr to _,.., ... -.,. linn th111t 1\41 •1111nl1 u much Ume Lnn.c'• llater, lira. AM& .._.. wW -it ..., ohllly ,_,. •tMdlftlr by ,,.. orltrinal plua If u ~1..._ '" U.. oer-all', 11111 bam. lin. Bett)' 1Ct.-, e1 Leo-~ 1a ...-. ea.,. wtD Mil ,._ """" a. '" ,.,..,..,. an,..,._,. '""""' hltl fa...._ al"lnt._ I ,.,'"" Beech. ana Ula ......-... ................ ....,_ _,. ... ,. ln M~d pf}'WOOcl and ,..Milke apnrtttaiUn,r. Into hi• "'*-H• ''''"~hter-ln-l&w and pad ......._ arrt\'8 It ,..,. cloe't nrwt ttw.P "" raJlflf'l• to aklPJMt tN 8T.Aft 1 t· r. Mn. Dou.«-lu HtiNIIIt)' .ad ,_ ,.,.......,.._ cw lltrer allout U" .,,,...., .. ,,. thr "'• exdt-nt ANOI P:ft ('t)flnett.e. t~ c-all ...,. Rl'd rrn. ..rnr. '" futur.. .,.,.tbuildtn• 8tron«, • • And -trill ., tnld nta a. t•r-•dlf'!l. Nln·atlrtnkabll', abj .... t to -_,,,.antllnln• a nd abnvr all abnut \'41.F.N(1A m ribly lntJ'(tf1 -t ~~ tty ,.._rt .. a ro.und ''"' tvr ,..,nt 1 f unct..rwtandl IH• nllrf'f'll Klnlf'• Wf'll lltMWn ~'I"'""'"" ttlan lltanflard <"WW~tntl'· •JlMitl•hr rtllan, VAI.tr.NM.A nr. • • • )J~ KE£NK !fl1JOIONIID '111&U8DAY NIGHT, APRIL 1- I Funl'nll acn-s,<>• w-ere beJel Sat· u. duy uft.< 1 noon at Harold Grauel 84Tl'aD4Y, A.I'IUL ._ •llllp•·l for Mnt .Seney Ann K-11 .A. M. ''The Man Ood Fori'Ot" .. _ ....__til Th•· h••wo•nc I'"'~ h.a.a tllf lhr I '"" thr.-·,,. ttkr lv tn IIJI'I',..... Ia 1111w ·,.,,..,.,.tlnl[ frnm Klnr'• Rr•l C'n-IUid thf' Halbooa ..aan•l An•l I aurrw-If yiiU rut """''1'1\ l,,.nlllt•IC wllh llnr,...ll hi-If at ~·•rk r .. m Ill hrln& "'""rot anol 1•••1 tn a r tlll'tlr or rtywnnd bnel, thr hrhu Hr r•pnrta that bar&· ahw• lhr ._ 1" ,..._..,... drl Mar •hr'll al1n In thtr wat•r antt not o·wla, baaa an(l halibut arfl bell!• llAiboa hland "~'al .tr.-n«• ,,..,,. .,tf Ilk,. a n ytn« f11h Won-loruu~¢hl In "Neurllle, Arthrltll, Rhl'umattam and PaJna" (Arthur N. Donaldaon, M. D 1 I 8 P M "How to P a y the Pr•aeher With· "all \\' 18th •tnoet. w--- out Ualnc a Cent of Tour own Money" ''""''~ " lln,••rtnc II'-. llrw. Bound picture:. "Whf'('le Over lndla"~ I 8cotl d" 1 Kt'llll'. who ..-u a nauve ol .....:... __ s_o_u_n_d__:p_l_et_u_re_:_·_· ___ an________ lt .. llhiJibur~. wu 71 yean of ace Jl'"'Pir .,., .,.1JI a...nv"--and ar• •1.-r It thr u llllll tlandltn« o; thf'm Wltnea two more bapllama thle week at the c laM of each Saturday 1\111at aarnce. und hall r•·aldrd at eo.ta ~ =============--:-;--------:::::-::::-:::::::::;:.::::::::~====~=~----tlllll :'II•·Wpull S.·acb ror Ute ,.at .... .,acn:.=ancxaa~~:-:":~:,::·:i::.::~ocH~:;.::o::'.:.::.::·::.::-:MNH~HHKMM!4ann• .. tuntKa•~•.,...,.Kx~:-:x:·::-::·::.:a:.·:.' a:-~ yeAt"a. all ltf"n« ...... to t,hr Raftlna"\w,_.k I t II t h I nv•tn "" Palm u ·""'-It J'QUJWUift '"'"1 • "" ur any c an«• n """" f!lr Vlrtory! Tum ln your • WORKING L I V I N G CONDITIONS FOR FISHERMEN an d CANNERY SHIPYARD WORKERS ... BETTER FOR and THE and • FOR A BETTER RECREA- TIONAL HARBOR ... VOTE FOB FOB COUNCILMAN APRIL 11TH, 1944 Sur\'h 'Ora Include a dauc'tta". fl Mr• Mary Guo!dy"-t&, Newport ~: lk ach , a eon. J<*l C. '--• = H••altiJiburg, 'l lll elaten and two ;c l:uotht•MI nw R•v. G. WlDard ~ l'tt>nrn• of FuuriiCluare Goelpel ~: 1 hUi l'h C'OIHhll'h•d thf' a..t rt\8, ~ lntt·r·•n··nl bt•tlt~ at w~ t Memorial park. ;.:I U Ul\'CII&('E Fllll'Gift ;.: F.hr.al'l<·th r U..tty 1 8bope Hatb· "I ~ , .,,.k un Yrtdl\}' flied .Wt for ell· i 1 ,,,..~ "K"'"~' Jamea W . Hath-~ I , ... k. o·har~;tn~t him wtth cnaelty V.l :~nr1 uk•n~ot th" l'uaody of tbelr Po l t w~•·Yt'Kt ·uiJ dauarhter. 8be &lao ~: .oakNI tho• !'<JUri to cllvtdoe \klr R rommllntly p rr.pt'rt)', whjda ~ ft ll~tNI 1\Jt a II8IH1n W&I'Oft, and tD X ri\)' h•·r a rPIUOOnable IWn tor ~ !!upport The Hatllc:ocb ww-e ~: 11111rrh'<l July 28. at lAcuna a...dl n nntl ~··paratr!l lut Jan. 11. • ;.: l':tld ~ Mr H:o thr<l<'k, fonner eo.ta :-: M•·•n ~:n•r•·r. vrvecl u actJnc "I l""llllniUII • 1 h• r•• ft>r approlllmate- ~ 1 t~· a w u '"llnqulablnc tbat ~­~ tt•m 11n Mnt I ;.: ----------- ~ 1100.000 DA~AOE.f4 41'1&ED ~: #I St J IJIII'IJh hl•plt.al h-. ~ r.am••il •l•·f••n•lant In a 1Uit for $.100 000 rll\lltlllt''• U ~Jt of tbl' ''""'h c•f \\'tllt"m Lealie Wrtc'at. tnfant 10n nf Mr ancl lin Wm. A Wrt~tht of Coeta ll.ea,. 'nw Wrighla r hltrge that 1ut Oc:t.oMr t hA> h011pll AI ~tnd lte a tt.ndantll nntl l'ffi l lnyr~ll "nea1ect..cl and falll'd to r &re tor. watdt an4 Pf'O' rrrt" lh~' • hll•l lll\d that tJw b&b)' Willi Jlhlc•·•l frlrl' doWnward on a ,..11 In n """"'ry ward where th ... y trtlll hf' 11\lffoe&~ 'l'bl! ...,. wu bt>m ()ct I , elate ol Ida 'lr11th nO! being cS*Ioeed In U. t· .. •hnltt'~" ""t'aUIIfl of n-tMianl'• vran ""'1•1. r•'"' . .,...,,_,, ~....,. tn v.·nfk •"d art' an Bal.,...,. Of' t>n ron•l """"'• • Or. aa anothl'r tnnt. ,. -..-,-.-· '"" fldand 11:0 to '"" Palm aYHill" t•h ""'' 1 fiUJ'~ ,..,.tiMlary WMk f'Ot)ft'l Monday ~y and 11,,..,.,1r•n. wnnttrr It th.y wlfl ha"" W•'drw-8daY. _,.,.,.,..,. 10 .,·rt,..,ll 1" '"" •""'" afttnlt.y ..fM -t•r that thl' fn()min• and • ln .~ anrr ·-rh,. 4'1rttlnary ptank•tt hull hu nnnn ft,fnl'tnhf'r • ......., ,...,,. )'uti """' t-r ''""" an•t llhrinka antt lf'akl llf"'nd. and ,..,.., may •rrn•l aa "'"' II' ~t~n .. rally Intimate with manv or u ,.,... u 'n>IJ .natl mf'ana h•, "'""'""' • • mr.,. nf ta-..........-lfr~nt;a f,n,1m .. r-abl .. pl&.lltlr tt .. ma. 1 a m MMI Tod roo• at 1300 (Yran houlf'•·ar.t r .. ,..,,... ct..l Mar h .. IALBOA CANVAS SIIOP Aalla • It,,., f'.,v•r• • Awnlfll~ M•r'111• IIJlhtoi,IPrtnl , ..... ,. .. 207 224~ 21 .. "' ro•too urd Ow I""*P Uf1 I h..,... anol h,.,. -t up • ••orlt ,......., '" ho r huuJif' f••r Jltoncb\• •n·l \\'r<tn'•· •I••· aft• l n<••nJt. b-t',.."""" I ••'rln•lt and 4 rr..tt,. nl,.. nf ,.,.. f'nt>k d!•n 1 rvu thtnll an.S hf'r fn,.n•t Shell Marine Products "' ............. ttlth ""' ,.,.. l'h• .. No Mulli«IU'I •tv• ~,..., ... • Mit hoi ..,,.,... ••f '"" ,.,...,., ,,.. tl'\# m•rv· ··lnu.a "'''''" ... , thJit Jrl"'"'r' "'"" Ia h"ad of It AT THE SHELL DOCK Or.JUUNI ~DINU .. ., I MAIN CHANNEL ........ rd r..-"'"" "' s-pnr1 ;... __ ....; _______________ ....,l --.tiiCII ________ _J It• arh hu takrn ,,,., ,..,_ aneur·l """" dh 'lorlnn nf ttwo r• c ........ r------------------------------ 9(. nl'l" r-•1 ,..,,.,,. nfflr" a! 1._,111 -.:.~ .. ·rn"' t~Foul .. , ... ,.l awl W'lll ~­ •ht<1. 11 In •"''''"'"' ''' hill l~lf '"'' .... ,,, .. a1 261-:' \\' f'.-nt,.,l tt\'• f\tJ"' Nr•·r.r·r1 lit •n'l Mr1t M"' K• nn• .-.r-t t•• lak,. a .,..,,, 1 arall•tfl t.ut tlaJ.. u.A•I• O" <to It nit,. r ta.na for ~ futu,... --------~----- For V nor Signs PIIOK& 81 l Just received for yo~r inspection: A new ship- ment of Marine Hard- I complaint -..T L&i itaL,G ,.. .. Jl"'""ta ',.•cit .. 1110,000 -----'-"'--------~­l'hllrglng th"Y he" Mlfter..d and ware for summer outfitting. IC B ~ wjll rnntlnu• to .uffep mat ...,_ 1 •A80LD L ......,.. 1 , ro<~~.-. pain and an~ ..,. fvr tM 1 Mra .. Wn~rht •• the fCif'IIMr Of'MII 111m• 911 Coad Blghway ......... ( PolJUeal Adftrt:IMmen t } ~ ••••tc•~t••nncn:.:mc~~~:4Mtc'"""'""ww•••n u All nn•••n•••••• ....... -. ...... .,..H lnu nf In\'"· att~. IIOCkty, ~............... 1 !'Omfo"' 11nll .,.rvlc• of t.betr -. l Alhlllln(, I'Jaui'!ter of Jlr ..,. • ... • -u .. ..,., M,... R . l. 81hW1Jw, 1810 Jllaua. H p;,.._ un nlta aYSD~. . I . Friday ~-- Grace .rn-d t~>­ • It u It'll,., nvm, rr- to WAll ~ Jlldwtn: Ororp .......... .... ~ ....... .. ~. ....... A. ......Q. e, W117M '· ....... ... Mln· .. llhW· ...... ... ft&lph a..cnw. ........ •· • ttla.lr-~tman, CIIIIM. II: ~" 11:...-.tl lnwat t;. ar,. !ial WUI --Ro-...... ,, M , K. 0. .... l*a- '· o.t-. t.r. r . o. &i5 irt K.,...r. ........ • a. MC'· a. IIJia.r. ~.J.W, ... w. c. IDUIIHR ... 11'.11!. tlall ~·)'. • Ruthtrr- 111• K•tt; •rrul )•h. " rtlf'flllllfl, w11· of ""' ftlul'mlln 1 .. t•t C'ultMII'I ..ny hour• l&t!IIIUII In r wu1k, ~rge lhfiUif •1tfl· .. Art-.. l11l•l l h•• maJ•w at••m.,nl u d t.hal th• lllraa, whh'l'l llf'ada)'. wu t ma<ho any tll•l l hal lhfl tal•ly lu•llar· -n ,.. hf' hruo auy '"l'"r1" Nli••ll Atl•1r all•l w 1' ,,, ... ,,,,,fit,. ..... ;,,.,,, .. , .... ""'' 11..-•• 1111 111111'10 nh• •• •lt• th•' C'"'' rttl, hut ,, llll lltlll•l••l , I lor o•f ,., t ,,,., .. ..,, ... , .. , •• ,vu•t tn"r Mr. I'""""' t h•· 11:1 T• rr1 thr "'lhjf'• t lal. ,..ho had '. put ,. .. ,,... ll•on lu mOV· ·t," aald Mr , .. h'!ld be· th~ mMUDI .,.,. m~;r., In 111 al t&llr." I MEET lal f......,MD I'II ..... al J .,.,_... at AJl'nt Me- pnrtant IBM· . ~ r -. ~ .. ' -- Ensign john I His Bride in F • !Wf~ an altar o draaons and !llllms I atAt~ly whitt> tapen EpiKOMI chUrt'h 1n znna. En~l~ John R Air C'OI"J''S, !'On or M Joy~ T &~·l'n. of d\anlf'd t ht-1 r "' Nk Friday, !l!al"t'h 17 a ~~ f'Veming With ft, C. Trlmblt' ('ll'rfonm ~remony The br ide, who Ia ol Mr. anc1 Mr~ fl ~II. 'v.•as tfvt'n by ht'r faltwr Sht• weddlnc 1own, wh•t Zoee Therapy. M~,8ww -cr. Hydro . Special Tr~aln Ovtrwl'l&:hl 6 l"r .......... ._ G~tlnt t a ''WF! IN t7t7·1 lilt a..& .... DoaS.,aJ I PIAN I! NowPb • BEII"ER F'( (Cal Read I Caot. .- ·- NEWP<>RT·8.4I.SOA PRESS Tbureday, 1Urcla 30, aM 35,000 Cars Junked Several ResideDCe8 Being Built Here; Repain Slated .. Cltataoas Presented for Gallaat Effort Ia 4th Loan Drive TAKE HER TO Every Week •:vru.lC\ICUon JUl W\liu way •u•w& lbe put week on at leul 1J1 "''" homca an\1 I}Umero\111 oth- r ••tuena ut the Ha.rtlor .,.... .re •wpruVIJll lbeJr n.pec:UVe E1pt.a.a dt.auon. uf .pedal m.ru ...,. &ut Friday awarded lo Mudaeta &1M per110nnel of New- 'lOrt 8eMil Orunmar tcbool lp "K''p&Uoa ot t.be • • f • + . Iff YfU.IIICAJIOII ,.., roo•ua or no:w ,.,....., ac:- "' UllliJ: lu Uu•hJwac ln.apector A. ly PO.OOO WortJa of War Bonda hutnc U.. J'ourt.h war Loan 1rt\Oit. • . .., r••s •rusr rD t•IAfiOII ...u-c•••a~~& j..-, .... .... I •• s •• If, .... .,§ f ... ...... :::: ... ~.-~......, ....... . ............... G. ............ ..... .. · ............. ~ ....... ;...~~,..... .._. SIIBI.LliDICATION _. _.. ~ _. ...... ._._. 'nila_...... I., ... __. .... ,. .• ~ ... G.~iftle -· pi I 9 ~ .................... -p" A..r.,..,_. ···-·· ........ _. ................ • ''C a .. ..._,e .... ~ .... . ..._r ... .. IIAIIIII11 Rll '"t I.CI_. n.AY • ~d.on. ./ • ,.... .1.•) I.Juller of 308 Ocean bow. ... , J hWI been ••u.d a permit u llull\1 a two-atory l&rll'~ ~ .r !oullle and atuccd COMlrUc:Uorn •l ,ll coet of 12000. WlUiam R. llack llllll ~ Loa AliPI• wW .t.w ""~n..t $2000 on OM coa· .trucuon of a tour-room dweWq, .:• by 28 feet In noor area, at 124 opal a venue. Another four-room '"'"II'"C Ia btln1 built at 1136 fted. ..nd!l a\·enu ... N<'wport Rel1hta by -: R•>N \\'ilklnaoll of SantA Ana. ,, "til h k<'Wlk l'O.t $2000, Mr. ,\ •lkmaon a&Jd: w .• yn .. U Jl .. rpt'r ot 111 Ab&· ot:•• AVt>t\Ut' t'Xp.'Cla to buUd acSdJ• 'r "'* 1-. .....,_ ~·r ~ "sn-nt t1urt ur"• at both 219 and 221 Ab- ''""'' &\'enuf', a pproxJmately ISOOO · .. br 4'XJM>ntl .. d on the dual proj· • 111 flov.-al"tl t.._ Bftory, 1028 Cliff '"''"· h:u bfot>n INUPd • ~rmlt '" bUilol a 17:10 gar..-~ hou.~! al '•14 San Be-rnardino avenu~ nr. Royal Haru~en or Loll All· ···l•" ht<11 !n~nifled hia lntl"ntlon ,( bUihllng a two-atory carll&'e 1u11st'. rnnslllllnR of lhree rooma ""' botlh. al 21 :l Dahlia avenue. Th•' noor aM"a wtU ~ 24 • 30 fo·t'l and tht> coet 1'2000. H. F. ~~~ vh .. w plana to build a two-atory "tuagr hou.e at 3403 Finley ave- nue at a c011t of 11200. · • v ,g,•l and Hay, 111~ 11:. C.ntra.l H~~~~~~~an~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'Jit ~ CO\Ulty war nnance = 1 ., 'Omntttt.M, P'-lated the citaUOM 1t u -.nbl, of SUI. 7th and ~b ll'a4e pUp01 who convened Ill Uae __.t.enum sfterc aeMol. Mr. Han~~~n hlply commended ~ ~ tor U!e part ,they '\ad taken ln Jll&klng U!e drive a wc:ceas and Ill conclu•Jon lnt~ 1ucect Walter .,.cer, chal~an of '.be looal war ftnanct commlttAie. '"'-....-,. wu preaenttd by Principal H. 0 . !:nalgn who de- l'larecl. Ulat the achool had been (1\1\m ·a Job to do ud almply p~ ceded to do ll "\\'«' r&n't go out ONCE A WEEK Ute ftl1J\r Unt to do our bit , but we cu do It ht>re,~ h~ declar· ·tl 'Mit hanct.omely f'ngTavtd ellA· 'lona. whldl carrlt'rl the algnature ..... of U. 8. lleeNtAry of Ult Treaa- ·•rv Morcanthau. were awar~ to Studenta WIUiam C McComM, 'lobert Br11... P l'yton Batr, Tom ·~encter.on, George Pelera, John 0 arke, jr., Alan Ltwle, Carol An· tltreon, Bobby H4'11eU. J&ck Hor- rell, Bonny P'tndlay, Lomita Vln· Cf'nt., JMMS Std tcnaen. Glenn Glbba, and Jane Rubel. One col- lf'CUve citAUon wM pr~aented to L ·co ·rona-Del Mar District • NEWPORT BEACH Needs the 'l'ype of Badneu J1aa Row AveUablela"'- ALBERT BOWEN ' roa t.eadlen at Ule achool: one went to Prtnelp&l Dlatrn. and one to School S.n:n!tary Dorothy Rob- m.m. ---H.--------------,----------~----~ COUNCILMAN 'Holy Week' Senice to Start We~nesday t1t"~--.~-p-Mt,. '-11ed r l'ft" nolt to buJitl two gararea. one of lh~-ear capacity, Ow other of two-r·ar atze, to aerv~ Bal~ Point lluWI.. The a.g~gatt' coet will be MOO Roy RJit'y, lli08 Balboa at., ~===---------------------11 1.1 hlllldln( a 20 by ~-foot pr· :ogt> In coat 11100 and T. W. Kim- l t>aJI. 20e 32nd at~t. a rarace Special Holy Week aervlcea are to be obae~ at Chrlat Church bJ t.be a.. tt wu reported to- day b7 U1e R.ev. 11:. D. Goodell. ............................... .......................... sot\~ .UrD REPAIRED I an•l waahroom. 1300.' , Donald Nelaon. 1403 N. BaJ I llVf'nu... ta buUdln1 a 1&100 ~ 1 "It" and workabop at 711 Martrold I R E. P'ouat. 1Z11 E. Central, .. ,.,.....tine • 22 by 22-foot ,..,..... I .u1d mallln,c' ~ra to an m.ttnc j 11lructure at a coat of 11000 and 1 Michul Roland, 312 Martne ave- ' • ntW. ta bui1dlnl a four-room dweiJ· 2119 Coast Blvd.. Newport Beach •ng at 714 Nan:t-avenue, the I J "'ltlmatl'd ca.t to be 1200. ·-------------------------Robfort 0 Hom Ia bulldln1 a I. 1400 addiUon to eerve u b&UI, laundry and c~. at 1408 Sea· ,i_. annue; Edmond Cont., Jr .. "Oil Wedlaeeday e veninc. re· mem..,. U. fine frltndah.lp t.bat JeMM ataared wtl.b the loved onee at S.U.Uy, we w1U Joln tn a • ....,. JaiUI' ...r 41nner a t 8:30 o'dock. J'oUowtn, UU., at 7:40, wiU be tile devoUonaJ hour on the U.... ot Qirl.t'a frlendllhlp. 'ni~J ...Ung at 7 :30 we wt1l celew..t. U.. Sacrament or Ule Holy Clo!'a-Jon. "l"riccay -.nln&'. a*> at 1 :!lo- Uie nnt aiellt of Jeeu.a' entomb- ment, -wtb bold a abort eervlce of feiJowltUp wiUI Ule ben!aved JIIII»Uc office ..... ..._ ..... .0 gdad ...... _ ........... -· .... .......... Clwtc .... .... Vole fol' Albeit BoWea of RunUn,ton Park ta addlnc a and aonowtJ-. or Uae world, Ul~t het'"-t and maktftr ..,..... to ~ '-, .~ . ....,_ Ma7 Be ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::::::f!!:~!!~~!!!El~~~~===="'="E~::==::==a--~ lhfo Interior at 312 Sappbln! ave-Sancut1e<t, tlil8 1\n. Mr. Good· ux;c...._xxxaucx~uc....., ... ac•:~:u::-:~aucxx;uciiiiiii"X¥1aC·c•x u n~ at a CMt at 1300. and 10'. eU -.ad. • OYD K&C& naT niDAT AT 9 P.M. n. .... -~-~~-.__._.oftu t.aoua liE.~ ••;.a•·-c·~----= ,,.,. ...,..,. ..• lliPIII --• lilT - JIGl o-. ,......, ............ _. I I I • • I&LY EN WOBK roa •••••• D-PL••T SIUPFI HERS WELD DIS PAINTERS DOCKIIEN HELPERS-taD crafts) coanco. ShiphuiLiing Apply 21~ W. Central. N~,ort Beach .. ~~ ON!-! ~~ .. Kb~? ... , ...._.,.,. __ .._ ,_ b~ nftd L.r ,,.,, • ~ a .. ..._ a ,_, .. ..ar. a duplJCall ......... -.... ,..wall. ••ww• L ~ a.a.-~'-•M~a~•• -· .. . ........ ...__ and Mra. Mac Sllort. Glendale, All are &avt&.ed to Jotn ln UINe a"' adding ~ fut to lhltr .,.._. aervll·~• Ule only r-.qulrement be- "'"' ~nt holue at 223 AbaloiM tnc that t.hoae attandlnr Ule Wed- awnu ... In on»r to eonvert It Into neaday ev•n.I.Qa' dlnn.er b~ a " two-room ctwelllnc 'nle collt dlah of food to lllal'e wtUI the wlll be J400. oU!era . ~rp Webu at SantA AM At ~ ~ a \'t'nue pi&JW to ea~nd 12150 ln Our Lady ot Moa11t Cannel U1" ronatructlon of a 12 by 14· Catholll' chun:b will 01*1 lt.l fnot atona«e buOdlntr: P'nnda P. Eutrr Wuk obMrvance next Ptllll.,._ 120'7 E. Bay a'Nftu., .. Wednta<lay wiUI con.f-'ONI from ~xtendln« hta front poreh and 4 to 8 "nd ~ ~ t p. m. On Holy gl.-tntr It In at a coat of IJOO Thuraday. m ... ..-W be hald at I and Hurh Ro.lre, 10'7 .lade aYe-a m and Holy Hour at 7:10 p. Dl. nue. ta ~al?fng a wood llhower Good lo"rlday M .. wW ba at I wtUI pluUr at a coat at PGO. a. m and St.at.l.ona of Uae ere. R~·rooftn« ~raUon11, to the a t 7.30 p. m. ~•l"'t or J400. are In p...,.,.... St. J'lhn VlaDaey Cburcll on at ~ Victor Lyppa apartm..._ Balroa l~l"'ld ..-JU eelebNote ma. In%. 104 and 108 Eaat Bay av~ at II A no fiD Wednead&J wtth niH' WIU ud C Sh•ltnn, 812 1:. COI1fP1111111111 from 3 :10 to 8 p. m.; ('f'ntral av .. nu~. ill r~placintr a mau at !! I! 'm. on Thuraday and wood foundaUon with concrete at StRtrnn~ or the CroM at 7:30 p. a roat of 13110. m.. Frlolny The obaervance plan· ned f11r lluly Saturday and l:ut· ..r will br• rarrtecl ln the recular Euttr announcement In next wetk'a paprr. I = ~ ! I I !- 1 N Sewport BHeb Flremen'a AWl· IUary wtU hold a pot luck aupper toni~ at Nrwport P'lre Station So 2 Final plana for Ule altair "·rrrmade at Ule March m u ting nf lhr orr-anlzatlon which wu h-old at lhe homf' of Mra. Warren R""' on Balboa Jaland. Reclassification Due ii K Th,. IOC1AI part or U!e even1n1 ",ll df'\'Ot~d to plA~1nr; ''Whoop- f'f'." wtth r;alloplnlf pruee. 'Mit l!l"'"lal rrlu wu won by M .... r.t.•nn Jnhnaton. -.o.e preaent w~r., M••-.:IAmH Bf'rt Arbnm, Ed Zut.. GleM Johnalon. Kenneth Jnhraon. Ralph Randel, Wm. Me· f'\om""ld. Au,ruft • Clark. Robert JAdw1n and Ult haettM. 1'ITLE 8~ nLm Frank L Bowman. admlnlatra- tnr of fht ~tAtt of Richard D. \m old. hu ~n named dtftnd- Ant ln a aull to quiet tltlt to two rarr,.le of pro~rty In Use Ocean Front trw.ct. 'Mie ault wu tl~d by Ule Ctty of Newport Beach Th~ PrHe .. only 11 00 per year 11nywhrre In Onnce l'OUnt y I 1.110 rl-twre). ............... for Farm Laborers u By ortkr of Ule NaUonal Dtrec-H tor of ~l .... ·Uve Service, all s-c I Y. rl:u1alflrn t ton a (dele n-ed beeau.l! i'l fit ftJ:Mrultoral occupaUona, ,......, n !rftnl.o wllh lltpendenta) are to be ,)i r Anro•llPtl Immediately, aec:ordlnl ~l to J\ J Hayman, c:hMt clerll or :1 I hi' lnt•Rl •lr..rt board. 8\lcll reg-'~ tatr""'" lliRY be recla.lftecl ln 2·1 n C' If rlR1m11 for detennent are ftJ. ~ Pd woth lhr loeaJ board. I:! All bt~Rrrla. t-. aald. mu.at re-:·: ''ltw llw fllce of aJJ acrteultural fl wnrk~rt nnw defewed In 2.C and :: :l·C tor f'('N ible recla.ltleatlon ~i In l ·A And lndueU. on In the arm-~ <'d forcr11. u~y Ut.oea between Jl 18 and 2:1 yeare of .,.. · :4 'H In Ult latter connectJon, Mr. :-: HAyman mentioned a letter re-b l't'l\'rd ~·r•t•r~ from a lt-,..,.... n old r~lri!trant wbo ~lad been de-~ I r TT"ed by rtuon ot !11'11eulbaraJ occupation. "Wlly don't you draft nlt' •" thr Yo\lth wrote. "Cl~ lift 11 g~tlln~ ~-" 1 '"'ur tt>ply," _.d )(JI. RaJift&ll, , '"14·u bHPf and to Ule poblt: = Baed'• ....... ...,. .. 'G~tln~to· Sip JOUr name on tht ~ntltd llne of tlle eDdoeecJ application few .-olunt&17 lDdlae· Uon and from DC1W Oft, lit. wUJ be quite lntei"'NNUUWI'" ~i~O w ... CeDtral 1 Mewport Marta• aad Balboa ~lalaad BnLDr..o WIJOif Iouth Oout ~ WM • I\M4 a PHmlt .. ...a • taiJet IU\4 ma.lce ,..,..,_ a& ....,. plut. 2111 W CentNI ·~ 'fte ... prov.,...t W1J1 -...,. ...,, It WU .llldl~ ••• I I •• U-BCI' .. William A. Ki .. I DICu .. DT • • • • • • I I A Businl"ss ~lao who is able to give I t he rapidly expanding Harbor i District a competent, executive i administration of its affairs. I • A R~sid~nt here sinee 1924 • A Property Owner since 1930 • • • • • • • • • • • ! • • = • • City~ El .ecti~n Ap~il 11, 19441 WHOEVER YOU VOTE FOB-BE SUBE ud voTE (Poij~ .U. .. twt .. tllti-M1&1) 'l'llanday, Maftb 30, 194-t M~M~ • ., N.LL. INitMM•It 1 c:an't wnte a ftr.-J I'm too happy toda.7-· With a wcklea, rt~ ..... ··, .... IREPS for If the •Prin&''a 1D your~ -~---f----------------r--------i~A~I~t~t~~~lD~m;b~DI, & ;o.m liim tar from owr t~Gt they do beU,•w that t.be cta.nc-r of coutaJ tnva· ... .. Olllllllclltnbty ._ tJwa It .... two,...,. -co. Aa ~~.till hla1l board fenee at tbt oeM.n nd of Kala .U.t hu btftl demollab· ld ancl the lumber connrtfd Into more WilfUl cllanne&a. <'l"be onr· ~GL~lfil~1 wtU recall. wu to llhteld what· nw a1ow mla'tlt othf'rwtw tu' Vf' eecapecS l'l'orn bladrf'd-out U~ht• 011 Ka.tn atn>et llou-). J.VCIOUS ......... owwarru ....... _ • 1135 Hi91l••J 101 .......... n.. A.c:Me O.~r.-. --ll. IIICCUIL • • • What eeael to mlnd . . . J " II erou,tlan ot 1M W Oentft.l ave-- INa, Ia DOW natioDed af ftlee Tn~ 'nail .. the •tory of Dam- nUt, ODe ot tM wurld'a aoa t ~..u wtao .. Cllital ... aUtuta Ill Tau. ... ~1!1' Dr. a. B. Walk. wrote ~ lolka. tile J-Croll· ..._. ... _, etlaN. that Tuu m.-n arP hoe- cat bo..,u.a t Gttallle and tbl .rirla beautiful . Ooroaa aa ..:.. What more could one uJr of tiff' -. . . Can't voueb tor the authf'n· WORK BASKh "T f ~~ • (amGua tidty of til~ atatement but I wu ~ t!bb .. a NCII'Itly Informed by one wtln N -~':'~=-Vans ,••cmed to the boepltJ' ~ ~::. kDCIW'I him ... u that M. M. Me· I ner bentttnc a l'&llallt la47 ._ c.n.tl of Runtln,.ton 8Mcll wu • t& ...:...._Oralia two lA>U(}) Marine corp. cap~ U.. driller ot an ~ oil well• ..-... rt ef........... . . anit that akme lbould be 1D ftumanla wble.h recently pro- ..... _, rnourh to rn&k'e her rem&l'~ Ylde4 Mte.h exceptional ta ...... tll GJ ._., .... , S..ta A. Dammlt had doubU... Met ~ !or~~r airmen ... A lady from _____ more o, '"' conventional cat au. da eom atat. wu the otllr r unul theae captatna and thetr '1 watdllnc the ftahrrmrn on fnvadt'd a cert&lD 1a1an4 Ill tM NI'WpOI't pier. P1nally one ot tht'm ' South Pacttlc. After an attack =~n a. amelt. "Oood hravrn•!'' which wu marked by Ita -.cep-am&l1 d. 'are there .. ttah mAT Howard \\'. Gerrish tiona! tury and violeeee, eiMIDJ 1D the • OC:U: rnt.,lrnee at 1&11&, ~topped anc1 the frrocloua bomblnl'. lbeiJlnl' ., •• CIMral "-• .... ...... c.lll. ........ !Clrllflng cuMd . Mnvtng cauUoualy &mOfll' the 'angl~>d wreckagr wbere no """'- thmg movfd and only death and dratructlon wu app&Nftt, one ot the Marlnea auddenly ~t out an increduloua ahout, "Damn It! Thr rr'l a Uve eat!" Wltb red-faced apok>f1H to 0 N. WaU. and everyone elae who eame btft tl'om the lf'&lld olrt alate ot Montana, I feel comJ)t'll· fd to reprint tbe tollowtn~r atorv from the Winnett <Mont.) Tlmt'~ All Eutn tourtft entered a lildntafta ..-taurant and aat down "Wbatcba cot!" he lt!'OWIL-d. .. ..,. ben," annrered the walt· er. AMERICAN HEROES BY LifT • hrn ,.., INu~< Out, Mariow ""· llleM.r J, 1-...114 J 1'1 .. Yeo\ City ... , oludyinJi"'trrt•l••m at "'''"· .. lliaa ...... ~. 1a .. all s.,_ .&. , tin:1ro. Un llrr~u•l>·, ,II. 1~11. :l ·ll~o eltn Purl lla~.lw rail .....a u). bo-rn •"ar~lrd tl~o l u'l•l• 11 •• ,, Cor •oundo ,.., • .,,d Ia ha..t to han•l IM)onrl runlbat. afl,j tl .. \1\) I •••U (or 'afuinJ of end il.oll•nJ •S l'ul of 1.)0.'.1 lhf' f""rn•J •tHftiHII4 " tii••IH•Ir•JUn f'tultle•·, n1,.ttt. ttr•• n••• I" tttl ... urtl ,.,. •la. Anti ~"" "" '"" oloU L11,,.,1 1t111 .,,1,1 •., u ..... t• ~)atient Cltb.eu ~ow ..J p Against 1 H·U .a.aX ~l&J'UUOll ul tuJ,.,, t, "w'""-•"-•U '"'""'"''•U•U"'"'•·• o\1 ~U \\Uu .• U • u •u\! u .. ~-'" ..lUVh.a ''' • 4l&o1•.th:w • .,.... !\'U\U aJ. ih6.!J'••'\. \UA l:i aH ~ .. vwi..:\'U uj h•U I ) v I\ • Iii vi, I , . ~ ,., ..... ; ,., ........ . ~ .-w AmutWm .. nt Tax ;~04·s Info t:ff..ct l'his Saturday :'llo•w lilA ralt•e 00 admiMIOII tu pllU'••• ••C ""lrrtalnm .. nt 111•111 co cntu df• •'I Natur..tay, Apt II 1. ~--------._----·-·----- (SI.Jia 19J2) Balboa Ball:oa Island LOUCKS Further reconn&Ja&nc.e revealed that the animal wu tbe oely U•· lng c:"-'ahrre on the laland. BeUeY· lng that abe muat po.e. aoma ..-a&Y • IITAno:•n;ay 110rt ot a charmfd ut1, tJM Mar· lnPs 11ccordlngly adopted ber u a mllJk·ot and throu,rtl ct~­ "• 11\Jrrounding ber d1eeo'f'ery, -~ lr J-rlry Repatnnc ~ Canla For All Occuiona r hr1Jttrn!'d her Dtunmlt. ''Wiaat elaa , .. "Not.htn' Juat •ac-e hen." ''Wllat Ia ..._. hrn?" "It ~ a klnd of bird that llvl'• around bare," explained t.be walt- er. ''Hu It I'Ot wtnp!" the tour· lilt lnquJracl • ""'h'-~\-Ui U! JU\-~IUUJ 1\\, h Ut.• 1 lie: u, ... U..'CII&J'ul ...... u.wol IN '"'"' IIUL J .. l_,l LlUUI .\J ill I.J 1'111) \\" at.• urio)llk.U)' •'"n' '1·•1• J t" lk' .1.t:J uu A •• u'-'H 10 h.• '"h \\&IH !\ft.• .. u I ~LUI lilt, OUl ll j'<•~LV<Jt"lltchl • I ... v t.lio)a W ll.8 11r R11l1 •I Ill UIUcl •'' tndU.J,; P• U\ L810 ila ul I he: t \"\1.:· "I 'nrl••t the no•w Rrvo•nuo• Act r~·····u lly p ...... •\1 by ConcrrM," I ull••• tur ll11rry W•·attwrr a&ld, "the• fC'df"nol t1u1 un amuunll ,.£4 I l l••r Aolmlu lun l•l plat""• ot am~. llll'l•l 1>r ••nt••t tolnuu•nt will a,.. lC' '"I 1'11•'h ~,., 11r lllajt>r frac·tlun ot .. tlut~llcm J'r11'•• Tht' rr ..... nt rst.• ta lr f~~r· ""''h . ICk or f flU"tlon. l'liiM llll'I•'Uf' ta clo•notc·•J by Con· ---------------------------..... •~ and Encac.,,_nt a..p on our Eaay ~ ....... SlnCf' that tJme, o.Dlmlt'a "ot courwe It ·haa ~t w1n~r~~." l'fplled the walter. IIJ\' IIO:l r• o:cuUy Jll•~•" d IJ) l.'UII· "l\.'S8 V\.'\.' IJlC.h.h.'Sil h.U \t•lu ,.:tt•q u a 'war lAx' •ntl will be ----- •tm·y hu reportedly been earrlld by every newa Mrviee 1D Amel1ca; am Jf.wpart Btvcl Pb. l~tR h~>r pfcturr hu appeared ln count· 008TA MESA l•'se publication. ancl abe baa ntD -~ "madr" the new. nlela. 'nae cat .. ---------------matllf'r wu recently traftlltlft'edl llaebine \\. ork .. • ~ JUI:PAJIUli(Q Vii'K'• Garage _...._. ............ .... s CllfKiiiiiiJ 2100 oe&AJ~ no NT ...,_ 73 . , to Hotel Lacuna tor racupl'l'&tian llnd while tie Ia there. Dunmlt "'ill IJJlf'nd three -ka at the lnral ~l ho.pltal wtlel'f abe WM takrn to tw epayecl. Doc W11lkerdlne MYII that llbe'a on exrl'ptlonally rood natured eat 11nd IW't>m• tA> take everytlt.l.na' tw .,-anltcl Artrr t'merw1n~r u the oely U•· ln2 thln~t on an laland that 1lacl nnrr bfot'n thlekly populated, I I'U.!J>i'rt that "takJnc Ultnp fW jmUited" wouJd coma qutt. Datar- ally .•. • • • "EIUlf'r," aaYII Johnny VCJik, "Is juat 11round the comer." A11 proof of thl1 uaertlon. be po1nla to ~ fact that Balbo& &a a~rafn ~aoundlnc to the roar of l.'lrc lric pavement dr11~ and that ~lowenng detour aiCN ac-Jn ahutllf' motorl1ll and pedeatrtana -_ oround hu~re heape of the I'OOd Pllr1h wlle~ 1Ueetl w.re W'Oftt to llr. FOR MEN and BOYS • __ _. __ .-________________ _____ I.D.K POPS Official 0. P. A. Tire Inspector • .,.. Ououweae"t _. aaya you ~ recap your tlr~ wtth· -ftl't.lftcal4! from UM ltatlon Board O• ,_. ratton urtJncate fc. ,......w pa.de ura .._ Uaad ud Grade m T\ree. • "F or 22 conaeeuUve ~." be t!PdRrtd today In an nehaatYe In· ll'n 'il'w to tht' ~. ..tha dty f11lh~>nt have alwaya tNeeeeded In t"11r1nr up Balboa'• at.reeta tor F'•u1trr Tttere'a nothtnr like ,_. !'"tun ling trrattltlon," he declared "I"'~''"""Y "1111! .... anowa eoma b11 rk to C11ptatrano; the W'tatfr1a '''"" bloom• at Sierra Madre. and thr et rt'cte aft torn up at Balbo&." • • • Ynu'vr probably noticed by now lh<~l Onlbnn's blackout fence hu ll<>••n llquldatrd . . . Men'llanta r"~f>(ln~lbl,. for thf' project are Wt>ll IIWIIre that the war ~ ltJIJ '-r!Mn J don't want any," anort- ed tile tourtat. "' don't -nt nnth· lnl' that baa wtnp and auq 1tayw ln Montana!" A lkclau tu aun La '"lllfi•'.J 1rv111 .,Jt l'ILIZ.. lUI ur r\eliiJ• 11 ',. .,I ll'h' • m t .. u ~H .. tca wbo , .. ,., L lu llM\ e .urttl¥ Ulif. 1 J "•.:•" •UI.IJ<"d lu 1• .. >• n .. -ek walhhol.a1"1: ,.x,·,~Jma $.l. W ror • ••n&lc J><•• •"II oa I:JllOO PILOb <:liA.II8 PA&TY '"r " 1n•trae<1 cous•h lt\ln.: to- AT ~JifALD ROllE l:•·thcr , or ~~ moh' lllun U w tn· The W. R. McDonald bome on • u 111o: I ruuc aU oth.t ..... ," • auch Balboa IaJa.nd wu recently the ... dtVI<lo•mla, royullt< •. 111 lcn••t ~ne ot a ple&aant pthennc when "r IUtttuctt•·• It th .. tutul vr •u .. h Mr. and Mn. McDonald and Mr. tncome 1•tua w~u1 aUhJ<'•'t to and MnL ft. c. Owen entl'rt.alnf'd '' tUthultltn~ wtll a,., $;HiiJ or 1110re memben ott the Pilote clue of lur a aant;l.: P",_ .. , fl2t>u or Cllrtet Olure.h by tbe Sea. '""' •• 1"' " marnrd l:•,upk hvlnl ronowtnc the b\ullnf'aa mf'e tln.:o. "lo:dllt·r. wllJe.h wu cODducted by Mr. Me:· lit,· •·•twout.ed ~ tT•IIY be paid 0011aJ4. UM .-1q wu devoted 111 quarlc•1ly lllalallloH"ntl. with to pi&Jblc ..,.. ... ftnt prbe 1'0-tjrat lMlalhnent dUt' at Ul-dee· 1ftC to 1tt1n. W . ft. Jl'otW'er aact Jow ln:rataon 11 n~. "MMe rwmalDcler to lin. J. C. BIWnp. In a ptr IIIUJOL bP p&1d on or before JI&DI ecutptol'tnc oontat that folJowtd. 1~•. &•ptemlk-r 1:> lUll! ~t>mtM-r M• llllee N-land won ,,..t and It'>. llln. lAOft ~~n. lf'I'Ond. Colh.!l'tor W,~·,.·.-n JX•Intt'\1 out In adciiUon tA> thow ,~,·fou•lv !hat lhl'l\' <kclu1 ti•Orw a r.· In r<'al· namecl Ice cream and rake ""'' ·" "•u~o:h &"Ue•"' wblch may bo• ~flee ... ,. Mf"f'e4 to Lt . and Mnr I ' •'\'ll'<'d or am, u.Jo•d later jn till.' Jl'red Woodworth, Corp. and Mrt. '"1"· Lane Hammack. Mr. and Mnt. ()a. Any taxpay• r who Ia required car Moe, Mr. and Mnt. R K . Eut· 1 .. ftk n •l<~·lar~•ltott who doea not man, Leon Jl'ercueon. Mnt. HH· 1 •"l'"l\'<· Feu m 11140-ES In the m all man BarD•, lin. E. D. Goodell. hy April I may obtain coplce at Mn. lld ll'nlahan and. Mia Emma uny or th•· 20 ro·w·nu•' offtcea In BranaUne. :-;""' h••rn c 'nllfornla. JNFAHftYIIAN P&OMOTI:D 1!\Tt:Rt•RnAS FAilM l'PPf:D Lout. T . Gleaenkamp, liOn of U\' sr.W t"t:UEAAL TAX Mn. Roee 0'-enkamp, !!()() San-Thoull:tnd~ flf Southern Callfor- ta Ana avenue, hu twen promot-'"" 1n1"1 '"""" • puacngent will ed from atalf aerceant to technl· r•ay IIJI.tll h•nnl F~ill'ral tAll on cal ~~erceant 1n the Infantry. 1,.. I •r··• aft••r lutuurrow, H . 0 Mar· cordlnc lA> word received from the I r. fl38"' n~· 1 traffic mllllqer, U. 8 . Army foi'Cell In the South I'IU'tflc J,;h•clrtl' Railway, lntorm- Pacltlc. Set. Gleaenkamp Ia a pill· I ···I ll1tloy 111 crrect fyr th" •lurftltnn nt t.hfo "11r Mn•l IIIli llllllllha lh••r••art,.r ''Ttwr•• a rt• no t'll•'tnpllnn.a to lbe lldnll-lnn tu fnr <"l•·lhlln atlulll ••r lh•· m ilitary r<•raunno•l Tbt' only •·X•·mrtton allowe-d I• an admw· · sl11n eharJto• nt II'IA than l Or to a c•htltl unt1rr 12 Vi'Are ur aa:,. '""' tlmiMIOn Lax mwot br tnct1rat.-d I .,.l'llratl'ly from th,. aftmlllelon prtr .. In onwh fiUihl"n that tfl,. rur- rh,..,.r I• madl' AWIItt' of Utf' f'Xact lltnnunt nt tu he ,;,II p.y I ''Thr nrw I'Abaf'('t t u ralr •hlc.h will brrom,. f'ftHtiVf' at 10 a. m nn Apnl 7 will hf. :m J"'r <'f'nt f'lf t ht' Jlril'" pale I '"''" tftlld, ,.,.,N'IIIt· m•·n!. ,.,.rvlr •·. me.-rhantliiN', and • n \'Prt •·harJt' at ntpt cluba. et~~ lln>ll, roof l(ardena and ltmUar "'"'" of amuw,.,..nt 'nle ~ rnl ,...,., Ia & P"r l'f'nl Llkl' t.llte admt•ttm t••. thla 111 a tf'mrnr-~ ary 'War tar• and will Jut tor the •hJrllllf~n •nd atx mnnth1 'Mila lJur 1 mrw tw a•t.lf'd to lhr r hM'k ftoom lh•· ,., ...... ''"nlrr" ,.,.,. nn "!lrmr•tton1 to u. .. ' I'Aharoot tu f'lth,.r for clvllla.na or I nt•·mht·r~ of lb,. arm.-d ton'8." \\'f'atovrr declarfd. '\'P:WPOitT llfr:S r:t.t;(Tr.D T (l Mllttlnl!'l)' nf tllf' South C'ufl~l ('f\lltJliUlV Wft• l'l'·t'IN'If'tl 11 nwmlwr "' tit•• ,.,,.l .. u·v hn•r•l "' thr Orant.:•• l'nuntv Tlob<'rrlJitwle an•l Hl'•llh Alll"" 111t1nn •I tb,. t~nnu•l "'""""!: nf thr uanrla· ltun, h••l•l 111 lh" HnntR Anll YM~A lttlll wo•t•k A n••w mo•mh<-r ttf thr ))oonr-1 nf dlr•·• t"r• I• Jluh<-rt An· .......... n. ~r . s .. wr..-•r1 """"h flfrfr"r• ,.l,.rtNI lfl ,...,..,. ftlr th" follnwln~t fllll'l\1 yr11r ttro• Llntnn T S1mnotttt•. Hn nll' An11, !"'""'''"' Mr11 R W HAirh, Anl\lwloet. flr"t \It .. r•· ,.,,,,Ill .. ~rank A IIMull'r· loon .,....ant ln the 40th Dlvl•lon Th,· """' t•uc l11w ft\:ently en· hu ~n 1n the Army •lnct Der .• tt'l~>d lt y c '"tll:r•••a. lncrcu tnr thP 1140, and on overMu duty In the I ··cll'ral IHX "'' ,.,..,, for publlr Pacttle alnce Sept. 1142. He at· llltf.llJ"•Ilitllntt rrom 10 to ~~ p..r """· !::ronln An•. "' •·~tnt! 'I'•' ,,...,._ tended Harbor Rlc'n echool. • ··Ill , "til t•ff•, 1 Paclfl<: Electric t•l· nl T t ;, • \ .l•,hu~l••ll Rant11 j:H• r11f'hnn r .• ,. •. l' In flllffte lrwtanr· """ lr··•••ll• I ltll•l M •~ """'''r .............. llatdn · 1. M1 Mntlbr ~tated. 1; II"'' • 1\r• •h•·ttn H•'• rrtary Th,. I~> p• r • • nt tax will be ap· pll• ;thl•· t•• ''"' .w.,y •nd round· KAS~Aiil rlt'Sit I rlp f•n•·" v. h· , •. the one-way fare ~-''""' 1 rr•t•lo-111• "' lh,. liiJn- "' '"'''f :l~• ""IIIII ' t0-r1de rarty fl""'••r "'"''' v.tll h1•1.t l h~tr an- • rnnntutnt ••n Ut kl.:l.L 11014 at ~20-uwll ll.p.o.o.j; pluu.. rOIUiu•"• ~t......, .. r "'"" 11) r l•l·· Individual IK'hnt~l ol11v. April I. o;l l'\'r"'"''"" r.rn\•r • 1111.utulnlj1tn II• k•lll 110ld for diR· l'lllk ,,.,. 1\nt.:•l• • ~l"'"k'"r n( 1 '"''''' "' "r 10 mile:•: and c11ah I h· nfl•·1 """" "111 h,. .l• .. t~:• F I • '"111"'"1 l l•k•lll JCulll et saoo Thr l'ltr•·nl "' Jn~:l•\\••"1 \0\blt w•• l1w pr .. vld•·• lh;•l thl1 ta• be pal•l • ''"' h rttttl ttlhld lt' "" •·•·lor at h~· p•·r,. .. ru, J•h \'1112 for tranapor. "'''""'' K""". llll(h •"h""l whrn 1 nU11n AI tim•• .. r purchaae. 1~· 1\''flll hwt2hl I 1 F. .. ••nh,,w,.r Th" n• w tAX on trarwportatlon "'lUI • mr mb<-r or th,. f0t1t h&ll l fAr"JI will h•· "l'l'lleable In u., tram •am<' nHu tn•·r n ~ that now In d · f,.rt, th'· nm•111nt thereof almply ll<>lng lncrl'UI'd from 10 to 111 per rrnt. ____ .. wn.r. r:xn:..-o Rt:aVJCE rl<'n Tunstall, operatiq the llunllnC"t"n I!• ach VIctory bul """· h:uo 1•·•·••11 •·•1 permiMion from lhr lllttl• rnth••tuJ commlllrion to • xt•·ntl hi• J'I'P I''" to Douclu Air· , raft ""'' f'"nl!ft~rnla llhlpyar~. to \011t11 M..... :'llnrport Beach, Hunttn~rt••r• Jlt'Rrh. 8unaet Bea~h • Mlrhn y ('lty 11nd WMtmi.Naur, Tttr IIPn 'l•·· ov"r lhe 2$-mlla rout. will bP fllr w•r pl&nt worken. only ~$. t!J. S. RJiD OiUI Cl.cAic eo. I Radio Service RADIO AND FLASHLIGHT gaVJCS .... ONCnl ......... BALBOA GIFT SHOP F.A"1T.R OOSA110Jif RkiJll"'"" tllklnrr put ln tile F:n..•t,.r R· 1."~1111 "' Balboa Yacht f'luh w ill I'"'' "" ,.ntry fee of 11 ,.n,h. It "n• r"''rtllf!d today. Ttte Batteries CLOSED ON MONDAYS 'ftlt ..._ • only 11 00 a year .. uac4 aty 111all an)""herl IJI Cltr-. ~. tiUO a JUI e,__ ...... ....... reny L-ndlag ""''r" Jl''"''•NI.• "' the colleetlon "'Ill hr t1r,n:ct••l by the club to "~""'l"'rt thrl.,•r .fled en-. Ulua h,.trln~ lh" '"'"' r.hapt.r to meet It II Ulllltr •·•I '11101" of 111,000 for thl• year·• War ,.,.. *"'-. Harold l. Hamm Radio Souad Tecbn1c~an 315 Wartne, IIJ..BOA JSLAND " AT T H E R E N D E Z V D U 81 p I AND AT THE BALLROOM Saturday ht .... Ill, 1144 .....,... ..... _ ...... .. JEI! • $%.50 ...... ....... 'A1 MESA JM8~1t It op II Jt'riday tat" lwei- an Grac~ lt•lU1"t_'(f fl)o m,l nttulfl("CI uunnnn.~ r.-.. t to wnlt .. fl J..twtn: "'"" ()conrp .. ,_, .... . d. ... ol Melllrtdll. -, "'It ...... ra. UIIM A . ............ M t r a. .. '"-Wayww """. "'-"' ""--111ft· ............... "'· "-B. """"'· """"' , .......,.._, _ . ..__ 1arlir,' thalr· R Dlaii'Nin, m KIIUM, E 10m, ("__,,. .,. Ewnll .. ·~· .:. "'""'· " Ual WIU ---Ro-,a... ..... ,, :\atwr, K.. 1). ""'"" m.-:, w. o.t-. ,.,._, ... D. ..... Mtlltt ,a,. IIIlA ........... a.,....;; L: a. Me-· W R. IIUJ.r, ...rt&.r. J . w. ..,._, w. c. .11WLU.Hft lllll'r, F . K tr llaiLS..Iy, Dl•m ~lhfor f'·. M._ K~ttr -.,lflllt•rful jroh, ... , .. , nwortl l<>n. • nuo1lr uf 1 h" ""' Nunn"n I. •·uant ( 'ulufl..t I numy hnu•• 111 lllllbole In o4llf•r Wtlf J& large ,., .. ll•a• .. •r ""' ""'l• An"· lul•l I'll t "" ,., .. , .... •l"t"mrn t u tllltl I hal lh• l• Mr-, whll'll t ·~·--­..... , matlfo any •rt 1111•1 I hat II•• • hlj(ltly lruiiiC· ollrlll •• hi' ..... ~·· ""V rf'Jl'lr111 101 \0\ltrn All•·• . .,. ''"(' w 'r I. If ,,, " ••• •liN HI•· .... ,., .... , lll••tll lhul tl .. · 11 1tl toll ll1111 " lt~•IH t' h1 ttw ,,, r••H'r••l. t1ut tu••l fnl,.uu•f•·t c I.. IIIP ,., ,., t t I hur-uwnt•r~t • Jll '•V'•"l ,-nfU"" '" Mr , ... .,,... lfl' lho• lr.l T rtt ,,.,1 Ill,. onthl"• I ·, ""'"'· whtl hll•l till r-t rf'pu • •)"' ll"fl lu mtrY• " '"''·" •Ill Mr c w•• hf:ld be· ••I tho: meetlna r w"" m'"" In lutmal ~." TO M~ET rr"'lll f~nllf'll liAr -loa al l4lay ~ al aa Alfnl Me- lmp.rtaat mat- wei. t. -. l ' .... _ Ensign His Bri• Bef09 .. c~r..-I..-nc IUttoly whJI Eplsconal d &orul, En~il:'l Air C'oi'Jlll. ot 209 w .... Joycr T. B d\anpd th Frid.ar . Ma ttw, }'Vt'nlng C. Trimblt' ce~mony. -· ~ b~~; ~" by ht'r fath -.ddine eo Zoee 1 M--. ~a~e, Specie OvrrwPI Gene ZM<' T ..,._I T• PIJ No \ Papa -1--' ..1 IJ··~·-' L I D 0 Mn. Blrdclla a..u l<"~l FnU.Y tur 0.. ~ atwr apo.ntlln& tour (U)'a at her beacll 1\UIIIl'~IO W • v CUJI f"'ront. 'J'aa Mr. and Mra. Robl!rt H HuUib, ---~-.----ft8 _ 2~2 Opal avrnu<', llfl: Lh" parent.a ....... au• ..... ........ ot a 8011 born J'ril.lay at ~ta .:.~i;~~;lil<hiit~il~~ Ana Commwuty ~pita!. •s 0 1 .. , .. _. l tU Mn. J:We Harmon, wbo baa toe ......_ ......._, • •• a1 k.a bKn car C......_ ..._ ,.,_ liM Ule put .. ver wN • On aaL, Aprtl ut, t.be ...._..-~ UIJ tor an ill friend at Anaheim, Tu OD UM&tre · a4fnlp!ODI 18 nu returned to bcr home at 11~ 0 to 10,... Our 2701 atr .. L ln~ ~ 1 -~. Mr. and Mra. J Surtc.n aAd ,..,. ..... .., ,no. .w ... If toUowa: son. Jeffrey;-~ Coeta M-. wue ~ ...,.. ~ ... recant ~uta at the E1 Modena ...._-~--.,_......,Me home or Mra. Burton·• parenu. ~ a .. tu ,......_.. lie Mr. and Mn. Roy Taylor. M.n. A. C. Gridley ot Loe AJ'IIe- ~-nt. ..... Lute, RaNer • A. • Cordova Wm. Bendix o Paul Lucu Ill Hoeta~:es a1ao BJ:H1ND rirt: BIO TOP ~.N.w~ a-. ... -. . "'-'· Ma~aAt O'Bnen • Ju. craa. Maraha Hunt tn The Loet Angel -a18o- Witll tiM ...,._ a& Tara- Out-.. M...a. N ... .......... , o-17 ................... ,, ....... Fired Wife -alao- ~ .... -wtu.- \lln S-:vace • Tom Neal • Glenda ,..,...u ()al1eM • !'lleWitJ 8tutlq .......... Alldl • The Purple Heart c...lq: ,_. ... ,...._11 A O.yN ..... ,_I._. ....... : 0..1 a.-: Ut..._.; .1 ... ~ lrs apent a tew day• recently at the home of her 110n and da\Aib· t•·r·m·law. Mr. and Mnt. C. D . Grltllry, ~3e Balboa atreet. Lt lulu! Schadlodn · ut the Mer· c-h11n1 Marine left Thunday a fter a(M'ndl~ 81!Yf"ral daya wllh lu.l broOier·ln·law and aillter, Mr. and klra. John Makl'ly, 20.0 Sewport boulevard SJ1 Dick T<.lrrt'nt•e <Jt Camp RobforU and Mn Tc*rence or 1M Anct'lu were Sunday ruul41 at thr homt or the rr.nw.>r'a molber. Mr ... Flon!n<'e K Torrencl' of JU 2701 at.reet. Jean Brlcp. 3211 Anade a venue n-qulrf'd ml'dlcal trf'l\tmcnt 0118 Wt'f'k wh,.n .,.,. wu, bit by a black acottll' dille rcportt'dly own .. ll by t.t William J . IIIII. 320 Anade. Tllr dog wu quannllnell for 10 .U)'I Afler a buatneM trip to ~ Jaland. whf'rf' hf' wu for many vrara 11 rf'aicS<-nt. Mar~hall P. Tate j, mllkin~t plllnl In .rl'lurn to the HawaJian talanda where he II ad· vf'rllatnc manarer ot Ule Honolu· lu Star·BulleUn. Lt. and Mra. Char'-Vanrana- lrr Shepherd. 11100 W. Ocean F'ront, are the parent. of a _, born Monday at St. JMepb be»· Blly War Stampe ud Boacb pltal. 'nle younpter, wbo baa been . et Title Tbeetre nam~ Harvey Ha~ 8lwpberd.. Balboa .._M ~·tnlnU at T 00 A t :ll On Sat., AprtJ lit, UN hderal Tu OD t.batre ~ .. lftCI"HNd from 10 to tetlr. Our new ICII1e ot pnc. wtU be u Wf'l~d II pounda and 10 OUJICd, N-... rvlnc In the South Pad· tic II Pvt. '&!II W. Anclere, IS, who hu bHn lft 1M Anny tot' tbe put 10 montha. A 10n at Mr. and r.tn. B. W Andfon 2217 Onnp fiVf'nue and the hu1band at Mre. Holll1 · Andert, 120 Oedl plaee. Pvt. Andn-. ~k hla Anny tnJn· lnr In Alab&ma and ~ana and wu Mill overwu three mOfii.N a&'o. Mn C K. Varney, the formf'r follow•: EvelY" ,lftt, apent 1rveral daJI AMft n..-. 1o-'l'eelll Me lut wHk .uitlD&' old tnencll at ....._-............... Ccwta MH& .aftd Nf'WPOrt Beach ~,....._........_.lie Her parent., Mr. and Mre. J'raDII •' m:WPCO&tuau I*OA PUSS Lido We Ree1dence Sceae of Ceremony Cl.ASSIFIED · WA·NTED!! Uatlnp • ot Newport 11.-dl and ea.t.a ~~-properU-. We have lnqUlrlM tor PropeftJ In Ul.la 81CUon. · R. C. PARKER --------- 1'HRIZ AP'N. klcatN 1D .. ol the ftDNt ~ .... t.be Oc.u J"roftt Ia Bania&. IMaiDe $121 ~ moaUa. Prtoe .-oo. R. C. Parker, 1101 N.wport BlYd., Coata M.a. Itt LAND J'OR 8ALIC 2~ eon.· ... cat.d DMr UM corMr ot ltUa 'and WhltUer t.D Coat& M.a. F'uU price 1110. Tuma. 1\. c. Parker, lJOI N.wport boUM- vard, eo.ta M-. Itt LAROII OORNIIR 1DI' OD ..aa boWeVard. ~ .tt&UOD. two pwnpa. T-rooaa -... DoQbl,a ,..,..... N1 pl1ol ..-o. 'hnDa. ft. c. Pu1rft'; 1a N...,...t Jllvcl., Ooata M--. llc TWO Bm>IWOM HOUD, put}J ~ al8o tncompleted du· plu. lloUa at 2M lliUier 8L, Coeta W.... 14000 on tenu or $S&OO cub. InqUlA at 1818 Ban· ta .Ana Ava., eo.t& M.a. 2U UOU:OL\ Til P088J:8110N. N- 2-bedroom bou.. Stucco. O&r· ace 11x20. Land tJ~dOO tML Full price·$4800. $2000 euh, $40 per monOI. R. C:. Parker, 1toe • Newport Blvd, ~u M-. Costa Mesa Bargai.Jis We now have M'Veral GOOD BUYS I1'f HOIII:S Would like to have .tour U.UIIp. r. E. RUSSELL 17110 Newport Blvd., Coat& Mea Real ll:atate • Fire ln8ui'Uace . SPORT FISHJ:JUUN, W.toot 111311 At!kennan built, maboc'any plank.a, copper rtvelt.ed., aU ac· ceuortu, 116 h.p. Chrta CraiL All jWit overhauled. See your broker or 203 Marine Ave., Bal· boa laland Itt VACANT NOW! Two bedroom, furnlahed, In Jood MIJbborhood. On comer. Approx· lmately one acre. Electric retric· rator, hardwood noon, real fire· place. 'chlcken equipment, ~~· FULL FOR BALl: t ·C'YLINDII:R STAR 2! H . P . Price $4500 cTermll) R.C. P ARKZR Blct cr "S Sola, rea teet 01 .,. palrecl. Vopl'1, SOt ,Maia ft., Balboa, and 208 Marine A"'- Balboa Uland. 2tt LAWN MOWERS BHAPII!NIID and J«ept •harp one year, $1. Jamu M. Gall~, ~ Har-- bor Blvd , Coat& MIIIL Up PAINTING and ~· Free ..Umat... luuftiiOI ..,.. ried. A.. J . Burton. 434 Newpolt Blvd .. Coat. Mna. Pbona l tiiW WOOD--Come and take I~ away. L&rce truck load at y0up-ewa - price. Knox HardWare, 1TII Nt!wport Blvd., Coat& ....._ ' -8tt Money to Loan II you have IMPROVED Rf AL EST ATE and need money, IH R. C. PARKER· IIIOG Newport Blvd .. C:O.la M- WE SPEClALIZE IN Blacksmithing B}ectric and Acetylene Welding J . V. BAXTER I 817 Fullart.on. eo.ta .... Notary Public For Your Convenience We have two Notanea Ul our ofhce . R. C. PARY.ER Real [alate anrl ID11uance llot N.--port Bh·d C.ta ~~- MARINI! ENOINIC PARAGON REVER.SJ: 1808 Newport Blvd., Ca.ta lieu BUllae Kuult·rwa,·c PERM A NEST~ 1\llAIIII\ ' JUST qVI!RHA ULI:D _..,1215 FOR SALE W~ Lady to work tn Johnny Callahan, 410 ClubhOUM, on the Bay Front Barber and Beauty S1lap TO ar..cEIVE C»MMIM!Oif AviaUon Cadet &dwanl T. C'bapmall 01, .. of llr and IJin. Ed-A•ard Oapmaa. , . at 130a ~an bou~vanl. 11 neat -ua acllf'duled to reoetn .lll.la ~ slon u leCOIId !Wutmant ta tM Ann y A lr F'OI"Ce-He ia ta.lliaC lall ftnaJ trauunc at t.1w ~ school near Carilllle4. N. M. Cadet Chapman wa. a I'IM'IIlt..r 011 tJw 11142 I'BduaUn,r eta. at RartMw H~~:tl and a1&o ttmded Cal Poly at San Luia <*..,o w~~nt tw ID&jor- t'd '" .,..nn&Jtul't'. . clranl ....... 13 Palm St., Bal· Newport ..... k W .AN'ta> -Lady to work tn clran"-c ......,._ 113 Palm 8t., 8&Dioa. k tu:LP W~lrt or W1llli&D ~ 80t ~·Work ID ..at ..... Ike J . L. Stamp. Dodll'a llalt aop, ~ lai&Dd Help. ~lt.ellab&e woman tor ~. ,.... tOUDtaln and .., .. 111 a rU... ~:~~pen.-..._ air&Me ... DDt -ual. Box II. Jf~Balboa ....._ WANTED TO BUY-Good SIS or 38-foot commercial boat. Ku..t be tn Cood condition. Telephone Joa. KlnJ', Santa Ana &241-W or wriiAt 1138 8. LoweU St., Santa Ana. 4t2c AVT08 FOR SALE ._... ---BRAND NJ:'W ULTRA • MOD. tr&ller. OWner leavtD&' town and will aell tor $1500 cull. R. C . Parker, liOt Newport Blvd., Coat& Meu. &U A beauUtul EARLY AM'ERICAN HOME built leaa Ulan three yeare aco Three bedrooma, maJd'• quarten .F'umllbtnp Htra. Price lnelucSea Pier and F'loat. AvaJiable tor lm· mediate occupancy . $35.000 W. L. Jordan 700 E. Central. Balboa l'bo"w Ml'l ~--B EAB---, PHILIP BANCROA CaDdldate U. le IlliTE MONDAY NITES 9 :45 ~~-+--------------ll:.n. . ftL • .... ,lftt, who formerly llv~ at 510 OUYI& De ........ la HamlltM ltN~el. ~~Uy pui'Chu- liiA&UAG& .AJOIIOVIIC&D Itt Bld\OAJN AT MOO. 'H BaAck ledan. Dark creen. Perteet -d\anleally. A·l pre-war t-pl:r Uru. radk), llleat.er, t~ upu. J. R. Thorpe, Ooat.a M--. Ooe- ta Meaa at. bet. aanta Ana and TuatJn. C Look tor UM upt men~) 1tt FOR SALE Fine Beach Home ON BAY FRO,NT Slx bedroom•. Olree bat.N; tllm- l.ahed. Occupancy 30 daJI Prl~ l.n<'h~tlc• two Iota, pier uad noat . K H J BE'M (C Ca; Go t Girl I'd a MW home at P'retlnO and It Vei'IUDeD 1, u.er. t.Mt -. ta l'ft141n« wtane A..-t ........... ot lbe ~ ot Mila Dan· na ~ lUter ot IJin. C. &. Louclu. '7" l'tewport ~ who on Sunday ~ tJw ~ of L.t. J . J'. A.,......_ tM enoe- mony t.aklnc plaH at Wlll*lre w~dlnc ~ 1a r.-Aap~ea. Help \V&Jfted CARPENTERS ....,.. el '1'1111t • ~.... her huaband. Lt. Varney, II In outMe-..... ........... ~ CllM. oObUm • Jl&obt. OaDIDbal'l OllYta .. Ra.u.ad Ia Prlnefl88 O'Rourke ...,....,..,.__...._ftzth* ~ ...... WI b 0 7 o.IJ' Doub&e Honor 'nriU. Loa a.u.y lJI The 8oa of Oneal& ----.a.llll' fte ... ..... 0 Pts ... • o..ee-......... n.......-• No.rtbem Panalt ow,..u ~rvtce. • lfn. J.Ua A.lto.nl of palboa r.- land wu thrilled Jl'rlda:V t>Yf'nln« hv th.-arT1val nf hf'r aon. Pvt. Mu Alford. who amved from Ham~lton F'trld bv plane Of! a aur· pnt~e turlou«<\. He . waa able to rPm&ln on the t•land unt II Mon· day momlnc u d not only ~JoY· I'd a ~ vtllt wlt.h hla moU\er. but a110 with hi• atater. Rf'len Kattencl\. who t• In Uw employ of the SouOI Cout Oo. D&ATII OF Mona:ll Mra. ftoee ft. Hall at BaftMia l•land 18 moumCn« Ole deatll at U He,.._ II-ataliDDrd nt Muroc l...akto. lin R~ wlll ronllnllf' to ~ ~ ller •iltf'r until tilt' 18 t.....rHftd to a pntnt ~ abe may jaea ~ POR BOA.'I' BUILDING ~orth Amer1c:an Dtjlbulldtne Corp 717 COMil Jllpway, N~ ancb WANTED • Auto mr<:hank& Top w..-, bHt of work~Jls condiUoaa, &D ~UaJ War lacluat.r7. Ef191o7· MINIIDfO I~ A~N , nwnt f'ltllf'r beN 01' at Huatanc· MaJ Charla ft. Spmctor. -ot 1 ton ~~~ lltore. Mr-. Apea M. Spmerr 328 Mon·j ntF.OOOU ROBIH8 trro awrnw. baa ....., r.portect by _Ford Sale. A a.ntce ttll' Waf'..,...._.. • ........ Ia 22acl A Crntral N..,..t Beadl •cUOD. P--. • bu mother. Mn. Leah M. ftowt. D-t K ... au. ea. who re-d away lut ~ aoraat . eepen srrt1ATION8 WANTED 'nlllnckY at her Mime In Santa Hear OP A Soeaker ooUPt.J: would wa. manapmant o..Mc: n: .. c:a.-1 ..... Afta. In addlUon to ht'r huaband. 1 ot .-nail yaat ane11orap. Re- el ....._; OW Az,_....._: <JeorKe F. R~au and anotJMor 81•1)' locaJ eafftlleO and ,_. lpOnlibl' wer reta. tt cle- W'Ptll t .......... M ....,...., .._ da~trr. Mlaa Ellubl'th Roua· taurant k~ra.. m&AJ ot w--. lll.