HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-12-16 - Newport Harbor EnsignO r~nge County buches were g iven ~ clean bill of he~lth for November, the St~te Board of Health s~id lut Saturd~y. • Comple-te Covf:"rag~ • 1\lo ·t Local e\\·. The usWtl last minute ru h tori Cht·ist mas gifts by somewhat harric<.l hoppers set in this week 1 a · ::-tot~s Jn Corona del Mar and I Balboa I land kept open during t'\~ning hours to accommodate Iamlly hoppers. Only 8 days re- m :lln for shopping before busl- E~rher this year Newport Be~ch was told its permit to op- er~te sewage trea'tment facili- ties would be revoked unless pollution was reduced. • .\11 LOeal Pictu n closes down for the 25th. Decor·ations in stores, homes and along the streets added to the pirit of the season as local !am- Haes E'ntered into the seriou 1 hnning of and buying (or their t t.Jdit ional holidays. :: hooL wilJ let out for· the long C'hlr~t mas a'eee~s tomorrow 1 Fti- tl._,y' aft<'mO<m. Pupils wilf not g..tthl'l' again for rlasst's until .T..tn. ~- l'hurC'h gr·ou),~. soci~l t'hrt"''mas tl'ips. youths home fr· '"' ~t'hool wel'e main topics of t~U< in tht-l't-two tov.·ns as the holida~ s neat-ed. of the Weell Or. Richard Pomeroy, con- sulting engineer, uld that from July to October the sewage sterillution p.-ogram was only p~rtlally aucceuful. :ra·o b•z OuistmaJ part slgried lor younpters in Corona del Mar and Balboa · I h.i&'tilllflt the v.·eek beto~ Chri:stmaJ he~. Th~ Balboa land pany • For Corona d I Mar • For Balboa Island Sudden trqedy whleh took thej is being ~ced and conducted by the Rotary Club. it .~t>nth llte of Vivian Ruth Horvath, 16. annu•l aff&r tn behalf ol the youagsten. ~ CDM pany as bt>rng Ci . C i . last Friday eventnc saddened h~r he-ld as a project of the Corona del Mar Business Associ•tion 1 t~ ounc 1 of N~-port Beach (Aa a -ecla fe.atwre each family and Harbor High School · 1\lelday nipt at 7 :30 at the fru 1 Mond3~ nlgbt \'Ot~ t~ ~r-n.aW week, t.M E-.n wilt turn the mates tt\ia week ln the face of end of Marine Ave .. where traffic I 1 the planning commJWon 111 per- ·--•"---It Ch l 1 Cl youngsters. Santa Clall!-has mitl. J H. R.o---....-.. "' ... oemmvn y atten· r stmu preparat ona. wUl be blocked ott. Santa aus scheduled the big part) at tht> two ang ames Ulll:'l ~ a 5- tiOft on one fMhthiUal -. .. ac-Funer•l lft"Yices we~ held will \'isit the kidd~ with stock-community Olristmas t~ at fool setbaek variance to the 10- thtfty in the oommvnity ia Wedneeday afternoon tor the girl ina's full o1 free gifts and IOO(lies. Marguerite and Coast Highway for foot rule on Carnation Ave. Rob- new.wort"y and who ..._.., M who d.ted 9aturday In Pomona Santa's visit will be preceded ~Y an early evening visit. He will e~s propose5 to build on the bluU known to the famUy of Ensign Valley hoapltal as a result of an se\'Wal carols rendered by the be laden with 500 gift box~ for sade of the road at 210 Carnation roaders.) automobile acddent. The accident vested Cherub Choir of the St. the children. Again tht> Cherub Ave. CX'CUrred on Frtd•y evening at James E'ptscopal Churc-h. The I Oloir will be a hi hlight of thE' But the city fathers didn't ~t It took the second trip to Cali-10:43 p.m .. when the car 1n which choir is compost-d of little folk evening. C · a chance to act until a score of fomia plus 25 yea. rs ot ~'Ork in he was rtdJng crashed head-on ranging in age from 3 to 9. H . 5 . h 11 exdted Crov.-·n City ~siden~ used auto •""rvi d 1 ted "-·-i ' • elpmg anta ,,,t a arrangE'· I h r· n . -.-ce •n rea ~ness mto one driven by Geoffrey L. Re\·. Paul Moore Wheeler of the f h Cro c· . Ch _ t e tve-or-l..,..foot lS&Ue to under- t hroughout the nation to ~n-Ayres of Pomona. Ayres and a I Island Rotan· Club heads the , ments Cor.~ 1e wn tt) ... _ n tf-line their bt>lief that th~ "million ··1--Bill n~ t'--l Cal:' -' · · mas estl\ a are mem~n-o doll . .. f h ""---• ...... "" ~ n• uonua an passenger in hls car, Don Bacon. committee of arrangements this the COM Busjne Association ar ~·tew o t e ~~an from general and Corona del Mar in 17 of Tucson Arizona '"-ere both vear but the whole club member-1 Th h . · Carnation A \"e. should be unsul-rartlcula f hJ N h . · · . ., · . roug e~"tenst,·e commttt(>(' jlied b . . r were or m. ow e "--..lled. Driver of the car an which ship will adjourn from thE'ir dm-work includin much rnt ivf' } an) co~srructton. Then- ls located with h1s auto Npply ~tiss Horvath was a passenger ner meeting at \Vhite's in timE' to · . gf ~ ~ was much heat m the argumenb tD~ at 215 Coast Highway. is a \\as \\o'Uliam Kuhl. 18. of t&W !be present at thE' big derorated P~~rataon c:a t t ~-h n!'t m~ from both sides. new member of the board of di· ~ewport Blvd.. Costa Mesa. tree on Marint> to help with the spa~~~ t~~n vear !;u ~gt~a~lg:e!l:~ I Mayor Dick Dr ake inten·ened rectors of the Corona del Mar "i · R h H h . h f rt · -· ,.,. · in the he ted d•--·--~ bef .... i A.ssod ..._ f ~ vaan ut orvat was t e ree pa ) . of it!' ktnd E''·er attt'mptt"d ht>n> _ ~ ,__;~,ons o~ .~us ne auvn, a~ eels daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Thursdav night in Corona <k'l f>5 people an the chambers to t~ th1 '\! he. Is settled for hfe and (C6nttnut"d 6ft Pap %) • Mar has ·bt'en set a~ade for tht• a nd limit the \ erbia.ge to the 1l a~ of lt. . . I Notch I Everyone point at issue-whether or not to _Btll was injured dUI'tng W orld Present Olrisliiila~s • aiiO\\ the setback. \\ nr l when he was a wireless IlliG operator in Uncle Sam's Navv.l Reads the Ensign "W e "·ill not discuss ho" high But hi ~ injury was not serious Pli a huilding Roberts might build. '-noua h to keep hi"' from pla.\'ing JS Th h what kind of tt'nants might oc- p. • .., e s ort tal~ of a lady's lost cu p~ it. or even the millaon dol· Ve>fJ good semi-pro baseball for purse. C4lrried in · l~st week's Jar ,·iev. ," said the mavor. -~·e the be t part of 20 years. In fact. I The Neo\\ port grammar school . Ens•gn. end~ happily Monday \\ill discus onlv whether the Bill was good enough to earn a and high school launch big eve·, aralely. It has ~m<'. a pr-oject when Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sil~ley I n ,·e-foot \"aria n ee ll' to be grant- tryout with th~ Oakland team up ning of C'hr.istmas entertain-that ,both th(> ~oungE't set and of Fullerton appeared at the e-d." north fn C-alifornia. ment tonight. a~ult.s ha' e come to look fo rward newsp~per office at 1201·0 Both Jayhawke.-s . . The grammar school is pre-to. -. . . Coast. Highway. described the Harold Wi ton. owner of a lot Sin~ hi baseb~ll days. B11l s senting a pageant consisting of On ·t~h(> same t'\(>ntn~ J:~arbot purse and its contents and re-on the rorner of Carnation and nt tentlo n in athletiCS and sport-, chorus n:trration and choir sing-High ts pte enting its l hrtst rna~ ceived it-slightly · the word {)('ean Blvd. presented a petition lng li_ne~ has ~urn~ ~o hunting ing. The pageant will be put on pia~ for PTA memoe~. for weu. It had been dropped from a blg maj1lf1t) o! neigllbors and ft lung. Hts wile ts his ron-b \ the th gradt-glt>t' club with The PTA po tponE'd t hear t'(>gtJ-in the strut ~nd a ur p~ueng in tht-area under question which ~t:tnt companion on these Outings. ti~ a-.si tant'E' tif th<' 6th and 7th la & bu,.me · mN?>t ing of la,t Tut-s-over it had broken a compact a~ked t hE' council to refu the and he is <'~pccially fond of fish-grades Ja~ in Ot'd<'r that th(>} might en-~nd p~ir of glassa contained , t back reque t. Actuall). som ing tlip in their 23-foot cruiser . . . joy the dram.1 ".-\Child is Born," within. of thE' memt:M-rs of the group k Lc.we tla. In one search fot· alba-~llss Elltm Spell_man 18 dtrect -lJll'sented "' the drama depart· The pu rse was found last t o ket'p the <X'ean sloe of thE' rore last fall their effort were 1:'1(. the P~'Oducllon of .. ··The ment of the·h~h school. w~ek by Irving Mano•r. who. 1f htgh\\a~ fret> of an) builidngs In vain. but of the 23 macker-el <.. hnstmas l ommandment. 1 T his pta). acrording to M rs. he will call at the En•sgn. will th<'' said the~ hooked, Mrs. R.eed was re-This entertainment is being put , Roscine Feelt-~. director In f ind ~ n ice reward left by the I Roberho. propoSE-s a 13-unlt s ponsible for a btg &hare. I on for all gr•mmar schools of charge. is a modern drama and grateful Silzleys. apartment house to rost .000. Bill and Virginl& Reed were the ~re . ~ch year a school ls onto that has been pre nted re-Bill Sitztey' apa.-ent&. Mr. and Opposition to hL buildin g t m both' born ln Kansu City, but it chosen to do this. instead of each ~atedl~ o\·er the radio. The or-M.-s. E. A. $.-:ey. live at 210 from those who would le3ve the (COIItlk•z• • ~ tl) schOol \\"'rklng on eomething sep-(('oattb-.f'd oa ~ ! l Huel Or. ~·ie" unobstructE'd. --I tri,rma, l· eetttn • _ a d(~ tht-kid· in C'Dlt end <>n th J.s.J.and iglnal lnt'ludro 1101 F\1 .... t&tn !t.lrh c "'<' i• Th" (anaJ tOUC"h camf' "h~n f h ChriS'tmu t ta1M and Lunl. t Ddon1 idP\\-all· .. in fruu or tc:run • or the 'TOll'. -unda~ you could The 'cast will bl> l'Ompo 1 o : "'hole famili~· flU' Jookin.;. 1twm t'H-1', m l"nl \ll~ nwa unn1: thc>n\ lugh t'h l student~ or thf' d ratr tl r: r room i t hom . drpan~nt "nd 100 mhf'd ' l~•1 Flier Ed .. ltrtngtr wn by the other day. and wittt h'-en· from tht' music department. Cl ir·~, th~i•atn for av&at ton hr hu pteked up an admirable b1t of news I ton S :l\\ in and !