HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-11-12 - Newport Harbor EnsignI I Paving ol Second Ave. 1n Co- rona del Mar moved forward this week u Newport Bead\ Oty Ad- ministrator J . J. Sailors an- nounoed that th~ State Highway Department had approwd the pro- ject and the use ol gas tax f\mda to pay for it. Flnal approval by the state was given 1ut week_ ~r Drak~ saJd Wednesday. Actual work of pavlnc will DOt get underway until the ftnt of the year, accordJng to City EnaPneer J . B. Webb, who saJd that plana have gone to Sacramento for ap- proval. Council will be asked to approve them and call for bids in late November or mid-December. Announcement of the street im- provement culrnJnates a move started last July when at a meeting of the COM Civic ~atlon a street improvement project was presented for community approval. Mayor Dick Drake attended that meeting and the next day asked the city engineer to suggest locaJ streets which could be designated of major importance. Only streets !10 d~gnated 8.l"e eligible for state gas tax fUnds for new con truc- tlon. It was pointed out. Choice ol which street was to be paw(! first was made among First, Second. Third and Fourth avenues. The Improvement projected for Second Ave. will inrlude installa- tion of gutters along existing curbs and a three-inch plant mixed pave- ment between curbs. The street wilt bP p;\Ved along its length, from Avocado to Poppy. II I'! '!. r'\ I II !': Cl • 1'. f') .1; D BalbOa Island--Corona del Mar Corona del Mar WtD haw a bank open for busi:nas around F eb. 1. it wu &nnouftOed yesterday by Richard Barcelo, rn.anager of th<' Vol. t-No. 14 Jennie S. Crutcher Foundation, who .tated that appro\'8.1 from the ------------:.----------------Federal Oeoo&1t 1nsuraDce Corporation had ~n received \Vednesday. 1be Federal okay had been awaited for some time. Arrangements with Santa Cl~u for a free Ouistmas pr«.>sent for every boy and girl at th(' commu- nity Christmas tree the-Thursday before Christmas were worked out last Monday night when a rom- mittee of the Corona d(>J M ar Business Association met to plan details of St. Nick's visitation here. Two giant Christmas trt'<'!' scheduled to go up the fi ~t of next month, will be decorated and on exhibition at the corner of Margue-rite and Coast H igh way. according to the commlttN' plans The trees will be p.'lrt of a busi- ness section decoration plan which includes gaily lighted signs a t either E'nd of the m:tin shoppin~ street. Coast Highway, and indi- vidually decorated sto~. One of the high1toht ~ of the rontlnuerl on P~J.rt-2 Schools CI08e for Armistice Day, COilfab Harbor area .:hool children took two days away from their taska this week u .:hoots cloeed Thursday In cOtnmemoratlon Of Armistice Day and remained closed today (Friday) 110 ttlat their teachers could attend the annual Orange County Teacher'S I nstltute In Fullerton. S ixteen teachers from the Co- rona del Mar grammar achool at- tended the Institute, as did 35 from Newport Harbor High school staff and faculty. Strong wlnds a week ago Thur5day duated high echool class rooms and played havoc with the oower linea leading Into t he :,uilding. Pupils were rel """~'"ti :.t 1:30 p.m. for the rest of the afternoon. To be called the Newport Har------------- ~ ~· saJd Barcelo. 1M insti-SpeediDg Motoris to tution s new buUd.ln& will be ooo-FiDd 011• fW'l..A:I atruete.d llt ~ Cout H!ihway. t l'8 on ..a. flUJ Ground wUl be broke-n for the con-Because the new top-go llght atructJon within about 10 days to alon& Co¥t Htghway a.re being two weeks, Barcelo asserted. ignored by too many motorist 1l\e new building will contain and because too many others are offices for the Crutcher Founda-anemptmg to speed through th«.> tJon. It is being designed by Rex communiy in violauon of the 35- Brandt and Associates and will be mile-an-hour speed lunit. addJtion- built by Walter Mellott. Newport al offiet>r patrol of the main thor- contractor. oughfare in Corona del Mar has Manag~r of the n('w bank will be been instituted, according to a James T. Van Dyke of the Cali-statement thtS week by Nt-wport fomla Bank ln Los Angeles. H L . Beach City Adrrun.lsrator J. J Sai- Hetrick of the same institution is lors. The increru;ed patrol ~ill b<' slated to be cashlB. rnamtained for as long as n• ("('"· Head of the Board of din>ctors sary to curb th(' &)X"eding lhrous:::h will be R. L. Cl"utcher. He will the town, he pronili d serve · on the board with \Valt('r City highwa} offie<>l"l' arr .. ta- Mellott. 1bomas Frost. B. Z. Me-tioned in Corona ~~ Mar earn da~ Kinn~y. Braden F"nch and George during the t1me children a.re s:oing Davies. to and coming from school City 'Constitution' Sheet A ired at Meeting Coast By Lupton A. Wilkinson Application of th~ clt ys' mechanical street sv.~r to the job of Newport Harbor (proposed as clearung up Coast lnghwa.y where it cuts through Corona del Mar was the cJt} 's new namel moved brisk-promised Wednesday for sometime next \A-"eek by L. \\' Covert, city L I M d• J • Eff t Ob ly thls week toward apparent superintendent of streets. But whether or n ot th ("('\ olvJng type bro.! h oca e ICS Oln or s to -ta·ln change from a s'xth class city op. i.s succeaful with the highway's oU should ers which have rather un- erating under state law to a char-even surfaces, Supertnten~nt Co-s F d f tel"('d city which, once approved by vert wouldn't promise. to pick up, Con•rt !taid. tate un s or New Harbor Hosp•ttal the State legislatUI"(', will be self-At the present time the dty uses Covert made hi promise wh('n governing under a charter that its mechanical ~ on Margue-asked Wednesda} it so~thing Dr. MlJton Maxw('ll and Dr. A. c 8 t e will have been locally 'o\Titten. rite, SeaViw, Oc:ran Front and couldn't ~ done about thP trashy V n e ('de d supplementary L6s than three dozen citizens Poppy, be said. where paved sur-and dirty gut1e~ along thP high- . Andrews of Corona del Mar money. sat through Wednedsa.y night's races make lt possible to do a way in front of Corona del Mar' aided in preparation of a reso-In the absence of Dr. Maxwell, public hearing wht>n Newport eooct job. But a.n UJ\4!'\>"en surface main busine SE"Ction "Tt will lx> JutJon adopted Ln principle the group's chairman, Dr. Thorn-Beach's Board ~f Freeholders aft-on a st:rftt. such u Coast Highway a.n lnt~resting elCp('rimenL" h~ at a Newport Harbor Yacht club as P. Reeder, of Udo IaJ~. pre-er 50-odd hours of work readung lhoulden pl'e«nt.. may mean that opined. "and if u.~ .!ul v.~ can harbo doct , sided Wedneeday night. Laguna a charter's draft. ppened tbe new the reYOiviftC bnllh limply fills iD nm tM ~"Weeper In theft regu~ r area Or&' meetl.ng Beach. HuntJngton Reach and n1Unicipal .. ConstffutJon" fo ques-the 6!de'ftdes aad liNVft DO pOes larly." He saJd that the :~t Wedneaday nJght. Dr. George docton from other south coa.stl t ioning and dJscussion from the of dirt foc the tn.ICk which foUowa would PllY part ol tM eost of such Norman Pease. also of Corona cftJes, will be Invited to Join in general publi<' malntena.nct' out of it~ gas tax del Mar, chalrman _of the New· the resolution .• It will fo~m one I· CUrt Bohm:\n. of Balboa Island. ~-fund. :Just as. it ~ for Uta~ par- port Harbor Chamber of Com-of a group of testimonies being asked a question he said mol"(' dU-tfon of .Manners Mile-wh1ch i~ merce's health and hospital com-prepared bv Harry W~lch, secre-1 zens wanted to know the MSWf'r Newport Beach Oty Council re-~th kE-pt in. a well swE"pt m1ttee also helped with the docu-tary of the Newport Harbor 1 to th!tn any other: 'With the add\-solved Monday nJght to annex the condition by th<' CJty ment. Chamber o! Commerct'. for rre tlonal jobs"-a sev('n-man Council Corona JnghJands d('velopment of -- sentatlon late this month or early · ·d ~.... .. ··11 h f f the Crutch F da · N L Off• The resol\•i.!on sums doctl'\rS' l Dece be 0 JS pro\ 1 """'-,, I t e ne-w onn 0 er oun uon. ew aw ICes roncluslons of the urgent n"'ed n d Stamt rAdt~ r. CHalvc,rson ' city gO\'<'mmC'nt rost more. and. if Annexation of the 6'-a-aCTe tract ~· an a e v1sorv omm tte('.' h . h.,.. 