-.ct. •75 Gracelaad DriYe, La- .._ o.te ae.au. Ole dffra~ 11 ~ni''"dlby r 1u nl' to the medlnc wtUl .,.._. runa. 1p .. .. M .... ~ • • w .. a crand8oft, William Ratr of Bal· ln lht'lr f'yr," Wef't' &ddr-d PICK YOUR BARGAIN FOR THIS WEEK! '33 FORD 4·DOOR DJCLt:JXZ SEDAN, eacelent, Ute. '33 CHEV. 2-DOOR, SPECIA..L, $160. '30 CHEV. SI:DAN. Runa Jood. 186. '31 CHEV. 2-DOOR. Hurry! $Ta. • LYLE POPE Newport Autc Sales 2600 W. Central Phone 1406 hy Wu 8oede ...1 sa....-at boa l•land Jl'unrr.J rite. w""' Tut·l<l•y .upt b7 nar-y B. w.._1 ROOII AND BOAIID ~!!!!!!!!!!!!t~!!!!!n..!!!!!be!!!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!~he=W:_:Sa=t.urd&==Y· stt'r of the ornee of Prtct. Ac!llala-1 Rt:AL EMT~TE (For SUe) -: •atratjon_ j ROOM and BOAilD tor one or Reltf'r&Unc UN tact Ulat w• an two 1~2 <>rue-AYe., Ooata FVRNlSHED HOUSE, two bed· .. New Spring Styles Now Arriving Daily Cole of California Sarong Swim Suits aDd New Play Clothes ~urtx-d to a.. ftchUnc u... Jape ....... tp room ln· Newport BHdl. neu and Gennuw and DCJt Mda otller, t ocean. Full price Ut00. ft. C. Mr W~er mdle9'0ftd to n -1 FOR SAL£ Parker. Coeta Meea. lc riiLin to tile eafeewt~ lilow ua.-,1• ------- <'nuld llf'lp tllemMIYa to IMUa-HAND CROCH&'l&D tUiedoth. \\1thatand tile lncon\~ otl reuonable. n a WUIIoa Bt .• Coa- l allonlnc. ta Mf'aa k Showtnc thf' need fot' food ~-CHion:N~fte,t ....,...., a1tft 01 ~n· .. uon. the aptoakf'r potalt'd out ,_dy few tM pea. 1• N-· that ctunnc the early cta,. ot Uae port Blvd Ollllta ...._ 6ttt war only IS per ceftt ot t.be ~-::-=::-::---·----......... :--=-::-:: n,.d fnod ablpped to tile 8oaUa Pa· BEDS C01CPI..I!TI: WITH 8P08. r lfk llrrwf'd In ~ coadiUon. ' S3 and up. ~ Hardware, FIVE ACRII:S ne.ar Pomona and W. 18th. Jl'ull price $300 per acre. R. c. Parker, 180t New- port Blvd .. Coata Meaa. 4U BUY A HOME on BroadWay. New, two • bedroom hou.e, ~· FuJI price $81160. R. c. Parker, 1808 Newport Blvd., Coat& Meaa. 2ctl th,. rcomalndf'r ba\111« bl'f'1l apon. 17&8 Nrwport Ill"-. Ooata M..a. "'I by lnlf'I\M beet and ..,...._ • Itt IN NEWPORT BEACH. 2 bedrm. condltlena. , -hou.e; almoat completely tur· '"'" mHtinc wu belcl at tJw I TWO M.ATI'RDIID aDd .,mp nl.ah~. Full prtc. 12780. a. c. Ratlonln&' Board otftCll' 1J1 a.n.o.. ' for alncl• bed~. Ooocl eondiUon. Parker, 1808 Newport Bivd., I Cbf'ap. 311 Oon1 aw., Balboa Coeta M-. lltl Delinquency ProWem bland " .,.._----~ t Boh-1 FAUCETS-A aamMr ot water &IIIK:UB~K:U a -J tauCYb juat NCII'ftd. KiiOII O.Ciartnc that .... clmt daUclnn Harmrart, 11• Newport Bl'rd,• of thla <'Of1lmunlty hold a com. I C011ta Mea. Itt mrndablr rt'C'OI"d tor kH'Jibtc out LARGE w~ TRUNK nt tm\iblr and that Ju~ ot-' n fr>ndf'n .,... tn tJw lna.lil ~ ~I'Od rnnc1itlon. Want to M • • 1 lmmf'<llflt,.ly ftoDe IJT·J or ' 111tnra rrom • elllt'wbe~. Judlf.-0 c-all •23 E 8a ue BaJbo&. \ JonH lut ,.._., n~t lJn. I Y awn ' 11e N 'f'llaf'd UJICIII lot-al ftotartane thr I 't>riOWITif'M ot U. dl!llllqwncy aU. PRACTlC' A J..L T NEW VIctory ualiOfl I Taylor.tot ~•H• price. In a direct ~ to tM Z7SII c-rrno• at.. Jlu. •· Banta J'f'nnarwnt l'ellldfonta ot U. eom-Ana H,t.. laD"\ AM. k munlt)'. tile ~ polated out ===-=-=-=-===:;;::;;_;1;;;:;..:=====- that wttll a popalaUon wiUcll .._! W A."tJTr.D --..... , ~ .. ..,_ ,_,.. aad - :t poll~ forft ftCI larl'ft' Ulul ln j w A~~ -T ~ radkt or lllftal1 "lonnaa t-'-. It II PmpenUw radio-phon~ ~ N-· t hAl ..-~ and ~ .,...-t.alrf' I port 2360-11. Itt BUY A HOME ON BROA..DWAY. 2 bedroom houae, naarly new, OD COI"Mr loL rUlJ priee 11000. Ter-rM. ft. C. Parker, 1101 New• ~t Blvd., Colla Mua. tTU Income Property For Sale Exctollent locaUon on comer In Balboa near Nf'W]'Ort Harbor Yacht Club Four unlt.l on two lou Preaent Income $132.00 month RllA80NA.aLY PRI.CI:D AT $9700. Down Jta)'TMnt $3000. Balance 175 month. Will take In nice ,_. dence In Cceta MN& .,.... law. I W AXTED -~ peld f01 .mall 011. D--ving u s War Bonds 'nlc-m"'ti"C ... la ~ of -..d ra.dloe. -.o.a. ..., and R. C. PARKER l t upon .u-tf to _... ., U. -- · .uu.,-• • Hub Howe. wtcll .na Fen rri ra.dnc ...... Ill llartM ._._. ... _____________________ MtJ~W • .... -I ...... ...._ . ..._. Mack's Photo -· II 0000 BUY 104 Ma1u Sl., Balboa $22,500 Yl. L. Joro~n 700 E. Central, Balboa I . 11 Coaal Guard and Pa .. port for -------------tdentilic a hon, l ·hour aer-.ice ll1:8r.IIE~S P&oPI!:&TV -For 8Ue BUSINESS CORNER-In N~rt I[ Beach. Two houae., both fur· nlqed. Front hou.~e rented. lm· mediate poaaeulon of rear ~. Full prloe $MOO. Tenna. R. c. Parker, 1808 !'Oewport Blvd .. Colla Mf'u. 2ctt BllWER A BI!:A UTY SHOP for ule. One of Ole but paytnc propotlltlona In Newport Harbor area. 2 chain tn barber lhop, 4 dryf'r-. In beauty lhop. Net ln· come lut year oveer It&()(). Fair· ly prt.ced at 13700. R. C. Park· er, 1808 Newport Blvd., Coat. Kesa. tU Portraits at eeneible price ... Baby Photoa, Enlarqement1 ~:nd Photostshc Copiea • WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT Mack & Black Court of friendship GIH SHOP Dn •clly ,\-:rou the Street BUY THIS INCOME PROPT:RTY! MONTHLY RENTAL S115.00 Ftw Rental• ... 2 big lot, on cornrr. Close In Good rf'll· denUal dl•trlct ... 19000. Terma. R. C. PARKER REAL ltSTATE 18041 Newport Blvd. ISSURANCE Coata Mua ------------------------... ---------------------·------~-----... -..-----~ .................. -.-... ' - Polly Appuel Ready for Easter EVERYTHING FOR Women •Children • Infants "EXCLUSIVE BUT NOT EXPENSIVE" g~G/1, OF ALL KIKDI AS WILL AS . SUITS • _DRESSES • COATS Gin SUGGlSTIONS FOR RIR: Coetume Jewelry, Haadbaq1, Flower HairOnaamenta, Linqerie PoUy llpparel 1811 ........... .. COit'A JmaA -POITOFnCE BLDG. -.............. ....... • Ill SAND CRAB . , SAM for 36 years the best advertisin1 medium in tilt newport harbor district tf tf -tr the newspaper that goes hoJM • Buy Bonds to End War- Qukker NlWPO"T •EACH, CAL.:II'ORNIA, THURIOA\', MA .. CH lO. 1t44 ....... 1 IEEP PQSJEI! 1 Year • • • ; $2 50 ........ C1it~N* ........ .. N-··~Jil ...... ..... NUMKR. SWELL .lOB-Somehow. des pite misgivings at th<' L I c f p . d =~~t'~!:§ 1 oc.a . a. es . rom1se OuiBovs IN C•tyJ d Congressman John H -R d C ! I u ge Phillips Breal!fasts arpor e ross ~ ... ~~~~ 1Suff1c1ent· Rabons to ~~~:~~~ i~eq~ i~~~ l c f s "' -d -A_ k H ~~ -HereWithGroup~ · f $1J Q()() -1 0 s s e p """ Jc>hn l'hlllla• w nt ""'"' UriV e---or . I ~o::.sr~~r~lr;:~o;~~c~~sp~ 1 are or umme~ crow po.tt.ed to have ·attained its ----$13 ()()() 1 A ' th th JJdl(l' .l .. n, a 111 I ht• t 'tl ,. l'nlt.·c• I Obey Law :::· .. ~7:·=~."·~::"-;~~.:~ Reported Over TOp drives. n~d~ub~ ~e :~~~ Sixty Restaurant Operators M~t With llistrid ca.t, \\'jb ~!·•Ilk•'' nr tit·· ''"' ;11111: raised will exceeJ that by a Food Ch•"ef and G•"v.on ln"'reaa.o a·n 1\loat rt "'"s""\··· I("'""' ··tut. nh···•u•~: \Vh~·'hcan•M Art•_Not Availablt-l lntil .. 'riday NaKht. If Is Bt'litavt'CI f;ual IS llf'IN"hed Workt'rM Cummt•ndt'd by ('hainnan Gnce " .. .,..,. .. Olle uf h11 •tul<lll•'llla \\lUI 11 dot ••• I few thousand, aJI o f which • C · · · P t d A __ ... f Full ooperahon .·U&.h·n~:·· ... '"~ l"'flltllll•·n• r.·'"' shows the extent to which OlD an ~ 0 tlciiJ~ ;, 1111-, 11otmn11 \ tltt' tbe people are sacrificing for aut ,.,.,. •• 1, 1 1,1,,H ,.1 .,1111 ... 1 loved ones at tbe front. More than 60 cafe and resfaurnnt O(X'mtor-:; in the• hal'ho r lhNr •u•". 11 , 1 '"'" .. 1-.1.... 1-'1'1'111 tm.-fndlll ''1411'1"'' In S.111t •• ,\u:t it "·'' 1.'1\JT.-d to- Credit. of rou~. goes to. district \IIIIM'e assuJ"l"d by ~·t-mmmt n'p~t at in•, I h al ~~ nn 1·••~:• • "'·'" on ""' I''•' dny thrtl lht• l<t'll t·n ~.; ehin•ln Nc'\\1"•11 llari•w 1~1.1 ntlnlnt.-d Mrs Grat"e chainna.n who · -h I I i wta.Jt1t \.til ••tt'• ,. thnt •.•• , h ""'' ~ I ·~· yth' in sh h • 'nto the-y "'ouJd IX' .n\-en full ....nnn<>mlion in tl'>f' anrt in!! n f t '" r ,t:o; gcw1 nf ~I :I.IIOU. II II hough l\11-.; \'11·t"r ';nu•• dti'll'11'"n,--pu ... ever g e as 1 1 ... -~.~ • ?". ~· l"'r'"'" '""'' ,,· ''" "'" "''" '" ... " "'' ··-tbese efforts. and who s ide-~r {T()\\'ds and told that no f'atn~ pluet> will J::O nut nf ,....._,by u ... 11m~ r,t .... ~l to mnrln11 lttt• fig u""'· ''·••m·~ ~Jw• rm·r•·rrt'ff fo v.-alt tracks everything eiSP for busti'W'!'S bec'aU!'e ftwv an-had a IIUblot:lot~ lnr reau In hiiiJI· 1 .1\1•111" J,,,, .• rttd ,., .. l .. trd '""' until the• t'IIIIIJIIII~" t'Orlc"l n l the matter at hand. But that serving too many JX'Oillt'. -anol l"t'Vt'nUI' l hl'y llrf' f'nt'IINI u. t..lu "''"" u( "'" uwn O'llntntllnlty midnig ht ... rl.tav N ... , .... , llf'll(hfll, Mrs R. 1 ..... ; -nergetic lady gract'ousJy A m.ret~o~r .... lwld T\weday weN Cl'"" ""tat "'''"'K "' 1"'''1''"~ \ltw 1>1 O~o• 111.,.,· 1111,.n,av,. "''""' N•·""t"'" l•lrend, M1111 .,._ ,.. · · to f h for th~lr .upplernl'ntal al'ot · ~-- th chi t t ~•t>n'n• In Baltx. aDd waa ulkd oul ol ltuailtlr, 11"' "tt''"' •·r• ""'"" o'\'o'r ,~l(lt tnrth w11~ nu1dr t1) ,, ... Who'"'· ""'"""' Ure)l, Mnr.. A. S. ~ e a evemen 0 " IT'rnt. )<r. \\'~blllt'r ll tnt••tl nul Pvt. Wtlll;am 1. Hot·•el•, " . d k h j by R&'pb P Maakey .:~airman o ,.. ,•~tv ••Mtal v••·l"r" (r 111 ••1 .. ·· t'IHII'""'un ,...,.umlll•••· ohlr""'l" lh•• llnlfto•n , U•ltwtt .,..... .... fill myrta wor ers. w 0 , 1 .... -·•-;.___, _'__,. J . • __.,_ that no ret~taurant w'll •o out of .,.... ''"' ,_., •-• _.. ....,. ____. " ~. , M nrd\ prrkltl, "" I Itt· anwounl luul Anlf'rlt·• .,,.. f"-'e ~ have at). wo. rked and .strug -I·-t•f ,.r-.., .. _ .. ..6 ... _ food __ ,_ bulrl-bKauw th~y are lt'rvln• Jlavtng <:• mph·ted • y~ar ID • -~ • _ , ..... ., ..... .--" ud t .A alr~blfol"\o\'U\1 Q\11',.1 tt•n ,. '"' a ..... n ~Uphto;l rw-nrly fum· t uno·• ( "'''' lllahWII)' Mn. It -..... ale<f and '"Ven of •"'etr pre-._ ~ ...... -•• ~ w--•..o h t1 many ..-nrJ~ but thf'y mual h"~H l'lt'·trrlt•v nlt~y at lee a ..,_ ... ~ 1._ .,._ 0 --•. h et• t tt ~· t"'-... _ , _ __.. ~ ..-.~ --·--·--th lh l 1 .... rn~nna Coli~J:f' in C1ANmoat, Pvt. pu& t lhr ll.tarlttll-hy '"" )U•III• •InN' • )l'l'llr •~tt•. HIKf unllltnlt .. l .... ._......... ,.,\-.· --. -A.. CIOlll> ours, 0 a am IR" \K'" ...... tu.Uy •-t--d ot ttw -ra· nnt •"""" mono an ,. ,. r ....,Di It Ulr" , t•uhJ cau .. l •• U1" · t'r"'"' ..... ac'"" ..... 1 llu• hun• II ,.,, llrnl') _,_ 1_ ,..... ... ~·-1 WIUtam 8. Holatf'ln, who ._ tlle # H-. J-. ,.....,._. sired quota. To :o.&ug"" out tlonlac pre~. ; ptnaon ° mrata • • .,~ 01 lur and Air•. Otorte M. w;.f'dlnc 111 th~ '"1¢1Hnlttl( "' " ur n1ut•· ~k.cn b) Mo• c:....... l'tonwt~t Nl Mu · .......... each chairman or each work-FieW ·-T... nw F'ood Pant'\ IUUIUI"f'll Ita tull l!o'al~ID Jr . :!12 l.HJO NOrd. Uch eri811t10J IUffil·l~tll \\'lto·tl tl' ····•ly m • mtn.: "' "'30 Whftt 1M wtll tiP ... ,Ill .. JIIrt ... )' lhiU lho•y ...... Sima-·· .~lr"Wft .... 0 a.. er would be hardly fair to ~ Wdllller. D atrid P\ricl' ro r~nollon 10 aN'!Ollnft r.wn,.,... In 1,.1~ ta now atlttloni".J at WUI~ wu furthlumiiiiC J,;,l;;r Jurwe th• hnn-at • ~taat a t '"" wnnt .. •rlul ,lob.. Sltt· nktelo-..tly ~· I. An.h"'"· t-n... ... ....., w.,_ the scores w h o took part; o r R~rncoDlllllvr. outhiWd Uw potot prt'nann~ applkathma ,.,. nf'W ... t'lrl et Chandler, Arl&ona In 1-ukd t: Ill llf' Thl' ,., ... plr . I lllf' :o.;, .... ,, .. ,., ltarixw Yecht Mub, un· ru ... '\1 lo lttllf' ""'¥ •If ltw I'IHIII '"' Ctno~~J, t<.-ut .. ......, • .._ more import is Mrs. Grace's .allollrnt buia wtddl ... -u-IIUilrurtloea l'f'e now available at W~alher Bu~au of lhe A~y .Air rbta.l• u! \,'llllfurnl& ,. • ....... lh• aueptc:ow ot liMo N·w~ll'l ht•f'11t4•lf •""'··~h " '" ""'""lit' •ho· Krt~mrr. Jt .... k-. ..._ ..... heartfelt tbanks to tbe hun-rielly c~«'d Man:b ftnt. H~ Ole Ratloa s-.-d. Yo~e. wllkb m<'ana. tn f'fll't'l, that th• ll•mnr <,.amlltPr of Cnmm•rrr lllb<~ "11h1 "'"'lilly '" ""'"k'W f•'"t, J J ,........_ ......_ .... I "~ ... • v•-•-t .__ 1 t h 'II r• o-.11 •Ul"l'MIL lo:lllt. IJnoDin NCWWWft. .-_ & d-~•~ who crune fo ..... •ard so advt.d o-.ratora to c:h«fl tlwlr " ,..... ... ape -or .... &on•· ""• oa t r .,.,, ""It'.._ .. • nl lpe will arrtv,. ~~ • .. r-Wllll 1111 ndtt.l HI ad Ul-ol t \\'ertl ., ... ··-IUtUn~oto•l' r-. ... IUfciW, ........ will'ln.gly to contribute •"'-ir I reeorda c::aft'fully and to bt' .urr Ha,..y Hail~. Oran&f! ('ounly am .. rv r .... -r •nt ... · l~<"uplr ttl llttt< "'"'" "I"'"' !I n'l'lnrk aM attrr tiM-mi'Jll .--._ ~""" Sc ht>IJ! in Lt • An~>«-lt'• a Ad .___ • u In cltM.-u•••-tho--a. o>l tl~o• ftJ.'fllthl.,...,, (.,..riry lltrm•*· ha .... tal • ..__ rornd .AU aOt:~ntJI Jleld ~ttontnr Rrp~afntaltve, " -· ,_ u ..C •· r ' "' ''" '"'"• "Ill .:o f• r a trip ar.,tlnol I',. hey. ... -·-S re to u•e to . -7 were -llpt·nl many aummr ra .. njnylnJ tha ' Ia ('u"''""'"" J•"'~•· Jc>eu•• "''"' llflrr whirb be will lfteve fur ~•I 1~1 (.'rtlftll lind II• 1Miuo·. Mr-.. llarry w .. a.a.. Ur AiM ,._., + + + -a~-obtaiiM'd by ua6llc cul'ftftt a.tv lll'd the r:roup that tht tnetttu· 1 f N rt H bo H c;11wr ...Ud: "i.'--Y••r _. hiiYt~. l.itl4t 1• J .. 11 f'artlr, • ~- ' ' t-o·-n.-,.~ fart-.nr aad a n.c:-~ •rnnal flit' at tbla board waa In ex-ll raauru 0 f'WJH'I ar r. • ... felt that at.:bor tl, and at httme. l'o"•r·h ''' ln..,..c-t tht' t•mtory on .••• , .,.._,._ D-1--Surp..O .. ina 1 ........... 8&8e." Tk llll'al•ht trf'mrl.\' " •l<l <'Ontllllnn -n<t l hf' attentlt·d I': rnuna Cnii~R" for oo•,o.:blldr~tn Mllould bt' tauiChl t o bold whtr h the NaYy bllendtl to,.,.... t • IIIVo·rt lu lt\f" IW ()•-. .....,ly n ... n. ,..,..."',_ 8 . ft. ~. trmn .-~ ,....,.. ,.. ~ "' " .,. It t I I I ""' Hllll ~t~.llh M fr""' hc.,.rt, ~~~~~.-l· Art"ui''hylot, W\"'-' ~F. ch --··--,-•-•---r-•. ,... .... f •an•'l··~-.oount"DdPdf••r l•-....... "9 • ~"" '" 1111'''n , ma...,.·l morr rt-•t,..•·t l••r lhl' l""l"'rly lrtunlllon•df110C H•._julltl"f'('O\· 1,_11 ("a -.. • facts. ir they are su • wer? ·~·-.. ..-·-.. ....,.. '" ~-..., tnr 1n mal~ malic ~to nllat .. -ltno. of JW'Ofllto, whe-n thf" oe•" ..-• 1 ,__ ·---. ~ revealed in a rf'Ceflt fishing a tmr: on"" lD<'~ .... ~ ,.ffurrnt h~<n111 njt nr 1\ vrry dtf I· '"II: ln 'seni : • re e ·ltot•••t.ht.a ul ~:llhrn '"til lh,. ''""""" ,., "1: fru"' • rnltl ~tru<'k, ""'IM\ ""' ,..rthQu·k·-. WNt Nf'WliUO"t Mnl. ~ a:eat fa<'lor. lor IJUiliiDce, bav D"' ~ull r rn .. lr-l.n ratlonln• , ,c • •• euu~atton talllnl on t h.. f ......... .., .. N·---column Of1 prices paid fo r sea .. • 'I u I> --"~ '• I /10\t'•, Wtll'n IUft!ftl' ,.,......&al8ft U r. -food in this an-a. The writt-r bfofll rallll'd from 93 to • .max1. Mr Alu kry fXP"''at-'1 th,. full ,.,.~~~ I' r k•·•l , . .,.tilt I,., r eo\.lln -1 ..--· p ..,,.,"' tu·-.t(t lent! 11 ,..,., 1tw Wo.,.l l'lsup:wt Mrs D..-t: h mum of 1.1 ~r ~..... ll><'f""ralton nf t ht' Rat•nnlnr: rlt•dl DlJI hll\'1' lx'rot r ret••nld by an I The m~l'llnjt \dl~ Ill • h>ttj:f' ··f • a per dr.IVe hnhtl t.tf thirty llllllkll\ ""'"'" "" NoNoflall , ... _ ...... "-claims that fis h that broug t f'~b H u 1 ~~ • .__, lofr \\'et:.trr a~r:~H!Ud tbat eup-PenH! tn nbt11lnin~~: everyt lnr: f r lnt• """''' t• url!f' ••f • udv. et~aslnr -rn\• "'' 1 · 1111 • ''11'111"11a lnmlllt"• Itt 11lv•• lltlh•NI '"~ Mn.. Hel w• 8 cents a pound wholesale ri~IY'f"nt.al appl.lca!lona b(' ~-tbt' rutaurant rpcoratora In thla .... tth.malh l lllld JlhYIIt'l . ·Tbey u tl.nl 1111 pr j(ram \llalnna n "f\111 lhl~ \l'llr II "' dllfo•tt•ttl ~ ... ttlt '"'"'~"'"· Me ............. w as resold retail fo r 40 .oct now to tall~ c:&ft of Uw • .,.,... ... anoa whiC'h th£v •·n~ entltl~d to "11, l'a rry nul srwctllllu~d dull• I -' -·1,"" ~"'"' 11 •~ )''"" uwn ,.,,_ ;:. bPrt AI..,_, ,.,.. .... a--... ~ta. u thr 31 tons of bara-.... aprtnr buaiiM'-. If. c::a'e taa unct.r lht' rqulaUODI. wh..re th~ Army Air Foreu bu''N l' I' t h h Ro"<l ,..,._ JM•n!t•tl ''"'V•·n "''"""' Air , ltotrry, llnrlU ~. IC.. 0. ~§1 H~ S. Beacon's Clever:~;::~~;~hw~yto i~!;;.~f;~;~~=:5e0r%e sG· oaw•·n 5 ~~~~¥~E~~[g~~ wholesalers and if the retaU I F I Ed Be Slnftl\d by ,,..,._,,. "Ctltf'-t .. f'l•wr adlocM s--• INIIJ'If' the ..... cr-.. etlll ,,.. ...... .--.... ,_ .......... prier is upped five time& the A • •t• ~,; 1oer ,...,lh the c•l<'hy namf' of ._,...,.., .• , moctwor In tilt• ""'""'If And """'· 1"\r-ld It~ a..,.......,. OPA should "sit in" on the prl 00 I I On Big Navy Project ~S.:R.!:oua!: ~~=lct"~r~ ::..d II L l'llltl',...tn. r\lftlmandf'r u: ::~:: :: :~~ >;:, ":: =~~~d·t;::·t;~~ ~~"'~!;!;: ·=---: ~ operations. Also if a whole-I . d Lon Wfll W(orth runtlnttlnJ ('ivtllan Of-fen.. lllnOUDC't'8 ·~!''1:1\'t•n . t<r nJII•. J n Mil". w ll. ...... ~r is only permitted to add , In a• knu"''ll'dg n~r ,.dllunhlp, 1111lnr:,. ,,.,. • ld maau:lnr• anti ,,. ..,.,.,. "'"rit."" J ... ·a. M••"'· •. ,..,...... ~. 1. w 25 per cent to selling ctlarge, ~ ot the bellt esam~ nl an wby ont ~ac:b mom f'O out for on~. F:etahlallhml'nt of thf! Sl:\.000,()0() m• mbPra f thl' ,.11: th l(rtt•lr fo~n~e pt>ra hu Inc,....,... M p.r """' ~· .. 11 .. w1na •• • 11111 "' th,. w• ... ll· I'•·Yt• ... ;r . A 11 f~-W. c hi!; profit is no t SO ext.~c;ive /lf r • ...., ... l"av cd bon Ia that T. at ··when ~port r•m• Wf"rt' P"'· Nil\'& I Orllnlln(r ~pol at Anab~lm lteh cia..,.. u•ure 1111 thet tho-Jlll· ""'''r II•• ..tty plda-up ar;bedult. ''" 111 tho• rUI\Il~"t.;" H.tint~o.a.t. mtRJ>L ~ after icin~. cleaoing a nJ los.<; 1.publ .. ~t"d thla • ._k bv ttw Harht~r !W'r.t• .t tn th" atu•l•·nt b .. dy ftfl· R11y "'''I nl'rl'llllttatt' rf!loe&tlon ••f per ._ "aponlllllf'OUII ~tnrl ''"tntt'"'" "'"" !''"'''''' In thf" N•-·1'\m"" llnllw•• Mr• ltttl .. ·r r 1 .,.,.,.11. I'"'"''" William tutt.r. P'. t: In poundage from waste i~ 1 &ae-on. Harbt)r Hrr;b ~htt0111 rrr•. lh"Y 1urnrtJ an<t w11lkt'd out thr Partflc Cll811l Hl,;hway I Unit· ly unreh• llr!N'•I" •n.t , "" 0 ,.,111• Inti "' -I• that tl ... ,.. I• Ill II ruttm ''"·"''"'"' 1\f, . .,,,,ttt•·• I' W """ fl, '"""1•1 1; II S.ttlo·r lfall ~. --"' 1 _ , II i •'Hklv na.-r ""'tlh JOttant<'ful far•·A. Nt'rt'll!'ll'"" • cl ~1811'1< 101 I anol l'R!'ItiC' F.l"' lrl• ,. .. lv•a m•rAiv !tor '"'l'"'"ool"'~"' w .. til l""'l"'r Ia 1,, \' I l>rlo•lto•l (I Spllrt~!.·• II \\' S Srn11h. tr . W11ll-l'luflwr consider~....,,. L.Kt s page ar· ' .-.. · ·' , c , •· , •mrn ""'' ""'''""'" at h 'Thf' ~nt"' ff'I')Dt pa~• Of thla rhl\njt~a will hll\'t' Ito IRkr plllrt ·• trHrkl! 111 thr Vlrlntly, U l'nm<tr. '·••r k.' tn I'''""' d"'Vanot fnr {'flllfMitt•·r~ l .t:~···t 1 I< Nlt'k••t •llrt I I. 1'1" II lin. 1\tr•• l·,,,.f)n '""'"'· M-k.alr old Ickes a nd rind o ut t e , ,.,...11·,. J!,faf"('h 31 rdll1on Itt quilt' '"'" Jtrt'&!l'l't hhv. 11~ all. tf """ Jolll'ph \\'h•lt·. NRvv f'DI!In~ .. r In f••r V.ll t ,, .• .r.rlal lt> bf' ahll'l'"" It \I I,IIUtt••ttdt I. \ua•·••fll I. M•1.11tttt -al "low do wn .. " t f 1 t I II II I II t 1 \\ t I • · •t '"' frankly ·..-,.....-,·: lhf' f('lltlintt or •tall ,., "'"' 1., b<h·vP vnu ""' 1>4'· • 'Ill f.!'' " lt•• pr"l''' . annOUIII't'l "''•·t~·~~• r Itt 111 '• ''' ,., "". '" •• ,., + + + Pavln~-\\'hen 1 w as a lad bac k in lowa-0. yar.-and yar.-a~o-the m ayor or the town. in a discu."Sion on paving th<' d t y. said: "The way to fl<l\'C is t o pave." Now that th<' old rig ht of way of the P . E. is tx>lng filled after the se!Wer line is laid. co~ the m a tter or paving. OrK' I'(>· port is that s ix fet>t of nowcr or shrub space will IX' ld t in the <Ynl('r a nd thf' h<tlancc. h ard s urfaced. J ust as a suggestion. would it be a bad iJea If the street were paved acros.c; in th£' two blocks rrom Main to Palm at B.·dhna. ilnd the same done in N£'wport to 191 h "trwt? Tha 1 woulrf give tL" bus ines" s treets in bu!'iness Sl'ction!'. &-<>ms sens ible and mighty srn ·i('('- able. + • • Olfl Sa"'"8-The ot hl'r d ay a patrnn in a stOJ'(' in lh<' ~irlential S«.'Ction hou~ht a p ac-kag<' of soap powdf'r. l:l - I'I('IINI t ht' "G o I <1 D u !>o I Twins." It furth<'r r<'nd : "Ld t1 11• Go lrl Dust Twins rio \'IIlii' \\'OI'k." That sOap pow- d ('f wns in its prim<' ~0 ~·(';II~ ac:n. hut the makers stopped arln.,rtil'ing. :mel the ~nap went into disuse and h aJ C\1· dC'ntlv 1"('-;tcd o n the she lves o r thi!' store for two· ck-cadcs nr more. Yes. this is a lcs- w n in a c1vcrt1Sirg. which is n othing more tha n a rt'J)('tl· t~on of the S<lm<' thi n g o\'er a nrl' '0\·<'r. thus k('('ping lh<' :u1icle in the minds o r th<' clear public. one of thC' most forge-tful groups you <'\·<'r AAW. • • • J Huh-A LonK Beach preach - er'. sa~ it'll getting so bad nowadays that a feUO"· can't kiss a glrf without the gneJI o( a Camel. \''"''.-h \if \t'IU f'"' t ,...... t hr Arnl till! f ~•'• 1 ,. l hr llstrl ~t.,rv thrtt yr•t• rd~tv p bl • h 1'fl••n•·O"fllll t,...m,.nlk!IU• ""''''"'" '''""ol' II M '"'"'II It V ''""''''" F't>t~l at lb~ ""~ of t>a('h ~"""' l'f';au .... nf thr 10'3r. F:OJCtrr \'lli'R· In rrtttll(ltt)l th,. hljthv.t<y u 1.5 e "'Ill. '"'"' btl ,. ....... I tn I ltlllllln ..;, s .... "" k 1\f ILthlttll, It "''' lt''I\'N!I ~'(IU ... lh your 1'\' ... bllli!ID~ lion w ufll bf' ran<'< lit d brl 1\lll<l' tf rt•ttjlh th<• ltr<•JI tl will tJ.. m l>\'t••l r •'lit f111 l•mVt'nt•nl hantllllll( Ill ro ll 111•'11 \\'lltllt ''II Y•~tlt~ I ;ut hl h .f h t I I I. I I -·1 c' '"' "··hi· f'lllll J ,lflh ... \\ttl llfltl Yllllr t •OJU .. llfii!)AI: f)ll "<tlh"r ~t<hn<tl" All" hR\tnj! "Wf'P\t ...... 1 , .... ftrlh" nurlll. "h''" ,.,.. -··-........ an• unorr ... '"" Thf" lhrfloel'~lllUreD h, ..... "' t ~· u f tJt-M'Irr \·ara••un nnd hil:hWAYit r E trn~k~ Vt'lll t:w , tftt-d 2000 • • I ••• ,.,.. ... .nrf".ftl u •,•PI' •••• ... ~ 1\fl "'"tk•·l' •11<1 It W•....t.-riul ... . "'"'' Mr• r;,.,,. ~ ........ ,_, .... . •h•• .,,.,,~1. '""••1<1 Itt• ,._.,. trl tho- ' 1. • '' tl ••!fur h u/ M r«. No~ I . I '~tiii..Jt ""tl.-HI I J<-u l'""""l .. ...._ .. t 'tolh•h. ""I"' •lt-voJC•od """'" ....,,, tn ,,,.. ttuttn ttffk-.• •• ,......,. 1111 ' I P I I '1'1 ~ ( I kttt• II····· I ,, ...... , ,,,~ .. MIIH'III tnl' "tfad nr lllrh '" lhrf s". -,. and IJ4'a('h~~ an.! fun zunr• Will .,. ff'«>t north fr· m thrlr prrllt"nt 1••'1\• n raIse "' \• I • nollnjt and .... __ the .,. , ... ,"''' M··-'l,. """ Mtlljoh)l, Tt>tl mtnr: f'• ol AI !.Jut.. un,.,. ,. •Ut , r ,...,1,.,1 ~ .. lh• adnlln'"' ret tt•n lx·· I t .. n nnd, n~ 11 rl'l•tt ll. wilt run ~ttl-"'""'' !n~ 1111per walllr fn1m whit h S• lt•rl<t I f .. I h h I I I I ..... """ I" ur,. lllM'.It' Will r•>ttl llttlf' ..... '"I",, I II ·''"'\,\'Itt I lttttlltlltO ev•• lo '"" " "un · w " ' ''" ltrvr• t """1•1 ~ lt<•tt,.r tn k t t'l' ;"'' '11 1" 1 11 r"" '" • ..;.ribf'a " 1&)·..-.ut thai rou'd lw· Jlarbor r<twl••ntll un(ll'r lhcotr l•r<l Btda (fit tnf' J••b will hf· ttl"""" f s I 1 '"'' i """1" l"'llf"'· 11 Ia VllAI l•• ''I''"" 011111<'' "-"" oo4ho•r -· ftaluf"f'd In ~ ..Amr n•·an rtftl'mll l('{'ll\'" Jllrilldll'ti n ,. Arrtl fl 0 tan ey 1>111 ••u t•tfnrt. ,..... that It Ia llt••l MM wty <trama •M't'T)'lbl.nr; Wflt'r-, _ Itt l•ll ll•lll'tt ,.,.., lot I •ndlr anti Jllll <turc-r th~ ~rnttnd tor •·hwh •·•II "''' 1 .. , • tllf)' r ttlll'•'llt n. b(' broflt'n on Arnl 3 Tra·llways Pres,·ldent Fut lur .. rm.altltn lf'ft'ptlunr 1111.11 A tY.O·t;olua:n h<A•I 111 lht' nl'lll An un~"llrtll"ol lrlll'l "'l lt"••··d ••t -.: l lh•nJ! to r atrh your ,,._. ... ·rank '" .. Mr. an.t ~t•• N•" I""' fk •• ... ~~n~t~ !;<I \'l::,:a~,.;:,,y":.;,•:; L d H b G h :·:• ;;;~~~:~::,:~ :•; ,"I;',. I~ ;:;:•"1/1'.:,• LOJIGMODI IS It lt;(tUf' ~I' .. jr(>nf' an nul nf thf• IIUri au s ar or rowt r. .. r f"hart hf'r 11( l'toiiHI• I• •' It• Itt anti uo bo>al tnr; a ba!Otv l"f'lrf'at ,,, \ ~~ Pc·ll•·rltltn I III II•''' • r lit• VICE CHIEF l ib ptar~ ttf lnrr .. tulily In ''OUr """01 c .... M l Nt'Witl Ill l .tj!UJ\0 . , h«'t'k Oh ..