HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-02-15 - Newport Harbor Ensign• ndcd the aCC"eS.<~ t"Oad dis· <'UAS:Ion. but the histone Coun<:1l mf'('ting was o_!j1y half O\"t"T ~ 0\f'r..capeCJty aud.Jcmor of more than 150 had plainh• ho~'Jl its d , t-ntiments by appl~udin~ oppon-Park COmmission Urge .... ~~ o~r!,~h'.~c~\obu:e~~ "' • that no solution had been rettcbed I ~~-ISM. P.L a_ad R 1'. ~-POST GE PAID b~ H Tht· rntk at tht' Counr•l mu•t· ln:: To•·~·~ "' rllln(' sppbudfld l bt> <io('Ut\Hna., ur t iN> (<>rMa *I ~r ~ road pr~. tbelt rf'a.ll.u-4 ~1tll ~ dl..aaay tlaat that "•• •o aJb"H to .. e prOb-lrm.· .... ta~of~ ~ ... 8o tlwfto h 110 way .. .. !let f_ ... -..... -fiNo --tl-~t Mwft '~ fOI'f'nW'. AM n .... ,.-~, ....... all-- , ......... dt)' of ...... . adlle\• ......... ~ ... u .. .. ~ or ....... .,., for .. u a pUlL CounCJlman Braden Ft:nch. City 1 fide park comml 10n to replaC"E' a!t .Mr. FlPilS announet'd that he !\hiMJ:er John Sailors and Cit} the pre5ent Park! and Rt><'r~atton \\81! taking out pennit.s for two Engtnt'er 'BE-r t Wt>bb we-rt> ap-Committ~: mort' bluff lot house'S in the morn· I 1 pomt<'d b~ Mayor Les Isbell 1\a.cs-j Thi action W&l> tak<'n a: the In~. n.e ~ty 14 ., ...... ...... ..... !" But IIOtMil« ls lmpel;- 111_. If ......... t It .. Md.ly .. tltew folio "'alit to prNen • t:W , ....... A lorut s1t'P toward getlin.: thE' da' c,·enin~ to ta ke action looking C"il~ C"ounc1l m~ttnt. alt<·r the Members of ttl<-audif'nC"E', seek·' ~-stytll.iecl $8.308.000 count) tO\ ard f>tl tabhshmcnt or a bona rt"adjnl: ()( a.lt>tl<>r trClm th£ Parks• tnJ:: for 8 perman<>nt solution, be- samtation program undf'J'\\a) \\:ls All v. JaT~ and R<'CI'<'allon CommJtt('(' u1·~ormg ,:an offf'rin~ recommt'ndatlons for ta k<>n ~cstcrda~ iJ\ two meNtnJ; I ets . ' t 'that Ill<' l't'C'Cnth formro L(>8l.,'UE' purcha of thl' pri\'8lt'IY O\\nt'd I TliH" opportaalty •• IH'ft, a8d rouplell •ith It Is U... ~ to a.not~r major proWfra-the C'llml.ftatloe of thf' Padfk ~ trlc-rfe"bt-flf.,n~· Otat 1!1 bold- ln~r M <'k lh~> df'\ t>1opmt>al of S rwport. Tllf' ant~ .... -f'r, aad tW oat~ no .. " f"r . Is "holt'-hear~ public <rnpll<1rt of a boad , .... u..- tc> ~t>qtilrt-tb~ prol)f"rUf't!l, w bJcb ln thC' faturf' wUJ pe~ bu-k tO thb l'OftUIIUDJt~ IIUID~­ fo ld thf' moat.-.. now rtoquil"t'd te~ tml"t'h&!W' l bf'm . twld In Santa Ana or Ch k A'! OCI81101"' llt• N.'('(l.:niZ d bluff Jolt. 1'ht-n Clint(' tht' Jectrl- ln tht-aHt-rnoon th<" !o.3nttauon a thc otftCI:al bod~ n rr~ ntmt.: r' me announet>mt-nt 'On b<'hatr or d t ('t d irt't'tors confE'rrt'd \\llh 0 FeL 281U.;...·ner th(' ('t\i(' croup~ n·.tklfl• H'Qlk'-l!> \\' T J<>fr<'r"'On \\h<l hH·~ at 212 E! ;.' Rt>inkt-of thc Stall' Ht'11lth U. IIIII for Jl.uhh<· tmpro\'0101~ <~'''"" Bt,·d , \\llhtn th<' no" dr-o(.pa' tm nt and J'('J)r{'<;CllllltiH'l' -Thl. "ou1d •'hmu,;t '( JIH· ... -.uu C"ont inu<'d t'ln Pat.:<' i • r S 1 De rtmt'nt of Fm-< ommanl1<'r 'Ram<'~ lli-11 or Am-.!l't1Ufl" wC'rku • tnt 1 t u • (( m-. _ of .. tht" ~ ta ·w ~-Pollution ('on-rtt<',n IA"·t:Jon P o 1 291 tta .. i..su<'d t•'r<''-l!» and " '11,! l t•1tr d .,,a~ Biiimg ""f~r-Jhcst:l<' finll.nciala,,.i 1• ·m tnvt'llll~>n lOAll \'C'tcr::~n<~ in th<' ''1th thf' dlo;M•n-.tun. and bJckcltn'!~l-.'.lo.-.J tro . ld be <'ndnnJ:c>rC'd unl<''-S • '<'" I'OI't Harbor Arm to rom<' to <tmom: 'lli'IOll' l't~·1r J'rOUPI> tndJ· IIU AUIIII-a~C't' ;c:u. lS came 10 an l'&rh ~h, ltf\f' dmncr WC'dn«'sda~ ('\'<'· \idual-. and 1:1'\<'rntn bfldll·!-lh<' s Pr ed 1 n c d rectors Wt'r<' told mn~ F <'b 28 and to h<'ar tht" j tt>tl<'l s:ud ,\Hthallon of til<> ...t.-otest a~~~t'n~,~~m~ 01('('tin(; lh d i-l 'll('('('h h~ Ot• :'\Aoolron Hill t:I\IC 1-<:a~e \\ilh 1111' ('harnlxr of r··~ l"'C"Cto rs agn>ed on llt'OC<'dUrt' for I r.('<'Bll"l' of thl' IAr~e Ct'Owd an· <. omm\'l<'t' "8 .... 11bo ur~<'d C"1t\' Council O\ r·rod tht' ob· ~k>ction of ngin<'<'ran~ f'n I('(' 1 ic-tpa tr·d 't•tt>rAn." are "· kN:I 10 C"ount·rlman 1-:nrh a ... kro f(>r ac-· Jrl'llons of C"ounc-1lman Dtck Drakr and announC"E'd a~ment on JOint ,mnJ: a rop~ or. th{'ir cfucha.r~c> I t!Ctn on fomllll~ .a P<.rk Comnu -st T\Jcsda~ t'\'entn~'~' m<'Ntng and srran.gemt'nt for salf' of fac-rht u.'!» I ll<>ads. of 1~1. tl\ 1<.' _or~:ttniult.~ons :-.ton. nnd Counolman Otck 01 Ak~ \OHd to " k inlor mal bids for bv J S members. n nd c11~ nfftcutls w11l tx-lm t!t'd made th mtH.nn to fo1 m.th£ com I E'l~ht J'liP<.'c>. of llutomoiiH' ~wp- . J~t' E. J . Marks. counsel for to th dmnt"r and s~. whtch mith'<' . h 1 rm>nt totallint.t 1:0me S25.000 tn th<> joint districts, said h hop{'d tO wtll be at the nt>w l.A>gion Hall. Ht-re IS th I('XI Of I e, E'tt r: \&IUC' ~~ attom~"S for the var-ious dis· 15th S t and Sa~· A,·c., Newpor~. . ~c>br\lar) S. 1951 C"ounc•lman Rosll Gr<'<'lc>y moved tricls together and havc agre('· nr. Hill. now iO. is p<>ndmq llon_orabl,t' Ma~.01 and C"ounc-llm<>n. that informal biro of local firm. ~nts rt-ady th1s week for the sale mu<.'h of his tlmt> in his tudy In &t) ~r Ne~-po1 1 IWach. tx> called for on ilt>ms a\1lHab1e lo- or the facilities to JO . Ratirtc.a· tht" dt>sert romplt'ting his n~w n1t t>mt>n . cally and informal bids from out· tion ol these agrt'C.'mcnts would book. ''PNICC" of Soul." H<> is th<' \\e. as mt>mben. of _ tht> Parks IdE' fiml.S on tht" rcmaindt'r tabOut pavt' th<> way for the sale or the author of .. Think and GI'O\v Rich." and R<'Cre~tion CommlltC.: wi~h 11 OOO •. bond issue· \'Oted two years :u=o. ·sctenet' snd Su('C(>ss," "How to 1 Contmuc>d on Pa~e 1 1 In informal b1ddt.m:. S<'H'ral sp<>· ~II Your Wa-. Throul!h Uft>." t'lhl'd d<'8lers art' askl'd to subm1t "Th<' Ma t('r 1\1ind to Rlchcs." Me-...L -..-..&.. -.,;iiiio.. ~c>aled bids. and ther<-ts "') rubltr "Think Your Wa)' to Wc:>alth." 11;11t111U _.-::.... Ad\t>rlisin~ for but Hl' started thl study of the sci-Councilman Drak<' &'lid that fnr- r net> of SltCC<'SS after intel"\iewin,;: mal pubhc b1ds • hould oc adn•r- 1 Andrt>w C"arnegi<' for his rollegc> tt.:C'd tx-caust> of lh<' Jarl!l.' llmOUnt n<'"'· papt"r. of which h~ w~v; edi-C'f mon<'\ invoh <'d Tht' 'otl' "a~ Pc>tltions art' bt'lng ctrculat<'d tor Th<' t:t•<'at indw tria list and Quc t1on art" lx'tn~ rollN't<'d 1 rc 1 tCl. do 11 em an iniMmnl 'IM~1 ... 1n Corona d<'l Mar pro 1 t" s t 1 n s,: ('htlant hrop1~t a kNI him ·to .re-1 rom C"orona dt'l :\181 mercllants tt~ainst "pie«'nl<':ll d<'\t>lopm nt ot turn for Clthi'J mtt'r\i<'"~· b<'eau <' fo1·,the "busine. qu1t" thai \\iiJ bl> p k T h Bny~td Dr. b<'tw~n Maqnl('l itt' ('·,• nc·t:tf' \\as St'archinl( for .tru.-I part of tht' Open HoU~t' tx•tnC ot .. Ltt.C onig t A'\l' And C'nrnation Ave." Th<' P~"· pt·•·"nn who rould tn'kt' up a hi • !<po:l!><m·!'d b~ th Co.r""" dc;,l !\tar u11on sJll'('ificsll) N.'qll 1~ nban· nn•r a o;u nm<'nl ol <otud~ Ill I: th<' £111.:-JO<'"' A~-..x-ta t on IM f nda~ Tht 1'(''11 tx-both put-lurk and en- oonnHnt of th<' U."<' ot thl' at'C'I\ at ll\r ol \\l'al.th~ men. Carnt"stll' \lltrdt9 Stmo. "'ll.rtr.,u <•~>~-'" '•n.unm<'tU at tht•Cnmn1 11<'1 :\lat Carnation AH'. and nl\y<oidt• nr hAd alrc>ad~ n •j('CIN:I 26 1 \\t'll that t'H'nlns: C'l\H A~!o.Ot'i:llion "'·"'flOC toni .. lt• for· bout trail<'l' parkin~ and oftqll<lhlicd (IISOO' for th•<, U"Sl~ll-\'~•l:ll:-1 ( ·Htwn. J;N tra i th&l • -h • ,1,,,, Ill .l.t l';r :tntm r ttl<-propos('() [13\ln1; c>f th<' ar<''l mf'n l \\I c·n he. as.k,·d ::'\af...,}e<m I m.tn ft)r th•' "' nt .1r,rwurc• ~ t h~t• ~~· 1.H1tt'lnun· !"·::tnnml.! ·" at H.:nrstde OJ'. and r.ta r>:u<>ritP Ifill to lU\dC'J ta'kt> it thl' tllll''liOnl> t•an b<• 111 111.. 111 < t ·"' am .. , n•mtH: •·· ''"111' ,..•,·(\ A\t' . .. Naa)OJcoon 11ill sp<>nt \\('Cks or ll);lllNl 10 l h(' 1'\C'\\I.(lll l iaroot 1(1 hnnt •• (\('1\('H d rll"-h 11th! tuhlc Tht .... l\ C'ouncil "'-'-a k<'d to &nt tmtlt<' com ·ersatlon wrt h such Rank. BtWnlhf'ad·~ ''"'"I! ?.: .. -... '\tC'• rons1der" .. 'an tntt'lli~<'nl and com· mt·n ~ Ht nr> F ord. Thoma~ EdJ· dtill<' (\ nrrr. t h,, r:n.:1,:n ofh t..t n • .. ~t ... t bu,.. n• ,, "" 'lt•S: ":II l~o · prt>hf-n 1' <' plan for J)('nnant'nt dt-· llon and ,lC'hn D. RO<'kefellcl", un· 1 t I'Rrt<'n' $pt't·Jalt~ $h4•fl . ht 'd bf't" N'n th<' , '"' nnd rntf't · vt>JOpmcnt of Baysidt> Or." fold<'d tht•&r J,X'rsonal t'Cl'C't!l and T hC'St' Ql! , uon . '' hll'h "rll H· tatnrrt nt P rl'"d' n1 \ ''rrh Wat"'n Lt-t'" a.U do our ~,. DO\\ t # put oHr thl" pl.a.a to tiC)I,., N 'O or thf' city'" crlllail problem ... . Appointment of rommjt1~ for tht' NewpOrt H arbor Chamber of Comm<-rce fot '1951 w~l"t' an- nounc.d tills 'A'C>ek by E>!l'<'Utl"~ ~tary Hay Lan~enhE'tm. Ht>re IS I ht' mmpJPtC' )jo;t ' , Advt>rtisin~ & PubUt'it~ Rt•x- tord F Brandt C"hntrm.rn An-c Haapa. Wendl"ll Ho) 1 Ken :"tit'S Rf-n Reddick \'ktor \\'C'a tht>n: Amrrrcani~m Frank Ltnnt"ll, C'haJrman. Kt'n Wt'll~. John l"p-.on 1, '\-ofhc;rn 1 A' 1a ttnn Walt<'r Fnn1. Ch liT· man. T \\'t,ton .Ia~ £a I \\' s1anTt' R.AI lnd1.4.,, . .Pro:t10liona. J.\ n- n• lh F W il'-• n Chnu man H l \~I'<"" \'.pi .... J . n td n ltd ... rt 1 C"ontinu<.'d on page 3 1 -. PCY A Regattc Here 11 "1 A~••Un ltht<: ''N" 1Mt B. 1bc>'l Yl'\<.'ht (" h hn bfo.•n a<" ,. ,.,tr 1 ,.,.. I nnot c>t h nn~t h I' clfll' f',,, '' \':otl'hlin'-! in_-. t1on ummu n rta tn be h('Jd in Co\Jncfl hll appro\'ed th<' piiY· I habitS and ('Slabll •hed 8 pal f('rll f ('l' tO merch,n<liSti> h"nd) d b~ 8 J'Il('llll('(" ing or a 60-foot strip a.t ~ idt> o! success. 'tor s. "ill be msd<' ll\ tlabl to li nd Mftrgucritc-A\'1.', for US<' Ill 8 President W ilson s.nu~ht Napol-CUSlOJ'n('I'S durinq the \\ k or tht COM Church Buildinq s-rking lot. Thb; propoul t~ op-M il Hill's ad\:i('('; so did P~stdcnt Open House.'. The an .. ,H n. can b<> PI Be 1"11.:-----...1 • <"Vlljun~ lion " 11 to-t ht ~·cy A tl'- ~ lot Au~ 4-11. pciS('d b~· Gene Boero. proprl<'tor I Roosevelt and Prt'sident Trumnn. turned ln at an~ r:ta c of bu~m CIDS to ~u.-u ot Gt-M'II RHtau.rant and OWDt'r Adolf H itlt'r was imp~ •ith In Corona del Mar. Trust or th<> C"orona c:k-1 ~~ r ot t.Jw fraft«\llat lot at that cor-hi writinJfl and wrote to him. Dr. Cllrf Llonb3r'=<'r p ~ldrnt ol th<' I ("(lmmunl.l~· Church ha\e 1 U\'<l a ""'· Hll attomt')', Geor&e ~nnt'y. HJll nopUed. pr'f'dfctmg Hilk-r'B assoc1a1Jon. said tha t the ~und <.'311 for th .. con~I'('J:ation 10 mC'<'t il*._.. t .. t the atrtp, originally ~nfall b«aUAe he lanorfd t prize fot· the best ans~crs \\ill be at 7 30 p m 'l'ut>lda..\ at tht' chllr<'h .acatN n a 1trwt, OMnOt t.. basic prindplft of tht> 1twftan ~-a bukf.'t of $:ift donatt'd b~ tM 10 <:"'n5lcit'r plans for an t'duca- GM ....... to -.e otlw!r \M, IUdl lat6onlhip ot l'ftanklnd uiUd .,_"' l"ftf1'Chants. ~re ~mt.. a~ tionaJ and AOCSal bulldi~ van Ad· • a ~ lot. by J~ O,ri t. prize of $5. 1 clition to tht> chur<'h sc;.lboa Group to Meet Tht> Balboa lmpt"\.o\( 'l'C'nt ~ <'Ullll"IO ~ill oold 1 .. annual mt'm- lw-1"!-.hip m<'<'\i.Jlg tomm·~"' 1 Fri- da_\ I t'\ ~OJ~ 8 t I h(> BambOo Room, S«rt-ta cy ~fontt" Grirnfa ~nnount"t'S. Dl.nrw-r "111 bt> ~·.-d at 7·30 p.m. lt'8 not hard to Sof't> ~· Mrs. E'ereU Nunan became tnten>~~tE'd in Girl Scouts Tak~ a good look at daught~,.. Joan. ag~ 15. and Jane, 14, in tht>lr Manner's uni· fonna. lt-am that tfK>y have been ln Soouun~ oa~tJ\iuuons for at ~Nat t'Jfrht yeers. and ~ou will ~· that It has been a mother-daughter co-acU\itv. 1lwo K:trll \\'t're Brownies t~n. in 1942. 'I'Mre was no N~-port liar· bor Ctrl Scouting Auodauon, only · tone" troops l't'Sponaiblfo directly to tM National Heedquarters Mrs. Lonnit-Vincent v.·u lt'Atder of thls earl Brownie troop. and Mrs. Nu- nan was her a.uiatant a litua.tJon that repeatE'd itself last year when M:rs. Vincent wu commiuJoner and Mrs. Nunan her first deputy. Owing the war. wot·k as a Bro"'1lJe lead~Pr took a ll day Tues· ct..y. tx-ca~ chool was held in different 114"S'Iions -• • so Ule. Brownies ~t in RPII ret ~ups at d!lfcrent ttme!S from 10 a . m to 4 p. m. ~tnt'd mt'mbenhip ln tlw troop •u 76, but at tiJns there \l>ere u hi«h u 120 &{rb W'IIJ\tlng to partidpat~ In ~ a c· thities. . . • Msilltinc with this larg~ group wfft abo u,... R~U Gibson and Mrs Ben Spra~ Met-tings w~re held at the Boy Sc!out Hut in Newport and latn tn the car~~rla and kin~rten of the Newport Grammar School. 'Thf' samt' IVOUP of ~lrls -~ wi th M,.., Nunan from the aocond to the ~ighth grade. She "fl~ up" "ith them • • • tthe tf'rm ulled when Bro·wnies J{nduate to lnt~r­ mediate Girl SCouts 1 • • -a nd be-ca~ their lt.>ader. a king Ml"'. William Trust-' to bf' her .asAiat· World War n . When she was 9. ant. )tany of these same girls the famiLy mo\·ed to B everly ha'~ gone on to become Matioer Hllls. Calif .• and she has been a Scouts a ha'"C' Joan and Jane Nu-"natt\~ dausthter" e\·er slnCt'. She nan. took ht.