HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-04-05 - Newport Harbor Ensign---.... .. -.. ttt ltsl .. , ---1 I a 4 • • 7 • 10 " 11 13 14 • •• 1e 17 18 •• 20 21 I •~ U 14 ZS H 27 18 aeao nw New·port Harbor Chamber or Commerce I completing ar- ra.n.:rm<'nts to· makt> April 14 a J!ala Harbor oecaslon when the Cl"t'IA'!' t'f Califorma, S tanford. Cl...A and t:'~C coml" hcl"t' for the Inaui."ural C'n-w R~atta. Committl't' boat. and a ll nther boatll at t h<'tr piN'S haH• lx><>n 1"('- q u--tro to "full dr . htp" "'ith th< u '-ll:nal fha:... Man~ frc;tl\ •-li~ haH• lx'l n plannt'd fur th<' \1!-tttn .. cr<'"·· includ ing an in- ).\rut•ttnn dmn<•r at tlw Balbo;} Bay <'lub 1-~riday eH•ning, April 13, and :\ troph) pn>M nta11on dmn••r Sat· Uld't\ <'H'ntng a1 the ;>\l'\\pnrt llnrhor Yrtt•ht C"lub. ho.c;t dub for tlw 1 <'C'I'lltll. RNtatta CnmmittP<' Ch<\irman l h . ~ohatntr Mon·u•o held ihe of· lt<'tal dnm in.: for lan""· '' hich put C'alt f orn ia tn Ln n<' 1. l ' <'LA m Lant> 2, t ·~c in lAne 3 and ~tan­ ford ill Lan•• 4 forth<' \llr~it~· rat'<' Tht' lAm·~ tn t lw :O.:orth Lidn <'han- nl'l 81'1' numht't·l'd frnm 1 to 1 tx>- l:tnnut~ nn 1 lw Lido !'.id<' ot J he :.>.oon-m, t1•r mur..,<• Chan h(>r St'<'N>tar) Jla~ Lan- c~>nht·tm announ('(>" that Han-.mE'~ · 1 1 · .. CrUtwr \\'anda hss bern n~­ MI..'fiNI 11. thr jud '<'''-hrnlt at lht> ftntsh ltn<' it' ~ a<'ht club and rollt"lo:e official!'. ''til 'I<''' tl.t• raet'S PAl"L F . DE LJ' Cu bmrl J, thf" n f'\\ 1~ ua;polntt•d 1'\1'4'111 h f' !W'f'Tf'- ta r~ nf lhf> Urun~t· ( uu'l \'\t(' \, Pn-..id1•nt llt>rh K••nn\' MD- nmtn<'t'S. Mr. Df'IJl htt' httd Inn~: und \lu•lf'd f'~lwrlf'ftf'f'' In boy,• '' ork a nd J:U:clan~· prnL."Tilm' In S ,tn Fru.nf'IM'o nncl In ·"'nuthf'rn Ct~LHomJa. "" f"' "twnk••r nt to-flit-~-~~ noon mt'f'lin~o: of thf' "''"-J•ort lbrhor KhH1nl" luh. dl ... ''""'Ina;: ~\'nuth nnd tht• l'f(.\." Bogart's Y•htWins from th<' nuH• NlmmtltN' boats Humpht·<'~ Rn.:art· ... ~a" tan a h <'ad r d b' !Wlmnnt Sanc-hE'z' \\nn th<> ~an C'kmc•ntP hland rnCV' crui r J:~m(lnt. on whtch Ma~·or la'-t \\ N'k-f•nd fn• lhf' • <'(.'c>nd t'fm- Lt>s l stx>ll and {'hnmb<'r P~id<'nt "''nJll\1' ~f'ar ~ktppt r \\il<; Kr,nn) Tom !"orton \dll h<'ad the honor-\\'ntt •. 8" )lr Rot:art , ... 10 Afm·a ar~ host <.'Ommttt('(• makinc a pt<'tUr<' If th<' :'nntana Pt-rtint>nt fn<'ts conceminf: the succeeds in. winninJ! tu:aJn nl'>.t ra('('S "ill tx-broadcast by Ken year, s~e 1A1LI acqutr<' Pf'rmanrnl Niles. radio and televiston an-posseS!.'lon of th.e tr:ophy nouncer. from the herald boat, I Sccon~ to ~·m h tn Cht<;s A \\as whkh wUI pJ"'Ceed dov.'l'l the th<' H 1 l a r 1 a . O\\'l'IE'd by K<'n coui"!K' ahead of the racers. ~midt. In Cla! B. rrC'd L)on: Kitt<'n wu fl~t. Dr. Berttn Halls ~uomi SE'C'Ond. lt1 n ~turra~ 's At- torant(' thtrd and PoriPr Sinclair's 1 Flying !-'chott•hman runnin11: out of wind and finishin~: fnurth. The Chnl<'ne. em n<'d b~ F.•·.' mom· Wa~:- 1 ner. \\On the arbitrar~ handicap The PaC'ifi<' Bled riC' Railway Co. dhi"ion~ announc<>d this \\N'k that lx>fore Th<' !"an Clrmrnt.r 1:-l:lnd RaN'. thE' E-nd of this year the o'·erhcad .pon<;nrf'd h~ thr \o~a~t'l''-Yach! wirf'S and poles tx-twN'n 1':e\\port Club. t!> on<' nf th" It''' .P\('nt and F..ast Lont: R<>a<'h will 1x> re-for blUe' \\3ll'r ~aC'ht" Th1 )('ar mm·cd 8 PI-: mm ,.8 forward 10 a 11 had mnr,• rnt rtP ... 1 I 1 nnd m~r<' mort> modt>rn dtrs<'l-<'l<'el rl<' Of)('ra-llmsh('l s than f'\ cr h{>t ort' Chair-. man of th<' rnC'I' <'Ommtltt't' wa~ 110~11 t "<'Ction "hen' work \dll F m·rl ~ammts of R.1lhn.1 ns.-.i.;tC'd f:x>trtn 1., bi't\\N'n ;>\r\\port !'tation b) llal HoltL of ~lhnn 1'-IRnd ·md and Surf~>tdt> tn\·nh tnJ:: about l 31:: Fr<'d lluntE' nf Lacunn nlll<'' of u·oll<'' wtres. Firt<"Cn mtles of trano;muston linc:•s wiJI ~ r<'mO\ C'd. inrludintt the line h<'- tw('('n ;o.:<'wpon and ~nta Ana. Beaeation Steps Are Oadiaed Th<'S<' 8nnou n<'Cd plan \\ill fa- <'tlt tat<' t hr <'' <'n t un I N"mO\ a I or thr pr<'scnl PE d<'pnt yard from downtown :O.:e-wpm·t 10 th<' \ldnity St<'P~ in a rPC't'('nlinn procr1m at the Communit'\' 1<''<'1 \\Pre-nut-of !'l~th St · and rf?'du('(> th<' ro 1 linro bv )1rs. Rollin Rt·nwn. <'h;m -10 th<' ci'"'' for this ch8n~P. The · dt\ a nd · P E offictal. are now man to thP. tat<' R<'rrf'tttann C'om- n<'arinj:t a~rC<'mrnt on plans for a !fli sion. at a Harbor-wid('_ rnP<'!-ri~ht -of-W8\' for stN'<'l purposes tn~_sponsor·<'d by t hl' \\omrno: betwcen Newport BJ,·d . and Bal-Ci,·tc Lca$!U<'. Balboa J~btnd and boo Blvd. just 1>4-yond C ity Hall. Coro_na d<'l Mar B~nnrh. Tu<'o;da) Lon~ rang(' pla ns call for com-' ('Vt?mn~.t at th(' _Cit~ Hnll plet<' r<'m oval of PE 1 racks from T_he <' st<'~. tnclud•' ll !olud_, nf downtown N('wport and West New-a_va_tlablE' f~<'lhttrs and nr('d". rn: port to permtt comm<'rcial 8nd l listtn~ t~t' tn1<'rc-st ol local £1'0Uf>!l r<'side,ntisl d<'vrlopm<'nt or this and .ftndtnlt out thr l<'l!t"latl\<' au- area. Fay Blower to Open New Market Soon thont~· for th£' procr:~m Mrs. Bro" n sa ad 11 wa..; tmpott· and to e11rmark fundo; for r<'Cr•'n· tiona! purpo <'S. to f'<;l8bhc;h a II.'· gal manal'(inJ,! authorll ~ and tn prn- ,·ide Rood leadf:'rshtp to intt:>rt'o.t F av Blow<'r of Blower's Vtllage young and old and <'nmura,::e fam- Markrt is making plans to Ncpand ily partkipation operations. ~Wsid<'S th<' market An intf'l"t'Sit>d Cil\ Counc1l and in Bnlboll. he 8nd CUff Lo\\·er~ Of dt~ empiO~('S who k'nn\\ lhc:>ir job' Marcus A\·e., NP\\port. 81"<' plan-are important. a ,,,.J1 a<; partict- ning to of)('n "Your Market" at palion by th<' JX'OPI<' \\hn pa~ lh<' 91!-iO AMh<-im T<'h•graph Rd. at htlls. h<' said. th<' Rl\"<'rl\ hou ing pro~t. Mr. Mrs Edsrar Hill. prt> td<'nt of lht• Ul\\t'r) "no; rorm <'rly associate-d Harbor H iJ:h • <'ho<ll PTA tntm· \\i lh Ma\ fif'ld's Mark<'t in Costa I du~ thl' J)l'akE'r ;\In; Lou" 'M<'Sa. · C. <'nar. pre ld<'nl-·t'I~C't of t hi' t'lt'- t ml'ntal") PTA. lt-d thC' fln1= l'oalUtf• V l H l •b Wom<'n·~ Cl\ t<' 1..('81:U<' prrsid••nt nUStta a l Ut ;\frs. P.1lll n. 0&\U.. Opl'nC'd tht> ' fnet•tin~:. PubliC' offtC'ials. tn<'htrl-Is Ca"tght Here ing l~yot I ('S Is~ll and Count\ " 1 SllfK'l''\'tsor HC'In7 Kat"t'r. \\ l'rt' I present. A haiJbut tllf' Ukf' of which had nf'\f'r b4>f~tf' ~" !1M"" ht>r<' 'n" c-~t~ht Mottcby by Rfo,·, • OS BOR:S TO <'l'SDJFF8 Paul E . Babbitt or O~MnA df'l A 7-pound. 5-ounC<.' S(\n, thE-i r Mar on thf'l Port OraDI{f' bmlt first child, was bom in thf' f'arb Alahmp .,...,.~ Daft& Pnt•t houn; of \PStercla' mornin~ to Mr ... La~dla. RaJthat al"f' tMJp-1 and Mrs ·R. V. C"Unrtur. 2 1ill X<'"- powc1 to tw-.. rk "" ""'" ~ port Blvd .. CO!'ta Mes&. at Com-(• t._.) ... .._..bo c. tiM' otMr, munity Hospital ~ WN one's t.t '* _. waa 4laftl .. IM)tlt name ls Edwin W nrn>n. Hi rath<>r ... • • IS mana~er or the P(lrt 11\t'atrc In ;-..... _______ ......,......,_,... __ Corona ~I Mar. ~ n.te ~T 1141teol{ --Public Libww&--:--~o:--:--• :Ul boat a.J.. .... ,..... 3S.N . r I. sutd H . ' . •'· POST Gt: PAID < oroa.:a ctd 'far, ( anr. Vol 3-No. 34 ThP <:1·cond J r~ resick>ntJal buildtns: proJHI tn :O.:nqlt"•rl Harbor ·-----~ h1..,1o~ •· J.:l'tttnc-under "'II~ on Balbo.:! p, nJn'iUIR ---,, 1 .. "', u.an qur.rt('r-malhon dollar traer ot :l.J d\Y\"lllnl!' Th<' J)<'rnutc: are bt'ing t. U('(! to Bell\euu ('" flf AlhAmhrn fnr Tra<'l 11~• bct~At>tn Balboa Bhd. and ~1tfllmar Or nrar .:'1'\lllf' Ttl•• ptn- )1-rt tncludr-.., 11\l 6-room hnusps ,tl ~lll'iol•• •• tnt tntl ntnth'•u ·-n..-.m -----~ . I" I•• .. ,,, ..... ~·· 1'/H'Il 1•)1 ;, t ,. ,] fwo Saved From Ocean 1\, . ., '1'-ltot :-. tn ;>\(.·WJX•I 1 J !arbor r)\\ •· t ht'll li\ c·~ to 17 _, 1·M ·••ld Dt•f• Ztdd••. :J I Hi llrant.!• · A\• (oqa ,1; 0,/1 \\ hll plliJI'd f}H 11) ltUI 11f I hi• ftl'l II 11 !'-Uil<11 \ 1 f I • I IIPHI r !ltl I ht ;>\ • \\ (IC•r I 1 •II ; II•· "' 1~'41 F.t•l f. Jlu k• 2:l 111•!1\hl<)l \\till ·I· .:!1'1 lll ... lllll'· 11 .. 11 '-!lllttl•(ln :'\.,r•r• All !:"1" H ~~· .'kll H • "II n.. ..nc: lu, c .. lltpnnl"ll ·'" \• n i' ut• .. "m 17. fll I'll• II'• . \\I() I ·H.! hH l : H:h~ an 1 h·· r.p lid• I•· I ht AI cl 1 h·· l.. I liil ,, •• It• lp : .. 1,., Jl l(M t f•"t•t rut. !-\\1m 11 ht•r .. nr1 hwuL'ht h<'r •'hot<·. :O:ht ~ut­ f•·rr·d nn 111 rfft'<"l"i Thl·r t• ~,wam b:wk tn thr ·~an lfl Hkk~ "ho h~td c:onr und r •'''Pral ttm<'S [)(>(' 00\.P tntn thl' ... urr to rearh Hicks and brouc:ht htm to~Aard o:hore lie had t trt>d from hi" r cue {'(- fflrlo; ..;o that he n~d atd In l!fl- tin~: the man out • f tht> w~ttrr Llfl' Cuard rap1ain Jack ,tones and non Burn. or thE' Balbo<t F irP Hnll admlntslorpq artlflc-1al r<'Spt- rRtion lot· mon' than 4~ m.nutr~ bf'fm'<' Htck.o; r('spondl.'d. H<' was 11fkt>n tll C'nmmunif~ J!MJhl<d CahsB~ To Fix Prices Tlw P.E'~umal Offtr• 1 '11~< .;t'lhih,;lttnn <tnnuun('('<; thnt all npt rawr ... nf If". taur~tnt~ ("()('kt~tl )OUilC('S sn(l rirtnk lOUntatn~ I alt•· 11 11 '' 1nd ot hPt 1~ IX'~ fJ( puh l1t •·<tltnc plnf'l-. mus1 ftll' r<'(J()tf'-r.~ n tltnt.! pnf't'' h~ Apnl 3(1 10 ar- t'"rt!ancf \\Ill• RrL1tlall<lll J 1 A' nf Apnl 1 ••ct•·h f'"13bli"hm<'n muq f" ito; pt·t('('.: 10 lin{' "11 h n, c ula twn 11 Thr o\\ ner mu~• II\ ht!> ptl<'f'~ o:o as to maintatn ,.,. a four-month f)('rind !-181 t1n1: \prtl 1 a ·rood 1'11st fl<'r dollar nf ~ It•' .. \\ hll'h '"' no lo'' <•r than 111 h• .. ba:-<· rwttod Ac; hi' b~t<:r rwr- Hld. hC' ma~ Sl'l<'<'t t>ttht r thr ('al- r·ndn r \ t'l\ r l 9-Jil or t ht ft!-t'll I Yt'at ~cinmn~ Jul~ 1. 19-J!l and t·ndin~: Junt' 30. 1950 Rf'p(lrt~ to b<' filro b~ Apnl 311 mu....,t sho\\ 1 h<' cstahli~hmt:>nt'~ nwthod of OJX't'atton and the• "food ro<~t pc-r dollar of salt'!'' m c•IIP<'t for t hr base J)<'riod Thl' Oistt·ict t lfftC't' t, at lt"l'-\\' -""th SlrN't Los Ancel,.~ Beariag Dae A public hl'arins: on th<' pfl1t1on ''' C'. tabh!'.h an a,.._ .. ('l'Smc·nt dtc rt('t ftlr aliP) ampro\'C'm<>nt rl(lrth of lhl' hichwa) in Corona del .!\tar "til lx-a ht.:hh~ht ot ~I on d a ~ «''f'nmc·, Ctty Coundl mf'<'tln~ 1\l ... n C'~JX'<'t <'d '" rome up f 1r nc-- """ il-ro:t:~ bhc;hmf'nt t"~f a p.:u k' ttnri r·c 1'rt:':Htnn rommt ... !-tOn for t hP <'I I\. Jllll' (I "!'":{ h.IO Th(''t' hOi·"' •Ill :r• 111 nn l~rl \'•If' l.rmt• Tr11t ltl'~ "ll •ubdl\(t!r-d 1r l-'• l!ru,tt \ WI-; I· \ thur A Hf·h- '''tU \du• '''"' 1• III'Jm~ 'n 1h• tt:wt 11 l"•lt 1 • y,.,, Lam I!•····· t1· r • • r.ulldtnl' Ixpat"- rnl'n 1 '' H II "Ill.' vm la1·r•·r •mi.! II i '• ·", 1 3•; hna ........ on Ltdr• 1 ... 1•. It•• ,,lui• Jll •rmtt'-\\I'H i~o­ ... u .. ci 111 ft I• u·u \ 1'111 In (.rl.-on:r ll•tl''' 11 .uul '"' • \\tlh a total \)tilt• • .,_"\•~·,.. The .. ~· d\\cll- 111'• \~It •I \1 1 )lll8t'.t. ,IUNII, (Jttl \•rt ~J• ••1111 l'~th•t••l,. City Shows Biggest Gain r.rr111~<,t rv•pulatum r.cn·a. e 10 ~OIIIh• rn ('llhtnrfll t l11r th<' past 1{1 ~Nil ' hi',., N rn rc ror&-d b~ :O.:t 1A J11ttl Bf'oac-h If I' I I'\ It t'Ci :0 8 N'J'W'TI n "'I \I'd 11\ l ·, t) Clerk ('hMrltt• Prtf'"' fron t h• nurrau nf \('n,\t<o tn wa .. hm~:"ton Tht Aprtl I Ju:-o. ct·ru:.u<. rr- ' <'aiM! a fl()PlllAtinn of 12 :1'2\:1, (.'Om- paN'd \\tth nnl.' 4.1~ on Apnl 1 19-10 nn mrrr.:t"•' or Jj; 3 per ('('nt Thr rrpm 1 •·rom t hf Census Rur<'a•• al'-n tnrlqlif'd 11 brrakd0\\'1'1 nf j)(IJUJlntinn Ctmnn~ thC' \artOU..'- mstl"ir t" of lht ('It\ nf :'l:t•WJ)(>r1 R1 'll"h I It '' '"' r ht• t wurl'~ Con,na rio I 'i 11 :ll!'i"i Ralhua J,JtTri 1 ~~N~t 1 7 ,, \\ p.-.· ! ~ ::?11 lit t '' f''l' "l'l••rr• 1 \.~1 l.trl .. 1-:· '-.17 r 1111 "' 1 ,.. rv. u "'' na, 166 Th• 11 r.'ll" •• por '-h"" • rl th•• fnll"'' 1111.: 111 , " ' '• ' n1 h, 1 ,~ .. m- ""' U't'l• "'- 1 !t:lll t'»fl " t.aln \1 ~l··tm I I;:~ 11111 11 n ... , II rl "I !3 q~q 1 11-3.'\ 'i llulll ~.,. '.!:-:\ j'\1... 1117 l.a.:unt ,; 1 !>4' I lh• 31'7 l.d lhhr;~ l it-; -l<l<• ~· < lr,tncc )I' •I">~ 7 1111} ,_ ' -·-:':tnt a \r 1"• -,~1 ~I q· ~1 "•"I H" u l :l -,-, 1 .,~,~ l:'G 1 'Las Vegas' Tag Tnt l.:t~ \'t'" a!'. r•t ::;outh{'m C11h!ornw 1.., 1! • nnm. ~,·pn to Bnlhna 10 An :trttr lf' 111 th<' Apnl 3 ll'SU(' or 1 "' Lom· 1'1'111 h lndE't'f'n· df'JII Th1 :11111 h h1 ttl• d Ralhoa Jotnt-.. Run \\ td• < lpt•n Gn mh- hnc. "'O"'"' th:\t lt'r<·r kmd ... nf tll<'l:lll c11mhhnc htn~:r> tnult Itt .tnn t h•• ''"' -hlltl p1nh<ill machmc .1rr runn1r ~ "" "trl• nr..-n II'-nn~­rhtnc ,.,, <''<'r .. ,,n Th·• '' r ·, 1 ''I • rl·~· ... n · "'tl.n ~ ... n:~m• '"' Tit "l"ra•••·· t"lkf run .. tnt" '~'11'11' tl' ''l oiolh ' not , \Pf\ ,,,.,I;; h•tl, '' n d.n Th• l:t\• • ,,..,,.d till\• 'I hm.:• ri '"• Atr- pot' l luh 111 :--.• t1 g ..... h ----o " h\ 1 t • 1 h• .... l'fllll• .. a llm\1 r1 '( r1111 ..... ttl<..nhtt• h "tdt "Jlo 'n m th• q., , rour t \ '" I t lf'<•k... h k\' \'I\ l,q ·!'~! lht\\r. \\111 hll\t In f'Tlt>\t Ill PO lt1lh !l1 h kl' ht Ch d 111 ='• 11 Rra d1 New Art Show Soon Anothrt· art 1 'hlh1t is "rlwdul~ fot t ht• En:-ll..'fl Bu.ltiim: 111 C"ui'Otlll d<'l ;\lnr. rnliO\\in~ thr <'Ut r<'nl sho" an~ b) 1 hc-"1 :l \l•'ldt'rn!-, .. \\ hi<'h will dCI!of' !-'und:~~· ,.., mint: Tht· n t·\\ •'-xhihtt •>Jll•nant;t Ft-i- dtt). "til Pl't'•f'lll rt'. tnt paintms:o: b) t-:mil~ Fl·ank f'f ~"'' York Ctl~· ~h,. <''Cplam t h:~t th<"w ramttn&.;!o 1n> the re ult 01 a rN'f'nt t-:um- JX'8n tour. romtnl! {rom "th<-trou- blro <'aldron or F.ltropt> " Mt !'< F rnnk has tUd1C'd M th '-11111 • •• I• • '' :\ ,, y,,, k t· '' , .. ,:. t•tli• 1 · \\'•111 .m I' II ••'•' !'l'hi I 11 ' 'I• n htTa: and 11 r·,.,,;, tit g , ll•" \ '' .. t'l Rnm1 ';,, f I' h~HI ·hfl\\, 1 "''" York 'lt.tn 1 I~ t'h T l,tfl,,.. Tt ',.. nnti tn 'Pnrts ,-;,ll;•n hn'''"" R' th• F.n ... t.:n Butldtn.::' lit hr>trnf'<• A\•' 11nd Co..1 \ R h d \\Ill h(> fmm 1 p m to 6 l' m d.11l~ nnd l'n Tl~ 11nd Thu da~ r' <'ntnt: to 10 ~ t' tubtt \\Ill 1 t ft~r t~, \\to\~: .. T IIF. fiffi \'1' C t t 'll •f '''l· t~<•rt H.arbur \4 t!l t•t>-.. r', I .. I lith :IJlDh "r"-Ln ll t 1 t.. T fl ol"'od.A' nu11n m....-tln s: n .. ,1 IAn t.. at thf' Ro""""""" C a t.. In 't•\4 port. "'IW'uk;•r "'lU t,.-\ ··rno On '"· ( &bf>\ f'l, ( b,-, -.lrr l'hmuutb d.-alt•r in J)aQdf"ft.l, "ho """ tf'll of bh lmp,......,loD' of •'"Ufld N>ftcfillon M"t'd c.n a l'f'CW'ftt 'lh-moath 11\0f'ld tour. "'.r-rr ... • .... h.. •f ..... • • u " b t ~ thf-,., Mltf'f"f-d tJif' I&Uhl ind.,_tr~ fa O.Oti Mottw-s Ia 1914. camt• to trtllfor"lliA 17 ~ •\:o. ~ .. \lt~prl"..,d•~•t of C'hry ... lf"r M otoB of CaJifom la. rf'- "la'ftt'd In 1944 to ~o in to bt.Liil- nt''"' In Pa ,'tdf'na '4101 hl"' "fin. p,., f'oiHHI t•l, f,n tt)t 1951 r 11 • r.:• ('uun· \ F Ul 'f hPdUI• rt rm .\11._ t:-•·1'• nk '•'d 11~o ad •ht!> ''c •" '"' I'• .. pr~•mtrr..tnt ol n''' dt--P·• ·m, n· f . arb .. nd •• nnnun• rmf·nr tmprn\• n •·n'' 'n '''' fa·- L"" und" ... , •• ='<'<'r• tar\· \1:~na~:• : f! \1 ,~ Ful•rn" td• r ;Jnrrnulltt d 1 t.. ft,llo". 11 L ::iiJpnlnt !"''ll nt... H c r~ :\1arrr-• u! :-.an t:t A nit ..,,Jfl(·n .~Pr of 1h1• ''•'rtrultur. fl, p.trtm• nt ~~~ \\ ~r1 Y 11q nf '' '' 1w1rt "'mm• ·rna I •ro;tt•t manacrr Harr~ \1am II rf GardPn Grmt a~'-"''' d hy !\11"' \la rrf'll a<. man.U.'I't r•l 1 ht h\·~· "how. Bob Max~r ll nf 1'\r\\'fllll t. a for- ml'r nr~SpafX't ntitll '" pubhr1ty mana~l'r Jlp ,.., a t.•mwr nall•lnal hurd If' champwn mt•mtw'• or t hr l!l:n-l" ~ t)l~mptc ttnm "tr\•'fl '\!-pubhc rt'latu>m. olftc! r tn th1 Atr F ort'" dur rtJ: \\'nr lrl \\ ,.r 11 Fatrgrnunrl tmpr•''' n ,.,,., "''II tndud rE'modt'lhnt: .n.-t m •d• rn1 ~. lton oC thp! 'Mtt trlll~ \'\ffiM' tUm intr :ln ''I'' -tl:tt< • 'hlhtt hutldinc n tl\ n. ""' • • 1 l.utlt1- mqs to mnt•• !-1!1'.,11• lot ,• •n .. tnrl '''JIAOC: on nf '' · '-'1!• k : r .tu·c: A rt>Qut·q 1!-lw·m~ ntl)l • I Puhltr \\ ,lrk ... n .. •ard Ill; h:· (! .. tv· • 11rlt •~t•na n1; ro'' ,. '' :' Air Base Use Not . Considered Now p, n ..... tr HI' r .t<1• • t:'l'o ·n• • 7 P' t t\ln\."' , ''• r : tlt': ..... ''nrtn \\'tlham 1-"n· "In 1! "r 'Qll• ···t1 ;t \l.s•·<'h ~~ 11 Itt · 'r•'nl ~~ r 1 r, I Hoh<'rt 1 i r:n IIIII d r .. 1 (I ul l<'..,'l!>latJot• :111d h.u:. 11 or th' \. AF Th<' lf'tt r •Ult•-d th1tt ' ddJttonal •n taHtttl''"'" 1\n• ..... QUIN'd, tlw ~AAil IIIMllll lAIII be roi\Sidert"d j [F.~~~0.:6~:f~tY~~!;~ed:) :tfi!JJ!tiJ [ :::~~ :!~~::ic;::~~:::u~:~~ J -r a~~L "C'ominJt or A~l'" In t Wl't'k'. I naaJ•. c-:•-«ht •• AK'Ia • ~ It \OU·all had ttlt> td<'a that n.'\· tt'~ ·of the d p uth an· a 11'-thaa~c lot. )OUr~ \\I'OOi: and and .