'II b · , · t th dt · f !or additfo'1al funds to build the h ed with all · ed 11 b so. 0 " muc · wt nn~ m 0 e Y a ptece 0 0 cJ • CD l ~ Presbyterian hospital planned ~ed~~al hospital ~ds ~~a ~}1~ Cha rter Counsel Louis Burke, land which ~1 be subdivided into pene In M for Newport H~lghts overlook-f i a~ked to ans"'cr by Freeholder 180-odd res1dentlal lots. Crutch('r lng the Harbor ' orn a. Braden Finch. asserted the follow-said that plans for any resid~ntial · ing points: construction will first have to be With $595,000 already ln hand, !vfrs. Della D. Wlllams, 428 Mar· 1. Safeguams against unwise or submitted to an architectural rom- a county-wide committee will guerite Ave., is spending thls careless spending are among the mittee to insure development of a aoon ask Dr. George Halverson, :-"'eek visiting relatves and fri('nds proposed Chart<'r's principal rea-highly restricted and desirable state director of health, to allo-m Los Angeles. \ontinu('d on Page 2 &l"('a. hr Mnre than 500 guests attended the annual bazaar given by the Jades ~Ud o! the Corona del Mar Congregational Church at Pilgrim Hall, Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. A lunch of spaghetti salad and • roll was served from 10:30 to 1:30 p.m. Alter lunch, guests moved to the semi-circle of booths to buy their choice ot dessert, a tuberous 1 bei'Onla, an embroidered lunch- eon .et, or dainty wool and or- candy baby things. Gift booth was presided over b v Mrs. Sam Meyer, Mrs. S. W. Bla~kbeard, Mrs. G. W. Ritchie, Mrs. Newton Cox. Plant booth by Mrs. L. Nonnan, Mrs. Hadfield. Mrs. HlnchcUU. W'hlte Elephant booth by Mrs. George~ and Mrs. Stafford. Apron and tea towt'l booth by Mrs. Allen, Mrs. 0 . 7. Robert.on, Mn. ~ Mn. MeiU. Candy f'M>oth by Mrs. WU- Uarn Kemner, Mrs. K. V. Dilts. Mrs. HUJ:!h McClymott. Baby booth under U.e IPOJUJOrahtp o1 the Sunday School Guild was tn chareg of Mrs. Edward Reeble, Kra. John a ThorMOn, Mrs. Nor- man Fra.hln, and Mrs. Ellie Kopp. Chairman o1 the Mzaer wu Mrs. John Meador, wtth Mra. Ar- llav Kemper · .-.una. PrNeldl ~91\ ..... l " " LUNCHEON ~AYOUT-It wn a bwv noon ion at Plt9f'IM Hall. Community Chur"Ch, Tueeday, WMft ,.., ... lUte JliftmM tM ttbl" Mt at tht Annual Ladtw QutN ,ooct .... and .... r. ' Ph* by Howv4 Follom • J .aw offic-P~ 1'1 rf1<' Blr1rl'-Pr Puilrlin~. l ·H!l rna._t P i~hw"''' ha\·e ~n O!WnM tl\ no.,alti " Harwood anrl Thnmac:: F. HPffer- man. i'1 {'('Injunction wi h th('ir Santa Ana IE>~al practiN" Onnalr! Harwrod is nnt nPw to this art"a. h:.\ i'1C rf'c;irit"ri in ~a.,ta Ana sin<'€' 1!l2<' and nr:H tir<'O Jr~w t hel"'(' sinN" 19:\'t }{p has ~n city judJ.re in Santa An::t anrl "1 as. .. ndatro \\ith Rnht"rt (~.1J'rlnPt until Gardnf'r'c:: apnnir t ~pnt '" Suprem«.> Court. H<> :i\'1'• nn Marigold Ave. in Corona d<'l 'far. Thomas E. Heff«.>rmtln ''a~ a 1- mitted to the bar Clf th• stat<' ,,f Ohio fn August. 19·n 3nti latt" served as pedal agE'nt for F nT After passing the Califnr·•lla hat· examination. he nPcamt> :\S. oct ated with Judge Rnh<>t t Gardn<>r ln the Santa Ana o!fi~. J lcffC'J- m&n is marriE'd to n.·rni("(' Bot- chard. H<' liv«.>s on Fa.n·i<'w Rd. in the Gre-enville ar«.>:\, CALENDAR Today-Ebell Book Club, 316 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar. Tonight--Football. OCC vs. San llemardlno. there, 7 :30. Sunday-All churches, see paoe •· · Monday-8usinea Association meeting, 1 :!0 p.m ., Crown of the Sea reataurant. Wedneeday-lloy Scout meet- Ing, Corona del ~ar .chool, 7:30 p.m. • Wednetlday--capllla C I r c 1 e del Mar, 2:00 p.m. meeting, Pilgrim Mall, Cof"'na Wedne.ct•y-l.lon. club, meet- lno, Roe.more Cafe, 1:30 p-.m. trrtd~WICI •uaar, co,. ... MP Park laM C.NI, ••tttoa ..... u .. ,. TM ... aiM NOVEII8ER 11. t .. Continued fi'Om Pap 1 turet; bond ~.~sUe power • ...,.~iiMI t oa two-.t.hlrcls vote ot the peOple the proeeu ~ publicly ~ budget. well 1n actvaDce ot tbe •;..._ _ __... _________ ---'!---------&Umlnc of each flacal yeu, ~ • make each citizen. u never....,_,..... 1be town wu a-bUzz Moilday 1l1C:II'DIIIc M a CQI1IPft' 1\lft &lowered a treasury watcbdoc. t.hrot.t,gh a thick pall of liDoke aDcl duat IPit f:tonl the terrible canyon 2. No new adtriln1stratlve poa-• v ... llre over t.be other aide ol Sallta Ana. CDM aftd Bl bo\Rewivet founc1 tions will be created by the Olat-FfUD".-•net 8"TURDAY reason. . to blame~!laze too few the bea.-y fUm ol lOOt and ash ter 'The F1Mnce Officer willln et NO\f. 12-11 ~ted on e , Kancla.Y's WMblnP iacludectl · . Marji Shieldl. 1 beauty. 1oob quite fetdtina oa the cover of the f~ assume the oty HERE 18 GOOD NEW8 A•OUT TURKEY8. Due to the fact CUITel'lt Beacboorftber. And one ol the reuons she does Ls because of duties with more power to aay. t.be ma.rket Gil turkeys ls t1i1Cer1iiD and wbolesalen have the capable camera Wal'k Ot Koward FoJecvn.. ''Wait," or "No." The two quoted ~ .,..see., Cout Super Market Wll1 lll!ll turtre)oS to Wendell HoYt. COM reudent wtM opet"'l\ee tM only photoen-Councilmen (Corona del Mar and cuatomen at wholeule cost. pit. SL75 perbtrd for hanclllnc. ~fll"'ll..._. oravir.g plant In thla end of ora...-County, .. the one wt\o hears Balboa Island will each nomtnate ing and cleulfnc. Invoices on the blr4a will be poRed .lit the the newtp.,_ aOit 11torieia flt'lt haM. H• Mak.ee moet of the en-for one po$t, and the general dty kft .a CUitOIJDitl"' ean .-ee wholesaJe prices. All bUds Will be a•...,KII- aravi.nsr-you aee in your locaJ ~Ntpete. .AM lnaemuch .. he chargee voten must accept-In election-ldlled Swift's Premium breed breutecl. 1'beY ·wru be New fOf' hha eervion he a. lnclfne4 to hea,. ha,.dluck, "I'll pay late ,. .. one from each of seven clty ~ clreued bircJs, with bead and feet on and tnaides ln the bll'd. ••~~·- talea fNm tile fourth eetatef'S around the hArbor. U will nm frOm 10 to 15 lt.. Toms to run from 16 to 25 lbl. InddentalJy, Wendell hal installed a new mat roller-which ought Uo~, including CDM and I > wtll Olp>ER NOW. We ~ accepting orden now to Nov. 19th. . . . to cure a lot ot fourth estate ecrua.bblJ.DI[ about "'ala'' cuts owned by recetve $100 a month. will be no tresb killed binla at the last minute before a dvertisers. Weodell'a matroller -may ~ augur a new era oC n~s-A civil service section will be n.: ,..ftumk:salvi only cold atorace ones. paper l~thy-nigbbor around the d ty. Heretofore. some of the papers nally written at the Board this have l~ored the fa~ th~ach other exis~ though each was coming MoncJay night. It will put faced wtth no competition. all admlnjstrative d e partm e nt • .,....,. fteir Mouey for you heads under .civil service and all departments. mstead of merely po-. Which bnnga ua to Carl Veneman and "'-ehopper, the Newport lice and fire, as at p resent. Bay Poet. In a hou.e ad for which he recelvea no caah on the tine, The system's aim will be Ita Cart prtnta the circulation figurea Of tM other papers In the area, .. • 'though It Ia hard to believe that they are up to date or the most adv~tes frankly say, to assure recent figures of tttoee publicationa. aut, a_lu, he tonorea the Enalgn. the Ctty better governmen t through And we feel tNiy left out of thlnoa. FOf' hla Information the Enaign employes who must be. as well as fa d tatn butecl to '400 homea a.nd bualn._ plaoea In Co,..;na del Mar protected against political clismls- and B•lboa tat..._ ' sal. people competent, cooperative Mrs. Mabel 1-'lt.zmonia, realtor at 813 Coast ~J:way, is sti)) trying in their work and actually work• to get those ten dollar bills ln from a few b ess folk who have <'rs." pledged that amount to the Christmas decoration fund. It is interesting Concededly well-expressed argu-~ heartwa.nning to know tha CDM business people are each putting lll some of their money to decorate your town. Nothing unselfish ments by City Clerk Olarles K. about that. Priest to keep hls office eJectr,-e Mf"L E. M. Brooki,..._ proorletor of Brookins.-variety atore, had Instead of appointive by the Coun- klnd words fo,. hu community newtP&per, the Enalgn, thla week. cil, apparently wilJ not be met. "I like all of that newa," approved ehe, "and wonde,. where It at' Arguments against included the comea from." To which the atock and true anawer Ia by almply fact that the Charter fonn regards "d igging." Calla, ealta and more calla, In pereon and over the 'phone the city council as legislative only bring in the ltema ... Telephone aluoglno,'' Ia what lt Ia called In the -and puts on lt the task of select-buainea. b..;..t y--w _.._r lng able adminlsrative offlcen. No I' a ~" ..._u:: changes, by the way, will talte And one w~o really knows the bws.fneas waa in t he other day. Sam Me~ r· was. ht~ name, owner ot the Newport News-Times, and as sage about publi hing as you will ever find one. Over the years he has ~earned to relax ~d smile In spite of his five-day-a-week deadlines unposed oy his dauy. "You will do alright here," he said ln the Ensign office "if you can last the first two years~.. • Art Roux. PN-"'Ir .. wiU &N'IIttee a eame for yeu JUIIt 11 mlftut.ia fNm tM a..ct.. West Sttl Street at Rodio Towers SANTA ~NA PR.