HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-12-09 - Newport Harbor Ensignca. o ·•. o::L . , . ,\ • Complete Coverap •· !\lost Local News • All Local Pictures •• For Corona del Mar • For Balboa Island The Christmas Shrine Is being erected on the corner of Margue- rite directly across from Hamp- ton's drug store tn Corona -del Mar. In prPvtous years the shrine has he-en on the far side of the Co:tst Highway, but this year it wiJl be on the ocean side. Al Clemence again has been chosen to supervise the erection of the Shrine and says It will have a 60-foot facing on the high- way. The material for the shrine has been donated by Ward Har· rlngton. Construction ls sponsor- ed by the Business Association of Corona del Mar. Rex and Joan Brancit designed the Christmas tribute. It ls at the foot of this Shrln~ that the Carolers wlll sing the night of Dec. 22. He's Thlnga tough! Ther•'• ~ man In town who balked at paying 10 centa for a pair of shoe strings. In fact he waa ao tncenHd with the pr~ that w ith great vehemence he announced to a local merchant that "I'll go and buy my shoe ltrfnga In Loa Angeles. I e~~n get them there for five cents." -And he did! lfor adverttefng and news call ttte EMit", Haf'Mr 711. ,.. • ) 11\at King Of the holidays. Onist.mas, ~ into his own this Wftk ln Balboa.. Island and Corona del Mar as the two eom.mtmitls are bectieCbd in YuJe t.ime splt-ndor and ~idents invade their local rtOftS for clfts and decorations. Local merchants will keep sto~ doors,.open for evening family · ho I pleted b\• week' end. Two blg • PPlnl starting next Wednes-Christnas t r~ and a Christmas day night. Stores wiU remain shrine on the ocean side at Coast open each nJght until 9, except Highway and Margueri e are Sunday. during the remainder of outstandJng features of l CoM the Christmas shopp~g season. Yule d('('Orations. while on the Extensive cooperauve df'<:'Ora-'~Jar.d r<'d boxes at the foot of tlons for main stree~s in COM lh(> Pf>pper trt'e'S and stars in the and on the Island '-""111 be com-branches will give that commu- nit v a jewt"l-like look in its bay setting. Store owners this year report an abunda nee of nearly all kinds of gUt iter.u. Every effort has been made to ofler merchandise The merchants are doing their at prices d gned to keep the own decorating th!s )'-eaT on Bal-f~nuJ~ shopping of the 2300 tam- boa l&land and are going all out i11es m Co~na del liar and Bal- In their eUorts.. boa I land 1n the local stores. Money Is belng r aised. in part. by 8elling chances on a late model televtslon set during the holiday month. Already merchants have start- ed painting bright red boxes to be placed around t:.e oase of tl1e PlllPH trees on Marine Ave Brlcht atan will be inserted in an effort to create a festive at- rno.pbere for the streets. ~ will be a prize given for the best window d..tsplay. Island Stores To Stay Op~n Nigltts Balboa Island stores w111 rem.aln open until t p.m. untU Christmas to accom- modate shoppers, atartln• thla Friday n•ant. tt was an- nou~ thla week by busl· nee men of the Island. • -----~-----~--~--~~~~--~------~--~~~ Ground breaklne oer~y far tho new lumk on ceait Hlthway thh week lhMid have taken preCedence over all new., for a bank for thiM hiN communttln Ia Of ·~ Im- portance. Not only wut tt ~• u a atlmul• to local •--and help anobor the oemmorolaJ life of the communlt1 Whero ft belong.--at home, but ft wtlt Ito eo \fery much more convenient. Heretofore, for both , .. ._Mete and Crown City reSJdenta, tho tack of a hnt haa rnea.M fro· ~ently awkward tr1pa to either Balboa, Newport or Mesa. In spite of the bank news, bow- ever, Christmas fiila the air with anxiety for just about everyone. Kids aJ ready are getting geared hJgh : parents are aearcbJ.ng minds and stores for the proper gift, and merchants are readying tor what they hope will be boom sales. From now on Chri.st.mu And tt.en, of cou,.., U.ere are Iota of nloe Xmu gffta auch as Sta.rtlilg Dec. 13, Bill Reed at dectric iron... waffle lrona, elee- BUl'l auto supply store, 215 Coast tric blanket. (the wife will Highway, will ha\~ the largest •tee. you for ~1• one) toaate,.., supply of ChrLitmu trees ln the Revere Ware and Pyrex, juat to aree. he .aya, and hls auppJy of mention a few. treel wllJ be kept fresh dally, be Knowa Kllowattta an.nounced t.hJa week. To digress from the Xmas items. All Chrtatma. decoratlolil, 1n-it riUgbt interest som of you to cludf.Dg tlD8el and ornaments of know that w e now have a com- vartot. klnck a.n<1 SIZiel wtl1 be plete plumbing service, day and 1laJne proofed, Reed stated, add-Digbt. and it doesn't mattt>r if your inc thai: the precaution Is a suc-trouble is only a leaky faucet. ceafu1 Ore preventative. Call Harbor 232 anytime, and we For the CluUt:m.u &hopping will send !be plumber, H ar1<'Y seuon. now offidally Under way, Lusk. Jim Ramoey Jft tM ~.. •· ,artment .-call ,..lite a ..... ,.adlo live ... , .. or do M~lftl for you In tM electrto Uno tltat 11 neo4ed~Tr htm ....n you have troubl wtth electricity. II ty. R~x Brandt and hfs wtle, Joan Brandt, have done the art work year. PubUc Stenographer CHfUITMAI CARDS ADDREIIED e Notary Public e Addreeeing Xmas Carde ' e Mi"'"traphlng e Add,......nt e Telephone Service Hart.or 1210 U1S Coaat Highway Suite 4, Blrthcher Bldg. Corona del Mar activity and Chrtstmaa thoughts New frfenda of the Ensign will dominate our two towns tor and welcome dept.: Mra. Edith sure. And it Is prooable that no Plctor of Corona del Mar, for- one will object. mer cofumnfat for the News- Reed'• .tore Ia featurtnc bicycles The.n of couree, there Ia Big and toy ttuclm and ~cton of ~~~---;~~----==~;;;;;;;;~------~~=-----~~ mardy con.atruction. E 1 e c t r f c I Harry Yerlneton'a autlonery Times. Atao Mra. Vl,..tnla Cas- store on coast Hignway haa an tie of aatboa, who does adrnlr· afternoon addition for the able work for the Harbor As- aplrit of the euaon. From 3 to slstance League. traiftl. DOn-tJip bobby bones, toy cranes. d.lahes. gamea. arch- ery .eta, aportlng loodJ and auto aooes.wies help make up hJa f p.m. music can be heard I• At Mary Dodd's pany the other ChrUtmu lrtoclc.. auing from the loudspeaker Jn day there was snow decoration ft • • Jft front of his atore. &oun~· lfke which W&l realltalc. Her formula: refit v.lle roo/ Chrlatmaa arouncr there. beat up good eorap fiake. tn water Press Puses: Uncle Ben Red-<very little), •i>read mica on lt. G f ··,~~/ Noft·ce dlck. as his colu.mnlat. Brick ... B1l1 Reed per.onally made up e I L;~v Gaines, calls him. hal installed a the lla'htin& 8trln&• which will fancy new fntertype machine. So tdecortte the two btg trees ln the Iacr....,na numben of Vistton proud was Ben that he put a pic-heart of COM. Took him houra. are belfta ..,.WD to the PetUt ture of the machinery on the .•• Mn. Myrtle Sprancn of Ville reomtly u Word 8Pft&da of front page together with an artJ. South Gate looka forward to the u.DAque rOck p.rden and pool cle about how it works. ... Nor-, d$Y abe can li~ here, quit her Job In the cent~ of the ahop'1 noor. man Hartlord, veteran ad man up there. ... The Arthw-Elys of attraction of the specimen In Orange County. u helpJng the 317 Ma.reuerite are moving to plants around the pool ls a wild Ensign these days wtth advert:i.s-1128 Acacia St., Orange. Panamanian orchJd. UNION OIL Mlcbael Rotunno, 4.17 Narcll- sua. ia the hortlculture decorator and landscape designer wflo did the work for the co-owners of the shop, MonJca Smith and Han- nab Byrnes. Rotunno a8ys that each plant hu an especially con- COAST BLVD. at NARCtiiUI CORONA DEL MAR structed cement pocket fllled. Firestone Distributors .. PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE .. PRONE IIABBOit M8 Christmas Hosiery Special! CORSE'I'RY Theme Nylons 15 Denier 51 Gauge, Reg. $2.25 JOIN Otm-HOSIERY CLUB. A bonus of one pair 'lbeme Nylons after you have purchued your 12th pair. Oxlt.lhue to buy your ltOCk- lnp u alwa>" but now the 13tb pair Is youn tree. . 