HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-09-17 - Newport Harbor EnsignCrackdown Due For Violations Plannen Hired; Tax Cut Voted Five Cents Vol. 1-No.·s ASrOund e ch of Corona del Th~ C.1ut '• .... J v.~::>rttd ! :c ~n thrt't' J~~..un. \ocun:by Y!\il~C: .,t \.\tud. had ~-."l~ n~ at tbr • • I DD FIUDAY. KP'ft.MaP 11, , .. CnJign ~ del Mar. Ca.liforna· 1101·0 Cout Mich ..... , AllVO E. KMPA. ~ 8UII8CBIP'l10N RATES $2.00 1.00 .50 .03 Tbe ·Ensign 11 publiahed r'\U}' Friday for th£ commwutia of Corona dd M u and Balboa labnd. W nw:o mmmurucatiaoa U) The Ena:i«n should CUT)' the rwnc wd a.ddtul of the wntcr. and If pt*aNt, tht w~ numm 1llt En5lstn·s tdtpbonc DW'Ohrr " Ka,rt.or 788. W.nkd: Program for Corona del Mar Whither Corona del Mar? Now is a time to consider this question ca..re- tuny and to arrive at a long range program to ghte dlrection to the enormous vitality that is making c this community one of the fastest grov.ing in the nation. The citizens of Corona del Ma~ are not· ignor- ing the problem. There exists already the Civic As- sociation. which meets periodically to consider is- sues that face the community. A meeting has been called for Monday evening for the purpose of reac- tivating the Business Association of Corona· del Mar. And still another group, representing the pro- fessional arts field, laas just re<.Uttly held its initial meetings and has drawn up a preposed program for the area. grow. But these organizations must come to an agreement as to the nature and direction of the ine\;table growth in order to a\·oid haphazard and unsightl>· cot;tstruction. Corona del Mar is fortun- ate in that it is just now at the threshhold of its greatest deYelopment, and that de\'elopment can be guioed along proper paths if comrnunitv action is taken on a long range program. · Corona del Mar seems destined t o be more than a commercial and business. center. It is developing its special character as an arts and crafts center. Therefore it is of greatest importance to guide the development along the lines of individuality and beauty already characteristic of this area. The decision, of course, rests with the major- ity opinion of the community organizations. Proper guidance, exercised by these groups, can preserve the cha rm and individuality of Corona del Mar, and make 1t indeed the jewel of the Pacific coast. SCHOOL PROBLEM PRESENTS CIIALLE GE As schools open again for a new te~ atten- tiOI\ is c.alled to a critical need by the fact that a numbet" of school children can attend only half- ·day sessions and thus are deprived of the full bene- fits of their grammar school education. The situation in the Harbor area is simllar to that in all of South~m Ca).ifornia, and the primary reason is the same: the enormous influx of people to this sunny land. The school population in the Newport Beach Elementary School District has in- creased about 25 per cent each year since 1941, and there is no indication of a levelling off in the near future. A major project for meeting tbis problem is approaching the construction stage. This is the proposed school building in Newport Heights, which Is expected to be ready for classes next Sep- tember. But e\·en that can be considered only a begin- ning. Superintendent H. 0 . Ensign estimates that this school's initial capacity of 500 pupils wiU prob- ably be reached in two years, and then furth r ex- pansion win be necessary. R~dents of this area must realize the serious nature of thls problem. They must look ahead to- ward further expansion of school facilities in order tto m~t the grt'at responsibility of provirling acie- quate education for the moot important of the urces of our nation, its youth. .. Highlights on Your Radio Dial A.IIEMBLV OF GOO Honof't'd guests at last Sun· da~ ·, ~\t-ning lt'r"\'1'--e ~-ere Mr. and ).ln. Rolwrt Turnbull, mlsa- lonarlH from th~ Island of Haiti. Tht'}' AAOWt'<i pictures of th~ II· land and of tht'lr work thf'~. a('('()mpanlt'<t by talks on lht' J)OIS.Ibilltlt'l of missionary work o fl t ht' Island CH,_ItT CHU .. CH BY THE lEA. "Stl!'wards" wllJ bt> tht' subject of Pastor Thomas Ra)• Ptndell'a !lt'rmon at tht' 11 a. m. momln.g 'AJ'Ot'5hlp, Sunday. ln tht' ~nlng. th~ You\h F'follow hlp wtu m~t •n Coodt'll ttall. r. 30 p. m .• 1ol· towe4 by •"oenlng worahlp at 7 .JO. a t whJt'h May C'hrlstlanson ~111 J,!'ht' ll talk t'ntltl~ "Ha· wauan C'ara,·an" I CHURCH DIRECTQRV .~ CO'-ONA. DEL MA.,_ CONQREGA.TIONAL -ll Jt. In •t '_,.,,.. ('.,,..na Ml Mu r .. rn t ~1.-.rt< !w-""v\ Mln\~fl'r ~ " ' .. o. ...... lt ~"""' 11 ·oo )l.,...tne ._.omlr ~ ~ Mr ~h...,., ... SEV~NTH OA.Y A.DVENTIIT Cor. 8 ols.a and Old Co. ,_oad Newport Helollta CHU,_CH OF CH-.IIT Churotl & Walnut Ita. n., .... ~ .. .,., lft. A liL Jli4,,,,.,,_ \\ ,,..llhlr> II M A lll y.,.,,., "-•t. • l-tln11 I :1'1 I' M c ........ ~......... -~ ·!• ,. Ill r .... ,.... M-tl~• '"'"" , ,,f' P x. CENT-.A.L 8 l8LIE CHU-.CH of eo.u Mu.a a.-UN lt.-a...t Ora ..... A.,. R..-,. r•,.,_J+, 1\tnm•n. N•tqr ~ ...... , """···· • u • •. n...... . .... -,..- ""' )In"' ~~-ttl S."""' • " "'""' ... ""~........ ll ... • ""' 11 ·(Ill y.,.,,.. '1'....,.1-ai>J l u11lor (' ll • tn p a. Bat lono P-hlniJ S.TYI..,. w ... ~ Pra,... M....Unc ~ nlort'l Youn• p..,rM-o T . .., ,.._,. "' E••r..,.t~-c_1f' ~rorir. N...tlnor rr. JA.MES EPIICOPA.L CHURCH via Lido ' Ill Oeamounlon .....,. ... _ _ _ I :10 A M e..ftdaJ llcloool -t •• A M. Nor111,.. s.r.~ .. a.nd S.nnon 10·00 A. M. OU,_ LAOV OF MT. CARMEL CAn40LIC CHUROH ,h .. lllh a...t Contral ft.? ,_., N_,.. M«< ~"~•-......,., llu~ ..._..., t :SO .... \1 a. a . IT. JOHN VIA.NNEY Marine A.v•nu• Balboa laland llo...., .. ._ I ell4 10 L ,., WM. Onl)" a.pt. 22 Robert Hutton Joyce Reynolds "W AU..FLOWER" S«oDd Bic Hlt Charlie Chan in UfiiE DOCKS OF iEW ORJ.EA. a..mctay Contil\ueus from 2:45 lhtii\M Saturday at 1:45 Comp&nlon Wiillam Elliott Jack Holt Andy Devin Bruce Cabot ~AI..LANT LEGION» Peter Lawford Ann Miller In Tf'Chn!c:nlor FfUD~Y AND IATURDAY li:daW~~-Gale Storm =tfiB DUDE GOES WES'I" Also "AR-m~u--R TA.J[ES OVER" CartOCM-a.t. M at. -Sef"lal auNDAY AND MONDAY DOROTHY LAMOUR "LULUBEIIP Aho ..LoW~ Hq«vc1 -Janet Blair .. =.tHE BlACK ARROW" Cartoon -News • LAST B._Y ~EStDEN TS RETUR~~ TO TFACHI NG •· !LL SAIL TO EUROPE 'II'-' 'Ill'"'" I(' 'llldl •UJ:.t l h,l., Lcoa\lne rJur hland on 5(-pt. '''"'Umt·<l 1 n tullt•:-a~ t4"1l"h"• n1 Z7 \\ill be l\1r". Paul Ro~ t't" 11nd t•l ntn~t.tf ll\ At Rurb:tnk Hu:h aau~~rhteTS S~· and \'lrglnta. Srlu>OI nth r 3 .. um~f'l , :a~·at10n residents ot the Eut Bay. who lot>rv lf'llmlnll tht' art ot s:UIIng I" •II Ull for a trip to Europe. l.<'r n<'" Sa' I·Mro hoat Nmbln- ThP\ ":11 aau abOard the ::O.:or-8llon s.'Ul-mntor ro"·boat. This wi~ twr, t~ ·Tara.ngt'T ot tx•at was CT'l'atl!'d by hPr broth· the [nter~an Lint'~, !rom c•: F. D. MacDougal, owne.l' of \\ilminJton. They wUl eo the hoatwork$ of the same name throuah the Panama and '" ~ewpon ~acl\. on to Europr. ==~---=~~------~~-------------------------------~'plan to mak~ their ho~ R kh d t M t . CDM an . small town of v~~\. SwfU· oc oun s 0 ee In t-rl&mt. a subburb ot Lausanne Year's Plans Atulounced :or the !ollo"1n6 year, tra~JJin& El«tlon of oUI~n tor the the ~ttate will be shown and In At First BPW Meeting WMn the mood strlk" th~m to comlna 't'ar Is tM main business addition some tped.mens "11 ~ M('mbers of the Business and ~land and all ~'ft' Europe. slatf'd for the next mee~ ot Ol\ dhplay. Pro!escJonaJ Women's Club met During the surr.mer the (iris. the Oran,-.c> Coast \tlnert\1 and An Important &ftDO~nt ls last night at White's Cafe, Ba.J. BACK AFTE: .. TRIP NORTH ATTEND LODGE MEETING Mrs ltlliT)' Watson, 424 Orchid ,,, ...... Corona dt-1 M.ar, and ht-r folTttndl\auhtN Pat ricta attrnde<J Retx>cca Lodae mHtlng at Wt'St- minl~rtt>r Tuesday t'\'f'nl.ng. Mn. Elmer B. Smith. ~ Mf'Sa, and hC'r grnnddaul:hte-r. Cannarle ac-- rompanlf'd her and withdrew her l<'tt<'r from the Lodg\' so that she could become a member of thf' Harbnr IU>be<-ca J...odge v.'hft\ It ~ offi<illlly formed MRS. SHUTT RETU RNI 'Gray Ladles' to Meet At Balboa I sland Rome Fill) mt'm~rs of "Cray Lad les" Amt>rl('an Rf't1 C'mn lt'r\"lce orftanlzaflon. wtU spend the day at B&lboa ~Aland on '1\.tesday, &>pt ZS. :~t tht> homt> of Mn. LH Rolin :.!12 Amf'th) t. Balboa b· IAnri. !