-I'll } •'I mlr;'1 1 ;u~t fl••urh '111f' h·lto·t "I'' ·"·• f• • II 111,. wrll 1-=" ,.h.-ad anol fmiAh 1 , Th•· ,11 •11 .. nf :"•IA·r~·rt llat!Ytr Thn8e whn ltvt' n•'"r l"••~<t•11 1 •·If A' SSOCIATED c. c. pa~:~ Il l' k ntl •• f tun D0\4' 111a' an<' ts J!r"" Pt. tltr••ttl:h I h,. •·f ••rH Harbor anti !l~>lly ,.,.,. tllo oil" I •I• P 307 For•"' A'''" ,.. ynu knmll' )"•II arr tw>.ng fno\1,.•1 • f th,. .C'hAmlw·r 'f ('nrnrnPr f'l' I~ ' . "' ,,,, I•• Ink ,. II rnr ~:rnnt· Lltj:IIIIU llt•tll lt, l'altr ........ fo'r nnkit' '" ~nrnr: t n ,...ll bolldJ! an•l rt"'~al• tJ In A lellf'f frnm :O.:nrman ed &nd not fully r~aliu lht' !'Inn Man fl :lll. 1111 I lllan 1,~ 10 tbr ,. h<•nl audltorwn. If Rf'lbnt,liam. prP,I•Irnt nf l.allll••n •., • tt •· ''''""'"'tr:ht . "'" It• ·r •• Mr .tr Mr11 Nt•Wt•UII II•• t• It and w 11l eing " -ong ~Dy to Tr:utwn' • hi'Rdflttllr1 ,.,.,. 11t \'tthJII mfn"""" pffor·,,. t' 111 1114 ,,,,,,.•, 1 l •~·"r NI'IJChh•·•" th•• t:l<'mb< r of lht' fa.;r~r b bhy ('tly Calli ~lr HMlotham Wll~ f11r mPnl~ lnv h·•·. whlll' t tl•·~·· v. hu '' · Thr• lllo!h nrv.~, hltllll•'l" • • I ,. • . -. .. k 1 rt~lld" •• I •I purrhaaa Ull' n ''~ htm•bo :tnt1 Jtllllmra thr wr t•·r f'lfhurt~ lltl tt; .. ;:tria tn bur· • \ h '"',.. a r•l •· .,,." -,uC'"h lhP.r Pllti!Y bank!! bu'•!' \•~, ... , r"'·fhP' of ~.-,,p.,n t l:••t:t h ,. ~ ..., •. rH.: :. t·u•~ hnr nU' nf th~'r" and latn br<'a.mf" t•ll nlltlrol wrtlt th" 11tat• rst !r"llll '• mmt-n IIIli It•' r .. unw!t ~t11r• It Z7th, 1!144 ' .. :u l h:· f \\ • I a• •·•·11Lh11 •1 ''' rr ·t 1 10 ,,, t ·•i • r ••t ' • ,_., ,,, I 1h :,t v.·.,~ m~"l ty '"'"'' al NI'Wpt•rl •~····h ur. hf\' • tn .~ \\'hll•• c,.t nn ''~''"'r1uu,t lo t••lum fur a v" 1 ott• '''"''''I , •• ''. ~ ,, \ t'l ~ ,, Ill .. , ""'''·· I' rl B• oth'"' J'l'•"''• •"'' I • ''' tlh tllt••l t,, t h•· \\tit l1 ttl , .. ,t r • ... \ 1 , 1 1• •. 1 .. ,,. ,,, ,. ... •I 1 r •• ,. ,,, t t\"~" 1 •• : t • d I t t tf . , : tt+rl t•• p;,,.,, ~,,,, 1 .... r f ' •' dn • t" :•ntl ll;id ""' 1f1U 1 W"l•·lt run.~t!Oi t·n•l v l"lt ~ltt I•·· d tlf\f'f! •• t 1hl" lhlltlldh•}' ••• , )lilil 'tty ('.,utlr II ••I 1-:ntl \\ :ltnttl• 1 J, lhM "•llllff11ttt; 'I• "'''t'' ,,,uld Ilk" ••·' ''"J!'·••••I.tt u,. • ,. • ·"' of ~~ ··-.I•• It t'• t• tt f• t I .,, '•IItty ''f Ill• k '" 1!• I IIIII' It '' •II I ••· .... ,.n J•o~hllfll' II'''~·· ~1r ,'t '' I• y to ,,,. :• • ru t•lrd.ll• t••• •• '' ltnk .•·h~ '{l,.t t IIi I tl \ '•'Ill' 'I . ,,, ..... , ..... ,., "" '"''Il l' h• ,, .• "' r laJM f'llftiii!Hfl~''-' IH flf' t.,d ,)y '' • \\ .\1 Ulltt:'"'""· lwnl,.rm pttft I• • t • 1 1 "" ,.. .. ,.,,..,, lfnrt .. ,, t •'''"' I,., ,,, t • rnu1,..n r , w"• rl•·•1 • I • I "'~l•l,.rt l uf 1' •· A-~<l•f r~l • ., , ,. .. ,. , • .,r r ···mm ... n r ,., c Jr-.nK .. • • I I I• 11•lllljt " flt•ltl nt f••tlt , I' rl •I t'''" (tftUI .. tl J•r1• ut th•• I tUIItf \ I"' ,, , •• ,. ,,. ..... u •• .c .. , t hf1 ,..,.. I • 1•11, It " >M ltrhl Ttlr,..lll)l fill( hi Ill '•· 1 • ,.,, •• H•tlt·t Nant~t An" l t11·JJ,ttut'' 1h•· ftlt~t•iuu w"" ,.,. t •IP K .. loy 1\ J M• .,.,.,,,!,." ut ~ntl n l '' I A~r Base Offic·er D'enies Liquor Charge ""' "'"" ·····-... , ....... _. ,,.. ~· ,. tuu•t"' ,,,.In\ ••I t • tlmr .:•~ ttu•• r v.•1tt ,,f ft• ... In JC.aftiAt A--. I•Ad ,.,,,,.,., M•u tet.~tt t 'tul Mf•Y•'"' ••f 1 , ~"•"' .. 1 1,,,, .,,., l ........ ,.., Itt• ~ttllflt 1\ltlt 1\HIIY /\It lht*' h ... t n .. 'lrt fflit •t• '"'' fl • .... ......... l -fl i l llllfJUfloft••l lth 6(trtfltiUt( ,,, .. IH•toh• f••t n •••klntl lont ftl ('""'"•'"'''~"'' Ito Ml_,.,.. ""d lMI t.k ~t ' flU, u• II w•.ultl f'UHhlt• U..a I"' , d•llf'"tt:ltf lun fnru t •• ,._.Mr--._..,.. fi!IJII ' k•·•'l' '" "' r ,,,d~·t Utnu If \U•If•tl td,. ••fft•• IHet 1'Ur ... J .- 1ft, ,. .• l•h• ,,. dr l'ttik '"''" v.t•u•k•·v • \ ' u ........ f '""''"''. it",. v . INTERIM GROUP MEnS FRIDAY Ofl FISH ISSUES It• v~r I "I '""' ,,. lla•l m~ _, ,..,1 h ••·• •lft ftu••tt•lltf••..._.• lll.f'Mt ta..l ,._ ""I'''" v .. ,,. ~, ..... hlaltiJ ln-lttr ... n"' I "\' t ,.,,. ''' u-.~•llttt• •• tw h- •·' \1 • 1 , ._., ~ ••·I .,,,.t ~ hrn Aft• r '. ~~ ,. I I II• II loti I h • ., ,,,.,. •·• •U• •r' ,,. ''''" ••f ttw ,,.,. .. , ... .tl 'I' II 'I I I . l•,l•t "'' IU ......... . rtth.-r lfl<ortllllj: l!10nH l"f"Vf'tll t' ot 1hP J unl••• :'•r.r• r I t••m \'. tld h•· h•. d u: t h ,, f ';t,(:lf' t.nl \\ h•·r· th•·\' "h\.J I 1f\\ •"J.! :tOtl .I'AitY Y.l1tt ~nn.m~· ti '"' ht,¥ ··~·v~p .,, ''"'' 1)1 fit.: f••:f"'~f • ! ~."' t r ' 1 That lhf" ...::hool t.ad pun:bawd a P·.."fl :~ ., ... ·•I•C \\ HL \. ,, Jlt, •• ,.p and '" t 1~ -II '' th tho • t;;-· ,., n that • Of ,. tl ·l '". 1' ... ,. (" "" ....... I r .,. I•• • '" mit' ll'tl frt•·tH! llnr· ry Wf'l• h !Itt' thut1J,:hl Ill~•· rl\n tt.r••uJ.:h my 11 tt1(1 lluot tit•· I"'~~•· hl.t· .• , .... 1tl:t! ltl .. f\ ~~ :lp j•rf•- ' •t•d .... nHJ•h t1 n l m,,,. u1 i•l:•nt •d •'•··•!np tt•n1 t • \\1 Jtllt.: I 11 1 hn11• lt1 11tt~ht Itt•· 1: !t•ti • I " • ' I' I' ' "" II tIt tl ,, d .tiUIWf!t I hh Vt\ "'" '"If •• , .. ,. .... Ill Htf ,·. ti\C' ~'1 r\'1i ' l'q;u d \AIIfl .. :.•1 \t 't 1. t In f"'r1aut t\ttd'''""' Wh•• ' f j\1 n t•\ ~{11tHf,.V W A lfiKt llru t 1 !• • • If fl'if I>J "'' 0 ;,., \l th1111 ''' • I I It• t '"'' 1\h I •. 1 fl ~ t. >~ltd • t '''It; tilt •'I •• ,.t llfl IJuu • """ ·f 1 1 t* I '.l tl tf1• Ji"'•IU.,. tt. Uu•• I fdlof t t If I"' , ft;t fotf #ftJtff'f#l, but 11 • ' •fh• r 'L:tn ~~"·\\·p••r• H•·n• h ~l tl!hl I :t<lol ll1:tl \'I ttl• I 'l·t' t . t.tnl_.y ,,,r Htrf• ,, ,.," .. ,,,, tt,. · lfHu•t f!rt~l \' ', 1d, ·~ ,.,.,, • ... ,. • un lntttta.•'· ,n,.a·h • ~ 1 .... • '·"' •t .. r AA \•h lntoV ''1••'1\•' •·rvl,..., hn~t t , I f• •I• Nt ,, •••• ,. ••f ''. 1 • • ""'' "' Advu•nrv H••rvl4 •• •d f ' ., ... I l+~tl \it ,, ·····~··· '""' ............. , • Hhu•nt.h• nt IJ,t'U HI I,. k•·· P"'l: l•tr1nff th,. Y,'RI fl~ I 'ltlltl lllltlt •1f flf! Board, f:r,rl !-lturol• \' y,l•• pnt · • t·ularly •ll~ttnl(ttl"l•••d '"' "'" p:.· I I •• , '"'' l • I•- • ........ , ••• ,; llllrtl<lf wa• rf"prr.,•nl • t 1 1• II II' Kf'nny An•l W M 1.-·r.rn .... , """ ,,, c· •: """'"'I '''''" '"••.C... ...... ~ It "•fl•" t '' I till • ontnhy 1111 w•·ll II ~ nut ~~ern ltarr~· ,,,, tttruul '7 \•''"" •·d••rhn••• r.uut f•rm..-tn l"t"l•·t f,.,.,. I do know thttl In=""'"''" t ',.l '" ''" ""'"''I ""''"'"• rt W111tl•l t ... f.,m lrt hr I• hd·l "' "llo!lt • •' • ,,, ' '"' r•l "''l,.oof1, '" tlrwt ""Y''"" lrt " ~mona t.hr pr,.~:••·ut~• '"'"'1•·•1 hll•l I"'"' ,.1 • rtpa•·lltf ""' "'""l'l"lrly fii"IIVI' rltlr.f'n• wl•l•• Rll•l •·•rm.,..trnt Wt' .,_.II,.Vt• In et•nl'lu•lun Sa111 uu•y I uM "••• .. m,. qu&htJ wuul•l bo· lmlJilr1 thal you «'"' ll~trrv ITt\' lt it.•l"'' •·t I• "'"" t:'tty t)Do_.ll It hr .,,.,~,. rr(&rfS41 Whf'D nl'll\ VIJU ... r h,r t It•< l~tl Arter ~e •Mr "'hf'n l(tUt ltn• ·r tu• lllt<•v• word• ar,. '"''Y wnt "··· ,,, , ,, • , , '"' r ,,,. .,,,,, ,., ..• ,,, .. ,, I • I • ' t I• I ;d Itt• S• '-'I'"' t tl I t, f .. I f1l f "I ti lt "" I• f ltht\o t t ,,.,,~. \fu •• tr :tl•t ••• f\ •• .,,,. k .. to !It tV 1f1~~ Iff" tllflfiPf ftll ...... It u .. ,.,,,, ,,, uJI p• • "'""' lut• ""'''" tn 'Ju f• lt hl~ h •·h•Hiry 111 U1• N .-ow I"''' qft•., "'lll tift I·• f,l ut jot p ru ul lit• t ""'It M""" l,ttc "'' 111•11 f r "''""•'I t ' ,1 ,,,,,.,,t '•• t hr •t .,. t lt,u t I I I ',·~· kt•t tau .,..n .. ,. ,,~ 'f fl ·''''·• tt, .. J••••v•..t ,.,., ..... 1 It I •• tUIIh-.n M,. ••• t .... .. ' I ..,. ,.,. t , .,.. Utr Y.l T "' 1•Y.. 11' I H f1tt t •f1• II~••J Jf'w ... h ..... I ' tt, ". '"'I',, 1 .. rrw lrel. w·~~to haoJ •••1·1 lt•h' t,.,.,..,,l ••ll 11" , .... ,....,..... tu:t••ll h• '••" ,.,. ,,,,,.... t..-... tu ..,-,.. "'' lilt• f ,,,, •• l 1• .... '•'" ,, ff tlttf•t ,,, ,,..,_ ......... , ft•• I''''''"'" '11 Jl~'''"'~ , ... ,,,,.. llu• I 'HUit4• ,,1, h••••tttc ...,. •• ~ .._, "''•rtu. ; u;ru•th•• ft•t tl1rH ''1U t ,,. ,,1., 1,.,,,,,, a ii•S U-.e ~ ""''' ,,q,.tt '"'Y pt••t,l .. rrut .. ""1"~ "'tU1 tf,r A1.,,.,. ,,._,, • ..,. 8t#ttr.-"' ,,ut ,,f , '\i~~tflfll( ,,, J••••Jt~ ,..,, h•t-:tal• '''' •tr"'f" t~f .u, IJifOfmal ...... .... ,. II• ,..,1~ "' ttl• · l•t•·•· l•t~ Ml • an tt•·t h a "'til '" 111 tlt,.ttcr 11f lh" ,.,,.,.I till¢ 'l,l")' Ill •• lirt•I ""Y I ;<nlry ••! u, .. l'nltf••n•l" t.fulltf' t•ar111nlt "'*HE .. MEN TO MEET •••• , ,,, • •lfnmrt'\ ,.., r.-a-Jt Conlidfr haW much mort' you I ollen auffer from your &ne<'r and 1 rrtet than from t~ thln~t!' ff)r which you art' anpy and CJWvl.'d. -M&I'C'\U\. Antoni\~$. ' and rail trarutp•rt•l'•m mak • •' 1 ff'n ~.u .. rtl a 1»11~ thai lr""'' i.oallble I hCJP" 111 rf'tum lrt Nr•Y ,,.,.11 ~"'"'''' two tlll&w,.,.. aad ,.,,m I port Beech for a rtollt anti • v:1• • ,,,um .. nt~tt fnf lbrir aoud diN!:._ \Jon. · v .. ,.., t...., ,_., ' ' lltneerelJ youh, I 1 Rittn~<t1 A t •, rr.n:JW>N JlfOIUI.AN H. ROIJOTHAlL r.bl'-h•r l 't•mi••••Y Waltrr w ... , .. ,, t'&Anrr~ l .• uflkUl•'''r ••: h ac:, and J~• l'tllttl(hNII ,.f W r JOI 1'•111111 f'"''lllo« l'trtnpany "'til m• .. l '" ""«'•lar ......_ a1 IIW"Ir ball n ... t M•oedar ~ Ill It u'•hc-lc M ... l_ A....-t Ilk· Klllrl•·ll an"'-, .. .,.~ ... ..a-t•••• welt ,_ d"""-'d • .. t -. • ' ( .. IE D I T 0 R I A L s Newport Balboa Newa-Times FEATURES ·\hursday, March 30, 1944 NEWPOftt-BALBOA NEWS -TIMES PHON£81 NF.\\'I'ORT I~ 1i IS N E \V S of the ~· '""" ~ 25 ~~~m.~~: "COURT IIGIT'' AT MESA IIILE 1. ookln~ thrnu~:h aon:e old cUr· 1 v.r J I0231T and that bw Uw Ume Tak-froG! tb• March 28. 1119. 1 AUDITORIUM DRAWS TO CAPACITY • LAWMIIEIIII COICIESS ~ated llwry Tucaday and Thur9da y Aft;.~ Volume XXICIV 8u'*rtpUoll l '~tyabll' In All\'an~ I:.!;,'\ fl' r l'""r In n r .. n l(o• t '~ounly . $2.7~ po·r )'!'llr t •• 4111 umc: 1'1 04.1 l'''r ."""' lo 'l.ll '"n~. t;ntel"'d aa S«und-('lau mallo•r al lw 1• ~t uffl• .. In-;; .. -.~ r.ort II• to• h Calif rtlla, und~r tla,. Ar1 uf ~'"" h 3 Pt79 C H t r R C HE S 11ant:',. th•• oth•·r day, a.rrttlrc reach ,uu al"f' abl~ to talk and becin tn ~d·'1""' ot th~ Newpor1 ~-·· I '" fat•· lh<'m in thr round meta) filt· ;1ntl•·r-tand thlnp. this dt'bt wUJ ~ Fn.oll Rln•hut a n· A capacity audience att•ndf'd ,, hwh ,land< on tht-floor beUd~> t,.. tNo>r S2000. It Ia also mv dutv nouncca that. untU further not.k:e, thl' "COurt Nlth1" at tbe Commu· FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, •It•· rlt•,k, I ruund !hill. -lltt ., pt\1 In Inform you thllt anv dPhty In ··-wtfl lw-~"'-., t~ B&lboe I Oily Bible Auditorium, 17~ New.. 6CIENTIST "'"l'h' II wrt~ In "My o.r-of ,,.~r nmg to ,t&Ul. or -.uin t.-Picture '!beater on Fnday &lid port Blvd . Coata M••· Sunday &. A.. MEYER ~:I •IT! rt. ,\:"1> I'TH.~II II.'I. r Uuo Thu ter, Centr~l Avenue 1 "1ul1t·r l~ 1~10 "At llftWnl lHflla.allon, "111 not dPiay thr ac-Saturday enninr;• only. I night, Mar\'h. 19. · PrtDt1n1 t-I&Dt. lOll \V l'f'lltra.l Avt•n u•• ·''"I'"' I ,,,.,. 1, ,.,.,, 1111, and V r• Lido tlwro• t• v.n•••· I'VCI')W~. but .. unul:llion or this dtiJ1. ron,_~ Tbe flabinr; lawacb "Pelican,'' -A n!al court IM'Uion wa• con· ---------------A tu nn• II uf T tu· ltt,,lhrr t "hun h. I ~ .. ~u "',. ''"" ~4tll1 at ford to bt+ t'J\I•':tt !)' at t!l; my f'&l"neSI advior to ownf'd by Frank &Dd N'ck Suttora, ducted with a breathle:aa• audl_ence Official Paper of the City of Newport Beac h II.• ~.r•t l 'h 11,111 or 1't11 •~t !-'•• '''' l••ful '' )'" tu lram Uww thi.np u .... Che .llret boat of Ally •lze to playing the'r part. The Indictment A Dependable Lout lnattt utlon For Over 34 Yurt , , •·~ . 10 un•tvll, M t~.'lfl•luu!t•tU! ''I dnuht 1r nny ~omrnent AI n .. · II 'kl1 11~ P<~AAibl4' 1110 lhal you ,._ throuch ~he n•w c~l be-l wu "Hich treiUIOn asalnat he Gov· ---~tJrtd»\y ~fh ol at 9 :h) ,, ru ,., t\ 1n th'' rohamn. Great "111 understand what should be tnc drtd1ed frum Newport to 8&1· f'rnnlent of Heaven. W t:o tamper· · ~~ t 11 u m \'\'.,tl· Itt tin an h '' JliOhllhly lhi"QQWD lll!ell dorw and bt"Cin to_!_~ .lllW", boa. , ~d,_,•lth ,._ ... •taw~ U&'l'lui'\~RIAL ,,..,,!C1! '""''~ M•'nllll' • -. . I . • h • or -mp'-"-1-th "If \unlially )'oun. John Ptul· ......... IW'tt ~\111'-1 ty..-. ' .... ~ '" 'I'• llllll ••It tal Ali .. •ta:•t: nl -ar•'"' I• "firm I'..... ~..,. an )In~, )1. C. Lincoln &lid Ethel :. The Honorabl Cbarle Bet 1944 SSOCIATIO~ ·-.. ..1.,, 1c "''""· "' 01'h••r nation Its Pft' alpitll hp Uncl'ln baY'~, apent tbe p&8t wHk e • ~was -_ 1,.,,J 11., 1.,~,m lt ... :.tr.l 11t ill .. \1•• ntlilu~t• ~~ aiKtUl ~ p-r It "''m' a far da)• from 1'hornv in Loe Ancelu . lh• pre.tdlns judse with Wm. C. ~ , • .., ... • ~ I' ..... J f nd .... ..... •. r .... _ jus L Rlal•y • .• 'tcurt d•rk. A jury of _,.,~IIIII ~-F :,;l ('t•nt ral Avrnuf', ~lbt..:• '" I• .'' '.'' ))(•r ru.p '" tax ,. ~~ ,. I• '"-'" a •uS .... w ...... t. t .... + + t I d I "I • n olally.Jrom-1 I' rn 'II '• I'· m ~-~'~'' 1111• t lnlt•'/1 ~IBil'S Ia IIPfll. tl· "' '" mdJvlduaJ fatMr cannot Mr aDd )Ira R G Roberta bave we v• ~•re rawn from tbe aud . ~"' ,. l Bunuaye aod holiday" na · ,,.~. ''' rh•• Mil" of S846 per capla. ·'''' "''"' lh<' labor ot his aon. so thr i had ;... ~ ~ tbelr N-port ~nc• and U:qpaneled. Th•lr chur~h ~~ t.r> d """ '"""1: I ff"'i•·rlll tax.) at a al:l:l•'l:dft' body ol fatJwn lhould Hellhlil bom•. Mr &lid Mnl. Kolb I•IClllatlona w•r-: one Church of tl·~~~ ypluiiJIIC"':..~CIJrt!'-lly lnvlled to ' ••••. ur uhout $440 Jlt'r pnoaon. H r N llt"nall' the-labor ol aU ~ and aon from BrookJJD Chrl•t. 0~ Four Square. two Bap- '... .. 1 t k ... _ .. , 11 • 1n;l obh .. a tt' Ult'ln "to-y lor ....... • . ·, mJl h I tlau , on• Methodlat, one Chri.Cian atl ... n,l I •· l!:urch at>rvh· ... and uae'"">""'' "lin' o now,..,_ we can . . .. ..... ~we -.rll!atronc• wo c d h I It k•~'l' "" ,111.nrlln~: twlc.-u mudl 1,. all tht· •·nt~l"pt"bift. just or unjust. •oate ba od ed 11 ,. an t e l"f'malnder bad no church Con--='onal h "nn'n '"' n""" n ln>M1v unc1rr w ny orl tlw htl tl • lteadlnK rtnm . • 1 1 h 1 ·t 1. · '-t ......_,....._I • ve pr uc ve n&.DD afflllatloM. Ballota wer• placed -s:-"'' .. Q ... ,., • W•· tlllcl' rn at stOol' w t m rTOr-P'''·''·••• or ru~ ,.. o -·IKe~• coat. for lb ... •prtnca' l.ncN! ... to to ........ _ ........ _ llf r th ri t I II' h \\ 1111 ' our ....... ~ or ou lD tb• h&lldll ot the audience a• a """u::'IU u..:o eo f' p cc ron m prt~l'illll 1\ II' 11 ' 1 F1~·•> "'"nth Mn; Phllll.-whll·· •• ur 'an·•. ·--~~. r prr-l la milk atocll ~ expire on June 30. ' ,. ' t I I I' • t I I " I ' Ill Ill lit ... ~hi' WI\~ h•·rl>, l(l'ol out ~ hun· >l!nill IOI('n'!Sb may WM us.'' suet~ I Mr•. Coon ril retum to ber gen~ral jury. After pn!Umlnarte•. II.• ,; ........ , ·: ·I ••t "'" ~ll "''h ' 11111'<1 "bRhy hook~" 10 tlw......__J' ;1 IJ'"I••rllon ,said Mr. Jt>ffrn.oo. boale "Juno Lode .. tb llr.t of the clUe wu turned over to Evan· 'lbe~tsllttledoubtthattht>prinC'iplt>ofthi!'pn)gl'arl'l\\'iii ,J , '"'"'''" .. u .... ,,.,, .. , •• ,r 1 • 1 h i th 22Nl Dl f .. !l('t'd~rmlyto'b.looluodatbyan ' •. e l ellat Oolfaraeattomeylna.r•n• ......_ -""-.....-..~. Itt. ftV'nnnlzed aB -~nt ial townrd pN•\f'ntm•· ••'1 1 .... ,"'·a .• · .... •··• '1""'"· 11 ""w 111 lf'll 0 ~ $' An.····,,l\1, to be-.. l.n 11.8 tnae April · ot th• Word of God. Ull:' ..,.....,..._,. • ~' • .,. "'..... ,.., •1 1 , , 1 1 1, , .,1 1 ",, 1 ~··• t rlrl. Ill< t~h•• leamrd the n--. I Jura. Qalay Hall ap.nt Saturday • nanaway prtoes and Uk>ir disasll'ous effect.Ji;. H~·evt•r, !'01111' , '" 11 •. , , •• , .. , .••·•. '"'' hnvr •·•·nthauf'<1 the cu.tom. I Udllk ll"'"' ul v.-. and~ lbaU aU Cilia-anot Sunday tn Loe All&elq u the In hla openlog atatement, Mr. ...a.--In the OPA t 1 t' k' · 1 1 1 ,, ,.1 • • 111 , ,, , •• •·•"• 1 ~hould "'rate rach baby a Wier . .-.1!11'1 oun.t>lve. ~ut'-"ud to .---o1 h1eDda. DurtDc •r ab-, Gotfar et.ated tbiH P,e -purpoee of ....... .,....., prac IN.,. now l'X!! tng Unl r pnct• t'(ln ro II ......... ,, ... , .... , ' .. tul•• Mllr. nnt1 M·n•l " ~~oat h thl' book: uM, saddlt• ~tt'nl)' wuh our dtbts -· llr& Cluui!Uer JobMt.oa bad lhll trial wu to determane who PmeControl flrat day: that Jqua Cb!Ut never l'hansed It; that the apoetlea d ati not chan~lt :-that It wu a rract· ual rbang• wb.lcb took place dur· lnr; the tb.lrd. fcurth &lid tltth c•n- turlu aa a N!Wit of a comprom\R of C}lrlallanlty and the p ractice• of pagan Rome. In conclu•lon, It waa ntabll.abed that tbe ecclealu. tical powu whlcb acknowledsu th attempted cfi&Dre. claim• that act a• a "mark of her rellgtou. authority. The jury retired to their room tn arrlv• at a fair &lid lmpartlal vndlct. After a fnr mommte they returned wltb a unan~ua ded· 1100 that eacb point wu ut.abllab- ed and Ule accuaed wu autlty. The ballot then cut by the ceneral jury compoeed of the entln, vut audience proved to be unanlmo111 thu• 8Ubatantlattnr the decl.ton of the court Jury. EvangPllat aorrar reporta tbat the attendance a~~d lnterut Ia gTOwing ateadlly. LectUN!a ~~~· tlnue every ll1&bt except Mooday• a~~d Tueadar-and the public Ia cordially invited. tbe ~nalhouJd be rt"ff'lQVed. ··'~ ,' ,"·,,;;:, : • .'.'.',', ,., .. 1., 1 .. , ..... t .. "' tht· :.r2ntl l *trlct or CaUionua ~~n~~~:'·P:m~~~r':.: outlot from P•mona, where ab• baa bHn lot. the Lord from the -.v~nlh to Save your acrap to llap a Japl and rationing are ~xpect.ed to bt> made. Certainly tht• n •stric·· ,,., , 11,,. ,, II' •,. ,,, '''"'"''••n• llt•ttt s 11 101 Madam, aa the ca.~ ant1 m~~~!>' bound1 do to s-Y.~ lor cbarJe of lb• l'f'OC!t'ry •tore.. , ..... l'eiiJIODalbl• for the attemptf'd ~which have proved un~!\Sary, and a n> burl!t-n.-;11ml' 111 •• " " ••· ' 1'' "" •: ... t 11 '1'" "'·" 1w1 A'-thfo ~preeentatlvP OIJI'l>t•hh. not ·~we ,.,_ Cbrt.tine MUter ... bome Cb&n&e of .aoctlty of tb• Sabbath In tho• l'un..:n·"" or the-Uftlted .. I bu --·-· a ttend•n• ..... _. __ -"-ce __ .. wW the tlrat day of tb• w~k. Evl·l Since January 1942 when OPA first lx,.:an. thou..,..tnd.-; 11f .,. "·· "'"11 I·· 1 '" •t• t1 .. 1·"''1 • 1 h t··•-QUr •·urn!nt ncornr; t or ........ Y --............ _... de r th Bl 1 r-------.. '" I• I• "" r• "''' • ,. II at•~ .,,.,., Stal•''· "''~ tu con&ra .... c. you v.·~ t'l.<tuld t DGt to tJuow Ulle epe:ntltbe •Prine vacauoa with ber nee rom e b •· authentic PAUL NORM .au dlrecttves and orders have been IJ;SUt>d lo Jll('rt·hnnts .. On1• 11 ,1111 ahy 1,,1111"""" .,, ... , .. '''"" on ynur rpr.·~•~ht In arTaDCkw to ,. 1111 ~ 1 ~ do parenta. Mr. an.s l1n1. Georce Mil· •••t•menta from tt:e leaulng Prot· I ftl"' retail &rOUP J)~ recPived 11pproximately 1100 MUCh dtr't'<'· "" .. , ll l1dMII ,, .. ,... ~·o~r ,, •• ••ar•lt 1)0• hnrn 11l a dtKirict wtlld\ I prr· m•lfl > a ay... not an ll!lltant churcbea, the Catholic Ill\" '"• ""II"'" ,.,, ..... "'"' '"''" ,nnll lly c•nnM•h•r· tht' best ot aU th1• 1Jt-ll1''''' thatrul~e can aWl alford · + + + church. and acc•pled church hl.alo· VACHT IAIL MAKERS lalle, Awnlnga. Boat Covera ~ The time required juRt to l"e'Rd all th('110(' and tu st w1y · '" ~ .. ,.,. ''"'" to •II tla) u >•.. ' •n'l tn th•• United State. and to ,.. w~tstl' . I A E. Wblte formerly ro rieto rlu wu pr-nt~. tbe cbanael tn operation l'\e'C('S88ry to t'Oilfl'nn with thl'm ha!' •••l;orfltru '""" •II•· ""'• ••·I ••··~. Whf'ra· tht• l uw"l pt'Ople Uw. I \\'••wirow W lllion .aid. in a • 0, t ha "Outen' Kitc ... -A .. apt !_,..._: It wu utablt.hed that God •1h••., aat In • •tnotuw • ,. .. ,,.,.. ~ 1 tba n bt>fo tt N.., T r11 ~ ' ~ --.,......._ !been ~ I yuunlt mwn n.,,.,.,, ~:ut yl'llll• t"'lna I unk "' thl· ~uml' t me l I ~~pet'• " e o wu dowa from Saota Ana recent· n.ever changed the anctlty of the J Phone 2f11 224 ~ 21at St. Newport Be&cb It .. bf'inl lJ.I'I'!d that In the future the OPA l'Oilflnt• It!' f•llra Into • ""''I' .t .. ••t• "'''I u 'hould tnfurm you that you u..d> <'luh S<-ptembt>r 9. 1912, ''Uhert)' I He drl i f th Sabbatb trom the •ve.olb to Ulf L...-------------J wmtt..to ---·•fttJon rather .... __ profit ..-n•Ja tlon. In thf> l'aul •u IORit prt•••·hlll ..... ounlt -~."'"''~ ('Ompr1)' !~-~al. OY~ ~ .. nd··-s.:.~ ~· .:d·:, • .-"""" • ..._,.... uuu• ·~•-do•o •llh •1-p, aud frlt d"'•n Rat• r"-"ft " ,._. ..-, .. ·-·---UJ IJ'IIIC*Y field It has been the practise for yl'an for the I'J'Ier· ftlllll lht' tlllrd ... , •. and ··~ IAI.•·n JOn \.JUDpoD from the 8Ubjed ol lL 'hie .... _.. ~ .-....~Q"st'QOI ---~-H .. N ............ ~ See. 'A= ''I' •t .. ad And l'aul •""' .,,.,." · tllf)' nl llbrny Ia a rustcwy ol lim· 1&. aDd Mn1. Harry Tbayu en· 1 THE CHRISTIAN SCIENC ONJTOR cbant to place a .maD mark-up on the ht'avlc-st M'llinl( ('()11\· ""'' .. mllrertnc 111m ~:~lt1 'l Hlllbl~ : Dates and Data 1\atlnn ot &OYf'nVIW'ntal ...-t>r noc t•rtatned a tare• hOU8t! party from I modiUII and to tak~ a larger profit on the ilf'rns whkh un.• 11nt ,ourt•l•r•: fM ht• '"" ~~ 111 ' the' I!I(T\'a5t' o1 It: • · Olinda over the ~~od. 1 An lnrcrnauonal DtJtly Ntwspapn- caDed tor ... otteo. Howevft', under OPA control, profit llllu .. """ ..... , ""'""'" '"" I ---t:,x.)layor H ... Nor1on and bla Publashtd by )OUI\C man .ta .. · ......... ~ 1101 • ttnll•·n calendar ror period be • POU,ar NOlES wife ol Ban BernardiDo, their I 'THE C URJS'TI """' scin..'cE PUBLISH"''G SOCI<XrV ID8I'Iinl haw been 10 llmlt.ed ~ on the ''luxury" lterru~ that "'"" "'""'"'"'•l.. ~ dll h Clar aJid M Itt '' ... ~, ....,, "" "' ' Mary "•""' ~:.tdr •·rtt ... ID "So·l ~tnnln~: Mlln:h 'n. 1944. I uJ: '"'· a aon, err • One, Norway Street, &.ton. MulacbUMtt. retUien haw frequently r~ them.lelves '" the .. red .. afteri .Q('t' ami u ..... h wllh 1<•·1 IO th•· War ... ,._ ~ I ---t'~tt'rlatoetlb I. blare• sro"!.. __ u~ .. Truthlal-()onatrueu-vnWaaect-Free from 8euaUeaaHem ~ their operating ~X~. ~rrlpturf'o " • At·rt.lt·nto .,,. un ~tamp No. 18-(l pair ....,_,I 'rwo bo7• tetopWed bJ f'olb 1' lftld.t m t t r ome on the ~ ... 1 E4Utorlala Are Timely ancl lattructlve and Ita D&Ur Feahl,., To· ~ ol I!IC'dj ltuown to Uud. '" 111111 nrtal Nlntl. nuw to April 30. 0 Otf'IC.re Appletlury and aum-. •'roat aDd f>alal 1 ptMr wttll tbe Weekly M...-Jae Seetloa, Make tM Moaltor u ua 80ine occaalona wh eMif" prk-es h avf' bet-n rn · anol ,..,. mu•• , ...... '"" "'"''•' b•••• Stamp llonus -ButcheR wtU u ~•nc the c.aee wbo raa from lcleal Ne.....,.per for the Homte. without pennlttine retailers to lncl"t!ft!le thf.olr prices ln t ime to nr bt'll•r eod uull• """ th .. """ .:•vc 2 nwat rat point. for e'ftry t.k-after a upt sk*e had MORTIMER SCHOOL Pnce fit ... Yearly, or fl.OO a M011t1L. d ~ '--......_ ... _..__ ol -·...a.. ~---''•'-I Mlutl. In oa d•r to l'hMIIII" "'" llntlon flll\lnd llf .-&lvared kitChen lata l"f" bel!ll brollen at the~ ot llal S.hlrday •--•--1· ..... 1•• .. ___ ,_ .. ~•-.... eo a ., __ . ..-......... -._ _. ..-._...... MA;U U~t~tunuun~. uf ,11•0 ,.. 10 111,. l'f"l"'' 11,.11,,. 01 ~Coral. BalbOa laland Ia..::=:;-::"' :::..,·, •'""~-1_.:...-:1~ .... ,.._., •~ t .....__ ......._ t n..t-,.._._._,_._to ,....__,_ Bowl r••tvrd. &lid Cr atral A._, were ~ · -----... ,,., ... ,..... __ ......,.._ ua..,.. u.,. preeen art""l!Ci' UltlUuau• r, "'~ucr es, l;od'll uorninl( du .. :tlcttt a~d tbu• fltam No. 1 011 "atrplane'" ~!~~Met belllk'd Uld tlrouc'll to tlw ala-Day ~borl -Tutoring OMalaaltle at: ..