HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-03-22 - Newport Harbor Ensign' ~ . J -----1 I e 7 a e 10 11 •• 18 14 ,. ,. ,., •• 1e • •• a aa M • n.., • ae10 a1 Hay Lang.-nhelm, executive se- ct"t'tary of the Newport Harbor Chamtx-r or Commer«>, this week. 3nnoun<:t'd the schedule of' races for lht' rlrst JnaUitUral lnlt>rcoiJ~ giate C"rt'w Regatta to bt' held in the Harbor Saturday, April 14. CORONA DEL MAIL CALIF. - -...~ An lttde~ N~sl)d~ ooveriD1 the mdre city ol Newport Beach. VoL 3-No. 32 At 2 p. m. lh<'rt' will be a Jun· lor Varsity ract'. with 8-oar shell <:J'('wa of Stanford. UCLA and USC romr~et mg. This "111 tM> followed at 3 lO n. m. by the Varsitv race. with Stanford. l'C'. l'Cl.A and ll. C compctln~t. ~tlraculously e capin'l d e al ht+---------------------------~;7t~~!~~i:~~f~~iirr?~~ East W k Q · t Th coui'St> "111 be a 2.000-me- ter lr8J~ht-awa~· on north Udo Channel. starting at the Udo Turning Basin and finishim; -err tht> west end of Harbor l land. dn\\n Into the water or ~h ~pper er . ee Ule PAt) about a quar tf'r mtll" mland • . from the Coast 1-Ji~h"a~ Contributions for tht' Regatta Fund to finance thl and ruture Cl 1'>\\' rt'ga ttas. Ill'(' now win~ rt'· cdvt"d a~ the Chambt>r of Com- m<' r('(' o rfi Ct.'. OI.AF •"ROD~HAM '" cliN"C(or of lh<' <'otniMnMt ~ldt>ntat Choir GIN" Clutt.. which \\Ill · li\'f' n <'Ont'f•rl MA I'C'h ~0 rtt X•'"~JHlrt Harbor HIJ;th l.iir honl. The driver and ont; OC<'Upant The East<'r Ku1~ han• takpn ol the car was Mrs. Arthur Lusk U\<'r '" Ralboft and Balboa Is- of 737 \\' Hamil ton St.. Costa land. hut tn a rE'latl\elv calm and :\1('"3. Sh<' suff<'red should r nnd t'OII~>CtNI sort (I( "a~ a· lt'ast thw 1<';.: mjuril's not l><'hP\<'d to bf.> far du1 rn~ F..a~tc-r \\'N'k. "r rlou. La. 1 n1·•ht PftSSE'd ~\lth no ser-Tht' car a 19;)(1 \hc\TOlt>t <:£·dan rc.u ... inddPnt .. and th1 poht'<' ha\ land(•d on it" top. squashins: it htfn oct·up1rd primartly \\ith rru- GJ ~ Cl b. · ... dnwn to thc "'<''<'nne whei'l a nd nor . tnfr:wtioM. ...ur·h a.-. llle~al .._ ...... of OIJ a.ee U S to Sing '~8 " parti~lly fiUhmf'r~c'<l '" th mutf.ler ... :-r-w'N1ttu: 1nad<'Quntt' su-,1 ·(-jt f'IJX'r Ba} walf'rl!' Thc _car \\'8 5 fX'I"\'1,1011 plu,. •I II·\\ rasr<: tnvoh- the ~tatE' board n! pquahutAon ar(' nn hand tn hvlp I h N€'wport polt('( in handlln..: llQ•mr caM"' tn· 'n1\1na: mtno~ and Ju' 1 ml An tn"()('C'ticm tc 1m, whrrh in-dude'~' lot:al Fm • ln'lJX>Ctor ~h•l Hayd\'n IS ch<'Cklll~ aPIOrtmt nt olntl hn•l), •RnQ r"''ldt•nc'f•-. In Ct.l. f' nf .. :umplaJnts• tn Plf>\POI OH•t- t't'll\\ rho Onh ',. II\\ c•n (>., •Of "' t •r<·rowc!l n c: WN'' • , , .. 1 cird on tht· poliC'f' blottt•r Here on Mar 30 fa. total \\'l"t'<'k. . '"J.! d ....... l h;'"r"" and Jlquor po-.J I g...-.:.i.l • Tht' accident occurnd at 9.40 I ~~s1on ,.,.... ... cu Both the OttidE'ntal Collt>g(' TU(' da~· .<'\'c.>nins;: whtlt> !'l n: Lusk M8JOI 11\<'ldrnt (l('('llrr<'d at Palm s• ,...... lppr Men's and Womcn's Gl('(' Clubs \\'8, dnvm~ alon£ a pnvat<> road and ~an Front 1n Balboa ~at ur-.. ,~ ... es The W~st Newport Improve-will sing a individual choirs llnd.a t thPcdll;eoftht>blutr be-tundt~ eta~ t'\l'ntnJ.:, In \\ht<'h "'" mem-VW mrnt Association Is !!t't'klng ln-,as a mtxt'd choru' nff<'t m..: rt> pro-Rrl\~hort> Camp llr<>a hers or the local J'l(IJICP fort'(' wc.>N" 1•--....:&.. 11..-.. ... .-....... formation to determine whetht'r ~am nf cia ~ical ~tnd folk m usic 1 -----maul('(! arouncf ·n h1t. &-r'1i!cant De.-:11 ~ rights or pro(X'rty owners are b(>. Frirla~. ~1ar<"h 30. at thl• "\ewport E pa • N d Harns Cottlf" r<'pora>d that ~otre ing lnfrin~ed by tht' oil drillinR Harbor Hi'th School. Olaf Frod-X RSIOn ee Oc!Uow Oltvcr 22. of South cau-l~<W> of the Corol'\8 dt>l Mar OJ)E'rations now ~ing ronductC'd h~ ":ill dirt><:t thE' program. C. ed f "br ... truck hatn fmm lw-hind. and they lx-ach ron tnM to Oa.rwm Tatf' nc-llr 59th St. WhiCh \\111 bt> a bE-nefit for th(' St It or Lr ar,· httd ll rouch nnd tumble In front or Balboa IJ~ th<> <'1ty was •p- At the SUj;ge!'tlon of PN!sJ.dent I Andri:'WS PrE'Sb}'t<'rian Church or-.. flf a J;:atht'nn~: oiUdi('nct". Other pro\t>d Frida) b) tht> Stau-Park Francis Horvath thc Associatoln f.tBn fund ~c."ed for enlargE'd libran factlJ-nfflCf'rtt <'8mP to S~::t. Cottle's ald. Commi ton l'm"('ttn~ In t..QI! An- \'Oted at Its me.;,bershlp mt'etin~ CommJt te-e 1.1:orking on the en•nt til"~< '-'i ll be pomted out b~ Doro-flnd in th<' f'ru u1n,;: ~ufO(' Sgt. v t:<'lf". Friday e\-enin,;: In City Hall to ob-Includes Mr. and ~Irs. Ralph l>t'o-t h.~a 'ht-eiE'y. ~ewport. to a "'o-1 Mc~tllnilm I 111. "'as rough<.'d up. Thil at:rP(>mt'n alc;o , t'tiflf'd th taln a le>Jt of~ production of the ver, Mr. and Mrs Mlllard Mier. m<'n' study ~up of the Harbor Uh\"f'r "n' lound ~UJlt~ on !our rondJtion"'l a\\ard nl th<> bld for t'-\ o well ~f the J~rftln Oil Co.. rtfr. and Mrs. Robert CamptK-11, Ar('a meetin~ ~foriday t'\ ening count tn ct.t~ rourt an~ t"ntt>nced coru.truct 10n of a nt'\\' romfort ta· whlpstockf'd under a fi\'(•-acre Mr. and M rs. Richard Galbraith, a t the home of Mr.;. H. P Yarnt>U. to 75 da\c tn county )lltl. t.Jon to Wilham M a.l4!y or Corona tract tnsld<" dty limits. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brown, Mr. Balboa I land. Mrs. S~lt'y has 1'\\·o hquor control officer'S of del !\tar, who had s ubnuttf'd t.M Thi.s action was taken aftt>r A. and Mrs. A. V. Jor~e~n. ~r. been ask<.'d to expJatn the plan low t»d or ~ 74$t to Oty Council J . o·~u. !~pendent oil opera-and Mrs. Don Gatt's and Mr. and for propoN>d altE'ratjon and a ddi-W ' Le la.c:t w@'t'k. tor. who Uvl"S in Wl"St Newport. Mrs. ~ruce Handy: lion to th pr('fl('nt main llbrar) OJnen S ague --,----- urged that tlw property owners M~m~rs of the Glee Club.c; ha,·c.-If<' at ll6 1· lend A\e • Balboa. Del ·a ask for a SlOO,OOO bonus from the sung the Brahlns and Verdi Re-Th«> rrew additions m the·buUd-To Name Off• .. , 1 d 30 in~ wtll Include chlldren's rt>admj lCeTS oi company lln per cent roy-QU\ents with thl:' Lo Angt>les room which can bE> closed off to 0. aJty Instead or the 16~ per cent Ptulhannonic Orchestra. ahd In doublt> for adult t>\'('nlng groups: Elf'('! Jon of offl(.'('f"l and an a u-I offt>rt'd. Mr. O'Dell. who is chair-1949 thcy appeared '" programs adult readino room \\i th book-thorit_,. on onr t",..... or ................ man of the association committee with the motion plcturc J)('rsonall-"' "',... "·""'" I on community leaiK's, ~uested ties Gordon MacRac. Jane Powell shelves, magaun and ne\\'l!-*· t•onal rommtssion wtll be reatul"t'd CUrrent hfadache for locaJ ~ •the property owners not to sign I and Vincent ?rice. per racks. comfortable SE'atin~ and I nt th ~fonda) mM.'tinJ: of tht> tailt>rs is prcperaUon of pricing any leases until his rommittee Among th ds h tablt> arrangemenLS. yachtsmen's \\'oman', ~" IC' l.A'a~. Balboa charts to comply "'i th tM pn·~ elr awar was 1 t> top rorner. displa.v snsaCf' for ar t snd l lsland s nd ,...ornn11 d""l .11.'-r at n -. ""'n...,ol r""cn•JatJ·on.s of t .. _ orf·,-aubmittt>d its rt'port. place in the Southt'l'l\ Californlll rc· " " .... ...., '-V u ..,,_ rw ~"' Prt'sidcnt Horvath said that he !Glee Club Champion hlp contest crafts. fireproof st(\ragE' \ault for J.:An's R(>. taurant at 9 30 a . m. 'of Price SU.billzation. had con!errt>d \\i th E. E. ?yl~. re-in 1942 1 the Ia t ~l:'ar th(' award ht toricsl llnd otht>t ' a I u a b I e Mrs T A <'cCandlc . cha1r-The retalJers must bt-«tn \Wn~ presentatlYe of thc Jcrgins Co .. was made 1 llnd tht> Men's Glee lt<'ms. stack room and enlargt>d man of the Whit uer recreat1on the price chart a of Monday, and Mr. Pyles had ur~l"d the pro-Club was one of three sectional ''ork paCt's to fat"thtate <'8t&IOJ!· <.'Ommt inn. '"" ~cntx> the April 30-an PXt t'nsion of th ori- <Continued on Page 7l fi naHsts 10 the F rt>d Waring !'\a-mJ.:. rerwur, distnbutton of books \\'hJttt<'r s~"'Pm Fmal pl3ns "Lll I!Jnal deadline or March 29 New Art Exhibit Opens Tomorrow tiona! Collegiate GIN> Club rom-n·~t rnom._, tmprO\ E'd Jighttnc and 1M' mad for t hr pub he meetlnst on Commod.Jtt<"S affeoctf"d mclud<" petition. !'Qund contr(ll and fort'E'd a1 r heal· rt'<'reatlon to bt' 'ponsored b~ th£' thc lt<'ms sold in men't~ and wo- CDM Civic Aan. Will Meet March 29 Looki.f!~ tow·ard the future. "13 The ~tarch meNm~ of the Co- ln~. lmpro,<'d arran~emcnt for \\'omAn's L.eai:'Uf' Tucsda~ E'\·t-ntnJ:, men'_ a pparel and l'h<W' tort'S ad£>qua te ht>IJ' and t<:UJX'I".tston Arml 3. at the C'1t~ Hnll $pcak<'r most of tnc Item carried an (urni- \\ll h minimum ~t alC and a rctmp '"II b<-~trs Rollin Rr<mn .. tAt r turf' and noor CO\ nne stol"t"S and •'ntran<'t' to ht'lp handtcapj)f'd JX>r· •·lfl<'c>r in th<' PT.\ and t"hatrman mort-than i :l per cent of tht> vol· .... m-. u.c;c th<' librar~ • P1c on f' ~ o~ thC' t'ltllf" Rf'f'rf'alton Comm1s-um .. handle-d h.). dt>partSTK"nt to~ "" n. Ht>re are th<' £> s ntials of tlW" ~~ern will open a new art ex-rona dt'l )tar Ch 1c A! SO<'intion hlbl t tomorrow 8 1 1 ~00 Coast •";" he at 8 p m 0(').1 T\J('o:da~. New Hoist Read ,. Blvd., in tht' Ensign BUJI~n~. Co-~tar<"h 29. at the Crammnr $chool • EPISCOPAL SERVICES FOR EASTER WEEK r..~ Ia tion · ltPrrtS C'O\'PN'd C1ot htnt: for m<'n women llDd rhtld.N>n mclud- fContinued on page 3} rr-r"' fi ,..l '~"r nw M"d:tt""" "ill President Vt'rnc v.·" t <;o n an: 1 p BYC R • b I r !--r'd 10 tlw ~hO\\ R1-\\l'll nounC<.'d yesterda~ Amons: l ht' or actng as 1w w a ppru&<'he· an sculpture, topics of dic:cu !;ion '"" I><' tht' r<'-1 A dd' . h A. . t:.t\ nf r~'lstt>r S<'r'\1<.~ furnhure d(>Sign, j(>welry and i ass.-.s:.mt'nt or ~·t>al pstatt' rt'<'<'ntb ~ ·~porta~t 8 1110n ~r ~r ,, 1'• hll t ht rhunh calrndar for paintlns.t complctC'd by th~ Realty 801\rd. i;:rvac~:'~ub e,~-f1\'':x."'!h~ ~mua: 't Jamt• ... F.pi!IC'Opa l Church nc~t 4 KenWellsofCDM Heads Foundation A~t notablt's of Southern C'ali-Ha~ Lan~t'nh<'tm. of till' Cham-tion of tht' nE'w ho•s t and floattnl! :'unda~ R<•' Paul Wh<¥1E'r hll fom1a are PxJX"('ted. at thc OJX'~· ber of Commerco wtll show movlcs docks to facilitRt<' ~etune boat.: ~ch(-dulrd rommumon nt 6 .30 a.m.: lng or tht' show tomorrow CFrt-of cr<'w remtttas hhthlillhting tht-tnto thl' watc>r Thc hoi,t ~Hll chCirol t'(\mmunion and sermon at da~·l from 7 to 10 p. m. The ex-races to bt' held here April 14. hnndlc small boats up t<• and tn· 7 3f.' 3} m · chodrafl and rommunion hlbit will bt' shoY.:n throu~h April , 1 dl h Alba 1 . a t . 111 m nn Mll\81 of pra)-cr 8. Hours are 1 to 5 p. m. Sun-F d Dri PI M d c u n~t 1 c tr~u; c 8 ~ .. ~c-rmon And rommumon At 11 a .m K t>nn .. th D. Wt'liA of C'ornea dt>l M ar , OPf>rAtM of lhf' ICN!&I Wa!lbPN>tt..-. tuua ~ .,.,-.a.. Mt prt".sldt-nt of Fr~ Foan- datlon , thf' no•pront. noa-polt- tit'al. n o n -'t" r 1 a r t a n ~ foMJH'd tn honor ..,..rteaa. •1H> "trh t' for fr~~ &ad taw .'-\mf"ric-an "•'' or lUI". Mr. \\"€'tic wac fn.rmf"rly "'H'ltth•f' 'IN'-pr-tdf'nt of tM f~­ tion. days throu~th Thurs~ys and 1 to UD ve ea a e Thc R('Ktttta "111 bE-on c.on ~('r.t<'t'" \\ill n Jo;n b<o hE'ld at 10 Frida d Sat rd All business~ and ind ividuals after noon Saturda~ and Last tom~ht •Thursda\ 1 in honor of So~e ';i the 1~s a~'tists 0~ t~~~ who have not ~n ollcltt'd in thl' t hrou~~ Sunda.y . A part~ at th(' th Lord'!' ~UpJ'l('r and Good F n- . . will bt' 11 ti Red Cross drive for fund are Club Saturda) mght Wlll honor Ida\ from noon to 3 p m 1n C'O· Wl\es ~rnent at a m~. urged by Chainnan Carl Hanna thc visiting ya chtsmen Tmph1~ op(.ratton \\lth S t Andr<'\\ Pr~- L' .lieS to mail in their rotHributlon to '~ 111 be aw~rdt>d lml'll('dtat 1) aftH b.). tPrian \hurch • aturdav aftt'r-N eeded the Red Cross office. 207 Island ~ u n d ll y s r a (' I n ~-Tv. nt.).· noon \\111 lnrlude pro~ams' at 4 30 A''<' .. Balboa. Tht' drive is two-four cla. f'S ar~ ~hE'duiE'd for t~c-for sunda~ S<'hool rhtldren nnd a thirds or the way along to\\ard tn~ on both m ld<' and out~&-part~ f(\llo\\int th<-quota or $16,500. rourse -------------- MA~l'"P FOR ll~,OR M rs. Burr White or BaJboa had charge or ~n·atlons for lunch· eon meeting of Junior Ebells to. day at the clubhouse. P~m is special cos~tic discussion_. and demonstration. Mrs. J . R. OBnlell of Bay Island wiJl pre ide. Korean Pupil Wins Oratory Paul ~. • Korean studmt or Sgt. Owen Smith, Is now on duty Newport Harbor High School, will in Korean. i .. _ IJ k ...-PauJ wlU compete T u e s c1 a y .~pete , .n too: r on• IPf'• ""'' a r:a in at at'*nta re~tlng eontftt next Tueiday eV'f'ftll\g at Uons Club8 of Coata Mesa. SHI the Oolta Mt'la Friday Afternoon Beach, Huntington Bftch. and Clubhouw. Garden-~. 8«-ond r= wln-Hawail-bom Paul, .-ho won tht nHS tn the 'Balboa a.y eon-~· eontNt ~ by the tat were 1rts a..-ud Caw. Balboa Bay Llonl lat 'ftek, live~ .,.. J.larNon ot llaJboa blu4 •t 2Ste 'Wabnbwter Aw., O.ta "A~Mftca.n Voten' RaponliiJitl· lieu. Hll foltft' father, M•J'Ine del'' ta the topic. ' Too Late to See Mother A Uttl~ too latl' t o see ht>r mo- th<'r. Miss Carol TerT)', a mission- ary in India. Is arri\1ng home f'ri· day to 219 Pearl Ave .