\Is·~ Rolin \\"U a mt>raber of thr 't~ra) l..adles" herM"lf dur· lng the war. ~<'rvin& In the Los Angf'les Blood Bank. In this same capacity ahe Is still serving \"f'tt-rane In thf' Blrmln¥bam Vetf'ran• Hospital, north of Los An&"f'l~. The Gray Ladles who wlll mt-et for a ~oelal get topther a \\~k from Tumay, worked to- gether during the war. They wUI be at the Island all day ... cominll tor brt'aklast and stay- Ing through eup~r. Ledon Post to Enjoy Baked Bam DIDDer ~ culinary art of Whit Hf"lms will be displayf'd at the next Am- t>ncan Lco.rfon Post No 291 11\H"t- ln~ A b&kt'd ham dlnnt'r prep&r· l'd by Mr Ht>lms w-LIJ be ft'atu~ At tlv> mr.11ntt WfdnM<it\Y. &-pt. :!:!, whiC'h w II two held al 7 p m 'It thf' Amenl':tn ~lon Hut 1 nrlud• -d In 1 ht> hu"iinN;S or I hr f'Vf'nfnJ: "Ill hf' II c11q:ou~c:inn or lJlp drum and htJl!l" C'Of"IX \\N<'h 1!1 he-m'= oll,-nnl7<-<'l undo-r th(' d irt"('- 'lc•n t f F orr t-,11•·f rr"\nk C'rOC'kC'r r~nc1 n II nanm<lt•r Thl' ('Of"TlS Will rrt~"'"' nt tho• llnrhnr Arrn post GENE'S CAFE iO!I n"I\~T HIGHWAY Corona del M ar H1\RROR 1102 Specializing In French & JtaUan Dbulenr • CATERINO IERVICit • Compll'tt' Dellcatt'SM'n not' Imported Wines Fine Imponf'd Foods !ormerly of r-:ewport Harbor Lapldan. Soclf'ly "hlch wil) take expected concen\Jn• the propos-boa. for thfo nr:st ~tlng of t~ High. had been at a relatJw's plac-e Monday In the audJtorlum f'd lapldar)• and jeoa'tiry l'\.~nlnr S<'MOn. In Anzona.. v. here a sum· of 11M> IJT&mm.&r school in Corona. dasse; to be hdd at tbe Orance Scheduled tor ttle l'\."enlnr'• mer ~hool wu conduC'tf'd. \'lr-clf-1 Mar Coast Colle~. Plans for the prolfT8Jl\ wert' a messa.ge from i ma had c~e of ~ to 60 S~aker at Monday. meettnc romlng flt-ld trip to Hol"lle Can-Pret>ldent ARne-& Blohqulst on the horses r the '\\rangier wu her wUJ be Theodore Reddick. pro-yon In the Moja~ area wtU also eorni.nc • year's IICttvit.Jes and a title I and Suzy was COUJ\Jif'lor f~!!iOr nf zoe-In~-at Long Beach be l'f'\~ed at the meeting. l"f'port trom Dorothy Sutherland Mrs. Stanll")' Shutt hu just re--a .. ARTHUR For ~ ,._rvatlons & hrvloa Mr and Mn. D W SanMn. turned home to 517 Goldenrod ha\'f' jtLIIt mumt'd to thril' homr A~. Corona del Mar. from a &urn- At r.ro t..a.rk.c;pur A"~~ Corona del mer vacation ln Oklahoma. Msr fmm an f'"<1f'ndl'd trip alon« i~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii--;;iiiiiiiii_iiiii_iiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiii thf' Y.'f'<tem roast ~ ~ who Y."t'l'f' r;one for tv.'O months. PolytechnJc and Ranpr Natur-The public b lnvtted to tbe on t~ ret."ent national con~n-.,..,,.nt to O~on during thf'olr trip. allat for thf" :'"ate Puk Depart· meeting Monady at 7 :30 p. m. tlon. Mn . Sutherland also told ment at C'u_ amara R.ancllo State of plans for the Christmas P re-RF.TURN TO PA~AOEN" Park. a DTIST I"!'D.,..............., vtew, whJch ls to be a much nr. and Mn~ c~r~" Stf'wlll'1 Snak" wh1rh Roc·khounda "'-D v.n.aa.av~ larger a!falr than that of last I ht t I South A DfnOI. CR & ~ -& '-T Shnrp Jr .. 1605 P&C'Irlr n r .. have m fC f'ncoun er n ern ~a.~ __. a.,;:, ...--~-. rear. rt"turnt'd to thf'ir winter home C&llfomJa u weU IU how 10 gh-e Irvin~ Manolr, Ool"'na Ml Mar In Puadena aftt-r 11 tY.'O·"""eek flrt~t llld for a rattlesn:• .l' bite artist who llves a.t 415 Acada REBECCA CLUB TO MEET vl~t In Honolulu. "here they at-' will be the in1onnadon whJc::h Ave .. this wtoek took luue with Regular~ rneet~np ot the tf'fldf'd tht" mf'dlcal tonventJon. ~~t~~d~ol~ ~tofat~ nr~'n\zallon plans or lark ot ~~ club will be Mid at 8 1 tt.tr 110n Geor,. hu returned --------------------them-u dlscus.ed In recent p. m. Thesday evenings at Goodell lo Colora~o State Collt'f:\", and ____________ a_E_PT ___ 1_t_.,m_ rt'ptll" found In th1a section of nl('(>lln)ts ot local professional Hall, N-ewport. starting next Tues-their dau,-hter Paula Is ~· Great 1n Ita conCt"pti.on! arts ~pie. day. •-ollf'd at Smith College. Maple PID--on ~Marble Desip .......... $2.59 Maple ll.aq-DoWD IAmp-Mariae Deslp .. $2.59 Maple Two-way Lam~Marine Destp ...... $2.59 Milk Stooi-BoHolr Lamp ............................ $2.98 Nautleai-Boadolr IAuDp-Maple ................ $2. lacllreet up.ttq Stutket Boudoir or Table IMnp ................................ $3.29 Momentous 1n Its ~Wft'p! Teea-caateea B.rd ~ group Ia not ~~ntatfve "A.BIZONA" Names New Ch&irmaa cr the local arta and cratts field...---------------------.., 1---------------------l lt.aJ'ftaC At the Jut meet~,. of the because It 1a ".elf appointed" srowERS SERVICE Ttoen-C&nt~ Board or Dlrectora. rather tJoJu forma.Uy orpnJaiC1. JEAN Altnrult Mrs. Jerrold Spangler of lJdo toe said He had ~ formlDc with We was appointed to chairman-an organtu.tlon whlch would M William Holden -WUTtD 91lllam a.hlp ot the "Tar-P1t" bull&.. go,emed by rro~r par!Jamen--And--.. •• --A.. co~ttee. ~adnr Mrs. Don· ... n.• pn ... -.:uure. "i.'&XAS" ald D. M~lum of Newport AI preUminary ~1np of the wtth St.., who It unable to take acth~ l.r"..s and cra!t, Qroup the m~r- wnuam Holckn -Cleft Ford part in the fUrther completion ltv of thOSf a ttendin• had f&"'Or· cartoon of the building due to Ulneu. ed jolnlna the ~- "BOWLING ALLE1' CA,-· The board announced that turn-lion rath~r than f Ln• a wp- l,hlnp for the ''Tar-Pit" at-e arate uniL Rn ~ uJd TUE:t..-WE:D.-THURa. nf"edf'd. and that anyone wtahln• till!! WHk that a pro arta '8 "· 21 •22•23 to contribute articles ot n~ or and crafts program be pre----Ou--td_oo_r_Thrills _____ and _____ u~ furniture should Nntact sentf'd to the Business M..-.ocla- R.ortlancoe or the West Toc!Ay Mra. Span.ler at Harbor 2369-R. '"'" ~~ Monday ntgllt. "GREEN GRASS Board members attending the mHtinr. which wu held tn the OF WYOMING" Lido ble home of Mrs. Edgar R. &QUARE DANCE: OCT. 1 staning Hill. wert' Mmes. Spangler, Paul Sem1-1·oonthly IQ\laTe dances, a PeatY Cumrninp -Olnrlea Cobum Non:nan and Robert KJIIefer, and S\!IT\Jner proJect of lhe Commun- wtth Man. Harold 0. Boyvey, Sidney lty· O.Ul'Ch CuiJd. wUl be-held t..loyd Nolan A. Dav1dton, SeUm H. FrankUn the tint 1"r1day ot 1M month ~ Burl Ives and Francis J. Horvath. ing the winter month.'!, It wu an- MOTOR REBUILDING aATTI!RIEI TI .. E:I 317 COAST HIWAY CORONA DEL MAJt !4 HOUR AMBULANCE: IERVICE: HARBOR AMBU'IANCE SERVICE 427 30TH aT. ~ta Call BEACON 5601 N~PO..-,. aEACM WIIIDIAN'8 SEitVICE AUTO REPAIRING PETE A: BOB, EXPERT MECHANlC'S 24-HOUR TOWING "l Robert Arthur Next meetlnr of the board nounoed thla Wftk. ~ nt>xt ~ In GlOt'krus 'I'edmJcolor v.'ilJ be he141 Monday. Sept. 77. 1 wdl .. belli 1ft tbe Corona dcl Mar 1o:t0 COAaT Bl. VO. • -..And -In the· Board of Dlftcton' roorru Crammar School auditorium on 1-----------------------------------------'4ftGH'11NG BAOK" tn the h1a1l .ehoot Frtday, Oct. 1. . .----------------------__,;Til Corona ck>l Mar HARBOR 441-R Paul IAncton -Jean R.ocers cartoon "PPPETE MEETS HERCULES" F .. I.-4AT. FUN!-SONCS!-LOVE! Donald O'Connor -Olp San J'uan ln ~· AR YOU -w--I:r-u-ITf" -And - CENJ:: A t1TR y "HIE LAST RO UP CIU"tona -"Wt'll 01Jf'd" Your Future in Radio? Professional Training in Acting -Amloandq -e t1n1 ~pt Wrltiq CommelltatiD1 All Phases ·of Radio THEJA WW OOL OF (No etrtroe fOfo .,m onal aiidmonl 1107 Newport 81vd. c:o.t.t Mesa aeaoot\ 1301 8. W. IUAVKBEARD RESmEN'I"'AL 111 ORCHID ' lt"LUTRICAl. CONT .. ACTO .. OOMMERCIAL WIR.INC -REPAIRS COI'Ona del Mar '· R FFI;IAN GENERAL aUtLOINC CONT .. ACTO .. RF.STDEN'TlAL COMMEJtC"lAL RF.MODELJNG FREE ES'DMATES PIAN SERVICE 708 Jasmine Ave., Corona del Mar HARBOR 19'71-B OPEN FRIDAY EVENING UNm.. I P. II. 54" X 54" IA.J)IE8-FUlL-'FASHIONED NYLON IIOSE · 'lu .. R. Full Size 'Wllnc 1"M Dotl.r Gtu Mor. .. 