HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-11-24 - Newport Harbor EnsignMonday ntaht tt.i Newport Beach ao.rc:t of FrfthOiderS met quietly m etty hall Mel pat their 15 SJ«naturei to tbe dty CJaalte.r designed to utt Newport Beach from a .tXtft' clUe atatus to a eetf·no~rntnr mtU\Idpallty. February 8 has been Rt u the eJection date on whJch the voten wtn make theJr tlnal deds1on on the cha.rter. Chairman · Braden Ftnch told the Mayor and Coundl, 'We • will-etabl~ you -to ...-oncturt---~~ dty govet'IU'nftlt dlrect1y to the neec's of our community. We be-ChrftsmU Seuon for the har-Froeschle. The booths wUl be lleve Jt makes the people'a rule bor oommunlttet 1a golng to be Judged on the first monll:nr of closer to the acta of ,ovemlne... ushered In With a royal welcome the Chrlstmu Preview, and 1 Dee. 4 and S when the second an-awards wlll be made for the moat nual Chrlst:m.u Preview will be Interesting and beaut::ltUl. School Cast Preps For liasty Heart' held at the RendezY'OUS Ballroom. The Annual Chrt.stmaa ~ew Well over 60 merchanta from ls a benefit sponeored by the 1 Corona del Mar, Balboa, Balboa l'\ewport Harbor Busine. and Island, Newport. and Costa Mesa Protesslonal Women's Club who will part:Jclpate 1n thts apectacular have established a student loan Robert Wentz. drama teacher show with over 40 floor booths fur:td from Its proceeds. The or· at Newport Harbor Hlgh School showing Christmas merchandise. ganJzatfon ls dolng all the pre- has· chosen the cast tor the au: The people ot the area wm be paring and planning of the ahow echool play alated tor public pre-able to see at first hand that their and Is being assisted by people of ~ntatlon In Harbor HJgh audlto-1 Christmas shopping can all be the area who feel that the Christ· rtum Dec 3 done right at home. and with mas Pre~1ew 16 a project that ts Orren · B.:00ks Tenlta Mantz ~at succeu. 'I:'be booths will of· beneficial to everyone In this to- have the leads. Blll Sklles, War-fer Ideas tor Christmas gifts and c-allty. Tickets may be obtained ren crane Steve Hope Don wlll have merchandlae tor sale as from any member of the group. Ward, Pete' Smith, Nancy' ca.me. well as on dlsptay wtth e~ry-In Corona del Mar. tickets are ron, Dona RJng and Marilyn Ar-thing imaginable to choose from available !rom Mabel Fltzmorrh nold complete the cut. _.lectable candles, new toys. at Fitzmorris Realth Co., Je!$e lingerie, clothing for men, "-'Omen Hill at Kay Finch's. Thelma Sal· Lennie Wlnnen ls In charge of and chlld.ren; even a new home, (Continued on Page 4l publicity and tlckeu, and Alva and brand new acceuories for lt. Denton and Roble Lou Fiero are working on props. TUck Rabbit Hlghllghttng the program for Kids Can Count and his crew are taking care of the evm1n& ot Dec. 4 wtU be a lights and sound. Hirbor'a o~-taabJon show, ln which 20 stores chestra wtn furnish the muatc. will take part. Mixed Blessings Local partldpanta In the fash· lon abow wU1 be: \'a ga b o n d Houae, Petit VUle, Shipmates, the O'Brien's. Fttpatrlck"s, and Ida the Naylor. · The evening w111 be filled with prlze.a and surprt.es for Mr. ed Mn.~ 1 Newport Harbor's tamUy, aCICOI'dlftg to the committee In ~. and excellent entertain- ment WU1 be offered during the e\'enlng. To round Ollt a very full program there wm be dancing and music furnished by Robert Not only Is It a big week be- cause of Thankegrvlng, but It ta the week repor\ carers have oome out. There Is aomc otd adage to the effect that evc"y ctotld haa a aiiYer llnlno, or wh•~ theNta bad there'• good. Anyway ~ nice that report cal"dt are fa- sued th~ .ame week turkeya get roa.ted. Makes thinga easter for the junior cftlzena of Corona del Mar. THAfltKIQIY1N8 ~ltHN­ MrL Roy Mather and 4-yea,... old daughter Charlene of W Marigold leave Coaat Iuper Market with a btg load In prep· aratlon for Thankaglvlng din- ner. Photo by Howal"d Folaom. TradJtlonal patt~s or Th.ank.s- J1vtng observance, ranging from pra~rful thanks ana ram ll y gatheiings to football broadcasts arid crosa countr)r motor trips, will engage the attention of Co- rona del Mar and &Jboa Island residents. ChUdren of the t\\'0 communl· tJes have a four-day