-t ltrides have been made ln improving OPA m<'thod~. 11111111 out beMIIItiiJ' I ll patr ~hOI'!' I now to elate not let. tx.. na.y .-au..~ t.lltdr .... Gradll!ll. C<>ll. Pr•p.. Chrt.tfaa Sd#a"" Readln,; Room HOW'ft'ef', further aimpUI\catioA wiD eue the t.ask of mer· ME\T.Nn DA; ADVENTIHT" Anolhl'r llhaf' ltamp (mnbt'r dUe1 ancl tM p.nate --.1 po. G M A~ A :aYJ f d 711 EM& Oeetnl A~- chant.l the nation ~r who with lea help lire wort< in~ I . • 8 I Rnnouncl-d IBtt•r) ... , 1 to ctatc Uce that tlw ..,.. would ,., (or ,;,~~ •• -:: r, p:~~· ,'; Balboa, Callfonala • • ( oner Walwllt ... (.,...,.... ta. not llt'l . lM ~ ...._ buder tban ewr to supply th@ needs of the home-front -~~ "'s.-_.._ War """," ~ tV I Sal>bath ..._......., IU•"'•Y mun •· ("' ft... 11n ~. 9 :10 o'dock. · Stamp No. 30 -" "'"· -.,.rl I 7•n·ur hlnK wrvin'. 1 lo m. '"'w In dille> not 111'1. Ruaia and Italy ~t11m11 No. :n t5 Jbll. -.r)' 1 o sa lADY ef MOUNT CA.RMY.I. Aprtl 1 til datt' not 10t·l · I For morrtha our troopalrJitaly have bt.>en bo(a;f'd down In ct.!..'?"NC'II .Jo __ b Stamp No. 40-(5 lbe. ealllllnc U!l W. ,._ •• _ _.,.,.. uriOC' ,ua:arl n<WI', to Febru1try 28. 1M5 deep; lilac* mud. althou&h they ate now trying to bla"t their Sunday IT\U8d at II 11nd 10 "· m r,,~,.n ..tnmpe fnr ran.nrd. '~"/ way forward qaln. ,.T. JORJII VIANNEY CIIUI&CH and ('rr1aln 61-h)·drated fC'IOdll · · But the mud on tJwo ftgtltlnc front coulrl han11y IX' RI' lit 111.,._ A...,..,._ a.Ja .. ct ' Rrd ••mPII oo pomu .... ) lbr' 1 30 1 meat. unnt'd flah. mMt ~lb&e ad• deep and black U that Into which the ltaltan political "IIWt· Sunday maaa at : a. m r hl'o'"''" 11nd rnnn~ milk: t:lalf hM ben dum~ by ~·s l"eCCRJJillon of the Bns:c1ollo 1 «;llllawf CBUaCB B1i THT. tn :.-\ A~ rut. 01. ~ 11nd .... ~. now to IU'I'Hftiiltfll Ju.t why Staltn made this move Is no t ~t clenr. ('__,tJ M•Utodl•t <lat~ not aet But. ' ths · · .__ foU ed tl 'd 1 t ' I' . Jle\o. E. D. GM14'11t Paator G8, H8. and J8, Merrh '(I L• date .or mon ~ 1wve ow a m t • n ne-tVC' po l<'l., Esuly rnomlnc woM'hip, !'I !\0. ,11,1 ..... t aDowlng Badogllo and tht-King to l'l'main I'Vf'llltthoug h the 1 ,..un-h Se-houl cl••· 10·15 " m . KR, 1.8, and M~ i\prll tO ••) people o( Southenf Italy damoml fo r mon' rrpr"t's.•nl'lti\'l' MornlnJt wo~hip. 11 n'ciiM'k _. '" tlat .. n.tt Mt · • Sunday t'vmlna IW'rvace·. ' ·111 lllur 111ami'H 110 point• ~a.l f~>r l{t'Vcnunertl o'clock. N the I h h · 1 If · cti 1 I Mad·wffk prnyr r M'rvlcc-.\\'..dn~>,. '""""'I rrm ... ,, 11nu r~rta&a ddly-~ ow Russian action, a t oug no t m I~ tn t·nt .ng .day. covrre'd dish dlnrwr. r. :10 11 m .trRtr(l f,~ approval o( BRdoglio. hns RPilllWnUy rau!'Crl thl' ltaltap . AI( 1~ <~. 1»~. t:>4 -N<JW to M.antbllJ to change his mind about resignin..: whC'n th(• Allil~ f'U l.l. OOI!IPEL C'IU'R( 11 dalt• Mt M t take Rome. He l.s b&ddlnJ.'! for I"C<X>gllitio n from F.n~land a nd s~~;-'~~e~ ~~ ~~'"I! da~: n~~·~:R JR. and K8-April 1 the United States. "'0 ""hlp. 11; Evan~ll•rlt' "''rvt('f', I.A MR. I"R. PR 11nt1 ~ MAy l 7·JO p.. m Mld·Wf'f'k pray•·r rTlf'f•t· Havtne found it "expedi~nt " for aU thes(> m onhs to k{'('p lng on Wl'dnf'l'day. 7 45 p. m . rtato· not .,, h I ' 11. tl G.-tolln• te.den In otncr who are homly a ny )('S..'\ ral'cist now t an th~y >ountt pt'OP • • evanp .. , c !lt'rvJN' on ~tday. 7·45 p m t'o111pun Nn. 11 'A·Bonk) Mar. were under Mussollnl the Russian action 11UIY make' It ditfl· · · · · Z'.l cult to get rld of them even after Rome is nnally ta kl'n . I FIMT P'OUIU!IQUAJlE r HUlU'H All COIIJ'lOOI multt ·~ entlor..-d Jt would indeed bl-tragiC U We found that, &)hOUgh W(' (C"'t~!..!"~.! ~::':.!·ay) Oil !AI'f' with l'll r llren• numbf'r ·-and atatl' of regJI'lralion. landed ln Italy to lltx-rat.e the people from fa~. w~ had Rn. U. Willard II....,_, Paatnr. Tire lnapeetloft M-,_, .. ,..., C•·Putor helped to perpetuate ttw fiUICist aymbola under whkh It might ......, 1na-.J C·Rook holt1r~ • 't'l')' 3 months. l&a1n grow Into })0\''er . Friday, 7:~ p. m. won!hlr l'f'f'V· lllh an~fl('('llon hdnl'f' :\lay 31. laN•. JWov. MIU• Stpamll In rhnr~r · R·Book hold~>!~ ••vel')' 4 months S•andny ~~Chonl. 9·30 11. m . 5th in8pc'<'l11\n h<·f•ll"' June ~. What About the Youngsters? M<>mina ~·o~hlp. 11 a. m "J)N:" A·hook hol~r: 4'v,.ry 6 01011lhs. IHI mu>oi<\ ~lor'• wnnon. 3rd tn~~r.,.<·tl, n bf'tnr .. Marcb 31. n..lbaJl) rl8e In juvenile delinquency is causing lm:reas- -CXIIMW1I among tho«> who dt-al with youth prohlems~ ('OMTA MESA COMMVSIT\' T~UJ'lOn holdl'rs ~~ry I CHtJJICH months or ~ malr~ of dri\1"1 Untortunately, this problem Is ftpp&rently n ot causing enat111a aoneem wtwre It should bfo the greatest -that I!'. among pareata. 'Ibis t. not to aay that many. If not m ost Pftr· entl are concerned with their <"hlldren'A we lfano. But too many ant not. Not long ago a policeman ln a.n ea'ite m city took Into rus· tody a bait ctt.n boys and girls of tl"en age who we l'l' out a t a latp hour. When he telephoned their pal"l'nt.s he found that five out o( .ax of them weren't interestl'J. What is more. four ot them told hlm ln no uncertain tenns that they didn't t ·arl B . .Jolla11 .... "'"'~tt-r IU lt. !Mal t!lt. l'tl. U16·1l Church School 9 :45 a. m. MorninR Wn~hlp, 11 o'd ()C'k. Youth J:I'Olllll', l ll~h Srho .. l. tn· tcrmed.httc, Adult. 6 30 v m E\'cnlnR S('rvirt', 7 <'lft o'rln;•k. Mldwrek ft'III\W!IhiJI nnd llrll) f'r. Wt'dnt'llday, 7 :Xi p. m Islander Wins Atmy Promotion appreciate beln& awakened by the telephone at a la te ho ur. u s . ARMY ronC"'F.s IN THl-: It hu been said that tht•rt"· 'lln .' n o d«>linqucnt t.•h ildren-~Oli'TH PACUO,C R E llol· I Un~raworlh. whnflt' wife, M"' l.n· just delinquent parents. J. Edgar Hoover , h ead of the FB f'IJip t.f. HlliiiOJtiOWOrth. rrAIII!'Il on declared, "Juvenile ('l'lml' flourishe-s wh~n' t ht• ht>Olt' til'S hn\'(' r'l\1br>n l~l'n•l. ("llllf('lmln. hu bf'••n been weakent."Ci by c11VOI'l't', SC'(laration, the d('~'l1 ion Of 11 pnr· rromol~d fn.m. rnrr-ort~l l.1 er r· the l I . J'ff f f tl g~ant In thr tntantry ent or g~oranC't', tltt't' f's:mcss nr me. t f'n'll!'t' o a . 1N"S 1 ~Jtt. HnlltnJ:"" "rt1' 1~ "" nMI!II. and mothers. ,. .. t ""''~ • a,.,.lrr n l hf' Arm,··~ Youngsters an.' na hwally imaginntive. The d esire ror ex-40'h 1nfantry P I\ IJih'n. 11r In s dternent and aJ \'cntun.• t" hv 1111 nlt'a lls unusu:tl. 11tt'. • nur· ~· r :NI ,., t'•r :n m" "'nn• ""'' ::!. · 1!\40. anl1 In the l'nrl(lr :ur'l I! nrr mnJ urges should n ot be sm uthrt'\.'<1. lJut sho uld be denlt with Ae•J: 2:1 t!l4:: A ~:rn !u,.tr or The Boy Next Door Th!' boy nn l t1nnr. Thill blul'·f'Yt'd 111ont1~. Wu onl'l' my nr•~othbor ~tiW ht•'ft f,lflll~ II~ llllf'd lt1 lf'I\Jtl' That b< y nrJtt d•"'r But hf''a al'ny now, Gnnr to wnr Ht wrltrt mt ltttera, Enry •lay Hut ''' til hr v. rltts. I Wlll nlll PI\~' Mom l'AY8 It'll ewrrt. nut thrn my f\Of', Sny11 1111 lhl~ lllll!<h Should , .. ally wlnp ,,,. ~ 111 the ~~~~~ Ht•'ll j:!'OOI' ll\\'A\' 11111 h• I , "''"' ho,rl' 1 lcnnw to IIlii}'· T il rl I !lAC<' \\ ''"" \\ at'l qh\ll • I ~ I""' n T ·· 01Rkf' ""' 1 .•. An.l I 'C' fl•·'~''"' c~·nnr \r tt r!!,._ ayrnpathetlcally. unrll•t'!-.l.r ratltJl'.,:-1~. ·n lt.' 1 t'\'<1 for sudt hand-0rrtn•~·· Un,,,., l'h:h ~· '' •·• ''" "'"" ~ is all the m on' Of't'('SS:Ir~ .11 tltt.' pt~st·nt lime wht'n ta ll's " t ruck drll'f'r In rl\'lllan IJf~ of tJiiilling war ath~nlurt·s ftll tht.•m with th~ )'t'lu·n ing to --------------------•---- ahare actively in th<'st' t•,pc·rit •nn•or;. Boys and g irls n:ttut .ally '1.'1'1\ l'.ICh o th<'r's t.'\.llllpani•msl~ip 1b1a companionship !>hottld ht• pro' ided n~ninst lht• lt:tt'k = ":t. the home r·~tllwr 1 h;m I o un<;l whCI'('\'CJ' .chu.m '"' m ig l No ooe thine can lx· IL·mw tl n ct.u'l'-all for ju\'~nilt• deli - quency. But certain It L'*i that "ht'fl mOll' Jl:tl't'lll$ ,k>v ~ more Ume to wxlentandln~o; ilrttl h<'lping thl'ir c hildren t h~t'-' wW be-ollt. MODERN MARINE SERVICE SHELL DOCK BALBOA ISLAND ••• HAMS (J)IUTT-............ -.......... (5) ta-.ZED HAMS ...., __ ..... ,_._ ... lln'L (6)SUCIS c-. ..... . -.... .. cat·-· •"J,. CS) .... ... ... ........... .. ... ·T ............... - ,., ..... 1! .. c-.. ......... - (3) PICNICS •• .. (I) PIECE. BACON sue.::.cu:-.. .. ,.., .. pilllz. ~ ...... 39t,. pouad.) .................... _ ................ _~ _ ... m. D:---.., Wh,. w-,.._, ...,. .IUUliU ·~·-""''-' ........ - CamayToiletSoap3., _. Ivory Soap '::-. I ., a- White Magic Bleach :::: .. cuaas caws ROUI Better Sprays ~::!' :.-:: 1 .. Graham Crac~ers <;::,.'-~! 13• T_._...., -kOQe 2Sc Pancake Flour ,.u.a.ur, JO.-1 .. Gol.,...l oh ..... •-Suzanna Poncokt u wott'-'" .. , ...... 2o-..... ......... _. .. ftftlo,p<odvctl .... 11«1-fl><e>uqft 5411· W"doy, A;lnl I IL~t to I m.t rC"Mt"W"d No t!:.t l to C::-olf'r'- FAR.M-FRESH FRUITS and VEG~TABL£5 ?~c lb ... _, . · FOtBTE .I 'OCIB~::; Delicious sabd fruiL Sold by the pound. !!f*!f!l PElS ~ J5• GBAP.m.m ........ w• t~ ~ Coec!lt11e VeNq t•c...u Joicy. .. &· FUCfYIIII ~ ............... £!!=J!·v!!~J~-39- Eut Side Newport Blvd;, Costa Mesa LAR81 .UDI A EGGS .. DOZBI ........ --. ~ RED STAMP ITEMS (5) Crisco $hortening ';!' H• u . .-..c~ lot. Ac, ,.,... ., ..c~ petntol (15) Royal Satin=~':~ .. (12) Salmon ,~~ '!: 21• '::: BLUE STAMP ITEMS ::._'t\ (8) Com country.._.,,_,(..»_ 13• Whitt, cr_,. ttyla &M (8) Com O.tMonteC-try JO-. I•• Genllt..-, cr_,. "'I'* eM • (3) Green Giant Peas 1,~ IS• (3) Sugar B~lle Peas z::.L 14• (7) Tomatoes (7) Tomatoes POINT ·FREE FOODS Figs Ito.<~. no , Col mvrno ..... 18• \'0 .... , dry logl, ,.. •. Calif. Prunes '0•10 ..... 34• .... ... .. Mushroom Sauce ~:,: •;: ~· Cut Green Beans •:.:·· 13- •• ........ I H..,._, ...... lt.a c~ 14cl • a a NEW~O"T l.a-4 2M ltll~ -40., ,J936 !'>23 1937 -~3 1938 -048 19311 -1•2 1940 -642 1941 4119 1942 -320 "Ill ll(lpt'ar later 'nwo!! ~ JuiiC ''h" ••··~ I In''"'" wall att•ue u they -rw ......e la, &Jill f•••· It '" ''''"' •'•·lol In'"''"'''' Tl•·· '''"'"'· 1.-•'• 1"nrrf'v arul •••w • up 13.94(1 I •a It ·"'·IItty ~ • -.,. 1o.ou 111 bom . . ~r . 16,160, Today &t •·u noC eo. A ...,. ... 1~.327 mh•t hunc tD 1M air. and the .s.~ only third .,nd•rw. I he llt••l ll'll Tho• ~\\ IM h••IIIW'II '"''' • """'' o·ou''' l•'t ""'''" llto•utl. haol lf'ft thr ' "''''"" for th•n ..,.,.. • ""''''" ....... ·····•ph• "'"' '"" Ill .......... '''''"'''''' H ""'' 7 r• "'· AP· l'.,.ar Mary, ICow aff' YIIU! I "'" t It••••· tllwh "'"""''''" "''"'" • ""'''' ·l'•tt•11t1v. " rlll""''tl" houl ht•f'n 111n -,_ Quality Lum~ and Buildin• Mate,.iala • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. R. E. HOSTETLER Phone 441 ~~:an with only a f&Jnt ptnlt. ~·-1-M-4 -...... 1.0 pay. 8ul. L 1 lovrcl lt. Janu.ary '16·~' 1 Ilk~ IM hil1t fCJS• ~ tlw C'<,... F'rbntary 18,740' lhe doudJI ~ t lhr m..., '"'""-1 Mart'h 22--Charlu F. s uu..:. ... ,.., m• • CT"'J clay Ia • calea -= l:lf\8 o~ch~~ Way. G)ftld&le. per a lim~ to look ciH1f IDI.o ·~· IN"1I ltHN and BllrTOwe to ~roor dw~ll· hrart. • tiJnf' 1• r ,... .. lali"OIIJW':1.,... ln& at 1124 E. 0~ Blv.J 51!'>0. t I think o ' Ill\' "'"" ........ ' 1 1 am DOt proud of -of tlw • ~larch 23-IL W. Brooka, Z11 than~ta 1 fine! ttw1~ h tllf' ........._ Le Roy av~nue. Arcadia, pt'r own· lf'll. WorTlU about tacc u 1 u rst•• ~r. to bu ld 16xl9 prajte. ~~~-34th t tnn lmpallf1V'f'. H.....-ully --- 11 rl!t't, 1200. P''' 1 ·-~larch Z4 Vaux While. Balboa. I A PQ -• -.. w1lidt to "=============~pe=r~O~a~u~d~e~S~w:·ee:!t:m~a~n~t:o~m:•~ll~e:.:•~t!· •a. ...... -anu • •-"*' ,.,_. a'l I thl.,. ,... tut•nn. ao C'lnN bn*tnl GORDON B~-FIID~LAY CONTilAcrOR and BVILDEA MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OtJR SPECIAl .. TY Cabinet Shop Service Office Cablnrt Shop SUO Cout Blvd. 407 SOfh St. Ph. 402 Ph. 2388-.1 HEWPOKT BEACH, CAUF. • 1 , •• , lve ~e more to hor'lf' .-.ell clay. evb bour, ...n. 1rmu:~ ~ ~ rt cume11. 'to fOfl:e-1 rode - takn and try acaia to I w .. ,._ l :enN> tho' ' am naturally .-...- lt~nt . -· I llkl' tr..,. l!a~·· fQr tbr ~ - thl'\' .. .-m to Cl\e ~ t" r• • • ' 111 j,. hrctw-r. l~rbape -day I M IW ~ach eb v.-lhr ~ r_.. • t•laC'~ In IM -. l'nh• Pfl. JM'rh• .-...-• LtTCJtETIA IIAY A ~..., We. ..,.. tllle f ..... brlgllt print dl'aee. left, a t- d t wnal rrraln tD tntrn r (!I ,.,_ ~ ....._ T ... .,ad& aiMI _., .. ~ ~"'' II appllqv•d en the V IIIUntl11 for •••ll a nd fOUDdal.loa.. _ .. ••Ut ...,._.,.. ctot f~ the JWIIIt aiMI ce111tr~d w oth IIIIJ jet .. quina • • • • • • • • • • • ......_ • .,._.,. cr•ill'll Mf-*'"' ~llllfl)l trlmm•d with pink f JI • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •: 810 E Crtltra.J. SlOOO. ... .,.._, ~ -...... a _.. ...... t lltt looke jvet u preu,. with hi a little ceu~~lry In JCU"''I""· II I•• ""' not"" '''' tl•,.lr "''"'""• ''' '"""'"!: In 11 ''"" "" "'" tahlf' l~rnllc>.t 8.,l"'IU.rtand The J>f'"t•lt· '""'I' 11 ... '"''' (loolll hl .. wlnl( .,ff •I "'"'"'~·· 1,. Nlllrw •l••ol at artlllnll 11\c>rc> are v•ry n h't' I mrl • .:Ill tho•u~:h th•l '""~ "'''"''1 ~nh• to •··o\ot" , •• flo,· tc.;m11 ""'"'allot a pot 1mol I~<•Y Their nan)N are ttr 11ll ~,.11 Unl\ or th• ,.,. .. "' '"" ho•ttw """" ""'' J•ntt TheltUI• bo•J '-a ll•"'l , ... ,. ~~ II•'"'""' ''"1: of t<"'''"'' ,. .. , ..... tou111,.,1 T hr '"• of lhf' h.rd hoy. He lalt.N thfl JIHat. 111' hlrtol II It "'"' ano,.ol ol<~w II'• C'OOirtola r'f'ao•hrol tHlO an11 ttnln •• th• t•••llrrc> ••••ry mumlnll '''''"" 1\11111711111 I ',. wnv ,. st lt.•o .,.,,.,, '""" 1111 ""' r•rt nf th,. t~n ttl'•,u and I dlmtwod half way ttl' ''"' •I ,,,., •• ho10--.1,1tv ' \\'I"'" ""' lUll• . ._,00 Junafrau. Itt. t11M1 of I be hl.-t~Nt '"'" ••I•, """'In X\\tiY•olowrt "' lho• mo•tmtalu In Rwll wrland """ m~r 1 ,,., "'"""'' llloo• 1 • •·II nolo lomr tlllnQ Ntw Th•re w.r. 80nw> ltttll' ""''• up tl>l' hilth All"' An)'""'''"'"'' It•''" .. ,.,'"I'""'''"· l••r•llhllno" lltlool<'<l ''"''""It tor n.-•na ralll'd I'<IC'l• •·~· "'"•I '" •• ,, ,.,,," ''''" 11 ,.1 .:o•t• " l lu• olt til ""r~tr,.nt "('lmf'lllll'f' \\r ia. They Wf'f'f' lfOinjl t •< III II ,,.,., I h o•\ lll'llol '"' llu• ~I llo 1 lift "I' \ 0111r lo'fl lrl( and hold II I 1o·n• tu lhf' l.clur11tl8 They M ltl lhr IIII I< I t .. l•t 1111: I ll•• no 1·~•1 ""•I '"''I' air• I« hi Ill """' 11( Y•'"" f:o\llo•ra hrou&hl lfOucl lu.·lt. Tho Air•• In Sv.liYI'tltUtol a1o• a "" ............ olllf' rno•lllf' hf'lol "" :"\II M lf'• •le lllt.t~ lo o•a r. ,. _~.tt• .. uttlul ••.:.ht "' .,.,. \. u ut LllLif., u hi,. n..rh• l...c ,....,~ ftiw--,.t ... I•· \1 ·,. fllllhrr c.&r'¥f'llrd ber a &''•l , t ... k .... 11Uh' 1 t•iltl ~" u r••rlttthl I• H IUhl ..... ,. \ • l"h•• :·\\ INI l"''*'t•l•• \ "' Yt' llfHUihl I .... ~hi " r u rlt.oo d n<•lt. u.own nl I ht'lll n o .. ~ .............. 1 • "rvrr .. '"I II•• .. 1 .. .-.. t:v•ry hour It U )'• 1 It•• l!4'lll .., .~ .. 1 , !<P \'II' In tho• ""' l•l , u. k• .... ~·u(· kOft ll••ttll .,,,, Jftno llv• In • 1'111111'1 We went on a htU• flle;;•lrtr ln•t11 1•1' tho• nhluntatn :"o \\tlf •tiiUh t 1ft .. lii•·UU•t•••t h V t tu •,. HAll• "" ... , 1UWt1 4 ;, rtUt&U\ ""·1 ltnl\', ""'" 1111• tlt r•·•· 1"" wuur t'f&, '"•' ....... h h 4!#if u, ... u ltth t .. ''"'·a I• II lrl( 'A n•l """ Ia 1 hf' Ifill•"'' I'VI'r llt•l• ""'''"'" "" holth IIIJI!" •• 1 "" 1r •'• I 1 hf' 114'flf"A111 1111111\n "'' •t••k••n In f'wlt•rrlan~ l"•vl', liAIUIAHA lly ltarhar11 t•ark•r ............... . .. ''· MA N 1\:·:::::·:·::::~: ·;·:;,·:~~~~·.::::·:••;:,·,·~~· •• ,·.,··········:·· \\ ~ t~IAN \\'I Til \\~ H 11 1~;N M AI.U~I' ttlt)o'('t CI!OC . .,II lt~l' l':tll In "I"'"'"" llo1n11 lltrlh t '1•rltlh'hlo• _,.... .. - •• ' I ~1 FOR BUILDING-INFORMATION-• t.len-h '17 lin Amdia Ccr-• • .. er .,._ ~....._ . ._,.IIIIMI ........ --t ___ ....,_ __ 1'1 buold addition tu rn--t ttow'4-'YTHATE\'r:Jl :roar plaae ... a -art oaf}' or blal'lt cr~ drt'N. lo~ t r r a bfodroom and baU( .,., W JMt,.r. 111 .. l rel .,.It el A,ni ud r .. w or ua are wtllinrt to f..-,. ~------------6~·~~~--·-·~~------------~----~ -See- Bay District Lumber Co. )ol8ffb 23 V S TftyY :tJ• .. a ,.... ,....,. to rt•t ,_r ..._, ... -.rtDI wttt.out at lo·u t onu all<'b f'~arl A•~. I'" _._.-h 11111u14 J .. -~ u epoln~t C'lol~ are -,_..ndablf' dr"N 1f JOU 't•,..f•r It room• avH .,...._t ~· :tt••, ~ B:r aow ,_ know JM M•a ta ~ln. loo'f'J1 In m ind lbat oaa p, arl. 5:!000. ,..._ ~ e1 aota el ea1on .•• aa4 ol aprln~·· I0¥1'11•·•1 ~lor eo•blna- RECREATION ·8ENTER WAL TE" I . SPICE", Owl\er Newport Beach ~!art' 1 27 Stna a.d ~ ,_._, -t ..... wMtMr-ta U... Ia M ilt" wiUt blaell, and pt OrYu ~ho(l. ~ .WanJW A..-. .,.... .. u-• ..c.. trio~ ~ ••. aaot 1M f'YI'r r'rrvtlcaJ blade N>at ud ov.·nn. to mall~ alll"ral -to .,. ,_ ll•u• ~ to d .. rlde wlllc:lil II&Aek acceuorlu to complete yow- Atnlc•l ""-Ua •. POOL & IOWLIIC ....."' '"' Ho a...,.,.._, Ttw ... __ • 511 ltate Highway P"one t• rw r of .wn-bu~. Jue ...,.. el pfall • pal'l'k 01' W.. •W .... Diblf'. ... Tllfl". C"lilll.-A tlrtlhf')', ,...aa, .., ...... ,, At T"'-Arch .. tM -.t f« :r-. A print dr.a1 for F.uter SuollaJ •. .,.. •• ' 115() )Jnn-h 21 A E Cau NIT '415 U ,--·~· .u~ ap ,_,. _,.. .. la al••ra • wlo" ln•t-•tment, •lnc:e o e • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • e • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • •: • Bay&lt ~ ()r · J'rT ,.,.._ 1.0 bufM U..-• aa .a ..tl tboe or~. 4li'IM It yee •til Wf'ar It nn thro u•h I UN· 1Zll20 IUid 8all2 ~t .. a l ~~ ,.. f• r..ut .. , •ttll •rtcllt ~ -·and for a ''llri"IJ or occ:aalon•. cl"''"lltng, 1-500 .,.. _. p. ~:r"' ot ~Ia& 1187 of aprtn«"• pilot• ale ebown l ».r• h ::1 f:ugt'IW Born>. ;o.; IUU. Or. u ,._r eult tt..U .... wtdl alltB, full ll'n.:t h o'nlll.a In .olld Coa.r:t Blvd... Corona dorl :Mar. prr tM ~ « ~ .. .,... aiCS.. -'e ...._ to barmnntr. .. wllb tbe doll)· ; n" rc>r l•1 bur •• :.'Ox.!IU add.ttMlG to ,_. ..__ a · alifloofl wll&lto eot'-tuUa• color lo tbe print, but to ~.wvw rr..vrr•. • -~~ww-.v .._ • Fresh Daily -. . baJcC' ahop. l:iOO .... w-ev a lliUie wlt.ll• felt MAt t-. u well, wltb both l lreet u4 ~ .... : Uur MoUn: .. ,~ "" Inn"'"""' u.,,.,. alld k""P tNt e1 ..._,.....,.. HI'I'-:NINU NHUIT BOWUNO: RIP VAN WINKJ. .. ;s vs. TE WINKI.J4:S \\'ATt"'l .'OR ANNot NCt31Y.NT v·····-:.·-····w··········~ DdtCIOUI s~a FO(I(Ia Or. <'omp.ett equipment whrn yc.u want to cat<'!t your own. l March 18--A. T. Uof'. &t t• • a ...n aalllcw wldl a nlll. aport.awtar. l'to~loo ,,,. . llt•l)-woud.. ~ prr A-'"""-le-ol aa a.can!IHa ot die kind of elotbM I, "'nl'r . 111 maliC' "'1J&in aJIId altrra-~ U... ""' W-. Tbe ,... IIIIa 10 wrar, a11d t.be eolor-. A~Y ftU\\II.INtl N'dtw,. thfo fll\lrf'. .-oon aowa.JNU ,..,.,..._ '"" ""'"'· P.S. 1818 N ...... l AWitHIII HORMEN FISH MA..RKET tlnna to butldinc. 3111 c..~. ~ .,.. M«ter tkaa r.tt yoe'll ba't'll • lot of fuD II JOU mu• I ~~-._... ... en _, e. .. wtlll til-IDtercban,..bl•. Tbe ofltc. of Kudl a-N--r. ..,...... ..,_.. ~ • ,_ ....,..,..., r-...-lafonutioe of U.. N- :i7t .-..utlf' A"-G~ t. Jlllr .._ ...._. ......... ..-..a l-' ~ IMUUI\e, -..aac wtdl IWIIC'r, l() buJicl a-~.,_ ..__Of--.,_ .... -................. ad•'-dial all I "·11 -1!' 2h18 U% ..........,, 0...-......_ ~· • • Jl.ettF .,_j...,....ol&MW..aadk•oM71e4 --------------------------__,: -.. liar, IDle. ...... Jill& -,., wlc.lil IMir ..... Ill r11IIIJ. ••• ••• I AN IS With "")""'' Inti thl• ''''"ltllahmrnt I• a\rlr tl)' 1\IIR'III'tllllllm, 1\Cif'I'IIUIItlcal. ANNUAL COUNTRY STORE DAY .THJISIAY, MilCH 30, .~J944 I I TIE IEIIPOIT IILIOI IEWS TIMES SALUTES ''IIWAIIS--11 AMERICAN INSTITUTION ' ' The Objects of KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL ~ a 0 GIVE PRIMACY to the hu_man and spiritual. rather than to the material values of life. To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships. To promote the adoption and the application of higher social, business and professiOnal stand- ards. To provide, thtoug.b Kiwanis clubs. a pnactic2l means to form enduring friendships. to render altruistic service and to build better communi- ties. To co-operate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which make possible the increase of righteousness. jus-· tice1 patriotism and goq_d will. OFFICERS ANU MEI\1HERS NEWPORT HAitROit KIWANIS fLUB: President Hnfwrf I follinHhead Newport Balboa NcwH•TimeR. Vit.•t.•-Prt:sidt·nf .Jan BriKCoe AHHiHtant Fire fhjt'f ~("("retary (;eorR"c Stricker -North American Shiphuildin.c <'orp. Tr('asurt·r JudJte 0 . A. JoneM Munic-ipal <'ourl I I.YDF: ASIIJo:N t . s (I H:ol f····· HI 'SSF.LL RAWriNI·: H\\'1: \'·~t l••f\ Sl~tn· 1·,\YETTE RI.O\\'l·.E S:tf,.l\.r \ ltd!.,., !"HJART DfiNI.i\1' ln~rii :rn'·•· C'I.YDE DF.N I.INt ;J-:H "'"''.,,.,,.,,..., .1 ,\MES EI.I.JS(IN i\1·tn1 :11rd l·,tmdry l li\ROLD FINK ",,., ... ,,11 ~I I;• I -~. ,, W. GIBBON-lns11r:rn••· l.I IWARD (',()()f>J<I.I . -:'>f1111•l•·• I HVIN GfJ()f{(;t·; C< IIH It'" S•rr•'rV~I;or !!I lBERT HJ-::'-:1.1-:Y . i\1·k••r ur:r n B~);t l Cn. C.1 'R11S HEHBEI~'I'S i\•·t •''' 1 ·,,,_l"Witlllln III<RBERT KENI'Y J~tll 11o:t l'•,..lmaslt•r - Cl .IJ'fo'C lH il I.C II '< 'KS I >H fllll-:11 1.1 'I· i\S .1· '\\ l'lr·r I"'"'''' -'1111-:(1, S Md·.I.H•IY l'lt••litl:r:•r•h•·r Pi\ 1.1:'\:ltiO:II 1\rltll'·•·nwrrh c;t-:t IIU ;t-: ~1· tn :r-:11,\N ll:r11h .. r i\nwrl•·11 . . '~ . Hi\ Y MA HSIIAI .1. \'il'f••t y Sltlpltt1lldl111: < ''~~'1"'"''""1 ft( IHI·:IIT \11 'I:J•t fY 1:"""''//\'~tll~ H:tllrr ~trll\ HI lfiT l'\lllt'f'( ~~ l!;tdit~ Tt•dt~ttdll ll. W . (' 1'10·.\-\'J'fT Strllfh ( 'tlil)..l ( 'tllllfiiUIY f'fli\JO }.S 1'1!11·:!-..~1' Nr·wpnrf l'ollc·r• f Jt•fNar1rnc•ltl W IIU·:tr r 1!1·.1·.11 :"l•·wpo rt ''"'' C11. ( ;Jo;( lltl ;r.; HI ,,._T NttH Chann•·l Boat ('t , JACK Si\1 II.I·.JH J(.(•al-t:o;tnlt•. 1\HnruR RAMBO -!\:t,rth Anwrk11n Shlphulldinl: Corp. f~ \LPH REED-Cnach--ll:trf,,r lliKh Schual. IIENHY S\\'1·:1·.'1' i\m••rit·;rrt l'ip•• c\ Cort11l nwf11~n ( 'o I..OtJIS VEHWI-:V C'aslno Caft·-• J ACK RAUB-AR.-.istanf Cit y 1-:nglnN'r. BEN .JDTJ-:R.<;ON--Nrv..port R:tlbrla NMW-~. SAM KINSF A TI IER--Piumhin!.! Contractar. HUitT Wfi .St lN 'J-Hln (;ift Shop DAI> W~MAN-UquoN' I IIONOIU&l' .......r..a I' Mlf Pai.:BIDF..NTK DR. RALPH HOARD IIAROLD nNK ' fDWAJtD COODF.Ll. OR HARRY WHITE Hf'~VICE 11Eif¥M OHLANIXJ BrUScoE f:Jo:ORGf-: CONAWAY JOSEPH GAUDIO ERWIN KRUFX;F.H JOJ J'N OI~N • •• , I ,. ~· ( .. _ .. • . • l ' . ·-r f I I WillS FOLIS SEWIG HOUSE -TO FIID OUT CEILING All membfon of lhf' Nf''II"(W•rt ...., lnnallunarv 1n o·U•ol ··~ llll• 11 Towlulblp War ~r1rf' ""'' Uatu.n-j · I , ~"' .~,.. un • ""It h• 'l••lo ln& Bolltd Nu 11211 6 mrt wl\b f: I• aubje('t to Ule n mr Jl'"fiAitU·•· -<>ftker, at a tunt'beoft mMUDe" H•·rn'"''"laltn·. lur Uranf(• t••uu · -ru..ctay. at Ule Electric Grill. ty, • •>mrllmf'ntf11 ("aptaln !1111• ho·ll Mr. Badll'r nutUnf'ol th\. IIIC,W.Il8 IHlol hl•o ,, lftd 1': r I ... , k •tnolo I an, lmpt>rtl\nrl' u(-,..h ntuMfn~ ,.,_""" •••·nr.:c A \\'1• ~l••y, '"' t ho•lr Cell&n« Pritn f •r both rf'IIUI 1111lo•• •·XI ,.IJ,.nt "'"'k ""'' ,,,..,.,, Ulhl "" and •'•• tl)' lnrhvlduab Ont of mo•rl'\11\nlll on tht· :'II•·WJ "''' 1'••"" liM ~tNt vlolatlt>na ut l'o' cc ·•~· "''''" wo•n • ~:tvu•.: ~.: "'' o '"'I' Recvl&Uona hu come lrbout by f'rlttlon •'-by lndi¥lduala of Ull'lt furnl· 1\hiJlh I' M11•k•·y. ,.,.,,,,·,,11n .. r luho, etc. Mr. Sadler advlll<'d that Ill•· l•l oar•l annooUil"• ol ttl• I" 1 ~''''"' aD ,..._ a!!ould con\Act their , • f~<"•••' "" Ittlll 1 •• lnl•·rt•tot ,,• '"" lfW'I'I Prtc. Pant'l belore aelllnJ: any ,.11,11,. 