>0\)'ll chanc~ )OUr rrund 1f )~U II')' tra.ilan~ Mrs J~ul U 03\lS, pt't'l'ad nt of the nt"' Wom n ' C's•u· L<'a~ "' Co1-nn~ dl"l !>1ar and Ball.xla 1-:land ·wa.> bat-l< "ht-n hl' wa May J:'r:l\l.'ford. doans: typln£! for an .~astN'f1 raHroad romp&n). ~ wa~ lt•' <'n a pass to tak e thfo nulroad 10 Califomta to 'i it her i. ter. tJut an t ad of antmt'dla tt'ly r<>turn- mf.! to 1 ht• eru;t c.'OOSI sh<> sent back huH or 1\ r round ttip ticket and dadn't qo hack tor 26 ~rors -• • not unul ahc:> made • cro !H'OUntn , a'llt JW.I a :lo ar a~ &•fort> h 1 marcia.~:•· to Arch•- ' Prl Paul 0 D:\\1 • 1\la) "·orke<l 111 J bank tn lA., .\ntreli.'S and latrr for th1• inH \m nt rompa.n~ that ... uhdt' adt'd Wt.-..twood t~lr<;l con· nl'<llt1n "tth th<:' Harbor ar<>a was umm• nn£! a1 Sal . "'hich tx·~n an '28 \\h<'n both th Da\is bo)~. Paul Jr nd Ronald. W~rt' just in· ranu o $\\ ammim: m Sal boo Ba~ must haw be(>n ~ood traimntt for tJ bo~ lx>caUSt" the~ ha\ t> ~th SE"rvt>d ru1 ltft'iru!~rds at Hunlln~­ ton &>ach duri.ntt \ht> sumam-rs WtHit' att<'lldlnt: 'CLA.I Back In tOO. ... eo carl~ dAys tht>~ trawlled b~ roW'ld-about wa)s to the:-be-ach. ~fay recalu. and. be- MOOBN e..d ,_OPICAl FUilNITUaE e ~PES e WAU..- ,A,EJ.S e lAM'S e FlOOR COVERINGS. HOU l!l & OAitDEN 6 11 C..st Hwy .. N•wpori. IE 1277 Ope. Ni9h" • • S..11. 10 •·"'· • .. p.m. -"tJtr '/f!JIIJcM • -J ;t .&.w 1.s U<' of tht> En.'lilfll rompl{'tl'd ont' ,.....,..,_r · It 4l&lld• .. ~ .arwo _, Fi fuJI yl'&r of publlcation·m our O\\ll that ta.t'y rould 1\a\t' ............. .. AAfA ,_...._,,..._ print hop fot~t·l!l('h(}(tl "'"a tta lla4 dwy Ad\~r11slf\C •••• CORWIN ROOT We bc>'t~n \\ ith that far:.t ...... ut> I ~ tht' nr•l to a-o .,._ II., .., 'nfE ENSIGN g publia.bed e<trery of Apt'il 1950 lin that h('('IIC II· l.hf' d lJ"t'r mU!It be that. tiM-~· Thui"''ay mo mln& for lhe Ne..-port nal .. n'<'k lx>fort> th<' Council el~·-\\t't f' ~pi)' bMalt>B •• .... ., puttc.h, JtubOr ArH. Oflicoe hoW'S: • a.m. taont, and \\(> \\l're th n ln th{' But la t th•l t~·ph•al ~' to $ ~n~ot~ro~~d.ay. N'&r or th(' Tid(' TV bualdlnR In "Ro,,ing ha tx>en gl\ten a bar.t One Year --·-· $UO ~~'"·port, ")l('rt> the old NPWS· push ht>t't> tht'OUI!h the y~ars .. . . Out of H.arboa.!:!J. -·---$3.CIO Tim~ used to tx• publish('(! wht'n and o;om" nf th world s £m eat OM Y~r .. • ... _.. .. 12.00 it was stlll a ubsta ntial and an· ca•cws ha\'<' a pp('arcd. Now it O~o~t of Harbor Anoa -t.t.!IO n ul.'ntlal ncwspafK'r In this com· ,, ould t'(>Ol that tho e in charge> EDITOIIIA.L ~ munlty. ha,·t-lapsf'<l into a coma or con- AIID ~ ... c .... ~ Thf'll tall ()('tnlw·r wt> mow cJ l ll'ntmt•nt, onl~ to awakE'n and find -to thiP' maplftc-f'Bl E a " I I{ n t hC>mseln•s b) -pa!IS<'d by, som t- 8utt4lh.-la ('oroea dt-'1 Mar ... l alt>rl neighbor~ t<?. t hP south A11 ~·ou CIUI floM", wr a N'tl't m od · I\! ore po"' t>r to <'m. ll'~ll n a ll sides of th<-pr•oblem ra-t'*t about thl11 na.-balldln~r. o r thea than to tal<t' action on a Jl~· abt>ut tht' """' r.tt• beck 11hOil ron('('i\'\"d pr~judiC(>. \.1\a t Wf' ha \·«' IM't up hC>n> • • • o After the ftrSt, ,·er)· n<-buJow. ~0"'1'' but tm"'IY ~ln~r n>· nwt:lin~ the ~mop ~an to grow ~ for tot• aolC'h, hl~tb as women brought friends who quaUty art of print1f\lr. <~N'ond \\C"'t' al5o intt>rest<'<f in Jc>amin~ t o nOitf' In lbh• arPa. mort> end promoting t he best 1n· Thc.-rt-'s more to thi~ · romin~ or to't'toSt of th Harbor area. From 31!<'" than printin~ our own paJll.•r 1 h<' , <'r\ be~nin~. the stron~l'St in our own hop for one full ) ('ar. r••mt of inten•st was in cat>atim; W t-haH• at last fulfallc.'d thf' ftnal rt<tT•'~ttional fac-ilities rcqutN'm<'nt for bf'<.'Omin" a IPJ:&I Tht> womc>n rt'COgnl£ed the di· nc>\\Sp3JX't publication wathin thc.- 'tl'mma of lack of play~unds and dt\ for one ~·ear a nd that i~ an- parks on Balboa I land and hoJ)('d othPr t>normou..o; s tt-p In tht' pro· li.-U 0.\\'ll'l to find somt' kind of a solution ~ of th(' t'o:l'wport liarhor En· fol'f' the F"' wa' but\\. tl' H' w:\ for lhi~ problem ... at the sam e sign. • • • troubl<' E'H'j., \\IOtt>r rrom thf' 1 t1mt> the.-~ wanted to sa\'E' CoronA What's t hl<~ WE' hear about poli- tidt>s washsn~ into naltxl:l <~f'lln del Mar from. the. sa~ type. of tical n~pirat ions u p th~rt' on tlw • overcro"·dro sttuatlon by settm~ Mesa! 'Ti 1·umort'd that Wa lt front hump.., . 8 idE' pia' aN-81' for u E' later if Burrou~h is bf>inJ( ml'ntiont'd as A fE'" ~t>aJS alt.•• th~· Da\1' .. not now · a lil<ely pohtico. Mr . Burrough..<~ famil~ dasco'·"'l't"d Balb()a for th~>tr Sin~ most of thf.> membership Is majority owner or that newspa- 1 'aeation srot. tht>~ b<>gan :opc>nd· ";" drawn trom Balboa Island pc>r up tht't'P. the Globe--Herald, int.. J'Untmt>t-s on Balboa . l~land. · und C'<wona df'l Mar. it was d<'. • and you may rl'<'all he was tht> on<.' 'I ht·~ fu t tx><:anw <.'(mS<'IO"!"~ of ctdt'd 10 form t h<' t,eai"{Ue from who rc>prl'st>nted W T. JC'ff<.'rwn Cvrona d<•l ::\1at: on a pi;nac ,'0 ("1wonu d~>l Mat· nnd Balboa l'lland . at thl' C'ouncll m<.'t'l in~ twn months J'uck Gull) amlan 191 ) th~) ..,,)( llt lt•ol\ Ina: lht' \\'A~ dt'ar tm· otht•r a~.:n Whf'll 8 Jt'ff('I'SOn orr('!· In do· on• nl th··u ..,,unnwr holrda~l!'o an •ro111,.. ;~II <Wt't rtw ari'a to ot·· nntl' rundl\ fot n('Qull'inc. th<' (\l· Cli\~ Hut llw~ ~dn't 1~11"0 ht'll: ~anttf' thf'it· O\\n local branch ot 1onn del M;u bluft was ruad<' to 111 £' unul H+1• afha h3\ ~~~~ th•• l..<•at.:llt' \'llljl t•m1,ha):t.., on llwu· . Conw ll\ think nf it lh<' Glohr•- spent 1-l Olton\~ burldur..: !h,.rr 'P''('tlle art'<l n.;; ,,,IJ .1 ... I'll\ -wuh• 111'1itlrl ltlll\ ha\1' o;omt• idt>ns tnn prt>,t>nt hOm~' Of'~ I "' the · C htnll l'tnhll'm!' At-..11 (.,,1111ng In mtnrl '"' thl' Hm;-.P. Ill Chill<1 ( ... • l kC<Hll/ .. 111110 nf llh' J .. ·at.:lH' n1ol\t'fl ,,II I thAI \ft nurruu ·h .. r"lllll :'lilt'<.' 'l:n \\ .1~ ,,., n Ill 1 II•• t\PI'JI -.h1\\ h loll n JWr,on \\\111 I h••• \, \ dn..,t• to 1111) tnt• I ht• "ilk•\' <;(1\tthpan ~l.ito• ot <n"" :1 t. •••UIIwrll houndh"' t'O•'rJ!:> am\ \\ilhncn•''' ''·•·•"''"'' rl 'o'""·Ttnw' \\ht•rt If hn'Jit laltl~ I' 1\ I 1\o t ••I 1 h tnd lo \\t•tk ot ~''' P:-t\1' httl '" nlll· 1'/1.11 'N1 It •nd. mm• 1\\1) :-,..,,, 111 lt~IOIIIl'' tho \\oil 111· .. 1 1111" 'ldl'l"-' th•· nlt•ntl)f'r,lllp ,ott ..:o ol :tcu ('nqld ha •· I"H·••Il II• , ... , ' DIRECTORY :\TRSEKY SCHOOL Mrs. Br-it t's Nursery School ~UP<' I"\ i. t>d Pia~ Pn ·-Kmdl?~a rt c>n Rl'a<:onabl<:' Rate<; Transportation Furnisht'd 7fll. ~larigold. CD~1 HA 870-J MU8JC Margaret L . Scharle Tee~ of Piano Organiat -Accompant.t Evening Claa8 .tor Adulta 307 GOLDENROD AVE. .Corona del Mar PHY~ICI.A.~S--SUROEONI.' Lawrence K Gundrum. M D 1711 Sur< nut· .\ '"'' Costa M P'!I\ Pral'ti<.•i• l.amatt"d to Di NlSCS 11f thf' F:a1·. Xu"'" rutd Thro.at .md .\ll•·r~~ llffi··· I loUt' h.' Armointmrnt r 11 fll't' nf. 1\."ll ~ or IIA J036 l..t·lt~U\' n .. ~lllllll' ,, .. , ... Ill "'"I IIIIH I. 1111! .limn ... \ 11\tlna.:ht ''''\' ... tnfhll•llC•' . For t L -Harbor A rea 1\\0 "' I hr ••• lolt'aJ \\1101111 l'ltl ••• Tlw ltt•l ruhhc· m••diO>.; ....... 'i • • . Be tl• !•·!\:~ hn•1• :n• t ,.,.,,, 1h111k J•ltll'l''tl Rnl:an ~Ht•o..IHII;tni1!1CW-look' Ilk•• H:l\ 1·111 •llh ~lln of Day or Nigt~o ,, r1 ry, ok t•·' t '· •• •'" \II '1 • 11••••1 lnho'l t '\ n·l'mfw•l .uHI llt'C't•mU. I ••Ill ('I •'1•h••l' of Cnllln1f'IC't' c·alhd lt•r ., • '""i' "' \ • ''' 11 • h ·c· "''' 11 •'<•lin.!' \\t'lt (lit J)llratory tn P(l· ., In, , • , 11\11111' .111 .,,,,,, on II • •t o' •• a•ht I• ''' • • •us • 1 ''' ,.111 11n~· a• 1n "IL!·IIll.lo-d club an pan nt 1111 ·hh'''' " II••• r ···•1 I . ' Phont' f 'II;.. ,. \II' t110 II~ It' It 'I'll 't Ill• ,I I n U II 1 ~ Tt 111(>01.1'11·:-cha II nl-111 o\ o•l I !1111 C'llllHn~ tTl'\\ 1 C'g'llt Ill "" n, .. .,j, ••I ''' ll'111111111 1\ tllll ,,,, \\:\\ lta\l ...... ,hol '' 1}(-mt-Ill· ·~nnwhod\ "'"'<\1"\.'l\1 11 :0:•~, HArbor 11 38 t•• ''''llllht• w <l •1 11111 tl•l lll'•'l't· ... t ,1 alh'd \tmld'i,\ !!.., tho• '""' l"'ltn:t· llo •·o·" \\rttc·.., Fn·d [k lann. "Ill" I"' Ill •1;~"11 l'I••!Cl··· r "·tl :_, •'· n••llll\ tiP<·tt>d J'l t''l!do•nt ut lht• .. htol of 1111' Lou:.: "''lll'h f>t·,,.; I - lllliiRI phm ,.,., "' ''" I • t 111• " •~ \\"t1m~·n" Ctvic LPnt:u•·· ( \""' ' cit•l T• l••1 1 :1111 in "'I'' nt "'" rnlunm-< I FUNERAl. DIRtx:TOR 111 uppa ~u·h til 1•h1 'L'~ .. • •'" u \l•a -Balhf,:~ t-.Jand nranrl! ,.; t ,, , k 1 I• •• ·, '' 1111 h·· I•:Ht to 1 :---...;.......;.....;;.. __ ...;.... _____ ~ ';;;~~~~~~~~i.ii5~~~~~~~~~~·~~J~r~ll~ll~l.iU~'~II~It~1\~l~l ~ll~'~Jo•~~~~~l(~l -1~11 • 1,\ 111 1"110ti'I"'I1L' ft•fo f'.o•t~•h II ~ ·; Radiation..Sickness Is "' I""'" "''" '"'n Baltz Mortuary "t'ront tht' :•n~h·, It Ioiii\,.., Ilk•• I --· .PICTURE WINDOW Jt<J \n\1 t \t't <;IO!) to ronsidc>r ting for thi' prol\IOCIRI-ty(>(' sofa whHI ll. 11rnwndmJs p:ur \\tndows PalC' citrvm rolor on paint!'d walls pia)' an )nur dN·nratt\f -.rhrmr:' was packf'd up trnm floral pnnt of A<;tdP ttom llf'·m~ a l'tnwtural f\31'1 sofa and matching drafK'Iil' . C<'ll- of "'" rnnm 1nd hrnmc: :ttrhtiN'IU-lng hlfio. tx'l'n fl110trd a '«lft blue> aal -.tcnlll'anN whPn tr•·lll•'fl \\lth to h."lrnontn' ''''h the-dN'Jl('r blue tii'-IIOI'll\o ""'" md tn,t• l}w~ f~dn bn1.'1dloom rnqx I ctu 'n,mo '"''atd r<;tnbltslung tht• Th~<' ba.<.'kQt'OUnd MIOI' lll.t' a 'H" nnd •ttmo .. plwrl' ul n rnnm t•c,mplimentar~ foil for th(' rich th;u• <thll"' HI\ nthra f:l('ttt• tmani ... hPd tonP"' ol th•' mapll' Tudq, th•• tr~nrl io; tnward ha\ • d\atl'. table<> and writ inA df'Sk. tn~ mnrr anrl mnr!' light tn our Gls sh<'hf'<; in pacturc \\ indow moms. \\'f' no lnn~:<'r o;hrnud our form rE>pno;at m ~ foa· t rt'llSUrC'd ~:hs wand<•''" "ith rurtains d rafl('rt"" MiiN'tlon. an!~ O\ o'l -drl'l flf' raf'.., \\ htch "' •• ,., nne our st'lt'C't ion of pro,·incial sofa of lh•' pnH'IIC'(' or tht' ).IlL I Wt> is the-best it's ('\1'1' b<'!'n. w(' h9\'t' no\\ \(N·p out wmdo\\ trratmrnt'! thf' on!' you'n• bt'<.>n Jookin,:; for. ~•mr•l" and mnk<' tlwm f'Ont rihutc . :o;o. drop in and choo ·p now. thC'Ir fuiJ shArt> of rharm .and gra· our sofa sci<'Ctlon 1 priC'<'d from clousnC'~s tn thP rooms back-S\19.00 we also ha\c a lar~e aR· 'O'OUnd . . sortment of maplt' chairs priCl"d The pictur<.' \\o1ndow in lh<' room I ~19.95 to $150.00 skt'trhrd 14hn'l(> form.•• a pPrf(.'('t set- BEaeoa GUl Not Always Fatal ,1,m1·t~n•· ha L•l Oif Rt•nrh ml""t•tl Chapel by tht' "ieo ln small arnoums. radaonC"tivaty tho> t.o»t. I'm talkln~e nbnut tht• ~t"ldom il' hormful. f:\'l'n whl'n klnL:·•llr.;od '!.U(I(I•nwt••r tntt•rc•lll-HARBOR 42 ·lou 1 .,Jt •lit oil ICkn .. r,,~,,.,, s l••t:i ·t•· 1\\\lnt.: rt•a.r~ttt:a lol lw twill '8\"> <'••,9t:.t• h('rl " snll a ·n '"" ~t'\\'IIHrf-Bn lhmt tlnrl)••r Corona deJ Mar, CalifornJa Ample Off-Street P arking •• 1 chattl'• 101 ,,.co,·er·~ \1•rol 14 . 'llh tht• t'r>'"' uf t •<..t ... n-.c. (':rllfornlrt nod 1'\tanford P<lfh.,.'tln~r. \\'hy 1811'1 It bf'l•ll' ho•hl In Ml\rlnf' ~tadhnn lOll WIUIIPEII All New 1951 Patterns Courtesy to Peint.n ' Oeeoreton ··-····· 61 1 C..st Hith••Y N•wport a..c:h Open Nights ·· Sut~. 10 •. m.-~p.m. DON KIRKPATRICK T-.V SERVICE 400 Co•-' Bouleve~ CORONA DEL MAR-HA 2206-J 1t's tn l..on~ 84'tt<'h ~ "This \\ill b,• th(' first time ·Jwn~ from th<>S•' lour W<'. t roa t univvrsltil·~ <''<'r comp('tl'd oscoino;t each oth(•r in thl' ~ml' raet' ru1d no 1!'. a pc>r·sona~t' than Ky En· bright. Ca I roach "hnsf' C'rew !'('· INSURANCE F or Every Need ISLAND REALTY CO. Harvey D. Pease HARBOR 377·W pt'N<t•ntt"d th!' t nitl'd Stall'S rn th<' Park at Agate, Balboa Iala.nd '4 Olympics. hail. t ht> Newport pt'Omotion 'ao; a wondNful nt>w stimulant for amu..o;in~: inl£>r£'st in C'h:ht-oare-<1 racin~ lhrouJ;:hnut th!' state or California.' "T he promotional thirikN"' in tht> :-.iC'WJlOrt-Balboa nC'ighborhood dt'sN'\ <' o o;alutl' for landing I his "BE SURE -INSURE" with Maurie Stanley Iru;urance CoumeUor big ~how. 10 say nothing of think-HARBOR 1776 Jog it up in th1• firllt pla·cC'. 22S1Ytarfiie Ave .. Balboa Ialand "RUt wby WPrf'l t.hf' t.raln!l Of I Lon~ Bett«'h. pMMf'Min~or ol'l«' of the-flnf>!lt !,fMH}-mt•t rr «-our~ In l·hf' wnrllt In Marlnf> I'Ot.adlum--1 "fl" nf thP ·~2 OlvmJ•Ic-rowing Ol rii.,D ON MONDAY , Church School Guild of th<.' Co· I rona dt>l Mar Community Church will m('('t at 7:30 p. m. Mondny at thl' hom(' or Ml'S. Ml'rh• V('rbur~. I 605 Poppy A"" Co-ho. te-sS<'. will 1M' Mrs C'h(>t PurN'II and Mrs. Myl('l Portt'r. 8.ILVE& PLATINO Silver Platets And SUVftSmit.ha Repairing -RefinJahln& Replatlng Gold • SUver -Copper -Bru. N ea r Community Olurch 1914 Harbor Blvd ., eo.ta Keea Beacon 5113 10 DAYS -FRIDAY. APRIL 6th Thru 14th 8 HIRTS. PAIAMA~. GO~S-for Ladlt-!1, Mrn. Girls I.UlCI Bo~·s. M~N'S-:·CATALINA" 'WEATEKS. l,t~NDLETO:S SHIRTS -a~/. ~[ otMrwi._:-JIE~~ WOOL ' OOKS -- -REDUCED ~70 to_..U __ -/JO WINTER STYI.E~. ~lr..MI 1 -14 -DRAA"V'ALLY PrklNI SPOR.T ae• Slat'k MOf'lll ($5.45) ;;;;; 3" "DA..~ RIVER" HANDI-<'1JTS. Oat % ••BATE!" PI OI .. AY = ~r \.IS at~d t .IM) NOW J'l. \·t~IT T ARLE WITH REAL BUYS FOR ALL! 11n1 NEWPOilT BLVD. OOM'A IIDA • Tlaunday. ~ 5. 1151 ,. "'flssllllls • •1111: lw •al'ylsts, '-ficnft wllbrs 11• allt••s 1r111• ••••· •• ,.,.,,,.,. •ec•ss•rr •••••A•,.. ... ,.,.~ IE a.Dor Blvd. COSTA MESA • W. Fwatla Sl SANTA ANA ANAHEIM A complete spray outfit at a senM- ti->nal low pric• .•. light portabl• comp...uor indud.d. Maintains 30 fbs . pr•uur•-•nough to· inflat• tir••· Sav•s time, mon•y, work ..• paints quick•r and fast•r than brush. Appli•s sprays and ins•c:ticidet more •lf(cientfy and mor• •conomicaly. Fu1 32 OL aluminum container in- dud.d. Any qu_art mason jar win f1t spray gun ... handy for quid change of liquids or paint. Ord•r yours at one:• ... whi1. limit•d quantity lash. Plus• .,.-d .,. '"• ell purJ'r•~ fO'"'P'" o· e·d a • '~"•t•r cc.,.pl•te for only S24 q5 I ,.~ciMe • •nd e9r .. to pey $1 00 -•uv • • I enclose end e9ru to p41JI b.le'>C• S I ... ,..l y. • N•m• • • .Add r•u • C•y FOR NEW ACCOU lS r How long l G . Ch . . I NEW llDIIDEY1'8 IIDlE I 4 eneratwnsat rtsten1ng .. ·r.;~.~ j~~k~~~~~: daughter Mc.>rlt', who hau• just \1 -.t rM: •nt 111 a ~>te~d~ tn"am Ea tt•J· It' tl\tll tndudNl tht' four I mo\·t'd to 314 Ja mine A\C~ .• Co- uf l'l1Jlll1.'1n) 'U\t'l.' Chn tmas at ttw 1t: neration . rona d<>l Mar. Mr. Phillips I 1111· Tht.> C'oronu dt>l :.t a,-Cl\ rc· A"-· Jultn ..;udh•rr hvm<', ~~ Narctssu Amon • the> J:'uefiU weN" Dr. and soda u>d with the Blu-Not f' .Mu- cJa ion, mt't'lm~ 1 1 11lUJ,.da) AH•. Clll'tllla df•l.;\1ar ''as a ('Ou.tn f Mrs. l.a\\'l"('net' Haw k!n and two .ic Co in Santa Ana, fot·mf'r homl' 10 thP Grammar ~hool \\"\.-; tn-lrt•m CuJ,uado Srwm~. ~Irs R.al dau~hteors tront Hanllnt:"ton Park of thl' Phillips fnrrm>d that a mt'nb .ut' up M("(....lrt,\ i\1 • ~tl'{'arty lc.>h for and Laylon Jlawkln!> of Tf'mp}(> __ tur Corona &>I Mar rt'al l tat for S;;n F ra_ru·r 00 la:.t \H •k a(l(•r ha\· Crt~ l tiEilE 1"8011 ~• · \'ALLE\' 11-t• 1Q51-52 n f'al \{Oar in tOUh-'d a l!i'nt•lllWI portoin of Mrs. Augusta Dalslm('r of Sun Thr.s infornll.ltmri wa~> C'hrn by ~ullwrn ahfw rll&. 'n c I u d In~ Vallt>y ls spendin~~: more time at ('lelatton Dh•t't·tor Ah·an C. Palm ~r" tni!S ht>r sunm1er homt•. 17 Oci•an <.'l•m<'nce m a N'port on a mt.>t>t-W hile> h'•n> :-Jl• uu~ndt'd-" Eu-Bh·d .. 'BaJbc>a, now that th~ f-pupil of W. letW •+ ~•pet+ Ace4•my .r M4Ktc Call Harbor 1171-J letw..., I efl4 '•· "'- 4)• s.-~ .. Cerotlo HatWo-4• ()()IOMA DR MAl Use Entllcn Want Adl ~U14 11\lt of iat1on rl'pf1 nt:Jti\('S tf'r part;). "hwh \\3. partl) a \\'t>ather i get ting nice•·· "•th JU.>altor Ralph M~kc>) \\ho chrt,tt>nirn: lett· ~l r and ~tr :::=====:::=:::=::::::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=~ had i tC'd tht" Rt'aJI) Board in Sadlt'•r' ~nand hrldl'<'ll Chnsttnl' It~> rN:<>nll) romrletNJ ta. k of and AndH'\\, <'hlldrt>n of ~1r and Tile rww prt" ident of the Surf-~ ('QU&Uzing land valu~ throut:hout ~trs Hill K t•ntiJ'.•r <lf 'osta Ml'M. ide1 • Club, LRs Bla.kcsl('). an· til ('It) of N"wport BeacH. \\l'rt> b.tptu;eod at t11e Coron.a del nounces that tlw firsrdan<l(> of th(' Tnta l a f'&Smf'nt of real PState )tar C'ommumt) Chu•<'h on E:Mter ;)ot>ar will 1x> thl' ·· prin • Frolic" I rn 1hf' t'lty is do\\n about $750.000. momml.! and fathf>r HiJJ joined at the Balboa Bay Club Saturda~ but it h~l bt.