HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-04-04 - Newport Balboa News Times.I ~~~ for 36 yean~ best advertising medbun iR ._e newport harbor · district -tr -tr -tr the newspaper that goes ~ ---- Buy Bonds BALBOA to Enct-w-----1\\ES ~-· :~' J Yrar •... $251 .. .aw. ............ .. ~-··n--.-... ... ..... Qaitker . 4 ~·· . , •.. :·. .. .. . . "' . ~ •• SAM , ~~~B=R=A=C=I=~~=~~~~A~P~~~I~N~SU~L~~-~W~E~S~T~N~E~W~P~O~R~T~·~S-~~S_H_O_R_E~C~-O~NY~IDOISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS. BALBO~ISlAN~CORON~~lMAR.C~~MfSA NEW~"T aEACH, CALIFO .. NI~ T\lltOAV APRil ~ 19U ~-=v::..'l~OCAL ~~~::~~ L . deied. one finds polite and , . RED CROSS TOPS cou-NTY-IN G-AtNS meenuJ aentice. rortunatr~y ~ . it is the exuoption to this A k L . I . G I Special Services I p d I ( I f G A t ~ ,?~.:.= s eges 'lbve roup !For Holy Week ' rou . i.tY S.~IJ to 1'&R!.:· ==:~~~:;~to Make Newport 24-''~.~:~.~h~~~~~~UI Has Str~·et A.n~"A:.~~~~~~~" w" ~ties. etc., are in t"ffect. h p d A I o·nmn•l'll'nrntr thll line lrlrndtt"'lp 5 I '••lllllllllffit\INt '". ""'"" lhl'•ltj!h lt •lS not aJW3}"!\ possi'* (0 rt e a lhllt Jf"lli'S tohllrrd Vt"lth hi• lovt'd weeper.. til,. ttf lf"N' of JHhn "attlrlr ""I h =::..~tal~~ 0~ our 0 to al .. ng lng ~~~:r~\.~:·:h:,~~~ .. b~tn!~'~! ~ed~ ,' .. ':.~.'."'1\,::·.~"':~'t~. ·~'n'11;: ·;::~ and most folkS l"l"al~ that. • nu.Say ;.\"l'nln~: nt 6:30 F lloWllll ~·, nt tlnlhna, l.l flo• H,,.,. ""'' accept it and t3k(' t})('ir fum lhtl' wtll lw M o C'Vottlunal hour It l'l"llll•lt• I I \••, totto'" "( l '"""fl)' 1111111 fo•r cheerfully. feeling that hy so lntermim Committee Holds Interesting Session 7 •o. Thumtay ··v··nlng At 1:30 tb• 1~,1 , ,, .:·., ""-~· "•· ·• 11''" II ' • ~ .... , "' s·~:\ '"10 d t .,,. !':ar rnn o•nt ... lhr H oly Com. " I ~ ''II I I Ill" I It •• r•'l'""''"'' I""' A r1 I .it ,., ... 11 oing. they are doing thl>ir With Fishermt-n, in Which Plea Is Made to rr ll"'""" w 11 .... n•lt•brat~d. F'rltlay Mt'r H I I t/"• '. ,, II I .. .,"""" I. I "' lht• hlli••U• ,,lrlt<ll"ll M part in the.> war effort. It is rvton ng nt 7:30, a abort aervk'e t'd Ill•· ' ' ·I "" • ''' • t" •• llul I• """ "" lhr ueoo lAir~ no exctise. OO.·(I'Wt", for any-Kill Seals Which Uestroy Sea Food, Nets ""'" n.. h• "'· th.-tho:rre. ··Sorrow ~~-' .. '"'' 1· • 1"'"' t. •. , .. t~r.· t 11 .. , "'"' 1 .. 11,,. f'umwrn• "': .. Ofte in 8 po!"itiOO of rendering ~ • I f' ~an< tlftrtl." -"' V. o"o hUll" fl• 1:1 I ol •liM I d tf'd U\ t Newport Qeach Over Goal In Big Way and Nets more than$19000 , MrK. \'idur c;rart-ltttpcM11' That ........ , ........ man llillrnan t•rt'dlhc llarbor-Widl .-. • inK llalf uf •:x~ in (.011111)' • • • • • • Wl&b t'\';.s.~ut Mt -.:• ,. t '"" ' "• ••\\ ""•1 an ( rrra ,. ~n 8ervice, to be impolite and in Proln.ising run ("())p'rnfton amt a m O!'f ca rt'ful anwst t~tl· Our Lady of Mt. C.rmtol C. I ho-I tt , .. ,. • I lllllllr!IN'ol oH 2 "~"' • tlllol • aorne wa~ impertinent. Jobs -. . . I c1 l1c C:oun·h w1ll hold :MI .. at 8 L " 1" '1 11" '"'111' •I •It~ I llw lo t• h••nr tlr ,., thf' put 21 yr~tu ll:tl'll anti Jltl'l""lo~tf"fll wurk "" tht• JLU1 o1 1m ~ will not aJways be plentiful tion ot thP \'a nous probk-ms ~ftmg th£' fl~hUl~ n ustry . 'm on T u rlldll nd ltol H our at M.OOO n• •· lim•· "'"' •H rll'• ·I ""' .JIWtc.J.bALUtf1--b..a.u .oo plane £A ~~ .... 1 ~~~ Mt'h. \'tt1ur C intn•. nu1 nnly ~~ • ~ sa.me tt. hltH im couunitll't' ot-t ... -eatifomta tegt!\fatur,;w hrmtro h~r + 7:30 J1 m. G(\()lt F'rlday wW be I ~·r Nto ICI11rwtl 111' ;;;-.riiiJ ,.,,, rnr th.-t utuf'l' olh•r than In 11 ~tfl wlf-important individuals. A...-mblyrnan Oydp \\"atson of Orange, a t o nf' or its fit-st 'mukt'd hy Mau at 8 a. m. u4 ... lllrl llkt• """""" ~ 1"'"1"''"~ In ltt kr II _,, ., ..... ,..., .. ,, I"PII llur lllll llltWI' IIIII ol' • ,CUI 111 ttw He'll"""'" lln\t• ..... ( ........... who. may " ... say "'~. m· ,._ · .._ · .. _ rd 11 ~hno f h boa · 1 Statlona ot lh~ Crt u at T:30 p. m.11*1 tr••l """11 un Ltdl\ ~·hrr .. tht' ttw ,., .. ,... ot thf'lr uwnf'rahlfl, thr v ~h't'll , . .,•dlt fur mlsln~ half •tf the• I"UIUl1)''" r~ of $1~ ~ -.-.... .., lllert.ngs ·~ m year.\. IM."<l a l'"...._o;es 0 t (' ttn~, l"O_m-1.hAra ••. 111 .. _ •t ... at 8 a. m. 00 ~~'" h11ol ""' l•·o·tt '"""' '" rpt 1 1 f .. _ -ln the great minority, may ~ ' -""" ,. ""' tmrn•nd and mademlarlt thl' o r . II Jll'r n •nt I) ""' .:uln. lll .. , .. 'dbat: ... , ...... , (-. I a find this past imf)f'rtinent-e thr-•-ar effort. st. John V•ann~y C.thollc Ylhlnlt •IIClJc u a whl.lt '" U•11Unl\&t ualla. )fl 1 ll\/ln. 11" "'"" th.-lnfunn.tktn iflctw4 ~ lira men:iaJ and sport fash.ing trouble; in COill"\('('liOn wilh the Win· Hnly ~aturday. I ~0 monU1a. an.l II .' .......... , Ill' npl\rtuto•n(Jo ... , f'l"ll t tlmf'•, ••"''"" r., II II n bllcking up on them. al)d Drpuctatinc-.. o1 --'-and lht'tr • ould nol 1M' paned: th1t Mal• lay rttun:h will holoJ ll ... on Wel!na· t l'atr<ol ):y.,.,.,,.., hll<l t:>r<'n •1 11,, nf'w nwn..ra wut tAll,. 1,,.,. Gnu't• 0\IM' the.• lf'lrphonP ,._ --- Dlaking it diffk'Ult for lhrln ........., ct... rur1JOD o1 rt1o, llnd 11t lhr mouth of rlvf,-. and kHp d:1y and Thunday mornlnp at. 1 c l"f'J 1~11\ ~•"I'''""''""' .. 11 llu• ...... .., ..,m,.Ume befMe lhr •t~m· Munrln,\' ·= :.... to hold their job or Sl"(UJ"e fi"IP"1Y: <bjedklll to purw wiD· -lmon from ~otDr up ltreAm to n't'l·-« with lhf' Station• of the cr thlll • '"'ltlrllv wotuh1 .-n-""'' •·"•'"· ,..,. ba" &nDOUnt·· Th•· •II>'• a.:• .. t ·"' Sl:t ono ha• -....,... another one. Such people are ft1l 6n a«un~a« wbltto f •h or In spawn. He Incidentally remarktd f'rOila at 7·30 p. m. on Good P'rt· .... Ita 1\UIThll~ Tht """fl" ''" ll••t lhf')' will Mldf'runt• llll•l lhu .. ''" '"'"" .... ...._.,.., l•v m•>Po> ""~ ""· ......,.,. ' ............. _, rernernbered for their raul&. briap~ Ia ~a rrom Mnl-I hal tl e tlllhlnl{ Industry wu tbtt !.lay c'-tll'd !tv~ nHI<"M nr ~lllll'r In two lllllkr nllmf'rltu. lmpnwf'mmt• than M.O(W). wllh lndkatlnft• Ulat f1 . .::.· ••. ~ ......... -and. on the other hand. t.ho8r c:aa walf'n; nlllrietiorl8 (ft lhartl fourth largelt In the ltate. hrMtrll plck tn~: liP lwo•lvr I'll yol of I II .... Ill .,.. .... Ut,Mtl r~ ;., • who are ..-...&..... their part and ~ Q/(f C.tallna and oth· Jamn PTilh wanted N!8trkUon• REGISTER NOW mlllMhal Whll h Wll. nloollllv. ~llnol \ .... y ... r Uir cnr'• frO'l1 wu p .. _,.,.... ....... ... • e .. cheerfully ;;;d':ntb C"'OlRder-" ... _..: ~ ban on •bort rf>nlfiV~d from Catjlllna llla ncl. but It "'qulrrd tt.ro't' men wllh . truc-k s I w·f ............. wu ralee4, a,..;; ~';:.~::.;.-~~ .., .. -::.-& ation for the '~ot ·-~: ~nattt~ aJit'fUI t o ...... told thll ··al lD'IpONibl ... e.. rlllllt hom··'" r•·movo· thl• mtotf'rl•l I gt s I e ,., $4..::..0. ai'COI'IIt.n' ... "" o,.,.. \\'-s--M~ .... ''Qther (-II-·, • ..:u • tbau..,-t n.1a .. 0.1-fanrb ... tnw, and bet-pt'CialJJ U to lbark and IObllt C"'. ,.. l1t..nr l"ttll( \\U $14 1\0 It I• ,,,,. \'•el"l lotlat did bottl4n' t ....... -r-~ -• - II:UUW au t.er ~ ~ ..,-rt and Prllh 11tated that If the ht'ad and lf you ~•t.N tb1t u1.._ ... n .. ,,,uruunt _ t~t &fltl ktplltd that rtt tta _...... ·-~ _, ..-.-. t.ho8e _ _. attributes an-l··il ol 'thr •ha rk w~N! r ut ..~, u You Must R•o••ttr: 1· 1 .... 1 h 1 II h d 1.,, ,, Ill• _,,,,,,, t ........ "• t•-.,.b. 'haf.f , .. socuou I'CIDftMn qJ ant:'"" ~ Wl're "' It ou 0 ""'" •Y uno "''"' • rr•1utno ~ .. -- rernernbered abo. How aboul -,., !Jar ancln diacli..~ ant! MIClft a• caugbt the r~•t would tlld not V'llt' In I94N :Z-4! . ..._ 1!." I ro-. mt"n ••nrklnll I ttl it •\Jit)"ll "l • t reatene .. h to " ""I~"'"'' • II""'· ,, IU.%110 Nt r1 a-... -ca... "Sen;ce with a Smile.'' It a'f«tme ~1 bc!at operatlona n a.kl' ~~:o·ll fnoo.l. bul the law re-~~v'"l't0'"'1tl •1;:• ~;::,-::. .,.. •• 1M1tf cOli\ rtf $1114 M 1 ,.,;lh'• 1\lln • .~~. , ••-1 t&A-100 W'IU\ c u.a.a.-a&.. .JU&. really pa)'$. don't yoo-thnik! ,rr-e-ta~ to l!!U Dtr~. quired -UJ•l lbe ent1re libark muet , · )"Ou vc , your-1 II&Jt: u.. ~, "'"'' •.-..... t.__ ..... W.-& + + + • ...,. Get .,.,. be broutht uht re. upecl:1lly If llllmt' hr r Au•t> nt rr.a•r •r•. '"It hu bf·c-11 un pu••llilo• 111 "" L . A• '""''•• lo Ml" Hua.-, N-· ',,.., llta r..a.&er \'..:en., _ Youth , Matt-a• Mlhwr. t.o. An~tf'lt'-. uRd for llvcora. Mr. :Milnu l&ld Vou Art' Alto Ntd to Reg liter: I put. 1., k•·••p 1111 ,.1 tt•o•t. , '""""'' • 1··• 1 tt ... h t.c1 all f'illfo1t In Uw ftahlo a C1!1J .... t. -~ ha~ cer:fainJy taken 0\'er (br 'rhalnaa.n of 0,.. Jllalr lt.b and II would requlrt' a legt•latl\'t' ac:l l. If )'OU lrt' over 21. 2 If yt U , e~la lh lato•,, ot\\!lll( t11 Ill•• Ullln on 1quor ooouttly >on l &.all M41 pelr•llla.,.. ... -... o.-._._ .. 0.. entire Harbor for the Easler ca-~rm..lon. -r lb4' rntt f to !>peon Catalina t o f t• In~ are~ clllun 3 If you llnve llvt'd poe.r" rr .. t.l~m Slr,...lll In a'l ,...c-anol 11:1'""• th'-n••waaty ,,.. \..a a-. ... k ~ ~ a thnoop-lMJwF -.iOA. poinlrd out F isl\ Tonnaoe Ga1n1 lr. La hfnm la nn•· )PIH 4. It you 1'-• uf tho· ••t v ""' 1n " ,...,, , ••11 '"' nlalnl lvllf o( tbt 112,CIUO .. ., .. , --· ,,.-, VQcauOU. Uf COUJ'Iile, Balboa .. -.-cata1D ~a tbet It the n tv F"~ln~r R L. Patter~n huve hnd tn Onmp COunty at •'ltl D "'' It v.lll r•'<-IUIN' 111 l"ut A muct1 ilftd prof.-tlllkllown lhr rmeniJ 'I lf!Hila U•l ..... ....a-4.._ -:::: and its many amu&eiDellt l n 0 • waJillod to ·--ytJdllc •td that Wbt'n be came here 16 ·•.Il l 9U dol}• I . m• .. lh f l'"'t'f'rlv I t1Vt r thr I tty li 1111 lrlephm.cl Wra. '""' Houk. A "'-k4kJwn ol ~AM u. ................... 4 spots holds the ere;&test al-lto...--.tyeciwtMt: entt'lt..,_, thq 7""'" aco. ~ ftlh tonnace You Can "I!JIIttr N~ar Yeur On•,. u;~ llfr,...\" ar• t l•"nt>f! l('wll" trf ......... Houk ol UN! Ar-auwunt.. -.a. ,...., -.... ....... lure for the tida froal e¥8)' __. .... ..., ~ ..nrt a dele .. a rro .. nt,.,. to 11100 ton1: In 1142 It Home· A depulv re'IU'er 11 uiiU&I·j "111 bf' a limpl.-~ob to ktf'p t hllm l my . ...a \ol• Mr a. • ~,.,.... .. -. _..., M ..-....: near-by 8Cbool .ad coa • . .... .. • I mte: ca.