HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-03-15 - Newport Harbor Ensign• . . .. . .. --- -... .. .. .. .. . ... 1 • • •• 7 •• 10 '' 12 ,. ,. 1e ,. 17 ,. '• 10 at u a •• • as n • • 80 a1 An d\.11 .tandinq "' nt wa <Jdd d thi~ \\N'k to thP :'\rv.port Har- bor cal('ndar. the inau(tUral Jnt<'rcolles.!iatc:-Cr w Regatta to be'> hc>l.d Saturday. A-pril H. ponsorC'd and manaJ,~ed by th N<.'~ pon Harbor Clulmbcl' of Comm<'rce. D-e•\\ from CaJifomla. Stanford. l "CI.A and USC "ill race along 1 he 2,000-metc.•r course aJon~ th<' north Udo _______ __:; ____ _.Channel. The Roard ,flf 118Jtora hall NMnplf'tH Ita aMIPJB"~t nf f"ffoall&aUOII of elty~"1d~ real f't!llatf' Ill~ lllftM'Dta aad lLa 5ab- mlttMI L~ r~rt to tlwo ~ty. Tax roll• wtll ~ opf'tl laly 8-14, Whf'IJ til~ Cit)' C....U ""llJ alt •• a Board of F.AtaaU&aUoe to hN r uy n-qUHta for cha•C" la a ~t. ~al Htatf' a~ mf'tlt tntal for tJMo Curf'f'llt ft .... ~·Mr 111 JI4,1U,I10, aad U.. ••"' Orur.-Ia WlW\t•d to M about SMO,too I~ tbaa that. Collllort Statioa Secretary Hay l..an~enh lm 68id lha t the Chamlx>r of Comm('I'C<' ai!:O plan to inaurnu-atc> a J anu- ar~ crew regatta serl<' with lt"ad- ing ea tern crews p~~~rCJcipatlnq. He add<'d that it would be pos lbl<> to bring the 1952 0 1) m pic crew trial to Newport Harbot·. Re(('rce and tcehnlcal dir'<'ctor lor the ApriJ 14 R~<t \ta will tX' Don Gra n t of Huntington Beach. fonner captain of the Unh-cr it) of Washington crc.>w and later coach a t Yale. Ed Harback o! Los Angelel> will b<' a lstant r<.'· fcret>. Mr . J..an~tenhetm \\ill ~ I exceuli\'e officer In charge of ar- rangemcn ts. The local committee mclud<''~l Dr. Sal\ a lore Monaco a.s chair- man, R<>x Brandt Elmer Curry. Doo Gr:tnt, T{'(l Hambrook, Waynt' Murdock. W. H. . purgeon III. ~tark Ileal)•, Thomas Ruttn. Wal- tt>r S ptCPr. Andr w Brown. Rus;:<'ll Crai~. K. T . K<.'ndall and Ken. :-.:tJt>S. Honoran· ho t rommi ttei> "Ill 11..;1 ftl..·~--.1 D includt> Mayor L.e:. l, b<.'U. Supt>r· ....... ,~ • • • 'isor Heinz Kaiser. pt John Trebe . commandant of t h<' 11th The cont~Bcl t o cons~ru<'t a Coast Guard o1 trict; WilHam comfort sta llou on th(' mam b<'ach Gallic-nO(', A oclat d Cham nf In Corona dC'I Mar wa award~ j Commerct' aeat>tary. and Comm~ by City Council to William Meale~. dorC:"s Cliff Chapm an of CYA. Corona ·del Mar contractor, o~ !US 4 Ws.Jtc:-r Elliott of NHYC. ·CJ.a~ low bld or $8.7~ -on CC?nditton Camplx>ll of VYC. Harry BJod~ett that the Lt>as .. wtth Da1wm ~ate l or BYC. and Hay Langt>nht'lm of • to take ov<>r the lx!ach concesstons UYC. Host club-will be.> the Is apprO\'t'd by the state . Nt'wport Harbor Yacht Club Plans for the comfort station There will 1x> a jun ior· \arsit~ call for a SC:"pllc tank. but it "ill race about 2:30 p. m. aturday b<.' 300 fN.'t from the high tide line. and a varsity ra('(> about 3:30. far b<'}Ond the county health dt'-1 There also ma) bt.> a fr<'shmlln partm('nt's minimum rl'quirement race at J p. m. of 50 ft'<'t, City Fngin(.>('r Bert Co~t 'oc the Re~:atta must b<' \\'t'bb said. mN b\ local contrihution!'i. ~tr H~> nddP<l that Corona del Ma; Lanttt'llhl.'tm said Con rJbunon bluff b1tildt"r ChnJI"s Fipps ts dr-can bt• "t'nl t_o lh.!_' ,Chamb<'r of culattnl: a p<'lttlon for mstalhn~ a Ctlmm• t'<'o'. offwt> ,n_ 1-. nalhoa . t"Wf'l' lint' nnd pun1pin~ station Bh d .. fi.'\looa for lht• hlurr lots from r.old<'nrod ------- to Pupp~. and thC' city l'OUid co "•fer Park S'-dy alont• \\tlh that plan tn pto\idf' ~ !lll for ..,(" 1 r ltnl''-lm thP slat. bt 'I ·h ", .... ~ . Rev. Will Thompson Preach Tn<' \\·.,mrn'o; \1\ tr l • :ll'U<' • I \C'rnna dC'I 'l<~r and l ~lboa 1!;- l:.pd \\Ill,.., tht nt~ Ill l'l'f!UI''>I lhl' "talt' Puk.<: And R.-~'ll'•'tnn C(lm· mi~sinn to m:~kt• 'l .. un' ~ •'t nN·d" m thi" t 1~ hut tlw l'll: '-oundl '"' .:omc 1o ,,a.Jt until a City Par)c and Rt·(r('•ttton C'ommts'>t<'n i" ap· n.,, .l<,'ll'Ph ThoMp<;On of thf' pollll•'<i bcfOl'(' ;wtin\! (In thr I'('· Cu~ t•t :\1,.,., f'ommimi I~ :<.II.' I hodist I d I. CJUC':'t Churrb '"' <' 1'!,'1' tht' .rrmon Thl" Womrn''-~t'OIIJ" -.uhmitt<'d t hi~ ~.t·:• r. for thl" thtrd a nnua I Sun-its l'l'QU<'~ 1 to CounC"il :\1onda~ rl~t' ~·\II."<' h~ !h<' .• <'l'. In tx-ht"ld l ('\'f'ninJ:. SU!:I-!l'Stin~o: th11t infm:ma- :tl:&in at t hi' rytam tx.•ach of Cororya lion from thl' ~un "~ bt' mad1' dt•l !\Tar I hs st"rmon top1c "til a\'ailablr to 1 he communtl ,. Coun- lx' "Christ Lh in~or 111 L's." cit \'Ol<'d to dt'fer ll<'tion. · Partkipatlnl: will IX' th<' follow---------in~ <'htn•chl•s: St Andre, ... -s, h•lad l h. Christ Church b~· the Sea. Balboa 'P l e p la Island CommunH). Costa Mesa I ' Comn·unit~. Corona d~>l Mar Com-Story' Next Pla)' munlt). Costa Mesa A sembl) or God. C"o ~~ Me~ _First Baptist. The sucet'SSful Broadwa~ anrl Nt>wport Ftrst Baptts t. Co. ta J\.f('sa I Holl)'\\ood hit. "The Philad<'l phin F pur Square ~spel.. . . I Story.'' "ill b<' th<' third play of Thl" rombln<.'d chotrs. tn<'ludtr;'J; tht' currt>nt season for th~ New- t h.e Orange Coa 'I. College cho1r, port Harbor Commumt~ Players. \\Ill b und('r the dtre<:tlon. or ~('n-a<XX>rding to Mt>l Bt•rry, pr~si­ neth Boettcher, OCC mUSlc direc-j dent tor. Janl<'lil T. Va n ~ ke of Co-orn·-outs which ar<.' open to the rona del. Mar has bE-e-n nam<.'d as public. \\ili be held at 7:30 p.m. layman m c~arge or a rrangt>m!nts Monda,· and T'uesday at th<' homt.