weekend free of school c1 s, aa schools ln the Harbor area were dJsm.issed late Wednesday afternoon following a day of classes In which room parties and grade observances h e I p e d mark the tradJtJonal American holiday. SChools recon- vene Monday morning and will stay In ~gular •on until Dec. 17 whea the) Jet out !or Christ- mas recess. Merchants along Coast H1gh· way ln Corona del Mar and ..Ma· rine A' e. in Balboa Island pre- pared to close their doors, as part of the ob n·ance of the national holiday. Stores will ne open Fri- day and Saturday as usual. busi- nessmen said. For days past householders ha\-e bE-en stocking pantry and larder in p~paratlon for the an· nual family feast whlch has come to be an integral part of Turkey Day celebrations. f'amllles will re-gather In many local homes for a day of reunlon. Youngsters wtU come home from theIr studies at schools tn other croes tor the occaslon. Local churches prepared to mark Thanksg1virtg with specta.. services. St. John \'ianney C a t h o 1 1 c Church, B.llboa Island, has sched- uled a special mass for Thanks· giving morning at 8 o'clock. The dlu:rda ill located on Marlne A\"e. 'o service 1s slated tor 11\Un· day at Corona del Mar Commu- nity Church. Obsetvance of the day was made Sunday morning. 1.irs. Mary Steffensen JOined her rcontinued on Page 4 1 This month the Corona del Mar and books. And the residents of sters ha\lle come in increasing branch library star..s Ita eecond Corona del Mar and Balboa Island numbers to get their favorite year of service to resideuts of the already have estM.ollshed some books or see what is new for their area. And wtthln the first year of marked tendencies ln reading pre-rf'ading pleasure. Construction for Corona del ratJon articles \ve~ on hand. its operation as a part ot the terence. Non-fiction ot all kinds, , Each week, the library receives Mar's new bank. called Newport Cost ot the new. modernistic Newport Harbor ctty library, pat· but espectally blographles, travel I new books from the main library, Harbor Bank, has been delayed type hulldJng will be tn the neigh- ronage of its faclllUes has more books, international problems and and old ones which have been whUe a group of stockholders borhood of $25.000. Crutcher es- than Nstltied the declslon to es-books on the races of ma nkind served up for rea<Ung fare are who are ma.klng it possible await timated. ' tablish ,the local branch tor con-are revealing a heavy demand returned. receipt of the arttcles of tncorpo-Associates tn the banking en· venlen~ of those. who find the for serious, informative, factual Book resources o! the local ration from state ot.nclals ln Sac-terprtse with Crutcher will be trip o~r to Newport and down reading. Fiction, of course, con· branch are almost without Umlt. ramento. . \\'alter MeJJott Thoma.'\ Frost. B. to the parent building at 106 tlnues to be popular, but pure en· The city library has access to all R. L. Crutcher. spokesman for Z. McKinney. Braden Finch and Island Ave., Balboa, too much o.f tertalnment doesn't seem to be books from the state library at the group and head of t!te Jennie George Da\:ies. Manager of the a jour~y for a booK. galnlng in book favor as much as Sacramento, as well as permJs-S. Crutcher Found~tton~. said new bank '"111 be James T. Van It was on Oct 1 1947 that the self education. sion to borrow from the shelves Monday that the banks ne char· Dvke of the Cali!ornta Bank in · · ' ter had been received and ap-· local branch wa:s oe~acated. Slnce Far and away tne most popular of the.Orange County library in al h d bee forthcoming Los Angeles. H. L. Hetrick has then, according to its local custo-of books on the local shelves, how-~nta Ana or any o! i~s branches Fro~ the ~ederaln Deposit Insur-been cho en as cashier. dian and librarian, Mrs. Ellen ever, are those tor children. Since tn cities throughout the county. ance Corporation. He stated that De5-igned by R('x Bran td and FrazJer, there has been a steady the opening of the branch at 1201 Mrs. Frazier has been the local contracts for construcuon on the associates. the new bullding will increase ln use of Its faclllUes Coast Highway, tots and