>t>o raised In C'orvna chun·h at lh<' "'lllW unw Mr Sad-night. April 14. Prior to tht> dance d ·I ~1ar. ;\;t>wpon ltr1t:ht" and I<'Jr' mothf'l :\1"" Gral"t" Powers. tMM" will be a cocktail party at w .... , ~P\\'porL Rr.odU<.·t 100" WPl'P jomt-d < huH~h m 1AI4! ..Bt>Qch that t Ba_y Club. ~wen by the Boat'<! tr•poneod for Balboa I sland. L..1do Sunda) aiiPr a tt<'ndm~ _tht.> Par-of Directors to we com<' bot11 t tl~ j J-.1 ... C('nl ral ~'''q)()rt nnd n.-.Jboa Ut.>r C'h ll"'tt•ntnl! <'l'l'l'montes. Th<' I ne\\ and old mPmlx>r-s. Equabzaticm fu:un~ \\f'l•' , ... tah--------Dance plan \\t>r't' mad<' at a 1'\'- h-.hf'd b~ thP R<'a.J t;!o Boord llll tht> c p·lla r--l"e'01 board ftl('('tlflio; at th Balboa bt~l" or actual salf.>l> or lot' durml! a l '-Jf OtlPS hland honw of Mr and )~rs. W il- lhr> pa t (('w \'t'8MO La~t <'QUtth -ham \'eneman. In add1t1on to , tllon wa.-; In 1944. Meet Next week Presidr>nt BJakt>.ll'y, tht> 0('\ offi-Th<' CJ\'IC Assoc1at1on 'Oti'd to <'<'I'S art' ~tan H owa1'<1, \'lct'·presi- :.uppor't tlw pt>tJt10n of tht> ~·nt_ral j St>t:trons of ('apilla ·Cu'CI<' of thf' dent. !\Irs .. \'em•man, M'CI"Ptar~.; NPwport C'ommumt~ Assoclat•on Cor-ona df'l ;\lar c 0 m m u n i c ~· Jack BrOl'rm~. 11-easurt>r, and 01- ror remo,al of thf' Standard Oil Chutt'h \\Ill nt("\.•1 n1 ,. wN'k at I'('<Ctors ·L~Il' Finlt>y. Frt'C'man 1..~ tanks lx>h~l"('n 18th and 19th the homt> of m~·ml)t'l ' Gmup "'n 1-~i her. Art Salisbur~ Bob H it1 Str•"('tS alon~: Balboa Blvd Edward \\ill met>t at 11 a.m TUt.>~~ a t th<' and Hans Broerm.g. HPi\ly. pl't'5id n t or t ht> Central homt> or ~lrs w p Custer. :?121 The Surf J_dl'rs Club I a ~al Nt>wport Group, was pr<>sc.>nt to ex-Larkspur An~ .• "1 th ~1iss Glyde group compn ed or youn~ marr1ed platn his association's s tand. Maynard ((i\·ing a I"'\'\ lew on "Th<' couples of, tht' ~ar~r Area. with Mo,·ies of CM"W racing weN" Near East Pant,.ama .. M t.>mlx>rs membership 11 m 1 t t> d to 100 shown by Don Grant of Hunting· I will brtnjt sand\\·icht."> couples. ton Beach as a pre,;ew• of the In-Group four also ml''' · on ~-· '"'rrollegiate Crew Regatta to bf' da\ for sack lunch at tht-home of DAD F&OM ~~MEL hf'ld ht>M".April 14. Hay LAn~tt-n-;\1.;.; Pl'rn Schroek. 110-l West· I A ''N'k-<>nd \ISitor to theo homf' twrm. £'X('('Utivt-secretary or the wood A\·e~. Sant:l Ana. Chair-of Mr. ~nd Mrs. Howard C.ave. Chamber of Commerce. spcmsors man of Group 1w. :\t n; -Groi'S:l' 1617 Pal'lfic D~ .. Corona d\'1 :\1ar , of tht> regatta. introduet'd Mr. Davit'S. 2641 Wawrly Dr . Bay \\88 ~frs. Ca\l' s fath('r. Dr. J . L Grant. who will bt' rPf('rf'l' a nd S hort' .. \\ill t•ntl'l·tam 1 hat tn'OUP H ughes from Carmel. IPChnica.J dii('('IOJ for 1h,• C'rf'W :11 hf'r htt•nt· lit )II I m nl'XI liiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiii ' ('('8 Thtu da \ \ I"'IT 1• . .\LM ~PRI~ ,:-< . ln. Hal Wf'l!l 16<Y7 Pac1far Dr . ( un •na del !\lar, and· hl'r Ill('<.'<'. M l·' Elolo;e EhrMman. 1061.: C'lub- llii\N ' ~t'\\1101'1 J)i'nt two da~s 10 l'a.lm Sprin~; h..,t \\ <'f.'k IG KA Xl.T BOVS HERE I ra rr) \\'t>:-tO\ •'r Jr .. and R I!J'OUP ul 'is::ma Nu hat••rnity br,•thl"r·~; lr·om the l'nl\•'rMt\ of Alu<lna ,,t'f·upi">d an a(l3J>tmi-nt l'Onn•·rtt'd ;\'llh thP \\'• "10\!'r hnm•' lfil) Pa- l I'll' Dr . rm onn dt•l ~1a r t 111 En~­ ll'r week IURTIIO.\ \' "'KATISf• P .\RTV ~katin~ a t tht> co-.tu :\It'S& rink \\8" enjo~l"d b) p, 11•1· llu)cke, Gr<'~t Ad l\ns a nd C'hm k Knl\ is to ol B.'\lboa \\ ht>n tlw~ lu•lpo•d flobb) :\tr Unnald :-on nf ;\11 and ~1rs. \\'1lham ;\lcDonaJd, I :">36 ()(:can Bhd .. Balboa. N.>lcbrall' hJs 13th bu·thdH~ anniH•rsa•·~ nU"I U . .\U,n.o\ TU I~L\~'"D :\tr 1111d ;\I'"' Juhn I..a~nt> ha\t'' movtJ I n1m : \ \' lla) . Ba I boa. to 31111': ;\la1m• .\w , Balboa L - land Vealu For the Harbor Aren ~eVdi.,u-, Joe Nickertz another. hrst for Newport Harbor - 1naugural 8-oar shell CREW REGATTA SATURDAY. APRIL 14. IS ft-'f 't'i!: ',f'llHH LIDO S .HE T ME FOR THE ''~AuG RAt 'IEW "C'~<>T ...... ~s':'o CI-'At• Btl! OF COMMERCE P EG "·-~ Sfl THF CREWS f'IF C UCL-" lJSC p· YO JR Ct1 .... M8f q 0' CO~!-<.·F.PCt .,N T"'i s WH ICH w ~L O·CF I ' • • .-.· 0'16 L EllfO!T HArt~OR DAHH \\ d \ ,llll d d lll l " ll d d d d ~ ~ ~ ' » ... ..,, , ' q ' , ' , q ' ' ' ' r' ' 1 , ' ' ' \ ' \ ' \ ' , ' \ , ' ' ' ' OPening ~nder N~ Management H~~~ ()~ NT A W ~IJIJ() ~P~R UO. [Formerly Harbor Paint & Appliance Co.) TWO BIG Get Acquainted Days Co ,·isitors oming to our ~f ort> Friday & Saturday {Adults only ) .. * * 1ft Complete Line of Pittaburqh Paints Complete Line of Dutch loy Paints 1322 CoJ01 izer Colon Color Mixing & MatchinCJ Semce (Poirulettia cmd Coa.t Bm;l) y * * l!! Pdd Naer Itt Clllon RE-g. 40c Gal. Fliday and Saturday ( lOc ~ up. • He>len S tockton was t-lcctf"d l'XN.'Uth·e women, at tht' Thursda~· president of the Newport Harbo1 met'tin~. Unsung Commercials I Bloodmobik due April19 611 Zonta Club at a dinner m<-eling Annual ~ports were ~ven by ht>ld at the hom of Marie H()W('6. M rs. Coleman on fln&n~: Mrs. Costa Mesa. last Thursday. Mrs. Howes on internatJon~tl ~lations; Stockton I co~wn r of the OoJ: Mrs. Stockton on program; Lud lle and Cat Hosp1tal in Corona del Stoddard. Corona ck>l Mar, on Mar. membership; Mrs. Drolet on ser- A · GET-ACQt'AJSTED o p en ;o.;t>lrt BIOfodmnbllf' '"'' to ~€'" -~ houst' is being l~ld Frida} and Pf~~"' HArbor "111 t;. ThW"f;d y, Saturda} at the Harbor Pamt and Apnl 19 from 3 tn 7 p. m F'or o,_ WaUpaper Co. Honnerly Harbor thE' f1~t 11m<' tlw BJ'oodmnb1le ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Paint and Applianct> Co I. 219 wtll lK' at lttC' Amrrlcan U>s::ion ~ Coast Bl\'d.. in Coronll ck>l Mar Hall '" 15th and Bay &n Nrwport Painting Contractor Frank Kat-Appomtm('nt Cl\n 1M> rna&-by t:all· nik ls thE' new o"rnE'r. llnd Mrs en~: I I Arbor 1R65. The 270-pmt Katrtik is helping out at the store. unit that cam<' h('re for tht' Jut Other officers elected were vice; Frances Mears, Balboa, on He"'n Norton, Newport Beach, as pubJidty: llnd Mildred Stanley, first ~president ; Peg Haapa. Beacon Bay, as outgoing presi· Corona df!l Mar. as seoond vice-dent. pretlident; Huel Dell. Balboa Is-~ Dinne r was prepared and served land, as rerording eocretary; Mrs. for the group by members, Mn . Howe11 as correBpondlng secre-Howes, chllinnan; Ruth Hummel. tar y; Peggy Retn ert. Ne>wport Three·Arch Bay; Etsle Hampton Heigh ts. treasurer: Letha Drolt>t and Thelma Paddock Hope. Co- of Costa Mesa and Kathleen Col<'-rona del Mar: Mrs. Meoars. Mrs. man of Newport H eights, both Norton. and Mr~. Haape. During the two-day open house. \'isl1. in Januan. wa 111lf'd to ca- visitors will receh·e a 59c bottle· padtv. · of paint and floor cleaner free, • and a special on paint thinner ts being offel"t'd. Mr. Katnlk has add- ~ the Pittsburgh Paint ·line. wall- hoklo~ dir~Ot . are directm-~--------------at-larg('. w--= .,_. ..-.: A new m('mber, Marav<'ne Gal-• ..._ ~ papers, brush rental. spray f:Un and floor waxer rental. and color rnhdnlt allct marchtrrg U>l'\1N>. in addition to handhng Dutch Bo~ paint and the 1322 Colori.zer Col- ors. lagher, who operates a ceramics ~ 0 · Industry in Corona d<'l Mar. was I I La) initiated in Zonta, organization for 'L~ WSCS to H ear Miss Elsie Ferri s ltighll~ht of n<'xt Tu<' day's m('('lin Jt of tht> Woman's Soci«"ty of Christian S E' r ' 1 c P, C h r i s 1 Church by the St'a, will 1M-a talk by Miss Elslt' Ferric;, Lon~ Beach a ttornt"y, world 1 ra\'E'IIcr and lec- Police calls dunn~ Ea teor W~k WPrt' down about 17 pt'r C't'J'lt from last yE>ar 685 compar<'d to R31 l.n 1~. Poh<'<' Chi<'f R R llod~tkin­ son N'ported th1s ""'<'k In only on<' catt>gor;\ "'as thf'rt' any in- <'r('BS{'--dtsturban<'«' arrPl>t"' Thf'fts reportPd w('rco rdrnt1cal with 1<~'1 ;\'ear The nE'"' O"'TlE'r has been in 1 he painting ront ractlnl! and m terior ck>corat ing bustn<' s for 20 y«"an. tartin~ 1n P ittsburgh. For a num- ber of ) Pars h€' ha:-carnE'<! on his JVIIntin~ and d('('Oratlnl=( bU!'I- nt'!' throul:'hout OrangE' Count) doln~ rons1dcot-a bl( "ork m t he• I I arbor ar€'a • • • F.LE<'TED \ IC'€'-prt'SJdPnl of thf' (>rang(' C.ount;\ F loral Association J l<'r<'s th(' r('N•rd tuN'r. The• ~>ol>f'('Ch. to be ~i\·en at !'umbN of ralll' 1 30 p m in thr church sane-'l'raffk cases t ua t y. is OJ)('n Ill a II wompn of thE' ; ACC'Id<>n ts llarbor arc:olt ThE'fts Mi s Ferris has s poken ht'rl' tx>-,Jntoxication for<> last ()CtobC'r at the rE'trt>at Di!>t urban('(' of the Coum·1l of Chun.'h Womt'n Liquor to minors ut Mar ('asn and at a Capllla l Jun•nill"s arrt>stcod '51 AA."; 1';' t 'l!of\ R.11 2<1<1 22 J(l 6:; 611 16 2i ]() ~ !) 11 76 121 at t h{' f'lo'ClJ(•n mN't mg ht>ld )1on· ... 9 day l'\t'mnc at Chri Han·~ Hut m 950 Balboa Wll> ~!On I ~fulho, 0" nN ~1 of F lrmt'rl> h) ~lord 10 Balboa 14 1 :":amf'd pr<'!>rdt•nt "a' AI ~1acn·' 30 of ~ant a Ana •C? • • • 2Q "T~-'lER of a ~2:10 fn"!>t pn7E' I 6 m a national window display ron· C.rde mt'ctin~ at thr Corona drl l - Mar Communit) Church.. T Set I d Thf'rf' wi II !)(' 11 • bU),I ncs~ meet-, .s... a.u.r rn)! 1n thct)_JW'rnuu: 10 C'..oOOcll a&ll .~v 129 test I!' Bob AIIPn's \'arie>ty Stor<· on Balboa Island Thl' award w:u. l.:l\1'11 h\ thP :'l:attonal :":M'dlt:><'raft Bur'Ntu' of :'\t'\\ York and Bl1b All<'n·-:-tor(' \\flO 10 1hr• mdt>J)('n· d.-nt \·arll't,\ "tor.-~HoUp '!':t\1' md !"<'" .. \\a' thf tht'mt• of the> Ute Enslen Want Adrt AU that makes a Woman's Hair Beautiful ltetme11e11h for yovr ·•t"''"ediete fn,oym•"'' Reltylin9 • · Heir Colori!'9 Cor .. Del Beauty :\1ARC.ARET OOB 108 COA"'T RIXD .. C'ORO~ HArbor seM FOI'IIM"rl • Ga Salon LEORA D EL MAR HELE P. ROBERTSON M D ... -.... ~-. : rr: • ~ ·." t ·.-~ C ~; •• -. OE-~ q:- . ::.., • l -Hnll, <,tartrn"Slr'll 11 1\.m .. with Miss F Sh t Pat ('lurA Kohl~t. Pl'('"ldt'nt of thP or 0 lf~<:al WSCS. Pl't'. idJnt.: Tht' Ral- ~1~<t C'lrclc> will <;f'nr lunchron at I A "' w 8J;m"E"I!at<' 'hot put rr- 1 ~ I !'I P m f'tll d c•f J.J~ f ('('t, i 1 _ irlC'ht·.., \\ 8'- -~ St t by :\t"\\llurt H arbor :tt the 1-:1 \\Jndm\ di"pla~. (Jianrwd and rr• -~f~;;;r.;;r.;~;;:~:~i=~::::::~~~--:~ Jlltl ,-d h~ I ~t· -•:.:m'r L)c'll Bull<'r· mn1• 111 Cor••n~t drl ~hr Ensign Cl.ass1lled ads ha\'e ~n a pro"·en ml"ans or reaching buye>n for all sorts of merehandis Cse tlwm! Phont-Ha.rboT 1114. QI.~MG~H Qi4•p4•1 :\tontt:' Rt>la~ s F'1 1da~ L I o ~ d ~" tnt:h &h \'an Drrmhn and f'<·nn•' :\lr\ll'lla n bmkf' 1 hr mark ot 111-h•t t "'' '"'' "'ar h' :":t•\\fl()lt . Th• nnh ut h11 • 'f'nt Ill "h1ch t h•• T .u ... 'plal't'd 10 Cia'' A wao; the• hu::h Jllrnp ft 111 Cor ltr't \\Jih 1 an a ~.;:tf'l!a I• • ht 11~h 1 of I 6 fl't't. ~t• p 1010 sprim-: w11h a JBCk('t , lfl mrhf'' ="<'"port IIIH lxtr plaCI'd ---the "''''ltltlt• t-o~tumt' makC'r ,.1xth m C"lass A rom(ll?llllon \\lth \\ht<'h il'o Ml praC'tknl rna nautical 9 pomt~. 13th in Clas!> R \\llh 3 1 ~ t'Ornmunit) Flannt'l jaC'kPt' 10 pornt~. lngl<'\'-ood \\8!o \\llln•T In lt'<l. wh1H• and nn'~ \\Ill t~·nm up hoth Class A anl<d~B~·=====~!:~=~~=~~~~~~~~ \\llh man:-!okll t!o lo · ... ullr•" ,\'011 = Ill 11fid II r'II"URI \\I';IJI Ill at\,\ pat1 nl ~ otn wn rclr'oh~·. Thlo; yc•n r O'HRit:~·:-o Sl:"nl n ha\1' c·rc• .. t c•mJIItaoo1oo .•. i>Qfnf>- tlmc•o; c)n t he• l~kf't or 11mJlrtl~· li JIJIIICJliC'tl to thf' .. tl'f'\'o> for ft nc•w, "''" look. throe.' eri'-.t .. a rc> ric-h untl C'c•IM fUI :tnd dlo;tln- l...,,l .. tuod luokln a.t. t If f'flllrw (l'IJRtl":":'!" al~o haH' l)taUtlful tm 'l\\ll pektt' •.tunnm~ n\i'r na llu.ll llm·n • HOd mtnute rh.,c•k-. hu 'flrtn ~ 11 nd a 11-~ ('8 r "o•:uuw Fabru..., arr Jullinrd IIanne lo. '-••It d()(•,km' and wor- q,•tl-. rnm lallnnm: \\llh Jovf'l} c·ro Pf' lmml'~ ma~ lw found in c>lthc>l "JnJ.!h or rtouhlf' brl:'ast<'d "" "'' ·~~~· c·t '11U 'r .til nu'"''CI \'t•lma Alh I' thro ·o' ~,.,,,., nf kt·~pm~ hf'r , .. ,..,, In till' 11111•· 11ltl l!l'lnd. .. tonr in 111\tt•ll' "1"''''•'11 ' !"hnp -:tw till- '' cl otll fell ,, lllllo• \ill'1lll'll :-iht' pr nllll'•t'l> tn I~<· hao k 1 hr._ \\'l'l'k-t•nd :111!l Ill tht• 111o'Ulllln11' ;\!lll \\'Ill l'C'• oo•l\c' tht· .. am•• tri••ndl~ !rom (;tc•tt•lwn nnd nod' \\',. wf'rc• '''"""'""' nn t.-lllflll' ~oomc· t~J,,., out nf <;('h ool w hlll' he• wal' ~:onf' n nd ('l•nld n't look nH•r nur "hnuldt•r u nd c-a t('h Ulll ... about thl' ('ll"tomt>r who hllllt.'d Around whllf' P'h 4* "._" \'l8lt1nJ:' In l"nn ••rnnrl"<'o And foand thf' moct IM'IluUful drt>M '\\lth thf' <UnJlrh"'t Ishi-I. Ottly to nnd O'RRIF.S'. rsrr~int.t tht> ~mf' bt>IIUII (ul orll('ifta18 WhMI sh.-t:am f' homf'. Anotht>r lAd~· bouJ(1lt a hlntt¥ In L. A. a.nd 8toppf'd In at O'BRIE:\''S to f111d " m" tC'hln~t n cm·t>r and 110trf. A11d lo and '""hold thf' MftH" modt"1 wu brin~ dttJ. pbyf'd at " IHlM'r prl('lf'. But w<' know W<' shouldn't take advanta~<' of the boss lx'in~ away, and our r t'a d ers know tnat O'BRIEN'S Is the best place to look first anyway. so come in and ~our prt'HY n€'w things ... the mailmAn I!: still brinltin~t lll' new packn~col' dally. We've Got to Get Out! EVE YTHING MUST . GO. ..,. By April 14th ~ 111 T FURNITURE· E-UT SALE S.ve Up lo 'YO of Original Price MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS! NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED! We Still Have Selections of:- UVING ROOM t 1TES DINING ROO~ , En' BEDROOM Fl"R!\TI\.RE REFRIGERATO~ TO\"ES I~A~ Rl'G,, Et<'. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY AND SAVE NEWPORT BLVD. ESA FURNIIURE CO. BEaeon 5513 B.'-NX TER COSTA MESA PIL'"Tl~ OF P A.JUUSG Die ~T ~ O.SKN n.;a h NEW aamESTS RDliE ' vp. 4 Generations at c ristening a:~~~t~. ~~~kH:.~:m~~~ CDM G T lei dau!;'hlc.>r 1eorl~!>. who ha\c.> just roup 0 .;'.hr t l'l'C\'111 an .t !>1<'3d.) tl'eam 1 Easter fe tl\ lilt> includt'd the four rno\ t'd tO 314 Jasmin(' A\·~. Co- e>l t.'tllllJ)311.) ~tnC\• Chn stma at tht> ~e>nf'rations I rons dt>l M r. Mr. Phillips ls ItS- The.> Corona dt'l \1tu Ch tc As-J ohn Sodlt>ll' hom<'. 218 N1trrl us Among tht> guests we-re Dr. and sodatt'd with the-Blu-Nott> Mu-~ocmtion, m<'<'lin~ Ia 1 Thun~day A\e . Cm'<llll\ dc.>l :\tar. wa a <.'OUStn Mrs. Lawn>ncc Hawkin and two ,ic Ccl. In Santa Ana . rormc.>r home.> m the Grarnm·u· School. was in· from Col1'' ado Spt tn~'). Mrs. Ray d:nu~hters from Hun tin~ on Park of th<' Phillips formc.>d ths t assessments at'l' up Mt~u·t' :.11, :.1cCurt~ lc.>rt for and Layto n Hawkins of Temple.> for Corons del Mar r<'al <'Statt> for Snn Fr"lincl-.f'\l la:.t \H'('k aftt>r ha\-Cit.) IIERE FROM ~t ·s \'ALLE\' tfl•' 1951-52 r1 cal ~rar ins: tour t'<f a '-!t'twrous portoh~ or Mrs. Au'-."U.Sla Dalsim r of Sun Tht lnfl'rmatinn was giv<'n "by Southern <:ahl•>•'lll8. ' n c I u d In 1: s f id Valle'· i pendin~ mort' time at Association Dh•<'rlor Al\'an C. Paltn Sprtn~to. ur S ers h r . ummer honw. 170R C>cean Terea ... f~-'""" of .......... •t lud•pest Ac:.4e"'f .,r ..a-le Call Harbor 1171-J UR EDI:lp Want Adl Harbor lllt Clr mrncc tn a rcpnrt on a m<'t't-\Yhile hl'l't' ... tw alli'nd(•d a n Eru- 1 Bh·d., Balboa. now that tht> If)~ of Association n'pre«entath·cs ter part~ \\ hldl \\al> plll'tly a To Dance weat hc.>r i gt>tllng nicer. with Rt'a ltor Rolph Maskey, who chrish'ntnl! fell' M r and Mrs ;::::::::::::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::=:=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::=~ had a sslstl'd the Realty Board In Sndll'ir's grandcluldi'NI Chr1stinr its rl'C<'ntly romplet£'d task of and Andr\'W, ch1 ldrt'n of !\tr and equalizing ·land ,·alut>s throughout Mrs. Bill Kt>ntJ>t'r of ClJSt8 .MC'88. "'"city of Nt'WI)()rt Bl"ach. were bapti~'->d a t tlw Corona d('l Total assessment or real <'state Mar Communa n \hul'<'h on East<'r 111 t h{' d ty is down about $750.000. mornin~~: and father Bill joined but it has bt'<'n rai Pd in C.orona rhUI'<'h at thl' -.unw unw ~1r. Sad- dl'l Mar. Nt•WJlOI't llei~:ht nnd leir' motlwr. Mr.; G1'8ct> Powers. l\'c. L !111'\\port. Re-ductions wt.>re join<'d C'hUI'c:h 10 l.ml~ Bc.>ach that rt>portl'd fOI' Balboa Ts an . 1 o undliTifTTl"r 1t1tt'ndh1~ H~ ear, J.;lt> \t>nl ro I ;-.l1'\\ port and Balboa. tier din ,H mnl! "''rcmonit•s. Th<' Equahza1ion figur<'~ \\1'1'{' rstab- hst>C'd b~ thl' R<'a lt} Hoard on the c "lla r--. b~--1:-. of actual 'lll'!> of lot" during apr. y r ottps lhl' pa'-1 fl'\\' ~'('81'S La«t l'QUilh- /!liiOn \\1\S Ill J!H4 Meet Next Week Tht' C"t' ac As:soc1ataon 'otl'd to .l>UJ>port thr pelttann of the Cen tral I St'CilOnS of Capilla \trt'lt' or th(' N.