HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-08-27 - Newport Harbor Ensigni Bl Boys Hurt; Driver I~ Cikcl GOVERNOR • ..,...,. p~ru to lflapec:t the Martne eolor 8UIInl witt\ e.-ll4ear L. &mltl'l during dtdleatlon oeremonln at tlte City H•Jt T.,...y, Oft tfle ptatfol'm. l~t to roght, al"f' Mn Jam• .. l'f'elt, M _..l.fttlflecll wom;an In the governor'• party, ... "" l' • Mra. Wa,.,..ft, Jat'IMI 8aN"dt, Leo C.f'f'lllo, ....... Pa ul Wheeler, Mayor Dietl Oretce, and C.Vftellmen, 0 . Z "oberaton, Luter lllMII "-Gre.ley and 0 . K. 8 1ue. '&~·knt'r Ph ,, 1 fflte Faces Delays Corona dt>l Mar's hopr~ fll( t-ar· I) 11C'\1on on thto p~m tn Pstai:>- IL"h O,ma CO\'t' ~~ 11 ~~~ I' h.?11rh sufft'T't'd a M"tbiK'k 111 la. .. t r n- Harbor Pioneer, ack Twist, Dies H<' ..... probahl\ tw-"t k~w~. for tu. )'OUlh a<'lh lilt'S • ,a, in!! t'>.'t'n ln tru~ntaJ an ,.tat,tnR th(' Harbon 8o) Scout tro .. p al.ao an act ave par 1 .,. p."'nl In lhr Rt'd Crcxs partwu· Ia rl y dw1 nc the " ar llnd r£' slaned o~ lut )'Mr as trNS- u~r of tbie Tournamftlt of ucht. ai!Odatton. •• ... u m' · ' f ('o>n II"U • "l \\ • "\ 11111 lo n ,.., ,·,·un 1 t ~"· J{Q• .. ;.._c.r. th ' "'-•' i( Jnlldl' .. • • • l'l\ll' •t at ,... ,flo ,_..,...J ... tY.l ,..,., ... 1,. t.-, fl"'Pl• • t _'(l IW GO\'t>mor Ao~phs Cast on llljuftd Ann Perhap• the most unuwal request whieh Gove r.-,or Earl W;arren reeetved on ded•U tlon day at NewpoM 8 eaet- Tuesday eame frem a Den- ver Vl&ltor Peggy For-slund, who. wu earrylno her arm In a sling beeauM of an tnJu~, t o her elbow. aaked the go .. t •"cr hr h•• autoerap._ _,., t~ ealt Whleh ~a.d her a r-m. He ""'""~~'Y comptlu Tl'le eat •frea4y l'lad the ligfta· tare of Ado,. L.. CaM'IIIo. M'-F~luft• I& votltJng her al«er, Mra. Otan Ec~•~ ~er, 2010 N~rt 8M~ eo.ta Mea. ENSIGN OFFICE OPENS • The offlet of TM E.MIIgn wu opened r .. t MOftda)' at 1201-0 Cout H lghWII)' In c-.-a 0.1 Mar. at Got.--. r-ed A-. T he telepl\oM """'* -.r of The Eftalgn Ha,.., 111. Community Chett Ouota Sto,OOO " m .ooo q~ ..,~ ~"· M'l tor 'hi-!l:t' ... l)OM Harbor ~a fnr 1!~ \.'ommunu~ (."h-t, a !Jttl~ 1'""' • har, S.:' •• n<"n"llC. O''l.'r lll~l ~tar~~ll'k"('{{ni,n~· \','fill'. I "''~!~ N"n An • ..: •h,. dr.,,. Rnln<'t of!tl'l ... for '"" h ('(' tnr l ht • N'll .. til bf:· 'f'f'O('(I ... hi t "h-... O~"'"'l :1 tr '"U '\ Ill< t!!"'" "lth 1~1&'1'" qunta_oc nai'TV'd !or .. A<~ e>f tho(' brnnrhl"" Tiu• 1 hro•Akdnwn of I h• qu t ha..< n 1 \f' h.-<'!'1 11nnounl"''d huT hl':'lnrh 1 <1ff1C'I • ar• to h<> l"'<tllbl ..tlf'd In C'ontn, d• I ;1.1ar &lb<la 0J.I'I<1 8&11'11-a !1:.-l>OCt and Ma~~ \ltll' ,_. mam ~ Shoppfts in 1'~-.,at a-da .oaf\ wilt bto ~;.nc • one ,... cat l&lt'" tax tWI i'fbJl put~ .._ prt:pN1~ '!1el"' N\'t" hlom .... rmmE'du1t' ,-.lid 1n •Mr tax a-d II\ VU"f If' ol • 15 P'T ~"' w.on h\ ttlf' ( " a ~ 1 "' ht 111 Co~l'l('d 8t'1..d aner ...., 1 ~ nl public • d t f'. d~ "'tad I .rnemb&cra rtl thr •udl- ·~ '1. 1r1 OOiOnell cflamlrry ~ CliP • \f.' U1 ir \i"' • 13 I n.: •h• &otJ~ tax and fl\j> opsQilliC , . IHI! ENSIGN You Galde to RadiO FRIDAY, AUGUST f7, , ... Cn.'sign h.acuo·. hlah Jn thai Fall .. apJ.II'O&("Iuna aomn juJt a. JUft· b u the lddl roJna back to lkhooJ and tN ~ o1 ft\'ft bUmlnJ ln che l1.lftt back East. It con:t8 ln ~ twraldlna ol our o&c'i Lavorttft back to ltle M(""'rk and the anno\ln«~nt of ~ &bows. It com" "'~ aum.mrr prorrama fi\~ \loay to tbfo new WJ line-up. 1101·0 Cout ffi&h-..~)' Corona dd Mu, CalifOC'IliA AP. VO E HAAPA, Edit« One Year Slx Months 'lbree Months . Single Copy . . $2.00 LOO .50 .05 1"hr E.wgn iJ publuhcd t \'tr)' Pnday for the commurunet of' Corona del Mu ~d &lboa l.sla.nd Writtrn oommunicatioot to 1'be Enslgn .hould cury d~ n~ .l.nd a.ddretl of tht wrftu, and1 r( pt*lbk. the tlel~~m numbtr 1bc Ensign's ttltpbonc oumbtr ta ~ 788 FJU ln the rll.dJo rt!'alm ... ~llna Dltld •'Mil and earrift 00 rlcbt t.l'u'olcll Oc'lo~T So •·e are -.. 1\t\nlna another trarwuon ~r-­ lod wbfon "-. wllJ not be ~ when or whtort> ""e can flnd Ou.r la\"'I1te prorrama. but TM En· &Strn wUl lr) 10 noep you po.ted •• that }ou \.1.-on't rnLu any of the Jhow' ~ou partlcuJarl) want to dJal. / CORONA DEL MA.. from Ute. .. r m .ure thai •• ,.. aU crate-COMMUNITY CHURCH 1be 8ununel' Forvm ~ l1 tul tor t.bc. lt'aU!e Urht• that 1"M puJJ)(t ot tbe Oof'Ol\a del bdd Mdt Sunday e\'ml_na tn blink ~ .tO)) and 10 to the Mar CommW\lty O nardl wU1 M Goo*i1 Hall. t·ao p. "'-Cue.1 •~*dine motontt. on COUt oma,pled SuDday by ~. uany ....-nat ~Y wU be Mr. lllfhway. aoo.Jna tM ~ E Owb~p tornxt' mlalJler ol Dedit .l'ohMoft. ~ will ~ ~ not quite the r1.ak.Y bua1n8l the Ftnt Baptlsl auarc:b ot San-08 "T. v ••• A.. ~t tn ~* t."-t It Wled to be. ta Ana. moc:nq. But the,.., JtJU a ri1k. 11w Rev. Owln,et ed ~. Jebn .B. ,_.. wtll be a ...una of Ow trouble now II ~ lllht cruhlna Toomay ol Claremoot are tbe Youth hllowllbJp lD Goodell dJ'I~r. who hun't rot uafd to ~t preadMn a.t t.ht c:llW'Cb Hall, Sunct.ay, •• 1:00 p. m. th• tac:t th&t he can't Whb by durinC tbe at.Dee til Rn ~ --u he could bt'tor<P. r. Sdu"odr. who )eft Lut week ou• LAD~ OF" liT. CARMEL Jiow to 1ft the clrlv~rt &CCUJ• u~ a tour-week vac:atioll. •'trsl annual Plata or Ow toJ"'\e''d to thoee new!)• tnltallrd ~v Owtnp wt.ll preadl • Lady or Mt. C.rTMI pltJ1ah will llfhu 1 nw Chamber ol Com· ~ tlttw on Sept. 1.2. Dr. be bdd lD l.M ~ ~tlo Au~ tr.t'I'Clt" round tabl~ dliCUAion at 'loomay otlCUpied tbe pulpit J.ut ~m:r. FM~ot tM '--------------------------..&I"OY .. OQ£f'l Ia 8ACK ""ED MOO~. at,• ~ _,1,_ Maft aM w'tfe ~~ -"'-' Ia ('01"006 drl Mar lut v."Hk lwS a Sunday and will ~ ttw ~ be a d ~ "Kina ot thf' Cowboyt'' Ro~ ~ frem ttle '•""' klkh4ifl ef w.-., ......, "'"''" a Cl... •u.aJ8UOn. Che out mor<P traJ ~r acaiD oe .... 5. Dr. tc, ~ !n the P.lio Satur- Helpins Newport ~ach Come :Of Ase ROJfl'l Jtan In hl1 ov.n MW (kHI, t~45 ~ m.) oeflt!n.-Ulla Fall wltll ha fMW "•'"'• ~ Ia I~ ticket&. Toomay ll a rKttecl ~ day at S p. m.. bool.M. COf1'tiH.. ,ram ~lnr tna Sunday O\~ al,..ty .. WeM.¥ ... Vt ...... a•. Htte ~ Cl .. ._ are lldarriewiDt That lhould help and maybe a l.km.al mln!ater wbo bu bt14 lm· atorw. PIMe and ~ta. 1<\'0E and IOU at 3 p. m. Ht>l~ .,....... Charlie Miller (tenter), lut ""'"' ~,. £~ rider, little ln(onna.tlon on \how Uaht.. portent ~es 1.n 5oulhem 'nle pubUe a. lnviltd. Monday night's a t y Council meeting was a 1"e-Lnl hbn to l'ft'l'Ute the "> .. ol wM-. reotnt .... eft their ,,...,..ft'l. mlaht do • blt of COOC1 Then CAutornJ.A. ~ .boldl the ~ '~ IDMI ac:btdule at tht --·-'-g example o f the democratic • ci t t the "'kt-West" .,.. hJJ rrizzl~ r-. m.~t now Jt'• o'-~ KECA. o•· thfo nation'• ou~ crtd Pft'hape suu lecal clrl\.'ft'll at of 0oct.or or Pbll<*Phy, wtdch N~1 ~~~the;::" -.,. u' p nn p e a dde--ldctc G.ebby Hayes. the &o"-e-;!lt ~d ~ft' Procram cloi!.hca u •'ril u ~ l.l.ltt'Mn lftJit Cll.l\ m~atdl )"'W" IPf'f(l bet· he ta.med at tbe Uoh-.nty of ~ r:n&IM'S Ill'« ald a~ s":: Jo~ WOrk. ly Dale ~'ana and . "Tht> R.ldPn baa ~ on lhe a1r for nearly c .. ml'lete IK'Urfl o! llll, ~11. near· tn-to 'thoeP UJbt&. l•;&nbW'J, Scotland. Vla.nney on Balboa l.a1aftd at An unpopular p roposal WaB Up befOre the OtJf the ~-~*!or authen· i8 )"UI'I, and ~~ John h· rll. COLI~ pmeos. arld 10 L m. 1$ bli h t <' •-nt~m ..,.., ... •u~ W&ld he& done the IM'WliCUlllll II)' watett N)'l that l ht CENTRAL 818L£ CHURCH Ooundl-th e o rdinance to esta s a o n e per ceo It'a a half-hour &how tNtur-.• , _ 1937 QUICK "'t A FLASH c.,.."• del Mar llthta tt.a1 ,.,__ .. _ .,, _.,....., -- f tbe · of N n-ch. ln .. 1""~ " R.ev. LnVlaul ownm&ft, --·· COMMUNITY CHURCH ~ ililJel and use tax or oty ewport u.:a r \.l."t'Stem .,np and llori8 rtt• rP«Ut.r F.tl ~ "Qukk ,,....,.. far 40 ~ f•r ll attmdlna a two-week Blble -u,.,.....,.r Dick Drake presented a thoughtful and WO\-.n into \lo"Hkl)' dramatle w-UlloiV£RilTY THUTER M A FluhK. will ~ back al.moat C.a .. Hlthwt)' t.-efflc, then ConUr"mt't' ln the HlJb SlernL On SUnday evmlna, s.pt. 5· ~u · qut>n<"t>S that quick wbm It ~JoiN the they f iYe t~ Nd altft f•r 10 Dw'l.n.l hll abeenet. Nell N.o.on Klal Ell'wl Huble'. editor ol the atralght-from-the-.ShOulder review Of the need f o r buS~te .. ~U-' ~I 't J!_V_en network at 2:30 p. m. Sw\day, -ML My old Hulf .. n O( Calvary Ouardl Santa AM, !llatJonal Vo~ and na.Uonally the tax. The citizens who packed the council cham-THra It YOU .. ,.., ~. u""' ,,P\.o . IUW'n ty • ..., •. Sept: 5, over KHJ ancl ~-vOE. ..,... that 10 """" all Mur d s~ mini known c:omnwntator, wW IPUk ~ f this all · -... -t h • took tum t The Fall ~et of ''Thl& r. YoUT t~r hu announ~ tbat It WW o urtnc the pf'Oil'am'e ....... ...-will t •t you thP'6uth all four 'Will con u.ct • Y mo at COmmunity a narch. She will ~ o r ·lDlJ:Xh wua eanng a a I Bl" &houJd be up to the minute prete-nt a Fall lft'IH ~Mlnf ,·acaUon you may hav;~ llthta '" the CP'6Wf'l City and ~enlnJ ern IC8. d&rlly t:M mHau.ret conc.rnlnlf public argume nt. And then they did the almost un-etlmf'o-doet·not·pay •ct.lon bee&Wit' ne'Ct Friday ~pt. 31. whldl '~ "Whllt Make-s You nek!" the re-w1thout • haiL n . ANDREWI llq\M)r control on the November believable--th ey ShOWed a cle ar inajority SUpport Jerry Lfowls. Writer tor the show be an outcro-:th of lM Wotld t pl~f'l"ment 1how. A 45-mll .. an..htur ... d ~ .. IE .. YTIIRIAN · ballot. f< 1e · dd'tional tax th 1 Jut rt!'turnfod to HoU)"NNOd from Great Novet.' wriea. but will from the •euteklrq •' Co,.. Nomlnat!na tom.mJttet ol tht ~ln from the WSCS art' Or vyt.ng an ll! 1 On emse Ves. a h~'O·'t\"Hk vlllt In Wuhlngton tue ln a broader k"'pt J.ncluo· ORIGI NA~ AMATEUR 110UR ona del Mar' ttw•"41 the Ar'• WorMn'l F•llowahtp IMt lut att~lnJ tra.lnJnJ .:hoot at <k it Was Unfo rtunate Only tha t all Of the city Of {) C .. which he apenl R<&rchi.ni ln.l a1J major lllft'VY forms. Probably tht' blflftl fall pro-chn Ia pr'ett)' ecarbln te le.t "'latndav and ~eel a alate or dd.ental Coil,.,. In Eq1e Rock Newport Beach could n ot have been present t o th~ bur.au til"' ''Th.l• Is You.r Snroe day lliMoe PI'OIT•.rm may ••ram new• Is ~ torthcomt.na you hit th•t n .. t "'"' rltht Cllnc1ldatfos tor oW~p of t.he thll Vo'H'k. 11\er-e ..... a Joint tch d t k · th t ·u af rBI" 16 a bureau-authorized pro-~ llw ~ of • couru In llteMl-r'~but of ''Ttlt Oritlnat Amateur -t ea~ent Dr. Juat M · ...,.....,p. Elf'Ctlon wtU ~ held at pl 1 odc for Ortlet n"-e and 10 Wa emocracy a WOr On an lSSUe a Wl -rram and 111 ltoriH are adaptfod l~;~ff for parH<'Ipantl tn the ~8(" Hour," the old MaJor BoWft for't the br"l4t•· eut llltfl't th;-next mmtna ol tb~ Fellow· \\~)' at 7 p. m. In th~ feet all of US. ft om at • ual ra~ <.oll .. e-b~ ·RBdJo ps-ojt'd. ~!'low. Th1J htw proct"&m. wtth count en it. ateuUM the r'eet ahJ whJd'l 11 lldleduJI!d tor Oct. hom~ of Mn. Cordon RJtache. 