> for the &el'\'lCC. of M r: a nd Mrs. U>t> Barnes. 121 Plans Sertlices Via. Mentone. Lido lsle. Rehl:'arsal \\ill begin March.26. The produc- tion it elf is i l&tcd for April 25. 26, 2i and 28. ----, • SSAI. P.L &ACS K POeT AGE Pill eoro.a *I Mar, Call . LU{ \1, l-Ot:..\ '(C)l T' a N' CI'CtiDK n-nd~ (t>r th,. P •P"r drh f'. \\'hl<'h \\ill bf' <'01tdiH1,.d b\ tiiM-ir llpoD- _,In:: c'htb. thco 'it>\\J14'>rt Utrbo:-Kl\\,t nla.n f•D ~:at •trdu~. \pril ;, llf>r,. a t thf' 'v>a uut p~.,.. an s s...,,,H·r ll:irr)' G-.lr11t•r. and '-~t'!t "'<'out .. 'ha n fl f•l n ~: •• t.L .... "tf'k Raub. ('hurk '' ttlt.-r and "•·rr~ <•Nttlt•, 'photn IJ.' F nl'-om' Women Ask About Drilling l~T. 0 . S. T08DA L uf C"u:-<uUt ~I M ur w:u• tOftl' nf•th,. ~turin \\ho ·ha\1' jttliit r .. t·trn• d f·wn c-umhnt In Korr:t. ' "f'•· "l'•',...nn· rtUt,· o f lht• .\)'j>pk'' • "\ f'.•~:•· ~ 1 \1, mbl ·1" m t t o• \\ on.an'. Cl\ •r I t acw f'o•oHiit dl.'l :.iar-BaiiY.a !,.t.H.a \ rat;'ll \\f'r•• prompted !,~ th1> "tud~ ,,f otl n uatJon. as pnst•nt<'d 111 thP Lea.-:u meetin.: \1nnda~ to' L !I t hf' Ornni>!P County :-:u(>l'nt~n ,.. " ttns: T u <' ~ d a )o morntn.c !-=t:atin~ tht.l th<'.r · l"il was to ob<-r • Mltnt~ lawmnktn~ and to obtam mlrnmation about 011 leJ:- ,._,._,,•on th< f'l~ht \\O!l1• n \\t'r<' h rn 't l·ttlll :'II t<>nt ton b~ t ht la"- makforo.. \\tth coru;id<'rat,l dt.s<~­ stl'n abot.t oil ~" complamL \\ f'rt' lc>dJ:t-d l ) t ht' ladtt~ \\ ho ha' • hIt th )ar-of drilhn~ and "ntl'llC-d t t.t' " 11 The "'o'lmPn "nndt n d "h~ th tx>aut ~ oi th htll" ... hould be> mantod. '\\'h~ couldn't •Ia,• dnlbn~ he-handled tf n('('( -.g,, n · re'lm the-far ld~ of the htll .; Th~> ~ 1M';-,.:: rs St'f>mt"d to fl"'l that thr non··~ • ~~~. r. ~~ • ror 1>tl '"'' .. \ • d lx Jl n { I I I 11' It) k1~ fl I;> '\M' do\\ I' Tt1c •fpo t f•n nt 'H'" • Hn at tt.t l t n.,ll< r: t t 1 Jrf" nt R.u!itn, on ·lunda' b' \\* C p, n "". ht>ad ·of t 1'1• Coi C··na dt I :\1 ar l·s, It' A""ocia- t'<• t"< mmitt<·t ll.l nil. '' ho warnf'd li(' r 'l 'itJ I t 01 I f"l;a!'hmPI11 (tf \'I dnl tnl" ,, .. n thrr:tt tn th1 ~~ :• .u:d <!"~t . .:lbtht) ol rhrl> il .<a R'-n ~idl'ntial dj 1 rlct. Th~.: Lett ·u mack-plans for a Farewell {Qr Chad TwicheU Plu lo ~lete .r\ ,3;,.,\ ... u P,"trt ~ al '"· :"'c"port Balboa Bl. Soon H t t. .. r Yat·ht·CI 1!'> Turo.da' t ''-nut.. I 'Ni rtuu1 T\\ ,. ht' I t·. nal· hn.t . ''"l(t ,.,a It·•'<' :'at•n'd." If• l•t\1 n 'II {"1\,•r' '' ''' 'f• \',. :-.;'u\~ <"h ri "'" nt•·1~ •It '.t.k <11 Jt lllo I .11 1 ll , 'll.1 Ot \\ ,IJ I• • I< •I l l .:0:1· olll J, 11 !1tl 'l• • tf I 'I \\til tk JIA!(>'tll••o \\•'· ltflll tl Ad tk \! '''k" I II i!'tl"' : lit "r<ll'h ('u ' n. nl , <"o m nn • • ' ''h '' '' •m Ch11l 11"' h"" , ... , ... , .. rl 11111- ••···d him .1 • t!o• dmr• J'<oll I•t•·-.;c·llt lnr 1t • (l.• r• \ ,,, ~ f• 1' •• • ~ nnd \ .. ,. Rn"" • · <'• \I~ «t lul ' ' ~I/ \1r' :<.lontt• Gnn.t' :\11 ;,no :.Jr' Itr• htll P"'" ~'"'· :\it .. ~ Jo,..·p:um Gle /) Clt tb Co~tcert \\\•bb and \ti~~ lit> I• n Kla 11. \:. ' \Vht>n Chad rC't'!'t\ld ht!' <'all tl• dul~ l'\..,1 "''l'K h•' n•st~rrl ht"' J>tlSI I tt>n ilS prPSidt n I nf I h1 :-,; t \\ • 11011 Hnroor. Ki'' ant'-C"luh ::=:ut <'C"t dtn~ him in that f'lfrt<'•' '" Ht d Kt·nl ' \\ hn ,. n• 'I<'E'-pr~id n• ~otas Are Set < >C"<'tdt•ntlil \lun.nt and thE" St \ndr1 \\, I' • ''" ' • inn Churt h o! ''' pnt' lit t••hi .. ,n• <'o'><'\Pf rnttnr:. lttn.; to lilt• .lll'it th1• Occtdt.>n- 1 I t ·ntr• 1:1 Glt 1 Clubs for R t."'n· , • r• nn fo'nd ·~ • '1 nm~r. :O.IarC'h 30 1 Of f'l'tl '1'110' ••11 n Ill 'lll \\ 11J ht. htt th• hfont•ll' N lht• ~~ .\ndrPW" ..... .., 1\... t.. Easter Egg Hunt Th1 . ('('OI"d tnnual Ea!:tK El!~ hunt \\Ill he h. ld ~turda~. \t'!rch 24 b~· t hf-:-.; nq)l'lrl J 'a rfx\r Op• im- i!oo Club m t'()(lf'('ra I ton with t hP rm Tht•3trl' In \oronll del :\lat. Chtldr, n will I'T'tt'l Ill 1 p m at t,p ('"n·nn d< I :<.tar S{''lOOI tl'l start t ht nunt. 1nd to ~<' In ll fru mi.tllnu at th Port I'll\·\\ •~•· "lt'"'llll: op 1 l'crli alton at wht(·h :0.1r-. Roland Dtov.n. cruw· mun nr lh :-:;-tntt R<crc>atton Con- mtS:.iQn 1.nd past !Jrf'Sidf'nt of I h State PTA \\111 "Pt'llk Tur da} '('\ t>mna:. Apnl 3 :\fc>mho rs uf thP Lea.:u<-an planmnc to -II hnmf·- mad<' sandwt<'h nnd SWM't ... at rt>a ... onable JJrl('('<;; to ).vun~ pr•tpl \l,tlmfOt dunnc ~ll'r \\('( k City lratlo1ses ( I Tax Carla 8Dls lndo~~m· i"t "a 1!1\t'n b) CH)' CotJnnl :\ton Ill~ "'."('nll\tt to 1<'1n la- tlon .ntmduc d 1n OOih 1h .. ~tatt> senatC' and a!' ~mbh tt\ r•tt H'nt 18'\;nt; (11) JU'OJieTI~ 0\\n r'o tO pro\ 1dl-murotl'lpal ~ r.1<"f'S tn ur· ban unmrorpr>ratro Art~'' c•t th( rount\• Tht·-b11l<: "Uppc:lrt<.'d b) 'tM LeaJ:U«' nt CAl •onua CltJ("'l al"f' A-" mbh Dill 3::17 a nd • nate Bdl 769 Til<'~ fl' O\ i~ that a ftt>r Ma ~h 1 J'4'>J tht> Soard or ;u. JX>n 1 .oro; tl"a~ pro\Jdt> sn~ mum- <'tpal t) pt> • 1"\ t'l' to an} urban uninrorporatf'd u 1\ only 1f cost." nl Ul•h Sl'l"\ IC't"-. ar paid b) thor arr"" ,,ni"CC ·upeni~oor:. ~ould bE> N"qwrt>d 10 lt.>' ~ a ta'\ tn <uch ~rr .. a uffl· cient io pa_, all cos or mu.niopa t l) pe seniet.> r eJ'l(k>u-d • -.u<:h 8"' poliC(' and fit'(' pro:tc:.t>n ..