~•&I97 .. ~ ~w w ...,......~ ::w _.....,._ -----...... ~ ------·- Balboa <lrcle Taxi Serving Entire Harbor Area U.HOUR SERVICE 320 IIAIIPTON'S RRXALL DRUG PRESCRIPTION SERVI CE HAR80R IS3& 611 Coalt Blvd. Corona del Mar WHITMAN'S SERVICE Reborlng Shaft Grinding General Repai,.lng 24-H•ur Towlno PETE. BOB, HARRY AND ART Muter Mecltanlce 1020 COAST HIGHWAY Corona del Mar HARBOR 411-lt Calling All tiE . Want to B~ 4 L~aJ~r1 Among your friends, in your class, on the dance floor 25 week course -One Hour Each Saturday e POPULAR BAlLROOM DANCING e POISE ancl PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT e HOW TO ELDIDlATE SELF CONSCIOUSNESS e YOUR DICTION AND VOCABtn.-ARY ~ PUBUC SPEAKING and SAlESMANSHIP e CHOOSING A CAREER ...., Nw,... ......, ONea Bl: .u-w ~ lrrfllacllel II TAl, IALUT, *=IOIATIC, let Cltlhl,.,. place in Council personnel or em- ployes. automatically on the Ola.r- ter adoption. The voters will prob- ably pass on the "Constitution" soon arter the first of the year. Cont1nuet1 from Page 1 Christmas shopping attractions planned by the association ls a series of free Friday night movies for children to be shown outc:loon at t he Christmas tree site on Fri- day nights. S tores will be open eaCb Fnday night begtnnlnc Nov. 19 until Dec. 15. when they will be open evenings each week night un~ til Christmas eve. The Christmas committee wtJJ present its plans for assodation approval at the general meeting ot the membership slated ror Monday evening at 8~30 at Crown of the Sea restaurant. Present at the committee meeting Monday w.ere A. E. F1 itzmonis, Mr. and Mn. William Reed. who are ma.Jdng up the Christmas li2hts for the trees, and Monica Smith. committee chainnan. ~~-----BAZAAR C"n.,t lnued from Page 1 fro m the bazaar wUl go lnto the C"hurch F unc1. Approximately 140 penons at- tended t he luncheon, acconllng to Mrs. 0 . M . Campbell. who sene<! on t he committee for the affalr. The sale and luncheon croae<) $550 which will be used for church activi~es. thls being the prindpal fu nd raising actJvitiy of the GuOd for the year. Have a Treat TRY LUNCHEON AT a I 75c LUNUIDXJN Soup -Sa lad -Choloe of 3 EntTees-Potatoes-Vep- ) table Hot Grilled Tout- Coffee or Tea. R 1•15 cent H..,._y ( Bfrtcher Building) Hart)or lM8 CORONA DEL KAJt ' WE GRIND IT ........................................ -.. -.................. -... lb. ROYAL GOLD MEDAL ... _ ........................................ .2 LBS. 71c Lge. Pkg. CINCH SWANSDOWN HUNT'S SMALL RED Big 2V2 Can• ................ ~' Big 2Y.r 14 OL jar .......... .. ............................... _.No. 2 can .................................................................. 1 lb. can 4Jc Big 2V2 can ............................ .. Ca• of M (2 Cane for S?o) A FULL UNE OF WINES Pleaty of Paper Gooaa ·············-···········································..-· ···--·-····································· .. ······ Laroe White Head • Each - ~I ..( MrL Jane C&Jic::lM. m ~P" ..... _ _ phli'e Ave .. Balboa Ialand. chair· entertained IUetta from Cfti.N j THE IENIION P age 5 man oJ the entertaitUDent com-field over the week~ 'fb!y fGil" a bia-IOJoun\ Ul IFfUDAY, NOVEMB~~~· rn.tttee for the Bat* Yadlt Club, were Chuck Dewey and M.tU YOlk He Will be 1one about two -··-· . co~.,..r •~porte tbit tbe dub'a bar hal Ellen De\vey. WeeD. Mrs. Rachel AmJdon and b tor the past R\'era.J montns nK~t: been redecorated &rid that pJan. two sons. 417 Heliotrope, la .~ re.Jded at 416 Heliotrope Ave., have ~n ~Dade to Install a tele-Mr. and Ml"8. OWen Hud8on. N. Mr. and Mrs.. H. E. Christl r. Ina 8 week with her a1stn Mrs have sold the1r home and moved \'laton Rt wblch wt11 be ready Bay Front. Balboa Jaland, lett t6U Balboa Ave .• Balbo Island, Ella Denton in ruvemc:te Ca.ut,. from Corona del Mar. for the week~ lut Monday tor Palm Sprlnp plan to take a t\\.'0-weekt vaca-.-' to spend a couple of weeks. t:Jon lt&rtlri.l the tatter part .ol W 8 S f ~--..,_ Mr. and Mrs. c . Donker, 323 Dennla Brown. .on of Mr. and thJI week. Tbey plan to camp · · prague 0 ~ ~mar• Grand Canal, BaJboa Island, en- Mrs. Jamet T. Brown. 528 Ame-Barton Beekt eon ot Mr. and out on the desert near Palm 'N,no P lsttlj~~g R~ ~· at terta.lned Ralph Knowles I rom thyst Ave .. Bal~ ~ ceJe.. Mra. J . A. Beek. 410 Bay Front, Sprlnp. 0 ~. e CD~ n ome, 1 acute Los Angeles on Wednesday. bra ted hJa ninth blrthda.Y with a Balboa Island, Lett a week aao r 'e. · · party at hl1 borne. Guata were: Wed.neaday by plane tor Guaya-Mr. and Mrs. Kent Doolittle, --Mrs. Herb Sattler, 117 ~,z Sap- Todd White, Michael Vall. Larry qull. Ecuador where he plana to 1410 SeavieW Corona Del Mar Cat'ole Denny. daughter of Mrs. phtre Ave., Balboa Island, 8ttend- and Nell Metcalf, Bob Martin, Join three other .renow-. They saw the Jk.n-Rarrd football .iane Denny, 4.21 Heliotrope Ave.. ed the Past President of Ebell Bill Eastman. Pete Mesten and will u.1.1 a 56-foot ketch, the ,ame 1Ut Sunday. They were was evacuated from ICbool i luncheon in FuUerton at the home Garey Cook. Norseman. to Balboa. accompit.nled by Dick Schwiedlar Modje ka Canyon last Tbursday ot Mrs. Leroy Lyons last we-ek. t.rom La Jolla. who used to play with many other stuaenta as a re- An accident whJch mlght have Mrs. Gertrude ualden celebrat-with the Bears. ~t of the !ire which was nearina Among those present at the been very serious wu expert-ed her birthday last Monday by that area. luncheon given by the Ladies eneed by Mn. Eva Am1don, Mn. spendlnl the day wfth Mr. and It wu a dinner party Tuesday Guild at Community Church ~\Ted- Rachel Amidon ana her two .OJ\1, Mra. Hi Sibler at their ranch evening at the residence of Monica ··cabby'' Graham. son of Mn. nesdl\Y were M~. Ellen Se•bert, 417 Heliotrope Ave. and Mra. Gft· home at Nuevo. OtMr guetrta Smith, 411 Iris ~ve., COM. Her France Graham, 510 Aeacla, has M.I:B~ Dorothy Linkey and 1\frs. aldlne Bt"rkey of Costa Mesa. on were EdJth Chriaholm and Mn. cuests included Mr. and l\1rs. A. completed his trainng at boot Hannah Byrnes. Saturday afternoon. WhUe ~ W. G. Allen, 300 Seaview, Corona 'Ibelkildaon of Seattle. Mrs. Vir-camp and ls now enroute to Mem· -- on Newport Blvd. the Amidon del Mar. ginla McMann of Costa Mesa and ph.is, Tenn. for funher instruc-Mrs. Frances Graham. 510 Aca· car was struck by another and al-Mrs. A. Predhomme of Seattle. tion. cia Ave., was surpsised on her most demolished. The occupantl birhdav, Oct. 31 to ~eive a were shaken and received bumps Mrs. L G. Beall, US Ruby Ave., corsage of <>rchid~ from her son but no serious Injuries. Balboa Wand, Lett a week ago Miss Carol Denny, 8-year-old .\lr. and Mrs. L. w. fBud) Up-Peter. That evenjng she w~ Friday nJght by plane to jo~ daughter of Mrs. Jane H. Denny, pitt ha,·e sold lheir home in Los treated to dinner at the Castaway Installation of officers of the her husband ln Phoenix. Ariz. 421 Heliotrope Ave .. Corona de~ An~t>lt> and are now permanent Club by Peter and his tr·iend Women's Fellowship of the St. Mr. Beall was chairman for the Mar. has been ho~e from. her r;stdt>nts at 413 Heliotrope Ave., Tommv· Holtz. A.nd.rewl Presbyterian Church wu Democratic party 1n Arizona. The school, Santiago. m ModJeska COM. Mr. Uppitt is in business · effected Wednesday, Nov. 3, at Bealls attended an election ~Y Canyon. The school was closed in Laguna Beach. Major and Mt·t4. Walter E. recul&r 2:00 p . m. meeting at the at the Hotel Westward Ho m because of the ftrcs ln the can· Goode of Corona del Mar and La- home of Mrs. Robert Campbell, Phoenix last week. yon. Thomas Fostet-, o'r.1er ana pro-guna Beach. purcnased a new 51.5 Vla Soud, Udo Isle. Mrs. Olar-prietor of Tommy's Shop, 611 home ln Corona ano will make lea McDowell spoke of her exper-Coast Hi-way, is rejoicing in the their permanent resadence in that lenees while attending the World news that hls mother and father city. Major Goode is superinten· Council of Olurehes held at Am-wll ('Orne to Corona del Mar trom dent of construcion, pecializing sterdam. Holland. this summer. Seattlt>. Wash. for a t\\>'0-months at present in school buildings. He Her huaband. who also attended, sojourn. Tommy has joined the also broadcasts on Tuesday and represented the Los Angeles Pres-a rmy of apartment hunters in Thursday evenings over the new bytery. r · their behalf. Corona radio station. ~~~~~h~~ M~o~P.C~~m~~ M~Hcl~r~~.WM~~------------------------~ and her assistants! Ave., Balboa Island. waa on a rine Ave., Balboa Island. was in business trip to Los Angeles Santa Barbara visiting his aunt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Uewel-Tuesday evening. Miss Crumley and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Newhall lyn Daviee, 500 Ac.arla Ave., cele-takes dictation for dl.scussion of. Helmer last week. brated their Goldm Wedd1ng an-all cases presented at clinical --- niveraary on Tuesday, Nov. 9. In-meetings tor the Los Angeles Mrs. Lawrence B. Broering. 