HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-09-10 - Newport Harbor Ensign· . Basiness fnap To Meet Sept 20 For Reorganizing· Senices Held For H. C. Sloan .. Fire H II Leaves 'Dream Sta9e' EA .. LV 81 .. 0 T,.,. f nt .tu d~nt fi"'m Coro,.. ~~~· Mar to !"rQt5ter at t"e Oran~ Coast Co'te~ wa• ltoh Whvte ~ .,, Hant Or Tl\o1 ptcture ..... talt· ~" Tundav n Bob pl"tWntet'l 1111 ~rtdentla l• to Tom C,.o.,lt 1"t QOf'Cier for ttl« eotteoe The n&• ~tlf9« w 111 o~n Monday T~ OIMfltne ,.., w HI ~ "'O"hOhtfll 1ry a oonvecatlon hetel '" tM cam~ audltM"'um at t a m T'-~He 1\a. Men ltt~t~ltM u ... .., I Gn'hal'.tl Photo) Fi\'e CenLc; Vol. 1-No. 5 Cultural Center . . Is Sought ·For Cor na del Mar •rt • ( (... r r" 1..ld Mu f I" I I CUI Jm,e tht-Jcvcl- >f ~hlllob· , I t ' II d11 •' II t\10« lllf"flt hy hll\~ I """ ot~trt'!t'd upon hy a • ftm11N81QN .,,..,_ ....... I( , ...... 1101-D Cola ~cb-."'Y ~ dd ).hr, Ca.l.ifom.ia AR VO !.. HAAPA. EUor SUBSCRIPI10N RATES One Year . . Slx Months . . 1bree J.Ionths . Single Copy . . .. $2.00 1.00 .50 .00 IADIO SMOW PUTS HOLLYWoOD ON ~P . It'a·no no joft, .on, Holl,ywood u trieOdlhlp. 8Dme o1 the r-.. rs rotnr to be on the map. Fur-cent wtlbes are: thermore, they a.-. ,oln1 to .. , wt h we would aU ftalla> .an stamping their own man. that U ~ do not make the 'Hollywood. USA," lnst"d ·of man. ndther dots the lk1n - belnc an unnotked dlvt..!Qn of and remem~r that bable. are'--------------------------= ...._ ___ ey HO~----""' Lot Angel~ as far as the pott not born ~lth rad&J or .-.llpous COMMUNtTY oCHUI)CH oae '7 to plek up t2M dlUclrm. otn~ ls concemed. lmqe Hoi· P~JudlcH. Bloom~l<l. N. J. OF CORONA DEL MA" lilcOal'd S. the bul driver. Another sugg~tion for a slop.n lywood belne unnoticed! 1 wuh that throu,rhout the ~ Harry E. 0w1np wt.ll be ~ew tmprov~ts at lhe 8C:booJ tor our Crown of the &>a com· In this rase ll wa.sn't tM ttVth world the power of lov~ would the ~ pi'MCber at the 11 iMt\lnt ~rated d.uarOoma. munlty. that paid off . but th~ con.equenc. tt>place th~ lovt> of power." M&M-o'c-lock momtn• wonhip Su,nday. add4!d pt.ayrround equlpmHIC. t.b4! "Corona dl'l Mar '' the-Cnllfor-tor the new recognition of the t:l~!d· Ohio. h l Ch~h ec:boot ls at 9·4.5 a. m. lnsWlatJon of &"as hNten to l"f'-fllm came through one of the.-I wlah t at mo~ peop e plaee tbe oU he&ten and n~ nla Rlvien . n .._utl(ul o;trip pranks 011 Ralph Edward.J' \\'OU.Id ~&llz:e that hatred ls a RA.>v. Owtnp. former mlnJ.ster 11 rt of coutland famous for It!~ ell-'Truth or Consequence" pro-boomerang which Is IUft to hit ur the-Flrst BApUst Church of oor CO\~ np. matt" . .sccn<'ry. rich Vet;t'tatlon and gt am. the thrower harder than th~ Santa Ana, and Or. John B. tx-aut)'." Here is the iag. ~au.se con-Pl'l"''n at whom It Is thrown." Toom-.r of Claremont ha\'\> been CENTRAL 818LE CHU,.CH This ~~~tlon rom~ rr.,m Mrll. t<>stant wuuam Sn\'der, couldn't ILaJUmore, Md. oeeupylna t~ pulpit of thP Com· Ht>v l h,·lrht W. Kinnw'l, pu- M J Ilf'nr:;IX'hc-a or 616 Golden-It'll the truth ·way last spring. munlly Chun-h dUring the tour-tor, YOhO h.u blfoeon vuJUnl h1a rod Av,. Sll(> rt'<'elvf'd that lm· hl' had 10 s~nd the aumm~r NEW QUIZ IHOWI DUE wc't'k vaca\1on ot Re\', Perry F. moth~r In Plat'l•rvmc.-, returned preqion ot thl rommun1ty on her , "hilt' Ralph Edwards and the a Dietl ~ 11 Oesplte the Federal Commun· Schrock. to CulUI Me-a Thunda) and wUJ hl"it "i.~lt ht're. ShC' rt'll)"mbo·roc T&C pro'"'Am v.-ere vaoatlonln~>l ON DI:ADLIN --lcaUona Oomm.1aJon t~t of Rt>v. &hr'Ot"k v.·iU N'tum to h.b rondu<'t IM !l('f'l~'" S~)' It ... ,. tuMe from reporter to COhlfftftid ...... &•-..., n H ._& .. ,. -•-Ct>nt.ral D1ble ChurTh .... ,chiD~ tht> ~an from th<' top llft\t'rsing the country tryinR to In the newap•per prog rlm "Dead-b.Jnnlne Xh"e awa)11 on uoo: ...... puJ,.,t Sf-pt. b. e ln..-n WlU .._._. of the bluff and hNlrlnJt 11n old ~et a mllllon slgnaturt'll on a pc.-11 e" wtlletl wu formerly called two more n~ qulz. shaWl will be' lt'SUn'W' the rf1tU)ar Sunday ~-------------------~------' man tt'lllng hll< grand...on that he tition to put Hollywood on the •• ;,.;,nt Pa.,e". The ahow wtll be lntroduc.'t'd to tht' faJI ~work. t'hlldten'a sermons. whlch ba'~ SEVENTH DAY ADVENTtaT would n«"'·er ~ a mo.,.. b<-au11fut map. hurd It I :JO .m. lnstud of T:lO Ka)' Ky511'r Is droppln~ ~ l'leot'n onutted dwinc hls alllie~. h was annount"f'd thls .. ftk 'Tbe fn~ If ruhh .. ~d ~~I)' Fn<U)· for the oommuruuu of Coron1 dd Mu ar.J &Il-ona lsla.nd \\'nttrn communianona to The frw~11 ,b. ouiJ CMT)' the nvne 1nJ AJJress of the wntcr, and tl I"' thlc, t~ tel<" phone numh. r ~ fn.qgn ·~ ttlephon~ ouanm •~ H.u+or ?..,8. ~·nf' 1\0U rould '-f'j' C'tlti'lma that Allhou~h he didn't reach hl" b 1 1 Th ~ musical bo"k&:round to be Prex~ ------that lhe Wf'dn<'llday ~~ rl_ .. c._ o Jt ( u All da> I Hf' was te-ll nt: lhe little JZOal. ;\lr Sn~dc>r got enou~h et nn ng u y. on a ne .. •. non·mu.aioal audl~nce COITA MEl~ COMMUNITY prayM" mOl'tl~ and. tlw P'nday "'-''ttrter ra int onc~ms s bo\ I hill It Wl!ll Ju~t Ilk(' the RJ. signature!> on his ~tltlon lOr u •UII'." The reason ls thlt ttM>y partldpaUon qulz-procram oal~ ~v. J. H. Thompeon. pastor, nJ&:ht )Ounr pt'OI)l~ I ~p \'lrra In F'ranc-t' f'l't' thf' Hollywood Chambf'r of pll'kl"d her out of the air alter ''Kay K~IE'r's Koll~ of Fun .u\d wlll preaC'h at both mornlnl and al't' ~Joe dlscontmued !or the Matters of the greatest import.ance to you the "" Bf-n$t(l('l\<>a ID"kf'd up th.-Commert'f' has been working ht'drlni her on CBS's Morey Am Knowlf'd,e," ))eclnnln1 ~onda>. l"-enlnc .en10H Sunday. 'Chris-duraoon of the evanceUatlc . ' •lr...,-nptlnn nf lhf' Rl\'lrra 1n an O\'ertlmel to get the L' S Pmt· o,terdam show a.nd t~lephoned ()('t, 4 from 9:30 to 10 a. m., tlanlty on the OUensJ\'~" .UI be mef'llnp. v.hlch are belnl held dtlzens of Newport Beach, are bemg thrashed o u t t-n('\'(•lopedla and found the pu-1 master to dec-Ideo (I) i1"~ Hall). her for an Interview before tMy sponliOITd by Pillsbury nour. t~ lt'rtnOn topic tor the 10:50 In Huntlncton Bl'ach. Sabbath 1n the periodic meetings of the city•s Board of S3$tl' I{IVl'n aho\t> In ttl(> 'logan wood thelr own cancellation even saw hf'r ... I>Nptt@ Cl"ft'k And tomorrow tS&tUI"dayl at "· M . motnJne llt"rvl~. ln the da) lt't'\1~ h'>v.t"er, wtll con· Freeholders. A c harter is bemg' drafted for the city. and ~he thmlu 11 file ttl(> pia~ stamp. •And Rand McNally hu ~rts that a communist hu 7·:ll p. m. KFX'A wUI p~mle~ e\-enln~. Reo.. Thompeoh will tl.n~ accordlnc to schedult' 'd f . .1 f f ~rftctly a~ to put the name of Hoi· bfoen found to be the murdel'e1' lM "Whu: quiz" &ho••. another 1~ak csn "How c.n Christian tO pl'OV1 e Or It a COunCl -manager Ornl 0 gov-Wt' gw thr Rivie-ra ju"t befol't' lywood on lt.l maps of thls al't'A of George Polk, Wlnstqn Bur-candy ber program. Whiz Qulz. Wonhlp B«orne an Ad\~nt~!" CHfUIT CHU .. CH 8 Y THE IlEA emrnent. Nothing can be o f greater significance in Wt' rt'tUml'd from 0\'t'f"'l'IU a yt>ar l.t the future. All of which will dt'tt. CBS nt'wsman, reports on will tra~l from town to town. ''1'tle Cue lor Lon~l.nft8"' wUJ realm f ivi aff · ~-th h rt '11 alter the war wu over and we trnd to disprove the theory thlt htS l't'turn from, !Ae Medlterran· and the local oontestanta wUI AII '"'MeLY OF GOD be the aubj«t of Rev. ntomu the . O C C aJrs, ~u~e e _c a er Wld are lnt'llnf'd ~~ agn-e. The Rl· ·Hollywood la a atat~ of mJn'd, I estn that the Gr-eek ln~tiptlon try to ans~~r quecllons wnt ln Varlous pastors ol the oom· Roy PendeU'a ~ermon at the 11 proVlde the framework for dealing With the e n • vlera !hPn wno; handicnppl"d by suppo~-Is still un~tlllactory according by th<" llstenen. Jackpots wtll muntty wtll participate In the a. m. momlnr wonhip Su.nc1ay. less variety o f local problemS that face a COm-the effl'Ms of war-time p<"gltct, Ralph Edwards ol the he'll· to Gent'rlll WilHam Donovan's atart at a minimum of $5.000. 9 a. m. chlpd .ervlce Mondly at ln t~ ~""""'· 7 :30 p m .. tbt>no munity ~'~~'•ch nb<ota<'IH which had ~n In· put·rou-on-tht'-map fame. and NmrmttN-. ~mbJy of God Church. mark· "1U be a communtty a1nt under • ~talled dunna the war and tome Pmcee of Truth and ConS<'qUcnc-NEW 8RilAK,.AIT MAN Inc the OPf'rllnC of the Chrlstl&n the JeadenhJp or Warren Aah· Jt WOuld be a n ideal Situation from a ClVlC dPmnlltlon alon~t the <'011..<~1 But t>:... Is hul'd with his show ever) ""l W DIA L TONE Big news of the 'A-ffk ls that School. Amonr the minl.sten !etch of Ani.Mbn. standpoint if everyone Of YOU citizens COUld Sit in tl\(o Jam~" bn-ath·taklng c:w~p of ~iiturday O\'t'r KFI. ~~ 8·30 p. m. .\ new ~~minute &ert~ of ::c;oh~~:;o~~ ~cl:k:= taklnJ part In the SIPrvl~ wtll EJection of Ofli~ra II .ehedul· th-. .... di ss'ons to h ear t h e detai'led analy ses roastlln~ lind tT&giO' bluff• Wt'l'(' mmkal coml"dy hits wfll ~ and Groom" pro"'ram. will tUe tw Rev. JO&eph ThomJ*), n of f'd for the Youlb ~ll~'Sb.lp on ~OK' scu 1 tht'l"t' Th,. Ri\'lt'ra had onto defm· .. """"mmunJt Ch........ D a\ WUI tl s d t 8 30 ln f th 'ed · h d lt ·~· h WHO'LL GET T HE a iRD? loroadC'ast 0\er KECA bt'(lnrung O\'E'r as head man on "B~ast '-" Y """'" ......-• · "'"' ng un 1,)' a ! p. m. 0 e van ISSUeS t at are ea Wl ln a C ar-Itt' ld\·antasrto over Corona df'l Tomorrow tSiturda~ 1 at 10 a Oct. 4. With the A$10daUon ol In Hollywood.. AI you know ard Stea.nu of ec.ta Mtsa Four-tM hall. and a ~rt on lnatl- ter and t o Jearn h o w these issues can a ect yOU. Mar Thrn-wa.s no mad rush of m. over KECA, ~tnothf'r lnno\'1 American Railroada sponsoring. Gam· ~toore 'who took ovu ~ square Chllrt'h 1nd Rt-v. Dwight tute v.•UI be ci\"en by J~~~ Maw· As thls v.rriter has learned. attendance at those :~~~k •Ions;: II C'oast Highway ti\Jn is tk-lnj;~ Introduced. That (;ru·don ~ii\CR.af', who will 5llll' program at . the death of Tom J<Amnan ot C.mtral Btble Olurch aon and E\~lyn Woodworth. . • • 'w "' ·•w "'"''' ~ ..., ~' rh,rk-In "The> R4tlrold Hour," gi\l'S Breneman. Is rt'Sienlng beocaWit' A procram of SJ'N' ;~I mu k •'111 meetings constitutes an excellent COurse in CIVIC ~~. n llkl• hut1 whlt'h has ho¥" ('rC'dll ror de\t>lnplng his slngtng his J'rt'\'IOu' radio commltmentl be' prt'Sf'nlt"d by a group ol Sing· CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE affairs and local g o \'ernment. Furthe nnore, t h is Som~thtn; n-has been n•!-S hrt'<J In Jl<duN' all dll.l • , ... ,, .... , tn lhl'f"f' \~II'S as ftE'\\'Sp:l· lll't' 0\'f'r t.txlnR his strength. f'r~ from thf' Sanl3 Ana Astern· Durrt>ll Mann of Santa Ana N lddeel I parrot ••tter You I ... .. t bt • k f I 1.1. o1 God Chw-ch a-· .... ___ , .. _. .. .. "course .. is aive n b.V t o pnotch instructors. 'ev..~rt •II('~ .tr•u V. !tit• ll t•;U <If tl• ,,.. l)('l I\ ' H WE'!! rom OfnOI'-~1C'£troy h"3.~ tM:'f11 ~"'I liS C'O--., ' _.,.. ••-.._.,..._.. Orc:o_.r.a y,.., ~ ~· Y~ may hive reid •bout •t If you IU\\ "·•I I' 1~~-~~~t. 1' the soft· emc:'t'f' "ith Moc•r,. 1h1s wt-ek. and ~·-~f. C. Cronk J-eports that st>nt • mu•l<"al pi"OJfram at th• Beach is f o rtunate in ha\'ing outstanding public-looked over the Help Want~d \\'). •he I lilt' nt \\ bird \\II h;ul . ~..tmt' n( the w~k" Wll} l.arr) \\Ill Y\ i:Uod·b\f' \1onda~·. lf'j:i-.tralton for prosllf'('tl\''t' ltU· Y,(lf"ihiJl f'l<'<'S Sunday In the m inded Cit izens "it h first hand knowledge o f a lttml In the Wlnt Ada In tnt ,, " lm \tiU "" II~ air r-eml\111~ ,,, '•ul "llh lhP Arm~ Air Fnrt'4" ~'P' l:l IH • Hr.•akbl~" audlt'nl'· dt>nts nf thfo <;('hOOI lS contlnulnr (.'hurTh tJ( the '-:a.ut!"f'ne. The Wl'dc rang.n of "'I\ l'' [)robl""'ms w h o a...o \\illing t o wec\t'l Fnltgn Somton~ uked , '" ''"'" toUI tlu• ,.uullr: brN'<l H•'l.tUI!IIII' .~ l\ot'l' SjiOn!K'nng. l'S. lhrnuJrhnut lhls "t't'K antl that urrhP!>II.11 ft•;\lun'$ lwo Hawahan ~ " "" · "" · • · '"" for • .. .,.,0'"1" w•th no child· , , "IJn C".tm•• up,, tth th1s tri'ln~·· F"11't ur th• t•lght game series the "<'hool bus v.ill bP roU1t"d as ,Uil.ll"" a ukule>l(' and • bass \1ol giv e Up their tlm(' tO 00 thjc;; C'Xhausti\'(', painstak-ren to Cllrt for my pari'Ot for ftlthl~> ('(l"TlhlnAIIfon Is ~~~lnJ,! IH i,_ T«'"·'' \ & M. \t'I'5US \'tlla· RENAMED •DEADLI NE' f'o' ing job fo r the hcncfit of the public: as a \\hole. • •hort ttme." Tht r•qum II• '"~"r tt tnt <Jf QUI"''tlton'4 "'' r r. "·' roum 1'1 •nkhn 1-'ll'ld. PhH· Another Front I'R~(' lthn rs N h · bl' h · bi'Ought r-eapon.ea 1"0 m PI"OI· thr Amerlt'an FarmPr h,...,,,,lt ,,., t·h'll'1 1.t "\\hat's M~ :-.:ame · that thf' ~hnw · Fnml PaRt' OW ~'Oll, f e \'Otlng pU JC, · a\·e a rE'Spon Sl• ~ttvt plr'I"Ot 11t1ere. JJI'OJ;:IJm hn< ~~~ assured an· ,..1,,rrlrl! Dl<'k l'•mf'Ji \\Ill C'hlln~lt bility, n ot onJy to ynurseh·es hut tO fUtUrE' gen<'ra· ..,., , 1, nt•" !h,• f,fth 1~11<' n( Tht LOU DSPEAKING 1ttht-r :i.! \\Pt·k sp:tn bt'cause Gen· II!> nnmr tn "Cltwlhnt'' h(>g{n· tions. That rcsponsihiltty iS intereSt and participa-F:n•1~n Th••r,. h11.' hl'f'n \\VI~t·r· Xotes from ln!~ldc tht-loucl-<'l3l EIN'Irl(' has just r-enewed nin,:: no'\1 1 hurloll,,\, At~ lh<' tion-so t h at you can help guide t h e final decisions. ~!~t 7;~~f~::~ •. ';::~\n:;:: ~~:U~: ;~;:e~~e '0~1 ~~~~ c~rtn~;~: ~~:~~~;~t ~~~~~~ ~~~JI:~a~~~~<'~ e~: ~;:,· t~~;, ';.~·~~ "~~~';';.it~ The Freeholders are. after all. o n ly your represen-1111"~ f"r Whl\ h Th,. Eno;l~n ,, heln~ o;njourn in lAndon and Parta 1\l· m f'ow~·ll \\ ho ha~ ~n J)la)'lng tatives, and they canno t act f or the best interests puhh .. htd, C'oronn dl'l Mar and let his stint llS Arthur Godfrey's th<' rolf' of II nt"wspaper report· Of the community unless they ha\'e knowledge o f Blllbod l"land substitute ... Talent ec:outa WILL WIS HING MAKE IT SOT f'r, will 1\<> prvrTWted to 3 ro\•lng the -..t·'h f th · To ll ~PI\J)('rrn&n It b partl· plt'kl"d a o;tar w1th thclr Wlt~hln~ rlnR winners on columnist In the nt>wspaper field w~ es 0 e COtnmUJUty. MJIII.rly ~nlttfyln~ to~~· fin«-hancl tlo51'11 Whf'>n they ,e)('Cted J<E.C A'a "Br~ul In Holly-and will let thf' stories romr to N o t too far in the futute you will h ave oppor-,.VIdf'n<'l' t!Wit 1-1-ad('n, app~atc> Cutle ffR' & major part In wood" r-eflt'C't & consciousness of him lnstt'ad of rolnr out llltf'r tunities of expressing your opinions, first at a pub-joumallc;tlr qualitll-oc of aptX'ar· cnmlng New York show. 'Town lor t'lementaJ vlrt~ sue)\ them. Uc h earing on the c h arter. then in the election o n "~-~-ntm.: Impartiality. CO\'t'l"- the questio n of adopting t he c harter. ~~~~l't'0'or'<~h~ ~~;-"~n~~~~~ HIGHLIGHTS ON YOUR RADIO DIAL The unfo rtunate reality, h owever , is the dif--clt>r . Th• r.n~u:n ... not hl'rl' to ficulty o f dram atizing this typco of issue and thus ~:1 r·n~ 11''' hut tn pm<'nt thf' FR12 1DAY. SEKE,.Tc. to .. J h .11 · hi' · t t d t · · · · noon. A. o nn\ HI arousmg pu lC In ('l'('S an ac 1\'e part1Clpat10n . A ('nmm"n' t.\ llnrtlht'r ,~~-Shnw· brmgs hts rumantl~ ban- The consultant for the F reehokJers. Louis Burke. I r>3Pt nn~n ~n lt1 fri,.nd ll.nd 8 lone \OICC to lhl' microphone bas given diSCOUra~ng instances o f t h iS publiC rnm>"r t "" '" !