1209 CoaSt ffighway Hours 9 a. m . to 6 p. m. Corona del Mar Open Friday Evenmp Ph. HarbOr ;1293-W with the dJrt from which the plantl draw their IUStenance. He says the pool and rock garden at the Pettlt Ville Is the only one he knows of ln the south coast area . There are 3,.294 World War n veteran~ recetvlng State educa- tional Ulllstance during the Fall term at approximately 200 lnstl- tutlons throughout CallfomLa. a.coordfnc to Lawrence C. Ste- vena. State DireCtOr of Veterana AUa.tn. Thla flgure .. la.rget-by 555 than the number enrolled Jut Fall in the State'a Callfomla Veterans Educ&tlenal Inltltute. The lnitltute paya tUition fees and other 8Cbo0l ~. plus a lubllktenee alloWi.itce of $40 a month. up to a maxtmum of $1,000 outlay for any one ltudent. Junior eo~aecea account for the 1aitest number of lt\ldenta ln any et.. of tnatlt\ltlOn, with 1,116 tsate~ll!d vet e r a n a eilrOI.led. State UftiYeriltliei account tor 814 more, witt. GO bt State ~ 541 ln prtvate Ui~Jwnttta am 326 In prof.-.onal UM1 ~ irhool_s. ~ rematntter are l llfih. tchooJa Ulct v o c a t I o n a K'hoola • f • ... BCIAL !! I , . ' .. OverhaUl dl8trlbutQr <lean alr cleaner Teat con ~~ eyHnder head Adjust timing Clean battery termf.ilals Telt condenser TIPten manifold AcQtat carburetor a.eek and adjust volt- age l'e~Ulator Tett lfattery and reflll 6&1 Ro~'1t~~~. ~=.~t=e:~ ~e~~:~ t~po~~ ~ FOurth bitUal Padfle O*lt rator; was the guest speaker at pJe of the Brltlah Ill~ even now. InteftOlleliate C h a m plonlldpe the last regular luncheon meet-Fruit 1Uch u oran,es, bU\anu will be heW at Newport Harbor Jng of the Newp<>rt Harbor Zonta and applee are Pi'edoul th~· December 11--11, 1M8. lntereol· Club. out Sc.-otland aDd EftC.land. Ko.t leltate ra.ct.bt for 1941-41 ftndl the poup ~ ln lobe With Mrs. Stewart recently returned fruit Ia used exclusively by the the addition of • .atllft& team from a three-months trip to her younptera. The ~t hU from ttie UnlYenlty of WUhJna· native Janet. Scotland. She gave a arranged for growtnc boys aDd ton uDcle'r the dtred.Jon of Coadl vlvfd picture of conditions exllt· atru to receive a ration of or-Gu8 Erlclmon Formadon of new lng there today. ange juice from a central station team~ at ~~al .choou 1M the She por ted out that U.S. war-about every two weeks. ~~ of other clubl at time rationing was as nothing Since the Zonta Club wu pre-Callfomla. San oteao State and pa.rtng packages tor over.eu re-u.s.c. 1a aleo r-eported. n Is ex- lief Mra. Stewart wu ln a posl-pected that ~25 ~~ehoola wUl tlon to give helpful suglestlona. for tropNee donated by She was lntrocha_C'ed by ~ -P~ Healy and by the Newport gram chairman, Mrs. Elsie Harbor Chamber o1 Comm~. Hampton. The St. James Episcopal Ba-Mrs. Stewart has oeen active Mr. and lin. CUrt Bowman, zaar last Saturday was a ~en· for many yean wtth the Callfor· 219 Abalone Ave., Balboa Island, dous success, according to Rev. nla Federation of women'a clubl. entertained Fred and Mlldred and Mrs. Wheeler o1 that churchA At present she Ia .tate trustee Hawb from Glendale thla last The bazaar made a gala day for the aouthern dlatrlct. weekend. lng luncheon was served to 200 le• for the Ebell Club. and the open-i people. The booths were attractive with their displays of hand-made dolls and their complete ward· robes. toys of all descriptions and An evening of tun and food Troop OwUr was presented to fancy work ranging from hand was enJoyed by Boy Scouts Troop Scoutmaster, John G. Gillespie. knitted sweaters to clothespin 17 Nov. 30 at White's Cafe wtth bags. There were faqcy foods the spoMOra. the Rotary Club of that brought in excellent profit Newport and Balboa. After din- to the church, according to Mrs. ner. each member of the club had R. Donald Hall and Mrs. W . H. the prlvtlere of tntrodut:ing the Hitchman. who presided over this boy or leader at hb atde and it booth. rave the boys an opportunity to From the py appearance of Mrs. Richardson of Corona del meet some of the Important men the Aalsta.nce Leacue Thrltt Mar headed the activity of the of thla area. Shop 1.n Newport. Santa hu paid doll booth by giving instruction The meeting was opened by an early vtat. previous to the bazaar on how to Don Steffensen, senior patrol Shelvee and ~~~~~_.. ~~ make dolls. leader. by teadlnr the rroup ln bright with Xm~ys A hand crocheted bed spread the Pl~ of Allea1&nce and allo of .ewry type, shape and Virlety. was given a way as a door prize the Scout Oath. Elghteen boys A.dd.l.ng to the tun and expec- to Mrs. R. Donala Hall, and an and two leaders from Troop 17 tancy, with every 50c purchue 18 inch doll went to Mrs. H . H. were present. or over, each customer Ia cJlten Partridge. Reverend Thomas M. Glbeon a cbanoe on a Ufe alze bey doll, The decoration of the mantle led the group In songs. knGwn u Mary Noet. and a larae was done by Mrs. Cathllne Goo-Xmas atoc~ IDled wtt.h all ken of Corona ael Mar. It wu At this meeting with the Ro-.orts of thlnp designed e.pedal- topped with a beautiful stained tary Club the scout leaden were ly for the clellcht of any small glass window painted by Joan presented wtt.h their rqiatratlon boy. Tbe drawinl will be at 11:30 Brandt. certl1lcatea for the year. and the 1n the mornlng, December :nat. r----------------------1 at the ahop, W 22Dd St. In addition to the toy ale, • .. I Y• .. lliUt later, fi.DJib .,.....__,..._.or .on JD '1 .............. • • • ~Mmben an buly .Utnc Xmu wreeU. ahJpped 1ft am year from the tar aorth. ilDd are con· lfdered especially . ~ble be- eau.ee of the many tiny pl.ne ~ ~rnlnctheDL '------------------------------------------------~ • Comp1e~ line of novelty Tavem candles and tapers. • Xmas ornaments and tree decorations. • Plenty of tree tights. • Large assortment of Xmas cards, boxed and slagle. • Xmas note paper. • Large selection of Rubley scale model metal toys. • Complete lbte of Children's books. • RelaX tliM afJI"VM ••• for- pt you Wonlee! Ooc:tctrw know tttt1t ......... ~ M&lthful re- laxation . • • ~ Wtty 10 meny Of tt.em come to Artttw •"''.,.... and actvtM le•c...,. for their~ Follow ttt•fr llillill liM •roll ~· Evet"Y mtnute yov ljijM Wttl\ A,.._. Mu,.,..y-. frffltdty • ..,..._ II a ..... M. .. ff....,N•noe come. wttt1 your wry flf'llt t..oft. In a ~ houra you can do the ftUtrilall ••• tiM newlllt \ Fox TrOt -.. •• _. or a tUICioUI Wattz. , Prepare now to have ttte tMilt tiMe ewr at your next party ...... how tM Milt illlfto. era drift your way ••. Watdt t.tte 04dteelf'a play up to yout Oontt delay~r. eo UliY to MooiM a ... ,.,_ oua partner at Arthur Mu~ Come In today~r phone Har'Mr 1247-W. ~· _.., t THURIDAV, DRC. I, 1MI . ......,.ptlett ...... ODe ~ -·---·····-··-·-DAJO SbE mantllia -··---LOO 'Jbiee mm~tha ···-·-~ ;50 lmpoftonce =tttro:O qu~ 01 a Vital Meeting 10th, at the City Newport IT. JOHN VIANNEV MEETINGI CATHOLIC CHURCH The Oeclemtier ~Of tlte Marine Ave. Rev. Noonan. Newport H.UtiOi' Co • a e II of Two mauet Sunday