120 umuch as thelr relatives on both Dennatologtcal Socrety, which Amethyst A\•e., Balboa Island, re· sides are ln the East, the couple I occur once a month. poru that there is to oe a surf- received their many cards and alder party at the Laguna Skeet gUts by mall. Mrs. Davies wu The condition of F1oyd CUt· Club thJs Saturday night. presented with a beautiful a.me-berth, 435 Redlands, Newport thyst herat, to be worn as a lapel Heights, wbo underwent surgery a Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Jones, 61 pin, by her dauahter, Mrs. week aao Thunday in Good Sa-Heliotrope, Corona ael Mar, have Frances Graham. who feted the maritan hospital is much improved. a new baby girl named Sharon couple With their annlvesary din-accord.1ng to Mrs. Cut.berth, owner Lee. She was born at St. Jo- ner. Mra. Davies had often stated and operator of Corona del Mar's seph's hospital in orange last that she felt she ''de.erved a Cout Super Market. Mr. CUtberth week. Purple Heart for having Uved is recuperatlnc at his home. wfth the u.me man tor 50 yean. •• Mr. and Mrs. Melvin L. Becker. and her daughter, agreeing, se-Mrs. H. s. Scanlon. 226 Ameth· ~ Marguerite Ave .. Corona del cured the emblem for her. )'Bt Ave., Balboa Island, n!PQI'tl Mar, left Oct. 2 for Portland to that her grandson, Jeny Adams, be present tor the golden anni- Ueschen Taylor. daught~r of 100 of M..n. Dorothy Adams of versary of Mrs. Beck~r's pa.re!'lts. Mr. and Mn. James Taylor, 616 Newport Beach. had a Lovely birth-Mr. and Mrs. S. J . ~~ceo. mack, Hellotrope, Corona del Mar, was day party for his second birthday on Oct. 5. one year old on Oct. 31, and a on Oct. 23. Nine children were birthday party was held ln her present. honor. Guests were: Mrs. L. S. Mr. Bunster Creeley. fo•·met manager of the Wanders Book· stot'e, Balboa Island. is devoting full time to his Book and Author Series and his <>"''Tl peN:onal b t • erary efforts. Jones and son Lennie; Mrs. D. W . At a dinner party in her borne Berkman and son Buzzy, Mrs. at 411 Iris, Sunday night. Miss Steffensen with children Diane Monica Smith was hostess to Miss and Jackson; Mrs. W. Newkirk EUeen Carlson and Miss Otaney and daughter Unda Clare; Mra. Forbes of Los Angeles and Messers L. D. Collins and sons Dewey and Lewis Portman and Walter Port-Mrs. Robert Fe.-dmier, dau~h Danny; Mrs. L. Barrett and son man, also of Los Angeles. Mrs. A. ter of Mr. and ~Irs. E. J loll Con- Randy; Mrs. V. Sagen and baby Predhomme of Seattle and the don, 318 Narcissus A,·<' .. C'oton~~ Sagen; Mrs. D. SWiet:zer; Mr. and honored guest. Miss Smith's moth· del Mar. and childr-en Gt>n<' an Mrs. E. Spring, grandparents of er, Mrs. Freida Pickell. John. and Mrs. Feldmit>r's. moth· Ueschen. from Laguna Beach; er ln law, Mrs. Randall Whitm:t• Mrs. E. Muller, Lleschen's great Honored guest at the St. An-have returned to SyracuS<' ar• aunt. from Denmark; Mr. and drews Presbyterian Church Oct. Little Falls. N.Y. aftE'r a ft\ <' Mrs. D . Muon, from Laguna. 31 was Dr. Glenn w. Moore, a weeks visit in Corona Del l\t nr 1 member of the Executive Council The monthly meeting of the of the Olurch Federation of Los Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ro\d. tiN.• Church School Gulld, ~ngrega-Angeles. Dr. Moore is responsible Larkspur. Corona del Mar. han• tonal Church, COM, met lut for the expansion of Presbyterian been living at 1756 Miramar. Bal· Monday evenJng at the home of 0'1U.rches in Southern Oalitomia boa. and caring for the Tohill Mrs. Bemardine Newlon. 508 Aca· and was a previous guest at the children while Dr. and Mrs. <-;. E. cia Ave., COM. Devotions were church ~th for Oranglzation Sun-TohUl have been on a t ri•1 to led by Mrs. Newlon. Under ~ar day and Mr. Gibson's Installation Likely, Calif.. and to San Fran- business the matter of carol sing-Service. cisco. ing on Thunday night ~~ ---------------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------------~ Christmas waa dtscussed. The IMPORTED TOYa dlld.ren and young people of. the church w1ll ake part. Plans were made for a Christmas party next meeting, and lt will be held at the borne of. Mrs. Clarence Dodd, 421 Fernleat Ave., COM. Articles for the baby booth to be unde-r the supervision of the guild at the 1415 <but Blvd. COLLECTOR'S ITEMS Inc. HOBBY & TOY CENTER Corona del Mar Churcl\ Baraar, Nov. 9th, were'============================== wrapped and priced. Relresh- ments were eerved by Mrs. New-E GILBERT lon and her co-bostas, Mn. Rus----- sell Workman. Members preaent • • ------------- and guests were Me.clames John Keeler, H. E . BenedJct, DougJu Leonard, John Stowers. Gordon Kopp, Hugh McClymont, Jamea McKee, David n-omu. F. S. But· terworth, D. W. Berkman, Nor- man Frahm. w~ C&lderbeacl. Ed Reeb6e, Alvan Clemence, AI· fred PJecer, Clarence Dodd, Stu- art Diehl. Charlet ~ and Mn. Wll.llaiM, mother Of Mn. ~BRIOR ~ERIOR DECORArm<J • • • SPRAYDJG AND W~APERING GOLOR IIA.pfONY REASONAB.t£ Corona del Mar HARBOR 2Ml·W SET ~95 UP ··-··········································· ...... Now, before bad weather sets in. is the tiime to have new seat covers installed in your car. Come in today and choose from the wide S<"lectton offered at BiJl's Auto Supply. You'll find aU colm-s. at all prices. for' ALL CARS. Ask to St'e the Trojan handsomely tailored. longer Silk CO\'ers . . . they're w<'aring An id<>al gtft for Dad. Use Our Lay Away Plan D<'si~t'd to decr<'a.--e your !;hopping problems. our Lay r\'.\\1~ Pl.tn ~~ for your con- ' t•nien<."'e. Here Is "1M "TOY F or Active Voungstet"' You w-on't find a bt>tt<'r. more sturdy toy for an ac- th•e youn~er than this. A tractor that IS a tractor .. :, . built to "ithstand rough wear from ktd!-2 to 6 Your boy or girl will spend many happy hours haulm~ E.'ach othE-r in th<' trail<'r attach- . ment too See it today .. It will sell you itst>lf. Autn Lire Resister Type Spark Plugs \\.til Eltminate Ignition Interference in Your Radto. FOR BETTER AR PERFORMANCE Dtstributor Caps \Vtth Built-In RE'sister-:-\ew Economical-.All GM Cars COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY G. E. SMALL APPUANCE§ IIALUCRAFTEBS TEI.EVISIO upply your Dealer 215 Cout mpway Harbor 1U54 Newton. frOm Bloo!MitOD. DL, I :~=:::::~~~===========:_] ••Yilt-.... L-------------------------...l , -.••• =••e·-•• ' ..... ~ ,. Publltb«!d ~ for ~~ of Corona del Mar and Balboa Wand. Written oommunicatlons to the Enllp should bear name and address ot the wrlter. aubeer.ptlon rate• One year ....... .... .. . . .. ...... .... $2.00 Slx months .......... _........... 1.00 OffiCH at 1201-D, Q)ut Hlcb- way, Corona del Mar. F . F. Allen. publisher. Vlrginla Mow- ry, social editor. -------------~ ~n~ ················-~ •-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J • I AnothPr jaunt down Coast playlng a mualeal Instrument. Corona Del Mar and . Balboa 1 Iighwa~ to Hurn.frey's Fabric The organ bouted calla Ulles for Island realtors took leadership Shop and I could see exactly What pipes and daisies tor ltD~. Any this week in moves to effect im- I wantro in an evening skirt. one of these delicately fashioned p.rovement ln multiple list •ng, a And in a ·drapery shop! Although Uttle gnomes would make a pres-proeeu which 75 of the Harbor's the name blocked on the pure ent that would be ·~yplcal Call-Board of Realto now number- glass material was "Bayou'' by fomla." They are 80ld aeparate-lng 150-have adopted, to ex- ~chumacher. ll reminded me of ly, lf desired. U Chrutm.aa Is stlll change lntonnatlon and lmprove the name HeathclUfe and here's ln mind, then a atriktnc eucalyp· service both to sellers and buyers why: the background was ivory tu. design done on a rongh crash of property . a nd ~ilver gray. stark chocolate Jlnen luncheon set Is quite novel. Price McCuistion. W . .J. Hoi- brown t N'eS splashed with bril· The napkin. placed on the richt. comb and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Fitz- lmnt or:.ngt> leaves. I'd llke lt on is folded so that the deslgn ap-monis were am~ng active <;OM