HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-10-01 - Newport Harbor Ensign.. \ , ' Friday. October 1. 1948 ·I t· 'nd '¥/ill Get . ' . ost Of.~ic ml Merchants CORO A ... Five Cents District ·Chest Ouotas Set;. Corona del M r and lsi n Each Given 2,250 Go .1 Support Fund -Drive to Aid 'Biggest Bargain in Tou.m' ..... V, OCTOM.a 1, tMa JJOI ·D ea... fttlhway Corona dd Mat , OllifCII"Dia All VO r.. H.M.PA. Eddar P\lblWwc! bJ the Saut.h a.. P\lb1.lablna ~ Obe Year . lb MOnths . Tbree Months . SlQgle Copy • - . . 12.00 · LOO B) .a5 The E~ it publ.dbed ncry Fri&y for the CIClllUaunitiea 01 Corona dd Mar And &1~ lal.and. W ritten axnmunbticoa 10 "Tbt l!o.agn ahoWd any the N.me and addrt• of the wntu, and tf J)C*lht~. the td~phon~ numbtt. The E~ 's tdcpbooe numbtt 1& H.arl'Or 7 88. CHURCH DIRECTORY \! Dr. Burt Ends Term as Heaa of Engineers and Architects LUIIIUeA Tf•N Wlall"'t & ,._.._, .. :rna • ~ ...... Serltee ... 0. llenrltll-....... 8ft'\'klt ~to.• ••"vtca Van De Kamp'a Bakery Goodies PltoBe Harbor 1000 200 MA"IN£ AVE. llinds WOOD-lft1[L -ALUMINUM MADE ro oJU>m ••• tN.,.ALL•D WO"K.AfftMI.-& .ATW"IAL OUAilAtnw•o COIIPLRTW ~IM OP WINDOW ... AHa ~- A number ol c-one *1 Mar )"0\Ut• ~ teok fld\-aa~ ol • on Satur'{lay aft~. the~ foGtball cama d\.llina Mr . and t.trs. J . ~ Steftiao '~ put w.k-eoct and c:amP .lt't'· tart )d "' ... honw • . • tlw faD pru.-ha~ to wt-lcom.> their .., ..._. , 6\IT~ ol atudlee k-s-t.Mm too m~ hom~ from Pomol\a 0, b~. Paul Ro~ .on of Mr and Mn 0 Z. Robe'Uon. 439 I' .. IJI)l"'fl" ·'' ~ (.'~ :ttl ·h~ "·" from toclc1of\. Y.!\rre h• a ,~os Corona del Mar " 11 eTWtln& the C'olJep ot w Pa •'fie. Itt' am'~ In UIT'. !01 th~ JIO~port .JiiCh.St, Antlwn) MRS. I £ .. NAOIN£ NEWLON 11amt-1-"rlday ~enlnat. . Pat Wt>l h surprbed her p&l'- lllt Mr. and M rs. H.at-n M . ~14 Ac;acta Avt. l-l fJ.rbor 35-W Wclah, 414 A\'OC:ado AH• •• ~· ar- m·lnr tJ'Om Santa Barb&ra Col__:.------------ EHis lffJs. Nursety THII WEEK'I tnCtALI 1205 COAST ·~ VO. COIItONA DEL MA .. Add new <~nd cpul..lanj: tl.tvor to your mn w ith fr C''h fall prnducc Y 1ur hvnntcs arc now 2rri' tntr t r•1m the \\ e~t's ~:r•J\\ eng arus .. ~rden I•J ... h H):!C'tJhles Jnj tempttng fruau . .,.l"'iiil...,...., Come ant h' Yvu II be amJ7t'd Jt tht' ,;~lues ---"""""' and Sdt'\l n r rn.ng I~ h\ the p.lUOd -~liU buy ju•t tht' lm•Junt ~uu need. n<l ''.ute. ~.white. flrm., w.U 8baped heada. .. WASIIIIGTOM DATHANS r-. U.S. No.1 White Roee. Pocked in lG-lb. baq. fi•·t" bru•h Kitrht"n ~~ lor onh 25c and Om" labd from b<-ttlt> nf O'TfD ~!liTE ~HG IC. V1 ordrr l--Iar L. to· day al )OUr IM'arb\ !-oof,. .. av. ••• ., 10c r.:: 33c v. .... ..._ 20c IWlTI.lU I Jllt'll Green Beans ~_..,1, •:.:• 1 .. t•~· ... ~een leotfl5 ..... ~.. c-... - f.....cy C\4 Cut 8eons '--• Prune Juice ;::;;.: Prune Juice s--'!: .,., .,.. Rancho Soup T-'' .}..-. .. Eoglelfoond Milk 1,.....-.. Evopo4 ated Milk 2 .= .. c..-.-.~ .... --.. --.. Evapototed Mile --It• o.;w~ •"'-'~.., ~ '-llcl Gtated Tuna o;:;;.... ·~-.. \JIII'It.-t. Gnl1.d Tvna IJtflt...... -.:-_. T ...... •~ Shortening M..J-B or Folgers . ..,,.,, AMo Wax -a-.... sc• Old English 'Yo! ox ..,_ ... . ............ ,erma ~Oc)m -1• Wimrd Gloss Wax """ .. ~·Lotion '" __ ....... '""-~ ........ -... Woo4bvly Shampoo .-c.._-.. Por Gnlnuluted S:.op :;..:-. ,,_ -~:...· . --- .. Granulated Soap n .o.t pkg. 40·0.t pkg Libby 12 01 3·111 ean ~ -- .... . - I -I " .............. "" llcd1hoa ..... ..... 1 ... Red IC"tdl-v leoM .. ;.;·i.ic~ loby litftO leoN I -llcl Lmce limo lecms --. l. ._ l'tot1 White Tobie Wine -c-s--______ _...,.....,. ....-.. -" -... ... -_..... -~ . --·-... , ............ --- c '"- ~CIAL t(IDDIEI MATINEE aATUftDAY • OCT. 2.. • Charles Starrett in UIJ'EilBOR TRAIL" :1 a lor CAnooo. ComNh· and ~ n 6 of ..,.,...£ \o,G!LA..'~' SUN. • MON. • TUES Oct. S-4-~ Alan Ladd Donna Reid In "BEYOND ~ GLORY" -2nd Bi Hlt - William Gargan ln "WATED'IIONT AT JODNIGID" Walt Disney's New NJ-~c:th Fntur'l' "MELLDY 'l1ME" Vlllh Rogers, Dennis Day 'lbe Andrew Sisters and Freddy Martin C~J(>n FNtW'l' - John Emery Hillary Brooke "LET'S LIVE -4"" I ,., I . • .~ , With PRD..IP OOitN • OSCAR HOMOLKA SUN. • MON • TU£8. OCT. J.-4.1 Linda Damell Cornel Wilde Richard Greene George San~.rs ln "FOREVER · AMBER" Cin Tedlmcolor) • -Companion F tun! - =tHE GAY INTRUDERS• Wlth X>HN EMERY • LIEF ERJO<SON £NGAHMENT TOLD waaK-aND GUaiT't Mr. and Kr&. James T. 8rowit. Mra. ~ Vaa Noy ol Rolly- la ~ Aw.. announce the wood ucl MrL RoMld ~t ~t ol tbeir p-ancldauah-ol OleDda.le Wll1 be the week..-nd cr. K1u Patrida Ncl>mJaot\ ol .,..u ol Mr. and Mrs.. CanoU J...oe .ucdel. to William (Bud) Ed-SoYcte. 122 ~ Aw. wvdl i:l North Hollywood. Both -- )'OUftl people are attendiQc Stan· OINNEft FOft CHOUt ford UnJYer'lity, Mlta McDmnott A diMr meetJ.rw wu htld last ~ 1ft literature and Mr. nlcht C'n\urect.y) at the~ Edwanla 1ft ~~· cafe, Newport Be.ch for the mem- bera ol the! eh<Mr ol the 0\rkt VIIITI HEft IIITEft 0\un:h by the Se., of whld\ Mra. Mra. Myra Critchlow ol San Bert Jtutter la director. A n~ n-.tndiCO la vlsJtlnl' her afste-, for the choir wu ctblc:usted. ''Sanc- MI'Ir. t..toonard' llar~TaVft of Sal· tuary O.ofr'' hu bHft ~~~. bot Iala.n<l. She expecta to .u,y bee~ the eholr la locatfd In the on the Island for two W'I'Pks. M.ra. sanctuary of the churdl. Crltt'hlow ancS t.fra. H.arcravea tr&Vt'll~ to Pomona to attend the DIR~R NAMED Fm and a1so to vwt )ttL nar-FOR GIRL SOOUTS «raws' daughtf'r and hf'r' husband. Nr. and Mft. Wayne Hunte-. lnlroduetlon ot the new enocu-llve dh·ector ol the Glrl Scout lfUOG£ PARTY HELD erlhritln for the H1rbor area Loa ~les and Balboa Is1and wtU be the hjgh polnt of thfo friends Wft'l' entertAined at 1 Coundl Tea at Goodell Hall from b~ party held last Wllek at 2 lo 4 P· m. "1\Jftday. thfo home of Mr. and Mrs. HAlT)' Mia Jean T1ylor. who t&lres H. ~r. 333 Onyx Ave. Guesll over her toxecuth'l' dutleJt thJs v.we Mr. and Mrs. JIUTK'S T. ~k. will be lntl'Oduced to the LU&ONI IN PIDGIN CNCLI~H-Mart~n Keflper Ia r;lvlnt eome poiMets to Wa~ CttiM (left) Brown and Mr. and MtL Hft'b JllOthen and triendl and work· ~ ~ on how to 19Uit EftJUafl w•tll "'" £.td,_ -"' while 0...-en lrooka (right) loeb on lit a rehf'lrul F'ord of Balboa Island and Mr. 81 of all Girt Scoul.l In thll area. ._ :M. _1/ ~~ ef .. P-attioNt FtVW", ~ldl wilt a.. .....-ntll41 by tete Har'Mr C..