1.8)1 Ne\\.-port BlYd. .. Committes for Fall Bazaar Of CDM Church Are Named Oammiueea for~ the annual fall fladfleld. Mn.. 1. A.. NGI"maft fat bu.aar ~b)' w womea·a the plant booth. orp.niz.aUOOS ol W Olmmunlt)' Mn.. Wmdcll Hoyt. Mrs. E. !. OW'Ch ol Corona del Mar were Olop, and lin G. T. Ashemden an named at t.he RWmC meeUnc ol the food sale booth: lira. W1llJam ~ Cap~lla ClrcJ~ ~y. at the ~. Mrs w...u.ee ~ home ol !.trs L A Nonnan, 317 Jr~ and Mrs. K. 0. Diltz Oil the On:.h1d Ave. candy booch. 1CDM Church School Guild Holds first Fall M eeting ,, ~ .-nty rTif'1Tlh.,..., or ,..,,. rom-as.. MiL McKee Mn Calderbe&4, m '> c.'hlll'('h S1ti(Jl•l (~Uid c>f MnJ MeOymont M.r< Edward J . COI'tlna del Mar ,;_., {r.r thMr Rt<t'b~. ~ ~ Andt-.1'10ft f1r Ull m• • r 1ntl 11 tlw> I ~om,. ol harmon Mn.. Dit>hl, lolra E. G Mr-P.a)mond K lii'Ll'•' J l2 Doane. Mrs Gt•Tald W R•t~ PoriJ) \\ • on Mrmda> nr ht 1 MI'F Han y. Mr<~ PltT r, Mrs D eoAIT HIGMWAV e-. .. ·-PR BA.R.BOil 1DI Mrs. A. A.. Ktorrtpft' and Mn. Mrs. ~ J..eowts. Mn. Hfortar John Mt'ador UP ~n for Gibbons and 1frL A. A. Stafford the «"'"ee''t, which will be held this on the ''whit~ <el~t" booth: year on Nov the leCOnd l'Ues-Mrs. Gerald JUt~. Mrs. S>'ltneY day of the month. B.lackbeard. Mrtl. Sam M)-er and ~ wtio w11l ~rve on lhto vu-Mn NP.'ton Om Oil the Pit lou.s buaar booth11 art' Mrs M)"r'tlf' booth. ~ fishpond wUJ be undff AJim, M n 0 Z rtobertson, Mn. 1M d.i:rectlon ol Mrs. a.rtea '1'UJ'. wallt'r M«>rt.z and M rK Verne ~ ~and Mrs. John Camftoon. 'I" L \\ Nl'v.lon opent'd th«> RUli:WII \\'orltma.n t.tn Roy F 11'l('o0"tlrt v. th dl'vO\anMb follow-I Mather Mrs Nl'wlon Mn Bt>on._ f:'d t..,y • bw JnM J'TI( 1·11nJ! .It "-..s dlct, Mn. G L. Kopp. Mn Fr<ed d~tid thMt ~uan• d~VX:•. "'hach}S Ruttf'nt.'Onh M n; C'la.r<'l'lCt' (' havp bf.o n ht-ld t>n aJumat.• Fn· Dodd, Mr& Norman Frahm. rl•u <tunnr thf' ~umm<•r v.oold ~ --~-~~---==---~=--~~~==~=~==~=~~ rontrnu"'<i rlunnl! tho• ~m1t>r hur v. I! hoo h,.ll"l ••nh onn• 11 month -11 ~n ,h,. ftl"'t Fnt1n\' of l'lth mooth. \to"'~ I•!' rro.~ ;h, t1•r•f"t" v.1!1 i:" I A.U Wllri& 0... ey AJJI'nGnnut O.t!>t for t.M apr11n and tf'a towd booth: Other cxmrnltt~ an> pubbcity, Mn G D Grullf', Mrs F S ~trs. J J Boylan; luoc:ht'on. Mrw Meeting Ia Held By-Odd Fellows Nobl«> Grand Elm< r B Srruth ol Co&ta Mt"ooll took ~ at tht- flrst rPgUiar mN'trnc uf the Har- bor Harmon) Lod.i;eo. I U 0 F 29, \\". A. McBride. Mrs.. 0 . ll. ~ hE'll Mr<~ Ht'nr)• ~. MJ'ot r~ ~·>·lor. Mn. John Sa.ilora: rli'Nll"lltloru Mn. R U Rfl.n'IP- '""· Mrs MPador and Mn K~ c.-r The~ v.-UI be OM rnol"(>o ~nc t'T\I"CtJng ol ttl«> <'U'C."~ bt-fo~ ttl«> Mzaar. n uc "',II be hfold at thfo h~>m<e ol :\trs ~~. at 304 Mari- gold A .. -.. on ~ Ort l2 at 8 p m Theo«ia> at Goodt·U Ml"'' Char<~ Thmer. MT'Il. Marpr- Hall. New}XIrt l'1 Ful.Jpr and Mn. G A. Lans- ConuruttHS ,.,.~ :lppornteel by ~11 will be tloqf'SR~ at ttl«> m4'f't- the Nob<el Grand Including Oau tng I Backt'S. Neov.-port H«'ll:hU as r'la1r-C'i.rdeo ~~ ~tlo attf'~ man ol the publicit.> committee, 1 h«> se'l'>'ing m«>tJ.nc 1\le;d&y .,.. and Ed W1llcut. Costa Mesa, as Mt'Sdames E J . R!dftKlUr. D R his uslsta.nt £ntf'rtainmt>nt was Thomas. Ashb) POIIl"l'U. CoY,· E G put In the t'hal'l" ol Ferd Rom-\\'aldt'Ck. W~D. Stafford. Dud- beau. Corona d~l Mar, wtth Paul 14-y BueU, Anna Olsen. ~t. nmmtngs C\f Costa M~ asslstlnt: Mmz. Sallon. G S. And~n. him. Th~ Nob!~ Grand. Vi~ Alex Refnf"r. Tumf'1'. FUlln ~. Grand and othf'r appointave ofll-La.nsd<eU. L T Folsom. E c Bar- ct'ra &l't' automatically m<'mbt>rs of rv. Clara A Culp. Boylan. Cam- t.hf' V~ltlng Commlttf'(> f"f..on. KemJX"'" Grup<e. M.arl.t> Mey- Backes pl"8'f'nteel ~ Noble t>r. f'ay Bened.lct. John Sadlf'ir Grand and th«> \rf"e Grand with and Beulah Carson. handcal"\'eel pvf'IS. wtuch UP ~ Ass:ist.lng Mrs Norman u host- at ttl«> mN'tlnl:'ll and thfon art' r-c;-Tuf'sdav "'"t'r<e Mrs s w kf'pt by thr offlC"f'T"' Rl11~khf'ard a~d Ml"" MPador Lodltf' ~ nf ttl«> Int«>matlonal SCHOOL I I:LLI haven't called quite all our )'Ounfltera te tile cla•room-. 11\d he,.. t. J~ trio of tota wM can .till .. out on a rolllnt •troll Oft t,.. lv.RUII of Corona del Mar. Thl' popular voung m1M '" the crnt•r '-10.mo,.th-ol" Char"VI Tranter lfle le aocompe,.led by two hatWieome you"ll genttemtn, at tM left ~f' E411met148, 1J mo~ aftd at til l l"lght J im "obll'l Whyte. 15 mo"t"'· Cllaperonl"ll U\e )'Oungatet'a are tn~lr mothe,.., Mre. l ld"e)' ttdmon~ 101 •arvutr•te A..,e . M,.. Charles Tra,.ter, 8211•, Marvuerlte AYe., and Mre. Oonald T. Wh)'tl, StS Marvuel"lte Ave. Photo b' Glf'nr. Co ... , . ._., JVote~ /rom Corolt4 Jel ..Mar Order of Odd Ff'llow~ """~ \n"lt· tUtt'd 8 "1'1'k ACO Th~)' v.,th tht-O...•put~ Gnnd Ma"l«'r of C:tl- ifomla ('h;tr lro: f: Hu:•k, "r Lo<: j'Greet Pastor <'()rona del Mar Lad~ LOCAL s T u oE;;s ::~u:~oJtE :~:;:;~.:s:Ncc_M_ ... _o_M_E---J And Orga ni t End Softball P1ay I T 1 ' ' .~,.., I •lr-\'" an· UI"'Ultn, 1111: An~d··• off nat,,~ r>·pr>-..•·nlmg D1o:1 ri•·! 1'\'' 0ff•n r.. "' "'od 111 thf' m•taJJ, . C'C'nrar! }( Hhh ~wnt>r of I "'· n:. <if> I \tar a.,. ;!• n.t: •" • .t!> II ,.,\\ t lr)ac "'' "' ol' J ·v Hir1\·!; Prt ~uppliM ~"' ~I'Ort·l''••lr :M;~·II\t l<"~ll•·c~·, "'1MU$:h-,-,l"'•na dP1 \tar a!t~·r an ah t•<~ In£: • f;O(l(~ .. hl!t Jll'-1 (1 d ,._, I h<' ' 11 ' •1 ~'1' 1(! I'"' Up lht'lf t<l 'J \\E'f'K ,.\('(" mp&nlf'IJ b~ hf'r .. rav•n \\ th hi' c .. , .. n \ I"' \I ~I I,, Ll ,11··· Ina tnl)' t:••t \Par . ,, ' ." C'"P ... Krl<llna .lnd Kilr \01\ll'~l'trr-. ro.-•fth.lll tN\M 3 ri as 1 ' •' ' ' IJ'.: '' ~. · \'1' I r • • ~· h ~ hN·r1 \ I•, I· lfw,k1n£ f s""·:'lrd tn mr~n· '~'tm' :-,{•J .. """',1 \• '"1 ,,.-".~ • 4~ '\\"••1 ... h • _ t , .. ,,. ''"• •tr, \ •a 1-\• t ;,nti 1' has.' .. Pn•t)n ""'' ';>;u. II: h I 'I• I'"· ., ,., I I t• ,... r ;p" '' ll('ro: in 1 liJ,•,.:., 7i maiC'c; nti· Pf"'' idl'd lnc'l'll tf't'n 'lt"f' • hnH "11 h • '• I ' :' 1 r r 'I Bll rh;u a • h vf S.J~ rt ~ :wi••"O an t ht> ,,,..,,,~ ~1\ol ('"'"'' 1'1!1 PqUij''iwl I!~-., r•p 11rrt :trtl J\lll•'f\ I'" H ' Ci'!'llt'l \I• rm•r al Fund '\;('\\ C't•nmlt'•" 1\•r nlln•'<itM thf' ,..,<Uit" ~ '" <to'l T'lP\ Ill• t•TV>!..~ .m pia• n n11 :\1 r.o; H unlti n""',.,'. • rn " n t 'lr• J ., ... \' :. ... ,, .... \\ " ~~~~n. \lr '~ 1"'1'<' •ol~ Rt"t"hf1'1f'ar ·~ 1'1~ \~· .. (" ltl• T+P1f1 1• • h~ puann ~t··mhf-1"" v. ton anM\<SP<'I •h,. m•~·­ ms: w...,... :-.1"" r•a,·td 11"" .. n Th:orr.- Meet Scheduled ~ By C.pilla Circle F '"'t fall n'IC'f'lln.: o! C'apllla C'trrl,. nf lh~ C'nron.. •.1PI Mar Cl'IITI- rcun·•) Oiul"' h v.1l. t .. • hi'Cd \\'•'IS· "' -da) at ~ f' '!r. l Pri&Trm H;;Jl n th., d'IUI"\"h \1rc r,.v.r.-.. \\" ell• f'N"<tdo nt ('o( •~e C' .n~' "lA.! \\' m•~o' Frl-..,,._r t' '•!'"!lC.ahlr~."artl •t, .... IIon 1\rr ~m rh C1"1f'•n•~ :\tt .. al- dmt• of (",,..,a \IN.A \" N' Grand Ralk ..... r~~-. nJ m: S.-rn ra~ R.~m­ t><'a•t '1. .. Ftniii'WT11 C: r-rf·l '~ II ar- T\ \\" ,, ..,,, f"<'ronll rl··l :O.hr 'l"f'll· ~l'l'r 1'r mrr.a nc-. "'n1' n. C' E PnfW' nf C ,c:tn \If'S.' Ril:ht Sup- ronrr tn th<' Gr11n<1 '""''h· and \VIIIt-ut l n<:ldr Guaniilln thl'm !or tht-tr J:llmf'<. • ~ • "~ \ • ... I' l"l tr: 'm<•'"' Ruddi~ c.r ~8\"\" nn,-.. }\lrtnf"r \rm~ air fnrN' phyl'l 1'1 l"l 1 ,,., • " "'" 1\ltd•· \!1-. , .,,..,. :\~ Partnt>r"" H f>n> C':~nchdllt""' whn ltlOk thrir l!ll· tlaton• dP~ thnt nu;ht took their fiNl d'-'I:J"t"NN hut night ( Thur- sdaY) at Sa.ntn Ana. Ownen , 11 rnctr :llnr \\I n \\,1•; "' lht• • II. hor<l 111.1\lt' h.Ht' l1urur. • HI r ")nil' n ·m.xit•• l,.. k I' nl'r f 1 :1 ,,.31, "'"• S:~nu \n:l air h.."