HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-05-17 - Newport Harbor EnsignEarly acticlrl .,.._. promi~ on the acquisition or Chllla Cu\t> m Corona del Mar u a st:HP beach after th appoanbnot-n t or the run membttr Park. Beach and R~- tion Cornrrililsion Monday everun at the City Counol m<'t"ting. Ma,·oc LH ~ who an-~ the apPoinUnents. sa1d that tht-Ow member& of tJK-old Parkl and Recreetion Commlllee wt"t"(> put on the new Commls~•on beQUS(> of thrir &on.:. hard "'~rk Oil recr~tioo problfoms. The> arl' Francts Horvath of Wf'St N wpt~rt. Mrs. Ern t Soderlx-rJ: .,, '(>"'"P<>rt Hehtht.s. Uo)-d Wood of Corona del Mar, Alexander '"'unliJton ol BaJboa and Norman '•ller of BaJ- boa hb.nd. The other metn!> • art' Dele Ramst>y !rom the.> Co~n~·l. idnf'Y Davldlon from thl-mgh SChool Board. Marion Dodd from the El -~ -tary School BoaJ'd and Heinz KaAIIer from the County Board of S..WS rieon. aa..etJmaD Ramwy. who v.as 0 'pst,ed U acting d\airman. M• •••red later tMt t.tt. ~I ._... ..-ettGaiOirow Cniday) to Mleta~.~ ._. wswtaay. He aid that ~ lint lllattll' to-tabll ap WCNid ii,jr-~--­.. CIIIBa 0...., .... .-. the ..... IIIia fll a IIWIIIBEr recreetJon 111'0:- .areet.. Wll'e Oound1 .... , e\"fttift« and wW be al8ell at tt» next CoundJ rneeda&. Council a.lllo approved an acree- IIM!ftt with OM! Dhisioo o! Hil'b- ways for e xpenditUJ'f' or gas tax • allocation for the 1!161-52 fiscal) ~ Malt wnna ci\,ic good of ynr. It was estJmated that 135.-tlle o• udty. 070 wouJd accrue to the CJty dur-1 a Allen ol Ba1boa oppoeed the inR tM year encJtng June 30. 1952, ~ Oil the grotmCII that it and 19,500 o( this "'&allocated Waald take valuable pa ~Y off ror the completion or 88Jboa Bh·d tM tax rolla, and said it would ------ caR too much money to tear down ' tt.e boulft now on the beach. Oound.lman Bra~n Finch com- IMIIted t.ha t It would not be ne- a.ary to tear down the three hou8els, saying they couJd be rented and brinJt in $6,000 to $7.500 Corona del Mar residents Pepilo yeerty to the dty. Pert>z. famous clown. imper50nator Both Mr. Allen and Mrs. Robert and sin~ter. and his "'ile Joanne. Rca of Newport objected on the dancer and contortJoni t. w\11 pre- gr'OW'Mk that the dty v..'U gi9ing St>nt a program at the ~ewport property away in providing match-Harbor High School a uditonum at lng land for tht-acquisition. Mayor 8:15 p. m. Friday, June 1. as a labeU an.sy,.'ef'ed them by saying benefit for the building program that it was not an issue of gi\ing of the Corona. del Mar Commun- any additional ocean fron ta,ge to lty Church. tbe state. Arrangements for the show art' Verne Wat.-on of Corona del being ma~ by RusseU Hampton. Mar asked lf It w~ not true that chairman of the finance commit- the state y.,'OUJd not want to ba.ndJe tee, "'hich is raislng $5.000 to start any property provided as matcblng thi! fll'5t . phase of w buiJding of land but would lease it back to the a n<'w wmg. city, Mayor lsbeiJ answered, Les Steffensen is chairman in ''That's 110:· charge or licltet saJes, Tickets can Jol.nlng in the discussion in fa· I be purc.hasro at Hampton·s Hat - vor of China Colle acquisition were bor Drugs in Corona del Mar. Mrs Paul Davis Allen SteUe, Carl t,.Yincent's Lido Drugs. Richard's Waldeck. A. N. Zennan. Mrs . .rack f?T"arket, Pelletier's Pharmacy, Bal- FJorer Rt>x Brandt, Mrs. B. N,. boa Pharmacy and the-l':f>wport De!!enberg, Mrs. C. G, Waldeck Harbor Ensign o£Ciet:' and Ray Todd. ---- COilOIIA DEL MAIL CAUF. reqUNt .... made by Anne •'ho iS ~ to take NtJ-~· O!onter opera ted Up by ~argaret Britt. A v..;tb 13 si~rs oi'PO$('d n:-~Jut:o:st. claiming that the nur- a residenttal area was de- ..._~--·"tal to propt>rty \-a lues. WE'rt> ~ ~is:ners Of a (a\·· rabl tx>tition. 1\lrs, Britt said that tht> nursery <N'I\"id!M prt>-kind£>rtrarten trainlns; ld:ren Tht'n m answer to a tion from tht> Council, P lan- C.,ommi jon SecrNaT) Ray said that 8 nurs<'ry that pr£>-school t£'achml' il' a l- in am zont> Counetlman Braden Fmch said !hat the nurser~ d1d not appear o be a nuisance and u~ ted time to stud) tht> cast' Ac- was postpon£>d to the nt>xt -·,,.~.... ml'E'tins;r. Lands in Bay for An Jn.eta drnc ~ Clift ... 1M eadn dry ol Newport Bach. Sht>ll ·1 Co .• •·hicb now as dnD- ans; a \\.ell in the hills near Corona Hlghlands, u applyln for a UR pcmrlt to !ilnk ano her weU ncar Corona del Mar, and thf· ~ut"SI y,UJ come up befort> the-County Planning COTnnU.SSlon at I 30 p m (Friday) m the Court Jlouse-Asmex at-Santa Ana. The ltE' of the proi)OSlf'd weU L" 1 described a t'\\o nul inJand from Crystal Co\ e-and wo miles east or Corona dc>J Mar Public: ootJcs dP.SCribmg thf> stt and annoUDCln the date of the hearing are posted alon~ Coa-.t H.ic:h"'ay near CryataJ Co\P. at a pomt wht>rt> a road leads away from the )u~bway 1 hrous:h tt\4? hills and wtr. alnnJ! 11 bottom or a ra\ine. Shell 011's appucation stat ~ tmt tM site u on rn i.nt> prope-ty that h ~ leased to the appli-~nt for oil exploration. l t statetl that more than a )Car and a half Clf [:I'OIO~ical StUd) h.u prod\la'd 1nd1C.8tions favorable enough to '\\ rra.nt smking a \\.('11 ~m4tr'Cieli1CV Repairs A pot-luck dinner. £>ntcrtain- Th ( ment a nd a speech by the presi-• <' watt>n o Newport Har~r dent or the Califorrua· Shoz::eliM C'd a an emerJ:enty landmg Plannin~ Association art' on thft ld lat!' .1'\K> da) aftt>.moon for prosn-am for the monthl)' meeting an ~phtbtous plane wh1ch nN'ded of th<' Corona del Mar Civic Asso-l"('~lr work on ont.' of the wheels I dation next Thursday May 24 at .r It~ landing gear, ' · · • Tht' plant> was to ·ed t U d 1tht.' Grammar School auditonwn, P w 0 0 , The !-Jl< a l:<er, Gcoffl"f'Y Morgan r~~~n"UJa and took Off for Cul~·t'r of Sant cl \loni('a, will di C'USS tht' C ~ abo~t 30 .nunutc latt>r P1lot &t.'QUil-11, n and prt .... crvntton of \\as. A. \\. Etrm~cr of El St-::undo Cal forma tx-nch~ .1 proln'Qm that and passen~ers W<'l't' Jam~ ~lh . 1 • • • , . r l\nd GE'nt> Grf><-on of Los An "'lr' '' rommandm~ th• at h 1 lion o ... • · s:-.. Coron'l d· 1 ~tar N',rf<'nT~ ~ B I a. h ot th<' r. nC'\\I'd t'ftort" tn aCQUII't' t _, C'hina CO\, ~' a l'l:lh' h<'ach. I .... o\llt n s•, llt' 'irc·pTt~"•<k>nt . of e e 1 1 " the c,,,c A .. ~ a11rn \\tll pl't' de Frt .. y. Ma)• 18, 7 a. m. to 7 p.M. ' t . •tl thl' mt'C11nl In Itt' 8~('0C'(' Of The young t supenn e and later St'CUJ'ed Dr. Wh tr'· .. n-Sunk mto th , rornN·~tcmt• Clf 111 id•., \. rn w,1 .. n. PoiHnc ~: {loroaa *I Mar aiiCI N~ ~eot.. Oae ........ ~"" ~ .. 8C'IIeftlle ~-= ovc-D. D ............ of SMI ...... ····~•: HIOB llaiOOL--I. A.. IIMil fff ...... ......_ ••ppnc•: a•KNYAaY-0 . La. ........ .,c..a ...... ~--~'~·~•: 111• e• -W L ~ ..... .n ........ .. ~ .. ow-........ <See = ~~: =:.,-w .. A and the oldest pa:;tor pla the f(.'(' as a sistant pac;tCir 11 hrist rht-ntw chur,.-h 1 .. a ropPf":' hnx 1 rortPrstonc Sunda~ on a.t not-so-Cl1urch by th(.' &a In d; 1 ~· ftf runts nin)l{ docum••nt-: •mJ'IO• tnnt 'N• hi Mast Fall' ne\\ building which ha be<'n th Wand Chapel. ~· '' ho <·nllc<l 10 tht> churd'l h ... tory l"'rlllflC'd 1ft ttan rormt.-d Into a hn~t~e for the upon Re\ Thomb R. I'• ., hi, "'ho lrf' progTamc of 1mpro,.t 1nt !':" • •:J Balbo!\ Island Comftiity fcth-was a helpf'u.l fa t.•tot-a 1 th,~ tlmn I<'<'S, d~ tcs of thf' 11 ~· prl'acl .n::: The c;•tc;Jl('ru • thnUt>l, 'Night odist Church. Rema ing on the the littlt> chapel it<'Cidf'i o bf'('()mt snviet' 10 1944 nnrl tht• ort!an11..a-:\lu~t Fnll" "ill he f'll't.·'-C'ntt'd by youth(uJ athtude or t>\·. Harry a S<'paratt' church. tinn of the blanci Ch•lr<'h. Dl'c thl' :'\t" pori Harbor Cort mumt~ White. putor, Dist .:t Superin-j Also introdu<'<'d Wf'rC' Archit(.'('t t, 1CM9· clJppim:s !rtlm local n w~-Pla~tr" ''" .luno" 7. and~ at Ulf' tf'ndent ~ayden ~rs said '~ is .Ft·edcrl('k Hod~<:don, Cl('m Christie. (Xlper~. a histo~ilUf!l N'port of thr Oranp .. C~t C'olh~r·<' Chapel. anotht>r, 'beginning' lor Dr Wht~c. Mr. and Mrs. P. F . &tnc,, Mr. c·hul'('h found-.tJnn and thl• Mml'S \larpn • \~ l!mm:.ur. oi l..:l~W\3 whose hfe is a long tory of Chrts-~ and -;\Irs. T R. Hau cr. Grorct> \lr t h1 J:M'OPI<' "hn hn\·<' h<'lpcd to \\1U din' .t:-> tourU'I n'li..JOr p~ Uan lk!nice. J on<'s and Mr<1 w E. Bcml s. build tilt-<'httl'('h Ill 119 l!Bie V<' duction of the 1950-51 S(' son In Before the Cl't'('rnony was turned G1ft of 10.000, rruul•• to ttl<> Rc\ RnOI\nd ~~ TirhN· jr. of Or-the lc'ld J'(>h ... arr. ~ .-tru l' Hol"n over to S upt. Sc.1rs. Dr. White in-ch.~h by confrr !'<X' arwt hon~e 1 nn~c T('ad thl' bent'dklion foliO\ .• of C'orcrna &:-1 Mar and ()rr('n tf'OCIIDod tbDie who haH• made the mw1on board. earned ~h qualifl· uur the plactn:.! or tl'"" ~lt'll<'r ... tont" Bt'OOks of Balboa island. OtfM'n dNrc:b Wlcllflll possible lit-pre-cation that the chur<'h Itself must m the ca tar(' Ma~aret RcluZII , lffttM ftlov. E. n. Goo<k•ll and H ra. rail(> $9,000. Actullllv $1 ~ was ' and won"lt'n of tl' church v.t>re Virgtrio. Ro:\W, M•rJorif' ~taffotd. ao.lell, wtw> first organiled a su b$crl00d and to date t2.3 has hostl's ~ all rcrr hmrnts '' rr~ ~ b w rnt r..' Nnn~ ndr" and S...., ldtool at 1.28 Apte A.w ., bHn pald on ~ buUding llld lot en"t'd aftt-r the S('r\ iC<'. lk'ntlY Turn<'r 11ae ldcldiea aort of took a bNt-llc llonday ~ymlng at the City Oouncil ~tlnJt, and they "~'t ...-~ to cle(end them5(')\ ejlher. Oald caah appeared to IX' consid-~ more important than the .. net> of providing a nunery aemot ror pre-achool children. 'I1Ua laue came up when Anne Bo,a-ot Lquna asked for a li- e-. to operate the Britt's Nur- ~ Center in Corona cl!l Mar. _..,. me la rady to take o~. Alane wtt.h t.he= clune ~tl­ -fOr aDd and tMre .... CMWIHtaeble CUII~t from * floor ctartnc t.he CooDdl ~t­Ile. 11110.t ot It ~ ---on the grOundl that the kids are a nui- aanc-e. Frankeat remark came Crom George 11lomjl101l, who aa.J.d he bad had a cash offer for his pro- perty but was tumed down when w prospecU\:e buyer lurned that it was near t he oul'Sery school. ''I could have ~Otten along with the tiUJ'St.'ry chool aU right." Mr. 'I'honlp&oo 11\id. "but when it ar- fecu th«> pocket book. I can't ~ aJong with It." . There is a phrase k n o w n throughout the Qui tian world. ·surfer little children ... " It is tnae that a nursery school can ln- c:onvenienct> nearby residents at times. but I could not help feeling a aense of shame as 1 listened to ~ argument against children. •'hose welfa.re wu w ~ I c b ~ d against cub and was found want-mg. C"'be cue for tM kids is not to.t. howt"ver-lt will come up for final d~ion a t the next Coundl ~tmg.) • • • Don't rorrt w ,-vte '-Or- rew. Sehool Mard el~tkllu lire jalrt ......... t u .. .,. .ater. Po&. .,.._ from 1 a.a. t. 'r p..-. at tile 0.,.... 4lf'l liar _, New'p(!l't Sdooh.) Panhel Pot .. Luck A pot-luck aupper is on the pro- grllm for the May PanheUenJ c meeting, whJch will be held next Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Ce- ctl To2ler, 2420 N. Park Blvd., Santa Ana. Mrs. Olive Sleeper ol Corona dl'l Mar will be the ho6le£S a t hl?r ister-in-law's home. M .. ' n. .>~ 1'1e board, i.ncl•Jding Mrs. John Keeler and Mrs. Ray- mond K ent H an''-'Y from the Har- bor, will assist bcr. Final plans for the high IIChool graduates mother and daughter tea to be held June 2 will be c1iscwl1!eod at the meet tng. • That wu a 'ilriJil" declaim on &be part of City Council to appoint thE> fortlX'r members ot tbe old Cm Parks and Recn-atlon OJm- mHlee to the newly fonnecl Pub. Beaches and RecrMtion Conund- sion. These five ~ cis HOI"\ 'a th. Lloyd Wood. Alexan- der Hamilton, )(n. Emst ~ berg and Norn\Ul Miller-have a background of expet"ietJCe that wiU be valua b1e 1n IIOlviD& the many \'t'xlng problems that 8ft alreedy on the Commission's acenda. • • • Lot, ef fa..-..Me E T l - KayorLN ............... -« .... c.... """ -ldllll& ..... ..__._ at ..... ,... v..dl ...... u.c. • .nM ...... , Ia tile '"*' ef PNC! ek-.... . ~the.,._ ........ ...,.. AM lte ltelpH ~ tile a.r.- aloe oa tile pH ttasat a...., ra- tlk'r tlaaa lf't It lifo IM!ocao...-• aty n •ma:rlul lty BaiiMa'• FAI ARM aM N~ ...... -..en lt. llM<& eMclt _..t tht'y t4'rmf'il ~'1D:C away" ..._r ~ ~ C'hi-Cow prolllem Is tltf' No. I I..._. _,.,... ._ ~· c~ .... wttll~­u.. of eB tJHo da.. of ew- port Hart.