young· <Continued on Page 4) site at 505 Coast Highway would be constructed by Walter Mellott be signed as soon as the lncorpo-local contractor. Grid Finals Test Harbor, Coast 11's Dick Snodgrass knockt"d Mt. San Antonio into the • Local football teams wtnd up Eastern Conference cell3r last the 1948 grid season this week in week as they outla ted the Po- l two games scheduled !or tonight mona boys 12-8 at N e w p o r t (Wednesday) at Harbor High Beach. Field and the other. a collegiate Coast is C'\.UTently in fourth tussle, billed for Huntington pla{'e in the Eastern t:onrerence, !Beach at 7 :30 Saturday evening. and though the Pirat~ are by no Harbor's Tars take on the sixth means menaclng the leaders, they place Anaheim squaa at 7:30 to-<Continued on Page 4) 1 night. and Coach Al Irwin will !start an all-senior eleven to help CALEND de1end the locals' third spot ln 1 Tonight--Football. H a r b o r league standings. Six o1 the H igh vs. Anaheim, 7:30, David· starting ~gulars will be lost to aon field. the Tars by graduation next Thur.day -T h an k a giving Spring. Day: C~reh services. Harbor grabbed a 12.0 halftime Saturday -Football, Orange lead last week ag&Jnst Downey Coaat College va. College of. and held on to it for a victory. Marin, Huntlnoton BeaCh, 7:30. Bob Bury sCarred for the sailors. lunday-o.:AII C"urchee. Havtnr bounced oack into a Tuaday~other ••noera, 10 wtnntq stride, Coach Ray Ros· o•cloC~ C DM Chuf'Ch. 10'1 Ora.nce Coast Pirate football TuMd•r loout m lng, lto- tPa_m wtll hoat the College of Ma-tary Club. aatttoa; "' at ~t.11MiftWI .. .,;:'f ... 1··IJIIIIMir liiMil-it ... CIN• ~~ ••r IINftOh IIIM'ary "'vttad lttiftill,._ fill .. ita Tan In an tnter<Onferen<:e CDM IID!*f at e ••ctoek. 11 ... , .... ••• .,.......,, nw.rta"; .,.,... Margaret lmt at Huntlnaton Beach. Sat:ur-Wtid..-...ay-&.:tona tMetlne, Mal au• ( · ). -, niabt. at 7:30 p.m. Oout ec~o. "••" .. ,. c.t.. t .. • Thle week U.. taW11a Of ....._ ,..._ aM CeriQ del Mar will eettle Into tNdltl ... l Pd IM~ ,_" Of eeldritlnt ttUit •• ttnctlvoe Amertaan Mllday, n.tbll.._ Ch_.... •rviOie. faillly fe.Mta and f ..... 1M ...... wm -··· .... attant&M if a jMd man~ famu-, -•te ~,. wtll Otlm• .. auto and bw to pther wlttl famll ... el•where In ttae ..,.._laM. From Friday on It w01 be prepuatiOil for OUistmas-wJth but 22 &hoppln& 4Qa belweeft theft ud the 25th Of December. Les Evan. and bJs Ukable crew at CI'OWn ot the sea ftltaUralrt on O.St JOCbway atarted 10me ateilidft r«nodellft& and red«:oratJ.na ot their reetaurant. Included In the pleD Ia a new .oda be.r ud faun· ta1n to help satiafy eome ~ the demand W'bJeh wU.l be auted by completion ot the new theater In C«oDa del Mar. FnDklyBeSier ~ boils T'htw n~ ..,_ • H.,.... area oontlnuee to fUiclnata moN than tM werttlne mem~ ... of tft! Pf"ML aatu,.. day•e knta Ana Reglater canted a lenetlty Item aMut a legil alter- cation betWeen aa,. II eyer and Luke amtth Of the New. Tlme&. Glet of the pleoe wu that OM of thMe p.,.,..,. le tryl fttl to eet a d ivorce from the otbe.r. aott. of them are .._rvlftl of eympathy, for it le enough of a complicated job ~ ~ out five pape,. a week on a paying bule wtthout having •metttlng aa upeettlnJ n a ~quabble on their haftda. •.• In U.e mldat of thle the New.Times hu ewltehed to tabloid aln (lt .-urea Ita readere that It wun't Oi:c·· PUtOfiiMI tf ~ hilva heillrd lhMttne 'Or urklne lrt .... It -~ murder ner le It ...._ "f"he baf"klnt le the matlnt can ef the well lcnown ... t. There are Uteratly hun· dNMh of aeale ..,. and dewn the ooast at tttle time dhp*ar· lnt theJ,. annual fondn ... fer each other. NatuN .. trandl They INirtc and cavort In the moN shallow wate,. ef the oce.an. Flehef'tTien are .. ,"t mad trylne to .:are them away from thelf" mackerel. ae.at• .eat macke,...l and .. fllhermen ahoot eeale. It'• a vlcloLII circle. Reporta have been made to the pollee about llhota heard around King•• ..andlnt. The ffahermen, however, aN not ahootfng the Male; •ont) lhootlng at them to acare them." Frank Keeter et Kino•• Landing Insisted. So everyone can steep now. apelng the L. A_. Mirror, but Cart Veneman might have a hunch It 'L Locals ,·n Cbo,·r was apelng hla ehopperl) wtth one of the frankeet admiD ione In 0 print that you wflt read: The new etyte meaM "1 ... fllle.