HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-10-06 - Newport Harbor Ensign.. A ~---~ THE·:... ....... _...,_ ____ .....,_....._..._ ..... ~; ' :J :"!F-j.P 1 A hu~e crowd of lobst<'r eaters a t~d T•·ea !'Ure <'<'k "rs Is expN·t ed in Co1·rma rlC'I Mar n<'xt week fo r t hC' fta· ·t annual Tl'('a lite na,·s. ~pnnsot C'rl h' t h<' Bu .... inrc;.... As~o­ c-.at io'1. Tl-JC' da <'..., nt r> F a irla) s.~.1urc1~,~· ?.nd Sunrln\ n ... t. H . li and lG ~n i in nddilt0'1 to t h .. m~mmnth Jnb-.;l f'l' h•tk<'. lit •.(' \\ tlJ }')(>a ThOU· ~~I'd· doH<' I'" in pt lrC'~ Pont h di'-· J1~:t:,:-;. dt•dic;'lt ion 1 f 't-C' nl"\ f an• h ::t.l ;.!i:md CIJ C'nin;.: of thf' ''r ;.l a •·. ~q t'>f"l cl.uw:n~·. t'nl "n:tt · .. n ()[ 11 Jlll't'n . ;a• r\ , 'I "1" ! I' ht.a)!. 1 ), ~ !I I'(>(• r),n I\« I I" IH 1.11· c•l 1, •c \f" tl tht• .. ,,, 't •llrt-.;" d t'••· itl11 r'l'i .\J,.r 1!'1' 'IIIIU 1 f 1 )11' ('I•P.Il'f'tt"i;t) :111'1 llill'la.tl ;1 '1 1\i 1 , .... 11. •' \\Ill h " dl ·l··•:r I in hru ·I 1 .... 1 •' •' IH·1•\ t'(',l c· ' ..... !~:·d. anri l:·•:· ... H!t• I •. . 1 \1 .. 1_': • l'•· ,,\I ... I l'i":tl '1 ... ,. for th•· "' ,., · \'T ,.. f I . t • I . I ll' ·~.'1 'I' o1 I :II'' P1ttni 1 \ 'l.l'"··~ i:.;: : 111t' \'(l lr l'ol ll"l \l t f :tl-.1 · 1 I I ... ' . II, •• ·•fl. '··)II _:\!· !111 i {\1 •'' .It r:.,, ,·, :.-.n of •!•t• :---···· H t•,t tt;J,l','. P li''Hit 111 ·'"·~ll ~-~. S I flt'll : t' :,h••t (d ; b• ;,)l 11'1(; • . ··I 111 ;.; • ,, I~ 1'11 ..... ]1,\\' ",l · '"d o. l ·,, l'11.ti1 :n.• 1 F 1 ank 1 J t. i-..:1"' \'. '•11 1:-. a::-... ;-.1(• I lo\ l. 1:1 I I i' J li ic.; •. T o:• ;11 1 H''nn \\Jil h• •!J,• ·.,h. !'l••r h.d:€· \\h d1 \\Ill h I • 1 tn 1! t' :-1: 'C' a• C',t \\llf'll' tht" Df·· 1 h .... <H" 111 lw .... c·t up. Tht• h.tkt· ''-1 11 1 I)(' f. nm :1 tn 7 pm Sat 11. •l.ty I (l( 1. J ;), anrl imnw<ilat<'l) f•)t:nw- ing "HI IX' t hf' t'l\\-al'd ol t ·~(' p1 ill'" 1 "hil'h include a ' ( 11 ' .... ,t , sC'l •. TkkC'I'\ fnr t h<' hakP "hit i1 can hP ohtain<'d frnm IPt ·11 :nt't LOBSTERS GALORE w tll be a va il-.ble Sa tu rday even1,.,:l Oc!. 1: ,,.,<., tnr .. t _ a,t rre-,. ( ,.,.:>.,:. d'!l Mar put on t he lobster bake '" conjunct.on w th the T reasurl" Days c.~lo:hr .. t o, s et ~o~ O~t 1J 15 a nd 16. H er~. members of the C orona tiel M ar Bu!.Jneis As.;c~ta t •on ~p.>nso•s c1 t "'• tvent o ~P •Y some of the lobsters t hat w •ll prov ide t he fea:;t . S .andtng lef! V\ , q ht c:re M s::. r."o., ca S n•th. tJi~ A. E . F itzmo rr.s and J oh n E . Sadleir. prestdent of t he Asst~ctc:.: ,...., Es ~>lo ' • "e F nk Junk .r-: a rd Co~- r ad Hidy. co-cha trmen for the event . P ' ot<J by H :>~.Jro F .:,"),..., tl·.ll •. , ,,. Sl :?:i C'a tL. h ''""1 ,\ • ha•wC' ;.i 1!1< £'i\f' t h"l Th<' ft•-.t i\li l~ ... \\II' :-;~·· ,.. 11.·· · 1 h" p1 '""· da\ C'\E'~lln~ \\l1b ~~" d~.·chl:tlt• n 'liP •(J! 1'1at 1o~ ot U Repul)lic s l op Democrats Here et for ell• nr 'h" "\13:1 rC'£:1"'£>'•"! ' '~''" i:• ~·t>wpotl Hart)(H. ~ll: .t.•• l:C' Am,..•·ic•·m f.A'~ton Pu:-.t _l~ll \' rJI hrc>ak ;::round fl't 11 ... '11'\\ L··~ion ~~uhl ,~ '1:-o li.'Of' f',•T••~' •1'' :l' " 1-hll ·tt 11 a.m Sa•urrla~. HatT) J·~,tu .... pr,•..,ulent of th" [.,~•_: '•11 t 'nt pn-·.~' ~ il"f' :~1 r:~h•·t f i ':l.' ' 1''1(1 :- J .tt.'d 'airlthr.. W<'<k Th,• n.,. u~1on Hall ''ill ll\ hutl1 an 11m.t of 11'1 1•·,w:rl ·•· J•at'll'"· t I , 1'.l ~"·•·rt Lq!inn m l' 11111! pi 1 t on t ht• :-anw ground-. Th. ()1 ~ r: ,. Cnl. r. • ·• , · • 'I ~ · .. Lt1(!10n hParls cxpc'l.'l r:arl ~tanl··~. aS'-I'mh l~man from till ... rit,lllt'l ' ou; (' .,,lP('.., -~Oi l' ·11'1'1 .,,, .. S an l'ollu.~. "PN~kt•r nf tl ,. -.\.11 •' lC'~l:-latttl'r' ant t\•n n 1.•n l··r u)~ll' fl('t" , .... , r~"Pl'-~l rh r(nJ..:n· • 1•., --1 Gough. nf Pa!-.tdt'n\1. ''' ,\II• nrl th•~ f "' • \'<1\,•'1• flit••"" n""li'C1e>lo E ~round ht't•akl!H! n~rt>mnn\ 100 t d -· l iP'I•nthel~~ ,'t•rlot.n (i''l'l"' Xpec e ~tl'mh.:·t·s of tlw po~t Cllt cl•l'1:J !-. e i n~ I hl'il' I in'<' anrl "<'r\ J('e ... I P\\ 'll'd . Ill:'• :lt'!O~S. I 1 \I On Veterans' Day the• ~·nn:-.t:·uct1nn of th·· ,,..,, lnlJ.j 1, ln ~ 1'' ( nr0'~~./ ·:~ 1' :H_''·' • 1 1 -· I h l I 11. I .1' .t:n ·':\I'" , ... , I,;~"("""' ':1. :\ ,. t-~t ·r::-"all t al 1 w H.lt u .g 1 • • . . . 111 1:~· f''>\"11•11'1''" . ~·(\ i't'~l"' f':•• i. !' ll(H Jll"l fnr !Ill' Ll'~llltl, hr.! I • _ :\'('\\ p0rt l larhCtr \'c"'ll'l':ll,.; nr :~1 .. ,1 fttr th,, lwn,.flt n~ lh ' puhh•·.j'~' 'IH· .l;alhr "-; ~· '·, ' "' •• , 7""' g:tnll::tton h<l \l' !'Ptll out to lh"l="'''\rcw: l hrhnr nl ·d-. n ph ·· r,,;uh•,ans .1• !It~· 1 ' n:: · · · · () C · t 1 I "~ 1 n£'n'i,....,,.... ::-..•'"i"''' \811 •ll" .rill<'~ 1!1 1 '"~·· '1t.n ~ "i•h a lar~t' "NlllnC <"tp:h'll\ ' · I • o fot fl .,, t'tl·tf'c:; tn I :•'p·h•, ~~1: R•" ·rh.t ,, • ·q -, t l ( C I \. t " ') •• • · 1 '1~ 'll ,·,d•·,· t' .c•'"''· l f" ,,·an,:::r oun ,. c• .ftan!-1 •.1 "'' he id • •. ' • · •rl ., ... , ~ I ' 4' t 'J "l j . I '1 • :-· ~1 ,,~-'.. I ''II cl•" l.t'k . : F t •''< , H •·\ ·,•h l·n, n•: ·~ ',1 ". • (l R pp;: d••(i : • I '• · r ; · .... · l app l<'tld ns 11' t'' , l''h······ Mt 'l'l tn~' .1nd d!nlit'l'" lan .... I h 1 t !')(' hC'Id 1 =", '!)( 1 . (;·tl l,.l,t J .. jand ..._,-;-Rol ;.h' ('.,:1' ('H(' 0 ~...: :1 IO~n n,. I " n .. II :,,.' \ , 1 I Tlw I' I \\' '-ll'llt t llJ-,, \\Ill h"'\ •' :l :!~,s Pt•mt'('l'(l. ,; .e :-t I t ' II' !t . n \\'o at <1\ll ·'"' ·m " 1<'• "~ · ·'n' · ' -c"lPat t' of ()f)() to 700 ()( 1 'On'. l: . •1 ~lotf' than 100000 sp<'daln•-.. are Cn'ltr.h'OI' an• rO\\ lr-.,•lm.::: t hl' t•t: ~ <lnd nn L .ln I~,, 1'!' \l .,. 'l'''l' t ~~ ·,n ~i ll'< 1 ... . ' • 1',.. !"":' x : .1' ... ;1 I '<" ' nt. l 'f' ;;nrl C'OO!'trUc'ttOn \\Ill ))('~In T ht:' f:oat parttrlC' i~ ~<'h<'dul<'d "O"li 'lf!Pt· thr <'C'r<'mnn) hi\-.. h<-t•n in'1<'1 enckn:~. to :-t 'lt1 at 10 n m. n<'a ~2nd S1 twirl --------------- and Bnl hoa Bl\ d. anrt wtll cnct at :\Jain St. in Balboa. Tht"" pa· }';Hit' will halt at 11 an., a:1rl Dr. Priest to Talk bug let·~ along Balboa I3l\ d. "ill Kiwanis wtll hf'ttl' Or. B ill sound taps. After thC' pmcPssion. foo,i "ill P ri<'st. d<'an o f Orange' Cnast Col- h<-sC'r\'C'd to Parade <'nt rants at lcgC' and formE-r li<'ut. com~anrl­ t h<' miniaturC' ~olf cours<' ncar the £'r in thC' :'\l;n~ · sf)('ak on ''Hiking RE."ndt'zvous Ballroom. Organ-the Si<'rra Trails" at thE' Ross· iza.tio n officers w ill present m or<' ('~ft• this noon IT hursda) '· pl'izes to t 11<' w inn<'rs of th<' float Ca rt<'r H . LanE'. lieut gO\·ernor of OrangP Count) di\·fslon four con tt-st~. • · .1 · ...~ R of thC' Kl\\'ants. \\1 I tnuuct o~ ._,. Anrlet~on. p.-incipal of HN·ac-<' w. Newport meet Ensign ~Ch('(l): Harold Bt"<'b£'. The W <'st ~<'wport Impro\·C'm<>nt Association plans a m('('ting at p . m . Frida~. Oc-t. 21. at which t ime Vir·gin ia \V<'b~tE'r·s pia~. "A Ma n For K a te" w ill b<> pre~r.t~ to its members. Frand~ H or\'ath. p residcmt of t he organizat ton, _aid Tuesday. E'rnployet> a t Culht?rt~n Chc\ ro· let ; Herbert OC'\\'<'~. South Coast R <'all\' and Im .. ·est mcnt ; Phil Gra h a m . Farm House of :\1lracle M ilE'; Joseph Hambl<'t. 'l<'E'·pt·in· cipal of H arbor l'nion H igh ; Don Kirkpatr ick. radio r~pair in Co· rona d<'l :\Tar: Dr. Llnn Hutch in- son. OCC ~taff ; and B <'rt \\'t:>bb. cit~ e n gineer. Corona del M ar. Calif. I .. Ll ... ,.· •• T R A C [ T A L I ~ \ E ~. '. ~· . ... ': 1•1 \\. '\_, ....... t' "'. 1: .. • ' '\-\ •• '1 ,, ' t f 1\\ t l --------- no· .• '1· \\', ,• '-•' \'j)Oli 1' h.1d .·1 .. !l•nnd • • 1" .,, ·l'-1''11 for a ~:11 not a:-. c! the The as."<>Ciation rnC'ets at th(' N ewpor t Harbor Grammar school o nce a month. Recen t m ('('tings h ave been postponed because of jllne am ong the members. ln addition to the play, th(' improve- ment association will d is<'Uss its fJUpPort of the Chamber of Com · merce and other current busin ess. LIONS AT SANTA ANA T he Balboa Bay Uons Cluh m C't ~;th the:' Santa Ana Lion s Club last ni(!ht ( w~ day) at tht' M asonic T<'mplt-in Santa Ana . lt w as a d tnnE:'r mE-etinr beginntng a t 6 :30p m FAft SHOftT OF THE MAftK is the d rive for t he $18,800 quota for t he Newport HarbOr Com- munity Cftnt. Here the thermometer atanda at SS,OOO. or a bout 35 ~rcent. The persona pictured above repreunt o!'Qanlntiona wh<*'! activit ies face curtailment if the drive does not go over the top. Left' to rlgM from the top of the p loture the y are: John Van Dyke, 803 Orchid Ave., Corona del Mar, repreeentlng VMCA ; Wylie Kee ler, '24 Jaam lne Ave , Corona del Mar, Boy acouts; ftev. Thoma• "· Pendell, Inter-Faith Commltt~ for W ~k Day Rellgloua £dueaUon: Lyn Littleton, 125 40th lt., Newport, Girl couta: Ml• Mary Holtz. V ialtlng Nuraea Aaeocla t ton ; C 8 . Cromie, Catholic Welfare. Not 1n the picture Ia Jane 80d4"rhei'Q. •28 We•tmtn•ater Ave .. Teen Canteen. t .. .. • ... aoe 2 THE £NIION THU~aDAV, OCT08ER I . 1MI U/u Cn1ign ARVO E. HAAPA Editor and Publi ht'r PEG HAAPA A~sociate E<li tor TilE ENSIGN is published <'''ery Thursrt ay morning for the New· port Harbor area. Office hours: 9 a.m. to 12 noun and 1:30 to 5 p .m. Monday through Fnday. &U8SCRIPTION RATES One Vear ... ·-······-················-•·00 81x Montha ....... ·-········· ......... 1.oG Out of Mar.,.._ area. Yur .. _ 2.50 ~20t-D COAAT HIGHW~Y CorOna del Mar. Calif. Har'Mr 1116 and 111S Ceramic Treasures Shop to Open Here C. K. PRIEST, City Cl~rk of the City of Newport Beach. Pub. Oct .-" -*9. in 'The Ensign, Corona dPl Mar. Calif. John N. Osburn, M.D. Practb Umlted to the Eye lO A.)(.-4 P .M.. Mon.-Fri. Except Wed. After noon 332 Mucuente Ave .• COM HA 1367 Res.: HA 1830 Wallace J . Miller, M.D. Practice Limited to the Eye By AppoU.tment Harbor 1528 1415 Coast Highway, COM Phyaldan.Su,..o,..., D.O. Dr. Edward W. Milum Physldan and Surgeon Osteopath 615 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona det Mar Harbor 2942 Optician Tele-pltOne: Harbot' 1528 E. H. Thiele OPTICIAN Prescriptloos Fille-d Gluss Repaired 1U5 Coast Highway, CDM Open Six Days a \\'eek E\-enings by Appointment Oculist ~ptions ~l1ed wtth the Best in Modem Eyewear George W. Spratt OPI'ICAL COMPANY Ditpeft!llng Opticians 811 OOAST HIGHWAY Corona del Mar Harbor 3043 Ctllropractor Dr. Harvin F. Strid Cblropractor Hours: 9-S Mon .-Fri ~ 9-1 Sat. 7-9 Mon. and Thurs. Night 1Z17 COAST HIGHWAY Corona el Mar Ha.rboC' t<M8 FUMNI 01,.,....,. Baltz Mortuary Chapel by the Sea IURBOR 42 Corona del Mar, Calitomla Ample Oft .Street Parking Ambula..oe Harbor Ambulance Service HAftBOR 27'fn Night Calls: Beacon 5001 2 .. HOUR SERVICE 427 30th St., Newpon Beach Seal Ambulance Cadillac Equipm('nt BEACON 6274 Medical Oxyg{'n Sick Room R<:'ntals • "BE SURE-INS iRE'' with Maurie Stanley Insurance Couns('llor HARBOR li76 225 Marine Av~ .. Balboa Island Silver Platers And Silver Smiths Repairing -RA!finishing ~plating Gold-Silver-Copper-Brass Neu Community Omrch 1914 Harbor Blvd .• Costa Mesa Beacon 5113 l THE ENSIGN Page ~ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1i49 ne \'ltlu. .,. buildinr ~rmits I G. Kopp, 520 Orchid, 6-room . lqued ln 'tne c\ty of Newport one-story dWelling at 234 1r· Beach during S pt mber totalled 1$8.500. $3M,29l. some $40.000 short of Dr. z. \V. Loaan. Los Angeles. the $393.776 total for the same 5-room. one-$tory dwe lling at 315 month last year. Iris. $9,000. ....._~~~~~}}~~~H~ J Co~na ck-1 Mar buildin& topped HUih calms of Udo tale, 8- the fu~ure of a year ago. with room. two-1tory two-unit dwell· St67,000 in pennit.i issued laat ing at 431 Iris, i12.000. month. compared with $124,295 K. w. Moorhead, 223 Margue- for September of 1948. rite, 4-room. one-story dwellina at CorcJna del Mar Permits 510 Marigold, $6,500. C. E . Meeks. 