-a •lltfaeter)• Mla- U.. CUI liMl ...... M tlult "'fl "'"' IIOt ..... .... a..t ., •11ft .-.tf'r •tldllc ~ • • • Be3ches will be a topic of dis- cussion next Thursday, May 24. at the Corona del Mar Ovic Asso-ciation's,~pot-luck meeting at the school, oecause t he peaker wiU be ~ff~y Morgan, presJdent of the California Shoreline Planning Assoctation. . . . Coincidentally. Association n ee-President Allen S telle, who will preside at the meE"tmg In the absence of Presi- dent Veme Watson, attended S tanford a t th sam<' time as Mr Morgan, and they wE:'re both mem- bers of the Stanford d<>batinr.t team tn 1909 ... Mr Stelle knows Mr. Mor~:ran, and the~ \\ere both mem- tor in the \\1lliam Jenning:. Bryan ma nn{'r. • • Many, many thank's to you all for all your kmd word or ron- ~ratulations on th e occasion or t~ Enshtn's tx-comin~ a legal "~'" paper . T~re ha''<' been a lot or calL, letten; and personal com- ment. Thanks also for the sub- scriptions that ha,·e been comint; in during this past wrek as token or your uppon. K(.>(>p th«.>m com- i.ng. We need your continued and lnt'rt>asm st s upport to keep bujld- ing the Enal$tll. Rewport leacb susss a s ree A\lre Seeking ~ammar School Board I (o4'1M'rlll Coatractor Corona~ ct.-1 Maar I lncumbt>nt m mber or the New- 1 port Elementary School Board and candidate in tomorrow's election is 0 . Z. Robertson of Corona del Mar. He was a ppointed to serve on thfo Board last Non •mber after the t't'SignAtion of T. Weston Jay. Mr . Robertson. or O.Z .. as he is called, is a g neral contractor, with offiet> at :.?19 Coast Blvd., Cornnll del :\'lar. He is a nath ·<' Alabaman las is !\1 rs. Robertson 1. \\or ked for na- tional r::rocery st ~>rP in Tcnnc.>ssee &J1d Colorado, ca m«.> to the west roast tn 1936. firs t to Santa Ana. thc.>n in 1936 to &!boa Island. On tlw Island he O(X'rate<t Rob's :\tarket fOI' sb: ;.l'ars. thl'n ser..-ed as pen.onnt>l mana~l?r for Certified Wholesa le Groet>rs in Los Angeles for two yea N-, I>Pfore comin~ to Co1'0na d<-1 ;\'la r Ht> ha tx-en in the contracting b u ~i n e. s since 1914, first with Da'e Gordon. and sint't' 1 ~45. \\'hPn Mr. Gordon died. on his 0\\ n In 1946 he ran for City Council. won the elt'Ction and served for a four -year term. 0 . Z. is a ,·ett'ran of World War l, when be was gunnery ier~eant "i lh the 121th F. A. lte&iment ~ral CloetTac.-tor OM'Oila dfol Mar Candidate J im Ray SOrt or ~f:I"E'W up" in th«.> school S.}Stem, because both Of hi parent WE're school teachers. His fa t her was ror 28 Years the uperintcnd nt o l schools in Marion County. K11nsas. Jim wus bom in Marion in 1910. a ttended high chool tht>re. and waduat d from Washburn College in Topeka in 1932. H e was for a number or yNtrs wilh lhe 0<-partment of Justi<'f'. with th(' cu toms Sl'r'\i<X' on the w {' t t.•oust. Then during the war h«.> sct"YNI with the Cout Gu3rd ror four years. He was with the Jntt>lligence depa.rl.fn('nt, s tationed most or tht> time on Balboa Is- land (the local headquarters were on Collins Island ). After th<' war Jim went Into the construction busin<'ss He has completed some 500 proj(>cts in the " five Y<'ars. prima riJy in t he Harbor area. but also in other communities in Orange County. The Rays han~ been Harbol' residents since ooming to Balboa I.slancl in 1942. Sinao 1949 t.My live at 439~ ha\~ Jh ·ea in CoroNl ~1 Mar. at 720 · NarciuOII Ave. . ·Mrs. Ray ltelps Contractor ltm with bookkeeping and 8eO"f'taria1 • duties in addition to tak:inst care of the household. The Ray fam- ·------.-~llliii~-~~-Uy includes ~yt>ar-old Jaml'l! I Walkie\, 4-year-old Kathie, 3- year-old Michael and Baby Rox- aruw. one year old. Vianney Gr~P Is Organized Tin: ENSIGN Now offers complete Job Printing Facllltlea CandidatP Roberl L. Allen of Balboa •' :~ noJ t&\t• Caltrom ian. a graduatt.> ul l'SC where he re- 00\'Cd his dej,.'T('(> tn Educatio n. and by p1 oh·s. 1on he i a 1 ra m e engin<'l'r He wa born 1n San Bemllrdino some -'L'l .\t'RI a~o. atten<:.l<'d El Centro llu::h School a nd graduated in 1932 from L' ·c. Sm ce then he has b<-cn acti' e m the trans- portatilm tndw tJ·y , serving as traffic manager fo r s uch (inns as West Auto , u pply, A.meri.can W h oI e s a J e Hardwa.re, V~y Truck Co. 1 wht.>rt.' hj bola wu our oewe:.t OoWlc1lma.n, Dale Ram- seyL Santa Fe TransportaUob Co .• and currentl~· with ~ Republic Carloading Co in Los ~; Durinst World War 0 he eerwd in the Navy for three ,._.. M a transportation offi~t the Na- val Supply Depot in 0.~ ud Oil Guam. JOlt after tbe .. .. wu ~ ot UR ...... ata- tbl at &Janld Ave. and .._ BJvd. in Balboa before retwiillrc to the tranllportaUon ~- The Aliens have been Balboa resick-n ts for 12 years. ~ Uw at 314 Anadc Ave., in the ...,_. that :\ll', Allen's folks baOt In 1917. The folks are stiU Balboa residents. The elder Mr. ADen retired just two yean ago alter 30 years or education work at El Centro Hlgb School. Mrs. Allen is member ot the High School PTA Daughter Jud;y is a j unior at the High School and son Bob jr. as a sixth grader at Horace Ensign School. SpedaU~ .. a.m.. a Paekarcl 11e11 nu w JOI I Newpori llvcl. HArbor 101 Corona del Mar FI_OWFit~ 4"6 <'OA~T ItT. VO. ll&rhr ·- Mexican Foods • Enchiladas e Tacos e' T~es e Chili Rellenos. etc. ,-e Steaks I • Word hu ~ ~ved from Du J . ll=rth , 420 Serra Dr., ean.. . that hla bro-ther. Lt. J . McCarthy, U. S. Navy, bu reported at Corpus a.t.u. Texas, for active duty tn Advanaed Training Unit 10 at the U. 8 . Naval Air Station. Lt. lleearu-:r had been wtth Fleet Air Wlna 14. Naval Air StatJon, San D~e~o. Yoa 1M7 ftnd a profitable ex-~ fGr that reel estate In the wut .. .-ctton. DIRECTORY llUao Margaret L. Scharle Teacher or Plaao 0rpnjat-A~ ~!I 307 GOLDENROD AVE. eon.. del Mar Lawrence K. Gundrum, M.D. 1741 Supmor Ave., C.O.ta Meea Practice Umlted to Dbeues or the ~~L~~ and 'l'tlroat and Al.leiV Otrice Roun: by APIIOlnt:mlmt BEaCIOn «508 or HArbor tOM Day or Night The glorious even was flnally held last Friday night at the So- da) Hall and glrb' gym of the High School. Yes. It wu the an- nual Junior-8en.lor Prom! The theme wu Hawaii Calls and the entire hall wu decorat<'d to fit the occasion. Carol Wax entertained with his seven-piece band. Hft'e are a number of couples attending the dance: lrla Higbie and Bob Huffman, Shirley Merrill and Jim Blanchard (Long Beechl, Joanne 01801'1 and Bill Gannon, M.ry Meisinger and Bill Wittman. June Keen~ and Gen~ McMuten, Enna 'Thompson and Bob Burdick, Dixie Thaden and Mac Henrotin, Dona Seelinger and Gary Smlth, Janee Hu~ and Larry McMas- t~rs. Sally McMillen and Dick Jones, Sally Henderson and Keith Birch, Carol Thomas and Bob Van Oremlin. Andrea Crlbben and Stan Agar. Mike Burru a nd Ron- nie Woods. Carol Anderson and Appels Fete Anniversary Their 18th "''edding anniversary was celebrated by Mr. and Mrs. Victor Appel, 137 Topaz A~ .• Bal-boa bland. with mutual congratu- lations and a Otinese dinner with friends at the ''Far East" In Hol- lywood last Thul"&day. The ~rly part of that wu wu spent by MMI. Appel at a meeting of the Books and Author's club at the Sport.aman'a Lodge In Stu- dio City Vicki Baum di~ her new book. "Danger from Deers." After her lecture Vicki Baum said that she "'aS going home to "sit with her Jrrandchild-rt>n ." Cameron Shipp di5cusaed his biography of the Barrymores which ran in the Saturdav EH•-nJng Post • Attends Meeting At BTentwood Geo~e Watson. Marlene Anderson Mrs Luci11e Ba.iJey, 2296 Chan- and Warren S turtt'vant Ann n<-1 Rd , Ralboa. attt>nd<'d a lunch- Grisly and John L.an~C'nht>im, Loi<t eon at the 81cntwood Countn· Stralintt and Bob Aldridge, Jant'! Club gt\t'n Tucsda) of last w(>('k I Allen and Roxy Aan·otd. Curia by trs Ed""ard K Zt.~kerman, Mercer and Don &luthworth. pre'!id<>nt of t ht> Comm(IOW<'alth. Su~i<' Plegt>r and Bill Fo tE'r, Pam PTA In Los AllJlelt>.. ~h-. Zuk.n-1 Hoxie and Walter Thorndikl' man, ''ho Is the form<>r Ota Cron-1 I Pasadena 1. Sharon O'Con. nell and I ky. dnuJ;thter of tht> Roy Gron- M<'I Smalley. Jody Johnson and skys of Rnlboa, feted hPr 42 board l..A>\\i(' Abbott, Helfm Sands and m<'mbcm; and esl)('cia fly bonor<'d Paul Lee. Ann Morris and Ron board m<'mber Fay Rosenblatt Phone HArbor 1138 Othmer. LauriC' CrisE.>JI and Bob "~'"I) tth'<'t<'<i presidl'nt <1f thP 4>5 EgJ(ert. Norma CastlE.> and Bob Ang<'lt>l> LA.'a~e of Women Vott<r-c;. Larson, Eleanor Ragan and Gen Althoul!h Mrs. Sail!'\' has bcPn Crain. Pat Bcrgt>ron and Bob clltz<'nship chatrman at th,. Com- Woodhouse, Sandra Dcmlin'tt>r a nd monwc>alth PTA this \'f':tr ttw Jack Clark, Shtrl('(' Bergeron and fnmil~ ts phnmnc tn m:tkr th~>tr Dick Opp, Ka) CiC'f'ro and Ruzz} Jll•rmaJh nt r<'-.idPnt't· h<'rt 1 • ; h<· I Kn<lx. Pe~ Dit>hl and G<'nf' L.1}. furmt•r C;tiiPtt<' man-.tnn Dick Whitlock and Mariann fltt>- D mer. J03nnC' QuN"n and Walt Dou-\\111Tf.S \'l~IT o;;: \" DIEt.(J I ~tt. Madg<' FuJbriltht and AI ~IE.>r· Mr-. Rurr Whit~> and hf•r 1 hrn· rt>ll, Carolyn Harri n and Jim :-nn-. .. \rthut . Tommy and Rt<'hard. Coon. Jant>t Louck<~ and Frank of r .. ,Jt)O~t , . .._llt'd thP zno "lnd I Trautwc.>in. Joanne Merrill and mu.''' um \\htlt• o;•a,inv thn da\l> Larr~ Me1chf'r. Barbara lland), m ~.tn O!l'go \Ooith \lr Whitt•'<: and Pt'tf· PJe~:f>r. Jam· :"orton and hH•tlwr Comdr L A \\'hih Rurr Ivan Hafford. ~tan R£'NI and [)f)n \\'httc "a-. <.T£'\\Inc on t ht> Lad' (0NG·LIFE MUSLIN WE lNV1TJI; l'Ot TO COMPARE Ol.!Jl Pai0£8 AND QUAUT1' ---WITH T808J: OF t'IIE "1110 Olft." YOt' WILL BE PLEA. ANTLY Rl"RPRIS£0! Reg. 4.99 PEIJUIT SHEEtS 81 xL ... 8 Reg. 4.79 -72"xl08" SINIL~ PEIJUIT JIIEEIS J50Ea. Baltz M ortuary Chapel by the Sea HARBOR42 Corona del Mar, Callfonda Ample Oft.Street Pa.rtl.:lnc Linglt>. Mary Su<' ·Tomlinson and L..tt t rtt'<' tn 1-ht' En .. , nada rae"· and Bill Schmidt, Lou Ann Wllliam.o;on l>N-au-.,• of mntflr troubh• did no· and Don Pr <o:ton. Daryl Ford ""d c(l hom1· untt1 2 a ,. Tut~dh' Cll o. 1 Coast Blvc Cc:ona del Mar ~Q~~Naney Milletanrt~· l~u~t~\\~·~~k~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INSURANCE For Every Need ' ISLAND REALTY CO. llarYey D . ..._ HARBOR m-w Park at Apte, Balboa :blaDd "BE SURE -INSUJt.r with Maurie Stanley Insurance Coun8eDor HARBOR 1776 :125 Marine Ave., Balboa :blaDd SD.VEB PLATING Silver Platers And Sllvenmltbl ~pairing -RerlnlJhlDc Replatlne Gold -Silver -Copper -Brut Near Community Onueb 1914 Harbor BJvd .. Coclta 11- Beaoon 5113 MOVING ••• Lcmg Distcmee Local LARGE OR SMALL 10 GIVEN SAME CAD '"We llo.-e Wltll tile Werir AGENTS FOR LYONS 1966 Harbor Blvd. s;£>r RalPigh fPasadrna 1 !\fany - morf> attended but as you can S<'t', it is quite impossiblt> to name <'Veryone. WhilE.> all the Senior girls and thE.>ir dates dan~ around the noor, a oommitt~ of Juniors cho e the queen. 1be bonon-d girl was Shirley Franklyn. Before atte:ndin~~: tht> prom. most everyonE.> went out for dinner Altt'r the prom fh<'rt> w ert> two parti<'S (that 1 know oCl which carrit>d on the spirit of t h,. <'V<'- nlne 1 mornin~ 1 ! Carolyn Harri- son's wao; th,.. scene of onf: and !=:tan A~ar' th«-olh<'r • • • A \\ f"'k a co \\'~>dn('-.d;n. th,. Harbor studt>nt body was pi<'!'<'nl- t'd with an a o;;;f'mbly ff':tt ul'inc th,. "Ruth .\rmstronl! 1'ri11" n lil•l•t Ofl('ra tno from !=:anla Ana Thi~ small J.!roup const<:t<'d of a ptano I player, a maJe and a female sin~l'r Th<'y sang many sonp-~ from cur- l rE.>nl hit!\ nf Broadwa~. including a melod) of snn11:~ ft·om South Pa- cific Aftrr ftmshing 1 h<'tr routinP the~· rC'tum<'d for 1\\0 or thr<'" encores du<' to th<' J)<'rsuasion or thE.> audiC'n<'t' b~· apJ"'latJ!-f·, \\ hkh practically brou~ht thf> r~tftPr!\ down! MARl~; FUER IN BAT.80A 1"ak:inj;t a yf:'ar's It-a <' at 1589 Miramar Dr., Balboa. Captain Wil- lhim Ensh\viller of th<' Marine Air corps is brinJ!inc hi!' \\i ft> and I thr{'(' children herf' from WashJna:- ton. n C Captain Fn~hwillrr io; 'l niPr at El Toro -I FAMILY ~IGRT PTC'S'I('~ Firo:t family niszht ptCnt<' of t ht> yt'ar wAs hE.>Id yE'!':terda) '\\•ron('~· da) 1 b) mE.>mb<>N= of t. AndN·\\~ PrNbvtrrtan Church on th<'ir O\\ n chur<'h ~unds Ea<.·h rami!\ hrincl> a pot·luck dbh to the pic· nics. whkh ar(' ht'ld throm:hout t h<' summer. GamE.> 1x>t::an at !1 :30 p. m. A technicolor picturE.