-.· In the paper, the News· Tlmea eaJd. Locally, seWn~ people have wondered about the Haapas, fonner employees ot the Coeta Mesa Globe-Herald. when that paper owned the Ensign and hired the Haapu to write it. Hop bas had a couple of garet Farnham of Corona del offers, Including one from the Costa Mesa paper who wanted him as Mar. managing editor. He Is still Uvtng In CDM. If the Ensign could The Cherub Cholr consists of 20 afford him, it would sure like to buy his services. He is a good girls and boys all under 9 years newsman of age. The group Ia auoclated Do to w.... A-u with the St James Episcopal Ule, Worl Clinclt 1 INDIVIDUALITY ROrs ROY MORRISON CMilt -~. aal Pel .... la Proprietor COReMA ak. .All MOTOR ~S8UILatMe TIREa aAfYftl. 317 COAST HIWAY OOftOMA DII.IIAJ\ HARBOJ\ 123 WD WD ~UA\&.a 3 · 1 Church on U do Isle. The clilldren This \\o-"eek•s Ensign is necesa.rily abbreviated. Thanksgiving 1 come from the entire Harbor ~-----------------------~ holiday fOI"CeS the paper to print on Thelday far Wednesday distrlbu-Area. tion-too soon t• load the paper with advertislng lt likes to C&IT)'. Norman Frahm an d St~hen There eoon will be a fancy f\ew UW.-herette, .. eetf-aervlce laun-Huges both go for their weekly dry to add to the lfst of bw1neee placet In COM... It Ia located rehearsals from Corona del Mar. on Coa.t Highway between ...... Klley"a emart new floral lhop and. From Balboa Island are Nancy Ben J. Whitman'• real eetate offlce. Gardner, Judith Arnold and Sally Enelgn delivery boya Ronnie Newlon and Jim Crain felt left out Inman. . of thlnge laet week becauee their plana for money they earn fi"CH1' Miss Farnham says sh e hopes peddling thla paper were not detailed. Ronnie, who """ at 514 Ththey ksw_::v1nn't have nlnstage trlththt I _ ... MA ... . .. _ ._ ot an 6 ' g mor g as ey A~cla, Ia eavlng to buy a Snowbird ul boat or a ....... ..,u • .--.-. .. n stand up for the first time before aure which. J im, with home a.ddf"eel at 305 Fernleaf, le a aver of the congregation. funda, but eaya he will epend Mme of hie aavln .. for Chrlctmae pres. ents for hla family. .--------------. Beauties aad PUhlou Emma Hughes Holt will apm be OCJI2une'fttator far the fashloo show and Ou"ist:mas Preview wblcb is be1na praented for Harbor area residents In th~ Rendezvous Ballroom oo December 4 and 5. The two-day event is be1ng aponsored and arranpd by members of the local Business and Proteulonal wornen•a O.ub. At last year's preview, Mrs. Holt's commentary was one of th~ big reUOllS far the show's success. aoconling to Mrs. Geo~ Michaud ot Udo Isl~. club member who is doing a swell job on publldty for her organization. Mre. Michaud promieee that ..... Hott thl• year will ''have more beautiful modela to werk With and ft (the faehlon ehow) will be a very lnteretltino ..,.ctacle." 'Mf"L Michael Rotunne of COM thle Week heard fro"' Governor Warren. Who tttanked her for the c.mmenta ahe made to him In a tetter re Proposition 4 en the November ballot. &h• favore lncreuecl a id to the blind and aged. and waa afraid Governor Warren didn't. Hla tetter waa quite noncommittal, ehe reperta. E. V. OVE&BY GENBRAL CONTRACTO~ NEW RESIDENTIAL <nNSTRUCTION "Our Work SpeUa For Itaell., -zette•· 421 Goldenred Ave. Corona del Mar Harbor 2.104 D UNION OIL DEALERS COAST BLVD. at NA~CII&Ua CO~ONA DEL MAR Firestone Disfribufors ''PI<X-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE" ---E. GILBERT-· Dffl!lUOR fl EX7E.RIOR DBCORATO(G • • SPRAYING ANI> W6.U.P~G <*DR BARIIONY RJI!.&'PMAIU tl 410 HeUotnJpe Ave. EWELRY llade to Order ENG~AVINQ WATCH ~EPAIRING OURPOUCY- HONEST SELLING NO PRESSURE WALLACE 817 Coaat Highway CORONA DEL MAR GIVE OOR CHRISTMAS Imprinted With names or Greek letters. Wide c:boloe of type styles and colors. Come packed ready to mail. From $1.00 Initialed llatehes Heavily emboaed with a grace- ful gold letter. Can be used nicely for place cards. Com- plete assortment ot lnttlals In stock. 50 books In plaatlc con-ta.lner- 11.25 Be Ready With Appro.,erJ l:ype • NON-UPPING Your Child ()aa't 'l1p It 0.. Recommended by Physicians ft>r l:xerdBe Adjustable tor Child to Slx ... 