\ltc>r· Mtl\es would be annr xa11nn nr m corporation . ------- ra.rll :'ttnd l \ ~ I \ ,('(', \ I Jl t,. .. .i'ld '•mda~ a't .,,. r.•" t:.ar.tt"' , • ·I "t :1n::::nt 1h Pnrt Tl1;1 r t. ot •n.• rl 1 .:O.l1:1r 11 t II a It • I" ~\JnOa\ -.(f'l<IO! and l 1 i1 m :m '' I ~hlp. • - Kt r n~ h r. p, n' raa-.tor of Ill•· ... ·dl'h Da.)o .\d\t ntt--t• \\\II 1.'~'' ~ .... ·m n • ... , • ...-s:tlt) d. \OI~~ ht tho p.' hit ·m· "•td '" 1 <'rt ... u; ot yoww 1 1 • r 1l ., ...._.,, srda~ :01.:1 • .' \\I r II k lht l•b"' I \• •. ' " ' =-'nnd.l) :u t'hn .. r ( hurdl h~ th• '•'It \\lth 'P' t'tnl mt.L~H 'lnd .,. ... , n1 !Inn· of lloh \\'t't k Pa•m .:0:11nd1t~ and ~,aundy Thur•dh~ \\tlli~t rh, '-ftmt•nhlfll! "' t h<' Rt' Tl,nma~ Rn\ Pt"ndt•ll Roth ~· n t<'t ,.. '' 1 til\ Cnrona d• I tar Cnm:nun n Ctr11r<'h n• '' ::-un · d.,, "'I •b-"''"<' tl•• annl\t'n..tn f'll • Pu ln. "unl'ia) and t.ht· -.ub)('{'t Fan' •H I•• F1ulun '' \nil h USNI ··n hl1'h .,,.. !~ n """ 11 a m "'n- i('t.' . \\hat hu,.. an n• d' <ort' abun· dan1l~ ~uppla'<i t hrou~;h a reco,: n111on nr thp cndunm: qWtht tN-of <..'rttd •" 1 t'\ l"a l<'d 1n th<' ::-.unday Rtblt lA>~<ln on "~bstam •' at tht> . "peon Ilarbot· C'hn~u~n ~·­ '"('( Church a tt>E> ntratiCt" to L1d~ l _IC' ' Re'. Tnm Gtbson \\'JII d h, . .,., the s..>rmon " h1C'h h~ "ti to b~h'\ gh en Ia t SundA~ J<'Sus Wept · Palnl :i'Und3) \\Ill bt Obst'r'\f'd al the Balboa h land Conlmuntt) Ar<'a quotas for the> 1!1,6(1(\ Rl'd C'm s fund dn,<'. now undt>r \\&~. "''"'' announced this Wt>t>k b~ Chau-man Carl Hanna The-qootas arl.'' Corona dt>l ~tar 1.500. Bal-boa' Island SUOO. Balboa ..., . T'.all>Oa Pt>nin~··la , . "hor<' Cliff~ S2 . Bay Isla nd 5-tOO. B4~ Shores SJOO. Beacon Bay S300. l\:('\\ Jl(lrt S600. :-.:l'wport Hc>tght. S37:l. Harbor Island $32.'\ Udo Sl.600. CUff H<t' t'n S2.'l0. N.-wport business distri<'t S800. )tirtlcl(l Mile $325. Corona d<'l 1\lar bW:i· nes. 150. Balboa busine S75. Balboa Island busines S4~. HARBOR FEATURED 'l• •hl"dtc:t l htlr<'h. 119 ,\Jrtlh A\, Balboa Island. in ooth mtUot(' :tnd IN MAGAZINE ARTICLE sermon. Re' Harr) Whll<' Will An)'one who. ha.o; not bt'<'n ron- -tactt>d should call the l«>d Cross I St>"-port ltArbor. \\hl<'h 1 ft'a-US<' "Bearing Palm Brsnch· s" ~ turM Ia aa a.rttC'If' In ttt.-Mar<.'h 1 hiS sem1on , ubJ('('t. La..~t y~r·s t'mergency plans proved the Impetus ror this )'ear's Easter S unrise servtc:e at the New· port Harbor Lutheran Church. Membcl'li of tht> con.gregatlon have aga.ln voted to hold an early Eas- t C'r s<>rvlce which they started aix year a~o. I otfiC('. HArbor 1865. The> first I report luncheon wa.s held trnii noon at the Balboa Bay Club. 114-tt~r Hont4"C anct oardMI'-I• Pa. tor Ht'l'bert Roth wll1 preach ~ Mcllttonal a a t 1 o u I Sunda~· on "Gh ing God Your paWkit:y Ia MD artt<'l~ In tttf' Be t " t 8 p. m. nt'xt Thursday. ~~~ 11 ,,.._. or •'ortaSrt-t. En· "Maund..\• Thursda~," hi m ~g UtiN "S"',ort 84"a('h : Bal will h<' "Tht> w t lt('Jo4.'r," and Rain roi'U'd the wonhl~rs to hold thei r ' sen.ic:e lnsldr the ~h last yar. 'l'ht!y relt the · -Wltri~ was equally lr.pirinK while lookln~ out the pkt\lft .,....,_,. from v..ithin, 10 It wu dPddPd to hew th<' ~ lNtcle aftd "'0!'· INp tn oomrort. ''" y trniEIIIAXD RON OilED I Miss Jay Sut~rland. da~hler or Zonta rMm~r Ruth Paddock Gibbs of 8aflM)a Island. was a ~t or honor at a tea gh~n at ttte ,Beacon Be,· hc:JIM ot Zonta ~~ Mlldrf.d StanJ~y S~· art.moon. l\'Hk ~." u.t~ arttc-11' tallH Hob Communion \ 111 be ht>ld. ltltt "" rnm tltf' attracU. Ull• FOrtrler pa tor. apl:lin Q!or~ .,... .._ ror r...e.. \\'...-k \-a<"a· Wiedman. "ho •ill soon INv fnr ........_ ~ ""' lthtory ., J apan. v.iU conduct the momm,;: ~ .,.,.....,._..t of ta.. Ha..l'tMM' l seni~ unday a t the Firs S.p. ... ..., d~·. aa4 ~......_ UMo list Olurdl ot Nf"A port. · .4. U \'· .,.... • • n.w ........ fhllllll« mg ~r . \\'lll ~ f'a!; 1c r Do:1 ,.._. lhillc ~t. ·I Lam~ tl~ for the "'ftl'OJ: sermon Back /Tom Trip . To Corpus Christi Just returned from Co llP u s Christl, Texas, is Mrs. Eunice Car- ter. 1025 Balboa Blvd .. Balboa! For 1 hret' mon*. Mrs. CArter had ~n visiting her daugteer, Mrs. Sherry Lewis. who just had a baby girl, Michele. On her way home. Mrs. Carter s topped at Santa Fe to vi it Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gas- kin, and then brought the Gaskin chllrlren, Stevie and Sherry, on to T"ruboa. The Gaskins are former resi- dents of Balboa and intetKI to re-turn to the Southland w~ they sell their pre~~ent business. Steve l5 a sophomore at Harbor HJgh and Sherry is attending the 8eCOnd grade at the Newport Grammar School. 81L\'Ea Silver Platers ADd SUYI!I"'IIIItt. ~ -Reftnl8biDI . Repiatinc Gold -SUwr -Copper • Brua Near Community ONrdl 1914 Harbor Blvd., o.ta ll .. BeaCJDD 51U Margaret L. Scharle Teecher of Plano Organlat -AecompanJat ~£;'ta e. 307 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona .. liar Day or Night HArbor 1U8 , "" f -------~ . --. ' . ' . . . , . ~ , HELEN R. ROBERTSON. M. D A"JNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HER OFfiCE .-..; 74 SUPERIOR AVENUE COST!< MESA PRACTICE l MITE!i ~0 GY'JAFCOLOGY A~O E OOCRINO LOG'r 0 11 ,. p~ ••. sr.