> <'nti- tlcd "Dust and l)('stin\'" wn shown · FOR RESUl..'I'S USC' Ensi'O'l Want Ads Harbor 1114 FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES SEE -THE LARGEST DISPLAY IN CALIFORNIA RA.Tr.AN • REDWOOD • ALUMINUM • WROUGHT lRON SWINGS • UIIBREU.AS • • RE-COVERS • BARBECUES IAww&.,... • ..._,Dell.-, Ill coa.t lligla'way !'f ...... ... QPiii ........ -s-.,. ....... 4 ..... Only 27995 • H ere's the value of. the 1 Brand n ew 17-tnch ~~:ral Electric at a ~­ bottom price! Y_ ou ~et btg~ as-life, real·ns-hfe plcwroe . Sim \e tunin~. Genutne wooXcabinet in cordo:vo~ ~ . h You have to see tt uDlS • • t,odAv} believe itt Come m ~" • CROWN HARDWARE & Applianc J. C LIONBA-GE:. 821 Coast Blvd. HArbor 232 Corona del MCJT ~ I ( c • • c: c Circle Renames Mrs. Shields · Re -elected president for u-FaJ'll.S"'Orth, N"'PQrt; !riendlbtp other year, Mrs. John Shields, chalnnan, Mrs. Linton Collyet' ol 14.15 W. Bay Ave .. Balboa, wiU Anaht>lm: rnlulonary chairman. preside o\·er ~Las Amigas circle Mrs. Ro Owen, Balboa Co\·et. with her new vice-president. Mrs. Members or the circle worked Pt\)rl.lla Greanlea! of N e w p o r t on their scrapbooks, which wtU Heights. be given to chlJdrm in oootaeious An olcl-f.uhloaed slngln' pther-New offiet>rs for the women'• ln' wlU be t.be thnJxo of the an-group of the Santa ADa Country nual ..,.-tng m.lcal program to Club "~"' e~ed Jut wet'k onl'.!!!!;!!!!!!~!!!;!!!!!!!!;!:!!!!!!~ be gtven by the oombloed <:horuR:I Wednesday at the moathly ~I' of tbe Newport Harbor Union tea. M.rs. Ernest TaWIWY. u-W _ ~l.a.l.-.. Other offlcen elected are. se-wards or the County ~tal cret.ary, Mrs. Earl Stoo bad{, Bal-11le nt>xt meetln& b ICheauJed boa; publicity chairman. Mrs. Wil-for 7 :30 p. m. "''U8day, June 19, l6am McDonald. Balboa: treasurer, at the borne of Mrs. Alden Does- Mrs. HArold Glass. Newport: de-burg. 908 W. Ocean Front New- votional chalrma.n, Mrs. Kenneth port. High School at 8 p.m. Friday May guna. Mrs. ~t Winblper and ~ ~ 25, at the blgb achool auditorium. Mr&. Riley Huber of SaDta Ana --·aa. Many of the best-loved Ameri-a.re the newly eJected otflaen. ~ _. ._. .... can folk songs wiU be preteGtcd Named to the publJdty c.unmit-..._... .A4a Tile in unusual and artisUc 8J'1'1ln!f"-tee are Mrs. ~d Ril~ of Co-Iafaat. a.-t. ~ ... ment by the oomblned chortlleS u NXIa del Mar a.nd Mrs. Earl Vimon 1111 o-.& ...._ ~ --------~---------------------wen as smaller £1"0UPII. of Sllnta Ana. .!=::::::::=:::==:::::::::::===::::::::::::::::::::::~ B. I. Circle Installs Officers Songs that people san: while Roses ga]o~ decorated the club- worldn¢ or jual for the fun or .sing-bouse (or last week'1 tea. Mrs. ing \\i ll be presented 'by the boys' Ritchie, c;oclal chairman Cor the N{'w olfkt'rs were Installed by Pdu~tion, Mrs. Ll'onard Har-quartette madt> up of Bob B<ck-month. was ~ted by Mrs. tile Oalbc\11 )<;land Circle WSCS of 1 1 O\ ,., <'hildrt•n·._ wnl'k · Martha i trom. Jerry Shannon, Lee Ja} rl'd Gror~·· Lowe and Mrs. Richard Halhoa hi nd 'fptP\odl~t Church \II• 11 ,uppl,, t·h tirman, Pc.>rcy and Dick Ul1le and a nu.'Cl'd douhll' Plt l'•·r· of C'or'Ona del Mar. tt l th• motthly mt'l'ttn, l.lst wec.>k Puotl• "· 1~111 ul \\lim• 11 uorJ l..o-quartrltt> incl~ding ~Jorcnce Beau ,\t · thP brid?r hwcht"'n, ,0 tx> )tl'ml,. toe;, t •ht IWl<'h<'On rommit-•· .,., ."'h·nlt••l. ~C'Htth \\lit k dr·y. Nan cy Lim•o. Sail) Jo Frost.,lu•ld on Thursd'ly, May 31, Mrs. I Offk<oto 8ltppfJ h~· \\« r•• 'l•nc, ~hptlcn ~mith \I .. '' t~n·nr ' from .\.JtRho 110 -..and~ J)('n!Ul.:l'l'. Jcrr~ E\anc:. RJtc•hil" will !;)(> ac:<;i. tf'd b" Mrs. JL\ 1M A It hP~> ~111 llrr, Rob<·rt I ~c·ht nko•l. '' u ,, 'llhnt~ ftlll~ ••r \c: 1 ach "'·I'· n) .hhannon. 0. lr-uy C'ra,.'T ~md Wt~t lols:lt r tnd \1~ l..t't' M~'tZ~I"r _:_:.__:=------__;.~_:.;~-no I th I Pill~ ltm nnrl T• mpo tam··· I '·'" iw \ Ill• -d. '"l' IH:h•··d 3 (,J.·n GuHtth. l)j '<.tnta Ana. It \\ill he tJlP i ~"P l> 1\lllmb:-Un !>lr ... 'l•'tl IIUUSt•r .. 1'11 I I ondf.. h•)m th,• Int.!€' Tht• \Oii"C Clf th•• :\l .. •lodist. ---fuurth d'' of l•lay ror tin brld~f' I rt'lann•· nr•• ... irltnt. pto•c;id('d 0\1'1' ll•ltlo J •n•· untie a ltftl' :.lrs.I.J.me !"oct alltr~. :\1tkrl Bum<;, toumnm•nt 1 TM t lu b• in• ,, m• • lmt; Tht,n mrm-l! 1\ monel R dd'' in I)( n·1lh•M J ... , llonn 1 NPI. on. 1 )a\\71 Pl('rson. Ann I; ·r. ~nrl , ... , or<> adjourned tu tht' lui'J 1w,, .. ,,,.,,.d , neal c;,lt.,., '"''s Co"'' ford and Jo:tnne XI"UJTl'ln ·--Ri-a..... Miller Celebrates KiNa I• s.w ctunQ lor tn-.tallation ~><'rvi('('c;. . '' II h 1• heard. as \\t>ll 11 th• Lark-\o.Af" 1 ..... FoiJO\Hn.: o ( r , c t> ,. "t:t e in-1 B d. Cla ettes 1 Advanrod Girls' Cl~ Club> Eighth Anniversary HArbor 87 llall<'d: .Mm<'s. Harold Fink. pres•-erte l Ct n 1nd the Chorus Choir. dcmt. Pea-cy Bain,os. vire-prc.ident; The entire cast or 100 students A fishpond \\ith presents kept l•ili• 411 COM c . a . oarn<'lt. recordin~ s~ Has Get together will be costumed in. the authe~tlc gut'Sts happy when Ricky ll.filler tary; Robeort Ibbotson. promotion -dress oC the 1870 s. Th~ High cet b ted his eighth blrthda secretary· Clinton Coa.ne. treasur-, school (·ocal &>partment is under e ra Y an- ., .,. .. -~ er; Althe~ Shiffler. spiritual life; A Mothers Day pot-luck dln-the direction of Mia .Mar 1 e niversary April 30 at 307 Alva- Ted Hauser local church activi-n<'r was held by the Benedict Clan Hiebsch. Tickets may be obtained rado, BaJboa. ft5E ftld&\1-IUDK or 01111 oww ._.. " FUafiiTUU ....... IIOOD. QA-- ties· William Bowles mlsslonary in South Gate P ark. South Gate. from members of the choruses or Enjoying the other prizes a.od • · Pr~,>t;ent were Messrs. and Mmes. from the box office at the per-the cake and lee cream we'e Traditional Elegance for the June Bride Royal Cop41nl,oqe" chine. Fon:o ~h fo•e,.ce d;nnerware. ,. Ho"d b1own crystal ""' from Holland. H•no t .. l Swedisn crystal. De ni sh silver. Imported sfeinlen , ... , netweer WI ll£61STBt 'ATTRNS FOlRIDB. WtA,ING -SHI,ING. A SERVICE. KAREN MARGRETA Imports -Nordic Gifts I 107 <:-st alvd Corona del Mer Herber 1373 Houn 9:30 to S:lO. Opeft Swftd.y. BOSSI'S nNE ITAliAN . DINNERS Allie 8tMb-Pltme - Cocktails tmo..&-... ....... l.W Nursery School State Ucensed an<' Approved From t t(t I Y•n 8~n1.M'd OaTe uul Ooutractlve PlaJ REASONABLE RATES Open 5 days per Wef?k-8 t <' 5 Tnnsporta tion Fumlshed ~ 190 E. 15th St. COSTA MESA ftolle~..., Lawrence Benedict and daughters, ro~ Sten•n Wittman. David H~. PamPia and Vnleta, from Eagle · Gibby HulchlnPI, Terr7 William-611 c......... Ns , ... Rock: Ezra Dean from Arcadia; IOD and FrancU a.od IUdr::Y't Paul Holmes and daughter Gloria, Reunion Is Held brother aU ol ... from Inglewood; Michael Kro-- chalk and daughter Pamela, South Aft 25 y <Sat«:'; Wilfred ChapUn and sons, er ears Larry and Billy, rrom Hollydale; Harold Benedict and sons Jean and Bruce. Mrs. Bessie L. Bene- dict and Mrs. Lillian H<'nnPlx>rry from Corona del M ar You Can Do Better. at Local Studen.t Authors Show \"ANCOUVEit VISITOR Visiting the C. M. FuJJers of 205 33rd SL. Newport. is Mrs. Fuller's father . C. S. Elerick or Vancouver. BACK FllOII TACOJIA Just home from a we<!k's vaca- tion in Tacoma. Wu h., are Mr. and Mrs. Bill lbompaon of 500 E . Ocean Front, Balboa. The 1bomp- sons visited relatives while north. APPLE VALLEY VACATION Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cave, 1615 Padfic Or .• Corona del Mar, spent a few days. last week in Apple Valley vacationing. IIBS. BENNEBDl&Y BACK Mn. Lillian Henneberry, 518 Narcissus Ave., Corona del Mar, is at home again artc.>r a four· We<!k visit with relatlvt>s and frit>nds in Los Angt>lcs. \I IT TilE Mt'DONALO Guests from Pomona, Mrs. H . H. Prob~t and her dau~hter. Mrs. J . M. Hartke, w t'rt' welcomed by the William McDonald family on Ocean Blvd., Balboa, last week Ensign Classified ads ha""' b"'' n a proven means of reachln~ buyPn I ror all sorts of merc.handi Us.- them! Phone Harbor 1114. THE Announcement· • The Newport Harbor Ensign was determined to be a newspaper of general circulation by judgment of the Superior Court of the State of California ~ and for the County of Orange, on May 10, 1951. and by reason thereof is qualified to publish all public notices required by law. • City of Newport Beach Newport Township County of Orange " , n f I• ii.r 17. 1•1 • • • FonnPr Communit) Pia)"" &· n-c.-tor Tom CilmoH• ic. h(lnc <.f>f'n around town aftf"r about a year at EruwNok for 11 • .,hhh'" l'f'aSOfl I Mu_<>• h:'l\t> lx>f"n quirf' a prodtl('· ==~==~==~======~ii~~;; tion• • • ~ prac1i~ "hat thf') prPach ••• WhPn Mn~. John Lamar was colJE't'lln:: monry from ht-r EbPil Cook-b<.o"c U)(':';ftlf'n in ordf>r tn tum in h• r annual rc>pOr1 "h" m 1tk> 'hi' rouml-. at dmnrr rrm•• and fn•md all of h"r "-'"'H•rk,.n: bun makm~ dmnf>t """h tit,,.,,. k- bnok.-. IIJ••n w mL. thr r('(")p IMPORTED RUSH SQUI .. ORANGE EMPIRE REPORTER" • 1410 7 45 a m 12 Noon ~ no p m -6 15 p m . . . CIQrU,. P,W...t, "ht"ft "'~·utJnc .. taU Hc c a t lbt> m~Hna of th,. \\'fllftH'II''J (1,1,. L MU,'l.Jf' 'lnecb), t.&Jkf'd about .. """" 0\ ,.r 3.0ftn boat -. but wrhf'l'l m uffm.:~n aad tt,,. X,.. ""r" \1'1.itlac La l)u tw-att,.ad...S a ""u~n Uf)ft'• Cluh m~t111.a a nd tb,.r,. h.. "u lat rOOIM'•'d "'.. r nmln c f rflm S'rwpt•r1 ll•rhor, '"' IK-r,. th,.,.. .,.. 6.ft00 bo:t t .... • • • our r4"patllt1na ,.r,-.d, &Jitl m ulti· p11-. . . nr ma) IN' t~Y'r4" ~tl•tt tht-bethtub ur1,.t~. Parties Held for Patricia Frahm ..... Sea,-HOlds Last Pot-Luck Harbor tar ChaptPr ld ill I ann<tum od that lniHatJon and .... ~ un~ and Jut pot-luck moria! SE-nJ would be held at cbnnet-for ~ )t>ar on Tucsda)-'' Xt a (•\ t'flln •. • Four pu me\.I'On.i and th,-, past pe t..roru " r cortf'd to thf' I East Vi to" v. " ~~~ Ldlia.n H~~-. Acacia Chap!t>r 21 of Loet AnJ:el • MamiE' Ha\ JC'I', Vall(>y Fal Cha,ptcr 403. Vall£> · Forg • Kansa. : Ora L. Falqw<>t. C'.at.abna Chaptn 570 CataUna ls· land· Jf'St4>('n ."utton Fnt>nd!.ll.lp \h.ap1Pr 115, Portland CJrc-f!on and J . W. StJI . Elyrlu C"h&lJ •·• 365, EI)TI&. Oluo. Pa • Patron C'uba M<1rn an- nowl«'d a dinnt>r and card part) to bl ~'"" b:-~n \.kmrntP C"haptu o .Nt turd.2:. t>H nan~ :\ta~ 26 m tht \\'omPn'' Club- WE> "''"' imu~ )Our vaJuallles fur TIIREE yran a t a CCMJl ol ' ~ San m•'flt(> f..JI•n !"i(' n, chau·man ar· no~~ hf>r dminv room comma t • r•nh 4 ~ or \'alue Polie) 1-"0(od an~"" hf'r<' in th world lq!'un~ ar. .:oUcitf'd from r• putabl" Hll rbor ArNl n"'J d• n•~ W. Start F .. n · ",_ta.c !>taT "l.clldn- • JYWftO\k<tt h~ .. pki(.-6 lltf' HJLr· bor \r.-a for hl" ~-• r..,.i. ~ IAI'ky',. foiJoo.. M r. ..d Mr ..... ,.,,. ..:Jmono,ic<ts ar .. lhiaa: •• , .. ir _,, pul"riu.-cl hl.lmf' at 4~;, Orf'bid A',. .. c·oriHb d<-1 It('(" for thf• ~' runs: Cif>on:sa ~tr- C'Ir llan Of> I ph) I J~pn f' and I..:' ura )1l<1f'llan Ho"tf'......... for r, IUUI fMclo hb a~cdr..cl thr tu1ur .. bullcJia ... u .. a t tb4' c-.. m .. r .,, c-._....uoo ;and •"'""~ Bhtl. 'l"h4" ~u .. r 1 .. fron1 th" l...aa..d"-but ~ 1,. •l"'' ('anadia.n dtMmplot~ fUid pl.aJb w co nortll fur ~'"''" mate-b...,. .,..,.,,.,. "'•rc~ lac t o bUild ltl!l Itt'" buu..,... Both prop.-•rtl.-. "f"N' ~ld '" him b~ 1.. Sorrb., realtor. . . . Emil' Frank. mo.derrJ ,..,,~, "ho ~xhibtt~ la.~t month at lhf f.n- sit:n Buildinlo!. i!i Etww.int.: ht~ ,. , •' tt. Frcut. •. \\ • t.lt r; ti- J(>rtt m Los Ant:• lr.. \\'• nn'u't" I h•' h• OC:hUI (' I h< t.aJ ••1"'\ • f'Oti'- "U h .. , .. ICinon~ d• I )la· • r,< of ..... Jllll of f''.hibllmn · • . l hr llart,..Jr hi' thP Jl');jp ~tCrtH Alld a ,,. inleL·~ d ••\ ,f. 1! r,,,· :. huddltl.! :.nuns: rt'Jit•rt• r IH ~"•t'ed 1n r.••ts:hborint: C'• .. 18 )1· .. ~ "h• : 1 \tr. and ~tr F H-d All• n '' th•· ('(o .. •tt )1 '!Ia f;Jc,ho •-lt•,. ld a~- 1 n• m• • d 8 bu: fi.Jt;, lxl\ n.m1 ><1 Bu·rnu \\'tlham A• ,,.,, ... t1• , .. k• .. -vm.: n<'\' p..JJio r mar. -ht ur< '" S\)"fl\tod • I I \lou ... t l)t'fHr•• thf' fi binc: ¥0&· -.oa opo·n•'d l'ltt'll ~.trto.ball M Balboa ftila.•d ~ut .. bt~n C!N'41Wod "1lh a ··n,...t". An an.taDq" 1 ~r~turt> t-ldlt I.Mh.-~ lUll&!' from 11tfom to 11t.4"nt. • t.t-0' fl.rw1 c•reafc. "r "ll.ll prcmntmN"d \"f'ry tiMty "r tM ltettthborhOOd cat, \\ ... b.tl\ .-...·t hf'U rd of a.Jty .. ,>('l('bJ tm- Jlf ). lw>lnl( "''.._rdMJ for the flnt Cf'IN.kPr of the~ hat Mmf' .,..,.J~ !Opirlt.NI JloPJ"<';(l!l ""''"'11 look lnfn tt. •tlt •' nm \\f•N• R\lb~ lrot\\ hrd <md :\lattha H tf'l l•·r \\'torth) ~atrun Rurh l~et ... •e.