1,1 "'" 11 1111' 1,,.,,. , ""''"' cl U..U ... oactnp. f>rlcf' control pr n~:ram Mr M:u•k•·v on·,,,,,.,,ol n"r,YI-Unna haVf' bf'l'n broaden4'<1 lhl' varlnull JIIUlf'l ml'mbf>r~ t.nd • to ~ alma.t e•ery ilf'm '"'"', l'~prro<l!o••l h•, •II•Jirt'tllttun• l•• 1111' today. mo·mll<'l"'! rot tto•· ltallhn RtlOolol 111r _....,.J-ell. Hf'ad t:nf•oh r · t llrlr flnr work Mr MA .. k•·\ '" _... Alto,_,. ln thf' Fu( .. l l'nr~ f'l ntrmnn tho·n P"'"''nl•·•l lht f11l · DIYYMB. tnlormf'd OW' er up that I' Wlnjl I"'""' mf'lnlwr~ ,.,,, .. ••"'"' • II:IDE•a•ac:y J>rlr~ . an.J Rent I pint dl'nnlml( :'lOO hnura nr v••lun· ~bUll k r-t barb~ Uflht-trl by • tMr amee on the Joca] Ratum .....t nabq of the Unltl'tl !'tat .. ,. ''""': ~~WI•r<l n Wltflih ••uKh ,au..-eo.rt. He advlaed ~ t:t<rl S M urrow, flt• rltf' A W"lt·r· t&la D.-C. MltetwU, chairman man. LouU. F:vf'rdlol(, •:""•In 11 ol U.. -.a ~ Panel, tbal the Splrn. W 0 Haldy. C"ha• Tt•· ..,._. cl \be ,...a wtn lc• bf' .,.. Wonkl~. Sltl Hoer•tll'r, t-:u.:~no· c• ....., ..., a-c» ... atlf.n nl au· Mit('hl'll. F. !'. Dork•llultr. C..orgr u.ottl7· 'l1le t...We~t clau~ W. Woolley, J . Lealie Htrflt'nlfon, wal a;plalnad U\ detail. Ttlle pro· John y Vor el, C G. Hu.atoo. F'11• · ....,_ -nq-ted b)' CooJTHa lf'il't fl. 0\.\•r n. J . H. Mill•. F.. A a U.. ..... fill ~ lbe above Wrlghl and F.IIJ(I'nr fo~entlon. ~ ol the people tn main· ....... ...,._ eeW.q pricn. ._ on.. Jaw ftrlda that a.ct._ In I&· Who poys for adverll~ln&! No· .. · 41,... ftiUiaUana la Juat body. It pays for 1._111 ·ICE .......... -....... -ae.odellq IIOIOa 8DVJC&- KENDALL BOAT SERVICE lar. rr<Wifonla .... &llw .... -... o,.c. !fewporilleedl ~ TELEPHOIE ( lPEUTORS IEEDED ..... _ ............................ .... -............... ...,.,.Good .. , .... ...,._ ........... h, ... ,,_ ·* * * SOUTHHERN CALIFORNIA TELEP"ONE--CO. Aff~J: 1M 1'!. Bay An.. Balboa • 51f~ No. llabl 8t.. S..ta AJaa AVAILAIIILI'n' c annCATE llEQtTOU:D ELECT-- t' ""''''' l'o lt.rln fol' AJI.II I ll.•·nt" ltul "tt•ntly • hlllll:'"'l tn llw 1 , '' At•',. '' •" h :-~ r.•ll ''' ,.f I ,, 1t 11 1111n"'"' lllo'lo t)(Hit;hl t ....... , tl• • l'• t ,.,~,,,. ne·qn 111r t:r•lUil ut rnr11 • """ ~t•m: ,,f H H ll"•'l(kluAun, ,I '·" \ ·!:• 1 1 ':11 1 M1111~IH1n utlol \' 'r · \ I Lo "•l•l I I·•· pt~ ~~·rtv wlah h ' , 1• > I ~ ., ,.!.-• I ,,, •''~"k•·· hn•l nma from Adam.o t11 1 111••1tn~: ••U t<n""t BbV H\1 n\, I • \lt , fl' \ ' \ I I ,, 4 'I 'II r Fttll• ''"" ·n .. n• \( 111· , ,., w•ll ''lwrfltt· tlh ,.rnr•• rt. ' 'r' ,., ' ,,. \AI•) hflt' 1 P'IH• t, ftt • I "i •'l: n• • riiiK HII to ,.,. ,.., l•\,)1• r ~·n · 'J"th ,I I 1 t ' • "'tu• hnn•l·•·•l loy I h•• lu•·~l .,,.,.,, • 111 • . \\'HAT'S COOI\1~(; Save ,IN'! on. ad Ia prohehly In the NPWII·,mft! William A. KIRK • lncaunbent FOI COUICILMAI • • A Businea Man wh o is able to give the rapidly expanding Harbor District a competent, executive administration of its affairs. A Resident Here Since 1924. A Property Owner Since 1930. ELECnON APRIL 11, 1944 • Whoever You Vote for -be Sure and VOTE Gas Allotted to Coast Is Shown Formerly of 2:WS !'Alber atreet, llr. and lofra. Ctoar'u William• bavf' moved to San Bernardino Mr. and Wra. Arthur KutlnJt of Oran~:e AvenuE', have u their gucata the La'A'r<'nC't' Kuling• and dau~thter of Seymour. Indiana After an extended atay with rtl . ~ athea and friends in Michigan antt IUinoLa,..Yrw.. C. B. Rudd baa been I welcomed bome by her many fr~n<'a. Ml• LoU ·Mae Marab. daurbter of Mr. and Mra Floyd lola'hab, bu len for OCC'IdmtaJ Collegt' where lahe le majoring In Engllab prtpar- a tory to teactlag ln the bl&b acbool. Ronortnr Ule.,aatal daya of lolra . A. 8 . Adame and LL Qulnt.en ~ of C&a:p Haan, Mra. Cora nattery were ca ught. waa boetea to a dinner pa.& ty IIi ber heme on Elden atrtf't . s~rt. Robert Skllea brourht a buddy hom e w ith him from· K elly Field. San Antonio, Te.:ua, to en- joy a furlou&'b at the home of Ule formu·a parent., Mr. &DeS lolra. Bob Skllea ot Placentla Bt. n ecent vlaitora ln tht Frank Wight home were Mr. and lofn . Tom CarrlnllOD of a Moat.e. MR. COLIN F. BROWN i"ormrriy ol Los ~les. ·' A.aa•CIIS tile Opea.lac of .. Of&e a& SIS lllari8e Ave.-. 1Wboa blud, where he has establllhed a BOOKKEEPING & INCOME TAX SERVICE Guol•ne allocated by tbe Pwtro- lo·um At1mlnlatratloD f« War to lll&lnt&.ln domutk! tnA.aportat.klll r "" "~ olur-ln~ April. May .ad June, 11«, waa l ,oot,OOO batftla tJ .. Ily. On tlw Pacific Cout 124.000 .._., Mr. Brown is now a penn&nft1t resident ot Balboa Island and.~ facilities not being available at the p~ ent. wUI welaxne inquiries by mail or personal calls at ~ abaft address on Wednesday through Saturday or eacb week. Mr. Brown is an experienced accountant and Is equipped to render good service --. ~ '"'• dally were allott.d for tbla ~ntl\l vf which 80.~ went to paa- aen~ter ur•: 34.~ to tnaeu: 4.113 I tu local commnl·lal ,._eft· lt<'r to aMpOrtatlon a nd Inter-city buaa<ell 3 410 to Y. at~r tnan11p0rta-1.;;;~~~~;;;;;;~~;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; lion• antJ 2~ to uulroad•. ---~-!::'""'' lfa.lboan to join tltea. brourbt out undf'r Husband in South C1•nduct In .... mblte. were that Sportsmanship in School Life Ute ~rty lllt*nta .e.ould M • ......, -t.L ADotlla .... .,o,....an•tp at tba p.IIMtt. OM ll111 11111ny ut you tv"r ~ht . ot U. IDOIIt Ia~ II*~ yuu "''uU!ol Mf lht' day Wbea Ul ~ed detmtloa. :ln. F"ntnn t-:arn-'Uiw lea..e •l'•lfwHktnd by plaoe to jotn bollr buabt.Dd. Lt. ( j& 1 ,..ntnn F.am- llbaw In Jackaonvllle, f'lor1da Tho· II<>Uthern travder wW a. J(ODf' about UlrH WMka. I Orange County's'Mos~mplete • Auto Body, Fender and Paint ~hop Operated By the Finest Craftsmen in the Business and Located in Our New Annex •• • • • • • : e AUTO REFINISHING e Frame & Front End Alignment e Duco and Synthetic Enamele Body and Fender Straightening C* •:• I M i? • :•:• . . . ' Let Us Put Your Car (Regardless of Make or Model) in First Class Shape. Drive in at ONCE (or a FREE ESTIMATE BEFORE YOlj BUILD OR REMODEL ... 1622 Seutll Main lt. Vl•'t eur lntcr .. tlng aampl• and dlaptay f'OOma. Color guldet planning aida, com- pf'ehenslve atoc:k of ruga, carpeta. llnole~o~m and Vette· tlan bflnda. Ruga and Carpeta Cluned At paired Ll!DLUl\1 farpet Works Phefle lartta Ana 2806 SANTA ANA BALBOA MOTOR CO. 708 E. Bay Ave .. Balboa General Automobile and Marine Repairing. Marine Electricians Available Fender Body Work Refinishing 'ID..II:PIIONE NEWPORT BEACH W • w JMMEDIATELY! 100 liEN FOR REPAIR WORK Defe111e Plant e Electricians e Mechanics ' e Shipfitters e Welders ellel~~·~s ,...L_ CULBERTSOI CHEVROLET CO. CHEVROLET -OLDSMOBILE SALES AND SERVICE Huntington Beach Ocean A venue at Third St. Phone 318 e Painters e Dockmen e All Crafts SOUTH COAST CO., SHIPBUILDIIG Apply 2108 W. Central " r - C'llifomia, Thunday, M ·1 I t , t• I Suecial Servi(e& al ns rue IOns I Holy w~ek. Christ ys in Nazi Prisioris ,,(::~,~~~: ~~~"~:~. 1111 "Mlrlat C"hu rc-h by th• Sea" will l':cW po.at&J &nlltrudhtnR. rl)r , Tho· purpose or thne lnatructhona lnrludl': Get many. jUIIt being puhl abetl. 1 which a;:>ply to air a: all u Wf'll u Wf'•1n~11•1ay I'Vt'nln~~:. rt·m•mbf'r·l tbruugh the ltl.'d t 'r as. urc the '" onhntll y rraot U! to a void ~-I nil the tltw frlendah'p that Juua following: marking on lhe envelope• which go ~··•• r~ with ,.,., tnvt-d onu at l ~:fferllvf' lmm. edlately, ott h:t .,ICJ pr 8"n•·rs "' wa r Such P l l· Bt>tl'any. wtt will join In a ".tlarr ll.'rl! flnd poelat carthr oddro>I'N!t>d to n•ark lnJ:~ Dl:l "V" Cor VIctory ," ''1•11r mrl\1" dlnnt r 111 II 30 o't"lc'K'k ., American prlaonera or war In Gu -"Buy W11.r Savlnga S tamp• an.t Fo>llnwlnll thh•. 1\l 7 •o. wiU ho•-.lh•• 1 man r ampa should be plan d. bv I Hnnrt~." a nd "Win the War" are oll'\'nttr•nnl hr ur nn thl' tht~me uf the 11ender1 In an outt>r unSt•at,-d objectionable to the Gc rmaJ au. Chrl11t'11 Ftlf'ndahlp .-nve.'opt>. ~ T t tt oull'r envt'lc•p•• 1. hurtt lo s and letterJL.~·-t'ITda IR> Thurlldft y 1'\'e-nlng at 7 ·:10 we- should be addruaeod almply: "l'oat· m:lrkr•l may lbe con<it>IT'nr rl hv will rtll'brl\ll' lhl' ):arran·f'nt oC thr ma.ter -P r isoner or War !olatl ·· lht•rn wtlhout the addre-.e pn. H 11h· Commun•on ThP lnner en vel. pe or card ahuulll l'n .. rs bl'ing atl\'~rd. F rldav tvrnlnjt'. a'*' at 7:30 bto addpeued In arcordance with Aa lettr ra sent by air mall re· thl' !lnl nlr;ht or Jl'eua' entomb· the dlrecUona prevtoUIIly given flUI~ poatage, rare ehould bP taken1 mrnl we will hold a short IM'rvlce 1 The letter or e&rd may t hen be l'l M l' lhat the post age al&mpa of f•·llowehlp w ith thf' bl'reavf"d olroppl'd In the mall box In lbe plat·l'd on the llllll'r envelope do an•I IIOtTowln~: of thf' w •rld: theme.1 uw al way. No poalage I• ~qulr· no: bear atocan-or patrtotle "Sf rrow May Re SanctlfiPd .. •-d After collection. lhf' outer l'D· t 'emu. 1 'All who will arp lnvltrd to join 1 velopP will be rPmoved by t he poet Next-of-kin parcl'll 11hould be in t~ue •rvlru If YO\. wleb to uff lce and tbl' ,etler or card dis · prepa red In accordance •dth In· JOin with ua In the WednMday eve-~ patched -withr ut po1tmarklng -1truct1on• already tuuf'd by lhe nine dlnner, brlnr; a dim and Wl' to N~ York tor rl'n~R>rahlp. Pmvoat Mar1hal Gf'nl'T1ll. No o~ w ill all •hare togethn Inat.&d of bdng pla ced In an Jectionabte endoraementa abould - nuter envelopP lhe lettera or card.l appear on the v.•rapper or carton. Da~Jboan Head• may be handed to a poet office p c rlerk who will forward them -Mr. and Mr.;. Mt'lvin E. Swt•n· VI': T • ' without poatma.rklng -to New !ton. 511 River.;ide Ave., Newport .11ger apptng Yt rk. Po•l ortlcea tnroU&llout lhe 8(>ach. at S&Jl!ll Anll Community United Statu havl' bl'en advleed ho~pilal. March 28. 1944. a daueh·l A/I F.dwa rd· c StPphf'DI, eon of ' to lhla effect. ter. Mu Helen .M. Stt'phcon• of 430 E . Bay Ave~ Balb<Ml, prealded at the ....... -- March 30, 1944 Sa.e Of L•••rw 1ft Nanhel. AH.clc. From Rui Cutting To Ravel Is Way f Harry James• 1t vou tlr,,,, ttt ''" ttu• \'~•un.: tt\lntpt"'t t'lo\ ~~~ h tthltt•ntlt1f tlsurv t1utt•·~ Ht ht" .lu~,.,.ln~ '" .. ''u xt t hr H•·t~.t.·tv••u• Hl'l'h•••t\t F'rt~A\' At•lll 7th y u'll t•tt•hAitlv h~"r 't' r'"II\M ,,, N\'fH,ttuHth ' IIUIII'h ntttl l;t•l II .... •'Ill '':'lhhh 1 111 tiW olo>t11 '11"1 "-' lf \'1 t1 d ttt't'H t'U11.:h1 ~" ttu• ftt t i\f t I'Uid\ltt.: f\ t'ttiH l't 1 1\tut tlwr•·· ''Ill Itt• ll"rr v t•ut llnl( ,.,.,. ,,, .. .-1•f llll\'rl 111 !>t·l•u...,.v ... -~t on \ UPtk \' ttft hh1 1'-''t I nltlt' plt-U\tl~l J~ p'\ Ito• • l''lll~fll"'•l 1 hrtl y1111'1'" "''rtlrl• o•li h•• I k•'ll 111"1 " rt "' muat•· .. ~ .... ,. l Ilk~ 11 ...... ""''"· "'''""' h•t: 1111 II ht• •I 11111ol I h•• 111\11\r 11111111 1 p,.~~~.~·· "ltnculfed Cathclnr and t•ut.. ''" "'n11 Att."'ooo ot a "'""" .. ·•;ver hr ar 111 11o tbat T" ... a,.k,. "I ,.,.,•rnllv 8.lhled 11 r11111 \0 t <' '''""' f•1r thl' aak• ''' numbflr-. hit" th11l Alhl th> lho• ltltll 1(0 tor 1 • lilt••• h111111 h"v" ll'lrn~d lo hkt• II'"''' tiiUi h' Y• u kthiW Ttlat 'l 1 "" IMt.••t .... , ...... ,llll•'llt Ill .Willi .. Ju't " 1lanre provt'll Newa· Thill,. lA"adt'rahiJJI Eddie'• BARBECUED S~NDWICHES Are Delicioua! ::.;:: Moo..,'aCo~ ,., 11fl r11 lo.•f"r•• "I II• 1 ""''' llko• II hut I plav 11 't-,ll(hl ,)f 1 h,O )lurn· nn...... ttu•r .. ·• " ,. ...... n trllnll\f't 2100 Ocean ,.,..., ,.,,,., T ho• 1)11\ wh•• ,. rut .. II waan't Phone '73 -Ntw,.rt •tMh h1111l•••l t" ut;\' '1"1n I'•;, Allr y hJ.-aaliiiiiiiiiiiii. 01f II I •llllf.,rt•hll' I lllll(f'" "" tak"" orr • N'<'ordtnl of 1 ----1 BALBOA TRF.ATF.ll, r.-....... tl 1 : .. afttl t :IA I.A•t ~hi'\O'In,;: "' 11 llo•11hl<' t'••n LIDO TB&AT&i. ,.._,,.,_ ............ Nat ...... t. •• ,, .. <Watt.... .... "'--••• (hi llat., Aprtl .... "lJii,,. ~'fo~Mnl Tat-.._ .. , ....... ,.,._ .. l11· ........... ,,_ It% .. ~-o.r '""'' ,.,~,.,r,.,; ~''""' "' M :v. 1 -_... ef ,..,... will ... M fnlhtwe: Ad•lt• 4tc--Taa ._T.W Mil ""niN .. _ Don Says! tradlllrnal "tlft'r tapplnr" cere- m ony held In the fo~eourt of ThornP Hall, at Oc:cldt'nt&l Cullece. T1J;U CPI.we II llw bono rary ~1:1 tty for !R>phomort and Junior men Chi ""'" Anril hl. thfo ,.,...ral Ta\ nn 1--l•r ............... le '"' .. ...,....,. ''"'"' Ia-'. a. lttllt,. Our """' ....... •f ..,.._ will ... ... fftllnwa: ,.) Aftulta 11--Ta• 1f'--TIIt.a 4tl' n.-ora. ~,... ... Ill! rw~~~~.~~~~ If You Are Looking for the Seneational Don't Miu the PIANIST EXTRAORDINAIRE Now Playing a Limited Engagement At I and UMI thla crremony eacb year to dl'II(Ute 111 new aMmbln.. New mtm~r• tapped werl' A/a Tom Tw..cUe ot WUmlDC'lOD, AI• Cllarlu Hall ot Alt& Loma; Pn. vate Robert Ftnc:b (US MCRI ol lnctewood: A/1 Kf'nneth Orant or Gtrndale: Theodore 'n~rt of La Canada; Courtland Blake ot Pua· dena and Tlnky Show• and Mar- lt\&11 Tbompmn. both ef Ule All· rete.. 1944 TIDE TABLES ., P'. 31 MA,.CH 3 :24 11 :2e ----------- Walker Runs for I Mesan in Rare <A»ngress, Support& For Aaaembly; Roosevelt Platf-l ~fenae Worker National Baaketball Rule. Chanaed ~ Nat.._. Builrtt,.u . I I R ul•' t'oommlltrt' ntadr tour lmJ!Orlant rulr rt\ancf'a al ''" annual -lun I Jot• nl1ay. lhr n-rt'I!Uiattnn• tn t.. rtff'<:tl\'t' •1tb thr lflart nl lhr ttU· • t!\ rampeiJn 'Ow rbanl(ra tn.-lutlr an lnrrr..,. In '"'" In thr number ur ~r•lftal fnula .. u ...... l. arrru..,al nf unllmll· ..S ..-.ttuu-.. thr rt1tlt of ltltl· nCsa to 1uap.nd play In cue ol lnjurwa. a nd hm tat1un nf the pnYIIrln of drf,.nean play•? to lhrv c-an't tnur h a hall nn 111 ~- .... ~ "'--~Ta• ~TIIt.a IIAfo ............... ,...._ .. , ,..__ ...... ,., '""'"" ............ . nttvta .,. """'._... '" •••cwy;aPif .. F.NT onu,w Maf'f'tt ef n-Tn ...... f"'•uf-It..,_ 1114111.·•-··,..... ......................... ~ ... ,...,.. .. Ra.,.•·~ ... M..UIIff?.M O'IIOfliUlr.' M...-11 e1 .,_,.,....._ .,..... ........ ...4'tort-.a N--. "'~~ ..,....... ,. .. .._r 'l"'rtiiH ·-n.-.. ...,.....r, fW'.., nr ntnMlt.A" .._ .....,.. ~,.n oMntll." r-.......... tlle..-1 ..... ,..._, ............. .,..,.., " .... ' . n.,. .. rrt ...... . ,........,...._, A ... c-. ...... . w ..................... .. "1108TAO~r ~ " ................... ,..... r.,.... • "m1 .... ...... ...... .. .,...,.. 0'8ltlte. .... Vftrla, , ....... _. .. "''''IK LOWI' ANClltll' .a. '"WI'I'H T1IS MAlUM-AT TA.IlAWA• ~ ............... Wrt 'r o.IJ .................. ~ a.-na&oWin'" ...... •U..ONDIU IIA'IW" .... u. ....... .,.. ,. .... > 0 ..... hrtwll .,.,..... .. ,._.,, DON MANCHESTER'S BRAZIL Is. 42 03 4:!17 •. t 6:09 •. 2 T:02 APfUL 12:S1 0.2 1:61 S.l 7:l1 s.a 1:00 u 1:22 4.1 1:44 4.S 2.7 , 12:3S 2.4 1:17 0.0 1:~ -o.1 I :JJ -0.1 I ward ntcht towa rd a b.akl'l, l!ue l ' ..... nK•r · "Prtv•r. ~ 'hla bu• "'""a t t he plt'r4 " .. ..,,, ...... ~.., '"'"""~ c---.• .................... .; .. " u.v ...... ,_.,, ..... ('n'"l"~ I ...,... ..... .......,..., ...... ,. ... ., ............ 0004411 ""' 209 Cout Boulevard, North LAGUNA BEACH 1 su. M. ,Tu. 2 s • ••• 7:44 4.6 1:22 2.0 2:00 u BE 1'1 ER DRINKS BEI"l ER FOODS I CNe• dayllt bt M Yin• lltnel TldM art pi~ In order or ~curre-. !.----------------------------..! l.tcht rt•ure• L m : derll lllf\lrM p. m. TAKE HER TO • 'Wiute:l • ONCE A WEEK ~ ,# ON HIS PAST RECORD ROBERT ALLEN SOUCITS YOUR VOTE FOR RE-ELECTION COUICILMAI ..... City of Newport Beach Independent Candidate, as Before, Responsible to the People a~ a Whole, and Not to An y Individual. or Group of Individuals As His Record in the Past Shows. He has Not Been a .. YES MAN", Nor Will He Be in the Future. if the People Renew Their Con ficte nce in Re-Electing H im. a :.r-Vote For ROBERT ILLEI • ( PoUtJcal Advert!Jemrnt I ................. ..,., ............ _ Hu• l 1r1\'r r "\\<'II l•,lv \hl'n''ll ~ -awf\11 IJllath tf w .. ,j, n't " alT.,..-"."N .. _C._....". ......... '"C:'fMJ --.. ·~Mr .............. ~:, ..... ~H. H._..., l1trt'1~11 F. \\''llkrt ol ~.t.a An.a, • only O.OmOt m tk •'andldat~ "' l 'ongre• ln th~ 22nd Concn-ional 1ltl'l ru t pc'ned tbf' prtaary .._. pat~~:n •1ttl an add,_ at ..,._ ~ K H._..,v uf ,·,..~ .._ .. tbf' ~ft)tY ra h • a n• I •l olr I : .... h , ... Ill \.h .... ,,,.,.~ ,-,.,_ .... ~'tat~ A~ll\' ~tlh ,j ... ed: trk1 •hl(b C"t>>'~ all "' I "I'" 1t•~•r'"' "II admlnilltr ~&llon i Orallrce C"tAat y ....C <lll, tr ... l"ant:- 1 h:o• !11" ""' rv.l•"l"l In!!! ~·tppo rt rf 1 ._ ,..__ l' " Amf'riC:IUl f"''pl# ID tho> ~ ........ ,. • • a..a llu lolrr an.l •f*· •l'1o l .,f I hi' Will' l'rl'•ltl'nl ~~ ....... f-WOfk~ by lr,ad,o IAIIiJ '"' UJ"'I \'••'1 Ill I h,. AIT'rrl• an tw-It quallfi«od U... "-' bad b .. ·~ lo M 11011•1 n£ to lead u.a In t hr .uk uf tniOUnn« •hhU$ ...,. upoa :s-.,.,.. llav J)f'nnanl'nt "''torltt J'C'&('l' We m...e W~ t!Jwo Jape llrurll at l'rarl not t'ndanr;~r the IIUN',.ful pr .,.._ ........ aftft' ~ lilr tm.-llatr cutlon of tbe 'war. or ~ f'tltablillh· ly .......,, ~,..,_"'' ••th t ,. f"'l'l't ' f prnnalll'nt IM'Al'f' by v~ Ooal C.O.pao)O wbo>r.. ..... electlnc to eon,.r.e--who ""P' -,_. of tlw patnt .S.Opert • reant IM'Ifllb prtvatl' lntere.te and lllftlt. At llilr ..-nt lllll~" M I• who a,... lnnum~ by ~"' .,...... f t# .... SouU. c ·,,.., • .,_. T ~troup" IIHiclnr to ~.-ala roatn:j ~· of. and lo e•plnll the ltO.~m...-t. ------ In d'"~'~'lt&rd of tbr publiC welflft ~ Sc.aal to Celelwate Mr Wa.Jker waa arlect.rod and 1 drafted t o run fnr Cnn~ b;r P ... A-icaa O.J Democratic: a-den • IUft,...., Imperia.! and OraDce o..nu-, ,_.~Day .n11 1w ,.. .... • SOLICITIII YOII SIPPOIT FOI IE-ELECTIOI FOI CITY COUICILMII 0.-I.IEEI Political Adn rtt.m.nt For 10 :veara Mr. W.ail•r b .. ......,. aa ...,._ Hell W1UI twn hf'f-n a prat-llclnlt at~y at ~-_...._ 'nw nnot __,..bl,. Wilt t~An, ~n~~•Mn~•Y~~·~•~t ~~-~A~~ ~y ;iiiiii;i;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiii Uml' be WU Deputy D6Arirt At·l A,. 1C. r-.... __.,.. nt llarbf>r tom ry ur Orancr ('ounty H.-11 a ,_......... 11 wtJI ~ .,, two ll:t'tldWit~ or ~•nt• Ana J unt r 1 tra...._ .. a ., .,... ~a. • • Olltt«~". Stanford t·lll~tty and 1 ,... _..... -a.ey .. a .,. ,... l hr Stanfnrd &:hiWll of Law H~ I• ~-U.~ a1 Apnl 2JI I ma med and hal four ctulcll'ftl .,J fie u.e __...,_. ta.rt~ot .. , ., ..... re-cently ~nt~'" 1M mUit.ary .,."'. ,.._._ ~ra. _, R,-~ah d ---- Ice. ,,.. ...,aa,.t.t ,.,.,. play Will • ,,. REGISTER NOW I You Mwt "et~lst ... : t . tt ~u did nnt vote Ia 11N2-4S. If you I ~"~ mo•~"d IInce l'fov~mbl'r 11142· i 43. It you have chanced your • name, beoeatl8l' of marnqf' I Y<'u A" Allowed te "eeltrler: 1 1. If you are over 21. 2 It 'y u are a clllr.en 3. If ynu havl' ll v .. •l In Cullfllm la ODf' yt•ar 4 ff y••u 1 hav" llvf'ol In Oranr• f'•ounty at lf'UI 00 c1&}'ll You Can "egt.t~r Near Yovr liOmf': A •h•pul\ "'lltUI•r t• u.,Uil ly llallonP<l n.,ar ynur h• u,... J ,.. Uty rr~llltr8 haVI' he~n l•rnvld• •1 nt tt tl P"•ff•'l' a 1.<1 ttr .. lltlll n • "" 1 JOh· ul•1 lit on ,,,,. y ,,,, 24 h•t'lnt •·l"'ttt• "'"'' at thr n t v rl• rk • •.t fir,. 11Ur1ll:: lh~ tofflrl' l.I>Unt l diffeftlll -a1 S<.uU. Am-tr~~"• u.tr --111M .,,...... Tbla -. nod -~~~,. w\11 lw .._, "" '"" .... fill ,_ot •IJ ewttrr rrla ttroll ......... WtdPniUM!ln,: t..t•-n .... _.._han and c•lrt>ralln« th• f~ fill thP J"an-A-1"\ran u..... ~ t:IUGa .... ..., .. t.IUJh .. d em AprCI It 1_.. W'bf'n •II• .'lr;'t( l..._..aan.J OnnfnPfl'~ Gt Amrr· IC:all ...._-' at w .. "--OKI••n anol •c~~JW~C~ ttw r-..tutl•.., "' ,.,.,.s ""'-" ...... GAGS THAT .GAG JOKES • Ha~ ""' • 1..:-rn • tl "" •ll daJ. 11-•IDC n•.CLIIIII: b11t 'A 'I•' ·~ .... -r.-...... .,., r "" lin--• Ha..,. -~a~ r .. btcA .-, t 111C "-'"r • a:• n.r ~ t: "' f.,_, }'.-! ""'""' Ill",... MESA LIQUOR SHOP t~'; :S~<~pnrt wr,•. • "' ~...,... M • ,...,a •-. .... m . \'ODII.A IULA~DY BAIIA~.AO ·SAVE BY PURCHA.qrNr. I'll C.A!II: ~ B£TORJ: ArRll. 1 BALBOA'S - RENDEZVOUS BALLROOM Pre1enta I I ' • I ANn IllS ORCHESTUA THIS SATURDAY NIGHT, APRIL HAIRY JAMES, APRIL 7TH ANSELL HILL-APRIL 5, 6 AND 8 J 1ST .. ••• .. NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS.TIMES, NewJiUri Bnch. CaJltonda. C.Jifomia, Thursday, March SO, 1944 -r---------------~----------~--------~--------------------------------------------. HlohSehooiNews HARBORJ1i: OR WRONG Anuthtr couple 1Dcludee ._ftla EQQ~rt &nt.l Paul AMI,_.. \II RIF:L HATCH and HAROLD rA~!'i "'trt wen lptfetbar prowllDc amt~n!( t! eo rulna of tha Bamboo '". "' L•.XJklnr for anytbtnc! _P_u_a_L_I_c_N_o_T_Ic_E_·. ___ , P_u_a_L_ac_N_o_T_ac_E_a ___ , ~uaLtc-NoTICEs __ _ NOTICI: Or NA.JI:d-or PU· 1530 Oct>an Blvd., Balboa. Eleet.loll Offteen CINCI' BOA.JlD8 AND POLL·1 Ei«Uon Off&crn • 1 lnspt"Ctor: Ml"ll. Nt'll Oantrlson INO PlACU lnspcoctor: Harold C. Ahrrndt. Jud~tt>: Mrs. Gladys 1llo.mpson. FOft IN5URANCE &E£ Howard W. Gerriih 2111 W. Centr~l Ave. Nawport auc:h, Calli. Phone 4~3 .Automobile • • Fire Life Ll<'t'na• and Cont nu l u. n<i• \\ rstt"n f rankie to Sell Ronda and Stampa Apr•l ,. .•. ~,,. r •. m og thh' t\·,~dnf',,.!''. ':'~·· fl'tl\ t tf,j. lllhlll nun ' • "' 1••1 t l'ru•'" Htl.'h '"II tw '' • llr Uj,. .... t h\' !-O• k ., .. ~ I Y . Lookiq •• eM? .an OU ) I\ \Tl'Lr:F:N 8 AD LJER wu Jud~tr: Mrs. Elizahfoth S. Waltz. Clt>rk : Mrs. Ma ry Ellm Jont>s. NoUce Ia llerebJ Qlvea: That a Clt>rk : Mrs. Mnr~;arct 0 : \\'ilson. Clt>rk : Mrs. Marion F. llinkle}. rt'rtJia.r municipal efi'Ction will be Cll'rk · Mrs. Unda Carmml'. ,y a cat-ion "Lanrelled Becauae ~War ", ., with llt\'en good·lo~ktnc Chi· , , •• ·rtlrt rll at the PalhuJluDJ lut \\\ ,;k ··lA:'> A MAHGWORTH hae juet ~'-•, n I!IVI'n a new jnb modeltnr tot' hl'ld In the City of NPwport Beach PREt'ISCT ~0. t on 1\iesday, th<' lith day or Aprtl. , PRF-CIS<'T NO.8 Polhn~: Plnr,•· Ihuld' .. Garagt•. 19-W, a nd that a t said f'lt'Ction thl' -t~o'llin~ Pine('; F1n• Slillion, 3:.!~ 302 S11ntu Ann A\'<•nu~t. Nt'wport li!!t of the Mml's or Prccinct Marlnt> Avenue, Balboa Island. J-lf'1ghts. Boards and Polling Places shall be t:lec'lltm Offlt·t•r• F.leetlon OfftCf'n J o '"' It t II ' If orl••t f'IIJll l• Will II I I•• ill'!•• ", H~t\ t.A\• l,.•n tr••ut .. t •••••l v t r l'lf' 111111111~!••' •Il l• .• llu• r••tlll~ II•... I IIIII• .1' ... • ,..,hno ~l \\Ill to.t 1•' "it' a• "'"' I , k F'11da~ 11 "' ,. 1 .r ~1.1•1• nl• 1· r.•~l tn • .. t,n~,: on u '\dl ntl .. n ·•rt t tuk•· '\\• • k ttH~\1 \\Ill fU\•f ~ttt n t••rn Jf &,!' llU HU,lXI'tUIIt ,. lthf't•ntop l!l""OJt Ill): I r lh••n1 Harbor EnRagea Orange, Hunt. Beach and S. A. 1 thr u, ftAinn a n•l :'\• "ftt•rt ll;lrlt~•f ll'\I&JIIA Alw llllllll~l"n lk ud1, lll\ol ltru.f ,0_r ur•· t ,. 1 ""'P~ f lttu' AJI as fololwa: "-lns!)('ctur: S T. Dunlap. ln8fW'<'tor: 1\laulll' J, Dixon. M Lll · "'· 11 Judgl': F.dna J. J om's. o I •IIIII\~ I I 01t1 r IHIJ'UI&r deb Claln · 1 • '· ., 1: T h,. bewlldel"('ol ~-"''"'nl Is '" !}.· F:mu• Owea. Oon- 0 1 t J '' .; , ~ k l•'s ,.,_M,.. and noebuck , the latm I Pll•l't!U "·'"~ tn burlllfl~~a. -. ""Y~ .. CT No .. l ' '~IF: ~rKEOWN a~d GLO-polling P'tllt:e: RoehP ~ Garncl' ·' ,, \>\.11 HF:LM double "a ted wiUI local~ in l'e8r of 127 30th Strt>el. I • • r Newport Beach H•·h lloltv to celebrate Boti'~blrth· Elec~a •l o" wr,lnnday nlcbt. Ofrioen lnspector : Mrli. Sadie Roehl'. J udge: Mrs. Ann W. Roger!\. Clerk: Mrs. Pearl G. Dysnn. Clerk : Mn. Mayme L. M11lloy. OWK HARPER ~ally ft>ll f(lr ,, , nntnri•JlUI Junrle Blcnde. Ke ",v ~·, n with ht>r lor Ill at Min. h , .. ,\l!