\li !' ~ht ie H.l•· I ~ch will I)(" in chargt' ol t!•t>l aMut airplane lo~-e,.. in Corona del Mar. T he way Eddy tells It : musil'. Jack Creen of this community has eommei"Cial pilot"a licenae Ho. 7. Tht' t-acl.;g1·ound "til hr fn11n.,J lloy! 1'1\at mak~ him a real pioneer in the airlanes. Har-old b~ a stained ~las~ (.;olhk \\111 'l'·.·; I 1 8enedict flies ... Bob An.Serson owns his own plane. Ma,..aret don<' b\" ~trs. LaUI'!t' Oi I h<' \r· McCullough of the Hurley Bell has landed a twin-engined plane I Dcpar·titwnt and At·thur \\'or dt'.lll with the tandtng gur up! ... John Stowers has a couple of planes, of the wood~hop dep3 rl mPnt . \313 Coa ... t Highway Harbor 590 Corona d4_)1 ~lnr flew t o Texas with his famtly a year and one·h.Jif ago ... Chariea I Ther-e will be 3 so;Q b\ Ja:n,, .. l Peyton has his locenae and thousands of hourt tn t he a•r ... You Sn\"dl'J · baritone. who i!> ~n <t lun·· j nu: ot thP hig h sd1ool and h n n,, ----------=-------------------have ~~ blind n~ ~have ~ad~ Paul Ma nu. bmous ~d ~tending Ornnge Coa~t ~liE'~~~,----------------------------~ flier whose t.omr is on Balboa Island. His d aught er Tentta f"ecentJy I Ht> wiJI ~ing "'Song of Philn.;p . t. :\ Of TIXCTI\'E (i"IFT FOR HI_ I got her pit~t·s ltce-nae. ph~:· E\·eryone \\'aat Candy 1 A d_uet ,,;u be gh·<'n b~ Marga ~ P~l · l\tt· a nl! :\In-DanE> Lamb an-going advt>nturing in Mexko t"t't Kipp and Phyllis Watkiru.. 1100n Tht-' ~' mtt· , \t>n .ut _Cul book. ,00 know. in \935 ... I Although there \\ill bf' a hor•' ~ tw~'eon l h t\•' '"~ ~~ of M\ lift> in Califomta:· s&ld F . L. meeting o! thE> PTA pt"E'<.~..:1in;:l1 . · 899 the pta\. lhf' public :~ tn\'ltNI t(• ttlli.nll' lht> oltwr <kl.' H camt' to Santa Ana from Jo"a m 1 . 'at• .. nd 'and h ~·th th . 1 nlO\'f'( to Corona ~1 Mar. 1."':' ~' ae\\ •n ~nl · ~ rs. ~ ar:'~ peopJ(> their Chrlstrruu pla~. Tht-! t ~~ r-.~ •· · . 1 . H 1 t '"' !t re \\:a (" ~oung .1 nln~~; -..: ~ Sa.nt~ <lall.!' l..ant> tn Holly"~")()(! .~~ rt>a!l~ ... om_ thtnl: thJs 1 play 1t~lf L quite dlfft>tvnt tha 1 year D Lo~:tn H11l ~~ ~ good lookinc-,,Qn pruntt•t· "''h. ~·~n~ an~1hin~ the~ . ha\P roa mt•rl~ I alit~ l..A.>o h .0o1 h. Jr . X>. and ht ... broth r Em:c n••. ~0. !'t all hk<' Ul d and. ac."C''t'dlng to ~h "'· f-t'\'· t o n>c.a ll th<· u ... u.ll m·~r m~ th ) httd at an 8th Air Fm"t~· a lrfit>ld in ,le~. hould [li'O\ t' th'" uu\!hl.' e:· Engla"ld a ft•\\ ~ c'al ... a~o :'\t>llht>r knt>w about tht.> otlwr·!' pr~~nc.'\'. I ter·tainin&! just h'lt>JX'rwd ro n m <1l'l'fll-!-<'a<'h oth r. So lhl·~ futlou ht'd togNh<'t· _:\1rs. ~~ d Rol~r.t:. a n J ~~ • ~"t>~·a"' C A Ra·umblt.t\ ha•· a dollar bill in hand that tw thtnk!' Lincoln. tl~t·), "11 1 .\t' i :l l 11 t -· 1 I can·c lw mat('h'--'d lt , ... of ~ 1917 d~. w a..-: pa Mod tn hr~ mah ~hop 1 vtT~ospttal Itt~· .11 . . r\P p a\ ,, I I'll.. ~ ., H: 1 I one momtng hy a n old ft>llo\\ whv u~ 1t 10 bu~ hL"' bavakfa!>t Jt night. Frida\ rnf"CL~ f\'' t>i!!ht a nd r h~t>ight ... int.:h~ b~ 1 hrt~· and on•'-<'i£ht h Look' f · giant E Y Portt>r of 31:, ~arci~ ... u~ II" buildtng ,,, o" n hom<> .... th . (ft tht-U~t nf 75 Jim Shffl(>f' nr thP C'and~ Srhnolnt•r put .. th<> doum t)n 1 hat cit)(h:t> « l-.ou1 hu~m . ~ lwing ~l<l" ... .t'.... ht· ha.·-, (' 1,_ ... f P • ( <1111 lDUf"" rnm -~.. I ) t·noug'l h u-.tnP ...... In ta .. t h1m unttl . prmg . J H th f ll6 35l h -... . . on a o , .::-t ·'t'\\. Old you know tl'l~t Stan Sm•th was hotjJ to ftoMrt L. Feek. ~r.. II>Ol t f3(>nl·h and wa~ :t M?nuu • tast -.eekend? Mr. F ie I.. is p r-es• dent of F ieks Reed Co. of C•ne•n· ~('\\ .. ".>rt Ha dlC~r Hts:h r.t.·hO<.o l. :'•·, nab, manufacture,.. or ftne rattan furntt ure ainee 1888. The F ieks \\a:-: l b ~<'an. nJ :ll?t ' Sht \\ ...... rattan eorn~ from Malaya and 11 of the whole kind. You can find 1\ t'r~ popul u ·' tt h h 1 ... , n• tt in famed Oe$ert Inn. P alm Spr•ngs. With S1'M ith toweng Ftcks h it'nd~ ar-oun1. we hope for a deoal th;»t will •nvolve Corona del Mar. We I Born 111 t 'lt-\ l'l-111.1 Ul '" !' • know •t wtll help the town if same should materializt had lin>tl in lht. hP~tl'h C'tl' '' 11 6. ·ews-Til'l)es on Block lwr (Xlrt'nts for thC' lal'l s". \t'.P' . ln addition to h~"'t' p3t'('nt" ~tw • Prt"'" (XI'"'t'' II th• "''"'p3J>t"t' hang-t'f'~n 1n tht an•n '''II h•' . ..-...4 1 h 1 · · · . ~urn,·~· l\ t 1 N' une t'" AI l it~ .. p~t'nt at ~hf" :'w''"·Ttm~· ... Frt~t.f~ "ht•n th3t .t~y~a~·-o\(1 pap<-1 ~Ot'l-,ath. !\'(>\\:flC\I"t Bt•al·h. Emil li•• 1 on th"· auc~ton hiO<·~ .L~H '"'' htt-d stof) ha d 10 andt\:1dua1 ... a nd f1rm. ,,.3th. co~la ~l<"sa; Art H('thPrim:-,l n-ad~ to h1d (oJit('t ... fot D<-N·mlx-1' 17 has~ nt('t' ft'HUt"f• ~tor~ 1tnn. l'l<'\·ctand; fo ur c..untt-. :\[1 ... b~ 0'\arlh· R~ Pn .. int-nt Tn..aman·s p~ st't.'t't'tar·~ '"Tt.•ll-. a ll" t.rt><', Pt>nl'l HE',d ken-man. Costa ~It's : of stor) .. D<lrorh~ Rigdon·. book I"P\ te\\ of Ei nhowe-r··, sto~ Mrs. F1'E'd Smith. lngi<.'WOOd an 1 ~ th latttc>r a r·eadmg mU."-t . . II ·)Ott lik<· mo\'it> • or if you Mt . Haz(>l Flt'Ck C'hk•aJ!o: :'\li~~ I don't. Fightt>r Squadron ~\t'fl if 1\ m an' putting off Chri tm . l lfel£'n McKenzit'. Clc,<>lanct. 5hoppinfiC . And on tt'l<'\ il'km. don't mj~,. th R~· parad<> and, I«'\'. PauJ Moor~ Wh~IPr. offi_-} Bowl ga~ Janua1' 1 Poor Xorthwt>-.tem. ~tUt>n on<'t' and bt'ing lciaiJ:'d at tht' s~n rce. and llllt>t· . . . men\ wa.;: a t \\ ~lmini-lt>t \{(';nt\· )ed to \V~I 'o.l"'t 'l<tughtN· or :-<> 11 w1JI r~ad tn tht> L A "port. rial p ·k · · I pag~ if lht· fom1 nf thn ...... <'it~ ~port ... wriren. hoJd, ltk1' tt did Ja.o;t 1 ar · _ y<>ar a nd· JU"I tl( lt•r. Tll tnoi-. t•anw C\Ut Radto c-an do ~ nu a fa ,·or I S f p• on Tt..l'"da~ ni:.:h' I ~·lll \.\'ill lt ... t~n tn :'\R("", "Tht!-1 ... Yout· Lift··· . 1 aga 0 tpes ""' In ~"' llll"'t>d 'Nll'r<• •~ <.t lilx>ral t>ducatton ; Gene Regan . .S27 Fern leaf. ha$ a job that is t ightly geared to ~~~ h:td ron<'t"rnin~ piJ>t>~ at T••::·. the Corona def Mar t •mes. He is contacting all busineu houses m~ Fol~r·~ shop on Colsa H t _ '· •n the eommun•ty relative to putting in their doors an approved \.\a~. mail $lOt with metal flap. Crown Hardware sells the mail slots ThPt't' art• womt>n'l' pip('!-.Hw (nice. brassy look•ng ones 1 and Gene gets the job of installation. mt>n 's pi~. Tht>t'f> an· '' oodl"' He uys bus• ness •s pretty brisk as the dea dline. Jan. 3rd; nur'l. pi(lPs a nd clay pif>('~ · · · and t ht'rt' 1 You w ilt recall f rom the postal bulletin anent the matter. that 31~ goo<l pipt>~ and \\OI"t hlt>.ss business house del•very by postal earner will ~ made af"ound 8 pi(X's. I a . m . Unlen the slots 411re in the door or fr-ont of the building. Tht>t'<' are "nos(> w·arm<'l'l' .. and "chin N>ster·s" . . . an<.l '' att'r the pl01ce of businen w1ll not oet iu mail unless it Is open at that _, 1 pipes f1'0m Tud~e~. Tht> wat<'r I very urty hovr. ~ r----------------------------can be-dilutE><~ wtin brand~ or .~ • • Our .-urttrf. t>ackage t o ~t.AW()()rt Harbor resident. is no\\· ready for inspection. We are ha\ing a 1 ~ JJric~ clearanc~ al~ befo~ Christ- ma to enabl~ ~-ou to buy h\·o gifts for th~ amount u, nail~· ()fiDt on one. uch it~m · a . dre . . , on~ and hvo IJiee~; . nit • blou~s. skirt and co. mE-ti<' ~tift boxes ar~ in<'lud~d . Don·t wait. or you '' iU r~~'f"t.At it. Don't fore:~t that Blunt's candies and uk- luks, thE' all wool sock ,,·ith tht' le11th~r sole, can only IK' bou~ht at • ·ina'!-for •!.9.1. Tht.A~~ a~ the rff'Ct ift ~ • l _land 'dne and makt> 1'1 rtne holida' ..,.. s mokt>. · The ''nose warmer-romC'!> fi'Orr. Holland and had its origin in t ht. (act that b~ shot1t'n:ng t h<' ~tt'r· a nd radiating ht'at tht' fa<'t' "·a. 1-t>pt warm. Ni('(' for c h i I• ' I "eath(>r. · 'I 1 Th(' ··chin rt>~h?t ·· '' ,, 1-. 1 ., woodit'. Amt>l'ican .ori~in Tomm~ Fostt>t hal= fnt>m .t il t>\"t'n an opium pip~. 1'nmm~ h.l .. , lx'romC' synonymou~ in l\ H·•. :' t dt>l Mar \\ttlt lane~ p.pt·'· r··,. ',:. 's(>eciaJI~. I Th£' Sunda> openin~ nf Tlw't~'. ,I Paddock H ope's Galle-r~ ~tu l •"·l 1309 Coast Hig h\\ a~. wa!' a 1 ~· t l ~u<'<'eSs. acrordin{! to tht> r l't::i-.lt'' I of namt>s in :\trs. H(l(l(>· ... cu~.• ... t j t tbook. The Studio Sho):Jit in add it ln'l · j ,·eral of Mr-s. Paddock '~ ph.'· tures. is showing th~ 'i~nrou' landscapes of local ar·tist Bu:·· Procter and .,,·atet· colort> b' ,loar and Rex Brandt. T h(' lalt ~r h.1 ... • . I \eral block prints on <>:<.hl~l lion. Deeorath·t' bird studit:>~ h ' ; J ie Arms Botke and <'tdHril!:< P b) cornelius Botke al " ar~ f(>a~ tured in the new g31Ler)'. Fine, Durablt' Hand-llad.- A GYLI SOCKS BE.\ l"TIFl~L G R~\. onabh· Pricf'd. . ~ Our La rgt' Li t ot' . ug~stion • • • • • • s r CiC)Ciret tes CiCJCirs Ronson Li9hters SmOkers Ash Trays PipeT~ R~~ular and L lix~d Bl~nd~ I -· \\-~fwr Ot>a l~r for tht' Harbor . 1"E'!l F eatur mg UNUSUAL STYLES. I M PO RT£0 FRENCH BRI ARS AN O DUTCH CLAYS • •• Coro a del Mar • Practical Chri tma. Gift for Children from izes 0 t o 6 x. • (labardine Trou rs • weaters • Robes • Mittens • Sox • Costume Je \\·~lrv ~ • Blou~s • Child ~n·s Pu~ • Lucit~ Han~r . • T -hirts • Pajama • ~versibles St. Joseph's Club f t • S • TH E ENSIGN Page 3 OUn a1n efVICe : THURSDA Y. DEC. 16. 114 Plans Cole Party I Thf• ( ., (,\\'" of lht:> Sea R~tau-. . d1nne>f'!l' at r Pawnat It• iH IC"<' a t Th~ yea of publishing cam~.