• Balboa Is· land. S he is tM daughter of Capt . V. S . T erry and the late Wilht'1· mlna Terry. who died March 8 after an ~xtended illness. Burial was In Forest Lawn. Capt. and Mrs. Terry had ~ mamf'd for 49 yeai'Si Young Mother-to-Be Dies Women or tht> Las Am1gas I Mrs. Earl Ston.-back. S('C'N't&r) of Clrclt> or <'hrtst Church by the the -~•rcle. C'amf' to th ~patal &-a plannt>d to • urpf"ist> one of to. \'lStt h('r. aryd she was In good their members "tth 8 bab> showel' s~1rits. After mJ<tnight hc:-r ron - at their ~sdav t'w n lns; meet· I <litton "·orsenf'd. and at 3 10 y('S· lng:. but u ... hoooree could not be terda.)·. mo~n~; 27-yt'Ar-old hlr- Prt"tK'nt benU!I(> she had~ aud· ley Baintm~~l\. ~ ~ away. denly taken 111 earllt'r that cs.y I Her sur.wors mcJude hc-r hU!I- and dt'ath claimed the )"'Oung band at ~he Bainbridge rt'Sid<n~. mother-to.be a few hours lat~. 1 1124~ W. Balboa Blvd. N,e"port, Auitralla bo Mra Robert Bal and her paren\S, Mr. and Mr.. • m · n-Mark Moore. and a brother and bri• had btoen taken to St. Jo-j siltt'r at Pt-rth, Al.t!ltralla. lt '' aeph HoeP'tal in the a ftf'mOOn. there that stwo had l'M't Bob &in- sulftortng from ll cantia c condJUon. bridge, who wa~ serving with tM Her hulband. Chit"f Robert Baln-Cout C\t.ard bridgt" ot 1M Ca.st Guard CUtter.j Seniees ,in be Mld at 2 p m wu at .her beodli*, as allo wu 1 Saturda,)• at lhf> Grauel ~Pt"lln lwor miniattor. Rev. Tom Pt-ndell of Costa Mesa, •·i th Rtov Pm*1J of- Otrtst O.urdl. fidatiag. lntennent will ~ that That ~'t'tllng SM heard o f the I art~moon in unru...... ~tf'r'\1 ..,. for ~ baby ~bow r -..t.M Lon~ Beech. · / f [~~~~:o~~J~!Y:i.!~ ~~ :ttl!JJ!tl!! c=: ::!~ ~~~~~:::?~: :~ :~~~ :~: ] Welcome to the Easter kick. Easter. · • C t' r t a i n I y it ~ ... a h ,.._~ .. ' 7" &hr Anybocbr care abput taXft? Ia U.. trw<....!!!:!..'.,., IL ":t 'T'hc.-y're the real personalltil'S of growing fad during the '20's. bioi-ill " - -~ to start think!~ about '""· trtdl """"' • ,._~ !!~ . thit WN-k, beuUSt' rollecthrely somE'd In the '30's," the maguine '~~A ,w_.1114. because budget time Is not .., far tM St. Pat"• DaJ' :t:l.":: they con utut.-tM most unusual says. "As early u 1912 every -Adftrt._. ___ • co•WIN llOOT awa)• (June). and the Job or re-S.Wr*y "'........, -!, ., ... phenom<-non to hit this area year school.agt' man-jack on the beach assessing real estate throt.~~thout ,... .,.. ..,., ...._. _ .:...__ ... after year. had yellow hair peroxided by fra· TilE ENSIGN Is publlllbed ... ,.,. the city has jwlt beftl completed. Mrs. .......,. "f!Wl. ...,.... .--.-. Some (oiJcs ,·ie\ Easter Week temity inHiatic>n.s; lr you )\'eren't ~=-A=~r~r:·:~ Both of these items are Important af Ba-.. ...... ...,.... ..: . .:: with a sort of 1«-lcton-in-0\e-tow-hcadt>d. vou weren't regular." to 1 p.m. Monday th•I'OI.Cl.J.:,I'Ida7-factors arrectln~t the tax picture. part)' ,.,..,..... ~., .;. ..._ clolet atUiude ... as an evil that This article. t-ntitled "Newport •nacaJPYIO IIA'-Alreac:l)' grumbln.gs have ~n lee -!tamp .... -- (.'XJSts a nd mus1 tx> put up with &>ath: Bal Week Soon." describes ~ ~ean;.~l' Area:::::::J::: ht>ard about the re-assessln' ·.. ...._ ..._. • I1'Hil -~ .. -:: {h<-bc.'st we can ... and \M least it this way: "This mass Impact .._.... or equallzatlon. the mo~ kindly .-•H' (11'1tll IH-Ip " WC'f' RA ad about the tx>ttcr, because it or intenst>ly agitated human (leah On~ Y~ar --... -... -...... ~•• w•y of putting it. Bula ror those eolorta(). a&n't too f{ood publicity for New-upon 1\ rommun1ty which, when It Out of Harbor Area....... ..... --t:~.JO C'OITiplAints ls ralslng of the as-• • • rort Harbor. • hHs, will suddenl)• be sv.-ollen to AIID~\.~ s{'Umt"ntaln Corona del Mar north The little old Jady who used to True enough that thet<e is ad-two and three> tim s ita nonnal ill.~' or the hjghway. (There has been a come around to clt>ao the Ensign Vt't'St' publlch.y. and not a little size. is ri_ght now being awaited o.-... -., a... s light lowt-ring or the assessments office died htst Frtda,y In the amount of MJ:U}sh on the part of with what can perhaps mOst chari-south of the highway ln Corona Snnta Ana R~t nome. She wu worried pa~nts about 'vha~ migM tably be called mixl'd <>motions. to say so. Is t hat the great ma-del Mar. a·c~cc~asc Mso on Balboa Mrs. Alice Ann Christian of 511 be happenlns: to the morals of The least of the.e emotion is the jodty of the youngsters who come Ulland, Balboa, t..ldo and ll{ewport: Jasmine Ave., Corona del Mar, thrir children durinst th~ carefl't'e proJon~<>d shudd<'r. Rc ld nts and here are decent kids, and the fuss lnc:rl'8SE' In WPSt Nt-wport and "ho tea' es two sisters ln Ena· play and boist~rous li\'in,:: of Eas-property owners of the City or is caused by thE' ornery fringe of Newpot•t HeiRhts: nt>t r<'sult belng land as her only survivors. A lt>r time here. Newport &>ach. romprlsinst most troubiP.makers. Eastt-1' Week will &.n O\ r-nU dccrt>ase of almost poignant tum or fate was revealed Some old·tlmN"S In this nrea. or the a-rca sur·roundin~ Newport alwa,ys be wfth us. and so '\t be· SBOO.OOO.) . after her dt'alh. She had become and some not so old. tE'II of t he Harbot'. ha\l' bN>n throu~h thi, rom('S the duty of the community BlKCHt ~aACMa rot tiM'...,......_ (•ligible for state old age beoe- ttmcs when the~ used to rome lx-fort>. lC H goes a it did last and Its \'arious organizations to llap mu•t M lu k of lol.-~ fits last ~. 15, and the first l~re for Eastt'r We<'k. And rh;ht Y<'ar. oka~. But If It's like it was continue to provide more and more u to a.ow, "~~, a•d a.~-•Ddt. ~nt arri\'Pd the clay aJter she thet"t' is n note of rcassurance· lx'forc that ..• " opportw1itiPS for wholeso~ en-~ Ooroea &kl Mar Chic AMo-pa~ away thtlt all is not lo 1. and one of The article ~Ot' on to s..y that tertainment for these thousands of daU011 hu IMoftl tn'la« to oMa.la the best tt>stimonlals for this an-.. the chan('(', art' good that it \\iiJ vi ltors of the week. ~· a.rormatJoa, hut hu ~ nual evenL B<>cause there is testi· not be Ilk(' ll was before. This lfftltly ..,.,.MI. alth~ tJtf' a.- mony thai Easter Wt>ek gives fav-y('ar, foJiowing la t ~:ear's ucct> . -~~~~~ JI!J Will .......,..t "'JM)rt •• ta. aacl tllle orable introduction of ~cwport rul pattern. roop('rntJon will aga111 f~t. art' thf'"' (aacl u..-taxpay- Harbor to great n u m be r s of be asked or farw.lles. parent-teach-.,.,. an-pa\"'q for tiN' """""' youn~ters. many of whom later er assodations. apartment an~ ho--~·=·.~~.;a i..'J ...... by th.f' R4"alty Boa,_) ••• rotum to make thts their homt>, tel managers ..... There will be --~ ..... a U tills IN-lac ,...flf'Ctt011 of ~ llnd many more of whom become almost no e.x~ i\·e drunkenn('S •traacv' N'lwta~ 011 t~ part l"t'f)eat visitors. or conSpicuous moral Infractions. I or 'offldaldom to k~ thf' com-The Easter Kids ha\·e been caus-In short. thlnJtS will tak<' on 8 1 Next Monda\• wilJ be organlza-moe ~ laformH.. ing a commotion .for quite a while. good likeness of a whole lot of tion day fo_r the 1951 County Grand Tht>rt>'ll be srorting. of course. Fortnight Magaztne, in Its March happy, healtuy kids having 1 hem-~ J ury, which '':as selected last from 'old-timers In Balboa and 19 I.Uuc, tries to trace flow far selve a whalt' of a Jtood, clean ,.,.·eek by ~upertor Judge R~rt Newport about the Corona del back B&l became The Plact' for time - --and the blesslnp of Gardner, wtth Sam Meyer of Ltdo Mar grumbting .. and the ine\it· Ne)WJX>rt Beach \\ill go wf'th I lsle a foreman. able' recollection of how the old- them." ,. In addition to Mr. Meyer. for-timers have (\IUd for Corona del Trouble is 1 hn t the Eastt>r Kids me1· publisher of the Newport· Mu lmprO\ <'mcmt by being taxed get their widest publicity via the Balboa News-Tim!s. the jur~ In-for defaulted bonds. To which police reports. which lmmt'diately eludes the followmg Harbontes: pl't'sent-day CDM raises th~ objec- well in ,·oJume to double size or Louis F. Gates of Balboa Island. tlon of tx-in~ \1sitt'd with the sins more wht>n Easter Week is with James Ruble or Lido Isle, and F. or the !ather!~ and rc-ealls also that us. Entries lik<' this a ppear on B. Owen or Costa Mesa. Othl'F the ci ty tax lots that resulted the police blotter: Boys held ror membl'l"S art' Mrs. Leslie Kim~ from dcfaultln~ot paymc>nts didn't iOO W.&l . tbl. which stands for and Mrs. Carl Benson of Laguna: tum out to tx-such a bad in\'est· WcUart> & Institution.~ Code lack Lt.'RO) Ater of Anaheim: George mt>nt ... pointin~ a finger at or parental supcn ision · speed and McKe<' of Capi$frano: Willis th<' masmiricent dt'bt-rrce City pipes l the latter tt'~ referring Matchell or In ·ine; Warren Ebert Hall buildin~. monwnt>nt to in- to iUegaJ mufflers I : drinking in of Huntington Beach; Glenn Wool-rome from thoSt' tax lots. parking lot In Bai~MJB : boat cut l'Y of Fullerton: Robert Tuthitl, • • • adrift by three bo\"S on Balboa J . Ross McClure. I. 0 . St>"--ell. \\'hUt" ""'l'f' oa t~ toabjrd or For the Harbor Area bland: boys racing ears tn Balboa Mrs. ArthfurSaMay and Mr_s. J~an taxi'S •• -hf'rto'l • thoac'ltt.l and thro\\ing bottles at houst' ; MNzgar o nta Ana; AJvm D1er-word from Ac-tftr \lt-tor •~~.&«­ drunks botherinl: girls: use or fire-kcr and Richard E\'ans. or Or-~ ... DOW Ooroaa df'l K ar ....... crackt>rs: mon('y box taken from an~e: Earl Templeman of Brea. ~t aad balldi•K a ~ Ia marble machint-In Balboa; pin-Balboa. • Pf!iakllllr bf'fore ~ Joe Nicke t ball machine pried open: 0\"CT-NC""'POf't lla.rbor Optlnaht Clab r z crowding in apartment : possjblE' M-• nd t .. Jilt ~k. \Tie •• d ... ".~ arf' narcotics case: .. o boys creaunl{ I.Ta, y a tax~ to tltf' •nt. bat tbat t!l·t.M a disturbance in hou <' on Island. prl~ "'~ 1"\Y for r~.'' And so on and so on. Cl b M · • • • • Fact is. and Police Chlt-f R. R. U eet1ng KE'nneth Wells of Corona del ~;;::;:::::~;=~H<~Odgiikinsoi'iiinj.hi~·~msiie~II~i~s~th~e~f~i~rst l\lar, who has i>et-n nam¢<1 ht-ad or '~ Por tions of the Corona del Mar 1he national organization. Free- Garden Club uisplay at the Inter-dom Foundation. I'('CE'i\-'ed special national FJowet• Show at HoUy-commendation locallY last wec>k wood Park will be shown at the for supporting one or the institu- next meeting of the cJub. Wednes-lions of freedom, the church. ln day e\'enin't at the Corona del his \\'cekly Church Voice. Rev. Mar Grammar chool. beginning Paul Edward Babbitt thanked Mr. at 7 :30p.m. Present at that meet-and M.rs. Wells, owners or the lntt wiiJ be Mirandy of radio Washcrt>tte, Cor their pledge or fame. five per cent of the gross receipts Architectural desismers are well aware of the added beauty and restful qualities that curves ean brinR to our rooms, and or our needed f'('lief fro~ so ma.ny squares and angles; but the eost of "bow- mg" a wall Is generaJJy prohibitive to the builder or the average small home. However, there is a very simple and inexpensive way to crt>ate the llJusion or a bowed wall. This forms the perfect, planned settirig for the sectional soft with curved lines and round pedestal coffee table. Note how the fluid lines of the newer, more graceful Modem chairs blend Into this background. Upholstery colors of muted green and rose have ~ picked up from norals In draperies. Shag rug ln pale gray gives emphuls to line and design or furnishings. Beach dtmes were lhe feature from their Washerette during of the display, which also included April and May as a contribution toward construction or the new "the thing," a box that had been addition to the Corona del Mar was.hed ashore at the Big Corona Church. beach. This "thing" will be shown -------------at the Wednesday meeting, wruch will be open to the public without charge. Ceremony At. Pomona Matriculation tla.y, the t i m e when freshmen of good standing ronnally become accepted as mem- bers or Pomona College. was held week-end befol'e last and was a high .noint for Pe rdita Hom, Har· bot High graduate, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hom of Co- rona del Mar. Perdita's parents "-ere present for the ceremony and also to see Perdita compete in the Kinney de- clamation contest. a freshman tradition since \M days -when :M.rs. Hom went to Pomona. Perdita caT1ied off third place honors de- s pite a bad cold. Women of Moose Initiation Tonight A fonnal Initiation will be held by the Newport Beach Women of the Moose, Chapter 1158, at 8 p.m. today (Thursday) in the Moose Home, 2300 ()c('an Front, New-port. Candidate to be initiated t Elizabeth Walker, sponsored· Edna Phegley. Refreshments wi be served by Hostesaes .Alice Young and Nettle Williams. A pot-luck was held by tJle chapter, with Myrtelle Tipping u ~neral chairman. Tables were decorated by Co-worker Joyce EdiCk. Flowers were donated by Morri Molbo. Kenneth Workman sang "Indian Love Call" and ''11M! Lord'a Pra.yer.'' Co-WOC'ker Ullian Dawley has been ~ east by the death of her mother. • • • If the Chamber of Commerce