-.wporJ Communit~ A«socia tion Cot'Ona df'l Mar Cum m u n 1 t y for rt>m0\'81 or lht' ~tandard Oil Chur<•h Will ml'l'l Ill'" \\M'k at £:8q tankq bt'tw('{'n 18t h and 19th l t h<' home ol mcml.l\•t., Group two , tr~'lS alon~.t Ralboa Blvd Edward \\;II m('('t at 11 am T\l('l.da~ at the Hf'aly, presidc.>nt of the Central I hom<' of :\1rs W P Custer. 212 Nl'wport Group \\'aS prt'Sent to <'X-La rkspur An:-. \\llh Mis' C lyde platn ht association's sta nd. . Maynard ~ivinl( a "''' i<'w on "The Movies of Cr l'w racing were ;-.lear East Pa nOI'amn " Mt'mlx>rs shown by Don Grant of Hunting-I will bring sandwirht>b The nt'w pt•esident of I he Surf ·j siders Club. Les BlakE'Sley, an· nounct's that the fi rsnlance of the year will be-the "Spring Frolic" I at the Balboa Bay Club Saturda) night. April 14. Prior to tht" danCE' thfore will bt' a t'OCktail par ty at the Bay Club. ~:h·en by the Board ef Dir~l~\:clcome_..bolh..J.)le nt>w a nd old memb<>rs. Dance plans W<'n> made-at a rc- <"'.'nt board mct'tin~ a t the Balboa 1 land horne of ;\Jr. a nd ~rs. Wil· ham VM eman. In addition to Prt's1d<>nl Blakesl<'Y. the ne-w offi- C'<'rs art' S tan Howar•d. ,,ce-presi· dent ; Mrs. \'e~man. secn>tary: Jack Broe-rim:. !reasul"f'r. and Di-l'l'Ctors •Lyle-Finle-y, F'reem&n Fisher. Art Salisb ury, Bob Hitt and Hans Broering. The urfsidt"rs Club i a soctal group comprised or young married couples of the-Harbo.J Area. with membership I i rt'l i t e d to 100 couples. ton Beach as a preview of the In -Group four aiS<I me<'ls on Tues- lt.•rrollegiate Crt>w Regatta to bt' dav for sack lunch at tht' hom<' of DAD FROM CARMEL lwld here April 14. Hay LanJ:ten-Mrs Pco'rry sctH'()('k. 110-1 West-A \\'('('k-t-nd "isitor to the homt> ht>im. ext'cutive secr•etary of the wood Ave .. Santa .\na. Chair· or \1r. and Mrs. Howard Ca,·e, Chamber of Commei'C('. sponsors man of Group Orw. ~1 rs C.rorg<' 1617 Pat'iflc Dl'., Corona d<'l Mar. or the re,:tntta. introduCE'd Mr. Da"ies. 2641 Wa\'rrly n r. Bay was Mrs. Ca\t.>'s father. Dr. J . L Grant, who \vi ii lX' n>f<'rt"C and Short'S. \viii \'11\t>rtnm thAI ~troup Hugh<'. from Carmel. IP<'hnirnl dil'<'l'tor for thl' crew nt h{'r honw at Ill .t m. next ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii n«'!' Thursda~· \I IT P,\1.)1 ~J•RJS(ili'· \1ro; I In! \\'('IS 16Q7 Pa c1f1c Dr .. Cor11n..t dt>l Mar, and ht>r ni("('(' \ti"' F:t.lb<' Eht l''man. 4061.: Club- hnu"" ="<'\\"PQI'I '~><'" t 1 wo da) s an Palm Sprln..:s la't \\<"f.'k Sl OMA ~"U 8 0 \'!'1 HERt: ttnrr~ WN'tovrr Jr .. and n c;mup II{ ~ir:rtlO ::-.:11 fratrrnit~ bt'Oihl'l''> f rum t h<' \ 'm \ t'l'SII \ nl A ri:rona ucrupaN:I an apart mi-nt ronn\ ctr'd w11h tht.> \\'i':-IO\'C'r homf' 16t:l Pa· ltlw Dr. \nron•t dPI ::\1ar for Ea:-· tl'r wl"t'k. RIRTHD.\ \' "K .\TI:>\fi t'.\RT\' ::;katin~ a t tlw Co-.ta \ll''>a rtnk \\as enjo) <'d b~ Pt t1•1 llU) r ke, Grrr;: Ad~ms and Chut·k Koi,·isto ol Balboa "hl.'n th!'~ h••lpcd Robb~ )1cDonald .on of :\11 and Mrs. W1lham ::\lcDonald. l:"l36 <~an Bh d.. Rn lhna. rel<'hra ll• hi<> 13th birthd:~.\ allnt\ f'r<ar) t~RO't R.\I.RO.\ 1'0 1"'1..\ ''D .;'.1r .. md :\11 John l...a.)m' h;t\1' mo' ,.d from )( \\' ~~~. Balboa. to ~~~~~~ ~ ~taa·in•• ,,,,. Ralboa J,. land ~tuddtak Vealo- For the Harbor A reu Joe Nickertz 34 I 5 New pori Blvd~ N"ewport A~~~ from u do Theatre l"ho"• HArbor 510 another I first 4or Ne wport Harbor - maugural 8-oar shell CREW REGATTA SATURDAY, AP'Ril 14, IS TH= :'A"E -',ORTH liDO 0"1'',NEL IS THE PL-\CE 2 P M S THE T \.i F ,:;0 11 TI-E 11-IAUGURAl 1JEWf0 "" •·•PBr ll ~~"'"'"-' BER Of COMM ERCE P ~..;•T'I' • [VfRYO .... E IS INV Tf(; T:. SEE Tt•F C REWS N C lSC \\ d \' l ~lid d lll ~" d d ll '' d ~ ~ ~ -no-£ n / ' /I ' \ , \' , ' , , , ' ' ' ' ' \ \ ' ' 1 ' ' ' \ ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' , ' , ' \' Opening Under New Management H~RI?OR i) 41~· tl W ~LLi) ~1)~1<. t=O. [Formerly Harbor Paint & Appliance Co.) FREE!! 59c Bottle DUTCH BOY Paint & noor Cleaaer to \'isitors coming to our store> Frida y & ~ahanlay (Adul~ only) TWO BIG Get Acquainted Days FRIDAY -and~ SAIURDAY ApRI6&'1 * Complete Line of Pittaburqh Paints * * Complete Line of Dutch Boy Paints * 1322 Colorizer Colors * Color Mixinq & Matching Service * SPECIAL .!! Paillt Tldaaer 19c Gallon ~~. 40c Gal. Friday aad Saturday lOc clay up. HARBOR PAINT & WAliP (Poinsettia and Coast BIYd.) "" _,_. --1 ...... • Helen S tockton was exc>cUt ive v.·omt>n. at the Thu.TSday president of the Newport Harbor mt'('ting. Zonta Oub at a dinner meetin.l! AnnuaJ reports were given by held at the.-homt> or l.fa..rie Howt>S. )frs. Cole-En on finance; Mrs Costa Mesa. last Thursday. Mrs. Howes on · tt>rnatlonaJ relation ; Stockton Is co-own r of the ~ Mrs. Stock n on program; Lucille and <At Hospital in Corona del 'toddard, Corona del Mar, on Ma.r. membership; Mrs. Drolet on ser- Other officer~~ el~ted we r e 'ice: Frances Mears, Balboa. on He~n Norton. Newport Bt>ach. a s publicity; and M.ildred St.anl~y. first vice--president : Peg Haape, Bt>acon Bay. as outgotng presi- Corona del Mar. as econd vi~ dent. pret;ldent: Hazel Dell, Balboa Is-. Dinnc.>r was prepa.red and served land. as re<'Ording secretary; Mrs. for the group by members. Mrs. Howes as rorrespondlng secre-Howes. cha.irman; Ruth Humm£>1. tary; Peggy Relnert, Newport 1 Th!'E'<'-Arch Bas: Elsie Hampton Heights. treasurer: Letha Drolet 1 and Thelma Paddock Hope, Co- or Costa Mesa and Kathleen Cole-rona del Mar: Mrs. Mears. Mrs. man of Newport Ht>ights. both Norton. and Mrs, Ha..ape. holdover directors. arc directors-~---------------­al-large. A fK'W member. Mara\-'ene Ga..l- lagher. who o~rate a ceramics ~~~:~~ ~~~r::k&~;l<in'T~-.... ····KQI_ .. 1-R .. WSCS to Hear Miss Elsie Ferris Police calls durmg Ea~tt"r· W Cf'k \\t'N.' do"-'ll about l i pt'r cent from last year ..QG rompart"'d to 831 in 1950.. P.oli~ Chit>f R. R J lod~kin­ son T'('portt"d ttuo; '' {'t>k In on]) one c-at<·~:ory "·a..., thl'n• an' an- <'-rcasc>--dtsturban<'f' arn• ts Thl'fll> rt>portf.'d W<'N" JdE'nq<·al "' tt h la<.t yt>ar .. Unsung 1 Bloodmobile _C_om_mer_cia_ls_!Due April19 A GET-Acqt· I:'IITED o p £> n ~f'>Xt Bloodmobtlf' 1"11 to :"\p"- house l • lx'ing hE-ld Friday and rort Harbor wall b<• Thursda:.. Saturda) at the Harbor Pa.int and Apral 19 from 3 to 7 p. m For Wallpaper Co I formerly Harbor 1 thP first tmw tht• BloodmobiiP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Palnt a.nd ·Appliance Co 1. 219 wall be at th Amt>ncan Lt>gion -:; Coast Bh·d., in Corona dt>l Mar. Hall at 15th and Bay in !"t-wport Lee C"LI• h.•-"\1 Pa..inting Contractor Frank Kat-Appotnt.mC'nt C"an tx> made' b~ call-~ v.i.t=J nik is the new ov.'l"ler. a.nd Mrs ins:: HArbor lR(;.'l. Thf' 270-pint Katnik is helping out at the store unat that camt> here for lh last Cu5tom ~~.,.. During the t¥.-o-day OIX'fl house, \i it. in JanuaT1 "a. fill<-'d to ca-Plude Actlllillllll visiton~ will rE"Oei\-'e a 59c bottle pacity Infan• a..et. 10•......._ Bath of paint and floor cleaner free, UM OeMt aa...:«:i'i. and a special on paint thinner is u~ Ensicn·Want Adil being offered. M r. Ka tnik has add- t"Cl the PittsbuTgh Paint line, waU- pepeta, brush rental. spray gun a nd floor waxc.>r rental. and rotor mixing and matchin~ er\1(.'(>, an addition to handling Dutch Bo)' (llllnt. and the 1322 Colonzer Col- nrs. The ne"' Q\\-ner has ~n m the.. p&_i'ntini ('Oritr'act1n~ and intt>nor d<>corating busin<'SS for 2(1 ~ear:, s tarting an Pituburgh For anum· tx>r of 'ears he hal> ca rnf.'d un has pamtin~t and dt>cora 11ng bU:,t· n(>!; throughout nrange Count~ doms:: ron tderablt> \\ork tn the Harbor arC'tl • • • El~fX'TED '1~-prE'>ordent ot 1 ht> nran2e Count~ FloraJ Assoctalion AU that makes.a Woman's Hair Beautiful flerme;e 11h for your lmmed iale E.n10Y"''"' ltestyli119 · -· Heir Colorin9 Cor .. Del Beaut'' "' Salon :\tARGARET BOB LEORA &09 CO.\~T BL\-n~ C'ORO~A Dt:L MAlt llArbor S0$3 Highlight t•f next Tut>sday' m{'('tin~ of thC' Woman· Socit:>l~ of Chri tian ~ c r' 1 c (', Chris t Church by t he N>a. will lX' a talk by Mis..., Elsae Ferris. Lonst Beach a tt omcy. world t ra' f'ller and 1~­ Ht•r(''s the rC'<'Ord IIIN'r Tiw !q)N'Ch , to be ~\'t'n 81 :'\umber of c·all!' 1 ·3(1 p. m in t hr church "an<'-Trame ca!'{·)o tuary. Is OJ)('n to all \\Omf'n or the I Acctd<'nts '51 AA"l li4 22 6.l 16 1(1 'Ml R3l 29(1 30 6"> Ti at tht> f•lt.><'IIOn mN'IIO't held ~tnn­ '49 dav ('\('nln£" a t Chnstaan'..: Hut in 9;lfl Bstlboa \\3!' )t'ltTt :\1ulho. o"n<r ~ 1 ot F'lc'" <'I~ b~ 'I on 1 tn Ba lhoa 14 , :'\llm<>d p1 <>srd<.'nl \\a.. AI )1anh 30 or • a nt a Ana HELEN ~ . . -. ROBERTSON [; I I Arbor a rea Thefts Miss F <'rrl" has spokcn here lx'·jl ntoxicatton fore last Cl<'tober a~tht'. retreat Oisturbane<> 4.2 • • • ;} ~ WJ~~ER or a S2:;() fl~t pn7<' <'If thc Counrtl of Church Women l l.iquor t o manor!' at Mar \a sa and 11t U: ~p111a Ju,·c>nih'~< arrc>stPd 9 i6 11 121 6 m a national window displa~ con- Cird e m(.'('tins:: At th<> \~ona del _ l :?Cl test '' Bob Allen's Vari<'t~ S torr un Bltlbna !!'land Thf' award ""c: Mar Communlt \· Church. T Se I rd m~ 1n th<' mnmln~ tn Good<'ll aa• Th<'f(' will ~ a hu~in('S<; m<'<'t-~ ,~.. t eco . llall. startm~ nt 11 am '"th 'Mi"S F Sh Pa Clara Kohl,tl'dt. pr\'...,idf'n t nf tht or ot t hK'al wsc~. pi'(' adtn~ Th~> Ral- bna Carel(' \\Ill "'''' t' lunchNln at 12 l!l p m A n~>w a~::cregatr <.hot pw N"· (VIrd Of 1 ~9 ({'4'1 71: tnl'h•'" WI\" ~ !'f'l h~ :'\t'wpnrt Jl..trhnr at tht• 1::1 'fnnlt• R€'hH" Fn da' I I o \ d ~" am::l• Roh \'•1n rln·mhn llnd fl<>nnt' ~t('{'lt·l114 n hrok,. t hf· m:trk nr 11 . (o>('l ,, t Ill"' \t':\1 h\ qt.,.,, qi4~e4 :'\ t \\' [101 I • Trn onh nthf'l '''n' 111 "htrh 1 h,. Tar .... 'pta<'NI rn Cine; .\ "·t lhf' htch Jump a 111 lor llr"' wath an a~:;g-rrcat•· ht·r.:ht nf 16 ft'<•t. Sit r• Into !'pram: with a jarket )fl in(·h~ .:'\C'Y.port JI Rrbnr plat'f'd ---tht• \C'r:-attlt• ~"'~tum€' mak<>r Hxth in \L:fc&-A romp••lltlon "tth \\IIIC"h il' so pra('tf('al In fl naUIJC'al ~ pornt:.. 13th tn Cia<.>.: n \\llh 3 1: t'Ommunit:. Flonawl J8C'kl't~ an • pomts ln~IE'\\ood "a., H·ft . "hit,.. and nil\~ "ill tf'am up hoth Cia A and B. \\ath man~ o;k"·" 111 ~oUltP" ynu 1 u1 ll()d a ca:-u11l \\l ;q• 111 A n~ part of ~ (lllr \\ urdrnbt • C:l\l'n h~ th(• ~auonal :Xt'<'diPCraH Buri'3U uf :-.:('\\ York. and Bob All€'n·, !'otnrP wnn tn tho tndf'fl(>n- clo>nl \/Hit 1~ '111rP I!H11Jp ~;\\{' and ~. •\\ "a~ t lw h+ m•• ,,f 'hi' wmdu\\ dt«pla~. plr1nn••d 1nd pro·- r~;_.r,'<f b\ ll<'"IC'llPr L\ f'l l RuttC"r- lllllll uf \ ornnrt dt 1 :\tar I Ensism ClasslUed ads have been a pro,·en means of reaching buyen for aU sorts of mel'Chlln<hs t: £> I them ! Phont> Harbor 1114. -V Bepain pt"('ia Url.ng la llofhDa.a 1: Pa<'kard Bell TI()E TV Newport Blvd, HArbor 108 Newport leech .. .. =~ -:: -:.. .... .., I " ·~·~ ·-··· ~' .._ .. ;.., ,.e -# rtJ<• \../est 5 th Street at Rodio Towers .._____;;;, __ SANTA ANA PH. Kl 3·8311 Thl<~ yf'nr O'nRn:~·l" natnln tun·•• c•rf>l'll t•mvhnlll" . . • nml'- lltnt'" nn tht• ~ttK'kt•l or ~tma rtl~ npJJIItlllf'll In lhf' <~h~\ ~> fnr 8 DPW. DI'W Jouk, lhP""' {'rt'-.1" 1\rf' rl<'h and <'tllorful ~tnd d}oiHn- L.'1J1'<he•d hmklna:. We've Got to Get Out! llf t'OIII ,.,. O'RR I F:X';;: al!'.o ha\ I' hi•:1UI 1fu l hrcmn J.'l<'kPh •-.tunmm: u\l·r nat 111 ,\I hnt n • nnd mimtt<' riH'f'k" fur 'Jlrllll;' and nll-~l'ar "'·nnnt: F ·\bnc•, 'H P Julliard flann1 J,. 1-111 t dcM'skin' and ''or- .. t.-ds T11m t·ulmtn.; \\tth I0\1'1~ <T"I""' hmm:" ma~ b<• round in rtthrt "lllJ.!It "' doublt• hr<'a!-tro 't \ It• ... ··~p• r·t '"u''" all mt,...,'<i \'rlmn I \I' t 1 t hi 11 \ ~'•II , nf kt'I'PIOC hl'r nn .. c 1" 1 ht' It Ill•· nld 1. rtnd~ 1 on1• m 1 •'Ht , •• , ... "'I" t•t.dt\ ~hnp ,h,• fltt- lc rl nil l111 1 lilt It• \'H'.IIt•lll !"h<' jll'llllll'•'!-'" ht • h u•k t ht .. "tl'k-••nd "ntl m llw m• ·an 11 mr 'nu " til r<'- ' , '" ,. t h•· .. am" t r ... rid I~ 11nm Ctt'll'h<·n and J){,n..;. \\'r• Wf'rt' phtnnlnJr on t .. lllns: "''"w t~lt• .. nut of ~Whool whJII' !>h f' WRI'I l{llftl' and c·•mldn't look O\'t•r our ~ohouldf'r liDd c-al('h U!il , •• AOOUI thP <'ll"lornt•r who huatMt a ron.nd Whllt' 101hr was \l-.ltln~r In !'an t'M\n<'l~o a.nd found thf' mo~t ht'auUful tlrf'M l\ith Utt-!'mltrt-t laht>l. only t11 find ()'I)Rit:~·~ C'arr~·ln.~r thf' '13.mf' ht•nutlful or1Jrhu1" \\h- "ht> cam.-homr . Anotht•r htdy boof{ht a bloiUif' In L. A. aacl t~toppf'd In at O'BRIEN' tct niMI a ma tC'hln~r nowt>r altd 8(lllrf. And lo and lw'hofd tltf' Mlltf' modf'l "'" brill!: dt .. pia yf"d a 1 a 1f'Mf' r prtcf': ijut w t> know we-houldn't takc- advn.ntag<' of tht> boss tx-ing awa~•. and o ur r C' a d r r s know fhat O'BRIEN'S Is tht> be t place to look first anyw&y. so rome in and S('(' ou.r prNty nrw thing!! ... the ma.llman Is still brin~m: us new packA.J:<'S daily. ~ I .~·~ I .,...._ , ... .:. -) ~ .''a.. _(__ .1_-...: . 1415 ('()A T BOULE\' UD C'O&ON A DEL IIA& EVERYTHING MUSI GO ....-.-By April 14th -. -111 61 . NT FU NITU E CLOSE-0 L Save Up to % of Original Price MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS! NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED! We Still Have Selections of:- UVING ROOM l1TES DIN~G ROOM ETS Rt:DROO~ Ft~~,Tt'RE REFRIGERATORS STOVES I. ~ Rt 'G • Jt-;t<'. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY AND SAVE ..... IJT'I'I.E BALBOA ISLAND Ct Jtn.IJU: 11·• o."ld .!·bdnn. hcunt• tlh U.f'G~ thm.: room. n... tml(' fi r~ rm. =o• $16.950 )ft.l) Sl.~t~l dOwn Stanley Hadfield ~ 216 KariniP Balboa lsJaD4 HA._.JO Opened Our Eyes '\\'to had Dl\ ldfo.a ~"(' C'<•uld 0.411 towh a ~141.-~'N'P or , ulb Bs'rroat \IM\ aed 1lk-a.a ...,.fi~ bt>a<"h ..o r .. a.,~ ......,.)." Vt"-1t 1 1 r..1h a dt ttoc-u~t· BalbNa i .. l~d loca- tJon Gra('('d by an old- M" t wo--stOI") hom~. just \'3 ca ted b) tht> 0\\'flt"r ~ ho will St"il a t a pncr' ~ dUC1ion to pt.>rmlt Slnin~ to buy~r for remodc.-lhng and ~ra tton. FuU 50 ft'f't of South Bas- front "ilh loads of yard and ~arden spatt'. and no erowd- mg of llE'ighbon; 'J'v..'O oen- tra.l unit heating furnaces. fireplace, Jan:~ rumpw room ovc.>r· double t:;ara~ The pric. or $SA.lilll pro,ick>s an addiuonal dh;rount on ~ de<x>ration rot>L . Your &1\.Spect. ion tn \'It ed. 11 Hub Powe-rs a l 1:1. ... (Prime Value) u .. N.,.. a.u'FBOST * ... EftA ..... ~Ar'VV t ~ll mald'a I"'OOft, IJI' lot. pt>r a lllp. ~ .. ,.. .. n~. r unlitiltfo4. PRIME JncatJoe B.Kt \ · aJ 0(\ • • • • llu WONDI!:iBF'l"'L poiiiJIIIOitae.. Ha.IMK ln.,ednlod CO~ REALTGitS Newport ....._ a~ Mtll t. NEWP O RT II& - LOUIS F. GATES Oon. ,.........._ -C.L a-- Home Loans t.o buy. bu1lc1. ref'Jnance or !or al~Uoos CENJ:.RA.L INSURANClt IIA.I'hr ltM t it C..t. Blv._, Vore.a del liar &.AcN('It TYPJ;. !~ ROIDf'. Lot 79x 130 Built in 1940 n~ar Orange Coast Col· legt>, Costa Mesa. p~ 466 N•wport llvd. (N .. r Arch•') f'tlon• IE.econ 57 t 3-lt Wcmted: LISTINCS for Real FAt.~ ~ ft4"ntalt • ltavt" ~lk1lta waltia« • roE CILU I~ ~•I FAt&~ Broker !81! N~ BML. N..,...t l'tloee . . . • tiArtMw nQ-1 ... SALES 01 Our Screened Listings are sure to mclude what you want. Smgle resi- dences -Small mcome and home duplexes e e e Large income uruts tor mvestment. ""h lAW Du\Hl J~a)Mt'1lt ! )t>an> a~w. !-BEDROOM. t-c.r guragf'. Out•baDdlDJ, modera,. Two and Three-Bedroom Homes . . . Re ntals from $55.00 up F..A IlL fiAKBEil LAIN 50t Oou~ Blvd. HAIUIOil 1111 Oppelite tt.e ...... C.... 4.1 War -..ert II. L~ ... 8 4'6 L. Lyaa, llealtere 411 eoc.t BouleYard CORONA DEL MAR Farmhouse Motel JUST LOOK AT THE 1·1 , .. c. .. 11.&11110& 1•1 · IIAIUIO& tea 1.118 ISLE U-t~oot .Sf'"' G-.Rm. ~i" To~oet $12.500 ~~:'J,w. ·-· ,. $17,. a.1 t"roei Modt-rebtk. ~tambllll« ~ 000 434 32nd ~ tory. Lots ot platt> glas _ ~~ HA 2476 -~- Z..Mnla. .... ell u~. Ocean &ide of highway, ~:ood neigh· bol'bood, lar~e windows, \'e· netian blinds. pan. ray heat. beam ceilings, 2 large red· wood staked, fenced. ct'ment · patio : barbecue with hot and coJd water, shrubs, nowt>rs, 2-car garage. $11 000 Bonds pd Price 1 Terms .. Furniture optional -~'V- Z..ll4na. u~. living room 14x21, na~tone fireplace. forced air heat, large ~'ind­ dows. Vcnetllltl blinds, 2-e.ar ga~t;e $10 500 f!,IM Price 1 dow-a -··· ...... New Duplex on comer, ocean side of highway. No. o.e--2- unJt home, 920 sq. ft., carpet throughout, brick fireplace. pan. ray heat, breakfast nook. dining area, living room 14x· 20-Tile in kitchen and bath, Jots of closets and cupboa.ras. So. Two-1-bedroom apt. 600 sq. rt. Large living room, ve- netian blinds, wall furnace. Apt. now rented. Property is renced. Enclosed patio. l4.x20 gar., landscaped. aood ~:~~~~·. $11.to0 One-Half Down -""'-...... '-l'llJt. ocean side of Hwy. Lot 60xl18. Two Z..bNlroom bo..