• . rant '" Corona del Mar will soon thi populat tP"-Iauranl to an end last wee-k as Leo E The St. Jo ph'~ Social Club 0HE'1 ('Ompl<-tt> fountain and rhort Koch terminated 'The Breeze," will h old it~ annual Christmas order Sf'r\'ICE' to a~ pa tron in the with No. 136 of Volume 3. The pany ar the Crown of t he Sea Harbor Art>a. !\1 1 •1 K .~ ml~raph.ed weekly, entirely Re . • 1 etnc ·' 1 ~ rc.•utJ-t>r ... ~~ de\-oted to Corona del Mar. was .stauranl , Dec. 'l\J. • Up to th~> pn•S(>nt owner Les Fernleaf. an• maKtng pu.tnt. to marked in Its final ectltlon by fhe club has planned a Chdst·l E van haa had no fountain sen-· spend Chdst mru-with Mr . Kre-ul mHSage of appreciation to Its mas t~ celebrauon Instead ofllce. Complt>1<' service ir-no\\ be-zer's brotht>r and famllv Mr. a nd publlc and one of Its ablest assist-exchangang gifts th1s }ear. Gl1ts ing ln•talled. M E p 1 ·h a· · ants. Doris Florer. wtll consist of bringing a suitable n . · e erson. \\ o t\e an Sald Publisher Koch in a final gift or gtrts !or me a~aer men l EvaM plan . howe\"er. to con-Costa Mesa. They h ave two chil· editorial: patients at th.e county Hospital. tinue hlJi pollc~· ot full course ~n. Jerr). 9. and Lavonne.. 16. "Ov.ing to 111 health. and other , reasons. I find that I wlll be obliged to uspend pubUcat Ions of The Breeze after this laue. "I have published. printed and t edited this paper in Corona del Mal' single h.an~ for the past three year . as wt>IJ a., attending ro its circulation. "Dur·ing that period I calculate that I have typewritten some- thing ovet· 50.000 words and the Bl·('('ze has gr'Own from No. 1 to 7'\o. 136. "Se' era I of my old s ubscribers ha H• died during that time ann r1an\· havP movt>d awa,· from t •o 1 om.1. dt-1 Ma r to ot her· pat·t s "I arn getting alon g in ) ears •7.1 • and find that It is too m U<:h for nw lo do. 10 run the p<lpt>t I ·tnrl !!O out in search of nN\ ~ub­ ..,, rtb<'l:: :1" I ha\(' nonP tn thl' •••• FROM THE F~CTORY 1 P.t')' ·trtrl mN'' 1 lw 'riPa·ttim·· r·,w!l • I ,.,,, 1•\"l'l \ \\ t.'<'k · 1 rwf'd .1 r~sl etnd .t m ~ni Ill! 1" II. •i\l· j;_ \)~ ft.tgC'r" at<' "ufft•rtnL:I 11 •m I~ 1 t'\\ ntrr'!-nam.p. Thanlun~ all lht).(' \\h11 hc:t \£' It· •lj <'d n u"' i n 1 h<' pa!-1 10 t 1' and r.l l h.t> I h• Bt E't'l(' :1 :>lH.'('('~S \\till ! l ttn .. adn~ltio:;pm~>nt !-and c;ub~cnp­ ·, .. n!>. 1 rt>main Sin~n·l\ \OUI'- L , E Knd." .. :Girl Scouts Hold ~Christmas PcJrty I T !w Girl St'Outs of troop 13 hdu I ~lt'ir Chnstmas par·t) Tue. dtt~ a!temoon at tht> homE' of Mr· . ~tillar. I H CrYstal Ave .. Balboa J,land. · Tht.> pari~ tartetl at 4 o'd, d< jDurill!:; tbe aiternoon a pla) W d5 1t-nacted. "T he Nitrhl B <' r ore 1Chns:mas." Christma .. c a 1 o I ~ ,. >'I e .-.un.!" a nd r <'fr~hmt>nh "~t't' sen Pd. Factory Seconds ~lost Daring and tartling Mug of the yf"ar 13.50 pt•r '(·t of ax or may be purchased ingl~-at 2.50 ~a<'h. tart a t for your f riend. ! EXTRA GIFT OFRR P n-srnt this ad \\~ith purchase of set and re~h·~ F REE A h Tray, a mu t \\·ith these mugs. DOROTHY KINDE~L 'S tU.~GDTS "1217 Co t Bid., Corona del Mar Harbor 1205- ThO!lo<' ill e~nt wt>r·t> c; a 1 l j 1 f-'1 lhm Patt' ClemE'n('(', ConniE' -==================================-==========::-1 Hn~trge.:-Otanna Bowen. Lt>n<'lt.l l / 1 Hu hardson Su.ann E' M i I I a 1 I Etl<'<>n \\'ot•le' and MarYaiE'f' I ~food~ . A I so ltlet't> \\'(•t·e t h<' t wn I 1 1£ :Jdt>r~. Mt s. Clemat and Mrs. A ~lillar. together with the major · 1 it~ o f th<' mothers. Troop 13 o f t h<' G irl Scouts t.;~,·c just finished the first scriP" 1 I nt cool-:ing lrssons. Mis~ Denton who Is with t hf' · Edison Ga.s Co .. has bet>n tf>a1..·h·l ing these young ladies how to be- rome good cooks and lik{' iL • I ~--------------~II I' r\ OPEX LETTE R TO OrR M N\' F RIEND I N COROXA DEL 1\IAR :\~D BALBOA I L A XD Dear F rirn<ls: Just n line to let you know ,,-e are featur- ing full seven course dinners from .90 t o $2.00. Our excellent qua lity \vi ii stay the same. Once vou have tried this full-flavored dinner it \\'ill~ be a regular habit for your en- tire fa mil y. You are cordially invited to come in for the best and biggest dinner in Orange County in quiet surroundings, candlelight and soft music! Dine like a King ... at t he Cro\J.-:n of the Sea. Cordially, LES EVANS, LYNN SHERRILL. OF '~fiE SE P . S. Ma ke reservations now fo r your Christmas Day Dinner. Z}oei&I:S' 111'YtSe IJ If III'IJNrlfKrMJ'S R~lax tir~d n~r\'~s ... fo r- get your \\'Orrif's! Doctors know that danctng grves hulthful ~­ taxation ... that•s why so manv of them eome to Arthur M urray·s and advtse lessons fo r t hetr pattents. F'ollow their lead and enroll today. Every ...,inute you spend wrth Arthur Murray'a friendly experts •s a deli ght Self-confrdence :omes w tth your very f trst le on In ~ few houn you ~n do the Rumba ... the newe$t Fox Trot steps ... or a luncheon Waltz P repare now to have the best t ime ever at your next party ... Se~ how the best dancen drift your way ... Watch the orchestra play up to you! Oon•t dela y-t•s so easy to become a marvel· ous partner at Arthur Murrav's Come ,, today--or phone Harbor 1247 W 411 Coaat H lway Corona del Mar THE EN Church School Guild Meets in Home of Mrs. C. C. Dodd ; 24 Members Atten d 'l tw hlh •. tHI T \w'w• dan,-t' du'• . ~'-'J!UI.u mt m ltt•t t-t 1 11 11 Cot on.1 \'hut, h ~d1•.H'I (; lll l•l u t t 'onm.• Tl.unq '-<Hl. 1\l'nllN h Slf'f'IX'I. (; Jn t ml,. , .. h;id tlwll hi,~: t'h•i ... tm"' , ~~~:11 \,,.,,. ~1 1 ,111tt -'1•~ 11. E . dt•l 1ar l"ommurut~ Coni!U'~J-A. Htuml>tu' Ro.c•of• \1rtlll· (lillllt I cl'l•ll \' '"'' ~ttl nl.l.' r.11!hl l H l,t•dkl n l.. l'atta..... \\'. c. tlon:ll ChUt<'h m\'t al the h ornt• orjJ(,;hn Kt-viH. llU)!h Mt"l'l~ IIJttnl ''' llw 1.< )'l'"·' lin\(•' l·:i;.:h t~ ~·ot.-Ftt•h ht" J I L Hu~ht·~ l.o\\<'11 1t s <: C. l)O(W . t!l Ft>l n h.•..tt. M J . ~hannun l'. 1 l. Thom.1, H t•l('' '"''tttlt-<1 ~''"'·••d. R \ i'<'ni -..JI A . C.! Monda~ Oc-<· t:J 11<. H<tn('~. C.rl>t·don Kopp AtX'tll'l!tn;.: lu ~,. ~. Rd:' moul 1'11'~ • Hkhant Plf"~<~l Rotx>r·s A i' al't , .• I iPry a;hO\\ of pup· ThP rn~tin~ wa" o!*nt~J hy Buttet'\\'Ot1h . John SlOWl'J'Jo., S t. 1 'udd ..... t't t,.•l ~l l'.\. ll.t t·H•uin g ~·''ltt•t'C.I. L. L . ThOMfJ~on. Ra~mtJnd (M•t.-will he 3 feature of th• ir fl,;onnan F t·ahm. Pt~tdenl. r1 [)I hi Lo II ,... I St u. ••n ote'-.\a,,ol lll,.! ·a:c·\·•·~~. T hC' ciNv Todct. '. ... r nf' '"·"~"-' n. ~~~ton \\'n). l'httstmas Gala at she Udo Thea"-{)(>\~tiun \\'("I'~' tl"d b:-\Jn ... Low a <' . W(' n•f'\\' on ;en 1ado"' ,,,., .... tti l..in~ 'd1h a la\-l!h . 1,.,11 Blcim·,h·. Jwk Bruner."'*' ne~t Tuesda.' aft<'rnoon. llt~·. ell N<'\\lon an<1 JU'3\'t>t' h~ l1 r:~;. host~~ Mr .. t"lat·t'nC'<' l ><xid. j,hl\ .... , .... ·aiM ,,,,.. F'l tJ m lhC'1l:tll Kl·•c'< <nt'l . .fuhn .l't\t'let . • 2 1• 1\t .-J . Shanncm. ''Silent Night" d u•;h1t> lo•t ': ~'"'-'ll l (•~H!h!' I •Jl1g ,\ll•·:~<"lht '· tfwn• \\eH· 25 new Tht> PUJ>JW\s come h(>n• dil"('\·tl~ \\tt~ Wl~ b~ tht> gt'<>U(J. \\slh Ms·~. 1hc·f't>. 1mn:•·.n~· t•tl il('l\ ... 1hn·u~h 1 ,flt 1P ho .. lsc•m thl!o> l huhor Ar<"a . from the Turnahoust Tile:ltre in JJuoh '\kChnvmt INtdm f!. I 1 I 'I .... () tt Lo .... A11a.el..., whes't' t 1e.• an.' now ~ · . · . ,. ll(' I ' I(' ,lj;!_ l"'· l'll~· '" , .. , n I(' I .\ i\1'\\ Hn:u (\ \\",& .. Pl<'<'tt>d (OI' ... ,.. -' i r llo ed Jn:J n t.-1 \\ "" u ~no,•·m;111 undt·• 11 .. 1(1 1.1 hot l , .~ ·John engaged. Foa· t h(> pasl six year. A bm•'ne, l' m~t nf! 0 \\ ;o • II(~· \H ,,. "u ..-~s : the~ ha,·e been part of the But-dut·an~ w~ich a motiun w~s mad<',. ':hi~·lt flu •~.~ til\' \\llt(ll-. ·:\tt:·ary h~l<•s pH•~irlt>llt; ~.1t !o>. R.a\-:1und lock ' Pal1 \ Shop and han· aiM and t•att'IM th<tt t he \.utld. bu. ( hn.~ n:J.... Tlu.· "·~II f t.>.\Ul't>-!>o 1ToJd. 'N'It'tat .\: Hnd l1 \lni' \\'at· apr-ar"Nt h~ mo,·ibi. ftH' t'OIW'-fot \hP \OUth·(·ho•r. c'o t'l't,,.t I I,. h•lttgh t'lt~lli .Jt~tl t•ad tkin" t t f>ie~ut·t•s. r -· f H.a)el(• ,,~ ... t'('ll '•'~(•,f \\tth li-t•l!('t , ,.h 1 11 ••. 1 Thl' t;ala. a llf'nt•fit matim"t". i-. Aft.~s thP mN'tm~ J!l tl> wet't>l ,,£'\\ n\<.'0\0"<I , o H' ~,_.,., "'•J'nu ,1..nnson-d h.' thl' !'Je\\pot1 t•,e-h an~•~d and rt'ft'f>Shm<'nls l •antfl,•, "lt \tn1! <I I th<' ha~· Oi l •1 I (Y Jl \) Jl L. '"' ,.. rv I I 1\\t>t't'. ~ ll~t· Wt l'!o> t •, .• ,~.JI .. u .... ilian uf lh(» C'lul--·~t\t"(l h.' ~I I!-. 'lat'(>fl('(' Dodd ··~·t·h .• ).:I ('\'11 \\I' .\t ' ('1'\tll)l" f l h '. 'I PI 't ,.. "' .,. rt ·"" "'"" • ,.,.._ • I I I . • lUK t'· ·'''Jo."' P~al ·'''· '-· • II C' •. I d II d I I '-\1t \\'alia('(' Jnf'nl ",, 1 ,,., WI l iP' ,_ P ,,, 1 1 1 s,·1r ., \t , ~. dt't'll l' onu· ~Jl'H' ~ ''" wt tn-a n lt·s t'<l-rn!": ~·~~ • ~. 1 ........ ,•, · l ~ • • ~~~' • 1 1 t 1' LK~ t•luclt • a lin•h rtuv <tt'l :Jnd Di.:-tW.\ l'~t ldt>l lll'~td I •nns ,,,.hi ''! ••llt·d till' • 'I () It I' i I II II l ,.. I t-t ,\ • Vll'• ,t\ 1 I :lfl( ,,.1\01 l'c'II'I'""IOS a· \\ ull .1~ J)UJ)I""'\'-\I d · m"' ·c' . 'I ' II ( 1'1' r 1 I .... "' -• "' ... ... '1'1111'" 'e)l'l'l'(-"1)1 \\PI t• • ('"' a "'' :" ,. • 1'1' ·''•' •• 'w '11 ••<' I .ell i:-Sc:coll ' , 1 1,,1., 11 ,1 ,, .,, h i ,1 1 11 11111 s On hanrl lu "l'l<'<,m(• t ht.> ~nun~ . 'ut mart Ft·ahm Jam£'~ ~k"t'f> IIIIJo.IP ... ~··' 1111 • ht •• , l'lllllJ.: \\PI I". ,. ., I \1 Ph Ill ,. u h ' jJ p I Have a Treat T"V LUN CH F ON AT ~GAN'S 75c Lt• TCH E OX PEriAL ~111111 Chute • ,. 1~,1 , {I\ ·e:g,111" .. 11.; 1 iJo. 111 d .t :-· aur H:'nt •• \\1 I )(•. ,... I Jl ,,,.., c;f>tald nil<' tt• ~till lOt' os 1 oi 1 ,,,.tl ''" ,,,.. t '\(' 111 ;.: .\Je aeH1 :\1 rs. ~ l •. <".lilt' Ita~-S('ll. Jt><.'