HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-12-30 - Newport Harbor Ensign..;
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• For Corona del Mar
• For Balbc).a blali(l
Installation of officers Will
principal item of buslnesa at the
forthcomtne meeung or the Qo.
rona del Mar Busmess Aaloda·
Uon. New president John. Sad.lelr,
local r~altor, wlll take over the
relns !rom retiring president
Richard Barcelo on Jan. 12.
According to Barcelo, members
(Continued on Page 2) ----
Stores Close but
You Can Still Eat
Another Important weekend
Is approaching. All stores In
Corona del Mu and Balboa
Island will be closed all day
Saturday and Sunday In ob·
servance of New Year's Day.
Restaurants, however, will
remain open, generally apeak·
lng. Therefore, all those who
are caught short of food sup.
plies fo r the long weekend can
"eat out."
Penonality .
of the
VOICE& ftAiaED-Ten ltttle
moutha form the same phrase
of -.uent Night". These chit·
dren, members of the Cherub
Choir, were musical features of
two comtuunlty parties. one
Mid on ..,boa latand a w.etc
ago Tu..,ay nlgnt, and the
other pr.,.nted for the children
of Corona del Mar In front of
the Chrfftmas anrlne last
Thureday evening. The choir
was f,9rmect and directed by
Ma,..aret Farnham, ~ Fern·
Choir kiddie• from left to
right are, front row: Nell Lelt·
hold, &ally Inman, Kathy Stur·
devant, Begay Burnham, J im·
my Lewis. Back row: Pinky
Fisher, Sandra Godwin, Ma rcia
Richter, Diana Fisher, Judith
VOL. 1, NUMaER 20
Monday momlng WfiJ be the
day Corona del Mar ,eta Its f.lnt
mail MUvery. 1bOile WhO dO Bot
as yet hav~ mall boxes pJ.Aeed Will
be the Jown.. according to PWt
Master Ross ICing. 1'hey Will tiiO
bf· the caUJe of compUcatJoniL
Ross lOng, poStmut~. ape._.
th hope that the eban~ from
gen~ral ~ll~· to city ill!lftee
wlll not Involve any comp~~ca.
tions. u ~~'On~ sees to It man
boxes are correctly pla.Oed the
change should be easy tor an
co~med. he states.
ThE're will be ~ foot car·
rlera. Harold ·swan.on, who Ia
~lng transferred f.rom Gary, ID-
dlana. Leo Fuller and his 80ft
Barry Fuller.
Th carriers wfil ma.ke two
deliveries e"\~ry day, and lt wW
no longer be necessary to stand
In Une at the general dellveey
\\indow as hundreds have been
doing these past few months.
Due to thE' fact Corona drl Mar
has no hills. this foot eervioe Js
entirely possible, whereas tn 80tne
JocalitJes only automobile eervice
is feasible.
Regulations go,·enung th~ plac-
ing of mail boxes are available
at either window at the post of-
fi ce.
A flurry of ~xcitement wu
ca~ Monday afternoon wbeft
mall Na\-y tar~ dro~ C!'Uh· ee on the slope 300 yards off the
ea t end of Marigold Ave.
The radio rontrolled craft 'WeJrt
out of control of a parent plane
"hich was patrolling near thk
~-o f'nl: ted men from the
U~hter Than Air Station ill SII:D-
ta :Ana m rlf!Wd the ~ u
3:05 p.m.. baded it aboilnl a jeep
and returrl-d it to tbelr bue.
Of ~II fit
An increase of 52 ill t:be
number ol reai5terec:t voten In the
City of l'\ ewport Beach in the
la~t four )ears is indicated by tile
final figu1-e gl\en ,out by County
Cl~rk B. J . Smith.
ln 1944 total registration wu
~1\"E'n at 4639. while the total retr·
ico:tration for the last efection wu
Rotary Club aponeored the
Island affair. In COM, the Bul l·
nea Aaoclatlon staged the
Christmas festivity. Col. Blake of Corona del Mar
took a trip Christmas day. He
\\ent oy bus to San Di~~o where
he spent th~ holida~ with an old
friend in that city.
Walter Spicer. son of Mr. and 7080.
Mr . Walter Spicer. is home from Out of this total only 5598 V'Oib!ld
at the election, 152 ballots weft
At right aanta holds Diane
Sperry of 110 MargerJte Ave.
8oth photos by Howard Fol·
the University of· California .
Mr. &nd Mrs. Spicer li\'e
Harbor Island.
on sent in by absentees, making a
total of 5588 votes cast or 18~
out of the 7 registered. ,, ~I t
ye~s t s
A definite announeement tbiiat
(Aa a special future each
week, the Ensign wll turn the
81)0tlfght of community atten-
tion on one Individual whOM
activity fn th.e community 11
newaworthy and who ehould be
lmown to the family of Ensign
Lillian Fox Angeles public school system. ls ers wtsh to stress the fact that there will be a Tourna.ment of
Harbor Community p 1 ayers past president of the H arbo r the general public is rordially in· Ughts held at Newport·Balboa 1n
have fe""tm out eome extraor-Comm4.Jlily Players. and a mem· "1ted to attend the play. "The 1949 has just been made by 1. S.c.,..__
dtnarily talentm local residents ber of the temporary board of Late Christopher Bean". Since Barrett. head of the Tournament
"Anthony". of Anthony's Shoe for the cut of "The Late Chris· directors of the Newport Harbor attendance at the performances ls of Ughts Asaociation for the put
Repair Shop, ls proud of the fact topher Bean" which wtU be pre-7heatre project. limited to members of the Play· two years.
that when he started his Corona sented at Goodell Halt on the In the role of e harassed Dr. ers' organization only. the group ------
del Mar business venture hls evenings of January 7, 8, 14, and Haggett wilt be Vernon Archam· is issuing a special quarterly
frl~nds told hJm he would go 15 at 8:30p.m. The production, at beault of Long Beach. He 1s a membership at one dollar. Any-
broke In a month. the present stage of rehearsals, veteran of many JlUe theatre pro· one who wishes to Join the group
He hasn't gone broke, as his gives promlee of topping the ductlons. both in Long Beach and and see the play may do so by
h ost of patrons testify, but he Is Players' well·reoefved October il" South Bend, Indiana. where he calling HarboP 2-kq(}-\V. Member·
·doing an excellent business and offering, "Petticoat ~... The was president of The Playmakers ships will also be ~vallable at the
fa carrying on In his father's toot· play, as amusJ.na u ttl predeces-for three years. door on the everungs of presen-
ateps. That is why he calls his eor, has more substance. It sue. Two others prominent In the tation.
place "Anthony's". "I think I owe eesstully tnterm.ixes a aoupcon of cast are Thomas Gilmore. record·
that much to my father, to carry pathos with tta humor. And Its er at Orange Coast College, and V
on hls name!' characters are true to llfe and Dennie Andrews of Corona del 111
Anthony. whose actual name is well drawn. Mar. Andrews once played pro-
Larry Anthony Modica, comes Neva Oakden, co-owner with fessionally wit h Julia Marlowe
from San Francisco. Until the her husband of a Balboa deaning and E .. H . Sothern in Shakespear·
war he didn't know any place establishment, gl'Yf!l a realistic ean drama. He is a writer in his
but San Francl ro and hJs tath· portrayal of the leacUng charac· spare time. Dale Hertwtck and Steve Clary
er's shoe shop. From the age of 9 ter, Abby, the family maid of all Offer Memberships were the lucl<:y winners of two
M worked with hJs rather, and it work. This Wt.ll be her tint ap-The cast also Includes Fredah electric trains given away last
was therefore a ramUy dlaap-pea.ranee befOre Newport play-Bates, Perdita Horn. Meredith A. Friday b)· Hampton's Drug store
pointment when young Anthony goen. Harwood, and Stanton Fox, with in Corona del Mar. In the girls'
decided to open up h is shop tn u .. Veteran Gertrude Horn. June Fanar, Pat division of the contest. Sandra
Corona del Mar Instead of carry. Edythe UpPIDCott BarD8 of Palmer, and Ro f'r Gordon as al· B~ r and Kim Kuster each ~'On
tng on for his father in the Gold· Lldo llle promlaiel to m!Mdle the ternates for the parts. Th peo-a large dOn. ·
en Gate city. aucUeftc!e with lwl' port:rUal of ple have all been active ln the The prizes were part of 24
-Hll mother · <Heel at birth. and Mn. 84)1«'1. V• auoat .slllje put 1n Uttle theatre and IChool atven to chlldren of the commu· IDr a1111 ,.n tie ,... n11111 Fstna Willie ) ... • ~ lin. ~ , nltY m a YOtll eontelt ~
(OIItlliiM • I) I* TM HarbOr ~ Plq. "'till *"* ..-..