• r on an Ohio smgl~g, "4'\obod)· But You". . . r n~1JII'r ... 111 ~,,,. )'OU an Ide-' ''Don I Know What Tn Do .. lethargy and diSinterest. n Santa M o nica and San-·f lhf' tt,u•J~ht tnt1 ··ffnn put into ''Timc and Tl~ Again .. and ta Barbara, f o r C'Xample, only a scant h a ndful o f P'11ll"~'-•n~ Thr ~:n"•"" "MadE> For Each Other " people attended th~ public h earings o n the c har1er ..... E v~n the toue ,,. 2.30 -~· m. KECA. "Bride and • • P~~~• me. It •• pl"oblbly the Groom progrAm assists a atu· The fundamental Importance Of these Ch arter fl,..t or-lgln1l newapaper-nlm• dent from Iran and a couegt! re- OC'!ibcratiOnS rann ot he igno red. Conside r some o f I've ~nc:ountet'td 'In yu.... porter In tying the matrlmony the issues: \Vhat tax limits should be set? H o . "Most of .1111 I wu awe-bon~s.·.They metltKan~&~IJnJ-• · V. etr-ue\t by the absenQe of boll· \'erslty when she wn~t to Inter- many COUnCJ}men Sh ould t h ere be and h OW are they ~rpt1te Nowh~re '"ttl~ aheet vfew this student from Penla. t o be e lected? Shoulrl councilmen represent specific could I dtscover one of ttlo.e 5 45 p. m. KECA. Elmer districts of the citv? What prov ision s are t o be dull little ltorlee lbout the Dav~ ls back giving OUt '"~ . • . . mattno of apari'O-th~ na d&ll) news after a couple of m ade fo r annexmg additiOnal area to the city? ttve m•rrlage custo_;,, on th~ week's vacation. What about the proposal for additional area to t h e Gotd Coast, or the w.ange 7:00 p. ~-J<ECA. "Cavalcade city" What about t h e pr sal f · tin t h duth of ""Putln of Sports. Opening of the Fall . . . 0~ ~r a ppom g · e "All thlt or-lgl~lt mlterll l and Winter feature boxfng broad· CHURCH DIRECTORY CO"O~A DEL MA .. CONGREGATIONAL ' .. CHUft CH OF CH .. IaT Chu,.... & Waln11t Ita. fll~·~ ~~ •• 1111 lt. .. M-11!1.-'Ill ..W.Wp II '" lt. .... .,....,"• ........... Moood"• I •W P N r...nl•• tt.n-4.. --, .. " .. ........ MNtl"·· .......... -' .. p .. FULL OOI~RL CHUftCH A-m~ly ef Q.M • 22n• & E"~ It&. C.... ..... rT'. J AM £1 EftiiC.O .. AL M c r ........ "'-c Sol~~ ••• ,. .. . HURCH .__.,.. w..w. It u A .. . vii LJ,. Nw..... O..rdl •.,. p JC, ,.._aM. Sooni,_ ---ltM A .. y.,.,.. ~le -t W P ... ~ .... ., s.t...l ---., .. lt. • r....~ .._ ... -, .. p .. Mwal,.. S."'.,. ouod e.r-lt-01 A. Ill. Rtw. .....,._,.,.,. ---' • P Ill ~, ..._ ---, ... " .. oty cl_erk, 1nstead o f e lecting h1m? Should the must have -ulred a lot of Cas(JI direct from MadJ.on Squa~ Coun 1 be bl d '-.. G d with th F th 1 h SINGING .. COLONEL"-Kate lmlttl, wtto Ia heard on a new ·ItO· ~ Cl a e tO un el'take public WOrks without aweat 011 the Plr1 of Ye Editor ar en e ea erwe i t lng ptOtram entitled .. Kate Smith Stngl" at 10:15 a. m. Tuad1y, T. ANDRIIWI calling for bids? And on the sentimental S ' d h t lnd hla trusty I Ide. But I'm champion against a lightweight W~dneeday 1nd Thur..say moMing over KVOE, Ia -'toWn "•,.. ae ~"II YTa .. IAN CHUJtCH bout ch · . ' . 1 e, W a IUf'e 1uc:tl Industry will PI)' 10 a non-title bout. Army IU,.,eot~ O.n~r-al, "l)'fftOnd W . 8 11 .. COIIftl"f'ed t\Oftorary e H~rt Hal'tler OUR LADY ., MT. CARMn CAT'HOLIC CHVItC" ""-do ·~ c.. ... a angtng the name Of the City? dividendi In re1du Inter-tit.. membef'ehlp Ill the Army Nur'M Cot"pp In appreciation of her 1ld to .. .._ _... .. ....t. -ltM A .... These QUestions point to SOme Of the Signifi-"On the whole, t think tM SATURDAY, SEPT. tt many military ~ltal l)ltlent&. Ia .. ~. f!l .. lf- cance o f the deliberations. Soon a date for a public Enelgn 11 an Incredibly good pt!n~ !i~H .. :~:IJn;~ ~~: lan-Hel!m. and H•vanaiae by over lodly, replaclnr Garry a...... ,::.. .............. O'c.Wt b earing will be set, undoubtedly for some time n ext ~!~t ~=~~ ':tust .. ~:;:ct:::,.• ,: tnr . n Salnt-Saen&. ¥oore. McElroy ls th~ alncJnr ...... n-. •· ~ IIIJ...._ ..... ,_.,._ ........ .. ~ .. ~t~N II a.,._ IT. JOHN VIANNIEY Marine Aven-.. , .. a lelantl ......., ._ • ... tt &. •• month Co · f th t tati draft f th , ~30 p. m. KECA. ''WhJs b 30 p. m. K.Fl. "American ass:lstant to muter of ~reman· .... o... c.-a. ._ ta • p1es 0 e en ve 0 e charter the ~tehlev~ment." Quia... Album of f"amlllar Musk'' atara les J ohn Nel~an on 1M "Bride ..._ ....._ a.at. will be made available to you prior to that h earing. Such Is th~ <>Pinion ot onf' nE<WS-uctpatl:n~ ~udJ.!:.~~ DonaJd Dame, Jean I>icJmuon a.nd Croom'' show. ~ W u '"'--· OUt your respons'b'lit 'tize by PftJ)('MTIIn 8 U1 the effort.\ ot an-d bot with I 1 t isooo I h and Mlrgaret Daum with Evelyn C.MMUNITY .. URCH f't"Rn eH\IttCH CM' CtUNtT ~ '.1 1 1 Y as a C1 n otlw-r And h~ Is Whit he thinks <' a eu • n t e MacC~eor. Bertrand Hindl and WEDNESDAY, tE~T. t$. 411 W. tM k ..... ·-~a ~py o f that draft and t h en by attend-about bemK a W!'t'kly edltor that. ja~t. "Trult! or 1M Bucldnrham Choir and the 8:00 p. m. KFAC. "Ewnlnt ,..,.. a. , IIIJ......_ =-~·~ t.ng the public h earing to listen to the discussion drt'~ of many a Journ~lirt· ('o~~·nC.:" ~j1 ortctn~te oreheostra conducted by Gusta~ Concert". Lauria Melchior • ~ .. '=-.'':.:-:-.._ lit w-. ...._ and t o speak your piece o n the decisions to be clent ~1 ~~e ;:.'1 ~:: :n~ rrom Toll'do. Huntch~. The numt)t'n are Jectlons wUl be played trom llX A : a '"" -.,... _ ,_ ,.. .:.,. ""-'-<~~ .., ..._ ca.,..8_:: made Kern'• ''Day Oreamine.'' "Be-Wagnerian o~ras. plus aym-T::f:"r:a. "':,: :----... 1:. _ •· ~~ <~~ ~ ........, .. • per'ftape my flvorlt• portr'lye cauR You'n! You," b)' Herbert. phony music by StraUD, Cornet .__ • -· • ' me II the editor of 1 emlll• SUNDAY, SEPT. 12. and Beethoven. 01e1r .....='";..:.:.,.; ~;.. t r; = l t .. A. W. town newep1per.-f 1 paper 2.30 o. m. KFI. "VIctor Sho"W" ,......_.. ......._ 11 ,. A, • Ilk~ The Enelgn. Everyone ~;tars Robert Merrill, barJtonP, Thu. radio hlthllthta 1re THUJtiDAY1 SEPT. 1t CHRiaT CHURCH 8Y TKt ao a...t-::''lt-.._. '"" u: •;..:; VANI lUNG STREET I ONS CAUSE DANGER nod• plu~&ntly to me 11 t with songs Including "Almost 11 •ccur~te •• pOM'Ibla •t 11:15 a. m. KECA. "Star 1UO W. C.~rtral H.-port -..ct~ ...,__ ..,.,.., '"-~ .._ .1 "'"-stl"oU down the atl'eet; moth•l'l Like Being In Love," ''The Way prea1 time. Du• to the Time with Dorothy Kllpllen" p.-, It... ,__. ao,. hwMWI .. 1 ._ tao ....... ........_ _, ~ A letter t o t he editor, reprinted on this page, urges t h e erection o f s treet signs in Coron a del Mar, particula rly at the intersections o n Coast Highway. Such a project would cost a considerable smn of m o n ey, and t h ere are other needs which have greater prio rity at this time. B ut the writer's point is well taken. Drivers along Coast Highway, looking for a certain cross street, should be given a better break than they are getting now. At m any intersections along the highway, the painted street names on the curbs are barcly legibl ; at some places they cannot be read at all. Thi creates a real traffic' h azard. because a motorist's attention is taken a way from his pri- mary mission of safe driving ns he ~rs desper- ately t o locat e a st~t. A minimum. immrointc ~P to remove this dangcr would be to repaint the street namC'S o n th rurhs so that they ran l'X' e-.sily read. ~onault me about t heir PM>· )(lU look Tonight." "Ma Undy chang•ov•r to fill prooorama. has a guest atarnn~. Arlene .. ~ ... ~ ....... ~.:...,..,~· W. ~'.,'~•• :;:-~ • .........., 118 .., blem . ctllldl'ln; polltlclant Lou, .. "Adamstor, Re Del' Acquc un1vold1bl• • I 1st m inute Frances Is lltlll In me l drtver•a "'!-.'---.............. 11 ..... •· ~ ... ~ _..._ .., -.. Profonde" fl"'m "L ' Afrlcana". ~ ... ,.___,,. .. ---tremble •t my frown . . . . 3 30 .,..,..,.. , ch•noee In pM>grame ma)' be seat while DorotJut vacaUon~. : "Not •II of any dre1m can : p. m. n J:A..A. 'The made. 8:30 p. m. KECA. "DeadUne" ~~ ever come trve. eut 1 know Greatf'st Story Ever Told." Thla which ls Dick PoweU'• newspa· J) ···~ that thl ..... ,t 1 h prtze..wtnnlng BlbJe story pro--r yarna. forme,..., called "Front .t;'4---~1-P,..W4!-Io 1 "" or-m rage 11 gram returns to the air follow-"Df"ar Heart What Mlaht Kave .~ 'v mort reality than moet vlaloM. lng \'&t'atlon. Jkoen... "Who ls Sylvt&," ''Sine Page," with a new name at a You can dig rootl lnto a M\all 6 00 Jl. m. KECA. ••Jngt'nl Me To Sleep." an4 Waaner' new tt~. '"------------------------__! ~m,mu~t~~ ~~ .. can lfeel and Jootnal" Is &pin featur1n1 WaJ· ''Evenlnf Star." &TRECT IIGNI NI!RDED U~ AND COMING TOWN .,... P•• • '" ....,.... a P aoe: you ter Winchell, who ...... on v•ft•. Klwuls Qab It Told fl I t..... t .. ~ .. ..., ,... IW1I......-~r Editor.· DEAR EDM'OR: ower n '"' warm" .,.. tlon up until last Sunday. MONDAY, II:PT. 1S. uv.'t Be Yo.r Ap' trteftfthlp, taln oonflcknce.. 6 30 p. m. KECA. 1'118ter 4:30 P. m. KNX. ""Club 1.5". "Don, tit! your ace .. Ia the 'J'he t:ilu.n. or Cor.m.a ~Mar m! = f~ln·~ a rewtt of being VMful. Culld returns to the fall net· '1lte Andre'WI Sllte.n Rturn to w.bject of the lldd_,... «fwn at ..ern to tfttnk tbat tbe new tNf. AtiL, ., Mn.. Mamf~d and "In other -rda. 1 thlllk work With a adaptlon of "A lkl1 the ntdlo alter a Jenttby tour the Newport Klwa.nt. Club lun-':,c lttta ..,. jult tine. ~ looked U'OWlld aut ~m~ ~: t7'.: e:,;•~'~U:t -=~.: For Adano," starring Robert of duty ln London. ~ wbkb cheon today f f'ticS&y) by Riley ~~y t~ ~ csowr: ~~ wttiJe ~ hH'fo and ~ thP MontgorTI('ry. lfrTM" the rrotrnm dltft'tAlned a ~. prutcknt of S&t~y · c • earw ..... ncwtp buJit ,.~at 377 ft-0- thlt 1 eometlmee wJ.tt 1 we,.. R·OO p. m Kl::<.'A. Drew bevy of linatnr f"l'):hcementa. atom. 'T1w luncheon will tit! at pf'deatn&ns to ero. the hlah· lt'tlia ror tht-I'\'Utlft ,~'; th~re.". PrarMn T'f'tums to his .... gulu 8:15 p. m. KNX. Jack SmJth 12 15 p, m. at tht-Roarno~ me "'~· ltlou~ht that Corona ctet Mar Ia Vnu m1srllt mnkt' nnlt nr thr v.'ftkly IK'h~dul(' tnttrtal.-n vt' da)'ll a 'W't'k in Newpor1. What Wt' n~ now ~ llrftt re.Uy thf' ~ k1. ' Mm• nt t~r "'"'''r "' thf"'<' t'Um !l15.Jl m. Kl:CA. "Wt CAre." with a mustcal &how. Ht''a ~n G\K'tltt who ha\-. bHn Invited alma. espedaJiy at ~ ~ ty and r('fl{b. ·~= ~~: ml'nt~. tlt·t llttvo }""· nn• t,nunrl to E<lwvd ~ ata,.. In a.no4hh ~k from a IUfnii'Mlr ha.ltu. f*-*"f'nft fnch:n1~·· Mlt)'Ot' Ofctt ln U. hlp-.y~ '!bey ahouJ4 1W. tnwn"1lft the-cout ot ~ l-r ilr nT rt nc•un II,. •~ .lni'ln LAw-r.llrrtnlt dmml\ Cntlll~ "Mr. abcM.tt two WN'b. ~kt; R.llph P . Mltkey, Pl'f'tl· bfo 1"rlfe ~nough and h1Jrh t'nOUI C.Ulomla. lrr, 11 M•nn•·~•tll·~t" Yttrkrr If<' Jonu ("hl\n~s m, Mtnd." ~t of th• N~rt HArbor IQ that th4-d:rtwr can .-e th m Cood Jude and ('.'l(Jy rrowth to I' tmnc: tn milk" hi~ rwtrk "' II !1.00 f'· m. KFT. ''Th(' 1'(-1 TUI£8DAY, ll:ftT. t4.. Ch~tmhl'r of ComtlWI\."t"; ftarry AI ht> approacMt a COmt'f'. ~ Enatrn hort~m~J'Ih"r nf tl'lr Attrllltt""''~' \\-11· phOfl~ Hour'' Jl""-ntlnc Juclla 9·30 "· m. KECA. '1lt-ealdatt Welt-h. !I('('J'eta.ry or the-<'h mbt'r MRS. Cl..ARA AXTATER , . SAM J MAN :nE'LD l•11nl l.lnyd rn~nillfm H1• hook Hrltt't:~: II$ Jtlft''lt fll>lols1 playlna tn Hnllywood", Thf! n w <"m~. and Win Sanford. pl"f"<111C'nt of GJ3' Poppy Avt'ml 377 'P otn ... tti A '"111 '" p11hll•hNI ~"!"' thr ,..~"tt"' f>nnt'f' by Khatchatur-Jerk Mc£lmy, oftldalJy take. tht' fl<-AII)• Bon rd. CqTOn& cSe1 Mar Q>rona. dl'~ M;; ... .. ~an ttw)"~ ,.,..~ Scold~ ~~ IJ)CICiftfUl 11 ~ a Dl~: e-., u~oe. aconN. laddJ.e''. ts what Mrs. M.. hall-nothlnc UScotd\" about matlh ,.Ut.Mt. T .. au In ~ C. Wlllon may. la\~ tOld he-lhaL u~n or frylnt ,a.n In cnndlon, 8obb). when W was Old C.untry ftedpea mcft~ irlppfn.. GI'UM a dolne 10me baktn& prtor to hf'r Mra. Wl110~'1 dau&hter la her· buln aM put In ~ mllltllre ~um to Edtnbw'Ch. Scotlaod. a Rlf a Scotcll lus1e and haa about ancS braWl\ In t~ •"'•n or In "'~k aro W~>·· hn ~ many a cood l"t'!dpe frent af the fire. For Mra. Wloon did ~ from tiH' old country. f"or lhr We •.uspect Miss Pr}~ Intend. eooJdn& of Mr oath~ Scotch brlt ones she rfvH ~t to a to .u.rt with cooked cabbace an<l dl.sMs thls INI1\~ wlille ahe wa!l UUie cooker) book published In potatCA"I \iiJtlnr her dauehter, Mra. Phll· Edinburgh by thto Seoltllh Wom· ~tany of tM Scotch ~rt rec- llp T Me)~i"'. 503 Goldenrod e11'1 Rural InstltutH. This book IJ)8 art! made with b1t-ad erum~. A\l'., Corona Ml Mar. ran Lnto Its fi1'lb edition ln 193& ~v.f'4?tt>nd and dr~>~ up wit}) One of ht>r own favorite r«l· v.·lth at lt~ut 10.000 C'OPl~ per Pf'l ~ caJil'Ci ~Buttem~Uk Girdle ed.IUol'l ., you can ~ n Ia wt-ll O Srone•". The name <.:Om" from ~~"~ ln Srotland. Eftlittmenb ue tht-Srotch wont tor ariddle, and. A('('Ompan}1nc the ~IP" art ,he uyw. ··~hey are llne made 110mv rood old Scotch mottoes ~·lth your Eood Amertcan buttt't· and proverbs auch u : T I H milk". We aff l:.cllned to ~ "lome ha.e ~at and canna eat. 0 ft(feate efe a tter tutlng one of her llt'Ones. And aome can eat that want It; J len! II how shf' mak6 ttllem. But we hu meat. and v.~ can eat, •, lb. flour And ue the Lord bf' thantm.." 1 le,~l teaspoon baJdn1 aoda Visitors ·to SrotJand wtll teU 1 le,~l teaspoon <:Nam of you that 'one of the bf'st parU tartar. of a meal 'fn that bOnnie land 1.a Pl.nch of c;aJt tM aoup. ~del the lamillar 1 o~ of shurtenln& ldze of Sco~h broth one of tht-\"&rlf'llf'S v. .. lnul t \'OU mar find Is "Cockaf' LN'klf'". •RuiiPnnllk The <Urec:-uons ar? alm~M S1ft df'} lnJ"n>dlt>ntl and mJx COCKlE LEEKIE: Ute t h li'OU$:hl~ Ruh &hortf'nlng lnl•> 1toek of an olcS fowl a nd cut fl'lur and cui v.llh knife Add ad.. to huiiPrmllk to mllkf' 110ft dOulh a cSor~n leeks ,ancS .. Holt o•1t un llj!'hll) Clour-(1'(1 ho"i"\.1 atoek · also a donn prunea 11, .1 1.11 r•• r•"•nd uf , mch thirk Boll t ol all are nicely cooked 1 1 ,_ t •ut tnlll f'll!hl l'if'·shaJ)("J pepper ancS ult to \Ute. ThiS e~n b~ ""~cSe w oth a marrow fr''"'t'" J~kf' or f:' on a hot bone. J! t 1•! J11• '' hlrh h,,, h.1rf'l~ bN-n The Ftrst lnfranU"} Oh tslon and tb~ \' S. Constabulary an o~nln& thPir ranks to total l'tran~ra Authorll' hu JUst ~n """-'" ~ b~ 54-r fl'&n t J \\' Shorb In C'harllf' of t' S Arm\' and Air ForCI" rf'<'rullln~ In thh arf'a to f'nlt"t ml'n '"''h or wit hvl.ll ~raor '-4'r' l<"t''" r.,, • he ~UJ"(If~t>an Command w11h Jncllal a'"'~J:nmt·nt tu 1 h• ' ' ''"' .. Th1 :annuurn no II' • •• ,,,.,. • 1 1-J IO .. 11'1• UJ' thP ll'\"fl1 IJrf'll>ol''ll" 1 aN> rof l'n 1'-ln ~'"'" 111 f•r,T'~f' ( IJUrll, ~., "n', -~ ' !'rf'l ~~ 'hi j atl'a "t'lf' f'r.ll<'io'<l In •to .\rm :o; :1 A•t 1-"<1« •1un· ~ ,\uo=u,r tf ••l,llt""' t'<•t l•tl•t 11 rr.o ~ ........................ #/ -------tSa.rprieeBreehiMt · ~ ~ brft.ld .. booortaa M,.. J J ! \'lrJirua ' Shirley .... Ia•• F rua~ ~rnln1 at ~ rl' &n!nr '""''"' :'\f'v.-port h! P .. r ..... ~,.! frt m all the \ truit or J•m Such • d,.. the t.rttle, • dJah •hlr>- ~ ln.mwof H ttnes:t restaurant&. th .. t.JUle madt with btoYo"' rr llnDc:b o1naes of th~ El.rl W Labor Day •'t'ek~od ·~ Btual:fv.•~ Santa Ana four room r~-o l'lftf'} cmr-u.nlt 4~,.111nc a t ~ Pupp) A\ • .. 