had a.n award of the mooth it might well be presented to the Co- rona del ~ar Carden Oub, which boosted the area with a beach ~x­ htbit ·at the Intematlonal Flower Show a t Hollywood Park thlJ put wec>k. Reports are that it lJ an exhiblt to be proud of and that the only reason a prize wun't awarded is that the judges didn't think pussy "illows grew 1n thlJ area. Cit is f\trther rumored that Mrs. Carl Axt.ater took acldreues or the local pussy wUJowa to the judqt-s for proof.) ~ Mrs. Jack Florer .and hl'r committee de- serve credit for the effort involved and the good name it brings us. DIRECTORY Silver Platers ADd SUW!I'WIIIU. Repairing -Reftnlshlnl • Replat:mc ) Gold • Silver -Copper -ana. Near CommunUy Ou.a'Ch 1914 Harbor Blvd., Co.ta 11e.a Beacoa 5UJ: IIUSIO Margaret L. Scharle Teacher of Plano Organist -Aeoompen.lst Evening aaae. for Adults 3(YT GOLDENROD AVE. Corona *I Mar Day or Night HArbor 1138 Baltz Mortuary Olapel by tbe Sea . HARBOR 42 Corona *I Mar, Ca.Ufonllla Ample orr-street~ INSURANCE For Every NeH ISLAND REALTY CO. Harvey D. Peue HARBOR m-w Park at Agate, Balboa bland "BE SURE -INSUitiL"' wttb Maurie. Stanley Irwaruot Onwwlltw HARBOR lTN 225 llarlae Aft., ..._ ...._. . RICHARD F. ALTMAN, M. D. The sketch abo,·e shows a for- merly banal room that has been gl.t.morizcd by a drapery treat- ment with C'UJ"Ved com ers. A tra- verse rod was attached just below the ceiling Une, and two four-foot lengths of the rod bent to curve the comers and give a circular ef- fect. When it CJOmeS supplying furni- ture with a FLARE ... you can count on us. We have the latest designs in our MODERN selection. And we're always glad to help you choose the pieces you want ror your nome. Perdita has a part in the next school pJay, ''Of Thee I Sing.'' An- other Corona del Mar resident in the play is James Steftm.en. James was horne the other week· end . to see the high tcbool ~. but his spare tlme is beootning in- creuingly llmited, b@c.auae he wu reocenlly named edltor-(n~ of the campus ReWSpe,per, "Student ure," publlahed twice a ~. 1~-=~··-·j • 'Sale ol Pa.tal .... wm EDd oa Narda st PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Announces his return to CIVIUAN PRACTICE . ···-.......... lfewpcwt sa sa uusss a \ Poetal notes will 10 otf •le March 31 at ~t orne. tllroulh· out the county, Poetmuter Veme Watson or Corona _.'liar aD· notmoed this week. Eft«ttw luiY 1 a MW money ordfr .,..... wtiJ ~ Into etff"ct. mco.,-a-lloth the postal note and money order. 4 -,, - 301 8 West Newport Blvd Newport Beach Office, Phone HArbor 1140 ca........_.rn. .... t) -taou.e ~ and woril cloth-Inc. nwn'a fumllblap and all wo- ,_,~, and dllldren'l small rMdy- to--.... ltftM and ·~ (fUr p.J'IMftta aft acluded): lhoes for the whole famJiy, lndl.ldlnl rub- ber footwNr; all houlehoJd textile OOIIIIIIOdlties (8berta, b Ian k eta. c:urt.aiM. etc.) and all yard goods; aU furniture, ncs and lampa. lteml not covered: M:ajar retail ltftN not affected aft food, bev- erapa, paoUne and oU, aut.omo- ti~ equl~t and ·~pUes, drup and CD~~Detlea, lwnber. building I\IPPHes and hardware. amaJiwares (staUOIK'ry, notion•. etc.), fueL ~. large appUanees and ·What the retai~r does: Each re- taller affected must make up a pridng chart &howing what he aold gooda for on Feb. 24. 1951, what he paid for thole goods, and. there- ~~. what h~ margin wu bet~o oo.t and aeJling price (Thus the pridng chart method alloVr.. each ret.ai~ to use margins based on hts oWn pre\'iOUS experie~. sub- ject to checltl addfd by the regula- Peggy SmaU. FASH10N SPORTSWEAR * Catering to the • • Discriminating Buye r * s.,~i.rlli"' 111 COOlDINATES & SE,AlATES Peggy SmaU lll t.t.nM Atte .• HA~bor 1)56 IAliOA ISLAND PDf1C n7UflftJD IIADIC Df ova OWN 1801'S FUlNITUlE lEANISHID IIOUU a OA&DIC!f '" c...t Hwy. ... ..... -...an PROVIDE FOR THEIR FUTURE NOW! tian designed to b1i.Qr ma.retna in OM with thaw .-d bY the retailer in tM ye.r before the Kone war.) AJ though the retailer tn\.15t be- gin to u.e his chart not later than March 29, be hu unW .JqJy 1 lO Snenty..four oew A.lpha Gemme Before he atarta his ~. the retailer hu at band an his "'"' conk for the "U.t" day-F~. 24. unleta bia store wu clc.d oo that day, in which caw hia Ust date 11 the fint day lnunediately preced- Ing Feb.· 24 that bia store wu open. mark hls .;oock with .eJ1inc prica. Si&mia IDIPtJibtoo ~'" their lil- &-cinnlnc on that -~. the re-y~ ~ "'bunclay, M.an::b 8.. the J•wi;;;;;;;;~~~~ taller may not sdJ any artide cov-UUtJahoo OPrf"many bt>Jd by t.bP end by '..he reauJation urue. it 1s Oruu.~ Cout ~ ct.pter or market or taned with the a111oc 1 the nate hoooJv)' sdlolutic to- He then look& at tM numbeftd cat.-gories of goods in an appendlx tD the regulations. In the tirst column of his chart he U.tl. by number. each category ot 8I)OCia that be lelia. OppOSite each cate-gory, in another column, be U.tl the net invoice cost lafter aU dis- counts} to hlm or each item In the category. TIJen,ln a thlrd column. he lists opposite each net oo.t the price Wlder the regulation for all goods in the same category which he rt"Ceh·es at the same net cost. price in • ma.n.rwr plain)y \isible dl"ty. lO, and un~rstandab~ by, the re-Xf'Y<• orfiOfn aJao • r-. I~ tal~r·a custornera. ~} ~ Frank ~rt of Sao "'be ret.a.ller has the choice of ClementP. prf'Siclftlt: Ita) Hein or marldng the price on the shelf, bin Laguna, '~1 . Don Prid- or rack containing the arUcl4>. or bam o f Costa Mesa, trus\JJ"f'r: of marking the price on each ar-~ Mill')' Robina of ~£>'#.'POrt He•Ch Ucle ltaell. ~ Bt>ginnlng July 1. 1951. the ~ Ux:aJ 5tucientl •'ho •<'re hon- taJIE.>r may not sell any artlclt> CO\-orf"d lncl~ Parkn J a ~ k on. ered b)• the regulation unlns bP F leldn Sla~ .Dfolbert Andt>non has posted in a prominent and Ceo~t> James. Pat J~ and clearly 'isible position in h.ia store Jamet ~Ofi k of :o.;4!'Y."PPJ1 34a.r) a &ign reading: .. Notice -the Robins· Jean Bartine, Car) Heff- prlces of ~rchand.ise in tbis store IV'r, Barbara Lon,-:, Ann Pollin~ are no higher than the OPS O?il· and Phylli5 Watkln or x~'POn lnJt prices of the articles.'' . H~rhts; Sam Budl, Unroln Clark --------------::::-::::~-----=----....:...-and \'e-nnl Oa.kdm of Balboe. !1!&.1) Ann Mornson and IrE"n Sa.r-Shower Honors Mrs. Hal Lacey .:ent of BaJtx. lsl&nd. "nUrleen I1'W'ITibPrs of the ~t ' , f('(."PJ\l'd a old pm and PM'1118·- nent m6Db!>I"VUp for ~taming a Jt~"&dP pont ., E.'r&S:t> of 2 3. or B. Ill 'I'IIEI"'"&.E R'f2E ~- no: A SGlA&lAJIIG FQ& r:A8'1'1:11 1' ABI..& <•t:.'""nlllPPI'JVE o ... ;,., ..._.., .,. s.H;.a. an•o,., f~ lloto4e~ e......._ ! ... $ ... t.ts A cor5age or }eiJow roses wu presented to Mrs. Hal Lacey, Bal- boa. •·hen Mrs. John Shields and Mrs. George She.rrlU of Newport Beach "'~ hostesses at a baby shower Friday at the Balboa Ba} Club. ~Maywood-Bell Moa&e Lodge for thret> semesters. 1llE') Lnclude de-gree staff conduct.ed the iru· Frank Chnst) of :o.;~'])On He.&ghts tiation for the ="ewport Beach Cark>ton Mt'ars of Balboe Alice Moose Lodge 1457 Saturday m the ~ ot Oaff Hn n Barbara n£>w 1\t~ Horne. 2300 Ocean Wllllual of New.--port and \1.rginia ~ Front. l'Oe\\-port Ro}~ of Balboa !.$land ~ Included in the c1us of candl· ... 'I dates were 20 ~tarines m thelr 1.&.\\'E SO\\' A~"D •A.L~ ·cuests were Mrs. J OSE'ph Malloy and Mrs. Robert Ehorn from Santa Ana; Mrs. W . J. CoUina. Corona del Mar; Mrs. John Elsen. New- port Island; and Mrs. K. 0 . F arns· worth. Mrs. Robert Clus. Miss Ruth Horst. Mrs. Edwud Neff, Mrs. F . Corbin and Mrs Ira Ba· ker. !'ewport. dr~ blUE'S. The candidates v.bo 1 ltr and ~~~ ~. P. Bng.cs lt>ft wf're lmtiated a.re Wllli.a.m Sbaw. mow and ram at Paracfis.f. t.O rome DilEN MARGIIETA Thomu \Yilliarmon. Albert Sar· to Bat boa. "t\4>~ the> bop(' to 1m N gent. Edwin Eubanks. Phillip ' ha\'e sunshine wbi~ \'biting thtoir ports -ordic Gifts Shannon. Bruce Johnstone. Niclc grandson . ~ter and Da\'id Primt'i&no. Edward Edick, Delln Huck~e. 1713 Oc5n Bh'd 1307 Coer 81.-d. Flanna~an. William Lucius, George ------Cc"'~e de! Me• Fontaln~. ME'r.in Freeman. Wil· PACK JIEEI 1~0 PO@TPO~'ED t-'e<bot 1373 lard ZwiE.>bef. Robert Donob~. Cub Pack 1 1 ot Newpon has Opeo~ 10 •· ""' to 5;)0 p. ""' Thomas Cox. HE.>nry Jar.is, Brons-'pouponcd •u monthly ~ to I~IHii,.. s-d'fl Foust-Barnes W edding Mar. 11 for Millwood. P. 0 . nuht, Car-_F_ri_da..:...:_}·:.....:..:Ma::.:.rt'.:.:h~30.:.·:....:.•t:....:th:.::f":_:Ta.::.r..:.P1~t-:._::===========~ mello La Spadf. E. J . Smith, \\raJ. •• llam Dowden. Charles R. Mlller. H Uonel tewart. James Carruthersl P•••••••••• H ••wwwwwww•• CapUta de San Antonio. was the Bill Skurlock. Ubl Loving. Wilbut setting chosen for tM wedding of Shaw. Frank Baar. ~fcl)ov.."elJ. Mary Katheri.r\e Barnes, daughttor Walker and Nettl~. or Mr. and M rs. J~ph Edward I Barnes of 593 N. Orang~ Stretot. C • F Uow Orange. and Rhae E. Foust jr., aon rUJ5e 0 S of Mr. and Mrs. R.hae E. Foust sr., B. L ..1 _ p 1607 Bayside Dr .. Corona del Mar. lTtnua"-' art"-' whjch took place March 11 befor<' .J .J a group of 80 frlmds. The doubJ<' A boating party following lunch- ring ceremony wa.s read by Dr. , ton was held in oc.>lebratioo of t.M Lawrence W . AJlen, pastor of thto birthday of Wt>nd~-DewnbeJl!, g.. First Baptist Church of Orange. year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs The former Miss Barnes was B. N. Desenbetl.'. 1704 Bay!ide Dr .. graduated from Oran~te U n io n Corona dE.>l ~ar Alter lunch Mr. High School and attE'nded FuJler· a nd Mrs. Oest'nber~ took the chjJd- ton Junior Colle~e. Th~ groom rcn for a cruisP on thc>n boat thE' graduated from Santa Ana High l':cpt?nthE'. and is enrolled at Santa A[la Col-Cut'sts at tho r•art~ 'I ('t'f' Kt'nt leJ:(e. Mr. a.nd Mr8. F oust ,.,..111 Harve}. Tomm) E:b~ns. Joe Lip- make their home llt 82."Ps South Pl.tt. Judy Baker. ~usan Huffman. Main S t .. Santa Ana. arter their Tony Bene-dict. and the honoree's honeymoon trip to Korthem Cali-siste-r Katie. rrorrr Corona del Mar; Cornia. LoUIS£' l..cc> from Balboa island and ----_ 8<-flv Whtt£' from &lnta Ana Damaqe Suit Denied In Speedboat Injury Sup('rior J udge Robt-rt Cardnrr has rulf'd against tht> S30.000 dam- &l!e suit or Mr. and Mrs. E . 13 HulmE' for injuries uffered durimt a ri<k> on the s(X'{'dboot. ~11ss Bal- boa The judge ruJed that pa en- gers ~oing for a ~boat rid<> in the ocean wt>rP on not iC<' t h:'\ t therc> was risk E'ntatlt'd Mr. a nd Mrs HuJmt> had !\\It'd 0 . \' and Venlora ("1:1\\ on. orx-ra - Little Kathy BakE.>r. age 4. and Kim Dt-s ntx>r~. a~£' 3. Wt>n> also taken on th\' boat nde. l'(S.\\'EU'~ \ I~IT P.\LOKAR A tnp t•l the-P alomar Obser.·a- tOJ). was madt• ~turda~ b:_\ th Qut>nttn Snaq.•h famil\' 210o :\tm tmar. B:tlboa. · Cll \~E CO!\'"'\' LF~ISC. 8 to lOa. m. ... Olered at Hostess \\_ouse 301 Marine Aftnue Balboa lt.laad • -• T t'"lf'Pboee HArbo.r ~ s .. 8 p .... SUNDAY BUFFET BREAKFAST It to Sooa TABLE DlfOTE LUNCHEON AND DINNER aad our · CHOICE STEAKS ROASTS SEAFOODS SANDWICHES uMw flttt- CHOPS POULTRY SALADS l•t a11 •ttr4" as ~·ou h.a\'P flltlNrf'tl tllf' day \\111 ~omf' wJWon tMy'll want-suiDIIM"r eamp, pf'f'tty C'lothf'S. or ClOI- 14"~ tuition. Ma kf' 5Qrt> that roa <'aft ltf\'(' thMn tJtese t•tap by M\'ln~ "~'ll'tNnat1- eally NOW ! 1 tors of thl' Fun Zen<' Co. at the time of tht> incidPnt in Jun<'. 1948. Mrs. Hulm<' had tx'c>n knoekt-d down whc>n tht> boat hit rough watt'r. Chnrlc><; Chast> 1 rom·aJescm~ at his hom£', 519 Ft"mleal A\f•. Corona dc>l ~tar. aft('r undE.>rco- m::: a rnajor <'r~ra t ion a re" W<'E'k a~o in Sanra Ana S'ommuntr~ Ho'>pital IN-BETWEEN SNACKS PASTRY SPECIALTIES D~ on LAND or SEA of Our Specialtiea \\lllf'n you M\'1' bf'r c-l'OUI' rnont"y Is Insure-d up to $10,000 a.d f'arns c-urrf'nt bl~h ~~ dh'lclt>ndc. Drive Carefully ... Courtesy Prevents Crashes! Corona del Mar Boy, 4, Suffers Broken Leg Four-year-old Ed\\ard Han1mt>r· beck of Corona del :\tar surrerl.'d a broken leg 2 week ago when h<' I was struck by a bic.Hle rldd<'n by anoth r Corona d<'l :\1ar bo~. \:i- chael Brambl<'. I The accident "as rt'portt'd by Edward 's mother. Mrs. E. E Ham- merbeck. 1612 S('C()nd A\'e. Th<' boy's father. Lt. HamlJlNbeck •• is I a Marine OyE.>r on duty In Korea. KIWANIS LADJ&'I'' XIGKT The Newport Harbor Kiwanis Club is planning a L.adie!'' Nl'tht m~Ung, t o be hE.>ld '1\.lesdlly ~"''e-1 ning, April 3, at the Newport Har- , bor Yacht Club. Dr. Albert E Stockton or Corona del Mar Ill In I charge of arrangtmc.>nts. HELEN R. ROBERTSON, M . D. ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HER OHIC£ AT 1141 SUPERIOR AVEN UE COSTA MESA Former!y NPwpcrt Ave. GYNECOLOGY AN!:' ~DOCR INOLOG'I' OFFICE HOURS: By Appointm•"' OHice Phone BEecon t>SC8 Residence Phone HArl-or 3064 W are now atJailable at the Netvporr Harbor Ensign Office. These forma are needed by retail merchants for compliance with OPS requlatjons. which require that the pncmq chart be tiled with the OPS District Office by March 29 1114 OR CAIJ.