~ ~ SM 411. L ''"TL £ S~IR" OF "HE aes· BROADC~Ol .., TC iO"'E IN W •,.. A COMFORT ABLE ADci.AAit COTlON SKIRT. ONE: Of THREE: STYLES IN ~IGH SUMMEit SHADES E.0~,.;·~ sc OC G .... ,., IMIW·fl~ 7 I 17 W S.lboe 11.-d Newport leech ,._or.• H~ 24 Send in This Coupon and Join the List of Ensiqn Readers 1104 Coelt .... CorOM clel Wet, C.M. Please count me in as one of your subscnbers I cun enclosing: Tel• plio"• HArbor 1114 [ [ ] s:· 5. :cr o:.~.:.-ycar ~;ubscn}: .. .:::. 1 $1 "' 1C':-!ct:r-IT'c n •l subsr:-1p~te :: NAME (please print' ADDRESS' .,.. .. CITY .. St.re adwe~"'flYM' Wife.~ ..... ................. ... 1-Mtla llloae. At your convenience a~ an appoint-ment. so that this home ma.y have the ~t.y to sell Jtaelf to you --- ~ lt 0 ""' ol ,_. -... llle ........... ciMldk ae , •• !Glial ,_t.n. ., ................. ..._.._ Priaed .... r no.eoe J.l. leek OJiic:e Splendid WATER FRONT Home With separate income unit on Balboa Island. Owner will sell or exchange for 3-bedroom home. Both units fW'Dlahed completely. sa• Prleed right at ~ ~ this \1llue today WilliES •a. Most beautiful lot left on North shore, 60 feet on water; magnificent view of upper bay and the mountains. A challenge to any builder • • • Hlghl~ desirable corner lot, 52% feet on Lido Nord. excellent location. tt8 E. Balbo& Blvd., Balboa HArbor SMS OnlJ 1% Yrs. Old -2-licsrm. borne. South of Highway. R-2 wne, room for another unit. $7 .. ::! Tenns ---or wlll take lot in Co8ta Mesa or N e w p o r t Heights as pert trade. BALBOA ISLAND D-U-P-L-E-X ~Fan., well locaW $17 .. TerMa S. P. Waldloa &ct..M A...,t ,. ................... a.a-4 HM« 234 Low Down Payment BNLANCE LESS THAN RENT Three Bedroom Home or Income Pt-operty f ""'" I' , I Walking diatan~ to .chool, beach. shop8 and transportation. On a quiet tree-lined street, ocean side of highway. Plyned for tht' utmost In livability and ca~ual entertainlnc, wittl two large cement patios, barbecue wtth hot and cold running wa- ter; outdoor floodlights and redwood stake fence for ill pri\'acy. A neat. well furnished $11 two-bedroom home ---priced low at ---bcca use the ownt'rs ha Vt' moved to larger quarters. We ha\'e the key. ---HArbor 1741 or 1477. Eves: 393-M NEWPORT HEIGHTS Need elbow room! This lo\'ely new 3-bedroom home is on a 60xl30-ft. Jot and is built to plee!!e' the mo8t diJcriminating buyer. Sparklin" hardwood noon, forcecl air heat, two col- ored tiJe baths. Unusually attractive wallpaper and light fiX- tures. Private driveway. Lots of flagstone. $21 000 See this today -· . ...... . .. _.... . .. _ 1 HArbor 1741 o•· HArbor 2476 LIDO ISLE The owner of thll' deluxe 4-lx>droom 5-bath Bay Front home \Vit h pi£>r nnd rloat will takc ,a small<>r inside home on Lido Isle, or \'&cant lot. in t rade. $69 000 50-foot Bay F rontage .. . . . .. .. . I HArbor 2476 or H Arbor 1477 BAY SHORES It's the taJk or the town ---and we DO mean the unusual landscapl~. gre-en lawns and flower-bordered walks &ur- rounding this completely channing ranch-type homt-. . Two ~drooms-snack bar ~th built-In planter-all-t>ll'C. kitchen -wall-to-wall ca~Ung-mercury switches -large picture ~int:'m~~hm~t~ ~~~~~.peri~... ... $1§.750 HAroor 444. EvE'S: BE3con 648)..J BALBOA Bay Front bargain ---never before off<'red for sale. An immaculate. comfortable. older home with long living room across the front ---view windows and fireplace. Two bedrooms and den. And tht' 'N'CenUy built garage-apartmemt will rc>nt ror enough. to mak<' your monthly ~ 000 paymt'nts. An excclJcnt pl<'r and float ~~ ll.Arbor 14.'; 0 R Ll TINO ARE OOKPLZTE lhelOH C!O e FOUl OFFICES TO SRV£ YOU. COlONA DEL MAlt 1301 e-st llvci.-Comer ~leaf HArbor 1741 or HArbor 14n IAUOA ISLAND 201 Mtrine Ave. H""-444 NEWPoRT lEACH 4M l211Cf St. HMor 2476 IALIOA 100 Main St.-At the OCMn ,..., HArt-141 BALBOA ISLAND'S IIY FIIIT 'liliES! U "'IJJ 1t001a he tmpCIMllllle to ftpUeate tllh lw.Drtoa& 111--. Pow bedroomA. S rtdlly tiled ...... een'Uit"ll .......,... I ... - doe patios, G-ear pra.-e. Retlllot'Ced ~ete wtu1dlea. 011 dtoloe COI"'BU. 8b:ty feet 011 .. ,, fllle IN!Mia. -pun4 view. ..Pitvate ~r ... 46-foot .., float.. • • • PrMeat ,.._ rnakee tllh th YEAR'S BEST VALUE! PAJlK AVE. at MAJUllff; JSA.LIM)A ISlAND ·Pitolle RArtMw !4C Schwinn Bicycles Ray Sfedman 157C Newpilit BIN.. ec.ta M11a. IEacoD 5111:-J BAMN£1)•• So says NP A thla week. •· look at th1a BAY ..Oift' home, with ita beautiful batb- lng beach, larle brick ter-ra~. 5 ~.Prime loca- tion in El Bayo TniCt. ~L~Y .. $37- -ALSO- PRIME Bay Front lot, 42 ft. f r o n t a g e, £1 Bayo Tract ·•Comer". $1~000 Nice 2-bedroom home on well kept comer lot. Near shopping center. Has hardwood floors, breakfast nook. very convenient kltch. with many built-ins, laundry room. garage &: etc. $10.- OnlY $3,000 down . bal- ance hke rent at 4~ Ben J. Whitman Aaeociates teta a tee o.ut Blvd. oo• OA !!tZ ~18ft 1!"0& 8~ . , ... 1-ISEDilOO• ROllE Tile In kitchen & bath, hdwd. floors, la.nclscaped, redwood fencing, dbl. garage, 70'xl20' Jot. nu st. ,..._ Road OUff Ra\"ea ::!e $13.750 • .. OWII bf Appomtlnellt o.Q BF.aeoa 1008-W Busine• ()pportuaity 0....... ArM Dret~~~ 8lllop --- Exclusive lines, good lease. A-1 location. ' $3.750 Only ........... . Lock • Stock • BarTel IIA.rhr"' Two-or three-bdrm. home in Corona del Mar. With 2 or 1112 baths .... Must have good ooean view. Two-bedroom modem, artia- UcaU.y decorated. good locat- Uon. Room for 1 more aniL E&&L~ _OIM& ..... DOWN bn'u .... ~ ..... -...-. ...... .._. ..... ................... ., ............ , h ...... y .. --' eee .... Ilea .,.._ I)' In' ea..,.~ ~,:.":_._ $3.150 HOMES $14._!!A from . ~ DONi BE TOO LATE! laformaUoa at TRACT OmCE Oout Bh'd. a SM...,.. JW.. Coastruction l.ocme 5 • 51/sOfo (14 yn.) We bQY and .ell Trust Deeda. SEE BOB ATft.Eil Rt'presenting IUS Coat -.... CDK ft.. BA Jtn....J-10 1-1181 ----~-- IISIIIICE F1re-Atlte-UaWIIty-W. rt.le -Pelh -ota. -Acd-"-t -Wo,....'a Ca•pea- •"----.... ---Ete. INSURE IN 'I'OIE W1D1 INSURANCe lttotcBS 302 Main St .. lelboe. HArbor 20J4 MDA RADIO Mm TELEVISION "Senoic:. Thet S.mAes" TELEVISION -SALES -SERVICE INSTAllATION, RADtO llf'AIItS 109 lroe4w•y Cotit M .... C.Rf. ae.c .. ~ Can aDo ... ,.. up to- If you take cJeUvery at fador)t .....,_... ........ t FURN. APTS. for i8e apta. OM. J OYel"'ooodaa Bel tion CDK. LOST-In CDM ap: llom-mn. cue. BE 504J KfY~ .• -::.J Corona del kat FORRENT un apt Priv. ent., 41.5 Pomaet da, II. H. H~ Depea~ A Prompt ~ MaiD( ........ .. ........ vf P A IN Earl! nl~8t. _._ RUG & tJI CLE.R • Oa ._. • Work ~ •oooY 1 Oall ~ form Ill OGult....., ~.lt.Dft'~ na.. ... llot-~ Du.e lloD. m'tr:~~. mo. ~vation for the rirst quar- dub SUJOIER RENT~ de-teorly cencrat m<>mb<-rshlp lurch·-----------------~--------lux~ holM o~rlook. main bNch, ~~be u;~ ~~11~r s~·,;f~~~ f~ ---. R lm-COM. HA 1037. Langenheam announCl'<;. Th lund\-tor Sae HI..._ •• .t~• TALENTS are wanted for show eon will be hl.'ld ot noon W<'<lnc-s-The tockless landlockPd souls ----UH It concert. Is your future career, day at the :o-:<'wr)()rt lhrbua Y11cht,ft behind w~n the starting gun · music, singing, dueta! ~t can Club. Mt.'m!X'a , ha\e tx•cn a:-kNIOes orr to S('Dd the boats on the you do! A tenor ~nenoed In to bring one or more non-nu•mbcr -ay to Ensenada no doubt wonder op!fa aleo needed. HA 2892-R. ~ts. b y skJppers, crews. wives. chit- FOR RENT -bdnn.. unfurnished ren and assorted yachting n-horM. Yrly rent•l $70. month. FOR RE~"T C0)1: J "" lR to,usiasta anticipate the race with HArbor 1037. July 31. Uclu:~t.> 3-bdrm .. 2-balh "·erish enthusiaarn and recall the DESIRABLE SUKMER rent.l: 6-fum. \'1CW to.nw •:~ block from l(>nt with a warm glow of pleas- bdlrm. hollw on <>c::an Blvd.., Bay. HArbot 30.'\8-J 1t memories. Participants and COM. $2.000 for sununer H!UOI\. WANTED a flat-top d sk. uil·JeCtators have their own good ~ 1037. able for sal man's w f'. Thro .sons w hy they can't possibly FOfi SALE -Late IDOCW IU RobiJ'¥, 2116 ~ewport Bl\:d_ =-: ay home . . . but il's clear as ranp, ..........., .:dll. 2 .epa-B. HArbor~ ._.waters of Battla dP Todos San- rate ow.. .xceL a..t, 185. 6 HOUSE FOR R ENT Summt:>r 2 • that only a w('JI ~undt'd chrome dinette cbaln, plastic bdnns .. 2 baths. 12'1 A\nc&(lo. fsanthrope dOf'sn't h•n" a ~.>nod eoven. lillie new, •.so each. CDM HAr•bor 1549-W. me. HArbor 21125-11. Anchor \\'ate-h. rmlt t•rr•" rd•t- ..... -.................. '"-en. fte ~~~~ amy .r b' ........... ,-cM ...... t ... poiWl o6 Ole ...._ fill Medeaa. S:.vy ... 1ad!U.C oflld&h. Tlte troplly erMUJac dte ~~HNJt ClOIII- raeat was a beaaUhll wa~r <'Oior of PCC• roaadlac Ute m&Jit. . • . wllkll Hal BAUD~I ud lale "-Ucaa took h orl)e. The marked changt> in Ensenada sjnoe the finot race is notable. Bnght new tourist spots f~ tional in design. have been buJlt along the tx>auUful white beaches. Th older Ca a dt>l Sol still has f1ne food and graC~OUS hOSpitality. \\'c shan'<! lun ch \\ith Dunster CrN'I:o;. Balboa lsbtnd book .. eller. who d1d thf' noblf> jnh or clnrin..? .. \,. ... . ... _ II·"' ' ~ -,n.#i \f. y;. COMPlETE TRAVEL SERVICE ...... Daea ... n.llketq~ A.Jtho<"it.d rep..,.ottetiw for l••din9 thMt,... end ettrectiom Vie Litlo, .....,_, HA I M6 "On the ..,_,,__ .. FOR SALE-'47 Ford Deluxe Cpe., Rldl. o'clrtveL. nylon .. t covers, excel. oand. KeU. HA 11~ PERiiANENT empaoyee, Balbo& Ist.nd. wants Isl~d 2-bdrm. ~ or ept.. yearly, reas. Har· bor 2321.; HArbor 1120-W after Dumont TELEVISION 6:30p.m. FOR s~Beiidii auto. washer, reu., or tra~ for bed divan. Dearbom drcu. gas heater, 20,- 000 B'n.J. BEacon 5019-J. WANTED-Gardener ln COM, A few hours every Sat. Ph. HAr· bor 'n77..J after 6 p. m . REFINED white lady wishes worlc by the day. Will do pnc. nurs- ing. twewk .. or baby sitting. BE 6917-W or BE 61.23-J. YEARLY RENTAJ.,-2-bdrm. fur- nbhed apt. 700 HeUotrope. CDM. HA 2925-J. YEARLY RENTAL -Attractive fum. small studio apt., moderate rent. n o Marigold, COM. HA rate by day, 3025-W. I =ro,.:.;;R~S:-:A-:LE-~~9xl2~=-=Do-m-cs-_u~c-o~ri,...e-n- MOTEL tal Gullstan rug w1 th pad Red HA 1063 maple breakfast set. wath 4 H~~~~HAr~rtbo~l" chairs. 512% Narcissus, COM. HA 1937-W eveninctS. NEW LOCAnON! w•'• Trat111 Plat USED MARINE GEAR Netmc.l O.C.etioM -UM4 Net • wt IUY SClA' METALS • Near Ice HOU88 on 30th "'"-HMt.r MJO, N.wport ... dl • OPEN SUNDAYS • FtJBNITUilE BE TORATIOS Chair bottoms restored usin~ cane. rush, reed, etc.-Free Estimate. RAil VEl" FURNI'ftJitE RI!:PAIIl FOR SA Obi. be-d innN-.:prm~r.~ and mattress. Just Like new! HArbor 2640. FOR ·ALE Recond. Bend1x auto I wa!' hers. 90-day gua rant('('. S85 HArbor 5505. · Senice WE ha vf' n r f'W iw•h•._.,.. USED REFRIG.f;HA'T'ORS I Wonde-rful rond .• guardntN'd G-E Ne.,.ert Beecll a nd Westinghouse. HA 5505. SUMMER RENTAl-() Lulo lsi(: Bay Front units. 1-& 2-bdrm . pri'. beach, S70 up. HA 2552. E\'t' : HA 2914-M. T HE NEEDL~E~PO~~~--~Y arn hop hRS a wide range or colors and yarns for dresses and swcat- t>rs. Instructions free. 1201-C Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar. WANTED to rent garagt>, vicin- ity of 1st & Femleaf. COM. HArbor 0806-R. WILL TRADE 8-ft. car-top skiff. ncvt>r us<.'d. for f:tirl's bike. Must o.,.... t1el liar be in good cond. HA 3222~ after 6 p.m. HELP WANTED Expr. waitress. Apply Snack Shop, 1619 Coast 8 1\'d., COM. FOR REl\TT Furn. rm. for work- in~t couple or lady. Kitch. priv. HArbor 3121-M. FOR SALE~ Table model RCA Victor 10" television & antenna. HArbor 3121-M. FOR SALE-'47 Kaiser by orig. owner. Any otrer over $600 con-~ sidcred. HA 0494 or see at 231 Driftwood Rd .• S hore Cliffs. FOR SALE~Keel·type Snowbird. Roomy, safe for child. HA 3265. 2-CAR GARAGE for rent. reas. 713 I ris, COM. HA 2892-R. FOR SALE -Good used Royal portable typewriter, deluxe mod. for only $35. St~Jey Hadfield, Realtor , 216 Marine. B. I. HA 20 FURNITURE for sale. Twin or bunk beds with spreads and 00. reau. maple fin .• patio set with cushions, o'stuffed couch. chair with ottoman, etc. 1306 Cow St., .,....., __ ....,._ ........ --. China Cove. COM. HA 3147-R evenings & Stmday. LADY WANTED to take 0 \<'C!r p t. Avon tc.