·nt bnll Mart bjl"ct! Pro- t• ..,,,. rlltlp!'rr>ning the p&lr wall PRECINCT S O.! ,.,. 1!"111' Hunter · · PoiiJng Plare: Fir.-StuliCm. :tlll7 • "~ • \rH ~u u~F.R bu been vot-Wl'~t Ct>ntral Avl'nw•, Nt·wron , •I • ol >'tltnfhng "Jackl(' pl.ayer uf Be-ach. 1'•1 t ""''' known u Mr. Plc k·up. , •I"' • ,1n h.-ar him quoUng .. One· \\'JI IHL\\'1:'>£"1 HOMANCE .,,., T"""'f'l .... , V \l:ll.Y:'> IIILL and Btu. ElerUoa Offtt~rw lnspt'<1or : Mrli. Arhm• E. Jns po·r . Juds:l': J ohn F. n uk('l', 1:1 .o,< 'hiWAHII lu.\'e ~D -In~: l 1'1'11 ~HAND f nally landed a ,• ,, 111• , 1 , .. ,. h oth•·r lately.. • · th•· radlu network alng1ns. Clerk : Mrs. Alma M. R.ath. Clerk : M rs. &-lie Walk1•r 1 ,1• ,1 11 .. 1 kuo~; .. v<'rtlme! I "'"' o,ltl ra~hloned root bl't>r."J \1 \1 :111:-> -'THAIN and KEITH WANT AD l PR.E(;I~<'T ~0. S 'I \li t: <I•••· ul T1ajuana 1aet \\ANTED: A rran. 4 fret 8 • Polling Place: ('il) Hall, N c•\\· :-;11 .,,, \\ ,. 111·ar Uoey we,.. ablr 1n.rte~ tall cream ·colored balr port Beach. I•. I I •••• l .. lr k lt'tmP Ml'lllc:&D na· ""I l.ilflll'ter rl'qulred. For fUrther ltlfoocUoa orn~,. 1 , "' '" ""rk 1n Murlon'a 'Win· uol · .,.,. l'hurlot:e Phinney. Inspe-ctor : Mrs. Ehznbl.•th 114:'los. ,1 ,1 h \. ll•\HGIE J ONES baa been of· Judge: Mrs. l r<'ne Wt>4WI~. , •:>;t·: 1.1 '"'r. ~p .. ctator wu -n (!' ,.,~ a contract with Ule L. A. Clt>rk: Mn . Mollit> Ft'll''lon. .11 1111· ~ 1 ,111k ~tnat ra broadcut F"ll"'" f;he ant.l Shirley Ha nn Clt>rk : Miss Winih-..'d Wnidt"n(;l'rJ:. JudJ,:I': rs. han .., .. 1 t ' Cll'rk : l\ln-. I.S<Ibcllr K. Ott>y. Clerk : Mrs. Sally Pt•yton. Clerk: Mrs. Minni~L. Smitp~ Clerk : Mn~. Margart>l A. Stewart. 1'1\ECIS t'T SO. '7 rollin~ PiiiCl' Rllt'lll~··~ Rt•al fo:·tal•• fllflt'o' 1315~r"'oo!!1 High· WIJ}. Curonn l)o•l Mar. t:ll'l'llun O ffii'C'flt lnl'l.ll'<'Wr: ~alii, I. J•aul. J Utl.:t•· ~Jr' lw<rtnc•• \\' I:lak•· Cl••rk Mn.. FinrPnce Mall.tnl Clo•1 k ~11 !'>. Frances Gs·aham. l'l!t:('I,:\CT S O. A I'IJIIIII~,; I 'I.Jl'\' i::lhl 1\:I'WJlOI'I t;:u ·agc•, !'llll \\',.,, Thty ,\\•·nuc•, Cornt•r hlanrt and Hay A\'•'' l'KE<'IS CT SO. 10 l'nllm~ f'lac•·: 1:!11 Agatl' Avt'., Balll08 Island. t:ltc"tloa Otflcoe,. lrl"f)l'{'!or· Mrli. Bo·tl~t· l:'ink. Juri,;:C': Luthl'r 1:: Morrill. Cl!'rk· ~Irs. Lydia .M. Stram. Clt>rk : Mrs.~ llnll IJall'd and ~~~~nl'd th1s ~Jrd day or ltlurch. ,~ .. . FRAI'K L. RJI'EHART,· 'c.tv ('lo•1 k oil t hl' Cit~ nf ~'""'P.Jrt Ro·ach. Pub. Mar.· :t~ & :til. 19-1·1 RADIO SERVI C E I (oml', Auto. Marini' Rndios R<'p.·u n·ol, ~l.mn•· El•'t'lll\'lan Burt R. Norton , II II Coa"t Hllfh"•Y Sf;\\'POMT R f:.\C'fl w 1 11•·•·k uur nwn T'at But'er 1w1ll ~lttrt work hr.me<ll&tely . 1 1 \IH t:HAI<l.t:. It baa been lUI· Betty Patch and Tommy McCOr· PRECI~Cf NO.4 .... 111 ,, t "' "' tht;o y1•1U''a 1Jader·20 kl'll wnc: aen at the llhow In Polling Plact•: Fire Statilm, 703 ,.,.,,, ~1,.,.", .. ni<'MI. He came OY<'r ~11n111 Monica togt>ther lut week E. Bay Avt>., Balbolt. 11 ,. 11 1• 1\l!h 11110 topic: "SI.a Ad· llmmmm. Elt!etJoa Offtce"' . , •nllll.'• • ,., MO<.J.-m Danctq." I 1'11~: SF:N!Oft'S rttt to the l ns()('("tor: Mrs. N<'ill' L. Wtlhum- 11-.; TJ 11 ~ \\'EF:K'S gofnl·lltesdy '" II•• I will be a new whip for Mr. I son. 1.•1 Jiln•• Hornlby a.nd Rw.ard l!llmiMt. accordln& tn Fred Sband. J~e: Robert H. Brown. 1 Cilium I ••mt' t.ral. <1 .. ~. l'rUI<Itnl. Clerk : Mrs. Madg(' M. l'l'rduynl'.l Clerlt: Mrs. U llian S. Smllh. Sailor Cinderpathera Annex So. Counties Trophy, Trophy, wh.o'a Got the Tropby?- PIU:CINCT SO. 6 Polling Place· \\'nltz Gara::•'· :-.. an1n A na l'f , AI••·• ~· t th run t•·l I"'" 11 .. ,. 'h1U1 1'"""1"1' b\' l"•llmt: F•ml' lnJ.! In t he true Harbor 1 ,.JI llrr •~•I llu·tt 1n lilt-11o e •11\'1· 1 rm '"" I!'H l'dlllon of Harbor'~< H" hum, u :clalm the readeNI ol Write to Service Men!! Why, Ha,t,;,r, of Coune!! "'"" ,.,h,.r•·.v: liM Lui 1.o rXJ"'•It'd 1 "'' k S<JII:u.Js <aptured the &out.h· thht aheet u ~y caaually 1\&Jlc:e 1 tu ~~~ 3:t• r th" \'arA.ty cnamplnn· rrn 1''"1"'"'" mret at Huntlllrton 1\l lhf' above head. For they Jrnew Something new hu bl•,.n .~·art· • i "'"l' hy "'"'""f.:''"'"'''' II•·•A '"' l'•lHh t.,/'1 ~alunlay by outpotnt· t>d. It wu AnJnl:t'llf'd by !h•• Jun 1 \"ura 1y Allhuu~ll l't•ll• ll RN••I n ~: 1 h<' ~'"' 11111 111gb SchoOl ~~ all lhl' time that Har bor woul<l j lor l!c<l Cn•~11 lhlllrlt 8'1 11111 t • ~PI' neover again in your Jift'tirrw will you hav~ ~ opportunity of Jeaming a trade and gctting paid for it! Todny th.1t is just what [)ouglu Alrcrnft Is doing in Its Frec!er Shops and Long Beach Plant for thousand" uf M£N and WOMEN. 'Ilw trade you learn at Douglas cnn never bP taken away from you! It is a type of work with many ~Qtwar oppprtuni~ in· aircra/t and other fields. Come ln tOO.y and talk It over. If you have a .ikw 10 much ~ ~trr, but experience is by no means e.entlaJ. WILUNGNI:SS is your pr1ndpal ..et! Get f'ull lnfonnation Today :.t Doaaa.a U.S. Employment \. Feeder Shop Servic! ~ a e.-ra--. ..... A-. Ml W. IIlia "'~ "-ta Aaa t L &. • I,_ a M-.• \\ ..... A f'rt .• o.JI•. F.·u-t .-.ttMta,. ... ,. a m · !\·M p , m ... AVA.Il..ABILITY CERTIFICATE NECESSARY tl li!'l hllV•' I ll' •ntr rs • mp!tt< ly In lh rola\' AI B1ahop. Ram P'o· I ~" thr Brea Relaya wlt!l ea.e., llouTit of C'ont rnl tm>k 1t un.• ~ 11~ 1 n.>~ol•• ••Ill .&l r•r•"" '"'•'' It •• pT't'· cl~m •n und l111un Hanzel with Tht'~'<' knnw·lt·aJla knew that Sam· w mg nnd app<Hnll.'d < 'arl O~·rl' aumrd that th11 Ul trur I • t! ~~ ''"" runntng anchor turned nl\' fo'ogleman. Fred Shand. AI and Prg~tte ~l'll:um l • ;.;e' t:'l·· llilll;ot llh,uld l..1l••· lh" \',1'11. ·~ t·. k v.111n they ran oft thl' wh l11 ,lhtng 11la1tl'11. ''l~h"f'· anll Bryan Hanzel would 0111 ly. l!unt• I "' .t 1 l -l<t' ., .• • ,,• n :l.• In I 3;, 4, lwo-U!ntha of rumo• throurh In their UIJUal daz· Evt>ry day f•lr lh•• rrn.t1111\J ·r .. r f•r lh1r•t In llh· "'11 ur\ :'an. ~ ~ ~·! I <•ltn lluon tbe Covina 1110J.! fnnn. But there were many t he 11 ""'I ~··~r "'" nro• ~·~~n~ I • .:t.·1 .. 11n ~n .. ultt 1 ,,., • ~nd In tn,. ':'.!1'1 t.n., thlnJ:II that Ul~lllf peraona didn't muke-II a p111nt '" rn11w thp llluml• • l:whlnol 1:111 !•1111; I'll" Ill al!ll••tl \11 :<.ur Fu'!lt'IT nn provf'd to be Ul' k nu\Y auch U the 'tact that delplle <.If lh4' fellows In the r.t'rVI:!' In I lllk•· llnt11 •l •<~llt.• ~rrtl "llllntl ~~ ,,111,..,,.nd:~f~; T~tr .,r lhe da y bX hill team beln( boptle•ly. ID lut t'lcry study hal: lht•rro l"ll' I.e 1 nt• "•I~«'• h••i I•• r J:•'t lr fut W1lh <:1\le "' """g ~·· p111ntll tu Tommy Me· plnce N-t Metleaael went ahead ta ble with a rellal!lr Jt udrnt to 1 (It II I! rur til•• tlr"l piA• •• In tho· ,.,..k,.ll'io 1\ Bt>llld••s contr1butl.nc and I*Ued the boya up to flltb 1 take chnree. On th11 table there lutt Nrwt )l,oJ•AA•I und dllm l ay· hill d torh t thl' rct11y I Pam FocieJ p!aee. Ttey didn't knO'tr that the~ wiU be V·mall atattunery and UH' lur ah. uld wll" l·.l In the ~o man rapturttl li"<'(•nd 1n the broad r _,_en Ufb 880 men out to make addre•~• or certain alumni from l t.:lllli.'Tll•n M1lu•r 1o t t• tr.tle llhout.l Jump autl thtrtl In th" llbot put.: up two t.l'ama w bereU mott ac:h• 011 Jl.arbor o~w ln the armed fon:••• , bat: ul J,.:ul thr LbmJ apot and ~11 t'nrkPII J:~mrrrd fl fir at ID the 1 bave a bird enoucb time lry•n~: t•> "hn w u d oppr<"clat!' htnrlng lit· rua)'·IJ<o lu.:tu r Tummy UcCorkl'll 1211 hiJ:h hunllo·ll but rtll llhort of rl~ up t>nou(b to field Olle team.1ur dJ<,Ice bill' nt &chtw•l olt)ln!;ll an1 'lllu,u ld t• mr home w1lb w mnn 1 u1,. r~••lr•l Thla ,.,.,, thl' ooly m· Tbey dkln't b ow that Harold Van.j saytn~" T hry can n •mcrr bcr wh<"n honora ~1ly tn the-1:w hi'1. AI ,ll,·utual IIIOit lhlll ll.ubur KaJnl'd. DtWalktr could run a gruelling thl'y Whd to do lht• 11nme lhlnge. lll.aJloiJl and l.h(;orkrll llbou!d plan· u 1,.,n 11,1111,., 111m .,.,l on hw beat · Z20 and tileD come up with ,.1 So lr In study hall you lllvl' no I·:! In thr 220 lo'a. , ('111•11)' •·( lh\ ) LLI wh••n he toured I clary H O thot put Harbor righ l l 'lucylng '" \lu. lh<'lt' \\Ill bf l ome--' llart.nr 111 nut rxp.ortrd 1 gu rar t ,. ••outr In Ill I tu • "l'lure third up near tb~ !root In tht> four·nla:• • th ng (,,r yr u I '' • 1 fl\' Y••UI .•mr l,n till' ~'"'" ••ault "' hlgfl Jllmp An· 1 p~a•" 1n tl . .r l "' o•nl ~cCorktll j lll1Jt. Whitey Far!·,.· waa a fet· 1 ''"" Y"1"'' bf' ""•nl:" ~t":n' lhmJ.! lo.'iC· nlhtr P'' t'nllal fual \8 1 hr relny an I fltsho 1• I ••k ::!nol nnd 4th 111 low that no Ont> kn;w, yl'l ~ rar I ful Thlll!l' hll~ ~ ·'. I M'.lll} <tpprc· 1r11m , ... ,,:tru nn. llanul. llllh< I' th• !.!fl l ,.,, I\ •ll• llu•lt ll•adiiiJ: Lhl' the oppoettlon Into t he ground ln rl .. t e )'•lur It'll• r~ \ u d••ll l h:wl' ""'' sruu11t ,, ,, runr•1n1: a :.!:.!0 r:" k '·I' t II • ,., '1""11' and thl'n order to capt urt t .. t> ~-man S.l\(l by 1? know lh<" It' l•m s ~·.,u "lilt• to 1 sr.n: l''n&ll'man ahou u hold up liar-);t'l l 1n~; ~~~~~ , 'II ytrd8. I\ uu can alrlkt up n r rrrspond·, I nr 111 th•· ru•lol "'""'"· mark 111m _,;,,,,,,, ·,. •I· • 11 .. 1 r ~I. ('""""·. lhie Ia tbt 1ide that nn ont> ~Wesl rncl' :hat .will be < 11'' you rnn If'· """' n '''r t1 t" Ml In It••· •hot a nd n 11 '"' 1'' ' '· 1'· ' •linn 11 , -t he part t hat tbe little J.!UYI takE' I mem er. Some: '' · 1 host> f••ll •W8 P "" • 1 1 "'' '· Tu•l•n • are O\'E'rs<"as \ ''" , ·111 ''" •·nur bll fll~t· 111 "'' llro~'l·l Als o'h1" k " ,.,, '• A•· ,,., '"' • c: ... 1 .. , In wtanlnc 11 rrel't. for ll •l• hl:o ! b · ' ~ • 1\ •Ill): with A I n l'hlll•· ',, ,.,... Ill• • \ ol• •• .. Uli'OUnt of .. rr rl 1 hnl makNI lhl' I hi' l:o•••• I•IJJ<• hftvt' " !<!rnn~' -kind of I rack team a that W<' ha ve I ••• THE RIGHT HOME LOAN OfTEN MAKES THE DIFfERENCEI Wbm you ~ • loan ac thia beAk. you receift "UJ coaaicle- Kioa from mm wbo wur to un.np dw fi&bt I?U fot .-, If you arc burinJ a home. or wish to rd~~&nee u ft>11iaa -J.~~;r.)ru 1ft Bt.nk of Ammca. Thia be.Nr IDMft rnA-'- (includ.o& loe.na lftS\lftd ..., ntAt -all t,.a of unpcowed ~ my-bomn, ftaa, tpe.runmcs,-. ~ -.11 odla t.e.w..., aod fum aDd raDp laada. #JOT! TO IIULTO.U-A1 ..._~It,_ ..U ..... o cu•••• ... ._.,.._ a..... .... len'"-..,., ol "--ol"" .. ,._ .... _....., .. - ..... -..1 '-----... Nol-.. ~ ....... ":"'- i\unk. n{ Amtrint ~ , ..... o.---c-.---...... ,. ............ s_ l~11n,~ 111l~l1( bll tlw d~t~rP :1:~~1 ~•I ~··•::~,:, ~~~~~~ r ~ID~ ~~D\ of ~~0~ and Jarg~ ~;y~w~r~ll~l~n~g~a~l~ln~(~·~O~r~l\!.~'~0~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ti'IUll ol• ,,,.,,., tho· ru. t llw bt•11t «•f CAMPUS TO CAMPUS here at Harbor It Willi lnr~:t'ly I _ them aro' running Van~.ty Kl'ith ' hroufb lht> rft(lrta or thue track I EIGHTH AND BIG(' EST WEEK ----------------------------' ~ .. ''"'r 10 t ,. <lnl'hu o.ong with , ~PI''"' I: 111 IIJ'WIInl; peraonarea lhnt we have been able J • Oltnn F:llta a nti llarohJ Var!A-'nu• ~w:U<~ '" '"' to cop ao m any trophl<"tr: a nd that of 35 000 Cars Junked ~~~:(';,.,,:~:. f~f~'1':,.~;~~a~;,~ ~;~.~·~"~:."~,:~.1•1• '''"W" I• '~;.~~ked off wltb the Brea Re-I -··. • F'arlt~w ah .. tlhl ronk behind nn one Til• ):"a :<!I 1:0 mo .... wl 1 ~ 1 t Little cluay lauy-2122. J ' tn 11•1' l;rlll tr thty lltt up to par. ·nil• ••: w ,,., ,. d•• l'"ll'"" I!•• •I Wanta date for Prom-lilt R. Lt111•• • ''"11M IOhOIII•l tnk•· • lilt' "' -()-lllualeal number-l 6N )4, W k lht> IJ:!\1 () K llom M1llrr "houlu r..' \ "'" dat• nnw lnr ~;a,.ltr 1":"111~ nn,J \':on I 1"\\'lllker llhOUid 1 r•l tw "· Htjll WeU .. the r•tml'r M id to the Every e. e p Al'r In lhr h 1 10 1\IIU lht• l bOl ·pllt \'at•atlnn ,11,.., ~11•1~: ,1 1, 10 1111n 111 111,. brtllld. \\'nlfl'~,.. Ph "" ~, nnt n\·an. ~tato, "l'tl pla nt you now a.nd d ir •••u on co••••Y, ~~-~ lfT SlffUUIIICATIOII lflr fOUlS OUTlAST JHf JUIAJIO. ~ Raw, aonplodeclpeolinc tricklinl down eylinderwelh eo dilute your oil! 'Fhal'1 juat one way today'• ~honer, elower, Wartime Stop and Go driviq leeda to nam.4 ~.,.. ••• ~lpe ecnd 35,000 •n a weellte juak ,.... t Start SHBLLUBRICATION and rMb ,._. _. ...._.. the duntioa. Thia ecnioa. ........... tD IMIIII .-.y•a Stop and Go dnvi"' oonditiona, P*..._.. ..etY ..-. pert whit eor reclt lulwieetion. Aad ..... ,_ • .. ,.,._.,....;pt -.n"' ..... , ............ ..... ... _...sal .... ·~ ·-·a..· ... e .............. IIIII A DAR fOI SllmUIIICA11011 TODAY *'A·- "It "(. "II' .. -· Alm• .101 8\l'ragt> I"'"' ,( nil • an I IJr beat •I""" 1t'n.:atn r 1nt mte abll' A•ltlrr~,.. '~'"' l!o•~:••llln .\vP you ~r." l' r•'" n 'It I ~I"' liiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiii·;;~~~= ~:.~:;\;h:~: ... '";~"' siiE•ID•~H£ l'ntn•ll•• 1447 J R R'- l'l'r(('ol ~nrh ~u•:~\\ 18 euCM A An.lflo'tlll t 'nlnn lhgh Sc:hool A bAh<-1%2 \\' G L<•n•~,. ••f fun 7:.'11 \\' • I I u!o k ol IH (} \\' BALBOA CLEANERS 1'\ow l ndcr l"c•· :\lanagcment Pressing--Clean i n~-M cnd i 11 ~ I~OBEHT SCOTT, l\lanag-l·r t'orl'fN'rly I.&Jtuna lka<'h Cl••an..r .... NAGGING BACKACHE ! • ~' I ~ \\ (,'.' I l. • "\ ... :I ' ' II LlnJ.I'fMING A LL SET for a good full !lay'• work when a .n•rcJ:i,ng ht•tul· a<" he an~alcl up on you. ~ ou aulfu anJ 10 doea your •·ork. RMdf for an avrninc of ,.la'l:- ation and enjoyml'llt-a pnllf hHdarhe ln~rferu with your CUDo nn. eDJGJlrlfftl or relautloD. DLMILD Allti-Paln Pms ... u, reliew aot onlr H .... file. Mt ...... Nnralcla.. ~~-:au hi• ... PaaeU•aal .. ....,, ..... De ,., _. Dr. 110. Allti-Pala tiDa t · u aot wltJ notT YJia eu ~ Dr. IIU. Antl·Pal• PUla a& .... 1\An Ia tM ,..,alar ~ f• ..JJ a ,..._, ap~ a..l Ia UM __.,., ,ackac'a .... ~· W1tJ aot pt ~-~t~ tMIJt 1' .... ~ ---R.M •tr.nJoaa aacl ~ onl1 • dl,.....,. ... aoMf a..dllf,.. are_. ...WecL ,. EVANGELIST GLENN GOFFAR'S Illustrated Prophetic Lectures at the COMMUIITY BIBLE AUDITORIUM 1 '700 Nf'wport Rh·d., Costa Mf'Q Saturday, Aprill- 7:15 to R~IU 1'. M.--l..a Sif'rra Coli~·· a CaPf'lla Choir CoaN-rt 8:00 P. M.-"CMta Mf'sa'" IIIKh Prit>st Bf'roiJM"'I \'our Attomf')'." SUNDAY NIGHT, APRIL 2- MYSTIC NUMBER ''666;' AND ''MARK ·OF BEAST'' vs. THE ''SEAL OF &OD'' Snund Plrtun>, "CIIUIP'S All\'t:~Tl 'Rt.:lit" fnr th.-('hildrrn Wednesday Nigh~ April5 rhf' F.van~U.~t'!ll "POISON SERMON" Sounri Picture, "\\'hC«:-1!' Owr Inrlia" 1. Thursday Night, Aprii6- "NElTRITIS, ARTHRITIS, RHEUMA TlSM . AND PAINS" Arthur Donaldson, M. D . Sound Picture "Whet'ls Over India'' 2. Friday l"ight. !pril 7- "THE $PIRI'rS OF SPIRITISM" Thl' P01\·l'r BchinJ the Scan('(' Saturday, April 8- t t A_ M.-"mE MAN C.OD FORGOT" R P. M.-"80\\' TO PA\' THE PREACHE \\lTHOIT t 'SING A CE~'T OF VOl"R OWN MONEY." Sound ~. "Scotland" -Witness Two More b~ptisms this Week (at t he close o( en<·~ Saturday night serviCt') RED CROSS aulat ~verybody: and c&ntHn 1 ~(illt~r-.d nurwe; 0B)' Ladltl, tO 1 mt'mbera. to ~'"' hot drln'lu to • ~ctlvltles lht' donorw before tbt'y tn ve. It • "'=::r:::============-111 lndt't'd a cart'fully planned pro-n•durt-ao that evt-rytbtni fi\OVU nfrly anll for the comf:;rt of lbe Mn. G. L. Anctrewa Good Dewll! Our Rt'd Cr~-donn We will It-t you know the drive Ia _.olnlf over the top lt'l m1nutr plana ar~ ready So get NEWPORT·BALBCJA NEWS-TIMES. NeW1MJI't ••• frtlifornia. Thun,day. Maffh So. 1944 ~ ~ rREAD -CLASSIFIED ADS FOR B-ARGAINS! SPECIAL SCIEDILE For Collecting Old Papers and Maguinn Get po.ted " tM clay your City Truh Colledor Col- let-tA. Telf'phqee Nf'wport 8~ for laformatloe. 80A'1'8. ~•·•·ruF.S F.MPLOVJO:NT 1 IlEAL DT-'ft • n'RNm'llE -_ _ _ _ m• !UI.t;-1 roa ""' E-B•'-'T~ It 1 ~ .. 1,1 ~"d Tnhl..,l \\'A!I'Tl;P ~"'""II?• In • ~t• ---/"'-. _ _ • ___: Wtrlnr 1-'llf'lnrl an.t l'artJo l~"l<t'r ma.-t•lnr f, r "'"kina M ila \\'hrn , .... , Th1nlo ,.-ft.-at .-~. I Jti~NIU~ .,IRNfTPHY. llahy :WARI'\.-R \1 \'A,;.: ANtl l'lr~t..,, ~~~ Nr~•rl IT~4. 2S·•tr · Th111k ••f rrtlw hllfh rh"lra lll'f'lllf'ra vc•uth ,.ronderful ftf'WI, &nd W~ I~ 10 ft'ady &nd If )'Oil r lan to join the 1 proud of t'Vt'rVbndy who hu t;tvrn IJr<X·~• on to the BIOO<I Bank you 10 ceneroury. Nut Wf't'k Wt' will rrllv ca ll • r~lte Ult Red Croaa Put your aews.-pen ud mapaiJIM out the day he-to~ tht~ Truh Colleetor II due. n. them ID about «1M foot thlt"k baHJee: r.n:r; 1 ~' ----=:_ -------- -(""-J C1tl:ool !'A'lff.F.JR ~''"· hAMinf'llf'a, nfh m"O ,.,.,_ JOe(\ 'A' fi•n'n1 AVt' rn WANT5D __ ._ -_..,......,.,.-tttm~----+--.ar-l'ltr..-...,:rwnmt......,..r-r-.?-..-.flr-----t'~--'"""il Nt\\p.,rt ll•·•u'h C"allf ''"''' •· '"•111"' ,.,. T•'l' •·•lrt'l ltett bMr how murh from Mn Vlr~OUII'P •uG ~arty on lht ta.t. J Or.rl'. drive chalnnan. , w~ Dl't'd aoll't more ~ople to "nlln~ra. l~ral•y. IH'e l'er(atnly h~lp In the offlre. If you c&n type, loolllnc nn. WI' have ~ver&J new 1111 the bflter, but comt' &nyway. llotcr C'orptl m tmbera. ~mt-of Call Mra. Jane Spreckela o~r d· U... aN l .. lldamea Katherine fk umt rhalrmnn, or ataff .-Ill· Barry, ~lorla Wllltt, AniMln Smith. 1\nta. eithl'r at tbe o'tlce or at Lynn Kepper, Heber Fowler and ' 1913 w. Or le"'e word for ber at )ln .. Rlebold: They are all work· t • e otflce. She wUl tt'll yru all Inc now. obout a moat lntereattnc and uao· Two new Nur.'a Aldu from the ful way to bt-lp. 1 Hartxtr area have Jnlned thf' ca... Then are Important new retu· bel'fnntnr Ul.. wwk at St. Jc,»-oatiOfla reeardtn1 prl-er'a mall. ep!'a ho.n'tal In 8&nta AnL They Wa will aak your editor to publ'aO, .-.e DoroUiy Mae P'owter and Jan. the ~omplete form anct If you will Holm-. UN It Immediately your fl"'encta In PENINStiL-' aDd B-'LBOA; I • • . From 7th St. eut to ~~ttr,, Monctay aad Thunday. EAST NEWPORT aad NE\\ PORT: · St-veath atreet wNt to SOth St.. ~y aad Friday. WEST NEWPORT: TblrUetb street west ~ Saata Ana rtwr. Wedll•d•y turday. A ISLAND-Monday aad Thunda)·. R ISLAND-Moaday ud Tbunday. 18LE-Tueeday aad Frida)'; CON B-' Y-Mc:Jaad Thunda)' . -· AR.ella EAST &o YACHT CLUB ANCHORAGE 1ra1n•11 • '8 If• of v.·orklnlf N D<Ilth--.l>a An .. _.n ,,,,,. ' ht 'thha•1r\ ~ttlllt••\""m•~ M• t.l.•han P'llfnllur• ('.•, ""'' nr .. a.twa~. S.n\a An" ron SAt.v :~~ n '''"'"II "''"''' flllhtnc 11n,tt. "H•I'I'Y"· t ·c-yl ~'f'1ft1 1 ~ I \•i ,_r, 1; tnn c•ttp : al•• 18 ft. t.t .. ntrr•y t•ah h al. 8 II P 411M 171Kl :.'0~ ()f'nil'e St .. C\t•f'&l) l't•ndt ''11l1f J'hOIIf' fi"V• Vlrw f\.1:\~ 23·41c WA:'II'M!:I\ 1'0 Ill'\' r•rlvatf' par ty •·•n~ '" huv h.:hlwriJrhl UHc1 dln,:ll~ ••r r wb.•nl \\'rltt' 1~11 .. ~ !"• \\a-Tioti<'IO nr 1\0. Bal· br,. A • ~ lla\1-..,. hlan.t. IW"t""•rrn April h ; t .. lith 2!>-3tp ,., , '"'"" .,, at llunllnJrtLon Dea~b ICOI'P 1'HF.t'p('!Rl" nmONl'C f"-'r•l Sal,.. ""'t f4f'rv~ :nnd &nd t.'•nlral A•e. Nt'"'l""l lt.'"<'h t•tmnf' ~ A ... Ab 111 1111r ~f ... ,- l"'l .... lt u ........ t'·tfe 11f"o4 • lmm... '" , .. _..,,.,.1, hlfl' C'••m('an:v. :11\0 ll'oraal Av• tll'"f! f"ttt-IMI.I'l t bUt tmon M1ttlt41tt.-1•f •II lllnd.. ctn,..riM, alotora In ,. ala """• I ,..,,, J allt•·•··•vn, tlrAJM'ry and upbo&· ,...,, , "'"'I' "•' I' 1 • h l•rll" II\ atC"r ln& maler1ala """'" aN -.r ~. dolt~lflllra«•· '""'""' riJ~IIC 11t l•truna 8f!a4-h 1'\11'111· ~:.00 lurnlabt-.( Ul(t() UII~Ur· llUf' I.&Jr!.IJlA lllal'h. 2l ·tlc llF.L.f' \\' ANTII:I• W 11ma n ful' nlatw-.1 \\' r•lf' " •10.1, '\o - Jrt'ncoral ltouww, tla t"ull Cl~ N-•Tinlt'l I 2t-4tc ,-n" ftAIS. .Jiaby Orand pi&DO, t4ve lD "'" out (~10\1 •larl • C11".., A llallf'r ... c-.. ll•nt <'ondl· n.•u rhlliln'n In lamlly tot Yta .. ~)ft ItA& .. : ACi rwt•v• :r•,. yr "'"'· 11\TII .204 ~. ~"·· I h.h• Nuf'd q ,tn lal•. N-port (<ld 2·'-'""'"'· furnlahed homf' llalbo1a lalaM. --~ llt'arlt lt-tfr l;." •I • •lt'otlll•.., tt..trc .. rat .. t ""' ,~.,. l, w In t>.y llwltf'r 110 Oran&r l~rv••• A.-.. l"laM-n t a ,.,.,_ 11art'fttla Sl\2 24·tlc' We tJ'\I8t Uae plaD.a for the mo-prl-c:Ampe will not be dlaap· IItie Blood Donor Service unit wUI ,..ntecl wtlen mall ctay arrlvea. If 10 Ulroup, for alrtady more t•a~~ you ~'t flnct th"' -reeula· JOG bave alpltltd tbtlr lnten~n toon1, ~ hear about tlltm,.eall the ''==========================---" of doruot n.,. blood a1 aoon u lheN "•d CroM office and YOif• will 1M "i &. a uaJt ben. To ctv• YOU 8011le told. Thla Ia terribly Important. work room, Monday, Tuled&)' aDd ncona, ~twun one o'clock aDd Idea n the nr~ranlullon required ap,..ad the -rd around. 1 W,tdnaday, between 10 o'clock In . our Prettv nlt'C' o1 »ra Cook to put oee ol theM unl._ Into o~r· The bou•ns problem bu bit the tbe momln&' and t In lbe after· don't you thtnk, aDd ber trieed atlon bere Ia the ~~et.up: Reo. I Red Croea, &nd the Balbo& lal&nd noon. Remt-mher every hour you I who hvu with htr, Mn. Pboatlll M.D. doctora have to come with work room Ia ~Inc moved and a i·I•P• nd, and you may apend u many Mullican. who d .. ervea a ~ tal the unll. and r~clatered nur .... aJl ao the oaie In Corona del Mu. BaJ. 1 <W u ,_ u you 'Wiab. mean~ more I• are of the t'redlt for the mar- trained toceUier u a tC'am. When boa laland IUrl'fcal dreulnca peo· 01 tbo~~e precloua dreulQC'a. 1 nloua 'Work of U\Al croup. 8M .. lbe locaJ Red era. people belp,' pie are IIUII bomelMa. &nd an aU I Mnt. 1'0<.1 Cook at 1300 Ocean ' htad of ll. WA:'IITFI• '1'11 Ill '\' Jr<'Ni 3:'1 or 36 fOOl r mnu•n 1111 fl•hln.; bc:lat Mu•t l>o In Jr• o.l C'C'IIH1 linn P rone l ••w rh Klnl l'anta An,,, :'1241 -W 01 wrltr ll:l8 ~ t ....... u ~~ . ~t.n · 1'!11JWr1f'l'l'f'OI aulc>m!'btlf' _.Mnlt' wlullrd C.~C'.t r-Y Al8o ftftd hodv and ff'ndf'f' _. Apply Ratbo. Mn\ff'll. TM P: Uay A-. Balboa l'tl•"'" N..wport :2:\ , ...... ta 4 na :H -4tc J'Oil SALF. Outboard mot .. r. Jnhn•• n f;f'a.l~o<raf', 2'-t h p , had IIIli~ uw . $11:> :104 C'nlllna Ave .. B.Uboa IIPiaiHI 2:'1·:1lc llleludlnr llta!f .-llt&Dta. to k"P 101ac over to U.. Balboa work Blvd., In COrona del Mar, bu ree. -- recordll; motor eo.,. drlnr1, tol roou. on Palm Ave. U 10U wS.b cued the voup up tbere &ad baa WHAT'S COOKING brplr tbe donor• and '-ke them t:~ work, llDCI are Ia Balboa or on •t up a work room In b•r bou~~e BJC'YI'I.Yft Nnlc1 rentf'd <lr re· pal""! Vt l:f'l'a, :lG4 Maln 8l.. • Balbu,. 11nd 2011 t.tar1nt' Avenue. bOIDI; DU,...'I aldetl, to a.-.t tbe lhe llilud, to the Pala Aft. for Mo~ IID4 W~ after• Balbnll l•land U ·tfc ----liFI" \\'ANTf"";ll ICf'h•bl .. ·-· ,..,. KENT Attractive Way of Ualnt Leftevet'l F'Ott ~AU; ltuUk TNU~t-r. UOO. u tor 10c1a fouatala an4 lunrh--------------- Jndivldual caurrolu are • van· 121 Jilb St., NrWJHirl n .. arh -worll t-.rm&JWat pnaltlon alloo from, the "one-dlab .-!" 28·1\ll ~fl"r•f'nt•e ct#atnbt. llul Mt •'till Ut:NT tlftl .. al 2110 W . (""nlral An , Nrwpwt Rf'acb. -.t0111-£. ( type &nd bave many ot the lame ~· )1~·1 C'ollfWt._. ~--4---tiH., • .____ .. ~IH .. ---I•I tirt.utJ, CUtrWLC:il9.kt.D...~~tiPl!W.+A-LL.AJ..o. JlUY UM 1.1l.t .liQdd ...___._,...,.._,.n w.a.ca... _a.Jk.! attractive UR of left-oven, eedan, cumplf'trly oVf'r· --I A JlJ>I)' ac .,,.t,.... .,, o•all I MO -~""""""" .. For COUNCILMAN • • • Over Twenty Years of Bank- ing and Financial Experience. • • • Pledged to an Unbiased Rep- resentation of Every Section of Newport Harbor ... and its Great Future! • • • ' JOHN E •. (.14\CK) SADLEIR For COUNCILMAN APRIL 1 1, 1944 -Political A~rti~e~Mnt- prejudl~a In food. mak•e th1 mOll llaulf'd. n-palnt. nl'W top and HELP WA.NTI:D (~rll Ida IIAUIOA INL.ANU KOOMINO ot ~~e-.-lnp, and 1tretebee n&· r.d1atnr Pn•••lr ownrr. Call Naylor'a. Balboa taaan4. •• H0\1111: 2 ..w.