-munlty Play." It ttM ~a del and Mrs.. Edgar R. .John10n ol Thl' fonnl'r executive ~or. o .. e, rom I"'IIG a.e .,.m,a,r Mar Gnamm•r ~oel Oct •• and t . M"'" Ktpper Ia a eo-ckt. lhr •rtlst. wtllle the bo)"' both llall Los ~la ~ JohNIOtiS n"111&Jn. ~fl'l. Lorraine Ama IS now a av M•• .,.LO•.,.NC"' •ND"'.;,.ION from lai!MA lat:aftd, lind attend Newport Harbor Union Hlgtt lcttool. (Photo by Gerhardt 1 ~ u ruests of the Paricrn for tuJJ.tJme worke-with tM Santa "-... ""'-.. " """ -------------------------------------•• ~ ,,.r,.k. Ana Girl Scout ofilce. dudes.. ~ c:ak•. Ice O"Nm U . W, --Mlu T1ylor, who comet trom and candies V.'f'r'e servf'd. J...w..~ BalboalslandCoupleReturns VIIIT Jrfti~NDI tftftE 1~e east, Is estlbllshlng l'l'IJdence . IIlia Iftne Moms, 14-)"P~Id Cuesta v..~ )l" C. z..:~on '(1£ f.R 'f onn Mr. and Mra. Jt1dc Ba.br of In Corona cif-1 Mar. She la a ;~ ... •· ._QCbt« of Mr. an4 Kra. Jtcaooe ;.nJ tK·r tv.o utlle &irl&. Undll .;.nd PlWf4dena haw spent the last two coualn of Mrs. Ed Cchapman, Monta. 613 Acad& A\'f~ t'ntel'-Oautlla; Ml'a. Dexter Jacbon ..,1,1 Tl / d CTL d Aft s p d w dd • ~ vacatJontn~or on the Island 1308 Ocean Blvd. In the Crown ~ Oft 1'hur'8day, Sept. 23. ln ~r daU&hter Nancy; )fra. RUA<'ll yy e 1 nurs '(1'\1 er • asa en a e ) ng at the home of Mlu Carol Loul.e City. honor ol her )'OUn& bro~Nr, Da-Wol"kmmln and two eons. Dale and / F ord, 317 Grand Ca.n1l. and vtslt· C<HIIN'cton In charge of the "14. Who was t.bJ'l't" Y"ft old that Doualu; and Mn Myron Way • Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jotuaon man ani'! Miss suu..n Lam~h. lnft thfolr many friends. tea are Mra. William Truaty of day and her son Slf'Phl'n. St. JIUTK'S Epllcopal Olurdl., J,. have r'l'turned to aa'Jboa 11· who wu a junior brldt'Bmald Z..:ewport Heights and Mrl. H\lb- )a\·W\Iy decorat~ With dahllu of land from lhetr ~ymoon at and ClOUllin or thl' brld('. A NEW AlitftiVAL bard Ho\W, 604 Avocado Ave~ f'OftMEft ftEtl DENTS fuchsia and whit-e, last ni&ht h.lncho Santa 1-""e toUowtna lhelr John Eynon White. brother ol Mr. and Mrs. "Bllly" Moffat or C"llrontt d<'l Mn . ' VtiiT CftOWN CI TY IThursda~·l was the acene of tht'jw.aruaae ln South Pasaaena last the brMe. !lC\\ In from the Col· Ra.lboa Wand and Alhambra ~ ,.._ '7-.a-C'el"('mon) v.'hiC'h united l...(oa~Ji<:ot ~luraa" t"· ..,.....,..t• of .. -'x pound. tou~ J •VCEE.t GO TO L•GuN• ......... LA ... ;orkllson and ht"r \\'onn ani'! J·lm"S FOittt>r I I "' oralio School or Mines. when.> he ...... ~, .. ~ .. N -.-"'· "' " d&~.~~hler Thelma ha\~ been · n mt~r-tsolll t.he bride and aroom are lo; f'IUd\'lnR In tlmto to officiate OUn<:"t" baby lrirl bom Sunday. ~~ A amok<'r ht'ld Wedne.dav '"'"~f' n t ~ ... , Is t.,c ct-u "' 1 JCK I '""' I th b ._,~ .. lh · "" .... :.._... ••-• -"•ofr l h t h La Sk CJ b-IJendtne \f'ral da~ s at tJ..f' , , , • ..... -JJ e, e raoe ~.. t :"' :tn usher at the wedding. Oth· ~ mr. ClflU <>>.n\.. un.tt'r , ••• at n If I a t e ~:Una ee1 u ,\ndeniOn·WIUiams ho!Tlf', 4..~ 1! :\lr and !.!n; L W . \\onn -17 1urmc!r 1-'alrlcta Ann Wlute, dau· t-r usht>rs wt>re Hl'rbert L Cun· and Loma. ptll"t>nts and &tst<'r of took the plact' of thf' regular ~f&r1l\Jt'rltf' A\'f'. The Torkl1sons \ 18 JO<'lll' Lirl·• I'lancl and ho .,:me• uJ Mr. ana Mn. Eynon !:>.. nmsrham Jr . R.o~n Lai'erqub·· •h(' new d&ddy. mt't thfo ,_, ar· Junior Chamber of Commf'~ hv~ In this dls1rlt1 for ma.rw ~ '~ th<' (>n of Mr and Mrs ~' •ute ut san Manon and 8&.1· and f'redlock F Uttle Stephl"l~ rival v.·hfon 1ht')· !"('fumed to AI-~t'"ll: tt'il~ v.·f"t'k The nt'xt ~"\"ars, and .manaeed the aa,· ~':a R~r,. ~rr 113 Topu A\'~> boa Uland. v.·ruJe lhr a:room ts I Thompk!n~ r·ro · h' Jr.: wa.s be!;t hsmbra aftf'r 9>f'ndln~ the ~-format m(lt'tlng wtll be htold Otftn Motrl Coldt"n.rod Av;•, : an the wn ua Mr. and Mn . .Herbert man. · Pnd at their summf't' home on the \\'ron Ida) at 1hc Hurley ~~~ and Coast Hl•hwa\' wht'~ thr' \t•u \\onn "n!TW' d!lWn thf' a1 Ito UWH•nce JutlnBUn, llll 111. l.U..> j r 11 1 1 rrl .. hlt1nd Inn. Corona del Mar. " ·' · .._, , 1 d .a-" lh •··• '> rn tlr'" Wl'rt' a !iiO ('8 e.:1 T\."<JdM Durin~ thl' earl\' \'t"llT'> n a "" I• •'I "l n>. mil...,. prtn· 1 rulh, u11 e ...... no. out Ira the t h :7:':-:-::-:-:----------of thf' war. they mo\'~·Lo. ~n C''•' •hiP wirh lon~r &lf't'\1 . Jlf'r AUtW&U\ l'OJoas, ~atertals anc:t 1 ,, . IOW'U 0 1 e rest of SUNDAY • MONDAY l"lf'~ and from the~ to Be-rk• ,.,.,I "'" nr llNtutlfuJ Span1~ l lO•\I!IS """t Ule lheme tvr lbe1r ·h~ \\t"\ldlnsr par1l ~·I Mrs. \dVhJte OCTO.£• • .. · ,.,._ft t'll . 1a ....... _loom ..., 1 ·•·-''""'',. a ll'r~J'I' M orf'< rrt'J'f' J"f' ----:--::-:---:---_::....::...:::.."...:.....:,.:....:.-I•·~ here the) wrre engaged In ' .... n I > ct', an oar "' l <AJ .> ta.JJ Wt.'O .... ,J, JleJI.l . ln .~l. "'ith a ~ft gn"t'n ft'3th~r hat Amenca's n-)o,__. war wo rk and wht>re t hl'" no" moN> than 100 yean. ~ .. me• LpiJ;t'Opaj cnurch ~•lb ;suo ' 1 b ... ld '--b .,... , .. ., . \\'h' ~n• V.ON' l'f'rlZf' ann go ,,.. y Bm:u:twa~ MusJCal! ! ! ! lf'11ldtt Zada. nov. holds a pocJ. , ~lt> ~iu f~ \fl~~ ._,...,.,li auc.>nru.ng. o rhld'l, '' hllr M rs. John110n wai "lJP IN ucm with l"a\&J Supply Depot, \\ onn " hollfltJ«. whll• hf'r Oflwor . Fingertip Yell . dl"('<:~ In fU<'ht,lll pink v.ith a C'El'l,~ pARK"' Oakland. and Thelma conducts mf'mhP~ nf the flo8J"t\ camf'd bou· 1 he bnoe "-Ore a fU.U·skirted tlack l'gret and tulle hnt. She .... _._CP twr own bt>auty salon In Be-r~-q~s oC fuch.sla and white dllh-........ on nta\) e&noJeU&ht saw1 wort' white baby orcltlds ..... • "'"' h•). lias. "Jucll baa a IJleeJ'-) okeo bod.l~ · Deanna Du.l'ban -Dick ~ Thf> bridP's attl'ndants wt!N' at· "•Ul a aou.ble r'ULOe 01 lac-e lOrm· Th~> brldl' o~d ~m-are N'Sid· \"incen~Prlot> ,. STAR CLUe TO MEET til"t'd In dre!M"S of diftt'f'Pnt col· 1111. 1 berha. '!be booped liK.irt de~\ltt~\~~!t~~~~! ~- ''\Vhy Must You Destroy ~ The Newport Harbor Star ors Mn. William Scholl matron WilS •l-IPL qued wllb bows ot the til their new home Is com ··leted Who Me-l You! Club ~'ill mc.o.t 1\Jt'lday ~lnJt. of honor, ,..,.,. blue w lvtot. whOe h\llle ~Wl. ~d luna mma, were 1 0 h th P · la "BU'I'IILI!88" In PllQt.m Hall Oommunlt} the bri~ Ml Marjor-lhltcll1nl aaun. 11 ran~. w ere e rroom Arthur Murray Is Comln1 To CORONA DEL M,6\R at.&l'l\rw c...~o~r'l'C'atJona.l t.'ll1urch 1n COM. ianne R~DRll .;,d Mtu 'MlrQyn ' Whlle , .. b~ auAebt the bride's as.odate<S ln bualnet~ With hla ~ Scott -Louis Ha.y.'Vd 1\f~t:w-,., Md thelr Eastern Star Bowler, wt>re ~ In forest \eU, which wu .t.anr-erup 1.n 1~·,·-:p-;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiji---====== Diana l.vnn • S)'dney ~ I frll'nda are W'J:f'd to be pr'l'Sent. green and fuehda &hades ot ~1-l'th and held by a crown o.t vto-II Color cirtoon -aa many manPrs of Importance Vet. lela. Butterfly ..