519 Narclsuus, 4; El p 1 · 710 d 7 room. one-story dweUng at no mer 0 ner. ~ voca o . -J asmtne S6 000 room. two-story dwt>lhng a t 1408 ' ' · Ocean Blvd .. $15.000. Fredric Johnston . s ign for an· David Thomas, '23 Orchid, tique shop at l 316 Coast Blvd ., dwellings at 212 and 212 1 ~ F e m - ~-. . leaf, each $7,000. Margaret Me1sm ger. add bed· Balboa Island Permits r oom at 23~ P oppy An .. S1 000. Shf'ldon Hartwell. twO·!'tnry Linwood Vick o f Balboa Island , vwelling at 809 ~ Ba' Front garage a t :>06 Larkspur A,·e .. Si'.OOO · A deUebtful evening was . pent Monday, ~pt. 26, \\-ht>n ~ln.. W . D. Shock, 417 E. Edgewater, Bal- boa, called a m eeting of m othe-rs of ht>r junior departme nt Sunda}' School ·tudents of St. Andrew Prt>sbyte r ion Ch urch in Nt>wport Heights. Mrs. Shock led t he di - cussion about the new curTiculum. which will be used b) theo clas during the next quarter. and th<'n refreshmen ts w ere en eo Gu<'~t included Mrs. Richard Galbraith. Christ ian e-duca uon .. uperint('n- dent for St. Andre\\s Churrh. ~t, .... William Kimes. M r ..... ~ J Rir h- ardson and :\Irs. Ha:-olrl Hau,.,t.·. $750. Rolwrt r.rN>n. pat io and fire R ('X Brandt . garag£' at ~05 Gol· plar t> at 1 H C'ot·al A\'E> .. ~1~. dem od A\·e .. SiOO. B alboa Perm ita A. B. C'ornt>li~. Whittier. 4- room. one· ton dwt'lling at 2121 :'\1iramat .. S'i 65(). Personal Supervlalon by J. H. PATTERSON BEACON &130·W 1693 Irvine A\·e. COSTA MESA $50.00 to $1,000 *SALARY *AUTO * FURNfrURB' or other LOANS personal property "QUICK SERVICE'' Coast Cities Loan Company 1 :-:<'"t Door to \Ves•em Union Off ice) 2305 Coast Bh·d. T el. Harbor 2638-J N ewpol"t B each, Calif . \'olne~ I I a~. <:ign at 512-51 1 E. Or<'an Front. S500. Kut t S--hmitt. d<'licalf'~sE'n ~ign at 215 :-\. ~t ain. $400. Alden Doesbu1 g . :o.l'\·en-room. t\\'O·.tory rl\\ rlllng at 90 W . Ocean Front $1 1300. New port Heights Pe rmits RohNI For b<'s. 120.) S<>a. h ire. 5 nl('ffi. onf' <:tOt~ rl\\ f'ling at m Ali·"'· ~ .300. t •. .T \ta ..... •n. ( ·n-,ut \tp a :; tn .. rn . on•··!-IOt\ t 1\\Piltng tl 22G Cctta!tn:t S7 Cl;)O. Other Perm1t s t 1ra LN' ~kOO\\ ••11 17()~ Ral- hna nh cl . h l onm On<' <.,lOl ~ r''' ell in.! .11 :r;n1 B.llhna BI\'CI.. $~1 ')I II l L \\·. plt'\. at 1 • .. :;f I t '11\11 I ,\\ •' , S:'i ~00, L ~ \'.tktlllll• p ,,,·Hit•n;l. f •llt ·tll()m. 1\\0·~Iul ~ d\Hlltng at 1"" ! ~t.'d ... )HI: I' f't S7 ()t 10, C. \\' Smith, Plh<lcit•nn. n-r onm. oru..•-:-.t01~ d""llin!.! at :!fit•:'i Ba~· ... h. 11 l" I>r . B"t~ <:hOt t'" S 1:.! (lOCI. ~lany Visitors Come A numlx'r o( '1:-lhll .... from S.m P if'CO hm <' i)('t'n up to 'l"~' Wt'<' .lt firC'~ \\'tll,trd :'\Jil ... <•n nt·\\ ... on o f Lr. ar.d ~·It . .T n ~t.t. .... N1. 'il Flrnh•af .\\•' Cnrnn'l cit I \l 1r. • • • Mr. and Mrs. W illiam S. Smith, of Cliff Drive, N ewport Heights. Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Webster and M r. and Mrs. Homer M ellott of Costa Mesa. attended the Ice Follies at Pan Pacific Auditorium in Los An· geles Sunday eventng last week. • • Wednesday of last week Cor- nella Smith's btrthday was aga•, celebrated w it h a w •en1e roast. B idden to share 1n the f t..:n wer'! Kathy Raub. Judy H emstreet . Sharon Si nger. Kay Ande r~on, D iane Haught and Linda Grover . .. . ·custom Built Box SprinCJS \lr-.. Jamr E ~hP<'It~,· anci hf'l' mr·lhl r . :\Jr .. A P 1ntan I' nf P - .;;acit:'na . la~t Sunrlay ' .. tft d ' r' Sh•"('lt"'~ 's ... nn R •h. It \\'" i Sht•t :.~y w lw 1 ... at• nd n!:: ~~ \:·· J <'ffrry. \\h<" ''·'"' hnrn ~··pt 11 ·hom', S.mm'lr~ of t"• F· r ,,_ at Long Rf•at·h :'\:-n.tl }lp ... pial •1~ 0•d,~r m Santt n.t h~1·1 ,,,, • l;a' ~r:lndparf"nt .... n n l'll)lh .. 11:1<': 1 f ll .,,ktn.:: '~"" h.,.,, .f .1 ... , ..... · his fa mil~ l i\ 1111..: tn ~ ln T 1t• 1.!) 1 J·..; Rc ,'•• rr 1, a :-;r~<h"t '•' 1 f J! tlu 1 I mother':-. mntht r ~tt·.... n \\' l (t~h. and Mallaesses Featuring A ir Foam M attresses and PiUowe \Ve specialize in oversize beds, renovating and recovering Harbor Bedding 1602 NEWPORT AVE. I Coata M esa Harbor 1425-W B eacon 61 76..J BOB WBOTSON, Prop. - .tnn~""· ju~t l•~ft c,,, nn 1 d· 1 :\t.u a f t•\\' OCt ~" R£:0 ~11(' \\ ,t, h• II' 1 lk· f I in~ carP of hroth•~r ,T nhnn~. "ht' h 4 1 ~. C'apt. A n lal\t' \Ia .. nn ckp- uty sh<'riff of San P i•'hn Count~. and ~h·<:. ~Ja .. ••n nl"'' c 1m•' tn ha\'f" a lnnk at th•~ lt!tl" ... 11.1n!:l'l'. Th1y nr<' Lt. ~l<hon·-.. p:-11 .•nt ... 2 Partn~~ Tak~ o,·~r T\\ n "H : nt'l'" r 1 T l fl pp .H1d JO."-{'ph PnttPr. h~,.,, l il kl"n m t:'r HnmP ~N'<'Is ilnd Hutlrttng SC't\'· ic't' :l;vl 'h<' ~~""l""):t lta,hnr Em· plO' mPnt $('1' IC'l"' prf'\ tmt:--ly ore•·atPd hy Olh e1· .-\uh1 ('~ and Che1rlt~ .... (;ate!'. The offtcl" i ... at 5\).!)' • E . Ba, ,\ \('.. Ha )t){ltt \t ; .. l~f\lP~ lS <:li iJ <1""0('1:\lro with thE> firm. :'\t r~. Edwttrd Bat•~'. "ho had SC't'\t'r\ a-.. ciPT'k in t h<' office. ha .... had tn n·~ign b<'caust• of 1 he illnt'"~ ,,f hC'r hus· hand. ''ho is a p<~lrnlmnn on the ~e .... -port Beach polll'<' forct'. Linoleum Clearance Sale Best Bargains in Orange County Compl~te Line of Amtstrong and Oth~r ~lak~. EXPERT INSTALLATION Guaranteed Over Wood and Concr4!te l t Page Lin*wn & Tile Co. 135 E . 17th ST. Costa Meu Call Beacon t210-W FREE ESTIMATES • Mr. and M rs. C. K . Varner. N ew port Heights and M r . anci Mrs. L. L. Isbel l. B alb oil. re· cently enjoyed a week's vaca· tion at thei r Panoutt ch. Utah. h unting lodge. T hey had as t he·r guest Stewart B n~gs of Ne""· po rt Beach. :'\tr nnrl ~t ··.; T -.m ~. ·," :'l "'ol ;\lr ~nrl ~rr' r,,., r..:• F'. k.; ~·1..! (\f I :-\. wport H•'!!::ht... n ...... a · ·!·· I ... •' of ~l r anrl ~fl· ... (',. •"l'C•' ,-1.;: '· n• r h<'fnr<' ~··•'I'O ..... !::' •' ,, r. , t· :1nd \\'hi f' Ft 11'' •' f' · ·· :· i ,.~,. :lt t h" Baltx•a R,t:, Cl <h F: 1 ! " Pn'ning. Mariners· Shin );i<Hi Holds First 1\leetin~ Fir!'t m('('tinf! of thl" ~t'aJ· f 1q· the Girl ~Iari ne .,, Ship "'\nd \\'a~ held 1<'1~1 \''''('k nn \\ .'(~l)t'!' da\ at th<' (~n·J Sc'P\.t Hnn'' Tl t' mt"<'l in g .\\ ,, ~ f\ l n,, r. n \11 t" " t' 1 cnme nE'" m~"mh<';' ~l tl-. 1-:t•n nl'th Star<'t':l' h,{, ~'"'<'11 n'tnH'd 'T':tlf' of the .... htp ~n·,n·rlinc 1' t r~ Tf?td Har1hrnoi-\ ,J.\n•pPt :tnd 1 \!1 s 0. (-;., ~lJ ('SC: h.b ;'li.O N't"' ll signf'rl on a~ crt~\\·. I ~11 "· Belt' Ch:l'to, k 111 .... hf•• n a<:kcd to h<' m!'l'(' on tl.•' < • ht"'l' \larinPr . ~1p \ numt\('t ,,( 'ht' 1 drls of this !'hip arC' t.1h1n~ 1 lw h.'\sic P Clwl'r Sou:~ ~:·tlll ,·,•ur"t"' 1 t'· inc: Clffcr<'ci at Balh0a Y'\cht (1 1h ~m ~tonda~ .... CRUTCHERS RETURN ~fr. and :\lr<:. R L Cru l cht~r. 3.10 :'\tnrninc Can~ ,~n Rnt~ci. Ar- ri\'C'd hom<' la ... t Fndl\~ frnm n fin'·WN'K plant" t np Cn\ <'rin'! 7.500 milE's. thE'\r J0Uml'~ took them tD Guatemala. San Sctl\'ndns· and . Me"Xiro. • • • Specials for Thurs., Fri., Sat .-Oct. 6, 7, 8 ARmtOIES, large . • 3 for 19c LARGE, SWEET GRAPEFRUIT • BELLEFLEUR APPLES PARD DOG FOOD • • • • CLOROX • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 cans 23c . . qt 15c . . lb 52c _A '\CE-2 FOR 21c med.-~ for 23c • t32c 12rOI can 16c . . . . lb 2Sc OCEAN SPRAY Cranberry Sauce . 16-oz can. 2 forlk SW A NCO MARGARINE • . • • • . • • lb 19c LI BBY 'S TOMATO JUICE . Ho. 2 can, 2 for 23c 24-oz boHie 39c SOIL-OFF • . . • . GOLDE"J STATE BUTTER •••• . . . . . . lb 67c Meats BUTLER ROS. F~aturing ~fanning's Ra hy &~f -..~PEC'I:\L PORK ~.\ .E-HAM 0' .''T.HE: E~o . . . . !b 5 9c ~-T O 5 L R SIZ ES HAM ROAST L O I N-E ITHER E N D PORK ROAST E ND CUTS ..... ib 49c ..... lb 5 sc PORK LOIM CHOPS .. lb 6Sc ...•• lb 19c tlfiiiPiGSAUSAGf :· P~c 2 9c ~-L B . T I N PURE LARD. COAST SUPE MARKET .} Page 4 THE .ENSIGI'; THURSDAY, OCTOBER I, 1M9 Vi's Beauty Shop Shelton-Thermtque MACHINE WAVE Longer Lasting Loveliness 1103 COAST HIGHWAY Corona del Mar HA 0533 Public Stenographer Notary Publi<" Mimeographing Addressing Telephone Sen;ce Sarah Wheatley Harbor 1975 Blrtcher Bldg. SEEN AT THE Black and WhJte Formal Fridc:y night at the Balboa Bay Club. Here, left to right, around the table, are Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Denlinger of Balboa and Mr. and Mrs. Anton HERE ARE Mr-a. George A. Gay, Mrs. Jacque Wallace, Mrs. VIrgil Schuster, Mr. Gay and Mr. Wallace. The Gaya and the Walla~• are Balboa Islanders. Mrs. Schuster Is a guest from Glendale. (Photos by Neal Beckner.) CORONA DEL MAR He~'Shey of Balboa Island. FOR HALLOWEEN FUN! REALISTIC RUBBER MASKS 1 I...an!e and small sizes 1 e HALLOWEEN COSTUMES • ORANGE AND BLACK CANDLES e TRADITIONAL COMIC MASKS e ORANGE AND BLACK CREPE PAPER ---- 103 Coast Btvd. H art:.or 850 Corona del Mar WATCH FOR. OPENING Dee's Beauty Salon FOR:\1ERLY OF BE\'ERLY HILLS A~n PASADE~A 1415 COAST BLVD. CORONA DEL MAR In the Blrtcher Bldg. • 1n at Corona del Mar TREASURE DAYS HARBOR :>1 qfi-W PARKING IN THF RFAR PATIO FRIDAY-8.-\Tl'RDA~~-. t •NDAY OCT. 14-15-16 • 10 VALrABLE PRIZES in-:luding a TELEVISION SET will be awarded at LOBSTER BAKE ... SATrRDAY, OCT. 15 • B UY YOUR TICKET NOW for $1 .25 from a Co- rona del Mar merchant. • OTHER BI G EVENTS: e FRIDAY, OCT. 14-Dedlcation of F ire Hall, Crowning of Queen, Dance. e SATURDAY-Formal opening of Port Theatre. • SUNDAY-Treasure Hunt. The Trea.ure Cheat filled with g ifts will be buried eomewhere In Co- rona del Mar. e See the Treasures of Corona del Mar on d laplay In the booths. Sponsored by Corona cW IUSINESS ASSGCI~ftON ---- 'A Man for Kate' Given by Players More than a hundred members day night for the opening play of the Newport Harbor Com-of the . eason . ''A Man for Kate." munity Players. Inc .. packed the The play. an original by Vir- dub room of the Community ginia and Webster Terwilliger. Church in Corona del Mar Mon-who write under t he pseudonym -------------of Virginia Websler. was a typi- Hobby Started Him in Business cal picture of small town family life. \\'ith a blending of pathos and comedy. Mrs. T erwilliger directed. and the cast included Randy Bell of FINE ITALIAN DINNERS and complete m enus OPEN FOR LUNCH 1611 COAST HIGHWAY Harbor 1180 Corona del Mar Open Until 2 A.M. Food Served to 1 :30 A.M. A hobby has started Bob Me-Fullerton. Mrs. Edna Roush of Far ren in a new business in Coro-Cost a 1\t(>Sa, Fredah Bat~ of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ na del Mar. Bob is the guy who Santa Ana. Bettedean ~r:uth of : p."linted your name on a cup which Co ta MPsa, Web Tennlllger_ of 1 h•:ng at your favorite eaterie. just Coro!la del Mar and Lee Barnes Gene'S Place so you could get a personalized of Lido Isle. c:;:.; of coffee. A potluck supper. sen·ed by Painting and glazing were just the members themselves. r·ound· SPECIALIZING IN p"lrt of Bob's hobby. He took a ed out the e,·ening. Wedding Cakes t wo-yearc; course in ceramics at Fullerton Junior College and when B' rthd Cake he got home from chasing Nazis in ~ SJM ~ 1 ay S thC' mountain regions or Italy dur-• ~41/ French Pastries im; the war. he decided that ce-ORIGINALS r:tmics was what he'd most like to Custom and Raady Made t ak(' up. So ewn though he had a Plastic Accessories 705 COAST HIGHWAY job as a candy salesman, he put-Infant, Closet, Kitchen, Bath Corona del Mar Harbor 1102 te~d around in Ws garage at his ;~1:1:~~C~o:a:~~H:I:g:h:w:a:y:,:C:O:M~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Snnta Ana residence. perfecting hi~ an . Some of the things he makes are t-~rr<'l planters. squirrel and snail planters. bamboo-type wall brack- "'~-pitchers. kids' banks and salad l owls. · Although he is just getting starl- <'d in hi n<'w quarters back of thE:> Lon(> ~t ar Exhihit. 