momlng. Churehetl Wtll bie hlel4 Dnt ~ 8:00 and 10:00. day. Dee. 14th. at Nortoe'• Rlil-BeaCh, at 7:30P.M. taurant on the Cout mpway at 12:1S. Dear Friend: At this session a brief outllne CORONA DEL MAR As a Citizen WhO bas the Wel-Of the Studies and plans to rein• COMMUNITY CHURCH CHRIITIAN ICIENCE . fare of the Community at heart edy the ait~tion will be present-The Corona ctel Mar Commu-cHURCH you well know that Newport ed. Our part 1n the County-wide mty Chureh, Con~tlonal, 18 Chrlttlan ~ Owrch. aaea ch is the City ma.! effected program will be oUtHned. We ~ F.a~kH~l=· Ave. Vta Lido, Newport BMdl. boW. -the laCk of adequate Sewer will be advised what steps we Sunday eehool convenes at momtn• Rn1ee at U :OO. 1 9·45 a.m Leuon tor thiJ Sunday Ia ~ facilities in Orange County. must take prompt y. · PU~ Fellowship at 7 :30 the Pre.erver ot Man". For several years County-wide It is a most serious condition. p.m. studies of the SeWer system have Early action 1s n~ry and we The momlng worahlp. u :oo, aT. JAMEt E~••co~AL been made. E".,.."eers have now must meet to organize and carry wUllncJude the eennon: "He Had CHURCH &aa&u In His Hand A Uttle Book Open." Rev. Paul Moore ~ WOl decided what must be done to out our part so that the County-deliver the llft'mOI\ "K~ ot make the County, particularly wt~e plan can go into action early cHRitT cHu,.cH eY THE lEA John the BaptJ.t.•• thla Sunday the Coast area:, safe from a in 1949. A motion picture will be fea· ~~tte next two SuDday eve- health standpoint. tul"fld at the evening servlcea tht. nlnaa the YCL will not boJd rea· You know how critical the sit-Dick Drake, Mayor coming Sunday. u1ar meetlnp, but Instead will uation Is now and what it is cost-City of Newport Beach w~rl1~edl:~~natbe ~ni::. practice Chrlstmu muste. ing us today for Chlorination Ralph P . Ma.skeyJ President enee of the Methodist Church PftEtBYTEftiAN CHURCH alone. 'Ibia situation can be rem-Newport Harbor Chamber held lut summer In Seattle. The St. Andrews Prabytenn edied. and it must be. of Commerce Waahlneton. O,urd\ on Balboa TsJ•nd bolda • The pictures were taken by church eervlce and dtUI'dl ~~ Because of ita importance, lL F. Kenny, Cbainnan Dr. Roy L. Anderson who wu an at 10 o•clock 1n the Newport Har· Mayor Drake has joined with the Campaign Committee. ottlclal delegate from Southern bor UnJon Hlp School Ubrary. ------------:=====================;::=::; Calltomla. He and Mrs. Ander-Irvtne Blvd.. and E~ 1~ 8U81CRtaE TO fiiEMIBBOR Voour new aftemooll new.paper For HOlD!! Delivery. Phone DICK KANOLD, Dletrfbutor Harttor 425-W ~ IIAULING .... Loac DlstUlce LOeal LARQW OR IMALL JOat GIVEN lAME CARl! -we Mew Wtth 'nN Wortd" 1962 HARBOR BLVD. ••.oon ..... LOANS fftO.OO tG ~ • SALARY • AUTO • FURN1'I'URE or other personal property ••QUICK SERVICE" OOAN OOIIPANY -COAIT at.:.VO. UI~ORTED TOY8 COL.:LECTOft'l tnMI c. KOBaY & TOY CENTER 1415 Coat BlVd "BENEDICT" the sip man Palntfnc SJcna 20 Years ill Harbor Area CORONA DEL MAR HARaGR 17 BALTZ HOBTUABY !lavtNG 1BE HARBOR AREA Olapel Jay 1be Sea ..... LOUIIE W. IMITH New York Te_,..,. of Voice • Pluo light Reatllne tn 110'1 QA .. AQE HARIIOR 1714 -eo..t atw" C.O.M. PI~A:~v. kl!eTIUCAL eGNTRACTOR REB1DEMTIAL OOMMJI:RCIAL wnmra -ltiiPuu BAiiiProN'S BEXAJL DRUG PRESCRIPTION SERVICE HAR.OR 1111 I. M -PIAN eon will pet'IOnally narrate the Rev. 1bomu M. Glbeon'a lei'· plctu.rea with the story of the mon thla Sunday wU1 be "Lamp and achievements of the of OUr Fe«.•• conference. 1bls Sunday It Unlveral Btble Thomaa Roy Pe ndell wlll bring Sunday throughout tbe nation the tlnal sermon ln the current and therefore emphula Ia being .erles on John the Baptlat at the placed on the BJble tn raped to Sunday momlng service. protestant rellcfona. lin. A. A. Kmlper of sOo tn. CaJ"<<ne-KJ.n& :a3 He1.1o-Mr. and W. IL K.eftcWJ at llr. 8Dd Mri. J. Yll. Krafft. Ill THK ........ OcMD Blvd. bad an acdcSelt th1l t.ro , Ja gettina ~ Chrllt.m.U 505 ACid& Me ~t:IIW the Ctui8t· H~. entertalDed f:r'IIDik rHUIIaDAV, weft. 'l'b.ift rlt. we-e inJured. I)Pirlt and looldila forWard to mu ilpbit. tbe)t Jeport, and &J. over the WfleRDd, Mr. aDd lin. _ ....... ......., ____ ........, ____ _ tulr ., ru&l holiday pattern reacty t. " thrir CDJUtm.aa plana R1cba:rd GnaDcJy of san catJoL 1, 1011 BiJ'tilia T!'uaty, dauchter of hav ng tr. and Jdn. H. E. wen tonnert. 'nle two men Went to the bl& LeO OJ Mr. ad Mri. W. a Tnia'ty, Rug I in for the day. 11wy an aoln& to Lake Elai· tootbe.ll p.me lit 1M AnaeJet a.nct ., Santa AU Ave., N~J1 fr. Klna"• father. ~ito .. 16 nore 0\M'" tlW CJuistmu wedr to allOWed Mra. Kra1tt &Dill her r,eere SuJ,side ~tl, wu t..he 111ftt of > e uid, Is a regUlar memmber fl\jo)r the holiday With frlmd. Jln. Gn.IDdy an af1emoOD Naney Deawr. auahter ot )fr. ol the .. hrlstmu fe.Uv1ty and cta:qhtcr &n4 8011-l&taw, Mr. and for friendly dtatter. aDd Mra. Frank Dea"\ er of Balboa comes from Oceanalde on the Mrs. He!U"Y Wltherell. la1aftd. 1Ut Friday nJghL bus en~ry year. · Mra. Geo. 0. Stouffer, 121 Ame- thvst Ave .. Balboa r.tancl, attend-Mr. and M.rL Nicholas P. Brett-Ira. Ah-an Clemence k enter-Mr. anill Mn. C. Donker, 323 ect' a baby &tlowft' lUt Saturday Dft', 1111 N. Bay Front, Balboa taJnJng her bridge club th1 week Crau Cctn&l, Balboa JaJanct, are at the home of Mn. Uoyd Knut .. Ial&Dd, enttrt&lned CU8ts from at her home on 421 DahllL plannlnc. a trip tO 5aC'I'1lJ'D.ento 1011 1n La crescenta. 1M An~ a week sao Sunday . ....rt:'he {OW'IJ(JI)'le conmta ot ~ Uoun4 t.M 1JUJ ot December to 1'bey Wft"e: Mr. and Mrs. Kurt c1a.Jnel aren C. Dodd. Norman apen J a couple of weeka wltb Mr. and Mri.. W. H. Falneett. Arantz and Mr. and Mrl. John Frahm. Stuart DlebJ, and the their daQ.I ter, Mrs. J . F . Lee, 223 Grand Canal. Balboa IaWld Duvall. h05tea in. Ah-a.n Clemence. and her tamlly. "~re to ~d vtatttq the ~----------------------~---------------------~ ChulHP. ~~~en~ MR. DaV14 Conon. ·1107 ~~ N. Bay ~~ Balboa l&land. re-J .,_ p. l Mrs. Etna M. Kunzman. · 705 JiOi1.* that the Uon ~ 'are t au.· 2. t ~ • Goldenrod entertal.Ded ber daulb-h&vlftl their Christmas party on e,,~ D ~w},. ~ teT, Mn. Joyce Sleeeh last Sun- '!Widay, Dec. 28 at Ctu:istlan'1 r day. Mrs. Sleech lives in Pasa· Hut and that the members wUl dena. come to h« house afterward to '-------------------------· play card&. t Capt. and Mrs.. H. E. Ha.nu:nL'r-Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jones, T34 Women of the Corona del Mar beck. 1612 2nd Ave., Corona del Poppy, have just recently moved Community Olurch wUl be guests Seven members of the Sea Mar, ar·e going to the LJttle Role to Corona. del Mar upon oomph~-at the monthly meetln-& ot the Scouts Ship Rangers of Newport BowJ game this Saturday after-tlon of the building ot their new women of the Laguna Con~ga.­ Beadl parUdpated ln the rendez. noon. home. tlonal Church on Dec. 11. The voua at the Naval Amphibious The game ls bet ween· Duluth Their t ... o daU&hten. Barbara. leUkm wtll be held at 2 p.m. at Bue •t Coronado 1banlugJvlng Junior College and Compton Col-lf, and Vb-gt.nla, 17. attend Har-the Women's Clubhouse. 511 For· LAe Kech, h,_r of the ... ......