19 000 -,t.anJ~l' rt'&.l f'SUie ou..qn"V pth-pan>nlly rot &h.a.rpl) Into t.\J. l!l a N "• b.<J f r-t-H t.o Mra ShiT-~ of buUdlnc s-rmh.s 1or w 1 ~ ""hr. ~a· ~ '~'l'lrust fir•t """'k of &optember bt'caUM' \" .r Sw nwn ltlb \'IC'tuna. a,..wn area41 'trln• Uu • layer af •rawn brutl<rumM. • layer of rrtrawberrl' jam. a layer of vratad c:hocolala. 1.1\d put wtllpped ~am • ., top. Let :t ltal\d for •" hour IH' two bcfol"e """Int. and ~rto an tv '1r Stanley lor thf' w1"4"k 1 totaJ ror an !•t th" M'\of'ral _,#' 1 c:th· ,f :-.=~·port &-ach v. .. r.nl\ C"t) •a \t .. a.a twv·<'a.r ~&.raJ't' at :.t3:? Pom MilA AH•, $800. Before w~ leave• tht Sco~h cook book, there l.a a motto with· 1M'Tlt ,-, o ••,. ••aft pr~t· ~ • h ~"""' to I f • QT \\1l. a lil\'n <"rra"" aM Willi an1 lra\ w t t't'l~f11">ti ff)r I',. tJ('I':~~l?n lltr antl \lt • Shlrlo. o:trf' m'''. InK .aor: ., • \1na wh"l<" t.f' ha1 bull !I• y 1'1' • '•ar s tv lu.ltll. ln ·h which can wtil be a bou.e-.. EV. WI-IEEL EI'I IS AWAV wUe's gUide to JOOd lhopplnf and ON TWO WEEK viACATIOI\j ts. perhap5. an lnal.ebt Into the l.amoua old Scotch phJlosophy. It Rl"' P 1 \\ •,.. .. r ::-,,,~·tr o! P)-. "Economy l.s not how tJttJ~ t}lt St JIX'"l E~lSC'<.Jpa.l 'hurch one can &pend. but how wtsc>l) \.,. U1•J 11 s~or: r11r.~ a two one can a~nd It · >~.Hk '""''I(J:"l a· Jd.PV-'lld w1•h Or u 11 mtrht bf' sa.ld v.ith hla v.,fo• a·H'I d. JJ;r.,f'r Purine )frs.. v.ru..on'l mUSlcaJ naU\e hti a~n<'f' t"a· n•.on Lle!o of S• Scotch Lnflf'ctlons . . . lt s no' Paub. < ·a• hf'dra If lf.ls Aq: ... ,... what we hat but what we dae 111111 tl•k" hi'-~>II~"" R1' \\'hl'f'J· "'"' ~o~oha1 v.e hae that count.a." er wm rt'lWo Se1• 1" i4 2:1S Tille C'Ompa~ "-'l't: $.:'05 ';'(1 fur the llr•t "f't>k or AU•"U•I r.onl~ t~ prrmlt• ~C'r~ \A~ f"1 !.Jr r:urona C·l 'ltllr Mn,•r•J• lhlbtt~ laland Permtb 1 I !' ••me;~ 113 Pl' rll A\t f out "'" r• •u • l(l~ ft!l''·Uillt "d : ~· 111 ll PE'~l A\t• s, ... :oJ t "n du11r.~r thE' l~os• "'"''k thf' ,...11m11•~ alup" , ~~"~ ("' A At<.t'l,un t our ror.m two-j.lllr~ w ·h 194 S'50 ·durin C'Othe 6101')' O!'lf'·~olt dwf''llne at !-11.10 Jtmf' ..,_., In AuJNst '1 n! ,..,, IS Ba)· f'Tont $4 ,800 ~~~po.,t111'r fl~tl"f"" for n .. lt.n Amw'IJ! th,. •1ther ~rmll l.i'IU ,,.J.u.-.. "-<It! Sl3.100 and $:r.~. M fo1 ~f'wpon Beach \.\OlU one . Corona cSe l M;ar Pcrmttl CO ON TRAILER TR IP Th" ! •lit "'lnr. !"'rmlt~ wPr" I'> , ... ood f r r •ror.a df'l ~1ar dur1nt 'fr •nd '•1 r• Han> A Staudt ·~" l.a•l W'f"l'k : 3Hl Marltuld A\f' · C'oMna de-l Gllt>f'n Bart'1"lo 533 Balboa St -.1ar l,.f \\ f'tinma' tnr a trail ·'"''a 'lf'A. (1\f'·!"f'.om nnl' ston r~ 'rl~ to ramp P..lchar<hon In or: I' unl' d'll. f'llln~ at 516 Mar· 1 I~,. Rt"-'w,J()(!f Th"' l'>.pl'<1 to J:'Uf'rltf' A\ e., s::;t ,(A)U. (>( hen ~ h~ thE ~ t er 1 O&J 1 o! Hr~ ilnt l,.r.. ltanton, 2'139 S. t mbn for an l'ttllnaled rt8.JDI to Dr. and lr& C. 1-Lowman, X. A. ~f' N. for a II\~ I"Ot'rn. ~'OoCDiy dv.t-llJnl at 2511 Be:-"&.bure Dr. To Left and Daughter Thr l"$1atr of Oonald V, 1111 • <mona d( I Mat ~tor, bM two. n 1.-tt to hl1 !Kin and IIAQ&b- lt•J al'('OI'di'lr, to a ~tit.lon fctr 111 ut.-w uf his will, fUed lbl. >~.~.k In Slln1a ML Th,. 'II. Ill oa.mi!d [)loan Tb.a.l.cbo- ""' • Jtmm) • Conklin ol South l.ar-una ~nf!S Mra Shlrl~ Odtak· ltn, Phllllpc: of l..a&'Wl& 8caeh. C'onklln til~ Al.ll at bla homf' In th~ Loultoe A~ 308 Carnauon A'~ Hf' bad bleD USOC'tat~ \l.ith ('lonald R. Leo 11 tM T&\f'n\ R.Pah)' Coti\PUU' un Coas\ HI.Jhwa). 1 '"'""' w 1th f,1t Allrt\\ to ~1'1 Fnr a ~ood lhkl.. liOU!l whu h a ,,.,., oh•llt:lll' ht"'''n on onP \UU ma\ want 1 .. UM' .u the matn ~~ l•• '" fori' 1 urnins.' ~i"h for lunt•h or upp4.•r. thf.> \11 < \\'IJ,,.n ••riJ!I'lalh J:::l\'1' US $t'OIC'h <;(IUf'l Cllllt~ ~HutC'h·POil•h' 1 hr we'll""' n"' • 1 tf'a .. 1J()('nful of m&\ tlt' madt' whit mutlon or l>:lklna: ~~~tl~ anti 1•11•arn 11( t;utM. w1th n<'Ck of lamb. whl<·h Is an ""' w,. round uroon w atrhine hPr l:wx~nsive me.tt at IO<·al m11rk t hat " "tf'a11poonful" In F..dln· t•ts. II usea; as wldf' an u >oOrt hur~h m• 1n11 hl'aplnJI, whll~ a mt'nl of \'egetablf"5 as ~<ou C'an I h •lnl t' \\ t•l lrl \\ I II otlit1 '1 I t'f' I 1111''"' 1 he nun ,,.., ,., 1.•1•~1 10 tl.t• "IITI< )11 II•Kl tr 1 ll•• .ond 1 ~r; ~ I h•• )o'IJ.:h'll • 1-"lr•t . I • · '''"" ~ !\ Look Here You wOultll'l't e~ to fend baroaiM In aueh a thlno at Ch,.lltm .. e.ardl at thlt ~a· ton. but that'• j\nt ~at -·re o«tr11'1t' We'll otve you 20 per cent dl.count Ol'l all of our Imprint Chrlltmn e.arde If you'll h\K· tte In and order them before October \!rl After that. regular price To keep you from ltralnlnt you,. brain to figure out how much money you un MVe on thla d.-1, here le how It w0r"'e: If you buy U werth of card .. the)"ll OMl y.u _..,Y taM. If you .,..,., ~ _,.h, YW .-t them fw .. If .-u N.ve • maft)' f .... .,. ~·t It tt~k• ,,. WOf'th to .. .~. yeu oan ... tMfoft ...... fw .. "-thle .,...al -"•r a,. ,,... .., .. ... '1"' flf Chrtllttft• •f'41 tNt lel...,..ftt· ... wtt:ll yew ........ 0. the ett1er ICIMI, jl.t -k. ·We'll .. ak .. ,_ aMvt ........ ,. erel ...... -.. ,_ ... . He,.. le a falftt .... fll tM klnft flf carcle ,.u cel'l nM amottt the ._\HI,,... flf 4e· ~9'\8 -have far Mle M · tWMI'I I'IOW and ~r 1S: There are a lilt flf .....,. •· peclally wertced out for ceup- lea. Some are funny, eomo ar· tittle:. tome beautiful and othere almple a ftd on the for· ma l aide .•. There are c.arda Intended to be Ml\t by ltlntlt mel'l. Thoy match ma"y kinde of pe.-.onallty, bU.ll'lew man, playboy and even, er·wOif! .. Same thll'lt 11 tf"Ue for t he l!'l«lal eard1 Intended fo,. elng· ole glrlt ..• There are even c.ardt made up for a boy or a girl of orade eoehool age. othere for high eoeh"l age .. and there are oome rul clll· llee for whole famlllee. tome have ake~hee of all tM mem- bere of the family, lfteludlng tho Nby In hie tilth chair and the .... aM c.ate . . . . ottlere ,,..., the ... ,.,.. flf a ll memiMre flf the family In a clever arn~...-ft'eftt .... ar~d t...,... 1e a 4ell-"tful .. ._.._ flf ....... ~ •"' "'-""' "-.. ,..,. "-'-" ...... ,..,. ttt. felb at wofl aM woh • at~ numMr." We have .,.. .....,,.._ al· .,_ ef _,. ~... by w.... tfM femaw IIIYIItf'Otar ef ahlf4f"tf''l .... TMy ,,..nee wttfl file h...,..,._ afll· mala. all ...._ ., 11'1 fletNay ..... TMN .,... ,_...._!Mftt ..... Oil,. tttat featvN ...... y ....... .-.. ,.,.,. .. .._ . . . .ate,. ctlet ,..,,. -..... fer tMtr .., ..... ~ .,. • l'lllf'I'IMr flf '"'" ... .-..... ef ~ .... ,.;.. by .......... ,... ,.....,. a"""' . . . tMre .,.. 0 1• ... ,.. ............. flf .. ,.. ... a ............... ., ..... - ~. ef ... kt ... ef .... 1, atuff, TMfoe ........ .... laity ••t~~r ttl fw "'-_... ._. ....... .,. ltve .,. tt. '1'1 fMlt. I j.-.... 't --~ ,..,-tl f1M &ftJ _,. ,_ lib Mttw . ,.,....,.., All~ M"-.. 4e t. ... ~ to ,.r Mftt -" le 1ft ,_.,.. aM ,._ ,_ _,.r IM· feN OctaMr 11. ~•.t4, R>p&le" ~ lftaC:'' ~­COeTA UA PRONE BEACON eo:M find $co~ Hotctl Poteh I lb. n«k or tamo 2 roups \?~abln 1~oung carrot~> and turnips cut In 41~ and sprigs o f l'auh- OowPr o llalf a ht"ad of lettu~ Onf'C'Upgr-et'n~as On~ NP lima bf'ans A fev. ItT~ ontors 2 CIU""rt.s wat•r 2 tf'aspoons salt 't tt>upoon pt>p~r 1 lt'Upo<ln SUJ:M !'< ral'f' wipf' and Jtolnt thv lamh. or uk your buh·hpr tn <Tack lht> boh es for you Put t-,,, ll hm~· .tn I •)"'''' ~11.. ·" , ... ,-• hal N'l'<trd tn htl h world war~ P. llttr1 tndu•lt"~ 1 '> :rwrr.hl•r s w hu "l'rt' awltr<lt"d 1 hf' Con~:rt>~lonal '.lt'dal or llonor In t hf' la"t w at . ) t l._ t hf' Olf'l<' I c1t\1Cittn In I hP ,orm' Thf' ('unc.tabu.an Wb r .. unt1f'd tn Juh 194~ ~"" th .. hii<IC' mT~qon ol 'IK'Udnt: I S :ntl>n'i't ~ In thE' Aml'nnn ''""' 1 .. t1on 7..ont-1n rA>rman' 1-:nlr Ill'""'' for the·<.<' qrlt•H·I.'· :ttlon' arl' 01 a qtK•ta ba'<t>< ll• • c-nroJinl! In s... Shnr b \\ hn~· or 11•1' 1., 11 I"•· :'ol urudpal Plt>r ~'"" r"'rl .,.. arm' 1 ~ .. "Wl u r. u I 1n~ 11~ .-rrurt• : .. "-tun· ~· ·m~t., , tluntt'f"l ''"•"''!'! rnt• a• po!<S 11 ,. 1n nl•ll•r '" k••Pp I<• a mln· :mum •h•• nun,,.., of m•·n In be• ,~, -r'•'-1 tt• ad•1•"t Into a pan with C'Oid ..X<1tt>r atSd Bo'-•d WU~ Offi<."t" aa.lf'. bring to a boll. a.nd ~>kim J Add pt>pper PffPAN' the ,t>.,. Open.s in Crown City tables; 1hl'll th~ peu, and skin 11W Rt'Tlf'ral lnotUrlnt'\' nfftM• nf thf' beans; all~ the onions, and Roh-f'r1 L 8o)d ..,.. .... opl'nf'd 1\.1('~· cut lettu~ In shreds. Add all day at 1211 C'oMt Hl~th>~.ay 1r the '~~blee e xcept peu, Itt· Corona del Mar ·~. and eauunower. and slm· ~~~~ "'1th &) d lrt! he• rMr until meat l.a tender. Add son. Jadt. ln lnsui'lan<.'t'. and Olo~u·· remalnda of ~tables 20 to .30 IH Dennison. rnl est.atf' brokf'r minutes befo~ tl'le end ef cook· Dmnaon's .....,f'K('nt.ath·e 1n th4: lnr time Caccordln& to apl. office 1.s Jack Cl'ftn. a1es man•· Wheft r"MMly. remove the lamb. pr. Add the aupr to the aoup, and -----------.sab It up. SerYe the lamb lf'P' ara;,ty~ the ru1 f~ BROOKINGS Sc.-ottllh d.lsb l.a the lfaUIS. How l'\"f'r, r'm ~ you would he\~ to sptd.al order a ·~·s pluck .. befort! you could buy It at dtl'l· ~ Ba.l~ lsland or Corona Ml Mar market.&. And m"hlnks rou would h&\~ to be a n.tl\'e Srotsman to go to thE' troublf' ot cooklnr the Haggis. although t am told that the preparation '" not 100 dUli<'Ult alter you if'l on to 11. Cook For S Pereona One section ln the Srottl!!h Rural Women's Jnstltutt'S Cook Book Is dt>\'otl!'d to cooking din· ner for five pt>l"''liinl for thn~ days from ah~p's pluck . H might help N1 dawn thE' C'Ost of Uvlng ll you ca~ to try 110mt>· thLn1 dUferent. Man) of the book's ro«ipes are based on mut ton. kidneys and min~ st~ak. but a mo~ unusual redpt' w111 tell you how to cook a she't'p's d. Cabbace and potataft art! two of the most familiar "~letabiH ln ~Uand. Here they art! com btMfJ 1n a recipe contrlbul~ to the rural lnstltutes book by Mary Pryde of Larco: C.lcal\1\aft 1 IlL .,,.n. ""al .,atftlea .. w petat.e an41 c.a•uoe. 1 ..._ ,,..,lne to t till. v .. etabl· -. ,ep,.r aM u tt. • • • roRE 101.c:o.AIT HIGHWAY CORO~ A DF.L MAR Phonf' Harbor fi50 • Hen-I A Complete Une Of TA'ftONERY GIFTS CAltDS For &tter Gardms • Pl..ANTS AND CAJU>EN SUPPLIES • LANDSCAPE DESIGN It UAGikUC"'''IO"' • A COMPLETE n.owER SHOP SERVICE • Corona ~~ Mar tiN/Ill 111111 Apricon ....... c • ~ .. • ~ ~ • :-4 ~.oc·~ • Apricots .. ~ Apricots ....... v-..... •J ... c, :....,_ l.-.,.-..! .. f'<" • .~or.. Peoches Peaches ~ -.... •' ~ • ...,_.,... ~Qr '~ :·,, Peaches frMstone Peache-s ~C..O) .,_ c.-.- Frvit Cocktail ~' bet Cherries ... ::-...... .._ __ ,,.., . A L.!-... ""' ··-~ ---,.._, ~ l ... llc• JO •• ·-,,.. .. ·~.: •. ••• 27• .. " .. .. ..•. ·- •• iiiled .Nice =~ ~.:.· .... ~--........... •~><• ,._ fr . J . .. •• ""~urt utee r'"'-' .•• --.···-c-. tO.• Gtopefn.tit Juice .!::: ~.~ -···-.t ........ Grope Juice G«<pe Juice ,,.., ........ :4cl Prune Juice o.---·-0 ... .e-lf'' o.-..,, Prune Juite s--.. , ...... 24~ .... tlllllf. rEIITIIlll .a......... ,...,_.. ,... II• ,..,.,.,...rogus A• ......_ '"' .... T omotoes '1.'::::: 2 ~~.-:: 31• T .. .,._ u .. ._ .. omotoes t .... ~·_... - Tomatoes ~~·· •:;:• .. Del Monte Peas t:!.. '!: 1 .. ~n Gtont ,.eos ~f '!: fte libby Peas r1:Z. '::.· 1 .. Sugor lefte Peas ae-. -17-. ......,_.,.,., .. JO -·- Gorc:lenside '"' "-.-... ,_ ..... ..,~- Spinoch •--..,. ........ •h• Mft •• ,..,,., Dill ,-dta.. =. ~ lte Fresh c~ ,.,.... "i::- u..o- Pickled O.ili lA M • ,lflpen Tw- Peppeti ....,... u_.., .. u-. ... .. ., __ ... ... Hot~~·,,~ .. TOfMito S..C. .:::. I ~ 11- T~ ...... c-1~ aect Cheli s-ee ~ •:: a. -• ~-... ---._ .... . ......... The• 's n llf •·c' ' "'r thAr. tiL'ht O')'lao t('t comrJIC' r ';'('\ I('> m alt sur~ that )'OUr food d Jt •• lt:\tl\ ...... l \';iluc '" C'\ n ''· rronv rq , c h~L; ltst (<)O(Jif\$ r<gulu " ~hcl: r" tl f, untl :u ,. •·Jr nt tt S"t. w~~ Th<'} lu'c bc:cn t.a.\.c-n JC 'r :nr-c-'' tt• r !" ! cho:-u -.:c- \\ :-...,, 1Tr '""-• em:,~.~·. th~ J'fl u 1tc-m f r ltf'!TI ..,1th th('r)C ft•und cl~ -.. !• .. :r Prv\t . ro ' ur~ 1 • a' l·~ hu"n~ J !! \ ..... r I '<I .At ).ltc..,a) you ".ar. l'nol.il ):.ili- !l l ' • U\ rlt'! u... ~~· :em t AA''fl8 .":l~ Tl Beef and Grovy e e~f Stew ' 37 luncl, Neat Lunch Meat lul"'ch Meat t,! ., .... 1!;.• 47c 44c •::: 45c 1REPA~ll 11111 (l,ili Con Corl'e ,, l •• c--•• 31 c .. . . (hili Con Corne ,, •• ---28C' Ch1li Con Corne ,, ..... -39- .. ..,. :.o-c • e-""' T omoles 'r.' :: ... i"'.!'..,.... '.:: 1.0- Tomoles ..,_,_, . u ·~--.. Tomoles ~...-.· .,., .. ~-.. Moco~oni ,.!...--:., .,. -441 ... lovu..l':s ••-• a.. .......,. • .. " • c~<'-.,_ -..- Spoghetti-Meot loUs I '!.: .. ,.,...,~ ~""'< ~ 0 ... "-:•~ Chicken & Noodles I I:.;:: zs• ... .. t ... "" ' ... { ~ ~· Chicken & Noodles ••,;• 27c (hiclten Fricassee ;• ..... 87• llliK111T 111•1 Fori no Moho Meal Wheoteno Cornation Wheat 26• .... 28• :: .... !. 28• .:s ..... .:• .. I I ., .... tac Q uick Quaker Oats •• •• ""' 37• ., Quoker Oats Mother's Quick Oot\ ,. .. ·~ .... ~ -..,-~ ~-.... - Alber's Hominy Grits American Cheese Pimiento Che-ese =~:·"' Amer"=on Cheese ~ct'll ............. ~~ ..... SwiuChMM ~~; .... Okl EngfM lr"ze Chee-se Foed "~ ••• Jlfl !.:! 1.11 ·~ 13- ~ 1.11 .. _ ),, 1'-a......·-...... ·~ ....... Uc1 ,.oiKt-ett Che.se F..d ''" ._ .. Sv'"')'Mnk AirwMt ~tt.., httM'• ...,. .. ';:" o.lrid. ~ay ,._ .. , ...... 11111 Alii ti/11/EI Peonvh . • . .. Monster Gum Drops Jelly Beans Oronge S ces HoneycC'Imb C" ps Peonut Clusfers Chcxolate Drops Swed1sh M1nts Cinna mon Imperia ls Tll Tree Te-o , . T enderle-of Teo L ,.. • l ipton'i T&eaa• ·~ ... ~ J • "'• 6k Pennont Teo ~ Cont~bury T .a ,_. ...... ·, ~ 'k '. Te .,derleof Looton s Canterbury Conterbury I • [ . . . , ........ ltc 1-~ 25• ..... ~ .... 25c I·· ... 21• I '-.... ttc I '-'-9 51• I "-'-9 33c ....... ~ '=. Ia- ., .... -11-..• ..... .. ~:-"1 .. "'~~ .. 1 .. ... , --••• ......... •• • JIMI 1111 Jtllltl Berry Je lly Fruit Jelly . . Grope Jelly .. , Grapelode ..... , Mormolcde • -~ ;:~· Mormolode .. • # t •: •• 23' -~lniMIIW Moyonnoise - t •-1 • .... C x ~nnoite ·-· Moy.nr.aM o-•• Solod Dreui ng o.-n. $olod Dr .. i.. ~- •0...• -•tc. • -;-\( So*' ~aiftg , ..... •0..... ... IOtt• .......... _,.. .. ,. .. ~ CIA•'> ~ .. ~ o..sing ~ t:-II• f: Sonctw Oct. ..... ~ 'i::" ••-,. l1c• Sot4.a S,W.ad .._. ~ SHC1P S:\fL\\ ... \'. I•En MilT Nllll Round Steok -~ :;:.- Beef Roost ~ .... :.· 1"~~ Ground Beef • "..."'~-.. ,. lom b Roo1t Por~ Chops Por\t Sutn P L So .,.,.,_.,., ._ or~~; usoge • ., •• ... ... ... .~ .17• .17• IT.ll MElT rlllll Skinned Hams :-::: luncheon M.ot ...,... Pure lo~d ,..,~, • ~-· .... ~-­.. .. ""', .. , .. Frying Chick..-~..::, Sot. FiOet • .=. "::'C::. Cod Fillei :;..-.:;.. • .. • 47- REa RNTI ~ rHITI.U G -----ropes t•· c ..... t.•-. ,_.. ... 7- 0ronges --;.-~ ~ s.;: .. J vice Oronges ':...~ .... "" '..,: 21- Bartiett Pe-ars ,,.. ~ • 1~ Penion Melons .. ;; : • I• Tomotoes ~ Q Cor rots -_.. ., ......... CouliAower '",;...:·.;.;:;" Golden Corn ~ ·~ .. ~ Russet Potatoes ~.'.