-cl1lds and lllies "'T'HE BEAR AND nn: RARE'' IIJ'l' to be dl~ ard plans for Mn. Scholl Ill \1 ltb\« from San-o; lht> vaJiey made up her bou· A SMALL DEPOSIT LATEST NEWS futurl' acth1tles will be made. ta MoniC. Mi~ RU51ell and Mf quet. , TUES •• WED .• Tt4Uftl Follow1na lht> bu.&lness ~tina. Bowler rome trom Santa Paula IUJ o! the bride • attendant.t OCTOI£ft ~.._1 lh4" comnuuc.o. ha. an~nped for and l..aguna. ~lwlv were cire:Aed In ereen faille wnJJ -::-:--------...:.._ a !IOCW hour and N>frshments. ~lon R. FtKter was ·hu broth· ba onze tau chi') aanlhemuma as John W~ .• R('nr:y Fonda er's best 'nlC!' ht'n buuquels and Jot rruna: halo bead· Shirley Tempi~ • John ~r MAt. LEW II' lftOTHE.ft t"'WWins of~ btidl', ~yford ~~ ureuea. ~s.. blatU!mua·e 'i h~~ .-cp()1tT ~~" DIES IN LONG lEACH Jack Wh.itt>tw-ad of Altact.na v.as mauon 01 honor. 1he '-JHC Thf' m,m trl<'nds of Mn The gut'5t book ken bndes:malds v.el"(' MJ$S Ht~rta -And -\..eor~ E. Lewla 304 Marl"""l~ f b thfo , .,.. ta Mloart" Jonneon, ..ater of the brfoe, Mrs. fit' Uwd UD&>JWOrld Mt>-thodl • .. -n v ~m s !:t~er. ss Mlf'l&.rel hlr\\-1U1 t.1W Joan To Blrtt14" Undfo,.,.'Orld M~fTII' A"'t'~ Will be hoc~ to learn ol Eliubeth Foster. l bach M'--'.,_ ...... __ Tall " GN'EJ) · the vet')' udder\ death of her . _ awen • ,_ &>&Iva.& • ro DANGER" ~=~r. ~~~~ an~N~~ o~~:J PT,.. r-.....::....-;;;;;;;... PI G~ PlANNED staninR t:•d been f rt't] l«'nl vJslton In thrli " ~ ens roB CIIILDREN Co~· Nort't"n Nash mmmunlt~ and Just last y~ • -Plans for 1 ''Christmas Gala .. "NOVELTY SHOP" had eold tht'ir lntt'rests ln Ot'l'· F F n L~ t• lor chUdren w-ere dt.closed at a LATES'i! NEWS ~ron and madt' their ho~ In OF • R'fee I"!J tUJ\Ch«)n meeUna of the New-:=:-:-:-:----------Lone ~ach. Thtoy had Just re-port Harbor Awcillary of the FfttOAY • SATUftDAY tum~ from a motor trip ano Mrs. H. P. YarneU, vtce.pl'l'SI· ChJldren'a Home SocJety held . OCTOIEft •·• ;m-. McNeal waa mowing hla nent. Or>f'ned the first fll1 ,.meet· 1'Ue.day at the home oi Mrs. -::Wiek=-::-ednea-:---··wu--ht'----=.....:. .awn whl'n IM!'lzed with a heart h~t of the executlve board of w endell Ca.Jidna. 213 SapphJ.l"l' Jt11111 Ravwort.h • ~ ~! attack and lmmedJately succumb-tht" Newport Btoach Elementary A~ Balboa Ialand WILL BOLD YOUR TOYS UNm.. CIIBISTMAS "ifiE LADY (1.1 PTA, which wu held Wednet· The ''Gala," to'r children of ~._ t'lay at the home of Mra. Ray· all ages, will be he1d from 2 to &' DIV!m 8JIANGIIAJ" LITTLE MIll HONO.-£D mond Kent Harvey, 316 Poppy 3:30 ·p. m., Dec. 21 at the Udo 1lll' SkY -And -Stephanie Ellis, daugbt« of Mr. A\~, Corona del Mar. T'beater. A~ will be !lij 1 ~On d Ac:tl , and Mrs Joe Ellie. ~1 Beconla In the ablen<-e of the ...-. centa. Pro«oeda w01 be uaed to "UNDIIa an on. Avt". was honol"fd with a birth· ~t. Mrs. R. 0 . Boyvey, who le r.na.lnt.aln a pcydUatriat at the a w .-n-~a day party S.turday, St>pt. 18. ~ 01, l'Ca r.men calJed tor ,... 8a.n ~ District OWoe of the ~V...na4 STARS" braun& he!' W'Wnth annJYene')'. port *-"' fitch o fthe commlt· dt'l'rl'a Home Sodety. Plana Nat'-"ally Atfwt11eed UONEL TRAINS C.Aftt and AOCESIOftiEt SWITCH OUTFITI .... wttlle .tocto .,.. ootflptet. ROY ltOGERS Camt's and blrt.hday rt'fn!lbrneetl te. ~ the event are under the sup- lind hts hr:lrlle 'T'r1ne' ~ ""~ by the )"'QnC euettl. R':=t the meetinc ol Kn. E. C. MUt.lh. tiJIMJO~ C::.. J~ Fruft -An4)i Oe'Vbw -"o """" Sl'phen HU&hetl. DaftJy the of the two ;::. Mrs. LoCU 'lfenctr1cbon ud ~ ~ and 8I'Uee Douctaa. Stephanie Hlll. dpall of the .-.,mmar ac:hoolti Kartta we-e e»-boResses at LATEST and TNdle and Mldtey Lammrr-~~-•ted b7 the PTA. lin. U. meettnc. Mrs. caDdna, pre man CJ"aC!e Sevl.er ot the CoraM *I klmt of the Awdllary, preGded. :\!ar school, a1M1 Ml• MaJ1e Ref· Other memben ...-nt W'l!l'l' OPEN HOUSE. HELO fern of the Newport ecbool. ~ lllma A. V. Anclrew., P. H. IJM. .-..... __ _....._....;.. ___ _ Nr and Mr.. C. Madde Nf'W· jrcte diiC'Ualfld 1ft brief taJb by lle'tt, Harry ~ J. lfarold tcm.. 604 Ac:.da Aw., held open the prtndpala ~ the "red Cal4weU. Harold Cluiatler, Freel houae on Sunday a!temom ln tht" scare" and re:Jeued time for roe-Hunte. Jack H1l1ma.n, Sam Por- .-tlo ot lhelr new home. Approx-ll•nou.s edUc:aUnn. t...-, LesUe St~ and A. v. lniately 80 gueatl were pl'tlt"nt to ~borat. admire the ~Jwortt of the houlle Plal'ls for the tlrst fall TIM!f!t· Mn. CalkJns announced the N.U..IIy~ GDMMXI' t'0\'8 CHEMIITWY, EMCTOR, M ICitOICCW£ ani 100 Teya In OM Natt.MII) A~ ~rlcn NatiOftally AdYeftleed Schwiaa BICYCLES Model at? -wltfl tocklntt fof'lt .... A lmall ~Will H .. tf Until Cllrtlltmaal and Itt fumltd'llnp, which had lnl' of the elementary PTA ~ appolntmet'lt of the folio~ been a1molrt entirely done by tht' brought out. The meetlnl wt.U C(lmmlttee dW.rmen: Mra. ~-Nationally Ad¥ertllled o N..tona ~l\18. bt> held Oct. 18 at 7:30 p. m. at dhOnt. procram; Mn. Hendrick· Nationally Advertleed Betay-Wet!Jy DOLLS '~&006TELLO BANGS BIGII'' Abo tbe Newport tehool. 'ntle of tbe son WI.Y8 and meana, Kn. Allen rthllde•r" TRICYCLES Every Glr1 Waftta Onel meet.lna wm be "Laytq the Jt ' TWo a z RETURN FO.-VISIT Ground Pla.ns and SettJ.n th Ult, hotle., and M.n. Caldwell, •.: ftk .. 1,:,1.._ lkputtfully 0 II linN frem Coloti•l .. I..UCI Newt Of'te~Mil 8etfl• Col. and Mra. w. L. Tubba. Sta.re" A 1}-mpo.lum f U: l.lllerpretatlotl. ~ w ••.-u who &.l"l' "9W llatloned at Wuh· llcllool '•att wllJ be bdcJ qlecl ~. Welcomed lnto the Awdlluy 1--__;~-----------.:...--......;.;'---------~---~-....;.-_:_ __ ~ ln~on. D. C., are IJ)endlnl' a Su.perlntendent H 0 ...:..._ ~re 10 new membne: Mines. ''MY DOG •RU_,•s• ....... :r-- cartootJ lat. Mft. aef'lat f«'W wt~ek:l In tl'lelr Corona del · • --..·· Wutr'l'd Berk. Cw1la Dolth., Mar home. 501 Nardaua A'W!.., Re.tretihment. 1IP'l'J'e ~ by H~ ~ Ned Mandeld, \-'fsltln~t their many frlenda In \=-s. Hn~y. amttM tty Mra. )1, N. Phaltt, Burt R.u.RU, ~ -c1llltrtc.-t. 'tobert Callla and Mta. RoiQd s~. ~re~neth Starqe, a.ar. W:-ight. a. 'Utlman and VI. A. wtt1ftlaD. r-----------~----~~~ AVOID • Delhaery Later · 1 I D11t IINIIGH F"IDAY, OCTON" Players Go Varied Wayts; ReeVeS Hun on Fiim Set FnJ.ions Sltown W!liuious Education ~ CD~ ·~ Shop 0-Th• .. ,,bth cna • ......a In maldnr ...,.._ &My mil)' ber of tbe ftoqiatiiWJ &:rOQP. 1ArtJtur. Nell DOdilaft. lllloal4 be <'aiM ~ uncSft' con.trlad • 'M ~ faith&. Prote&\&Dt. C'a.lh-K t. 0ann111 ~ for Pr'OtM· team of the Nf'WpOirt Ct• w u.e f.