_.. fa prfntJnt his laM p .. r th._ W.Ok. He •P he'• tettlng t,.o· wdter's cr._... anCI haa decided t. Uko a Yilcatfon. Mr. Kooh Ia 75 yean old now and In h._ own wortla, ""have ltieen married to the same wom· an for 50 yea,..,-. Mrs. Koch and hlmMif are Corona del Mar ent.h.maetL Aa he aays. "I am Engllah •Y birth, Canactlan by realdonoe, Amef'k:an by naturaUa.atJon and a canfornlan by chOice ... Mr. Koch came here three years aeo and .Urted hla ltttle paper. At that t ime Corona del Mar wu but a pup, w ith two 1roury .teres. a gaa station and one real eatate ma.n. He haa put out the "8reue" alngla handed through theM years and hat enjoye~ it. weekend. 1be boys attended the I lege. bor HJgh. est Ave .. Laguna. M.1a Seaman annual Sea Scouts altair along Capt. Hammerbeck b an alum-wUl speak on the United Natlona The Church School Gulld is wttb 700 other boys who came nus of Duluth Jr. College. He 1s Mn. W1rUam E. Kloeckner, 515 in South Africa. Transportation having its annual Christmas from u far north as Salt Lake now stationed at El Tot'O. Begonia. Corona del Mar, chris-may be arranged by phoning party at the home of .Mr . Clar- City. 11\ey entered all events and tened th1!tr 5 month old baby Harbor 1387-M. enoe Dodd. 421 .Fernlea!. Mrs. pa.ued aatlstactorUy. They made The Women's Auxlliary of the girl LJnda. susan. The baby was Local CapW.a Circle v.-omen'a Norman Frahm i.s president. the trip on a reactivated ship, St. Jamt"S Epl :opal Church will chrtsteneci at the CDM Commu-group wUJ hold monthly meeting 1~ .. ·---~~~-~·~ Which la sponsored by the Ki-meet in the home ot Mrs. R. Don-nity Churdl, Nov. 28. Dec. 15 at the chu:reh in conjunc-II! wanla Club of Newport. called aid Hall Thursday afternoon at tlon with the SUnday .chool. the S.S.S. RangeT. Harry Gartler. 2:00. Mr and Mrs w E Ftsher 202 Members are urged. to bring from the Port of Seven Seas. was ~11-s. Hall li\'es in Costa Mesa. Abal~ne Ave· Balboa rsiand wb1te gi.ftl for child.ren of the their skipper, and he reports that have IOld 1..he~ home and will ~ Fort Berthold Indian Mission in the boyt Uved at the base ln. na~-y Mrs. Doris Diehl, 508 Golden-building a new house on their lot So_u_th-=--Dak~~o~ta.~~±~~~=ii 1tyle and made a fine showmg m J od. b bu y decorating her home in Shore Cllf.fs In the next slx all of their activities. The scouts fur Christmas. A little skating months · who made the journey W{'re: s.towma'l will soon be In her · Walter Mitchell. Bernard Bar-ft ont window. Leslie Ailen Way arrived No-den. Ronald Mork. John ~gan, Chuck Walters, Alan Hatch, and ~tr. and Mrs. M. J. Shannon vember ZL She ls the new baby Emil Dopyera. at't" having guests during this hoJ· girl of Mr. and Mrs. Myron W idav month. They will stay until and arrtv~ healthy and wdgh- Chi·I.stmas lng seven pounds. Mrs. W. L. Harreden compared ~t T ·H Sh . 1 . Mr. and Mrs. Way reside at 619 earthquakes and eastern thunder· f • r ·Li · ln. "'~knon 18 art r ~~gt Begonia. Corona del Mar. showen thls weekend and said rom nco · IU · ansas. o .. uu alter those eastern stonn it her oon and daughter-In-law. She woul<! take a very strong quake will be accompanied by w. 0 . Mr. and:. Mrs. Robert T. HoU- to d.lttuJ'b her at all Mr and Mrs KJng, and Alvin Shannon, the man of Corona de Mar had thelr Harreden lived 1~ N"ew York Shannon's nephew. baby chrf.stened John Randolph. ..... t 1 bef Ah·ln Shannon wLU stay in Co-The chlld was christened at the •'--e aor many years Ot"e mov-· C M Co unJt Church N · Jnr to Corona del Mar. rona del Mar tor several months D mm y O\. and tor the time being will live 28. Mrs. Frank James, 1(()7 N. Bay with Mr. ?nd Mrs. ~L J . Shan- Front, Balboa IJIJand. entertained non at the1r home on Femleat. Mrs. C)nloza Sloan is confined her famlly on Thanksgiving Day to her bod. with a severe case ol and had 15 relatives present. The ~fr. and. M~. D. B. Jackson. flu. Con·cem for her health has weekend following Thanksgh·ing GO • llE'goma Ave., had a happy been expt -essed by trtends. she entertained Mr. and Mrs. w. weekend in Pasadena wlth thelr Mrs. Sl.-tn is a long time resi- A. Anderson trom L.A. and Mr. t' pective famllles: Mr. and Mr . dent ot Oorona del Mar. Since and Mn. L. H. Driver from 11. P. Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. her husb ••d's death lut year she West L.A. Ha.renbush has been :residing at 327 Narcls- Lttile Nancy, age one, went sus. Mrs. James Irvine has returned along and had a fine time with Cardoza Sloan and the Begonia to Corona del Mar trom San her four grandparents. Gardens a re practically a land Francisco, where she apend slx mark on C'.oast Highway. months out of evetj• year. Mr. Truman Hemmlngway was She arrived the day of the big honort"<i with a birthday dinner Hazel a 13 d WarreQ Loud, a well wind, two weeks ago, and has on Nov. 30 at the El Adobe res· known 00 u.ole in Corona del Mar. been Ul ever since with the sin· taurant in San Juan Capistrano. are spending the winter in St. gular type of flu that has been Friends present were Mr. and Petersbw~. Florida. according to 10 prevalent. Mrs. Hans Broering, Mr. and their daughter-in-law. Mrs. War· M". Irvine u the daughter-In-Mrs. Jack Broerlng. Mrs. Betty ren Loud. law of the original Irvine who at Oowncy and Mr. and Mrs. George Mr. and. Mrs. Loud are r~gular I one time owned a large portion StouHcr. gypsys ar~d enjoy nothing more · of Orange County. She now re-than gett'!t1lg their trailer hooked aides on Avocado Rd. Mr. and Mrs. Helen Fowler, to the ba c.k of their car and tak· Corona del Mar was, at one 3iTT Coral Ave., Balboa Wand, tng 1-lng trlps. They plan to go to SUN-MON-TUEa. Dec. 12-14 Louis Hayward Dennis O'Keefe ''WALk A CROOKED )1114E'' Also Technicolor Featurette, Cartoon and Latest Newa Events. '"The Man From Colorado" i• Coming Soon!! Watch for Datelll Ume, part of the Irvine ranch. attended the opening of the Maine in the summer. UCLA library on Sunday and Mr. and: Mrs. Warren S. Loud Box Offfce Opens N ightly For advertlaing and new. were acrompanied by Mr. and Uve in Corona del Mar at 301 ·1:45 call tiM Enalgn, Harbor 788. Mrs. Nick Rone of Westwood. Narclaus. Pl110a Mats ar)d Napkins ................... -... 3.00 up Hand Embroidered. Wrfttt Pu,.... ....................................................... 11 Hand Embroidered F elt. a~o~b~d~~······-........................... 7.50 •r~Ther.a:,~-Uiii .. Trimme<t:···-............ ,So ea. etown .. an ................................... -........... 1.00 C~d Dotittle aect Spread ................ 50.00 aOXEI We have a iood aupply ot wblte ctft boxM In all t!%es 10o •· . Peraonallnd Matchea ... -....................... 1.00 utt It Pc. E.ll Cup tft'a ......•.. _ ... _ ...................... .2.00 .._,. and Knlttlf'g ••• ... -....................... t.OO Dolt Furmture seta ............. _ ................ 7.50 up Wood Nowttt• ............ ... ......... . .......... ~75 up Nlte aet8. Water Jug a1.e Gla• ................ 1.00 ~uleo litll, Pitcher and 4 ·olaaaea ............ 1.50 'bfd F .... a.Md Glaaea ....... -..................... 1.15 Set ol E&Cht, Aut. • O>lors. -------------- OPEN 10:0C1 to 5 :30 De.lb' UBtil 9:00 on n; lilY EvenlDp. -------~-------------- WED. Thru SAT. Dec. 1-11 James Ste\vart in Alfred Hftchcok'• "ROPE" Second Dramatic HIt - Rosalind Russell Leo Glenn "THE VEL VET TOtCR" SATURDAY &oftny Tufts. aarhara aritton "UNTAMED BREED'' In Colo,. A tao The Years Football Picture "TRIPLE THREAT' Cart.en --.,..w' Aat Mat. ~·aupennan..:__ aUNDAY AND MONDAY AttaiftTwDa .. Htta Oan Duryea, Joan Caulfield :.1.._. Payno In "LARCENY" A leo Guy Mada.on, Diana Lynn "Texas, Brooklyn aad Heaven'' Cartoon N~ ..::..;::..~.;;..;..;..---~----TUES.·WED.