-rritory, Balboa bland. Write Box 7, La Mirada, Calif. FOR SALE-New llhl~tCHhore ra· dJo, Radia phoM, ~ No. 25, &-watt with •mal, $UO. Call HA 2219-M before 6 p.m. eves. HA lOU-R. I • • I BU!LT IN .. E'COR[; ?LAYER the IROOIMllf t,y DU MONT .. -: l-Rt..Lbe l Mc:.oocr.: Co:-:so!e At . Your FatJorite Appliance Dealer EXPERT T-V SERVICE I I c I • • c ( . _ .... ,~. We h-• 2-bedroom house, wflich wift mole ell te1M ond peymenh out ~ summer renh '"d 9ive tho OWMr fltE.E RENT d uring ti-e win· tor. ld .. l fOf' toecheNr so,..,ice met~ Of' roti...d people who w011ld I N to "•~ en summer. $10 ,~ FuH price o.nly __ ti'V" Fum. Goocl terms. lmmod. occup. .... ..,~,~,.... ... r..ay ....... ................... ....... ""~ At your convenJe~ arrange an a ppoint- ment. so that this home may have the opport\Wlity to sell it.atelf to you -• • '1-* .......... ~ ,._. t:1111e will M liililll'ldMt t.e ~ t~te _ ... reas.re. ......... blut4l ~~ PriciM .-Jer f!O,teO J.l.leek Ollke Splendid WATER FRONT Home With SC;'parate income unit on Balboa Island. Owner will sell or exctiange for 3-bedroom home. Both units furnished comnpletely. ~ ~ PriQed right at ~..VU See this value today •11 VALUES .UIG Most beautiful lot left on North shore, 60 feet on water; magnificent view of upper bay and the mountains. A challenge to any builder. • • • Highly desirable comer lot, 52~ feet on Lido Nord. excellent location. EJIIllll .. ris A,::C~ .. " .. t:. Balboa Bh·d .• Balboa HArbor S!6.~ CORONA DEL MAR Onl7 J % Yrs. Old -2-bdrm. home>. South or Highway, R-2 zone. room for another unit. $7.500 = Terms -- -or will take lot in Costa Mesa or Newpo r t Heigh t& as pert trade . BALBOA ISLAND D-U-P-J...E-X · Oea:4itete~J ............. well lot'ated $17 •• Tenn. S. P. Waldron &e....,. A,.llt HI N4fHM Aft. W..O. hletMI HArt-2J4 Low Down Payment BALANCE · UESS THAN RENT Three Bedroom Home or Income PToperty , CORONA DEL MAR Walking distance to school. beach. sbopa and transportation. On a quiet tree-lined st.rt'et. ocean aide of highway. Planned for the utmost in livabitity and casual entertainlng, with two luge cement pati05. barbecue with hot and cold running wa- ter; outdoor floodlights and redwood sta ke fence for f.li privacy. A neat, weU furnished $11 tv.-o-bedroom home ---P(iced Jow a t I - --because the ov.ners have moved to larger quarters. W e ba\·e the key. -- -HArbor 1741 or 1477. Eves: 393-M NEWPORT HEIGHTS Need elbow room? This lovely new 3-.bedroom home is on a 60x130-ft. lot and is bullt to please the most discriminating buyer. Sparkling hardwood floors, forced air heat, two col- ort!d tile baths. Unusually attractive wallpaper and Ught~-~thi~~t; ~,·ewa~· .. ~~-~f .. ~.~.~~~· $21,000 HArbor 1741 or HArbor 2476 LIDO ISLE The own<'r of this d<'luxe 4-b<'<lroom 5-bath Bay Front home with pi<'r and float will take a ~tmaller inside home on Lido Isle. or vacant lot. in trad<'. $69 000 50-foot Ba~ Frontage .... . . . . . I HArbor 2476 or HArbor 1477 BAY SHORES It's the talk or the town - --and we DO mean the uriusual landscaping. green lawns and flower~bordered walks sur- rounding this completely channing ranch-type home. 'J'IA--o bedrooms snack bar with built-ih planter-all-elec. kitchen -wall-to-wall carpeting-mercury switches -large picture t"~ wi.:m~o~ made··~-~~es. .... ··-$15,750 HArbor 444. Eves: BE& con 648()-.J BALBOA Bay Front bargain -- -never before offered for sale. An immaculate. comfortable. older home w ith tong Oving room across the frqnt ---view windows and flreplace. Two bedrooms and ern. And the recently buill garag~pt~t will rc.>nt ror enough to make your monthly ~ 000 paymPnts An excdlent piPr and float ~~ HArbor 145 OUR LI ST IN G AR E O OKPLETZ lhe JOHN VOGEL (l __ _... e FOUR OFFICES TO SEIVE YOU • CORONA DEL MAR 1301 Co.st Blvd.-Comer F.mleef HArbor 1741 or HArbor 1471 I"LIOA ISLAND 201 Merino Ave. HArbor 444 NEWPORT lEACH 4J4 11M St. HArt-2476 IALIOA 100 Mei11 St.--At the Ooee11 ,._ HArt-141 . '''''''''~'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' YltiES! n •i.ll 1100a be ....,_.We to ftpkat.e tMs ~ ....,_ F ov btodrooms . S rldi.Jy ~ batlts, wna8t'll .-.-.. I ..-- d.-patios. fka.r ~ R~Of'ft!d caeeoete wwtrwethe. 0a choice ~. Sixty ff:et oa ._,., f'bte ~ -a; ned view .. Private ~ alld 46-foot ellp float.. • • • ~t prtc. ma.kM tiiiA tlw YEAR'S BEST VALUE! PABK A VL at liiAIUNE BALIIOA. I8LA.ND PIMIIte liA..rltor !4G Schwinn Bicycles Ray Stedman 1574 Newport lhd.. COIIta M•m. EacoD Sla;;J So says NP A this week. .,, took at this BAY non home, with Its beautiful .. th- ing beach, large brick t~r­ race, 5 bedrooms. Prime loca- tion in El Bayo Tract. I:SPI!:CIALLY ~ RAA ,.teed at . .. ~' ti'fiV -ALSO- PRIME Bay Front lot, 42 ft. fro n t a g e, £1 Bayo Tract ·•Com er". N~:-t Bl~ at IOtla 8t. Nzwr oa~ BA 1- SPECIAL Nice 2-tx'<lroom home on welJ k~pt comer lot. !'lear hopping center. Has hardwood floors, breakfast nook. very convenlt-nt "kitch. with many built-ins, laundry room. garage &: etc. $10,500 Only S3.000 down, bal- ~ Jjke rent at 4~. Ben J. Whitman Aasociates 1018 a teo Cout Blvd: COM IIA !!M li 18ft J-BEDitOOJI BOllE Tile in kitchen &: bath, hdwd. floors. landscaped. redwood fencing, dbl. garage, 70'Xl20' Jot. HU St. lamet~ ~ CUff Havea $13.750 • BusiDea Opportunity ........ ""'* DreM ... --• Exclusive lines, good lease. A-1 Jocatlon. • $3.750 ()nly ................. . Lock • Stock • BaJTel liAriMtr 444 Two-or three-bdrm. home in Corona del Mar. With 2 or 1112 baths .... Must have good ooean view. 0.0 ............ BArtler.,. ,lit Corona clel Mar $9.650 Two-bedroom modE-m. art:ll- ticaUy decorated, good locat· tlon. Room for 1 more unJt. EAaL CILUIBDIAIN -o..a-... .. ..,.- ........ c..M ~DO WN hz P11 .... ......, ...... ...... w. ........ ~ ........ wHit .....,. .. ........... , hi ..... y .. -t !lee ....... ..,._ ., .... , ~ ..... ~ 1112 Newport ~t¥.!~. H~ 2112 Newport leecll ~o'i: r~~···· $3.t 50 ~~MES .. $1US0 DON'T BE TOO LATE! laformatloa a t TRACT OmCE LM·FII- CoD8truction Lomw 5 • 51/J0/0 (14 yrs.) We buy and .ell Trust Deedll. SEE BOB 8A 'l"'n..E'a Representing ,.. ..... rtcapOI. 1U5 Cout Bl~. CDK Pll. RA 107'1~--ID a.nu Fl.NJ -Aato -UaMUty-Ma- rble -Polio -0.._ -Aed-._t -WorkiDell'• ee.pe.- •Uea ---a.. ---Ete. I.N8URE IN TOlE WITH INSURANC1: IIOICBS 302 Me i11 St., a.lboe. HArbOf' 20J4 MESA RADIO AND TELEVISION "S.,.,ice 1'11et S.ttsfin" TREVISION -SALES • SERVICE INSTALLATION, RADIO REPAIRS 109 lroecfwey Cot+e Mese, C.llf. l&eott IIOI.J Can a1Jo •we,.. up to - If you take deUwry at factol7 ......, ................. , ~~ or 'C7 mode! to cbooee ft' ona.ble offft" oo our Jot. Hours: W~ Sundays It I WANT YOll t 00 =:eaa.--.~ lstPnl. wall ~If! FOI BUNGAL0\11 &.ut1fully f\1 with Onpla! ette. Low, week or mo. FARM HI ., :Of Cout BJ, BABY SITI'EJ 2925-J. FURN. API'S. ile apts. fir! overlooking tioo COM. NOTICE tO'iil )'"OUr baby Iii temoons f dal stiow f 'Ibeatre, COMPLETE Furnltw-e & Work euar&4 At's H~ ~ Serv1~. LOST-In ago: hom cue. BE KEYS -PJ TOIJUD)"s Corona del FOR RENT apt Priv. m 415 Poinsrt111 H. H. E Dependal A Prompt Mat ftOM. 1811 Balboa . P A I II Earl ~7S PabMr St BEMII RUG & tJ CLE • On ... • Work 4 Moo or 0\U a for J 115 Q)a§t ~ EVDi FOR Y01 w. fill Jut•• Oranqe C 1910 ~ Cocte ~"' P ST ~ FOR ~ u.· s.-an.w. Fonif!IS. ... 'C:~ ... ... '1RENT---r... ..._ wltla bot· lttln~ Du. 11oD. ._.._ IDclad. lllr· 140 mo. CDII.. HA ~R ~-.uon tor th~ first Q'Jar • • ., .......__ _, " 1 -....... '51 PLDIOU'Hi Q 0 IIIII dub SUIDIER RENT~ ae: tt'rly lfttf'ral tJWmbl>nhap lureh1 6&10: c••mw ·---· • • -:i 0.... ltAH. lwt ~ new. luxe homt-overlook. main bea.ch, eon ol tM ChantbM-of Ct>mtlacr«:'<e-f1.e IB"P e w'ie&1 a.~.....,.,... arna~ Obli --.J18 COM. HA l037. mUit bf> m l\1on<b,, 'c'("f'Ptary If&~ 1and1ockf'd aouls t1 s' ha ... •d ~:::....... 't9 FOitD StaUae ...-. H. Jm.. Tu ""NTS ·-wanted Co· .. ahow Langenheun annoonc.-o: ~ lu."K"h -A ... ~ the at.a.rtJ.n& ~::. .,..,....::--.. ..,..~ ___ ._._ n..._ •1.1-n.a...o:. -·""' ~ ~ wiU bl-h<>ltJ at r•uon W -dn .PU the "--•• on .... -, ·-"""· .._, -----_, A: oonoerL Is "our ruture .... .._r, .. _ th .... 1-be v h to 5E'I'Id .,.,... u ..,. ..___7 cree ... tn.e-* ~ Ml> ., ,......""' uay at f' .,f\\fiOTt I r 1r •a(' '~--.a. DO doubt\!>~ -....-_.__ • .. ~ FORD 8 Cult. 'nldDr. ltltK m1.111ic, siftging, duets! What can 0 b M ()f> h ~ I <'d __.. .. ._ ~ --a ._..... _..._... See tbla '-. •• tny priceod .)Ou do! A tenor experlencN ln "' ubr.. tm rs \f' n " :X fPel"'· ~-s. Wi\ • chil-t"44er e1 rc::c. u••mr ... to Rll tlda WIIIIL Qab-... ....st295 ~ .-, needed. HA 2892-R.. ~;:r{ ont• or ffll1rl' f'Ou·mf'm ·r d USQrted. yachting en--.riL ..• tWtllkll Hal ••'?l'ell'r '47 .MERCURY ~a ~ FOR RENT-2-bdrm. ""'furnished · anticipate thP raoe wtlh ... ..._ Aatlcll& t.-k Mee. in -· ro :_ ~t.hus.ium and recall the .. _ ~ ...,.. U.... and home. Yrl.r rental $70. month. R n.E:\1 CD~t: J n<> lR to th glow or plus-1'he marked chan~ in Ensena .... lmmaailate. Olllr -----11085 HArbor 1037. July 31 Ut'IUAt-' J..bdrm .. 2-bath !' ,.,~ ,. l nt..s and t.noe tN! fint race is notabte. !lilfi=~~====iiiiE '49 FORDs-s ol ..._ priced to DESIRABLE SUMMER rental: 6-~~~· \~Pw ~~n;;~;.: tJlock from :m:~-e t.;l~c ':.,, stOod Bn s;bt n tourist spo~ f~ Rl1 today. bclnn. home on Oceen Blvd., "'='="'~=-=-==· = Aruvr ~J ·why tht!'Y can't possibly taonal ln det>h;n. have '50 Ji'OilDS-...4 f11 -. Here Is COM. $2.000 Lor summer~ WANTED"# a flk t-to;> d<"Sk.-~t-ne -but It's clear as a long tbe tx>autifuJ "hlte beaohes. a Clhuee to Ill a MUty new HArbar 1017. ab~ for o;nl ·'!'an·s us~>. Th"? n ~f ·u;.wa d(' TOO<Js San-1"hc old<>T Casa del Sol Hll ~s car at a bl& •wlnlp." FOR SALE _ La_~e IDOdel pa RQbios. 21J6 ~.ewJ)C')rt Bhd .. "\; t only a wr•ll c:mundro ltne rood and uaclous ho P•tal.ity 1 40 ...,.,_u _..,_ ~--.D11L 2 B . HArbor MO. . ...,....., .a--<m't hwP a ~clOd W<• lmrf'd lunchl ndwith BunstPT • ....... Lnl,.ATIONAL tnldl... ._ ... , ..--.... -. a.d. IIePa· HOUSE FOR R~ s: 2 ..,,.... UUY ('r•~>lY B11lboa I a \)(tCJ~lJ~r. only ~---.. .. ........ 295 ~~~~ • *· I ........__ · .; wnmer. "''''did thf' nroblP rh ot ell· ring • ""~ ~wr eba.ln~Aplastic ............. 2 b th . 1 l AH)(:adcJ. r \\'at<'h. '"'" ,. m ~'" r> tr•r-._ tt hrou"h • ...; •ad ~t· xt-Extra ~ aD:laucl U ,._. COYftS, lillie new, SB.;MJ eedt. COM H.\roor 1549-W. a ""UC' Jlatt l rnan untror-tt '", --~in It a _,__ •.a• 'G. •• u .a......_ -.. . t"' tt ( • I.O!r.l> .--.-..-._. --. \\il» I• It t,. I ntt •nu• • r: , ,, , "' JA ft• ,.•a \.1th •hi> or '47 model. • • • ....._, more FOR SAT F-'if Ford Deluxe~-. to ct.oc.e rrc.. • • • No ,_._ RAil. o'drtw, nyloD -t CIO\'en, onabk! offft' ~ • aay car ~-CIOOd. keU. HA 1145. on our lot. PEIUIANENT etriPiOilee. Balboa Island. wanta Island 2-bdnn. hou8e or ept., yearly, rcas. Hu- bor 2321; HArbor 1120-W aft :r 1 6~30 p.m. FOR SALE-Bendix auto. washer, ~.. or trade for bed dlvan.l Deal'bom drcu. gu heater, 20,- 000 BTU. BEacon 5019-J. WANT~ in CDM. A few houn eYft')' Sat. Ph. HAr- bor Z177-.J afte.r 6 p. m. REFINED white lady wishes work by the day. Will do prac. nurs- ing, twewk., or baby sitting. BE 6917-W or BE 6128-J. YEARLY RENTAL,-2-bdrm. fur- nished apt. 700 HeUot~. COM. HA 2925-.J .. ~ YEARLY R ENTAL -Att:roctive fum. small studio apt., moderate rent. 710 Man gold, CDM. HA 3025-W. FOR SALE-9xl2 Domt'Stlc oraen- tal Gullstan rug w tth pad R.ed maple breakfa:st t with 4 chairs. 512% Narcissus, C'DM HA 1937-W even.inJ:S. FURN. API'S. tor reat. See Lou-NEW LOCA'nON ! ise apta. finl Dbla. lc singles, 1i .... overlooldn& Bay. 308 Cam&· Wll'l filii tion CDK. NOTICE to-iiii~tll--le'J_n_: -:;Let~-:-:--~be= usm MARINE GEAR )'OUI' baby litter Gil Sat11ir'day af. New.ticM o.-etto.-U-t N.t temoons from 2 to~m. Spe--• ~ IUY SClA, t-4ETALS • c::ial aliow f« au ~ Port ""' Theatre, Colona clllllar. Near Ice Ho\1118 on 30th COMPLETE fiOUStdJ:AN'ING "'-HM-2410, He...-+ ... ell Furniture & Rug lbunpool.ng, etc. • OPEN SUNDAYS • Work guaratteed.. Beaeon 6111. --=FtJ=a~N~=1r=ua==~:~a~EJ=ro=a~A::-:TI=o::-:N::­Al'a House uld Window Oean- !.ng Servi~. ebair bottoms restored using cme, ~LO-eS"!::T~I~n.;=-:CDM=-=-=--.-:-bou-t~2=--wee--=-ks-rush. reed.. etc..-Free Estimnte. ago: horn4mmed ~ ln RAil~ cate. BE 5&3f.R. . FUB.N1Tt11t.E REPAIR KEYS -Madt while )'OU walt. !050 Sulta Aea Av~ .. CGAb Me TommY'• ~ F on omce. Block. Corona del M.ar. _____ B_I'.acola ___ I_LS_S_-J ___ _ FOR RENT unny fum. baChelor FO~ SALE-Dbl. tx-d innl'r.,prlll apt P l"iv. mt., prlv. bath. Inq. a nd mattress. Just !Jke new! -415 CDM,.... ?Vw.