~ Bell Peppers ~,.. ... ~o;;:,, Crisp Celery ..:~""';' ~ .12-• s• . .. ..... ·:.: .. • I~ • 7• Rl,. •• , •• Sltced 8reod w':.;.., ~ 13-... ........ _, ··-· ..... -·.··· Crocked Wheat a--=-" ... _......,......_ 18~ Hew,o-rt BoUiev.,d, Cost• Met. . ' __ , lso '1\e Black Anow" IUH. CtartJng ,_..., Sept. tS Our ach~dult w ill be· ~n Ntgtltly at 1:•~ p. m. &uf\ifay C11nl1nuou. from 2 4S Mlttlnee Satui'Cfay at I :•5 THU ... FRI atarta WED Red Skelton Janet Blair '-mE FULLER BRl H MAS" -Aho- William Elliott Jack Holt Andy Devine Bruce Cabot -GALLANT LEGION" _I'"IPAV eM I ATU .. OAY Donald dOonnOI'· Martha Stewart •ARE YO WITH IT" AliO ~AND TID! MEBJIA(DS'' Out s.t Mat. Sf>nal ltfert. OWron ·Paul LUku EXPB " Aoo a-ian~ Const&ntL"e ~ wo~ cartoon Ne11P'JJ TUES. WEO. THU .. I . and C'O!tt'JIO -.cr.~~ o·Sdlt~.tac. ihL'~ trt ...CS ~ aMlit)' 10 f.!la' thfo rnJ aphurt plOt .... from penntal blll!ld--. w ldeeJ "ntrcout t"\Pf &Jot•arl.nc ~ \hat llt!e'm to truco. to t·tf'Gt I••~· ""~'~~ ,... ~'OWl• lo''"· . t:~nlld.ll-.IMnl'\lt to bar \lH"' It dt: ll deW With lM m n4 of a ~irl Scout Leaders a hta::h ..t~o Is t'Ont r·latlnc. f r fuwt ~. "W:f'... ..S tlndl II pl"t"ft) J"Otteft. althoucb do\\ ft ~~p In hi$ tleart hf' Jt C!D!I\1n«'d that It ll buu.tilUUy .ad. wbtlme- 1) trql<'. u ~u.mpJC!d b.) thr t.~JJW hco contf'tnplates .WdM "hcon all hos-of~ "'Y.U!VI" apln lft'ml lost. .. 11 tJ\tr>~ had bK"n a palr of t•t.rala ha the hou4Je. be u>-.. ''I'd ha' t' ~wn lh~m t.J\at I ~-1.-adt'f"lhi!J cou.rws, ioc:lud Ito :2 J' m for tilt> mort' t''f"'l • "ould ha'lt' &Joe It: ~ J would lDJc a C! h<lur l"'urw In buk ln·l ~ tnlt'l rfl"'dJ•u• 14'.trlt't'L ha' f' <10M It lwautltuJiy, too•• Ilia I lt',..,.,,.hip. Wt'l'" lltii)O~ All u• h m-ttnt:• ''ill bP lu!ll.l Thr'O\.IJ!!h Frank McJiup'a ablf' TU~ ,~ loti<>'''tnc thf' ~nc a: t hf' Amtrl n Ll-t:i•m Hall un cUn>c.-IJon thf' pla)' 1s to. ~Jth of "'' • ;111 5<-c.•ut Boa.rd of Dl· Ul tt<' Girl ~ ... u1 1...1111" Jlu ,..., " rmth aMI mt2nuaa .... wtek':t· Ia lwnv .-tt-d "hlth ma' two ll&ndlnr: \lllhout ~hk'h ~<I I luttt I u• thl• \t AI S&Jd )\r., Juan• bt.'f'lt lo.t. AI· t.h.-~pal IJl.l 1\t'¥\t'r 117 ,\J.ult•na A\f·~ artor, thf" rolf' uf ~at Mclll"f II• ~a I lar•d "lw I" :a ntt"mb.1 .eema lo h.\'t' bH:ft IJUidr for 01 tht> •. ,.. UJ I t...ud hlm: M l'fl sr:tg til• r•~be .. ur tht' Suooort c~" D~•ve Miller hou~holcl C'lln\ lnd.ntl,. to ,\ ,......., u11 , "•· ~ • ~ 111 tilt-tilt' and n.~:ht snt~· rt"-hf"&r11 ol ENGAGEMENT ,-IESTA--C:ruratlftt t~ en .. I*IIM"t e1 .. • P.r H.rt.t\o tfautMM of Mr. and .. rs. Ha,.olcl Ho~;,l\, SO. PoinaortU Awe,. C.-4J~I M.a r a"f! aart eel~ • ..., .t .. r. •114 Mf'L Lee .. Un, ~11 ~ """· ea ~ Is ~~d. -a part, Itt the 8.afboa aa,. Cl"* Meaocan Ffellta lMt latuf'd~t••o!\t· Pl"'turtd a ... uf\f tM t~••.e art a.rt .. , f\ LI«U ~-~OUM I ancl h•S f :Af11CleL ... ~· tlm. .&Alin. H E. Melroy. ,.,.ne,. •~~~. and Ml"' Melroy .t Df 8ovth Pu.actefta . Lee .. ltn: 1(,.. Ed KeMby. Ed Keuby. •~. and Mrs k eastw)'. fro<ol Wh<tl~r. arc: -'sler ancl bf'ot~·ln·law-' Mf'L .. ti"' t Photo by Bectcnt-r1 bo.AAM "'"II c lu IH :1\th• sup tM auclif"na.> l•or1 to thfo Cvmmunlt~ C'h~ A, :-.;at. ""' ry1:&1'd.J h dull' T h ~·r . ......,.] A nt"Y>' f't'Si(k>ftt of Corona eM far th(O bride of Carl Obt'rlu 'ft't' former JanM Lo• ~ Blakel) lJuntlncton Oeach and Mr. "'~ married Aua 2R at ''-'•PJ,.u• dt' San Anlonlon wt"dcUnt • h &Jif'l In AnahPim Mr-s ()b(>rto I thf' rl11m•ht~>r ur fr. an•J Mrs. B. II. IJiukt'l) uf Huntlnron Oeat'h. Th•• brldt'- .rroom 11 thf' son of Mn< Mary C'omqrto. 617 (.;ai'Oathm A~v••, C'orona df'l Mar . Att~ndanta at the.' wl!'ddlnc \\f't't' .MI Joan llt'U. M1.!.., ~vf'l~ n JuhNIOn. M r f'lvlorf'l 1 Jucl«'tt and Ml • Pat Penny, all of San ta Ana 11nd Ml lfani<'1 n... El ~ronte l:k'fil man "u \VaJ\t'r Hro\\"n ol lnt:I-"OOd. \\ho attcon<SI"d New. rw•rt llarbtlr J ll&h 'l'lth Mr. t lht•r1o \ 1\t>nt "f'rt' Buh I lovl ..__.,nta Ana I II< k P11rlo.o>r San ll:t·~·" and l'it•an F l1nn.lJ:iln an<1 llon \'au~:han lw•lh nr cw.ta ~1f'Sil Tl" n•·" h "'""' ar~> maklnt tl•t>ll homP at t.li <"arn6tl<ln A\i'. C'o1 nm\ dt•l \1ar. ~:;;: .. :~~~~~ ~~ 1~.,~Th: :s: !:t~u;:',h ~lt:m.m:~1 eac er 1v eet1 ng Preceue School Opening ''kkk..uff • t>rukfut for 11!1 '!2 tm offspring rn a Cftl\1} llt'm . \~-~-, .. -r ~~..., ..... 'am-"Ill ~twor on thfo Opt'nJn' da\· of nearl All tnC'hf'r~ ,.., the> ,._~:pon I '-._ ...... -...... ·" ... COM Bl •--11:!-t...~-•~ thf" CJIH fxr 11 antJ t>a~h tMa&rd manner Hl' ~ brlnp ~n I~h School Dts•r1t1 'liJI hold i•w ch~u* ••~ COrot~a I"' '"~ aft~a tht' lunU of 4U -._. __.~-.-UK' tr~>'Mht-1 14 111 ato uur and 10llcn '~ hOUR In on• lft~M> w~n hC" a final drscusslon of prob~ ctet Mar and Newport ~•• I u btot>n f't'aeht'd but thE'R For l TDIOil Hlp " bool h ... " COmt'$ homt' from • t th of Jill} a t a mt"f'tln• tumollo\\' •Satuc· are efven -P ... f., 'am{>S \llll co on a wait1n• list """lkl"ln" Is thf' rf' .. "lar bu~ 1 a l -~ ptcnjc "lllldft' W lriD~;" the .. .. r u .. ,._ Pn .. ·nt at th~ Thf'5day ~-IIC'il'M 11 f't'mi~nt of the early da} 1 In .,.,.,.,..lion fur-~ ·~ "Ill 11,. 01 .. ,~ kin 0T'"i('i'j;: .anfl "he-n \antnri~ o<'CUr, ti\Py <'hfl'dul~> for C'orona dt'l Mar and Mact tn Le11••n Hall 1be clURS wUJ bot' ht'ld 1'\an. day. 5fopt. 14. from 9 JO a m to 2 p. m. and Se-pt 21 &n<S r. at thP a&lrM' hour AJl dllll5ft \\"ill bot' ~ th~ dln!<'lion of Ent:u· U\~ Olrt.>ctor LorraJnt' AJJlf'S. ~.) "-ill be ht>ld at tht' Ame-rl can Lf.cloo Hall. ~f"Wpprt. ina of the e~t'C'Utl\'t' GJrl Scout da) .. of hit t'IU'ftJ' whe-n he .,.. openlnr u t I h«> ~-h<JOI term !\Jon cl.'f'JI'IM"n In lhf' mommte a n1 "til bf' a~f'd in the oi"Ck>r In Cal boa Island 5tudent~ ittend- board ~ ff t-tn. Chapma n. trs.,famow for hta portrayal of da~. t.nt' In th4> afwmoon, two -'l hi(h tht'.) wert' reaJUtE'N"d lng thf' Nt'wpur1 Harbor l 'nlon Dft'l'ff Mn Han f."). Mn Amt'C drunks Sa.>t Frank. "It takf'l ~ui)('rtnlf'nrlf'nt H 0 ErWcn W>n' o f hf"'l ~nck> In ,he mom Croa At Light fli~h School Mn E\E'f't'll :Sum~ .Mrs. How a _,ber man to play \IIW." has raJ'~ '~ ~·~1nr for 10 a an,; allfl onf' "' thf' 8 fi,.rnoon . <\>rona ~I Mar chiJdn-n who C11ror a del M a~ ard Pt>tcorwn Mrs. Edward -•••, arrent brothf/~ln·law. m at thf' ~1."\l·port School Reg-0 -~ton or ~nl1 l nd third 1~\f' on the nonh ~ of thf" tf'lnlt'af. C'oaJt Hl~hwar i :2S ~ Mr Ed" ard ¥lllt't. Mrs. ld 1 ,,s Ia 'Ied by Matl Me-l~t.ratlon tnstr"U\.1Ion will bot' Is-• . • • • rn..•J nlntr and one> < oa 1 Hlyhway \\111 t'roa lM Potn.ettia. Cout Hlchwa~ 7 30 Spaldln• Eastman. Mn. Russtll Huch rom! bomt' from lhf" sued. and tt>acht'rs \\111 havf" the in thf' aft('t"'l()()ft '!'l!h •a' at t ht' traffi<' IIcht atiMar~f'lllf'. COAst lllghwa) 7.32 A ~ Wine Sc"ut Troop Is befnc formed for J'lrl of 16 \far& 01 ol~ who ar~ pat"U<"u· t.rl> lntf"rest('d 1n an~uon. ~atk-n fur •rt· ntt"' group &J~ ~J rs BE-n Sp• ~<a!' .. :nd \irs. Tom m' Thoma .. Ciblon Mrs Waltcor E. Cole>. ll8..me pim\c ''Just a UttJe" mon! opponunll\ to lrt't their daS$ Enrwllmeftt Llm•le4t (. 'l•'t'ni'O':t t\\'t' Mn Slo\ il'r wd t•f'mlt'.at Pacific 7 33 t.Jrs Hubbard Hov.'f' ~,,.. Will ~r the lnOuenct> •'---Nat and ""om• M!'lld~ for next Wf'l'k. Tht> ~f"Wl))n Sdlool &lao will ll.at lht' chlldrt"n soould crou l&m Tru~t' &hd M \\" lb uJ&D ~~~tr lion "111 &tart at 9 a. onh \\llf'n a polict> offl<'t'r 1s on e atboa laland LaM • " ' ur dof'l • ma~lflcicont Job of \\1Lik m Man~\ at both the ~--port t: .. ,co otW lli"»JOn of ktndfortr•n 11tll \ at th'\t lntco • ._..Jnn to con· Topaz and Park 7 52 ~~ oft wath blr portion.~ of tht ""d tht> Cor<tna dt-1 Mar IChools. ~~ ~:~~m;:mu.;~ .. ~nd "~t ::; .,.,1· '"*' tnffu Coral and Balboa 7 ~~ AlllJ EMENTS ~ne At onco point he rt.N ~ar IIN:!ions wtll Wctn 1\les-Collins and Balboa 7 57 dramatkaJJ,.· from the dl.nner da\ momlnR 3('l a m at Cor· t"'o ~ of frnil v."''f\d and l'ultt.,.. t"hh•f Ho.tgkmson will AmMh'l'st and Balhva 7 59 LIDO F~•·Sat Lulu a elle lahiP anti dnnkl! a toaJt from hl.a -.. d 9 X tt\11'0 s:ndt':'l 1n tht m'•m1n11 aud a ''lm An t>ffl<'l"r to lht~l l'i'nlf'r Marlnt' and Park 00 bo 1 \\.._-• r--•J o na df'o .... ..r an · a m at · t'W t'lf' l'l •hf' a!tf'm00:1 for thf" limb that ch1ld!'E'n \\Ill ll"rbor Island 01 ••up " '"'" U>f' .. ...., ~ ft'• o!)r1 n \\'m~: "'oorl< wt I t>P <ion• at 0t"Anl!t' Cuunt.!> Alf'l'"l1 \lf'm t r.'ol; ,qiJ I:Jf' ltmJitod IU Ito ~~~ l . •' ~ \;,,.... 1n f1~mr ... 11 tot· ufft'l· ... •o •t:·• ~lr~ \\ hu (J4.,. ••' r.l..,...f 11J •' ndt~" J!l <J!Jnd "utk In H.f' The Black A r~ow Sun·Tue: Ttrat Lady tn Ermone. Wed : mt>nctratf'C "11 h tum ne rall\1!1 I Mrc Cra~('(' ~1''\li"T Jlnnl"r I ho uv" In~ to IN to M'hncol Thf' A.~ ShON' ~·(\1 ~al!.V"!> "Sou: 1, a hqwd, and Eatra s~n•ons Set n( lhl' Corona dd "•' ~houl lll'f•n•\.JITUJit hcotar-arft to ~ '<I Emb~ae~able Vou Bog Town After Dark llqw~ ,.,... a \0 ~ c•runk thf'l•. 1m • h '•'I\ .,,,,., Tht> ,.~rnl qid lh llt Cl•r.on .. dl'l \1•H pUpil• n lr. olll'i l l .Jil lu 11 K• a m 8ALBOA. Frc Sat Coro t>~~ G~e~k. Thunderhoof. Sun T-On An rslane Wtth You Wtd. The Full~r B~ustr Man Gallant Legoon nnthtn!: "'rona: m that It'! il • -•tnr nl 1•'• rhrno ao ohto ="--\olll altt'fld tho• lltlC'JIH•ot'l .. ,... Tt,o L'~'>un<J' hulhlm~ <tnd LOS ANGELES VISIT l'""'' m:an J r allln, l1 ~1n ~.rt "' ')PI• \\Ill t>t> a rn, .. ~, "'""~ llw rrn•rnm.: !'!.a ......, \\II: NfiJII'"" nl •" tho · C'oi'Ond riot \tar \lr 1111<1 Mr-II \\' Falo·nn••r P.o h 11 1 r-a1oabl\ "!lac""' O\ I Ill of Corona df'l :'\hr lf"3C'l f'l' 1.. I •r th•• duldr<•fi h •om Raltlo!>ll ~ t''"'l 'I~ \I llf-t'n l"f'adwd fur t hr 711 GCIId.•n rrlft ,, , , ('on•nll del \\'.ul \\,_.._, rc •h.; am tu "hun1 '' rho• 1 l'\1 ~I' 1 '" c11"'<'\lu 1-J,nd R-• ,,,n IL..\ lb' ~··"""' "' ''"' "1m II\ llt-11<1 Jan1tu1 \hr rc·IUI'Tlt~ th" "o ••k 11f1c·r Tr<•"l '' >-.,. r "unc•>d 22 MaNne., Here ;:-:, ,, 1 .. 1'1•·r .. .tr•• tlfotn,; oonucht for ti-t• J'l .. Sf>nMH • ·~•u Tn"'" tt •• \tnr n•• Tt .. •n ar~ at I If·~~.• ~ hlgt, "' hul ~~~ • lr. tt;1 .. lr "-'t ..\n~urw "h" ~~ In H'rt$1P. rn ""rl-;tr.~ \\ll/1 ltlt• j;f ••IJ'• rr l01<t lt•r :~.hlf "' \OlUfllf'f'r "CII kf'r l"aJh'H'II\ I• a'-1\f'<j lfl tVn· t;o~·t ~It J{a\mon•l llan o•\ "il•o "Ill• · 110~ uch a I•IY•I•If"'ll lit "I t••tdanJr prob-J!a\ :'t"•l• c rm1 anti o'll•l "' , ... ~ ·'or._ li••r1"'",'"rw1 hr" "'""tant .. p•n•ltnc " '"' rl.a,, tn lfK An· 1• 1 notrnml t•·alth\ '"" '•·' •'r.' ~t-, .... l.tsl "" ,·,.rc•n:t dt•l lltrr ••I \'had\\ld\ "tnr. Artlut pi• \lr F11knnt>r '' u bUJhhn,: jPot•l·~ A\• i·01una t!l'l ~Gr. f"'f"''CPP..-'1\ r lt><~dea. .IJif• iO\ 1tt"d I~> \ 1•11 t '"().hOUt 'r "" (JIJI'd jlntr••du[ l•m Ito r.11 , <;r< ut lntt" '"'t'"'·' \<1 !1 hf. twd ~·p• ~.,all l .JQ p m . Al10 1ndudt'd In thf' f('ht.odult' of ria!.~ '"' a \\ ork &nov on badge "ork "'hic-h "1ll IK' ~Jd St>Jol 22 from ~ JO ~ m. SU"F F,., Sat A~~ You Woth It T~t""l!an and the M~~· maodL Sun Mon: Berlcn Eap~ Smart Woman. Tue· Thu llrteet ,-~anll.enltt'tn. Trapoecl b)' aolton • Blaek1e. a1 Jt r •J:• "hPI"f h~> ·r.-a1 "" f) ·I li<•'} .. • • .. \\IJI h .. \'' '.I 1 d lll•h' r h"• n '•~I '' 1 m"l ll \lot .!l'' \\ '"~" t>r k ha .. llf'f'n r I' n •11l nwlot 1n t'nronn dd ;\Jar lhu.~ ,..:J,.a, , ... ,;" :·I t.l~ '"'"I''"~ •. , ~~"~~··r-::a'"'' ,., .... n~ ~ ....... 'f... Lt;l,~ll .l'('tl. r .... ,~ 1>4'"''"'-an., 1tan<U on ac; a mrart uf fllnJ:Iflf -.H;•nd a•1<' •1 tt l )!t.t Jf':C>. I !'.II'• '' • rt1 • I ki•H I"rJ:.lllc>n :...\•'1111 room" ••I ..,, •• ,.., lt,f\, h.!• d··futnn at 8 t-lud~ "~rid t• '" ' olf'l Mar School I hlltlt•,., \\II ... hnlllrd "' lfl rduJ "''"""', O"A NCE D"IVE·IN. Sun· Mon Hal!ai'Cf. "•w Deal. Tue- Thu. T he Fulle~ a~uah Man, Ttr~ Chec:"kcred Coat. F~l· Wltf'n h1c tnothf'r pla)f'd 11.' Stella Ra( finds ~ouch bouk<~ .... GIN CLASSES ONDA thl' Rut\."ll~at. Ceor~f' O(>manl SCHOOLS BE M Y Sha\\ and "that awfuJ Mr. WUdt>" 1n Rlcllard's bt>droom. It is c:&Uiol' Ollf'nlnJ: n ... • mbl) for &1\ldt>nts l••r IJ Camtl) cllsls. Msss Rae ncl tAc ull\ "' < )'fange Coast Col· Sat Fo~e•on Co~~espondent, $:1\t'S to thf' role> of the motht>r lrl!t ~"1 1" a ~-omocaHon ht>ld Stand In 111~1 11\t> rl~ht amount of shocked In lh•• t.UTti'U~> ~u<tJtorlum Mon "t4DVI E BA ,.N, Lagun~. uodlgnanN> and motherl.) unde'-,d.a) Sf>p• .. Mh<'r 13 at i a m Fro" lat. B•g Newa. w•th ~andln, Rf''l. 1 ··noi ,I 11 lllom.-on. JliU "obtrt A~mltrono and Car-Cathy C~ff 11,.<'1 1'1< re usual u1 , , ; mur 1 :!-Church. Costa ole Lomb .rd. Starta Tu~: fiM perfonn&nt't'. that """"·e now •teo-"' "111 cl• ll'l f'r tht> lmoca· Birth of a Nation. ~ tO ~xpec'\. to the role> of Lll)l, N£WPO,_T Pt:.\VHOUSE. :-.;at'a old·maJd U5tf"f', who hu }ol\·. Fr1-Sat· ~h. Wllderneu ! • .t'd Sid for over slxlecon ye&l'l, tM,t aurrlng ,-rank MeHuth. ..,'OO.t marT) him unJe.. a.. 19- forms and quJI.I 4r1nJd ADd llftb 0~ It il this SUpl'tiont} On NT pert lA La~u IJeM!h that mekf'S Sid dnnk all tht' l'nCift llw· I• ' '-'""' ll., nf thP Frr<t Thcoy both I<Wco t>ath otlM>r, ha\.'1.' Bapll~l C'hurrh of l...aR'una "11, lo\'t'd coach for 0\'t'r 16 )t"ars, but 1M' h•• d Sund&\ momin~E Mflrn· c:an nevt'r M't'm to reach a plant' of run ... cot thi> C"\lllt'J:f' prosrram ""'"j Th .. 11ut1cmt bod~ will bt· of. <>ilrnf'd MJI('("IIIll~ for !llu•lf'll( In t.d.tU.' wf'lromf'd h~ AC1tnJ: I( rKt and "'~'lf&rf' Th_. "Ill f'r;><;rdf'nt of thf' A..~'latt>d ~lu· tn<"luck> t~IJ('dal aspcoct~; uf thto tlt-nr Dod~ FrankJ~ n J fruza of ruldlUlc~ pn•£ram pJt·'i('nt<>d b> J..a~na J:>ach f'nos1dent of thE' Dr. JamM Thornton tht> acthi t) Bo.'\l'd of 'J'ntstef'S. Hubbard C l•t'OJrrnm outhnt'd b> Mrs. Mar~ llo" · and College ~dent JfOWf'5 f:\opan Clf \\'onwn. ~d nr Ba~ll PPif'r'IOn llu&>nt 1!0\'t'mmf'nt ani'S athlt'l it'S f'"CplaJMd b) Frt'<lt>rlck R. SPf'('ial musk for t~ occasion Hubt-r. 1'\ean of Mf'n \\'iU be un~r lhe d~ion of ------------Kf'nneth D. ~cher, hf>ad of Hlp LloBs Offldals thf' col~~ musk ~ll'lf'nt To Gl --....... t ............. ..,. ~ Uw pa<'f' for achool spirit a \'e A ... a ~ fACUlty quart~ Will lntrodU<'f" VisftoMI from rtwo lntemallonal and then Jnd the ltudent boch headquar\f'n of the Uont Oub In singing th~ ol Boettchcor'i par1k1J'IIIf'd 1n thf" dlnnf'r mf'f't JOnJ:s 'lTitt~ ~laJiy for Or- GENE\ FE 7(\'l mA~T Ill r. If\\' \Y Corona del M ~tr II \RROR 1 Ill:.' Specializing In Fl'ftlcb &! lta.Uan Dbmei"!J • CATE .. INC SEf.VICE C"omplettt Dt-liet1 tt"Hf'n Ftr)(' Imported WinN t t nE"" lmponed Foods lee A,_THU,_ For R-rv.atiOftl & aervlce • S_U_N_D-~-y-. _M_O_N_D_A_Y-----·IInJ! "vrchl~l "til tW' ar 11 a m understand.lnc SEPT£MBE" 12 13 and Sunda,_ 'i('hool at 8 :t5 a m Tht l't'Sl of the cast C1l H..,.. In, hf'ld \\'f'dnt'ada) f'\"f'nlnv al ane<.e Coast ~. thf" nf'W ~mo~ Caff". Nf'W· ,-...:..