-THURa. Suaan Hayward, Van Heflin ''TAP ROOTS" A leo "GentlemeD From Nowhere" DOOf'8 Open N ightly 1:15 Continuous A.m. from 2:30 Kiddie Matinee Sat. 1:45 ENDS SATURDAY Dec. 11 George Montgomery Rod Cameron "BEI.I~ STJUlR' DAUGHTER'' A leo The All Star Football ThrHier "TRIPLE TIIBEAT" 8UN -MON~TUEI. Dec. 12-14 n.e Greateet Christmas Pteture of All Tlmeall Robert Young Maureen O'Hara Edumend Glenn in "IORAOLE 0 MdlSTBEET .. ... ..... I ntK. ENIIQN ~URIDAV, DEC. t. 1 ... For · advertising and newt call ttte Enelp, Hart»or 711. lewelry Made to Order Watc,es and Bands Place Orders Early For Engraving WALLACE . CALDERHEAD Jeweler • 817 COAST HIGHWAY Corona del Mar I.Doleam & Tile Co. ALL TYP£1 OF FLOOR COVERINGI SMALL "tumtabed houR A.dulta; ulo atncle room. prl· vate bath, private entrance, non..,smoker preferred. Harbor 2875-M. FURNISHED APT.; employed lady preferred. 604 Dahlia. Harbor 1347-W. EXPERIENCED and t r a I ned woman eeeks position u ~ keeper in harbor area. Phone mornings Harbor 2585-W. 17-lt-p LOST: lapel. plastic woman's watch with bow knot sllver pin. Reward. Mn. Bufll, 520 Margu- erite. Harbor 2757·W. WOMEN from aD parta of county to register for baby Iitten. Must have phone available. BE 8018-R. Alter 6 p.m., BE 5383-.J. WANT to buy used metronome, condition unimportant. C a 11 135()..R. DBL. garage or other stol>eroom ol similar size. N~ tor storage of light aircraft fuse~ tor winter months. Harbor 788. 1~ STUDIO APT for rent. 209 Mar· guerite. Call Harbor 2851-.J. RELIABLE WOMAN wUl do housework or lroninc by hour or day; references lt required. Pltone evenlnp H. ~ft.. Call at 511 J asJD.lne. l11lald Uno...,.,.., at.ndard anet H..vy .. Oresden Flowers Hand MOde H..- A DISTINCTIVE GUT FOR RIM , Flae, DUrable Rand-l',lade A YIJE SOCKS FROM liHE F~OORY , • (Continued tram ~ 1) traJt .. one of Mn. Jack Jones, her J'eP',ItaUon In the st~os u a whO Uvs on Ferrueat Ave. painter who could copy the ,_old Mra. Hope u teadllna Art In mutera.~, She found It euy to nlaht IIC!hool at Oranp Cout Col-~ by ftudy Culllu one ap'Nt the ~ ...... ~ dupUcate their .tyle and teeh· 1~. H~ clal 18 a:rowtna and , ~Jell oat-llril••oect SAnta Ground ._ brc*eD .,_.., nlquea and It wu becau.ee ot thJa ahe aaya •'the madeftta have lot. Coach Ray R.oao • Flehtlng PI· Ana 64 ROddy GouW ptayect mandai • nnt ~UP towwcla CDD-tal~t that many ot her pleturet of tun." She, henell, Ia lntenae rat.ee tlnlahed tlw1r first football one ol .. -.,;.. p.mea of tbe _... J)IHiGD 01 the aew Orilllit. ~ are aWlc"ffi exlatence In the 1tu-and enthualutlc by nat'Ure. and seuon In the history of the echool eon Ap.INt hb former team Ianda -..v~~~ae at tile eat fB4 dJoe and are Wled at the preaent tt'l no wonder her clau 1J a llaat. Saturday ln Santa Ana.. The mates. tbe Dona. ~ tbla ow. Otj. 1'l!.e _.... time. Mn. Hope painted back· tuccea. Pirate. held tbe hJghly-tavo~ VWoD 11 ..,... ta M a IIIOJM!t tJt drops ot ecenes and murala and Dons to a 13-6 ICOI'e In the seuon the .Jftln» s. Qou1cber F a 1tt1oa., the.e too are aWl ln movie WMt. ftnale for both te.mL T. C d/ ~nt fer eeaa,..,..W. 11oft1ta.Y She flnda It Interesting to go to The Dons aoored the first tally 'I 0V8fft 'Oft eS at 11:30 weft F..ai1 Staley. R. L a movfe and notice her own pic-of the game early in the fint Chrtcber, RJct..rd BarCeiD. MQor turea In the tete. perlO!t foUowtnc a bad pus from B I·L."! G •11 o..s l>r'aR 0eorp ~:)aries aDd Hollywood lUe. however, wu I Center Boggle Horrell to Bade rooru ngs I s Walter B . .;,..JotL too atrenuoua for her, u she ex-Dave MUla and Rod Gould John Fowler. Fowler fumbled plaint. With her ~hUdren she lett earned spot. on thla year'a All-and End Don Rh.em ~ for Featured at Brooklnca variety her home in Beverly Hills to re-Eutem Confeaence aecond team. Santa Ana in the two yard mark· ~ tor Cb.rlstmaa ahopPen" are aide on her nnch Jn San Diego MUb played haltback on the PI· er. John Fouch went over on the a complete Une of novelty t.aVft'ft County. For • year she rested rate team and Gould wu a guard. next play to make It 6-0 In favor cand.lea and tapln. om.amenu SU&ttt trace. of ra1ft Friday and pa.Jnted the beauWul oUve Chatley Fullerton and Santa ot the Dona. Don Vaughn made and trft deeoratlona. skatlna nf&tlt and early Monday morntn.a treft, one of which won an award Ana do~nated th~ fl.nt team. 1 it 7-0 with a good conversion. mow rMn and Santa ~uaes. a let'Ved only to break tJ» ~ in the Otla Art Institute Alumnus Chatfey plac«< tour on the first John Fouch made It 13-0 tor the complete line of children • books dry S'P!ll In Corona del Mar a nd Show. eleven and Fullerton and Santa Dons ln the third period on a and Hubley .::&le IDOdel toya. BalbOa lalancl But the ra.lntall Then carne the war and the Ana each placed three. Mt. San beautUu.l 74 yard breakaway run. HUDdreda of items. lnd udlng at· wu., aiJ.cht that onlv the record move to Corona de Mar to live Antonio wu right behind with Don Vaughn's kick t or the extra tractJ"-e C'h.rUtmas cards and wu efteded. Lt.~ than one--tenth until her boys finished school. two and San BemardJno placed point was blocked. wrapping paper, are 1n the Coro-ot an Inch of molstW'"e was l't"'- She has come to love her ram-one: Late Jn the third period, John· na del Mar .tore's stock. corded. bUng house here and has dlscov-First Team aecond Team ny Fowler booted from the Pi-e~th~~e~nn~o~yp~~Apklng <F> ... ES~~~n(SA) n~~to~na~a~~ato~---------------~-------~ but build a fireplace too. Az. she Burgeas <SA) E ......... DeLeo CR ) ot 60 yards. Fouch attempted to puts lt. ''I have lou ot energy, Jn MUes <SA) .... T .... Spector CSA> quJck-kJck out of danger but his ~~ I ~ ~~ually reared to a Bell <C> .......... T-Glbbt CMSAC> kick was blocked by PIrat e our ay. Mut <F> ........ G. ... Gould COCC> George Rohrig and roJied out ot Work Ueed Much Bartolual (C) G. ... ZeUnk.a <SA ) bounds on the Don 17. Mrs. Hope has exhibited exten-Hltchc'k <SB> C.. ...... Velra <SA ) 1 Upon taJdng over. the Pirates slvely and hu received her share Orr <MSAC) .. C Cun'lnah'm <F> took to the alr . Harlo LeBard of awards and mention, su.ftldent Fouch <SA) .... B.-... DlCtcclo (C) pa.aed to 1\"oblit on the 1 1 a nd Z. V. 0 VB GENEftAL CeHTRAeTOR NEW llESIDEN'nAL OONSTftUCJ'ION to be placed among the list of Snyder (C) ..... .B.. ...... EUl10n (R ) then to Tom Rogers In t he end ''well known CalUornla Paint-Osborne (F) ... .B Cornells'n <SB> zone for Rossomen's first ~re. ua •. ....,._ Awe. C.W..a tMI Mar H&r'Mr ... e~''Shewuatooe tlmep~-·~~~<C>-~-.M~ (~C)~d S~l h~ a~~~ to ronwrt =-------------------------dent of the Women PaJnten of Glllete (SAC) B was unsuccessful. I the West. High li ghts and sidelight.-E GILBERT She has done many portraits Johnny Fouch 's two touchdowns ,.----• ==========:==...., of people In this area, and pre-against Orange Coast enabled ters having them pose In ·their him to gaJn lndJvidual scoring own gardens among flowers. hono rs in the Eastern Confer· ' ChUdren have a particular ence th1l year. Fouch was clowly I chann tor her In her palntlnc followed by Fullerton's great end,. and she has done some deUghttul Fred Apklng and Cha!tey's Or· I boat scenes In Newport Harbor. land o :cicdo who ~red 42 D-rJ"DVOR fi I!X<rl!RIOR DECORATD(G • • • Her painting a chieves somethlna Cout Colleae'• band 'under the poJnu ea.ch~ . . . Don tans aay I between the realJsUc and lmpres-direct1on of Mr Kennetlt Boettc:b-Johnny Fouch'a 74 yard run , llonistJc. Mostly tt apeab of ~ captured f~t place ln the Jun-against the Plra.tes was one of I Thelma Paddock, whJch 1J what ~~ ~ dlvtaJon of the bend h1J belt of the aeuon. • ... . Tom , a painter atrives fOil'. l'OYiew held at Huntinaton Beach Rocen, Pirate end, IICOI'Od U..J Some of her local portrait. are on Nov. 23. and a1Jo won second Pirates lut t.hree tal.Ues ot the ot Mrs. Earl Stanley, her thre.e place honOrs 1n the junior oolleae te~u~so~n~-~Tw~~o~aga11Wt~~~~M~artn~~and~1~~~~~~~~2=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Uttle eranddaughters, Mrs. Nor-division ol the Ali-Westem Band r--------------------------------------, man Ftahm'a .on, Norman Jr .. Review held tn Lone ~ach on Barbara Schoffleld, Mn. Arthur Nov. 26. 