\j;(' two 'l'3r ' ' 11 • ' I~ "' ,,., \";;~~~.: • r .hc!r \..'1'\1: homt'. 'l.:r, ca''"" .~ '"''lnr • dtr!'l'' •1 :tt \\'"'ll l'l· 11111\ a i!OO !'J>('nl thrN" anrl n h11f •• .• -~ .'u" "i""h ll•rYJ,ll'l '·'' 1< an·• I ' ......... 11 r ,., .. P,"trty .tr' 'hP I"''' ~~ H1t ... llf'ld !! h. t• f'~·at~l. \r:tr~ In lhf" l'.td ftl' :1nrl 1n lh~ .lor• '' t '• ''"'"'"! ,11 l ),· GO TO GHOST TOWN r I h rlt"I<'"OI"If·c.,,. :'Iii' r;,..,...n;.-\\ho \\I• a '-"l~m. dPI \lat (:hina-Burma lnrll"l lh••atrr as d<1t'ntal Collt'f:«.'. D1x1e Smith \lr 1 I \!1 '· 1111.-old E. \\'11 I· •' ~II' \\'alt• r ~wtcrr_ :'Ill"' paint I~ C'Unlret·tor &!t1.•r lf'l\· .tt'riul gunnt>r. h • J,•!t !<~r ~ "•"' l•lo "''il"t> ' •·• " J..'\ hI'< ·'"' ha\C rt'lurn L .\. =-:onnan and lin :-;_,"'"'in!! thf" .1\' "ar ..._." lc-.• art' h•,.:p • r:u:,l 1 '"!'") \ICllllOn trt ,, lltn John ~ Sadlf"tr pr~·u-partners ""rn .lhP llarhor Patn\ 10 ~~ms Lucku Jamt'S Stt'lft'n&en Is startinJr ' hll'h l•w•l.. thl'm to San Frat .. nt of ttl«> C.p1lla C'u,;·Jp· :\tf' ,nd Appllanef' C'o at 21.., Coast ., ~ J hi"' C'OJI('rr ~tud1r.. at Pomona. •·.s~v '-.lh• Tahoe. R<eno. anJ ,,"-:lrmaD F"rahm. PI'P.lidf'nt of the Hla-h"'-a' Corona dd :MIIJ" To Thetle Folks • Annt> Rttrf'r and Walt«>r ~aco-"Ghost Town". Virlrlnla , 0.u.rdt Sc-hool Guild. Mrc ~or-Bruner and P«>a~i "'m bud· Ce!Pbratln!l their 13th yt'ar on r;hfllf' ".It Mtl'nd I l'LA Ha' 1 h •• t hJ&tollc mlnang to\\ n Tt J1 mftn HU\·ry churdl ~·tttw-1 sup-lh c tn thf' :"I\'\ "'hen ooth 111-.~ Balboa Isla net at lhe same loca -aid Cas,; .f11r l.•e f'.Nxh f'ar Gu' 'If II I'd t.ht' State Fair at Sa corlntl"ndi'nt and "'"" J Lrcil... n thf' r hiltnu.aphlc tramJntr unu tlon are Mat C'O'lt. and John Ke-«'1-,\ • 1rr St n ·' n-1 '-"Nt L'MnwE-11 "iii :"'len to E-n route honw ~1~ \\ · St,.ffpn._._,n rholr diN'C'IC\r 't'r ""' t'ral , f'a.n,. Brunf'r v.-orkeel Kf'«>lt>r's t:nlon S('n1re station at :wl"l to £••1 his :\la.stf'r's De~ a: tl"acher al '"eo l'o.,.ta :\1e,;a p.. m. Rt't~hrrwntc tA11J "" ~n·.-d •"l~ a' Snov. \\11ltf" · • Ptno<"- I CHRISTMAS SHIPME T Our Elltire ~ • • • Allotmeat of ... Brita.ID Toy Soldlelrs · I Here! THIS ITOCK CA NOT 8 1[ REPLACED TWtl VU.- COMIE IN TODAV WMILil WE I TILL HAVE A.. WIDC I £LECT tON ~OR VOU TO CHOOIK ~ROM Zoo A•hnah Co boys 1-lttJIJIJy S11pp1Ms.· .......... Robby ~ Toy ~ter 1415 Coast Blvd For lpeelallted lei"VIoe Factor)' ~am -Call II D'l GARAGE: «>r proprtt'lor s of the Co~ and rt'turn '" $1anfot~ \. nl\t>rslt\'. wn has l't'turnN:t to h<'r pc Ilion llwo ~linn " II h>-l:in a• ~ 1"1 cuch Ia' 1 h nt"'"~"' rrnduc-1 Park and Mann«' AH•ni.K'S. Th«> '" rlf"C':·u·:~t f'n,:'ln~nng grammar ~hool. • ,. .. and 'Fanta<t rnor to 1 n~ "13" Is lucky for t.bet' ,liM :Jur-<P h a s•u•1rnt 31 Ca1-~~~~~ Lnto th«> j;('l"\ ,. R 'h ha\f' I COROXA DEL MAR partners. as the) art' M\"lng TP h Qutnl'~ <."as~ '' returnmg OANCE CLUI TO MEET COM MAX l\lUT~ •t" ...-1 an Corona cl!' \1,1 ~------------------------- their best )'81' ~ 1936. h> Da,is Agricultura.l CoUe~e at The Crown Squa~ Danef' Club RJSTORICAL ITEMS ----------------------------... Birtcher Bldg. John K~l«>r ls a mt'm~r of :.1an "'lilt> Jrm W ritrht and will me-et tonJrht 1 Frida:> I ln t.h~ ~~1, -fh·<' , f'u , 'd \ Rotary and the Balboa bLand Crorgt' Finch "11! jotn th<' many Corona del :\tar trrammar ~houl Sta fford wr!tPr 8 .,d h ctorra- HAR8 0" 2.,_. t10 Coatlt llv.. C.D.M. Plclrup A ~llvf'r Bay An-a. Buslnes:s M«>n's asaoda.tJon. Mat h Jndreds "'ho ATt' t'ntering t.he from 8 p. m. to midnight. n us ..... I I'"W Or•n...,. C'oa<;t f"o!Ja ... A 1 , 16 -no lv«>< at SH )fari~old Av•' "l Cox. deep Sl'll fiahlng enthusiast. a ,..., ...... '" !OJ ~ouna l)eQI' p .rom COT't''18 tiel \tar h.as r~tl\ Is a m«>mber of the A.n.gllD.I' club. C~bc.-11 Flnrh IS r('lurnmg to ~t'ars upward \\'hJie th('re 1~ btl-.. _. \."t'bb School for Bo,·~ and Ha.r-11• rharj.:l' ronne<.-tt'd \\lth tht> pup ""';,.. ..... • two ar-i If'<: In ··Thr ----------------------------: r~· \\'-to\·•r t• flnlsh.ln" hrs ...... h h d I .,_ ...... ony <:.XPI"E'CS lhf" "hronlrlf'r nt ~.. "" ·' .. •u., l .u · onatwns "II 1 .... I'('CI.'JV .. ·u toriPs o f ptorl't'r<. a'1d olr1 11 111l• ~>ehool course at Hollywood High. to de!ra) the r:>.pt>nl'<'s of rentAl ls~Uf'd ar P l,<'f'n 11,,. Calif Sale Of Factory ~'Imperfects•' e DINNER WARE e 8R£AKFAIT lETS e MISCELLANEOUS IT£MI 600 C<>aSt Hiway Corona del Mar Vendien Blinds WOOD -STEEL -ALUMINUM MADE TO ORDER 50 & 55c INI TALLEO WO"t<MANI HIP & MATERI AL GUARANTEEO 5 to I Da,._ D~llvery We fra~ the new FleXllbJe Aluminum Slat Ftnilhed tn Many Color ComblnaUons. GuaJ'a.ntH'41 by Good HOURk~p~. COMPLETE LINE OF W I NDOW IHADI:I -Re"OYat ll\0 - E_. GILBERT & H. SILVERA 410 HEUT'ROPE AVE. CC>nONA DEL lAR PHONE HAABDA 2t4t -W • Af'TERNOON OF' IRIDGE Mt'tldames Fern Frahm. Marie (1t'm«>n('(> and Porls Diehl join· ot t.ht' school auditc•rlum It I~ OnP o f 1 hr•f' artaclt>~ il' Pnt 11 l''\p('('tP.;I that the dub \\Ill mN't MS "A \lt'mon· R('(";'nSlrurtNI '" eve~ two Wt't'k.s. ~Jp" a nti tPII• •hp ~r on rf th,. eel Mrs. Man• Dodd at hf'r ~ome. BENEOICTS ENTERTA IN ~:!1 Fernleai A\·e .. Thursday of Mr. and Mrs Jamt>s Bt'neellct 1,"1 wN>k for luncheon and an :'11 Marlgolrl Ave . entertained artC'rnoon ol tlrtdJ,'e. 1 . "elr brothr1 and his wife. Mr ••t )In l.'H\'rrnC'f' Bl'nedkt. PAIADENANI RETURN • 0\ .. tbe put week-end. Mr. and Mrs. McKee Thomp. IW'n. thf'tr 10n Tpny and lhelr rtaughtf'r Mickey ha\·~ ~turned to their home ln Pasad«>na. aher spendlntr a w~k at 1~ Pacific Drh ·e. W EEK·ENO GUESTS CHICAGOANS VISIT HERE Mr . a.nd Mrs. Waltf'r Sv.1~ 314 Larklpur A\'e . «>nt«>rtaineel Mn. FAhva~ Corb«>t and h<er dau ghter Ehi.ra trom Chlca eo. ru. during the past W'«"E'k Th<e '1slt- .JI"!I Wf'r<e ,~Nests tor a f«>" da)l 111 th«> Swrr«>r hot'Tlf' Tahoe :"'n 1 F'n l/'lnP whlrh lc nn\\ m thf' Pon'· E'Cp~ M•l"PUm a! San :\faiPO In exaC'T mmlaturt' buUt b\ 5ta!lorrl him.,rU Th«> ·or her 11rtldr 'A LlnlP Old EnsrlnP ·· lf'llc about a nar· row JriiUg«> railmad which haul eel logs li t tht' turn of lhe N'" t:ury In the Lake Tahoe di~tm·• Stafford ust'd to <ATite a ""' umn cau.d "So What · for thf' c..r.on City, :"\rvada. Otrorurlr u~ Is a member 0 !th~ Los An I n}es unit of th~ Poets of th<e 1 Pa~. 1 Mr . and Ml."'.. H~r~rt E. Rug- ;lf'S, 506 ('.old~ Ave~ had ·~ weoek~nd guests Mrs. R-uat· gles' btot~r·fn.Jaw and sist<er. Mr. an d Mrs. James Kaywood ll Los ~les.. S:OENOS W l:EK HERE I•ARKED CAR IS LOOTED I Mrs. Chest«>r Whisl«>r. a !,._ l'atrlflc J C31lahan o f Los An- quE>nt visitor to tht Crown Com· ~les ~por1eel to pohef' ~1onda' r·unlt~·. spent Jut wet'k with tftat .$12 had bt'e,n takE-n fT't'm hf"r dausthtf'r IW'n·ln law and hft <'&r "'hn~ It \\'3.:!0 parkPd of~ l!tandl'<'ln .lt.ne. BUI and John tM hignway b«'twN>-, C"<'rona dtl l:a\"annau,~::h Warren. ·llS Dahlla :.far a.nd Cn-stal Cn',. VISIT IN HOLLWOOD Mr. and Mrs. HaJ Wels and th<elr daurhtt>r Mary. 1601'"Pacl- l lc Dr~ wert" 'ish ora at the Knlt'kerbocker I lotE-1 ln HoUy· wood Friday an~ Saturday, Sl'pt. 10 and 11. Saturday m orning '""' anrndMS AJ Jarvis' Make- l.lclleve ballroom at the Hawa.i· Jan Theate r. 1\\e. .------· -------- PI A N O In SUMM ER STAY HERE ENOS ...~ol anu :-.•r ~ PPn'' Balnt'S. ·~o.ho ha\t' llE'f'n 'I'I('OdlnR the sum· ml'r at 'il-C'r<'t.if'nroci A\'f' ha\'t' Tf'turned to tht>lr home at 106 F'""!f'rald A\'f' .. Balboa l1land. I NS TRl1 CT I ON Your Home MELVA RUE BEGIJII"N'ERS & AD\'A.'IC"En Pt'PTLS ENROLL NOW --~, rALL CLASSU 4,w; FERNU::AF C\)RQ~ \ nr.t, MAR .. HAR80" 1310 W ''WELL Wott.a' \"a Know?" My Pop• mokila,:t Mixtuft' 79 FROM TOM!n~~HOP • ~I PES • MAGAltNES 609 roAST m(:m' n- C'OR<'X \ Pl'l \' \R THE BIG ... - 3 .. 