HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-10-22 - Newport Harbor Ensign~lt·ps "h\l:h lQC'k for"' ard tl (' t"· ,,.bll h mt'nl or c-arrl~ liM'· 'u~ Jan. 1 "t.'N' lattton lhb "'~k .,, th•• nuon a df'l ~f•r Po 1 OUt· ('I' f'•,!mu~tr•r R•~« Kin.: a n t ·<ul "-..1 ''"""'' nha\ 1hat Joi'Olln'lll' w1ll I~> rt"l"Pt\f'!i unttl OM ~ ft•r h r.,• of '''lll<1!"'t \ll1tnout d rh.-1'. tl" lin h1JUI h ~I• f01 U In rol· ''"''"~ tit li\f•t1n~: Anrl IY"ll'\lns; n .rll r:urinr. rhr q •l,Mf'f l"n1tns: :.· "' h 'tl , •• ,. I "''I'TI1tl'f1 ri llh Jl'l\ ll't' 1~ t>nr I •ur ''"'h ".~'-~;l\ Sto'l • :t' OJ 1->uholn \ " r 1 • I IIUt for tl • t1 11•'1 ln~truc\oona C•ven ln .. •rtwtlu 111 J•,. 1 11t1•., flf" ,,,nt'-,'1' "l~ lt,t n•nu·..: •~•• ..... , .. ~. ••••· no\\ h••tn~ f'l"f' I·"' t ·r,, •. , ... tll,•t•a~~,hr.~ il4• .. r r nU' t 1 '11 otl'll\f"t \ hmtt' '' 111 lru h~tlo•l Rll ol Corona dd ~tKr '''" l•t S l "'I l'lifh ~n·t h•· .... h "''"' 1""1"'1 ' • < Ho>ctltf"ll'' or thr-..·1 Ill•'·'" <.Ut·h It'-l"l•tn:~ , • .,, ,. \\Ill ,,. I• •run" I '" n·nt 1'"" urf1n• ''"''"' ur "" tltofl~ m;n l>f' t1,.;1L:· II tt.-t 1111'1 lui $:1,1UJ•Inl: t•l I•" t' I t Jtl'tl ,tl'tM th o• ttl 1111 ("\1• I t I Ill hh fit•! I' 1'1') \)0 •Uil•l,o thO:. \Yhere To Pta~c Bo' 1-:.·tur ,. •h It',.,' 1-:tf\ h•• m u1•• 1 • " I• ,.,trl•·n< f' • •I tou,lnM>., C'llrh J,,,..., 'I u~r I "'' '''"''' nurr l••l \ slh)l' h,•m tho• "IL!t'":Jlk and 1'111'' 1'1• \ ilo· .-. IT'III1 ""' I II"''" \\til nut .... lu ,, N t'k ~ Tto1E PAOPOSC:O SHOP 'INC. :::E NTER for C:.;rrorq <till Motr. p cturtd abov< rv·•t' ~;:~fer di.C:IIftl~n lest tug ht at the M0'1t.hly ~c-\ottg of V•t PlllnnonQ C'l• <t'tt.aoon n Cr\y H.all. Tt>e shCJt)plng eent•r Is t l'r ,·an c• 0 Royal A. Ha••""'n of L~ ""v"lta and 0 H;,rr~ 14 lrV~tnt on'! of North Holl_,-od. co-o..,.ne~ n• p~perty .at Oa"' a "'"'" a nd Coast Ht ""'liY Tht y J"" ae~r. no r~ r~n ng of the A 3 por t o'l o• till'" p-oMrty. so that 1111 of o\ would be C. • "' ~ n ,. c:c"'~' r ~ T~>t> p•t~~r1 ¥ 11 lllndward o C" u t H gh ... a v. on Oa lllta. ac~u from tt.c Sta.,. lard c;• tt• ,. .,..~r dO<"to•a ~'a" t' conr•~t a U.OP· p n10 ""d bu• n<'•s ~ntrr ""'''" ~llliCI' f tO torts a lid :!0 off • s butl\ a•t~und " l;a•gc patoo A second """''"" on ttl'!tr ~--=t••lon for roc: ron ng "' II .. ,. h,.l'i month •1•• lf•"'''''llhl' \\ltrPtht•n·Biid AreC ed ,•lo l!,tl otro• lll'l\llnPI\IS the 00'\: s a 1 mu • 1 .. • 1 '·"~"' "" t hr• !runt ~~-~ !Anti-WD Ci cui Assailed b v ·Mayor c'•·2~:: I 11'1 \\Ill n(ll •'II\. I'(' RhO\ r For Post Office 11 tu ,, n -.or Rl'.lt lui h~ I IT\Usl I''"' 11t• II ho, nnl lo.:aletl Pnclmostrr Ha milton !'rrurh of f. on hPr fpom 1 hi' front sldf'walk Ralht•:l Island announCf"rl yf'~tl'r thLm th .. • 'toblu.h<'d llnf' of otht•r t!A\ 1hnt a ('illl lor bids Is tx>tn.: ftTtn t hnu~K' In t he hl()('k '"'"' 1 rnr nt.'w qua ners for t he A C'lrt"Uhu ls~uMt lhl., "'""\.. 111 , •lllln~ \1\\Tl thl' mll)>Or lt•am~ Address _Change ~tbc.. lsland Pn••-OUt"" r•pl.on"ltlon tn affllla!lol' "lth tit P· t "" !"''nn:> n"'"'l'io •ut:S l-fU!lt ThP Post Offtt t' wtll fum r"" T ht> ,·all for bid" Is fti~·tf'd to \1o•tr·r'lp<'rlltan \\'·ttt•t Ol~t1 trt wa~ .,"., q,.. w-h fnr " nmrlto .ll't' forms to tll' IM'nl to rorre pond· J'l('t-.,n<> with 8 !'ulta hJe bulldlnJt r-hMJ•h 1\'"''h•d ''' \1a,.,r Tllt·k 1rylng lo Join M\\1). r nts and publishers. ad\i tnlt w hic-h <'an ~ ~tisuctorlly n--Dr~kr as bf'ln.: 1.1~t minu te• r l , "' • 1 t~~ntro out .to; a 11"11 .;t~t~ thf'm of ('('lrl't'('t Str('('t addt"E"'< lmod•·lt-d or who aN' lntl',_tt"d tn ton '" cclnfu'<o' th•• \nto•ro; ""' ,,, .... r· o•nt '' •~ thf' • 111lm lh:\1 "w~ r\t>h vf'n \\ill l'f' dt'la~ed for mail efl'('1 ing a new building. Floor 1 bf>ralt:' m1~tnt• mr nt" 1 I\ I' , .. nut::h \\3•Pr dt>\'f'lnpt"d for\ not C'arn lng tht' propt"r ho~ ttf\1\l'(' of ahout 2.000 squar? ft"C'I Tht:' rlrt·ula r "M cll<~t nhutNI I>\ ' •·It of :141 O«Vl f'Mplto ' Tht' n umbf'r bf'<'au~ all SUC'h mat! I• rt'q\ltl"f'd.. 8 Jlomt' ()wnl'r,· C'ommtllf'f' at \' alt•t fnr :'I:Pwpon Ri'a<'h'' C'um wtll havl' to hf' lnnkrd up In thto I lhrls w UI bt> n'«'lved up to :--:o\ a c't"t t•f $;il•t anrl o·nrr' •I tlw ' "'"' h.:h prMoe:ntM dJr-f'C'tOI') 2!l 1 n furmation <"a :'I ~ obtalnl'(f 11,1mt"'t n f ,,.l'f'U'I J Jnhnow•n for .. • "" r n~: 'hat I hi' Wf'lls <Uf"PI> Ina; All Jl('NOn l"t'nllng a JlO'II or rr-,m lltr Balboa I" land Post n r ro ,.1 m.l vnt of :-.;,.."pot 1 H• 10.11 1• • ut~ an-nt>a nng r'ha~at lon fire bolo. no" should ~~~f~ the r .l• 3 , 1 han molll 'lnd Tiwn1o1'-l•u)!.tn. "Lart C"ance .. P~t Oftlef' wht"tht-r tht'y \\15h to 1 __ .,,., rl•t.tn Th~ t1P\'r lnpfT'Pnt<: • 1mt> "' rontJnue thf' US(' Of lht' 00). aftt'r w to y• it 'I' \Oit'rS o{ :\I'Wpotl f't M'l't pr•'·l J an. 1 Bo"" 11'Umbf'r'f'd from 1 Glen !i :O.I-.~nr Prnkr 1''1"1''<1"111 ,,,.-... -ffi to!!"'" tho• '"' ... Tu.-..!•' ' A 4."" .. Ill rAmsln for -nt~l ~ lftt• tn,tnn• " of "h.ll ht• tt·rn.o"\1 •• •"" ~ ,. n " " I \\h;t' I' 'l'f"TTlf'l 'I•• ("fl\'• 11"' Bo"<'S trr ·~ ,-,, tu ~9 "111 bf' COTC)ft(J c;;~] Mar ml~<:tatPml:'n:ot Th•' r·u •"UI.II , , 101~ f•tr "·''•'r .., mo"'f'd 1<.