Rain, Hail Maie
ADamp~ l h6
orphan. At tll&t mne h .. father
took him Into his .t\Op. From that Deft't lOOk .ww, taut tiM NeW-
-~~----:-~~__.---:-----__.;~-~---------time to thll he tab IMriaed ~ ~-.... PMt. • 8Mppl"-a.nta _.. wr-to the aoutltlaftid la.t week-end, ~ringing It art of rebullcfli'IK and ltyltng ....,, '
lftCtMe of d ... f"Uety needed Nln to eftd one of ttte most oritloal dry shoes. U.rowaway Whtoh •.rted In
....... In hltltory ••• TM ralM d,_ched Cof"'n& del Mar and 8alboa In San Frandaeo An~ bUilt U.le aru last April aa the
, .. and, but the water rvn·.rf en the leland caueed eome real traffic and styled a.hoes .ror L llagillft 1.._-lne Newa. may be ·aold
diMouttles 8Uftday night. More ttta.n one atreet wat curb-to-curb and Ranatnhoff as well u all the wtt«in a week to, ft le runtor--
fufl. · d~partment store. In san Fran· ed, the new owners ef the
A. though to punctuate the weather changes Monday morning, A cisco. He Jmoww the problema en-News·Titnea. As sat• •• T1\urs-
11'1ort irt.onn startled everyone because ot the UChtnlng thunder and tailed ln bulletin& C\Utom made , shoes and hu .tounc1 a ftne JDA.l' evenlnl everybody wu
hall. Started about 10:10 and kept up for 20 minutes. Looks very kct for hl4 craft In tbla a..reL It but Kerwin Hae·
peeuliar to see hall ln the southern towns. Inddentally, the hall fall In 1931 he ~ tbe Plat-
was the second in Jess than a week-Friday afternoon there was a form shoe and wu laughed at partner with Ka.rt Vene-
spitting of the stuff. much to the delight of the kids, who were Quick Delmans. HoW'f!Vfl', In 19.15 In the 8ay Post; He aa.ld
to get out in it. f~l it, e~n taste it! Many of them said lt was the ptaUorm took hold of ~~ he would have the answer In a fiM~~~~ ~~~Q~b~~~~------~~~~-~~~-~~~------~ fiX FfiUre8 Talk rather sm~g about the fact that
Oualie Priest. Newport Beach dty clerk. who says he wiD help he can foresee style. ln. footwear.
lead t.he flght against adoption of the city charter came up o\'er the He. is pa.rt.JcularJy lnteretrttft lD ' rle Jgning shoes---«) much .o that week~ with !*" bit of information about tax matters whi<.f\ makes h~ wife has about 2S pain of
interesting readmg. fine examples of his handlwork
According to ffgurea whfch Charlie hat available., Newport and imagination. ,
Serving EntiN Ha,..._ ~
Beach property tax rate Ia In the lower third range of cities of com-Anthony has a UniQ\Ie and pop-
parable size. And thla city hu the lowat comparative tax rate of ular Corona del Mar contest he
the beach citlet in lb population claaalfl~tlon, "which Ia no small has run in the past called the ~~~~~~a~~~~etaN~m~~lymoreex~m~ ·~nd~&~~~·\~~h~~------------------------~
than Inland communltla." Newport'• .1.37 Ia topped by Ventura., he works it.
With t,2.757 Oxn..-d Hermosa Oceantlde Manhattan Beach and ~e makes a ~rr of ortglnally
• ' # • destgne1 shoes and gives them
ftedondo. All of thla hu been made poulble In part by the recent away to the person wnose toot Is
15 per cent reduction 1n the local rate. But that reduction wHI be the "perfect fit. He ts, at present,
more than made up for by the <>tty'• ules tax. \'v-orld.ng on the patr or sl'toes that Many <Jooks will occasion the next contest
())rona del Mar's Christmas shrine copped second prize in coast and will announce the date in the
competition for the best decoration with a religious motif. Hunting-ne~r futu~-1 M Is . rt1 1 1
ton Beach took first. The successful showing by the local 5hrine is d£>U~~~~I ~~ An~onypa beca~r ~
underlaid by a long tale of heartening cooperation between individuals he savs "People are very sociable an~ townsfolk who did most of the work for love/and for Oni.stmas here. ·They want good thlngs and
()ash & Carry Pick-Up a Delivery
Phone ..• Beacon 5'198-1
enJOyment. are ,..,iJling to pay tor them." ~re~ro~~o~~=~~Mcllottfurni~~~~ntN Ant~nyispro~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~3~~~~
help. Harold BendJct painted the Ouistmas signs. Ellis Bros. nursery and it is obvious that it. ls not
die! the landscaping. Gene's Restaurant donatro the land whc-rc th<' merely a livelihood. He is In·
shrlne stands. Lee Bean furnished painters. J . \V. Bruner donated tensely lnterestea rn bulld.lng
the paint. Rex and Joan Brandt designed and painted. AI Clemence s~oes. His lather at one time was h~lpcd on constructlon and erecting the two beautiful trees which \\?lh Barnum and Bailey as the . btggest "one man band," but aa fl~nk tnt-structure .. S .. w. Black.be~ fu~ished th_e winng. Larry Anthon y s.lys ... my father could·
0 Gara helped; so did Bill Reed, Moruca ~m.Jth, Virgtnia Reed. K enny n·t stay away trom bulldlng
Brandt-well, you can see how lolli the list is. There are more. ~hoes, and neither can I ."
People: Bill Tumer la newly elected preafdent of OCC student During the war he Joined the
body. He works part time at the COM Howard and Standley Navy, although it took an opera-
Union Ofl Station .•. Morrie Enderle, county tax aaeuor, has a lot tion to make it possible, and
of questions to anewer ae aoon ae the hunting eeason Ia opened . . . Dgainst his father'a wishes. But
Nancy Kearney Catderttead, wife of Wallace Calderhead, toeal Jew-jt was a good move because had
eler ia the great grandda.ughter of General Stephen W. Kearney he not joined the Navy and been ' ' slatloned in North lsland, San first mrtltuy governor of California. The Calderheads live at 712 Diego, he would never hav~ found
lrfa. Been in COM for two yeare ..• William Kimes reports that Corona del Mar and h~ loves it
OCC will have a darkroom for collegiate photographers ... Connie here. He wouldn't go back to San
Shook. 8alboa faland, was in charge of Ute checkroom for the Coast Francisco for anything, he says.