1 .....__- Best. A particularly lovely por-Charlene Finley, pert Coa.st majorette, won IM!CODd place u a majorette In the review at Hunt- ington Beach. The muslc depart- ment is now the ~ ~....,.. of two handsome bronze atatuet· tes w"on in theee ewnb. I Members ot the bud particl-Wendell Pickens . ..ch~rman of patlng in the review were: Mr. the Athletic Board of Control, Mlles Eaton. Mr. CUnt St. John. has announced the athletic award ConnJe Shook. Miss Mary PllHa.rd. . plan that will be used at Orange Russell Weber, Edward Dowty, Col'st College. Charles Graser, A.rdetb Frederick. Letter awards will be made to 0\ester Anderson. Davtd Cadwal· those qualltylng in the following Iader, Rod Gould. John Fowler, sports: 1ootball, basketball, track. Mr. William Kimes, Harlan lloyt, baseball, tennis, swimming, goll, Mr. Thomas Cronk, Mr. Don and wreslllng. These letters will Bridgman. Mn. Corene Boettc~. be seven inches in height, che-Jack Andrews. DorU BUllnp, · nllle and the color will be ma· Joel Gustafson, Mr. 0\a.rles Lewis, roon' on a gra.y background. Mr. Robert Carlson. and Charlene Finley, OCC's majorette. Requirements tor earning a ''We hope to continue our par- letter will be: tlclpation ln futut'e )'MI'S." 58)'3 1. Recommendation of coach to Mr. Boettcher. ''and we ...ni be Athletic Board of Control. very glad to welcome new mem- 2. Completion of a season of bers into our orpnizat!oft. Those aport Jn JOOd standing. interested should be l\.l.1'e to con- tact me before the bectJuUng of 3. FultUlment of requirements the eecond .emester. Some echool tor parttdpatlon Ln or play1ng lnstrumentl are aun avatlable for time established tor the partleu-Utost wtM> do not haw their own." lar sport. In unusual caas. the latter requirement will be waived. Mr. and Mrs. Glen O"amer of An Orange Coast College ath· Birch St. trawled to Santa Ana lete becomes eligible to wear tbt on Thanksgiving Day to pua the echool tweater when he earns holidays In the home of Mr. Cra- hla tJI"'t Jetter. Theae sweaten mer's cousin~ Mr. and Mrs. are ot the coat type, medium Claude Sleeper. There were 14 welgltt, have no stripes, and are relatives and frtends gathered of normal length. around the festive board. Rentals RfKI1 &fafe Sales Leoses 503 Coast Highway Corona del ·Ma.r, caur. Phone HarbOr 47 402 Coast Highway Corona del Mar, Calif. AT LONG LAST- A Wuherette for Corona del Mar, Balboa land A modem, friendly seH laundry AU automatic Kenmore washers ' A cheery place for washday t1ap wltll frieltds A Jaaaary you can afford A IUmClry With drier sei"viee We cordially invite you to visit us, inspect our long battery of 20 gleaming Kenmore washing ma.chibe&. You can get your clothes cleaner, whiter and with a minimum of work. HOITEII GOWN ••ttt ~ltiM 41NW hunclredt of appreciative .Uret a.turday •~Pt lit tM Chrlllmu Preview When atte modeled thia fuchela chiffon wtWt ....._ pwn. one of three ahowtnga by O'Brien'• apeclalty .,...,, 81rtolller B..._, COt'Ofta del Mar. The .gown Ia by Linda, Lido late • lilldeM. -Beckner Photo Mlas Velma O'Brtm, Corona Mr. and Mrs. Neal Beckner, del Mar. was aecompanled by her B a 1 b o a Island photographers, parent., Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Me-were very much 1n . evidence at N 11 f La -ur-a.-1 th ,....__._. the -christmas Prevtew held at e Y o ~u•-. 1.' e '-"u un.-the Rendezvous Ballroom Satur- mas Preview ~turday nfte. da.y nite. They were a part of the ------------•tworking press .. covering the big ~----------~ event. "BBNEDICI"' theatpiDUl PaiDtbltl --20 Yean In ~~arbor A* <X>RONA. DEL MAR HAR.OR fiT The WSCS Circle or tlle Metho- dist Church held a Christm8$ party on Tuesday afternoon at t he Mar Casa on Balboa Island. There was a gift exchange among the ladies present and refresh- '--------------' ments were served. s OF EXQUISITE Jewel Rea1sillc Blouses $7. aDd other pld~rested ~ gold Holiday Blouses to $7. New shipment of Slacks and Skirts -Ask to see our exciting display of latest dog-leash and other belts in tull color range. -. J It took 12 pbot~· ftMh Mar libOPL the ~ o~ In Corona del M.U bulbi, a 8COre of model.. male. LOcl1 ~ were leta Whel e lt Will compete with mow 1 female and even tota. a throft& of N~ "~' PetIt Windows ewt")'Where alOn& the RWral thoiUsUcl people aDd die-VIDe, <YBiien'l Spedeltf ShOp, CoUt. In Ora:ftP CoUnty for play bootha from more tiWl to Vapt.onct Rou., Sblpm.ates. prlzlej to be aw&rcled 1iy the Or- harbor Uft bullneaes to com-Am_Oai the 40 bOoth8 WhJeh a.n.ae Cout Aaodatlon for best plete the highly IUOL"eldUl ~ lifted the wana and fOrmed • mid· derorated llhOw Window. ond annual Chrlltmu Preview way 1ft tbe bqe ballioom were The Chrlat:mu Preview thll lait weekend. . ..._,..,. by: Bidwell. Keith ~ew-)'t!la.r, u lut, wu ltqed by the The two day mereantne 8how etry, Dot and Bob'l. blanclen. Buslness and Professional Wom- waa staged in the Rendenolla Bllboa 1a1U14 SportJ.nC Goods. en's Club of the l'fewport Harbor bill room In Balboa lut Satur-~ arayce. Earl Stanley, Kin-area.. Proceeds from the entire day night and Sunday, and the della'l. South Oout Oonst:ruc-pre.entatlon wlll be used 1n a huge a.uatr, tor all practteal pur· don. Xay Flneh Oeramlcs and charitable benefit. PQieS. ushered in the 1MB Olrlat-Mlda'att ToyL mu seuon ·for the half dGIIeJl Mr and MrL Rex Brandt de-Approximately 10,000 troops communitlee which comprt.e the qned and eoutrueted • deep attended the 1948 encampment. harbor area. lhadow box of a COWltry winter With alrno&t double the number Highlight of Sa~y nJ.aht'l teene In mlnlat:ure which was of personnel now enrolled in the opening waa the 2 ~-hour floor featured In tbe cftsplay of the Guard, plans are belng made to a.how which wu dt.tlnl'\llabed. In South Oout Construction Com· accommodate about 16,000 at the part. by models and clothet from pe.ny. ~ the preview wu fin· 1M9 field training exercises. alx Balboa lalAnd and Corona del lshed the box wa. removed to the For advertlalng and ,.._. lhow window of the Sadlier and For advertising and newa c.tll ttte Enalgn, Ha;Mr 1IL Smith fta1 estate office next to call the Enalgn, Harbor 788. Like Mother ... Like Dauahter ~/ For little slater. ~~lib IDMbel._.._ a softly draped pe ! Oft IIMJalder) yoke trt.mmed with FreDdl u J..ce, = fullness caU&ht at tbe ..._ wttb matcbJ.Iw rtbbon. In .lollc-wearb& eay-to-'.. wash Celanae Gown Jene7, \Ph*. -blue. M~1 &own Sllilia-32-tO eua Dauahtel"a I'O"'l ~ 4-12 tul ALSO ROBES -BI..10USES -SLIPS -STOLES -AND OTHER DJS'l'INCriVE GIFI' ITEMS CoffeeC~in ...... 