-. with ato\'l'S & re(rig. Two I ~IM-drOQftl Ful'a.. Apta. over '-car p.r~ & ......,. \'~ry AttrarU\-e R.Wdetu•ot' & Garba~:e disposals in each garage apt. Gas & electric unlt. large cement patio. heat, (ircplace in each unit. View or ocean. $300 per m o. 21). bath, 2-car garage, brick lltc»mf', pouible to make ~~! ... ~~~ced. $15,500 ~~-$31,500 Terms $7500 TruSt deed, $82 per mo. This is below replacement cost $e\{"ral CANDY HOP -~~---are available Also a .iEWELR\' li'TORE -CAMEllA SHOP -PORTING GOOD!-\ -DRI'GS ~ SUNDRIES .-\ad • • • One of !':t'wport Harbor's Filtf'St RHtauraabl Call at 208 Marane l Next to Pos t Orrice> -HA 444 -\IV- ~ Outstaacllar Oceu Frc.t llome• on large lots at Pre-Season prices. See t hese today~ And for INCOME! 0oe&a F1'<1nt. Triplex $13 500 100 Main -HA 145 3 units -all rurn. Only........ 1 (at the ocean pier) COl ONA DEL MAlt 1101 Coert llvd.-CMII•' F•mleaf HArbOI' 1741 to HArbOf' 1417 IAliOA ISLAND 201 Merin• "-'"•· HAtt-444 NEWPORT l EACH 4)4 32nd St. HArb« 2476 IALIOA tOO Meill St--At tt.. 0~•" ~ HArber 141 ---------------- * WeueHW • .... Looking for a Good DEAL - --? ? W e Ha ve: MOST of the better listings for sale MOST of the better rentals It •• oar ~ to l(t,·e yoa frfelldly aa• efftdtet. ~nice at all tltnd. COIIWl Ia or PIIOH 310 Coast Bml. Corona del Mar Ph..-RArt~cw nn ('umpa_rt~ thll!l h OI'n4" fnr \'ahl4'. A hou.s(• wath inda,'iduality. 2 &-drool'll.S plu~ df'n.. Bwlt in 194 . Hard\\ood, tale, firepl., bcautaful c-arpet in ll\·in~ rm. Back )ard !t'net'd Attrac-tive." FilA term . . FuU p..-,.. Oaly $13.500 PIUL SUWVAN C. GALEN DENISON G. T. EVERSON 490 N•wport II~. IE.econ 6241-W e....: HA 1157-W IE.eeo~~ 1458-J Fire --Auto -Uabtllty -Ma- rtae •. Polio -oaa .. -ACCl:l· dt"at. -\\'ol'laBee'a Ooaapea· u UGil • • • Boecb • • -Etc. I N l'R E IN TIME Wlftl INSURANCE lltOKElS 302 Mei" St., .. lboe. HArbot 2014 ~l~tf'd by Maltlph-Uatia« An Outstanding Buy OF THE WEEK ... $~ Buya lar~E' llomt', IY":Ifl walking distance to Newport Pier. 2 Bednns., din. rm., large kitch .. service pot'Ch, large basement. big patio roofed O\'t'f with wall on one side. Can bt' convert- t'd into 2 units. MuiUple LlstttDIIC o. l '750 Ask About This at Any MULTIPLF. U TL'lG R LTil. DUTCH COLONIAL Beautiful 3-bednn., 2~bath home, Balboa Peninsula. Unit heat, garbage disposal plus many deluxe features. Flne view from sun declc and mas- ter bedroom of ocean and ~~tg'k :1~.~~-~. $21,500 3112 Newport 11\0d., HArO« 2552 N£WP01tT lEACH MESA RADIO AND TELEVISION "S•rvle. Thet S.ti,fl.," TElEVISION • SAlES • SERVICE INSTALLATION. RADIO l E,AIItS 109 lriMdw•y Colt• M•w, C•lif. lEnon 1101~ ,. '\"OU CAN BUY Right Here at Home ';ill Ford Tudor '7">0 Ford Tudor . $183:> .1765 .19 Cht'\'rol<'t <"1111\ertibl{". li55 ·~g Ford S tation \Va~on 1750 '49 Ford Custom Tudor. 1595 't9 Ford Tudor 1585 '49 Ford Custom S~an 158.3 '-l8 Ch{"\TOl<'t Sedan 1195 'H Mercury Sedan 1185 "4i Ford St'dan 1065 '46 Mercury Club .. . .. 1085 '47 Hudson Sedan . 995 '46 Ford Tudor . .. ........... 885 '42 Ford Sedan 555 '40 Pontiac Sedan 445 '39 Plymouth Sl'dan 190 '37 Willys Coufl(' . 110 '37 Ford Coupe 165 '37 Ford Coupe . 99 Many of the above cars have radios. heaters and overdrives SEE US FOR TKE BEST DEAL IN ORANGE COt "NTY n ........... . EVERYTHIIfG FOR YOUR TRAJ1ER WE nu. BUTANE ud PROPANE TANKS Complete installation, repair and servi{'(' or all Traller Equipment. H•rm•" E. Semuel Elli' M. Porter ORANGE COAST TRAJ1ER SUPPLY 1910 HAliOl BLVD. Costa MeM "-'• l&cot~ 6224-l Repairs -Sales Rentals * Adler & Domestic * HArbor 2574-M It! COA T BLVD. CORONA DEL MAR • e NEW LOCAnON e Newport Plumbing Supply * * * Oarr)"tar Compte~ Stock 0 1 T RATE-<:Ac H & CARB Y • • • 117 22nd St. NEWP08 T IIEAOD TWO llfJDROOMS AND DEN, pu11y ~;AI. pr.; t~M~L patio: 8eatta of ~ Blvt., ~!~pedal prtee. Look at tlal11 OH. FITZMORRIS REALTY CO. lteal f»ta~ IUHII IJswl eM Brok~n SIS Ooaet Blvd . 001'011& ... Mar HArbor ttl% Schwinn Bicycles ( -Ray Stedman 1574 Newport Bml.. Coeta M.a. 8EGcoD 5121-J n~ w-t ,... lla\·e ~a fitO~ &ad D t 0~\'t."E l pr x48 lV pat'' or movit-· , R<'g. S229Y> . £..'1ER80 Hi t Rl'g. $299.95 . EMEK ON l:!l.t;" Rl'~. $249.9:l . EMEB80N lH" spel'd Jlhonu & t-&dio Rc~. 1489.9:1 . TELETONE I 1" Reg. $199.9. . TELI-.'TO!\"E 1 · Rl'g. 249.,:, .. .# • IJ<'A 10'' com bub bit' Was S16i • M,u ;s vo' ' \\'as 135 •• Used PltoiMI 1801 Balboa llh DON'T FORGt-. tifuJ new Ser tor. Eight GR ANT' I 1M5 N~'POrl FOR BUNGALOW Beautifully furn with HreplaCf' ette. Low "' week or mon FARM l:04 Cout u. 995 885 555 445 190 110 165 99 CLEARANCE ll--:--1 ._ • I &n&& ~........._.. -uuavGlDB• ftH4" vt* ,... OOer' M04f'l that lla\e ........ r-uef.U)' Mt-4 l.n our It~ IUid t~\1\DOt be IOhl a~ nr•\\. n t ·o-,,, .. E q ,, o.1<'Ct.s 36"- x4 TV pit·t 1r• on \\all or movit> . 1 •'t n Rt-g. $229.!15 . • • NOW I '7t.tl7 EMERSON 1 t tbl~ mod. Rt'st. $299.93 .... .NOW $1".9:1 t.:Mat OS 1'''1" console Rt>g. $249.1 -, ••• 'SOW ll4.30 EMERSON Hi" T\', thret>· ~ J>hOII•I & FM-AM radio ~SIGN PHILCO dt ep fl'ftLC', just like 0{'\\ Only $J.a9.so m _ (ilfl.\1\T S •'t K~. ~ .u... ~" 164:\ ~ .. wport Bhd. (o-t,a M.-. l FCIIt IU.:\"T P1 mnsuJa Potnt { ur-~-----....:._--------- nisht-d hou ... r, :l bd:rms • .. 'SQm 1-J~J Harbor llrt>a lk•Y Yt•ar·, It ··,,... ~J nO mo HA ~J1~· ~C•)'JI.!i \\111 ,,.,rttnp•ttc• 1n tlw y . . • • . ( ourt nr Ht>nor lube> twld ~·I 311 A \..(us tal ('l)lnmJtl•··· A ·un I Ul:"G ~(JIOOL 'lEACHf.:.R\\tU fJ nt.Jo'ncLJ' AJ111120 a~t•h Maul n,J \\"pll~ I Hi tJtlnl•lllrii'<J h' •t• ~~1~>bc·tt durm~ \\N?k niRht.s tn ~t·ht~ul Audll•>ttum u1 .C'Q ta \tc:>a c~n''~' tnn 'ltUillll••-. ,1! t 11-;w~·· • r •r an·a. llA 31':)...\\' I ="'~"•~hoot hood Comml"'lonr·r Rrur<: < ' un ' , .... m ='~'"' r•Jrl ftJIIt < ·.-,. n\'1:\ ~lZE bunk be-d. £00<1 mat-\! 111n nnoum.'NJ tht-. " ·k ~"<•In _cl"l \1at d•·'"· h• 11 l\lt p 01111 tn,~;ts & COil pnn~ot~. make.-. ~ut TrOOJI"Ihtl \\1llt·ekc• v--,rt \\ <• l'·rru\\ r•l••rt•-rl "' 1111• ('O· tnto t\\in tx-ds Complete 9.;;o ,"lllbP~o 5of:-.;t•wport.="u 17uf rmu d•·l \!at Ci\JC ''"'><'• linn 1 (irtA~T'!S FTR!'Io'. 1: ArPI-Corona d 1 :\'htr :'\o 6 and ='•J , "' n until> 111• ,.,m • Ja,l 1 h1Jf"· ~~~ ~f'Wpor1 Bh 'd. ('<HJla M...a nrl Po t 6 ot Co. IH ~tt>"l:: tia) a' th\ Graunrw11 :--d ("1111 lX);-.i'T WAITifor hrstwarm ciu)')i.. Tl•• l'lt~Up \\1t t•nmt'fi 1t , tnkt> )our summer sewtn~ and Church Loyalty Pledqe rnt~lt"': h ·ld 1"'' \\I f kat tlu J ..... 'The Pit)' of It' Bring in 1,000 • thf• Ci'ril Defense Priliti!MJ PhotoKTaphtng and f~t­ .rJt: ul Cn1l lJo l1'1 •• \O]unteMS are 1:~~ lng conductl'd at thr ftt'fit Thurs- da~ ••l NSc:h rn~>nth at tht> Police aartrn~<nt Jewelry Completely ....__, SERVICED \V allace Calderhead --f"'ElER- 811 Coesi Blvd. CORONA DEL t-tAA Rl.'g. $4.89 9·1 ... NOW 1399.95 TELt;TONE 1 1 • tbl. mod. R l.'g. $199 fl , .. NO\\' SU9.9~· T E L.t:rOX"E I ' tbl. mod. Rt.>g. 249.!1:> • • . NO\\' lft9.9l alt('odltnns NO W to Kat<')' Tlw <.'On l(l'('llallnn Wtll bf' a·kN.t ~unu n t'ft('h hom ... lll \1t' T h•lrr ,, Doan{' Dn Clean(!rs. c.x1r. Gold-tn ~den th<' Chuffh Loyah, R K••nn(•d) "ho '"' fl'"~ld~>nl , t•nrod & ('nasi Blvd., COM, HA l'h d~(' Sunda) at th<' =""wpor't tht' l.al!wt;t T.o•q•:l' r•t, lJ·a •u• Cl1 11 -.l. and 217 Martnl' A\'<'. Harbor Lutht•run Churr•h 1n :'\PW· ,\II' Kr·nnl'd\ "'" 'nllmrd Jill' 1- BalbNI bland. HArbor 2290-\V. l'?rt fll'tl!ht:-Tht" hurc•h Loyalty d•·nt nf th(• "''" ('t~mrnilt"' 1r1d :"I)Tl CI-. to motht'rli l..Rt us be C :tmpat~ will last thrnuch :\fa\ ArthUJ \.;rt"' "' 1 1 una do l \t ar'l~!llliilliiii~~······· )1111r b.'\b\ !>Jtl<'r on Satw·da' af-13 It purpc-..r ,.., to h'l\l' ~v,.r\ "'*' lldlll• <1 "'''tt•l,, ll tr·rnnom:from:! In;, p m ·SJW· nu•mtx•r ilttt•nd chutch \\E:'•kl~ Th•• :,.:ual 111 ''"' .·uruml!lt••• 1, 6nl t-h Ow fur a.n"Rldclll•s Port 1 th&r1n1!' thl\t prnod. -· -'" P: •LJ.:J.U au iliillu ~ alw • .: Used TV Sets IJ(' 10'' ron ,. with ]6" bubbll' Was S167- MA G~ \'0 "- \\' s ~1~ .. S O\\' r tbl. mod . . ~0\\' Thvttn• Coron,J dt•l ~ar Th" r ht'JIIh C'hr111 \\Ill 'inc P~•'''" •' l'ttrtl 1 h• ...; ulf .\na l 15.00 U.\BY .:'l'lTI-.;c \\' ,\="TElJ ~..ad\ IJ., .. , J)PH " c;od \lu'-t l.n\1' [',. HI\ .. , '" Ill• 'til I' • l'll I. IJ lj II I \ 1 'P''Iill.••·rl \\Jih childr••n Jl.,.\ '' thf' 1l :.r m \111-.IUJI '''1\1"'' l ... rd•·r. ft•JOI 1,..," 1" II• I Ill" .?1 tl-\1 ' md:.~ I"' );111 Yuu1 I k art l:o • Tl • Cl'lltll• 111•• r d• •ro ~~n~tu~ • 1, too.;.o 'tAKI \'lll'R ()· CJ·· , d U·, Troubl€>d \\Ill tw ttlt •ltrnl•'"l •lh "o•dt·•l<·· , r t•1, .. t '"ndtnc Used Re~dio-Phono . •) (,tnm v <11 wt mon b' Pii ... l<lr If•·• tw• t (. P, .. • h rt • n • ,., m..:' crl ·t ' '·~·•·r '' I' II· .:o ldrtlu • .:\hnor mE>ndin_.: done ('hun:h set '"Jl 111,.,,1, .tt 'J 'V • n• rur..: , •, mn 1,,1.,11 ,1111 •I, ·, ,,110,,. \\lthout ch:ts~ KalE>\ Doant> • • lJr) Cl,.anl·rs l"flr Goldt-nrod & -!;..., d " 1 ·''Jl" 1 "'"'' ~A~TOl t~ 1binntlon Was S64 511 • S O\\' «.30 PJIIL('O r<"' rd pla)'l'l and radio Was $69.50 . . ~0\\' S4.50 PHILCO recoulcr, reeord I pla)er & F:\1-AM radio Was $139 541 ... NOW 99.l0 fl()E iJV SOil ~~"-port Bh ·4. HArbur ~08 Ne1''J)()rt ~· WANT YOUR DIRTY WORK DO NET GO '1'0 HAL ... Complete howedJ-nlna ler\ltCif. Windows, noor wutna and poJ- lshln~o wall "utdaa· CaU Harbor 1'751-W j FOR RENT Fu n. rm. with bath Priv. ent l nq 415 Poinsettia. CDM. aft<'r 3 p. m. -"'-'-~-----5 USED SER\'1-:L gas r-eft t~t>ra· tors, pnC(-d to sell As low a .. ·-·~ . $47.50 GRA!\"T f,_~N. ll APPL 164.5 Xf' rt 81,·4. C~ta l!llt>U CALLED TO SERVICE -Must sell I ntematlona.l 14 No. 389. IJtqulre HArbor 35-M. FURN. APTS. for rent. see LOu- ise apt.s. tlrst. Dbls. It singles. o,·erlooking Bay. 308 Carna- tion COM. RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEAimfG • o. ..-..u. • Wortl 0 ..,..._. MOODY LVTE&I OR OaU HArbor !aM ,_ Elttlnatle 1 !U5 ()oawt Blvd. c.or-a tiel Mar FOR SALE R('frlg.. apt. ill'. I 1948 WestinJ:hOUS{'. Reas. priei>d llA 2088-W. -~'• F<'mleaf. Co- t'Ona del Mar PAINTING t\lit•t Bhd. CU.:\t . HA 0-14l-J Study Series to Beqin \ 1~ '•ll"n h '" t.,... 11 ;"• ... rn'•"'' and :?11 :\!anne A\E', Bat~ Thr ftNt 10 1 '><'rif ut .,1.,. da.,., 1 1 rtw :--up• r '"' ' 11"(11"' lliC ,., I land. HA 2'290-\\'. t"'-"lon' wtth JUniOr hto.!h and 'Inn '" ptolthlt or! tJrllhm· ,,lmt · COMPLETE HOl!SE CLEANING '<'ntor hi~h )Oun~ fX'OPI• \\Ill bE> t~· mt ... t:JI '"I'" It! I If tn.!'' Furniture & Rug shampooing, etc. h:~td at 9 30 a m. ~.aturdl\) at th<' ( nunl:. Tl,c• ltc'\\ , .. nmutt• ,. 11lan Work guaranteed. Beacon 6Ul. \orona dl'l ~1<sr (om m u n 1 t ~ tn allf'nd th" \pr I 1'• m< .. •tln~· •Jt At's House and Window Clean-j <hurch to st udy the> mt>nnme: or thf· Sur>~r·'i""l' 1n lulllurcr man lng Sel'\ice. thf' Christian Ufc and C'hUrC'h mE'm-att.-mpt IO obt.tul <tn ••Xpr<'"''"" vf =-:-:?'-==-:-= -b<'r-hlp optni( n from tlh• ''JI" n \ ... n• F'OR RE:'-1 -Smal! Bay .Front At 7 .·30 p m ~tondav !l imilar ~lr. Pt rrt•\\ d tauman o1f thr Apt . L_uio Isle. A vall. Aprtl 1 to class w111 be-tartNI ·for a dults Cl\·it• .A. <:o<'J unn·, «'mmill•'\' on June b . $70 mo. SU~htly higher who ha\1.' )<lm!'d the ch urch du ·_ 011 'ulmnr t••d a r••JlO• t ot pnlL'' ''·, by n. Also 2-bdrm 2-bath to · r t h Th d Jun<-15 5115 HA 2552. Eves. Ill~ tht' past fE'\\ months and for a t • ur<. H) m•·rt in!! HA 29l4-M · • · all)·on!' «'ls w~o d~rr<'s to brush BRA , · up on th<' meanm~:t of churC'h m<'m-Tan m&-.. Tiitle NO :'\EW Hollywood bed lwtship. ftUI frames; full or twin sLZe_ .. $6.95 ------GRA."TS •""l_'ft.S. ~ APPL. 'Marine Niqht' Set Wlthou-t winnm~; 1 '>tns::le fll'l>l l &tll S .-wport Bh ·d. CMta Mf'&a thl' · t>\\ port Hat h«r Tar won FOR -ALE-KE'nmure wa h. rna-Tht> Corona dt-1 !\tar ~tE'n's Club tht> c-hnmpJOn..;hll' lr 'hi' m<'d.JUm \\lll obs 1'\'<' ~tarinc ="i"'ht" at 'tts. 1 1 d chine w-r1~er type. Good cond. "' "c ooo ... 1\J'Jc>n <tl tlw l l'l annu 1 20. 2502 Kin'"' Rd . C'lrft Ha· !'f'"<~ ffi('t>tlnl(, Thursday. April 12. Bt('a 1!1 Ia~ TUP'da) Tht' Tar .. ~ It ts announ('('d b\ Prt>sidPnt rl 1...., R dl -• \f'n. R Eacon 5205--J . Woody Harwood LOcal ~tarint."~ ~con• pomt •· anu' h td 14 6·Bt:R:"J::R -double o\t>n ~taJ;tC l'('('('ntly r<>tum.>d from Kor<'a ro,ma 13 F'ull••r•"n q ,\Mht'tm C"'h<'f ~as ramw O\'t>n control. fu:htinit "'II be> 5:\.ll'St at thf' ::tnd ('ohnn [lll\'n") Rn ... rm<'ad A d:lnd• for small ,. .• f .. or l .. r"'"" .__ h ld and =--• .\nthon~ ' 7 llunlln~on ~ ..... .. .... mt.>etln~. to lA" <' rn Pii'!Tim Hall R<-aeh :l' = Pnmonn :! 1 ~ home . _ S79 50 of th4" Communi I~ Chur<'h bE'1:1n-:-;,,,j.IO irt pla('t•d ,,'('f,·nd 111 th«' toRASTS rr.RS. ~ APPL mn~o: at 6 30 P m ~1:1 Jam<-s foUl -man ~-ohuttlr hurdll'' thrrd tn 1f4.5 S r wport Bh'd. Co"ta Mt"u Pt•rr~ nCJ\\ at El Tnro \\Ill spt>ak tht· f'tCht-rran mrlt• ... M'Ond 10 thf' .:'HARE A RIDE from Santa Ana four-man 1\\0·mtlt' th1rd m thl' tu Balboa Island 6 days a w~k. PAPER C'OLLECTI OS 0.-\\' four-rN\n 440 . .-.('(.'Qnd 1n thl' i"t~ht- \aU HArbor 299-J. ~turday IS colll"<'tron da) rn man s•·Nmd m th<' four-m111 n ROO)t-& BREAKFAST to em-' 1~<' paper dri..-c ~!'du<'~<'d b~ the 1 '· th1rd m th{' ftJur-man mth• p1o' <'d lady Call moms HA I ="<'"port Harbor Kiwams Club for 1~\\'. sio H<'liotroJW. COM thP local S<'a Scout Ship. Ra.n~r MoYinq 'Round Comer 1 3-BUR:"JER Wedt.:E'Wood apart· . ~lo"'inll! wa S('\l"ral w{'elkl work I mE'nt range. Only .. ,.S16.i 5 GIR~~c; CLOTHI.:-.:G. sLZes 12 a nd for Anthon)' Shot> Rt pair .5en·i0<' GR:\!\"T' FTBS. 1: APPL. _!(l:..Jn~l. rond HA 2033-J. rn ~p1te of th<' fact that thl' mo,·e 1645 ~f'wport Bh·d. CMta Mf'&a FOR ~ALE 12'll" Zf>.nith n··J was JU.St around thr com•'r at KEYS -Made while you walt. S125. ~ San FWmardino. :'\PW· Coast Blvd and )!aric;old in \o- Tommy's Shop, Post Office Block. port He1~hts. 1 rona dl.'l ~tar I !PI pin~ Larry ~to- Corona del Mar. l !'i ~t~LL SIZE Coldspot ;it.'<.'trk N'· dica pr€'pan' h1~ nc:w hop w~s hi. '\' ATl O:-.iAlJ Cash Res; tt>r S39.50 frt~t'rai<W Perff"Ct , hapt> S69 ;)(l dad. thr ont.ruul .Anthony. who, H RAST' F"t'l(S. £1 APPL G RAIST'I' Ft"RS. 1: APP L. IS no\\ rt•lln-d fr,m mnny yNII'S of 16-15 St>-~-port Bh·d.. CMta Mf'M 164$ S t>-"l))rt Bh·d. ('meta M.--f!13kl0'! <'U~tom ,h1W" (or €''Cclu 1\ <' Ft:R!':ISHED ROOM for r<>nt on A:\ YO:-;E \\'A.:\'T u.s<'d 9x12 Con-:san FranciSCO hops yrly basts, outside ent .. pri\'. c;oleum rug_for.chlld.r<'n'~ room" bath. cookjng racil. gar.~ mo 1-"'rt'<'. 42i :Sarct'l.su.s. CD.:\T Har· 713 lm. COM. 1 bor R'i. _ YEARLY RE:-.'TAL-Furn. bache-1 TABLE-TOP c;a ranc;t>. porcelajn lor apt . MS mo. Qwet nE'bthbOr· enamel. Clean S49 50 1 hood. 1 blk. &>. of Bh<L, CD.:\t GRA!\"T'. Ft"RS . ~ .\.PPL. I %'7S PAlme r St. -Oo4ata Meea BEaron !l-151-\\'. 1St~ S.-wport Bh·d. Cocta )(Ha BEacon Mln-M ~t A:" \\'t\;\'TS ndt>to Lonit Bea<'h i-'O!:_t 't\LE 191 Po""ll scoot{'r. EarlSbellin FURNJTUBJ!: RESTOBATIOS :"a\'al HospitaJ daily, Mon. thru ~'10. I t runs Call Ht\ 2630-J Chair bottoms r<'8torf'd ustng a~ne, F n. \\'orkinc; hrs. 8 to 4 :30. or -··~.!'nmgs_. - rush. reed, etc.-BRING NOW. ito 4 30 p.m . 411 Or'Chid. COM \\'A:'\TED \\'oman to work part Ifill UAR\'Er8 FOR !-iALE 1936 Oldsmobil~. 4-tim<' m a Clift> m Corona d(•l ~ donr Sl'<i. Good rond. ~165. H A 1_21a!:_ HArbor 3105 4 tO~ FURNlTt RE REPAIR 162-R LIKE; l"EW ~<'r''<'l ~:as rl'frtgPra· ~ aa~~~;'~~ta Meea PORT ABLE(:"IE'<.'. sl'wmg machin-e. lor. Guaranteed S1.t~:lll Complcu.• with caSt' .. $29.50 GRA~-T'!il Fl"RS . ~ APPL. ~ H. H. HOLBROOK GRA:"T'~ .,.R~. 1: APPL. 16U NM\-port R ivet. ('met3 Mt>!Ul 4 Dependable Plumbing 164!\ S .-wport 8 1\'d. C'o!lta M f'M YEARLY R ENTAL .COM. Furn .... A Prompt Repair servl~ FOR SALF: Snowbird, A-1 cond. apt. 2-bd.:rms -1 with twin beds. ~ MaintAined $l:""JO. Phonr 1\trs. Crumlc>y, days, Lo\'t>ly ''ew, S85 Adults HA EGGS IllER'S DOZEI 65c F'RI . -~AT. -Sf "S. ~ Pla..-e UAI'bor IUI-W _ HA 3_!31 . En's. HA 1370-J_. _ QMO-\\' aft r 3 p.m.;_--:---.,.