& taalftc ... UAII .... • • .,.ad We .... ly etaUDIM!d n•r Y<lllf" ......... ~ ~-· W!tl't Uw "Palrnl !w~pet". '---to .,.. off'" ---,_.__ a.wa .. ..... -... -At the Fun Zone, Rendez-..,.... •ct do M lllld U.t tky ~hll a~~al haf'tlotr t-r ...,.,1 t.o.ta ut:v "'r.'"~'r• llwe .,..en pmvlded Thl' """~JI"r ... 111 nnr ""<'~'~l•ully brtorlr~r a C'Ur.trtall liar tq o-ta f4 mfBDa . ........._ aa.- VQlL';, Pavilion. -n..ters and .... ~brr lhH? -.~ _,,. W . If. Lnnpoor, bead or We.Um 11t 1111 potlrt !lnd f 'r" lltlltt"ruo IU\.4 ~turf' Uw I"'\.Jl('T1•111 1111'11 for 111,.,..1 Mru Wno t1oull. whn w1U1 boor Haltwt. l.a-1t ... ,.. tl•t Will eating spot$. )"'UU1g peop1r -·-19'1"'1~ 11ft the .t1te. ClnMra. tnc .. and tormu prfti· 111 ui(J b(• on lhoty for 24 houra: cl11nlllr but ••Ill rnJobl" lh•· Slro·,.l lll>tlt r ••·· oiAll,.tllera nf •·rank r · . mllh • hahn••n. IIJ.OUO. are found by the ~ wtlo Iliad a ,_. clrflatu ~ ol dent of 0Mo Olam~r of Commtr~"· ••r:.:lo " 318;0_ at I hr rity clrrk"l ol·!l•rpar1mf'nl to JtiVr bf"ll~r _.rvlc,o I 'llltftrro•n. WI' II llu•-n W-n. "I'· tlr•• "" lt•v ... r• (~o tl•ofo,_, Easter v."eek io; 'a prellR to dltftr OW1L polntrd nut that I he r-ommrrr-131 t ier rlurlng tho· ••ftiC"e hour• 1 tn lleepl.nJ lh,. oltrt'r le l·1,..,,.,1·· .. r:tlr A JIOI •I hall on N ... po.rt bo •ulr """" l•••tru t• Woorll"l summer when lhe beaches l~talfv )fr Jof•hwr IIAJd that fllll~rm~n dld m~ ot their d fnrl ----vud • '"''"''•" •toe• ... Rulli.,. -lltfra. Olfww ........ ~ .. u..a..,..,_.,..,..., .... •• ._. rff·o01• 101 a - -..... ..... • ......... •• .. a ..... - that "' Uw """ ~ in~ fl\'r ~.,..,.,,. h~ hact bf'f'n con-ll1 IIVfnlrr 11nd did n~l lntrrlr rt' wllh A II 8 p k Mr11 tfnull •let lntlay •hf' Y.tt• I'OIUll tfll(ltwav M•• "''!"' wiU be filled ""ith eager kids n«Vd •ilh lhfo tuoh anti ~tam .. .,ort flahlng. mf"'lll of whll'h WIU! usses Must ar "~""'"Itt lh~ Jlhntlf' ..... ut. :lll lt>•l out for a good tifnt>. Cer-p-oap. lbla .-u •tw-rim lime !hat dont ID th~ 1ummt>r muntha. ~'4'1 ""1"V mnnal.nJ aad tlw ••• ot T T II H H tainly, Newport Harbor is .. tnunm f"'OIIm ittf'f' on that It~-n,. 1!11id lh"t 10.000 tnne rtf t ' r , ttttvo·r,...llnn waa u fullnw• the.> a musement center for aD .-bad non a.c.-ompiUibrd any-mackerel Wt!n' brou~tht to tl'tr In 8 "'"'"' llrt•tl ..... be ton IIIUlrl y.,., 0 e OW e was Q( Southern California. and thm« ... ~-bact ,,.. ... n .. d IJwo c-al cannt'rlf"fl. whll'b ....... 3!\ f)f'r eyond' Mal·n· Street jot•• ltllnk lhr,. all'l"t r olna '" , .. N c.>wport, Balboa. Balboa \4<"J;th o1 01 .. .tat.-. bnltl111t; hMll'-rrnt of thr mllc·k .. r~l CAl• h otf th~ 'rw ''"kill II rnrom opn. Tou"re 1"" b d 0 f B Lo;la nd and the mtire Harbor •rt~:• .,.., mak-t'Vf'f')" effort !n lltalr a:-d polntf'd out lhat lhf' II I" '" lw• '" plrnty •rl lr .. uhlo• il Born e ut 0 urma al't'a is. r"l"ady and eagt"r to arq•q nt 11 r JW" plr wlth lhetr r.lnJ:" • t lh<> 11m11ll hnalJ! w1111 nar· '"" """"' hoy nft •• do its part in furnishing that pr~ n .. ""'" t'lflnwf'd hv Mr row and production conatant u11 :1 1 ltvt h of Wr C:tl~tpmart'• "'.,'IZ'' \. 1 ........ b b 1 -·•t -~ n <"Uorh I • r1'1~t•Vfl cnngMUull trntn~ paut~gl'. Till~ wdl ""'"'' ''''" 111 ,. •m•ll otf •tnlurf' 1111,1 11111 , clea n fun and mtc.>rtainrnent \a .-:m. ""f~tans """ ranc •-·~ · al Central 11no1 1\lnln •tr"'~'"· Bat-II••· rorn.-r adJn•·l'nl 1" "''' "'" ~ .. ,,, wanted by the Youth of To-.... M 0,.. ~JOlahlrf' ~·hn prnm-Mr r.nrhv•t""" fijl"Urf>d nul lholl hnll. the !'fly l'ttllnr ll Mon~y. on ., ,.. Itt• '""I~·· I If lhf' tmllrf' lll'll(hho•l ,,.,,,,,. ol "'" tol lllillttR will ,,.. day. who may .beo the t...t """" aM tn th .. flllhfonrf'n....Lh" lnnnll t::l' pr•wlurl'tt 1 qua rtrr nf r •, nn,mt~ndnllhn uf 27 bualneae Cafe U c:en.ea '''""' "" thl')' run a dran a o•l ~or 1 ,.,. '"'' ,. 1 ,.., 1 ,,, 11 11111,. """''' 9 -a..a...rs of Tornon'O\\·. ..,., by T"bl>mas Jnrtn. Y.l Monu. mlllloo rnn11 11nnu1111y of mArkco!""l mr n. nrderf'd thai All butu•~• In fu-•l•·•h Jtlllr ,.· lX lft: _.-notary ,.-tht' tnlf'nm .-n..,mlt · ~ 1 \\" II Itt I t f II -A number uf J"K"nn lt • ft•l t alr • Not df'o\t• lf•&IUWflU hA~,. alt,..·n "'""''"' "•l:ltl Attlll U t th~ . nr I'll 11 '1"1'. r rr t l'n ° II' lllrP IIlii' I ho• ~()() blnC"k on J!:ut \\1 re FP-anl.f'd, amonjl I ho 111 ""' Itt I H • .at bar of tM law prnhlbltiDg loc11l fllhrrmrn·,. union. lllllt~~~lrd; Ct"ntral In .. A .. ll(rt't't, ln.tlt'Ad Of ••-Ill>• I of I• l•·lti"VNI lhf" m lllltH\ "'' I '.onunullil V lltl•l• Au•ltltot 111111 li'~1 Huold ....... •• • L J..-,_ID n.hmt;_ ll1 C'aJifomla a btn on ~~eal• price .Ublllzatltln 1 lt~rold Swett. 11 1·13 "~·•t•• 11"1 "'"'"'"• ,.,., •llltnr to •hlo t•· '''' ro; v. 1 tff '"' t 1 · •'• "'"•n Th• With t .. _ idc.>a in mind that __,._ f b df' I I t . brl • h ....... I . thl' f'f'nto•r n• lhr thnrougt fa_re and t,na lll&nd; Dorle Ulut•·h· r .:.111.1 .. .,,. """ •'''" llul! wtll llf' m •olo· l•v ,. " ' .. '""" ,...,..,. 81111 • ...,. aYf)f"ll 1 "" • perm u l'n ° np; ·e 0""" 11 that ltop •I'"'• be placed on aJI "'"' 1 • I "'" 1111 til IIIII •,.. ,.,,.. It• 10 1 am going to be censured-kin n th r M 1 d ntln .,.. 1" ~an Front. Nr wr<>rt ·1 " Oa· u, •. l~•llttl vr ,.quatlFAUon whm t "" not too SC\"c.>rely, I ..._ -portal a " r •ar rom ~~co anfl ~~f IC PI~~ o·ornl'rtt on l..'rntra_l and MalA. lto~m, lOT Mam illrl'f"l l!r~f !"'"• It ~:J ,,,,., t.r mAIIf'r o·otm r• ,,..,,,,. '''"'IV'"'" lflt·~•.,,.. ••tt r•ltlll Will ~ ~ IR ~,... Mln"r" rom • ng for w 1" ~ petltlnn pr .. ~nled by Batboan1 11 Roblnaon, 101 f"'lftl'rntl• .,.,,., '• ~'" nl "'""'' "'Khl ,, . ..,,,.. Th would like.> to discusls a Jll. GrecorY G4wb)·. prnndrnt or flllh. '"'f'"cl"ll:V barracuda: aiiiO wu aUKml'nll'd hy a verbal .tatf · A bulldlnc ueecJ hy th•· !if>• •h••nt br '"',... nf a,...."' th•' '"'""' I• ,.,, thought that Harold Hopldns t.lw California Martrw Packlnl(' bfotter adjuRtmt'nt between prlr-Jt ment from l'olltmuter Herbert ~ •IIIla at 3200 Nt'wpurt l .. ntl•·vllt<t J ,,..,.,,,.,t '" 1.., lh•·rr •I 7 l<l "' left with me the other day. r n . -.. cbafl:~ cl tlw prng:nuD pe.ld fl•hrrmm and what retaltcrll Krnny, uplatnln~ tbe nec:eaelty V.'lll ordered eold for SJO I.J; J f'llll If a I Will Smith, r ., ' ' Ill• It '"'" If lttlr nrw• r...t "''" and tbe calibre ol th«R •"bo 81111 he nnt tntmf!uced H. A. If: l('el. "nlla broug-ht a trtatemcnt for l uch al·tlon and the poU~e corn· HlnHiy of Coeta )1•·,.,, nl!h~our;:h In ScholarRhip l~iMt •· ......... l o .. ,,., should .._ city __ -. KMtrtck.. ..._._ qdt for l e fTom .,r Mltn~r to the effrct t hllt miSifl• n and , hlef ut 11_ __ • uo: on our ~ ....... .--..·a UDIGa. wtakh. he .ad. YOU pav f m m T!\ lo ~ cent. for lven wer to act po ~ w••~ f "l'l 8111rl•y Moor .. ,,, till' !4ft .Mr """ ..... u .... ,.,.., .. lh•• ••• II Harold. who asidr from bP-...,. l2.te0 _ _,. CID tile Paclrtc nib Ia Bnerly HIU• and tbe WI!·· r po The petJUon , S<:<.•uta wanted" to u...-th,.m. 1J-1 ,,. 'Ill" .. r 1711 hooy ""'""'"'• "' tor lilory wttl't tiM 8t J-.. Alii· ~ _.._:---o1 ........_ cit•v J J ha.J mtntloDt'd ooly P. E. ..,, __ tl> ~·-• .._ · h_. fit ~ 1 ,. , ... .,....... '" t .... -.....,...._ rfly ~ .., .. ., u.:-·!Jf ~ 2.000 lfll/l w1lk1l '"'" ~WHII lhlrf' t11111ttfc1 Wllf('h C!IWied Mr bu -. •~,.. -·~:r w-ere eomrw "' rm llt·O·~r•l•l•· tttrntlnn la thr W•·•lfuv, "'' " ,.,. ''· • , "r '"" ,....,. · ...J., .... r-....,_.-~ w .... · · t the council df'('hled to aJao In· f •r -·~h ae -. . '" tl•• 1-111,111 ~vM• 11•t•• 11 , t l'•n t-"UIIU"& '""", .. ,_.. .... .... Saa Pedro alld SaD I)Wo~o lltfr lfc· McKltlrlrk to read OPA cetl'nr• . . ' ·-u . • .. e n~ .. '"""~r w ... ""'"'" n•II• .. IWidf' Rt•lf'llt r ........ ,, r ' ~ ' ' I astute business man. sug-KKtridr uluod fot" • 24-bour port Oil rock cod ,f 28 centa arahtllt cKiull' the Raata An• line. Mr.,"'' ve t.be bulldln' ani.J 'i•·lln "1'1 tbr.l s ur .. h ft.\1 Will t;mllh ·'' IHX I!"""· "'"I '''" a•tv•ntur•>~JI lr<~~k ___. tha .._ to .._ ' Pnny •tall'd that lbe ....... al...,• laAa. I •. •·•lltf "'" "'''""1al11• tn India gesln~ t t1..:-men ur for !Crw-port H•rbor. IDOft an· 4~ cenUI "ow belnr; paid. wl't•lf' wnuld rt'v n -r •·-I• ~ OnvJt "'"". tla.lbne , .. ,.n•l. It•• """' elected next •"l"ek should chatrqf' !~~"&ltd docu curnont Southern C.lllornta notall, r l P e t p.-oplt' Ulln~ the old Permlt wu rranll••l t 'o•v~r•l '' '" ''""'''t lc• •nrn l"'t ~ I' ~ ~'""'I ll .. rtr,.t lflrlooll ••t lh• •lr have abiUty. integrity and W'tMTY tlwT c:aa tif vp wttll .atety. prt~e• of 42 to 89 ct!nla. ghl ot way lor a race courw. I PlcluNt~ Corp. to UIM' a bt•al "" t "" ,;"•' 1 ... rsz•lll I.J• SlOt WI """""''" '' •·I "" '"" In llumu. until Ml 11...,.. fttness for the off~ 1br He ..W l'J_,_,. Har11or ball be· M rll!tl All aaved In connedlon wltb lbr rtqueata h•Y for a mov~ untl"r lhoo •••nlml l ",Jit·.:~ •-i n~ln:hll• '""'''" ~tAfrly In Nrw Y•olk '"" IOIItll three he ....... , ..... 4 for the job ~ tiM' leediDC n.ea port •n. tbr R B .. :Nally charter boat O:>· I h .. f'llUDC"II I• pavln~ Central a,._ of the barbor miUit .. , an•l I hid nf Tft~ ot Jl' n<f , ..... ~ .... tll•l: .. ""' ~~~ ... lot .,...,11 l•oUn•l ~ ~ witb 100 ~ta ~g~..tf"T'fd ,.nttor ·r~fulrd •· c:ba~ made by nu~ from curb to curb. Balboa puJiee. J••l l••tl'•'" .. r l tarnlllotllll nttruuol ,.""""'"1"'11 "" ...... ~IH'''"'"• wer"l" Earl Stank-y. Andy . hUAinu•lntnNt. f'HntribuUn• ........ ...__I lo h I and .-.th iluluttkient acrommnda. "fl1herman that sport ll1ttermen .. ,.._. '""an Of I • •ltv p ttnnrn.: '''''"" f,.,. ,.,I tor 11111ol•• ~tva l~tlol• 11. ... ~"'" "A~ II""''" ... ,,,1.-•t.•t• Kirk and 0 . B. Reed. the tat-t..-.na He ,....,!,. Sf"Wpnrl Harbor throw mOIII of the ~arllna tney f f l h!' rund" tnr lhr purpo~e .• Tht.. cmumtaann. whlr h rdll,..·•t ,,, .:mnl • t '"'' •tt•·•·• ltv "n ,. '"'''"''"n "' ",,''''"II· "',, ., '·''"ltf•·•t till" " hilt • • • r""' t u .. htlJ: ••tt tJtt-a..-.--ell .. • ·~ .... 011111 ... -~ ........ ~ -- tllffk "" .......... ......, ....... - h r ""'"' A M ~ a af) I 11-<lll lfWH' ..... d, --... .,... •• l~llln' ,.. ........ ...,... .. - ln..C•I•I • ..,, .,.~ ~- ., ... 1 ......... , ............... - tlwl_..._ ........... _ .. ••r .. •l • loo..