11 t h e audience was at all represen tative of r. rroT:t>6 ~~~.;r~K m "":!!·c~K;~~ Tt'd Mack •• matter-oC«nnon· ~~f ., thue ~:~ly-lnatalltd 6 ~~·the hOme or Marcam Hadl-lM9 Ora.np Ave. Mem~n at· the "ot' bli t h M , o· k D rak d hi DENN IS ON A NEW DAY . h . 1ft. la prodU<'t'd and dl.rected by 0 tl art tr'a o-actualtd--~t. 720 Marl•old. Corona cSd tf'ndJ.na brouaht their own nwat, , ·~g pu ~· e n a~ or. lC e an s "A D.:n In tht> Ul~ of O.nnb one-h.aH hOUI I~ t an the IIUm lhr &anw ltalr whtcf't h.lndJed thtt ... tht tur'nlnt ef th~ \1ar. .. bun• and tablt> wrvlt't'. dty admmistratlon h ave a SOlid VOt e of confidence Da) .. rt>luma on a ntw dav mt>.r ~rides "h&c-hlot\u ~ot n Pl"e-thto show undt>r the dlrt'<'(lon of llthu dtp•t~d on tht amount :m the • f t h 1 tax Eight ·tood I (Satllrda -' senttng ramatrut na ron· •h I ' M ll Bo~ 'Jl'l of tr"afflc oft the hlghwa)' ISSUe 0 e sa es . een persons S ltart n~t tomon-o" )'I .. tt•:nporan l' S lltn-atur.. t> at' a or . • t> prn-at~d on tht c~o" at~eel&. up in the audience tO express their views· 13 o f 1 he pro.rram this Fall \1.111 bt' at -ent plAna !or the prognrn lndl· • • 7 p. m Satu.rda)S o'-er KFl. cate that the~ will do aonw tour-tbenl Were fOr the Ordinance; Only five spok e OUt 'Grand Old Opf)" now heard at MEET TH E M£Ekl EAIIl LY lnf for talt>nt. t'\-.n thoqh ho!M against it. And only those W h O a rgued for the 7 o'ci<X'k on Saturdl)l. will mo,-. .. 1 ml~ uri) ~ wtll hnr Nllt' for lht> show will ~ New 'The Ensign formally opt'fM'd -~-dre la f · t.ck to 7 .30 p. m.. and the)' MH't 1lM' M~ks • NBC fanul) \"ork Cit~. Ita brand new offlt"\' Monday and ~ tax W app use rom t he a udienoe. .. ba\"t'T\t quJte ckddfd what will ronfody PI'OF&Z\' •• ~nnlna ~t-'"The Orllt\nal Amat4!Ur Hour" already a lot of yuu folk! t\a\-. The arguments presented d uring the public ha~n to "Radio City Play· ray. Sept. 4, becau.ae tMir ne" u1U bf-Rin Wfdnelday nJcht. come to CAll to say hello. or to debate size u p t h e situation quite clearly. The city ho~". \.l.hlch hu ~n coming tune-in tlrre Is 8 a. m. nus .~1 S4•pt 29 Thll addt a.notht>r pro-ra> for a subiKTiptlon, to put In ~.. . . on at 7,30 ... but they11 mO\'t" lt limf> switch y,fll caned ~~ Ad· a-ram to tht> ttla"b·powered W~-"" ad or to blrn In a atory. K~p ~ m ore revenu e, and there apparently is n o 50nwpla~. tht>y ~-n~nt\lrt>& of Charlie J..u.n• . whl<'h nf>lda) nlghta Whlch ue plllnc Cf'lmJna. We of Tht> Ensign want better way t o raise it than through a sales tax. The Back wtth Dennis Day wm ~ has ~n swn.rnfl'-lnl at 8 a. rn. ut• tor the FeU and Wlnter we· to meet you all. dty simply cannot afford n o t t o raise more rev-the U$UAI cast playlna the An· · · but the flll:ln PI"Ofl"'m tor .,nt'on radio. Starllq Wednes-For the beM!It ol those of you N n-cb· . . denona . . ~nil' fPrl friend 10·30 a. m . hunt bee-n announc. 6a.y, s.pt, 22. Milton Jkrle. ont' who ha\·e not come ~t. the of· en~. ewport Dall canno t stand Still; lt canno t and her part'nta ... and Cb&rlea e<l. of the at'H'.t ot co~a. will ti~ l1 at Ci9ldenrod and Cout walt for a more propitiOUS tim e t o put into effect a 18udt Dant will M.ad hJs oreh8-ta.kt> O'-'t"r tht' "Tna.co S Thea· Hl&bwa.r . .1\at back ol J. W PIOCJtill of ·~:=. such as was outlined b y lra 10 accompany Dennll. 6PO,.TSCAST P.-OG"'Y ,,.~ .. for • halt-hoUT co y an" Camei"'n'l Bay CoHn Motel. Our the ~i... • th . . _.J L.h ) '·--r-J(HJ Introduces a bfllnd n v •uslca.l 'AJ1ety. · neighbors art' ~ Neadlepolnter .I.IJ&30r In a to e Cltizlena "W 0 at-NIEWa AT tO P. M. !!pr>rtcast ~rogra.m with MeJ Al· ta.rtlna 1ept. 28. Elatn AJner. ahop, Mandma.Ctt by Harwood tended the CoUDciJ meeting. NBC"11 fllch(J~td Reportn-. the en doing tlle tal.klng, beginnln1 lean hal rmt'Wed their contract 1\nd the Corona ckl Mar Ubrary. The need is n o w The welfare o f Newport ~:uy "ho Is ~pont'd IO have sald. Saturda,.v. Sept. 18. at 7.15 p. m. \lollh Croucho Marx for a coast· Ttta.t Clrl ln the office l6 What Bea · . 'It'!i the f~h ~ftC that gt>ts T"te IS-minute program will be to-cout shO\\. at 8:30 p. m. And. ColumnJ.1t Earl Wl110n would ch d ependS On a lo ng-range program t hat wtll ~•.1.ppfd In thf> pan'" Is coin,g .to pt't"~tt'd In ~half of 11. S. of courst> Bing C~by hu al· call my a W. Bftldea beln1 a d raw more people and more business tO the city. be tn AB<" ~tar bf>gtnnlng Sun-frm~ tf'<'ru.ittng. Allen'• broad· t1'ady lndlctltfod his \lo1lllngn~l nt.'Wllpapt'rman·a witt>. she Is alao IT. JOACHIM'I CATHOLIC A&I~M8LV OF GOD AI the lut mHting of the Rfo\1. F. D. Woodworth. District Mt>na Club. Aur. 17. In the p&rl&h ~~t lofSou~bllesC:alolf hall. ll wu decided to 1pont0r ......., '-'''""'"""' n ern • a barbeque dJnnft' aaa1n th1t fonda. will a~ak at tht> 11 L m )-f'ar. The date l6 wt tor Sept. aervb ln ~ local ~bl)· or 2f, and the d1n.ner wfll be tw1d C"tOd Onarch. " a1 Ray Dt> aro~-.r·a. Palm ~e. A •Pf'C'I.aJ Hawaiian musical w. lit St., Sahta Ana. w. J . ~ wlll be prft!mled at the .!'\evllle and Cle-o Croll ue ~-churt'h Sunday ~-.nine at 7:30. era.! dlalrmt>n ln charle of ar- ra.nrem~nta and JO, Dt> Sutter COITA MEtA FOURIQUA"E Ia ln charge of the dln.nf'f'. ~v. Stearna will prftent an JIJustratf'd ~~ on the l&crl· CHRIIT CHU .. CH ev THE lEA flees o( tht' Bfble Sunday e~n- Ra.bbl Ernest R. Trattner of Ina af 7:30. Biblical characters WMWood Temple wW ocx:upy wall ~ portrayed by )~ peo- thf! pUlpit for the Sunck)' mom· ple 111 \.'Oilume &n4 wUl feeture tng worahJp, U a. m. HJa .ub-•peclal n•ut1cal and ll&htlnr t'f· ject will be "Don't Run A~ fecla .• CHURCH DIRECTORY .. EYnDrt plannin g is necessan.: to assure us that rla \ \'ou'll hf>llr him the same ~t~ will ~I underwa) In Unw to r.turn to the boo-boo-boo ar. (>)(pt'rlenC'ed journalist In heT N ~rt~ n~ h ·u . · J time, a.am~ provam. new at tOto gtve ou\ each w~k'a hlahhahta •·a~'" O\lo'n rlght L----------:-------------:--...;_-· ewpo ~ac \\-'1 not continue to grow ''just like Sht> wu a tello\lo mt>mber on co,.ONA DEL MA" cHURCH oF cM~un T o pS) .. but will develop according to the n eeds of HIGHLIG ·rs oa....• YOUR R 10 . . lh(' Cltlun In Columbw. OhiO. CONGREQATIONAL Churafl & W•lnllt Ita. a m etropolitan city. M o re m e n and equipment f o r H f'lll AD ·DIAL ~~~:a:h~· :~~f ~~'t>~~~rrn: "~.!;'\~;:-;;.;:-act::.!:' ~~~!";'"""' ... ~ :~::: ~ :- the Stn:>ct Department are needed t o keep the the war. and M'l"\t'd o,-.r chcr. • n A. M Ohu.c lldoael. ~=:~ ~;;;. "-'"• ~-= ~ : t •· d be h I ..a h . F'~tOAY. AU GUST 27 10 (l() Jl. m. KECA Elsa La.n· Champion" on "R. F. n. Am<"r· a1 h h A 11 "' ·~..:_.lp . ..,_lost"'· p,..,_ "'-'"•· ,..,,.,. t *" p ,. ~ ftl'('LS a n ac es c ean anu t us encourage \'lS-1(1 30 a. m K F l'A A girl !aC'f". I ehi'SI~r .!>tan. \\ht>n "American lea". ,_most t r~ )t>3rf' Wll mer- ltors to come h ere. A cent I al warehouse is needed 't I' \IJfllNII PI Cihlt'm or thoo~ S t}IJWC'ase" prp.,(>nl!l Scott 7 00 p. m . 1\ECA. ''Coml.'dv It an Red Cross. f o r city equipm e nt. A fire station for Corona d e l IOJ: ht'l"f't'r: h!'l !alht"l ano• r r -·.· .,... F.n-Wrup~· Show" will attempt tEV~NTH DAV ADVENTitT C£NTIIlAL eteLE CHUR"CH Cor'. ••'-aft4 01111 C.. ""4 ., eo.ta ..... 'h• O IAI' '1 ,. In\,... tn "l\1\ lt .. htentng Chronl~JA "I Aon~ an all Milton n-)at ""' ""'-Col .. -•us Clt l•en conn~-M a r is a n a bsolute nLVV>ssi·t=-·· Propert)· t"" payers · .. .. ' v .. ". ~r .... Y.--p • .,... .... ., ~ ~~ """' ""'' Tru" C::tun " 1llggml' " gram . . an assignment given tiona figu~ed also In that deserve relief. 1-J:t p. m h:\'0 E Effr<"l of SUNDAY, AUGUST 29 to tht> panel ol gag-writers by Olivia de HaYIIand ltOr')' In NtW1"f't Helohta Cor-UN 1\,_ •"' OteU. 4 .. a,.,... Militia &-K•. nwt,"' lilt ft..... ..o~. .. fief ...... &...... ....... --,,.. -... ..... , ~ t u ... These are mini mum requirements. Thev are tht• populattun tmJ18C'I on Or-l1 ')() a. m 1\TI. "Yictor Show' ArthUT MurTay. last wtek'a Ef'lalgn. OIIYill'l the items in the t)fOgram which WOuld be fina' n~......a .rnc(• Cnunl\ ,\.~tnr•JlturP will "r~nt!i> RaritCtnf' LA'onaro MONOAY, AUGUST 30 publicity man for her' cur· lltot. III•MI ............ ~ 1l .. MorRlt~a WOf'Ohl II ot • "' W.... •lrllt. p,.,_ .._. .. ----f ,.. '""-,._'"'' •"' J.alw C' a S '" " • P~~oW., •hrlot. 1'-,._... Kftftlar s ....... H•I• ............ r \:~"'~ ho• •ll,ru .. ou"<l h\ H. E Wahl \\'aJTt'n and ttw! ol't'hEostra a.nd 5:45 p. m. KECA. With Elmer r-ent Pt~amount pdure le an· by the saJes t a X, a5 OUtlined b.\' the rna '-'Or. And the ~'II:' C-oUnt\ f.1rm ad\ lsor •·horus ttndE'r the direction of Da\>11 on vacation. Jack Beall other-ex-Cith:en stalfe~, e 111 ~-.n• '"' OU .. LADY OF liT. CA .. Mt:l. J ·,.. L'''J o n C · K . JAMEt E~IICO~AL estimated revenue \.\>ill pay f or this program. '• ,., f• m IH "n.Om&ntiC' r.~ aM' In folk ... on~~ and will JUbstiiUtt" w1th the news. Cunningham. <""m<'dlans· 1-.llt"n t;Juanw's popular classl<'!' 9·00 p m K""l J*D~h* H('ifet• When Olivia tu~n-""' oYer' CHURCH Jt iS easy to Spe~k OUt against additio nal laX-,.~ . . . r . a.-. "' .. vv VIa Llclo CATHOLIC CHU .. CH t . As tn•nlt' no~t>l o! 11 happi.rJe!'s• 1.00 p. m. KHJ. "Tht> M~~tt"ry Is gue5t solotllt on the "Tele-to e 111 a latte~ which ahe had C.....n•ton l!oMfle. ___ I •M A ., a tOn. a member Of the audience remarked at huniPI. ""Ill bt> Prt'!lt'nted b) of tht> SE'~·Pn·IIPadtld Cnbra" phone Hour' accompanied by received from Finland, e 111 e..,.._, Sc-hool _.. ----· t ·U A. If the Monday hearing, a lmost everyone \.\>ill vote "'\;8(' l'nhPC"<II\ Theatre." wtll he presenlf"d from Lon· Emanut>l Bay at the· plano and sent It on to ma for' tr"analt· ...... 11\a 8...-.t ...... ~-· 10 00 A. N. <ll.rilti&a Wean against a tax. But it iS i nconsistent at the same-G 1?.rf~' '; ):u~~A wa~ ;:~:r: ~~; r~·,i:;rt>~~ :~~~~m c~.~~o~: t~n~~h!~~-hHSHt>~;!uc-t~t ~:;·b• u.;:o~~,:•t,~)'th:e ~:: COlT A MEtA FOURtQUARE FI"IT eHU .. CH OF" CM"IIT ti.nle tO demand improved Service in street cleaning htrlf' him In ht>r home upon M \l~slt'f)'". play the Sabrt> D&nce, Khat· of need, beeauee the letter CHURCH aCI.NTfiT and garbage COllection a nd the many Other respon-thn-at of ktlltng her-child in 5:30 p m KF1 Thnx-("·,Jifor· chaturlaa-Helfetz, and Havan· wu not In Flnnlah .• , Coin· Jt .. •~MI~ ~~ ~..!:!":......,., -V .. Lift 'b "Bia Joe" tN> ad,mturt' por-nta flrtTlt"n; are rompc>tlng for aiM!. SalntSaens. cl~of'ltally, It wae , forme,. ... __. .t VIa M.t ... 51 iHties of t:he city. rra~~ ln '"The Sheriff". the nation's tiUP or ·Farm 4:45 p. m. KECA. M-.J. Gen. da...,.,at• of e lll'a at Ohl• ..,..,., ...,_. ., .. A .... ,.:.. 'c;::. ~ ~-eu~v.:"~ We aren't letting ''little o ld Newport g o as is." 7 oo p. m. KFl "Ufe ot Rile>" LouJa B. Hershey, dJrector of ttato Ufl lveralty -Wally :=-,_~~· ..