HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-09-24 - Newport Harbor Ensign,..,_ CaVk Aaoc.i&Uoft ot Corona ckl Mar. ~na ~Y ~na. el«tt'd oew offleen and cSh-ecton. deddf'd to hold more f~uent w.- aionJ and appolnttd cornmittHS to ftPOt'1, on &pedal community prob- lems. R«<mmendationa of the nomina- una rommlu~. headt'd by Dr. Robert C. Burt, were approved unanimously by the As..;ocilltlon membeA present at the ITol'et~. Whkh was held ln the auditorium ol the Corona dfl.Mar School WaJiacx-Burton, ol 1000 ()r(-'UI Bl\d . wu l\ll.nW'd presl&-nt for the romlnr >•·ar. lll.l~>dtnc Ralph Ho)•lt> Jr. 1302 Cove St Otlter Offlc:e,.. The other officials electf'd WN't"' Vt<'f'-pl"t'!!i!knt : Alvan (' Clr- mt>nt'f', 4:tl Dahlia Ave., «'Cd Burton S«n-tary· Mn;. Julia 615 Coa.~ HJ~hwl\y, to w«'C't'd Ml"'. 0\arles R ~. 519 Fern- leaf A\~. . Treasurer: Harold M. 0."'-. 209 I Fft"ftle&f Ave~ re-electfd. RoaJ'd ol dlr«tm'l'~ Mrl. J..ln· coin Jl N 01'11\:ln, 1313 Cout Kllh· Wtl\' 1'heodore A. Fitch. 403 FPm· Jee.i Ave ; Richard 0'\ltch{'f'. 332 M!lflt\ll'rlte Ave : ~d W. Todd. 2.16 Goldt>nrod Ave. and Arvo E RaApa, 7'11 l.arlupur Ave. An eltJI('f"Sslon of thank11 was ~lrtflldtd to out-goin~t pl'f'Sidt'nt Hoyle for his t'ffortJ on bMalf ol the AaodaUon durtna the put )"Mr. Drtw Laultdl" Upon tald~ 0\'et' the chair. Pre&Jdent Burton ·~ that a rnt!mbt'nhll) clrive would w laun- chtd and that ~Jftte' attendance would be ~ bY pi'OY\ctfnl tor at Hdl meet- REORG.t.NIZATION MCETING: "Cap" RaQafl Is aflo""n at t he ltud of the table •• temporary c1t.1it-man. addrealng the rTM~hant.l of Cof"ona del Mar wll• atWnded Monday eventnt'• reo,.ganlution rnc<etlng of tM .... n .. Aa.oclatlon. Forty-eight perwM _,.. pre· Mftt at me lftlletJ,.._ I Photograph by Howard Fol];()m ' f • ~· c .. v .... Hi'ltMt~.rw~r ~ The Board til nHNiderl and dt..Y to Newpon Harbor. Cha.lrman M In ~ ol enter-t.bt 0\)' ODundJ are ~f'd to Braden Find\ asked for a vou on . , • . hold a joint ~ two Wft'ks ttus QuesTion at Monday's mrort·! "'nltft II • cUJtinct nef'd for the from Monday-on Oct. 11 o c1iJ.. Lnc and all ot the oc~ 13 ~ • Ovtc Maoclation." BurtOf't ~ald. cua the dratt o1 a dty c::hart.et'. holders prewnt voct'd ~ A)-e " ~~can be flllfOd by Jeackr-whJcb WU completed ln t~tativt' fmch cSid not Vott' but Wd that ah.lp. an fl'lt"'"'fd . rMmbenh\p form by the FrMbolclers last Mon· ht> too fa"'f'nd the pmpnu.l I and tht &>wl~t ol a commun-~da.Y nlio:ht. 11 W!\5 f~lt that the n.at"M, Nrw- lty corucl~. . Amon~ the ls&Uft to M di8C'\.IS· port H&ttx>r. mor'!' &CC\Iratel)' de'II· Tht> ~nll\l(s dl!INSS!on cove~ Rd at that hellring will be the crtbes the natun-or this city. a varie{y ol subjt'cts. lncludln~ a propou1 to ~ the ~ Of the M the ~holdl"n& concludt'd monthly meeting date, t:ra.tflc aal-their tl'nttlll\'e draftlnfl of thl" ety, cleentnr ol ~t lots. aanl-1 • SChool charter which Y..'Ollld ~tabU h e tatlon problt'l'n& bluff vtew and New D:..L '0Unt:"J-m.3n \C<'I' form of ~em- 0\Jna Cow. IJI5D "l"nt fM t.M city. It wu qJ'f't'd • • hl'tl 2CVI <"nf' ~ or tht-d.mtt W11J be ~~u!: !!ben&hlp v~ Aal.:t..: ... ~~·oK'd :r~ !i:~~~~~~ == ltd to meet once a month. hvteed ~ fi·Ul its or a digffi tn I~ ~ ot evrry two months as ht-reto-Aft<'r the joint ht-annr ~th the.> fore The third ~ ot t>ach A MW physical education build-'ity O:runcll. t.hl"re will M a sfm- month was desfen&tt'd u w rca-11'\C to be addfod to Harbor H1ah liAr rnH'tlng of t~ ~holden ular ~tlng date. School's ~t phyaJca.l trainlnc w1th d ty d Ppartl'nt'nt heads and It was ~ that t.he otnct'nJ plant v.'8.1 a.pproved by ~ Board pogiblv wit"' 1. ·y rnr'"r"-~ 1~ and ml!'mben ol the board ol Db~ or Trustees ot Newport Harbor general. ,..,('n II public hl"aring bl .cton would meet In adVanct' ot Union High School Monday. planned. the fet\"ral "meeting, and that PlanJ for the M'W building. al-After b<-lna rcvi~ In the liatlt ,. NEWLY ELECTED OFFICf:f .. and mei'I'I4Mft -' Ule 8oard of Directors of the reactl~;ated 8 usln•:.a Auoclatlon of Corona del Ma,. are plc:tu,... ......._ In t.,_ ff'Ont f'Ow. ldt to l'lgl'tt. are ""· Mab I Hutatuneon: Ml'e. A £. F tttmorris. vioe·p~t: M l'e. Han.,ah 8ymes. M oa MofiiQ Sm th, treaaurf',. In the hKk f'OW .,.. Hubbard Rlchtrr; A. E. F•tz.tn>,..,....: 0,.. Donald J . VaNiell; ~!chard Barcelo, pi"UI· dent; At"YO E. Haapa, eecr-etal')': Clenn eouc:t-, and ~upert H. Hend,.ICks. PholoQ'raph b) HO¥o-ard Folsom I Zoning V~lation Dogs Wait To He 'Bailed Ou( cams ot annou.notment would be rad.y tMtatiWlY approved. call ol thesP hearinp. the charter will m&IW out to the membenNp. j for compkt.loo ot the atructure by be otfered to t~ electonte. If n.e ln\-estpt.ion ot zonlnc or-,_ aaestion for meeu..c more . tiMe for opetlift« o( .chool ln the lldoptfd. ft will becornt the dt:y"l dlnanc.e vtolat.loN, .. directed by Ftve Cents Vol .l-No. 7 Mcrd •t.t' Ctf Coron. J.:l MiH \ot.J M.,nJ..r l"'>cmnc to nnr· ~·ru.:.£ the1r 0\J.'tl bU51tlCII a....:J.ttl 'fl "from the ground up .. t ned tht.: l .11 NUm.: by d~'tln£ ~ g,. rJ i [>m.'\.l•~ to act 1 1 • ''&c , • la:.L• I.~J rqc~-rcd & p~ J.. ........ II,Hl rd~ .cr ~~n fonn one Ctf lbeir .-\• . '" .. : l."h<~n ~ prt"..dt .., , I th< A •· "'""l&IJf'n v. ... Rt 1-• 81\n ·, I • ', , -ru..,..J•1ent or t h• J1 nn • • L"'rutt'hrr Foundal 011 \l f'o A E FJI<rmom of w Fa• "l'Tl< m~ R• al· t~ <.Ompan) v.>as l'lllJT'l• -1 \ •• ..... pn 1• , .. ,t Th<' othtor offi<"Pf"t •t"lrct•od -. • l"f !\! ., MoniC'S Smnh. ('0-()V.TIPI' of A ltd of name. of those ""ho att~nCSed the Monday ~' en1ng ·~~ant;nhon m<rt tng of the Corona !HI Mar ellt~nes.s. A.-ocTation i'l pr•nt City Voles Ocl26 On Joiniaa IWD . UOI·D C.C.. Hicli-s1 O.C.. dd Mar, CaJifomia A&VO !.. HAAPA. r4ilar- 12.00 LOO .!50 .05 11w EftllicD 11 puiUbtd C'Wrf F~7 for ~ CXIIDlD~ of Ccwoaa dd Mar and BaJboa ltbnd.. W nacs comm•mnrinne .., The Enaign ~ c::any the name and addn. ol ~ -.Tlller, and i1 ~. * ~ nuuafltt. The El'liiJD•• tdephon£ 1\lJ.Cfthcr u Hattie¥ 7SS. .,...... JUill .... ~ lt.al.lan ..o;. Lull' 8uCD. ._ tJ'O\a1l!le u. J\IItinl hlmR11 to Nrr'tftt A!Mr· kaD ~oaw ~ ~ .mwiL.----------~~------~~~~~~~~~--~ a, MCW lliftkuttjes Ln l&aJ.y with AICb COD· VA CATION TRift ftROVIOIE:& ltEVaNTM DAY A IWaNTiiT :-----CliMe m a while ol a ft!fal ~ -U the ~ aDc1 TOPIC OF' CDM lllRMON "GGct'a Lalrie of Fin" wtU ... PUZZLES: N. me ,...r ot ttar1an ~ wNdl tbM t)-pe tranaporucJon. TM four-week vacaUon !ronl u. Mab,t.d of Chutla D. lila.rtln'e qwz crau. 8Dd 1 wtllb • .ad to oJ .,. ec :Wc:adee caa 11r1q. "R.kk1nc lb.lrd cl.. la lta).laft whJc:b M hu Jl.&lt murned wW s.ctw-. Slmdaf ~ at the \be lf'MR) conr 11 wtth my OM of t.t.e. ........, aJcJ ~ tralna m.akea the New York lui> vide the lopk tor t.bP Sunda} Blble Hour Tlftt. C*'Mr ol Fifth ooalribu1Jon. Tb1a cern. ~~..,. ot't'Qiftd thle IDOftth owr ~tat.Jon W'IO' at nlilb hour -. .. ~ ::mon by Rey. Pw1'Y neckrlck and Ottve Ste.. Ra~ Badl. • DOt mmnt eo mUIC:b lor tbe IOJCPC 1ft Hollywood. ~ llOt)' Urtiy and mannerly u Ute Eut· Se~k t U\e Corona del Mu A. a aped&~ C•tw-., a 80UDd mo-41* Wb.lzll!r u tor t.be ~ CM best be to&a bJ' w mv wM ~ Parade on Park Avenue," at-Olmmunl~ 0\urd\ don plctUN on the 1a1at t!Np- Mdlct. and to ~ ~ em..Wnc ~ bttp. Heft Ill p&t1 of C!Ot'IUnt to Cy. waut there'• • Ttw ll'nnOn \\ill be Oil "'J"be t»n of Nt. VenvJua .w be )-ou"ll b.a"-. to do • bit o1 reaeon-hll letter of CbaDb to tbe rallio fUnny thlnc about Jt. Once Mt'tnOdet and NecUtadona oJ a abown. lAC rather than tHt )'OU.r knoWl-ataUon• boely ,eta JaJDlMCI ln. tbe 'J'raiJerl Panon .. 11 wm be On 1'U8dat ewftln~ U,. topic. o1 u •.ncyt'lopectla. · aa.me 1\lY Who tn.mph!d )OU to nc h 6.202 mile lral1er •A Uvinl Fa.leb," wW be 1ft-. ~ -:__:t fh; o~: .... · v~ ~~-ln~~:;, t!: ~:~!~ ~ P~;to:~ta,.: ~.::n ~/Rev. a~d t.t~ .. ~ ~~· c:=.a:'t'!., ~ ' .. ,... H. aft r. Monday of th.ls Wwk and upon -....,A ... A_ _... vol rock dunnc whlcl\ tM)r v~a~L..., t cu.toura-Bible •Nil Jacll.. _,.. ~tulf"Ktef"\\tM e tnin~~Uoft tbe doctor dec!~ oven-.v-...._.. .... a-.al .... 1 · ~v.' S<:h:rock's home town of ~ a on pre- lllf theM ..,_rtJc;utar tr-am: t.hat t.ranlfudon oJ blood wo Jd Unt.aJ7 and toucbloctY COUl'tt'OU.I AshtabUla Ohlo d!t't.I.On.l Wbkb ha\-. bem 1\aJQU. MaM, etwep tel~ the truth: be ~ be could ~ • ., rotation l)ltfln "'itb me'l and Rev sdtrock · rt>tumf'd to hla f'd ltl eurn:nt ~ lle:ma. "'BanU ...... ..,.,.. tot~ • ne: .lac~!~ .. ra~'t'\'tt, Ml' particular wonwn oUerLna Mdl other their lilplt ·lut Sun~. He ~ re-and Lab Louise Ia the motion ett~ MtWHf' tr~ and 1 blood Ia rarlt d 10 .eat. on the bas.la ot need-and P ~ h1a e:blldren'a ~rmona. picture ec.hed\llf'd. f~IM:hll4 • t .. u. tUt•Mtnt !~ :.ya .... ~y~~ c.t~ \\lth .. ~-er a thoueht of Emily ~h1cl\ had ~ om.ittf'd durl~ ta 7J:: ~ectT~ot ~ atwe)"' wu f .. , • .,.. .. Ill)' a II&. llt'vdlinJ for h With tht! ~ult Poll. --1\la four-•'l"ek abaenCP lW nJcbt In wttk h sped.Lic and ~ ,.e,~~'-~dActionN-...1-dl ~~r-_cc __ , •nil v-" .. ecru. I l ht that~ only~ one pant. •ov•oG·-·.-......__ ....... ~. AN IE:NDORIIlO CANDIDATEf ch1ldl'f'n·· termon last Sunday taU~ Bible~ wOl ~ \.CJIIC~'~ ••CJC I'Of ;JII •• 0~ ur .. even nt . a n I ··Ou _._~ A-~Oon , .... .. " sn ..-.-..-.. _.. wu about "All AJnlah Famlly." , watd\man, "-~"'"' a nof1!1. t of .......,.. ~·-u .... ~rt of the wll~ "' ... u1 The new preal<Sent, or the old bued the t~ that ~ll,:lon uamlned .. , .. t-~V\ .1. Guest o of Co del M took called _.. --wtw t. tMrer momlnr I called Eddy L)-on and Ht wtto 1e In tM ...n. one reLurninJ to the Wblle on bes t.Jw ~-enl.na will be a local prom-The tnercbaJlts rona ar 8D en-,.M .. ~t tftt &1\.-er tolcf hlm of the altuat.lon and he-w 00 )'&. ~ M ._. 1 lOUie will l'Oifle to you th.roU&b ls not a matter of the clot )"OU ln~t phyaldan. thu.lastlc step forward Monday night in launching wea ~~ wttf'l ,.._., .. • voluntet't'@d to make an appeal !:" :• "T': R•y R=-.._...., IN cOurt"Y of Nub MQtora. wear but ra~~a ~ ~ W:~ The .. aubjett ot "Jonah anc1 w an ~Mit.,.tion dedicated to tbe advancesnent Of t ..Y-. .. tt\c man replied. 