-Je •• --.,. .. - t t ... I···~ .. ~«-fill ....... t ... rtt """ ••• • • Os ~ ~er•o~~rwt •If .. -.....,. ._ ,.. r•Airllna t.,. • ...,....._ ....... '"" ......,,._ fill ·~ " e .. ..... ~ ... -.. .._-............................... •·tt•·n>)' tolal-1'"4 .-1 fill ..-... ... tt , ...... Pennanellt Ufe Goard Appnwtl Ry (ity f.o~~nril ter two ~· beina council---n ""n" thA L thr port ton of 01 .. a van to H .,. •t h . · ..._ 1 1 " 1 1 .. -~lllabl•' 4'd u a Rrarat~ p<•rt ..., ratch heck Into thf' nc,.an whr., ance · ,. •• II VII• ~' Ill t • 1, .,, ·• ''•tC•I m ••n ,,,. 1•'•11:" '"'''' "'·''''' J.illll••r "'"'" '''" ,,.,. ""r• wh_y he choee ~ three. he tlw)< .;.,. ~-lbeU RC.Mda ..aep.-_ be-l t&led ~all -mdthb wa~. ~~~··•·I lum t 111"1 by Ul~ llt'Wrr Job C~nal lll!cllon, wa .. 'll•l • ..td 1.1.) 1 h• atul<l!&• If ., . ..,)u,. a.t.t.u_ Ln1.1. war .. ,.,, '...,,, I• 011 ...,,.,. 1 W••U»ti a t u... f 1" '.''' mu.-..ta•...,. "" •>-" rt'pli£'c.ft Juit-be "ba(f rnac:Je'3 11"1ll4'h" and t.:n· .. an • ffll'fl 'lt the woed th~ m~at not wanted by 1111' v. um l)l' rr plllt'f'tl wnn ~onrreG. l"lltlncll. Hr had .... k···l '"' " i'.•, •••• " • I '"" """"' llur•· .... II~ Ill m ... n .... " t\lt lt • 'lAkw--•• ""."'oo oer"l"ful ~udv of the~ h~ ,.~ •• «am .. h'.T" ' Anl!'l~r mn~; In hospitaLs. . ll w as All!rl tlo•l'ltleo.l to IPav•· th" t•••t •tb&t'k In"'"'""' " ···' '"II ' I •• ot lnlloo ........ 1 '" '"'' ,,, I ·······•·II ,.,,,'"I'""., ... ,,.,,,, WI .. ,.,, ... ,. •• '" .. ,. .... .,. " ...... ... Of •&.-.-.tin'• fell fTM!ft and fpf1 • .... _ tfo'l • hrat ""'"ll"f o;op • () ,: tl f .._ tl a f h '"lly o•nJ!Inl ~r ll•llntl thl' o·urh nn ,.ntf'r t.bl' JlrPmt"r~ Itt ;1411'" l "t!tlt \ '' ••I t hr , ... , I lmu••'" he till' olt•l ~··n• ol 1.\ lilt Hi• • '' tl •l••f• .. .,.. 1 •. '' I 'f :ot •••' •I "'J• I• ,_..... .._ un::~· " f u• ~ .. n ,. mn r r 0 .... ~n n., til ... ,,,,. nn·• '11\ln ,,, It t ,, .,, •• A.,,. ,...k ........ -~- h k ... .._ m o l.rrnJOt•• lot fVOr!lnnl! lll"hn l'lllln·-n ' Q u .. • perm r~ .. r rw,.nue. but II ....... '""''~'"' ... ,, ltl." . . ' .... • ~ .. ., ~ thaf (> nt•W \\"J,;tt lit" V.<l_<; !1 Jtr.OJ>bl ptriUrf' f tNo haVOC .. ,.. --W fh fttfl I hr.-•f 0 •ola.ry •f f n.e ta·~~nc1~.;;;~~~~~!i.u~ally ~-~.~:::·~~~:0t:~ ~:~r:~:~:-~·:~ ~~~~ 0.~~~::.An~~~:~,.!~-~~;·SUPERVISOR_S_ ST-ART HARBOR ACTION :,:.~:~:.:7::~·~~::~;~ :;:t.:,:·:::: \"h•tor\· Gardf>..-In "flJ•(' t •• r:• 1r ,~. -r-..:t:~n• I l~lo·:o "" "' It ""'I.Jt " ''" llnd many ,., erl' tw!-, " 1 '· , .t ,,, ,. , •' ,. "'" .._..,.. ' Of the ftt~t th;!t nlany Afnc>n· .... ,I • ·'· ichl f~,r lh~ fun ''' IL • I" J.t I''' k••tt 11!"1 tlol •• " I'"',,...,. '<II , 7 tt, 'l t t.• -_. "'~u: unl 1 ll' ,,., ... r>f ! •~h can s f o und \"icton · ~arrle-nmJ.: J) 1 ti f N '' .... 1 1 111 ""Y11' 1'1 11 '' "'""1'1 '"• •I ''"' .,. .. ,r: ,.~_. a matt('r of toi!" a nd S\\~t ;~~t:;'JI~henbf~7: .. t~~~~ ~~;~.~~ Planners For e e!~eorensA.arkomRoared"t.pooSert nBdeaMcafln a,~.d,,~·a:l.~l·l·~ ... ·. :; ~k: ... ':.·.·;~"~: .. ::,~:~~:::~ ;:,",1':'' ·l~···tr ... :·;;~"·'~j,;;..:_.: .. ::~ with a fl"\\· tc.>ar!' w.Jil""n f!'\1 -~.-,., .. -t<wm *"''I'". thllt th~y p l • " " "' tho • II d"dn"t OS war tn . t t 0 ' \\"tuohiltf•lo,n '"''',.I '... J I I ...... •I _.,, .... II• .... ,..._ ... tngs ()("(''lSlona y 1 ...a ~at •r a m.a..t h~:bt nn a boat llt Jng on a nee '"''""'" .......... 0 1 '"" ....... tt ... , •. Ill I I ....... , •• , ... ,,4 ·f,. _.. .. ... tum oot !'In ""l"ll 1\_<; Cl'-pl'('to.-... nldll aM t hoon :ot~r k "" ""'"'llr-Second Meet .,., !til " ,,, thr ......... h . y .,, ..... ' • ...... ...... .,, r·., ··~~ U n cle Sam ic; ~oin~ to ha\"l" ~ t.lliPy .-...t -ttl lh .. r lltrhf>tl '"" ~~ lto,.:lnf.: llllk" by \"Rrlt,Ull roun·l 'l""llta In lhr 1••411 I '" f orllt • •k·· "·'.. """' w"• "'"'''"""' 11uol II I""'" I'" "' • l ...... .,tta ... ~ mort' f"l"('nJits for the back-llrt-t and o'!<t ..... , nf t hf"tr .... ·ork I ,, ,. ''"' ,, •• llllf' lot httv• lhr I••" I• n•l•ft -" ,,, '"" • .--.., ...... yard battalion"' this year •on filii ~·nc up fmm )ttxtr '• At tt<r Hlllbf•" Yllcht Club nn ly lt""'Jlll I hi' fk•"rd r"lt Rurworvi,.,,N n• '''lD ts, r hanf.:o· I ll• I••• "''"'• •·f fl· '' .,1 "" '""~•&lure • """K"•I "" ' ' ,, '"' •lt•t "'' t ,.., than last . tao-. Aplltlt kala f'rlday nll[ht , Apr>l Tl.h. Ferrie )f. Tuellday mflrnlng promlllf'<1 to t•kr Jlll <l ot the. oavy'• "''lnJ4nw• oJ"'I.ul. .,.,. ltfltl "ttr rtnrtT-plan"" hwmnr I!•· f't,iillo·•• • ' .,, PlW•,.._ 1 .. -__... C'OITI"'"n~ ,..._ ltlr lfibtn declared 1 .. board W"lcely w1ll 111ra1n pre•nt and lmmedlAt" arllnn nn lll!nttlnr a man !Ill I to ~urr atlrnu~tl • plan~ ''" ·I~•, lt•l•'"'""' , •~ttlt1 tlf' •••tmllf!Nt Au¥urot ,. 11••• ... _.-.. ..... &AU 6~ ~ .,.... -_... 100 -u nt wiUt tbt nah~r-., port the delnand for ,..,..... r-· diW'UNI with thoe. lp attenclaDcf. l o Wuhtn«"tnn to work nn navy An tndu.tr1aJ hart.nr In thnl 11 ,,.~ 1111•'1 ,. • roul(tl plan ha<1 alrr••ly """ "'" • tty """"~ ...... - table 9f'E'ds is hea\"ie'r and .,... oa Uw ..a. and would lurniall problt m• relattnr to the future and oUiu ,,fflrlale f•w a cbanrte In WUII.a warn .. r. l'hlllrmin or th•· l...,.ft ,,,.,._n~ '"" «ftf'mmrnt nf "'" lin••-. tl"" ........ t. ~ a ea~ than a )'...-aT ago. 1br All~ a ~rmJI to ....... lttf!m . a). plerwn ng (1( tbt. putk\4ar antL the location of munitiON lltllnt.«e ho ord. who hu I>PI'n w•orkh 1: ,.,,n tlc-h IL """ ""'I '"' tt;oo tAMP ...... talt N~-· v·:..... G rd .. n t~b IJI# Audubon ilftd othn eo-lfr \\"ably. ~I.e a 'reD kDown ~:~~qaane near Run•t Beach. wb.Ut lllllnUy oa lhf' prt•'""<"l tlr'llltl~d "" ,., "' rtf thr •prnt.onl, MUfl"' , ..... WI m~ .... pM' u. ..... _..... R:~ory a "' ~ •w«et -h l.aiCt.n u they aJ 4 ___ ,, '" -~ hal wt a goal of d«lan!d tM _.. '"""11ft attr.c· aulh••rlty on tht. Important .ubjeet I Ul«* at the mHU~ trtwn.u " I"'J'e map wher,. It """11 pr<oJVl•d vlrw•r t"''"' ._."It a'-"1, llt.all"l1 u-to flrwt a ,....,..,__. • Wtll an-fl" direct ...,.Uon1 wtlk:tl denial ot the report that Orul(e (t1 rtllll()tyf' tbl' munlll•m• m1aa· tll,.y f11ll'nffltf both ~· Anti A t;tot l-'" P .... M • taolt .... 22 million gardenl---an an-tl-fw c.nun.u Mr war-.. ld •·Ill brio~ out ftlualtle ldeu and couDtJ bd att.ftllpted tl:l Impede J:tn• fi'Oin Ill pnoaent .u, t•• be· I""' •Jrl•/aUtlf\ .... _,,-.ad thai £"tG a . HAR£-To toll Ol •lf•f} f~ -' II a. ..,. .. Cl"eeR of "'"0 million 0\'ft" that a taD .... 111 Ul• fA«<IIIalun IIU(fntllliUI. ' lbe war effort. )'llflll Ute Alamltoe marin,. bAM and 1rllun WI"IUid ._ tallfltl late TuM-tllriiiiiiO Hea,.. from U Ja, N"""l"'r1 Jllo-r. •-~ ~ 1943. four Y"ll"a aco to 111111 wall but All rltiiiiUUI .,.. ln't'tted and v,..l Walt• Hublal'd. Jr .. ,..,._nt· whiCh wouJd .UII ~rmll the Na vy I ttay ''" thf' matter. It wu t..aml"l1 Air ._.,..._ 4'(1 lhr c;. .... ·~ _ _. ..,...._ 'V1ctory &edeDeft sboald j DIUCfl of ~d t.n attend.. TIM dlaner wUI be lq Nwport ........,; R. l. Plltctl t•• dnelop Ita dociiA and ntJwr fa. I uMrtlclaJ.,-that two •m would h l"r '" tt,.. -............... proftt by thr ~ ol rathrr than too t"Pr· ~""d at ""10 tor nlcb ~ of Seaf S.Cit., pr ••lllll ., f.be r lltU.. ...,... the ocean .,,. w .. ,.,.. l>f'nl . ._ tnwB ~~ otW~lJ w~trllrra u • Hl Johill aJnloulam~ 1m-_ _. • ......, a~-- J.t year ad .... ·tD stc-1 tail for* 8t a. .fmlr. I ~ m.-be -.cSe ltD ad¥~. I Oran~ Oltaftty Cout ~Uoe. hlr.lal7 eoepiiiiMalld by rwryllCie an.t ''"" rro. LDtrttr tt.dl and that •lmH 1mtll all f~"" '",... k .. l fltf Ilk-~ .._. ...._ 1ft" their~ 10 Chat theft So right noB' liS tftr tin)e ----- -and Howard 1nriA. hlllrtea. -fnr _._ ~ l lh"• twe .... llii ca,. ...._, evac:ualtd Jullt btfort UM' l aJI t>f 11t1 ..... .,.... ,... ... -.. will V .. ..,_ ftat1r ill .... Ito .... ,... 9tttory p:l'dPft I ct.. Dlllan tie U.CS. 8ul ..... ttetlalf of tbf ~lat.d a.-ben HarrJ Welda Gf1INd tae dlr~ f ft. L ~ _. LoiiC &.ctl"•l UMJ ctty Thr II""'JUf• ...... -.. _, ~ewer • ..., ~ ,and .. _ .... to your tau. ,.,. c.n! Bu7 War ..... , I fll_ ~-an e..blned .. ,. • .ton with ollflftl rl# ~e toi Harbrtr ...,_ lllu ···-I ""At 10:10 .aralrht '"Jill Uw •ar.t.ln .~ ..... ....., ·-" • --- -· r .-, • I , . -· -. ·. .. .. ., • Pap Four . -" NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-'IDIE& NeUfP*t Beadl, Calitomia, California, Tuesday, April 4, 1944 -----------------------------------------------~----~---------------------------------------------------------------5 d H. l pllluure -.ken wtao an mainly 8 o· 'e AWNG COAST 5 000 t t eludf'nla from bl&'b Kboola and t u en s ere JUnior coUeau In &uth~rn C&ll· oy tes a I HIGHWAY'S F/ E . Sl I to~~nr c~dJttc.. .,.. tormtnc~ Had WATERFRONT ~~-x NGLIN.G AROUND •·hchtl~ popular tht1e days. AI. Amblee Ia- Ran Into AI Rousselle yester- dlly ott tht> Pavilion .wharf and whm I moln-d h~mHle--war·r ---::--- ing arol)nd there said he was look· t · the major problem. r. r arr ""IliA ----;;--., f a-t O r as er eep ess lor \he cabina ronnerly rt'nlell 1" a se, a • A kl't'j h~ Laid tor a 6Hr. / ~prtnr vacaUoaen Ill&" beta per-rv~ • ne type cl ~~ at the ing fnr onP of thr fellows running manently rented to anny pu a ""~' . . .. Tbe u.ual rll••my V.'t'&llwr j;"T_,~t · ld8l wrrkotnd. The Newport Jtar. and lbelr famlll«& o-perate llU· so . . =--lrh Anwrlcan Shlpb_uJidlng corn- ed ~ amiu-.J F:n!Otrr W~'<·l< I 1'(1\''d t, I c ·: lllllt ...... , I-,., ffi('rt.e llUl! ~··I •h·lllll who were Ullable to •e<:vre mISSIOns INI )' ol tht-Coast Highway. The wbieb beran treklng tJ wu t•• Bal·l I mntrd llwt tht>lt' are between ()f 1 vu their bead~! through l)(•'lT 1s hf'fne hullr for The Cas- boa &Ad aurroumU.nJ: tka•·!'l town& t.hret-and tlvl' thouaand of, theae ~a~~y .. frlert&l have appart?nlly .. ~. tacno.. Brothen or . Santa Bar-1 • for thr city council. As AI. is om· nf thl' city's earlic-st pioneers and as he sPirlom gl'ts Into politic-s. 1 bt:eafl'W> 11 hit lntt>rHteod and ttllkPcJ him I( he WllS WOrking in the• fl~!'st•nt f'lt'<'l ion, and he said h•• • __ _ _ 1 • --hjlra. Cahfom•a It u to ~ useci..