3, L 1 SW'EA T'ERS-!':C'YW bill ~ lt'lec\Jon of st.yl. and color been ~tt'T. udl ramou~ ~~~~:~n. • Helt"n H&l"pe'Z' hlPIIabt our ltoek of bMuutuJ puteiL 2. SKIRTS -AJw.,. -ntla1 1D flAY w~. P~ lildrU In Na") ant! BlliCk.. flitlituftd rn Ar&l,ht l.iMta aft ~ ..• Flatt~~~ ... wmbl• 3. BLOUS:ES--Elcdtlll& lations 01'1 'Waist drtw:y 10' ~~'fd ~ . . ~.,a .. ., I on nre bazan! • ~ • .._ city because or ~Mun.l left u tM ldte o! completed ~ r.u&nee of a P"'ft\lt for ~ vali.W ol all ptnn.l'-1-..ed 1ft the way, add ..,.,.e and ttorqe l..ued for eoutructlon on Balboa tlon project&. Ole Ballx!e Nnlft.. ol tA Oc:ftD 8h"Cl. ftS-eDtlft clty dUrlftl that period), 1'0001 lO eJCUUna oUJ.oe buJJdlq la1and durtn. the .cond week sula Point Oom.nulnlty ~. to t an estJmated W. W. Wooct.. 1lOO '!'owner •nd add to exlstJnc restaurant. ol Septml~: !kpt. 5. lN, t.be ma1n puJ"POW o1 vaeancy ~u.ct t)y the ~ana· tJon u.ld ln a l~te-to the Ooua-helped to bOolt the mJd· St.. Santa Ana. .ewn,room. two-$1800.. ..._. bJ ~ Ka~ Mc:Cam\ Which was to d1lcu 'i!bntinued Uon of trs. Ruth M.. ~tnhold. cU and lllked that tt~ be taJc1m SPptember bulld.11\J pennlt total nol')'. one-unlt ~eUm.a at 610 H. w. FalcoMr, 109 Colderu'Od Mn. Leon Sanborn. 546 Srnfit· ._.. ... pN!Iel\t t.t the O:Nnd.liVIOlatlons ol Zol\lnc Ordi~ No. The Q;uncU ac.cepted Mra. to P"f"1~, for ele&rlup M COb· lor Corona ~ Mar to .a,495. Oc:!!an W\'d., s:M.OOO. Ave .. prace and ~tore room at UT Ave.. tl\rft-room. tv.-o-stol")', .... 52:S on Balboa blahd desplte the ReJnl\old'a reslanatlon Mo11day atruct on .. tes. A 122.000 pennJt helped ln· A. W. Hookway, 244 HelJo. n 1 Coldenrocl. $1500. onP.unlt dv.t'IUns at 322 ~ n. ~nt Auoclatlon I.AuodatJon's lettttr of June 12. and ~ent her &n t'lq)n!Uion of City AdmJru.trator Sallon re-cnoaM the total lor Bal. bOa t. trope Ave .. !h-e-room. one-~~tory Lfo S Koch. P. o. Box 2961, thy1t Av~ .. 17500 ~ that ftnH ~ un-1948. to Mr. SaUon aakfnc that th&nka tor her aervlcea. f~1~ jhat :!e cl~w ~ land to 15-S,lOO. For the enUre Onf!\Ul\lt d~lllnl a t 221 Orcl\ld five-room. onf'-ltory. one-unJt A D Callahan 2788 Ooruta W tM &Qift1q on!tnanet' would dtutlc action be taken to eolot"C'e Ubranan Dorothea Sl'lt"t"ly. ln lat 1.t:f n al u:p eotn· CJty ol N~rport BHdl, bulJd· A\-e., $11,000. d~ at 707 Gol<kru'Od Ave .. Rd .~ JUrlno 'atx:room two- llleft tM.n meet the !.'011 of hirfn& tM On2U1ance. a.nnouncin1 Mn . Reinhold'' res-P e e } 0~ 8 un lnapectlon ln. pennlta totallec! 121.2,590 u Robert H. In,JT&rn. .20!5 Onyx 16000. .• ' ' • -· On ,,....,. ,... .,.,. w......., tenatl<>n. ,.,,,.,.., .,.._ l<ob<rt U moM. Utili"" .,.. not tumed of t,. mlddl• ol ,,. month. ThU _.,.._ Balboa ......_ 1,,... 01 Oolboo lotond """''" .,.,,. on~unlt dw.lllne ot 31> E. 0a11t00 the,..,....,. on tlw 1o-by tlw Polko -t tlmt .,.. K•Uo., W•lk•'· ol ""' \'lo San on ••"1 th• <,.&n·up has ..... olllbtlY ,...,.. tl>an tlw 1211.· US O..hl<l A, ... ...,., alto lou,. Followlno U tlw Uot o1. ponnito Boy ""nt, W.OOO. JMIId ~b~ ... t.M AaOdatlon N!Stl ba4 been made. and that Remo. Udo lsle. u a replace-completed. he I&Jd. 007 fi(Uft for the coJnSponc11nl room. ~or)', o~untt d"'-eU· · G A. Chrlaly, add 14!CC>nd story ..._. that BAJboa and be thP ~pollee Wft't' ~ufpJ:)ed to tlanc1)~ ment. Mra. Howe's name wu perlod ot Auaust. Ina at 714 Femleaf Ave .. t6S()O. o'er prage at 2M N. Bay Front, .....urrw point "for an l.nwstl&a· Vlolatlons If the ~ were called put ln nomJnat.Jon b) Councilman Co h'act ls A __ _.._... ~ totals for thb month rote l-A. Modica. 332 )fuiJOld Blae ClaD Go Blllltfng, $i000. doD to tbe ftl)lf.h." to thelr attention. 4 t thla point, 0. z. Robertaon. F n H .... ~ ... Pa~ after a alow llrlt week. Ave .• ll&n tor lhoe ttore. 1195. Bat There's a Clateh llt'rbt'rt Bland. addltlon to ~ Ia tbe ten ol t.be y.~ wish to ro on ~ that the or etgnl-3 viae for Corona d~ Mar FredA C. Taylor. 821 Patt~reon. lhould Council""" D. k . bull<Unl at 1106 S. Bay Front, ..... ~letter .ent to the-Pohce ~t has fully co--·· *p On Its low bid o! $177,8:al5.28. tor the lleCI:Ihd week of~SPptem· Glenda.W, dcbt·room. on~or)' a 1ue be t r-anted pet'ml•lon $5500. Qty ~ tM Balboalaland operat~ "''hen IOmt" Irate res!· .a.wO New 08itio ll5 the Sully·MW~r Contractlnc Co ber wu 163.&95. compared to tw·o·unlt dw~llln& at 521 Nar-to tuve the nate for t-AmOnl other ~nnJta luued lmpiO'JUSIIeftt A.IMdatJon. dent ftpol'ted ViolatJons. Created by Cou.DclJ of Ora.n~ wu awarded the con~ 118.800 du.rin.J ~ ffnl clu\11. 110.000. weeke In order to 1 0 d .. ,. wu on~ for M G. Mcintyre tor Oen.tlernrn: Hoped For Action ! llc en~ CounC'il approv~ tract lor the pavtnr of ftreetJ Th~ corTeSpond.lnc fll· Ed Walker. 1615 Coast Hlah· huntlno ? That waa one of t'Onatructlon of two d~llinJ A ll)e'dal ~ of the Board ~-w. the tru.llees of tM the crNtlon of two nN' clas&l· and aUeys In NPWport Hftrht... for Balboa laland a~ $42.· tho n umeroua IMuu that unJta at 3507 F'tnJey Ave . to ~ ~ nwten ol t.M Balboa Wand IA.uoaatJon do not ad\--oca~ thil fi~Uon Utles. det~th~ ~f&t"&nt The Sully-Muter bid ·wu W..· and $13.100. Barbo Tbefta Cl._... c.me up for Counell ac:t lon an t"Cllmated SlS.OOO lilnp04dilht AaodatJon was hf'ld nwthod o1 taw mtOI"C't'tl'lent. '!bey and .-wap c1)1))0S&l plant o~ra-000 below tht' next lowm bid Corona del Mar la ced. beh.Lnd r leu Monday nltht.. fet'l thAt this l'ftponslbillty l'6ts tor. and al!o acted to fill these &nd 14 per cent ~low the Hll· the mld-A~st totJ ol $1.23 ~ 1? ~dta and Ul~aaJ Councilman Lecter ta.bell Pa,•'a tbe a ... -.... ]bnn•b whh the city~ and that ne't'o' jobs mates of th~ <'II)' engln~. B Jboa Wand. h ~ en ry nto )&e tl In N~rt u ld he gwnaed that a lue o3 ~ "'-e COMBED PLYWOOD 6 rrs1ck'nta of this comm~t> ~hould 1 Patrolman "Kennl"th Gorton n~!cs th~ figure ~r-~.760 ~~::r Cl"":: dted by the Balboa ahowld be allowed to oo ''Pro· not be forced to call VlolatloM to WU promoted to the position of PI ER PERM IT SOUGHT for the flm hall of .August H rbo y hta~ b ~h~ 7ewport v14ed -lfl ~me of the I \M attmtion of ~ poli~ I detecth't' lt'r(t'ant with a ralt' George S. Fruehllnc of Lot Co,.ona del Mar-PeM'IIb tha C r a~ kJu n pet tlon• to ven laon." ~ Counc1J 'oted to chanre the pa~ da) for C'lt) ~mplo)~ from onN" 1 month to tv.1ce a month Pa~ for tht> first half of I hE' month "1!1 bt-a'"·aUabl~ on the 25th, pe' for t h<' other half of thf' month will tx' a\a.U able on the lOth o! the-following month. E'l'CHED PLYWOOD Pioneer Fuel & Building I Furthermore. it v.a.s tht• undt>r-of I'll' of $247. and Charlt>s Son· Anj;tt>IPS has ask~ tb~ Arm~ En· Tht follov.lna peormlll w~re ta~e 8°::fo<'n -;,. ": ~~ city 10 The "ayes .. had It when t he \tllndlnl of the> rru>mbership of n~man was promottd from pump glnt"t'rs for a permlt to eon· ls!iU~ for con tructlon In Coro-ed out that th )! r r•ke point vote w n c:alled fo,., •nd there th• AllliOCiatlon that a SJ)('(ial In· I • '·''"' to tht' position of sew· struC't a pier v.1th landing noat no lit 1 l\la.r durlng the lt'COnd h e Harbor Commt. w•• even one "aye" from v~tigator wa to be pmplo~{>(! 11, .aH• d1~1><' 11 pl;lnt HIJt>ratt•r at .. o I to tit' moored ln front of Lot v. N-'1. nf ·Se-ptembe-r ltht'lK' repre-~ro; h:u a h two· man patrol on the audlcnc:e, appa,.ently frQm I root out \1olators. and II wu hnp.' v.1th the rate of pa) of S2~i t•l7. Tt aC't. 901, Uuo Isle. sent 43 ~r c.-ent of the esUmaled h u be,' roug out thE' nlihl In the a hunt"Y fellow who want I'd that such ln'\.'t>Stlptron wouldl u'llH '' n( atl-.t>nn' \H'rt' ~ttant· ar I. ed aome venlaon too. be W'l"ll on tt.s way befort' 1 ht' POd l'<l In .John L L8 rl!(m and Jack 8,., COAST BLVD C'Umna d~>l Mill' C'aalf Phone Harbor 2910 of tht> summ<'r season To dntf' I \\1 Croughan. t>ffectl\'t' Sept 1, thf'rt> LF no indkaticn that un' ,to atttnd Pollex> <tc.,lool until Junt' •um action ha.~ bei.>n taktn C\r ;~ -~1 \I'll'' rontemvtatcd 1 Tht' t'<.