·· AT THE OmCE OF THE NEWPORT HARBOR ENSIGN ... , ., AN1'! It muat be fun to be the Euter ~ aDd makto 110-0-0-0 many fM!'OPie happy. ~ are ., many pretty and really ~ve acceuoriea at O'BIUDrS for ~ to M)p ~w a llft to ~ outfits o( owtheor, IW'l'ethe&rt, aliter, • • . anc1 all the reat at F.uter. Take, for inatanct>, the new white ... tic .,.. bap. or the aprlng atra~tenta or failJe purses. the new =-&,; fabric ~ &no "/ rMIIy fine qU&ll ty in new coJon and wbites, or lt'e the ._4;rle Sha1imars m ..._. For a real .. &tft-r""~purcMR. try ttloee pearl ear- rtap wt the limple ~ halo ol cold around u.m -- -tlw)' are terribly coocl loC*tnc and ~ ln tints u •-.ill .. tbe t .. uo. pearl white. Al80 lt'e tbe variety ol wide band IOid ~ tbat made such a bit at · O'Ball:N'S lhow. ... &..._.._, .... :..-& .. , .............. .... ... a I, .. Me .,... ... . .....,. .. ····--........ ..... ! ...... ...... tt l' ........ -.... Of .~ ............... ....-=:..-. ~-=-::.:~ ..................... N -.._. ._ Ia 'II..,.__. ·--· ..... ---.... ...... ..,. ••• .....-e IDdlenk* .. . cste! Don't be so buly being .omeone else's Easter Bunny that you for- pt row own ~~ o u t r 1 t. O'BRIEN'S have just oodlel of pretty new dreaea to give you a perfect lend-off into spring. U )'OU clidn 't find what )''OU needed last ~k. c1J'QP by and see the new ~election. lf )'ou're one or the happy customers we had ear- tier this month. come back and lect anoth r or these new pretty onet before they're gont>, lkf.e we .... .,r. we waat ,.. ........ t~ .. "._. ......... ~-~· r.ue. ~ .. '-.... • ...,tiDe ....... of prp.- ... -~te·dlee. W e 're reaQ for ...._ter, are yoa! t:nion Good Friday 1«\ic:ft •ill be held at Otrbt Church b)• 1M Sea. lUO BaJboe Bh1l., N""PQrt. from 12 noon to 3 p.m. tomouow. ·The hoUn of t ht> SE>rvi~ mark the hours during which Jesua hunc on the CI'C*. Participating in the eenice will be Rev. Paul Babbitt. Corona del M&r Community Olurcb: Dr. H&rry White. Balboa I a Ia n d Community Methodist C hu rc h; Rev. Don Lambenton1 Newport Beach BapU.t Ctlureh: Rev. How- ard Legg. Corona ck-1 Mar;· Rev. J . Stuart Innerst, Costa M88: Rev. J . Hunter Smith . Balboa Ialand. and Rev. Thomas Roy ~­ dell. Christ Church by the Seel. · The sel"' ice ~A-ill be bu.Ut around the theme ol Jesus' ~'-en Jut words on the ci"'U. 11le public is in\it.ed to "come wbt-n }OU c&n. lea w when you m us l." ----- StarUght ~lub Meets in CDM Kna. Bessie Benedict. 518 Nar- ciaua A~-e., Corona ctt-1 Mar, wu hacte.a to the StarUiht Club Fri- day. stxteell mernbe'a •'eft liftS• ent for ~ and an aftemoon of lll"W'lnc and c:anuta. Mrs . Frank Ba~. preslclent, conduct- eel the f'l"IUI.ar buai.Mss meeUnc . A few IDti!IDbers reporte4 bavlnc hee..rd from Mrs. DorothM John- 110ft. 1100 Ocean Blvd., who re- ..oent.ly undelweot a major GPH&- tion in Detroit. )(icblpn, wMre she t. now convaJelcina at the home ot ~ ctaupt..-. borothM suffered a relapR after her open- Uon, becau.e of aa attack of Ou, but is now lmpro~ and looking forv.'llrd to her retum to Califor· nia. Flies East After Farewell Party Friends gat.her'f'd recently In B&lboe for • farewell party for Doria Frisbv. who left Friday for Wayland, ~tucky. Mrs. Frisby, who had been here a year, left \\ith her daughter. Patty. to · her mother. Mrs. Hobert Sitlgle- ton &nd her other dau~hter. Bar- bara. The party was held at the home.> of Mr. and Mrs. John Layne, -.508 W. Bay. Guests include-d Muriel Crawford, designers "Gienora" and ''Wier"·, and Bob Higdon. Bal- boa Island: Thelma Metzger, Co- rona del M&r ; Mr. &nd Mrs. lUrrY East, Long Beach: Carl Unger, from Huntington Park; Patricia Wittman. Fay Blower, Elinor Huycke. Verna and E . G. Mlller, Dean and Jewell Kephart, Balboe: Lome Huvcke and Maynard Mc- Fadden, Newport; and Dorothy I &nd Gordon Connely of Bayside Trail~r P&rk. ------ -Md"ADDEN8 RA\"E 80N Ronald Wa)-ne is the name I chosen for the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Dale McFadden. 200 Via Barcelona.. Udo Isle. bom in St. Joseph ~pit&l T uesday. March ''' Coett Hlthw•r. Newporl I t3. weir, · g R pounds 4 ounces. ..._ A 77 ' RonaJd h o brothl"rs. Richard ~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!~l and Gary. T ..... e SLJ• .a..J ....,'\1 llRS. Kl'TE E~TERTAJN ~, R VK J Mrs. Charles E. Kyte. 312 Or- OIUODf&LII chid Ave .• Corona del Mar, enter-~ and a.«r ...S. tained a group of friends yest~r-PiuU. A.«! JIIIW day in her home. Following lu.nch· ln.fant, at.et. Klteblll. Bath eon. the aftemoon was spent at u• c..t ...._ diM canasta. GuestAI were Dr. Helen Schultz, Mrnew. William Cald~ll. Nancy Mason. Came Granti Wanda Trickey. MyraiBent, Mabe Ricker and Belle Kuehn)' from L&· guna Beach; and Mmes. Arnold Kohls, Etta Mae Coffman, WiiU&m Griffitts and Eva Dutter or Co- rona del Mar. DRY for Delivery Service Call ~ 552-J ------ GUEST SPE&ID2l IDBE A vbitor at tbe home of Rev. and Mrs. H. F . Left, 510 Haul Or .• Corona del Mar, ls Dr. J . Al- len Baker. profneor of chemiltry at Sin\peOn College at Indianola, Iowa. Dr. Baker waa gueat apeak- er on Saturday at the annual S~ Alumni banqu et at Scully'• Restaurant in Hc)Uywoocl. a!l!la- Aa tbe lepda tore reconwees In S.cramento thiJ week It appan the lawmaken &re to eopp In mueh hot ..,_te on tbe subjects of crog,.fiHng, reapportionmeftt &nd sodal ~lfare. Balboa .. _ WID a-or these, it seems likely only re-PMIID ..-uy apportionment will be aolwd by 17.750 ill l)u;-.luit the ~laton. The ot.Mn will Superior Judp ltftlneth E. Mar- probably be the subject of hot de-rison has autborizled a 17.750 wt- bllte by Jobn Voter ln the next ~t 1n a 175,000 damage suit State-•iciP elections in '52. Why against Gus Tamplis, 301 E. Ocnn \Mn, all thla time and wasted ef-Front. BeJboa. ln the traffic deeth rort •'hen t.hen-are many other of James St~'lrt O.trum lut equally important probJema to be May 5. Mr. Tamplis hu a~ worked out which definit~y are to pay 12.750' to the widow. 12.500 of the utmost ooncem to tho8e in I to her son Phillip, 3, and 12.~ the country. 1lle &nswer seems to to her ste~son James, 10. be. poll tics. my boy! What are t.Mse other import-~ Recdlol' Tom ~ ant Items which should be gin•n Pfi u_ Immediate attention! ~ .nwW While a number of the lawmak-~ Realtor Tom Payne expects to l"r& are busy trying· to fiRd a v;ay ha\e hi new re&l t"ltate office to pro, ide the money needed to, rt!'lldy soon at 310 Coast 81\'d .• Co- finance their individual -projects. ron& del Mu. next to the Hub- Go\'cmor W,uren wants the sol-bard's Shell ~nice on the north on to act on his recommendations side of the hllthway. Mr. Payne to reorganize the State govern· and hi wire Ulli&n wm occupy mcnt. He is urging complete re-the office. examinations of h ate operations 1 Tempor&ry headquarters are to eliminate overlapping services, now at 318 Coast Blvd. Mr. Payne increase administrative efficiency h&d been with the Corona del Mar and promote state economy. lt a~ office of Realtor E&rl W. Stanley pears his recommeodatl~ ll!ld for two years and for the put aix their purpose& are worthwhile an-months had been uaociated wit!\ deed. Re&ltor Stanley Smith. Go~emor W&rren proposes establishment of a state govern· ment stucb' com.m.ission made up of legislators and prh .. te citizens. His bill is AB 1725. Waters. He advoca tea .a ta.x commission; a po-UticaJ and economic equality eom- miuion; a new irwestip.ting com· mittee on organized crime, and a state planning agency. There is a meuure to conaoU- da te all tax gathering ln ·a new state department of revenue. Al8o. proposala to reorganize the state board and department or educa- tion. 1 which i~ becoming more of a topic for discussion throUghout the state). the public utitlties com- miBsion, the social welfare board and the bigbway commission. Cert&inly these are in line with t~ Governor's avowed intent to provide the people of the st& te with ~. efficient sc:>rvices with- out adding any new taxes. No less an authority than Sen. Hulse, ch&irman of the fin&nce commit- tee. agrees with Gov. Warren's contention thn we should operate without adding to public tax bur- den unneceuuily. Why do some of the lawmakers continue to plug for their pet projects which re- R08ES HA\"E A SON Mr. &nd Mrs. Robert L . Role. 224 Onyx Av("., Balboa laland, hav(" a Uttle aon. Andrew SewaU. born Sunday, March 11, in St. Jo- aeph Hospital. weighing 9 poundl 6 ounces. Andrew has a brother, Stepbeo, 9 )'ftl'l old. Nur~ School .................... AOEN'I'II 11'0& LYOMII 1-Rwbor11hd. C..llliilia quire more tax measures. in op- position to consel"'-ative common sense! ~ answer seems to be poll tics. my boy! MOVING TO GLENDALE Mr. and Mn. Edward J . Reeble and their eon Eddie. 513 Orchid Ave .. Corona dt"l Mu, are moving to Glendale to ma.ke their future home. They have lived ln thll .A S A PART OF OUR COMPLETE naANK ~SERVICES, WE OFFER OUR NIGHT DEPOSITORY. eommunlty four yars and exPert to "'->' a new home for their ~vacations. A PMlft POll PEitta Hls l2t.h birthday anntvenary waa et>lebrated by Peter Huyeke. 1713 OCl"an Bl""-Balboa. ThU1'1- day riight. Mareh 8, 'by havlnl{ Bobby and Rltehle MeDonald, Grel{ Adama. Steven Wittman and .. Wottler Daftl, for dinner. ,_,,,.r hot dolt. lee erama and tab, thl ...,_ at:teltded a .,.,, Fn-1~ n"'""'~ •• ._'"'"" • prover~ ...... ~tad-...,.. TO MAKE SURE YOUR CASH IS SAFE, USE IT AITER HOURS AND OVER WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS. IT HDDOlDIIII for aU ~ ol me~ehl:n .. l U.. ------·· tMml Ptiane Rarbar U14. • • • 11)e N~ Hubor Tar track • tNJD won first an all ~\-enll but Fashion magic of ~ MW _.., for ~rtinst \be IJring seuon ••. the ~ and half mile in defeat-son has been present~ to the many "i th embroidery and e ·elet ing Futlerton'a lndians on Wednes-Harbor ~a in four Important ~tall Spnng straws and sum- ct.y or lut week. 83'~ to 23t, at ~Easter style shows durinc the ~Mr pJque hats compk.!ted the the locaJ ficld. ' past two weeks ---pro\inlf to fuh.lon ~mg at the Unique One MW rt"rord wu set for at)•le conscious Ne"'J)Ort aoc.le1y Sbop coupled "ith n~-ers. or Harbor Jfigh feet and a half that \be outstanding fabrics and course. and bll~ ror cle\-er cos- lneh 1n the high Jump, by Bob Nor-fashion;' 1hrougbout ~ oountn• tume emphasis. man. Other Tar winners were are bemg brought to their \'t"t'")' • • • Griffith in \be 120 high hurdles doorstt>p by alert local ready-to. The pecial &pring S1yle shows 15.9 ~ds; J ones ln the 100 yard wear shops. "-ere s tarted by the Oilld'ren'a duh, 10.4 seconds; NerdrUm in the Be<:a\.154!' the d ty of Newport Hoi'TK' SociE-ty 1>11\ r tea and style 440, 55.7 .aeconda; Griffith ln the Beach has gained stature u a 5ho"' p~ntt'd by , O'Brien's 0 0 180 low hurdles, 21 seconds; JonH ~ ~ ~ 'Wtl as a para.clble March 8. Jt ranged from -the OP-ln the 220, 22.7 seconds; Polman for daily lh'"Ulg, smart Harbor eninst Kicl<ernick n ylon pajama In thP broad jump, 19 feet. a I hops are able to buy the ~am a nd coat ef\S('mblt> to ltncterie and inchH: Swin~tle in the sho put. or the prlng lin es, ehosen puucu-outer apparel for n arlv e\-erv oc- 52 fN't, linch; SmalJt'y Ln the pole la!lY. f~r bay. 8.J)d bt>ach lJ\·in~ cajion. Outstandin~ ·wert'· t hc.- \'&Uit 10 f N't , 9 Inches. Newport 0 Bnen s, ~ruqu hop. Lome Cu b t> c.'nStumes ln gra~ and rio won the l'<'lar in 1 minutE' 39 • and B randt s pres ntl'd alhouct1 ~o ... jacket dresses of tht> conds -' U1 soft leminint> mood . . color m straple ~rt with rhint>Ston~ and In Clas."' R. Fullerton deft"'lted fresh . unf'xt)('Ctl'<l wa )-s · · en-~ld '-!'read t>mbroide~ and prun 1\t>wpor t 51'~ to 25''~· In Class St'mble for t'\ Q occa aon and littll" J3Ckt>1s for tr('('! \\cat" •. C. Newport "on over Fullerton t'\er.;' pursestnnJ: • • _. from a Insh hnf"n c.apu,-aund.r t n m-44-33. • S2.9.J traw ba~ tn a ~150 bat han~ I ml-'d \\ith la<'t' and roupJl'd \\;th a C'O'tUmE'. 1.Uff'1a klrt mad on(' rt'mf'm-• • • tx-trd out fi t . Other linm" w1th Thttr"'l.-l•'rl.-~ t- Ma~h !t-!S-U JOREPH COTTON JOA~ FONTAJ~E -HI- _._....__ "Lionel Hampton's Orchestra" I" un.-M Oft.-TDf!'ll. Mar<'h !3-U -n TYRO:'I:E POWER Sow Sltowtn!(- VAN JOHNSON JANE WYMAN BARR Y S 'LLIVAI' -In- -~~ "Hunt the Man Down" /ilun.-Moe.-Tu ..... ~l:lr<'h .!3-!f-!'7 C'ontlnuouc Sunday from ~ :30 p. m. JA \JE.<:; STEWART 'font~tht Only! SPOOK SHOW ~ l'"mR the-thi!"T''e ·Orchid! in th brief hooldPr trt'atmcnt tx><"am(' )foonliJ:ht,' ... tht> rw"l~ named frst l\e ''ith Ia('(' jackel.s and bo- Brandt' . I){'J13!"t~c>nt StoN' 1 for-l<'ros Bett::•'· ""' ~ and whi1t' wt.>re m rl) F ttzpatnt'k s• of Comna d<>l ho"n a ba .. ic~ eround \\hJch the :\tar p~nted or<'hid:-to tht> Ia· bri~h1 prim• ftnd "Ummf'r '-had diP and a fuJI ran~:"t> of I) It•" B t dll'-h·n-d A htnt vi Fprln1: 1\1- th('ir howin~ F nda) f'\t>nltl'-"·1 '"~ "a ~hO\\ n m H•ral da.rk <?' • r 200 1H t«>!ld<'d 10 '-l't' 1ht• 'a· top dt N "' "ith ii.:ht solads or r1 t) of fahncs to be> \\Om at print." in th(• "l(irt Tht> n w t'\Pr~ o<.•casion in bNh ml\~Ulin<' s,:od ' ktn Wd" al~o ft.>atured and femlnjnt' st)ll' . 1 ~('pa.nlll'l-mad<.