<'l'l inn c·h.JJJ man and ht•t Has·olcl B<•rwdkl \\'Hitam K tt>4't'k-En' 1'\'1'' P OHllO\.''-\'• -• . 1 monc1 Tudct. Rtdl.ll'ci P l••g,u ~f. l'nmn,ill('(• \\ ho-"ttl .td a!-u'h-1\l't \\'alia<"·•• Caldet head II r:. 1·.•::111 il• 1\ n•• lu.l(· ' Jcu m·cl I 11 I l'•':tl~ll J ;H. \ <. 'll;lltlhf•l l'o Jam('s . . 1 S , , \t J u t lllh ''"" ,· .. , .. 11, •••\ :\hi \l l . . . t'l ~. ;\II ~. l'f'l111<'11 .td t('~'·. ~~·I {O\\,tld P . Lf>O n :l!'d .. n •. · . · · · · l '>••ch.t·J J<tltn .Jof11l,o ll l>s . b\111P Burton Russell "'' Jf (li'J\' Blod-:•n<l , \\ 11 lfa,lt~fln. A R • . ~ · · 1 111 , ,, !'.In l.tmau l,)o. Rus..:e l \\nlk•n;-;. gt-tl. Mn•. \\'illiam \\'ntrnan and D p PI \ t11'1-. .•• J 1. fl. J . \i'*tl'l~ L)r. Ht•·l :\\1'. a nct Mr' John Kf>('\('t 3('\f,t Mt·l'. Jack Hillman. 1-:ac·~1 Will .''~<' en 6 resentS OY '"'l l ,,til "'" T hP . I' \';Ill "''"' ,J-. ch:Jil'lllt'll o r tht' 1'\('ning dt'(' S<'d in a l'O<>IUJnf' htlj:?ht \\tlh 1 t:n!'el. rihbon~>' ot l'Oiurl'd stat s to \('!1 -E. GILBERT- f'\TERlOCZ .: EXT ERIOR DECOR:\T~(; • • .... ·a add Chl'is1 mas gill h'l to 1 hP O<:- casion. Gala tickets m.•:-b<• ..f>urch<i~ fr•om an Auxiliat ~ rnc•m l><'t' o•· b~ calling M r~s. ~" m P us·l <'I . Bt-ac'On 6083. ticket <·hainnan. Pt'O<.'N.>ds wilt go to tht> C hildn·n·~ llum(' Th<• Cub St·out Petck J ttl will ha\'t> a mf'('\ing a1 thE.' Cot·ona dt·l Ma1· Sl'hOOI iHicillot'cUnl Frida~ <'\t>ntng. IlN·. 11 at 1 :30. Buh Holtwt:ll 1:-> k <•<1c•t of th(' g toup. Ttw J!l .. t:nmat· ~<'ht.;ol PTA i' ~;Xlll~m inJ! tlw pat·t~ and .\1r~ Juhn Maitland'" .. O•'n Sax · w ill la hl.-... Jlul <.'off, t' etl T·· t RAGAN'S U1 ~ Coast H ighwav 1 ~utd1l''r Ruil~ • I Jarho t 19-«' CnRO'\..\ DEL :\1..\P. ~PP...\ \'l:\'G A::\'0 WA LLPAP ERl~C CSLOR HAR~1n~Y REASG~ABLE I SociN\ of Califm·ni<t '' hoJit• work put un lh•· pta~· tht" Y• ar. T h· or P'~"iding aGo.>tion .E.'l\hi.'S Si~ht BE>fot'E' l'hdstma~". hdh in c l'('a sed ,,,,ltlOt'lionatC'I~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\it h llw t•no•·muus populttt ion 't C 'r >:~ l dd ~tar Its easy to own . a *MAS SHm~Nf Just Received ly calinCJ leacon 5565 H ry! ..... your next Wasltclay easier -~ ma'l~ Faster. Easier Operation You ~·an st3rt la tf'r. fini h earlit>r Fort, or more pounds In an hour fa ~a y. Ec01t01nical Operation You save S03f', ssve w s t<-r, save clnth~. Bl\ve electricit}· with ~·our new M~ytag. 3 vtCHfDERFUL hM)DELS Liberal T rade-ln • • • Easy T ernts ... .. gain~ in t lw Sta t,• PTA Sponsors Toy Drive for Hospital Th(' N f'WJ)()r t B('ach Elemt•ll· tat·,· Par<"nl Tea<.·ht>r AsSO<'illl ion at'('. sponsot·ing thP roll(>'('t ion of Lo\'S to be sa ken to t h<' children in. the Orange Coun' ~· hospital just tx>fot'C' Chris t m n!'. Tovs th at are no lon g('r in use hy ch.iklren can tx> b roug ht to sch ool during the last week be· !o a·e "acatlon. Thest> toys h.ou1d be in good condition. h owever . a spokesman said. M•-· Hat'Old Bo~\'ey . PTA prE'~· icl~nL st resSE'd the poin t of brin~­ ing tO) s suitabl(' for childt'<'n in ronlagion waa'ds. Toys mos t ac· ~pt abl<' ar(': dolls. papE't' dolls. hooks. coloring books. cl'a~ olas. T his is n('(.'('Sc;ary ~ausc.• th(' child•~ must t'emain In b<'d a nd t ht> nu r~c."s do not navE" t Jm(' to play with thf' youngster~ du(' 10 the un derstatred condition C'Xist· ing th<'r£'. All 2ift~ should pt' wrapp<.'ct and a sl tp of paper telling for \\hat a~t> and sex tlw gift is most suit - ~hle Square Dancers Go . . Formal lor Session The Square DanceN will han• t heit big Chri~tmas dane<' Satur- da~ night. T his g1·nu!J of young ma nied rouples a t'(' fi nding lh~r dancinJ! grE.'a\ fun and members expt'('~!' t hE.'i r enth usiasm fo r th is act h ·· it\'. · Mem ber·s w ill h av<> 3 spN'ia l \r('at this Satu rday a nd the:-in· le nd t o be formal about it a ll. Men will wear suits. plus ti('. and wom en will wear long drt"sses. Refreshments will tx> !\erved. a~ usual. The hall w ill be derorated. The d a nce will be he ld in the C"oa-ona del Mat· Gt·amm a•· ~chool as usu.al. Rev. P. F. Schrock Tu~ns Grandlother Rev. P . F . Sch rock. pastor of th(' Corona del Ma r Communlt\ church. ls a grandfather' n O\\. · His da ... hter. Mrs. l . F. Hilt . wUe of Ll. HJlls. had a son born ...._ .. y at ttw Naval Ho p ita l ln lAne Bach . It las n hE-alth} bOy w ei(Zhlng 9 lbiJ .. 11 ounces. SPECIAL!! FOR PARTS ttTRA OLSMOIILI 6 & I 0 \ ~rhJ.ul dis t J'ibutot Clean air cl~aJH'r Te~t coil T ighten cylindet· hN\1 Adju~t timmg Clean batten· tenninJ.I Test condenset· Tighten manifold Adju t carburetor C heck a nd adjust ,·ott. a~e regul ator Tt-sl ba th~rv a nd refill C lean ;llue. and ad ju!'t T ighten hose connee· t ion~ Check ,·acuum sra rk ad,·a nce Adjust fa n belt Check comprt-ssio n A d.i ust gt>rwra tor charging J'att> Ft'N~ u p head control \'.:\ l\·~ Te"t starter FAST-EXPERT SERVICE Phone H~bor 513 Phone Harbor 1884 •••put ... ~ ' • .. . t.' Child's Rod $3. P~nn· R~l $3.00 Une Lantttms .50 Loaf~r ox $2.95 :\ n ·in El~ct ric Httaters $9.95 H~ddon :So. 20 Flv Rod . $35.00 ·~nu in~ d. .-\. Cox~ Ref' I $65.00 G. E. Electric Blanket~ K & )I El~ctric ~I ixer $28.50 \\'ood Boring t $1.95 Sporting Goods Car Hit' T~ ... _\ tlfl d ll\'l ll h~ \1•1'. R P."'t R H 1ll. 2l!l Ruhy ,-\\t11\lt , B~lhn1-1 J .. J:.n d. !o.t l llt k ~ tnt Ft H!H~· nc;u :rt 1tllll1 l ••I t'AI 'R\1••' .\\UHI\ \' t • L...t 1·~ .\ La:ht 11~ P•'arl Ralhoa ''• I Ut'nC'ci I .~:·• Hii ~·-.adt l l tl\'t ·,,h• t"lc d•t'•' · •. c•' 1 , '' p "11 h i :·~o nd... rrnm I ~~ II ·t ,.,,,,.,] ii ... P· ..... utt •I • t \ • ! ... 11, . , I" , P~GE BROS. Lino1~unl & Til~ Co. ~LL TYPES OF FLOOR COVERINGS • ~ i, ·--: ' ... • rn..: h• t ,., a•n Linoleum, ~t a ndarrl anti H ea"y ~aogu-Aaphalt Ta i~-Aubber T ile- Cork T ile. A ll labor and mater•a l gu~ranteed. F~e e-stimate-1' years experience. Balboa Circle Taxi H rbOr 320 Stn ng Entire Harbor Area .:'4·H 0l"R ~ER\-IC"S :;E 'ttl E RAL C ONTRACT O R ;'\T\\' F.F~JDE:"TJ AL Ct"::"STR\ 'CTlC:-.: · ( .. r \\'(lrk SJ)C'IIk~ For l t~dl" · Zt>kc' I .. / / /.- : ~~ ' . - REY L.\ \\"RE~rE \\"EL~ERT La e;,neda "The t • 1Ul-l"' ,.,-1 t •, motrt l•f u~ 11-t hat .-t' 'u' tJ,t wo rld t h rough Ul ( '~-• ·!· ru.J ~la ~t ~" .. ra,ntm~ Si~~ _(· Yea~ in Har bor A H •. C0RO::"A DEL :\L~P. HARBOR 87 Op••n 'l ~t1y .o\t 6 :1.'l Ct•ntinunu, ~un. from ! :~ K iddi•· \la t . N!t urtls~ 1 :4.:) t:n,J-. -..at urtla~ U• ._ I )l C:tt•n n l '••rcl. \\ illia m H ··lth·n .. ThP ~an From Coloratdo·• "un .. \t••n~ Ttk•-.. f), c·. l •..-! 1 .. T~ ~('~t IAlnd" '•rratlon b\ Rubt>rt Ta' tor Rc•hl·rt \luntiomPn and \ an Ht-ntb \t .. u '•-c·nnd Bi .r "t a rh \\ t•cl. 1111: t;_" J s 3 THU .. aOAV. DEC. 16. 1Ma tat limit rdJn ize If y•m • an · a t ,. h 't n. t he f m munum I":Z• ll1ll\ "" sa ... hne11 \.'8U~ht • It th• <'ldtfntnta I O&St. ,lnr t•Ju~tt•n ~Ul pv5('8 w ll bt 1 1 Jnt ht.. ... u• inL. J anust ' f"t>br u - l dry, )18t ·h r.•l -\pt·ll .. I .\t th •((,,,,,t of th• g :•rdine lnuu1-tt ' ~.,;-\It~· <'•mutll tlt•·. tht- Fr~h d t.d Gon.. ('unlltll~l• n """' th• ''').lllntl••" !urtn~ at ... ('• n •m- 0. 1 •n• ~:l _ ~. :. l'!'•.tt •,ctt• n 111r .. pawni:~L. •,'l: •.10\ ~ T h ,. C 'om- t II r. 1. • )• 1"1 \n lt'..!Ulal • ~ • •.n :-1••: t•du•. • ~~ \\ hll· lh•· • .1 tl I "1m-. ' ~ . . ' ~ Public Stenographer NOTARY PUBLIC M IMEOGRAPHING AODRESSINC:. TE LEPHONE S~RVI C E Sarah E. Wheatley H~rbor 1210. B trtcher Bldg. Coron~ del M~r llfl41r .. 11~n 'h~·ht h 6 :1."i .,..:-a.,_ ....... < m ti:.ut~u-. '' ~ • r11111 ·?:~I t k ichll• ''"'· '.tt unta \ 1 :,.-, \\ • •1. l "lr11 'dol , Do-;. I .Hr ,\ l '.t d ... \l~t M."ll• rf•, < ha ttma~ -'\, cond Rit: Hlt- ·1 ar 1.. •• (" noo P" r .fat ~h ( oopn u ~n('h IAa\·e .. Sun_ \fon _ Th• .. JW. lf..!l lkt1~ ........... . ••J \\'aktt l "p _,84- T~ r••n• t~ .. " c r. -\ llc·c• t·a~ c ; I ,,,.,,..'" In R rian 'hf-rnc' t ••n 'ta"''•' Rfonnt•t t ",mart \\'onwn·· . -( ••lllJlaftlun f"f"Stllro"-- ( harllc• < h:1nn In h . , •. H. • F leo er l .f"\!-r.~:. ) • .· f Publ~ Wf'8Jy for ~sldents of Corona del Mar and Balboa Island. Offi r.t 1"01-n Coast li.l$th-\\a~. Coroll ctel Mar. Calle. Ph6ne H arbor . F . F . Allen. pubU her: Mel"a Rue. sodal ooitor. ENSIGN Letters \Vritten communications to the En tan should Mar name and addrt-s.s of the writer. 8ubecr"iptlon ratn One ~-ear . ... . ......... . . . .. . . $2.00 SiX months ... ... ..... .......... 1.00 Three months ........ . . .. .50 Want Carnation Ave. To Be Corona Alley?· SundAy ~rvtce at 11:00. \\ t :. In .dA.y evt>nlng l~st lmonitll mn t. "ll1 lng 8 :00 p.m . ' \ ' DONALD LEBO v;it h Ben J. Whitman Company REALTORS N ew office at 400 Cout Highway, Corona del Mar CF onnerly with the Ta\'N"n Company l HAULING .. Long Di tance Local LARGE OR SMALL JOBS GIVEN SAME CARE VWe Mow With The World" 1962 HARBOR BLVD. 8e.acon SSU.J SUBSCR I BE TO THE MIRROR Ynour new afternoon newsparx'r For Home D<>liver~·. Phone DfCK KANOLD. Distributor Harbor 425-W IMPORTED TOYS Mackr LOUISE W . SMITH New York Teacher of Voice • P iano Sight Reading 1 mprovising in Corona del Mar. P h. Har. 2898-J COLLECTOR'S I TEM'S I Inc. s HOBBY &. TOY CENTER Hl5 CN <:t Blvd -· . --. _.., ___ --- B.-\LTZ MORTUARY SERVI NG 11-IE J IARBOR ARA:A Chapel By The Sea Barkr42 410 COAST BLVD. Corona del Mar Offstreet Parktnc Co:c:;a C:c 1 )tar I Owners For Speclallud Service Factory Parts -Call Sl D'S GA .. AGE HARBOR n84 920 Coaat alvd. C.D.M. Pickup & Dell,·er Bay A rea CHRISTIAN SCIENCE !CHURCH 3303 VIa Lido, N~wport Beach Thf' l('~~on fnt lhll' ~u;HI.t~ \\til ht "b. IIH• l 'tll\~'t't' ltH : ... !r:.~ J'l<tt'('ff on t lw ;llt·r· lot tlw 1 ... · ~f<tll i::\'Phl'tl h\ \lc•n:H }'• :,, !l:lW Each week th~ Ensign r~~ives news fr"'m 1 udent report~"~!' in the Corona del Mar Grammar School. Reporters are chos~n by • th~ir clascmates t o servtt fer o.,e mont h. ~TUD~N T S EYE XMAS R 1chard Balla•d .~n I ~ll:t,t nnr I l11hh "d ft nm \\ •t.tn~l,.r · holh ',1n.c• to :,11 '· 11. :\It!-Aus:in'"' rnom r.~nibt, 1:1 ,,.,·s t·oom \tiC'«i t ht~ olhl"t mnllwr:-in th· :\tis<> ~mJ II•'.; l'hll.ltf'n an m. · I'Pf•m to lht•it C'niH't• K!.tldl l)-tn~ ('anrilP hCildcr-. fnt l•ht r-.tm. • rmh< 1 I . TlH' :not hc-t·~ W t'l'<' "d Jll'<'~<'lll~. Th<'~ trc• \'at·n t-.lll ~~· t c·pr('!'<'n1Pc\. thrm and p~int inl-! 1 ht•n;. Thpir room ha~ b<'Pn p<tantin;! S tuRrt Coo)X'r left for Nc'w .Tc·•· gnul'ds for t h('ir ~1C'xlc-A n act i\·it, . ~<'~ to !'JX'nd I h<' holidayl' '' rt h The gvUI'CL ha' <' h<'<'n madE' into his p:trcnt ~. flr is from Mr:-;. l:m ~ a:1<.1v boxes. bs'Ce's I'OOm. , B!ilv Stl'H'ns' h tthc-r fl<'" 10 1 Miss Babcock's room is milking J:urOPt' last week. IC'hristmas rwes<'nls and c<tn:i~ ''" ' . th<' chlldr<'n's parents. I 1\~~·s. Austm leaves ~o r_ Ire.-. par·j Dixie All('n <'f Miss BRh<..'O<·I-\·~ ('nt~ home [)N..-cmber 1 1 fo1 the •J'OOm will havt-a white Ch rist m~~ holiday vacation. this vear·. The moving pic-lul'C of ~a,·ajo Do"ftne Schindler and Rick~ children was shown to Mt"S. Crisfield have E>nf('red Mi~~ Bab· Lang's childffn last week. This C'OCk's da~s. \\-eek they have SHn Navajo sand YHUtD GRADE NEWS painter a nd Navajo land. Suzanne Pcrr-v trom S a n t tt I Our secretary. Mrs. Diana I Monica ttnd Douglas Re~an (l"'m ;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ Kuhn. hu mov~ to an a~n -W~ming · ~th ~me to '1i~ _:::::::::::::::::::::::::= ment in the El Bayo Court. Hatch's third ~rad<' n.'<"entl\. W If IT MAN'S SERVICE Christmas plans are in 1ht> a h·. Miss H atch's r hy thm hand will LOANS S50.00 to $1,000 SALARY ~ AUTO FURNITURE ! or other personal property ··QUICK SERVICE" OOA.T LOAN OOMP~'Y 2:305 COAST aLVO. Newport ~hac~\, C.Uf•rnfa CNext Door to Wesmn Unieo Office) Reborlng Shaft Grinding 1Sin('(> Friday is the .last day of play "Jinglt> 8<'11~.. for Chlil'l- General Repairing 24-Hour -:rowing I sc-hool before C'hr·rstf:'a!'. I ~e mas. Joan Brandt taught thc-:n PETE, BOB, HARRY ~T}) ART lt"'Om f t'E"ats and g ifts w1ll be dts· "Wind Throu$!h tht• t)IJ,·r T t<'1'" .. Ma.ter Mechanics t r lbut('d I hen. Our sc11ool has be· Suzannt> Stower·~ 1~ 1wc-sirl('•l t 10'10 COAST HIGHWAY Corona del Mar HARBOR 441-R !com(' so Jargt> that we cannot in-, of hf?r class. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 \'lte parents when we have a , Phy llis J ohnsor1 of Mrs. A~l·h - HA.MPTON'S REXALL DRCG PRESCR IPTI ON SE R\"I CE HARBOR 2535 619 Coast Blvd. Corona del Mar R. J. HUFFMAN GENERAL 8U .. LOING CONT .. ACTOR RESIDE~TIA L COMMERCIAL REMODELING -FRilE ESTDIA~ -PLAN SERVICE 798 Jasmine Ave., Corona del Mar 11'11-R ~cho_ol program. ,-.. ·~ ar<' <'n ter- 1 mann·s room h; guin(.! to Fon·!'l 1' !l lntng ('ach othe:·. Homf' to visit hE'r grandmot hl•r. 1 M.rs. S('\'it>r's son. n ona ld Keith I P('nn} Bishop is going to p;,~e~­ ~e\"ler. arriv('d homE' Sunday. H<' d<'na to , isit h<'r g randmoth('J . is a ttE'ndlng the l l nivE"rsity o f 1 ' !Denver. 1 Tarpit Dedication KINDERGARTEN NEWS By Gloria Cn~pman The "Tarplt" h uilt hy Hal't>Or The kind rgarten child1-cn are youths with un elfisll help h'om going to h ave a Christmas pro-t heir elders is to 11avc its formal jgratn. They will sing songs and dedication t his _Sunday. Der. 19 I ~Y poems. at 2:00 p.m .. 1 • H Central .\\'P .. I Tony Matheis from T u s t i n Newport Beal"h. came to our kindergarten. The There will be open house fn"'m children were glad to ee Penny j2 :00 to 5:00 and· an invitation has Scrttidler retur n. S he has been been extend~'<~ lo the whole rom- away ror several weeks. munlty to come a nd e njoy the teen canteen. The ~~n '"*ers at'C Ft .. aT C"AO£ NEWS proud of tMir Job wlth~he can- Mrs. Harvey has twins ln her teen. room. TMtr names are Deoalnna "''M Tal'pll wU\ 'De open during and Dana BartftMfft~ "nley are Chi'tltr'nU vacation but at that frOm S8~ Mrs. Harwy aaya tti"'e will tiie open only to high she ea~ t~U them apart. edlool lltuid!ntt and t~lr regis· -----------~------_...;..--------~ Ketvln Hodel from L8ncuter1 ~ cuests. nu; · 10. ~· 'I THURSDAY, DEC. 18, 1t41 A "a llm scoop'' which will glv~ r oll film bu) ers on~ of the blg- {::e!'t bargBins Is currently a high- JJght of Chrlstma shopping op- portunities at Harbor Photo Lab, f<l7'l:l Coast Highway.• The ttl m t•olls. made by East. man . come In ffv~ popular sizes. 127, 120, 620. 11 and 616. Howard f'olsom of the Hat·bor Photo 4h also hlls a wide variety of cam~nts which run the prict' r ange ft'Om low. popular models !or amateur. lo the more expcn- ~1\ ~-rwofe. sional cameras. in-1 rluding man:-"it h flash a ttac h-1 rncnts. 1 Ftlm M'ntnls :tr<' availahlt' a1 the Lab aJro. and l\\O R mm. "710\ it>. AI'<' <'s~ciall~ m demand. The~ AI"P ''ThP ~ighl RC'fot·e Chril'tma!-" ;md ·I unC'Il am1 Juri\ Christmas." · The Harho1 Photo Lah ha•; fil m project or~ for J'ent. hot h ~ mm. and 16 mm.. the laltet· with sound. -GRIPS-H~re's at the recent n - duction of governors of Y's Men's Club of H arbor and Orange Coast diatr•cts held f"ecently at Long Beach YMCA F'f'Om left to right: W Frank Powers of Corona del Mar. governor of Orange Coast area 1 Newport Harhor v·a Men's Club): Ray Hougen, d iatrict governor of Harbor area 1 Long Beach Y'a Men's Club): W alt Jackson, southwest reg1onal director r Monrov1a club ); and Leahe Humphreys. World Outlook chairman of Pac ific Gout and put president of Long Beach Club. W . Calderhead Features Je w elry j ~tr. ami :'-J1 !-. Rol:mo .:'\lrol!'. :> j Rt•utx>n !'mit_h of 2172 Oran)!<' '\';n\1 Rei. nt'<il411 f)c\\ gan' a A\t'. I:, l'l'l'U\Cnn~ from poliom~· t'f'd <IHII )•;i ll\ 10 lwn;,,. II( :\li.II'R)ilj.; ,l,'C'f'lding to nhr. IEdh\\ardff'L('(> · / u:,..-.f' . l'OU nt' E>a t o 1cer. <4nd \II -. Cl;11 r :H r· Cc•c1; <'I a "''l'i< Thf• litre•·' c>a t old h(l~ was admat- .lt•\\t•lr:-' anti ~ift 111 rnl' for ;'l;:!O l;1-.1 Su •1rl<t~. Thf' Coop<>t·s jlul ''' t •r ~n~c> count\ hospital on <.. hri:,tma" elt·li~h• ill£' ft•a lu rf'O \\r;·p c:n mJ;: ,, 1 ~·.t:-t Orttngr 1:'1:''' :!t-, .tnd \\Ill he returned I n 'hi:-\\f'<'~ a•1tl tlt'\1 ·'' lhr l 'alrlct· ~ .1 . :o :h•• h1 !1da'' l'nupl(·~ ctl·l hl:-hn'1\t' -.hortl~. r n-trl .1<'\\<'lr~ .11 _)1 7 l'nt't-.t lltgh· tl'JH'tnJ,: ''''I t t lw \\tlh.1rn Kn ·l ·•. ",·,' ·~tlat"" t.~ ... r~ .... ,., :1 r-.., , h<' \\'c,,., h Hal Classified- .. ' l'cildf'J ht•ttd. "" IWI I·Jt!' ~.t l'lrt .\11~~· ll t• .ltthn Prur , .. ,, .tJ n~ ,·u tu n~t·t :-h •l\\ ,., t' 1 h.tl l ·'ln""' •:P I \J,.. 1 ll•' \\ JI IJ;~m pit I' I 111:-\\hr. il l'f't' 1· l'llgl ,1\ Ill;.: '.\hilt .. ( l•fl I f.l\ I l ,lflrl tl•t• p .. , I ~u--1 I •' l•l·h·c•:1 otll 111 ,j, 1 .... ..,111 ,. 11 . ~:\L\LL fu! ni!-h(cl hCtU!'(' fnt t ,J1 t~, ' .I f ,t • ' ' ..... J .. •,:-lhf,. fn1 11 t.1 ~ ...... '""l" .uSul::-. ..;:-au ~n ~l(• c·oom tJl l· :1w •n fi ll the· "ld"l . ,1, ,,tl• l .tll J'lh a l(' <nl t.u.<e ill'! \11" J •c•n 1 ~o~lt.. _'..!>-. _, I' "· r tr l <' 1 h 1 nq '· .. :· , ' . 1 1 c • t • • 1 f'•; 1 .11 ... tJ • H "' '-111 c• .11 ).!1' 'I ''-·•'t 1 l'•al'l \\t l ·.tll•t•.t J-.i.l d h.td 1 l h -..... -,"-t\1 • C'p:lll .ol I'-lllt '.t! l• '\\ •'II •lc t ' • 1 1 1 • c • to.l. 1 1:11 I~ ::-.11a1• ·•~ \t'llll1.: .1.11 --------------- ' 111' ' ' 'II t d ' • ,, • • 1 -, ( ( I!' I ( ... SCOUT NOTES It I ,,, I , ...... , .IJ Hl l:ll•'ll' \ ''•ll I~ S i.! 1f• 1 Ia\ <tiC' ~ani ht•lo!t' " .t l!. By F rar.k Junk1ns ~!• .. You c-an th•·tl' ISi'T , much llnw lt>ll on t ~ it ~ THI S Ll1 TLE t'OLt.~1~ cUrl 11lf> ~ae 1 vln naH m j ~uch a eooti Job ~~ Wf'ek thn t 1l ttwm r!ouhl) popular . ' .eem _ liJw a d<'al to tell \OU about Like the Rose Bowl ~ I . ' some otht>r bargams that wP ha\t'i Ld-.t \\t'("k I told )-OU "(' h d .. , fn thP ~t orf> For mstance. thert' ,plumt:X'J th:.u did odd Joh" That at-e thll'\.' tdnot rehrge':'to rs,,and th(' prJ~ that he ·rhar~ t . . •J!U\ ha:-1 Pall\ tM>en bu.~ slnCE-. made tl~ one nt the b1g ft,·e in BJ't' Ul·h that \Ou \\On't hl't•;,k out lthat fit>lci \\hi<.h "<' ''ill sell for in a rcu h \\hen ·he pre--<•n t th 1$1 5 J"t'gula tl ~ S21~ and two 1 hill. C'ontt'Rf) 10 c u tomat·y p~ I foot en.. 'Rm m.tk<• fut Sl-3.5 'cedUJ t> he bdng. all th tools h .. 1 1 SZF9 nt'f?d, on hts fl n-t trip, 100 • •egu 81 ~ ~· 1 The radio repalr aepartmen~ We would ltke to tell you the 15 alao go1ng to town, but w~ make of these f tne bo~tes but at can at1ll do more--so br1ng tn muat not b~ pr 1 n!~C at th~~ that faulty set and get the full priCU. good out of It as well a~ com· Two Stoves L~ft plete enjoyment of the C hrist· Also. w~ have one 66·•nch maa rad to programs.. steel stnk complet~ with f1t · \\<• 1•11 ~ lll• .1nt1 ciPihr•J ·n Jar~ t1ng• wh1ch origtnally sold for ....._., .... $.217. It 15 now on a close out offer1ng at $149 50. There also are complete cab.nets of steel. both wall a nd floor k1nds. at rldiculou•ly low prtces. You cant have them bu1lt of wood nearly as cheaply. 1 Th 1 he• '' ··~. I llt ho~... . t> good nut n1 •II 1 f 1 h(· ''"' £'~ "t• h.