1115 Coac;t Rh·d .. Bob hac; gr<'af plans for new p~tlo and c;howrooms whC'rc:> hP '\'Ill ~<'11 pottery rf"tail as wf"ll ac; 'holf"c;a le f('1turing Farr<'n Wl'lfC', "the unusual in rt:'ramic'~" KAPPA'S PLAN TEA All n<'w Kanpa K:1ppa r.amm:\ :dumn"<' C'lr<' invit€'d to t hP firc;t fall mC'E't ing of thc:> local Kappa r lwptf"J' at thP homf" of ~1r~. J . B. Stortdard. :?25 J asmin<' A\'f" . Cnron" del \far, on Thur~dav. Ort. 13. · ThP opf"ning mPeting will h<? :l tPa from ~ to 5 p.m. NC'w or pms[>e('t ivP memb(>rs are invitPd to call Mrs. Stoddard and she will arrange for t ranspot·tat ion for guests. Kappa alums of all Southern Orang(> County are in· eluded in the group. COMMUTES TO GLENDALE It's been nearly a commuting schedule between G lendale and Corona del Mar for. Mn. George Dennison. 421 Mareuerite Ave. Mrs. Dennison has had the super- vision and some of the care tor A New Service e PICK-UP and DELIVERY e Serving These Area!l: BALBOA ISLAND CORONA DEL MAR LIDO ISLE BA Y SHORES BEACON BAY Pressing While You Wait Alterat1ons a F eat ure • DRY ('LEA.\!\,.l -(i Harbor 2290-\\' 217 MARINE AVENUE BALBOA ISLA N D BEST WISHES TO "TREASURE DAYS" and aU in Corona del Mar \\·ho make "TREASURE DAYS" a real civic and shoppi.Bg event--from (LAGUNA BEACH) ·her mother, Mrs. Mattle Ray of Glendale, who fell recently and broke her hlp. She spends week- ends fulfilling social obUcatJona in Corona and del Mar and earlier this month was bu.ly ptting 10n ._ _________ _...., ........ ....,.._ ___ ...., .... iliiiliiiilliiiiiiill_.....,,: Johnny off to college. See t he TREASURE CHRJT (donated by Corona Craft) that will be filled full of prizes (donated by local businessmen) and buried in Corona del E!ar for "TREASURE DAYS.'' The Treasure Cbest Is On Dlllpl&y at -.:... ..... ~-_A.,.t'u,. murra'l ----. 411 Cout Blvd. Ba.rl»o : 1925 1520 011 Your Dial KTED Invites you. to visit th m NOW . . • KTED will be on tbe air soon -and visiting will be curtailed ••• vi it KTED all aext week, Oct. 10 to Oct. 14, 10:00 to 1% :to or 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. . . . leam about YOUR new radio tation...-.KTED OF CORONA DEL MA SAT .. OCT. 15-Lobster Bake ... Awarding of Prizes ... The atre Open in g SUN., OCT. 16--TREASURE HUNT ... !ee th e Tre asures of Coron a del Mar on display in the booths! GRAND PRIZE ... TELEVISION SET You r 1id i t•t to the Lob~tPr E aht> \\"il! g:n · \Otl a <h.'!1 'c to ,,in a Tt•!t•\ i~ion ~t ... or a ~ota ... or a <·mnpJ ·t c• ~p nr , .. C hJt fit ... or o nt> of th~ ot hC'r ,-alua bt~, prizt .... Th~~·· fimt~ a re COOJ~ra ting to prt\~flnt TRE.\ '('Rb: n .\ y ...... , ( .trnua d ··' ' •• ; (,iff " tn h,• t J:i , ,.,, 111 th{' Treason' ('lu~~t arp li ,tfd ht•r fi: PETITE VILLE $5 00 M erchand•se O rri~r MOODY D RAPER IES $5 00 1\A erch and •s~ Order NEWPORT HARBOR BANK $5.00 Savtngs Account ARTH U R MURRAY STUDIO Thr~e free rlanc•ng l~ssof"s LUCILLE'S STUDIO A wat~r color by Luct tl~ RUTH'S BEAUTY SHOP Cold Wave P~rman~nt CROWN OF THE SEA RESTAU RAN T D inner for Two Y ERINGTON 'S STATIONERS Choker and ear ring set SUTHERLAND'S 2& P ersona lized H allmark Christmu Ca rds " ANTHONY'S SHOE SERVICE " Comp lete hom~ sh ine set SCH O.f'FSTALL PAINT STORE Gallon of Paint TOT AND TEENS $2.00 M erchandise Ord~r HARBOR PAINT & APPLIANCE Gallon of D utch B oy Enam~l H E NDRICKS PR INTING CO. $5.00 M erchandise Ord~r COAST SUPER MARKET $5.00 F ood Order COA ST HI CAFE VAN HOUTEN'S CLEA NERS SI LHOUETTF SH OP $5 00 G•ft C. t' ~· oqANGE COAST GE~ C~~~~5 A Gtft MODER!\~ HOME 2-h 36 Sh-''J q g HAMPTON'<; HARBCR ::J R L ~ $2.50 G t1t Ccrt.f .... lt"' S T A N H 0 \" A R D lJ N I 0 "' 0 L 0 Gallons o' L n 0" -601 B~OOKINGS VA~•ETY STOPE $2.00 G•ft Cert f cat~ CERAM IC TREASv PES A F tgur~ P a,,,~ SARAH WHEATLE'I P nvat~ S~cr~tary for "'" Ho r H I DV'S P ET SU PPLIES S2 50 Merchandise Ord~r PATIO MAL T SHOP $2.00 C~rtificat~ for Sna" ~ s CANOY SCHOONER Pound of Candv C ROWN HARDWARE $3.00 M ~'"chandts~ Ordtr THADEN'S FLOOR STYLISTS A n A damo Rue O'BR I EN'S SPECIAL TV SHOP A Scarf HAVENS HALT SHOP 10 F rosty M ;;lts CORONA CRAFT 1 Maker-a of Treasur~ Chut EAR L F . CHAMBERLAIN ~ .)' r :, S40o;, ~ ~ Boo·~ G!:I'H .. A I:.'C)-~Tli:' 0 o.-: S•, r~trat ~~G~'\ ~ RES~.,.lJ~~'\T (A '\'\C''-S FOOD CE'-... ER /J. G ft F..,"-,;:-A S H 0 1\.S .A G 1 t 1-. I D ~ L L 'c; C E R .A '-1 C S :: '"P" sc Ccn..., c F•Qu"~ H ARBOq PI-!OTO L AB ro'"t'"cl t by I-4.71\A.ard F o S\t""' KAREN MA~G RETA )-. H .ln d-Biolo'\n. H ;~nd·Clll Crystal D t-canter OLIVER BROOMH E AD Pa•r ot Ptnl.. ng S n~"r~ STO D DARD S PATIO S 4 0 P A Gt't U"4 1QUE SHOP A G ft \\.AL LACE CALDERHEAD A G t1t B lJTLER BROTHERS A Gift JOVE & PEAGE R 10 Gallons of Gasol ne BAY ESC ROW om·~ tim~ ~fort' Sunday mornin~, ~t. 16. thf' Tn~a nn' Che t \\'ill ~ hidd~n ~ome\\'bf'n' in Corona clt'l ~lnr. Tltf' luc ·y find~r will win all t~ ~ift!iii that fill thi~ clu~~t. ~ , I I \ . ( ..... t --' ' THE EN81GN THUR80AV, OCT08ER I, 1Mt hi•• Red Cross Meetm1 1 Wood fales Over K.if 'r Red Cross contributors ot one J I dollar or more were tnvtted to the The name's changing, but the with the Elgin NatlOnal Watch .• .. , . 1 .. ., 'II . , ~a 11~"''"" }/ Southern Orange County Chap-face 1s ~nuch the same at Keith's Co~ and during the war he did c:7rroUIIII UJtl'fiOtl, JJ'lllltJ, ter of the Red Cross Annual Din· I Jewelry on Balboa Island. Reason oonfldenUal lns~t work for n r meeting last Thursday at is that Hugh Wood, who's taking the covenunent. Model railroad _.. ..... _____ By BETTY WATSON 6 :45p.m. in the Santa Ana Wom-'over the jewelry shop. looks Expected back today from a A visitor this week at the home en's Clubhouse at the com er of enough like Bill Keith to be mis-building ls his !'lobby. vtslt to Chico, north of Sacra-or Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bruner , 219 Sb.th and Baker Streets. I taken for his brother. mento, are Mrs. Jack Bidwell and Apolena Ave., ls Mrs. Bruner's Mrs. R. R. Randel was re-~r Wood and Mr. Keith an· RETURN TO LIDO claughter Jacqueline. They have mother, Mrs. Ruth M. Tilley of cently elected to the Red Cross 1 noun~ the transaction last week Back In their Udo hie house at been visiting Mrs. Bidwell's moth-Seal Beach. board of directors for this arP.a., and "Woody" took over the H. 216 Via Mentone ~ the Herbert er, Mrs. Catherine Owen. • • • I R. Wood Jewelry. Mr. Keith will KJngs. They moved last week • • • Miss Joan Sampson was home BUILDER~ NAME MELLOTT remain here for a while to assist from their summer residence at Mrs. Hans Wippler. 1015 W . from Scripps College to spend the The California State Builders 1 the new proprietor before heading 412 Dahlia Ave., Corona del Mar. Bay Front. left Monday for Den-w£>ek-end with her mother, Mrs. Exchange named Walter B . Mel-for Iowa, where he will go into ver with her daughter Joyce and Norma Sampson, 215 Sapphire lott, p resi.dent of the South Coast the ready-to-wear business. ConstructiOn Co., of Newport son Harold. Harold will assume Ave. Beach , as its vice presldent at the j The Woods came here from Red-his duties as &-"5istant concert-• • • Wood master and violinist at the Den-annual convention held recently I lands, where Mr. was S Moving day was Oct. 1 for M rs. in Long Beach. Mr. Mellott was 1 watchmaker with Hinennan J ew-~r ymphon.v. • • Dehlia Reich , fonnerly of 218 Ma· designated as director to the stat_e eler . He is a graduate of the Brad- Newcomers to thE' I sland are rine Ave. She is now living at 115 group from the Orange County; ley University Watch College, Pe- Mr. and Mrs. Richard H auser and Diamond A\'e. Builders Assn. oria. IJJ •• class of 1931-32. He was son Michael, who moved Ia t we{'k from Glendale. Mr. Hauser's par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Throdore Hau - ser. lh·e at 323 Cryo:;tal A\·e. . "' . A real famil~ rC'nnion wa.•• c£'1••- hl·ated SundM~ With a p1cnie at Santa Ana Park at whic·h all the \'en childr£'n and 12 grandchil- dren of Mrs. 1\tartha J . AllE'n, 2261..: Sapphif'(' A\'t' .. WC'l'C' pt'C'Rcnt. )Its. Allen c:mw hql"E' 21 \'c>ars I • ago ft·om Pitt. burgh. Pa .. and all ENTERS GOLF TOURNAMENT Mr. and Mrs. Everett Morris. 114 VIa Zurich, Ltdo Isle, dro\'e north last week to P ebble Beach. where Mrs. Morris ts participat- ing In the Women's Golf T ourna- ment. HARBOR 1000 We l.Tse Island Delivery Service 200-202 MARIXE .-\\·E. • of h<>r childrc·n arr nn\\' Cnlifornia I"(>Sident!'. Loca I J,,. t hN'<' at'(' for- mer rouncilmnn Roh All<'n and :\11·~. ,lack Arrwlci of 11alhoa l!'land and )Irs Tnm E Runldt• of Co- rona d• I :\tm Visit Our Completely Stocked Liquor Department opp1n In :'\o1·th H nll~" nf'l(\ li\'E' Ron Fr<>d D .. \II• n and chll!!htc ,., ~1r .. K C F.d"'"d" \\hiJ,. lh'l' ~oung­ E''>t son. Ed'' nrd t•·-..Hk" in Bur- hank. Thr "J>t't'lal rNhnn for the picnl(' \\'8'> lh<' ()l'('a<:ion nr a ,.; ... ,t from )h' F'Ai car L u ... l'h a daue;h- 1• r h\·ins:; in ~:m \Tm.-•o. • .\ 1\\"i)-month C'I'O"-S C'('Untr\' t r ip i!' in c:tor<' for :\Tr r:mci )lr<: H c'b('r H . Fo" l<'r. ~07 Coral A\'<'. Their fit·~t !;:top "ill hC' \\'1lliam!'burg. \"irginia. for a tour of the' N"stor<'d historic town. n('Xt they ·will dl'i\'E' to Miami Bf"ac-h, Fla .. for a visit with Mrs. FowlC'r's si!'ter LatE>r they plan to fly to Jamaica a nd tl\en motor back to California Yia the Gulf Coast with a stopo\'er at w Orleans. • • • ~fr. and Mrs. Clayton Lowe ha,·p dE'<'tded to make their 219 A,gatP A\'f!. home their permanent N>sidence. Two of their three children Penne:-· and J erry. h ave st~rted to school. Mr. Lo"n' is ~till in Burhank until th<'ir horne- t hC'il' ic;; Sf'lc!. • • • Mr. and !\1rs. John \•italic-h. 300 Amrth~ st A\'E'.. ar(' in then· },orne a ~ain aftC'r Rpcnding part of th(' s umm('r awa~· from the CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP • • • CHALLENGE BUTTER • • • • • • tRIS COFFEE • • • • • • CRISCO • • • • • • IVan BABY SPRING LEG 0' • • • • SWIFT'S PREMIUM HAM • • • • • • • TILLAMOOK atEESE • • • • • • HORMEL BACON • • • • • • 3 for 29c . lb 65c • lb49c 31bs 77c • • • • Shank End 49c lb57c lb59c GERBER'$ BABY FOOD • • • BEST FOODS MAYONNAISE • • LARGE BOX TIDE • • • • • • • NUCOA • • • • • 's EXTRA FANCY PIPPIN APPI!S ••• • • RED DELICIOUS APIUS . • • • • JUICY, SWEET GRAPEFRUIT • • • SPANISH ONIONS • • • • • • • • • 3 for 23c pint 35c . . 2Sc . !b 27c Sibs& 21bs 19c 6 for 19c 41bs 15c states. Mrs. \'italich spent five ""'----------------------------------------------....,. weeks at the EdgP\\'<J t('r Beach HntC'I at \\"aikild BC't'lC'h. I 1/:m·aii. whilC' Mr. \'italich wrnt on a two- month fi..,hing tlncl hunting trip to Alask:~ ahr·oad thP Fl('ischman Yacht. T_hree on Trip '!\1rs Loio:; Glick of 427 Dahlia A\.