• to~Pthcr -•• or Outstandin &; wQre . hand pt<'k NI" at 1 ast mndP HI co tol:;~ther • -• , uit a nd j3ckf:'1S by Ro ('nblum to "'how(·d up as pnm£' f:n ortt . tX" l<'amt'd \\i lh many s kirts . . • • • Sacony ,}<-rseys m bri~t m·w l f 11' fa hion ~ou want. thE' .had('s with th{' smart·knat wa•st· Har bor a t-ca i" loadt'd: Pre-Ea- band . . thf' pmk Colt' plmla~ tC'r 1>hO\\ inc. ha\ I' rt'' t>alf'd a ti"E'- un dress wtth it. e la tid l'd bo· m n dous • t>IN'Il(ln of e-xqw_tte di~ top and another in tangl'nn<' w('arabll' m t~t' nl'" • <~f 1\ I with the .. iUusion .. fron t l~ll· rmt•hlt uin~ thf' nN'ds of ttl(> run- is.Hed cottons teamt'd with or::and) lo' inl! folk in ttw area . . show - for dn-ss and tht> P lstont> • d.c>n't inc t•xtra\aq&nt t~ I.,., for t>Xotic' I iron at ! 1 cotton with tn.s t j<•\\ I' I tM'oplf.' and whis~nn~t of casual for pJay. t'Otton. a 1 dunanuti\1' prtCE'S .. Of particular mtPn:'St in a local pro, in.: that it' a cr 'tnd ~prim: sho\\ was ttw \\Ond rful Butt's ror dolht· ... ana 1t ~:00<1 on<' It• <;hop I rollc-etion of fahru~s mad up into 11 :'l:twJl("n t'n' aron, in1Pt tim: and mtnt:!Uin~ .;;print: _print! dol h<'S And of <"lUI'"St' h<' Ea E H UOSUlt St.\)l'S b\ P.o 1." ~fBriP ster gg unt Reid. Ca talina ett· mnnacl'd to • t rike an<'ntion • • -""PI '-·iall~ This Satttrda:y the ~o!d pia hNi .. wt \\ith 1ht> 1' _ karat cold )a('(' J."lC'kc>t CaF>ual l. H1\rbo1 t•hildren \\111 .::ath( r ,it ummer clot~ for mPn sho\\l'd 12 :itl p m S:tturd 1~ at thE' C'•'- up m some \Hid new studc.s rtlna del· \J.u-~C'hU~.ll ~undo;; tn mod Ul"d hy Chu<"k QuariC'!I and takt> 'pan an th<' ~N'Ond annual Gene' ~taniPy Ea~<tt•r Es::..: Htmt "(lnn."on>d b) th< • :'l:c"-port l hrbnr Optimi!\ Cluh F.mphasi on ~·nch to.:<: prl'· I ns1 ruC'tlon.<: " tll tl(' s:w<'n at t hP do manatC'd Jn Lom(>· 1'1) ll' how <;rlulCII a<: tn tht• ltl<'atmn for tho at th~.> Balboa Ba) Club la<:1 \\l"'<'k t'l!ti hunt .\hnut 3~• ,..~c-. wtll on W edne da~ . Cl'h'bra lln~ t ht• IX' h tddm N'-nam intr and r modPllin~ or the' Th···~· \\Ill Ill· I frf't' ,hO\\ A' thl· Balboa !\tor<' as \\f'll ., fpaturim: Pnr t Th•·alt'" in Corona d('l :!\tar 1he n<>w Balboa I:.land .hop. aftf'r 1h1.• r~:~ hunt. Fre<' prt71'., Lorn<'' stxl\\ wa<~ 111uddro wit h ''ill bf> ;:1\t·n. donatt'd b\ th<' Pmt hat pfft'<.'tS crl"att:'d b~ Wl'ir. Cot· Th<'lllrl' and Inca! m<'rehants. ton laC<'. stlk h<\ntunc. and bru:u1------ cloths wath thl' nl·"" "ofto1 d~tatls f:i8\'<' hid for dn.>.sstn(""\" "ith rhin<'· stone trim. r:old t ra<:•'r) and tht> barE' shouldPr look. Lome>' hilthlit:ht<'d thf' Jo.'\n Robe-rts :!\1<'XiC'alt Ott~nal "ath . traw mt>n. ba. kl'l" and pin ·'ippl<'. tuddlng thE' SkirtS. pockt>l ... ('IC Tt>IT) clolh topp('r-b) Col(' ror a QUI<'K dr) o\ r ) our "';"' ... utt. an> <'U'l' and nt>\\ tht<: ~Nlr • • - aLn thl' nl'\\ tank tc'l' .. nf rotton rihbmt: lall~t dl'ntm" m pl:uct and phtin 1.1. ilh thl' rnandarm influ· <tt<"t' l'ndt•mNll., -• • t'nllnn . \\lnl ~mls m pnlk:t phid pnnl !'N'r"urkl'r or hn.:hl Pd rlrapt·d n::tll~'to'X . lnlon latf .. la tn nlf· flt t!': b~ Cntalina ... htn·td "unbur~t pnnrl!' '' 1lh h•~lk aw:~~ !'houlrl<'r :ATTEND THE EASTER EGC RUNT Saturday March 24 8P~innln~t st 1'!:30 p.m. at the CDM School ... FREE * KIDDIE SHOW .\ftt-r Hie• lhmt PainlitJrr is easy u·itlt <J:i-Ofd ~IOJY . .-.~•c~o -· ~~~COLo•• including the 22 perfc dy matt hcd Selectone . colors featured natio nally by u ·ou e & Ga~den Magazine OIJD Wall Finish ONY FLA,_. • • • SeU Sizillg RM,"ltltir 1.39 Q uart SPECIAL, FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY 14.4 .. n~. ~'72 ~·;~;~ ~ • c:.\LI.O '\ Hardware And A ppliance at 11 p : m. t'ri.-S:It . Ma r<'h 28·2-1 V A.~ JOJ IPI:~ON I'ATIIRY!'O GRAYSO:'\ -fD- tr'IP" and t h<' .. nc•" to not hin~ .. sutt .,h1minc thl' r<'al ~c•\1 'nl'ath lasi~'X Ia<'!' -.. ,,X<., pi tht' front ~ \\l.l~ : .. :·n~ \\lth ,,~hli~~~~~~~~~~~~~n~~~· ~n~~~~~~~~~d~s~l~o~r~~~~~~~~~ 1 Jnfnrm .. l . hO\\IOl: .11 thr l'niqUI' S hop ."\n thC'Ir nllnt' €'r:-:~r~. ;\\ar<'h 10. ft•a •un.·d tht' .. t unmn~ ''~ 1<". <'f Henr~ fto,Pnfl'ld it dudlnl! JJUrt"' silk'> m !(tal'\ rut pnnt'-and ,hantuncs m nrw ht~h cttlors T wo-pi<'t't' SUII dn.>S s pn• t'nt('d the nP\\ moldl'd htp hn<' ron· ('('31tnl! to the lar5:€'r ftr.rurc> yt'l at the PORT Theatre ''Groancls lor Marriage" --ttltlt')- LlZBETI I ~C'O'M' CYCLAMEN I flall l'rtn~ to lim hi~ The popular .. d u t£>r" roat ap- pear ('(! in ~>Pring flo" er colors in llinc>n-typc:> rabri~. and a raillt' r't'din$:OIC:' combint'd "ith prmt to make an Ea te r n m ble. r· I g!X', for shortie . Julf>, and Ro £>n· fe ld all Cl'l"ated uousua l cottons FLOWERS .• WE GIVE 8AB o&IZN 8TAJIP8 SHANK HAli Pttrveyors ~741 .. CASH TALKS S7 ~ buys atlra<'thc> '!· I Y4ftl b!-druom h~. 2 )IE'41'S old. hdwd. nrs .• furnace heat. Would t'asaly rent for 185 a moatb. Thi'l won't la.st ~ FOUR.FAMILY COURT Brand new. All ,....tH_ 11M ... u. 18COIIM'. Lot 60x118. Front units ha\'e 2 bdnns. ea. and rear units 4-bdrm.s. ea. Trade your vacant lots in on this deluxt> income property. •$3S.OOO ~ IDGH ON A HILL with view of the hills and oct.>an rests this Cape Cod Cotta~ with 1 bdrm .• hdWd floors, garage apt. in l't'tlr; 2 separate rooms below wi"th full bath. l:.ar~t' garage. Ex- ex>llmt lncome val\K> with summ<'t' comin~t on. $('(' this one fi rst. $15 500 Full prace 1 1301 Coerl Blvd. (Cor. Feml .. f ) CORONA DEL MAlt HArbor 11-41 -M -HArbor 14n 3 BEDROOMS AND DEN 2 BATHS -LOTS of REAL HOME Good style --- Good Construction. A Good BUY ! For Showing Call I. I. leek Ol6c:e Balboa lslutd F~rry .......,.. a Balboa blaacl 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday· BEAUTIFUL 3-BEDROOM HOME ON R-2 LOT. STUCCO -WITH TILE ~OOF, SUNDECK, PA· TIO: DOUILE GARAGE. All F-ENCEO t O PAVE!? ALLEY. BOAT MOOit· lNG. e VACANT AND WAIT1NG FO~ YOU. lAY AVE .. N£Ait YACHT ClUI .. WOitTk EVERY ~NY OF THE ASKING ,_.CE. 700 E. .. ,._ llvd .... ,~ HArt-Ill CHOICE PROPERTY FOR. SALE We Offer for Your Consic:letation The. De.irable Propertie.: 1 ORONA DEL MAR. A beautiful 3-B.R. home ~todt>m ln t>\-M-y rt>IIJX'Ct. Lge. lot. £nclo <-d· patio. DuiJt for M SY living and clo~w 111 oet•an. hown by appt. only Price wttb· Jn your m.an &od tN·m if desirt>d. 2 B I.BOA 1,.1 .. -\ 'i 0 , .kB.R. hon)t'. Fireplaef'. {MlHO, ~1'81;t'. 1"56-ft; from North Baj. Room . lor additiorutl tncomt> bulldln'l. • \ At'AST LOT ON PE.~l.N LA. A corrwr lot at the \t>r)' t~: ..... .-E.xCX'Uent it , ,. to" ~ harbor <"ntr.Ane<' and CDM shorclint>. H UIJU Temu may :E'xclushc fM quick snll' • ... .. .. .. .. ~~ be arranged --------------~---------RENTAL~. Wl' havP a la t·ge ~lectlon from ~\·hich to <'hOOSt". uch as: 2 B.R. house tn COM. South oC Bhd .. unfutn . •· Ot~rs in price rnmre as to izP and location. Also summer \1l· eation n ·ntal<> in Corona del M&r. WRES \'Ol ' II \'E PROPERTY FOil !iO I.E l1sl \\ith u.s and th n pr pare to mo\·e ~ ! ~rt~ace llrintt~ R~uJta ! ------------~---------------------e Late .Listing -SPecial Excluai•e -Cliff Haven -.., Of~r trtUldf'rri"CJ -.-1.11 IMaM' S B.R. homt>, unfuntiJihrd. \'e•ry dr~rattlc> rfllldeadal Df'IC'hborbood -.MtMif'rate n'tll. ·, Robt-rt B. Lyaa ••d H t'lt•n L 1.,--. Realtort~ 411 Coast Boule•ard CORONA DEL MAl\ Farmhouse Motel II.AJtBOR 1U1 IIA.IlBOa .... For Your Protection SEE ·roR LEASE MOOERS L~"DCSTRIAL BMLDL,.G 8,400 Sq. Ft.-20-foot metal doors, .Mfg zone. Own<.'r will lease all or par t. For a ppoint- ment call Mary Dickson. HA ~013-Eve . HA 2092-W. Earl W. STANLEY Realtor 31 1) Newport IIYcl., Newport Pier & Float $16i000 Two-Bedroom Home (h·f'r 3-<'a r Oaralff' . . . on f<'ar of 2-lot cor- ncr. Frontage is complete- ly bulkhN\dcd. has pier, noat and t'amp. Has ample room for 2 add'l income units, in a desirable income district, within walking dis- tance of City Hall, movlt>s, markets, l'tc. !Harbol-~· n~Ed-ftll ULTOR ~rwport Bh·d. nt 30th ~t. 'EWP O RT RA 1800 FOR RENT !-BDRM. NFURNl liED HOtJ8E ----,·ery a ttneth·e. (h-er- looldlllf 8uata Alia C'O.tr'J Club, 11t .._ttl. · ..... Realtor l !lt Ceut .,..._ O.D.X. ~~.After II DUTCH COLONIAL Beautiful 3-bt>dnn., 2-bath home, Balboa P eninsula. Unit h<>at, garbage disposal plus many deluxe features. Fine view from sun deck and mu- ter bedroom of ocean and jetty. Priced for ~ 500 quick sale.... . "--'• l 112 Newpott ltv4., HMor 2512 NEWPOIT lEACH We haYe doaens of BUYERS for 0 -1 Resales I• Cc-roaa del Mar ucl Cottta Mt"M. Imm<'diate cash ror equity Ben J. Whitman Aseociates to•a a teo o...t Bh.._ co• BA 111f-W a,_..., On OCEAN SIDE of boule.arcL CDM. 2 bedrms., den, dbl. gar., lowest price in this neighborhood. 813 Cflut llh'd. OORONA DEL liAR HArtter Jlll Schwinn Bicycles Sele-cted by Multiple Usting An Outstanding Buy OF THE WEEK ... MODERN !-~ lloale Ill len~)' ... ,-......e m.-tates. N~ .. ...._ lle- ~tt at ........ $9,500 Oo-rt. ~ -G~ ._ Home Loans to ~. b\lOd. reilnance or for alte,rallona GENERAL INSURANCE RArborltM 118 Ooaat Bh'tl., Oorolla ~I Kar '50 OODGE DEMONSTRATOR Uberal discount, low mileage. nt'w car guarant('('._ SHAVER MOTORS Your DODGE-PLYMOUTII dlr. 1936 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa CALL HAit80l 2027 For ctloice EIITD PUm REGULAR 4 %% (1().20 yn.) G. I. 4" <20 years) FHA 4%% (20 years) Construe. Loans 5-5 %" (14 )'1'1.) No Cornmla . ch. on Metl'o Joana. We buy and ~eO 1'rwt Deed~. EAAL C'RAJIIIIBt.AlS ... c:.ut 111\'d. IIA&IIO& JtU FUaNI'nJllE aESroaA'I'ION Chair bottoms restored usinc cane, rush. reed. etc.-BRING NOW. BA.a\'EY'B I"URNri'UIIE llD"AIR !OliO Saata AM A,-e., Oosta Mea BF.aooa llsa-.1 FOR SALE-Silver fox fur $25. HArbor 3a38-W. FOR SALE-BeOdii auto. hOme Ironer , perf. cond. $145. Ph. HA 2566-W. 404 Coast Blvd., COM. FOR RENT-Lovely fum. apt .. priv. patio. May be rented u a s ingle apt., sleeping 2, for $50, or with extra bdml. for $75 mo. Utih. pd. Call eve. & mom. HArbor 89-R-K YRLY. RENT 2~bdrm. unfum. apt .. incl. gar., $70 month. HAr- r 2892-R 713 Iris, COM. ENT-Fum . 1-bdrm. apt., close in. 604 Dahlia, COM. HA 1347-W. FoR SALE-New 120-bass Silves- tri, lightweight accordion, $195. Easy terms. BEacon 5131 -W. FURN. APTS. for rent.· Set' Lou- ise apts. Clrst. Dbls. & s ingl<.'S, overlooking Bay. 308 Carna- tion COM. F RNITURE for sale: Mode rn d<.'sk. chajr & lamp, suitable for offi ce or home. HA 1212. BOOK fi(F£TJON m Mrs. C. G. Waldeck presented the book review for the monthly m~ting or Ebell Book ~lion Ill at 12:30 p.m. lut Tuesday. It wu a sack lunch at the horne of Mi.JI Lilian K. Daniell, 241 Evenlne Canyon Rd .• S hore Cliffs. Ray Stedman 1574 Newport BIYCL, ec.ta M.a. 1EcrcoD Sl•J · CALL BOB U'l"ft..a HA 2861 tor """ Appralal ~. POIRIER MOR'I'QAGE 00. -JEWELER - 81 7 Coest """'. Metro Ute Ina. "-11. liD 1-1185 l.~a.oM=;:IA:~DIL:..:•:•:.·.:;c;:•:,....i:::a.l A T'('(X>nt urpno:;e rona del Mar v.11s Ju"r~ng. fornwr and now ll\'inst Mrs. Bt-n Chasl' in ~on. Hl' hoPt>S to nt>x1: month-in his 9ls t birthda~ Corona ~ 1 ~far on BIRTHDAY PAtTI' Gene Lund cclt>bra birthday annivcrsa with a party for home of his Paul Lund, Newport. His Uvingston. Locker, Dick Pattison. Th"Y hart cake and th('n wert lJOJ Vie lido A brench of Th,. Fi rrl Churc:h of C •ist, Sci lon, Monechu» .. s Sundey Sch~l s .... dey S.rvice Wednoldey Eventr ~ ,..eeti Reeding RooM oca'ed $1., Belboe, is op~· doily lo 5 p.m. ercept Sundays nelionelly observe~ The public is c --dially i lend the church e~Yices Reading Room. ., .~-~--- St Patnck's Da~ \\'b the 1.l.ldDe (,J Tht> pecsal meetmg o! thr Xew- iJUrt Harbor A.l..sl.~tanc.-. LPaglX' Jn-;t \\toek whln th Ol'\\ ofru~rs m .. ~ 1n taUed t;y ) ·. \•tf.gmia ( '• tl;•, national <'h1.(Jtr·, m• mbE-1 \ft">o Edotar Hill a'-. ... umf'd the In ta llaHon or ofClccs"' foUov.•ed th annual roun&.-rs day banquet uf th • Ot>lta Gamma ~l'Ortty al- umnae group oC Orangl' County lut week on Tuesday. Mrs. H. P ayn<' Thayer· of Balboa was in- stall('(! as Pf'l' idoot at tile homt' of -'lrs. Justin Kennedy of 'anta Ana foliO\ .. ing dmnt"r at Butlums U be gh-en: Other officers in tall<'d t.nc:luded ni'W rPspomabiliU~.> uf pr• ·Hltnt donated by Mr . John ~ig f' or Udo We, I tKim: 0\Pr thP g&\('1 lrotn ~·~ the finl boet \'ice pl'f'Sident; Mrs. Wlllla.m Blu· Rol.md Hod5rkinson. \\ hu wtll Jlt"l'· James Qagnt-y rock of t.a~runa, €'cretary: Mra. ~1cmbf-r, o{ th<· Auxshan lll ,. '••rm nt>\\ dutt a!> parhamo nt.u· fint boat to Kcnnl-<1). treasurer, and Mrs. takmg ou·r 1-p<'Ctal s<•ntt<·.; tot l>tn donated by James R.er or C-orona del Mar. ma -the paraplt•gtc \\ard ul tht> l.c.·OI! lither oCfl('(ot-. lUf' )1rs 1-. A to flnbh: ,~.tal.i.ne correspond<•nt. )t rs. J . Leon Jk>a('h Vf'tt•ran,· llo:o.pllal om Tu·~· < 1 ar ~ llr'<t 'l<'t' !Jf'f ... ld"t•' :'>f.ro; t ~~~tls~ William , Coryna del )1ttr, waa dn).;. :\lt~>. Raltlh B<mcb. ~it . ~.!"'rt. .. Othm r ,..,>t .. md ,:{(', pu•sl· ~ nnmcd m{'mber-.tup cha irma n : f-'r<-d Jo~nu and ~lr 1-.d,,ard dent. \It, \'lr..,lnt l H.std: rc- "Scandia" Mrs. Ed\\1n Willi)tm' of Balboa Is· 1 I'Tr'C'mb.J dld th1' .... ru<'•' ,,otk l'OrdinJ: ~.-tary, :\1r ... \\'Jit"r H eber Er· lttnd, proiect chaimum, and Mra. ''"' \H't>k i·· .. n, t •r rf''J><•nd.Jnl! ·<.