=----=...:_1~'.: ~: :. :,-::; ~ ,, .. • 11 The City Council with t h e support o f the citizens in;rat,~~;trd~·. t~u~~-=-~ ENTERTAINMENT ~~~;: ;.~~e ~:~t~~~ !!.•"::.,..,!~ ':~"~n;.; :::_ '::::.lbtl ............ ;•,: ~: :· tp.:.:.._--=._:;. -=-=~~ ... a: •· Which it representS, h as taken a big Step toward hJs family and lrlends. opens !)«Ina toda)• wlth.a reglatratJon dill the tra,.altlf'lt1 Dr'. E. H. ~ "':... ~ __ , :H p 11, ._..-::-t...; ._..,. eot 11~ '.-.:. h elping Newport Beach grow up and come o f age. s::~ .. ::~n A~G~.;~ night. li OO ~ov~~-~Sat.: The ~~~ :;. ~ln: lorn;; Thiele. ::=: :::. ';: .. --,, .. P ... ~ a.:--.!.t-.: = ~.;.:;; Ex-Mayor of Newport Writes From Ctti.le .L.'\t('<tf ~'ord !rem •hi' tl'll" Jhn~t lhrTY H Wtllll\ITNiru. romf'~ rrom Ou.le. whk-h rt>t> fnrmt'r mayor nf ~Jl031 ~tt· h 11~~~~ as • '11 ~~ ('0\lnlr) .. DotT Md \1r-\\'ilhllm-.nn are t"'Vt'llln~ot •tw~Rrd the J'l:nrwt'gllln Unrr Ra\'M.nrrr Md they will rn:\)t,. a. r·Nnpl••l•• rlrf'lr of thf' South A.mPrlrnn •-ontin.-nt tw>fnt't murnm~ tn Nrwpnn HarboT })(-'fAvor \Vil1111m~on 511~ ht" Is '<~lne 11 1010: nf th~ trill for tht> \nformatJnn nr hoc ftfPnch on hi' rftum to Nf'wpon Harbor. PROF. HODGES GOES 0~ PARIS MISSION J(J 00 a.m. KECA. '"The Ameri-Stred With No 'Name. Sun. TUEtDA~. AUGUIT I t ~---lt:tt A ... ""'*~"r~_.11, 1~ • • can Farmer" will be broadcast Wtd: £aat~ Partdt . Tllur-a : 4.30 p. m. KNX. "Club 15" 'Jl'la.t l~'tl' • U }IOU ~ ,..._ CH .. IaT CMUReH 8Y THa .EA ...... .,... _..._ a&~ -.,. dJN'<:'tl) from the Iowa State Deep Water-. fMtiU"ft the apohllt1cated hill· member, wu a note of tbanka to 14M w. ltlltf'al . N~ ....._ ..... a-.. Fair vounda In Des Molnt'l. BALBOA -F"rl. · lat.: bUJy tlnger Dorothy Shay, OU'I.ia and her lt .. bed tor a ,._.,. .__ .. ._.. o.,c..M ----- 1.2 30 p rn. KECA. Cnlted Na-Dream Gl~l. I Wouldn't Be .ubbtn( tor the Andtewa' Sl• CARE pe~ ~t to tht famt.ly ~ ........... ,....,.:~":."' M. aT. ANDREWa Mrs. Clla~lt• Hodgu. ~1 lion-prouam with Thomas tn Your Shoea. t un. Tun : t~rt both today and Tttursda.)'. tn F\n.land. You11 ~ CA.RE Jn'IM ......,_ ..,_.... u :tt ..._ w. ~REaavTa"IAN CHU,.CM Heliotrope Ave~ Cof'Ona del I< Sch•nna.n conductlnr the A Forelgf'l Affair. Wed.; 6:30 p. m. KECA. Mozart'• tlewt a.galn thlJ week. Of N~rt HattHir M1r-, <hu l'e()eiYed -I'd of an ABC Symphony and Cary Tlle a lack Cat , The lnYtslble QuJnt~t for Strlnp and Clarl· IU a ben~nt for CAIU:. "Lot THE Na'WHRT ""'""" ....., _... .. _......-"' .. A. 1111• lmporta"t overseu a•loni'Mftt f .rdfman, pla.nlat. as aololst. M1n. ne1 wtll ~ the pri.ndpal num-Comlco." are prMtnUnr a bJt of \.UTHERAN CHU,.eM le ..._ u~&.: :;..:_,_, undertaken by her aon. Char--H~ron PM~. a.ulatant ~rt"· SUAF-Fri.·Sat.: Arla:ona, ber' of the American Str1nt merry non~ with the com.-1011 Clift DrtW. N~ .....,._ a-d ..._. ___ ·--10 0'•'-" · lea Hodges. pi"'fesao~ of l<'ter· tar~ 2('neral o1 the U. N .. wiJI Diecover-y. Sun.·Mon.: llliYe~ Quartet on the "Chamber Mu-on title of "Make 'MJM Vanllla" t\llfD~T ~ca .... ,__ 11. on-.. Nl~t'"'"' • national ~latlo"e at N•w spt'ak. Mualc wfU include· l.ady, Ha.r.ard. Tuu.·Thura: 5lc Hour". or ''\Vho Put That Shoe In My Olv.ll ....,.., """,_ fll ••, •••" c,..,. c.,..,, "" tU YoMc Untveraity. Con~rto, WIIUam Sc.human; Oeep Watera, Wlflnera Ctr-10:30 p. m . lOlJ. Mldret auto Soda." Jamn ·Steffensen Ia th(> ..... ;:::: w~;·-=:__ J;:: f: : ... .._ tek,., oam. Pr-ofeaaor Hodt ea will ~.-.n two mo'l--.~nta from Romeo ete. races wUI be broadea.st fi"'m, •uthor. . "11':-L:5:,..: ~ tttlt A. • •• radio news analyat and and Jultf"t, David Dla.mond; OR'ANGE D"IVE-IN Culver City Ra.oe Track. .,.. f , __ .... ,.. ----,,.. p, •· F'our F.ptaodes, Ernest Bloch ; Fri.·Sat.: Tanan and tht WEDNIEIDAY, taPT. 1 rJI'Jt ~r onn~ WU IUt ::;:;.~nt:!:~~ ":::,~:~"t~~~~ ,!: F.:l Solon Mexico, Aaron C'ope· Mer-mtlcta, we.t~orn Herlt· 8:30 ..l). m. J<FI. Once t.amo11.1 night. Jt wtll be on ar~ to-~ULL ooaNL e"u"c" lAnd. ag•. lun·M•n: A_,d l 8hOW· for tll1 C·haracterlzatJon of the nljlht (Friday) and SAtUrday "II qt1 ef CIIM '- UftltecS Natlona mntlng In 2:30 1). m. KECA. Joe Btah· ers, aton411e'• "eward. Tun · Baron M1Jncllhau.en the tu· ntaht. ~ It at 209 Mari,old llnd & ~.._ .... Ceala •-"--~-~-11J..:.11 '-Vk k Par'll., He haa lll"tady left for' kin will r-.p~nt the Jazz Thur: ~ ~Irate, Dr'alfltt. ~'*-Jack PeUl .. • Ave>. In Corona del Mar. •. o. Oroek, ,...., • LIUC I"WXt w ·ce En,.la'-d and will ...._ In Pari• (J ld d ..,. __ 1 Wild ,.,_, .. In ... _ S. ......, ..... ••• A. W. • " "" e an ...... the claa-MOVIE eARN, uguna-~ ...... ~IJnt .. ..., U. ....... .. _........, .,,. A, M. , for the confer-.nce to 1M hellS leal In a mixed pt'OITam foT F ri-Sun: lldney Fr"anklln't ~ procra-m. ''The New I I ~ OMM -,, .. ~-Ill. 1'bt ~~and -r.Je- ,,."" h pt. Hi th,.uth 22· "Plano Ptayhouae". Bre -. with Inane Rich, Ma· Jld PHr1 Show''. .T .'r:''J l*J:'D'(' t'_':,,~._... _ :;: ,.: : *"'Ph Oompeny nnt ~k wt.ll ~ He Ia teheduled to "'t"'"" 3:30 p. m. ICFI. An t>1ectron1c rlt ll',.vo.t. ll'at O'Mallt )' TMUReDAV, ta.ftT. t fJ..:iCJ 1J. fJ.l\.J NW. .....,.._,.._ •~• r. 1111. ~ about 44.800 ~ til fta to N-York on hpt. 21. He !Moll ~0 be a teatc:l.red bwtru· a11cl Momy etuo. u :tS a.m. )(!:CA. A.ttene Fran· ,_..., ,.._.. ttJt •· 1111 _.. Qrvw. Coub6' t.lfl!ttont' dl· t"-" will ckll..,..,. N4J.o talb mf>nt t the "NBC SymphOny PLA~t da. mca.t tnquent eummer ....-• CotiMUNITV CMURCM redGr7 to I ht:J .. t tft 34 OOfn.o DubM.rd RJd'ltn and ~ J. on hla ll'lew. flf tht UN Cleft• ~h_,.." wlth R._y Shield NtWPO .. T ~LA\'HOUIE plac.enlm.. ~ ovt'r ·~ DEAR EOlTOR· -W. .. .. Oliila .... ~ It WM IIMOUnC.'ed toi!IQ ... Wtalttnall heft opeMd ott~ of f tf'tftCL condurtlq UMI Cia'* Frank -F"rl·tat: Len'• 01111 aw..t 'rl.rM wtth DOiothy KJlpllftt , · ~ a. -....._ by T. )(. Hamtlf«*. 1«a1 MMI'- a ""' t• rnl ..-tat~ bi"'k· aa pta.no ...._.. On the pro-t o.,.. Mon-allt: ,.._. Gor· wtlDe Mill KUcal'-n «an In £ndoRd pleue ftaid • dMdl a-.. =:• a.'"... .... ""-MW bOOk wtU bt ~ rum t ltt.a Cout H~llwa)t anun Ia: on-e Gm~t BtU. lila. a •• ,. •k's vacation. tor 12 to C0\'8' ,_,_ CIOit ot _. Mi-;-i ~ .,. .,_ 111t11tH to ....... ..-..ertiMn • Ia ~ c5tt Mar. l'f'D\.I:N CAR .. a<:OVE .. ED Shield; ODearrto-for Piano HOLIDAY aTAO., Twtln 1:30 p. aa. JCJU. A. a.. pro-)4ar"l tut.rfpdlcm to n.e • 0 1 Alliri'Mt J0. Jl. 8llld ... teniiM!r L. W..ftftlin. a dlrec:t.or ot tM Bat and ~ Op. 5t, Sdlu· -Fr"l·lat: Clawfll. ...,. .,..... dliillilit ~ Oeitt Dlftnfl ""'-w ~ _,.,.. die '~= ,~ 1: ;-. · ,_,,.... ~ wtn ,...,aaet lila -UGril a.. hat -., ~ Polb MoncSay ~~ ttw (')Ofl-mann: • .._ de ~ Clu. taL: ,.., C.lftft ""'.. ,.._ 1 ,._ 01t die A.,_ • nm ltiNI or the ..., toea~ ,.._., ~ ......... , a 1 · , • ... .,._. boek. .._.. DaC:IiNtl«. tt.. lin OftM 1 Mar for 10 ~ ~ ot Dorothlia 01t1te OUDO¥. ....,-. '-' Cl* 15'lifk'a •a •n4 .,.. ~ ~ • Chi • • lttT. Dd tht..,.. AM......,_ 1tkMtr a. "".,*"t ot t:titP ol Loe ... ._ wh:ldt ._ dlrfWft t:eo P. m. JCn. "Your lilt Pa· u,.. RA" tTOt..aN Mal' ...,_,. II .....,.. t1t lie other ...,_ eo , .....,, ~.a tlrtftwy. o'llslillliltd tn :J\JM. • LlaN 0\lb and ,.._, ~ ~ U. vm. ~ nMII'" llliifll 8emiae 1Aiia WUI· 'nwtt ot a llf• raft .,.. ~-........_.'dM !...., a.t • • • ...,...,... IIIIIN a 1 ~ to ecUw Ia lhe o1 BaJ. IN Yacht e.tn. A ~ dlkf llzlillll llniillr 'hmmy Dotwy fod ·o pobet ~ ~ Miw 111rt .,_ ~...... .,.tltotitw6o H. A. 1..-.:ll W. 171 8111r GN ...._ to .. ._ ... 0... ..... ~ ..... had ..... on wltll fM c. band • l't' 1 dna Bfryl £ltloo. 311 E. .., ........ ...... ,.. ... -tn.. ..... -...,... ... .Aw. ~., ...... , .......... .,. thf ow.-... Wlltdlttltll, • Devil on lh~ YOeaht. tai&M ..._ 0.... .. lbr. ..,,._. 11 a.1 ICA. o 'Beep' M achines H ere Yet j Ill ru. bee;IN mad-...n.. t~ ciooo\ ... ~ tr, mn ,..,~ ~------------------------- '" Coron.l dfo] • • ,. Of" 1'\aiboa ... ~ machltx \0 lhf' tf"l Land. ~ to tbr t~ t.hmr Jt )VU don, v.·an\ lt uaed to be that P\ r') wt'll· with dqJpe4 IIWI\ and Umr ~ l&lad ,.,th Fl'ftldl ~ You Cl'm :-.ot ~f'n IM nt) hall a ~«'d ~of )~ t:Of'l\ a Cll'lknd bauwhoid lll'pt at I~ ChiU tborcMCbl>. Pak tn l'Wrt ,.,. abo want to uw ..,_, •• Nf'Wl1011 M ) buuts ~ of tJOIL Dl' the ~ c..-D;*I>. one dead-ripr wa~ cSee-p ln e1uaea Cam w"Jth IQ)rlp of mPion in thA wat~loa I&J.ad tbHr llf'W' tGft\l'apUona., v.1Uc:b a k tbP Pft'I01l wftb a-bom )'OU t!w wdJ to dUll ~Y And a mlnt. "1"-" ~ ~"r ~I )'OW ft-1~ COO\ft"D ar• lAlklnl to d.ilcOn~ tnt-rf'· "'Watennrlon ~rnllan· on Ow vi~ ,._.. Fw &aWl ...,_ ._ e." tkm • • .and •1 tbt' anw ~ enrdinc maduM mea.nt mid-·--u ·~·-Jv u ....... A -·--'-_,_.. ....... ,_ •anw ...,, with a ~·c ..._. -.-•w•""• -~I """ --~· _._,, lll!n' ..... ID \\'atl'fTnt't-~ .... -'--0.... -·-..1 T"• f"' ~ ~.. Or )'QIU m.tcbt jUJt ~Ut Up 1oc:.usts hwnnunc tJvouc1t tJw lazy ita oW"D ~ C"f'll bolt-1 rnakf'S """' .......... ...-.f'l -....u-. air. a delldoUJ lf'I'VtcP for an) buf. wn ·f'd cold liked ~ U.. .-1-illd the ~ of A~. Racbo broacuta of n"t''t"'dt"d Gone la tJw 'ftU and thor a& fet or put)' •abk-lfalf o1 a on or JencthliiiW. 1··• ~ with t r~ CommWllcation.l lf'l~ con\~UOr Ni•e al ~t nwlon patch for ct")' folb round mrl<la or ow mcf o1 a lone Mit and ~ or AlP" • jqfl bu ntled. it bas reed) beeD ~ in Chlcqo and BMw ol \all M~ ~...,. ,.~ aem ~. ~ out. " a cood ~ plain lt ~d '-Mlell ""'"' a bet'f'l olllr) 1D makt' a ~ of an-~ed in KoUp 'UOCI ~ VOWinl lh1J prnstr&t~ lon&FND-for t.n. &ftW1"'UU buffet een"'CP. fork. and "• pt"OIIft" to~ \biP what othn" ~ an tdlmc rrwma.nly 1lW' ton•f'I'Ut.Kll\S n.IQc. ba1..ry Vint> "'1th fU branchn 1-kep tt with mt1on IICOOPI .... teeds (rom JOUr mouth Wkb dw )"OU ow:r the ~ u lo~ D'.&liP of both loca.l MO )On< ctu.- tendnlll and l~t ~) cu' CJttMor frulu fur color and flavor fine~ '8CCIOr'dlnc to lt. ~ nl-v a 11 •~ronac-~ wu them tr.nt ~ c:a1la an t rod In to &eaves. Nor ba\'e Wt' ooUofd the COftli'Ut. q~t~ aut.hotttln H~. • 1oc knc..w lNit what t~ a~ •>1"1' • wtft..reeorder and art-thi-n u,trt ~Uow nowen t.ha1 point ttm .Recipe for wa"t'mlt>lon sa.la.d of UJ ltllJ li1w h "f~' <r "'Pic-ma~ bt' ha.n6ed do"' d to post~ dubbed onto a record for rad1o plant out u a nwm.ber of the ~1: nk"' lt>l• ..,f'ft ~ 1t's It• t.toadc:a.st ~ fa.m.llr " wat•rmrloo hard oa 1M ""-aod t.be )UIC't' !'-U )"OU n H' ~ar •hat ~. But )"OU v.'On't hN.r !hat 1,.1. But lhe"t' an-ff'W f'}"ft tha 2 c:\.IPI cant&loupf talb runs d~-n our d\in lf-lf'1-boo« compan:r calls •a bt1ef 'l h<>M ·~p cn-er the radJo don"t ~ a Uttlop bt1J'hrr wht'n -· ,__ 1 cup pi.JIHPPl• Wi!dl" It ' surpru.q to ~ t.ba1 man htch almo.t musJeal nott-'" on thiJ ~t ~ fnalt makH IO'I'M left~"e" watenrwlon You 1 cup bt't'1iPI c~. boy-Ia nm &too. ln tu. ~ on of )Our w~ lint' •"1-.Ue ,)"OU ita appearanct' on the tablt'. can (.'10\'ft' Ow cut surf~ wl h wntwrrift. biU'"bf>I'T'M'& .,-this drl.idola fruit. f<r 1ft ALr1ca Ullkln•-"a IOrt of ~I.W bftp' G I"L B ITTEN BY DOG fllAd .. H.,_., Wtllte .