&lc:e ftiO\Ifttalna, take ....,_. lbc.lr Te 8ohMI ~ baiftlfta uP em bla p'a aa.J MC.M.. oJk and ~ Sci~. aft eo-ants an am. Qum::b by the &..., SdlOOf ~ t dowft ln ..._. Ill lltonr.., ~-moon.Uebt ftlcbta. Ko.t of the JII'Ote.loNJ JD~e~D. ~ foe be II ~ at the New ~ d1ft!C'tnr ol dlle ·d&itrty c:an1b operatu~~ 1n a Jli'QCJ'am to pr'0'\1cte and far OlrutW'I ~ )"'UnC· the h.n ot the c.Nae 0.... but c..eor,. Rena, Who wu one ~ wbo pw tbe Harbor ..,... Uft!\'ft'Sfty ol U\.ah. ~ In ~ Comruunfty P1Qww ro:M<~ roodels 1.n cJ.aMes In rel.iciOWI t'duc:oauon few ltnS 1n ttw ~ room. t'lJblh '!-den lUI ,......Y ftllllt o! the plJ.1an In \.he ~ I'-first ...on of a 8lraw bat \lrama, w'lth thtoatrkal ambl· lldt ~ w.ilo Is 111'MaW7 new fall clott< Thew made up ~ o1 tbt li'~'J)Ql't Rarbor aft 1lmJted to d\lldtfon at tb! Nt'\0.\'PC)ft .add. 1'bt _.. 1twat~r at Newpmot PlayhouR tbeat~. aft bu.,-Unlf\1 Up tbe tiOnL tlest lmowll 1JJ tbe-se paru lor a Olnlna dl'l ~l&r ta.uuon &how Crammar School. In lhr rd'th. llJlth. II!Wtlth and ~ v to this ~. h llvtnr JII'OOf tba1 thNl~. radio an4 m.wte eom-Ward Wooct, who at.a.rftd u lui ~yal of "'GeorPe Am C•\?ft by tbt PP!.at ,-,u~ .tlop \\'f'd. W~ldy. onto-hour t'lasst>s for •lChth D'ades 1'Mchef'l wrll meet r-~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1 ahey don't &lwayw~ ma.ke fake arutrr.e~ts 1l'bkh tbry ~ Rk.h.aN In •Ah, ~·· Ia ~"ieanc» In "Lo\~'1 Old S-..t ,._> at1f'm00n ~mna tbu. tralruna v.11l the }'OI.I.npten a.t tM dool"!> o1 !~ht 8CI'MS. for ltM! IUJJU'JleS" at t.be Nf'WI)On atal'ina arOund the H.arta-.,.. Sonr". His l1rst play witb tbt Fatttion·mindf'd ~ I ed Jtal'\ W~y th~ ~'•""1'0" tbt-ir J'OOmll at lhr appointed t AI the result of a nu.ae too ,._ ~·~ )fany of the ~ for U.. nut h!w w.!eb. and. f l..quna playft'S wlll be '-ut. \M t.ntenor ol t~ hop ~ H.a.rbor ())uncl} o1 QUJ'Cihes an-and "-'iU penonally HC."Ort lhf1n au..dc ICI"f!el fl&ht. Ceorp Ia actors and ~ ha~ COM t"CCUU'W. the other twoo ~ Wlth htber ... wt\Jch ~ an a ~k at autumn styltS ~ ~; nou.nC!d tbll WMk to and rrom lMlr c1.aus. home In bed ni.II'Slq a broken Mck to lld\0(\1 nr may be aeen ln h .. Ah. W ... , t.!arilYD Arnold a.nd October. art> bloln& shown fnr the.• J918-CS lnsttuc1Jon Cor C'at.hoht' )'001\lf· rib. H» wUe, EllanOm B.ee\-es, community theater playa this 0~ Brooka. aft loc.l ~..... Criaa Knlt. who held dowD lt'UOn And Mre hat the mod sters .,u ~ h<'ld to (lUr ·Led) of Ia playlna nurwma.td and. from wlnt~. ~--· w.uble and varied parts •tr ' " - 1aat. NpOI"ta. wu hllvtnl a bard OtWow Steven•. •'ho b to be people. eonttnutn.c their ~ nearly "'~I'Y p~Urtlon, lt tltlU eb 1'1'\Wt'd: 0-• tJme keeplnr Ceorte !tom rtcflna crecltted wtth the cllJ"ertjnt and at Harbor filet\ and pa.rtlctpat-Uvtnr In eo.ta Mesa wbJle 1be Skin lt'l\f1h.s not k'"g f'rl· • e - hll mototblke around the 'l\lju-actln« In more than hall of w 1"• In t.he artlvttJes of the Drama 1a bui1dinc up radio ccmmlt· OUCh to M·ok~ an "ohh" nor shon &t Chapel 1'1& nelahbol'hood lnnead of re-playa. Ia areen bade tn the New--Club up theft. menta. fmOU~ to d!'mlnd an "olHJh·· Tht> A new all-dt't'tron~ Ol1:&n has ma1nln.r quiet to Jet the InJury r»rt 8.1"8 occ.aslonaUy. Wbft\ 'nte ~ Ucht of many of ROUR)ey st~IOn Jr .• wbo ·-n-lnnk" has d· f arutd y a en~ ~n lru.tal#'d tn Baltz Chef)l'l b) heal. last heard from. he wu eon.ald· the drama mthuslastJI of this end\&nfed t'\'t'rvone With hlt ,... ful ~lln~ tho-St .. anc1 M(lt1uan 'nw m<lfl· Abo In Tujunp with t.he ~ eiing a New York play eommlt· fU"ell. <:;at.hy CDmo~. expecn tn itation or the cialf on 1lme Skirt ha~ ~onl·•lim .n t·m l1lSU'Wnt>m v.·aiJ . ""PI!tr•• th• ,.es b CU Herman. another mem-anent. Onslow ts. of COUI'Ie. tam-make her J)el"rt\&Mnl home tn vlM. ln the play "U>''t''a Old front "llh r•~llnt"">S brou ht to thto old W illla.rm ,.... d "1'1:'111\ v.hkh ,...._ {•US for hls •"'Ork at the Pasadena ·~-pon Rl&!ht now liM b ltv-s"'-~ Sony ... IS homf' with hlt l"t'U o( ·~ -.ku1 b) wa\ or tur~ qUlnod • O'"&Jn a~WJ~Jrll "' l·h~'!>l• PlayhouR. l;,g In Cocta Mesa. fam.Uy ln t.he San Fernado Val· or ~~~~ ar~~ h•· ~l'k· dt>fan-C'lll e\f'rtiO'n t') thP "!"!; n Because no )"'WlPt r may ~ ~~ allE'd by adlool auth<ant.if'S for fhl tnS1rueuon perioo wnhou1 \\'Mtll'n I>C'"ru ion by tht> p&n"nts. a croup rram the \'Viou• C'hurch· ~ nf IM communlf)' IU'f' C1illln« a• tJvo lY.~ tb11 Wft'lc wnh applJ .. t'lltlon blanks. Thl'r>P •~ no ~ for thiS &1 •'Or'k th!' f''<~ b!·m~ un.dcrwnttm by th.c local churdl ~tloru Mc:Hughs "etu"' Home ley. ll•'h a no" tnond Pans fl"r'M'k~ C LPwf Baltt, mN'!lt'&an ~~&•d Frank McHugh, the R&r and DanAtu':n'a~a :~;t':= the a aek to ftaaadena rl"a, t,.. I .ll 11 &.rourvl ~r ;ltrr.~,r~ IMPOATEO TOYS dirertor of tbP final play. "Ah. t"\11 lnfluen~ from Yale In Back to the Pua~a \heat ·~ •J;>< v a h f•.tll lnv r ·"'Jr. RABBOR PAINT & APPUANCE CO. CoNIIIa Mf Ma r PH. JUJ\.BQR 1.5211 Afl w..4t o-a., COLLECTO"'I ITW:Ma Wlldemeu'', has go~ back to tM-lut show. ls tM>lrt.nr out at b.n-e eooe Rkilard H. Fanr:e-Su t •k•n,. "n.J 'O"'llrd <b!"l tnm- hls harM in Toloc::a Lan as h.u thfo Laruna Pla,houst' n.rht now, and Jan An-an f'V1 of the An:.· lnl',.. h1.1 brothfor. Man McHurf\. w ho but wW probably return to h~ erkAt\0$ fa mil) ln the s.-une pl.a.). Cc.lon.-Gr. tns &nd flo!lrtlrular-~1'10 was in &h<tt pta). hnmt> In tt-t> Pasatfma·Areadia A two-Ume favorite. norence I) d rk (T't"!•ns n:-o ~;:...._ all~ ~;oud Frank dt>Rr.'E'S a rwt. ha\1nr ~lon R.ccobom> nf "Ladles In Rf'tlre.. thl~ >"""' "r-..U! rrua pla~d,' an DUTCH a o v PAINTI Mackraft•s Inc. Wallpaper Palnterw' luppll• romf' straight to Newpon trom m~nt ~ and ''Ct'Jc~n E\'t"f'y Sun· h11h t~ J, ..... ''llll(.-..1 ,,.. •hP old HOaay & TO't CIENTI" lervel Oaa ,..,rl .. nJtort Home Appllanoee doln• "A.h. WildfnJea" ln a Ehnor 5<-hmldt. the maJd. has •Lty" has iOnt' hat'k 10 New Jer-fa,ori t-~ ,, h , .. a d• ~· 1"~ ~ theater tn the u.st. ret•tmed to hff former job ot ~ to vastt h~r ta.m.lly bel~ pla.icb. Ill¥ h.,.. c1 111\d '"OiorluJ and ~~~~~~tt~l~~~t~~~h~~~~~~ ~~~~~rnnn~~~M ~~~~~--------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~=~~~ took the part of Frank Ndlucb'• "' Santa AnL t:n~ will ~ •~emtx-l'f'\.1 for her combtnatton Gn"' llN' ~ n ex-1 wile ''Essie", has gone back til C'\TU J ones. the man respon. f'OI'U'a) al of the ~hanC'ter role <'f'lltnt. l""l>t'C"Iall) an <utu and o .. "•"tea Los Angeles. where die teaches ~lble for Sl'ttlrt~t the scenes ln of Emily Crwod, as w~ll •• Mla coea. theater and man&lft to do a most of the summer's playa. Ia •;mey h. the boa.rdJn~ houee Ft.br1e&-n1Cfr than and tune Harbor !MO-W profealonal road show now and back tn Los AnJl"les with his f8.l'Ct'. 11~ t.hfo •'ll' ('no~ wn.b a sh«.