CoUege Hwfnter wonderla.nd" dance tut Sat-urdav ..• Ted Lehman Anthony has two brothers. One
of COM Ia new director of photogra.phy for "The Log," Coast Col-i!; a Lieutenant in the Navy and
1898 yearbook . . . Harold Davia won't be back at his Job in the one is in the M~nes. His !ather
Marine Laboratory until Jan. !. Same with Wllev Cochran. owner ~cu: ~ntly ret~~ .from the or-
of the Tot and Teen attoe .tore on Coast Highway. 1~PnaJ ~thony s ln San Fran-ctsro. which makes o! th.is local RubberiZed Audience shop the only "Anthony's" on the
Mr. Otarles Dilllan. movie producer from Australia. stopped in coast.
at the Crown of the Sea Restaurant ln Corona del 1\tar rt'Cently. He and his wire nave recently
Mr. Dlllian has been ln this CO\.Intry raising monC'y to produce mov~ into tbelr home on 327
four more picture-s. He said his quest was suetts~ful. He will be 1\t.a('Jgold. The shop has ~n to-
returning to his homeland soon. cated at 332 Martg()l<! tor six
Charles DUllan is the producer of the much-talked-of picture, mosntthsrdnow.S d d M d "Ov 1 d .. . . ..Ll h h . ed 11 a u ay, un ay an on ay er an ers. wmc as t'e<:tlV exce ent reviews throughout the he will be closed fOr the purpose
United St4tes. of setting up his new shoe shine
Hav~ you noted the number of sidewalk engin('{'rs it tak(;'s on equipment. He has working with
Coast Highway to get tbe roof on the new theater? You {'an't blame him Harry Jasper, who he 11
them. however; putting those big trusses in place is interesting. training. "Not as simple as tt ,--------------------------,.looks. either," says Ha.n:y.
Complete 7-Coune Dinner ..
Tomato Juice Fruit Cup Shrimp Cocktail
OUcken Mushroom Soup
Chef's Mixed Green Salad
(Oloice ot Dressing)
Tartar Sauce
Buttered Mushrooms
Buttered Mushrooms
Shrim1), Scallops, Abalone
Hot Bis<Juits Fresh Uma Beans \Vhlpped Potatoe
Choice of Desserts Beverage
l!iiliill--Complete CbDdren's DOmer $1.00
Anthony has made many
staunch friends in Corona del
Mar and has become pa.t;1icularly
popular with children. '!bey love
his famous cat, named ~mokey, ..
and get along just fine with Smo-
key's boss.
( Omtlnued f'rilln PICe 1)
of the association wtll be notlfted
ln a few days of the meett.na
be held at the Crown or the Sea
P..estaurant, Coast fllChway, Co-
rona del Mar. Plans call for a
dinner meeting ·o wntch all mem·
bers are reques ~>d to brln.g aDY.
member of their famllles they
mJght wish.
With the new pre:.ld nt Will be
Installed a new slate ol o.Hicen
and board of directors. Incoming
officials are Conraa Hldy, tree&·
urer; W. Frank Powers. seere-
tary; George ~n. vlce pre.
fd~nt; Wllllam Reed and Mrs.
Hannah Byrnes. Serving with
them will he tbe retlrlng presi-
dent and vi~ preactent, Barcelo
and Mrs. Mabel Fltzmotrts.
• Radiator Cleaa-er
• \ Stop-Leak
• Car Cleaner
2 5 Coast mgtiway ...
for a ble, formal open-
me but everyone is cor-
dially invited to stop in
at any time and enjoy
the paintings, prints
and sculpture by such
well-known artists as-:-
Stwio Gallery
To you folks who are think·
ing about Wilterten cook-
w a re. w e have a beautJful ...
aortm'!nt of Sbinlea Steel
ware and the prices are very
m uch lower than o ne would
ellpect. For e•amp,e, the one
q uart sauce pa n sella for
$2.59. and the four quart
sauce pan, for $4.98A A full set
of t hla fine stainless steel
wa ,.e selh for leas than
$20.0C. and Is all that any
h tTuly needs. Of course we
don't ceok a dinner for you.
but you and your family ean
eat a ut for a week on what
you s.;ave on this deal.
It's nearly t ime for that
big Ro5e Bowl game. Have
you h ad your television aet
inrtalledf If not, there It atlll
time to get a set Defore New
Yur's Day and aee the ttlg
game In the comfort of your
·own home. It fa a g'rand way
to avoid all the crowds and
traffic. The down payment Ia
only t 70..00, and the balance
may be paid In easy pay·
.ments. Reception Ia good
down In thla area, and we will
be happy to ln~all a set In
your own home for your ap·
proval. •
Ruth Paddock is brninging a Bab~ Orchestra here that will
'"mething new to Corona del credit tht" cultural aspects of the
. );.u. Shortly aftE>r t he !lrst of the county.
The "StudJo Gallery." the new A pre-meeting basketball game yE:'ar she will o pen her studio in ArrangE>ments are now being
picture gallery in Corona del Mar highlighted ·the m eet 1 n g fo r pter at at inn !or a "Baby Orches· made for the purchase of small
•n\ILTniiFan by Thelma Paddock Hope, Troop 17 December '1s. After-fla:· baby size violins designed for
features a particularly interest-ward th bo . lled 1 f Pla:;£'r ages will range from 4 small hands. ing picture thls week painted by e ys \\ere _ca n or to 10 a1 1 Ruth Paddock will
the local artist. Burt Proctor. Th a regular troop ~s ton. tutc-h thf' children indh•iduallv T he Surf tders had their annual
picture is a desert scene and one Scoutmaster John G. Gillespie lu•J· qui,.k ml'' ht:>O of learning the C h r 1 s t m a dance Wednesday
of a group he recently painted spoke about the next troop activ· rud!ment-. of dnlin. night at the Lakewood Country
during h1s latest painting expe-ity which is the \Vinter Cam!J at Thi .... i~ n('' a new venture for Club. .
Cam Ro·Kl·U on 27 28 and 29 th1s local \\oman. but merely a Acrording to Mrs. Ralph Hoyle Although the gallery is small, P · ~ Llllll im a•1on of her orchestra of Corona del Mar. the party was
it has proven itself to be that type ol December. ';) -\\ ork. Sh<' 1 , tded the Hollywood a complete ucces ·. Fifty couples
of gallery that 1s friendly and Twenty boys were expected to Bah:-on h~:-• ra. that for )'ears danced to Bob Froese hie's music
comfortable. The 1m a P.addock go The boys mN at the Corona ",, l"->I u':ll 1, Southern Call1or-and. as n wa a dlnn~r'dance, en·
Hope has designed a seating ar· · · . •lia :'h.:> "·.II " n k in this area ~ joyed prime ribs dinner courses rangement which has proven en· del Mar school Monda~ mornmf!. st.l• rhd m 1-J,,)h,,·ood and foresees between dances.
Urely satisfactory. Not only is It Dec. 27 at 10:30 for the trip. · --------
w~ll arranged, but 1s comfortable At this me-eting Don Lingo<'.
and a1~ows the spectator the op-the troop scribe. spoke on the un-
portuntty to sit and enjoy the paid d hJ h th bo till many flne paintings hanging on ues w c e ~ ~
the gallery walls. O\~"e and asked t_hat begmn.lng
Mrs. Hope lnvttes those who en-wtlh the first meeting of the !':ew
joy art to stop ln and enjoy the Year every boy pay each meet inR.
paintings. There will be no meeting Wed-
nesday, Dec. 29, as the bo~s will
Mr. and Mrs. Ulwrence J ensen be on. their way home !rom Win·
of Lake Presdon, S.D., left last ter camp and some of them "ill
week for thelr home alter a 2· be away with their parents for
months' sta~ here with thelr son-the holidays.
Linoleum & Tile Co.
Inla id Linoleum, Standard and Heavy
Gauges-Asphalt Tile--Rubber Tile-
Cork Tile.
All labor and material guaranteed.