-axed paper and kaop It In tlw It~ 1 • ~ t'~U and othf'r wtld r?V a~ n "ffy 15 ~nda or 10 ~ fruJt o( thP ml'&oft virw .. mi1Cft'lltor until the MX\ da)• •• CrHm ~ etimaJ• ,mioY thftn -~ polo--) OQ wru know that thfo ~ Mro Ht"f''} orw I •• Bo-e<>r: bftTy Uk• ln ~W"''. Wa.t~J-'l1lnl '*' at In a V."&t~~lon N P ~ ~Ina alblo• "at.ftn!JI"Iona ..,... fta"h t' to to •t..n )'OU .,. ta.lJunc hu a 1a A'< <. r n;,na liP I Mar n'pOI'"l•'d For Better Gardens • PLA '"'TS A."'"D GARDEN SUPPUES • LA!\'DSCAP!: DESIC.'IJ A CONSTRUcnON • A OOMPLETE F1..0WER SHOP SERVICE • 001 mey bt' spNoricaJ or oblonc in to todd m~ z-. to anot:Mr Wath a ball Ntt~. l""'m'\·~ ttw SouthPm Afrit'a and ha~"t' bHn rf'<• rdlnc maclUM whirll ls mak· to JlO~ 1ut ~ tha• h .. r dc.o·l lhapfo. and t.ht')' ~Y cnooth. mM.I l"t'nt~ from tho> half or ~ion wt~l~ culth .. ~ ~ &ne:Wf'' lnr a N'<."'rd of ~our con,t'ro.a-~ &h,,.,. ~ ~ bn•m b~ a d<.« Ydth untlorm daJ1l Cftft'. cra)'bh Hnt> II a f'PCJJ)t' ror an t'q)t'("· o( (M mt"lon •hirll ~ I1JII'd for ~~~ f"'rf\ d:a~ .. far b&dlltJor n..-Col fl\~-~ .. ar-o\d AI<.Jha •as 1313 Coast Highway C"'t"' or ruil)f'd Vf'f1\ &kiN ially ~ v.·atermrlon <"'..IP m.> a.Jad bowl T...a • two 1u tfftDII"I· as tM pynmJds tn ~ T i# ~ Jl" 1.1 made ~ tr'"a.tt'G b~ Dr P H au-t• · t L-------------------------....1 l1w rind of tM v."&t~lon lS J~ of 2 brnPs on be.lls toc~hl-r wiUI '~ f'alrt.8--f-=::AAiiiiiiiii::...,;;=-.;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiliiiiiliiiiiiii···· Corona del Mar bard and sn<Jii'' v.'hl"t' until It ~~ 3 tab!f.poons choppt>d nunt lt .. ,. IOUP" bal111 tbt' pme&pp~ v.f'dcft tM brit!hl n>d f1f"''h that 11 ftllf'd " and bt•rn•-. Pla('OO tho .-. ''"mvl•.n ••llh hl~t"k. brown or Whit(' lf't'ds 3 t"\11'5 "'-.lt>n11('1on rubo-;. ,,,. hn.¥' ,.,.. rr>•,.. I• "'"' nn a mund Ml d1 .,..'ndlnJ: upon thr mt"lnn·~ ball rhnp pial(' nd f1ll 1 ""''" ""''-<1 rlpo """' bur upon th<' \arJt'1) ~pri,; or• mint fruJ" ArrMrntt tlw' N"'' e>f rh<o mt>I- San('(' I' blLc ~ t'\lhl\11lf"d tht> • pnnklf' tht "':t ''""''"" ,,,,,. •• r>n ,.,.,.,rnr•• thr• • ""'' '"'' -roiJp<> mrlun hac .:rown in .LMl.l:1h and of rro•l!"'' • •"~ ..... ,,,, .. • <:.. "" 't·• 1\ft ~ n nrhf'~ _, H•n hrt:P ~171' I 1'. '" 1•, f••' '""" "<1 ~"'~tuns: 'J\\·o lnju~ iD Crash ------------ 1 frnm ~'II 1n lOCI f)("an•1· .\t Poppy. C-oast Hi-..·a~· 1 Le"'t ,. One• tktte,. u POO,.. •. •tiOLDER \\"p IParn•>d 111 n ~••• rmrlon Two l!e'"""' were Injured ., N"IO\'t'fl1aon ..om•· ·lmr 11 trk rhat ellvlrtty when faulty brakes ~'"""'"·~ :ll"f' !'ICJ"'rfm1 n1 tnst v.lrh ceUKd two ca,.. to eollicSe SP'()()~" I a 't>f)" ml&ll ~l'l"d m<'lnn '" an luflday on Coast Highway <·ffnr1 to Jtl'flV. a v.ntt•nnt lon tn near Poppy Ave. In Coi"'ffa fit In 1hl" <'f(karn~ llpl\1' nvnt rr· del Mar. fraJrrralono hut ..o f .,. th" IAf"ltPr c.,.. driven by DICk lher- !TI4"lono; hiiH' t~ "''"' r f !.o\ .,,. r tll .lulian. tt. or L~ouna \f()!l.t n! •hr ITlf'l""' In nur m11r-lkaetl and PFC .loh~ W kP"" ar-· .. .mlllR frnm Rl'"""''"" Haworth of C~mp Pendlun lmrw't"'lal ' t!lr~ "''''""" plf·ntaful collided •• Haworttl"l car allnott q-c "'·r.·k' ar•• v. h• n nvlnnc c.....ed tM double llfle wl>en V."f'N' at thl~ ~-par, nv k hnltl>f"' he P"t on the brakH to a void p~ hnn• prP11) "'<'II f•nl hood hottlng another ear turnlno ~''N'pt for a l11tr c-rnp v.hlf"h v.tll off the highway onto PottPY hrfn~t a fp" lntn thi~ III'PII Ill .. ,. Ave. ~ nwolon• """' I"'OTTIntt In rrom ~ulian and the ~n1Je,. thl> San JooMum Vallr• In hos car. Joan Buxton, tt. B\11 rnu rl\n't \'M>et rh~t Rl\f'r· alto of Laguna Beach. -~ •I&-m"lon (M na, or 1 A nit oh tre~ted for mouth and lcnee wh11t nn f'""~ ltt""<~~'r1 1 J•act pl•·k lnjuriH . ) fM.U"SC'If fM.II Ollf' n( h•• lr>f'li; R'l'f'HI OOM. and t"\11 )"OUI":'J'If II ~hN' Test Fo,. llllpettee& CAlli CA~VAS ITOLEN For ~ who p....Ct-1'" tlw mealift" A 14 b) 21 e&n\ M had bt>o"'fl \'llrfell~ )IOU rna)' find 50nW o( th• r.tolt>n rrom tM top ?;( hi~ c:a}- n ril)f'd mt>l011s In our lonll ma11t· dunng tilt> nt(ht. Martin A Muck· •ttl. but tilt> daric ~ ''k1Cindtkf'S"' t-nlhalt>r of 213 Ruby A\'<' Ba.l- ar. lhr mot' popular. ~ Is t"'' Lc;Jand. r<>por f"d to poh<."'' Sun- prt>tty n~a~ and ttw quaJJty tht' dt\r . ~t ri,;ht now I No ~h for -I f"ourth o1 luly markf'lln~t. 10 you CAlli •• atoE-aW 1 PED II Olft be lllr. tlwY 1m! 11Pt' 1 Phil SlonM r. 1 t Olt" """"'t Hurh· ,...of Of souo STAIHlU S $ffh fi'II(JUG,.OUT ET 2 • POOX · 1.35 wt • tore 803 COAIT H IGHWAY CORO;>;A DEL )tAR PHON~ HA"BOA 150 Thumh rul~ fM tt'St1nc r1ptt"f'M way, Corona del r.b-. rt'POrt"<< to b to slide your naJl 011 ctw JUr· poUCP Satw-da)' th.:u a w 'm'"\n dr,·· 1 r~ If tlw outcldlo akin rn11o; off. t>r had $1._,ped his t'&J' on t~ It'' ~ to ailltftll)' that tht hlebwat in tM Crown O ty IL------------ Iruldf' Is ju'ft dandy ~--+----------------------- 0n• C'orona df-1 M~r m<'rct\Ant told mc •hat piUUIOJ: has font" out of fll!'hlon ~uw "-twn \OU ntt 11 r>l~ !rnm thl' mcolon )'(n.l 1.-t I 1~ '""" nul nf th" mcln"' ""t1 tN> n a\'or hf'1[1nll IO df'lf'r1oratf' l "s I prnhahh a ttood 1111"11 to 1'111 rh<' ("U! "'<'Inn• nuwk h '"" If 'nu l bll} ~~ • tlw pi~ Best Onn Cut l'led 1 In ~llh~rn {)JI•fnrn, wr hll\f' a )e>nl: ~ of dt>llf'iOUI mrlono: 110 don" fnn!t'l t o takP adw~ntl\1 .• ,. (\f tht>m 11·•rln,. , .. ,. .,,.'Cl r~ .. wf't'l(~ 10 rpt \nllr o;umtnf'r fill nf thic l''C~llrnt fn1lr I The> bt-o;l WIIIPnnf'ln"• "•II .. ,,,, ., I"<'(! whlrh mt'lln.o; thll" lhf'l"f' I• """ llttlf' whitt' rint1 nnh I Ahoot 1111 lnrh. of II nil thf' 'wny around Of C'OUI"l'f'. thf' m<'lnn ,., ~~ It!' namf' rmm tht' ptrlp. ahu11dnnt I wl h tt"Y.~t. wat('ry )uiA" 611 COAST HIC IIWA\" CORO:"A DE:L MAR A MfW CAliFOIMIA IN SMAl l STYUMI ••• A SMAIT CAU FOI MIA IDU In caM you <'lln't u..w 11 wholf' mf'•on .nl"l\rlv all rmlfne¥ mrn In I Corona del Mar and Balboa bland IN MEW STYliNG hav• mt'lons C'\lt Into halvt>S and Mmf'tlm" nuartl'r-mt>lons lf you I buy a portion of one. allow about 1 t ,,. poun& P"' Pf'MOn ll.:IIM fM MeiOft Cutl Don't bt' worTWd ll you MVt' I COIJ) WAVE 8p•t»GJ W'I"n1 PERSONALIZED HAlR CONTOUR 1 Week Only -COAe1' MIOMWAY 0... ..... , PH.~ 1518 onN !V!'NINC tf ULtfta liU ........... " ........ ................. .,...., ............... -~ .. _______ il "'-----....---------~---------" r-------------------------1 -I . . . . .... ~Kial rttt of oR win- ~in fovOI'Ift R«- ipe • contft1, witt. full co401' pldwea of first ntnt rt< I pel. plw 0 holt of other in-- esting orliclft ond l1of'ltt . . o II ttm in the big 120 page September iuue of 9M FAMilY CIRCLE. FU.Y c.<lE MAGA.ZN 5( s., ..... ., ... Oft~ Thurw4ey, Au1uat 26. I I I I I ______________________ } •:: ... CO. ...... '-'d. White Com ~~~.. ».:-.,. Goi<Mn Com ....,... ~ -.: 1 .. ._... . ...,_,. ..... Golden Corn 't: :=" ~ ... a~~~.-MIITI, IUJD ~;p.ou~ ~r-:: -: ... Pitt.d Olives =: '~-.,. o..t.dHcm, u.•--· ~~-... ~Hom ~ ...... ·--·· Li¥er s,w.ctcf \MrWtoW ·--... OaPf*IHotlt ~ '~ l'"""' Tongue \-.:,: ~ --·,.,., ... QvartJars ...-..... ..w.tJars ...... ..... -l.Wa ...... ..... Breeze thl"()).;~h summt'T meal preparation MakE' uc,. of the w1de va.nt>tv of dellc1ous table readv meats 3\aal3b1l to \OU at Safeway~ No cooking to do The)·~ ready to eat jus~ aa you bring them home from t he store. Thrifty, too. becluse there's no waste Cheek t.he hst below for men u id~.as. And, n ote the low pn t:ea. T.~. u--T~•ftt. ~arer.tl. ,.,., ",. IIYIILY ISC S.OWiJied. No oo1 •f* ofioe ~· 69c ltiA.L ROAST ~ ................ ....... .a-.... .. ~~ 11-M . Ce;-1% "•· lie I fMTaiS Airway CoL. Edwards Coif" ......... a•-•• .._ ....... 1> .. --•••• ~ ~-· ~"· \\'io~ Cipl"t"ft..t>s 2 tor n carton of \nngs Cigal"f'~ to ~tu l.Z9 autter & E9v ar.act -.::--11-...,..... *r-.,.•• .. I ..... Acme Beer u-..-1 .. a... • o•• .. ed ,., ooa. ...,,. "''-at_..,, ~ tc ,.., •I T---..-. ~,., Table Solt s-""""'• ,o .... ,.. H • Sno-White Salt ::=.: '!.-:-.. Worcester$hire Sauce .!.":'.. 1 .. F'"..-x" .._ ,,, Hltll Marshmallows ,..,., ., Sodo Crock.n :::, Apple Pyequick c'='- Coiled Fideo ~"'A-JN Pink 8eons t: .,. &oking Soda :.:-.. ,.,.,., . ._ ..~. .. ' .... .. FRI DAY -IATURDAY AUGUST 27 28 Tarz::an Pr>rl(>t ... tl'' a forb1ddf'Tl Island' ...rA&ZAN AND THE IIEJOIAIDS" wtt.h JGII:Iney Welssmuller Rn>nda Jo-y~ PUr.d tn Bnatllul AC'apulco. Mmco ...... -And -~. ~Man Action! • 'M'M HOLT .._JilS'IW IIERITAGE" ""'-Color Oanoon Nt'WI 8UNDAY • MONDAY AUGUST 2t-30 Days of th.-!"on~t and O.n<"' Man ' "APRIL 8ROWERS" starnn~ot J.c* Canon • Ann Sotht>m -A.8c1 -"''M Laueh· TCIPJ)I'T Of All Blondf'S! -..LONDIE'S REWARD" ~ SJnttlt'ton • AnhUJ' Lake lArr)' ·Slmml .... OGior Cartoon -New~ FRIDAY afld IATURDAY JEAN A.RntUR &'ARIZONA" &lao Adml.ra.l Byrd'a NIJthtly "DISOOVERY'' Cartoon Sat. Mat. !kria1 lUNDAY a nd MONDAY .f'fiONNE DE CARLO DAN DURVE.A "RIVER LADY" ln tedu\loolor ALSO PAULETTE GODDARD "IIAZA.RD" TUEI. W&D. YHU"I· Fine Seafoods The )-ear'a hol.lda.ya t.hould be celebrat~ wt·b fun a.nd xai.ety, JUd&lnc by the tentauve plaN mllde by the ways and mNn.l commltteto of the NN'pC>rt }4r- bor Awtlll&J')' o1 the ChUd.ren'a Home llrockty of Calllomta. A 1\arlrey Shoot" tor Thanb-.-vlnc. Cbrlstmaa G&la. whh ftl- ~nt tor the d\.Ud.ren in· d\ICUnc a puppet thaw, &no • snvu Tea and Euter ~ Sale In the -s;rinc .,.. eventa planned by the c:omr:nJuee, wbk:b met lut v."Hk at the Bal.._ J. land home of Mra. Lotan Hen. clr1clalon. 202'i Apolt>na Ave .. dtUnn&n. Attmdint the m~Una weft tin. A. D. And~w" Corona ~J Mar, and Mn. Allan Hutt. Nn. ElWOOd Martln, Mn. June Petft'- 80Jl. and Mr&. Da,1d Cor10n, all Balboa laland. Ohio Vi itors Divide Time in CDM aad Mesa Chicken Steaks IILV& .. TEA OU&ITa arTivlftt It~ ferry Mit a ... Mra. kenMt" Kiene , Mra. Creyoe &eNkr, Mra. Jetw., W. T..._ atMt lira. An~Nw Graham, all .t 8a1Ma lltaftlll and e-a ~el Mar. Ttle leland F•rTY tra~ the IM ... fr.m 8aiMII lelan41 t. the '"vate pier of Mr. and Mra. Pflltmer l.ller· ...... k. 14 Ha~Mr lela .... at~ "ome the,_~ WM Mid WtctMINay fr.m S to f p.m. TM tea wae _....Nd lty tiM Attar OYIIII .t tiM lt. Jamea &pe.o.pal Ctlu,., via Llde. C&ockner Pboto) ----------·. . "\-~ --• 1 I ~ I ' • '"'1 • ' \ ' . ' ' at 'OL'! •• ----... -l -. /:.. ~ ... "' FINE. f:OOD -F'OUNTAIN lll .. VIC& -IC& CR-.,AM 8AR 203 MARINE AVE. I 4 • H 0 U " T c) W ·t N 0 HI-WAY GARAGE So. Cal Auto Oub ~tatJve 8EACON U01 ,140 NEWPORT 8LVD. FREE! This At1 Plus 2c TaX GOOD FOR 1 RIDE AT PP.RMANEN'f Ftm W~l! COtTA MEIA FRIDA\' uad SATUKDAY BIUNC THlS AD ON EITHER DAY All Ne• Bkletl • ()pea 1-10 P. M. A _.LEAIANT ~LACil TO TAKE THil kiDDIIll 21.22 So. Main St. SANTA ANA '~VE'S OLD SWEET SONG" (wi'h cut ol 8~ pJ~) AUGUST 23rd to AUGUST 28th NEWPORT PLAYHOUSE All ...... ,2S ~~.,. Tax 15th A Irvtne ••• Off.