1MI ........., rar tlte HMiar ..., a&biidit llfri..,., .......,. PTA Are treading Community~ fortheaialnc Pat PabDir, Daft t.ltuilrd. and a The Newport Belch llim~n-Cornpl~te basketball ~ Fete Ebel/ ladies ~. "'~be Late Chrtllo-PeftW-Mblettl.. tHY PTA hU started a n~ for Orange Coast CoDeae hoopa . pher BeUt,• bY S)'dMY Howarct. Dtek MaiDDe .. PI~ maa-~this year, the Mothen Cof-ster& wu released this week. '~be The Mother Sin 1 tb H =• J~to hiP tear lut week. aar. •Rilled ~ Rellet n.n. ~~Co 17-eame schedul~ will nm the bor Am f'ntf'rt..tned ~emt!.l"5 a:r .-Yaoen wrn ~ee tbe ctra-Stqe JnaDqet 11 ~ AftiDeD. N rona del Mar and team through February 25. EMU Club lUt Thursda . Dec. 2 made productJon In early Janb-trout. Rart.or ......,. ....., WbO ewport Beach had 12 meetings. · t the Ebe.U Cl ) · · ary. 1'tte play .. a comedy dram& Rr'Yed u an ._..., ~ meet u a rule in the van-J Dec.1S.1~haff~y t.urnament. a ub House. wbldl run~ tbe pmut of emo-Newport~~ the ou. homes of members of the Jan. 4-Lont ~TMre. The Mother Singers are direct- tiona tram humor to deep pe.tboa. IUIDIDer. Vaidl» Tlaoni. =PTA for the IJUil)08e of allowing Jan.11-Mt. aan A..-..a.-Thefoe. =.::Mrs. Mary Stetfelsen Wi. h Center 8tq:f.nr, a.ftft' the man-tDok c:tLarae of Pl..-diii ._, mot.ben to bet'.ome acquainted. Jan.1.__..nta A_na -Here. tor th Dl&\~ as the accomparu ner of the old Greek playa. with ~t Fever" WID *Iidia In • community aueh as this Jan. 11_1uv....ade-TMn. e aroup.. tbe aUdience -.ted In a .m~-8!'I"Ye .. PI t • ~ ara there are •many newcomers, 11aey sang 1'1\~ selections tn- drde around the ptayers, will be UdtY Ill ~~ ~ aid a member, iDd lt Is with the Jan. 21~fulffey-Here. clad:tna an old English mun~ employed. · of unwn JUdi aaw FoX. ·m-.. ll*tt of trieDdl.lnea that the Jan. a..-:a~ -what Cb.lld b This" a.qd the fa- The cut Is bei1ic cllftcted b)t by Nathalie 'MJeba.s W Betty CI'OUP WU orpnli:1!d. Jan.a-Futlertoft-,.._ \-'Orlte. UW'hite ChrLctm " Cathy Gllmore. MIM Gllmore Is Jarvia. Aa a new dllld enters echool 1 Feb. 1--&an aemardlfte-Hete. 1boee of the oth~r Sin rs well known to HarborlteS for ber · the mother Is contacted and tn-• present ~= Mesdam Helene-~ performances With tbe 'a!l.. 'P. ~~..:. vtted to ba\le eome a>tfee "-ith a Feb. 4-El Camino-There. SeDaF P.h It 11' elds Fern N81)0rt Playen dUi"tnc their re-DIU, I 'UCJC.er f.O/Ic croup of the ~ben.. Not only Feb. 1-Mt. San Anto~t&~ere. ~. Dora Hlll. Mari~ God- cent wmmer lleUOn. She 11 abO Ia coffee ~ but lt preferred, Feb. 11-&ant.a Ana The,... Win. ~e Newland. Blanche actively promottnc the proJected 'fo C'ltrisfm#es 'A#e~ ~ wW meet for attemoon tea. Feb. 15--tUversJd......,..ere. Ro~ Arlene Spangler. Ruth Harbor Civic 'lbeatre, and .. a v rvr I, Df!Wly tonned unit has al-Feb~ 11--Chaffe)«-There. ~ey, Mary Dodd. Marie Cle- member of the project's empo-ready acquired county recognJ· . ~ce. J~l T~nell Cathline rary board of dlrectors. She wUl The Blb &n4 Tudler Oub WU1 tlon and eeem.s to be spreading to Feb. 22--Fullerton--Here. Gooen. Anna urphe,:, E\·e Lan- be a.al.sted In her directorial havt! ltl bla' annual c:tu-t.tm.u PTA groUps through o u t the Feb.K-San aemardlno-TMre. ge2helm. Jean YoUng Jane dutlet by Pat Palmer. Miss Pal-~~ :::!:et s:: nll'ht, Dec:. county. •Practice game. Thom.on, Archline Leon~. Dor- mer, daupter of Mr. and Mrs &-. • ria Ragan. Zoe Barlow. Jo ephine P . A Palmer of Balboa hlanct. ~ ~= ~u)) ~ ~nedu.: Rev. Pendell Heads Youth Exc,ange Howell. ~rarude Horne. A_u-a Pasadena Community Play-Chrlstmat ~~ lUSt• DaW.meir and Hukel G1tr hou.e student who Is majoring a dinner da.nc:e. m np. It will be Rev. Thomas Roy Pendell was ous countries. For ttte past two sen. In ct1rectlon. Chalrma.n tor the named as secretary of the Youth years California and Arizona Thursday. the n'gular mef'ting The cast includes Neva Oak· be Mr and Mrs. John~ wfD Exchange com.mission ~ntly ha,·e both bee-n e.xcl\Angmtr atu-day. developed into a Christmas den. Verne A.rcl\ambeault, Edythe Hosta and hoilt 1111 a~ Rev Pend ll 11 t f th · dents with the Hawa.llan Jsl•Ddl. Tea. Christmas cakes and cooltie-s Barnes, Fredah Bates, Perdita from Corona ctel Mar WW be Mr . e pas or o e During the past summer a dele-were RTVed "ith coffee a re- Hom. Thomas Gilmore. Detmle and Mrs. RDbert CAIIII. Mr. and Christ Church by the Sea. gatlon of young peopJe were Bent ~ts. The tea "~ preceed-. Andrewa, Meredith A Harwood, Mrs. Robert PeiariOl. Mr and The eommJsslon Is tv.'O years to Berlin to help m reconst:ructlon ed by the ~ar bu.sin meet- and Stanton Fox. It .. planned. Mn. R1d\u-d PI · old and provides International ex-work of German cllurclles and to i.ng with ,frs, Kllliler presiding. that •-nte Late Christopher Bean" Mrs. RAymond~ Md lfr. aDd ~ of young people of vari-work with the youth there. A readlna \\."'U given by -irs. shall be pre.ented on two ~ · Dora Hill. -rhe Uttl~ Bo~· Who 5t,::~~-::!: Drug Store ,orfy Ever, See Your Mug on the Wall? a:.;:~~.~·t:~.-~t..:..:::~; haY\! been chosen. The alternates Planned For rea Here s How fo Get It Hung Right . Somethlng new In eoUee -return. \Vhen you order eofiee Employees Of 4nac ~ ~ tbe aiona ta t.be Balboa Island Patio thPl'(' it will be, clean and ahlD- Harbor area are bavlftc a party •Java Oub ... For a small fee you lng! ........ thla Friday n.llltt.. Dec:. 10, at the are tnstalled as a member and to If anything should happen to American Leeton Hall In New· prove It a coffee mug with your that gaily bedecked yellow mug. Mn. Robert Boyd. owner of the port. own precious name printed gaily a new one will fill its place at no Stork Pefttbouae at 12U Coat 'l'hll Is the anaual c::laiwtn• aero. the face of it ls given you. extra cost to the member. Hlchway featurea practical giftl party. A _.. ~ Ia plUmed Tbeft .. one ltipula.tlon. That It's a friendly soundlna' club. for t.be wee ones during thJa ~tb_., Iota Of decoratlonl,. food. &Dill you leaft U.e mug ln the Island An~1hing could happen to this Cbrt.tmaa ahoppJna month. ·~'&OIDI!IIta. Patio to bang with the other rapidly growing line o1 IDUC'L GJfta for Uttle dillclren up to ~ .::....,._ of the <:::'o-mup of fellow members. Your E\"en the Island Patio is curious. slx )'ft1'8 ranee trom ..aten ronaof ......... :,:..ran Will bit 111UC wO.l ba\-e ita own special peg Xo telllng whose names wlll be and I"'bM. ~ blou.es, troUs-ODe ~ and be waiting patiently for }"'Our seen gracing the walls 80IDie clay. en and T-lhlrta to comune Jew-~a.. :llal elry. U 'Yr1,_~ 15e LUNCHEON SPECIAL Soup -Salad -Oloioe of 3 Entrees-Potatoes-Vege- tables-Hot Grilled Toast- Ooffee or Tea. 'S 1&'15 Coa H .. hway (81rtc:ber Bulldlng) H.arbor 19t6 CORONA DEL MAR .. Relatives Visiting W. C. Sutlrer1oliils Corona del Mar CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS WREATHS DOOR SPRAY TABLE DECORATIONS 1!1S COAST HIGHWAY HARBOR 590 In The Lot Next to P,..._lonal Bldg. ()()$TA 1118A TO First Quality Trees at rM.sOnable Prices . . . and . . . the proceeds w•ll be used to Ca.JT.Y out the youth 'Proeram in our oa-'11 t~-n. When you buy your tree this )'a!' be1p a bOy • • • at no extra& cost. Practical Xmas Gifts for GaiJimliDe Tro11 rs Swea rs Robes Mittens • So • Costume I w In-~ • Blou: Ch.ild.ren, Purse Laeite Ran rs • T.Shirts • Pajama~ • Beversib --..... ~· TMURaDAY, .John Patrlc1c'• powerful war eXcelleftt; tali aeceat ~ With (and pop•tartty) Stew pve the •1 taatty F'f'llhm plav. '"Ttle Hasty HMrt" wu him mo.t reliably, alliiJ ldi ..,..._ UIIIJblY. role bnportanee. In one __________ ............... ......