•Undl al..u authoriZe-d tht' ~-'' oballomu ,. 11flpolntmenl5 o! ..._-----------...1 Atka Investigation I, t"C'Il n l~•llr•U ,,nd Robt>n :\1.. Harbor Drafting Service \Vt' ~altlt' that thf' hlrln~ of • Atkinson ... patrolrrvm. t'fft'Cli\t' ~our ~ches luJtablt' for 30ft ~ia.l ln\'estJgator would lnvolw &opt. ; -.llh a ratf' nf ~\8~ of ~ 600 to 1200 IQ t~t 1. 2 A 3 addluonal expt"nst' to tht> c-rt). but Sl!:ltl. \\'a rrt'n L. Ca....sel was pn1-~ v.e abo 8ppn-MatP _that thf' mrn•· mott'd from J>Att·C\lma n tn mo 161..5 COAST mGHWAY mum fmc ol SlOO rmposl"d un•kr h•~t·~dt' p.ttrulm.tn \\llh a rille of Corona dfol Mar C~hl ttlt' Zontnt; Ordtnan<'t' for f'SC'h J'll' C\f ~~~' 111 ~ ·Hat'bor 1447 &.nd 1"\'t't'Y n olatton would takt lit hl.'r vr um<•llnnt-\H'rt' Paul· ~========= t·al'l' of thf' ~ of enfort't'm<'nl. ,.,.. \\•• 1 lr<•m t lerk t\plst and lea'""' a subst&.ntlal ba.JI\n<'t' 1n Grad~ 1 lu C.radt' ll. 011~ funk tlw C'ity tl't'a..wry f rom lat>ur,•r to tnJC'k dr·t\t'J The Situation on Bltlboa Wand hu b«'otne so mtolM"'Ible that 111' ne CabiM•a -CUstom FU.mltul'l' falm..u to tu mt'mbe" the Bal· Seek to ~uce Cost -lntmors -bo:J I«land Impro,"t'mt-nt A.ssocia· Of Se-r--Dis-• e W ll't4ow ~oreene tiCln 1$ fon:'f'd to dt>mand 11 thor· ~ -e-t"' ...... e W indow and 0 .. ,. Fr;,~• ~ .. ~ .... c c .....,.,,1r. "_1 tn'i{vC'rlm· Th~ c:rttlcal nature of _!..h!-' ~·· anale fn\'t"Strgatlon aae dlJpos&l rroblPm •as l'm· • ~littu,.. ~r-a.mlnt Wl' ree.lllt' that thf' f.'fltll"'' <'1!~ 1JhUI7C"iJ a t th(' cou C'll m('(>tln& ~ Harbor 1108 or Newpon Beach L~ infl'!otrd Wllh a~ " n'(JUt.~l fvr a .non WIU l'l'· 1.301 a, Cout Hllh_...)' thl11 tMmit" whl<-h is undrnnJn·l <'f'h~ frum thl' t'st Nt"'l)Ort Corona del Mar .. Calif. lntr and deft-31ln~r the> purpn~ nf &ach lml'f'\1\('mC' t a&WO<'tallon -thl' sph>nCid mf.'fl ft.nd womf'n who L umrwnllllll Ct!' 1 hl' "'wagl' MILON HUTCHINION built th1s t d 1'1 ,fl 111110 n II the Sa ta Ana river ;===========~ commum)>' an "" 0 art' mouth, tht> lmproVI.'rfl('nl ~ IM\Ifng It ln hopeks..mess and duo· l'tJtlon compltunf"f1 that "the E. H. 11ilEl.£ gwt. odors arlsin.: trvm tht> area of 0 -T I c I ... N Ughten Till a urden h c a. However. to be ~fective. thl'l't' I e ~wageo outlt't art' e'lCtremely ~ F\.IW obJ~tlonaNe " ~ rn1Dt bf. a .tartifte point for thiJ City Admlnlltrator SaJJo" 1 ....,., ,..__,.. 81 ..... ~-..,._ lnvl'stiptlon. and tlnce Balboa J)()lnted out that to avoid a '"'•r· "U.iil ~ .,._ ..... n.eo. ~ Wand has consistf!ntly and per· antlne of the beachu ln th~~1- lll =:w .._. &!Aen~ volefod I~ disapprava.l of clnlty of the river mouth. the "---------~-__....:. U.. '-"'.laUonl. Balboa Ialand city had expended $:9000 up to ---~-------~ lboWd be the atartinr po1nt for an AU&-31. That 1-s-amta the I'I.Y, MA"IN& AVL Balboe Islaa.d HAJUJOR 1J52.J Spedallzinl Ill hn'Danent ~ to tbe linJab. enttre amount ot tunda buc!Jetea n haa been arcued t,tlat the for audl purpoet'S for th1a t1tcal ~ti«< ol the dtY aaln tax wu ~ Nr. he .ald. ~ In or*r to meet t.M cost H~ then ~vealed that a certain ol needed lm~ts. etc By amount of tM ov·~rload .ev.•qe the aame token. t.M tint'S coUected now Ia ~tne trf'ated b\' aeration from pl'Ofit~nna V1olators ol tht' and aunllaht In slud&~· beds and Zon1nr ~ would 10 tar to lagoon1 eonstructt'O on thf' cltv Ugt~ten the tax burdE-n of th~ law lfot'Wa~ dlrposal tract Some-o~ abldlnr taxpa)'ft'. jt.'ctlonablf' odo" ha'e ~n re- VIRGlNI.A LOCXER. propr. ln _;oncJhiUSlon. may "''~ ask that ported by neighborhood prop. L------------....1 you ,..vl' t ' mattt>r your prompt ll l~ ownen he ~ld and add~ and careful considerauon and let that eftortl! att' being made to Wavea !!""""-----------~Ius hav~ your dfocislotl We must r-MU<'f' th~se objN"Iionable sul· DONALD LEBO with make a report to our long suffer· ph1de odo". Th e TAVEitN OOMPANY lng and somf'what skeptic member· ship We would like to 3.'\liUN' thf'm thl\t the Ot.Y Counctl w!ll mforce ~ipts for August Its Zoning Ordlnanct' They havt" T p Half MiiU · a ri~tht tn look to u~ to ask for O OD Rt'<'elpls totalled $541.220.36 Uoensed Real £."tate B~n oor {'()flpt>ratlon. and we thlnk and dlsbursemrnts wt>re $162.· Phone Harbor 1741 we haw· 8 rip;ht to l"'f"C"f'iV(' It 140 T7 a<'C'Ordlng to a n>port l!u!). ,301 COAST HIQHWAV Coroaa d<'l Mar. Calif BALTZ MORT U ARY SERVING THE HARBOR AREA Youn rnpt"C'tfully. mlttf'd to thE' rouncil bv Trcn1· BOARD OF TRl.'STEF:S urt'r J . A Cant for the period Balboa bland l.mpm\'MTK'Tit AU~:! 1 In ~pt 1 A~<Orultic>n \.\'tth allowanC't' m11de tor $2,· B) MatE' Mc<'ann. Sf'CJ"t>Ulry· 119.~ tn out~tandlng warrants. • the t\Jnd~ In the C'lt~ treasurv as Sewage Pampmg Plant of ~· 1 totaJJed $381.198.91. Will Be Constraeted l.Jstf'd among the l'l"Cl'lPtl w-ere AC'tlon to solve city Sf'W&R'f.' the follow-rna· Sal~ of city proJ>- problerru v..U rak~ by th~ t"rt~ $24 405..51. tax coUtctlon• CounC'Il alter l'l"Cl'lpt of lett on unan•chf!d penonal proper· rrom Dr Edward LM ~UUt'~[ ry. 116.783..93: bustn~ ucenaes. health officer of the city and t $16038. l'l"Cl'lpta from water ~ Oranre County. uldnr for at~ o partment. S'7080.66; trattlc fines "for th~ protection of publk '011 Au.cull. SJ40'.)..25; ~lp'l:ll health.'' from Ttaller Park. $456"7.02; re- 410 COAaT aLVO. I Dr. R.uaeU u.rred conatNctlon celpta from park:lnJ metrra. 12· CaroM clrtl Mar of two sewap pumptna plant.. 050; buJJdlnc pumita. $1059: mo-Oifst:Nowt Pwlltll one at 14th St. and Ce!tral A . tor "~hlcle l!Ct'n~ t~, apportion · '--------------' the other at A St. and Ce!~i f!d to Jun~ 30. $19.31.UO; Aup,'U11t ------------..., Ave .• and abo eon-.tructJon of a finu In city court. $1094. ~ ~ main. otabu,...m~nta Inducted: Cur-~: HARBOR. 2'JS.W n.e CJty Council a pproved plan~ ftnt upen.e t\lnd, S84.722.12; HOME: HAJUK)ft 1317-!Ut and apecltlcatlona for the pu water maintenance lund. S30.· lnr ttatlone. voted to t'ttab~ ~,.oo: apecl&l tun~; SllU 22.- an ~nt ~ct and adopt· f{7 • propen;y kind, $21,.2S41;l0; eel • ~lutJon of lntention to rett.re~l t\md. $3547.30. proc:ftd wtth the project. q.&rterly Atldtt Set lin. Rabbard Rowe The City Coundl ~ to Om W ....__ •-rc1 h.lre ~hl a.nd Company of _.,.-3 uv. enlde to a udit the city fbcal rec- Mrs. HUbbard C. 1-l~. ot 804 onla loc' t.Ma-ft. n,e nrm wlll A~ Aft-Corona de\ Mar. ~ tbe audit' on a &fPO!nted u membeT of the ...-.. rather than at tM Of ~ o1 Ow New • .._ a..J ,ear u hffttoto~. a.dl P\IWle Ubruy by tt. lint .-rter of tbts n.-1 Oounef1 Monday to rw Uw .aa itft4 Srpt. ao. L. G. NELSON, M. D. armounces the opening of his oftiee September 15, 1948 FOR THE PRAcnCE OF MEDICINE It SURGERY AT 1.20 EAST 1.811l S"MlEET ~ OOIITA JIDA tfouri~ .... thru Frt Phone· a-con &145 1 ;.5 and ., .. P. M. U iw, t.niWft' eaJJ Sat. 1~ ... by ...... Zenlth 20tt SUBSCR ·BE TO ---- There is an E NSIGN carrier ,boy living in your neighborhood ... soon, he will call at every home on his route. \\'hile each and every one of these boys is competent and capable of doing his job thoroughly, this is the first business ven~ for many of them. Please be courteous to him ... help him to do a better job for you. Remember, he is in business for himself. -'ftlll IN.OM. '~·DC... I .... _ N~ ···········-··-.. -··-··-··-·········-····--··················· CPLDa JltmifT) St:J"eet .............. ······-······-·---··--·-··-··-························· Q ty ......... ~ ............. -··-··-·-······· s..