__a .. oen UU Curtain 1:41 ... M. local ... ftC)' DAVIt & GAV It you baw a houl1nt problem IN William Saroyan'a hl1anoul cornec1y II\ tM l..wwt of the OIMI'I'IUftfty UW.NI a pef"rftafteftt tiMater t"le IMivert._IMM Ia ~,..cl by the Ne~rt· .. IMa Federal tavl"-' & Loan AIIOOiatiOfl. • IN COSTA MES~ 1n1-; COAST HJ(;HWAY ('()RONA IIF-:L MAR HA .. BOA 1S36 ~------------------------------------FonmerBJ.~~ nb MeAn Studios TAP -ACROBATIC -BALLET CHlLDREN o r-.·Lv WM!Tf:D ("LASSES ENROLLING FROM SliftT. 1, 1t4& THE lACK LOW BUU..DING Visit Corona del Mar ~Yr and Mrs 1-Tank 1 ll'nd!'I"''IO and tht>ir son M irky. arr1v<'d from PhO(>nlx, A r 1 7 o n a. yf'fltl'rdfly 'Thu~day\ to Vlllit Mr and Mn s ·uart Dlt>hl. 50R Coldl'nrod \'oro- na dr l Mar Frank llt'ndi'I"'Wn, Jr hao; tx-Pn !'laym~ with tht' Dit>hls <~mN> Au~<: 11 ThP 1 f.-ndr non' aN-form<'r ,...,J. dent' of Ralbo8 J~land Mrt! Hal· ~r«>n 1!Sf'd lo trtl<'h 5th ~ at C".nronA dl'l Mar ~Y phtn to lttl)' until th!' first nf S<'p'f'mbt'r. DAY AT THE "ACEI ~E'W'PORT BLVn CY>STA MESA Call 8ucon UOI For ~~~ A~ at the ~f" ~WM ..__---------------------~ an outing for Mr and Mn.. Rob-r-----------------------"'1 m Callis 718 JumiM Ave., Cor- AUDITION ~0" TRAINING IN • Aettn, • AlmoundJa« • NeW~eUtel' • Oolmnelltatia« • Badlo Sales • nt.. Iockey F'ROM IE". 1 -NO AUDITION F'€&1 IYOE I.AnJIU)A.,. lO:lJ A.M. to 10:45 .. .. ona df-1 Mar. 1\J~ wu San Juan Capistrano Day at the Del Mar track. and b«:au.e M'r. Cal· lis Is fonn4't"'y of the M'-Jon vtl- llagt>. t~y chow that cla)f to vi'lt the track with fnenda rrom &In Juan Capll!tn.no. ITA" CLUB TO MEET Ttte Harbor Star Club will met-t 1\Jf'8day. Sept. 7. at 8 p. m . In Corona del Mar c.nlnLII\rty OlUJ"Ch. It wUl ~ the tlrat met!i· lng of the faJI season. Thick Steaks • Delk'io..u OwYt l't'Uft Ptc.- ~a...., ~cw Pt.- l'toM Ow 0... ~rry A~co,.~•Ow • Friday Night is "Family Night" on the Mesa Stores Open Every Friday Night 'Till 9 Friday and Saturday peel a I RADIO 6 Tube-Table Model tlt..OO VALUE .. tPECIAL '29.95 DAVIS and GAY COSTA MEtA At The Television Tower LARGE 80X 4c WAR SUBP'LUS STORE AEC. t2.St SPECIAL '2.19 Ml>t.. Nil wfttl rwt-..... Jiille ..... ~flftlth. ..... , ... , Sl ... .., __ TeWinkle's """' httlt. ,., lttheol 01 WO<tt· ........ ~~ . ..,. PIICMroNE 3.8 H. P .. OU!rBOARD MOTOR .. EGULA" '111.M I~ECIAL "'• 95 GUS BDCII YOU" t'I .. &ITONil DII~I8UTO .. j. TH& ITO"E WITH TH~ YELLOW F'RONT IN THE HEAJtT OF OOSTA MESA'S SHOPPING CENTER Newpor~lvd. at 20th St. Costa Meaa . To ~r Die DMnrh of .._Y R...ewlvea fJiat .,...,. ~ CA N OPENER with wall bracket ~ '1 ~ &NCIAL _ _d ____ , __ ONLY • DAVIS-B80WN 1.843 Harbor Blvd. LADIES' NYLON HOSE ...... 8K te 10Yt---··-···· ·~~CIAL '1. '' ~N'I 5--J.O..tse STORE, r.. cotTA MaM ) '/Jilake Mine Vanilla' Given By Los Comicos Players "Who Put That Shoe ln t.ly Soda!" lf you n-ell,>-want to know, you ma> bto able to ~<'l t~ ans- wer from those n£'ia:hborhood youngstt'"-"Lot Comi<'OS" P~­ ~n. who ~ nf'w pi"HC'nth•Jr thrir ninth annu~&J produ(:tlon tn Curona del Mar , "Make Mine Valll111" Is thl' tltl~ ol thls play (that quf'ry about the shoe In ttl<-IOda 11 the rub- tltlf'L It Is an nriglnal by JJm- my Stf!fC('nJ!<'n. And It Is lx'ln~r pn-- ll(!nted In tht' bllrk ytu"d of thP Steffe~n rcc1dt'fl('f' at 209 Mari- gold Av~. In C'oronn del Mar Proqted• to Ca,.. The C\JrlAin ~C" AI 8 p m )'e(!· terday. and thC" plAy will ~ rP- ~atf'd at thC" &alnf' 'lnw> tonl1ht IF'rtday) and Saturday night In aceordance with lhto Playtn' cu. tom of donatfna lhto J)~ to a v.-onhy CAUSP, the ~)' this)' ·ar will go to the CARE orpnlzatlon General admls&lon prkle tJ 25 ~nts, and 35 oents (<'ll you a at In the reservf'd ll«1..on An added fHture on the prognun 11 a marionette show durinr the ln· tf'fmlsalon bt>tweton the second and third acts. Formed t Ve.a,.. Ago The "Lo8 ComleOII" Pla~n group was fol"'N'd nine YMra • by Jimmy and Donald Steff~ and Sally and Barrie Blt'lf'r, who wel"f! Wn Corona del Mar I(T'Im· mar I!Chooler&. The productions and rftayf!rs have lll'OWO up tocet.ht-r a!ld thto cast now lncludt-s playt'f"'' of hlrh school and coU~ age 'Ille four foun~rs ol the croup are be~ Ullbtf'd ln t~ ~t r-------------rl production by PforditA Horn MM'- COMBED PI.YWOOO & ETCHED PLYWOOD Pioneer Fuel & Building g•u-et and Bobby DIH\1, and Bob Wh)'ft' ol Corona ~I Mar: Phy l- lis Lake and Alan LA-wia ot BaJ. boa Island, Moya and Karen Ki~ of Pasa~na; Jeant' Bartlnf' of Newport Heffhts; Carol Eymann of Westwood: Harry Westover of Loa Angelt"S: BiiJ 111nshaw of Washing-on, 0 . <; and . Frank Hendf'non of Phoenix. Ariz eCN~FIT FOft CAft£-LM Comlcoe Playe,.. are ,,....nUI\1 the oriolnal play, ''Malle MIM Vattllla," In Cofoefta *I Mar. '" tho cast .,.. (left to right) Alu L-a. Don lteff-. ~itrtt .. Lake,,. Perdita HeN!, Juo11e aartltte. ll.arrte eleler, aott Wlllte, e 111 Patricia Au \\llite Is Boaored at Party 1111•• #atP'Icla Ann White ttonOf'M ~y lly a coeat- cocktall ,.~ If-tty her fla-•e pa~ Mf'. al\d Mrs. Herbert John"" lr .. 111 N. eay FroM. •atliloa leland. Hi!Mtla'*, Mai1P~t Dldll. Carol Fy~nn, ltdfel\totft, Fran!! Hend~...on, l(~"'e" K'"ll· W..tover and 1fee-t only) •olllly Olt hl, , 'Gon11a' Due on ...... -..&-of ....., MATERIALS CO , INC. 615 COAST BLVD The ~ ~ df'parti"-rrom ~r usual P~W't' b)• {)reMnt-Coron& dC"I Mar, Calif. Inc an oricfnal play r'l t1\f! pa.s1 Ouena at a email dinner _lc., followe4 the party In- cluded the llride·tO·M 'I par- ents. llilr. and ,..,... E:ynon 1'. White of 22S AMetb}'lt. ••I· boa leland, al\d 1401 .-... ual· Ita Dr~ I ll\ Marfno, Mr. and Mrs. Jo""""· tflelr dlutthter Het'Mrta, Hert»ul LawN- JotlnMn Jr~ wtlo Ia the llrlde- eroom elect, and Mia White. =e!i!F Phonto Harbor 2910 thfoy haw offered their 11dapta- _ tlons of varioua famJIIar Q~WI"f1· tM. Jn 1945 they p w "K M S Harbor Drafting Service Pinat~." m ~ ..,... lf.lbdo," See our aktotcM$ IUltable for 30 tt. In 19C1 "Babes In -r.yiDd." In 600 to 1200 aq ft't't. 1. 2 a: 3 ltory of OfVt lt.,. bedrooms. "MAke NIN Vanftll" hM to HOM£ FftOM ICHOOL 1615 COAST KJCHWAY do wtth a drur I~ In a II'Nlll Taking advanta.(C" o1 a t.>tw~n Cof'Ona ~I Mar, Calif. bHdl town In ~m Calli~ R"ITM"'Ih..:rs bl"f!a.k. 0 Z RotM-rtson Co t... ''i-lt n....1 .. __ P. 0 . Box 111 f»ttone Harbor 1M'7 nJa-eouJd bto ConiM dto4 Mar Jr Is ho1nf' from IIC'hool ,;, thl' Mid· UpiiC y 111 IJI"'IC' ..ar says Jimmy Stf'fff'"""'. west. Ht' arrivl"d h<>mf' Sundar Afte r Local ~ecld.lq Amo"-the folb In the play night for approxlmatC"I)' tf'n da>~ Mr and Mra KenJ)~th ~II LOS ~NCIEl.IENOS VISIT I - lll'e Mr. PI~. ~r (II the 1"\'ftt from rwil f!nginf'f'nnc ~-115 ApoiC"na A\·~ .. Balboa laland PLAN FOft LA.Oft D~Y druc lltOI"l'; Miss Dlmwftty and es which ht' I t8kmtt following In ha \"e J'?('f'l\~ word from Mr \lr • .,~ \t-.. "\!1n S.d .... ·•l. 4:-t Fine Obi Mia CUstom FumJture Miss Cloudburst .the airls bthlnd the footcti"J)S l'lf tu~ fa•h..r ron-and J,fra R.a~h.ard Hillman, who 0<1'1\r F'r· . .,. Balboa t~land "11· Lab<lr t:"la) plan~ an-•'"'~ Interion -the ClO!!metlc C'OUnt~: lrlc Anllrou~. tractor 0 7. RobPnton who Is an-,·lslunr \'"&cation points on teort&.tnt'd :\!r and :\tr<> w ,:harr. •ng rNl~ b' :\tr and Mro: R.a~ .. ·eorona Craft '~.... l 11'14'U Baltz and hfT ..... ~ .. Btoul&h ~ munwod ..... "'M'• !rom 1 -~·s \'&c-:ahan at l..akf' A~ ~~~d 'J'hno.t>-~-,.,.-ald Dolloto Balu ~·f'd tm mo· ht'r tc thfo ~ .,, ·-..... . .... "'/I :~l i•."f 1. r /? ~~f~'~rJ -a ~HONK: eaACO .. - e Wll\dow awe."' the local ~stlcated glamor abo r"lt)' .rounrilman fmm C'ornna •t'~>lr hont"'moon Th~y are now Garrbl,. ard tht'tr f,.,...r <'haldr?n rnc>r~d HarH~ ]4( N-a'," A'"· ~rl. and a n~r of othC"r char-dC"l Mar 111 1"'4!-1 MA r fl'f'm lA!! An~ .. ~~ '"'' ..,.~k C'orol"a d .. J :\tar Th") hl\f' ln\11· :------:----------------------, e Window an4 Door Framee acters. ~ as trumerous. 1 ~fr and Ml"' Hillman w~re "'tl :\f-r and ''"' ~t .. h11I• Garto.'l of ) • e ~lctu,.. Framl"t Set~ from llt'Wrlll Wt'D-~ marne-d In the Chapel b) the PLQdr.ui and tlo)l'·r t,.o dauathlt>r< R.A..'"SO'S Phone Harbor 11<11 musicals haw hem lnC'acpa .. tf'd CHUftCH FIEST~ NtCHTS ,s..a Corona ~I Mar, Aua. 14. ftEIIOE tN WH ITTIER I 0 t... !hPir r<J""'' tor 'h~> nollda> 1301~ Cout H lehway Into the play to add to thf' pkoty Organ m\Wc for the ~ was •·'"t"kl"11d \1 r «;.ar"too ,, ~~ 1\r'l':" • Saturd~) and Sunday an-Flt'5la pia)~ b\ Mrs. ~ ol"(&ltlst of :\lr and ~~" &t> [!<>--. 'l":-ltf'('l ~· •~ \!r Han·~ Corona del Mar., Calif. LoeaJ Y De1epte nights at tht pauo of ttl<-~ft lhe St. iames Ept.cope.J Church, "'"d d'u~o.htl'r· n· a" .r \fr a.:-~d MILON HUTCHINION TeiiiJ Of ~~~ Cannt"l CatholiC Church 1423 W \ia Udo. ~1" Frank Dor.-105 ~!anM A\'t' CI IIICLIE WILL. IIII EET Ct'ntral Avf' Nt'WpOn A champa.pe ·~ lor the Balboa ldar:d hav .. ~n I~ ~" · -============::; Me'f't lng the many legate from Tbe F1nta ts SJ)OIUC)re4 by thC" nt>wly"'-.ds wu givt>n. tohowinr tur"M<< Crom th~>tr honeymoon and Mot~" C'trTlt of Job'• l.(eh· r OYei"M'U wu ODe of the feetul'f'S N""PP" &am Parish. wh1dl in-thC" ~N"mOny by Mr and Mra Joe are mak.ne thf'tr ho~ 111 \\'hit· ten. Bt-thel 157 .,,II mH!t >.\"f'd. 0 PE. TH.Inm:LEC I A N ':t t~ ~~'':; olof ~ ln~-cludt"' thf' con~atlon at St. John Hod~ldmon In tht>lr home In tlf'!" ThC" y•oun5; ('()Uplt -...~n-mar-Mscia) at 1 3(1 p m at lhto ona """""'at 1 .. t'Tl • VlanMy ChapP I. &I boa hland. u l..all'\.lna. The b~ ta the for" lied In MlnMapoll.s Minn . last harn<oo of Mr< J H De' is 391 ~Ions Flllt!d Clubs In Long Bead\ last ~k. wtll u Our Lady or Mt C'a.I'I'T\('1 mt>r Dorothy Duncan of Pua-month 'I'hC" bndC" ~~ tilt' fomlf'r Hanulton St C()SU M...._ Mt'm· Gla.ua Repaired act'Ordlng toW. Frank Powe-s of C'tturt'h. FathPr Thomas ~oonan Is d<>na and the brldtoaroom ls Miss Marcia F\illn of MJ.n.N.a-bfn who can bto P"'Sl'nt are uk- SBAI)E a UNOLEUII • OP • \\'indow Shades-Venetian Bllnds Linoleum Floors and Aapbah 1Ue t011 b"D IT. l t15 Oout Blvd. Ph. Har. 1528 Corona df'l Mar, official dt>lt>p'f> the ParUh priest. from Be\~rly HUla. polls f'd to pt-. Bra.cclt. 53118-¥ bl!lcn Corona det Mac ol the Newport Harbor Al'ft dub t.ht meet L---------------=-......o.-....:.....;;.... ___ ~ Ill ~ Blrtcf\ff BJdc. Fron'l O~n4"U eame ~el.b· '--------------: ka~. E4eypt: C E. Ll and "Dol· ISLAND BEAUTY BOX 21tl/l MAftiNE: AVE . B31hon h lond HARBOR 1R.'52-J Spt"Ma1t7tnl: I n Pl'nnAn• nt Waves VlRGlr\lA L(.)CKf:R.. propr OONALO LnlCI \\111-t T b e TAVERN OOMPANY Licensed R<'al F..