0\·tor the a.lr on hla ~Z\a}l" nt'wa S p.m. lunclay,KH.I eM KVOL For the f1rlt Ume-tt bu juat r:eu. dill~n aboUi guest named Wha~ Will be ~ted Frl4a)'. vA ~ • • the Crown ""Wtw ._ It r~ broadc:ut. Gentlemen. ~ ' 1 e-bee announced -Uftlntern~pted .. .. w h Oct. 1. alone wttb the question buatneta and civic mteresta m cormnun-.._.,_,, • spon~e wu l~! Red cro. eo~ of the preal~Ual race Bambi that c:aJM to v t t e box and on S.t\U'day n.lcht a tty Who .\bt feJJow Whom the atatiQu ~t the c:lty ~re With football predlctlona for the wW be apof\80red by a ~ traJJer. lect~re on "Heevea'e Conatltu . . tha 'den: t that ___._, .. ., is -~· ~ wu ~lq flooded wlth ca1la from people cominr week~ on h1s Thun-lal qmcy-and Nuh c:an v.1ll Alao beck at the dnu~b laat tlonw wlU b@ Cf\ren t~ with Tbe spirit t \\T8,5 evJ t a ~11.&£-'16 ·~.... M Jaek9 Wu -.bo declred lO doftate that p&r· da} nlrht show. pay the btll Sunday '<ll'"erl' the Church Choir. a moUon pittw.. ~n the United a reflection of the vitality and enetgy wb1ch typify an /'One >~1thoetu!:'• U ·., "'bo tku1ar t~ ol blood. Oonll'qu~t· Simul~ly v.1lh the an· under the din!ctlon of Mrs. J. Stat" eon.tltut.lon. ~ BJble tbia OOIDDlUDty. And upon those characteristiCS de-~ It! . • 1.) -.-. ha\-e llt'CW't!d ~t co GOING TO THIE: F'A IR nouncement ol the DeW preai4IDt LNl1e Ste!fen~ ~arc': Hour Tent ta open to all. the ~-. ...... ~-of the Co del Mar Yota won't win any yachta, or ~ ahead wilh the openUou. Local !'Hldenta who are cotn1 will C:Omt' th~ llnrt network ra· lar orcan •t.. UJ1\ed --pei'Ml~"~-"''-&UUU~ success rona c:ut1 or a mJ.lljon doll&n tor lhanka lO Eddy Lyon and o!Pt.. t(l Pomona to the talr (~ dlo annotJ.neement. of the new Seh&rll'. who ~ ret from AIIEM 8LY 0 .. GOD Bum ASsociation, wbicb got off to such a rous.-)-"'W" ~. but the nnt ooe •'Pleuf' ~ my tbanJca tor crown Clty·ltra have Men and ltd Nub cars. Which are ex-11~1· ~~uri~:)'t ~ Wl.nter Blble c:~auet bepn iDg start Monday night. ta call ill the eol'l'm uw-.-w. mv wtle. "ho •Y'I that )OU~ say Irs worth a eeeond trip) rna)' pected to eo on pubUc dJ.aplay In -· u ~ Wednftday e'\-enlnl and wt1t eon-""'--__ fact of -o-ni?Ati,..... however does w1th Ow c.'OfTeC.'t explanation. t. .. r ~\'Orlle atatloo an4 bar gt!t • chal'lt.-. Lo ~ the broad-late October. _ _ •• __ __ Ul'lue -.'eddy at 7:30 p. rn. at the A UC au.;-&.-•e.-----"""' • WILL I'd a one\-e&r tubeo'tp-Lyon the best ~er. cast of "SUI'pf'We Packa,e". T'h..LI elect1on ntiht newa will church. The claues are open to not autocnaticalJy solve problems. Americans 8J'e tf, Thl' En gn. • none." KECA at 2 p. m. OurJ.nc neJrt start ovt>r KNX a t 6 p. m .. 1\aes. 8AL80A IILAND CHAPIE:~ aU. Dally pra)'ft" ~tlnp IN" noted for their readiness tO appoint a committee w~k emcee Jay St~ and the day. Nov. 2. and will continue Tytna 11\ with the Sund.ay ~Jd at 10 a. m. and 7 p. m. ~ · · tba needs aoa CHA~~Utt PREDICTS Pntlrt> cut will mow to Pomona throufhO\It the ~ unUI the Rally DiY this Sunct.y. Rev. Har· Rfov. Cronic an~ this when they are faced Wlth a Situation t r::>OCS: P\.LbUcatlon o.f tM Anyone who wu tuned tn on Fair groun(b for their broad· oulco!M dt'tlnltely baa ~ de-ry W. White will preach on ultn· \\f.'t'k that the C1uUUan School action. But much more than tbat is needed to 5\0r) o.f the probl•m or doya on •'Jft>re Comet Hannon .. prorram. c:asta. Broadcut Ume wtll reo t"'dt'd. and as lonr .. lrnportant part1nc ltel.lcSoua Failh" at the hu obtalnf'd another teacher and achieve the ntl~ of this ,new group. lt is DOt &lboa.Iiland.::: ~cht ~m~ tKH at lU l5 Jut nt~tu IThurs matn the !'&me l'Jectlon nf>\\-. Is imminent. Balboa Island Chapt>l of Ou1st \\Ill open a tbtrd clusroom In ., .... r-f cnmmMlla to nSJ«n ° ~ 111&)· 1 undoub~l'dly het.rd Hob Some of the weU-known CBS 0\W"Ch by t~ &.. 0111<'r to acrommodate the ldn-colng to be tnerely a matter of the amount 0 WOrk t1 h commenta tbu. far have been t:happulJ pn> kl tbat MJchl$1an I A FA THE" co"'"J)Ondt>nts who are us.Jcned Installation of Sunday School df'rgarten and flnrt Jr&de. The done by the Board of Directors and its officers. or ~ nt-_rall~ af~r::•t:::..Ooof tl~ v.,u ~ • tJoubl .. ~ ... 10 th~ Thi'L~=~~ .. ~ of lram has anoth-to CO\t>r tht> elecHon are Edward tNlchcn will tal«.> place at th<' 11 achool. wh1cl\ ls a fully aca-etht· by an~ ~ttees that might be appointed; SUC-1 ~~f' ~~>llo!·. for ~xampl~: au~· foJ~~··~h~~:~"':d Tort~:ar -f'r h~~~~:ld. of>' ~.l~wardp~~ ~~u~.~~~~aJ).J~~~ 0 \rr: ~~P ~~ wall tdng :So:~er',.!~~a.~~Who~~.~~ CleSS wilJ depend Upon the concerted and COntinued rl t>d that 11 •• no 1 do: PIVh-lmon c.•uld ~ a httle p~judtC't'd. . II \\ hlch has beco~e a MOn· Har&eh, Allen Jackson. Quincy •'GI't'1lt Pea~ Have They That Monda) through f'r1~. The activity of all business people of the community. ~~':! ~~t"al:~ H~ld h~n~hf'~~ of row-.." :J'a3m~lh as ~~raH ~~~a ,;h:ht favorttt> or so many Ho\\t'. Don Hollt>nbeck, Richard Lcwe Thy Law". ac:oornpanied by opt"nlnr of the addJtJonal room '"Cap» Ragan. who started the Association off l~lbt>a Wand rl;?~~> stea:. ': ~: :'u t~ ~~~ Pf.'OPif' • K:->X. 8 p. m.l. ls work-C. Bottelet. John Adams. CrUf-Mra. Elltdle Brown Mills will enable ttM> school to accept on its first toddling steps in his capacity as ternpor·l A rour•le (l.f callt>r5 to Th~ En '"' .,, tht> Ros" Bowl -gtune l~t tng on .. ~" ne~lt~mer~,.:~?.· lnt~~~ro~~,.7~ ~~~l~.:hha~:! coSTA MEIA F'OU"IQUARE up to 15 ~ students. 8J'Y chainn&n Of the meeting Monday, put .the issue ~~l!'~~~ll~ "~:It~~e l!: ~ j t•'' k1·l>llll 'r!i' ~ nc:,~~o~~ ~~·'ida~~f' 7 .:10 p~ m.l. To ~ toni wtll announct': ·111e ~ Rt>v Wallard St~' if'nnon COITA MESA COMMUNITY squareJy to the group With the warning that the hla.n<kor toe* to tak the lettt'r ~~~ ~d was ~ntly ln L. A rr.all'rtal tor this story about a bUll vf thhl e-lectlun lf'Veals lbe topic for t~ lO.CS moming ~erv-Pastor JO&t'ph H ThomJ*lQ this OI'V':lni'TAtiOn cannot suooeed without the enthusi-ILrom the Balboa U-land lmpro\P-lt•t a lame \Uth the 1M An~IPS I •tit• Italian bo) In Americ:a. Mr. \Ole ofri\ht> ~~;.t' t~d ~~N n:~ i~ Sunday l .. Prnteco.t for To-week annout~C(i'd the schedule of ·e.~ . . rr.ent AAiol-~llon "hich had bef-n Don I Hu\~.<11-d pulll'<i a reverw and Vls· n~ > 1.~ e "' . day ... 1n thr evet\J.na bP will P" .... plAns tor the RAlly ~ lt'l'Vices astlC cooperation Of all the menlbei"S. tt-ad at lw \\et'k." Cit~ Council Tn;,mv Hannon pla)-. aroundit(od llal)' 311 an Amerlca.n lmml· tt·.e spnrwjr. ..-nt "A Jtartllnc thoocht pravok-Sund~ at O:munuruty 0\UI"Ch. .. You get out of an organization only what you rrlt't'lln~r · lnR meualtr on thfo R.apt\ll'e and ~re ww bl' an auembly o1 the put into it .• he com.mented. "It can't succeed with-H,. \\"'~rt"d ··h~ dop should HTS ON YOUR R".J..I:OtQ DIAL Tribulation." entire cbUJ"Cb IChool at 10 .. m. • • ~ pkk<-d on "'ften there a.re. In ~l...M :&r-. r-\ ln Ltw aanctuary, and ~Hctcn .,.. out you; if you fall do-Nn on your JObs, the organ-hu oplnlon. many ocher nore In:.· nJ'UI""1L.IU antldpatlnc 100 ..-cent putJd- ization will go to~" portut questJoas to bl' .ettled • CHURCH OF' CHRIIT, patJoD ln the chur'ch bour ,_, • ~ ..... 1.. • the ge t.bat faoes thfs ~USiness OM of ,hese. he lhwght. wu F'fUDAY . 1£"· 2' "'ii•~ ICIENTIIT at t :4.5 a. m. at the •• ~· 1S baa the d the dumplnr ol bll~ at nldlt of1 10:00 a. IQ. ~ ~ On Swlday ~ ~ :.; InC wonb&p. "A ~ ~tion. 1be group enormous a ~-boata ~ ne.-ttw 1al&nd. 11 c:teMIIC lnlo A\n the CoJumhla QUJ"Cb <11 the u ~l" Makn a -u_ge Of eirtb•&SiaNI\ created primarily tJY the li.ct --yama u M makes a SUnk· will be broadcut unct-p vw &\15-IUOD ject that rilOirt Of the bus1neues are relatively new to SLOCA..~· What II )'OI•r prt'f· et tJ\rOQC,h the Uftited Stal•. T~ plces of the Ouist1an Sdftlt.-.·Com-Thomp&an's tDOr'll1nl wonb • .._. . tb need ~ u to a slocan for C<-rona day be broadcuts !rom San Fran-mlttee on Publl<:atJon for Ohio. mon the community. 1bat youth pomt4 aJso tO e del rar• A number ba\-e ~ C11C0 Subject of the addl81 Ia •-s.Jov-All thrfoe youth I"CJUPI' will rrJ for Organization to solve the problems Of a COm-•ubmlttf'd to our of.fJce ~ lhr Ut.30. a m KEX:A. ·'My 'lhle eel. oow are we the 10M o1 Cod... ln the ~In& at 6 .30 and e\'t'n-munity which is conung· of age arts and craft• people fu-r. •uc Story .. rt'lates the tale ot a lone-'The proc:nm wru be hMn1 0\lft' tnt "-'tlrlhip wUI be ~ld at the the f cto -do.:ch will. bel . tain . ~l"<ted that it mlcht be a .~ oA I)' ooupl4' who lost thct.r 100 and Station KNX. 8:30 a. m. reJU}ar time. 7 :30 p. m. Ano r 8 r WIU' P mam m-kiN lD t~ plf) this C:Ommuruty 1'11 daUChltr and try tO flnd bappin• . terest is the decision made at Monday's meeting 1• tltJ• or 1 t!rue f'SI by adoptina another ch11d. to form an org~~on specifically for Corona del ,_:e~H:~~11~~~ s!:: .. P m-!~~~~=: Mar, rather than JOm as a part of another group, have been submitted by letter and fair rrounds at o.yton. Ohlo, u the Newport Harbor Businessmen's Association. telf'pbone and 1ft penon: euem of the o.,yton Food and This Was not iiltended as Ia?< Of a~reciatjon Of ·•eo.-ona del Ma... where A't~anof'p ~ow KVO£ Near-local Problems COmmon to the entire area·, It is an ack-the California way of life f_ ... _ .. \ ._.A_ ... _ .. _ ..... _ ....... ftndc fulleat expr-lon." .........., .......... .,._.._.., ....,_.... nOWledgenlent Of the fact that this community has .. Whel"e , ou can Mt the with Lon& Beach Polytech pla)'ifte its own unique and individual problems. Ka." ap.inst Santa Ana. ~h School A ' del Mar ha • d -Where the ~~fleW Ia new: ~minutp bl"f'&k Ill thf' ptne at l_C_)H_U_RC_H_D_IR_ECT-.O_R_Y_. CH"ItT CHU"CH 8\' THE tEA CHURCH"O.F CHRtiT 8alboa ltiiM Chapel Chu""' & Walflut ata. 121 Atate M.le St._. ---1t·nt A M. l'a£o• • Jt.., IIIOIT7 "-Wll~ • ..,.,,.. W......._ -I I .... A. M !'lu,..u., lldlaol t .IO a "'· T•-........... ·-"--l :lt P •. ••or"'"* Wonblto -ll :to a. •· ..,.,.,.,. ~ ---''" J'. M ,.,._ "-' ... n..... __ '•• P . • 'Ibe busmessmen of Corona \!e rna e MThe Caltf'lrnla Rev•tra. • 8:55 allows Billy Ro!;(' and the CORONA DEL M AR a progpsing Start in reactivating a needed Associa· beautiful atl"ip t¥f co .. tlan4 n4'W'1 ro IX" hNI'd txoron-muminc CONGREGATIONAL CllNTRAL 81•LE CHURCH tion. Wle big test is ahead. Jt will take a Jot of ef-famo~ fol" Ita climate. eeen· ~ to ttw' ~ lit 9 15 P m. ttl r~"~~~,.