>r 'advanrod schoolln~ at ln ~5 the ~t''' port art> UCLA. ronn<"d into a Girl Scout Associa· She m ' husband E\'erett. an tion. ~rs. :'\unau wa,s thf' first t-le<:trician. m Anaht>im and their ~adtir' Club ptt'SIIi nt wht>n this homt' was e tabllshed there. but dist1'4ct "u os~anizt'd. and It ·!lo\-u t~y made frt'quent trtps to the h •r's ponsiba!Jty to coordinat~ the Newport area and they ntO\'ed up lea'd4!rs or th~ \'&rious troops and here JK>nrianenUy In 1M2, maklng help thE'm ",th craft work and their home at 2<»J 36th St.. tn West otbt>r acti\it,r p~ms. ~or 1pe--:-.:~l)Ort. Thf'Y find them.seh·e$ eial training tn thu he attended co•wenienUy located now be<:.a~ the Ttalning Course Conferen~ at 2-)·ea.r-old curly-headed blond Billy Asilomar. organization camp n~ar Nunan. latest addition to I.M ram· Monterey. iJy, wiU JIOOn be old enough to try Biggest or projeocts ln the re-w out the slides and swings o\-ef in short yean or the N~-port Girl , the "wading pool" park across the Scouting Auociallon ·has ~nth~ s~t. build.in& or the Girl Scout House. ~ nf'w commissioner takes "'lUcb was made po&slble. through O\er the scouting helm at ~ the Balboa Bay Lions Club as wttU tremendous growth is straining w a.s a Jot or hard work by t~ lo-Srout budgt>t. Tht>y are faced cal Scout workers. Mrs. Nunan with needin~t a full-time trained was acthe in thl project. which <-xecuti'e director to be on call at I was launc.·hed with the "buy a ttte,. cout house and help eath board" idea for rolleoctlng dona-troop gt>t the mo t out or their lions to tht> house. Even the • coutlng acth·ities. but their pre-1 ~ro,·emor's wife. ~frs Earl Wtm't'n. sent bud~t>t set-up under the Com- posed for a picturt-in ronn('('tion munity Chest, doe not gh·c them with th1 campai£:0 freedom to hire this personnel. Anotht>r orrlet> on the.> Girl ('OUt Th y hope that the mont>y tMy Association Board which Mrs. Nu-r('('('l\·e from other troops who hold WOitl'l TostN ~tttrs nan ht>ld-1kior to a uminst the visiting "camp-out.·· at the Girl ~qE lilt T'HE PII.ST leading posllion of Commi loner Scout House will net thf'm part of ~ GeNTLE ~ ____ ...._.. ..... .,..... .. w~a-that-o' ~rdih1( ~-ttw money-n~ re a pro· ~ TufM u.sr cretary "'he fulfilled thes dutit"S r lonal 'cout worker. They know We 11ft wtter. tM lllMt..f't'l S~• put on by the Elks last Friday and Saturday In the High School audi- torium bfooucht protsu rrom the NAACP tNallonal Aaodation for the AdV&.ne."efMfft of Colored Peo- ple) and the Orange Count)' In· depeodrnt Proet"-lh'e Party. ~-....... .. Wfft ....... tile ..... tid ... , ~ ...... ....,.. .............. ... ........,., ...... ~....._, .. ... .,...., • ......,. .. rNit.c ...,. N~ ...,..-... ra''' • tla4'tll of twr •••h t•aaDty ... ........... f!•. This lncl~t remin& us or the fact that people wltl) best· inten- tions and romplt.>tf-1)' unaware ·of the effect4 of ltX'Ia· actions oCten do harm to others. ln this case the elCect is to pu on the stereo- typed in1press10ns of shlfUeune . subservience and irresponaiblllty. \\i thout rt>~ard to achievement and ability. This is not in aC<'Ord \vith the GQiden RuJe. • • • Ft>llow PubiiJ;her R. C. Holies is stHI at It ~arrying on with his some w h a t one--sldM a~t "'1th Assemblyman Earl Sta~y on R. C.'s favorite top6c -that taxation rot pubU<: ~llng is contrary to the Golden Rule. Mr. HoUes. who should eujly win a prl~ for putt.ilw out the dullest And molt formldab~ look· ing · editorial pan in Souttkam California, argues constantly that "tfK>re is no justi~ or toleranct' or no rt>'Spe<:t for moral laws when compulsion is usN ." that there ''is no rt>Spe<:t for o thers when they a1'e oo~llro to buy things that thev thiJlk art' har•mful" 'that "it is cwnplete lack of faith In our ft•lluw man to <.'Ompel him to pay for somt>thln~t that hl' docs not want to pay for." A II of "'h.lc-h Itt a .._1•1 of U..- ._. ~ot...Aemocracy • ..ma~ ... .,. ........ a.dl ........ ...,. •"11~1'1ealll ef • wt ••m ... ,IIIICir!e el a lftlill ...,. •· ., ......... ~ ... .-..~ ...... jalltlee of • ~ per-.... According to Mr. Holies' inter· pretation of the Golden Au.l~. an end.ividua.l &hould not be oampelled. for t>JCample, to pay for ~ pro- tection, if he doesn't want to pay for lt. on the groUnds that he is able to take care or hJ.JMel.f; or to'obf'y traffic regulations, because h~ t hlnka they are harmfUl to hlm. . ""'~'~· ...... ,_ ... &Melt tile o-w. .... ,_ ..... lite If OM ..._ ..& lYe ., IL 11&0 lf>t'a .....,..t:. Oae e1 tile -"'t•• piMM ~ a J 1tr.,r 8held ., . ., ., tJH. 0 ............ oatkr.-..t,....orw.....,.... ptor , ... fa.l.rltHII I• ~ of tile r~ulrenHtltL Here's jUSt one more example to tbc contrary from Page 1 or Mr Hoiles' Rf'~ler: "You're GolnR to Pay and Pay and Pay for TrU· man's War." Is thit an ex.am.Ple or fair and objective headline "Tit· ing! • • • Signs of 'thlnp to come-and "'e do Dl8D sign~ .... the ant'S that went ...., ..on the doon of the ~floor or the Birtct.. Builcl- iQC ln Corona del Mar "-paleon HlU .Foundation: Bell. Ltd.: Plu- tlcam. Inc.; Exploronic, Inei Won- clerwute. rnc.; N~'POrt Acll. & Finance Corp. ln\'olved lft the.e plans are Richard F. Taylor qf Wonderwood fame: ~ ~. who commands our local ~n Post. and AJ T . SiedentoP. layout and advertising spedallst. Much more to be heard or Utis soon • • • Exploronic. Inc., stands by Its prediction of a dr\' w-eU up ln the h.iJ Is near Corona Hlghlan to the extent that they are willlng t~ll ~I lhat i.s fOUDd an t hat well. AN AUTOMAnc durin~ the 19-18-49 ason. from th~ start that 1951 will be a Officers Elected 1 One or the reasons Mrs. Nunan ~ear of ltl"Nt opportunity to St>r\'f~ IAUNDilY . bas put so much or ~r time and In Girl Scout work. B"Kamaa&·naCiub DIRECTORY ·AT YOUR DOOB efforts into tht> Scouting "'<>rk. sh~ J explalns. is bE-cause she )'as t>n-J ld liiL\'D PIAftllfO A'l' 811118DVICK. joyed so much the peoplt> working oint Part" He Florence Chamberlaln of Costa ,...--....;;;;;;::;;..;.=~=::.::;:.:... ___ PIUCD. "ith Mr. So man~ or them. like J Mesa was ekoctN president or the Silver Platers hel"S('lf, he found. wanted to put A part)' designed to kill two KF"arnab !ina Cit~~ Wh ednt-sdaf ~1!'1~R~~ ADd Slhw.-.. leisure hours into §Omt" ......... uc. bit'ds \\ith one stone was ..;,.en e . r. at •n: om o •• 1 UJ-.:ou ~ .,_.._._.__ .,,..,.. •• -H~ the form and Mjoy~ the work Feb. ~ by ~trs. W. Crider. 701 Van)·i. Costa Mesa. • .._ with children • • -their 0"1l and H<>liotrope A\·e., Corona del Mar. Laura d<> los Rlos or Costa Mesa Gotd. SUve-. ,__ _ Brul others for h<>r sons. Don. who wu 6 on was named secretary: S h i r 1 e y ......,.....,. WilhelmJna was ne,er a Seoul that day, ana Bm. who \\'ill be 8 Noel treasurer. Boots Kt>ene or . Near Oommuntty Q.rard, herself in her ~rowim: up days. years ·old next month. She was Balboa, publicity chairman. 1914 Hartaor Blvd.. eo.ta .._ S he wa.s born in Holland. near llSSi ted by Mrs. Vern Threlkeld. _ft.etiring Pre id nt T h e 1m a S.0. StU Nymegen, ltM pot where the Friends of the boys who at: Rtckch5 rt'1ld a congratulatory let· Yank paratroopers landed durin~ tended the part:, we-r~ Jan and ter from the Chambf>r of Com- IN GOOD FORM Jill Threlkeld. PauJ R. Whitman, merce on their skit in Community Diane Beall, J ackie ·and ·Diane Capers. C.anncd goods wert> col· Steffensen , Bobbie Hutchinson. lectf'd for their "adoptf'd ramfly," Lennie Jones, Penny Higgins, which has fiq~ children Dickie Butterworth. Joel Fruehan, ------ Eddie Neight.rger and A n d Y p......_ ,.~--to MeXI"c:o Bureman. Also present. as she hu -ao.r ~ 1 b<>en for every birthday in the I For F"aabin9, SwirnmiDCJ family, wu the boys' great. great aunt. Mrs. R. E . Christian from On their way to Mexico, Mnl. Lon~ Beach Elmer Patten10n and her da\.ldl-. ter, Marie. Newport. an~ Mrs. Marie Story and her son. Johnnie. of Los Angeles s topped In Yuma 3-Week VCIC'CitioD Ends For Midweetemen A three-week vacation en d e d Feb. 5 for Mr. and Mrs. James W. Rogers and their son. Ji.rnm.y, when lMy left for Minneapolis. Mr. Rogers, brother of Ted Rogers, 216 Via Udo Nord, Lido Iale. ts the sal manager of Northern States Po\tv't'r Ulillt~ company at Grand Forks. N. D. 11le Rogers occupied the home at '1711 Ocean Blvd.. Balbo&. whiJe here. XI:\\' MEXICO \'I ITORS Mr. and Mrs. Owen C. Matthews or Silver Oty, N. M., spent four days recently with Mrs. Mat- thews' cou.sln, Mrs. Mary Deftni. son, 1107 Coast Blvd., Corona &:1 Mar . On Feb. 2 they attended the races at Santa Anita. taking Mary with them. On Feb. 4 they left for San Francitc» for a three- day visit before returning to thetr home. 1 Saturday mornlng to St'e the pa- rad<> and rodeo. They then con· Unued to ~rto Penaaco. Mexico, for fi hinft and swimming. Mr. Pattenon and the other daU8hter, Diane, were happy to stay home because son David came home for the wE"ekend from Camp Elliott, San Diel!o David was just pro- moted to a sistant recruit chief petty officer for Company 33. Las Amigcm Circle To Hear Book ReYiew "Son of Smoky Sc.>e" by Nut· chuck will be reviewed by Mrs. Earl Stoneback, 2ll0 Seville, Bal· boa. at the next meeting of the La.s AmJgas Circle at 7 :30 p. m . Tuesday at the home or Mn. Har- old Glass, 110 lOth St .• Newport. Mem~ wtU WOl"k on ~P books for contaiiOUI want. at boll~ pi tala. Clothing wW .... be pth- el't'd for the Alulra llilalon. Re- fl'eshmenta wiU be 8ftWd. Margaret L. SchCU'le Teaches' of Plano Orpnilt • Accompan.let ~t!l!l· 307 GOLDENROD AVE. eon.. del ...,. AcCoRDION and PIANO lDitruct.ians I CJ.aalca.l. Popular RecftaJa. Free Accordion Band Training and lnstnunent to U~e. DORIS V. HAll. BEacon 5131-W 217 Cabrillo Cocta lieu Day o r Night Phone HArbor 1136 BaltZ Mortuary ~..,thelia IIAJUIOk a INSURANCE .. IMI7 1'-1 ISLAND REALTY 00. a..., D .... IIA ... IPr·W fWitttat~ ........... • .-. - ·, -ern M ANAGEil" ~ ... 0 ... dhot..,•• • a "~t} ... eMMa ...-.r lk ntn 42 !kl 0ty c.-ril MHtllll( ....W.~· .~,_ .... "iMe U.. ...... B•y ~ ... (11M 8NIIIa .... MH (1ty ... ... P'~ a • ••tnta• of ..., a dty .._.. ..,. na. l'k ''dlf .,...,..._ .. jilttlll: .. *"-'"' 11ft' Oty .... . qH ........... (f'xtf'8W lf!of't .. tiM> Mp ""''}, (' ........... ~kQr ..... Cl -" • -....... JW ........ C ..... C'.-d .... ~ llal'tlrl. C..-dl..,. FraallM~~ _. Oty A~ ......... . ~~ ......-. lf'ft t o ript .• ,.... City ~r l w L~ .c-h. C'tt y C"l4-rk TC* \\'ript ... Ot)· '1"-ea H nt" Fordf'r. -(pltc)to flry F..._.l WCidM'colol' ol lalhoa IMa"'ayed in GaiiMY A wa tf'rrolQr of Ilalboa amont: t..hc> pnz winmns;; PIUntina 1 and !i:CUl,ptW"K 00\\: on chlpla) at I Accident Victim Home 1~ Los An~eles Oty Hall An t 1 Galleey. '!'be exhibit. which opened ~trs. F R Simpson. 112 Cn tal last ~Jt't'ek. Ulov.'S work or 4_9 Los A\~ .. Balboa Island. "bo u.fft>red ~W. artists tbat took prias fContlnued from Page 1) 1 Official ~tion : Tilomas F'. ~rious injurier; as ttw ..._...ult <'f a an Soc.al and ruationaJ t"bm~titions of AD Kinds FLAGSTONE PATlOS BLOCK WALLS ,Beeochttr, Lro ~zinl. Law~ Norton. Chatnnan: ).Jrs. Htlda hf:>ttd-on aut~tle colbsaon a fc-v. d~~ ~Jut ~-ear. Amont: them. Brown. Hug h Haley. John Han-..y, Bri.sc.'oe. Judgt> Robert Gardn<.'r, ~H't'k •RO. ts at hoJnt' convalt> Phil Ddtt' walf'rt"'lor of _Balboa Capt. H. J . Has~tt. Harold I. Mayor L. L. hbeU. Hadd Ring. lnJt A ht'r lelt>phon is n :1 to 1 "'On a lOJ> award in tM l'\Oa~ Johnson Sam Kauffman Portt>r John J. Sailors tex-oHicio 1 ht'r tx-d. ~Irs Stmpson can I"E'«'I\ e .Acadml) annual oom.pt'tiUon m Sinclair.' Ray Marshall.' ' Srup OfliCt'· Tom w Ht>nckT· 1<'1 pht>nt> calls from ht>r frtt-nd I :O.:eow \'OPk PhH Dik(> i5 • s\mlMer Budgtot & Financt>: Roland A . son. Olaif'fMn: Andrew Brown. residfonl of tht> Harbor am aa4 --·-- Wright. Chairman: John T Boyd. R05I G~"E't'k>~. Ralph P. Ma.sk(>). FOIUIDl BE! lDE.~T \'1~1~ ronduc a rum.mer art school "'ith Francis Hor..,ath. 0 . W. 'Dick 1 W. R. l\1iranl§. RobE-rt A. ~turph~. l\lrs 1one Tiloma. ... fortnt>rh of R£> Brandt tn ~ ck-l Mar. • Fll£1: ESftJIA 1'ES • Richard .. J. S. Whyte-. WaJtt'r S. Spl<'f'r 313 Narossus A' . CoronA · t:k-1 n.tcn O.gifled ada ba\ ..._ O ty Coundl: R. L.. Calli • Chair· portfishm~. J B · Mc:-oally. Mar. spent a few da~ h<'t t> ,,SJt-,a JII'IM!Il ._.... of ....,.tMq t..,.. man. Braden Finch. Monte Grim8. Chalnnan: J . S. BaM't>tt. Jn,ng In~:: fnt>nds. ~Irs 'Illoma no~ lor aD ...u of ma• t.ert' I! u.. M~R~hh~.~~S~n-G~·.N~n~~.L LU~,~~~~~~p~~~~~M~-~i~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~U~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~= lt'y. . Jonas. J H Mills. I Cooperation: Louis \\'. Briggs. Tax: John \'ogel. Chatrnan. Chairman: J. A. ~k. W. B. Ht>l· E. H Allt!'ll. Haney Pt>asr. lAorl· lis. Hrinz Kaiser. Ralph P. Mas-ard R.otM>son. Ed $rot>lmt>l<'r. Hadd kt'y, P . A. Palmer, W . W. Stln· Ring. ford. Maurie Stan)(>)'. . . Transportation: Ben Reddick Drtet tai"!"'t'nt : J_ .Leslif S!t'f· Cbajrm_an; Robt>rt A Murphy. f('flll«<, O,.ll"ll'Wl; Thomas F'. Nor-John J . S8Jlo ... ~ficioJ~~ ton. Fred, Stoddard, E. C. ~:'chell. \\'t>bb tt>X4ficio• Executtn•: Thomas F. l'\Oortan. Yachting. Han y Somers. chair· Chat~n: John T. Boyd. Monte m&n : Robert ~('r. J . A. B<'t'k. 'R. Gn~. Wal_tt>r B. Mt>llott, 8t'n 'rban L nt-h. Mark Heal~. C. F. Reddick, Maune Stanley. Roland Lan~rs. Sand~ F. MacKay, L. L A. Wright. fto\\·bem·. Dr. o G. Suess. James . Exhibits & ~lebratiOI\!!' Lon· M. Webst('r. Con\t>~ \\'UI"dt>mann, nte R. Vincent. ~lrman: Al Af· Dean w. Camp~lL den;on, Conrad Had)', Ktnneth ~~-Oele~atec: T o Associatt>d Cham· cho ls. Onille Sc.hhwt<'r, H. B. Wtl· beT'I of Comme ohn Bo)'d, 50Rre Defense & Pre,ention: Walter Longm<)or: to 0 ran ft t' 1-laurie Stanl"Y· Chairman; Alfred County Coa t Association H. F., G·,~--. T. y • .... ton Ja•·. ~tan·t>l~ Kt>nny. Ralph P. Maskt>y: to l'. S . ...,., >"Yu .J Chamber or Co~ rNallonal MooclyHarbo' ~-a)~eal~~S. s P 1 c e r, Councillor 1 J.oUis w Bri~: to Ocean Fish Prott>Ctl\'e A.51ocia· Chairman; L. L. Jonas. K.