F ree esti ma~12 ~ara experience. in~aw and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Next regular meeting will be '-----------------=. Harold K. Grauel. on January 5, the 1st \\.edndes-
d.ay of the new )-ear. Beacon 6210-W
I M.M.
Tim. VEL
111Ya C4Niit atw.
Harbor 1111-W
Ready for the Oven
. ~ ..,;r:--..• •
I • ... a.;_
fresh Vegetables
and Fruit
2 Large Heads 19C
5 for 10c
Nice White H eads
10cper head
Plillc'4 n. DIIQH · lira. l ::trv K~. 112 PoPPY. lf.r .... Mrs. Robert smith Of Mr. ililil lin. J. B. ltillll. UJ Mr. W. A. Denton of Palm
"l'MURIDAY, D.C. II, ,.. Corona ck:l ~ar. lWJ twu guMta ft1 BPtonJ&, Corona del Mar. ~ NR II II'M t. WID Sprinp apent hrlstinu With his
........ ..._ __ ,;,_,_~...._-~-----0\."er the Christmas kend. Mr. haw .. t.hftr ~ IUMt owr lie..._ t8tD tMir _. llllillle 1ft Wife and d8~ght r. Alva, liVIng ~· ~~ a= ~ and Mra. Norman Olaon of S&.nta the holidays. Dr. Chrl5Ua.n8en Of CINe.-.. Wocilll. _. Pans k 4-. at 435 GoJd nrod, Corona del
G7 Nardllus, Corona del Mar Monica carne dOwn F'rlday and Miami. Fla. ..,...,. the 15dl af J~. Mar.
,.,) returned to lbetr home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Denton and Alva
With their two children. Jene. ~ Bill Kindell, Jr. Ia now attend· llr. liftd lin. ~ Ewntt .,nt Chrlitmas day til [)C)Wney
and Bruce l4. lng Harbor IDrb School. He are IIOW ~.a 111 Gnad ca. with frlf'nds. Alva rt>turned t
Mr. and Mrs. WUllam P. Mea· from Brown's Mill tar)' nal. Billboa t+M ,._, en'*-Palm Springs w~ ih her f:lther to Mr.~ Mrs. David McFarland ley, 510 Larkspur, Corona del talned ....._ Ewtea'a puatta. the 1matn with h!m tor several daya
at eo7 ordild, Corona del Mar, Mar and thelr two gtru home J .' B. Rutha. over the bolldaya. o! her va~tion.
went to Glendale to spend Christ· from school over Chrl.stm.a.s, ~lc-Kenneth p Smith. eon·ln-law of
mu day with Mr. McFarland'• brated the weekend with a tAm· the Charles 'stantol'da, 111 Apo.: Mr. aDd llrL ftoF smttb, 2M Mr. and Mrs. ~. c . Olen, 520
mother who lives there. They had lly party. lena Ave., Balboa Ialand. hu 10ld A.methywt. Bal.,_ ......., ipellt DahJl&, Corona del Mar. enter·
a 'Vel")' happy Christmas. said Francia and Shirley both at· his yacht. the AdOre, to Paul t:he C1uUtDiM ~With their talned their son. Donald Olen,
Mra. McFarland. tend Mount St. Mary•a in Los An-Mantz of Balboa Ialanc1. ~. YrL C. B. au.on. and and family over Christmas. Mr.
geles and will be returning to Mt-tamlly 1ft l..ianalatir'. and Mrs. Donald OJen and 1helr
Have a Treat
school next Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ack~ three chJldren. Donna, 11, Mll·
They have made no plans tor man, 115 Pearl Ave .. Balbo a Mh. A. :A:. Sc:luDidt lit With bier derd, 8, ard James, 6, Uve in Rlv·
the New .Year weekend and will Isla.nd. entertained Mr. and Mri. eta~. lin. J. 1L SNddel', for ersfde. ThPv stayed over the
enjoy their family circle. \Valter GueWucb and their da\ICb-the IIOOda)"' 1ft 1M~ Mn.. weekend with the Olen's.
ter Helen, and Mr. and Mrs. ScuddB' wtJl CCJIIIe to he.t moth·
Francis Penn of Long Beach op er'a home heft on t.M Island to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Olson. 415
oi M,;-o1~d =ar~~tg,~~ ChrtstmaJI Day. odebtate New Year'&. Poppy A\'e .. Corona del Mar. are
Mar celebrated their first Christ-entertalntn~ Mrs. Mabel Sand·
) __._ , ......... ,., • planning to tay thru the '"veek.
mas' together alnce their weddln& j , ,. l strom of Huntington Park over
last tall. tem~ a out ~op e the holidays. Mrs. Sandstrom is
The new )'WII::Ua are p...,..uu..16 ~o __
Soup -Salad -OM>ioe of have a great tlme New Year's Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Overby, 428
Eve. Among their guests for the . Golderu'Od. pent Christmas day
3 Entrees Potatoes-Vege-weekend will be Oliver Hoffman Mrs. William A. Mulligan, 224 Roy Ward of1 Corona del Mar "1th their tather·in·law. Rufus
tables-Hot Grilled Toast-of Los Angeles. Poinsettia. is spending the holl· ls home from the University o( Overby, who livPs in Corona del
Coffee or Tea.
(Blrtcher BUilding)
Harbor 19(6
days in Monterey. Colorado. Mar. Mr. and Mrs. Overby and
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kendall. theta· son Richard were joined by
505 Acacia, Corona de_l Mar, spent Lt. Jack Soctt, USN, 50n of Mr. .Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Scanlon, 226 Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Smith of
Christmas day ln Elsinore with and Mrs. W. P. Scott, 208., Agate Amethyst Ave., Balboa Ialand, Costa Mesa. Mt·. and Mrs. Gene th~ir daughter, Mrs. H. Wether· Ave .. Balboa Island. is here with s~nt C h r 1st m a a with their Overby and son LatTy of Long
all. In the evening they were ln parents. He has been in the daughter, Mra. Jerry Adams, and Beach and Pheron Overby of
Costa .M~sa with their nelce, Mrs. Oakland Naval Hospital !or the her famlly 1n Newport Beach. Long Reach.
Bud Bullock and Betsy Lou, 7 past six months. ~rior to his hos· Mra. Ada.ms entertatned 10 guests
months. pitalization he was on a trip tor a ctuist:mu Day dinner. Mrs. Mr. and Mrg. J. L. Stamp Sr.,
The e\·ening in Costa Mesa was which took him around the world. Scanlon reports that her greateai of 227 Coral. Balboa J land. had
one tilled with gaiety and family He made the journey on the Val-joy came from watching her a.s recent hOUSI!\IPc;ts for a week-
fun for it included many rela-ley Forge. grandaon, Jerry, who Is two years end Mr. a~rt Mr~. G. L. Nunn of
tives living in Southern caillor-. old, with his Christmas gifts. Beverly Htlts.
:::::::::::::::::~~~==:::=:::;-! nia. Mrs. H . Ruggles spent three --
da>"S 1n Los Angeles with her sis· The David Rings have moved Mary Louisl' Sutliff. daughter
D~C. 30 'through JAN. 5
t~r. Mrs. J. E. Caywoo41. She was from Costa Mesa to 201 Opal of Mrs. Murrav Roberts. 325 Dia-
ln the clty the first part of last Ave., Balboa Ialand. Mf, Ring ls mond Ae., Balboa Island. was w~k. Mrs. Ruggles lives on Gol· publiaher of the Costa Mesa rnarrled to Ro~rt Moran Gra·
denrod and has lived ln Corona Globe-Herald and Mrs. Rlng la ham of Lo!' AngC'les. on December
del .Mar for many years. teaching at the Newport Harbor 17 at the St. John's Episcopal
· HJgh. They were welcomed to the Church tn Los AngelC'~. A recep·
New Yean Day
Humphrey Bogart
Ann Sheridan
'"l bey Drive
by Night"
Second Big Action Dra"'a
Pat O'Brien James Cagney
"Allgels With
Dirty Faces"
IMIUNATtOMAl ..........