8tock ___ ..._ TAILORED INDIVIDUALLY ro ,... ~ . .. I . ~ 4 1'H£ IENaiGN w•oNaaDAV, NOV. 14, 1141 Leiters Jean Swanson NEWa fltE~ftT p 0 ,. ~~ ... ..., for ftUdeDts if oare.a .cSel Mar &rut Balboa , . ., ... Some of our chlld.ren are writ-Ml• hboook•a aecond Grade Written communications to th~ Jng a play, whJle others are draw-Our tehool baa been havlnc a Enslen ahould bear nam~ and lng a frteze. The latter &howw the Red cro. drive. We broueht add.rHs Ot the writ('r. Pilgrims coming on the May-m~ preeentl and loti of money. omc. at UOl-D. Cout Hlcb-~. earc.a del Mar. F. F. ~ pubJWwr, VJ.ratnla Mow-• aubecrtptlon ,.~tea flo\\·er. building their houses, Loel Jotm.on had a birthday I'& One yee.r -·-··-···· . .... $2.00 holding a ThanksR'fvtng feast and centJy. ~. ~ ~tM. ---~--~----~~~---sa months ............ -......... 1.00 going to church. The play ls about 'Ibn!le mcmt.hs .................... .50 the> Th-.nksgh1ng dinner. We are ntE MURAL fflecfive ,ofrols Are Co11ed For . 'llUS, then, is to call for that enforcement -not j u s t t h e "stepped up" kind, but contjnu- lng, vigilant, relentless patrol work, until CDM is a recognized plttiill for anyone who goes fast- er than the pennitted 35 miles per hour. ~use so much local concern has been registered anent speed- ing tramc along Coast ffighway through Corona del Mar, it is well to recount a promise and state Deer Sir: the situation so that Newport lD this I hope to impress upon the read('rs Beach h . the importance of taking proper care of our aut oritles can act accord-~OWn d\llclntt-...1-'t.hose of other nations. l.ngly. ·:Durtftr dJe war years, most of these chii- Tw ks dreft alone with thelr parents were brutally o wee ago the Ensign treated by tbe Geanans, the Italians. and tht' asked city officials for more pa-Japanese. Most all of them grew up in a trol protection on Coast Highway ;:ld _:, ~ ~e ~~~s 0~t n=g ~~ts~r within the city limits of Corona these children. leaVing them homeless. clothes- d l M Ci leu, and very often with no food. e ar. •ty Administrator J. J. Many 'We~ In concentration camps and W<'r(' Sailors said that for 30 A!ll~"t treat~ very badly and had to work lik<' ""'V tla\'8 to 1ft whatever food they could. If protection had been step up they did DOt work. they werE.' beatE-n and and promised that increased pa-were mat~ In such a way that it would t;)(' almost too terrible to tell. trois would be maintained. He In our land. we had freedom. good rood to showed an admirable awareness eat. clothes to keep us warm. nict' homes to go Of t _,.c dan~ers m· CDM. to, parents to e.are, and good schools to attt'nd 'dllJ e» and learn the thtngs which we wantt'd. \\'E.' going to have certaJn people play 'l"be ~ 1n Mila Pat Luer'l N'rtaln parts. The people who are cl.au are maldnc a mural tor the writing the play are Marllyle wall 'lbe ~ne wW be about eu-l,y Martin. Gloria Chapman and oth-ooloru.t.a tn Amerlca imd bu11cUne ers. of the colaaies.. ~~ ue five com- mittees, each commlttee having one leader. Leaden are Bill Ptu. SILVER CHIEF An ol"iglnaf story R.5ek Ballard, Sharon Crowl, Pat by P~trtcla Arnott ~I!B aDd Pm Meston. 1be mu- Tn a fn.r-north country Uved a rats wUJ ~ done fJnt tn chareoa1 puppv. The Inrlians that saw hlm and later in colored chalk. called him the wolf puppv, ~ cauc;e h,. was pan wolf and part .f:'OOO AND THE COM SCHOOL rlog. \Vh~n he was grown they By ftlcac Ballard c-allt"d hrm Sih·er ChJef. His ~ CDM School hu nf moth<'r'<> r.ame was Dee. Dee and eteria Mrs a ce r:at- h<'r punpv learned the wolf Ute. ~ ~ M~rif~ Romeft1 Ia ThE'v h:td to find food for them· ~ !·.""'--!'lust be sph·E's and protE"Ct themselves. ~ .. u... th~ time One n~<' hno on('e liYed as a tame dog. =~h tM line of patrons. This wolf ruppv liYed in a cave tems c:annot be Ptll'- \\lth his rrother. chased unless the whole lunch is PtlJ'Chaaed. ~ plate lunch is 25e, TRAVELERS-Fourth G,.ade exeeopt for mUk whioh ts 4e. AD John Hen,.otln desselts a.Jfe 6e each. Additional Thr follo\\in~ took weekend :;t~d:~~ or ... ~ble, 5c trip<>: Darr~ll Goins \\-'ent to San teln dtm a ae ...... 