· T. Ken· 1 J B ... ~ 11 A--"" dall. Roland ValJei''· J{('nneth E. ton-· · ~ .. c.; 8 y ; to ruft"U " L Forces Coopt>ratlon Lt Comdr. E. Wilson. Ralph P . Mask"~'· H't>inz C. 1'\\icht>ll. t:SNR; to CMc Beau- Kaist'r, Ross Greelt>y. ticilation Commi\tt>e • Associated Highwa)·a: John T. ~yd. Chair· c. of C. 1-Mrs Ruth Ja~ red man; H . F . Keni\y. Heinz Kaist'r. R. L. Pattt>rson, Earl W. tanJey lndustrits: Waltt'r· B. M"llott. ~~ S"" ~- Chairman: H. L A~-rt>S, Leo 8(>n· .__.-.. ~~ zini. BlakP V. Bla~ey. Wahtr M LonJrmoor. Hom<.'r· Mellott. J . D .. . . N t> we 11. Porter Sinclair. R.a:y . \ •sttmg Cit~ Hall and the PoliC;'t> TrauiWt'in. S tauon l"('(.'t'ntb' ~s part or thetr lntt'I"CCllt'giatt> Cr('w Re~tta : work toward nrrung thetr S('C(llld s. R. Monaro, l\1 . D .. Chairman: cia~ 'rank bad~~ wt'n-members Rexford E . Brandt. Elmer A of T~p 5 of J'l;e"'-port lntt>rm('- CUrry. Don Grant lt>x-officiol. T . diatl" Gtrl Scouts. M('mb<.'rs of the M. Hambrook. Wayne Murdock. Troop art> Nont\3 Bent. Holly w. H. Spurgeon In. Hunsaker. Betty Ann £\·ans. Su- Membt'r'Ship Nt>wport R. l .. san Archbllld. ~'·«;rly Gib~ns, Callis. F rancis Hon·a th: Corona Lynn Stahler, l\tarshia Mad~. ck-1 Mar-At'\·o Haapa. Harold 1 Margan>t Mernam and Cathertnt> Ht>trick · Balboa Lonnie R Vin·1 Sturte\'ant Mrs. Malcolm Arch· ()(>nt. H.' B. WilAon; Balboa Island baJd is tht" l<.'!de~. • -John T . KE'('ler. Alfred E. Gib· son · M.Rriner's Mile -Cha r 1 t> s Eighth J:ra~ guts who want to ~r. Han•ey SOmers: At do Girl S(out bedge \\Ork and try Lars:: DaJe C. R.&JnMy. to ('am tht'ir Cun·t>d Bar may do M('rchants' Bureau: D. M. Hum· so by joining a brand nt>w troop. mel Chairman· Harold ChristJe'r Troop 10 held its first m~tin~ J. 8. Connell. Ji . M. Holk<.'r. J. c: Feb. 2 at the Girl Scout House Uonbarger. lmJTW"djatt'ly after school. • N t"W Business GI"E't'ting: Thomas . Mrs. Sam~l S tafford is plan· F'. Norton. Chairman: John T . nang an act l\·~ out-of-door pro- Boyd. Ma urine Elder rex-offklol, warn for tht' guls who wan~ to .do Monte R. Grimes. Tom Hefft>rnan. !'t'al srouting:-such ~ tt>nms. h•k· J ohn T. K~ler. R. L . Callis '"IZ and campmg. ~liss Sally Star-ford is assistant leader and Mrs. Stafford has \'Oluntt>ered to in· Mrs. Howe Honored 11truct saiJJng. rapt' and boat work. . . Chilian Dfofense · responsibilities Mrs. Lonme-Vmcent and Mrs. I ";u tx-aaumed by this troop in- Doyle L. Hatch of Balboa ''_'t'n> co-l sorar as i practiC'al for ttw eighth I hosteues at a luncheon JZWt>n at graden-1 Mrs. VinO('nt's home. 322 L St .. on I · • • • ~c<lnesday._ Feb. 7. Guests attend· Re\i<'''·in(l aids to !':a' igation 1ng were fnends of Mrs. Hubbard was tht> work of tht> t'\'t>ninft when Howt>. who met to bid her far('· I tht> Mariners of Ship "Naiad" mt't 1 w"U tM-fore her depsrturt' for Los at tht' Srout HoUSt'. Discussion o( Ang<.'les. w~re sh<' and ~t>r daul=h· tht> ~roup's participation in the ter Sheila will make thetr home. I May "Gam" 1 rompetiti\ t> Marint>r . Distinctive favors at the party 1 {'\'t'nts 1 was h('ld and plan. wt>re snch.tded tiny Ct'ramic hearts with made to spend time on skills. the Jn)tsts' namt>s in gold. L..u&>lle Boi()(> and Sharr)' Van Jatt.wards Party Member'S of the Youttt Ft>llow· ~hips at Christ Church by the Sea ~IE>bratro a "Backwards Party" F'rie\1\Y. Feb. 2 In Goodell Hall. M'f'fftbf!TS of the ~ ~ bactnr.trds. backed lnto t .. room as they arrived saying ''GoOd-b)~ ... backed out of t he room as they W t ehaldntt hancls and •)ing 111.~." Gamel 'ftl'f' all built around the backward thenw. CompernoJl~ ~t>re appoint<.'d by SkiPJ)E'r Mn:. Tro Hambrook. to attend tht' Girls' PlanninJt Board ln Loti Angelf>s on Sa\urday. Ottwr future dat<'S bt>ing planned are a trIp 1o Sing1ftg Pines camp f<M' &nOW fun as gueets oC the Ship ''Golden Hind" of Puack-na on F~ry 17: a beach picnic dr\ Maret\ 19 for t"ntertalnlng four \iS· ltlng "shiJ18." and a ~at the Girl Scout HOU8e to 81tertaln Sea !!koata and F\.tl~rton and Santa Ana MarlMrl. ····· . .... Hoffman'• t r elauit•t Eo•~· \'18i011 putttrt " ~o•r• i11 a lu.ttul-rw.bWd Nahoge,.~ eabiut -IJiltd for Tro.dittoltcll nt~rion. Comt i11-eet til• big 16-ifteh rteta'llgw.lGr picttlrt -la.tar tAt Jt~i11eh a~aktr. }'n'U ·~ Holrt«ut't High EYE..Q •nu mort (fir .-oatr co.ftwt. ~t for 11011r molttlf! $ O'I'HER ROFni.A..~ ~ODEL.~ 4U1t5 .~~ LO\\ A~ &~ EYE-QUALITY THAT'S MIGM IN PICTURE CLARITY AND CAIIMET BEAUTY Hoff man rate~ hip-h on all points-the famous Eal'y-Vi!'ion picture. the beautiful. cust~­ styled cabinet.." and thevalue-packed'pt>rform- ance ..... E'<' Hoffman·~ H il!h EYE-Q ~·ourself. &>e t h<; C"l('arest. mol"t comfortable picture in 'elE'\'i iNl Hoffman ·s «.>lect.ronically • perfec~ pidurt> i~ made <'\·en clearer with t'he <>xctu- ~ive Easy-\'iflion lens. Thnt's wny the ex~rt~ who us t heir cvel' the mo!llt all comm end Hoffman-the set with the Hi h EYE-Q. IU 'flt: . Of; "-O'I F of tl11• r•1lk-. 1\htt dlrwtl ttotl tl;lfU't•tl ut tlw tnt d~ l•t•ltl turtl.t~ .. , Pnln!:' :~t tlw rt•nwdl'llt•d l.ldn lo.lo• < mnn11m1ty (1ub- •• ,,,.,. -.pon .. oro tl b' th,. ('ummunit) .\IIi tWI:tthon. \\ 1111\:tn· ... Club n nd th•• \a t h t (tub. \t tlw ta l)lo• In tlw lto\H•r Jllrturr•, lo·ll tu rl~:hl, a r•· lf..t\ 1-•n~:•·nh••lrn, t•umnwdnro• o'r tl11• Udu f..,k \awhl {'lull; M r ... l..w.:••nlwlm. f.:f'Df'ra I ctulirpwn lnr t ho• dlnnt·r·d:t O("'; "II r.... Tom .Jun..... .m d ;\I r. J IIOf'<;, port I'Uill:tln or Utf' \'tl<'hl ( I nit :tnd ht•.ul or 111.-( t mmuoJt~ A""OC'iattun, "ho wa<~ MIH't'lall~ hnnur1•d tlurl~ tltt' vrf'·dlnf'lt'r ('OC•klall honr. In thf' Uppt'r piC'tUN' a rt•" r .. w or thl" pllrty - ~l)f'h: t::a l1•h Prlo~lt'. fonnt'r c:-t>nt•ral m tn:~~r·r fttr "'·'"'""' "'lOrt""<~: tlr;jll 1rtn~e. ~r;. Tum -ttl'ml~-"'" -fUttJt. -lohn ~~d. M~ i'ktyd llnd )1r. tl••ndt•r ... nn. -CI•hnto h~ l 'ol-.nm ) New Power S..Mron Is Laalldteil :--••' ·tal local qu,.dron members '" cha1rmao ol nd' w ,'() ~~ adl'-. '''''(' em 11and ''lwn th" nt'w San for Balboa ~quad.J'n Franc h('tJ Pu\H't SqUlidron was C'hicf Commandf"l ,\ . '\ Chfh•n. l~twwhru Saturd'l) ru~ht. at thco St. hl';!d nf th<-l'nitt'd ~tnt·~ PO\\C'r Frdnf'l'o Yacht Club Djstrict Com-Squadron!; t<; (''CpN'I<'d to l'Otne to m.mdt.•t llarrv Ashton anti l\lr!> thn llai'I>Ot fmm ~1u!-Sa<'hU. t>t ts >\shton fk\\ up for tht' c\cut. l\,1r :\1arch 3 .md 1. wh{'n lhl• Thir- A.~ht vn 1:oo Cornmandt'r of D1slt'IC'I l<'f'nth Ol .. ln•·t. indudin • B,lii:M.n. 13 of tTnilt•ti Stai<'S PowC?r Squad-Lon· n(•adh Ln-An"C'I•·"· "&ntn rom. of whic-h San Ft·ancisro is th<' i\Ionw 1 :111CI San f .. ntn<'ISCO. will I•""''"' mrntb<'r. blingml!' tht' lotal 1 hold it annual '-Prll\t.: C"t•llfN't>nt~,. ~'IU'ldron" to 12(1 at tht' RAiboa Ba~ Club. 1 ilrt<l ~Trs. nob..'ll L. Rn~ d Xt•\\ \ommnnd•T Ill S.ltl Frlln· u~rl .hut ' Stoddard. CQt'Ona df'l C'i!'t'\1 i .. C•lllis lfuto:t•ll. cu.'tl\<' tn tht? . idt. d1m ,. up :\1r. Boyd is a past Thtrh'<'nth Dlst r1C't tor yt:.'ars and C'ommand .. r nt Balboa Squadron Oil(' or tht' b<'ttt'r known predictl'd tnd o~t ptt·,:('ul S<'Crctary of th<' ~kll>pt'rs \\ h<•n ht• h\l'd in the rhu·tt't !I' II Di. ... trirl. ~r Stoddard :";outh • Day of Prayer Is Observed \r •11to \\'orid Da~ or Pra~•'t \\01 th ~ft>Sdanh'' v; ~ Hunsa· ,t, • '' ,.rJ ut Chrich Church kf"r ChariM Tru."t~ R 8 Griggs, '• ...; ••• t Fndn ft·om 1 lo 3 30 lVtlham JIU'If'raft \1rs. Gilbert r• " Nec. r<'<X'ntly from C'hlna. who "''~ r """' ;\'t•\\]and. pre id<>nt \\al> 10 ha\(' bf\('n th(' principal •l tit• 1 tt .t l C'uunc 11 c•f Church \Vo-'ll"ak<'r. \\a<. unnblt• to nttend. bt'- ' ., 1 \\1 11 "fJOil...Off'fi thf' day, prt'· Jn~ ronfino•d tO b<'d by tlln<' . r • •I '' ··: th1 upo ·mnt.: of the mN>I· ~1r.o; John Pfi <·hnt>r. Mrs Ho- I • '"' r•r •o;.•·n1<'d thf' otht'r offi-mPr Could and Mr-. John Elliott. ., :\tr... C'hl':o.trr Fish('r, ,;('('-\\hu a~q ll'-uo;;ht't'' aiS<~ w<-r<' th<' i•••• "', 1. 'Vfrs C'harl<'s Trusty. se-1·rr•'PI10n rommtttl't• at th<' social • 11: tr). ~1r' Marshall K{'('!E'I'.I hour Mn.. John fo:lllott and M rs. , .. ,.,,suJt·r. and Mr-. Edgar Hill. I l·lc;u; !';altf"r J)Otll'f'?· 'It 11rman of the day. M rs. Hill M1ss Kohlstf"dt mtroduc<'<l R<'v. lt•tJ l hr-ntualil>lic St'r\'iC£'. M rs 1'. Josl'ph Thomp Oil: prMidcnt or l!ord SN•If'y gaH· a bri<'f oistor) lht' Harbor Council or C hUt'Ches. ol tlw World Da y of Prayer. Miss and pastor of th<' Costa Mesa ~~c­ C'IIl l'll Kohlst<-dt, prt>sidcnt of thf' thodlst Church . H<' in tum tn- htJsll':.s WSCS. welcomed the 104 troduced ~rs. Thompson; Rev. ~U<'SLs from mnt' c hurches or the Paul Ba~b1tt, of Corona del Mar Harbor art'a. speaking for R.<>'·· ~ommun1ty Church and Mrs. Bab- T homas Ro> Pl'ndcll, who is Ill. bttt; R<>v. Thomas Cibso!", pastor Mrs p F Sames Jed a group or or St. Andrews Prt>sbyterran ; Mrs. LX women. gathered around a Don L8mb:erson. \\lfc of the New- lighted stlobe. e•h lighting a port Bapus t Church pastor , and candle as sll<' told of the projects ~rs. Charles Hand, wife of asso- s upported by the offe rings of t he etatt'. pastor or Costa Mesa Me- World Day of Prayer. thod1st . The women presentlnft the pro~ts wel'e Miss lrene Bosom-CO TN VISITS A guest ot Mis.o; Etta Mae Coff- man, 210 Orchid Ave., Corona del Mar, (or two weeks has been ~T cousin. Mrs. Eva Gore from Los Angeles. '\ WEEK-END L~ NORTH Mr. and Mrs. James L . Rubel. 835 Via LJdo Soud, Udo Isle, drove to SAn Francisco recently for a week-end vacaUon. · VISITOR FR.OII KANSAS Mrs. A. W. Howald has arrived from WichJta, Kansas, to visit her son and daughter-in-Jaw, Mr. and Mrs. Grant HOWtLid, and gTaDdlon W alt<>r. 208'i Femh~ar Ave., Co- rona del Mar. Thia I her second Beaman-Henning Wedding lmmanut'l Lutht>ran Church 11\ 1 nt'ck!in~ and tiny wrist$. A tiny ran~e was t~ JWtllnq for the Ct'OWll or <"t'd J)('adJ Mid ht>r f\n- wt'ddire: l'f Mi TI1t>a I..t.>t-8(-a-.:t•rup \ol ll<'r.U>rsa~ wa.~ whJte man. dau~thl<'r of Mr and Mrs tultr amf sfephanotl CE>ntt'red \tont,, &3man or 1117 \'ia San ,,,,h an or·<.'h1d . R<-mo. Lido lslt>. to Jtowanl Hen-Tht·a· attt·ndant . \trs James mn~: •. on of, :'.1r and· ~tr,. Hfflr~ lfll) . h.•r Ill. t r ; Irs John Tl"t'--llt'nnm~ ol !Santa Ana c,nyon kl'll. ~ht r of thf' ~room. and !\li T~ wNJdln~ took Mao.-&nur-1 Joan Mason \\N't' dJ'<'as<'d in l tk-nU- d:e) nl~ht ";t h Rt>\ JOt'l Ross or-call~ t)IM sat1n I!OW". Mrs. fl'•eatu1~ in the double rim: Cf'rt>· Ji'l\!> matron of honor. dN'8S<'d in mony. Th(• )oung rouple are hon-let' hlue and th bnd1'Sma1ds 1ft <•) moonin~t in Palm ·print:S :md J champa~<' shad" Tht> brldc'a ''111 PStabli h tht>ir rt""'idc>net> in I ni{'('t', hill<' Johanna Hars. was Anllh<'im flo\\<'r 1:.1rl in on icr• blu<' orglinza Tt'ndHional whill' <:atm was 1 owr atm frock and Robert How- cho t-n b~ th<• bride ftlr ht'r we-d-ard TN•kl'll, Ho" aNt's n<'Ph<'w, was din~ ,.;own T'h<' sempticlty of tht> t m..: bl"art'l'. ll<'!lt man was Lort-n fit tl'd' bod1re and Jon~-tight ~1c:Rt 1dP jr·. and ush"''S wt>ro John "'"''Vt'. was £'nhan('('d \\;th' a · d p 1 Tt • kl'll. Jam<'!> I fa) • Floyd Par- lal't' flounre s~>tt in~; nt lht> v. ...rm'i "llld Ct lix'rt Hl'nning. - Haapa \\·a lt•t na•lon C'\"liON"d Cr't'JX' with hi? II!<' n<'t'f' ~Cittl'~o \\ M'f' t h£' rolors dto~n h." ~Irs. r .. •am81l for her \\'(• '-UI'(' mi.!; Corona d<'l ~inr nnd a!l our lrirnds tht'r<• We thou'!ht a '"ond \\3~ to k{'('p up "H h "hat' ~omst on i!> to 1:£'1 the f.ru.iO} ('3('h Wl'Ck, SO we'rE' St'nd· in~: a chl'<'k (or a Y<'ar's sUbS<'rip-Boat d nwmtx•1 and prog'l':tm I ton. . daudll••r', weddm~ Th<' J:T'O()m's mofhN dtthc• lt~a<'lnl h bluf' gown with \\htll•. A."SI<~lm~ a t th<' re- ('('ptum "hll'h "a hf'ld in t h<' par- t ·h hall \\'l'l'<' Mrs 0. M. Campbell, ~It·.., .\1 \ft•rnam Mrs. Barb:tra ~tdman. )II'S. )1rll<' Frick. Mrs. ,lo} 81-:intan \1N flarlnnd IA'mke .f rs Rarbara C'ho (' and the )fast';, I • ncort• Hal s. Flol'('nre Jor- c:t>nson ~lr Walt<'r Kl'mpin pia) Nl t hf" nt·~n fot· 1 hi' t't'l'('mony and It'<'~' I'' ton .:luunnt'n ot tlw Ebt'll C"!ub of :\t•wport B••3ch ml't tnt lunrhcon WI' hof)(' to bt' back thcr£' a~;.tin at th<~l'" pm t Harhor Yarht Club Ill th\' rutur<'. and until Wf' do. un T•tl" .. da 1• J 311u.1 n 30 Prt' 1• ",. II '-{'It IC' ror thP F~sl~. d('nt :\Its. C-... ~1. lk'nklll~ dN'ot.tH>f! MRS. THOMAS E . VIC.(· tilt> tablys m pa rt~ la!'hiOI1 \\tlh :'\orfolk. \'a prmlo! fTow. :"' and uniqth t'<'lort'd , 1 ___ ......;:,_ ___ ==-===== ~wJI;; \lith maH•hmc nut t'UP' tnd pl:t\'•'·c;u·d.• Jt \\;t tkdd('d lh~t thro :\llllll31 pnn~ fund raisin~ proj<'('t will !)(> 'Jll'lll, '"'"'·'I on .\prll :..'f. It \\Jil t.,• 'tit '\11 dJ\ " f:ur ut th•· \nwrt j,,111 lt·~·m ·Hall \\tlh ll(lltlh' a 'Ill•··"' -1.11\\ .tnd , ..... kf' I ,,,,, 1 .. :ll• .n 'lw nt•ll n•n nn£1 t'1J H1... 11111 t ., • .~ Jl..ll"\ m tlw attt•rnl(lll n:w it•atutt• will ~ a ~mncl p: IL·· ol a hantl km 1 "Ull r1ad·· I() 'lw wu<n<'r' izo• b~ tht• !'