~~ .. r:a....:•r of e-ta ·- fort and hustling to realize the benefits Of this Or-=~~, .. ~~ch vegetation and lUNDAY, SEPT'.~ ---~1':.1c.:i,.a.,:~,:,•L!._ .. Wr c-:.~Kl=·~·- be d I ....... hadal khoof-e:ta L •• ~ni7!atiOn. Only thus can the advan•,.,wes e-.. ,....,., of 0te Callfomla 9:30 a rn. KEC/t •This Cell· · .._,,. tr..-t-ll,et a. •· &...--~' he 1m-~-... "-oW ... , .... c:. a.,, ....... rived for the businessmen WhO belong tO the group Cct:;.:,.. people LIVE." ~=~'!~./~·~~:"~~ !c:tUeve-"'I~ I ONLY...__ a ....... I'd tWM Int. "Oufet _..._. ....... 1 Ttle t£VIlNTt4 OAY ADVENTiaT ._,,.. &...........,. ......._ and for the COmmunity a5 a whole. uauutlful eo.-ona del Mar, ~nts u weU IU ml.'moreble eve'IW lltl .. ~~ ..... ,.. tle-8tt~M -al-.lt~ "'!-"'u~" .::::;!,-d.n t~ •:r~ c.to. ~~ aM O._ C.. RIM .,.., tMt _.. ..., ....,.-... ~ -"0 ,_ IW-..rt ......... rvLL OO.nL CHURCH the city mollt unique by fa .. :• o( the put ._!ilea llle f•vertte kVOC ,... .. ..._ .. , thllt natM wttlefl "-Men a.,._ ._._,.__ ,._.,...)' .t ON •A J•~•l In the Crown of 12:30 p m. KF1 ''Unlwntt)' ..._~ at t :10 .-. "'-.. _.. .... fOf' ...,.. tlfftl rwr:• A mencan e read-=: :.-;:: :::::1",.--=.. -::=t~:: .,., & EW. .... c-t. .._ f th . . of this lht Ita. . Thc!ater" sta.rta Ita first hoUr-IOIIC c:Mill,. ~r ... ,.,.. alrint .. Quiet P l.-laet &Uft41ay at 2 • .._ ~ ,. .._.. 1 ,.. • e 0 ........ We wonder how many 0 e CltlZellS ln Uchter vein wu OM whkh broadcut wilh the dramatlr.atkJa ... "'· It ........ ,.. .,.... .... u. A ...... outlet KECA ltut......... ........ aAPt. r. .. Pl.:ll--...., ........ ·~~ ....... . area appreciate the significance Of the announce-calJed lhJa a place "whe-re you ot ''Ttle Ameican ... novel by Hen· f Nm .. n D .... , K~Ma. .._.,.. ,, .. == w--. ••• A. 1L Dleflt last week that at last r+.--h .. ve been taken alway~ need a car." bec:auw ol ry J~. with Clifton FadJIMn ....... etan from u. Met abd San theM two eellllolonl at 1:15 • m. .... JAMa a afttKOftAL ~ ....... ~ ~ ~: :: the ti f g\4;.!::_!::. 1,.._ f the the dlUJcu.Jty of pttlnl around. t.alkln~ betwMn the acts. ...-.nrs ,_ companlelln the An4 "Ka~ Smith Slnp" ts he&n1 CHURCH ..... ._.... --J': .. P.M. to 8.MU1"e prepar8 Oil 0 a ~...cr pwu& Or And one flowery effort told of 3:30 p, m. Kn .. VIctpr Show" ~ ,.,...--G..eM to-at 9:15 a. m. 'n'ele new times vte LNe =. a~w.._ tel P. •· city of Newport Beach. "moon.Urht klalne the und." atara Robfrt MetTUl. barit<>M. wtth flnlt .at ttYe ~ aeo El-wm oontmue throuCh the week. c 1 ......_ ,( .. ,._ •· ,. P ... ~ ... ..,.-~ aune with the"''"" .. ..,. of a Bur-But maybl' you ~ do ~ter. the orcheetra and chorus under tbe ftiCtll. ~ KIIIJrftaft ln eel-with '1\adlo Tour'' replld,. ..... ..... ., ... .. u .a: -•.•uu...,.. ~-~ t d What Is the ~ple I choice. direction ot Rua CaSt' In 50ftc o1 tn0 anil ~---,1 D Travattlft ''Breelcfalt '~'hoe" on W~ _..., .. ....,_ ... .._ ..... &.. M. aT • .IOACffl-CATHO\.tC ltngame, Calif., firm Of planning \;VIUtUJ.tants 0 0 - ---the Opft\ Road. Malotte: La Ool~ ectJona trom V~ Wepa"a IXe and Friday. CDeTA MaaA P'OURMUAe• CHURCH that job, which will be completed in 1951, at the ondr1n&. St>rradf'U: Until San~ and La TravJata. 10:00 a. m. KECA. Ted Ma-CHUIItCM 0...... ~ ,_ •llf ._ -of $16.,000 It . one of the most important de-CH"ItT CHU"CH av THE lEA ton: Kentudcy Babt', Grtbel: Shad-lone brtnp lmprftalons of Port-....... • ~ ---~ ,a.:; •• '-'VD" ' 1S 11., nd • O.lli'Cb School Rally O.y .erv-rack. MAK:QI~: and Uk> ~ T IM a CHANOal MftT. II land Ore. a.., ........ o. -~ ....,. ,_._ ......._ ,._ velopments to COme qut Of the mO ay evening tee Is echedult'd tor 9:.:5 a. m .. Sun-March. forzart. pla~ by the ~ At ttl01 a. "" ._,.,, .._ 9:t5 p. m. KVOE. "Volce o_f ..,,.., ...., -...-on t • TNR .... ~T HAJteOR tneetinga of the City COuncil. day, to be tollowed !>Y the 11 a. ent><tra alont'. a alt ...... n.w ~:-the Army" ttarta ton1ght between """-~"L~-_.,':!: ,:· ,.7 ~~=N CHURCH Consider the scope of the planning project. The m . momlll& wonh1p and lnstaJia-7 '00 p. m KFAC "Solo M"uel· ~ ...... Tw.:...· . lhe 9:30 "IMide Sporta" pr'OI1'Qn ~_. ......._ . -,,._ P. •· C IUN'OAY :. .... rt ......... 1,. ~ ·•-• tentati tli of .,.,ct1•00 cov .. -such oan ol t.eachus. Subl«t ot «M calr". lntrodudng a nf!'W PTOIJ'IM ca" CALIP'OftNIA. ... ,.._ and eommt>ntator F\llton Lewta e:::. ..,.......u,.,. ~ ~= ~: :· a.... .._.,c.~..._~~ ,-pou.&~ Ve 0U ne G' ,.;a 0 momJ.nr worshlp ~ will bl' tor m113lc Ioven. IThls procraM tVf'ft e. ····~ TIML -a Jr. ~ .....,_ _, ... ttel a. -. major itemS a.5 zoning, land use, SUbdivisions, ··C&lk:d to be Tt>achers:· At noon moves "Your c~·· beck a half ,...,"-..... *""'""',., .. aMI r.-w.,~-t-.._-,',: :: :. = ~";~ ~ 1,, .. A. •· _.__,._ and highways parking parks and recrea-there wtU be a pAcnlc lunch tn hoUr to bt'g1n at 7 :30 P m.) Will MfM t. tiM ef'IN.,. Mur tE.ONEtD•Y IEPT 2t LMiee p,.,_ III!Mtl.. ~rt~~.:· -It: .. A M. ~U"\."\:'ut • ' ' --'-Cood~ll fUJI. •R·30 p m KFI "Ni~tht w1tb llltlaf' tMt1 ...al. TtM t ime W " • · 'nt~ t•ttt A. M .. '"' P. M. tion, population and economJc analyses, M.:uools, "Cr"&P" and Thom Bw.hes'. ts Hont<'l' H .. tdt" ('Ofll('t trom Santa C~M...-. ,t• etten ... .., .. fall a:oo p. m. KECA. ''Lad!" Be aT At~toRawt fire and police stations, post office and libraries. ct...,_ topic for me7:ao evm-Barbara thl8 •·l'f!k for the ~ ,. .. ,..,..., ""'Y ~ "' •· Seated" movee ba& and ~ PRatavftRIA N lCMUReM Among the top items is the combination of In& wor&hlp. to be p~ by a broab.ct In the final round al ...,..,._, ...... ,. eltefwtleN to Rock bland. nl, where lM .t N...,_rt MarMr . · · ....... ~o.-11 hich ~ ot ~ Yout.h Ftllowshlp talt"nt rontest." .t ._ 1-.......,.., show will bl' epon10red by the ._....,.. __.,. __... 10 ,.. A.. • land Wle plan and zorung Ordinance ~g t W In Goodell Halt.' 6:30 p. m. 9:30 p.m. KFI "SUtndlll'd Rout'' Rock bland Chamber of Com· 1e taM -..."?. _, ;: M.-.-t will tbcJu<le recommendations for ~menta, or ,.....,.,.._.: OtMpoltkr'• Lou-mftft. u.... -.. ..,.. _,..,., --a:----c~ uJ From -·-'-. . w .ncs Putdnrs Madame Butter'-'7:30 p. m. KECA. "'11\e ortc· ...,. .._. " 0'..,.. for a new £oUIUJ .. OniLUIUIU: u req . .U.Ul lng will get special attention. A master plan wUl be flY lnll Amateur Hour." the late ..... ,__ •. ""'-· ... ...._ a ltudy oould come the solution to the situation developed as a gutde to street improvement. Ani:l · -MaJor Bowa' ahow, s. broucbt "'" o.Mt~ o...t. ... t .. wblch has required the hiring of a spe<;ia.llnvesti-a street pattern will be prepared not only tor m-MONDAY. ""· ~ back wtth tontfht'a pmntere. ..,... ......., Oaltf. gator to 'check on zoning violations thro~out t~ subdiVided areas in the dty but' also tor th area to:t5 a. m. ~CECA. "What Ma~tea --cot~MUNeTY etn~t~tCM CJty, With priority given to _Balboa ISland. wittlin a mil~ of the dty umfts. !:-~ =:::::.:,-= THUQOAY, IE.ftT. 10 -,:;... ":. .:!..-.C::. ..... nua study can also pomt toward a eolution of These are Ori1y the highlights of the a.,tllne tt .,. OM fA n.e r~ IUIN'ftet' ehoM to:oo a. m. J<E:<:A. Ted Ma~ont ~~ .. ~ ·::.; :- OUR LAOY Otr MT. CARlin CA~IC CHURCM ,1\w,tll ~ c...tr.l .... ,._-:-..:: ....... .................. u .... IT. IOMN VIANNaY MeriM A.,.... ...... lelaM ........._ .... liLa. anothCr i'najOr problem: the lack of puka ln the for the master_plan. But they serve to emphasla wNttt ...n+Nd u. fall ihutne. ~ •• ~~~~~r:,~:~ Seattle. "::~ .. -=.-rw ,_ dty. nu problem grows more and mon! acute 81 1he si~icanoe of thJs step taken by the City -8:00 r. m. KFA "EWntna \'_. "~·. 1: 11111• ..... _ ...... the pOpU18tlon of thi.s area contirlues to grow,~ Coundl Th clti?.ens of thlJ Harbor city hAve re-TutrtoAv, •"· • • Concert" IDduelel PYiMtr't , .. =-:...._ .~ ~·.. ......, ~ _ , • 4 , available land for JUCh purpoees Steadil~ dfmtnish-ived Wurance that the growing OOmplexJtJet ~. ~.:.,~=lim. "8=-: :!1,'•8rf;:."~ ln~": CNttfaT CNUtteM rt TM& tu ~ '-'• ,..--..... ,.; .. -. Tbe piannlng out11De contain. a provision for a involved fn the grOWth and development Of a met-,.... o. _.,.. -'7 ~ A Minor tor vtoun. vto~ '~. ~~ ....,.. ..... ~ .__.. ... ~ .. ...::; park and .recreation stUdy, and thus a long-range ropolitan center WID not be dealt with in hapha.za.rd p..,.a. u • =: 7~.., ~ =. i::~ ~ ~ ;r ~ .. --., ~ •· :~.~-. = =-' .. ~~ WUJ b8 ma&lPe'd out. _ manner but Will be given proper thought and planA ~ .. _:-.: ,...~. :•1the Ptllla4t-Jpl\la Orchet~tra C.'OD'i ·~-"'";-,...,....,,. -~~.· ... ~ " ~~-.... ,......, • • l1ii mum dUieuaed laU of off.:etreet park-ing. -"VVddr L1 • hr" .. -Mt•ten diK'tf'd by ·u~rw Ormanctt· ~,.,...:"t::!:· \~; :: :w. =-· .-.::.. ....... ... .. .. • • ... ._ ... , IWftiNO .. .. • A ,r......._ ..,._ _,. ._... ................... a .. ,.. Untt.l ...._ Flat t\a"e jtllll 1MM ..-e.tw.. ItT Or....- ln)ury rSidelines' CDM Athlete .. Frldll): ~' ~ 1'1'"0 lalad. bun .,.. •. ~ 1111111 milk .. -_._... .. ......... _ .£.-_............ ---. •• )-• -It -. .. _ e.a.t Cef .... • tlfb ,,.,.. ft.l.,.. )'OUr _. ..... ._, .. ,. ..,_.. ....,~ ~ ._.. a' _.. ~·~--... ., -_. ... ·-.. .-• tM ..,... lltual"-,,,.,., 1fbl.ko w rnre1 Prit'a Ita)' loiP7 Wiallw-a ....,., a U.)'W -' plain CftUD Cor top mllkl iJI WI')' In e.••~"-hie anrecla An ~ ~ bfca lllr .,....._, ........, _..,., U.. tood ~. JU&\ a t.l"acl' ol al· tloft ~ tf'le CNb .... GleM- Jif'K'P el a rood ~ el M'l'f M.....,. ta..,.., .,-# -m. nt. mond fla~ nne. msteM of lM H..-el41 fOf' tM .,.... and moft ty than )OUT Allew 4 WI ....... ,at'_,.,. ua.ua1 \IUIW& .. Ul deht'JOUII In thr fol4llftl ~biM, .......... nt poekt't book T Do )VU uddc!i' at lftt. ~ tM .-tiN roU w.ttl wruppt'd CJ"ftm v.hlch ta llPT'Vt"d auiJ H. ,. ... ,.... annou-' lhl' t.hotaebt el lAicinl )"OW' famlly ac141illeftal ~ ... ,. a.am. T• .. llh pndl d~ th•t ~• ttrn• ln the nur .-In with lf'OUDd me-at on the WJ~ .,_.f"rielt w Mlb If fealf'· W'hllt-"'" lll'f' thlnklna ol IN-fvlwre an ln.aructlorual .., .. table! e:ct eovv lltt.lly wlttl waQd aonaJ trulta ll1 U' not fOil:f't the I~"~~"' In tf'le f ••• of pr mJnt A ft of miJ)huls aupt do ......-liNt let ~ In refr1· faJthluJ applf' wtum al"'') C'On1tS w 111 bt lnaueumM. )'OU and )-"OUr Jii"'ala a world of .. .