~ ... r b:.o& ~~---- W. G. Ptorrow of 605 Marigold • rolor alann ~ou On th con-An~. was elected trt'asurer of th;. trar) If the 011 d n't darken. Corona del Mar Men's Club at t~ heltt"r tn AllN ht>r brAnd How monthly ~tin~ Mid last Thurs~ 1otten to-chan~• 011 ~ . Your day e,·ening at the CommunH~ ~ •~ jUlt a& r:: -o:l as "1"! n • nNW D'AI.JAN 1IIMMdS Aile flteeb -Pwt.e .. . Cocktails Churdt. He uC'Ct'eds E. F. Coop. A ~ngth~ qut>F ro~ -ind fol- 215 Fernl"af A\(' . "ho "a~o unabl<' JJ,o~'~' ed~~~~ht>~~Pf"t'<"~~h~.==~===~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to continue has dut iM tK'caust> of lr Illness. lnten ·iew sub~t "as Fred R Putzier. 1716 \\'atE'rfront Dr At Costa Mesa Fit~patrick's Learn hou• to I "host> bw:aness i the Desldlnder Co in Co Ia )1.esa and " h o s hobb) r printinc He 1a drruttt"d '=========--=================== 1 that 10 rollt>ae da\'1 back 10 Iowa ht' wa~> a I r·wn1X't. pia) E'r untrl h1 "bl{'>\\ h1 lip ou " and t ur nt'd t< t lw a 'ophont> •" hrch ht tr II JJia)~ a bill H(' sold tht• trumrw to 3 l'Oill'I:C cia "'~m<l H•, Rl' Bl•ldt I · beck. \\hO \\8~ latc·r ''' t}t('(tm• wnrld famtlU<; \\ tth tht' ; urn(X 1 C o.rril=ear.· ... FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES . SEE THE LARGEST DISPLAY IN CALIFORNIA RAITAN • RED\V 0 • ALlT:MINt')t • \\'ROt:GHT I RON S\Vl:'-:(~~ • tTMBRELLAS • • RE-COVERS • BARBECL'ES LO\\ t'~t l '"rl<-t•" • l''rH Dt-lh t-r) 611 Coast Highway ~ t'Wport BMl<'b f'rid:t) nl~tht .. 'UJ ~lftf'--.aftd . unday TN\ 'tll .~our INTRODUCING DAJL Y FREE DEUVERY TO CORONA DEL MAR 224.22 Laguna Canyon Rd., Laguna Beach I Selection of W ines, Beers, and Sptrits '-Pre-Tax Buy NOW and I• •%-R! To•·n aad • ee-try ~----($ .. -~ "SW ~· Boa.rtloll per at . .. . Jl'lftlt ... for "5 per eue -A It~ Sav- Ill« .......... "' ...... ,. ....., elliPfdal-ly for roa -It .. ,._ eo -v .. r Mille .. ---....... Try Ollt' ~ Dt-ih'-HY! 1•% ~tdl-& .. .5-~ lie .. Re)•al ............ -& ~ .. per ~ ... ,. •~~tt 8«!otdlat ~· 8 JI'Utll Itt .-ly ... 71 f8' ~ (II .... ) --• A II" "-..._.-l'ft!e Delh'ffY! SAVE Dallon Cap• ftl!-lt ) chtml~~ Pn::tm-€'r and m tct oa l(Jt 01 Rt'-· ton<', ca' ,. · tn"tdt' · rnrormaNoo or car luht·tca 1 .<11 a nrl mur .. , 1 ur'l•- IIJI, d1 buoki n~ a f•' pnpul,u IK • ht"fs Ht"r{'> .~ "'"rl't 01 hi" CJh· . t•n a ttnnc;. 'Pt~n't Oll' ci It• t•·nt hra .. d_.. • (ll l In tit• I OCJI,t.. f'N•n'• tl! 1\t <I' t ,,., ''1\t' '-PN'd lor «h<lUI ]110 inti• • a l l <'& an "'I t'h~n::" • unit'" iJ "'' •. trnl" 8 1H ·rl i u"t'd 1 P il leak- a~{' accounts tor a bnu• !-\11 Ill. r rl'n' or motor Oil Ul'tod tthar's \\h3t lit: counts fnr thE' black st rt"ak on ••arh lanl' of a · hr~h" ay 1 Bl"('ak 111 a car <'OI.!tnf' fast . hard .. od t~uickl) '""h a ''•ltrnc at:( n~ addl"d H• th<' oill. . Oon't dri\t> an t·m.:tnt, Hiat "prn~. · l.;(ocalli-1.' 11·~ t'O'tmc • }'OU mon<') . ~p) ""'' r can be used in .tn rm('rt::Pnc) a~; ~ :.ub- stitute for orl . . It'll h<'lp tht <'ngint> 1f ~ou suddt>nly :.hp )OU foot off thE' accel r-ator wht?n the· car i going at a high spe<'d; tha• will for<X' oil to the top of th(' pL- 1 ton. a hard spot 1<1 lubt icah . Tunc.>-up t h(' mot or at It> a t c.>\ <'r) 5,000 milc.'S. . . You can't judgt' the quality or rondition or motor oil by its rotor. or thickne ~. or . where it's pumped out or · th ground. . Oil in the t'ngint' dark- ens quickly, o don't lt>t th dark As Prt'Sident or t he Orahg County Coast Association. Hcrtx>rt Kcnn~·. 807 E. Ba) Avt>. BaH>Oa. telephoned ConC'N'S~man Harr) R j Sheppard or W ashington urs.:in~ that he support th<> react h a lion or the Santa Ana Arm~· A1r Bas I Mr. Sheppard stated th at an in- ,·estigation Is tx>ing made of thrl'(' I sites to detem1ine which could he rt'actl\'ated mOst economiOtlly. ., Fw ...... Owt4-l IJ-Nn.i- tw• • L9-· s.lect ...... ia. F.lwia •••••• 611 C...+ H...,,~ -....an ~ ,_ (Oft-_,.,. ....... '" -• .n ... -...... "-"''· ..... ..,_.,TAlA Jilflolt<, '-•""' '"'"' t ..... ,,...,._ ... ~ ~poro .. po-t't f•of~ .,,.,, w•* • c-"' o • ., llo-·• s, • ., )7 to #0 111 "l LOOit JOI fMI \A' I 2 th rilli ng ali -e ~n se -pc!"il tacations r; r..._ .61'1\,or-:i e<Uol:46~ ... or 326 waluallle cash prizes! Yt -~ "t" n ... t • -,.,. ••• o•d •a"' A""" .. , <O" <A C'l n "-·•-ors mtlty ' oou·bl~ f01 ;ov to t "''.O) ' e •0 ._ 0"' •• p of o •~· -~• l"'o;·~~ w ""'"0 P" oil *"Pf:"•• pod oO<OI .,.. tnp to , ... Co• bbeor. ""'..O..•.:tftd-••np•ro•oo" for Co•o'•<>o • ,.. •o•ttltd, Corr•t».o,.• Collect·- Yo., llttovtl ••o •.,...,._ r011 A-t ""' World Atrwcry~-.,.o.-11 atoy at the r-..tt c ... ~ ho•t tal l y t ,_. .• W RF "1£1~-o .. ~,, 1816 Newport Blvd . Costa Mesa BEacon S83S .- .. COilOSA DEL JIIAa NEW ~BDRM. HOME FOR LEASE OR RENT .... ON MARGUERITE .... (h-erslze. prage. EA_aL CRA..aiAIH _c..& .... liAR .. ... o,, ............. c:.-. .. nJaN1ftJD aarou'l'lo~ Chair bottoms res~ tatn1 cane, rush, teed, etc.-BRING NOW. ~=--::-::~:::---: UOO l"ll .• -3-bdrm hou''"• furni ht'\J $14.- IIA&VE\"8 l DO Y liR CHit...DREN neeil tu-nJaNITVIl& UJPADl '50 DODGE l'I'EMON 'TRATOR torinl(! Call HA Z769-J, 5 to 7 !OM Saata A.a A\'8., O.ta llMa p.m. or write 211 Diamond, B.l. BEac. ttU...r Lib<-t'a.l di cnunt. low mill'8~<'. nl'w car guara n t <-t•. Reas. 1'8l l> for grammar school ==-""':":"":7:;:::::~~.