--~ !801 Balboa Bhd. Newport J!l.ee.ela FOR ~ALE K<'nmor<' auto. ,.,-ash. ROLLAWAY-BED eomplNt> with Ifill DON'T FORGi-r to 8 ....-th" ... -au-I maC'h \\ith wringt"r. Good cond :trspring mattress .... S24.50 (los(•d Mondn.\'S ~ "" " .,.,. R I !A t,.....!'l J RAST'8 Ft'R~ .• APPL tiful n{'W S<'r t•l Gas Rt>frigl'ra-__ M!> "'·-· · ___ __ _ !!IZ M.a rl.n.-. Balboa l <Ol3nd 4 tor. Eight nC'\\ mode ls at FAl'LTl.E!-iS washN·. ~tood wrlnli:-f_.::::::::N:~::'I\'pa~~r~t ~B~I~\'d-=-. .:C:ns:·:ta::M=esa=~==========:::::::~ OKAI\'T' l't"R N. a APPL er. All O.K. . ..$19.50 164.5 N e rt 81\"41.. Co.ta Mesa I GRAST'~ t'"l'RS. ~ APPL FOR RENT 164~ Sf'-wport Bh-d. CO!'ta M f'S& BUNGALOW APARTMENTS ~'ANTED Ride tn 1~ -Angele Beautifully fWTI. large Uv. room I b) lad) li\'i.ng in ('0)1. Mon . thru With CireplaCf' bdrm., kitchen-Fri. Hours 9 to 5 r .m. HArbOr I ette. Low \\inter rate by day, ~'l:>-\\'. week or month. F'OR SAL£44-tnch whllt> Gar- F ARM HOUSE MOTEL f«'l'l' & S!Htle r stoH'. with auto. l :04 Coast Blvd . COM HA 1063 ~IIX'k 'I' f) -'~:ood cond_IJ A 1520-J I Lo • ..c! for HOMES L.A.RGE 2-door Fl't~idair<' refrig-n&-..~ l.'rator A real buy ~9.50 REGULAR 4 1,~ (1().20 yrs.) «lR.\ST'S Fl'RS. ~ A.PPL. G. I. 4% <20 years) 1&45 Xf'w'port 81\d. Co"t" M<'&.a F'-IA 41 ~"r (20 years) 19:>0 lll1DSON 6-Pal't'mak<'r for Construe. Loan .. 5·5%% (14 yrs.) sail'. du_b COUJX'. rad•o. ht-atcr. Commiss. ch on Metro loans auh,mntrc dnw. ~tood rubber. We buy and (')1 Trust Deeds. · om•~own<'r car. $1 ,750. 400 Coast 8EE non • A'ITLDt ~-Blv~ .~nM._H~ 2206-J..: _I POfRIER MORTGAGE CO fiOTPOIXT <'1<'<:. t-an~('; automatic l 1415 Con!' I Blvd., COM . 1 <'lOC'k ~ntrol ; C'.alrod. burners. A hone) .. . ... .. ...... . .. $89.50 Ph. HA 1071-J -KI 3-5185 ORAS'T'~ FVRN. &I APPL. 1645 Newport Bh·d. Cotlta Me~~& STAMPS ~ COlltCTottS U. S.-INtith Coi~M~~e'-"""orol Foteltll St•"'P ~ ,. PwtaDalk Shop (W... l e41o I T......._l tOt ltoe4woy. IE MOI.J. Cede MM. CALL HARIOR 2070 Fot ctloico DIFFIIILS S~IAL ••• 49c; clot. Dowen by Morri 509 E. a.lbo. ~ .• a.tbM POIRIER M ORTCACE CO. ... Announces The Openmg of The1r New BranC"h Office to Serve the Harbor Area -AT- 1415 COAST BOULEVAR D (Ntl\1 Door +o Boy h:r w) CORONA DEL MAR CALI F. HArbor 1077-I R08E~T l S~TILER THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY! FaCtory· to· loa Valaes Rat Ire Tndy SeiiiiiiOiaal! Save Many Dollars on Me n's Wear! )l Pn 's lOOo:;. W ool Sheen Gabardine SLACKS R~. tt.SO \'a lu.-.. t •Oftti.nuoutt \\&htbaad pl..ata. ltlPPf'"'-CT~'Y· 1481r. bfol&:f'. bro" n. '7~ "'b .••"' !8 to -&'! )leon·~ Rayon. Gabardine SLACKS Rf'C. 1.95 \'alaes. \\'rlnkl"' N'~ttta.nt. • I%~ !8 to •! . Me-n·~ 595 Imported Ginqham Plaid Shirts Rt>~or. 6 30 \'aJu . &.-a ut1ful pl:l.lds. • lLt>"· ~. )L L X.L Gabardine 425 LeisareCoats rtn . 15.95 values. I \ 95 f'ull UnPd .-\ U ('ol- o!"> 1\0d .. .~r*'"' Gabardine JACIETS Rt'l:. 1!.95 \ uiU('I" Fully lln Pd. ~Lll 895 ro1o~. ""iz.M, ~m.all. M .-d., L p. 6: Ex. I.~:.-. GenuiJU' SUEDE COATS Rf'st. 40.00 \'a lu., ... 1'171'!1. S6 tn -&6 ztts Men's 100% Wool SPORT COATS OUR FACiORY RA-c-. 4.95 Val .. C"olortuJ <'otwo pnaa p '"kJrt<O. full t'IN'lt>. ~lu. 10 tn II~. Tf'rrlfk bay! Cotton Print Short & Ira let Rf1t. '!.U \·atlH"6. 8N Utlfui pl"lD ~ "I'-10 to HI _I" BUTCHER LINEN ILOUSa Multifilame nt Crepe Slips fll'&t _,9.~ 'al~ Ro· •• utltul IAN-trlm-179 rnt·d "Ill,... I ""IJM 4! to --~--'!.!~1 "lt..f'O> S! to 40 100% Wool Toppen n ... ~. Jl).95 \alaN Laclies' Slacks K1·.:, .\.9.\ to 9.93 , ..... ~sa l't>rfl"('tl~ ~llort•d ~b ~ In It b 11 r d I n f', •har<lo.-~ ,.kin ~\c11ol f I a D .n tt 1 s.. 615 ~''"' 1(1 •••• 0 New Spring Saib flf' 10.9,\ ''' l t .M \ vand IN"tion la solid 1'1\lur.._ "triJW... <'h i'C' Bat "lnt "ll'"· twll•'rll <&Olta., WJ-urN1 <OIIlt>ii In '!, J . ~ 4 IM" ,.,~ Ia• .... "lrt'fo Ht I to• I X nod U l tu tie !~I :· ,\IJ t "'•n..:«JOR• rr~ al f.u•t,·hl-~ oo pri<'M ....... a, rr.: HJ'I'CIIJIAN We wiib that SOJ1)("()ne ~~uld rmd tht> Loot or Llma. 'o one" but Monte Cruto hu e\W found any buried tr't'U\lff, and it would be a 5urprii;e endinR to aU ~ drt'ar)' expeditions to Cooo& 1.5~ land. if ~ actuaJJ)' e.lte&\'al· ed the riches. became (abu}.ou51y wt"&Jtl\)· and lh"l"d wickedl~ e'·er aft~t. TIM' ...... ..w •• ~ .. .,... •••· •• ..-.. ea-......,_.._..pu...._ mm I.ULIAN DINIIERS AIM 8k-&b -Prime ..... Cocktails 1m 0out Bhd. ...... u. --1)1~ .. Cuban Fireball" li&un.-W ... tt--C"~ont. ~un. ! :30 t~·••hn lf•oln r JEFF f'JiA:-;DLl:.~ !'tar of 'BI okf'n Arr·n\\ .. DEBRA PAGET f(tt'IS JtWRI>A'\ -tn- ~ird ol Paraiise" ('&rt,fWon ~c·on .SPL,\STER" '\' 11'1\ !"ho\\-IDit- 1 ... t• h n I <' f• 1 lUX! Y \.HABLE. · D.\:'\ DAILEY .......tn- "CALL ME MISTER" -al.,,._ HI'Tl I Rtl~IA:'\ -in- "Lightning Strikes Twice" ~ltnlkt,\ .tn tl 'lnnda~ Onl~- 19:-,w.; B<• .. t P lc·tun• m·:rn . IJA\'I ~ -ln- "ALL ABOUT EVE" -~tl!'l..,_ I'Rt-:fl ASTAIP.F HETTY Ill Tr< 1;-. ~in- "Let's Dance" ., ~ ,..,... ..... ,. . ....-.. ...... ........ t I E flrt1rc a.e pii"'IN' of ............ ,.. It wu ....... -...... , ... .., ..... ,, I' ...... c ......... ft' ...... u.. .. ._...eMt, ....... ae ........ ,..,r....,.., _...... .... ...w .... btMif -C... ...._. ... taw. .-t r fi&EilllONA ON n::aEIIIAB Jlld. • tL Rev. lbomas Roy ~U of A po.t·luc.k "kiek-off" diJuwor for th•• Corona del Mar Community Church building program wiU be held at 6 :30 p. m. Tuef>day a t the Corona del Mar SChool. Building plans wiU be outlined by Lows B . Ca.mblt>. A.ssoci.a tes. Coffee and meat will be fur- nished and fanillie& are u ked to bring salad&, \'~tables, cJesst>rts and their own table service. 1be most r~nt Cooos 1s1and Christ Chun::b by the Sea will expedition St>t forth from hl.>r'e open his April ~ aerie& on Llt880N ON V~'ll&\Uft' two summers a.go during the the Ufe and meeuge or the pro-flight of the S~'birds, and a pbet J eremiah Sunday morning The OlristJy nvtbod or castlng book has just bet>n published with the 54.'.rmon.. ''The Voice of out that which i.& romgn to Cod's about It callt"d "Cocos ll1and Vm-Cod" The ~~ermons will relate the nature ia considert'd In the Sunday ture." written by Matie Briggs of prophet's message with present Lesson-Sermon on "Unrealit)r" in Rh·e~de. You may know .Mrs. da~· problems. the Nev..lJOrt Harbor Branch or Briggs. S.ht> lov·ed. t~ fish and Reo\-. Pendell's topic will bt> the Christian Science Church at e,·~ry ~,·eek we-nt ft&hmJt on the "Where on Earth is Cod!" at the the entrance to Uclo I.sle. This MtssaWJt out of Port Orange. Be-..l.Pril 15 St>rvice· "Keeping Sant> declaration from Matthew 17-19) cause she.po~~ tht> faculty. oi liD a World or Aggression" i.s tht> text : "E,·ery tree that bei.nJt "one-o'f -lhL' boys" which ~ Ril:trt~CIW!mess-..Pay~Y-tbrin e>th....J!2t forth ~rJ.IiL is sonw womt>n bave-and more espe:. April 29 · hewn wn. and ca.st mto tbe fire.'' dally because-she is an exet>Uent · • • • lj~===========~i and resourct>fuJ cook. Sht' was a.l-ltE\·. PENDELl. AT JI.J!.lETING lo" Ni to a(l('()mpany h~.>r husband Re'·· Tilomas Ro!• Pmdell of on tht> expc>d.ition. ChriS"t Church by the Sea and Ht-r a~t ie brau.a.. loyal presj~nt of Che Orange County I aad fr"tUHtU~· ruaa~· .. d IIIHMdd Counc1l of Protestant Churche is dl.Muad,. you from uy 41eelr.-t'l'presentinl! the-council at a t o tr1'aMJrf' b ... t. Tlw \'O)'II«~' state-wid<' r.athering of church 1 ... ,. mack-I.D ~ ••f tbOM> rak· councils in Sacramento today. T he l81t t•hartn lM'ht~ up4>ratt'd lt:v • met>tin~ was caUoo to consider riuu1~r eomp~~•y bt'rf' a ff'W public moral issues, especially at ! ...... ,.. aco. Wltll It• ~ the l~"el of tate legislation. M'llit4' aldf'S a.ad "'hl~r ••'lllllP· The Orange County Council has It lookt>d pt'rfHUoe but Wlo•• de\'l!ioped final plans for tht> Or· 1 ~ It a ... kt'd aecl .....-IJ~ of am:l' C'.ounty Protestant 1\fini&ters' j mould. a •cl ttt.> lul.NI-.hlps f'll- 1 F<>llowship to tM' he-ld in the First durt'd atw.rcl would Ita,.,. dl!>-Presbytf'rian Chur<'h of Oranl!e nu~"t"d our a•nl(rim Fatht-rs. Apt•il 1~ P01'sibly the most inte~tin~ • • • cha('ltt>rs take> ~ou throu~h the Mll'li&IO~ APPEAL MADE ~>larboard JX'rlllWter ol a Mt>xican St>\.,nth Day Ad\'t>nti.!!.l~ will hUJTicant> Aftt>n,·a rd, a~> a t't'-launch th<'ir annual wm·ld m ission leasr from rw ril. th40' autht•r bul'l't appNII h••rc ·atut•da~·. Rf'\·. K~.>n­ intH ronll<' H ''""' and \H likl"d thiz-m•th B Pt>tTy, loc.al chur·ch pas· sampl~.>· tor. announCE's. 'rhf' local church "l pullr!d nw Ill• and ~~···Jif·d out plaru. to t't'ach its S1.:500 ~oal in a !hi' ha.Wh ·1-\\N·k ..,uhdtation <'am p a i e: n, ht•adNI IJ~ Dr. Paul Butchrr T" "'"' "hat I c<~uld icarn ---Th• dtlll'l'h i .... ~"t t ing up d1sast~~r T twrc ~.tood cuu ,.;allant .. k ippc·t 1 t ltt'l t't•n lf •r .. in ltl> dHll'('h build-La:-hln~ 1h• ho\\ Itt th• ... w tn ' lnt'' and •~ 11·arntnt: it~( m(•mtx-r-1 ,.hlfl iu l11:,.t a1d tn bt• I'{'Ud\ to Tt\1-. 't•:cr· .. l'oan C'h'fllf'nto• r a<>t' ,., 1 \' 111 lm•., l nt· na ltnnul f"l11f'I~L!t'll· w11 .. !Oail••ll lust "f•<>kt>n(l In fin•• t'l1'' I \\ t>a tlwr but \\ 1Htou1 suf n('h•n t • • • w ind to ttrop••l sm1w o f tlw <ll.rn311t•r ~IH'ht'i al'fiUDd lbf' ISi1· Util•• c•ourM' ltnd h:u•k t n I hr• jt•t1)' by l'lunc.b~ nh:hl. l'nrtt•r ~lnf'l~tlr't~ "'1~1nJt ~·otl'lunao hit a fl:1l "I"'' <~PI•ro:whln.a:-Uw Wf'tll t•nd of till' l"ll•nd nod lit~ l ht'r<' hN•:tlnwl1 \\ntc·h ln&:' Uw ulhf'r ~aC'Itl'4 Mil b~· :\1 n dlsl.ttn<~·. Fltr-:1: l.tX'1't Itt: 1\IOSllA\ I A ll'l't' lt•<'tUI'I' nn Chn!-.tian S<'l- ,.m·•· "til 1.>1· ~~' ··n b~ At'C'hibald <'al v~. C.S R . ''' l k•t roit . :\1k h .. 111 tlw Churt'h Edtfict· of th<' Fu-st Chill <'h nl C'hri~t. ~<'h•nt 1st o l :'-:c•\\ rnrt l~·arh. 3303 \'ta Ltdtl at ~ p rn !\t .mda~. Thl' lt><'ai rhurch l!o SJlllMSOI'IIl~ t IH• lt't't Ul'l' . . . ..;t;tt)IO.S 0~ 8l'II.OI~C· With BURT LANCASTER Colc•.r by T~a&color Also .. M-G-M 0-""D~LI'·-a .. SPECIAL INiallll- •~u p.m. f'aturda)•, April 7 "Gas of Bate" Plus ~·our fat \'tllitt> <'artiHln p:d 11 I"T KTI.S<i ~··~DA\', l'lu,. \'ktur M-.'\toro•'ll Latf' .. t "Gambtinq House" \\'tl RWl5t'U llampton. chairman of finRnce for Lh~ bujldlng project • wiU be in charge for the lll(.'eting. Learn How Prayer Can Heal You H OW does Chrl~ttian Science hw? How does it remove fea .::SOh•e fX>r8onal-and busi- ness troubles! If you want to know somt>thin~ about tht> heaUn~ power of prayer as taught in Christian Scjence. rome to A Free Lecture entitled .. Christian Science: Howlt Worb" by ARCHIBALD CAREY. C ..S.B . of Detroit. Michigan Me-mber of the Roard of Lec- tureship of The Mother Church, The First Chur<'h of C hrist, ~<'iNll ist. rn Roston. Mass Monday, April 9 ut 11:00 .,, M . In Chu rCih Edlfit-4' SltO:l 'l:t l.ich• Fint Churd• of Christ, Scienti•+ of Newport S.ac;h Cordially Invites You J PIIIBMACIS IS TO SERVE YOU*** t•au;.~JUPTifl'\'S AI.\\'A\'~ DOUBLE CIIECKED RAIIPI'OK'S BAIUIOR DRUGS .\11 p:trtlclpant• thoua:-bt tht> rae••· w:u• UJlUsmtll;\ \\ ••11 handh•d h~ ttw SIWDI'o<lrs. Huo \'o~'ltlort'r8 \'Df'hl f'hth. ln~-ru<'tlonM \H•r.· c>lo•:t r tt.nd cnmttlt·tt' ftnd f'n·r~ nn•· n-<'t•h '•'<l a lllit of a ll en t rl••,. n ith th..-ir d u .... incntioo :tnd h a n<lkav. t'nr ll lunJC di"tanc•• 1'1\('t'. th•·r•· w :tl' 11 r.:-•)1\(1 turn-o ut. Svnd~ .. ~ '..; M'l mon a 1 'lw < 'orona d••l ~tn r Con11nunit \ C'hur<'h will )1<• ··(":nd, llw :\ldstl'l Rulld r•t •· d{'-~ 11,,.,.1'1'1 h~ n,., P aul Rnbbtlt S••n- H'~'' Ht•· t~t ~ . .1:; and 11 a m R<', .. H.thhllt':-. subje<"l lor tht• t'\<'ninh '''1'\ ll'f' •~ "11<1\\ t lw !"\•'W To•st a- 1 tn••tt l \\-;1..; Fnr ml'd .. f~~n~t~'l~r~,~~"~·~t~R=I,~·c1~·~~~~~1~A~R~RO~~K~t~6~1~1~~~~0or~~-~~dH~~~~~IAI'~~~ Philo!-.opht't'~ a n • ul\\'ay~ l'Oiltem-1 · • • • plntin~ llw h\t~ nl· ;mt,. and bN's 1101.\' C'OMMl'~IO.S st·~o..\\' I hut bart doE>sn't ~.:••t rntu ltwrature 1 Hoi;-. Communion will ho• c•••l£'- mudl. A" ~~~u at'' a\\811'. the!'<' hrnl<'d Slmday ttl l:'t. Andi'Pws 1 ar<' t\\ o ktnd" of bart. anchm lt•s I Prl'loob~ t<'t·ian Church. ~ ,. " p o rt nnd sal'd int'!:. An<'hm i<'s arc dumb ll(•t"hts. Rl'\', T homas Gibson ''ill and d(K'Il•· '' hik sardlrws an• pn•sPnt communion mf'dita 110 11 <'n- smar·t. a~!:n•ssi\1' and hard~. Roth tit l<>d "T hP l'ppt>r Room" \\'il'h tlw 1lcad II\•'' uf llt~ht. l)'·tn~ thf' P\'t•r-text taltPn ft'Om St. L\ak~> 22.12 la.,tin:..: quutT~ of ti"h or n<'l. but 'And hf• wtll !'how ~nu-n lar·~p up- 1h•· ~a rdm" rtno"' ,.,om;•thtn ..: a bout P•'l 1·oom furni~hf'd . Tlwn· mak .. il n ·ari~ ." 1 If rou c•:ltC'Ia s:trdin"" antl turn Cnnt inlllllt.: th1s month tJII't'o' "111 tbc•m ltto.-c•. ltw~· o,\\im awu~-an d b•· rlm1hlc• wnit·•·~ Ht 9<~11 "'· m. ttun'l <·mnc· h:t<·k. If '"" d awn and I 1 a . m. with tht• :O:und;n \\l1 h :to a nc•hu\\', tw'll ."wim In u School cht SM'" Hi \-1::\11 111111 11 nut:- drdl' ftt>IH th•• lH1al tltlnkinl(' tlw V'l'.\ n1tr-nd.1111 rlunn: I he· htt 1 ho:ll will prul••t•t him . ~ardln"" ..,.n aco•. find t111• holf'~ In a n.-t tcHt :and Tht• Hi~h Sdwol \\'o•,..t millj;lf'l' .. 1111 thrttU&:'h hut t hc•lr sharpc'f<t F .-llnwship will h,· £'1ltc>rt<tillC'd 1 t rick is to "'udd••nJ~· 110und, t;on!J \dth a buffl't dllllll'r at tht• Balboa 1 of th•·m . a'lld !lllllt th•• M•lnc•. Island homf' nf :\o1r. and Mrl' Ralph Thf•ir ~>Uddf'n ...oundlna: hall lwt•n l>t>a\ er on Sunda~ c\'<'nin.~.:. kncl\\n to C'3U!It' n 1>urs.• !Wint•r BaptisC'd last ::;unday W<'l'<' Pf'tf'r tn ll~t and f'\'PD cttfl!'IT~. Ple.::-Pr, son of Mr. and Mr!:. AI W<> don't lmow what uni\'Prsal Pl<>t:t:'l of C'nrona d<"l :\Jar·. a nd i r•uth Mark T\\'ain or :\1aNt'rlinck Maria Plcgrr·. daughiPt· of Mr. would dl'l'i\'1" fmm hail but it and Mt'l' Dtrk Plf'J.wr of C'Ot'Ona llltf;ht tl<' thi!>: whl'tht'r you a c-dc•l ~lat Infants bapthwd wN'I' 4Ui<'~<'t' Ilk" an anchov~ or s tl·ut:-Mit'hat'l S t <'fling McC;u·l'i n, son of t:;lf' lik<• a sardirle, in the ('nd Mr. and :'111'1>. Donald McC'arlin. ;o.ou'rl' caul!hl Costa ~1C'sa : Ka•hlee-n Jm·g<'ns<>n. "'CIIOOI~ Gl'fLD TO MEET Thl' Church School Guild of the Corona del Mar Co m m u n i t y Church will meet at 7:30 p. m. Monday at the homl' of Mrs. M. H . Vt>rburg, 605 Poppy Ave. Mrs . Raymond Kent Harvey will pre- sent 1he re\1Pw on "Worn<'n of the 13ible ." Rcft•<-shmt>nts will be ser\'ed. FURNITURE ~ND ACCESSORIES dau~:hter of Mr. and Mrs. Vin J or- g<'ns£•n of Nc·wport Hei~htJ5, and Pamela ~tolz, son of Mr. and Mt·s. John Stolz of Cliff Havt>n. Joining church S unday were Pe- ter P leger, Maria PleSter and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Andersen of Corona de l Mar; Mr. and Mrs. M*"rl e M. Coe of NE>wporl. Mrs. Beulah Lace of Newport Heights. and Mrs. Grace Booscy, Miss Florence Boo- sey and Mrs. Allee S. Freeman of Hunting ton Beach. FIRST CHUttCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 3303 Vie Udo, Newpofi t .. eh ~.h.-11 P rndm-t,._lt.-palnntc-U·Ilr. :J'owtDc-Nlte Work by Appt.. ''\\'p fi'pt'Clallu ta Em~r~ Bervlce'' llltfl ('",."' Rh'rt. IIA 44 I -R..-Nit ... BE 11!6-M-Coroor df'l Mar GAYLON Gaylon ~ .. • , ... n Hughes Beauty Salon D MDI .. GUa OWN WOHIMOPI AMO PIOM A b ra!\ch of The Mother Church, The First Church of C hrist. Scientist, in 8os· ton, Mauechuset15. InciividuQj Hair Shapin~ and styling, as originated by Antoine 1ltl IAiellt ttlftAY 0. 1MI MaliC COAST Su!\day School ...... .. ·-... 9:30 e.m Su"day Service ......... ... ... ... I I :00 e.m Wednesday Eveni"9 meeting .. 8:00 p.m Readl"9 Room located et II t Pelm St., 8elboe, is open daily from 12 noo11 fo S p.m. ellcept Sundeyt end holidtyt netionelly obMfwd. The public i• cOf'Ciielly Invited to et tend the church 18Mcet end 11M fM R .... int loom. H u g he s Beauty Salon 427 N . Sycamore Santa A na Phone K I mbetly l·l4l S r • Party Honors Janet King Mrs J . B LoughJm, 614 HeUo- tJ'OP(" Ave-, and Mrs. Vem Threl- keld, 616 Ht-Uotrope A\ , Co- rona del Mar, ~ere co-host at a llnen aho\\c>r gaven in Mrs. Lou~hhn's homt> on !onda) t>\4:'- nm~; of last ~<'<'k. honorin.