--------------------------. ron RECKI..ESS GAMBLER ~itt-. M()f)('y •nd Mcon · Paulf'11c> Cod4ard in "HAZA.RD., w1th MacDonald rllffy -And M1ghty Su~r to "T MEl"'' ''BA W DEALt• ~arnng Ot-nms O'KPt>fP Clair"P Tn>vor · M~ha Hunt Ca.noon "Boston S.Oany· .ac-nn'<11n~ ICJ Rl>\ Rumt'y E. man. NcoiJ ~.Marilyn Arnold Blark pa•tnr St-n left will bf' Orr't'n Brooks. Macy Lt'wia. Elinor hPid In lhf' "''' " Baril In the Schmidt and Dan Lmnard. C&IT)' 800 block • f • • 1 lUI HIRh>Aa~ th h wrth t'OnvlncJnc ~onn­ I..aJNna unlll mnr~> JM>rmartent &net'S, Mrh 111 a CJ't'dlt to th• f1Uar1rr8 aro fount! play. C) "Jont'11 c::n!ated tJw real· <~ntutron r•r thf' new ink f906 s 11.1 room ~ttinp rhurrh took pi "" S1•11rlllv at 3 But to brot,hen Mdlu,fl p m at a ml'f'tlnlf hPit1 at the> .r~ the n>aJ 't. for maldnc A M•mbl~ of Coo C"hur ch. La "Ah. uildemf'SS .. a play to .-njoy KUrt• Spr:mtiOrln~t lhf' fuundlng and l"f'mPm!M'r D. T . wa ~ 1 hf' c ·a h a I') Ba plllt Auocia • lion and r he Los Ancel cos Auo- TUES.· WED.·THURS. r-latlon of lh!' Bapttll Church 1 The nt>"' La~nc church al-IE.PT . 14·15 16 read)' ha• nf'all~ a hundred ~m ---R.I'd--nn-~tJ_t_hP __ bl-_1_' ___ b4on and 13 ca ndldatcoa for bap. as REO SKELTO~ tlsm. c......-.;:o VFTY • -.&.II&'.I Jl' '-l&.&.&r...llo Altf"f' a wHk of fac:ulty ~Unp BRUSH MAN" apport Pledi'Jd and admlnl.5trauw ~tMnU. C»Camnc JA~F:r Bl.AlR To Hospital Plaa Ji.u't)or Hich Sehool wiU be ~ady -And--Full C'OO~at~ with tbe pro-f«' lu first fuD day of claaetl ~ of the> Man who ~·,.. Jf'ct lor buOdlnt U. P rabyttT· Monday rnomlnc Wht!Tt an f!ntl· ''Till: tan Hotpltal f~ M area wu mated 900 atudents ,.,lU atart the volc.-d at the ......,. ol the '48-'41 ICbool ye&r. OOAT" Board of Dfn!ctOn of ~ f'W· Six N"W ~out rA a total T0t11 CQJ>way • N~n Nash port Harbor C hllftlber of Com· or 37 wtn ~ on hand, ~ to Hurd Hatlicold dt>~ Wt'dnnday at thfo Nf'W PrlndpaJ Sidney Davidlon An U · cartoon-"The ~ Huru" port Harbor Yadlt Oub pandf.'d clf'rk:al and butinf'u lt&lf The> Oran~ roaatal •~~~·• net"<~ lJ a.lnady at worltt, he Mid F",.I DAY • SATU"O~Y tor a ha.pJtal and the ~at &.I'E'a na... rarulty mt"H.IliC havco beoMI "unnlne te """ tenn, S£PTEM•E,. 17-11 whl<"h thf' ho11pltal would ~rve held for PUJl)OIIt't of ln&>ctrlnatlon "omero 1e out"Nfttt)' ....... ,. W W?l'"f' polntPd out /IChf"dules and a~tJ for leu • ,rln than e.tt)' Gretth • 4FOR8!::'GWNang•r p~sentt H ubbard HoW? ~pont'd on J"t'l(''f'd Influx of ltudt"nU In the to Oout lat Pelr'ltenk.. Jr. In ~~lola mt't'tinjl h<'ld by th~ Joint Pol· four·y~ar lMtltutJon. Harbor H igh "Th at Lad)' '" a""lne," tM OORRESPONDEN'r' Icy Comrnltt~. which lnclwtea alvew a eomplf'tf" eoww of ln~c-Technlootor mue~f .,•nine starring re,lrel!('ntatlvea from tbe city, tlon in (J'&dt>J rrom 9 throuch 12. Iunday at Llcto ThNt,.._ JIX'I Mc<'rn with LaraiM Dey tbe Chamber of Comme7't't' and :---------------------------, -And the J unior Chamber. Pl&l\l tor HOWL AT HOLLYWOOD! a aeriea of event• for the """ l..A-'111~ JjR_ward • Joan Blon~U 1n malnder o tthe ~ar ~n! out- u ~AND-IN" lined Til~ plana wtJI be •ub-mltted to tht' Clty Council lor furlMr' eont.iMratlon and apo proval. ~ .. O,.IUIIONAL T1tAIHtHO IH ACTtNC. ANHOUHCINQ, HEWSCAITt ... O, COMM£HTAT1NO, IC"IPT W,_tTINO, ALL ~HAI£1 0~ ,_ADIO THE IAOK LOW OOLOFRADIO (No c:taarre for pro(t'Mional auditlonl For "ppotntmcmt call &aeon 8301 1107 Newport Boulevard CottaM ... PI A N O In I 8TK UC TION' Your Home UE BEOlNNER.~ A ADVAN ENROLL NO\\' -fPO" PALL CLAIM.I 416 FERNLF.AF CORONA On. MAR HA .. 8 0 ,_ 11,0-W ... Tht' ~rtlt'Sts. who l!'a'l.? sh,.,n talks. "'t'"" Perry Metcalf. dl$- tr1C'I frolvt'mor from Sanrla.ro Robf.n Whf!t'lf'r. dt'pulv dhrt rlC1 ~vemor from Orantrf' rh~ Is sumrtlf'rlnJt at Balboa Island 1, and Ed Shaw. pu1 p""'dent of thfl Lon« &Hch chaptt'r of Uons JotematJonaJ. Bua!Ma o f thf' ~Inc waa th~ awardln~ or glftt ~d <1111-\ tlon• to A1 An~n of the Bal boa F\m Zont' ~d to Bf"n Rf'd I dick. Lucius Smith Jn. and Carl Vtm~n. local MWSmt"llt fot the aupport In the Uont Club, drive to raJ. fundi for ~ C1rl Scout Utt~ Houw for thf' Har· bor ~ .. Mftl'l~lp ~ .. ~ award· ed to Alfred Clbeon. Ou.ncan Mc- .llploe and L. E. Spraeue by, M~calf. Custody 0' the ~ .takll ~ a~ for hallhu.at'd aftelact. ance, •..-nt to W.nU Kaufman. 321 Ordutrd Ave .• $)1'01lC1etor of WaliJto'a Uquot-Store &M the l&tand Uquor Store, Balboa X. land ~0" GOOOHESI IAK£1 HU HtM TO 00 TO T .. MV"' P O" 'Jillr:bmr-e ,. e ~It* 11M T..__ ··~ • -c..t Hlpwe)' CO .. OHA DEL MA" '\ •ova L.OHC tLE£VE aovs LONG I LEEVE POL08RIRTS POLO HIRTS $1.19 llze 10 to 11 lin 2 to a A•t. Stripes •ntt Colo,... LAOI£1 ,-L~ ... NEL LAOIEI ,-LA ...... EL NIGHTGOWNS AND K ... tT NIGHTGOWNS EXT"A LA .. OE LADIE'B ~LANHn LAOtES HEAD PAIAJU.S LAOIEI ~--IHT BOIIBY SOX . 1~1 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa 8V Mftl. FLORENCE ANOEftiON I DHtT .. OAVI OF 0 THftEE TWO.Ml\.£ TRIP ICELE811tATED AT ftAIItTY Mr. And ~~ Eddie WN1 The And<>rv•n William home. Pmnr;..tlla A .e .. haH• n>t 12f! Marlr'Jl't"t{t" Av~ wu th,. ,,,.m a motor trtp w-nJch lAST~ ~n.-of f 'lth11ty on Saturday fl'lof' IH't'k.s and CO\~ 7.000 C"\f'nln!P &opt. 4. WMn 13 mf'm· t·llf'.., Tht> Wt'Sts art> collt'<'ton '"''" .1nl1 frll'nds met to t'Plf'brllll' ,,, r:u" ston~ rocks and dHt'rt lhl'ff blrthdJI~'! n•llv, Tht>) found man\ ft""'l· Prf'<'t>nl were f1ol"'f'nN' Pat, mf'n: . lncludlng mo aial du•- l·'ddlf". Guv, Ro,.,ltne a n<! Kathy In~ thrlr journey. which took Ant'lf'non; Mr<~. Della Wtlllams. them to Salt Lake C'ltv l'tah Martha and Wl\llt>l Coode. Chris-Rl'd Oest>rt 11.nd othl'r iocauona llan Sthlndlcr all of Corona dtol tn Wyo;nlng Nebruka and Into '\tnr ant1 Alll\n. Ht'lc>n and Helen l'>wa. Meeting Held By Star Club A lalrh •mall attl'ndan~ at I,. 11 1 ·tall m('(·tln& ol the lltut .... r Sl•t Cluh 14-U attrtbuU!d ltJ di\PI'!Ilnn• uf the holiday WHit r•nd. hut 25 membt'o. \4~r• p,.. rnc Tul'cda~ "' ... ntnc at the Pu. ~tim 111111 nf Corona del Mar Communlly Church. n.o.t-M C'Oona ld n f 8a I boo:. tala nt.l anci Loa Ani:Pie The honorl'd t 110 wert> Walter C'.oode. F1or· t'nN' Ander10n and Allan Mc- Oornl•l "1~ hlrthd;ns \\f't(' '>n !icpl. 4, 5 and 17. ~J!Pctl\el)• PJ'1'5tdt'nt Mrs Frank N ay1or pt" tdf'd O\ f'l the mt.>etlnJ, whxt. '"'••an at ..., p m A nt-w mf'l». LEAVING FOIIt TULIA ht:r :\fr•. F.dgar Mu~ick, w-. ~1rs Samut>l Manner an~ her Jllfownl. -'m TMtl) are spt>ndln1 a "~k Plans .. ..,roe formul:ttl"d rot a ''''h hPr J)llrtonl~ Mr and ~1n. l~t·nefll brld~ part:-to ~ hddl ~-""' ltfl • ·.,rn-..·all 217 JfpiJo•roPf' (l<'t 12 at thf" home of Mrs. :,,,. H<'r hushllnd Sam. h.a n Htotnz Kal"t'r Hi \'lrrinla PL. S AN ANIELMO GUESTS • <'t\1'<1 h1~ [)()("tor's Df'~ert't' at C0$1a \1f'sa • The part) wtll a. VI S IT FAMILY HERE l'ai·Tf'rh and i!' now In Tulsa a 12 lo1 d rt Table prblea \lr dnd \1M C,ul C' Barn f,kla. whPn> h~> "'II bt' in~raii'M w111 bfo a\Uidf'd and an~ ~ !!IC~I liPIIotror"' A\•' I .. Ht a• 1 rof••'<si11n~ll~ and whf'rf' :•~" "-1 a~ptahlf' R.foRr\atton may h"UCCPL"Uf"'l'' to·· thf' '\\1-f'K l"f .\ur ""'"'iqi!' a humP 0 t~t hi• ram· !'(' ma~ throuah ~fn KaJM"r Oil' 2«1 Dr lind ~1n Aor<l!'\ \ "~rt•r<.m, tl rrno, J<•ln htm \fn. :\tar• n••r :\ft, Eddlf' Moc•re thf'tr '"'"~ John IHH1 ,lt.an 11nt1 1•1t1 TPrld\ pl1n ,,. !PB\l' h\ Aftt'r he.-bustnf' meetln• , tm•tr ""' Mrd1.wt ftCtln ~n ,\l'~tn •hr nf'>." \l~k · membl•n (•! thf' ~tar Club pla)l" ·'""'lmu Calif. f'd card1 Rf'fr..,.hm""ts won-. ftETUIItN TO ICHOOL-Maklng their home In lltedlal\da, Mr. and Mra. Aobert Looe will both continU41 their 8tudl" at the Unlversitr. of lltedlanda thla fall ~ bf'lde Ia the for~ner Ardelle KenMI , daughter of Mr. and Mra. lltaymond Kw.ntll, 200 Garnet Aw .. 8al- boa Jaland. The wedding took pi-at lt. Jamea Epl.COJWII Church, vta Lido, Friday, Avo. 27. CDM Potographer Is Back After Four-Continent Tour L)l t:mwr~ma t• an tn•aru<"tor START MOTOR TRIP lit"T\t>d ~·llh tlw-fullowtnr mem· ol P"'choluv~ at •hr• Pr1·,.h~t••r \II antt ~~r~ F.d Se-amon b;>r .. of the t>Xf'c-uthe board ad· lan Semlnan San An~f'lmu anll SAQ EWrnamlno who ha'e bf ... n tn~ u ho w r.tra Naylor, for the month of AuJrU~I !111M N'CUp) In~ the home ot Dr an<1 A ROO,.TOP \1 IE "' of the In ro .annual bloc'-party heh1 b'r fr•tnd• and ne•ghbo,.. '" lht "W'I·bloclt; on '1 , JI.Jf' Ha.mblf't. Mrs. M~ I he IJUipll 81 Cal\ ... I Pr1"1.b) ter ~lr~ r.eoorJ:f' Norman Pf'31" 11,]1 Onyx A¥t lh lboa Island It's dtnner t•me I Phl"'tr t>) IX-ckh('r \lr' '-I 1\la Plat'f' Mra. Kennetb Inn (·hutch 1n HIH·t~ldl' Durln~t !''actftc Dr tor the !!ummer I.·:• I Johnson Mn HUTIJ L CottJe. !11 We<•k In C'nron1 dt>l Mar. hf' ~londa\ <)n II month'll motor 1111 PTA G PI Fu11 Fe ... t taged On Island and Mn. Arthur A Kem~r. Wal> ~ • .,.. of HI'\. Thoma '~th· .'hf'~ wt-rP a('('Ompanlf'd b) \If roups an . I - 111m '" Sf'mtn11t and aiMJ 1{11\<' a and Mrs Pete Henderson aiY'I I Labo Da Rollda fr·v. lalks 'II !\1ar ( .... a 1)0 Balboalof Sar. BernardJno. on the trip. In 0 r A Bl k p t r y { lo;Jont1 lh(' ~umnlf'r hr.mf' ft>rt~A-hlrh. will tak! them to Carls Bis Lecture Series r.y x ven ue oc ar ~L4·:r cand ~r;sh ~bn1Co Bo~ mt>mhr>" of the Pa1adcna Pre~:-oad c a\t>rns . .:'\P" Mt'xlco thru! 1.11 nul ·~II' wa~ 1"01\11 ,_ ··~ tPrlan Chur<"h p:trt of Mluourt and poutbh tv --\ r<M-1 ~ ..... m-r~tT"Tr'T~ furrlrr ttrr ~ "'ac .. , l'fr'dH f'll'tllrmod Monday ""'*'- \\'a hlngtnn II C · I P~t t"d ucallon .ctla.lnnan ff\r ,,_... " ' '' •~:•"1 ",,, 1a, "lli!'hl rhe l""' nt>l~h~~< a"td 1he11l ,,..,m I lh..,.......da) hclld~ at U. RETURNS AFTER IUMMEIIt lhf'f'e PTA t:ro•Jr" :'\l'"'"P'lrt Bt>a ,·h , ... ,'\ AH• R -10<, hland j{u""t" ,.tth \ ar f~la"hr!'r:nf'r u ' l~hmus &I Catauna Uland n_, IN HAWAIIAN ISLANDS VISIT GAANDMOTHEA F'!ement '" 'r.<;r~ ~~""" El"'mPn· "hP'1 rP,II1f"r.t• n l lt." .)011 hlnck ma.stf'r of C'f'ff'n-.!rr,l~ 1 madto thf' Labor De~ outtnc ~ \ff"ll \tar(O!aN'r S<-harle hu rf' \It!'' lt•an Brt '" ;\n-1 ~!If's "';or-111'Y and :Sewpon Harbor High. a• ! ·~·•'II l rtt>r.r1< ., "'lil"tf,H , . 1 Dr and Mrs JIIITW'S Mooney ,. 'urn,A to h~r hnm" ... n~l ~oJdan I 'I_,.. II l.__ L mN Fr 1 '' •f'• ~""'""" .,t •h•• h ·rr•• ! 'h ,._ .. I bl k ' I r rr.:nl' P !nr h+' arranrem,.nls ,....__ &>tlt'h on the MoonP)" "' ,... • .,., •~,... ""m ·•l'-•>nne ~pt>nt '"'"N'" . ,r e ntrva'1n~oa oc pa~~ "a 't'Jt!f't! b\ r.f'9r<>ta Burke .-,... •• rorl AH• aftt>r .a summer tn the of AuJt ~ w11h tht>lr grandmoth of thr h t.:h "'hn-1 C'tl:\trma.n ~fr• ' • . • .. \l<'ht. Truant ~ h 'f • 'r. t ~ J> rrf'n~"' P."'"·~• n~ l ':t~~ C:·~, • ~ rr" f'"<f'I'Jn~ ~1:'\IP~Ic 11.~ hut>-11•1ll f:lt•rr <;. hrr.ld' "'•<hatrtnen lla"altan blanri~ . hf' '' I e Pr . r~ ~t'rllt> dou f' ].,.,., a •• r _ .r, •• • I bl " -d k ,.n1 I• C'l lr•' A"QfCP Sr-hmldt c uE•ua CHOt• PL" ..,NED f rlranlst at lhP t•orona <11'' ~l"r I II< Pr fl~tlht>" I ! ,...,J.. • ·-t>. o.:-.m '"'In' <:'00\1' nr lr.. n " " ...... c .. m.,untl \ Chur' h ·urr• ... .. 'd I" ·• I ....... and l"l· ,. • ,. • "" ' .... \\>.. IO>J•"-1 s· . \ ~~I'': Pll~a .:'\,££ Doris Tf''ltaiJ\"f' plans art' bf-1~ Fo•1r "''"''"''nt" wert• on th!' loa ~liht ol1600 t~t anr1 bh'('k ~h1• ''"'nt m""' uf rh• •lr .... ,., ~TA Y 1-iE RE ENDS TODAY '•mll'tnnlll P.· 1'-· ~.-.-•r h ·•,. ~ .. 1'' '~:<''11 ~ t'll'aUI\ ~:···r -a" ~J~k "'!--r;''~1 ~at') madE' at •hf' St Jaml"i Fp~vpal ltin••ran of Sftm liard• 70.1 Gold·l•• '\'l~ton It lhe pl&nf>"' n> torr-,., Jlnr ,,lut Anflotr rtw '" H'' .. r \lr 1-1 \! ~ Arlh.tr r;,'(, ~···"'I • .,. p~ •• ,.,. .._, '"..;1-,' .... ,. "~urh "•' 'n'••1 '"" •· ·l.., ... n,. ·:':'1 'arl..I!.X a" n-n·,chur~h to ha .... .-a "Cht>ruh Choir'" . , • l"\1 tiO"A'n. ~would rrnd \OUJ".<'If \'.,lktkl The·,,,., ft·\\ \\l't•lo:· \\'nll'lho'ttn n1 'hPtr lhrf'( ••hool i'\1:1\'n ·r· hi ~ •· l a rmu• r''14 f•! ''11' ('H 'l· r:•l'll!"' ,, .... ,\,b\;r .. , hlldn>n bt'tw~n thl' ~ ot r·nrod ·'"' "hn hb hM>n tn\'lh'd Itt thf' midst or a hot dl"). c1f"~M '"'''' 'I"'"' tn II"' II .t•td • n •h·• 'hi '"'''I t,r rr' Rllllbtt' a~ <1 \ •-< ' ' • ",. ~-,;-tt ,.,.. and etght )f'K.n MU. lo 1(1\1' " traH•I tnlk h<'fon> rh•• he addl"d ~~ 011'<1 .r \11·11 It ad ht."'" 1•) •''! ,. 1, 11, "·'"' ht'f'n ,,. c·up\1!'~· ~ J• " .. • 't•r;;:~tret F'a.mha.m of 436 ~ ("(lnmtl rt..r '1nr """'"' '~ A -oc'la·l 1 ~<'ill • ,,,,,.,. '''" '" 11 t' h.tt1 ':•·1•1 ,, •·.,mr .r \lr--rw ,.11 L 1~ r '• ~ " ' • 1. .1 , , ' ,.\\f' Corona del M.&r wiD Ont> nf th, h1gh "Jlnl~ ••I t l• llr•l q 1 1,J.P<I• ~r·l ,,.., 11•r.or:l> ,.r,,,• lHil \l.•rtl!.,ld A,1, for IC'I r:'l" ~d ft•..-1 "•• t+.lldl"'f'n while M* lion !'qot .·o . lfll'\loi\~ olf'l''fitniJII~h..o lln ·~. ,.,,~'"'"'·····"I''' I' \1' 1.1~1''1 I ·"•' "'" II•' •'.lllnto: Iori,, Frll!a\ ;•rl7t'• "' ,. HuP of 'hf' ... ~ addre.a J llu~h IU~I rl'tumtod from ~Udll hl)frlt whr•n hf' mrtnl1.:<'1 1" ''''I' 1 h• ru I''" ' '' '·'"' • '''I !nt •nr1: 11"""'' 1~ \,,·,,11,.,.1a ~A-t l aC<"CCmpany the choir. t\ rt~lo ·• t n r\-d1!1 riVt'r A''" A(rko, fnr " \1'11 "' hac rn\'al td mut hr•r, I I ' ' ' ' ' •l ,. '·'I.. 1 n•1 'I " -l fr "1'1 f:urnp•• 111•1 lht \.'ntto'<l ~ •. ,, •• , IIIII· \\ho JI\'P~ 81 ~mi'TWn><'l. Encland I tt~·· •• 1,,,., nf I •rrr.··r ''·"' ···1 1111 ,...... F •• lhl '""'" ur lh· Ia-• tl._:hl "'""I Purtnc thl' wnr H.lrd) ", .. I I I '"''" • ·' \Ill trtlu •Uhtlt\1 HOLI DAY GUESTS VISIT .. • , ....... , h \'II A I I I \\i\ t1 lh•• ''"l•h·.d vr,on•h•llJ PACI FIC DRIVE HO ME :, • .,10 '1"•'. ,, ,., •. ~ .. -. .; I ' II '' tn rtl 1 11 w '~ " 1 with nn Ol'rll~l photl'.:raph\ tlllll1t ms: ,, n ol phuh•..;rnph\ fur Anwr· k h H 1 R h an' d \ r ••••I " '" f'i.,u, ... "'"'" t •·n .. ltn Th·· P..tt • •hn·lll'l•J'-1 n'"'hf• n" t.-,,.. ' ' Wtll' 101: "" ;\ U3t' 1 t I } . 11 !fi('l6 l'i!lll r 1 •r Wl\lo (ul. !11 nAil~''"· 11'110 ntl t'flmpAOIPN lllkiOI( <;hnt~ rlf flt•fltn nf tht' mo\·je,_ Itt> \\:1' 'ol.l• IJ ' I' •' It ,\t \1'1 " "• ·,j • • I' -\'ro; r ,,j\ 110, ,11,,.,.,, pnrt1un• or thl' t'OUn·' 1 <'<I a,; of th , E.l-t ·l ltu t.:tnl! 11\t>r th<' l.a.bor ll' p .... "" .,,. , ...... T' f' ._ ,.,. 1 .. •. 1 .. lton tn man)p s l ~ RETURNTOFULLERTON "'"k-f•nd \•tit-f 1'1..ttiH'<t ~~~·\' Rti-1<'!1•1Hr.,\11"<:<"nar-~·"'''' ·, .u;• o".1~tt~:,, II') •111 rh•'llrt ':'1 OJl<'nlttOn~ _.rth \fr ·uul \ir' t'hto'th>' \l,ltt'\ l tt i•'Mih ' p,,.,, ... \\lfl' \lr lf'1 Jft no._·,.r, ~n•' \'r ,.,,,,,, 1 F 1 C ht Cnwr!llnor · 1 • '' • ' bn>nnPr "''ho.,.,' •'• ·"'•·•p·.l Fl~in~: for pkturt"> I. dllnl!l r. I"' nurrt 1'm ll 6; d 16 II lrt' ,\H• hd\1' ll'lurn • .,t '" \lr' f:rlrth.: \l t,.t'l frnm lA~ Ar 1""'!( .. '~'l•tnr-l 11u:. l'' ··r lht 1"1' Horld) <''pl.un•'(J 1••nll l.ller "tth lhe 1 n mm th"'r "'"''"' hum.> -11 Ful Prrnn ,,. M \fr ar I \1t" 'II r. I 'llht C.h h · ('' lll-c·nw;" 'und and dust ~torm'i """ romhat <'lUtorro untt ''lr \1~<11' wtll l'<'fo:tn ht• f.1ll '"'')? frrorr. ::;,~" (lrr.:c'\ tht> \\ P · Ur(' Capella lr<'lf> I....:••• · •t,. _'() <'•K• ''r'"•''' "''r" \'IIIII '•' ,, tn~r lit,,,, "' ll.Jn'll ,.; :'f'tt II\ !.lml \ from S.tn PMr.., ''ill !'if'E't on T'uf'sday .... . ' ri•• .... r. fl'lf :hi' dlnnt>: · .. n I' trl. lltlr!h ~~ hn<>l \lunda\ , • I \1 tnt1 "', \\ ,.\ Srhul'l' •,.,. • •. · ll'ld the1r duld~t•n from San1.1 ENTERTAINS SANTA ANANS Ar'1a \Jr, t'h.lll1'1i K\1t' Hl ()nhtd I rt"•: •hr \\lf'kl'nri ~~r~ Pt>t· .. .. I • • of 'hP c·or• ..,~ riP \'1· .,.._, ."