>n ~~-M.isa Rae has an l.ntef'Ht· r,mlly and has bfot>n ask~ to do Also In both of thftle ~ of ~~~~ ~ comfng bal-k ttt COAIT HIWAY lnr ltOry badtcroUDd about be-a profeulon&l show tn L. A. 1m· R·mato Monaco. th~ locai aaor falll~ and ta!f<'ta are ~ing used Inc picked out of a ballet and med.laely. who played Harold !rom Boston wtth ~ Ia~ L'> ·anclud<'d 10 Cof'Ofta del Mar 6fl\'t'n a dn.maUc .chola.nhlp by Th r'f'd haired 81 h Cl d .n ''Chlckm ... " and Mr. Batft drns)' .., ... ~ wardrobo>s the .,-eat Sarah Bernhardt. e • anc e a • In "Ladles . . ", ahould ~ home pb&rdJM'\ and Fn(l(>th hard wool; !.------------'1 The lad who pl&)~ the aon ~, one.h ~·ho pla)df'dl parts! ranChJgtng fr'Om fi&hfnr ln the Rocu~ RJv-•'hlc:h hold thfolr l'he..-are swt rom t ~ Cf'XV \"O~ n " c--o d -" .. ,_ .-r-------------------------, ._ ro..-S .nd .. h P.. nogon. an "''""'on ....... way ra,·ontt'S Jf'r-Y as an ~'C~l-"'""" .,.,..,.,,. u av fo ' ~ '"'U.nl tG stud\inr at Pomona Coll~ •-r ... · ..... -• '-T 0 W I N 0 looktnJ ;plnst~r ·In "U),·p'i OhJ I J .Farrar B1ll .. n. W . ft'llt topJW>r or ""n~ anu .... ac..,. G A R A G E Sweoet Sonc". has rone to N-UM • FU.....,.. ar-. tafff'ta a1'd nP\ ~·,.aJ tbt ~·f'rl· re.n Cra.ne and All~ ~ tna stwnr.· soa~.-fall ~- 24 -HOU" HI -WAY So Cal Auto Oub ~tat.h-e a E ACON UOt 1740 NEWPOA1' a LVD. COI TA MEIA Balboa Circle Taxi T /\~1 Harbor 320 ltrvlng Entire Harilor Area 24-HOUR SERVICE JUDY'S PET SUPPLIES & SPO .. TINQ OOOOS FRESH GOV'T INSPECTE:J? Horse Meat OaJly Free Dellvery 1217 COAST HlWAY Et.ECT .. ICAL CONT .. ACTO" RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL \VIR.INC REPAIRS 211 ORCHfO Corona dt>l Mar HA .. aO" 22 WHITMAN 'S SERVICE "'boring Shaft Orlndlnt Central "•pairing 24-.Hour Te wlftl PETE. BOB. HARRY AND ART Muter Mect.anlca 1020 COAST HICHW A Y Corona '(let Mar HARBOR ill·R STOWERS SERVICE MOTO" .. EaUILOINO aATTE .. IEI TI .. ES 317 COAST H1W A Y CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 723 ISLAND SHELL STA'ftON BUD MIU.ER, ON!~ lhell LultrlcatiOft -TJres -aatten• • 227 MA .. INE AVL eALaOA IIL.ANO HA .. aO" 221t-W fills TH,. WEEK .. IPI:CIALI hdmlaa -flunellu 1201 COA&T .LVD. CO .. ONA DEL MA" Interior ~tin&'-Papetb.anefnc MURAL WORK -SCENIC WAILS CORONA DtL MA .. HARaO" 1031 ' QENKftAL •un .. OtNQ CONntACTO" York to ~ a MWbom n~ and al't' stUI ~ith u.s. AI~ and War-1 "Uhab~ f b rr.a" ta~ and do 50mt' acting _.,1 •R-_........._, ~ n " a n~ there fhat Is. If !!ihe c~oesn·t nn are ........ ro .... to .....,..._, at ~ oaho rnndt-1~ ,.,_. ::.>0 m · No.2 and Better DOUGLAS FIR 2 X -1.-2 X 6 1 x 6 beathing '9C)pu M S PANEL DOOR MIXED SAIL FUEL & BUILDING MATERIALS eo .. Inc. ItS COAST aLVO. CORONA DEL MAR HA .. ao.. 2tt0 :'1.1:'\q.tt•rt fileh. wh.J.le June &IK. ~embiM "h•ch ".""" ~'"''~ wt rr I 1 , ha\ t' both a~ted roles In Mn E\ ,,, Satw>rt v ..... C'I'C'JI the forthromlng "Petticoat Fev· Unkf") aoo :'-!~ Robt-r Hold• n ,., a Community P l&)'t'l"S ahow. all of c .. .,~ "fl Mar and \t1~, .\11 w~ l!:now of the rat b that Doroth~ Lo~ rwnt of ~ant a \na ~lal') ~ !s hu goM back to L. .\. to N> .,,h her huaban4. who •" e>f't'ntn.lt an a show ln the dty Al'THORS TO TALK V'IOn . . ~uv Dan.ltia Ia at the A ERIES OPL~S I ~tut1Jo Club In Hollyv."'Od. Sin~ -rv..-, Jthol"'" ",'h ~-lX'M Ha r- sht" l~ft th~ ref'lona w h.u he-r .., ·" • tJrm• " 11 t><> 1,.111._1'f'd I•I!'Y~ In "The Late C'hrtltopber at t.M r,m sesston ot the Author I ;,oan at Lc>ne ~ach and b now RE'\, ~ '··ne< "'h, h ,..,11 ~·ld I I> ·ang ron-.ltlt>N'd for a :"!~· \"oak at ~ P m Thur<da\ a• tnP BaJ. play . . Smokey WbJtlltld. who boe y11 .,, Cluh · wa.s the huller 1n "The Gorilla" as back In Los Angeles ~~ "Em.l\ Harn n" I• tht' pPn-nazM ,, busy sch~ule of dolnc a moVie for a D'\lboa I land l't'~adrnt who ,, play and a radio prorram . . . "-TOt~ t ~ •• au,tobl~ph.lcat nO\'t'l. Santa Ana's Norman AnclreY. .. ls "'Stu!'lhJm \\ ood .-!!. ~ stOt') about on hl.s wa\· to 1'\ew York to work rnt"ntaJ tnstltutl .... ,~rom th~ ln- ln a repertory t.hea.ter ••• Jode 5ide. Sh~ will ~one ot the speak- CU~rt of "Suda .. II dolna a ~ Cit tM I'Wnlne. AlthouCI she rr.o, t~ . . . Van Chambers, o! lti1J Pftfton to uw ber ~n name, •he players trom rhls area. 11 oU he wUl undoubtf"dly ~ ~tuted to roll~ ... and alter EucmJe by many or tiff Balboa I.sland Leontovtch finlshed dofnl an· ~•sthbon o<her pTQductlon of "Dark E)'M'• 1lle othf'r author on Thun:day's c.n C.pe Cod she rra,·ttated to PI'OCnm ~ Ed Ainsworth prom-. ·f'" York where sht> wu la.st inf'rlt Southf'm Cahfom ia ""-"~· h~·3rd from. I'IPf'"Tian and au1hor f'( lht" rww I __ ----~ .elkr C'aHfomaa Jubilt>oP" mwYD...,.aT OF LArov Mr Alnn·onh l<~ a.1s<' m a ~-1 LO.n£~n. vu. a Haf'boritE" u he ~-. pm~· I OF WATER CITED on Beacon Bay .. Tht> threat of an e-mpty "rain · Author RE'\~ $('fieoc; ' !'J)On· · 1-a:-rt'r· facn :'\f'\\-pon ~ach. It ~n'd by thf" ~11 Club hut th~ , •.• " rolnt~ out m th~ first let-CE"n" tlck~t.<~ u ..-ell as indh1d- 1<'r. ll! ued yHtcrday. in the ual a~ai'C\S. are opPn tn the ·'\.\'atl'r for :'\e\\'OOTI Beach" f'du. puhht' ~~t.c tor the p.~ callonal t'3mp~tlgn. . £:1'1lms are made by Bumrtf'r C"rw-- The l('ttf'r, L~Ued by the pub-IE')' of t~ !$land('" Book Shop. ildfv commlttt'e for MWD an· For ~rvat&ons call Mn Robt'rt n(•'Catlon. t'allf'd atrPnUon to the-Kllleft>r, Harbor 795-J or Mrs 101rt fhat 1he undl'rground watet N~IU~ Shook. Harbor 1561 ""PPI~ Is beln~ w;ed up faster r.;.._-----------, than It t'an be replenisht'd Af · tomE'\" Harrv Asthon 11 chair man of the publldty rommJttt>oP.. Nina Artln~r MuR"ay says: Is~ To CORON~ DEL MAR SOON I IIAJIPI'ON'S REXALL DRlTG PRESCRIPTIO N SERV I CE 111 co .. t a lvd. Corona del Mar E. V . 0 VERB Y GE N E RAL C O ~TAA CTOR NEW R.ESIDE!Iot~ .CONSTRUCTIO:'\ "'ur Work Sp8b For Itst"tr· . ~ ..... ,. H:a,Wr 2t04 M. W.. ~\. CE!I.'ERAL BUlLDINC C'ON'TRACT'OR She is proud to prt'$('1lt Mass Lou Df-U Collins to her bl'euty salon rustome~ ~ltSS Colhns comes daf"P'ctly from Hawthome!S SHut~ Salon In Santa ADA to take o\·E'r the ma.nagershlp at Nina' BaJ. boll W and. A,ppolntrn(>nts "'-Y ~ made by .caJUn& Harbor 261 HOURS 9 A. M • 6 P. M. Price List: 1. SHA.MPOO- WAVE . ~ FACIAL 3 MANTCURE (. p I'C'I<t (.JUlllftcC'oolt-r ~-) 5 PERM.C iT (~1. ror c\rta un4tor lO 6 01"J..'ER 2()()..2.50 2.50 1.25 1500 1000 PERMA! rrs 7~ Jasmme Ave., Corona del Mar COR .~A PEL MAR AR1' .. ..\ rrom -1000 ... ~ IGI'Il-R .. __.. 7· ~~<:,.. .. ...,. ...... ;__. liiill? ~ .................................. ....... 1", ....... ~ .... .... "''udd.. ......, .... .................... .,...., ....... ,"""aut, ............. ... ___ .,_..._ln ......... UniMI ,_ ... •.mt ..,.,., ,_.., ... .... -.. IIMt .... "* will .... -.......... .,.,..., ....... __.. ...._._.,. ... ._..._tnUP10YOU10 Pll01'ItT OUIIANOI. 