\,~-.Jit'· ~tOtntt>l Yam Shop," o\\ nrd b) n lui Ol{'f l(.'t>·PI'l'SII'tt•nt or thf' Eb<'ll Clu!>, ~,,.,_ Harr~ W<'l h ~fN B\- . ~ appolntro G~m<'r7el Cluu man for the l'<":>th·al \\ 1th :'oft • J \\' Cammack and :\fr-. r> \\' Clark on her romm11 t•'-' • BOOK -,E TIOX I Antonina \'allt'nlml'·. bto.,.rnph\ H c. W<'ll.s Proph<'t ;, nur Ua~ · \\'a.~ re\·il'wl'd b) )fN. C C . Wald('f'k last Thursda~ at thE' monthly mN> in~ o£ the f::bt>U Book S«· t ion 1 at t ht' home of )1 rs ~· ,. Dilts. 230 Larkspur A\<'. ( orona dt"l !\tar :\e\\J)Ort Cit~ L1branan Dor'Oth<'a ~h('(>lv al~oo 1{3\'C? short ft>\iE>ws of books ·or t'l•t·- n'nt tni<'I'(>St Co-host('SS('o; WC'N' ft'S. Holt Condon and Mt-s Flor-I ··nr'f' l Iow<>ll. c nP I:" ru . ~ F Coop is lx-in;:; PxtrN'fll'ly ou1t>t these days und<'r d()('ttll''s ord£'rs. 'J'lx> reason is that h<> hu~ bt't'n quite ill. Mr. and !\trs C'oop hH'_at 215 Feml<>af Aw . Corona I del :\tar Ill Lenten Season Proper , • .,,,.; .... ,,;,, .... ~. ""••+leH mea, of chee\e •"d filh more ~tirect; ... • j' .. • ~ .. o . . ,., . .. 7Sc .:._ 4.95 KAREN MARGRETA Imports -Nordic Gifts 1307 Coast Blvd Coro"e del Mor Horbor 1)7) Op.n 10 •· m. to 5:30 p. m. lnduding Sundayt F RTENDLTNESS IS A TRA- DITION HERE. SINCE WE STARTED TN BUSINESS IN MARCH. 1949. WE'VE KEPT UP TO DATE ON EQUIPMENT METHODS, AND SERVICE --~ BUT WE CONTINUE THAT OLD FASHIONED DESIRE TO PLEASE. Th ey"re fforld Famoru! Tlr ey·re Jf1arners! Th ey·re Ours! Comt' in nnd put your,.f"lf undt'f' Wf" ~moc:H.hjn~ inRuf'n~ of Amf"rica '1 mnllt popolar girdle, Warner·,• patt'nted St1-Up-Top.• Cbnnt~e your11 from 11oft bita or panded permuutcn -m nylon or not-in atep-in11 01' pantie~~ with a 2-or 3-indl waistband. Youn will be 3- Way-i&ed to fit you '*Ieedy ia ,., #Up ~i.Rt and oortlnll. To be IIUI"C-be fitted! • dM .... ,y ,lrd.letbet_,.,. -... .....,.. .,.. ., ... Wa ,.,. ~naturally b#t-the baed. 1lf dM •Illy Pdle tbat ~•/Mf• Wyalinu yowwaiates it trlat yo. hl,t'4. • tbe ....,. airdte •ith the ..... ,. otret~b waiotbend that •I••Y• ...,.. ·-·· .. .....,.... .,......, .. r-,.·· S«!a·Up-Top ~irtlt,., from $5.95 to $15.00 r.,,.,.,., ,,. ... from $1.50 to S7 .50 ..... v.s.P&•. \'isit to th<' Harbor Area. '!fli!Jiii~iiliiiiiillllliliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii·iii-liiiliilillliiiliiiillliiiiiiiillilllliiliiil~l 1209 Coast Blvd. Harbor 1293-W Corona del Nw -. A nowl Ids of raisina moM)' f« the lllarc:h of l>lm8 Campaign wu the ~ or tbe Newport Harbor Bush~ It Profe.ional Womm'a O ub meeting held Thurs- day, Feb. 1, at Park A\'e. Caft' on Balboa Island. N~ members had charge of the meeting, with ·Janet Francts as chalnnan. All memben were given numbfora u they came m and later a drawing was hE'Id, but before ~tting t hell\. pri~. money had to be dona ted to the "pot." Ruby SW!eMOn. March of OimM> chairman, Mkl the evE'nlng -was a succesa. Other n~ members on the committee helping were Jt>an Howell, Maggie Gnder, Dorothy Wri~t. StMUly~ Eaatman, Rub\' Miszko and Pearl LeFevre. · Presidftlt MAIK'J Fitzmorris pre--I alded at the meeting. and minutes of previous board meetings wel't> read by June Quarles, secretal")'. A repOrt on the Girl Scout Troop ponsol'f!d by the club was gl\'E.'n by Evelyn Varner. Carolyn We-ber was appointt'd chairman ot the Bosses' Night with I rene Morri and ElaJ ne Wei a lstrng. GU<>Sta Introduced were Phyllis Williamson. J udy Woodward. Jo~ Moore, Louise Smith, H a z e 1 IX>ckt>r and Rosemarle CrlblM>n "J'be Hollywood ~P'e Guild presented hilarious hlghUghu of litf'ratu:re to the Harbor studfont body Wednesday, Feb. 7, after se- cond period. ~ players ...,. acted comedy excerpts from Dick- ens, Oscar ·Wilde,. and Shake-r;pea~. Lout year thette same play- ers came to Newport Harbor for an assembly. and were so wE.'ll liked that thE.'y wen' invi ted to re- turn. . . . "l..ut ll_..y, tllf' 0 arp)1H -•~ ,.._ for a ......-•• TPa-IMic'oo ea.,..... "'110'1... Dldt H-t. ow fll tile -...llf'ra. Re .... t~ ~~ ........ "'""' to w ttwft: ..... ll.,...rt ... SaUy 8~. , ... l..atapttiM'Im ... "-Gtia~ ..... Al*l_., ... IAIIh traa.c. ..~y Aa.r- \"OliJ ... , .... "'n... BUt o .. - .. aad D1a1w ~. I M"k \\'ood~ll ... ~)111tl AIM-raath)•. • • • ThE.' Tar Pit again reopened Its doors for the tudE.'nts F riday night for a N>COrd dan~. at which the following J)('Ople "·ere prtsent : Surprise Party For New Baby ~enty teach6B of the Laguna Beach Elc>mmtary Schools sur- priiE'd. Mn. E . H. Field of 619 Nard us A~ .• Corona del Mar, "'-1th a lee ln )\onor -of the two- month birthday anniversary of little Jeffrey,_Field recently. Mrs. Fiekltau h t st>COnd grade for four yean a the Park ~H·. School In Laguna . ,1 The party was as..so a farewell gE.'Iture beocaus~ the Field family t>Xpects to be mo\ing 1100n to Los Angeles becau~ Mr. Field has bet'n transf~rred by the t~k>phone company from Orange County to Lelmert Park, where he "'-:ill be business office manager for Pa- cific Telephpne and Telegraph Co . Another recent baby party for Mrs. Field wa s givtop by Mrs. Merle Verburg of 605 Poppy Ave NQn~academlc orority sisten of Mrs. Field were also invited to a baby shower held at lht> home or Mrs. R. Cas and M~. E Ht-ld of Alladfona. AI Muniz. Eddy ~ta,·or, Bob Berry. Mel SmallE.'y. Chuck. HAnson, Carl Sihilling. Eddy Clark. Wah Will- cut. T E.'d Trumpet«>r. Ken Johnson, Paul Ue, Gary Smith, Dick Jonc~. MlNSDJOTA GUI:8TS Bill .Wittman, Bill Ga~non. Rob Week-end ~sts of the Ray I ~ldnd~e. J erry BluE.'. Shtrlcy MC'r- Nielllt'ns, 1720 WatE.'ffront Or., rt}l. Joanne Olson, Susie Pleg('r. Corona del Mu , w~re Mr. and Lavy ~lid and R. C. Crafte, Stan Mrs. 0 . Nelson from MinMapoUs, Agar and Judy GllJ\non. Ma ry LQu Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Nel- Snowden and Rex Bell. Bob ~ood­ son from San Diego, Barbara Jane house and Frances Klmt'S: Norma Longbrook. down from Berkeley Marshall and Bob Burdick. t,.e.e betwei!'D aemesters Ralph Smith JayrE'd. and a few otht>rs. It was from )ljnne.polls, 'just ready 10 Mary Lou Snowd<:n's birthda)•, o ship out from Wilmington, and eve~·om; joined m to sing her Olarlts and Barbara ldnam from happy btrthda~ · ~ L..os An~les. t • • • By Al'li"N Now that the raJl embargo i JiftE.'d, the packages are really pouring ln! N~ spring merchan· dise a here that v..illllght up ~'OW' e~·es and Urt your heart with its ~lor and beauty. Jewelry-bags ' tton knit blo~ <outgrowth of the 1811 dressy tee-shlrt ~ - akirtl and lovely lln~rie .... 'Spe-- cially chic tt~ that Velma. has looked and IOQked for · In the Clott.e. market In order to bring you the mo8t wonderful thlnJ!S at down-to-earth prices --· at O'BRIEN'S. .,__ ~ c:taallp of ~ y .. wtB r.d rtcllt .. •t)'tfllf you hl"llwa .. per waNII'Oite •1tlll a M!W lll"t.c ......... Wear It WI .. ....., ..,.rata. *lrt. - - - Wftlr .................... to--... o.e ., ta.e ~t an-·,.._.. -...._. .. A*laar'e U... fall1f> ..... ..,~.._ ............ -" ..... •t¥ d..-f'tl .... tile ,.._t. C..... Ia "111~. _,.y ... tile ...w dahH..._ ltlllla ft'4, Demure as the old-fashioned dimity is the completely washable "Allurasal" blouse. Tiny pink or yeiJow roses decorate the fabric whJch Is as comfortable as it is un· usual By p o p u I a r dfoma•d IUta stra-lau •«•Ia decHe4 t o nuake ~ fa.\·ortt~ t&llo~ 811111 I• bM.Und •t.OMCUttns faJIIto. Lollt{ ~f'tl., "1th Frf'tldl nlffa. ... peart batlCIJI8 dowll -die ,.... ...... It •• tilt" Ilk- "' ....._ 811111. , .. ,~ ~·tor " . ..., .... stn .. aw .._ ..tt- ._ IM!r ... eelor ..... , .... .. """" llowt!r..,........ ...... wthe eellan ... ~Je-'el~H .... t---...... pert.rl ... t ... tlldrt ... -.. Just to mention a few : Catch the broadcloth blouses that are being featured In Vo~ by Ade- laar ... Cutest ls the solid colOr blouse with a cotton tab extend- ing from the neckUn unless you prefer. the darling white with red braid t rim etching the collar and tiny red pipinft on cuffs and fron t. And you'll fall in love with the trim atid tailo)'ed, but sheer nylon tricot with tucked front and tiny velvet. tic. O'BRIEN'S has just the bJouse for you. Come 'et>! n~ ·~xt pi.-H ~ at t.hf' Pit Is to ~ lh'M ~· taw-Z..ta Cld .. rrwa~. F~~ u . Tid• CMW " .. " ~ b:r th~ Taffy dab. • • • The annual "Hearts Desire" dance has again COmE' mto focus for this cominJt Saturday night at I the American Legion Hall In Costa Mesa. The dance is to bt-E.'mi-formal and will begin at 8 :00 p. m . and las~ 'til 11 :30 p. m . The adml&~~ion pri~ is 75c per couple. All mem- bers of the . Zeta club are selllnst tickets this wet"k at the High School. There are to be fTei' rt'- freshments - - -which ough t to brinR..a ftow more couples to the dance! There will tMl a door priz.e for the lucky number on the tJcket 1 stubs. Al59. there may bt-a kin~: and queen or hearts chosen durin~ I the danct> . Come one. come All! It's rt'all~ going to be terrific !!! I PTA Board Meets I Plans for the melodrama "Oh. Tht> Pity of It." which will be tht> fund raising project or the thret> area PTA's this spring, were dis- cussed a t tht> JanuAry board meet- Ing of the Newport Harbor High Association. Mrs. Ray Trautwein. chairmlln. and Mrs. H1tr0ld Boyvey and Mrs. Henry Eggert were appointed to the U fe Membership CommlttN.>. Representatives were also asked by President Mrs. Edgar Hill. to attend a dinnt>r given In Santa Ana this month by the OrangE.' County Council of County Agen- d es In order to analyze conditions affectin~ t he yout h of the county. The School nurse, M rs. Mar- garet Fret>ma.n, announced that the TubercWosis Mobile Unit for adults and high school juniors and seniors "i ll be In the area on Much 5 . --- , .. s rroas noM IDAHO I Guests for thret' days of Miss Esther Devine, 714 Orchid A\'E.'.,I Corona del Mar, were Mrs. Gt-or- gia Wa rnke of Los Angeles and her daughter, Mrs. B. M. New-~ house, from Boise, Idaho. On Sun-day the three women dro,·e to S;an otego to \1Sit friends of Mrs Newhouse. TA\'OIUTE RECIPES' Mrs. WilUam B. Tritt. gener al chafrman for the EbeU cook b?<>k. "Fa\'orite Recipes," has announced that copies of tht' book will be on 1 sale at the Chamber of Commerce office In Balboa as W<'ll t\S at thE.' ~sign newspa()('r building in Co- rona del Mar. Mlti'SION 80CIETY omen's MiMion Society of the N~'POI't.. Ha.rbor Luthet'an Church February meeting Y.~&s a wet-k ago Thunday at the home of Mn. B. El.h!man. 532 Funerton A~ .• New- port Heights. Putor Herbft't C. Roth IN the JII'OII"Uft, eantimllftc in the atud)' ol the Book of Jte. wllitloll. • , ....... Bald At llwdllary MeetlDg A dinner nwo.ting and a fuhion show highUghted the meetin g of' the Dental A uxiliary of Orange Count} Feb. 7 at the Elks Club In Anaheim. Among the rnock>ls for the fuh- ion show, which was p~nted by O'Brien's Specialty Shop of Co- rona del Mar. WlaS Mf'lt lit>rb«>rt L . Fo~m of Corona del Ma r. M rs. Charll'S Gruber of Costa Mesa was program chairman and M rs C. C Emm«-r..on of Costfl Mf'Sa as lsted with thE.' l'<"JOrdina- tion. Enalsn Oaatnf'd ada have bfoen a proven meena of rMcblng buyen ror all sort• of mercblmdl Ulf' tbem! Phone Harbor '111&.. CGM!W•n IUTT8 ...,... IOAST-OIIPMIAT ~ IXftA-lA ... MUMIDIAWIIS ... • ..... , and Shelvee-ID- Tbe-Door ~W.-ftl ... 3-way Door Randk 8181'11a, aaonoa VJAJT After bring apart for three years, Mra. Clifford Drtke. 307 Island A\'e., Balboa. wu vi itl"d re- et>ntly b~ her ~tS1f:'r and brotlwr, Mrs Myrtle 'MK>n or Saskatoon, Sukat~--an. Canada and Elrot>r ol LA.OE OR St1A1L .101"-'11! GIVEN SAD CAD IUY W1ftl All m TO-fi1WI Value d-ada on the buil~G; q uality yoar eyee CGn't ~! t-----'n Tbat 'ewhy You C.11 ..,. __ .,. &SURE ... lilt'• WESTINGHOt.!SE ' f UHIUI Hxdruvm. ~-b3th ,-.,!on I bumt• Ill dm1~· lOC'&· tuJndu•"tn,orthC\\ E· r r hu •;.> "'""'' • • bt'<ln'Mmt •'-' It t}. dn •II\): 1'\IWT a 0 d nVtJT\) (')o<; I'-"-'It'\. p:IIIO. d••ublr ~ara~.-t...tthet..' ... ho\\ • ··~ St4nley Hadfield 216 ~krinf' Balboa Wand HARBOR 3» ,\ nracu' t-1-bdrm cotta~t.>. ocean side (\! Hw) Good n~a~hborl.ood uu ~e thin~ m1 flf'('pla~· beam CO>alim:. hd" d floors 2nd Bedroom can Pas•h bl• a~. 2-<".llr ~&rll~£' ~et"ds f'('(iru htn~ PI I('(' $7 500 S2 OOIJ ( r.h • d 0\\11 'lt:>\o\ 3-tx-dtoom homE' Good ''""'t 1-~ll't~pla<'i'. ell~ tn kit· •'h• n and b;Jth ()oubl£' p1·. ·\ ..:ood \alu;o $12,500 •' • nl~ Cor01a .. 1 Mar IUto. andm • 3-t odru"m 'Jo_'\\ ho'!l<~ 1 ., bath. n .. ,..,,on·· Ill• pilL'•, Ia• .,. h\,11.; r "'Or rtmrn(; 1 <Kim and bt.odr,'~<>m .. Fo:-t'f"d rr !urn. to air wm' Pt·~,;tod hd" d I loot " La~'i:~ ltel"!"d 'll'" "indo"... &lid· 10~ Ia: s <k~na to patao AluiT'rnum l>&Sh ~arba~w dt<;· pn:.al. di hwasht>r dll) ht.:"hl l'nd o-od ho\\ers an • bath KO<'hler hKtUJ-e. throughout. .1;"&1 al.{e Lo; ex tra la~e. huilt tn take Nest apt. There at-e tOO mam outstandin~ featW"eS to m<'nllon. and few homes as na('(' "thl. Drapes a nd fi~ sere. n mcludC'd. Has a $10,- 500 Metropolitan LifP tns . loan a l 1'• ·~ a11d $90 (X'r mo. p ~-~ $24,500. Caroia •1 Mar 2-Bdrm bf'a<'h horn~·. Ocean -.adr of Hw). Rt:'dwood stake lt•n<."t'd )'ard l..ar~l' cemt>nt plltlfl bar~u•• 2-Car gar. '"' n~'r ha boul!ht a large h 1.' and ''ant. action on 1 his a It r:l(.'t 1\ P !>lace Can be 1.