)AlONE ..
~;1 ~
Island with a dinner given by Mr. tfon followf'O t hl' wrdding and
and Mrs. Jack Castle, 214 Opal was hC'lrt at lhl' t'hnnm<tn Park
Ave., a week ago Sunday nlte. Hot£-1. Fmn· huncit·ra guests at-
t cndPd th£-rE'<'ept ion.
Ronald Gerughty, eon of the H.
L Sevisons, 224 Sapphire, Balboa Mr. and Mrs. Rohert G. Imrie
Ialand, Ia here with h1a parents of 309 Goldem·ort. ("orona del
now. Ronald has a broken leg Mar, spent their holidays up
whJch he suffered in a recent north.
football game playing for Poly-C'hristmnc; rtev was spent in
technic ln San Franctsco. The Napa with Mr. Imrie's father and
Sevisons plan to entertain some aunt. The day after ChrtstmaJ
frienda at home on New Year's thev spent the rtav with Mrs. lm·
~. rle's mothPr and brother in Berk·
Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Myers, Th£-Y returned home Monday
424 Narclssus, Corona del Mar, morning.
had many llouse guests for Chrlst. --
mas day. Mr. and Mrs. !\~orman Frahm
Those present were: Mr. and o! Corona del Mar entertained
Mrs. Stephen Cooper and daugh· Mr. Frahm's hrot hl'r and family
ter Phyllis of Los Angeles, Mr. from Lakl' Tahoe. Calif.
and Mrs. Thos. O'Donnell of Los Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Frahm
Angeles, and their ~aughter and and thPlr two daughters. Phyllis
husband Mr. and Mra. B. H. Geier, and Marilyn, have been spending
and son Ricky, 3 months. Ricky ts the we<'k In Los Angeles. They
the first grandson rn the Myers spent the day <tfter Christmas
famlly. Harry, the Myers' son with thr Fram's, <'njovi·'g a tur·
also joined the group. key dinner and exchange of pres-
New Year•s Eve Mr. and Mrs. ents.
Myers will be ln Inglewood with Mr. Frahm has a resort on
Mr. and Mrs. N. H . Lund. Tiley Lake Tahoe and sa\·s he is very
will get up early the following interested in Corona del Mar and
morning to see the Rose parade. a building site in rne ncar future .
Mr. and Mrs. L. w. Newlon, 514 Mr. and Mrs. Dona ld E. Smith,
Aca.da. Corona del Mar, enjoyed 215 Mesa Drive. Costa Mesa. son
an unusually happy Chrlatmas and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.
according to Mrs. Newlon. S. Smith, 314 Apolena Ave., Bal·
boa Island, were hosts to a fam·
Christmas Eve was spent in La· Uy gathering on Christmas Day
guna with their frlendt Mrs. that consisted of two groups of
Esther Johnson and Mr. Jimmy four generaions. Both of their
Austin. grandlathers, Mr. Francis Hull of
Christmas day, Mr. and Mrs. Covina, and Mrs. L. C. Hilliard,
Mogens Able and daughter, Sha-of Balboa Island, were present.
ron, 8, spent the day with the Both of their mothers and fath-
Newlons and were Joined Christ· ers, Mr. and Mrs. w. S. Smith.
rnaa night by Mrs. Johnson and and M1·. and Mrs. CJinton Hull
Mr. Austin. were present. Their little daugh-
New Years Eve Mr. and Mrs. ter Randi Annette makes the
Newlon will be at the party rtven fourth generation member of the
by the Russel Workmans who SmJth family. Mr. and Mrs. El·
are having a big New Year's af. mer Atkiason of Santa Monica
fair. a.t.o attended the occasion.
f iNsfone Disf.ribufors
Eddie Bell.rtft:i8' of eo.ta ..__ Mr. and Mri. ,_. J.-of Co-Mr. and Mrs. NeD Donker have I Mr. and MrL HarrY E. 8er'&h
fOrmerly of Corona del Mar, rona del Mar, topther wtth their 10M to SIM:rammto to be with Uvtna at 1M Orchid AYe.t Corona
..,ent Ouiltmu EW With hll eon. ,......y, 3, ll*lt Cluistmu tMir daugttt~. Marcie Lea. and del Mat .,.. ~ thiiiO&Iday etpt year old eon Ted ln Santa With Ill\ JoneS' pu'eilta In PUa· will spend about two weeka ~-•&..;. -..,..;,. ...... --.. -..
Barbara. ~ Mr .... Mn. Georce Jones.; ..... ... .--. ~....-Wlleft
The Ray V. Marshalla enter-Mr. a.:wla wa ~ pr·:nNat~
Mr. and Mra. S. W. Blackbeard Mrs. Marp.ret BruiUilft&. own-talned the Glen Scx!eJu, trom Co-~ ~ tD 111111 ·~t
ot 218 Orc!bld. CorOna del Mar, er of the K.areft ~~~ ShOp, rona del Mar. tor dlnnrr la4t with Ora.Qae ~.
entertained tbatr --. BW. aDd hu belli jaiDed b1J bn-mother, Sunday nite.
.. hll wife BUlle from Lae Anl'ele Who ~ dDiwn to ~d O'uiat·
over the CllrUtmu .,.kl!'nd. mu wtth beT d&Qhter. .Mr. and Mn. George Lo)'lld Gene Bouro, 15. 100 of the pro-
She brola&tit K.aJoftl with her. and da~hter, Marilyn, trom La-prietor of Gene'• re.taurant ln
Mr. and Mra. Rex Brandt apent ka.reft hu been apendlnt 10me guna Bea~h. were guesta of Mr. Corona del Mar, u home tor the
the Chrlatmu ~k In Rlvenlde time with her crandm.other tn and Mrs. Ray Manhall and ~t~>n holidays from h1a madlea at St.
at the home of Mrs. BrandtJa San Francllco. Jim Fa.rTell for a Cbrlstmu dJn. Francla ecboolln Wat8onville. He
lllOthe-r, Mrs. J . N. Irvtna. ner on Christmas Day. returns to tchool on Jan. 5.
THU .. DAV, D£C.~1._
n. LO\ai8 Gates, Balboa laland.
vlalted their daupter. Mrs.
Ceo.-,e C. Lyon tn t..o. Ancties
on Cbriatmu o.y. naey Wfte o~
eompanled by t:ne.rr daug~r
Jenny and W e. Bl.Sia.
LADIES. build your own profit·
a~e bu at ne sa ~~ntlng
Avon Producta Inc.; vacancl~
in Balboa blanc:r and Corona
del Mar. Write Box 7. La MI-
rada. Callt. 20-2t-p
----------------------------------------~-----Harold ea. of 90C Ocean Blvd.,
Norman Frat.m. 412 Fernleat:, Corona del Mar, hu his famUy Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Shook. E GILBERT ended hla Chriatinaa day by eft· home with ht.m tor the holidays. 212 Marine Ave., Balboa laland, ,.------------tin• a Ucket for apeedJnJ. He wu "Nod" CU. Ia ho~M from OccJ. vlaitecl MrL Shook's mother. Mrs. • -----
ta.ldna gueata ttome to LoS ~ dental. ''Red... ea. la home from Chris T . Jensen, of Fresno ova-
lea and Just torcot htnweltln his Stanford and ~I Cus ls the Christmaa hoUdaya. They re-
enthu.aJa.sm of befna the perfect h~ from Davis. turned home lLct Sunday nJcht. host, he says.