-.tor I to S "",._ lnto IU own wfth ~ f"lnClna of ..,....Ia -..lpn"ltnt", f'le ..,. cbod • . l.et 's talk about ~ Onf' o1 ~ moct lmpoi'Unl po1at.a the fall lehool bt>ll d , "Wlll p,..v•,.,... nl.,..lt for a dl.l.r\&'t'. to ~ about tJ\J.s de..-n NUn"IMf' Ont O~rt In our enduvof't al..,l thlt t' ~ an-t~ climax to a ts to dl«-It d.latOnaUY Whe-n yau App1f' pie &s of C'OW'W Anwnca'~> line." mrti and ll thfoy aft a cran4 (J.n-art' rt'ady to ~"~· Y'oo wo:n•t numlx'r one <lfouprt,. but the~ aft """" the He-.ort •unlr al~. ~ IDf'mOrY of them wW llnc· Ct"l ~ fancy elfect unlf'll )'OU loll ~ Ollw!r deltdous -.>Pie dlah· c..,..,, In N.-..rt auch t'f' on loft« afte'J" thf' nost of thto do out it tt.taconally. t'S. IU'Id ~J't' ta OOf' that u.k~ Qn"lt the National ~..,...m, mNl Is fortotten &>r~ the fred: ~ Ct"l e\'t'rl k!a troUble to make It • flat app,.Jlln"lat.l1 1l fMt An Ea.y o-rt away rram ~,et•s oonee"~traltt on t'Omf'" to Callfomil'l by 'MI.)' o1 a tly 25 '"'-"'ad• ef 4ui'Mit 0nr acudf n whlcll 1 ta>" ce"ttlnC then lnto a ~ diN--Prftbytman church d rcle in Col--oleft ,.,,.,._ Cell ... .rtlo· to mak~ ror thf' family or com-wrt liktt Jelly Roll PMcMs 1'hJ1 umbus. 01\lo 1•1• at.tte tho flat whl " .,... paey I choc'olattt mnl"'f'tor caR. is a )iffy detLwrt becauao )'OU can Jt'a caTh!d Bakf'd Appl4-01-~: Ml entr .., tM .,._ flat· 'J'hto kfnd Y.'f' art' m~~ to Is \1.~ a biJcuit mtX-tbe other ~ rut an 8 by 10 balttn& dh.h 2 3 polt tlut alae In the au41itOf'· madf' "-'lth chocolat~ Y.-.ft>n 'Nhidl ~U art' jeUy and lllc:M frtolh f\.IU of app~ and 2 '3 cups &t W· lum on aped at occ.a:Uona. ~ p&t'kf'd in a un ... and peac:beL u~ the proportioN to pr. Add a httl• c:inn~ MJlr L.ut )t"&r. 2.r.oo pl"f"8001 "'~ tu:1.-. Jllllt r"e('~Pntly t"niTW' beCk to fit )'OW" oa-n family ~ tCJC1"\~r the foiiOYO"tnc. ~ and 96 000 lnJ~ 1ft u. S . Cbf'Ooa &-1 Mar and Balboa b-Jell)' Roll ~: Make 1 atp ol flour . trallk acc:ldenll u a rftU!t oJ land aftt'f' a 1nnc war ~ up a ,_.,. -' riot\ INklnt 1 t~ balunc poy,-dc-r drh1n• on t~ Y.'l~nc lick" ol t.M No-• )'OU "':11 ftnd ~ ln abun-......,.,. ..-ult Multi, Nfl It 2/3 CUPI Npl" road. Drt dan«" at "'t'T)' stor. on tnt-t. In ...-:ta"-ulaf' eflape, .,.u41 p~neh of ah land and ln. thfo Crov.-n aty 1Mttl a layer ol c..tffant jelly, BI'Nd l l.lf\bf"&tl'n ~ Into ~ 1 at H-u t thfov v."t'n' last Wf' look-odd a layer elf aupf't41 t lioM rruxtUI'P Mn to a ~mhl) mau r<11 • puetles. Roll ~ .. you weuld pnoad o" r appl and bake! for Rf'Of'IJll' for R.cf~tor Cak4!; a jelly ,..u aftd INke '" • hot G minutes at 350 ~ Serw Place ~late waf•,.. In a ovel\. !48 eee-). with t'T'f'&m f'OW On a Mntlng plate Wltfl S~ and Be"\o .. With lo\hlpp!:'d Onf' of \hi' Old~ a nd thfo bc!$t o1 appl,. dlllht "' applt> •ut"l!. You 'T'I. A d J ft:tDM M . ran v i''' 11 hot or rold as a ~ ne"' ff ften e L . eettng d•· ~. ·~ " ttnm~: r .. r ctl'\lff· J ~ud rllk f' or a. tht' !1"\&r lngtt-. Thr followang ~n attc>nrl Mr and 1rs. Ardc~ Cannon. d1t'nt In • cake or cook.les. f'\1 thf' Monday CO\c>nlnst rnt-eUnr Cannon'" Food C'ent~r Applt>uU<'t" Cool<if"' for the T'C'Organlutlon ot the VIola ~. \Ts Beauty '2 rup hon•-nlnlt Corona d t'l '.far Bus.Lness Auo-Shop. 1 N P ~nr dation. Ar\'0 E Hupa. The Ensign. 1 f"ilt Monka Smith. ~tit Vlll~. Edward C. Mack. Mackcra fl 's 'J NP" "'ftrd rlnur L. IL Vlf"rUna. den\l~. Inc. '• II'&Sf"tnn clo\••' Mr and Mn A. E. Fltzmoi'T'b, Fred S. ButteJ'\\'Orth. ma.nagf"t. 1 • tt•::•vonn r.nn·vn·•n rf'..lltors Standard Stations Inc. •,lt>aiPO(ln alt G A1lf'n Brumbla~ Pallo Malt Ru~n M. Hendrlcb. Hmd· 12 tMLtqXIt'n ..OOn Shop. ricks Prlntlng C'ompan). 1 tH.~ b&klna Jl'O"'''der Conrad J Htdy, Hldy's Pf't Cap Ragan. Ragan's R~aur 1 n.tp un.cv.,~tt'n•"'1 appll.,.U~'<' ~uppliM l'lnd Sponlng \AJO<ls. ant. '% n.tp "''"'"' Mr and Mrs Mtlon Hutchln· Roy \\'l"St, Real E.o:tatP 1s C'UP ~hoppt'd nut mt'a\ aon Corona C'nth. R G Bl:tkf' I...oN-Star Exhlbtt Crt>a.m churtt run&: 11nd UCV to-~~~ and Mt'l W ilham P Bru~. ~tht-r unttl U~t and fluff) Add Stlhouf'tlt' Shop l'g 11nd !)(oat "'"'" S1fl flnur ctn-~tr and Mr<~. RobM"t Peanot First Aft llaads Out~ namon. c-lo\1'!1. Ylt '<Oda and ba.k· llar'bor Paint and Apphan<'t' Co. WiD Be Reid at occ InC powder toct>thf"r Add alttt· Nr and )trs Glenn Couch. F'ollowlnc tJxo Ontn~ Coast-natttl) "'''h •wi~U<Y to cnoamf'd Harbor Photo Lab Rh~ CoU~ football pmf' mUc1\.IJ't' Add ntt tns and nuts RJehant Ba.JUlo. Jenn~ Crut· at Huntin~on Bu.eh High School Drop from t;pOOn on grt"Ut'd cook· cher Foundation. Gymnasium tomorTOw nJgllt \(' ~ abol.n :! I!W'hes apart Bake Raymond Han'f'Y. &J't'h.ltf'Ct. tSatun!ayl, the St~nt UnJon of tn modt'ratt>l) hot Q\.'t'n •400 ck-- Hubbltrd RJcht«. t"f'altor and Oran~ C'oas\ Col~l't' wtll 1pon. lt""fS 1 15 to 20 minutrs Thu rt'- neon lirnL 80r 1u first AU Hands dan«" 1n d~ makf'll about r~-e do74!tl cook· Mr. and Mn. W. Frank Pow-Its own 1ymnulum. ~11'11 at IN. ~ra. Newport Harbor Commun-10 P . M. E~ RoJas and his ,..,.ular Variety Chest. band ""'111 pro,ide the music. M011t popular o1 \M cookinC ap-~ Je-'eler. Mmlsalon to the dance wll1 ~ pitts ln both the Wand and C'rown CroWD of the See t tw studftll bod)t ct.rd AU bold-Oty J1WtkC!ta \hls ,..~-end is tM &);,....!'ln. ,... 1-1 of Neb ~ ~ ~ a \o'ILr'ietY ~ ~llf10'N'ft'". 'Tbla Is • "' -' I · t. a ~ p~ appl~ wMit lree\ and ....... :-·v ... :.._:.., · tan and fine Mtin« wtwn tt . ..-rutman, ~.,or. _,. -'-An Calms. Putry Bar. Artlnlr Klll'l'a~Sbldlo meUows Into a )-.ow '"-,.... -Burt. Corona ckl Mar _ __ ot.hrr •ood ~n coold"'t appl• ls c:::leaMrL Will ODell Ia the Gra\.'fl!.S\eln Yarlt'ty. whlch ls HarTy Yt'f'tncton Yfti.nelon'a An Art.ftW. MW'ray ~ ltUdJO t'Oml.na to ua from up arou.nd St UOnerL · .. 111 OJiftl 1n Corona del Mar Hf"t'akkburc. calif C&llfomia o.-~ Sut.hetl&n4. s~ about Oct. 7, It wu an~ Udous applea art' ln. althou«t; ~>' lands ~1o-15 oent sto~. lthla week by Jack HaMOn of are tmall~r and ~ In color ~ 9oero Gene's R8taur-Lido late and Cl'IC!ster Fai'T'&I' of than lhe Wuhlneton and ~ t. ' Loq Beach. DMldOUI app1N. wh.lct: will ~ in an K. R. BrandL Fltz:patrlck'L -n.. studio wt1l ~ ~r the! local marlttU In a ~k or two Hannah Bymea. Petit Ville d ln!'Ctlon of Hanaon and Farrar. One CoC'ona df'l Mar ~ i ll Edith Maroon. Earl W . Stan· It will ~ locatt!d at 411 C..st careyintf the popular litt1f' Me- ley oU~. H~bway. Intoat: apple, wtUct: does its duty Mel'fdilh A. Harwood. Rand· FUT1U' Is an instructor for Ar· u a all-around ~hold apple t'ra1ts by Harwood. thur Mt;trnY· H~.on ls OWJ\U ~""·M"al markt'U c:&rT)' Jonathons. Dr Donald J Y~ll. ct:lro-of Nina s. "Yo'Om.n s wear shop In Mtl\ fi"M\ California and Idaho. I practor . Balboa Island and Corona ~I a nd they 81'1' larlle firm hard ·~ Howard T. Fobom. photocr&Ph· \tar. The Corona df-1 Mar pit'S which Will ~ well and f': branch ls now ~lntr closed out may IK"f'\.'f' u ba.klna apple~. ThE-~1r and Mnl T L Van Houten. al tM address wh•~ tM dan~ 'lhort·~ banana apple has Van Hout~'a Cl~ers.. studio wiU be locate.\ alr-.ady romeo and gone with. some Mr. and Mrs. WUII am A. Read, Han80n and Farrar ha~ ob-ot the early summer frulu I BIU's Auto Supply. t11lnf'd the Arthur Murray fnan· OKlOM' your applf"' c:an"fuUy and ct:t.ae for the eouta1 area. lnclud-they wtll kt'('p wl.'ll. IT IOACHIM'I CATHOLIC inl Huntincton Beach, N~rt ,. Fm.J ts for the ~ Dead\, eo.t.a Mesa. 'Laguna Beach ....-------------; ~ ld and Sa.n Clemente. The ltudJo ond anl'lual b&rbeo.le to ~ he l~re wt11 be the! only ontt aloq Sunday ~ made by the men ol tM coast between Lona Beach llw parish Y..Mf\ they mt"l '1'\afS. and San Dt.ro. .s.y ~nin• l.n the! IChool au41tor-l Tile~ Wbicb la to be AD ln.tructors wtll ~ Arthur ~ at DC! ~. Palm o.te, Murny t:n.lned, acxordlna to one mn~ west ol1 H.arbor 811/'CL Farrar. So~ or tM Jn.structon on 1st St .. wUJ f•ture ~ wiD be Jocal ~ta. pmes. pril8 Mel rtfreshmelrt 1't:f" s1n~lo wut t.. dJvided lnto booths HJct:l4ht e1 the affair wtU .. l.arle bell room. one 111"1\al)er be the. c1""'c away at a porUbae daDce floor (or the r'hum-. recorcfln& ndlo and recont play-aamba and taqo m.tnlctJon. a er COI"'\bbnatlofl Plata for t~ ~ room at the tront and ~ dJnMr _.,.. $1.50 eKh. COMUJtatlon ot1kea ott the ~tt. at tM. rear. nw I'OOIN are bdna Van 0. Kat'l\,~t aa"ery GoM'- rtao.e ...,_ tOOG M0 MARINE AVE. All· d the pu1sh ~ t"\'1:nlahed ln troptcal dellp. ~ -~~ ~-~Uw. ______________________________________________ _ ewat a ~ M1 An fll ._ .--------------------------- Ledifos GWJd ·~ In ct:arae el the food oommitt~ and w You,. ~ Will eplftle u. bootha. llpedallst Jo. ~ Suttrr WUl bar- lleeue tbr beef. For &ttn Girdms A. OOIIIPl.lr:rW l"'.DWa ... I 'tiC& • Wl.a J'O'l CCI fiN ...t ,.... ,. member that......,._ ,nc:. are alwaya OD tM TRDIMED cut.. tr.. or u~ booe..---. Ill. reedy a oook- U.C. You .. at ricM . ...,.. !Weway Crime T -baM ~teak tc(ore ...a.ltin~ Thia .....,._ aattiac il put o( Se.r.way'a pla.o to .... ,.00 ~ You .-y ODly far~ portion -DOt for ~boDe. ...toe ad fat Come ad pt aequi'Dted. with s..r~ way'a ~ Keat.e pia. You'U 6Dd DOt.b..i.D1 '-....._ top crache of meet .•• aDd at ••illp. too. ,,,, ,,,~ ?ork and leans POrtt and lean' ~ .. - Tomato Sauce ~ •• 2 ~ 11- Salad Orauing "=-"' '-:;-••• Salad Oretaing o..cN. ·::-.. Oro•act:wy Dates ,._, '~ D- Spanilh tt.Gnuts -= ~ .. Coaltles ~ _ .. Topping :_~,.:! • ._. .... ,., .......,., ... _ ... c ~' Chop SUl'>; r t~e, tu mat~ 100 per «-nt "'hnt l&nd· v. th and mlliL \\'f'dut'$l1a~ Bakftd ham, PQIII· I UPs t!AV'd salad "t' audv.1ch TilfW plat~ I co.t tO ~ta each. o-n c:an a. ,_. ~ l'd r r fl' oent Adctltklnal .-n In of aalad • ~ C."QQl tl1.~ tl Mt'h, aM 11111111• tJOnal ~ ot Ole ....... dJ&h can be pun-~ for 1.2 t'\"nts . M IT'Jl . ·-s~n t1C~ry Ia the! pualon Thu1 ..day Bakf'd b.•iln" tum-v.hlC'h maketh l.hoar ~ lj tornat<lf'l hoi frt>nt'll llrt>~d raJif'd lauahter . , .. " L llobtk"l l.lvlathan Ei<:ea fat tnmmed off EXT flUOR DECOM'TlN.G • • SPR.AYL,_G A.NIJ WAll.PAPY.RING C<•LOP. HAJU.10:-.')' REA.SOSABt.E HARBOR 2941-W ·--\ · )(eestershire Sauce =~ .. ~ .. .._ .. , __ ''"'' • 'llltiiUI r · eOHvn "-l...,. ~-- S eet w -~·es "~-.. ·~-H ... me Styt. Pales LMF '':-It- ·~ hm fl•lda 0~ Ofct.onr. to yow -rby Sofewoy ~ flo.,orful ffvha ctnd ...,_obits ewe form·fr~" cto<K'Il fuQ of ~ wltomins. Pricecl by pound, you buy just OII'IOIIM needed. .. 