·c .. Corona del Mar. propriC'tor of Loelc Art Crart" on Balboa I sland. left last \\'C'C'k on ~'cdnC's­ dQ): for a two-month tnp to Eu- TOp!' and England. She is accom- pani<'d by her son. Bill \onklin. and Paul Robe-rtson of Corona del Mar. During Bill Conkli n's absence, Partner Lco Kroonen is taking eare of the d utiC's at I...E>owillo Nur- sery-Florist on th<' l slanci . • AWVERS IN OREGON Away from his Sawyer Sport Shop pn Balboa Island is Stan Sawy(tf, who is on a \'ACation trip to Oregon. Mr and Mrs. Sawy('r lint Monciay to spend a week at the fishing place of Don Douglas at Rushing Water. n<'ar Medford. Ot-e. Don Douglas is well known _. the Island as a former boat boilder her('. DONATES WATER COLOR Helen Will Smith. Balboa Wand artist . has donat ed one of •r water colors to the Cheyenne, W yo.. Veterans Administration Hospital. Dr. A. R Pearc-e, chief .-ec:tJcal officer. and J . M. Ables. amnager. have st re ed the value .,. art as a m ans of therapy, a~nd fr ho. pi tal ranks third in the Any S\veate r, Skirt or Slacks Cleaned and Pressed Fl& w ith any bundle of clothing deposited at this shop for needy European families on behalf of the Na- t ional Council of Catllolic Women War Relief Serv- ices. 217 MARINE AVENUE H ARBOR 2290-W SPEC/ AL OFFER INTRODUCING Holm and Edwards pring Garden Pattern P erfect for Bridge Prizes and Other Gift Occasions H. (Formerly t<elth'l Jewelry) 218 MARINE AVE. HARBOR 2640 Mtfon in patient reaction. ._ _____________________ ..,: Summer Weight SPORT SHIRtS ALL SIZES Solid Colors and Some Prints ~Off SlWRR SPOR' SHOP 207 MARINE AVENUE HARBOR S76 Your Special Dinner Flet of So1e Choice of Soup, Salad or Tomato Juice T ARTAR SAUCE POTATOES ROLLS and BUTTER 305 MARIN£ AV£N~ HARBOR ~72 BALBOA BUSINESS AS These Specia FOR THREE (Thur. day, Friday by Island 206 MARINE AVENUE Special for Thur .. F MINNESOTA BRAND BACON • • • • • • • • • 11 RoelihHIMJ. ~oup Is Entertained Old and new executive board sen. Laguna; ·Miss Rosamond ·members fA the Orange <:»a.st Mtn-Makely, Costa Mesa; Thomas eral and Lapjdary Society were in-Holmes, Whittier; Mr. and Mrs. vited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neece, Laguna. H. M. Barne$. 332 Poinsettia Ave., Corona del Mar, last Friday eve- ning. , Twenty-one .. rockhound" offi· cers and their guests were present for an early dessert and social eve- n ing folloWing. On hand for the party were Mr. and Mrs. Don Woods, Costa Mesa; Warren Mat- hews, Laguna; Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Toulou~. N~rt; Leo Koch an.d Glen Koch, both of Corona del Mar; Ralph Best. Costa Mesa; Mr. and Mrs. John Ford. Costa Mesa; Mr. and Mrs. A. H Mahr of Full- erton; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mather, Corona d<.'l Mar: Miss Kay Han- Members of the local lapidary group took a trip to Pasadena on Sunday to visit the rock and min- eral museum of the California In- stitute of Technology. HAZEL DR. AREA 'BOMBED' The Hazel Drive area of Corona del Mar. north of the Highway, was the target of mysterious aerial "bombardment" 1 a s t Thursday afternoon. The "bombs" trailed a long streamer of white as they spiraled dov.'Tl Curious residents sooo disrovered that the plane was dropping rolls of t oilet paper. Landscaping Startt.-d I THURSDAY, ocToBER&, 1s.t THE ENstGN P A:.a..'::~~ ~~=~unds or Harbor Residents Attend PTA Meeting the new Horace Ensign School. now being done by Ellis Bros. N ur erv of Corona del Mar. is expecteo to be completed by the eud of next m onth. The project calls Cor the plant- ing of four big olh·e trees. 23 smaller trees and some 800 s hrubs. as well as seeding the lawns. ATTEND L. A . MEETING Rev. Denis Jo Pph Fal\·e~. ~(>w port Beach parish priest. Mrs. The-odore Robin s . :'l:e'-' port Heights and ~Irs. Elmer P oirier. Corona del ~tar. attendl'd a mN't ing of CathoJic con-f raternity (}( the Catholic \\'omen'.; Club in Ln!li AnJ.;eles Ia. t "' f:'f>k on ~1onda~. "Keep topics and themes inter· esling and gi\·e parents l'eal help with practical problems." ad\ ised Mrs. George Beanston. San Fran· clsro. addressing delegates of Fourth Dist riel, California Con· gre s o f Parents and TPach(>r"'. Thursday. in Anaheim Cit~ Pat k. In the group which heard Mrs. Bean ton. who is state d1rector of e-<tension. we1 e a number of local rf>o;idents rt>pre!:-ent mg both th(> .:'\(•wpoJ t 8€'aeh E lementary S<•hi)()Js ParPnt Tea<:hPt As:,.oda- tiOil and t hP .:'\E.'" r~;rr H agh SchcK)l Par Pnt T(·<tehE.'t Av·•oua - twn T\\n mr>mtx>"' n! thP la'H r or ganizat ion. ~1.... JE:'t rr.ld S[Jang· lt•t of Lido ble ar:d ~~ 1 s. EdgcH H ill. pre loent. partJclpat the program . the former as man and the latter m giving the treasurer's report. DelegatE's from t he eleMentary school gr'Oup wet e Mesdames H: P . Ya1 nell Balboa Island, presi- dent; P. F. Ha1n~ Balboa Island, 1 ecordmg ~P<·t Nary· J. R. Evans, Balboa maL'dJ.JOE.' c-hai rman; E. u \\'llli.tm'-. Haltlf•a I land; John~on ( '(,, ur.<i Uf I \1ar; L R . E' an-. 1 ~ ... , ,.J•t membPnhlp cha 11 men. T r3\ (•)In~ ''' :If' n€'igti c·Jt~ (CII tht• Will h'' rt p pr~gni.D), Jl l<'n u· lu Ill' h rt t c1 ut he1 \\ t'l p 'hi' fu )ttY. tr ~· f If om 1 h~ ~ehool P 1 A :\k~dames HID, Spang l'l I ltl c ltl l:)r,, \ P~ S Dat>h l 1-;. \'. f{.q . .';•n Lf•c:li~"' • !f·n~i'l 1';11 k••• P••nc •• and J. D. I \h·\1•1 .tll I 1 Girl Sco uts Ask ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I ForNe~Leaders 301 Marine Ave. LARGE PKG. red by TIDE • • • • • • S & W -DRIP or RE GULAR ISLAND I COFFEE • • • • SCOT CIATION TISSUE • • • • • SIX FLAVORS JELL·O • • • • Is Offered • • • SNOW CROP PEAS • • BIG DAYS ·s Balboa Island Harbor 317 \\~ DELIYER S\o\A~CO • • • • 25c OLEO • • • • • • • • lb 21c D A SH • • • lb 53c DOG FOOD • • • • 3 cans 35c CHALLENGE • 2 rolls 21c BUTTER • • • • • • • lb 69c LIBBY .:o OZ -25c • • 3 for 20c TOMATO JUICE 2 Mo. 2 cans 23c FROZEN FOODS B I RDSEYE-FORD HOOK 12-oz pkg 19c LIMAS •••• • • • • • 30c -----T SP CIALS 1\ 111,1 I : J W1t~ i i CJrl of htp • .:. '' 1J! ~a I • ···d t\•, 1 _s dr rr Ol' ..... ,, .. . ( Ill'·' wDl -o m. . ,, • t]Ol~·· ! .a 1 • ' • <~nd ...: I'd out tlOUT .:.c-out ;'--I f I! ac· . . II 1~- .\dult .\rt Cia'-.; I .\t Hi~h ~ 'chool F I ' ' .... r •• (j al l ' \a~ u.-.1· 1 • ... ~ ...... t-..>tng o1Je'ed 1' , \\ 1..-, ' lJ 1•l I lij:::-l-, C , }. Tt't', ,, ......... h••t! ::<•m ';"to 9 pm. nn TtJt'"rl,l\" ut d t 1 1 he •uper· VIsion '"'f \1 "'· ~hi' 1(»¥ Lou rit>, • lPa<'her a• d .. r · "' '"'.ho bac ~X· hibih"'d h<•J '' o .. k m ~al'eries t h roughour the •o.t•. •. Emp · i "" inrJJ, irlu;tl •'"'·ttr (>ct..: a r d aU .,, !t 1 io•-.u t•d '\ ,,, h<' co·~. Thn ... ,• • ·' "•.J'l!: • · ,. " ·"~'" ~t Ito•: 1..: ·',: "\"· •• n --~•rrl~"''· y and aturda)·) ~ SLICED U .S. GOOD T ILLAMOOK BALBOA ISLAND ri., Sat.--()ct. 6-7-8 • • • • 59c • • • • ftc • • • • • • • • COTTOM PRINTS REGULARLY 5~ A YARD 3 Yards for $1.00 We G ive S . & H Green Stamps 320 MARINE AVE. BALBOA ISLAND AI Radios in Stock 50% Off Records 10c and 15c SOS Radio and ~ic Shop 300 MARINE AVENUE HARBOR 780 CHEESE lb 63c Imporftld \\ltit~ P~a . ant BLOUSES W ITH HAND-MADE L A CE $3 95 t o S9.25 Va lues 50°/o Reductions 3 DAYS ONLY LA FIEST A IMPORTERS HARBOR %23-W SOROR I T Y G ROU P MEETS }--,. '' ', • ., , ., . · ~ amo n~ the t)t) p.-. ..... ,. :11 1 ,. f .r ... t fall Pa:n- r. l11•n l J' I I lr:~ •O't \'\'€'1,\t on Tu.·-.rJ t\ '' rh<' homt' of the prab- dt'nl \11... ll.trnld \.otm<'no. in l'JS- '&n At 1 t'n Jm~ '' r rt"• 1 h€' n€'w VI prt''-IUI'nl :\11 "· ,ltohn Kecl~"'r: new .... cr!'1:ln \trc; Ti n'>t"marie £~-an. I anti ;\1 r: R.1' mnnrl 1-\ent H • :\frc: R,)h.·rt CAJhc; Clnd Mr!' lAon \\.illi,lms .111 of Cnmnn d<'l MK!'. BLANDS RETU RII,j L.------------------------1 \ ,·~el \It'-' ''r-h Rlan(l I·,,, t' lw.-n '-Jl( :· c!ll ,. he ~umnter ALL SLACKS $5.95 VALUES TO $12.95 F lannel. Strutter and Gabardtne VAGABOND HOUSE 2 19 MARl NE AVE. HARBO~ 2004 :ll thl'll' 1 .tlnc1 hom(' at 1106 a nn, 1·'"''11. h: ·. f' rl€'partro Jar Ph~,, ... 1," \ · i1 ' ,. Bland ls tl'l t h<' C'l~'' I : n ~ .md C'lt r us .bu ~ • h<'rC' 111... nl r rP~l (>t on 1 a ":l ... I ... t"ltd luC'k m marlin m~ d1111nl: t hl' "\lmM~r. BR I DGE LUNCHE O N Fi•·-.t httd,.. ,. me "leon o f the -.oc·tal "t'1-.tln :\t th<' Santa Ana \.'nunt'' {'luh "·"~ h eld last Thur:-.cl." \\ 11 h 'f)\'Ja 1 c h airm \lrs 1 ;~en t't:' L<m t' of Balboa J-.l:md :mrl \tr c:. ,\ L. Raaber ot S:tnta ,\n:t a-. ho!-t .~. C lt fiut·d ~tltl"l nf C'nronA \tat, ,,,... F I-. H:tld('rmnn R.,l~:t T-.:.,.,d a nd Mr~. p, £' nf !'-.lnl.t ,\nit won pri7K rOR RESU LTS Ust' E nqg n Want Ads ., ' WOMEN'I CU,O\Ut MEaTa ~ 1 THE ENiiON TH~ •EROH• HAVE OUEITa " ---· c 7~ 4 / ~: I Women's Fellowship of St. An· 114u"e•Av, ocToaEA •· 1Mt Guests ot Mr. aDCt Mn. Harry I l'ote~ llrom GJHII• lJ _Mer c~re1ts ~rs~r:~~!~tc~~ se!:!~ AT aAN DIEGO COLLEGE Ede.l8ergh.Mar, ~ast =d :~· = J f~ ,. • __ ...., ...... _ _._ yesterday (Wednesday) at the It wu a quick ~k-end trip Coates and his sls'tn, Olive Coates By MRI. FLORENCa ANDEMON home of Mr&. Th d Samuel of tiOifte for Anne 'Freeman, d&ughter Miss Coates is from South Afrtca. Mrs. Charles H. Toll la now since he and Gladys returned 481 Magnolia. CCMt.a Mesa. ~ ol Mr. and Mrs. Henry Freeman. where she is owner of a colt~ ()('("Upying the home at 1701 Pa· home. sert was rved at 1:30 p.m . This 426 Narci us Ave.. Corona del plantation. The Berghs lmew Mr. cific-Drive. purchased by he-r hus· • • • meeting had been originally set · Mar. Anne . ta.)Ni to see the foot· Coates during their Los Angelt>s band before h is passing last year. Sundav vl.ltors to the home of tor Monday. au game on Saturday before she days many years ago, "·h<'n both • • • Mr. and ·Mn.. Robert z. Jones, 325 ---!11111----~-iilllllilliilll• ---·-P,Wt tor San Diego .. wh<>r-e she is Mr. Bergh and Mr. Coates were -.1 d l\/1 Fr k E Bat 11.11--...a Js.a " r . an .rs. an . es. Orkhid Av(' .. were ,n a.uames ~ · attending the Statt> College. Broth· members of tht> Rt>gionaJ Planning ~2--1 o1·c-hid A\·e.. arrived hom<.' bt>ll<' SC'hwam. s. Frt"e'burg a nd er Dick Fr<'enum is att('nding 0•·· Commission. Mr. Coates is now a ~aturrlay from tht>ir annual hunt· Anni<' Twait. all fr·om Los An· ange Coast Coll<'S<' thi$ S<'mester. cattlt> rancher in Arizona. ing 1 rip. but without a de-<'r Th<'y ~<'I<'. . Mrs. Sc-hwam and Mn. • • ... and H,utd t• .11h Lin <'l ic !:I :ttl' they ,,·e~'t" so <'nttalled b~· Jones at'<' sist<'rs. All th<' tl<'autiful sights they '-'it· • • • n<'ssf'd 1 h:.t the~· l or Kot to hunt. Mt·. and Mrs . Edwin Hofmberg. By ANN Th<'Y dron" to Sit ski~·ou County. 411 Ferni<'C\f An~.. havf' been La"s<'n National Park. Lake To· hosts for ri$:h1 days to Mr. anc\ hot'. and ~e,·ada. cov<'ring 1.4~1 ~1rs. Fr<·d ~chnelder of Seattle. mti C's in all. T hey W<'H' raint>d ~·ash .. "ho arf:' cousins of thf' Exclu .... i \(•1~ at o ·nrit n'..; that's on nnd rxfl('rieneed thunder and fath<'r o f \lr .. Holmberg. TI1is what'<; wntt<•n on tlw tag' of lig htning sto rms. is thPit fi1 st tnp to t his ,·icinit~. those b.•auttful n<'\V hand·looml-d :\Ir s. Cristina Ht>fn<'r. mCllhC'I' • • • o:;uits. Ttw-.~ rww \\'p-ndie originals of :\Tl·~. J\"ora "!