[=---------------------· t abll•hM lhf'mwlv• In thf' ,...,.. D th r e FTlday a l-t ~ f 1 f h' , 1 . ~a--~ was. __..! ....... lnd 11 blr t'l! am -~ or 1 ~g 1' lnJ: a nc IS t>qu~ Last WN>k, sportrlshing around boats, and lht'y W t>rt.' 1111 oot "Yuu knn\\" he grii'iiiPd' "J may IJllla bUll, uo:b any 1va a 11.,,,, Ana Army Air a.. ....,1. 11111h WIJ'l('h•-s and mas t and boom. · I . : • ' !Uin•l dunea or lo lrff. h >UM'II, ac-tal to Technlt'al Sgt. Jack Wtnam.s Thl' 1\t'W boot is to haw 11 5{}-ton thi'St' parts gavt' t•very lndlC'allon Bay f1shmg wa!' sorm·whlll 1 hi'. be ,!I J?OOr p1ckt>r bu~ J Vt' .angiM PACIFIC ELECTRIC Needs-YOUR· He I~ Mony attrcxfive lobi. at fCENTLY INCREASED RATES Of PAY, are now avallabli w~ · Paclflc: Electric Railway. .... ,.... .., ..... , .................. , IIOIOIUWI .• UA ...... • CONDUCYoa AUfO..aACIIIItl • ..,0 aiPAIIMIN ,,._ a IPft • CAa GUJIIU • JANifOilS RIIIOifl CAa IIIPAIUUN -.,.....,.CAa~ RIIIOifl CAa CAaPIN'mt HILPIU &.lf'I•I•~ ......... IOHDial -........ • CAaPINidl ~ ...,..._ RACK LAaOIIDS ~ I. L ,..., s.,t. _, ,_,.,__, ROOM 217, P. L 8UILDINO ..... _, ._,,. .,...,,. • loa An8el• ~-chr inturupcion. mistu ... bur il you're think.ins <Hrdw~ to a ulephun., aurvry who nut only ataow.d----ln r11h capacity. It wtu bave a loac or hie catch('S for all boats. \.,lly! rt'verse. S{•vt•rnl ..:ood <trint::' or out three who JAbedhevKe. wktll wzn bl h • t u 1 New rt 'al ---_. . . and they arc n Y 1r , Earl w c wu a D o po r< IIIli ~rl> m! 1n~a In. tbe European rnJhtng ran..:t' a nd Will tx-a ble to Because the sun l>hon£' a ll through ftsh wen• hoastPd l>v f1~hcrnwn ,.. 1 d 0 B 0 __ _. ... f'lltatt' a•enclea lb&t revealt'tl few b ,_ n-. ... _ . '30000 .11 of •111 . . I . · 1 ;:,tan ey an · · ..._...,... , ., · \hnto:r c w11r w ""' .__ for <:afT) • ga on..; fuel Prt> the t m11 part of the week r1ght up who trustt'd tht•tr lur k tc• tlw sm11 I AI who played as large a ...,.,.. rentala have been mad<-thruu.:h 1 . h t ahow__. ....... will be Accommodation~ ror 10 • -~ · ...,.. ' ' 1 " 'f)Un u ... ,... -.ate · peer ro Saturday and then on Sunday boats at the Pavilron 111 BnlhH·I as anyone in getting thla harbor ' lhf'm Studeota ban ~"" 4011VIDJ ,,, !.IIIII~ ana tmaclty wblle wac· f'<>M Thtt bo .. t. wblcb wiU have a Pd d k' . ' 'bl r lhl'lr gul'ltn .. coupona 1 n,.,. th .. "•1: 11 r,~;ht fur hill Ute at Ute.._. 1;,:, hu~powtfr Atlas Imperial t'n· camP tht> rog. On W•'<in<:'sday, tlw One kid or 13 year!!, Robl·rl ll11m· drt'dg a n ma m~ 11 posst e ~~ lut became v-.lid to makr thl.a va-1 ,.,.1,1 "' wtw:-t' hf' hu been ID for ~:m•·. •••II Pf'Oba81y be delivt'rM Dina u 't' of AI Fnrgit'~ Balhu .. 1 phreys ot 307 Bar F'ronr, fllllb<;;,, t~e1 ~arter ~a~rs :nd 1 ~tr- callun poutble Tbe majtlrlt Y an· 1 :1111• m•.ntha with a aerio• Uver <•ruund July. Sportfi~hln~: F1t•t•t wc>nt up to l~dlht'd ad real rnnly. ar 1 ,,.,,.11011!1d cpoart h~: ~~afJoo ~~s :vefopm:~t 1 th bll bua u a rn.,ana H 1· """ r h it Wh'l stee ea trout. om· o a '!"'' ···~ . u~ng epu c a ., ""'l~tJy • un mgton r•ats or .a . re nt>vt•r round in lhl'••· w,,;,,,_ n r for the last36ycarsandsaysth~t nr tran11p0rtaUnll. ..__ ,_,., '""II: a~~:••· ~ er.-.. an• • -a..e-TraiiiiiiC watt'htng fnr thes.• elustvt' and pre·, ... _. .• -. >ro'"'ns~ mustn't stop and the way L~ood hu -·--another . -6 .. I •I G ha r M d . I' I d . r 'th d courS(' J>t'ln(: llnu{'l ~i/.1' .I<Jilng I ... ~.. . r r·--""' "' J a.·k'll ward at the .....,._, .__, ._. rn m M>n o r. an CIOUs rll P f'nt:tens o l' t•ep. liu,;phrt'\'s had to throw him to keep It from hesitating. he says, problelll. Food llt&miJII have ~ .. o 'fb•· t~&·o had chatted and fCIUDd .\lro If. T. Gr:~ham. ownt>r.. or ·~·· boys ca.•l a hne or_ two . back but Clirr Von Kt•nnt>ll and is ro elect the trio ment«<nro I pooled and the bualn-ill h<.cjmmr; tt>,.y t><.th relt lbat a._ •• '-' (jraham Bail and Tackle company \\ham ! Rarracuda and sea trout F'r k C k h k above. in au the local I"Nt&urantJJ. 111,.n•l 1,. hll pipe. Bille pt 1 d un ttw Cti<L'' lht.:h"'<-1) ha;.. bt'1•n hrt t'.wvtythtng ('ast out. a.nd in no of ~~e k~:f a~~ ~iso ~:ch.a :~~:u~~ W••ll. AI. may be right, but mt>. Sallifta, -lmml ... bow lint anti 1 •• n•l Jac·k bla _. ___ ... -~ N'flt to San Oif-go tor h1' "btJOt trm<· a luad of SCC)I •It•rs and 1 rout h h' h d 1 1 r l 'm J'ust ~ '"'Y tryt'ng 10 cover lhA • '' f"'r-._. _. • • 1 at 1 r• catr en•Ate a n o rx· .... -~ I dandnc and the u.ual .a;uvitlea '"'-<'co. lllroucb ~ d'fcrta of rnunmg· '" ttw Navy. Graham Wt>l't• landooG.--Ewryone who citemen.t Bay fl•hin" '" r('ally watt•rfront and Angle Around. arr belnc <·arr1ed GD Ia tnidltJonal 111, IUd Crou aad ta. WWd of WPnt mto rtw liC"rvlet-Man.·h 2:'> •how.-d up a t l_he Pav11ion WhC'n 1 g . a~d the Pa~illo; ilatl are J'll be seeing you! form. lltnl(. Jack ""'elYed u... llitaltly "Jit' wu fortunatt" u most or his thf• Dma lA>t' dockt>d took hcmh' a Easter Regatta Plans <Atmpleted~. I \\'llh the at;endance Sunday at 1 the Balboa Yacbt Club of Crai" 1 uc,yll', raC'e cbalnnaa for I~ lut 1 three )'C'&nl .. and F. C. Br..wf'r for 1 ,,.,,., bill death. • lrWnd& wrno !W'nl w Fa'7a1:111, m•~:-ur frsh, through lht• ~;ent•r'fls· At Ills tll'd~e we~ f.1a ,.._IJI Idaho and ~or~lk. Vir~:mia." sanl II) ul thiS t'rt•w of g~ ft'llm•'S .,.bo V.'UC' ruahed bere ..._ ... lu .. c motlwr .(~• .. ;•hoa.rd tht • D1~a u '<'. t.reat l'n· h .. 111,. tn t:olor&do 8priJip. Olio. lhu~""'m pn·varl~ afh·r thts swelt -(.'-•ertt.c ""-re a-t stt;n tof .:ood hsh1ng and Th••rstl~y. OPAasks thla )'t'ar, tln-.1 piau wf're laW for the Annual J:uter lnvilallnnal -t• Rt'&atta c:ooducted by the <'IUb to on ous 111l ~· run otr Sunday~ AprU et.b, 1 C.-orgc· E. StUbbs or Costa &lt"Y Friday and Saturday a ll bo<.•l• re- .. ~ (Y,nvcrtme hL<~ plcoasuno boat into IM>rltod ~:ood rishin1: thC'n-"" wto a cufRnWrTJal flstung boar at the ~a 1cl IIO:'fnro> Sunrta} came and Pon ul ~·,·n St'as. 'nl(' "La With 11 fog and told Wt<'JI. accord· \r•"la" W'll <'arry 500 r;all~ ,,, rng to a ll n·ports, the rrsh went on .:a-and 15_ Prt'J.IIln'<i to icto !IIX tons strikC' complt!l•'ly and ahsoluiPiy ul h . ....ta. It .... on...t.bc .... ::~l" nm~:•· u/ 1200 to 1500 mrii'S und and. h<'lir·ve it or not. a fiv,•- fhP I'M'Ik'r s.taru~ to fish in Mf'llkan JW}und halibUt won the ja,·k·fl(lL "'ah·rs That was about tht> ca!U' Wt lh aU Entry blanll.a and the entrance !~: ~::;b.::~ ~~n;: .. ·w:: ~:I cl·l ·ty renters · ... ,. ~ -~ tht Balboa Tacltt Club office by Anotho-r kf'f'l Wa5 laid th1,. wc't.•k' II o'dock, 8uadeJ momtac. Tbe ut t~ North AnM:•rican Shipbt.uld- tlret of the two,_ wW •tart orr tn~ Company. ThUI one "' for lht' A belated ~ on Uw CIIIIIIUftc i...a.5andt BmtiM'n.. aL..a of Snntil lhr rfub'a plt'r at I o'clock. ,.1 •tt'~'Upanll of tbe city .._p Rarhar.a, Califonua. Th.-boat t.s Amonr the c~ who will par-"loun<la. ooUfit'd to ~ 10 ••mllar tv ~ "N)·na R._ .. wbkh =-=--~.....=:...----- '1{044 /llud ~~ Vitamins A ar.d 0 tldpatt' ar.. tlte o,.r Dlnlby and .. tht' AlbltrOM tlret. from the Nt-,.'· navy wurk can be ctc.e tlltere, wu ,.as laundl<~l ~lan-h 'L''-Tht• bo.-"11 .... aad ,. pre•ectton ., ... ,. pnrt H.l\rhc>r Yacht. PeC'trlc H ·fl. read at tbt' COUDdl .......... ..,. ,.111 havt> a hold C'apa<"ity for about ote"aoea wtucb ar• '""' · Dlnahl!'a, SnlpH, 8Dowblr<ill. BaJ. day In an Inquiry f.-Uw federal 30 tons. 11 "''11 bo.· t>qUtJlJit>d with okelp •• occur In the n o!>< boa Dlnrb&ea, hkone and Vlklni• rent control aa to ,....a.tMr.a -· an IllS hot-sc,.,..er Atla" lm,,.•n:tl ntoel, epa. eau anJ •• 1 You muet ha,.. Vtt&mon · Tbe latter two ca.-u ·well u t>nn~t: ~tal quartHL 'nle «*D· llw:• ~ltmattod do·ll\'t·r:v dalt-'" ...... titer• • a 41ef IC '~"' ~ , • ~ Albat.--...... lar1•r ·UI&A mu.nkatk>n,.......,.. IIIJ-..., JW)!:. -...._ • .wtamaa. · tb "'" til f II-1-clal Howe. rhaii'IIUUI Oft ta. a-t Olin-.!--. y __ _... V I . 0 h . .. Cn.ul'rl, w 0 v-a r-tr•·l dl.,llion of the OPA.. ..._ ...... PriotriU... ou....... ..,.,.,n , .. ,. ~.urwlltt.hat lnwtuto t~ at ~~,club Information aa to ........_ 1M ~ :o.lonh Amcric!ln ~Jid· the bociJ -k• pr~rer "v ' .... t-w ro -IIJIP!r ,_ · 1 cam • ere -*jlct to rat IOC ComPiflny ha>~ ht:'t!n ""'arU.'tl tJM c.aJciwa M4 pbo.phor\1!1 · · Any other claaa ~ bavlnc at P crounda-"' additional pnortll<'li for the ron-,._ 4iet.. lfut tbree to mter,·are welcome' control •tn..-tiOII of 51· and 61 ·foot rom· Jf ••• are aot c•'l'n City •-:a-.ctneer Pattie,_ a -·-, _ , to race. 1 •lalot'd that the .....__.. ~ llll'retal _ I1,Jun!; buats s.~m1lar to •-uri ef tta-two impon~ I __,.. thmr ht•tnl: hwll I\\ llw l'<>mp;m• -" 0-.: r A "" \ ftl ra. Harry Hebert of Ea.t leth were t•f a dttfel"f''lt atat.. tMII ·_ "!\"""'.,•: ta ; • _ ~t.-..ft honored ber lUter. Mn. 1twrllln~• and tbat the qany Md caat lot on the ,,..,an •1,1 •• .,1 ('.,11•1 wand Vu.mlft A and 0 1 William UtUe o1 Santa Ana wllb t'Vtdt-nUy come aner the 20 oc1o.1 ,,.., ,,..flllle ~lwt'f'n "A" and MB " I•! -ery dlf1 and •n .. u: c: y a layette ~bower. Fracraot fl'ft· tenanta had rft'f'ived aoUee to ., .. etr··•l. w l'&r• ft•r the tra11h &lilt ! no:ua.tl reqwrcn.;nta T.ta &nd lltately waa-la ~ ca t .. by t he flret of April A pelf-rut.l>tlob that &~l·umulatea t .. ~"-.,~ the liv. lor room wbere Court Whllt · tlon frllm lbe oc:c:u,..u proUatla( ckae to ttk dtlt kulty of a .J)ar-ent Q N E I "A D "'-" ... \ha .... of._ --loa. I aptnet tlte orda' -flied ..... ..,._boldn-8 '" cet l1d of tbelr 1"-~I _ __... C lhf' rouncll and .tated -., ,. ..... ., 1,31,.."' Mra. Edna auuuiJ' ... or orona toem were ct.fe.nae worllera aBel ;=~*'~2~1 ~-~~~~===:.:=:. I• Ute bouae cuat of Mra. Ethel , ntl'tlt•ll 8 place to llv.-_ 11.' t.e '"ur.• .I i\oi,.IUI nf'<.f tu .\pr1l Struve of liarW Bt¥4. A c<•mmunkaUon from th• dty ===-------:::::::::::::::::::-, "'"""*"Jt ,.omml•'on ••lhtt'd tlat 1 t ho• ht)artt had aJ'1'M7Vf'd " cnodl- pay more for a personal lou than the 1 llnnal l""nnot t" thco SQuib C~ (',; for tPmJ")r&f)' Ul!lr n( lbf' f'IUIIp l('rm;ndA fn r na' y V.'<)rk 11rn.l 11 a.-.. "~~~ reach· fnr the ..,_tuN etl t~•11t r•tmpan\' otrl<:iaill for a yrar· tu-y<;>ar Ullf' of t he quarter• 1 County Dredging A&lletl , Th4' Oran~e rountv harbnr .-.