'rem Ctmtem Gets $2,500 ...... L1% lllililli "Tar Plr.', ttw ._ CMtMe for for u.e ln nrU&hina the buUdl.lat at ~ people of tbe H&ttNr ....._ Dd Ita rna.ln~ ,..... ant PN«•tii!IUc for the '-',.. I2.5ClO neuw compltedon Procre-of the -ra.r Pit" bas .......,ion of a ~ ~. ~ ~..:.: =t~ ~ ~ =:n"f'C: :-bullet~ J;.: • .. annount'ed at the ~ ,-outh ee-nter by the Newport uary, acrol'cllnt to Mrs. Jerrold ......_ last 'l'ueld&)' e\'ft\in at Harbor Commwllv CMwt. ~kr'. Pft'lldfttt ol ~ PTA a-diU H&U. Newport. tnaltu· • Thow "ho pertldpatf'd tn the o,..an!zatlon whlc:h 1.a spo'*'~ a. IDa.)' take place tn October, tretentatlon ce~mony at 11:30 ln..: the proJK't. ''This la partie-~ to preemt ~beec:a a. m. Saturda,y at the t~ e&n· ularly h~enlnc alnce the .....,...... tHn were-the Rev~ Paul MOOre younr people the~Mtlves d.ld 110 VWUnt ~ at the rneee--~~~. c:ha.lnnan of the l.!N8 much ot the WOi1t toce~ wtth lllil were Mrs. Jack Doyle, ot Chest campatan. w. Frank Pow· a ,-reat many do•ated st'r'Vtces w.tm~ntter, and Mrl. Wlll.lam r1'1, a«retary, and Mrs. Raymond by b!Wn people In the Ha~ ~ of Ora.n,.e. Rdtelh· Kent Hal'\~y. trt!uurt'T. t10r area", she added, __.\a •we eel'W!d by the eom-Otflc;lally ~lying tbe cheek Rkhard Plerer, Corona CIN mftee compo.ed ot .Mn. l!lmer for S2.500 ror t.l\e e&ntt'fll proj('ott Mu AI'C"hJt~. nlona wUb a~ SmJI.Jl. Mn. Cl&ua B&cka and 1 wert! Frances HorvaUl' and U. uutu.-e of hlah IChooJ !!Uadotnta, )ln. H.atTy Wabon. <''oL S: H. f'ratlklln. planned the color ot Ute buildlJw, Open NJtMty at 1 :11 C.efttlfiUOUI lundlly fNm J :"IO Kid. Mattn" lat. at t : .. &y Milland f AnnTodd GenLld.lne Fitzgerald ~EVIL IIY LOVE" .U.O J~ McDoakes ~ .... You Want Te .... ..... .._T...._ On Sunday " phot(lgraphlc ~ whlt'h Is nuw belna palnted \Ill• ord ol the ~Pl~ was made e'er tl dl~ion o( Do~ W11h the Amt' Community Ch t Ward and h11 10ft, wsth a I"'UP uffl~l~ls !•rt'S('n'. hut \lr'll. Edaar ur lhl' ~~JUna ~le hl'lplnJ, H. IIIII, ~11"" l'aul !1-:nnmm and High chool JlrojeeU are ex· Harold Bo)'\<') playons; the part pt'C'lf'd to aJd In the completion or l\(.'1-eptll~ ·1•n bt.>h Ill of t~ ot ~ buUd.lnr. T~ Ellfn ~ 11tN'n HaJJ and a ,.,"'''up of hls a,:ricul· ln ''much ac; tht-f'und drh-. tLral $1Udt.'nts are planrunr tur fl"'r th~ > o•ar ha.~ nut )'l't ~ llt.n apln~ ot t.he bulldlna and ,. n nt '' 1 '' II•• •·•nation ht~.l .:wun<U. A ho~ruudn~ ~t-c- lllt't'n rtra" 11 1J'I.•m til • 1....-ne ;Jon under the dJreetkm of Mrs.' •l\.Ofdinl': to :'lfr. r~O\\('I'L Mrs.! 1'-!rolh) Rlna wiU dJA'USS plar~ ="annan, tn·oLSur~·J uf the tN'n I •1 tnterl<'r deoo:-ouutne. And lt cant~n will depu..tt the ch~ . hupt.od that tome ot At thur sales Tax ROles \ ;o,.u~n·s wundworld.nt claaea' m") do plnr pon1 tables and ln· 1c>r!or Uttlne• ot the bulldlna. Jncl<k'ntly remlnds Ml'IL Seat to ~p&neler, the Tu Plt can u.. -~ ... ..1 1 uld rumlture, dlshe., aarnea. an(J IICfaJU S book.s in the clubhouse. Salt'S tax rules and reruJ.auoru YOUNGSTER SAVED and application forms fur seJ.len' FROM DROWNING pernuu were bt'lna nwlt'd out thls week to mcrehanu ot NeWport Quick aetlon b~ • vaca· &Ad\ m rn<lmess for the day, t loner from Loa Antela NV· Oc:t.. 1. that the tax llot'S anto ef· cd a younglter from poulble 6en. Williams ~isits in CDM .._,_ Oefteftl Paul L WUI· Ia""" ~ ~ ol the lOth All' Foret. ll*'t Mon. lola.)' _... n.My ot th1l ~ "ith hl8 mother, Mrs. Della 1>. Wtllt&rna. a.nc1 slat\n. F1orence Andenir)n and Martha ~ at Q ~ Aw.., Ooroba del vu. 1...ut SatU"'-.y he waa the Pf'fn· cipa.J ~er at an AJr Foree Day ~ In O&lda..nd. CaUL. C.t-nent Wllli&Jm, who now ba.& hl• h clquart~ at Fort BenJa· mJn Hanuon. lndla.napolll, IM .. n:•presente-1 CenraJ lfPnry (Jl•pl Arold at th.ls occaalon. It was C ~n<>ral Arnold, lben a t'aptaln, "ho Pnll ted ~ie'al Williams u " prlvete in the aviation JE'Ctlon ol the SJcn&l l 'orpa In San Fran· l'o""' 31 }e&rs qo. GMlt-nal \-\1Ulamr te>ld the U..lk· bnd a:roup that we must l'XJif'\' • he ftm attack of any tutUI'e ,.._.. to be dJr«ted aetll.nst tlu~o •-ounlr.). ''Ttl<' first strike wuuJd bt' a hJ~hl nlni t"rl"l hi w n.galmt tl.•• 1 'I !It'd Sl 'It'S. he .aJd. General Wlllls.ms told r ,, thing ol the &t'C'Ompllahmen~ In r toe tl'{)()f) carrier opera Uona in I UI'\IVI! \\ hJch hf' ht.>aded dwiug thf' 'o'&r. More th11n 87,000 troop~ M1l2 36,000,000 pounds of combat equipment were traMportt'd. b:.! 000 1)4lt1ft\ta we.re evacuated by alr ttom banle •~as In Cer· many dur.lnt one month, April. IM5: In Obe ~. A,prU 14, 1915, more than 732.000 tallona or ga.s- CIIlM ~re tra.napot Ced to tor· ward areas. f«t. drowning lo the Grand Can· Also btomg mrull'd IU't' chan!! at laturday aftemoon. ll.howi.na ~ amount of mont')' to Gene Granlectl, 'WM ta bto ooll«tt'd on indlvtd.ual sales up v•eatlonlng at 212 Grand EFFOftTI TO I AV. tflle flahlng boat fatted, and It waa '*'nded t. t.ltl lit the rnalft ..._ flf Coi"'na ct.l Mar dllrint tile WMk-end Thoa plc:ture was taken a few hour'l after the boat -t aground during .. lvaoe operattoN Tllu,....ay of laet ...,.k. By lund•~ ne· thin'] co• ,,. hr aeen bul a few pieces of Wf"'!Ck.age. ) (Pboto by Glenn Oooc:h. It Is lnterest.lna to note that tlurlnl the Clvtl Wu General Wllllams' maternal rrandfath<'" !M'n'f'd hla country ln the arrr y of Ct-neral Ucmjarnln Harrl11011, w ... Only June Haver Dick Haymes -rBISR Et'lt8 ARE SMILING" And Joe E . Brown in -rBE TENDER YEARS" to $50. Cltnar. respooded quickly •1'he ~ ol ru.ltc bean~ m&Jif'd when a man on the other B •d .-P•rt• S out thl" ~'t't'k l'OnlaJru fl\e polnt' aide of the Canal eltlle• h is n s~ a fe ex;ptam1fii the I)TK· or ~t"' CO\· •ttentton to a young awlm· Rllo; of wrt'Ckagto strt>Wn along ('\\'Tlf:'d b~ RoiX'r1 llamllton nf cn'd b) th~ Wl,.. 11, ~rdol\arw-e lht mer vo•ng down. Held in 81, COM th«> mllln Corona dt-1 Mar beach Nt-wport. ~thod o1 fill~ ,...tum ... thlo pro-The lottie awlmmer wu a ~nrl r;rroup of boys dlggtng In Tht-f!Jihlnll ~I "u rat~ Ct'dUJ't' for a 1'\'la.ilrr "hn oollt'1.1 <; boy about two or three year-w th" sand for buried engine pans anc1 wu dras:rr"'i nC'ar thr Corona taltl"S fnr two or mort' munJCIJMtl· old Gr•nlech pulled him F'nll ~lal calendars wtU 500' I"' rc thf' onh signs last Sunday rat>l \lar bf>arh In .sn atu•mpt to IUPS. ext-mptlan• ..,, tho.·~ IIJ'IPl} 10 out of the water and then t,.• llllln~ up and lunrhf'On bl1dJN of the {j.;huig boat whJch had no:tkf' ht>r <;('1\\ltrlh~ a.:am Roth st.J~ of alt'OI nhr ht·w·ral.'• "· anrt held h im by the fed to emp· I a•tw .. M'f'm to Ill' the lavorllco s:one aground at tht-beach thrt'e nnal'~ wt'nt dl:f'•Und at the beach l':ocemntaon Ct>r •••r1nan t•th• r d&.<.· ty t ne w•ter th;at he had ~!.II mt>cJJum In Corona cJPI (.a)"s rarller. •l\lltnr th"'-~' "11\':t~:t' OJ)t'ratlon . 'Jol'S 0 (' .,41,.., awallowed. Wfthln a few 1\l.u ,anrl Rlllboa Island. I f h d h Aftr1 \\nrkln;:: fnr more ~ar. ~lPI"'"hant' \\ o•ro• ndn~•·fi that monutea the boy had re<:ov· ~twh I pl\1 1)' OCCUI N'd Wedn4111· 1 h•· JltiUilolln~: sur a srna.o; • tit I'\'<' hour~. thf' C'onst l~ual'(l ·"~·onn nno-otln" llncfnr ,• ., .. ,, ered. ol,,. ar the horr.e ot Mrs. Franlt r.f lh«' ::!2·f~tot rtshing boat. which o;Ul'\'(\('dt'd In frN'Ins: th(' sal\·a~:e -· • ···-• · .. •· " ·.. 1 ~;r;lan<'. J l I Apolf'na Ave., Hal· h,lll tx>t:>n owned by James Tram· 1.,, .• 1 vllrr's ""nnll rlln ,....tlm~rft th•' The parente d~ lned to II ( II I n-h d ~· .. ,.. u • , 1 t" f th bo hoa Island. Cut'lls of Mrs. mt> o unt ngton ""'&<' an Tha fl~hln .. ho:-t rrra .. ttnJl\.• be· II.ITl<I'.Jnt of I'll' •all • 11" hr ~hnul" II ve ne 11ame 0 e y. h I I k-' th n -id Fi h r • "' '' "' "" ., " Splanc wert-Mrs. Wllllam Con· ·'· 'oc '" at e u.ays e s ~an brj•aklt1.: up unctC'r the Lm· pa,y as being 40 rvr N'nt l)f th4' HOME IS COIICI'LETEO l!~lmnn, Mrs. Lucius Green ano ! olkrt in :\rowport. rart or ti'r surf. and b} Sunda.,. llmOUnt p;ud to lh· '' ,,,. ~ V I" t'T'h>, l'orona del .Mar ~.rs. Agne<. \11\ltln. ~11 are l'el· Th(' hoat No 27E300 had been It had practically disapJX':t.ll'tl ronttal'1or annoullCt's the C"Omple-~~ental of 1 Lol 1 Aneelea. butht Ml"'. 1111nk bv a~ ov'erload ~f macker· :rom sight. During low tide RE .•• art n w 1 1>0t1n occupy e new · • j ..: d ft oon arouna of tton or n nrw two-beodroom stucco h h l h h 1 bUudlna t (•I 1 he wet.>k be tore nl'ar the ~-~ un a> a t-rn . ... ,.... INIDATED IN l.O.O.F. and frarn home at 709 Goldenrod Ec:n":ral'; A~ 1 e 1 a t) Salvage operations were un-boys dua In thf' sand and uncov- .Eft'hl eandJdates trom the Har· Ave and the start ot rt'ITIOdelhng Lut week on Wednelcla,Y and ril'rtaken Thunday ot last w-eek ered 10me en,me paru ol the bor Harmony Lod~. L o. o. F . of 1M llon'w ol F. s. Scholea at Thu....Uy, Mrs. o. z. RotiiiUDn b.> the Agar Queen (27A950), unluck) boaL 21, vW.ted ndl.bbod.nc OddfeJ. 4.37 Goldenrod Aw.. and Mn. N~llle $book ent.erlatn- Surf Pounds Boat ffJ IJits .a. 1U~B ACCIDP'IIINT "ho gave thto na~ to thf' fort ~ .. nv.a.-...:. J~:U •Mtkh now provides hl'3dQUar1· ON HJGB\VAY ClTBVE 11'1 rnr lhf' l Oth Alr Force. which Another •utomoblle aoeldent General WlUJarn,. nnw cornrna'ltl" hltl bltn l"t!C::rited for the dao· gei"'W eurve on c~aat High· w•y between Corona del Mar and the Manne Ave. junction. A c:ltr dn•en by John E. M"Nelll, 201S Cyp~ lantll Ana, akldded and turned ar· ound on th~ hlghwlty, Into the path of a c.ar dr-Iven by Clif-f E . fteltnour. 218 Knoll St~ COl· to Meu. ,.,,..._ Reitoour auf· fered minor lnjuroea. No one else w.u hurt. Wet pavement wae blamed for the aocld•ftt. wtllclh OOOUf'. red laturday morning. LEAVE FOR PASADENA Hr. and Mrs. GladslOM You Are cordially invited to attend our first infonnal fashion show on Wed. Sept. 29 at 2:30p.m. lows' Jodl;es to l'f'Clef" .. their """ ed their fr1ends In two i'l'OUPI '"" Lut Thunday ~~nJng. B 8INES8 GROUP nt brtd~lu.nch"'nl artven fu the CDMIIellk Offlelals C~datea who ~wei the-Ir FORMED IN COM Rotlertaon ho,..e, 439~ Hello-Olllaspedioa. Trtp have lett their home at .. mrod Ave. Corona ~ _,_ _ _, For spend a few month& In Puadena.. Thtoy are ex:pectt'd to relum Chrloctma.s tlmt>. O,.n NltfttJy at 1:45 p. "'- knctay C.Ont.nuous from 2:41 Matinee Saturday at 1 :4S ErHte &aturday John Wayne Henry Fonda Shirley Temple in 'TORT APACHE" h.l"'t <k>~ at Oran,.e Lodge, I !Olnll f'd f P 11 trope Ave., Corona del Mu. Ick'aa on tM type of 0 . 