-•us:ht unfum or rum. l.t>t "" -.bow ~ ou this JllaCf' * The Jlhl Yepl Ct. I 1301 Coa~t Bh·d. C'ORO~A DEL MAR 11-\r'l"tr 1":41 or IIArbor !4'77 f;,,.,: JIAr\)Or 393-M .\N'J'H~l'L Ro•wwood squar<' n.tnd pumo, J::t•nuine :'.fa· thuvk C'amf' 1tmund thl' I !mn f '<f'f'IIC'nl rond Only ~:!-.rJ 1300 W Ray Ave. No'\\por t 0<-ach HA 1950-J S-0-L-D :iiG Ort'hfd Aw .. CorOlla ck-1 Mar, Oallf. By a- ••.np~eu.a.ic._._. :'\t \' ..!-0..~1'\)dnl, 'hanJ\\cl(l(f n Jr .. :\. \\ :l-lx'CJ 1'1>011\. $11,250 LISTINGS "'oUt h ,,, l'tnoth•\ urd nnl) ~ '<'t' l.•nt IO('Iltlun (. '''" :?·B•••lr.111111, :-.outh nf B <>Uit•\ rd $11,000 t ... ,.,.. '" <l('t' ut on I~ We HavJ the .Buyen l.t. .. ~1\'\ HTIIER!il \' \ I t. .\ B I. t. T U ~ t I T l' 0 t " R ~ E E D N + £.UlL CHAXBERLAJN -Cea•t Blvd. RENTALS Y ear or Season IIAilBOil t!U ........... c.-. ....... t: t: t e I "' T R A T I 0 N ~ T •\ K., E X t ' 0 ft · F. A R T E R · \( E F. K COlON I DEL MAR PIOPEITJES 1to4Wrt B. L,_ ~41 llt>h•n L. Lyan., Jtealton 411 eo-t BouleYard CORONA DEL M.U Farmhouse Motel H. H. HOLBROOK Dependable Plnmhin9 A Prompt RepeJr Service Malnt&lned ftoae HArbor 101-W t80l Balboa Bl"d. Newpert liMe* '===;;;;~:=;~;;;;~~~~~~~ii~~iiii~~iiii~~iiiijR~~~~p~~~~~~~~ S~L\LL tunlishro house tor rent. :. FOR S AI.E Thor Gladiron, port· utals. pd., single or dbl., $45 mo THREE BEDROOM H---..... L...... a blt• rolda\\"8) t ~"J)(.>. pt>rf rond.,j 434 Be~.:onia, COM BA.IUIOa 1111 IIA&IIOil 1- WUIV l-vv 1 23602 S W. Sn~ Harbor FOR RENT Smal7l _a_p-:t:-.,---:pa--r t-=-l-y Gl Re-Sale Compk>l4" 1 Rd Chrr II&\'• n BEacon6357-:\t f rurn .. suitable for couple. Very Jn \PI') t...uod C\)OdltlOn. I' A· c.·,•vuona II) Ia r.l1:l', h<wan(: a 'en na<'t' "' ·~ dinan~t mt. combtrUttton fn-eplaet>, th r - mostar h rdwood & tile-. 2- car 1!1\ra.-·t' f:'\ t idt> loca· tion Easy I •, pa) ml.'nts of S.'Xi IX' r mon 1 h • $3,300 do~ n Full pnC't' $11,000 Pllll Slllh11 C G.J e~ '"~•• o· •• T. ENIOI REALTOR 490 Newpott Blvd., CoJtt Me11 BE.'o"' fi?O-W HArbor lt57 W or U..con 5~51-J * Newport Beach * NIHs a LiHie Paint • Pall C • ......., lean. 2;)07 W. talbot Blvd. Nwwport HArbOf' 370 HArbor 2313 BALBOA COVES WATERFRONT $2t000 Pmatl' -.and,) beach, 3·b<'d· room. Xt•" and mod<'rn. Lo- catro in r••strict<"<< B a I b oa ('ovrs l..nr~t' living room. nattU'81 \-.;ood pan€'Ulng -a wat<'rfmnl 1 it'w from your kit{·hcn and 1f1·ing room. Solid ronstrw•tton • . • wilh dis· posal unit rurna~ heat and ampt. till' BPautiful s loping ~·ach •• • dran a~ a pin. in- ' 1 tt•:-. ,wl bat htng a nd wi.m- min.: at 1ts bf' 1 Wr UltOE ynu to <;l'f' t h1o; Halbol- ln~.:~lnlftlt £0., LTOR ~rwport Bh·d. at 3()tb S'E\\-"POl~ T n 1100 t. BALBOA ISLAND LOT S PECIAL Plti('E--$'7,Mf Nelda Gibson * Ma.riD,. A,.,.. BALROA I LAl'"D RAriMtr lift , .. Repair Service .fo~R RENT 2-bdrm apt . furn rt>a . J 13 Goldenrod, COM. C~Clll''<'na<'ntly local<'<i Rt>no;; 700 CO:\IPLETE -HOUSECLEANING PAINTING Earl Sheflin ~7S l'almt"r SL -Co§ta M l•U _ll{'ltOII'OJ)f', cn~_t -... ,umarure & Ru~ shampoorng, etc ,ITI"ATIO~ WAl\'TED As 1-e-Work ~:uarantN'd. Beacon 6111 ~ptionr<.t f<1r dot:tor or dentiSt Al's J louse and Window Clean· Will do t~pln~ FxJ)('rit'nt~. HA ing St>r\·i<X'. --=-===----:-::~- 0284-J. SITUATION WANTED M ain- FO R S ALE 2-bdnn . house, hdwd. tt'~ance or small f'('pair wo~k flrl>. lrr plaN'. $9,500. $2.500 dn. P amling & gardentog, No JOb F:d SNit'lmt>lt>r, R<>altor. 1253 ! roo liimall. 614 Marigold, COM. (.'oa ·t Blvd, CDM I lA 2766. S~JPE for sale. $200. 219 Pearl, Balboa~sla 1d. t~osT Anrlqut' gold drop earring ------·- for p te'r<'(•d ear. irid!'S<X'nt stunt>. F'OR R.t::, 2-bdrm .• 2-balh. rur-~<'nr \1orin!' on A I. RE'ward . nishcd bay front np1., beautiful HArbor 1 \iC'·'· $135 mo. hl Jun 15. Call R~Ntft 54.:;7-M • Fiiiiiiiiiii_...;...,.iiiiiiooiiiiioiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-t ' FOR R E !':T l r n f urn. 1· bdrm. n pt OPEN 1 to 5' P. M. lldwd fino•"· IIIN.I. cmnp. mod ltl'ao, ~ rlr n·nu11 :H I :\tan."U('r· HA 2552: E\'t'S.: JIA 2914-M. Jo;NSIGl'\ nE'\odS dl'IIH'ry boys tn .'lie,,port {';ttl llArbor 1114 .... \T('RO.\\ anlt !'It XO.\\' ,11• ('ll\1 111\rhor· 1:17 1· I ~\P· 513-513 1/2 ORCHID _nan~-:'-and wt k-cnd.~; \\' A:o-;TFl> :! S,tlt·bnlUl part tim" ,,,. f11il r mi.' l.X<'<'PI oppor. for an•;on·tr,~·· l.n<'al tt•nitory For ·q opt ,..,111 Hl:o~li'•IO Y\:ifi •• l CORONA DEL MAR ~h -.. .., J '('O)U; PIUWt-:rtT\ ,. tiO:'\f E l• I' ( 0 '1t;: \p- JII "' .!.!10 ... 1 1 • Two B f.;n ~eucnt 1: nt.' hmnt' 1'. ".tt.:o. P.\ T l(). ( •UI tdt• .. hO\\. ··r. :?·<".11 \.;otra~t· laundry m l Jnd 1101 k.-.twp, lar.:t• on£>-lxod· rnono .u •T .. C'l•mlih tt>l~ fur· nu;hNJ, ''X Dt:(•K. Bond pd PrOJ)('I'I\ nil $18 500 I'IPar F ull prtt.'t' I Lo" upkt.'t'p, nat uraJ shakl' ('Xlf'I'IOr. MC)O. ('d yard ThiS mu. t be tn-"(llX'tt•d. Mull. l.tst ~0 1672 n~o.nt'r has lx'l'n 1 ran,.ferrl'd. and I his pro{X'rl\ i~> .:mn~ I n he old F. C. bdresea Realtor eo! Ooa.t BL. ()oro-. del liar IIAJlBOB 16M S-BDII.M: HOME with fir('pl . a 2-car garage, some trees and shrubbery Com er lot i O'xl40'. $7,000 Soath Coast Realty Ne:u Pa\1JJon ~n! Mat.q ~t. HArbor !OM R nlbol'l Udo Isle :"C'arinq <-ompiN.ion, :l-bC'd· room, 2 bath. din.in~·df'n. ror - m-r fircplacr, unit h<'ll t, bnr lypc k itchen. rot'Of'r lot. -.trt'('l f(l llt l'<'f't. S till tlmt> "<'hOOSE' your s~ ftN\ "" n rotors &&.tVVV' IIEEILEAF an Asseciatea 3112 Nwwport 11.-d., HArbor 2552 NEW'ORT lEACH HOME LOANS for G I Plan • . . . . 4 % For Uf.e Ina. Plan . . . 4% ~ For Building Loans to Owner &: Builder .•.. 5%" '• '' 1 1 \ AI' r. 1.1 ·•m, n• H'h ,,. ' I Ill I \\ 111 Ill \l,lf tl • cofll· ,., t & '' •It lnq 1:!1 ...,, Ann·" 111 • U1.:unn 1-lfll'~ 1·'111: :-: \i.l -•.• ,.,~,,o:i'ii'l""rlilh ,., lJ>• \~I tl • J<; I'll ,:11 > ,~.")(wi T(l· ,, I ,\· "' ••••• "·,-,.. II..\ .!302·P. ur HA 131-W I!.\ I H< 1,\ 1:-.l .... \ 'I:Tl For sale Ch.tt nunt ~-l.tdrru honw knott) !Jtnt• '" rrn C'OH' <'t'il (ar<'p.'lct•. ~,.,r h:t) ~ 1~.:-~on Tl'rms Wal· \'' \.\.'TI I • fr I HI'\ 2 l~,lt r,a huu"'' '' 11 h l,"3r o.t!JI. ur dur•'• v Prl'l•" n t lh•.1~1 nn•a :O.:ot ,,,, ,, .. 11 \rhot n11 t;,\1{.\f,J F ill{ Rl!'\11 M'JCI 11 1 ,\, ,. ( '0!\t Contl\('t "'"C.'Upan tiiG J al>rnllor t ·11M tft••r 6 " WN•k·C'O~ -fuR RI-:NT BUXGALOW APARTMENTS drun C)lft<'(', ~ct'ot \tat·ano• A w . Bt>autHuUy rum , ln~e Uv. room Ralboo 1-.laud with fir<•pL1C<', bdrm., kltch('n· Jo,OR SALt-: 11-in ,, hitr Gaff en. ette. Low winter rate by da). /\· Sattlt"r ;,tm<'. wtth llutn clock. we-ek or month. \'t>r~ ~ood cnnd HA 1320-J. FARM HOUSE MOTEL f:\py ,,ith ear \\\lrll<'d. -to takt.• 1»1 Coast Bhd .. COM JlA 1063 r•H•r t•'>Uth. A ,·on h~ .. t'O\ rran~' KEYS :\1Ad "hile you wait l.ulf ur CCII tinn tiC' I fil ar \\'ritt' Tommy' S hop, Po t Orfioe Block 011x 7. l.a ~1 itn da. CqiH . Corona d<'l Ma r. FCIH HI ::'>OT Bra.nd rtf'\\ 2-bdrm RUG & UPHOLSTERY .:Opt , t•omp. lutn Gu·b·I\,:C' disp • · r-T r • ~G pr'l\. pn ttn. fin•plal'f" & ~:nra~f' vJ.own.nu" UArbor 179i-:\1 • On location 1-'0H ~\1.1-' l .:trJ.:4' cJuwttl' ~ • WMk Guaranteed t ·lblt• & fi ,•hur" ltdwd .l'OOS tt MOOD\' ISTF;RJOR A '<h ·:11 .11 1:l Stnl!lt' llttlh wood CAIJ HArbor 2!i0t b.•d & m'lllrr o;, ftn~> <'ond. 35 for &tlm.ate I [1\rb(lt 101 ·\\'. %16 C'out Bh·d. Corooa df>j Mar FOR S AU: ffii'Ctric Hawaiian :'liOTICE to mothers: Let us be "UI'"r .,.., IIArbor 1ono •. .. "'·~·'-('""""" l ourbabysitteronSaturdayaf-F OR SALh 26-Trl bk~clt>, 12 : tt•moons from 2 to 5 p.m. Spe· bab~ ha~:h rhatr, ~. 205 No ' cia! show for a ll k lddks. Port Ra) Front. Balboa_ J<~land___ Theatre. Corona del Mar. FOR SALE C-3 Aru-us camera. , • • tripod. 2 andoor li{{hls & stand. I''UR~IT RE~ T0R1''n0N Hickok hght mC't£>r, all for $75. Chaar bottoms r'storro using cane. HArbor 1R98-J. ru._h, reed. e tc. BRING NOW. ifJ-:GtSTEHEO ;\;llR.<.;E. wants full! RARVErR or part tanw nursin~ HA 1223-W FtrRNinTRE REPAIR Jo't lR RFNT 1-lximl. ttnfum apt ~ 2050 Sant.Jt AnA -'''e., C'Ollta lleM h·rwNJ y;~t·d. t:ood Joe AdulL« -BEacon fHSS-.J only. 427 ~far$;'\JPTilr C'DM:__ WA!'1.1 YUUR UIR'.l'Y WOAA PRlVATF J\1()Nf:Y to loan. E. A.• DONE! I rtmst~, :?05 No Ray Fmnt Bal-GO TO HAL ... boa Js la nd. _ _ Co""lplPLc hoH~t'<'lNnlng IK'rvice. Jo~OR SALE Por<X'Iain top kitcht'n Wando1vs. floor waXtn~ "nd pol- c·abln<'l, ~Cll>d COilfl Rc>i"' 713 isiiUl!;, Yo..Ul wasrun~. (;olrlPnrod C"DM Call Jla.rbur li56-W S -0 -L-D '!12 ROC'ht•..,t4'r <'o<~ta Mr. ·t , C'allf By a-* Molttptf' Llsttng Rt"llltor. f'IREPLACE WOOD DRY Or&Btf~. Wallt•t, DleaiJPW. DELIVDli:D 2213 Newport ltYcL IJEeeea 11...., ()oda ·- Household Safety For Bolllb AHacks • A Sleeper is a property which you can buy CALL BOB SA'ITLER HA 3163 for free apprallal far below market value. We ollw Mach a pro- party ..... * A 'l'llltiZ-IUCDitOOII ammENac wtth 2 baths in Co-r:,: del Mar. lOUth of highway. A UttJe work,~~ =~· ~~~~ ... ~~~-~.-~.~~ .. •·1~ Very ~sona.ble terms may be arran~ . •• Ill COAft -.va . .. Repewnttnc Poirier Mortgaqe Co. Kimberly -+8[85 I Tbunday, February 15. 1151 Waiting for the A-Bomb • • • ••J ha\1' btf'l"' awnkt• "inN-1·30 ·to tx>huld. F1n.t thC" ltl'tat lt .. a a . m" ~ '' httt' hcht th t flA ht'l\ and li~ht- That the wn~·~~ E'idl('r, fnr-H'rl" thf' ky as brllll rll ..&i th€' dn~ mN· Balboa ·~ td.-nt. ~ .. ~n h c Tnt•n an uram: .:lo'' with t he •rtpiJ<'n of a mommS{ m La n•u hroom l'loud tollowmg What Vt.>l{lts, ''altin~ for an atomlc bomb a trrmcmdoUJI cloud to lx> St-t'n so to ,.;o olf "'an) mil away ~1y und Ntand-. · Tne plan€'s a""·a.Jumed me.> It im: 1 that "l' at'<' almo t 100 mlles wu .o clear last nlti!hl that wt• rrum th€' t('Stins: ~round felt t'<'asonably sure they ,\\OUJd "Hut th(•n fivE' mmuh tau~•. and make another atomtc t l. So 1 it i tht> \\&ilinat period that Ki\'es got up and made coffet-and heard ont> a feeling or awt> ---fh-e min- the neighbors stirring-they had utM and there werf' two shot'i Like done llke\\ist>. We \\ent outdoors. cannon n?ports with a ,,Jmblf' nd Every ho~ In our block was shakinl( of an e-arthquakt> " Ughted. Womrn outdoor in ni~ht---- cloth.s "Lt>t mP l<'ll ~ ou, It wa a SiKhl Ring Is Found · In Dishwasher SHMOO dlJun~d rfac'lcMit by M n.. l>f't~-r ISHII or 118 Ruby A,e., Ba.lbna 18taad, at thf' Bal- boa Bay Cluh 011day tumt'd up •.-..te,rdia\' ln tht> dlo;h\\-...ht>r a t t.h.-club." Mrs. s-_u had dt>mohtratflt l4 ·a friHd that lhf' riDIC could -cleaaf'd wtth <'Of'N' ·and pttt thf'. rt.tr Ia a eoffffl cup. 8111t> fOf1COt a ll akut It aad It molt a fraatic IM"Art"" In thf" club w ftftd · th.-prf'clma rlD~t. · PTA Officers Are Named Atomic Weapons Will Not Destroy the Ebrth Atomlc bombs bold more death a nd destruction than man ever before has wrapped up, in a single package, but their o\"el'oo-all power aWl hu very cleflnlte Umlts. Not even hY~ bombs will blow t~ evth apart or kill ua all by radioactivtty. --·~---------- Suggestions on Easter Week Disabled Vet Gets ExeiBpl License A rumor ha been circulating th<' wat<'rfronl at a cli7.zy spe<'(l Harry Mu11<'n. 61-yl'nr·old tO· ~ntly that two a lbacore, on tall\ di~nbled \'Neran of World wetJ!hinJ: 14 pounds. \\Crt' caught War I. "ho had b<'cn arre, H-d la<~t bctw&-n the east end of Catalina w('{'k for pcddhng without a li· nnd the 14-mil<' bank by a Lyn-<'CO.SC. was granted an ('Xc>mpt It-wood angler on his private boat. cense by City Council at its Tu<' • · La di h ..._ h ked k' day evening mceting. n ngs ave ~n c ec · 5 IP-Mr. Mullen had been arN' tt'd b.v pen who usually know queried . and the Balboa AngUng Oub alert-Li~nse. CoUector Harold YounR ed but no one actually 18.., the !for selling second-hand lawn mow- fiah. One authoritative angler ad-e_rs in Coron. a del Mar without a \.-anced the theory tha the. alba-liceruK'. In Ot~ Court Fridlly, the core were 1n reality bonita .J chargH were dismissed on a mo· -----·--tion by City Attorney Harry 1 A&&IVIC8 no• EA.8T · Blodgett, and O ty Judge Frank Mrs. o.arJes Cockey has arrived Unnell advised the veteran to ap- in Corona del liar from Cat.ons-ply for an ~xcmpt llet'nse, whJch 1 vtlle Maryland. for a t.hree •eek is luued Without cost to totally vtait' wtth her •ter. Mn. Leo c. disabled veterans. Paquet, ~ PoiNettia Ave. Tar Pit Plcm Ord - ROllE I"'IIK 110M nAL Mrs. Ted a..en. 318 Driftwt)Od Rd .• Shore CUfh. is at home apin after 10 *>'-In St. J~ HoiP- tal, dUring wtdd\ time she under- ._, ~· She .. 011 ber ff!et ..... C\ty Cound1 ~Y ev'enlng approved • propoeal submitted by Teen Canteen pro\1ding for Joint u.e of the Tar Pit by the 'teen Canteen and Boy Scouts, w1 th t hf' two orpnlza Uons aharing lh<' a.ta . :1UBBARD no·~· supplements his regulor piano studies w ith cowboy tunes and songs his friends can sing Ruth-Stewart CORONA DEL MAR 21tV2 L..rbpllf Ave. U rged me, B. A. PiANO STUDIO , I Low 'IEDUCIIIG.. . .............. Low MoDtbly Paywenll * We oHer you the facilities of the Largest Federal Savings Association in Orange County v ........ cet4" .. 1 ~ "'-"",.. ..... for Delivery Service Call HArbcw 551-J -MflMMAK Pwt~ Oil tht> ~·s bui- .WUn tw..rd at ttw N ... -port ~ Yaeht Cub lut ~~ •"t'rt' t•o or tJMt mc,.t clrl.igbt fulJy inlultinc wt\t'rl you ~·er 1"8d. • 0nt-•·as from ttw u. An~ Yacht Club. r.iped b)' ~ John Wt"lla. chaHenglna tht-N HYC lntf'lnbtors, •-hom tw called "riff· raff and fOft'-clrc:k hands" •-hen he ,.,.. compiarativt>ly complunen- tary to a clinPY naet" to be held l.ut SalUJ"CCa~r. • fl"'l*h ... ~ ... fM&eiiM&pear•~· ......... ....,. 