---, ml~~alon will bl' a*t'd to 11h.,e ball the' UJlf'DlN' of S2.000 Itt d~ t:l\u Alto from Lake avf'ftue to 1 It}" rhoon4'1 AN't'ptan. ~ nf llllll l..afayette pavin~t C'cmtraC't ..... made with Ill cnmplellon. u ....., the IM''A'4'r lloe down (.."t"ntraJ awe- nu~. Tb4' dty earJnH-r rt'pol'tee that the cf'ftter ot the lltrert f~ I Alvarado to Wublnctcm bad bea dtrt.f'<l In time f<'r tl:e Ea.w r rowda. He a1llo lltatf'd that an. the war 8·lllc:b concret., •-ould M 1 ulll"d lo paYinr; that ar..a. the c~ puttlnr up S284 ,.., the J77t ,.. qutf'M. wbUe Uw Balboluur would put up the b&IAI!Ct'. ReMwal ot U.. ~ contnclt ,.·ttb the preaent holden lor aa- lnt her thl'ft Y'f'&I'W wu approvt'd. Baua wt11 .,. ._aaw ea • .,. , .. -.,.. ....... a ... ...., .. ·-..... -.. _.. ....... •~-. ,..., ,. ,.. M'f•ettc ....... .. ,_ .... I .. IOOOt BALBOA SPORTFISHING FLEET OCEAN nSHING BALBOA, CALIF. The "Owl", "Maiden" and "Dina Lee" t '(tr lnlormatlun and SC'hedulea Call Newport SSl' or l..o. Ancr t--century !117111 NEWPORT TACKLE STORE ED SU)Cl!JI • MANAGER- Bait-Tackle~ Fishing Information NEWPORT BEAC~ KAY KIMBALL _ SPORT FISHING BOATS START SEASON SAnTRDAV APRIL 1ST 19TH STRF.ET B.o\Y LANDING Sewport Beach Telepboae ltl CLIFF'S TACKLE STORE CLIFF VOS KENNELL Fishing Tackle Specialist Ad.l<lct•nt to P~l\'llion Fresh a nd Sajt Water Taekle l'honr !II R.o\LBO.\, ('.o\LU'. Sot Main Ht . BA\''n SHING IS GOOD AT THE PAVILION AT BALBOA Boats ror Rt>nt 111 ftt•asonnhlc-Priet's -U v., Bait SuppliC'd SEWJ•OitT BA \' IN\'t~STMEN'f CO. '"'"' t:r,.,.lry -c it"nrral Manac.-r NnVPORT & BALBOA PIERS Gt:OU(it: IIINER Good. Fishing at All Times LIVE BAIT AJAVAYS AV AlLABLE How you can help add to The Nation's Food Supply Ia Ameriea aJone, 30,060,000 familiea muat be kf'pt in fi~hting trim-our over·tued food •urplyluu to be <'Onllerved ! You eon ltap f,y 6u,.U.. "!Vo Poinl, LOUI Poinl" Food.. The abopping you do for theae "plentiful fooda" help• to reJie,·e ihe drain on our limited au_p. pl-1 of "..,.rdty .. food,., Ancl It 1preed1 your own family'• .. food purchasing power:• too. Uated below are eomr of the nouriahins "No Point, ~A* Point" Foode that your (JJ'Oeer hu for your aelt"C'tion. And by u11ing very little water and low tempt'raturea in preparin1 ~hem -Controllecl Gas Cookrry anr. the extra mlnerala and \'ita.mina that c:ount ao much for laeGllla! .;:.__ _______ .. llo.-.llt~«h.....,_,,, oew ~ want.co.bWld 10me day,~ Bank of .._ ___ ,,. ,_, bridM-........... c..-• --J ' • ,_., ..... ·~ .. cbe ldiloo Compe.ny an ht of serva. Of course. JOU cu·c art co build ytt. but you can ~J... That's where Bd.iloa ames in! We'd like co help you with JOUt plaos. 10 mab ~ the electric wirins is ldequate. r.t._, ~ WMf, .o hoftH &tnt be 'om~UI.J1 .p-tt>-UI• -chat's bow important the wiring is! Your nearest EdiloG office wiU sladly give· you mor.e information abouc -tdeqnece wi.rios." Rmov Kn o~ A TT, Yo., flKtmlll s,..., , ... ''THill CAliFOIN'' • ''=ON COMPANY LTD. Ja H. ESTUS PUTMBINO GENERAL ELECTRIC ..,._ e U:FiliGERATOU • \\'A8HK118 ~All~ e RADIOS ••pori a..a. I no6 ()out BMI. .. America rate ., A ·.,. ---~ .... _ .... ,,.._ , W REM hDdloaal Nenoua bwt~us1...,,.. ......... cn.au-. Esdtahilit~. Keata...-• Ntn'Ma lleadache ·interfere witlt )'oar work or apoal ,._, a'OOd WnHo take · Dr. Illes lenine {~•iti • Ucro-.-eaT T ~llrt.) Nenoua Tenaion can m.J.,. ,.011 Wakdal. Jittny, lrritahlf'. ~,. YOUI Teruion an rau ... :\n'<•u• lleadache and ~.-r .. uua ln .•. ~··· 1 tioa. In l imn liJ!e tbq __ C', ~:,.. &r.£ ... more likt'lr d ian uJ!usf to I . • , o·~nTOucht and n•n·nus nr .. ,, w i•h for a l'ood HJ:.:"·e. 11:. Mil" Nenin• ia a ~1)0(1 u-.:~·11 a -mild but elfN'll''"· If yoa do DOt UH Dr. ·l.tlt•• • Nen·1ne )'I>U ran't kr.ow •l.~t ~~ will do f<:>r you. It ccr:N 1n Uquld ar.cl ElfervHf'rnt T, '• t fonn, both equally ,,..,th ,.~ to teMe and ••·er·wrnu~ht n••r , n. WHY DON"l' l'OU TRT IT 1 o.t It at yo ur clrua ''"~• tlftn.-~t tab~ lSI aftll 'i:if, UquW U. a .. St.M. fle:1J dir-ft • u-.... ... ocd7 .. 4il'f'C1...s, ..,. --... ; .. , ..... ,_c;.,,-...... llt<otl .. -.-.... -------... INAOS c-. ....... ............ ...., .... AMI ..,,fl on..-~··i··-~~ ............. . c..-.'-'-" ,._._., __ .. _ .... fOOOI o.--~z. ,..__....,-"""''-............ __ .. ,., , __ ...... , POUl ft'f NODUCTI ' •.- Nourishing wartime meala with your apeedy ®GAS IAN~I So much of the health and body-building nourishmeat you get from food depends on how you prepare it! Your ~rti6ed Performance Gas Range is idotrl for the low-temperature cook-_ ihg that presttves the nourishing vitamins and minerals. Its"'"''. unequalled heat conuol makes inexpensive rocurs juicier, more tender. Broiled meats are free from excessive grease. Vegetables that are "waterless · cooked'' on the simmer burner have more appetire appeal and nourishment. If you missed getting .• modern CP Gas Range-it's worth wajting for! ••• T HI • SOUfttlltt CO~NIIU eas COMPANY MAGIC IIIGIJTIN FLAMI THA1 YOUI FUTUII "f ... -- lyde Watson eeks Re-Election MODIEJlH ...._ bow lie• , ...... It Ia le wnr 1117 ... an ... aar-el c~ tltoal Uapet' IJMtr .. w~-• ... T1IOJ ,...., ,._tJ ftl lnedo& • t~toar .., kkk .. tJMtr ~na· _, .. ,_. • ......, atardr ao•cl• aU ta. wllltle. ~ ~· It 11 ......-r ... llotlll .... teo, aot ta •u• • ... , dt•-t u ... 1e IIH_. ch aa ... lila., an all for lillie ... rt aad ...... MC ...a. el aaft. ... woel. OlrKII-ror IIDittl .. lllaat IMby Mt -., M alll&la~ -MtM1iaa a ataJIIIt«'cl. aeJf·add ......... ••to~ 1e tlile Neadlowen ~ e1 '-'Ia ...-. llfOdll&aa ta. .. a tl 1M&. r. ........ ~ II t ~"1•1 nn•l ,..,_,.,lr.t Warlnr E 11a:hw• 1\thl l'at '" 'IAlti~F !'~I \·A,;~o: A:'lll' Ml-'t: ("11 8010 W f'~11· r111 ,.; 1 ,. 1 '1t ~~1\1\ \\' !llf\o I''' I llo I• h l',.hl I ~~·h \\-':\ Ntf:l ~ To o Ill ' \' I'll' oil•• J'olt j ty •a nt.tc loo ""' ltj;hl\\t'o~ht 11•••·1 d lnJhy ,., r ""''"' "'"''' n .. , M "; =""'" Tuw·~ oor 1111\1 1(111 b.•a A\1 l 'ult••··' lNlHu.t h• ''~';t•n April Ia• to> !•th :•, ;up WA!IM't:l • Tt l Ill \' 1:"•~1 ,., ·•r to; foot ,. lUll r r, thl l ta hlt'•,. h••Kf M tLil tw. tn ,: '"'' • ·~n,t ,,,,., t·· ,., .. , J•·•r h K1·1~: :-; .... t, ""·' .,.,, \\' Of Wrllr IIJo, ~ IA•\\r ll Sl S. II· ta Ana ~• 41• t:MI'l..O\"MF.NT • WANTED t ,ut. ~oil J! .x"l dri.n Wlt'll l'a ra. \\'Ill pay t••t• prk f' TII~:I1PIIItl'; H(llllNS .-.,,.., H•lt·• A ~ .. n·•· r :::tnol A l'rntral Av<~ l'h·•nr 211 21\ llo• \\'A:'IITt-:11 M"""'"'"" .. In o't"•rate t~•" ,., tutu•hln•• f·•r ma k lnJ: ••I lA l'lo•11•r , nil Nf'WJ'-Ifl 17114. '2!\·4tl• t~Et.l' \\' ANTY.P \\'t>IIUI II lttr j~o•flo•ooll ho•l'*'"' tk Jo"'lll t llllfl. l.Jvr In ••r uut Ono><l M larv 1'"" , h lhlt .. n 111 family not ,.,,. l.l.lot l'l:ultl l.t•lu tale, Nf'WJ"'r t JII'Ao'h ll~·tiC 1-:'IJW'fll"nl't'ol auto•mobll~ mf'l'hllnlr w a nl«l 0 <•!"1 I'"Y Allfl nl'll1 ''"''" Anot ff'nMr min. AJlply 11111\Joa t.lo•toor,., 71~ 1':. Hay A vi', ll11lho111 l 'hoollf' Nf'WJ'Ofl 2211 24·4k n 'KNITtlRE I'"''R Hi\1.£-. \\'lll'n \' uu T hllt\1 ••f Ho·al_ lo.:..tat " Thl11lt o•l ,11111:-.1 ~t\1'1.1-:IH l t<lttt~:lll .follt t'I.AT to'n lt M ROCK- 1-~11~. t'luh 1'11a tn•. harf'f'l rtlal" v. IIIK d ;ah a, ,,.., .,.k'C'al t•halre. • """'''I lllol.: ItA l.IIIIA -\ h "' llllf ~otlf't \' 't. "''"" .... " .. " 1 hlk lr.•n .. otrr l In I' •lA. M t•llll I 1'<•,1 l o•ollll, 10lo•••I'IIIJI 1'•'1'• h. lllfll" II \ In a n~<om •l••uhll' .car•IC" l(.tr•'"", apt•t 1tu nw•H,.tr I'•••••'"'''''· S:J:,nn l urnll h rol, S:t tiiU lltotur· lllaiWII (\'1111' 11.111 ll lll.l, ' Nf' ..... THill' A ~ 1·41\' fo"( lit llA t.tr. All ral'l lyr 1 ,.. yr 011tt '/ h4'''"'"'rt', fltrnlah "'l hom" l loul(l 1'oolhllll01n Hflolm'nral r,t """ "''"' I 'I•,.. to h11y t'lwnf'r 1111 (lrA I!Jlt' Or••Yf' AYt' _. 1'1_at'!'n· t la l'h11n~ l'lao•entta :otf\2 24 t tc I h tt:•· 10rlro 11n11 ul o•ov"r a. rulo,ra '"''' "'I' I"• ~ .. t.t '"' F.aay Temoa t.to M flhftll Funutuu· l'o .. :loti and 111 oon•lv. "Y· KAnia Ana ,,.1ft! \\'A N1,.'11 '"I lltl Y rlr•trlo· '"'''ril(rr,.tur anol l'lfOC·trk "'"'"' to••11t••• l 'otll totu Ha' .. oa loo·l"""" ":10 11 Ill a.nol 4 :~0 p m No•wl"'rt 21\l<t ltl·t tc d tvlna. Kn ... hll'r llvonl[ ructm ..... T .... t.tfOCI.Iou ..... t ... tl•>n ot •·ultlra, •·••v•·•• an ti •tyle• ftotd oe I'!••Y T~ ,ua. JolcM&h!ul · ""n''• '"""' t'''. 2nd an.J Urot"lw•y. ~anta Ana l2·tiC! H ilt ~AIJC Ouud u-s tumltUN. N ol appllano'H l'tlone N""pott 2471·J 1 :.~ W. U.y J.ve . New. Jl"rl Jlfoar h 21·~ JOHN E~ (JACK) SAILEIR I l..t 1~'1' n arll bluiP •·ntn JlUI'IN' ron· Wotnr. mnn.y, l"atlon rO\•rw- and IIIey. Pleua ntum to 120 A IMiof'I\A 8t . or ,. 0 Boll "'· LOOIE-WF IIIIEH For C 0 U I ~ c· I L I A I G' ' • '( • • • Over Twenty Years .of Bank- ing and Financial Experience. • • • Pledged to an U nbiued Rep- resentation of Every Section of Newport Harbor ••. and its Great Future! • • • JOHN E. (JACK) SADL .EIR C 0 U I C I l M· A I APRIL 1 1, 1944 • A REAL 8 \IY $26-'\ for Model A Jl'ord IN'dan, Cfomf'll'tf'l)l ovn · .... ~. new fl&lllt. n-top a nd ra.dtatur. Priva ti' ownf'r Oall W hen You 1'tttnll uf tt-l P'...Ute 'n\loll ol JO liN 8Al>LI:lR Vocet Hltlc DALROA aftf'r 6 p. m. Nf'wp"rt l7ot-W Aak Ab< ul Our Safe'.)' ~~------~- PUPPlF.S-Oad WtUDd , lonr haJr- ed. Jl'f'diJ:ft'f'o.l 3 ma in . 1 remalf.l WANT ltiiiF.R!'I t11 t"lll RhiJI. xnavt'ya rd ehltt r .. lllna. 411 Y. C'f'nlrlll An . Relhoa . 2 t·41 p y,._ Wa.c'".(•Loevy, !'1810 8u abore1 \\'ANT T O lillY tvs-rl h•r. He•· Qrivf', Nf'"'J10r1 Uea.c:b. Phone eonahlf' l'"''t' l 'hune NeWJW•rt l 2~2-R. 26·41r 8701 J-6 7!U I Reu '>ore J)r . Balboa Island 'Seflool News N•wr••rl S.ar11 l1 l l4> "No" . Aut t hry found a w a,v to Ito IL llalbo .. lal&n•l 21-llA' I I.I'IRT ma:.;t;,l~ld, aal. a t two· I dtolv.Na C'nnt Nuy 1 D. rarcS.1 Mu w...-: pereon.l papen 1 " r,. """" H"&a~tlablt nwarct. owner rotaa on l•n. tt. 21 p Wol --------19« TIDE TABLES Aft"IL II II 18 2:10 t ,T l I I teM 1:41 ,.__. a:a a:oo ,,n ,,,. .•.• 0.0 \ • 1 0.1 •. , o .. , 7 321 t ·4t J :H 11•8~ _ ........ -tt AJ.Ja~ ...... ---IPt In oom.,.d lbiP, ~ ab• tor .mall ~or NEWS-nMES AI nljtht t hf' aallolr• wuulol II" ooUI F In t hr n•14 b-at a nol ~" loo •hul'f' nnol lrtHI•· With lnollli iiiO ""I ~l•lllt· H l10hrth'l1 llut loo·• au,... "' nul llf'lrtl 0 11 )I fill 4.1 O.J ._ __________ ,6 ~fourth JrT"'If' room v.