·t<f IH'l ba no I h(•t (• .JJ (' {\\ 0 left \\ hJch ctt·c-.. till .t\ ..tllahle .1t th .tt hiJ? 20 ltf'l t t-nt (ij,~(t 1!11 .\lld TOO I ht •• 31't' . \\1 I f , h, 'l""~"l·l l 1\tdi<':-• I T"-t Hit 11.ud K1 l· .~'tltk .11 h ot1 )"-> .. •rt t ro"'' • '"'"··· d ... 1 .:'\CI'. .r~ 1111 .t •·II ,: .... \ I• 1\ t I : .. j' d lithO 1-t'l•l •, I ll:• .. s: ·t ,,. •nt-.11• .tl " I'' : · 11•' \ '1' • 1 .1' T hP t"HI \ ' ~~t •"ltJ I(·'c· IJJ-. •t1 •c • ·•! : \ ... "l I I , I d \[ • 1,,, t ..... t-e1 '• j, I fl f 'I • .t ' I; •\, I 't 'Hl \' • \\ d •t" I I \!I' \J \ •, t ~ H 1-• ' \I • \ ' \ I·~ •' • ... , 1n.: '· 111: _ • •1 \J 1 o~nd .\it ... ~.a d 1 •: ... ,• o 'lt ,•,, \lt •.t I, ''••' : • ,, •),, _ • • t: t•,..:• r •! \J 'tl ]o I"'' I!.' J l •,. t~an·nt .... r Daught.·r \t· '•• ~J ·-.. T ht.l u n 1:· A 1--. t ' ~. B It • . I ... J •• • • ' =-· !' - J l.:h lnJ! • \ l I :h ·•rll\'n ' 1 f I I o n tf•lt ''"''"" ln«'tcit•ntall) tf ~oo •\.tnt 1t lt•\J"Itltl Ill ~OUJ hump lrt IJm(• lo t Chrl~tmct ... and that btc Rtt'-l' B<J\\ I ~-.mE> "<• na' ,. t hO'-{· l&nf' En<•J ... (In and Ph:l ~·· tf"lc· \ J-.J!II' '-('{~ Stncerely yours. 625 Coast H aghway Ha rbor 232 ur \'our Christmas C url Vi's the G ir l • VI'S BEAUTY SHOP ''01 roast H•wa" Phon~ HA ~'\3 da u~hl•r L t • !0 ~~ ~ t, ""fl 1 Hn ... r ne.J T h· • t ~ , •.s:hu: • l 1• 111.•1!" !l':r(l , ;r~<. ~, ---------------' M ;;r .-\mcli1J:! th<l~t' 1 J,t n•unc 'o .11 '""')..,,. 11·11 1' , t 'lH1 lh•· ('ht·a ... r m .t, c;:ll.t 1:. iH'lll i.( •s·t .. i ~"'· : M·l ll ,,omc~.,· ... ~hO\\ .tl the• L itlo Th c·o~.c·1 o n Pl•t·. T'11 .t .. hn \\ \It ·•I-t..:tl l't .to \\:tl,'l \\llh '"'.,, k no! stl\('1 J•in 21 arc:\)! •~net :'-l r~. John ~1\t'l:-.• ·\\t'. ~R ihc:• .. J-. <t 1id t"ll<'Jl<lltH d l't\\, 1d . \l 1 ~ t.u<>ll ; .. ;?() ~taq:!U· \\'ho will he act:ompantPd h~ i lwiJ 1 11.1 • \d<'n ~I au .. '<•I n:.wk:-and 'ttwu <'lllf'. lla t bo 1 :.::-;;-;-.\\·. r!<lughter·s, Pttmc>la anci Stdfan~ ·t<'hilch·,·n. :md ··i l:-·· C o:111i<' ~im·, . . ., . , also n {lnna. n onald ann nougl<l·'!mnn:-: :• nice(, t t h \!~('J'!' fmm \\O~,E:" I H~1 :1!1 part: llf <nunt. Krushon and theil mol hf"r. 'l :r~~lc• H11ck 1 1'1~ 1 n:-1 \\ct•kt'nc1 . to rf'~t:-tc r t0r hnb~ :-Jtle'r~ :\~u-.l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=·~~~~~~~~~~~~~-, ha\c• phone R\AJ!ablr. BE ti01"·R AfH,r 6 p.m . BE 5383-J. Announcing FREE : Yt1l ':'\<; LADY, t'heerful, depcn I dahlt'. E'XJX'rienct'd. d<'sirt>S bah~' sittinJ,: tn e xchange for •·oom "i\h radio; :'\ew York t'eft't'· radio: :'\e\\ York ~fe~n<'('S.I en('('s. Harbor ~11-\V all day. 1sTt 'DIO apt. for re-nt. 513 Go I-I eenrod. Harbor 2424. For That SPECIAL LOOK On ChrisliiiGS 1 ~o·nR SALE : • 1 1 Super Flame oil sl{l\e; 1:; • ~ gal. mterronnE'C't· 1 l'-.l oil cit urns : s.tn for all. For h11 1 h ·t m f0rmatlon call 161() . '!17 Coa t Bigb"·ay. Corona del Mar • Lecturer: I' ' Kansas City, Missouri • I . I ~ I*Mic i cordially illvitM to att~nd. PICK-l"P and Delh-~1")· Phone 2CtZO-~J .... om~th ing to lak~ for a Chri tmas urpriSf' ' Fer a hule gal, make McCall's lcng, • full mghtgcw·n, 7458, that's wcnderiully warm in flannel O n mornmgs, a pente quilted house- coat, 7461 , that buuons from j.. Peter Pan collar 10 hem, hes aJ beck ' Snip 'n' Stitch S20 MariN. ••• 1 1 talaftd • , • , l!J Gordon 11toma! o1 C'oe-ona )h·. \\' .• 1. HIU1)('r, PAJ k. tar •·ill ~ Chriatma.t. In ''t.ll ~nuwn ~n Balboa 1 land tm· Center Staging of 1 lldd to Audience ~·· Baruu·a. Y.iU w '-'it h taud ThoJ'Nl!!. and ht>r hi~ ("3.1 t' of dli1dr<'n. h~ ~n m ay Lilh.an f'e• I t •niq I t f u-.._ ' I WK'hl". 411ld m~tk' 1 ~mal k lu thr ~ ~ o n&~ uur l om-at."\Ot . :nunJ•,· Pta~ 1"5 J anuary prodUt.'-. ion. 1'h<-Lat Cbristophcr nw t rothnl! m 1 n ~ 1 1 PI ul B y PaJy Fnhm Bean ... will bfo i ~ote>r stas;ng. Shak~Vl'ilt t>An W:l~ Wit'd a mudi·j Frida~ ~~hi th~ junio1 ~ ''1 1M aud.ie'n~ wfll bf> t~Ht~ in fied frwm o f c-..•ntet· taging i\nct I J 13! bor lhgh ~aH•· a d~nt.'E' ·'' llu'ft 1'0\\~ of C'haJrs plat"ed p-ciurm~ tJw Rc"' ulutiun.ln' \\'ar . wluch they Ct'O\\-rn"d Patti Ha!o t Jlt'O~matf"l~ whE"I"t" thf'' wall of !-Oidit•~. in t"flm J'<' n~ wtt 11 ~ uung 1 at( their prin • · . :.tw pJ y'f. dmin,:: t'OOm would or-tadi~. o fH•n J)l"<" ntt>tl 1day~ in 1"tlo$e anending thf' a.fltUI' naril} hom~ in tht' mannt'r for dlvt>r· \H'J'"t" Patti and Ralph \\'ell~. 08H• In t fu._ t~JJt" uf rwoduction. ~ion f rom tht" .erim husin of .lu)f' and ~anic Queen. Bill \Vitt- c.•J , .. :a rom '('nt rallun of Ught \\ar Although th Amt-r'kan pro-m. n ami Jo~t.._. Purrt>ll. Keith n th\' J'la~inl( a rf'a. Htat•kouts ft>.;;.;ional tat:t• ha!'. a~ ~t:'t iohOwn Hu-ch and Maa·y Ml~c-r, Bill .md mtt'-lt' are u~ rfft't1 hPiy in m• indinat io n 1n ,utupt thi:-mPth-Jackron and Lot'f'Ha t n<.'Cullan. 1 ('(' of ru1·t m~ to ~nolt> end 01 n<l o f :--1:.CH1~. 11 h.t t~·n ul'('(i Jan«"t King and K e-ath. Sheila -.(t•n • nn ~ 1a1 t' t•f n mc-. ...~~~~~rutt~ f u t man~ \t•atc: h~ J•owt-and Tuck Rabbttt. ... •tnt> Em ·~J'IC'rlf! pJnf(· ...... Jotl.ll t'llm-Ccon t·r -.Ht~tn~ ha" man~ ad- • rtf>l <t!!• ~ t'\ ('t O.._t(t ... •t n It thltttf'ltl I It ,.. m<u v mt im at<'. ~-t m •t .• ;:tl'lut'!-poult uf \It>\\. -l t' ''·•t:m:: h~ '"' ,,~ "1\11 "ht 0 1" ~-. .. jt !-f tll \ Hll't' l'")lt"\'\101\ :Jt t':\3f!$:Pt-::tt N.l 1c.1 ion. 1 ht•t .. h~ lr('J .!ll'"in~ ~tt"'ftl t• n:J iut a ln..-.. .. :-I n l:' )'(';\-. l Cath~ <;slmwe pf 1 h.-pia~ eo n sdt'•· ... • nH I .. t JU'OdUt"lUHl lht" ftO(>SI oc.• -.ih t' rnP1h<x1 u f tt .u ninl! <H' 0 1 .. Talk Betwe~n B ttes In 1 •~co A mt:'l"l<'ct n h tt Je thea t H' . {ll.i~~. \IWtl' 1!. cl :,!1'0\\ m~ tl t:'nd ·c."an! \\'ide-s u~· of thi~ t~JX" of .. 1apn •. )"(•!. Jl 1 .. not an innO\ a - 10"1. t \•nt('t ... tagl' pi vdut·t 10n "a ~ · h m .. , hoo \11-~"<1 h\ t h t• am·st"nt ; r Jo('k.. 1:1 t ht•IJ· uul don r tiH'<tl n :- :>Jrt~f' t t <"". '"''' .ltl-d a\ tt' ... lJ-• ·... r ,. ~J .. ••:t··· .. h • ··u~·hl t!.t•Jl pa nh·' f r.ut:'<-~ \rt'l.ll P a\ t-Jo, t" has• A R c""ard .ng D ram~ 1 l hlu<> <.'\111\1.:'1 t tbl(> ,,·nh "hih• T h·· , .1 ,· \\ lu..t , I Hit• .. "\.• ',, I t k.tlt•l\ \'t•t 1ll'l• \J c•h ;unll(•,ll111. -.J,It'\\'all IU f"-.11'11 c:ht'Otl'l<' tl.t!-h· h ' •rd l lut':-n ·, 1 l~ ·' t .. o u n ,, ~ \\ I 1 1Jlt1 t I r lJ _, Eti~ tlw 1\.ti l.l'"· l "t ••t l.th l>ah•-.. r~enlll.l 1 h•t n . Tt ''' .... ( ;llrnt•l t ' l 't•l)llll' .\n rltt•\\ ._ \lt-1 \>th\ h \ S,Jnlct \ "l.o\1'-, .. ,;,.,, ~)'"'' Hllt ll" 11.11·"'.,'''· .n ut .i='l .tnt.•n Fu'\ p lu ... ·• Iiii i<' .,,., h 1111, \t'at anti h .td d Itt 'I llci: I''-( ;t•t I n t I, • J leU fl .h llll' t!U If«' .t hi I lll I J'HUh it' J!C'It i OJ! 1 h .t t f.~U J'<tt J'.ll Ptillllt'• HUJ::f't (;o1 -ht'·auutul gc-anrl p i <t tl(l d'"'" th•• d un . ii ll•l B. Pt•t't:'llt \Jim•ttt. ~~ dumr w~ 1-.\f't~ont-io; <'XlK'<'Iin;: l hut-ouchl~ c ·ntu~ 1 n~ t(•h P<tl :'al:-tu ht><H ~unw ht•autiful ntlll-lt' and i-. ·~·~~~~~ ton •. 11 d to .;hartnl! c.•uminJ! f t urn th<' Bur·n. · h m ..... , ... li' l'l<'<t~UI t' \\11 h :ltl audH•nt-.• h old . So ~t'l lm,·~ ~Ji~t.' .• m tt lt •1 ~ L ~,·,1! t ·l ~l~ ~ot•t' "111 find t hi~ lwae !-VOW P' <W' i:-tnt! unu~u~tl p tudu clltln p f "Tlw l...a tc l Hu:.!t'l \\'t•J.;;lt '"' Sh •\f' l ioJ~' \.'h l'islo.•lwt l~<tn " ,1 H'\\otnhnf:!l".''l t' "'''' al li kt>·~ tht• o tht·t t>'\~WI k tH Tht· cl:t l t'!-,,f pt t•:-<•n-nt~h\ lwlpl"!: !.••i \I ~ out t lw '"'" a• '"" .H • ll•t• ,., c•ntt'l.!' ot .lanu-pittn'l. ~~~ ';Iii 'I ll 14th II d l.'lt h al f ;vo .t.·ll I' 1 I 1 ,_II \\ ''t•nl 1 .ll . .\\t'. ' .. t \\1 1 'o n•n.t d t•l \j~· .. u\\ n Ht.l 1.l.w k ... (•'l 1' ol •11 .. 1 \\ n n c1t•t ful 10 h FO --=TH==-=-A-=--y==---:-s~P--£-C--1-A--L-----------..... n ·n ~·· 1111 ·:, ... • ,a .... j,, h.t .... h.t>i -1·.• I ·.•:~.:': f· .... 't'.lr . · CH ISTMAS D ESS-UP A5 Adt·ertisell ;, GL .f .lll)l.R DJrot/1y Korby 1 $ t•.:rsatif~ ncr~· Blous.: Original fer D~c~mbcr ... so lot'e/y you '///,ate to coL·.zr it up -$0 smart it ,,.;/I really ''make" any suit or any skirt. Wit/, hand-painted !~aPes, a cce nted rc;t /, f jny, mufti-colored studs, on WJ,·te, or Black Tissue Faille ..• Si=cs 32 to 38 . . . ' Birtcher Bldg. 1415 Coast Highway $7.95 -.; J>ecialty hop Har bor 2868 ( Corona del Mar p l.l\ .. ''l 1 ht• '''t'OJIC1 ·n,.,,·· .. 1 Ill .: :: rar.1 I:-:\, ... , ·, ,.,,," ... ''' ,, 1, : •i to "' II'•' ''· ""''' h, I t •I). J'l •t• ,. h l'. • • ,.,, llll1lll ... ••l . , itt', tiantt' "''1•111 •1\\ ntl:ll' \tl~\\<1,\ \'t ' ••I hill • !-II SJWa k mlo! nf d .tllct'!-o. \.')CC ,, ,.!1 \ Ill£ a d1·eam~ fut·mal Chril-t- 111ll '-ciatH't' ~<ttutda~ n ight. ThP . ympathie of all Harbol , High students aa-e with Mt·. and ).Irs. ra·ancis HoJ"\ at h. Vh ian·t-' lc:~ \\ill bt' felt hi· aU of us. She 1' "as known for Her happy per- sonalily. None of us could set>m ' to think or talk al)Out an~1hing e-lM' at !'C'hool. W A."'\T lo hu~ u5('(1 mf"tronomt-.l rondition unimportant. C a 11 1 1350-R. W tlson's Cert ifced Order \"our Chri tma Turke~-• · o"·· Fft. h . ~orth m Bird Marion Hook J'. for cthout '''o " ks. OIL CO~&T aLVD. ~t N~lltCIS&U& CO"ON~ DEL MAR Firestone Distributors ~ BOR 949 --------- utif.111 Km.s Gilts Handmade Dresden Flowers We tnvete you to "isit our shop . Stt t ht \ artet y of colors and destgns 1 featured at th~ B•1tmor~ Hot~l Curt ts Stud to, Los Angeles) 3., ... -a WE C AN STILL PROM ISE DEL I V ERY ON tches for Ohristmas A wide selectton of foil and tf'pc r ccH ~ c an b t 1mpr nted wtth names. tncttals o r Greek lt tttrs ....... •r;1tc rn•t •c-s o r soron· t•es. Some are p ackaged •n rerl-...co., c <;;il rc tte hox e5 for last cng g•fh. Priced from $1.00 ORDER ·o\\. FOR DELI\"ERY \\TTIDN 0 _ .E \\"EEK! Telephone Harhr 0711-W "'C"£ATIV£ GIFT$" COMt H .... way at Cotctettrod Ntxt Doer to the Lit.r•f'}' ,..OiltON~ DEL M~ft Open Evenings Until Christmas !;weet and Juicy T r ~o a ••ey Brand-Large C an 9c C..,ase &. Sanhorn Snow White Heatts 2 'b. can 7c White "oae ·cc.,ccntrated Soup 31c ••sweet Ptckin' " l?c CJ. I I Proctor Wins Art Honors h~tltd.