16-=t of pro- • Juan C'anistrano. \\'alter Howald '!be~ ~h ~ W<'nt to Tiajuana in Mexico; Pay-fifth grades the 1 and two ton R('('d WE"nt fo thE" desert; that ea are on Y grades nana Torrance went to Capis-t In the cafeteria beca~ of tr~no ; PhyJlis Milum took a trip~~~ ......_UI~g ~most to Twent\··nfne Palms. All report· e Ul unm have m the E"rl to thE'ir class about their trips. cafeteria Is trying to k~ quJet. All reportPd a good time. But still the evil of speeding have to pay hlch taxes. that ts true. and they t •sts . Screechin in tum ~ the war away from our shor<'s. Jan~ Calkins left for San D!esro m0 On persiSts. . g Let U& be thankful for this. PATRICIAN KELTER a week ago to attend the monthly brakes roa~. trucks d · 1 So let us see what can be done for thE'~e n , an VlO a-nee4y c:hJldren by cooperating and perhaps Reporter fo,. Mtn Luer's meeting of th~ "San Diego uls-tiOD Of stop li ts COntinue. Only asking 10me of them to our homes. Thanks-F ifth Grade trict AdW.Ory CouncU of the trl t nf t tains giVing and OUistmas can make us happy with RED CROSS WORK Chfldren•s Home Soeiety of Call-very S C e orcemen COn thouchts like these. F'rom the fin;t of November un-fornJa!' Jane Calkins was sent as any hope for relief. KARL AXTATER. Corona del Mar. Iii tht> fif1h. the child~n in th~ the representative of the Orange _____ ;,.,__ ________________________________ lcnM School brought {tifts for the County Dtstrtct. She reports that 1 RRd C'm!'c: box~. These boxes will ~ny ~~~ are belng made for a .. Ownen. trw lpeolala.d lervloe F~ Parta -C&ll aao•a GARAGE HAfltBOR 271M 110 Coot BlVd. C.O.M. Pickup A: Deliver Bay Area DONALD LEBO with len J. Whitman Company REALTORS ~ew office at 400 Coa1t Highway, • Corona del Mar (Formerly with the Tavern Company} LOUISE W . SMITH New Yo,.k Teache,. of V olce • Piano ateht Reading lmprovlalng In Corona del Mar, Ph. Har. 2898-J ISLAND BEA:UTY BOX 111Vz MAftiNE AVE. Balboa Island HARBOR 1852-J Specializing In Permanent Waves VIRGINIA LOCKER. propr. DO YOU C"OCHET? CALL SOON l'or Your Personalized Chrtstm~ Cards. Pr1oea Reuonable. ~ Mapzlne IUbscrtptJons tar Ouiatmu. KARl. AXTATE" tu Pappy Awnue • ~ ~~~ IOrofta del Mar ----------- BALTZ HAULING .. Long Distance Local • • tx-~c>nt to children in far dt~ant big do tn the near future. land~ They broUJ!ht gUts such as . MOKTUA8Y SBRVJN~ 'mE HA.RBOft A.RJ:A. O..pel By Tbe Sea LARGE OR SMALL JOBS GIVEN SAM'£ CARE PE'n<';l~. paper. safetv pins. hand-Mr. and Mrs. Alvan C. Cle- kel'C'hieofs. comb~ and othe-r smaD menee entertained at their home itemc; that ~ill bE' useful to th~ a "W"eek ago. Those present n~v children . were: Mr. and Mn. Stuart Diehl. · Mr. and Mra. Clarence Dodd and Mise; M;n-Ve~. teacher at Mr. and Mn. Norman Frahm. the Huntfneton P ark HI~ h The eovenlng wu one of those so Barbor a 410 COAIT BLVa. -1 &hool. is sN'ndn :-g a ~short vac~-typical of Corona del Mar-small. tfon. hPN'. HE'r ro"age 1s locateod in!ormal. and full of friendly Corona del Mar Olfsbeet Pubw LOANS $50.00 to • SALARY • AUTO • FURNITURE or other personal property "QUICK SERVICE" OOAST Clitli!i LOAN OOIIPMn' 2305 COAIT BLVD. Newport Beach, California (Next Door to Western UnfM Ottice) Tel. Harbor 2638-.J WW• Move W ith The Wo,.ld" 1962 HARBOR BLVD. Beacon 5538-J "BENEDICT'' the ign man Painting Signs 20 Years in Harbor Area CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 87 SARAH E. WHEATLEY 1415 Coast Highway. Hb,.. 1210 Suite 4, Birtcher Bldg. Corona del Mar e Notary Public e Addraslng Xmas Cards e Mlmeog,.aphlng e Addreaaing e Telephone Sei"Vice Interior Decontinc -Paperhanging MURAL WORK-SCENIC WALLS COfltONA DEL MAR HARBOR 122r·W at 420 \.r<'loenrod. conversation. 6ervlng Sntlre Hart.or Area 24-HOUR SERVICE r IS~TJ> SREJ,I, STATION BUD MILLER. Dealer Shell Lubl"icatJon -Tl,.... -aatterlee 227 MARINE AVE. BALBOA ISLAND HARBOR 2211-W IMPORTED TOYS COLLECTOR'S ITEMS Inc. Mac:~r ' s HOBBY & TOY CENTEft 1415 Coast Blvd. Corona del Mar IIAl'IPTON'S REXALL DRUG PRESC RIPTION SERVICE HAftBOft 2US 619 Coast Blvd. Corona del Mar ELECTRICAL .ONTRACTOR RESID&~IAL COKMERCIAL WIRING -REPAIRS 216 ORCHID Corona clel Mar HARBOR 22 1 ~00 c~"' t Htt!hwav Phone Harbor 13<47·) \V t P1c~ V p and Odivn- Gu~rnnteed Work at R~ Prica y .. r o 1 t e r wm ~ Mr. and KrL Paw Walp. m1 Mr. and Mn. C. 0. ...,,.., ~ aDd Kr. W lift. Eu· I'DD-IY!rl& dQ m La1una A()C)lefta Aw., Balboa blAnd, plan:wlll be iatlnl TIMftkJCIYifta tuJ'. .