-tth Mia• Merryweather a" tf'at hr r. h111 h f'l'n etu•tylnr ~lf .. m tn hi~<IM)' F'ul· Sn1tf s:-olr "'Ill Ito· madr. hut I• win~ 11re nrt~.:lnl\1 llltoriNO by ••tlvllll t'fiVt'nflnl ur wurrnnt,v . ..,,. mru11:1t'r• of t h•· •lu1110 P""~ or impllro '''l."'tr'rlln~: t 11 h•.1 JlO!-"''"~•on. or • ne·umiJrltncrlt, 111 The Beglnnong Of Tr•d• In p;t) llw unpnut prtnrtp~~l sum of C•llfornl• '-LiuJ ""'''· 1o-w 11 $1261 45 v.·llh In· n y ''"""" P r ll I' ,,.,..,.., INlm Au~u~t 15. I!H:l 115 In 11•ng "II" tn rllrly <'allf•ornla saut notr fl")Vidt'd, adv11m~. If tt•~r,. ••u a law that not nnr 1 oui.J any. undt-r tho-ll'nn.~ of ... 'lid ~ tt '"'" with any nthl"r o •ountry ""'' or TtansfE>r; ff'f"C. ct\afltP.<> a nd t'x· , rt•l Spain anol N~>w ~pain The ~of thloo Tru.~tM• a n d of tru11110 Y ~nlcee 11atlor• wantt'tl tu tr1tl11 Cl('81ffi by said I "~ort or Trnn~f«Pr. 1 ''""' and w att>r for <•ltf'r llklnR Thf' bf>rw-flciary undfor ..aid Dc't'd Th~ Ruaatane haol fura but had nu or T't-ansfPr, by n!8Mn of a ,,.,,,1 aiid wa ntf'.J t o traot,. with tt·w bl"f'ach or dPfault m lh•· nhlhtatlon.~ liJitltonL Hut Ulr Rr a nl•h law aalol S«'Urt:od thl'n-by hr rrtl)(o ..,. f'Xf'· rutl'd and dPiiVf'rffi to lhf' undPr· llllt"f'tf a writtrn Orclaratioa of PuBLIC NoT•CES DMa ult and Dl-mand for Salr. anl1 written Not re. of Bl'\"a~h and Elf'c· 1!\H. tlon to cau.'t' lhf' undPn!iltllrd t o n n .ZENS r-; A'M I)l'o: t.t. ·n ti 'ST 111'11 propt>rty to 1<~oh!lf) sard obh· .. SAVINGS OANK 1 11-1.4 IS ptlona, a n(! thereafter, on Novem-ANGELE.<:;_ 11, T"''''''' tift' 26. 1943, thf' U~n!lfJIPrl By N. F.. Mt ii.IG.:, cau.w r.a.id Notice of Btf'~tch and Via-Pro·«irf••nt o1 Ek-ctron to bf' rt'Nlrdffl in Book Jly f: M. l't--n us• '"' 122l_ [>~ 2'J8. of Offtetel ~ JU~t Trlhf 11Tfl• •'I in said IWcordPr's orflC't'. n rd 12009 Datl'd the 30th day of M~rrh Puh Apr 4. 11, IR IM1 :o-.pnln f1•·• ,, .~ •. .,,.,11 F•rmlng In C•r•t ornl• tlv S•llv l'nrk,.r ' F'amllnjt In ('•lll.,rnla I• vrr v C'"'"' T •~ ••ul 111 ,, .. ry .:,., .. ,, t.i nnv • r' ,.,. ~'""' tn thl• rwh c 'allfoon llll ..... 1 1-:v .. ry """' l h.. rarmrr , h"l)lo:"l' hi• • '"I' '" k .. ~p thr ll>lll rtrh 11 hf' ll r ;>l I hf' lOfiin" '''"I' ••no h yrAr tltr •••II W•tu ld II'· ha.t, "" ht' c•han l("ll II Mtlf'h who Ml Ill ICfllWll It oh~lt v<'ry wo·tl Ill•" l o~•lJo of o II rtlll fruit Ia trn twn tooo .... ,,.r~ I h~ fll rrn .. r• 1(••1 t••R~I hrr • 11n1t hullt 11 lll(llll•oll ollll' o o• I• mouty f11r m• 110 • '"I"' dlrol llf'o ,..,_. thr y tti\Jn'l .:~1 ""' u~o:h Wtol r t H•llttl' t im•" ~~tla ,.r lllf"\'.-u f ft.rtu • w uu ltl II" lll•rnl( lhr •11mr rlvrr "' IOirt'""' ·rtte•rt• W~+Uiil t .. • " '1111\ttr l t.w'fWttf'n lh•· f~orn ... t• '"'' """'' tltr f11rrn• I hill v.o I r t ... ltow II,. ooto•• "' I h~ 1"1' •of tlw •I "'""' w•uol•l I( .. I •II th,. w•h·r ·rtu """'" rn"'l" .. ,.,,. ,,, tfi,. ••atPr tn thP "'"'llnuo 'nlrn thr water wuutrl I~ let •out a n•l llwy wou lol h11vr l'nuotrO• wotl••r ~\1. ,. • :'1 II W H • :1 lu II U 4 II 0 1 4 :t I to:oe •:oo ~-0 0 1 10 20 • 21 ~ 0.1 ·~ ~. t 4 46 1.2 11•1,.• ,., ... ,J .. , ·•• '"•"''*'*' "' ,.,ur.-n.,. I lt;ht ,,.u,... • ... . ... , .. ht(IU tJI. ,, tH Professional Gordon M.Grundy, M.D. Phyelc:l•n 1nd lurtlef' N inth and Centra: Awl. Otflu H•e.: 10.12a.m .; J -!lp.m. TelephOfte JT lEROY P. ANDERSON ATTOftNIY AT LAW f1' Coeta Me .. ••nil aulldlnt ~hef't ·~ Ca.ta M ... ............ t tt NerciM "' Aw C•rona •• Mar .. .......... ................ 'N.D. CASH 0 V M lHlO and rAT HOiaiOITAL "·"·· .,. .. ,... 1114 .... ... .... ,, ..... ,. ~'~"·· C.llf. Directory Conrad Richter, M.D. Ph)lalalan and lur .. tft OfiiM 101 Z2nd ,,,... Newpert eeaclt Hourt: 10-12 a. m . & l ·l p. "'· ~"on--ollie. 1U: Rta. 14-J DR. G. E. TOHILL ftHYIICIAN and IU"OilON ..,. eo .. , .,,. . ,._.,.,.. ....,. -~"--Offlc4 2M·W fllta. IM·R If Ne A-• Cllll .........., I M - RNOOOT.FA ('J _.., tt,..,.. .-.if.;._..,__ a. ...... --~ . - HAROlD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL Dr. M. D. Crawford OPTOMRTRIIT ( 00.·LA·LA! 1 luOE. ruAOtS"f" -f"~ ~ME.~ ~ .. ---........ '(~ ~- 1 .,__ t;''l·~ ... ~,.. '"" . -flOROTJIV OARNTT ------LOOkY! w'::~.J (,\ 'WHAT OE ~£ MATT('l CI\I"'T TH£"1 L:At1 ... '(!. NOTHtN'! TfD.cu • ..... D -rwo C v 7tNTA 'FOUR THRf.E C~.fZ.INTI\ ~tl' Fovrl C.UZI,...T" [I "~·~ I IIHai'IIIM th• Uetler 8e"P lly Rtrvlnl OUol'rl llelt" Ptlone Newport M 1 Cowta Me.. California BUY NOW City Tax Sate loti A. J. TWI5T . 101 co .. t Hlgh..,.ar P h010e 2422 COftONA DEL MAR .. :, ... r:umllled oa .... .,tt.., I Tt7 I'C-port Bou..,arcl COITA MRIA BALTZ MORTUARY e~~-.Y TM.----.."..,.,..,._ ____ v 410 c .... eld . Ce•l"l tiel Mao • N_.,.,.. ...... ~ ...... New~ u I BR. ORF;U LUCAS Dentist • 2ZO'Z "• W . ('Mitral. 1"1\. UIIO NY.\\ I'HRT ftY.Af'lf WHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT f tf'l'f'-f>-t-·oll~ A NO I< IN-I'H-f1'tt\ Wt)()f) __ II \\. \•,, I'' I 17"1 ~ 1•' l!l.oi ,I '••HI" M•••n I 'H"•I I.tlntlt•r, l'h.lll'rl\·J r.r N fiiA l f.()NI II .A CTOR-. • t, >•' ,, 1 1 • •'I, '1 11111'••11101 lllv•l J•t. :)fl? I 'IAilA ,,.,., l'ooll~l r•ICtlon I tJMrtf n C.:f•M I•AN I( ~- t ·,,._,n \•• .. , I f 1 r . ..,t UA tv lp V'n• pt11n y~tur '•'•tr1r •• l'hun~ 4" l'ro v '""•_:.J.•o•r '" 1 i·t, l'h""" 11~.11 t '""llt llll(lo"''Y at Arc he1. o l'n(.£ SUPfll tl S ::.-.. ,,.,,, l horl "r l'•ol.lll hllllt C:<t l'h11n~,. 12 l:t, N"WJI'•rt fleacb. PU INTINC -;-; •. ,,,r•••' '''" •···• t·u tllll htnrc r.,, l'h"n"•· 12 -1!\, Newp<ltl't U...lil. REAL ESTATE , tN8UAANC£ & N OTARY PUBLIC- I'"" II w .. ltao •· :t'lOJ W. (;antral Aven11e l,bona 3 AUBB£ft &TAMP'- N -port llarhor l'uhllahlaC (); Pbon.. It · 11. I'Ct..,..t ...... IHE£T METAL WOAK- 1 VIele 11urn lltna 6 llboC M.aUil Wwllla, (lea&a ,._ ,.._ ... VA"IETV ITOflll-._ _________ ,.;_ ____ _.. L-----------------1\·-------------------' '------------~~,........, ..,._ 1.._. V....._ ... le, Mil, Jk _,. • "-e IUI•W. -- P-.e Faur Ill-IOIID WIITl COUITY -SANTA ANA -8U~IK'n l~~ hall~pnllf'd part uf the harbor'" day .tudil'd tn dH&II a lf'nrthy r• lnch~e\dal arl'a Bn•l the nrtgln11l .-t ot t b• ~ce County Harbor I plan rut' the harbor dredgtn~ lt..wtr 018Dtla6cn and a fal l· finding 1 wnulil r\ln •Ill'• antu lhla arl'a for CIDII"aiU• wa.o-r«ommf'ncSathiDI; llhlp c.h'fk1n1. ..,.. aii'OIIC that ~ eounty In-• The l'nmm1ufon • report rertJm- IUate .,kpe ror creation ol an ln. I mrndrol:·· I. t•at the c• unty l~<k<· dultri&l·comme.rdal b&rb~r Ill l,hr alepa to a.:qutr .. thr lant110 ni'I'I"A BuT-a•t Rcovb ana: 1 aary to give thl' r uunly •·•Jmpldt-1 ~ board aDDOUneed that tt n mtn I ur Olt' pr .. Je• t an• I Hll tt11 ~bt ~r to ooly one q~-aren, 2. that l'o)OlJwlomt harbu~ tn· UOD: Wbat Ia t.be Navy gotn1 to glnHn bf' empllc_vl"<l to makf' •I<'· .• do! I tallt'd 8lu(!l~ll ano l ••tbmlt plan11 11nu , Ia tbM .....-ct. lb« c:ounty a lm · ~~p«lrlratlono;: 3, tha_t thf, 1tat,. bt-; aw<at,. ..-0,,u appanntly blllp aakl'd for tldelantla with 'Wbtr h th4: .... WWber Use Navy, now de· hurt-<cr l"ntranr" l'an ~ r rntf'<l. Vf'ollp tnr; a 115.000.000 naval ont-1 w atnly of th" A nah,.lm Hay lnll't ar ltf'r-<tlprnt at ~aJ a.aclJ, adjotn· taJ<I'n rver by the Navy , 4. th11t 1 ... Use .-te ot U.. propo.d har· lf'p;lalatlon hi' pruvltl•••l f<1r cnntrc•l ..,_ wtU mova tta boUDdai1M ao of ltl,. hll@o r by a c.stmro.IMIUO !Uli.l ~ U..re wtll be no m er\appiDC :J. that an arra nt at I~ :.000 ot terrttor)' propowd t r lod ualon acre 1 be provldrd to ttl• two lmmen• proj«la. Elmer J Jlul{hflll M !';eal fkao·h,l But C'tlaJnD&n Willi• H. wu-• halrman of lhl' rommltttr on ... ot tile board lndk:at.ed th&t,j lantla. bt'ld thai only pacrt • t lhe wMe WI ......, wlU ltudy In de-land lnvul\'ed Ia goo.l tor agTh'ul-1 'la 1 t , volumlnou1 report. It tuno. ttl' aaid that landownera are / NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIM£8. Newport Beach, CqJifomia. TUeaday, April 4, 1944 New "Victory" Fabrics Give ee l CITY OF ~KT BEACH lleeelpta...t ........... Ia&, IIH, .. A~ II&. IIN4 I Funds pt'r Clerk March 1st, UM4 ....... .. RECEIPTS · I GPno•ral Fund· s .. u rh CooM C'o . RA-ni on Dock No. S It Gar&&e 1165.00 S•l ('uhf F:dison Co .. 2% Grqss ~lpt.s pt'r Frunrhll'(' . . 444.34 Allwrt S r.h'MIIhtn, Rf'n' on Dock No. 3. 2:).00 .I I. :O.lo•nn•·'· S11lt' of R~'hoat~ at the Dump 5.00 "•••th Sp11ldm.: R>•nt on Gara.:e A: Dock No. 5 25 00 ~-t : C'hiL-<f'. Sill•• ol Mt'lal Buckets ... 6.00 ~ .• n••• Ana Atr !laS<". :\lnro•h H•·nl ccn Ray f'rontAgf' . ;-; .. w h ('.,.,,, C'•t :O.Iarrh R1•n t nn. Cit)' Propt>rty 0 R Boydt•n Rent on Dock No. f -:. .. . ... _..;,. l ·.alai TPI•·vhone·Co .. Pay Station on Pier. Hu~ S :-; .. t~un, March & April Pymts. It BonuiCII ~·ro·ot r.tl'l.tler. Rent on Dock No. 1 A Garage. J' 1. Rtnd llll't ('11~ Cll'Jk. Quil Claim Dt-eds. IJ •t .'H. Hlk I'l l. Lakr Tract lJcl li & I( Blk 6.10. C 0 . M. •~·• l(t & :!0. lllk. 15. $("Ction 8 \''I) ::!'!' uf I ..All :N . Hlk 7 St'C. 3, R. I. ..... ti 1\lk 7:.".:1. c 0 .!\1 •~·• ll & 1:! 1\lk 6.16, Canul St>cllon 11 ,, U.1I T' rummunily As~ .. l"iilclands U..a~· 1< H fl••h:l<m,un. Lwl.'nse Cnll., Bustness Uc. t 'n "'' • ••I < ·., H·•fund nf U\'4'1' l'uymc•nt H L. I' oil ~t·r-on St.•w('r Supl S.•wt•r ron nections \\ .I llool•··•mh. :O.I;<p!' •tf C. I I :0.1 <, A JC ·~ ~-s. l'ulice Judge, F'mes Collt'Cted A \1 '' 1'""· 1\ld~:. Jn,r . Hwldmg P<•rmll~ A :\I '\'o•l"'"· 1\lrl~ .. Jn,t• .. Plumbln~ P••rmits A :-.1 ;-.:,.l,..•m. llldt.:· IM p, J"lnsterln~,: J"£'rmits A :\1 ~··I"""· llldJ:. Insp .. Ell"Ctrical p,•rmils 125.00 60.00 33.00 9.39 . 180.00 52.00 4550 152.43 34.50 6325 97.48 4861 250.00 118.00 11.:.'7 35.00 1.00 273.00 I J:\.50 40.00 12.00 6 75 $434.578.60 ,, .. SPECIAL SCHEDULE Get ...W oa the day yoar City Truh Collector Col- leda. felepbolte Newport 82 for lafor~floa. Put your MW!Ipapen aad map.