· ln the mJddle oJ thP "'ti'H't. Food It · C1•Hr•., •r" , ... • · ~. '"::: was sor: of a {l .ar.nl"d po:-.ucl\ One Group CERAM ICS .a.,rl GI FTS r"nro•c WtlfldM'ful ro1Jf"C1ton f N'f"'Uill(' )l"w"'ll')' rr. so N'f1't'ntrnth p~ . you'll •-.nt ~·<'T'Ill P~f>Cft of Jht" clllt.-rtru; ~ of ~ut) ""' N tl'rl.llnrtl UUE'f' !r11•nd IIJohn ~A-ill-\l!'llt"f! h\ ht•r 'iOn-In from Santa Ana St'pl. :! for lun-·•" and dau~thlt>r \tr and 'Irs t·hPOn lind an aftt'r noon of cards. L C Rrr.ck. ~Its~ Ht>lt>n Bre" Tht'' '"'' t' \tl"sdam~ Kalt' slt>r and LJihan Conle~, aJI from (~•uld Jl,attll' R.I-.kr and u•utw \.'ul•nn and a ,'\IU~In o f M~ Cor,- \lt Lain ll'~ 's from SpnngCu~ld Mo Thts tllf•tr ho!"":o <t"'·''"IZ 3!1'1 rrr.t'trold·l\\l'h \lr .. Lc• N& 7.uhP 1hl' l'r I\ ·vt.; '"' ,. , .. ,, 1 • '~'""£ blctCf.. ' ftf"' ""'r:nan~"n! u• .. tdt·n·, 2·-5 to l.!O p ··d ~-·ltJIQ!.es tor tht> trclf' bazaar to tht> furnt!'hln~? rhr rofftf' f~r tht' -~- r n-usual Earrinp Cboken ('ORONA ,• 111 -c=5 simple elegance .... our versattle greatC'08t ln fin<' wool broadcloth for town and country, t,.vel and 1"f'SSrt wear . . . . light rrey • lrf'e('n -red - brown. I1Xty nine ftr\)o. me.-ttnf 1\J~a' at th~ home of thtrd rono..f"('Uil\•' 'rar I s~tAL $1.00 SPECIAL $LOO OFF \Jr-. I"~''' A '\ •rM.I" 'll-Or· \h t :"",; :lO dtnnt'r da!'lclng L-------------------------~-----....;: ~ BA CK F"'OM VACATION [)r and Mr-. ro«>r£e .:'\orman ~roup wa' maktng a tour of ~u1 hern Calt forma and ~texico Pf'II'W 1"11 PIIC'i!IC flr are re-DRIVE TO LAKE TAHOE turnlna to thf'lr hnm<' this w~k Mr . and Mrs. Earl CoppersmJth atleor a thl"f't".month ''acatton and famll~. 700 Goldenrod A\'l' trip 1 hrou~th OreJ;~on. Washing 1 1.-!t ~1onday b) auto for Lake ton and \"IC'torla and othf'r Tahot'. where the~ will spend tO points tn British Columbia da~s at Brock\\a) Hot Sprtngs. Overseas Friends Hold Reunion l 8 1 "tnf"'"' of • hP mN"tn~ u ill ~ d iiCUSion o f plans for the ba· z.aa1 I' lh' I' l~r• .1•1 ,.,'T..-f"l mf'r' n~ nt tt-,, l'lrdl' P.l'C1· t r , ... .,.. •• m•tot'•an~' \\!1. t'IIP~.-.t·('r th.la month H• •11'1'~' fur Tut>~a' ~ mM>' rn~t \\111 hi' ).f r~ ;;; \\ B.afk· bt'ar'l nf 211; Or~hu1 A\P and ~rs Juhn \1f'at1nr "' 41 c';old Pnrod A'l" <.'lrc.t' Mf'rrlx-r~ arf' aakf'd to brtnl'! thr•rr l'l\\ n !'1\nd· wlchrs n.;.'-"t'rt Ar.rl Ill>' l'racP .... 111 N' wr,·l"d The> mC't'ttn£ "'111 start ac 10 a m Twt'nty-one yf'ars of 0\'t'TSeii.S Germany during the O<'CUpAIIon COM VACATION ENDS ~('T\'IC'f' wt're rep~Pnrt'Cl at a !Jha~: \trtt 1"\o~ 5f'ned Hl'lfnf' ro ("ht.-a~>:o h~ ""'~ , .f San r !'union o f 1!('\'t'n frlt"nds In Cor· "ith the AtTI'IY :\ ursc> ' Corps F'raJlt'l~ """ !h• <I all' l'lf \\ ~-h· <"na drl Mar during the w~'k-overseas and latl'r was 11 ~l~n<'<l lntt1pn t• tht' plM or ~tr and ~lr-. end tv 1\hlltal') Go1 c-rt-tmt'nl puhllc ' ~-Rodl'nshAt7 who ha"' ~n Tht' reunion w u held at the heaJth duty. "'' • .nr.: tht r <1:uH:I" ···r 'lNi .nn-rr· home ot Mr. and Mrs Arvo E. Michael E fllPietro no~\ a lllw \lr ami \11"' \\ F~1nk p~, · llaap.a of 711 Larkspur Ave. reglonal survP~ dtrf'C'tor ror the er-. 1'()1 ~nr\l+>nt .. Aw• C.•ro1n Those who came to N'mlnJ~ CaJUornJa commiwon on ~chool dt-1 \far Mr-. Pt""P~ paNni~ about ovt>T'llf!'IIS dul\ wf're districts. "·ho wu ~tllttar> Go\-lrh l\J•'Sda~ aftrr a .,..,onrh" <13\ l.R~Ilt> H :-.;ortns of Los An· f'rnor o! 84!rehtesgaden for a In lht' C'rown C1r) lt ~·v thi"'r gt les. who wu Military Govet'· year aft« tbe 1Pitt eDdecl; ~~~~Lflrst \iiJt sinC't' ·two~ u-.Pd ,,... h'~ nor or tM dt} o f Ingolstadt In vin MaW'I'eOR ef lloO)owood. """'o!Jtere ~ )Tare aco su~~ Dlf"teuo )I the ~h-EbeO Ganlell Section. tesrade n aw~&motnt~ 1.o.da l'ti!U· ~AIADEl'IA vt&tTOIIt WiD Mf,et Next Week lfpa. who -.. a lGlt.ary Gowem-MN Mo}a Klnr ot Pasadl>na ........... arden ll'ctton or thP ment offiCft' tn Mwdch and ~ .. ~lllftl at t.Jw hoTnf' o1 :'l.lr and .,.,. new g • . fen. Germany. W'llbur Lakf'. ~On,, Avp Eb.-11 Club wUI hold tU ftM meet-The host. also had ~r\'ed ln Balboa Island Ph,lhs Lak~ dau- lng at thf' home-of Mrs B)TOn E 84!n:ht.-sgaden att('r thl' war. Cl'lteor of Mr 11nd ·Mrs Lakt and \\'t'll!l 315 Coronado St · Ba.lboa. with Milt tan· Go\'E'rnmt.>nl and M'"~ Kina an> t'nl<'' tnR a round Wednesday Ill 12 30 P m with Ame-rican Red C'rosa. ol late seuon partlf'<: It will ~ a u ck luncht>on ~t- tnl[. with Mn. Hf'r~rt NPlson, -----------rounty garden chalnnan II..' gui'St. MN<tlngs ror this M'<"tton will be hrld regularl~· the third \\'l"dnt'!l· .;JU.~~~ ~U.Jft 'P.f dA~· o( ('tiC'h month. ,.~, nr~v ~ ~ MOV£1 TO NEW ftEIIOENCE ~frs MMa Bachmann. first en~ l<'nCht'r lit the Corona del Mar School. h~Ut mO\I't'd to a new rest· dt>n<'t' at ~ Orrilid A\'e Durir\fc the la.•~t yt'ar sM had ~n stay- me with Mrc G~ &t>,;er, !frl.n- Cipal of t~ COM School, at 441 Carnation A""f' Coiffures 1101 COAST HIGHWAY Corona del Mar PK HAROOR 1526 All Work Oone tlv Ap~lntment Only BBPE 98c • SCRIPT() PENOLS 20c W Coaat Highway Col"'na 4lel Mu l\'E RAVE 'EM Zipper ~1'8 - AT • • And Novv YOUR SUIT 1.09 Jfl4rhll' If~ .Ali IJJ.o4 1sltuul -.. "1 ) nD BNIIQN lr--------- Here's a Book that Reslly Ri,gs tlte Bell •1 Tll.l.lll PHONII Nt.17l~N. It A)'s ~ft'. makl" new And whl"n you r et out a publi· catJon with ~ 46,000 names In lt. ttwn lt'l bound to bl' th!' ~~ ftad thin& on tht" markl"t polltkal point of view. Among the lone list ot ct\arae'- ters In thf' book art' th~ Oewt>)"' 29 by tht' name ol WIJTf'n I two of tht>m from the Harbor ~al, two Tnlmans nnd a Burkll')' 1 who<le lntlial!. by tht' w11y art" () K l and a lot of Walltl<'l'~ and Taylors. Lot of P roe.aldeoh l"n(»1 pan they are Jt alE' and Har- dy. ~ are tht Summers. s,rlnc. and Winter (Char IE'S A , of S 10 &coni• Ave .. Corona del Mar) but no autumn In tM ftt>ld of ftnan· l't' ~ Mont"y. Pt>nny Nlckl~ and • Dollar. and a lot of B1llJ to go a.lon& with it Don't ovmook Tripp. Hammer, and maylx> thal 's the rt>ason somt an> Black and Slut> (there's 0 K &(fain 1 But only ont' can say hopf'll'tlll). "This II ~ht' md". That l~e (-:llarlf's L Zwi<'ke, the last In rt wru be Just 1n time tor llt'hool wbftl the Owift £. Lusk fa"lllly ft'tuma .from a one mon- th vacation. 'nWy an expect· ed borne th1a week-end from an ~.xtended motor trlp throv.&h Na· Uonal P arks and place. of h ll· tonl"&l lnt~..-t. lnclud.lna Yel· lowato ne national par\ and Salt l....a.kl' City. Enjoylna the trip ~ Mr. and Mn. Lu.;k. who live at 6Ui Marl· gold, Corolla del Mar. their dau· !'lhter Vlvlan. who wlll enter high SC"hool thla y~. and thelr two .ana, Donald. 16, who la alto In hl&h Khool. and M&rvln, 12. who wUl resume hu atudlet at Can any one beat the record ot a quarter centut")' u a home own« In Corona <WI )tar! That rf'COrd belonc• to 1!2")'81'- old If G. Clbeon. who ll ltlli thing ln that' ho~ at 507 car. nation Avt>. that he built In the ~~ He aay1 t hat no one elle has llvt'd a.1 long 1n th L'rOwn of the S..a rommunlty he has. It was In 1922 that be came to .Los Angt>lf'l from KAlUU City to carry on hl1 trade u palntlng contractor. In a Los An~telett nt>wspaper he ft'&d about Fn~it T~ atilt There lot• bfo.lne put UP-for a&le ln Glblon planted truit treH 9" .. Boflf' In 11M The only major C'On('('TD baa been the mad ruah of traUJe o n Coast H lahway in U\t' lut l.r:w )ears. and t"\f'n that ts now be- lnl IOIVed by ttw ~IJy tutall- f'd tralfic lil.(hta. '11\ot'a the way It Is with tht> book I am N"VIf'wlna thla v.~k. It la actwlly only a n.>vls<>d C'dttlon. 4atf'd St>ptt>mbf'r. 194R. and you at'& quite f11mlllar w1t h the title "'<>ranee C~ty Tt'lrphom Direc-t~ " Ttle author 1"' Pac1f1c 'rt>l~"­ phone and Tt'IC'rraph Company luch lnte,...tlng People r know that > ou JUst v.'OJI't bC' ab~ to rt"5ist ptckln~ up thl" book ..wral t~ a day and lf'aftn~ throu~th It And tht rt'L'-On It mak· es uch fudnatlna rt'adlnc IJII thBt ln It you rm"t"t o.o many lntt'n"•tJnl{ ptOple That makt>s a pn'\t~ romplett> morlf'm political s.late and we <'O.n hlllk f ~trthf'l' b.'1ck In htstory and lind alJio Wuhlnaton. Adam.~ •In· dud ng John Q 1 JC'fff'roon 1 tht'l"l''s W T of 212 Ocean Blvd . tn Coronadcl Mar'. Monrot' Mad· I>.On. Jaf'k..wn. Ltnt'Oin Ot\'t>land McK in1"> and thr'Pt' Woodro" W tl· son.~ AI"" w·wn Hoovl"n But no Roo§t>VE'ItS Newport grade achool. Corona del Mar , and lnune!dlate-h.ll t.bree lot..-"'the finelt 1n the Clbllon wu bom ln January, --------------------------- ly he came dow n he~ to take a area". k>mons 14 mmes In dr· 1800. 1n IWnola. 'l1w ,-reat lfP&D 'T'Leater IVai''"' ~-•ng T Tp Soon look at the ~L t'Wnlere'1C'f', ~ apples. ot tmtor>• that h1l We h.u cov-~ n " j m \TfJ• l..l J Theft' was not mud! more ~oe flp. and bl.a ~ eft'd la ~phaai:Ud by lhe fact tlw llsL Just taJ<e • look at It f rom tlw C'O~mEP PLYWOOD & F'J'(11F.P PLY\\'000 Pioneer Fuel & Building Phon. Jlarwr :..'910 1llt' book mullt be rno••1 pnpular of all with tht> Smiths becaUR tht>rt' art' 4ji6 of th('nl In tt Ftf · tC'I'n of lh('<;(' art' na.nwod Robl"n Smtth And thJ't'(' ansv.er to Harold \o\ SmJth C'onfusln~;:. fqt'l It ' ThtMN"n Smtth ~ hM1'<i fn1 B.tlboa l!<land 11.nrl ("omn' dt I i\h-o qu h• nunH ,._.,.... 4.,. .. .Juhn~~t.-n~ "'ho tl1' q •·t-. •l r .. n,; Su cl•>n • I"' k "I rtlho r A.aby 11 No t The· hnnnr nf ,,, '"" ,,,.. r r·• l"'r• .. ,.n J .,m•·•t I' tltt ho·ok ~ •;('' to Chn-. \ 1h~ I I• , '"'" ,.,,,,, \1•• 1 Ftl""l ll;1rhow•t• "''"''"' I• I' 1rl R Const ruC't lon Is p~inl a~ rordlne to achf'<lule behind those high walla a t the lnttrwc1lon of Hellotrofl(" A...-t" and Coast Hil h· \lo8~ In Corona del Mar ... ys 8ulld~>r Ralph Wilmot. That'!( t ht> Jlte of th(" Crown Cit~·~ mm It> house, v. hich will bt' callt'<l "Port Tht>att'r.' F'oolln~s alt•w1~ ha\c> lx'f>n pour't"d and '~~~~ kmf•n ncm an.' bulltilnll thf' fot rn• "lw 1, will ~ Uto"'l {flr p1,1'1n~· ur• tll•· ll'tnfonf'd ron· , 11't1· "''" 'llw "'''" ~\Ill ~ lll•·t..tlly · hlcl\\ n on" wttl1 a .sprll) J.!lln ~tH:tlt \\ tlntolt ~.ll<l l..-------------·1,\ht-..,: or nn 'rnron ~'" .. tn ( .,,... Harbor Drafting Service "' • •J· 1 ,, 1 t .. hr• • · ·"" .1 ' t~•­ SI>t' 0\.W' ilokl'to·ho·' •1111 th!l for 1(1 It 1!' H •. ' ~·1'.,1'11 '' tho ltr•• ll.tll••·• Jo't 68() to 1:l00 S<l fl'f't 1 2 & 3 '''' nrkr ,\rul 1t" I '' llorl• nt• I tw lull I• II ,. 1~ ,,·ht'<1ult'li tu t~ •"rr t•l,.tf'<l "' F••tl '\WI. and I'•••' nt ,~n '"'' ·• mo' , ... huu~ in \'oil I l 111' ~ II f Tt!f' <ffl. • tl 1• 111, " n '"' ,,,~., '''"I h) ine I 1•1 l.tr1• 11n 1tlt 1 ·.,,,,.,,altnn bt'drocJms I·' Karl R i'..nrn I r I.'("• I: I ·. nt I' tl li 1S COAST HIGHWAY ,\\1• BIJ ibna .\r nt Ill' I \\ llrnut t"'n~· r U<'IIOn f1l••J•~·t ,,, l lf\ 111<1 A\ P and l'I)3SI Corona df>l Mar Caltf If )0\J look furH"'r .un""" tt,,. p 0 8olt 111 PhON' Harbor 1447 I 'II nf chRI'Atl('I"S ~ I'IU I fin I thf' Bulk of T,,; t Estate Corona Craft CUstom Fumll~ -lntenOI"' e W ln,ow ac:n.ne e W indow a nd D~r Framu e Plctul'e Framing Phone llnrbot' lliW!l l:lOl ., Coast HtghWII) ("orons d .. l Mar Calif ,..tLON HUTCH INSON hmmJ" tno I ... w·k• ~tr··k n1l Bt>rlr Thf'r(' an· thr But t .. r lh• Left t o Two SiN'f'S R~tk•·r hut M ca.ndtr ... u• k m<~ktor lllf'l"l' Ill Gunn but not (llf'l:f>ltc•n ~'"'' ( r I! I' f'•'at(' l( ,\tt''Can- c o ... 11 There Too 11Pr J •Jvkt Tht~l of (·orona You'll run ac~"' Young and Olc1 df'l ~1ar v. a~ lt'fl t<1 two nt~. tM-Sh<~M and tho• Lon~: \' .u II 1\l't'"''llr.o: It> •h" \Ioiii nHt>rf'\1 tor find 110mt' Footf' ~ thf') prvhatt:' 111 Su!)E'nor Court In romt> Farr a nd :"~¥r from :"'or :;:lnt• Ana l.u.t "N'k t h South E., ... l an·1 MPf'Ciall~ thf' Th \\ t'll·knt•~' n tPSident of \\'p"' Cr "" n ,.,.mmun tt \ IPft $1 ('W)() tu Th,.,·n· frnm "Uch \lo l'll knnwn • brcllll('r l..'h•H•~ G. Tv.lst. O( plaN.·,· a~ P~tiTt!' \>I~ L••nrlmt 13·1 Tn)••ll AH' Ual110a bland. Manrho"-l•·r Frlln<"t'S. F.n~o:l .nd T•l lfh•· ro matndf'r or lhC' "rtale "of "'' nntlltn~ nf CnrY•na. 0.•11 M3rr mun.• thAn SlO.OOO" \\<IS lt'ft tu llhl' last hoeipg Mno Shlrll') MIIIT '"" OIN <''· Mrot i::nid i-'tt'ld ot ;::::===========:::: or 205 P~l\i-"1 Av(' Ilalhoa blanrll \'.ln '\U~l> and Macc·a 1'v.l5t or \\'hJC.'h n-minlt~ mP .. you cl\n "'"' \\'hltti.,r E. II. TIUELE nnH Ba.lbt. Isle. ThC' llnrbor plon~r. WTIO lived 0 P T I C I A N Thf'rP at'(' otht>r names of watt'r· at ~..! Mar1aol(! Ave., died Aug. ~plions F'IUf'<l front tnlf'rP~ !"~wport. for In· 23 In Sl JoMph Hospital ln San· Gl~~Dt"~ R.epa1n-d ~lan<."l' ; that's Gt-o!"R~> Nf'wpnM. of ta Ana. 1415 Coast Blvd Ph. Rar 1528 726 w ()(-nn Front Balboa t: and Corona ~l Mar a 101 of Bn.ch" finclud•lllt J ohn Do--•d wrelth Sevier "'----ln_the __ B_in_c:tw_r_Bldc __ . __ ~ H ~ach ot 115 Diamond Avt'~ JUU a Balboa Island I. and thJ't'(' Har· Goes To Deaver u. than a barl~y tleld he~ when The trees are .wJ there tn hll l~ he ao.t • brOthe!' ln ad:.IGo H lghwa>·· ls neartnc completion. he arrl'~· The~ were a hotel yard, and atilt bu.rlna t.ruit. In t~ C1\U War. cut hll tint He e xpf'cta the bulld.lna to be and a f~ hOUit'l on the point, H. 0.. oe•aoN Corona doe-~ Mar ctewloped \ott• lor Bf>njamin lta.I'I"Uon ft'ady for occupancy Oct. 15. It and that wu all. But lt looked &lowly durlnr the t-.-mtla and 1 that wu In 1888) and loat a .au w ill h~ a flo~ ahoJ), self rood to Mr. Gibson. and ln that tht> const ruction of thE' hou.f' on thlrtles. It ...,,.. not unlU the h. ~~ Battle of the ~nne In ~rvi<'l' washetf'Ma and bu..linKS 1ununer o f 1922 he ~ Carnation. whlc:h h.u ~n hll lut t~ )Uri thal the commun· thf' tl~t World War offl<'ft two lots on Carn.aflon Ave. homt> l or 110 many )ean. lty ft'&Jly started boomlnc. Now Ills tint ~patlon was car· Wilmot also la mraaed ln the 1 Latf'r hl" addf'<l anolht"r lot.l Thc>rt' .,.. 311 no C"oa~t 1 llrhway Mr. Glbeon aaya ... U It continues p«>ntr> "" did not llkt' that ''UY ronstructlon of a duplex at Hell-Th<' Initial pUt C'Iuue was madE' t(l ('nrnna dl'l Mat In tho~ dA~s to ~w u rut u It cUd In tht' wt>ll. and turnood to patntlna tW otrnp«> Aw~ and Fourth Avt-nut', fr om II Cardol.a Sloan. th.e pion· J'ul~<• \\ho <'"'lnf' hPrf' then had Jut yt>ar the~ won't be • \'&· "push!'d • bru•h for Marly 40 w11h probable complt>tlon dati.' ~r ~al eo.tate broker o r corona 11, ,,,~,.1 ar·ound lh<' uptl('r ba).lcant lot left in anotht'r )"ar" \ran. bt'foN" n>tirintt About 18 S('t 3t mid·:'I:O\t>mber. Th<' du dt>l Mar. who tht>n had hb offt<1' or t>l .... C'IYI'~ 0 ,,..r ht fc>~ from II~ -has maintained hill high )ran &JCO. fie hal 'M'l"n a ~rm· l)f'' ts tw1ng con~tru<"tecl for lhc> In Balboa lnalho:ot. l..nt t>l a brld~e ,., .. built. r<'tcard for thll rommunlty. "It's nnf'nl ~lrlf'nt of Corona dl"l Mar &:n \o\'hltman Rt>alty Compan~. By 1924 Glbfion had con1"1eted a hun ltNt lt'('t m .a Inland from the mo!il wonderlul pl&\'t! In the ~WilC(' that tlmt>. SUBS€ NOW to ISLAND BEAUTY IIOX boura. and two by tht> nam~ of Bay . Also • Boe.t..