=.;:::-"T.:::-:;..u and junior high stuck-nta. FOR S ALE-Sil ver fox fur $25. S E\\POI!T 8&\Cfl Ne-w 2-tx l'i -on honw ---will tak•• an 't·\\ port Hct'thts lot a do•• n J)Bymc-nt I SH A\' ER ~lOTORS Your DUl>GI--PL Y~1l)t "TH dir. -HArbor 3088-W. SALE or EXCHANGE -Owner. SP ECIALS New charming cot---;-::~==~~ il\'odt>rn, ()(.'('lln view. near thops .. and beach. uwt-ly flagstone pa-tage. !-6,250. Flower-box£'8, 10- 1936 Harbor Bh d . Costa MeS8 tlo, ~ar. Equity S6500. cash or f t.. lot. picket fen~. Nt>w red- trade for new bungalow. Full wood bungalow. only $7,850. LJI••• M ilt>:allor KA ~t II! ~ "'"'· Balboa ....._. UOO 1. l.E -35' lot, bt>low mark£'1 llurr)! $ 2 500 Ph La 4--5206 Toni Arnold, 31531 S umnu tt, pn~ 1 • · · guna · near First A\'e .. South Laguna. ====='""::-----:-;-. Jo' R S ALE ROOd used mriger-TRADE Dbl. box sprinstS lc mat-LOUIS F. GATES FIEI W a tors, $40, $50, $60. 605 Broad ·u .. _ r 1 1 HA • Gort ~-.. -c.L ._ St., comeT of Santa Ana Ave., tress; wt tn""" or , ng e. Home Loan.a-1lo buy, bu.Uct Newport Hgts. BEacon ~J. 2919-J-K. ~ !nt · GEN'EllAL tNSURANCJ: cycle, alJnOSt new. HArbor 35-W ironer. perf. cond. $145. P h. HA i;t~~~~~ In !!1141 t. St"W"p'rt BMril rtiJ.n.ance or tor alteraUona 1 FOR SALE=COiumbia deluxe bi-FOR SALE -Bendlx auto. home ~;;,;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;:;-~~~-IIA.rhr ltsl FOR lENT-New 2-bdl'lii: un-2566-W. 404 Cout Blvd., COM. ;;;; Ill V..tat. ~ .... Ooreu .a..,. f ho w pd y 1 bull FOR RENT-Lovely fum. apt., ==~~~,;..:.=..;~·• LOANS for HOM&I ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;:;;;;;;;;;;;~! ~·39thuse~t~ NewP.,:?Be.c:tL priv. patio. May be l'eflted u a r Phone JEffei'IOI'l 1337. single apJ., sleeping 2, for ~. REGULAR 4 1 i'X;~' (1()..20 yn.) or with extra bdnn. for $75 mo. CORO DEL MAR rent: 11 •-G. I.. 4% ( years) or small hoUie to ~ mo. ~t}b...:_._Pd...;.RC.-K. e\'e. oc; mom. FHA 4~% (20 yean> " ~ n..ft.lUUI "~ ConstrUe. Loan.l 5-5%% (U yn.) OCEAN VIEW 1eue for 1 yr. HA 2ll9-J. YRLY. RENTAL--2-bdrm. untum. lhn'e beclrooms and den with two ba t.h.s, a modem kitc::ht'n. plenty of tile, fire.. pia~. gooc( heat and oak floors. There is a Lo\·ely Alpuu~ styled living room with open beam ceiling, un- paanted mahogany \\1lins- cote and ample dining al- co,..... ThP ext£'rior rtnisb is of sha k and pla ttered bnck decor On attracti,·e corn~>r Rl'<k>coration can ma.kt> thr one or the most No Commia. ch. on Metro~. RUG & UJIBOUilfliY apt., incl. gar.:.! $75 month. liAr- We buy and ae.ll Trust Deeds. MOSf OUTSTANDING, NEW aultllfG bor 2892-R. t13 tria, CDM. CALL BOB. A'ITI..I:a J BORM , l l.~ BATH HOME. FOR SALE-Fine wool lady's coat, HA 2661. for •'Tee .. _, __ , • 0. ...... size 12-14, color: gold. HAr-._... .. ~ HAS EVERYTHING." HARD-• ••.tr 0..•, II Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE 00. wooc FLOORS FLAGSTONE .OOIJW ~ bor 19915--.J. Metro Ufe Ina. Fundi. KI J.-5115 .no.• _ ... ............._ .-.. FOR RENT-Fum. 1-bdnn. apt., $16.- A .&!.75ft.. BAV FR.OST LOT •comer\, El. B.'\\'0 TRACT. B<>autiful \it>w, l'XcclJe-n t lo- calion. ·co I o 1 r u I Balboa Island • • • v.-«.> bcU('\'<' t hJs to be th<• b<-st bu~ or 1 h,.. f<'w re- main in~ ha~ front lot" rn the J Jaroor Ar'l.•a hom('S ftftn~t t10ltl unforai.Jtc-d ~~most·-at I 1.1. leek 016ce CO., ULTOR~ X••wport Bhd. 11t 30th lilt. S E WPOH T HA 1800 eaatilul New Models ••••• YOT. \'£ GOTTA SEE IT. CAT ·~r. yo·_· C.;. l'T HEAR iT• .. .,. .. The only Rc'ng er-::xtor w n:. a--10 Year Guarantee ••••• FORMAL SHOWING THURSDAY MARCH lSth ..• :~-. A Few 19SO Models Left crt Biq Discounts ...... Exclusively in :he Harbor Area -at- Furniture & Appliartces Phone BEaeon 5707-M Bhd. Caala .FIREPLACE. LARGE R00t,.4S, ~ .....----•--in "'"'A Y"'.-hli CDM HA .... ll r .. ~~ . UV'a ..,.. a, . ALUMINUM SASH, TINT E 0 . !l~ Oeut Bh ... ~ .a .... 134.1!-W . GLASS. WILL TAKE 700 FT. WANTED Ucenlt"d 3rd assist. APARTMENT OVER GARAGE. WANT YOUJt DIRTY WOIUt -engineer or better for the "GYP- • * • MANY OTHER FINE FEA TU RES -oo GOOD TO L~s-SE{ TH IS TODAY. • • * • • • I' JCORPORA TEO 3333 Vie Lido N•wport t .. ch, C.lif. Seledt'd by Xt'LTIPLE Lll'tTlSG "~t Buy or \\'eek" 2 xu·•.: LE\'EL LOT - Cornc•r of Cliff Dr. & La J olla, .:'llcwport Heights, Just 800\'1' $3.500 Arches MuiUple Ust~a« So. 1'708 Ail about this at en}'- MULTIP'LE LISTING REALTOR For the * DISCRJMINA TING BUYER - -- One or the finest view homes in Cot'Ona del Mar ---2 00<1- l"OOms, den and studio. Per- man£'nl, close ocean view, broad lot, terraced J::ardens. Stone's throw to beach .... Everything in l)('rfect condi· lion. Shown by appointment. For price and tPrms. ca II Bill chuster, HArbor 2474 Earl W. STANLEY Realtor 615 Coast !IYd., Corona cfel Mer THE ENSIGN Now offers complete Job Printing FaaJjtJes Brand new, 3-bedroom, fire- place, many built-Ins, oak floors, Jots of tile. Yard Is landscaped. ~ for FHA loan o f 1• ._ $8,000. Full price .. YTr S.llltc..tl~ Near .. ..._ In Mala t. ..... ~-- OONJ:? sy ," 1~hp Atlas Imperial diHel GO TO HAL ... engine. Apply Port Ol"ange, ~ =-= .:-::: ~.Coast Hwy., Newport, BE ishin&. wall ............ -:-:W:-:'ANTED~===,...---:Expe:::---n-:-.-en-ced--.-IK'-rvt-;-ce- can Harbor l'lSI-W station operator. Apply at Mo- B. H. H,.,. ~• bile stat io!'