~" ~ '' '' h I hc•11 cl.tu11!hll•• IIHI '"11·1 ,.,,, • \It :trtd \It .. l:llh I J iu 11'11.,1'1 Ill Soli! \f,llllltl Tht• \\'•ll1am \. \l,•c(;.,,, 111 ... ·~!II .\lr• Hnd "'' J,u·k A\.•J,on \\he. THE ENSIGN Pate t \m•rh,,r.\\, lldiHt:t l·l•nd,\\rll••'"''' trt tlw huriK~t '"''' d tll'lll!., tCont tnUf'd on p.1gC' 4• Laguna B ut t ?r:::t'l who has h1s \J,.,, \loll• II• I ;ll•lo">, d.tlJ j.!hl• I "' • 1 I 1 C :t~.n... .!H.: • ;, 111d ,·,.,loti li.dl•·•·• J .. l.uul ",, .. lilolll• l1o1 1 h· J• '' \\ <'t•ko 11of .\)J,, I :tJ.IJ._ '' .tl· Tit· \1;11 I •• •\ ,e:, ,,! " pf.o•J '" •JI•'IHI .t lo•" tit~ Ill f 'iolrt ,'\flllll..: lttllto\\ JilL! ('he I'' O'lll' studt.J •! ~:.2 Goldenrod and l1ves •n ~ ~ c.na del M ar, has again v ~ 1 t·,onors Wt t h h1s paen t tng, 'l•nd111 II• :-;lltrtlld 1\11 ....,,,,,..,J Ill f.11, \lll'o It •' T he' m~· ~ h In l aguna's gal· le r y he v.:>., f irst honorable m ent•on f : r !lne of h•s l ndtan palntt ng~. .\Jt , ('l.tt•·n.. l ttoold "" .. tho I ~II' lJHHm,ut Ojlld llf•t ~011 hn:--11-, .. lcJr tlu .tlllllt.tl ('lllt~tma .. J:~uut.J :-~Jf t • l<•a\·in~ tua St l....t>UJ .. IHt f'l~ ,.f '"' <'""'""do I :\1:11 (;tuhl ~a tur d.,~. Th4•\ hil\t• bt•<·n \bll· Ih•1 lltllll•· "•'' rlt t·ur<tlf-<1 ('h ri,t-1ng Mt '~. Hottman' moth~>e . Mr~. m.t:-''' •· •1nd :Ill 1'1•''''111 ... Wt•et• flo,,al'fl Rotx>rts of Corona d<>l '''"''""~··d ,,,.,,,,., n th .. mc•mt,.-r, ~1ar. !\Ill\ irlt t•d teo!' <'c)ih\1 :-. Ft:tn<:l•• ~a•rl 11 \\ ·r n hot· ~11:-:-E· with lt J.·~ {( ~(''I ll •• ' Mr·, \\ 1-null J: im: f111 1; ~·· \\ I" \\ II ' l I I 111111 I Ill \J I •' . .II '"I ltiHI \It • • A\ I. i : ho •t ·o• f I"' I\\ I I \\. '• ht~l llt:.~' :\ ,, :t tHI hc•J :1 PIP!!I'• (l,nt~ h • · I Pll.l dt \ Tf'('t"fllh l'f'lue·n · ~:, ltip ~tong tit<' "Ill t 1111<' In S11 n • 1\a. and Hrrw. She "inJ;: h:et n ,,. l..:tk<' ~-------------------------------------------- "''Ill up Uw ('fJ<tst ho \\ ••n• J'rtlillg un 11'1\IIIH'<I h~ 11<1111. .itemJ a/,oUt People 1 \lit·l, 'U17 :"\ Bny l•lillllf \\Ill l~t• 1•'<1\· l.\ .thout I·',,IJILill\ I ho•f Jlll,f•.trlll \\ h; Tho ~~~ l'ld1 I.. it 1 1 h<1\ 10:_: cilflllo I d,trl!o 1111 llo •t I lllllt•l I 1 oil l h·• J.,tJ,t '\\ll .. d ("t ollfll \ ('flllt 'I f.nt'o't ,tJ\11 "lol· • ( ;1 '111''111~ \II tf.ttt.flt, I llot\ld II ~1.11 "'II ... , .. II I 'II\ u...:l•t •·t·ott-1 m :\It \Jr L\ rwl \1.11·1,, II ..!..:_ l'tot tl nt••n'h 1111 1 ·l••lld :u •· n tll1111L. l<•intn..: 1 h• lljllt•l 'flit' Ill .. pt nd H'o• , . J.\ 'I 11 ,oJiof ),. I \Ill' Ill_ f I I f4 "· \ ._, "'-tJf \\ 1'1 t~ld ''"' ·' , ... , J J, J, 11 la ... t ll~tll•d•.i \\h• I• I I• .\111 \ Tt oO'Jhol I "''"- t ilt.: th.• <"1ll '''Ill"' :\Jr... L~ 111 l1 h .• d lt"t~~'d '" lu "'''' h··r ltll,h.tlld '" < ·1"''' m,,, '""' c,,,.J.. "'"''' :\lr .\llhut r ;tlm.tn 1.:·1 .Jdrt•· .\\ • B.tllu •. e ),. l.uul · nd Blinn.' \!1 K, ''''' 11 • 1- I h:lll' Ill,,.,,,._ ill I J,.,,, Ill.: ,,,, I h• I ,, 11'1 • 1f I I I I I •I II• 'I \\I I t. I It I l'•'l"til 'I of 1 1t• \ \\t)l lll"lt.ti.J,\ .• lo\ I I o _. ,t.•: 111 'Hill•• l,rtlt 11l • "'' "''·'' '" C 'h,n • · \Ia , F l .. :•llo; \nd•l'-roll 1-~·· I 111;: I • I Ltoll'• 111 ll':tdtn• '' l t•l ,, \1•11 11"111 It• 1 oold•· .. l '"n f:11.\ II ,\ndo 1 '"rl hut tl \\Ill 1,. n• • ''·'' ~ '" '' '"' I~ ( ':qnph1•ll tlw ltrliJI '"""'···· :\It .tnd ~'''· (;,,, H . And• r'"" .nllll•t ut :\In:. AI :\J r._ L.' "' t , 'I'', ... ,, d lht ~l,.li l \\ dl t .. 111 ( '~tt ton,, cl;·l \!at l••t '''" '•·t'll "''''''l.: llwir· Ot•ltl.!hl t1 \\nuld J,. \\It, 11 rho d<t~ "''' k.. ·r ht .\ "til 1-,. ti)0\111).! d0\\11 'fill irt-l.t\\ Ill C11-ltn.tlh o·nnt•-. \\ h• n .. h, :tlltl lwt (rum :-;,,,nlt~r·c1 th••n homt• to1 L'·~··.tt·nld d.tJtt.:'"•'l , .1n rom \It '"''" ',,' th•' ~unn.,~ L~nd t At ,,,,. r .n1o tht·~ "'Il l ., 't I. 1 \ltllt•t .. 11', l'nJ ,tl ''''"'' l~'lnlo tll•nl h Ill J[tlnnlulu \ltn .lnn• :\ltlltl rt'('t OII,\ Ol A\t• L l~land will hP \t 1 tl 1 -, • 1 · : 111 :·'•'n w~ "' <•t •1 • • 11'" t 'uro na dt I :\lar I"H •c,utw H 11101 h••r "-'="='l=lt=l=it=·~~~·~=O=f~t=h=t·~(='=)l=l =i~=·J=m~~~=l1=1=111=t='·~(=l=ll=l=ll1=i=l~d=t'=f=:\==ll=\1=·~~~~~ 111 ,1 ~-lit fi·tiU I1t~ hHl~ ~lrJ. Und~~ ,.. mur11i n~ ..... .. 5 Rolls for $,.00 Ah~· of these Popular Buy Enough Film to Record Your 11olictay in Photographs C~MERAS From $4.89 AB kinds-from sin1ple am ateur models to flash models and home mo\·ie models and projectors. Film R~ntai~-C'hrishnas "1~ial' "The N ight Befor~ Christmas"--8 mm "Pu nch a nd Judy Christm011s"--8 mm . 8 ;»nd 16 ,...,,...,, 16 mm w ith sound • Harbor Photo Lab 117~2 Coast a lvd. Ha,.,or 1!18-W COfltONA DEL MAR :\1 .-.. :'\Ill h..-,.. ",.IJ knt•" 11 111 ( 'ornl1il dt•l ;\la 1· ho'1'itll't nf h1 1 •111\.::IOC tthtltl~ !'\h1• \\ IJI 'In c I ht' ,· .. mtn~.; :'trntl:l\ f ,.t 1 h· < .. rnn\111 •11 , < 'llttr• It ht·t ,. · · Slw .tnd ho·r IHI;.It,tnd no,,, ,.,.,,tl "' (\.-..t.l :\lt• ... :c \It " J. :1 m:t :\1 K lltllm '"' of ;o:; I ; .. ltl<•nto KI ha~ l'lt·•·n t•nlt'rtaanin J;: ht•: '~t•ll anrl d<\ul:!hl<'t -1n-l:m · l\Tl ,;nd :'\I t '· ~lt>l\'111 K u11/man fr·nm 1 ln~ttrio Tht~\ {'amp last ~unda' with theou ·three childr-eon. :\1t."l~ in Jt· .. .lt·t·h~ and BrPnda. Parents Visit Here ~~~. and '.ta·~ S Fo~tE'I of SE>:ll· t It• \\'a~hin~ton. haq• :-trrl\ <'<1 tn :-J't'IHI thP holi<ia~!-and a 1\\o .nnn th~· \<ll'al ion \\llh thf'it' .(111 T l1mm' Fostf'J tlOCl Popp~ AH'. Put tnf;! tht.•ir st.t ~ h<>tro. thf' t>ldet F .... lt>J·-. \\ill ta kf• .111 ap.tatm•'nl I I Watches and Bands Pla<'f' Ord~~ Early . For Eng:ra,·ing \\.ALL A. C E CALDER HEAD 'h•• 'llll!llltl Hlld :llo• Jl\tnJ.: Ill \\'flllllt'l lhl• \\1011'1 :u o h.t\IIIC I •wkr.,J Jl•tll\ •••i II.• l~lt l1 11! 11·,,.., "' ·IIIII :'Ill L \\' J l••tl Bod lto;, 1 ... 1.11HI illt• Jt'il/111111.." too ,II · tf'ncl tht [Mt 1~ .14.11111•, ~IHtht•JI\' hil-l Lll k'IHIJ ( 't~l nl!,l clt•l ~1111 an 1 mplt;~ t'l' l)f tht <'"''" :\1'''" Clo~ ·llt•t'<tlci , '' lll \\lth H pnr•umnc-o('c·i inft'('ltnn thi:. \\f\t'k. :\Jr ·llld '''" J P . Jngt·am .Jl9 PtJftiJ~ A\C• <tl c• srwnc1ing thC'jt <'htl ... tma' holtrl:t~ tn a quwt rn<IIIIWI Tht>~ £•n tu) t h(·~ Ch1 t~t . rr .t.. .t111 nt• a nrf \11 '· Ct'i,. )!t' Bt O\\ n . :!i)~)j l'..Hit•n Sl. \\Ill ~lli't'ld C'hl't~t­ m.t' \\tth_. \Ja. H•o"'''' htothc• and l .lltlll~ \J1 ~•nd \1t s. J. S. Bl U\\ n 111 Sa Janas. !\lr ~ I'"'''!-Pll'hl. 5~ Goldeon- rnd. t•ntt•r·tullwd tho• Stut Bright Chth <tl ht•t hunw r·•·t'f'nth Till' <tltt·t 11uon <·un~t'-1<'<1 of ::t de-. ... 1'11 lunl'hPun. ufl<•e· whkh gift~ "••e·t• ('\.t'hRn~<·<i tw· " t><'n>t pal~." Tho... 111 '''''111 "PI f' :\tt>sdam~ &• ... ,w Bt•rwdwt. &• ...... tt· Ma<" Gi ni- IJP ::"\ont ~laP Batt>' E-.~tt• Kytt'. Elt,1 :\hh' C(tflman .\lnuct \\'ave' \'11·.:•11•a Tumt•.c Floren<'t> Anct('r- '"n Junmh· Ztm n•••·ma11 anrt th<.' """'' ,, Pur e ... f >whl _,. • W~FIUS • HAMBURGERS • FISH ancl CHIPS COFFEE CONNOISSEURS . GET YOUR MUG ON OUR RACK JOIN THE JAVA CLUB NOW : 307 MARINE AVE. BALBOA ISLAND • Con1pl~tt' lin~ of no\'flltY T:n·f'ro cand~~ and taJ~rs. · .. • Xmas omanlf"llt~ and t~~ dt"C-orations. • • • • • Lar~ assortn1~1tt of Xrna~ <':ird, • boxf"d and ~inJt~. X1na~ uott' llaJ~r . La rg~ St'leo<-tion of Hub I~~-scal.- nlod~l rnf'ta I to~·~. VARIETY STORE 603 Coast Hh,·ay Corona del Mar J \ to Coast Gridders Di~k ~nodgra~· \dll em~ the•P/ay at Laguna IP·~~~~SOAY. [)e~E1&~N1~N e' el\lng s prograr.-'' ttrt h will Meml ~.,o f the Ass..>ciated Men,~is\:~nt pre.ident ot the Lo An· t'Ot' ist of song-t>:-the college "The Hea,·enly l:.xpr-ess." under 9 p.m. Studf.ih!' of O..ange Coast College gelt>s Rnm · pro tootbatl team. · quartet. a monolo~ue b~ Waller the dh-ection ot Jack Harrls. Is Otange Coa:-1 College>'~ potent "ill hol<i their first annual foot -Honore<l guests \\Ill include of-Prill. football films. the ele<"llon t·unnlng at the :.Aguna Beach P_lratP basl(ethallers. ~~:~l~g· ,~ ball banquet at 6 :00 p. m .. Thurs· ficers of Laguna Beach. :'\ew-of this year· football team cap-PlayhoU;,Se nightly at e:'Y.> p.m. ''on 3. lost 1 recent to • ra day. Dt-<·. 16. 1948. in \he college lJ<>Il Beach. Co ta Mesa. Hunting-tain. and spe('Ches b' Cravatt-from December 15 tlll'Ough 19. eltJ to Ontat io Wed n~s::tay aft· cafeteria. Guest s~akers will ~ 1 ton Beach. Seal Beach. \\'est min-Sch' le d Ot·an. e Cao t' 'I with a Saturday matinee at 2:30 1err,oon to meet Maket-sfteld jay· Jeff Ct dvath. hcad fooli>all roact:1stet-. and 1\tid\\ay <.:tty sen ·lce ISS r. an g 5 p.m .. on DE-cember 18. The box see. in the first round of ~haf· at USC. and Paul Schissler. as-, clubs. ,. head football coach. R3y Rosso. office is OPE'n from 11 :30 a.m. to fey s ln"·itntlonal tournament. ---0-c...-... o-s ·---...,._.. c.- unn t.-. c. OIICU •tD'S a•-. .. ._~s.-. ra ~ a..-.c- STA __. , ........... rooo I ·~· Q.OI c-. rooD m-.AK&TS .._DGI\-.GCOSJA Store Rous 9 A.. II. te I P. 11.