• ............... . ,... ·. It Is YOUR newwpaper riVtng you a ll the LOCAL aews of Coroaa del Mar ud Balboa Island; and clecl.leated to the pollrth &ltd p~ ~ YO R eommanlties. The poll-tb and prosperity of tbe Enslp is closely identtfiN lli th, and dependt"nt upon. tbe pro- ~ of this aft&. Your newspaper weed and merits th wholehearted support of every resident. ubscr1be now t() your on.ly trul y LOCAL newspaper. You'D be rewarded with complete eovenge of local happen- ings, interesting features, and bargain news from local merehanbt. ~ad your Ensign for the best reta il and real ffltate buys! Patronize you.r local Bus ln firms and keep loea.l d?lla.rs at home. Your neighborhood t'IM'r- chant and the Ensign a re· wortlly of your eonfldence. Together It's a team that wiD keep our area powlag. .. " A DOUAB SPENT AT ROllE IS ANOiiiEB 8fi2" TOWARD 1.1IE PBOGRI!:Ss OF YOUR • a.DW ll&VD Only four haines remain unsold in Laurel Plaoe Tract. See these two bedroom residences of unusual Value. Real fireplaces -tile drain boards with double sinks-lots of electrical outlets -dual medicine cabinetl - electrical bath room beating in addi- tion to large dual floor fb.mace. On 60 foot lots. Priced below oompeti- tlon at $10,450 and $10,550. llodem or convential architecture. aose to High School Terms. Call Mr. Sch~ ter, Beacon 5795. NEWPORT BEACH LIDO ISLE ... attractive Mediterran- ean home built to exacting standards at a price lower than anything you will find in this exclusive island com- munity. Lovely patio, artistic living room with fireplace and. two bed- rooms. Price, $15,800. For further information call Mr. McKinsey, Har- bor 1013. EARL W. S1' ANLEY JlEAL'I'Oft COV!:R I NC GREATER NEWP O RT HARBOR :nu W. CENTRAL 15th AND IRVINE ST8 Nl"*JJCCI't O...cb CUt Raven 'hJ : Hatbor 1.013 Te-L: Beacon 5795 lTth and OOA.8T Hwy 225 ~AVE. m CX>AJn' IIW'{. Newpon a.ch Balboa la1and Qarona ... Mat fil.: 8eeoan 5"74.8 Tel.. Harbor 171'6 Tel: HartlGr lNI t'<JRTA.BLE com~r outllt. ll111 OOAST 00. C E'."EP.AL ELECTP.IC.U. t.fO'f't'.;P. REPAIJU]'(G •• REWl!<I:~G f't' • ~PEClALIZl~"'C I!" 1lfE P.f.PAlR O.ECTRJf'.Al. HA.''D TOOLS • 23rd & Central NEW~O.-T a£ACH H llr'bof' 2tOO IIk~ new. fl~. 5pn;)'·W~ t------------, R.El..l.ABLE WO!otAX ~ill do ~'Ork or lronlnr by hour or da~. Ref~ it ~· f'd Phone f'\t'"rUI'lp. Harbor 3039 or call at 511 Jamun~ Corona d~l !l.ta.r WILL Ca,. for clll}dnon, Satur· da) and Su.nda~ 1 Bearon 6(177 33-lt·p WARDROBES m~ and lnatalJ. M Windows. door tromes and eablo~a. m ade to o~. Rem~lln,. No Job too UJlAll Call alter 5. Beacon"5114-M. Shop. 2474 t, l"ewport Blvd.. &aron 614.l.J. 21-tl< tart A Lay AwaJ Plaa fora.n.tmu NOW BICY LE IJ950u~ GUS BEACH Vour Ft...-..-. Dletrlltvtor 20th & Newport Blvd. eo.u ....... 8EAC.ON IMS 31~tf-c --------------------------------AVA.n.ABLE ~taT). Ex~r· TRACTOR WORK Plo•inr Oiscin1 Len-lint Phone BPacon 5721·W 152 ~"wport Blvd.' 1' OQ \\1D Find A Better C.r for · LUCK PU. YS ,._0 PAJtT tn a i'OOd ft001"11"G JOB It 'T"a..tH ~ft'IC'e A SldU ceoPERA 11'\"'E ltOOJ'DIIG CO :-; .... ~ 2S'T3 Eld.fn Aw Cc.<..a Mesa o-wtM~eowt,..... ~ Waf'il!f9Me. C~. Eta. DAVIOIOH'I CA.81NifT IMO~ 211 Wah•vt ~L C..U ...... ~~ lenct'd R•al E11a1~ \1ortgag .. Loans Hl.rbor ZI02·M Fl RNITl'RE lncludlnc Roper nnr~ ~1th clock control al· most nt'W Reasonable. 134 E. lftlh COI"a )dNa Beacon LH• M011ey at BEA. Uli' ~At HTINO & ~A.NRHA.NOtNQ 1 w. B. wmh-2 NICE EAITIIDE LOTI 50 ft ~ 14 J ft INCOME P"OPE"TY Beautiful Duplex on Broad~·•>· Hd"-d noorot uJe. ful"l\j~. fu·,.vl 816,500 N ICE NEW 2 8DAM. HOUlE Hd~-d floors ttk in ktl & bath Dble &A.ra!t•' $8750 J. C. PAD"lt. Broker VIACIWIA KNAUER G. C. 8Ail.lV, AeeoelatH 111 E. tllb Strut aeacon &211 M Cwta M ... y1 AC .. E ON ELDEN t Bdnn Homf' wtt.h Guest house f'UnustM'd-2 car ca.race-t'h.lclt· en hOUSP 50 ft 1~-plaC't' all fen<~ Lots of fruit and nl~ ear· den 58,000 Tt'nN a .. AND N£W vtuon•s B&rp1Ds 5~J J31t< 2 HOUSEl 1$750 YARD and Ia~, work w., tM 1000 0own E&su1~ Sl 00 ~r Mur. lkaron 5iH . (IN"£ Da~ & 1\,fht bathroom $1150 'i Com Acn 150 ft front~ ~tlllde 17 bloclc from :"~-port Rh-d ,\pr 2 A~ f'f\lranN> on ='""' · \\ ,U.. Ia,. for <'hllt1 O\ tlr 3 Hs. l)td Call at -~1 f1uwt'r Strf.t.t l'u~tl ~1f'Sa 33-11 p TRACTOR WORK cood ~~ IYW'fll S3 :;.o &fl hour Ca.ll Bee. ron 5448-J lJ...tt-< reatt'r Excellent rondltlon S10. 1 .ha~ for 00 Inch wtndo-...• S3. 1 "7h~ tnch cf'dar \~nttlan blind $i _'i(l ZlJO Thurin St. 3.ll' p pnrt 81\'d fmt Joc:aunn ('(>Ur' or CARPE:'\'TER \\'e>rk cemt'nt Tr.ul<'r ~te "' .. r)< a.ll kind~ block "'""rk - BABY CJ\A.""'D. Mahopfty cue. ~ 1478 baJ f"'M ton~ 24 1n0nths to ~Y ~ Kna~ G.rud St~n,.. I)' u.IIPd 1·3 otf DA:'\"Z-~OtTDT P1A:-:n CO~ 520 N Mam Santa Ana. B&ld- •'in mak• J'h rl' (;.,amh ~';'W J 3J..l I-(' FOR LEASE ~ton-Bleil;" ~l ooq ft r,onc~ CARPEN1'LR W OI'tK \\'A~ n 1 k __,. ~. rt'IDOdel or ntw con-• INCH Plr~ ''Y<i 21.5 f! ~ a•·k oU,Int'SS oc:at on o.rv !)f't In<' at-•ctlon ~-,. .,_1 ,_ .....,.1J r ,,. rnun .,.. .v .. u-..\Iff) fPnC'I' ••J~·~ ~Y ~ ~Ia VINSON 'S 2216 Nt"'oo.-po>n Bhd &>aeon 5«.!0 REAL VALUES Homes -Income Buaineea Opportunitl• . In.nruce 1 8 .... HOME Only 6 months old StU(.'('(\ & knotty pint' F'int~hed Full Prit't" 8-tf-<: Ana ..\\l' C ~~ \3 lt·p -----------------------GE~ERAL hand) man •-ants ~lc FORDSON Tractor and tools around ~' Can pamt .U.O. ~take an offt'T. 2Hil9 Miner onf' 21T3! Pl.an•ntla. C M . PhoM block wut of Harbor off \'1t>· Bt>a. 517!N. ~"< torla. 26-tf-c S45Q() $6.500 \.HU.. bu) \• acre. 3 bed· Ea..">y Tt'm\1 room, or 2 apt hoWf' t•, baths Some turmturt. Frwt trees.- W. UB Rlltla ro a•n TOll S.'-3 Hamt ton 32·2t·p BASSI:o-."ET balhtnf't Imina mat ------------·res~ ar.rl bull~ $12 Bearon •. A. N.aE86N llrokel' 6. l'or Beat cr.{)(\. J 33-1 I C 2 Bdrm HOI'I'IM. &>ndt~ lns1all· 1172 NeWIHH't 81¥4., C..U Mna YOl 'NG MAl'll, fumishM apart· ment one room. kHchenette. hn\\t>r out•<lrlt> t>nlran<'E' $50 murth idt-al for studt>nt . In· quirt' Yerin,;ton Statlont>t5. 523 Coftllt Htghwa) Corona del Mar 10 noo rr 6 srau~e ll«ht ~1,. · 1m rompl~t~ outdoor shades "1th I!OC'k~t~ ~16 Santa ed-For- PRICES HAVEN'T COME DOWN THESE ARE JUST GOOD 8UYI Ana A\~ 32·2t P FOR SALE f U('lll\ ptu' wood make o!!t'r Ph. BE S7'21 \\' 8A .. GAINI IN NEWPO"T HTI. a1soo DOWN SLEEPil'G Room. Pr1\'at~ En· . F1rtlt c~-Firft .. rved. Nl<ll 2 Bdrm hO!Tlf' IBullt In $5650 full pri<X' Just complcttd _ tran('(" & bath . 1905 Full~rton. C~lotf'l IN\Jiatlon Til~ ,x16x 41 ) Hd~ noors Fn•t•pln('('-Bioek 2 Bedroom Home Partly ft"f"'d &-at-on 50."\4·1\1. 33-lt< \6 IJ»cb. 182 ~r thO\.IM.nd ~ fef't Central Motor 8alM 1IU NEW~O.-T AVE. Tfle t4emt -••l"f'C.a.IMe Ueed C.." ELEC11UCAL CONTRACTOR Home aDd Commercial WiriD.1 H. M. VJNINC Phone Beuon 6035 Harbor Furniture NEW a nd US£0 FUI'IN !TU"E lpeelal aa,.galna Dally 1M2 Har-bor 8 1vd. !»>one aeacon 553S·J Harry H. Noonan ~AI NTING CONT.-ACTO" SP!X:lALlZL"''i Do Stucco Homes \\·a terproofing Roofs Sprayed YOV .. o.-t£AM-KITCHI!N! TI-f'l'f' 1 no IIO.mdt-r In\ f"''UTTt"nt 1r. hC'rnfo..tmpnl\~1 \hall a ~nDER:-otztd kl•dlftl YOl' can ha\·~ thf' k:itdwon you ha\t' \, ~ ln ~OW" da) -di"'NNru lr. r-''\ In YO iR honv' ~ u.• 1 ct-. ,. • \ ou \\'ttt-~UQ;t'Ctlt'>n and ~·.-at Hl\'t" a talk ""'" ~· GO.-DON 8 . III'IIIIDLAY Contnletor & 8u•llkr C ABU\'ET BOP Eft\ "I A; Ha,..,.r 120 CA81NETI-MILLWOI'IK I T C .J0HN. ".: Supt ~7 SOth It NewPOrt 8udl HARRY HALL from HI School. 2 C"ar garqe-c~·ntry '""---. This pri""' I• -'~ht ....... 4 ... , 3 '"Am Dou .. IIU Fir "" nun,., ~~ "',,. PARn...Y Fum Apt. $35.00. Inc -"' ·"0 '-"' • NEED MDNEYT Utt-& lltu. Sultahl~ for 2 adults Surfa~ 4 sldt~~ at M5 ~r th<'Us· PATh.,t\G C'Cil\"'l'lUCTOR NEW HOME Call tx>tw~n 10..12 a. m .. 2·5 and (~t. Sft us for qwck ht'lptul wr· 1~ YN~ ~"'~ $8950 2 Bedroom on Eldon A\.-e. Hard· p. m. Be 5858. 33-tl< lx4 and 1ll'6 No 2 Commf'n \1C't' on \'OUT ttnandal nHCJ -In Tb> Hamer ~~ ... AND NEW . wood noo~ La~ old fashion ktt· R.N1""<*1 rurfaN'd 4 111d~ II ~ LoaN On Ft"JL,TI't1'tE.. S.A.L-274 !: t9tr St BEA 5413 2 Bdnn ~-hdw noors. tile chen. Doublt noor fum~. plt'nty CAMP TRAILER. tully equip-.A!'t thousand fen ARY. CAR OR onrnR SEC't."'R· ------------ bllth-1832 IQ. ft l 2 car pra&e of tilt' On ro~r lot for' 8500 nr Pf"d. for rf'nt by day or ~k. rrr. Lot 66xl35 ~ with out extra comt'T lot for Phont ~a. 6201-J 2S-t1-c Oex1M" Solid Bn!..'ll Knn~ Latch I Houn 10 A }f to 5 p M ,., \~ aLINDS $8500 S7500 ONE IWdroom home tumJshM ~ 20~. sorM 2S~ dJ~rount 1 ("lOlled Saturda)l W A .. N I N C ' rnl 00!• ALUlot iNUI4 ITEEL. WOOD ACT NOW $6i 5(t 2160 Santa Ana A,-e.. F"ANK CU,.,.AN I NEW S 8D .. M HOUlE THE MULTIPLE LilTING CA... Costa M~. 33-lt·p LUM81!.,_ CO~ INC. l..._ll ·~ ..,ym•nt 3t .. A~. 2 car P"lt' -Nl~ AVAN lAW THII PLAC~ VEl· wn.L shaft my home with ml· 1003 1!.. 4tlt lt.. .. ,.ta Ana m.wtt. te ..... -FHA ~ly-TE.-DAV. ~lo~ coup~ or 8i.fta)~ lady-...__, Kf·~1111 CALL l'! '1"(\t:'AY 1'(\ft $8500 2(82'16 Newport Blvd. ~-c PlA~OS Fl\f;E Dm'MA,. ,.., (~~~hoM a.-n 1111-W 0 . N. WlLLI CEO. r:-ex JOE McKEE 17'90 Newport Blvd Offloe p~ ...... 1111 .. .._ P~ 8uoon 11t1·W W . A.. HUICRO" • 2131 Newport Blv,, :"o"EW 3-room apt. NIC't'ly furnish· Before you buy your plano. ~e. 8eacoft IM?·J td. Adults only. PhoM ~a· us. w~ HU ~ f!Mst makt'8. and HilMa 17M-R con 5082-R. 33-lt-c woe Hll for '"' bforau~ It rosu us lees \0 wll Sff u. and aw MO!!ft Music Studio 1133 N Broed· Doll L HUddlMton. Sktppe- lo Mayor Drake Want. C-oeu Meea, Well Wtt. Ooeen't. Am wondel'l"t 'Doee e..u Meea Waftt Mayor Drake & NewpOrt auch? "-"'Y· FOR ANV NEED Wan~d To Bay Phone Hat'bor tsll WA~'TED· :'iO vSED PlA!I:OS for or ~'1it~ our rrntaJ ~rt Rlr~ pr:C# 181>4 ~ Newport Bh-d. Costa MNA -BH~n ~ 13.-Lost 8ex 3M 8albM "-land aJlowtd In ex~h&n(:t' (C\r y<'Ur f"'E;\1ALE Tm C'olflf' ;\r<;\\'l"•t. to \Vt' can offer NOW a half &~ olll niiU'In ~~~ fi~t 1""~-m,..nt 8111 namt' of Boc:-t~ 2 "'"f'r r~t11 Dl...ot fl'tm lll'ac:t•r)' t• ,-.v sorra oo T V~attlaa BUDd C.o. W.IT \Itt! & NW~T. AVa. COI TA MEIA ..... , l'l'a·W "Rer-fr a'!Ui r~tsrc Jlt'n'IC'C • ·~CYlt' 26 y t'VI In ec.. )( .. ,.,. u.-A- P . 0 ... 1017 T..-:1\l; . . lplUoa ~io Brab Sert1clr Wrt'C'k R~ Hi-\\'ay Garage i740 :"~-por"l Bh d Bi:A COSTA MESA J 6. "o,·ing ~ to~ IIARB8R TR.~~St Eft LOCAL and LO!'G DIST AN<::E I 1 K2 H af'bor llfvd. eo.u M.. I aucon MR-J YELLO\\' CAB nF ~"DIJ"PPRT & COST A MESA 24 Hour Sf'f''l~ 609 Oout Hl&:~ '~rt Beech BEA. 5824 18. C\euei"S ------------cK ground with a daney OOt' be-d· LARGE Room In private home on t a&) tt•nn'l n A !' Z · tt"t'th mluln~. UC't'n~t-'o. Ht,.. room home. Compleiely furnished Rt>aMin&hle for emplo~ed ~;1 · CHMIDT, 529 N. Mel.n. ~IU'Ita SuNtanhal rtwam &>J'""' 1 ------------ all ~adv to move Into on t.M Min. &>aeon OOfO-R. Ana. 6157-W after 5 30 ~'1 ~ • I I 8ED .. OOM HOME • l ' _950 ).tqnoUa. 33-lt-c ----------------------TH .. EE VEA .. I OLD Eutmde at the fJiilll price ot-. W~ng M&chlnf't.. ftnY 1"-...... Lot 83 by 330. 2 block f Best tums to the r1te pvty. Only OWN~RENTAL PLAN. PI.Al'JOS Ma.k~. An)• A~ Hl(h~t C.a•h __ -___ ._.. __ • ____ _ N~ A\>e. on 18th St Modt'm County Taxes Now. And they ar. as low as S5 P'f"' month All Pri<"M paid Call 9H('(1fl ~21lf\ PLl'MBil"G contrscHnJ: r :1 Oood wat«. Hou.e 30 x tO. Larre low m'lt allOONed at end ol tenn on U~·tl-<' tuppllf'S Pa"l'nOn & Con(h•r Rooma. Doub~ Pl'lf'· TWO .. ED .. OOM ~hue pr1c. 0 A N z . 11\!13 IJ'\ lne A\t Phf'M ,;~ ~-, $3000 Qaah SCHMIDT PlAMO CO., 520 No 10 M18aeD«beooatt w '\.'\·•~ c $11500 D.C.IhcK_. l10J Newport Blvd. C.O.ta Mesa Brand New F1oor cowred wall to Kalt\. Santa Ana. 1 • .------------. ~u Bunt ln p~ cut• u •">' -------------; doll ~ you ~~ aaw, 1825000 1. Wan +'\ Beet Can1H )Mn ot 4100 00 and tht' banks only loan 40'\ ot tMtr Valu-2 BEOftOOM houst', turnlshed. a.tlon. lk>ttff ha~ a look at thtl Local buotlnessman. ClOIIf ln. one before Its too tat~. ellarbor 0275-R.. 31-tf-c FRANK L C . 'fl'ith Guy 18ot01'i Newport B lVd. eo.ta M Calif. ,.... aeaoon 102'4· w Slo:U~INC out. EIS:hly ~ hut· chfot. wat~r dl•hnl. ~ or all. C. A. RMfonb,um, 30:l W.Uson L. W. Pierce SIGNS ~vEttVTHINQ IN I IOfill 11 Yre. lll 01'&ft01 Coaftty W .. !OHTS LUMIE .. YA"O 17tA N•""IHII't 81Y4. ••~" M7'f.W IR\"IN GEORGE GO BOOS 1H1 W«aT ClNT.-AL r-."E\\"P((RT BF. 4<11 ........ o.. 721 .. Near tht aaftWlty atol't"' ~t S2-4t< '-------------' ~,.,...;. _________ .....z CUSTOM CA8 1Nfl a UtLOtNO Saeh an4 'retnel All Ktnt'la of 'R~Jillr "'or\ Meaa CabiMt Co. 21 .. N•WN, 81vct. ...... w D"AtNao A .. Da aATH .. OOMI. aTO. Tile Contract« 1 ttl & Nf'w,.n A..._ Coeta M eea. C.Uf. ..aoo" 1107 ,. .. Pilon•: an~n I?'CO-W1 2S.- ltfr ew.. ~N) d<" n. ~,~~.. .... u ., 114 .. 1.. DUNNE . IN,. DlmM _... .,,.,.. tM lovallle VInnie f'Oie 11'1 tfte .__.,. a,.loue comMty -!'alon flf CIM'- ef\Ct Day"e "Life Wlttt tr~,'" coml'lg at f'eOUiar eclm....._ M the Lido Thatl't Mact ~y. • tlotlnlca tha1 ttle f~ pi-of --~~ lfl the ......... not dlanged elnoe v~ t im.._ ... - • IIAJIIIOB PAINT II Al+uANCE co. DUTCH aOY PA.INn w.u ........ f'alnteA' &\tppll" a.rv-1 G.N f!;~rige,..torw Home Appllionoee Gufta....- Harbor 2020-W 21t COAIT HIWA'V IDDY"S PET SUPPUES & IPOftTtNG GOOOI • F'RESH OOV'T INSPECrED Horse Meat Daily f'rft DI!IIVff)' 1be Most Me&t For Your Money-Anywhere In The Harbor Area. COMPARE THE PRICES AND FiND Ol1T FOR YOn~SELF 80NELEIS TOP BOUND STEAK U. I . GOV'T GRADED "A " ·-··- FOLit awtn IIOtlUM BOUND STEAK 75c U. a. GOV'T Gfi:AOED "A., .... ···-··--1'11 U. e. GOV'T GAADED '"A~ 1tiW LOINS (About 5plb) 9C)< LAt • out .,... f•r ~r toc:ker ... -.... -ftl FULL BOUND STEAKS Top Qualtt,. GraM F'td CatUe BEEF BOASTS ROUND BONE or 7-BONE . ,. 75c ,.52" I'OII'I'II:IUIOUSE or ~-BONE !!TEAKS C« ~I"'M' GOOD Gl'fll Fed Cattle .. GRADED HAM u~::·BONI!: or ,.69" FULL\' TENDERED. BeoM!y·To-Eat ...,. '"-.~~mor-e .... _ ...... ~ S«Jc H 5 U. a. OOV"T OfiADEO ....... 8TI:&A I'OP 8lltLOIN STEAKS ).2$ .... L.81 ............................ -..... ,. '"'" We earcy the largest and most complm stod< .r . . -t In the Harbor Area-Anytlllng and all you 75111Pt need, auch - 'I"UUtXEYS ·HENS • FRYERS • RABBITS • Etc ...... -..-~-~ COAST C. 0 . "Pot" I'LAlMOAIF • J.JN7 ~kwport Ave. 001s1t. 1QM Pbone •• -!1185 .. ' r ''' tift, alii.., con· neetll'tl ~ Mtwftn C.t9na del Mu nd Hewpert 11 elt- ed b)' 1 n mbtr of pe,_,,, In thla area o at'C a~o~brnltUnt their ,,, .. anct a.-king for lnc:ruloed bus Mrvlce t o thto Llgwna ltl .loh,Sa"ta Ana St;~~gl Lin._ An added bw In the morr>- '"0 and ona In late 1fternoo., are neec1111 for workerw or children going to parochial sc"OOII In Sanb Ana, accord- ln'll to pe....,na w ho •r• peti- tioning fo~ the morcr' t i rvk:e. A llat of persona needing 1udt tranaportatlon It bel"t complied at Tommy•a Shop, 109 Coast Highway, COO'Ona dd Mar. Cii,Y Judte Harry Blodgt-11 Monday wntenCf!d two men who ~lt'adt'od guilty In a cue lnvoJv. lng th<'fls of porch !urniturt' !rom ~!boa b land homes. 20 Years In llarbor Area S. W. Ulat.•kbeard:" Co!'Ona dPI Mar t'lt't:triC'III rontnu•tor. I~ ~1- t>hrl!llinJ: hJs 201h ~l'lr In The Hll.rbor an'fl. Mr R]lwkhum has donf' tht' f'l('(1rlc<11 ln.stallll· tlnn or1 S('(ln-5 o f horr.f'5 and <'fllnl1'lf'rdal bulldhl£5 In this nr.•a "" 11Yf'5 at 2Hi Orchid AW•., Ct'lrnna d(•\ Mar. COX &. KEELER·s (1:'\10:\" SERYICE LU BRICATION Tlrt'!i & i\tbfos St•l"" & St"!"\"i(T Auto A ('('('I<SOrk-5 Rattl'ri"'!! Sale-!< & ~-~ ROAD · SERVICE Harbor 1391 Park 6 M a~lle A vu. lalbooa le".:.,d 6:00 " 16 GOODYEAR MABAmON TIRES NOW .JUST $10.95 Liberal Trade· In Allowance AUTO ACCESSORIES .. FOGL1GHTS e 8ATTEAI£S e &PAfiMPLUGa '1 '1 HARDWARE AUI'O- YOUR 111 COA8T HIGHWAY S'WnCH 10 NrW slf!Mr~ TillES BY GOOD/iE4R IOYS' STIIEAMLINm t.ICYa.E Complete with headlight. ehata gumd, l:Jek •ta:od cmd lMg, nlg9'ed Good,.ar AU·Weat~h., bcdleoD tlrM. Full adult .U. with ct.uble bar eoaatn.~etlon, d.ui'Cihle baked eaca.el f:iall,h lA 41:· lr.ctl.,. e.lorw • IIICYCU!: A.001!1!8011111:8 a--• '.a-'l'~Jwo -G.Jt.APPUANCR'i- &OU&&WAIIIB .. ......... tv ........ ,. •• c.. ___ :_ _______ " .... y DEAliR •