myself. but it might be an even pears to be a part of the design leaders in a ~nes of m~tmgs. tx-tter. complement as drapes to on the left side of the place dolly. WllUam Schm1dt and F . C. An- hamboo or rattan furniture. And If you'd llke to be spicy O)l dressen. of COM, and Hub Pow- 1 co,·ctro three more designs: the hoUday, a set ot unusual ers and F. M. Sorenson. of Balboa l :nl!lish linen. Chinese dog de-herbs and spices put out by Spice Island, are. on a permanPnt 10- sign. cream blue background. Island Co.. San Fnlnclsco, is man corm:ruttce to hL•lp develop Simple , cxpen h ·e , and only re-packaged 1n th.ree very unusual multiple hstlng: ccrtlv obt ainable· a Persian mo. displays. I llke the sound ot them Realtor Prt>sJdPnt \V. W. San- sale · pattern ln~ludlng all the on my tongue u well as the taste ford, who has hls otrfce in Balboa tainbow and sunlight colors In on my palate; oregano, parsley, ~land and 1\is home in CDM .. pre- l·l .. r fect harmony; and a Stan ground cloves. fancy chill pow-stded yesterday . (Thu~dayl at .a 1 a~ lor or iginal design of a harp-der. U your, husband is an ama-breakfast meetmg at Norton s isl done in thick black brush teur chef, he d like these. cale. At Island Cltapel c~•:a ~o=~~ ~t Sunde.y evenlnc's service, M.lu Rev. Thomas Roy Pendell oocu-Dorothy Rigdon wUJ review Uoyd pled the pulptt Sunday morning Douglu' newest book. ·~ Blc nt thP Balboa Island Chapel In Fisherman." Miss Rigdon. ~ the absence of Dr. Harry White known u a book reviewer and who was lit. contributor to the Globe-Herald. ·'The world never stood 10 bad· was aske-d to appear tn keeptnc ly in need of a vital sense of Chris-with the church's poUcy ol fur· tlan stewardship." he aUlrmed. tbertng the spirit of frlendl.lneu J it> defined Chrlstlan stewardship 1lnd cultural as wt!'ll o l"CUilou.t as a sense of responsbllity and appeal for the people of COita obligation to "thE' Creator for our Mesa. Special music will be pro- use of His world and the many vlded along with con~tlonal blessingS and talents he has be-slna'ng. stowed." ''Secular faith says the world belongs to him who can get lt ana hold on to it. Christian faith says that the world is God's and that ~e have been called by Him to use it for His great purposes." CORONA DEL MAR COMMUNITY Sund.ay·s morning scnnon cho- sen by Rev. P. F. Schrock 1.s "Hezeklahit.i.s-A ReUglou.a Mal- ady.'' 1n the evening is PU&rtm FeUowshlp at 7:30, with a youth meeting for high school and junior college age young people. IT. JOACHIM'& CATHOLIC Olurch group meetings sched- uled for thls week were: Men's C1ub, Tuesday nt 8 p. m. in the parish haU, for the purpose of discus ing buildi]lg plans. Ladies Guild, Thursday at 7 :30 p m. in the parlsh hall. Speclal fe-ature of the eventng will be a review of Lloyd Douglas' ~-,e Big Fisherman." by Miss Dorothy Rle- don. Young People's Club, Thursday at 7:30 p. m. tn the home of Jean Trompeter, 2226 Elden Ave. stmkes on ~ silken white weave. The Lamp Ught Shop, Coast Mrs M H Jtoberts 325 I a m kcepmg to myself a red Highway, Corona del Mar, could-Dlam~nd ~~~Y Balboa Island and NEWPORT HAReOR u mber, brown. desert yellow and n't escape the inevitable pun of Mrs ' · LUTHERAN Square Dancers Turn Out lor Jig cn•am design called "Manhattan beng a "shady" place. Mn. Lynn · Harry Green spent the week-In connection with Rev. Herbert SKyscraper." It would make stun-Hughes make. ortatnaJ shades to end In Los Angeles. Roth's serles of sermons on Bib- nm~. dr apcs in a k~otty pine and order. and 1f you have an antique were made in boudoir lamps at tical characters of the Old Testa-ThE' Conrrregational Chdrch bum1shro ~pper living room or lamp-stand. candlestlck, or even this shop. Eyelet in the ga y ninc>-ment entitled "Forgotten Friends," held Its regular square dance last slu_d~.: but I d ~all it ~t;,ersely, a coffee-grinder. Mrs. Huahes tits dress of a ceramic figure was he has chosen for his Sunday ser-week at the Corona del Mar m~ P alm Sprmgs skirt. Any· could fashion a shade that would carried out in the shade in pink mon topic, "A Saint Who Sut-grammar school to the tune of thmg to be d1Uere~t. make lt a charmfng addition to and white eyelet. The fig ur·e s are fered." '01 Zip Coon and the Virginia In t he Isla nde1·s Gift Shop, Bal-your home. I did see an old coffee an exclusive design. An amusing Officers elected at the Thesday Reel. Partidpatlng In the fun boa hlnnd. I saw a very charm-grlnder given a spotted tvory nunpus room lamp wouJd be one meeting and "Pound Party" of the were Mrs. J. H. Haggard. Ms. and ing little display case fuU of "El-shade with a red and green plaid I saw made o! a Puerto Rico rum Women's Missionary Soclety were: Mrs. J . E. Hartwick. Mr. and 1in Music by Susannah." A full ru1t that was atrf.ktnc. Even wed-jug (86 proof). Should be proof Mrs. D. Wedeking, president; Mn. Mn. ¥. J . Shannon, Mr. a nd Mrs. orchestra composed of tiny leal-ding sUppers, heirloom ot kid yot• can fashion .1\ lamp out of Myrtle Hubbell. vice-president; E. 0 . West. ~r. and Mrs. James l!r('C'l anrt brown c!rves. each with a beaded design on the toe, about anything. Mrs. E. J . Roth, secretary, and Benedict, Mr . and Mrs. Ambrose . Mrs. AJ Kesel. treasurer. AU Wyckoff, Mr. and Mrs. Harold E . Owners For Specialized Service Factory Parts -Call SID'S GARAGE HARBOR 2784 920 Coast B•vd. C.D.M . Pickup &. Deliver Bay Area DONALD LEBO with Ben J. Whitman Company REALTORS N ew office at 400 Coast Highway, Corona del Mar (Fonnerly with the Tavern Company) LOUISE W . SMITH New York Teacher of Voice • Piano Sight Reading In 1 mprovialng Corona del Mar, Ph. Har. 2898·J IILA.ND BEAUTY JIOX 219Y2 MARIN~ AVE. Balboa Island RARBO!t 1852-J Specializing In Permanent WavetS VIRGINIA LOCKER. propr. DO YOU CROCHET? Make your own Chrlttm• glft8. Ma~rtala, needle and the eng- lnal dlreetfona oemptete In a Crochet Kit, ,1. F,.nor . P. 0 . 431, BalbOa lalaft41. · -· ----·-members brought a pound of gro-Benedict. Mr. and Mn. L. H Ben-B A U L I N G oeries for an invalid minister. Fol-edict. R. F . Barlow, Mr. and Mn. BALTZ MORTUARY SERVING 'nlE HAJUIOR AREA Chapel By The Sea llarl»er a 410 COA.T ltL VD. Corona del ..... Ott.street ParldJia LOANS $50.00 to $1,000 • SALARY • AUTO • FURNITURE or other personal property "QUICK SERVICE" OOAST Cli'IDS LOAN OOMPANY 2305 COAST BLVD. Newport Beach, California <Next Door to Western Unfen Otfioe) Tel. Harbor 2£38-.J • • • • towing the meeting, Mn. Herbert Odmork, Mr. and Mrs. Hy Rather, Lon.g Distance Roth led a diSC'UISion on ''Seeing Marie S . Bailey, Vlrgtnfa K. Rei- Afar W'ith God." Mn. C. A. King-bold. A. H . McPhail, Wanen C. Local man was hostess. I Fletcher. Eleanor Cunningham. Members of the Ball and Chain LoJT&Ine Fletcher, C. D. Olnn.lng- Club (young married group) wm ham. LARGE OR SMALL JOBS GIVEN SAME CARE *'We Move With The World" 1962 HARBOR BLVD. . meet tonight (Friday) ln the church hall ror a chicken dinner Walshes' Accident at 5:30 p. m. The group is cur- rently sponsoring a project to pur- chase visual aid equipment for the Sunday school. Church Ladies Plan Founders' Honors The Capilla Circle of the Corona del Mar Congregational 01Urch Mrs. Tt'd M. Walsh. 310 Dla- monct Ave., Balboa Island, and daughter Toni. were ln an auto aJcldent last Friday afternoon on Lakewood Blvd. In Long Beach. Toni was sllghtly shaken up but not Injured, whUe Mrs. Walsh suffered a back Injury whlch calls for several days of rest. Crowd for Revelers Beacon 5538-J I will hold its Founders day Pro- gram at Pilgrim Hall Wednesday, ;.._-----------......:: Nov. 17, at 2 p .m. It will be held A throng of 1100 people attend- ed the first concert series program to be held at Newport Harbor High School, Nov. 8. The bl& crowd was drawn by The Revelen. a world-farnat1s quartet who are established conc·ert r-nd radio per- formers. The Revelers wt>re estab- lished ln 1916 a nd have· given com- mand performances for British royalty whlle on European tour. HARBOR PAINT & APPUANCE 00. DUTCH BOY PAINTS Wallpaper Pai nters' Suppll• Serve! Gaa Refrlgerato,.. Home Appliance. Gaa Ranges Harbor 2020-W 211 COAST HIWAY Corena 4el Mar in honor of the 10 women who founded the circle five years ago A violin program will be offered by Mrs'. Walter Spicer. The nine group will give a skit. During the program a scroll will be hung in the church commemorating the ef- forts of these women. Hostesses will be Mrs. R. E Campbell, Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Turner. Mrs. 0 . Z. Robertson wilt tw in charge of devotton. Cruise ol Xmas Tree Starts Dec. 19 Fonner members of the group are James Melton and Frank Parker. Fifth Parent Forum Toole Scheduled Thurs. Sfated for tl1e fifth topic In the Parent Forum sertes at the h(Jb school auditorium Thunday, . 