1ltlldt m...c .. = ................ ..... .. ..... .., .... ..,...,. fiN4; .. ............... ~ ...... ....... .. ~....,. ..... . --.lie tllli ·~ ... .. ...................... lh-a. But lhto NHYC Oet"\, unable to comprehend magna.nimHy. b a d g~ too far. had been heerd boa.stlntt or \Mir winnings in pub- lic and now LA YC wa forc:t"d to ~nd to teach tht>m a rtnaJ lesson. Official reply from NHYC re- ferrt'd to this letteT' as an "illilt>r· ate and purioussquib" but a~ to gh-e tM LAYC Oet>t fw.-ther in- struction in the nne arts although the) wt're aeemlngly imi»C*i~ to educate. Among other things 1t asked that the l..AYC akippen and nn; ~ lfiiAt:!ICc.wa---a 81 ,· CMt ~a .. .._.. m!"' .. ~ ~o ~'rd or NHY:C ._ • .-... fwf'*'dl .r..,. .._.... ...-...,....., ......_. ... ..._ members whi~ s tanding on lht>sr ~ IMt ·~at..,. ~ft y.,.. • • ..,._,.. .... n.. ... , decb and. pomted ~t that ttw I • .,, r....,.. ~ "a• • ..._..,. •·~ ea..__. 1e........., tabae.-are tn tht> clirung room was .,. llr ... lin. 01_.. t..~ ol......._ -( ..... ~ llfdlafor) (or u.e. adding that in~truction · • , -...-.....'~~-..:.;..--..:._--- in Jts U5f' could be obtajnf'd at t.M I Uonta Hold j CJ)JC. MAJOR GIVEN om:.._ f'Sdul8p ............ I mers . SPEaAL CITA110NI ..ay ,...,.,... ae s II Y t'-M.onthf"' Meeting I Althou.gh . the clet>ds o~ ,.&lor IAl'i ()loe"r:~~p ~. _.... J "hich occasaoned two speoa.l d ta- wtatMW at ..., .._ ~ I Mf'l. oa~id Corson, 134 lions to MaJor Rufus McCracken Yadlt a. ae , . ..,. ap.. ~"11\'C A\'E' .. ~Iboe Island, and Mrs Ken· art' shrouded ln miUtary mystery, •• ..... ~ • ~ fer nt.'th Dell. co-hostess. entertained Mrs. ~cCracken. 520 Acacia A\--e .. • f...U. c1ar esa'"f! Y81'· the Uont&nlers Club of the Harbor Corona. del Mar. Is extremely _.. a _... Of -~~ ...... u area ror its re~n~lar monthly rrK'et· proud to rect>h·e word of th{'S(' a,.ur• ...... Ml'• ...... of lng 0, Monda,, Feb. 5, in Mrs. presidential honors. ~ dta"r..-t'hlll. .._ 8lllrlt-Conoon's home.' Major McCracken's work is ~rllh -. Waf"'"(tl --... ......,. M<'mbt>rs preSt'nt "'<'re Mes-~ycholo,.ncat war far c. w hJ c h ~edt •~ ltl«h peltlt llldp-damt'5 Ben Whitman. president: rnakf' his rhoH•ments even more pen. . JarnH Ray. Est tH>r Richter. N3t ~luded t~n tnOit. For mentor-Four team ract'l wt>re hE-ld. wHh Richter from Corona &-1 Mar: Ed aous achieH•mt-nt against th<' en- 16 Lehman diAAhies Competing. &><nn,::<'r. ,·ice--president: Donald <'ffiY on the wound. Major Me and a teem of four boats from P<'t<'rson l..oula Gates Clayton Cracken wu awarded the bronze M~ club in each ra~ In What was LoWe: -.~d Vera WIIU~rna. from star. The-air medal waa Jtiwn to probably the moct eon!taing &r· Balbo& Island: Grorge Pickering, Ia r&ncemftlt ~-er •'OI"ked out by a secretary, from Newport Heights, ract> oonur\Jttee. AfleT' each ra~ and Louis W('$t. rrom Costa. ~ ~ boats and be-~e$8. canw ~ and ere... became aklppers. but a aklppet-'s crew •-un't ..._ former aldppeT' because he drew a new OM and ~~ ra~ •u a o6mp~ely different combi-nation. No Ont' could ..-albJy ralw e)~ and a.fiude to fut~t·41boats in that teem race. a.\ a.e ~ -re...._..-.e ef . ..-...-.... ~ ._.. ........ V..w alan· •• =t= llpiMt 1\"IIYC• ..,. reW.ttler...._laaa -twu•awNe.. $ ............... tillite It • MN. ...... , ... sel-........... ~ .. -.e .. y .................... .. dW ~ of tltfo ()a afore'• • •• • GALLEY NO'I'I'..8- Snoozy UUman says the ~ which she chrl11tened last ~ doesn't have an electric blanket. but "''e fee) her I~ box m.-t be a compensatory reeture. It hu a special milk tray clewigJM'd to nep cartons from spilling and all the tra)' .. ar-e partitioned and llicle out like 'bureau drawers. Enstcn CIA..med acla have..._ , proven~ or .-cidlac ,...[18 s 1•• rn 1111'1.. ...................... ... ., ......... . Mr.. Lottie r . ....... .,.. Uvea at ._. 1, lavw •, lila. baa two eanen ••• lhe II a ._ • laterecl nUI'Ie and Mid motber ,al a new b.by. After bet-t.by w a • born. Mrs. Ed- wards felt J'Wl· down; lhe knew she bad to do 10metblnc t o ,-- belp overcome t h J s condition . so th a t she Mn. l:llw.,... would {eel up to her many dutJe.. Mn . Edwards ~can t.ak1nl RAD- ACOL and uya It really be1Ded her. Mrs. Edwards was suffer· inc a deficiency of Vitamins B,, B,, !ilacin and l ron. wblcb HAD- A COL contains. Here Ia what Mrs. Edwards aa,-.: "l have taken one bottle of your HADACOL and am now on IDY eecond bottle, and I can aa.y it baa reall7 belped me. After my baby c_,. 1 didn't feel like walldnc around. 1 had bHclaches and was very nervous, ancS even . oM bot- tle baa helped me ~ much. I want to keep oo taltinf your wonder-ful HADAOOL. wiU ~ly n!COmmend it to aU patient& l come in contact with. for r thitllt HADACOL is jwrt the formula -.. needed for Vitamin and Mineral d eficiency." ~ nunea, ln ~ loa numbers, are ...,_ina • beta intenst in HADACOL and in tbe reauJta that are be1na leCUI'ed wttb thb ,..eat modem fonnula. Be-q"""' have been receiftd f:rcJm many of tbae nunea lot DI'Oha- slonal bott1e1 ot HADACOL .DeS maD)' of thee ,..._ted U.t the)' ~ tbe IIADAOOL r.- mula to tbelr _.. ..... HADACOL ................ ff/1 ....... ..... tllelre•Mal _._ .. ... ~ of VM '" a.. a., !ftada _. lroe. Jl I wblet.t _.. c.- taiDecl .. IIADACOL. ._.._ IIADACOL a. _.. ••llrid--~ ~· .AM 80 In ft .. ,.. ... t.otUe ~ ... ~ luBil7 .... _. ........... U.~ ._... .,_ Mt lllne BADA-l (X)[., order ar-t tr.D .,.. Le-m.e CorpOration. ~La. CI.E I . • for all aorta ofJI1~=~~~~U. them! Phone Jl 2rx54'" f'1DIIIt Qucd· ity Carpet Scuapl .. Fold'''¥ Chain OfT Se....al led lpaecrcla 1/aOFF ChiDia Ccnwecl Vcmity lfaow .. t .. e Ca5tumf' p:lrtie v.m-e held b)• tht> Ma lin CotiUion and tn«.> S o'Clock Cotilh(ln T\Jl'Sday alter- noon li fllP :-\('\\ -po,.t Harbor Ya~'ht Clt~b I Mrs. Louis CS4'nar. 206 Upru A,;,,. Bal bf~~t Island. "1J p:ilron for tht> :; n'cloek ~roup, a nd ~frs. Edward Crtwmend~ ke, 201 E. Da)· F ront. B:tlboa l s.lan d. wa • p&lt'On- NS for tht> MatinC(' part)'. &-,en th and lghth ~:Tad rs who rnakc up tht> Junjor ColilUon vott'd ~n t u rat'IIIJt co tumes and . t. tled down to n party with ref.rosh- mPnts 11nd lea rnins: th<> tan~o. Or. • and Mr . G. F . Tohm. 17:)6 Mira-~r Dr .. und f:lln(lr JJuyckl'. 1113 0cean nr . B.'llboa, \\"{'Tl' P,'ll ron and r•a 1 ron<'S~»N. Birthday Party Held For King Charle neED ) .. c:Wt"RRAl' star8 l.n "'if'\f'T lt Dttll MomPat," now .. hov. tn~ at 1 hi' Udo Thf>lt ll'e. l rt•Dt' Oua.o .. 1.8 the> c.'Cl-''ltar. f"n .: Chari<': sc n ot ~tr and ~1.-s IKin C"hlll l{', :-.til Maril;old I Go on f".-L.;-II"r Trip An •. Corona dl'l ~tar, celebrated ~·~ • · his f•r-.t bir thda> annn't'rsa.~· Sal-To San Felipe. Menco Urda), Jan 'J:7 F1 n• littlt> ~iris aU under t.bn.>-c years or age, Takm~ thaee boat on th<'t.r help('() mak~> the e \"t>n l a li veJy onE>. trailer \\1th them for th fi'<hintt. Th<>y were Linda P<'tt>rsoo., Trudy 1r and ~trs. Keith Rima, 3911 and Jud) ~lUum. Julif' and Laurie Marcus Aw~. :\ev.-port, set out in Hannaford. tht>1r station walton Satu.rdA.} Also pi'('. C'f,'!l W('r A . J. Charle. rnornin~ ro~ San FeUJ)(', Me xi~. hls paternal ~ndfat ht>r; ~tr. and Accompan).tn~ _t hem wt>re t hctr Mrs Edward Dav his matt-mal on a.nd Ius wafc.>, Mr and Mn. IO'andpar<'nt"; Mr-S: L. C. C'harle.l Ronald ~· NewlJC?r t ; Mr. and his aunt , Mrs Charles Fipps, a I ~lrs Jesse :Skt'en, N e~-port : and famt.l} fnrnd for many years, and Ehm Th.}lor and h1 brother. of I'OU1'S<' old<'r brother Donnt£'. Gt>or·e-+> Taylor of Rur banlt Favot-s a nd balloon<~ wert> given to tht-ltttlc onf'S. a nd there was a birthda~ ca ke "ilh one candl-e on 11. whrC'h lh£' lil11,. birthday boy PN•mJJtl~ bl{'\\' out ••oMo~.\ no t·.-.•: G t"&~T. Housr Jru<• ts fr·om Polll(lna Col- I.'!!'•' wr•tl' r£'et·nt 'is11o~ at thl' J LH:lir :t<'ff£'n. rn holl)t-rn Co- rona dr•l Ma.... As a"'' b(-twt"en ""mf''<l<'" ('l'lebra tron, ' J a m e s brought ont:> fcllo\\' s tudent and two ock>ds with him. a nd th<' ,..,,.o <'Ouple. &ttl'nd<'<f lh<' Hearts and Flo~· ~ &JI at th£' Balboa Sa' Club • \-.,"'iiTOIR "WI~ElSG Mrs Mary Clnry and ht>r The purpose oj the coru i1tu-~aughtPr:. l\fi~ Dorothy Cleary.-Tional r~ undt>r Califonua's ho arn\ed tn Corona del Mar h.•gislatl\'t> \"tt-m 1 to J:ivt-the last l'I:O\"t'mlX'r from fairhav~n. \Oters back' home a chance to .Ma ~. to spend the \\1nte: wtth study the legislation offered b~ lhf'rr son and brother a nd hJS l3f1:1-1thc lawmakers in January. The rly, tht> Chip Clea~:s. 1602 PaCJfJc idt-a i that the repl"(' t>ntath·es D~vt-. ~l't' doi.n.~ a .l~t ot shthtsee-hall s:o home durlnl: th«.> rt'<X'S • '" .rtunn'-' thf'l r n Jl. lb_ey ar:e not to take life N.sy, b ut to talk dnvmr thJs week to Mex:J<X? vra l mer \\ll h their constituent<~ thC' ll<tJa Cahromla. and after tht>tr rl'-mt-rit · of the (M'ndJn~ proposals turn V.JIJ tra\·el up the coast. Thus. "" find oursl'h <'s fae\'d '' ith that probl£'m of tryins:: to discus~ many i,; UM v.hich art> prt>s£'n ted in the form of titles only. I Skeleton bill , or as some legi.;. Ia tors sa.}. " pot" bills, arl' thos£' which ha\'e a titlt' but \£'r) littl£' , ATl.RDAY LAST DAY - l.Rl-~NE DUN!'\E FRED MacML'RRAY I body, somethlng tossed ha Ill.} into the hop(M'r in inrompletl.' rorm to j be r-e\ised. doctored. or <'ha ngt.'d I into it. • d 'lrf'd shAI.H' at som£' The fourth annual ob enan<.X' of latC'r time It is ca y to S<'C that ''Never 1 DDIIMOMII" ROD CAMERO~ "SHORT GRASS" ~l'S. · TI'E:o-.- <"c.ttnuou~ f'how from :!:30 p.m. 1 •. \r .. 11 \\TTU MAR.HlRIF. ~1Al:\ .lAMES WIIITMORE -In- "MRS. O'MALLEY & MR. MALONE## SAftJIID&Y" LAI!IT DAY • RUDYARD KIPLING'S SUN. • 'I'UE8. - ESTIIER WILLIAMS HOWARD KEEL "PAGAN LOVE SONG" tht> a\·l'ratte cilizt>n, IT) ins:: 10 find ::'l:ntlonal Crim e Prf'vt'n tion Week out v.hat i to ta kt' pine<' wtt~n Will be held F t'b. 1&-24. it 1 an- tht:' e ion r('('()m ent>s, may be nounct.'d b~ Tom Heffernan . presi-. confw t!'d and m isiNf b) hn tr rom-dent or the ExC'han~:te Club of :\('v. · pleted bill.s thes<' nc.>xt six weeks. port Harbor . which \\ill spon ·or On£' ~California C:O\'C'm or (' c thl' t>\T n r ht're. I Young , 192'i-30r. It'll "<~ ._1ron~l~ Tht' h><·nl Exchan~e C lub w tU on this ubjC'CI ht> tuld lht> I~'C:t"· m•••:l lhr ... ,.,.l'I11!'H~ Thu~da) 1 for lalurl' h._.. \\ould rt>fu..,<' 10 ~;i.m am d.nn''' .11 th<' Hurl('\ Bdl. Corona 1 pt~ of 1<'::1slatum "hirh 01Jcl· dt l ~tar Paul Butlt:'r. program na ll'd a o;; u 1-k•'l<'lfln hill Gm d lillrm 1n '~ rll prrS•'nt a "JX'Rk<'r Youns: had Pl'l'' 10u~l~ bt't'n a ~.···!m t h•' 1-B I '' h<l • ''til dJ . CU"' 1-peak<'r of tht.> 8 ,.,1,mbh :w d IJC'll· I. r im<' • • • Treason ~ All~ .. t<'nant ~O\ <'rnnr and ·" 841 t ho r-. Tht• E:\changoe Club pr••l'td~nt o~hh f'lmrliu w1th parliamt•n-'l'lled f1 ~res f!Om lht' FB I ~'~l('h hll') ·prl'Ct't'dut•e lJr knt•w that I ".how thnt cnme_ rn th•• l mt•'<l 1 1 he l'ntrrc PUI'("IO!'C' of a sk<'lr ton ~t~t~s h~s mcrE'asrd, a~ an nl~rm· bill mi~ht chang(' m th£' Cl>tlrs<' of j im:: Hill' Ill th<' 'carl' :olllt't.' \\ nrld a session that a littl<' "spot" bill Wnr H . . . on fish a nd gamC>. for in:o;tnn<'c. ln sp~msorn~l:! th<' !()Cal Cnm~ mi~ht undrn~o an amaziri~ n•no\'8· P l't'\ ~ntr'?n. \\ ~k program. thl lion a nd tx-com e by final passa~e clublt~jntnm~\\lth1 .200 Exc~a.n~C' an important bill regula tins:: orne £'1ub" t.h r o u ~ h .out tllc l mtc_d l'ntirely diffcl"('nt subject. Statt's II! promo~ng. the ~bser\· , an~. wh1ch was mit1a tcd m 1948 Gov. Yoonq had a rea on-by t he NationaJ Exchan~e Club able amount or su~ in up-P~in~t these skeletons but they are once a ga in ~X'ing prt>sen ted in quantity. and It Is common knowl- edge a.mong veteran solons that California's bHurcated sessjon plan Is hmdered in its rE"Sult in direct proportion to the number of these "titles" in the guise of bills which are pt'eS(>tlted to con.fuse the vot-ers beck home. Some measures, of necessity, must be introduced ln tentative, unt'lb.Jshed form ---certa.ln ap- oropriation bi Us on which tun 1 n- formatlon ia lacking, or pcaibly thole bUls Which wiU deal with the eurrt>nt '"'pportlonment -pro- gram, but It Ia the conViction of thta ~rtment that tome restric- 'Penny Wise' Slated At Lcrquna Playhouse Next play to ~ presented at the Laguna Beach Playhouse \o,.111 be the come<b·-<trama. "Penny Wise," with EiJcen HaUgarth and David Paul in leading roles. How- ard fHap) Graham "ill c:titeet the play, which will run from Febru· a.ry 28 through March 4. Ttle action or the ptay revoh·es around the love liCe of Gordon Chase. New York playwright. Be-tore the final curtain, the "other women" in Gordon's life threaten the security of the marriage of Gordon and Penny. tion m•t be put on this ak@leton. OELEBRATE ~""IVDS.UY ~U PI'C)eedu.l"e which wtll define A search fm--the sun was part Juat exactly what wiU quaUfy a or the ~ation for M.r. and Mrs. biU to be preeented In thtt lazy-A. A. Kemper. 900 Ocean Blvd .• man'• fashion. 