\; comer Jasmine & va.IIIIUU& Coasl Bl\'d., COM . I Dependable PtumhiDq 1 A Prompt ~ Service JUST LOOK AT THE Maintained .... = ~~"'---1·1 ..... CIII- COMPLETE .HOUSECLEANING Furniture & Rug s hampooing, etc. Work guaranteed. Beacon 6111. Al 's House and Window Clean- ing Service. SNIPE for sale. $200. 219 Pearl, I Balboa Island. I FOR RENT BUNGALOW APARTME NTS Beautifully furn., large ll\'. room with fireplace, bdrm.. kitchen- cue. Low winter rate by day, week or month. FARM HOUSE MOTEL 1~ Coast Blvd., COM HA 1063 KEYS -Made while you wait. Tommy's Shop, Post Orrice Block. f Corona del Mar. PAINTING Earl Sheftin !73 l'almt>r !'lt. -Co.ta Mea BEacon M57-M See our charmJng ''UptJide- Ouwa flo~" on Balboa Is- land. ! Bedrooms, living room with flagstone fire- plare; kitchen with breakfast bar, full bath upstairs. • • • 11z Bedrooms, shower bath, r umpus room with bar, paUo & barbecue downstairs. Room to build on front of Jot. $20,500 ~ YOU CAN BUY Right Here at Home '50 -l-'9rd Tudor . . . Sl795 '49 F ord Cus1om SC'dan .... 1595 '49 Che\·rolet Conv. . 17R5 '49 Ford Station Wagon . 1760 '49 Ford Tudor . . 1395 '47 Mercury Conn•rUble .. 1280 1 '47 Mercury Sed an . l 19;) '47 Plymouth &-dan .. l I·J'i '47 Ford Sedan ..... 1125 '46 Mercury Club 1095 '47 Hudson Scdltn . 1015 '46 Ford Thdor .. 915 '41 DeSoto Convt>rlible 695 '41 Chevrolet roan 650 '42 Ford Sedan . 560 '41 DeSoto Club 580 '40 Pontiac Sedan 465 '40 tt"h£'n•ulct 22:1 '39 Plymouth Sed:tn 19J '34 For'd Sedan 1 ; '37 Willys Coupe ll:i '35 Dodg<' ~roan G:j 1 '29 F ord Coupe . . .. 5:> . '35 Pontiac ~ edan ..... 53 Many of the abo\'c cars have radios, heaters and ovcrdriv£'s. SEE US FOR THE BEST DEAL fN OR ANGE COUNTY ALSO: - F or a lj mitcd lim£' only a comple te paint job on your car for only -~9.95. This is to introduce to you our new body a nd paint s hop, same location. 534 Coast Highway. Ph. BE 6604 n •••• ll ... hls YOUR FORD DEALER S34 Coast Highway • * • Beacon 6604 Newport Beach Wf"~ to our new neigh- bors, Mrs. A~r and her Toy Shop, Peegy S mall &nd her Sportswear Shop, Mrs. Wheaton of Hostess House . --F.LIIIIr TOl Jl5 Marine A,.,, lell»oe HArtter 1911 .. Schwinn Hours: Week Davs 8 'til 6 Sundays & Holidays, 10 'til 4 Ray Stedman IJEacoa 5128-J • BUD OOPr Boys' - Complete Etoa 5 _---~~ --- ftunclciy. Mardl 15. 1151 r----~-=---ro==R-=SA~LE -Double bi'Nitf'd, 1 Navy nannt"l suit. Size 36 &hort, r;========~==============~ ~earcely worn. ldt-al for yachtl- man· drt'SS. 603 Larkspur. COM, Apt. 2, after 5:30 p.m. 1-'0R SALE Cii'0-1-Iex Reflex type camera. 2'•x2'• photo .sllc pic. \.\ith carrying ca o. Alphax shut- t('r, $55.00. HA 2M66-R, Capt. 0 . S. Tosdal. 007 Popp) Avt'., CD~1. Tht• tO~ Ff'df'ral Tax on wa t<'ht'~ under ~.00 will bf'• ral~d to tn~ soon. hllik;;;;;t~11948 matlc drive, radio, rond. HA 2886-R. 817 Coeat Blvd. COitOHA 05L MAa, ~FaHA T01daJ, 607 ·Poppy .... IMIMM _____ __ t WE ARE BURSTING AT •THE ,, SEAMS NO FOOLING . WORK IS NOW UNDER WI\Y WHICH WILL OPEN 1\N 1\N- ~EX TO OUR PRESENT SHOP • • • THIS ALL HAPPENED BECI\USE YOU GI\VE US YOUR lOYAL SUP~RT I I . 1 ·, SEEKING BEAUTY'' f~J CO R0!\1\ DEL MAR Dee's Beauty Salon • r~ ·~ G-AFFNEY HOL MES 'LE('~ .._NC'!ERSO"l DEE WIL I<~[LM) Dee's Beauty Salon 1415 Co•d Blvd. CORONA DEL MAR 111 Easter At•Poinrmmt Call HarbOt" 2 187 Per~ing in R .. r Petio s SHOP 'n' SAVE FOB EASTER Stzes 1 -4 with Shirt Sails 98 Complete Selection Straw Bats (98 FOR EASTER Sizes 1 -10 -Dresses ~~up It's 10 Days 'til Easter; Shop in the Harbor Area This Spring It's with flowers and flowers and flowers Na''Y lA cottoa •.• lD c~ • .• la prlata. 1-P<' .. u4 ~~ ~ ~veta d~ten. Trbn- mNI with "'Ill te ~aft, '"-1- llaat., ~ ..,tac toadies of eolor. RATS . . . ACCES ORrt:.S .JEWELRY TOl'CHES •• Coaat Blvd. Coroea M l !lllar HAI'tM)r 0181...1 HArbor !St 8!1 Cout Bh-4. fl'ih into one bowl of a twin sink. Special covering gives cushione_d protection for Y04K dishes while thq d rain dry ... quickly, easily, heoltMully. Red. Bluf'. l'Plhm. \\1ll1f' Coroaa M l Mar .. --at- Baptist Sunday School mC't'tlftl' ta PdRT THEATRE Corona del Mar Sunday Mominq Mard 18. at 11:00 '\' PreadliJic at l l :00 a.M. ..... Cot.tre'h M li9ht eMf deft c..ll ettutiOfl te thi, ;..,potfe41 with cle- buHCNI deteil. h i9• witt. broW?~, bet,. wtth blec:i. $17.95 SpfJn~ LQVes •• ••n•• , •••••. •T tbiliun l.r trH.St ,nsu.. Prec1ot..s c-ncrrr.er :or :1ow • -:;Cl • :-~ ... ppy vacat .. :m ·Jmes. 1415 Coa1+ Blvd. HArbor 2161 '\'l.O' HJ I ' HHU ._l> -1'1\ t ( OI.Of:' (,1 \R\,li.J.Il HU: 0~1. \1.\H \II Oth,'t ~hu•k-. '""" Ill '>' tu !0" ( 1.1.. h .. " ( I - Stetson Hats C -..!UIANCE J \JDI \X 11r nut-.".\~ Hawaiian Shirts .::::::r~ ..:"'"-~-----:-- Blue De.U. Slacks Bo~ .. • Lon~>: !'-Iff'"" White Shirts DIE 099 ~t-wport Bh-d. n~n 63~1 W Ofle del Mar SHOES ..... 26th Reunion For the 28th corwecuu~~ )'M.f, Dr. 0. G. s .... of Balboa lslaftd jobwcl ~bPn of thil eollrct' fra- temlt)• for thrir annual reunion WftkftMi bt-f~ lut, Mid thia timP In Death Val~)'. API* V_.., and LM \'..... -rw.lve were ....,, for lM ~ion out ol the 1!5 deft. tal uuciPnta in the fraternity who weft eraduated from usc in 1925. ep. .... Ql.•p• .. By ANN It 'a hard to beUe,·t> ---but Easter Sunday is just 10 da)s away! Just a little mo~ than a "eek to come Into O'Brim's to se- lect your new apring outflr. We're 80 hJdot to u~~ ln SoutMm Cali· fomla beca~ whatever you se- lect for Easter .... bt-it a wool jackc.