\fae RatPs. has un· \fr. and \ln .. R ll""ell H<tm pt '"· a re nt>t onh· e x c lu s i ,. c· AT --~ apparel of distinction <tr>lgon<' an OJX'ration. at th<' -1lG Mar~U('•·it<' A \"C'. ,11 1i\('t,lYBti£>n· ..... th;·y are ('~du.'l\£' L'l ho of anoth<'r daughtE'r in thP home \VC"dne~nay of last W('t''l< O'Brien's, on a('('Ount of ) ou just Ea~. While she is getting along f rom a motor 1 rip which carriE-d cnn't find mon• than on<' of a kind \Pf\ wt>ll. s he will be unable to tht>m O\'f'r 4.000 miles of h<'a utiful l anywhere in the shop . Thet'f:' i" no I C'l ~l n to California for Sf>\ eral h fot· ,_,.-1nrr 1·n and [{'<'Jinoo t<'t"ritot·v. Th('y drove a~ far <.' arge '""11" "" • .,.. months . north a. Ka-nloop. Canada. \"isit· the be-autiful ..,ofl hand·IOOml·cl f;-~b. ~ning Monday at lftlrty MCOftd ~ ..WPof't beach J415 COAST BLVD. Corona del 1\fa r a sho\\·room of beautiful c~ran1ic a studio for cl::;~Sf'S in the n~\\' art procf' . t he p1aee to buy art suppU . and green\\'a Hue's telev•sion at its hest! Easy- Vision television-the clearer, stead· ler, eas.ier·on·the-eves picture that gives you a comforta ble ri ng-side seat at all your favorite perform· ences. .Vou owe It to yourself to see this excitingly new Hoffman set be- • .. • • ing \'irtoria en routt>. D r iving riC' ·whkh ~nc>s into both tlw hned ~fr. C"'...eorgE' Watson. 527 Hazel dm.,·n toward Southf:'rn Califor· a nd un·linl'd styles •.. in fa ct. Ot i\·c-. is spending several days nia. they , isitro Grand Coul<'P You'll be surprised at th<' low at CataJina Island fishing for Dam. Bonnevill(', Oregon. Cral<'r ~haq~e> for the suit itself! marlin. LakE:'. Rt>no a nd Yosem ite. The company "'at makes • • • • • • these cr~tlons has offered these :\tr. a nd :\Irs. \Valter Stinson of ensembles onl)' to a sh.,., in La D<'tt·oit. Mich .. have moved into M r. and Mrs. Cliff Quis<'l and 1 Jolla and one nne store In Los th<'il newly built home at 711 their son \.r;tnt ha\'e arri\·ed I Angeles as well as o •srlen·s i" hom €' art<'r a weE"k's vacation Orc-hid A\·c. Southern California ...• A re we which took 1 hl'm to Zion !':a· • • • h -uJd 0 proud! tiona! Fore>st. ou <'r am. And did _ ou know th•t O'Bt ien's ~tiss Jachie Hill. 240 H eliO· Grand Can~ on and Las \"<'gas. - t A h a ved t Sa -is carrying a n<'\\' !inC' Da\'id ro~ n •.. 5 ~0 0 n Although th<' QUJsels lJq• m San· !\1an!lo for _th£' wmter month_s.,ta Ana. the,· ar<' verv Wt>lJ kno·wn Crystal dr<>s~K? Th<' C' arr th(' ex- She '" tf:'ac-hmg arts and c-rafts m h n ...... , as ,....1·1rr and his wifC' both <'itint: casual \\'001" "hkh you ha\·e a Los Angeles school n ~ -'-SO ft'('QUPnfly Sf'C'n plcturl'd in ·• ~ _ • · dt'sYV>nS<' smiles and meat over ~h f h ' • ..... ~ , Vogue Antf 'fhc 01 <'r a.' 10n _mag· .· the count<'t· a l Cannon's Food · 11 · 1 ·1 . Mrs. LE.>\\ 1s A. Norman is car· C t . R th Q ·sel and FranC'E'S azines. Exqnis1te ta onng c ctat s mg for her grandc-hildren in <'n <'I · u ut_. . a nd ju 1 on~of·a·kind again. Costa Mesa. whUe her son and 1 ~1rs. Cuba 1 MorriS are stst~rs. You won't .ttow your age if his wife. M r. and Mrs. H . Paul • • • you can r emember Skinner's :'\orman, are taking a ,·acation HC'len Kirkpatrick. ~ ~1M· Tr uhu silk. W e had It just trip to Santa Cruz, San Francisco guerite A \'P .• is taking a thN"E'· before tf\e ~ftd~ atlyway, ancl back through Fr-esno. w~k vac:ltion from her douhle who could '"forget ttlat tuscious • • • dutiE-s. Having clos<'d hC'r ron· pure silk fabric? Well. now C<'~sion on t ht> beac-h and bE'ing after these many years it is r<>leas<'<l from Rossi's C'af<' for again available In a dream of a th<' p<'dod. shf.' is taking trips Rita Strauss blouse. T he "ohs" and C'njoying life> in gen<•ral. Sun· and "ahs" 1 hear whe n Velma day wa!' !'pl'nt at Tijuana and this shows the fly front model with W(>(>k finds he>t· at Wat·<'rn I Iot t he self cord edged Pet er P an Springs. collar made of T ruhu silk indi· A tl'ip ('ast to \'isit rC'Iath·es and purc-hase a new c-ar has prov· <'n to be a little too strenuous tor Linc-oln .:'\orman. ownet· and ,,,·o;JJ ietot· of Korman's Nurser~·. who has been confinE'd to his bed n " . • • • M r . and :\1t·s. Ft·ank Pow<'rs. 601 !\Jargu<'ril<' Ave . :IIfl'nd<'d · hC' Sjl.Hl J<:h rli'1n<'r SN"\"f"'r1 fot t hC' Y 's mrn J:-a,t Thursda~ night At t he .\met ican Legion Hall in Costa '1<'~a. Pl'ON"<'ds from the di nnC't :11 ,. uc;;<'d for txJ~ s' "ork. • • • T~nf'k ~unrln ' night f ro-n an <''<· t <'nd<•,l . ummC'r in En~land is ~Irs. J<'nn Taylor and daughter ,J ill. who~C' r<'sid<'n<'C' is on Poppy A ,.e .. Cor·onn d<'l Mar. Mt·s. Ta~ · lor is as<:od at <'d \\'it h Corona d<'l M ar P ropC'rti<'s. Sh<' bt·ought h<'r mot h<'r with h€'r to Corona d<'l Mar from England. cate that absence mult have fonder. made the heart qrow even You\·f"' JniPC::~f'<i it!! ~llt'r nn' mv manikin <;ist <>r's name' i. C0L- LF:F:N. \\that would you exp<>ct at ()'Bril'n'-.. h'gorra. 1415 COAST HIGHWAY COfroNA DEL MAR Harbor 2.868 New Treasures on the Book Shelves Although summt>r companions 1s a rnr y hook. Ilowl"·er, it is fuU and Yi..,itot~ ha,·e left thC' 1 Iarhor of \\"<'ll·paintNl pictures nf t he area. a h~t of year-'round pia<'<' nnd the <>ra. as "\'!I as "guests" ar·<' always available at s tC'am ing pa.;c;jon. The ls land<'rs book sC'C'tion. Thry Am on<' with an advrnt um us are partic-ularly welcome during hil't n~if'a l appctit \Ylll easily rle- this st>awn's longer evening<:. ,·our the 783 ~ of M argul'n fE' Book frie>nd.." arc im-;ted \\~ith no St<'cn · new sequel in t'h<' snga of fuss and bother. and if they stay the Flood family c!rawn a~ai nst too late at night it is beC'ausc the colortuLblldeground of Bri~tol. their conversations proYe so s · England, and ~ GOld. Co::t-.t of ulatinp; that you will not allow Africa. •TwUJ&ht Oft u-e Floo<ls'' them to J'('turn to their jackets. (Doubleday) ls a fll the Cf'n- tlllJf•VlJlttll Many old and true book friends ttiry story of Johnny ood. great· are found at The Islanders. but grandson of old Matt Flood. the there are also d oz<'ns of just-off. slave trader. f\fld oC Joht)n'" burn- the-press editions ea~er to be test-ing desire to <.'xpiate tt{e !~ins of ed and tri<'d. and bantered about his for<'b<'ars on the Gold Coast. in n <' i g h borhood conversations. A fitting {ollow·up to "The Sun Is Two of the brand new on es are My Undoing." T-ELEVISION ' fore you make t he important invest· tnent a televis4on purchaee r epre· ......_ &ee too the beauty of the Hoffm.1n e.~binetry-the beauty that repraenta the wor k of cabinet craftl· men. Prices from $239.:50 for fO-Inch Table Model to $599.50 for 19-lnch Console '"The Queen Bee" by Edna Lee A new type of children's book at ( Appleton·Century, Crofts) and "A The Island<'rs wiJl in<'>q>ensively Rage to Live" (Rand om House) furnish hours of action and fun a" by John O'Hara. well as a story. "F ire HousC'" hy Each of these books comes Leo Man~ (Th~ World) hm; with- from a well-established family. in its C'overs tht> set-up and PQuip- Edna U>e's first book was a Dol-ment to make a real miniature lar Book Club selection and sold fire story rrom tl\e timt' the first more than a million copies. H er fireman slides down the actual ·~ Bee" i8 a better story. woodcn pole. until the man is res- P1ctu~ on the jacket is the cued from ttl(> beming house in a Qu('('n woman fully aware of fire_ neL Punc~s. Qd dev~rly her overpowering physical channs. design<:'d . ,fn~rl?tS 1lpld exterton. a nd haughty as all get out. Arou"nd make the '<'Xdtfng dofng111 of thP this jea)ous bl-aut;y weaves a story fire department an educational 822 00 T IIIGIIWAY NEWPORT BEACH BEACO.N &411 Open Friday Evenings Till 9 :00 907 OOAST BLVD. CORONA Q£L III'R HARM> .. 1•t Open Friday Evening., Till 1:00 to sUng your mernory. play P)Cn('rfen Perhaps Harrisburg is ~Penn-THE 1 sYlVania Dutch setting of "A Rage to Live." Even after John O'Hara's -..:;,a&a.l.irnJa~~-lilllll• "Appoiatment in SamaiTa". thla - f • a~~r~ ;:o7N~~A~~~ of ,~1 David Vaile to Emc~e Christmas Prev ie w I Honor Couple on Sil'·er Cro\.\1'\ of the a Re-staurant inl · . . . I \\'pdrlir.g Annh· C d I .,.1 1 k f);tv trl \ aile• ( B~ annrnmN"'r 'JP "-.l:n:.." in T t.,. R;, .. rtr·r 1 ,, • 'l11" . 1 •, • orona <· ·' ur AI" 1:1c on th" 1 1 . ! I' -• 0 h ft \\" k', . . r~.nr (JI ()IUCPI. ,, V J 1\P~ at -~ Rl~hanl' .. L uJ•J :\~a.~w·· :.;1 \\''•l' ft ,,,. Lo .. )OF 8 t'f a ('h' \Bhrattnn m !'ian K.-tr·h Hrl., Bt>w·rm Ha\, will hP Furnilur •·· HHl\• roJJ' .. \Jr•t · ·~;, • • ,, tl• 1 ancls<·o, w f'l"P 1 ro,. !o-dW the 1) f' rv.~. 1 1• f . · · .. · ' !o-i~hts of thf' C'll\ a nrt 'a)~ paid a I c:, .. _.'lci .:lH'CI: Ill P_n tc•I IC\Jn• nnlhoa l •Jtl:'lri : I J. H "'''"I .If•\\· ., \i<>it to the• n a v ~l··adow ... Jar·· 'Tll'nl .'~ rcmn•."f·tlnn . \\llh _lhP (\Ia ~. n a'l)(.a l •1ru d : r .... & Hd• ;•·I ltd \I .... \\'ljiJ. k • U11"1nc -o:;ar.c1 l l r,f~,lrtn.tl \\••m ·n :tHKn J,fanri· pc,htn ~tl'J' J;>·l J:,, :\''' ~.\\•'"'' i.• t1 ar . . , 1 'h . . • < ~ • ' " f 1" nlllltl ( n ... t rna ... Ptf'\J('W. 1)(o(f: T J.r• 1'-'Hnrl•;l., n,Jt,.,·, bt •'• Pt• I Corduroys SMART ... DURABLE F or Men. W omen anrt Ch llrtren JACKETS ... SKIRTS •. , PEDAL P USHERS SLA CKS \\hwh \~lli 1H"•I1P)II tn thf' Hr •nd1•7 J..,l<i'1~ e ., 1 \\' ~1 . J· T'•ll \• ,,I\ .,.\rnrorl! .. • lilf' _. I' 1 •• r.nl ;-. an '\ 1 1 rn ~ _ 1 \"\1' ,,~,, tllln l>c·' 1, 2 and 3. H<J il.l(•t J .. ,srrl· \tt & R•,h' ... T ;.tr ·lr• II•I•PI ••t ·"'(•• \!1 .\',oJ)I' pt odur'l'•s thf' l h•nt\' S l rJJI , . ·,.,,.,.,.,,,, L1d11 f.,t"(' Itt t •IU '''"' f r"Ul Babb,•r ~hr'" ;,nd JIIP,.c•nts hi<> ;"1\P\.\port : B,.,a ,.hr·o n 11., • ·,.,, I J11rdrt 1t 11 •I Hid I !PJ Ill I rmn 11'""' t•tngt dm em thP dail~ 1Jftll ; Qw•ttr•t f><.•tk '\1 \\J•'•tl; c·t;S J <triJO fatP. ThPO Robin~ :'\c•\\Jfll 1 I· '"•iP•· Ptr>\1''' rha1rman. Mt . \.til lu' Btl! F'IP r her c·,,....n \l~"'~W dr· .I Sr anlf'~. announrt"l(l that 21 :"\£\.\fK•ll R alhrla F'rodo r :J] !'iit\11 ~-­ lo< :II m Pr c hants hu\f• ah cady J'£> & Loan. L tdr_, J ~o.lf> · .Tultf 11,. \1;11 <;Pf\'f'rf l~txJih .., 11,1 tlw thrNodav g!Pn PH.Jri urh · Srj u 'h c·r,a•' !'o n ..;hnw · "' ruct wn Co : I >a\ j-. & Ht '''' n 'I WITH HEATINC F I R~1 ,\-.•rfl 'I .• '11 I '.1 r· }If• l'.wJflf IJt'tJ•z I'• I 111 <I d o•, \l.11 .11 t• f~P!' I '1 • i: n , .... un.11 1• ~· • 1d ... ,, , .... ct: il \'." 1e~m Lt·l ".s nd n nrt~ n • ,.r,,, • ( · · • 1 H?· I THE ENSI CN Pagt I THU P.SOAV OCTOBER 6. 941 V I SITORS m • . t.l ...... f" ' t t1'1"" I r ( ~}I • 1-~ AI.•'• \\r• .• r'<llho J 'c '1J)t \ I,J. :\I t-\\'ttrd L J I. ll.lihrt n, ="'• "•i( · fo· ~ 4 •! t --~ -)lb. ' •l >'tle & Imported ~1141Es and F tne Confec1•ons ];~ • Unusually ~ason;;ble prices for quality and st yle Th i ... " i: 1 ll(• 1 fw T htr d P rf>ViP\.\ Co!!ota ~feo;.a; :'\ ''" l"'•rT J P\\ "'"• ... ~1.10nsru f'fl hy 1 h P I oral busin£>s~ ~f>\.\Tifll I Beach : Lido I •r uc. L rrin women. ~1nrhant" nr thP :'\Pw \Jrxlc•Jn HomP\\atr>. port t'0!-.1 a \1c·-..1 ar ~a arP again b<.>tng im 11£'d tr) participate. Pro- Ct"('oc::h; of 1 hP tx•nf>ftt go toward maintainin~ t h£' "'cholarship an<1 welfa J £' f unris o f lhP Bu~ine s and )1.tll. J;(lth .:\1 : l 'li:11t-aa \!• LA.• ~::;;:;;:;:;::;::;::~.: c ;,~1111l f•IITT'fl ' \\('t f' lllP 1 Pet~ nr-F'u1 11dlt' < ,, ••1 •• n •a Ana. Open D aily and Sunday 801 Coa t Highwa ~· NEWPORT BEACH (On M iracle M ile) PnJff'~siunal \\'omPn. ..-\ merc·hant-.· ad\ is<•r ,. rommll· lE"f' ha~ t)('('n WOI king. \.