---;:~H:-::A:-;-;rbo~r-;:264;----,;:.-o.:--:-:;-;;:-:--:~---:-: :a. F OR "'ALE-Recond. &ndix auto 1 Dependable PlumhiDg A Prompt RepaJr Service Maintained ...._.,.,... ••11-w ... Balboa -~ .... !fewpert ..... PAINTING EarlSMiin !'7S PalnH-r t. -()Mia llela BFM!ee 1117-· RUG & UPHOLStERY CLEARING .. On ..... • Work o..na-. MOOD!' Dft'lal01t8 Cllll IIArtJor 11M for ~te !16 Oout ~ c.-del liar EVDITniiNG FOR YOUR TRAILER We fill lvttlle ~ ~M Tenb Orange Coa.t Trailer SUPPLY 1910 HAIIOa ll.VD. Cotte Mew "'-..._ 6224-ll SNAPDRAGONS Sleek& Dowers tiy Morri Baltl.e ...... le"- HM. 2070 washers. 90-d.ay s::uarante HAt bor 5505. I W'E hav(' " [f w USED REFRIGERATORS Wondl'rful cond .. guaran tN'd G-F. and Westingho~. HA 5505 SUMMER RENTALS L1do Isle; Bay F ront units. 1-& 2-bdrm. prh·. beach, $70 up. HA 25.'>2. E\·es: HA 2914-M THE NEEDLEPO~R Y a r n Shop has a wide ranr;e of colors and yarns for dresse and swt'at-j t'TS. Instructions free. 1201-C Coast Bh d .. Corona del Mar. WANTED to rent garagl', vlclrl- ity of 1st & F t'rnleaf, CDM. HArbor 0806-R. WILL TRADE 8-rt. car -top skiff, never usC'd, for girl's bike. Must be in ,:tood cond. HA 3222-J after 6 p.m. H ELP WANTED -Expr waitresS: Apply Snack Shop, 1619 Coast Blvd .• COM. F OR RENT Furn. rm. for work- ing couple or lady. Kitch. priv. HArbor 3121-M. FOR SALE Table model RCA Victor 10" television & antenna. HArbor 3121-M. FOR S ALE-'47 Kaiser by orlg. owner . Any offer over $600 con- s idered. HA 04.94 or 5C.'e at 231 Driftwood Rd., Shore Cliffs. 1 FOR SALE-Keel-type Snowbird. Roomy, safe for child. HA 3265. 2-CAR GARAGE for rent, reas. 713 Iris, COM. HA 2892-R. FOR SALE -Good ll8ed Royal portable typewriter, deluxe mod. ror only $35. Stanley Hadfteld, Realtor, 216 Marine, B. L HA 20 FURNITURE for a le. Twin or bunk beds with spreads and bu- reau, maple fin., pe.tlo set with cushions, o'stuffed couch., ehaJr Dumont TELEVISION ~ 2 j ' B" .L T -•• r the IIOOKVIU.I lty DU MONT -.. -1 R· · ''b~1 ,. ·· o,... .... ,... · · ~""'or.so'te ,-dAV \; J ••• ':=4~'•] \,_., •• At Your Fat~orite Appliance Dealer EXPERT. T~V SERVICE witn ottoman. etc. 1306 Cove St., .,.....,._ ____ lliiiiiiiii~ China Cove. COM. HA 3147·R evenings & Sunct.y. LADY WANTED to take o~r \'St. Avon territory, Balboa Ial&nd. Wrtte Box 7, La Mirada, Calif. FOR SAL New lhlp-to-shoft n · dlo, Radia phone, IIIOdel No. 25, 6-watt with aerial, $120. Call HA 2219-M before I p.m . ews. HA lOU·R. .... Uw matkal lllt "Rhythm hm" OXISG 800~ '1 Was a Communist 1cx the nr· . . .. 'l.A.8T COJUIA.'iDM.E..'"T "The Last Great Command· ment" wiU 1M! the the~ of the sf'rmon by Pastor Herbert C. Roth at the 11 o'clock wor hlp senice S unda) at the Newport Harbor Luth<'ran Church. The st>rmon text I" taken from the last words of tb Sa\ior to His disciples before H e a. cended mto hea\-"en as recorded In St. Maltt\t'\\ 28:16-20. This m ming Sunday marks th<' b<'gi.n· run~t of the Trinaty season. 1 Sunday School meets at 9 :30 a. m. The Adult Bible Cia . ta~ht by Pastor Roth, meet at this l>artW hour and "iU stud.) the 14th y In oblt-n-ance oJ Trinity Sun· day, Rev. Paul Edward Babbitt, minister of the C o m m u n 1 t y ~urch of Corona del Mar, wlU UR a.s hll subject at both the 9:45a.m. and the 11 a.m. SE>rvices. "Can We Know God!" He wi U show that knowledge is gained, not only by ~h ing informa Uon and by way of t>Xploration, but also by insight and by inference. The Chapel choir will sing '"Ttte Lord Is My Shepherd" by Koscbat in the 9:45 a.m. &er\ice: and the C b an c e I choir w:IU sing "To Thee, 0 Dear, Dear Sa\'iour," by Men<k>Lssohn in the 11 a.m. sen·ice. Joillin~ Church Sunday were: -------------1 chapt('r of th<' Gos!><"laccordrn~ to Saint r.\atthew thi Sunday Mrs Clifford GeJThan and Mrs. Jane German Turnham; Mr. and Mrs Arthur H. Mat;ill : Mr. and Mrs. KPnneth D. WciJs and sons KE'nn<'th D. ll and Richard James: . ont. ~un. '!:SO EDWARD G RObiN~ l=" PEGGY n ',t)fl:\'~ ·~ration X" -Aitd- Dan Dur)ea.-Gale Sto.nn AI Jcmninp __ "OKLAHOMA" ATrRDAl' L \. T DAY! OORJ DAY GENE :-lELSO.~ ''LUI.UBY OF IROIDWIY" T t' C' h D I C' o I v r · ''FAREWELL TO YF.STERDA Y" !il("~.·Tt"t:'-. Cont. !i\un. !:SO "TTE THIIG" WIUJtiPEII All New 1151 Patt.,. 611 Co..+ Hiqhwey Newpoti ..... 0,.... Nights • • Stln. 10 e.m. • 4 P·"'· Wallace CaLhrhead -JEWElER- 8 I 7 Coett I!Yd. COlONA DR. MAl . . .. , EBMOS' OS LO\-.: Fredf'rick Mack and Elizabeth Ruth Sht~nnon. S<>rmon for St. Andr<'"'' P..r~? b' • terian Church, N<>wport JIPrlthis. ~ JJaptisC'd ~unda) \\ Pt't' Bruce on Sunda\' ,,;)1 ~ ~?ntitlt'd.. "Lon• Enm. "On of Rruce Orman and ~<'\<'r Fail ." T<'>.l is from I Cor· )fary Ann C'I"O"s Youns:: Frederick inthalln 1~:13, "And no" abidt>th ' ~18('k and f.hz:;ll<'th Ruth Shan· farth. hope• and 10\<'. thr'-«' thl'('(' non and 1 hf" J.:r<'a !t •s 1 of t h••<;(· '' lo' P " • • !'r lal mu"ic for both 9 Jfl and 11 .\ HOI.\' Rt'I.EIC n m <:('a•>iC't'. "Ill tw a du<t b' "Tiw World if Jt'Su.o; Christ !\Ian G1b<;on, c;oprano. and NPlli't-j \\'t•l"(' Km · "111 bt• R(•\ Harry C'hri!-ti••. t'\mtr:alao ·n"" &·a uli-\\'hst••'<; ,, 1 mun ~ubjt'<'t.for Sunday ful l"pon the ~1ourrtarn .. · ,,, tlu r><tlbo:t l~lanrt Communit) • • • \t••l hndrst C~ un h HI'IPn and Gil· ~I'E.\K. TO~tORRO\\ F.ldc;>r Char)(':-~lartir m••"ion- at y \Oiunt<'t'r s•~n·tan Clf thr SouthPast<'rn Conf<'l"('ll~' w i 11 "Pf"8 k R t i . 1:J p m 1 omorrow 1 Fri- <Sa:-I at the &>wnth-Day Adn •nt· i.U Church an ~~·port Heights. it i announet>d by :\1rs. Virginia Pern . 1()('81 mis lon&ry 'olunteer leader. h• 1 A1l 1 ""t :-rnr.: , durt , · <I Thou \\'hn 1-~" <·<: \1••" b:- "'rhm 't'k<·a at 1 hr moraunc M n I <'I.'. Not only "HI they compt>t<' to ho"' whach is the best nautical Girl Scout group in Southern~ fomia. but the .Mariner's of Ship Nata.d of Newport Harbor will also ha\·e co-rt>Sponsibilit:y for the spir· itua.l service, Scouts' Own, to be pre!Wntt'd next Sunday morning after the Gam. The Sabbath School, w hi c h meet at 9·30 a. m. Saturday un· ~r the direction or Dr. c. L. Smith. invites all friends and rela· tht>s to "i it the different depart· nl('nts, adult. junior, primary and ki.ndt'I'Jt&rten. to set> how the claSSei> are conducte-d and to listen '10 thf> lessons. which this quartt'r I art> on ''The Finishln,;: of tbt> Work" Th£> Dorcas "oca4'1} will me<>t ""'' Thun;da). Ma) 24, at the hom(' of ~tr . Ethel Stauch. 316 \1ari!!old Ave. Corona dt>l Mar. for a pot-luck luncheon. COMPLETE SELECTION FT .. EI~IIER * YARNS * lr r •cr<o--f·• shoi'CJ H~. 10 to S Biz-Mart Knit Shoppe 813 E. lelbH IJ.,d., lelboe, HA 077 lt4G4N'~ Your Fa.mlly Rata\U'ant (~~) lUI o.uta... r lMe eor-del Gene's Place Ordt>r :rou.r PIZZA ben! t'OOR BEER-DR.AFI' BIZ& .,. ()out Be...,.. OoreM del llu BA 1111 Tile Gam i a competitive meet for Mariner Scouts to be held t.h1s wC'<'k-end ln Santa Monica. l t lS an :.mnUHJ event. Last year ship :"\aaad placed third among the 400 girl taking pa.t·t in the compcU· Uon. Harbor gu-ls han• been prac- tiCJng for weeks fol' Satu.rda}''S m('('t, which will rncJude knot t) • ing. splicmg, semaphore reading, compass boxing, bell time, bandag· inJ:t, idPntification of boats. life ·sa\ an~. swimming and boat racefl On Saturday evPning a banquet for the Mariners \,itJ be given at Lincoln Junior High Scllool, where the~ wdl C$mp on the school ~unds for the.> night. Presenta· tion of Sunday morning's spiritual ser\'ioes will be shared by Newport and Ship Surpri~ or Los Angeles. Play day will follow Sunday mom· ing's service . Several regional oUiclals will be preSE>nt for the Ce.m. Newport Harbor will be rt'presented by Mrs. Everett Nunan, Girl Scout Commissioner. and Mrs. Ted Ham· brook, kipper of S hip Naiad; Mrs. Kenne th Starege, first mate: and Mrs. 0 . G. Suess, second mate. Dates for the Girl Srout confer- <>nce to be held at Asilomar, begin· ning next Thursday, May 24, were announced at the regular monthly board meeting held recently at the Girl Seoul J louse in Newport. :Mrs. Everett Nunan. commissioner, and Mrs. Esther Chapman wiU attend The board expressed thanks to Ray Midda ugh for making the bookshelves in the Scout office and for hi work on the barbecue. A first grade mother-meeting wu .held this month at the Srout House. Mrs. T <'d Hambrook was the speaker. FlltST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST JJOl Vie I.Wo, ,...,_. ... ch A bra11ch of The Mother Church, The Fint Church of Christ, Scientist, in los· ton, Meuechusetts. • Sundey School _ .. 9:15 o.m. Sundey Serviee .. ..I I :00 e.m. W.dnflefey, Evening tnMtinq .. 1:00 P·"'· lteedir11~ Room located et Ill 'elm St., lelboe, i1 open daily fi'Oift 12 !100ft to 5 p.m. except Sundays end holideys nationelly ob1erved. The public: is eordielly invited to at- tend the church tervices end usa the RMdin9 Room. ' EVERY· DAY DIRECT FBOM Factory-to-loa! It Will Pay You to Dri•e A Few Miles! You1l SaYe Mciny Dollars! ALE! 1000 PArR MEN'S Flae Slaclcs Re~. 7.95 w %!.M 595 r 1495 Pr.rfecll~· ta~ored •c.-u ln nne all "'ool ~ pbardlaes. Ahartcl!lldns. ,....__.. t.1U p · .,.,.._., ray•· -"~ wool aad rayoa pba.rcllnes. All <'Oion.. lr.H !8 to 50. LA C ilPl ALSO MADE TO ORDER ... ,. Rec· !M to IU6 199 to 495 Ia p~Nm~inf'8. tln~bam.&. Ua· elt8. ray...._ 101td <'Oio~ ud prieta. Lollg or •bort ~\'M. AD llr..eo< and t'olor . GABARDINE JACK£1'5 Reg. 10.95 695 Gahardint> LEISURE COATS Fally Lined Req. 15.95 1C)95 DENIM SLACKS AND JACKEl'S Req. 5.00 Ea. J85 GENUINE SUEDE JACUTS fAK aec. so.oo .,-- 100% W(M)l SPORT COATS Reg. ,995 30.00 to to 40.00 2495 OUR FACTORY Factory -to -You Req. 8.95 to 49.95 J\t'SuUful prln~r t'luJu lD aD "ool, shM>n pbardln«-. hark· 111kla s, sh8atun~ • uyoa p~ bo.rdlaf's, men's .-·ear ebeck11 In f . S· and 4-pc. styiH. All colors. SlrA'A 1 0 to 18 ncl 141', toUt z· Req. 4.15 Valu• Gay, aolorfal prtata2IA Ia fall circle oo«-.-7 tlldrta. N.u. 10 to tL A TDUtiFIC BUY! Rt>tt. 8.9:> to lO.t 5 Llnea11, plqu~. c.-b.~tm· braya In a ho"t qf bea.utlfal styiH and C'olora. All lirA'S. Rt>~. 6.U to 29.~5 All wool sht'1•n l(l'bar· 465 dines. fta.nnel•. 8haa-8, ftf'N'f'lll, plAids, ra~on to l'h!"f'D Jt&bardlnt•'l •• AU 2145 color,. 1nd style11. ~ JO to lA aad sa to M. Rf'lf. 2.00 to s.t & Lon~t or short slt"t'VM Ill cr .. JM'S, !lbe .. rs, cot ... toaa, White and col· ors. ~luc 3% to 38 ..... to«. Lah' Slacla IC~. 6.16 to l .t :S Perfectly t • II o r e d 415 sladcs hi p._,...laH. .. _ ~ .. na..eh. .... AI~ 10 to %0 aad 635 18 to« . Funds Raised ~ r.= ... ':..:r ft~ For Brownies ~. and • c::hanlle in the ""'"*"' tJMolr ~ 8PPU· f!lreCUthre board took pia~ wltb anees party held Tbt.nday, )by Mrs. E. M. H~ bec:lombc JO at the ~ of Mrs.. BI"'OOC treasurer and XrL H. K. AJlea Ho)1 on Miramar Dr .• Balboe. ~clenL Mrs. Allen Is plu-mo\.hll'n o1 B~ of l'roop 7 nbta futun;o Jli'OCJ1UJ1S, W"bic:6 in.-ralJI'd 12 that \4ill s:o t~'al'd elude a mo\1~ about !mws and t.be girl$' acti¥'it ~xt )~. ~-£\ t"J')' •timan pt'eS('nt at t 1be club bad an inlomu.J picnic: perty rt"'!"t\f'd a small mat:Dif>in& hmcheon lut Thunday at O'Neil ~ that foadl cSfocide4 to ch .. the Park in Trabuco Canyon •i lh 20 Bro..'tll to u.. in .orne tudy. preeenL Next rezu1ar meetina Troop 7 nvt Mar and r~ wUl be Friday, May 25. Uwir ~tocher's Da>· p!aqoPS At th4a ta) 1 ln('("(tn~. Donna J~ WhJ1t> of Balboa \4"U ho5l and · tht iUMJ" th t:irl \41th roo ~ n' ' . ~vrdin~ to th" mm~ I..::J n m • R {)\\lln of Lido bl<> w in \• ltd'"'" ttw BrrrAnir'll: r In-- CV>t\•".J t r ' 11 OPELLP.:8. BUVE.-.v K.El't"L-. Mr. and Mn. WiJUam ()plille, 187 Shore CUff Rd., hol't' OiHs.. and Mr And 'ln . Waltt-r Blh~. 1U4 Oor"ftn Bt,·d C.orot del Mar, are at ht•m -. · un "' ,.r " w""'k'o; molt)J trrp to :\onh(>m Cahforni~t L EGAL N OTICE - ' •. \-!117" .n •wan,, r \' u oa t nt.J. f .... .u u.J ... IIf\;t, Sf.w ... a• u•t:n -----,~~ . • I • ., IAA'E ~ ter S... ..... a ~ luekllesa, .landJoekf'd t.aul t ~ll ~und •'ben the stattin • t:un off to a>nd tht' boe u on the •'&Y o ~dill DO doubt \\-ondt!r •11) 'JlP("I"S, ~'5, \4i\' • chil- dren and ned >'8chunc en-thUS~ ant.tcipalt' thP net' \4tth fP\'t'ri.sh nthusiasm and n>aall the .,.,,·ent wtlh a .,-ann 2\ow of pk-u- ant memories. Part rcipanta and ~Pf'C'{a t ora ha\-e t:IM>r r ov.n r.oud f'N.SCft wby tht>y can't Pfl"lbh ta} hom . bu at" c:J<>ar a ·~ •••~ of Baru• d.