-.an. and ol Donald Kt'ith ~er. 441 C&rna- cou.rw. Mr . Sa.Jion (Jol\n J . that uon Avl". Corona ~I Mar. left I.a. t~ dty adm1nlst.ratorl. YfCl('f'day IThW'Sdayl for Denftl'. You'll fto4 ltl'artbl. and au.. ~~ ht w1ll .tart tua tee:Ond ~ four Fish. a k)t ot f'l.shtn. and a at the Ul\lvenlty of Deawr He t1tY1 MA.RIHtL. A. VII. Balboa h land HARBOR J.B52.J Seaman tS ta.k.lng a four-)f'llr c:oune ln ZWicke .. tM LHt mana.c~t Th~ llrt' Tn.lt'. BluE' I that would During the aummt'r ht' r"f'("f'l\'ed boo 0 K t.tw nty c:ouncllman I A practaa.J t'~r1m~ tn his chown VIRGIN'IA I...OC"K.ER. propr lot ol 1hE'm hav(' that Dof'rr Oyf' ftf'ld and ~v!'d cr't'dJt ror hiS L------....;.• ______ ....:. t'lcpl"!''$tOn Som~> a rt' Gnmm courw by working at VIctor Htll'o's OONALD LE13f1 with Th e TAVERN COMPANY Ll<'l'n>«•d Rl"al E~llt~' Bml<t>N Phon.-Harhor 1io1 l 1301 COAST HIGHWAY Corooa dPI Mar. Olhf BALTZ MORT U ARY SERVING TilE HARBOR AREA 0\apel By "The Sea llarborU 4tO eoA.aT •l.VD. Corona ~~ Mar Otftt:J'Mt Pu1dnl ()Moe: HA R.BOR 21.!58-W HOME: HARBOR 'i387-JU< hTDIORRIS DA.LTY OOMPANY RaJ r.tate and au.tne. ()pport.uftl~ ...... 111 COA.IT HtQHWAY Corona 4kl Mar. caw. AAnruR E. FI'J"ZMONUS KABEL TIT'ZJIIOIUUS ftakon m Goldt'f'lrod A..,... Corona dtl Mar, OalJI OF'FfCJ:: HARBOR 2N2 RES.: BEACON fOti.J Somt' PE'akE' and Pint'. but for th(' '" Laguna Bnch • PYROXYLIN WASHABLE SIIADES • A.altOW IIACHINE OIL • STA& IIAND OIL A OOIIPI..IITI: SIILIJCTION OF OOLO.S .urD MDI'BS er , CALL Ua OR •RtHQ THEM tN T ... Y Wll.l. •• IUt TURNCD TWE aAMa eAY. · Ibale•• H•nson's f-Mie -& U/ltJtlll M flf()P •cACON ..._.1 'fbe ... lp wfD t.e ~..W t.r a llaltM tlae to aD re8ldelleee ill C.reu tiel liar ... ....._ hiMd Ia et*r to aeqaalnt readers with the ews eoTerace aad exchuive features offered-by this newspa~r. A subscripti~rive is ander way aow, and The · F...nsign will soon become a 100 per cent paid-up etreolatton newspaper. Fill in the subscription Wank '-elow and mail it in wftb your remlttanee lD order to t.ecome a perm&llellt lllelllber of the famny ef ftaden ef Tbe ..ap. 0rep 1a at .,, .,-. -., • 0out mpny .. ()orou del ...... --,_,. •'-lt,el• .. fte 'llae ta .. .., .._ -..1e fer tile -~ ef ...._.....,.. ••••!ft Ill <Jere• lei liar. TcaiB7 wiD~ T.U •••utpMoa ... wtl lfte ,_ a reeelpt for you ltAIIIIIftt•• ceo ftdaNBION 1~·0 !--"......_ c.... ... Mar Pleue enter my .w.ertpt!on to The Enslen. I am ~ .......... .,. N....-....... ·-··-··········-··-··-··-··-··-··-·······--············· . ~:•m a.JIW DYD Exceptional value in a New Enl!*nd ~ 2 larp t>. r., 2 tumacs, knotty pine kitchen with 75 ft. frontage. by 133 ft deep high tight wooden fence encloses ~tire rear yard. 18la> garage, reasonably pric- ed. Call Mr. Griesser, Beacon 5795. NEWPORT BEACH Here is a new beach home for a price beJQw anything you. could build for-yourself. Large beamed eetling living room with a circulating air fireplace. Large single bedroom with O\'ersize closet. One block from a clean, sandy beach. At the very low price of $6900.00. Phone Harbor 1013 for an appointment to see. EARL W. S't' ANLEY REAL TOft COVER ING GI\EI.TEI\ NEWP O RT R.\1\BOR 311.3 W. CENTRAL N"'PGf't Beach ~I : Kubor 1013 15th AND IRVINE SI'S. 01tt Ravftl Tf'l.: Beacon 5795 lfth ~ 00.\ST Hwy. 225 MAkl.J'fE AVE 51S OOAST 11WY Newport a-d\ Balboa ~ Cerone *f Mar ~ · '&eoon 5711 T el :~ -1'~1 : Rirblir 11Ql W e -uld aPS~f'eelate your LilT· lNG. Co~ In leta taUt tt over. 3 •'R' HOME F'umistw-d romPr Jut P~t o Carden Spnt Famrly Fn.rlt. GuE'St H ou."' 100000 Tln ~~ 1 B'R' HOME J~ ._., rutr n~ a hu..;, l'ar Com· plf'tely T umt,twd Cl•·.1n li< ,, T'tn On J half Ar.,.. F'~t't~HII' S6950 S20M on Hn s ,., oo ~'" Ita \<l<'ltnl mu\ •• rHt 10 FRANK LUCAS Mth Guy Bo~ 1-.oYa N~ •hltl. eo.ta M .... Calif. Ptl. 8 eaoen 1024-W "Nur the lafeway Ito,.. .. a,..nd N~w 2·•drm Home INCOME PROPERTY Btoaulrfut dupt .. x on Rroadway Hd"'d rtool"'' ttlf' fuma"t' fiN'J)I 516.500 GOOD E~ST SIDE LOT 'i(t ' 1 'G Pn~ $1,250 $.250 <in . bal r~:.- 1 ACRE Sand) lu.tm "" I J>r • $2,500 $·..no c1n. lldl • ·'') I . C. PA l'"NE, Broker VIRGINIA KNAUER G. C. BAILEY, A-iatce 111 E. 18th lti"Mt Beacon S213 Ill' Co.U Meu REAL VALUES HomeB -Ineomt Busineaa Opponunitfee lnswance L a I W0MA.N clllltWMhf'r for I'Yeft· l.,.. Almond C&f~. 1130 Bar· bor. 33.1 t..p PARTS DEPT. Hdpu and..._. ta.nt. Good Job to t.bt rtl}\t m.t.ft. 1'1\eodo~ Robina. Ford ~al~. 22ncl and ~tral N.w· port Beach. Phone Rubor 28 or 360. ~tl -c lNBUJ\ANCE Sal-.an, t\&11 er part tlnw, auto, tl'Uck. tift 6 eom~t»n Unes. ~perience net n« ery. New tn.entlve cornnU..son ,1an. Cu eara evt'r 1500.00 monthly. Phene S..coa ~J for appolntmeDt. t. 81q.attOM Wuted WARDROBES rTalil' and lna1alJ. ed \\'indo\\'S, door fromes and c-ahlnf'll. m ade to order. Rc-modt>llng No job too amalL . Call aftt>r :J Beacon 5114-!<t 31·t1<C !1ABY SJiTr:R In )OUr homt. or mini" Call Harhor 638-M C't.'STOM dt'f'qmaklna and aJ l1'ratlun11. All klhds 1072 E Wilton C'"05ta MHa 29-4t·p YARD and lawn work wanted $1 00 per hour Beacon 5714. T'RACT'OR WORK. coecl equip. -nt. S3 ~ aJI hour Call Bea- con ~J 1.3-tt --c CAAPENTEI\ WOI\.K WANTED RA9Ur. ~r or ~w CO'II- struct.lon. ,hon~ J~Hcen a u I-tt< CJ!:.."otEEU L handy man ""-'l'ta •wk &J WJ 14 1"0'&'11 (':an ,..rnr "lllll 21132 1-~tla. C M . P'he.e ~-5175-J. '-"-<" No.5 For 0 :'\"E 2 bfodroom and one 1 bed· N ice Uvtn¥ I"'NTl. dmf'tlt', SE"r· 'rice ponil ttl .. ktt('h<'n and bath, !loor furnn.·•• m1pll' !I()QJS. 2-<'ar 2 BR HOME r•10m homt' Both for lease or Only 4 months old Good Ol$t """ •n t' h\ IPt'l'' \1 L :>.k-~arage. .. HARRIS TRATLER. sllghll> used coat $155 now 190: 194R lll~n e~ Plumbe-r's. rarpenlf'r'a tools matrr box iOO Orrhld. l'orona dPf Mar. Sf-.R\'F.L 1~a~ Rf'fritl"rator lA"adtnt lin• of Ga~ R.tn,.-. J ~ F'f'rJUIIOn. ~ 1 'n4.~>1 '"'d. =""'' r•~"' Rf'a<'h Harb(•r lln. • tf< Sit\.•\\' l' \"1:. fi !t full "u 1 ... d , .. .,r1ttlCin Pn('('t} r<':l•r•n· • .t>i\ ~"'"'" "'-~2*'. ~-1t·'( F..a,.r ••~ d M<' to tr1n~rtAttnn. Cormlf'k :l.o \'lrtnrt:t \ . .'ost.11 "Mwinli! 1\nd ~ool Full r-rl~ \fp..a ~lll r PORT ARt ..E C't.'I""'P'~r 'I I (I •1:-.LY -:-----:----------ltke n<""' Sl~ ~rra' \\'a) GOOD 1·Bdrm Honw Right In Co~ta Mt"U Shopping Ct't'lter, lot 41\'Cl:l<l wuh alii') $5250 BRANO NEW 2 Bdnn homf'. Vacant Hdwd floors F'l~plaC"P, P anl"l R31' hf'lll. 2 ear ~antlt(' on t>ast sl&-The home you at'f! tookrna for and pr'lred to w it. $7950 IN NEWPORT HTI. Nlee 2 Bdrm. hom~ !Built in 41 1 Hdwd floor"' F'tl't'pls<"t"-Biock from H1 S<-hool. 2 ('ar garage.- $8950 aRAN. NIIW 2 ..,., bame. bfwfloan, tile $5850 E Z Tf'nrut 3 Bdrm Home W ith large g&raf~ snd workshop nicely landscaped. ~f' lot, ex· cellent location, only 1 blk from transportatron ThiS Ill a aacri· flee and is far under pri~ at $8750 B. A. NEJII.8eN Broker 2 BFnR()O~f hOU"" f't'\ublp ,~:ar-Shop. 2474 ~ :-;f'wJ'('r' Rh 1 AJ:f' :r~t E 1.,11' A! rr 1 p m . Bf'amn 6141 J ~tfc :l'l 1t-c 11 1l '!;E TratlPr lf\411 Pralf'l\ -:-----------.....:.-&'h(IOnt>r. :?:! fl r.no<\ t"((nltl· I. · For Beat tron. S11~. SJ(lf'l down 3 rt.'al C AMP TRAILER. fully !'quip- ped. fer rent by day or \\.'f'ek. Phonf' Sf-a. 6201 J. 28-tl--c ROOM. Man onlv fort' 10 8. m . or ings. H3 E ltlt h. Jnqul~ lx'· In the t-ven· Beacon 5703. 32-lt--c Nl::\\" 1 bf'droom f'd. rlllht In ~w ti5..,·~ houae. furnish· town. ~con Nf'wpori 81\'C :s2·n -c hU\ Phont" Bfoamn !ll20 or ~ J ~2-11< 1939 CHE\' cou~ ror ~all" ''hl"ap 235 S{'ark St nl'ar 17th and Uran:ll" ~::! lt·p BABY GRAND. M.llhopny cue. ~ $4~ bat F'irw toM I • 24 monthl to pay A~ KNbP , GraJwS S tanwar. Ullt'd. 1-l off OANZ-SCHMIDT ..XANO CO. '20 N. M.aJn. Santa Ana. -.ld· win make. 2 BEDROOM tumlshed ho~. 210 Coral St. Ratboa Isla nd to .'unt' 1st 32-lt-c bath-4'832 11111. ft.l 2 ear pnce. ---------- Lot IIXU5-~ A FAMILY HOME LARGE qult'l room. Private en· PRAcrtCALLY :-;,.w. blracht"d mahogan)' Duncan Ph)·fe dJn· nlng room ~t 8 plt'('(''l ~111 sell or ,.xchnnfrl" ft'r drop lt'a1 dining tablt'. ~aeon 5412·J $8,500 & Roonw-2 Bt'dnn. a: SlH'J>inc tran~. 446 Ha milton. 32-lt Pordt on 1 Aeft. Lc' Ollcken F.., RNlSHF.U NOm. nNr bull· house-wortc ahop, fruit tree~ 6 n"' center 540 W. 19th. n~"' 32-tt -c Abo brand new 2 ~ Fum~ heat. Double Ca.ract-. I...t.rce Lot. eeno 1. 2 OR 3 R ()()M unlta. Clo~ In lg()i5 f'ullerto~t. Beacen 5034·M. 32-lt< 32·11-p SALE! SAL!:! SALE' S,.Mt P - an~ l'ftlted ~ the ~ are now bKJt ta ltodt. Bl& ,.... ctuctJona Almo8t ""' Easy t.mw. OANZ-SOOOD'T PIANO PlA 'l:t"'IS !Wfor. ) nu ht•~· ~ ·•~r p1anf'l ~ u.s w~ ~It Ow-f n~ rna}<~ and we tell for 1-bl"<'au...,. '' rnonc; u<> leM to lif'll S.... 11" ar.d .,.,.., MOMS MIW,. Studlo 833 !" 8J"'))l4· way. [V£1tVTHII'IIC. I'll SIGNS WRIGHTS LUMBER YARD '7 .. N~.,.,.POI"t Blvd. Beaeon 64179-W SOUTH COAST CO. C f:.'"ERA.L El...ECT7..JCAI.. MO'J'(IR Rf"P4,IRI::'I:G • R £\\ '11\"D 1-:'\C Ptr • <;PEC'l.ALIZI='-~ 1:-. TIIE P..EP A nt EL.ECTJU(' AL HAXD 'J'CIOl..S • 23rd • Central N£W .. ORT 8EACH Hart.er 2SOO T RACTOR WORK PJowinc DitdDI Levelin1 Phone Beacon 5721 W 1528 Newport Blvd . Y oa \\10 FiDd ,\. &tt~r ('ar for Lee& ll01teY at C~ntral Motor SaSH 1-NEWP'ORT ~VE:. TM ....._ef •·~~~•••e u.ed eara \.A ("I \.'"l • L.F 4, "'F. -"' (1~ ""d A~l'_.. ..... '"'ood eE~"D .. £ ~ .. , ~a -<£ 0~""" Paw M •fiU"'• , .. a .. aN! ~ P-61 .. .,... • r •• ~·c .. • .u .... '0"9 8 •-"' • ~ ~ bJI'f-ttw qll,e .... :J S •,.·o•r ., •• .,. ~-o • ~~ .. ,.~ to C.l~>••'•-.t~ .... .,c:a M..u -~ 13 51> Pick•kf' " llo HAP.BOR APPl..JA:-.rE "T:P\,rt. •e· !~ :-. •o •~n. ~• ,~... -.... ) ~~ ~y,.~) BEAt ·nn :t. Li\iqlto.m !'ew t , ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR "io,... Towf\ IE I.etrlela" Home and Commerca•l · W iriq H. M. ViNING 14..-Bide· CUSTOM C481N[T 8 UILD NG s .. ~ ... ~ ,,.,.. .. A'l K N~r rtf R.-J&lr W•n M~sa Cabinet C.. ... p ... ~---, •• ¥4. r BeacCNI 1101-W ·----=-.;,__;,_ ___ 1 Csbinf'h Bnnt to Ordf'to 'I ON"W W ln4owfr--. krune.. W•rclf'Oba. CuPboa,.d £a DAVIOSON'I CA81N£T IHOIII' 35 Wal~'\~1 ~1. C..U Mesa I' .._ SC20-J t.ES NOTT ELECTRIC lndust.nal -CommeT'd&l Resldf'nUaJ Co~troctJon R~~ Z l W C'"l'ntral A\1" N"'l'Ort BNC'h HAR 2Z4l'>-R ORAINaOAftDI Tile ..... t' a.;-.. u,.. •.I! !OL~.J..ko! !• ·to: ·r.· ;.: ....... -r.:-an ::niU' _. COAS't' toi tGMW"V l. 00 It '£V.POR ~ HE IGH~S ~ .. ,.. \ ., • r: \ . -. "\4.-' -,, .. l l:" • "-r .\\ I' CLif:'F HAVEIIII .... -C:tr--o f': -,, ~,~. eALBOA ""_.. \!I,...... ' ..,..,. r -4 p <;·~· •• ....,..-A \\ • ,.. ftf'1 1 ,~,...~· '~ ... '""I:> .... ~ll' 'INi \~ c: ........ ,...,. ... · A,,. .. .._,. Jtr_. ~..... C::•~ .. r r.-·;a' ,,,,..., l" a-.d \h r ,,.._, r .-r•-;,' ,, ,., "' a ml 'thm' ~·~ '~'"''~ '\ "" ,. a"d l'1s"t'l ~ • .._ SECOIIID SESSION NEWP6"T SCHOOL ( ... ,.... """:\ , ",..-r anti Ada..~ t C:•• ,.. rr-• r11 \ "f"T''I" and 'R C:.t-f'O'"' \Oramar A'"PTTUU' &I'd 1 ~t.._., ,. ~-\\r-f'!'l~ :t ...... '~ c:: ~ 0>-•ral A\t•nuf' a.,~ $to'\· II,. ..:1~1 C _,,...., Au• ... uf' and ?.b {" "'=--'' C'",.-•ral Av~·'1UI" and Ada:mc C:.•J'I'OI"t. c .. -·"'· '""" ,,. "~ I~l11nd "'~ IECOND SEISION, COM I CMOOL ('1~, "~ at"<1 ~nta >\na "' rnu~> I'll\ , • .....,. ... nd R. ,...,...,d ..... ,...,~ n"" ,,_ -.,nd F'trllf",..oo "''""'u~" o;;., IC 11 rtv.~ ~tnf'! n111•· c;IT'I'<"' f' 10 ~20 .. 21 f;';!! f--?1 Z1 :20 ~~ '22 ~%:' 'R-27 ":.!I ~.,., ,.:\1 ... :\:2 ~ 10 flt1 .. 12 I' l~ s: 14 f. 15 tl 1& " 17 11 ·~ 11 :n U .!2 11:313 11 34 11 31 -11 :31 11 :~ R-. ""OM ae-n 11t1·W G. N. WELLI Terms-SEE WD..L ~~ my home with em- ployf'd couple or sfl\lle lady- 2482'-' Newport Blvd.. •tt.-c 00. ~ P1.ano. ... SST. $95. ~ No Ma.ln. Santa Ana. Buncalow piano. w U for bala.noe. lfiOOO FT. 6 gaugf' tight wire; ·-lllllliiiiiiii ______ ... 1Sth & Ne_,.rt ""'' Con. MMa. Ce'"· o;;.,t r II _.....,r ,.,,1 n ff f'rwl' , • ::."" Rft, ""'""" Camp GIIO. ,..x JOE Mct<EE 1790 Nf'WJ)OC"t Blvd. Offtoe , ..... "e a..toeft 1111 R-. PtloM aeeeon 11t1·W ONE HUNDftllO FEET F.ONTACE llodfom Home oo Hftl"t)or. 1ft. Oommerdal location. ONE ACR. llockrn Home. One thooa&nd rab- blta. PWI EqojpMnt. $13.700 D.C.IhcKeule lolaa Maider AIIOOiata ai'Otce" 11M)S Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa CHAMaERI or DANIELION 21<ll Newport Blvd. Costa MH&. Calil. 2 HOUIEI t$710 $1000 Down -East Side $1100 Lot's on Newport Blvd. $1650 ~ Com. Acre 1!iO foot frontqe East ide ~ Block from Newport Blvd. FOR ANY N6ED Pttone fttar-.or 2Ut or write 80JC 1M •altt.a &.land OWN·RENTAL PLAN. PIANOS as tow as $5 per month. All ~nt alto~ at end of tenn oo purd\ast' pri('(> D A N Z • SCHMlD'J' P LANO CO .. S20 No Ml'l1n. ~enta Ana 7. WaaWtoBeat 100 complt't f' outdoor ahaclel with I!OCkets. -2..'\.'S !'anti\ AnA A\'t>. 32·2t·P FORDSON TractOT and tool11. Makf' ttn o ffer. 2169 Mln~r. ont block >w't>!t of Harbor off VIc- toria. 26-t!< JUNIOR Toastmaster for $4.5(1. 16 cans of S.M.A. liquid for · mula ch eap. ladlrl'ct tl,~:htlnll noor lamp. S4 00. Sf-aeon 6396-R. aA«GAtNI F lrttt Come-Fnt lcrved. C~lotex lMUlAtlon 'J'Ut .... "<16"< 16 Inch. S82 pt"r thou-and .q r~t 11500 2-<4 Nn 3 CNn l'oo~~;ltut F1r 84oautlfu1 th~ bfdroom hornt'. YOUNG CA>nllt>man w~nt:. a Surfa~ 4 side-s at Pf'T' tMwl· gut'S" houJte, l~ped. sl~prnr l"(l()m In \'lrlnlty of E and r~t. roth St. ~ con 6169-J. h<t &nd 1"((; ~" ts500 12-lt ·P R.l/-dwood rurf a•'t'd 4 Apx t......o AcNta entnnee Oft Nt!W· DESIR£ 2 bMroom houi!C", tum ~r thou._"4nd fN't port Aw .. Fine )oeatSen C'OUn or l!'ht'd. Vf'ar around l't'Tltnl trnlll'r ~It• SJl().OO. <"lo~ 1n ''nit Bill I . B. VINION 1. L. VINSON 2211 N•W1)0rt 8tvd. 8 eacon &o20 f • tl"ie. Dc.a.cxln 5222 Tc\Vmkk Itch\ 31-ll< '' MLDRl )01\i htlU ••. rum\<~h('(l Local hlt~lnl' "man. C'lo~ ln. 1Jarhnr o:n~ n. 31-ll <C flf>~t>r ~<'I hi flr1u KI"ICibl l~"\tt h ~"t" ::!(1,... """"' ~ d·...-nunt. " • .,,i\1 ~· FRANK CURRAN LUMB E R CO INC 1003 E. 4ttl St .. Santa ""• PtiOI\e: K I ·i-1157 1 ~~' C::hn"f'< •u~" S107 11 25 <Met 1{i~h~\ &rid P"'flfl)' A"'"llf' f~h -'df'' An. Phene: •uoon f?OI).W1 1' :'f; !:'\, ntne-~'''" and Tlr ftv.·r>n<l _ Harbor Furniture NEW and UI~D FURNITURE Special 8argaln• Dally 1M2 Harbor l lvd. Phone •••con &SU-J -'1 z-Cn:~•r lllll!hW!\\ •nt'l f>~ \\'f'T'IU,. 1'\:n!"fh ~tf1r) PAINTING & ~A~I!RHANGING 1 ., "' r •• , •• lfit'h~av and M~tT11:('>lt1 \\'rn\1" W. R. \\'ilUAmS ; i :-a o;;,. • '"'' "",...,;.,. 11nd l11mrnP "''~""""' 1 • '\(\ • :1\ t" \\ t "til' •n<i rf"IT 111\(. \\'Pnlll' ~ Y.-a~ In C'"•"'la Mt'S& REGULAR GOING ~OME ICHEDULE NEIED MONEVf Sf'f' us for quk-k b~ptul ~­ ,1~ on '-our nna.nct&l n~ - Loan1 on Fl.TRNm.1R.E.. SAL- ARY CAR OR 011iER SPX't'R· IT\' Ht'Uf"' 10 A M to 5 F ~f C"lo..-d SaNl"days .. """' l Huddlntnn. ~lo:lpf'l"t I 11!14 Laguna Ave I COAOIIIA O£L MAR SCHOOL P. 0 •ox 1017 '-" n<i "'t"'r1f'T1 ' 11 ~ ft m ftnd '\I" m R. C. W . RRL~ PLUMIINO 1~ 1~11i <;T CX"~A ~A 8pecl•ltrlng '" Pr-ompt Repair Wor\c Gt>nfra.l Con t-nw-t.of'll' Btti~"' IRVlS ,F.,OR .E C.OROO~ 1111 Wr ._T CrNTRAl ~n\, r r• ,<,I ~-~ • <:: -oM Th ~1 f":nt'l•" 1:' 1"' :nwi :t :l('l r ,., F •• ~ \.Mdt '} ;\(\ p m. F tf•._ r.r .. <\.-'\ p Til IIIEV..PDRT SCHOOL , nt'l. ~rrn · 11 nNW~ and '\ ,... m }' -c;;.... .,..,<1 'M1m! C';Mld..,. 12 40 and '\ CO p m l"c!urUU Crac1t': 3 p .m F ,.