¥ Jant't Kin~t. wh06t• marna~ to Marcus 11. ~or\54.'n "UJ takc> plac:t~ on Sun- day allcmoon. Apnl 15 Wt:LCoMJ-; IIOME DL"Ntl.R Welcomm~ homt' Muter 5<-r- Jreant James E J ohnson from Ko- rea, Mr and Mt'S. Bob Brown had Sgt. and Mrs Johnson and his wif<' from Corona d<'l Mar to dln.ner Saturday ni~ht Mr and Mrs. Roy Strotz, 414 <'Ptl n Ft'Onl, S'alboa. also W<'r(' guests Present at tht' ahow1'r w re Mt Gardner Kins: and Carol Ann, moUwr and st t('r or tt\4> bride- ei4.'Ct; Mt'Sdarnes C E. \'an Hall, Don Jkorkman, HalT) Yt>rington, Cra~ 1.1' ing ton, Arthur Cr~ Len J oN>s, Kenneth Pa)'l)(", A1fr d Beltran. and M1 Edith Kurt. ln· 'att'd but unable to att)!nd bt>cause ol allnl'. ''as Mrs. M . .) hao-non. who ('nt a glft Appropriate cameos "'t'rt> playf'd. '' i th prizes qom~ 10 \trs Pa>·np and Mr$. &>rkman W ilgus~Gibbs W eddingTold ~., Mrs. :\1arie Adele Wtlgu.'l. M3 -~·-· ~·oo. -So®. and ..Arcl ~ Dwn:ht Gibbs. 320 Via Lido :-.=ord, M.Yl' Tl'-LLIT&-TOP-PE& (abol\'~) or S't>•-port. f•halmli\Jl or tbf' Hr&Aif~ County Bt>aun- neatlon C'onuWfl...-, IUIDUUft~"" 'bat ()llf' of thf' hlchU~tht" of tb•• April t• ..-bt>r!Ohlp li\O"t'linl' ol lhf' AMoria ... d ('llamlW'rt. or C'c-ftU'n'f' \\Ill bt• tbt' anard- lac or trophlf'!l to t bP "ltlalo« f'OIIU'DUftlh In tiM' t..-auUJJM&tJon NM~t .... t. "bleb clo<W'"' .\prll 111. Mrtl. KuiUa BI'O""D· pret.ld...at of U... C'llUforala Kf'<:rPation Cum- B-. ~ Ltdo hie. \\t'rP marrted on Tu<>'-· .... --day alt moon. :\l at·<'h 2i at ~~ J ohn's EpiscopaJ Chw•ch m Leo' HArbor 17 Ant.:t>les. A mall ~roup of tntt· 427 Nerci.uvs. COM male I nrnds at t rndt'<i t tw N>rc-- mony. ... _ CARPETING S.. -larte wlecti~ of ~ ..peftli¥e "'9' eft~ c:.rpetittt Gr.• & hemp tqMrM few "'"'-' "- ········~at IE 1217 Newport leech Hwy. 0,... Hithh • • S.. 10 •·"'· • 4 P•"'· See FIRST HOME LOANS Low "REDUCING" IDterem Rate. Low Monthly Patmenta * We offer you the facilities of the Largest Federal Savings Association in Orange County You'll 11\:e ovr cordial mettlo4 '" tervlftt yow Me4a. ~~-· FEIEIIL Sl Vl- _..._l•ailal• LAGUNA lEACH P'tlone 4-1177 -222 Oceaft ,.,.,., JIO~DCG ••• l.oDCJ Distcmce Local FoUowm~ tht>lr hon~ymoon trap to ;\ton lecito. 1 ht> nt>wly\\ ed-. a • to ncm at homt> at 843 \'ta Udo "\nut! Panhellenic Meeting Held 1 1 mi,..Woa, \\ IU bto !IIK'a.kH at fhl' MHflDIC. I !\1rs. Gror.:e Guthrw or Balboa Island and Mn. J Lt>on Wtlltams and Mrs. RolX'r·t Hoxlt• of Corona del 2\far \\oert' ho!.l(''>,l'~> last wt>t>l< I on Tut>.day when Ol'llDi;'P Count~ Panht'lltmi<' mf't at tlw parl!.h l hou·se of St Jamp, Epi.;('Opal Church. R('lr't''>hnwnrs 1 n C' I u d t' d :\tr .. Raymond Kent llar\l') ·, pn"' \\ln- nin); d~s €'rt cakt' A "')('lnl €'\<'· nm~ tollowl'd 1 he shnrt busm<'" Sl'S.'>IOn \\'tth :\frs Rnlwr I Calli" captunru: ftrM prt7€' at card.-. Hnr- bontt•s "ho attend<-<! \H'rt' ;\tr .. H o Btlyw~. :\1rs Ralph :\1tC'hi'l· €'0, l\lrs. :\1 A And('I':><•O \1t'< Ohn-!->lt.'t'pt>r. :\It" Thuma:. Fro!--I •a ~t.>:.l,l and \fr-. J<lllO Kt-;lo•r prt•,.Jdt•nt Early Settler Pays Visit to Corona del Mar Mrs. Gran• AI~··• '' htl "tt h ht1 hlbband 1!111 r~ ll\l•d lor man~ \f'ars at ~lCl8 ::\lar~ut•lltc' A\t'. pu1d a \I Sit last \\ e€'k W (.'nrnua dPI .l\lar. makln~ hf'r lwndqu~lll'r" with Mr. and Mr;. JPS!"I' Pouclns ~W :"arcissu.~ A\1' Gract• and Haa·n Wt'n' '" o of 1 ht' l•arh St"t llt"t-s ,;, t hi:. <Y•mmun- itv. and· had mO\<'d to Sun \'alit·~ to make their homt> ju. t s hort I~ bcfor<> Harry's pas an~. thl'('(' ) ear., ago. Sin ce th~n Grace has bt-C'n lhim~ in Detroit. :\ftchi~an A \H>(>k a~o Tuesday nicht. t h•• Tarr~ Club had a pot-luck dmn··• anu i'lllo(al.:<'lnf'OI ~h0\\'{'1 It"' JUnl' Kc>t>n£> at Sw;,,• Plec··• .. hl)m• 111 C'omna d<·l Mar Aflt'l lh<' dlllllt'l' tlu• •·ll~.il.!"• lnl'lll prt'"' "'' '" I I I h• ,,,,, \\hth• Junt> J. • k•"l ,,, • · '' 1Jo·1 lht'~ \\f'lf' lor' •Yt•U rau P•'•hlbl\ ~·at hc•r • t " , ' , '-IIMrtM Jl>to • ~ .o\munc tl .. • ..:•! h ",... ru£hl :"" '·' pant'"" ha ll 'liP" f'>mi'-·•1••.; ... ,. l'hl'l '"'''"'. 1J • '"' a.l J 1 dut h,,., bru-.. h Th• ·ttl'-at tt•ndin~: th~ part) \\ ,.r, !--"1 lh \k:\1t11Pn \tar\ \1C'I'· 1n1.. 1 ''"~m;1 :\taJ!--hall "ail\ Hc·n- dl'l "'" l l,,u T hdtl•·n Carol An- d''"" I '•Hul Thom:t"-Loi Slral· tnl J mh Knd J, r t -1 Ga nn .. n :-oh11 • I.•\ \f, j 11ll ,IJOI" Alkn :\hk1 l ni. II'-.J \Jill K•'i·n+• Pa I" A n ... n Hl«l I '' k1•• Knudmhl • hi'l'n•· rrom \ 1'1/llll.i '"' ., \ oiC'cl linn . . TIH Fr n .. h hac! unt> nt I h"ll tn· nu.tl dMlt 1' la-.t Frida~ ntt::hr In I h• '-< ~<'181 h11JI ol thP Ot'W f::\'m t I J Jar 1~11· All u ttt'nding lht' "1-~r sh· m&tl F rol..-" SN'm<'d 10 <'njo~ tlwm- "'" , • ., dan<'IIIJ.! to l'('('•'rds and mnrwhmt• nn thP rt'fn•shmtnt . . Til·· unnual "Bwm) Hop". spon- 1-0it>d b' lht> ;\1 H.A l'IUb. was h€'ld ~aturda" at til<' Tar Ptt Althou~th n llrtli.' "tatt' for F:a<:t<>r. the dance dr••\\ l'lll Rf7l8l.tn~l~ lat'J!t> crowd I SO\'I('K~ MOVE TO ORASGE l A ·,aJ ll\t' bunny \\8~ prt>st>ntt'd ld , k as t do01 !li'IL£' Mr. and )trs. Haro ="0\IC :'tlmt> of t hos•· a ttt>ndtn).! "t>re ha\'e. moved to Orangt> from 516 Annt·ll~ ~'"' t>ns and Bob B<'rr~. j Narctssus _A,·t> .. _corona dt'~ Mar An11 Cnsty and John Langenheim. M rs. No\lck was ~mplo)l'<i at !\1arl~ne .-\nd..r"Cln anrl Warr<'n 'Newport. Har~>?r Bank. The hom<' ~turtt>\aut Ball Wittman and on ~arcassus 1s now occupit'd b) • ' Gl Lohm Eddl d 5;h' 1 . And€'rson "ho :\tar~ Sue Thomas. or1a an e an ~ tr e) . · and Dick JonC'!' Dona Zubc and moved from 440 Dahlta Ave Bob Larson. Fran<'€'S Kim{'!' and Kt>n Johnson. Jane ~orton and li'OS FOR THE \'IC'KtJR\'1" l\'an Hafford, Audr<>) Bt>r~ a nd Mr. a nd 1\trs. Earl ick<'r~ jr . 1 Ronnt<' Engle. June? K<'Cne and No. 1 Beacon Bay. are the parNtlS G<>n~ McMast~rs. Bob Burdick and of a son. Robert William. born !':orma Marshall. Lorraine Cr an· Thursday. March 29. in St Jo-dl'll and Don I '? 1. Virgie M<'ndt>n· seph's Hospital, weighinl!' 6 pounds hall and Tt>d Kopp. Dkk · L.tnt• 15 ounces. Rolx'rt has a Sllltt'r. and Joan Isley. Susit> Pleger and Dana . aged 4 1~ Y<'a rs Rill Foster , and l\Iik<' Burns. Mr KIX DIF...S IS NEW YORK Mrs. L. C . Walk<'r. 619 I lt-llo- trop(' AH' .. Corona d<•l :\1ar And her mother. !\1r'> C'ora Allm ot Rolla. Mo .. who ha!oo hi'<'n !iJ)I.'fld· in~ sC'veral months hN'<'. Wf'n t la't w('('k to New York ht"cau~t:' ol ''" SC'riou.:-~ illn~.s of tht'll' l>IRI<'r and dau~ht<'r. !\tn; c.-orl:c F H..c1 n· well. M n; R.'\r n\\ t•ll 'Ui't'tlmh•><l Saturda~. and th<' hn<h "'' ,,., to Rolla for bun a l t\nd \1r•:. Grlsty wl'n· rhe char)('r - • • Lynn ~rn1th, Harbor ::ophoml)r,• .tnd K<'tth ''"yrs from Rakc>rsliPici Collrl!'<' ha' ~' bt't'n qoinc sti'ad~ .. ,n<~· r:a~t(•r \\'t•('k 11 .;urpriso·' mr ho\\ snme (li'Of'lc• t'81'\. kN·p '' ·· c·rc•t.. lor· ~>•l l(lllC'' \n~~:l~ ~'"" l·rn 1 ula t '~'~"" • ' LAROE OR 8llALL •'-"-- 01\'EN SAJII: <JAB •-we Moft WI .. tt. Wertr AOF.NT8 FOR LYONS 1966 Harbor BmL c..--.. ....,...., .. ..,... - Star (]roup Meets on B. l. .. ..... Rfl'DISIDE PAIR ""12) Omar Q>cl l 1>1ckt>nOO and l"kw· l'llet' LouiSe JonK. both of Jttwr- ck>. WN'~ uni lf'd In ll\1t rna~ lut Y-N>k lo t hto Methcl(tj.,t penon~~~~ Ill Balboa. Rfo\' Thomu .... PNldell ofhcta\ed Mr. Maud BtJ:C It~" •• , ble-) • 2llll jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiililli Grand C-amal. f\ll)lx'le hland \1.& 1: lw IPS.'> If) tl4 r h •llu" rnt·mtwn; ol tht· Past M tiH•n ~tnd P~Ul Pa· trY1ru. A "CK'Illltun ol Harb!Jr C'hap- lt•r , (Jrd( r «<I thl' FA,1t'rrl ~tat , on ;\tcmda) ('\ t>ntm•, ~1arc h • 1. Pr"'' nt \\f'rt• Mt> .. ~t· and Mm . Arthur Ftttmorns Arthur K m- rll·r Sam Ktn fathu , Cuba Monb Waltt'r PP<'k Bill Lach<·nm~ ••r . and' l\tm{'-. S) I \'Ia P la('(' Ida :-.:a)· lor f~IIH Mat> Co!Cman Anna Walkt>r and !-am CJ·a\\lurr.i \ ,\('.\TJO" I" 01~ £ItT \t" ArdPn C'anncm and hf'l ri•tUt'ttlt•t J OI('RI' ~~ Rl\ Pr<:idP .\H• -..:(•\\port II<·U:!ht rlr "'" tC\ T"••nt~ .. :--=tnf' Polm Frtda~ ror a \\.~ \'8C'llton Jvl~"nt• '~ nt E.A v tt r \8('8tlon tn l>f'd "''h th•· t1u u ad I'-hup n~· tro h~> I ull~ ,,...," t•ll'<i It~ 1 h•• t tmc• 'h' rr•t urn'> '<"lt.,<·t~ ~n:t::TI "4• Tt·~..:O.\\ l~tol\11 t-d 'l uto .•t a ph" ll Bruad· '11 \\ thP Chnqtan '-'<'t• no• nur,. trll! homt 1 n L..c• Anl'•·lo ' \\ 111 bt• '""" n ar 'II mt-4'>ttn .. • a • • hf :'-1a • .. c.mc Tem!JU ul :-.an t a Ana at 1\ ,, ,. Tul·:od.J~ Sprakt·r \\Ill bt> Ln \\'alton Huhbard .. nd .1· {..(lUI"' llurford Hrm\11 ('h:'"' o~n ..,,.,f "', • •·acht·r~> t t om 1...... .\I"· .:• 't'l> • ... rhOI'~ed repre..antetive f01 leedin9 theat,., ef'ld e1•recT ona 34f>l lfle lido, Newport HA IMt 0" The Me12e" .,. · Rueho•ea urser)1 School C:.tatf' Ueen5e'd and Approwd From t to • r..,.. -.er'Ued Clare ... Coaatrac'd'~ PlaJ REA.SO~ABLE aATE8 Open 5 days per w~k to 5 T-.uupona uon F'\J.rnl.sbed 190 E. 15th St.. 008TA 10:! >\ .............. tMK·OAYllfE TELEVIYII Only ,,,,.J,. r ,,~ Tu: ,.,,.u,~~, • .,.,.J ,.,, .. , ... ,, ,., .... ·-· H er e's the value o t the yt.>ar~ Brand new l i-inch General Electnc at a rock·bottom price! You l{el bil{-as-lile. real-as-life pictures! Stmpll:' tuning. ~nuine wond cabtnt>t tn cor- dovan tintQh You have to .. ~ this btg value to belle\'~ it! ComE' in today. BEacon 5432 822 Coast Hwy. Newport Be ach WHEN IN BALBOA. VISIT THE z r ;;o.---......o , Building permits for the first three months of 1951 tot•l $2..624.· 182. ahead o! the l't'<.'Ord year of 1948, a nd there were igns of e\ en greater activity at the start of April. Mark Bailey, add to garage at 304 Orchid, $500, Mehi Ue Monison. garage at 715 Larkspur, $1,000. The March tot al was $566,586, ..... -..._. -~ which included 41 new alngle units Irrecular SMpee and two new double units. Lido L. J . Tagunan, con~rt gara~ into sleeping room at 605 Lark· spur, $250. Merle H. Verburg, gara~ at 605 Poppy' 51.000. JeacoD •1 led all st'ctions of the city withal· most $200,000 in permits. K. C. Tanis, alterations at 703 Acacia, $1,000. COSTA ,Wf.SA MATTUSS CO. Eight units in Corona Righ- 21. Newpeft ..... lands. valul.'d at !92,000, got April Udol* ·~iiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiii~ off to a good start In the building 'IIi J)<'rmh reports. But tM biggest news (l{ th<' ~car In bullding was a 24-hous<' tract about to J:~t un- A. E. Nugent. 832 Via Udo Nord. ~arbage disposal, automatic dish· washf'r, kitcht>n cabinets, $900. WANT A WORRY -SHIELD? dt>r way in Balboa. Followinl! permits wert' i!ll ued during the last few day of March and th<' first few days of April: I Coroaa HIJ{hlandA Fairmo nt Homes. Santa Ana, 5- room. 1-. tory,...l-unlt dwellings at 46-4. -.44 and. 440. Serra''Dr. and ·132 Morning Canyon. $12,000 <'ach, and at 428. 460 and 468 Serra Dr. and at 436 Morning Canyon, Sll.· 000 C'ach. K . W . Koll. tSullder. ('or.ona df'l Mar Kenne th Kotl, Los Angeles, dwelling at 120 Via Koron, $13,000. Owner builder. S. H. Coleman, 1703 Balboa Blvd., 6-room. 1-story, 1-unit dwell- ing at 229 Via Mentone, $13,000. St'wpon W. R. Thomas, 3406 Seashore. :>,room. 1-stOI')', 1-unit ~lllng -at April Showers Ball Planned Roland P. · Nicol. Beacon Bay. 4-room. 1-s tory. 1-unit dwelllnf.! at 502 P oins<'ltia, S7.000: 4-room, 2· .... R ""' H ff d ,.. story. 1-unlt dwt'lling at 502'~ ;.,rl'l. o""rt e ner an ~ .. rs Poinst'ttia. S7.800: 5-room. 1-.story, llal Wei of Corona del Mar and 1-unit dwc:'llim: at ;;oo PoinS<'ttia, Mrs. Karl Reid of Balboa Island ....,_ start I\ Sa'in.:S PrOCTam $10.000. c. c. Kirchn<'r, buildl'r. are th<' local committee members at NEWI~ORT BALBOA FED-('harlc:'s Fipps. !'i21 Orchid . re· wnckin~ on th<' "Apn1 Showers" llaAL Utl8 payday lllld add to • ~rly! Makt> your~ eee year'" ln<'omt' a ad pro~t ,.._.If from flnan<'h'l hard '-ofob. O.r currf'Dt dl\ldf'.nd rate of S~ Will burry ~·ou aiOfta' W · wan! your J{oal. Cornf" l.n and p& ~tturtt'd this 111tyday. mfor<'<'d rNalnin~ wall at 215 ball to be gin•n at th<' Santa Ana 1 0<-t>an Bh·d .. on the Corona d<'l Countr) C'lub Saturday evening. !\1ar bluff. ~4.000. 0\vn<'r builder. April 14. St~wart Arc hibald. 232 Iris. 7-ThC' 8311 is bl'in~ sponsored by I room. 2-~tcwy. 1-unit dwellln,;: At t~t' :\i~ther's Cui.ld of prar:-st~ 530 Jla7<'1 ~li 000 Own<'r buildf't' ( ount) s Ma ter 0<-t C'athohc fhgh • ·" • • ---1 School for the b<.'n<'fit of the . . d ~chool'l-librat·y v lSlt Ensena a Ll,tboratc dl'roratlons have bet'n ' plannPd and an orC'ht>S trl\ has l>N>n Borrego Sprl.ngs 1 ml::::u:ed to play for thE' dancin,::. Pll\l>tor,.. and laity of the 18 par· Takin~ h<'r children on the train. 1"h''' ~11 I hi' C'(lu:lly ~av<' bN>n A F · dl H O d ~fn. Ronald Rarlnw. 232 Acat<' I a..,k,O(J "1 boo!'t th1 PMJ<>Ct nen y, ome-wne A vf' .. Balbt>a Island. trl\\c:'lll'd In Institution . ·an Di<'t:o. "hcr·p sht m<'l h•·r Duplicate Bridge I husband and thE' hmil\ tho n At B lb H dro\'(' dO\\ n to Ens~nada 1;ld Bllr-, a oa ome rt'~O SprinJ:S. Ar om. thf' ~!'Uf'!'t'i pia~ in1.. riu· I :'.tr. and ;\lt 'l. F:arl n:~rln\\ h;sd plw;llt• h ttd:.:t• Ill tht• hom<' or ;\1 r!' IN"('n hou~t·J:Ul'"ts of th.-Rnrlo\'l-Ro~ ::;trotz. 41-1 0cf'an F ront. JlAI· unrll :\tarch Jr.. and thrn lea\inc I I'IIH. :\ll'nd''~ of lal-t WC't•k w<'r<' t hc••r old<' ... t <:on Brand t. took tlw :\11" A. \\'. l'unnt•l -.nd .:\lr·s llt•l<'n 1 narlow·. d<tuchtC'r. :\1ona • Rat'. Tha~ ,,,. of Costa .:\1eSil : Mrs. Ro· "ith them to tht'lr hom<.' In ln'tlf•· twrt Ross. :--:e'' porl: :\Jr,.. Kath· wood. until th<'Y return<'d for the1r lt •C'n Wabh , Lido 1-.lt': .:\Trs. Carl snn t h<' folio" ing WC'dnesda~. \' t'nPman and :\h:.. C'harl~ Board· Mr. and .:\tn~. G<-or~(' B<'<:h. 1\'lr .... man. D:tlbc•a Island· :\1rs. G<-orJ;:<' R<lriO\\ 's rart'nts, ~topf'X"d \U<'a· C'arr•oll, Corona d(') ~{ar : M rs. Syd· tinnin~ at Las \'r~:as Jon!! Pnough nt') C'ort. :\lrs A. G. ~bu~ I. I Cr. t. W. r L to 1 Nur·n to tht•\r summPr home. and :\1r .. Rob<.'n Br o\\·n . BAlboA a 230 A~a te A \'C' •• to a ttl'nd 1 h<' two perfonnnn<'<'s of th<' PTA pia~ and of All Kinds FLAGSTONE PATIOS BLOCK WALLS --·--• FREE ESTIM.I\TES • th<'n l't>tut·n<'d Cor six mort' \\C'eks at Las \'P~as. Don Berkman Called Back by Air Force ·-- - -Dnn \\' B<>rkman. 610 Helio· P • k T k T • 11 nfit~ AH•. C'or'Onn dt>l :O.Iar, a ln run S, teS nwml>f'r of th<' Air f~nrN> R<>st'rvr. I has ~'\·n r!'callt'<l to !':t>rvict'. and GitJen as Gifts \~Ill r('port f'?r d~t~ a t Hamilt<?n f !Phi on Apnl 25 Aft('(· he ha!- !!::.1 ...... I ·-Pr('S(>nts ranginJ: from bri~ht bl•<·n a::Sii..,~C'd to .his f.utu.rt• hP~d-, .,. IIVWI ... pink fluorescent swinuninJ: trunks quartC't'1'-. hr~> fanul~ \\Ill JOin hrm. IE.-5110.J • HArbor lot2.J to prosaic n<'Cktit•.; ~<'I'<' ~in'll to · - 2211 Newport llvcl. Costa M... I E. G. 1\tillt'r wh<'n hh. wife gave-,\ \\ Et:K 1~ TilE D&~t~RT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ him a surpris<' birthday part~ Fri-~l r. and Mr~. Oan HunsakC'r and ;. da~ ni~:ht at th<>ir hom<'. 3Ui1:t AI-fllmJiy. 212R l\ti•·amar Or .. Balboa. \arado. RalboH. l-IK'nt a we<'k'~ vacation r'('C('ntly Bruns & Marsac PLUIBIII Corolla del .... Water Betten -CanaatloD AVellOfl 11arbor lS18 ...... A ... • Baf'l\ar)' • l'1re u.Maty • o.._ • 1ewe1r1 Wortanee'• Oompeeatl-. ete. GuC' t · wt'r<' IJnda and St<'Vt' at Agua Calient<' Hot S pnnJ:S. C"anninC'. Patricia Wittman. Fa~ Thr>~ cl'ljo~ C'd ridins.:. swimming ml)\\('f. J('WPI and l)(>an Kephart. and \\alkin~:: In lh(' dc>s('rt. Elinor H uyckC'. .John and Cillll) Lin nc. nf Rat boa: Dr. and ~t rs. l A'~ Bl'<'kPI' of Costa J\11'J<a; :\t r and M r.. A. Sch<'rible. ~1r. and Mrs. L. ("r('Or$!C'. Mr. and Mrs. AI· b<>rt C:trcia of Los An~eles: Holli!' Wood of Downey. and Max and :\label ~hachn<'l' of Ba lbo:t Island. Local Jeeps to Join Annual Anza Cavalcade Local jE-t'ps will join the caval- cadf' for tht> third An7.a Cavalcade frClm Hemt'l to Rorrt'go Valley this Snturdny and Sunday over the historic trail first blaze-d by Anza in 1774. Wt:t;Kt;~n AT C'.'\TAI.I~.\ Mt and !\fr·s "Chuck" l 'llman and fanul~ of 214:l 0('('an Blvd .. Balboa, l-pPnt la. t ''<'ek\•nd at Ca- talina, on their boat. the "Legend" ft'N'E ~ JUDI: 4201 Seashore, $9,000. builder. IN ova OWN IIIIOPS FUINITUU IEFINISHEO BotTI!IE & GA&DEN M. W. Mann, garage at 6608 Ocean Front. 11.000. 6 II C..ti Hwy. Newpoft I&COit un ~rt ~g. a~tioM at 811 Coast Highway, 1150. .. s-. 10 ....... ..... I ..... Glady'S Herrington.