--s-ap, I A. IL te 6 P. M. -=n• .._ .. O&a"M- I.a.C:. Free Parldac • (Cor:tinued rrom P a ,~ l t ''ail not t or man~ ~p;u .. cin I until ThtN> thilttaen in tht-11 11\e .. hoth lf<l(h('(i thP H <lt h~>t' an·a dt3\\ t hf• lntE'"n'U." lnt('f'PSI of tl•(• heal' thai ttw~ mel ann maniro l~l't'd~. \'irJ(ima )J;te ~h"('lf-.xl . • , hou~h Bill ~) ~ a dwd' lhack '' ho lh •· · m Ph(Jen1:x. Ari.t L-. 1 tw shO\\ tl.al th<•ir p :n:1 .. ''<'J'<' w mothE"t of a thrt"l'-month.,~ld ul"ar !'tJ man~ tame.·~ that n i5 a bab) oo~· "hkh putB thf' R('l(>od wonfler "\H' didn't siPJJ on -..ach in the gntndparenl etas~. a sut - oah-..r'l-trJE•!-." They ti~(' an E'\·e-v~ to most people. for nE-itht-1 nlng out upon OC'C'3Sion <·h~lng gt<~ndl:nhet nm grancimothc.•t eithf:'r dRnc-ing or :~ mO\ 1-.. tot· di-look old <'Of)Ugh fvt such hunt"::- '<'I ~ ion . 1 l>ot"'t h~ Hawker. a n o t h f' 1· T he P.eedJ started thear local daught('J' li\ ~ m Ct) ta ~t ... a. Svn bu in~ .al'.t June 1. and both aa'f' Ch.aJ'l-.., L Rf'\ello 1-. a m<~the-1 pt<•ao..ed '' ith the aC'C'eplanCt> and matical tude-nt a t L'haUc.·~ Jun· gt·owth ' hich th -.. ent-..rprlse has h t <:ull<'~f> in Orttanu l 'aht a nd l'n io~ <'<I in Corona del Mar. Their last fall "as a u •j;tulaa on t hc.- 11\ anJ! f•uarter· ar·c in the rear junaor 'ar sit~ tf'am Thi!-ma~ <H'- of thell modem tore buildmg oft' t'Ount fu1 sum., o f Ht ll !--.t\ 1d tn- l'oal'\ l lighwa~. ahd both of tlwm tt'r<''-~1 an f04"•1tki ll. hut' h•· ("11'1- al(' at·l l\• in all of tlw hu~in~ fc.M~~ tha1 a n,.,,. lt•h•\1-..tc.n _., adair. "hh.h lw an<' hao.. "it~-''" n 1 .. Nen·G r a y Grandparents duing mm:h to K C'\")1 ha .... app<'lllf• Ha l! ~A '-fitted quickl~ into fot ~~ itfiH•n !loan~ ... in ,, "lu l'f>f1 eornm1•1 ,1, tiff' hf>IV. ~t>ither· h e -.t.-.tt• IWI hb ,. i ff:' ha\E• mL"-.<;('\1 a ~ingl£> Ri~hl nm' 1 hf' f{('(•d .. ;u l' tw:ut tn('(>tin:' of tht> a .. oci:ltion to o\·er h('f>t ... in the au h u f t 'hlist- " hkh 'h··~ look fot· ~tt'ad~ im· fJI'O\ t>rr.Pnt or rommelt·ta l affaar tn tht-is 1\t'\\ homc:-to\\n. The~ '"'' ('u n. -n1ttee \\Orkent anrl ne\£>1' tail to r f'll\ t'r what l$ ask<'d . Don't Want Girls A group of young men, ages 12 to 1S. are learning how to b e s mooth dancers. They h ave de- cided t o be excluseve. These young men pref er to keep et to themselves and ac- cordtng to M r. Farrar. "don't \var:t o •rls". rna husantt:-~ at th(•IJ ''""' \n, ... t With th(' Ol~ht \.\IHk \\hldl t '\P nin~ "hoppin~ <'ntall" rtua in~ 1 th~ lallot da'" hE'J o t't· th•· "'"'" c!a~. Bitt and. \·ia·~inta Ht't'ff at('l lookin~ [or\\ard 10 -.omt· fu: uf-doot·, a ..... t)(,Jl <~ ... thE'~ \ 111 .\ ... HI I JIUIS It "_.\, !o-Uilll .... J I g£>1 a hsf'al.. J '"" ~· out '"'hi th;1l nt'\\ .tuuht•·-harrd-.'<1 l-hOIJ!Un I 1111\\ '''"· .uut h.l\t' '"-'''-'1 ~hot II\ IIH.: '" 11 •. .:, •• lll' '"' ...... h. , .. ,. I onlt·" Mike Junkins New Resident of CDM :\t •\\p .. • ,,.,j.J,•nt in t'ur••na d• I .\J,1 1 , .. \Jh fl;H·! .'u 1kllh 4 _ ', ,, • 1 1•(• ,., ut•c\ ~t~oc.: :..:_ .. · ol r"' mP'1 n~.11 \\"httt"wnh 1 ln~t Frida' l b~ .tn ;.tgf>,t aatlui1 ll' \il·tlm \\h • took ht ... o\\ n li f£> h•)l•h acidJtH>n· a t mt>anin~.: fot man~ a-e idt>nt~ u• ("(jJ on<~ rlt I :'\I at. for Om!' of th 1\kl im:-l\1m w~ A Reiglt> ,,a .. \\t:'lt k 1 c,,,n thaough ~e-ar. u f r, .... id<>nc•· rn 1 hto.. rom~unit~ I • H••t.:lt• ""' o..hot t hJ'(IU!!h 1l• Cht-:-1 II, Ll d1 'll I t 1 i ,!(·d~ I h-1' ~he1111 ' tit-put w~ fl t.ut Pd "a~ 1 h• I rl'l"Ult .. t ,, .. uddt>• fl<> n~t':lr · in tlh n rnd uf ";"11-~ 11'-l•' 1 Ht•r 1 r 1 • (II I I Ill I t•,! \\ .,.. '•: I .. R t' .:. ~ '''h'• "·' o..udrtPnh .tttrtd •·i '' ;• Ia h tfl'l •. c.·r ~~~ Tuiton. T' , ... h,Jo·- Jr _ ... rr. In\• r•rl tH I , .... II t ' ! •m . ~ n anm tt , 1 M u1 1 a~ P.••:...: t 1 1 l' k n • rr •• - .;r.1l1Hl~ lnc·all.' ll \PJ fo: ~t''•• '·' ~ e<tt .. t'l 1 lw :no hi ... '-c•f 1 h · •- 1 t 1 nt ...-1 • ~ ·,,, (lna (lt•l :'\l.t: H·• \\ d- iln t 'i•f>t l !!CJrdt>t1 r "nd aC'C\ rd· 10;.. 'tt mnn~ nf h t .. f lt'Od' ht•H OLD rT. SANTA! And he did-long enough for the ~mera \o cateh thts p icture and then some. ~or ttu s Santa •• perched untel Chrtstmoas ~top Boll'• Auto Stlpply Store at 2 15 Co~st H •gh~a~. H e 15 a stf'Ong contender. along w ith the excellent store w •nttow below htm. for honors '" the competttton conducttd ~lon g the Orange coast. '" wht.eh w 1ll h~ a w a rried ma cor tropht~~ for , hest store front. 2. best ftghted commun it y, 'l. hest st"''"e ""''"' ~ reltgtous , mot tf. ~-best com muntty ouh•de tret d •spla~ and outstand•ng Chnstmas featur~ P hoto b~ How~rd F cls:>m . 1"1 • II llo \':c•\\tl L'l'~ 1.• l,:..:lt· \\,1 ... '"' Ill ·h· r J I' fi "" ..... u , il 'f •f1 T h··\ IJ,, Itt. •·~· ,:.n ..:It'• I "' ~l ..t.· \It l.•·d lll •11• !'()" •fi ll F lur •" t · .\'"'t •r .... •n \\ ...... , . .,,,m,, ... l t·~ ~~.. •1.1 .. 1nan.t:> .. lll\'f> tht>r· 1nd 11,, .... 11 £1 .. · rlln~· .... '-tl\lto' ... l' &lht>cl u .. '"' T hua .. r1,t~ \lu11 ·~ Rt•IJ! •' '' lw hut u-d •w::1 Hakt·t ·liP ·1 Rockhounds Witt Hear Talk on Brazi l l'hP I • • ., l .. ·a ·~ ··••'tr: ~· «•i • • r- T he o roup meets e' ery SOJt· urday morntng to have a d ance sesstor w•th Chet Farrar. dance tnst.ructor at the .1\rthur Mur - ray School of Dance. T hey are learning t o do the M ode rn. B al- boa. Ntw Yorker and bas•c ball room cra nctng. PTA Meet Slated Before Stage Play Troop. 17 L' .. S Plan w· ter c T • . .. ,~·· \ ....... ~~~--t ,t :P d L .\II"H lt•t ,., "'" t.l·h,•t \Ill·· au IR amp rip I ",\ .~·.·~.'.',,;·. ~'d. t;!.:~~ l:l; ~';;~,·-~ o tl a !n •It''' """' 11f F r;tn\ , n! \!! IJI 1'1 .I II :1 1:-\\It" II\,. ill ~~­ !-t" 1Jl1• •' \!1 ltiflhl'\"' I' I\\ 1lt'l of I • • ·:" \:1 tl,ll"fl.• Ill t • I o• Th<> P.-.r f'nt Teat:ht•t :-Asso...·ia l'i<••l c1f Xt ... \ pot I (;t•3dl "itt holli a s(>('CiaJ mretin g tonicht in plaet> o t -the rf'gular mN'tin): o n Ot>c. U . Ttw ..-.~tang \\ill lx> hr•ld in th<' Ht~rbor Hich auditudum r\ ~hort mt't'tint: t!-plannt'CI. T ht• mf'm- t"l<•l ' '' il• 'c)t<' on a l'han,:t• nf h\- 1.1\\!-. . Hostr.._ .. ,.~ fut tlw t>\t>lltn~ "Ill I')( mniiH 1:-nf JllllltH ~t urlt•nt.... .-\flc•e .t !-htll'l mt•t>l tng l h<' n .t•mtx·,.. \\ill adjuunl 11 1 ordf>t :11 Cll lf•Ot lhf' n,orkt ll cl t.ln1 I ',\ l 'l,ilrl ic. Hntn · \\tillt'n h\ l~~·rwt :-~·)~o lot Ill .. 111\\ hunlt' l.bl "' ,, 11••· I"• _ , •. It· Tt•lf•; 1: ,.; lw .... ,., •• _ ,. , 1 • 1 ''1 "' \1 II• ·tur~. -;-~~ 1 ~ . • t !ld hi-. II' .. 1 \'.t'(•k••nd ht•l• i ·h J;.,, ~'"-'• .. ,., .. · \\',•\• Jt • .. d,n b• .·•'f• .·r· , .. ·, .1 •• 1 1; t 11ll1 'I'. I \It'"' :-pt ·,ti •'I l 111 tht •'\ ~o.•r.t'i..: hun 111 "" ·•.tt p lant• lldt• \\lth .. :--P11 ' "·'' l•t~·•·:~!lh·•' h~ ,, • '" 1 · •l' ·i ··11• 1•1.,, '' .,1 '''! t,. J, d, 1; ~l lv'&~. prl''- l.dht•t .... "'" ...... liTh ,,, ... ··-J;, " Ill ftl:''.h'\\ dL.tl'1,.:: \\ht..-ll h .. l l \11~ .I \\ll•'f'l l.tmp l it~· rn• d.~:11 t•T ti t i...':lltl. Ft•;i lJf \hl''f- '''p('<1111fd1 I·''' Ill•· hill ... llll $.J:l-~t-\t>'~ I Hit-\\cc'tt .to\aJH."t'tl 1n tht '""-' da\ .. at t.'nmp Rt•-Kt-Ll .. t lo~l\."3 $o(-tt>l h'~. Inc. Ht .. H rJh da~. • t.ll-. and .·'''·llllt•.1 m tlll b.J.d~e~. l \l l'~ ... ,., tm tht oUtll\# an.• llN \\ill t'H.• \.'o llt'\.'ltnr-~t il rats 11 Tho~·· 3 fh .tn<'tn-! an tank \\f't ~.To and_ \..'ost tlf ttili wmte1 Braz.il' \x-t'au.t' o1 hi t'"E:'C'ent tr ij1 Window Scene IR onCl\d J.wk_~n. :.?d Clan;: Ted cam~· \\Ill ~ ='.:iO P'P•· bo~ •• or 1 b~ 3it· fo1 collecting 1n Braz.at-nu "lop. 2d (. la.' and Ahn LP\\ t!-kar'Pt 11 '' .t~ :mnounC't"<. ot ht-t· , Ui h Amer:C'aol <:ountrlt':- 1 "'i Cia!-~ .\ 11 >< p l'nlu·t Cit norN "it h (")(It ThP !-CX'It:>l: t E'pot1.. t h 'l t rr. ..>~ .\ h<l nd-pamtC'd \dndo\\ d pll l·j ~lt·ril hihf;.!t> \\tnn~b \\t't~ l)on lud .. ~uppt•t ''·a~ .:tJ"t>1 u~ h~ nf th<' ma<'hm<>t~ ha:-. a ltl\€'1 nnd in~ the Rttthlt'ht>m seen£> of Bah-Ltngl-.. piont·t•rin;.: a nd Alan lw '('nUint.t~·er T•ll t hf" fir"' os , .. n<w twmg '-t'l up f 1.1' th• ~··:­ lical tilnf'~ Lo.. .tltrat'ltng muC'h In I I.A'\\t~ c.-ar,l('nlt~ • .nfl \\<X'<I v,,,,_ '('\lind \\''lill£'!'><1.1\ mch1 .. , lhr n.tlt:H: and lapit.:l' c.·a~ ... at h· <·~I a rwn 1 inn 1 o 1 h<> pon·h wi ncin\\ In~ llt'" 'l a • ', .. 1 '_ ~d1\Mll I' t <.li,t :: •• 1 tlw ht,mf' of Tom Runkh~. h1 2 .\fte1 t lw ht•aatl \\,•:-lt .u~h··l -.\ S.l""ll' '' P.ama f., ~••lt' 1 • '' ,., ••..:t• J>cun~t t s .. t. Tht' '' inc10\\ i~ liJ!ht<'d --- :11 ntf:!hl am1 pa!-S<'t h~ att• nntang , 111 111<'1 ,•.~o..in~ nu m~r ~ t lw hi-intit- ""11.. \\hll'h Runklt• put on hi.;; "'''tl"" 1:-~-.1 ~und:l\ :-~tr.-Jnoon When You Want ~tO See Yourself You LOOk In Your Mirror • \\·h~n Y ()\I \\·ant to Kno\\ About Corona del Mar Balboa Island • Read the ENSIGN- • The only ne\\·spaJ~r i)1 the v;orld wi th con1pletc ' co,·erage of these t\\'O communities. Local ne,\·s. local pictures. bla nket distribution-2400 n1ake the ENSIGN a local "must .. 'Ale ENSIGN Harbor 7 I . ;..; ~ ~, , ... For }'ottr Cl1rist111as All You r Favorite Brands - 's Delivery Service 1'! ~oon nnd 6:00 P .. I. -«r; ':: Coast Hi~h\\·ay Phon~ 199-l-J Corona d~l • • • • . 1,000 GIFT ITEMS TO MA~E THIS THE BEST CH ISTMAS OF ALL FOR . YOU FAMILY ICYCLES, TRICYCCE D~l BUGGIES . SPO TING GOODS W GONS * ' I: • CTO S CHI~D'S DISHES scoo s • • ' AND FIREPROOF DEcOR. TIONS I · Meactquarters fOr All Ike Neeils I Special Prices on New Models FOR ME & OYS L!L & • FI~I'IIMG T~CK~E . D ANY PtJRCH A Sf CAN BE . CALLED POR UNTIL' P. M. CHRISTMAS EVE HAVE YOU SEEN BILL'S UNIQUE WINDOW DlSPLA'(? - your Dealer •