0 . F. 225. are Ray Damerell. nu rom age Brid,.e prizes Wt'd~ay ~ Otto Dodd. and Thomas Jeako. could ~ t~ join the Newport won by Mrs. B. z. McKlnney, bulldtnl to be bu1lt Cor Corona Santa Ana Lode'(", I. 0 . 0. F. Harbor group Corona del Mar, tln;t; Mrs. Lee df'l Mu are being oblalned du1 · :36 conft"rred the IM"CCDd M~ C•11• for Show of H•IWh Met.qer. Santa Ana. lf!COJ'(S; Inc an ln~n trip. In Los A plea for fun~ for the ~ <m Sht>ldon MacPhel'IIOn. Dfoan Ba.ra>lo m-nm. ntl'd that a COr· Mrs. John Sailors, Corona del ,\n~lea today by bank .oftlda1s. lion of the' Presbyterian Hospital l'oflt', Carl Hagan, WUUam Mile~. ona del Mar as.!O('IDtlon could woric Mar. consolation. and Mrs. ~ accompanied by an architect. ln the Harbor anoa •-u ma~ bfo. and Frank PhWpa. an roopc>rat:on With tht' NeY.-port thur KemPt'r. Corona dt'l Mu, · fore Dr. WUton L Halvt'non, dlr· Visitors at the reruJar ~~-Harbor ors;anlullon trn-.Jllng prize. 1boee m&Jdnc the lnspt'l'tlon ector of public Ma.lth and ~x«· bank Hetr: ita I· Funds ' RIDrs PET SUPPLIES & IPOftTINO GOODI FRESH GOV'T INSPECTED Hone Mtet nally Free DeUftry 1217 COAST HIWAY a-. Mon. Tuee. lept. 21·2'7·21 Ginger Rogers Cornel Wilde urr BAD ro lng of Harbor Harmony l..o4ge Ra.Jtan then l'a!ll'd for a showl f'r~Ze~ Thu.nday were WOft by trip from here are R. L Crut~h· fido mt'mber of tht' Ro,·c-mor's Tumay night were Ray Cart· of hands, and thto merchants p~ !\Irs. Robert Klllefer, Balboa. t-a·. B. Z. Mctnnnt'y, George Da'-'· councal. ln ~ BNm Monday nt>r. Noble Grand and WUIIa.m sent Rave-l"\1dt>nl'!' thAt thi'y want·1t1rst; Mn. Vtome SnocScrus, Bay lea. Walter Mellott Richard by a committee ol hol;pitaJ ~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Pt'1erkJn from Orange and Jack t>d their own Corona dt>l Mar M · Shores, second; Ml"'. Qonald Ba.rce.lo and Rex Brandt. The) nf'nu trom <>ranee County. I Doyle, past Noble Grand from IIOC'tation Hall, Costa Mesa. eontolatlon, were Joined ln r..o. An~lt'S by Halwi"'IO proi'T\hJed a reYI-of BE l'OU'' -~on Feature - Warner Baxter in -cBDIE DOCroR'S GAJIBLE" FfUDAV AND IATUftDAY Pat O'Bril'n Uf'IGRTING FATHER DUNNE" A leo UlfHE ARIZONA RANGER" C.arteo-lat. Mat. Serial lUNDAY end MONDAY Jt&Ddolph Scott Annt' Jeffreys -aE'I'URN OF TilE BADIIEN" A.lao Ja'ftl'S Muon • Drborah Ken- Westmln5'ler Lodae. I. 0 . 0 . 'F. With that i ••1·• "''ttlt'd. the Jn('m· and Mra. Heinz Ka.t.r, eo.ta Jamea Van Oyb, who will be the project by members-ol the 72. ~nh.lp pi"()("('('11Pd with the prob-Mesa. tn\'elllnR prlu. the maaDqeT ~ tbe new bank. ho8pi\Al ai:Miory OO.rd and the lt-m ol N'Or:aniZlltloo PJJ~:an rau· Approval for federal depoalt sta.tl' adviJOJY l'lcloiiiMtaJ coundt, al· Scout. to Go t8 Pair; tlonood the .. mrm~ thlll they Lo J p . • losu.rance ta being awaited by tf'f' M-anna lhl' delcpt~ Approval Elect New Offtcen should not }USI jOin, pey dues and ca atntlnll the bank oUidala before atly oC plans for a roal1w~ to the> hoe- do. nothmg. 6 tlellntte action Ia taken toward pltal site hM bet-n ~lwn by the ty \:::: ~~a~:~~~ d 'Your have c:oeme1_, hft>rt" with the Sh I R • r1artlng constn.:ctton of the bank state, aoc:ord.lng to MArion You~l. I ra .? orp.n "~g or your own own a a•r ............. 1ft Corona del Mar. mem~ ol the hotlpitaJ brd. and ~nrt' for Boy Scout Troop 17 !food. h4! l81d And you get out .........,.... estimate~ ol the eo&t 8..rt' being Boys will mt"t't at lhl' CoronA dtl or an org~Izatlon only what..,you A painting by a Corona del Mar -·'"-by --t-eers. ~vtous ,.._ Mar Crt\'Tlmar School at 9.00 a m 1 1 t It -· ----.. -~ ....... , Sunday for the trip At INSt 15 pu n ° lli'11Sl 15 one ol the 40 watereolon .. yor'• Talk CJa r-..m quest tor f\Jftlls hacl Men rejec:ted Want N-Orpnlzatlon ehosen to ha.na at the Los ,..) • ._ N _.....;• ft.....Lo..--.1 ~ ot low priority on the roo:! ~tie1q)eett'd ~ partic:ip&tl' With another show ol hand!!, tJwo es County f"ajr Exh.lbttiOn ol Art it' UK" ew ..... uu..,..,.. pf'O~ n t 00 n& mcm~rship ~ that they at Pomona. Tftlt&tiw pl.ti.Da to have Mayor · A ~tine footllaall came 5hould stan from ~ cround up Mabcl Hutchinson, who Uves M Dkk ~>rake ~ memMJ"' ol ~ted Scout 1'11Pt lul Wed--.nd fClf'm "a brand n_. orpnhra-515 Orch1d Avt'., 1s the ~IN RutMie ,.._ ~ PQN at llaJbea Bay 1J0a8 MSday for Troop 17 Mt-mben of t~ .. art»t. Hf'i' pteture, •Jeot'OCM, Ali· the AJDKbn 1..ePJn i11ftt1ac Wed-J1ear Tall Oil WSft = ~t': wt'r-. the ~ Rkhtf'l' then movfd that the aid aou·: ta a tarp water color fll a .....tQo ewMic Wlft pci8tp0iie4 be-~rt A.Jl4!n, BaJboe pve a t ~ llliOuu.a OO:Mt.ltutlon and by-laws~ ~ mini..;, tDwa thet.dtnp to a lldl ~.,.._......,..allir~ ~ or wars .._· ~n ht. o~lz.aUon plans and ~ of porartf)r adopted. Thla was unuJ.. aar PlWWU. A.rtL It Is c1oM 1D me wt*h the ...,._. 1M I I at torb.l tact at the Wectne.tay or~. ElectN! to altlce .,..: Don 1'1"10UaJy approved a tacatat ,..u.m ol color. ......_ Beedl• e.t *~' kl nltht m~Unr of the Balboa Bay t enson. St'n.lor Patrol t..e.adf'l'; Procoer4.tnc undt"r the provfs1oni Qw:upettUuu for butcblc til ... Lions Club, Roamore Cafe. AJ Don Uncle. Tr-oop Scribe; and of the constitution and by-laws. art fthlblt wu ben becaute Oftly Howewor. t. '-.. Oilillled to Glbeon wu tn ch...,e ol the CANNON AIIEBICAN BLA.NKETS WOOLEN BLANKETS 50% WOOL 50" COTTON 100" WOOL . ,. ¥ • 72 ln. • 14 ln. 72 ln. • 14 '"' PEN FRL EVENING UNTIL J~ 'M. ~ly, Quarunnutt"r. tht' nw-mbeM~h.lp nominated IS can-about t«>n per cent of the p1c:turft.. meet With the ~ VOUPI at a meet~nr. with Jack Crow tum 'J'woenty-flvt' boys woere Pl'"ftll dldates f<w the Boud o1 Directors Wb1ch 'Were AlbmJttf'd r"*' all later ciMe • 4llcutia hk .,.._ for lshln« mu.le.. O.w Coi"'Ift, Bal· lt------------~-----------'11 at tbt" ~Inc. rrom amonr the ~ praent. plll't.t~ ot the United States. were a • •• .-IOda1 haJJ to be boa bland bu~W~er, wa. award· 1'0 '"· • • '"· with the provision that tho!le ~lee-a~tt'd for shoWinr Ill the fair. ___. _. N~ Clt:J Hall. ed the duck, l8nora. tn honer ot Yale Plans Dlaca1UII tt'd would W!'Vf' untll Jan. 1. HundN'd of p&lhtlng were tuf'Mod hll l~,ular att~nce. Plans for an Pnlarged Chrtflf. Ballottlng wu ~ld, and the back. SIK'h naUonaJly known palh~ .... .............., Db .sll The Uona Club ~nr te.m mas l'revfew anr1 mt'rdlant1' t-lfl top lK"Yt'fl wer-. elf'Ctl'd ~ ot ers as Aaron BohJ'Od Adolph Dehn •·~.::::::::"' ~IMt 1\ltM heat '&,vvtew Lumber ln a thN!Ie I 111 play wrrt' c1111C'W18ed la11t the Board Thf' directors ttw!n A.nd Dftn Lutz have plctUJ"f'' ...._ A n--. ... .-rnald\ \V~J&y nlc'lt. 11lur~ay. "•nt ll'i. a.t fht" flr~l ~the four offlcen ol the Ago. ..... In thla exhibit. Abo extllb!t.Jnt ~ :::::' -~ ~t ,.. Lion boftl"', who toolt au lmt'<!t1ng nf 1ht> 1Gi~9 seuon o f C'lstlon. Is Phil Dike, who hu done .orne to ---:,.::..__.,: ttu. frame~, were Joe Poallot. the Newport HaJ1)or su.tneu lttoWint ft.-,o.led loeal art teoachlnll for brtnltnc a new__,....,...., Den Wh.ltman, Jim Marbtty nnd Proft'!I'SionaJ 1'1~·· Cub. F.arUer plans for the llmday Besides the wat<'r color pUQt· art a.tel' tp the haltlor 8ft&. Jtoy Ja.~ and Robert Rtllketta. IA.DIIII UYON PAN'DD IHADOW aT1Uft£& CRILD8 8AYON PANDBI!I P'lrothy Su hmMd ta ~f'i'al lllC'ellnc had called tor a ahowt~ tnp. the Fai r art .-xhlblt ~ ;.. .. , ....,._.. Jim 8ufttt wtttta ..-Tea,... c~al~n ot the event. which nr <"'lor ~tltd<-11 of overseu travels on paJntinga, ICUJptllrt's, and a 1ft. !JIS !be In~ hal1llor1tft to-,_._.......;....;;.... _______ __, :1----...;_ ______ ......;~-----.......;;....,.;,;,...-..::.--:;.....-._~ w:JI ~ helt1 tha year tn the by Sam Hardy, Corona ctel JA.ar ection of crutt ~ ear e. ,.._ ~ ~ GBNE'S CAPE larl'!t>r quartel"' of Bob Murpby'a photocral)ht'r. Thl1 waa postponed Mrs. Hutchfn.10n Is the .Ve ~ IIIII h ftllilrnk' *'"' to lllal1d w RPn<lf"Z''()OS llallroorn. ~ B. P. btu.UIP ol the late hour When tM MiltOn J1utt'hlnaon ~r of a:,.. ~ "tti{ iae eentatiNb .-. W m~Ung Willi held -' Whlte'r ~ IN!f!tln~r mdt'4. Jt WM oo.a OWL She ~tee! W... 1otW IIi _. U. .....,_ ... 0. f'atk AVf'I'\Uf' ~fe ot bea ....... ~~would ahc)w tbfo the WV 1ft tile Olu:nty P'lllr ~ -............. 11ii .... U1t by 1 uland. ~ at a later date. ...... "-~ ¥our -Falllre ;, RaDio? • '705 COAST RJORWAT SpedaHztng In Oomrtet. J:»lka~ ., lmportf'd WfMe F'iM Imported FoOcll YO. Leatrice Wonn of Uido ISle to Marry Balboa Islander ~ weddtn.& '~ of a BaJbua Lfatl'ice Wonn II the br1de-to- laland man and tua LWo !ale be, the 4aqtdft ell llr. aDd lin. ll3,hCM wiU ~ ~nb:ed at the L w. Wonn, 217 VIa J\alar. She St. Jarne. ~~ Chu.rd\. Vla wUJ eJtehan,e \10ft wttll James Udo, nut Tburwda,y at 8 p. m. Fa.tH-, .on of Mr. and Mn. Solon Elxll Oub Calls ·Oct. 1 Meetins R Fc»ter. 131 Topu Aw., BaJ. boa Wand. Friends of the bride will come from dlUnft'lt pana or Soutbem Ca.lltomla to be hPr attendant&. Matron of Honor will ~ Mn. Wtllam seholl. from Santa Mon- A apedal ltM'<'tlnl( for all Ebell lea, and the brtdesmalda ehoRn Club membt'l"'l or the Harbor tu~ laJ1orianne ~ of San· lll"f'a hu -bet-n call~ for next ta Paula and Marilyn Bow1ler o! :t"'liday, Oc1 . 1, ot the E~U Club Lqun.a •••<>nu In Nc,J'~rt. BUI!nesa of The prospect~..-e bri~room'a th~ m('('tln~r will N> r..mshlc.>r"lttnn ·J!Itt"r, Mary Ellzabf'Ul ~ter, or buJidln~r a nt"w clubhou~e In \\lll hAve ctarae or the ll'J~I th~ Cliff Jll'\vcn dt'' topm<'nt . IQOk. 1-lx'U Club wUI apjn J(lOnsor Solon R. Fost~r Wlll ~ h1a tltt" populftr "~pc•dal Author Re>-hrother'a best man. Two u&h· ""'' 'it'd '"'·" '' hlch wlll be open "'~· l<a) lord and Jack WhJtehe&/1 tu publl<' ~uMC'rl('t lon. Thl'i J('a· Altadena. art! rouslns of the fooC•n'a l<'tll'll "'Ill ~ ht-ld ~~ R p. 1 n•lc. na. lnstf"a•l or m the afternoon In fttv, Thomas Clbson, pastor of (•I t~·~ th11t m"n w 1:l abo h"'\E> an r hr ~1. Andn>ws Presb}1 t'rtan orrrOrtunll) to join thr ltlfftlnrs. <. hurch "ill rt>ad the marrlare Authon, ro r lhf' '«"r-IM art! be-'~'~" ie.o. ln~t Prot'\lrP<l by the> Balboa u-The rouple have made ttnta· land llook Sto~ as was done tive plana l or a Uuw-wt'ek:l va· i.UI ~<'at. ScriM tickets (or five t'olllon ln Micltlcan (OIJowlnl tJ\e a:.