7:30 p. m ., Is a dt8CU.SSion of Beginnmg Dec. 19 a "noattng'' r1>roblems of Adoles<lence" by Christmas t~ will start regular Lllllan Hubbard, counsel~r In nightly trtps around Newport HaJ"-marrla~ pei"'Inallty develop- bar, if plans laid by a Christmas rnent and child guJdance. commJttee of the N~ Harbor Mrs. Hubbard, a graduate of Chamber of Commerce materialize. the Unlvenlty of Kansu hat Members of the oommJttee from studled fn VIenna and has' done :..------------..!Corona del Mar a.re J . H. Regan graduate work ln peyehlatrfe 10- and Ralph Hoyle; from BaJbo& ctal work at the CJnfventty of ---------------~---------~~~~s~~~·~~o~~M~~e~~~ Ham Scott. Each <tistnct ln the chlatrfc eocia1 worker for the Interior Deoontin& -PaPerhanging MURAL WORK -SCENICWALLS CORONA DEL MAR 110 Naroa.. A-. dty of Newport ~ach will re-California State Department of quest $100 fOf' Ou1stmas decora-Mental Hygiene, she has wrttten tlon from dty funds. many artJclea on mental health. -----· Mrs. Dean C Bradford, SOt Mra. J.ck Younc, .611 Orc.1dd Poln ttta. Corona del Mar, hu Aw., Olnlna del Mat, raw bb1tl had an tnlected ear ane2 haa been to a atx-pounct bilby boy on OCt. • __ ........., ______ .~...-___________ --1! tncapadtated for about a ~ 28th. t " i C'l jT'HE ENIICN P•~ 5 ~FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1~~· Sl ha 8to dy ThJr1y-four ~n turned out for •Y Dick '""•,.•• -th• r·rst t>asket~ll practi~ ses-Corona Ml \ftr ' Through ooopt-rar 011 of bUN- IM"tmt:lleD of all • l1:mm th.' \.JY- . ()ran (;.out (;.ulJ\iCt'. 35 f!'i ~I Coach Ray Rollo'• 0 ran 1 e L p G I ~t.c • t Or:~ . (\ Co CoUege re-~ ol tb! CDlf BUUDesa C"flUt Pirates wlll be gunnlnc for iOnS resent it (-:•·\1:,.111• ,·~,, nrt I (')u~e bas--IOC'Iatlc:m, "-'til met:l onday ht Utelr RC:Ond Ei.ttern Confererlee It\'' .,)J r 1 •. ·• rs th t are on the at ero-·n ol the SPa l"e'!UW"311t to VIctory Whfl\ they fneet San 8ft-s t w•th J1500 I C'Jl""f' fop•blJ l am. The)• WUJ and J)C*ibJy act Upon nx'- nard!nO I C F'rld.&y rught at the COU S I bf> llhen th~·r oppor1urilty to tr)' 0111Jl\fft1118Uonl of •ts comm.Jllc on Inland clty. Both teama have loat 0 tt for th<' tt-am after football c:onsltutioo and b>··la Cbrii.tm~ to Fullerton JC't re.aue·leadln& A check for 1500 w pr ntr:d H ~ ()n i~ 0'*)'' shoPJ>ln.. plans alto w.U t... ub- J"omets, and comparative scores by the Balboa Bay Lion CJub to Gnnc-h Mt i'· F .. o~Hon, formerly :.t mlttf!'d. ln-Ueate a San Bernardino vic-thC" officers of t h~ N•·"'PO'"' Harbor S r.,ta Ana. \\til dhtde ~ fiTOUP At a 'J'\.aesday nl,t,t co:nrr-,t~ '''f"Y· The Pirates are out to prove Committ~ I.e t Wedn( .. d,~ P \ ,._ "!t , l\m t• m~. the '-'VSity and meeting. it dt'clded to recom- Ua:tt com parative scores mean ~1 Scout Council and Bui.ld · n • 1 ' 1 u ~ · ,. . .11 .... · . as t tte ~n ~d fOI' full ~S"'i.h.ip aC11on noth ing, however, and have been n n~t. Nov. 3 Mrs. Ed M11lt>tl , r·rr,•n "' doptlon ollhe ~that mt>m- pract:Jdng dUlgenUy Jn hopes of buildJng ll'E'asurPr ill"''i t·-·in•"" · Th . fn' fl\''in'~ hu.~ tumetJ out bership in the assod.auon be open •vtdlnf( Sc\n Bernardino to their r.halnnnn, a~tcd th(' du'<·k for f• r •ht> ,,.. ~1..· C"h:l:iPI Brown. to all in bu ~ or prac1ic·n~ a lflt of victims. the aoout.s. • • ·1-r.tv ! ,:,. , f'on Com1)4;. John mof~. Tht>n> had bf>("''l rf'('-I Coast'a maJn trouble to date ~adt-1"'8 present · ·r re .MJ"$. M f'O'lpc r. P.ut'~ Casillas.. Dan Day .,,.lous proposal! to limit mem~r-. hu ~ • -strange liege of fum-Gibson, ~frs Lonnie VinC""N !\1,.._ 1)1 ., Oid Py. Ralph Frt-itn~. St"" ~rup to OM p-rson from e-ac-h b 1- blelU. mingled with a poor pus Ralph l)(>ver, Mrs. Ed Chapman. r·111P.H· ~ut'don F•)':;tPT. LylP Gw-ness enterpri in the oomrnunt' defense. The past two weeks have Mrs. J.loward P<>tE'f"''n a.J"d Mr:-. rl"f ! rnw; rti H<>nnin~. Jim Hn -11le ~ittf"'f' aJ cn wiil f'f'("nm- bftft used to drlU on th('Se funda-Ed Millett. ton. M "l(' 1 it•nrotinE' Fr-ed Hope. mend that tht-board of d irectors mental problems. a nd the Pirates T>r Edwam M•h•"' W:t!. c-l•a1r -Tnn K n•· Ernie Klmar. J im of t hf-a~t~atJon let'1 a li:nit,..d teem to have overcome their dlf-man for thE' O<'ca.'\ion. ¥1inmnnn J")()n Moffitt. R.ay M e-'lttmbt>r of d rt"C'tors' mPmlx>'rs "·ho t icultles. T " ,, <' J im ~l••rphy. John ~ur-don't qualify undt>r the-difm't ion A bitter scrimmage w ith Lov-.. ~ · Jlf'h N r tt 1<'" Paul Noack of membt»nhip. makm ~ J)('r' h' ola UnJventty's tr'e'Shman team Girl Scout News l>"l \•• r-..... '~... rPnt Rob n on ,,.,,. induc::lon or the-po<t !":1'' t •·~ laat week cost Coa&t the services t r •J !"• lhv f>"•l _!::tr•.-.l"n R;.y ~tt-in ,nd occuJlatinn.: nr~~l')' for rom- of halfback Ray Vidal when he Mrs. R. F . Cunningham. gil'! P " ..... c::,· !"" ·Jp non \1\''llkPT, Phil Pll"te l""'f'T' ><-.,,.._. nn c-' .,,.. ,.....,, Injured h is hlp rna:ung a tackle. ~out Je3 '<'r 1,f · • :-ttrfl • , .• , \'• cltl ,. !'"t ·., Hill and Doh Mtlll"f' nomic and busineu Ute of the Don Noblet was also ahaken up ~··oup. &;1)5 Po! .... r.. ("p~n -1 rl ---C'ro• ... ·n C"ity sUcbtly, but will probably be back Mar, reports that hPr Sf" p · tr•· • M(>("t inP w it'l commttlt>t' r '., r- ln shape h\ time ·o taite over VI· girls have been acti"e In t1r·a1 ~ , •• , man ~l"'"t> J')ro nr ..on At h •c f ffk .... daJ'a left half slot. But1 Smith, work this week. ThP girl Ita\,. -Mo0(1a~ wPr.~ P."r-P"1 t •p ... '.-f>l·c ' the bov who scored three tJmea form~ ~roll"'" "., · ~"'"' ,. • E ~t~'""'f'ric Dr n ·' Y -:~·1' lor Coaat In the El Centro game, plana to entertain the others by 'ld Jark '"-d',.:r all mr:~-.llo(>rc: tJf haa moved up to first a1rlng fuJI -producing a ''a ·. '1 J.C' r!•• '" ,., I ~t" ("()fr.r.'littt'l". back In place of Bob lfuhn who be wearing their new -.unflmt.l't •. \\':lllr>r I~nt.'TTloor hea~ of th• -----............ Is auUerinc from an injured shin. lnalgnJa on their siN>\'('S as soon r tt~ Planmng-\'omm1o;.sson arv WM ... tr r-IUII Probable starting line-ups: as the insignia arriv~s. ':••\"no"1 B!'"!<'h I"P'!;id. "''t wa~ ap ---------In··· tro ''' wf"t l: ,., the Boa"d of fuchsia 'Society Installs Officers i ~~·r;~,·,..t~ ~~-~~~~~ ... ~0.~~ t~~111~; I t ('lhh•rd 1 fl)'\'(' Appointrnl"nt wac ~t Colorful Rites in legion Hall I ~-~'!:~: /~~~~~\~~!:'~tt>ndent of and ~"'Ont."n enroll' d sn ~~ •tOJt' owtwrstup and OJl< :-.ttivn "V are betn~ offt:n>d t •:~~ of.iX>i ·' ~ to lnm !trst-h.und • p(( .... o1 • J.t· prob Jn\Oh"t'd 1n op<.•ru (U • u IIDill j fa'{'(. DOOf'S Opeft Nigt-t ty --£ttds SATURO Y. Nov. 13 Gary Cooper Ann c-heri, ~'GOOD •• -Serond Bs~ H.t Henry For:da Do1o r~ T)p) "111E Fl .. Cf:n~·· SUN M ON TU~~. Nov. 14-tS-16 lfark Ste,·ens r i"""" "'d Widro3l 1{ "STREET \ rrm ~1~" / t D""""~ ~" I "l ~~,..-·-..... "Lt."Lt.• BEI .. J .. EU StMta WED. Nov 17 Loret ta \'our. p- Rorert .1itchtm ''RACHEl ..... -\. ;n tbe .TILLXGER,. C'onrono.1 Ft atur'" - Ann Sheridan Humphrey Bog art "It AD Came I Dt I ~.,r:wl' P<trkE'r wa~ named T11~tallatJon of officers in a col· -C------------' f'"''()l(ln· rN>c::idl-nt or thp hoard orful ceremony was the high-ommun •ty Play e r I --ttl a .pt"'rT"'anPnt h('ad of thl" ~ rr:\~t, .. r r l3"l for t._~ <'"l'"!Pl\."' Orange Coast roUege ~£ bE-tnit r"t• ~u.-ned by A r'Cimect RJrhard PI• - ~t>r of Corona de-l ~far Pl~er w1ll \ work with the RobE-rt E Alev..an-____ ___. __ _ dt>r Architec-tural f1nn of l..oo-An- ~('les. the o~nizat1on sdPCtPd b) t h~ Board of Trust~ of Orange Ught of t he meeting of Costa 1 '1 rd I' "" c·tl d from the mPm- MeM-~y Cities Fuchsia Society S L J hrrc::hip heJc1 Wednesday, ~ov. 3, In the ee~ Nex t p ay ~gton Hall. ~rs. Grace Collins of Oregon. Potluck m~ti ng , f H .rl>PJ ,. ... •·-'• ....:at --·') fint .:u.ator of "FUchsia Fan." of-Community Pla,·prg '·'I" · ~~ flclal magazine or the Calltomia Nov. 1 at VFW J q ! · RaJ- Fuchda Sodety, wu p~t to 'l"':t. ,\ftcr ,..,,.. n··frP' L'"=-'' E'r. oonduct installation rites. BIU Fudk · r• {'~or or t:.(' ,., p'. Otflcera cllo.en to preside for last p lay. "P.ettiN"'It Fc\'c>r.'-' -:r 1: • the comlnc year were Mn. Ber-on effici('nt · • ·•1 ds w · · ; n ont ,.. tha l-ee, president; Mrs. Julla atl~ a ('O~r'lunity th <J k t r~ ·1 F.g~rt. vice-president; Mrs. Jean 1n ronnH1ion with hi~ t. ', ' ( Lawren~. reeordJnJZ secretary: members dC'Cid(>(! to p?rtk<p<'tt> in Mia Marguerite Way, corre-the new Community Thl":l\E'r proj aponcUng ~tary. and Mr. Rob-ect. ~eds will rw tnwarrl ert Luckhardt. treasurer. building a n('w thPnt£'r for thP Standing committees for the area. year were announced by the new M~mb<>rs wPrt~ t\'"!tP<i h· 't:mar president: Mn. F1orence Elgh-Kepper, president to """~""' poc:- mey, hostess; Mrs. VIrginia Logs~ slb1l" plays for ttv· nt>'' pm<tt'<'· c1on, membership; Mrs. Henry tion scheduled for htE' f'"<'<'mlx>r E~~f'rt, b irthday ; Mrs. Bertha Readings were hf'!d on "T h<' L Mc> Ttllotson. refreshmentS; Mr. C. Chri-.toph('r BE>~n." fl.,al SPlf'('tio.., Guthrie, plants: Mr. J . W. Hinch· ot the group. Rl'h<'a~al c;ch('(tu'r lltfe. tlckets; Miss Marguerite w111 start ='lov. 15 f'Mhv r.il- W ay, publldty; Miss Erma more. act~s and rublid t ~· c-hair· Standlee, show. and Mr. J. W. man tor the Comfl"••nitv Th,~~t <'r HJnchllfle, assistant show chair-drive-. was appointPd tl"'llpnra~ man. director. Foot ball and compass hiki.ru! hh::hh~htt d scouting acttviue-s of Corona del Mar Scout Troop 17 u..rnng the past t"o weeks. W dnesday n • rt. a group (lf 3.: <'outs at tendl"d the Newport Har- bor-Santa Ana football game at na,idsr>n F'i ld On No.,·. 3 thP sam(' srrour took , rompa~s hike through the differ- •'n• s ctio:1s of Corona del Mar 111d down to the bE-ach. the coUJ"Sc tx>in~ laid out by Senior Patrol L('ader Don StE'ffensen. Next WednE'sday evenine at ~ he bovs and their assistants will .,eN in Corona del Mar school au- ditorium. Ac;~L~tant Scoutmncter t-:1rl AxtlltE'r un::e~ all local lads 'f 12 n•ars or oldrr to tum out for the regular WE'()kJy meetings Mrs. Ella Sleeth was In char·ge N~w mPmbP~ Or'f'c.!~f \\'f"rf' ---- ot the evening's program which Mrc::. S . F'ox and r.. L. Andrewl' • ... , C 1 ~ featured MJss Dixie Sleeth In a both of Corona del Mar. -. r .. q .0$ ftCJ UT number ol plano solos 'and vocal ------- .elections. Refreshments were L t!.. ... y p• .t.ed Stores lrre gular served by members of the re-I ua ~P. treshment committee. hi. f'lwre w ru; a!'\ m uch lack of uni- F ive new members were wel· 1111' e fmmHy about StOrE.' closini in Ba.l- eome(l Into the local chapter at boa 1 land and Corona del Ma1 the meetlng: Mrs. C. C. Graves, Lanelle Gay, . da•t~ht<'r of vc><tPrdav ITh"n-dayl ac; th('re WB! E . Aut1rey Man h al, Mr. and Mrs. George \V. Gay. 308 Ruhv A\'e. n~ut whethl"r to call the holida) P . G. Balaton and Mr. L. E . Shot-Bnlhoa t~ll'l1d hn!' juc;t r 'rf'i\·N~ ArmistiCt> Day or \'E'11"ran!l Da~ well. the honor or beinl! c-l~,...rl th,. fi~t Half of the busine.s plaCt>s ir president of the \Vom£'n'.; i\thll'fi(' roM W('N.' c lost"d down, with many Holiday wedding ~--c;ociation at Orange Coast Col- of them f'l>O(X'ning for evcnJn(: lece. business. ,., h;r~d ~·i"c; Gav'5 roll<'f!E' hon- For Marian Value or lies a high school record of part l('in.!1tion it1 f.'\'c>rv •Tit·l·' "Port at Harbor High. There sh(\ re- Marlan Abbie Value, daughter "Pived fi ve !i!JlOrt ernbiE'ms nll ~tAr of Mrs. Fra"lk Colbv. 910 S. Rav awards ln badminton and hockey. Front, Balboa Island. will be and sc.-rvt"d a111 <'aptain of th(' all marr1ed to Edward Witte, Jr. of star hockey team. San Marino at t he Colby home Elected to ~Prv<' with h1-r on on Thanksgiving evening at the women 's ath1~tk council were elaht o'clock. Grnre Rowlev. Gt'n('Vif'V(' Burk· Rev. Perry F . Schrock of the hart l'nd Thercl'la \Vurt'(''" of Com m u n l t y Congregational Huntington ~ach -viCt>-pr<'Sident. A VPI<'ranc; Day as E'mbly wa~ held in Ne,-..·port Harbor Hlgl- ~t'hool Wt'dncsday morning. A pa· tr"otic tht'meo was follow("d in thr assc>mbly after which Geoffl"t"y Morgl\n, speaker for the day. pre- sented his address E'ntitled • .,c l\farks of a Ma n." Church of Corona del Mar will recot'dln~ ~ecn-tM"Y And tn:'ll~<11 f('r. S ophomore Blll Turner was ottlclate. resnectivety. anrl R"rbRrs:. Rnb· plec:C'rt nn~t studPnt body pl"e$1- Marlan'a cousin, Patricia Root. cock of l.Aauna Beach. rorr~pond-,•c nt of ()('C la~t F rl'fay by an Will be maid ot honor. and H el'-ing MCI"t't~·· O\'rrwh<>lmlng majority. bft't Witte, brother of the groom, -----"i('('·T'r<'41HPnt for the coming wtll be best man. A reception 1a Th<' first Marfne .1<'t flght<'r .,.., . ., "Ill h<' Rl)t1 Gould. Bob Me· to be held after the weddl.ng. ~oullctron to be formed on th r·N" an<1 <'h3rlotte Best. lncum- P'orty ruesu are expected. West Coast showed Its strength h<'nts. wiH N'taln their po itlon and ability la~t week as dtv1s1ons " trt'A4tUr<'r and recording secre- ltln. B. B. Brewer, 9M s . Bay of the fiP.ht n m~'I"'P11Vf'f'M tarv N'!"f'('('tlvetr . Oorothye Hart Front, Balboa taland. hu had the through eouthern California wtll <'t'\e as corre pondlng .ec- !hl tldl put week. akfea. retary. C.oe.st College. Thi~ p);o., ";11 ·~clud~ a run -.y of prt"St"nt buildings 4nd "';n ,..~ body the location or rutu~ c::truc-- tures and ~eUng of those now !tanding. e\v Fl~hOQtlf: '!loon ore ~~e~t A ~· fire station for Coro":> i el M ar wUJ ha\'e to wait ff' .. tt-f' "ity's rK>W sales tax to build up more fund in NE'wport Beac-h rof. fe-rs. Mavor Dick Dral~l" to1d thr Ensign this •'ee"k ·•y am an'Ciotzc; to ~ th(' n("\1, fire station go in at COM whf'J"(' l 'c:now it is needed." said thP mayor 'And I think the v..iloiE' C'O''"l"l wanta It t oo. \\ft> will ha\·e It a.c ~n as J)O!!Isible " ·we hope to gE't all or part of cost from the new city ~lt-c; ta " Oty Admini trator J J Sa.ilon ex- plained. "but funds from t hat source will not be adequatc> richt away. The last quartl"r ~ the year tS not a hE'a~·y one from a J"t"\~nue standpoint. he said. Sailors said that Architect Phil EUPrbJ"'('k i CUIT'ently working on skl"trhf>~ o' the new firettouse as one step prP· paratory to learning how much it• oonstnJction will cost. F"RIDAY AND SATURDAY -------TWO OREA T SHO~·s '~'HE BABE Rt1'111 STOR\.'' WILLIAM nr. DIX CLAIR TREVOR -1 FRANK Bt'C'K'S Ori~nal ''BRING 'EM B.c--. .. "1 .... ALIVE'' AUNOAV ANO MONO. DICK POWELL UZABETii SC\.'1TI ''PIH'ALL'' -Abo- LOTS BtriLER "MI ' CARTOON NE\\ "S TUES. WED. THURS. --WILLIAM POWELL IRENE Dt "NNF 'lfAF'E \\itb FATHER" IN TECHNIOOLOR -A)e()- ' LIPPY McGEE" DOOf'8 Ope~ Nigtrtly t ·1S Continuow Sunday from 2 :$0 K d. Milt.. Silturcby •t 1 :45 EndL SATURDAY George Brent J ane Pov·cn ''Llrxt.~l· LI''\"'ER'' r n T(>('hniC'f" Jc-r Starts SU NDAY Jane \\'yman Le\\r "10~ r-Y Nov. BELl .. rnA" COMING SOON !!! For the Oat~! .. The Lovea of Coarme., .. Doo,... Open N ightly 6 15 Conttnuous Sun. from 7 ·30 Kiddie Matinee Sat. 1 :45 WED. Thru SAT. N ov 10 ~1 Eddie Albert Gale Storm in t he Corned)' Western "THE Dl."DE GO ,.....,~T" Companion F£'aturc - Lon Chaney Arthur 1-."lke "16 Fathom In Color Starta SUNDAY Gregory PC'Ck Ann Todd, Louis Jordan and \' alli "The Paradine Ca ._. .. Ill fA til!~ efta. poeel ftti!Mloll. tiM' ~ Nece 1 ry rtcht Mr. and Mn. Robert Callll. TtA Tile call for the opening "Such an extf'nStoc would beM-f1l -.y for Mid\ an eXteMJon hu JUfulne Ave., Corona ct.l Mar. ·.---~~---~ .......... ~~-f!JI.outh BrtatOl to provJde a much,. (it tho 'Whole area and would be a.l80 ~ offered by the IrVIne attended thelr dance club In Or- neeW aorth-touth thorou~h!arc. n d firute improvement," Watson company. ange last Saturday rugnt. 1be extension Would reUcv · th told the Globe-Herald. The comblnatJon ol the Bristol- tavy traftle on both Harbor and H e aJ o i working for the wid-Palisades extension would provide Mrs. Robert Callis met with South Main. eni.ng of Pallsad road to 80 teet. a more direct route to both Costa her bridge club at the home of atudy Plana The lr\•m company has agreed to Meu. and the beach cities frun Mrs. Winbush In Orange lut The ~. u &utgestC'd by allow 20.foot right of w ay on its Santa Ana. week. Pt•tJt ions Urginc the extmslon Roger Wataon. Ba.Jboa lsland. propPrt.y to the county for the · . of B · toJ street. Santa ADa. .outh WOuld nm two mile . Watson nd Palisad project. The bo8rd or supennsora re-Mr. WULiam H. Berg, 119 .Jade of Newport bOulevard at Pa.Usa.det ot~r lianen o:-Cle petition re-Extend Palisades (erred the request to the county Ave., Balboa Island, has been ln ro d were p~ted to ~ quested upervison. to study tlw It is proposed that Palisades be highway department for tudy of Pasadena during the month of l'<>Unty board of wpervaon this plan and take action on the pt·o-cut straight through to MacAr-costa and recommendations. October . f • . . I '~ I &LANDE R8 GA T H ER-Thla table amounts to a lm ost a delegation from Balhoa laland A rnong t hc_c present at t he Aulatance League affair this w eek w ere, from left to r ight: M ra. Curtis 1 nman. M rs. L.. C. Lowe, M ra. L. B. 8 roaring,Mra. Andrew K irk , M ra. Marshall Neidecker and Mrs. Beth H all. Photo h.' Ba•(' 11 ,· League Benefit Is Social Highlight Pottery Wo rkers Here Are Checked Newport Harbor Yacht Club was decked out wit h a ll the trappings of a world·wide travel bureau Wednesday in accordance with the travel t hem e chosen by the H arbor Assistance League for its annual benefit br idge and luncheon. A huge-scale model Constella tion. furnished by 7W A, posters from all ove r the world. and gaily cos· turned members of the Junior League e nhanced the atmosphere of far-away places. Sc\'(•nty prizes we re awarded. with :-.1mcs. Arthur Best of tni• communuty and Stanley Chambe1 of Lido Isle officiating. Mrs. Phil- Ip Smith. chairman of the way~ Pot l<.'r) work•'r' m tlw C : n and means committee, was in Jel Mar art"'a ~lnnda~ <tf~l·t: ••nt. charge of arrangements. and Tucsda~ morn in~ '~' "'' , • 1 time off work t n \ ,...,;, ''·'" :..: I• \Vinner of a SlOO prize was Mrs. Hcalth Dcpanm( nt' rrniJil•• X-t .;. Edward Ha ll of Santa Ana; Mrs. unit at Kay Find ·~ c r,r111 • , .... Jac k \Vimrner of Balboa Is land tablishment for a fn ,. d l•·· k l P h:. won SSO. and Mrs. Hayd n Arrow· health authorities of c-ol.n t) tr.d smith rccei\•ed a Parker 51 pen state. a nd (><'neil set. . Double Ring Ceremony Joins Charles Gorman and Annette de Ia Torre Dorothy Kindell said th··if "1 of her employ<'€'" w e r'(' f rC'E'd to 1 "kc the X·ray (''Cam:nation. tnd :!) workers from Kay Finch ' ... , through the ('Xaminat•on pr•~< 1 ... s The physical chc·ck w as 1:1!'-t J"('r· fonned by the statt> 18 mcmth.c: ago. State medical workrrs nn~ a!'si"t"d m Orange County'" chec-k up of i·, estimatro 350-400 poth'D' workt>J ..... by e mployC<'c: of t hf" Or, nbr County Health D<>panmt'n'. A double ring ceremon y on Nov. 15 at 10 a .m ., St. J ohn Vianney 0\apel. Balooa Island, w ill unite Annette de Ia Torre and Charles Thomas Gonnan, both or Corona d el Mar. out. Mr. Connan's business associ- ate. Maid of honor will be Eliza· beth Ki rsch a nd ushers Robert de la Torr{' and Walter H erbers. Father i"oonan will otticiate. ~ ts ~.,.., • 1.n . nu ~!l T H E E N SIGN FRIDA Y , N OVEMBER • ' . C• UGH T FOR CH RI STMAS by Cam eraman H oward F olsom is Lau··1e Smith, whose portr.alt was taken In her home at 419 M arou- cr t on t he occasion of her fl rat birthday. Her p arents have plans f v t-_,. p1ct;.~re. Photo b~ Jlo\\ ard Fubom aur·e Smith, Aged 1, Tels World How irthday Picture Ties Into Xmas I f,•r fil"'-t birthday was cause for friends t o have one. Mommy ~nys :·••.ll <'e:<'hration Nov 5 at the s he not only will plea~ ht r frif'nd' hom· of L:turie> Smith. 4'19 Margu· but solve her Chri.tmas ~h0ppm~ ··nt•• S• . Corona del Mar. It was problem in pan b~ ~1\·ing th(' cr ), hrMPd in gala fashion by 1\ir. problem of real. home-and JX r"nn- :tJ:d :\1n;. J . Gordnn Smith. her ality-eapturlng portrait' to tha t par, nts. man with the camera. IIO\\ ard F ,J. Tn a hu1hd av inter\;ew Laurie som who owns the Harbor Photo tnld a reporte; that her parents Lab at 817J,i Coast Highway '''eT'\' ~pecially pleased ";th her Adv. f1rst portrait. so muc h so that thcy plan to sC'nd suitably mount· d lnf'!' to fri('nds and rela tives 1:\«'\\'ht N' in the rount ry '"':\fnmmv and Daddy are pecu· Ji;t r about this pktur'(' ·· Laurie CALL SOON F or Your Personalized Christmas Card" Prices Reasonable MiSs de Ia T orre will wear her mother's wedding veU t hat is ha lf Miss de Ia Torre attended the Ac-ad{'my of th{' Holy Narn{'s in --h~h\ talkf"d ··The~: think it i~ so Mr and Mr:. P \. P;dm r J,~fr lif,~l •k• 1nrt !'O <'Omp)C"t{')y c-aptures Monday for l':C'w York "ln~ Dt r·-"h.tl thf'\ call the '<'c::"enre' of me muda . It will h·' a C"nmhilll'li hu'-t-• hnl th€'y want th<'ir folks and Also Magazine sub<;criptions for Otristmas I<A RL A XTATER Santa Monica. a century old and w ill carry n pure ivory Bible with the entwined crests of her materna l grandpar· ents. ----- Dr. AI. H . R<>irling's mother left \Nc> lnC'!'r!ay to rt'turn to Order- d€'11. :-.: . .1 .• art('r visiting here with I <.>r sn·1 for the past fe w month!'. - Best man will be J oseph Pouli· E. V. 0 VE RB Y GE N ERAL C ONTRA C TO R NEW RESTDE7\"TIAL CONSTRUCriON "Our W ork Speaks F or Itsell'' ·'Zeke'· 428 Goldenrod Ave. Corona del M ar Harbor 2804 HOWARD and STANLEY UNION OIL DEALERS COAST B LVD . at N ARCISSUS COR ONA DEL M A R • ' " "' Firestone Distributors "PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE'' PRONE H A RBOR 9D I SLAND SHEIL STATION BUD Mll..LER. Dealer Shell Lubrication -T ires -Batter1e. 227 M A RINE AVE . BAL BOA ISLAND HARBOR 2219·W S. W. BLA CKBEARD RLECTRICAL CONTRA CT.R RESIDENTIAL -COMMERCIAL \VIRING -REPAIRS 111 O._CHID Corona-del Mar HAR80._ 1J ness and ple:tsun' trip ! Classified- FOR SALE HOUSE TRATLErt. 1 ~-foot f1ct· ory built: slN'ps four. h,.tanf' Pquipment. Al"o '37 PacJ,arrt S ix. com·prtibk eollfl". Also black "'ldrtle. t\rtz0nn r'1 1P bE'autifull~· hanrt can·c>d. Cash I terms. o r trad<.>. !\Tornings only, 513 Narci~"us A\'C'. Cor- ona d<.>l Mar. 10-tf-c FOR SALE ~RATI...\N Fl "fL 'I· TIJRE, living and riin inrr rnnm: maplE' twin hC'Os. cnmt 1Nr: mlscellanpous turnishingc:. TJ:tr- bor fl..~·\V 11 tf-c 2 BOYS' hin·c-1<'". h~1 1oon t;rf'c:. coaster hra l<N:. h()()(! c-0n 1 · · ~ Hrbr. 558-\V. ll-ltp '4~ FORD 9 ne Lu 'E' Tuclnr. pC'r· f e-et rondit io'1. 1 '" m l ,., .. ' Rad. rove-rs. Pri ' 1 ,,._ .\f'l'l 5 p. m. Hat. 1~::?0-R. 1 1·1tp FU R!'llTl'RE :; clrawC'r r ''\J,n-. any chest. ~ rtr:nvrr cif'~l' \! 11·· ror top roffN' tnl')l,.. 1 :? • "' J, C'f drares. n"" P• ~rln" r :r: 12x11. H<H!ic Chf'{ "'P\<' \\' ,,, ing mcu hil"'f'. ! I , ... h .. , ' ~ ,.,. , , . FOR R E'IT S T l TDI() a pt. fM r·C':' 1 • flll"1 · .1 •' ! attractivE' fi r('n)'lc c-. n" 11' · • " pa id : 1 C'lr ~ 1du11c: · 'l''f • Private front 'lnri 1' '• J· "' tranc<'"-H arlvlr ,;s -\\' ~ • : FURN room for huc:inc-.-' ~-n or tt>ach«r in A"l ' ''' ,, '' apt. ot w idow Hrt'lr ·~IY' • \" 1 ~-''(' 613 Poppy A venu<' . Harbor 2875-M Corona d<'l ~J,r STOWERS SERVICE T IRES ~17 CO \~T III\\'AY MOTOR REBUILDING BATTERIES CORONA DEL MAR H ,\RDOR 723 Ellis BrDs. Nursery Plant Py raeanthas For Christmas Berrie 1206 C OAST B L VD. CORONA OFL MAR H ARBOR 1038 H. W. Falconer GE7\"ERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR COR ON A DEL MAR AREA 711 Goldenrod Ave. Harbor 1251 -W ------------------------------------------------------~ R. J. H U F F M A N GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR COMMERCIAL REMODELING FREE TIMATES -P LAN ER,rtCE .... 708 Jasmine Ave., Corona del Ma r IIABBO 1971-B !..ADY w oulrl like <'0\'Pl<> t<' ~~· 1,. 11"""' rn home. l.Ar~t> hP rot'm I '~~fng OOl'Ch r.w thP!r prl\'~·p I .Ha~ tM1 · f . 14 ·ltc t~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. .. ..., " • . d tbeee nla.e.. they are bat IMIIJ the .. cenned food ale low pDe. )w ia e6ct at rov aeerbr s.tewa,. •op today, IPe OD cenned food.! Tab advantap of the many different ways that you can ~t by shopping at Safeway. Join the thousands of food buyen who have found that Safeway is the ideal place to lhop. Be IW'e ••• ahop Safeway . Excellent for dishes 11 oz. pf(g. 7c !!et~.~._...,.,~,:=.. Evaporated tall cans ;rated Tuna Torpede I ~ I .lght....t. (6CIIN, 1.95; clllanJ.to) omatoes GoniiNide ~ 1,. 6 CON, 9lc.; ... 1.9)) 1ot sauce or::.~~~ I '~ ... c OoUft ... 4Jc) __ _L__ . .... .. ~ 'c:c.tte c:r.t . .. • Sll*•hotwa CfCIIInt, 1.41; ~ 2.15) prlcots ~ ':: II• C~CGN, I.Jt; dDaft UJ) ruit CocktaH. =· •t..~ II• •6 caN, 8c; ciDan 1.19) omato Jub t::: I •:.= ... 6 corw. ~ .... l.o7) orn -~ 6 ~ 9Jc;c1Dan 1.79) olted Meat Llllt¥ I ·~ .. I 6 corw. 4tc; ciDaft 91d ·tg p~ Tropic I IJ: .. 6 lora. IJc; daan 1.40) omato Catsup lt.d Hin \:et II- '6~1Sc, KEW CBOP ..lll.ncr budded. Fine flaYor. ~rge size, l·lb. bag, 45e) M...._tln, .. 1 ....... NEW CROP Blue ond, fancy al- monds. Shelled, ready to uee. Challenge Brand-Pound 69c BurdeU-In-Quarters lb. ,..-J Liquid Bleach (quart lOc) t haH gallon Shortening Slb .. can •• 'I r ~. IIUIWIIIUI .. 111111 ' I ' •• An economical a pre•• .f•r bread. Excellent to ... Ia cookins. Note low price. ~ 2. THE NEW , The granulated toap Witl ·'Helio" added. For.....,,,. clothes or diahea. -- ......... VAlUES tJr· CUA!?IJ.Nifi·r t¥/ t ~.- 40fSO ......... f'::~:!: n--....._ II- --...,...II- ~·,. \ " -.. -. -- • .. --- ~ . ; • , . . • •