-. •MAaTY HURT' •aATa lf'Wil a pollaMd J)J'Hefttatkm at ences to hla old woman. the~ laleftuout plec:e of 1tqe lnven· Friday nlcftt tbe Harbor Hlcfl Newport Hart)or UnJon Hllh dlnl l1&riied after hliD. the any. tlon.. Blo.om made the audience drainatle ._..... pr-t•nted -sMty School last Friday night. The ft-tertoua wouDil be ftlt'le'IYed wtaUe !ftY happy by beating on hla Heart." n reaDy WM wondetful. n&J curtatn broU«ht tnthustUttc asleep. unfa1llnatY broulht roan mMI pan, native fuhlon, tn tlmt IIODCWCiiftl to the Jarce auctlenef!. •oP~a••· The acttnll( o,t OrTen of lauehter. tO the ltralnl of .. Happy Blrtb- Gilts For ~fte Man 1n Your Lile ----- • Bods • Reels •rJne • GUs • Games • Katw.s ODUJ)Iee trom Corona del Mar 1 Broob and the entir'f! cut, ln· D,taer, the AaltftUU, u par-~ To You." " lllEXnt Wf!ft: Mike a.m. ad cludlnll( Tf!nJta Mant%. BJU Skllee. ~ by lliwi"J Wi.rd ~ a waNe. Due ..Obta .. Jtotrer Wtlah. Pam Hoxie aDd and Warren Crane. had scored a '"naturar•. and a tl'hllnPh tor ~ Amold'a role u order· lltleift BaDon. L)iftia Roxie aDd t.rtumpiL DoanYa )IIIIUaMJ•r ,uta of ....U· Jy did not reUiy eXpolJt all ot her ia-.Pv. Hope, Pudle Watlake and I Many famfllar wtth the aftult bWtJ, ~ Ill IUell ~taP 11ft* lor comedy, but abe pve Stan Van Dyke, AUce VOQCht and and 8enaitJve theme ~ '"The bulbi-~ tile fiJ ... tUnC duel her ftw llnea with expertly ln- Una>Jn Oarlr, Sally Htndf!rwll Hastv Heart"' felt that a hlatl wttll ,..,._.,, alld Nlllll 1ft lluC:h 1leCti!d humor. and Don Mac.'Callum. ~~~ehool cast couM not do lt Jus· liMa u ~ _... aloaa all rtpt Mrs. Sherry Lourie of the art tJee. nor put across the aJow without a llnta! .. (~tlftc at ~t helped detdln the WHO WON t bulldlnst un ot the em~ti~t'"-1 lm· Tommy). Ptte Siiilth'a KIWI. In raJJatic bamboo and burlap .eta. Lut wetk the junlon and J)llct of thls quttnv wonderful contrast wlth the vivid roJea ef Staat HPtln&, eoctumtna, and treahiMI\ took 80IDe te.ta to .ee plav. But tale"t, devoted work, Ward iinll Crane bad a name. propa retl«tecl atttnUon to df!- how thetr IQ C!On\OIU't!d wtth teen-and e~ dl~lng added uo that madt Ilia~ liDel elfee. taD 80 often mtwtnc from ama· ~ throuchotit t.hf! United th~ final night to an unforget-tlve, aJthDuch aome lood ones teur efforts. ~ crew, prop Statea. 111e teats W'(!l'(! not re.lly 'table th8ter ~xperltnce. ~rt-~·uadl ~ aot and mak'f!-uP men, prompten, haJ-tll, but It .eemed as t1 they No more mo~ng l'f'!"formance ost UJI'IIIIIa" ~ ...._.wto iMitt1nc and all the untef!n. back-ata,e would never end. (They did hfts been ~een at Harbor than °~ ~..,: ~ '** ll"om lt&U worked uneounted houra. tbouah!) ~n Brook's Lachle. Mast~ t e !;!: to which they and u alwaya, rate tar mort of dialect. J)rojectlon of emotion. wert Ul.lec:ted. crecllt than II rtmerally realized ftEGULAft HIKEI restratnt, fine shadJn~ made hla A. Yaalr; Bill Sldlea taad ahl~· for tht IUCCf!SI of the ahow. SWlday a aroup ot fellows and acting mature beyond hls ~an. lng momenta. and hla .en.e of ln htJ aecond year at Harbor, ple went on a hike in thf! La· One of his best ~nes occurred pace wu beautltW to watch. drama head Robert Wtntz la cuna eanyona. 'lbolle enjoying ln the ~nd act. Hert Lachlt. Nancy CamerOift u the cap-pining wide reeocnttlon tor hla the py Jaunt wert: Vlrglnla his crusty Scotch ~uard at lut tain wu eooct oUicer material. ablllty, and lt b not eurprtslng Jones. Barbara Jones, Pe,rgv broken down. se~ about showlftl wtth hei' mtlltary beilitnc and that hJa crattamanahJp did 80 , ~ht. Ronnlf! Wooclnatf aDd Bob hi! new fri~n,s how he feele stem ma.nner, but ller 1tne1 did much with the rich ~terial of Whyte. 11tla 11'0\lP and a few about them. He ls hesitant. ahy. not always CSIT)', and ~ '"The Hasty Heart.'' Friday'• othft'l 10 on hf)ca almost every stitt. H~ often Dlg~r. Tommy. of in.fJedJoft aomettlnea detraded play wu obviously bleaed with Sunday and besJdea w ~a r t n r and Klwl dR&rettes, then ap-from bw portrayaL Stew Hope'• a tal(!llted and int~lltcent eaat. thf!l1'l8eV8 out,. have a terrific proaches Yank. who ls sltttn•. Blo.om waa beloved by the apec. but one ~Y be aure that upon tlrnt. back turned, on the army eot. and receJved an lnd.lvldual every 1lne pertonnance lay the 'Wuld ~ care tur a dgarette !.. ovation lD the opening 8Cf:De. stamp o1 the director's brilliant CUT ftATE COMEDIAN Yank takft one without answer--'l'brouch hJa bulk, ~ Intention&. lrag. Lachle uks. •'May I Itt ~~Sii~~5!2Si!e~iiii!Siiimss$5!!m!eess~5i$5~~ia Yesttrday thf! 1 o ph om ore 1 doon!'' At Yank's nOd, he alta t .,.,MOred a movie at the Lido down. relaxftd. proud, content. The&ter. It wu ~ Favortte <>t-ftn'• handling of ao aUght a Brunette." with Bob Hope.1 It scene wu professlonal. l'ft'talnly wu a barpin. 'lbe ad· m.t.Jon was only ZSc per ~n. Tenlta Mantz of Balboa laland Thtrt wu a lood turnout. Uved her part. ln htr role of Margaret. she projected teftder- MEN WA NTE 0 neas and tmotlonal depth. Her rraee and etage pofJe were love- Tomonow nflttt the junior lv, and her dlalo~ with Ladlle eJa. il holdfna a aeml·formal were marked with rare sincerity am.tmu dance in the cafeteria. • A pr~nca~. f!leeted by the junior Contn.t ~ffectJve ~ wm rtlcn over the claDce. Warren CraM I Tommy was Tldl:etl are one dollar a couple. Let'• .. ~aYtMMb' tJiere. I ,::..:.-~ ""~" I lc Come on. fel.lcnn. u you bafttl't ruuu " or er a date )Wt. ~ up that fawrlte ""MooCUft" la u,e dJstlngubhed raJ rtaM now· bau'cJer tt.eie day. at Stoek1Dn'a Doc &nd cat hoBpltal. Noodlea bf!.. lon£1 to movie actor cary Grant and just arrived a short time ago Mrs . .Jnhn Mcintosh of Q Be-.from London. gonia. Co~ del Mar..._ baa been TbJa pert Uttle Dacbahund goes Ul with the flu thla week. for a walk with Mrs. Stockton Mr. and Mra. Mclnto.h are the every afternoon and ls M\pldly new ownen of the Snack Shop gaining friends up and down the ln Corona del Mar. boulevard. The Newport Beach El~-,"l'Tewnort anrl Corona del Mar. ta.ry Parent TeadJf!r Aaoda.t:lon The tovs will be brought by the 1s sponaorlng a Chrlstmas drive school children the la$t week of for toys to co· to the Orange school and wtll be picked uo on l·••lillllliiilil••liiiliillfliliiil• County Hospital. the a.ftf!rDOOn of December i7. Boxes will bt placed ln each The gifts may consist ot dolls. ______ _.....;_.....; ____ room of the elementary .&ool of paptr doll~ or pmf!! that Cl\n -----------------------~ be played bv an Individual chJld. •••• Oar ......,._ pildlap to Newport Harbor kleBblls now IMdy for tawpeetlon. We are htivlag a% prb ~ 8ale Wore ChrlstiDu to eaable YOil t. My two p& for the UllOUilt naally &peat OD OBe.. aad two pleee; Rita. biiMIIW& ~.._ lilt bons u.J 11101-.ted. 'tHE SAI.E BBGINS 'l'ODAY, ifiURSDAY. ) -. ... ~ walt, or 10'1 , A tag lhould a«""mpany each packagf! cteal«nattnr what the ltem eontdsts of an<t the approx- Imate aet of the dilld It la meant for. Tbere la a great need for tovs for the children now In the 6r-ance Co. hotlpltal, Mn. Springer expre.ea a hoPe that all the JDOthen ucJ ebiJdren will COCIID-1 erate ln this eptrtt ot ctvtng U8ed toys to tho8e ehflciNn Who ftncl ~Iva ln the hosPital at tht. time. • • • "" • .. NOODLES c..,.. G~HAM CltACklltS =.'SAT 24c LIMA lEANS GRAPE NICE 0..& ...... ~s-aa- Daft"S M7n'D a.c. ••c- STOG.n"S •ao.. u.n ••c- WII.CB"'' o-t ..... NAmiCI.I 0.... c:aarocz •a c. ; 59c · r 19c t 11c NG PEACH H~LYIS ~~T 26c DOLE FRUIT ~AIL 41c 4 • - . t . . . . • • 1,000 GIFf lliMS TO M~KE THIS lHE BE~ (jf1RIS1FM~S OF ~Ll FOR YOUR FAMILY ~ I I • er's AND FIREPROOF DIXX)RA'I.10NS your c.a OW# r %15 OOA.ST HIGHWAY ' .. .. - HAVE YOU SEEN 8/~L'S t/NIQU~ WIHOOW DISPLAY? • • • • - '