·~ room at 122 Collins. $2,500. W. Joyeax. NlertM., altt-T&· tiOM at 110 Sapphire, $2,000. Newpon Rel«<ata David Carr, garage at 430 Aliso, $1 ,000. BAliMia~-Ralph Byrnes, playroom at No. 16 Balboa Covt'S. $1 ,000. LU Oft SAT.atos SUlf.9to I l1oor Covenlp -DrWbou'l1l Asphalt 1\&e -Rubber-TUe Fw "** -Uno1eum '111e GIII.TIIS' LIN~ 116 1£. I nil 8&. o.1a ..... II&&OON Dl .. W 22 Yeua ln Orange Cooney lf'C lfr4 Plt'auJ to A nnot"1(t th t Appomtnum o/ DEAN W. CAMPBELL As a Viet Prtsitlmt of 011r Orf(.ani:a/1011 LESTER & CD ~ Mtmbcr Los A"gtlt'J Stoclt Exrha,ge 5 15 E. BALBO A BLVD. • BALBOA • HAR80 1t 2061 lOS ANGEl£$ HOllYWOOO 'A5AD£NA tON& lEACt4 C\AIIMONT l lvtt SIOE SANTI< ANA SANTA 111\0NICA SAN l'fOIO FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES SEE THE LARGEST DISPLAY IN CALIFORNIA RATIAJ\ • R EDWOOD • ALUMINU}l • WROUGHT ffiON SWINGS • UMBRELLAS • • RE-COVERS • BARBECUES Lo.\•Mt Prlee8 • Free DeUvery 611 Coast Highway N~wport Beach Open Nighn -• -Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Courteous lnfonnation DEPENDABLE SEKVIOE BAKED ENAMEL PAINT JOI s We Sene U.e Elttlre HartM»r Area Da,.._.&.arbol' u N1ctlt. .. ~......, ThP Ca\'alcadl' will leave from Heml't at 9:30 R. m . Saturd~y. at 11 a. m from Anza and will ar- rive 111 Borret::"o Springs at 5 that afternoon. There will be a Satur- day ni~ht barbecul'. camp fire and \\'<'Stern ent<'rtalnmt>nt at Borrego S prings. Boat Assessor Back On Navy Duty in East T tJil6r Mede ,Plastic Seat Coven RIU PRICE W.SiultF ... Ensign Clauitled ada have been a proven means of reaching buyers for all sorts of merchandise-Use them! Phone Harbor 1114. ....,,..... ... ···~. LM.> Walt('rs of the county asses- sor's offiC'P. 'who has been assess- ing th(' lo<'al boats. left this week for New1>ort. R. I .. to return to seni~ with the Navy as subma· nne instructor. He is a veteran or 13 years of submarine service. NOT FIBRE NOT SLIP ON OOV1'.:1t8 •••••• '13'5 1t ALl CAIS COMPU1a.Y SAND1D 1t Wliti&l 1 YIAI OUAIANtll 1t ANY CAl -ANY COI.OI 1r IN AT t A.M. -OUT AT 5 P.M. 1t ALL LAliST 1t50 COlOIS '* 20,110 SAnstlm QISTGMIIS *...UNOWAXItO 1t JS ftAIS IN IUSINISS LOUIS HENNIG 200 So. loa •• ... ~· Ten }eats to the day after ~'<'· founding of tht-club wiiJ be ob- celving it charter em April 3. <'I"'H'd at nc.>xt week's meeting at Chapter HoldsCourtesy•Night •w. Oran~C' Count~ P arty and Cour-lt>J' P<>Ck of X<>wvon ~ach nnd t•• > rug:ht wa b ld b> Harbor ~h Wa lh'r Ha1 r.-d• n of Corona :-tar ChapH·r 568 T u ·sda) of '*"' dl'l :'o1ar 1940. the Newport Harbor Ki-the Rossmot e Cafe. at noon Thu.rs-Always put first lhin~tS flJ'St wani.s CJub obl-f'rw d thf' e\ t>nt d:J}. Apr1l 12. Speak<>r will be and (}) Try to get hielded. If v.ilh a Ladtt•s' N i~ht dmnf'r danCC'' Vt•rm• Orr r .. automothe d aler you have time, get down In a Tuesday <:H•nins: at tlw Balwa tn Pa:-ndena and former \'iC't'-pre-si-!'basement or subway. Should you Bay Club. df'nt ot Chryst r Motors of can-unexpectedly be caught out-of-Amon~ tlw "JX'('ial ~ue!tt:. mtro-fornla He wiU talk on "World ~rs. seek shelter alongside a duced b' Pres1d nt llerb Kenm lmprl'' ion.," based on a reCl'nt buJidlng, or jump In an)' handy wei'<' Past P••esldc·nts Ralph woar(· -..x-month tour of the world 1 ditch or gutter. 1 the rirsl on<' 1, Harold Fmk 1 ~o 121 Drop flat on ~und or 21, Jan Brl C<X' • nO\\ secretar~ 1. H S . I floor. To keep from being tossed Fay Blowe•· (who has had perf<'Ct ome OClet y aiJout and to Jessen tht> <'hanC't's of a ttendanC't' in<X' the founding ot bmng struck by fallin~ and fl}m g the club), Thro McElroy and Jack Names Comm&.ttee objects. flatten out at the ba e Raub. and alho Charte1 !\temtx-rs of a wall. or at the bottom of a Bob Boyd and Lonn11• \'mcent Expansion of acttvities of thE', bank. All those .l>r<'sent auto~phl'd ;'l;ewpon Harbor Awuliar) of the 131 Bury your face in your a handkerchl(•f to tx• Sf'nt to l~t -. arms. When you drop nat. h ide Comdr. ·E. C IC'h:tdl Twk h<'ll. C'hildr n';, Home Soc•et) will be your <'Yes in the crook of )OUr el· who resi:-"n<'d a o: pn•.;idN1t of th<' studard b> a commlltce appointed bow. That will protect )nur faCt' club last mont h ''hc'n tw \\'a:. r•·· 1}'\ Pr<• ad Pnt )tr-.. A v And.t·c:>w · from nash burns. pre,·ent l<>mpor- call~ to a<·t iv1• dut ~ b) 1 ho• :\'a'!-3~ t h" nWt't int:: nr the • ocie U !!' ar> blindness and keest...tl>J.ru> -40-He lS now ta.l!n ned Jll Adak. ---j(-ct.S out of your t.>) t>S. Pro~ram chairman for the eve-\H't.'k on Tue~~~ )lr". II E. i 4 1 Don't ru h out,.idf' r il"ht ning wu-. IJr. i\ l·: ~·u<'ktnn. h;•nd C'~ristll·r ~rs. f-. C )181 ~10· :'\tr ... after a bombing ->fwr an a1r o f th1 "V''\'WI t H·nh romm!lltt• \\ ~>ndo II < alktns a nd_::'>lh Cha l-hur..t , \\Bit a fe" m anutrs. thPn T ht t••n tlt annl\l•r,.:·n~ ol th•· lt•('f1 l.andt•r>. \\t·t·e namr:'d 10 tlw l go hPip to fiJ.!ht fi re.., After Gene's Place WF.ODTNG CAKES niRTIIDA Y CAKES FRENCH PASTRIES 104 Cout Boaleva,.. Cornea ck-l ..., BA llll r·umrruttf•t> n th('r kinds of bursts waat a t lf'a"t Th(' lunch•-on mt>l'lln~ \\as hl'ld 1 hour to give lingPrin~ radHHion a' \1 rs. Christ l<'r 's home tn lo t a o;om E> chance to die down \!r• u Co-hMt~ wl'n · \lr.., W t5t Orm't ta kl' chanC'<' \\llh I Co l£•, 1\l.rs. K<'nnc>t h BcwtlrhPl' rood or \\atE'l' 1n OJX'n conta an<'r. tnd :'\1 r·s. f R !iutX't: To pre\ t>n t radJoaCII\ e po1sonm~ Pr<>Sent at th<' mN'tln~ ''a" :'olr . or dt Oht>. 'l'l<>et your food and Ora Chipman. an char~c of tht> watl'r v.it h care. When tht•r<> is :'anta Ana offtC\• of the Childn>n's re&.-<:an to belle\·e the\' ma' b<> i~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Jlome Socil'ty, \\ hich IS the> onl) lr· conta nuna ted, stiCI\ tu canned I t'C'n$Nl prhate adnption a~enc) and bot tlr>d thm~ H pos ible t>n1ng the entire :.tatt.> uf C~li-16 1 Oor'r ~t:trt rumors. In the. rom1:J and is maintaaned enll rc>l~ con1 11'1on that ,,,Jlows a bombin :;. fl'Om 'oluntar) contributions a sn. • l' r•Jm• r m1 ·ht touch l'.t a I 1 Ensign Classified ads ha\'1! tx't.'n a proven means of reachin~ buyen (or all sorts of merchandlse-l:sP rhern' Phone Harbor 1114. pant d '' ··ould "''' Y•'U \'nUl 1ife \\N'k at Odd Fello\\ temple in --=--==---======:; Costa )t~a The nall """ ftlll-<1 '" to C"apa(·at~ a nd man) ..:u(·-.t~ \~<'r• rum•>d aw·a, Ill ~US(' of th•' ab!>lnrp ul Worth) M at ron Ruth Dt>tlltf'r and Brid e' Service \\'tJrt h} Patron Hcnr~ [.)(>r;.tf'r thl'Jr sta1rons an th<' Ea ... t ""r£· tailed b~ Ao;soetate Matron Rt•..:ina Cor tIP and Assocra t l' Pat ron Ha r- t>ld Fink ;:;pc"('l<tl mtrtodUC'II,.n• <1 nd C'OUTtP'>I~'-wer(' t'XIl·ndt>d to Maurl Blo!el(lw S1 bll'~ Pa .. t Gt-and )ia.tron . ~lua 1el JohnMJn ond GrocP Scott. Deput ~ Grand :'o1a 1roru. thr W orth) )1atronl> and \\orthy Pa- tronl> of 1951. and othr>r ""liON on thc:> sad -linpo; )to•mhl. r or the 1f-t'~ ptlon ('<~In· OlltlPf' \\ f' Lee ~(•flo Jltw.. J IOII.c and )Ia I tarrt P.csbh lhrtll· m11n of dc>coratHon!' was l nm,. \\'•L- ,,m :1nd ... he and h( 1 mothN H•·· ·ma CCitth• had "IX'"' man) "''' ~ .. makm~ fll\Or<., ·tnd "JX'C'Ifll dU'tol ot· tum' F:d~th1 K£-mtJ(·t and twr committ<-.. Blanrh1• L\ tl•· I .Rtf\ Rrundr>n:on and Poll~ (I" •·n '' ~'r~· tn rh<trL!P ''' •l'lrf'-.hment' Tht•t (• was a I ul I h01;q 'at ur da~ f'\ {'nan~; a 1 th(' de ~• rt r:u d taarr !- 1:'1'· "I h!-thf' Harbnr :O:tar \.haptC'r Ill tht• Frtda\ Aflt•rnonn Ciub- hn•J'-f' < ·u.,ta · )lc> .... l lommt'lf'i.• t ha 1rml'n \\'<'rf' !\1r~ BJII I.ach~>n­ m!-Pr !Jr17f'S :'ot r' R.a' :\' '' I l n r••frP:.hmt·n anti dNvratuono; )11-.: Harry J aspt>r rard'-md C''lrd 1bles. 'l nd ~tr~ \'1rt: :-'"' ''• eand~ A-. •··•pt·stt>d man~,. h"•• at- • ndm.! \\Orl' Plaboratl• and hu- ·nortiU!-. hn t • Prit t' fur 'ht> tw(o h•adllt.! I a ts dt·rul• d ~ popular Jpp lau't' W('rt ll\t•n If• \I I" \\ul· FOR RfGISHR YOUR CRYSTAL CHINA AND STERLING PAnERNS roo c~Mplete Ste..,wer• '•om S••dt• •"d Holl•nd KAREN MARGRETA 1:-::p'Jr's-Nc:d!: Gifts 307 Coos' B .... d C . .,.~ :le "'~· 1-~·o~· 3 7 3 Open 10 •· m. •o 5·30 p. m. !~eluding Swndey1 '5 1 natttrazz,, ''ou 'll want a ... BAL ANCE D B·EAM TELEVISION 17 INCH RECTANCULU TUBE 1 SO Square Inch Picture Afte r Sma ll Down Payment ONLY 04 Per Week • . c: i ::s · ~.. · ; :-: 65 Weeks to Pay SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL SET AT YOUR FAVORITE TV DEALER • • • of sodal Bundle Tea note . Next Week 11x> happy IW\' about l.be Dlclc tt"'-arts· ll('<Y. baby is c:otng .. to lUtlphca tf' thlnJ;:s . • . their nrw kJ&l 11 just built (or t.Mir Camily lllu bt'for t.h<> arri\-al of the ..., dau~ter. 11lere wu 60tnr ltm about a name-for the Wft' ont•. W ho was it ug;ested .'Oru"'n"~ • I ·, IPrinctime and old d otbel are apin in order at the ann~1 ''bundlr" tea li\'en b)· t.bt? 6\at&U\-- ing members of the Newport Har-bor .A.Hma.nce liJI J:'Ut' r or l.be l:lenefi t ol the 'Jllnf.t bop. 'J'1xt party YiiD be held at t..M hon'lt' of 1\IJ"'i. Stanlt>)' 0\a.mben. SU Via Lido Xord on U do lslt>. from 2 to 5 p. m. TuKda~ . U~ P (\11tr Sanclaar ·was a boat w en. Dll WJOO\\ a~am !a~t \H'i'~-cnd (W I ve Ulldt>rMand.c --• sh<' bk<'S boats • \\hil<' hubb~ was raant= ,,;th al-. 0 • vo,a~t"''S ."•~t. ctub AILDII ,er a·ep Not to nval Sit>f'!'3 Madn-. b.u1. Sure to ~ 0\"t'r tJx> top 11 the n~,·prtht"l . tx-auu~ulh rrecuyt> American Red fund clrh-e. art' th WI.Sterta \UM?S. _of lfl&!' \\'1tll 98 ~r cent of the $15.600 n..r<W lta~nard. 314 ~a\'1<"'' A\'e · quota reached as or thUI momin~t. (".orona dd !\tar. Sh<-has ~ S«n-tarv Iris Hi!.ibl reportl"d to- .ur attt>ntion to the blossom a-da_,. BUsiness and r"(' d D(."ei "ho I!Ofl "tuch a-. """· and t~~ an> h.a\t> ~ missed becaw of ill-wonh a 1nok • -· at Orclud and n of soHcitors should mail their &-8\lt"\'' rontributJon to Rl"d Cl-o~ • lsland • • • AH . Balboa. :\Jn; li12bl ~ld. Con"ld\'flnl: I hP J<sr~(' num\x'r of rea II\ ccotld an io;t lt\ 111~ 111 t h Harbua 'a••~l \\P nati\ " !'«' '~n.· htJit c: th• ,.,.rk done b~ local- at~ .\ IH \\ I'"•J1pU1 t Uftl I~ h~c; Jli'("- K nlt'iJ lt.,PJI bt'<'BU"t' Tio lma Pad· k J It)!)(' 1 • hO\\ 111~ hM" patnl· at th(• Book,tall on tht> ls- \and ThPima I OJX'IUJ1t: \\ 1th Sl•me Of hH JOOrUCilh• • • • mOl\tJ~ pamt- Jill:" of c hlldn•n ~"'in~ up around thf' Jlurll(lr l'hf' "11l nt .. o t'Xbah:t 1narrm ~ und land.c;<;'IJX'" TI.t lonnt•r :\fi ry Ann C'1o.;.; iF aO\\ a ynunJY m 1h"r An eic:ht- pound lx" tn lx nnm<'d Br UC'«' E\an \\3, wm )<''-1rrd3) ltl(lnun~ to B11d and ~tan· Ann Younc at Ot'f a1 .... H.I•• Jln .. ttllal Jlud \\11~ Ill- due-ti-d JJ,I Sur.da~ rnt•l tlw ='a· IJoll'll Gu.:l r d A1r Corp .. hut ludtil~ tw>'~ '-lallon"d at Santa Ana. H ' th{·\ <'• •ntlnut 1" I "' on Balbo2 IJ;J&z,d :~r n• arb~ Gr<Jndpan nt .. ar \tr anct ~1no. LNt C'a of Co- rona d I :.ta l and tht C'.atl Yount"s of Santa ~1onica. Govt. in Busine s Pro .. America Text A SP<'3kPr "t>ll·\·rrsed m her •ubject Wll pn>t; ·ntt>d Frida~ to mc:>mbo.·rs of Pro Amenca of ?\e"\\'· port Harbor. m('('ung at the Co- rona dt>l ~tar Community ChUI"Ch. EunJce Dan-D<>an of Glendale. who \\Orkt>d ":IU1 the author of the 23rd amt>ndment to the t:nitc.>d Slat<' Con<~tltut ron, reportl"d on lh<' prowt>.s of the.> California- spa rkPd drh e for outla" ing of go' c>mm<'nt in businc.>sS. T ht> Am(ndmt'nt i~ now tn thf' ~t"nate judJc1ar~ t'Ommitt<'<'. H ,·otl"d on fa\'orably it must be appro,·ed b~ a two-thilch \Ole in both hous~ and \\111 fmally n('('d a ppro\·al of thrt'e-fourth of the tates. Mrs Al nc Bald\\in Ehrl.osman preo;idC'd O\ er the mP<'tm~. A talk on ronsllt utionah~m was pt'f'sent- l"d b) l\1 rs J. Arthur Ta) lor. "ho told of the hi toncal beginnings DAR Report GitJen Repo1·ts of a re<'t'n't State DAR Conft>rence m San Francisco wt?re Khen at the meeting of the Wil· "3iam Cabell Chapter las t wE.'<'k on Wednrsda) at the Corona del Mar home of Mrs. W. E. Fisher. bglblgToua~y The Dalbo3 An .. lin~ Club aeam this 'PaT "til rondu<'t a junior f1sh~nrwn' tournttm<'n' for bo) and o1ls undl·r 16. tar t mi.! Apral 15 and rontinumJ: to St>pt<'mber 1 Contestant.; must r<'~istc.>r at am Rshm~ t'<'nl<'r m the llari.Jor before.> ~tarlln~t th toumam,..nt TrophiPs \\ill 1M' a,,·ardt-d for the lal'"'.:l'St fil'h takl'n on rnd nnd rl.'t I. mcludm..: .;potfin <-roakt r, barra- ruda. ~dluwfin n-oakt•t halihtll. ba~,. ''hill' ... n oo. .. o: • lh ('"r' tuna and ~dlowtail Father's Night for F"mal PTA Meetinq .I IA-h<' !'o-le fft'n~•·11 ,,, ('c ;nna d I M..11 \\illlM' <'harm m for tht tmal PTA ml"'tcn.: (l! 1h1 :\l'\\ )1()11 H:u bot Hl ~h Scllool tlw. ~ hool \C•ar at 7 Jtt p . m 1\Jr~d:l'. l~ath· en: nicht '"" tX' ft'atun>d "11h the thc.>nw "Fam1l~ l!l'"pono;lbtl· 11~." ln.,tallatwn of ofht'\''"'-1. .:chedul<.'d. Last \H¥k on W<'dn~~ t "" junior-enior part>nts a nd facult~· met at th<' HtJZh ~chool for a ~t>t· acquaintl"d "s.ron "i th Mn-: ~ land Wril.!'ht. grade.> reprl'~o;c.>ntatlve, in charge. Vcx"Jttional aptitu<k' tt>SU and athletic grading: \\<'re <'X· plaln<'d by the.> faculty. DISCUSSion of senior acthitlt>S was held. Or. Basil Peterson, Oranl.!'c Coast Col- lege P~idt>nt , spoke.> on military tralnin~ in coUt'g<'. 1 BAS!'E'ITS OX LIDO Despitt' the charm of their for- mer ba\"front hom<'. Dr. and Mrs. PhilUp • BasS('tt arc finding \h('ir new residl'nce at 148 Via WvJcrs on Udo a mort> comfortable loca- tion be-cause th~>y are ll"SS con- cemC'd about the younger or tht>lr four chHdren popping into the wa- ter "rthout notice. BEXEnT TEA THt:D DA \' Reser\'ations a·re due Monda)" for tht> benefit tc.>a for the new church bein,~t p r c.> " n t d next Thursda' at the.> Balboa Bay Club b,· the Altar Societ,· of Our Lady of )lount Carmel· Church and I Saint John Vinnney Catholic Cha· JX>I. On the program will be' I Gra('(' Poirier. Est<'lle Brown Mills. Tl'rf'sa Renner and Roscin<' Feeley. R<'gcmt Ml"'l. C. K. Boardman CAXCER DRJ\'"E LAt.N"CJHED gave <'XCCrptl from speeches ~-A flowery send -off for the Har· eented at the conference by Dr. bor participation In the national Carl Stockinft and other outstand-cancer drh·e wu pro\'ided by ing Californians, who told of the Morri's Flower Shop in Balboa. work or the DAR on Americanism Morri Molho furnished corsages and citizenship and s trt>ssed the and bouttonnieres which wt>re sold m('IUICe of Communism. Dr. S tock-by Harbor High• girls on Ole city lng said Indifference to religion is streets last Saturday. Co-chair- aJdlm: th<' communists and stated men for the local clri\'e are Mn . that It Ill a disga·acc not to \'Ote. Don McCallum. Newport Heights, Co-hostesses with Mrs. Ft her and Waltt>r Spicer. Harbor Island. I \\.'\'r<' ~fr . William Trit 1 and Mrs. A E. l'tockton M.rs Jt>l>Se Wolfe. FOR SERVICEMEN . Mr; H. P. Yamrll and Mrs. Do ,·no lnat )-our ~n1ef'­ JamPS Web'lt<'r took part in the I man to k4"f'P Ia toac• \\1t.h honM' bu.sin<'SS . <' . Inn. to"' ha~Dhln t.hroaP hi• h"""" tO\\.. IH"\\ ... Pf'r~ TtHo A'ITK~D CO~TI"~ESCE I Nf'•-port Harttor f.llbllp 1~ mak- 0<>1<-gat<' to th<' Congregational lng thl• ..,..a.1 oflf'r: ll a y..ar Wom<'n's Fc.>llowshlp Conf<'rence at to w nd tiM' tJitJiip to &II)' ~n·­ C I a r t> m o n t on Tuc.>sday and 1 IC'Mnall "'ttow •Ofttf' '" Ia thf' WPdnesd&y wc.>re Mrs. Burt P roc-XM\·port lhf"bor .,..... ld!Jt eall tt>r. l\1 1'1: C. C. Dodd and Mrs. Ri· IIArbor 1114 or drop I• d thf' chard Schweltur from the Church ofOt'f', liM co .. t Bl\'d., Co· S<-hool GUild of lht> Cm-ona del 1 rona ck>l Mar. Mar Comm Church. ;;;:::;~~iiiiii~S:=;.;;;;;:;;~ • auUd .. thoee maiti-4WI reel,_ witt. ---ef ,._we,..._ ,....uoe frem Rlclhard'L Tltllt'a tf\e WOftderfutly uay way te .. ,. family nteala tf\at are •llcloualy •od d=tfully dlffer-ent ... and tf\ft4a the way te •ve meney, too. The garden-fl'fth, newty ed flavor of theM veeeta.bleoa gives 'appettdne znt to ca-rolea. atews, and to all kfftds of warmed-over r-.heL U• them te bri,. eut tf\e best In every m~t-stretching recipe! No matter how you .,. dtem, tf\ey'll cut mal celll way clown! . 1211. celo ..... FIRM-RIPE--nNE FOR 8UCING • • • • FR~H-TENDER-GREEN ENJOV SHOPPING EASE AT ORANGE COUNTY'S FINEST ONE-STOP SHOPPING CENTER CII1JD 1TY1.E TUNA BEADY rt..UJl) 'De 1-Lb. can 3k - 12-0a. can 1Sc S elf-Se•vicr Mrot~ • • • ll. .. ATH'a-PUR£ ltORK-aPICED LIMCIIOMI&T • • • AGED-NIPPY-tiED aKIN-WISCONSIN CIIIDAR a&SE • • • ---- P,,-,Lr ·~, ,,...,., THURaDAY APRia>T or PEACH PIE ................ each 58c CUP CAKES, u8011ed .................... 4 for l8c FRIDAY IELLY-FILLED DONUTS ............ 6 for 28c PECAN FUDGE LAYER CA.KES .. eaeh 81c &ATU .. DAV CINNAMON ROILS ...................... 6 for 20e CII()(X)(A TE ECLAIB8 ................ 8 for 38e Fresh Swfft'• arookfleld Fern Paper