~ ~· tth ~·t'nth F1dlth G'ndM , en " m PTA DAVI GOING HOM~ .CHCOULI. CDIIIO" ~ DEL ""Alii SCHOOL Klrd rMrtf"n· 1l '\1'1 a m 11nd :\ p m f F1ro ~ Third (';radl"t U.l~ an~ "' thr' r ........... ,,.., $"tflh C';r~· 1 p m. 11j£WP(IIIIT SCHOOl. • Kt"<i~"'n " 1:' NV'I' nd 2·:-o .f. m n,....1 ~.1 Th•rd r.r:-11,.. 1 • .o ~~~ a·.o p m. fl8ftW' • l'f'C\th" r~a~h nr•h c: ,~ ""' ttth c'"'a""'· 2 ~ p m ACMOOL BDUNOAftl I AU alJnb. ~'tW.h and l'·,:.hlh ,..._ tt~ 'M Ntwp.-.-~~-.--.. , 1 r~·· '"" lcln•1.-r: ~rt· n ltlf"'u~:h Fifth Gl'lldf' fNI('IWW (' "'<'"JI df'l Mft• Set>(l~tl• C\l~ma •"'I 'Ill Ralhu T' ,, p ~ '"" p.,, qhnT'f' C'"am_f' .. r>f • ~ N~l"1 l<:hool l .&-,~,. t •aU elf Dt<!lllinu• "'H't NC1\'J'Ort 1\hd 11 '·~ ' M~ -llf':-t('t>n ~.' .'•1 -----1:---_ _.;,..___ fl( rt ~.,t'h. \l't'l1 of Ba.r S'hQr& • 1n c ~on\Jt'd from hat! 11 ~ old Balboa PavtUon and INide 4&11)' lrlpa, brlnalna pro. A a to 0 victory q'""" W J{aw-All Stars ~ICt Wednesday on thr ~lw buyt>ra aCI"'Oa lht" ba' · thorne American Legion Wl"dnl'l>· samt" diamond. Ca.nv ~ &lj Lola 10ld at $150 11nd tKa~·tnJ day nliht 1n ~nllnela Park, In-11 m on July (, thfo Mc>rcha.n. wu brWt. glt>wood kt>pt th!! C618te Mt"M M tlimmed this same \earn 10 to At that tl~. t"Jtt.'t!pt lor I he dlJtnU baM•bdll wam In uw run-in a .:am<' playt•d a_l Lion Fie old Paliaa<J Tavea n llJ\d a "oz· nin¥ In tht' sl.'mJ•pru _IPlU])~l • , ~ .. 10 hO •o£> • t~&J MJM't'nt l)' bl•tnJ:; ht•ld Kf Jl ~ IJ lammt'r ro!O'ny alone lnl.' ~an Bill Fla.na,an pltt·ht•r. nnd Jrw' a· h Sch I~ .d ~nt "oron d<'l Mat \\1'" ••1111'4' lg 00 n Sn"an. timt·l~· hlth r. Wt'rt' tht• hl'l'\>-b' mon• than an e.11.11am;e of wlld cs o{ thf' toonto·.,, whlttl m~· of ~)l;l}. .. tlritllant lllltOhPt< o r ~ 1~ a.ta l\1Nan~ ~& ,(~1~ I thf' City ed the tQm l<!rml"'.. onr of tht• Sqo d Numbe ~ of Tru It'(' , \It Slv.tn \\.ta. ~t bllll gMmt>t~ Uwy h;l\., 't"-'n a rs ~t. ~ ... LJ hl I hto annl'l>.llllon all <~t·awn •I Cote a d~ P.br to the ell} ot 1-"tan'~ allowtd four h·ts ftl\!1 Forty two grid upl ~- pur1 Oe.aC'h, thu~; maiOng 1 Sll''\Kk llllt '12 bat .. m•·n bUt o;omt t"d out tot· !lrst snalon ol Harbor 'blc tht' bo~idlnJ lor streets, wllt1mos. .. kt·pt htm In hat wat•'r Jllrh "<"houl football practlt.oel w t.. 1\4 oth~r Jmprv\o!>ments most or tilt> 9 mmng routt• Tuf'Sda\ aftt'rnoon as nPw Coach Develop~ Gardens Sa\UI lll'Tl"l"'('d tw? hi~ in tl\l' AI J'""in ~·annt"d tht• c:quad with In 1926 Mr Sloan Ill-. unt• 1 ht> l:8 mr but 11 w 11" K• nn~ ' ll'>nl: I'' hwh tw m~·t ~ hi~ 1 ~" grl> 11 locaJ ~rwtontatl\., f••r \\ S fh ball "hll'h was drtlpiJ('d 'n ldt !'C<'hl"fiUit" Ftrst gam£' Ill with SL Spe.rr, \\ht4 OWIIt'<i tht• land on r"td that 'l'nnd '"'' n.n· f<•r Atthom"~>o St•pt .!4 lbt' (){'f'ln ldt• Ill ll.t htt:lm '' 'h• lc,.-als in th .. :lnl A I•'!:Jtamat• -.l'••h'lllt ~ '"'rt' '<\ht'dult"d ~of \larJ!Ut'l tlr "''' II•• tlun run -<mn'fi '"!ht' ~.,th \\h<·n 1\Jt t·tll"h 11f1Nn1w>n thtc \\"t't•k ami built Ills J•l''f'4 111 ufft••• .mel .o~IM1 1 •nm wnlk 11 '1 t. '1"·nn.i 111 d ulll'ltt.ll(' f<~tt•nnon ~Ions. a hor'"l,. •m tht 11, n ''"""' I Itt' w11 .. ltrout:hl til lht "" "' ~. '1n .. 1 ·It ,10 , n .. l · \It• .. • .r ''' 1:11' "'lu 1 I \\ :ll be ba\ "lll~o:h Blurt." no" thl' home ,11 h ,1 ~1\!n ht1 11 ltnl! c•n• 'I·"'' tr••mth lt''-4'1\" .~mt tho• of. ttw lia11,> \\ t <.lO\l'l~ "111 •1 11, rr r-d 10 ,11 ,.,, h lntu 1 f't"' tl'iltn of 111~1 ~ t'ar. Only 11 l<IHI '.!t"' Sh•«n l~tlt·l th• h"rrn·r, but h• "'lirP<"d be IWM'n thiN' IPttrrnwn nn• n•rumm~. ~lopcod lht• l'•rdoLO\ B<>~:untll otf!tl olnoi t •• nw :tnri \\8S ln~~··d TIH'\ 811' ll·h Tih>mp!lOn, e.nd; A. Mort~ chnplaln t-ool'ilf•·tl'd th(' j;('I"\'I<'M whkh "f'~ he-ld m Rl\'f'nldt' Mf'mbt'nc of tlw ~'"'"~ and war romrad~'<~ w••rr pnll h· llr- r.-.. A mllltl\1') ~:un <;ohnt• wao;; al~ fu .. ·t1 '" hi< hnorr ,\~ 11 " tr ,.,,,. .. pnnt1• nt Lind~- lt"'' h:.r-t , ..... " •. ,.,. f1•'\ " •.•• · th lh tlrtro•t! f •t • • in lh•~ !'l:r>ltlh l'.ltlfr I'•' ''·" •n ''" tlw M trrn1.. In\ ~'"'n d flkln~\\ n ;mrl 1\\ ' ~ , ~""' '' ., I,,, ,... ... t e• • n I'll n To~\" II· ,, I r.~llldt \\llh .,11\rn•· • .,,,, n ''' '"'' n•" r"J" r •1•1r~ 'r '\\ ' ,,.,,. thlt , ttu ,. n Cardt-n 111 ;"".0.1 l'o •• ~l Hlii:h" '" , It 01 1 J "" f.;,.,.n fullh;u k and llrU Mr ~lo;\n ".... ol m• ml>t'r of ut •t' p ou I I 1':' I oil,, 1· th MallOn It' ordt'l' and o charlt•t ( "'111 !\t "" s.:n• R hll~ dur·n,:: , .1,. , ·1 , 1, ... ,. " .. ft •m 1 hf' nwmht•r. nf th,. l'nlonn df'l !\1.11: thl' l'\'f'llin.: nnd mnrh tllN't• 11'fl~ F I"''• I 'I' \I I h:illl•m Boh N t6HT WORI(-Orangl' Cont College grldders gather around F'oot- b.; I Coo~~ch R •v R!)UO cente' bOJckground woth light .. WI'ater, as he nl.lke& 11 po•nt about the to1ckllng dummy and the amount of work tl'illt must go wt!ll it Big equad greeted coaell for first aenlon under llg'htc at Harbor High football fteld, f1 •1•f· \)1, 1', nol •k· I • • "'' , .. •ttl'\ 1n •I I" I .. 1nr• nh \! r nn•f \lr< l'nol \t I "'"' • I I'\ '1 11 n l11 n•h• r (~'"'"" tntll r lh ,,,.r M Lm!i-.11'\ Pntu" nl. Mrl 11nc1 1\nnthPr ~lc;ll'r M111 Ruth Rnnrh. Rl\ r.-..idr ( 'umr unit\ l ·~ un·h , '''' th• lr opl ... n••nl~ 1\\n '' 1 \\ I St y Tho• local lo'llm n:o o'l• -.:'i • ,.,.. 1" ' ,In • •1" oung. ___ ._.,., "t \' 1-w 1,11, h /''t·om !ht• Bf"''S 60 Collegiate Gridders Report . ---------------------------1'•\\lrr r•t·•• ho•t!h nuu·h. Johnn~ I J\lnl!':-luu. Jtm J\ltn<' Bob Bur- tiiC'k I lon l'antN•II. IV!n Knipp, C:~rlton 1\!t>o.rs and Harlow Rkh ('oil•·~:~· ft~o•tlnll \\.iS lntrt)ohu · t'OJIIX'<I tht• Jllntur 1'0llt'S::t' rhnm-lll:tllltll!' nf 1111~ Wt'l'k, thP MJUIH1 1 t t•• •lu~ jti\r t of ltr1n&;<' Croun pion h1p In 1 he Rose Oowl. I cnon \t " h.urJ at fund3mt•ntals . • 1tt1o;uf1 1 ,1 ·~· !11 ,, tunt• 1'tt<'' J:l\'1 '\t'~' 111r1~ ftnm nth!'! stal l'S I I "iO O ,.0 .t Jud.;rng from hts fu-..t full lonk h• ~·1n11111~ \luml:l\ tilt' t'l•IH'I! ·~· ... n '' 1 n " r·an.:c .... a" k 1 d rndudt• Ed ~~a~t·r lrnm f'hlC:ll!O <'OIIt'~t· ~rtddt'l'll rurnc>d out for I'll '"' n•'" mat~>raul at (lrant:t> ran w ill \\1>1 out t•.lr 1 8) at 111111 L \IC'~faslf'l'" a tra•lsft I II n ld t th~ t'tla.l, Hto .. o;(l o;e{'m('(i pll"aseod. but I Jl m on thf'll 0\\n l lf'ld but ft t•rn 'J, \lt.!o hl$:h .. rhtonl pract lt•t• un w nP\\ P 3 hl' rt-fu~ to do mut'h talking most of thclt homt' Rllmt''> will In thP l"UrN'nt workout' arr ~·ri"~~~> r<'portt'd to tht'lr new latt••ut lhf:' lads unW they had ~ pla)t'd ,11 Harbor high. LOO E LEAF FOLDER MauriCf' Langdll.lf' Bt-rt r.ndle~ roach· R.:iv Roue, for the put morf' \\Ork behind them. I Ntnf'h'('n llf thE> m('n who rt'- BIII Custa.f~m. Jt'rr~ HIUl', Bob tw·o )t>ars· w hh Chaffl'\ College I Anti wm k It was from almost por1t"d (or prartk~ hat! !rum B~atadell. ~b \\-.~hnust', Don 1"! •:. ht· tut n~t out two powt!r· 1 hr UJot'nln~ da). Mo' lng O\'f'r H"rbor lllgh wl! h f'lght players \\00<1$ Mf'h:rn Sma •1 ' B t:ham-fu , ,lunu•t c-olh.•ge t-ll'\t'ns. One to thr gndlmn at Harbor High of that numbt'r gh·lng tht'lr bt'rhun J~>rry Rlut· an!i flon 1 ,.f J:os ... o"< IC'am~ ott ChaHt"\ ~tc·huo. t .. r 1•ractlc.1'S during the homl' addn-u u Coata Mesa.. 111 • 'I 11. " R>ng. Ou~ahlt Heavy ~--,•••w•CH•a•~:.:.·.T.:.o:•I'•:•L•A•:•:gii ... ' •. M•4•v•'•to•~--~ \It ['\(•~A r ll · Al<10 AI Muntt c;pnp \1(''\otast· =n K~~:h Jt~% .. ~h.:k rru:~~l Marlin, Broadbill, A 1/:acore W~>lht Tt"d Mellot Ilan Wooln\'· t'r Ralph Kf'phart. BnH..'f' Clt>r brook. Bob VanDrlmlt'n. Mayn· ard Lobell. Worlt'y Alexandt'r. Ja('k Smith and lVan KaJey. New Arcade Is Nearly Re.dy for Occupancy • • C-ot:llplete tock of School Trimtit Sox For AD Age SUTHERLAND'S 5 · 10 • 15c STORE \U COAI T HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR BI"THOAY OBSERVED . Mr and Mrs. Jonn E. Sadl(.>tr t'tJt('rtalnE'd tht'lr daught~r and ~·n·rn·law . Mr and M111. William Kl"mper of Costa 1.-fHa, at a dln· ner Thursday evening. St'pt. 2. Th~ party was In honor of Mrs. ·--------------------------...!... Kemper's birthday on Sept. 1. ....... RUMP ROASTS aDNED & "QLLED BElT QUALITY CORN FED ITEERS ROUND TEAK ......... lb asc HERE ARE SOME OF THE REASON 'WHY WE • ELL 0 MtTC'H MEAT! • Some Of Our Regular Every-Day Prices. • SUCED BAOON $WIFT"I ORIOLE er-and ECONOMY CUTI FROM GRA$1 FED CATTLE ROt~ STEAK ....... lb 75c Make Big Splash in News \'lrtuall) r'f'arl~ fot ()('('Uflanc~ I~ tht' San!icrs Ar ('llr.Jt' bulldtn..: at 1207·1209 coa<.t tlt~:h"a) '" Corona drl \lilt Marlin broadblll and albacort> &11 m ade. bi~t news In the put week of flshln~t out of Newport Harbor. BJggest Item of newa, literally spt>a.kln~ was th<' catch of a broadbnl weighing TC17 poul'da dl'f'S8f'd. the largeat ever bro 76-Year..Oid Resld Of Corona del Mar Dies Into t ht> Harbor. It wu caught Thr bull!iln~ O\\ nt"d b) R11 \ b) thr La%:u'lch brothers ot 1656 and Ermn Sandf'r' f>f Clort-mont Th!'tln Av·e., Costa Mesa. has two apar1m<'nts, nn orfl('f' A marlin M'<'Ord also wu se-t. and spa<"'' tor thrt'(' 1ton:os. A JlQ.pounder wu weiJhed 1n Ocslgnt>r of the building. Fred 111 the> Balboa Anglin$ Club, the ~1urphy. alrt'ady hu t'111abllt~hed largt'st welght"d in to d.ate this his office there. Bulldt'r was year. It wu taken by Donald B. Ralph lloyl~ Jr. O'Neill of Sanla MonJca. who ------b&ttled tt tor a1x houn and 10 mlnutt'a and boated It 1n the dark. Peggy Diehl Ho110red At Birthday Sapper Albacol'e khoel A oatlo upper wu hc.>ld Wl'd- FuMral lf'r\'l~ wc.>n-hf'ld at A nn.~. IChool ol albao>re pro-ne.da)' ~ at the honw of Mr 10 a. m. )'t'Sterday (ThUJ'Iday) vlded ex~Uent Labor Day hoU·1and Mrs R Stuan Dlt'hl. 50R , for Mrs. F1on:once Davbon. 523 da.y tlahJng, accordlnc to reports Coldenrod Avt' .. In honor ot their HllU'I Dr Corona dt'l Mar. who 1 from the landlnp ln me Rarbor.l dau~thtf'r''l blr1h(b~· BMiMI t he> dlt"d Sunda) rn Santa Ana Com· P.rt Orange boats brouc ht In ~. M:iu Pt'U)' Dlfottl. K\K'S"t" munttv Ho~rltal . 108 albacore Sunt!ay and 130 on l•"rlurl.-d Ml ~~ Moya Kinl!' Pt'r· ~Irs Da\'l~n. who wu 76. had I....abor Day. White wa baa, call-dita Hom . Phyllis Lakt', Jf'M Bar· he<'n a ~llt>nt 111 thf' hoaplt&l f'>r co bus and barracuda llshlng 1 tint' C.arol F.yman 1 h l"'f' da' l' Sh,. had lh'f'd in al10 wu reportt'd good. 'J'h.ree 1 A ISCI pn'M'nt wt-1"'(' Jamf'S and Cumna dt>l \l11r for sb. yt'ars. marlin were brought 1n at Port 1 nnnald Stertf'n<eon, Bob \Vh) tt" h;n In!! Ntmf' hi' I I' from Tenrws Orange lut week and a 1C2· Btll Hin~haw. II81T) Wt>,.tO\'Pr and "M'. "' pounder wu brought In Moooay. Alan Lcwlll Aftt>r dtnnrr ,.:&m<' .. Sun 1" r, lnC'Iudt' ht'r hushand King's Landing reported more snd &neing W't're the> ordrr or the> \\'rllr:ur. rIll\ lsfln \\ hCI It~ lll Com· than 100 albacore lor Monday t"f'nlnl!' munrt' Jloo;pitnl, a ..on. William. and catchea Sunday and 'I\reeday of r.IE>ndal<', a rlaurhtf'r, Mr11 at10 \ftre good. More albacore MRI . GRUPE VACATIONING Frf'd Buhman of Wnllhlnjl'ton. have ~n brought m at King's A · JetP summtr vacation is In "he• 1' now hPrC'. and t wn grand Landing this year than during all ~:tore tor M rs C D Crup4'. 701 chilr1rt•n of lns1 year. Marigold Ave . ('omna del Mar. Rr'' I !arr) Owings oUJdaiE'd I who left Tut'Sday for PaMdrnn 1 ~I thr Sf'n.IN'S Ill &llz Mortuary Sold Out Dally Aftt>r visiting frlf'nds in thnt N'· '" Corona del Mar Entombment Boar.. were aold out every day was in tngl<"wood Park ma\130 at Patterton's J....andlng during gion. Mrs Gruf)(' will takP hf>r IIIII· 1 leum. tht' Labor Day holiday. Friday I ~e:,. Mrs. wt .. H t MSf'Kf'OWnl ofdCII.'n· ---of lut ~k wu the best day, Ulllf', on 8 np o «JUO 8 an pol!· I with 4.9 albacore taken and more slbly on to San Fnnctsro. M111. CHURCI-4 GUILD MEETING tha lOO lost. The eatenea were C~ w1ll,n-tum later In St'p1t!m· The Church School Guild of the 30 n d 40 den. bt'r. . I Corona del M.ar OommunJty an pou.n 1 Chui'Ch ..,. hold 111 flm tall I C&tcl\es of whJte eea t1U1 and .------------~ U well U aJtlacOre. WANHO TO RENT rMetlna at 8 p. m. Monday at rted .... Port Udo Thls .~..a the home! of Mrs. Raymond K. ~-~ now ";lannlnc 8 2o.da> Unfumlshed howtt'. ¥"" •Y f't"n· Harvey. 315 Poppy Av~. Co-,=~ .. do the c:out to .. _.,.,,_ tal, ror man and witt' who t\of;tt'SS is M,... Harold BC!nt'dlct. '"~ wn ._...,... want homt' and 1ardt'n: will Thl're will bt' • buslneu met>t· co, t.!extco, for OctOber to rtah I '"'"'e b6t of car't'. lWft"~. r !~t·rhan.lt f'hol" • Aubn•y I... IA-wiR, M. D . f'tll-,•lf' uaw.t{ ~~ '" :.ii'il 1t••• tun OF'FJCE JJ('Il'I'S 10 ~• m lfl 1:.' noon und 2 In 5 f1 m 1.'1~ :>\< IRTll IU10All\'.' \ \' ... lR't the PAINTS It will,., ytl ft 1St PUlE PIEPAitD PAINT mmllKmM cotOIS I KINCY fLAT WAll ,AINT SAnN-IOTt SOII·CLOSS £NAM£l UllliGTON Flll·CU)U ENAMEL S.anta Ana featuring GENUINE MORCK PAINT BR a Size & Style For Every Use SPECIAL FRIDA.Y & SATURDAY ONLY 3" Morek AU-bri tie Prof ional Type Brush-U Inside or Outside REG. SS.30 SP ECIAL tor marlln. broadbW and dol·~ •·· lng. The ~'Omen will alao ww lph.tn, l.n addlti<m to ltopplnt oft Box 509 Corona dtl Mar ror th~ bazaar. and refreshments t .. pul tor a f~ da"'" L-----------........! 1 ~11 bt' ~rved. a;ii-ieaiiiicoiiiiiiiiiiiii~ii-iiiiii .. _.ii_._._.iiiiiiiiii ............ iiiiiiiiiiii._._._._._._._ii._.__..__.~ I Mft. Barrett BOlita 3J 0 zjlt e w ~ c J.f -ate T BONE STEAKS ........... 1b 6tc T-BONE STEAKS ............ lb CHUCK ROA TS ....... 1b Stc CJRJCK ROASTS ...... . 1-BONE BOAsTS ., ., ....... a Stc . . ~ 7 BONE ROASTS ............ 1tt .OUND BONE ROASTS a 5te ROUND. BONE ROASTS a sze Bnlf'1day Gaday tlml Friday OM of ov Omtomen ~t. a Tmderb-••tely F R II: E. Come Ia ..a we wiD WI )'0'1 all .._.ft. Wll~kak M.--~ C. 0. "Pat .. PLANAOAH r co. 1847 Newport Ave. Costa Mesa Phone Beeoon ~ &fliPtaOrele !het'•c • t ~ ~e n Newport ,• Heta'htll Circle of Jne U 16 C'' • • Olrt.t Ctiurth by the Sea held ltL ~lar meettna ln the borne of Mrs. EdJth 'Barrett, 1!14 New- port Blvd. DeYotSon&. t.IRn from I the book of John, ~ reaJ by J\llla Thornpeon, and Joll,e 'l'nal· ty gaw a talk on mt.lonary W'Ol"k In Cblna. l eANTA AMA ANTIGUa IHOW Tbowanda ol dollant worth ot ,.... 8lltlqu8 ,..dfndatC owr 25.000 Items wOl M cllltpleyt!d a l tile AnU.. Show to ._ held In the ~ Society ...._ at Santa Ana on ~ 14. 15. j16. J"'. Doors wttJ be ...,. fNin 11 to 10:30 P. M..4ally. Owners tr.,. .,..,.,...... 8eNteil tr.-ry .... ,.. -C.fl liD'S GARAG& HAft80R 21lo4 tlO e... •• ,... c.o ••. Plcku_p A ~1Jwr Bay Arft • IIERE ABE A PEW OF DIE 1.1 ENTBIZ8 To OB008E From Grtlt.. trllet .t WhJWiefi·Taftar ................... :.. ............. -............ 1.10 c .. .--,..,.._ ....... _..,..... ..... ---···-·--.. ·-·-·----····-'·" ,...._. trn.t .t trlftMft H...._. 1.8 ...... ..._ ,._ Yertr ....... ----~, .......... __ .. __ ......... , .. c..-, ....... ~ ....... -( ........ . ........ 8M A .. tMe) -···-·· 1 .. OM Haft ...,..,... trrtM alcbft UO ...... Tett _.,.._." .... tt- ...._. .............. -·····-.tAO BOURS .. ,.--- l.UNCH«oN 1t TO 4 OINN&R 4 TO to P. M. r OA n A waatc EVERY wm. NIGHT '1. .... Ou low -"""' c.ektatl ..... .,...._. a...-a-M ateatt ......,. trt .. -'IWII ........ Ctttct.ft ,.. ...... ...._ J ...... ., ...... ~ GrtttN••• ....... .._...