1. NeW yew...._. til lt'a ....._ ..... ,.... ............. t.. c:r..ll ... ye.r ,,, ~ ..... , ................. _ .. ...,.. "'-...., ............ G111 lllf• ........... 0.~,.,..... ......... ,.. . ._ ....... ... ., JO ... L Jfvew .... .... ~-IJf ?1t O.Otden"'d Ave.. Harbor 11$1-W ""'"-" anua 1.50 ·~--~--~~~~~~~------~~~.-~~~------------------------~~~--~~~------~·~------------------~--------------.......... ~ \ f . n •• .. _. o.,. .. Olnlllll, ............ --...... Dnaa ~ Oe:r1ift. •• ol Mft'tt. It wu .nn "\Onct'd tlilll wed by Jastln w. 0&:1 .. ~t of RaU.L Pluntted lM t.'Omp8f'Y the InwmatlaMl ~tioft Jtaa11 Cht the aw~~ la m~ ..ct1 )'ftJ' to a tf!W _.1 ~ ltrua MOrt'S on the bub ot Qll"\1')'8 compiled by \he Assnt'llltl< n 'lbe award la an e~\'ed ee.-. tllk:ate whim .t:atf'S th.aJ. u.. llltiOn ud IU ltaft bavw rmdertcl comnwnuy eel"\~~ and ~\e -liifiiid DW.Dtalii fllifcs o the ~u~ "Pf'Ol"e~Gon. .._.,n.nel of the .tore lAd~ PrO,. ietw ttu.Rll H&lnpton and · .Jo. ~ v.·ho are the ....- 8tl"'ptioe pbannadsU; Bert CJuiiCIIUl. ln d\ara'e of .unclry lillee: Jerry H~'&Y. cocnetl~ ...... and Frled& ~ and Max· 1M He-nry, fountain lf'I"Ykoe. COMBED PLYY..'OOD 6 ETCHED PLYWOOD Pi~rFuel& Building MA T'ElUALS CO., INC. 61!5 COAST BLVD." Corona dd Mar. Callf. PboM HaJt)or 2910 League Reviews Summer Work / ~ ... ~ n-~ .... -c:o--~"'oe Memben of the Harbor Assist-~~uano Y.'('rk condUC1f'd by the .DAIVU& ":'~ ~ oO:Ja n an~ ~ pthered for lunch· ua~e this summer was read by See our 8kftCII5 suitable for 10ft. eon Tu~y. &-pt. 21. ln the Mu Roland Hld(lnSOI'\. ln th~ liD~ 800 to 1.201 aq fft'l. 1. 2 A 3 sunllt patio of the Georet> H. . .t:~n"-e ol Mrs. RobE-rt Walker bedroom&. Yardley. Jr . home on Udo Isle. As project chairman for the year~ 111..5 COAST RJOHWAY Sharing hOSl~ dutJes with Mra. Mra Roland Hoc1gkin8on. ln iM Corona del Nar. oa.ut. Yardley were Mmes. WlUa.rd plans for •he new dtontal clJnlc P. 0 . 1lox Ur Phone Harbor 14-47 KUIIon and ~·eorett Gard.lner. "'hlch will lncludt> hlfh school Followan~: the luncheon. Mrs. &tudents u \\ell as erarnm.ar E E. 9oudlnot ga"-e a report ot 8t'hool pupil&. Tholt Shop acth·ltlfos durln,a the T~ntath·e plant> for th~ annual Fine Cabine•a _CUstom Furnlt~ summer. and announced that a I.A-aguf' bnd~e pany 10 be held pi"'C\\Z?mf'tlt commJttf'e. Maded at the Nt'WpOrt Harbor Yaeht Corona Craft -lntfliors -b~ Mn.. Alan Mickle had t!lftn1ctub toarl\' In November "'~~ e W ln4-lcraela formed and would co o.n actl"~ dtscuued.· Me-mbers preRnl abo e Window and D.or Pramea duty shortly. 110 that anyone heard a report on Junior acth1· e Picture Frt1mlng wtshJnsr to make ~ritt Shop Itt>~ u ~~II as plans for the forth· contributions could !xi assured of romlne month by Mrs William P~ K~ 1106 an lmmt"dlate pick-up. Holsteln. a-.pr-.wntath-e of the 1301, Cout Hi&h•'l New Clinic: Jufl tOr group along with MiA Corona del ),far .. Calif The P"'~nt sctleduJ~ of houn. Martha Barrett. 10 L m. to 1 p. m. . 'J"ue8day MI LDN HUTCHINION throurh F'nday. at the shop will Announ~ment wu made of ;::==========~ ronllnue through ~pt~ber. the rnfttlna of the National As-Mrs. 9ouc11not abo lnfol"l'Dt!d the &I~ Lnrue to be held F'rt· *'t Mt IIAftfN& AVL ...... Wud RA.JtBOft J.8ID..l spedaliDac ID Pftom&nent ...... ~ that K~neth S~ of day. Oct. 22. In the Satna Ana the Werather Strip Spedalty Com-< 'ountry Club. Members were pa.ny had donated the material.~. remlnded by MrL KllUon ln clos his time and .eNkes tor the lnl that. at all Mure ll'lft'tlnca, weatheT-ctrlpptna of the TbrU't they are expected to brine 10me Shop ent.ranee. contrlbuUona for the T'hrltt A report on the eme pncy Shop. Tltose Actors, Friends, Knew .lwst WIJen to Clet~r TlrrtKJts! A.n4t~es .Up bv without I o•clt. ~~r bein~ notked.. but t.Mre Is -rttanJdully \Mft -.-ere a one. at lsst. wb.lclt th1a ~ f~ hef'Oes ~k ln t.Mm thar will brt.nr that. far«way look to d-.)"1. or we mlrht still be ~•tina the e)'8 of the old tJmers who Aunt Mlnne'a eDI'I'Y chocolate VIRGINl.A LOCKER. prop-. l-----------...J helped create the orlcinal occ:a-cakes and the wU~'• cannon-bill .------------~ &ion. A check with IOrt'lt! ol blJcuJta. Ju.t u the traln rounde these partklpa.nts Pf'O"t!S lt. the bend and with murderoua DONALD LEBO with Tb e TAVERN OOliPANY Lk't!nst-d Real Estate Brokers PhOM Harbor 1741 Exactly 10 yean ago tonight. whist!~ bfoan down hard on the "Beaus and Belles of Yest~rday" gt'!nlal proprietor of the Quallty racked 1.100 people lnto the aud-Bakery. HandJiort'lt! Harry <~­ ltortwn of Harbor High Sehool nis Hoa-land I arrtv-es ln the nJc:k It was put on the boards by the ol time to rncue hla c:rinrtn,a ambitious ~benhlp or the swet-theart. Costa M~·Newport Harbor Grtw Fat Later Uons Club. And It got a rav~ ~ "Mutt'n of ~remonles Albert view, no Jess. hun tM local Nf'WU\IJ'k and Ray Harvey have press. the then 15-)'-e&r-old Costa tuned up to jU&t the right plteb '------------...J Mesa Globe-Herald. Here'a what and ha\oe memorized the exact the paper said: aylJables on which to clear throaU 13101 CDA&T HIGHWAY Corolla ~~ Mar. Oillf. r------------, ·· '!l;o, no! A thousand Urnes or to~ one'a hecn with one'a no! .. she ~tel)' shouted to hand. becau.. ln the s~ Lona ttlat l~ring, mQStacbJoed. bold Ap-aetora could ACT. BALTZ MO&TUABY SERVING mE HAJtBOR AJlEA ~By Tbe See ~~art.or a and he.a.rtlea vU1a.ln at lu t '"ntla. of ClO\lne. la oJlly a nJcht'a reheanal for the Uona cna1l part of the bta perfonxa· Club'a blr perfonnan<:'t!, "''be ~. 51xtY )Ocal c:huacten do ~Is and Bea.us ot Yesterday.' all the vart.atlona trom Jlltl!rlNI Pink Wu qger to practiailly IIWti1 IIC't1.nc and "Ewry laat member of the the audience prornbes to be •"·I Costa Mesa·Newport urut 1a bus-bound ln a huce -.y. Uy KUIT)'lnc about. Jendlna lhdr "A~ to tiettet c:haJ.nDan a.u1.ctance 'to the hap procJuc-WIJlard Minor, ..-polnt to a tion whJch will be •tac'ed at Bar-ao~ ~ t.ec:a._. U the bor Hlrh School auditorium to-Uona DO -.y It u.em.lVft. '"t'he ~t. Bene. and &Mus ot Tsterd&T L------------' -rhe rMl reuon the 'beTotne' 1a eome libow." ------------'<Anton Wacek) aa1d 'No!' to the 1be play ra:n one 1\laht onlY buzzard (A. L. PJnldey) wu to (n.t•• all the C!Mt ODUJd ttan4." 0;; 1 """"' • 2 8ft COAeT MteMWAV o.-........ Cia AJIJH\A K. #II,...._ ..... iilZWOICitD ........ ~.-.....c. \eaw ltalnlaa 'her' undl!ftiN hoe-Plftldey aid whee -.ked about or. Oftly Irony ot tate c:oWd be tt thfl week) to a ~...,.