>t and skirt, a shantung dress. n."dingote or linen enst"mble . . It "ill be grand to wc.>ar for many months to come. An early Euter givt>S u a good tart on spring clotht> • and it's (>(.'Onomy to buy your fresh a nd colorful new things no" to wt>ar them for a long sea- son ahead. Not Mit aad Pf'PIM"r. •t ~! "'Pice Ia a ....., color lor IIPf'lq • • • a rlcla shade .. IlK' pld ... yt"llow ft~d. a .. ~·oa'IJ ftad It lB lllaaat.a« Ia aa ador-dle __.A ... ...,......_ at O'Billt:N'.. l'oa'll ~ee It Ia \'OCW' by Ita ..... y .. pot'k .. t clfotall •t th .. M't-la a&Hno dla~eonal. Anoth«-r of these stunning "Am· erican a" dl'slgns !this one round in purple shantung at O'BRIEN'S) U. caUed a "dc.>mi·shlrt" and has a most hl'l'tuiling front exposure. I'll bet the bunny's ears'JJ ~art wlgglin~e on Easter Day wbeD be -the darling new Trucly Han d.reues just arrht>d a t O'BR~ .. S. They a~ crc.>ated c.>s~ally for tht> younger set 10 crisp cot ton ging- hams. voalc.>s and otht>r lovely ma- tc.>rials made \\1th delicious new touche-s and a sprightb spring air Bat dOft't tltlak lb~ llttlf' "'"" &N' th.. Ollly 084"5 ".,.0 nul ~ EUlf'r outnt1.-d at O'BRIEN' • Nn !dr: Thf'rt-. a rt• tiOftH' bPa'Utt· ful IU'" drt'Mt'S ror thf' larc-er M~«'"· to.•. (In ract Wf' hA, . ., alua from 9 throUJ(h 20 a 1 . . . nnd " "'d•• ra n.rt> or prlc~) Ort'llfM'" "It h .. ummlntr lint-" and luxurious matt'riAI wlddJ ~·ou'U tK' proud to wt>ar. Come. do ~·our P'Ail•tPr 'hoppln~ f'arl~·: :~t ... O'BRIES 'Iil, or t'U\JrS('. 1nd dnn't f01 ~<'l 0 BRlE."''!..' hns a •'Ompl<"' <>I<'<' I ion of' ac- ~ont·'· ancludin" 0<'" sp1in~ pursE' • Crc n~ ~;1m("; f>\\ • <'II') •• ,.. rr"' and riO\H'M' I ~, ... r -,.-c.~. '~/ -----,-. l.t ..,/ ·,, ~ .._............ '-."l.':.. ....... J t - lUI OOMT BOm..EVARD COIIONA DEL IIA& .......... ·~ MOLLY MOIUJE.NaO'I'B Did you know that In Newport Beech we ha\'t' a School He-alth Cound l! This croup. orpn1zH 1n Octo- ber. 1950, wu formed to C!DIIill*r health problems within the .. rnentary K:hoola and to dewlop plans ror .olvtng tht-m In a dftno-era~lc. practical way, throulb the bMt• thinking or school pt'r'80nhel and repi"E'Sentatives ot ~lated and lntert>Ated groU ... Prt'sent p('l"$01\nel or t~ School Health Coundl includes: Horace Ensign. auPt>rintenck-nt of the Nt>WpOrt. Elemt>ntary Schoola; Roy Andersm. principal of Horace En· sign Sdlool; Mrw Grayce Sevit'r, p~ncipa l of Corona de-l Ma r acbool; Bernice Vestal. prindpaJ or New· port School ; Mrs. Marjorie Ro- mc.>n;l, school nutritionist ; WilHam Burdick, boys' ph)sical education; Miss Jt'an Cutler, ~rla' phyalcaJ education; 1\lrs. A. D. Sturtevant, Assistance League repnosentatl\-e; Mrs. J. F. Nickertz, PI'A health chairman; Miss Emma Mattill. school nurwc: Dr. C. B. Barnett. physician : Or. 0 . G. SUt'SS. dentist. Tlae • Healtlli eo.adl. wlllda ~-•• 11H41 a,._., ft'leMUy ~~et .. • plaa ror plil)"'lleaa e .... ._.._. for aU ......_.,., ~ cbiNrt'tL ~ eo-en ex- pruerd 1.. lwUfof tllat tlae edtoola ~• wtt4"r wrn Ute dl1ld a. pta•at•« Uw pi'Oil'1'll8l to ...-et Ilia IM"Ms tr a ...,....t of pll)'11kal ..xandaata• Wt'N' ., ... ,_ at.le ••• .et.ool a t IN•t twlcle dvla&' flat' f'IMn .. nta ry tldtoolllft' or t"at'h dllJd. Entrance to the.> first and the sixth grades was selected a s the most a pproprlate time.' for our schools. «Intermediate uamina- PATIENT 18 IMPilOVING A tc.>lt>phone caU"'to Bill 1bomp- son. 500 E. Ocean Front, Balboa. brought the good news that hl11 rathc.>r was much bl'tter. Mr White had made a· J'eC('nt n ying trlp to C'harlo a e. N. c_ to ''lsit his ra- ther when be fi rst ft>U ill. tion . v.111. of course. be giwn u y .-.-~L .,,_ the patren t or family ph~ iclan ~ ""' aey det>ms necessar). l OIUCIDI&LA Tht> Council fc.>h that ln a com-a.tom and .... .,.. munity s uch as ours the.> prlvate Plutic Ace .- ph\ Jdan. who knows lhf!' child's Infant. ac-t. IOtd-. Badt hiitory and family background, is Bh..._ cDII Ideal)) fitted to.c.>xamine the child i~~·i••iij[ie...tii~iiii~iiiii and to gi\'e infoa mation w hich hl' beUevt>S wiU hc.>lp the school in suiting routin(l act hiti('S and ac- thitie-s in ph) leal ('()uc:uaon to t ht> child. t A standard rl'<'Ord h<'<'t " ill be.> used. ' A ph~ slcian fa'om th Oran~e Countv Schools orri('(', Mrs Mabl'l Gedcie's fth <> mothPr or three sons '·!,~~~:;;;;;:;:::: ~\'t'S llmitf d scr\ i(.'(' 10 the schools. four visit bc>inJt m1-1dt' by thl phy- ~>ician during tlw chool )ear ChiJdrcn with d flnltc:> hcalth prob- lc.>ms aa'<' a't'fcra'<'d by thear teachea'. I who gi\c>l' p<>r tin<'nt ub~ r\atioru;of Fll\"F. FURNJTUJtll; MADE 1thr child's b(tha\ina at ._chool. 1:\' 0 'R OWN HOP8 Thr J):trt•nt I" nutlrlNJ !1nd FUitNITUitE ltEFINISHED ur~f'd to tK' 1•r.,,....nt for tlw DOt: E & GABDEN <•t'ddf•lil "'umlnutlun , 86 that 10hf" 61 t Cou t Hwy. Ne*P«' may bf.t t.-r undf'r~otaad t'he lbc0t1 5277 dllld's bf>ftlth problt'm a nd !Wf'·-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TMI LAI.IST DIIPLA Y ON lMI PACIRC COAST • , ................ c....... s...As-..... _.o • .......... D...-............ s.-- FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES HOUSE i GARDEN •uc-...., .. .....,... .. ''CI\'e your car my we ... Uoaal pal8t tftatmeet te ~ lt. loob aad .,,...._,. v.._ Ill". Alll &a)'OM of my t O.OM Mtlall~ ea.tomen "'" llaYe P""M to tlletawlvt'tl •h•t IQ paint dNJ .. cldlalt~ly tile -.fNt ... -.t •thfactor, In tt.e ana! AM rmte~alter tllla -1Q 1 )f'U' ,_,...tee I• '"'" ~ 0a11 111e ... at A•'l!l• tt11 fer aa appoletBJettt (collect of ~ne) or Drtft 1.• Tolllei'I'OW. 8 ..._. ~~erYtee .. at t A.M. out at 5 P.M. / BAKED ENAMB. SOT FIIIU SOT 8LIP ON ()()VER • ••, ... PAINT JOI CBECii. TlJBSE POINTS Rill PIICE 1t AU. CAIS COMPII1II.T ~Mea 1t ._,, .. 1· ftM -MANYII 1t ANY CAl -•NY COIGI '* IN AT t A.M. -Oft AT I P.M. 1t All lAw.! 1tiD COIOII •-.-IA1&i& c:unoroas .,... ........ . * 21 ftAIS Ill ltrAtiSS \'l .. t .... .... ... I 1M t'MIIII7-t.,.. .. ~ " ......... AMAZING \'ALt.."U Ia ~'-... _._.., ....,. • .,.._.. .. for F.alitw •• tff'rUie ., .... ! .. Grand let.ctioo ol Lacliea' New Spring. Suits 11 Lew . Fadeq~Y ·Pikul .......,.. .... _.... Wta .......................... p- ................. ~ eiiN*a. ............ laolere ...... •Hflllla _..., t.II.,.M _.._ Ia ~ I~ ... '-tie-atylee. • All ~ ._. II t. II_. ltn .. M Y,. lecJ. 10.15 Suits p Reg. 22.15 Sults1p5 lecJ. \4.95 Suits . fl5 Reg. 21.15 S~ Jl25 Jle9. J9.95 Suits1315 Reg. 31.15 Suits J7l5 s.a.atiODal Values in Men'a Wear FIH ~--lUI 28to50 / ps to 1515 Meia'a IJeil llof'C ..... e.t.•s p5 to 415 ..... .,. !-Toee GABARDINE Jackets Reg. 9.95-665 Men's. Gabardine Leisare Coats Reg. 15.95 -1C)95 Men's rme Suede COATS Reg. 40.00 -J995 Sizes 10 to 20-38 to 44 lt5to .. ,ors ~. !.50 to t.M 169 to 279 New Spring Shirts R~. a.OO to 18.9~ 325 to J95 Gabardine SLACKS Req. 795.-415 Genuine Nylon~ Men's Suede JACX£'1'S Req. 5.98-J85 Req. 30.00 -1965 Men's 100% Wool s,.rt Coats Sizes 36 to 46 rust QuaUty Reg. 30.00 I 995 cmd 35.00 lyt. 100~0 Wool Rev. 1.15 yd. St ~95yc~. ' ' Oil ........... o ,••a_;,aa??s .._eJieriJ~••_.... ,\O£vnJ FOil LYOJIII 18 Harbor BlYCL • See ''IIEI)tJCING'' IDteNM Ratea Low Monthly Patmeata Yt We offer you the facilities of the Largest Federal Savings Aaeociation in Orange County , .............. ...... ...... ,.. ...... ~ thr'ee-race ~ns sporuored by the lntercotJeciateo Yadu Rae· lng .u.ociation will ~ beld here Saturday for the Pacific Coast Junior Co~e saillnsr; champion· ship. 'nle •kippers' ~g is ached· uJe.d r or 9 a. m. Saturday 1n t.tw &lboll Yacht O ub. PC \oops "ill be used. and a dJfft>~l sklp- p«.>r wiU be at the helm durin$! each raet". A perpc>tuaJ troph>-will be pre- aented by the !"«>"'POrt Harbor Junior Own~ of Comme~ There "iJI al5o be indhiduaJ tro- ph1es for first. &eCOnd and third places -----~---, . Ia I ' .. ~ Wi1 • ' . . '•••I • Dl\'lCK BEACOS .5111 51 t Allso, Xf'Wp0f1 ...,_ ... ..... • • • a, PIDG Out.lide of the tutlnl{ part, I'd ... to ha"-e bfoftl a ~ of ltK' ~e baking cont8t sponsored by Richard's Udo Market. . . . It mUit bave been hard to decide among the super cookl the Har· bor area has ••. or you don't ~ tit'Vf' me, try the Ebell Cook Book rt'dpes). Financlalb. we heard that th<' hll!h school PTA nN'd-:-d to ''in tht-•"Orst \\a~. bccaus tttey had already spt'nj thC' prizl' monl'y • • • and ror th<-worthy causl' of a"'nrds fm thP ~otud nr 'lrt <>ho". tWe'll H' to makl• '' UJI to them b} suppor·rm~ thrir· ~tdodr·amn ··o the J>it) of Jt " toni~ht and to. morro" m~ht at the hwh chool '· And it's hats off to Fran('("1; Puhski of J3alboa l~land and th • Lady An.:len. \\'e'U bN :O.tar·~ .....,...___ "Counterspy Meets Scotland Yard" FREE KIDDIE SHOW ~· btrda y, 1 ;.4.\ CourtHy Richard's Lido Mkt. MICKEY ROO~EY "Younq Tom Edison" Cort~ ~t'S. -Tl"ES. -'l'~hnkolor ''I'd Climb the Hiqhest Mountain" A FHm You Will Ltkt' SU A.".:. HAY'\\" ARD WILUAM LU~DICAN FR.Al\IOE CARLE MO ·. OSLV- * IJ p.m. Special Late Show AVA GARDNER EVE ARDEN R BERT WALKER "One Touch of Venus" CHARLES LAt:CHTO:"i "Canterville Ghost" : ....... * * '* '* * * • P1ramount Poeture * * * Plus LORE'M' A YO ":-\C "Cause for Alarm" Free Kiddie Show J :-IIi p.m. "'Tarzan's Maqic Fountain" Ha.rrt..on owr In Guam ....... llw Wf're bomP to haw a taate of bel' mother'a priR-..uminl c:Ue. Oan· gratuJatlona Ulo 10 to Mra. Fr;ed J O)'nt"r of eo.ta Mae. who J"t!!ll"e:' ~ted the LfotPoa Awdllar)' (and we hHr abe lftlly won hfto honors wtth the almond~ 10ekecl in niDl a top the mutMP~ece). · Hurralw also to Xra. Raymond Ke2t Har· vey for third place - - -for the Aulltance LMgue. 'I lor Ea~ter Baskets Jewelry for Penon•l Gifh C, •e •'H oo•cfl e'• r.,, .~. /l(>IT'I! Ee,ter Gr .. tin9 Card• --- 11' ~-ed b) c<e erl '· [,.b•c:de• d $ .. ·,, "'P~'S KAREN MARGRETA Imports ~ Nordic G ifts I 307 Coast Blvd. Corona de! Mor Herbor I 373 Op•n 10 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. lncludint Suncleys lit.t• NQ KArh . . . pol\a dot C'hiffont! ' Je .. lry t-tl•• . . , summer "'" '• .,d ne"' cera...,:c,. Well•h ... b right. t oft 1eether to I• '"e·r worth. Stetiol\ery . , qey little r.o•e• 1or ler) sp•inq deys. The Islanders Cold Wa,·e or ..,.'ht'eea ~lee· •• lt.to ... ONLY ~· .. ONLY 10" llaJ~ot . . . hampoo II Wa'-e IIK'Iadf'd .. 8a._..y at t :ts HopalcmcJ Ca-idy --le- ''PARTNER OF THE PLAINS" __..,._ cadftfty Award Wlan4"~ "SEAL ISLAND" In Tf't'hlliMior --111-- "BEA VER ISLAND" Ia T~lor All 011 ~ Blc-Procra-! • .. 1