Mr. and Mrs. J . W. Krattt of
319 Heliotrope, <.;orona del Mar,
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Charley
Bley of Berkeley over Chrutmas.
More Items
They arrived the day before IL----------------.------------
Chrtstmu. Morton Brock. nephew of Mrs. Mr. and Irs. Arden Cannon ,
M"l!lUOR. fi J!:XIf!lllOR. DECORA TD-l.G
• •
410 Hellotn:~pe Ave.
Corona del Mar
Chrl.stmaa ~Y the two couples Conrad Shook. and Don Satwas-owners of Cannon's Food Center ~w~~nro*~s~t~~ re~~ ~e ~th ~tnCoro~~~.~~av~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ day with Mr. and Mrs. W. J . Shoob from Frano. The tx>ys happy ChriStmas day at their = ~~~th~cl~ ~be~~W~N~ho~~~~n~~~ ~---~-------------------~
. Year's and plan tn attend the They had guests tor Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K. Har· Rose Bowl Game 1n Pasadena. dinner lnC'luding: Mr. and Mrs.
vey of 316 Poppy, Corona del Uoyd Bullock, Mr. and Mrs. Will
Mar, apent <;=hrls~s day with Mr. and Mrs. LOUJ.t Gates, 136 f,uiJock anti Mrs. H. L. Harris.
Mrs. Harvey s famaly, Mr. and Topaz Ave., Balboa Wand, enter-C"hrh:tm:u Eve de\-eloped into
Mrs. W. H . White of Tustin. tained with a Chrtatma dinner· a ''black out" for t~ Cannons.
Christmas nJght they Joined party at Victor Huco'• on the Their lights failed and even the
the White famUy in Pasadena for 17th. After dinner the guests electriclan had difficulty In fig-1
a large family party, and Mrs. Wftlt to the Gatea home tor uring out t he reason. Flnally.l
Harvey re-ported tteraelf thor· bridge. The ,ueata were Mr. and ho\ve\·er , aJl was well and the
oughly tired o,ut Monday. Mrs. Conrad Shook. Commander tree lights finally gtowed.
The Harvey s are leaving the and Mrs. w. E. West. Mrs. Isabel Christmas morn:ng started at
latter part of t he week for Palm Belyea, from Santa Anita Oaks, 5:00 for the Cannons. Their two
Springs where they will enjoy MUs Jenny Gates, John Webster, chtlc1.-en Jolene. 14. and Linda, 8,
complete relaxation. Wea Btstge. decided it was late enough. Mr.!
Cannon played Santa around 2
Mr. and Mrs. W. L Harreden Thelma Paddock Hope owner o'clock In the morning so very
of 315 Orchid, Corona del Mar, of the n~ ''Studio Call~ry", at little sleep was had by him. he
entertained an old school chum ot l309-A Coast BlVd. ln Corona del reports.
M1-. Harreden's over Christmas. Mar, spent C'hrt.trnu with Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rice are Lyle Wheeler of Brentwood. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Diehl and
of New York City, and it was 50 Wheeler ls a director with Fox dauyhter Margaret and son Bo~
years ago that Mr. Harreden and Studios. by left Friday, Dec. 19. on the El
Mr. Rice went thru hJgb school d h F__... Capitan for Gla.seburg. ru.. to toaether St!ce th~n Mt. Rice has Mra. Hope an er son. ·~·· d h h
traveled. Utrou&hout"" the ' worlcf.•' lett ~~~ atDt.aternoonWbandl Fredt ~~ •• ~~ ~c::~ with Mr.
aocom~~._. ne ee er o
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. IOoeckner the formal dance given at Mary· s~nd :J!~ ~s~~h :'!>'Fr=
of 515 Begonia Ave., Corona del mount. Hendersons in Phoenix. Ariz. and
Mar went to Puadena Friday to Mrs. Lyle Wheeler and Thelma will take in the Salad Bowl game
spend Christmu with their tam-Paddoek Hope are old fiiends New Years Day.
Uy. datlnl back to the years wtten Frank Henderson t or m -er 1 y
They took theJr new daughter, Mn. Hope was connected with lh'ed on Balboa Island.
Unda Susan. 6 months, with them MGM and lived in Beverly Hills. During the a~ce of Mr. and
and stayed In Pasadena until Mrs.. Diehl and family, their home
Monday morning. Art Bartholme, known In Co-on 508 Goldenrod will be occu·
• w
• 5
• ~.SH
»7 MARIN£ A VE. BALBOA I SLAND Time was spent wtth Mr. and rona del Mar for his service as nied by Mary "E. Wiseman and
Mrs. F. o. Kloechner, Mr. Kloech· caterer at Gene's restaurant. is BBon::n:t~e~. ---------~~;;;;ijiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij;;;;~j;;;;i;;~ijijjii;;;~~~ ner'a family and wtth Mr. and now operating the Juniper Tree ~
Mrs. Charles E . Decker. Mrs. Inn near Mora.ngo on 29 Palms
KJoeckner's 1amily. Both are ot Road. Aeeordlng to Meredith Har·
Pasadena. wood. owner of Harwood Hand-
cratt:a, when he saw him last
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Holmer of weekend. Bartholome h~d Just.
703 Carnation, Corona del Mar, reoelved h1a Wine Taster s Cup.
celebrated a "double header'' o.tftdal bad.«e of the French
Christmas day. Their two year Wlnetasters. The cup was ship-
old 10n had hla second birthday ped from France.
December 25.
The combined Christmas and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Acker-
blrthday party was held at the man, Balboa Island, held open·
home of the maternal grandpar· boule on Sunday. Most ot the
enta, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Rude. guests Wft'e members ol the Sales
In La Habra Heights. and Engineering stan and guests
The paternal grandparents also of the H. C. Barnes from Long
attended and little Richard had a Beach. 11le evenJng was spent
gay t1me with two eesalona of playing cards and refreshments
gittl. One In the early morning were eerved. Those present were:
and one later in the day. He was Mr. and Mrs. Herman Shelby.
partlcularly taken With the train Mr. and Mn. Harold Barnes. M.lss
and tracks whl~h Santa brought Velma Hollingsworth, Bob WJl·
hlm. . son, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Talbot,
11le birthday cake was very Mr. and Mrs. Calvtn Tobtn and
much In evidence with the two their aon, Michael, Mr. and Mrs.
candles and, of course, the grand· Richard Wood, Mr. and Mrs. El·
parents' were very delighted with don Ancus and Mr. Douglas Jottn·
the whole occasJon. eon.
• • •
and Thank You for Your Business
With Your foyorite Brand ol Cheer
12:00 NOON aftd •:00 P.M.
407~ CO T HIGHWAY P ONE 1991-1
It would be in order-certainly
traditional-for the community
newspaper to raise its sights for
a long look at what the new year
holds in store fot: the community
the paper serves.: We'll haye to
pass the opportunity, for, like a
lot of people in Corona del Mar,
we are too new for newspaper
omniscience (some newspapers
know everything!) but 1 o n g
enough present to like Corona del
Mar and Balboa Island better
than any other town or city.
Reader response to the EN-
SIGN has been encouraging in
the first five months of the pa-
per's existence. Advertisers have
given heartening support and in
tum have received real assistance
in this, their primary market
area. As far as the ENSIGN is
concerned, the outlook is pr8mis-
ing. The New Year should be a
good one.
Of one thing the ENSIGN is
cert.ain, however, and that is its
sincerity in Wishini for ~
man, woman and child ln Balboa
island and Corona del Mar the
very best duriJtg 1949. And with
that wish is this paper's p~
to do everything it can for ~the
good of its commiihittes and the
people in them who make them
the attractive, vital places ~
are. That is the paper's poUcy,
and we think we can make it
stick. By hewing to this Une we
think we can help these commu-
nities have a happy new year.