~lhor ~vi~'S are $6. lndlvld· tf'rf'mony. t;pon tJ\ftr return uaJ llcktota at the door v.'lll be thf'y wut live at 250 Poppy A .. ~ .. I'~ at $1.50. Corona ~I Mv. lnformaUon about the ~ Mlsa Wonn went to Rlvenlde f"ll.Y bt> obtained tt\rough Mr-.. Hl~th SchooJ aJ)d wu craduat~ Nellie Shook. 30C Ruby kve .• !Nm the University ol Redlanda. Balboa I.JIIand. or Mrs. Robert Mr. Foster's S¢ho9la are WhltUer KJIIefer, 304 E. OcNn Front, H1eh School and Pomona Col- r 8Y T'll~~-------..;_--J CI .. CLE ~LAt-11 MZAAR I r't• Dr. B. ... ~ .. F-la .. l ot t},e· '-Dar .>anta Aaa. .. --.... and ~ aJto aDd tbe Iliad ~y. &alt> V.'ft'e . &1 • ...... --- m-1iq ol lM Balt.. ls!aDd MOYa TO N~W NOME ',,.. of thr \\'SCS at Ow hom<' Mr. and Mn. C.''W o l 1B. bmit-F CIOt 200\; Sap-aDd lbl'-.u ,_. Da'id, -~~~~~-r~ano Jo .. .,. u Ql Uw l&LI:Dd. ~an. _.. Tht' buaar and nunma ~ f'd 1n1 t _... at • ... ,n hdd n w...!' ~(~ 1~ and ()~1 A ~-•1Uctr 1o1r. c.e.--. tf • lood sa~ v.ill llf' on the fol· li.t lll.'d 11 ~y. l r :!4 n.-mbl'rc; at•tor>Cl.inr. •IM '"'l'"f"UI!J! Y.'f'N' f;of'T\'t'(1 lU"l<"hf!oo.-M\, ,., !I &:•~ "'""'~ PUI'• • 7ll4' '" ... 10.'&11 -~·t«~ t•\ .. ," •J ~!tat ano ~n. J~Jmu-4 , l.ary:rl\ft. \. ACATIONI G RET\IIIINS TO ACADEMY I '"J'Qm £ H&Jil"' f !'\tr a"~ \fr -• Hall t ~ en .. • c C'1..&r1 hls wcOnd latjor; ,. ,. ult -.. do:t •• t--dutils at U. P oa t1w l.ld.ul& AwrdMary Yule Ben•• r naza.. nwor.Uzm ol cd .. at 2 tt- Thunrda' at thl" of lin. Po1w 111~. ~dft> of tbr pMIIilr. •ha 1.1\ at 2fi51 ~1rw. a. ~bon Fall and •1ntn k'th'tties ., ~ · croup will ~ out.I1Ded at -... ;;, IDif"l'tJ.na of tllr -. ... B;Uboa. k'~. 'Petticoat fever' Cast Chosen GUEITI Ott HONO"-"'"· aftd MrL P~rry Fl"ederic:k lc:hroc:k atwl Ml• Margaret Seharle -re feted Monday evenlnt at a Naep· lion at tht Corona d61 Mar Community Chui'Gh-. Apt)N•Imetely 7'S mtmbe,.. of "the COfiQ"O'Itlon •reeled the mlnillter and tllia wtflo Who ha~ .1~ retu,....d from a trailer trip to Otllo. and --~ the ehu h oroganllt, M'-lc:harlt, ~~~act> from tlw Wfftffttr In Ha-.11. The pa y waa arTanged by the ctluf'Cfl deaCOt 11111. ~lie htff~ ~n was master of ~roemonies. and MrL Huttl Me.CI)'m.nt ~led aonga. accompanied by Mf"L Wall-. Ca~d. Mfle. J~n I. lad· leir, pre.ldent of the Capllla Circle, anf ... ...._ No~ Frah..,, P!"ftt· dent o• the Chureh khool G ... ld, .,,.... M4 at a c.ff .. table .--r .. ed witt\ tubero111 begofllu. Cakes and t ny aandwoctiH. mJn\a and nuts _,.. ...-..eel under lt\e dlf"eet_IOtl of Mf"L John Meador. In ttl« -""· 1-'\ tie tight. are Mf"L lafleJr, .... lc:!herle, Rev and M,.. lc:tlroe.lc. ,. 1Pho4~ b) H~-ard Fol~, • .-ar at thfo Callfnm la M Wtar)• :•u:adf"m\' Lo$ Art~ atltT , ... latff:m.lnlf on t~ bland a.nd &l J'\"POrt oe uw-pn>et ea of a. bWl41na ol Ow IWW Patts!a ~ •1D be ,,...:e,. thfo Ha.llf'tt :11!lf'!'! ln A&hland, ------... ------1)11 8UILDlHQ NEW HOME P..amona and~~ for· ~~ly of Balboe 1a1and .,.. r-u!ldina tht'tr ~holm' on f'tTD. : .. at A'• ln Corona~ Mar~ ha't" :nrn'ed baclf ~ tiM: UJanc1 ur.t11 tht> bulldinc ts l"'rr.pl~ f'd. Goes on \'acatioa A~t, Despite raiDed A IJ•ntln anklt" did not pre. Old-time pmt'S. alona wtth an old-time mov1e, "'ere on the p~ c:nun when the !'(.-port MO\ie Club mM Satum.y at ttw.> home ot Mr. and Mn Richard Stanhopt". 605 Iria A\'E' .. Corona dt•l ~lar. The can-indudMI 5UCh favor- Ites u mwo1ntl chlllr and &pin the ~tle Rdl'\'tlhmcnts were wn~. Thoele a ttt"ndr.ng tht' meeting in- clUded the followtnc from Corona .. Mar: Mr. and Mn. HarTy y ~,.. lnaton. Mr. and Mrs Glmn Couch. and Mr. and Ml"'l. Lonnlf' !-AJonn<' Clalldfta•a Rome Groap Will •eet 08 blud A lunchf'On at the home o1 Mra. Wendt!U Calkins, 213 Sapph· I~ Avto., Balboa bland. will be the tlnt !aU pthE'rlng of the Nrwpor1 HarbOr Amctllary of thf' dilld~na Hom• Society of Cal· Uoml&. CDM Woman is A warded Commission iD Navy MILLARS RETU,.N HOME Jane Grac. Fl~er, daugfl· ter of MrL Geof'9e Fisher of St4 Be9oftla Ave.. Corona del Mar, wu among 217 -men aelec:tecl thla -k for commi• aiOM In ttle "tillar Navy. Ttl--re ttle flret women to be ~ hoftOred. Lt. F tahu was t.ht only -man aeleetod from Orange County. Su.rfsiden Will Bold Baclt to School Dulce NEWI OF DEATH TOLD I Mr. and Mrs Rktw-d ~fU1ar Word h"s bfoton rt"o('t"J\'f'd about "ho ha'f' ~ spending 5e'~raJ tht" ~ath of .,t n. LuC'ille Ed aumrnrn tn ChJ.na. CoYe. ha''~ Wlrds' son Sh<'rman or ''Sher· 1 retut'r~N to ~lr P~a home. Raeoon c:oatl or hair ribbons ry," as he was kno•'TI hf're He Mr. lflllar ls presidmt of !'orth- wJII ~ ln order Saturday night <=led ~ntJ~ In Holl~wood the rup AJreraft Corporation 1n at the SurfsicSen C1ub ·•Back to vlctlm of poUo 1QC)ewoocS. &hool Dance", acrordlna to Rob-Mrs. Edwarda and hf'r two ~"!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~-~ ert Holckn, p~nt or tM sona. Shtorma.n and Jamt>S had C'lub 1 rt'Sid~ ln Corona del Mar dur Retums to tanford A laree papt>r at'hool hOUR lrta the war yt'&rs. • • Ruth Kilpatriek, dau,ht~ o( pajntf'd by Bob Boyd will Wl lM Shennan had al1E'nck>d !"E'"'· Mr. and Mrs. William S. Kilpat-atmosphere for Ul~ dance to be por1 Harbor Hlt h School for a r1~k. 1205 Shell St. In China Cow. h'"ld at ugion Hall Coat~ Mesa. whJle. lh~n moved to PasadE'na. Corona ck-1 Mar. lrfl Mon~ to Members and ~tl are uke\l ~e waa graduated from Pomona n-~ume h<'r dut~ at Stanford Uni· to come drt'aed In the style of (~Uegt'. Mrs. Edwards. who.~ ven.ity. Mi~ KllpetriC'k Is a j\m-thdr favorite yeu of ~ool. ao n.arrtt'd shortly tx>!ore lea' Inc lor at StAnford. f'VerythJnrr from plgtalla to lt't Corona del Mar. ~as be-t'n th·tng tcrman aweatel"'l will be IH:n. ~lne.o h Df'n\'E'T. I. olo PISHOP'I GUILD PA,_TY Each couple w1Jl brln( a .chool Mrs. J. B . Cookt'n of Fernleafllunch for two, and ro(fee will be Avt' .. Corona dE'I Mar. and *" servf'd. £1E>ssle Skinner of HunUn1110n ----- PLAY HELD FOil! 40 Mrs. HI'\M')' Wt"Stov·E'r and Mra. Ntoal Imand. d.lret-tor of the CallfomJa dfv!slon of the Worn- Coiffures tGt COAST HIGHWAY Cotofta del Mar PR. HARBOR 1526 All Wwtr Done 8y nM-Mfletin• wtn be held Tub· oay at 12 noon. Besld~ Mrs. C41Jdna. hostt>nPS fot' the ewnl 'Jtll be Mrs. E. C. Martin, 467 :-1. n.y FT-ont. B.u~11 bland. and Mrs. ~an H~n. 202'$ Apo»na Aw., B.,]t-oa Island. Beach attendf'd the Blahott'a TWO F' .. OM 81 CHA~EL t;utJd lawn and ,arden pat\y I ATT£ND CONFE .. ENCE Monday at the Hender110n estAite h F11ntrld~. At tM party, ~-l Two rnemb6s of the Balboa r. -----------fl\ in honor of Bishop BJoy ....... 1Uid 0\apel ot the Opin Olurdl ro•pre~entatiV!"! !rom Erleropal b)' the SM attended the t~ c-h~ cf this part ol the atate. trainq oonftormcr at Nlerton • • • n-e new MASSLINN- non -woven proj!Uc:U. Avaftable In wts for ~ncheonl. He.~~ It'll ~~eta ot NapkiN alone aftd many more. TM very .tftt thine fOC' the llnU'l bolte.t . . . _.,.., IMQih fOC' wv- eral meell (they are WIIIIMble). thele real datla etta at9 10 ~­ ........... )"'U'U want lie'V· «nl AT RB • Jut ~. ~Y are Mrs. P. E. VACATION AT I AN IVD .. O B&lns and Mn JOWI)h Hull, both Mr. and Mn. ~nt He-aly of whom u. leechtn at the Bal- of 2M Apo~ 'Aw .. Balboa r. boe Island ~t and. are "acttlonlnc this week At San Sydto• In Santa Barbara. 8ACK AT OCCIDENTAL WhUe they are eone tMtr }'0\.lllC Uev.'t'lb n ~holt of Harbor son Is spt>ndJn~ bla tune bt<wtl!tl IJJand lett 1\tftday to ~ at h:a grandparent&. Mr. and Mn. OcddE'ntal Colle,e. wbftoe he b Mark Healy. 130C S. Ba,y Front. a .enlor. Re la ~rina tn ec»- a.,d hJs maternal rrandmolhe-, nomlcs ln ~paraUcM tor ente-- Mn. Frank Splane, 311 Apoleu In, ~hool. Cl&S~~N Will belfn J\..-e. Mond-.y. P IAN O In Your Heme .. MELVA RUE BEGJNN'EIItS lt ADVANCED PUPILS ENROLL "0 P'OIII FALL CLASI£1 416 FF.R:-o.L.F.AF CORONA od? WAR HAft8~ ti10.W v~natien BlmCis WOOD -STEEL -ALUMINUM MA{)Jo: TO ORDER 50 & 55c INSTAllED WO .. KMANIHIP & •ATCfUAL GUA .. ANT~ED 5 t.9 • 0 1)"1 Delhoiry We ff'eiUI"l' \.h{' ' F1~ AJuia1num Slat F'rn1 Md '" \t tn\ Color CDmbtftatkma. Cuarant~ h~ C.ood H~ COMPLETE LINE OF WINDOW .HADEa E. GILBERT & H. SILVERA 410 HI:LIOTft(\l't' \ I • A DEL MAR PHON£ HA .. 80f' IMt·W COSTUME JEWEL,.Y • \" 0U oon1ialb IIIR'ltt"d to CIOall' LA and ~ ear IDIUI) ~ .., ... COL\.ECTO ..... c.- (Gallons or Quarts) ..... -...... -. Til 111lCU Ill l it l Ull Wall fiiiSI v .. caa,...ta-~ ..U. It:.-. T-t c-d\112 .... -~ •• Ulc -....... --~-· ( ..... ~.-tM'I- ~Mo-l,..r-1 No~l Ill CIIT Cl'fOS __ ..,. __ , ___ ..n. ~· lPPLDLil .. l .:111-1 ·'Mn"'-1 WIEWkY! LlftWT CIUISl YOU PAY G~L. QT . KE~-fQHE , roMBm PLYWOOD A: ETQREI> PLYWOOD Pioneer' FUel 4: Building 'MATERIALS CO. INC. ·~IV. ·A--I NR AVL ... ~ Ial.and HAJlBOft ~J s~"'In~ w ... VIRGlNIA L0CKEJt. propr. JX>NALD LEBO with The TAVEitN OOIIP~ Ucen.sed RNl Estat~ Brok~ Phone Harbor 1741 1101 COAIT HIGHWAY Coroaa ~I Mar, Oalif Iasuan~ of a permJt for a building at 322 A!'m'lhyst A\'e .. $40.000 dwelling and another for $2.000. a $20.000 resJdet\~ featunod the alx Othe,.. 181Ved hulldlng actlv'lty dw1ng the thJrd Six other permJta were IISUed week of lh1s month. clurlng thr wt'f!k, totaJUnr 178.536 These two permJta reprHent~ In estimated COlli. Thla brought ed two-third.a of the total value thf' Wt"t'k's total for all of New- of pennJts Issued dw1ng that pon 134-arh to $91.936 and t~ period. thl't'('·weck total to $304,526 Only one pennJt was !sued for whlrh is shchtl> leu than the Corona del Mar. That was for corres-ponding total for AuilJsl, an mimated $SOO for pa.lnUng $345,092 Tht"Se additional per· and remodellitg at the resl~neoe mlts Wt'I"E' issued L---------------' of Ann Howell Hogan at GOO Ets. HokJn and Galvan. 1000 ~tarruerlte Ave. Coast Rl~hway. neon lldgn. $36. BALTZ MORTUA BY SERVING THE HARBOR AKEA ~By The Sea ....... u This Increased the total for Dr. L ; Grold, 1956 Carmellta. Corona del Mar for the flnrt three-~~rly Hilla. t~tory. one-unit weeb of Septem~ 182.995. This d\\ti~Jna at 1338 w. Bay Ave .