·· tar.'. -38 to fin· IJar<'ld G<>im no or TU: tin. Pan· At la~t w(.>l•k'-. ,\u,JII&r'\ n, •"· .-tnd ~h:.. Rolan...t \\11 ht, ''' ~ ... ted by ar· helll'nlc l'hairman. rr l! 11 mnmPnt ot ilt n• ,--. :.,nc. •JIJ· un·r the first ar· M1~"4 10\' \'J R oi 'O IA 8 <\( ... '4'1 \1 d at rh.~ dllll! ltlll• n:• II{ Ill J.ur <'lot<~\n ho .. to ........ , \\l'ft \Jr .. boat on cor-Jng ud c \1.\S . <orunu d.-t :\tar, 1" Jll:.sn-11w pa!'!\111\.! nr :'>tr .. ~nnl·~ TN·r~ t.d CtO\nrnd~k€' )tr ... Kd>o • .econd and thlrd e ity 1 nJn~ 11 ,J ul~ W+'(ldlnar tH llutwrt o•l Bnlbo.1 Island. \u.~han mf'm· \\ tlk •t, )1r . C'.eor ., Lu:d. \lr .. by BYC u . ~lto.IO ur Ul'dhtnd.. het 101 ~:; '(',lt'lo. '''"tl'~''" ltJr ( Jl'()l .. •' Pl·ttnl') )1rl> ErnE' .. I "'"'!· traryha.ndicap. AMI..:.! J • 1} B h tlw m~c.>tint! \\('t o \It' t;. rl;l' Ill.!. ~1r<l Lonme \·anr,•n1 '1• --VIIKII I eet oan a c m ann }~I'll/ l.lnd ~~r~ 0' lll'Hlha. (·a ~d :\irs. Franz plays "i.U ti \Vltte and tht' Newport Players for the U do Isle held Friday; "'~~)h!Jdd,~~1~~d· g:C~~~~~ Is Engaged OCC Teua VfiiiS SaDiag lace Inaugurated c.>ries of informal Romar:c{' "as in the 01r \hls . meetings to discuss common 'prob-pa~St ''"'"k Mtss Joan Vit· lnill Tiw Orangr C~s.t. C'oJielo!t.' ~atl-Pomlin. loa'!~ by Staff Commo· terns and tn 1-!f'nt>ral to develop Bachmann, ,,ho co·h<>!>l<' !t 8 lng t .am won d~ t\el) over four doN' FN'd SmalE' of hl' Balboa cloM?r harmony. P~·wt'ddmg showt>r for M 1 s 5 oppo .m~ team m . the firth annual Yacht Clut'!. . PrE'. ent at lun~heon at the BaJ· Joanne Ho~:tan of Corona dd Mar ~aclftc ~st JU!"or .Collt>t;"e Sa\1-In ~he In\ erted sconng. OCC boa Bay lub "•'re fyford Inine on Sunday, Is a soon-to-be bride I tnr.t c·ha"?pu~n.shnp h~re Saturday. I had. 2 • pomt . Fullerton . J~hn I M d Brad He Ills. or the ln ine Co .• j ht"''llelf. it has just been announced I Tht> "lnm.ng ere\\. coached b~ Mwr 9. Defcndin~ ChampJon w ho were the hosts for the occas· Mrs Meta Bachm n 604 A • ~) Ro o. tntlude Team Cap-Pasadena Cit) Colle~e 10, Long 1 · d M 1 1 bell Co · a n · ca tat.n Fred Kin~ ley. Harlan Hoyt, &ach Clt~ College 1;, The OCC > Tom :"orton. local ZJ t.tuftteur WliO prP.siOOnt Of t.ht-l\'E>\o\'PQrt Harbor Chambf:r of Commerce. \\a ~I<'Ct.ed last Thursda) to be Exalft"d Rul~ of the ~ewport H..at bar Lodge of Elks nd wW bt u1 tallf'd April 12 Bob Eastman " named .l.A'a.d-tnJ.! Kruttht; OUtE'OI.lUt Exalted R•J:<'r Br-n P.'eddlck alternate de.le- ~at to the Gra.nd Lodl!!t>, Clifford \'arne'l". LO)aJ Kru.:ht; F.Jy;.'OOCI "hell. l....«turml" Kru~ht , lrwiD -.pragu . secre BQ'. Herbt>rt Hol· IU'I treaC1U't'r ; Clt>nn \Valker, 111+ r: l..B~T ·nc..'f: Spra~e a.nd Wes ... n\Jit• rust< It ~~nr \\1th hold- O\••r tru t~ Al Doesbur .... and H• tnz 1-at"'f'r Apfl()lnt!'d c>lficen !l.l'f' C ~t. Sexton. c-haplaa.n. Bud Hr.,. 'Cit' t> .,. q u 1 1 t 13ob ~ .. -cher, innt·r :u.ard. ~~ ~ ~ . ---~ ~ . Spr.ng Is Here DR Y CLEAN NOW 11 B • ••• Udo Isle card y at the club- a.nd meeting canasta see· Boyd is ec· Jt' a n 01 :r?/ k..es 8 5 d · F ' unh cia An•.. Corona del 1\lar. the Rotter Wei h and Howard Martln. CTt'\\ won all thn>t> of the ra~ C men c ra :~· ra ~n. tnc otht>r hower ho le !1, announ~ The)' were allin~ the PC sloop 1m ba:t and ocean courses. I and Ross G.reele) and Cit) .Man-the t>'n~agement or her dau~hter Wtnn<'N sn ~re' lous \'ears were agl'r J.ohn Sailo~s. . . . to Rob<>rt Dillard Sloan He i Pa..~dt>na m 19;l7. ~tan.n in 1948. T OPICS o.r diSCUSSIOn mclud('d the on or )1r . James Sloan of Mrs. Csenar occ In 1949 Pasadena last year water. &a.nt lation. coastllne and Rf'dlands and the lal(' ~fr. ~loan. ' (Xlrk problems The )oung coupk· nwt on a u-ip ------ .tO llawai• this pa ·t summer. Is PTA Head Sunday School Guild Transfer ol Oil \'irginia is a ~radualt• uf :"-:ew-. I of COM Church Meets port Harbor Htl(h and attt.>nded 1 :\trs Louis C'srnar of Balboa Is· :\t J h Th 301 t · del I r.:~o..·-.·-·-.11.-~ the t:nl\·en.it> of Santa Barbara land wa~ el('('ted president of the A : Tl>(" o n d •1 ~~n. ~ ''w tor In Co-~ ~ Sht> ' sec~ tar~ at thl:' Horace =--E>wport Harbor E 1 e mf n tar> '-:,;~ ol'tmr th . ~r. d!'~r~ l dapper H. H. Enidlgn Sct1'oo,,l; bbH~rhfiu1m.•edh,ha 'chool PTA at th€' "Fathers :"-:i~ht '' ~~ld 0~\h~ C(l:,n:':f'1 ~ar co:. resident here (Contlnued from ~ 1) s;tra uate o e sc oo an t l' mN'tintr of the PTA ht•ld la.st ' it C'l h h h 1 j da h Colorad~ School of Mine .. "ht'rl' \\ E>rk. Oth<>rs on thP tww slate munk Y , ,Jurcda a t,1 er J ohnmeK a It· h s ug ter, (X'rty own<'r" to be paUt>nt for two he b domg graduat , \\ ork !'.1 ,. H r 1 .00 "N> on .• on ~. ·' rs. o eoe 216 MARL...._'E A\I"E. BALBOA ISLAND PHO::'I."E HARBOR 10 Mod,le.ska Can· mM(' month<~. for complt>tion of · an• · ~s ·'orman a~an o ...s t•r and ~1r . l..o" t>ll :"'ewlon were be back herel tht> tltl<' .(•ar<'h 0 that the com· Pa_rt) .:am('s and a hunl Cot• the ~IE'. nee prt' ldeont; ~~'?· Har:u•y r·n·h~le 't . ~trs. AI Ple~er ga'e 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii to relebt'llte munrr~ J(I&Sf' l'<'uld bt> exe<'uted.. sho\\ t.>t P ~ent'> Ol'CUptrd the Somers. Balboa, r~t dinJr s~re-th JJI'OJ:"ram of "Women. of the I anni\·ersat')' in A qur.tton raised at the. meet· )...'1lt.':.l~ ut the lt-te honormt! ~f•. ,tar~; :',t,rs. :'>t. E . :"'ewlnfld. :"'<'w· Btbl~ . and :'>1r-. WtiUam David-~---~ -L April 21 . . I in~: """ the legality of t'he city Ho~<!n· who will bt> marr·•f'd tht'l pntl Ht•u.;hl!. corr ndtnl" se<'re· -.on t.tlk.-d (In he" nalt\e $t.'otland. ~ .. ~ 11rdtmmr.• p.•rmitting slant drWlni ('\l'ntnlot tThtu. da) 1 tn Lai!U.Oa t~r), ~tr'l Har"\1'!-Pea. e. Corona \l o n·tx-r:-"l'r•• w·~f'd to help I \\'('Stt-rl~ 11r :l3rd St. ORly. Thill was CUl'"tl> \\l.'r<' :'>tn;. Robert Proctor dt>l Mat . ll'l'a<~uH•r: Mr-. Portt•r "1·t •tw pap;•r dn\t' for bfonf'fit ~.s::a•-- d(' <'"ih<-d a dlscrimlnntory to of La~una ~ll"' Holt Condon. )11'1' ~tnclait , Ba) ~ho~. lu~tonan. 111 1 lw 111.,, t•hurch bUJidmt :\1 rs a..JW:-ft::;"W prop<·rt~ ownt.>r:. ca t<'rt')' of 53rd ~tuart _l>•C'hl. Mrs. Jl<'rbt•t t ~mtth. William Burdick. audllor and.~1rs . ..,t11 rt Dtchl, )fr--:\h 11,. \'rrberR. f or t L _Ha r t!--A -a , top scor-St. A-.sllcnment or the Elliott th<' brtdc-to·lx> and ht't · ml•ther. P. F . Saint>!'. out-~otn.; pr~1d nt 11nd \11"'1 Rrchard ~Ch\\f'itz 1 mav ne vur r ~· nal'nE'd j lr·a ... (' 1,, thf' Jt>r){ins Co. was critl· ~1r:. John Jlo~an. 8t-nd1111: trtft. twm :"<'" (XH't Ht•n.:hts. a> pat Ita· h.· <')PI H 1f"d fnr pick·IIP '-Pf'\ ice. 1951 All· t'iLl"d 11, nwalid on tht' gt'Ollllds \\f'l't> '1Bs ~m-ma Andt·J~n at mP ntarian )tr. Bu•dtl'k '' " ta· \fr, '"'m:tn F nhm t.~ dt ouon.s bask('tball that ltiC'.tl authorities could not l ~anta Barbara . .\Irs l~rl\.'t•ln :'I'm· cult~ mtmlxl 11 th mt•••ttn, loagu sports 11ssi~ ri~hts to drill lor tld<'lands , man and Mt s Jl'an \\ hll mm.~ of Tht> !'!at<' t)f offict•r<\ "as an- • nil, "hich ha ~n dedared US. La10runa. noun<.'t'd b\ :\Irs. A \' Andrews. . T • .. \ ·tu;n IIER£ t eam are ~o,erQlllt"llt property by Suprt>m<' I cha1rman of tlw' norrunatin_F rom· .\ \,-<thlr at the homt' of .\It'S. TommY! Court de<'ision. c . R millf"E'. .~ G. w~•d....,..k. -,oi' Poln t>lUa D • k omnuttee epo_.-" ...., ~.... 3415 Newport Bl .. d~ Newport JoeNickertz tc I Anotht>r matter comin g up for • •~ Pro'!ram for tht> ('\t'nin~ was n q ,• Corona del .\1.8r, is MiSS Acrou from Lido n,.....,. J ~ t di.;cw ion was the proposed rt'· Glven at BPW Meet thoU'tht-pro\Okin~ mO\ It' pre"ent· Lou· .. ~· \\'atluns. A tea<'her from 'hone HA!itor 510 ~ cox~ rlaC"emt•nt or the 38th St. brlds;e Or. Emerson Cox re\'i<~"cd Edna ('d wllh rommt>ntar) by Dr. B. N.,f1R~E'~d~"~ood~~C~it~~~-------_j~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ nam on e to 1'\t'wport I land. A committee St. Vincent Millay's book. 'The [)(>senbet·u or Corona del Mar. "ho - will be named to make a study of Kin.:'s H<>nchmen .. at Ia t Thurs· 1 tt>acht-s soctolo);) at Lomt &ach H thts probl<>m and report at the I day's BPW mt.oetinst at White's City Colle~e Tht" mo\ie. entitled ---·MM-WMNWW a ------··••wllil!i•!N•t nt'xt mfl<'lin.~t. Any further action Park Au•. Cale. commattN.' re-j"Prefa£'\1 to a I.Jie," is a \.." S was d~>layt'd ,Plmdi.nc: a report from ports ""re glvt>n by Belly Watson. ~ealth Sen ice lilm Coffee and I lhl' ell~ ~~gtn('c>r. . international rt>lattOI'\8 ct'lairman. pte ,~·ere S('f'\'t'd by fathers or I he I En)·o·' _Easter AS!'()('Ialton mt'mbt>rs .f«'l. that E\el~n varnt>r on )Outh activi-retmns exe<>ullH' board. thl" <'tly hns fallro to matntlu n the tfes and Car'Oh n \\'t>bt>r on Bosses' • hrid~<' propt>rly and sho.uld con· Kight 1scheduJed ror Thursday. Unsung M_ickey tribuiP .to the construction of a April ;;1. · ·- • Junmy I nc>w bndt:t<' when an assessment A repeat performance musici· C • ls ~ -t H t H . and Sharon rli.;lr'IC't.ls formed. Re-loca.tion of ans from the Laguna Beach Lions ommercUl a OS ess ouse ICe ert."am. and ' thl' bnd~r ·to Marcus A\ C'. hns Club. entertain<>d the N't>wport to a moV1e. lx'<'n '>UC:t:<'Stcd.. Harbor Bu. .. ine and Professional LOt'l!'l F . OATE~. who used to Thl' ASSOC1tlllO!' \'Ot<'d to In· Women's Club at th<>ir last meet• OCCUP\ an offi<'t. at l309 Coast 307 MARINE AVE.. BALBOA ISLAND dor<-•' the> resolution of. the Cen-ing March 2 The quartet rt'-Blvd . .' ("orona d<'l ~lar, is now lo· tral X~l)Ort Oommumty A.sso· turned by pOp.ular at•clatm of 'their cat-" In the l.R t<'r KN<'hum real Harbor 2365 1------1 ciatlon rl"QU<'Stin~ removal or the 1 1 _... r '-" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &bo\f'· und ~as tanks near Sal-program ast )"Car. con ston~ o estatt> offi~ at 910 Coast Bh·d. boa Rl~ betw<'t'n 18th and 19th Bud Reynold'>. Dtck Thurston, )f r. Gates. who lh·e on Balboa I stN'<'tS The pt>tllion was present· Charles .Preston. and Don CranJ Island. ronducts an insurance bust- ('() t . th l'Cfn~ bv Edward at lhe ptano. :'l'o\'t'lty onsts an ne s and· ill a 1:!:0\'emmMI ap· H Ia . e ~l t • r the C<>ntraJi mir~'licry with rostum{'S enhanced lpralser on G. I. loans <'3 '. pres• en ° thetr program Tht>v '''<'re mtro-I ;-.;<-wport group. duced by Marihn wheeler • • • Busin. or ;h£' nweting includ· . ~frs :\lay Archt>r is now operat· .. -·-· 9:30 e.m RlltTIID.-\Y O ~RL HONORED c.>d a talk by Mrs.('. K Boardman '':'i! hC'r TO) Shop at a new ~~~ .. • 11:00 e m I Sh:.ro11 Pattison. deu.ghtC'r of on the Red Cross Drhe. a report t1on . on Balboa Island . a_t 3la-·--a:OO p:m· Mr and Mrs Pa.t Pattison. 6710 by Ruby te\'<'n on 011 the March :\tann€' A\e .. n_<-ar thE' L<'tdy real et 1 11 Pelm Oct-an Front. i'ewport, had a f D' . d 1 ti n Pstatt> offlc('. :she has mo\ t'd from from 12 nooM blrthdny annlwr.ary party Sun· 0 lmC's campa~I:T\ ~n . e ~ ~ 20S Marine A\e .. \\hi<'h has been end holidays da) Aftt'moon !"haron and h('T' of Agn~ ~lomq_utst. ~Ll) ~ewli.n 1nken O\'E'r by the r<':tl <'S tate of· fri<'nds. Dan Evan . B<o\·erly and I an~. E\;f,)Tl ~~rner a:-. lhe norru· fi<'l' of tht> John \'o~cl Co. Lyt.>ll Genl' Lund. Cl'·etchen and Donna 1 na m.g mmt ~. ~ , . Butt('rmore prcpa'rt'd the mtrrior ~<'hultz and nalP and Larry Mat· Wilma Wa!ler and Snll) ~('\\lin dP iu:n o fthe new Toy Shop t<'Cht'ck wet'(' <:('n('d refreshm('nts a si~led Ptx>s1dent Mabel Fltzmor- nd the~ wl'nt to the sl<:atin~ rink rls m cuttin~ conte t cakes for Gill ~C:OIIb ~==:iii:::::~,.,,;,== the membt'rship to sampl!> and vot<.' upon thC'tr !>t>I('Ction. The cake b:ll\:t>d by Mildred Chapman \\85 \'Otcd 10 repre .. Pnt the club In thr Richard'. rontrst. =--early 5:)00 wa;; rai cd by the Girl -rou t Cookie Sa le. it is an· nounccd by Mrs. Chrtstian Schind· I MO~T.KEAL \'T~ITOR 1<'1'. chairman of the drivt:'. A to- Mrs Crort=e Garlick or Mon· tal of 230 boxt> of (.'O()kies wert' t.real i bc1ng ('Otf'rtaln<'d locally ~old, mnkin~ $482.20 in proceeds I while vacatlonin~ m thjs ,·icinit~. for~ camp fund to procure an cs- 1 Among the a ffairs in her honor 1 tabh hed SU!fl"ler camp fo r the was a canasta part <'n by Mrs . Srouts of thls area. Albert S tockton. 711 PoinsE'ttia • • • Ave., Corona del Mar. l~st week , Child:-~n ln Ora nge County Hos· on ~. Mrs. Garlick. who pita! will ~lve more tha n 50 IS a friend or Mrs. Stockton's I .. napJ)<'r" Ea st<>r fa\'OI'S lnadt' by fa mily, is sta)i.ng a t the Lagu.na the Sl..:th Grade Girl Srouts of Hotel. Troof) li. Thry are fill<'d with I candy East<'r eg~. Early thioo; BOOK EC'TI OS U month Cat'Ol Brush. l\f3ry Dudlry. Samut>l Ta,ylor's F rench play. Wcmdv Gruwell a nd Diana Sa nden ''"nle Hal)l)y Tlme.'' •-as 'rt'\1~'f'd or thi tMOp assi tt'd the Red lut. "'~k at the meeting ot the Cross ·in distributing posters to et'oond Ebell boOk section.. Mrs. ad\erli <'the I ill Red Cross Fund It• Pert"'' pl't"SC."nted ttM! review 1 CampaJ~. )lrs. ..ldn<'Y Sanders J foJk)wlnJt a sack luncM<>n a t the 1 and i\trs. F. 0 . Ma$tl ck are INld· . C!ubhoulc. I en ot Troop 17. • from EASTER U UES HYDRANGEAS BABY ROSES CALADIUMS 3A ROE ·i~.S Corona del Mar Fl1l\\f'r Ar'Clh~<'mf'nt' ROSI"<; C'Or<laC:~ -De- lh·<'rt d for you in th(" mannc-1 ~ou would hko PliO:--E HARB0lt !i. 1111 Cft~Uot lJl\'._ ~t"f'IJ Teif«ra~ A_,..,...