HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-12-02 - Newport Harbor Ensign.. GOLDEN PAIR_..,.. .. 10 Y'U,._ Mr. aMI Mrs. W alter Swiger last Thursday celebrated tftelr golden weddlftll at the home .of Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. &buch, 316 Marigold. Photo by Howard Folaom. Ws , • Vol. 1. Ne. 11 Starting at 7 o'clock Sat~y ~ King Ouistmas U be welcomed to the Harbor area as t.M mammoth 01ri tmas Pre\'iew opens to the public In the Rend~ous ballroom in Balboa. A fashion show, paced by some o1 the smarte hops in Balboa ' land and Corona del Mar. will highlig-ht the first t"\'erung of f~tlvi- Ues. The Preview will continue ~terchan s from th two com- throu ghout Sunday, Dec. 5. munitiE'S who ha'e booths ~t the A host of merchant booths will Prevl<"w are: Bidwell's, K e It h 'be on display throughout the J ewelry. Dot and Bob' . lslanc•ers. hu~e ballroom, and Chr:istmas Balboa bland Sf'Ortin~ C<Y>ds. wares from toys to houses wtll be Lad\ Gra\ ce. Earl Stanle\ Kin- available for early Christmas dell:s. South Coa t Construction. shoppen who want to purchase. Ka~ Finch and ~lackraft Toys. Each oommunlty ln the Harbor area 1s contributing to the sue· Tickets for the pre\1ew are on cess of the preview. sale locally at Hershey's Market Fuhlon ahow partldpant. from Spot on Balboa Island and at the Corona del Mar and Balboa llland Fitzmon1s Re-alty Co. in Corona are O'B laity Shop, Petit del far. Ville, lspatrlck . V a g a b o n d Dancing to Bob Froeshle's or- . Mr. and Mra. Walter Swiger golden lee cream cake. It was a celebrated their Golden Wedding golden day !or certain. accordlng•l Bl Ov r &La· Top House, Ida Naylor and Ship-chestra will be an added feature Annlvenary last Thunday. They to the honored couple. lift: mates. of Saturday e~enlng. celebrated at the home ot Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Swiger aDd Mrs. HarTy A. Stauch, 316 moved to Corona del Mar eight Residl"n s of Corona del Mar ~ld, Corona del Mar. yean 410 and ow reside at 314 3re tram··~ far ~hlnd In the Mrs. Stauch u.ed gold aa her Larb 'lb.~ n came b~ atte drh·<" tor· t heir $2250 quota of the theme for the day by .eeiD& to It Mr S~ h d retired from ~ N e w p o r t Harbor Community that every bite of food had a JO)d bwdn 1 r ~t Chicallft\ Chest. a ccording to figures re- tint to lt. 'lbel'e were biicht yel· eu n e-· leased TuC'Sday by Chest Secft. low carrots With U. peM 8Dd a Mr. and MrL Harold WJiM)n tarv W. i"rank Pow-en. The CDM Dick a'*'ir.. ~ Fullback BOb ffUhft w:f· •,•n ..au tMl wu ~ jOtii8d tlle·II'O'IP 1ft thetr celebra· pha._~ of the area drive hu net-Colach Ray Roello'1 Ubdennan-feted a bad kn~ injurv In last ti)' tbe u.e ol peutinlllOM and tton. Mn. Wllllon II the daughter ted but 4 r: r t-ent of Its lndlvld-ned Pirates from 0rance Cout "-"~k's 8CU.tne. ao h1s firit string ~. ~n came a t1Jrlceiy of Mr. aild Mrs. Swiger and is a ual quot~. Powers said. College travel to Santa Ana this fullback berth w1lJ be filled by pl~ brown. gold tlowen, loY ecbool teacher In Costa Mesa. Mr. Balb..">a J-.Ja nd has topred Its Friday night to rin1 down the Brian Hanzal. obelll and little gold doves on a WU.On II retired. quota of a similar $2250, Powen Eastern Jayaee conference cur-Probable start:Jng line--ups: ---~-----~----~--~---------~clo~.II~ ,ldthat~eHaro~W~Com~~ve.~lndl~ O~ngeCu~ SanbAna a rea drh e now had achieved 80 that Santa Ana 1 devutattna Rohrig .. . I..ER .. . . Da,•is J>(>rcent of the original 19-t8-t9 I>?ns will scuttle t he Pirates at \Vll.ton ...... -.. LTR ~Ulf'S q uota of S20.000. wut, but the locals have other John.ton · ...... .LGR. . Thompt.son . P d h CD.... plans as indicated In their 14-14 Hon-eU c Jank •i h Mernben of the Orange County YWCA of this area to sponsor a O\ "<"r<; ao;k(' t at .. ~. con-tie wtth College of Marin last ... ..... . .. ...... O\ c Symphony have been forced to ticket sale. t rtbutlon bt> ma'l<'d to P .O. Box week Gould ......... RGl.. . .. . Zelinka cancel their opening concert The Symphony has no con nee-H . Corona del Mar. . Stange ........ R1L.... ..... Bur 8C:heduled tor December 8. tlon with the Community Series Santa Ana drubbed Fullerton Roa-en ······ .lUI......... .. Rehm Concerts. but is strictly local. The Te~n Agers-Try J C 22-6 last week to cop the ~n-LeBard ... _. Q ""' Crawford ro~ Gl"'"'-h t 1 i · ...A terence champtonah.lp, so an up-&fills ...... UIR .. Lilh·whJte ~rge ~. symp ony man-groupo mus c ana are COf!lPrlS~ set" by Coast \\.'Ould make the Pi-Smith ....... RHL ·Fouch acer. said there would be three of an amateur group and lS oper· Th,·s O ne fo r s,·ze rates' current IeASOn a complete Hanzal F Buchbe concert&, however, before AprU ated as a Night Class with the · ·· · rg and that a definite contract hal schools of the Harbor area. been made with the YMCA and Cllnton Sawin Ia the Conductor. usiness Association Will Elec t r!!)llicers at Meering Monday Night Patt~· F rah.m wm Sf)('a k for the PTA Meeting Starts Xma s Season tpen nrer 1n a column to be fOll., ~ on P<l.~(' :l. ~is x~u~ ~11 The spirit of Christmas, rather I t he corn('!' of the livingroom and appea~ every wee v e than the usual business of PTA. a no\\man smiled fl'Oll} the front chatt) ne~vs and gossip concern-sparked the regular board meet· \\i ndow. Bits of evergreen were ~~g the Y0~~g group known as lng ot the Newport Harbor Union on the stairway. They were tip- teen a~rs · High PTA Nov. 29, when mem-ped with artificial snow. Election ot oUtcen wtll be prln-northern Washington have ar-Part~· hv<"s at 412 Fernleal In bers met ln the home of Mrs. Chri tmas cakes and candy dpal business for memben ot the rived. They will be erected at Corona d('l Mar and is the daugh· Clarence Dodd at 421 Fernleat, were t"\ ed \\ith coo fee Corona del Mar Buslnesa Aileocla-the comer of Marguerite and ter of tr. and Mrs. Norman Corona del Mar · t1on Monday night when tbey Coast Highway and hung with Frahm. S~e 1~ a Junior in High 1 Small gilts 'were exchanged. Je~~de ~resenlte-;'·ere: "M~ames -at ..... _ C·rown ot the Sea !oW' st..a--ot large colored bulbs School an' having fun \\1th her and Mrs Oodd created the atmos-Ed pang · Ra. · lelsen, ·~ u..: '"'•· coumn a t honn tAft a~rs wtll · gar Hut Roy Roush, Norman rata~~rant tor regular monthly u part of the decoration plan. nl ,...~ <:Tn e.~ phere of Christmas with decora· Frahm join h('r in scouting for interest-tl , Byron Wells. Francis ~. The election will pick Construction of a Christmas in t:ems ons. Horvath, \Valter Cole, Charles t.t.e offlcers for the comlng year. shrine, to be entered in Ot·ange g · A small Christmas tree wu ln Mobley, Park~r p nee, Glen \\'hit· MeetJ.nc starts at 8 :30. Cout competition tor outstanding c . c l · T ,,. lock. Paul Hu.Uman. E:V. Raea.n. Details of Chrlstmu decoration decorations. Is part of the pro-or I PS ra IC T s , D Boyd Roberts. J .D. Mc~Ullan. Jr., ...... wtll be di8cuaed at the gram. WO quare OnCe J. L. SteUensen. George Reeves meeting. Accordtnc to Bill Reed. Al8o on the holidays agenda Lig ht on C a rnation ... and Mrs. Clarence Dodd. hostess • .,.ember ot the decoration com· are open stores each evening un· Groups Will Me rge mtttee. the two giant trees from tU 9 o'clock starting Dec. 15 a_nd The signal light on the west a downtown Christmas party wtth side of Carnation Ave. and Coast I Square dandng and all the 'Kiateh' rm: free gt.tta for children present on Highway. Corona del Mar, was square dancen are going to .. -..aa .... -. T the Thunday before Christmas. clipped and demolished Friday merge lnto one big tfappy group. ~ oo--e.t reeular Corona del Mar stores are pres-night at 8:30 when an automobUe Up to this date there have Hou .. , ently open Friday evenings Wl· driven bv Lonnie Malone o1 Los two dlstlnct D"'"fttlrw "but ltartlna M,.., R. J . H Itt, 211 Topaz tU 9 · •·--r--e Ave.., Balboa faland, an4 Mra. · Angeles went out of control and with thla Friday they will w. E. Fisher, 202 Abalone, Ne'w Members struck th~ curb on t he south aide merge," said Mn. Norm an were !.O:es ea for a "Koffee- of th(' h1 ghway before crashing Frahm, who Is President ot the Klatch · the corona del Mar into the signal. Church School Guild. echool Wednetday morning at Malonf' stated to police who The Guild hu, up to now, apon-t:OO o'clock. Mra. Flatter and Mn. John Sailors of Corona were called that his sleeve caught aored a Satu:rd•y night group, but Mra. Hltt are the room moth· del Mar his joined the Ebell Club. ill a steering wh t knob whlle wtth the new Adult Education era for Ml• Barnum'• second From Balboa bland three new his car was traveling between 4.5 group meeting this Friday nleht. grade durl"g thla achool year memben were taken: Mrs. D. V, and 50 miles per hour and he loat the Guild ..-wUl d.l8contlnue Its Mra. Httt reporta that they a~ Haya. Ki"L M. H. Roberts. Mrs. control. apon.onhlp. The ded.sJon was anxloua for all the mothera of Eunke II. Knox. Local poliee tood by at the made by a membenhlp vote. the MCOnd grade children to bu } intl"rseclfon until a repair I All IQ\IA.I"e cSa.nOen wt11 meet attend the me.tlnga and help For advert,..nt and newa crew installed a 'new light tha.t in the Corona del Mar Grammar plan partlea for the year. ~~~ the En.ttn, Harttor 111. night. !SchoOl thla Friday nlgbt, Dec. !. Partl that are to be held In the future are the Chrfetmu • party, Valentine party. Ea.ter, and a o I o a In 1:.ctay-of-~1 party. \ A half hoUr lbow of UWiy pro-: AllltfJiary of the Cll.lldftft'1 Home - -1 lonal pupPet~. a vutl!ty .,_ 80dety whO are IIPOfWOrina the T1Mt twa main llliliiiM ef eur tw. towN t.hla weetc aeeme.d to act With ~ qa perfDrm.l.fta GlalL ·~the ••• Clhtila-.: ltaawlft1f -.lcll the members of the in co.tume and ftve e»lor ear-Mra. E. C. Ma.rtln .. Cb.a.lrmaD H.,.... a ullln• .-,..., 11'1nat w......... Club are readying toona are all tolna to b@ a merry of the ewnt. Mn. sam Portft' li for ~u•tto .......... t. W. ..... te INa 41ufte an afblr, beyonct • part of the Cb.ratmU Gala OOID· ·lft ~ o1 tkketa and Mri. PhU- 4oubt. For li"'II:Moa: Tllij •,Jtatli Vrtle ., COM ha• ready three lng to the Lldo 'l'heatre on '1\18. Up BMiett heada the ~n new ... Utiful ..... _.._ ~ Ult q Quite a .tyle prevl~w. For day, Dec. 21. for the iPf!da) en-~A Mn. CUrtla Doah. BaJ. they won't be ~ In v.-maeaztne, milady'• .tyle Bible, terta.lnment ot boya and atria ln boa &and. t. Jll~l the candy until January. Mra. Elteift ... ..._ .-lOoking blonde COM h 1 -....;.. .-:net~....;. Wl-•......a houaewlfe. will lftMel ttle ...ut VIlle eo*ftL The Balboa latand t e commun ty. a.., ilhOw .tana -..-.. •u.u~ Berla, the pos.- aeauty &alon wtll do ·t'-e ...._.., flair. Monday n ight the glrta at 2 p.m . a.Dd lut:a untJl 3:30. t.._ d.a!Jed a re ........ ., the fAIIIIiiOft ..... Which will be held In the ncketa are now on .ale by Proeeredi Of the Gala wm 10 to Rendezvow 8allroom aatway ntoht. membe" of tbe Newport Harbor the Chlldren't Home Society of Bf'tter plan to atteild at least one of the two d:. of th<" l'e\'i ''· CalffomJa. an o:rr:.nlzation that Jt i lated for this Wft'k~d.. both Silturday and unda \'. and will D I 6 Mee Pla<.s homeleaa cb.U~n o1 all f~atut'e men:handise booths froi'D a good many of OUJ" locnJ ~Or{'<;. e ta amma t TaClft &nd creeds in eelected Harold Barnum. wboee ~her mapzlne In the ,umber of 'homeil and wpervl.e. them unut 6.000 is due for~ around the ~th ot the month. is hold:ng sl'V-adopted It depeDda en donationa era) pages open for Cbrtst:mu Previ"' CO\~rage. Dt-ns B·rn Benect to carry~ lt&-work and ., the Want Birds ID Rand r Ia ~ 1'1 Newport Harbor Au X 111 a r y is ;frs. Hanna Bymes wu wry ~ early thiC~ Wf'ek to hn,·.-hl"r .. ' working hard to make the Gala a husband. Robert C .. back lmd tn ~ health. Mr. B) mE'~ IE'ft New Mrs. Clem Chrllty, 411 N. Bay bfg aucceu. Jn order to 8ei"Ve the •rown ... •loOk ..,...... EtettOr FlnOJt._ HefMI Prifttl FOil wra_..,._. York bv plane F#~turday and landed a rough 20-odd hourn la t<.>r in rront. Balboa Illand, publldty dual ~ ol dellghtlnc the L. A. Rudder trouble oa his pl~. toe on the field in Chicago. and a chairman !or the Delta Gamma chUctren who aee It and helping bumpy ride made the whole night very precariou . Orange Co. Alumnae Anoclatlon, others tl.nd homes. 1----------------' M~ha~~~~~~~r~lnt~B~neaA~· re~~t~t amM~~~~t~------------------~-----~ elation will do well to attend the Important ae.lon to be held at organization was held a week ago ~ro;':c:',. t~1:': =:!tra:'t!11n~x:e::~~=~dn~:!.ea~. 8~3~P;~e~~~o; T uesday night at the C h r J a t y one determlne4 aroup that only tho. Interested enough to attend hoFmief. INDIVIDUALITY IN HAIRCUTTING are worthy of eupport for offlce. teen lacHes were present and W e keeo hearln~ inte~ remarks about the F.tUErn. not a ll of six new members were enrolJed. tto'v MORRISON them oorrn1lmentary by any means. Most of thE' talk ha~ to do with Mrs. James Ray was CO·hosteu t-rletor i~ lua~n~oo~l~~tt~~~~aw~~~~. ~t h~.C~~~~p~id~L-~~~~~----------~~~~~~~~~~ N~ahw lndl~dua~ha~exp~dthelrdlsli lceof thebb--~h~ H~ld H~~ wu ~~e ~~~~-~--~~~-~----~---~~~~~~ lold s ite. And understandably. It Ia hard to get used to some-to attend, and M"". HeJ~n Na- ttllnQ new. Most of ua haw opened up a mndard sin. ~lumn wotnv presided over the meeting paper for moet of our nv__.nd eometlmea covered another's -. . · STOWERS SE breakfast In the clotno. aut for e<veryone who hu kicked on the Mrs. Chrtst) reports that this was tab format we have had 10 compliments. And we are In pretty the second meeting of the year Tl ft£1 aoocl comoany. Jnclucllfta the Mirror and the local News-T imes. and proved to be a very enthusl-J 317 COAST RI\VAY MOTOR RE.UILDINQ .ATTaiUM OORONA D~ lUll •~aretabl~d. ~ro~houtthenaHonthetrend la ~e um~ a~ic one. ~Ms were ~de ~r ~~~~-~~~~--~-~_O_R __ ~~~--~~~~~-~ morea~moreM~apenaare-~g~thebb~n~rrea~M t ~ooming~u~th con~n~•~~~--~~~--~~-----·~~~~~~-~~ of economy and reader convenience. t ion on a big Spring benefit. Promise of P.tus, Minus The DE'lta Gamma Organtza- Possib1y next week ~ will be able to start a "brlcl<bat~ and hou-t ion own • a nursery for visually ouets column." in which we will try to !'E'peat who AA~~ whAt "lhout hanrtlcap~ed children in Los An- the paper. Presently the cbolcest remarks are from Aarvo Haapa. ~eles, and the major part of ltl fonner editor of the Enststn. proceeds go to the nursery. Thlt Cathy GilmOI'e brou~ht this paper up to date ahout a unique fonn organiZation is anxJous to give of assistance which Cap Rann is aftordlng the C'ommunitv Playhou~e. assistance to vlsualJy handicap- now •.ssured. t.hanb to the helo of many. many lnt{'rt>~t<.>rl ~ub~C'rihE'T'!' pert children of all ages, she to a worthwhOe community theater buildinJt and pros:rrnm. In the fii'Jt help of thls kind from any busines~ in the Parbor states. area. Cao has set asJde four blg days next week tn whkh hC' will t!ive half of the proceeds from his fine restaurant on Coast Highway, COM. towards the buildln~ cause. NO'T'tfUE TO NOV. 2 The Ne-,x>rt Harbor Chamber of Commerce announced yester- da y that the meeting scheduled for Wednesday, Dec. 1, for New· ~rt Harbor, at which Congress- man John Phillips was to be the principal speaker was can~lled. "~tr. Phillips 1s confined to hit room at the hotel in Lot Angeles. He will try to vlslt us before go- ing to Washington," the chamber a nnoun~ment promised. H ..... the plan. and dat~: A different night and hostess for each community. Dec. 7, MrL George Michaud Ia hostess for Ne~rt-8afboa night, with Clinton lawln arranqlnq music for dinner guat. at the reetaurant. CandleliGht dining. roast beef on an C)t)en .,Jt and aenulne live ente~lnment. The neld evenlnq, Dec. 1. It's Hilda llrfaooe'a turn for'tto.te. dutiea durinq the Bal- boa ltland evenlne. Ray Canfield and hla Hawaiian music Ia being eouqht for eound effects. Thureday night. Oec. 9. Mna. Gunnlnq Butler wffl preelde fw Coeta Meaa'a turn. Kenneth Boettcher of Co..t Coli~ will arrange musical enteri.alnment. On Corona del Mar night. Evalyn RJde1' will be hottee. during th~ dinner period. Mna. Mary 8teffeneen Ia arranging with Ted Goon and hla amazingly verutile mualc which rangea from hill-billy to Carnegie Hall variety. Cap has other trimmings for the four .. community thf"ater days" WATER BORNE CHEER at his restaurant. A fancy salad mixed in the dining room wm be a 1 The floating Christmas tree 1n tantalizingly tempting part of each evening. . . i!\cwport Harbor will be oUiclal-Note: Befo~ you go in to Cap's on your favontc ev<>nmg, look . at the d isplay in the window. You will recognize a guppy feature that jlv dedicated Dec. 13. The tree will is dltferent ... and appropriate. start on its nightly tours of New- --port Harbor Dec. 19 and carry on r-----------------------------; to New Year's Eve. B. V. OVEBB Y GENERAL CONTRACTOR NEW RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCT'ION "Our Work Speaks For Itselt" .ozette•· 421 Goldenrod Ave. Corena del Mar Harbor 2804 ' SY,~ND~EY UNION 0~ DEALERS COAIT BLVD. at NAftCIIIUI CORONA DEL MAR Firestone Distributors "PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE" PRONE BARBO · ~ 949 Bapt·ist Meeting Begins Sunday A revival meeting, to continue for two or more weeks wtll get underway this coming Sunday In the Glass Store bulldlng on Coast Highway In Corona del Mar, ac- cording to an announcement thla week by Rev. Romey E . Black. pastor of the First Baptist Church in Laguna Beach. First scheduled meeting is set tor 3 p.m. Sunday. Community singing wtll be a featured part of the program. Assisting Reverend Black wtll be John 0. Scott, missionary for the Calvary BapUat Attocl.atlon and Rev. L . A Wateon, putor of Truett Memorial Baptist Church l n Long Beach. The public Is lnvtted to attend the nightly meetings. nme it ~----------------------------~----------~ 7·30. \ ---E. GILBERT------'-----· l}(t'flUOR fl EXTERIOR DECORACf9(G • • SPRAYING ANI> WALLPAPERING 410 &Uotrope Ave. <»LLR HARMONY R.JU9QMABL£ Corona del Mar 1415 Colltlt HlttiWay. HIM'. 1110 autte 4, atl1iettet' ••-· Corona 41el Mar e Notary ~tto • A•clrewlftl XmM ea,. • M lmeoera,._,.,. eAdd,..."' eTe..,MMII~ SHOP E~RLY TOYS Check thla lid for ltema to brlntt Chrl8tmaa joy to your little folk:a. • Bicycles Tricycles DoD Buggies Wagons Electric Trains Roller Skates Toy Tractors YOU CAN STILL SHOP ON 0 R LAY-AWAY PLAN ~fM., ""MOll..:. .. aw:,..w '" ....... ,... .... Beginning Dec. 12, Bill wiD have a COiltbt- . ued supply of fresh trees Wa hlagton. AU TYPIS--A:LL SIZES-.M.L PRICES '(Ofll • ... \. \ TH•. 81GN .._.I • THUR.DAV. o•c. I. 1 .. ,-----------------------~ I a I I I I I t I I • I • • • L I Thin\ a Foci old f..woa.d way to 1moW bow youtr. cettiDI the m011t I« your money. Ita b7 comparinc valuea. A careful check wiU a how lafeway pricea conaiatently low: I I I I I I I I I I I 1 • ' • ~ • • I , .... ...... I ~ II I ~ I ' ~ .... ...._Uo.. WW' OOitMIWWIIIr u.oz. .ox Super Suds '"'"" ao.c U,.:. Me Oath Soap ~ ··~ M• Ouz Soap ~ •;t.. ...... o~ Soap Granulated ~ R• SeOkh Soap ca.a •••• ~ RiMO Soap .......... ':i:" M• Liaulil llead. ... a s ........ -~.-.._. ~~Sc;.-..2fw21c, ....... ..... a ... a ... a- a .. .,. .... . a I* ..... it. Fels Nof)t'tha SOap .., r Breeze ,., c..t. W:..:· II• ....... _... !;!- uvniA 20 MYie T... - Mrs. Stewart's living \!: 1,. Splc and span · a-. '=-:-11- 0idDUtehCieo,.... , ..... -II• Scotch a.a.., 1':= II• Swift'sOeQ,... I '!:' 11-, hd 01 POiilh .:'.... ::. •• lwto Wax "'"''''• =:: .. ~Wax ...... ,. ~11- WIIilril WICic,,-........... .. c: c I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SAIEWAY EVERYDA t FAVORITES Tomato Paste compon~o 3 ': 8• Halved Pears ~ a:: Halved Pears Libby 1:: Libby Veal loaf , ....... 11- Sperry Corn Kix 1 ....... 11• Wheat Flakes Comot10n ':.-:-1 .. Vanilla Wafers waton'• ':.:-31• Pinto leans Pink Beans 1 ... C.. .... zr- 1 ... Cele .... 21- Pink Beans White Navy Beans Blade Teo in Bags . Cant~. t48 Boo--.3cl Green Tea in B"'gs Conteftlury btond. , ......... . 1··· ... c., ......... - .tr; 1 .. GUARANTEE Whipping er.Gm u..mit~ ~nnahe .. ,... ~ c~t-.tSd Sliced Bread w~ ·a • I Wtwh•.._.., CL-..•••4 .... ,11t) Shortening ....-.... ~ 1.a Cl~lb.. ~ Jld Crisco ,... ... .._ ~ IJII ( 1 ,._ Clllf\ Jtilcj Snowdrift ....._.. ~ 1., ( 1 , .. cen. Jld Oven·Gio Sodas ,._._ ... w.-~---~~ Black Shinola '"~-.. Brown Shinola ,,.~-.. Dessert Wine .. ,... part. T--.,.. -..ilf~dlt~tu:_.IIIL WIN Ia.,..... 11r .... enty "" S.fewors tc..M t. _. tt. WIM In c-. Iota, eM twit. I I I "'tM ~ .... to-.. No need to wonder il the meat you buy will be pod Mtiflc. Safeway &U&ranteea you utisfaction ... oc yow IDOOeY beck. u --- .... sa ..... PAll ---1844 Newport Boulevard --- • 1 I • I I I I I I ' • • ' r ~ I Offices at 1.201-D COat ~ W'\), c, mna del Mar, :calu~ Phone Harbor 788. F. F . AlleRt publlsher; Melva ~ IOdal editor. • Letters WrfttM communications to the Entqn lhould bNr name and ~ ot the Writer. au•rlptlon ratee One )'Mr ··-------··········· .. ·· $2.00 Six IDOnths ....... .......... ....... 1.00 'l"hree months ··-........ ........ .50 Carolers wtl\ hfi comlng bv your home tl"e nlJrht of J)ecember Z' The snh1t o! C'hrhrtmu Is in he n1r ant1 Mary Carolyn McClymont will ~In~ C'Ut with them as she 'r·vis them throuah the atreets of . . COMMUNITY t"HURCH Corona del Ma r r ol'lV"'unJtv C hurch, Congregational, wUl h3ve as the topic t or the 11 o'c-lOf''( ~".,~:.v morntn~ wn'I"Sh '"'· "Re'\l Religion Js A Personal Exnf"rl· ence." Perrv Frf'~erlc'< Srl1t'f'r 'c. mJn- f~ttPr. w ill fit"lfvrr the sermon. 9 :41\ a.m . Is Ch\lrch SC'hoo1. 7 :30 r 1"" .. p n..,-tm n•J!"W!'lhfn 18 this clty . a meetfn~ for h iPh sc~oo1 and col- The Carolers w ill consist of lege a~c young people.' the yoUl'lg -oeople of the COM , Communlt" ("'hurch. and anv o f their frJen~s w ho c-:tn Sln~. This ST. JAf ~ F.S EPISCOPAL vounP,' ~un ...til join together at I Rev. PAul fonre ~rPler ts thP chuN'h at 7:30 on that p3rtlc-J!lvin~ '\ Sf'rfe~ of A<4vent Sf-r- ul~r Wedn~~v eventn~. Thev mn.,~. ""'•lc; S•mc1av h iR suhj('r-t will continue their caroJlng until will '"' ''Oo<'tr h e of Tn<''H."''\Ho .... " 9 o'clock. I SPr,·!('ps are hPlrl at 1 .. ·flO . After gi.tng through the rest-S:l.t urria•· 1!t the bfa rlav fnr the Ae.,tJaJ ~:ton of Corona del Mar St . .T"m<'~ F..,lsronal rh11rr h. The thev wm proceed onto Coast I ('hrlsl mas n:t?"':l.r w UJ hi' h<'H on Highw:w for the benefit of shop-that ,,., .. wit h a snec1al lunchPOn .... ,...,.r. <''1'' fl vi ,m at the Chrf1tma~ 1t 12:30 enri manv att ractive <:;hrfne at Mar~erlte and the t hln rq tn h11 v. TheN> w·•n he hirhwRv. Thtv will st op for a few rames and e ntertainment. &WEATER GIRL& or boye, tJte '"*'~ fNfft tM • ..,,... aM ~Nfeealonat Women'i Club didn't aay.l rrli.,utes and sing out for the tate Anyway, thete two tho.,.htful t=anln• wen....,.... .. • "Puttlnt Oft the dog" for the Bay Chriatm~a shop""ers. Any of these people CHRtaT CHURCH ov n-tE SEA P,..vlew alated for Rende.zvoua ballroom Die. • and 5. And the picture Ia Juat one of the many devlcu 1 that fePI the splrlr of Chrlstmu Th R p d 11 M' 1 t being uted ~ully to lneure large orow.te fw thle ...._. Chrhtmas even~-t?O ~ to _.de, may join in of r~:rs~~Ch~:Ch ~ ~h~ Se~ ~~~~ X-Ray Unit Visits Co1/egiafe Group dent. tacuJty memtx>r and school ~~f:;t~~n~ccordlng to t he group'\ "the~er .... nntheonssecoonndJoC'Ihfn sethrelesBaop-t employee could get an x-ray • ~... .... I 1nvit tJ f ll d t cui ta'-en trAL>. o f charge. Re u1ts of ST. JOHN. VI •NNEY ttst. "What Must We bo.'' This Is n answer to an a on w.rvey o co e~ ltU ents, a ty ~, ""' "' h from t he tuberculosis dJvision of and non--certWcated personnel th e examination will be con!iden-CATHOLIC CHURCH his regular morning w 0 r 5 i P A mobil X unlt i ed tial. and repot·ts w1'll ""~ L';en,t dl· Balboa lsl-d service a t 11:00. the State department o! health e -ray arr v lA" " .... , ' t>n the campus Tueeday, Novem-rectly to each person if there Is EfgJ\t o'clock Mass. C hurch Sch ool wUJ be at 9:45. Orange Coast College very soon ber 30, tor an entire day's loca-need for further study or ch eck-In the evening will be You th will participate ln a tuberculosis tlon. During this time every stu-up. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Fellowship, 6:30, and evening ,, ' Ownen For apeolallzecl a.rvtoe Faotory Parts -Call 810'1 GAIItAG£ HARBOR 2714 t20 Cont Blvd. C.O.M. Pickup & Deliver Bay Area DONALD LEBO with Ben J. Whitman Company REALTORS New office at 400 Coaat Highway. Corona del Ma.r (F ormerly with the Tavern Company) LOUISE W . SMITH New York Teacher of Voice • Piaao Sight Reading lmprovlalng 1 In Corona del Mar, Ph. Har. ata-J .. , . .. _, .. ~. fJ ISlAND BEAUTY BOX 211Y2 MAfUNE AVE. Balboa Island HARBOR 1852-J Specializing In Pennanent W aves VIRGnnA LOCKER, propr. • ''BENEDICT'' tbe sign man Paintlnc Slana 20 Yean ln Harbor Area CORONA DEL MAR HAfltBOR 17 LOANS $50.00 to SALARY • Atrro $1,000 • FURNITURE or BALTZ MORTUARY SERVING mE HARBOR AREA 0\apel By The Sea Harbor 42 410 COAST BLVD. Corona del Mar Oftst!'eet Parking HAULING • • Long Distance Local • • First Church of Christ, Sclen-worship and Bible stuctv at 7:30. t lst. located on Lido Isle entrance. The church Is located at 1420 has its morning servioe at ll :OO. W est Centra l, Newport Beach. The lesson for this week is: "God, the Only Cause and Crea- tor." For advertlaing and news call the Enaltn. Harbor 711. John Henrotln 1 Mrs. Trine had guests at her Fourth Grade home. This mornin g we got a letter I Mtu Smith spent the holidays from Jody Lfeb. Jody is llvtng In in Claremont. · Chapala, ·Mexico. She Is going to Mrs. Denton e ntertainet1 guests school there and she told us a lot at her home in Corona del Mar. of interesting things about the Miu Witt spent the vacation Mexican Schools. with h er family 1n Orange. When Jody comes back she will be a ble to teach us how to talk Spanish. Patricia Kelter Reporter for MIss Luer•a Fifth Grade By Rick Ballard AU the children fn the Corona On November 22, Mrs. Austin's del Mar S chool have h a d their fourth grade, room nine. had 10 teeth examined. other personal property "QUICK SERVICE., LARGE OR SMALL JOBS GIVEN SAME CARE children absellL The children Miss Fox. the school nurse . has have made a Ptrgrtm picture and finished examining a ll the chJl- have wr itten a poem. 110ur Week-dren's eyes with the te la-binocu- ly Reader" h ad a story about Ptl· Jar. grim Town whJch is being rebuilt. All the students in Corona del This is bein g done 1n Plymouth, Mar school are weighed and mea- Massachuset ss. sured each qua rter. It is tun to -OOAST Cl'lt&S LOAN OOIIPANY 2305 COAST BLVD. Newport Be.aoh, Callfernla <Next Door to Western Unleo Oftioe) Tel. Harbor 2638-J ------- fi5l - -we Move With The World" 1962 HARBOR BLVD. Beac.n $538-J ~tlss Schieder's room bought see how we gain weight a nd grow musical instruments with the five taller during the school year. dollars they won In the PTA drive. They bought ·elght pair of Friday N ovem ber 19 1948 the sticks, two triangles, sleigh bella. children 'tn Corona del Mar ~hool a castonet and a bell. had an assembly. Chie f Uttle On the 24th of November Mrs. Bear sang Indian SO!lgs and did Lang's room had a Thanksgiving Indian dances. He she wed us program for their own room in many of the things that an In- rhe auditorium. They sang two dJan medicine man used while he songs, told Thanksgiving stories, wu curing the sick or praying showed their painted Thanksgiv-for rain or s un. He ta ught us ing pictures and told about them. many of the signs that Indians UMd Social New. by We enjoyed having C hief Little Rlch·ar~ Ballard Bear visit our School and w e hope W H I T M A N ' S S E B V I C E Mrs. Diana Kuhn. our secre-that he will return soon a gain to Rettorlnt &haft Grinding tary. spent Thankagivtng Day in Corona del Mar. . General Repalrtne 2•-Hour :t'owing ~ Habra. Here's what. othera Monday, November 15, 1948, the PETE, 8()8, HARRY AND ART . iliu: afternoon kindergarten gave a Ma.ter Mechanlca I M vtst ed h th '"'-1020 COAST lUGHWAY Corona del Mar HARBOR 441-R rs. Harvey t er mo er program. &uey sang many cute -------------:; '-==-=.:.=:..:......:.=.=:.:...:.;..:=..:;,...__.:::::::.=:.::::....:==-==-----==;;;;..;;;;..;;.;....;;..;;.;;.._;;.,;~· at Crestline. eonp and cute verses. 00 YOU CROCHET? Make your own Chrlatm• glfta. Materiala. needle and the ont- lnal directtone cemplete In a Crochet Kit. ''· Franor .•.• P. 0 • .Q1, BaHMa lalaftd. CALL aOON F or Your Pe~ Chrt.stmu carits. Prios R.euanable. Also Map.dDe su'-cftpdona tor Qu1st:m0. KARL AXTATEft 613 PODPY Awnue • Hal4;or~ 2875-ll -OanJna 41elll.al' .. t s.~w. BLACKBEARO K~ReTRICAL CONTfltACTOft RESJDEl'fl"'AL -C010tERCIAL WIRING Mrs. Pope and Miss Babcock Mrs. P ope told a story about were at home in Laguna. the "Lonely W o m e n in the Ml~s Hetdenretch entert.alned Wooda," us1na the magic flannel relatives. board. The children helped by Mrs. Vaughn went to the ~-saying a vene and imitatlnc the er~nss Schleder went to her home squeaking of the door. in San Gabriel. ·~ M.tss Barnum •pent the hollday Mra. Louis Csenar. 206 Opal '::::::::::::::================================with her family In Lo. Aneetea. Ave., ~lboa 1aland. reporta that 211 OfltCHID CaroM del Mar -RBPAIRS HARBOR at _- IRJciDiirON'S amu.. DRUG PRESCRIPTION SERVI CE HAR80R 1135 111 c.-.lvd. Mrs. Lang '"\lt to the delert. the following women atteneted the Mlss Leur viSited her 1am.Uy in Reaional Corlfereftce of Girl LOa .:Aiileles. Seouta at Asllomar, caut. trom Mrs. Bachmann entertained her Nov. 9 untU Nov. 11th: M'ra. m other and frlenda at her hOme Ralph Dever. Mra. WlllJam Tru. In Corona del Mar. ty, lin.. ~11 Glbaon, Mn. Mrs. Embree entert.a1Ded reJa. Vera DOane, Kn. Kenneth Star-L...-----------------------..: uw. at._ bOI-. • Ud IIIII .Jeaa ~. \ " .. HASTY HD .. T&-Orftn 8roob a• L...clde •nd Tenfta antz u r- p...t ehewn In one .of the poWerful ecenee In the h .. h -.cat play, ..... .. THI! I!NIIQN ~ I THU .. IDAV, OI!C. I. tMI By ~atty Frahm r. ~ Y[t-AND OATES WI" ~:.<'s•'~tv nft:ht the Sallon Itt f'r' thf>'r Ia ott game of the ''" 'h'1'1 c:;(''H;on on f'avldlo' field w i•h th~ r ..-.lf"r\J4tt, of Anahe!m . ~,,....,. of lhf' ft-1lowa anct rats rrn•-r·orona ,, 1 Mar on the st ·le· l 1rr-; \\'C'r<'' n~r~ra JnMa, J eon S:t .. rhP~ .Ja, K ina. Ki~h f Ani\· ,..·r.-' PC"g~v DIPhl. and Ronnie \Voo·'ntff. ~ t " as w~ ~fi•·eo ' Durns. 0on1"'a Stlen L vnn J r Y l(', ,~,'"'-An., rro .• lfl ee )lattfnJ!- 11 ·. nn~.,a Y.t-m nltzcr . BlU Cl n~''· ! T) ... ~ lo•"' ,l :m «:\M'h•. ~ sa~­ lOJ s a nd Nkk,· Slaughter. 11-~ nl,..h t we h~t\·~ all ht'f'n ,,., '11·--~ fe-r <'i\me F'rlday wht-n thr "Tar Pit," our teen..::a· ll"f'". osl("n <:'d. Tl-<-Harbor H lrh boys ant1 t"11 1-: t-·w E' put 1"\\lt"h f"ffOrt into I""' httflr11--g of the ~anteen. ,h··· ... ~ ram(>!t an(j dnn.cln~ \'",.<' n"'"h"\TA and \·lrf!inla .Jnnf'~. "·, ,. .. Tl'-"r"'. P""lP'' Diehl, Alv:th T'<-·1'o• • non St(>fff>nson. U>on ~ft r I ,... 'l "'t1 Rob \Vhyte. 'l ,.V V I'G r \ wf"f"l· n"O Mnn~,_._. tl-f' N·w"\1 ... rr· ,.. "':t' r a "SUI"<'•'" l:t.,f"' at '"'"'r !•-,. rnrona c1f"l ~far ho,·s ~-' • lc: tt-~rt! Wf"re .hn KJn~. I ·r·t. f'f>NirV Johnson nn ·e Sue f' '•. FN'rt. nonna Stein and ' ' -nv Coon<>r . Dec. 3 in tt\e high KhMI audtto-BV RUBBING STICKS I S!"eaki~~ of Johnny Cooper, lt ----I SN'l1U that over the weekend HarbOr High Players Present \'Hasty Heart" Friday Night on School Stage Illustrated Talks fo 1\lrs. Carol Denton ' Johnrw e.,tertained a vlsltor from trf' lnlanr! route. in other words a tourist. Next tlme. John. we wUl hf'lp ~-ou chop wood and light the flrl". 'Builds Su ie a Dome Be Given in Schoo/1 A O('W r(>•i'lcnt has moved in Harbor Hlgh school drarnati~ stutit'nts, under drama ooacl~ Robert to 4;}~ co:dcnrod. Corona d('l Went, Friday night will present 'Hasty Heart," award winning play Ort:\nJre rn1c.:t \n'l,.l!r·s C'\ r11in... ~lar Mrs. Carol Denton. t<'ach-TAFFY PULL ln New York. on the stage of the high school auditorium beginninR ~ivls.in .... wnl ,.,.,c.:""'' a seri<'s of j er in thC' COM S('hool, ••ddro a at 8 :15 p. m. Advance tiCket sales for the play indicate a large crowd tour Ul ustraterl 1<-<'t tn <'" n-''Fn-,. n('w building nn thE' ba<'k of h ·r for this year's Clrst dramatic et-\. n--1 anu Pete Smith. Nanc~ Hv Adv('ntures ,...., Wil-'rrnrs~ lot to house this J'('("(>nt addit ion. fort h.' the high school players. ramrron. Dona Ring and Man-Trails" at the Cr·•·opa cirl ~·ar T:'\~fv rluh gave Its an n u a 1 emf-formal tiance Saturday nl~ht at thf' Amerl~an Legion Ball tn C ta Mesa. Bo's and J!ltl · irf"rn Coron.' del Mar a''nd cast In the lead are OrTen lyn Arnold have important parts elementarv s c h o o 1 aut1itortum. Broob who plays Lachie, a cnasty in the ~on. \VUliAm Klt""r w:11 ~lc:r11~~ thf' 9cot, and TenJta M&nt:z. who *U Don~ tung i.s serving as student ascention of prnl""l''<'nt ('nli fnr"'a the role of Margaret. the under· dJrector. Publicity and ticket J')('aks 3 ,t1 show l<nrtachrnr-,c I standJng nurse. committee are chairmanned by slides of the a reas unt1er dic:cuot- Tbe play 11 set tn a British con· Lennie Winners. sfon. Numero•Js notnts of tntf"rr c:' Susie is the namE' t>\'C'~'O""~E' tl-('\r rtates were: Paul Robertson hac: comE" to call the new Fe!'i-a--ct Dona Ring. Oave Pattenon rl••nt 1nd it fits \t.'r)" Wt>ll Su~tt' ant1 ~uzi~ Pleger. Bob DeRuff and i a huh~ fuzzy cockt>r pup and Jackie Phillips. Paul Auhee and ic: now the po essor of a fine Mary Miesinger . Steve Sailors 1 '"" r'n~"'ouc:e out of which she a.,d Pam Hopi~. Aly n Nielsen and valeecent hospital in Burma and Work oh props Is being h_andled for the ''Acationer ;tln-.l! ~~<' rtw. the story of five patients by Alva Denton and Robte Lou h ll!rwavs JeatiinR to r,Jifnrn'1'c:; and their nurse as It unfolds in a Fiero. Tuck Rabbit and his crew mountai"ls ,.,..ill he r-nirte-•1 n11t. hospital ward. Dialogue, humor take care of Ughtlng and sound. and an,·ope 1 la,..,ntrrr to tnur and philo10pey, according t~ high Music will be furnished by the these mountain art'ac: is ur~e-1 to school publicity, are combmed to hlPh s~hoo1 orchestra. attend "these mE'f'ting~. rtve a well shaped picture of thet Sets for the play were desJ~ed t ecture 1 cThurs. 12 2-7 t .., principals' thoughts. by Mrs. Sherrv Lowry, art m-9 :30 p.m .) "So you want to The part of a Yank Is played by structor, and Wentz. climb Mt. Whitney." Bill SkUes. Warren Crane has a AdmlssJon to the play will be role as a chubby cockney. Others 40, 60 and 80 ~nts, with all seats In the cast are Steve Hope, Don reserved. . ISLAND SREJ.I4 STATION BUD MILLER, Dealer Shell Lubrication -Ttrea -8atterfee 227 MA .. tNE AVE. 8ALeOA IILAND HA .. BO .. 2211-W ·L ecture 2 f Thur~. 12 '!1-7 to 9 ·~0 l".m .l "150 Miles afoot In the Kings-Kern!' 1 ecture 3 (Thurs. 12/16-7 to 9 ·10 r.m.) ''Burro-crats on t he John Muir Trail." Lecture 4 <Thurs. 1/6-7 to 9 :30 p.m.) "100 miles of knap· ucking in Southern Califor- nia Mountains." wiH bou n"t' with an a ir of roM· Lynn Hoxie. Nicky Slaughter and p1<'t(' frif"nd1in~c: to anyone that Ann ~tooris. James Steffensen m· .. ht like to ~top and chat for and Margaret Diehl. Oi~k Mar- :-f('w mornl"ntc: Th('rf" ar~ llrn '<: J;:elJ anrl Vlrginla Jones. ~"<:'<' ,,.,.Jc; ,,._,. f"f"N1 for frlr.-t1 y PLAY PlUG r"''~ T n.-,. a11 ('f'"k r .-.:: Suc:ie ""-f'ld vou know that Maggie Mc-mand~ lots ot attention ... and ere and Don hnipp are going I gets it. •eady a~:lin? And that Pudge \VE"Stlake a"ld Stan VanDyke have been going steady !or three weeks Ted Lehman Piclced now! Congrat . kic!s! I 1 Why can't R.W. and M.B. get to get her! It S("Cms like they are to OCC 'Y' Body pla)'ing cat and mouse. . ' ,.\\'f' .. \ :l"~ :~ YMr \ wcrt' of- fi if':lll v nrr-'l n i7"-1 O""' \oa c::t Col· lr-~r <':tmnu~ Ttt~av rvt>nln~. '1\-,,, "mher 22. wh~n inte~ted hon t forget to see the 'Hasty Ilf'art'' a t llarbor H I Fr i day night. lsturlf"r c:; mN for a rlh:•r-r mE"et-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. lng i~ thf" ~llPge ra fe tPria . Coun- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gorman f\· ~ .. ti :l"Pa kac'rr-. o f t h("C;(> or- Community Theater Days GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR CORONA DEL MAR AREA 711 Goldenrod Ave. Harbor 1251-W IMPO .. TEO TOY& COLLECTOR'S tTE{"S nc. . HOBBY & TOY CENTER 1415 Cbut Blvd. Corona del Mar 3. H QENE .. AL eUILOtNG CONTRACTO .. RESIDENTIAL REMODELING s " 708 Jasmine Ave., Corona del Mar BARBO lftl-R ... ' I returne-d from their honeymoon n agnizations rrt>SPn t to a"-c::lst tn San Francisco. 1 organizing the school chapte~ Classified WA':'IT to buv used m~tronomP. ~onciition unimportant. C a 11 1350-R. wt'N? J <trk T'ow<'r. nro!!r<tm • upcr- ,·ic:;nr nf thl" Y in thE' B<-arh area: Bett,· [)('1:--.,(', .. girls' work direc- tor ·in S0ut"t Orange County Y\\'C A : T. Thomason. ~Zeneral secrt'tl'ln· o f the Sou•h nra~g<' Coun' .. · y :.I\ A : anci Edith Ler· risYn. r<'g:onal Y\\'CA stuc!ent sec- t'('t an·. DBL. garage or other storeroom I · . I of similar !';7<' .• 1ecd for storage '·<'n c:;~ur <'''ts t'lt'cted as officers of light aircraft fuselage for of the \:MC A mcludl"d ~<' t uh-1 winter months. Harbor 788. man. Corona del Mar, \'tCE'-pres1- 16-3tp dent. STt'OTO APT fnr rf'nt. 209 \tar· 1 guerite. Call Harbor 2857·J. RELIABLE WOMAN will do housework or ironing b v hour or dav; reft'rf'n<."es if requi~ P,_one e\'enings H . ,3039-R. Call at 511 J asmine. \VOMEN from all parts of county to regist<-r for b~by sittt'rs MtLq have phone available BE 6018-R. After 6 p.m .. BE 5383-J. PAIR F rench glass doors and 1 Nll"f'l maho~anv door . reg. size; 1 12-Ught out side door, large: Celote>; w allboard. good condi- tion. 701 Carnation, Corona del Mar. For advertising and newa oall the Enelgn, Harttor 111. M r. and Mrs J1m Mayor. local "Frito man" b;ng at 500 Na r-1 cissus. returnee &rom an e:~~.1.endt'd I trip up the <.'0&5t They took in Cannt'l and San Fran~isco and all points south. The trip was taken as a mu~h needed rest by Mr. Major. and after his two .. ~ he teels fine and rested. he sa.)'S. Dec. I, 1, I. I a.t Rl 'S U1S Coaat H'ehw•y (BlrtcheT BulldiQ&) Harbor 19f6 CORONA DEL MAR Dine at Raga_n'aduri5 this special period. Proceecb f or the benefit of the Newport Harbor avsc Theater Associa- tion. Musie. candlelicht. delicious tood and fine enterta.iDJ'Dftlt. _ ... TMIB WEEK oetumR -~· ; ·.:ORN SLICED lEANS CUT BEANS LIMA BEANS 8\ln.Eem.l Mo.~~ ~A Ho.tc- APP~ESAUCE ~dz ~· SOUR PITtED CHfRRIES ·. I ·- 7 the a.ap Ud tbetr mon DEC. 2, at 201 .... ~...twry, over t.M Tba.knqi 1Ji8 we U.wt lin. a..p 1a the ~ of J•m· Velma O"Bik:d. owoer of ID7 Butedlct.. A coordinated program llr. and Mn.. Aqua Potter. 22'7 ~·· ~._.!!_~;...~ MrL Cad Zamloch. 135 N Bay h&ndllng Christmas w ltar<' c PeU1 A Balboa Ill•M ~ a.wa~ u ..-.-=-~ -...-..· · " ured Tuesday. noon at Mem~rs of the E x e <' u t t ,. t' retui'Ded home froiD a .fl ... y 1 mu and the bollda}'l C. H. Front. Ban_,. 1&land. 1a ntet·· Nonon· Cale wl.en welfare rep-Board of N(>wport Hm·bor High vacation ln Palm SprtQp. ~ o1 E1 Puo, ~ tahdnc two f.rienaa ""110 arrhed ntath from en·ice, profes-PTA met on Monda~. No\'. :?9 in were aecompanled by tbdr daugb-OD llfoDd.aY and ~ spend about and patriotlc o1·g niza•Jon8 the home of' fJ"6. !\ arv Do~ i ter Ellen. ..-ho Ia at t ~D dl na Mn. 0 . L. lk.NelJy of La Habra • week ~.They are 1"· Dude throuahnut the H arbor area held Feml a1 Av . when h :. :·rnmtcn U.S.C. . ~t~ bel" claUI'hteor. 108 Moore and Bull !rom Arata. an orp1 lz.atlonal meeting ot the Frahm, juvenJl • protC'c rf<.m {hall \: el.ma 0 Brie~~ Of Corona del Mar, cant. ChriBtma.s w e 1 fa' r e Committee man, pr nted a drttfa nf n '\.• o- at a ~Yiq cUnner lul l and chos trs. R. J . \'Ulagrana. lu\Jon to be pr n\ d bt rht-reg. Mra. W. J. fiDfm.a.l'ln. 227 Onyx Tbe d.al~Pt n of Mr. and t rs. 123 Abalon~ BaJ bo:t Island as ular PTA mE>eting r cc. l f'i. A~ Balboa l.tl1.aDd.. k ente1aln· Hen!')' Howell. 322 Onyx Ave., h 1 ' · IDe her mot..her-~law, Mrs. J . E. ~ entertained Balboa Isl&Dd.. were home from a rrnan. . . ~~~. Roy Roush. nw~bi'-r:-hi.' Sophie Hotm•nn from San Fran-her daughter Mn. Ca1..berl.M ~ for the Thank! gJ\'lng bol· . Tht> rommllt~ ts 8 partk~pat-chrurman, announC't-d 4_' m r·t· cbco. who will be here for about Mathew and• .em Robfrt 0\'el' lda)'L Janet Howell is a fre-shman !ng a~en~· of the Harbor Com-bcrs to dat<' and an i:nprc•m11u two week&. the weekend. M..rL u.a~ came at \Vhlnier, a.n4 M argaret Ann l":'l~~ny .~ ~~s and is rom po ed o f r·eport. of th~ Tar Pll n ou f'\\.ll"m· from Colton to .ee her I'DOt..brr Is attending Chapma n Colle-ge. r~p.P .tatl\~ .01 all. or~anlza. lng. No\'. 2.), was g \t•n by M1~. · tJons. Through tts wortC C.:upU<'a-Edgar H UJ. Kr. and JclrL Frank ~ tion of a c;l"'' nn<'t' 1~ 8\'0id(>(. whil<· . . 111M S . Bay Front, Balboa llland, Yule aJrl i as.!" urM a larr£'• num-. AI 1 he ~~0~ n! th,. ~e ·t me. ln·. ~t 1banbgh1Da Day with ~ t bfor of case., on an rquitahle ba J • dl\iduaJ t tu ·1. 1m. " <'a"('" •10 1 t'· Mrs. Saunden' paft'llb.~ Mr. and t earp e fre hmentc; \\'l'fl' q•nt>~ h~ ::\1~ MrL Frank A.n.t1.r't"ws of Bel Ai:re.. Dodd and Mrs R..t) ~t"l 1 n 1 u- CHRISTMAS REGATTA Mr. and Mr.. RaJ ph Crandall .201}' ~nd A'"e.. Balboa MrL L. L. Thom~n. 617 Or·! Mn. Oli\'e Rotunno has Just re· l.&'t.lil :_hid their Tba.nksglviJl& chid A\'e.., had a ~· weeftnd cei~ a letter that her f athff-ln- d.l.nner al Th~ .Rolsmore dlning comhtn.lng a c e 1 e brat 1 on of law, in Oakland, had ~n h..it b) room with Judge and Mrs. 0. A.. Thanksgiving and birthday ror a woman d.ri\'er. The woman wru Jones.. her t""' ch.lldren: Lynn, 3, ana ja1led and Mr. Rotunno "'<l'~ ron- Lowry. 6. tined with a broken nose a nd n Georce . !cK~nan.. f o r m e r Two ters anc! thelr hu~bands b:rokm rib. ~ of the Ne\\"'JC)rt Bank ca~ Sunday and helped cele- Thf' n. nual Christmu r<'gattn of t hf" ~ :£',\liOI't Harhor Yacht -------~---­ r'uh w 1ll lX' hnJti Dec. 26 and Jan. 2. A !IN•t of o' N 300 yachts and a!lhott'' w;ll I'W::' on hand f rom Southland had>or·s. Tttf" racln~ J;l'll('" WliJ llldWll' both fiay an For advertising a nd new~ call the E nstgn. H arbo• 788. Ooof"S Ope• N ightly c 5 Continuous Sunday f rcm 2 '30 Ktd . M at. Saturdily at • JS of America. and Mn. MclCeenan brate by eaUnc of turkey and Mr. and Mrs. Ctarer.C"" C. Dodd are apendlnt a week here on Bal-birthday cake "'ith the Thomp-entertained last week a t t h ir boa Ialand. The tcKeenans now sons.. home, 421 Fernlea1. Mrs. IX• 'd r--------------raide in Van NuYS-Cuesta ~ Mr. and Mrs. An-had ht>r mother and h 'ht>r w : h Last T imes Satur day. Dec ..: Betty Grable drew Hamilton of Lot An~les. her. ~Ir. and ~trs. G. Thom.t!'. . Dr. and Mrs.. Ruth nbby of Also present we~ Mr. and • h s. Wllllam and Ed..-a.rd Maclt. tht> Compton and tn.. Tttomp.on's D. H. Thomas and their two ch 1- two brothers who own 1M a c--rnotht>r of Los An~les.. dren Sharon. 6. and Gail. 4. kraft Store ln t.M Birtcbfl-Bldg .. cbri tma g 'ft ... royal corenha.grn import<>d plaqu<> t• ~ Dan Dail :· B AB . T . ~E'' In Technlcol or ha\-e their mo~ \isitlng them. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Plegar of ~ Mn. larlon !ack ia from Toron-~lr. and Mrs. Arden Canon, Q) del Mar had a perfectly to. Canada and will stay 1n Ccr O"-"nf"l of Hopn's store ln Corona ·~w" time in Salt V tke ron.a del far with her sons 0\'E'r dt>l .lar. spent Tha.nkagtvtnc in a for a w-eek. they Tf"port. Th y the hollda~·L She is U\.ing at tht> ~~ s A~les. They had a dlfftcult v..!t with Mr. and Ml"8. ~ Lou.l.le Apartments tor the dura-timt> decullng <tt•htth the).• enjoyed Howerth of Laguna. I t was th<' tlon o1 her visit. thf" most. the turkey or the foot-.,_ . ·~-had be(-to Salt w int<'r and histone ~Ct"n w ao; ash trJ.ys roasters. hang on wall A leo F utur-ette 14Jungl lan Kille"'"~" -· ~ ---___, b:-U gamt" the\· attended.. &.mn tune un::Y n . • Lake. and reported lt was snowtng Mr. and Mrs. W . L. Harraden on their \·isit. o1 Corona del Mar Sunday enter· Mr and Mrs. HU&b Mc<lymont t.a1ned old !rlends from Pasadena. entertained frlmds from St. Louis Mrs. Jlobert L. Calhs of 7 1 R Mr. and Mra. Leonard Towner. over ~ ~-e'Ml. Mr. Jasmine entena1ned over the ~k Durlnc the evening l'Jr. ~d and M.n.. Paul etz~er are ()IIAl'Mft of TbankscMng by having t-• r Mn. Holt Condon were lnvlted of a SUper N.arket In St. Louis father and mother. .lr. and Mr.- !or a SUnday Supper. and .-eft out heft on a CIOIDWD-Roy Lindsey. and beT husband' Thme three 1amll..les for mu.y don. '1bt"y spent ,.,.cfvhc fat.ber and mother. Mr. and M~. )-eaR U\-ed ln Pua~ena and were .,;th the c.<:!,ymonts at their Carol)'-n ca..tlis. as ~ guest.._, c:loR friends.. T\\"0 of the group borne in Cor-ona del Mar. Satunlay Mr. Callis' brother and wift-Mr. ha\-e moved here. night they went to Loe Anleles to and Mrs. William Callis. with their the Blackouts and met other St. two drllc:lren. Susan. 3. and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Brumbty. Louis friends there. St. Louis 1s Dickey, 16 months. v..-el"'t" alw new owenn of the Patl? Malt the fanner home ot Mr. and Mrs. present. Sbop. bad their 11th wedding an-Hugh McClymont. nJwrary at their home on 441 Mrs. Robert L. Callis of Corona GoldenrOd.. del Mar attended the-pn.>paration It was a real surprise party. Mn. 'Thelma Pa~doc.k of 400 meeting for the .. Bib and TuckPr Slxteen frl~nds from Los Angeles Dahlia Ave. entertained over the aub." The board of dil"'t"ctors came unexpectedly and made week-end. Mrs. Wheeler and her wiU be host for the dance hPld Sunday afternoon a reaJ p:uty three chilc!rft\ from Los Anceles in Hotel Laguna Dec. 11. PN>pa- day. were .her house cuests. rations are being made for dt~ro- WIDE VARIETY OF MAKES, MODELS FLASH CAMERAS, CAMERAS FOR ALL AGES, ALL DEGREES OF PHOTOGRAPHIC PROFICIENCY. For an Ideal, ~rmaneftt Gift Portrait PhGtography by HOWARD FOL&OM Harbor Photo Lab 117V2 Coalt Bl ... ·d. Ha ....... 1t1t-:W CORONA DEL MAR • rations for their Oui..stmas danc-f'. This is the second Y<'aT for th<' Bib and Tuckers. Mr. and Mrs. Ah~an ClE'tllenC'f' of Corona del Mar spent Su nd'l\' in Pasadena celebrating th<' b;rth- days of Harold K i ne and M~ Ange Pie~. It was a joint birth- day celebration and "'-a..c; twld tn the home of M~ J . Dyt> i n Pa.c;a- dena. Margareot Farnhem and Arfy Mason CartPr. found<'r or thr HC'\1- lV"-ood Bowl. a t"f" old fri<'ndc; In t'a.ct. it was 17 years to the day that M&n!8ft't and Arty \arfE'r bad Thanksgiving-t~hf'r in VI- enna. It was therefore lik<' n c:tory to h;we Mrs. C'arter spend t hf' Thanksgivint! f"V£'nins:!: with Mnr - l:'aret ~t ht>r hom<' A.t 4:\6 F <'rn1£'nf EWELRV Made to Order ENGRAVING WATCH REPAIRING OtlB POLICY- HONEST SELLING NO PRESSURE CE a17 cO.st H ighway CORONA DEL MAR D Sl.OO each JU<;t ander<;<'n dani ... ~ pn~11•r ash tray. hand dE'.::ignffi c;1 C'n<'" f rom dC'nmarl< $1 75 t>ach chn~ma card. ~,·f'dish and am<'rican ani.~s 10c and up angels and glass snowbirdc; for <-hrlstmas t N"e and tablE' d('C()rntio~ Sl 00 and \IP kann margreta imports 13(Y'i roa.c;t bl \'d corona dt> 1 mar 1 ~5 · :\0 op<'n t"'\'<'l"Y da ~ fridny C'Venins;s to ~ · 30 Box Office Opens N I 6:45 ENDS SATURDAY. DEC. 4 Dennis Morgan in '')n· \,U .. D 1R1 H ROOE .. In Teehnicolor Second Big Action Featur-e "Thf' d,·~ntu)'"(\-" of Robin Ho~·· \\i th Errol Flynn Olivia d e Ha\illC)Jld Oee. SUN .• M ON .. TUES. Danny Kave · \~irgi nia i ayo ''.:\ ~0 .• G IS OR~~· In T echnicolor Comp<tnion F eature '1H-sign For Df'ath •• The Captured Jap War F ilms that Won the A cademy Award! STARTS WEO. DEC. I James te,~art -in "ROP .. In Technleolor -Aiso-- Ro~linO Russell, -in- SUN., MON., TUES. DEC. S-6-7 Ida Lupino Cornel \\'il( Richard ~'idm?r'­ -i n "RO D ~Ol E.' STAATS WED. Doot"' Open Night !)' 6:15 Conti nuous !l;un. frorr ? 30 Kiddie Matinee Sat. • ·45 I THUR .. FRI . SA T . DEC ~ 3·4 R oY Ror.-(\··~. Tr~ r:r.0:-l ~ .n '' .. ~GRT TD!E I 9 -1':" • ._ .. [-.; .· inC,· •r Seeond Bi~ t-l 't Fra nk Buck's Original ''BRIXG 'E. I B .. CK . l.I L .. · SUN., MON .. TUES DEC. Victor Mature Richard Conte " ~· of th Cit y" Al.o F~turette, Cartoon and News Attent ion Mothers! W e H lVe a Completely Equipped Cry Room for Your Convenience. . . . ~ - I 1 -------------------. WliB IBIS OOUPON I I I I I I I I Uhll Plftletofte lllg~-R~ I AUTf RRE ' lUST 9.91 Plus Tax lkehsp Reg. 14..15 l.tl0rl611reatoae Jligh..Speed MAY nRE tJ;fS Plus Tax .,. 1 "1.95 WZvery ~ w tube of our manufacture beu1na our name and serial number is ~ to ~ tree from detects In wortanaaablp an• material without limit DUSTING and POUS:fDNG PAD Rec. 29c PJc&. 2 for 29c DEFROSTING FAN Keeps Windshield Clear ONLY $7.95 WEDGE CUSHION Relieves driving fatigue. ONLY $1.69 ftellevea Driving Fatigue -------- t NOWAT(D & ~1. NDLEY ~'19NE BATI'ERY NEW 1M3 SMARTLY STYLED COUPE SEDAN • Hand1t0me Patterns. e Leatherette Trfm. ~tre tont ...... ~U,ODDIO RegUlarly $83.15 Save $19.76 durtna this Big Sale! Enjoy a new hich ln auto ~o perf~. 7 tubes plUI recti· n fier clve fOU plent)' Of power. Large speaker mounts .eparately -gives you deeper, richer tone. 99 licyc1es, 'foys and a Host ol Gilts on Order -As~ t!ls lor a Cafatogue --cOlONA .. ... --