__ the eoua of poor Ma and Pa Slaoe tbeft the n ... • be¥e (Henry Vauctm aad 8nlc:e An-P.OI4)fted beyond all ~ dftwoft) belna drfwn Into u.e eotd ......, n~ct~t-en~t an -. ., I' t ••I! Ill aJ11 CIIII.W fll dlie JDD(q'J p: tool (~ liD'. ad lin. PauJ SdlwEJide. lne Henry Va\lhcn and llrwe An-lw. '-.U.. l'llllldenta o1 Nlia--*'-........ ... .. ...... .... line l'illtrfoed to Ooi'OIJa *' wtth ~y a not Oft!' tbftr War ud !~aft tllteMI I 1 I tllllr lbeeda.) ~ tJilft. tht '*1. wtcfr. ,...,_1M...._......_ ,.,. 8ft ed ~ tti .. ..,_ tMIN&tt ...... at-101 AmC1a Aft. 1111'. I hie tath the ..a • a • ,.,.. .r Sell we~ ,.,.. Ia .dlie pa1JiUnc or e~~~tr • Ill a. Ole fliitiDe -.d..-..~ l th-ID p.-. ;;~~::::::::::::::::~~~-..._. ___ w_a.e_s __ to __ * __ ,..........;;.;;;.;~i:,.;:.den~w:.;;ror:.:.,::315~,..z=n.=-_.::..----.: <»PICE; IIAJtBOil - ~I!IUOit W I!XT£JU01t DJO>ItAf'l)K; • • SPI\AYINC AMI> WAUPAPEIUNG ClOLOR ~ RDIIONAIILE OONitillOOIION 118M WBNB t»IIC& •• II: Opmiac of omc. of tM R*- nour ~ Oompa-.y at 111 Oout HJcbw~ lD eon.. ~ta Oft lt.atildat cat pop. IVU1\d bull. sou.tbern Calllonlla Ill ...-.J. del Mar wu announced this week ulatiol\. buytna power. •• 1 111 ~ Homee and ta.mllies: In the lD 1NT the {li'OPOrtloJt of tncomc by Jamee M. Ndenour, wbo la valuation and ll&lel 1ft the dty ot ll*4.a1 Cle'NU8 ot May, 1M8, • ~~)eft( Ill retall ale!'l wu about a iated ln Ua. bush1t"R wtth Newport Beach are liVe~\ tn an wta1 ot 5,985 homes was coun~ 81 ptr eeat, hll father. £. J. ~-Informational buUeUD releuecl Ol ttte. 3,937 weft 11ated • ~ Tu.able ales: The State Boerd by tbe Newport Barb-0\amber c:upJf'd, 2.0t8 u ~. Many ot Eqlaa11zat.lon elves taxable James Rldenour. Wbo Uves at ot Comm~ru. of thoee lilted u \mOCC'Upied were sal~ tn 0ranae County ln l.MT · ll06 E. Central Ave., ln BAlboa. Th~ Chamber of Co~I'C't' an-ln U8t!1 but the penon. oecupy-at $169,863.000, or 1893 per oap-~~~0~ :: ~~ nount"H that the ataU.Ucs were Ina th~m Nled their o.mcl&l Ita. Thla would mean a total of attn --tion f1oom ~ ~ carefuUy cheeked with t'Ompe-tuldmce was In eome other dty, $15.181,000 In taxable sales to -.--· te-nt authorities. who haw a.p-o:-they wted .~. eo they Newport ~adl ln l!N7. fo~~n:, '!e = ~::,ew~~ ~h proved all the estimates lncluded w~re not included by comsus Of· Aaeaed vaJuaUon: The total B b Gro hlch bued ln the bulletin. fJdals. • In 19.18 wu $12,312,2915. By thJa IJ 0~t.aly up, w wu The followlna Information wu New homes: S~ tM May )--ear th1a ttaure had more than • rt"en ln th• ~rt. "~ there ba"~ been buDt or doublecl. te $28.500,000. 'nl1a fW- The ddfto Ridenour who l1ws R.eiJclent populAtion: The U. are now bullcUna. accommoda· ~ lneludea 14,559,000 fol' real at 701 Poppy Ave. ln 'eorona del S. oenau1 of May, 1948, p ve the tJoN for a total of 159 mere fa.m-ectate, $11.5.'52.000 tor Improve:. Mar. has bad wide experience exact rlrufe u \0,99t. ~pylnt lUes. ments and $2,389,000 for other h• all ktnda ol conltnld!Qn work 3,.9150 homes. Ineorne: The ectJmate for New-lt~ma. tltf'OUChout the state of Calltor-Seuonal population: Th1a was port Beaeb totals $29,563.000. Buildlnl ~t.a: In 19M t.be nta. A1noft1 bJa proJects are t.be ~mated at 6,0210. OOCQP)"lna baled on • yeaN'Ound population total was $U15,801; for liNT It GArdea ct A1lab In Hollywood 2.150 homes part ot the year, IIOme o( 17,000 and an avera~ lnc:ome wu $7,837 34.2. and for the flnt the HunUnrton BNc:h Craminar for u lona as six months. Aft cl 11,739, the aarne as for South· eight monUu of thla )'MI', $6.· School and S\U\klat orance pack· Httmate of I1X montha oceupan· ••'1\ California In ~ U the 308,558. lnl ~ tn the eou~ part cy would add !,010 to the total Loa An~ County averqe In· of the mte. He abo baa clone popul&Uon for the YMl" (one--come of $lJC2 Wft'e uad.. the ror\fU'\ICtlon work ln Corona del halt of the eeuonal population). Newport ae.c:h total would be Toya bnportt'd from Encland Mar. eo.ta Mesa and Newport Vacatlon populatkm: The 1.314.000. ~ &om the American ~ Ut"flhta. Chamber ot ComiDe'm! ..tlmate Reu11 sal~: A.pln applying 110ne of Oennany are now on clia- 11 an ·~ ot 9,000 for four the leal popu1a.tion fliUne ol p1q at Madccnft'a Inc.. tbe toy The Rl~ Construetlon monthl. equivalent to 3.000 for 17.000 the Cham~ ol CommetU and bobby ahop 1n the Blrtc:her C'om~y Ia prepared to do any " tulJ ynr. estimates a -retall sal~ to\al of BLnclnc ln a.-on. ~ Har ac- klnd of bulJdlnc. both residential Total population: These three $19.805,000. '11\la la bued on an cord.1n& to an annouooemmt by ~nd commeJ"dal, James Ridenour catqorlH of populaUon total ap-a\IH'&I(! ptor caplta retaJl aaJell Uw proprietors. Edv.·ard and wu. sa.ld. proxlmatt-1)' 17,000 on the year-fl~ ot $1.16:5. the aa.me as for Uam Mack. SUBSC -- - - There is an ENSIGN carrier boy living in your neighborhood ... soon. he will call at every home on his route. While each and every one of these boys is competent and ~ble of doing his job thoroughly, this is the first business venture for many of them. Please be oourteous to him ... help him~o do a better job for you. Remember, be is in business for hbnaelt. - .. ...... 810~ , .... o-.. ....... 0.... ... ·- Na~~~e ·······-~---.. -··-··-·~· .. ··-.. -··-··-··-...... _ .. __ CPI.I:aa PIIIMT) Street ···-.. -··-~--·---~-··---·-··-·-·-...... -.. -.. : .. . . Qt;y ~·-··-··..:.··----·~·-·-··· Stil.te ···-··-·~··· , " It Ia YOUR 12e......-per ••• Iivia& yoa all the LOCAL aews of -()oro.a W liar alld IIIAoia bh-d; ud ...._ to tile crow• aad propt& of YotJit 6141111&&-ltlel. n.e ar•wtll ..... pnepe;lt, ef the •• Is ... , id.t.tftecl wltla, ....... ••t ..... th pro- lft88 of t1a111 ana. You l?fJW ; aper 'lliiMMia Md -.salt& the wlaoiMearW &pport of Mery Pellidellt. Sat.ertbe aow to your oaly traly LOCAL .ewwpaper. Yoa'D he rewarded with COIIlplet.e co~ of 1oea1 happeta- ings, latefttltial ffl&tares, aad barpla aews from 1oea1 mercbaabl- ltead your Euip for. the best retail aad real estate bays! Patrollille you loeal Ba!JiMM firms~ keep local dollart at home. YOOJ' aeilhMrlloocl mer- cbut ... the •a~p are worUly of you eoafideBce. Tegetller Wa a tMm ~ will keep oar area po11riq. " A DOIAAR SPENT AT IIOIIE row'Aitl). OF YOVB For r!OMt .. ' ( I • • • . .... ca ., ..... a-..., ~ LIDe of Datdl lloy-PUilt. &Palate .. - S..ppllea for tbe Oolltnetor aad Rome Owaer Jackson -Waggoner~ PAINT STORE 1-8EVENTilllNTH. COaTA MEIA BEAOOH 5141·W G&NEAAL ITS&l. FAa. & AEttAIAING TlltAILEfl HITCHEI & OVIEIItLOADI ett&CIALTV 1111 FULLEJitTON AVE., OOSTA MESA fliEtiDIENTIAL -COMMEIItCIAL -tNDUITftiAL 1668 Newport 'Blvd., Costa Mesa OFFICE PHONE: BEACON 6035 RES. PHONE: BEACON 5786 CEMENT BLOCKS FOIIt HOMEI, COMMEflCIAL & INDUITfliAL aUILDINGI 14M2 NEWPORT )ILVD., TUS'l1N L C. W A.RD, Propr. Kimberly 3-41.26 Palatlq ~ .. a ~~ 143 EAST 18'Ill STREET CONTflACTOfl BEACON 5103 CLARENCE MeOULLOCII CONTWACTO" MILL & CABINET SHOP All T ypes of flnldentlal and Commercial Cabinet Wor"k. 2101 VILLA WAY HA".O" 4IIM COST A MESA LUMBER CO. LUMBEfl -BUILDING MATEIItiALI BEACON !101S H. F. WOLD£N81lllt F . llt.