\ fth the HP\\' < '•Jmmill£'<><:: und,.r th(' di· 1 P<'llon Clf ~11 .... StanlP~. Tho,•· ml•!Thant!oo "~.o ha,·p T'C'· sPt \'('j spa<•(>. and who will S("t \\'0::'-:PERFUL Winter Hats AJ'\D Bags LOS ANGELES PHI~HARMOMIC ORCHESTRA Season Tickets Now on Sale Cr '1"''"' ;.our mu..,w ri trt't ln r in y our lnc.ll or thl' <.( honl mu ... i(' cl in't '"' <'a. on Tick~t, inc. Tax . . .. $6.00 For Further Information -P hone K I mberly 2-3S67 A Portrait by Howard Folsom • We are now taking sittings for Christmas Portraits r • Also personalized photo Christmas Cards -WE GIVE S. & H . GREEN STAMPS - Harbor Photo Lab HARBOR 191R-~ .. ' 817 't:! Coast Blvd. . . <' Benefit Square Dance Is Held at Rendezvous A qua1 e comr><•!'Pd moq h of IO<'al danC'en .. was among t ho<.c• '" irling at the bE>npfit ~quat p dance at the R Pndc·z, ous in Hal· bna F r iday f>P\ ning. ThP 20 to 2:l quarP"-in t hp latgP hallt ul'm l prP PntPd a C'("J)or ful !-t ghl to 1 hP man~ on lookers Among tho~e rianr ing \\l'tf" . M me . and ~1es!'r"-. On in \\'t i_ht Georce \.uthriP and Rondld B<4r lo\.\ of Balhoa !5-I and. !'it uat t Dtehl. C'nrona del \Iar. ('liffrud Drake. L. S HostetlPt anrl \'t< t0 1 Park of Balho~. CELEBRATES 75TH Y EAR :\t ~-:'\ ellie U>opold il ~ ci.. us A' e . Corona del ~1at . c('Je. bratE'd her 75th bt rthda~ f-'('pt 23. wit h :\1r . and 'I• ~-Han:' ~-of T ujunga and ~11 . and ~·t r~ \\'ill Cat r o r Los A ng<'le~ as g-u<'~t-.. T he C'E'Iebrat ion. indudmg pre- sentation nf a big hirthda~ cakP. took place at Te-d c )wens HP~ taurant. Balboa I. land. ~11 !-. Lr-o- JJ<>Id JU:.t re urned ft nm a ~.1m mer 'bit to South Bf'nrl. l n d last \\(>(>k r)fl TU('Sday. OCCUPY M ILLER H O ME ~Jr and 'fr" W Jillam ~tt ll ,.., r,f \\'est If nil~ wocld h a q • ~·Pn • •L r up\tnl? thP L nub .1 \l ll t>t ,, .... d£>nre a' -;'02 .-\l'aria _.\\ £>. l 'won 1 dt-1 :\Jar. "' hiiP 1 he lrx•al 11"-1 d£'nt-. a 1r> n '1 a r:1ntnr 'J p to \\'a. htnRIII!l. Il < • and :'\r·w 01 IE'a ns. SCUL PTRESS COMES TO SEA \f t ... f .::• .. • :\o.:rr • ... 1 r.·, ] S.tn )j••r •. t ~ell: ..,, ·t.il 1 • ,....... , ,,.,, I • ~,.)Jr.~ I' (·,I •' t 1t•' \'I \' ' t .... :"!1'': .... ; .• : ' 1 I • ' l:' 'I \ f ... ,·•:lit•Ul 1 •• l I "1', '.!J .. • d \; ... \\II .1!'1 :' F 1 J'· c•h•· L'l t !• -"n.l .\\t' \\• ·•· '1~11 ('d nn \'."•·dn,•-.da\ .tnrl Tl111 ... d.l\ I a !-I \\ ,.f'i, h' ',J 1 ... • !! 'It h l 1 ... , n 1 ; t ~an I•t•·L: '· I :~uJ -..d.t~ " , ... 'I 1':11 Ill Ho }\ \\ 110d. THEATRE Corona del Mar Crown ol the Sea Restaurant Serving F amily D inners • After T heatre Snacks • Next Door t~ Port Theatre Corona del M ar OFFICF OPFNS 5 :30 P.M . EVERY DAY N OW PLAYING "\\'hit~ H~at•• .1 Pnt c; C'acr • .. · "An Old-Fa ~h ion P.d G irl .. SUN-T UES. • OCT. 9 -11 .. I \\'a a Jla le \\"a r Brid~ .. 1\ 1"';1 m• .\r ' .. ~·tr~t' ot . a n Fr'lnc;~co .. ~~ WED.·SAT. · OC.T. ·2 ·s ".), hn'1~ St•>nl Pigf>on • j ;, \I' ))t,,, ~)1,.,,, \\.·T••·.., '":\lanhai'ldl~d·· j l'l BOX OFF ICE OPENS 6 :45 P.M . WEEKDAYS: 1 :4 !i PM. SUNDAY TICKETS: (T ax Included) ADULTS SOc CHILDREN 12c NOW SHOWlNG "Meet the Killen" ABBOIT and COSTELLO SUNDAY-MONDAY-TUESDA Y-OCT. 9-1 0-11 "Mollaer Wore Tttfats" B ETT'Y GRABLE DA~ DAll.F.\ -ALSO- "SilliMJ Pretty" ROBERT YOt'~G ~lAt"'REE:-.; O'H l.TI \ ---------------------1 ----WEDNESDA Y thru SATVRDAY-OCT. 12-15 "Top o' the MorniiiCJ" BL~G CROSBY A.~N BLYTii • with - BARRY FITZGERALD HeME CRO~'"Y~ l 'nll•·ttt· r;,,tfd trrf ) ; ! 11d1 I II K ( ·,. C \\ f (of rl Ill I ill' .\ • :11 '-'11•• .. 1 d!.tn1:!111 Ill', •• "Anna Lucasta" S tarts SUNDAY · Oct . I r I: • ( ·,,. J" ',\ ··~ ,.,. "Task Force" . h , d n f I~ •'" I •I T he Ve;ar's Laf• R•ot . ('.<tl'\ '•l olll' "I Was a Male War Bride" Free $125.CO Diamond Wrist Watc "I Was a Male War Bride" SUN ·M ON. · Oct. 9 -10 f'aul,~n" C.odd <•rd as ":\nna l..~uca . ta" Starts - PI By C. C. V. An,y retail merchant can buy footer me-rchandise-. things that LOOK good to the average buyer and can be sold cheap! In the furniture trade such things are called "Borax." In this catagory are brass lam ps -that an•n't brass at aJL Olcap soft wool fabrics-Pot- tery dinnt?rware -that chips l.i_kje plast~r of pearls etc .. etc. Someone said there nen•r was anything made that somE'one oouldn"t make it cheaper a nd sell it fo1· lee;-.. Howe\'er in- ferior, these things do look good in ad!-. and the low prke" bring prople in. and when busines is low it is a tempta- tion to ~ell a little '"Borax."' Like anybody else, we are In business to make a profit, but here a t House and Gar- den we f•nd that aatisfied c ustomers come b ack time after t ime and send t heir friends : so just as a matter of g ood business we don't sell anyt h•ng that won't give reasonable service and satis· faction. In the s1x short mont hs we have been in business we have sold thous- a nds of dollars worth of fine things and we do not , to the best of our knowledge, have even ONE dissatisfied CUI- tAmer. The ne' t tim£' ~ ou nC'ed any of the t htngs w£' c:arry why not \isit tl" "•' \\"Jll saH' ~ou time and monr>y e DRAPERY & DRAPERY HARDW ARE e DINNERWARE e PICTURE &. P ICTURE FRAMES e RATTAN FURNITURE e TROPICAL F LOOR & WALL COV ERINGS e LAMPS & SHADES • BAS KETS & PLACE- MATS • REDWOOD & ALU MIN UM PATIO FURN ITURE In our wurk 1 ooms we make: • Drapery and Upholstery • Drape ry t ype bamboo s hades or t raverse rods • Sp~ial rattan t ables-- head boards--plante rs • Lamps and decorations • Refinish better quality furniture OPEN MONDAY THROUGH FRI DAY NIGHTS I ' I -... 611 COAST HIGHWAY (Near the Arches} •••oon 52n Newport Page 10 THE E.NIIQN THURIDAY, OCT08£R I, 1Mt ,... t.ck BOb crawrorct to Ben Oosterbaan pl aya for the Leajuie Vaughn tG Herb Dimon. for a galn opener wtth Anaheim tomorrow o1 15 yards. Crawford lost 7 A real thrill ror th Roland night <Friday ) at La Palma Park yards on tM next play and the P leroe family, 208~ Ruby A\e., In Anaheim, the N~wport HarbO Tartars made the nUJta.ke ot Balboa Island, came lut W(>('k· Union High School Tara flgura· punting tM ball to Berry, who end when they joumey to San Orance Coast College smashed th ·ely beat th e tar out of an ovf!r-promptly ran lt back 45 y~s Francl.soo to au nd th c-~tlchigan­ the Central Colle~'! football eleven rated Torrance team. for the third touchdown of the Stanford football game SaturdA). last Sat urday night at Nel\-l)Ort Running up a 35 to 0 score tint quarter. followed by a dinner . party for Hlgb field 47 to 0 the n set its against t he Tartars, Newport re-Coa ch Irwin gave b ls su bs a Mkhigan coach Bennie Ooster- ights for Santa Ana this com.in& v-ealed n othing but oU tackle chance In the next quarter. and baan Saturda~· night. rtr . Oc'>~ter­ Saturday night at the Municipal plays and end arounds. The Tar-trunga '\'E'nt sm oothly until Tar-baan is Mrs. Pierce's sister's hus- Bowl in Santa Ana. tars were disor ganized from the tar Quart~ack Crawford com· band. The Pirate have rolled up 150 bPgtnning. Newport running up pleted a 42-.,yard pass to E nd Delmas Ann Pierce. "ho ac- points in their first four games three tallys in the first quarter . John Kulp and threatened t he Ci>mpanied her part>nts to the an_d havt' not b<>en scot'ed upon Coach AI Irwin u.Sed t he remaln· Ta~ goal line. The_ Newport fi rst game. is attending coJieg at t:CLA this sE>ason. ing tht'ee quarters to give his stnng went back m to stop the this year and living at the Gam· They paid back the Central second a nc.l third stringers a work-1'orran<'e e ffort a nd the half end· rna Phi Beta house. Last year she Arabs' victory or last year with out. substituting his first string ed 21 to 0. was a student at Oh1o We~l ~an tnterest . H ere· the scoring: a line twice when Torrance threat · Early in trte t hird period. Smal· Unin•rsity. r 15-yard e nd zone pass from ened the Tar goal line. ley car·rted the balJ over f rom Q~rtt'rback Harold Lebard to Winning the toss, N ewport the enemy 30 and then missed ~ 11 1 ..a- Right End Tom Rogt>r~: SE'\'en elected to recoeive the baJI and the extra point . The Torrance lft:l1: Are ~) yards around right end by Halt-Bob Beery. star Newport ' full-team started clicking a~ the e nd back Paul HE>rnandt>z: 30-yard back carried lt up to t he T ar o! the trurd quarter wtth Craw· ~I c T return of an intercepted pass by 4.5-y~rd line. Seven plays later, Cord and Jack Faren. Tarta t· full· JlJI-1 eiiiiS GIE>nn Butll"r. Beerv started around right end back. making 23-and 42-yard At the start of the s<'rond half and then cut through tackJe tor gains, respectively. Back ln went C'C'n~ raJ came with~ a yard of the first score. Me l Smalley. the Newport first stringe to s~op sconng._ Then the Pirates started halfback. booted th e extra point. the Tartars and take posse ton off ~gam : a tou~hdown pru;s from SmaJley made t he second o! the ball on their own 1-yard Ilere an~ the sc-hedules frw the "B" anrl ''C" football team!'l of the Newport Harbor l"nion Hig h School: Ornlll" Threadg11l to Glenn But-touchdown after Don J ones set line. lt>r ; Larr y ~·illoughby arou!'d it u p with. a 37-yard run to the Eddie Mayer. Tar center. inter· Oct. 6 left en~ for a .rort': a pass ~-enemy 23-yard line, and then cepted a pass from c.-awford on Oct. 13 t«'rcepuon set up a score by J1m kicked the extra point. the 50 and ta r ted the march Oct .. 20- "B" Team Anaheim Huntington Bch. Orange . Fullerton Here Theore Here ThPre HerC' T ht>re A"h<'n: Threadgill to 1'\orm F..arly . back toward t he Tartar ~oat in Ocl. 27 for the final talJy. A!ter the second Satlor touch -t he last period. Scotland, Tar !'lro\·. 8 --------------do" n. the To_r r ance Tartars q ua11erback. ran through tackle 1'\CJ\'. 17 FOR RESULTS st:apened up a b1t and worked a for t he last tally and Smalley. Santa Ana Do\\ney Use Ensign Want Ads m ce pas -lateral play, Qua rter· made the rom·ersion goort. SERVICE FOR FOUR Limited Sale-Oct. 10 thru 15 ONLY~ El Pa tio · ............. reg. $5.95--SALE $4.95 Coronado .. . . ... .. reg . 6.95-SALE 5.95 Franciscan I vy. Apple, Deser t Rose .. reg . 12.95-SALE 9.95 THE FRANCISCAN SHOP Loca.ted in the House & Garden Sho.,. BEACO N 559~ 611 COAST HWY., NEW.-ORT BEACH You that we have the Harbor Area's largest wallpaper selection?· Here a re a fe\v of the m any fine \Vall papers \Ve carry: I~IPERIAL STOCK\\'ELL STRAHN \\'ALtCRE T l .l\"TJTED VARLAR \V(' will be happy to help you choose the paper to fit your needs ... an inexpensive paper for a clean look ... or a b<>autiful imported paper which will give your home a rich. profe sionally decorated air. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE ..• two fine shops t o serve you ... THADEN'S in Corona del Mar ... and THE CALIFORNIA SHOP at House & Garden on Miracle Mite. Open House Is Planned L<'land J . N) dl'ggcr of Oct>an- side 1s making plans for an o(X'n house <'el<'bration for the opening of his Da\ id Nell's shoe store at the romer of Marigold A\e. and Coast Blvd. in Corona d<'l Mar. on or beforl' ]'.;ov. 1. The store will feature footw<·ar for the entin• family. including SU('h hrand..; a' Re<l Crru.s. Bustet· BI'Own. K:•li-Sten-I ks and De Liso Dt>h"-. All fitttng" wtll tx> hy Ad1 i,m '\.-ray machin£'. 