-Todos :;;an. ln'l that only a \\ .. u a....,...•und•td mt an•hMP" dof>._-n't ha \ • a J::<ot)d •amt• \118 tl.t• f!NJ"'"'-"' Hu:fl\\ '· En ~ulf• thr :t \'J ted Mrs 1 i(W"ll••'s QStt-r. M~ 1'1 ;nt I. W• bb In Rcddrnr \' O.S I OJ c.t.'f.fl \1. ( IU· .. hrrid;: " I 1 t .. v • < \ l .o.\TIH'" ISU " d t>~ut._ u ·u .. •lu;: that llnr LEGAL NOTICE In,,.._ "uv-·rJ.,r t ~ourc "' lh· ''•'•' ••• •"h• ::1t tbl' ... u .. r .. 1\ u~• NOTIC f~ UF EXP TED •If ('dllfurnht ln •nd fur "'" m '"' ••I 11 t>m ha" tlllfi•·ull' IGNM'ENT OF.\~ AC<'O ST I f ounh uf Ur'tlnt:" tJ, ..,rtnt:; th~> .. ts rtlnt ~un \\ ,. OR ('Ol.,'T I In th•· !•· '' r ,, TIJE !-.:".: .;:r,:o-; "fH·t":fut("" tl.-:tr it. hut h ",. ""' • ~OU<'t' I~ hl"rt-lty l(hf'a by V. a nt·\\'1'· I" r ut ~(n••ral drt'IJ1li· c•wn f)t'C11ll brund f•f lru trntion LA WR.ENCE O~GARA and J EWEL hun If our ht-~rt'l arf' CvtJou In~ ""' C. O'GARA, dba LARRY O'GARA 1 F.n ... um b~ it .. djtor and uf tb .. bu..at.._ t'al.-"'" ,.ou .,..t- OOMPANY hercln d81~ted u pubh lwr. At\l"t E. Haa pa. ha,m,. bt~ pow-e!rlaC <>trt u. .. """) and the Auignor. w~ chief place ftlc>d h I'Pio a ' nfJt'd JX>till• n to ma.kl..-MO. you flad It ci.Lff'k-ult or buant'ss within t.M Sta~ of haH• tt.s tandintt u a 114'\\~()P.r to -..ot ~ a p.ltl Ia UtP mP1M> Ca.llfomla Is 1111 Ana.brim A\-e •.• of J.Tt'tlcral cireulat.lon ~t&Jnt.>d at taw-~ C.O.ta M.eu, Calif.,_ and by NEW· and establisbed acc:ardina to law. All th wa~ down thtt coa t " PORT HARBOR BANK. eoron. and said priitlon eomtng on regu--del liar, Callf., Mmn ctes\cna.ted larl) for hee.l"'..g in l)eopanment 1 watchro for saJJ!; but t htS 'l'ar ~ ~gnet". whow chief pta~ of of thto abo\' mlltlt'd court. Don· pottro noo until \\P ""r,. almost bu.lnes. within the S tate of Call-aid D Haf"'·ood appeanm; u at-at Ensenada It · aJwa~ a long fo.mla '-505 Cout Highway Co-tornt>y for ~lllioner: and Ben 0 l...'U "\\hPthe-r you beat ~our boat I rona del .Mar, that the said As-Reddick ha,ing f11t>d herejn obj<roc-down or it bea · you. We ~ sed j signor expc>cta to auiCT .. an account tioru to th petition and Robert A "rorlt.t tht Yf'3r bc.'cau.o;t> thl"rc \\'<1~ ...,. Ea ri .._..h If f t h> l..to1!('fld a.H l>PCUrt>d \\ hi'n ~' t> 1 or aooount.s now exlstln~ or here-stman PP<"a ng on "'"' a 0 nounck-d thf' point for mrr ftrl't 1 ~ marked eha.ngE> in Em nada ce thP farst raOP notabll' Bndlt 0("\\ tounst po . lunc- ttonal in desit:n. ha\e> ~n built alon~ the beaut lful "hJt tx-a.ch . 7h<' olckt ca~ dtol ~1 till ha'> lltll' food and ~r&C"Iou. ... ho"l~•ta.l.it~ \\;• tvlto-d lunCh \\ltl HUn tPI • tl"'''~. B. 'I I bus 1 ,J ttld t~.,k'• 'It r. "r.•J tf1d th•• n()!)).-. Y•O r11 r:-11'11rlttl: •t • OO'tb •hrnu ~a t ..: tnd !\[, ,,. c: 11 (• •om<. I )llll I ' 1 I ld ~ f 1 '' 1 J ' l '' .. T;wl"" "untm. . th .. J,huuJ u tr F.n..~""nDdu. "·'"' \hf' n'''\ -.top rnr thP .lkc-t>ad. \\'\.' moorf'd ln llw mo~ .. hPIIPrN1 of thf' "''0 N.l\ M OTI thf' IPf'\\'a~ .. 1dt> or t~ lod:uuL ~-f'wport and h~>r 8&11- o,.., ".... W!'lt rf'prP nV·d a~ th .. boats l.bPrf'. ~. llarftol'~ x~~~~ "'i th u.~ Dldc T~~ 3board . • . Gf'ttf' Bolla'• r..c~ ~ta.~· . . . Doe ,\yrn' 8kytark .. Pf't.t> Jla~' IUU!Ie ••. Did( J)wyf'r'• Lady • • • ~ We-lls' UtU~ Dl~r ~~u Bod l..Aaclf".NI' Plf'ta.dP<~ • . • Oee of thf' ddHt taJt'tl of t.b .. t rip 'til'&§ t ha t of Lcmtt.J.. \'l.n~t. C'~ on t.bt> Plf>la.dP'I, who W ll"i satura~ t1on-<bombf'd b~· ll.& 111-tMD.~r~ ..,.a ).'"llll. after arising to the said Asaignee, th objPctor. and <''·tde-na> both '~~' of th•· bo>autiful b:t~ [Jrf, .I and that the [t"enera.l nature ol the oral and dcx'unlt'nta.ry ha\lrut bN'n •OJ: alnna: thtt watt>rf"•nt ro th(> bUsiness out of which such a.c· introdlJCf"d t.n upport of sa•d pt>tJ· l'l•'r w ... t'r t''~r.,onP gOMo In fUld odunts ari5e 1s manufact urer or Uon. and the matter ha\'lnlt bt'ol;>n ··•~ ro h ( '{on... t,u. ... b311ds and oo·-tt.., j.., •I-OUJ th•rd trip I (I \ 1-.•1 1he h ~ht· wood products. SuuuoJtt 10 1 C'Ourt or 11· (''\· \\11~-~'<ontw:.tn:: t~Pf'~'A".., rtll of I hnu.,..-k.-t>po r nl th(' C"nronados U· 'I'bis notice i.s ~hen punruant to ~atlon .,r trn-proof and d<'· ="•·\\por t ... ,.,_.m tv IJ" -.udli• nl~ m lrtt1d. ~1c~,t'\n t rr"\ r~ but jw:.t Sections 3017 to 3029, inclusive. or ctsron, f nv•nad.!! oft.,hore tr-.1m ::,an D1e~o harbor. the OvU Code of the State ol It appro.rs, and •h "?"" ftnd.·· ~. al an<i Ja'""lf• o~knAr \.,...... u.d a -.aLl hacK to 11 ~ ~an Dtf:'5;0 Calitomla • that thl" ub:ttanC't' ot s;ud JX'Itllon '"" .. ,, •· """ .._. h C b . · 9 95 has b<>o'f'l publistu>d for mor~> than 1-d \\llh C'atnf'ra . \\f'n• tht r.~r •"'~" r lu '" rl"llr ro tnms Dated. May : 1 1. 10 da) Ln ttw petilionin!!: ""''~-to I!IVP U' th~> ~ood wo rd that m~>ant that \\'t wen n,.arm.: lh~> LARRY OGARA COMPANY J)t'r to eth(>r \\lth notlet• (Jf hnw I.A".:Pnd was 12th bo&t '" \\'hf:'n i Pnd ol a J!ood ~um~~ Th<'·sailj Aafgnor and p lact> whl'n petitiorwr intPndPd , \\t' fCtund Chuck lrllman. h~>r hom<' was luxur) crwslmt ln "at'J!1 By V. LAWRENCE O'GARA to makP application to tht> court O\\ut'r; Carl Chapman. build r : "un and a pl!"asant wind · . · 1t By JEWEL C. O'GARA to ha\-t> said petition hPard and C'htp C)('ar), strOll!;! man on " \\A'-unlv th<>n hat \''" rPaJizl'd NEWPORT HARBOR BANK. detennin4>d and that proof of pub-"mch. and ~k.Jp Cal.kiru . d ·~er ; ~~~~t ~:~~~e:~a hea~! COMPLETE ntAVEL SEIYIC£ ..... dllll••• M61 &a-.q A.u .,o,.ned rop ... ser1otM fCI' t .. di .. g +h ... ,... •"d al1rac~evts V'._. Uclo, .... .,_. HA Or +'-e w_,.,,. .. ARE YOU A SMART SHOPPER? U •• dlea you·~ ~ .a- "' ) oa U11• lookmrt for a !lA~. 8u1 \\ h P.ft ,.OU ftM ..... lo ,...,. ree.JJ .,~ ••• -.. JOU lllmpl .... tJiKo --.w roe doa't .-peat (1ft oae IMIIC or &aother. lbktt <~UN' ~·oo.r IDOe~J' II ltE..\LL~ M\~ b~· petta.c • la&o . &\1aC'I Pro«nm ..... G'arrt'•t hJ(t\ dl\1cklftdll --~ .. s Pf't"Clell t. Make One Year's Income You r Savings Goal! A.-lgnee Ucation of M id petition and noti('t' ar·' H~_ .. mr"s ... ,e heard that t.hfo)·'d for -Se\t>n da'-s. :'\othin., lost and Corona ~~ Mar Calif has bt>t>n duJ) mad •. a nd tnf(;u•-u behind Don Ayres S kr· .J .. · · It further appearing that tht> 1 rk. fil"$t boat in W(> heard. too, :o~nl~)~· ~:_th_e __ co_mr_o_r_ta-bl_e_m __ m_o_t'n!S_.~).!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!~!!!!~~ By JAMES T. VAN DYKE court nx.MJ ttl<-101h day of M.a). about the-ban~p fii'Ush between earned. PraicleDt. 1951. at 10 .00 a. m. in Depart-~ Sky\a.rk and the t '. S. ~a .. -y entry Publilb: .lllay J7, 1951 ment 1 then'Of as the Htnc> and Sa.Juda Hussong's Cantina al· ID the Newport Ha.rtaor Owlp. pla~ of 5UCh hearing. and the w-a~ • on t.he ract' wE"ek"'<'nds e-blh rTUltter conu.n" Qf\ regular!} to be and flows liktt tbe tJdt> ... also heard at aid time: and hke the wmds for tilE' race. Oat It furt.her appearing and the calm emf' motJ)(>ll1 and major or court hcn>by flods that '"niP En-mjnor hurTicanc> the next It's a ign" has bM'n established. printed fmc> hroth of a cantina ' • ............... 0..0.... .................. a ............... .......... s.-- HOUSI I GAIDEN .. ,c....._. .. and publiAht'd Wt't'kly in the Oty Pr~ta.tJoe of tropltiM Is All of N~·por1 Bf-ach: Co':'nty of Or-lmp,.Mhe «.N'IDOil!'· Th.-(:ood ange. tatf' or C'allforma f~r more l'llbA'tl!J aacl otnclaJ of ~·­ than on y!'ar nt·xt ~c th!' ucb a rt" W'f'U rf'prfWII'" arf' ~II' of fil.tn~ th(> pe~hon ; that lt tbu""• of ~·ewport. Ou.r ••. . tS. a O.,'W'SJ)apt>r pubh ht'd for th(' Xa\~' llllH doH a sUrrfll~ l"t"Ddl· ~ mmatton of l~l !lJ1d tel(>-uoa of lhf' Kf'~ utht"'D a~~cl .rraphtc 0("\\ and tntl'lligenC't' of ttw o(ur ~ ~r. Tllf' a j:!Cneral char~ct~r and has ~I roll or tl.h> t!.....,...f'C thltl ~· .. ar !>oM ftd t> ut>scnp uon list or pa)-""" Oo(l thu.d("t'·OU!J tlult f'\f'r y-~n~ sub«Ttlx'rs: and the cow;t be-oa•· ln()lcf'd ap f'X~ to fiiH a 0P" NtMI _ .. s..~e,. 10 •-"'· t. 4 p.m. m~ Cui~ adv~~~n the prem~. li~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i IT Jt;; H EREBY ORDERED. ADJI 'J )r.1 :0 AND DECREED that '"'nlf> Elll\11.,"11" IS ht>rt'b}' dt•t('r· ~ ~ ·:..,. mined und d('(')' rf'd to bP a ,\,\\ .,. ~11 papt•r ttl l!t'n('ral drrula1ton ~' • Dun• Ill np; n ("()UII till:-14th d'~ I !1 ,, 7 / -/ of ~1a~. 1%1 '\: IS EA I • FlL\ :\' K 1.1 :-; c; WFST .ludl'" nf thP ~----~ SuJ)('rJOr Court \ ---_ ref' I ~-opy of t ht• ortt_'lnal on file WHEN IN BALBOA, VISIT THE T'lt tor,..:mm: tn. ... trumt'nt 1s t''nr-~'1• All··~· •.t·n II \~'\I • I in I'll' r;ffiC't• '\ ~ Ho~'IEY 'OANS B . .r.~MTTI I l.YI. 'L Count\ C"il·rk And Clo•rk of tht> Oceaa Trip OD ttl~ Bay ~ IIW IPEI EYEIY WEEI·EID Low '"REDUCING" IDtereat Rate. Low Monthly Payments * We offer you the facilities of the Largest Federal Savings Association ·in Orang~ County Yo.'11 flo "' c0f'41el ......_. le """"' ,.., ...... Superior rourt in and for th(' ~ <"'curl. , 1 1 )ran...:t• .. .;;tlllo• uf Call-~ 'RoUIId tbt> Bay Exea.nloa f (ll'fll"l. ~~ 1 ":~ ~~' ~, ~~f1GER Ot>puty. --Entertainment few AU at the FUN ZONE, Balboa in t 1<' ~~~~.rt li~~bo,~r~f~:t~t~i:~"~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!~~~~!!~~~~~!!~~~!!~~~~~~~!!~ with your GE Dealer for the Harbor Area 516 Beach BEacon for Free Appraisal and Gift * , " rre• lte aDa~ 11. To Our Cuatomen ...... ,.~ID".Il ~ ror reliable PM!~ lc Pa(X'rhanpon 111111 PIIIT IWIU.PIPEI 21t Co.tt N . HAIW Jlaa COlONA DlL WAl 111111 ···-Ci. 1101 Coni Hwy. Colo"• del ~., 6£NU~l CONTlACTOl S HArbOt 1656 D£C ORATI NG IIF.a~n MU 27 4 E. 19th Street ('O&la MeM Gf'Df"nl ConlnA"tor Di stinctive H omes " Deaa A. Kephart Gfltffal Contractor Oflleto: ~10 3 1st t.. Newport Beach. l&etll~: US': Ot'Paa lllvd.. Balboa. • FIS'E • Ph. HArbor 11~ K.\rltor 1~ CUSTOM BUU. T FURNITURE CORONA CRAFT 1301 I C'oatlt Rhd., Cor oa a dc•l )f. r BEacon 6547 Se"·port Bh d., ('Uiiita Mesa Oran~re J83S -Kl 11S6 ~En A. ROGERS riling Deaclline Near For Vet's Exemption Local \<'lt>rans nre ur~ed to CUe lmrn<'diai<'IY for tht>ir constitu· tlonal tax cxemphon on $1 ,000 worth or p~ty in order to avoid tlw last minutt> rush. [)c>ad· line i., Monda~. May 28. Th<' I'Xf?omption io; authorized ror \f'>lrrans tJwmnR not mort' than of AD Kinds FLAGSTONE PATIOS BLOCK WAllS --·--• FREE Dri'IIIATDI • Bruns & Marsac PLIIIIII c--..... Water Reaten ..... YOO WA..'Il'T A llfiCW HOllE lltJILT er YOCII P&E8D'T IIOIIE a&. MODEIJ.Il;D" (WI f~[l LF. ~OTHER'~ U \ \' 01 SSF.R S!i,O()n worth (If fli'OJ')C'r1Y Local ~1 ' 1 • • ' 1 I 'l h ran!-nm r• m " 1 ht-11 c Xf'mp-~ --~ lttAifed • ro: A rm·. EhrE'. man. 406 • lion ~Y :tpph •n~· at II t• tax offie<> "...,. - Cluhholl"-<', . !';pwnort. and hPr ;~t~Ci~t~\~J~J:a~ll-· ---=:::====~~SOS~~a.~.-~i~e~A~v~e~ .. ~c--.~~~,_.~·~.,._~, ~ dllu o!ht• r l-Int'-" '-'f'r\'Mi Moth{'r'" • • _ O;n dlnn<·r ,,, Mr<~. Nellie.' Jo:hrp.,. m·u• 111d \1 r and ~~ r J e" .... P:l\ n~> from Pomona RU\'t:'\'Q I S 1,\~ADF.N.\ Mr and Mrs \\'<tiiPr M. Rli\1 n 111 t (l<'f'an Rh d . C'ornna del Mor. ~rx·nt \1othC'r's na~ an Pasttd<'nrt \lith :'vtrs RIIH'n':-; mothf'r. Mrs. Tam R~ht>r H OO!-IJI.;Jt <aTJo;ST"< (;u£"''" from Jndianapolis. Mr I and Mr~;. lA>I'O~ Callahan. have bN>n \isitin~ at tlw homl:' or M rs. and Mrl>. William K<'ndall. 505 Acaeia A\1' Corona del Ma r. BOOK ~E<'TIOl'\ I V'lrgtnla Cal> I lc pr~<'nt~ 1 he book rP\ '"'' for EbeU Book &-<'· GOO Coa11t &nil'\ urd HARBOR DRAFTING SERVICE IIArbor l.W'7 Corona drl MAr, OaUf6mla HANSoN·s HADE &I Ll OLEUM Linoleum F loors -Asphalt TUe Window Shades V netian Blinds Formica Drainboards ince 1939- 109 E. !lrcl, Oo.ta H HL BE IlM-I on -'!"\in~ F:nttr<' Harbor Arr:t for On r 30 Years • 1 ann I. "hirh met a I lh£' club· hou."<' fm 11·a last Thur-;da). Jlos· sew 1: Rf:M not;l U~ct l f'S~f \\I'll' Mr .. Marshall Kc-elf'r. JU'"TLDl~O CO~R "C'TOJt SAT. a 105 SUII.9to I 1641 Coa<.t lll"hwn) 1'\('wport B.-A('h Mr' \\'arrrn ~essing. Mrs. liar· i=~~~~~iB~Y.:~:c<:m:6634hl:iiii•~iJIAiiirih~ori'!