&AilENLaAF,a~ <}r«nl~af & W oldmbng QENEIItAL CONTIItACTOIItl QENIEIItAL OFtrlCil 21M W. CENTWAL AVL TIELEttHONE HA"ao~~t lll'l NEW..OIItT·aALaOA. CALIF'OIItNIA (l B. lleCOIDII<JI Oaas b act:lc. Co. a114 NawPORT 8L YO .. CNTA .... DAAINBOAIItDa, aATMROOMa, n'C... ~E CONlRAqOR u~-- 11TH & NEW..OIItT AVE.. COITA MESA I FURNlSHED APAR'l"M:El't"T. 2 -----~----­ bedrooms pii.!S b.d on aunpordl. Jll8cle•nn• For a.le ~f'\.~1. outa.lde ~ntran~. $4.5 Harbor 2925 J. 700 H~Uotrope 6-tp-c AMERICA...,. ORtD."TAL RUC, 61tlO. re2 (~ nne col'ldl· tJon. J09 M&rtlold. Corona ~~ Mar. Harbor laz3..J. 8-lt< 2 Millioa ted for 1 Santa ADa Freeway tajor ronstTUC't.lon proj~ In I ~~ Stat~ Hll'h~ .. r ~~ for 19ol0-50 list a total o1 $2.23l.OOO tn M ~l\Md 1n Orl.nCf' Coun· • f)• nw Sallt.a Ana t~v v.1ll pt tM· ~ portiOn oi tlw f.mds. S:! ~6.0CYl bt-il'f aU(Ireod (or N mllt7 t•f cor.stl'UC'Uon \"anous rl~hts ef ··~ O"'' StaTE" turh ' routf'S •111 ra!l !or an f 'f'Md:·~ ot ~ "·' Costa Mesa Blue Print CO. »eaoon 5588 R. W . McClellan & 8oll8 TRl"CK:IXG-GRADING-EXCAVADNG Dealers in ,. &oek -Saad -FIJI Material ~mpoeed GI'Uli~-Dirt aad Peat Soil 2617 WEST CEN'ntAL PHONE HAfla Ofl 1D NE'W~Oflt'f a EACH OOMSOLIDATED ROCK PRODUC'I'S co. SEU~G out. Elchty doN. bUl· cha. wa~r d1sbet. OM or an. C. A. Rl)~nbaum. 30'.! \\.,lion l't. D-41< Y~we.«a.ak a ~.__. .. _.. ., ... ~ • ,....., .... ~""'7 -aa.. \\u a ra,...rt-~....,.. tM -------------!==========================~ Rock • Su\d • Crwhed Rock BUILDING MATEfliALI CONCRETE READY MIXED • O'KEEFE & MER.R.JTI' ~hil­ eralor ~; Baby ~IY $10, Beacon 5i64-W. M-2t< Sf.RVEL C:M Rt~~rator. l..A-adlng lin~ of C:M R..t.n,es. J. :'>I. F f'rgu~Qn. :!205 <:out Blvd.. :-.; PWJ)Ort Beach. HMbor 116. 2S-t1< SHOW C' Sl:.-6 tt.. full dllt. Cotld condition. Prteed ~ ably. ae&con 52::116. 324tc ...... -t"8 ... --" ~ &.-... liM' Oak.CU ....... u... -· -.eM ~ ,.,. ..... liM' ...,...est ..... .,... ..... ~ -priu • ~ .,,~ meatk. ~ ~ ..... "' ........ ...,.~u --............. Q\JI Pb.L llftU ... .. ,. •w1alr llaaarl.aJ ~ Fw n'tlr7 SU~J ,...,. ....... 'willie a ..-.A .. -~ ,_ .. • t'aitr41 ..... Sa\"blp .,... ~ will ..,_. lt ,._,.. ta torr. t• S T·•-., .:;.,_.- --~----------------PORTABLE mmpre.or outnt. Uke MW. $115. Spra.y-W.Y yo---------=:_._------, VOUA OAtAM--t(tTCH&NI "l'blft"s DO .-mder bl\~t .. bcJrtle..~-.mmt thu • MOOER.'\izfd Jdtc:.t1eo. ' caD ba, .. w lcrtchm 10U '-"~ '"1.15c1Md In )CIUT da)~tn I'Nli~y-m Y FR l'toaar! LPt ut &haw' you ~ th ~i<laa and ~tf'S H ',. a talk ~ 1»l • FflOM TELEPHONE IN NEWPOIItT & COSTA MEIA AIK OPEflATOIIt FOfl ZEnith 0604 ~hop. 2474'• Newport BJ\."d.. Bnron 6Hl4. 29-tl< J"GRDSON Tra~ · and too Ma.kf' an ortet". 2'16'9 MlMr. o~ block west of Hanor off \"le- tona. 26-tf< F AIRBA. "»(5-~tORSE engi~. 1 ~ h. p. 5-438-R. MESA BUILDERS GEN£11tAL CONTflACTOfll W e Hat.>e ~nn•& :N£W 'r• Off~ 707 W . WILION COSTA MEl~ aEA.Mti-W e "UITIC I~LIT flEDWOOD .. ALING • fl4NCH TY .. E I .. LIT flAIL e aMAKEI & aAflK .. flODUCTI e flEDWOOD PATIO f'UflNITUIIIE PRONE BEACON 5491 FOR FREE ESTIMATES CA.I..D'. REDWOOD IIATERIALS CO. 1112 COAIT HIGHWAY NEWPOflT aEACH •'Co-vering Th~ South Coast'' PAINTING &nd DD:X>RATINC: RESIDENTIAL and COMMERCIAL Fully Ucnued cmd 11\$\l,..cd PAPER RANGING 'n4 E TAAD E aNI All tt-. Branches Guanmtftd -WiU not eot'f'Pt your mar~y U not satisfied. Pul R. SeMen MACON S1~ We apedalJa lD Oft1"'bte bed&. !'eDIJ\'&tillc and r«VW~taC- BAllOR IEDDUfG aoa ta.c>TIOH.. .. ,..... Beaoon 6176-J ,_ NI:W~In' AVE. C.. ·-Har. 1.S.W QOflDON B. FINDLAY Ceo~t.ractor & au a., CABDiET OP EB\"IC'S H artlofo 1120 CAaiNETI & III ILLWOIItK T C JOHNSO!\' S~ 601 J0U1 &1. Neww»o~ a...dl hautlfy Yo1.1r H.me W itt! Our CEliE !T TILE BISGLES • Beauty • Economy • Durability M.A.. "'<t."F Acru!l!:D BY Pacific Tile Shingle Co. FACTOflY -271 IE. 17TH COSTA. MESA OFt" ICE_..,., l.afQ'.th A.- NEWPORT BEAOt ~ a1 Hartloer t1SS Our Appllc».tan CoYPr So. cauL e lltEIIDENT'tAL & CO.IIIE.flCIAL ' e WELDING -aOA.T WOflK e CUITOM .:FAafllCATtON ltlllne... ••1 -eo,.p.r -Alwmtflum -Galvani.Md II"'ff. dlo. Air CONtlt.feiftlftl -Hutlftt Unlb -Ventilating D~ for Geft. Electr'c Heatl"a, CraM ............ I\~Ptlll .. 1411 COAIT HIGHWAY COflONA DEL MAIIt s IT R B R 0 co. HAA.Oft lt1.JX N'EW'PORT A.VE. -NEAR lml COST A. MESA. ttl.UMaiNQ CONTWACTOfl FONIANl fJ.Iumlling Uoensed and Bonded SERVING SOtiTHERN CAUFORI\"'A OVER 20 YEARS COSTA MEIA ROOFING 00. lltOOFING OF ALL TY .. £1 ~ E.'W'natf'S All Work C:uarant~ BEACO~ 560l CII.A.RLE8 A. OGDEN ~t~tnct.on flEatDENTIAL -COIIIM£flCIAL -tNDUI11UAL 2048 Otanp A\~ 1.33 West Wa.a.oo.. eo.t.a X.. BEACON 6177-W BEAroN 5S74...J L ICENSED AND IN&UfliED GE-'-~ 00 iTRACIO \\' I b..Uid &'ltytltm~,•hnc m wH~A"" PROMPT SEftVICE CALL BEACON 1378-..1 453 BflOABWAY COITA MUA HEATING -VENTILATING AIR CONDmONING Sales • Serrioe • laaitrol-Royal -let-Flow-Gellel'aii!Jeetric G FURNACES COflONA DEL MA.fl HARRY W. TAYLOR COSTA MiliA Harbor A..-. OOMPLEI'E PL 'G DVICE LOUIS WES7, PROP. PHONE BEAOON 1117 M SPECIFICATION READY 'MIXED CONCRETE • PltOPEBLY AGEI)..;....:.U. 8. GOVI'.DiUNT GRADI:D "A" OOKN FED BEEF IS TilE BDrf 'IRAT MONEY WDL BUY-WRY PAY MORE YO ehootle tbe PRICE that nTS YOUR BUDGET U. S. Gov t Graded "A" Com Fed -or-Top Qality GnM Fed Oltue BEEF BOASTS !> • Ste BEEF ROASTS 7-aONE . -··-·-··-··· .. ··-..•....... ·········-" 7-BONE ........... . ·-·····" 5~ · ....... ··" szc BEEF BOASTS BEEF BOASTS Ste "OUND aONE .. • .................... f'b "OUND aONE •..... RUMP ROASTS aON£0 & "Ot.LED ......• ···-· CHUCK ROASTS 44c .. ·-··· ···-" L IMITED QUANTITY .. . ·······-··· ... 6tc T-BONE T-BONE 11'£AK1 .... -·-··-··-··-· -··-··· &TEAK I -·-...... -··. -··· SIBLOIN ROUND 11'£AKI --·~· -. . ..... f'b 7Sc rn.h GROUND CHUCK ..._c.._....···-··-··· Did yoa pta FREEIIAJIIUt weekf "'* .. W.O. to Jet ,.,... We carry a large stock of- u . L QOV'T Q"ADilO .. Aw LAMa T~ QUALITY '"VWA"LtNQ• MUTTON U. L OOV'T Q"AOED .. AA" vaAL TU"KaYa-CHtCKENI aM .... OVtatONI AND ALL AT ft'UCU TMAT WtLL .. LEAla YOU. NONE a£TTE" --...... .. EXTERIOR INTERIOR BIGR GLOSS • • • • • • • • • , rlhur , Is Oomlil To CORONA DEL ~R • • GALLON GALLON AUTOMOTIVE SYl'iTIIEl'IC • • I