• was only a little more than half $20,000. o: the correspondJnr ticure for Mr. and Mra. 0 . c. Pumphrey. lr.st month, 1156.m. 2107 Meadow Valley Ave.. Los Four For a. I. Anceles. twoctory, four-room Four pennlt. were laued for dv.tillft& at 1606 W. Ocean Front. construct.ton on Balbo& r..I&nd. ss.~. The 8tlmated value waa Sl2.900, Da1.1d Jarvia Onn, addition of lncreaatnr the total for the mon· room to ~~nee at 114 39th tb to t68.000. compG'ed wtlh St .. $3,000. $43.f60 tor the ~ period lut Mr. and Mra. Orl111 n.Orldkl- month. lil'J\, 431 Matnella Ave., Cocta 1be foUowtnc permit• ~re Mesa. lO.roorn. two-atory, one-L-------------' laaued for Balboa lll&nd: unit ~Unr at 319 Via Udo Charles Lamb, addltJon of llv· Soud., lJdo ll)e, $40,000. lnl room and ~ 011 exlltlnc Anhur M. Morgan, 2221 Malo lftl~ee at 223 Abalone Ave., St.. Rlwratde. atx-roorn. two. Sl.SOO. ltory, two-unit dwellln,g at 216 Eltel.Je l.Jncloln, of 5652 De 30th St.. $10.000. Loncpre Ave., Lot ~ 114dJ. tlon ol bathroom and lt.Orqe room to rear ol ~ 1lii&Od1na CUTalltTH aCUN-.ATINQ af 201 Pari Awoe.. 1,100.. F. E. Cutbirth of tbe OciM& Harol&t ...ct lw. R••• ........... SUper .,.,._ ,_ been eonftned dJt.ion to be built owr ext.una to IIIII bame for rno.t ot tbe mon- butldtnc at SD E. a.,y Froftt. th wtdl .... troutlie. AI~ ".!IDO. be .. IDUdl Mter, he .. not ft· Leoa ...,...._ 5el ......._ pedled t. tie able to .....,_ Nil Ave.. Newport. .neadotw 011 ~ ~ fw ~ ~ pta; t t c Met Goon of lllCifttha. '· There is an ENSIGN carrier boy living in,.Y<>ur neighborhood ... soon, he will call at every hoine on his route. While each and every one of these boys is competent and capable of doing his job thoroughly, this is the first business venture for many of them. Please be courteous to him ... help him to do a better job for you. Remember, be is in business for himself. r ..,( ...... • I • ... ... . · ~11 ,·''. ' \ . Stre.t ............. ______ ~--~·-······-··-··········· .. ·····-· Oty ................... -~----·~,······ State ···---···· .. . -_t._ --------~ RA.IUIOB PAINT & APPLIANCE 00. DUTCH aOV PAINTI WallpllJ*" Palnte,.• lut»t~ll• lervel Gaa ftefrfgerato,.. Home Appliance. G11 "'"1 .. Harbor 2020-W 211 COAIT HIWAV Corona del Mar R. J HUFFMAN GENERAL a UtLOING CONTRACTOR COMMERCIAL .REMODELING PLAN SERVICE 708 Jasmine Ave., Corona del Mar BABBOR 19'71-R -0 --- -...../ It Is YOUR newspaper . . . lfviD« you all tbe LOCAL aewa of Corou. del Mar Ud Balboa blaad; aad dedleaW to the J1"()Wth aad PJ'OII'EW of YOUR J • COIIUIIaaftlea. ..- 'l1le P"Owtla aad proepertty of the Entp Is eloeely ldeatifted with, ud depeedellt apon. the pro- ll'flA of this area. Y oar BeWspaper llfleda aad merits tbe wholeheartM .,apport of every realcJeat. Sabtlertbe aow to your Ollly tndy LOCAL newspaper. You'll be rewarded with complete eoverap of loeal happen- Ings, interesting features, Uld bargaba news from local merchants. Read your Ensign for tbe best retail aad real estate buys! Patroaia your local Business firms aad keep local dollan at home. Yoar llelpborbood mer- ebaat ud the Eulp are worthy of yoar eoafldeace. Topther ies a tam that wiD keep oar area I"'winl. " A DOIA.AR SPENT AT KOllE IS ANOiiiB& SIBP row'AKD 'DDt PIIOG OF YOUB COIIIIUNITY" For Y .. .. .. • O.NI .......... r.._.. ltlliJit -~ .. .,....... .... .,..........,",._~ " .,...... elf c-. ..... ,.... ...... , ........... ,....... etttw ~,...,. aM ..... ,. .. ,_ wm ..... r '" ~ .... ...... Georp B. Tmler •n 11th at. -N....,. ._. Oomplete Lbie of lhddl Boy Palata a haters Supplies for the Ooatractor and Rome Owner Jackson -Waggoner- PAINT STORE 1112 IEVENTEENTH, COI TA MIEIA BEACON 514.1..\V :.1 Nick's Black mltbhag «t TraDer Service_ OI:NEftAL ITIEEL FA •. & RIEPAiftiNQ TRAILER HITCHI:I & OVEftLOADI IPIECIALTV 1817 F'UU.EltTON AVE., COSTA MESA BEACON 51121 General ~~ OolltTaetor REIIDIENTIAL -COMMEftCIAL -INDUSTRIAL 1668 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa OFFICE PHONE: BEACON 6tl35 RES. PHONE: BEACON 5786 CEMIINT aLOCKI ""' HOMU, COMMERCIAL & INDUITftiAL aUILDINGI 14552 NEWPORT BLVD., Tt1811N L C. WARD. Propr. Kimberly S-U26 Paifttblg a ........... 143 EAST 1mi STREET CONTR.ACTOR BEACON 5703 CLARENCE DILI,;"--'LJ ..... LAI"I..Sll CONTRACTOR MILL a CABINET SHOP All TYlMt of ft•ldentlal and Commercial Cabinet Work. 2107 VILLA WAY HAR.OR 41111 COST A MESA IJUMBER CO. LUMBEft -8UILDING MAT£ftiALI •EACON 5015 H. F . WOLDEN8ERQ F. ft. QftEENLEAF, IR. • qrm~l~af & Woldenberg GENERAL CONTRACTORI GENERAL OI'F'ICII 21:2'1 W. CENTRAL AVL TELEPHONE HAR.OR II1Q NEWPORT-·AL80A, CALIFORNIA QPIEftAL CONTMCTOR (). B. M'eOOJUIICK Oowta&e6a C4. t1M NKW~ .. T eLVD., COaTA ... .,. DRAINIOAftDI, aATlfROOMS. ETC. TLE CONTRACTOR 11TH & NSWPOR'!_ AVE.. coaTA MIUA NOW IN OUR """" ....... 1107 Our MW .......... ,aMt feoatM flat ..... to Ml' •N teoattoft • -l'eiHb' to •rw tNI trowf"' .,... Wo lltvfle yeu to YWt ua. e.y 'DIIItl'tct Y•f'll ................ 77 I • I'Oit ANY NHD ~MerMrDit « wnt. ... Ill ea..._ aetand OONSOLIDATED ROCK PRODUCTS ro. R.oclt • s~nd • Crushed Rock aUILDING MATEftiAL& CONCftET£ ftEAOY MIXED • Comer Protpect & W &loot in Onn~.-Orange 604 • FROM TELEPHONE IN NEWPOftT & COtTA .ESA .th 0604 ........... ~. U7IIW ... ca-...................... .. ... ...,... ..................... ... ,.. .... ,.. .... ,_ ... ,....... II,_.._..._,._,.._.,.. .. ... ... .._ ......... ~--- IC, ,_ aa tM•t .... r-,.._u ... ,... ,....,. Are ,.. ....... 1Mee11•1W lta1411 Saor..,_ ..... ~' M-... .t ay nt«on ucl Mt1Mft lnMw tbat Ut-.._.,. art ...,.. ....... -..tJal uwta a. -..w fer llldr hltan Ilea..-••lncw ..... ..,.. .., .... "' ..... le. (' S 1•-• Cl,..- ME1!1A BUILDERS GENEftAL CONTRACTOftl W t Ha~ Somtthi"g NEW 'To 0//CT 1'01 W. WILION COSTA MEIA aEA. 5111-W ..... _. Fencing e ftUITIC IPLIT ftEDWOOD PALING e ftANCH TYPE IPLIT ftAIL e IHAKEI & .AftK PRODUCTS e REDWOOD _.ATIO FURNITU .. & PHONE BEACON 5491 FOR FREE ~Tli:S CA.UF. REDWOOD MATERIALS 00. 1112 COAIT HIGHWAY NEWPOftT .EACH ••eovering The South Coast" PAINTING and DECORATING RESIDENTIAL and ~MMERCUL Pvlly ~d 4ftd lnrurld co. 1415 COAaT HIGHWAY CORONA DI!L MAR HAR.OR at..JK Franlc H. ~hapman PLUliii.INQ CONT1tACTO" PLUMBING a.nd REPAIRS 114 L 17\t\ ltrut P . o .eo. ta COITA MEIA WA~-n:D · 50'USED PlA'I;OS for r---------------------~ our r'f'nt&l cMpt m~t pn~ Your F'ft't.totle Diltrlbut or 20th & Newport Blvd. Costa Mea IIEACDN SSS roRDSOl" Tractor and tools. Mak~ an or!~r 2169 Mln~r. on~ block "'~"'l nt HarboT off \'lc:- torla 26-tt< PAPER RANGING THE TRADE and All lt'l Brandies Gul\ralltl'<'d -\\'1U not aettpt your mon~y It not satl.sfiN. Paul R. Scheen BEACON 51~·J Custom Built Box Springs & Matbeaees HARBO R BEDDING ao• l•aOTION, Prop. Beacon 6176-J 110:2 NEWPOftT AVE . Coeta 11-Har. 1425-W allow~ In f'"<ci\s"$!f' ror )"ur old plano u fl~ pa)'mM!t Bal on N.tY tf'"""' n A :-: 7. • CHMIDT. 520 N. Mllin. Santa Au. YOU" D"UM·KITCHeNI ~·· no IIOUftcler lnvestmmt In hornt-lmPI'O"'.-nrt•t th&a • MOOER."'Izfd kitc:htn YOl' can 1\avt t~ kltC'hcn you N\'f' ,1sf.nf'd in your day~ In ~ltty-ln YO rR he'>fnf' lit us lho•· you With sua:ntlons and nttmatn Havf' a talk wtth w ' GORDON a . F'IND LAY Contractor & aullder CABINET HOP ER'\'1CE H•rbor &20 CABINETI & MILLWORK T C JOfi:XSON upt 407 lOth St. N-pol"t Beach a.autlf~ Your HOfM With Our CEMENT nLE SBINGL&S • Beauty • Economy • Durability MA."lJF AcruR.I!!D BY Pacific Tile Shingle Co. FJ.CTO"Y -271 E. 1TTH COSTA MESA OF'FIC£--2101 Lafayett e Av.. NEWPORT BE.AOi B•acoft to51 Hattlor 21U Our Apphcaton Covt>r So. C&llt SHEEJ METAL WORK e REIIDENTIAL & COMMEftCIAL e WELDING -.OAT WORK e CUITOM FAafttCATION Malnlea ltMI -C.,.,..r-All.tl'ft1"""'-Oalval'tftd Iron. ete. Air COflclltloftl fttl -t4~"'-Uftlta -VofttllaUf1t DltJtrCIMitor for Goft. Eloctr'c H .. tlng. CraM P IUfnbt"tt IUW.I'- S)IJTft BROS. CO. NEWPORT AVE. -NEAR 16TH COST A )fESA • Low Cost • Loac LutiD« • Attnctive • -~ INTERLoCKING BLOCK 00. 1111 Hat1tofo •tw. C.... ..... .aonMIIM WAIJLS fON f AN A PlbmiJinj OAN STONE. .......... M•NeW -\ Licensed and .Bonded I SERVING SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA OVER 20 YEARS - • R . W . McClellan & Sons TRI"'C'KING-GRADING-EXCAVADNO Dealers ln Rock -Sud -YaD -ferial Deoomposed Graaite -Dirt ... Nat 8GB 1117 WElT CIENTflAL NEWPOftT aUCH CRANK BROS. BOOnNG 00. "OOFINQ OF ALL TVPEe ~ Eltimata AU Wortt Qarudeed BEA.OON 5804 h C'IIA.BI..D A.. OGDEN a SON ~meat Ooatra.cton ftEIIDE,.TlAL COMMEftCIAL -tNDUIT1UA\. ~ A\'~ 133 W• 0o1ta 11- EACON 617i-W BEACX>N SITW L ICENUD AND INIURED Gm-"ERA.L OONTRACTO \\'til bwld C1t)dunJ-«"Y"'hCTC f" d.e H..-, Ara PROMPT IEftVICE rREIE IEITIIIATIE 413 8ROA.DWAY CALL 81ACON lr1'I-.J PACIFIC HEATING-VENTILATING AIR CONDmONING s.les -Senice lulitrol · Royal -kt.-Fiow -Geeeral Electric GAS n:JR..'rWACES 11'01 eo.t •• ,.,. CORONA DEL MAR Harlllor 1111 HARRY W. TAYLOR PLUMBING aad BEATING 1172 Pleoe11tJa A¥e. COITA MIEIA (' h1,..._ c-tv•C'br) A.sphalt Paviac---Putda« ~ ..... P&tioe -Dri~ys-Exs ...... -Gndill&- • ll.art.or-~ .......... G · LOtJJS WEW, PROP • PRONE BEA..OON 81.1.1 ........... TO - Nina says: E.LECTfltiCAL CONT,.ACTOR WITMAN'S SERVICE AUTO REPAUUNG PETE 1r: BOB. EXPERT MECHANICS MOTOR ,.E.VILOING .ATTEJU£1 . Tuna !17 COAST HIWAY CORON A DEL. MAR Elis NlltsefY • TMt& Wt:V< .. eN.CtALI .... I 7 .. Cs !E• a COftONA DIEL MA" 1 s ... o r a-no 7 - _.. ---IICIMICWALUI • liaS --· • old. man of . He ~aces who 101 aprine v.u hetd the athletic de t at Oran~ Coot Co•- wahiOA'n. .,, .. ~~~~~~~31 .... J a: tr • ................ ~~~~~~~~~~a~n~.~~~~~ [--~-~-~·-~~- m · tt1 .. O:llillt .,. ~ - <:JFn<Z IWUM: lOa. a to 12-_. 2 ... s--.. a. 1211 N<*l'R lli:lADWAY . Of'rJaa .... IQ ~.,., .... ..... AMI -... Jl"llJ. JC] • t• , .. A-.. PORK ItOAS'l'S W~lt Plocc11c &howlfte,. CENTER CVT PORK ltOAS'l'S f"REiti &ti0ULO£flt ···-···- PORI[ STEAKS UITERN CO"N Ff:O POtU( -!.- FOB SALE 1 c.,.tetrt w.. ,.,MA ••~~"­ art.n ~-.taln "lrt~,.._ 1et-<rtoe fw 1t. wWI ~ ,._. • Olfferfllt *''-' •-fMidf "' Ulllh ,... -........... pM.aAnt. rtc-Mar M - at •••• CORONA H..... Rllp -- N ....... IM Ta""r+es .. ilcoaeay ()lito From Top QooaUty GrMII Feel <At& __ ,. §9" CHUcK ItOAS'l'S .............. lb ....... BOUim 8'l'E.U ................ lb T-BONI:•- IOWA T ,. N D • • t • .......... ___ _ • • • •