-ne BIS.IBaftt babY. aDd .on ~--!--'~..;.._;;._~~-~~-, With t.rteDdi WhO Uve to vtatt their relative. Mr. and key deeplte tM fKt tMt thiY Joe ·• Mrs. J. S. WriPt tn La Jolla for weat to AnahlbD Baiattay Ud 1'banaatvm1 nay, SWallowecl ~or dull. acall"'"! • Mr. CUitlii IDiiW'l. u.s s.p. tnc to t.tn. •twa~~•" .,... <ConttnUIICI ~ Pale ll ptdre Ave... Billboa 1a1&n4. .. on" Mr. and Mrs. L. c . Lemley, Jr., the wtn4 of tt.e Wl!lbstd.,.. ~~t o:"'~~~ tJumne. trtp 1n Dallaa thJa week. and daughter, Ruth Ann. from pedally cllltlclllna. a ek' and~ Denver, are vi81tlft& at the I..arry = :!tl:p&tri ., n.e w. E. LAw.ou. 317~ BaY A. I.Jght ~. 115 PeUi Tommy Failliill' .ad a ~ ...,. .,.._ 'I1W n:;-e~f rnerehanu putld-Fnmt. Balbaillaland attended the Ave., Balboa l.alanG thla week. Nov. 11. a. WM tillai't•..., W ceettllilllliil ...._ fNM patina 1ft tbe Prevlew wbo an Surfltdel' party at Lquna last Snllt~ Paul Who eetec1 u ~-kid. II& laturiar at 1 from Balboa Ialand and Corona Saturday nlte. . Mr. and Mn. Ray H . Loom.t.. durllla a wry ........ llbdlday ·,_,__-.:.__,,...,....-~-------- del Mar mlucte· I 317 Rubv Ave .• BalbOa Ialand. re-dlftner. G-.tl ...-nt were: Mr. THUR .. FRI .. &AT. ntzpat:rtek'i,. Bidwell'-. JCefth Mr. &ncl kn. A. D. Ketchai'n. turned lut Saturday from 8e'Yeft Seymour Paul. ll. M. Bulby, and J 1 South Cout Conatrue-122~ Grand e&nal. Balboa IalaDd. weeka In Honolulu where they hla .on M.lchaet, Mr. and Mrs. Joe ~ 'fa.ndell'a. Dot and Bob. and 80ft Donald plan to vl8lt Mn. vacationed at the Halekulanl Ella. :• JSI~dft"'. Balboa Itland Sporttna X'etdwn'a brother Oa.lr neteher <Hou.e Beftttlnl Heaven) Hotel. C.oOO xa Finch. Lady Grayee 1D Ventura tor ~vine Day. Mn. Loomt. reporta tbat they Mrs. Betllle Beftiedlet. aoa Mar. Earl ~ Mada'att Toys and They wt11 tie accomp.nted by Mr. had an elegant tbne and that •he lcOld. tw epent a week wtth her Bay ot.trtct 'Hardware. aDd Mn.. Emmett Lona and Mn. eaoedally enjoyed gotng awlm· .on and family, Mr. and Mrs. Donora of prba tor thOee who Madc'e Poll of LA. mlng twice a day. -Lawrence Benedict. 1n Eaat• arteml are the Patio Shop. Lamp-Rock aty. Ulht Shop. Crown Hardware and ll ~~ . ~ ? • }/ Silhouette S'l>op. " e aooar ~ lfe ha~:;;;":l.!"""a:!t~ T'ltanlsgiving • • • ~ ~ .. ~~n-=:! and ...-. ,-reat dellcht ln t.bla <Continued from Pace 1) Mr. Hamilton Lowe, 229 Opal Mr. and Mn. Nonnan Frahm IID&1l 'dty. 11\ey are entertalnlna two ~ln ln the foUowlnl Rtee-Ave .• Balboa taland. returned lut "&nd their three cntldren, Patty. ~ for tbe day. Mr and tlons. Now Thank We All Our 1 Wedneedav from a stx-weeb Gall and Norman Jr.. together NrL Knowlea of Glenberlah. W.. I",.,, •• and '(Hymn or Ttla.nkaelv· bualneea trlp In Chicago. with thelr grandparents. wUl join c.onatn. uncle and aunt of M.re. lftc." with Man!aret Famham at her Sper.eer. Mr. Spencer-•• mother of ~V'edneeday eventnc at 7:30 wtll Mn Walter Scott Ooen and home on .as Femleat for 'nlanks-Rlveralde. MI"L Cella Ss»enc*'i Jr:\rk a •peel: ~ ~~.= her ~ndchlldren from Rtver-~Jvfnf! turkev and goodie.. Mt. Mr. and Mra. Hebert Smither ol ~cabythe eBeautUUl" will be atde visit~ the WUUam Mac Gow-Farnham ls Mn. Frahm's cousln.. ----------~...- 1\lnl and colored plcturea wUl be An redc'ence at 320 ,Ameth)'lt ahown on a .creen. '11\la feature Ave .• Balboa taJand. on Saturday. Mrs. S. W. Blackbeard to~ will be preceded by the recu1ar They plan to share the MacGow· with Mesdames Gerald Ritchie, ;ot luc.k cUnner at 45:30 1n GoocleU ftn 'nlan.bl!'lvfng Day dinner on John MeadQr, John Sadlier. 