~ e , Newport Harbor High's track men won handily with a total o! 30 point~'. in the small schools di· vi&ioD of the 30th renewal of the SouthH'n Counties Track and .,.kt Meet at Huntington Beech Sat~. In .amd place was Colton with 22 points. followed by Kearney with 21-.. Bonita 17, Ana'heim and Huntington Beach 16. 'lbe Tars scored as rouows: Glenn GrifJith. first in the 120 high hurdles, 15.3 seconds: S\\in- gle, first in shot put. 53 ft'et, 4,~ incbes: Van Dremlin. second in shot put, 50 ft>el. 1 1.• inche-.: Ner- drum second in U1e 440: Griffith, third · in th<' 180 tow hurdles: Woodhouse, fourth in the mile: Norman. tied for first in thl' hig h jump, 5 fc.-et. 10 inches. MOVING TO LEL\IERT PARK Mr. and M1-s. Ed Fi€>1ds and t hl'ir mfant son, 617 Narcissus A\·e .. _Corona del Mar. a~ soon mo,ing to Leim<'rt Park. Calif. Mr. Fields has I>N>n associntl'd \\i th a tt'lephone company and has been tran~f<'rred to an office nearer to his n<'w nomc. Guild, Capilla Meeting Mar. 28 -A joint mee1ing of the Capilla " Parents' night will be obeer'Yed Circle and the Sunday ·School by Boy Scout Troop 17 of Corona Guild of the Corona del Mar Com-del Mar in Pilgrim Hall of the munity C h u ~c h will be held Community Church Monday eve- Wednesday With de\'Otlons and ning. Scoutmaster M . A. 1Woody) luncheon lx'fore the mee'-!ng in a Harwood announced . special celebration of Spnng. De-It will be a pot-luck dinner votions will 'be presented in the meeting, beginning a t 6:30 p.m. Sanctuary by Mrs. Paul Babbitt, There will be a candleUght Ten· wife of the church pastor. ..Group derfoot investiture service. pre- four of the Capill!l Circle will have sentation of awards, exhibits or charge of preparmg . the lunchet?n, Scout crafts, demonstrations of with Mrs. George ,Na ylor chatr-first aid and use of rope lashings man and Mrs. John Lamar as co-and fire building. Rev. Paul E. chairman. Babbitt will show mo\'ies provided Program . will include a talk Ol) bv R. L . Callis. Women of the Bible by Mrs. Lo-·Scoutmaster Harwood will in- well Newlon and musical selec-troduce his two new a ssistant tions by Mrs. Hugh McClymont, Scoutmasters. Kenneth Wells II rm•merly of CoronR del Mar, ac-and Thomas Baume. companied by Mrs. Wa llace Cal- dcrhead. R cservations for the hmchron are being accepted by :\Irs. G~r·t;e D~nies, BEa con 6753-J : Mrs. Arthur Kemper , HArbor 2487-J: M rs. Monte Bea· mon. HArbor 0741-W: Mrs. Gr~ce ~ailors and thl" Guild and CaptUa pr·C'sidcnt~. M rs. Stuart Diehl and ~trs Wl."ndell J{oyl .. :'II<'mbcrs ar<' asked to bring old nylon stockim,-s for shipment to Japan. BALBOAN RETURN Mr . Wallace Clark at1d her son. Hanlt. of North Hollywood came down to Balboa for Easter v.:eek at their home. '1727 Ocean Blvd. Hank, who went to school here. is now a scholarship student a.nd pf('Sidc.>nt of his 7A das~> at North H ollywoOd._ Hiqh., Use Ensign Want Ads Harbor lUI -----~ ... Blue DeDim Sladaa • . • • • • All T• Shirta. Reg. 2.95 'Kait Trim O.aim Jackets . • • • FhaOI'a•cent .SJrim Truab • . . . . • . . ~-Side.- Zip Swim Trunks . . . . Hawaiicm Sport Shirts ----from . . . . • AU· JCUDJan or Freeman Shoes • . • •. T.HE AREA'S MOST COMPLETE STORE f OR __ _ COSTA you'll want a This Is the Beautiful RECTANGULAR- ISO Sq. Inch Pltlare and yours· for only - .Per Week P1a lnstallaUoa --- Ta.x a.ncl ~'arraaty .. I DROP IN .•• Let • Gjye You a FREE DQIOIISTRATION . . 65 LONG WEEKS TO PAY ---Your Favorite TV Dealer ' ftlltll lli:I'CII ... oww t~ prl,ur• ....... to ~ S~-port Palllle U ..... r)' at 111 blalt4 An. Ia Bel· .... 7'IMI ...... dra• .. lt:t• C--. del liar Ardllteet RaytnOM ll,..t Han?)', Will IIK'f'MW tlu• ~81 l.tel ~ fHt. ef noor to &.1te and will laclu~ a ·~"' IM"C:ttoa for c-hild~·~ boob •' w~ll u IIMt"' ....... t4-diAplay aiiCI ltook rOGIIL .-J Three teacht>rs and a ~ntlst from Oran e Cowtty, aU scheduled to teach radlo1ogical tedmldans I under l.be. eowuy civil defense ~ gram, ha\·e &one to Pleasanton In Alameda County for a course of trainln~t. The board of super.·is· ors approved payinat the t>xperuea. The dentl.st is Dr Charles Spar- kuhl of Newport, who has volun· -teert'd hu time, according to Chairman Willis H. Warner of the supt>rvison and of th«> city-county ci\il defense planning board. 1be teachers, aU either spedalWng in chemistry or physics, are Vernon -. Shippee or Orange, Henry Mansfield jr.. of Fullerton and Paul E. Norris of Brea. 1 The men wi.U recctve training in the teaching of the detect1n~ and t ..... See J);drj;,..,.. Return From Trip East _ protection from radioactive mater· I ials and In tum will conduct classes for the persons usi$tned to radiological duties In thelt var· ious communi ties. HOME LOANS Points east up to and including By 8UE IIITCIDIA.~ t a sextant Is still the never faillnlt Havana. Cuba, were Included In u vou put )'our hand In th. e 1 gui~ of a ship at sea. For some the trawlling iUnerarr or Mr. and ocean: you wiU llnd that It has reason It is. comforting .to know )Ira. Wallace B. Dickinson of 308 1 warmed up somewhat. a .eaiOnal th~re Is still no substttute for Pemleaf Av~.. Corona del Mar.l process that always presages the I stars -n.ftr trip took tht-m two months 1 retum of barracuda and other ·, • • and laduded a visit to relatives. In game fish Matter of fact the Ca.rft'at raft8C a.terest Ia tllle CohaniM. Mo., a trip to Florlda1 wily sea · bus ha• already ~ Eqtft' ~ha for aD daMM ef ~ ~Y vtsit.cl Key West, ana turned and in num~r but has a.o.t. at Ulle •~ Yadat Club an airplane lUcht to Havana. n.e decided not to take bait quite yet. We wH'IIHid. TIM-s-ldltt !ler· trip wu ratbft' a ~layed hc!My· Every JMsoned angler worth 1M for ~ wUI ~ude moon for the couple, who were re-hJs tackle has his own pet theories •n WftkM4 at Ulle S~ •tly married.. Mrs. Dlckln8on regarding rtahlng w~ held con-HarMr Yadat Cl•' ... be IIIP· Ia t.be fG~:.tMr Mary NeliOn. \'fl'lat.lon with one recently who opted by a ~r daace Sat- announced that 1he best Ume to urday lllcbt. • • • 11M letwn lUll. n.-~1 rea4en of m£ CBaJ.S. 11A.N SCIENCE IIONITOI tell die &litor lilew aliCia..._, ., tJUe .. n, .........,. ... ..,_. with ..t. CMI• .-ll 11: 'Tw JlorUior u •"-,..... ~.u, ~., ..... ,.., U. IN U.S ...... .. .,.._w. •ifl i11 reeell- !jf.;,. • ,;., U COMplet. ..4i , .. ,. ... - '"Tw Jlolailfw .....,y U • ,.-~~·· •«atiiy . . .• v ... '"· will bd the ......... illl.,...lin., witJ. c 1 title worl4eew •..• u41 .. .-.. eary •• yo11r ROME 'roO peper. u.. thl• ottlpM .... • SpecW laln4ut~_ ~ -S MONTHS FOR ONL"Y 13. ft. O.riltloooo St.... .. ..... o-. -•• ~~t~ .... , .. U. M-~ U 5 A ,_ .... -.. lalft4-•r, ·~ ll• .. ft. O.rioH•• klo .... Jll..a..-n ~oo-•· 1 -.~ ... ll. • • (drY) n• catch fish is two hours before • • • hi h ti..,_ d .... t th b6 t Also scheduled for Saturday, g ...: an ,.... e t sur Ma-h 31, ls the third annual San fishing wea~r is the overcast • ~ days of spring when the early Clemente Island race sponsored by moming high fog l~ns up the Voyagers' Yacht Club. around 11 o'clock. Last year 22 boats ft>lt their • • • way to the starting line In Los 'l"hfo ftrat eroekfor, u lftaeb An~eles Harbor ln a blind fot;t. a 11p of ~prtac u tllle ftrst Sc' en finished the 130-mile course, erocaa. wu eaacttt la the bay \\1th Humphrey Bogart's "Santana la.t week. the wlnnt>r In Class A and Porter • • • Sinclair's Flyint;t Scotchman the winner In Class B. and the N :o of them flnlshinst just fi\·e seconds apjlrt at th" Newport jetty . Hugh Kidder. navigation expert. told us recently that all the mo· I dern n&\igaUonal devices such as radar. remarkable as they are. are not without physical UmJ tations and that shooting the stars "'ith IJCO~"D DAl'GHTER BORS Mr. and Mrs. Bill OeSuttel\ 613 Poinsettia Ave .. Corona del Mar. jh.Mte anotht>r little d aug ht t> r.l Jackie. born Wednesday, March 7. in St. Joseph Ho pita!, wehth· I ing nJne pounds. Another girl, I Vic~·. age a year and a half.' makes up the ~utt-er foursome. I BlRTHDAY t"RPRI~E It wa.s turkty with aU the trim· mings ror Bill Kemper and hls I family, of Costa Mesa. to honor his birthdav anniversary. Mar. 11 Bill and Kathy left their small fr)' with Bill's part'nts, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kemper, 900 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar, and drove to Lake Mathews and on to Hemet Cor a visit with friends. The birth· day dinner was awaitin~ them when they returned. PLAS TRAU.ER TftiP Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sink· boner, 616 Xarcissus A\·e .. Corona del Mar. have soJd their hom<- After they ha\·e completely re- cuperated from attacks of flu. they are planning to buy a trailer and follow the open road for an indefinite period of tim{'. TRUEBLOOD~ HA \'E SOS Mr. and Mrs. John Trueblood. 128 36th St., Newport, are the parents of a son. born Sunda..v. March 4. in Santa Ana C-emmun· lty Hospital, weighing at birth 6 pounds. 6 ounces. The Santana is expected to com- pelf' a~aln this year for the troph), which will be awarded permancntb• to the yacht that is a thrCC'-time winner. • • • ~tty Cbattaclc of Wtac Saa~t rf'eftlUy r«leh'f'CI _.,~raJ Ha.-.1- laa Yactat Club Ball~tt.s _.t Iter bJ' RleMnt Dole. _.. ••~ ~'-to Mll bls plMappl~ yadt Typt·~ to N~wport Harbor aext MUnmer aad waats a nJchf' at Earl's Lalldla~t. \\'e not.-d the Bulletin's lm· ~·It list ot \1rJtl-. wtad· jamm~n. s1atloaf'CI la Ala Wat Vu ht ltarbor-~wall bda~t a \\ay polnt for Snutta Seas crul'" la~_....Oil« ttaem Clyaa HAll's ~~yMII 8C'h~r ~joice. • • • Did you know that the Harry Pidgeons li\'e on the sailboat Aeo- lus at the California Yacht An· chora~e In Los Angeles Harbor and that on a nearby lot Mr. PidJteon Is buJidlnst single-handed a 26-foot yacht of the Seabird class and \'cry like his famous Islander which he expet"ts to launch in July and tht'n sail to Hawtui on a .hakNlown cruist>. ltarn Pidgeon \\ill be 1 his nC'ltt ·birthday. • • • We began this hode:e -pod~e s(X'akin~t, Qf warm water and \~111 «.>nd it the sam«.> way. Curhng around the hcat<'d tcrra,ce· and into the lanai of a residence de- signed by Phil Ellerbrock and under construction on the Point, is a hE.'ated swimmin~ pool. the kind usually associatl'd \\ith Palm Springs. BE A LADY BEAUM"UL - - - --HOT' EWAR,.ISG HELD Mr. and :\1rs. J . T. McLaughlin, 1731 Ocean Blv. Balboa. gave a housewarrrung for ;\Irs. Hulda Finn, 1\Ir . McLaughlin's mother, In Gardena. Saturday. Approxi· match· 40 ~tUCsts gatherro at the ALLOW OUR SPECIALIST TO: ))('sign your liAIR DO . . . . Create your PRE'ITIEST FACE . . . 'l"rt-at your FEET to a PEDICURE and .MA..."SAGE ... · Finish with a MANICURE . . . 'f , YOUR BEAUTY IS OUR BUSINESS I part\'. for a buffet dinner and brought pre:.ents ror ~trs. Finn. \'1 ITOR FROM INI..A~"D Any scientist willing to \'Ohm · leer is asked to write to Dr. Ken· neth Taber at the Chil Defense board. Medical Ht>alth ~~. Room 322 in the courthouse an- nex, •Santa Ana, or to contact his assistant, Mrs. Gene,ieYe Martin, Klmberly 2-8379. American Nunes' Aaoclatlon has petitioned Wa~ Stablllur ey. rus S. Ching seeking reU~f from the lmmin~nl wage r~ze ln order to overcome cu~nt nursepowe:r shortag~. Mrs. Mildred Croddy or Santa Ana, newly-eleeted . preside-nt of the Orange County Nurses' AJIO. elation. asserts that 1M nUJ'Sinc profession remains hard preat'd to keep present nurses and re- cruit new nurses because of Its un(a,·onble economic position. Other orricers ot the Orange! County Anoclatlon who were elected at a recxont meeting at St. Joseph's Hosptt•l are Mils Ger- trude Dubbe, Orange, as secretary and Miss \'ir'tln\a Dodd, Garden Grove, u \ice president. )tw Edith Kcrl, Corona del Mu rt>Sident \\ ho 1s director o( the \'rsiting Xursc Association of Or· angc County, presente-d colored slides depleting servi~ of the nurs<-and emphasiZing that care ot the patient does not end when he leaves the hospital. The reM of tne progTam wa dl'· \'Otcd to a talk by ;\Irs. ~targarN te ot rullt'rton cnti tied "Our ~nt>mu:-... about sub,·crs- SEERSUCJtER...-Solid col· on and prints Unbleached MUSLIN Bleached MUSLIN Square Dance SKIRT PRINTS Printed TOWELING CURTAIN MATEIUAL 80 Sq. PERCALE PRINTS 80 Sq. PERCALE Solid Colors Cor-Del Beauty Salqn ... COAST BLVD .. <JOaONA li.ArtiOr ... MARGARET BOB Mr. and Mrs. Don Brock from South Gate and Mr. and Mrs. ~or­ man Miller and Mr . and Mrs. J ohn Barnwell from Glendale, \-!sited Mrs. Patricia Wittman. 1 7 3 s 1 Ocean Bh·d., Balboa. last Thurs· day. 1be Brocks r~tumed Friday and spent the day and night with GINGHAMS from FLANNEL Printed FLANNELS White FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES . SEE THE i.ARG&ft DISPLAY IN CALIFORNIA RATI'AN • REDWOOD • ALtTMINUV • WROUGHT IRON SWINGS • UMBRELLAS • • RE-COVERS • BARBECUES t.owe.t l'tteft • Free Delh~ry Mrs. W ittman. -------lOIS Ht1 aA.