-dee. dnulllle vorw. attn e p m Nrwpo_;:t lTOt·W I ~'S -....... ("''a.a.t .,,.. P"frtnd Individual Rrvlnca make It ..,._ 26--4l<! I l'tl• -2U w 22·4W alblt to Ulf' mlkell.a.JMoue left• ..... _ You -.Ia .. -1 .. _, •-·ta ".e.~ .. ._.. an •"" .---~ t"'tNt'tcm YIXt:tc TO tliE~T ove~ and aerve ea('b mamber ot Rl' &lro&l 'nllnll o1 tbe family the caaaerole eootaaa. JOUN SAOt..ltlll "'"• .:..kJI Mtaer ~ •Y nr Ins the onea ht' llkre beR. 'Jble WANTlD Vocrl 1114& ..... I.'\ ~r day C""a~t-1 Boat "made·uped a lly·for .you" quallty Lola ot lf•<nd riPan t-d <ara UALBOA Ot • 1211 n..l tlljrtlway, Nt"W· •a a particular dellr;ht. Ham aad WW pey top pric. : -· port tt. .. " ,,.._ lt~Wl. 23·4t«' Nocxlle Cuaerol~ c&n be put to-TH'J:ODOftl!: ROBIN8 • Aall A bo•Ul Our Aaf .. y rrtber In that way, It dYI.red, u.-Jl'vrd 8alu 6 Rt'rvll" I"JJIOU taH lng the ame meat, noodle aDd 22nd A <.:entral Ave. I l.nfft' IMty'e -•II ~~- crt:&JD uuc-.. m111ture lor tbe wbole N•wport Brach Pbone 21, WANT llllllt~ lu 1-.J Klllp. •""" •••• tt In Nrwyww• .,....__ family, hut l&d<Jing tlltfe~nt vece· • 26.1\c ~tra''"Y"r•l abltt ('<olllna. 417 •~ chAICrttl ·• ... ••v to-ttt 3Ul ~lablu to tadl-4llill. <'•ntral Ave ' llaJhoe :U·tlp' r.t Moot..na. N-po.rt lt.tcl\t.a DOGS. c .. TM 1a Pt;TS 1 lndlv<du;al Ham and N..-le POl\ SAI.Y. Bul.anf' lanll. n lfal .. I l<•ol ..... nhal rrwar•l l'hu-N•W· Ca-role J>UPPIU-llachahund, lon1 h&Sr-170 Will takr emaJ'" tanll 111 p~l ltl.l Mre RIU C.._ert. 11aA'-i-Ia e._.. tr A I 11 ~omplf.t.e a.dpr IIPt In comp.act lbe, IUit- able few ~maiJ bull,_ or Uw hcJrrw. All kJndl ., ftua.d rom.. IMrtJ ... Oanll f. pound han. t ~&bout 1'-to CUp& I t'd, ptdl~rro<l 3 tuulf'll I ff'malr tract. lOOft rt '\ In u_,J "-'fW· 23•4tC 4 tabll'8Jl0 ra n our Mra. Mar A'Lf'vy. 6810 8f'uh•lrl' 2 crhte .,..r fl ' lttar full «Jf\Vf'f· ··ntc ltf'.NT Hurll ttou. rr>U. NEWS· nMES "J I'UP. milk Drive, NI'WilOrt l~ach. J>boot •lun mllrlnr riiJCIM NO IOit It "h hath N.. dowllt IW· • .II W. "-ttal :l t lfpa brokt-n ecc noodl• 22tl:l·R. ~IH\4' Ceetral Ave , U&lbue :JI.Itpl ~ 1• ~-1 7' 1 ,..r I '-""~ •., leupoon aalt ------I -,,...,._ ..,.. r•n ,.,. • l ,. te»pooo peslpef' --...-nt '"'"Y Write .... H. N ............... ..... cup aliced at.utrecl uUvea Ration Stamps JOlt 8AJ...r,-• N-·-T•-JIHCc .. ___________ .. I CUll cook~d VI'J;'Ctablq Not to Expa're I ....... llt'auty f'h•:P llrllln .......... ,. .... I)'T !(llu•r l•'f'nltfl,atl•lfl .,..,.;., r--------------.. 1·3 ~up grated cb-m,.l'l. 4 to:u~o:,.n• '""""'· 3 v.. 1o1 ""lr'""''~' WM II ttn;I,U.J... "•• ..... ,... "" ,.,..,.. Ou:P unn10ke<J qr left-over bam. nld, llham)MlO b<••l "nd r halr II '""'' ,. ~". , ,r1,.., • w•l• h. at ''"r r•& Norrl•ouo Aw ,.....,,..,, ..a. l'ruwn In U I• I f rying-paD for 10 Harbor hOU8t'""'l\'l'll \\til "" lona-ahowt·aiN' pl•tf"rm ,...., ll•r , ........ 1 ~l•r ~un t.lllf" :.'fl ll• c..-. *1 Mar ••r 1:. 111 nutc11 A1.•l nour an.l -ur rr ,,., ... thr huJCnh·~· "' .,, ...... 1 ...... l'hon .. """"IM•r1 11.:11 73 4tr .. ,., tt •• Nt' Itt "1 11 ':'"'• N. D. CASH J unlll each ptrr r nf hllm Ia coated plred fnod rallon 101nmt•" Tl\'11 Anahrom '""-2Jt277 :M 41r D Y M •o~th r.our. s J,."IY &dJ !be mtlk, movt 11 dealrt'IWtl '" prm~ol·· "rna· Jo'ClR f;At.t: lo~trJrr rahblt hut• '• ooo '"" CAf H~I>ITAL ~Ill 11111-: 1 nnalillltl~· unlit tbk'k •ntl jor relil'(" fur HI 111 !'k•'•'l"'' • 110<1 """ ''""' """ ,,,,.. 1 1\'" hunnl,.. (;1.,,. 1_.,,1111" I(> lint'S.. S.m whiSt' 1114 ..., "':~:·:,~"':.:,~A"'· Collf arn·.o· h t ···ok ""'"Ilea IS w 10 mtn· hou-wtv•·• ,.,,.,,,,,.,.. '"' 11:. 01) ~~~ W • 1 -)'uu can ' lkty \\'ar P.:mtlll' hi•·~ 111 11<1'1·11~ l>uthniC •altC'II "'·at· Keneef• rth, ratiiJu ~'""'I"' l••lh ll>lh , . .,,.,,. Mr1111 l'hnn .. 1""'7 t •·I l <l uth und aJd t ... ba.m ffill!ture. blue amJ rt'd, will 1,. ,,,u,1 111 .,,,1 U -4tc• ,\old """'s ~<nd *'""omng• It tltalr· nllely anti the buy• 1 n··~ 1 ""' '" A• IJ I • Up"' 1\ llln.:le It' l uVI'r Wllrry ahout "wllJlllllj; thrm It t•VI'r ··ttal lhf'y • OIUIIIJf'r •on-· r• ,., ~<•·I 11 1•11' nr !!mall amuunla "' II<·V· not uaotl bet orr • c•rl3tn d"t" '"II\ Jlllt< .,..,.~ "'"'Ito L)' r n11•1m"fl • '"I "'g"l:lLI<s IIIII)' be uar<l hy K· n. cbter factor , ••""" "K 1 .. '"""""' lh" rn•l "' t h~ ata111r ,... ll'•·llng tl•f.('rt:'nt <10"" for t'a• h In· t ' t' Oftlcco 1 f Prlc~ Atlmlnh•l ratlon rl~ol r .. r u, .. •kr ••f p,..,.vf'tltlnlf a •liVIdual tuaerole Carro._, ~u. Ia lbe trndeDC)' of ton•unlt''" 1., ~~""'I' lt"I"K 1., "'",.." •:t min•· munhro<1m:J. bt•t~ns. a11paragu1 c·a1h tn U1elr un•~nt rall••n atampe 11"" ••f ~ 101 t l•r.v ,.,naht.r lodut'l.t Jilt'' ea a nd curn are IIUir&eall nil for lok•n• which do "'" hs•,. I'll· r•rum••tlnn "' l•uvlnJC " rail"""'' I M111 well and place Into individual plrallon .totu, \.hua 1 rt'altiiiC • r ••I """''I , ''"""'"ralllv t .. -lhf' Ulaacrulf'a. !"J>rlnkle topt~ of each heavy drain on the aut~ply .,, lh•• al r•ln "" till' r lvlllll11 f••td IIUPVI'-ra~~~~erole with grated cheeae Bake a-~ration c urrt'nty It .,..,. "_""' I In hot o\•en u oo•F.J for about :10 Fer Iugar "atlonlng nllnutu. Servea 8 to 8. The Mme pl&n nf rllmlnRtlnl( II• h Jtrh lo aumf'thlnJC lhaC. l e11plratlen dalt'a of ll.alllJ'" .,..u pul wh•n " ""I'"' "'""'""" •' att ... tir"' Mlataken ldent1t" · , 1nlo efftcl for ahoe r11 II011In.: l"•l "'" "''"'' •lw•Y" •I•"'• I Butch : "Who'albe cal wllh the talla~~d more recall)'..., .. order. lllo"ltw'l"n 111l\1hllllf undrf l Jo'rencb heela !" etl for 1urv. l'''"''t "'' tl••n Do: "She'a my alater, &nd tho,.. Al110 ratlontnr official• havt~ I'• , .. 1 not• rl Wh,.n you thll'lo lt\JYII aren't French," beea coaeemed for a Junl( t in"' hard l~rnr e~sional Cordon M.Gnmdy, M.D. ""Y*I-_. luree- NIAUt aA4' Cefttre: A .... Offke H,._. tO. II a.,..; ,., P·"'· T ... ,._.. J1 LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTOIIIINKY AT LAW c..t• .._ ••"• 8ul .. hte PMN4a HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL ()ir..,ctory ~.d Richt ... , M.D. ._, •• .,. end .,,..... Off ... 107 ..... ..,.... N~ .... ~~ Heun• 10.12 •· m. a 1·1 ,. "'· ,.._.......Off~ U3; ·""' 14·1 DR. G. E. TOHILL "H'~atCIAN a1td IU"DION -CA•_, •lltf . N-.. 1'1 ......_ -.. lieN - Off~ 2M·W ..... 111·1111 If N• "'"•-• G•ll ...... _, a Dr. M. D. Crawford O"TOMIT .. I IT I ·w. ,,..,_..,., ... n.etnfl&"• ·~yu •:•amtn .. t m..-. ntted ITtT N-port Dnulnarct 1 n, ... """• UUwr1 o-a·· I ,..,_ ... ~ ~· ~--.... C.ll ........ BUY NOW City T • a S.le Lot a A. J . TWIST.. I 101 teaet H .. tlway ,..._ 2422 CO .. ONA DlL MA"' ,..._ UlO COITA MKaA BALTZ MORTUARY CHA,.[L &Y THK alA 410 Ceaat •lvct. f or Gne CJit M•• flfeWftOt1: ... ," Phene New,...t U I UR. OBF.H LtJCAS HentiHt • :!'tl)'!l'1 W . f '~ntral, l"tt IIIWI Nr:WI'URT Rr:M'II 'IHtt'S WIIO IN HARBOR DISrRICT '''' r•t "' f '"•1n ""Hlt 1~1r. 9<1 n nn J1 ' •: r t.•J t 1--1 • t f •. t f Jtf."t \t••• I',••· I I.IUh tt•f 1'1 t ,•,J l'·l''"' ''''"""'rn.n I • 'f'• , I Jill' f 'I·., ,., .1,ti 1 .,,.," "" \ '. I t t I t 'I• II • ··• r ,_, , '•••tJI4'''r "' • •• •• I r ,, ., .. ·-•IJ V•Ht ,.,, \' •• ., ,,_,,. I f•lu t .... : f"o ',J ••r iot l'lt••llt' 11 ,..,11 f 'ooft"f\ IIJitl•,t , II 1\rt ftl l I I t l I 'IUP rl I I .. • ,., ..... tl•r•·•t l·u•·•••••ny ,.,, l 'l•••u"•· t2: I? 11 :• ""' l"''t P Unll<. - I'"'"'" .1 •; ·• p -.,t , • t d H•• r~ , .. ,, f't•t•h"• .,-l't ,-c;TI'Tf tNc;URI'NC.l & NOTAI'I V r,"' II, \\ 1:.• • J.:.l•.:. \\ <Ai•tral Avwnu" •uRR(rt '!!TAMP!>-;,.~ 1,.,,, Jt .. r,,.,, l "'•·lhthlnc Oj f'tlonea· 1:1 II. NurlMrl ...,.. \H(£T METAL WO .. K- 1 V••t• t'lufl.blntt 6 Sbelll Mlltal .,..,. .... ~ M-,.,.._ Itt. ' VA .. IlTY ITO"K-• llll!ll!!!!!!!!!a~!!B!~,...-------~-"----+--------------' L.---------------_.. L.. _____________ -.c_-_._... ...,.,_ ...,.... ._.... ._. " *· lie ~ ..,. ,..... .U·W . . . ~- '¥ ... ~ ,, Little Mary Lynn jordan Christened In the Home of Her Grandparents u altar 1Mart.n1 allftr, rrtal~ly and t,...-nnt whll• atork klu aad a ettHr cr«* dec:on ted thf' Uvlnc room w hile at UM nd of the llvlnr lbe table froQI w hich v.·aa lf'n 'f'd , tltt•e ...-.n--kl old Waryl a buf'et .upper followlfiJ tlwl . . NEWPORT-BALBOA NEW~TfM~. MeWLct RPAt'h, ':;:ltfnrnia. Thni'Mav. Mareh 30, 1944 fi~E~l:>8 :.~., R~~~i~.~~-~--l_J_A __ ._c-=· =-~-~--_i_y; __ ·_~_-_t __ !_~_w s .:;;.~;~~~;:~r:~;;;~::~ ... __ " *~~ I Funk of W lltlcn atreet. new and old presented to the honored couple. and • YOUR FRIENDS AND MINE - -• COMING EVEN fl'iendl ol Mr. and Mn. Elmer the evenlnr culmln&tilll with re- Kra. I:. L. Jordan of Phoenix, babv pink ,_ In a •flYer tw~t•l. Mrs. Ve rberg H ome ;tfl(l \\'ho Will Be 1belr C.Ut"''' { h £'r Coming Easter Week FfUnAv, MARCH 31-'l"uok pthered In the Funk'• new wannere." ·Anacna. ... eluUteoed In tM St.andlnc up with Mary J.,·nn From Ea stern T np .· -"Under 20 Club" dance ril ba ' home on Orance annue. Coat• Included In tbe lut ot ~ ... ... __ of .. __ .. .....__._ Colonel lind her narenta wu Mt• Mary "'"'t1 "' the ,. _ _._ "•caa Women'• Meaa. to welcome tbe former -,_.. •·--..-••u ... , · ,. · • • I• '· l!ur ktna .. >n of Mr. an 1 , ""'"'"' rur the family tn Cedar Clubb ......... ... "I Beaverton, Or~gon. rellidenta ,,._ w~re l'ol ucra. and Umea. Oeorce .- ADd Mn. 0 . C. Ne•ell. 100 VIa ChaM of 1\lveratde, aervlng u Y ra W. B llaq~r I Ill Alo•l""' l !r• Haroht llop.klna, 1TOT t: \ 'I•' ouae, I p. 1&. :llor.,mer. William Whterl.q, Trte.t.e on l.Jddble, •lth Chaplain I and mother. Mlllf Ctlaae will be· Balboa Jaland. 11nd llr r •lau~h'• '• l.l,,, ,, at 1 o,n~ wtttf Ida parent>' ,. , • J n. Moritz or 1432 w.l P u l Crou workronm, ll' Palm, 'I ce~::v::e t~:::e~•;J:<:~:.re:;e Oeorce Vaughn, K. N. Ooraon. IYM Oonar from the Banta An& romt' the brtde fl( Harry F.rwln on 1 11 h d bt d t Bl lt>ou, orvn 10 a. 111 .. ..ewln.. • \ . U 0 K Bl •ftd -n I 11 !\.r,, \'•r'"'ll' ,,,,. .. ~I ... , .. m,. :o.l .rc rhe~pnt~~::vacatoaatwk• Bav er aug eran wo younc r -... .... !lht D.K.Biuuwho knf'wthenew. \l& .. t tllr, .. ue-·.., Army A r Bue oMclallft&. Tbe Eaa1er eve wheft V ra J rr.aan ""' t·••m th,. f'.•-t ··h#'•<> th • •l~ttlet! ... ,.,,.-t •··~ .. -mv La"• .,._ I"~ hau• l•fl for Shoe -•----J "" Arthur "lien Gaylord lllitbod'lt .-..c. WU u.ted. I be t.ef maid of honor. • p~ " ' , -,. """' ... •--.. n r ~~ani, ·~ ~ m~er, owN ...... -comen 26 yean &eo In Ollie, er.~. ,. • · ., · .. •tl•• r ""' ~'"'"'" m 11 .. 11 IA IIH e be ill a 11tudellt. . Jo•ln Lt C 'mdr. Morlt&, ... o_ ll,.. • APRIL 3-Montana. where Mr. and Mra. Ulul' Wt llll. W W. Lamber, Wllaon Yar· W'lfty ,.._. Ud relaUvea wit-' Columbua, Oblo. • 1 ·, .mmg rrum hf'f hoaw Ia ~~ · · • · "h•1 hu bf.'en tran.terred t.o 1'\fwport S.ach City Counc:t lived In their tlr t-rorol!h and Hf'rllh~l Funk and ..-cs t •~mony for tM lltU.I Bridge Players Gather ).I n~ wrt.J4·r.: .... h "'" J•• Ar>~>• .,, ••. ~· • ··~ Arthur J. Dayta w ll .,,, !'i .. nll<·<' hollp:t.al there. lh?l .. ~ it1 mol'}.t"''" mMtlrg. i p m. rled life. From tbree daugttera. - IU1IM •h«* tat.ber Ia an lutructor l At Lounsberry H ome llar~r bl'for,. h,.r 'l\altl•.'" .... • t:.u•l•·r ••e•k _.,.. hrt .,. rA ... ~...,n &'"ld 'hou.e a. u, .. Ctty li&JI. the f\t.nJu m to Be Also welrumlng the newcomera .. Ute AnDJ Atr O:lrpa at Luke I .. !;'"lit .. 1 llf•r """' on•l. flom:l'.· ID Jaua;btu, Mra W. L. ~ of rum. Mra. L. Smith of Duquoin. P,p ... d, ... ~oee workroom, 111 Palm, •:... .nd n w • have co \', rre Mmes. Orfa Blue, ea-t~ ,.kl. P1oor t.akela f~Jied •ltb Ho•(ltnJ h,.r II rat brl<lr:• m H I ':t8n•l I<..IJ I• ·"" 1 ,•an 1•1 \'• r I~ • '''' " •·ut lo.e \.Hk-end wltb a ...,.,, open 10 •· Jll· lo • p. en., Colta Meaa t.o b~ near lbt'lr L'lul' and Clarence J obnaon. p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~:;;:;;;;:; lD! ber Mwly nc:'<'.YJIIM hOlT'#' oro •·• · •~ 11 f•l "'"'' ( "'"' 111 c;rr ~lr and lol ra Grt'COI')' Garb) :, .• ,0' Laguna Beacb. PI•--·~• tl-,..,.•nga. 1------ lhe Balboa Penlnaula, after a rNJ. many. I• 1 1u:< 1 Al'f', ar .. anUcJ,.un~ WW!nc Workero Pallaadcll Tav· :---------------------------, I t!enc-e of nf'arly a y ... r at C'o~b • h•~ arr 1 rl1 vf tbe~r lk.D, cre1 or.' < • 11"'1 nnrt~ ~0 Oakland be~auae em, Corona del .M~r. OJ>t''l 1 t.o • Sptdal TT'Ntmt>nts for ~Iii' li\Jn<k'rw~liflt Gene Morleghem Zan. 1bHapl•t Sptoelaliat ......... BNc )f W L. F. Ln .,.. t nd • . ' ' 11:.• "~ o her mot~r . .Mra., p. m .. aurglcal d~Minl"· I ,... ,. •· una rv rn l'r· Cadet 'X' 1\'C~ Clll 1' "'h·• "'''1 •P.: ten daya 31 ,.1t •1r , • .,,.t. :.!09 T• pu. Balboa 111lned wtth• a hrldr:e lunr hl'on ! .. 1 , ·lunn;;: tna Easter bollda) I -b c t ·ro r l&ant!, returned Tu~y nlghL TUESDAY, APRIL ~ \\'rnnuuay. The ottaaL n wu l e 0 Ufl Y ~~ ~ It '"· :"tort••D S1hr.ul f;.r Boy. 11.1 rted I be bl-rrunthly foultonmr r f 1l ~rrour 1 '"'''·r:.•.nl. C"a11t. ' "1 'r 18 '"P 0 aome-. Jaland Circle wUI hold ~~ .. bl- -pfilyi'lf fhr tam• rnr a · I-'• oort"' n , ur.~ • ,.l,--'oC'f\'7-* • J, .k 1; .,,,,;iro b a-•eell 11t ... l.a.t u:n pruvui. 1 ... ,.ntNv rrutlnlf at Mar C&.t'-. Dal· long time ,. 111,v ,,, 11 . m ""' ,. l ••·n II·· • · , 1 .... ,.. n. lira Wa!colm Arcbl ,\ 1 ' rt wt•t•k llpcont con lned to boa Jelan4. Brtng a no•)·bllg I 1-"o lnwng a lw'autlfully •I•J'(•In( t• .. ,. ,..,, ~., 11r· r •• '' 1 ...... Da.J•I 0>.11d h<'r two c tldnn wll bo· ' lw<l ~Irs K V. D ilt1 :!10 lunch. ~·and <'Offee aerved by ,.d lunthron, lilt ''•llowlnK sat g•v•·n lh" llll"''''u"'" '' '''' ' • :. .. t "' ,. •. , l.artnla, Mr. and ',. ' l'.tll~oa Island, Ia able lo be the ha.te.. I down t an oOt'ntoon c>f cftr•'• ~·. ,11 , ••I •o ,..,. , t l • • • .. : ~:f,. f'lt.orlr~ 11. Art&, 322 Mon-• 1 ·•r •m h:tvlng aucceasrul Y' Har:b•r Llona ~Club mee:a at t Mrs Rnbt'rt rtuu . Mn. (' 0 flu•l.l , rtll"• r •olfll\ '' •••·•rl• ,., 1•1 ". Ualb a. :.Sr. Arcblbalcl wtll '-1 111 the llhp" to a cou~b w!llcb 1' Hdnz Ka'aer'l Bayahore Caf~C ·JO Until Further Notice ON ACCOUNT OF SHORTAGE OF HELP \\'E .AilE CO~PF.LLF.D TO OPF.S AT lt:OO .A. M . .ASD CLO~F. AT 5:SO P. ~. CLOSED ALL DAY MOSOAYS IDA NAYLOR Sport Shop Mra Harr1" <:utth·. Mr1 1. 11 f ,-1,., r •11,. ,.c:,. ·'• , ,, .,,_.I} ,ur the two ., .. k . luH hung on ror ~~~everal mont~sa. p.m. \'anDyo·k of L1VInl(lltone. Mnnl . ~ .. , ..... •I "'I I· ( rrr•••''''''' . 1.·~· ·"' uno! Mr!f v. E. Britton of I Harbor Rotary Clut, Mt>P'II "t I BALBOA ISLASD Mrs J !'I. ('llA't(y ttf Lo" Angrln. ,,,. 0.· l '•'ro l'lulo )!•• lt.r·, ,,.. .!>., .. L 11 \':ln Dyck of UYID&-f.•.t,. 1 .. • nr" rl'vellng In tl\e warm j ll·30 p m. at Wblle'a Park Avmue -----------'------------------= ~•••••UU and 1 ~ ho11h:u . mu•. ,...prel!l'nt.lnt.: t , .... Ill ", ·•"·I •. ,, • ~!· nt hal been llpl'lldiDg I ll 1'~>1 r m la sunlhlne after Cafe. Pal boa Ill' and. ,.---------------------------, , 1 • tl A •'., c • "" M .. t~· r 11 .• 1\lntrr h(~ aa the houee ~l l!t'Vtml monlha spent at Huron.' Ped Cro1111 workr()om. 1 t t Palm Qfoeetl,.. C.nfe aft-a Gnat V•rlety of Uftuau•l Gifh ''WI: INYI'n: YOU TO BHOW~E AHOUNO" C. E. LOUCKS J&W&LRV and ITATIONERV Dlam--. • Wat.ohee -F'tne Rapalrlng ~~ Newport 2430 t'l'17·1t .... ~ atv._, eeat. M .... Calif. f'ernrl!·ol Ill•• alrl' '" ~-.. .,.~·r:w.1 ,.(' )lr•. L E.-L<.unabery, 2142 : •·ttt • I •akuta. where they experl-Belboa. open 10 a. m . to 4 p. m., wlwu· ttl•, 1 •~•····• II•· , ,~ .. , •ll 1,. ···•n b .. ul .. vard l&n. Yaa Dyck till •·cl terr,pcrature11 of ~ degree~~ wrstcaJ d....-nl•· 'I ,,, ••I' t l ,. lu·uOJI , ,,1 , ...... tr.n .. '" "" llw .,..111.,,.. 01 L. H. Vu Dyell, I I· .. ·•·no )lr Britton 11 eatab- LAJ;una Hr111 h "'""'" th·· ~:~rl" 1 , . , ~ ·lt#'n IIIOr ol Parll Otluft-h~hml( a bualne• In t' e South Da- ttlll•l'l"'" """ "'on• I""" •h"l'l"ll l•.""ty. U ()(lt . and • •..S.'v ldaown I ' oty 11 nd will .pend .everal thf'll '"art ~ 1 .. nt•·ut 110d ""J''""'I banll .. r of tk Nortla....._ 4180 munth~ ~acb year there. lunc hf'• n f 'l m th..,., Uwy l..uok lll't'nd·n~ the wr-tk •.UI .• l.'l t,; tl. Day uf :122 W . Ocean Doris Bechtold to Enter Hospital POTTED EASTER PLANTS CUT FLOWERS lhfo Ol'liJII!t' ICH.I~'<' route to SantA l.;•unlllw n· .. lln. J. N ... , .. ,., ""'11 ba,·e 111 her wrekend I ).flf5 De ria Bechtold of AJI& 111&11)' or--nw "1'1~,. Ant;f' n . --' 11'-MAW llwtalasa ~, tal11nd wu ruabed to (he :..::=:;:r.:;:-~(9ct----.WH ..... r-ill-.... .-ll-••••----l ..... n an ••l'liJIKf' I~ &nil th<'n ('aJ•I anJ ~l n. Arben Kueluaert 1 ·'"'"h·nu IPft week threa tened wllb pnew:no- h<om#' ""'' ) unit •"' wbo _,e ........._ • -• -.1 nla. Ta.t: re-s>lratory coa:,pllcat'oo and Tho ........ 1n1: th .. r .... mty •"'"' •• r :"r.•r· fiii&Dd lAat ~. BJRTnS I waa avertf'd anct ahe wu brought flfolty 1_,..,,,.,. 1 .. •1111"" W&IQ Watt. ['akl a viall -Sunday at Ule home on Sunday but wiiJ enter the ~~~.., 1\otk,. ~•u1lmrnt•l C'lll&1 A•· H.alph lt .... •kf'ya. Olpt. K~ l'vl a nd M~. Jam£'!! Moo~. 502 boapltal &&•In 110011 for an appin- clatb Bwt.n. fteadlQK f'enn ,.,,,., '" ~ ltl .. nrd at Camp Haaa. J umiM'. Corona dt>l Mar. at S•. dect.omy which ltu been Impend- thY ~nc. MU•·aWIH, Wia.; l lr" J"nhert AUen of SU Aaade. ·'"'o('l>h' hoo;pital. March 29:\1944, In; for at me time, CORSAGES NORMAN NURSERIES f' ~ .. ,,.~"' .. u,· ll~mrn·l l(a· ··~. rwr ,t;u~j)ter. Jucty aact J'OUDa a ~fin MS.. B«htold '-employed at Connie Quctltoa. St.. Louta. Mo.: • n R .. t.... '"" «<-DOt'th a·oa to :\I :'"t ami :\1~. W illiam Harris. the SAAAB In the p~M~t office de· Voull't lolll ··r Zt<JO. Ill . Wanoa J<•n 1 r , J):, All.a w~o .. a:aUnn-:.'til I t:J!I,·n. Cw.llt Mt•ola n1 ~· Jn·1 partllient. DELIVERIES RES11UCTED -P~ASE ORDER EARLY K1klry, (;llu.d Haput. We• h . \'It· e-1 at thr !'laval Supply ~ 11t "ph• h<"Pilal. March 28. 1N4, a -------------- ar;ln'" I-:\ Ht~h .. rot•r :" \'. Jran I'Akl..an•l u AU.. .... nM•IIJted rtau;;:ht•·r 1.--------------. WHII OaJ&Iand, ("a.lrf . w .. r~" Mr and M~ William Smllh 1 M3rpret L 1kbarle ~ 'llrt • l'urt Anaf'lua. w ...... Mar-5.'il Ro·dlands avt'nue, Nl"wport lou Nvr•llund. 1'a.oocU.' WUib Shipboard Picnic l~:wh. Itt St. Jns('phs hospital, 1 <11-•r •.-e T.-de"' "- Eig ht Years for The Robert Callis Marks Natal Day :<.tuc.:.h :!9. l914, 11 dau~-:hl('r. t .,, ~.....,., \lr a nd M~. C Ll'On. Rt. 1. Box ftACIIEII OF PIANO :l.'Y •-H C,..ta MP!>ft, nt Saq;f'anr AhOu'd t-ar boat, Coronet m , Mah•mity hospital, M~trch 29. a I )It • ft,,. \\atkonri "'tuta1oed a ,..111 , ~: .., O.W..rod .A\'etlu. ~ ... Mardi -aollHa.A& ~"SAD ICMIEPII \' .u.a.&L Y INIII .. II'J ..... OIAD& On Raturnllv ltoh an.t ""' Rnb-~r"lll' "' yuunar: friend8 of her aOft. 1.1 nnd Mri'i. Elvin Enrlu,.cl :!1:.!' C.roaa Ml Mar ert Callta uf c•on"'a d#'l Mar will R ,. "n h"' hiMhday , Murtnl' avc>nue. Balboa laland. at .. , 1f'b'lllf' th#'lr f'lpth weodltiDc ... I WlftM'n _.,.._ all lbe lrtmallftc• St Jo~eophll h0!1p1U11. t.latl:l\ ~. PRONE: NEWPO&T INt I nlventa ry by alteadlnc !k ..._ we~ wrvt'ft Mlopeide" IUid then lM 19-14, • liOn. __ ... d t t A ., __ ,, V•H.Jnar;•tf'n Wf'ff blddftl below -i~·-···········••••••••••••••• 1 ....., lliK'f a <e rr\11011·--;...,," &.be t.alllc U4 becQ lalcl c.-~pribJI ""' ~1 T'b .. y wm '-a.e-\bini l ia rr a.w lft.a and Naler-I I r OII!panled by a J"'UP of fn..nda l _. -~ ._........_ :r ~ I froal s.atA AAa. I'"' v;r • ·~YTY' ra.~ I Wr>~1neadAv n•r:ht the ('all..,. at-..,,.. Watluna •u 1U111 lted bJ , &en~f'\1 a lit;.. balle to 8eiiUa« I loin R ~ f'rHillam who lran..port- 1 p ..1... f U ---" ~ Bud (J lhfo rf(JUJ• l n l~ 1..1<'-> TMaler WIWfD U.OYD II.A~ N .AJIICI' .ANN IUZNI: a.al'al1DII: "EU.II.AN t ••• K ven ~r ......., _,. .lollf'a Ll Jonee baa bfttl .. u.-1 •hu~ th..,_h-8t tnoll hla JU~ for .ld 1n N-Yf'drfl for tlw .,..., ttt. m"tlnH rar and no.· .. ~njoytac a 15 ~ m\'lll'd _...,.. St.eft and , day lur1ouch . j ''•n t·r i.lh'lm 1'"'"' 1a r.mpbell, ~arolb ~· (lirautl t!~apd . l,lunna l"f•• • U htM~ anJ Laurie PWio ............... Gustave Linsenbard Gr adual,. t .. •IJI"IC ''"'~n·ator) PuptiJC ,A('('<'J"'U'(f fl<-1:1nnl'1' 11 !'rlf'<'mlt) Phow Nf'•-pori 1903-\\' Elect an Aggressive Citizen as COUNCILMAI (Capt.) Chas. M. Foeller ·· Balboa's Vigorous Exponent of the Truth Read His Platform for a Bigger and Better Civic Gro\\·th Capt. Fueller Says: The City Counrll 1~ \'our Rldl~~ A~llt fnr 11•1- C'Ipal AUaln~: 1.-Tax Dolin~ givrn lo the Ch:~ml'l('r of CommeJ'f'(' should pay cli\'idcncls hy att me.: ling ~mla­ ncnt and commcrdal cnt('n >riM':i l o tht> chl'- trict. 2.-A comprehensive plan ~rwport HarboTI d(o. velo,.,mcnt to the west should be the ~o. 1 Municipal policy. .. 3.-Taxes are the pri<-e or city gO\·emmmt. All property, induding thE> beach sands. should bear ita proportionate part of he cost:. 4.-=-T1le Oty Council shouJd direct ~ hired help. not tak~ ciftation from one man on tJw city s-Y roll. ELECTION, APRa II, 19« <PoUtkaJ Aflwrt L;un. 11') Ll~'"' SpoM~f .. J Albn.:ltl and ~••· ll'r or I"•· h·~l l'h\ llu• \\'at lim• Ralph H oldens to Have Easter Guests ••· ~"·I \1~ 1: ol h Hnlolrn to.•lll ~nler1Ain ll ~fi)UJt •'I lnl'nO~ lor •:.. c•t r \.t ··k ... : • J \ll<~ta and her 1v.•• 'ht'•lrrn. \'•·r ' •f1•l \.trill W\,1 f ••Mr-rr ·rn Pn•n.l• ~a ~1rJI Janaa ••II tor l"m' mh#'n·.t n• lh~ vrry ID· ,.,."."'·nl: 'lf'f''\ko•r "lv• arp .. llrf'd l'('ft•rr t'bo-'1 l'arl" r 111 l hr ~•'tii(IM Oth"r e:u•~•· "ll:tll"l! Ill•• llo lrl~n h•••r ot11hh '"II t•,. 1 h• ,-F. r.st. feB "' ~n G:tt>rl"l W1ll11rr !'11m ,..,, ll•·ll>l•••k ,., ar.t :.tr :tn.l llr~ \\ ~ tl• q,,-, ... ,~ Jr •If • • h •·t• \Wu t'ho olrt':-. ' )I ro• II• I I• 'l "·•• ~ •• • ot CltP•I ''' b• r ~ ~•· r '~ .• · • t n· l't tiJII1 tht· ,.dl kn.•"'n n .. ,.l.st an 8(-•~rlf'y 11:11,. Luncheon a t 1 \'ictor Hu~n·<; •r• ,,,,.,t.r "-' l t\t•' ,...,. t •n• r• • .•t • "••n• • • , ... ' t~ruh:-r ~ "• "" at 'h•• \, I• · Hugo I il1·--at•.-.,,••nJ:" "···· r· ·-I· "~h I.\ • n 1!., t •l!l l,l,l ! )lr• )I lntll• t• '11' r, -·r· ~\~·,.' t., ~f,fr ''' u( th< ~ un • Ann 1\r:-" ,\ , l',o• nw~··no l"'rPriooll . . . So Gaud Thf'm Caf'f'fuDy _ ~ ... ,.11 l\M "''<'rk "'"11 by ha,,nlt ~ nur l'~ •'S -<'ll'nt oll<'ftl· I) .,,amlfW'tt. pr<'"C11llo'l1 for end t '" f'll \'"GU ·u ~ rnur job m • bri.:htrr hl!ht aft,.r a ~It to our . fi>nvrn•,.ntly lot'a I rd nffl<'f' OIL •• D. CRA \\TORD OPTOMETIU.ST 1ms-..rt ......... c ....... ...._ .... Ot'CI t T ~1"'11U WILL TREASURE A GOOD AND RECENT PORTRAIT ~/leUtile on Mother's Day-May 14 Sl"ei1l O{(t,. $ Bea11tlful llronze 12 5 PORTRAITS IACH .. '•" .. Complete in 9 • 12 mounts 4 ., .... , .... PROOFS SfUUYN U,. ,. .. /IIIJuiuJ p.,.;,,-,,..,_,, H•l- -OrUa-N"' T;.. FNJ 11 7 :()() r.IIL- aiM Ndu•• -. AUSTIN STUDIOS Bring This Ad -~ N. Mala St. PhoiN' 1463 SANTA ANA DAILY BOUU: 'I L m. to I p.. •· .....,.."~ ..... , flr,.,.HII&HOW only on one side ot the top ot y~ur kltc~~n clear~'r in- stead ot all ar owtd. Thi s saves powder , and t hen yo u can di- r ect i t t o t he e~nct spo t yo u want t o clean. SPRlMG MOll Freedom by devel op- Ml\J fOOO fiGtll r or 4 Plcu:at your own ins a gard.eh in 1~4 • d o r 1 t you groun • ~· ~,-. ,1-: . ,, ·~J., 'I -"f ... • I •.,. • . . . . ···~ haver • t anY • aT r ange t o •bor row• a s trip rr om a neigJ\bor • • ll save moneY '{OU t too! and have un. ------.,.._ JAV£ 101Nrs lfO 141 IOH POtrfTS r.i . ' . .. ,, !iC'rvedelic1 are needed •hen Enriched K'hi,tou s , •·hole:.orne K'eb You ;.· e Brea d 1 , er•s l r I \., oune~ters and • t s g ood t Sives extrn Oldsters a l tJc or b ~ene rgy d e . It ecause 1 t' an nourishm fort1t• s ent B ..ed •Hh Vit.arnios Sod iron. Serve 1t ott en. I