&laes out the day be- fOI'e the Trull Collector is due. Tie thf'm Ia about ooe foOttbldl ......... PENINSl'LA &ad BALBOA: Froaa 7th St. ea.t to .Ietty, Moaday aad Thunday. EAST NEWPORT aad NEWPORT: 8eveeth street wed to 30th St., Tuetlday aad Friday. WEST NEWPORT: . • 'l'ldt1ieth street west to Saata Aaa river, WedDHday ud Saturday· · • 1 BALBOA ISLAND-Aloeday at.d Thunday. HARBOR 181ANJ)...!.Moaday aad ThUJ"8day. UDO ISLE-Tuellday aad Friday. BEACON 8AY-M~ aad Thunday. ARCIIt:S. EAST to Y AOHT CLl'B ANCHORAGE --Dilly . CORONA DEL MAR-Tuesday aad Saturday. NEWPORT HEIGHTS-TueQy aad trtday. Bt:SINESS DISTRI~(Ne"'port. Balboa, Balboa bl- ud)-Dally. Pleue ILeep n.y 8elledllle for llefereece M1 Bonnie Lad •• faGow tM recommendaUon.t lnurqted tn the development and · tM&. tbe ~c\1111)' Proc'~ w ith lhe •111 ~ve It t'nry ~ble aulst- ,...,....UC. ol lbe barbor piau. anc.,. ~ ot wbelber t be Navy·a l Mat~rtHI llrf'dgttl lrum lohf' hllr· ~ "ca.u.• .,.. IDoAoch u bor cuultl be utled tor flllln1 In per couaty ......-. l '""''er placu and lllougha, arcurd- " • 1 '1. '"''" H'cl.: Jn,p . Tllo• P<>rm11 s A. M N<·lson. Rldg. Insp .. Chimnl'y Permits. A .•1 . ,.,,,n 111111:, ln>Jt., ltf•mcwal P1•rmit ,\ :.1 No·ll'on, llldg. lnsp . Joumcyman's Exams. 150 50 m .oo 10.00 J wrt one ht tle k u each Dl,lht, Oh ~ Ht bold& me ju.t 10 t ight 2.717 ~·And juat wben my heart la aJI awblrl. And all the gtrla be lovea to cbye. How I Jove that bonn ie lad But he mak~a me, o~. eo aad. He'll a modern Romeo o.n.ra ly. the county baa uk.ct Inc to Get,,,. J Wheat of Hunt-' U. ,._.,. to ..U. tte ID&Ia orct-lngton Beach, l'halrman or thf' ..-. ~ .s.pot adjeceot to <'nmmlltt't' on en~ortneerln1. n 11 I ICMII:ktnl>4m. Tax C(IIJ. ThJU'S & A.'~S4!SS. Re<k'mptions o " n '" ·lc·n~nn. T•n (''lll . T:ox~ A As..ws.«. CUrrent . R. R Hodgkinson, Tu Coll., 19~ Act Full Paid A..~-:. • 7.~.:f5. Out h«' g,u with another girl. And he'a alwaya on tbe go, But •orne day he may unden tand He'll b~: proud to lu e my hand. La. AliaiDJtoe Naval AJr StaUoo -Hta JY'OUP. dKIInlnl to aug u t a. ..... ....,_. ot 80Ulb ot lbe any hfCirma ol dfove1o11ment." &lk· . ,, •• , , IIY 1\,s, . .,_,o r. L nan achcd Pf'rsona l Prop . Pn•pt•rry ( '" nc·n.. C D. M .. Paymt'nl~ on Sewer l111 l'ltn•· l)(>ul! L1brnrinn. Rf'nts and Fines Gr!>Unds -• 55.49 HeM" I lnvf' lhat bonnie lad 1~ ~ 1 But be makl'a me. nh. 10 .. d 135·60 Hl''a got mLKhlef In hia eye1 7000 An<l tht>y nu.lly hypct.ltzr, 1,8'1!\ 00 Ht' i gnt ~m~J:uffiiT.u.-;.,;;.;.;..;.;.;;..;::.;.;~'=-..::,;;.._..iiij'!ESii~HS!n?ea fte'd ; a ace In lbie .,._ Use ttl !!!.. the 0 . A. Jones, Pollee Jud~c. Traffic FIM'll R L. Pnltl.'niOn Woler Supt . fu.'vl.'nue• Water IX'pt. 525.00 ·---!1!!!!!!!1-!!!!!!!!!1!!!11 __________ _ 5,36900 BOAT SERVICE Owed I I -......... -~ 1101'0& SE&YJCE KENDALL BOAT SERVICE WORK! for Vict:>ry in a wana, wu rabl• clr-.a In a rww '"VIC1«7• b l nc or I !'Uil npn and wool TheN new !.:brice lend tltei!IMlYft tc. a Wlde "· ... , of w.·ana and t~r.turu, u ibr r. r ,:y :tnd \ tu WOIMS«- fJ'Iy weU. ' 1L 's on p•or(~ly tn !4:d IP'Ift rayon and wool fabriu will tell YQ'J .. bout th~ir l'rrf.,~mar.·e qUAUtin . If you •ould li.,• to haft a 1 • ,,,. lu Jlt>t atvlnr muru"•or.a l?r tbe Pf'Oper cue of thew new bl<'n"-d f•bl·""'~· amd a •••mJU"d, atU-.. ddrnecd tnvt lo'"t to LIM Nee4lnrork De-1 Plttft""'!'ftt nf tt,h ~·-·-• ·i .... ._~ T • ,41~· :1 ,, I ---------------------------- nl'tra ctf't'lde 1t thua wu made le Costa Mesa Newe 1 DISRUHSEME!"ITS· C'ura t•nt E'<po·n~c Fund Pork Fund Walt•r Fund Lob~ll') Fuml Advl.'rti»rn.; F und <;amp 1'\rnct l'ru~rly Fund Spr<'IBI F'und TOTAL $460.737.47 $17,265.46 279.00 2,800.64 1!47.77 682.62 225.83 MR. COLIN F. BROWN Fonner1y of Los Angeles, ~ the ()pelaln,· of aa Offlcr at SIS llar'llle Aveaue, Balboa bland, where he has established a -lah rrCelf ...... ..._trWJIIda. _ .. fta QJIIte Newport ae.dt known tor the tint tlme that more l than on• prnpoeed plan for the.... 8aturday '"cbt au"-8 Use o,et~­ and abapt' of the b&rbcw ltaelt hu lnl of Coata YH&'a tint boWUDt: Unappor t1ont'd 1-"\Jri<J ~I 1 D Nu. 7 Bond Redemptrun t•und Gl>n<'ral Dond Redem ption F\Jnd 2,185 14 105.21 }.41 2-1000 25.187.50 S0.550.59 BOOKKEEPING & INCOME TAX SERVICE U0,186.sBI ~~~~~=~~~~:===:::::::==:=:=::=:==::==:=::=:=:~.P, ~n prepared. The kind of harbOr alil!y-"Yf' U11Jte OreeJM J'ronle," ,..------------------r ...... ----:1 u.ll1nl&1cly appwv.ad wW, « courw, tn m• m1Gi!le ot tbe 1100 IIIOdt la Total nmds per Clt•rk Out5tandinc Warrants 1Hfi ___ I do Jlf'Od orr tht' N~~ tuture n · lh4: .IOC'ale fpr t.bie papa1ar . ..,ort t>an• un which promlwa to be ooe of thf Total t'unds tlf'r Trea,.utl'r $110.:/10 9:\1 ·L-------1ft--.:1:DL..W.pl-.l~J-C~pc~n went nn 1111111!1 IOU(Iht aJter buUdiDC In thr tn 1leloll that IIUitable rail line community ' ft(•.;pt'Ctfully rubmit h'<l. 1 J. A GA!'IT. OP~RATORS IEEDED .. •• -... ww wor~~en are a1 depeMha .,_ _ _._. .. .......,..Good ... , ......... ................... ,. "'t * * SOUTHHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE · CO. Appl)': 100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa • 51\~ No. llala 8t., Saata Au A\' AILABILITY CEitnYICATI! ltEQl'lltED ELECT-- rnnno·• tlnna can be provided, eaa. !';gt OIICar L. Joboatoo, aoD or - lv an•l w.th minimum laylnl of L.. w. John.lt oo. 231S N-port ,_,11 h:.v~ 1 .. n r .. r lh\'ar homf' ln Ana •II ll.'IOrtiS by the 0ran1e trackap. Ul\'d .. Ia n-ct'lv.ng tra lnlnc tn Nt'· l .. ••l..:•·r ~lmne .. ,1t11• ltl ttl £r,ek. l t'uunly l'>laull(' Strat a. n.t mU8ic- 1n "'1(11 In n, It aald. the Mt'tro-brn11ka v. hll'h will prepare blm fur ,. .. 11 IM t ., 111a :l!r flf H M. H{lug of , lunra allc•ndlng were Mra, Gun- rol l\n Watl'r Olatrlct Ia lnter..t·' nveriM'af' l<'rvlcl! u a member ol a , s 11 .>ot.'t.e 1 mn~ trotter . .\ta. l'atncia Butler, 1 d In the dt'vt'lopmml and wtnl ht u \ y bc•mbardment com bat CN\0 1 Uunnmg Uutler Jr .. Mra. Wilham makt wall'r •rvlre a vailable. , Wr. and Mre. J eek IJIInfWWOI'111 c ... n·" n;;;~·hl•• 1 :O.ta• )'It-: 1"11 kell. )liu WenrUte N•ckell, I Rf'locallon nt Ct~ut Highwa y wue h0tot11 at their home 131 Woodyl WbOM ma ace wu • rt· Mia Yyrtle Ni~kfll and Riley d r t._ p 1'1 ""I trl R 11 ' 11 • ""' hn~ Jnlot>d her h u11b&nd I an o ut llr c ... ec c a -Ur. ad wily ror a. lkllllhllul pot· · • ·~> nvr way line llltklft& the c--...1 a....., 1 luck aup~r 111 bonor at llealaM Sa;:t n r\·8Jalt•, In F.l C4'ntro where would be an n penatve project. but Gt'OtJ:I' ~mllh and Roell VoUmtr. II . ,. 1l1taoned .,,nth the ?.larillt'l --- "w•uld not provide an.r uMOivable A'ter alx moolba ~nt In Cl .t& 01~~~~ or ri'Ridenll rnjnyM t.hr l l'o:~it a:'~C:':~v!· :b,,::w;ro: 1 :-:~.~~::1 problem•. the report . Meaa, M r . and Yrw. L. M. Erick~ NI'IIIOn Eddy prorram In Santa n vla•t In San Lula ObUipo. !. a lnl'llldt'd In t hf nopnrt Wt're at'V· _ • em I lrtter • tr. m port aut' orltlu , ln•'uatr11'11 and rlrganlzallona. not ul'lv ur.:ln.: •ur h a drvdu(lml':ll, hut lllf1U t lllll' abnul prnbnblt' In· du•l rial local I "" and rt'mlndlng · hnt h~o·al t1r11 of both ~an P(dro """ l.o~n.: I'No• h ha o il41tll nrC' fully tnxrtl. WII h Ill til' l'htuwo• ur further expnolft• n t•X•~"PI 111 "l'l•lll tor I' I I• I llllfl 1110' I lr•onJ:f' Cl>llfltv dt'v;luprn«-nl," \\ lll•'h pr.ob:thly \' • u lor 1 •' $~11.(101l.lllll1 ·Orange County's Most Complete I William A. KIRK Auto Body, Fender and Paint ~hop .~ Incumbent FOR COUNCILMAN • - I A-BusiMSS Man--who is 11ble-to give- the rapidly expanding Ha rbor District a competent, executive administr~tion of its affairs. A Raident Here Since 1924. A Property Owner Since 1930. ELEenGN APRIL It, • WJIIeyer You V.ote for -be Sure and VOTE Operated By the Finest Craftsmen in the Business and ·· ~a ted in Our New Annex & E +:e E E E +;M IE+ & E F E E EM M M • • • • e AUTO UEFJNISHING e Frame & Front End Alignmen~ e Duco and Sy~thetic Enamele Body and Fender Straightening : : M E E M + M I e + a 1 8. Let Us Put Your Car (Regardless of Make or. .. Model) in First Class Slrape. Drive in at ONCE for a FREE ESTIMATE CULBERTSOI CHEVROLET CO. CHEVROLET • OLDSMOBILE SALES AND SERVICE HW.tinaton Beaeh ! Mr.~'" is ncA a permanent resident of Bal~ Iskmd. a nJ, telephone facilities not being available at tlle pres- ent, will welcome inquiries by majJ or personal calls at the ahove address on Wronesday through Saturday of each wccl<. Mr. Brown is an <'Xpcrienced accountant and is equipped to render good service BEFORE YOU BUILD OR REMODEL ... Vlaat our lntereatlng umpla and doapl.ay rooma. Color guldea pl.annlng .aida, com- prehensive atOck Of ruga, carpets, linoleum .al\d Vene· tl.an bllnda. (> Rug• .and C.arpeta Cleaned Repaired LUDLUM Carpet \Vorks 1622 South Ma•n St. Phone s~r.b Ana 2806 SANTA A NA BALBOA MOTOR CO. 706 E. Bay An., Balboa ., General Automobile and Marine Repairing. Marine Electrieians Available Fender Body Work Refinishing TJoa..D'HONE NEWPORT BEA()H Z25 WANT~~ IMMEDIATELY! 100 MEN FOR REPAIR WORK Defente· Plant ~ . • Electricians e Mechanics e Shipfitter;s e Welders e Painters e Dockmen e Helpers e All Crafts •11 COAST CO., SIIPBUILDIIG l Apply 2108 W. Central -· -----·.---·-- • ·' . ~,-~· o .. ~ ~-~ PRING MORRELL'S TENDERIZED _.AMS Whole • Half Slices SUCED OR PIECE BACON All Cuts of Beef • Lamb and Pork FOR YOUR EASTER DINNER ALPHA BETA MARKET COSTA MESA . R.W B · vlRIETY STORE (' 0 8 T A M P: !'A LADlE'S PURSES Now•lty fabric pur.;E>s; ultractive wood t~. J us t lhP kmd to hll•nd with Spring $2A9 and Summl'r appar<>l .. .... . .. eadl CO~TUMEJE~ELRY :i'~:!~'i~~"~~~:'" lplnOc!l, earrin$gs,lF1oOOwl•rs and a':'4d., .. . t4 • SUN AIL-ASSES in a varl<>ty of colors. shape!! and sizl'S, a gr<>at many \II w)th Crookl''s ll'n~es 1 0c $1 00 Priced from .. . to • For EASTER DINNER And 1 nu~ual En~rtalnnlf'nt Don Manchester's BRA .ZIL La~na 8f'ach Harbor Area·~ Mm~t Complf'te APPAREL SIIOP LAST CALL FOR EASTER DRESSES -SUITS -COATS ·* SPORTSWEAR GJF'T StJGGF~<;TIOl':S JTA:--:ORAGS · t.INGF:RIF.: -- FLOWERS FOR THF.: HAIR COSTUME JEWF:LRY · • IIANDKF.RCIIIEFS . POLLY ~PPAREL POST OFFJCJ; BmJ.I)lXO r. .. • Plan to make the most of what you have this Easter -so that you can hold down your expenditures to a necessary minimum, and make your most important Eastt.'r pur- chase another War Bond! You may be assured that what y~u do need, for yourself, your family and hume -you will fmd fresh and of the best available quality in th(• Mhops you always turn to. Wateh their advertising and stort' windows closely from ·now on! · II r Spe~ial Cleaning Pressing Repairing Your Easter Apparel BALBOA CLEANERS RA •• HCI.