• fll,tkf' rtlOm for car--ldatmNI th~t tht !Wt t'IJ M't alln.: l'nll<. " :I t.. ,. •, fl ~ - ' ,... tit' I dlst.. , .. llvn C'a I'S ' Co . E: I \\' "t I lo..." of ~I\\ 0 fur thf' I~ .. , ~ c•.u -t ... ' .. , .. ' •I , ~ .... ! I \t'rnor ar arn>n \ I""" moll' thnn S'lllOOI"IIwl Thr ' fl. m ~ror ht tl'fl. ln \e>t,.na df'l tnr ma\fot -.aid tha" a c'otll In th•' t ... ,~ .u•'<i Jlff"•"l' ·t.. " 'I 1 ' ~~'lturda'· mom lnt: Oct 29 It An.:••lr .. o trl<'t' hruuJ.:hl tnrt h t ho• ,. df.'o I!-'" ., 'lr• rwr :\• "i•"' v .la aJIIIOI.illt'<' I tltu; w~k b) ~l r-. lnfmm.t"ll•ll th.tt th•• 1,..,, '"" td ~ho·; I "'11 1 11 • ,.,.,.. · .,., nan ••• d .... ~~ IA'llll Eastm ll n. chairman of lht' S.'-f~>.llf)() t I opultlan \\ ,,. r ~ Ill ., WV'1"' f'r1nvto r ounty Of'wr~ \Varr('n , ·o1 '"il r1P' \I r "''I'"~ "1 I l ommtllt'E' Chargca 1""nt oga\ed l.osl t ho'tr ballots at "'11 ,.,.,,,, Tht> Jlll"<''nd Rt-puhllcan head· WarN'n Is !W'hedult'd 1o IPa\'!' Thl' d rculattlr al80 clalmt'd 11 h 11 r 1 YOU •c;r«;T R Clto;C SKIPPFR to r"f"C""" ;a tr-ol)llv at I"<' lla bnl Yacht Club-. annul i T ropf'v Donne-r Saturday was M kc-8 • Jm. agt Cl of ''le Cc una "'"''. Balboa Jsl.and. """o ""o" t"""' on the Sno"" b rtf Cta•a In tire Fo .. rtll of July "'~ aer·~ Jo111lu Is aho ... n re ct'•Vtng the cup from Commodol't Rocl't artt Fr n\on • Bt"' kn<'r Photo• F1ve Cents W ith t~ two-"->eek fund raising drive entering its final four days. less than half of the $20.000 gOal of the ~<"\\1X>rt Harbor Comrnunit~ Olest has been co!lcc-·t ed. it was announced yesterday by W. Frank PowE-rs. campaign manager. n ~aJ fvt" t r I o \ If\•' ,.-------------- dUd 0.: ThiU"M1 ~ ' t"'l~ !\ "" ~ ~·· ~ t-1nll dll' to: th;• dr1H• ll' •I~\ "o I ',\ 1 I f '>' l•l11nd ., th• 11 o'ftpllllm co I 'ht• ( I"Jt II> l"t'1'M th• ar ~:• I ,.: -""' • cll ila'l.lo:ll ,1 land "'il' nl'artna; 1\& ttu•~a. wt1l I It J IJl'"' 511 °0111} (In):). ~~~ iS ,_,.~ 1 r•, ..-rtt>d tor CoraM d< I h1.r I l 1:1'' uf tnt cl!F•n ' to -a:o \11-t r • t' tn~·w "'" ~0 t cr-amrn~~~ . "'"'"' ... ~ ll\ c: 1l ll 0 l ,. ~ i"hfo qu a· '1\U.« "'IOC• &r.d rnon-t han I -US. " roUI.'ncd I c M'Utl.n to t:o • ,,.r the ~ "' Ud ldr v. th f1 ol iu :.! ffl (~\J<"'-~-I.Dd • ~ chl"dt • "l"~f'd I" ~~~~~ fNf' trn"at~r «UP- f" n fur tl'w' ftmd dn,-. P<-• r"' uncfod tnat ,...,.. fY'.~ ""'"" s.hnukt hmk '"1<-r 11nd ,.....li.J:r t!'lcir I'Y'-- b lit ~ to tlw Re-d Fc.•tn~t Coal 120,000 I . ., .... I Coal t.USO quartf'rs Cor the a rea was O""'n .. h h tg '""' po tnJt pra<'t' "r • '1 .~ Laruna EWnch at 9 thai mo rnlnl! tr.al Mll'lhallan lcWach as ad sd lt.1alt'-' pi"N'inrt :--;,. h tin '" I f'd t his w.:'t'k at thfo. ~.-n r ot ~nd arr t"'f' In Anah<"tm al 10 11 ro uncll'rtake a $700.000 watf'r ~ 151,,~d t h€' JlOilmJt pl.t• , •• ,, W•mhlft~ll Is Aw•*d Jop HIOI-IOifS ~1arlgold A\f' n-r<'l Coast High-.. by W&\' of~...-,.~ ~M. lt'l'~ work' project In order to use the F il'f' llnll :l"''i ,111,10,,, '"' •U.: 111C wa~ ln Co"'"" df'l \far. In charge due to !llop at the 1,, lP headqllnr-IMWn w,tter. Thl' mayor sald he tCOnS(IIrlatl~ P~·ml'l ·~0 5 oC Maffinr •ht' ni:'W offkxo Is ~ff'l' tr rs In c•oronn r!f'l :'\ .1' shorth 1, ,,. • ·~• from Mnnhaltan Be-ach ' ' · tor lsla11der Sec~ In Dir4tt Race B. B. S u• ·orf w ith Mrs. Kt.>n ;,.,c1• :'1 3 1 , J :-~>: .• 1\ ""' h,ll 1 hi' llond ll!l§ut nad been vot· llarn A'htnn l'h.tlrn•.ln ••I 'h• n eth John' 'l as her nSIIOC'Iatt'. not visit th~> wc-;tt'rtt . o nion o r "Watl'r for :-ll.'w port Bc-a.·h I"•" Other h•::;tt'fl~ will btto M rs. !\t'wpor1 lk.Jt•h. b\1: r..1lph Mns t '" tl'pla('(' walt'r lines Which lldt~ romMillf"r sa.rd r hilt lh"'l' Jeani'W!'ttf' ~ olttlo•r l\.1 n; Mllf'&ll r"C't nl'J 1 A., lf'<tv~J·~.J 1,_,11 t he \1('(' hno1 ~n 1n tallf'd In 1914. Fuller, M1a.. Jean BucU. M n .lfl"""'ktf'nllal candidate shouJd vis· In chcddnc on claims that J<arolln.-~ and ~:. 1-r.ln· o "1>•3 ~lcsa. nt"alh} CIIIH h&Vt' Cf!d~ aaainllt ces Graham. Heah Plaque. Lahnr f'll~ Rhod .... Rr;::,, .• , Hn.·k IW•rli~lt'\ of n-.·~3 7 (; \1p\ rr< T'ri"J'('I ulll Tro- Captain H 'ill Fly to China; <:a,pt. A t.xandrr 'laclntyrt. tht' trtp l'SN, Will lfo11~ $~ fnr CWM'• .-dut~ ttfttr spM~dtn~; tvoo ~~ •ith hb: famaly at ~14 0 a- TID ENIDGJl 110 1·0 Cout ffi;hway Pubti&Md by w South Cout Publl.shlnc Ccrnpe..ey SUB8CRIPTION RATES Coron October 22, 1MI Give Up Sweets To Aid Chest ay Ric;~ a allard A II 39 poJJI b tn Mt J'at l.l.wr' Vol. 1, Na. 2 Attend Meeting At Santa Ana a y Olorla Chapnu~n '------ay HO~ -----' f~•teht ci\Jidl"Pn rrwn lhl-Corona Final m iry df>l Mar Sc-hool Wt'nt to tht-Jun.-Thu. l• not a.n PU)' orw to makt> IMPORTED TOYI COLLECTOR'I ITRMa Mackt Inc . • s HOaaY & TOY CCNT£R 14 t 5 ())ut Blvd One Year Six Months . Tk.ree Months Single Copy . $2.00 1.00 .50 .05 F'Uth Crack• da.~ an' Wf'llnl\g RPd Ft·atht'l"', bi.'<'IIJ' • thl') haw <'Oil· Uib4Jt•od lOCI pt•r l'f•nt l11 th• <'">m· Edlto,.. of tt. C.~ HI Mar kheal N.w. tar the fir-st month .,.. Rick aa11 a,.d and Gloria Ch-.,man of the F lft.h Q,.a4e a.W Fradcr lek Murphy an411 Cha,..,_.h lta,..ge of the Fourth Orade. Contrlbuto,.. for thle l•ue are Met 'Ancfraw., Dana Tor ranee and Jeddy MMton. tCir Rf'(l C"h ~inc at the> San. And~ lll't' IOIT)' to ha"~ to elolie r---------------------:::::----, OUR LAST CHANCE FOR WATER Next Tuesday ls The Day as far as Newport Beech Is concerned. Without any doubt, it will be the last chance for this cit y to gain access to soil-saving and life-saving Colorado River wa ter through the MetropoUtan Water District. There is no altemativ~ but to vote "Yes" on joining the Coast Muni cipal Water District, through which t his area gets Metropolitan water. The issue is clear cut. We can only wa rn against some last -minute efforts by shortsight- ed individuals to def~at a favorable vote for wa- ter. That happened in the previous election, and we must guard against any similar attempt now. LET'S GO OVER THE TOP That Community Chtst "thennometer'' ln last week's Ensign wu "not so hot." It's a bit wanner ,in this issue, but th~re is still a way to go. And there are onJy four days remaining (in- cluding today) in th~ driv~ for th~ $20.000 goal. This community certainly has no int~ntion of fall- ing down on the job. So iiv~. GIVE ENOUGH. so that we can &o over th~ top in this impurtant campaign. WE ARE NOW OFP'ERING ONE OF TilE FINEST P AJ~"TING ERVIf'ES I N THE HARBOR AREA (H'R IREY.'c; ARE C'OMPOSE1• rtJo ·nn f·l~t:.o.,-r Jfti'R.''EY!\1A.'\ PAI~~TTH .. ...: • Excellent Workmanship • Fair Prices ALL WORK UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED Phil Slcinner LICENSED CONTRA.CT.O R W e Specialize in Color Ha rmony PHONE HARBOR 2855-M CORONA DEL MAR ta ANI Juruor llt«h ~I Sat-tJv Loc. muruty C'ht-st untay, Oct' 9 It has bft>n a plf'UUI't', all tht' Wt> "IJ "alu.-. thAt tht> Com-Real Deatht Chair muntty <."hht ll< a "'"f'Y worthy o,... Obtai"--~ f a_... 1 ganiL.allon lllld tt nN"'h ~\·t>ry-~ :IR'II or oa~OO Th<oy Wt'rt' UNI Marie ~..an&.~ w-.y from Vol 1. No 1, t.I\I"'ugh aUf' &ALl. C~ lfUJl~ l..aiT)' tN IJ"'Win& p!ll~ Dl th(-youna S.Oal. Ro..rbara Inman. 8t'ui Blshop, Enslen. to tlu-final u.~uc­ hody's help So Wf' huv~> all Ri""' By F~erlelt Mwrphy our !ltonutt'hs a ""'' by ltl\ JnR our ~ Ia a I'NJ denU.t chair In fr'f"-("t'l'run 11nd ,-.ndy rnmwy to tht' the nww'a otllc:e at acbool. ThJa t 'ummunlly C'tllloilt lchait waa ~ by our PTA T)On&)d ('1\arl~ and CJorla Omp-Cood-b)'''' and thank you II hall m:1n Tht>y "'"'"' af'C'On\J)ftnlt"d by ~ a pnvllt'):e to work with you Mnc F'rt"d Lang and tt) M'I"W thill .:rand commun• lty. Sorey It rooldn't mntlnut' and the ~not ~~ o1 New-A. NEW PUPIL J IOJ• FOOTBALL GAME lET port Beach. Thf'r.. 1~ 11 mow girl In Mk<~ VPI- W L Burdkk. thC" ph~•k•l 4'd 1 All of~ chi~n ot the <octwol m11 Wtll'• ntth Gradt' room Sht' COLONEL QOINO TO o. c. UC"tlUon IIUin.tc"tor rc~r th•• Coron.a have had tht>ar lf't'th exam.l;,:1 b) ., f)<mNI C'nx-hon. of Lone Bt'ach Col. J ohn s. E. YounR. 219 Jas dt•l Mar and NI'WIX>r1 tw hc10l• ku Dr Later Vterltnc. nt1M Aw~ Corona «kl Mar. who IU'rnll~f-d a fuotbllll pmr lor 9 NEWS NOTEI hu bet-n 11atJonfod at El Toro a m !'aturday bfot,.,·«-n the-1,.,'0 CLA.SI A.CTIVITIIEI By Cham eU\ ltarege Marine ~ tor liP\~ral )"f'1ll"'' "hf,nl' I Mu.s V~ca Sc:hJfodrr'~ Third T"IT) P11rk I<~ W.vlng his f'lau-hu ~\-ed ordt'ra 1 raralt"rrin~ C radt' puvlls lll't' writinl a I""IOk n~.,,,.,. .. onn Jrp Is eotnll: to lnd•o hJm to Wuh1ng1on. n c 1 STORY OF A. a UTTI:RFLY nn fnt1tlln'l 1'hl-y ha~ madt' Ut> an J•Jdtth Sa.Jtpt ha.<~ ~ 01 ftW" A f-'4~~ aao on.-CJf lhfo rtrlo; Jnd,:Lll lanuly, and t.b4!oy an fJnd-1 two v.~lut Dlal'lt' Haught'" ,------------ n k tntJrn•ant>n bmucht a ratPrpil-me n~>t how ~ live. n,p fathfor cnndrnothfor has COM to l:>ntvf'r Lost & Foc.rnd Ill to Khool Soon It madt' a c-hry-Is r.amf-<1 Thu~r Cloud. lhf' On th,. way •hf' qoppNI at Santf' "'lito. •'f•\••nnr c.,.,.r ti M-If and r"nt'a•r Is Ramona. thfo Ctrl L' Sun F ,. N M and KOt an Indian nf'clc. ahout a wf't'k lat,.r lhf' c-at,rpiUar d .N.n tM boy ll &."""' and Ia•• f••r r>uln,. hrokf' thf' ··hryulta m,.,.rtfl4r and llt'&ndma Is 0 "-Y Cloud t Amt' CJUt u a Buttf'rfly 1 w.., BonnM-LAnl'• third Cntd-CONCEftT ~LA.NNEO ·f'~ ano &tud)'inr about the tkwn I a , Met Andrew. OlftL tcOUTI ME~T IThf.y 1ft' t-mnc ~bout ~us Wf' _,. KQinr to have a IIOnC 'ri"OIIf) IJ of tho-Girl Scoulll m<-t llsan1" and -k~ Mut" o""t-1ra In Mn Cuol f>o-n- LOST In Coron. df>l Mar ,, ~ IJiniJI d ramr"'tJ 1'hf' ~ton,. wu &oow on t~ mounu~ ~nd 1 dtdn't ta.k" my jfo~lt'r'~ 11\lq"nllnn t ,, ha \ .. It N'f'IUT· f'd A. 'f"f'ry llmltl ~,. would ha'ff' •vee! 11'\J' dia- mond Let t .. I • lt4 f"r w t1n1 tllll" ThMda7. (lr1 \1~ R"byn Jl&t<"'h't Thtrd Grad-t~W~'a Fourth r.radfo MY -n M iM 1:1, In thf' C'o roNt df'l Mar School t'" ano palntmc plctW"f"' ot 1"\Jf'~ Norma PPTtdru~ ll' tN r1unc 1.1111 w .. a udltonum T'tuup 14l mr1 a t Kr. lo lndlUUt and wnUnc .t.orite ol hopp tt) rt•,. a I"'nn'f'r1 bl'toN-lhf' a remln4., .. Jluttn.n'a ~ on J lll'mln" Av" Jfopl Jndi4lnll Thf>'f 111110 an-,,.. f'nd rrl ...-honl II'U'Izlnc a \OJ' band. THe I .. I.CTS YOU ! Mey - WOfU( WITH CLAY a y a --.nd Oreckf' ay Oane Terra,_ N£W CLA.MMA.TR We '-" a lef'!y hue tn our "'"P Ill ~y. Wnc l.lf'nton'e room worirf-<1 w1th I 8y Je44y Me.ta11 room "dd7 brouetll lt.. We ftnd • ... g.e t ...... rUly *t W'f'l'lr Th~ pupll.e ma.df' .,..,. haort' a n~ citl In our rorm bul-In .ur pe.rd w,. 11l.a ha'ff' J..t • few mo- lllf':tdcart bowla ....._, u h tra)~ '"" Df.nton'e t•oun h Crt~dfot " an.ll. a chryalls. thl'ft ~. I • ~nt:. f or a e~ecl. may -• piC'II and n!hf'r thine-. anc1 tt.~'n Her~ Ia Wartha Robln_'IOft, a nd a """•• and 11 ~r • t"'mm paintf'd thrm '~h(' ~ """,.,., CnmJl1on l.fl,... I _.ure Ae..mum'~ rt'W'Im I l"te t!lfferot"O"' . . lllafa·gUIIf'd• Pilgrim Fellowship 18egins Meetings PoiMettia A,.,.. MJM Honored ,..n ftirthday l.lt1l,. N:uv ' ~hnt of 6ff1 p,fn ~ia A'~. ('1).-onll "'I M11r ,...,,.. 1 n~ m~¥tlna.> o r th .. tall for hro·.--d IV"r f-l•tnh blr:~wJ;w llnnt lh•• Pllgnm f", ll<N.<hlfl \Ollnl" Vf>l"-'\1)' Satur•h) \Oo,th n f'1M\ r11r 1 "''f'l"' J•r.-oUJ• ";\\ hl'lt1 !'unday ~ of twT fn•·l'lll' nlt;!ht .JI !hr C'onm:l d,.l \f;u Com ,-..,. ... •ctur-••I • hlnrl< rnt' h.-.• mwnll\ < 'hfJrdt un<lf'r th,. chrt'<'-adonl('ld With 11 hun Drt11W•· k ill\'· t ton or I tr llfm;;alt1 J YarnPJI boY. hung Of\ t hr front cloor In IM l'l11•" f11r th•• ,,..,.' arllvltiM I~· 1:\J~ts I "''"' thnt tho-ITlf)tlr r IIJiltnL' ,.,.,.,,.,, tr•nal m,..., '"~"' WIU> Hallcw.'('f"''' F'll\'l'lf'< """"' or· \H't f• •lt•Mt'~ II "'ll~ r!o'('ldf'C1 AnJI'•• lind bl!1rk Th• hintwh) rak•• tn hoJ(j ~lllrf' r1anC'M l!lhoUI OI'IC'f' and r1P<'Of'al1Nlf or lhfo lahJo• W('"" ' mm•lh '" tM"~~·n no·~· SundAy, or l ht> Mini' t'Olor 't4:'ht>m•· I rMVH <I• 11r II\ :ttlah!Jt Th(' ifUMil'l tnriiJd~ Nanf"V'II A lt•tlf'r hr,m thc-l!'anta Ana hmtlwr KPVtn nnd ht>T orJoU~In I'IIJ(t lm f1•1tnw hlp lm II•'(! th•• rhr1~ine CFY'~. 1118o 'F.ddl,. )nUnR Jli'f'l,l" ftnm the ,·,.run:t WPI•~. StPVt> Ponrr l:>oo$1111 lnd t1<"1 Mar l!'roup to S3ntn Anu f<~r Manha lfall Rnhbtl' 11nt1 Ga ry IIC'~fl'd fnr Nov. l "REXEDICI'" the Rip rnaa 1'11 nt II'IJ:: S•stn" ·"' '"'~ • lhtrl,.,. Ar .. 'l I ltfllr'A IWL \tAJt HAP 80R 117 ••I H \VALL A C E C A L D E R l! E A r J E>wel('r Sf17 COA'-1 HI' lfWA.Y Cor 1 d•l "California Girt' a m4'eflnJf Tht> •nv11atlon wu,Nco!Jion and Cle«sa BU('kl~t. Earh mm.I:M-T wu askfod to In Birthday Party Held r ------------------------'T v1t .. a rnt>nd for thf' r'lf'X'I m etot For Barry Yen.-+- '"" 018('UUion will ~ undt>r '"" 8--dl~tnn or l'l'rdlla Hom , wtth Thunoday wu bln hdq 4\y at TAKE TIME OUT and HaYe Lunch at Ragan's 75-CENT PECIAL Lt-sCB Soup -Salad -Choice ot 3 Entrees P otatoes -Vegetables - Hot Grilled Toast Coffee or Tea 1415 Coast Highway (Birtcher Building) Corona del Ma r Harbor 1946 Oon Slt'rtf'I\R'n lf'adJnc lhf' M--thf' home Dl lht' Hany Y~on·a \"'tlonala Rf'ft"Hhm~nta ~ two 61:11 Ins Ave~ Corona dt'l Mar. On In c-har~rf' of Mrs Yamf'll and lhal'lll lor Hany's birthday party Mary Ann c~ Wf>rf' his ~nta. Mr and Ml"'\ F:lf'oM ir•n o f oftiC't'n will takf' M W Yftinrton. his brotht'r, Dr plat"f' a t a Jatf>r d a ti" Pf'Rf Y J . L.. Yenncton. and Mr and o1.-hJ wa.t appt>lntf'd lf'C'n'tary. =rh Donald Fo"'. all of Lonr. (1&.~~ bl Ballet :! t for Childres Abo P"""'nt ""'~ Mr and Mf' Jun Stitnff of th.-Candy SdlorJfl er. Corona del Mar nv.-In IJAllrt and hllllroom ,..-------------, ~ lor rh 111N"'l Wlll bl' hf'ld at ttl.-n-A1'1hur Murray [)all(V' Studto wh• n t or,..,. 111 41 I C1l6."'' HJ 1th way. Cm-•Jn~ d4-l Mar "''lM' !Studio \o.tll ntlf'n Thunorl:w. ll<'· rordln~t to Ch~rf"r Farrar, co- mana.:,.,. Th,. h,,Jirt f'la11.". whkh nll"'ady I~ tw·m~ tnnnf'd will bt> undt•r 1 hr d ire" t '"" ,.,, Mary Hammond nt Rllltw011 Wh() h!U hrf.n lt'lf"hing bftJ. 11'1 11'1 llnllywfl!Ot1 IJrfii'Nif'V.I> (for rhlldi""Ni' rlaii<~P\'1 will two hf"ld 1<>- ITlf)rmw fSaturdllyl from !l n m to 4 p m 111 411 Con.rit Ht~:nwny HfJIWIST!l WOULO YOU LikE. A.N OUTLET FO-. THE ITEMS YOU MA.k£f We w111 be glad to ahow a11d .ell handmade gift lt•m• for you. See ue 'lriWlthout delay •• our cfleplay epaee Ia aome what limited. Tt•leph()f\(' HARBO R CI7Rl -W ~n 10 00 to 5 :lO ~SundAy lcu a DEN E LECTS '-------------------------__j BrJhby C'unnlnllh&m was f'lf'IC1 - -fill" / G1 OOAST HIGHWAY HA.ttltOR 11t7-W -.. - ,., Ill! dt-nnf'r for thf' romlng mrmlh and Donnlf' C harlf' was nlllnf'd u hla aulstant at 1\te. day's m('ol'tJng ol C ub DC"n 5 at tht' homf' of thf' ~lstant dt'n motht'r, Mr1 Ruth Jlarr111011. 612 Orchid A~, Co~>na df'l Mar. 'J'NottA ........... rumtshf'd by Don- nie ChariC" Mrs. Ruth Malt! b ctm mother. t~«liw ~i/11' 1201-A. Coa.a Hlthway f NPXt DrJor To n.. Ubruy) CORONA DEL MAJt DRF.SS Of' RA YO~ C ABARDI: INTJ;ru•RE..TI:>:C 1"JfE NF:W WlTII A FJ.:->E RESTRAI:'\1 Sl7~ 10 -::!0 1-'f tREST {,' ~ CARMEL KOYAL RED 521 COAST' HIGHWAY OORONA DEL MAR 12.95 TELEPHONE HARBOR 233~M It's pod aews to the boa wiff' to· know that prices are MIDIDI down ... and to furtber be usarecl tbat, u liOOD LtJ wbolesalen pl'iees are lo•-ered, OOAST UPER MARKET is puAiia the uvtnp ript oa to tbe Corona del liar folks. 1"his week. for e.ur..J.ple, veral pea- ha··~ been kDoeked off of the C08t of itelll5 so they are reduoed to: JELLY • ._NN CO. Mt. La-..-Graye " 21 TOMATOES No 2"~ Mil 11 OIJVES l ulllel'l4 Cr.-Ripe t ... D CARNATION MILl I Tall c.,. PEAS UTAH "74 27 10 39 Ne a ~»• COFfEE w~ Crlt~d' It S~aklno ef coffee. -can., w•m to loup It ol'l t ' ( r.helvu alnc;.e w~ mov~d at a ftd I~ bevef'•~ from b"hlnd t he ve~tabiH to t he ne'lriW poelttoft -the eec:.ond c.ountt '" tro-n the caahier. Remtnde foUra t~.o1t th~y IOf'11C't '0 I)UI •t on l~lr !leta. Wh"n they lf't It Th~ bog move waa matte '" o,...er to make ,_m for our "~" f1clu•c veg<'table flxtu"e watt 'l oll you '"t It' I" t"1e mtafttomt DON'T '"ItCh tor vour Pepaa Cola and come ul) woth a paclulge of bean eprouta. " •! no ~ach for the btall epr-oute, antt UM them In that woun HaM tgg.fooyoune ~fpe right 011 ttwo peel<-' 1e Thl~ I• a <Iandy W8 )' to get the egge your family need Into their doet. l ftd II'• bound to _,.. u t• e mall'l.-tay of a qulclr before·the game aupper. Ham Etg-FooyOUIICJ 1 pkp bt'an sprouts 4 lablKPOQN lhoMrnln~ '" t'Hfl lt!ct"-f1 rnokf"d ham ·~ n.tfl dtt't'd onion~ '2 I"JtKS ~ t~uoon ult P''Jllol'r rhos'~ bf'an ~>prouts ant! put In bowl Add onions. ham <~&It , a nd I)('"PP"'. MJx wt-11 BrNJc f'Ca'l OVff murtu,. S tir o ... y 3 or 4 t1Jnft wry ll~thtly t'ry 1r1 patty form OYff mt'dium ~ untJI bi'O'MI on both tddf'e ~es 3 to 4 For the hana you'D have to tdep rt~t up to the meat cotlllter ud uk oae of tM Butler Bros. to eat yoa just what yoa need. llaybe yoa'D tiBd It ID08t ecoaoml- cal to bay a MDOiced bett eacl, or a half a ham. ADd baYe the meat .... eat off oee or .-.~·o r.J~ f or compeay dhme r--wbat- ever suits your partieular aeecl. And while you are there, take a look at the new meat savings, passed on t o you as soon as wholesale prices begin to drop .. You'U want to take advanta.ge of these latest cuts: (£CONOMV aPA.RERI81) POlK NECK RIIS ,. 3Sc ARMOUR • DEXTOIIt • ME.LROI E SLICED lACON "63c .. rtc WH~ ....... t..,. tfult Mallo~ Ia oomlnt next , o.r ........ ~ .................. .., ... ......._ .. ..,. .....,. '-_,.INa ..... Ill.,.._ Wo ......._,_.,.wwa_ Ellis Bm"S. NursefY Pfaat Pyraeaattau For Christmas Berrie~ 1201 COAIT aLVO. COftOHA O~L MAft HAftaOft 1031 ISLAND SHEJ.I. STA110N BUD MU J ER. 08ler aflell Lwlllncatloft -Tlrw -aatt."'- 22'7 .. AI'III'il~ AY.. aALaOA fiLANO HAftaOft lltt·W u:xALL DRUG Pft8a C RJPTJ 0 1" ttt ca.t ••"· c--tiel Mar S.W. BLACKBEAitD .l .CTftiCAL C.ONTftACTOft RESIDENTIAL C'Oanu::RO Al. WIRJ.NG -I'm" AIRS 2tt 09'CH ID HA .. aOft 12 WHITMAN'S SERVICE II fteborlnt lhaft Gl'lndlne 111 General ftepalrlnt 24-Hour Towing PETE, BOB. HARRY .ua:> AJl'l' I 10' ... '() COJ\O.:T IIU:IfW AY Con.na do•l ~lar HARBOR 4ll·R A VON COSMETICS c.,._ ... ••r .......... t.tl ... Mftl. a £fti'IIA01HE HIEWLOH S14 Acada Ave. I Harbor 35-W DONALD LEBO with Ben J. Whitman Company REALTORS c •• ftan ... Harbor 202().. W 211 COAIT H IWAV c~ron• dtl Mar Matter •eehanlce II ~----------------~ STOWERS SERVICE MOTO" ftEaUILDII'IIQ TI .. Ea :\17 COAST IUW A Y aATTE .. f£1 CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 723 HIDY'S PET SUPPLI)Il; A t..OftTIHQ QOOOI mESH OOVT INSPECTED Korw Nat Dal.Jy Free Deli'fft)' l217 COAST lllWAY Corona ~I Mar l!laJboa Orde Taxi TAXI Halbor 320 .. rvt,._ Efttl,.. HarMr Area 24-HOUR SERVICE 24 -HOUft T 0 WI I'll Q HI-WAY GARAGE So Cal. Auto Club ~tatJve aKACOH UO' 1140 HEWPOftT aLVO_ H. W. F GENERAL Bun..DING CON'I'RACI'OR CORONA DEL MAJl AREA 711 Goldenrod Ave. M•I"Mr 1t5t·W E. V. 0 V It R B Y GEH£ftAL COHTftACTOft NEW RESIDENTIAL OONSTRUcnON ··our Wor1c Speaks For Itself" Corona ct•l Mar L ·J. HUFFMAN· .YACHT SAILS ... Mallcor 11 Yean Elr:per ~ FRED LORENZ 1051 Ha,_.. a~. a-.. eon a1tY• MA"'"a AVK .......... ~a~J lllpell&allltlJIII t. ...,__, ..... VlRGI:NU LOC'KI!:J\. ~· BALTZ II 0 8 T {T A It Y SERVING nut: RAJUIOJ\ AllltA Ow.p8l lty n. Sea - llartMwU 411 c eAIT aL ve. Oatella ........ Cllllt.rllll PuMiil om..-~nsw llaaD: ltAJwoltl ~..Jilt ft'fZIIOPP8 IIIIALTY OOIIPAN'Y Jta1 ...... 8nd .... ~"7 ...... ltl COAeT MIG"WAY a.... ... lilllr. ~ A&'l'VUI\ .. nniiiONtll WAlla J lllJIIOitJWI Q ~ ~PuWk .............. .......... , ... ., 11811 ... ,_ 01 , .. .. J. 0 A X $.50.00 to SALARY • AUTO $1.000 • FURNITURE or other personal property UQUICK SERVICE'' COAST Cn~ LOAN COMPANY DOl CO AIT aL VO. H~rt haeh, California !Nnt Door to Westt>m l'n10n Off~ • Tel. Harbor 2638-J n .' I FOR "Little Folks" Wt> h.avt> rna& a 'Pf'<1al f'ffl'l~ to ltoclt the varl~1)' or <"hlld · ~'s pl<"tW'!' bo.'>k~ th.Jt wtD stYe )'OW' duld "'-"'> )flY f1l~ houri Farm t.nlmal bo'!Oks th.at make souncic Ilk,. ttw> antmals and tht> rw-w Thf'atc-r •'UI!'Yts ~ big favontr.. IROOKINGS VARIETY TORE 1011 COAaT HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR Phone Harbor 8SO OFTJ TABLE sturd.lh b\ult wlt.h c:cmpo~~1Uor lnla) ·top. 34 b> eo iochN. natunrl oak ftn·, lah. tv.'O drawero: Harbor 2919!4. 11-lt< FOR S ALE-Mt>tal t-M wa:nu1 flnlah, spiral &prin~n ~ah I mattrfts U ke N~· ~lO rom plt>tt>. Harbor 237f;.W l f\.11-<' POWELL MoToR SC'OOTER. l!M7 ~1 • .,.rtect conditio n. 432 Femlt>&f Corona dt>l Mar Harbor 102-R. 1(~-lt·P F'OR SAl..E-ST::"GL.E '-"EW Enll la~r Bed. foundation. JTlrlng~t four lrp. AlliO ~ bt-d walnut n ntsh spiral sprln1t1< Se-al} matt~ Uke llf'W Harbdr 2376-W 11 ·11< 'F'OR SALE RA'M'A~ rt'R.'\T· Tt'R.E. thing a.nd dsmn~t room maple tv. in tlftds rompl~tf'. m~ltanf'Ous turm~htn~ Har- bor 68P,W lllf< F'OR SALE-BOY'S BICYCLE ex~llf'nt t'Ondltlon. ndMn '""IJ little Call K.A.RBOR l~R. n-"2fp STI'l'ATION WAN"'J"Et)-Houw- "ork by ~ hour. S1 .,.r hr. t Bearon 6162-J. 1~2t< FO" ftENl' FOR RENT-DOUBLE GARAGE •t 604 Dahlia. Could ~ Wltd for sto~ sp.C"t" Harbor 134'7·W. 11-lt·p f"lTRN1SHED two room cottage. utUIUn paJd. $47 !iO. Suitable tor one or two adults. Harbor 2518W alter 5 :4.5 p. m. 11-lt< r;:::::::::::E. GILBERT~ J '-~ .... GET MAXIMUM LIFE FROM YOUR BATTERY! • • • ln IS IUP ) ur baltm In t• p C'On<ht•~'n thmur h rt'f· ular ~tinM. We'll k~p the lVaterat l~ pro~r ~vel . • .. ·u insp«t r~ CJ"*'k.d t~r "'orn t'etmfl'lab a nd t' lean a.-..> &f\1 cof'l'OI5ioft.. In ~hort. we'll alve r•ur battery the extra care that oftf'n mnns the diffe~Mtt ~t'""" a~ bette1"3' and one that a i ves you m an.y mo,.. month« o! wrviet", We have the fi n4!'1t n - t'haf1!'1n« fq\lipmf'nt and a eompl•te ~k of hl'ghe!"t· quality new batteries. Take advantas:-f' ,..f C\llr !rft Minute Ne.n Battel"7 Srrvt~! Hov.·ard and Standley t14 roAST lDGHWA\' roJtONA DEL MAJl ~. Ha ....... ,.fttOA V, • • • • • • 1"'"""" ~one -~ N'l1RAL WORK -SCENIC WALLS C.OftOHA DEL .Aft -TODAY Newpo~ Harbor "•publica,. and Oe~ta .,.. ..., 1"'11 "app 1r Tto~y f w t COnf10ent thet Gowe~ o~-1 af\d Covc,.,..or Warren w ilt w in -a tao ~ou,.try'e OOOd TO,at co"f tdCM)t ttuJit .... ,.,.. caret-HAV£ VOU done an.-t"'•"11· or enough. to ~lp onalre your _,._ defloe a f.c:t 1 Mo,..v 1e wtlll "ted ... '--re for ,.,. mo.t ,, .. _,,.,., campaigft ••~ lt'a lll.if~CI. wiUJ faith '" tM ettlftnahlp and full ~-.for a ll flfte ~"' o1 ~people -' t~ ~e•I)Ot'1 Ma!"kr • .._. That lnclud• ,~,.,.."' .. I pal1 with U. • • Valuflt•r •m ... len -rktf"L for t"-•-t-. _....... .,... _..,_ et the flf'llt t-atfd,_ "- •-· ~Mnc HAfta Oft I 0 4 S. Vaur Ul"pfflly fleede4 check. for wtllch you w111 -~w • lhl'a -·pt. ehoul41 ... dra-.. ore,... C.unty "~ubl"-n C..ntrwl c.mmtrt" Leael County ate~• an4 Natlenal h~J«-. ~,.. m.t t",..us'-.,... -tt1111utleft. LMt "''""'-••necr ••...._ apeeiallv feor t he 1~ ... ~arrt &e"'fta att~MIIO..._ Wt ~....,'t met -_, auota. Send Olecks t o ':\ ewport Rarbor De y -W&rrft ll~q~rs Ralph Maskey and Diane Hillman. chainncn M20 W Ccnual ""'e~ N•~ ._,.: Ma,...lcf and Coa.t Hoghwav. c.-a M l Mar • or c..,. fill LcAoy P . Ancte._n. 1111• , N.-wpo~ aoulcva,.._ Costa M aoa. Now •• t~ t lm t to come "' a nd ahop on ou,. eon~f'l eftt Xrnae u y Aw;~y p lan. We ~~ -•-tl our f iMI ettle>- mt nl boofo~ Xmas on ttuJny ,....._ In stoe.. Comt: In noo•. ""h It tttt Wlt!elt..., ,. at 11-. ~~talt anti do your etloptt4nt on V ' t.ny-to-uw p lan BIC'Y~ TRICY~ WAGO . DOLL BlT..O ... . 8('()()TER8 ROLLER TIS for IICYCIS & 10YS Htl"\" yoo •111 ftnd \M mou rontp)rl!' biMTit dl'fll II\ tOWil V.'E' .... «' 1:01 JU\1 thr toy from a rmt~101zr "''llr,ml fnr ttw 2 )'7' •lid to ttl(-n.-.. nnan-k ipedaJ ruu sUf' blkt C't>mr tn and .. ( nr yi'>UJ'Wl!' ' 15 Mo. pa.r&~~tft 9.95 SO Mo.. parua-13.86 u& I'Otl etUUaTM~I ... ._ ............. .._.,.. .. ; ............. -~ wtlrt•. v .... ta .......... ~ .... • .... ,..fit. ··-...... ., ......._ I'I\Oft .. rama. .. 4111 C.rofta HI Mar. Cleaner and Air Purifier 'llft.~la"'-1 h ,.-llei B...... I A pei'IIOft8) lhowt1' 11\'t'n tCiftllht b)' ~~ Goddard. 513 Bt-aoola A\e , C'orofta ~~ M&c. wtll ht'lp --------- bld bon ~ lo tbto new t.ln SILVER ANNIVE,.IA"Y BY TftiLJY ---------~ I ST. JAMES CHUACH G"OUP 'RESOURCES OF THt!. SOUL' TO HAVE PICNIC SUNDAY Irs TOPIC A T COM CHURCH 1 Younv ("hurrhm('n ,.. Lei\~«!' of ltf'\ T'l•t r' Fr'('d(lr kk SC'hr-ot:k. t f' St •• hm~ t:pto;<'< ·r '' \ 'hun-h • ,,., a r•f rl.t <'111'""4 <11•1 'l\1ar 1<. holrllng a t•~<'nl< thr• ~unda~ l•mmu•l'' \l111tf'l1 \\Ill h.\\{' R'< t ,, .. lhl"llnt"""n )',.I ·h Park ,, • "lith,, nlf H··-ll<'i'' ul tho !1 m ' ,,, ,; i• m 1 Th:hlilrh1 oT ~crut' nt 1hl" 1 I ., m TT:Mt ~inr thr af'l!'• ,t,,.,n ''Ill tv• ··1 ~ball ,. nr-.;hll• 1'1 \ 11'1 ~Ut> 1.1~ f l!nl' I'< '\\'t'I'O lht• '··•Uti,.; Pf'ONI' J'll1.11r11 ), llt•\\•l11p \\Ill I'TH"'I Oa\ 1d R Applf'lalt', v.iloo Is the fonnf'r Junt' Kindell. dauthtM' ol Mr and ~trs Wlllaam K 1nd1·ll. 1217 C'l.lut HJgh'Wil,\. Corona dt'l ,,.,. Junt• \\'Ill I( a'·" Sunday or Mon- rus~ lo .)Oin ht r hu~band. v.ho Is • ''ufi.-nt at thf' Kf'" Mc.-~ro School of Mln<-o;. ~•lmTTO NN.• MP'dco. n. ~· ,,, i m.,,,.,a .. uf Mt amd 'fr· I •1\ld ,\pf'lt"~:.lh•" '' nnn<"Jn· <•'fl II) tht ,111·1d1•" J<oll~'flf~ lll!ll \\,f'l k Mol"t' than 80 cuests v.-ere ~ ~eot u Mr. and Mn. Frank 1t. \'arnum of Balboa Island ~leo­ bnstC'd tht•1r ah·('r weddrng annl- wrca.~ Sunda~ Ttw \'amum" "'"'• h~\'E' bN>n I~ land rt'Sldl>nl<. for tilt' la-.t 12 yt>&rs, hdd opt·n hnU't" at th<-lr !\19 Dia- mond A\ t• r. ... rdt•nt'\• !;uo· 1• fr"n f'nron 1 r1o I Mar lndllli•·ll \h on.! \II"<' ( 1 Z Rotl- f'T1cnn lr llt~l \ln. G \\' Rit· ,.htr. Mr nno1 Mn; F W . Blat'k· l'll'nrrt and Ml " Marjor1<' Vulteoe. rtnrl tt,.,r l)ad'-. Supn.•r will bl' at i '110 I' m fnr M'l'lllll htl!h CUB PACK 110 MEETS ,.. 1 J ) ll.11l '1 l'l •nrlt ·a·• \\ ho .111<'011• r1 nor luck !<( hnu anr1 lllliOI C'f>l •'J.:f' llj.!t' l~ll'·t m,.,., on•· rof thr• foil for \ I I -~ '"'"' I 'Til~ nrt1 ~to M~ ('w,.., Ph•n<. ,,.,. hf'JnJ:" mnc1e fnr a C'uh ~ ... ut Pu• k llll "u ht'lti ln..<:t Jlud-.m J 11 k \\'r1J:hl Jl'hn \\' IHallo\H''f'n Part)' for tht> t'hUd·I FOREIGN MISSION DA Y Frtda~ 1'\E'nm~ n.l tht> l'omna d J Tuhh \1urt I\ Rnltt•r1" Rud Rns· l'f'T' l:'f 11'" t'hur<'h. It wu an-AT CATHOLIC CHURCHES ~tar g,t>n,,J. with C\Jbmn.~tM" Bob I"''M' FIO\nk t,. o;JI(', Bob Fr)·. Hub noun<'«'d this week. Tht' party Thl .. Sun•11t\ '" Foll'll:n 'h INl Rt•thwt 11 pl"f":ldinr p R B 1 R-.. ~ ENJOVINO CHICAGO Mr. and NrL "eaJ Denker nat- boa Isl&nd Post Offi<'t') Rnd word \bat tht"Y are mJo)'U\1 0\lal.a;:o and v.'ill return to Ball~ lsl&nd soon. SUAPAISE PAinY F'nt>nd~ or Mr o.nd M~ A J RUttPr etr 1~:. Grend nu\41. ~Ur· prt~-d llwm ~halt• thry \\t'M' <'t'lt'- brnting hi-< ll'rthd.t~ thnm~: uul ~llnll.t~ Thl'\ 1111 )<'lln·-d r .. r din· n<'r lll<'n ntO\ •'It ro thr n unrr )u•u~< '" c:r..-•~•lur mm it"' 11f :'-Jt·\\ I roundlantl. 'luwm 1,,, " J.!Uvct. l:d· "''" Robm<.nn uf l.<l« An~;••lt-< CALL SOON For Your Pl'l'llonalllC'd nui~tmu C'I\J'I'l .. lll Beauty Needs Wt!> &l"t' ~· addu" Princ.'Hs Nyl& . facials in our N E W COSMETIC ROOM to COI'Ilplt"ll' our llnP of beaut) care. Th!'!<c.-IU't' !K"iE'ntifiC'ally <TNI<'d to C"1l.n' for aU rompl<''-'Ml t!'"J)f'rially ktn .. ~ IN\1 art• !oo oil) ton d~ or !Wm·tll\ P m d that m t'<l "I)('("IRI t'AI"t' 200 EACH P,•rmnn•mts from $850 up. Wnn't you C'itll for an nppoinlml'nl ~ '"'" llo.o hrld !r<m 1 tn 1 I' m Sunol!~ "' rhc.-ll>t:ll Cllrholil' • ow~>~ n~ A m~ t'S. """'" Lo.-----------~1s rurth~ r~t .. "l'l 111 •h• c·hlJI'('h \'hun·ht>~~ and wt>~hip l('r.1rea ,,.y, Bt•hl·at Ptn'-wt..,. P!T"f'nt-dt-Crafft• l h>w,u•fl ~''"' Ra) ~11n­ -------------l \\ll br In lhi .. thrnlt' :II buth St 1'<1 1\nd 1\Wil.n:b "E'f¥ gl\'nl to boy' IUm Jf<t> c, ...... r l\n<1 dau~htf'r P I D• • .I• hn \'Ianni'\ l.'hn!)t'l on the ls· v. ho had l'tl.l'nt'<l thf'm during tht• Chn''l" Cll\,...nrt" Mn.'<m and son Prr<'t'S Rl'ft"'OII blc.-Atc:o Magaz.lnl' IU~ptiom fl'r ctarutmaa MARINE BEAUTY SHOP 327 Marine A \'e. BaJboa Island OO.ra ~" Dally t :15 C~tlnuoua Iunday 2.30 Kiddie MaL Saturday 1 :45 ENDS SATU,.DAY OCT. 21 Barbara Stan\\'yck Burt Lancaster ''SORRY WRONG Nt .m ER .. Plu' Jn. 'tt-Pc •k• <••mrocb ··so YOU WANT TO BUILO A HOUSE" SUN MON TUES OCT f4 2S·2fi Lorct ta Young Robert Mitchum \\'illiam Holden in ''RACHEL ND THE TRAXGER'' "\'lll.~XG Bt.TFAW BILL" 3 C'n 1'-S. n. Ct ~' Crllla M~ Openjng!! ane ISCUSSIOn '""'I ·lnt:l I lt.r I..Ad\ of "' Cilrrrf'l '-UF'tm\'f' M ew(' al-e v.-.re ~\\, F'l1\\ 10 "' 0 M~ Ida Naylor. KARL AX TATEA f;l:\ Poppy A''f'"U" . H"rbor 2R75-M Coronn df'l ~t11r Harbor 151 1·hu!1 h In '\;1 wpnr 1 f':t• k ~Unt._ lll"e ~ld on tht" M~ ln:l \VIlt f' M" Nf'lllt' Shook At PTA l.A t• \f,.rntw-r~ ,,f tilt' 1 1\rl h c•f thl' -t~hlrd:;iiiiF'riii'ct.J~~'iiieaiichiimoii11i1hi.iiiiiianiidili:O.itl').iiifi:'Jioiraii1\itlitikilf'iiii-=iiiiliiiiiillilljiiii~ji~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ill~~~~~~iiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiilililillliiiiiiliii:~-=-1VIee mg r..oltll I 1'1111\ I I hftJ>I I rrpurt ·hat 't 1 "' lnhn \"1.111r ,., Chun. h Is \ ~ .. .,,_t 'l < ·hn ,1 I'".~ t'~' ht II!: l f'tll'\''llf(t>t'\1 \\llh n .. \\ r..aJnt If 1 h\ h\ C::::ttrt Jl i'' F.n•,,.., •nnk t .. 'h lr ·• h f\'hl "ll' 11r I'"" m:11 rl J"'OriJil•· of I h> "\' 1'\\ ,.,...., rn.-o•,, <4•1 ,, '1 r.r,.,..mar BAL80 A tSL ANO CHAPEL &-h.tlOl l"''f'Pilnt' hf'lt1 ,, '"''., ''f'"·l ~Jhlt 1 lor t•r J1.1rn \\'hltl'·~ lfl('>r &hoot \1onrl:n, 1"\f'nl I: ,... 'l<HI "'''I Sl>•.• ·" mnrnlnf:! 81 \ 1rr•' '"'""''" in •1 "~' • '" thf' h:\lh•l' l~l"n't \'hapt'l or ~lilt' rr~r••"f'"'''l"n rf f l f-f'r .. 1'hr1~· l t Ill• I II\ Th•• S.•:t \\Ill ,t ... ,. I <:; I. r·" L'M ,., • I ''mt ~~ "I:'""'" r.wn •. anr. I hll 'I·''"'' I''" rhrh r' rnl "'"'' '" t'f'l \Jr, •II"' l'••llltl Cor""'' d••l I:'"' lrl ~1', tltrfP...,.·n• 1:-t 'h" ""r , •lro.•t "111 •an~: 111 't't"-1 "'· :-.;,." 1<01"1 <:; ~·.,..,l· lhl't'f' " ~n ,\I'! I• PO• /PI , I • I' ' roln • \\UI ~/Up rot 1~,.,....,,~,.,. 1:1 Vll"lC ·'" "l•l!nC ( lht•l nl'o•ll \\ttl 1.,• fUI 1 l"hl'>l ll\ '• ,. • ·n hta· ~ '''•" ~" c r:a '·11''" .ltllllt•l \ 'h"'' I ... , :\('('f>t~ll!.,: I• ,.,,., , I I I 11'3;>ilrit'. ! \1• .. H R y ,. •·•II I"T\ 1rr·· .. td••.,, ON""lf'<l ,.,,. ..,..., ('"'' P~·ll: 1n~ "r"~'""'"'~ .~ .. lA'• ,.... " -T' ... IIY'\ r1 ' I \ 11 '<l r•'f'n \ ""'C>lt al T" ,IT'IJ\"1 \\"' 1¥f h\ I I fl"f' ,.f I hr • !'-t ~ o(>l ~l llf1••nt... ('atl V nl t\• C HAIST CHURC H BY THE SEA C'OM PLFTF HOMF R F N O\IATI C f"I<>O'"t Our '>Pf'C.t" t v W '"10 .... C::lf'an ng Fresh Stocks of Popular Brands Priced low. EnJoy the tlf'st in r<•ff<'" :~t Safe-way's low pn~. Y our t.!Ste tells ~ ou the bl~·nd etf roff~ that satisfies you. Yuur pockt th vk 1t•ll HJU rhat you can aav~ by txl)'inc } •Ur faq_.rllt ,offe-c o\ S:~ft>v.ay, where th~ are low rnceos un all IJr •nds. R aptd sales m~an that our coft'ees ar~ al .... a)'S frt'Sh. and that mPans peak co!Jee enjoy- r rt Do all yout roffee shoppmc at Saleway ... .o hu" much ) •u U\'P. ' ! I • t I I ' I ' I I ' You·u ne.er overbear this bit of I 1 conversation in a Safeway I &tore. We put tM beans ri~llt : nert to the rice where tlu.•y 1 bt-lons. I We\-e s~nt a lot of time : plarrnins-10 you c.n sa\e a lot I of time 5boppi"«. Ouutoreure : purpo~ly kept ~mp3t1. Small Thor n~·· X · 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~r · I • •1 • t• • r ,. 1 :\',. n ~ f:thh• 1{1· ·n u~r ,,. · • • .... PJl 1' • ., r , 1 "1 .1 ,. ' 1 ,1 • n '1 '·: .• , I 11 I I\ I I n r1 ,,,., s: ·:wAY s.'\vr:cs Tomolo Po!te c-:-oro 3 ~.~ __ Apple Cider Mwf"'•'• ..-... 8:- Corned Seef Ha'h 11 .... ;. 3:.: c co CruumlttJ l•r.lrr at 't"'~'·' \ lh.l ~ ... 1.1111 1-fb. bog ~nou~h foreac:y shoppins.larse enou.gh fur romplete selection. The thins v.e ~n are l~ir.wlly arrant:t<'<l thrvu~hout the •to~. Tht·~ ·~no llt'<'tlto v. alk "milr"'' to f11l }our ~hoppi11~ IH at Saf<'\\ay. WED. TH"U l AT. OCT. 10--H ElcclusJ~"t' H&l"bor howinc!! Victor Mature Colleen Gray 'FURY AT FtTRN CE CREEK' -And Rex Harric:on Peggy Cummins in- ''~E·' SUN ~ON T U ES OCT 24·25·21 J eanne Cr~in \\'ill~:!-!"!1 Holden "AP RTME..Vf FG-=t PEGGY" tn Tnhn.I.'Vlvr -Companoon F"fttl ... ,. The Te<.,. Agcrs in "CAMP HONEYMOON'' WED. THU A. OCT. 27-21 Gene Tierney Randolph Scott "BEI.I.E TARR" -St-cond Bl~t Hit "SON OF FURY" with Tyrone Power Gene Tierney WATCH roR OUR ~tWt!f!kl TllrY 01»1£- t an,pru1a't"'l n'f'.l,mnrn ""t • '' lfl\t' mlnu'f"C: N-f1•r<' t>u~ t ~. pll'nt~ of timl' for thl' t'hlldt1•n II .•o 111 'hp hk« o;tnp tv·• ~ •'' "1·h tht>n rr•'"'"' "d ''"''' a• 15 ti""P"~"thlt f•lr t h• hw'"'' '• r..-• <'ilrh I Onf' of thl' par<'nts su~g<"stcd that thf' mnthf'nl orftanln> to p11 1rrol th~ bu stops Wfll'~ a largt' !"u~;:-bt-%n~~n~;~ -:b':'ith 1 a total of 1553 PTA membei"S, llR morE' ml'tnbt'rs than Jut year. 'The Corona dl'l M ar Schol room with the bt'st I"''"C'CM2 v.-u M 1u \'eronlca Sdtlerler 's Third Grade with a total of 364~· ~ Prof('SS()r a.nd Mrs r.rorge E Marr.1nHie ~ruml!'d last W('(>k t1l thf' r homE' tn thf' :-.tarln~ Lab- oratur· hulldl'll{ on flc-t>lln Blvd. 'In C ·~•na df'l ~ar after an ab· ~ o{ thl"'.., month~ Thf' \taC'Ctm· if'S '"'"f'"' onh 18 hour" plane trn\"l'lllng t1mt' irom hf'rt> but • hP\ ~ ""' located at r he nor\hf'l nr,;ost pnmt of Alii~· ~·a Pornl Barrow. w hel't' thl'\' t.ad ._,n sent b) the Navy ~ • 3r' rrwn l lu conduct rose arch v.ork SERVICES F'OR COM MAN ~rwl~ were held at 2:30 p. m Wt'dnC'sda~ at Forl'St Lawn for Arthu r Fargher. 222 Heliotrop(' Avt> .. Corona del Mar. who WllS stnC'lten Saturday m Lomt Bf'arh. "'h~~ h~ "'U starting a nl'w busi· ness M r. Farghl'r who ~as ~2. had bf'Eon a Corona del Mar resi- de-nt about fivl' months. Hl' Is sur.·l\·ed by his wife and a daughtf'r, Jean. I Mr and M I'!O -:-:-aroJd CaJd-1 'a.'t"ll 600 Balboa A\e .. dml'd Sun- day with ~nds jo Los Anc"e>les and att~ded ~Ice Follies in hon- ~ ql t~r ~~ anntvenary For YOQI' Enjoyment TELEVISIDN PATIO SPECIAL STEAK SANDWIO:IES MAL"ni .. • • • •• S! HAR80R 2~74·W .---------r" I WEDDI'SG CAKES BlRTIIDAY OAKES I I FOR IOMETHIWG 8ETT£A I ' 1'05 Coaet Highway Hai'Mt' 1102 CoreM .., Mar Nina says: St.'RPRISE Allo'NOUNCE· ME:-IT Nina is very pll'LLYd to t<'U you that shto has ~n ablf' to pi'OC:\Ift t~ fa.mou., Blum's C.ndits from San F'T'ancW'O I>rt-SSt'd ln vacuum pedtf'd tlns. Almon- dt'tt£"t. Minty Paddle-s and O>ft~ Tct>ns ~ an tasty n"'ours Hard Candy 85<: C'an Price Ust: SHAMPQ(). WAVE ..... 2~2.50 2 FACI.Al. . 2!50 3 MANlCURE 1.25 4. PER..M.ANENT <RJlllna OJoler Wave) ~-·-.. 15.00 5. PERJriANENT n~~u-curn, for rtrta und~ 20 .•. _... 10.00 8. <YTRER PDlMANENTS ftem --1.0.00 T. R£S'I"lUNG RAlk 'I1UII -uo U~bt-_ Fresh Milk ,:=:,SSe ~ ... 1!: I! ~......_... •• ..s ,.,.. 01\, 81--'-T 1• .. S"'c ~ eo Cent~ ...,, oJ1 n-.-. 9c. '• lb 27<. l·lb. I OJI Baby foods Ubb¥ ~= ISc Strained~ V•~'"'"''" ,,...,:.~., \ ~-"*-w+n. loco~ Stro ,...J , • • I Pink Beons t,:· 1.. t::· u c Dog & Cat Food ~r:.. 2 '!: 25° Filter Cloths ,_ Cefl• '*' •• 4 10• Sunnybonk Allsweet ~~"" 8Jue Bonnet ~ Oelrich ,., c.~or Parkay c....~ , ........ ,. , .... _.,. , .... _ .. , .......... .. , .... _ .. fOIIOT -.u:FASTS Pancokeflour s.n.-~ .. 1)~ ... --~«kl Flop;odc Flour ,.,_., ~ 31- •~• ~ ... ~. Pancake Flour J::::.O ~· 11- Bvdcwheot Flour J=., ~ .. "A l" Poncoke Flour ....._,.... .. Table Syrup ~ \!: 24• c:-_ _.......,.,tl..._.Mil .. ,Wtl Monte Crmo Port .... .. Fidelis Muteatel ::L ... Wlftt ............... .,.., "'~ ~---lt.T __ ........ """'-... -'-"' -"""' .. _..., -~~~. HOB I l. COFFE Qualit~· hlrud, ('t:unom~ J'll<l" •:2 lit. }·•~· 79t-) --~ ' • c Uf ('0Uf~«". if \(Itt li'-t" tt l•row."e v.hcn vou ·lauv, thtre'$ plt"nly to choo~ frmn: But yuu dun "t ha,·e to v. ander through "acrt' ··of food e\'C:r) timr you want to make a purchase. L----------------- •UIOAitOUU& Plutic ~~rmef\1 bat (11.75 valllf:) : eMily SOc anJ tnte r \R bo1 lOll G,.l \OIH ,..rJ~ bJ.11! el J11f/4y Ill II ~. PAl SOAP ·k~ 62c SOAP, lllAot Woodbury T-s-3 .... .. tvory Soop L-s... .... I,. Swan Soap "t':* 2 .... 11• Ivory Soap Flakes "~:·· M• Tide . ~of s..ct. ':.~• M• Merrill's Rich Suds u ........ H• Super Suds "'..... .... 2~ H• Rinso ~'-''-a:.,~· H• l. id ll.och = .. n... •• ~f-eo*-\ ~ .-1, ~ IIOit'" 21cl .. . .. -.... .. --•.