Parties Earn TIJanlcs
Commendable indeed were the
two free parties staged for the
little ones by the two communi-
ties of Balboa Island and Corona
del Mar.
The two groups which preaent-
ed the children of the towns with
these Christmas festivities are
the Rotary Club and the Corona
del Mar Business Association.
Both organizations eam the
thanks of many parents, but the
real gratitude is registered in the
wide-eyed wondennent and pleas-
ure of all of the little folk who
Ben J. Whitman
New offloe at
400 Coaat Highway,
Corona del Mar
<Fonnerly with the
T&vem Company)
Chapel By The Sea
Harbor t2
Corona del Mar
Off street Parktna
.Harbor 1210. 81rtoher at,..
Cof'ona del Mar
The Sunday .ermon will bo 'nlls year wu the flrat Ch..rUt-
lfven by Rev. Schrock It Is en· mu tor the St. Andi'eWs ehuldl
tJUed '"The MJraee Shall Become tamtly. Just one year aao ~
A Pool." mu the chureh pthered t:oaether
Sunday school will be held at to honor Christ through worahlp
9:C5. for the tint t.tme.
In IP(te of the stormy weather Rev. Thomas M. GJt)IOn hal ex·
1ut Wedneeday night, Dec. 22, pressed deep appreciation for the
there wu a lood attendance bOth cooperation he bas r e e e 1 v e d
tor the children'• party and tor through hla new church and !eels
the caroline. hea<Jea by Mrs. the ehu.rch haa been rtplly bta.
Hujh McClymont. ed. He and hls wt1e bodl' 1ace the
Tbe annual dinner and bUIIness new year with great optJmlam tor
meeting of the Church will be concerned.
held on Wed..nesday evening, Jan· --
uary 12th. Reservations may be C1iR18TIAN 8CIENCE
made by ealllng Mrs. Newton Subject: "God."
Cox. Golden Text: 2nd Sam. ''M tor
God. his way Is perfect; the word
8T. JAME8 EPI8COPAL ls tried: He Ia a buckler to all
The annual Chrlatmaa pageant them that trust ln him. For who
wu held at 4 o'clock Sunday aft. ls God, save the LOrd. And who Is
emoon. 11te Nativity scene was a rQ:.Ck. save our God!"
enacted, and the Cherub Choir Sunday morning service U :OO
aana Ch.rUtmas Carols as the A.M.
group proceeded down the aisle. Wednesday Eventng Meetings,
Rev. Wheeler an<J h1s wile had testimonials, 8:00 P.M.
a little vacation this week from
their buay ChrJ.stmu schedule. IT. JOHN VIANNEY
Mr. and Mra. Wheeler, together CATHOLIC
with their daughter, Francine, Regular Schedule of rna~:
went to catalina tor a few days. 8:00 A.M. and 10:00 AM.
of Corona del Mar
(Ed. note: A local writer
tak .. a thoughtful took at the
new year and comes up with
eome ph II o 10 ph leal conclu-
Then a door opened.
Perfect undlng
A very old man stood there
with a very young man ln his t:: .,_
And the very old man's face
was shlnlng with dellght.
A determined reporter headed And the very young man•a faoe
toward a small, Island green do-was lhlnlng too.
mldle, ln the general locality of The very young man said "HH!
Seaview and Fernleat In Corona Thanks for the rlde. It's been a
del Mar. swell trip, but I can walk now. HAULING •..•
Long Distance
He pounded a tattoo on the l've grown a lot since we atarted
-------------, door, the silence weighed Its heav-and you have taught me a lot.
-----------LOUiaE w. aMtTH lneas. and he half turned to give Look! there are a lot of people
-we Move With Tile World"
Beacon 5538-J
$50.00 to $1,000
• FURNrrtmE
other personal property
1101 COAIT 8LVD.
N.wport Bellott, C<fomla
(Next Door to
W~em UnJon Otfic:le)
rret. Harbor 2638-J
8UB8CRI8E TO up the Interview. out there. We have to let them
New York TeiiOMf' ef Then he remembered hls job ln." THE )URROR V olce e PlUto and the editor and t he story. The old man smUed, and put
Yoour new afternoon newspaper light Reading tmprOvtel,. Remembering, he pounded on the very young man down.
For Home Delivery, Phone In the door agatn. All seemed as The report~r stood up.
DICK KANOLD, Dlatrlbutor Corona del Mar, Ph. Har ... .., calm and peaceful as the quiet Then the old man put hla anna
Harbor 425·W ntght. around the reporter whlle the !------------Or has the night been quiet? very young man greeted hJa new :=================================::::::=i 'nle reporter looked at hJa friends. watch. Perhaps It was a trifle The reporter saw the very old IMPORTED TOYS COLLECTOR'I ITE ..
1415 Coast Blvd.
late to make a call and get an man was beglnnlug to doze, ao he
interview. Seemed a little odd, plcked up h1s pendl and uked a
come to think ot It, when the edJ. few questions.
tor had aald "Be there to Inter-"Tell me, slr, have you found
view th.ls newcomer and be there your Journey successful ?'•
a little before midnight." Mmmm "Need Only Love"
and In Corona del Mar! .. Aye, the way La not long or
Netu Contruta hard when you tonow the star
'nlen there was a sudden blast and when you take the very
of automobile horns, ot ahouta young ones with you. There Ia ~---------------------~~~~~~~~~and~yo~th~~young~~
W R I T M A N ' S S E B VI 0 IC hullabaloo, whlle the serenity of ua. They do not need our wisdom
ReborJng lttaft Gf4MI,. the little home atlll slumbered. for they are tar more wtae. 1bey
General Repairing ~H..,. Towt111 1be reporter put hJa hand on do not need our faith tor they
PETE, BOB, HARRY AND ART the door knob, and to h1s aurprlse, are new born ln talth and hope.
1020 COAST HIGHWAYMa~r!:C::i"~ HARBOR 44!-R the door had not been locked! He They do not need our care, for
stepped lnatde. The room wu they are flne and strong."
------------------------.....;;,.. warm and cheerf\11. A log blazed The reporter put away h1s pen-
..----------------------~ tnerrtly on the hearth. Rattan fur. cU.
111 CoaM Blvd. Cof'Ofta · •• Mar
n.lture. Then he heard a footstep, The old m an knew it wu time
and lt aounded as though a water to go. He got up and afd, ""11\ey,
faucet had been turned on a lit-the young, only need our love .•.
tle. And the water 4rtpplng re-only our love" and the old man
minded b1m ot the Troplea for left. W«lked out me door ttralaht
lUre and the rattan furniture. was and tall and became a put of the !..----------------------....o! an a part of the 8C!ene. Strange. shadowed night. And there wu r-------------------------........ ~ Tbe contrut ot the Troplca With the very young man. creeunc a flroepa.ee! new friends and arowtng taller ..
R.· J.
708 Jasmine Ave., Corona d~ Mar
But llfe wu a checker bo&rd. by the nililute.
Day arid nlaht. Contrut there. nAnd may 1 uk your name. atr.
Rain and IUD. Contrut. PovertY and 11 Corona del Mar to be your
and rkhee. Joy and IOITOW. Love home!"
and Hate. J4e and yooth. Death Ctt• Oreateet Gift
and birth. The young man answered, ''Yes.
Birth now? For what wu he oh, yet Indeed. tor I find th1np ·
t..rtncT \'ft'Y pleaaant here u perhaps~~\)' RJcbt tn the next "room too and brother~ all over the world find
lootlt$ comtna cl.owr now and thlnp pleuant!'
the ·:tnanabaloo ou .... had eeuect. "The one who broucht me here
1bere .were 101111 ltnlnpn mak· he gave me thla home. He t&ulht
lbl ttielr 1ft)' toWat4 the bOUle. me the m\llle of lnlbttr. tor we ,.. r....-could .. thliln. ptek· la\llfled an a1ona the w.,. ~ L--------------.-............-..iililiiiiiiliiiiioiiiioii~-----............... .,._~ 1n1 t1111r..,. .._. ttil _..... co ..... ...-... .._ n .
,_ Gala held at the majority of tiJ8 cbbaren
LidO 'lbeetre waa a tremendo\:IS by themse1Y8. theY wen at aD
.uccNI In eY'ft'Y way, accoritlng tlmes "'-ell behavec1, Mra. M&rtln
tn MI'L E. S. Marlln, cbalnnan o said.
the event. It wu a capacity . MemtJer. of the NewPort Har·
With over aJO dilldreft. bor Auidllary of the Chlldl'ftl'1
She pve mUCh CJ"ef1lt to Mr. Home Soct~ • ..,ouors of the
II. J. Syler, rnana,er of the thea· Gala, were ln cottume actina u
ter, Inasmuch u be not only do-ushen and guaid1ahL Mn. Mar·
nated u.e of the theater but ha.n· tln said that chJL<Iren u youna u
ctled the JrHter part of the stag· three and four came by them·
In& and back stage detalla neces-selves and acted Uke llttle ladles
..,-y In puttlnr on the show. and gentlemen.
Mr. "Hector" Tryon of Long Beach put on • halt hour show Boardman Market of Balboa
With h1l seven little trained dogs. I~land and Hendricks Prlntlnl
Bob Kelly from the TUrnabout Co. of Corona del Mar ottered
'Ibeat« tn Hollywood entertalnec their services to the tete.
wtth h.l.l puppets. Together wtth ~ shows on the stage were New Contact
three colo~ cartoon pictures-
all much· to the dilld.ren'• delight. S:;&a::a.,·on Named Mrs. Martin said the alternoon J J
wu a financial sucoea. but that
the program had not been plan· A new address for the Orange
ned wholly to raise money, but County contact station of the
!'ather to g1ve the children of this Federal Old-Age and Survivors
affa 10me unusual amusement Insurance was announced lut
tor thelr Christmas. An estimate week. It wilJ be 701 N. F1ower.
of $300.00 was made as net pro-Santa Ana. This ts In the new
ceeda. California Department of Em·
Both Tryon and Kelly remark-plo)•ment buildlng. The houn,
ed on the excellent attention the Thunsday afternoons and Fridays
children gave them, and although all day. remain the same.
Holiday Meeting of Assis tance League
Reviews Organization's Xmas Activities
BeamJng with good cheer. a size baby doll and a large Christ·
plump and ille-size Santa Claus rna.-. t()(·klng were awarded to
seated comfortably be~ore the children at the League's shop, fireplace in the Holstem's Lido I&le home, greeted guests a week \!hlch will be closed untll the
ago Tuesday along with the host-lOth of January.
eslies. Mrs. George Holstein, M rs. Present at the meeting were
Roland Hodgkinson and Mrs. Mec;ctames Arthur Best, E. E. Bou·
Robert Walker, when members dlnot. Virginia Castle. Stanley
of the Harbor A lstance Le:tgue Chambers. E. T. Chapman, Wiley
met for their Christmas luncheon Cochran. Ralph Deaver, SpaldJng
party. Eastman. Henry Freeman, Ever·
Five new provislonal members ett Gardiner, Victor Grace. Edgar
Were offlcla1ty welcomed. Those Hill, Jack Hfllman, Hubbard
preparing for full membership Howe, Willard Killion. ~rge
are Mrs. PhUlp Bassett, :Mrs. Lind. Alan Mickle. Salvatore Mo·
Doyle Hatch, Mrs. Wendell Cal-naco. Paul Palmer, ~r~ Pen·
and Mrs. Thomas Rutter. ney, James Rogers, Ernest Sat-
Mrs. Charles Wagner will serve tfg, Jack Thomas. Lonnie Vincent,
aa a sustaining member. George Yardley , Walter Fran1.
Welcomed back from European Ed Groenendyke, D. D. McCallum.
toun were two Balboa Island Joseph Beek, Roderick Burnham,
women, Mrs. W. P. Durkee and H. E. Christler, C. M. Deakins,
Mrs. Eugene GrasselU. Raymond Harvey, Addle Haugh.
Belore exchanging g(tts, a brief Ann Lefler, Margaret Neimeyer,
weJlare reJ)Ort was made and 14 F. E . Reinhold, Norma Sampeon,
dolls of all types and sizes, dress· Walter Spicer, H. E. Stahler, WU·
ed by Mrs. Theodore Moffitt. Uam White, E. B. Whltaon,. the
were presented to the T h r 1 f t provistonals, and Mrs. Wlillam
Shop. Jn a drawing Tuesday Holstein and Miss Pat Anderosn
morning, December 21st, a U!e-representing the Juniors.
(Continued from Page 6 ) grN't the people as they came ln.
Is the old one now? and because I saw something In
"He had to be on his way. It's the "ery old man's eyes ... and
your show, your big snow. lie said because I still can hear his volce
you'll do a good job. that you ... may I take Uberty wtth the
know your way. And he savs you 'Happy New Year' phrase! May
are not alone. he left vou his love. I put it down In th1a way:
lln't that a rather strange gift?'' "'The newest realdent taldng
The reporter was leaving now. up abode In Corona del Mar wu
"Love? It ts the greatest gift. ushered in last nlght. lust at mld·
Il I can only help them all to see, night. His name ls "New Year"
t will have done a good job. When and he is greeting US . . . wtth
they come after me, may there be this! It's a NEW Year. Whether
even greater love . . . It ls the or not it Is to be a HAPPY one la
only gift." When the reporter something over which I have
asked the name of Corona del control. I'm 1949, but what you
Mar's newest resJdent. lt was sim· are is up to you. I have only one
ply thla: thing to give you. and my debt 11
4'The NEW Year" ... and when to the year of 1948. I have no
he turned the story In, and put lt magic tricks. I have no promlaes.
on hfa editor's desk, his editor I have only love. The door to my
asked about whether it was a new home wm not be locked.
HAPPY New Year ... or didn't Come in when you feel the need.
this new resident say the same Being happy is your Job, not
old thing! mine. my job ls (O keep my new
"Well, Mac, I have covered a year a year of love. For where
lot of New Year stories and be-ij)ve Is, hate and fear and eorrow
cause thls story happens to be cannot live. I learned to know
eomethtng of a scoop because I about such thlnga from what I
mterview them both, the very old saw as I ~ h1.gh above the
man and the very young man, and crowd on the shoulder of 19C&
becal.l'le I found the door unlock-Here's to the newest resident.
ed and because I was the tint to May we have a liAPPY Year!
If You're Interested In Y.tillr
own NeigiiiJDrs
The ENSIGN is the only ne\\-~spaper in the whole world
that is written solely for the people \Vho live in Balboa Island
and Corona del Mar.
The ENSIGN has more than four times as much news
about its two communities than any other newspaper. It has
more local news of Corona del Mar and Balboa Island than all
papers in the area.
Pictures you see in the ENSIGN are pictures of local men,
women and children-pictures of your friends and neighbors
who make their homes in Corona del Mar and Balboa Island.
Each week the ENSIGN is distributed to 2550 homes and
business houses in the Cro\\·n City and on the Island. Com-
plete distributio!l of the ENSIGN ins':'res ~dve~rs that
their message \Vtll be seen by everyone m thetr pnmary. mar-
ket area. It means that ne,,·s of the two towns is earned to
:!very family.
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