-.tat(' Brokt>rs J"hont" Harbor 1741 1301 COAI T HICHWAV Corona del Mar, CAIIt. tar 'Yuf'n. North China; Cyril Hm· shaw, Au~rali11 : \\.<1nnJt' O'u%. PhJUppine Islands: B D Kl.)'f" Sc-otland: John Ananthl.l"U Mad- ra~. lndl11 : R r Lum Hnnolulu T'!tutt' N11ra. ~ka. Japan; and E Stanton Turnt'f' . .enlor world ¥r· \'iN> YM\A ~t1try fmm lhf> Ptullpplnt' l~<)llll(h :\fr Tumt'r hM ~· :t1 Y""" tn thl' Phalippint"ot. OurlnJ,t thl' war hC" wa.o: in a Jllpa!W'll(' pri~ C'IUTifl fnr :\7 m<>nth. r"ti~tlnc nn 11hout 170 ralnrh-< :1 t!lly H,. "f'OkC" Itt ~ lun.-h<'On lllN'tinc r~ins:: v ht't <:uhjc>ct "\.ondwill· RmthPThood F'.quals P('IIN'" Othl'r artlvitil'" during thi<: :Uth 11nnual intl'm ation!ll ron"«>ntfot, Wf'n' a world outJI\(lk forum. 11 youn~ at!ult <;('f"\'iN' forum. 11 C'BI· ifornia bartK'<'\Je. a 110\''1 wnrk dl't· ro.,<;slon 11 forum nn YMC'A mMn· bt>rshlp roun~lJing, Olllfomla n-- ('('J>hon with A<1or Leo C'aJTillo ac mlll!tt'r of CN't'moni<'t. and PIE'C''Ion .__ ___________ _,of offl<'t"r'l Gl>of'hl' Goold of Tl'm· .-------------, pie C'lty. Calif . was n&rned lntPr- BALTZ nRtlonal pi'\'Sid('nt. MORTUARY VISIT LAKE AftftOWHEAD A vacation at lA.~ ArTowhe11d SERVTNC 1!! htoing t'Tljo)"ed by thfo Ralph Oelt¥Or family thfl wfttlr 1l\(' 'THE llA RBoR. AREA l>Hwra t~rt thtlr hornt at 117 ~~ By~Su AlJbl~na Av~. Balboll Island 111"' Sunday t"'"t'Tllng and f'Xl)f'ct to lx- Rad»orU home ~~~~ this ~k~ 410 COAIT eLVD. eOWLINC TEAM FOftMEO Corona ~I Mar Joe Pouliot of Corona dtol Mar Off~t Partc1na Is ~ -., bowling tNJn for thto Balboa Bay Uona Club And <>rn<:.: HARBOR 2158-W lnvlt~ All Uons to gf't 1n touch with him If thtoy wish to join HOME : HARBOR 1387-RK • Real Eatate and BUAJnna Opportunity Brol<~ 111 COAIT HIGHWAY Corona ckl Mar, Callr. Complete IJne IJt'I'HUR. E. FITZMORRIS ,,, .1o&A.dEL FITZMORRIS Realtors '4.!95 Dr • ........,..w. ~an and &qeon Oitt.eopeth WAR stmPUJ8 J m Oolclawod A.ft~Ne. ..,..,., StoN Wd YJ.~~ 0.... •• Jllar. CaW. Y dow Pf'OftC" OI'I'ICE: JlA.A80R 2IG Jt.l:ls.: liEAOON --..:.1 ,_ NCW~T eLVD._ w • .,.. a. On EE SCBOOL TIME OFFIR One 5 x 7 Portrait (choice ol four proofa) of each child ente~ first year of 8Cbool this tenn. At.olutely no obligations. This offer good only on Moiiaay, Tueaday and Wedneeday, August 90th, ugust ~ September 1st . NO APPOIN"T'NENT ~ ' - at TeWI KLE'S ~ Open Friday Evening till 9 p. m. Famous BERSTE11 IDdi~~r Typt- \\'..\FFLE IROS CHIItO ME PLATIOO ITftEAMU .. a.O pE:IICN Fully guaraPit~ed-R-.ular S7.H I.L 89 FRIO~Y and I ATUIIt DAY ONLY ._.,. l . iiO:S 8 ."-LL- BE..\RIXG ROLLER UTES lltECULAft U.S 1\0U.D IKA'I'D "-.......,..... t ct._ .... ~ .... 11'84 ...... • ... ................. - -~ ..... _ ..... lt"IOAV and I ATUIItDAY ONLY '3. 'We I'TOCK A FULL Lt .. K CW CLE.C11UCAL WI"INC IU~L ia AND .UND4UQ I Gal . iu THERMIC .. ,·erage-or Food K£EPS F\YIDS 0R UQt.'IDS HOT C\R ('('ILO . Wllbla-.y D T OP with Ju.t. • I.'CI1'K'I all. "£CULA" 11..1• frftiOAV tiM &A~OAV C*LY u Want Comedy Spiked witlt Patltos? Try Yearli,.gs' Fillip, )""-JftTOid Spanct«, pr ....... t ; lin. Roy Rouab, eecond ~ p'ftlldent: and Nn. H1ll, a.m ~Piftld~Mt. a ~ T_.....flllll tJtude I& '1oMn •U(Rra .,..... .. Wt1ff than no ra.lth. He efta UW Y~a Mlf..wtttfd-. an4 ~ 1Mli-19C9 budc'd tor New- )' ,.......... ... .... .._ k~" Tbe')' are .._... "'I tu. It h.lrnwlf, t.bie Nllt ol the c:ut. Orftll Broab. port HarlJoto m1h P·T A wu ~ lft 1the _,.,3 v;""• MW'1' vidouL Ltona Yf!Utllw tht 0U. Knit md Daa UimardlfW lUcMrd MIUPtM R.eMt. V.nam , elleN t and outlined when the tnt~nnlalion ~ ftlcht."l~a the ~J'. ~by C.tb)-Gllmoft, laullkble perlorm&nCH ift ftrat .a Ndl noe... Van ~ra and "P~ and Bulldln& To-commJttee met Frtlky, A~ fUnniest t.h.lnc J ~ aaw, it 1 ab-comes wt ot the~ t. a.,_.. M tbr photocrepbft' 8Dd 'WittB' the U ,_....ft"' ~ In to ~tMr tor Tomouow'a Wocicl .. , 30. An tncreue of '-15 In ltu- IOlut!IY the fUnNest thine 1 ~Vft' ~·~ c!fta. aeu bendf oam-81Dt to lnttniew the o.lde ,_,_ plq the Y ..... ~ are aD I'K'OI'IUDmded ~ for J..MI. c.ent welfare wtn be recof1'l!Dm0-aa~ , , (~ 1ft the yard uct t~ Qy. And Jade Harril vt!l")' ~ cnMab1e In thetr pttformianca 1Ht by the Calltomia 0oncre-ed to the uecvtJve board at the 'Lo\~ • Old SWMt Semi' ta bill· OOIIIPlettV •t ~. "'ft. tt'a uq cams tbe role ot Otoartte Oadow s.wn. .r.cted "Loft'• of Parenta and ~ was • ~ meet1nl tn Oc:tobft'. eel u a hllari.us rornecly by WlU· ~ .. atw...,.., ''to be aUw Aaericeno&. t.ht tek-&n ... ...,.. Old~ Solw. .. .-.ec~ by J'ldc lf'rted tor Newport Harbor HJah l~m Saroyan; It Ia. but lta a lot -and baibedl'' --"' and woul4-be .....otnor Rania. an4 C)ri! hMs •>aS in P-T A. ~ w PI"QCnm cam-Total bud,et b ('Ontemplated moft. Saroyan. like mo.t au~ . R• family. StylJanoa. PWtdea 8Dd eharle ol atap ..-Jrwa, mJttee 1Mt Auc,. ll, at the hie• at $253.!§0. llt!ftnl o haw a particular mitmon 1S v....._.,.. H•• Demetriua. pl.,..S by ~ a ------school. kra. Edp.r mu. dlafto. Mftn~ of the ways and to tuJ.Oll In hJs wr1tlftl: but ~ MJa ·Gilmore and GU Herman. P'armer Jan Alwft end VOLI..B08 ~ m&n outllned preli.m.lnary plaM mH.nJ and buda'ft mmmlt~ like mo.t. ~ b ltble to attain the u the heed~ ol the Yeut!nc tribe. ~ are ~ ~ .. ~ ~a..., tor prouama wbJdl will Include prwet\t wue Mn. Dorothy e,tfect without aermonl.zlnc. Pe<lple are ex~Uent. 'nldr eKpetittC¥ ~ and ceMrtll7 'add to tM 110 a...,a..L.u"W &'.u"W,.,.,., madtllt participation. weU lmowft Herms. ehalrman. M.n. J. C. lea~ Ow UW~~tff' without reallz,lnc with the~........._ Jfou. confullon wt•)\ tMir M8 o1 Wfttlt· Nancy 5Midal\ wtto 1ut r-r apH.)a!!ra and atudent panel db-gtuard and Mn. Jerrold S~· that they have been prMdo.ed to. sele)' St~ Jr.. JII'QWS that Unc and ph11~ ........... Ill n.tift wt•h SWriJnc cualona. ler .. Hla Ia tM fortunate abUfty to they are not en~y \lnftC'fpt.lw Norman ~ in the role ol HoDO'WtY on tt_. Koll6t,y ~ Sub-lltlea by montha will ln· -----------cr't'ate humor In tl'allc ll'tle peo-to the t1ft8' ~ lila fine J:an. . f'e'tUmll to the 'l'\laUn bO.rcl. In dude· October Bulldln& Com· p~. hllu1ty wlth an undiereum!ont auqe and notabt. rtdtatfon o1 the ltrawhat'tera ftnAllhow o1 the mUilltr ~Uon· Dec:embfor .....-----------""" ol CftNine pathol, beaut.)' in equal-' all names ol &11 the eclttora. boei'Ct ()00 Aft Jastriletor lrUOn. the new muDeal CCIIMCb'. BuildJn.K Moral ~ Sptrltuai O~llN 7 DAV. A Wlltk or. ol directors. oontJ1but.1nc eclltors. ''7he GolaiD .\pple." Mila She!· Val\.18' ~bruary Keepln1 FaJth People Ub the YNrUnp. mlcra· ad lnft.nl~. ol Time mqu~ne ~tteads IL L Workilllop don waa for 1MI\Y mondw tbt with ~ ~: and April. 0 z N z • 8 C A I' z tine OaJde tamlly d~lctect In Ow renulnely ~then. A'ltendln.~ the II!CIODd anmaal IMcllni voca1ift In ~ )fwnya FamilY f\m llt*nl Family Sol· rtntF Stdftbeddan tradition. are The role ol Bamaby aa"ut. u Mtlonal SDwnmlthlne Wodl-''Blackoota." ldarity. l'"'t"ra1ly a~ by IOdny. p~ by Onslow Slf"\."Pnn. Ia out· at.op Con(~ at the R.bode "T'he Goldm Apple" wu the ,._ The popular. fh-e rntnute in· 'nJey are horrid. objt'ct.Jonabte. a'andlnc Bamaby Ia a ph~ bland School of Oeaip thla Cftlt DatJonal ~ in the ASC· tormaU"~ talks wW be conUn pethttie, unlova~t>: ~ly ':: pber at heart. admltteclly a swind· month b Franklln F. Moon, new. AP contest for the bNt collfClate apln thla )'NT, and acbool de-Pl""~ to f'\""Y mlnlnC e Jer. 1nvft1or and distributor ot Dr. ty appointed art I.Jutructor at 1!lt.IGcal s..un, .WOtHn mu-IIAI"' m~nta of muate. dram&tJca. rMnl l.ndifft>rent to the ~eel Great.hevt'a Sfeftt Indian ~-Oran~ Cout CoU. H~ b one sical numbftos. a CU' ot forty-public ~ald.ng. matharnatJcs I!Odal ltandards. But in tht> lift· edy-good ror any ailmftlt He of 12 unJ\'ft'Sity teachft"' aelec:oet· lbdudfng OU"ft' Olrf an4 Nary and aoclal atudles, "-"111 ~ fe&· fotdmen' ot their c:haract~ ~ telll ~e that ttwy haw t~ have ed to attend tht> WOI'bbop. Mr. Flnnt>y-and ~ lfn«JQ& and turt"d. ~ GattafWII Mil ,rrM Alllalre leact a .. ~11"1 parade of '"I aftd ~n to u~ that their only faJth in hb remedy in ordn to Moon is a graduate of the Unl-dancing ~ the llhow Pf'OITI- MftOI 1ft M-0 -M .. ,..,..._. MW Tecttnlcolor rnue.lcal, IN1no .. rlln'e l"f'al sin 1" '"loth. and fH'I that lize ·good trom It And he bt'-\.ft'lltv of Southern C&l1IornJ11 bot's JO two a colorfUl d.lrnlx to tM SPECIALIZING IN ?Cl5 COAST• HWT. ""Eaater ~ .... -. •• cemlno te ttte Lido .cre.•n thls ""'"k. Pett-r Law· ,_mar-It'• no www actually than ~f!!l tha· Ow actual taklnJ of It y. h~~ he ftudJt'd under Glen 1948 Holiday St~ IIUD'\mf'r lt'a· Mt'mbers pre.ent •"e'e Sidney ~ aNI AM M iller are .ther heedllnere In thle big Tedln~r 80nW of tht' o•hercQ!ttal sins ~ rt them faJth of a sort. which Lukens. Mm. H. Oa\.idmn, •uprrlnt~t : 1--------------1 atlnlctloft. ovan the phll~r ~ U!l thl\t "'" • ~===--------------------th~ thJnrc Wt' .o of1t'ft df'!!'P(w 111 ot~ al"f' ll(\t ~ dMplc"bk aftt>r •11 11nd "" 1• rnol"f' fortunatt' •.han ~trml:w~k m rhno<>lng rom1-dy M Meetings, ~4ctivities Planned By Friday Afternoon Club hi~ ~"~::e o1v" c.,." Gal'!ten Section nf t h l• F'rlda) 1 ARTS AND CRAFT& '~~~ n~ 1 1~.~~~~ r~~,~~~ ~nh!l~~~: Afte~nf.lon Cluh mN Aug. 16 In Arl~o nnrl L'ra!ts $('('1illn of the on hrlplo-« Ann lhmihon, 11n un· t he t.urorua del M.tr homP of Mr ~ I Frida' .\!ternnon Club will rn{'('t 1 1 .. , •tl hl't I •H•h 11lti maid portrov· Cf'Orge U.is on !\l&II&Yid St. Jor 4. pot-luck pl<'nlc luncht>On Ill I rl .,, nhn· hr Glll(l .. tc:>n!' A~d C~h05tPSS for th~ llttral.'th:t> ar lx' h.-111 In Santiago Park AUJ: I lht \ ("ol l<tn ' ~ 1\'t' pkkfd {I "OI"M' f al.r wu Mrs Harr) ~taurh 11 Tlw ~:roup will JZather 1n t hP 1 !I""P .f• r thr tr r'flminr.: mlnciltr!t 'I'he 1~ mem~ra P~l rnrk at 11 ~ a. m F'or furthrr ''' h th hlc ... ~nr•'ltnl: of a romnn<'f' ~I""Uf[ht tht>lr own IIA<'k lunchh infoml<1tlon call ~h'l. Small at ho '" •,... \11« llnrrulton and 11 and •-ere •"''f!d d~ ol IPJce r-.<'aron 51">31-:\1. trnwlm.: t ,,. nt ml'dldnf' mnn cake and t"'ftt't' Followtna lun· On August 3 Arts and Craft s I Jn ,.. 111!• rht• old m11ld I~ thf' c.hf'On then-was a d\ort busln~ mPmbera rnf't In the home of I, • -nf I "" r~ultlnsr In lm-n~ttna end the rroup was then Mn :-.;, P. Hurd on \'alenda St pi!C''\' M M<•n hr~J1Pv than trns:· f'ntertalMJ b\ an lnl~t.mr Santa Ana. wht'n Mrs. &-ment I(' "h• ~\r' n Orttonnl tf'],.. taUt on TahltJ by Mr Me~ ell. was hO!itea at a deUghttuJ patio J cram from n man wt1<1 t:lnt('J thRt brothf'!" of Mrs Lf-"1 Mr and lun<'hE'On The 16 ladies attend hi• p;1 N1 hl'r hou•• ':!7 \'Ntro; llr.tn Mrs. Lfowis rll~ratt'd the talk lnJZ brouarht sack lunches and r.n ~n·il\ n lc·• •nh h~>r 11nd •slh C'OIOI ttlms t&kPn durln1 the ho ~~ ~JYt'd hot roll~ l'l'ln• IO ;..., sm trd l"h•sm hfor tNlr 11-monlh 5lay In the II· and a froz.en !ruJt wad 'f'htN' \\"h<-n T\llmllt>v Gaul" rntt>ro; lancb was no bustness meeting and th<' rhr ~N·n,. <.hf' rhrnk"' 'hAt hr iP> :'oit>>.l rnptotJng of the Gahrden altt>moon was sJ)l"nt In ('On\er tllP 11urh<lr of th" tt>IP~:T~~m MC'l Soctoon wsll be htold In tht' orne !QIIon. IIMualh ht•hl'w< 'hAt .,.,,. l'f'IT)('m- o l Mn Lanr 1581 Mf'Sa l"lr. l>f'l""' ""'" h<~au-. ~hfo "11n1,. to ;:!~ l\trs Baker ~l"'inl( U C'O TRAVEL I')IORTH llf'l•'~ tl ~\ f111l 1n low bu' •RI ~E IECTIO~ VIsiting a da ughter and 110n· thr Yr arlin~" "Tf'ak .ha'O<" on )(embers of the Brldae S.Ctlon ln law, Mr . and Mr&. Claude Eph· tht>lr 'loH'·nl"-t by C'ha.•.n~t Bama· met Aua. 2:5 tor a deuert lunch· land of Tul~ Lake. a,.. Mr. and b~ off and <.rndtng Mi~ Hamilton eon held In ~lion H alt at 12:30. Mn. L F LlnC'lqult!t of Pal.lsa~es after him • Artlna u holte.es tor the at· Rd .. Santa Ana Hta.. Th~ Urld· I n the-old· maid • abet-net>. they temoon ~ Mn. Leo Gate.. quJsts ldt l&lt Saturday mom · ""lly takP ~r and have no In· lltL w. B. Mellott and ~ 1111 by car and expect to be ~ne hibltions whataoc'Wr about using Da\ftd Corson. Cor two "-"'eeka. her home and elotM.. 'I'helr at· .. r..,..,.w. .. ,,. ,.,, .. ••~nw­.-k~ o 'li, .. 1 r("o~r think c:oolcins could w eo simple. I _ SO ll:;.c l.me. let \U p-.c J'OU I ~ CJ r~ Tappan featwe~- • Auroaaatic clodl CIOMI'OI coel. a ....... ..a while you're a...y &o. elM ~ e "off"" and ··oa· ia41iaeor ...,_ • all....., • T ~n Viei•iader calk ,... .,._ ........ o~ e ts up • Aunna.tic li&btiaa of Jl .__ • ~ \'ssJa.h te <>rea a.,.. • ~ • , · •u.:de .. rt~t •• • .,. .._ • I ·. NOW to 1be Ehsign l\iU be distributed for a Umited time to aU ~ ln Coi'Oft& ~ Mar aDd Balboa lslaad ill order to acquaint readers l\ith tht-news coverage and t-xclusi\~e features offered by this nt-wRpapt-r. A Aubscription drh·e is u.ndt-r way now, and The Ensign \~iU soon become a 100 per cent paid-Gp circulation newspaper. Fill in the subscription blank below and mail it in with your remittance in order to beCome a permanent member of the family of readers of Tbe Ensign. For Your Convenience Drop Ia at~· 8llop, 811 Coast ~way ill Ooro*aa del ........ tMfJr ,.,.. •t.ertptloa te 'Ale ..aiefortlle • • !BE ENSIGN 1101-D c.-~ Cwefta lltl Mar P1eue enter my subecrtptlon to 1be Ensign. I am encloalng SI for ll.x 111011...._ .tor .. ,... N~ ....... -...... _ ....... _ .................. -.................. ~ ... .. <PL.EA.SE PIUNT) Street ........... : ....... _.-...................................... -... .. CJty ............... -.. -··-··-···· .. ··· ...... State .. :............. . I No. 5 For 8We or Leeee ~ WILL buy ~ acre, 3 bed· TOOm or 2 apt. hou.st'. 1.'" bathL So~ fumltu~. FruJl treH. 5M Hamilton. 30-2t-p OLD hot.~t fo.r uJf!. To bf! mo\'· ed. CaO at 2410 Ctontra1 Aw. "o_ -_I_ CONN Trumpet. lOver, lood condlUon, 532 We.st 19Ul St. Beacon 5827-W. 2t-lt·p :'ICP\fo'J)Ort Bt'at-h. Harbor 11~ nAKEWEL.L High <h-.n Cu W or BHcon ~J. »~ Ran~. ${2 00. ~aron 6114&.t. hrltat 30-Jt-p -------------f'OROSON Tractor and toola 1 BEDROO)t hou.e. 10~ tum-I Mak~ L"1 otter. :n• Mlnror, on~ .... 111M ••eoas ~ )'OUr pr&&e anldf! dftp In ....--? U 10 Lrt Jac~ clean ,... PJ"'CCt ~ly. Allo wtndow e.1ean1nc. ru Harbor 2t33 or boll ZU. -- 'TRACTOR WOitK Plowm. DUcm, IA..Jin1 Phone Beacon 5721-W .1528 Newport Blvd. Don I. Hu&Um.on, Skipper 1~4~ N~ Blvd.. Costa )ft'M -Beac.oon SZIO uu..... Abo 2 bedroom houR bloek welt of H&rtJor ott Vlc- avallablf! ~-1 Phonf! Be•· toria. 2;.tJ< ~--------------: con 5069 R.. •tt< DOUBLE 1"001'1\, 1220 E. 15th St.. eo.ta Mesa. near bus. Phone Beacon 5M2~. 30-lt~ CAMP TRAILER. tully equip- peel. toT ~t by d&y or week. Phon~ Be-L 620\.J. 28-tf~ BEVERAGE cool~r or ~~P l~ 18 C\lbk tt. -StalnJeoa St~l SlOO.OO. Nf'\W bf!en Uled. Bearon 6369-R or 200t Harbot>. »2t< DA.ll.-z.saom>T PIANO CO . ROME OF FINE SPINE"TS M1rror plano. ftll c • r a t4. now only 11117, fi.M tOM. nmw - DANZ-SODODT. PLU:O Co . 520 No. Main. S&llta AM. GENTLE Shetland and Saddle. Call &>aeon 5060-J or Ha.rbor 1185-w. 30-lt <' BEA l.TI'In1L Uvtq ... Set. New .._ lt-.¥e aM ..... ",.. .. ,,... -., ft.1 a ........ e-.. -. .u. ,.....,.: ""'_.._ .. ...._., •tvaft, MWI I I leMI ohal"; .... el,_letlftl ... ...._, tMrmMtaUoall7 ....trei'"- H-wt4. all •••••tlaMII)' ~-. ... HARBOR le11 If' III'ULLERTOH 1I.,._R .. -_ ..__ --... BllJLDINO ~~•ca .• , -~= ,.. -------. -CArdGD Realty FinD DAAtN ... A.DI IATHAOOMI. •To. Tile c-trMtM , ... a ,..~ "•" A-. c..-..... 011& ......_,,., fll-. "-aM: ....,_ IJ'OO.,WJ HARRY HALL p A.IN'1'1NC <X>N'l'ftAc:r<::m t2 rean ~ 1a nw H.attxw .u. 27 4 £ ltOI St. BU. 54ll THII.W.II.tc .. ~etAL Kotor Ta&Up t.r au-D~ nmmlnp ~uto Repair 191'7 HartMir Bl.,._ o.ta Me. ...... 111'7 Now It Can Be Told! We ~ G.raln "nM lntmor Of Your Automobtl• Tb Give It It'a ORIGINAL A.PPEA.J\.A.NC'E • "Let Fred Do It .. FRED LAMBERT Auto lntf!rior Detall.Jnr 241, Eldm Aw eo.ta Mfla 24 Blocb East ot Ontf!r o1 Town To.nnc ... ~on ~-~~ Wrt'dt Repalrinc Hi-\Vay Garage REAL VALU. Hom• -Ineome INBin• Op~tf• ll:wruruee t UOO OOWH Comrl .. •f'!~ runu'<lwod 1 R R hnmf' ':' t-!l'o('~ fl"'lm "'" "t'··t-· G:tl"lll:" II"' ld'!f'd f'..l Pn<'f' ""'!' S6.0CX> t 1500 DOWI'IC Bl"llnd mow ~ B R homA!' ~ ~:\!' Cilrar" ·l~" tr AM•,.,. H •::T\ ....,. rt),. '.,,. ~ '"' "' I ,, c;nh Si.950 . 1740 ~"""PPrt Bl¥4. DBA. 5.301 W'K 4U HE'I'Ut TO !D'f11 TO'O COSTA MESA 17.- YE't..LOW CAB OF NEWPORT A COST A )('E.!.A 24 Hour S«vSce 609 o..t Hl~ B. A.. NEBES6~"J Brok~r T'h~ -flome you"¥t ~ walt· l~t for on £1dofl A ve.-Lowliest t""" laM 1ft ee.ta M-. O'KEEF'E & MERJUT Rdr1pra- J75.00. U>atherettf! Dab} Bug- IY $15.00. Beecon 5764-W. 302t~ r----------------------, N~~n ~ BEJL ~ Hv.'d n('onl"!; OOM fuma.COP bit' '<Ink l11n:~ kttctwon f'tn\ bt"d- I"Of'm<> ~hrw.f'r oH·r h.'l'h . (".ar. P'OR ANY NEED P'ltofte Ha,._, 23lt or writ~ 8'oll SM 8albM taland OWN-RENTAL Pt..AN. PIANOS as low u S3 per tn<~nth All \.IRL.'S Coat and d~ tdzr l fi Good rondltlon St-aron :.:rn .J . 3{)..)1 (' rt'l'\t aUO\W'd al tnd of tmn on 9 W-ufed To Bay purdtuP rMt'f' J) A N Z --·--------------SCHlODT PlANO CO· 52() No WA!\l'ED: 50 USED PI.A.~OS for Maln. SaniJl AM our rt'ntal Mpt. Hl~tht>o;t pnCf' WILL sharP my ~ Wlth f'm- pl~ rouple or lns;:lt lady- 2482~ New-,on Bh·d 26-tf-< 1. Waated to Bent 2 BDRM. Hn~. unfumlaht"d. for family of 3 Can furnish ret~neft. 30-11-p allowt"d In e'<Chan~ tor )"our old paano L<c fu~t paym<'nt 831 on t'Uy tl'nn~ D A N Z - CHMIDT. 520 N. Main. Santa Ana. W ANTED~ing Mach.lnt'S. any Man . Any Ag~. Htghest Cash PtiC't'S ra-id Call &acoa 6296 ' ... 18-tf-<' MJsce-.neous For Sale 1-0-.--Ml!lce--Dan--eoas--- SP~ Ma~y. ~ -------------------- Bt'aullf\JI caSt' and lone. Just pay out balan<."t'. 134>nct\ f!"f'e Al- 10 gorr.reous maplt' Splnt'l, AVt' $210. Loob absoiUtt'l)' llkt' MW Pay out balan<'t' DAN7.-SCJ1MIDT 520 No Main. Santa Ana. PRACTICAU.Y new apartmt'nt atov~ and otht'r furniture. - 128 E. 18th St. 29-lt-p REFRIGERATION -SaJt'S and Servi~. Commemal. Domes- tie. lndustr1aJ OatH. Coolers L. W. Pierce SIGNS £V£AVTHING IN IIONI 1& Yra. In 0 Nft .. CCHII\~ WRIQHTS L UM8£fll Y AfiiD ,,_.. Ne..,..rt BIW.. ._. ~w It Alr Condltlonin•, H. Bontt'-'----------------.J koe. 16th ~ N~rt A.,._. Costa Mesa. PhoM ~ 6010. 80tJ'l1l OOAST 00. W. ~t< GENERAL. ELECTRICAL 2 H. P. Evtnrude Elto Outboard llO'l'Oit REPAIRING motor 130.00-2572 Vista Dr.. e Ba.lboa Bay ShoTt'S. JO.lt-p REWINDING t'tC. 8ARGAINI e Fl...t e~lm lervad. SPECIALIZINC IN TI-fF; Cf!lotex lnsulatlon Tile 'h16x REPAIR ELEC'I'RICAL 16 Inch. $82 ~r thousand 8Q. ff'('t. HAND TOOLS 2x4 No. 3 Com. Doughu F\r e Surfa~ 4 stdM at S6S ~r thou~-23rd A Central ~ee~nd 1x6 No. 2 COmmon N IEW.POaT aucH ~'OOd surfa~ 4 &Ides at 180' ~.-___ H_•_,.._,_ItOO _____ ..J ~ thowand feet. Dext~ Solld 8rasl Knobs IA.td\ Sets ~"· IIO'n'le 'ZIJI'. d.l8eoUnt. a ft6l ~ ~FRANK CUQAN L:UMaa R CO .. INC. ,.. ............ A .. ~~ tU.a.1tiT Fit.EsH HORSE MEAT for your PETS BOULEVARD FUID STOltE IIARIIOB TRA.NSFER LOCAL ud LONG DISTANCE t ta Ha~ 81~. · ee.ta .. _ haoofl 55SI-.1 & ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Ho~ a.nd Com.mercial .r-Wiriq H~ M. VINING Phone lkacon 6035 13. Lost I ns..,. Rlonrl Answ~rs to Call Bt'aron ward.. CC'><'I<~'r Sf'llnlt•l. nam<' of Lucky . 52.'\.'\ Ubt'ral re- •tt·p ,~ARPENTFRS o\'t'r'lll~ and Wt!rk ~hlrt wtlh ,:!Ill~" In Ja<'kf't -- Be-acon 515i·J . 30-lt-p CUSTOM CAB INET BUILDING ... ._ a,.d ,.,...., .. All kl•de of lte,.Jt Wolt: Mesa Ca.hinet Co. 2114 Newpart BIVCI. B.aea" ~w OabiDets BuDt to Order Doo,.. Wlndowf,..,_, ..,._.,.. Wardrobe&, Cupboal"d, £tiD. DAVIDIOH .. CA.INET I HOP ts& WatftUt Pl. c-. Meu a..o.n......., LUO< PLAYS NO PART In a cooct ROOFING 1~ Tt Ta)t E:ll;perimee A COOPERA TrVE ltOOFING 00. N.-w A ll«!paln. 2573 Daen Aft. Colta »- ' BU. «l17 LES Narr ELECTRIC ~-0-..rda.l R. .... enlial -o.aa-..'tlaet PARTIC"Ul.AR \\"'MDJ APPROVE Ol 'R SER\"JCE • Ill"(' .. ,, h C I""IN' J'C'fT'., ""l"rrlmt dr '•' a! romplt"1f'- $7.500 Pickup A DeUnry , ~EWPOAT 80ULEVA~D 'f'P.(\,..,.\(~F' o;•;, .. , • ""' • •• MESA CLEANERS -11 "' 'f ., 1834 !\"t'W_POrt Bhd CMta ~trsa l-:t BEACON 51QhJ \ f ~ 1 \\ l\u·• 1 r.c ' • r c.:;o '""',.. ..... J'.-· 19.--:-\\'eld.i.Dg \VELDING GAS -ARC -ALL METALS Portabtt' EqutpmM~t STEEL FABRIC A TIO!II SHEE'T METAL \\'tlJU\ Angle Iron . Cllannt'l Iron F1at.s &-ft<'Uad~ Stf't"l CJo· ht>~llnf' r(llf'~ 0 . R . Smith & Son FLO\'-'ER.S for EVERY C>C'C:ASlO!\" Broadway F1ower Shop 1015 Broadway BEA 5100.111 REA L ESTATE BROKER A ND ASSOCIATES 11011 Newport 8 1vd. Coat.t M H&, Calof . P hol'le Beacon 5320 E•cl~ov~ A9""t \\". A. m ... CROFf RL\l 1' r ~ .. <"'1'1 ~-.T ,-... F: (~"'\nC:(' c·~ PI·~ ~ r' " •1" 2131 N~wpor-t 8 •d. Costa Mr'U. c~ f ONE HUNDRED FEET FRONTAGE '\fl'lil'm Hr>~ nn Hllrh. r ....., ~· tn C•>mm• rf' al lN"IIIinn ONE ACRE lndu.,.r i r ~-:--- $10.000 D. C. M&cKf'nm .John Maldfor Aaaoch,t~ arolr~,.. 1808 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Beacon 103.3 54-r. !f'r •'8 n app I) LOT Btr~r-.:t~l--' TRY On ("(l$ta M•~ ~!l'('f'' ~' , 1 ~0 REALlY SFR\1CF lrt lal• ('f u' f<)T •"'lr· only--~ 2 Lo'-la"'l't cloae In u . s 100..00 2 H 1lf Acru 1200 dn 11200.00 1 r fll' Home Cleafl, roeady M~.OO 2 a'fll' Mw home. StiOO dn S?t!O 00 t •• ,_ • .__ aft ,_,.,. ~otno.oo $1000 BtfSINIESS PROPERTY On Newport Bl\-d Bldlt ::' '10 ..q h . Horne In n>llr flllC'Int ""'~ tn~. Both for- $20.000 or v., II I.-a.~ : 8 fll. HOME OM ,-. i))d H w ,~ IN "' " 1 NI:.D lfifiURANCE H.UI tiS ft. Ne~r1 at~. Cor. t1)000.00 c ..... ,,. -Will bt ._..,.,, to •ow yaou the aba¥e or INift)' ethu propert .lu.t wf\at DO VOU W~NT1 Z Z 7 [nANit L wfU\ 011)· BolclrMra 1~ ~c o part •~ c-. ear". "' w ......... ~ ....... - Former CDM Resideat Die huM"tts • '£WPoRT BEACH An opportuoity to e:Qjoy life in a delightful 2 bdrm. home. All glass, beautiful fireplace, entirely enclosed patio fum1shed with e\"el")1.hing you could ~ish for in the Yen· best taste. Owners work forces him to leave and this is your chance. S16.500 Phone Mr McKinsey Harbor 101~. C'LUT R.-\ \"I:~ 0 \"t"MOOkinJt ~t'wport Harbor An t>X('(>pt tanal lot \alue in this rle- sil"'€'abl£' cnmmumt'. Offer \OU new plus tnr•"~me. Zon~ for 2 restdence on "t<1<> cc'"1<>r. 73 ft. \\1de x 110 ft. deep. Oose to schools. Priced far bt>-- low o hl~r nt>w properties for further mforma wn C"all ~1r. Edwards. Bea- con 57~1:\ EARL \\'. STA..'\iLEY REALTOR ('('1 \ E ltlSG G REATEft ;o.;EWPO RT HARB O R 3 :t" \\' ('"~:' 'TR. \ L l!ltll A.XD IRvtN'E S1"S s-'T"'rt &N"t-: C11ff R a'"f'!l .,-c-1 iarb-"1' lOll Tf'l Bncon 57'94 itb and ('1 \ST H"') ~ ~t.AK.D.T. AYE 61~ COAS'T HWY N_,.>rt ~c-11 Balboa lsJand C'oroaa dd MaT ~I ~ <X rt ~;4c,; Trl H•~Jr 1-:-:'6 Ttl H&rbcr lF.I6 2C\I ACRES 1\"EAR BIG BEAR Lots of large pine t~. 2 or 3 catnns on proJ)("rt~ This property \\·as once sul> dh;dro mto large cabin sites. The owner rt'fusC'd . 7!),000 for this property SE.'\"(>ral times·. Free JtOld may be panned most an) ·where on this 200 acres. Placer men rcpea tedly ha,·e told the 0\\-,er the dirt 'On this place would aYerag Sl per yard if properly mined. Lumber men also claim the timber alone on this propt>rty wou1d pay for lt. The o ~r regrets \'ery much ha\'ing to make this sacrifice-You might say it's been his hobby for 25 years! Prioe S25, See CHAliBERS and DANIELSON Exdush Agents 21M New port Blvd. Casta Oou.i'te8y to Brokers BALBO A I S LA N D ATrRAC11VE NEW BAY FRONT IIGII .. \: ~ U\'ing room; 3 bedrooms. 2 WIIIIIL Ample tile. Well built and beautifully ,.... Ww\ Bn•easion close of escrow. Don fall t8 this! PRICE $35,000 ; TERMS FINE ---WELL LOCATED. 4 bedrooms,· 2-tBtb home. Many extras. Completely furn- ished. Excellent value at $25.000. W. \\". a n r o rd. B e a It o r 'A hh G e rtrud ~ A. \Valdr o n lal )I.AJU:'I'E A \"E • • • • • BALBOA ISI.A.'1D PliO!'-"£ HARBOR 2'34-R. JACK SULLIVAN and Associat es IN CORONA DEL MAR INCOME PROPERTY The best in the bay area -12 units, furnished beautifully. This property faces ocean and bay. NEVER A VACANCY Requires no help t o operate. Can be purc.ha.sed on very liberal terms. 'Ibis investment will show a fine return and \\-ill bear the closest inspection. We are exclusive agents and have a certified appraisal on this property in our office. See it NOW if you want tlle best. JACK SULLIVAN tll COAST FnGHW AY OOR.ONA DEL MAR HAIUJOR 1037 310 ....... ------.......... 11a. ............. -tiM; ....... 1_,._,,_ Men ..._ tft till. · le....,....r t aft41 I -MM ""' '" ,.... . a..t. 4 te ., -.. ., .. "' .. 1m. ..... ~.-· ........... In 1111. 1-.t. .. aMI 11 .. ,.,. In 1117. 1-.t. 11 aMI 14 .. ,.,. 11'1 , ... ... ,, •"' 11 - .. ,.,. 11'1 1ta. ... ,., .., 11 - r,• U~~~ I D . ...1• I BIDS ro BE CAI .J .ED. 1 DENNi so N ..,.Ana o vE" '-itY na seale lo · HEIGh""TS PROJECT ll~~~ :...~::~;yt~t=~ . "rhf' \ .. · Coun I :'4; ,,dl~ r .. ' t lltl<'ndt'd ht,. r u,t C'OUnr&l m<'t't ln.: l l'•w rn .. 1 fr••m Pl\~f I • 1 Com mE"nlin6! on th~ trf>mt'OO· \'OtN1 to 111Jthor~.o• C t.) CIP.k 1n hi~oo ll('\\ wi<' Jlt> "ill tak1• O\tr lntro<iUt•~l f:v\f'I'TlUI \\"ano•n a~ ow: gro\\1h O( thi lrt'&. h~ l&ld Char'•"' l"n• ' ., ' •II h·r h'd;. ''l the> ft.J J dUtlt"• of ht• t•ffie"l' .of 1''1\ thf' '•tl'\1 \'IN'·Jirf'Sidd••nt or thPIII \\I.S onl) a fort>runnE"r ot what t~ l't"l)()n H<'l~htl' ~'"'"' and ultOI"TIP~ . lM .. 1. wtwn Roland l nl'1 ~t.l1t•• ,·an come. It<' IOI"E'$$.W the Ume all1~ rmproH'm!'nl JII'OJK"I. Thnm,.,on·, ro•,lJ;tnat•on b«'omo•o, \\' •"' ~ra1t>fuJ that unl' or fhat the harhor wouJd bto ~\'t'l· 11w ·~•·I rutnllln" nlm~t !t.!:W.· t>ffK"twl' the 1\\o OUt-If' I men in thf' l"nlt 1''('('1 "for miles in th~ hinter. ()(tO. \\Ill h•• ot<<;('~-o:<d llltlliM l "hE' ed St.tlt·~ l-o•rld arran~e to be land · thE' mt>sa dotted with rrorxn~ ""'"""' tn tho•' "rl<'l <Ill BACt< FROM ORIENT h••n f,., th!' dMkatlon •· Mayor h<'"lt"S. and beaches provided • IC'Ot·nrt.':l h:1~1' A WI'• k" «<ioum In Snn f'Min· ror,l • 'oll•l l<~r I hi' t'h11dren. Thr ('nundl took action • n thl' ('1~<'0 I fll('l't than just 8 \"CII'IIIhm Trobute to People ~11'r 1 he dt'dJt:atlon IJ)("t'C.:h prnj(><1 (lftf'r S('\'C•ral PI"'if'll lf'ttP"' • rip for M~ 1': V. RliJt"Rn, 22'2 \\":an••n fiJ" m•l hi dt'dkati<on ''as uvPr. th~ governor. Mrs. had been "'"d Prott>SU totallt'd AI!DtC' Aw BaJboa l~tland bo.'<'au~ 'fl("f'\ h "11 ~. a 1 rlbutE' to the \\"arrt>n ;\layor Drake and olher 17 1 ~r ('('nt of lht> IU"('a of thf' she Is plannrn~ to m~· h<-r hUJ>· ""'"" ~tml thnf; o f t be people d•&;nll:lrl<"' S1ood rn a ~1v1nc dhtnt 1 hand who '"' iu!<it N>tumJng from "ht• ha J h~>u2h1 and pal•1 for lint• in the Cit> Hall for an In· thE' Orimt Mr Ragan Ia a con· thE' n<'" l.l ~ Hall. formal !'t'l.'t'pllon. APPLI CAT ION APP .. OVEO tractor Mrs J'taaa.n k-ft ht'n> ll•• "'trr· t>ol thf' g~at Import· Sogna Autograph /(n 'ap, ~.ca IOn b.~· ~-p T~ay and f'lq)t'rts to notum an<-o• or ttu u,,. to wtuch the nev.· ··~ homt> next ••f't'k. bUilding wa ll be put. T hf' go\·~mor had a unil~ and Thompson for Pf'"1U! ion to oon-r-~--:---------. "lt u ill dett>Ml\lM thE' saf~y ' hAndshake and a brief eom-51.nH'1 11 washeuna In Corona dPl MILON HUTCH INION'I or ea<'h hom~ the health of the ment for ~ach one d\lrinc the 'Mar "'"L~ appro,·f'd by thE' Council OOBONA CRAFT peoplf' thE' trainlna ot youth. half·hour ~Uon. AI~ fi.PPI"O\'f'd was the n!'QU~t t.M tnuuponauon and commun· T o mOlit of ~ M l&ld Jor • busmeu h~n._. for lhP Cop- lcatlon probl~ms." he Ald. hE>artil~. "H ow do you do; alad ::;~f1~ Ca!d P. 332 Marlnt> A\'P · Comments oft Growth to &ee you.·· H~ didn't ml8l any an '"l t ",u determlnt' the ~Ia· of t.Mm. from the oldsters down ~lctUf't ~ ,....,.. c-.m mede t.'eult 1"r tute A ... fl,.. c.IM....-. ..._, f urniture afMI l..twl.,.._ 1101 ~ C... Hlttlwey Ha,._ 1101 C-.r ,_, Mer Uonshlp of the people and tb~ to SP\'t'MLI clill~n In a.rma (but PE,.i,.IIIION DEN IED IO"emmPnt. ~. ~ potm · DO baby klssincl. ~ City ot 01-an&e was deriH>d r-----------...., Ualitles for ~at aood or ITftl For 10 minutes alter the ,..._ penn!silon to advenl~e 1·1 ~ P'OR YOUR e UUTV CAR& er ~Ll. lt can -result In re--1 ~pt:Jon be ~~~ h1a name for F8tlval by ~ana of a tNCk e&r'· IJIOD&he govenunmt. or 1ur· 1autograph hunt~ra. 1ben fol· •van Tuesday. ~ coundlmm --CA.LL- reockr to R lf.l&hne.&. corruption I lowed a Cl'\l.t. of the 1\arbor by tflouaht It lnacMsabl~ to add to vra ... a..,...., .... OP and tyranny. You who live Mre tbt Warrena and the ViliUna o f· ttw confusion ot ~Uon ~ DDmu.&.a ~ can make It do what you want... f1dala. • ('nte caravan did paa by on eout n• e... ..._...Y Ceu•cii.Approvn Sales T~ CCon·inoed trom Pace 11 Mar urced that a ~ ct eanll· OfS&m('O .. petition. HP ~ that dence tJ. ci~n to the OouncU. 'Ibe the tu would ~ an undue burden audience 'Qaln applauded on buslnea.. -...'OUld e&UR loa In Hubbard Howe ol the South l&lel and loa ot eood will and Coast Olmpeny NUested would sped.a.Uy hlm ~w 1Just. 1hoR who dt.r'>' 1be beat.'t\s neot!ll He utpd tha' all other dean tMm This rabfd tnH.nS of raWna monf'~ br ln\o~· tlon: How can thE' h\.tlh Jl'IJ!Rinra.v '1\aeda,y attemoon, how· He~... e--..., Mer h f'Yiftl Elttlr. Hllrilor Ar.a tiptf'd who COD'M' for a day be m• 2~0UR SERVICE ~or Dntkf' C'ltf'd ftgUI'l'S d ean up their trash• WE GRIND IT 39 .. ....... . •. • ft) c ;.._ _________ __:..:........:.:~..:.:=--------_J si'IO'A'1Rg sales tax N'\"f'nut' ol othe-r 'Ben R~. ])Ub1lahC!t'. 01 ~ 1 -------------:------------. Cl~ El ~tro. ,..1th 11.141 pop-N_,or ·Balboa Press. afd that DJ.&....-.L-1.-.. ~ •t rh -~ .... ,.,.. ulatlon collf'ctt'd S215.555 an • "'v.-e'\'e got to make an effort \(: llfll""'l l~lflllfl "'' 1 ~ ~"IC"I )'Hr, JWdlandl. v. th 11.000 pop-colk'ct from tM people ""ho uJaltnn. roll«' Pd $\li 000 t.hf' ba,) and the beet'he-5 and of CAREFREE LIVING l"Mn Ed'A-ard T Ht'aly. ) 13 15t.h can WE'll afford ll'l pay • ~t l'ev.opon . spokP up to say that tax·· FOR TI-fE RIGHT UX'ATIO~S AXYTIME thE' pe-oplt> are not 1\glltnst a sales Other T'1'11'18rks m11de by CALL HARBOR ~-W 1a" but thA" ""1ht~ is the-wron2 'tx>n: o{ the audtE"nct": Realto, trmt' to 10\ okP 11urh a ta'.. ··1 don't think there will bf' M)' Hub Powen and Hj>aJ~ hlld cubmrltf"d 8 ~tltion Sll]t'<O resistance This Is a painle. I bn B P tt~nct thP tllX. 'II~C'd b" 51 of tax:· 0 • rettdergast at "h!' 52 taxpe~'t'T"S he-had l!lpPT08Ch· -lt"!t about tim~ l SUlM pe.ylne J. A . 8 E E K 0 ... f 1 ( E 4.'d • sales tax and provldtt reUef to r Murmer of Pt"Otut pf"'P"1y owners'" \Vhen woul~ the Corona del Mar "'Why not C'Mick down on r;l~ Balboa I land Fen-y Landing f11'1" ~atlon be built If the sales m11chines. or im~ a SMl'aUCV\ .__ _____________ ...:_ ___ _:::.._ ___ _! tnx Is nm lnvokf'd the-mayor ask-tax. or lnCI"<'ue buslnes. ll~n.~. r-----::---------------------. c-d The,..,. W'ftll 11 munT!f'r of p~ rather than 1mpostt a sale. tax!" ,,.,., WhE-n .Ht>11ly ~·d ··corona del ''Many people will ro to Robby l4lS Coast Blvd. FT·s Inc. Toy <Jeater Birtcher Bldg. CORONA DEL MAR TOYss================ ~ W B. BRITAIN TOY SOLDIERS e MIMlC 'J1UANC MEOlA.NIC.A.L TOYS e CRESCENT TOYS OML.MON & R ICE ENGtN£1 '\1or will havf' tn Wtll' •• In Costa Me$8 to evold paylnc FT't'd Shand. Who dftlcribecl him-tax."" St>ll u ''younc. but a vota ... "P-''God p~ us the harbor port~ ~ aales tax and ~ natJac, Del~ ldclk about that the imPI'O"~t procram be to tab care bt lt." carried out now. n,p auc~M~toe ap-''Bultneamen -.,uJd pin the pla uded h1l remarica ~ from a u.Jea tax. ~ It J R. l.aN o1 Corona 1M ._. would be • mM.nlhol cleanlnc aaJd M wu for the tax be6.~ this fflth.Y. dirty hole and I" JII"'"1drd for. ~tins ot "paying ace people to come here."' as you co" rather than buiJdinc -rhe city must be buill '-P up • ~ that ·he bla stOI't'S will eome Audleftoe ~laude ''LM's ~ In and make this Dick <'.rut~ at <»rona del place -...~ Uk~ to II"~ In " Competent Care for DIUCATE FABIIIOJ Van Houtfta'a dry cleenlftc .. C!CI&- &Jdeorate to n. fa111tcs. Color and ~ere l'fWtl.., llf~. After the WI')' flnt tJta1, you WOl ~ tt.&t we CA.U for your ~ MT. ROME 1 ft) JA" Zlc BIG 2''' CAN 18c GREEN -RIPE SUNLAND-I OZ' CAN 27c BROS. 'I , • • ~ e MIK.UAN•oue tftMt oo6~ mwa.y - -~--- 3 · 1.1 -~r~ The wirt'S are humminc O\t'r this two r.trap Joyt't' ••. twin buc.k~ 11t thE' tdde ol)('n toe and heE-l. 1 n sut'de WH"P£RfLAP New to faJl's faatldlously fru;h.io~ JO)'('('S . . . a littJe suedt> ~~ ~, h a w t>Sklt lOt' ' I 17 I ') ... . -. -t I FRESH &\.NCR 4•• I MALL DO~ I~ CARNATION 2 TALL C AN& ltc UTAH No. ~ CAN