'The Idea of the Corona del Mar, whft\ they celc- lhort introductory ~eaion Ia fine, brated their thirtieth wedding an- but let's not be faced with another nive.rsary Sat\l!'day at R.ivenide, method to turt.hfto eon.t~ the where they ~'Pent the aft~ home folks. Let'• ~te ~ ber~ thE-y had a ana1J dinner Introduction of skeleton bUb now! party. ,\ 11f"ntl lht• KIDDIE MATINEE ,. \Tnt n \\ nt 1 :-n p. m. .... ... ''BOMBA'' the Junqle Boy Mlltlo••t• nut 11t .$ p. m • f.-t}'Jr Knif.'ht ph~chologist, w11l d." ~ H) poot r m lt Use and Al••b••" at thl· ~1('n·., Club of The :-,:,, ''P'H t f I tr nor 1.\JI twran Church 8 ' -; ~ '• nt. trld.!a~ Thursday ). 'Al <> I ~h tt11 sn,,,,..() tht' WI''" to a·•t>rt l 1 11" Olf"'li•lm g and C''Ctcodl J'• 1 \1 a ,., lu uJI \\hr. would Ilk~ • • .. ~ nd h••a: '" pnrl"l' r.xplai.ned :"1 i (h•:l ' 11!-. I rh' 1 -tJ • \fa)Ot Km l!ht tH"<'.tm (• ln tt"J('Sted an hq m••"l" ;\!tilt \\(II k&nlo! for h.'- 11 ,..,, • ~ dl'Kr• l In r )"<'hOIO(:Y. r IIJI n.::: • h.. Ia I \\ I hP M'r'\'eod ,,,lr. •t• Arm' In•·lht•f'IJC£> [)co-l'-~ 'r w '' h< r~ ht• had opportun1- , •• ., f• 1 r .. -. llr<'h 1111d hf' u.-;ro of 11)Jifl••·l· H• .• "'n ku .• \\ th llOii~ r.n C.T"ImP rt•·ll:<''lt•ll r.d AII.;(J a.ss1sts pny .. tc:llul .. who mu~ U."•: hypnotiSm m C::t-, "her. m• th<· .. •a m&)' bf' Ul c!· lr.tbl( r~n I ( Lllad v In (". es of <:h.1ldbirth. H,. also ma.lnt.ahw nh "' .1• :•• 1 11 111 p'vchoi01QI WI :h JAMES STEw ART * COMING SUNDAY * FIRST RUN SHOWING at REGULAR PRICES • MED.U OF IIOSOR PICXr&E • ~TilE MACND'ICENT ·YUIEE" THE NEW ower A N oB·around lawn 1 mower, the Pen.,a.fown is easy p ushing , keen cuttmg, srmpl,e to operate. Sturdily constructed . 11 is buih lo g rve years ot ~ependoble g ross cult.ng service Hos boll bearing cylinder f r smooth o peration a nd 5 cruet ble a nalysis steel blades fo clean cutting. Serviceable rub ber tires and I 0 inch closed pattern whe els a bsorb sudden johs -a ssure quret The Penno·lown cuh o 16 inch swath and is a d ble for heig ht of cut from lt. " to 2''. A family fa vorite, tokes the work out of gross cutting; k~eps your lawn looking more beautiful. Remember- Penna-town is mode by PENNSYLVANJA -o nome famous for fine lawn mowers. If you need o town mower, '" the new Penna- lawn fint. ' ' ts;sll • • • 11W' pool table really st9le the ahow •t th Lido Isle Yaetlt Club. Community Assoclnlion and Wo- men'• Oub party Saturday night at the L. I. Clubhouse. Not only was lt bt>autlfull~· camouflattOO and decorated with shimmering hearts and cupids han~lng abo\'e, but it was loackod. ! ! ! loaded with a reel Smorgasbord of goodies. in· eluding stufft'd cabbag<' rolls and aup.red rosette . . ~ party got off tO a good start with OOC'ktalls (on the L, I. Yacht Club) in honor of Port Cap- tain Jones. And flnlshed with dancing 'nMth subdu~ lights and Valentine decorations in the lanai. lnddrntally that new addition ~ makes the clubhouse pt-rft"<'t for t heee aft airs.. DrHaea for .the ladies ranged from shftor nut{ and ba~ shoulder i fC1111Jak to blight prints and tbe 1 first or lpring linens. Flowers mlnglfod with hearts at tM danCt>. • . .'with Golda Rudd wearln,g._.some. of htr own beautiful grown-by· hanrcamemas. 1 • • • TE.'~ATI\'E PLA.S8 ...... a llpl'lq ......._ tor Mha J __,. Hop.a. ........... of Mr. aad x.... 1o1u1 , • Hocaa. c ...... ~· Mar. t• La•~ L. Wadw)'. IIOil of Mr. aad , M re. 'r. I'Arlfo Wal h4"\' of .Saata ....,...,.. JU• a ocaa:• ~t .... ... ~ ..... •..-elL ... of tiN-y.,.... PE'OPit-.,... s .. ta Jkrll&ra l"f''lciU 1"- ...... A LENfttN SDVICit For tht' lut Sunday ln the tem- porary church quarten. Rev. Harry Whit~ wiU pmacb on "St-11- iJlf.: Our O:uUt" to tM congnoga- t ion at the BaJboe bland Com-munit~· Metbodlst Olurch. Music 1 "ill be fumiJhed through the cour- tt'tly of Mrs. Estelle Brown Mllls. The members and friends of the Balboa Island Church will meet for the first time on Feb. 25 ln their ~· church home.> on Agate Ave. Although the remodelling h&.s not ~ C'lOm~tecl t~ sanc- t ua ry wlll be rllli.shed enough Cor t~ mom1ng wonhi,p. Not all the improvements that are hoped for '''iU be made WllU the congrega-tion ls able to ralae money Cor furtt~r expansion. acoording to Rev. White~ • • • llAP'I"'8'1' IIEE'II NG i.N c.D.II. . 'Is Thls Presft\t Civillza tian Near Iu End!" will be the wr- mon topic of Dr. Mlltord 1.. Baker, Baptllt minister and Bible tMdler, at the First Baptist Onlrdl. nwet- ing at the Port 1b8 tn in Co- rona deJ Mar at.ll a.m . Sl.lnday . Bible claaes wlU meet at 10:00 a. tn.. · Last Sunday afternoon a lf'OUP of ~'Oung people (rom CaJvary Bap-Ust O nn-ch ln Whittier usi.lt~ tht' church in taking a cmsus of I tht' community, whi<.'h is now about half completed. FELLOWIIIIIP JUIZ'iL~G 'J1wo ~ Dlslriet. Weostmin--.._ " r-.....o _... ot 5t~ h)J~Idaip Ooundl wiD hold M~~tk;~t~~ its monthlY met"tlng at 3 p. m. t'\'C'ftir~Jt in the QUtor'a study o( Sundla.y at t. Andrews Presbyter-St. JAmf'S Presbyterian Olurc::h tan 0\urch. The <»uMl inelUdes and elected Weblter J. Jont'l as repret~Pnt.at i\'H of all Pr8bytl'1'· its firs1 JM'('!Si&-nt and Mrs. Gro~e ian chureh<'S ~f ~~Rl" County. Wheat u ~tary. ·nm \\-'ILL OF GOD' . ~ board appointed Mrs. Wal· "H ..._ __ , t ... _ .... 11 r dE'd~ to sta. rt a new junio.r ~ can "'~ ou..,..• ·~ w • o B'-1 h··........ di d God ... ··'"'J ... _ o -, ,.. Gi...__. ter -r u c ... ...,., ....-.c1or an • -u Ul." """"'' .. om .....,., s .churdl sehool claa.s at 10 a . m. ~rmon topic at the Sunda.f mom· Sunctay at the putor's study. The ang 18\ice at St. Andrew • Pres· class "'ill mt'('t With Joseph Hamb-bytmln 0\urch in N ~ •• p o r t Jet ~iJ(hts. ~ text la fr'QIJ\ St. John .;.,.... ...__ ...... will -"'·-6:38 -"For I came clown from uu..-.~ UUIU'U tn•pe • ., ..... Heaven, not to do mine~"' y.ilJ," I the entire educational p'rogram ol • • • St. Andrev.-s Church. •CAt:SE FOil ll&IOICING' Back from Trip Abroad ~"· Herbert Roth's sermon at tbe 11 a. m SUnday llft'Ylce at the N~ Harbor Lutheran Cbu:n:h In N~ Heicbta wW be "'Cau.e ror ~joidng." At the Lenten lt'T\iC't' at 7 :30 p. m.. Wf'Cint'eday his sermon thmle Y.ill be ·'"J'be E\~r.-!.terdful Sa\ior." Home aCt tor a four-month trip to • • • En~ that ... ._. pecked full of ut.VI'E.S 1!1Dt\'ICE8 int~ting experiencrs is ~~ ln apedal obaervanc.'!r of the ben-Price. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ten --aon. a at· ..... clau ls ~g ArtJiur Price. 211 ~raid A~ .• ......-._,. Balboa bland. held each ThUI"'Sday morning fol-A t-...... ch M-. pn.-had lowing the regular 10 a. m. ~· --. ••u •. ...... communion at st. James Episcopal ~to honor her clallfthler'a OW"<"h at the entrance to I.Jdo ming on Monday, ._d to be Iak>. Confirmation instruction is postponed becau. Virginia's plane ~in~ ht>ld at 7 p. m . ~ys. was a day and a half late in arriv-ing at Los An~lea Airport. Part FOR liEN O~'LY: ftat ~­ h r' M< creetaft Ia lite Madt \-.1\'t!t lin l't't'ftltlv pktwH la 1M L A. 'l'tm8 lla4 .. oppor- t..lty to lllow lwr """" (lla-l'ftie, Uaat ls) 1• Newport Bar· Mr at a lltJte ~~tow pnee~~tM at • ~tW l!l1lop, ~ *I liar, lut IIP"'q. Do yoa I t.rMM 'l'ott)• Aatft ~ ~ ~ lwt' ltalr loq ... fhdfY Ia t1toee •YL l!lpteldllc of 811· ~-....~nPaal.-d »•tts ..._.. han jat ,.._ ._.... Iron~ ICMif: \"aftltkla la Hawaii. :rt.< f'p paid o(f Ia • • • 1UXBDl8 l OIS ~~ Sc::t.oal GuiJd 'of the trouble ~ .. s a trre in one engine ot the plane wbiob f~ them to tum back six mlnutea after they had left the London air· port. .... too.. New nwmbers who joiMd t~ Has Annual Pot-Luck Corona del Mar Co m m u n l t y Church on F~. 4 art' Mr. and Mrs. Ne-arly 100 weft pt'etle'nt 1\lon- Bo.'' 'Srout Court of Honor for WiUiam De;\idson. Ian and Camp-I day e\·ening at the Corona del .. . ld bell and Ma.ss Ma.rgaref Oavidlon. Mar Cummunity CbUI"C'h wMr\ the I !_he Harbor area Will be ht' at ~ Larkspur Ave.; Wll.l"ren CJe. Sunda\' School Guild of the Olurch f :30 p. m. Monda)• at tht'~?ron~ mence. 511 l"arc.is.su.s A\-r.; Mrs. held its artnual family pot-luck del. Mar ~TBmmllr Sch~l. t'nt.) Harold B. E<h"'lrds. 209 Jurni.nt' dinne-r. Program for the social SE'\t'n ad\ancem~nts "111 be madE-1 A\'t'.: Mr. and Mrs. Ro~ Hanna· l'nE'E'tifl lndudl"d entertainment 1 and ten~rfoot tn~trination "111 ford. 507 Mangold A,·e .. Corona for allgages. Don Steofft'nsen. u- • • • also be held. . . del Mar. an.d Mr. and Mrs. Ray-sistt"d by p~gy Diehl. ~nted a An)'One who didn't ~ "Dream Coach Al lrwm of lht> H1~h mond B. Gnggs, 747 Balboa Aw~.. puPJ)('t show Colored mo\iCS of Girl" pJ"e>SCnted by the l"\ewport School "i ll talk on Football pa t. Balboa Island. Grand CtUl)On and Carlsbad Cav- HArbor Community Players a present and futurt'. Parent llrt> I • . • • ems werE' shown. While in England VirJt}nia vis· ited at the home or a "pen-pal" Y..ith whom she hlld COr'N'Spondeoci for &e\~ral years. Couple to Live In Washington week-end ago really mi t'd some requt>!H<'d to IX' pr<'St'nt ~F.\\' MA.RRJEI) GROt'P entertairung playmanshlp. The A young marrie-d couples pot· Planning to make tht>lr home at play was a masterpiece in direc-luck dinnt"r has bet-n announct'd V 1 Pullman. Washington, art' the ~ lion credit ror whjch goes to Mar-Zonta Meets for Friday. March 2. at tM Corona n.su.ng 1\lr . and Mrs. Rlchard Hai"P('r. who thella Randall of the Orangt> Coast d I Mar Communit). Church. Arl wen> wed Friday at a formal Ct>re· Col~ge staff. who worked in con-t'arlier datt> for this party was i ComWMiblfltcials mony at tM IK-\'t'rly \'ista Com- junction with the playt>rs. N t Th abandoned beca~ of connic~nJt 1 n~r munJty OIUrch. Probably the most amazing part ex urs. <'n~agtomt'nt · All young ~arnt'd The bride i the fonner Miss of the play was the scene shiWng. couplt"s of the area aft' tnvitt'd. 8<-vt>rly Landess. daughter or Mrs. Originally done on a rt'volvin~ Guests will tM-lncludt>d In inva· For furtht"r ln~onnatlon contact Allclrf'Y.' ~. HaJJ has ~ re-&>tma G. Landess or Beverly Hilla. stagt-, the local production was tations to the Zonta Club mt"t'Un~ R<', .. Paul Babbttt. elected president and gen<>ral The ~m is the son of Mr. and done all over the auditorium. I to be held at 8 p. m. next Thu -t.~a0 .... 0 ...... •LI\·~ .... =G managt'r by the board of directors M rs. Wayne B. Harper, 116 Aba· ~teeS aev~ different locations 'day at the Orange Coast Co~ ........,~ "' " . •·"" . . 1 of th<' Lac-a ~ral Sa\~__. lone Ave .. Balboll Island. and \fo.'Ouldn't have been a bit sur-C'haJX>l. Dean Marie Howes will Sparitual Uvmg. whtch tncludes l LcMI• A-.odatlea.. L. F. Matm· The bride's ~ wu a lace ,...._. to have the llgflt:s ~ on be hosten. Entertainment will be heall h, harmon~. IX'auty. and was r'E'--f'I<"Cted board chairmlln; tunic e\'~r a candlelight satin cJrHa and find one of the main' Charac-slides and e. de-scription of her two brotherl)• lo\'e. "it~ be COMidel't'd W. A. Wolf was named \'1Ct>-presi-'ll.'hich swept Out in a long train. t~rs ln 11\Y lap on lJ'Ie front f()V.'. years in ~a pan by Miss Jay Suth-!~ th~ Sunday Blbl~ Lesson on dent; Mi Lorna Mills, ~tary-A lace Julit"ttf' cap held her finger- 1be change-ol scenes was effected erland. who was a program direc-Soul In the N~"port Harbor tt't.'a.su.n?r : H. W. Planalp. vice tip veU. Amon~ tJw-bride's at· by means or black-outs and spot-tor for Army S~al Sel'\<ices In Bra!lch o! t~e First Church of p~dt'nt-loan managt>r: John W. tendants '~~'?re the ~·a skter. lighta and the secret to their sue-Yokahama( Mis.s S utherland is ~rast. Scieotlst at the entrance to Solomon. llttomt>y. Mr. Hall rE'-Mrs. Merle Verburg of Corona del ceSB was perfect timing. with the=ugh er of Zontia.n Ruth Pad-Udo lsi~. The Gol~. T.ext is portt'd the pa.st year the most Mar. as brfdetlma.ld. and Utt\~ Su- Martht-Ua hcrst>lf noiselessly run-dock Gib of Balboa Island. from t he ~ (S2 ·11 · 'Tnlly profitable In tM association's his-san Verburg as OO'A'er girl. ning around and putting chairs. luncheon meeting or tht' my souJ Wlllleth upon. ~· from tory. Dicki.Mon FreEman of Corona ta~les. t'lc .. In place for the next club wa. he ld Ia t Thursday at him COmt"th "!Y ~'!t1on.· • • • del Mar was Dlck's best man. and epasodt'. . NOf'ton's~CACt>. The members voted . ., Balboa Mar11H' H aNI\\'a1'4" So. ! his he intJudcd M 1 v Of COUJ"S(' the play 1t.selr was to entet cakt>-bflking contest and M~~ <'~~~~~-So is no" opeoratan~ at tht' Balboa burg~RJ~rd ~~('{'. -~ ~: fun. too. Pati Witteo put herself I to pres t a trophy to some out-I . f :n s t &tis~a~urch Yacht Basm on Bll~~ide Dr .. as a trun and Ward 1.-<'wis Both of the in Une for a prize.> on the most t-X-tandin achie,·ement by 11 rm>m-Clet)' 0 t e rs wip 1 rompanion storto to ~o. 1 at 9U nt>wlyweds lltteondt'd the Unh'e'r· pr<'SSjve and contortlonist~c <is ber--of.,.ttht" Lady Angler-S. 1 of ~~~~ ~ r;n~~a~t of I Coa t }fighwl\y, on the Miracle sity or Southern Calirornia. the~e such a word~ t face m So. Members signed messagt"S of ~ md u F b).