~Gas-~~~=~~~~~~ old \\'olci' n t ,, r~ and Mrs. F . E. _ I R<'inhold Mod•rn Pow•r Tool, fN ~ewu & Sin~ Stoppaqet (,nln~t on \' ••·•tiun ,Junto It -.fol~ I Le . B BlUC 0 '\' I\)!6J WJS OSS :; J 9 liMl. '\' f'\\"Pflr1 Rt•a('h I t,()('AI. \'I""ITOK~ ThE' Herbt>rt M Fords, 213 Grand Canal. Ralboa Jslanci w<'rt' ('(:rtainly Rntic•patinJ.: thl' arri- val of M t"\ Ford's slstrr and broth<'r-ln-J:m. Mr. Rnd Mro;. Lo- rain fiaum of Nt'v. Jrrs('y last \\I k•l nd tll('Jr fu•st mr'(>tJng in 1 ) (lflM-;, Th<' Baum~ wt•r,. rPt urmng from Ha\\a u naur.thlt>l' Daryl Ford had ne,rr ~·.-n hrr aunt and uncJe I Thl'y will bt> hrrl' for two week and hoP<' to CHich SOmf' fish. 1 F1oor Coverln~ -Dnblboar&! · Asphalt Tile -Rubber Tik> Formica -Unoleum 'nle JJARLTIIS' L~~:o~ ':tiJ -.; 1'7tlt 8t. CJotlta .... RI'!AOON l!lt-W 22 Yeart In Oran~ County Industrial -Commercial & Residential Wiring LAKDAK-R ~IUC EJ..ctl'k'al (lOft tractor Emign Clasalned ads have been 1!04 t'tMU•t .Boalenrd ~ostaMesa LUMBER -BUILDING MATERIALS BEaeoe 50U a proven means o! rt>achlng buyen J ~~~~~ for all sorts or merchanc!Jse Sf' them! Phone Harbor 1 Ul. SOLID CITIZENS VO TE Register NOW at Ctty Hall ln t he Harbor Area Since 1930 New Construction -R~Wng W ~r Jleatcrs Floor Furnaces rnstalled • • • Free Eatimates •. •. --.. Civic lnt.er8t u wti.l u boaeiNM ~ to call HArbor 1155.1. ol ~ orpni.lat.iola lwpt a la.rp lnterutlnc facta llDCI fi~ on ...,._. L L l.ltM!ll hu pro-mH"tiDg ol the WomeD'a Ovk: o ty growth were brought out by .M their last !rh-oloua fling of tb I tbe week ol May 21st to Leacue. Corona del M:ar-~ City Oerk ~t. He dted two the seuon befoTe the ole W>hinat MD 1'7, • olftda1 "'eul U9 and Wand 8nDdl overtime Mooday funda.nwntals of the A!Mrican .,...y pole takes aU ot tbeir time, the ft6lt U. Week" In the cfty ol mom1ac at White's Park A~. ot Uf~. the right of the individual, Lacty AnJlers of Newport Ha..rbor Napat a-dL Cafe, Balbaa biMcL and the (aet that offioa.la are atapod their annual b.mcbeon-ca-,i~~ii~~~i~~ii~~ ftlil Naapwt Hanor a.unbft' Oty <::lertr a..r1es Priest wu elected and QPOint.ed to eerve and nasta-and ltY~ show part)' Jut ol C. oe II_...... all dU.. the main ~ ol the IDOI'Nac. not to domluate. Tbt-locaJ level ThW"Sddu-aft.emoon at the Balboa ill .. !leapott llartiar Area to and the t.bree c:andlclatee who wl1l Ia ~ the individual can do Bay a ub. = ate .. tllla P"GP'UD to •tim-be on the ballot for elementary .amet.bi.Qc about his eovenunent. ~ in c:barge of the "Prelude ......._tlaa o1 a. d t¥, to tiChool board ~Obll tomorrow be ald.. to f"i&bi.na'• party •we Chairman ' =-..tt liN, to _,....... public we-e Introduced. Mr. Priest ~ed that the Irene .Larrabee u.t.Sled by Stell •• ,. ... tel!'ll. • to incrfue .,...._and to .Mrs. Paul 0.~ presided OWT d ty bu more than 13,000 parcels Ma.rsha.U, Oll\'e McKenzie, Uz Ha· . • J ow ~ty lD ~ by the meetlnc. Buainea ol the day or land owned by 9,000 property gen and Sandy 8\lfTOUihs Pipe- d "111 up and painting their lncludcd changes in the CO\'t>mlng owners-.bout half of tht-m not cleaner (a-.-ors of angling ·anclPn GWD ~Y and clt!anlng up ad-boal'd of the Civic League. Fol-permanent residents. The re are and •'OIDell de<:orated the tables at ,JIIceDt vacant lbta. lowing t11e reslgnatfon of Mrs. 8,000 houses and bu int> struc-the luncheon but there wa noth- 'lbe Oty Street ~t F~rick Cleary as chairman of t':Jre . Way~r bllls aTe ~Wnt to 137 ins; n hy about the st}lt> how I wl1l &n"anCe to make additional the J"t'CJ"eatlon commi.tt~. Mrs. dJfft>l'('nt CJU~ and 19 stat~s; 41 ~ v. hich was put 00 by shop-. ov.nf'd 01J1k>ctions of tra.&b during the Carl Hanna llcct>pted th.ia duty and are nt outsJck> of tht> ca.ty . ln b) wom.-n anstkr ... Ga) Top. ~ and dtiuns are reques1ed at th«-~ t.unt> walhdrew as thf' past 10 )·ears thP city has Pa(K'a-Johnson. Baz-Mar t and Mal!· to coUect can.a, bottles and papers \1ce~presJdent and pro~tram chak-h<M'TI a 175:3 J)(>rce~'ll !!J'Owth, far ~,.· . and place them in cartons at the man or ~ League. , Mrs. ~-G. urpa m.~ ~wth m AflY. or thf" Mud .. l<~ ,, ... r.. also lad' fisher- JpOt where they usually plaoe their Wa ldeck LS thf' .new ,,oe--p~e~udPnt, c;urroundlnr; a rt>all, but 1 t LS not a men. ,, ho P"•' ~ to ~ · baJt tor li'Uh for collection. and Mrs. Kenn th CoolinJt v.--=-statit' populatJon On Lido lslt'. poor ta h with budgets. ~t~ na~ to fulfill M!'· Waldeek a whPN' thPN' . ~rt' 2_fll'l rt' ... 'lSleJ l'd -a_ll ciN>SS(>(J up in the ho" were jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii UDIO B&OADCA"T Tt11!l80AY dupes as corre.ponding secretary ,·otPrs. Mr . Pr.tst pomted 'lu.t, only ~fary Jo Lan oowne, Mar~ ret So-n. Cltriatlaa Science lecture Mrs. D. R. Thoma.s .wu askt'd to onP t'ttiz n tuu tx>en a contw~us den, Jean Carlyle. Rose ~osenzo. to be ..._...t at 8 p. m. -rue.day ser\'e u transportation chalnnan. votf'r from the &amf' addn>s &~ Ela.in Walker, Rust~ Johnson, KFWB WW be tltlecl ·~ Mrs. Hanna reported on the 1936. ln Corona dfol Mar, there Maraan F()(>rstr·l Ll2 Ha~ n Mina owr en ., ~tlntt on aummer recreation are only 17 \"'lt'l"' who have not H h P Le Do d Bo · ~ ol O!ue~ Prayer." called by the League at the Tar had to re-r'egistcr during that (K'r -:-, .rs ~ · m ner an nrue 1.1w leetalrer, o.car Graham....._ t-it. Mn. Cooling reported on dty iod a nd in the older community • flller ol Ke a Oty, •111 apeak from CIO\UMil meetings and Mrs. c . Les-uf Balboa Island. there are only Of the 24 prizes. prt'K'nted, ~e taw ftwt O.urcb ol Christ, Sciftl· ter Jones l'("ppJ'ted meetlngB of the 47 who have retain~ the same .:rand pnze, a ftsher woman a tilt. ID &.Dta Moak:a. Lea,gue of Ovlc Associations, u-\'Oting a ddress. ":ream of a rod and rH"I combina· EZCELLE.CE la OPBOLITEBT ........ c-t-, ......... o.....- Cwt"'- .. f. IMSI.C.... ....... ~rvisors and county planning Mr. Priest url':t'd the Women's tion, was a warded to Mrs. Harlan comml.as.ion and on meetings oo Ci\;c League's upport for the tax-Griswold of Balboa Island the oU situalJon. Mrs. T . D. S tew-ation or urban unincorporated an supplemE>nted Mrs Jones' rt"-aN>as At the close or theo meet· port. in~ the LeaJ;"Ue votf'd to send a The LeastU(' ''oted to support the tele~m to A sembl)-man Earl county plannin~t commi sion in ef-Stanley urginst upport of the bill forts to set asadt-an unrestrictf'd ThP city clt>rk su'!~f>stPd tnat ar.-a of pro .. ·pn on fit"lds and at ch at• jri"'UP5 appoint mc:>mbers to the same.> tim(' to urc:t> the support attrnd counral mPt>lin~ts and asked of the dtizf>ns working for a n'· that people '-IIJd)• u o;;Uf'~ beforE' stncted coastal area v. hPN>in otl bN'onun~t ln\"(lh l'd in a t'Ontro- we lla will not be permitted \"Pn>) H,.. wt-lromel!l (K'Ople I'M.>k· Mrs. Waldeck Introduced tht' an~ anrormatlon 10 Mmf' to bas of- Elementary chool Board candi-uce In cJo~in~: Mr Priest said dates Incumbent 0 . Z. Robf>rt· that tw betiP\Pl> 'th<' )Ud~ot of son, James D. Ra.y and Rotx>r t L the majority of the peopiP is sound. All n Anyone who n~ trans-If you are in thP mJnority, work portatjon to t~ votln~t booth was to chan~e it to a maj(,rlty." Leltu~- Mother's Club Installation ThJrt) -on• member and g\l<" t..<> ant nd• d thf lunch~. on and 11\Stal· latum or l hf' '1fllhprc:' Club of .Job., l.Jau~h l<.'!"., &1ht I 157, held r~t•ntl) 'it .:--a nta .\na Country Club. Th•• tabl.-o; v.t>re b.:>auufull) 1 deooratl'd wnh Wt'f't pea:-and :'\1ay Pol<>~ v.llh ~tre~tmer and mirua t urP doll!> an pastel had("; . .Spt-caal ~:u 't '-' <'rt' Mf"' Ellen .:"nuth hrst dPput~ vrand !;UU'd· aan or t ht> & h 1. and )frs. Grace :'wartz. p~<>nt crand ~uardJan Mrs A. W. Gunn, retirin,:: pt-eSi- dent or thE> club. pl'l'Sidl'd Mrs. () E Whate n>port<'d for th nomi- naunr rommllt('(>. and the {ollow- tn~ of li{'Prs '-' q,. mc;ta Ucd Mrnes C. W -r-.~~ lot rresidE'ht · r M. Tuckt·r 'a~·Prt adem Jl•·rbt>rt P et<.'r<:un ..,l"C'rl'lcH'); and Conqn Hor n ' • It' 11 • r Thl '"" mr.•t•n.: o! '"'' dult with ar• twn ul' .n•,.,. wtl t .. • h•·lrl WP<ln• ,lJ ·~ .fum• t; at 7 3 1 p .'l1. at tht> hom.. o '\f r.;. Ta' I•.Jr ~.'i R uh)' A\l'., Balboa l J>Iand LOUIS F. GATES E. V. 'like' OVERBY ...... IVO ··woRLD of SPORTS" 6:SO J•. M. M "'n:lcy thru fnday •a ,., YVben you buy garden hO!e you want 1t to last for years ! And if you choose GatM hose you know what ktnd of sen·ice you •ill get, beeau~ •nHose • ... B~' AXX S«'Jme • h.1 • 'I'~ f'nt-' ha a spo•- eal occa 1on romml! up either thtc; ~nth llT f'PXI • • • WMdtni!S, KJ'B dU3t:on t>nd or t ht> yf'ar ,arti . All ~ala O<"Ca ions for llokin~ ) ttr lon•h~;>St m fin<" rot- and linens from O'BRIEl'\'" For f'IC'htb ~e ,..,..dua.tion .. • • • tilj .. ftU v ~ hP.r fir'l1 CK'f'ati- llllll to f~l tbt ldt~' oJd e.toudt .. w lf'('t ht-r drt"'88 at O'BRIE~ .. I' .... \' f'>ima hu !lhoppMI fOaM'- ,.., for jalit tlilil oc'C"Uo1011. ~It" to dr8JD about ltl ae ....... ore-My ia !i6ft pu-w td.....Wf"d Wltll ~·f'l)' oo--~r ~ Oil ,,. IMJ~· bedc- ~cL Tb~> ~Is .... ....,.,. to M>t off lM ~,.. -tlprial ... tM ~~ ~~ ... te. Official word of h 1 husband's eSt> at h m K ort>a has lx'<'n T'E'<.X'h ed b~ ~lr·-. Rotx-rt .1 . Montvit h. 535 Ll ,'\lod(•t.3 AH• 1'\l"\\ port llt>l;.!'hH.. '1arint• MasJt't Sgt. l\lontt"ith. '' :...•· :.0<1, ,,.n, :an ob.,<'n a uon p1lot \\llh \1~10-6 and ''as fo.-nwrl) at T:.l Turfl ~un h ur>-mdudt> hts w1d••\'. d:<~UJ.:hll'r~ l'u,a.nnl' and ChrJ.,tuw and -. !-till, JC\hn. bot n last Ja.n. 23. "h(lm tlw "~-'' ~.;t>aJ.I h&d m 't 1 " ''" To le110Ve Wires Anulh('r h'P t('l\\~rd <'Hntual IC'nl(hlll of P;;c1f1c EIN'IIIC' tro'lc>) "1n' nnd pol•·s 111 ="'"port "as announc-o d tlw .. \\f'o k b~ Gf-n(·ral l ~tanat:er T I. W.H~t>nbach Four cro. ·m: ~'••mall; on tlw d,f'- M>ILZt'd ;'l;'t'\\'J)Ott lin!' bC'IW('Cfl Surl1.1d ~tnd ;'~;'.-"port art> lx"in..: com<'rh>d from O\<'rh<•ad trollty "ll'f' rontrol to track C1rruit ron- t rot. wh1ch k('('~ warning si~nals 10 operation until th entire train WhilE' pique i.o; anotht>r suggt>~ has pa £'d t hf' lntt>r~>t>Ction. Thi tion for tht> important occasion 'II ... _ 1 ....a b calling for whites or pastels. A con' ers•on w t ..... romp t>t.,.. ) c:t.nning drt>ss by Trudy Hall is Junto 1 · ae epitome or summer in &nO\\' ORGA~ RECITAL F'BJDAl' wlllte pique with a drift of seJf Marian Reiff Cr&ighead will be lllric f1owft'S to cool tJ)e DeCk-~ presented in recital Friday eve-._and to freshen the far flowing ning at ~lr-5t Presbyterian Chttrch llldrt. of Orangt> by Orangt> Coast Chap- Olle of ta.e lletter C)Ott.lu Ia • _..t-lce Carlye Ia a beau- .,.. ~ ceUoa lace of .. -.e _...._ fte *--Ia Olk' of -..w tml-flttlac ~ t..,. .................. ....... ~wttll~~ --. It fit • t!pf'daJ oceaaloa. ~Awe tlaat dreM. ~ al'f' just a ft>w. O'BRJE."\'S a filled with carefully sele<:t<'d Mlmmt>r wearables m the nicest ooJon, fabrics and stylists de- ligna -- -both less expensh·e and better cottons and linens. See us a1llo for those )O\'ely brides', show-' en and commencement gifts --- gilt items for as little as $1. -. ,. --~ ) t c>r of American Gttild of Organists. ANNE The new Hamuton Also·- ....... go d ~ Tu ~ lnclvd ed leCOULTR£, LONGINES. RGINS w. d. johnson Jeweler 211 t.4AR INE AVE. BALBO A ISLAND. CALIF. HArbor 26-40 Be Sure to Vrote ·--·~ Y, lAY 18 A Candidate for Elementary School Board is liMES RAY * Father of Four. * Local Property Owner. * Successful Businessma n ~·••••·llrlxl Not Ofte; not two; but TH-EE bit renotu wfly it fNI~ to buy eH yow fooct "..4' et ltCHAID'S. f im , you get q uelity foods -- -..._ '"own quelity of fe-A,re'"'s •'"' the tu•ren+M4 quelity of chotce meets, fresh Pf'Oduce, •nd fine deiry foocl~. S.concl. Y" tet siKe ec-y in OIK policy tll•t m .. es every price • low price every dey. Tl\ird, you tet t+te oo.A SA VlNGS of --'ly sup41r•speclels rewltint from o~K con- d ent seerching of the wholewle merlet\ f« the bed buys of the _... Shop here tocley. You'll find it fNI~ in worihwhile Wllil'gs on your food bill. ABTERS ROYAL GELAR 1 SALE. 2 Cens 1 1C c "iiio'·· Swift's-luncheo" t.4e•t PBEM 12 :.~ 4Jc 3 cen1 I6C o.' .• u CHUCK llAOE Of CH IEEFPot LE Crisp, Northern Pippins THURIOAV HONEY FRUIT BARS Two Dozen APPLE PIE FRIDAY ORANGE ROU..S Large 7-lnch 2·L-.rer ORANGE CoCONUT CAKE • • • • • • • dozen 2lc 40c each S8c 6 for 23c each 87c 3 fcx 26c each S8c • • •• I Mettanine Shoppe are keyed to any decorating scheme ... wood ... milk glass ... crystal Old Willow rep1lca Sfi'ECIALS EFFECTIVE THUR S., FR I., SAT. -Mey, 17 • II • 19 • . .