~ IN N. Y. Mrs. BE-tsl~ McBride's grand· daughter. Mrs. Robert BoOnE'. h~s ROM by plane to New York to jom her husband. who is an Ensign with the regular Navy at the Brooklyn t-.iavy yard. Mn. Mc- Bride lives at 2040 Ocean Blvd .• Balboa. -------611 CoaM Highway \\'AOOONER IN RO~PITAL N-.._. Charles Waggoner, 618 Marigold TERRY CLOTH ...,._..-• A\e .. Corona dt'l Mar. undel""-ent 'l.:iJ~~~i:~~CRS.:ilil• .. ::ll8::i:::ltl·i:y::;T~s~="UJ•t:~!..,.=::t::!l major su~<'r~ rt'<X'ntly In Seaside ... .,.....,iiiiiooii...,~ 1 1 Hospital. Long Beach. tow '"REDUCDfG.'' ........... Low Moathly PatDWidl * We offer you the facilities of the . Largest Federal Savings Association in Orange County Y .. 'lt hh .. _.... ......... '".......,,.. ...... .J,C . 44c .uc stcto a Yd. a yd. a Yd. a Yd. a Yd. a YcL 11' veL r Gene's Place WEDDING CAKES BIRTHDAY CAKES FRENCH PASTRIES 'Ill().-& ............ o.r... ... liar IIA 1111 GENERAL CONTRACTORS HArl:>M 1 ~56 Bruns & Marsac PLIIIIII O.tnd&l -•• '" ,.. Qanlatloa &..- Harbor 1318 OIUKiDda FLAGSTONE PP.TIOS BLOCK WAllS --·-- LAWRENCE K. GUNDRUM, M. D. ANNOUNCES THE OPENING O F HIS OFFICE AT 17<4 1 SUPERIOR AVENUE, COs.lA MESA Formerly Newport Ave. PRACTICE LIMITED TO DISEASES OF THE EAR. NOSE AND THROAT and ALLERGY OFFICE HOURS: WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY Office Phone BEecon 6508 Re1idence Phone HArbor 1036 , , , ...... ,..,._...,. M•tt. IL IMI ~by the a Sundal\1 ft'o .. ,"K'WI ~... , ... o IIIEa\"1 ~ "" J Easter wn'ieft win -held in ~ dupllca t~ ""Ol'5bip &er\ lceoa ''The Qurcb Can.. by ~r ~ Port 'lbetl~re by tbr nrst at 9~3Q~ 11 a . m ........ "ill mark Gene Lay at 5 •30 a. m. S unday, Baptist Cburc:h of Curona del Mar East"' ~]~.~t Ctu'ist Olurm b> follo'l\ed by the "Flight or the at 10 and 11. Eutw mornin&. Dr. w ~. t•tb u~ and Balboa Dov ." Y'ill herald the third an-Mil!ot'd I... BaRr, minb~ff and Bhd. 1"\f""'-port. "Ha\e You ~ nuaJ Eulf>r Sunr ~'iOI" by Bibll" INC'ber, •ill brin the Eu-Him•" y.UJ the topic of RP\. the Sea. at tbe maJn beacb of Co-t«>r ~e. "C'hrUt LhH Today." 1'bcm1a Roy &-odell's Eut«>r ~ J'Of\a del Mar. As In thl-put. t•o • • • sa . Pl'(:la.l East music b) the )'ears. a large ~d u t"XJM'Ctf'd SEW JIEX.af'.&S 1'0 MM.~ c:bo&r •ill lnd~ ".As It ~ tO ptber near the Rocky Point "U Oui"l Had ~Ot ft..bfonw \lilJ IO Da\l'Jl, .. .-lt h pedal .SOPQLnO •~ and upon the bluff at the root ~ ~ ~ ol \M Eanw Sot>r-"'"lo by Mrs. \\'Jlll F'at>Jds A or Heliotrope and Goldrnrod A~?-moo b> Pbtor Ht."rbf>rt Rotn at compowd of Irs Wdlis Fi l , oues to part.icipa~ in the niet-thfa 11 o'clOclt ~st r u n cJ a y y ,.. De~11n F'n-it.ast and HO\\- TM can to Yo-onhlp will bt." ,P\'t'n wordtip at the ~•-port Harbor ard Fo • lJ s~ Gounod by Rev. Paul Ed•'8J'd Babbitt of Lutheran Chwch in Newport Pra•" Ye '. the Corona &>I Mar Communlt) J lei~hts. "nlP tt'xt t.-i'rom I Cor-• • • Coogreg.ational Church. 1'ht> in'"'-unhians 15 :14 "Jr Ouist bt" not s ::11 \'JC Ofi'F£KED eatloo then will bt> wv n by Dr. rls.l>n, then 1 our pn-achin~t ''ain-• n iCI!'S ~ 1U be held at 31• Millord Baker, mlnlstt>r or the and your faith Is also \"tin. •• 19:4.:) and ll a m. on .Ea H>r , un- First Baptist Ollrch of Corona All lhl"f't" d\urch cholrs will Ill" 'da) al tbl> Comna d('} .\Jar C' .u •• dt."J Mar. mmbint-d at lhts nke to sln~t muru'~ Chilrch. 611 Ht"liutrope The congregation \\ill sill& ~ '11M' H11l~ CJt)''' b)• Jhndel GeM A\ . AI t~ 30 a . m. • hymn or praise, "Ouist the Lord R.otb. O..OJ>f'OO Jo '· •ill lD~ ln . :\1ar> Bau·n _ lt>ff,. n "U Is RIBen Today." Re\ Thonus M. I Know 1nat M~ ~r L.h·· lilt!:.··~ tht> ~t oi ~~ T m- C ibson of SL Andrews Presbyti'J'-f'th... CaiPdlu.ml•n will bt> ,..... Jll .. and R,.,._ Paul Ed\\llrd ian Ch\ll"eh or !'\ewport Ht>i\!hls ~·•'f"d into chWTh memb<>n.hip on lJJTt •111 ("' nd\K'1 tho> will read the Scriptuu•. the-Easter Ea.slt-r Sunda~ a " ll as ot.ht>rs ol BaJ)Jt-.m ·~· comf)lnt.>d story from St. Lukt> 24:1-13 who &"ir"• to i>f-<..,.,m,. nv>n1b<·rs or ••IJ m • at tht> 9.t~ and 11 a The combiru-d church a nd Or-fht> t.11UJ'Ch. I 1'\J{-t> "~'''' mt mbeors w1JJ ang<> Coast Collt>gt> choir, dirt>Ctt>d A spo.-ciaJ F~'itf>r proatnun \\ill ~1\Pd inlo t church at by KPnnt'th Bot>ttch<r of OCC, tx-held at tht> Church School at 9·-1:> e. m. ~niC'\•. At all will sin~ the anlh<'m, · ·God So 9 30 a . m. Hoh Communion . \\ill na~ . Rt'\ Dabbitt \\ill p Lovl"d lht> World'' from Tht> bt• C'l'lebnatcd at 8 p m. Maund:. <~n 'Thy Radiant ldentJt~. Holy City." The Ea.stt>r pra)-'l.'r Thursday llha ('\ mns:l. '1'\\o motion piC'tur films ··Good then will be led by R('\'. J. L. • • • ' :'\:et.~hbor Famt1f'"' ana .. For All Wheeler of the ChW'C'h of tM NK· ! PII£S8\'TE.RI S r.:K\"'C£ P«Jpl .'' "ill b._> ~w-n at -; 30 p m. urene of Costa Mt>Sa. The U"U&l routuw of monun~ R~>\ .O.bbltt "ill talk on 'Tnder-An_o~r anthem from "n ae Holy s.t>ni<.'f' at t And.J'; :s Presbyter-. taod jna;: ~U...,.--!~~os:.,.,.~Jy:og!'W~bD\::...,' .Jtm:he ...mm:~ Ne~port Htl1'gt!B J • #• • bined choir. "No Shadows Yon-~1Jl Ill" cleparted rrom lll oroer IO T""--·· I dt."r." Rev. Joseph ll. 11lompson han• two sen;crs at 9~30 a. m. .._ '""' . . of the CCllnmunit)' ~~ e tho d Ia t and 11 a. m. 00 Ea~~r unda,·. 1\\"0 Jtf'OUPI of ~at .mw JC wtll Church or C01>ta Me1>a •i U ck·Uv«>r Reo\'. 11lomu Ctbsoo's rmon will t>~ tht> E:.a tt>r ~rn<.'f' at . the aennon, "'Christ u "·ing 1n us." cake an Ea lt>r tht>mt." from St boa hland 9>mmunny ~telhodist This wiD oo followed by the h}mo Mat~: 28-6, "He is not ht'rr: Olurch on ~:. "f'!lt> .. rmOn of ck!dlcaUon. "AJl Hall the Power Cor he is risen. eH~n as ht> id." \'i'lll lw A U\in5! ~nor to . be- of Jesus' Name." &ung by the con-~ '1n Joseph's IJ>\'rlv Garden" d h\'t'l t.>d by Rl:'\. ~arr) \\'bite gre~tion. \\'llJ be the choral anthf.m directe-d Gra~ Potnf'r ~ill ~. tbt!, 16t~ The senic:e "i ll oondude witb b\' Jamt>S Fitz~c>rald Rt>tN!ar ~ntury hum~ ·~.J!Plwa &?d RC"~. th bent.>diction by Jtt>\·. V. C. church chool \\ill be h ld at 9.30 \\rut{' 5 • 0 • \\arrm. \\ill IJ\~ Hourez of the FOUI'$Quare Cospl"t An attendant \\ill care ror cluJ-"Oppn ht> Gat of tht> T mph.'.- ChUJ'cll of Costa M f"Sa. dren dunn~t 1 h 11 a . m. en iet> ThE' b&cramen t of ba pus.m "u General coordinator or this Sun· Cood FridaY Sen-,ce \\ill be held h ld tn tht> nt"\\' church bJ,Wdin r ise Seni<.'f' by th Sea iB Itt>\'. in COOPf'ration \\itb •t. James at 119 Ar.att' A't>~ Balboa Island. Cibson. assistt.>d by the la} coor· Episcopal Church. ~ewport. at the 1a t ~' The fiM=t bab} bap- dinator. James T. Van Dyke. rep-EpllK'Opa.l Church a noon tomor-tJ l'd m the church "..,!LS LEonard ~nting the Corona del Mar Busi· row t Frida\'l Harold t thoUt of ::.outh Gate. nl'SS Association. which inaugur-• • • • crt>at-t.:randson of Leonard Har- ated the sen·ice in 19-J9. OMI?r of 1'4t-s-RJ, E Elt\·r E PEAKEil )!ra\f', Balboa l&land~ Also bap-~·vice was ~pared b}' Rev. Bah-ReY. n 1ornas Ro>· p ndcll, ~ tJSt>d wrrc-:\tar} lyn Sue Packard. bitt. 'ponsors ol the r\'ice ~ tor of Christ ChUJ't'h b} the ~a \\ho,,. fatbPr. Dort Pack.&rd. 1 too the Newport Harbor Council of has ~n namro as speakt>r for 1~ n t•l Dr H. R Packard or Bat- Churches and tht> N~-port Harbor unri Ser\ i<.'f' of tilt' it,. of Or-boa !&land. another ectin~ membt>r Cham~r of Commerct>. ant:e. nw SPn,ce '-'Ill b<;ht>ld en of the Balboa ls!&!'d church: th hHls t"Ht or lhf' C'll) httlt' {)nnna L.c Pt>rnn daut:ht. r S • S • • • e I of Mr and !>trs Rotx-n C P rnn Uftnse eYtJJCe , t:PPORT T-\· PliO(; BAM nl ~ ''POrt J I h:hts. and Laura Bt'autiful floral arrangt'D"'enU or The St'\·t>nth Da) Ad\enust J....t..> Patch. daus::hter of ~lr. and lilies \\iU again bt> a reature of the Church or :'\:e•-pon Heigh is l n. D L Pat<"h of );'"''"PPr ~ler SUJll'ist> &>n ·ice on lb~ jolnin~ in a n.atton-wid campal101 H i~rht • • • blufls O\t>r)oolong tht-ba)• in New-to 1?. tend the use of tt"IC\ision ror C.\TIIOLI JS ~"E\\· C"Ul"RCH port Heights. Christian e\·angt>lism In tWP. ThJs year the r\iet' w•Jl be-('ration with otht'r Ad,entist con-~pi.'C'aal Hoi) Week sentces at held indoors for th:e first time -• • ~gahons the local church will Our Lad.\ of :\h Carmel Church in the Newport Harbor Lutheran make a 5p(>Cial rmandat contribu· m :-.:~port "ill be cltmu:ro witb Church, where thP unrise may bt" tlon to expand C'O\ t>ra f!e of th{' de-Erul 1 f'l' ' n l(.'('$ in t ht> new church \'icwcd through the large picture nomination's network tt>le\lsjon buddml! at 13th and Balboa Bh·d. windows. In the early hours or prolO'dlJl. "Faith ror Today," which Thf' n \\ bu•ldin1: will open for dawn, the church \\ill be lighted is tcJe\is«l for tht' fbrbor Area a. m. mass on Eastt-r Sunday, by candles until the un atsetr on Channel 'i at 12.30 p m _un-8('00rdinJ: to Father tepben n to ilJwrunate th Ea ter l da\"S. Klll'\', pat:i h priest. ~jd the momlna:. · • • • tu~:h· mas at masses "ill be held Mn. Gene Roth. soprano solo-BAPTI.ST .,,f.:ll\'1 E.~ at 10 • m an~ 11 30 a. m . un-. lst, will sing "/u It Began to A Cood Friday candleli~ht com· d.a~ · Bt'nedlctton of. the Blessed Dawn." The Senior Choir or the munion SE>niet-will be ht>Jd .tomor-Sao:am nt "ill folio" the 10 a . m . Lutheran Church will sing "0 Re--row at 8 p. m. at the First Bap-1 sen,c-t> . joice Ye Christians Loudly'' and list Church of Newport Beach.. Other Holy Week St'T\1~5 ln- "Alleluia! Christ Is Risen !" Pa.a-Pastor Don Lamberson wiU US'e dude Holy Hour of Adorauon at tor Herbert C. Roth will deliver "Tht> Testimony of Four Wit-7 :45 p. m . today IThUrsdayl: Tre the aermoa. ncsses" as his East er sermon topic Oro. privately, from noon to 3 p. The ~ervlce wlll bt"gin at 5:45 a{ the 11 a . m. servi~ and "When m. tomorrow plus The Way or the a. m. Directional signs at New-It Pays to &-l.lev<' in J('SUS Christ" Cross at 7 ·45 p. m.; And 8 a. m port Blvd. in Costa Mesa and on for the 7 p. m. sen'I<X'. Servi<Y!' 1 Saturday BJe51in~ of the . !l;ew Cout Highway in Newport will •ill bt> held in the church buildin~ Fire, Paschal Candle. Blessmll! of indicate the location of tbe church at 19tb and Court S trt't'IS 111 New· Bapti .ma.J Font. Rt>ading of the at 1027 Cliff Dr .. Newporl Hefghu. port. · Propht>cit'S, followed b)~ Holy ~ Easter Sunday Services St. Andrew l Pr•sbyterien Church 2)532 St. -""drew's Roed Ne~porf He;ql1!s The Rev. Tloomes M. Gibso,., Min;ster S.rv;ces today et 9·30 e m e"d II e. m. Christ Church By the See (Metl>od:st) 8olboe Blvd. to 14th Street, N•wporl Beech Tho Rev. Thomes Roy Pendell, Minister Services todey et 9·30 11. m. end I I e. m Belboe hlend Community Methodist Church 115 Aqete Ave., Belboe Island Th• Rev. Herry v/. Whole, Minister S.rvic• todey et I I :00 e. m. Community Cong,..qetionel Church 61 1 Heliotrope Ave.. Corone del Mer The ltev. Peul Edwerd lebbitt, Minister Services todey et 8:30, 9:45 end II e. m. Ne•por' Herbo• l"'"'"'6'" Cf. --c:., 1027 C 'f Or:~. r-.e ... porf He q"•s T~,. Rev Herbert Ro• ... Pes10" St•• 'c•s •c-dey et 5 •S e "'· e,.d II o. ""• Community Mell>odisl Church 419 West 19'h St., Coste Mese The Rev. J oseph H. Thomps~. Minister Services today e t 9 :30, 10.50 e.m &'ld 7:30p.m. S+. Jemes Episcopal Church 3209 Vie l •do, Newporl Beech • Rev .. Pe... MOO<e Wh .. ,er Rector Services todey et 6:30, 7:30. 9.30 end II e. m. Asse..,bly of God 22"d •nd 8den Ave., Coste Meso The Rev. M. C. Cronic, M:nister Services todey e t 9:30, II e. m. et~d 7:30 p. m. THE NEWPORT HARBOR COUNCIL OF CHURCHES COMMENDS THESE SER'IICES TO THE PUBUC OF THE NEWPORT HARBOR AREA .... 11 7he Ltut Supper' At CDM Chvrdt Seu.ational Values in Men'• Wear ll ... FIDe Slkill IZt'S 28 tO 5I.' sis ,fo 16653 Men's IPOit Sldds ~ S.t3 w 7.1~ 265 to 495 Men's lOOi'o Wool Sped Coats -izes 36 to 46 Req. 30.00 f995 and 35.00 Men's Gabardine LeisiiE Coals ~u~ UnMJ Reg. 15.95 -1095 Men's Gabardine Jackets •·un~· Llltf'd Reg. 12.95 -895 Men's hede Coats ~H t.oM Reg. 40.00 .. 95 Values 6.'7 Sizt>S 36 to 46 Reg. 30.00 ~~ Values ..,-- M~'• 2-Tone Gabardine Jachts Req. 10.95 -665 Lames· T..SHIRTS Values to 2.95 175 All Wool TOPI'ERS ~· lO.tS te It~ J35 to 1595 New SPRING SiiRIS &t>c'· :!.JO to 14Ul 149 to J9S Kf'1r. • .8;) Co 9.tU ]85 to 635 NYLON SLIPS Reg. 5.95 . . . . J8S CREPE SLIPS Reg. 2.98 . • • • 195 TRICOT GOWNS Reg. 2.95 . . . • 119 TRICOT PAJAMAS Reg. 4-.95 . . . . J35 CREPE SLIPS ~17M.&~ to •~ Req. 3.50 . . . . ps ~-I on Slipover SWEATERS Reg. 3.95 . . . . 275 NYLON HOSE Rf"C. 1.!3 Pair Boxof ~ 3 Pair & -- Gabardine TOPPERS Sill'S 10 to 2(\ .-3f\ In 44 , ... ~ t Q 1'-93 895 to 1095 -~· \ • announces PLICE - - - --laces The Chcunber of Commerce requests all lovers of this king of sports and all civic minded people and firms who desire to add glamor and respect to the name Newpcxt Harbor on a naticmcd basis. to contribute to the R4HJ(Itta Fund. which must be raiaed to delray the nece•CII"f expenses lor thia tint Crew R4HJ(Itta. Please Be Generous Make Your 'Coatributiona· Payable and SeDCI to: ,. the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce .,. E. Balboa BmL 8crlhoa. Ccdlf. . ' ,