0. Z. Hall Thunday at.o. Robertaon. ~ellle Shook were the · guests of Mrs. Jones at the Ha- Foof.ba/1 ••• Mra. Louella HemphUl Ia enter-ctenda Countty Club a w..aek ago. talnJn~ the Odelle Marks of Bal· This was another annual affair hoa Ial&nd. the Adrian Marks and ~ven by the Hadenda Country CConUnued from Paae 1) their ton Ronald of Santa Ana. Club. are leacllng aueh old and estab-Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shoffner. • U.ahed con.ferenee 8clloola u R1V· and Mra. w. N. Whole, 106 Ma-Dr. and Mrs. Mathurin Oondo, enlde and San Bern~. Only nne Ave .. R"lboA Island, at Vlc-from Berkeley, were guests at the tw6 memben of thll year 1 lq\lld tor Hugo's this Saturday ntte. Vernon Pattereon residence at wtU be mtllai.nr .trurn the Ptrat~ 316 Diamond Ave., Balboa Island, lin~ next .eMOn. aDd local tan.a * .. last weekend. Dr. Dondo s. a re-a.nttdpate p-eat thlqa from Cal-'111el"e ts a new ,lttle Jones tired Frecnh profeaor and la lfornJa's newelt Ju.nJor coUe,e now ln Corona del Mar. She ta leaving for Hawaii u eoon u when old man football graba the the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. paaage is avallable tor htm and llme-lla'bt apln next year. F . Jones of 618 Heliotrope. Mrs. Dondo I.Jbrory ••• She wu born on her tlftnd------· ------- mother'a wedding annlveraary c:-e.d1Mt~ Md eo from now on November ·• 4th wlll be a double·heal1er oele- -(0oatlnue4 from Pace 1) bratton ln the Jones tamnv. •·w-ANT--to-buy--uaed--m-e_tr_o_no_me_ Ubrarfan l&r the l.ll'lrt year, dur-Hn ~n~. MrL T. • ill« whtdl ahe reporta lfttltytq llon8. to~hed wtth Mn. 1. condJtton unimportant. Call ~m>wth. The lntUal oolledion of S"'tth of Cl\teago, are at pre.ent _1350-__ R.. ________ _ ~ volumes hu lnc:reued to vtstting In Corona del Mar. DBL garage or ot.Mr storeroom 1.160. Total boob dreW&ted dur· of atmllar size. Need for norac- tng the flrat 12' month& reached Mrs. Harold caldwell, 800 Bat· of Ught aircraft ~lace for 8.324. hoa Ave .. Balboa Wand. ~rtl winter months. Harbor 188. that the regular meeting of the 1~p -;.~!!~~1!1~~~~ M r . and Mra. Wll1lam Mac-ChtJrln!n's Home Sod«)' wu -: Gowan. 320 Amethyst Ave., Bal· held st the home of Mra. Bert STUDIO APT for rent. 209 Mar· boa Island, plan to be In thelr Russell. 35 ~hooner Road, Sea· guerlte. Call Harbor 2857 .J. new home at 1021 River Lane, con Bay, yesterday ('l"Uettday). 2 HALIBURTON dura-aluminum Santa Ana. 800n alter the ftnlt of Luncheon wu .erved. The wb-traveling bags; 1 pr. of men'• the year. ~ of the program wu tl\e new Middleton shoes, atze 80 ChUd'a Study PrtJcatm of the brown 520 Marigold Harbo; Mr. and Mrs. Odelle Marks. 106 San Diego Dltm«. The oo-host· Z151-W. · Marine Ave .• Balboa tsll\nd, wtll esses were: Mn. W. H. Hitchman. apend Thunday at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Starege, Mra. Wll· REUABLE WOMAN w1ll do their eon Adrian Marks ln S&nta Uam Wittman. housework or lrontna by hour Ana. or day; references lf required. John VIer-Una rea~hed the rtpe Phone eventngs H. 3039-R. call Mr. and Mn. Ray V. Manhall. age of three yean s~. Hla at 511 Jasmine. 1.201 N. Bay Front. Balboa lalan<t.!tather and mother, Dr. and Mn. WOMEN from all parts of~ are ..,endln& Ttlankaelvlna wtth Lester H. Vlerltnc had to toreeo Mn. Marahall'l parent&, Mr. and I the pleasure of a 1>%1 party d'ue to rectater for baby alttfta. M-..t Mn. Thomu Lambert ln Area· to lllnaa, but he nad plenty of have phone available. BE 8018-ll ella. birthday cake, four of them. rift~ After 6 p.m.. BE 5383-J. from frlenda. WANT to buy level lot:, tO-SO tt .. Mr. and Mrs. a H. Henc)enon, .Although It wu only a farnll.y on Ooean aide ot ~ tn Co- 310 Ocean Plk'e. Corona del Mar, J'&rtY, It wu given on the VIer-rona del Mar; ftUOMble prtc:e. are taklnl a trip to San Mateo llilc patio whftoe a festive time Addrela T . ~-Fach. S53 0eean wtth Mr. a* Mn. Ralph mrp wu bad by all Pu1t, Callf. for the hoUdays. H ave a freaf TRV LUNCHEON AT Soup -Salacl -Ololoe ot 3 ~toes-Vep. tabliil Hot Grt.Ued Tout- oaftee or Tea. MOW Among the orpnlzatlona whole membel'8 we wish a pleuant ThanbgMng, cheer at Olristmu and the most wanted su<.'Cl!ll the New Year can bring, aft The Newport Beach Board of Freeholders The Newport ch Board of Realtors The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce The Newport Harbor Republican Committees We aiM 110e11pt lftdtvf41ual enema. .awral of Whom will know we ......_ tltank them. LU~N A. W ILKINION ~·· Tliit -:AJ.o- Exci .... W H•rMr lttoWtntl Vivien Leigh in "ANNA KABENINA" REMODELINp -PIAN