~ · · ms ·ously ~file Own<'rs Vin Jorgensen and ============= Cahfomla. A great deal of fun I Ch('<('r Ito two of lhcir number who 1 es !i"· ~ · ch · as :Vlma<k- 1 Larrv Brown ha\'E' added house-a~d life was ad~ed to t~t> comed~ are tonvalescing, Gray«' Se''it'r ~~~se' or ae con~;~ng meeting' hold.hardwart' And paints at the b) the way e\t>ryone .hammed~ ad <'lsie Hampton. Tu~..a-C the Santa Ana. VaUev nt"w store, along Y..it~ the reJ:Ular t he dreams·· ·making them ~Y.0 Ba i C ·~marine supplies. Tha new store. )i\'e'ly bits of melodrama.• Seems -Association or the-pt st on-m:mag<'d bv Cliff Hall, replaces a shame the play only runs for oman'S League ft'r«>n<'t'. • • • Hugh Halt>;••s Blllboa Yacht Basin two nights after such a terrific store which was tom down and amount or work and time In pro-• c'DM At!XILIARY M EETS TODA\' tt.>'plll~ by tht" n('W building that duc tlon. If It's 8 fo!'t'cast of things . eet s In Women's Auxiliary of St. James now houses Marine H a r d \\' 8 r e to come under the nt>W Commun· . . Episcopal Church meets today No. 2. Hy Players-OCC set-up it looks "'rhe Woman s C1vic Lea~ut>. Co-1 Thursday) at the Parish House. good. · ··ro a del Mar. Balboa I s Ian d Speaker of th<' meeting will be Jo· • • • · B '&nch . met tor informal commit-hanna Sllilors. orig'inlltOr of "Jo- lla.rd to bfoUf'\'f' that a <'ar l!i 1 t e sessions and ll soclel hour w'lth hanna" C<'ramks who Will talk on wo lm~rtaat, bat thf' top story ~ a box lunch. Monday moming at her professjon. Mrs. Mar sh a II of titf' ~ ltMiaf' 1e t!OUtnM'tJOtl lgrtm Hall of the Corona del Ket>ler and Mrs. John L. Beach. oe ~ CDM blalftt. ""'k'h 11 I ar Community Church. A num-both of Balboa Island. are hast· ~ u a Kar&~. t-uo th4" I r of new members were present. es~. • • • •·ttot. ew~a~ '1t•• of 111.---The Corona del Mar bluff road MEMBER l~VI'I'ED tiN' r..ac-a • to -n .. u.~oa roject was discussed. but no ac-. be • • • Only private c <'I e bra t ions marked the passing of the third &nni\'el"8ary of tht" openin~t or Ito- ~ ... •• '"''t lr)• !'tort' on Balboa Is-land. No special cen>monies are planned for th<' birthday, accord- In~ to Hennan ~toff. owner. FllSJ CHU.CH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST )JO) Vie LWo, Newpott a.ech A branch of Th• Mother Church, T'h. First Church of Christ. Scientist, in los· ton, Manachus•Hs. Sunday School ..... .. .. --.-9:30 e.m. Sunday S•rvice .................. ·--·I I :00 e.m. Wednesday Ev•ning meeting .. 8:00 p.m. Reading Room loc.ated at I I I Palm St~ Balboa, is o~n deity from 12 nOOfl to S p.m. eacept Sundeys end holideys nationally observed. The p;~blic is cordielty invited to ••· t•nd the church .. rvic•s end .,. t+.. R•adi~~q Room. ~ altoN'IIat-for our til~ tion was taken because the Issue A special invitation to mem r- ... of Harbor \iMto-•• ........ J had not been introduced in Ume ship In the Corona del Mar Com· ·" .... ..... .... _ ""' Munlty Church is extended eack LAWRENCE K. GUNDRUM. M . D . u oar ftW ~t& for committee study of tne pro~t. Sunday during Lent by Rev. Paul Now the questions are. is t~ and it was not possible to teU hear Edward Babbitt, pastor. and mem- view alrt'ady too spoiled to mat speakers on eaeh side of the ques-bers or tM church. In the 9:45 ter so that we should go ahee . lion before the dty council would and 11 a. m. SUnday sermon on and le-t the others build, whe decidE'. Approximate-ly 50 weN' "Religious Experience," Rev. Bab- they can. We ha\'e started sa -present at the holiday g&th<'rlng. bitt uks the question : • Shall we 1ng "pennies for a view." By t t" hold a.nd hug our retig:io~ experi- t ime there are enough to buy :.e Grid Player Honored enC<'S or shall Y...'e_ b_em to rna II sllvt"r of \'IC'w for a )X'r a-st>rvt"? - nt>nt park. the blurr will undou t· At Birthday Party A color and 110und motion pic- roly look like tht" C'amatlon A .·e., tUr<' entitle-d "PreJudice" will be dri\'e. wher<' there used to' a A surprise party recently hon-shown at 7 :30pm. at tht" church. magnJflcent "i ew of the bay. 1 ored lhe birthday of Bill Schmhlt. It wHI rt>veal how most people ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE AT SUPERIOR AVEN UE, COSTA MESA Fe rmerly Ne,..port Ave. ' PRACTICE LIMITED TO DISE.ASES OF 1HE EA-R, NOSE AND THROAT ond AllERGY OFFICE HOU RS· WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY OHoce Phore BEoccn 6508 Ra,idence Pho~e HArbor 10)6 Looks like we have to learn .-the Harbor Hi~th football player. who have hidden p~judices llgllinst hard way. Perhaps like the lives at 705 N. Ba)l Front, Balboa people of difft"rent racial and re· ~~~ii~~ii~~~~iiiiiii~~~iii~iiiiiii~~ii~~~ tirul short>line~ Along some Island. Bill' p&rents. Mr. an~ Ji~rious cultun>s and how to over· 1 t~r the French Riviera as Mrs. Willla,,, Schmidt. and his sis-come them. the cenic at-eas ol me.ny old tel'. Sandra, planned the pa.rty. ropclln cities. 'll.'e will have to 1 but · teammates and h.lgh ~~ehool down th<' obstructing ngs buddies organlzro the 1urpri8e wtw>n a shar(' of natursl for which was effected by firecrackers all somt> day becomes tan t and birthday serenading. to us An unusual pttrt of the refr'E'f'h· • • • ments to celt>brate 'Bill's 17th birthday an,nh~nary wu a c.ke made In the shape of a football. DIOORIZ8 '1'0 ~ ~Ita Gamma Alumnae WID ~t at 7 :30 p.m.~ a t tM home of Mrs. Walt«· 8pkaft', • Ha.r1)or Island. Dedlan ~ om-cen .. ;n be Mid. • • • BAPTIST SERVICES Firat &ptlst Church of New- port will meet for Y..'Orshjp .ervice at 11 a. m . Sunda.y at the corner of Court and 19th Sts. Pastor Don La.mben~on's ~ennon will be "The 0\rtat Ov~ Dtmonll, I>bleul! and Death... Sennon for s-...y e\.~ ning will be ''Cry for a lllf'dlator." Sunday School ia at 9 :45 a. m . You Can Do Better at !. Gene's Place WEDDING CAID!:!I 8Dn1UJAY CAlCES nti:NCH PAS'ntiES ......... , .... .,._ ........ II& ... 1301 Co.tt Hwy. Cot-ot~• d•l M•r GfNEtlAL CONTlACTOiS HArt:-1616 Bruns & Marsac PLIIIIII ()eeiiW&J .:,.. • J 5 - .,.~A.a. llarttorlll8 ....... WHERE WOuLD YOU LIKE TO GO? \\ouJd yoo Ukf' •~ tra,· .. t! Of t'llU t !lf' )'OU •ould. .... •oulcbl't~ "'"'' y 0. ~ .. l'f'&ll)' do It, -d wt~t buclct"t ottrala. w-.... )'041 •ve " •~tk.ally. AM Ia ..... Uott t o a\1a~t for tbt" ~ \ou want ... ,.t' for REAL ~ t'vrity ... tty IIUlkllll UN-f'lt•- ,AJ .. at of tttw )Nt'c: IIIC'IOGM' your a\1Dt;ll ~oal. ~t..art a ~\lap Procn,.a .. ere tocla>. 1-.ar~ ~\1a~ . . t'urtt-nt ttlp S"t dh1d.l-..te: Do Your Heart Good . SUPPORT THE HEART FOND! BEACON 1111 519 .\U~, X~ 8eedl 11oor ()en~-Dnb'1 ... ~t 'me -Rubber TUe . Fonalca -Unoleum nle •• ,.., LIN=- LU £. I'Na 8t. o.ta ._ IIUOON· a1t-W 22 Yeua ln OhDae CowltJ Lot Plowing and IM.cing with.~.-j.,_.._ Treldan · Cnabed Decompoeed Granlte for ....... _,."' Roell .... &e.d -l'ep l!leU -... 11117 ........... R. W. McCLELLAN & SoNS _ t:a....a.c ... OieDJ Oleta ... a 0.-IML!I'ICDI WQ ()Mia .... -... Send in This Coupon and Join the Liat of I 201 Cont 11¥4. C«-e tiel Mer, C.Af. Please count me in as one of your subscnbers. I am enclosing: [ [ ] l2.50 for one-year su \ 1 $1 .00 for four-month NAMI:. (please print) ____________ ....... __ ,. • . ' .· Pag.ll . -SEE WHAT YOUR DOLLARS ~ • r • \ .. e;. · s Balboa -Pcllcher s \'11•1' r.l ' l.rd1• l"c\•pn;, clcl .\Iar J IAmp1on -. I )ru~.,~ fll d bmt '\ I \\ (lUI 1 WILL BU.Y •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . c: ... o ....... pp.: ], :.! '\t\\iloH I Hhd BEoct: -,,_.;] .• ! C<''ila :\JP"''i : SEAT COVERS ~ • Plastrc coatt•d l':f'" pettt>rn<.. and colors Ex<'t'l· ~ l~t qualit~. -1 . ; ;" e-I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I »J-lt..t II t I I t I I \ I I t I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' ~ . -f Tide Television • i 3011 N~-port Bh'd.. HArbor ~ • i Nt>wport Bea ch ! Emerson TV-Radio-~hono '51011' - : Combinataon Brand nE'w, &aut. mahog. cab. 16'' • • ·TV. 3· (X'('d a uto. phono .. powerful FM·AM radio. • • Pe rf rond. 1 T h<>rt>' no catch we're just ovl'r stock· - ed on t h<'S£1 comblna tlons. 1 RPg. S-18!.195. Now $439.95 ill -1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I It I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I " •n o4 'I I I I I I I I I I t t t I t e I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I • ~ Pehte V1lle ~ ! 521 Coast Bh d II At hc~r ~332· \\' • • Comn1 d<'l :\11'11 BOUCLE KNIT t OPPERS ! I I I I 1 .... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. I I I I I I t I• ~ ~ Sewing Machines 0 W Broomh 912 Coast Bh·d .. Corona del Mar ......... ,....,.,. 2574-M ---iii -i z R<'~ i 50 -Go" wl • wor t<'d'l t • 36" long. 100t; wool gabardine • flannt'l. Lx('('Jlt'nt for mak· - iii lns.r ynur F:ao;;ll'r ~~I I I I I I I I I I I I t;L -r:r Luun : ~17 \"alia Wa\ • ~l'" Jl')tt rv-llrh • R<'t:: &K l dr~ rRFl E trod tnn nr ~ ('OJO~ !ht Sll\ j & DRY FlEE nc on<' f\-lb "~Jsh machmP load & • t hr u... or two mach1nl' loadJ.. In· • onl}· F rl & S~t Bring a fr i('nd. Fnr Jntormat1on m ll HA 1414-J. • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -" --.. i io ~ Devoe flat, J colors at grea • blue, ~ch • lock'a. t-, .. ,.,.. I I. JtG 4.70 a g"al. ~ are cfu5conUnued • \1ng~ to you. De'-""Oe's oil baS<'. Pelt • . buff onl)'. Save today at Whit-• i SAVE HERE! I I I I I I t I t I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t ,. :-i;ay s fc-· S ~J:i.es & Sp..,:-· .:;g G:-cu~ 1.'l 7 C'1~1~! Bh d HAr!Jnr 1:.~3-.1 l""'''ll~ d. I )1.u 1 Lb. DRY PET FOOD nEE· \Vath purch&St> of 2 lb . of our fan<' ~OH'mment in-• S(X'cl d horse meat Your choi('(' or 5 kinds Horse ~ • Mt'at 2 lbs. for 50<-. .. 1 I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I P e I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I • -Silhouette Shop • 1209 Coast Bhd.. HArbor 1293·\\' • Corona d<'l Mar f' GIRDLES & PANTIE GIRDLES J19 -: ...................................... . Jllttltttlttttttttttatttttttttttttttttt t • Po:-~ Theatre • 1021 C'O&I-1 Bh·d HArboa 1~· Con>na d I MAr -POPCORN 1/2 PIICE • This coupon will pt>rmit patron to buy one box of popcorn a t half price 15<.'1 durins: showing of Medal • o ( H onor picture. "The Magnificent Yankee," s tart- • ing Sunday for a week. with Louis C'a lhern, Academy award nominee . .... ~···················~·················:: ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I t Newport Furniture Co. 822 Coast Highway, BEacon 5432 • Newport Beach. · nooR LAMP • 3-Way bras refi£1Ctor-B<>autilul hand sewn 'hade in : • a ssortt'd colors S"ivel spotlight att&<'hment for dl· -r£~Ct liJ.!htinfZ, BLUSTERY WEATHER LOTION 100 - • R l'L. :'<t(• '1/.(' n uroth.' Gr •• ~. Tlus <:fl<'<'Ja .••r r lrmr o·cl In • 1101~. at Hn~ unc of ntll' tour l'-IOr<'' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''r ········································; !::1 s Bros. Nursery • 12116 C•'-1'1 Bh d .• HArlllll II~ • Ce1mnn cic I :'>tar CAMELLIAS Two to thr('(' fe-et Bare Root Roses 90c lJI). )O% • • di. count on 5.00 worth. We give GrM!n Stamps. .. •o I I I I I I I I I I I I it I !e tl I I t I I I I I I I I HI' I I I# I I 11 t HI I I " J I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I • I I I I I I ,., tf I • ~ I I I .._, t ta : Sutherland's 5 -10 -lSc Store • 515 COilSt Bh·d .. HArbor 2940 : Corona del Mar -PLASnC APRONS • Rf',: 49<-A~sort<.'d color!' to choosl' from . ~vr on thl Fl'iday and Sat urda~ only. • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I '\ I t I I I t I 1..J I I I I I I I I I I I I ,_ : Norman's Nursery -, 1313 Coa. t Bl\'d . HArbor 5~1(1 Corona dPI l\fu DELPHJNIUM Clumps Fi<'ld grown Giant Pacific hybrids • f<'rt'n1 colors. 50c ach or 6 for 2.70. ea.§Oc :\'Inc dif· . ... I I l't It I I I I I I I I I I I I l tfl t I I I I I I I I I It It It I t i l• , .... , ................................... . -. • Crown Hardware Appliances • 821 Coast Bl\'d., HArbor 232 Corona del Mar -STARTER SET • Rt>g. 6.75 Baue r Po t tE'r) lai<'St patt<'rns . , .. -• . . 20 pieces. Open stock • ......................................... : . ~ . < t t I I t I I I I t 1, I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I II. •' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I '• Brandt's Dept. Store 6 11 Coa<~1 Blvd. H Arbor 2441 • Cnrona d I l\11'11 -.~95--BALBOA BLUE DENIMS .from ~ i\1<'n's and Wnmcn·s All SiZ('S. .. , ....................................... . ········································~ -Butler Bros Meats 601 Coast Blvd .. Corona del Mar. HA 356 1741 ~<'Wport Bh·d.. Costa Mesa. BE 6555-W • .. . • THIS COUPON WORTH .. • .. • • • .. ~ t on one pound or o\-er of any ready-ground meet. : Fri. • Sat. only. At tither one of our two locatlona. ~ One coupon ~r per.on. ............ ' .......... , .. ,. ... ,,. .. ,,., .. ········~··· • • .,.,..,.,., ... ~ • -·······································Iii Cave Prescri·ption Phatmacy- 823 Coa.~ t Bh·d.. HArbor 2272 Corona d<'l Mar • ALL -PURPOSE CREAM . • • Colonia l Dames R<'r,r. 2.00 jar of a ll-purpos' cN.'am fot half prlC<'. Cl£1an N; softl'rts Jubricaf<'s. • :. Ra\'£1 today. at Ca\'<''s . .. • • • ' • • ' • I I I I • • I " • , I • • • I ,, • • I I • • I ,, • • I •• ~ : :···············•ltlllltttltttttt ........ . : 1 West Au to Supply • 1832 Nt'wport Blvd .• BEacon 5841-J • Costa M • • Auro STORAGE. BA IIEiiWS • : exchange. Bl'llftd new, 12· month guarantee. Group : • OM. Now Ia tM time to "'PI~ )'OUT wom out ear • 5 batt~ry. at grat Avlnp. : L ..... • .............. ···-·. •·· ... "............. .. .• ,.,_: