HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-09-03 - Newport Harbor Ensign.; .... CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COtThi"TY. CAUFORNIA Fh·e Cents Vol. 1-Number 4 . Dnft-Qe ¥ J• SiPlJPTnl lit Harbor Area .. .. AI ann ByTwoTrv&. ~lllnp ol t eor... ... tar tami!J. _.,.. ttu...tnwd Wlllt ~NC\IOD 1"\aaaday "'ru-n a crua and bru&b f~ ...... f'd up the fa~ nl dw bluff • ra\IM near H•hOU"opt' Aw .... ~Dr ~d<'nb In th• U'N f~ dMt hi&U' •1tb ~ill.l"d .. n holift bd~ dJe f)"" [)fopanmo nt tn.aCb &J'ftWI4. ~ fir. •-u f'X'tl~ betOII"e an~ nUit~"nal darn~ ·~ "~ Th .. dv.-t>~ ll\ tlw-path lfJII dMt lin' ,...,.. · IJK>o. of Burt ~. I r. l;,oklo-"<trod A ""·• a it '11 llr' <:1 and ~IXIP Ad· .,nnan 405 H~liotropt' AYe. I~ ftap._l)' Tht' Mu~ 11&rttod at tlw-....._ or thf' f'a\11W' and rapildly ..... Uj> IN' f!V'r ol t.h bluff, u' 'sa I b\ a 11ronc ~- ' Amort& tN tmpnJmt\1 fire apr • ··~ ... he> turnf'd "att'r ... 1M blau .-t: I' r;ardfon ..._.. Wft'lt llr. and 1~ Bun Prortar, Mn. IAIIIII Sfo..l~· from nN..I'tJ) 405 a 'I rod A~~ and Ray ~ ...... mothrr' elf 415 H~ Al COAON-' OEL MA,_ DW£U.I NQI-re t"-tend wtleft a ,,... .,_. ~ the • Al.nn. Y.'f'ft tlD'IWd ie .., .... ravl!•e fl Hellot,.._. Ave aiWI aantdla Dr. Hand !tnt ~ "-In lf-. .f~t'OUM '-ftav t( ling He 11 Kh~ '" })' aDd ·ora Olle. attired tn hie hthlno ~one lileea-t he alarm •• •uiWid t~~et • ... wae 1~ t.o .. ta u-e ~-~ "' Rrx Brandt. ~ ._.. The •un Proc:wr ho-and p,...e are tn tN Nckgreuncl, Gcrllanrt ~.~~ L> at 4.115 Col~ Aw. __________ ..::__; ______ _;:_ _________________ ,. s.r.nctt ~ ... lllllll 1,300 thrnl~ 110t·D Oaut ftlt,lraoaJ C.0.. cSd Nu, C&hfamia M VO I! HMPA. !'.dar $2.00 LOO l50 .~ ~ E.nacn .. publilhcd rt't:r'f friday for the CXllllmw:utiea of Corona dd Mu and &Jhoa t..b.nd.. W riual ammunic:.atior» II> n.c ftwian llhould any ~ name and addtaa of the •n=, ..S i1 J1011111*. the ~ number 1'1w ~ • ttlepbone ...-bet u thrl-or ?U. As the mayor pointed out, it is a costly and shortsighted policy to allow the dty to develop In a haphazard manner. That would' only result in mmeoessary 1 to taxpayers later, because of tbe inevitable net?d for replanning and rebuilding to correct the old mistakes. Such an unofficial advisor y group can be of great importance and influence in the proper devel- opment of this community. But the over-all, city wide program needs more to assure success. An official, permanent, working policy is a must. 'lberein lies the significance of the city administra- tion's search for revenue, which apparently is achieving success in the enactment of the sales tax ordinance. ' CENT .. AL a taL_a CHU .. CH ., c:.u ... _ o.r-ll ... .,_ ... ~-,._ ....,. ~~n~-•.-,... h ... H ~~ t .. II.. II .. ~~~~"'"" ---~ • II .. o • ! • , ... ToH•• ......... • ... I••* r • f .. •• c-1•• ....... J--·- FULL COIPEL CHU"CH .... "''')' •f C04I 22nd & £.-en Ita. C..U M- 'II (' l'•onl• ,. .... A .. ~~ ..... , lcl>eel [!( .... ~. w.,... •• Mlllolroo 0. ,...., v ...... ,....,., .. ~".n"H"''" ~r.\,. n4M• flti.MI• \\ ... 'fn4ay ,. .... ,.. . ~ \ .. ,, u" .. • •• p Ill. • ... p ... ·,. r N :,.. r M t w l'.ll.. IT. JOACHIM. CATHOLIC CHU .. CH o .. l\11"' ""'•-• Itt\ aM IOU. (.1o.la ,_ c."' """""' .._ • &ad It l'loa....-...... p~-· T HE NEW~OWT HARaO" LUTHERAN CHURCH 1027 Cliff Drlvt, Newport H .. lh'b ~'SOA 'I' &t:RVJCW! f'lotwrdl ....... ClioUII••• tJ1 "" -. '"•19· "••nl"" "<''o<•lllt ~ ~ A. M. 'llvro.r,. ~ .... ~ '"' •hlt.t.-11 iiiM'I ... f'IHIN'll c"'"'' .. • ~""- OUfll LADY OF MT. CARMEL CATHOLIC CHURCH Coast C.lkge Lists Boe~tiflg · "t • ) ' Bobby a Toy Cell~r 1415 Coast Blvd. Blrtcher Bldg. C..OP Groap Meets .rwtM Darfag Week n.r I"N'flnl'l m~tln~t of thf' w~k W/1!1 !l<'hl'dulM fnr thl11 mnm- lnlt fM ml'mhf~ nf thl' Nt>wnort· Rf'~rh.("o!!tll Mt'<tll Flrlllnrt-Com· milt,... for thfl' 'RI'f'IJblirnn Pllrty e W B. BJUTAIN TOY SOLDJEJtS e MllotlC 11UANG MECHANICAL TOYS • CRESCENT TOY'S ltOBBY lTPPLID H O RAILROAD EQUIPMENT MARINE M OOEL SHIPS & F ITTINGS STROMBECKER SOLID M OOELS AVIATION RECOGNITION MODELS OHLSSON & RIC£ ENGINES ' ",..,. I f'llll F.a~tlman. t"hlllrman of thP Ornnl!f' C'ounh· Rf'rubll· can C«-nlral C'ommlttN'. caml' fmm Santa Ans to ~Ilk to tht' ~up &hout C'&mf\AI$m fln&n<-e Jlllln&. TuMC'Iav mornln~t Hf'lnz Kallf'r. flnancto ctullrman of this dh151on. prt>sldt!'d at thl' m~tlng, I which wu hPid til Norton's Ca!t'. :......----------------------- I 8CBOOL ~I E OFPE8 One 5 x 7 Portnlt (choice of four pr0o1a) of ee.cb dUld.e~tert.nc ftrBt yar of.chool this term. Ablolutely no obUptlon.. Th.la offer good only on 1'ueede.y, septem- ber 7th; Wedrle8da,y, September 8th; and Thul"'day, September 9th. NO APPOII'fT'MENT NECESSARY uest 1101 NEW~RT a.,;vo. W•)'TM! E. Ott COITA MU A ,_MONE a&ACON N10 Edwin Kraus ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I !tomCINI L•"-r Jq Mfll., l'fJf. 6 Sl»p E•rly ,, ,, ·-~ swee•~ -:.-·woitdNrt ~ LuxsOap ~ Lux loth Soor ea.aySoap ~ ftoiMOfiw ..-s.. .. lcwa Soap ....._ !Hu Swan Soap • • .. .. .. .... .. a- For &utr Gardens • PLANTS .U."D CARDEN SUPPLIES • LANDSCAPE DESIGN A • A~ n.<>WEft • SHOP SERVICE =-------· , . ~ .. a I • 1 .. ~.~' '~ .. . ~ , .. 1313 Coast Highway Corona de}, KU Recipe for a glorious holiday-Tn~ one family (or ~) • expose to plenty of fresh a1r and runshm~. stuff •ith good things to eat Result, beaming happy faces ('.~ hmc To hdp yt'U prq>are for a glonnus ho1ida) •-e\~ assembled a •hole store full of quality foods you 'll be needing And, Sakwa) 's lo.r.• prices will make your outing easy on tlte hudgd Stock up tocby on ptemc ttenu for )'OW hoiKiay, on st;apln for the lone •'Cd end. .,..,., .. wtMt. tto.iny .._ -::--... ,._,. itol Mustard .......... FNndl's Muttord ;.._..,. .. libby' I Mustard ·-...... WfttlttNI Oil ,... M• -.. Mozolo Oil .. .. -.,. UghtG&ob.J ~~r.:--Il- l . ht"'I-L--71et l00· .,. tg ~ we••~•• - light Globes 15<>-Wott S.t• -1:1- c ~~t~~comll ....... ""._.-J:--- .._ ... -"-... 0...1\ .. ~ ... Orange Soda := 2 -a-- Sno Colo 2 -De Ginger Ale =-2 .-a- Strawberry Sodo 2 -23'- c·~·-. Nil f. 11•1 lucky lager 8eer u--IS• Appetizer Wine -... "'-~·· c .... bi'O"'C Shf-f'V ~ ..,.._. ........ o-• ~··..-1"d f(llo" -a~ 0"'1~ ., ~ ..... "" • ~ •• .... ~ "~"O'fl't .. C. y ,_ ~~ t OM to~ O'W' • ....._ -Ott-f'l'1 ~ .. 04lrt dK..,.,~ TIHttf 8ull D•Jrham r-~ Pr ince Alber. ~~ ": Velvet ~ (; Tobacco .... .:-:!..~~ ,.. Q uart Jars .... _ •• 11• 11• •• . . At Saf.'WVY, fruits oncf ~tcllbles ore IOid by h f'O"~. You ~ futt wt.ot )"'U need. n-.'a ~ ~,. ol foocJ. ftO ...... ., ~- ., ... ·~ ~ ~­SMOl-efle o-"':-'=".,. Ro~o : -.. ;__..,. .. c~ Spt.oct c.--.:-.. --· ._.. Olw .._ .. Relish Spt eod c.-'::-.. otd Englilh ~_:-'~ 27- A,.icon Spread ....... ~ 27'-__ ,._,.,.._ z-•· 33c 1.19 IIIW Clllll fOOl ~.IM'Iow 31c 1.05 American •• h ":..:-: 33-~ 1.11 Pimiento "'""" Swiss ...... ~ .. ~ u--,.. ......... O ld English ••o" Pabst-ett ,..._ ,_ Velveeta a-,_ _..,.._ :., ... 10.1 G rated ~ holion :=; Monterey Jock Medium Shofp '=." Noturol Swiss ~-· ,.) ...... ~ ... ~a­ ,_ ... ,,.._.,.. ... .. n-.. ,. r--------------~------- 1 Los Comicos Cast Honored After Giving Annual Play Parties for the east d. LGI Com-Pia.1 wu ataced. .... ~ c:oatloued ..n lDto 1'bls af~thewabow Ct'~liao tiUa W<Nil , atur l'l'ttiac ot1 to a k a trad.1t1onaJ atral.r. nw molbf'ts ..-ry atart lmmedJ.ate-ly follow· brwrbt sa.ndwic!bes.. M.n WiJbur lllc t.lw lut ~rforrn&DCe ol •'Mab .l...&ke. 308 c:>nQ Avt"., Balboa U. IIDae VanUJa''. thla )"f'&J"a ~ land. broucbt a ~ bJock cakf' -..kal. Cor the a-ow.·d.: Fruit puncta com· Paftnta and ta.mtU" ol ttw eut pl~ the ~ta. ~ Included In tht• cl~ nlcht Sunday ~t suppt>r honol"''d thf! put;y kt thto home ol Wr. and MrL playt>rS at the h~ ot Mr .and .J. U..Ue-SkffrNtl"rl.. 20!t Maricold Mn. Stuan Dlrhl, 508 Goldenrod Aft~ Corona ~l Mar. v.1Jifft the Avt"., Cbrona del Mar. 1lw puty -------------was given by Mr and Mn Fn.nk ltC'ndt>rson, of Phot>nlx, Ari.zona. former local r'ft:idents v. ho ano KRIITINA C£L£8ft~T£S Stalnd Bic Hh -&:EABT OF VIRGINIA" IUN. MON. TUEI. Dan Daily Sept. ~7 Charles Ruggles Fay Bainter in the TedlnJcolor Mus leal Ca"-.Jcad~ "GIVE MY REGARDS TO BROADWA\"' WEO. ONLV Roy Rogers . & Trigger in "UNDER CALIFORNIA TABS" -And-5 na:; (. anuun and 3gt~e~ c~~ C...Unvoue Nightly f~m 5:30 lun. from 2:30-Klddle Mat. E\fe,.y Saturday at 1 :•5 p. m. ENOS SAT. Dana Andre\\'s Jean Peters '"DEEP \\'ATERS" Plu~ 'IJrv'h (){ 1'1~ "THE FIGHT GAM E" Color ldr" n Eo.: I~ It'' "'' "'' Sun. Mon ~tt WILDE U'tOAOARNW AMIJI( BAXTER IUU DOUGlAS ltart:a WED. Sept. I Dorothy Lamour George Montgomery '"LULU BELLE" Companion Feature Louis Hayward Janet Blair 1BEBLACK A.RBOW" f'RIDAV and IATURDAV DEANNA DURBIN DICK HAYMES "UP IN CENTRAL PA.RK'' -ALSO - A-N OCEAN OF SUSPENSE ~6 J!A'l110M8 DEEP'' IN OOLOR IUNOAV and MONOAV -.AN-EATER OF JWMAON" -ALSO ---~LOS ANQD.£8'' CARTOON NEWS TUEI. W&O. TWUfltl. 'DANA ANDREWS "A WALK IN '11IE ALSO JOYCE REYNOLDS JANIS PAIGE "W ALLFLO\\'ER'' CONTINUOUS L.AIOR DAY houM ~U"ta of t.tw Die-hl's R8l'e'lb:meonta, Which mdu<k'd .. mountain." of tamale-pat> salad, mUa. kr cream. cakf' and ~<"<. ~ ... ~ terved. In lM patto Squano d.aneing, games and ba.Uroom dall<'· "'' f umlsbtod tM l"\'f'fllftJ f"n let'· tainment • A muluplt' celc!bMitaon \\as hf'ld Monday nlgtat at th4> home-f'l Mr and Mn R.obf'n Hom. 1408 Sf'a- vt.w Ave., C"orona ~~ Mar Tht' supper party wu a fa~"t>ll to f'r'ank Hftld~. who lt>ft for Phoenix 1Jnnwod.1atttly attn ttwo par- ty and roocfbye to Kart'fl and HE .. SIXTH BlftTHDAV ENTEftTAINI ftELATIVEI 1lM' ""'h htrthday of Kristina Mrs. Be.11l~ L. Jl(>nf'dkt. 309 Brumm: v. a~ t'l'lc>bratt"d last f'ri. Marl~rntd AH• hn~ bN>n t>ntt•t dA) at thf' hniTif' of f((or motht>r. tal nina membt>t ~ of h~1 famJI~ 1M Mlll'\:'ln•t Bruning owner a.nd during lhe put "l'f'k 11..-1 Sib 1/1'1\prwtnr of KllJ"t''n-Ma.rgn>ta l('r, Mrs. Ulllan I lf'nnt•h•·r~ ShopPf' 1 ~17 Cou1 H iR'bway journec'yt>d do" n from 1 .... 1, An· At th• p .n, 'IH'n> C'arnl Annt> gt-ler; and hf'r rlaughtl't ·lr. low t~nd Rr.-nrl 1 "I<M"('r, Marv w ... ~ and l'o\'0 ,randchqdrl'n \tnr Knrt'fl and John Bro.ntnJt. AflPr La"''":"~ ~nf'dJcl and Pa~nf'IA k..-Nl'llm and <'3k<' had ~ S('r· lind \ alt>ta <.'&mf' from Eagl<' \M ttw f''I.M) attt•ndt'd tl'lf' Los Rock Tht' blrthda) of \In• ,...;.>~ .,, ·" "·•n~; of "Make Mint> Lawl't'n~ fk-nf'dlct wa' t't'lf'brat· VaniJIB' at ttw J Le-sllf' St~>ffm-ed yt>ste-rcb~ · ..., home 209 \farit:old Ave RETURNING TO SCOTLAND Alter a tour and a haJf month RETURN FROM TRIP \U.it \\llh ht>r liOn tn law and dau Moya Kin1. wbo will l"t'tum to 8ft1DE AND GAOOM-ah.ewft luwl,_. Ow Lady ef Mt. CamMI 8dbool ira Pasadena. CAtholic Churct. follewl,_. nuptial ma. A.,.uet I aro Cpt. ~ TO 8 10 8EAA LAKE ght~r. Mr. &f'd Mn. Phillip Me} Mr and fn. Harold Stauch. en. 503 Goldenrod A\'f' .. Mrs 111 311 M~old A\<-.., I"Humrd this C. Willon lf'ft by plant> Wf'dnH· we.k from a ~he~ Yhlt w1th day ev~na from lnllewood Air· Mr. and Mn l.arry Boyle. Blc port, bound tor h~r bom~ In Scot· BHr ~ke-land. Mn:. WUeon plans to r~ M,..._ Harvey lu..-nartt. Po a. Ute fonNr Mary LouiM • .._.._.. of SUppe-r oa the tf'IT1IC'f'. ff'aturt.n,r Ne_,_-t Helfllta. f'ollewlnt a at1ort llofteymoe~. the ~·· Uwe Spanish ~~ balls. "-'U ~ made the•~ tempon..-y "-111 &eattlt, W-"l"gton, ~ Cpl. and RMo'~ by P f'f'data n om . En-l upl"enlllt It .Utloned wlt.ll the marin.._ tl'T'taJnmem Jncludf'd a showfnr ot -.....:...----------------------- colo~ didea which P enilta and A • O / D J d her father took on . <'&mplng tr1p tr ,-arce rost nau:gurate .. Th~ Visit had ~ delayed bf.-tum ~ 50011 and bnng "' ht'r I'SUS' of a polio attack 1Uff6ed by lnflnbera of her family. tM Boyll''l daUfhtfl', Ja.rw. She II - w national parks thu ~. ' at tM San ~n!l.no RospiUJ VIIITEO 8Y SliTER ~. at the panJf'S ~ 8111 Hlmhaw, James Stefft>N!"n, Alan Lewls, Pnd.lta Hom PhJIII.s Lake carol E)om.ann. Sally Ble-Ie-r, Je-a.rw Barth~. Moya Ki~ Marraf"!'t Dlf'hl, OonaJd Stf'fft>nsen, Bob Whyte, Bobb) Dlr hi Kum Kin~. R~ Wfloetf'\'f'r F'ranlc l l<'nd•I"''IO and Barril" Blr lt>r R1rnf' muM'<! the last pan) b<"<'auv ht' wa• nut of to'llo"n Provides for Speed)' D elivery but wtll be ablt' to mum home Mr. a nd Ml"'l. Harold E Bene-· ~ dlct, 427 Narctuu.a A\'f'., we-reo viaJted Monday by Mr. LuJu With tnauJ:'\,Iratton of air ~I coruadt>rat,on that 111 howrl to air ( • ,.LL JXI"t thn.•u~hoot t~ l:nMd Statf'S mail In routma In addlti;O", 14~n· omtftUftlty ~-~t TUuda) park'-'l"S can n<7"' 1>1' ~Dl. tie-a I doc ""'I' doll\ • ~ "'' I bo Cl\· b) lllr matl 111 a constdl'rablt ..._, .. ••n to au r ,.., • I 1'-"'S u 15 af· inf,! aN<>~ nt.: 1{1 ... l"ln13""'r RO<'> fordt>d "''"' I '.,. ,., matt Needs Equiftment Kinr of < omn11 drl \1ar I Ttu \ · I " I' ~t Of· •r"• l p tu 1 . .-.t n .. · ... <1~' a ll a1r m;ul f;,-. !.< " • • • J', l~blf' (! ~-\' 1 1 1 .. _ r ...~ 1 bl 0 un f'C.'M tn ne orm uo a "" v. I.' • hnn:•-d fur ~~ th• I• "' ~ ra•• 11m l1 .... I •· ., • ,.,, kt "· prtn· •·haJr-. 11, ,k~ and other ofC~ fur· of f'll:ht • f'n'' an • '"" '"" •• .,J "' n'fl ' I ')htl' a~od t tw> h b hf' po<J• o1 r olt• '" tn • ff,.,., !A·-• nne tho l,r(., 1 "tn .,..11~1 ur,. arv <""tn~:, ~ 1 11>' 1 r ' omn an, 1\ nf'loo • ·• f>llnlZA r>fl 0 ,\ n. ·1• ound pan t'l ""'" rnn ho p:.•·'-.,~:•• v.tth ttl> • · h" ~:loht Ul :'lif'"-l"'n Ji .• rhnr "r,• '" •tu nf'\1 po-.to~l 7f\nl' (,,,. 1!• rt1tath P•~t (Wf • patrnn• V.'t lj EqtliJ'Im1·nt 1._ n•'i'dt-d 10 (ul'1'tic;h 55 N'l"l• "' 11r mAll 1t v.n11tu t ";.it.' ••:•· to ot>taan tht"<t wtthout ttl-• """"' ufloff f<ll' tht> Fund drt\t' C'O'-t ,., nt. at tho 1• ttf'r r '• (H ' Kan~; sat~ IO<'at• <1 tn tlw \ndf'f'50fl Buildm&: T~o1n••t Ttmt Cot ----tl TlKII"'·' ancl will ltl.;o boo nM>d• <1 T • ' '" l'l 1•u•mll '"'I • 1 ''' lo•t tloo ltntn• I nlttt'>' at B..ollxo:~ 111T . ,. II .... T• ,, ... '"I • '·'"'"" I l•lRn<l c·nrnn .• ,, I 'far. l\'1"'-por1 "''" ,.,, ~3 '\'i I nd r 1!1• uld rntt nnd \1 or tnt r-. Mtlf' Wht>n th•·"<• lt>- Krowt'h.alk and chiJdrf'n, Johnn\ ~d Pam~Ja. of Lot An~~IPS. Th~ two V.'Omen ~ 5lsters. MAKE HOME IN EL MODENA Nl"ws hu juat bt'fon ~lvf'd about the marrlallf' o f Mrs Edith Tau. 509 A<"aMa A\t• and A~h­ h) Turnttr former rf"Sidf"nt nf this communi!) ThE'' aN> mn'. lng to thc>lt ran<'h at 1-I Mcxlc>na PHILADELPHIA QUESTS I '-11 8.Ild Mr• Faank Po\\t>r ... 1 601 ~.tr~Ui'riiP A'" h.:1d aoo; gu•~tt. 1:1'.1 \\f-.•k 4"ntl \!1 nnd l \fr, f.;pn1wt It (' .:'\,1\ lnr .<ntl 1 he-ar n.w.:hr••l Pun!'.< of Phtla fkl1•lun Pa 11 " • ld ""'' Sl! Tt.. m,J,mHHT' l':tltt, .. ,.,.. ckndl'd """"'" I ..,... VI&ITINQ IN RIVERSIDE " .. ;.:hi p:tt"'kA~t ~' ht• h r:tn h. ,,..nt ''It hnrd In do an ad<oquRtt' ~~ Mr and Ml ~. :-; 1-JJ<,.fl'n!l< 11 ah m111l 11 70 J')C>unrt•·r "''II now wtth•••.t th" n~ary raMhrl~ . atr. 1101 Marl:uerlt.c A\C!.. ar~ tto t o :'-:l'w York l r>f' ~ 171 1>5 ~~ 'l~rdtnJot to W "F'i'arlk POW<.'~. , lsltln$: th<·lr gra.nddauyhtf'r and woulcl •'<••t $!56 und•·r tht' ktt<'r ~tot•ro tllr)' or thfo Ot~t campaign-:. hl'r hu!lband ::\fr. and Mr•. )ft:'ll<' TO LF.AD PE JCfLS AND ERASERS 2 for ~ up to tOe PROTRACTO AND TRIANGLES -5c each PEN AND PENCIL 11.00 .. FOUNTAIN PEN ~to $1.00 __._ PEN CU.. SHARPENERS ...................... 0000000000 ... 5e PEN Cfi., cr..IPS . .. ...... 00 .. 00 ...... 00 .. 00 .. 0000 .oo 00 0000 ... 00 00. 5e FIL~R PAPER .................... 00 ....... 5c & lOe MtT ILAGE .. .. ............................ 5e a tOe STL'"'OGRAPHER NOTE BOOK ........ tOe & Uc CL IFIER INDEXES ..... .... oooooooooo•oooo•• lOe PrRAL OOMPOSmON BOOKS ....... tOe a 1& SPIRAL OOMBINA'I'ION TJ1EME & NOTE BOOKS , CHOOL BINDERS .oo .. 00 ... PL 11C Rl'LERS ... 0 t& 0 29c to98e lnc"-nd-Me-tric Scak-..... __ ................. tOe EYER\' CHOOL ~EED OS Ol~R COt'NTERS MILTON'S 5-10·25c STO E IX('. . \\ ht'rt 'Tl t Dollar Get$ Morr ' I rat" "Thf' fumltuN> will be> n'tumf'd. 1'wyman. In R1v<'rsldl' this Wt'<'k. ~~~m~•l•r KtM~m~ om ~n~~ In~~~~~~------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ·'l~t th•· nt·\' htlhh 'l""'<'i&li7t'C1 rhtc yf':tr'!l hud~t plarut lndudt> a' 1 "' 'r.rnf' '''" t• • "11wh '-'"11' f'n· thf' ro'<'Omm.-ndatlon madf> b>· thf> 1801 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa 1 •"• '! ,,,, ''"' .,, tit• W)th r.~n-RudeN rommlttf'~ th«' all initial ll'lo'"' 1•••11 t • ll'"tn•tl t ~rnt rn II ~Jlo.·ntion~ or nppropnAtions of thfw fr 1 11oon •' '''"' T"'rlllr<ot! "' ,,,h,.t lommun•t> C"hf'"11 tr, J'l'l('mbc>r 3(!'{'tl· l mrorl •.. , lnnr'loll 'IIfton ,., ......... mllt11' for onl' c-tlllr1er or Aor P"rctl St•cke,.. thf' tnt:U llflproprintion and that II• • 1111 tl II 11~ f"J' -.I po~t thf' R&:l'n('iM hi' 'lllh.)t'M t•l II t'IU:lr· n: I.,..... "tl •• 1 \ f' tl. ...1m,.. lf'r'' l'f'Jlnn 11ot1 rM'if'" hy thl' Lut Week of Summer Se.aaOft Aug. 30 through Sept. 4 Nightly at 1 :30 Alao Saturday at 2:30 $2.4() -suo -11.20 Tlcketa: Polly A.ppat"el Brandts VIK'ationing ·Pa r J .:tkf' TahOE" \'lit'"'''"""~ 11 l...11k• Tahofo and ~~~" t'rllnuM1'1 aroo \fr and \!r~ Rf'' Rr1n<11 C'~>rnn,t clrl Mar ar lt•lll ant! th<'tt <l~t•J~,Yhtf'r Joan Thf'ir othE'r dau~htf'r Shelly, Is oo;ta~in~ in Rhr"ldf' wtth Ml"'l. Rrant1t's brothc>r Ro~n Irving. A('('OmpanyinR rhP Brandis "''"~ ~1 r and \1rll James B. C::todd11r<l and !<On PNer. of 225 Jasmin~ A\f~. Corona dE'I Mar The Brandta expect to do 110me painting In th~ Lake Ta.hoe ~­ ion durln~t the-Ir stay there-. They ~ill return hf'rf' alter Labor Oay WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE IN RADIO ! P .. Of'EI&IONAL TRAINING,IN ACTING, ANNOUNCING, NEWICAITINO, COMMENTATING, ICRIPT W"ITING, ALL PHAIEI Of' RADIO THE JACK LOW SCHOOL OF RADIO INo chalye for prolealon&l audltJonl For appointment call BeiCOn 1308 c..ta M._ Newport Harbor High School Lut 2 Oaya of THE OORILL.~ f'l'lday and laturday AB WILDEBNirBS A Cornf'dy By Eu.aene O'NeW With a aut of Broedway ~" ltaN'ttte Fnak Mellqll IE,..,., tTH tllroutfl 11TH All .uta 11..21 8 o• Of'fto.-a.aOHI 1M2 P lus Tax Cul'talll 1:30 Ill'. M. local avenoy CMVII & GAY LAugh With thp Brotht'l'l McHugh In actlon. Mal\ JoJns Brother Frank In the l11teroet of the community toward a permanent tll .. ter tllla advel"tltemcnt I• 1po1110red by the Newpol"t·Balboa f"edeNI lawlnge & Loan A•oc:latlon. 'DEEp WATt.R'-lA CO-STAR-Dana And~ews and Jean Peters &l"e c:o-lt..al'"d In "Deep Waters," K .-een verslott of Ruth Mool"e'l e.e.t·MIIer, "lpoonhandle," Whlcf\ Ia ahow- lng today and tomOI"f''W at the Llcfo Thatu. MOVIES LIDO -f'~l ·lat: Deep Waters, Mai'Ch of T ime. Sun·Tuea: The Walla of Jer- Icho. Wed: Lulu 8tlle, The Black Arrow. BAL80A -Fl'l·lat: The Pll•ate, Heart of VIrginia. lun-Tuee: Qlwe My ReOal'dt te a,..acfWay. Wed: Under' California ltars, Cal"t .. n lhow, IURF -f'~l-lat: u, In Central Park, 1t f'at"-m• o..,. lun·Men: Man.Eatel' of Kvmaon, Old LM ~,..1 .. T...._Tlw: A Walk In tho lun, Wattn.wer. MOVIE 8ARN, LAGUNA- Rudolph Valentino In EyH of Vollth, with Clar• Kim · ball Voung and ~dmuncl Low._ PLAVI NEWPOffT III'LAVHOU&E f'rl·lat: The Gorilla . Mon· lat: Ah Wlldtrnen.. HOLIOAV &TAOIE, Tuatln -Fri-Sat: The Golden Apple. Fine Seafoods 1017 COAST IOGHWAY ft~,-,, Rnlln1 nr Dil"f'cton Thr An11rd 111"0 dt'("Jd<-d th:~t no llf'r~ l'o'fJIIMtlnc nld from ft\P C'hf"'t whk h M<. n !"Mf'"''l' funt1 ~unl to their l"f'qu.Mt b.-srrnntl'd thl'tr fund~ until tlwlr l"''!.MV~ mnnf'r lc l"l"dl.loN'd to tht' roint of nt'f'd and uslctanct' Jn tM tutu~ th~ W1'1farto ot Pmtf'f'lllnt Oturches w111 be ad· mlnhrt~ throuR'h tlw 1\'-"fllrt Harbor Council ot Chun-h~>• ''WRATS HE SMOKING! RAGS!., f'OR GOOONEII IAKEI TILL HIM TO GO TO TOMMY'I FOR llb:tue 11 • 111'1,.. •n41 T.-coo • M...,nn .. TOMIIY'8 SBOP tOI e..t H~y CORONA OEL MAR Chicken Steab CORONA DEL M.AR HARIOR 11M OPEN 0.-\ILY II A M. to 10 P M Catering To Families A PINT ~17.E MJ-.NU FOR CRD.J)Rf.:N ALL Till ~ffo. Yova . REMEMBER: Buy Friday and Saturda~· for a doubw holida~·. Market closed all day Monday, September 6th. Labor Day. WE GIVE YOU YOUlt CHOICE OF: Selected Com Feel Stan Por ABSOLUTELY TOP QUAUTV or Top Quality Grus Fed Oattle EOONOMY CIJTS to Balance your Bad¢ CHUCK ROASTS ..... oo ... oo .. 1b 59c CHUCK ROASTS ............. 1b 44c '7-BONE BOASTS .............. 1b 58c '7-BONE ROASTS ........... oo.lb 5!c BOUND BO~ ROASTS .. 1b S8c ROUND BONE ROASTS .. a 52e ROUND STEAKS oo ............ Jt, .. Mc ROUND 8TI!!A.K ................ a ,., Your OOMn.ETE SA'IISPACTION Guanateed-Why PaJ More. £VERY WEEK WE 8UY THOUIANDI OP' ~UNOI Of' f'"EIH al&f' P'OR THE IXfJRII[at ..VR~II OP' UIING P'OR OUR GROUND 8Eif'. THA~I WHY OUR GROUNO 811[11[ff II ALWAYI f'RII[IH ANO TAlTY. • ~-'!?~TY-m:dH GROUND ...... -............. -SJe WEST OOAST PUltE PORK SAUSAGE L ~ THE VERY 8tE'T ............ ........................ ... . .................. V&- SKINLESS W£lNER8 ~"~"MER JOHN 8RANO ..................... . ~~~ ,.!:'!~ ........................................... Stc OOLORED FRYING CHICKENS 8ae fJAN • R&AOY .................. .. .... .............. . ............ -............... -. ..... - PRYJNG RABBITS ~ fJAN • REAOV .................... ::.-........... _ ............... -................ 1.,V- MokMM-..ftd~ C. 0 ... Pat". Pl.ANAOAN 1847 Newport Ave. Phone Beacon 5695 1 ~o• iL-1\Y . I / I I" i • Teadert.ell .... Whole er Pal'lk Ha" fJIR III'OUNO ............ 6tc ~.._,_ (1~0~) Costa Mesa . - A F'UIT In -y IMtue.. llr. M4 lira. ..... ,. fA C-.-ilel Mar IMip themeetwa t. tktlcadea at the Tahlt::2n Luau at ••IMa VIICM Clwa ........... , Altitllt-.. " Ia tiM jvftl.,. llblff eentfftaMer ef ~ cllllt. At ~,..,. left Ia ~ ,._... fA aatiHta Jalanil. R5fttt foreeroM~nil ....,... VIe A..,_ NIM •nil .. tfM " Ha Ia ette fA tN Tahiti-eMtttal...,.. ~~ .. " ..... lalaftil. -.ck,.,. ~hoto Tahitian Food, Entertainment Gi'Yen at Yacht Club 'Luau' Hollis Kennell, Robert Loge Hears . SO Wed in Episcopal Charch ' lhf' ann{lunt't'l ~ ho madfo a ' f'mf'nt on a Loi Anre~ ra· James £p1Kope.J C'hu.reh With pear!L di• ltalll•n !il'\t·na ~~Its lf.O '*.._ t.tw ~ ol thit doubl~ ri.nc The atte-ndant. ,.~ f'O._.'tled , . ..,"~'' "'''' 'h~ ...-an:h f<Jr ll'l • Md~Qc ~ny whldl united alUce ln t.urquolle wa.tne pique twtn ,. r,f a , "f) l'U\' and M.l8l HoUia Arddle KenndJ and made with a drop yoke~ wtth ~··" • · .. :.·• "',. \t t rw-a such fto~ Mauri~ Loare lut Frl· a ~ o f ~~~ embro~ I • 1 1, .. , tr, Itt• 'nttM Statt'l., day t"\~na Sl'rvlce wu. ~ 'nle eyelet ~tft1al was ~peal "u .. lo l• .. •lot Jl l.~>la r arn>ll he b) the ~. Paul Moore Ylh~· ed 1n a ~tUcoat ht-1d out b) rr.1~t11 ~ 11 •• • 1 ,. ~"-"~ 10 ht. ea . putor. hoopt which ~ ~ath a tu• 1 'J'tKo briM, daqhter of Mr. and ndtled &k1rt. "r r 1\rr• r•>rm .. rh a res!· MI'L Raymond Kart KenneU, 200 Trl"'mad 'With F'lowara dttnt ot \o~ta "-tf'l\a now N'~ding c.nx-t Aw Balboa Wand was Both Mia Johraon and MJ ... bl l.t'• ~11 h .St :-;.,.wpol, 8Nc:'h 111tended by 't.ttu Herberta John· Al~xander carried )~llow and '• • ,,.,. •h·•' •h1 has th!' "'•UPht· 110n ot Balboa laland, who waa white nowcaya. and ttJf'lr halo I"''"' 1! h,. tru• !1fw'n • kn<" ho" the maJd of honor. and thtt bon~• "~ trimmed 14'lth n.,v. '11 ~ n ,.., n • 1.,. 111i•· 1 ..-Jku ~ bridto$mald, Miu Eliz.abt>1h Alex-t"r&. The Un le tl~"f'r Clrl was I• ' ' "h• 'IL• I~ ll'lf "' t t·t ~r of Redland&. 11nv All10n gownf'd en a cl.reu of yello~ •• u• r rt•adtr~ a mav,.llrll' nh•.ut Cbrbil~.r. who th·es on' B&Jboa waine plqut>. almJlar to tht' at • • ...... "· Wand. wu flo~er f lrl. tire of the j)l-her attendants or RobE-rt Luther Forli or Jted. tht' bMde land. wu ~~ ma.n tor thE' brl~ ~1n Kttnnf'll wort' 10ft er-n ltvo~m. whu IS the so nof Mr. C'r<>pf' \\llh COld a~riH and and ~1rs Frank J Loge of Red· &n Ort'hld and pink Ull>r ~·r lands The bndtt s brotht>r sa~..-. v.i-tl tht> bridtoCT'(IOIT: s Jam, E KMlll4"11 and H~rbert rr.wtM-r wa l'!ru...~ In royal pur Cunmn~tha m of Santa Cruz "'"~ plf' wrth t:Qid Htor rorsar~> "11' wJwt. lu o;man ro- CarriH Orchid• ~fuslr for I ht' <'""~On) "'" furnished h' nu, PIOf'U 'Jf \\ ~-· Co:Mn~ 00"n tht' aiJit' on tht' ~ AngPI~ ~Nho 'Ialli ·ph p, • arm of tu>r fatht>r M1s' Kt'nnell ft"rt u" P and ''Thf' Lord ... 14'0rf' I ~ hltt> t')t'lt>t ttmbrofdttr· Pra} t'r" and \1rs. Kt'nnttth !H>' ~ d~s and mltta of th4" same mur('h oreanlst !""'t 'I~ Uf';P ,_ .... r ~ u • tnt h .~~ 'nr• 't', k are fn I\\' 'At;J(i\ ' IJU, \ l'1h'" , •. • •-•' ->:'4 Jlit._., ! ·~~ mat!"rial Tht' hon sl~" drf'ss The brid .. ~ grf'at-crandfethf'r wu mad "ith a poplum and George c. Pfre mmer. oanw tron )Okt> 'rufOf' and was worn O\'f'r ~finnupolia tor the t't'remon) tarfttta The full ~n had a Mr. and Mn . Lor~ an on a shon trun Onl) adommf'nt v..-.ddlng trip In lht' nonh~rn was an heirloom pin of pearla part of thtt state . They wUJ make and opah, which decorated tht" their homtt In R.edlanda. where yoke. A COI'Onet of white now· tht'y w11J both conUnue thttir en .held her llluaJon "~II. lfudJt'S at the lJnl\·ersJty oJ Red· . ·,.w TI'Siarr.-.m nf n · l.nrd J••us t'l "1'1 Prrntt'd lr t ~A· COMPANION PtEC£f-M" L~ a C.a••tll eo.-.,.~ •·~, 8 b ~ fht> rr anr.,r 1-, ,... hh h \In sh~ owna wtth revutar atn td•t•on Rattoo u ll for .a "''• "11 8 tble, C~ll came Into po~"(· ,, r of of .,,,.,..,..,."' metct>ong tl'to. of th~ on~ sl'town above, I"'AkH Mrs Sht> carried white orchids with Ianda. The nt'W .Mra. l..oJe was bouvardla on a "''hlte Pr&)t>r cradu.ated from Newport Harbor book with satin ltrttamf'ra tJf'd High &hoot. Duck Prods Lagging Lions Lf'onora was "rnducktf'<l" Into planation of which ht' l.a J)llrt tht" Balboa Ba\ U ons Club at a O\\nt'r, on thtt uland of Moorea dlnnf'r mf't"trn~r at \\hilt'~ Park I Tomm\ f'o...t,.r Corona d .. l Mar A\e Caft> Balboa Island \\'f'd ,...,, In ;harli!t' of the prorram ~' ntrhl • ~" ~ll•lt> makf'• a ston l'l llielf Carrell tho"lt. U11t ahe may hi~ ,.,~ tNt treaaure l11.~'1nl: lhf' '-'&.r while she w·" --------------------.:..:'Pho:...:.:::.·:.:oc:ra!:.=.=..:~~Pl..:.:.c-t;:.:W'f'::.:._1 W<-, krna: ,., a c-lnllan t>l':lplo\f•~ Stiko Dies of Hit-Run Injuries at (amp ~~~· 1n Jmpo-naJ \'alJt'~ C•nl' Of tht' boy& ll<'lliClnf'd on lhr ba'P ga\'t> her lht' Brblto a nd""-' lhttn f'hipP"d O'Pr~L~ S<.r"'" •truck lhf' P l Skln·1c-aNtw:J v.h~>thf't wa..ottng or T hat "".a~ tn M111' 1942 Latt'r nttr famt•} or 1101, t'vu• Htrh I dr \l'lr <•n ~~15. ltkr thf' CO&&t ~hf' lr .. rnM that he had beot"n "·~ ~,.·, .. r •na df' :'\tat ·na v.~k H.,hv.-., "'''"'"' •• &rflt n I I I ~· ... h " 1-t'JI tht-tim Bible &11 t.Jrtlf' Phrlll~· .,., S and Km ..... ..,. ·~"•'\ """r drt>anunr rhat n} ar 2 ha\e lcxt thf'•r '-.. " Onyx A\'e. Block Party I• u 1$:.,' hi> a lex! l'h\lSt"Um P•t'('t' lf'I'TI .. r ;>ar~' ~'"' tt-rnf:4'l~ ~""~ T ~ R let lslaDd• P' "ho v.u on(' \I" r Otd I 0 e 0111 . "Stll<., ..... ._, run. •\f'r tl\ a car A d.l'lrt'r C"'nlf's'~ ano 51~' ~lc .• -no"'"· ' l tla"l. '"'" .. ~ on 'Ill' b rt"SS~f'ntl' '-•• •'1 ,, ·"' on Mot da~ II hap~~nf'<l nf'a~., ot·h• Y •lt>1ocl\t'lr Q!:,\ A•f'nu.P XOMJX ·" nox MADE lr rr ,. o r 'hf' r ~· ll0$SJI'al ., I '' ··u ... ·n "''-J!f' 1}-f'lf lt. rd an· .f ·~ "~I _ ~lr S~u~n .. ~ ~'OC·j.>f'<:l ur thfl' fOUl• "1.:' tlock pari\ tom,rn'lw "a• a· • ~t•rJ• .. l 11 1~ .• ·o ~of'(' L\: .... ..1~ ... 4 , Ba•t.n11 y,.•111., t"REENBIO PMila F'IUDAV, MP'TWMKa I. tMJ Ft>rnurl ,...,U.retlcm Jt&na ~·~ tor .nuMF1ta plann~~~C tu f'nroll for tht P'aU term 81 l>ran Coa5t Qoll~. whic:la or ... ~ Sl'pt. ll. ~oo.nu w111 ht> takf'n c-ano of ln tM ICboll ~ymnuJum, a«<n!Jna to a ...- no n&:t"CC tcht'dulf'. Pr101 IO {onaal relktreU... "-•~ f'\ f'r appllcanta mu.t brfoR t:onmr•Uf'd a tth tll'\"hmlDII.r)' • twh• Application for adml .... and trai\KriJ.ll of ~ ....._ a· lc' r~n:l mu-n be ru.d wD Uw-Collfop Rwo~; ~ &atr aUon f'xarmnationl must llle romttlf'lf'd bf'ful'f' eta. ~ m~t laJr1 cay fnr takin& • dirt 1~ 16 Wf'dn.-.!a,·. 9 &c rn.. ia Rorm .a vi • hf' Cnmm~ B~ l""lf l J "!;."'fA'<"" \f "t l.lC~• nt.s aJ"f' \q- e-j to ronault a counwlor to .. • • • 11 ,. w'Otklnc out of a r ~~·l.mrntln. JII'OITam of d ._. ,, t'<tunwlon; a~ a\'&lla~ M-.. da~ throuch ~ ln t.tw Ad- nunrnntJon Bullclfq fi'om t L m until 5 p. m.. and on Sat\11" da~.. 9 L m unW noon. o.-- lnf tht" intttn1-. the ~ • Contlnut'd on p_,. 7 t f'('c lflrauon ca.rch l to 125; 1 p. m ~ p m.. cards 1.26 to 250. Wf"dneec1ay 8 L m 12 nooe, c-a.rch 2SO to m 1 p m ~ p. m... c-ards 376 to 500 F'rlday I' a.. m -12 noon. ~ blartJcm c:a..nb 501 and aboYtt. •1ll tau. thf' "'*nt a ~ t'd ~straUon tanS Wl\leb .. @nab» him to ~ .,... tn.UOn em a r))f'dned mom1lc or aftf'rnoon. 0.)'1 and houn for tot"riiAI T'f'1Df'11"11ll llfl an u r ollow's · Tuf'!lld.a, a m 12 ~ A "blo\\ -out'' Tah•t.•n 'tl) h· \\'tlfrr j Tk>rls and K~ ~lorran s~ I' a rt'al I \I du··k brtlUS::ht rna.:.· WC&J.I ht•tory In the &} I all f rnm &l.Jboa b l&r I . '" for I ht• purpo~ o f criPII head· M Sign .... lllt!OI SaturJ.a) m•hl v.ht"n thf',~tr and Mrs. Gt'o~t' Bullt"r, ~1r. inr lht-~·w mt-mher-.;hlp drhe ore llUies R.Jix•a Yac-ht Club Jn\Jied l'nf'm·IA .J Mno Pf'I'Of' ~1,1111...., ; ~f"d d urtn6! St'J·'t'mN>r LA•nnora c; ~· B~o· ~·r ... o wa... ...... ;; L - : -. , • -h->:•" " . .. ,... • ;· I ;;;:~~;;:~~;!!;!!!!!~;;;;;;;;i ..,_ ("'\.t,.J.d!'. ~ .. • ,.. .. ("• t• 7 .. , "1• ~ I!'O'Ii'lM '\ ttW'I • " ns: toU"I~ ......... ,.. r l~t>r h!-rs and C\lfttl to a Luau·· or llunt ! •r l <t.SIIC'. ·~ ('hJf"f dul\ •~ It• tmpn><~o; upon I lt-ast of rejolcinc. ~ln. llowan:l Bag~, mi'Mh(or, thai "" a l!vod ldf'a to For Bluff Plan Tht' Jo ut c-on a•tf'd of ~1\.11 hf'n ,hll\\ UJI M l.Jon ' rnt-.•t tnl: . IIC ndll\f.' ft.IOd t'ttOkt"CC In tht> OUt· ;\t't•n•l.tr•"' l.t~l:ll)~ mt>mt;M>,.... (lu(1r urvund u H·n•. thE' Ht-maa. COM L d H n1.H ho• •··•l'•'<l upon In ho.· <'\l''lnd ., 7 f 1h ! k f' t 1 A po't&ll"l1 tu form a.n tJ," .tn•1 uwlucJ('(j .. ,lrn dlllhf"t 3J> a I I as '''" .. . .. u• N•r· •• " I() • r ., •h I k I t mt>nt dl'lr .•• •mpr<•\• I , •• ~. c-hlck"'n C'OQkt'd In cocoanut. 1 aw '~1' 1 11" "· ' '' 1 • u•· ' n,..ts " ,. I I ~ r t1 " .. r o .. •an HI\ 1 In Ctor '"·' d• I 'I I <.;, plddt"tl fl8h. ~·rn' and Jlt>tk. M.·td Polio Case bo'l d .• lflbl' I,.,, 1.1. lak ~C' l'l h~~ "-~n '•""··· •. , ,.~., ... -, 11\\' r ·· Bananas and ptneapplll. nothP un to rng •·t c;tn t1un · tn Q,; .. 1 '' '' ,., I I) ( I I I I'"'""'' ..... A"tJ'I•''"' ··~: ,.,,, •\or -,., ,.. r .... !t .. lrj ,, ., \. O:'• tu tw Wlllm at'l IC ... JO!S N·nt of •h· •r. In' I •• ,,,., I•· .... r \\r ''f'r•• Plf'pan-d In puddtnl( fnnn ,;,lf .. l 11mr•< nt Y:\ll '\ L lmp 'TI •• •1,.\.hlful hnr:"r ,.f tM-.frv; Ruben C. H~.or: _1;\ ll'uPII) .\\• I t l..mc·, • II :-.,;,.,.._ vt Wit'd lo rom1•llmf'nl ut hf'r Osfo<ll . 1 h 1 1 1 ... urwr.,. • Ju ~• • .... ,.,.ltttn ~ t1 rart< nf thp mttal I a. "4!1'(' cu !\ "1 "1 urw '"" n '" '"""' lll'"'l Pr (;..,,inn .~r·n '10' \\ •I•' ·1·1' • t •""-'' H t.:h"' ' T~-t.- t>utlll lndlnt: TahiiUtn ('llH'I· mt,·mt....•r "' 1h1 to•nto·l\\t'h t•\t'h.JI l -Happ l "nt~on.l 111•1 ''" Llt•rll't.l n .. ror•'l"'"'• j ·~r· '''r'"'<nt ('l'Jll• I I \ f p .. t•1 f'l'f"ltf ,,, . •li V't • • ... \" •' \ \\"'l'f..,\,~r dt-n\• •\, • ... :r·· !"h ·t • , •. , ., 11 'l: ( ,. .... P"f>, !"to-n c; •. k • t ·, I ff ·•-' I uh ,:r .. U,•· 'ac-.;~ll,nan,~t o.rl I r Thf' !iurk \\ !II tlf'll\t>rl'd IO him r r ~tn <• • ''••·1 .,, ),. "'.•n•'r.lo . R ' rd C"T'ls' , .. '\'l;. \1 ro,·uo·r.•" amrno·n ~~' a "' a C'l"u." 0 1 rrt•unr'~ nf>.u Rt'dlan~ Jrm I A R.tl. d W T!'d 1 :.-:v; G 16-l Ji!U(O<;tlf "hn attt>ndE'\1 tht" !cut , . "''"'I •"' \\ hl'n LH•n •ratn.-rs ""' nt." ~n" •m ••f ,.,,. t .. •ul•-.anf '•' 'mon ' -· ..., Con~"'~mu Phlll.irw JIOlrllc'UI:~rh notablf> In thf' pe-r:fEubanks "'-'U call('(f honwo to (;.c}r-lt•ll him hr~ llrnr •~ ur Or kapp <md •UH ,,., n•h bdnv. 'II<' •np 1 !I' ·,,......j ''" and \n(l E Haa~ 1 • • • r • 5t>n of 't hll,tpn Knuchon "'"' ~·~·~ 11"1 a'!~,./~IIU'-(' hlt; t.rotht-~ "•lla:o-r htr.;•tiH·r ""h Ill• llth·nd·!'h•• hlufl ~ •i1at ""'''" t :.ul• en -., l..:lrf.;.pur h• ~40 ~0 \\ar Pf'nl :\0\\ l« a \\ "' 1•1 r• .. oo~nllf' 1 .&UI ""' 11, ~ ,.,11, ~~l'.tl ~ . hi~ :: ..,~.1 It kl'n "11 1111 ,. ··l:,ur m HI an•l I ht' ~ .. rt>t .lr\ • I •' hluf In• • ,...,.uf i nn• 1"' ah '" • II h. on Jun···· •hum• :\lr Knull..,>n J1 J · l ro "'1•'1'1 a""'~•·r ""'I IPm·'-'"'tt . .,... 11'\ol fl< q, In •'<! E "''TERTA tNS :>•t..C H Ttl'f ,... am'" rPturn ,,,.., n1t•l~ ur l•·....... , 11111\fO,I hi« 1 11 , •••• In''' Jn ••·nl!l I ._ 'l I lllh• I I•· ~-:•'1 Ill' hrrd 'Tt-· I' r·"· r . r I• .. I I . • •. o 1 ,.,.., u.·wnan mt>a!l"ure. .. ... lnt I h• IIWl "' n.ol o• Jot I tor>ll' \\ h"l C' IU~ I 'a lin\ luck I \ h.t, II mrJ I \!'•' I! •' l'hll.• J..fl• '1 ' I (' So p<tllh lJ~o"tlt..-1 111 t l.t• n,&tl\t "'It 1 ,.,..,. ;Hul ,,·f.?t·llln~·,,10.,1!i lllt')V 1•'1:'· .11 I•• 'II•''' ,.f '•-Hh ! ht lll••n ,,rnotdrnc to rl'polls frnm ltw ",.., 1.11..f•n • :ar.• nt •I' A !'l~lf'\lal l' •·' 11 •I •• tltrollr 1 ..... ,\tl.:•·fo, 1;.•:wr.ll 11,,...1 •1, o1 I•'JUI\ I'll,. j.'•l\•'•··r \\ s lht· F'.''', h l ""'''' .lt••'ll 1 ..... "ht•1,, h" 1, hf'tn,.-: Cllrl'd tor .,,,.' It •'I n &llv 1.11 r: ,, .'' .1 ~u :· 'I""" •t~m•· , , 11 ,., '" • ., ,,_..,. Anfi:t•lt•, 1 llrtOio&l t'l :--.uh.l f\f' ltw ""'"lin' th<' "f''n~ of 'l.lr I ''''-''''"" '" ltW r.••· 1n1: ,&r;l" ''l!' 1 '''" f 1 l•f .,,, '"' M>'~n7.:1llr 'U1d :'lfr-,-~m l 1 t:.utl;Ulk' ;-,11 ,,,,, "' "l'f""T": "" ·~·· lr.•-1"!1"''"1 -'" ..,, 1 ho.., P. T" Mn, Jl.unc·' f'tN"lan•l ,, nail\(' lk .,.111•1 \H ' "' t'nn\1• 11111r \\htch ""85 !wlt1 •I•, " ,1111 , 1 ., ,. • ,11 , ,.~, I '' ' of lhr l~ol:tnd~o "·'~ rn C'harJ:!" uf l ,';1 rtw' <)f) bo\~ who an> in thf'ltn '''" Yc•1k t'H' ,.,, mun1h.,,.,r»n•• :~nri, T"·• , 1 11 •.• thr Tahlllan arran.rPmt'tns ThE' fuurth fifth and snth ,~tradt'li In I :\lr \\ hN>ol'l '' 'J'('ndln.: rhP 1 '''"'" ht''lnn.: "~ .. h , ~" !w "1 ,. rommlll~ from the Bai!JOa sc-hool. lltlf'ndlng C'amp ~Ia 'li~HnPr at lialt....>a l~lan<l •'<i f •h""' 1, "'' l" r ,.,.n1 ~;,:'''"· Yacht C lub• lnc-ludt"d Mrs \\en thts Wt'E'k 35 are !rom tht' Har 'il>~'•tko•l uf t ht' "' f'ntng was C' df'IJ Calklns. rhalrman. M rs. bor area · This is the second Ar kt'rman 4~ llf'Jr.,trope camping .period set aside for thf' "'" <'onlna cJrl ~tar ~' hu has 10. 11 and 12 year olda. ""'("t'ntl>· n:otumf'd frum 11 .!2-month !l14'n1 <>n ~t:'lllnt: Jp .tn ·"'' '"''•·nt j d1 ... t rtC'I to m,..., • I ,. ''<''' .,( , ht> prn]t't·t School Davsl~avc Balboa bland boys who an> C'l u1~ ot Tahitian watton. Ack· now at the y camp an Pelt' Pr man told about tht> va.nllla Nestlon. Ted Wblte and N~al Th,. tntal rn<l ... r hurld1n1: th(' road hl\.!i bt>fon E"<llmlllr>d at ~.':! YIO by \1ty Engin(">r .I R \\'l'hl• Metcalf. f kMcH h 1 Rh·f'nddt". aa Marino an~ro~~ro~~~r ·~c~~ ran U9 S Guests Vi it Ro,-t School bella th.l.a fall won't Plt'gf"r, £llia M~~nh.a.ll, Glf'nn St f._ L PI Twn ~ts of hou!lf'iuf'lllc ha'~ Boys • Houn Same chanp the houn dunn1 which Couch. Pettt HendttrtOn. Ronald er ror est ay .._ept lhf' homtt of Mr and Mn the Boya' Club In Costa Mesa Kep~r. Don Cbarle and D ick Wttndell Hoyt. Jl2 Htollotropco b open. aocordhl" to Al S~nOPr. Ovttrby. EUJftlf' O'Netll'a "Ah. Wilder A\'t' Corona dt'l :-..far buzzln~t ext!C'UUw c11.rector. nt>5S'" consl~~ b) many to be "1th acti\-1l\' Durtnc the Wftk the club thE-lftatM comedy t'Ver wrltten Min ~marv Ho\'t Mr rooma wUl be opf'f\ to rnem.ben poeel' .. VIoliaist about father and 10n will brine Hoyt's .nlece. has. just ·~turned (rom 3 p. m. to 5:30, and ~ a._..._ fTank McHuch to tht' Newport to RJ\'era!de atttor ~ndlng a at 6:30 1n the ~nl.nl unW do.-o-.. Playhoule ala~ Monday nlcbt ~k with her Corona ~I Mar ina at 9:30. On Sauardaya the A ltUd l.a ~~ OPf'ned th.l.a for iu tlnal oUerlnr lhls wuon. aunt and ~e. A friend trom dullrooma wtll be opeu from 1 moath at 706 Polnwtta Awnu.P McHuah. ~membered for hJs P.IV\"rslde. Mlsa Mimi Fisher waa p. m. throulh 5 p. m. At f\Jabt. in Corona ~ Mar by Max Don-rolto In "Goln1 My Way," has also \'Uitln1 th~ Ho~'ts "1th 1:30 p.m., u.. ~ mo¥1a Will n«. COf'llpCIWr. IIOio Y1ollnl.at and Just ~t\lrned from the east Rosemary. be ~bawD. mualc t~. whe~ he did "Ah, WUdf'm81!~ Al10 spending a ~k's \-ae&· SpenOPr ~ U\at IW'IU'Del' Donne-r. Who was bom in New at Ow Qcuenql.\lt 1lleater Ln Maine. tlon "1th the Hoy1 family ~re ftU'Ollment at the club topped Yortt. l'«ldwcl hl.a musJcal t'duca· The' cut IC:h.edulf!d to appear Mr. and Mrs. N Stacy K1ippll IMt ,_.... ftcute by nNrty 100 tlon both 1n this counUy and In In the comedy ol arnall t<pn and daurhtttr Marih'tl of San ~~ Aa of tht md of A.uc ~. havinc stud.lt'd at the Roy-llle lncludes McHuah'a brothfr, Marino. · u.t. 324 ladl W'fft membf.rs. eom-al Olnwrvatorift of Beri.in and Man McHuch.. Stella Rae. Nell pai'H to 231 a )'81' aco. 1 ~la. . . DodiiOn. Rot»rt Wood. Cathy Dw1nc the wt.nter montn.a en-He h.u played with the Nrw <?Umore Mary ~a. Dan Un· 0~8~ 7 OAVt A W££K roUment wll Jump to owr 500. Yortc and Philadt'lph1a aymphony nud. Marll)'tl Arnold. Orftn h .. uJd. when moct famll.les at"e orches•ru. the Los A~lee Ptall-Broora and H. L Barnum. F'nnk G E N f; • S (' -' F E bl.l<'k 1n the community fM•~ va· harmonic and tht" Hollywood Bowl McHugh dlr«'te. with Cyr11 catlone. orcht'stra. He hu appeared as con-Jonee handJinJ tt'Chnlcal dlr«'· ductor and aololst with orc.hestru tfon. In Europe. New York and Seattlt' A~.:~E~N MEET t 11nd h.u eonducted nurnf'rous of hl1 SPECiALIZING I'\ -wuu IN repl'eiBl • own eom~ltlons. lnr lhe Harbor Area Post 291 or He hu ~ head of tht" violin the Am~rlcan u,!on at the San and orchHtra ~t at tht' Jl"ranclfC() ronwntlon thla W"e"t"k· Unfvtorsity of WM VIrginia and end a~ Whit H~lma of New:port tht" Co1umbla Sd'OOI of Music 1n and Beman! BeU of Balboa. The Seattle eonwntJon I• the ~me.nt of · CaWomla.. $at~ OommJttee Con· Labo J'-.-y 'I'W-1 Set ~tJon of the A~Mrican IAP>n. r ~ ~ JUUCS For Out-of-Staters 110 - Two hollda.y pk:nk:a ~ alated r. '7t to lure former ~ta of J<an. 't " as and ldaho out to mtx with other ho~ten on Labor Day. ltO'I GARAGE HAR80R 2714 C0111t 8t¥4. C.D.M. Pldru_p A Ot-11""' Day AI"H One b for ex~nta of Rn · bur~r. Ida. feetur1nl a box lunch picnic In ~ntlneta Park on nor- t>nt't' Avf' .. Inglewood. Annual pknt~ of the RJ~ ('0\rnt' KaniAI AJIIJO<'tatlon of Southf'm California will bt> held In Bbby Park. Lont BNch. Mon· l'iAv. T'lb1t-• will bt-provktf'd for thow btl"&ing their lunches and ('(Iff~ wtll bt> f\JmlrsMd by th~ '--------------' II(IM('IAtlOn. "Get Acqaalnted" PlcnJc Mem~ra o r tht' 74th Aaem· bly District Club. JndePf'nMnt ProerN&Ive Party, will "PPf'V at ''Ct-t Acqualnfed" plcnJc Monday, Labor Day, to bt> held ln Santi· ago Park. Santa Ana. from 1 p. m. untll 5 p. m . ') FTMch & Italian Di.nners 7015 OOAST HWY Corona De-l Mar BADE & LINOLEtrM • OP • Window Shades -Venetian Blinds Linoleum Floors and Asphalt TiJ~ HA~ON 1012 HRO IT. COSTA M£SA A htart._·w , .. "" ~ u& rc_, R ·"-< $~t4,S~ 14\5 ('o.'"' II " '" RtRTt"'WR P.lt~~ C'ORf'~ \ I" I \1 \R Ha.rbor ~ ••• J,. .. lo. ' R ~· r " .-.a ~ -•• • p.;_ ,.,.... c· ·--a ~"or H., ... _. <:1 ,., :'or:! ,. • 1 ~~ lw T'it •1ln1a n • \'a·· ., "T' ••,..., _....Pr.' he' • ::.. I...-,,. f';, '' ... I ....,...._ll'!' r-..v r 1a i ur~ f' ~tr and Mn. Cart Gl.u. Bl"Nif'•- \!...,. Au~ II ~xon Ill' M r-< \\'1 L• f Coiffu~ fiOe COAST H IGHWAY T'H H ~RfV • 1526 f\1:}\;fXG~ OF IOSTON TIPPECANOE • Ol"'glnal .t.yto n9 f~ Uta tr-fM and ti"Ue mooc:.l "· C.~ tl're •tlape, trim fNm """ ta .ten~ ... -it'a-att.e.-.r a wry -~~ ltf'fld c.aaual • • aura ftttt-., Wit" han.__ vamp and boot Ill,..., INti at Nett TM 1J00C1 o1d, reliable moe, with l'tandw-vamp, e- aoftoe . • . M!QIIIIIng little ankle atrap artd lo""' cut aida, to say nottlll'lf of a wlndaome .-theart .,.,...,... You'll M< I m alonfl In It wtttrl aiM.JI"ll,_ of good fot. e•y liCtion. amart tooq. 409 Coast Highway Corona c1e1 1kr Harb0r21U~ <X>MBED PL Y\VOOD It E"1'CHED Pt. YWOOD Pioneer Fuel cl Building MATERIALS CO . INC. 615 COAST BLVD. Corona ~ Mar Calif PtloM Harbor 2910 Harbor Drafting Service C'L t s-OW" ak~es IUit&bl~ for 30 rt NDr er Talks Near End ID~ 600 to 1200 ICJ r~t. 1. 2 A 3 lledlooma. t Conti ned from page l l rwm llllon JJrohlbltlng drilling bera of th~ Coundl. Ma,or Olck v. 1thln cit~· limits. Stant drilling Drake. Ross Greeley a~d D. K from out~oldto cuy limits may be Blue, expire In 1952. ~rmltt~. huwcver. under ~r· 1615 OOAST KIGHWA Y Corona del Mar, Calif P. 0 8ox l U Phone Harbor 1K7 It Ia possible, howf'\'er for tht" lain conditions Corona Craft ~holders to write Into the Ob)f'\'tlon-. were r.l..S7 not charter a provision Cor a ~" &J<aJnst Obtaining the oil whkh Is el~n to choose the lull ~·~ undf'r this area but aJ'&)nl1 In· nne Cabtneta _CUstom f\lmlturt man council. 11allatton of unaJghtly derrlcu. _ lnt~on _ With l'ft))f'Ct to nomlnatJona ranks and other foQWPmflll. It wu d«id~ that a petJtlon Ulould contaJn the names or at Agreement Reached e WIMew a1ut Oeor F ram.. lea11 25 qua.hll~ \'Ot~rs and not n-. e ~lctVN Framlnt more than 40 Th~ Pf'tlllons must vu pecaal Taxes Phone Harbo 1108 bt' til~ b~ th~ 40th d•> before Tentathf' a~nt was rea r the elections. chf'd on authorlz!ng special tax \301 ~ Cout Hlchwa,y There was som~ ohJf'<'tlon to )(' 1('1; In addlt ron to t h~ proper· C't~rona del Mar C'~hf the Pro\"'ton tor f'l~mc roun· ~~ tu o f Sl peor SlOO ~ MILON HUTCHINSO N ~n a t large hut the conaen· \Aiuarron sus wu that thJJJ would he-lp Till" ma,imum llbrar) tu wu o~nt ~tlonallsm and would ~t at fl\e> ~nta pe>r $100. The ;::::==========~ make rt more difticultl;'for a can· ad\f!'rtlslng tu. wu ~~ at 10 E. ll 11iiELE dJda~ to sew up his district ~nts as at prHent. A l~nl 0 P T J C J A N· merely "by a lot of handshalc:ln&." maximum wu wt lor the If'\') Prftc:riptjona Filed ~ In an election thua for parka, beaches. bt'autltlcation Glula ~ would depe-nd mo~ on Coo6 wr· "tnd p1~. 14.15 ea-t BlYd. Pb. Har. 1.528 vice to the entire dty rather than A two-ftnt levy for clty plan· a..... _. Mar on attention to the twTOwer tn· nlnc waa appro~ It waa be- .. ......__ --terata of a 111\p ctJ.trict. 1~-.d that th1a would be IUUJ~ .._ __ .. _...,_. __ w ___ -_. -~ 'nteft abo was eotne objection Sent to finance an·· adequate dty ~-----------, to the provl&ton that only one plannlnr Procn.m. 11tY• MAIUNE A"£. 8aJboe Island HAJU)()R 1852..1 Spedallz:.l~ ln Permanf'nt Waws VIRGINIA L0CK.£R. propr. cound.l..ma.n could be eJected from eaeb of the wven clt.trldl. Jt Bids, ClvO Senb wu·pomted out. aa an example. Aetioa b Dela.ftld that Col"'na lkJ Mar mlfbt ha'~ Action on me dvfi llef'VIce pro. thl'f'e u~llftlt mrn tor ~ job, vt.aon .,.. cklayed to the no1 and only one cou.lc1 be ell!d.ed f'nft't1nc 80 that the ~den •--L-A& .... "'-ta M-• could benefit from the ~r· un.;na.""-"--6 ~ ~ len~ of .U.mblyman Earl W. In City b Di8CU.88ed Stanley, who waa not abl~ to at· Th,. pos:slbffit>· of ~ventuelh tend Monc1ay'a ~tine. lr.cludlnR Costa Mesa In the ell~ Al.a ~~ll)~ was action on a L-----------~1 of '\'1"4-pon &act\ was discu..~....d pro'\1sJon which would authortu- -------------: In f'<>nnf'(:Uon Wlth the problem the city. Undtor t"''rtam conchtions of n'(JJ~trtcting thf' eft~ Into cou~· to un<k'rtakr public worka w1th-DONALD L£Bl ~11h Th e TAVERS COMPA rY ctlmanir d1slrlcts. out uklng for bids. It "·1!-'lgrt'(>d thai am ann~''\· Thl" board tabll"d thl,; prm1s· .-<1 di•Tnn v.uuld hP addt'd ..to lid· Inn unlll thto n('~l m<'f'ting so J8r<'n' P\I<IJnJt dll.trrrts thai 11 ~'<lllld g<'l th<' op1n1on of Th• , wa~ c;omf' ;l rJ:Um"~l H I. Palli'r<;On tnrmt•r ('II\ l'n ll<>aln-.• , ,, 1 ,, !hr r.cov.4"r r•f 1, ~Jnf'('r and ml'm~r of lh<' ·Frt't' L~ RE'al E.'lt8tP Brnko•ro; "' ' ~ • h 1.. J>-.. h ,,,~···wll· 1..: ,,, thf' Cotlflf', t><•· 0 u<'f'l' .... Ar .. \\' I) al'ol'l was not Phone llart!oor 1741 ahlh 1 11 ... h • .JI.'-~' •I • ,. ff'<H nf , han~;rn~ ,. u a rn .. 1 r mN>trn~ Mon· l,. 1301 COAST HIGHWAY 1 .JI~trl• ,, fur J'OIIllcal purr10 .. ,., da.) Corona dd Mar. C'altf 11 "n< 1~,10•.-J our hrov. ... , ,.1 Tht"rr wa~ <~nm(' ohjcrtron 111 '-------------' th:-.1 an• «urh counrll :.c·ttnn thf' fallurr to f'Stahlrsh som(' ~---....l•t:..._ ______ 1 woul•1 no• ,ul>jf'l"l 10 publu rl'(<'r. maximum flllUre on prHjl'<'ls BALTZ MORTUARY SERVING THE HARBOR AREA 0\a,pel By The Sea Harbor 4Z ru1urr 11ll·1 th.ll tt wnult1 1,.. which rould be undertakrn wllh· rl I I hut a~>kln.: for bids 1 mnrr ,.,, "' ''' 11 ow 1 ht· t ·.,ur ,.,1 tn 11~1•••riC'I AI.!N'f'mr•nt Will> rf"achl'd nn a I l'lv•r'"' flrovh;lon ronC't'tning ~holdt.>rs DJ.OU>US lfr&nChlM'S, aJthOUgh there WliS """' ronsldPntble discussion or met h· Ban on Oil Drilling ods of ('\'Oiuating utllltit'S In the I Consultant Burk(' w1t! t "'' "'<'nt that the city oeslres to ~­ I readv fo1 the nr~t mf'<'lln.-: a tabl'-h a public ullllt~ r1ratt or a ('har1f'r pro,1slon on regulation of ort WPII drllln~t Board to ADDOiDt \ Board memlx>rs wrre In agrM-The FrftholcleT. votfd to au 410 COAIT 8LVO. mt>nt that oil derricks ~hould tx> thort%e the present three-membfo1 Corona del Mar eUmlnated forever from Nrw-Board ot Education to appoin orr~ Puidnc port's landscape. Derrfcla might thto two additional membt>rs \\he L------------1 arl.se durtne actuaJ artlllng. but aJ~ady ha ... ~ been authorized. 1 b)' a pre-arranif'd contract with Th.est two would be u_p ro1 ----------, the 4rlllers. thes( derrlc~ 'llo'Ould election ln 1!150. One p~nl Of'f'K:r. ~R 21.58-W be etimmated anct~ ~~es land· memben abo would come Uf. HOJG:: HARBOR 1387·RK ltcaJJN!. for el~n In 1950. The otllet In order to pro,·1de protect· two tnnu would exp re 1n 1952 ft'I'ZiiO'RBIS l ion tor the city. It was aug,nt· under the proviliJona u ~ DALTY OOIIP ANY eel tpat the char.er lncluck a upon for tlile charter. ~ -. Rtiai~DCI&usw. ~ty"Bnlken 8u COAa~ HIGHWAY Clonna del Mar. Calif. AJtTHtJ1Il E. nTZJIORJUS MABEL FITZMOIUU.S llealt~ OFFICE: HAJUJOR 2SH2 RES.: BEAno>N 6(I)5...J A N N 0 U N C E M E N T Leslie E. and Ernest V. Soderberg Public Accountants 700 CARNATION AVENUE, OORONA DEL MAR Announce the organization of a new PartnershJp in the pra.ctlce of ACCOUNTING -AUDITS -SYS'T'EMS -BOOKKE'EPING SERVICE -AND COM:PU:TE TAX SERVICES Telephone -Harbor 1860-W I F'ormt"rl)' LHIII" F: Soderbt'". Public: AN'Otmlant f:stAb)ts~ -]946) su For~Your E to Tbe Buip wU1 be .. strib•lted for a llllllted time te all reside~~eee Ia Col'OD& •• liar aad -.Jhoa lslaad Ia erder t.o acquaint readers with the news CO\~rage and exclusive fettures offered by this Dt"wspa.per. .\ ubscription drive is under way now, and The En ign will soon IA'Come n 100 J)er ~nt paid-up circulation nf'wspaper. Fill in the subscription blank below and mail it in with your remittance in order to become a pennanent member of tbe famlly of readers of The Etisi~~ 'DIE ENSIGN t-.-o CMit M~ e...na 4el M•r Drop In at T__,.• 8IMip, • ()out mpway ill Corou del liar, ... --,....~ to 'fte ~~L 'l1leee •ft llleea for • Please enter my subecript1on to 1be Ensign. I am enclosing ... ,_ Ill: 1-iltllis. • J'U· COIII..,_IIflllce Name ·······-··-······-··-··-··----··········-····················· <:PLEA.SE PIUNT} Street ............................. _ ........................................................ . Oty .................. ·-··-···········-··-··· State ....... _ .. ___ _ II \ I BeftJa..a.new ..b!id1 hcpe fo.t...LPrice below anyth1nc you could build for younlelf. Large beeJned cellinl Uvlng room with a drculatlnc air tlreplace. Larce slngle bedroom with overabed cloeet. A bloek from a clean. sandy beach. And the prloe Is only $6900. Phone Harbor 1013 for an appoint- ment. RAVEN Overloolda« Newport Harbor Olooae a homesite now for your fu. ture home in beautltUl Cliff Haven. Lots with frontages up to 1.20 f~ and depths to 195 feet, on broad curving streets with unifonn tree planting and parkways. Reasonably prloed adequate restrictions. can or con- tact Mr. Griesser, Bea. 5795, 15th and Irvine St., across from High SchooL EARL W. S!' ANLEY ltU.LTOft CO~EILJHO 01\EATEI\ N!!WPOI\T RAI\S O I\ 3113 W. ~ 15th .AHD DtVU. STS. Nt'.,...rt ~ our Ha9tn '!'el.: H.aiM' •u ~l.: a.co. 57'N ll~ aM OOA.BT Rw.7 225 MAkiKE AVA. 5u COAST HWY. N....,.n Bllilldl ~ Ialanl rwona ~ xar "hi.: lkeaoft S'T61 ~: Harbor liN 1'.-J Har\or tf'4C REAL V ALU'II3 Rom• -Income BUBineea Opportunitlea lnRrance t tiOO Down Brand nt-w 2 bdnn homto, 2 car lt~f'. rood location., c)(I(W In, woell buUt and aur~tctwf' full prtN' only $7500 Wll AU HER& TO SICilVW TOO 1172 Newport Blvd., Coatil Melol Beacon 5225 ~ ta Mt"M has just &tart~ to GROV... Watch It thl' "'''t ten Yt"an C l RMAIP 2 R R"llo~ Eu1aicle-4UOO ~ tG.JD lk Total PnC'\' $7450.00 llrlng \"OUr cvntrlll'1Qr "1lh you o\tr ,mo Sq t't Nt>W hom" •-alklng dJ~tan<Y to t011>-n. t'a.<it<>l<k' ~tood nE'l.:hborhood, plf'uln~t flnoT plnn $7950 00 ('I !Tit'~ loan of $41 p&)ablt $41 00 Mn thl" homt- FRANK LUCAS nt mnrkrt. I"8.A.NK DOWNES Y.'ith Guy Boldman t...O~ Nhl'f)Ort a lvd. Cotta M•a. Calli. Ph. aeaoon fC»4. w "Nur the la,~w~y Store .. ONE HUND~ED FEET f'RON 't.AQE I NCOM~\.£TE but nHt It livable 3 b4rmt , kit., bath . It PJ'111tl' Nil'\' cornrr lot 60 X 140 aRAND NS:W 5 nn. ~ with 2 bdnna ~-d noon. f~ ttll' In kit & baU'I $10,000 Attrarthl' Tft"I'Da I. C. PAYNIJ. Broker L VI RGIN I A KNAUS:'- Q, C. aArLEY, AANdatl 111 IE. 1IUI atf'Ht ....,_U11M ee.u ..... ......... tNSt.'lt.ANCE SalNmaa. full ~ part UJM, IIUto. truck. tlfll! A ~m~naatlon Un". £xper1~~ not n ..... ry. !'ltw inaonth·t commlealon plan. Can Mrn o'"r ~l.OO monthlJ. Phorw Beat"'n ~'JS.S.J lor appolntment WOMAN v•ith no chlldl'l'n to t'Art' tor m\ parrot for ~hort tun. \\'nlto &:\"( 1~ 11 -\1-c 1n cnrt for 1 ~ t>ar old Ik•Acon ·~-J Atte>r 31 1t<" \'f'AR.OROBES macflo and Install· I'd Wlndows. door from~ .. nc1 t'ablnNs ma tr to orde>r Rf'moc1t>linl! ~o Job tno mall \,nil llflPr !'I Ik'amn 51 l I \f. 11-tf(" ·\ "STt •\1 dN'"<cmakWIC anti al· tf'rattnn!' All }\Inti~ lll'i'2 E \\'11"''" Co ta ~f<'Soa 29--tt p \ ,,nn ar•l '""-n ""rk "'"'..., 1 tlfl rlf>r !•our. Bt-11ron 5714. HOUSDfOLD fl.'R.'"Tl'\1R.E.-U,._ tnc room IUlte. eutft'ft maplt, d.e'-'l'nport platfonn I'O<"kf'f". ()('o ~ional d\aJM f'nd tables floor tarnp. fntrad& l'l'. M'"'' gas ran_. Ownt"rs 610 l..&rkspur Corona dt-1 Mar ICE BOX St.' :\lndt'm dock ron-! tml ~tO\"l' S~ Sink $5 Dtn1ns: tabll' 5S 115 ;\Iarine-A'-~ Bal· boa J(t.nd SPT:\Tr :\f&hopn) Rfoopoa(~ 1\Mutlful N!'f' and fonf' Juq pe)' out ba.l~ fWorl('l) tr-AI· 110 1:~• m11p to ~I"'~ u,-,..1 S:?10 Look-. ·~n!Utf'l) lfkf' nt'W P'-v t>Ut Nilan-. DA -..;7. SCH);fTD'1' ~.'I ..._,, ~h1n S..nta An&. ln2 \larhlnl" 1-: 4''11:('('Jit"nt m n- dltion SSl!iOOO ~ron ~'-R 311t~ C PLY Comrn~rdaJ tll'l' and 1u~ 7 ~'~~'· t!\ f'r,, nd npw s:.->. l r ... '2 · :'l:.•w~rt Rlvl1 111t r RJ F'Rir.FR.-\TIO-..; ~ 'f'< a:-1 &-nt<'f' C"ml""".,,~,. ·' IW m~ ltc Jnl1u~•rl3l < "Hr~ C(lnl<'1"11 & Atr Conltttlont~.; H B<lnl"· kcwo 1tith & ~rwp.~rt A'"· <'o~·~ "N·, Phe>nf' ~a 6(11G- W . :!!1·41 t' FRESH HORSE MEAT for your ! -ULEVARD FEED STORE 2240 ~t>wport Blvd. V Al'1. T~ a.DL''"ERS Ollld E.L.EC11l1CAL CONTRACTO~ Home u.d Commercial H. M. VJNINC Phone Bea.c.on 8035 LcKt R. C. W ARRE" (YlC\1' A MESA S~altz~ ,. ... ,.,...pt ,.~.,. r W erle Clriin~ C<ta• Cn ~ launch a~ of Au•• a• -------------: DrtveT ~_.a e s , .. Crt>ne-ral C'ontr'a<'tors Bu.ild(l>" \\tiC'\ l"lt H'r traln1n1 ~ a a;art ot lu lalf' atteomoon C1d t"\' lru<·ru.-•wn :>.tnoil"rtl H oi'TW' M Harbo'r C1~ TRAC70R WORK c-ood tqu~ 1n C·'mi'TW'n'llll lnr:\tion 1!14'nt. 1350 u hour ~II ~· Cl~ IU'd Act. 1'-tf'd at OUT 14.-Bide. nit"e8 llt'<P<'-S3.'i0 Pt<'k·ur 1.: ~1 I _____ ....:::._ ____ _ IR\Th GEORGE GORDO~ k SO~ A r; 1"\\ dua rnn• rol autamoobllllt 1, N>ln~ Pf'0"\1dro b~ thf' cone. • ., a r. bll~ rh.rou1Jh ctw 0.. I ·rt ~ Cbf'\ rolt t C~ of !\ C"lf<llioT\ Bc!ec::h. tn aoo:a dlwwa I\ It P' .. fllan ~~lf,llliOf'Pd b) Uw '\rnt>nc.va Aulo~bil~ ~ t •(In (. $ Gnblf' t~ • ~rwron Harbor H•.rh &hoot a lu'l"nwd dr1'~ f'dw..Uon bt- r:trvctor wtU ~ N "" or thf> t~ 8 ra"d N ew 2·8drm Home Nlct> Lwln(O room. dantotte, S<"r· vic» por'('h. Ill(' kttcht-n and bath. floor fumanN'. m:lple floors. 2-cAr p.ra&e. $8750 GOOD t -8drm Home JUcht in Costa M~ Shopping center, lot 48xl29 •1th allt)' $5250 SEC'URlTY la what •~ all .. -ant to baw SECURITY 1.t to own a home in Costa Mesa It Harbor Ana. 112 .Q. f'"T. Brand new. 2 Bfdroocns. wtt.h a Ben4IX lD Mdl houM. Prioe 6800 $1'50 dotn Balbot Uke ~t 2 8DRM. S'tUCCO Brand new. Vacant, tr1'5 ft. noor apace. 08rage llttachf'd Elut."ld~. CloM In- $7950 NEW S B EDROOM ~OM& WttJ\ a Dupl<''lf on rt'&J' bri~ng In $l20 Jl<'T mo Corne In nnd lrt ua show this ont- Rea. Ptlo"e 8 eaoon lllt1·W G. N. WELL8 GEO. FOX JOE Me.KilE t700 N<'"1')Mt nl\."d Ofr~ee r ....... ••~ ,,., R-. Phon. hacon 61tt·W ONE ACRE -H.AP.ROR APPLl.A -..;cF 5E:R\'1C"E con ~8-J 13·tf-c ~tod~>m llomt' Ont' lhou!Ulnd rab- btts FuJI EqUJpm,.nt CARPENT'ER WORK WAl'-IED ~. r..rnodtol or neo~· c<!n- struc.tion. ?hont> ~con 6l01J 6-tt< rl< c" l'l .lr <it>~'~ Iii bUlk~ loU C't ft '•· rs ~·""1 hutrht"l; All nr par' C A Rn!'('nh.-lum "11 \\'ti!Qtln Jl 1 t •f' 4Ti '-:~ Bl\'d ~ ~ l lS.tf·t" CUSTOM C~81NI:T BUILDING 1"11 WEST CENT..-AL. '\ F'WP'I •RT BEACH $1.3,700 D. C. MacKeule leha Molder "-late a ... tte,.. 1~ Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa B. W. BABDNZ ~EA\. aaTATE aROKE~ AND A•tOCIATE. \-N._,.rt a1..-. c..ta ..... C.llt. ...._. .. IIOeft sue LOT Mesa Strftt. 50 x 140 $1000 2 a. k. ~OME GENERAL handy man "''&11~ W'Oft( around t014'11. Can patnt alae 21732 Placftatla. C M , ~ Bee Sl~. ._.,< THREE bfodroom C . L loan nail· abl~. ~mall monthly pay· ~nt&. Beacon 58So3-R. 369 E. 19th St. 31-lt·p !'J.R\'EL Ga• ft.fofrt~rator Lf'adlnc line ot GM R.Afl l"t'S J M Ftrru.c~n. 2:.xl5 Cout Bh·d ='t-~>.·pon ~~rh. Haroor 116. ~(fo(" I .EA TIH:R bab\" ~.aeon 6327 J b~. S:10.00 31·11 p RIPE TO)lATOES.. ='o Nils. 50.. ~T )Uif. Brtn1 own lu& -1631. l\atln A\~. COlt& Mesa.. J0.2t·p WELSH bab> bu~t~. like new. TRACTOR WORX. Plowiq Ditc.ina LeYeli:q Phone Beacon 6721· W 1528 Newport Blvd. LOVELY Mountain Sltl', MocljM· u Canyon 45 minutt drtw from Costa Mba. "Jbrft anal) BMcon 5866-RK ~1 Jn1n~ •-----------.. "''~-3l·ll·p cabins, ran~ .. k>t1 of lumber" CONN Trumpet. alh -.r. pod atack~ on p~~ All uUl· condltlon. 53'l Wtst 19th 51. ltl". about two aau, m&n.y B8e0n Sl!tZ7·W. 29-Jt.p bMnnr walnut tftel. Y&r'l~ of fruit ~. bt&utUul moun· GREY lather baby can1a,~ like taJn ~Mry. J6501 full price, ne-w $20.00 -Ba}' ~ho~ Tra11· term.a. Call Beacon 5454. tr Park. S«tk>n Ll N""'POrt. 31·2t~ 31-lt·p ________________ ...._ ............... __ LOOK thJa owr . Priced for qutck PORTABLE <'OtT\P~ 0\lt.t\t. l&le. 3 bed rooM mode"n home like MW. 1175. SP")··W~ on ~ a~. Full or part fum. Shop. 2474 ~ ?l:~'l'Ort Blvd .. ith~ Doubt~ ~ Phon~ ~aeon 614t.J. 29-t!-c y.. Will Jl'tad A Bett6 Cv for Leas lloeey at Oeatnl Motor 1D!$ Nf:W~Oin A.V£. The H ..... flf o .. ••'~• u..-c;.,.. ~ yr. o)d .. H. W . floors. Jot S5 X 1 Beacon 5547.J. 94.5 W. 18th St. EASY~~ madlln~. Pft"fect lliilitiillttiiiiiiiilll ____ lliiiitl Cotta ltfH&. l l ·lt·p condition . Bt-st otl~r taki'S. -$7,500 St.m •n. S41 mo NtC£ l bedroom hom~ fu.rnUh· Sea('('n 525":" W 311t-c ~ on •, acrt' $6000.00 -653 BABY GlU.)JD, MahOpr\y CU@. N£ED INIUR~NCE \\ l &h St. 29-3'1 -p R~ ~ bal F"nt-tonf' lEE Ul N '"'-•-2.& month~ tn psy Alco Kn~~bl" ...................... _ ..... ______ ....__ 0 . 3 Fol' ~ 01' Lea.8e Grenc! ~trin"-a~· u~ 1-:\ eN THIS IS IT lASt n>AI <"h&n~ bl>fore back to School Rush. S(,;..oo \\'lLL buv ~ a.c~. 3 ~ room or 2 apt. ho\W' 1 '"' halhs. Sonlf' 1\Jrnltul'\' f)-ult DA:-o.7-..c:;c1f't1TYr f'l ~sn C'\'~ '\~ "!"\ MAin S.1ntn An3 R."\ld· .. 'in ~- IIAIUIOR ~ :S FEB LOCAL and LONG DISTA='CE tta Ker'b« Blvd. C....M._ lteaoon ~ NE£0 MONEY~ trt't"S. !'\.'l3 Hamllton. 30 2t·p 2 Bedroom homf', 10\"l'\y 1~ Kitch<'n. )AJ'I:t' WllldOWI!. r aneJ r"ll~' h~t. <S«-p.'wan!robr!l. pullman 111· 6. vator)• a.nd tuh In bath SOO IQ. 'For Reat (\:'\'F. ''""" hc.ln"" n: '"'' l ~ I ~<'e us for qm.:k ht-1prul l't'r "~'r C'Upho '''1 " • •tut fl· •h 'll'l' on n >ur llna.ndlll "~ 1'al\ ~:l<'nn ,:.p.'l I "~: ~··<' u•.t'1S on F\.·R.-..Trt:RE. S \I.· ft and In 11dditlon a double ltllnllt~" ('-AJ.-IP-TRA--1-l..E-R.--fu_l_l~-. -pquip with ~rviCf" \a.undry tubs and flN!, fN· rt'nt b\ dn\ or w.-ek heatf.'r, part I~ lnnd~p('d. • Thl.\ pri~ h too low bur you Phone-llt'n &.."''l .J. ~ t1-<" ran hav~ It (or $1('1()() dtw.-n, $1\'\ month. $7500 F\JII~~ ACT NO\V -S Block from ttnter of town \\' .. \. m ' CROFT nF \J.T0n 11<-'l<'~"'n 5.~·.1 :'liftS R Ora~ County l.'t 1 18 21!. N•*port Bl'lld, e~1 ...... Calif. 1. 2 or 3 ROOM l'nlt.!i. Close In 190'1 F'ull<>rton Rc-acon ::.O:W-~t :n .tto(' l \RCt-: ."l T~~<'m unfurnt!lht'\1 Apl flc-rlron ~Ql.J. 31 lt -c Storage Space FOR ANY N EED PftOtte H l'bor or "1'111" 8o• 3M 8 11t.oa ltll"ct BARGAINS F irst Come--First Stet-vf"d Ct-lot<'"\ I"" 1hti"n T ,,. '•,;, t6 fn<'h ~. f"'" •h,., • d .. 1 ~• 2"\' Nc.-'\ \om f'\j>u..:-1~· F:r ~llrf 1'1'\f ~ " lfN "' C:••'i f't'f t ~""'' ,,.,,, hI Vlt1 1 ~~ n. "'' ""' •t·t, • · -r t ,..,.,., .. :~,,1 ' • f' ~ "~ ~. ' •' r· • ;.. '· •f "'',.. Ct'\..,~ ~ "'""'' t I F''-4~K CUR""' ltl Rn~ cr~ • c 1()(1) E •til 't ',A. I A "'• ~on~. K t ~ • , !> ~ ARY l~AR OR OTHER ~Et"l. R· m.- JT •urs 10 to 1 an.1 3 ,, !\ - Sat11rda~ . f'on l Jh: \,I l(l" "!;. 1"1. ,, '. t'r It ,...... • n.d " ... "' .. All Kut6t ef Rf"~r 'ljl'ttr\ Mesa Cabinet Co. 2114 lh~ ...... aeec-..-.w (&btn~ts Built to Ordel' D~ W lfl.._.ra""" ~eree-. we~,..... c~~. OD.. D.AVIDION'I C.Aai N£T IHOP ISS Wai"Ut Pl. c..ta Meea ~ M2Chl Lt'CK PLAYS NO PAJtT In a ,ood ROOnNG JOB It l'akts ~f"nc:"t A S'kill C'OOPEJU.TITt: ROOFINC CO N~ A ~in 2573 El~ Aw. Costa ~~~ B£A.. 1217 LES NOTT ELECTRIC Jndustr'W -Ooa'kiie dal 1\.t's!dmttal -C'onltt'uction ~ 2821 W Ct"ntral A vt ~·~i'Ort Bf.'arh HAR 22-45-R H4 ... 0 " 121 :.,_ ___________ ..,: ~rs c.-f d.TIVft" education at t111t -----~---------mU~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -----------~ cluc:w both dusroom and I tM ..,.-h~l tl"al1\lrll" ~ .. \~4....~ IJI.D~ promott w~. •M and ~ I.'T'f'ntk>n of autMJ»bila A LUMI NUM. I TEEt.. WOOD t.Pf\\1('11\.aons al'l' bftn1 71\llide .. llr Ball J ·Pri~ l)ftlll of ~ a,.tl cto-paymfl't M ,..~ t• _.,. _ ,-.H.A lr.g Coil~ ~ CGul Ollo-1~ lk>" 30':" COIIta fta. 016- CAU.. t•s TODAY FOR nu::z: £STTM.A T'R soum .ooAST Veaetiaa BIIH Oo. WEt"T 1IUI a NWPT. AVL eCKTA MalA. ...... .,.. .. ··~trp.n _, ~ Jrn-.ct. ~- 15.-A•te~ --- TH II W£1lk .. IKCtAL Motor Ttme-Up 1'7.- YELLOW CAB OF NEWPORT a COST A IIIJCI!A ~Hoar a.r.b a a-~ Nf'W'PO't lkw:tt IlEA. - 0. rtn D ~ .A I N 8 0 A It 0 • f•r l~o~m-Dtotvt,._ • A -r " " o o • •· ~ T c.. 1 Timmings Auto Repair CJ 'kJ~ I~ Har~:..~tnJ<~&U w .. I !\OW It Can Be Told! Tile Contractor · Wt ( an t.ra1n Tht-tntMi« Of 1St!\ & N~'*Nrt A"~ Co.t.a MHII. Calif. ~.~ .. 5107 Rt~ P~t~"t Be-n 1100·W3 PAI...,'rtNG & P4 PEitH4NOING " . R. " illiam .'! \ f', .., I "'t ,, a 111 -' l aou"' "' • p 0 8 1'\t. 101~ IIARRY 11.\LL 1'\,,-,,._. 11 '.: 1:\(j\ It •: \ ~ <: ~ ~ l· ~ 1 ..-, 1 .. ~ ~· \ •xtr A ut~•m<>hl\(' 'tb ~I'.. [I Il" ORIGrx o\L .APP~~CE • , "Let Fred Do It .. FRED LAMBERT Aut" tnt. riM" I :'4 t!l F:ldMI \\ r (" A etta :'4 r.kw-k-. E.'t~t N c-. n1c-r (I( Town 'r !II: Ji:n!Uon l·<uhun-tl<"'f\ p ~ \I k nl'fll\1nnt: l h-\Yny Garag Rosso's Lads Tie into So11ze Toughies, Including CllaffiJ• Fc.otball Coach n.,, Rnan has • rt"al~ n.tl'f'd rtr ... , ~hf"1ult' "" hls hands as hf' ~,.,~, tntu thf' ~ ~n ~ilh nlnf' games elated to tw pla)f'd. Startl..,. on ~pt. ~. Rl\'f'rside will rnH't tM lofaroon and C~y at Hunttn&"ton BM.e.h. Thftl a.ft~r four prof'S. the .. G .. EETING~e. 1 ~ f~ tht vaft at New,.ot"t Ha,_,. H .. acftMI ~ a Saftta A11a11, ~ DIU. ~ , ....,.._. ea f"fy •-c.,. no"""8-He~ he ill ..._ at the e11tra._ te the "eoistrar Off-Mtftt .~ tty M rL ,..,._,d lpangler, pf'Hideftt .t the Newport Ha"'-Hlp ~aNnt·Ttacher ~bon. (Photocnf1 PIMU"'' honl(' "' ~lr and Mr-. t.,~rk 'ttlll· kan :tr.r~ Channtl Rd . Th\lh<lft ~ Rotund a m&mm<l'th t'hlo 111tnt1· <IOfllt I~ ~'Oral•'<! wuh ltn•·n ;utd ,;In ~ candlt-abra, C'twf Af1,.1f And :\ta:tn• d'llntP RAnh~th•m•·" Cmm Gt>t>."'. Cnnmft d<•l Mar w111 '-4•r.·•· <:urlt <idtr'lrh" a... df.('Or·tll cl lmk· •'d 1\arn.~ and "t'l<.h rnn•hll n ),, rhaft~ d1<.h and ttn~ lt''''"''d , • ..,k~ SuppC"r fnr 60 ha5 brt-n fllRnn•-d ~ OoMt ~ wW hold H~ next Fnday, ~ 10. 3 to 6 p.m. 'nw oa::aaM W1D Pf'0\1de CJIIPCW1'UnltY tor ctUa>ns. P!'Wp('('tl'~ studenta and au ~ lnl~t'd ln tM local ~ t() J)t'I'JOI'Ia.tly \i$rt and Inspect thC' Ita buildl~ and f'dual. t10N1l facilltJt'S ~ caJilPUS is con,~ of 241 aCI"l'S of land and sonw 60 build· lngs. a pof\lon ot tM .old Santa Ana Al"m)• Alr Base wtuch wu Jli"O<.'W"t'd from the War ~ A(J. ministration. Durlnc the Jut six montm admlntatntJvt' official~ thf"ouah the colleat' board of tru~· '"'' ha~ twom ~line. n-no-"atl~ and conY'fftlnc 4ll1 fadUtiH for a roll~ lnstn.&.-tJonaJ and act· h·1ty procnun. 'J'hto bulldinp ha\''t' bN-n paint~ lawn havf' ~ .,-o~'n. f'QuiprM"nt has bfom ~~ ... ................. .... 1C~Mt rill ....., .. .,_. : ·" • ........... wflt .......... t6 tM ..-fll ..-atudellta.. We .,. ..._ fcwwant to a -. CGIIfce )'Mr. nw &can~ ~ nwt .-. tM f~ .... ~ ltaff m mf!'ndlnc a eardlaJ lnvfta· tJan to f'W'r}"'ftl> to calM to ()peft lfOUR on &opt 10 •• • TORE lOS COAIT HIGHWAY CORONA nFL MAR Phonf' H&t'bor 850 •• Heft Ia A Complete Uae Of r>r Rasll R Pt-tf'nr.On sa.ld t hi~ ~'f't"k ... Wf' will bt> rNdy to rom- ~ rla.s$room lnstrvrt1on on M<Wida,.v Sept 13 AU thf' dtff. f'l"fllt t)~ or fll<"iht~ 8J"f' avatl· ablf' for ina~ttl'\g a ('('m_pletl' f'ducatJonaJ ~-W4' ha\ r cl~. shop buHdlft«!t hbrn~ ~-mnuium.. auditorium.. mapt>l studf-nt unton t'a.fetPria 11nd nn ad min111tra11on building l n fact. W4' ft"' CtftMtnl: n(f ~1th fadlitl~ th&t mn.nv Jllntor ('(\11~ take ~a"' 1 It• pi"N'Urt' \\'t' hlt\'f' «>mplt)V•'d I • an outstAnrltn~: ~arr nf tn<:'lnlf·· • TAnOJ\"ERV GIFTS CARD. to~ tn· h •'1 ",. h1'1H' ~n Abl" In ' • h .md·Jltek thf' ~ lf'8f'tw~ tn jun-1 1or C"'ilf')!P C'duCIItlon thmu~ttwut !.._ ___________ _ RAB-IT-LIZER A Fertilizer For Your LAWNS FU"\\'ERS POi JED SHRUBS TREES Eny To A.Pt»IY -Odorl._ o-Nit aul"ft -o,.._nic H lgtl In Nitrogen -Long FMdlng Nllia -(5 or;;-. -- No\ t'm~ 27 _ Marin JC An)'OIW' lntel"f'S1t'd In bfocomlntt Cofff'f' is avatlabk> throu~thout amli.at.d with the propotlt'd unit the da) at thf' ~~ral1on ofll~. at the Cout Colk>f" &hoWeS lm· Thf' followtnr mPm~ of the mediate1v contat'l tbf' AcSmln.llt· PTA. ln adclltJon tn Mn JeTTOJcS ration OU1c."f' and ~kt' applicat- Span,ck'r 8J"f' L'5ltntng an tlw-noc· kl'l I Tf'IC'phonf' Klmhforl~ 2~ I, ROSSMORE 1 at HunUnrton Bf'at'h • Df't'oember 3 Santa Ana tat SanUI Ana Harbor Rip Foott.D 1,300~"T IS Dt."E 11IIS YEAR Oct. 1 A Bonita Oct. 14 s Hunt BHch Oct. 14. C Hunt Bf'ach Oct 1~ A Hunt Bf'at'h Oct. 21-B-Orancco Oct. 21 C' Oranet Oct. 22 A OraneP Oct. 28-S F'uli~Mon 01:t. 28-C-F\illf'Mon Ort. A .Fu.Ucorton Nov. S-Sa.nta Ana Nov. 10-A-Santa An• Nov. 18-B-Downey Nov. lS-C-Down~y N ov 1 A l'<>,•.T t'•' Nov. 23-s Anaheim Nov. 23-C-Anah.-lm Nov. ~AJ\aMim There Ht'n! Tht'n! 1 Continued from J)1lCe 11 Tht'n! dB) Tue..da). Will marK tnf' tM•gm· TM~ rune ol elL~ Stantng limP a1 Here thf' Corona df'l Mftr &hnnl LC He~ R '\(J a m and at thf :-.;,.,.,.,,n Hf're &-hnol 9 a m ~ Thf'rt> w1ll bf' l!'xtra 'V'"'!IInn.' 1n Ttle-f' I klndl'rgant'n first Y<-Ond ~tnd Tbt'n! jth'rd gradl'S at both schools All Here chHdrt"n in kinclf'rgartl!'n 11nd ft~l Here t:n~d" must havl!' a biMh <'f'Miflcatt· There or other proof or btrth datt ''Kln· Thrl"" dtorgartmC"rs" must bfo f1 vf' )'f'lt~ fhl!'n! old b) the ftrst of March. 1949. Hl!'l.. a.nd first enders mUJt ~ aix by Here , tJw tlnrt ot Man:t:L Mn. Kf'nnf'th Stewart Costa Mf'U. ,.,,.. Ma~ Dodd. Corona ~ ~--_L--ts Eras,. del Mar; Mn J C Stuarn Nf'w-~~ ~ port fka<"h. Mrs Ray ~~l.Rn. C'omna ~I Mar. Mrs. Al Hor· E 1• St • 15 1 ~ vath. N~'J)OM 8e.at'h I ar ter aen, -~ Mr<~ C"lf'OI'Jrf' RN"\M ~alboa . Mn. Cunning Buller. Costa Mt"A ~•P Ludl Mn Boyd R.obt'Tts, Costa Mesa; Th~ Costa Mna Mf'rchanu: Mrs John W. Wm. Costa Mesa: Sunday took the San Pt!Clro J ·A Mr11. Harrv E Rakh C'osta Mna: l....'lub tnto camp a.fter a hect.tc Mrs. Edrar Rill. NC'WpOrt ~adl. garrf' In which th~ pitchers Mrs J R Con~ll NPwport we~ used. nnaJI) Managt"T Bud B• ,, Frands ' Ho~-ath, Long brou~tht In ttls a~ln-~ . 'f'wpon Bfoach: Mrs. John 0. ho~. Flanapn, to put do~ the .lohn110n, ~I boa; Mrs Manley ralJv In the lnntb lnntnr. ~ H Clark. l'f'WpoM ~ch, Mr nn&:i lt.'OT'e was 15 to 13. Ttw and Mn Byron Wf'lls. BaJboa: victory av~ng~ an Nrlk>r M- '.!1"1. J D. Mt''\(IJia.n Jr .. Nf'WpOM r~at at ttw handa of ttw J. A. Rc-arh, Rlov Thomas Clt.>n, Mr. lads.. 'Inti M~ Ht-lnt K~l~r. Costa ,..__._ ~ 1_. ln hJ _. h 19 Mesa; and Ml"l. Hf'lf'n Mf'Tko. ~ ... -ea. """ tl -•t vftch. Costa Mf'U. to San Pedro • 12. Foot@S ltart· ~ the pmt' but ... ta.bft tiUt whf'l\ the K'O~ wu 1.5 to 4. 1'uttf!'ITOw followed Wflhout much luc:k. and Kenny cUctn't Costa 1150 a Day ~any better. · J tn aww.nu. lnnlnc wtt.ll no-N""PQn &l<"h ts IPf'ndinc about body out~iftd the t)'lnc na GD S125 a ct.y to att-nlmo f'ffiumt iri bue. F1.anapn wu praaec! Into tM dtv _..,~ J,Ylltrm to Pl"f"W'ftt IRI"Vkle to Mve the PJDit. San rontamlnaHon of tlw-~acht'w Pedro ll\llde two double plays This was f'f'Vf'alf'd by Clty Act-and eo.ta Mesa one. mihlstrator John SaJJon ln f'f'~U· Inc a f'f'port from Dr. ~I'd Next Sunday the Loe ~ Pot"Mroy, cdnsultJnc chemical ftl-Senaton W01 be here at two ~-'nle local '"'"" trntJ'I)mt o'clock. W~ h.awn,t any dop-pJant hu a rstt'd capedty o1 a on thla te.m but hope they wDl million eallona • day, Whf'I"HJ the be better than the avera,e out- trrwa,.-flow ""~ twk'!r that fit that has ~ visitJnr !wore. amount on ~k d.a)lll and amounu to about 3,000,000 p1)ons Oft Wftk. I ~-.. -I-LOtlii~-H-U_T'C_H_I_...OW __ .. ---.. mcll. tJw enciiWt"'' Mid rn-RN a ~a-Dr. Pomtoroy .. ld that It wm "-"'aiU .m "' .......... take at Jnst two )"Mn to PQt the count)' .... ..-.rr .,..,. ... ~ and In the INMtlmr ,... ........., &.dl InUit eont.mu. to tiWt Ita etnUftlt ftf'Y ~- AleJ L. IAiWII. D. Dlrlilrlla fll tl. Olla ... ~ OITJCIE ROUM: IG L -.. 12 ...... 2 tiO I p m. 1211 NOilTH BROADWAY ()r'fb fltl. 10 ,.11'75 ..... ·-... Ph 10 .,_ 'Dining 1(oom 28th &: Central Newport Beach 410 N. Sycamore . --------------------------------------~~--- &.iiiiii :_Ana A THE ROSSMORE IIO'ITO: "If We Don't Please « You, Your Dinner Costs You Nothing • • OUR KITCHEN AND ICE BOXES ARE OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION -- .ANYTI'ME ·c.&'-' • •• No .. Oiir ! LdU.~'11t ~Of PtqwlllioD 1P aa.fi1r IW Y«* Gtw; ANY GllOUP lO TO fOO i ' Olickell J:lllmler ···-. ... .... . ...... .... .. $1.25 'l'u.rkey Dinner . . ... . ... . ... . . ... . .. . . ..... $1.50 Virginia Baked Ham .................. $1.50 ltoa.st Prime Ribs ... .. .. .. .. .. ... . .. ... $1.:xl ~teaks .. . .... .. ..... ........... ... . ...... .... ... $1.75 up HCMC~H-~ ,_.,.._ ~-•• Atw AI..,. ,... .. Aa ,.. ~. ""