1\h'. ~~ degger i~ ownC'r of a shoe stot•e of th«" same name in Oct'an~tdt•. The" ~tun~-; arc nam<'d aftt r hi:-two ons. -- ,, 1201 COAST BLVD. aad the Corona del Mar Harbor 0793 \ "C" Team nate ~chool OcL 6 Anahe•m 0<"'L 13 Huntington Bch. Oc-t. 20 (kang<' ~,_ Z7 Full( 1·1on NO\·. I• Santa Ana r...o\, 17 -Do\\ ne~ Place There Here Thetc IIt>l r ThC'I P Hct c Tb~ Vog~ls \'"isit Oregon ~l!-. and ~it s. J ohn \'ngel ,,f Balboa ha,·e been \·biting at H untc-1·s Lod~e. 0 1e.;on alon,: '' ith t\\ o \ islt<ll s from :"-('\\ Yo11< st a tP, 1\fr. and 1\trs. Gror~t· Patt· b(trg. t.-lt·s . Palt('i>l!l"l! h .\Jr. \' Og(')'o;; ~~~~ l'l . In c·han~(' of the lod,t:C' ate \\'alter G<'ldcrt Jr and ht-. !!-i''t•s· :\larcia. The lodge "'as n·cently pUt'<•hasNi b~ :\Jr. \ ·u,~l I :1 nd :'II . Geld rt from J•·tT~ J a co hs o n . ownl"l' <lf t t)e Washt>ldtc in l'r.J- ron.t n<'l ~1ar. Take Ovt'r l\'a b~re-tte Xcw own('r of thE' \Va~herctt t', 404 C'oa.;t nlnl . Comna d• 1 ~h•r, is Ted Russell. who ha). pUt lll.l't'd the establishm n'-iJ·om Jr 1 ry Jacob on. Uon Fulbright. oi 710 Lark~pur A Vt! • rt'matns a . r.101 nd- ger. )1r. a nd Mrs. Rus!'t>H and l11u,.;h- tE>r Joana ll\e aL 31 ))rlf'"''"d. Shore CHf fs. .Jomn · a "'lid• nt at Or-ange Coru.t College. c------ lnl-·it tAlon From KTED Tom E . Danson. ownPr and g ~­ eral ma nager of KTED in I .rwuna &ach. ha." <>Xl<'nded an 1m 1 • at •on to the public to vistl th•· ... tunsos of this new radio ~tatmn '' hsc:h will go on th<' asr soon. The • hnu,., of 10 t o noon and 2 tn J from Oct. 10 to 14 haV<' lx><'n dr• iJ.·nr~tPd as visiting hours. The !-tllnstl'-Clr<' abO\"t> the Whlte Hous<'. nnd the business office is at 4:! I r.JPn- n('yr<'. LEASES MALT SHOP Charles Lewi . manngr r o( Dodd's Ma lt Shop on Ralho<l Is- 1 1and, has leased the m~ll shop fl'om Marion Dodd a of th<' first of this month . Mr. and M l"!t. Lt>wls <tnrl 6 12- II month -o ld dau~hter. Gloritl J('an, are now Santa Ana l'esid<'nt ... hut plan to move soon to tht' Island. THE WEE BUDGET OPENS Mr . and M1-s. PC'r C'C' J\tarples of Balboa opened their shop, thP W~ RudgE>t . in Palm ~prings last Saturday. Mrs F:lNtnor F.vans from thE' Vagabond Shop on ~he Island i s now in Pl\lm S pl'ings as m anager of thc W~ Budget. Ll DO WOMEN'S CLUB Canasta was thP ordC'r nf 1he day at thE> Lido t~le \\'omen 's CJub part y F r iday at th~ Udo Isle Club house at 1 ·30 p.m. f rs. C. B. Rudrl. 744 Vfs U dn Nord. was In charge of t he a.ffair. 'M'le flrat meeting of the gai'tien we- tlon the Udo Club was held a t the clubhouse last Tues<lay a t 10 a.m. Mn. Stanley Cham••. 844 VIa Udo Nord, 1a heecl"'tinftta eectlon. • , '~ I.Aa Ga,...e ._.rtmeftt for ......... EX~C~etleftt auJtctlnt Aite on ttle f ront $9,250.00 F. C. ANDR EN HU!\ Coaat .,.lghway HArbor ~IWO Corona rt~t Mar 2 e wing macb.ine Used-Rebuilt--..5-year guarantee ReasoRably Priced RENTALS-tvo·o ~ MODERN. f\anlshed. hdbd ~-flrepla~. fe~ yd ~0\\-ava.ilab~. )iear'5 lease . ~100 00 One bedroom home, f\D"'lished. ~ear's Je&.Sf' ~autifuJ home in Otine Ccn~. Unttl June . SmaJl One B.R. house, So Blvd partl~ fum. lPa~ .. 87 50 $125 00 S5000 SALES 0<"<·an or Harbor View homes. tum. or unfum !\lod<-ratt·h prkf'd homt>' on tt.>rms, within your means. · TRADES SE>l<•ct Hsung of homH. lot . acroas:te and incom••. LC )T~ R..'l lots priced far below market. for imrrn.'daate 1~. THE ENaiCH ..... tt THUitaOAY, OCTOea.-I., ... eto thi ~ on LIDO ISLE. An t"Xtra (')~ 2-bfodroom homt" for O~Y $16.500. Lo- catt'd on onE" of UDO lSLE' tx-t sti'H' . thi home wlll apJ)("al tu ~ nur imagination. Lo\'E'h c.-ornPr lot and un- w:ual· patao. hr·t·akf st bar, 1 1.! 1.:• h ... ~tn· onh omto of ttw man\ ft•atln'\•.. IIUJ·ry on ~h·-- Cnll HA G441-!\1, Hour:-. 1 to 5 , Sat 9 to 5 c A AL~O on UI.>O l~LE a n'.i nn thP nnr1 ~ BA YFR0:-..7 ~ 3-lx>d- room Anrl ma ad'o;. 1 onm home All ( •Jrnt'-hf>d .,, 0'\ LY .. 3R- OLIVER W BROO:\IJIE..\0 1201 Coa ... t I l i~hwa~ Corona del ~tar Ca lif 411 C-oast Hipu-ay Corona del ar Harbor 1037 \\'A:'IT YOlTR DIRTY \\'ORK DONE! GO TO HAL · · · Complete hotL'*"Cleaning ervice. FOR RE:'\T Fw n ished. one-bed· POSTTIO~ "'A:\"TED Full t1 me; I LOST n.. LS on B 1 a B('tginn IYXJm apt S64. mdudt>S garage practical nurse drJ\ er and gnld p1~ o;:•ze of h alf drtll<u· South of Hichway. Cot ona dE>l rompanion. offiN> \\'1)1 I< t=-pint! w1fh attachmPnt Re urn • \ a c- ~ ""' nftt-n do '' P ha\'e t h•"' •· kmd fl' th l~o pnt c· AI-0 on Ll r .0 I~LE ~ ou can buy a (i-1. )( •1 J U ,T fCJI a~ htUE' ao; Special rates to contractors. ~1at . IIA 1037. doctor's assastant. HA Ifjt¥) \\" a bond Shop. B I. ·-I On LIDO ISLE YOU ha\t• PRJ\'ATE btarh~: a ("nmmuna t\ c luhhou'-E'. tE1Ulls court~. pht\i!TO\Jnd'-.. prh·att" pnlln• pnlt >-'<'I 1on. Wt II bunch of rH'IChhoro; all Carr o~ that fT ak(> for t•ndu rmg \.ALUE. \VHY N n T )()Ok"' ~nme day It W IIJ hi• TOO IIHr> ~~od )otS ~~~ rf, .'\n~anng from tl'X' mark••t FA~T Cal1 Harbor 1756-~· YEARLY RENTAL on Balhoa J land. 3 bedroom s-;'5. ~~an · F'OR RESULTS Use Ens•gn Want Ads B~OA POINT H OTEL On the <X'ean front : ,-ear 'round a ccommodations for ,·a cation· ists. M oder· n houo;E>keeping apartments and rooms: r-efrig· erat ion and bath with each unit. $-iO a month; all util. paid. FOR SALE Gorgrous R :3 half block from ON'an in I'Ona dd Mar. \'t>r=-chl'aiJ. 1037. Jot Co· IIA 1~ Hadfield. Realtor 216 Ma· ------------- rine. HA 2340-M 1115 E. Balboa B!vd . Balboa HARBOR 2722 !\fARJNE PORTRAITS A•l E."n ~tros-;, The-Photographer Your Boat is :\1\' Studio Call H A ~ l or Appointm~r.t HARBOR ~~SFER LOCAL and LONG DISTA:'\CE 191'2 HARI!JOR BLVD. COSTA MESA Beacon S!l)B.J Treasare Tones Shenvin-\\'illiams Schollsta/1 ' Paint Store Ha 2141 -W 4f17 Coast llvdl Corona del Mar A FINF BOARDING KENNEL FOR DOGS !,4 M ile Due Weat of Costa Mesa Lumber Yard 770 W. 17th St. COSTA M ESA Phone: Beacon 6014-M Owned and Operatro by EDNA POPE F inest, M ost Modern K ennels Best Food -Personal Care ~tR. A;-{D MRS. LEE B. CASEY. 411 Tustin A\'t>.. !\'e'-'-port Hf'ighrs, \\111 rt"Ceive a pass to the Paulo Drive In at the En- DRESS!~(; TABLE with bench to match-$4.95. (;rant's. 1645 Newport Blvd Co-;ta :'\1t> a . BE. 5707-M. sign office. ------------- SOLID mahogany recor d cabrnet Sl.93. Grant's. 1645 :'\ewport Blvd .. Costa Me~a. BE. 5707-M. FOR REJ,I· Comfortablt> ont>- bt"droom f u r n 1 s h e d home. Adu lt!' o nly. Re fereonce-s ex· changed. HA 0167. TWO BEDROO~f furnished apt. for rE>nl. S75 \ear around. HA 1073-R. • Fl.R:"I.'lSHED APT.. one bt"d· 1oom: Frigidaire: lovely ocean \'i('w. 433 Acacia. C"DM. Year· round, 865. LARGE ROOMY apt.. nicely fu rnished. 1 a nd 2 b(>droom3, SerYels. tile, knotty pme. Year- ly rental $55, S60. $65. 933 '-'! W. Balboa. Balboa. E\·enings HA239-W. S800 \\~ILL buy a S2 000 Monte- rey fish boat. ~-ft 1;: f' beam. S.S. r3dio A 'baron- gear. Harbor 11H. FOR SALE~ One fingt"rt tp CU!i· time made. genuine ()('('lor <'Oat -perfect for rollE>ge ~1rJ S11e H . Insured for $450. S200 cash. HA 2915-JK after 6 p.m PRACTICALLY !\'EW' For 5ale: Elec. sew. rna<" h.; portablE> ty~ writer; floor lamp; platform rocker; eJec. mixt"r. HA 2'255. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. l' an c =- Ross. 412 A\"'Cado. CD~t Call at the Ensign office for two tickets to the Paulo Drive-In. LARGE SIZE baby basinet te romplt>te v.rith stand -$3.95. Grant's, 164.5 Newport 8 1\'d., Costa Mesa. BE. 5107 ·M. GEE WHIZ! Mrs. Je!Sfe HUl. 240 CONGRATULATIO~"'S to ~r. and Heliotrope-. CD~. gets a Pau1o Mrs. Meredith Harwood o n Dri\'e-In pass at the Ensign t heoir new Golde-nrod home . office. They m ad l"f'C'e'ive two ticket CAST iron wood heater 75_ to the Paulo Dri\·e In at the Grant's, 1645 :-.Iewport Bl\'CL, _E_nsJ_·_gn_o_m_· ce_. ______ _ Costa Mesa. BE. 5707-M. FOR RE!\"T : Furnished. ne\' one- bedroom apt.; dl posaJ. panel· r a) heat. $75 ye-arly. 514 A\·o- cado. COM. Beacon 6284. FOR REl'lli. Y<":trl). furnis hed new 2 bedroom house: fire- place. dJsposal. $85 mo. 51 4 Avocado. COM. BE'aron 6284. LARr.E siZE' trunks . Grant's. 16~7) :\'E'wport Bh d . Co ta :\1t-sa PhonE' BE. 5707-~t. GE:'\FRAL H 0 ~1 E cleaning.1 paintlr.g. rrpair: =-('ar-round matnlrnancE' Home ~N:."ds LOVE SEAT and chajr to match -$19.75. Grant's. 1645 ~e"·· port Blvd .. Costa ~tesa . DE 5707-M. LAGt:NA. bouleYard hu~tnP"~ space. large or small. \-t'~ reason&ble. Foot traff1c. Own. er, 384 N . Coast Bl\·d. Phone 13381. t f LAGl.:'\.\. S8 \\"eE'k room : tlo=- can <'arn t:>e hr. s1n "k. small apt .. permanent. 't~ :'\ Coast Blvd. PhonE> 13.'\"1 t f and Buildmg Sen ice. :"l05' ~ E. TO TRADE· 3 he<iroom h ou -:t• Ba~. 83lboa. Box 841. heart of Ar~adia : t ratif• f111 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ homE> or inrome. CD~I. JIA ~ 718-:\t. ON E .· 17th St. COS TA MES~ ... your fall wardrobe No\V is t he time t o ha,·e your fa ll clothes expertly cleaned and pressed Your own home cleaner · is as near as your phone. Nigh~Harbor za~,.._, Van Routen 11 aeanerJ 217 COAIT HIGHWAY (:orona del Mar H A It 80ft 2020-J FOR RE':\1 st 11rl11' a pa: 1 r1• ., patio. riN· rrfnh' 111 II Ide 1i '•'t' workin~ coupl. m· l •':l• l•••t, 61:i It·is. CP\1 H .\ ()7tn \\. Rt){ )~J a nci ')' c,1r·f! ~f' 1 n• ' "'·omen; k1t• h,·n pn\ iJl'!:•'' g .'a- ('(lO ;. ~-J LADY. REFI:'\F f1. ~ "T'httt!IU" with rar to sf'' 1~ A\ o\T 1 rod uct l'. north stdt" of t ''" •1 E' rt"llent opoortumt~ Ai i''~ Box I . L.1 !\llr.Hia. Calif ---------------------------u T h1. Jim \Ia' l'f'·'' t~n~ L 1. • !'pUr. cn~t. ('ar lf'l ,, () P"''l"- tn 1 hf' P au h.., f'rl\ r In ,1 · " "' F nc;rgn offi<'E' LOST: Inche-s throu~h thE' \\a t t m on(' ... ~k. Ca l1 011\ ta. HA 1690-\\'. 41 I 2'\&1"('1 • u~. COM. FOR SALE: 1~ S~JA) ~~U~E' -1· door Plymouth. likE' nt"Yt rl'dio; $1350. HA 0191 W . ROHE SL..-ER ER\'ICE Wtn4ow and Wall Clunlng Complete Home Renovating HARBOR 2841-W 717 Larbpur Ave. Corona del Mar Lido Isle Ch~tte A. Burt .. U~SED REAL ESTATE BROKER 1301 Coast Bh·d. 33l3 VI A Ll DO Newport Beach, Catrf . .,.arbor 1500 Harbor 1741 Corona del Mar Corona clef Mar Ne"· modern 2-bedroom residence, huge lh;ng room looking out into beautiful patio; 40-ft. lot in select residential neigh borhood. 1 ~ block from ocean. P riced for quick sale at 513,500. Terms. 615 Coast Bh~d. Corona del Mar Harbor 2474 FOR SALE You'd Better See This One t:nits on corner lot Bedrooms each t furnished Car garage. laundry Harclwood floors. floor furnace 16.500 \\;th only S3t000 dO\\'n Jot.n E. Saclleir, ealtor 607 Coast High\\·ay. Corona del Mar, HA2422 EVERmttMG UST 60 BY SUNDAY. OCT. 9 Nat •onally F amous Dtnner and P~t1o W ~re Also F 1gur•nes •nd ovelt tes -· DR snc REDUCnO S! ~ond~rful 0ppor1unit ies to B uy Chrtstmas Grft.s .:1nd t o ftl l '" your own s~ts '-" E ARE MOV ING TO 116TH ST. AN D S . MA I N ST. LOS ANGELES NEWS OF THE CHURCHES Page 12 THE S N8tQN THURSDAY, OCT08ER .. 1t41 CHANGE O F TREASURER LAST SEWING MEETING Silver Tea Held I rry Earn haw or Balboa is Member a nd friends o f Capilla the new treasur-er of St. Andrews ircle of lhe Corona del Mar Pret-b~ terlan Church. He ls tak· Community Church are asked to ing O\ et t he dutl~ of Lawt~nce bring finished and unfi nished Bro" "· N(>WJX>t'l H(>ights. who re-sewing to the sewing meeting signt'd fot· ht•allh n•asons. Tuesday at the church at 10 a .m . The H erbert Rankin home In Lemon H eights was the scene of a. Silver Tea glven for the Orange County mem bers of the San Fran- cisco Theological Seminary of Pr('sb) terian churches last Thurs- day. Host e. se. will furnish b<'verage a.CHOtlt DINNE R PARTY a net dcsser·t. while eac-h m£'mhet· and f!lle~ wilt ht ing ht'r own SRC'k lunch. JIOblC'SSPS Will be M r~. E F. Coop. chalnn:tn. Mrs. J. J . Do~lan . J\l1s. C. TI. IJag-<'n· hu<·k and \II s. Lo1·Pt \'\ Spic~:<'. Th ~ S:lnC'tUCJ I'V Choit of Chdst hut h h\ th~ ~f' 1 in N<'WT)()rt Rr· ••·11 l •"lri ''' ;tt•mt \1 dinner p 11 I \ !.t ... t Thur.;~'·'. ,., ('n ing at R 1\.! t•.'., C.tf, it Cntl•ll' clt'l Mar. P t•• .. 1\t '·''''' Rt·. nnd Mrs. Proc('('d s of the affair are to go toward fUI·nishing the new girls' dormitory at San Anselm o. More t han 200 gllt>st s heard the m u'\ical program and a talk hy nr. f.:ug<'ne Car!'lon Blal«•. pa'itor of the Pasad('na Presbytl't'ian Chur'<'h a nd prC'sidC'nt of thf' hoa1·d nf tt·u.stt •e' nf lltf' ~C'minnr.'. 'fit •t " Pt'll t•ll l l~t~·cl Flt'.anor O N B E I NG RE LI GIOUS l'!al r·,,wcud Ful .. o ln. !\!1 . and RP1it".P1~ tl'·tT l)('inQ" r C'li giou~ t r .. !>••J•;,, :. P·tl c··,mphC'll i~ c:"r c•lhinJ:: difft•t <•n t fmm hf' ;111 1 I f:, ('t n h "fh llllj'S0'1; iti[' jlit•IJ' Ill hnlf\tn{! ('(•t·t ain nt·· Thos(' fnm1 ~ewpoz·1 llarhor \\hO .LS. b 1t•d in <.,(•!·\tnt; \\('l l' !\tn: . E. A. h.. H ad ; ell.. :\11.., Thad ~amu ·I" and ~lt . \\. D. ~chc-<·k . l\!11 .~1 nn'· H••• • ;1·1! l nrw 1 hodr \ llf·l it•f, ]!I'\ Pt''l ' F . H·• t ,1• I' t ~·u~•m. S ·ht r,,: \\'ill 1 1 f'ilt h .1 s"l mnn :1 11 1• • I • 1 tllll lf'l 1 ~ 'lle' :1' 11 I' ('o• l•n.l 1\l•l l\1;tt• 11 I' •., .. r' t.. IIH I r.p.· 1 I • (' h ti l th l''llitl(•t d l 11 j.,,.,, .. J .. Jt I •• Ht Ht ll lOlls?" \! 1 • I 11 1 ~ illu J.' \\ il' lw I hl' Ebe/1 Club Meets DE Lt::.:;A7 1!". TO L A . ~~~·u nd 1\ ·, • ,. : 1 l't 'II'J dut in!! . ( •' I ) ot I , 11tl fn·~t nwt•tin:.: r f tlw Ell\ II ''f 11 • c h I tllh• Ill!' Cll\h I 11· r!w _..., :I,f•r. t • 11 mu,rc·al ~ .,, .t• \'.''It' \11.; :11 II 11" 1nd,,., tTill.il~da_\ t "'. lht• ('(). 1 r • •:• ell• n 1 .:',I , ··~c·· ... \l':,:dc• , i• . " l·, ... t I',, Ill I ..... I . I . I , :r>l llf.ll 'l ~ j ,. , •• \ I \\ ; 1 lw I :i .. • ' I , t •' : l f ~ .1 .... \ n · !'·. ,. 1.11 • < '' 1"11!':' d• 1 \J.w l•J.•lllmar S•·ht~ol in· r ,,,, ',1 •'1 1 1.11 :tn.l ''' ••rl r•l "' tl,l' 1:-11 ·II < ·l·th IH~l···· I •• ,, ~i j,., .. ::..'1 l'.tll l I H lllJ•t n ut!Jild. ''"' p .. ; \\'II pl .. ~. r· • o1 • ·it·: \l.1•. :•• 1 "~'lt•:lll ll·rl ~~~ I~<rl" t Jiunlt r. ·,If , .. , · t.: 'l't n t !lf•t .. t •f I Ill' }• tllt'l I I II '·. ,., •. d I I · t. !. l • ;t ,1 l:' I h··~ 'l t•l1'' '••d '"I 'I I • tl,.,, p r .... 1d• 111 \Jt,. !'c II • I . ll .1 11: I II lltllt1 1 'I' ~ ,11111, \\ tfJ 1'1 •Iii :\.• .t l\ 1•11111· ~·· I'• II I II. (I ;' n.,h tJr)l'!t•d fl l.lll ... I ttl \)tr• duJ.h1 l·l·t • \\ill I . ' 1 ( ' II. I • I I • I I tl ' :1 I h . I' It ... , t\ 1 I ·d J f . . .. .. .. ' I > ,. ~. ~ .. ... ·' " I I I II' .. I ., It t I ~ ' '(' .. ' \'. .l,· .. tt fttt1 lJ :"-.t \\ •'JIIHIIII!IIt'lll• f1, rl•• It\ \Jr•. • • •. 1 •'• 1 \!11 • ·~-t ... k '" 1 Ill '., ·tn• • ·"'. \Jr .... I: 1 • •r• \\·, If, II' 111 ·• ' r· p1 ,•,j. 11 :.-...-•'"'~S ON TE N ,1 ·tl · v, ... S\rl hl ckhr·t d "•I'' , •-0':".•A · ..JMENT S :u1d r:• u1 .. ·n••• 11'111 ; :\!1, \\·rJ • ..,.(I • I • '1 I I .... •• I !'I \ 11'111 I; Tnll I .r···'·'· I of .... •Ill 11 11 1 1 • ~· I ' .. 1 • rJ, t: t1 !• ''=' '• "lll:tnd :'>11 .. l-c· \!. 11!1 llttc •·1n: j ~. .. I· . I l , .. ' I I I ..=. .... d • ... (I •• I I ( RAL LT Ot.Y EYEPC ISES .,. ,, 'I .... (If ' (. 11,'. EriCh.'-10-Bc'f!o norc·<l • . ' I II I ,.I( . I .., I ·-· ... • ' l I \ : , •• It , ... \\ t'l ,. ·:. •I ,, • I ,,, ... I tlh .,, 1·1 .f,.llt\i•• I I 1 ' • .. I' I • • ,, :• ! II ll I· I s Ol •• ''I · :...: \ 1 ; 111 d \\ · • II '· a • n• ' r luuwd I,~,· I I i ' I ' II II I \'. " I '"" 1 1 • ' 11 t.• ·" I .... 111: 1• ... 11. j r • • I I 1 I I I ... I\\ PI I : ., II• •it. \\ '• • • I tnt I 1 I ! 1• • I ~ til.\ I '·'~ 1 :-,. , •· ' I I I • I I • I( I • I • l • \ 11 • \\ l. \\.110 1 It ll fl . •·• a• a =" •'-' ,. <ll '• n a.n1 ",., 1\ 1111 Ttw ... ch~ a1 ;1 h nl'h1·nn ''""' • 1 a1 lh• 111 n ,. "' ~11 ... Hn· l en1t Pr.•r•·•• . .!It"''~ f~tlll\ ,\\t' Bal- boa I sl:•nd :•1 • . ('<•.• f 1 l.tt (. llllll1ld· ,I l' ":• • r I < ·,.,,,11,1 •l••l \1,11 :tncl 1 • 1 ' (;'"'''" "('I ,.. thr hononc··., r::...'. 'hill• I :--1, .t nn1-.1 • ,,_. ... 1 1 ••• '' •• "'"'· ·"· <" .•• utrl "' '1 ·1 1 ,_ 1 mo1 h·r. :'\11·.... Ra.' Lnomi' ~~07 l ur ,11 ·1 1• ,11 <.tllit'llh•·m h \ .; ... l itt.e ltl'\.1111 ·.r1n.1\l tl· q •. 'i''" (·• \h ", ,;11,1 J,,· ;\li 1 1 1.•·1 F . 1: ···k t 1 ·nwm a~ H. H11hy An· .. Ha lhna J ..,Jancl : l\11 ' · 11 • · \! 'l L . 1 Cnnn·r~" \\'urdt·nHtnn anct h~'r a-1 ·a H _ :.i · ·: !11,..,1 anrl al .· ,t,~•t!. : ·. • 1 S. n l•nn•lt , 1 1 1 , 1 1 ,._.,·. D it•hl. :\It-. ... I 11 \', •, ... : nd \It... .1 .... (. 11 ll:tmh· mntlw r . ~lr·.... J )1•<1 rhorn. !\lrs. 1 1 1 (. • ·1 t'.t ar·~ Jonf'<; and :\11~. \Villaam l\j•l:• t ~~ 11 1 '111 churdt C'l'· 1 .~. f• 'J" 1 '''-•:l I !\latin. g • .11•.·l a '0 l'•a. • I t nt 1\r S u ndd:-Thf"' Wf'Oding w ill h<' at M ts<;ion _..s. 1 o~l ria" ::\It>·(\d it h Jlni\\'OOd's SIN, SICKNESS. D EATH lnn in Riv(•rsidf' t O'l'lOI"rO\\ Thf' -c l •' Ct\P l'•• ~ IIJ•It'lr• l'c•·t..:.lr nr. At•· Srr Sir·!-nf'".; .:JIJtl ....... ,!It , ' • • "' .... 1 .,.. • "" ~''"'m-ln-h(' is Gt·nnt B~1 k~"r n! illl i h '\' ]>, I I r I lr•J fl'k ~~ ;,,. .. ,.,, T\r ·' 1 } I... que ... linn \\ Ill bf· t l w I ht ~.111 Br rn;~ r·d tnO :\I nun I a In n ! \ •1 •I a !' • '~ ;d~<• 1 P-.;..11~ ~,~.lll'll"'·l ~. { lhro .~'"Oil\ L t''"llll lilrt';l. d Sr· '"11 :r. 11··· ,,npnrf l!.t1hnr <·1 1 ,,,,., :--• • '~' ('i 'li e h ::~s in ---1"1' I•· · 1 "r ••I t lw ;\1nllll'r UOJ . KIRKP.\ TRICK < .,1"' t1 1 t ,. rr, ... : C'hu1 <'~1 or R \ DIO ~....:"E R\.I('E ' .. · :' ;, :r· "' t!l Bo ... rnn. Di"l<-ussion on Da tinJ?; Fu·-.t 111('1'11 ng of 1 hf' H igh Seh()()l PTA w tll I)(' at 7 :~0 p m Tw• da\ 1'1 Ow J Ii!!h St:honl Caf1•tC'ria . It R!;ord P layers • T elev1s1on -. . ·r, ,, r.l~ ... ~T.\TIC •. , Jt; :oa st Hwy .. CDr.1 H.1r. 723 RANCHO M E5A Nursery School St Jte Licc>nS('d a nd Appro\'cd From 2 to f; Years Supervised Care an d Construct ive P lay HEASOXABLE RATE~ 0 ,, ·n 5 days JX'r week-8 to 5 1t an<;ponation F urnishQd 190 E. 15th St. COSTA MESA P hone B eacon 5697 PL A Y ER:; NAME BOARD \\Ill h,• a pan<') dN·uo;!-iun ahout Tl 1\f 1'1\( llto.nl o f lh<'<i<~llng C'n\il l<~d. ··~imphf~tng th<' nr•\•.. 11: fll(llll .t!Pd '\C'\\jl(rlt RrcTt'al ional ProL:ram:· undf'r t hC' ll.t:l"'' c· .. n.n~unil~ Pl;l\t•rs \\<l ~ d uf'rt ion of L~nn Hu~h1 ·"· hi~h ',; ''1 •• 'Jut ,et a:-f \••nin~ :tt 1'11 ~ ...,·hool tC'ach<'r. On tlw prnJ.!ram ' · ,;,! w 1d fl.' I:•···· .... \\ .• ,I' n ·.td arHI nrf' ::\tr!' Fay I Ia rhic:;on flnrl Km- .' ,.,.,·.~·cl. Xatnc·ri to thc· ho:tnt jgf"'t·~ \\'hitf'n;c·k, l <':wh<'rs: ::\1r ... IT. \'.I '(' I . , rhh n :li ('S of ~:tnt.t .\11.\, 0 . Rnyyc~ ano L f'Sh(' ~tf'fft•n!--e n I ~I ·I \l.tlrerw nf Laguna. ,.1'1 nie<· ri'PJ'f"'Sf'ntmc liH' rmt'C"'Il l... Rncl 1 fl.,, I" Ba!ll<r<J: 1-'r('d H • iJ. h"· .lurw Dian<' \\ <''llal\1• anct Jamr, Klint•. 1· .. l et,. PCtl l"illa <'r on i•• and !'IUOC'nt!-' F ,1 ·t · J lol\ a t h :"'t'\\fXII 1. "BENEDICT" ~ tbe sign man Painting Signs 20 years in Harbor Area Har bor 87 Corona del Mar V IEW MICH IG A N G AM E • 1 rlnr•r.; e T ·, hle Tops Tlh' '!'vlichigan·Stanfnt i\ f ont hall !..':-tnH' wa" rm1 of th<' allrac· I inn!' at Pain Alt n la~l WP<'kC'nrl fot !\1r and :'\1rs. f;(•nr gf' Yarcl· )<•v. 21-10 E. 0f'E'an Ft·onl. Balhoa. Th<'~' \'isifed theit .nns \\hO ar<' :-.t tP nding school:; at P~lo Alto. ~Yr. Yardley W <ls f'SP<'cially look· ing forward t0 mf"'<'t ing his olo ft·i<>ncl Frit7 Crislc>r. hC'arl of t h<' aThletic departmPnl ano form<-r coach at Michig;m. • • \. ind(r~ G:· .... s e Silt Wt•r Doors ~~ ru('tur;1l f., I<"· e Pla t(' Class e M H inl' and .\utr1 Beacon 5261-J 920 Coc.:st H1ghway Newport Beach Re'1o,.ing Repairing Sha ft Grinding 24-Hour Towing PETE. EDDIE. 1 lARRY and ART. Master M echanics 1010 COAST B L VD. H arbor 441 -R CORONA DEL MAA --. REV. WHITE VACATIONS RC'v. Harry White leaves this week to complete his int~rrupt ­ f"'d vacation. H e will IX' gone two \Vf'eks ano a gtl('st spPaker wJJJ he s('cured for each of the two Sundays he is absent. VISIT CONVENTION Dr. and Mrs. John Oshurn. 19 Bay I sland. Balboa. wlll entrain to':lort'Ow for a ten-day trip to Ch1cago. Dr. Osburn will attend the American A cadem y of Oph· thalmology ~nd Ot·laryngology while in the m i d-west city. BALBOA VISITORS VtsJtors t h is week at t he Rob- ert L. Trembley, 2021 Mira mar Ave .• Balboa, are Mr. T rembl<>y'a parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trembley of Tulare, Calif. The nior Trembleys stayed over tor a visit following the Elks Con- vention. Boy Scout Troop number 17 Of Corona del Mar plans to leave for an overnight camp ing trlp this weekend at the H arold S heldon Ranch, i t was announced at the last week's meeting. Boys planning to go will meet at the O>rona d£'1 Mar Sehool at 8 a .m. Saturday. Regular mem- bers of the troop are e ligible to go on this t t'i(>. 1\:ew members. who int£'nd to pass th£'ir l£'nd('r- foot t('sts at eamp also may go. Pat Emison Weds A SUl'Pl'iSe WC'doing unitf'd two lo<'al pt'opl£' in a C'<'r£'mon~· nt t he Southern C:1lifornia Golf T()Urha- m <'nt a t Pf'hhl£' Bc•:wh Sa turday. .1\liss Patricia Ann Emtson, daugh. ter of ~fr. and ~~~. Rkha rrl Allen Emi-.on of Bt'arun B ay. wa" mar- l'ied to Al\'in Cox. son nf :\It· Francie; S. C'I1X. 1695 Pactfw Dr .. Coronn 0£'1 ~1ar. The Wt>ddi ng w as at the hnn ,,. of ~fr. anrl Mr·s. R:ty lWhinc:on of M<'rC'C'ci and P('hhlr RC'<tl·h. !'\a\ ,tl C'haplain f i'Om l\!ont«'l"('Y J')<'rforrn-1 <'O th<' C't'l't'mony. Gu£'st<: w e'll' friC'nd'i wh<l \\'C'rt• Snutht r·n Cali- forma 'i ... itm·" 111 1 lw t <H1111Hill1 nt \1r .tnd \1 ts. 1-:n 1:-:'•n .HHi d t,tl.!l l t f'r. Eli:rnhth flf"'\\' up fnr· the• v. 1 cJ. dim:. with n c th ;wtinq as hf·a· !'it;. 1rr's attc·nrlant. ::\l r. and \11-...j Grn<' C'u;.. Wf'l'f' abo in nttl'nd..lnl'l'. <;viH' \',,...., hl'sl mrtn . TRAVELIN G VISITORS \1r. a nd :\It ... F ra nh P :1• tn••n1 ~Oti Conmadn ~: G.tllton :11•• f'll· 1 tt·r·1aininr• 1 Itt ·I "''II Cc o: ~~· ·"'" lu... ''Iff' of !J ,... An~t·l '· 1 1 1 1 :n111~ couph· han· iu ... t rt'lutntd 1 lrnm a tl tfl to \'·1nn'lll\t 'l'. I I Kiddie Kollege I DAY N U RSER Y Agf'S ?-f; REASONABLE R ATES Hours 8 -5 Ha r bo r 2847-R 411 Heliotrope C orona del Mar Corona Craft Aefinisblng and A~modelting 1801 ~ Coast H\vy. Corona de1 Ma r Harbor 1108 WASHEREIIE f\lf ~c n·icc Laundry OJ'X'n 9 A .~t. to 6 P .M . TIHII" 9 A.M to ~ P.!\1. CIIJ.;cd Su!'l iay 20 YL\CI 11.:-\E~ r 1fiYF:RS 1 00"~ SOIT \\"A TER 404 Coast Blvd. HA 256fi·W CORONA D EL MAR Onr ShoP Repairs AHES¥E DY Your Shoes Appear New W hen 5pee-Dee Is T hrough SPEE-DEE ~hoe r\·ice Opposit e Ba lboa T heater BALBOA HAMPTON'S REXALL DRUG PHESCRIPTIO:--: SERVICE 6 19 Coast B lvd. Harbor 2535 Corona del Mar LUCKY BUY SALE PEERLESS GAS HEATERS Reg. ale Price 20M BTU • • • • • $24.25 $15.69 ZO M BTU • • • • • 25.00 15.60 20M BTU • • • • • 29.75 17.50 Not too many of these ... so come in soon if you need heat thi \Vinter Radio and .Televi ion lltEPAIRS .. rtd SE .. VICE COMPLETE LINE Hotpoint Appliances • HARBOR-232 821 CoaSt .w. ,.