\ Complete Assortment KITCHEN lJTENSD..S for that EASTER BINNER at lfnme Te WINKLE HAROWARE EASTER BUNNIES BASK I'~ CAUI)S NEWPORT PHARMACY ~F.WI'HKT Rf;ACII I SPECIAL UNUSUAL ----- Y A C H T I N c; B 0 0 K S Uffa Fox Ya.chting Books Sailing anrl p,,,\·•·r Boat Book~ Boetmnn·.., Manual The ISLANDERS ' BAI.BOA 1,.1...\SD, VAI..IP'. , At LOUCK'S \'ou Will Ylnd a (~nmplf-t.-AMctrtRN'nt or . F.ut.f>r CardA -llukf'tA -( 'Mhntlf' .lf'wr.lry - ( ·~ 0 -- ·. •. .. ' and a Bt-autlful Cullflcotloa of KOVAL IIAF.Ut:R I"'''TKR\' \'our EASTfc~lt FROCK Beach Attire Coats ar~ at ORKIN'S J)f<~PAitTMENT STORf<~ ( 'UI4T i\ M F.I4A .. Take ller t~ WHITE'S at Balboa for that Easter Dinner NINA A N f) Bags KATHLEEN "CLOTHES FOR 14'UN" BAIJIOA IIUAND, (;Ar..W. •• ., • • I • ' '' .. I .. e Seen Around the Balbo_a Yacht Club As the Prelude to Easter Week On His Past Record ROBERT AJ.LEN Solicits Your Vote for Re-Election COlJNfii..MAN City of Plano lnMtrudh•n (;ustave Linsenbard NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMF:S. N8Wl)nt1 Beach, CJllifomia, Tuesday, April 4, 1944 I-I arbor EASTER IN BOYTOWI! Newpnrt Bnc-h lncklllfndttil c:andlctntr· ~~~ bl-· 1~. lftJ)On~tttle to th<' j!{'O" ;....---11-P~. ana not to an)• Individual. or lrfOYI> or lndl· ~Ill. Aa hll rK'Ord In tht' pnst lhowa, tw hu not bt't-n a "YES MAN", nor will h<' ~· ln Ow tuwre. U ttw p -oplco n>· new' tWr eonlkir~ ln rt" •l«tioa b1m. Vote for IOIEIT ILLEI (PolttJcal Adv~rtJI«ornent 1 TAX SERVICE Ff"deral FAUmaf4o Htate IBMIIM' Tu Both Due April 15th Francis. Horvath m Ataao_st. ...._,.J,.tt.. Newport .._. .. GI'Mtlftt C.rde &lid • o .... t Variety of Unutual Gtftt "WE INVITE YOU TO BROW:-tY. A.ROlJND" C. E. LOUCKS. .IIIWilLR't' altd ITATIONER'f' Dt~ • Watchn • ,.,,.. Repal•lne ~ ..... po.ot 2430 nw .. ..._,.,.. ....... e..u ...... c."'· . Alan Crai~s. to Return Home .,.._..11, IIHtl aM~· fe""at -uwr le ..-a ftl UM _.. Mt ftl tile -'" ..-.. fMIIIItM. War,.tll c.~t~lllftM wttll Malltlf MaliN It a , ....... f .......... Tllla atJit, kftlt\M fll Mft. be -1, .. eRe tNt .... N ....., ... at e.-.. Ttla VIM ftl Ita"~ MNM 1.,.,. '" a """''' ............... ,. a44a • dr•"'atlc •-"· DlrMtiN IIIHt, ~l"f N ...... , ..., -Mtal..ad 11, Mftdl"f a ......... Mtf• Mdreud ... ,., ..... -. Nu••••rll o.,.,._ .. , .t tllla ,...,, .,.c&. hiM deale ...... ... Th,. m11ny frif'n•" (If Mr. and Air .. .<Inn ('rut,.; v.tll M hapr y to knuw that tt ... y pla n ll• return to ~ It .. 1r {;(1rtJIIR oil' I Mar hume lo lhco nr•.r futu•·· rr()rn Tur •11n. Ari-1 Ida Naylor Holds ~ .. Oil. whrr•· ,h,.y hill(' ape.ut lhe Offiee of Honor v.tnh•r 1 t.fr anoJ t.tre Mark Ul'aly v11 l · ,.,, wtth the ("ralga when t h1•y went t o "'" Arlu>rm c:lty ·to Ill'<' their """ II til !otr and Mrll <'raiK are ftctlvf' In yarhttnl: cln·lu In tl),. RR v l&ri'H and M r11 Cr.Ug wtll bo- rr ml'mt ... rco•l u 1 he IIOCII'Iy report· rr f or lhr N1•wa.'rtmcoe. I ----- At a rl'r t'nt. lmprealve cer•· monv hrllf at Itt!' totaaonk Loft,:• 1n ~a1 t11 Ana. Mr!l. Frank Jllayl .. r of ltniiYofl lnl:~nd -• tn«•ll~ '"' Wr.rthv IIIJ:h l'rl('llftlla of lhe Dn ""'"' Ul< Whol r !';hrlnt In Santa Anfl Mre. P: I lotr>Orf' and Mr, MO< '" n( !'lfi'Wport Bfath will MrYe W\lh i TA, uptnl'll 'n Sntwllnv f r an • I dny prco Eallf'r sale. Bualne• · • '"' ·' n..: f••r lht• muny uaatJI(' rt!rll'~ &l',.ernb1.·oJ h)' 1h~!N: l'n,•r· hf'r f r t hr year, the former lUI ;• ''' ""' h'll :;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;;:;;;;;:;;;r;;;.., ~-Paul J[eller Mrt... Naylor wil l luvco lat"r 111 InK mo n:haodlllf' for lhco Spr ng Uay Nursery Open APRIL 17, 19U Fmm 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. ('hlldren t 'p tD 8 ''coar• t:nl'illnwnt at 124 25th St. Lots of At·t ivi ty! Young r harl!' getting rearty for thl' "Easter Pnr·ad<'". Se· ll•t·tin~ outfits from our q:>mpletc.> stocks. Every tl:ly S<.'C'S us un- v:t<'k.im: fresh. crisp. new rn<'tTimndii>C' ton Styles tha t :tPJW'nl to 1·hnps of :..: t u :!0 years. • Spm1.,; Coats :m :l Sl.:cks ;m• n ·;tl la,·oril<'s this yl'ar and Wt' ill'<' s howing lots of them ~ V4ND£RMASY BO\'TOWN Rein~ Sought By Red Cross Q»f'<n'e AltH~dant llnd the latter .f'o l!rnup ••f w nmen who worked a.a l\:lg bnr"IP: lr'l .,~ .. F -l'r:,-:totll'lg aort mark· In the mont 'l to altrnd ~upro·rne n~ntng. had liinrhi'Oil •t the Ud•• \\'h No-Fourth at li'yeamo"' San&a Au Shrine In C"hlrago, whcorf' ~h•• wiU I h ie home or a.tre. Fred <.:ntlln wtll) lK 1 ° ~~~.yrsorroardvcrtislne! mnke h~r ~~q~r~N •t ~~ • '" 11. \~ ~·a~Pr ns ~u·h s~u ·~•;)~.~~~r~~~·~':'~:·;IC~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= ~N TMI. •••DCIATIDN &A.N LI•&•AL OIVIOCNOa a&MfoollN· ~UALJ.'\', , • . Du• cu••&NT OIVIO&NO •.aTC Ia Jl' ~ll· AN· NU ..... , ACCDUNTa -· •c O~CN&O IN ~C•&a ... D• ., MAIL I I WEWPORT-BALBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS a"d LOAN ASSOCIATION .t NEWPORT 8EACH, CALIF'ORNIA I Palmer Hnii.BI' I' Tllf rue~. without the ho•t· ; Traneportatl(>o pcorm1tt lnJ: !\Ira. •·•:s• J!' knm• lt-•11!1', had M lcclf'd "•ul Ketler of ,.._port I !l:a~·lo r w dl t f'tum to C"lthtnmla from lhf' ('Y8tumco tlepa,r!ment of l eac:ll It ....... .oueht b, the I \·In !lltlllftl, l-1ur da. 'll'hf'rr ~<hr wW t e ~hnp. \U ri""~ oulfltll fnr 1.'1\Ph Aed C,.... Headquarttl'l at lal· I vl,.lt ht•r 110n. l..t llan·1''' I •urke< l onr Alld appNir~:tJ t or lunchcun ' bo• where 1111 lnterr~atlon•l 11tn th•· J>f'tMnnrl li<·f!nrl rn•·nl o•f t¥ 1 ,.,,.,l ru "'·1'•191"'"'' 1\ll lhl' fan Mesuge hat been ~lved for :'\It\')' -lBIII I• r hflrRt l• rt• r ('CJStumr fan .. 111m. ,_, ------' Tht•y Wf•rf' ,t ~~~:ream an•l ttl~' Mrs. Amelia Scharle An,one knowing of hie Reported lmpr0\'111 ~ ~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~:-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~-Rho•WIII~ ·~-1o( ~. o•l\ 1m· j ! f>rov~·mrnt, Mr.. 1\111,.1111 ;-;, '"' rle, I • •1 ~·,..r nl<l It "lll•·r .. , :\II."~ ~l ror- II whertaboult, kindly tell him to contact the Aed Croee. l~11~hs that fult. weol wr'll' 'I •·uro· tnr the tlol 'ruml!, Mr. (1tBrl('" PrtHI lou•hJ.nll t•f nnr of t hr lllUia. \\·as IIUtnm onrd With hl11 camrra ..., that then• will br tun~:o IJ r 1'\'IUf'h •· •• ""'...t t tn(' hnol by all TI'"H' f'H'!l• ut W('r" !\I r!t F. F: anr .. t Ill. hr11l•• 11." '"'' ,. " .. u knm~tl phtno> ln~truo I•·• 15 nhlr to Elect ~n AggrossJ·ve c.·t.·zen as .,.. ou.t In till' ~~~n~hiiH' nr IWJ h roe G '-, •n Cnrnna dl'l !liar " l"•r'um of 1 each day n<>w. DouoJmcot :'>! 1 ·' llt'rman llllm.-r, Mra. Ruuel Lal' .. rle. Mr~>. Sam Mcoyu, ~·· llulllt'll Hf't'tl. Mrs Hl'nn · F.~terrl !\Irs. Lev.· \\'31131'1'. lin.· Cbarle. Prteet, lofr•. R . ger h · 110 ann '"" two hollt f'eaee COUNCILMAN (Capt.) Chas~ M. Fueller Balboa's Vtrorous Exponent of the Truth Read His Platform for a Bigger and Better Civi~ Growth Mn. A R I""''"· r'""' her olrwght' r who \ 8ffi<' !n un U.•rk• lf'y whf'n hf'r mot• rr WI\.• J't•~~'ken srr1o1111ly Ill IW\'I'rlll m••n\11• a~. ha~ tl'tUm('ol t o hl'r h llh' March, in Iowa BIRTHS l.tr anti Mr10 lolax C'ovry, 2202 Newport Ul\'d., Coe:a Mna. at Sl. JOHllh hoapttal. March 21*. 1"44, 11 daupter. AJI wlnt«'r •ht h11d ~··n flrr!l~ Mr. and Mn. Earl Blackwrll. With him ~ny httlo• Rpr 111, and -W. ltu:l .treat. Coeta Meaa. M- Old Man Yo lntrr. She wuylol lift Santa Ana Community boepltal, her -~t. emlllnr fate 111 hila. uareb 31 1'" a .,a. then at t h«' •lrat "Y••o-htw•" ••ff 1he ' _' __ _ ·~ SOLICITING YOUR SUPPORl FOI RE-ELECTIOI FOR CITY COUICILMAI O.B.REED -Po1Jt1cal AdvcrtiS<'mmt~- Capt. F ueller Savs: "'o~d co He wu a wolf. but -. ~IX'rity is 1\ great tl'ach•:l'. dido t know II. He ~mt'd hrr t l.y-actv.rslty is 8 gi"('Ot('l'' PM<r~c·nn nr 1111 and came '" lw madly In love pampt'rs the mind: privation tralna ~~~ ~~~~~~lt~H~etL ·-~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~-~~~~~~~~~~ ThPn he lrtt hrr alo•nf' htr 8\!V• ,---------·-------------------.....::-;.,_ ____________________________ --:: trl\t dayll and llhl' ~w.·l\mt \'1'1'7 stan•-' Comes Ele<>tion na\· in one w~k, and as you tht>n ,·ote so will you lw rt>prt>- sentt>d for the nt•xt four yearM. WILL YOliH 1\E\V COU ~('IL. 1.-Ent'OIIt-:lgl' lh<' dt~\l'h•prnt•nt nf flt.'t m;tnt•nt. in- dtL"trial and •'•lltlllll'rl'tal <'lllt'l1lli~t-.. ft•r Oran~t• County ancl :"\t•" flt.lrt 1.3<-ach. hy m~i~tinj:! that the manif~·st oppm1tmit ics or thi!' l'nmmunity t)(' adt't~uat<'ly adwrti~ ': 2.--tttititttc t hP improwml'nt of a eomrn<>rcial ( l\:('wportl ll.•riJoJ· to t ht' WC'!'t , h~· arlopt inJ;: a romprehcnsi\ l' plan or dcvelopmNll? 3.--lncn>ase the City rt'\'Mttt>S by in~i~tirlj.1 that tht> nue to the beach sands llf' Jetennint.'d and the vast expallS(' :iddt>d to tiX' tax rolls? ,:t . .!....Honestl,y' as...~ responsibility ror the admini· stration of municipal affairs. by J"('(usin~ to Rl'· :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ae~p~t~d.ictation from orw of tlw City employl'C'S? ELECTION, APRIL 11, 1944 (Polltbl ~t) rournJ.I'(IUII ('1o8e tn thr houM M~morandum from Earl \\'. ..-y • ~.altor • N ewport llarbor1 California Ule tulip• l'ltartrcl ttp. thror llha point,... for 11H th.• \1 • rr.r • .,. 1 he ~ar11 , f JRsun·,. nrm\' r.t :<11 ! .,. m I ho• •lr11J:•'Il • tr1•1 h Hf' ft'll !thr wa• 1 ••all•; . • vr r~·a1h• h ·~ ""-' ,,,.n '•' \\ ,, · '~ I! "Yno·h!'l•'" !'ll,t' tool• I I • ', 1d .nd ~ 1 a&• ! :n 1 It· My . IHo" nnp \ llo I , t", '\\ h .!1 1• tl. lu• hi••\\ h•• r , ... dnys thl~ 1"1\llllllllf'ol \,; h•·r ,,, .•••• • .. fill , '• h :O:.hl\\* \ t•\ t r.•.J lltt'IU '•'1 rro plr an,ol, "Tht~ ,,. II , ~~ 1111 ,,, I h~· SC'I\"'111 .. ,f t. I T111• I~ !llnrrh ' I L t't'Rio:TtA '' ', .I 7AMM' Thf'rap~·t.~f"di, :~I M~. ~"·~ Ma,. ~. Hydro Thfora r~ SJ)('<'tRI Ttt'l\lmrnt< fnr OvtrWI'il:hl & l'nt1rrw o•lo:l • Gene 1\lor~ghttm wn<' Thrr11p1~t Sfi!N'lall•l ............. " ... flit, C //in· ~,/ C·r\ (~unci/m.VJ 111 m/,, N++/ i.; rrspcr(j ,J/> ,\',ft' .. itfJ ) :,ur l/,·ctt~VJ \~1/c f..,r ~,f Aprr l ) 'ou rs f~r d G~t'fdl 1\.:wp,,rf J /..1rh or